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Logic and. Rtieiiorlc in England., 



Logic and Rhetoric in England, 1500-1700 

Logic and Rhetoric 
in England, 1500-1700 

By Wilbur Samuel Howell 

iiimimmiifiiiiiii i nmiiiimiiiHimiiii 

IllllllllllllllllllllllI 10 



Copyright 1956, by Princeton University Press 

L,C. Card 56-6646 


Printed in the United States of America 


THIS book is intended as a chapter in the history of ideas. 
Its particular purpose is to describe the ideas that English- 
men of the Renaissance held towards their method of pro- 
ducing discourses for the needs of their civilization. Politi- 
cal, cultural, intellectual, and literary historians have repeatedly 
interested themselves in the writings of the Renaissance, and have of 
course considered those writings to be the basic evidence upon which 
our own knowledge of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ulti- 
mately depends. My history is devoted, not to another account of 
the contents of those writings, but to a new interpretation of the 
theories that governed their production. Thus I seek here to trace 
historically the methods recognized by the Renaissance Englishman 
as the laws of authorship. 

In its widest sense, authorship means the profession of making 
anything. In a narrower sense, it means the profession of producing 
any kind of literary work, poetical or non-poetical, oral or written. 
As I have just used the term in reference to the subject of this book, 
it means the profession of producing written or oral works of the 
non-poetical kind. In other words, I am not here endeavoring to 
give an account of the theories governing the production of Renais- 
sance poetry, fiction, and drama j I am confining myself instead, for 
reasons set forth in Chapter i of this book, to theories that govern 
arguments, expositions, lectures, speeches, letters, and sermons. In 
the Renaissance these latter discourses were produced in accordance 
with the principles that made up the disciplines of logic and rhetoric. 
The chief treatises on logic and rhetoric in England between 1500 
and 1700 have therefore become the primary data of my present 
history. I have tried to examine all of these data, I have sought to 
classify them into families, to describe their general characteristics, 
to identify their authors, to inquire into their origins, to indicate the 
presuppositions upon which they rest, and to interpret them as part 
of a social, political, intellectual, and religious context. 

If the Renaissance may be considered the period which witnessed 
at one and the same time the death of medievalism and the first be- 
ginnings of modernism, then all ideas in that period become of 
special interest, so far at least as they give us the opportunity to see 
in them their ancient and their new aspects, ranged side by side as 
for comparison and thus made capable of telling us more about the 

7' SO 6^1U553 t v 1 


nature of the old and the new than either one by itself had ever 
been able to do before or would ever be able to do again. Certainly 
the Renaissance ideas about logic and rhetoric exhibit the tendency 
to illuminate the basic nature of ancient and modern thought. Thus 
the history of these ideas may help us to see what classical rhetoric 
and logic had come to mean at the time of the Renaissance ; what 
the world which these two arts served had come to be; and why that 
world had acquired new responsibilities which in turn demanded 
changes in the orientation of these two arts. From this history we 
can hope to derive a better understanding of the theories of com- 
munication in our twentieth-century world, and perhaps a deeper 
respect for the classical theories which governed western European 
civilization from the age of Pericles to that of William and Mary. 

This book contains traces of my previous attempts to tell the story 
of English rhetoric. For example, a condensed account of the subject 
dealt with below in Chapter 3 appeared under the title, "English 
Backgrounds of Rhetoric,' 7 in History of Speech Education in Amer- 
ica: Background Studies (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 
1954), a volume published under the auspices of the Speech Asso- 
ciation of America. I prepared the condensed account shortly before 
I began to write Chapter 3. Thus it -was perhaps inevitable that both 
versions would be similar in respect to many details of organization 
and wording. At any rate, such similarities will be found to exist. I 
should like to say, however, that Chapter 3 aims to cover the subject 
of traditional rhetoric much more thoroughly than I was able to do 
in the condensed account. I should also like to say, in acknowledging 
some points of similarity between Chapter 4 and an essay of mine 
entitled "Ramus and English Rhetoric: 1574-1 681" (The Quarterly 
Journal of Speech, xxxvn, 299-310), that Chapter 4 is intended to 
do thoroughly what I briefly outlined in that essay. 

In the preparation of this book I have received many forms of 
assistance, and I should like in gratitude to acknowledge them now. 
The Trustees of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 
granted me a Fellowship in the academic year 1948-1949 for re- 
search in the field of English and American rhetorical and poetic 
theory. As a result of that Fellowship, and of a sabbatical leave 
simultaneously awarded me by the Trustees of Princeton Univer- 
sity, I was able to complete my study of rhetoric and poetics in the 
English Renaissance, and to make real progress in the study of Ren- 
aissance logic. These studies were conducted chiefly at the Bodleian 


Library, the British Museum, and the Huntington Library. Two 
years thereafter, the Trustees of the Huntington Library awarded 
me a Fellowship for a year of residence and study at that incom- 
parable institution. At the same time, the University Research Com- 
mittee of Princeton University granted me funds to help me defray 
living expenses in California during my tenure as Fellow at the 
Huntington Library. This latter arrangement, and the others pre- 
viously mentioned, were greatly facilitated by the warm and effec- 
tive support of the late Donald A. Stauffer, Chairman of the De- 
partment of English at Princeton University. To him I shall always 
owe a particular debt of gratitude. I also owe a particular debt of 
gratitude to Godfrey Davies, Chairman of the Research Group of 
the Huntington Library, who believed in the worth of this project 
and helped to arrange the Huntington Fellowship that permitted me 
to do much of the actual writing of this book. In addition, I wish to 
offer thankful acknowledgment to the Princeton University Research 
Fund for two subsidies guaranteeing the transcription and publica- 
tion of my manuscript j to Mrs. Miriam T. Winterbottom for her 
aid in typing the manuscript and reading proof j to Benjamin F. 
Houston of Princeton University Press for his helpful assistance in 
interpreting the manuscript to the printer and in working out effi- 
cient editorial procedures 5 and to Lane Cooper, Harry Caplan, 
Herbert A. Wichelns, Charles G. Osgood, and Whitney J. Gates 
for various kinds of support and encouragement. Finally, I should 
like to thank my wife for her affectionate help in all stages of this 


[ vii ] 

























INDEX 399 

Logic and Rhetoric in England, 1500-1700 



ED, conceived today as the science of validity of thought, and 
he term for the canons and criteria that explain trustworthy 
inferences, was in the English Renaissance a theory not so 
much of thought as of statement. For all practical purposes 3 
the distinction between thoughts and statements is not a very real 
distinction, since the latter are merely the reflection of the former, 
and the former cannot be examined without recourse to the latter. 
But what distinction there is consists in a differentiation between 
mental phenomena and linguistic phenomena, the assumption being 
that the thing to which either set of phenomena refers is reality 
itself. Logicians of the twentieth century are primarily interested in 
mental phenomena as an interpretation of the realities of man's en- 
vironment, and in that part of mental phenomena which we call 
valid or invalid inference. Logicians of the English Renaissance 
were primarily interested in statements as a reflection of man's in- 
ferences, and in the problem of the valid and invalid statement. 
Thus Renaissance logic concerned itself chiefly with the statements 
made by men in their efforts to achieve a valid verbalization of 
reality. Since such statements were the work of scholars and scien- 
tists, not of laymen, Renaissance logic founded itself upon scholarly 
and scientific discourse and was in fact the theory of communication 
in the world of learning. The data upon which this theory rested 
were all learned tractates of that and earlier times. The theory itself 
attempted on the one hand to explain the nature of these tractates, 
as to language, sentence structure, and organization, and on the 
other to offer assistance to the learner in his effort to master learned 
communication, as part of his entrance fee to the scientific and philo- 
sophical world. 

Rhetoric, popularly taken today as a term for the sort of style 
you happen personally to dislike, was less subjectively construed in 
England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Rhetoric 
was then regarded as the theory behind the statements intended for 
the populace. Since the populace consisted of laymen, or of people 
not learned in the subject being treated by a speaker or writer, and 
since the speaker or writer by his very office was to some extent a 
master of the real technicalities of his subject, rhetoric was regarded 

[ 3 ] 


as the theory of communication between the learned and the lay 
world or between expert and layman. Over and over again in logical 
and rhetorical treatises of the English Renaissance, logic is com- 
pared to the closed fist and rhetoric to the open hand, this metaphor 
being borrowed from Zeno through Cicero and Quintilian to ex- 
plain the preoccupation of logic with the tight discourses of the phi- 
losopher, and the preoccupation of rhetoric with the more open dis- 
courses of orator and popularizer. The fact that this metaphor gives 
both arts the same flesh and blood, the same defensive and offensive 
function, and the same skeletal structure, is merely an indication of 
the conviction of Renaissance learning that logic and rhetoric are 
the two great arts of communication, and that the complete theory 
of communication is largely identified, not with one, not with the 
other, but with both. 

There was one important aspect of communication, however, 
which logic and rhetoric did not seek fully to explain or to teach 
during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. That aspect was con- 
cerned with what we might call poetic, as opposed to scientific or 
popular discourse. Englishmen of these two centuries did not waste 
their time in the vain effort to deny to poetry a primarily communi- 
cative function. Nor had the science of aesthetics yet been invented 
to insulate poetry from any contact with logic and rhetoric. Instead, 
poetry was considered to be the third great form of communication, 
open and popular but not fully explained by rhetoric, concise and 
lean but not fully explained by logic. So far as critics of that time 
postulated a difference between poetry, on the one hand, and logical 
and rhetorical discourse, on the other, their thinking might be de- 
scribed by saying that the two latter kinds of discourse were respec- 
tively considered to be closed and open, according to Zeno's analogy, 
whereas the former was regarded as having both characteristics at 
once. That is, poetry was thought to be a form of communication 
which, because it habitually used the medium of story and character- 
ization, spoke two simultaneous languages, one in terms of a, plot 
simple enough to hold children from play, and the other in terms of 
a humanistic meaning so subtle and complex that it held old men 
from the chimney corner. 

The difference between the figurative and the literal statement 
might be said to be a partial clue to the distinction drawn by Renais- 
sance critics between poetry and its two companion forms, but this 
distinction meant, of course, that rhetorical and logical discourse in 

[ 4 ] 


being declared literal was not therefore denied the resources of fig- 
urative language. Figurative language was considered rather to be a 
means of carrying out a literal as well as a figurative intention, and 
thus the figures of speech were part of the machinery of scientific, 
of popular, and of poetic discourse, and were assigned formally and 
without equivocation to rhetoric during the Renaissance. Again, the 
difference between the feigned history and the real history, between 
fiction and fact, might be said to be a partial clue to the difference 
between poetry and the other two branches of discourse, but again 
this distinction meant history to be broadly representative of scien- 
tific and popular discourse in its desire to be at once exact and popu- 
lar, whereas feigned history or fiction, whether in prose or verse, 
was broadly representative of poetic discourse in its desire to convey 
meaning through indications of story and character. Still again, the 
difference between the imitative and non-imitative discourse was in 
part the distinction between poetry and its two companion forms, 
but this distinction meant that the imitation of life as proposed by 
poetry was in reality an attempt to create in language a posture of 
imagined affairs to convey significance about an observer's awareness 
of analogous postures in his own real affairs, whereas nonimitative 
discourse dealt directly with real affairs without the intrusion of the 
imagined postures. 

Although poetry must be accepted as part of the communicative 
structure of the Renaissance world, and although the theory of poetry 
underwent changes between 1500 and 1700, it is not my present pur- 
pose to deal with it. I propose instead to describe what happened in 
those years to logic and rhetoric in England. The great change which 
occurred in poetical theory in the Renaissance was that the value of 
the new poetry was asserted more and more warmly and with in- 
creasing effect. In other words, poetics more and more warmly sanc- 
tioned as valid art those works which achieved their effect without 
necessarily imitating in close fashion the subject matter, the themes, 
and the metrical patterns of the ancient world of Homer and Virgil, 
This change had its parallel in logic, where the interest in general 
accumulated wisdom as the starting point for man's thinking about 
his world was gradually lost, and an interest in direct observation of 
reality as the starting point was gradually established. Meanwhile, 
a similar change was taking place in rhetoric, as men lost faith in 
ancient devices for finding arguments ready made in systems of com- 
monplaces or accepted opinions and came more and more to accept 

[ 5 ] 


the necessity for a direct and exhaustive study of the individual case 
as the best means of finding arguments that would have a lasting 
effect upon the hearer. But these parallel changes in poetical theory 
and its companion disciplines, while indicative that a great cultural 
revolution like the Renaissance will have similar effects in similar 
fields of learning, do not provide a satisfactory historical pattern for 
a close examination of Renaissance logic and rhetoric. The historical 
pattern so far as logic and rhetoric are concerned is best described as 
that in which there was at first an accepted tradition, then *. reform, 
then a counterreform, and finally a resultant new tradition. Since 
poetical theory in the Renaissance does not exhibit this pattern, ex- 
cept in some degree, a treatment of it in connection with logic and 
rhetoric might force it to assume an unwarrantable configuration 
without gaining any compensating advantage save that of a more 
direct appeal to literary scholars than may be possible in a work de- 
voted exclusively to a chapter in the history of the theory of non- 
poetical communication. 

The accepted tradition in English logic during the first seventy 
years of the sixteenth century is best described by saying that the 
logical treatises of Aristotle, as construed by commentators of the 
ancient pagan world and by their Christian and Mohammedan suc- 
cessors, were the ruling authorities. Scholastic logic is the term given 
to this tradition by historians of logic who lived in the period covered 
by the present study, and I shall use this term as they used it. Scho- 
lastic logic has a continuous history in England between the age of 
Alcuin, first English logician, and the middle of the sixteenth cen- 
tury, when this subj.ect was given a representative treatment in the 
Latin language by John Seton and its first treatment in the English 
language by Thomas Wilson and Ralph Lever. To this logic I shall 
devote the second chapter of this book. 

During the period in which scholastic logic was in the ascendancy 
in England, rhetorical theory in that country is perhaps best termed 
traditional. This traditional rhetoric is made up of three distinct pat- 
terns, unified as to basic concepts and ultimate origin, but diverse 
as to points of emphasis. These three patterns will be the subject of 
my third chapter* 

The first of these patterns I shall call the Ciceronian, Ciceronian 
rhetoric exists wherever rhetoric is made to consist of all or most of 
the five operations anciently assigned to it -by Cicero and Quintilian, 
these five operations being designated as invention, arrangement, 


style, memory, and delivery. These five operations were first identi- 
fied with English rhetorical learning by Alcuin, who wrote a Latin 
version of Ciceronian rhetoric in the late eighth century. At the 
middle of the sixteenth century, Ciceronian rhetoric, which had al- 
ready been converted in part into the English language, received a 
full-length treatment in that medium by Thomas Wilson, shortly 
after he wrote the first English version of scholastic logic. Thus Wil- 
son like Alcuin will play a dual role in my present story. 

The second pattern of traditional rhetoric I shall call the stylistic. 
Stylistic rhetoric is committed to all of the five operations just enu- 
merated, but it chooses to select the third, style, for treatment. Sty- 
listic rhetoric begins in English learning with the Venerable Bede, 
whose Liber de Schematibus et Tropis, written at the beginning of 
the eighth century, deals in Latin with an important part of the 
Ciceronian theory of oratorical style. From that date until the i68o's, 
this form of rhetorical learning had its adherents in England, the 
later ones of whom converted the doctrine of the tropes and the 
figures into English, as Wilson had done with scholastic logic and 
Ciceronian rhetoric. 

The third pattern of traditional rhetoric I shall call the formulary. 
Formulary rhetoric was designed to foster the five operations which 
Ciceronian rhetoric made essential parts of the training of speakers 
and writers, but it carried out this purpose, not by the study of pre- 
cepts, but by the study of examples. The first full-grown formulary 
rhetoric to be written in English was produced in 1563 by Richard 
Rainolde, and to this treatise we shall turn later when we deal with 
formulary rhetoric in connection with the whole subject of tradi- 
tional rhetoric in England before 1570. 

A revolt against scholastic logic and traditional rhetoric occurred 
in England between 1574 and 1600. This revolt was based upon the 
educational reforms of the celebrated Frenchman, Pierre de la Ra- 
mee, better known by his Latin name Petrus (or Peter) Ramus. An 
earlier revolt against scholastic logic, that of Ramon Lull in the 
thirteenth century, had considerable vogue on the European conti- 
nent during the fifteen-hundreds, but it appears not to have influ- 
enced Englishmen to any extent, whereas Ramus dominated English 
logic in the late sixteenth century and held an English following of 
some importance during most of the seventeenth century* Ramus's 
revolt against scholasticism and tradition resulted in a logic and a 
rhetoric that may be called Ramistic. Ramistic logic was the work of 

[ 7 1 


Ramus himself, and thus it deserves to bear his name and no other. 
His colleague, Omer Talon, or Audomarus Talaeus, was author of 
the rhetorical system that carries out the Ramistic reform of that 
branch of the liberal arts, and thus Ramistic rhetoric, as a body of 
doctrine examined in the present study, has to be understood as hav- 
ing a double authorship. Ramistic logic and rhetoric will be dis- 
cussed together in the fourth chapter of the present study. 

My fifth chapter will deal with the Systematics, This term occurs 
in a brief history of logic written early in the seventeenth century 
where it refers to that movement which sought to restore scholasti- 
cism without ignoring the validity of some of Ramus's reforms. The 
Systematics were influential during a large part of the seventeenth 
century, even if they did not succeed in terminating the vogue of 
Ramus in England. Their logic was written for the most part in 
Latin, although there is one good example of it in English, It had 
its minor branches, as one of its advocates took occasion to differ 
with another, but by and large it sought to occupy middle ground 
between scholastic and Ramistic logic. 

While the Systematics were endeavoring to establish a reformed 
scholasticism in logic, a corresponding movement in English rhetoric 
can be observed. This movement will also be discussed in my fifth 
chapter, and I shall call its authors the Neo-Ciceronians. Neo-Cice- 
ronian rhetoric was the result of an attempt to restore the earlier tra- 
ditional rhetoric without ignoring some of the reforms proposed by 
Ramus. As the earlier traditional rhetoric had three distinct patterns, 
so did Neo-Ciceronian rhetoric, and I shall deal with them severally 
in Chapter 5. 

Towards the end of the seventeenth century, a logic emerged 
which was critical not only of the Systematics but also of the Ramists. 
This logic found its first expression in English when the famous 
Port-Royal Logic was published in an English version in 1685, al- 
though three Latin editions of that work had already been published 
by that time in England and had already made English learning 
aware of what was to become a new tradition in logical theory. The 
Port-Royal Logic was still being published in English versions and 
used in English universities as late as the 1870*8, and thus it may 
serve to illustrate accepted English thinking on this subject up to the 
time of John Stuart Mill's System of Logic. At any rate, The Port- 
Royal Logic is the most modern of logics produced in the seven- 

[ 8 ] 


teenth century, and to it I shall devote a considerable part of my 
sixth chapter. 

That sixth chapter will also be concerned with those developments 
in the seventeenth century which pointed towards a new rhetoric. 
The first of these developments occurred early in the century with 
the publication of Bacon's Advancement of Learning. This remark- 
able work, which influenced English learning of the seventeenth 
century as did no other contemporary work, contained some ideas on 
rhetoric which were in opposition not only to Ramistic theory but 
also to the traditional rhetoric of the early Renaissance. This oppo- 
sition grew as the seventeenth century advanced. The Royal Society, 
which carried out scientific investigations in the manner proposed by 
Bacon, and which was to some extent the finest result of Bacon's 
pioneering thought, had finally to develop a system of communica- 
tion suited to the transfer of information from one scientist to an- 
other, and from scientist to public, and the rhetorical theory which 
underlies that system is a step towards the creation of a new rhetoric. 
Other developments of the same sort occurred later in the century, 
and they will be noticed as the sixth chapter unfolds. 

As I have indicated already, the theory of communication as ex- 
pressed in logic and rhetoric was throughout the Renaissance a re- 
sponse to the communicative needs of English society of that time, 
and thus it is not to be considered in a vacuum, but in complex rela- 
tion to the culture surrounding it. Ramon Lull made his celebrated 
attack on Aristotelian logic during the thirteenth century because he 
wanted to convert Mohammedans to Christianity, not by the sword 
but by the syllogism, and he conceived of Aristotelian logic as too 
complex for that purpose. Ramus's attack on scholasticism and tradi- 
tional rhetoric was motivated also by his desire to simplify overly 
complex instruments. Both of these reformers were articulating mis- 
givings which the society around them shared, and both were seek- 
ing to bring learning into a closer relation with the practical needs 
which it exists to satisfy. So it always is. A theory of communication 
is an organic part of a culture. As the culture changes, so will the 
theory change. The scholastic logic and the traditional rhetoric of 
the early sixteenth century were an expression of late medieval times, 
and were suited to those times. Had those times continued without 
change, scholastic logic and traditional rhetoric would not have come 
under attack by the Ramists, and would not have emerged from the 
collision with Ramism as modified versions of their former selves. 

[ 9 1 


Had the seventeenth century remained static to the end, The Port- 
Royal Logic and the new rhetoric would not have emerged to rival 
and at length to supplant Neo-Ciceronian rhetoric and the logic of 
the Systematics. 

The forces at work to change the theory of communication during 
the English Renaissance may be indicated briefly. One force de- 
veloped as men came to see that the old deductive sciences could not 
offer a sufficient explanation of a world discovered through observa- 
tion of nature, and thus it came about, not that logic changed from 
an emphasis on deduction to an emphasis on induction, but that con- 
crete descriptions of reality came to be admitted to the status of sci- 
ences alongside the older generalizations of moralist and theologian. 
Those concrete descriptions of reality did not have a ready-made 
vocabulary in which to express themselves, and could not fully utilize 
the ready-made vocabulary constructed from the ten categories of 
scholastic logic. Thus scholastic logic began to fail as a guide to 
learned communication, and the reformers began to move in. 

Another force developed as the stable aristocracy of the late medi- 
eval world began to lose its political power, and the middle class be- 
gan to assert its authority. That aristocracy did not have to conciliate 
the commoners whenever a crisis developed in political life. Instead, 
the commoners had at all times to conciliate the aristocrats, and thus 
stylistic rhetoric, which taught that the everyday pattern of speech 
must be avoided at all costs in formal discourse, and the unusual pat- 
tern adopted, was a perfect expression of the middle period of the 
sixteenth century. But England of the seventeenth century beheaded 
one king and deposed another, with the result that, by 1688, the 
middle class had established itself as a powerful force 5 and the new 
rhetoric had to abandon the unusual pattern of speech that would 
delight the aristocrat, and to teach the everyday pattern that would 
convince the commoner. Thus a new political structure made an old 
theory of 1 popular appeal unworkable, and again the reformers 
moved in. 

A third force came from the Reformation. The Catholic world 
of the Middle Ages was bound together by a system of agreements 
that made it necessary for a speaker to proceed only so far as to link 
a given proposal to those agreements. Thus the old rhetoric of the 
commonplaces the old rhetoric which defined invention less as the 
discovery of something new than as the recalling of the proper ele- 
ment among the old was admirably suited to such a stable world. 

[ 10 ] 


But the Reformation brought many of the old agreements under de- 
bate, and created many doubts where only a few had existed before. 
Ramus, himself a convert to Protestantism, simplified scholastic logic 
and traditional rhetoric in order to sharpen the tools which an age of 
controversy had to use. Then Protestantism itself began to lose its 
solid structure and to disintegrate into an established church and the 
sects. Preachers in the sects often had great fervor and no training. 
Preachers in the established church often had great training and no 
fervor. Congregations began to drift towards the sects. Thus the 
rhetoric of the tropes and figures, the rhetoric which had sought to 
say things in unusual ways in order to persuade, found itself failing 
to convince the people that religious belief was a serious matter. Thus 
preachers in the established church began to question the elaborate 
rhetoric of style, as Fenelon questioned it in seventeenth-century 
France and as Glanvill did in seventeenth-century England. And out 
of their questioning emerged a new theory of communication as be- 
tween preacher and layman, quite harmonious in its basic purpose 
with the new political rhetoric and the new logic of the learned world. 


Scholastic Logic 

I. Thomas Wilson's Rule of Reason 

THE first logic that Englishmen could read in their own 
native language was "Imprinted at London by Richard 
Graf ton, printer to the Kynges Maiestie" in the year 1551, 
and bore the title, The rule of Reason, conteinyng the Arte 
of Logique, set forth in EngUshe. Its author, Thomas Wilson, was 
well prepared for his pioneering task. He had taken his degree as 
bachelor of arts at King's College, Cambridge, in 1 545~4-6, and had 
studied Greek under Sir John Cheke of King's on his way to the 
master's degree conferred upon him in 1549. Since the first edition of 
the Rule of Reason appeared only three years after he took the latter 
degree, the work was probably in the process of composition during 
his maturer years at Cambridge. He implies as much, at any rate, in 
the prefatory letter which dedicates the Rule of Reason to his sov- 
ereign, the young king Edward VI. There he refers to his work as 
"parte of suche fruictes as haue growne in a poore studentes gardin." 1 
So far as the Rule of Reason is concerned, those fruits were the har- 
vest of Wilson's logical studies at Cambridge and of his reading of 
the six treatises that make up what has been called since the fifteenth 
century the Organon of Aristotle. 2 Wilson's ability in Greek was 
later shown in his translation of seven orations of Demosthenes, 
which, as the earliest English version of that author, is deemed to 
have attained "a high level of scholarship." 3 The Rule of Reason 

1 Rule of Reason (London, 1551), sig. Azv. 

2 These six treatises are usually given the following- Latin and English titles: i) Gate- 
goriae^ that is The Categories (or The Predicaments) 3 2) De Interpretation or Peri- 
hermeniae^ that is, On Interpretation-^ 3) Analytica Prior a^ that is, The Prior Analytics 
(or Concerning Syllogism) ; 4) Analytica Posteriora, that is, The Posterior Analytics (or 
Concerning Demonstration) ; 5) To^ica^ that is, The Topics \ and 6) De So$histicis 
Elenchis, that is, The Sophistical ElenchL Excellent translations of these treatises are to 
be found in The Works of Aristotle Translated into English, ed. W. D. Ross (Oxford, 
192$), i. See also Octavius Freire Owen, The Organon^ or Logical Treatises, of Aris- 
totle. With the Introduction of Porphyry. Literally Translated, with Notes, Syllogistic 
Exam-pies, Analysis^ and Introduction (Bonn's Classical Library, London, 1853). 

3 Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Wilson, Thomas (i525?-i58i). This trans- 
lation of Demosthenes bears the following- title and colophon: "The three Orations of 
Demosthenes chiefe Orator among the Grecians, in fauour of the Olynthians, a people 
in Thracia, now called Romania: with those his fovver Orations titled expressely & by 
name against king Philip of Macedonie ... By Thomas Wylson Doctor of the ciuill 
lavves. Imprinted at London by Henrie Denham . . . Anno Domini 1570." 

f 12 ] 


is not a translation of Aristotle's Organon. But it is an attempt to 
render into English the main concepts and terms of the Organon, as 
those concepts and terms had come to be understood in the Renais- 
sance ; and it too is of good quality as a work of learning. 

Richard Grafton, the printer of the Rule of Reason, was one of 
those who sought to encourage Wilson in writing it. Grafton had 
previously interested himself in such pioneering ventures as the dis- 
tribution of Coverdale's English Bible and the publication of the first 
Book of Common Prayer. 4 Wilson himself mentions in the dedica- 
tory epistle of the Rule of Reason that Grafton had not only pro- 
voked him to create an English logic, but had done him services 
during his student days and at various later times. 

That dedicatory epistle is full of the elation of the man who sees 
himself as the founder of a tradition. My work, he tells the king, 
represents an attempt "to ioyne an acquaintaunce betwiene Logique, 
and my countrymen, from the whiche they haue bene hetherto 
barred, by tongues unacquaynted." 5 He wants the king to respect 
his labor in bringing so noble a mystery into so noble a country. He 
stresses, however, that he does not regard himself as a cunning logi- 
cian 5 "but because no Englishman untill now hath gone through 
with this enterprise, I haue thought mete to declare that it maie be 
done." He adds: "And yet herein I professe to be but as a spurre or 
a whet stone, to sharpe the pennes of someother, that they may 
polishe, and perfect, that I haue rudely and grossely entered."* 

Earlier in the letter he speaks of the effect he hopes his treatise 
will have, and he lays stress upon his patriotic motive: 

This fruict being of a straunge kynde (such as no Englishe grounde 
hath before this time, and in this sorte by any tyllage brought forth,) 
maie perhaps at the first tasting, seme somewhat rough, and harshe 
in the mouth, because of the straungenesse : but after a litle use, and 
familiar accustomyng thereunto, I doubt not but thesame wil waxe 
euery one daie more pleasaunt then other. But in simple and plaine 
woordes to declare unto your Maiestie, wherein my witt and earnest 
endeuour hath at this season trauailed: I haue assaied through my 
diligence to make Logique as familiar to Thenglishe man, as by 
diuerse mennes industries the most parte of the other the liberall 
Sciences are. 7 

4 Dictionary of National Biography > s.v. Grafton, Richard (d. 1572?). 

6 Rule of Reason^ sig. A3v-A4.r. 6 Ibid., sig. A4.V. 

7 Ibid., sig, Azv-Asr. 

[ 13 ] 


The liberal sciences were, o course, the seven liberal arts, within 
which early Renaissance learning was enclosed, so far as most of the 
formal curriculum of school and university was concerned. Shortly 
after Wilson begins to expound logic, he interrupts himself for a 
moment to insert what he calls "A brief declaration in meter, of the 
vii, liberal artes, wherin Logique is comprehended as one of theim," 
and these verses are of interest as showing the stress placed upon the 
mastery of communication in the educational program of the six- 
teenth century: 

Grammer dothe teache to vtter vvordes. 

To speake bothe apt and playne, 

Logique by art settes forth the truth. 

And doth tel vs what is vayne. 

Rethorique at large paintes vvel the cause, 

And makes that seme right gay, 

Vvhiche Logique spake but at a worde, 

And taught as by the way. 

Musicke with tunes, delites the eare, 

And makes vs thinke it heauen, 

Arithmetique by number can make 

Reconinges to be eauen. 

Geometry thinges thicke and brode, 

Measures by Line and Square, 

Astronomy by sterres doth tel, 

Of foule and else of fayre. 8 

Perhaps Wilson has a figurative intention in assigning two lines 
of these verses to each one of the liberal arts except rhetoric, which 
in tribute to its largeness of wordage is given four. At any rate, when 
he comes soon after to speak of the accepted difference between log- 
ical and rhetorical discourse, he makes the two disagree only in re- 
spect to economy of words. He observes: 

Bothe these Artes are much like sauing that Logique is occupied 
aboute all matters, and doeth playnly and nakedly setfurthe with apt 
wordes the summe of thinges by the way of Argumentacion. Againe 
of the other side Rethorique useth gay paincted Sentences, and setteth 
forth those matters with fresh colours and goodly ornamentes, and 
that at large. Insomuche, that Zeno beyng asked the difference be- 
twene Logique and Rethorique, made answere by Demonstration of 

8 Ibid.) sig. Bzr. 

[ 14 ] 


his Hande, declaring that when his hande was closed, it resembled 
Logique, when it was open and stretched out, it was like Rethorique. 9 

Scholastic logic as a system of precepts for the teaching of learned 
communication had come during the sixteenth century to divide itself 
into two procedures, one of which was called invention and the other, 
judgment or disposition. Invention, or inventio as it was expressed in 
Latin, consisted of the methods by which debatable propositions 
could be analyzed to determine what could be said for or against 
them. Judgment or disposition, termed iuMcium in Latin, consisted 
in methods of arranging words into propositions, propositions into 
syllogisms or inductions, and syllogisms or inductions into whole dis- 
courses. Taken together, these two procedures constituted a ma- 
chinery of analysis and synthesis on the level of language a ma- 
chinery for assembling materials to prove the truth of an assertion 
and for combining those materials into complex discourses. Actually 
these two procedures are the organizing principle of Aristotle's 
Topics, where seven books are devoted to the processes of analyzing 
dialectical propositions, and the eighth book, to the process of cbm- 
bining and using them. The same two procedures, with invention 
again outranking disposition in the amount of space assigned to it, 
were the structural members of Cicero's Topics, the treatise which 
the Roman orator intended as a digest of Aristotle's similar work. 10 
Boethius also recognized these procedures in his De Diferentiis 
Topicis as the two parts of ancient Aristotelian logic. 11 Thereafter, 
examples of this particular interpretation of Aristotle and Cicero are 
a common feature of logical theory. Hugh of St. Victor and John of 
Salisbury conceive of logic as having these two parts, 12 and their 
opinions were in turn widely respected by later scholastics. 

But so far as Thomas Wilson's generation is concerned, the chief 
authority for this bipartite division of logic was Rudolph Agricola. 

9 Ibid., sig. Bar-Bsv. The comparison of dialectic to the closed fist and rhetoric to 
the open hand was attributed to Zeno of Citium, founder of Stoicism, by Cicero 
(Orator, 32.113, and De Finibus, 2.6.17), and later by Quintilian (Institutio Oratoria t 
2.20.7) and by Sextus Ernpiricus (Adversus Matkematicos y 1.7). For a discussion of 
various appearances of this analogy in the Renaissance, see Wilbur S. Howell, "Nathaniel 
Carpenter's Place in the Controversy between Dialectic and Rhetoric," Speech Mono- 
gra$hs^ I (1934)* 30-41. 

10 Cicero, Topics, 1-8. 

11 For a convenient reprint of this work of Boethius, see J.-P. Migne, P&trologla 
Latina (Paris, 1844-1905), LXiv, 1173. Boethius's words are: "Omnis ratio disserendi, 
quam logicen Peripatetic! veteres appellavere, in duas distributor partes, unam in- 
veniendi, alteram judicandi." 

12 See Charles Sears Baldwin, Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic (New York, 1928), pp. 
154, 156 note 1 6, 164. 

[ 15 ] 


Agricola, who lived between 1443 and 1485, was professor of phi- 
losophy at Heidelberg in his later years. According to his biogra- 
phers, he saw Erasmus when the latter was only ten years of age, and 
he predicted the child's future greatness. 18 Agricola is considered a 
major figure in the learned world of the early Renaissance. His most 
influential work, written during the fourteen-seventies or eighties, is 
called De Indentions Dialectics. It stresses invention and judgment 
as the two parts of logic j 1 * it follows Aristotle and Cicero in pre- 
ferring invention to judgment as the subject for detailed and sys- 
tematic treatment j and it certainly was instrumental in inducing 
logicians of the sixteenth century to adopt Aristotle's Topics rather 
than other treatises of the Organon.'a.s guide to the main divisions of 
logical theory. Wilson is merely reflecting the influence of Agricola 
when he begins his Rule of Reason with the following definitions of 
the two parts of logic: 

The first parte standeth in framing of thinges aptlye together, in knit- 
ting woordes, for the purpose accordingly, and in Latin is called 
ludicium. The second parte consisteth in finding out matter, and 
searching stuffe agreable to the cause, and in Latine is called Inuentio** 

Cicero's Topics^ as an authoritative Latin interpretation of Aris- 
totle's parallel treatise, was of course a work on dialectic rather than 
logic. In Aristotle's Organon, dialectic is that branch of logic which 
"reasons from opinions that are generally accepted" 16 in matters 
where strict scientific demonstration is not applicable as an instru- 
ment in the quest for truth. In other words, Aristotle made dialectic 
a kind of logic of opinion, whereas rigid demonstration was the logic 
of science. But of course the method used in determining what the 
best opinion may be in a given case resembled the method used in 

13 Biogra'phte Universelle, Ancienne et Moderne y s.v. Agricola, Rodolphe j Nowvelle 
Biographie Generate^ s.v. Agricola, Rodophe. 

14 See Rodol-phi A gricolae Phrisij^ de inuentiona dialectica libri tres^ cum scholijs 
Icannis Mattkaei Phrissemij (Parisiis: Apud SImonem Colinaeum, 1538), pp. 7, 93, 149, 
39 J -39 2 - This work was published many times at continental presses during the six- 
teenth century. A copy of one of the earliest editions, Rodotyhi A gricole Phrisij Dialec- 
tica (Louanii: In aedibus T. .Martini, 1515), is at the British Museum. Other editions 
appeared at the following places: Cologne, 1518, 1520, 1523, 1527, 1528, 1535, 1538, 
I 539> 154-2* iS43 *548 1552, i557> 1563? i570> *579i Strasbourg, 15215 Paris, 1529, 
\533y *534> ^535> *53 8 3 *54 2 > *554> *558> Venice, 1559. An Italian version was pub- 
lished at Venice in 1567. 

15 Rule cf Reason^ sig. Bir. 

16 Aristotle, Topica, ioo a 30. Translation by W. A. Packard-Cambridge in The 
Works of Aristotle, ed. Ross, I. For an instructive account of Aristotle's distinction be- 
tween logic and dialectic, see Owen, The Organon^ n, 357-359. 

[ 16 ] 


determining truth in science, and thus dialectic and logic were differ- 
entiated by Aristotle rather in field of application than in basic in- 
ternal structure. To scholastic logic, however, this Aristotelian dis- 
tinction between dialectic and logic tended to vanish altogether, espe- 
cially among those logicians who made logic consist of the procedures 
of invention and judgment as anciently assigned to dialectic. Thus 
it is not surprising that Wilson identifies dialectic with logic. He does 
this, not as one who considered the identification a matter of con- 
troversy in the learned world, but as one who considered the identi- 
fication acceptable to everyone. In fact, he does it in an aside, when 
he is discoursing upon the distinction between logic and sophistry: 

Logique otherwise called Dialecte (for they are bothe one) is an Arte 
to try the corne from the chaffe, the truthe from euery falshed, by 
defining the nature of any thing, by diuiding the same, and also by 
knitting together true Argumentes and untwining all knotty Sub- 
tiltees that are bothe false, and wrongfully framed together. 17 

The next major topic in Wilson's Rule of Reason, and a major 
topic in the whole corpus of scholastic logic, is that of the predicables, 
otherwise called "the fiue common words." 18 These five common 
words are terms for the five predicates that propositions have, not in 
a grammatical but in a scientific sense. That is to say, any statement 
qualifies for admission into learning when it can be classified as a 
statement of genus, of species, of difference, of property, or of acci- 
dent. A statement that cannot be so classified may be true and helpful, 
but it is not a proper scientific statement, and thus it cannot be given 
status in the world of science. 

These five terms are probably as unfamiliar to the modern mind as 
they were in Wilson's day to Englishmen who knew no Latin. But 
Latin scholars of the sixteenth century would have recognized these 
five words as a development of four of the main terms in Aristotle's 
Topics. All dialectical propositions, in Aristotle's view, are proposi- 
tions of accident, of genus, of property, or of definition. Since defini- 
tion involves mention of the differences between the thing being 
defined and other species of the same genus, 19 we can see how Aris- 
totle's four terms are in reality as comprehensive as the five predica- 
bles of scholastic logic. Aristotle makes these four kinds of proposi- 
tions the four heads of his treatment of dialectical invention, accident 

17 Rule of Reason, sag. Bzv. 18 Ibid.^ sig 1 . B^r. 

i9 Aristotle, Tofica, VI. x, 5-6. 

[ 17 1 


being the subject of Books II and III of the Topics, genus of Book 
IV, property of Book V, and definition of Books VI and VIL The 
scholastic logicians made their five parallel terms a part of the treat- 
ment of dialectical judgment, not invention, although they also 
recognized the importance of the predicables as a background for 
the discovery of subject matter. 20 

Wilson's enumeration of the seven places of invention inhering 
in the substance or nature of things involves four of the concepts pre- 
viously discussed by him as predicables, and thus he too suggests that 
the predicables belong under invention as well as under judgment. 
But primarily, he thinks, "they are good to iudge the knitting of 
wordes, and to se what thing may truely be ioyned to other, for there 
is no Proposition, nor yet ioining together of any sentence (accordyng 
to the common order of nature) but they alwayes agre to these aboue 
rehersed Predicables." 21 Moreover, they may be used to separate 
permanently true from occasionally true propositions. If a proposi- 
tion joins a species to its genus, and states how the species differs 
from the genus, and what property the species has, and these steps 
are correctly taken, the proposition is permanently true. Wilson's 
own words are as follows: 

Therfore when a proposition is made. from the kynde, to the general, 
to his difference, or propertie: it is euermore an undoubted true propo- 
sition, as this. Homo est animal ratione fraeditwn, loguendi facultatem 
habens. A man is a liuing creature endewed with reason, hauing apt- 
nesse by nature to speake. 22 

Here a species (man) is properly associated with its genus (animal), 
and is then properly differentiated from other members of that genus 
by a differentia (the gift of reason), and is finally given a true prop- 
erty (the aptness to speak). If, however, a proposition associates a 
species with an accident, as in the statement, homo est albus (some 
men are white), the proposition will not be true of all men, or it 
may not be true of a white man at all times. "Therfore," concludes 
Wilson, "it is good to be knowen, when you haue a Proposition, 
whether it be undoubted true, for euermore, or els maye be false at 
any tyme." 23 

Another major topic in Wilson's Rule of Reason, as in scholastic 
logic as a whole, is that of the categories or, as they were oftener 

20 See below* pp. 16-27, 53- 21 #/* of Reason, sig. Cav. 

sig. Cjr. 23 Ibid., sig. C 3 r-C 3 v. 

[ 18 ] 

called, the predicaments. These are the subject of Aristotle's Cate- 
gories^ which is ordinarily made the first treatise in the Organon. 
The question of the precise meaning of these categories, as Aristotle 
discusses them, has occasioned much difference of opinion among his 
many interpreters. 24 Wilson's view, however, is basically representa- 
tive of that of his age. He calls the categories or predicaments "gen- 
eral wordes," as opposed to the five predicables, or "common 
wordes." The difference between the latter and the former, he says, 
is "that the Predicables, set forth the largenesse of wordes," whereas 
"the Predicamentes do name the verey nature of thynges, declar- 
yng (and that substantially) what they are in very deede." 25 Thus 
the predicables may be described as those words which define and 
delimit the boundaries of scientific statements 5 the predicaments, as 
those words which name the possible scientific conceptions men may 
have as to the nature of reality. In other words, if a statement gains 
admission into science only when its predicate declares the genus, the 
species, the difference, the property, or the accident of its subject, 
then a concept gains admission into science only when it is a concept 
belonging under one of the basic aspects of things. 

Substance and accident are the two great categories or predica- 
ments, in Wilson's view. A concept of substance is a concept of a 
thing as having about it something absolutely essential to its being or 
nature something without which that thing could not be what it is. 
A concept of accident, on the other hand, is a concept of a thing as 
having about it something always or usually associated with it, but 
not absolutely essential to its being or nature. Concepts of accident 
are nine in number. These nine, added to the concept of substance, 
make up the ten predicaments of scholastic logic, and these ten are 
of course equivalent to the famous ten categories analyzed in the 
first treatise of Aristotle's Organon. Wilson gives these ten cate- 
gories their familiar Latin terms and his own experimental and 
tentative English terms, as follows: 

1. Substantia. The Substance. 

2. Quantitas. The Quantite. 

3. Qualitas. The Qualitee. 

4. Relatiua The Relacion. 

5. Actio. The maner of doing. 

6. Passio. The Suffring. 

24 For an instructive note on this problem, see Owen, The Organon t I, i. 
26 Rule of Reason, sigf. C4V. 

[ 19 ] 


7. Quando. When. 

8. Vbi. Where. 

9. Situs. The Settelling, 
10. Habitus. The apparelling. 26 

Although scholastic logic is content to treat the ten predicaments 
as only in part definable, and thus as never susceptible of precise 
verbal analysis, a few illustrative comments may help to reveal their 
general function. We might say that the category of substance con- 
tains a concept of the substance of each thing known or knowable 
that it acts as a repository of man's knowledge about the substance 
of all things. "As for an example," says Wilson, "if ye will knowe 
what a man is, you must haue recourse to the place of substantia^ and 
there ye shall learne by the same place that man is a liuyng creature 
endued with reason." 27 Again, the category of quality contains the 
concepts of the qualities of each thing known or knowable. The qual- 
ity of virtue in men, for example, is "a constant habite of the mind, 
makyng them praise worthye in whom it is." 28 Still again, the cate- 
gory of relation contains the concepts of relations of things to things. 
If you visit this category, it will tell you, among other items, that 
"he*is a father, that hath a sonne, he is a maister, that hath a ser- 
uaunt, and so forthe in the reaste." 29 The business of science is to 
store these categories with concepts, as things are studied, and their 
substance and their accidents are discovered and catalogued. The 
business of a*particular science is to study things properly belonging 
to it, and to ascertain about those particular things what concepts of 
substance and of accident are truly applicable. The business of logic 
is in part to decide the total number of categories to be used in classi- 
fying all concepts, as a librarian might decide the total number of 
terms to be used in classifying by subject all books under his juris- 
diction. "Therfore," observes Wilson, with the young logician in 
mind, "ye muste nedes haue these Predicamentes readye, that whan 
so euer ye wyll define any worde, or geue a natural name unto it, ye 
may come to this store house, and take stuffe at wyll." 30 To put the 
matter in another way, there is a general vocabulary throughout the 
world of learning, over and above the particular vocabulary of a 
given science, and that general vocabulary must be mastered before 
the world of learning can be known, as that vocabulary must be used 
if a specialist in one field is to communicate with a specialist in an- 

si ff . C 5 v. "Ibid., sig. D 7 r. **lbid. y siff. D 7 r. 

sig. D 7 r. **Ibid., sig. D 7 r. 

[ 20 ] 


other. The ten categories were the key terms in that vocabulary. 
Taken with the five common words, or predicables, they constituted 
in scholastic logic a kind of basic English of the intellectual world 
a vocabulary for scientific communication incorporated into the theory 
of scientific communication. 

Another major topic in scholastic logic and in Wilson's Rule of 
Reason is that of definition and division. This requires little explana- 
tion, since those processes, as understood then, are known by the 
same terms today. Wilson's summary of the two processes is as good 
as any. He says: "As a definition therfore dothe declare what a thyng 
is, so the diuision sheweth howe many thynges are contayned in the 
same." 31 The fundamental necessity of these two processes in dialec- 
tic had been remarked by Plato. 32 Wilson mentions this Platonic re- 
quirement as he prepares to make the statement just quoted. 

Method was to become an important concept in Ramus's reform 
of scholastic logic, as we shall see in Chapter 4. But of course that 
concept, less fully developed than in Ramus, was a part of the tra- 
dition that he labored to change. Like other expounders of the 
tradition, Wilson devotes some space to method, apparently with 
the first chapter of the second book of The Posterior Analytics in 
mind, where Aristotle discusses the four forms of inquiry. To Wilson, 
method is "the maner of handeling a single Question, and the 
readie waie howe to teache and sette forth any thyng plainlie, and 
in order, asit ; should be, in latine Methodus p ." 38 Aristotle's obscure 
and condensed version of the four forms of inquiry becomes in Wil- 
son a clear but possibly redundant discussion of eight forms, even as 
Cicero's Topics, through a process of developing Aristotle's implica- 
tions, yields five forms of general inquiry and three forms of finite 
inquiry. 84 Wilson's program is indicated by saying that things are to 
be examined by inquiring into their existence, their nature, their 
parts, their causes, their effects, their concomitants, their opposites, 
and their witnesses. 35 In covering the actual manner of setting forth 
the results of an examination, Wilson briefly advises that exposition 
should begin with the general and descend to the parts, as Cicero had 
done in De Officiis and as Aristotle had done in the Ethics. Thus 

81 ibid., sig. EIV. 

82 In Phaedrus^ 265-266$ see Lane Cooper, Plato Phaedrus y Ion y Gorgias y and Sym- 
$osium> with 'passages from the Republic and Laws Translated into English (London, 
New York, Toronto, 1938), pp. 53-54. 

88 Rule of Reason^ sig. E^v. 8 * Cicero, Topics, 79-91. 

86 Rule of Reason, sig. E4v-E6r. 

[ ax 1 


Wilson discusses method by identifying it in part with dialectical 
arrangement and in part with dialectical invention an emphasis that 
Ramus modified by limiting method to arrangement alone. 

Wilson's next topic is the proposition. His discussion of this ele- 
ment of logic follows Aristotle's De Interpretations in substance and 
the scholastic logicians in terminology and form of presentation. He 
defines a proposition as "a perfite sentence spoken by the Indicatiue 
mode, signifiyng either a trewe thyng, or a false, without al am- 
biguitie, or doubtfulness. As thus, ewery man is a liar." 36 He next 
proceeds to speak of the logical subject and predicate of a proposition. 
Then he treats of the various kinds of propositions (general, particu- 
lar, indefinite, singular) , then of opposition among propositions 5 
then of categorical and hypothetical propositions, and of the kinds 
of conversion or of reversal of subject and predicate. 

The topic of argument brings to a close Wilson's discussion of 
judgment as the initial procedure of logic. "An argument," he says, 
"is a waie to proue how one thyng is gathered by another, and to 
shewe that thyng, whiche is doubtfull, by that whiche is not doubt- 
full." 37 Four kinds of argument are then distinguished by him, and 
the Latin terms which he uses indicate that the English vocabulary 
had not yet learned to speak of them with ease. The first kind Wilson 
calls Syllogismus; the second, Enthymema-, the third, Indue tio or 
Induction j and the fourth, Exemplum or Example. This part of 
scholastic logic is based in Wilson and elsewhere upon the two books 
of Aristotle's Prior Analytics. Wilson would have been less than 
human if in this honored subject matter he had been more than tra- 
ditional. He speaks of the parts and terms of the syllogism, and in 
calling the middle term "the double repete," the major term "the 
term at large," and the minor term "the several term," he reminds 
us again that he is blazing a trail through a new land, without having 
found in these instances at least the path that later generations of 
Englishmen will follow. He calls the enthymcmc the half argument, 
and thinks of it as a syllogism with one of its three propositions miss- 
ing* His conception of induction is not so much improper as restricted. 
He says: 

An Induction, is a kynde of Argument when we gather sufficiently 
a nombre of propre names, and there upon make the conclusion 
uniuersall, as thus. 

si e . E 7 r. JWA, sijj. F<5v. 

[ 22 1 


Rhenyshe wine heateth, 

Maluesey heateth, 

Frenchewine heateth, neither is there any wyne that doth the 

Ergo all wine heateth. 88 

Similar to induction is example. "An example," he says, "is a maner 
of Argumentation, where one thyng is proued by an other, for the 
likenes, that is found to be in them both. . . ." 3fl And he illustrates 
this form as follows: 

If Marcus Attilius Regulus had rather lose his life, then not kepe 
promise with, his enemie, then shoulde euery man beyng taken prisoner 
kepe promise with his enemy. 

Having finished with example, Wilson brings his discussion of 
argument to a close with a mention of .the sorites and the dilemma 
as special forms of the syllogism and with an exposition of five rules 
for the knitting together of propositions. 

His next topic is "the second part of Logique, called Inuentio, that 
is to saie, the fyndyng out of an argument." 40 Invention, as one of 
the two main procedures in the process of composing a learned dis- 
course, involves a plan for the systematic discovery of sub j ect matter. 
If it be suggested at this point that the discovery of subject matter 
normally precedes its arrangement, and thus that invention as a 
topic in logic ought normally to precede rather than follow disposi- 
tion or judgment, the reply is that the same line of reasoning oc- 
curred to Wilson and the other scholastic logicians, even though they 
usually treated judgment first. Wilson justifies himself for placing 
judgment before invention by saying that you have to know how to 
order an argument before you seek for it, and that anyway "a reason 
is easlier found then fashioned." 41 This attitude is a significant phe- 
nomenon in intellectual history. It really is a way of saying that 
subject matter presents fewer difficulties than organization, so far as 
composition is concerned. A society which takes such an attitude must 
be by implication a society that is satisfied with its traditional wisdom 
and knows where to find it. It must be a society that does not .stress 
the virtues of an exhaustive examination of nature so much as the 
virtues of clarity in form. No guilt should be attached to either of 
these tendencies. Each is of value, and each is with us at any moment 

88 Ibid., Big. H5V. 80 Ibid., sig. H6v. * Ibid., Big. J 4 v. 

41 Ibid., Big. Biv. 


of time, guarding us against the excesses of the other. But the great 
shift which occurred in men's thinking between 1500 and 1700 was 
in part a shift from the preponderant emphasis upon traditional wis- 
dom to the preponderant emphasis upon new discoveries, and this 
shift is nowhere better illustrated than in the transition from Wil- 
son's belief in the relative ease of discovery to the modern belief in 
its relative difficulty. 

Invention in scholastic logic was a process in which an author found 
subject matter by connecting his mind with the traditional wisdom of 
his race and by allowing that contact to induce a flow of ideas from 
the general store into himself. This process involved his knowing 
what were called "the places." Nowhere is scholastic logic more at- 
tractive than in Wilson's definition of a place, and he deserves to be 
quoted at some length on this point: 

A Place is the restyng corner of an argument, or els a marke whiche 
giueth warnyng to our memory what we maie speake probablie, either 
in one parte, or the other, upon all causes that fall in question. Those 
that be good hare finders will sone finde the hare by her fourme. For 
when they se the grounde beaten flatte round aboute, and faire to the 
sight: thei haue a narrow gesse by al likelihod that the hare was there 
a litle before. Likewyse the hontesmaft in huntyng the foxe, wil sone 
espie when he seeth a hole, whether it be a foxe borough, or not. So 
he that will take profite in this parte of logique, must be like a hunter, 
and learne by labour to knowe the borough es. For these places be 
nothyng els but couertes or boroughes, wherein if any one searche 
diligentlie, he maie fynde game at pleasure. And although perhappes 
one place fayle him, yet shal he finde a dousen other places, to ac- 
complishe his purpose. Therfore if any one will do good in this 
kynde, he must go from place to place, and by serching euery borough, 
he shall haue his purpose undoubtedlie in moste part of them if not 

in all. 42 

The great source for all speculation about the places, so far as 
scholastic logic is concerned, is Aristotle's Topics, although Cicero's 
similar work, which condenses and systematizes Aristotle, provides 
a Latin terminology that had great influence upon Boethius and the 
scholastics/ 3 Cicero classifies the places of logic as intrinsic and ex- 

Ibid., sig. Jsv-J6r. 

43 Boethius wrote extensively upon Aristotelian logic. He commented upon the entire 
Organon; The Categories^ On Interpretation^ Prior Analytics^ Posterior Analytics^ Topics, 
and Sophistical Elenchi. He also commented upon Porphyry's comment upon Aristotle, 
and he wrote a commentary in six books on Cicero's Topics. The logical writing's of 
Boethius are conveniently collected in Migne, Patrologia Latina, LXIV, 9-1216. 

[ 24 ] 


trinsic. Under the former head he evolves a final list of sixteen 
distinct places, whereas under the latter he speaks only of argument 
from authority, this entire head being devoted to what were called 
non-artistic proofs, or proofs not invented by recourse to the places. 44 
Wilson's procedure in respect to the classification of the places il- 
lustrates both the sacrosanctity and the flexibility of this branch of 
learning. Wilson follows Cicero in designating two great groups of 
places, the inward and the outward. He follows Cicero in respect to 
the terms used and the functions assigned to many of the actual places 
described in these groups. But he does not follow Cicero's limiting 
of the places to sixteen, or Cicero's allotting of them all to the first 
of the two great headings. 45 

We are fortunate in having from Wilson's first English logic a 
concrete demonstration of the way in which the places were envisaged 
as useful in the religious controversies of the time. Wilson poses the 
question whether it be lawful for a priest to have a wife or no. He 
undertakes to examine this question by taking the two key words 
"priest" and "wife" to the places, and by seeing whether the con- 
clusions obtained from the places in respect to one of these words 
agree with the conclusions obtained in respect to the other. His as- 
sumption is that where there is agreement between the conclusions 
reached in the case of priest and the conclusions reached in the case 
of wife, then to that extent the proposition that it is lawful for a 
priest to have a wife is good. Where there is disagreement, of course, 
the proposition is not good. Wilson's own description of this as- 
sumption is as follows: 

For where as the places agree (that is to saie, al thinges are referred 
to y e one, that are referred to the other) there the proposition is good, 
and the latter part of the proposition, is truly spoken of the first. But 
where the places do not agree (that is to saie, some thynges are re- 
ferred to the one worde, that are not referred to the other) there the 
thynges themselues cannot agree. 46 

Wilson's procedure is to examine priesthood within nineteen differ- 

44 Cicero, Topics, 8-24. 

45 In the final analysis, Wilson would seem to allow fifteen places, although his first 
illustration of the use of the places as a system names exactly sixteen, and his second 
illustration names nineteen. In reality some of these nineteen are species of genera named 
among the original fifteen, and some of the original fifteen are dismissed as inapplicable 
to the second illustration. The first illustration concerns the word king 5 the second, the 
words priest and wife. 

48 At this point, I quote from the 1552 edition of The rule of Reason, fol. 114*. 

[ 25 ] 


ent places, such as that of definition, of genus, of species, of property, 
of whole, of parts, etc. Then he examines wifehood under the same 
aspects. Then he notes wherein there is agreement between the con- 
clusions assembled for priesthood and for wifehood^ and shows how 
these conclusions may yield arguments for and against the^ lawful- 
ness of marriage among the clergy. Wilson's own conviction is that it 
is lawful for a priest to marry, and his discussion does not conceal that 
prejudice. Thus his machinery of analysis does not so much permit 
him to discover what attitude is right as to defend adequately the 
attitude that he had previously judged to be right, 

A few samples of Wilson's analysis will show how he himself 
conceived of the actual use of the procedure of invention. His defini- 
tion of priest is as follows: 

A Preacher is a clerke or shepeherd whiche wil geue his life for his 
shepe, enstructed to sette forth the kynddome of God, and desierouse 
to lyue vertuousely: a faithfull, and a wise steward whom the lord 
doth set ouer his house, that he maie geue the householde seruauntes 
meate, in due time.* 7 

Wilson's definition of wife comes later, after the nineteen places have 
been visited for ideas about priests. That definition reads : 

A wife, is a woman that is lawfully receiued into the felouship of life, 
for y* encrease or gettyng of chyldren, and to auoide fornication. 48 

Wilson's use of these two definitions is indicated at the end of his 
examination of wifehood under the nineteen aspects. He says: 

Nowe that we haue drawen these wordes, the preacher, and the wife, 
after this sort, throughout the places, so far as we could: we shuld 
copare them together, and se wherein thei do agre, and wherein they 
varie. Let vs compare the definitions together, and we shal finde sum- 
what euen there, where these wordes be (desiryng to lyue vertuously) 
whiche shall geue light for an argument, as thus, 

Whosoeuer desireth to Hue vertuously, 

must mary a wyf e. 
Euery true preacher of Goddes word 

desireth to Hue vertuously 
Ergo euery true Preacher must mary a wife. 49 

Wilson indicates that if his adversary denies the major premise of 
this argument, the conclusion collapses unless some help can be found 

* 7 lbid.> fol. ii4r-ii4V. 4B /**., fol. 1171-. * 9 /*#., fol. 1191-. 


in the definition of wife. That help is forthcoming in the statement 
that a wife is married for the increase of children, and for the avoid- 
ance of fornication. Thus Wilson confronts his adversary with a new 

Whosoeuer desireth to liue vertuously, 

desireth to auoide fornication. 

Whosoeuer desireth to auoyde fornication, 
desireth mariage. 

Ergo whosoeuer desireth to lyue vertuously, 
desiereth mariage. 50 

Thus does Wilson illustrate the use of the place of definition in 
respect to the two words, priest and wife. He next illustrates the 
place of genus or "generall worde": 

Againe the generall worde of both these definitions geueth lyght for 
an argument. Euery wyfe is a woman, euery Preacher is a man, and 
nature hath ordeyned that man and woman may liue in mariage, (if 
they be so disposed) of what degre, codition, or state, so euer they 
be, nothyng in al the scriptures to the contrarye. Therfore I may 
reason thus. 

What soeuer is man, that same male marie a woman by gods 

Euery preacher is a man 

Ergo euery preacher maie marie a woman by gods ordinaunce. 51 

Three of the other places which figure in this'' illustration of the 
nature of logical invention are those of time, place, and "thynges 
annexed." 52 If these appear to be reminiscent of three of the ten 
predicaments discussed by Wilson as a major part of logical judg- 
ment, and if therefore invention and judgment as the two parts of 
scholastic logic begin to seem curiously redundant in subject matter, 
I can only reply that this tautology was perfectly obvious to the 
scholastic logicians themselves. Indeed, Wilson takes the trouble to 
point it out. He says as he analyzes the places of time, place, and 
things annexed: 

And these thre are nothing els, than the thre predicamentes or tnoste 
generall places, whiche I rehersed before. 

fVbi. fWhere. 

4 Quando. J When. 

[Habitus. [The araying. 53 

U*i fol. n 9 v. 51 7^., fol. n 9 v. 

52 Ibid., foil. n6v, xx8r-xi9r, 53 Ibid., fol. 94 v. 

[ 27 ] 


But the acknowledgment that one main part of logic duplicated the 
other was not enough, as things turned out. The tautology had to be 
removed. And it was Ramus who attempted, as we shall see, to re- 
move such tautologies as this, and to make invention and judgment 
nonoverlapping parts of logic. . 

The final topic in Wilson's system of logic is that of fallacies. He 
introduces it by summarizing what he had previously covered, and 
by adding: 

I wil fro hece furth, set out the maner of deceiptfull argumentes, 
called in Latine, Refraehensiones, or fallaces condusiunculae, euen as 
Aristotle hath set the furth. 84 

These words are a reminder that this part of scholastic logic derives 
its materials from The Sophistical Elenohi, which is the sixth and 
final treatise in Aristotle's Organon. From that source Wilson selects 
for main emphasis the lore of the six types of deceitful arguments 
that depend on diction, and the seven that are independent of diction. 
His illustrations reflect the religious controversies of his time, not of 
Aristotle's. But he strikes a merry note at the end of his work by 
setting forth "to delite the reader" a series of witty fallacies "called 
trappyng argumetes." These he names as Crocodilites, Antistrephon, 
Ceratinae, Asistaton, Cacosistaton, Vtis, and Pseudomenos. 35 

The second of these, which means the turning of an argument back 
upon an opponent, is illustrated by Wilson from Aulus Gellius. Ac- 
cording to Wilson, Gellius relates that Pythagoras gave lessons in 
eloquence to a young man named Euathlus. 56 The bargain between 
them was that Euathlus must give Pythagoras a great sum of money, 
half at the beginning of their association, and the other half when 
Euathlus won his first case in court as a result of his training under 
Pythagoras. It appears that Euathlus repeatedly postponed the day 
of that first case, and after a while Pythagoras brought suit against 
him for the other half of his fee. Pythagoras then went into court 
and his words to his opponent are quoted thus by Wilson: 

If thou art cast in the law, I haue wonne by vertue of the lawe: if 
thou art not cast, but gettest the ouerhande by iudgement of these 

id., fol. i2 3 v. **Ibid., fol. i 7 or. 

56 See Aulus Gellius, Noctef Atticae^ 5.10. In Gellius, however, the figures in this 
story are Protagoras and Euathlus. Diogenes Laertius, De Vita et Moribus PfailosopAorum 
Libri AT, 9.56, also tells this story about Protagoras, but much more briefly than does 
Gellius. The same story is told with Corax, the inventor of the art of rhetoric, in place 
of Protagoras; see Sextus Empiricus, Adversus Mathematicos^ 2,96-99. 

[ 28 ] 


men, yet muste I haue it neuerthelesse, because our bargain was so 
made, when I first began to teach the. 57 

This argument appeared to delight Euathlus. He pointed out to 
Pythagoras that he could escape from its toils by hiring an advocate 
to plead his case, whereupon he himself could not yet be charged 
with having legally incurred the obligation to pay the rest of the fee, 
if the verdict went in his favor. But he preferred, he said, to plead 
his own case, and he would do so by turning the argument of 
Pythagoras against him, and thus would escape from the debt al- 
together. Wilson quotes him as follows: 

For if you be cast in the law, I haue wonne by. vertue of the lawe, & 
so I owe you nothyng. If you be not cast, but gette the ouerhand of 
me, by the Judgement of these me: then according to my bargain, I 
shal pay you nothyng because I haue not gotten the ouerhad in iudge- 
ment. 58 

Wilson observes that the young scholar in this instance gave his 
master a bone to gnaw, and beat him with his own rod. For the 
judges, fearing to decide one way or the other, postponed the case 
to another time. 

Now that the Rule of Reason has been discussed in full, our next 
task is to comment upon its antecedents. These will constitute a kind 
of history of scholastic logic in England from the time of its earliest 
formulation by an Englishman to the time of Wilson's vernacular 
treatise. As we leave the Rule of Reason, we might remark that it 
enjoyed a considerable success for about thirty years after the date 
of its first edition in 1551 as indication that Graf ton, the printer, 
had correctly diagnosed public reaction when he initially urged Wil- 
son to prepare it for publication. It was reprinted in 1552, 1553, 
I 563, 1567, and 1580. Thereafter it apparently ceased to command 
public interest, and it has never received further editions. Traces of 
it can be found in Thomas Blundeville's The Arte of Logicke, pub- 
lished in 1599, itself an attempt to teach logic to Englishmen who 
knew no Latin. But Blundeville, as we shall see later, apparently 
does not feel it an advantage to acknowledge his borrowings from 
Wilson. 59 The chief reason why Wilson lost favor rapidly after 1567 
is that Ramistic logic made its appearance in England in the fifteen- 
seventies and ended the reign of scholastic logic as we see it in Wilson 

57 Rule of Reason (1552), fol. 1721". 58 Ibid.) fol. 

69 See below, p. 288. 


and his predecessors. When the inevitable reaction set in against 
Ramus, as we see it setting in with Blundeville, logicians did not 
then go back to Wilson's generation for their inspiration, since even 
anti-Ramists could not deny the validity o some of Ramus's criti- 
cisms of scholastic logic. Thus the Rule of Reason did not long sur- 
vive after Wilson's death, which occurred in 1581. But by virtue of 
its position as the first logic to be written in English, it will always 
have an honorable place in the intellectual history of the Anglo- 

A last interesting fact about the Rule of Reason should be men- 
tioned in closing this account of it. As it gained new material in the 
editions that followed the first, it acquired something on one occasion 
to give it a special interest to later historians of the English drama. 
That occasion came as a result of the edition of *553- There, in con- 
nection with his discussion of the fallacy of ambiguity, which is the 
second of the six types of deceitful argument depending on diction, 
Wilson adds to the three old illustrations in the earlier editions a 
remarkable new one in the form of a 35-line quotation which he 
identifies as from "an entrelude made by Nicolas Vdal." 60 This quo- 
tation is an address to a "maistresse Custauce" by one "Roisterdoister," 
which, read according to one system of punctuation, has highly de- 
rogatory implications for the lady in question, and, read according 
to another system, highly complimentary implications. For almost 
three hundred years after the date of that edition of the Rule of 
Reason, it was commonly accepted that Wilson's 35-line quotation 
from an interlude by Udall represented the only specimen of Udall's 
dramatic works to have been preserved. 61 But in 1 8 1 8 a printed copy 
of an anonymous old play was discovered and presented to Eton Col- 
lege, the school where Thomas Wilson had prepared for Cambridge. 
Also in 1 8 r 8 that old play was given a new edition under the title, 
Royster D oyster It was not long until scholars became 

60 Wilson^ 35-line quotation appears at foil. 67r-68r of the 1563 and the 1567 edi- 
tions of the Rule of Reason. It appears in the 1553 edition at sig. 82 v, according to 
Walter Wilson Greg in the Malone Society reprint of Roister Doister (Printed for the 
Malone Society by John Johnson at the Oxford University Press, 1934 [1935]), p. v, 
I have not seen the 1553 edition. 

61 For a typical expression of this view, see Anthony a Wood, Athenae Oseonlenses, 
ed. Philip Bliss (London, 1813-1820), i, 213-214. 

62 For a convenient summary of the bibliographical history of this play, see Nicholas 
Udall, Roister Doister, ed. Edward Arber (English Reprints, Vol, xvii, London, 1869), 
p. 8. This summary by Arber accepts John Payne Collier as rightful claimant to the 
honor of being the first to connect Wilson's quotation with the letter to Mistress Cus- 
tance in Ral$h Royster Dayster. William Durrant Cooper, Ralfh Roister Doister, A 

[ 30 ] 


aware that the 35-line illustration of ambiguity in Wilson's Rule of 
Reason was in fact a quotation from the anonymous old play, Ral^h 
Royster Doyster, and that, since Wilson had attributed his quotation 
to Nicholas Udall, the anonymous old play must be one o UdalPs 
lost dramas. Thus did scholarship give real substance to what had 
been the shadowy dramatic reputation of Udall $ thus was the now- 
famous early comedy given an author in the person of a man solidly 
distinguished in other fields. And the means to this happy end was 
Thomas Wilson's English logic. Incidentally, the 35-line quotation 
in Wilson is the letter which in the Udall play Royster Doyster had 
had a scrivener write for him as part of his campaign to become the 
husband of Mistress Custance. As interpreted by the scrivener, the 
letter complimented Mistress Custance in terms at once fulsome and 
persuasive j but as read by Mathew Merygreeke to the lady herself, 
it was derogatory if not slanderous. 63 The words were the same in 
each case. The meaning, as in poetry in general, changed with the 
character and environment of the reader. 

Comedy, By Nicholas Udall. And The Tragedie of Gorboduc (London, Printed for the 
Shakespeare Society, 1847), p. vi, also supports Collier's claim. Later opinion is less 
indulgent to Collier j see "Roister Doister," ed. Ewald Flugel, in Representative English 
Comedies^ ed. Charles Mills Gayley (New York, 1903-1914), I, 97-98. 

S3 The scrivener's letter appears in Ratyh Royster Doyster, Act III, Scenes 4 & 5. (In 
the Malone Society reprint, lines 1074-1108 and 1239-1273.) 

[ 31 1 

II. Backgrounds of Scholasticism 

SEVEN and a half centuries before the date of Thomas Wilson's 
translation of scholastic logic into native English speech, another 
Englishman, whose name was Alcuin, wrote a treatise on dialectic in 
Latin, thus becoming the first English logician of record. That 
treatise, formally entitled De Dialectic*, was composed in France, 
probably about the year 794, as part of Alcuin's campaign to build an 
educational system throughout the empire of his patron ^and friend 
Charlemagne. 1 It was Charlemagne who had in the first instance in- 
vited Alcuin to come to France in the capacity of a kind of minister 
of. education. It was Charlemagne who took an active interest in 
Alcuin's efforts to establish in France a learning that would suit the 
needs of the Prankish pulpit, law court, and imperial administration. 
It was Charlemagne who lent his own great prestige to the cause 
of letters by allowing Alcuin on occasion to present treatises in which 
learned doctrine was arranged in the form of a dialogue between the 
emperor himself and the English scholar. One treatise so presented 
by Alcuin is on rhetoric, and it will be discussed later as the earliest 
full treatment of Ciceronian rhetoric by an Englishman. Alcuin's 
De Dialectica is another treatise so presented, and it serves to begin 
our present discussion of English logic. 

When Alcuin took up his residence at the court of Charlemagne, 
he was about forty-seven years of age, and already distinguished as 
the most learned Englishman since Bede. Alcuin was born in 735, 
the year of Bede's death, and was educated at York in a school 
established by Egbert, one of Bede's pupils. That school enjoyed an 
immense prestige during the eighth century. Professor Laistner has 
said of it that, for nearly fifty years after its founding, it was "the 
leading home of culture in western Europe." 2 The fact that it was 
founded by one of Bede's pupils is enough to account for its early 
fame 5 and Alcuin's connection with it as student, teacher, and li- 
brarian is enough to explain its fame during the years of his own 

1 The most convenient edition of Alcuin's De Dialectica is that in Migne, Patrologia 
Latina> ci, 951-976, upon which my present discussion is based, and which I cite by 
chapter and page (i.e., column) number. Since the opening- speech of De Dialectica 
(1.951) identifies that work as an immediate continuation of Alcuin's De RhBtoricaty 
and since the latter is known to have been written in the year 794, the former may be 
given the same date. For a discussion of the date of De Rhetorica^ see Wilbur S. Howell, 
The Rhetoric of Alcuin and Charlemagne (Princeton, 1941), pp. 5-8, 

2 M, L. W. Laistner, Thought and Letters in Western Europe A*D. 500 to goo 
(London, 1931), p. 150. 

r 3* i 


pre-eminence in European learning as master of the palace school at 
Charlemagne's court. Before the time of Bede and Alcuin, the liter- 
ary output of England had been meagre indeed, and English writings 
on the theory of literature had been nonexistent, save for Aldhelm's 
treatise on rhythm and metrics, De Septenario, usually called the 
Letter to Acircius? But a new era began with Bede, during whose 
lifetime the great English epic Beowulf, the earliest considerable 
poetic achievement in any of the modern languages, is usually as- 
sumed to have been composed. 4 Bede wrote three small works having 
to do with literary theory: the Liber de Orthographies, the Liber de 
Arte Metrica, and the Liber de Schematibus et Tropis. 5 The last of 
these is a treatise on devices of rhetorical style, and it ranks as the 
earliest fragment of Ciceronian rhetorical theory to have come from 
the pen of an Englishman, although Alcuin must be regarded as the 
first of his countrymen to teach the full Ciceronian doctrine. I shall 
examine Bede's little work on style when I come later to speak of 
stylistic rhetoric in England. At present it is sufficient to observe that 
Bede and to some small extent Aldhelm created a fabric of literary 
speculation for later English learning to complete, and that Alcuin, 
in the generation which followed Bede, began to complete that fabric 
in his De Rhetorica and De Dialectic^ both of which must be counted 
as theories of communication, the one being devoted to the open and 
the other to the closed discourse. 

Early in De Dialectics, , Alcuin himself distinguishes between dia- 
lectic and rhetoric in terms of Zeno's ancient metaphor of closed fist 
and open hand, even as we have seen Wilson doing centuries later 
in his vernacular logic. Alcuin's pupil Charlemagne asks : "What are 
dialectic and rhetoric to each other?" Alcuin replies without acknowl- 
edgments to Zeno: 

Dialectic is to rhetoric as the closed fist is to the distended palm in a 
man's hand. The former manner of arguing draws conclusions in brief 
speech j the latter runs about through fields of fluency in copious 

3 See Laistner, Thought and Letters, pp. 104-129, for an excellent brief account of 
English learning- to the time of Bede's death. See also J. W. H. Atkins, English Literary 
Criticism.: The Medieval Phase (New York and Cambridge, England, 1943), pp. 36-51, 
cited below as The Medieval Phase j also Jack D. A. Ogilvy, "Anglo-Latin Scholarship, 
597-780," The University of Colorado Studies, xxn (1934-1935)* PP- 3*7-34O. 

4 See George K. Anderson, The Literature of the Anglo-Saxons (Princeton, 1949)3 
pp. 8z-$3. 

5 These works are printed in Migne, Patrologia Latina> xc, 12,3-186. The Liber de 
Schematibus et Tro'pis is also in Carolus Halm, Rhetores Latini Minores (Leipzig, 1863), 
pp. 607-618. 

[ 33 ] 


speech. The former restrains its words 5 the latter is lavish with them 
If indeed dialectic is the more enlarged in respect to the mvention of 
subject matter, rhetoric is nevertheless the more fluent in respect to 
the expressing of what has been invented. The former searches out 
the few and the studious 5 the latter usually advances toward the 
multitude. 6 

Just before he makes this distinction between dialectic and rheto- 
ric, Alcuin at Charlemagne's request divides philosophy into three 
parts, that is, into physics, ethics, and logic. Each of these parts is 
then divided into species, and logic, as the science concerned with the 
theory of judging rightly, is given two species, dialectic and rheto- 
ric/ Thus logic in the sense in which Alcuin uses the term is to be 
defined by the definitions, divisions, and ultimate principles of dia- 
lectical and rhetorical theory. Thus logic does not receive at his 
hands a separate analysis as a science 5 how he regards it must be 
gathered instead from the disciplines which he treats as its two 

His De Dialectic*, conceived at the outset as the theory of learned 
communication, is developed in such a way that at the end we can 
understand why it was considered to be so far up to date as to be 
given two editions in the sixteenth and three in the seventeenth cen- 
turies. 8 Indeed, Alcuin's dialectical system would not have been an 
anachronism in the Cambridge of Thomas Wilson's time, although 
it is by no means as detailed as was scholastic logic of the Renaissance, 
nor is it divided into invention and judgment, as was the custom 
among the followers of Agricola. What Alcuin does is to distinguish 
five principal points of emphasis in dialectical theory, and to build his 
discussion upon them. 

The first of these points he calls initially "isagogae," that is, "in- 
troductions," thus associating this part of his work with Porphyry's 
famous IsagogG) written during the third century A.P. to introduce 
readers of Aristotle's Categories to a knowledge of the basic classes 

*De Dialectic^ 1.953. Translation mine, 

7 Ibid; 1-952. Alcuin's words are as follows: 
C. Logica in quot species dividitur? 
A. In duas, in dialecticam et rhetor icam. 

8 The two sixteenth-century editions were by Menrad Molther at Haguenau and 
Paris in 15*9 and by Matthieu Galen at Douai in 1563 and 1564. For further details, 
see Howell, Rhetoric of Alcuin^ pp. 10-12. The three seventeenth-century editions were 
by Heni-icus Canisius (in Antiquae Lectionis Tomus /-TV, Ing-olstadt, 1601-1604), by 
Andre Duchesne (in B* Flacci Albini sive Alchvvini O$era> Paris, 1617), and by 
thaeus Weiss (in Ad Logicam sive Organum Aristotelis Introductio^ Salzburg 1 , 

[ 34 ] 


of propositions discussed by Aristotle in Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of the 
first book of his Topics. In Alcuin, as in Porphyry, the term "intro- 
duction" covers the same concepts which Thomas Wilson was to call 
the predicables or the five common words. Thus Alcuin under his 
first heading defines and illustrates genus, species, differentia, acci- 
dent, and property. 9 

His second point of emphasis is the "categoriae" or, in Thomas 
Wilson's English, the predicaments. Alcuin anticipates Wilson by 
classifying these as of substance or of accident, the latter group being 
composed of nine categories which combine with the category of sub- 
stance to make the ten in Aristotle's original list. 10 Alcuin's Latin 
terms for these categories are parallel in six cases to those which 
Wilson offers as the basis of his English terms. In the other four 
cases, Alcuin uses close synonyms of the terms indicated by Wilson. 
To these ten terms, Alcuin devotes eight chapters of his short treatise, 
thus giving this aspect of dialectic more than a third of his total space. 

His remaining points of emphasis are the argument or syllogism, 
the place or topic, and the proposition. The last one of these, which 
is Alcuin's concluding subject, embraces doctrine descended from the 
second treatise in Aristotle's Organon, that is, the treatise On In- 
terpretation-, and it is illogically placed in Alcuin's scheme, since a 
discussion of propositions ought normally to precede the analysis of 
the way in which propositions combine to form syllogisms and other 
arguments. There are other criticisms to be made of the last three 
points of Alcuin's De Dialectic^ and indeed of the treatise as a whole. 
For one thing, it is decidedly skimpy, particularly in its treatment of 
the syllogism. For another thing, it is often naive in the way it uses 
examples. And again, it is superficial rather than profound in its 
presentation of dialectical principles, as one of its editors has re- 
marked. 11 But when these valid criticisms are registered, we should 
still remain aware that this first logic by an Englishman contains 
the basic concepts of Aristotelian logic, and transmits to its readers 
a fair outline of the outline of Aristotle's Organon. 

These basic concepts, to be sure, did not come to Alcuin from his 
own direct study of Aristotle's logical system. They came to him in- 
stead from various intermediate sources. Of the sixteen chapters into 
which his treatise is divided in its edition by Migne, the first two and 

9 De Dialectic^ 2.953-954- 10 Ibid., 3-954-955- 

11 Matthaeus Weiss, whose criticism to this effect is cited in the headnote of the edition 
I have been referring- to here. 

[ 35 ] 


: remaining ten chapters belong in doctrine and direct phraseology 
Jie same section of Isidore, to Boethius's Da Different Topicis, 

the last four are partly or entirely made up of passages borrowed by 
him from the section on dialectic in Isidore's Etymologiae^ whereas 
to the 

and pre-eminently to the Categoriae Decem, a work of uncertain 
authorship supposed in Alcuin's time to be a translation by Saint 
Augustine of Aristotle's Categorize^ Alcuin mentions Porphyry at 
the end of his second chapter and occasionally brings in the name of 
Aristotle, but the other sources just mentioned are sufficient to ac- 
count for almost every word of his De Dialectics. Thus he is more 
of a compiler than an independent theorist in this aspect of his total 
achievement, as indeed were his successors in English logic for some 
time to come. 

Between the ninth and the mid-sixteenth centuries, a logic not 
unlike Alcuin's prevailed in English learning as the universities of 
Oxford and Cambridge developed from shadowy beginnings, and as 
the seven liberal arts, one of which was of course dialectic or logic, 
became the established form of higher education. These seven odd 
centuries witnessed many minor shifts in emphasis in logical theory, 
as western scholarship gradually uncovered forgotten details of 

12 The following- table shows the sources of Alcuin's De Dialectica. The numbers at 
the left refer to chapter numbers in the text in Migne. The Latin phrases are chapter 
titles appearing- in the same text. At the right are references to Alcuin's sources, chapter 
by chapter, with corresponding- references to the texts of those sources as printed in Migne. 

I De Philosophia et Partibus Eius. Isidore, Etymologiae, a. 22, 23, 24$ Migne, 

LXXXII, 140-142. 

II De Isagogis. Ibid.) 2.255 Migne, LXXXII, 142-143. 

III De Categoriis. Pseudo-Augustine, Categoriae Decem, chs. 8, 2, 3, 5, 95 Migne, 

xxxn, 1421 et seq. 

W De Quantitate. Ibid., ch. 105 Migne, xxxii, 1427-1430. 

V De Ad Aliquid. Ibid., ch. ii; Migne, xxxii, 1430-1431. 

VI De Qualitate. Ibid., ch. 12; Migne, XXXII, 1432-1435. 

VII De Facere et Pati. Ibid.) ch. 135 Migne, xxxii, 1435-1436. 

VIII De Jacere. Ibid., ch. 14 j Migne, XXXII, 1436. 

IX De Ubi et Quando. Ibid., ch. 15 j Migne, xxxii, 1436. 

X De Habere. Ibid., ch. 165 Mi'gne, xxxn, 1436-1437. 

XI De Contrariis vel Oppositis. Isidore, Etymologiae, 2. 31 j Migne, LXXXII, 153-154. 

Pseudo-Augustine, Categoriae Decem, chs. 18-205 Migne, XXXII, 1437-1439. 

XII De Arguments. Boethius, De Differentiis Topicis, Bk. Ij Migne, LXIV, 1174- 

1175. Isidore, Etymologize, 2. 28; Migne, LXXXII, 146. 

XIII De Modis Diffinitionum. Isidore, Etymologiae, 2,. 29; Migne, LXXXII, 148. 

XIV De Speciebus Diffinitionum. Ibid., 2. 295 Migne, LXXXII, 148-150. 

XV De Topicis. Ibid., a. 30; Migne, LXXXII, 151-153. 

XVI De Perihermeniis. Ibid., 2. 27 j Migne, LXXXII, 145-146. 

For a slightly different analysis of the sources of Alcuin's De Dialectica, see Max 
Manitius, Geschichte der Lateinischen Liter atur des Mittelalters (Munich, 1911-1931), 
i, 283-284. 

[ 36 ] 


Aristotelian logic, and as the great Arabic students of Aristotle's 
Organon^ Al-Farabi in the tenth century, Avicenna in the eleventh, 
and Averroes in the twelfth, transmitted their knowledge of Aris- 
totelianism through the iron curtain between the Moslem and Chris- 
tian world, and made the west freshly aware of the Greek basis of 
its Latin culture. 13 But my present field is the Renaissance, and thus 
I shall not Hwell so much upon the different shadings of medieval 
scholastic logic, as upon the maj or figures and works in English logic 
before the period of Thomas Wilson. 

According to Anthony a Wood, famous historian of Oxford, the 
first logician at that university was John, a monk of St. David's, 
possibly to be identified with Johannes Scotus. 14 Wood bases his 
statement upon the testimony of Brian Twyne, earliest Oxford his- 
torian, who says that John was the first lecturer at Oxford under 
an endowment established there by King Alfred around 879. Twyne 
also says that John's lectures were based upon the logic of Aristotle 
and Averroes. It is a temptation to regard this story with sentimental 
indulgence, because Johannes Scotus, the great Irish scholar and 
candidate for the honor of being the earliest scholastic philosopher, 
had previously spent a large part of his life in France, where, like 
Alcuin before him, he had been summoned by a French king to take 
charge of the court school of that country, and where, like Alcuin, he 
had lived to establish himself as the most learned Briton of his time. 
But Twyne's story rests upon untrustworthy evidence, and cannot 
now be accepted. 15 Nor is it possible any longer to accept on the basis 
of the same evidence the belief that the first college, University, was 
founded at Oxford in Alfred's reign. The first endowment of Uni- 
versity College is now regarded as having been established in 1 2,49, 
although educational activity of some sort began at Oxford early in 
the previous century. Twyne's story, moreover, involves a strange 
anachronism a lecturer on logic at Oxford in 879 would have been 
unable to interpret Averroes, who was not born until 1 126. 

In the latter half of the century in which Averroes was at work in 
Moslem Spain on his commentaries on Aristotle, the seven liberal 

13 For the history of logic in western Europe In these centuries, see Carl von Prantl, 
Geschichte der Logik in Abendlande (Leipzig 1 , 1855-1870); also Barthelemy Haureau, 
Histoire de la Philosophic Scolastique (Paris, 1872-1880); also Philotheus Boehner, 
Medieval Logic An Outline of Its Development from 1250 to c. 1400 (Chicago, 1952). 

14 Anthony a Wood, The History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford^ in two 
Books^ ed. John Gutch (Oxford, 1792-1796), II, 820. 

15 On this point, see Dictionary of National Biography ', s.v. Twyne, Brian (1579?- 

[ 37 ] 


arts became the foundation of the growing educational activity at 
both Cambridge and Oxford, with the result that logic began to 
acquire a place of genuine importance in higher learning in Eng- 
land. 16 That same half-century witnessed the composition of one of 
the great medieval treatises on logic, John of Salisbury's Metalogicon. 
John of Salisbury was mentioned earlier in these pages for his di- 
vision of logic into invention and judgment. Baldwin calls his Meta- 
logicon cc a unified and carefully coherent presentation of all teaching 
that deals with words." 17 "So far as is known," remarks another critic 
of the Metalogicon, "this is the first work of the Middle Ages in 
northern Europe in which the complete Organon of Aristotle is 
used. 3 ' 18 John was born in England but educated in France between 
1136 and 1148 under the opposing influences of the nominalists and 
realists. 19 His chief master in the camp of the former was Abelard; 
later he studied under Abelard's opponents, especially the dis- 
tinguished logician Gilbert de la Porree, author of the Liber de Sex 
Princifiisj which long remained famous as a commentary on six of 
Aristotle's ten categories. 20 Hugh of St. Victor is not usually men- 
tioned among John's teachers in France, but it is worth remember- 
ing that Hugh was professor of theology in the famous school of 
St. Victor in Paris from 1 133 to his death in 1 140, and that John not 
only mentions him in the NLetalogicon but follows him in considering 
invention and judgment to be the parts of dialectic. 21 Apart from his 
contribution to logic, John was distinguished as an ecclesiastical execu- 
tive under successive archbishops of Canterbury, and he underwent 
the ordeal of witnessing the assassination of one of them, his friend 
Thomas a Becket, at the hands of determined opponents of the exer- 
cise of political power by the church. John died in 1 180 at Chartres, 
where he had spent his last four years as bishop of that cathedral. 

16 James Bass Mullinger, The University of Cambridge (Cambridge, 1873-1911), 
l> 342-343- 

17 Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic, p. 156. For a detailed digest of the Metalogicon, see 
this same source, pp. 158-172; see also Atkins, The Medieval Phase> pp. 59-90. The 
Metalogicon was completed in 1159. The best edition is that of Clement C. J. Webb, 
Joannis Saresberiensis E-piscO'pi CarnoUnsis Metalogicon^ Libri 1 1 II (Oxford, 1929). The 
work is also in Migne, Patrologia Latina y cxcix, 82,3-946. 

18 Thus S. Harrison Thomson in a review of Webb's edition of the Metalogicon in 
S-peculwn, v (January 1930), 133. 

19 For a good brief sketch of his life, see Dictionary of National Biografhy^ s.v. John 
of Salisbury. 

20 This work is printed in Migne, Patrologia Latina> CLXXXVm, 1257-1270. For a 
brief account of the author, see Biogra*phie Universelle, s.v. Gilbert de la Porree. 

21 For a brief indication of John's indebtedness to Hugh, see Baldwin, Medieval 
Rhetoric and Poetic^ p. 156, note 16. For a sketch of Hugh's life, see Biografhie Uni- 

ffy s.v. Hugues de Saint-Victor. 

[ 38 ] 


The next century produced Alexander of Hales, an English phi- 
losopher who was later considered to be important enough in the his- 
tory of logic to be called the father of the scholastics. 22 His great 
work, the Summa Theologiae^ completed after his death by his col- 
leagues in the Franciscan order, shows his knowledge of the Arab 
interpreters of Aristotle, but is not primarily a treatise in our present 
field. His contemporary, Edmund Rich, who became archbishop of 
Canterbury and later was canonized as St. Edmund, has a stronger 
connection with English logic of the thirteenth century 5 in fact, he 
is said to have been "the first to expound the Sophistici Elenchi at 
Oxford." 28 Rich's pupil, Robert Grosseteste, bishop of Lincoln, and 
first chancellor of Oxford, also expounded parts of Aristotle's 
Organon at that university, and left behind commentaries on The 
Categories^ The Sophistical Elenchi, and The Posterior Analytics^ 
the last of which was published at Naples perhaps as early as 1473, 
and at Venice on several occasions later in the same century. 2 * 

But for the great thirteenth-century work on logic, we must turn, 
not to an English author, but to a Frenchman, Vincent of Beauvais, 
and to his vast encyclopaedia, the Speculum Majus, thought to have 
been completed around 1250. One of the three divisions of the orig- 
inal Speculum Majus is the Speculum Doctrinale^ and Book IV of 
the latter is devoted to logic, rhetoric, and poetics, logic being given 
98 chapters, rhetoric 10, and poetics 23. 25 Vincent's method is to 

22 Alexander is given this title in the early seventeenth century by Robert Sanderson, 
Logicae Artis C 'ompendivm (Oxford, 1618), p. 119. 

23 See John Edwin Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship^ 3rd edn. (Cambridge, 

19*0, *j 574> 59 2 - 

24 Ibtd^ pp. 575-576. Grosseteste's Latin text of The Posterior Analytics and his com- 
mentary thereon, as published at Naples between 1473 and 1478 by Sixtus Riessinger, 
was accompanied by the following treatises, all in Latin: i) Porphyry's Isagoge^ with 
the commentary of Boethiusj 2) Aristotle's The Categories^ also with the commentary 
of Boethiusj 3) Gilbert de la Porree's Liber de Sex Printi-piis^ with the commentary of 
Albertus Magnus 5 and 4) Aristotle's On Interpretation* A copy of this work is in the 
Huntington Library. 

Grosseteste is identified in the table of contents at the beginning of this volume as 
follows: "Posterior editio de Analecticis Anstotelis & interpretatio Linconiensis viri 
summi." He is identified in much the same way at the head of his text of Aristotle and 
in a Latin quatrain before the text begins; also in much the same way at the end of the 
text. Anthony a Wood, History and Antiquities of Oxford, ed. Gutch, I, 199, attributes 
this spelling of Grosseteste's name to the mistake that a foreigner would make with the 
Latin form of Lincoln. Wood notes just before that most authors call Grosseteste "Lin- 
colniensis" without any additional explanation. 

26 My analysis of the Speculum Doctrinale is based upon two fifteenth-century edi- 
tions, one believed to have been done at Strasbourg by the R-printer about 147*) and 
the other known to have been done at Nuremberg by Anton Koberger in 1486. Copies 
of both of these editions are in the Huntington Library, The two are alike in respect to 
division of subject matter into books and chapters, and in respect to text. The edition 

[ 39 ] 


quote excerpts from the writers considered by him to have pre- 
eminent authority in these three fields, and to arrange the excerpts in 
a continuous and comprehensive discussion, so that each field is 
represented by its best subject matter and its ablest spokesmen. Now 
and then Vincent departs from this routine by adding a chapter or 
paragraph of his own composing. His treatment of poetics in the com- 
pany of logic and rhetoric is his way of indicating that he is following 
Al-Farabi, Arab commentator on Aristotle, in respect to the classifi- 
cation of poetic theory as the last of the parts of logic. In fact, Vincent 
quotes Al-Farabi's Liber de Divisione Scientiarum to this effect at 
the beginning of his account of the poetical art. 26 Alcuin, as we have 
seen, thought of dialectic and rhetoric as the two parts of logic, and 
John of Salisbury extended this simple classification to include also 
within logical theory the discipline of grammar, with poetics as one 
of its aspects. 27 Thus Vincent merely adds the authority of Al-Farabi 
to this established trend in logical theory. His discussion of poetics as 
the last part of logic will not seem completely antique today if we 
remember that poetics in his time and later was considered to be that 
part of the theory of communication which dealt with veiled dis- 
course, whereas rhetoric and logic completed the theory of communi- 
cation by dealing respectively with the open and the closed discourse. 
Vincents treatment of logic is in the full scholastic tradition. After 
five chapters of preliminary comment on the purposes and parts of 
this science, he selects as his headings such customary topics as the 
predicables, the categories, propositions, syllogism, induction, places 
of dialectic, demonstration, dialectical proof, problems, definition, 
division, and fallacies. His primary authority is Aristotle. He quotes 
Latinized passages from each one of the six works of the Organon: 
The Categories, On Interpretation, The Prior Analytics, The Pos- 
terior Analytics, The Topics, and The Sophistical Elenchi. He also 
quotes now and -then from Aristotle's other works. He makes no 
secret of the origin of these quotations, taking care at the beginning 
or in the course of each chapter to indicate by Latin title the Aris- 
totelian work upon which he depends at that point. Wherever the 

published at Douai in 1624 puts the discussion of logic, rhetoric, and poetics into Book 
ill instead of Book iv$ see Baldwin, Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic y pp. 174-175. For 
a brief outline of the Douai text of the entire Speculum Majus^ see The Encyclopaedia 
Britennica^ nth edn., s.v. Vincent of Beauvais. 

^S-peculum Doctrinale [Strasbourg, 14?*], Bk. iv, Ch. 109. For a translation of a 
large part of this chapter, see Baldwin, Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic^ pp. 175-176. 

27 For John's classification of the disciplines in the Trivium, see the convenient table 
in Baldwin, Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic^ p. 157. 

[ 40 ] 


source is someone else, he indicates as much, and these indications 
involve names which we have encountered before. For example, he 
quotes passages from Isidore's Etymologize, Richard of St. Victor's 
Excerftionum, Al-Farabi's Liber de Divisions Scientiarum^ Boethius's 
De Differentiis Torpids and Liber de Divisions, Porphyry's Isagoge, 
Gilbert de la Porree's Liber de Sex Principiis, and Themistius's 
Paraphrases of Aristotle, with Isidore, Boethius, and Gilbert being 
cited most often. 

One theme to appear not only in Vincent's scholastic logic but also 
in the logic which Ramus produced three hundred years later as a 
protest against scholasticism is that of Aristotle's three laws. Vincent 
devotes Chapter 53 of his treatise on logic to these three laws, which 
he calls "that which concerns all," "that which is through itself," 
and "that which is universal." Vincent's Latin terms for these laws 
appear as the title to that chapter: "De hoc qd' est de 01 & p se & 
vniuersale." His previous chapter consists of passages located by him 
"in li. posterio [rum]," that is, in Aristotle's The Posterior Analytics, 
and the same source, although not specifically cited, provides him 
with all the passages that make up Chapter 53. As the three laws 
occur in The Posterior Analytics, they are indications of the nature 
of propositions which befit the necessary demonstrations of science. 28 
Aristotle's view is that truly scientific propositions can be recognized 
by three characteristics, and must possess these characteristics. Vin- 
cent takes the same view. But his explanation of them is a condensa- 
tion of Aristotle, and Aristotle is so elliptical at this point that his 
chapter on the three characteristics is one of the most difficult in the 
entire Organon. Thus my present rationalization of these character- 
istics, or laws, is to be accepted, not as a final statement of Aristotle's 
meaning, but as an attempt to arrange his obscure clues into a pat- 
tern that best seems to interpret them. 

The first law, called "de omni" by Vincent and other Latin com- 
mentators on Aristotle, appears to indicate that the predicate of the 
strictly scientific proposition must be true of every case of the subject. 
Aristotle's illustrations of this law are incomplete, and Vincent's still 
more so. But the language of both suggests that a proposition violates 

28 See Aristotle, The Posterior Analytics, Bk. i, Ch. 4. Owen's translation of this chap- 
ter in his Organon, or Logical Treatises, of Aristotle, i, 253-156, has some helpful com- 
mentary upon the meaning of Aristotle's three phrases, that is, of "TO /caret irwrbs" as 
the equivalent of "de omni," "T Ka6' atiro" as the equivalent of "per se" and "TO 
leatfoXou" as the equivalent of "universale." See also G. R. G. Mure's clear translation 
of this difficult chapter in The Works of Aristotle, ed. Ross, I, 73 a -;4 a . 


this first law when the subject and predicate belong together m some 
instances but not in others. For example, if we say that any three- 
sided figure having angles equal to two right angles is an ^isosceles 
triangle, our proposition violates this first law, not by giving an 
isosceles triangle three sides, or three angles equal to two right angles, 
but by failing to place within the subject something which must al- 
ways be there if that subject is to be true of every case of isosceles 
triangle. The additional something is that two of its sides must be 
equal. Thus the subject (three-sided figure having angles equal to 
two right angles) and the predicate (isosceles triangle) belong to- 
gether, but not in every case not, for example, in the case where 
three sides are equal, or in the case where the three sides are unequal, 
for in those cases, our triangle is not an isosceles. 

The second law, called "per se" in Latin versions of Aristotle, as 
in the version followed by Vincent, appears to mean that the predicate 
of a strict logical proposition must be harmonious within itself no 
less than harmonious with its subject. Aristotle discusses this law by 
oblique indications. Thus Vincent's excerpts from him are not con- 
ducive to an understanding of the original text. What appears to be 
meant is that a proposition fails to conform to this second law when 
its predicate postulates among its own parts a harmony that does not 
really exist or a disharmony that is contrary to fact. For example, 
if we say that any number is either odd or prime, our predicate deals 
with two essential attributes of number, and thus is satisfactory to 
that extent, but it deals with them unharmoniously, inasmuch as the 
attribute of oddness and the attribute of primeness cannot be defined 
in terms of each other. Odd can be defined in terms of even j prime 
in terms of composite. Only when the attributes in a predicate stand 
in such opposition to each other that one excludes the other, as odd 
excludes even, can we postulate opposition between them in refer- 
ence to the subject to which they belong. 

The third law, called "universale" by Aristotle's Latin commen- 
tators and by Vincent, appears to mean that the predicate of any 
strictly logical proposition must belong to its subject in a proximate 
as opposed to a remote relation. Thus if we say that any linear struc- 
ture having angles equal to two right angles is. a geometrical figure, 
our predicate applies to our subject, not in a proximate but in a re- 
mote sense, as the more general term "figure' 7 includes the more 
specific term "triangle" without regard to those things in the subject 
which make the latter term more strictly applicable than the former. 


Thus Aristotle's three laws, as a description of the nature of the 
propositions we should encounter in strictly scientific literature, as 
for example in mathematical writings, would seem to indicate that a 
logical predicate of a proposition must belong to every instance of its 
subject, must be harmonious within itself, and must represent the 
proximate class of its subject. What Aristotle probably wanted these 
laws to say is that our statements are important, inasmuch as they set 
our minds at work to infer other statements j and that therefore, if 
these latter are not to get completely out of hand, completely at 
variance with reality, we must be very careful about our formulation 
of them and of the original statements that prepared the way for 
them. His three laws are in other words three ways of being careful 
that statements yield no more than they should in the way of in- 
ferences and suggestions. 

Our basic statements, which should be the most sharply scrutinized 
and carefully formulated of all our utterances, constitute in the ag- 
gregate what Aristotle meant by science. Logic was to him the corpus 
of doctrine relating to the process of getting those basic statements 
properly conceived and expressed. In some fields, say geometry, for 
instance, our basic statements could conform to the three laws just 
discussed. But in other fields, like law, politics, and ethics, our state- 
ments could not achieve an exactitude that extended to the utmost 
limits of the three laws, and thus these latter statements had to be 
classed as opinion, not science. To Aristotle, dialectic was the corpus 
of doctrine relating to the process of getting such opinion conceived, 
organized, and expressed. Beyond logic and dialectic were two other 
aspects of argument, called by Aristotle eristic or contentious argu- 
ment, on the one hand, and sophistries or deceitful arguments, on the 
other. The latter of these aspects we would today probably identify 
as the profitable misreasonings of politics or commerce, whereas the 
former are misreasonings employed in seminar or theater or aca- 
demic chair to test hypotheses or display wit or develop skill in the 
processes of debate and controversy. 29 

Vincent's own approach to these matters is as Aristotelian as he 
could make it. Not only does he discuss the three laws by relevant 
quotations from. The Posterior Analytics^ as we have observed; he 
also places just before that discussion a series of quotations from 

29 For Aristotle's enumeration of these four types of argument, see The Topics^ Bk. l> 
Ch. i. The translation by W, A. Packard-Cambridge in Vol. I of The Works of Aristotle^ 
ed. Ross, is particularly good. 

[ 43 ] 


Aristotle's Topics on the subject of logical demonstration, dialec- 
tical reasoning, contentious argument, and false syllogisms, thereby 
establishing an Aristotelian basis for the last forty-seven chapters of 
his logic. 80 Moreover, immediately after his recognition of the four 
types of argument, and immediately before his discussion of the three 
laws, he quotes (Chapter 52) from The Posterior Analytics^ as I 
noted earlier, and arranges these quotations to constitute an explana- 
tion of logical demonstration and its materials, as contrasted with the 
three other types of proof or argument. 

The period in which Vincent produced his Speculum Majus is also 
the period of Roger Bacon's Opus Majus. This latter work, says 
Whewell in an oft-quoted passage, "may be considered as, at the 
same time, the Encyclopedia and the Novum Organon of the thir- 
teenth century." 31 These words do not exaggerate the importance of 
the Opus Majus as a summary of learning and a vision of things to 
come in the history of science. For many reasons, as Burke has ob- 
served, "the O-pus Majus must ever remain one of the few truly 
great works of human genius." 33 Judgments as complimentary as 
these should not blind us to the fact, however, that the Opus Majus 
does not rank with Vincent's Speculum Doctrinale as a contribution 
to logical theory or as an influence upon the scholastic logicians of 
the Renaissance. Indeed, Bacon^s brief account of logic, showing his 
grasp of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics and Categories, showing also 
his insight into the commentary of Averroes upon Aristotle, and into 
Al-Farabi's Liber de Divisione Scientiarum, is dedicated, not to the 
exposition of logical theory, but to the argument that "the whole 
excellence of logic depends on mathematics." 38 It is not surprising, 
therefore, that the Opus Majus devotes to mathematics the space 
ordinarily reserved in such treatises to logical theorizing. Moreover, 
the Opus Majus was not given a printed edition until 1733, whereas 
Vincent's Speculum Doctrinale appeared several times at the earliest 
printing presses of Europe, and was known during the late fifteenth 

30 See Speculum Doctrinale, Bk. IV, Ch. 51. This chapter, as Vincent indicates, de- 
pends upon Aristotle, "in thopicis," that is, upon The. Topics, Bk. i, Ch. i. 

81 William Whewell, History of The Inductive Sciences^ $rd edn. (London, 1857), I, 
368. The sense of Whewell's statement is quoted by Sandys, History of Classical Schol- 
arship i, 590, and by R. Adamson in the account of Roger Bacon in the Dictionary of 
National Biography. 

32 Robert Belle Burke, The O$us Majus of Roger Bacon A Translation (Philadelphia, 
1928)^1, xii. 

38 Ibid. y i, 120. Bacon's account of logic covers the two and a half pages that precede 
this quotation in Burke's translation, whereas the account of mathematics covers three 
hundred following pages. 

[ 44 ] 


century wherever printed books were collected. By a strange mis- 
carriage of justice, those earliest presses were meanwhile publishing 
only those works of Roger Bacon that had about them the aura of 
sorcery and black magic. Thus his popular reputation, as shown to- 
wards the end of the sixteenth century in Robert Greene's successful 
drama, Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, is that of an alchemist rather 
than that of a prophet or philosopher. 

Robert Grosseteste's commentary on The Posterior Analytics of 
Aristotle, which has already been mentioned as having appeared in 
print at Naples perhaps as early as 1473, deserves to be called the 
first treatise on logic by an Englishman in the history of printed 
books. Vincent's Speculum IDoctrinale no doubt preceded it in print 
by at least a year, but Vincent does not belong, of course, in the cata- 
logue of English logicians, except as an influence from without. 84 
Grosseteste's little work on logic, and Vincent's more considerable 
one, had both appeared in first editions before the introduction of 
printing into England by Caxton in 1476. The first Latin logic by 
an Englishman to be printed at an English press is Roger Swines- 
head's Tractatus Logici^ believed to have been produced by Theo- 
doric Rood at the first printing press at Oxford in I483- 35 Swines- 
head, a shadowy figure in English logic, whose last name is often 
given as Swiset or Suiseth, and whose first name is sometimes made 
Richard rather than Roger,.was a fellow of Merton College, Oxford, 
and flourished in the second quarter of the fourteenth century, as an 
associate of a group of Merton scholars particularly interested in 
mathematics, astronomy, and logical disputation. 36 In the same year 
in which Swineshead's Tractatus Logici was published, another Latin 
treatise on the same subject, the Scri^ptum su^er Libros Veteros 
Logice, by Antonius Andreae, of the Franciscan order, appeared at 

34 The earliest edition of the S-peculum Doctrinale is acknowledged to be that at 
Strasbourg around 1472. See above, p. 39, note 25. 

85 I havle not seen a copy of this work. For bibliographical descriptions of it, see 
Falconer Aladan, Oxford Books (Oxford, 1895-1931), i, 35 also E. Gordon Duff, 
Fifteenth Century English Books ([Oxford], 1917), p. 78. The volume contains 19 
treatises, each with the word "Tractatus" in the title, the whole being- "strung- together 
to form a systematic work on Logic," says Madan. These facts would seem to suggest 
that Tractatus Logici ought to be the proper bibliographical title of the work, rather 
than the English Logic preferred by Madan and DufT. The seventeenth treatise is signed, 
"Et sic fmiuntur insolubilia sxvynishede," but, says Madan, "he was probably only the 
author of that part." The entire nineteen treatises in this volume, including one called 
Topics, are however, ascribed to Swineshead by Anthony a Wood, History and An* 
tiquities of Oxford^ ed. Gutch, I, 4.19. 

38 See F. M. Powicke, The Medieval Books of Merton College (Oxford, 1931), 
pp. 25, 26, 27. See also Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Swineshead, Richard. 

r 45 i 


St. Albans. 87 Andreae, known otherwise for the disarming and per- 
suasive way in which he explained the doctrines of his master, Jo- 
hannes Duns Scotus, was by birth a Spaniard and by date a member 
of the generation between Grosseteste and Vincent, on the one side, 
and Swineshead, on the other. 38 Thus the earliest Latin logic printed 
anywhere from an English author, the earliest Latin logic printed in 
England from a foreign author, and the earliest Latin logic printed 
in England from an English author, all represented the thinking of 
the period between the middle years of the thirteenth and the middle 
years of the fourteenth centuries, and all were first published as the 
fifteenth century was drawing to its remarkable end. 

While these events were occurring one by one, a development of 
high promise but of small intrinsic value took place in English 
logical theory. This development constituted the first printed at- 
tempts to transmit logical doctrine through the medium of native 
English speech. Thomas Wilson, as has been said, is the author of the 
first logic in English 5 but seventy years before he published the 
Rule of Reason, logic delivered herself of two brief English 
speeches, both of which were designed rather to awaken interest in 
herself than to develop her doctrine in a systematic way. These 
speeches are usually assigned to the year 1480 or 1481 as their date 
of publication. One is in verse and the other in prose. Let us look 
briefly at each. 

No doubt the first in point of time is that contained in the rambling 
allegorical poem, De Curia Sa$iencie y now better known as The 
Court of Sapience, which was published at Caxton's famous press in 
Westminster perhaps in 1480, perhaps in I48i. 39 The poem recounts 

87 I have not seen the St, Albans edition of this work. But it is apparently a slight 
abridgment of the edition published at Venice in 1477 and 14,80, the latter of which I 
have seen in the copy at the Hunting-ton Library. The Venice edition of 1480 contains 
the following treatises: Serif turn super Ubrutn Porphirii; Scriptum super librum pre- 
dicamentoruui Aristotelis} Scriptum super librum sex principiorum ; Scriptum super Itbros 
pyermeniaS} Scriptum super Ubrutn dwisionum Boecii. The St. Albans edition, as de- 
scribed by Duff, Fifteenth Century English Books y p. 7, ends with the words, "Explicit 
scriptu Antonii in sua logica veneciis correctum." Immediately before these final words 
is a passage which falls, not on the last page of the Venice edition of 1480, but on the 
last page but three. Thus the Venice edition of 1480 contains at this point some matter 
not found in the St. Albans edition. This Venice edition also contains at the beginning 
about two pages of text which the St. Albans edition omits. Later issues of this work 
appeared at Venice in i4gz, 1496, 1508, 1509, and 1517. 

38 Grosseteste died in 1*53, Vincent in 1264, Swineshead about a century later. Andreae 
flourished in the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries 5 see Nouvelle Biographic 
Generate^ s.v. Andres, Antoine. 

38 The poem is in English, although its first edition is customarily listed under the 
Latin title, De Curia Sapiencie. It is attributed by Stephen Hawes to John Lydgate. ee 

[ 46] 


the adventures of the poet in forsaking the world and entering upon 
the contemplative life. The episode of chief concern to the present 
discussion is that in which the poet visits the castle of sapience and 
encounters the seven ladies, symbolizing the seven liberal arts. The 
second of these ladies is "Dame Dialetica." Although we meet her 
as a person, we are informed in a kind of stage direction as we ap- 
proach her parlor that a "breuis tractatus de Dialetica" is about to 
begin. This brief treatise occupies seven stanzas, each of seven lines, 
and its chief interest for us is that it mentions the terms used by 
Dame Dialetica in teaching her art to her own clerks and scholars. 40 
We are informed that "latyne was hyr langage," and indeed her 
parlor is decorated with such argumentative formulas as "differt," 
"scire," and "incipit," while her pupils often chorus "Tu es asinus." 
But the poet describes her subject matter in English terms, and per- 
haps his is the earliest attempt to give his countrymen a taste of the 
printed English vocabulary of logic. Thus "quatkyn," "proposicion," 
"diuisioun," "subiect," "couple," "predicate," "subalterne," "con- 
tradiccion," "Equipollens," "conuersioun," "Silogismes," "sophyms," 
"vniuersals," "predicamentes," "topykes," "principals," "Elynkes," 
are the important words he mentions, 41 and these, awkward or fa- 
miliar as they may now seem to be in relation to our established 
idiom, were in their time a novel experiment. 

At about the time of the appearance of The Court of Science in 
its earliest edition, the first encyclopaedia in English, the Mirrour of 
the World or thymage of the same^ came also from Caxton's press. 
This work represents Caxton's own translation of a French prose 
work, Sensuit le livre de clergie nomme lymage du monde^ compiled 
around 1245 by a Frenchman now identified as Gossouin. 42 Caxton's 

his The Pastime of Pleasure, ed. William Edward Mead, Early English Text Society, 
Original Series, No. 173 (London, 1928 [for 1927]), p. 56, line 1357. The second 
edition, titled The Courts of Sapyence^ appeared at London in 1510. The only modern 
edition, The Court of Sapience Spat-Mittelenglisches Allegorisch-Didaktisches Vision- 
gedicht, ed. Dr. Robert Spindler, in Beitrage zur Englischen Philologie, vi (Leipzig, 
*9*7)j is the basis of my present discussion and contains (pp. 97-114.) a survey of the 
question of authorship of the poem. 

40 See Spindler, pp. 196-198 [stanzas 264-270]. 

41 Judging by the variant reading given for line 1872 by Spindler, I suggest that 
"principals" refers to Gilbert de la Porree's Liber de Sex Principiis. "Predicamentes," 
"topykes," and "Elynkes," refer of course to Aristotle's Categories, Topics^ and The 
Sophistical Elenchi. The other terms are all to be located in these treatises or elsewhere 
in the Organon. For additional information about the origin of these stanzas on logic, 
see Curt Ferdinand Buhler, The Sources of the Court of Sapience, Beitrage zur Eng- 
lischen Philologie, xxni (1932), pp. 71-74. 

42 For details regarding publication date, source, composition date, and authorship of 

[ 47 1 


Mirrour gives an English account of the seven sciences, the entire 
chapter on logic being as follows: 

The secode science is logyke whyche is called dyaletyque. This science 
proueth the .pro. and the .contra. That is to saye the verite or trouthe 
and otherwyse. And it preueth wherby shal be knowen the trewe fro 
the fals and the good fro the euyll. So veryly that for the good was 
created heuen and maad And on the contrarye wyse for the euyll was 
helle maad and establisshyd whiche is horrytle stynkyng and re- 
doubtable. 43 

This statement of the moral as well as scientific end of logic is not 
accompanied by any analysis of logical means, any recommendation 
as to logical procedures. The third edition of the Mirrour , published 
by Laurence Andrewe at London in or around 1527, rectifies this 
defect by enlarging the account of logic to 93 lines of text, as con- 
trasted to 13 lines in the edition just quoted, and by offering tech- 
nical definitions and illustrations of such logical instruments as the 
proposition, the argument, definition, and description. 44 Beyond this 
point, however, the English vocabulary of logic did not progress 
until Wilson published his Rule of Reason. 

Along with the interesting attempt in The Court of Sapience to 
render logical terms into English speech and into the still more un- 
accustomed medium of verse, we should here notice an early six- 
teenth-century poem, Stephen Hawes's The Pastime of Pleasure. 
Like The Court before it, The Pastime is a didactic allegory. As 

this work, see Caxton's Mirrour of the World^ ed. Oliver H. Prior, Early English Text 
Society, Extra Series, ex (London, 1913 [for 1912]), pp. v-x. 

43 [William Caxton], Mirrour of the World or thytnage of the same ([Westminster, 
1481]), sig-. C4v. From the Hunting-ton Library photostat of their own original copy. 

44 The third edition is called The myrrour: & dyscrypcyon of the <worlde <with 'many 
meruaylles. Its colophon reads: "Enprynted by me Laurence Andrewe dwellynge in 
etestrete at the sygne of the golde crosse by flete brydge." It bears no date, but is 
assigned tentatively to the year 1527 by the British Museum catalogue. The seven chap- 
ters between Ch. 7 and Ch. 1 3 deal with the seven liberal arts, as had the same chapters 
in the two earlier editions. But, as the following table shows, the edition of 1527 re- 
arranges the order of the seven arts and adds new material to that contained in the 
earlier texts: 

Edition of 1481 Edition 0/1527? 

Ch. 7 (On grammar) 21 lines Ch. 7 (On grammar) 72 lines 

Ch. 8 (On logic) 13 lines Ch. 8 (On rhetoric) 84. lines 

Ch. 9 (On rhetoric) 23 lines Ch. 9 (On logic) 93 lines 

Ch. 10 (On arithmetic) 23 lines Ch. 10 (On geometry) 166 lines 

Ch. ii (On geometry) 14 lines Ch. n (On arithmetic) 273 lines 

Ch. iz (On music) 41 lines Ch. 12 (On music) 71 lines 

Ch. 13 (On astronomy) 115 lines Ch. 13 (On astronomy) 138 lines 

[ 48 ] 


critics have pointed out, it represents a course of training in the seven 
liberal arts as the proper preparation for the life of an ideal knight 
and as a necessary step in winning a fair lady of higher degree than 
the suitor. 45 Although its account of rhetoric is of more interest his- 
torically and otherwise than is its account of logic, the latter deserves 
mention as a continuation of Caxton's emphasis upon the moral end 
of this science upon its relevance to the quest for salvation. The 
lady who dwells in the bright chamber of logic summarizes the vir- 
tues of her science in these words: 

So by logyke is good perceyueraunce 

To deuyde the good and the euyll a sondre 

It is alway at mannes pleasaunce 

To take the good and cast the euyll vnder 

Yf god made hell it is therof no wonder 

For to punysshe man that hadde intellygence 

To knowe good from yll by trewe experyence. 46 

There are five other stanzas like this, each having seven lines, and 
each being devoted in part or wholly to the praise of logic as the 
science of discerning, by argumentation grounded on reason, who are 
friends or foes, and what is false or true, right or wrong, in this 
wretched world. These stanzas are part of the defective first edition 
of The Pastime^ as published by Wynkyn de Worde at London in 
1 509 j and of course they figure in the improved editions published 
in 1517, I554j and I555- 47 Thus they were available for a half- 
century as a reminder to readers that learning in logic is conducive to 
the good life and to success in love. 

That same half-century not only produced Wilson's Rule of Rea- 
son as the first fully developed vernacular logic j it also produced 
John Seton's Dialectic^ the first Latin textbook on logic to be pub- 
lished in England, and the first response in English logical theory 
to the enormously popular sixteenth-century continental work, Ru- 
dolph Agricola's De Iwventione Dialectics. Agricola has been pre- 
viously mentioned as a logician of the fifteenth century, and his De 
Inventions Dialectica as a work which gave wide currency to ancient 

45 See The Pastime of Pleasure ', ed. Mead, p. xliii. For a discussion of the relation of 
The Court of Salience to The Pastime 'of Pleasure, see Whitney Wells, "Stephen Hawes 
and The Court of Salience" The Review of English Studies^ VI (1930), 284-294. 

46 The Pastime of Pleasure^ ed. Mead, p. 29 [lines 631-637]. 

47 A discussion of all editions of this poem will be found in Mead's reprint, pp. xxix- 
xli. See his first note, p. xxx, for a precise indication of the missing lines in the 1509 

[ 49 ] 


theory that the two parts of dialectic are invention and disposition/ 8 
Speaking of Agricola's influence at Cambridge in the period before 
1545, Mullinger says that "his treatise on logic became a text-book 
in our own university," 49 As for the European attitude towards De 
Inventione Dialectic^ Mullinger is quite right in remarking that the 
treatise "appears to have been one of the most popular of the two 
or three manuals that, up to the time of Seton, superseded for a 
time the purely scholastic logic." 50 

John Seton was educated at St. John's College, Cambridge, where 
he earned the degree of bachelor of arts in 1528 and that of master 
of arts in 1532, and where he served an appointment as fellow, dur- 
ing which time he taught philosophy. Later he studied divinity, and 
was awarded his doctorate in that subject at Cambridge in 1544. A 
Roman Catholic, he held several ecclesiastical posts for the next 
decade, but he eventually left England as a result of the religious 
troubles of the period between the death of Henry VIII and the 
early days of Elizabeth^ reign. He died at Rome in 1567. His 
Dialectica was first published in 1545. According to his biographer, 
Thompson Cooper, "this work was extensively circulated in manu- 
script among students long before it appeared in print, and for nearly 
a century it was recognized as the standard treatise on logic." 51 The 
popularity of the Dialectics was due in large part, however, to Peter 
Carter, also a graduate of St. John's, Cambridge, who brought out 
In Johannis Setoni Dialecticam Annotationes at London in the fif- 
teen-sixties, 52 and whose Dialectica loannis Setoni Cantabrigiensis> 
aimotatlonibus Petri Carteri, as published at London in 1572 and 
many times thereafter, kept Seton's logical doctrine alive for the next 
seventy years. 53 My present discussion of Seton's Dialectica is based 
upon the popular text as edited and annotated by Carter, 8 * since this 
joint work is in point of influence superior to its predecessor. 

48 See above, p. 1 6* 

* 9 Mullinger, University of Cambridge^ I, 410. 

Ibid., 1,4 1 3- 

51 Dictionary of National Biograf&y, s.v. Seton, John. 

52 In 1563, according to the Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Carter, Peter. 
The work is entered in the Stationers 1 Registers during the year 1562-1563; see Edward 
Arber, A Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers (London and Bir- 
mingham, 1875-1894), I, 208. A copy dated London, 1568, is held at the library of 
Trinity College, Dublin. 

58 After the London edition of 1572, the Dialectica of Seton and Carter appeared in 
*574 I577> 1584-1 I6n s 1617, 1631* 1639- 

B * The title page of the edition I cite throughout my present discussion reads : "Dia- 
lectica loannis Setoni Cantabrigiensis, annotationibus Petri Carteri, vt clarissimis ita 

[ 50 ] 


The Dialectica is divided into four sections or books, the first three 
of which deal with judgment or disposition as a main part of logic, 
whereas the final section deals with invention as the other main part. 
The reason for this disproportionate emphasis upon disposition, as 
stated in words clearly attributed by Carter to Seton, is that Agricola 
had treated invention with fulness and fluency, and that Seton him- 
self would therefore undertake to speak of what remained. 55 Carter 
elaborates this position by saying that Seton had largely confined 
his work to disposition on the theory that dialectic chiefly treats that 
subject 56 a theory, by the way, which Cicero had attributed to the 
Stoics and had himself rejected. 57 To Carter, the practice of empha- 
sizing disposition more than invention apparently seems justified, 
because he makes no attempt to change Seton's original decision to 
give only the last of his four main sections to the latter subject. But 
Carter does recognize in his annotations that invention is prior to dis- 
position in the order of nature, as matter is prior to form, and hie 
credits this sentiment to Boethius. 68 

As for the relation of dialectic to rhetoric and to logic, Carter ad- 
heres to traditional scholastic views. Zeno's ancient metaphor is in 
his mind if not in his exact words when he says : "Dialectic is the art 
of disputing, Rhetoric the art of speaking, the latter being more 
copious, the former, more 'compressed." 59 Thus both arts bear a rela- 
tion to the parent discipline of logic, although Carter stresses only 
the connection between logic and dialectic, and disposes them to- 
wards each other as whole to part* 60 This opinion, which he attributes 

breuissimis explicata. Hvic Accessit, ob Artium ingenuarum inter se cognationem, Gui- 
lielmi Buclaei Arithmetica. Londini, Excudebant Gerardus Dewes & Henricus Marsh, ex 
assignatione Thomae Marsh. Anno Salutis. 1584. Cvm Privilegio." In this edition, 
which I consulted at the Huntington Library, Seton's text is distinguished from Carter's 
notes by printed marginal indications, "Seton" designating the former, and "Car." the 

55 The text reads at this point: "Dialectica est artificium, docens de quauis materia 
probabiliter disserere, hanc in duas secant partes, nimirum, inueniendi & iudicandi de 
priori diligenter & satis copiose scripsit Rhodulphus: de altero vero nos (volente Deo) 
dicere aggrediemur." (sig. Air.) This section is designated in the margin as Seton's. 
Carter's name does not appear until sig. A3r, where a heading announces for the first 
time the presence of his annotations. 

56 Says Carter, sig. AST: "Setonus inscripsit librum suum de iudicio, quia praecipue 
earn Dialectices partexn tractat." 

57 Topica, 6-7. See also above, p. 15. 

58 Sig. A 3 r. 

59 Sig. A3v. The text reads: "Ars disserendi Dialectica est, ars dicendi Rhetorica est: 
haec enim latior est, ilia est strictior." Translation mine here and below. 

eo Sig. ASV. The text: "Dialectica affecta est ad Logicam, tanquam pars ad totum. 
Coelius secundus." "Coelius secundus" refers to Coelius Secundus Curio or Curion (5503- 

[ 51 ] 


to Coelius Secundus Curio, might as handily have been attributed to 
Alcuin, or to Isidore, among others. 61 It represents, of course, a view 
unlike that of Wilson, who thought of dialectic and logic as identi- 
cal. 63 But nevertheless it has deep roots in scholastic logic, and it was 
not one of the opinions which seemed to matter much one way or the 
other in the early sixteenth century. 

As Seton and Carter proceed with their four books of doctrine, 
they follow a scheme suggested by the conventional arrangement of 
the various treatises in Aristotle's Organon. Thus Book I deals with 
the simplest ingredients of learned discourse, that is, with terms, and 
these require as the chief points of emphasis a discussion of the five 
predicables and the ten categories. It will be recalled at this point 
that the ten categories are the subject of the treatise ordinarily placed 
first in the Organon^ and that Porphyry's Isagoge, as an introduction 
to that first treatise, gave special currency to the concept of the five 
predicables. Seton and Carter handle these big points of emphasis in 
the style of scholastic logic. What they say of the general difference 
between predicable and category is worth quoting, if only to remind 
ourselves that scholastic logic, as the theory of learned discourse, 
considered it important to deal not only with the basic methods of 
reasoning and organization, but also with the -basic vocabulary in 
which all learning was to be expressed. Here are their exact words: 

Concerning the difference in theory between 
arranging words into categories and predicables. 

Words are arranged together in predicables whenever they are being 
examined along with other words. As "virtue" in respect to "man" 
is accident j in respect to "condition," species; in respect to "temper- 
ance," genus. Words are arranged together in categories, whenever 
they are being examined in and for themselves. As "virtue" examined 
without any other regard is quality. 63 

Book II in Seton and Carter's scheme deals with propositions, even 
as De Interfretauone^ conventional second treatise in the 

1569), professor of belles-lettres at Basel, whose Logices Elementorum Libri Quatuor 
(Basel, 1567) is, I assume, the work from which Carter drew these words. But I have 
not been able to check this source. 

61 See above, pp. 34, 36. e2 See above, p. 17. 

ds Si. B8v. The Latin text, headed "De Pr^dicamentis," reads: 

De diuersa ratione collocandarum vocum in praedicamentis, & praedicabilibus. 

Voces collocantur in praedicabilibus, quemadmodum cum aliis considerantur. Vt, virtus 

respectu hominis, accidens est: Respectu habitus, species j respectu temperantiae, genus. 

Voces collocantur in praedicamentis, quemadmodum per se considerantur: vt, virtus 

sine alterius respectu est in qualitate. 

[ 52 ] 


takes up the same subject. The transitional sentence with which Book 
II opens is attributed to Seton himself by his collaborator, and it 
shows that the order of progress through the subject of logic is here 
envisaged as an order of increasing complexity, the proposition being 
a unit composed of simpler elements called terms, and being there- 
fore more difficult to manage than is any one of its components. 64 
The subject matter of Book II is afforded by the analysis of the 
parts of propositions (subject, predicate, copula), the types of propo- 
sitions (categorical and hypothetical), the forms of opposition be- 
tween propositions, the forms of equivalence among propositions, the 
nature of definition and description, and the nature of division. Dis- 
course and its problems are everywhere in the authors' minds. Even 
poetry is given a passing glance in the passage on description. The 
authors say: 

Description is twofold, poetical and dialectical. In poetical description 
the genus 1 is omitted for the most part, and the opposite is done in 
dialectical description. Description sets out a thing appropriately 
that is, it is convertible with the process of delineating. 65 

But redundancies develop. Thus in discussing definition, Seton and 
Carter run through the places to show how definition can be accom- 
plished by recourse to the differentia, the property, the whole, the 
part, the conjugate form, and so on 3 yet in Book IV, where invention 
is discussed, the same places are again the heads of discussion, and 
the same doctrine has to be covered again. 

The subject matter of Book III is argumentation the process of 
combining logical propositions so that a fully articulated act of 
thought, a complete inference or demonstration, is created. This 
aspect of logic is considered in Aristotle's Prior Analytics, it will be 
remembered, and that treatise is usually the third element in the 
Qrganon. To Seton and Carter, dialectic has a special interest in the 
structures of reasoning. "The highest goal of this art," they say, "to 
which everything else in it tends, is argumentation, and we have des- 
tined the third book to the explanation of it." They add: "First, 
therefore, it ought to be shown what argumentation is 5 next, how 

64 See sig. F6v for the beginning of Book II and for the wording of this transitional 

65 Sig. Kir. The Latin text reads at this point: 
Descriptio duplex. Poetica. Dialectica. 

In poetica descriptione maxima ex parte omittitur genus, e contra sit in Dialectica 


Descriptio rem apposite explicat, id est, couertitur cum descriptio. 

[ 53 1 


many basic forms it has 5 and lastly, what are its affiliated types." 66 
Book III follows this tripartite plan. Argumentation is defined as 
reasoning in which specific propositions are laid down and a specific 
conclusion drawn from them. It is a verbal process, to be distin- 
guished from argument, which is not fully verbalized. 67 The basic 
forms of argumentation are enumerated as syllogism, induction, en- 
thymeme, and example. 68 In the discussion of syllogism, a table is 
put in to show what terms were assigned to the members of the syl- 
logism by Aristotle, Cicero, Quintilian, Themistius, Boethius, and 
Agricola, 69 Induction is defined as an act of argument from many 
particulars to one universal, or an act of progression from parts to 
whole. 70 The enthymeme stands as an imperfect syllogism, only one 
of the two premises being given to justify the conclusion, as when it 
is argued that no science is designed without use, and therefore dia- 
lectic is not designed without use. 71 An argument from example is a 
demonstration in which one particular is proved from another on ac- 
count of some resemblance between them, as when we say that the 
touching of moist gypsum or white clay easily induces it to take what- 
ever form you like, and that therefore rude minds are capable of 
every discipline. 72 

As for the affiliated types of argumentation, these are discussed 
here and there during the exposition of the four main types. Perhaps 
chief among the affiliates is the rhetorical syllogism. This is conceived 
as a movement in five distinct parts, first being the statement of the 
major premise, then the citing of proof for it, then the statement of 
the minor premise, then the citing of proof for it, and finally, the 
statement of the conclusion. The explanation and illustration of these 
steps are borrowed by Seton and Carter from Cicero's De Iwven- 
ttone y 1. 33. 58-59. Rhetorical induction is also made an affiliated 
type of argumentation, and it is differentiated from dialectical induc- 
tion as a probable conclusion based upon cases differs from a necessary 
conclusion based upon cases. 74 Still another affiliated type is the 
dilemma, and with it Book III ends. 

ee Sig. Liv. The Latin text reads: "Svmmus hums artis scopus, ad quern omnia diri- 
guntur, est argumentatio. Cui explicande. tertium libru destinauimus. Primum ergo quid 
argumentatio, deinde quotuplex sit, postremo quae ei affinia sunt demonstrandum est," 

87 Sig, L;jr. as Sig. I-3V. 69 Sig. 1-4 v. 

70 Sig. N8v. The Latin definition is: "Inductio est argumentatio a pluribus singularibus 
ad vniuersale: vel a partibus ad totum progression* 

71 Sig. 3 r. 72 Sig. Ojr. Sig. N 5 v. 
74 Sig. Oir. 

[ 54 ] 


Book IV, as indicated earlier, deals with invention, the second 
main part of dialectic, and proceeds to classify, enumerate, and dis- 
cuss all of the places in which argumentative materials could be 
found. This section of dialectical theory depends ultimately, of 
course, upon Aristotle's Topics, usually arranged as the fifth book of 
the Organon. The places are indicated in tabular form by Seton and 
Carter as being divided into two main classes, the internal and the 
external, each of which is further divided and subdivided until 
thirty-three places are ultimately specified. 75 

Seton and Carter's Dialectica is virtually the last maj or document 
in the history of scholastic logic in England, Even as it appeared in 
1572, new influences were beginning to be felt among English logi- 
cians, and the chief of these influences was to be Ramistic logic, al- 
ready on the threshold of being given an English translation and a 
Latin edition for the first time at an English press. This historical 
fact sheds some interesting light upon the complimentary verses 
which Thomas Drant wrote as a preface to Carter's annotations of 
Seton. These verses are a catalogue of the names of famous logicians 
of the past, and of the place of Thomas Wilson, John Seton, and 
Peter Carter on that roll. Ramus is also there, although not in such 
a way as to suggest that his dialectic might one day supplant on Eng- 
lish soil the scholastic logic celebrated by Drant. The verses which 
contain Drant's references to Seton and Carter, Wilson and Ramus, 
run as follows: 

Yet helpful is Ramus, as if he alone were the 

Thrusts he forth grape-clusters joyful, with 

Phoebus smiling the while. 
The force of examples adorns him, as do also 

finiteness and use, 
Art also adorns him, and maxims, and luminous 

Nothing sweet to have tasted in fruits of that 

very rame. 
Our Wilson has spoken in accents of our very 

The Britannic Muse praises him still for his 


Sig-. Pir. 

[ 55 ] 


Nor, Seton, is your labor done in an ignoble 

Nor Carter, is yours: grace lies in both of your 

works. 76 

76 Sig. A/J.V. The Latin text reads : 

Vtilis ast Ramus, quasi solus fructifer esset, 

Protrudit laetos (Phoebo ridente) racemos. 

Hunc exemplorum virtus, hunc finis, & vsus, 

Hunc ars & voces ornant & lucidus ordo, 

Fructibus istius Kami, nil dulcidus esu. 

Wilsonus nostras, nostrati voce locutus 

Claret adhuc nouitate rei, Musaque Britanna: 

Nee (Setone) tuum plane est ignobile factum, 

Nee (Cartere) tuum: decus est vtroque labore. 

The play on the word "ramus," which as a common noun means "branch," "bough," 
"twig-," etc., is not easily rendered into English. The rare English word "rame," mean- 
ing "branch of a tree" is the only possibility I can find for Drant's playful and diffi- 
cult Latin. 

III. Witcraft 

RALPH LEVER'S The Arte of Reason, rightly termed, Witcrajt^ pub- 
lished at London in 1573, has the interesting distinction of being the 
second full-fledged logic in English, the final English logic in the 
tradition of pre-Ramistic scholasticism, and a work which, had things 
turned out a bit differently, might have stood where Wilson's Rule 
of Reason stands as the first complete logic in our language. 1 In view 
of Lever's theory of the proper terminology for English logic, he 
might have changed the whole vocabulary of this science in the Eng- 
lish-speaking world, had his Witcraft preceded Wilson's more con- 
servative work and gained for itself the authority that any original 
effort usually commands. At any rate, my account of scholastic logic 
in England would be incomplete without reference to Lever, and 
would lack some elements of color that only his peculiar approach to 
his subject can impart. Thus to him I now turn in bringing this chap- 
ter to a close. 

Lever's career was parallel to Wilson's in many ways. Both were 
born in the middle years of the decade between 1 520 and 1 530. Both 
were educated at Cambridge, where Wilson attended King's College, 
and Lever, St. John's. Both were undergraduates at about the same 
time, Wilson being awarded his bachelor's degree in arts in 1 545-46, 
and Lever his two years later. The same time interval separated 
them when they both took their master's degree at Cambridge three 
years after their first degree. For a time both were in the service of 
noble families, Wilson as tutor of the sons of the Duchess of Suffolk, 
and Lever as tutor of Walter, first earl of Essex, to whom he later 
dedicated his Witcraft. Both were in exile from England during the 
bitter reign of Mary Tudor. Both had a connection with Durham, 
Lever being appointed canon of that cathedral in 1567, and Wilson 
lay dean in- 1580. Wilson's biographer comments that Ralph Lever 
protested against Wilson's being given this appointment, apparently 
on the ground that the post should have gone to a professional 
churchman. 2 Both men held doctoral degrees, Wilson from Ferrera 

1 The title page reads : "The Arte of Reason, rightly termed, Witcraft, teaching a 
perfect way to argue and dispute. Made by Raphe Leuer. Scene and allowed, according 
to the order appointed in the Queenes Maiesties Iniunctions. Imprinted at London, by 
H. Bynneman, dwelling in Knightrider streate, at the signe o the Mermayde. Anno. 
1573. These Bookes are to be solde at his Shop at the Northwest dore of Paules church." 
My references below are to the Huntington Library photostat of their own copy of this 
work. So far as I know, the 1573 edition is the only one ever made. 

2 Dictionary of National Biogra$hy> s,v. Wilson, Thomas (i525?-i58i). Ralph 
Lever's biography in the same work does not refer to this interesting fact, 

[ 57 ] 


and Lever from Cambridge. As has been said, both wrote complete 
English logics, and were the two first to do so. Finally, both died in 
the first half of the decade between 1580 and 1590, Wilson being 
then famous as privy councillor and secretary of state, whereas^Lever 
was at least of solid standing as holder of successive ecclesiastical 
posts and as master of Sherburn Hospital in Durham. 

There is some reason to believe that Lever became ^ interested in 
the project of writing a logic in English shortly after his undergrad- 
uate days at Cambridge, even as Wilson had done. In the dedicatory 
letter in Witcrafa as he bestows his work upon the earl of Essex, 
Lever says that "Martine Bucer read ouer this arte, in his old^days, 
and renewed in his age, the rules that he learned thereof in his 
youth." 3 This remark appears to place the date of the completion of 
Witcraft sometime in the period between 1549 and X 55i, even 
though the work was not published until more than twenty years 
thereafter. As evidence that Witcraft belongs to this two-year period, 
there is the circumstance of Bucer's having been regius professor of 
divinity at Cambridge between the autumn of 1 549 and the time of 
his death on February 28, 1551, whereas his earlier career had been 
spent on the continent as an advocate of Protestantism and an asso- 
ciate of Luther. So far as Lever is concerned, the same two-year 
period was that in which he held an appointment as fellow of St. 
John's, Cambridge, and worked to complete the studies for his mas- 
ter's degree. Thus this period is the only time when Bucer's path 
could have crossed Lever's in such a way as to make it possible for 
the former to "read ouer" the latter's art of reason. 

As additional evidence that Witcraft belongs to this two-year 
period, there is the circumstance of Lever's endeavoring in "The 
Forespeache" of his work "To proue that the arte of Reasoning may 
be taught in englishe."* Lever's whole discussion of this point appears 
to fit historically into the period before 1551, but not into the period 
that followed. For in 1551, as noted earlier, Wilson's Rule of Rea- 
son was published, and it was popular enough to have had four later 
editions before Lever's Witcraft appeared in print. 6 Now, Lever does 
not refer to the Rule of Reason as an unsatisfactory first step in the 
attempt to teach logic in English. What is more striking, he does 
not mention Wilson's pioneering work anywhere in the preface or 
text of Witcraft^ even though, as I said, Wilson had been an older 
contemporary of his at Cambridge, and had conspicuously succeeded 

3 Witcrafa sig, *$r. * Sig. *4r. B See above, p. 29. 

[ 58 ] 


long before Witcraft was published in accomplishing the very pur- 
pose which Lever himself was attempting. These omissions make it 
difficult to believe that the main body of Witcraft was written after 
Wilson's Rule of Reason was published. Coupled with the reference 
to Bucer's having read the work in his old age, Lever's complete 
silence on the subject of Wilson offers strong proof that Witcraft 
was already in something like final form at the very moment when 
the Rule of Reason captured the honor of being the first logic in 
English. Only an author who has been beaten to the press by a rival 
can fully appreciate what Lever's frustration must have been when 
the Rule of Reason appeared in 1551. But Lever gained second hon- 
ors at least by putting out Witcraft when he did. All he probably 
added to the manuscript Bucer had seen were the dedicatory letter 
and the concluding section of "The Forespeache." This concluding 
section, which ends with the words, "Farewell from Duresme, the 
.24. of Nouember, 1572," contains a spirited denunciation of one 
W. F., who had edited Lever's The Philosopher's Game in 1563 
without Lever's authorization and without respecting Lever's manu- 
script. 7 This denunciation and the dedicatory letter with its reference 
to Lever's period of service as tutor of Essex could not have been 
written before 1563, but everything else in Witcraft could have 
been and undoubtedly was the product of the period between 1549 
and 1551. 

Lever's approach to the task of creating an English logic where 
none as yet existed was ingenious and radical; Most scholars in his 
position would have created an English vocabulary out of the forms 
of the established Latin vocabulary. In fact, Wilson was then doing 
this very thing in preparing his Rule of Reason for the press. Thus 
he was referring to his subject as logic or dialectic, and to its cognate 
subject as rhetoric, as if Latin words could become English almost 

fi Sig. *V. 

7 The Most Noble auncient^ and learned flaye, called the Philosophers game y by Rafe 
Leuer and augmented by W. F. (London, [1563]), is devoted to the description of a 
game called "the battell of numbers" as played on "a doble chesse bord" (sig. Air, 
Aar). "W. F." is identified as William Fulke by Lever's biographer in the Dictionary 
of National Biography \ but he should be identified as William Fullwood, according to 
the better authority of the Huntington Library Catalogue. The Huntington Catalogue, 
s.v. Fullwood, William, points out that the verses on the fifteenth page (which are en- 
titled "The bookes verdicte" and fall on the page preceding the text) are an acrostic, 
with the first letter in each line combining to read "W ILYAM FVLVO D." 
This William Fullwood was the one who published at London in 1568 The Enimie of 
Idleness^ discussed below (pp. 143-145) as one of the early formulary rhetorics in 

[ 59 1 


without change. Thus too he was creating for logic an English vocab- 
ulary made up of such terms as predicables, predicaments, definition, 
proposition, subject, predicate, and so on, where his every term had 
a form derived from its Latin equivalent. But Lever would have 
none of this. In his preface he states a less expected theory regarding 
the problem of an English logic: 

Therefore consider the case as it is: An arte is to be taughte in that 
toung, in whiche it was neuer written afore. Nowe the question lyeth, 
whether it were better to borrowe termes of some other toung, in 
whiche this sayde Arte hath bene written: and by a litle chaunge of 
pronouncing, to seeke to make them Englishe wordes, whiche are 
none in deede: or else of simple vsual wordes, to make compounded 
termes, whose seuerall partes considered alone, are familiar and 
knowne to all english men? 8 

The second of these options is the one chosen by Lever. He believes 
himself to be close to the genius of our language in making this 
choice, as he himself observes: 

As for deuising of newe termes, and compouding of wordes, our 
tongue hath a speciall grace, wherein it excelleth many other, & is 
comparable with the best. The cause is, for that the moste parte of 
Englyshe woordes are shorte, and stande on one sillable a peece. So 
that two or three of them are ofte times fitly ioyned in one. 9 

Thus does Lever expound his theory of an English terminology 
for logic. But even with this theory in mind, the reader is not fully 
prepared for what he finds later in the actual text of Witcraft. He 
finds nothing unexpected in the way of doctrine, to be sure. Lever 
arranges his doctrine into four books, precisely as Seton had done, 
the three first books being devoted to judgment or disposition, and 
the last, to invention. Moreover, in progressing through these two 
grand divisions of logic, Lever goes from simpler to more complex 
units of discourse, speaking in Book I of words, in Book II of propo- 
sitions, in Book III of inductive and deductive arguments, and in 
Book IV of the places or topics. But the reader in assimilating this 
conventional scholastic doctrine finds himself in contact with an 
amazing terminology. Lever's preface contains several anticipations 
of his vocabulary, and one of the best is the passage in which he gives 
his reader a first taste of what is to come. After stating his preference 
for a familiar English vocabulary, he says: 

8 Wttcrafty sig. *5v-*6r. 9 Ibid., sig. *5r-*5v. 

[ 60 ] 


For trial hereof, I wish you to aske of an english man, who vnder- 
standeth neither Greek nor Latin, what he conceiueth in his mind, 
when he heareth this word a backset, and what he doth conceiue when 
he heareth this terme a Predicate. And doubtlesse he must confesse, 
if he consider y matter aright or haue any sharpnesse of wit at al, 
that by a backset, he conceiueth a thing that muste be set after, and 
by a predicate, that he doth vnderstande nothing at all. The like shall 
fall foorth when comparison is made, betwixt any of our new termes 
compounded of true english words, and the inkhorne termes deriued 
of straunge and forain languages. 10 

A preference for "backset" as opposed to "predicate" is a fair 
sample of the prevailing direction of Lever's vocabulary. "Logic" or 
"dialectic" as terms for the subject he is treating disappear in favor 
of "witcraft." "Rhetoric" as a term for the other branch of the theory 
of communication disappears in favor of "speechcrafte." "Astron- 
omy," on the few occasions when it is mentioned, disappears in favor 
of "starcraft." Thus Lever says at one point: "For if it be wel sayd, 
learning is not gotten with ease: it is also well sayd: witcraft is not 
gotten with ease, speechcrafte, starcraft, Physike, lawe, or any other 
kind of learning." 11 In his table of special terms at the end of his 
work, he defines his subject as follows: 

Witcrafte. ... If those names be alwayes accompted the best, which 
doe moste playnly teache the hearer the meanyng of the thyng, that 
they are appoynted to expresse: doubtelesse neyther Logicke, nor 
Dialect can be thought so fit an Englishe worde to expresse and set 
foorth the Arte of reason by, as Witcraft is, seeing that Wit in oure 
mother toung is oft taken for reason: and crafte is the aunciente 
English woorde, whereby wee haue vsed to expresse an Arte: whiche 
two wordes knit together in Witcrafte, doe signifie the Arte that 
teacheth witte and reason. 12 

This principle is everywhere in evidence. Thus, for "category" 
Lever has "storehouse" 5 for "proposition," "saying"; for "declara- 
tive proposition," "shewsay"; for "definition," "saywhat"; for "af- 
firmation," "yeasay"; for "negation," "naysay"} for "induction," 
"reason by example" j for "deduction," "reason by rule"j for "prem- 
ise," "foresaye"$ and for "conclusion," "endsay." 

A final example will show how strange this language is today, 
despite its origin in simple English words. Here is a rule covering 
the relation of the elements in a logical proposition to each other: 

10 Ibid.> sig. *6r. Ibid., p. 150. 12 Ibid., pp. 138-239. 

[ 61 ] 


If the backset be sayd of the foreset, and be neyther his sayewhat, 
propretie, nor difference: then it is an Inbeer. For that we count an 
Inbeer, which being in a thing, is neyther his saywhat, propretie, 
kinde, nor difference. 13 

When there was no established vocabulary for English logic, this 
rule would doubtless have sounded as unfamiliar in a Latinized Eng- 
lish as in Lever's Saxon English. But today Lever's English is al- 
most completely unintelligible, and would have to be turned into the 
very inkhorn terms he despised in order to yield its meaning. What 
he is saying is this: 

If the predicate is said of the subject, and is neither the definition, 
the property, nor the differentia, of the subject, then it is an accident. 
For that we count as accident, which being in a thing, is neither that 
thing's definition, property, genus, nor differentia. 

Like the other logicians in the scholastic tradition, Lever follows 
Aristotle as his ultimate authority. Unlike many of them, Lever is 
explicit on this point. He says in his preface: 

Now to let euerie writer haue his deserued praise, I confesse (to them 
that desire to knowe whom I folow) that in my three firste bookes, I 
onely folow Aristotle: both for matter, & also for order. 14 

Aristotle, he adds, far surpasses all profane writers in the truth of 
his substance and the plainness of his manner. Who these profane 
writers are, Lever does not say. But he describes them in general 
terms as follows: 

As for Ciceronians & suger tongued fellowes, which labour more for 
finenes of speach, then for knowledge of good matter, they oft speake 
much to small purpose, and shaking foorth a number of choise words, 
and picked sentences 3 they hinder good learning, wyth their fond 

As for Lever's authority in the final book of Witcraft, he con- 
fesses himself to be independent of those who have written on inven- 
tion, even though he pays tribute to the method of invention advo- 
cated in Aristotle's To-pics. His words are: 

But in my fourth booke, which intreateth of the places, & sheweth a 
way how to prouide store of arguments: I haue thought good neither 
fully to folow Aristotle: nor yet anye other that I haue seene. For 

p. 75. "/&, sig. **ir-**iv. Ibid., si ff , **iv. 

[ 62 ] 


Aristotles inuention serueth best, for vniuersitie men, when a question 
is broughte to some generall issue, as to proue that the backset is, or 
is not, the saywhat, the kinde, the propertie, or the Inbeer of the 
f oreset. Howbeit, men vse in disputing or writing, to argue to and fro, 
neuer bringing the matter that lyeth in question, to anye of these foure 
generall issues. 16 

One of the last things Lever says in his preface is that he may one 
day supplement Witcraft by a work on the faults of reasoning. 17 He 
is obviously thinking at that point of Aristotle's Sophistical Elenchi 
as the final treatise in the Organon, and of the desirability of cover- 
ing the subject of fallacies himself, so that his own English logic 
would extend at last over the entire territory assigned to it by Aris- 
totle. It is interesting to think that if Lever had applied his theory 
of logical terminology to fallacies, the English language would have 
had in the sixteenth century as unusual a work on that subject as 
Bentham finally wrote in the beginning of the nineteenth century, 
although Lever's approach would certainly have been less profound 
than Bentham's. But Lever apparently never completed the task of 
putting the Organon into an English vocabulary. Still, except for the 
section on fallacies, he covers Aristotle's logical writings in round 
terms, and thus gives us an odd monument to stand at the end of the 
scholastic period in English logic. 

id. y sig-. **iv-**2r. ^Ibid., sig. ** 4 r- 

[ 63 ] 


Traditional Rhetoric: The Three Patterns 

I. Origin and Boundaries 

BETWEEN the year 700 and the year 1573, rhetoric flourished 
continuously in England as that branch of the theory of 
communication in which directions were set down, and ob- 
servations made, for the guidance of speakers or writers 
whose audience was the populace and whose purpose was instruction 
or persuasion by means not primarily connected with the use of 
fictions. 1 

As indicated earlier, the directions and observations which made 
up rhetoric during this period of eight hundred odd years are per- 
haps best termed traditional. It is a temptation to call them scholastic, 
and thus to speak of scholastic rhetoric as the companion of scholastic 
logic. But the term "scholastic" as connected with rhetoric would 
imply, not only a sort of rhetoric that was the product of a profound 
deference to authority, not only the sort that reduced the theory of 
communication to a stiff and formal method, but also the sort wherein 
deference to authority would mean deference to Aristotle. After all, 
these three meanings are always in our minds when we speak of scho- 
lasticism in logic. Although the first two meanings would describe 
the rhetoric I am speaking of in this chapter, the last would not, 
except in a remote sense. In other words, it is not accurate to say 
that Aristotle is the authority behind English rhetoric in the period 
before 1573.* As we have seen, he taught Englishmen logic in that 
time, and it might be added that he was the great teacher of logic in 
western Europe during the whole period between his own era and 

1 For various parts of this period rhetoric has been discussed historically by the fol- 
lowing" authors: E, E. Hale, Jr., "Ideas on Rhetoric in the Sixteenth Century," Publica- 
tions of the Modern Language Association^ xvm (1903), 424-4.4.4} R. C. Jebb, 
"Rhetoric," in The Encyclopaedia Britannica, nth edn.j Donald Lemen Clark, 
Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance (New York, 1922) j Baldwin, Medieval Rhetoric 
and Poetic 5 William Phillips Sandford, English Theories of Public Address, 1530-1828 
(The Ohio State University, 1919); William Garrett Crane, Wit and Rhetoric in the 
Renaissance (New York, 1937) j Thomas Whitfield Baldwin, William Shaks$ere>s Small 
Latine & Lesse Greeke (Urbana, 1944)* n, 1-2385 J. W. H, Atkins, English Literary 
Criticism: The Renascence (London, 1947)9 pp. 66-iox, cited below as The Renascence^ 
Sister Miriam Joseph, Shakespeare's Use of the Arts of Language (New York, 1947) j 
Wilbur S. Howell, "English Backgrounds of Rhetoric," History of Speech Education in 
America (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1954), pp. 3-47. 

2 For a thorough investigation of this question, see Lee Sisson Hultzen, "Aristotle's 
Rhetoric in England to 1600" (Unpbl. diss., Cornell University, 1932). 


that of the Renaissance. But Cicero, who was a profound student of 
Aristotelian logic and rhetoric, formulated from that and other 
sources a rhetorical system to which all rhetorical instruction in west- 
ern Europe during the period now under discussion must be referred. 
Thus Cicero was the great teacher of rhetoric in western Christendom 
while scholastic logic held sway, and I should not like to deprive him 
of that title by calling his doctrines scholastic. The term "traditional 
rhetoric," as a substitute, suggests, of course, a doctrine transmitted 
orally from teacher to pupil and from generation to generation. It 
suggests also, not so much a theory composed of generalizations con- 
stantly revised by reference to practice, as a body of ritualistic con- 
ventions that have forgotten their original contact with the real 
world. Neither of these implications is intended in the present chap- 
ter. Traditional rhetoric was constantly being reformulated in writing 
during the eight hundred odd years now under analysis, and those 
reformulations are the basic documents I shall discuss. Moreover, 
traditional rhetoric did not become a body of rituals insulated from 
the needs of successive generations of speakers and writers. Speaking 
in the law court, in the pulpit, and in the council of state, as well as 
writing to dignitaries or to friends or to congregations, are continuing 
activities. Rhetorical theory was originally developed to teach them, 
and always bears a relation to them. In the period here being con- 
sidered, these activities prevented rhetoric from losing contact with 
the world. What I should like the term "traditional rhetoric" to 
mean is that system of precepts which, as delivered in writing from 
teacher to student and from generation to generation in England 
between 700 and 1573, owed its authority to the teachings and pres- 
tige of Cicero, and needed in that entire period only a few minor 
revisions to keep it abreast of the needs of the times. 

Traditional rhetoric, as I mentioned above in Chapter I, has three 
patterns, the Ciceronian, the stylistic, and the formulary. Each of 
these will now receive attention. The Ciceronian pattern cannot be 
connected with the works of Englishmen until almost a century after 
the appearance on English soil of the stylistic pattern, but neverthe- 
less the Ciceronian pattern, as the most comprehensive of the forms 
in which the teachings of Cicero made themselves felt, will be dis- 
cussed first. The formulary pattern, so far as the English record is 
concerned, did not appear until late in the period under discussion 
here, and even when it did appear, it never became very popular. 
But it deserves some treatment, nevertheless, and I shall consider 
it in the final section of the present chapter. 

II. The Five Great Arts 

CICERONIAN rhetoric in the form which it assumed in Cicero's own 
works is best described as an art made up of five arts. These five arts 
or five procedures constitute the complex act of producing a commu- 
nication intended for the popular audience, and Cicero designates 
these procedures as invention, arrangement, style, memory, and de- 
livery. In De Inventions, the first work which Cicero wrote on the 
subject of rhetoric, he defined these five procedures as he and his 
later disciples generally conceived of them, and these definitions are 
brief enough for quotation here: 

Invention is the discovery of valid or seemingly valid arguments to 
render one's cause plausible. Arrangement is the distribution of argu- 
ments thus discovered in the proper order. Expression [that is, elo- 
cutio, Cicero's term for style] is the fitting of the proper language to 
the invented matter. Memory is the firm mental grasp of matter and 
words. Delivery is the control of voice and body in a manner suitable 
to the dignity of the subject matter and the style. 1 

Cicero's De Inventione discusses only the first of these five pro- 
cedures, although, had it been completed, it would have covered the 
others as well. The earliest extant Latin treatment of the doctrine 
involved in these five procedures is that found in Ad, C. Herewvwwn 
Libri Quattuor De Arte Rhetorica^ usually called the Rhetorica ad 
Herennium. During the Middle Ages the Rhetorica ad Herenniwm 
was ascribed to Cicero, and was often called the Rhetorica Secwnda 
or Rhetorica Nova to distinguish it from Cicero's De Inventione, 
which was called the Rhetorica Prima or Rhetorica Vetus? Nowa- 
days the Rhetorica ad Herenniwm, is not accepted as Cicero's work, 
but nobody disputes the great similarity between it and Cicero's De 
Inventione, so far as the latter goes. Nor is it unfair to assume that 
the two works would have been closely alike throughout, if Cicero 
had completed De Inventione. 

In his other major writings on rhetoric, Cicero holds to these five 
procedures as his basic terms, whether he deals with them all, as in 
De Oratore and De Partitione Oratoria, or mainly with the third 

1 Cicero, De lnventione> 1.7.9, trans. H. M. Hubbell (The Loeb Classical Library, 
Cambridge, Mass, and London, 194.9), pp. 19-41. 

2 Edmond Faral, Les Arts Poetiques du XII* et d,u XIII* Siecle (Paris, 19x4), p. 495 
also Atkins, The Medieval Phase y p, 1165 also below, p. 77. 

[ 66 ] 


one, style, as in Orator? The following words from his Brutus, 
spoken by himself as he and Brutus and Atticus converse about rhet- 
oric on his own lawn near a statue of Plato, show his enduring regard 
for eloquence as the product of these five faculties: 

Well then, ... to praise eloquence, to set forth its power and the 
honours which it brings to those who have it, is not my present pur- 
pose, nor is it necessary. However, this one thing I venture to affirm 
without fear of contradiction, that whether it is a product of rules 
and theory, or a technique dependent on practice, or on natural gifts, 
it is one attainment amongst all others of unique difficulty. For of 
the five elements of which, as we say, it is made up, each one is in 
its own right a great art. One may guess therefore what power is 
inherent in an art made up of five great arts, and what difficulty it 

An art made up of five great arts this is the Ciceronian thesis 
about rhetoric. The most thorough commentary in ancient Roman 
times upon these five arts, as treated by Cicero and many lesser writ- 
ers, is Quintilian's Institutio Oratorio,, written towards the end of 
the first century A.D. "The art of oratory, as taught by most authori- 
ties, and those the best," says Quintilian, "consists of five parts: 
invention, arrangement, expression, memory, and delivery or action 
(the two latter terms being used synonymously)." 5 Of the twelve 
books of his learned and important Institutio Oratoria, Books 3, 4, 5, 
and 6 deal with inventio and constitute a summary of all previous 
thinking upon this first and most difficult of the tasks of the speaker 
and writer ; Book 7 deals with disposition Books 8, 9, 10, and the 
first chapter of n deal with elocutio, usually considered the pro- 
cedure that demanded almost as much space in rhetorical 1 theory as 
inventio -, and Book 1 1 in its other two chapters deals respectively 
with memoria and $ronuntiatio. Thus Quintilian adheres to the 
practice of the best authorities. The first two and the final books of 
his work are concerned with the earliest phases of the training of 

3 Cicero's constant reference to these five terms is a feature of all his writings on 
rhetoric. For samples of his use of them, see De Orator e y 1.28.1285 1.31.142) 1.42.187; 
2 - I 9-79J 2 8 5-35 5 see also D* Partitione Oratoria, 1.3, and Oratory 14.43-55. 

4 Brutus , 6.25, trans. G. L. Hendrickson (The Loeb Classical Library, Cambridge, 
Mass, and London, 1939), pp. 35^37- 

5 Institutio Oratoria^ 3.3.1, trans. H. E. Butler (The Loeb Classical Library, London 
and New York, 1933), i 383. Italics are Butler's. Quintilian's own words are: "Omnis 
autem orandi ratio, ut plurimi maximique auctores tradiderunt, quinque partibus constat, 
inventione, dispositione, elocutione, memoria, pronuntiatione sive actione, utroque enim 
modo dicitur." 

[ 67 ] 


speaker and writer, and with the later phases of the career of the 
orator in society. Cicero is the authority whom Quintilian undoubted- 
ly admires most 5 but there are many other rhetoricians mentioned 
in his pages, some famous and others little known, whose opinions 
are quoted and sometimes disputed as he proceeds with his discussion 
of the five procedures constituting the Ciceronian theory of rhetoric. 
Invention, as the process of discovering valid or seemingly valid 
arguments to render one's case plausible, sounds at first like an in- 
vitation to master the appearances rather than the realities of tight 
and honest proof. Actually, however, it was an invitation to speaker 
or writer to find the best of available materials, wherever they might 
be. Some of these available materials would be documentary evi- 
dence, eyewitness testimony, confessions, and the like. Perhaps on 
occasion such proofs as these would be sufficient. The art of rhetoric, 
according to the ancient idea, did not extend to the discovery or use 
of such proofs as these, which were called non-artistic, in the sense 
that they were there to start with, and had only to be used, not dis- 
covered by a theoretical process. Rhetorical invention was concerned 
rather with the theoretical process by which proofs not there to start 
with could be discovered or uncovered. These proofs were called 
artistic, not because they were considered more ingenious if less 
convincing than the others,, but simply because they were regarded 
as being subject to discovery by a theoretical means that was always 
available for that use. Aristotle's Rhetoric makes something of the 
difference between non-artistic and artistic proofs, the latter being in 
fact considered to be the only proof that belonged properly to rhe- 
torical theory, inasmuch as theory could be no guide to the discovery 
of the former. Says Aristotle in a passage that was to have great in- 

Of the modes of persuasion some belong strictly to the art of rhetoric 
and some do not. By the latter I mean such things as are not supplied 
by the speaker but are there at the outset witnesses, evidence given 
tinder torture, written contracts, and so on. By the former I mean 
such as we can ourselves construct by means of the principles of 
rhetoric. The one kind has merely to be used, the other has to be 
invented. 6 

This distinction between non-artistic and artistic proofs was ac- 
cepted by Cicero and Quintilian as an important dividing line, on one 

*RketoriC) 1355^ 3^ff.> trans. W. Rhys Roberts in The Works of Aristotle, ed. Ross, 

[ 68 ] 


side of which lay relatively unpredictable materials, varying greatly 
in weight and number from case to case, while on the other side lay 
the relatively predictable materials that tended to be of constant ap- 
plication to all sorts of cases, and that could usually be brought to 
light by systematic analysis. 7 Rhetorical invention meant the process 
of systematic analysis which would produce these circumstantial ma- 
terials, or proofs based upon constant factors in every case. If a 
murderer could be convicted by impeccable eyewitness testimony, 
supplemented by his confession, and by other tangible direct evidence, 
then rhetorical theory could offer little help to the prosecutor, who 
would be able to gain his point simply by using these overwhelming 
direct means. But if there 'were no eyewitnesses, no confession, not 
much tangible direct evidence, but nevertheless a victim and the 
probability of a crime, rhetorical theory could offer some help by 
pointing to those collateral facts which, in the common experience 
of mankind, are usually or always a kind of proof of the main fact 
at issue. 

Our modern distinction between direct and indirect evidence is 
parallel to the ancient distinction between non-artistic and artistic 
proofs. Incidentally, one great difference between ancient and mod- 
ern rhetorical theory is that ancient peoples, less experienced than 
man has since become in the methods of investigating all aspects of 
his physical environment, tended to decide doubtful issues upon col- 
lateral or indirect evidence, and to believe in the validity of their de- 
cisions, with the result that ancient rhetorical theory stressed the 
system by which indirect evidence was to be assembled 5 whereas 
modern peoples have less faith in collateral evidence, and more taste 
for decisions based upon direct evidence, with the result that modern 
rhetorical theory has abandoned the ancient system of invention, and 
replaced it with techniques for the discovery of direct evidence in 
every case at issue. At any rate, the ancient system of invention, as 
planned by Aristotle and elaborated by later theorists, chiefly Cicero 
and Quintilian, survived and answered men's needs until the time of 
the Renaissance, when it began to lose favor and to be supplanted 
by modes of assembling factual data in connection with the process of 
deliberation and decision. 

Cicero's De Inventione, in giving an authoritative account of the 
ancient system of rhetorical invention, obliges the speaker to assemble 

7 See De In t oentione >$ D* Oratory 2.27.116-117$ also Institutto 

[ 69 ] 


proof by making three large decisions about the case which becomes 
his to argue. One of these decisions requires that the case be classified 
as to the kinds of oratory in use in human affairs. There were three 
kinds of oratory in use in ancient Greece and Rome: the demonstrative 
or eulogistic, the deliberative or political, and the judicial or forensic. 
Each of these types had its own set of customary moral issues. Thus 
demonstrative oratory was addressed to questions of honor or dis- 
honor, deliberative oratory, to questions of expediency or inexpedi- 
ency j judicial oratory, to questions of justice or injustice. If we as- 
sume that any man who thinks at all would have assembled a store 
of ideas upon these questions, then we may suggest to him that that 
store is one place for research whenever he has to make a speech, and 
that his research should begin by determining which of the three 
sections of that store his subject will most intimately concern. 8 

Another of the decisions which the speaker has to make in as- 
sembling proof for his case requires him to classify his subject as to 
the types of positions involved in disputes. This decision is connected 
with a system of elaborate technicalities, the key term in which is 
constitutio in the earliest Latin rhetorics like De Inventione and the 
Rhetorica ad Herennium^ and status in later works like Quintilian's 
Institutio Qratoria? These two terms, and others sometimes preferred 
in place of them, j represent the theory that disputes arise as the result 
of a conflict between someone's allegation and someone else's reply, 
and that, because allegations and replies tend to be limited to a few 
types, disputants tend therefore to take one of a small number of 
fixed positions in conducting arguments. The precise number of the 
positions available to disputants varies from one ancient rhetorical 
theorist to another. In De Inventione^ Cicero says that four positions 
are available whenever speakers debate upon traditional meanings of 
things said or done; and he also says that there are five quasi-posi- 
tions available whenever debates arise upon the meanings of written 
documents. 10 If, for example, an allegation is made that the speaker 

8 For Cicero's discussion of these three types of oratory in connection with the task of 
rhetorical invention, see De Inventions^ 1.5*75 2.4.12-135 2.23-395 2,51.155-178. 

9 The best ancient discussion of the meaning- of constitutio and status in rhetorical 
theory is that in Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria^ 3,6. 

10 D e Inventione, i.S.ioj 1.12.17. The term "quasi-position" as a name for the 
category of disputes arising- over the interpretation of texts is suggested by Cicero's own 
language in the Toftcs, 95. For a discussion of this category and its companion, the 
true position, see Howell, Rhetoric of Alcum^ pp. 36-37. For Cicero's analysis of the 
four positions and the five quasi-positions, see De Inventions, 1.12. 17-, 18; 
2.4-39 j 2.40.116-154. 

[ 70 ] 


committed a certain crime, and the speaker denies that he committed 
it, he has taken a position called conjectural by Cicero, and positions 
of this kind are defended (or attacked) in certain fixed ways. If the 
allegation is that the speaker committed a certain act constituting rob- 
bery, and the speaker denies that his act does constitute robbery, he 
takes what Cicero calls the definitive position, and positions of this 
kind are defended (or attacked) in certain fixed ways. The other two 
of these four positions are called the general and the procedural, the 
former being the locality in which the question concerns the justice 
or injustice of an act, and the latter, the locality in which questions 
arise as to whether a given court or tribunal has jurisdiction in the 
case under debate. 

As for the five quasi-positions, they are assumed at various times 
in debates over things written. Suppose, for example, that there is 
a discrepancy between what written words say and what their author 
apparently meant. Or suppose that there is a discrepancy between one 
and another written rule for cases of a given kind. Or suppose that 
what has been written is subject to two or more interpretations. Or 
suppose that what has been written does not quite fit the case to which 
it is applied. Or suppose that what is written contains a key term that 
is left undefined. All of these causes of dispute exist wherever there 
also exists any document to limit or prescribe human action. For 
each of these five types of dispute, as for each of the preceding four, 
the attack and defense are subject to description in advance, and rhe- 
torical theory undertakes to supply that description as a means of 
enabling the speaker to make the second of the three large decisions 
required of him by the system of inventing artistic proofs. 

The third decision required of the speaker forces him to consider 
the successive steps necessary for persuasive presentation of any sub- 
ject. The common experience of mankind indicates that in the pres- 
entation of any subject the interest of the hearer should first be 
aroused. Then the subject should be made understandable in terms of 
the events which have made its discussion necessary. Next, the argu- 
ment about to be launched in connection with the subject should be 
stated in round terms, so that an audience will appreciate what po- 
sition the speaker takes, and to what propositions his proof will be 
answerable. Next, the proof of those propositions should be advanced, 
and any contrary propositions that the speaker's opponent could up- 
hold should be destroyed or refuted, Finally, the sentiments and 
emotions of the hearer should be aroused in connection with the hu- 

t 71 i 


man implications of the proof. These six steps permitted the ancient 
rhetoricians to discuss, as one of the big topics in rhetorical invention, 
the successive parts of the classical oration, usually enumerated as 
introduction, narration, division, proof, refutation, and conclusion. 11 

The tendency to treat the six parts of the oration under the head- 
ing of invention was not without its limitations, so far as the ancient 
rhetoricians were concerned. For if rhetoric was made to consist of 
the five procedures that Cicero declared it to have, and if the first of 
these procedures, that is, invention, received so wide a treatment as 
to include the six parts of the oration, what was to be said when the 
second procedure, arrangement, came up for discussion? Cicero's De 
Indentions contains no answer to this question it treats the six parts 
of an oration under the heading of invention, and breaks off at that 
point, leaving arrangement, style, memory, and delivery untouched. 
The earliest Latin treatise to attempt to answer the question is the 
Rhetorics ad Herenmum. The Rhetorica ad Herennium analyzes the 
six parts of the oration when it discusses invention j and then, when 
it comes to arrangement, as the second main part of rhetoric, it says 
in effect that arrangement in theory consists of placing in each part 
of the oration what should be placed there, whereas arrangement in 
actual practice consists in knowing under what circumstances to omit 
one or more of the standard parts of the oration or when to rearrange 
their standard order. 12 In other words, this authoritative treatise 
handles arrangement by recognizing it as an independent part of 
rhetoric and by explaining it later as a subordinate part of one of the 
other independent parts. 

As for style, memory, and delivery, they were given their due 
share of attention in ancient rhetoric, after arrangement had been 
treated thus ambiguously. Style, as the third part of Cicero's program, 
was usually considered to be next to invention in importance, and was 
thus treated more fully than arrangement, memory, or delivery. The 
kind of treatment style received in such treatises as the Rhetorica ad 
Herennium^ the Orator, and the Institutio Oratoria will be indicated 
later when I speak of the stylistic pattern of English rhetoric. Mem- 
ory and delivery will also be explained later, as these main topics 
emerge in English versions of the full Ciceronian pattern. Inciden- 
tally, memory has an unusual subject matter connected with it in 

11 For Cicero's discussion of the six parts of the oration in connection with the task 
of rhetorical invention, see De Inventions^ 1,14-56. 

12 Rhetorica a& Htrennium.) 3.9-10. 

[ 72 ] 


treatises on rhetoric in ancient times and in the Renaissance, but it 
was not given as much space in rhetorical theory as invention and 
style received 3 whereas delivery, which concerned the use of the voice 
and body in pronouncing an oral message to an audience, was con- 
sidered to be of overwhelming importance in the process of communi- 
cation but was not thought to be particularly susceptible to theoretical 

Many English rhetorics in the period between 700 and 1573 deal 
with the theory of popular communication by emphasizing some or 
all of the five procedures just described. Whenever these procedures 
or a majority of them are mentioned by Englishmen as the basic 
concepts of rhetoric, and are then treated in such a way as to stress 
the special importance of invention, the rhetoric thus created be- 
comes Ciceronian in the present sense in which I am using the term. 

Alcuin's De Rhetorica has already been mentioned as the first work 
by an Englishman to deal with the five procedures of Ciceronian 
rhetoric. In turning now to this work to examine what Ciceronian 
rhetoric looked like in its earliest appearance in English learning, I 
should like to emphasize again that Alcuin wrote it in the year 794 
as a dialogue between himself and Charlemagne not only to improve 
rhetorical instruction throughout the Carolingian empire but also to 
provide his readers with the precepts of one of the grand divisions 
of logic, the other division being covered by his De Dialectical I 
might add that De Rhetorica is an attractive little work, quite apart 
from the interest it holds as the first statement by an Englishman of 
Cicero's theory of popular communication j and that, as a work of 
scholarship, it captures more of the spirit of Cicero than the De 
Dialectica captures of the spirit of Aristotle. 

Alcuin's treatment of rhetorical invention is in reality an abridg- 
ment of Cicero's entire De Inventione?* Whole passages from the 
Ciceronian treatise are taken over and pieced together by Alcuin in 
such fashion that he gives his readers a fair outline of all the material 
in that source. Thus he indicates the three kinds of oratory and their 
customary moral issues. Thus he speaks in some detail of the four 

13 See above, pp. 32-36, especially note 7. The Latin text and an English transla- 
tion of Alcuin's treatise on rhetoric, which is formally called Dis'putatio de Rhetorica 
et de Virtutibus Safientissimi Regis Karli et Albini Magistri, may be found in Howell, 
Rhetoric of Alcuin. For other editions of the Latin text, see Migne, Patrologia Latina, 
CI, 919-950, and Halm, Rhetores Latini Minores, pp. 523-550. 

14 For particulars regarding; this and other sources of De Rhetprica y see Howell, 
Rhetoric of Alcuin^ pp. 22-33, 159-169. 

[ 73 ] 


positions and the five quasi-positions. Thus he emphasizes the six 
parts of the oration and the materials and objectives of each part. 
His discussion of the six parts of the oration covers almost twice as 
much space as he allots to the nine positions, and a little more than 
four times as much space as he allots to the three kinds of oratory. 15 
Moreover, these topics, as the principal part of his discussion of in- 
vention, are given more care than he bestows in the aggregate upon 
arrangement, style, memory, and delivery as the other parts of 

For his treatment of these other parts, Alcuin depends upon a 
rhetorician of the fourth century A.D. named Julius Victor, whose 
Ars Rhetorica had dealt with the subject of Ciceronian rhetoric, and 
whose explanation of arrangement, style, memory, and delivery was 
made up of doctrine from Cicero's Orator and De Oratore, and from 
Quintilian's Institutio Oratorio, Thus Alcuin's treatise remains 
Ciceronian even when he comes to the end of De Inventions and has 
no other work by Cicero available for use. To arrangement Alcuin 
devotes little space, since he felt that he had already covered most 
of that subject when he spoke of the six parts of an oration, and 
would cover the rest when he spoke of the ordering of words in 
sentences as a part of style. 17 Nor does he have anything to say of 
memory, except to stress that Cicero had called it indispensable for a 
speaker, and that practice and an abstemious life would improve it. 18 
As for style, Alcuin speaks of it in such fashion as to indicate only a 
fraction of that part of Ciceronian theory; but, even so, style ranks 
next after invention in the amount of space he devotes to it. Delivery 
he handles by quoting Cicero's opinion of its importance, and by bor- 
rowing from Victor some observations that stem from the treatment 
given this part of rhetoric in Cicero^ De Oratore and Quintilian's 
Instfoutio Oratoria^ 

"With the death of Alcuin," remarks Atkins, "the tradition of 
learning in England underwent a prolonged eclipse." 20 This observa- 
tion applies with particular force to Ciceronian rhetoric, for it was a 
long time after Alcuin^ era that interest in the five procedures began 

16 Alcuin discusses the three kinds of oratory and related topics from line 88 to line 
103 and from line 1199 to 1286 of his text as edited by Howell. The discussion of 
the nine positions extends in the same text from line 123 to line 395, whereas the six 
parts of the oration are discussed from line 470 to line 935. 

16 See Howell, Rhetoric of Alcuin^ pp. 28-33, 167-168. 

17 1 bid. > p. 130 [lines 975-985]- 18 Ibici^ pp. 136-138 [lines 1070-1083], 

id.y pp. 138-140 [lines 1092-1134]. 20 The Medieval Phase> p. 59. 

[ 74 ] 


to reassert itself in written works. Meanwhile, the educational system 
in England undoubtedly made some attempt to train students in. the 
art o communication, and thus undoubtedly provided some sort of 
instruction in rhetoric and logic, as well as in grammar. But whether 
instruction in rhetoric in English schools involved the five procedures 
of Ciceronian rhetoric, as set forth by such an author as Alcuin, or the 
stylistic theory of the ancients, as interpreted by Bede and others, is 
a question not finally answered for the period between 800 and 1 200. 
Nor is it easy to say confidently that a university in any real sense 
existed at either Oxford or Cambridge during the greater part of 
that period. There is a tradition, as I mentioned before, which dates 
the founding of Oxford from the reign of King Alfred, and which 
represents that monarch as having instituted and endowed lecture- 
ships there in almost every faculty about the year 879, Asser of .St. 
David's being recorded as first royal lecturer in grammar and rhet- 
oric. 21 Asser might well have been a teacher of these subjects some- 
where in Alfred's realm, but royal support for Oxford and Cam- 
bridge as universities did not apparently begin until long after that 
time, and thus Asser's connection with what could properly be called 
a royal foundation or even a university in the formal sense is com- 
pletely unsubstantiated. 22 

Early in the thirteenth century, the procedures of Ciceronian rhet- 
oric reappeared in English learning. This development, however, oc- 
curred under the auspices of poetical as opposed to rhetorical theory, 
and thus was somewhat outside of the Ciceronian tradition as inter- 
preted by Alcuin. The writer who converted Ciceronian terminology 
to the uses of the art of poetry was Geoffrey of Vinsauf, a shadowy 
figure in the history of his times, who is believed to be of English 
origin and to have received his education in part at St. Frideswide's 
priory in Oxford, and in part in France and Italy, where he spent 
rnost of his life. It was his Poetria Nova, composed sometime be- 
tween 1208 and 1213, that discussed the tasks of the poet under the 
headings of Ciceronian rhetoric, with the doctrine of style featured 
more than that of invention and disposition. 28 The example which he 

21 For the names of these ancient and royal lecturers, see Anthony a Wood, History 
and Antiquities of Oxford^ ed. Gutch, n, 819-820. See also above, p. 37. 

22 See Mulling-er, University of Cambridge^ I, 81, note i. 

28 The text of the Poetria Nova is found in Faral, Les Arts Poetiques du XIl e et du 
XIII* Siecle y pp. 197-2625 see the same work, pp. 194-197, for an analysis of the 
Poetria Nova y and pp. 15-33 for a discussion of Geoffrey of Vinsauf } see pp. 28-33 
for an analysis of the question of the date of the Poetria Nova, which Faral finally 
places between 1208 and 1213. 

[ 75 ] 


set was followed in the early sixteenth century by Stephen Hawes, 
who has the distinction not only of converting the key terms of the 
Rhetorics ad Herennwm and of De Inventione to the uses of poetry 
more fully than Geoffrey had done, but also of being the first Eng- 
lishman to render those terms and a part of their doctrine mto Eng- 
lish. Some notion of Geoffrey's Poetria Nova can be gained from 
Hawes, and thus I shall not pause here to discuss it, despite its im- 
portance in the history of Ciceronian rhetoric in England,^ It should 
be mentioned, however, that Geoffrey is not alone in his time in 
thinking of the business of the writer as an offshoot of the business 
of the orator and of Ciceronian rhetoric. Giraldus Cambrensis, a 
Welsh contemporary of Geoffrey, indicates that the task of the 
writer necessarily involves the processes of invention, arrangement, 
and style, and thus he shows his awareness of Ciceronian theory even 
though he mentions it more to endorse its applicability to writing 
than to explain its doctrine. 24 

So far as the thirteenth century is concerned, French learning pro- 
vides a closer approach to the original Ciceronian pattern of rhetoric 
than does English learning in the Poetria Nova of Geoffrey of Vin- 
sauf . Vincent of Beauvais's Sfeculwm Doctrinale may be cited in sup- 
port of this statement. I have already mentioned the Speculum 
Doctrinale as one of the three parts of Vincent's colossal encyclo- 
paedia, the Speculum Majus, and as a work which devotes all of 
Book IV to a discussion of logic, rhetoric, and poetics, with logic re- 
ceiving 98 chapters, rhetoric 10, and poetics 23." Book III, by the 
way, is given over to grammar, and this subject is treated in 193 
chapters, the last three of which deal respectively with the schemes, 
the tropes, and certain other figures, among them allegory. Thus 
Vincent follows Isidore in treating certain matters of rhetorical style 
under the heading of grammar, and Bede does the same thing, as I 
shall mention later in speaking of the origins of stylistic rhetoric in 
England. 26 But whereas Isidore also treated the subject of poetry as 
in large part the property of grammar, and whereas Geoffrey treated 
poetry in terms of rhetoric, thus creating what Atkins calls "a treatise 
on rhetoric as applied to poetry," 27 Vincent keeps largely to the an- 
cient Ciceronian terms in speaking of rhetoric, and, as I indicated 
above, he associates poetics with logic, giving the art of poetry ex- 

24 Atkins, The Medieval Phase^ p. 93. 

28 See above, pp. 39-44* 

26 See below, pp. 116-119, 27 The Medieval Phase^ p. 97. 

[ 76 ] 


tensive discussion through passages identified by him as in part 
written by himself and in part borrowed from the Etymologiae of 
Isidore and the Mythologiae of Fulgentius, with Cicero's De Oratore 
being quoted briefly once. 28 

In the chapters allotted to rhetoric, Vincent identifies his discus- 
sion as a tissue of excerpts from the Etymologiae of Isidore, De 
Diferentiis Topicis of Boethius, the Institutio Oratorio, of Quintilian, 
and De Oratore, the Rhetorica Secunda, and the Rhetorics Prima 
of Cicero. 29 Indeed,, there is scarcely a word in Vincent's entire dis- 
cussion that is not part of a direct quotation from one of these author- 
ities. Boethius and Isidore supply two-thirds of his material, or 2,36 
lines of text; next to them in importance is the Rhetorica Prima of 
Cicero, which supplies 68 lines of text 5 and least quoted of all are 
the Institutio Oratoria, De Oratore, and the Rhetorica Secunda, the 
contributions from which amount in sum to 43 lines of text divided 
almost equally among the three works. 30 By means of his sources, 
Vincent presents the following materials: i) a definition of rhetoric 5 
2,) a distinction between rhetoric and dialectic - y 3) a brief explanation 
of the five parts of rhetoric 5 4) a discussion of invention in terms of 
the parts of an oration, the kinds of oratory, the kinds of positions, 
the nature of the rhetorical syllogism, the kinds of rhetorical places 5 
and 5) a brief discussion of style. An example of his method may be 
seen in his first chapter, which he calls De Arte Rhetorical 

Isidore as above. 

Rhetoric is the science of speaking well on civil questions for the 
purpose of persuading by a just and good copiousness in respect to the 
interactions of events and persons. Indeed, rhetoric was the term in 
Greece for copiousness of speaking. For among the Greeks speaking 
is called rhesis, and the orator, rhetor. 

Boethius in the Topes, Book IV. 

28 Of the 23 chapters allotted by Vincent to the discussion of poetry, he acknowledges 
Isidore to be his authority in chs. no, in, 112, 13, 127, 128, 129, 130, and 131. He 
acknowledges Cicero to be his authority in the first part of ch. 127. Fulgentius he ac- 
knowledges as authority in chs. 124, 125, and 126. He acknowledges himself as author 
of chs. 109, 114., 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, and 123, although his 
method of moralizing fables in these chapters is obviously based upon that exemplified in 
the passages he quotes from Fulgentius. 

29 The Rhetorica Secunda is the Rhetorica ad Herennium y which Vincent thought to 
be Cicero's. The Rhetorica Prima is Cicero's De Inventiotoe. See above, p. 66. 

80 Vincent's ten chapters on rhetoric in Speculum Doctrinale (Nuremberg, 1486), 
Book iv, Chs. 99-108, amount to 352 full lines of text, 347 of which are identified 
by him as quotations from his sources. 

[ 77 ] 


Rhetoric differs from dialectic because dialectic mostly considers theses, 
that is, questions without surroundings in time and place. And if at 
any time dialectic takes up for dispute questions with surroundings in 
time and place, it uses them not mainly but entirely in connection with 
the thesis upon which it is discoursing. In truth, rhetoric treats of and 
discourses upon hypotheses, that is, questions with a multitude of sur- 
roundings in time and place, and if at any time it brings up a thesis, 
it uses it in connection with its hypothesis. These are its surroundings: 
Who? What? Where? By whose help? Why? In what manner? At 
what time? 

Moreover, dialectic is carried on by interrogations and responses, 
whereas rhetoric flows along on an appropriate subject without inter- 

Again, dialectic makes use of the complete syllogism, whereas rhetoric 
is content with the brevity of the enthymeme. 

Once again, the orator has beyond his adversary a judge who decides 
between the two disputants, whereas in truth the very one who sits 
as adversary renders a quasi verdict against the dialectician by the 
way he responds. Thus every difference between orator and dialec- 
tician is constituted either in subject matter, or use, or end. I say 
"end" because the orator attempts indeed to persuade the judge, 
whereas the dialectician attempts to extort from his adversary what is 
wanted. 81 

Although Vincent's theory of rhetoric, like his theory of logic, 
cannot be strictly classed as part of the history of these two subjects 
in England, yet his treatment of both arts would have been familiar 
and influential in England at most times between the age of Alcuin 
and that of Thomas Wilson. Thus I have not hesitated to allow hirn- 
to figure in my account of scholastic logic and of traditional rhetoric 
in English learning, even as the English authors to whom I have 
been referring are also the property of the intellectual history of 
France or of other regions of western Europe, no less than of Eng- 
land. Several generations after Vincent's time, he would still have 
been accepted throughout Europe as an Authority on the rhetoric 
then current* Indeed, the chapters on rhetoric in the Speculum Doc- 
trinale are not unlike the first treatise on Ciceronian rhetoric to be 

Doctrinal^ Bk, iv, Ch. 99. Translation mine. The texts here used were 
printed at Strasbourg about 1472 and at Nuremberg- in 14.86. See above, p. 39, note 25. 
The reference to Isidore is to the Etymologiae, 2.1.1 (in Migne, Patrologia Latina, 
LXXXII, 123). The reference to Boethius is to De Differentiis Toficis, Book iv (in 
Migne, Patrologia Latina, LXIV, 1205-1206). 

[ 78 ] 


printed at an English press, despite the fact that the latter work was 
written over two centuries after the former. Curiously enough, the 
author of this first rhetoric in the history of English printing was an 
Italian monk, not an Englishman, and the work itself was written 
in Latin while he was teaching theology at Cambridge University* 
The Nova Rhetorica, as this work is usually called, is more complete 
than Vincent's chapters on rhetoric in respect to Cicero's five terms. 
Both works, however, belong to each other's period as readily as to 
their own. 

The Nova Rhetorica, which appeared at Caxton's press in West- 
minster around 1479, and at the press of "the Schoolmaster Printer" 
in St. Albans in 1480, had for author a man who in English would be 
called Brother Laurence William of Savona, of the Minor Order, 
doctor of sacred theology j but his official name as recorded in refer- 
ence books and library catalogues appears as Lorenzo Guglielmo 
Traversagni. 82 Traversagni was born of aristocratic parents in Savona, 
Italy, in the year 1422. At the age of twenty, already well schooled 
in grammar, logic, rhetoric, and secular literature, he was received 
into the Franciscan (or Minor) Order in his native town, where he 
pursued his studies further during his early monastic life, his teacher 
being Marco Vigirio, bishop of Noli, who soon conferred upon him 
the title of doctor. Then he studied for the next few years at the 
same place under Francesco dalla Rovere, who afterwards became 
Pope Sixtus IV. His active career from his twenty-fifth to his seven- 
tieth year was spent as a traveling scholar, teacher, and writer. He 
studied logic, philosophy, theology, and canon law at Padua and 
Bologna j he lectured on theology at Cambridge, Paris, and Tou- 
louse 5 he wrote many books on such subjects as prayer, the contem- 
plative and active life, matrimony, the triumph of Christ, the eternal 
life, and chastity, in addition of course to his Nova Rhetorica, which 

82 My present discussion of the Nova Rhetorica is based upon the Huntington Li- 
brary's microfilm of an original specimen of the St. Albans edition of 1480 at the 
Bodleian Library. This copy begins as follows: "Fratris laurencij guilelmi de saona 
ordiuis [sic] mino[rum] sacre theologie doctoris prohemiu in nouam rethoricam." 
Its colophon reads: "Inpressum fuit hoc presens opus Rethorice facultatis apud villa 
sancti Albani. Anno domini. M. CCCC. LXXX." For additional information about 
this edition and that made by Caxton somewhat earlier, see William Blades, The 
Biography and Typography of William Caxton> England's First Printer (London and 
Strasbourg, 1877), pp. 216-219$ also Duff, Fifteenth Century English Books, p. 1025 
also Isak Collijn, Kataloge der Inkunabeln der Scfauedischen &ffentlichen Bibliotheken 
II. Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl* Universitate-Bibliothek xu Uppsala (Uppsala, 
I 97)> P* 2 3 2 J a l so British Museum General Catalogue of Printed Books, s.v. Tra- 
versanus (Laurentius Gulielmus). 

[ 79 J 


was the only one of his treatises to be printed. He tells us at the con- 
clusion of that work of his having finished it July 6, 1478, at Cam- 
bridge. At that time he would have been fifty-six years of age. His 
teaching career on foreign soil ended at Toulouse when he was sev- 
enty. Thereafter he lived in the Franciscan monastery of his native 
Savona, engaging himself in teaching, writing, collecting books, and 
giving financial support from his own purse for various architectural 
improvements in his cloister. He is reported to have been occupied 
in enlarging one of his earlier works as late as the seventy-eighth 
year of his life. One of the most complete of the biographical 
sketches of him says that he died on the fifth day of the third month 
of the year 1503, at the age of 81, and was buried in the church of 
St. Francis of Savona, having bequeathed to his monastery the sum 
of 300 crowns and what must have been a considerable library of 
books he had assembled by himself. 33 

Traversagni's Nova Rhetorica is thoroughly Ciceronian in the 
sense in which that term is here being used. It is divided into an intro- 
duction and three books, the whole work being composed of 362 
pages. The introduction begins by recalling the present uses and the 
past greatness of eloquence as an instrument in practical affairs and 
a subject in learning 5 the final words of the third book refer to the 
precepts of rhetoric as a treasure to be adapted to sacred speaking. 
What lies between this beginning and end is a thorough discussion 
of the five procedures of Ciceronian rhetoric. Early in Book I Traver- 
sagni quotes a passage from Boethius in which the latter enumerates 
these five procedures. s * Traversagni goes on to define each procedure 
by borrowing his definitions from the Rhetorica ad Herennium, 
which he had mentioned shortly before as Cicero's. 85 Invention occu- 
pies the rest of Book I and most of Book II. What Traversagni does 
is to discuss this important subject by considering how to devise ma- 
terials f qr each of the six parts of the oration as these parts appear in 

53 Giovanni Vincenzo Verzellino, Delle Memorie Particolari e Sfecialmente Degli 
Uomini Illustri delta Citta di Savona, ed. Andrea Astengo (Savona, 1890-1891), I, 
400-401. In the same volume, pp. 510-521, there is an account of Traversagni in Latin, 
which supplements to some extent the account in Italian just cited. I have relied almost 
completely upon these two accounts for the information I have given here. But I have 
also consulted Lucas Waddingus, Scrtytores Ordinis Minorum> editio novissima (Rome, 
1906-1921), i, 1583 in, 167; and Blades, Biogra-phy and Typography of Caxton, pp. 

^ Nova Rhetorica (St. Albans, 1480), sig. A8v. Traversagni's reference is to Boethius, 
De Different Topicis, IV (in Migne, Patrologia Latina, LXIV, 1208). 

85 Compare Nova Rhetoric** sig. A8v, and Rhetorica ad Herennium, 1.2. 

[ 80 ] 


each of the three kinds of oratory. Thus Book I deals with the ex- 
ordium, narration, division, proof, refutation, and conclusion, these 
topics being related to the forensic oration, and being defined in the 
language used in a similar connection in the Rhetorica ad Heren- 
nium. Book II, so far as it treats invention, adds doctrine that ap- 
plies to deliberative and demonstrative oratory. Arrangement is dis- 
posed of briefly in the closing pages of that same book, and in Book 
III, style receives great attention, with memory and delivery al- 
lotted short but standard treatment. In the discussion of style, Tra- 
versagni mentions such illustrious fathers as Jerome and Augustine, 
but his examples of stylistic devices are drawn mainly from the Bible, 
thus demonstrating how pagan rhetoric could be accommodated to 
sacred utterances. 

Six years after Traversagni's death, the terms of Ciceronian rhet- 
oric were expressed for the first time in the English language, and 
thus the way was prepared for the later vernacular rhetorics of Cox 
and Wilson. Stephen Hawes's Pastime of Pleasure is the work in 
which this development took place. I have already mentioned the 
Pastime in connection with the early vernacular history of English 
logic, and also in connection with the attempt of Geoffrey of Vinsauf 
to write poetical theory in terms of rhetoric. 37 Now I should like to 
show how Hawes converts Ciceronian rhetoric to the uses of the 
theory of poetry, and what the particular combination amounts to 
on this occasion. 

In the course of his training in the seven liberal arts, and immedi- 
ately after his indoctrination by the lady who taught logic, the hero 
of the Pastime of Pleasure ascends one more flight of stairs in the 
Tower of Doctrine and enters the chamber of Dame "Rethoryke." 
The instruction which this lady gives the hero is not designed to 
make him an orator. In fact, he kneels before her murmuring "O 
gylted goddesse of the hygh renowne," 38 and asks that his tongue be 
painted with her royal flowers, so that he may succeed in gladdening 
his auditors and in having power "to moralyse thy lytterall censes 
trewe." 39 These are the ends of poet and critic, not of lawyer, politi- 
cian, or preacher. But why not? The hero of the Pastime is after all 
a poet in quest of a beautiful lady, and he has the right to ask rhet- 

36 Compare Nova Rhetorica^ sigs. A8v-Bir, and Rhetorica ad Herennium, 1.3. 

37 See above, pp. 4.8-49, 76. 

88 The Pastime of Pleasure, ed. Mead, p. 31 [line 668]. 
p. 31 [line 677], 

[ 81 ] 


oric to teach her doctrine according to his particular needs. So she 
responds to his needs by outlining in Ciceronian terms what she has 
to teach: 

Fyue partes hath rethoryke for to werke trewe 
Without whiche fyue there can be no sentence 
For these fyue do well euermore renue 
The mater parfyte with good intellygence 
Who that wyll se them with all his dylygence 
Here folowenge I shall them specyfy 
Accordynge well all vnto myne ordynary. 40 

And, having used the insistence of repetition to stress the precise 
number of the parts of her subject, she proceeds to specify them as 
"inuencyon," "dysposycyon," "elocucyon," "pronuncyacyon," and 
"memoratyf e." 41 All of these terms, so familiar in the training of an 
orator, enter her explanation one after another in such fashion as to 
make them serve the special problems of the poet. 

First she speaks of "inuencyon." This she describes as the product 
of five inward faculties of the mind: "comyn wytte," "ymagyna- 
cyon," "fantasy," "good estymacyon," and "retentyfe memory." 42 
Her discussion of these faculties as parts of invention presupposes 
the instruction about them that the hero is later to receive in the 
pavilion of Dame Astronomy, and thus my present analysis of the 
five wits as applied to poetry rests upon both of these two sections of 
the Pastime. Common wit is in ordinary life the faculty of experi- 
encing perceptions, of discerning "all thynges in generall." 43 As ap- 

40 /*<., p. 32 [lines 694-700]. 

41 Ibid.) pp. 33 [line 701]; 37 [line 8zi]j 4.0 [line 904] 5 50 [line 1189] 5 52 
[line 1240]. 

Hawes's account of rhetoric extends from line 652 to line 1295, a total of 644 lines. 
These are distributed as follows: 

To preliminaries 652-700 that is 49 

To invention 701-819 that is 119 

To disposition 820-903 that is 84 

To elocution 904-1183 that is 280 

To pronunciation 1184-1239 that is 56 

To memory 1240-1288 that is 49 

To conclusion 1289-1295 that is 7 

42 Ibid*) pp. 33-35. Mead regards these five faculties, not as parts of invention, but 
as parts of rhetoric, although he also believes the five parts of rhetoric in Hawes's 
scheme to be invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery} see pp. xxi, Ivi. 
His latter view is correct. The former is not. He appears to have gone astray through 
his failure to see the structural importance of line 703, and through his failure to 
construe line 704 as a comment on line 703, not on line 701, 

id ty p. no [line 2842], 

[ 82 ] 


plied to the task of the poet, common wit chooses and joins poetic 
perceptions. 4 * Imagination, as the faculty of bringing wholeness of 
feeling to the things selected by perception, becomes in poetry the 
power to cloak a truth in a dark fiction: 

For often vnder a fayre fayned fable 
A trouthe appereth gretely profytable.* 5 

It was the power to imagine this sort of fable that made the famous 
poets of antiquity so wise and inventive: 

Theyr obscure reason fayre and sugratyfe 
Pronounced trouthe vnder cloudy fygures 
By the inuencyon of theyr fatall scryptures. 46 

Fantasy, the third faculty that ministers to invention, is the mental 
visualization of an object of perception and imagination, even as this 
faculty for the general run of men acts "to brynge to fynysshement" 
what the imagination produces. 47 Fourth in the poetic process is esti- 
mation, or judgment, a logical gift, by which causation is determined, 
quantity and quality ascertained, space, time, and other circumstances 
calculated. 48 Lastly the poetic process involves retentive memory, the 
faculty which enables the poet to retain inwardly the sum of his 
poetical matter while his reason gives it approval and his written 
language gives it outward form. 49 

Nothing in Hawes's account of poetic invention trespasses upon 
the doctrine of rhetorical invention in Cicero and his disciples 5 and 
yet we would have to admit that there is a process of poetic as of 
rhetorical invention, and that this process, while it has one configura- 
tion in poetry and another in oratory, is in both cases a quest for the 
materials of composition, and thus is justifiably called in both cases 
by the same term. 

When Hawes speaks, however, of disposition or arrangement as 
it affects poetry, his account does trespass somewhat upon the theory 
of arranging an oration. Thus Dame Rethoryke teaches this part of 
her subject to the hero of the Pastime by recognizing it as a pre- 
eminent characteristic of eloquence, and as a process of imparting 

p. 33 
p. 34 
p. 34 
p. 34 
p. 34 
p. 35 

lines 706-707], 

lines 713-714]} cf. p. no [lines 2843-2846]. 
Alines 719-721]. 

_ lines 722-735]} cf. p. no [lines 2847-2849 
lines 736-749]; cf. p. no [lines 2850-2856] 
'lines 750-763] } cf. p. in [lines 2857-2863 

[ 83 1 


meaning to matter, and often of deciding between the form of nar- 
ration or that of argumentation. 50 These two latter terms are close 
to the import of narration and proof as parts of the classical oration, 
and Dame Rethoryke offers some cryptic observations on the oc- 
casions when one or the other is to be preferred. The rest of her 
disquisition upon this second part of rhetoric is more in the vein of 
eulogy than of instruction. Her last observation laments the rudeness 
of those who lack appreciation for order in discourse: 

So dull they are that they can not fynde 
This ryall arte for to perceyue in mynde. 

We would ordinarily expect a treatment of style as the third 
part of rhetoric to enumerate the kinds of style and to explain the 
figures of speech and thought. Nor would we be surprised if much 
of that treatment applied as well to poetry as to oratory, since all 
the arts of discourse have points of style in common. Dame Rethoryke 
begins her remarks upon style as if she were going to follow these 
conventional lines. But as she continues, she soon limits herself to 
the fable and the figure as keys to poetic symbolism, and thus her 
treatment of style has more application to poetry than to oratory. 
She discusses the possible interpretations of the fable of Atlas, the 
Centaurs, Pluto, Hercules 5 B1 she speaks of the four rivers, that is, of 
poetry as it creates understanding of ourselves, as it offers symbolic 
solutions to human problems, as it profits us by its novelty, as it 
sheds a glow of light upon our rudeness; 52 and she mentions Virgil, 
Cicero, and Lydgate as examples of the styles of which she ap- 
proves. 58 

The treatment of "pronuncyacyon" by Dame Rethoryke is inter- 
esting not only as the first English version of doctrine belonging to 
this part of rhetoric, but also as an attempt to treat briefly the de- 
livery of speeches and the oral interpretation of poetry. The stand- 
ards of delivery both for speaker and reader are formulated by con- 
sidering the audience. An audience of high estate, for example, 
requires the speaker to be obedient and cultivated, if he would have 
a sympathetic hearing. As for the custom of poets in telling their 
tales, it consists in avoiding rudeness and in being gentle and seemly, 
since the ends of speech are to refine manners and remove folly. 

60 Ibid.) p. 37 [lines 810-903], 

B1 Ibid., p. 43 [lines 988-1050]. 

62 Ibid.) p. 45 [lines 1051-1141]. 

53 Ibid.y p. 49 [lines 1161-11761. 

[ 84 ] 


Thus does Dame Rethoryke condense into a few lines her advice 
to poets who read their works aloud. She concludes as follows: 

I can not wryte to moche for theyr sake 

Them to laude for my tyme is shorte 

And the mater longe whiche I must reporte. 64 

Of all the parts of her subject mentioned by Dame Rethoryke for 
the instruction of her disciple, memory is the one in which she comes 
closest to the doctrine of Ciceronian rhetoric as it applies to the orator. 

The doctrine of memory, as set forth in the Rhetorica ad Heren- 
nium and as usually mentioned and discussed in other ancient works 
on rhetoric, involved the notion of the natural memory, as a faculty 
possessed by all men, and of the cultivated memory, as the faculty 
that resulted when the natural memory was trained. The memory 
system as developed by the ancient rhetoricians to train speakers to 
rememb'er their speeches during delivery involved two key concepts, 
called respectively the places and the images. 65 According to Cicero, 
the distinguished poet Simonides of Ceos was the inventor of this 
system, and Cicero thus states the theory behind it as developed by 
Simonides out of a personal experience in which he had been able to 
identify mutilated corpses by his ability to recall where they had 
each been sitting at a banquet table before the roof fell in and crushed 
them beyond recognition: 

He inferred that persons desiring to train this faculty must select 
localities and form mental images of the facts they wish to remember 
and store those images in the localities, with the result that the ar- 
rangement of the localities will preserve the order of the facts, and 
the images of the facts will designate the facts themselves, and we 
shall employ the localities and images respectively as a wax writing 
tablet and the letters written on it. 58 

The places chosen by a speaker as the basis of his own particular 
memory system could be any set of physical arrangements the 
rooms of a house, the floors of a public building, the stages of a long 

54 Ibid*) p. 52, f lines 1237-1239]. 

55 See Rhetorica ad Herenmum^ 3.16-24, and Quintilian, Institutio Oratorio^ 11.2.1-26, 
for representative accounts of the process by which the memory could be trained. The 
two key concepts are thus stated in the former of these two works (3.16) : "Constat 
igitur artificiosa memoria ex locis et imaginibus." For these same two terms in Quintilian, 
see Institutio Oratoria^ 11.2.21-22. 

56 De Oratore^ 2.86.354, trans. E. W. Sutton and H. Rackham (The Loeb Classical 
Library, Cambridge, Mass, and London, 1942), I, 467. 

[ 85 ] 


journey, the components of a rampart, the sections of a picture, or 
the signs of the zodiac. 57 The images to be stored in those places are 
also the subject of individual choice, and should be selected so as to 
be naturally associated with the ideas in a particular speech. For ex- 
ample, images could be drawn from military weapons, if the speech 
concerned military affairs. Now by storing the images within the 
system of places, and by visualizing himself as visiting the places one 
by one, the speaker would find each place holding its image, and each 
image suggesting the ideas previously connected with it in his mind, 
with the result that a constant flow of ideas would occur, and a fluent 
speech would be produced. 

Dame Rethoryke applies this ancient memory system to the needs 
of the poet reciting his poems aloud to an audience. She suggests that 
he envisage his leathern wallet as a convenient system of places, and 
go through it mentally to remind himself of the images stored in its 
various compartments and associated with their respective tales. Her 
words are these: 

Yf to the orature many a sundry tale 

One after other treatably be tolde 

Than sundry ymages in his closed male 

Eache for a mater he doth than well holde 

Lyke to the tale he doth than so beholde 

And inwarde a recapytulacyon 

Of eche ymage the moralyzacyon 

Whiche be the tales he grounded pryuely 
Vpon these ymages sygnyfycacyon 
And whan tyme is for hym to specyfy 
All his tales by demonstracyon 
In due ordre maner and reason 
Than eche ymage inwarde dyrectly 
The oratoure doth take full properly 

So is enprynted in his propre mynde 

Euery tale with hole resemblaunce 

By this ymage he dooth his mater fynde 

Eche after other withouten varyaunce 

Who to this arte wyll gyue attendaunce 

As therof to knowe the perfytenes 

In the poetes scole he must haue intres/ 8 

07 These suggestions about the choice of places are from Quintilian, Institutio Orator*a y 

68 Pastime > p. 52 [lines 1247-1267], 

[ 86 ] 


Thus does Dame Rethoryke complete her task of combining the 
terms of Ciceronian rhetoric with the requirements of the poet's pro- 
fession, as she had no doubt been taught to do by the Poetria Nova 
of Geoffrey of Vinsauf, and as the Rhetorica ad Herennium had in 
turn taught Geoffrey to do, when he decided to analyze the problem 
of poetic communication in the accents of ancient rhetorical instruc- 
tion. 59 

In his pioneer essay on sixteenth-century English rhetorical theory 
prefacing his edition of Leonard Cox's The Arte or Crajte of 
Rh'ethoryke, Frederic Ives Carpenter implies that Caxton's transla- 
tion of the Mirrour of the World is perhaps the first printed account 
of Cicero's five terms to appear in English. 80 Actually, however, the 
first two editions of the Mirrour, one of which is usually dated at 
Caxton's press at Westminster around 1481, and the other at the 
same press around 1490, contain no hint of Ciceronian terminology 
in their very brief accounts of rhetoric as the third of the seven liberal 
arts. In fact, those accounts do nothing but indicate that righteousness, 
reason, and arranging of words are involved in rhetoric, and that 
rhetoric is connected not only with the process of framing and apply- 
ing laws and decrees, but also with the desire to earn salvation by 
working in the cause of right. 61 Not until the third edition of the 
Mirrour at the press of Laurence Andrewe in London around 1527 
does that work discuss rhetoric in Cicero's five terms. Even then, 
however, its treatment of invention, arrangement, and style is little 
more in each case than a definition, although memory is discussed 

59 The connection between the account of rhetoric in Hawes's Pastime and the ac- 
count of poetry in Geoffrey's Poetria Nova has not to my knowledge been worked out. 
But the kinship between the two works in respect to rhetorical theory can be established 
not only by pointing: to their structural similarities but also by regarding 1 The Court of 
Sapyence as a means of connecting Hawes to Geoffrey. Hawes believed the Court to be 
the work of Lydgate, and his reverence for Lydgate is repeatedly expressed j see Pastime^ 
p. 56 [lines 1357, 1 373] 5 also Whitney Wells, "Stephen Hawes and The Court of 
Salience ," The Review of English Studies^ vi (1930), 284-294. The Court in its brief 
account of rhetoric advises the reader to go for further instruction "to Tria Sunt, And 
to Galfryde, the poete lawreate"; (ed. Spindler, p. 199 [lines 1914-1915]). The "Tria 
Sunt" appears to refer to the prose version of Geoffrey's Poetria. Nova, whereas the 
mention of Geoffrey as poet laureate might be a covert reference to the poetic version 
of the same workj see C. F. Buhler, The Sources of the Court of Sapience, Beitrage 
zur Englischen Philologie, xxin (1932), p. 76. Thus some reason exists for believing that 
Hawes on the authority of the Court would accept Geoffrey as the master of his own 
master, and would thus have sentimental connections with the idea of converting Cicero- 
nian rhetoric to the uses of poetry. 

80 Leonard Cox, The Arte or Crafte of Rhethoryke> ed. Frederic Ives Carpenter 
(Chicago, 1899), p. 25. 

61 Caxton's Mirrour ^ ed. Prior, pp. 35-36. 

[ 87 1 


at some little length, and pronunciation receives definite emphasis. 
Now by 1527 Hawes's Pastime^ with its fuller English account of 
Cicero's five terms, had already gone through two editions, and thus 
it deserves the honor in respect to those terms that Carpenter by 
strong implication assigns to the Mirrour. The Mirrour is more ac- 
curately numbered as the second of the appearances of Ciceronian 
rhetoric in an English version. 

The first two editions of Caxton's Mirrour are available to any 
modern reader in Prior's reprint, to which I have already made 
various references. But copies of the expanded third edition cannot 
be consulted except at a few libraries, and thus some quotations from 
its treatment of rhetoric may be helpful as a supplement to the pas- 
sage quoted by Carpenter to show what he means when he refers to 
the IVLirrour as containing "perhaps the first printed account of 
rhetoric in English." 62 As I just indicated, the third edition of the 
Mirrour treats invention, arrangement, and style, by giving little 
more than brief definitions of them, and these definitions are included 
in Carpenter's quotation from that work. But the subject of memory 
receives really interesting treatment in that same edition. Here is the 
way the entire subject is handled as a part of rhetoric: 

ff Ars memoratiua / Or memory / 

fl The fourth thynge is memory, as whan thou haste dysposed how 
thou shalt elygantly vtter thy mater / Than thou must deuise a way 
to kepe it in thy mynde for fere of oblyuion whan thou sholdest pro- 
nowunce it / which mememory standeth in . 1 1 . thynges / that is to say 
memory naturall / & memory artyficyall / memory naturall / is 
that which god hath gyuen to euery man / 

IT Memory Artyfycyall is that which men cal Ars memoratiua / The 
crafte of memory / by which craft thou mayste wryte a thynge in thy 
mynde / & set it in thy mynde as euydetly as thou mayst rede and 
se the wordes whych thou wrytest with ynke vpon parchemet or 
paper / Therfore in this arte of memory thou muste haue places 
which shal be to the lyke as it were perchenent or paper to wryte 
vpon / Also instede of thy lettres thou must ymagyn Images to set 
in the same places / Therfore fyrst thou shalt chose thy places fyrste 
As in some greate hous that thou knowest well / and begyn at a 
certayn place of that hous / & marke som poste / corner / or wall / 
beynge. there as they stande arow / and within .x. or .xii. fote and 
32 o?. at., P . zs- 

[ 88 ] 


not past .xx. fote asoder marke som other poste or wall // and so 
alway procedyng f orthe one way tyll thou haue marked or notyd .C. 
or ,CC. places / or as many as thou canste haue / 

If Also in this crafte as I sayde before thou must haue euer ymags of 
corporall thynges that thou muste se with thyn eye whiche thou muste 
ymagyn in thy mynde that thou seest them sette in the places 

IT And so of euery corporall thynge thou muste ymagyn that thou seest 
the same comporall thyng in the place / 

ff As whan thou wylte remembre a man / a horse / a byrde / a 
fysshe / or suche other to Imagyn that thou seest the same man / hors / 
byrde / or fisshe / in thy place and so of euery corporall thyng / But 
yf thou canst not haue a corporall ymage of the same thynge / as yf 
thou woldest remembre a thynge whyche is of it selfe no bodely nor 
corporall thyng but incorporall / That thou muste yet take an ymage 
therfore that is a corporall thynge / As yf thou woldest remeber thys 
word / to rede / than thou maist ymagyn one lokynge on a boke / or 
for this word, walk / to ymagin a payre of legges / or for this worde 
wysedome an olde man wyth a whyt hed so that euery ymage must be 
a bodely & a corporal thyng. 63 

This same edition of the Mirrour also has an account of pronuncia- 
tion which is brief enough for quotation here and which will serve 
to indicate some of the doctrine connected with the Ciceronian discus- 
sion of delivery as the last part of rhetoric: 

fl The fyfte thynge is pronuciacyo which is but to modder and to ordre 
thy voyce & thy body acordynge to the wordes & to the scyece / 

IT The voyce must haue strength / sharpnes / & temperaunce. 

IF Countenaunce is the orderynge of thy face / as whan thou spekyst 
of a mery mater to shew a laughyng and mery countenaunce / 

IF And whan thou spekyst of a pytefull mater to shew a lamentable 
countenaunce & a heuy / 

IF And whan thou spekest of a weyghty cause or mater to shewe a sad 
and a solempne countenaunce 

^Gesture is not only in excersisyng one parte of the body but I euery 
outward meber of the body / as in hede / armes / & leggs / and 

68 The myrrour: & dyscryfscyon of the worlds with many meruaylles ([London, 
Z 5 2 7?])> sig"- Dar-Dsv. From the Huntingdon Library photostat of theij own original 
copy. Spelling, abbreviating, and pointing are reproduced here to conform to that 

[ 89 ] 


other vtt 3 partes / Therfore to euery mater that thou shalt vtt 3 thou 
must haue quemet gesture / as wha thou spekest of a solepne mat' to 
stade vp ryghte with lytell meuynge of thy body / but poyntynge it 
with thy fore fynger / 

ffAnd whan thou spekyst of any cruell mater or yrefull cause to 
bende thy fyst and shake thyn arme / And whan thou spekyst of 
any heuenly or godly thynges to loke vp & polte towarde the skye 
with thy finger / 

Tf And wha thou spekest of any gentilnes /myldenes / or humylyte / 
to ley thy handes vpon thy breste / & wha thou spekest of any holy 
mater or deuocyon to holde vp thy handes./ 64 

Thus did the third edition of Caxton's Mirrour deal with memory 
and delivery as the last two parts of rhetoric. Its treatment of the 
first three parts was less extended, as I have said, but no less faith- 
ful to the main intent of Ciceronian teaching. 

Next after it in the historical sequence of Ciceronian rhetorics in 
English stands Leonard Cox's Rhethoryke^ which first appeared at 
London around 1530, and which was given a second edition at the 
same place in 1532. Cox's Rhethoryke marks the third appearance of 
Ciceronian theory in the vernacular. But it has two other larger dis- 
tinctions. First of all, it is the earliest English textbook on rhetoric 
to be published anywhere, and so it deserves a special place in the 
literary history of Anglo-Saxon civilization. Secondly, it is the first 
systematic attempt to acquaint English readers with the original 
rhetorical content of the Ciceronian doctrine of invention, and so it 
is a milestone on the long road towards the vernacularization of 
classical learning. 

At the time when Cox wrote his Rhethoryke^ he was a school- 
master at Reading. He indicates this fact in the epistle- dedicating his 
work to "the reuerende father in god & his singuler good lorde the 
lorde Hugh Faryngton Abbot of Redynge." 66 In the same letter he 
says that he owes his position to the Abbot, whose ancestors had 

es Leonard Cox, The Art ctr crafte of Rhetoryke (London, 1532), sig 1 . Azv. From 
the Huntingdon Library photostat of their own copy of the 1532 edition. I have not 
seen the first edition, which bears no date and has been assigned by Carpenter (o. dt. y 
pp. 10, 12, 19) to the year 1530 or thereabouts. The British Museum General Catalogue 
of Printed Books (London and Beccles, 1949) tentatively gives the first edition the 
date of 1529, although in 1886 the Catalogue dated it 1524, as did the Short-Title 
Catalogue in 1926. Carpenter's reprint is based upon both early editions, but the first 
edition is his preferred authority. 

[ 90 ] 


founded the very school in which he is now serving; and he goes on 
to declare that he has long been considering ways in which he could 
show his patron how much he appreciated what the latter had done 
for him. Then he adds: 

And whan I had thus long prepensed in my mynde what thynge I 
myght best chose out: non offred it selfe more conuenyent to the 
profyte of yonge studentes (which your good lordshyp hath alwayes 
tenderly fauoured / and also meter to my [profession: than to make 
som proper werke of the right pleasaunt and persuadible art of 
Rhetorique whiche as it is very necessary to all suche as wyll either 
be Aduocates and Proctours in the law: or els apte to be sent in theyr 
Prynces Ambassades or to be techers of goddes worde in suche maner 
as may be moost sensible & accepte to theyr audience and finally to all 
them hauynge any thyng to purpose or to speke afore any companye 
(what someuer they be). 66 

This declaration of the uses of the art of rhetoric in law, statecraft, 
and the ministry, as well as on numerous occasions of private life, 
is typical of the whole rhetorical tradition in the Latin world from 
Cicero to Traversagni, and is thus worthy to appear in the first rhe- 
torical textbook to bear Cicero's teachings to English boys in their 
own tongue. So is Cox's analysis of the social needs his work is 
designed to meet: 

So contraryly I se no science that is lesse taught & declared to Scolers 
which ought chiefly after the knowlege of Gramer ones had to be 
instructe in this facultie without the whiche oftentymes the rude 
vtteraunce of the Aduocate greatly hindereth and apeyreth his clietes 
cause. Likewise the vnapt disposicion of the precher (in orderyng his 
mater) confoundeth the memory of his herers and briefly in declar- 
ynge of maters: for lacke of inuencion and order with due elocucion: 
great tediousnes is engendred to the multitude beyng present by oc- 
casion wherof the speker is many tymes ere he haue ended his tale: 
either left almost aloon to his no litle confusio : or els (which is a lyke 
rebuke to hym) the audience falleth for werynes of his ineloquent 
language fast on slepe. 87 

The remedy for these shortcomings, Cox implies, is to be found 
in proper instruction in rhetoric. It is to provide such instruction, he 
declares, that "I haue partely translated out of a werke of Rhetorique 
wry ten in the Latin tongue: and partely compyled of myn owne: and 

ee Rhetoryke (153 a), sig. Azv. 6T Ibid., sig. 

[ 91 ] 


so made a lytle treatyse in maner of an Introductyon into this afore- 
sayd Science: and that in our Englysshe tongue." 68 Two Latin sources 
openly referred to by Cox in his little treatise are Cicero's De Inven- 
tione and Trapezuntius's Rhetoricorum Libri Quinque. But, as 
Carpenter was the first to point out, the "werke of Rhetorique wryten 
in the Latin tongue" from which Cox partly translated to form his 
own work is Melanchthon's Institution** Rhetoricae. 

Melanchthon's Institutiones Rhetoricae partitions rhetoric under 
the headings of invention, judgment, arrangement, and style. 71 The 
second of these terms seems to be out of place as a part of the 
rhetoric of the Ciceronian tradition 5 but actually that term is not 
so much out of place as unnecessary. As a concept in the classical 
theory of communication, judgment refers to the second of the two 
parts of dialectic, invention being the other part, as I have already 
shown j 72 and judgment in dialectical theory, it will be remembered 
from my earlier discussion, is equivalent in function to arrangement 
or disposition in rhetoric. Thus it would seem that, if arrangement 
is counted a part of rhetorical theory, nothing would be gained by 
claiming judgment as an added part, since both of these concepts 
involve the problem of literary structure, and to handle them both 
in the same work is to invite the charge of redundancy. To be sure, 
there were rhetorical theorists in antiquity who insisted that rhetoric 
had six parts, and who found the sixth part by adding judgment to 
the five parts approved by Cicero. Quintilian mentions these theo- 
rists, and even discusses to some extent the meaning they assigned 
to judgment as a part of rhetoric. 73 But his own opinion is that what 
is said under judgment when it is treated separately overlaps what 
has to be said anyway under invention, arrangement, style, and even 
delivery, and therefore Cicero's five parts are to be preferred to the 
suggested six. Nevertheless, Melanchthon chooses to count both 
judgment and arrangement as parts of rhetoric, perhaps in imitation 
of the theorists mentioned by Quintilian, or perhaps in an attempt to 
indicate that rhetorical theory needed to be strengthened by additions 
that belonged properly under a dialectical concept. 

68 Ibid., sig. A 3 r. 

69 Ibid., sigs. Eyv, F6r, F6v. 

70 Carpenter, p. 29. 

71 In Carpenter's edition of Cox's Rhetboryke, pp. 91-102, are printed extracts from 
Melanchthon's Institutiones Rhetoricae 5 for the latter's partitioning of rhetoric under 
these four heads, see p. 91. 

72 See above, pp. 15-16. 

78 Institutio Oratoria^ 3. 3. 5-7 > 6. $.1-4. 

[ 9* ] 


Cox defines rhetoric as having the four procedures that Melanch- 
thon had assigned to it. 74 He limits himself, however, to invention, 
commenting both at the beginning and end of his work that this pro- 
cedure is hardest of the four to master. 75 He takes the trouble to 
point out, moreover, that in thus limiting himself, he has "folowed 
y e facion of Tulli who made a seuerall werke of inuencion." 76 

As for his actual treatment of the first part of rhetoric, Cox agrees 
somewhat more closely with the method followed in the Rhetorica 
ad Herennium than with Cicero's method in De InventAone^ espe- 
cially in connection with the doctrine of the positions of argument. 
These positions are discussed by Cox under three main headings, after 
the manner of the Rhetorica ad Herennium although the basic 
terms which evolve from his classification are in close agreement 
with those in De Inventione^ where the positions are classed some- 
what differently, as I indicated earlier in this chapter. 78 Moreover, 
even as the Rhetorica ad Herennium follows the general plan of dis- 
cussing each of the kinds of oratory in relation to each of the several 
parts of the oration, with the result that the terms for the parts of 
the oration recur as each kind of oratory is described, so also does 
Cox $ yet in the final analysis his doctrine amounts to that presented 
a bit differently by Cicero's De Inventione* Incidentally, by treating 
the parts of the oration under invention, Cox manages as the classical 
theorists did to cover the most important aspect of the doctrine of 
rhetorical arrangement without having to take it up directly. 

There is, however, one slight peculiarity in Cox's theory of in- 
vention, and it deserves notice in this history. It arises when Cox 
speaks of the precise number of classes into which rhetorical dis- 
courses fall. On this point he observes that there are "foure causes 
or for the more playnnes foure kyndes of Oracions." 79 These he im- 
mediately enumerates as "Logycall," "Demonstratiue," "Delibera- 
tiue," and " Judiciall" j and he adds that "these thre last be properly 
called spices or kyndes of oracions." 80 Now, in dealing with four 
kinds of oratory rather than the conventional three as I discussed 
them earlier, 81 Cox departs from the Rhetorica ad Herennium and 

74 Rhetoryke ( 1 5 3 z ) , sig". A4r- A4.v. 
75 /*<, sigs. A4V, F6r. 
79 Ibid., sig. F6r. 

77 Ibid., sig 1 . D7r; see also Rhetorica ad Herennmm y i.u. 

78 See above, pp. 70-71. 

79 Rhetoryke) sig. A5r. 

80 Ibid.) sig. A5v. 81 See above, pp. 69-70. 

[ 93 1 


also from De Inventions Moreover, in what he says of the method 
of invention to be followed in logical orations, he draws his material 
from the theory of dialectical invention, taking the position that 
logical questions appear both in dialectic and in rhetoric, and hence 
need some attention in the latter science, even though what is said 
of them there must be borrowed from the former. 83 In other words, 
Cox extends the scope of Ciceronian rhetoric somewhat, and then 
fortifies the theory of rhetorical invention by additions from the 
parallel theory in dialectic. But he does not alter the traditional re- 
lation of these two arts to each other, In fact, ^his distinction between 
them, phrased as follows, is in the spirit of his time: 

For this is the dyfference that is betwene these two sciences that the 
Logician" in dysputynge obserueth certayne rules for the settynge of 
his wordes being solicitous that there be spoke no more nor no lesse 
than the thynge requyreth & that it be euin as plaily spoke as it is 
thought. But the Rhethorician seketh about & boroweth where he can 
asmoche as he may for to make the symple and playne Lpgicall argu- 
mentes gaye & delectable to the eare. So than the sure iugement of 
argumentes or reasons must be lerned of the logician but the crafte 
to set the out with pleasaunt figures and to delate the mater belongeth 
to the Rhetorician. 8 * 

Twice in his. treatise on rhetoric Cox mentions his desire to do 
something further with that subject. His dedicatory epistle draws to 
a close with the avowal that he trusts "by the ayde of almyghty god 
to endyte other werkes bothe in this faculty and other to the laude 
of the hygh godhed." 85 At the very end of his work, in his con- 
clusion as author, he speaks of his having treated invention, the chief 
part of rhetoric, and of his being willing, if the present book suc- 
ceeds, to "assay my selfe in y other partes & so make & accoplyssh y e 
hole werke." BG Apparently his resolution to write another work on 
rhetoric had not been abandoned by 1540, because in a letter dated 
May 23 of that year he mentions his plan to write a work to be called 
the Erotemata Rhetorical Possibly that would have been the more 
complete treatise which he promised at the end of his earlier one 3 
possibly also it would have been a further translation from Melanch- 

82 Rhetorica aci Herenntum^ r.aj De Inventione, 1.5.7. See also Quintilian, Institutio 
Oratoria^ 3.4.1-16, where the dispute over the number of kinds of oratory -is discussed. 
83 Rhetorykt) sig. A6r, A8v. 
**Ibid., sigs. A8v-Bir. 

85 IbU.i sig. A 3 v. * 9 Ib*d., sig. F6r. 

87 Rhethoryke^ ed. Carpenter, pp. 15-16, 21. 

[ 94 ] 


thon, since Cox's projected title suggests his desire to identify his 
new work with that famous author, who had called one of his own 
works the Erotemata Dialectices. But Cox appears never to have fin- 
ished or at any rate to have published a second work on rhetoric. 

Among the circumstances which led Cox to take a special interest 
in Melanchthon, there is at least one possibility to be emphasized. 
Cox took his bachelor's degree at Cambridge University around 
1528, and thus was an undergraduate when William Paget, who 
must have been about Cox's age, is said to have delivered a course 
of lectures in his own college at Cambridge on Melanchthon's rhe- 
torical theory. 88 Since Paget appears to have left Cambridge before 
taking his bachelor's degree, we may assume that his lectures on 
Melanchthon were not part of the authorized curriculum. But they 
are evidence of undergraduate interest in that particular author, and 
Cox's own Rhethoryke reflects that same interest on a maturer and 
more professional level. 

Despite the fact that Cox does not go beyond the theory of 
rhetorical invention, Ciceronian rhetoric was represented by him in 
its most important aspect. Its other aspects were not long in finding 
new English interpreters. About sixteen years after the date of the 
second edition of Cox's Rhethoryke, and some five years before the 
date of Thomas Wilson's great English version of the doctrine be- 
longing to all five terms of the Ciceronian rhetorical formula, the 
ancient theory of memory was made the subject of a separate work 
for the first time in English, and thus did Ciceronian rhetoric re- 
ceive its first important supplement since Cox's treatise on invention. 
Robert Copland, a printer who had learned his trade under Caxton 
and Wynkyn de Worde, was author of this supplement. He named 
his work The Art of Memory, that otherwyse is called the "Phemx." 
His title page describes it as "A boke very behouefull and profytable 
to all professours of scyences. Grammaryens / Rethoryciens Dia- 
lectyke / Legystes / Phylosophres & Theologiens." The colophon 
indicates that the work was printed at London by William Middle- 
ton, and that it was a translation "out of french in to englyshe by 
Roberte Coplande." 89 "For asmuch as many (I th[is] tyme moderne 

88 The date of Cox's Cambridge degree is not of record. He was incorporated B.A. 
at Oxford on Feb. 19, 1529-30, as one who already held the same degree from Cam- 
bridge. See Dictionary of National Biogra^hy^ s,v. Cox, Leonard. For mention of 
Paget's lectures at Cambridge, see Mullinger, University of Cambridge^ i, 563; also 
Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Paget, William (1505-1563). 

89 No date is given on the title page or colophpn. The Short-Title Catalogue assigns 

[ 95 ] 


y psetly reneth) be o a slow memory & late mynded," avows the 
prologue, "this lytell boke was made & composed, for to gyue and 
preset it to all people, albeit that at the begynnynge it was dyrected 
to the Italyke nacion." The work thus identified by Copland as his 
ultimate source is in reality a small Latin treatise by Petrus Ravennas, 
also called Pietro Tommai, an Italian scholar, who died in 1 5o8_after 
having served for a time as lecturer on canon law at the University of 
Padua. Tommai's little book was first published at Venice in 1491 as 
Foenix Dni Petri Rauenatis Memoriae Magistrif* under that same 
title and others it was republished several times at European presses 
during the sixteenth century. 

The prologue of Copland's translation says that the original Italian 
author had had no teacher of the art of memory, "but y it came to 
hym by inuencion throughe the socour and help of god that lyghtned 
and inspired his spyrite." What this means is that the original author 
was merely inventor of ways in which the old memory system of 
Ciceronian rhetoric could be worked out in practical terms. In other 
words, Tommai accepted the basic concepts of places and images as 
his starting point, and proceeded to suggest things to be used for 
them, his method being to reduce his doctrine to a few main con- 
clusions, each of which had its special rules. Here is a sample of his 
formulations as Copland renders them into English : 

The fyrste conclusyon. shalbe suche. This arte is, and consysteth of 
places and magnytudes. The places be as cardes or scrolls or other 
thynges for to wrytte in. The ymages be y symylytudes of the thynges 
that we wyll retayne in mynde. Than I wyl fyrst [pre]pare my carde 
wherin we may colloke & order y ymages in places. 91 

The rules which follow this first conclusion indicate what type of 
physical objects may serve as places, and how they are to be chosen: 

the work tentatively to the year 1548. My present discussion of it is based upon the 
Huntington Library photostat of the copy at Cambridge University Library. 

90 The Huntington Library owns a copy of this edition under the title just given. 
The text itself begins: "Artificiosa Memoria Clarissimi luris Vtrius[que] Doctoris & 
militis domini Petri Rauenatis lura Canonica ordinarie de sero legentis in Celeberrimo 
Gymnasio Patauino in hoc libello continetur." The colophon reads: "Bernardinus de 
Choris de Cremona Impressor delectus Impressit Venetias Die. X. lanuarii. M. ccccxci." 
This edition is cited below as Foenix. 

S1 The Art of Memory^ sig. A2V-A3T. Tommai states the first conclusion as follows: 
"Prima erit Conclusio: Ars ista constat ex locis & imaginibus: loca sunt tanq charta 
seu alia materia in qua scribimus: Imagines sunt similitudines reru quas memoriae 
uolumus comendare. Chartam ergo primu parabo in qua imagines collocare possimus." 
sig. Bsr. 

[ 96 ] 


And for the foundacion of this fyrst coclusyon I wyll put foure rules. 
The fyrste is this. The places are the wyndowes set in walles, pyllers, 
& anglets, with other lyke. The .11. rule is. The places ought nat to 
be to nere togyther nor to fare a soder. . . . The .111. rule is suche. 
But it is vayne as me semeth. For it is the opynyon of talkers that 
the places ought nat to be made where as me do haunt, as in churche 
and comyn places. For it suffyseth to haue sene church vacaunt wher 
as people walke nat alway and in that hath ben taught y cotrary 
experyence. whyche is the mayster of those thynges. The .1111. rule 
is th[is]. That the places be nat to hye. For I wyl that the men set 
for the ymages or in the steade of ymages may touch the places, y 
whiche I haue iudged as behouefull. 92 

In illustration of these rules, Tommai says that he selects a church 
well known to himself, considers its parts, walks through it three or 
four times, and then returns to his own house. There he endeavors 
to remember the things he has seen. He recalls something on the 
right side of the gate along the path that leads to the right aisle and 
the high altar, and this he ordains as his first place. His second place 
he fixes upon the wall next to the first, but five or six feet off. These 
places are chosen either for some umisual feature they may possess, 
say a pillar in a window, or for some unusual feature they may be 
imagined to possess. Each place is fixed along the route through the 
church and back to the entrance gate. Thus is a system of places 
created for the later reception of images. Says Tommai of his own 
system : 

But bicause y I haue wylled to surmout all the men of Itally by 
habundauce of thynges and holy scryptures, in Canone lawe and 
Cyuyl, and in other authoritees of many thynges, whyle that I was 
but yonge adolescent I haue prepared a C. M, places. And now I 
haue added to them y other .x. M. places wherin I haue put the 
thynges which are to say & vtter by my selfe, so y they be prompt- 
emets whan I wyll experyment the vertues and strengthes of my 
memory. 93 

92 The Art of Memory ', sig. A3T-A3V. The Latin text reads at this point: "Et pro 
fundamento huius primae conclusionis quatuor reg-ulas pono. Prima est haec: loca sunt 
fenestrae in parietibus positae colunae anguli & quae his similia sunt. Secuda sit regular 
loca non debent esse nimium uicina aut nimium distatia. Tertia sit reg-ula uana ut mihi 
uidetur est opinio dicentium loca fieri non debere ubi sit hominum frequentia: ut in 
ecclesiis aut in plateis; nam ecclesiam quado[que] uacua uidisse sufEcit non enirn semper 
ibi hominum deambulatio uisa fuit & in hoc experientia quae est reru magistra cotrarium 
docuit. Quarta sit regular loca no sint alta quia uolui [que] homines pro imaginibus 
positi loca tang-ere possint quod utile semper iudicaui." Foenix, sig. Bjr. 

93 The Art of Memory, sig. A4V. 

[ 97 ] 


Having established his system of places, Tommai was apparently 
quite successful in its use. He relates that when he was young, he 
found himself in the company of certain noblemen, and it was pro- 
posed that a list of names be read off, whereupon^ he ^ would recall 
them. As each name was called, Tommai associated it with the image 
of a friend of his having a similar name, and stored each image in 
his system of places. Then, with the list complete, he mentally visited 
his places, and from the images in them he recalled the names. 94 

The rest of Tommai's work as Copland translates it is given over 
to practical hints on systems of places and types of images. The alpha- 
bet is suggested as one system of places, each letter being conceived 
as a fair maiden, with whom something to be memorized can be 
associated. Parts of the body, patterns of vocal sounds, arrangements 
of colors, and systems of enumeration, are among the possibilities 
considered, and the practical needs of preachers, lawyers, and pro- 
fessors are kept in mind throughout. 

However useful Copland wanted his Art of Memory to be in the 
fraternity of talkers, he nevertheless does not present it as a sub- 
division of rhetorical theory or as a conventional topic in the Cicer- 
onian program for oratorical training. Thus to readers of its own 
time, the Art would probably not have appeared to belong to the 
family which also claimed Cox's Rhethoryke^ particularly since the 
latter did not include memory among rhetorical interests. But Cop- 
land does belong to that family, as we can see, and so it is entirely 
appropriate to include his Art in the sequence of English versions of 
the Ciceronian program, even though Thomas Wilson's The Arte 
of Rhetorique is in a more obvious sense the next work after Cox in 
this sequence, and is moreover the greatest Ciceronian rhetoric in 
English, short of a direct translation of the works of the Latin master 

Wilson published his Rhetorique in 1553, just two years after he 
had made history by putting out the first English logic. 05 The opinion 
persists among scholars that the first edition of the Rhetorique is in- 
complete, and that the edition of 1560 is the true editio 

94 Ibid., sig. ASV. 

85 The title page of the first edition reads: "The Arte of Rhetorique, for the vse of 
all suche as are studious of Eloquence, sette forth in English, by Thomas Wilson. Anno 
Domini. M. D. LIII. Mense lanuarijV The Huntington Library has a copy of the first 
edition; also of the second edition (London, 1560), the third (London, 1562), and the 
seventh (London, 1584). 

9e Thus Atkins, The Renascence, p. 74, refers to Wilson's Rhetorique as published in 
15.53 and completed in 1560. Atkins borrowed this opinion from Wilson's Arte of Rhet- 

[ 98 ] 


But in reality the latter contains only about four pages of material 
not found in the former, as Russell Wagner has shown, and those 
four pages are made up, not of additional doctrine, but of ex- 
amples. 97 Thus 1553 may be accepted as the year in which the earliest 
complete English account of the rhetorical doctrine connected with 
all five parts of the Ciceronian theory of oratory appeared in print. 
The Rhetorique was prepared by Wilson in accordance with a 
promise that he had made a year earlier to John Dudley, known to 
history as Duke of Northumberland, who was at that time the power 
behind the young king Edward VI, and was later beheaded by Queen 
Mary because of his attempt to secure the throne for Lady Jane Grey. 
Wilson mentions his promise to the duke in the epistle which dedi- 
cates the Rhetorique to him: 

I therefore, commend to your Lordshippes tuition and patronage, this 
treatise of Rhetorique, to the ende that ye may get some furtheraunce 
by the same, & I also be discharged of my faithfull promise, this last 
yere made vnto you. 

Since the duke had been named chancellor of Cambridge early in 
the year 1552, and since Wilson, as a quite recent graduate of that 
university, was just then beginning to achieve some reputation from 
his Rule of Reason, it may be that an interview between Wilson and 
the nobleman had been initiated by the latter soon after he assumed 
the chancellorship. The dedicatory epistle prefixed to the Rhetorique 
suggests at any rate that Wilson's "faithfull promise" had been given 
at a meeting between them: 

For, whereas it pleased you among other talke of learning, earnestly 
to wish, that ye might one day see the preceptes of Rhetorique, set 
forth by me in English, as I had erst done the rules of Logicke: 
hauing in my countrey this last Sommer, a quiet time of vacation, 
with the right worshipfull Sir Edward Dimmoke Knight: I trauailed 
so much, as my leasure might serue thereunto, not onely to declare 
my good heart, to the satisfying of your request in that behalfe, but 
also through that your motion, to helpe the towardnesse of some 
other, not so well furnished as your Lordship is. 

ortque 1560^ ed. George Herbert Mair ([Oxford], 1909)) p. xxxv. Incidentally, Mair's 
edition of the Rhetorique is the only modern version easily available to students; for 
convenience I shall refer my discussion to it. 

97 Russell Halderman Wagner, "Thomas Wilson's Arte of Rhetorique An Abstract of 
a Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University for 
the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, July, 1928," Cornell University Abstracts of 
Theses, II. 

[ 99 1 


Invention is the subject to which Wilson devotes the lion's share 
of attention, as did his Ciceronian predecessors. Like them he speaks 
of the three kinds of oratory; 98 in analyzing the third kind, that is, 
the forensic speech, he discusses the positions of argument j" he also 
explains the parts of an oration, and considers the applicability of 
each part to each kind of speech. 100 His treatment of the positions of 
argument follows the classification adopted by Cox and sanctioned 
by the Rhetorics ad Herenniwm^ and so he speaks of three main 
positions or "States." But it turns out in the end that he covers nine 
separate ones in all, more or less in the fashion of Cicero in De 
Inventione. Wilson shows traces of confusion in this part of his 
interpretation of classical doctrine, particularly when he first explains 
what the legal state is. 101 His other main topics in the theory of in- 
vention are handled more securely, however, and in general it may 
be said that he gives the first adequate English account of that theory 
to be found anywhere. 

As a recognized writer in the field of logic, and thus as an authority 
on dialectical invention, Wilson handles the problem of rhetorical 
invention with a special awareness of the connections between philo- 
sophical and popular expression. At the very beginning of his dis- 
cussion of rhetorical invention, before he has proceeded beyond a 
brief definition of the term, he says that the "places of Logique, giue 
good occasion to finde out plentifull matter." 102 He adds at once: 
"And therefore, they that will proue any cause, and seeke onely to 
teach thereby the trueth, must search out the places of Logique, and 
no doubt they shall finde much plentie." But this plain indication 
that the machinery of dialectical invention is useful in the similar 
procedure of rhetoric is not the only sign of Wilson's concern for the 
integration of the disciplines of communication. After he proposes 
four rhetorical places for proving that abstractions or inanimate 
things are worthy of praise, he immediately sees the places of logic 
as available for the same purpose, and thus he conceives of dialectical 

98 Rhetoriquty pp. 11-99. 
"7^., pp. 86-99. 

100 Ibid., pp. 7, 99-156. 

101 Ibid.) p. 89. At this point, Wilson regards the legal state as if it did not turn 
upon the meaning of written language as if it applied, for example, to cases in which 
a given offense is called manslaughter by the defendant and murder by the prosecutor. 
Later (pp. 94-97) he regards the legal state as applying to cases which concern the 
interpretation of a written law or text. Only the latter interpretation is justified by the 
Rhetorica ad Herennium^ from which Wilson's classification of states is derived 

p. 6. 

[ 100 ] 


invention as a substitute form of rhetorical invention on a different 
level of application. His exact words are: 

Many learned will haue recourse to the places of Logicke, in steede 
of these fower places, when they take in hand to commend any such 
matter. The which places if they make them serue, rather to commende 
the matter, then onely to teach men the trueth of it, it were wel done, 
and Oratour like, for seing a man wholly bestoweth his witte to play 
the Oratour, he should chiefly seeke to compasse that, which he en- 
tendeth, and not doe that only which he neuer minded, for by plaine 
teaching, the Logician shewes himself e, by large amplification, and 
beautifying of his cause, the Rhetorician is alwaies knowne. 103 

Wilson then lists six of the places of logic, and comments that they 
are possibly more basic than the four rhetorical places he had just 
enumerated. What he means by this can be gathered later when in 
speaking of proof as a part of the oration he says: "Therfore I wish 
that euery man should desire, & seeke to haue his Logique perfit, 
before he looke to profite in Rhetorique, considering the ground and 
confirmation of causes, is for the most part gathered out of 

Thus does Wilson recognize two theories of invention, the one 
dialectical and the other rhetorical, the one for proving and teach- 
ing plainly, the other for commending, amplifying, and giving beauty 
to a cause. But when he comes in the Rhetorique to the doctrine of 
arrangement or disposition, which was of course not only the second 
part of that subject in the Ciceronian scheme, but also the second 
part of scholastic dialectic as Wilson himself among others had con- 
ceived of it, he does not indicate differences or relations between dia- 
lectical and rhetorical arrangement, any more than he had done at the 
same point in his Rule of Reason. He speaks rather of two kinds of 
rhetorical arrangement, one natural, the other discretionary. 105 Nat- 
ural arrangement turns out to be the distributing of materials among 
the parts of the oration. Since Wilson had spoken of that under in- 
vention, he devotes little additional space to it now. Discretional 
arrangement turns out to be that which results from a calculation of 
what the time, the place, the audience, and the subject matter may 
require. Calculations of this sort would not have special analogues in 
dialectic, where the learned audience and learned subject are pre- 
supposed j nor would the dialectician have recourse to the theory o 

103 Ibid., p. 23. 104 7, p. 113. *Ibid., p. 158. 


the parts of an oration, except as he might use the theory of oratorical 
proof to guide him in constructing his argument. Hence Wilson was 
not obliged to discuss rhetorical arrangement in the light of the 
theory of dialectical arrangement. Nevertheless it would have" been 
an imaginative extension of classical doctrine if he had elected to con- 
sider those two kinds of organization with some thought of their 
similarities and differences. 

Elocution or style, as the third of the procedures of Ciceronian 
rhetoric, receives far less of Wilson's total space than does invention, 
but nevertheless he contrives it to rank next after invention in spatial 
emphasis. In other words, he gives most of his first two books to in- 
vention, and most of his third and last book to style, thus appearing 
to say that these two procedures are much more important than the 
others, and that style is much less important than invention. He pro- 
tects himself, however, from an appearance of hostility to style by 
paying high tribute to it in his own words and in those of Cicero, and 
by averring it to be the one quality that distinguishes an orator from 
other wise men: 

For whereas Inuention helpeth to finde matter, and Disposition 
serueth to place arguments: Elocution getteth words to set forth in- 
uention, and with such beautie commendeth the matter, that reason 
semeth to be clad in Purple, walking afore both bare and naked. 
Therefore Tultie saieth well, to finde out reason and aptly to frame it, 
is the part of a wiseman, but to commende it by wordes and with 
gorgious talke to tell our conceipt, that is onely proper to an Oratour. 108 

The true heads of Wilson's discussion of style are enumerated as 
plainness, aptness, composition, and exornation, 107 The famous protest 
against "straunge ynkehorne termes" or "outlandish English" is 
pointed at those who affect French or Italian or Latin forms of speech 
in preference to "their mothers language," and it occurs in connec- 
tion with his sprightly treatment of the first of these topics. 108 
Aptness and composition are handled briefly as terms respectively 
concerning appropriateness of wording and pleasantness of sound in 
putting words together. 109 Under exornation, the last major heading 
of this section of his work, Wilson discusses the three kinds of style, 
as well as the tropes, the schemes, and the colors. 110 

108 Ibid., p. 1 60. Cf. Cicero, Orator^ 14.44; 19.61. 

107 Ibid., p. i6z. 

108 Ibid.) pp. 162-165. 

10 */^., pp. 165-169. Ibid., pp. 169-208. 

[ 102 ] 


Although Wilson's account of the classical theory of memory is 
by no means the first in English, as I have already shown, it is supe- 
rior to its predecessors in fidelity to its Latin sources and in exposi- 
tory skill. Moreover, Wilson's account supplements the classical 
theory by drawing upon current medical and psychological ideas to 
locate the memory "in the hinder part" of the head, and to explain a 
good memory as the product of a proper balance among qualities of 
moisture, dryness, cold, and heat in the brain. Thus Wilson says, 
"Children therefore being ouer moyst, and old men ouer drie, haue 
neuer good memories." As for what the proper balance should be, 
Wilson states himself as follows : "For such as be hot and moist, do 
sone conceiue matters, but they keepe not long. Again, they that be 
colde and drie, doe hardly conceiue, but they keepe it surely when 
they once haue it." 111 Wilson's medical theory of memory, which he 
openly attributes to the "Phisitions," 112 is reminiscent of the thinking 
that produced in Hawes's account of poetic invention the description 
of the five inward faculties of the mind. At any rate, Wilson speaks 
of "the common sence," "iudgement," and "memorie," although he 
does not mention the facilities of imagination and fantasy, both of 
which figure prominently in Hawes's list. 

When he turns from these considerations to the classical theory of 
memory, Wilson proceeds to use the chief terms of the similar theory 
in the Rhetorica ad Herennmm. Thus he divides memory into the 
natural and the artificial 5 113 he retells the story of Simonides and his 
identification of the mutilated victims after the collapse of the roof 
at the house of Scopas; and he comes then to the concepts of the 
place and the image, which he defines and illustrates. His theory is 
contained in the following four propositions : 

I The places of Memorie are resembled vnto Waxe and Paper. 

II Images are compted like vnto Letters or a Seale* 

III The placing of these Images, is like vnto wordes written. 
IIII The vtterance and vsing of them, is like vnto reading* 11 * 

In order that these propositions may be fully understood, Wilson 
uses a somewhat preposterous example: 

My friend (whom I tooke euer to bee an honest man) is accused of 
theft, of adulterie, of ryot, of manslaughter, and of treason: if I 
would keepe these wordes in my remembrance, and rehearse them in 

111 Ibid., p. 210. 112 Ibid., p, 209. 

1" Ibid.> p. 2 1 1 . ll * Ibid., p. 2 14-. 

[ 103 ] 


order as they were spoken, I must appoint fiue places, the which I 
had neede to haue so perfectly in my memorie, as could be possible. 
As for example, I will make these in my Chamber. A doore, a win- 
dow, a presse, a bedstead, and a chimney. Now in the doore, I wil set 
Cacus the theefe, or some such notable verlet. In the windowe I will 
place Venus. In the Presse I will put Afittes that famous Glutton. In 
the Bedstead I will set Richard the third King of England, or some 
notable murtherer. In the Chimney I will place the blacke Smith, or 
some other notable Traitour. That if one repete these places, and these 
Images twise or thrise together, no doubt though he haue but a meane 
memorie, he shall carie away the wordes rehearsed with ease. And like 
as he may doe with these fiue words, so may he doe with fiue score, 
if he haue places fresh in his remembraunce, and doe but vse himself e 
to this trade one fortnight together. 115 

Wilson's final topic, pronunciation or delivery, is no longer than 
his discussion of disposition, and thus is one of the two briefest parts 
of his theory of oratory. He sees delivery as so important that 
pleasantness in the sound of the speaker's voice and graciousness in 
his bearing may well overcome defects in. his subject matter. He then 
remarks that, "as the sounde of a good instrument stirreth the hear- 
ers, and mooueth much delite, so a cleare sounding voyce, comf orteth 
much our deintie eares, with much sweete melodic, and causeth vs to 
allow the matter, rather for the reporters sake, then the reporter for 
the matters sake." 116 He at once goes on to paraphrase the famous 
saying of Demosthenes that the first quality in oratory is pronuncia- 
tion, the second, pronunciation, and the third, pronunciation. 117 He 
then divides pronunciation into two headings, voice and gesture, and 
concludes this part of rhetoric, and indeed his treatise, with a discus- 
sion of each. 118 His comments on faults in English pronunciation in 
his own day are protests against shrillness, hoarseness, throatiness, 
cackling, loudness, whining, frowning, and a multitude of other 
habits of speech. What he says about training children to pronounce 
distinctly has interest in the history of manners : 

115 Ibid., p. * 1 5. 

Ibid., p. a 1 8. 

117 For this saying in Cicero, see Orator, 17.56, Brutus y 38.142, and De Oratory 
3.56.213. Wilson undoubtedly quotes the story from De Oratore^ for he adds the inci- 
dent about Aeschines as Cicero gives it at that same point, and the incident about Demos- 
thenes's practicing- with pebbles under his tongue as Cicero gives it earlier in that same 
work, that is, in T>e Oratore^ 1.61.260-261. 

118 Rketorique> pp. 218-22,1. Cf. Rhetorica ad Herennium, 3.11.19. 

[ 104 ] 


Musicians in England haue vsed to put gagges in childrens mouthes, 
that they might pronounce distinctly, but now with the losse and lacke 
of Musick, the loue also is gone of bringing vp children to speake 
plainly. 119 

In his Rhetorique as a whole, Wilson is bent not only upon giving 
an English version of Ciceronian theory, but also upon naturalizing 
that theory and making it at home in England. There are illustrations 
of this latter tendency throughout the work. Thus in analyzing 
Cicero's dictum that a universal proposition is always implied in a 
particular, he says: 

As for example. If I shall aske this question, whether it bee lawfull 
for William Conquer our to inuade England, and win it by force of 
Armour, I must also consider this, whether it bee lawfull for any 
man to vsurpe power, or it bee not lawful. 120 

Thus again in illustrating the ancient commonplaces from which a 
eulogist would draw material for praising a noble personage, Wilson 
shows how English speakers would use realm or shire as topics. He 

To bee an English man borne, is much more honor then to bee a 
Scot, because that by these men, worthie Prowesses haue beene done, 
and greater affaires by them attempted, then haue beene done by any 

The Shire or Towne helpeth somewhat, towardes the encrease of 
honor: As it is much better to bee borne in Paris, then in Picardie: in 
London then in Lincolne. For that both the ayre is better, the people 
more ciuill, and the wealth much greater, and the men for the most 
part more wise. 121 

Thus again, in illustrating a eulogy to a noble personage, Wilson 
writes a model speech of his own in praise of two young nobles, 
Henry, second duke of Suffolk, and Charles, the third duke, whom 
he had tutored, and whose death had occurred July 14, 1551, in an 
epidemic of the sweating disease. 122 Again, Wilson's letter to the 
grief -stricken mother of these young men is put in to illustrate the 
deliberative address designed to give comfort. 123 Still again, Wilson 
writes an example of a forensic speech in which a soldier, fresh from 
the wars, is accused of murdering a worthy English farmer, and one 

119 Ibid., p. 219. 120 lbid., p, 2. 

121 Ibid., pp. 12-13. i2z lbid., pp. 14-17, 66, 68. 

12S Ibid., pp. 66-85. For Wilson's other references to these two youths, see pp. 127, 184. 

[ 105 ] 


line of proof developed against the soldier is that his reputation is 
evil, he having been bred "among the men of Tinsdale & Riddesdale, 
where pillage is good purchase, and murthering is coumpted man- 
hood." 124 Again, to illustrate pretentious "inke pot termes" in style, 
Wilson prints a letter devised by a Lincolnshire man, "Joannes 
Octo," in applying for a vacant benefice through the intermediation 
of a gentleman who might possibly have influence with the Lord 
Chancellor. 125 And (to give one final example) Wilson suggests the 
following as a specimen of synecdoche: 

All Cambridge sorrowed for the death of Bucer> meaning the most 
part. All England reioyceth that Pilgrimage is banished, and Idola- 
trie for euer abolished: and yet all England is not glad but the most 
part. 126 

Wilson's Rhetorique should not be dismissed from consideration 
without some recognition of its special concern for sermon-making. 
As we have seen, Wilson discusses invention in part by emphasizing 
the three ancient types of oratory, the demonstrative, the delibera- 
tive, and the judicial. These forms of popular communication had 
respectively developed from the public ceremony, the political as- 
sembly, and the court of law. In Wilson's day these ancient forms of 
discourse were all in use, and thus a training in rhetoric had to pro- 
vide indoctrination in each of them while indicating what extensions 
or modifications had been made in each since classical times. Delibera- 
tive oratory had declined in importance during the period of the 
Roman Empire, 127 and by the middle of the sixteenth century had not 
yet regained its dominant position among the three forms. Wilson re- 
flects this state of affairs by illustrating deliberative oratory as the 
private counsel we might give a friend in an effort to induce him to 
study the laws of England, or as the epistle we might write either 
to persuade a young man to marriage or to comfort a mother on the 
death of her sons. 128 Judicial oratory was flourishing in Wilson's day, 
and he illustrates it without modifying or extending classical doc- 

p- 93- 

125 Ibid.) p. 163, In the 1553 edition of the Rhetorique this letter is not identified as 
having been written by a Lincolnshire man signing- himself "loannes Octo." But it 
has nevertheless an English setting. 

Ibid.> p. 174. 

127 p or an excellent discussion of this subject, see Harry Caplan, "The Decay of Elo- 
quence at Rome in the First Century," Studies in Speech and Drama in Honor of Alex- 
ander M. Drummond (Ithaca, 1944), pp. 295-325. 

128 Rhetorique, pp. 31-39, 39-63, 66-85. 

[ 106 ] 


trine. 129 Demonstrative or ceremonial oratory was also flourishing. 
Wilson illustrates it by writing a commendation of the two young 
nobles, to which I referred earlier. He also illustrates it by adding a 
discourse in praise of King David for the killing of Goliath, and by 
throwing in a discourse in praise of Justice. 180 These two latter are 
close to sermons in substance and tone, although Wilson does not 
offer them as pure examples of this type of demonstrative oratory. 
What he does instead is to make frequent references to preaching 
throughout his Rhetorique y thus indicating unmistakably the applica- 
tion of rhetorical principles to pulpit oratory. 

For example, in speaking of the oration as having the functions of 
teaching, delighting, and persuading, he pauses to emphasize the 
second of these uses by warning that "except men finde delite, they 
will not long abide." 131 He adds: 

And that is the reason, that men commonly tarie the ende of a merie 
Play, and cannot abide the halfe hearing of a sower checking Serrtion. 
Therefore euen these auncient Preachers, must now and then play the 
fooles in the pulpit, to seme the tickle eares of their fleting audience, 
or els they are like sometimes to preach to the bare walles, for though 
their spirite bee apt, and our will prone, yet our flesh is so heauie, 
and humours so ouerwhelme vs, that we cannot without refreshing, 
long abide to heare any one thing. 132 

For another example, when Wilson discusses the judicial speech 
with its ancient doctrine of positions of argument, he defines the 
Latin terms, constitwtio or status as "the chief e ground of a matter, 
and the principall point whereunto both he that speaketh should re- 
ferre his whole wit, and they that heare should chiefly marke"; 183 
and unexpectedly he elaborates his definition by reference to pulpit, 
not courtroom: 

A Preacher taketh in hande to shewe what prayer is, and how needfull 
for man to call vpon God: now he should euer remember this his 
matter, applying his reasons whollie and fullie to this end, that the 
hearers may both knowe the nature of prayer, and the needfulnesse 
of prayer. The which when he hath done, his promise is fulfilled, his 
time well bestowed, and the hearers well instructed. 

Another application of rhetorical doctrine to pulpit oratory oc- 
curs in Wilson's treatment of the introduction of speeches, where he 

129 Ibid.) pp. 92-94. 13 Ibid.) pp. 14-17, 18-21, 23-29. 

131 Ibid., p. 3. *Ibid.) pp. 3-4. * Ibid.) p. 88. 


makes special mention o "Enteraunces apt for Preachers." 134 Still 
another application occurs in connection with his discussion o narra- 
tion as the second part of the speech. 135 Later, in his discussion of 
style, he specifically disapproves of a rhymed sermon he recalls hav- 
ing heard: 

I heard a preacher deliting much in this kind of composition, who 
vsed so often to ende his sentences with wordes like vnto that which 
went before, that in my iudgement there was not a dozen sentences 
in his whole sermon, but they ended all in Rime for the most parte. 
Some not best disposed, wished the Preacher a Lute, that with his 
rimed sermon he might vse some pleasant melody, and so the people 
might take pleasure diuers waies, and dance if they list. 136 

He reverts later to rhymed sermons when he discusses the figures 
of simititer desmans and similiter cadens^ and at that point he speaks 
of the liking of the people of St. Augustine's time for rhymed sen- 
tences and orations made ballad wise, even as judges were reported 
by Tacitus to have been driven to use the same sort of "Minstrels 
elocution." 187 

As for the sources of Wilson's Rhetorique, the best modern au- 
thority is Russell Wagner. He has stated that the Rhetorica ad 
Herennium^ doubtless considered by Wilson to be Cicero's, was one 
of Wilson's chief authorities, and that Wilson also drew to some ex- 
tent upon Cicero's De Inventione, De Oratore, De Partitione Ora~ 
toria, and Brutus, as well as upon Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria. 
In addition to these basic treatises in the Ciceronian pattern, Wilson 
was possibly obligated to Cox's Rhethoryke^ observes Wagner, and 
obviously went to Erasmus "for leading ideals, for detailed matter, 
and for examples and critical dicta." 188 Incidentally, the epistle de- 
signed to persuade a young gentleman to marriage, already men- 
tioned as an illustration of deliberative discourse, is one of Wilson's 
borrowings from Erasmus, as he himself acknowledges. Many of 
Wilson's readers had probably seen that epistle before, inasmuch as 
Richard Taverner had also translated and published it in 1536 or 
1537 as A right frutefull Epystle deuysed by the mosfie excellent 
clerke Erasmus in laude and praise of matrimony 

p. 105, * Ibid., p. 108. "/&, p. 168. 

137 Ibid., pp. 2.02-203. 

138 Russell Halderman Wagner, "Wilson and his Sources," The Quarterly Journal of 
Speech, XV (1929)1 53-53*- 

139 On this point see Charles Read Baskervill, "Taverner's Garden of Wisdom and the 

of Erasmus," Studies in Philology, XXIX (April 1932), 149-150. 

[ 108 ] 


By way of a necessary supplement to the sources identified by 
Wagner, I should like to list Richard Sherry's A Treatise of Schemes 
and Tropes* This work, first published in 1550, was, like Wilson's 
Rhetorique^ the first complete treatise on its subject in English, and 
it will be discussed in the next section of this chapter when I speak 
of the stylistic pattern of traditional rhetoric. But it should be men- 
tioned now as having supplied Wilson with English phraseology 
and with illustrations for his treatment of the three kinds of style, 
for his definitions of figure, of scheme, of gradatio^ and for his clari- 
fication of such stylistic concepts as aptness, metaphor, abusion, me- 
tonymy, transumption, periphrasis, epenthesis, syncope, proparalep- 
sis, apocope, extenuatio^ and dissolution^* 

Wilson's Rhetorique enjoyed great popularity for an entire gen- 
eration after its first publication in 1553. ^ appeared in a second 
edition at London in 1560, supplemented by "A Prologue to the 
Reader," in which Wilson expresses his bitterness at the misfortunes 
which his Rule of Reason and his Rhetorique had recently brought 
upon him. Having fled from England after 1553 to escape perse- 
cution by the Catholic regime of Queen Mary, Wilson had taken 
refuge in Italy, only to have his two famous works pronounced 
heretical by Rome, and himself imprisoned and tortured. His "Pro- 
logue" speaks bitingly of the verdict of the Inquisition against him, 
and he angrily refuses, now that he is back in England, to correct his 
Rhetorique in its second edition, because, as he says, "If the Sonne 

140 The following 1 table, which refers to Mair's edition of the Rhetorique^ and to the 
first edition of Sherry's Treatise (London, 1550), indicates the topics wherein similarities 
between the two works are to be found: 

Tofic Wilson Sherry 

"audience of sheepe" p. 166 sig. Car 

"three maner of stiles" p. 169 sig. 

"figure" p. 170 sig. 

"metaphore" pp. 172-173 sig. 

"abusion 1 * pp. 174-175 sig. C$i 

"metonymia" p. 175 sig. C5V 

"transumption" p. 175 sig. C5r- 

"periphrasis" pp. 175-176 sig. C6v 

"scheme" p. 176 sig. B5r 

"epenthesis" p. 177 sig. B6r 

"syncope" p. 177 sig. B6r 

"proparalepsis" p. 177 sig. B6r 

"apocope" p. 177 sig. B6r 

"extenuatio" pp. 180-181 sig. D7r* 

"gradatio" p. 204 sig. E>5v 

"dissolutum" p. 205 sig, D6v 

* Wilson illustrates "extenuatio" with the form used by Sherry to illustrate "diminutio." 

[ 109 ] 


were the occasion of the Fathers imprisonment, would not the Father 
bee offended with him thinke you?" He even uses the "Prologue" 
as an opportunity to warn the public not to read such a subversive 
treatise as his Rhetorique is, since "if the world should turne (as 
God forbid) they were most like to weepe, that in all pointes would 
followe it." But the world did not turn. England remained Protes- 
tant $ Wilson lived to become prominent in Queen Elizabeth's gov- 
ernment 5 and his Rhetorique did not bring persecution to its readers. 
It was given a third edition in 1562, a fourth in 1563^ and a fifth in 
1567. Then for more than a decade it seems to have lost public 
favor, as Ramistic logic and rhetoric began to monopolize the spot- 
light in England. But despite the steady growth of Rarnism in Eng- 
land after 1574, Wilson's Rhetorique had another term of popularity 
somewhat later, since it was given successive printings in 1580, 1584? 
and 1585. But with the latest of these dates its bibliographical his- 
tory ended until the time of Mair's reprint of I9O9- 141 Ciceronian 
rhetoric was revived in England by Thomas Vicars just forty years 
after Wilson's death in 1 58 1 , as we shall see in a later chapter, and that 
revival was one of the early signs of English dissatisfaction with 
Ramism, Still, the Ciceronianism that developed as a protest against 
Ramus was not devoid of the marks of the latter's philosophy, and 
thus it cannot be regarded as a mere continuation of Wilson's tradi- 
tional scheme. Indeed, Wilson's Rhetorique is better accepted as a 
great summary of late medieval Ciceronianism in England than as an 
influence upon English Neo- Ciceronianism in the seventeenth century. 
In bringing to a close this account of Ciceronian rhetoric in Eng- 
land before the complete emergence of the English Ramists, I should 
like to turn from lay to sacred rhetoric and mention a work that is 
historically interesting as one of the earliest English treatises to be 
devoted exclusively to the art of preaching. This treatise was written 
originally in Latin by Andreas Gerardus Hyperius, and published in 
^555 at Dortmund as De Formandis Concionibus Sacris^ seu De In- 
terfere tatione Scripturarum Po$ulari Libri 77. Later it was translated 
into English by John Ludham and published at London in 1577 
under the title, The Practise of 'preaching. Otherwise Called The 
Pathway to the Pulpet: Conteyning an excellent Method how to 
frame Diuine Sermons. The author, Andreas Gerardus or Andre 
Gerhard, whose surname Hyperius is the Latin word for his native 

141 My list of editions of Wilson's Rhetorique is based upon entries in the Short-Title 
Catalogue^ s,v. Wilson, Sir Thomas, 

[ no ] 


Ypres, was an influential Protestant theologian of the sixteenth cen- 
tury. 142 He studied at the University of Paris between 1528 and 
I 535? he lived in England from 1536 to 15405 he became professor 
of theology at Marburg in 1 542, and held that post until his death in 
1564. He wrote on dialectic, rhetoric, and other subjects, as well 
as on preaching. The John Ludham who translated Gerhard's work 
on preaching into English was graduated from St. John's College, 
Cambridge, with the degree of bachelor of arts in 1563-64, and 
served as vicar of Wethersfield in Essex from 1570 to 1613, when 
he died 143 

The Practise of preaching is divided into two books, each of which 
describes itself as a treatise "Of framing of Diuine Sermons, or pop- 
uler interpretation of the Scriptures." 14 * The word "popular" re- 
ceives great emphasis throughout the work, for Hyperius believes 
that there are two kinds of theological discourses, one addressed to 
the expert and the other to the layman, and he intends his treatise 
to be the theory of the latter kind. His first chapter begins with a 
clear statement of this distinction: 

No man doubteth but that there bee two maner of wayes of interpret- 
ing the scriptures vsed of skilfull diuines, the one Scholastical^ pe- 
culyer to y e scholes, y e other Popular pertayning to the people. That 
one is apt for the assembles of learned men and young studients 
somedeale profited in good letters: This other is altogether applied 
to instructe the confused multitude, wherin are very many rude, 
ignoraunt and vnlearned. The first is exercised within the narrowe 
compasse of the Scholes: The seconde taketh place in the large and 
spacious temples. The one strict and straight laced, sauoring Philo- 
sofhicall solytarinesse and seueritie: The other stretched forth, franck 
and at lybertie, yea and delightinge in the light and (as ye would 
say) in the court of Orators. In y c are mani things exacted after the 
rule of Logical breuitie and simplicitie: In this, Rhetoricall bountie 
and furniture ministreth much grace and decencie. 145 

As a theory to be followed by preachers who speak to the people, 
the Practise of preaching bases itself upon the terms of the pagan 
rhetoric of Cicero, but in such a way as to show that Hyperius has 

142 Nowuette Biographic Generale y s.v. Hyperius, Andre Gerhard \ also Alexander 
Chalmers, The General Biographical Dictionary, s.v. Hyperius, Gerard Andrew. 

143 John Venn and J. A. Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses (Cambridge, 1922-1951), Pt. 
i, s.v. Ludham or Luddam, John. Cited below by title alone. 

144 Andreas Gerhard Hyperius, The Practise of preaching Englished by lohn Ludham 
(London, 1577), foil, ir, 5ov. My present discussion is based on the copy in the Hunt- 
ington Library. 

145 Ibid., fol. ir. 


an independent mind and an awareness of the differences between 
the orator and the pulpit speaker. The following passages beautifully 
illustrate his traditionalism and his originality: 

That many thinges are common to to [sic] the Preacher with the 
Orator, Sairict Augustine in his fourth Booke of Christian doctrine, 
doth copiously declare. Therfore, the partes of an Orator, whiche 
are accounted of some to be. Indention, Disposition > "Elocution^ Mem- 
ory, and Pronounciation^ may rightlye be called also the partes of a 
Preacher. Yea and these three: to Teache, to Delight y to Turne\ 
Likewise againe the three kyndes of speakyng, Loftye, Base, Meane: 
Moreouer, the whole craft of varienge the Oration by Schemes and 
Tropes, pertaineth indifferently to the Preacher and Orator, as Sainct 
Augustine in the same booke doth wittily confesse and learnedly 
proue. To be short, whatsoeuer is necessarie to the Preacher in dis- 
position, Elocution, and Memory e, the Rhetoritians haue exactly e 
taught all that in their woorkhouses: wherfore (in my opinion) the 
Preachers may most conuenientlye learne those partes out of them. 
Certainly, he that hath beene somdeale exercised in the Scholes of 
the Rhetoritians before he be receiued into the order of Preachers, 
shall come much more apte and better furnished then many other, 
and may be bolde to hope, that he shall accomplish somwhat in the 
Church, worthy of prayse and commendation. 146 

Having marked out arrangement, style, and memory as the three 
parts of Ciceronian theory of special application to preaching, Hy- 
perius now indicates why delivery and invention are less applicable: 

But pronounciation, for as much as it is now far otherwyse vsed, then 
it was in times past, and that all thinges ought with greater grauitie, 
yea maiestie, to bee done in the Temple then in the courte (to the 
whiche onely the Rhetoritians somtime informed theyr Disciples) 
agayne, syth euery Prouince and euery language hath hys proper 
decorum and comelynesse both in Pronounciation and gesture, which 
in an other place woulde not so well bee lyked off: It shall be good 
for the Preacher, not to searche the arte of Pronouncinge out of the 
Scholes of auncient Orators, but to endeuour hymselfe rather to 
imitate those Maisters, whom hee perceiueth, aboue the residue, to 
bee commended for their excellent grace and dexteritie, in Pronoun- 
ciation and behauiour, especially in theyr owne natiue Countrye and 

By all these thinges it may appeare, that the Preacher hath many 

id. y fol. 9 r- 9 v. 


poyntes, chiefely in Inuention, wherein he differeth from the Orator. 
whiche thinge seeinge it is so, it shall be our part, in opening of In- 
uention, to employ a specyall labour and dilygence. Albeit, in the 
meane time, if wee shall perceiue any thing to happen by the way 
as touching disposition, needful to be marked, we wyll in no wyse 
dissemble it. 147 

The whole subsequent work is a development of this attitude to- 
wards the five parts of Ciceronian rhetoric. Hyperius takes very 
seriously his remark that the preacher should go to the ancient rhet- 
oricians for the theory of style and memory, for on these topics he 
offers none of the traditional doctrine. As for delivery, he devotes 
to it a part of the final chapter of his second book without special 
regard for ancient doctrine. To arrangement he gives nine chapters 
of Book I, although that much space does not seem to be promised 
in the concluding words of the passage just quoted. These nine chap- 
ters develop the thesis that in a sermon "The parts commonly re- 
ceiued are in nuber seuen, y e is to say: reding of the sacred scripture y 
Inuocatio, Exordiu, propositio or diuisio. Confirmation, Confutation, 
coclusio?^* The discussion which this thesis receives from Hyperius 
is very close indeed to the Ciceronian doctrine of the parts of an ora- 
tion, after due allowances are made for what Hyperius regards as 
necessary differences between the oration and the sermon. It even ap- 
pears to be true that Hyperius, like Cicero, regards this part of rhe- 
torical theory as a phase of the concept of invention, despite its ob- 
vious bearing upon arrangement. But Hyperius, as he acknowledges, 
does not follow Cicero closely in treating the other aspects of inven- 
tion 5 he stays within the Ciceronian tradition, while creating new 
doctrine to conform to the special needs of the preacher. 

One of the innovations of Hyperius concerns the doctrine of the 
kinds of sermons. He says, "I freely confesse that I can in no wise 
fancy theyr Judgement, that endeuour to bringe, those three kindes 
of cases, I meane Demonstrative, Delibratme, and ludiciall, oute of 
the prophane market place, into the sacred and reuerend Churche, 
and set them forth, vnto preachers to be immitated and folowed." 149 
As a substitute for this aspect of Ciceronian theory, Hyperius pro- 
poses that sermons are of five kinds: i) those of doctrine, in which 
all true principles and opinions are confirmed; 2) those of redargu- 
tion, in which false and erroneous opinions are refuted 5 3) those of 

147 Ibid., foL 9 v. 148 /^V. > fol. air. *IH<i. y fol. i 7 v. 

[ "3 ] 


institution or instruction, which teach how life and manners are made 
godly 5 4) those of correction, which reprove corrupt manners} and 
5) those of consolation, which offer comfort. 150 These five kinds of 
sermons provide the main topics for Hyperius's second book, in 
which the doctrinal sermon receives nine chapters of treatment, and 
the other four kinds receive one chapter each, whereas other topics, 
including delivery, receive only three chapters of the total. 

Another of the innovations of Hyperius concerns that large sec- 
tion of Ciceronian doctrine devoted to the positions of argument. 
Hyperius says that the "State is a breefe sume of the whole matter, 
wherof a man purposeth to speake, and euen the argument and f oun- 
taine of the whole oration." 161 But having adopted the conventional 
definition, he proceeds to apply it to pulpit oratory by enumerating 
five states, one for each of his five kinds of sermons. For example, a 
sermon on the proposition that the pains of hell are a reality refutes 
an erroneous opinion, and thus contains a state "redargutiue." A ser- 
mon which condemns the envious, the vainglorious, or the riotous, 
contains a state "correctiue." And a sermon showing that a Christian 
ought to live devoutly contains a state "instructiue." 

The only other innovation of Hyperius that I shall discuss here 
concerns the doctrine of places. Once again Hyperius alters the con- 
ventional doctrine for the sake of having his theory more adequately 
interpret the facts of preaching. All the places used in sermons, he 
says, are divided into two forms or orders, one called theological 
or divine places, the other, philosophical places." 2 The theological 
places, which show the preacher how and after what sort he may 
gather out of the scriptures the chief commonplaces touching all the 
doctrine of piety and of faith, and all the duties of charity and hope, 
turn out to be five in number, one for each of the five kinds of ser- 
mons. 153 The philosophical places or the places of logical invention, 
out of which are derived apt arguments to describe and set forth the 
nature and force of the thing under discussion, turn out to be twenty- 
eight in number, and to involve such concepts as definition, general 
kind, species, difference, property, division, whole, parts, matter, 
form, efficient, end, events, effects, subject, circumstances, compara- 
tives, and opposites. 15 * These are rehearsed but not discussed by Hy- 
perius j in fact, instead of treating them at length, he refers his 

., foil. i8r-iSv, aor, 151 Ibid.* fol. air. 
i" IbU. y fol. 54 v. 15a Ibid., foil. 54V-j8r. 
foil. 54V, 58r-5 9 r. 

[ "4 ] 


preacher to the logician for further help in this particular matter. 
Hyperius's theory of preaching is enthusiastically hailed by Michel 
Nicolas as the first complete work, and at the same time as one of 
the best, on the art of the pulpit. 1 " The first half of this verdict is 
ambiguous in the extreme, for there were many treatises on preach- 
ing in the period before 1555, and one of the best of these, St. Au- 
gustine's De Doctrina Christiana, is openly admired by Hyperius, as 
is indicated in a passage quoted above. 156 Moreover, these earlier 
treatises are not all incomplete, even when they select for major 
emphasis a restricted aspect of their subject. But the other half of 
Nicolas J s verdict is fully acceptable. The sacred rhetoric of Hyperius, 
as Ludham's translation repeatedly demonstrates, is a fresh and stim- 
ulating application of Ciceronian theory to the problems of sermon- 
making, and while it preserves machinery that was to be discarded 
by such later writers as Fenelon, it is unquestionably one of the best 
works of its kind in the Ciceronian tradition. The English pulpit was 
fortunate to have it available in popular form by 1577 as a full state- 
ment of the position that was already under attack by the Ramists. 

185 Nowoelle Biogra$hie Generate^ s.v. Hyperius. 

156 For a discussion of theories of preaching in the period between noo and 1500, 
and for a translation of one of those theories, see Harry Caplan, "A Late Medieval 
Tractate on Preaching-," Studies in Rhetoric and Public Sneaking In honor of James 
Albert Winans (New York, 19*5), pp. 61-91. For a list of theories of preaching- during 
the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, see the same author's Mediaeval "Artes 
Praedicandi" A Hand-List and Mediaeval "Artes Praedlcandi" A Su^lementary Hand- 
List, Cornell Studies in Classical Philology, xxiv (Ithaca, 1934)5 xxv (Ithaca, 1936). 

III. The Rhetoric of Style 

STYLISTIC rhetoric, as a recognizable and distinctive pattern of tra- 
ditional rhetorical theory in England, has two main characteristics. 
First of all, it is openly committed to the doctrine of style as ^ the 
most important aspect of training in communication. Secondly, it is 
openly mindful that invention, arrangement, memory, and delivery, 
or combinations of two or more of them, conceived in sum as Cicero 
had anciently dictated, were also legitimate parts of the full rhetorical 

Readers of Cicero's Orator will recall that its major emphasis is 
upon style, although it gives some degree of recognition to the other 
parts of the Ciceronian formula. 1 Thus the Orator is important as a 
source book in the history of traditional stylistic rhetoric, although 
the fourth book of the Rh&torica ad Herennium^ the third book of 
De Oratore^ and the eighth and ninth books of Quintilian's Institutio 
Oratoria all contain a full treatment of style as the verbal aspect of 
the speaker's total problem, and all are sources along with the Ora- 
tor in the development of the stylistic pattern in England. 

The first treatise by an Englishman in this field, as I mentioned 
before, is the Venerable Bede's Liber de Schematibus et Tropis. 2 
Bede is presumed to have written this work in 701 or 702.* As its 
title suggests, it undertakes to deal with the Latin theory of elocutio, 
not in its entirety, but in one of its main divisions, that of stylistic 
devices. Thus Bede enumerates twenty-nine schemes and forty-one 
tropes, but he succeeds in condensing these into seventeen of the 
former and thirteen of the latter, whereupon he defines each and 
illustrates it from the Bible, except in one case where his example is 
from the Christian poet Sedulius. 4 It must be confessed that his 
treatise is more of a dictionary of terms than a discourse upon the 
problem of achieving effectiveness in sty 1^5 and yet, as the first 
treatise of its kind by an Englishman, it represents an interesting and 
persistent theory as to what it is that constitutes real distinction of 

14.45-445 I 

2 See above, pp. 7, 33. For information about recent editions of Bede's little work, 
see p. 33, note 5. 

3 The evidence on this matter Is indicated in M. L, W. Laistner, A Hand-List of Btde 
Manuscripts (Ithaca, 1943), pp. 131-132. 

4 For the sources of Bede's illustrations, see the notes on the text of the Liber in Halm, 
Rhetores Latini Minorts^ pp. 607-618. See also M. L. W, Laistner, "The Library of the 
Venerable Bede/* in Bede His Life, Times^ and Writings, ed. A. Hamilton Thompson 
(Oxford, i935)> P- *4i- 

[ "6 ] 


That theory consists in the assumption that good style is a delib- 
erate and systematic repudiation of the speech of everyday life. In 
other words, good style results only from word orders that stand 
opposed to the patterns of common speech. The schemes and the 
tropes are the two categories into which those orders fall, and thus 
Bede's definitions of these basic concepts emphasize that each is an 
attempt to get away from what is ordinary in usage. He says: 

On many occasions in writings it is customary for the sake of elegance 
that the order of words as they are formulated should be contrived 
in some other way than that adhered to by the people in their speech. 
These contrivances the Greek grammarians call schemes, whereas we 
may rightly term them attire or form or figure, because through 
them as a distinct method speech may be dressed up and adorned. On 
other occasions, it is customary for a locution called the trope to be 
devised. This is done by changing a word from its proper signification 
to an unaccustomed but similar case on account of necessity or adorn- 
ment. And indeed the Greeks pride themselves upon having been the 
discoverers of such schemes and tropes. 5 

It is suggestive to speculate upon the cultural implications of a 
rhetorical theory which equates true elegance and hence true effec- 
tiveness with a system of studied departures from the established 
pattern of everyday speech. Such a theory appears to be the normal 
concomitant of a social and political situation in which the holders of 
power are hereditary aristocrats who must be conciliated by the com- 
moners if the latter are to gain privileges for themselves. In a situa- 
tion like that, persuasive forms of speech would emerge as agreeable 
forms j and agreeable forms would be those which sound agreeable 
to the aristocratic holders of power. What forms could sound more 
agreeable to the aristocrat than those which originated in a repudia- 
tion of the speech of the lower classes? Would not such forms re- 
mind him of the superiority of his own origin and thus be a way of 
softening his will by the subtle inducements of flattery? Would not 
the patterns of ordinary speech, if used by a commoner in seeking 
advantage from a great lord, be a way of showing contempt for the 
august person addressed? And would not that implication of con- 
tempt be enough to secure the prompt denial of the advantage sought? 
Speaking of the use of rhymed sentences as one of the uncommon 
patterns of speech, Thomas Wilson said in his Rhetorique, "Yea, 

5 Bede, Liber y in Halm, p. 607. Translation mine. 


great Lordes would thinke themselues contemned, if learned men 
(when they speake before them) sought not to speake in this sort/ 39 
These words imply that the schemes and the tropes are the functional 
rhetoric of any aristocratic state or society, and that learned men as 
commoners and rhetoricians in aristocratic states must formulate rhe- 
torical theory upon that principle. And this implication is borne out 
by the history of rhetoric in England. For the schemes and the tropes 
were especially popular in the feudal and monarchial periods of Eng- 
lish history, and became less important with the growth of parlia- 
mentary government. 

Bede's definitions of the schemes and the tropes, and also his sub- 
sequent treatment of them, came to him from the thirty-sixth and 
thirty-seventh chapters of Book I of Isidore's EtymologiaeS These 
chapters, by the way, are part of Isidore's treatment of grammar, 
and Book II of his same work deals with rhetoric and dialectic. 8 The 
fact that Bede's treatise on the schemes and tropes comes from Isi- 
dore's De Grammatica, rather than from a regular work on rhetoric 
might lead to the supposition that it should be classed, not as a rhet- 
oric, but as a grammar. Indeed, this very supposition apparently 
troubled Halm when he reedited the minor Latin rhetorics that had 
formed the basis of the famous Antiqui Rhe tores Latini as put out 
earlier by Pithou and again by Capperonnier. At any rate, Halm ad- 
mitted Bede's Liber to a place in his collection with open reluctance, 
and he intimated that he would willingly have left it out if he had 
not been more or less obligated to include in his work whatever his 
two predecessors had allowed in theirs. 9 He might, however, have 
spared himself this anxiety. In actual fact, the schemes and the tropes 
are not more grammatical than rhetorical. Their history proves that 
they are grammatical in Donatus and Charisius, rhetorical in the 
Rhetorica ad Herennium y Orator, De Oratore^ and Institutio Ora- 
toria^ both grammatical and rhetorical in English stylistic rhetorics 
of the sixteenth century, and purely and emphatically rhetorical in 
the reformed rhetoric of Ramus. Thus they should occasion no apol- 
ogy to those who regard Bede's treatment of them as a work on 

Bede's failure to include in his Liber such other topics as those of 

6 Mairs edition, p. 203. 

7 See Laistner, "The Library of the Venerable Bede," in Thompson, p. 24.1. 

8 For Isidore's "De Grammattca and J>e Rhetoric^ see Mig-ne, Patrologia Latina y 
LXXXII, 73-124, 1 23-140 j for his De RJtetorica alone, see Halm, pp. 505-522. 

* Halin, p. xv. 



the virtues, vices, and kinds of style should not be construed to mean 
that he was ignorant of the broad Latin doctrine o elocutio* Nor 
should it be assumed that, because he does not specifically mention 
style as one of the five parts of rhetoric, he therefore was unaware 
of the full extent of the Ciceronian program. He knew both of these 
matters beyond question. Although Cicero's rhetorical writings were 
not a part of the considerable library to which he had access, 10 he did 
of course know and use Isidore's Etymologize^ and that work lists 
the five conventional parts of rhetoric, and treats style as the third 
part, only a few pages beyond its disquisition on the schemes and 
tropes as components of grammar. 

Between the eighth and the fifteenth centuries, stylistic rhetoric 
appears to have attracted more favor in England than did the full 
Ciceronian formula, despite the fact that Alcuin's work in the latter 
vein was of greater intrinsic value than was Bede's in the former. In 
that long stretch of time a few names are of importance in the history 
of stylistic theory. One of the earliest after Alcuin is John of Salis- 
bury. His Metalogicon has already been mentioned as an early 
scholastic logic by an English author, and as a work in which logic 
is divided into invention and disposition, according to a tradition that 
went back to Aristotle's Topics.^ It would be within reason for a man 
who equated logic with these two procedures to regard rhetoric as 
having no province except that of style and delivery. And that ap- 
pears to have been John's position, although he does not treat rhetoric 
specifically, except as his advice on what constitutes good writing 
emphasizes matters of style above other considerations. 12 

Soon after the time of John of Salisbury, the Ciceronian formula 
for rhetoric, as we have seen, passed over into poetic theory and be- 
came the framework of Geoffrey of Vinsauf's Poetria Nova-, and 
when that formula was again restored to rhetorical theory in Stephen 
Hawes's Pastime of Pleasure^ it carried back with it much of the 
poetic content and poetic presuppositions that Geoffrey had given it. 13 
In addition to his Poetria Nova, Geoffrey wrote a little treatise called 
the Summa de Coloribus Rhetoricis , 14 which limits itself to the de- 

10 For a catalogue of authors and works in BebVs library, see Laistner, "The Library 
of the Venerable Bede," in Thompson, pp. 263-266. 

11 See above, pp. 15, 38. 

12 Atkins, The Medieval Phase > p. 75 5 also Baldwin, Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic^ 
pp. 156-172. 

13 See above, pp. Si -8 7. 

14 For an analysis of this work and typical extracts from it, see Faral, Les Arts 
PoetiqueSy pp. 321-327. 


vices of style, as did Bede's Liber y and thus by strong implication 
holds rhetoric to the third part of Cicero's formula. If Geoffrey's 
theory of a rhetorical poetic and a stylistic rhetoric was typical of the 
early years of the thirteenth century, the same conditions must have 
been still in existence some fifty years later. John of Garland, an 
Englishman of that later date> composed a treatise entitled Poetria 
and another called Exempla Honestae Vitae. The first of these is an 
adaptation of the doctrine of rhetorical style to poetics, with some 
faint recognition of such other rhetorical procedures as invention, 
arrangement, memory, and delivery. 15 The second is described by 
Atkins as "a text-book treating of the use of the rhetorical figures." 
Atkins adds: "It supplies sixty- four illustrations of such devices, giv- 
ing to each its appropriate name j but it represents nothing more than 
the conventional treatment of such matters found in other collections 
of a similar kind." 16 

The teaching of stylistic rhetoric in an English classroom was 
pictured around 1481 in The Court of Sa<pience^ the learned poetic 
allegory which I mentioned earlier in connection with the first at- 
tempts to express logical doctrine in English. 17 It will be remembered 
that the hero of The Court visits the castle of sapience where dwell 
the seven ladies, who represent the seven liberal arts. After he quits 
the parlor of Dame "Dialetica," he goes next to "Dame Rethoryke, 
Modyr of Eloquence," and in six seven-line stanzas, which amount, 
as a Latin headnote in the text says, to a "breuis tractatus de Retho- 
rica," he describes the effect of Dame Rhetoric upon the pupils before 
her, the actual heads of the doctrine she is teaching them, the author- 
ities upon whom she appears to him to rely, and the great prose 
writers and poets to whom her instruction refers. 18 

Delight rather than conviction best describes the mood of the pu- 
pils of Dame Rhetoric, according to the report we are given. The 
hero of The Court exclaims as he sees her at work: 

And many a clerke had lust hyr for to here 5 
Hyr speche to theym was parfyte sustynaunce, 
Yche worde of hyr depuryd was so clere 
And enlumynyd wyth so parfyte plesaunce, 
That heuyn hit was to here her beau parlauncej 

15 See Baldwin, Medieval Rhetoric and Poetic^ pp. 191-195. 
lff The Medieval Phase, p. 97. 

17 See above, pp. 46-47. 

18 The Court of Sa^ience^ ed. Spindler, pp. 198-200. 

[ 120 ] 


Her termes gay of facound souerayne 
Cacemphaton in noo poynt myght dysteyne. 

If the last two of these lines seem negative in declaring that sov- 
ereign eloquence is never discolored by what is ill-sounding or ob- 
scene, the earlier lines are at least something of a positive program. 
And their climactic reference to the musical sound of perfect speech 
represents of course a main tenet of the program of a rhetoric limited 
predominantly to style. 

The actual heads of the doctrine which Dame Rhetoric teaches her 
pupils are systematically reminiscent of ancient stylistic theory. Says 
her poet-observer: 

She taught theym all the craft of endytyng, 
Whyche vyces bene that shuld auoyded be, 
Whyche ben the coloures gay of that konnyng, 
Theyre difference and eke theyre propurtej 
Yche thyng endyted how hit shuld peyntyd be, 
Dystinccion she gan clare and discus, 
Whyche ys coma, colon, periodus. 

First to be noticed in this list is the topic of the vices of style, and 
these, as enumerated by Quintilian, not only involved cacemphaton 
but such other things as meanness or extravagance, meagerness, same- 
ness, superfluous elaboration, perverse affectation, and the like. 19 
Second in the list are the colors, under which fall the schemes and 
the tropes. Third is the topic of painting, which quite possibly refers 
to the concept of illustration and word picture discussed with special 
detail by Quintilian as 'e^apyeitx, that is, enargia or vivid descrip- 
tion. 20 And last are the "coma," the "colon," and the "periodus," 
which must be construed as referring, not to marks of punctuation, 
but to the whole question of rhythm in style. In Cicero, and again in 
Quintilian, the comma or incisum is a thought expressed in something 
less than a full sentence, possibly in a phrase 5 the colon or membrum 
is a thought expressed likewise in something less than a complete 
sentence, and in something more than a phrase, say in a clause 5 and 
the feriodus or circuitus is a thought expressed in a complete sen- 
tence, usually made up of four cola, this number being possibly rem- 
iniscent of the ancient use of TrepioSos to designate the complete cir- 
cuit of the four Grecian games, the most memorable of which were 
the Olympics. 21 

1 9 See Institute Oratorio, 8 . 3 .44-60 . 20 Ibid. , 8 . 3 . 6 1 - 8 1 . 

21 See Orator^ 61.204-206, 62.211-2145 66.223-226. Also Institutio Oratoria y 9.4.22-45, 


As for the authorities upon whom Dame Rhetoric relies in her 
teaching of stylistic rhetoric, her poet-observer mentions "Galfryde" 
and "Januense," that is, Geoffrey of Vinsauf and Balbus de Janua. 22 
The former of these, as we know, wrote not only on Cicero's five 
procedures in his Poetria Nova, but also on style alone in his Summa 
de Coloribus Rhetoricis. The latter, Balbus, wrote on the schemes 
and tropes in the fourth book of his Catholicon, which is a treatise on 
Latin grammar and vocabulary. In addition to these two author! ties j 
the poet-observer mentions Cicero as master of Dame Rhetoric; in 
fact, Cicero is "The chosyn spowse vnto thys lady fre," and in him 
"Thys gyltyd craft of glory ys content." The poet-observer then 
mentions that works on law and science are sources of the knowledge 
needed to express oneself beautifully, and here as elsewhere he fol- 
lows the Ciceronian doctrine of elocutio. His description of the work 
of Dame Rhetoric closes with the observation that she is concerned 
with "prose and metyr of all kynde," and he then enumerates some 
of the prose writers and poets to whom she refers her doctrine, the 
most notable being Homer, Virgil, Ovid, and Horace. 25 

The passage concerning Dame Rhetoric in The Court is notable 
as the first printed English account of the doctrine of stylistic rhet- 
oric and of the act of teaching it in a classroom. Dame Rhetoric uses 
Latin textbooks and Latin examples; the clerks who are her pupils 
would expect her actual instruction to be in Latin; indeed, around 
1481, when The Court was first published, there were no English 
textbooks on rhetoric, and English itself, as the medium of prelim- 
inary instruction and the instrument for teaching Latin, had re- 
placed French in the schools of England only about a century before. 
But although Latin may have been the language overheard by the 
poet-observer as he visited the parlor of Dame Rhetoric in the castle 
of sapience, he transmits his own impressions in English, and thus he 
becomes more interesting in a historical sense than he is usually con- 
sidered to be as a poet. 

The vogue of stylistic rhetoric in the schools of England during 

122-130* C. F. Biihler regards these three terms as references to marks of punctuation, 
and thinks the inclusion of them as a part of rhetoric is unusual. See his The Sources of 
the Court of Sapience^ Beitrage zur Englischen Philologie, xxm (1932), p. 75. But actu- 
ally these terms have a most prominent position in Cicero's and Quintilian's theory of 
oratorical rhythm. 

22 See Biihler, op. >., pp. 75-76. 

23 Biihler, loc. cit. y notes that the list of exemplary writers in The Court corresponds 
to the similar list in the Laborintus of vrard PAllemand. 


the sixteenth century is indicated about seventy years after the first 
edition of The Court by John Jewel's Oratio contra Rhetoricam** 
This little work is one of the earliest of the extant literary efforts of 
Jewel, who in Elizabeth's reign was to become the bishop of Salis- 
bury and the greatest early apologist for the position of the English 
church against Roman Catholicism. Between 1544 and 1552 Jewel 
served as praelector in humanities and rhetoric at Corpus Christ! 
College in Oxford. The Oratio contra Rhetoricam was delivered 
around the year 1 548 before all the members of Corpus Christi, and 
it is doubtless the most elaborate of the lectures pronounced by 
Jewel during his praelectorship. It is not so much an attack on rhet- 
oric, however, as an ingenious and ironical condemnation of what 
rhetoric had come to mean in the schools and at Oxford. And what 
rhetoric had come to mean was that speaking must be done in such a 
way as to appear systematically opposed to the ordinary habits of 

Early in his oration Jewel announces his own determination to 
abandon the study of rhetoric and take up poetry. Perhaps he means 
by this only that his subsequent lectures will concern the humanities 
as his past ones have concerned rhetoric. Perhaps he is merely lend- 
ing interest to a mundane transition by giving it an air of crisis and 
renunciation. But at any rate he conducts his speech as if he had had 
a genuine change of heart towards rhetoric, and really believed his 
own statement that "the whole time which thus far we have devoted 
to eloquence has been wasted and worse than "wasted." 

As this thesis develops, Jewel makes it evident that there is a kind 
of speaking which is worthy of study, and that this worthy kind has 
lost the name of rhetoric, although it still possesses the greatest value 
and dignity. "For if in speaking," says he, "we seek this (as we cer- 
tainly do), that we may be understood by others with whom we deal, 
who can discover a better mode of speech than, to speak intelligibly, 
simply, and clearly? What need of art? What need of childish orna- 
ments?" He adds: 

Truth, indeed, is clear and simple j it has small need of the armament 
of the tongue or of eloquence. If it is perspicuous and plain, it has 
enough support in itself j it does not require flowers of artful speech. 

24 My discussion of the Oratio contra Rhetoricam and all my quotations from it de- 
pend upon Hoyt H. Hudson's translation and comment. See his "Jewel's Oration against 
Rhetoric: A Translation," The Quarterly Journal of Speech, xiv (1928), 174-392. 

[ 123 ] 


If it is obscure and unpropitious, it will not be brought to light in 
vociferation and flow of words. 

Jewel is not so naive as to want to imply that man is born with the 
ready-made capacity to be fully understandable in speech. Nor does 
he mean that truth is easily found and easily communicated, and that 
intelligibility, simplicity, and clarity are possessions of everyone, if 
only art keeps out of the way. What he does mean is that the business 
of learning to be clear, simple, and understandable does not in his 
time concern the rhetoricians, who are preoccupied instead with the 
business of teaching the flowers of speech and the artifices of delivery. 
These flowers and artifices as the exclusive concern of rhetoric are 
what Jewel is renouncing. The picture he draws later of the rhetoric 
of his time bears this out. Speaking of the insolence, trickery, and 
slander of oratory, he says: 

Such courses the orators undertake and profess: they have only so 
much right on their side as they have tongue and impudence. For if 
they trust to the truth and equity of their cause, why do they flee 
simplicity and an ordinary mode of speech? Why pursue all these 
verbal graces, these obscurities and pedantries? Why for free and un- 
trammeled discourse contrive feet, rhythm, and like fetters? Why go 
into battle with hints, conjectures, opinions, fables, and rumors? Why 
devise so many snares for captivating our ears? What do they want 
of these tropes, figures of speech, schemata, and what they call "colors" 
(to me they seem rather shades) , epanorthoses, antimetaboles, sus- 
pensions, catachreses, enigmas, extenuations, premunitions, exclama- 
tions, aposiopeses, apologies, circumlocutions, diminutions, and hyper- 
boles? Why fill the forum with cries, vociferations, and tears? Why 
call down the gods from heaven? Why raise the shades from the 
underworld? Why have buildings, temples, columns, tombs, and 
stones cry out? What do they want of such faces? Why that thrashing 
about of the body? Why that sudden contraction? that waving of 
arms? that slapping of the thigh? that stamp of the foot? Why is it 
they speak not with the mouth, not with the tongue, not with the 
jaws, but with the hand, fingers, joints, arms, face, and the whole 
body? For idle men have fashioned all these things for themselves, 
and they become much more conversant with this arsenal than with 
the subject itself and with truth. O gentle triflers, who will never in 
your whole lives, I know, lack a subject of study! 

It was only a short time after this outburst against ornamental 
rhetoric, as the sixteenth century was reaching its midpoint, that the 

[ 124 ] 


first English textbook on the schemes and tropes, and on stylistic 
rhetoric in general, was printed. This textbook is; Richard Sherry's 
Treatise of Schemes and Tropes, published at London in 1550.*' A 
graduate of Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1527, Sherry had been 
appointed headmaster of Magdalen College School in 1534 after 
taking his master's degree at Oxford in the meantime. His head- 
mastership ended in 1 540. Ten years later, at the request of Thomas 
Brooke, to whom he dedicated the work, he put into his mother 
tongue the stylistic lore that he had formerly taught to his pupils 
in Latin. 

The realization that his English readers would find his vocabulary 
unfamiliar, and might therefore reject his work without fair consid- 
eration, led him in the opening words of his dedicatory epistle to try 
to prevent such an outcome by associating it with rashness and fri- 
volity, and by intimating that an opposite outcome would be a sign 
of modernity. He says: 

I doubt not but that the title of this treatise all straunge vnto our 
Englyshe eares, wil cause some men at the fyrst syghte to maruayle 
what the matter of it should meane: yea, and peraduenture if they be 
rashe of Judgement, to cal it some newe fangle, and so casting it 
hastily from the, wil not once vouch safe to reade it: and if they do, 
yet perceiuynge nothing to be therin that pleaseth their phansy, wyl 
count it but a tryfle, & a tale of Robynhoode. But of thys sorte as I 
doubte not to fynde manye, so perhaps there wyll be other, whiche 
moued with the noueltye thereof, wyll thynke it worthye to be 
looked vpon, and se what is contained therin. These words, Scheme 
and Trope, are not vsed in our Englishe tongue, neither bene they 
Englyshe wordes. No more be manye whiche nowe in oure tyme be 
made by continual vse, very familier to most men, and come so often 
in speakyng, that aswel is knowen amongest vs the meanyng of them, 
as if they had bene of oure owne natiue broode. 26 

25 The title page reads : "A treatise of Schemes & Tropes very profytable for the 
better vnderstanding- of good authors, gathered out of the best Grammarians & Oratours 
by Rychard Sherry Londoner. Whervnto is added a declamacion, That chyldren euen 
strayt fro their infancie should be well and gently broughte vp in learnynge. Written 
fyrst in Latin by the most excellent and famous Clearke, Erasmus of Roterodame." The 
dedicatory letter ends thus: "Geuen at London the .XIII. day of Decembre, Anno. 
M, D. L. n There is no date on the title page. The colophon reads: "Imprynted at 
London by John Day dwellinge ouer Aldersgate, beneth saint Martyns. And are to be 
sold at his shop by the litle conduit in Chepesyde at the sygne of the Resurrection. Cum 
priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. Per septennium." 

20 A treatise of Schemes & Tropes (London, 1550), sig. Aiv-Aar. 


The motives which led him to undertake his pioneering venture 
are revealed later in the dedicatory epistle. Speaking in defense of 
English not only as the language of such famous authors as Gower, 
Chaucer, Lydgate, Elyot, and Wyatt, but also as a vocabulary capa- 
ble of receiving all kinds of sciences and all manner of thoughts, 
Sherry goes on to say that he is qualified to discuss the schemes and 
tropes "bicause longe ago, I was well a quaynted wyth them, when I 
red them to other in y Latin" 5 and he adds that, since "they holpe 
me verye muche in the exposicion of good authoures, I was so muche 
the more ready to make them speak English: partli, to renew the 
pleasure of mine old studies, and partelye to satysfy your request." 27 
He next recalls that the "famous clarke Rodulphus Agricola" had 
urged all men to translate into their own tongue whatever they read 
in another, that being the way to perceive the strength and weakness 
of utterance. As for the attitude of the learned world towards the 
subject of his present work, Sherry remarks: 

No lerned nacion hath there bene but y learned in it haue written of 
schemes & fygures, which thei wold not haue don, except thei had 
perceyued the valewe. 28 

Sherry emphasizes on three occasions that he is writing upon the 
schemes and tropes as a topic of style, and that he is writing on style 
as the third part of the whole Ciceronian program. The first occasion 
arises in the dedicatory epistle as he speaks of the schemes and tropes 
as aids in the interpretation of great writing: 

For thys darre I saye, no eloquente wryter maye be perceiued as he 
shulde be, wythoute the knowledge of them: for asmuche as al to- 
gethers they belonge to Eloquucion, whyche is the thyrde and pryn- 
cipall parte of rhetorique. 29 

The second occasion arises at the beginning of the actual text of his 
work, where Sherry prints the following headnote: 

Schemes and Tropes. 
A briefe note of eloqucio, the third 
parte of Rhetoricke, wherunto 
all Figures and Tropes be 
- referred. 80 

On the third occasion, Sherry is speaking of style and its relation to 
the other parts of rhetoric. He says: 

27 Ibid., si^. A 4 v* 2S Ibid,, sig-. A.$r. 2fl Ibid., sig. A6v. a Ibid., sig. Bir. 

.[ 126 ] 


Tullye and Quintilian thoughte that inuencion and disposicio were 
the partes of a wytty and prudent man, but eloquence of an oratour. 
For howe to finde out matter, and set it in order, may be comen to 
all men, whyche eyther make abridgementes of the excellent workes 
of aunciente wryters, and put histories in remebraunce, or that 
speake of anye matter them seluesj but to vtter the mynde aptely, 
distinctly, and ornately, is a gyft geuen to very fewe. si 

It is important to notice these statements that the schemes and the 
tropes are merely a part of style, and that style is third among the 
five parts of rhetoric. They constitute proof that Sherry belongs 
among writers on traditional stylistic rhetoric, not among disciples 
of the reformed stylistic rhetoric of Ramus, whose influence in Eu- 
rope began to mount after 1543. The Ramists, as we shall see in 
greater detail later, considered rhetoric to have only two parts, style 
and delivery, as opposed to five parts under the ancient program j 
and style they considered to have only two parts, the schemes and 
the tropes, as opposed to the larger content of the doctrine o elocutio 
under Cicero, Thomas Wilson, and Sherry. It would have been un- 
usual for Sherry to be influenced by the Ramists as early as 1550, 
since their doctrine was young and untraveled at that date. But the 
title of Sherry's work invites us to think that he conceives of rhet- 
oric as the Ramists did, and to avoid such a misunderstanding we 
must take into account his repeated declarations of faith in the older 
arrangements of Cicero. 

Sherry's treatise covers style by speaking of words used singly and 
words used in combination. Under the first heading he speaks of 
clearness and of the faults of barbarism and solecism. Under the sec- 
ond heading he lumps everything else: the three kinds of style (the 
great, the small, the mean, that is, the middle) $ the schemes, which 
require a discussion of three things figures, faults, virtues 5 the 
tropes, which are particularly useful as ornaments j the first order of 
rhetorical figures, which include larger aspects of style like repeti- 
tion, antithesis, and climax j the ornaments of sentences, which include 
still larger aspects like partition, enumeration, rhetorical description 
or enargia^ amplification, hyperbole, proofs, examples, parables, im- 
ages, and so on. 

The heart of Sherry's work is, however, the topic of the schemes 
and the tropes, as his title indicates. To him, as to Bede, the schemes 

*W., sig\ Biv-Bzr. 

[ 127 ] 


and the tropes are verbal arrangements that differ from what is cus- 
tomary and accepted, and thus they advertise the theory that true 
effectiveness in speech proceeds, not from its accurate correspondence 
to states of reality, but from its lack of resemblance to the^ idiom of 
ordinary life. This theory is implied in Sherry's key definitions: 

Scheme is a Greke worde, and signifyeth properlye the maner of 
gesture that daunsers vse to make, whe they haue won the best game, 
but by translation is taken for the fourme, fashion, and shape of anye 
thynge expressed in wrytynge or payntinge: and is taken here now of 
vs for the fashion of a word, sayynge, or sentence, otherwyse wrytten 
or spoken then after the vulgar and comen vsage, and that thre sudry 
waies: by figure, faute, vertue. 


Fygure, of Scheme y fyrst part, is a behaueoure, maner, or fashion 
eyther of sentence, oracion, or wordes after some new wyse, other the 
men do commenlye vse to wryte or speake: and is of two sortes. 
Dianoias, that is of sentence, and Lexeos of worde. 82 

Figure Lexeos, or of worde, is when in speakyng or wrytyng any 
thynge touchynge the wordes is made newe or straunge, otherwyse 
then after f comen custume: & is of n. kyndes, diccion, & construc- 
tion, 88 

Vertue, or as we saye, a grace & dygnitye in speakynge, the thyrde 
fcynde of Scheme, is when the sentence is bewtyfied and lyfte vp aboue 
the comen maner of speaking of the people. Of it be two kyndes: 
Proprietie, and garnyshyng. 8 * 


Emonge authors manye tymes vnder the name of figures, Tropes also 
be comprehended: Neuerthelesse ther is a notable difference betwixt 
the. In figure is no alteration in the wordes fro their proper signifi- 
cations, but only is the oracion & setence made by the more plesaut, 
sharpe & vehemet, after y affeccio of him that speketh or writeth : to 
y which vse although tropes also do serue, yet properlye be they so 
called, because in them for necessitye or garnyshynge, there is a 
mouynge and chaungynge of a worde and sentence, from theyr owne 
significacio into another, whych may agre wyth it by a similitude. 3 * 5 

As individual schemes and tropes are enumerated and exemplified, 
the thesis that each represents a departure from the ordinary pattern 
of speech becomes more and more evident. 

82 Ibid., Big. Bsr. 88 Ibid., sig. B 5 v. 84 Ibid., sig. C 3 r. 

35 Ibid., &ig. C4.r-C4.v. 

[ 128 ] 


The first actual schemes listed by Sherry are the figures of diction. 
He calls the second one of these by its Greek term A'pheresis^ and 
by its Latin term Ablatio. This figure, he indicates, is produced when 
we remove a syllable or letter from the beginning of any word with- 
out changing the sense in which it is used, except apparently as our 
action adds an element of surprise or interest to the ordinary meaning 
of the term. Sherry's illustration of this figure does not represent 
good reasoning about the derivation of the English word he dis- 
cusses, but it does represent the nature of the figure he wants to ex- 
plain. He takes the English word "pentis," which means a small 
shed with sloping roof erected against another building, or by ex- 
tension, any structure with a sloping roof, say a window awning* 
Actually, this word, now surviving as "penthouse," came from the 
Latin word "appendere" meaning "to belong to." But Sherry argues 
that the word "pentis" was originally the Greek word "epenthesis," 
and that the Greek word not only had its first letter, "e," removed 
by speakers seeking to alter its familiar pattern under the figure of 
Apheresis, but also had its middle syllable, "hes," removed for the 
same purpose under the figure of Syncope, with the result that "pen- 
tis" came into being at the hands of seekers of novelty in style. The 
whole of Sherry's explanation deserves quotation: 

Apheresis 2 Ablatio, the takynge awaye of a letter or sillable from 
the begynnynge of a worde, of a letter, when we say: 
The pethesis of thys house is to low, for the epenthesis. 
Wher note this y word pethesis is a greke worde, & yet is 
vsed as an englishe, as many mo be, and is called a pentis 
by these figures, Sincope and Apheresis, the whole word 
beynge as is before, epenthesis, so called because it is be- 
twyxt y lyght & vs, as in al occupiers shops comenlie it is. 88 

The "occupiers shops" mentioned in the closing words of this quo- 
tation are of course merchants' shops of any sort. The "pentis" or 
"awning" in such shops would be between the occupants and the light 
outside. The Greek word "*e7rei>0eo-ts" means "the insertion of a let- 
ter" and by metaphor any insertion between something and some- 
thing else. Still, the English word "pentis" does not happen to come 
from "Wei>0<Ti9>" although the figure of Apheresis and of Syncope 
would be admirably illustrated by it if Sherry's argument were ety- 
mologically sound. 

., sig-. B5v-B6r. 


As we have already seen by Sherry's definition of the trope, there 
is an element of necessity as well as of ornament about its use, and 
thus it does not seem to represent a purely wilful departure from 
the language of ordinary life as do the two schemes just discussed. 
Nevertheless in Sherry's analysis of this aspect of style, the implica- 
tion is plain not only that tropes involve the use of words in some 
orbit outside of their usual ones, but also that, when these departures 
from the ordinary are made, the motive is often ornament rather 
than necessity. Metaphor, the first of the tropes listed by Sherry, is 
defined as "Translatio, translacion, that is a worde translated from 
the thynge that it properlye signifieth, vnto a nother whych may 
agre with it by a similitude." 37 He adds: "And among all vertues of 
speeche, this is the chyefe." Now when Sherry illustrates that form 
of metaphor which represents the use of a physical term to designate 
a mental happening, he has ornament rather than necessity in mind, 
since in each of the cases he cites, the metaphor is strictly speaking 
unnecessary, as he points out by showing what literal term would be 
available if one did not want to decorate the ordinary expression. 
He says: 

Translacions be diuerse. 

Some fro the body to the mynd, as: I haue but lately tasted the 
Hebrue tonge, for newely begunne it. Also I smell where aboute 
you go, for I perceyue. 

Most of his other illustrations of tropes indicate that he is discussing 
them, not on the primitive level where man has to use them, but on 
the sophisticated level where man uses them to exhibit his wit and 
learning. On this level, of course, they are conspicuous departures 
from the speech of the people, inasmuch as tropes in popular speech 
are more a matter of instinct than design. 

One other example may be cited to show how pervasive in Sherry's 
treatise is idea that figures are departures from ordinary patterns 
of communication. In speaking of the first order of rhetorical figures, 
Sherry comes at length to that called Homoeoteleuton or Similiter 
desinens^ that is, like ending, or rhyme. Rhyme as an arrangement of 
language is not part of ordinary speech. It is rather a contrivance for 
making a thought seem out of the ordinary. Sherry's examples are 
rather feeble, as indeed were the rhymed sermons condemned by 

" Ibid., sig. C 4 v. 

[ 130 ] 


Thomas Wilson. 38 But their status as departures from common 
speech is unmistakable. Says Sherry: 

Homoteleto. Similiter desinens, endynge al alyke, when words or 
senteces haue alyke endyng, as : Thou dareste do fylth- 
ely, and studiest to speke baudely. Content thy selfe 
w thy state, in thy herte do no man hate, be not the 
cause of stryfe and bate. 39 

As this review of Sherry's pioneering work draws to an end, I 
should like to mention that he is quite explicit about the sources upon 
which his treatise is based. He speaks in his dedicatory letter of hav- 
ing prepared himself for his task by reading sundry treatises, some 
written long ago, and some in his own day. 40 He declares, however, 
of his definitions and examples: 

I haue not translated them orderly out of anye one author, but run- 
ninge as I sayde thorowe many, and vsyng myne owne iudgement, 
haue broughte them into this body as you se, and set them in so playne 
an order, that redelye maye be founde the figure, and the vse where- 
vnto it serueth.* 1 

From the authors and works explicitly mentioned by Sherry in his 
dedicatory letter and in the Treatise itself, it would appear that he 
places primary reliance upon such modern writings as Rudolph Agri- 
cola's De Inventions Dialectica y Petrus Mosellanus's Tabulae de 
Schematibus et Tropis, Thomas Linacre's Rudimentes GrammaticeSj 
and Erasmus's De Du$lici Co*pia Verborum ac Rerum and The 
Preacher $ whereas for the ancients he goes to Quintilian's Institutio 
Oratoria^ to Cicero's Orator y De Oratore y and De Partitione Ora- 
toria^ and to Aristotle's Topics and possibly his Rhetoric** 

"But if God spare me lyfe," says Sherry after apologizing for the 
inadequacies of his Treatise^ "I truste hereafter to make it an intro- 
duccio, wherbi our youth not onlye shall saue that moste precious 
Jewell, Time, whyle they wander by them selues, readynge at all 

as See above, p. 108. 

39 Treatise of Schemes and Tropes, sig. DSV. 

40 Ibid., sig. A5r. 41 Ibid., sig. A6r. 

42 In speaking- of the places of logic and rhetoric, Sherry says in part: "These be 
commen to the Oratours with the Logicians, albeit Aristotle hathe seperatelye written 
of them in hys Topickes, and in his Rethorickes hathe not touched the, and they profile 
much both to iudgement, and to endightynge, but the varietie of authors hath made the 
handlynge of them sumwhat darke, because amonge them selues they can not wel agre, 
neyther of the names, neyther of the number, neyther of the order." Sig. F4V. This 
passage, It seems, contains his only reference to Aristotle's Rhetoric, 


aduentures sundry and varyous authors: but that also thei shalbe able 
better to vnderstande and iudge of the goodlye gyftes and orna- 
mentes in mooste famous and eloquente oratoures."* 8 The promise 
indicated in these words was in some measure fulfilled by the publi- 
cation at London in 1555 of Sherry's Treatise of the Figures of 
Grammar and Rhetorike** This work is dedicated to William Paget, 
Baron of Beaudesert, whom I mentioned earlier as an advocate of 
Melanchthon's rhetorical theory when Paget and Leonard Cox were 
at Cambridge together. 46 Sherry introduced four new features in his 
revised edition: he made "figure" his key word, and proceeded to dis- 
cuss figures of grammar, figures of rhetoric called tropes, and figures 
of rhetoric called schemes $ he put the topic of the three kinds of 
style at the end rather than near the beginning of his treatise 5 he pre- 
sented his material in such fashion that a Latin discussion of a given 
topic preceded an identical English discussion of it, the work as a 
whole being thus an almost invariable alternation of Latin and Eng- 
lish passages 5 and finally he abandoned as his one big illustration the 
theme from Erasmus on the subject of the education of children, and 
substituted for it an English version of Cicero's oration for Marcus 
Marcellus. There are other differences between his first and his sec- 
ond edition, but none that places the basic philosophy of the former 
in a new light. 

At one point in the first edition of his Treatise, Sherry remarks 
that the man who goes'Tnto a goodly garden""g'arnished with herbs 
and flowers, and only beholds them, without knowing what they are 
called, does not have the pleasure of him who also knows the names 
and properties of everything he sees. 48 This image may have sug- 
gested something to Henry Peacham. At any rate, Peacham pub- 
lished at London in 1577 The Garden of Eloquence Conteymng the 
Figures of Grammer and Rhetorick-^ and this work, more extensive 

48 Ibid,, sig. A7v-A8r. 

44 The title page reads: "A Treatise of the Figures of Grammer and Rhetorike, 
profitable for al that be studious of Eloquence, and in especial! for suche as in Grammer 
scholes doe reade moste eloquente Poetes and Oratours: Whereunto is ioygned the oration 
which Cicero made to Cesar, geuing thankes vnto him for pardonyng, and restoring 
again of that noble ma Marcus Marcellus, sette foorth by Richarde Sherrye Londonar. 
Londini in aedibus Ricardi Totteli. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum." No date is 
given on the title page. The colophon reads: "Imprinted at London in Fletestrete within 
Temple barre, at the sygne of the hand and starre by Richarde Tottill. the .1111. daye 
of Maye, the yeare of cure Lorde. M D L V. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum." 

45 See above, p. 95. 

46 Sig. A8r-A8v. 

47 The title page reads : "The Garden of Eloquence Conteyning the Figures of Gram- 


than Sherry's two earlier efforts in the same field, brings to full 
maturity the English stylistic theory of rhetoric. 

"Figure" is the key term in Peacham's Garden, as it was in Sher- 
ry's second edition. Peacham begins his work with the following 

The names of Figures. 

Figures of the Grecians, are called Trofes and Schemates^ and of the 
Latines, Fygures Exornations, Lightes, Colours, and Ornaments of 
speech. Cicero who supposed them to be named of the Grecians Sche- 
mates, as a iesture and countenaunce of speech, called them Concin- 
nitie, that is propernesse, aptnesse, featnesse, also conformations, 
formes, and fashions, comprising all ornamentes of speech vnder one 

A Figure what it is. 

A Figure is a fashion of words, Oration, or sentence, made new by 
Arte, tourning from the common manner and custome of wryting or 
speaking. 48 

With the definition of figure clearly set forth in these terms, 
Peacham proceeds to divide his subject into its parts and elements. 
A given figure, he says, is either a trope or a "schemate." A trope is 
either of a word or of a sentence, there being nine of the former and 
ten of the latter. A given "schemate," meanwhile, is either grammat- 
ical or rhetorical. Grammatical "schemates" number fifty-six in all, 
fourteen of them being orthographical, and forty-two, syntactical. 
Rhetorical "schemates," the most numerous class, embrace twenty- 
four that pertain to words, twenty-six that pertain to sentences, and. 
sixty-six that pertain to amplification. 49 Thus his work as a whole 
deals with one hundred and ninety-one terms, each of which is de- 
fined, then divided where necessary into species, and finally illustrat- 

\yy the Bible, by classical literature, and by homemade examples. 

It may seem strange that human energy should be applied so dili- 
gently to this interminable enumeration of stylistic devices, when 

mer and Rhetorick, from whence maye bee gathered all manner of Flowers, Coulors, 
Ornaments Exornations, Formes and Fashions of speech, very profitable for all those 
that be studious of Eloquence, and that reade most Eloquent Poets and Orators, and also 
helpeth much for the better vnderstanding 1 of the holy Scriptures. Set foorth in Englishe, 
by Henry Pecham Minister. Anno. 1577. Imprinted at London, in Fleetestrete, beneath 
the Conduite, at the Signe of Saint lohn Euaungelist, by H. lackson." 

48 Garden of Eloquence y sig. Bir. 

49 /*<., sig. Bir. Peacham's table indicates twenty-five rhetorical schemes of the 
sentence, but actually he names twenty-six later. His table indicates sixty schemes of 
amplification, but his later discussion includes sixty-six. 

[ 133 ] 


the subject of communication offers more philosophic and more hu- 
mane approaches, particularly in the regions where persuasion is con- 
sidered, and the means of persuasion are studied as matters of logic, 
emotion, and morality. But even though we admit that Peacham and 
his school appear more concerned with the husks than with the ker- 
nels of style, we should nevertheless credit them with some philo- 
sophic conception of what they were doing a conception which im- 
parts a measure of interest to their otherwise mechanical routine. 
They conceived of wisdom and eloquence_as_the , twg_jorces_which 
hgidTspqety tojgetKerjs^^ They conceived of 

oratory as the union of these two forces and "as"the organ of leader- 
ship. They conceived of wisdom as the force which man never elected 
to do without, whereas eloquence was the force which he might under- 
rate and disparage in moments of pride and confidence. Thus elo- 
fluence Jiad_^ and the study of elo- 

quence, became,, tfajLJSQidyjdLj^ wisdom having 

already guaranteed that the substance of speech was present as raw 
materialtVrhis philosophy was expressed by Peacham in the dedica- 
tory letter of the revised edition of the Garden^ published at London 
in J 593- Speaking there of the power of wisdom and the prudent art 
of persuasion, he says that "so mighty is the power of this happie 
vnion, (I meane of wisdom & eloquence) that by the one the Orator 
forceth, and by the other he allureth, and by both so worketh, that 
what he commendeth is beloued, what he dispraiseth is abhorred, 
what he perswadeth is obeied, & what he disswadeth is auoided: so 
that he is in a maner the emperour of mens minds & affections, and 
next to the omnipotent God in the power of perswasion, by grace, & 
diuine assistance." Peacham adds: 

The principal instrumets of mans help in this wonderfull effect, are 
those figures and formes of speech conteined in this booke, which are 
the frutefull branches of eloquution, and the mightie streames of elo- 
quence: whose vtilitie, power, and vertue, I cannot sufficiently com- 
med, but speaking by similitude, I say they are as stars to giue light, 
as cordials to comfort, as harmony to delight, as pitiful spectacles to 
moue sorrowfull passions, and as orient colours to beautifie reason. 50 

Implicit in _this philosophy is the assumption that the orator is an 
er !LPjr^ r unc * er the rule of God, and that his subjects are^not^so much 
the" common people as the^anstocrat" arici temporal king, whose au- 

Garden of Eloquence (London, 1593), sig. ABsv-AB^r. This work has re- 
cently been made available in a facsimile reproduction with an Introduction by William 
G. Crane (Gainesville, Florida: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 1954). 

[ 134 ] 


thority is unquestioned, and whose hearts are won only by the forms 
of speech "differing from the vulgar maner and custome of writing 
or speaking." 51 

The reader of the first edition of the Garden of Eloquence is often 
aware that Peacham's analysis of the figures of grammar and rhet- 
oric depends upon the first edition of Sherry's Treatise. Sometimes 
the dependence is so direct that a passage in Peacham is virtually a 
copy of the similar passage in Sherry. For example, Peacham's long 
illustration of the second kind of expolitio is closely similar to Sher- 
ry's illustration of "expolicion," despite the fact that Sherry mentions 
Erasmus as his source, whereas Peacham mentions Cornificius as his. 52 
Incidentally, "expolitio" is the figure in which a speaker says the 
same thing in many diverse ways, as though many things were being 
said. In addition to this borrowing, there are in the early edition of 
the Garden other passages which bear a close resemblance to cor- 
respondingjpassagesjn SherrY^^xsl^dition, and must therefore have 
been transferred deEBeraJeryfrom one to the other. 53 

It is also apparent that Peacham's first edition borrows at least 
once from the second edition of Sherry. The passage in which this 
borrowing occurs is meant to illustrate the rhetorical device of $ar- 
j2a_and I shall quote what Peacham and then Sherry have to say 
on this point, not only to show the resemblance between them, but 
also to indicate their thinking upon one of the largest and most im- 

51 Ibid^ p. i. Notice that these words differ somewhat from those used by Peacham 
in 1577 and quoted above, p. 133. The main difference is that "vulgar" has replaced 

52 Compare the Treatise (1550), sig, F7r-F8v, with the Garden (1577), sig. Qir-Qar. 

53 The following are examples: 

Sherry: "Also I smell where aboute you go, for I perceyue. 11 (sig. C4v) 

Peacham: (C . . . also, I smell whereabout you goe, for, perceaue whereabout you goe . . ." 

(sig. B 3 v) 
Sherry: "By that goeth before, the thynge that foloweth, as: He set hys spurres to hys 

horse, for he rode a pace, or fled faste awaye." (sig. C6r) 
Peacham: "Thinges following, by thinges going before, as to say, he put to his Spurres, 

meaning hee roade apace. . ." (sig. 

Sherry: "By that y foloweth, the thinge wente before, as: I got it wyth the swete of 
my face, for w my labour." (sig. C6r) 

Peacham: "Contrariwyse, thinges going before, by thinges following, as Genesis. 3. In 
the sweate of thy face, shalte thou eate thy breadc, for, with labour shalt thou 
eate thy bread, which goeth before sweate. . ." (sig. C3v) 

Sherry: "Sarcasmus. Amara irrisio^ is a bitter sporting a mocke of our enemye, or a 
maner of iestyng or scoffinge bytynglye, a nyppyng tawnte, as; The Jewes 
sayde to Christ, he saued other, but he could not saue hym selfe," (sig. C7v) 

Peacham: "Sarcasmus, is a bitter kinde of mocke, or dispytefull frumpe, vsed of an 
enemy, such as the Jewes vsed to Christ haging on y Crosse, now sayd they, 
let him come downe from the Crosse and saue himself e, that saued others: 
Also, he saued others, himselfe he cannot saue." (sig. 

[ 135 ] 


portant o the rhetorical figures those figures which, as Peacham 
defines them, "doe take a way the wearinesse of our common and 
dayly speach, and doe fashion a pleasant, sharpe, euident and gallant 
kinde of speaking, giuing vnto matters great strength, perspecuitie 
and grace. . . ." S4 Here then is Peacham on partitio-. 

Partitio, when the whole is deuyded into partes, and then it is called 
Partitien, as if you might say, he is well scene in all Sciences, this 
generall saying you may declare by partes, thus. He perfitely know- 
eth all the painefull rules of Grammer, the pleasaunt Flowers of 
Rhetoricke, the subtilties of Logitians, the secretes of naturall Phi- 
losophy, the difficultie of Wisedome supernaturall, the pleasaunt 
Fables of Poets, the Mathematicall demonstrations, the motions of 
Starres, the cunning reasons of numbers, the description of the worlde, 
the measuring of the earth, the situations, names, distaunces of Coun- 
tries, Cities, Mountaynes, Riuers, Fountaynes, and Wildernesses, the 
properties of Soyles, the deepe misteries of Diuinitie, the difference 
of harmonies, the consent of tunes, histories, olde and newe, antiqui- 
ties, nouelties, Greeke, Latine and Hebrew. Finally, whatsoeuer good 
learning hath bene founde and taught of good Authors, all that hath 
this man perceyued, knowne and remembred. 55 

In his first edition Sherry uses this same general thesis to illustrate 
$artitiof* but it is from the wording of his second edition that 
Peacham borrows, as we can see at once if we compare the quotation 
just given with the following words from Sherry's revised treatise: 

ition is 3 when that that might be spoken generally, is more largely 
declared by parte, As if we would say: he is perfectly seen in al sci- 
ences. Thys sentence thou mayest declare by partes in this wise. He 
knoweth merueylously well the fables of Poetes, the flowers of Rhet- 
orique, the painefull rules of Grammer, the subtilties of Logitians, 
the secretes of natural philosophy, the hardnes of wisedom supernat- 
ural, the misteries of diuinitie, the mathematicall demonstrations, the 
mocions of starres, the reasons of nubers, the measuring of y earth, 
the situations, names, and spaces of Cities, Mountaynes, Floudes, and 
Pountaynes, the dyfference, and harmonies of Tunes, histories olde, 
and newe: antiquities, nouelties, Greke and Latine: finally whatso- 
euer good learnyng hath been founde and taught of good authours, 
all that wholy hath this one man perfitlye perceyued, knowen, and 
remembred. 57 

54 Garden of Eloquence (1577), sig-. H^v. 

55 Ibid., sig. RSV. 56 Treatise of Schemes fif Trofes, sig-. 
57 Treatise of the Figures of Grammer and Rhetorike, fol. xli. 

[ 136 ] 


In addition to Sherry, Peacham relies very heavily upon Susen- 
brotus's Epitome Troporum ac Schematum^ and upon such other 
authorities as Erasmus's Da Duplici Co$ia Verborum ac Rerum^ 
Quintilian's Institutio Oratorio,, and the anonymous Rhetorics ad 
Herennmm^ which Peacham attributes to Cornificius. 58 Peacham 
draws also from Cicero and probably from the other sources men- 
tioned by Sherry, all of whom would be likely to influence any tra- 
ditional stylistic rhetoric of the second half of the sixteenth century. 
There is even some reason to believe that the second edition of 
Peacham's Garden was influenced indirectly by the reformed rhetoric 
of Ramus. As we shall see in the next chapter, Ramus taught that 
all schemes and tropes were strictly the property of rhetoric, and 
should never be counted as belonging in part to grammar. In fact, 
the assigning of the tropes and schemes to rhetoric rather than to 
grammar was a point of real emphasis in Ramus's concept of the 
liberal arts. In his first edition of 1577, Peacham pays no attention 
to this point of emphasis, his schemes being distributed between 
grammar and rhetoric, as I indicated above. But by 1593, when 
Peacham published his revised edition of the Garden^ England had 
been so far converted to Ramistic rhetoric that even a traditionalist 
like Peacham was to some extent affected. Thus it is not surprising 
to find that this second edition abandons the distinction between 
grammatical and rhetorical schemes, and omits from consideration 
many of the schemes which the first edition had classed as gram- 

_arden is the last English treatise_on the tropes ancjjthe fig- 
q FP* aar in print before I $84, when^thg^ea^la^t- "F.ngTish version 
ofJRamistir rh^Q^r waQ.pwfitfefipH TbT^n^y^nrvpy of English sty- 
listic rhetoric as a separate pattern^of^i^^tiona^-tiie.ory ends with 
Peacham. Stylistic rhetoric continuedjio be influential in England for 
tKe f QllOT^gnpMBB^^^niSt in tReT exact form it had had in the 
works we havebeenjon^delrmg. Wnat fornTit took after the days of 
Sherry and Peacham has BSen suggested already, and will be discussed 
more at length when Ramistic rhetoric has been analyzed. Mean- 
while, a few words need to be said on the subject of formulary rhet- 
oric, the third and last of the traditional patterns of rhetorical 
theory in England. 

88 For references by Peacham to these two latter works, see the Garden of Eloquence 
(1577), sigs. A2V, Asr, Eiv, Qir, Qar. Peacham's debt to Susenbrotus, Sherry, Erasmus, 
and other sources is discussed in full detail by William G. Crane in the Introduction to 
his recent facsimile reprint of the Garden. 

[ 137 ] 

IV. Models for Imitation 

FORMULARY rhetoric is made up of compositions drawn to illustrate 
rhetorical principles and presented as models for students to imitate in 
the process of developing themselves for the tasks of communication. 

Rhetorical education has always rested upon the assumption that 
practice in communication is necessary for the development of profi- 
ciency, and that the best possible practice consists in performing exer- 
cises like those required in the actual processes of civilized life. Some- 
times these exercises are performed by students in conscious imitation 
of models, and sometimes in conscious attempts to produce an original 
piece of work according to previously studied rules. Traditional 
English rhetoric of the Ciceronian and stylistic pattern is designed 
to provide the necessary rules for the latter of these two methods, 
whereas formulary rhetoric has the other of these methods in mind, 
and aims to provide models for imitation. 

There is, of course, an element of formulary rhetoric in each of 
the two streams of theory already discussed. Thomas Wilson's Rhet- 
orique, as I mentioned earlier, 1 contains model discourses to illustrate 
a forensic speech, and the various kinds of eulogies, as well as the 
letter of advice and of consolation. Sherry also presented model dis- 
courses in company with each edition of his pioneering English ver- 
sion of stylistic rhetoric, the first edition containing a theme by 
Erasmus on the education of children, and the second, a speech by 
Cicero to Caesar. 2 But full-blown illustrations like these are not by 
any means the only models to occur in works of the Ciceronian and 
the stylistic pattern. In particular, each scheme and trope offered an 
opportunity for copious illustration from the Bible and classical lit- 
erature, with the result that all treatises on figurative language con- 
tain hundreds of model ornaments for imitation. 

As an entity by itself rather than as an ingredient of rhetorical 
theory, formulary rhetoric began its vernacular development in Eng- 
land in the second quarter of the sixteenth century. Its origin would 
appear to be in several popular collections of materials drawn from 
the ancient classics. One of the earliest of these collections was Nich- 
olas UdalPs Flovres for Latine S^ekynge Selected and gathered oute 
of Terence, <md the same translated in to Englysshe, published at 
London in 1533. UdalPs work not only included Latin passages from 

1 See above, pp. 105-107. 

2 See above, pp. 125, note 25, 133, note 44. 

[ 138 1 


Terence and an English translation of them, but also notes on Ter- 
ence's vocabulary and grammar. Richard Taverner's The garden of 
wysdom and The secode booke of the Garden of wysedome, which 
were separately published at London in 1539, are collections of 
witty sayings of ancient Greek and Latin princes, philosophers, and 
other renowned personages, and would of course serve admirably as 
models for pithy and sententious discourse. 3 The same purpose would 
also be served by Taverner's Proverbes or adagies with newe additions 
gathered out of the Chiliades of Erasmus, likewise published at Lon- 
don in 1539. This work is organized so as to give a Latin proverb, an 
English translation of it, and a full explanation of it in English, 
these latter two units being translations from Erasmus's Latin. An- 
other work of the same general pattern and purpose is the Flores 
aliquot sententiarum ex variis collecti scrip toribus, also called The 
flowres of sencies gathered out of sundry wryters by Erasmus in 
Latine and Englished by Ry chard Taverner, published at London 
in 1540.* And of course Nicholas UdalPs translation of Erasmus's 
Apophthegmes (London, 1542) should be mentioned not only as a 
work drawn from the source that gave Taverner his Garden, but 
also as one more indication of the popularity of Erasmus in England 
in the fifteen-thirties and forties. 

These collections cannot be claimed as true formulary rhetorics. 
They are addressed primarily to young students, and are intended 
not only to supply ideas and models for school exercises but also to 
provide wise saws and ancient instances for developing youthful 
character and intellect. They do not aim, however, to present models 
to illustrate systematically the various types of discourse, and thus 
they can hardly be said to introduce students to all or most of the 
situations in which communications pass back and forth in the course 
of human living. The true formulary rhetoric differs from these col- 
lections in having its selections cover some or most of the occasions 
for discourse, and in providing that these selections will teach good 
rhetorical form no less than sound concepts. 

s Charles Read Baskervill, "Taverner's Garden of Wisdom and the A$o<phthegmata 
of Erasmus," Studies In Philology^ xxrx (April 193^)^ 153-1595 has shown that 
most of the material in Taverner 5 s Garden^ and about two-thirds of the material in The 
second booke of the Garden^ are translated from the A^ofhthegmata of Erasmus. Basker- 
vill also clarifies the bibliographical history of these two works. 

4 Baskervill, o$. "/., pp. i5i-i5z, indicates that this work was originally published 
in 1540, and is a translation by Taverner of a small section of the Q^uscula aliquot of 
Erasmus, not of the latter's A<po$hthegmata. I have seen only the 1550 edition in photo- 
stat at the Huntington Library. 

[ 139 ] 


The first English work to conform fully to these specifications is 
Richard Rainolde's A booke called the Foundation of Rhetorike^ 
published at London in 1563. This work, as Professor Johnson has 
shown in the essay that accompanies his facsimile reprint of Rainolde's 
original text, is mainly an English adaptation of Reinhard Lorich's 
Latin version of Aphthonius's Progymnasmata? Aphthonius is one 
of the three great names in the field of ancient formulary rhetoric, 
the others being Theon and Hermogenes. Not much is known of 
them, but each is remembered for his collection of model discourses 
for use in rhetorical instruction, and each called his collection the 
Progymnasmata, that is, Preparatory Exercises. Theon and Her- 
mogenes lived in the second century of our era, and Aphthonius in 
the late fourth century. 6 Their model discourses are grouped under 
such terms as narration^ proof, refutation, and commonplace , and are 
obviously meant to constitute preparation for the later study of the 
full rhetorical discipline in its theoretical phases. 

Rainolde's opening address "To the Reader" lends point to the 
Rhetorike in four ways. First of all, it associates the work with the 
famous man Aphthonius, who u wrote in Greke of soche declamacions, 
to enstructe the studentes thereof, with all facilitie to grounde in 
them, a moste plentious and riche vein of eloquence." Secondly, it 
states Rainolde's belief in preparatory exercises "No man is able 
to inuente a more profitable waie and order, to instructe any one in 
the exquisite and absolute perfeccion, of wisedome and eloquence, 
then Afhthonius , Quintilianus and Hermo genes." Thirdly, it recalls 
that such exercises had helped the great Tully, "whose Eloquence 
and vertue all tymes extolled, and the ofspryng of all ages worthilie 
aduaunceth." Fourthly, it indicates that Rainolde is writing with an 
eye to England's present needs "because as yet the verie grounde 
of Rhetorike, is not heretofore intreated of, as concernyng these ex- 
ercises, though in fewe yeres past, a learned woorke of Rhetorike is 
compiled and made in the Englishe toungue, of one, who floweth in 
all excellencie of arte, who in iudgement is profounde, in wisedome 
and eloquence moste famous." This last statement, with its hand- 
some tribute to the worth of Thomas Wilson's Rhetorique^ gives us 
a flash of insight into the movement in Elizabethan England to cre- 

5 The Foundation of Rhetorike by Richard Rainolde^ ed. Francis R. Johnson (New 
York: Scholars' Facsimiles & Reprints, 194.5), pp. xiv-xvii. 

8 For sketches of these three rhetoricians, see William Smith, A Dictionary of Greek 
and Roman Biography and Mythology^ s.v. Aphthonius of Antioch, Hermogenes 6, 
Theon, literary 5. 


ate a vernacular learning, and to adapt ancient rhetorical methods to 
England's expanding civilization. 

The text of Rainolde's Rhetorike opens with explanatory comment 
on man's logical and rhetorical faculties, and on logic and rhetoric 
as the sciences designed to instruct and adorn them. As groundwork 
for his distinction between these two sciences, Rainolde depends upon 
a familiar analogy: 

Zeno the Philosopher comparing Rhetorike and Logike^ doeth as- 
similate and liken them to the hand of man. Logike is like saith he 
to the fiste, for euen as the fiste closeth and shutteth into one, the 
iointes and partes of the hande, & with mightie force and strength, 
wrappeth and closeth in thynges apprehended: So Logike for the 
deepe and profounde knowlege, that is reposed and buried in it, in 
soche sort of municion and strength fortified, in few wordes taketh 
soche force and might by argumente, that excepte like equalitee in 
like art and knowledge doe mate it, in vain the disputacion shalbe, 
and the repulse of thaduersarie readie. Rhetorike is like to the hand 
set at large, wherein euery part and ioint is manif este, and euery vaine 
as braunches of trees sette at scope and libertee. So of like sorte, Rhet- 
orike in moste ample and large maner, dilateth and setteth out small 
thynges or woordes, in soche sorte, with soche aboundaunce and 
plentuousnes, bothe of woordes and wittie inuencion, with soche good- 
lie disposicion, in soche a infinite sorte, with soche pleasauntnes of 
Oracion, that the moste stonie and hard hartes, can not but bee in- 
censed, inflamed, and moued thereto. 7 

Rainolde does not attempt to make the verbal power of rhetoric 
appear more desirable than the lean wisdom of logic. It is rather the 
union of both in some few men that makes for true benefit in the 
commonwealth 5 and he enumerates the great orators of Greece and 
Rome as examples of this union. Demosthenes in particular com- 
mands his attention, and he mentions how Philip of Macedon had 
sought to trap Athens into surrendering her orators to him in the 
interest of tranquility, and how Demosthenes had defeated Philip's 
design by delivering an oration based upon the fable of the shepherds 
who surrendered their dogs to the wolves in a pact of peace, and of 
the wolves who immediately afterwards devoured the flocks of the 
shepherds. This fable recalls several others to Rainolde, some of 
which have an English setting. His talk of fables leads him then to 
say that orations are made not only upon them, but also upon such 

T Fol. ir-iv. 


other exercises as the narration, the chria, the sentence, the confuta- 
tion, the confirmation, the commonplace, the praising, the disprais- 
ing, the comparison, the ethopeia, the description, the thesis, and 
the advocacy or the opposing of a law. He adds: 

Of euery one of these, a goodlie Oracio maie be made these exercises 
are called of the Grekes Progimnasmata^ of the Latines, profitable 
introduccions, or fore exercises, to attain greater arte and knowlege 
in Rhetorike^ and bicause, for the easie capacitee and facilitee of the 
learner, to attain greater knowledge in Rhetorike, thei are right 
profitable and necessarie: Therefore I title this booke, to bee the 
foundacio of Rhetorike^ the exercises being Progtmnasvnata? 

The nineteen compositions which follow this statement are model 
speeches upon each of the exercises previously enumerated by Rain- 
olde. He gives two speeches to illustrate the fable 5 five to illus- 
trate narration 5 and one to illustrate each of the other twelve ex- 
ercises. Some of the model speeches run to nine or ten pages; 
others, to six or eight; the shortest, to a half-page. Each model is 
preceded by comments and suggestions on the composition of that 
particular form. Also, most models are divided into clearly marked 
sections or parts. For example, the speech to illustrate confutation, 
which is on the subject, "It is not like to be true, that is said of the 
battaill of Troie," is divided into six parts. The first censures all 
poets as liars 3 the second states Homer's theory of the cause of the 
Trojan war 5 the third reduces that theory to a matter of doubt; the 
fourth, to an incredibility; the fifth, to an impossibility and an unlike- 
lihood; and the sixth, to an unseemly and unprofitable notion. 9 

Rainolde's Rhetorike appears not to have been published between 
the date of its first edition and the date of Professor Johnson's fac- 
simile reprint in 1945. There are two reasons for Rainolde's lack of a 
public during the crucial early years of that interval of time. First, 
the kind of rhetoric that he represented did not have much of a 
chance to become popular in the schools of England at the time when 
it was first introduced; for Ramism was then about to have its biggest 
vogue, and was on the verge of crowding out traditional rhetoric, 
which Rainolde accepted as his premise. Secondly, the exercises of 
Aphthonius in the Latin version of Reinhard Lorich were often pub- 
lished in England after 1572, and that Latin version probably satis- 
fied what demand there was for formulary rhetoric on the elementary 

8 Fol. 4r-4.v. 9 Foil, xxv r-xxviii v. 


levels of instruction, where Rainolde's English adaptation of Lorich 
would probably not have been popular with schoolmasters. 10 

The last formulary rhetoric to receive attention before we turn to 
Ramus was written by William Fullwood, a member not of the pro- 
fession of scholars and teachers, but of the company of merchant 
tailors of London. Fullwood has figured before in this history. He 
was the W. F. who brought out in 1563 an edition of Ralph Lever's 
The Philosopher's Game^ thus incurring the displeasure of that 
author, as Lever himself testified later in his Witcraft^ A year be- 
fore his edition of The Philosophers Game, Fullwood published at 
London The Castel of Memorie, his own translation of the medical 
treatise De Memoria by Guglielmo Grataroli, which contains as its 
seventh chapter a discussion of the memory system outlined in the 
Rhetorica ad Herennium Fullwood's formulary rhetoric, first pub- 
lished at London in 1568, is called The E.nimie of Idlenesse^ and is 
dedicated "To the right worshipfull the Maister, Wardens, and 
Company of the Marchant Tayllors of London. 3 ' 18 It contains a col- 
lection of precepts on letter writing, and a collection of sample letters 
on all sorts of topics and occasions, the whole being intended, not for 
the educated class, but for the ambitious tradesman and merchant. 
This intention, indeed, is expressed at one point in FullwoocPs dedi- 
catory epistle, which is in verse: 

For know you sure, I meane not I the cunning clerks to teach : 
But rather to the vnlearned sort a few precepts to preach. 1 * 

10 For an account of editions of Lorich in England, see Johnson's reprint of Rainolde, 
pp. xiii-xiv. Donald Lemen Clark, "The Rise and Fall of Progymnasmata in Sixteenth 
and Seventeenth Century Grammar Schools," Speech Mono graphs y xix (1952), 259-263, 
should also be consulted about editions of Lorich in England and Europe. 

11 See above, p. 59. 

12 Fullwood's Castel of Memorie had a second edition in 1563, and a third in 1573. 
A copy of the 1573 edition is in the Huntingdon Library. Its seventh chapter contains 
7 leaves (14 pages) and extends from sig. F5V to sig, G4V. Its title reads: "The seuenth 
Chapter treateth in fewe wordes of locall or artificiall Memorie." The previous chap- 
ters deal with such topics as the location of the memory, what impairs and damages it, 
what assists it, what medicines are available for curing or strengthening it, and what 
philosophical principles govern it. 

13 The title page reads: "The Emmie of Idlenesse: Teaching the maner and stile how 
to endite, compose and write all sorts of Epistles and Letters: as well by answer, as 
otherwise. Deuided iuto foure Bokes, no lesse plesaunt than profitable. Set forth in 
English by William Fulwood Marchant, &c. The Contentes hereof appere in the Table 
at the latter ende of the Booke. 

An Enimie to Idlenesse, 
A frend to Exercise: 
By practise of the prudent pen, 
Loe here before thine eyes. 
Imprinted at London by Henry Bynneman, for Leonard Maylord. Anno 1568." 

14 Emmie of Idlenesse (London, 1568), sig. A3V, 


Later, in verses purporting to express his book's verdict upon itself, 
Fullwood indicates that its true utility will be declared by merchants, 
lawyers, and people of all degrees, rich and poor, but chiefly and 
above all by lovers. 

The first of the four books into which the Enimie of Idlenesse is 
divided sets forth certain principles of letter writing, and provides 
many examples of those principles. Fullwood offers advice on the ad- 
dressing of letters to one's superiors, one's equals, and one's inferiors -, 
he divides letters into those "of Doctrine, of Myrth, or of Grauitie." 15 
An illustration of the letter of mirth contains a traveler's report that 
the Turks delight much in song, and provide themselves with an 
ample supply of it by having singers go to cold climates where their 
songs are frozen and sent back to be reproduced by being thawed out 
at later celebrations. 18 In a curious analogy between letter writing and 
logical doctrine, Fullwood indicates that a letter is properly divided 
into three parts, the cause, the intent, and the consequence, even as 
the logical argument "consisteth of the Maior, the Minor, and Con- 
clusion. . ," 17 He thus explains the analogy: 

The cause is in place of the Motor, which moueth or constrayneth vs 
to write to an other, willing to signifie vnto him our mynde: The in- 
tent is in steade of the Minor, whereby we gyue him to vnderstande 
what our mynde is by Epistle or letter. The consequent or conclusion 
is of it selfe sufficiently knowne. 18 

Following this are examples of the way in which these three parts 
are revealed in actual letters. Four parts are suggested for letters of 
recommendation, and three parts again for "expositiue letters, certify- 
ing the vvitnesse or notyce of a thing." 10 Book I closes with the dis- 
cussion and illustration of a great many other types of letters, such as 
those of congratulation, rejoicing, exhortation, invective, and the like. 

Book II is a collection of letters by famous men to each other. 
Politian is represented most often, sixteen of his letters being print- 
ed 3 but Fullwood also includes letters by various other celebrities, 
among them Pico della Mirandola, Ficino, and Pope Innocent VIII. 

Book III is also composed entirely of specimen letters, but it con- 
tains no historical correspondence, being devoted instead to letters 
showing how to reply to a son, a father, a husband, a wife, a brother, 
a sister, a daughter, a mother, a social equal, a business associate, 
and friend. 

15 Ibid., fol. 8r. 16 Ibid., fol. 9 r- 9 v. 17 Ibid., fol. lor. 

18 Ibid., fol. lov. l /**., fol. 4 6v. 

[ 144 ] 


In Book IV, the emphasis shifts to love letters "as well in Verse 
as in Prose." 20 Here lovers request favors of their ladies, and the 
ladies make answer. One lover ingeniously presses his suit under the 
guise of telling the story of Pygmalion, his letter being headed as 

A secrete Louer writes his will 
By story of Pigmalions ill. 21 

Following this are other love letters in verse, but this entire book, 
despite the obvious appeal of its subject matter, contains only 28 
pages, whereas Book III contains 53, Book II, 29, and Book I, 179. 
In the three closing decades of the sixteenth century there were 
other formulary rhetorics published in English at English presses 
for the benefit of secretaries, lawyers, preachers, and private citizens. 
These rhetorics, however, belong chronologically to the period that 
followed the invasion of Ramistic doctrine into English learning, and 
thus I shall not discuss them at this present time. They will receive 
brief notice after my next chapter, where the Ramistic invasion is 

, fol. 13 iv. 21 /<*., fol. 1 3 9V. 

[ 145 ] 


The English Ramists 

I. Ramus's Reform of Dialectic and Rhetoric 

PIERRE DE LA RAMEE, also known as Peter Ramus, was born 
in the Catholic faith in the year 1515 at the little village of 
Cuth in Vermandois in the north of France j and he died at 
Paris on August 26, 1572, as a Protestant victim of what 
came to be called the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day. 1 His life 
was as stormy as the times in which he lived. At the age of 2 1 , after 
a struggle for an education at Paris against the discouragements of 
poverty and lack of family assistance, he was awarded his degree of 
master of arts as a result of his defense of the bold thesis that all 
things affirmed on the authority of Aristotle are overelaborate, con- 
trived, artificial. 2 Although this was more of an attack upon works 

1 For the best biography of Ramus, see Charles Waddington, Ramus (Pierre de la 
Ramee) sa vie, ses ecrits et ses opinions (Paris, 1855). This work grew out of Wad- 
dington's earlier Latin biography, De Petri Rami Vita, Scrfytis, Philosofhia (Paris, 
1848), published under the name of Waddington-Kastus. For a somewhat shorter 
French account, see Charles Desmaze, P. Ramus Professeur au College de France sa vie, 
ses ecrits, sa mart 1515-1572 (Paris, 1864). See also the brief life by Gustave Rigollot 
in Nowuelle Biogra'phie Generale, s.v. Ramus, Pierre. 

The best English life is by Frank Pierrepont Graves, Peter Ramus and the Educational 
Reformation of the Sixteenth Century (New York, 191 ) For recent discussions of 
Ramus's influence, see Hardin Craig, The Enchanted Glass (New York, 1936), pp. 142- 
1595 Crane, Wit and Rhetoric in the Renaissance, pp. 51, 55-57; Perry Miller, The 
New England Mind (New York, 1939), pp. 111-180, 512-330, 493-501; Baldwin, 
William S&akspere's Small Latine 6f Lesse Greeke, n, 4-685 Harold 8. Wilson and 
Clarence A. Forbes, Gabriel Harvey's "Ciceronianus" University of Nebraska Studies: 
Studies in the Humanities No. 4 (Lincoln, 1945) > pp. 1-34, 107-1391 Rosemond Tuve, 
Elizabethan and Metaphysical Imagery (Chicago, 1947), pp. 33 1-3 53 Sister Miriam 
Joseph, S hakes-pear e*s Use of the Arts of Language, pp. 3-401 Donald Lemen Clark, 
John Milton at St. Paul's School (New York, 1948), pp. 76-77, 160-161, 179. 

For special studies of Ramus, see the following: Leon Howard, " <The Invention' of 
Milton*s 'Great Argument 1 : A Study of the Logic of 'God's Ways to Men/ " The Hunt- 
ington Library Quarterly^ ix (February 1946), 149-1735 Norman E. Nelson, Peter 
Ramus and the Confusion of Logic, Rhetoric, and Poetry, The University of Michigan 
Contributions in Modern Philology, No. a (Ann Arbor, 3947), P. A, Duhamel, "The 
Logic and Rhetoric of Peter Ramus," Modern Philology^ XLVi (February 1949)9 163- 
1715 J. Milton French, "Milton, Ramus, and Edward Phillips," Modern Philology > 
XLVir (November 1949)) 82-875 Wilbur S. Howell, "Ramus and English Rhetoric: 
1574-1681," The Quarterly Journal of Speech, xxxvn (1951), 299-310; Walter J. 
Ong, S.J., "Hobbes and Talon's Ramist Rhetoric in English,'* Transactions of the Cam- 
bridge Bibliogra-phical Society, I (1949-1953), 2,60-269. 

2 Waddington, Ramus, pp. 28-29. For a good discussion of the proper English trans- 
lation of Ramus's thesis, see P. Albert Duhamel, "Milton's Alleged Ramism," 

ucvii (1952), 1036. 


professing to be Aristotelian than upon those actually written by 
Aristotle, and although it tended to discredit Aristotle's late medieval 
disciples more than the master himself, it was nevertheless a radical 
doctrine, and it made Ramus seem impudent if not almost sacrile- 
gious. The rest of his life was a struggle against the educational pro- 
cedures of his time and against the hostility that the unorthodox 
always bring upon themselves. He sought reform throughout the 
field of the liberal arts, and he laid out a new program for grammar 
and rhetoric as well as for logic 5 but his own efforts were mainly 
bent upon the reform of the latter subject, and thus his work is per- 
haps best understood as a great protest against the scholasticism that 
I explained above in Chapter 2. His two earliest writings on logic 
were angrily criticized and even suppressed by royal edict, a part of 
the verdict against him being that he was to teach philosophy no 
more. Somewhat later, the whole of the verdict against him was re- 
versed, thanks to his powerful friend, the cardinal of Lorraine, but 
this success made him more contentious than ever. Then came his 
conversion to Protestantism, his exile from Paris, his return, a second 
exile, a second return, and a series of troubles and misadventures that 
finally ended when he was killed by the mob as the St. Bartholomew 
massacre was in its third day. 

As Ramus looked at the scholastic logic, the traditional rhetoric, 
and the conventional grammar of his day, he was troubled by what 
seemed to him to be redundancy and indecisiveness in the theories of 
these basic liberal arts. It seemed to him to be necessary for instruc- 
tion in communication that students be trained to discover subject 
matter through a study of all the general wisdom behind a given 
specific issue or case. But was it strictly required that both logic and 
rhetoric offer this training, as they did when each of them sought to 
teach the doctrine of invention? Again, it seemed to him necessary 
that students be taught the principles of arrangement of subject mat- 
ter through some sort of study of the degrees of generality of various 
statements and perhaps even through some study of the psychological 
habits of people who receive communications. But was it strictly re- 
quired that both logic and rhetoric offer this training, as they did 
when each made the doctrine of arrangement into a major topic? 
And was it strictly required that rhetoric, having contracted to teach 
organization of material, should place the theory of the six parts of 
an oration under the heading of invention, with the result that the 
very crux of the problem of arrangement was disposed of before the 



topic of arrangement came up for discussion? Still again, it seemed 
to him to be necessary that students master the schemes and the 
tropes, since these departures from everyday speech were needed to 
give discourse the persuasive aura of aristocracy in an aristocratic 
society. But was it strictly required that the schemes and the tropes 
be handled both as a part of grammar and as a part of rhetoric in the 
existing curriculum? 

Ramus's reform of the liberal arts was in fact a system of direct 
answers to these questions. He ordained that logic should offer train- 
ing in invention and arrangement, with no help whatever from rhet- 
oric. He ordained that the topic of arrangement should take care of 
all speculations regarding the method of discourse, with no help 
whatever from invention. He ordained that rhetoric should offer 
training in style and delivery, and that style should be limited to the 
tropes and the schemes, with no help whatever from grammar, which 
was to be assigned only subject matter derived from considerations 
of etymology and syntax. The subject of memory, which we have 
seen to be a recognized part of traditional rhetoric since the youth of 
Cicero, was detached by Ramus from rhetoric, and was not made a 
special topic elsewhere in his scheme for the liberal arts, except so 
far as logic helped memory indirectly by providing the theoretical 
basis for strict organization of discourse. 

The closest associate of Ramus in his program of reform was Omer 
Talon, also known as Audomarus Talaeus, whose special task it was 
to write the reformed rhetoric, as Ramus was to write the logic. In 
the preface to his first work on rhetoric, the Institutions Oratoriae, 
published at Paris in 1544, Talaeus says that Ramus's purpose in 
reforming the arts had already been proclaimed by his Dialecticae 
Institutiones and his Aristotelicae Animadver stones, his two earliest 
works on logic. And Talaeus adds that his own purpose is now pro- 
claimed in this present work of his. 3 An even better and more spe- 
cific declaration of the way in which Ramus and Talaeus had agreed 
to collaborate in revising logic and rhetoric is found in . Talaeus's 
preface to his revised and more polished rhetoric, where he speaks 
as follows: 

Peter Ramus cleaned up the theory of invention, arrangement, and 
memory, and returned these subjects to logic, where they properly 

3 Petri Rami Professoris Regii, & Audomari Talaei Collectaneae Praefationes^ E$is- 
tolae^ Orationes (Marburg 1 , 1599), pp. 14-15. This preface is dated at Paris in the 
year 1544. 

[ 148 ] 


belong. Then, assisted indeed by his lectures and opinions, I recalled 
rhetoric to style and delivery (since these are the only parts proper 
to it) j and I explained it by genus and species, (which method was 
previously allowed to me) , and I illustrated it with examples drawn 
both from oratory and poetry. Thus these present precepts are almost 
wholly in words drawn from those authors 5 but as this first and rude 
outline has unfolded, the precepts have been tested by the judgment 
of both of us, and disposed in order, and ornamented and treated 
by kind. 4 

The notion that dialectic should consist of the procedures of in- 
vention and arrangement goes back to Aristotle's To-pics^ as I men- 
tioned earlier, and was a recurrent feature of scholastic logic. 5 The 
great fifteenth-century advocate of this notion, Rudolph Agricola, 
was the one who led Ramus to base his own logic upon it. Agricola 
died many years before Ramus was born, but Johannes Sturm, the 
disciple of Agricola, lectured at the University of Paris when Ramus 
was a student there, and those lectures, as Ramus himself testifies, 
excited an incredible fervor for the study of logic, and gave Ramus 
his first real awareness of its applications. 6 

Ramus's reform of the liberal arts, however, involved more than 
Agricola's theory that logic should consist of the topics of invention 
and arrangement. After all, Thomas Wilson adhered to Agricola's 
bipartite division of logic without feeling it therefore necessary to 
exclude invention and arrangement from rhetoric and to limit rhet- 
oric only to style and delivery. What Ramus did was to proceed be- 
yond Agricola by fortifying himself with three general laws out of 
Aristotle's Posterior Analytics^ and these laws explain his- reforms 
better than anything else. Incidentally, the nature of these laws as 
Aristotle and Vincent of Beauvais conceived of them has already 
been indicated in my earlier chapter on scholastic logic. 7 Ramus was 
particularly impressed by these laws as the basic criteria for determin- 
ing the subject matter and the organization of all science. 8 The im- 
portance he attached to them indicates that he was the sort of re- 

*<., pp. 15-16. Translation mine. For Ramus's own statement of the way in which 
he returned the topic of memory to logic, see P. Ra-mi Sckolarum Dialecticarum^ seu 
Anvmadversionum in Organum Aristotelis, libri xx y Recens emendati per Joan Pisca- 
torem Arg-entinensem (Frankfort, 1581), p. 593. 

5 See above, pp. 15-16. 

6 CMectaneae Praefationes, Efistolae, Orationes, p. 67. See also Waddington, Ramus, 
pp. 384-385- 

7 See above, pp. 41-4.4. 

8 For a list of references by Ramus to these laws at various places in his writing's, see 
Wilbur S, Howell, Fenelon's Dialogues on Eloquence (Princeton, 1951), p. 8, note 5. 

[ 149 ] 


former who used one part of the old order to revise that order as a 
whole, rather than the sort who abandoned the old order and 

adopted a new. 

Although his laws came ultimately to be known among English 
Ramists as the law of truth, of justice, and of wisdom,^ and among 
Latin Ramists as lex veritatis, lex justitiae, and lex sapientiae, they 
were called "du tout," "par soy," and "vniuersel premierement" by 
Ramus himself in the famous first French edition of his Dialectiqve, 
after their original Latin forms "de omni," "per se," and "univer- 
saliter primum." 9 "Et bref," says Ramus, "toute enonciation mar- 
quee de ces trois marques, Du tout, Par soy, Vniuersel -premierement, 
est vray principe d'art & science, & premiere cause de sa verite, 
comme nous dirons plus amplement au neufiesme des Animaduer- 
sions." "And in brief every statement marked by these three marks, 
<of all/ c in itself,' 'universal in the first instance,' is a true principle 
of art and science, and is the first cause of its truth, as we shall show 
more fully in the ninth book of the Animadversions." 

One of the most suggestive of the explanations of the meaning 
assigned by the Ramists to these laws is found in the French version 
of the Dialectiqve published in 1576, four years after Ramus's death. 
This version is not to be confused with that just quoted, which 
Ramus prepared and published by himself at Paris in 1555 and at 
Avignon in 1556 as part of his program to make the learned arts 
available in his own native language. 11 The French version published 
after his death contains the following explanation of the three laws, 
the terminology being more fully developed than that of the ver- 
sion of 1555: 

Next, an axiom is true or false: true, when it pronounces as the thing 
itself isj false, when it pronounces to the contrary. The true axiom is 
necessary or contingent: necessary, wfren it is always true and cannot 
possibly be false. And this axiom is named and marked by Aristotle 
in the first book of his Demonstration [that is, the Posterior Ana- 
lytics], the mark being "of all" 5 the impossible, on the contrary, can 
never be true. Axioms of the arts ought to be affirmed and true gen- 

9 Dialectiqve de Pierre de la Ramee (Paris: Andre Wechel, 1555), pp. 84-85. For 
these terms in Latin, see P. Rami Regn Professorts Dialecticae Libri Duo (Lvtetiae: 
Apud Andream Wechelum, 1574)* PP- 5*-53- 

10 Dialectiqve (1555), pp. 84-85. Translation mine here and below, 

11 For a warning- against the confusing of the translation of 1576 with the earlier 
translation, see Waddington-Kastus, De Pttri Rami Vita, Scrfytif, Philosophic p. 177. 
See also Waddington, Ramus^ pp. 451-452. 

[ 150 l 


erally and necessarily in this fashion, but beyond this they ought also 
to be homogeneous and reciprocal. A homogeneous axiom is one in 
which the parts are essential among themselves $ as the form is essen- 
tial to that which is formed j and as the subject is essential to its 
proper adjunct, and as the proper adjunct is essential to its subject in 
itself, and not through any other cause; and as the genus has its spe- 
cies to which it is essential. And this axiom is marked and termed "in 
itself." A reciprocal axiom is when the predicate is affirmed and true 
of its subject, not only "of all," and not only "in itself," but also 
reciprocally: as Grammar is the art of speaking well; Rhetoric y the art 
of communicating well; Dialectic, the art of disputing well; Arith- 
metic, the art of computing well; Geometry, the art of measuring 
well; also, man is a reasonable creature; grammar is composed, of two 
farts, etymology and syntax; number is even or odd; the wolf is born 
to howL And this axiom is called "universal in the first instance." 12 

The first of these axioms, the lex veritatis, permitted Ramus to 
sift out of the liberal arts any propositions that were true only at 
times. Such propositions were in the field of opinion rather than of 
science, and while they have to be reckoned with in our daily lives, 
where contingent truths, probabilities, and uncertainties surround us, 
they cannot claim to be demonstrable, and thus they cannot achieve 
the validity of necessary truth. Ramus wanted the learned arts to con- 
sist of universal and necessary affirmations of affirmations in which 
the predicate was true of every case of the subject. For example, in 
the proposition that dialectic is the art of disputing well, every case 
of disputing according to artistic principle is a case of dialectic, and 
thus, according to him, the proposition is truly general, truly neces- 
sary, and to that extent is a candidate for admission into the dia- 
lectical science. 

The second of these axioms, the lex justitiae, permitted Ramus to 
sift out of one liberal art any propositions that belonged to another. 
Suppose, for example, that you examined traditional grammar and 
traditional rhetoric, and found in the first the statement that schemes 
were grammatical and rhetorical, whereas in the second you found 
the statement that grammatical schemes were orthographical or syn- 
tactical, while rhetorical schemes were of words, of sentences^ and of 
amplification. Here would be a case where the same statements ap- 
peared in about the same form in two different arts, and the subject 

12 La Dialectiqve de M. Pierre de La Ramee Professevr d-u Roy, comprise en deux 
liures selon la derniere edition (Paris: Guillaume Auuray, 1576), foil. 38v-4^r. Trans- 
lation mine here and below. 


matter o the two arts seemed intermingled and confused. The law 
of justice, invoked at this point, required a decision to be made as to 
which of the two arts properly possessed the topic of schemes and 
tropes, and what was therefore left to the art which lost the decision. 
Rarnus decided that schemes and tropes belonged to communicat- 
ing well, rather than to speaking well, and that grammar was left 
with absolute dominion over etymology and syntax as the two ^essen- 
tial properties of the art of serving oneself by means of articulate 
speech. The same fundamental decisions had to be made in relation 
to the ultimate ownership of statements having to do with invention 
and disposition. These statements were claimed by traditional rhet- 
oric and scholastic logic, as we have seen; but Ramus, accepting 
Agricola (and Aristotle's Topics) as authority for the claim of logic 
to these procedures, decided that rhetoric had proper subject matter 
when it was left with style and delivery. 

The third of these axioms, the lex sapientiae, permitted Ramus to 
clarify the organization of the subject matter of the liberal arts. In 
its original meaning, this law meant that the predicate of a scientific 
proposition must represent the nearest rather than the more remote 
class of things to which the subject could belong. Thus if we say that 
grammar is an art, our statement is scientific, since it places our sub- 
ject in its proximate rather than its remote class. But if we say that 
grammar is a form, our statement places our subject in a class too 
remote from its scientific character, and thus the statement, although 
true, is not admissible into the grammatical science. Now Ramus 
saw the possibility of extending this law so that, instead of using it 
to place a given subject into its nearest class, we would use it to de- 
termine whether a given proposition belonged in the class of most- 
general statements, or in the class of merely general statements, or 
in the class of concrete statements. And he also saw the possibility of 
proceeding to present a science in accordance with this classifying of 
propositions, the most general statements being placed first, the less 
general ones next, and the least general ones last. Thus the lex sapi- 
entiae appears to be the logical basis of Ramus's famous definition 
of method: 

Method is arrangement, by which among many things the first in 
respect to conspicuousness is put in the first place, the second in the 
second, the third in the third, and so on. This term refers to every 
discipline and every dispute. Yet it commonly is taken in the sense of 
a direction sign and of a shortening of the highway. And by this 


metaphor it was practised in school by the Greeks and the Latins, who, 
speaking also of rhetoric, called method arrangement, from the term 
for its genus. And under this term there is no doctrine, whether of 
proposition, or of syllogism, that is taught in rhetoric, except only so 
far as rhetoric makes mention of method. 13 

The best short statement of Ramus's theory of logic, and thus of 
his major contribution to learning, is found in the French version of 
the Dialectiqve as published in 1555, although the Latin analogue of 
that work, the Dialecticae Libri D-uo^ first published one year later, 
is also a good summary of his logical teachings. Waddington calls 
the latter treatise Ramus's final word on logic, whereas he calls the 
former the first and most important philosophical work in French 
up to Descartes's Discours de la Methode^ This verdict would have 
pleased Ramus in a very special way. For in the last preface which 
he wrote for his Dialecticae Libri Duo, he mentions Archimedes as 
having wished that his discourse on the sphere and cylinder might 
be engraved on his tomb 3 "and as for me," adds Ramus, "if you 
wish to inform yourself about my vigils and my studies, I shall want 
the column of my sepulchre to be taken up with the establishing of 
the art of logic or dialectic." 15 To Ramus, logic was the center of the 
program of liberal studies, and the chief instrument of man in the 
quest for salvation. In fact, the strength of Ramus's passion for this 
subject can be inferred from his own statement that God is the only 
perfect logician, that man surpasses the beasts by virtue of his ca- 
pacity to reason syllogistically, and that one man surpasses another 
only so far as his address to the problem of method is superior. 18 

The Dialectiqve of 1555 is inscribed to Cardinal Charles of Lor- 
raine, whom Ramus designates on the title page and in the dedicatory 
epistle as his Maecenas. The epistle thanks the cardinal for his pro- 
tection of Ramus against the Aristotelians who sought to suppress 
his teachings, and offers the present book as a return for that favor. 
Dialectic, observes Ramus, deserves the great attention it has re- 
ceived from philosophers 5 "for if the special arts have been reduced 
to rule by the great labor of many men, grammar and rhetoric for 
speaking well and for ornamenting speech, arithmetic and geometry 
for computing and measuring well, what quantity of vigils and what 

13 Dialectiyoe (*555)> P- i*9- 
**Ramu$^ pp. 9, 106. 

15 Dialecticae Libri Duo (Lvtetiae, 1574), p. a. La Dialectiqve de M. Pierre de La 
Ramee (Paris, 1576), sig-. Air. Translation mine. 

16 Dialecti^e (1555), pp. 118-119, iS5~ I 3^, 139- 

[ 153 1 


great number of men worked together to fashion dialectic, the gen- 
eral art of inventing and judging all things?"" The epistle proceeds 
to give a brief history of speculations upon dialectic or logic, Aris- 
totle being credited with one hundred and thirty books on the sub- 
ject, of which thirty-five deal with the true dialectic inasmuch as they 
speak of arguments and of the disposition and judgment of argu- 
ments. 18 The last great name in this brief history is Galen, after 
whom, says Ramus, the true love of wisdom ceased, and the servile 
love of Aristotle began. As for himself, Ramus believes it his mission 
to cull from the works of the past, and particularly from the dia- 
lectical works of Aristotle, such precepts and rules as are^strictly ger- 
mane to dialectic, and then to arrange them in the^ fashion required 
by his own regulations for method. Upon this mission, he says, I 
have spent almost twenty years, and not merely the nine which 
Horace had recommended as the proper interval between composi- 
tion and publication. 

Book I of the Dialectiqve opens with the definition that dialectic 
is the art of disputing well, and that logic is to be used in the same 
sense. Its rules are derived from the workings of the human reason. 
Man ought to study dialectic in order to dispute well, "because it 
proclaims to us the truth of all argument and as a"consequence the 
falsehood, whether the truth be necessary, as in science, or, as in 
opinion, contingent, that is to say, capable both of being and not 
being*" 19 Ramus observes later: 

But because of these two species, Aristotle wished to make two logics, 
one for science, and the other for opinion 5 in which (saving the honor 
of so great a master) he has very greatly erred. For although articles 
of knowledge are on the one hand necessary and scientific, and on the 
other contingent and matters of opinion, so it is nevertheless that as 
sight is common in viewing all colors, whether permanent or change- 
able, so the art of knowing, that is to say, dialectic or logic, is one and 
the same doctrine in respect to perceiving all things, as will be seen 

17 Ibid*) fol, 2V. This preface is also printed in Waddin#ton, Ramus, pp. 401-4.07. 

18 By thirty-five books of Aristotle on "la vraye dialectique," Ramus means, as he 
himself indicates, not thirty-five separate works* but some nine works divided into thirty- 
five main sections. Thus he counts the six separate titles in the Organon as containing- 
seventeen main sections or books j he counts the Metaphysics as containing- fourteen main 
sections or books; and he counts the Rhetoric as containing 1 four sections or books, three 
of which he would reckon as belonging 1 to the work now accepted as Aristotle's, and 
the other, as belonging- to De Rketorica a Alexan&rumy now usually regarded as the 
work of someone else. 

18 Diahctiqve (1555), p. 2. 

[ 154 ] 


by its very parts, and as the Aristotelian Animadversions explain more 
fully. 20 

Thus does Ramus indicate his belief in one system of logic for 
both science and opinion, and in one theory of invention and arrange- 
ment for both logician and rhetorician, whereas the scholastics, fol- 
lowing Aristotle and Cicero, preferred two systems of logic, one for 
science and the other for opinion, and two systems of invention and 
disposition, one in the field of scientific and the other in the field of 
popular discourse. Nowhere is the issue between scholastic and Ram- 
ist indicated more sharply than it is in the words just quoted. No- 
where is the essential point in Ramus's reform of scholastic logic and 
traditional rhetoric stated more firmly than it is right here. 

Ramus's next main point is that dialectic has two parts, invention 
and judgment or arrangement. These are not severely insulated 
from each other, he goes on, but rather are involved in each other, 
the first being devoted to the separate parts of reasoning, and the 
other, to the arranging of those parts into discourse. The separate 
parts of reasoning offer a problem in terminology, and Ramus pro- 
ceeds carefully to review the various terms for those parts in tradi- 
tional Aristotelian logic. One traditional term, he says, is categoremj 
another is category j still another is topics, that is, places and notes. 
The doctrine of topics or places or localities, he goes on, indicates that 
the parts of reasoning dwell in seats or habitats. But these parts 
should more properly be called principles, elements, terms, means, 
reasons, proofs, or arguments. These two last terms seem to Ramus 
to be the most appropriate for his purposes. "We shall use the terms 
of reasoning, that is, proof and argument, as being the most widely 
received and the most customary in this art." 21 

The basic distinction in Ramus's treatment of invention is that 
between artistic and non-artistic arguments a distinction which he 
expressly credits to Aristotle's Rhetoric^ and which has been dis- 
cussed earlier in these pages. 22 Having established argument as the 
term for the thing produced by invention, Ramus proceeds to define 
the two great types of argument thus: 

Argument then is artistic or non-artistic, as Aristotle partitions it in the 
second of the Rhetoric: artistic, which creates belief by itself and by 
its nature, is divided into the primary and the derivative primary. 

20 Ibid*, pp. 3-4. See above, p. 16. 21 Dialectiqve y p. 5. 

22 Ibid.) p. 5. See above> pp. 68-69. 

[ 155 ] 


Non-artistic argument is that which by itself and through _ its own 
force does not create belief, as for example the five types which Aris- 
totle describes in the first of his Rhetoric, laws, witnesses, contracts, 
tortures, oaths. Thus it is always that these arguments are inter- 
changeably called authorities and witnesses. 23 

To artistic arguments, Ramus devotes fifty-five pages, and to the 
non-artistic, five. Since one of the great differences between the an- 
cient and the modern theory of proof is that the ancients stressed the 
discovery of artistic proofs, and correspondingly neglected the non- 
artistic, whereas the moderns have done almost exactly the reverse, 
it can be seen that on this point Ramus is hardly a modern in his 

Artistic arguments, as distributed between the category of primary 
and the category of derivative primary, involve nine basic terms ^ The 
six of these which are primary comprise causes, effects, subjects, 
adjuncts, opposites, and comparatives j the three which are derivative 
comprise reasoning from name, reasoning from division, and reason- 
ing by definition. Since the class of non-artistic arguments is com- 
posed, not of generals, but of particulars, it can be argued that Ramus 
intended it as a class to rank with the nine basic terms just enumerated 
to form a theory of invention of ten topics. In other words, it can be 
argued that he wanted to preserve ten basic entities out of respect 
for Aristotle's ten categories and thus give his reformed logic a tra- 
ditional flavor. By splitting some of these ten topics into subdivisions 
(for example, by speaking of cause as the final, the formal, the effi- 
cient, and the material), he succeeded in preserving other traditional 
terms while effecting a neat reorganization of the accepted subject 

The ten basic entities in Ramus's theory of logical invention are 
in reality the ten basic relations between predicate and subject in the 
logical proposition, or the ten basic relations among the objects of 
knowledge in the human environment. 24 This means in a way that if 
you set yourself to making truthful declarations about an object, 
those declarations will inevitably concern the object's causes, or its 
effects, or its subjects, or its adjuncts, or its opposites, or its ana- 
logues, or its name, or its divisions, or its definition, or its witnesses. 
Thus a discourse on man might be made up of declarations on man as 

23 Dialectiqve^ pp. 5-6, 61. For Aristotle's discussion of this distinction, and of the 
five types of non-artistic arguments, see Rhetoric^ 1.2,15. 

24 Dialectiqve, pp. 71-72. 

[ 156 ] 


the product of causes, man as the producer of effects, man as the sub- 
ject of many circumstances, man as the circumstance of certain sub- 
jects (the earth, for example) ; of declarations on things opposite to 
man, and things analogous to man ; and of declarations about words 
that signify man, about wholes that include him, or parts that make 
him up, or definitions that exactly characterize him, or witnesses who 
testify to something he has or does not have. 25 When Thomas Wil- 
son, Ramus's contemporary, wanted to show how the topics of logic 
worked, he indicated that some nineteen different basic topics were 
to be applied to a given concept, and he listed those topics as a mis- 
cellany not only of some of the predicaments and all of the pre- 
dicables, but also of additions created by splitting certain other old 
terms asunder. 26 It was the indeterminate number of these topics in 
the scholastic theory that Ramus objected to, as he also objected to 
the fact that the scholastics mentioned the predicaments and pre- 
dicables under invention as well as under arrangement, as if redun- 
dancy could not or should not be avoided. He wanted to make logic 
rigidly scientific by reducing the theory of logical invention to its 
universal kinds, not to a mixture of universals and particulars j and by 
treating these kinds in one of the two divisions of logic, not in both. 
As he brings his account of invention to a close, he observes: 

Consequently, then, although man may be ignorant of all things, this 
is not in any sense to declare that he should not seek or that he cannot 
invent, in view of the fact that he has naturally in himself the power 
to understand all things; and when he shall have before his eyes the 
art of invention by its universal kinds, as a sort of mirror reflecting 
for him the universal images and the generals of all things, it will be 
much easier for him by means of these images to recognize each single 
species, and therefore to invent that which he is seeking 5 but it is 
necessary by very many examples, by great practice, by long use, to 
burnish and polish this mirror before it can shine and render up these 
images. 27 

John Seton, Thomas Wilson, and Ralph Lever treated arrange- 
ment or judgment by making it the first rather than the second grand 
division of logic, as if the problem of arranging thought were of 
primary importance in the theory of learned discourse. 28 Ramus re- 

25 In his "Peroration de Lr' Invention," Dialectiqve, pp. 65-70, Ramus sketches a dis- 
course upon man derived from the basic terms of his theory of topics. 
28 See above, pp. 15-28. 2T Dialectiqve, p. 69. 

28 See above, pp. 16, 51, 60. 

[ 157 ] 


verses this emphasis, although little significance should be attached 
to his decision- What is really significant is that his treatment of Ar- 
rangement does not include any mention of the categories or predica- 
ments, any mention of the predicables, but is devoted instead to three 
other aspects of scholastic logic, expounded in the ascending order of 
complexity. After defining judgment as "the second part of logic, 
which shows the ways and means of judging well by means of certain 
rules of arrangement," and after indicating Aristotle's Prior Ana- 
lytics and Posterior Analytics as the great source of these rules, 
Ramus adds, "The arrangement of logic has three species, the propo- 
sition, the syllogism, method." 29 This sentence gives an exhaustive 
inventory of his second book, and that second book is the most influ- 
ential of all his contributions to logic. 

The proposition, or in Ramus's French the "Enonciation," "is 
arrangement by means of which something is stated of something 
else." 30 This is the simplest unit of arrangement, the most elementary 
way of ordering what has been invented $ and its parts are the subject 
(or antecedent) and the predicate (or consequent). It is at this point, 
by the way, that Ramus designates his theory of invention as a theory 
o the generic relations between antecedent and consequent, those 
relations being that of cause to effect, of effect to cause, of subject to 
adjunct, of adjunct to subject, and so on. But Ramus's main interest 
now is to show what the proposition is as a unit of discourse. Thus he 
discusses the simple proposition (which consists of one subject and 
one predicate) and the compound proposition, where the predicate is 
composite, or relative, or conditional, or disjunctive. The distinguish- 
ing feature of this part of his work is that, in concluding his analysis 
of the proposition, he mentions the three laws by which one can 
judge whether or not a given proposition is scientific. Since these 
three laws have already been explained as Vincent of Beauvais and 
Ramus conceived of them, 81 I shall say nothing further about them 
here, except to suggest that they stand in the structure of Ramistic 
logic as the five predicables stood in scholasticism. That is, a state- 
ment became properly scientific in the eyes of scholastic logic when 
it could be classed as having a predicate of genus, of species, of dif- 
ference, of property, or of accident. 82 In the eyes of Ramus, who 
ignored the five predicables as a topic in logic, a statement became 

29 Dialectiqvey p. 71. so Ibid., p. 71. 

31 See above, pp. 41-4.40 *49~i53- 32 See above, pp. 17-18. 

[ 158 ] 


properly scientific only when it satisfied simultaneously each one of 
the three laws. 

"Syllogism," says Ramus in beginning his discussion of the second 
aspect of judgment, "is arrangement by means of which a question 
under examination is ordered along with the proof and brought to a 
necessary conclusion." 33 Ramus^ attendant discussion is conventional. 
He speaks of the three parts of the syllogism, the three figures of 
the simple syllogism, with their various moods 5 the composite syllo- 
gisms, conditional and disjunctive. He does not bother to speak of 
induction as a possible alternative to the syllogism $ and thus he de- 
parts from scholastic logic, which usually recognized induction as a 
species of argument. 3 * If his procedure in this respect seems far from 
progressive, it should be remembered, not only that the time was 
not yet ripe for sciences based upon experiment, observation, and the 
minute description of particulars, but also that a logic of induction in 
advance of that time would have had no influence. Moreover, 
Ramus's conception of science was that it began, not with the par- 
ticulars that might one day yield universals, but with the universals 
that could be tested by his three laws. For such a science, the syllo- 
gism was the master instrument, while the judgment of particulars 
was a preliminary matter. Thus he says in his concluding remarks 
on the syllogistic judgment: 

When the judgment of the major premise and of the minor premise 
will then be well guaranteed, and the syllogistic collocation of these 
elements well set out, the question under examination will also be 
well judged to be true or false; for at the second judgment the first 
is presupposed, and from the first is borrowed that double light to 
clarify the conclusion. And in brief the art of the syllogism does not 
inform us of any other thing than that of resolving a stated question 
by the manifest truth of two well-arranged parts. 35 

Ramus later allows the process of induction, which arrives at a 
preliminary judgment by a survey of particulars, to be a common 
possession among all forms of life, whereas the syllogism is the prop- 
erty only of the highest form of life and the expression only of the 
highest intelligence. He phrases this thought in the following words: 

Finally let us remember that the syllogism is a law of reason, truer 
and more just than all the laws which Lycurgus and Solon once 

33 Dialectiqve, p, 87. 34 See above, pp. 22-23, 54> 6- 

pp. 1 1 3-1 14.. 

[ 159 ] 


fashioned, through which the judgment of the doubtful proposition 
is established by a necessary and immutable verdict I say, a law of 
reason, proper to man, not being in any sense shared with the other 
animals, as the preliminary judgment can be in some sense shared, but 
solely in things pertaining to sense and belonging to the body and 
the physical life. 3 * 

Then he goes on to say that lower forms of life like spiders and ants, 
despite their sensory adjustment to their environment, can conceive 
of nothing by using a middle term, and can draw no conclusion by 
properly comparing and disposing such a term in the figure of a syl- 
logism. Certainly, he adds, " certainly this part in man is the image 
of some sort of divinity." 87 

The final section of Ramus's Dialectiqve is given over to the dis- 
cussion of method, his definition of which has already been quoted 
as an application of the lex sapientiae. What Ramus has to say on 
method is the most important part of his contribution to the theory 
of communication, and it exercised such influence that a century-long 
debate on that subject ensued, one masterpiece of which was Des- 
cartes's Discours de la Methode. The enthusiasm of Ramus's disciples 
and the malice of his opponents conspired, however, to distort this 
aspect of his own teaching, and to narrow his recommendations to the 
one that struck everybody as most unusual. Thus it is necessary to 
approach these recommendations through his own words rather than 
through the words of his later critics and admirers. 

"Method," says Ramus, "is natural or prudential." 38 This view 
of method as twofold follows upon his definition of method as that 
in which ideas in any learned treatise or dispute are to be arranged 
in the order of their conspicuousness, the most conspicuous things 
being given first place, and less conspicuous things being given sub- 
ordinate places. While both the natural and the prudential methods, 
as explained by Ramus, fall under his definition, and are governed 
by it, the natural method attempts to arrange ideas according to their 
degree of conspicuousness in an absolute sense, whereas the pru- 
dential method attempts to arrange them according to their degree 
of conspicuousness in the consciousness of the inexpert listener or 

The natural method, or as Ramus later implies, the method of 
arranging a scientific discourse, proceeds upon the assumption that 
some statements are naturally more evident or more conspicuous 

**Ibid., p. 1 1 8. * 7 Ibid., p. 119. **lbid. y p. 120. 

[ 160 ] 


than others, as for example, a statement of the cause of a thing is 
more evident than a statement of its effect, or a general and uni- 
versal is more evident than a particular or singular. 39 However true 
it is, argues Ramus, that any authentic discipline must consist of gen- 
eral and universal rules, those rules nevertheless possess different 
degrees of generality, and to the extent that they are more general, 
they should outrank the less general in the order of presentation. 
Thus propositions of utmost generality will be placed first; proposi- 
tions of lesser generality will be placed next 5 subalterns will be 
placed next 5 "and finally the examples, which are most particular, 
will be placed last." 40 After tracing the origins of this method to the 
works of Hippocrates, Plato, and Aristotle, Ramus observes: 

And in a word this artistic method to me appears as a sort of long 
chain of gold, such as Homer imagined, in which the links are these 
degrees thus depending one from another, and all joined so justly 
together, that nothing could be removed from it, without breaking 
the order and continuity of the whole. 41 

Although Ramus's own Dialectiqve exemplifies the natural method 
as well as any work could, he is not content to rest the case there. 
Instead, in his discussion of this phase of method, he fabricates an 
illustration to show what it means, and the illustration is valuable 
as a precise description of the procedures he himself followed in re~ 
forming the liberal arts. His illustration consists in asking us to as- 
sume that all the definitions, divisions, and rules of grammar have 
been discovered and tested 5 and that each one is then inscribed upon 
its own paper and is mixed with the others in a jug, like tickets in a 
lottery. Now, Ramus demands, what part of logic will be able to 
teach one to arrange these papers in their rightful order as I draw 
them forth? Not the first part, surely, for here is a case where all 
materials have already been found, and where no need exists for the 
use of the places of invention. Not the doctrine of proposition or of 
syllogism, for here is a case where all the materials have been stated 
in proper form and tested by the first and by the second operation 
of judgment. No, of all the parts of logic, only method can help in 
this case. Accordingly, the logician, by invoking the natural method, 
will draw the papers from the jug, and when he comes upon the 
paper saying, "Grammar is the doctrine of speaking well,'' he will 

39 Ibid., pp. 120, 128. See below, pp. 164, 168-169. 

40 Dialectiqve^ pp. 120-121, 


recognize this as the most general statement he can possibly en- 
counter about grammar, and he will put this paper first. When later 
he comes upon another paper saying, "The parts of grammar are 
two, etymology and syntax," he will recognize it as the next most 
general statement he can possibly encounter, and he will rank it 
second. He will rank third the statement that defines etymology. He 
will then rank under etymology all statements belonging to it, keep- 
ing the proper order from general to particular. Then he will repeat 
the same operation for the second part of grammar, putting first the 
definition of syntax, then less general statements about k, and finally 
the examples. Between each topic in the entire treatise, as at last 
assembled, he will then insert transitional elements to indicate what 
the preceding topic has been, and what the following will be.^For," 
says Ramus, "by means of these notes of transition the spirit is re- 
freshed and stimulated." 42 

Ramus's habit of dividing a subject into two main parts, as illus- 
trated by this discourse on grammar, and by his treatment of logic 
and rhetoric, led to the assumption that for him the natural method 
is essentially the method of dichotomies of proceeding always to 
separate a logical class into two subclasses opposed to each other by 
contradiction, and to separate the subclasses and the sub-subclasses 
in the same way, until the entire structure of any science resembled 
a severely geometrical pattern of bifurcations. Actually, however, 
the natural method as used by Ramus himself is better defined as the 
concept of arranging ideas in the descending order of generality than 
as the concept of dividing invariably by twos. Not only does Ramus's 
own definition of the natural method stress the former concept, 
without reference to the latter j but his procedure tends also in the 
same direction. For example, although he divides logic into inven- 
tion and arrangement, and invention into artistic and non-artistic 
proofs, he proceeds to discuss the latter under five headings, not two ; 
and of course his treatment of arrangement falls, not into two parts, 
but three. Again, he divides artistic proofs into primary and deriva- 
tive primary, but he proceeds to discuss the former class under six 
headings, and the latter, under three. Even his original distribution 
of logic into invention and arrangement is not based upon the assump- 
tion that the principle of contradiction is involved, for he expressly 
notes the presence of invention in an act of arrangement, and the 

p. 126. 


presence of arrangement in an act o invention/ 3 His followers 
tended to construe the natural method and the law of justice to mean 
the severest kind of dichotomizing, as if any given idea had only two 
members, one completely insulated from the other. But it is worth 
noticing that Ramus himself did not take the habit of dichotomies as 
seriously as that. 

Nor did he limit the use of the natural method to learned writing 
or to the kind of discourse in which the expert talks to the expert. He 
expressly says that it is used also in poetry and oratory, and his dis- 
cussion of this point is worth quoting as an indication of the relation 
of logic and criticism in Ramistic philosophy: 

Now this method is not solely applicable to the material of the arts 
and doctrines, but to all things which we intend to teach easily and 
clearly. And consequently it is common to orators, poets, and all 
writers. The orators in their introductions and narrations, their proofs 
and perorations, like to follow this order, and they call it then the 
order of art and of nature. And sometimes they practice it most assid- 
uously, as Cicero did in the accusation, first stating, then distributing. 
[This reference to Cicero's speech against Verres,, is 
then explained by Ramus as an example of the natural method.] 
Thus do the poets, if sometimes they treat matter of learning and 
doctrine. As Virgil in the Georgics first divides his matter into four 
parts, as I have said. And in the first book he treats the things com- 
mon to all parts, as astrology and meteorology j and the threshing 
of the wheat and its husbandry, which was the first part proper. He 
writes in the second book of trees in general and then of vines in par- 
ticular. In the third book he writes of cows, horses, sheep, goats, dogs. 
And in the fourth, of bees. 44 

As a result of Ramus's belief in the applicability of the natural 
method to all types of discourse, popular as well as learned, it came 
to be assumed in the course of time that his theory of communication 
advocated nothing except the natural method. But this is hardly the 
case. He devotes eight pages of the Dialectiqve to the prudential 
method, which he defines as that "in which things are given prece- 
dence, not altogether and absolutely in terms of their being the most 
conspicuous, but in terms of their being still the most convenient for 
him whom we must instruct, and of their being most amenable for 
inducing and leading him whither we purpose." 45 He adds: 

43 Ibid.y pp. 4-5. See also above, p. 155. 

pp. 123-1*5. 4S Ibici^ p. 128. 

[ 163 ] 


It is termed prudential disposition by the orators, because it lies 
largely in man's prudence rather than in art and m the precepts of 
doctrine, very much as if the natural method were arrangement for 
science, and the prudential method were arrangement for opinion. 4 * 

In his discussion of the prudential method, Ramus indicates that 
it is taught and practiced by philosophers, poets, and orators. Aris- 
totle, he says, had implied it in his references to the procedures^ of 
hidden and deceitful insinuation, where the speaker or writer begins 
in the middle, without declaring what he intends to do, or what the 
parts of his subject are, as when he indulges in analogy or parable. 
As for the use of this method by philosophers, Ramus mentions 
Plato as the supreme example. Poets, who propose to teach the 
people, have to accept their auditors as a beast of many heads, says 
Ramus, and thus have to begin their stories in the middle, and ex- 
plain later how things got to be as they are. The wisdom of this 
method, Ramus goes on, has particularly appealed to orators in their 
attempts to gain initial attention of their hearers. He then sums up 
this phase of his discussion: 

And in brief all the tropes and figures of style, all the graces of action, 
which make up the whole of rhetoric, true and distinct from logic, 
serve no other purpose than to lead this vexatious and mulish auditor, 
who is postulated to us by this [i.e., the prudential] methodj and 
have been studied on no other account than that of the failings and 
perversities of this very one, as Aristotle truly teaches in the third of 
the Rhetoric*" 1 

These words, written as the Dialectiqve is close to its final page, 
may be taken as Ramus's best statement of the reasons behind the 
rhetorician's special interest in the prudential method. The trouble- 
some and stubborn auditor, who is present in body but not in mind 
as the orator speaks, will not follow ideas arranged exclusively in a 
descending order of generality, and thus will not be captivated by 
the natural method, as would the scientist and philosopher. What 
the popular audience needs is the casualness and variety of the pru- 
dential method, the flattery of the tropes and figures, the graces of 
delivery. One might wonder at this point why Ramus, believing 
these things, would not allow rhetoric to have something to say of 

4:6 Ibid., p. 128. I have corrected the misprint in the last clause, which reads: "comme 
si la methode de nature estoit iugement de science, la methode de science [that is, de pru- 
dence] estoit iugement d'opinion." 
p. 134- 

[ 164 ] 


arrangement as well as of style and delivery why he would not 
concede rhetoric three parts or possibly even four, instead of two, on 
the assumption that invention, like arrangement, style, and delivery, 
is one process in scientific discourse and quite another in discourse 
addressed to the people. Had he gone that far, he would have been 
closer to the Aristotelian and Ciceronian opinion than he turned out 
to be. In fact, his real break with Aristotle and Cicero was in ordain- 
ing that rhetoric must cease to speculate upon invention and arrange- 
ment as well as style and delivery, as if the two former processes had 
little relevance except in scientific discourse. To Aristotle and Cicero, 
dialectic was the theory of learned communication, rhetoric of popu- 
lar communication, and thus both arts needed the two former proc- 
esses, while rhetoric needed the two latter in particular. To Ramus, 
dialectic was the theory of subject matter and form in communica- 
tion, rhetoric the theory of stylistic and oral presentation. By his 
standards, invention and arrangement were the true property of 
logic, and must be treated only in logic, even if arrangement had to 
have two aspects, one for the learned auditor and the other for the 
people. By his standards, style and delivery were the true property 
of rhetoric, and must therefore be treated only in rhetoric, even if the 
popular audience which demanded them had to have also a special 
theory of method that rhetoric was not allowed to mention. 

The dictate that style and delivery are the whole of rhetoric was 
given concrete formulation by Ramus's good friend and colleague 
Audomarus Talaeus, as mentioned before. 48 Talaeus is said to have 
been born around 1510 in Vermandois, the region of Ramus's birth 
five years later 5 and he died at Paris in 1562, ten years before the 
massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day. 49 There seems to be no evidence 
that Talaeus shared Ramus's views towards ecclesiastical reform, but 
the whole body of his work is witness that in the field of educational 
reform he and Ramus were the closest and most friendly of collab- 
orators. His Institutiones Oratoriae^ published at Paris in 1544, is 
declared in its preface to do for the field of rhetoric what Ramus's 
Dtalecticae Institutiones of the preceding year had done for the field 
of logic. An even fuller explanation of the nature of his collaboration 
with Ramus has already been quoted above, 60 and that explanation 
accompanied his Rhetorica, which had reached its fifth edition by 

48 See above, pp. 148-149. 

49 See Biographic Universally s.v. Talon, Omer; also N cuvette Biografhie Generate* 
s.v. Talon, Omer. 

60 pp. 148-149. 

[ 165 ] 


1552, and which was intended to reduce Ramistic rhetoric to its 
briefest Latin expression, as Ramistic logic was reduced to its briefest 
Latin expression by Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo of 1556. 

A very good indication of Talaeus's adherence to the reforms of 
Ramus is found in a now-forgotten work, La Rhetoriqve Francoise^ 
published at Paris in 1555. This work is a French translation of Ta- 
laeus?s Rhetoric^ done in the very year of Ramus's own French 
translation of his Dialecticae Libri Duo, and plainly intended to rep- 
resent Ramistic rhetoric in vernacular learning, as the Dialectiqve 
represents Ramistic logic. The translator of Talaeus's Rhetorica into 
French was Antoine Foclin, who also called himself Foquelin or 
Fouquelin. Like Ramus and Talaeus, Foclin was a native of Ver- 
mandois. His edition of the satires of Persius, published at Paris iji 
1555? ' 1S dedicated to Ramus, under whom he had studied for the 
preceding nine years. 31 Thus he had ties of discipleship and place to 
bind him to Ramism and to dispose him to forward Ramus's reforms 
according to his own special talents. 

La Rhetoriqve Francoise d y Antoine Foclin de Chauny en Ver- 
mandois is dedicated to Mary Queen of Scots, then twelve years of 
age and the darling of the French court, wherein she was being edu- 
cated as the future bride of the dauphin and the future queen of 
France. 52 Foclin's dedicatory letter runs to six pages. It is full of 
enthusiasm for his generation's crusade to translate all the liberal 
arts into French and thus to save youth from having to master alien 
languages as a first step in education. It is also full of compliments 
for the young Scottish queen who would one day have the oppor- 
tunity not only to assist native French writers to work in their own 
tongue, but also to support all learning and science. One passage indi- 
cates the nature of the education the young queen is receiving at the 
French court. Foclin mentions that Mary had recently pronounced 
a Latin oration in the presence of the king and queen and most of the 
princesses and nobles of the royal circle, and had then translated it 
into French. The oration had defended the unorthodox thesis, re- 
marks Foclin, that it was becoming to women to know letters and 
the liberal arts; and it aroused admiration on all sides, and would 

51 See BiografAie Vnifoerselle^ s/v. Foquelin, Antoine. 

52 The title page of Foclin's work reads : "La Rhetoriqve Francoise d j Antoine Foclin 
de Chauny en Vermandois, A Tresillvstre Princesse Madame Marie Royne d'Ecosse. A 
Paris, De Pimprimerie d' Andre Wechel. 1555- Avec Privilege." 

The Huntington Library holds this work in microfilm, and upon that copy my present 
discussion is based, all translations from it being mine. 

[ 166 ] 


have served him in the present work on rhetoric as a storehouse o 
examples of all the tropes and figures, had the French translation 
fallen sooner into his hands. Incidentally, the education of the young 
queen, as seen in this passage, is more conventional than that which 
Foclin is aiming for in his effort to make the learning of Latin un- 
necessary. In still another passage, Foclin apologizes to the queen 
because the French tongue is still too young and too poor to have a 
vocabulary of its own for the terms of the liberal arts, and must 
therefore borrow from the Greek or Latin, not only a basic term like 
rhetoric, but also the terms for all the tropes and figures. 

So far as Ramism is concerned, the most important part of Foc- 
lin's dedicatory letter is that in which he identifies his work as a trans- 
lation of the Latin rhetoric of Talaeus, and credits Talaeus with 
authorizing and even assisting in that translation. With reference to 
the enterprise of rendering the learned arts into French, Foclin says: 

In order to advance and patronize which in my own way, I have trans- 
lated the precepts of rhetoric, as faithfully assembled from the books 
of the ancient Greek and Latin rhetoricians and arranged in unique 
order of disposition by Omer Talon, a man no less excellent in this art 
than perfect in all other disciplines. With the authorization and ad- 
vice of whom, I have adapted the precepts of this art to our tongue, 
omitting at all times that to which her natural usage seemed repug- 
nant j adding also that which she has of the proper and particular in 
herself, beyond Greek and Latin 5 and setting forth each precept by 
examples and evidences from the most approved authors of our lan- 
guage which, I saw, had been done most methodically and ingen- 
iously by that same author in Latin. In which (Madame) all that I 
can claim as mine (if I can claim anything mine in a work assembled 
by the labors of so many good men), all that, say I, which I can claim 
as mine, you have been the first to whom I have esteemed that it must 
needs be avowed and dedicated. 53 

Immediately after the dedicatory letter, which is dated at Paris, 
May 12, 1555, the text of Foclin's French version of Talaeus begins. 
It runs to 139 numbered pages, whereas Ramus's French Dialectigve 
of that same year had run to 140 pages. 54 Such parallelism as this, 
by the way, is not hostile to the spirit of Ramism, which gave equal 
emphasis to the two arts, and made the arrangement of one cor- 

63 La Rhetoriqve Francoise, sig. A;jr-A3v. 

54 Foclin's Rhetoriqve appears to contain 138 pages, but actually it contains one page 
more than that, because of the mistake of having two pages numbered 112. 

[ 167 ] 


respond almost mathematically to that o the other. But in one sense 
the mathematical proportions of Ramus's Dialectiqve and of Foclin's 
Rhetoriqve do not coincide. The former allocates seventy pages to 
invention and seventy to arrangement, thus maintaining an absolute 
equality of emphasis between the two parts of logic. The latter allo- 
cates one hundred and thirteen pages to style and only twenty-six to 
delivery, as if the second part of rhetoric, however important it is in 
practice, did not have the theoretical interest that the first part has. 
The opening words of Foclin's Rhetoriqve are a perfect illustra- 
tion of the natural method described by Ramus. Says Foclin: 

Definition of rhetoric. 
Rhetoric is an art of speaking well and elegantly. 

The parts of rhetoric. 
Rhetoric has two parts, style and delivery. 

Style and its species. 

Style is not anything but the ornamenting and the enriching of speech 
and discourse; the which has two species, the one being called trope, 
the other, figure. 


Trope is a style by means of which the proper and natural meaning of 
the word is changed to another, as is indicated by the word trope, 
which in French means interchange. 

The species of trope. 

There are four sorts of trope: metonymy, irony, metaphor, and synec- 
doche. 55 

Having descended through these progressively less general state- 
ments to a cluster of four basic terms, as Ramus commanded, Foclin 
proceeds to discuss each term in the order of his enumeration. This 
part of his discussion turns out also to have a Ramistic bearing. One 
of the dictates of Ramus's natural method was that causes should be 
placed before effects. 56 Ramus himself observed this dictate by ar- 
ranging his discussion of the first part of logic so that the topic o 
cause not only preceded the topic of effect but also came first among 
the ten basic topics of logical invention. Foclin's arrangement of 
tropes follows this very pattern, cause being first, effect second, sub- 
ject third, adjunct fourth, and so on down Ramus*s basic list. Thus 
metonymy, the first trope in Foclin's cluster, has four distinct kinds. 

pp, i -a. S6 See above, p. 161. 

[ 168 ] 


The first kind consists in stating a cause as a means of implying an 
effect. The second kind consists in stating an effect in order to imply 
a cause. The third kind consists in stating a subject in order to imply 
an accident or adjunct. The fourth kind consists in stating an accident 
in order to imply a subject. Irony, the second trope in Foclin's list, 
is defined as implying a contrary by its contrary, and this reminds us 
that Ramus's fifth concept in invention is that of opposites. Foclin's 
third trope, metaphor, is defined as implying a like by a like again 
a reminder that Ramus's sixth concept is that of comparatives or 
similitudes. Synecdoche, the fourth trope in Foclin's cluster, is de- 
fined as implying the whole by naming the member, or as implying 
the genus by naming the species, or as doing the reverse of either of 
these two operations. Here again it is easy to see that Foclin has 
Ramus's eighth and ninth topic of invention in mind, that of divi- 
sion, which concerns wholes and parts, and that of definition, which 
concerns genus and species. 

Foclin devotes thirty-four pages to these four tropes, managing 
under metaphor to discuss catachresis, allegory, enigma, and hyper- 
bole. Much of his space is given over to illustrations of these stylistic 
devices from the works of French authors of the time. Thus he 
quotes from Tahureau, Baif, and Clement Marot, the latter being 
cited from his translation of Virgil's first Eclogue. But his chief illus- 
trations are drawn from Ronsard, Joachim du Bellay, and Jacques 
Amyot. In 1547 Amyot had published a French translation of the 
A ethic-pica of Heliodorus under the title, L'Histoire aethio-pique de 
Heliodorus y contenant dix livres-, and it was this Greek romance 
from the early centuries of the Christian era which provided Foclin 
with almost as many illustrations as did Ronsard and Bellay, al- 
though in his dedicatory letter he expresses the belief that there is 
much of the contrived and the artificial about the tropes and figures 
of Heliodorus, whereas those in the Scottish queen's French version 
of her own Latin oration are by contrast true and natural. 57 

Figure, the second part of style in Ramistic rhetoric, is given sev- 
enty-nine pages of analysis and illustration by Foclin. His definition 
and division of this topic make no reference to grammatical figures, 
as did the older stylistic rhetoricians: 

Figure is then a species of style, by means of which the language is 
changed from the simple and popular manner of speaking. For just 

eT La Rhetorigve Francoise y sig. A^r. 

[ 169 ] 


as in reference to words, some are literal, and others metaphorical, so 
in reference to language and manner of speaking, one kind is simple 
and popular, the other, figured that it to say, a little changed from 
the popular and customary manner of speaking, as happens primarily 
when we wish to plan and discourse upon anything. Not that the vul- 
gar do not sometimes use these ornaments of rhetoric, but that these 
lights do not shine as often in the language and speech of the un- 

Division of figure. 

There are two sorts of figure: the one is in the word, the other in the 
sentence. 58 

Under these two headings, Foclin arranges his entire discussion of 
the uncustomary forms of speech. His analysis of figures of the word 
involves the topic of number, which leads him to speak of the meas- 
ure and quantity of syllables in French poetry, and of resonance and 
rhythm in poetry and prose. Figures of the sentence involve such 
devices as prosopopoeia, apostrophe, and exclamation, each .device be- 
ing illustrated from the authors already named. Like a good Ramist, 
Foclin remembers that transitional elements in literary structure 
refresh and stimulate the spirit, 59 and thus he concludes his discus- 
sion of style with a model transition: 

The precepts of style, the first part of rhetoric, have been set forth in 
the tropes and figures. Let us go on to delivery, the second part of 
the doctrine and art proposed. 

Delivery, as Foclin defines it from Talaeus's Latin, becomes the 
external manifestation of style, the projection of style to the hearer. 
His text reads at this point: 


Delivery is a part of rhetoric which teaches how to express convenient- 
ly and how to put forth the style and the speech as conceived in the 
mind. So that it differs from style in nothing except that in the latter 
one thinks and conceives of what figure and elegant manner of speak- 
ing one will use, whereas in the former one takes pains that the utter- 
ance may be such as the conception and the thought of the mind 
have bera* 

Parts of delivery. 

Delivery has two parts, the voice, which is called the pronouncing, and 
the gesture, which is called the action. Of which parts, the first relates 

pp. 34-35- &9 See above, p. 

* La Rhetorique Fr^ncoise^ p. nz> i,e 113. 

[ 170 ] 


to the hearing, the second to the sight. For by these two senses, all 
knowledge comes into the mind. 61 

Foclin recommends that correct speech be learned in infancy and 
childhood as a part of grammar, but that rhetoric, as a later study, 
will show what voice and inflection should be used in all sentences, 
figures, and moods of speaking. He observes: 

For each thing that is said has some proper sound, some sound differ- 
ent from other things, and the voice sounds like the string of a lute, 
according as it has been touched as by the movement of things which 
must need be pronounced. 62 

Having made these general observations, Foclin quotes a long 
passage from L'Histoire aethiopique, and intersperses directions as 
to its pronunciation. After other quotations to the same effect, he 
turns to gesture, which he discusses in relation to the head, the face, 
the arms, and the hands. He mentions that gesture has great efficacy 
as a language that can be understood where spoken words are unin- 
telligible. He recalls that Demosthenes strengthened his own deliv- 
ery by diligent practice, even speaking against the roar of the sea to 
develop his voice. And, like most writers on this aspect of rhetoric, 
he cannot refrain from retelling the familiar story of how Demos- 
thenes, when asked what he deemed the first requisite of eloquence, 
replied, "Delivery," only to repeat that same answer when he was 
then asked what was the second and what the third requisite. 68 

Thus did Foclin's Rhetoriqve Francoise bring into native French 
speech the Latin rhetoric of Talaeus in the very year of the first 
French version of Ramus's Dialectiqve. It would be idle to pretend 
that Foclin's translation is absolutely faithful to Talaeus's original, 
especially as Foclin himself acknowledges omissions, additions, and 
changes. 64 It would also be idle to pretend that Talaeus's Rhetorica 
was absolutely faithful to itself from one of its many versions to an- 
other in and out of France during the last half of the sixteenth cen- 
tury. Still again, it would be idle to pretend that Ramus's own Dia- 
lecttq've corresponds exactly to its later Latin and French versions, 
before and. after Ramus's death. The truth is, Ramism as a system 
of logic and rhetoric in Latin, French, and English, is not a single 

pp. 112-113,1.6., 113-114. 62 Ibid., p. 114, i.e., 115. 

p. i37i i-- 13*. 

64 See above, p. 167. For a discussion of differences between Foclin's translation and 
Talaeus's original, see Walter J. Ong, S.J., "Fouquelin's French Rhetoric and the 
Ramist Vernacular Tradition," Studies in Philology^ Li (1954), 127-142. 


unvarying doctrine but a pattern of uniformities as to general frame- 
work and a pattern of variations as to many of its details. Perhaps 
the best statement of the pattern of uniformities in Ramism is to be 
found by the comparative study of Ramus's Dialectiqve of 1555 and 
Foclin's Rhetoriqve Francoise of the same year. At any rate these are 
authentic versions done by Ramus himself and by his leading collab- 
orators for their own nation at the same moment of time and in the 
same stage of the development of their doctrine as a whole. With 
these versions in mind, we are now prepared to see what happened 
when Ramism crossed the English Channel and invaded the domain 
o John Seton, Richard Sherry, Thomas Wilson, and Ralph Lever. 

II. Ramus's Dialectic in England 

ON April 4, 1550, Roger Ascham, public orator of the University of 
Cambridge, wrote a letter to his friend Johannes Sturm, master of 
the grammar school at Strasbourg. The letter was in Latin, as be- 
fitted correspondence of that era between learned men of different 
countries of the European community. One notable thing about that 
particular letter is that it contains an enthusiastic account of the lit- 
erary accomplishments of a young lady named Elizabeth, whom 
Ascham had been tutoring for the preceding two years, and who was 
one day to be the most famous queen in English history. "The 
praise which Aristotle gives," remarks Ascham to Sturm, "wholly 
centres in her beauty, stature, prudence, and industry." He adds: 
"She has just passed her sixteenth birthday, and shows such dignity 
and gentleness as are wonderful at her age and rank." 1 Her conver- 
sational ability in French, Italian, English, Latin, and Greek, her 
delight and skill in music, her restrained elegance of dress, and her 
gift for perceiving what makes literary style good or bad, are all 
described in glowing phrases by Ascham. 

Another notable thing about that letter is that it refers to Joachim 
Perion, a learned French Benedictine, and to one Cephas Chlono- 
nius. What Ascham says of the former indicates his awareness that 
Perion has recently been translating Aristotle into Latin and recently 
speaking in defensd of Aristotle and Cicero, while industriously col- 
lecting meanwhile a vast number of theological topics for use in con- 
troversy. Perion's defense of Aristotle and Cicero, by the way, had 
been directed against Peter Ramus, and had been published at Paris 
in the form of three orations, two of which bear the date of 1543, 
and the third, 1547. Ascham does not designate these particular pub- 
lications nor does his letter anywhere refer to Ramus by name. But 
the Cephas Chlononius whom he mentions in his reference to Perion, 
and whom he allusively describes as an overbold critic of the leading 
philosopher of Greece and the leading teacher of Rome, is unques- 
tionably to be identified as Ramus* 2 

Ascham's veiled censure of Ramus in this letter of 1550 has been 
tentatively established as the earliest reference by an Englishman 

1 These quotations are from the translation of part of this letter in The Whole Works 
of Roger Ascham^ ed. John Allen Giles (London, 1864-65), vol. I, pt. I, pp. Ixii-lxiv. 
For the complete Latin text of the letter, see the same place, pp. 181-193. 

2 See M. Gugg-enheim, "Beitrage zur Biographic des Petrus Ramus, n Zeitschrift fur 
Philoso$h%e und Philosophische Kritik> cxxi (1903), 141-142, where there is a con- 
vincing- demonstration that Cephas Chlononius means Ramus in Ascham's letter. 

[ 173 ] 


to Ramus's philosophy. 3 Another very early reference, much more 
detailed, much more sympathetic, and not at all difficult to identify, 
is also the work of Ascham, and can be found in the letter which he 
wrote to Sturm on January 29, 1552, from Halle, when he was in 
the midst of a period of travel on the continent. 4 On this occasion, 
Ascham asks with some urgency that Sturm write him at once on a 
piece of news he has just heard. Some English friends of mine, says 
Ascham, inform me that Peter Ramus has written something critical 
against you and me as a result of your publication at Strasbourg of 
our correspondence. 5 You know what I think of Ramus from my 
previous letters to you, Ascham goes on; how much I approve of the 
spirit of his teaching, and of his general plan, which I take to be that 
of tearing to pieces some inept and insipid Aristotelians rather than 
that of refuting Aristotle himself. Unless you have forgotten my 
words or have torn up my letter, he continues, you will remember 
how much I prefer Ramus to Perion, the Cicero nianisms of whom I 
laughed at with Martin Bucer, as Philipp Melanchthon and I have 
laughed at his inept planning and bad arranging. Ramus appears to 
me, he says in an illuminating passage, to feel rightly concerning the 
doctrine of Christ, and to conceal his true opinions as the times may 
dictate, showing his zeal meanwhile by writing against those whom 
he perceives as deliberate adversaries of the true religion. And this 
judgment of mine concerning Ramus, he adds, has been confirmed by 
our Jerome Wolf, who has been in Paris and afterwards in Augsburg. 
Ascham turns next to a more detailed exposition of his view of 
Ramism. I hope, he writes, that my former letters, and this present 
one, contain nothing in the way of license of expression - y and yet my 
praise of the talent and the teaching of Ramus has been expressed 
both openly and silently, and my approval of his general position 
has been set forth in the following words: 

The excellent doctrine of Aristotle seems too devoid of adornment, 
too obscure, for delight in reading it to be able to arouse the zeal of 
the many, or for the usefulness of it to be able to compensate for the 
labors Involved, because almost everywhere it is taught without the 
accurate use of examples. 

8 OB this point see Wilson and Forbes, Gabriel Harvty*s "Ciceronianus? p, 19. 

* For the complete Latin text of this letter, see Giles, Works of Ascham, vol. r, pt. ll> 
Pp. 318-32* 3 for a translation of two brief excerpts, see vol. I, pt. r, pp. Ixxvi-Ixxvii. 

5 The referent as to Rogeri Aschami et Joannis Sturmii Epistolae Duae de Habilitate 
Anglican* (Argentorat! : RidxeKus exeudebat, 1551). There is a copy of this work in the 
Blbliotheque Nationale. 


This declaration, by the way, is the copy of a sentence which Ascham 
had already used in his letter to Sturm of April 4, 1 550, in connection 
with his reference to Cephas Chlononius. 6 The fact that it is linked 
to Chlononius in the earlier letter, and to Ramus in the present one, 
permits us to be sure that Chlononius and Ramus are one and the 
same. Moreover, it permits us to see that Ascham and Ramus are 
together in insisting upon example or practice as the final confirma- 
tion of theory. Lest we miss his dedication to this tenet of Ramism, 
Ascham not only underlines now what he had said earlier, but he 
adds that he himself had always required theory to be accompanied 
by practice, lest studies appear uselessly involved in obscurity or 
rashly guided into error* 

At this point in the letter of 1552, Ascham feels justified in re- 
asserting his friendly disposition towards Ramus and in mentioning 
his regret at the latter's recent attack upon the Sturm-Ascham cor- 
respondence. I suspect, says Ascham, that certain Englishmen from 
Cambridge, who disagree somewhat with us in religion, have turned 
Ramus against us out of religious hostility, although they themselves 
have left England and now live in Paris for religious reasons. 

Ascham goes on to remark that Ramus's intelligence is shown no- 
where to better advantage than in his having selected as his adver- 
saries the three greatest of men, Aristotle, Cicero, and Sturm. As for 
his present attack upon me, says Ascham, "I am not astonished nor 
greatly distressed, if I displease Ramus, whom the Aristotles, the 
Ciceros, and the Sturms are not able to please." 7 Then he makes a 
remark which is not only calculated to drive a wedge between Sturm 
and Ramus, but also is destined to be the earliest reaction by an 
Englishman to Ramus's reform of dialectic and rhetoric. Says he 
to Sturm: 

Ramus, I believe, will press you and rush at you with the greater 
violence, since he knows that you refer invention in the first instance 
to the art of speaking, whereas he removes it from his own course in 
rhetoric 5 and since he also knows that delivery, which these very 
Ramists make much of, is rightly regarded by you, by Aristotle, and 
by the learned generally, as belonging more in the realm of practice 
than of theory. 

e This declaration and my subsequent quotations from the letter o 155 a are in my 
translation. For the two versions of the declaration as given by Ascham, see Giles, 
Works of Ascham) vol. i, pt. I, p. i85, and vol. i> pt. II, p. 319. 

7 Giles, vol. I, pt. II, p. 320. 

[ 175 ] 


He now asks Sturm to assess the attack that Ramus has made upon 
their letters, and to refute it at some apt place in his next work, un- 
less silence seems the better course. Apparently Ascham thinks him- 
self unworthy of the task of defending his famous friend Sturm 
against an opponent as notable as Ramus j at any rate, he expresses 
his willingness to hide behind Sturm's shield, since, as he says, I 
myself have never written anything in the spirit of publicly refut- 
ing Ramus. 

There is much else in this particular letter, but nothing that adds 
substantially to Ascham's opinion of Ramus. The letter is proof that 
Ascham wanted in 1552 to explain his earlier ambiguous estimate of 
Cephas Chlononius, and to make it very clear that he approved much 
more highly of Chlononius or Ramus than he ever had of Joachim 
Perion. The letter is also proof that Ascham had heard but the 
vaguest rumors about Ramus's attack upon the Sturm-Ascham cor- 
respondence "some friends of mine write me from England" 
(these are his exact words), "that Peter Ramus has written I know 
not what against my letters and yours, published by you at Stras- 
bourg." 8 Perhaps Ascham's English friends were only passing on to 
him the merest recent gossip. At any rate, the work in which Ramus 
attacks these letters has thus far remained unidentified beyond 
Ascham's excited little reference, 9 

As for the subsequent disposition of the two men towards each 
other, there is proof that it was friendly in the letter which Ramus 
wrote to Ascham from Paris on February 25, 1564, when Ascham 
was serving as Queen Elizabeth's secretary. 10 From what that letter 
says, it appears that one day, in the palace of the French king, Ramus 
chanced to meet a certain English nobleman, who thereupon gave 
him greetings in the name of Ascham. Ramus asked at once to know 
who was so interested in him in England that he would thus send 
a sign of his friendship across the sea to Paris. The nobleman replied 
with an account of Ascham's virtues and learning, and Ramus was 
so impressed that he began to consider ways of returning the compli- 
ment implied in Ascham's message of greeting. Now ? Ramus goes 
on, a way has presented itself a young man named Matthew 

8 Ibid.} p. 318. 

* See Charles Schmidt, La Vie et les Travaux de Jean Sturm (Strasbourg 1 , 1855), p* 
191, Among biographers of Ramus, the belief has persisted that Sturm and Ascham on 
their side were not unfriendly to Ramismj see Waddington ? Ramus, pp. 393, 3965 and 
Graves, Peter Hamus? pp. 93, 212, 214. 

10 For the text of this letter, see Giles* II, 96-97. 

[ 176 ] 


Scyne, of the staff of the English ambassador at Paris, Thomas 
Smith, is returning to England and has consented to bear my greet- 
ings to you. He has also consented, adds Ramus, to ask you about a 
certain book of Archimedes, Trepl *LoroprpG)V) which I have heard 
to be in the possession of a learned physician of your court. 11 If that 
physician could supply me with a copy, Ramus continues, I would 
be glad to supply him in turn with a certain rarer thing of Pappus 
and Apollonius and Serenus in that same field. Ramus concludes with 
the promise that if the mathematical studies to which he is now giv- 
ing himself are benefited by the manuscript in question, he will feel 
himself perfected by the great fruit of Ascham's mind. 

Despite these blandishments, or perhaps because of their faintly 
patronizing air, Ascham had not become a convert to Ramism at the 
time of his death in 1568. In his famous Scholemaster^ first pub- 
lished in 1570, he takes the side of Aristotle in logic and Cicero in 
rhetoric against anyone who criticizes them, and he specifically men- 
tions Ramus and Talaeus as their critics, although Quintilian is 
singled out as the chief culprit in that vein. Says Ascham: 

Quintilian also preferred! translation before all other exercises: yet 
having a lust to dissent from Tullie (as he doth in very many places, 
if a man read his Rhetoricke over advisedlie, and that rather of an 
envious minde, than of any just cause) doth greatlie commend Para- 
<phrasis, crossing spitefullie Tullies judgement in refusing the same: 
and so do Ramus and Talaeus even at this day in France to. 12 

Such singularity in dissenting from the best men's judgment, 
Ascham goes on, is not popular with discreet and wise learning. He 

For he, that can neither like Aristotle in Logicke and Philosophic, 
nor Tullie in Rhetoricke and Eloquence, will from these steppes like- 
lie enough presume by like pride to mount hier, to the misliking of 
greater matters: that is either in Religion, to have a dissentious head, 
or in the common wealth, to have a factious hart. 13 

11 Ramus is apparently asking here for a copy of Heron's Mensurae, the^ final section 

the Mensurae does not appear. Possibly Ramus wants to satisfy himself about this item 
by looking at other manuscripts, particularly that belonging to the English physician. 
For a discussion of these two Paris manuscripts of Archimedes, see The Works of Archi- 
medes> ed, T. L. Heath (Cambridge, 189?), pp. xxiv-xxv. 

12 Roger Ascham, The ScholemasUr^ ed. John E. B. Mayor (London, 1863), p. 101. 
pp. IOI-I02. 

[ 177 ] 


At this point Ascham recalls the case of a Cambridge student who 
had begun by dissenting from Aristotle and had ended by adopting 
the Arian heresy. Then comes Ascham' s parting shot at Ramus: 

But to leave these hye pointes of divinitie, surelie, in this quiet and 
harmeles controversie, for the liking or misliking of Pawphrasis for 
a yong scholer, even as far as TulUe goeth beyond QuintiUan y Ramus 
and Talaeus in perfite Eloquence, even so moch by myne opinion cum 
they behinde Tultie for trew judgement in teaching the same, 1 * 

In 1569, the year before these words were first published, a Cam- 
bridge student named Gabriel Harvey chanced to buy a copy of 
Ramus's Ciceronianus. That copy, now in Worcester College Library 
at Oxford, contains a note by Harvey himself which says: "I redd 
ouer this Ciceronianus twise in twoo dayes, being then Sophister in 
Christes College." 15 By the year 1573, having meanwhile become 
master of arts at Cambridge, Harvey was appointed Greek reader in 
Pembroke Hall, and soon was referring publicly to Ramus as "not 
indeed that branch, but, if I may so speak, a most flourishing tree, 
not merely of both the grammars, but of every last one of the arts." 16 
This mention of Ramus as a branch is, by the way, Harvey's little 
pun, since "ramus" is the common Latin term for the branch of a 
treej and the witticism calls to mind Thomas Drant's similar word- 
play in his verse preface to Carter's edition of Seton's Dialectica in 
I572. 17 But Harvey's completely serious recognition of Ramus as an 
authority on the liberal arts, and his earlier undergraduate absorp- 
tion in Ramus^s Ciceronianus^ are indications that Ascham and his 
generation were beginning in the first years of the fifteen-seventies 
to lose the struggle to keep Aristotle and Cicero supreme in logic 
and rhetoric. 

Indeed, so far as instruction in rhetoric at Ascham's own Cam- 
bridge is concerned, the supremacy of Cicero was challenged as early 
as April 23, 1574. That was the date when Harvey was appointed 
praelector in rhetoric at his alma mater and began the preparation 
of the lectures which, as delivered in the spring of 1575 and 1576, 
and as published in 1577, are the first heavy commitment by an Eng- 

p, i ox. 

18 See Wilson and Forbes* Gabriel Harvey* $ "Cictrenutmis" p. iS. 

** /Krf., p. zo. Harrey*s words as quoted by Wilson and Forbes are: "Ramus, non ille 
quidem Ramtis, sed axbor, vt ita dicam, cunctarum Artium, non mo do vtriusque Gram- 
maticae, fWentissima," Translation mine. 

XT See above, pp. 55-56* and aote 76, 

I 178 ] 


lishman to the rhetorical thinking of Ramus and Talaeus. 18 Those 
lectures will be discussed later when I speak of Ramistic rhetoric in 

As for Ramistic logic, it was established as a part of English learn- 
ing before the date of Harvey's lectures. Its earliest expounder at 
Cambridge was Laurence Chaderton (or Chatterton), older than 
Harvey by several years, but like him a member of Christ's College. 
Chaderton was fellow of Christ's between 1568 and 1577, and thus 
was in a position to influence Harvey at the very time when the 
latter became enamored of Ramus's Ciceronianus. During Chader- 
ton's period of service as fellow of Christ's, he held the office of 
reader in logic in the public schools of the university, and, "lecturing 
on the Ars logica of Peter Ramus, roused a great interest in that 
study," as his biographer puts it. 19 But Chaderton's lectures were 
never published. The earliest published advocacy of Ramistic logic 
in England was not from a Cambridge man, but from a Scot named 
Roland Macllmaine of the University of St. Andrews. 

Macllmaine's life seems to have escaped the prying eyes of biog- 
raphers. So far as I know, only three main facts can confidently be 
asserted of him. The first is that he took his master's degree from 
St. Mary's College of the University of St. Andrews in 1570, after 
having enrolled in that college in 1565 and graduated as bachelor of 
arts on March 7, I569. 20 The second is that he published at London 
in 1574 the earliest Latin text of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo to 
be printed on English soil, the publisher being Thomas Vautrollier, 
who was given a patent on June 19 of that year to bring out Mac- 
llmaine's edition for a ten-year period, 21 Thirdly, Macllmaine pub- 

18 The best authorities for the dates of these lectures are Wilson and Forbes, Gabriel 
Harvey's "Ciceronianus," pp. 5-10. 

19 E. S. Shuckburgh, Laurence Chaderton, D. D. {First Master of Emmanuel) Trans- 
lated from a Latin Memoir of Dr. Dillingfiam (Cambridge, 1884), p. 5. Harvey him- 
self has been called "the earliest English advocate of Ramus" by Harold S. Wilson, 
"Gabriel Harvey's Orations on Rhetoric*" English Literary History, xn (September 
194.5), i So. But it seems more accurate to think of him only as the first English Ramist 
in rhetoric. Chaderton was probably earlier than Harvey in advocating- Ramus publicly, 
and Macllmaine certainly was. 

20 See James Maitland Anderson, Early Records of the University of St. Andrews 
(Edinburgh, 1926), pp. 164., 165, 273. 

21 See Arber, Transcript of the Registers, n, 746, 886. 

The title page of this edition reads: "P. Rami Regli Professoris Dialecticae Libri Dvo. 
Exemplis omnium artium & scientiarum illustrati, no solum Diuinis, sed etiam mystisis, 
Mathematicis, Phisicis, Medicis, luridicis, Poeticis & Oratoriis. Per Rolandum Makil- 
menaeum Scotum. Londini, Excudebat Thomas Vautrollerius. 1574- Cum Priuilegio 
Regiae Maiestatis." A second edition of this work came from the same press in 1576. 
Waddington, Ramus, p. 454, lists two later editions at Frankfurt, one in 1579 and the 
other in 1580. 

[ 179 1 


lished in 1574 at the same press the earliest English translation of 
Ramus's chief work, calling it The Logike of the moste Excellent 
Philosopher P. Ramus Martyr, Newly translated, and m dmers 
-places corrected, ajter the mynde of the Author 

Macllmaine's translation, which I should like now to consider in 
some detail, is introduced by an epistle to the reader, wherein he 
comments with obvious enthusiasm upon several aspects of Ramus's 
reform of logic. If the translation is to be regarded as the first Eng- 
lish exposition of Ramistic logic in words derived from Ramus^the 
introduction becomes not only the first parallel effort in an English- 
man's own words, but also the official opening salvo in the battle to 
convert Englishmen to that logic and to Ramism as a whole. ^ 

Macllmaine begins his campaign of exposition and persuasion by 
stressing the classical origins of Ramistic logic. He says that this 
logic comes from Aristotle's Organon, Physics, and Metaphysics, as 
well as from Cicero's rhetorical works and from Quintilian's Insti- 
tutio Oratoria* What Ramus had done, Macllmaine implies, was to 
take these basic writings and distill from them their fundamental 
logical precepts. Here are Macllmaine's own words about the sources 
of Ramus's work: 

As fore the matter whiche it containethe, thou shalt vnderstand that 
there is nothing appartayning to dialectike eyther in Aristptles xvij- 
booke of logike, iii his eight bookes of Phisike, or in his xiiij. bookes 
of Philosophic, in Cicero his bookes of Oratorie, or in Quintilian (in 
the which there is almost nothing that dothe not eyther appartayne to 
the inuention of arguments a [sic] disposition of the same), but thou 
shalt fynde it shortlie and after a perfecte methode in this booke 
declared. 23 

By way of elaboration, he remarks that no argument in practical 
life can be found which is not classifiable either under Ramus's nine 
types of artistic argument or under his tenth type, the non-artistic 
argument. He emphasizes next that there exists "no sort of disposi- 
tion whiche dothe not appartayne eyther to the iudgement of the 
proposition, sylogisme or methode." In these two statements he indi- 
cates his belief in Ramus's ten topics of invention as an exhaustive 

22 The rest of the title page reads: "Per M. Roll. Makylmenaeum Scotum, rogatu 
viri honestissimi, M. Aegidij Hamlini. Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautroullier 
dwelling in the Blaekefrieres, Anno. M. P. LXXIIIT. Cvm Privilegio." A second edi- 
tion of this work was produced at the same press in 1581. My references are to the first 

[ 180 ] 


account of the problem of analysis in learned or popular composition, 
and his belief that the problem of synthesis consists only in framing 
ideas into the three structural units, that is, into propositions, syllo- 
gisms, and treatises. 

The next large point of emphasis in Macllmaine's advocacy of 
Ramism is that the character of Ramistic logic or of any discipline 
built upon it is determined by the famous three laws. If you marvel, 
he says, that my short volume contains everything I have indicated, 
the best explanation is that "in this booke there is thre documents or 
rules kept, whiche in deede ought to be obserued in all artes and 
sciences." These three documents are then explained each in turn. 

The law of justice, which ordinarily is ranked second by the Ra- 
mists, is given the primary place in Macllmaine's discussion, possibly 
because it would seem to Englishmen to have produced the most 
spectacular of the results which Ramus had achieved. Macllmaine 
explains it thus: 

The first is, that in setting forthe of an arte we gather only togeather 
that which dothe appartayne to the Arte whiche we intreate of, leauing 
to all other Artes that which is proper to them, this rule (which maye 
be called the rule of Justice) thou shalt see here well obserued. 24 

In my book, adds Macllmaine, are all the things which pertain to 
logic, and not one of the things which pertain to grammar, rhetoric, 
physics, or any other discipline. Many years ago, he continues, a 
shoemaker criticized the clothing that Apelles had drawn on a figure 
in one of his pictures 5 and Apelles replied that the shoemaker should 
keep to his own art and criticize only the figure's shoes. Thus did 
Apelles teach the law of justice. Any writer on any art breaks this 
law when he digresses from his purpose. Concluding this part of his 
explanation of Ramism, Macllmaine observes: 

Is he not worthie to be mocked of all men, that purposethe to wryte 
of Grammer, and in euery other chapiter mynglethe somthing of 
Logicke, and some thing of Rethoricke: and contrarie when he pur- 
posethe to write of Logicke dothe speake of Grammer and of Reth- 
oricke? 25 

The law of truth, as another great principle in the Ramistic criti- 
cism of knowledge, is given its first English formulation in the fol- 
lowing words of Macllmaine: 

24 P. s. 25 P , 9 . 

[ 181 ] 


The seconde document (which diligently is obserued in this booke) is 
that all the rides and preceptes of thine arte be of necessitie tru, whiche 
Aristotle requirethe in the seconde booke of his Analitikes and in 
diuerse chapiters in his former booke. 28 

Like RamuSj Macllmaine is interested in applications. Thus he 
cautions that writers or teachers violate this second law whenever 
their precepts are mingled with anything false, ambiguous, or un- 
certain "as if in theaching me my logicke, which consistethe in rules 
to inuente argumentes, and to dispone and iudge the same, thou 
shouldest begyn to tell me some trickes of poysonable sophistrie." 27 
And he adds, with special reference to the world of use, that the law 
of truth should be planted in all hearts, particularly in the hearts of 

As for the law of wisdom, Macllmaine formulates it to apply in the 
first instance to the problem of organizing discourse. Thus he says: 

The third documente which thou shalt note herein obserued, is, that 
thou intreate of thy rules which be generall generallye, and those 
whiche be speciall speciallie, and at one tyme, without any vaine repe- 
titions, which dothe nothing but fyll vp the paper. For it is not 
sufficient that thou kepe the rule of veritie and iustice, without thou 
obserue also this documente of wisedome, to dispute of euery thing 
according to his nature. 28 

Observing that one plays the sophist's part if he treats general 
matters particularly, or particular matters generally, and that one 
falls thereby into tautologies and redundancies, which of all things 
are most hostile to the arts and sciences, Macllmaine proceeds to 
illustrate what the violation of this third law means to him. If I ask 
what logic is, he declares, and you reply that it teaches how to invent 
arguments, your answer is in accord with the law of truth but not 
the law of wisdom, for you have treated a general thing particu- 
larly. "I aske the/* he explains further, "for the definition of the 
whole arte, and thow geuest me the definition of inuention, which 
is bet parte of the arte." 29 

^Tfaiis does Macllmaine advocate Ramism by stressing its classical 
origins and its characteristics as determined by the three laws. His 
next step is to lay emphasis upon its theory of method. The method 
followed in my work, says he, is that of placing first what is most 
dear, and next what is next most clear, and so on. "And therfore," 

*** * s 7 pp. 9-10. 2 p. 10. *p. fl . 

1 182 ] 


he remarks, "it continually procedethe from the generall to the spe- 
ciall and singuler." 30 His immediate elaboration of this principle of 
structure is thoroughly Ramistic: 

The definition as most generall is first placed, next folowethe the 
diuision, first into the partes, and next into the formes and kyndes. 
Euery parte and forme is defined in his owne place, and made mani- 
fest by examples of auncient Authors, and last the members are limited 
and Joined togeather with short transitions for the recreation of the 
Reader. 31 

This, remarks Macllmaine, is the perfect method. This is the 
method observed by Plato, Aristotle, and all the ancient historians, 
orators, and poets. This is the method which was lost to view for 
many years and is now raised as it were from death by that most 
learned man and martyr to God, Petrus Rarnus. 

Macllmaine in his introduction and translation does not stress 
method in Ramistic philosophy in the terms that Ramus had in- 
sisted upon. We know that Ramus thought of method as either nat- 
ural or prudential. 32 We also know that, while his special affection 
was bestowed upon the natural method, which he considered to be 
applicable to scientific discourse and also to poetry and oratory, he 
gave at least a respectable amount of space to the prudential method, 
and made it the strategy of presenting material to the unread popu- 
lace. In his introduction Macllmaine says nothing to suggest his 
awareness of the prudential method as Ramus conceived of it. The 
final chapter of his translation, which is brief, hurried, and even con- 
temptuous, has something that might pass for an account of the pru- 
dential method, although his comments at that point would limit it 
to the uses of deceit and to the procedures of irrelevance, digression, 
and inversion. In thus allowing the prudential method to become 
almost completely inactive as an element in Ramism, Macllmaine is 
lending support to the notion that Ramus advocated only the natural 
method, and this notion gradually became influential in England. 

The final point of emphasis in Macllmaine's advocacy of Ramism 
is that the new logic is intended to serve the preacher, the scientist, 
the lawyer, the orator, the mathematician, and indeed all writers, 
teachers, and learners. In other words, it is the theory of communica- 
tion, so far as any communication must have subject matter and form, 
and thus it reaches into the practical world at the points where com- 

30 p. i2. S1 p. 13. 82 See above, pp, 160-165. 

[ 183 ] 


munications are necessary parts of the pattern of culture. We are 
fortunate in having from Macllmaine an account of the uses of 
Ramistic logic, if only to give our expectations on this score a precise 
Elizabethan formulation. 

If you are a divine, says Macllmaine, you will have to accom- 
modate the principles of Ramistic logic to your own special needs. 
Thus, instead of beginning your sermon with a definition, as the 
strict method of logic would dictate, you begin instead with a state- 
ment of the sum of the text you have taken in hand to interpret. Next 
you divide the text into a few heads, so that the hearer may better 
remember your discourse. Next you treat each head in terms of the 
ten places of invention, showing causes, effects, adjuncts, comparisons, 
and so on. Lastly, you make your matter plain and manifest with 
familiar examples and authorities from the word of God. 

Macllmaine next supposes his reader to be a doctor of medicine 
about to deliver a lecture upon the subject of a fever. I shall quote 
this passage in full for its interest to students of the theory of com- 
munication and to students of Elizabethan science: 

Yf thou be a Phisition and willing to teache (as for example) of a 
feuer, this methode willethe thee to shewe first the definition, that is, 
what a feuer is, Next the deuision, declaring what sorte of feuer it is, 
whether the quartane, quotidian, hecticke, or what other: thirdly to 
come to the places of inuention, and shewe fyrst the causes of the 
feuer euery one in order, the efficient, as maye be hotte meates, the 
matter as melancolie, choler, or some rotten humor, and soforthe with 
the formale causes and finall. The seconde place is theffecte, shewe 
then what the feuer is able to bring forthe, whether deathe or no. The 
third place wishethe thee to tell the subiecte of the feuer, whether it 
be in the vaines, artiers, or els where. The fowrthe to shewe the signes 
and tokens which appeare to pretende lyfe or deathe: and to be shorte, 
thou shalt passe thoroughe the rest of the artificiall places, and do that 
which is requyred in euery of them: And last come to the confirmyng 
of thy sayinges by examples, authorities, and (as Hippocrates and 
Galen haue done) by histories and long experience. After this Methode 
Heraclitus the Philosopher examyned the phisitions whiche came to 
heale hym, and because they were ignorant and could not aunswere 
to his interrogations he sent them away, and woulde receyue none 
of their ^Medicens: for (sayd he) yf ye can not shewe me the causes 
of my skknes, much lesse areye able to take the cause awaye. 33 

After this extended reference to the scientist in his relation to the 
M pp. 13-14, 

[ 184 ] 


inventional scheme of Ramistic logic, Macllmaine turns next to the 
lawyer, the orator, and the mathematician, all of whom are expected 
to find their own problems of communication better solved in the 
new logic than in the old. "So the lawyer," says Macllmaine, "shall 
pleade his cause, in prouyng or disprouyng after as his matter shall 
requier, with these ten places of Inuention, and dispone euery thing 
orderlie into his propositions, syllogismes, and methode." 34 "So shall 
the Orator declayme," he remarks. So shall the mathematicians set 
forth their demonstrations. And, to be brief, he says, "bothe in wryt- 
yng, teaching, and in learnyng, thou mayest alwayes kepe these thre 
golden documentes in intreatyng thy matter, and this most ingenious 
and artificial methode for the exacte forme and disposition of the 

The final steps in Macllmaine's advocacy of Ramism consist in 
his statement that it brings more profit to the reader in two months 
than would a four-year study of Plato and Aristotle as they were 
then available to the public 5 and in his further statement that, in 
being offered in English, Ramistic logic is a rebuke to those who 
"woulde haue all thinges kept close eyther in the Hebrewe, Greke, 
or Latyn tongues." Like a true son of the Reformation he says of the 
hostility to translations that "I knowe what greate hurte hathe come 
to the Churche of God by the defence of this mischeuous opinion." 36 
He reminds his readers that Aristotle and Plato wrote in their native 
tongue, not in Hebrew or Latin, and that Cicero wrote in his native 
tongue, not in Greek. "Shall we," he demands, "then thinke the 
Scottyshe or Englishe tongue, it not fitt to wrote any arte into?" And 
he answers his question with a resounding "No in dede." 

In the pages that follow his introductory epistle, Macllmaine pro- 
ceeds to set forth the ten places of invention and the three aspects of 
disposition, thus bringing into English the basic concepts of his source. 
But he does more than that. His translation manages to keep Eng- 
lishmen reminded of the zeal with which the Ramists viewed their 
own accomplishments. This zeal is figured forth in his way of pre- 
senting the account of the logician using Ramus's theory of method 
to classify the various precepts of grammar as they are drawn on 
individual slips of paper from a disordered mass of slips containing 
in sum the whole body of grammatical knowledge. 36 This zeal is also 
displayed in his fondness for illustrating logic by repeated refer- 

34 P. 14- 35 p- 15- 

36 pp. 95-96. For Ramus's use of this example, see above, pp. 161-162. 

[ 185 ] 


ences to the liberal disciplines as reformed by Ramus. Thus he illus- 
trates perfect definition by calling grammar "an Arte which teach- 
ethe to speake well and congruouslye," rhetoric, to speak "eloquent- 
lye," dialectic, "to dispute well/' and geometry, "to Measure well." 37 
Thus he illustrates distribution by describing one of its forms as 

So Grammer is parted into Etimologie and Syntaxe. Rethoricke, into 
Elocution and Action: Dialecticke, into Inuention and Judgemente. 38 

One additional illustration of this zeal is found in his translation of 
Ramus's three laws, where his words seem to contain a note of tri- 
umph and finality. He says: 

And here we haue three generall documentes to be obserued in all 
artes and sciences. The first is that all the preceptes and rules shoulde 
be generall and of necessitie true: and this is called a documente of 
veritie* The seconde that euery arte be contained within his owne 
boundes, and withholde nothing appartaining to other artes, and is 
named a documente of iustice. The third, that euery thing be taught 
according to his nature, that is: generall thinges, generally: and par- 
ticuler, particulerly : and this is called a documente of wysdome. 39 

It has already been pointed out that Macllmaine does not trans- 
late with adequacy what Ramus said about the prudential method. 
In fact, he converts Ramism into English with this part almost com- 
pletely missing. On the other hand, he occasionally adds material to 
that found in Ramus's own writings, his apparent purpose being to 
reclassify certain subheads of doctrine under still stricter dichotomies. 
For example, Ramus himself divides artistic arguments into primary 
aad derivative primary 3 and under the one heading he handles six, 
and under the other, three, of his ten basic places of invention. Mac- 
llmaine adds some complications to this procedure by subdividing 
primary arguments into two classes, and by subdividing those two 
classes so that the first yields five of the ten places of invention, and 
the other, one, whereas the remaining four places are left where 
Ramus had originally put them. In other words, Macllmaine intro- 
duces some organizational flourishes into a doctrine already organ- 
ized within an inch of its life. The new ingredients act, of course, to 
make Ramus's natural method seem more heavily addicted to di- 
chotomies than it had been in his own works. 

** p. 6*. See also pp, *8, 96. For tliese definitions and partitions in Ramus, see above 
p. 151. 

**P- 55- **p. 74- 

[ 186 ] 


In one other respect, Macllmaine's translation changes the orig- 
inal direction of Ramism. While discussing effect as the second of 
the ten places of invention, Ramus's Dialectiqve of 1555 uses illus- 
trations from Virgil and Horace, whereas Macllmaine's translation 
deletes the Virgilian lines and substitutes for them a quotation made 
up from the first six verses of the eleventh chapter of Matthew. 40 
Again, in discussing subject as the third of the places of invention, 
the Dialectiqve uses illustrations from Virgil, Cicero, and Propertius, 
whereas Macllmaine confines himself to a single illustration from 
the thirteenth chapter of Numbers. 41 Still again, in discussing simili- 
tudes as one of the aspects of the sixth place of invention, the Dia- 
lectiqve draws examples from Cicero, Ovid, and Virgil, whereas 
Macllmaine drops Ovid and adds passages from Matthew and Gene- 
sis. 42 These are not isolated instances of Macllmaine's tendency to 
mix sacred with secular illustrations at points where Ramus remains 
coolly secular. 43 The shift towards a concern for scriptural illustration 
indicates that logic is being specifically emphasized by Macllmaine 
as a tool of the preacher and the theological controversialist, although 
of course it always had had its obvious application to religious advo- 
cacy. Scriptural illustrations were to become still more prominent in 
the second English translation of Ramistic logic ten years later. 

It is needless at this moment to give an analysis of the Latin text 
of the Dialecticae Libri Dvo as edited by Macllmaine and published 
at London in 1574 and 1576. But that text should never be forgotten 
in any historical evaluation of the English Ramists. Macllmaine in- 
tended his Latin version for the learned world, even as he intended 
his translation for the general public. Thus he established two dis- 
tinct trends in English scholarship, and each was to have conse- 
quences in the period between 1574 and 1700, as the following dis- 
cussion will indicate in detail. Either trend by itself makes Ramus 
into an important influence on English logic and rhetoric during the 
late sixteenth and the entire seventeenth centuries. Both trends con- 
sidered together amount almost to a complete monopoly for Ramus J s 
logical and rhetorical theory in England in the early part of that 
epoch and to a position of considerable weight throughout. 

The beginnings of Macllmaine's interest in Ramism cannot be 

40 Compare Dialdctigve, pp. 20-22, with Logike^ pp. 29-30, 

41 Compare Dialecttqve, pp. 22-231 with Logike> pp. 30-32. 

42 Compare Dialectiqve^ pp. 4^-44, with Logike^ pp. 46-48. 

43 Compare Dialectique y pp. 34-3 7, 44~4 6 46-48* 55"5 6 > 61-62, with Logike, pp. 43- 
44r 49> 5 *-54, So, 67-69. 


exactly accounted for. Two probabilities may be cited, however, to 
link the reforms of the French logician with Scotland and the Scots 
at the time of Macllmaine's residence at St. Andrews. Chief of these 
probabilities is that the dedication of Foclin's Rhetortqve to Mary 
Queen of Scots would be likely to give Ramism some special pres- 
tige in Scottish universities in the period between 1555 and 1567. 
The other probability is that James Stewart, Earl of Mar and of 
Moray, who became regent of Scotland in 1567? after the abdication 
of Queen Mary and the succession of her one-year-old son to the 
throne, had once studied under Ramus when the latter was prin- 
cipal of the College of Presle,* 4 and would be likely, as an alumnus 
of St. Andrews and a person of real authority in its affairs, to impart 
some prestige to Ramism at his alma mater, particularly during his 
regency, which covered the last three years of Macllmaine's stu- 
dent life. 

An attempt has been made to link George Buchanan with the 
Scottish interest in Ramus, 45 and on the surface this distinguished 
poet and humanist seems well suited to the task of transporting 
Ramism from France to Scotland. After all, Buchanan had more 
contacts with European scholars than did any of his Scottish con- 
temporaries, and he served as principal of one of the colleges at St. 
Andrews in the period when Ramistic influences of some kind were 
effectively at work upon the very generation to which Macllmaine 
himself belonged. But against the acceptance of Buchanan as a Ramist 
is the fact that his plan for the reform of St. Andrews, as composed 
in the middle fifteen-sixties, advocates Cicero for rhetoric and Aris- 
totle for logic. 46 And against it also is the fact that, during his two 
lengthy periods of residence on the continent between 1526 and 
1561, Buchanan was a close associate of the family of Gouvea, the 
most celebrated of whom was the legal scholar Antonio, Ramus's 
implacable foe. 47 

** See David Irving, Memoirs of the Life and Writings of George Buchanan (Edin- 
burgh, 1817)5 p. iooj also Waddington, Ramus, p. 396. Ramus was principal of the 
College of Presle in Paris between 154.5 and 1551. See Waddington, Ramus, pp. 62-79. 
James Stewart was In France in 1548 and again in 1550. See Dictionary of National 
Biogra$hy\ s.v. Stewart, Lord James. One of those years is no doubt the date of his 
studies under Ramus. 

43 See for example Waddington, Ramus> p. 396; Mullinger, University of Cambridge, 
n, 410 j Graves, Peter Ramus^ p. 213. 

* 6 See **Mr George Buchanan's Opinion anent the Reformation of the Universitie of 
St Andres," in Vernacular Writings of George EucJianan^ ed. Peter Hume Brown (Edin- 
burgh and London, 1892), pp. 9, 12. 

47 For an account of the controversy between Ramus and Gouvea, see Waddington, 

[ 188 ] 


Andrew Melville, another distinguished Scottish educator of the 
second half of the sixteenth century, has also been linked with his 
country's interest in Ramism. 48 But he could hardly have influenced 
Macllmaine in any real sense, since he left St. Andrews before Mac- 
Ilmaine entered, and lived on the continent between 1564 and 1573, 
his advocacy of Ramism in Scotland being a matter of importance 
only after he became principal of the University of Glasgow in the 
very year when Macllmaine published the works which have just 
been discussed. 

Although St. Andrews appears to have been the first center of 
Ramism in the British Isles, Cambridge was not far behind, as men- 
tioned earlier. But what of Oxford? The view has been widely stated 
that that university remained loyal to Aristotle and gave Ramus no 
real reception. 49 Was that its actual attitude between 1574 and 1618? 
There is evidence to support a mild negative answer. 

The first piece of evidence is provided by the story of John Bare- 
bone as told by Anthony a Wood. Barebone, a member of Magdalen 
College at Oxford, bachelor of arts in 1570, and a fellow of Mag- 
dalen for seven years after 1571, had a reputation as a noted and 
zealous Ramist when he applied for his master's degree in April, 
1574. In his disputations and daily colloquies he had given great 
offense by his manner of rejecting Aristotle, of practicing the logical 
method of Ramus, and of indulging on every possible occasion in 
bitter controversy. Accordingly, he was told that his application for 
a master's degree would be denied unless he agreed to undergo cer- 
tain exercises in addition to those prescribed under the new statutes. 
These special exercises were to consist in his defending against all 
opposition the three Aristotelian theses that would be propounded 
to him publicly at the proper time, and in his confessing publicly in 
his introductory remarks that he had given his teachers offense by 
disputing against them with too much acrimony. 50 

Ramus, pp. 39-4.2. For a brief sketch o Buchanan's relations with the family of Gouvea, 
see Irving', op. cit., pp. 67-71, 7 9-8 3 , 188. 

48 Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Melville or Melvill, Andrew (1545-1622), 
says that Melville went to France in 1564, where he "came under the direct influence 
of Peter Ramus, whose new methods of teaching- he subsequently transplanted to Scotland." 

49 See Waddington, Ramus, p. 3965 Mulling-er, University of Cambridge, n, 410-4115 
Graves, Peter Ramus, p. 2125 Charles Edward Mallet, A History of the University of 
Oxford (New York, 1924-1928), II, 147-148; Wilson and Forbes, op. cit., p. 19. 

50 For Wood's two versions of this story, see his Historia et Antiquitates Universitatis 
Oxoniensis (Oxford, 1674), Lib. I, p. 292, and his The History and Antiquities of the 
University of Oxford, ed, Gutch, II, 176. 

[ 189 ] 


This episode does not reflect hostility to Ramus on the part of 
Barebone's examiners. It reflects instead their lack of enthusiasm for 
a contentious young colleague who had already spent three years 
among them as fellow. It also reflects their conviction that no master 
of arts should be allowed to be wholly ignorant of Aristotle. Bare- 
bone apparently met the special requirements imposed upon him, 
for he is recorded as having received his master^ degree on July 9, 
1574. He later served as vice-president of Magdalen, was awarded 
his bachelor's degree in divinity, and became chaplain at Merton. 51 

Another piece of evidence bearing upon the interest in Ramus at 
Oxford is provided by John Case's Specvlvm Moralivm Qvaes- 
tionvm, published at Oxford in 1585, and accepted as the earliest 
book at the new Oxford press. 52 In his record of the doings of the year 
^ Jh n Strype speaks of this book as follows: 

In the other university of Oxford was a new printing press erected 
about this year, (whether any before, I know not,) given as a suitable 
present to that university by the earl of Leicester, their high chancel- 
lor. And the first book printed there was a book of Ethics, made by 
one Case, a learned man there, entitled, Speculum Quaestionum Mor- 
alium. Which book the author dedicated to the said earl of Leicester, 
and to the lord Burghley, chancellor of the other university. 53 

Strype describes part of the contents of Case's dedicatory letter to 
the two chancellors in these words : 

And whereas at this time and somewhat before, another great contest 
arose in both universities, concerning the two philosophers, Aristotle 
and Ramus, then chiefly read, and which of them was rather to be 
studied^ he gave them both their commendations and characters in 
his said epistle . . . 54 

Strype's immediate quotation from Case to illustrate what the latter 
says of Ramus and Aristotle is somewhat truncated and does not 
exactly represent its source. Case himself speaks thus: 

Still I cannot but acknowledge that the youthful ardor of mind in 
both universities has of late been fighting it out to determine whether 
in the mastering of the arts the great acuteness of Aristotle is of more 
worth than the flowing genius of Ramus. But, as I expect, the young 

51 See Joseph Foster, Alumni Oxanienses (Oxford, 1891)* I, 68. 

52 See Madan, Oxford Boaks^ I, 14-15. 

** John Strype, Annals of the Reformation and Establishment of Religion (Oxford, 
1824), vol. in, pt, i, p. 499. 
p. 500. 

[ 190 ] 


exalt such apostasy from the true experience of age and from the wise 
old custom of philosophizing, because beardless youth often does what 
white hair denies to have been rightly done .... I do not blame 
Ramus in this, for he was learned, I rather exalt Aristotle, for he 
stands out above all. But perhaps the young men will hold my work 
the poorer because I name in it the old interpreters of Aristotle. 55 

This is testimony from a former fellow of St. John's College in 
Oxford that the interest in Ramus in the years before 1585 was high 
at his university as well as at Cambridge, and that Oxford under- 
graduates were more inclined to the new logic than to the old. It is 
also an indication from a Catholic (for Case owed allegiance to 
Rome) that Ramism was respected outside of Protestant circles, and 
was not subject to a purely denominational preference. Case even 
allows an apologetic note to appear in his mention of his own present 
book and its alignment on the side of Aristotle there is regret 
rather than scorn in his fear that the undergraduates will prefer 
Ramus to himself. And he knew the undergraduate temper, too. 
When this book appeared, he was privately teaching logic and phi- 
losophy to Roman Catholic undergraduates in his own home in Ox- 
ford, having left his fellowship at St. John's sometime before. 

It must be recorded that on another occasion Case was again not 
so much an open opponent of Ramism as a neutral with some lean- 
ings towards Aristotle. He published in 1584 at London a com- 
panion-piece to the work just quoted. It too was in Latin, and its 
title page as it would read in English describes it as The Sum of the 
Ancient Interpreters of the Entire Aristotelian Dialectic, showing 
what Ramus attacks truly or falsely in Aristotle y by the author John 
Case, formerly fellow of the college of St. John the Baptist of Ox- 
ford, Useful and Necessary to everyone attached to the Socratic and 
the Peripatetic Philosophy. Case's willingness to admit truth as 
well as error in Ramism is not the usual sign of the confirmed anti- 
Ramist of the fifteen-eighties. Indeed, a spirit of moderation in men- 

55 John Case, S-pecvlvm Moralivm Ovaestionvm (Oxford, 1585), fol. 5. Quoted by 
Mullinger, University of Cambridge^ n, 411, note i. Translation mine. 

56 This quotation is my translation of a substantial portion of the title page of the 
second edition of this work as published at Oxford in 1592. The Latin title page in the 
part covered by my quotation reads as follows: "Svmrna vctervm Interpretvm in vni- 
versam Dialecticam Aristotelisj qvam vere falsoue Ramus in Aristotelem inuehatur, 
ostendens. Auctore. loanne Case Oxoniensi, olim Collegii IX loannis Praecursoris socio. 
Omnibus Socraticae Peripateticaeque philosophiae studiosis in primis vtilis ac necessaria." 
See Madan, Oxford Books., i, 32-33. 


tioning Ramus at that time is almost equivalent to a qualified en- 
dorsement of his position. 

The great Richard Hooker, who received his bachelor's and mas- 
ter's degrees from Corpus Christi College at Oxford some seven 
years after Case*s similar degrees from St. John's, saw faults rather 
than virtues in Ramism; but his criticism of Ramus is at least a sign 
that his alma mater did not neglect to consider that philosopher. In 
his treatise Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie, published in a 
first installment of four books about 1593, Hooker speaks of Aris- 
totle as having come closer by true art and learning to the parts of 
natural knowledge than any man since, and has this to add on a sub- 
ject which he identifies as "Ramystry": 

In the pouertie of that other new deuised ayde two things there are 
notwithstanding singular. Of marueilous quicke dispatch it is, and 
doth shewe them that haue it as much almost in three dayes, as if it 
dwell threescore yeares with them. Againe because the curiositie of 
mans wit, doth many times with perill wade farther in the search of 
things, then were conuenient: the same is thereby restrayned vnto such 
generalities as euery where offering themselues, are apparent vnto 
men of the weakest conceipt that neede be. So as following the rules 
& precepts thereof, we may define it to be, an Art which teacheth the 
way of speedie discourse, and restrayneth the minde of man that it 
may not waxe ouer wise. 57 

Still another piece of evidence concerning the interest in Ramus 
at Oxford belongs to a period some twenty-five years after the first 
appearance of the treatise just quoted. On May 9, 1618, a young 
man named Richard Mather entered Brasenose College, Oxford, 
and was set the task of reading the works of Peter Ramus by his 
tutor, Dr. Thomas Worrall. Samuel Clark, who had personally 
known Mather, records the episode thus: 

Soon after his coming to Oxford^ by a good providence, he came into 
acquaintance with learned Doctor Woral y who was very helpful to 
him by directing him in the course of his private Studies ; and among 
other things, he advised him to read over the Works of the Learned 

ST Richard Hooker, Of the Lawves of Ecclesiasticall Politie (London, [1593?] 1597), 
pp. 58-59, This edition, a copy of which is in the Humington Library, advertises itself 
as containing "Eyght Bookes," but in reality it contains only five, the fifth having its 
own title page, the date i597> and separate pagination. The title page of the first four 
books bears no date, but the work was entered in the Stationers' Registers January 29, 
1592 [i.e., 1593], and thus it was probably first published that year. See Arber, Tran- 
script of the Register^ II, 625. 


Peter Ramus $ which Counsel he followed, and saw no cause to repent 
of his so doing. 58 

Mather spent only a few months at Oxford, however, and then 
left to become minister at Toxteth Park near Liverpool. During the 
next few years he identified himself with the puritans, was twice 
suspended from his ministry for nonconformity, and at length emi- 
grated to New England, where he was preacher at Dorchester in 
Massachusetts from 1636 till his death in 1669. One of his sons, 
Samuel, was a member of the second graduating class at Harvard j 
another, Increase, was father of Cotton. Thus Richard Mather is a 
link not only between. Ramism and the Oxford undergraduate of 
the second decade of the seventeenth century but also between Ra- 
mism and the religious leadership of early New England. 59 

This account of the influence of Ramus in Oxford has omitted his 
most influential follower at that institution, Charles Butler, of Mag- 
dalen College, who received his master's degree in 1587, and who 
may have been one of the young men that John Case had in mind 
in his reference to the debate over Aristotle and Ramus among stu- 
dents of both universities around 1585. It was to become Butler's 
function to prepare the books that carried Ramism into the public 
schools of England throughout the seventeenth century. Like Ga- 
briel Harvey, however, he is mainly associated with Ramistic rhetoric 
and thus can be considered to good advantage later rather than now. 

While Butler and his Oxford associates were at work in these 
various ways, successive generations of Cambridge men devoted 
themselves to the cause of Ramism and produced an astonishingly 
large number of treatises in the process. In fact, the influence of 
Ramus at Cambridge was more fruitful and more persistent even 
though no more actual than at Oxford. This will become incidentally 
apparent in the following account of the later stages of Ramism in 

Debates in the learned world often had Ramism as an ingredient 
at the turn of the sixteenth century, and when they did so, they 
acted of course to perpetuate the interest which Macllmaine had 

58 Samuel Clark, The Lives Of sundry Eminent Persons in this "Later A ge (London, 
1683), pt. I, p. 128. For an account of Mather's tutor, and for Mather's dates at Oxford, 
see Foster, Alumni Oxonienses, s.v. Worrall, Thomas (Wirrall, Wyrell), of Cheshire, 
and Mather, Richard. 

59 For an authoritative discussion of the influence of Ramus in New England during 1 
the seventeenth century, see Perry Miller, The New England Mind> pp. 111-180, 313- 
330? 493-501- 

[ 193 ] 


introduced. Sometimes these debates concerned a cardinal tenet of 
Ramistic logic, sometimes the name of Ramus was bandied back and 
forth by the contending parties in the course of disputes upon themes 
outside of logical theory. History affords some good illustrations of 
each of these aspects of English Ramism. 

Strype is the best authority for the opening stages of a controversy 
which involved Ramus's theory of method as its major issue. In his 
survey of literary events of the year 1580, he says: 

Let me add here the mention of a book writ against Everard Digby; 
the same with him, I suppose, that was fellow of St. John's college 
in Cambridge: against whom Dr. Whitaker, the master, took occasion 
by some branches of statute, to expel him the college: especially sus- 
pecting him to be a papist. Of which matter see the Life of Archbishop 
Whitgift.* This Digby had writ somewhat dialoguewise against 
Ramus's Umca Methodtts: which in those times prevailed much 5 and 
perhaps brought into that college to be read; the rather, Ramus being 
a protestant, as well as a learned man. Whereupon one Francis Milda- 
pet, a Navarrois, writ against Digby, in vindication of Ramus, a small 
book, entitled, Admonitio ad Everardum Digby y Anglum, de Umca 
P. Rami Methodo, rejectis caeteris, retinenda?* 

Strype's reference to the dialogue against Ramus points at a Latin 
work by Digby, the title of which if translated would read thus : Two 
Books on the Bipartite Method^ in Refutation of the Unipartite 
Method of Peter Ramus y elucidating from the Best Authors a Plain , 
Easy, and Exact Way towards the Understanding of the Sciences. 
This work was published at London by Henry Bynneman in 1580, 
having been entered in the Stationers 3 Registers under the date of 
May 3 of that year. 62 As Francis Bacon was to do some twenty-five 
years later in his Advancement of Learning > Digby advocated two 
methods, not one alone, for the organization of scientific discourses. 63 
Immediately after his work appeared, it evoked a reply from the 

* This is a reference to John Strype's The Life and Acts of the Most Reverend, Father 
in God* John W/t&gift y D+ D. (London, 1718), pp. 371-273, where an account is given 
of Digby*s expulsion by Whitaker and his subsequent reinstatement as a result of the 
intervention of Archbishop Whitgift. The latter's investigation indicated that Whitaker 
had suspected JMgby of being 1 a papist, but had removed him from his fellowship, not on 
that issue, but an a minor charge. 

61 Strype, di&talsy vol. u, pt- z, p. 405. 

e * Arber, Transcript of the Registers, n, 370. Itfgby's title reads: "De duplici methodo 
Khri duo, unicam P. Kami methodum refutantess in quibus via plana, expedita et exacta, 
second um optimos autores, ad scientiamni cognitionem elucidatur." 

** Far this aspect of Bacon y s theory of method, see below, pp. 369-370. 

[ 194 3 


author mentioned by Strype. This author, Francis Mildapet, signed 
himself from Navarre in order to recall Ramus's student days at the 
College of Navarre in Paris, while his reply, as its title indicates, is 
intended as An Admonition to Everard Digby, the Englishman, 
seeking the Preservation of the Unipartite Method of Peter Ramus, 
and the Rejection of Other Methods. 

Mildapet's Admonition is dedicated to Philip, Earl of Arundel. Its 
general position toward Digby's Two Books is indicated at the very 
outset in a Latin passage quoted and thus paraphrased by Strype: 

That is, that this dialogue was thought by some to be more boldly 
sent abroad than learnedly composed: and this writer esteemed it 
framed with no great judgment j and more wit than reason appeared 
throughout in it. So that Digby seemed to oppose Ramus's philosophy 
chiefly out -of a prejudice against him upon the account of religion. 
But that which Digby's adversary did, was, as he said, that he thought 
it not amiss to unravel the artifice of that bookj and to admonish 
Digby freely, and yet modestly, of retaining that only method?* 

Strype has nothing further to say about the controvery between 
Digby and Mildapet. But it did not end at this point. By Novem- 
ber 3, 1580, exactly six months after the entry of his Two Books for 
publication, Digby had contrived a reply to Mildapet, and had 
licensed it in the Stationers' Registers. 65 Its title, as it would be con- 
strued in English, is A Response to the Admonition of F* M.ilda^pet 
of Navarre concerning the Preservation of the Unif>artite Method 
of P. Ramus. This in turn provoked a reply from Mildapet early in 
1581. In that reply we learn for the first time that Digby's opponent 
now and before was William Temple, a Cantabrigian of King's Col- 
lege. Temple was younger than Digby by some six or seven years, 
and the occupant of a fellowship in his college, though barely yet a 
master of arts. His rejoinder to Digby advertises itself as A Disser- 
tation of William Temple of Kings College^ Cambridge, on behalf 
of a Defense of Milda-pet concerning the Unipartite Method, direct- 
ed against the Lover of the Double Way; to which is added an Ex- 
planation of Some Questions in Physics and Ethics, along with a 
Letter concerning the Dialectic of Ramus y addressed to Johannes 
Piscator of Strasbourg Not simply the opening dissertation against 

64 Annals^ n, 2, 406. 

65 Arber, Transcript of the Registers^ II, 381. 

66 The Latin title page reads: "Pro Mildapetti de vnica methodo defensione contra 
diplodophilum, commentatio gvlielrni tempelii, e regio collegio cantabrigiensis. Hue 

[ 195 ] 


Digby but the entire work is concerned with Ramism, the Questions 
in Physics and Ethics being directed at Georgius Lieblerus, a Euro- 
pean defender of Aristotle against Ramus, whereas the Letter con- 
cerning the Dialectic is addressed to that Johannes Piscator who ap- 
pears to have been at once a critic of Ramus's dialectic and a zealous 
editor of that philosopher's more discursive works. 67 Thus ended 
Temple's controversy with Digby. The whole affair gave the latter 
some reputation as a conservative philosopher j but it made Tem- 
ple a leading exponent of Ramism in England and on the conti- 
nent as well. 88 

Another controversy in which Ramus figured was that between 
Gabriel Harvey and Thomas Nash. During the last decade of the 
sixteenth century, these two Cantabrigians took offense at each other 
and exchanged insults in a series of printed works that reflect little 
credit upon either man. Robert Greene, also a Cantabrigian, was 
an ally of Nash in the early stages of this campaign of vilification, 
but he died before the pens of the main contestants had been half 

accessit nonnvllarum e physicis & ethicis quaestionum explicatio, una cum Epistola de 
Rarni dialectica ad Joannem Piscatorem Argentinensem. Londini, Pro Thoma Man. 
Anno 1581." 

67 On December 12, 1580, the following- work was entered in the -Stationers* Registers: 
In. P. Rami. Dialecticam. animaduersiones Joanis Piscatoris Argentinensis. exem$lis sac- 
rarvtn Litterarum passim illustrates. See Arber 5 Transcript of the Registers^ u, 384. This 
work was published by Henry Bynneman at London under the date of 1581, and by 
Henry Middleton in a second edition at the same place under the date of 1583. An 
earlier edition at Frankfurt bears the date of 1580 and probably was the direct occasion 
for Temple*s Letter concerning the Dialectic. Piscator's Animaduersiones along with 
Temple's letter and Piscator's reply were republished later at Frankfurt, whereas the 
two letters without the A nimaduer stones appeared also at London in 1582. See the 
Short-Title Catalogue, s.v. Piscator, John; also Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. 
Temple, Sir William (1555-1627) \ also Catalogue Generate des Liures lm<primes de la 
Bibtiotheque Nationally s.v. Piscator, Johannes, Argentinensis. Piscator, also called Jean 
le Pecheur, -was a Calvinist theologian at Strasbourg. See Waddington, Ratnus, p. 393. 
Bibliographers have attempted to distinguish between a Piscator of Herborn, a Piscator 
of Wittenberg, and a Piscator of Strasbourg. But these three are in reality one and the 
same man. See Walter J. Qng, S.J., "Johannes Piscator: One Man or a Ramist Dichot- 
omy?" Harvard Library Bulletin, vm (1954), 151-162. 

68 Temple wrote a preface for De prima simplicium et concretorum corporum gen- 
eratione Mspttatio (Cambridge, 1584), a pro-Ramist work by James Martin (or 
Jacobus Martinus) of Dunkeld s Scotland, Martin had been professor of philosophy at 
Paris and Turin. To Martin's work and Temple's Preface, Andreas Libavius responded 
with his Ouaestionum $&ysicaru<m controversarum inter Perifateticos et Rameos tractates 
(Frankfurt, 1591). Libavius, a German chemist, identified himself later with the at- 
tempt to combine Ramus's dialectic with that of Philipp Melanchthon; see his De Dia- 
lectica aristotelica a PbiUpfo Melanchthone et P, Ramo pers-picue selecta et ex-posita, 
(Frankfurt, 1600); also his Dialectica $Mli$$o-ramaea (Frankfurt, i6o8)j and also 
Waddington, Ramus> p. 394. The men who sponsored this combination became known 
as tbe "Philippo-Ramists*" See below, pp. 2 

[ 196 ] 


emptied of poison. This is not the place for an account of the charges 
and countercharges that these masters of invective hurled at each 
other. It should be noted, however, that they attacked wherever 
they felt they could gain advantage, and that Ramus, as one of Har- 
vey's idols, was not wholly spared. 

In 1589, a year before this controversy had gotten under way, 
Nash contributed a preface to a printed version of M.ena'phon^ the 
pastoral tale which his friend Greene had composed. His preface, 
addressed to "the Gentlemen Students of both Vniuersities," con- 
tains an approving reference to Gabriel Harvey as one of the four or 
five living authors of creditable Latin verse. 69 But elsewhere in the 
same work, after praising his own St. John's College at Cambridge 
"as an Vniuersitie within it self e," Nash laments that the precepts of 
her learned men have not prospered, and that instead, especially in 
the training of preachers, "those yeares which shoulde bee employed 
in Aristotle are expired in Epitomes." 70 The Ramists, of course, were 
responsible not only for the popularity of epitomes of the liberal 
disciplines but also for the wide use of what Nash in the same passage 
calls "Compendiaries" and "abbreuiations of Artes." That Nash has 
Ramus specifically in mind as he wrote this preface is fully shown 
when he speaks of the superiority of Greene's "extemporall vaine" 
over "our greatest Art-masters deliberate thoughts." Invention like 
that of Greene is quicker than the eye, he declares, and its results 
are more admirable than those obtained by the proverbial seven 
years of labor. A perfection that requires the work of years owes 
more to time than to talent, more to industry than to inspiration. At 
least, Nash implies as much in the following words: 

What is he amongst Students so simple that cannot bring forth 
{tandem aUquando) some or other thing singular, sleeping betwixt 
euerie sentence? Was it not Maros xij. years toyle that so famed his 
xij. Aeneidosl Or Peter Ramus xvj. yeares paines that so praised his 
pettie Logique? Howe is it, then, our drowping wits should so wonder 
at an exquisite line that was his masters day labour? 71 

An even sharper slur upon Ramus occurs in Nash's Anatomle of 
Absurditie, also published before the Harvey-Nash controversy was 

69 See the text of Nash's preface as printed in G. Gregory Smith, Elizabethan Critical 
Essays (Oxford, 1904), I, 316. 

70 Ibid., I, 313-314. 

71 Ibid.) I, 309. For Ramus's own estimate of the time he spent in composing- his 

e^ see above, p. 154. 

[ 197 ] 


fairly launched. Here Nash speaks of artificers who discredit art by 
their ignorance, who bring shame upon their office by their own im- 
pudence and presumption. Within this context he fits the following 

But as hee that censureth the dignitie of Poetry by Cherillus paultry 
paines, the maiestie of Rethorick by the rudenesse of a stutting 
Hortensiusj the subtiltie of Logique by the rayling of Ramus, might 
iudge the one a foole in writing he knewe not what, the other tipsie 
by his stammering, the thirde the sonne of Zantippe by his scolding: 
so he that estimats Artes by the insolence of Idiots, who professe that 
wherein they are Infants, may deeme the Vniuersitie nought but the 
nurse of follie, and the knowledge of Artes nought but the imitation 
of the Stage. 72 

Shortly after these words were published, Richard Harvey, brother 
of Gabriel, made some slighting references to Greene and to his 
friend, Nash. Greene replied in A Quip for an Upstart Courtier by 
sneering at the humble parentage of the Harveys. To this Gabriel 
replied in Fovre Letters and certaine Sonnets (London, 1592). In 
the fourth of these letters, he takes pains to set Ramus in a better 
light than Nash had done: 

The vayne Peacocke with his gay coullours, and the prattling Parrat 
with his ignorant discourses (I am not to offend any but the Peacocke 
and the Parrat) haue garishly disguised the worthiest Artes, and 
deepely discredited the profoundest Artistes, to the pitifull defacement 
of the one and the shamefull prejudice of the other. Rodol-pk Agricola, 
PAiKp Melancthon, Ludouike Vines, Peter Ramus, and diuers ex- 
cellent schollers haue earnestly complaned of Artes corrupted, and 
notably reformed many absurdities^ but still corruption ingendreth 
one vermine or other, and still that pretious Tra'inement is miserably 
abused which should be the fountaine of skill, the roote of vertue, the 
seminary of gouernment, the foundation of all priuate and publike 
good. 73 

Greene died a few months before the publication of Gabriel's 
Fovre Letters^ and Nash was left to carry on the controversy alone. 
He answered Gabriel in a pamphlet called Strange Newes (London, 
1592). Gabriel delivered an immediate reply in Piercers Supereroga- 
tion, which contains a passage mischievously hailing Nash as the 

72 The AvuziomM of Absurdhie Is given by extract In Smith's Elizabethan Critical 
Sy i, 321-337, the above quotation being- on p* 334, 
In Smith, 11, 236. 

[ 198 ] 


greatest confuter in an era of strenuous debates, particularly that 
between Peripatetics and Ramists. 

There was a time [writes Gabriel] when I floted in a sea of en- 
countring waues, and deuoured many famous confutations with an 
eager and insatiable appetite j especially Aristotle against Plato and the 
old Philosophers, diuers excellent Platonistes, indued with rare & 
diuine wittes (of whome elsewhere at large) j lustinus Martyr, 
Philoponus, Valla, Viues, Ramus, against Aristotle - y oh, but the great 
maister of the schooles and high Chauncellour of Vniuersities could 
not want pregnant defence, Perionius, Gallandius, Carpentarius, 
Sceggius, Lieblerus, against Ramus $ what? hath the royall Professour 
of Eloquence and Philosophy no fauourites? Talaeus, Ossatus, Freigius, 
Minos, Rodingus, Scribonius, for Ramus against them, and so foorth, 
in that hott contradictory course of Logique and Philosophy. 7 * 

Gabriel now turns the weapon of sarcasm against Nash as he con- 

But alas, silly men, simple Aristotle, more simple Ramus, most simple 
the rest, either ye neuer knew what a sharpe-edged & cutting Confuta- 
tion meant, or the date of your stale oppositions is expired, and a 
new-found land of confuting commodities discouered by this braue 
Columbus of tearmes and this onely marchant venturer of quarrels, 
that detecteth new Indies of Inuention & hath the winds of Aeolus at 
commaundement. Happy you flourishinge youthes that follow his in- 
comparable learned steps, and vnhappy we old Dunses that wanted 
such a worthy President of all nimble and liuely dexterities. 75 

Sterile as these invectives between Nash and Harvey are, they 
serve to indicate that Ramus is a familiar presence in the conscious- 
ness of the Elizabethans, and that the learned world of the fifteen- 
nineties, like the world of Temple and Digby ten years earlier, was 
still divided concerning him. In fact, his enemies and his friends con- 
tinue to identify themselves before and after 1600 in other heated 
controversies. The case of William Gouge at Cambridge in the late 
fifteen-nineties, as related by Samuel Clark, gives us a view of a 
college debate over Ramus and of partisan feeling that ended in 
blows and a near riot. Says Clark: 

From the School at Eaton he was chosen to Kings Colledge in Cam- 
bridge, whither he went Anno Christi 15955 and at the first entrance 

74 Ibid.y n, 245-24.6. For Smith's notes on the cast of characters in this debate, see 
II, 431-432. 

75 Ibid., n, 246. 

[ 199 ] 


of his studies, he applied himself to Peter Ramus his Logick, and 
grew so expert therein, that in the publick Schools he maintained and 
defended him, insomuch as when on a time divers So-phisters set them- 
selves to vilifie Ramus, for which end the Respondent had given this 
question, Nunquam erit magnus, cui Ramus est Magnus [Never will 
he be great to whom Ramus is great], which some of the Sof>histers 
hearing, and knowing the said William Gouge to be an acute disputant, 
and a stiff defender of Ramus, they went to the Divinity Schools, 
where he was then hearing an Act^ and told him how in the other 
Schools they were abusing Ramus, he thereupon went into the 
Sofhisters Schooles, and upon the Moderators calling for another 
Opponent, he stepped up, and brought such an argument as stumbled 
the Respondent, whereupon the Moderator took upon him to answer 
it, but could not satisfie the doubt: This occasioned a Sofhister that 
stood by to say with a loud voice, Do you come to vilifie Ramus, and 
cannot answer the Argument of a Ramist? Whereupon the Moderator 
rose up, and gave him a box on the ear, then the School was all on 
an uproar j but the said William Gouge was safely conveyed out from 
amongst them. 78 

Gouge survived to take four degrees from Cambridge, to serve 
as fellow of his college for six years, to lecture there on logic and 
philosophy, and to hold a post as puritan divine during much of the 
period between 1607 an ^ J 653- In addition to the anti-Ramists 
whom he successfully "stumbled" in the debate described by Clark, 
it is quite certain that he knew Richard Montagu during his life at 
Cambridge. At any rate, Montagu's years at King's College over- 
lapped those of Gouge. Montagu became one of the antagonists of 
John Selden in a controversy during the early years of the seven- 
teenth century on the question whether tithes are due by divine or 
by ecclesiastical law. Selden, an eminent legal scholar, whose col- 
legiate education was begun at Hart Hall, Oxford, and continued at 
Clifford's Inn, argued against the justifying of tithes under divine 
law, his famous work on this subject being The History oj Tithes, 
published in London in 1618. Montagu, a staunch defender of the 
Church of England against puritanism on one side and Catholicism 
on the other, replied to Selden by asserting that tithes are an obliga- 
tion under divine law. During his reply, Montagu took occasion to 
censure Ramus and thereby to attack argumentative positions oc- 
cupied by Selden. 

76 Samuel Clark, Lives of Thirty-teao Divines (London, 1677), p. 135, as quoted in 
Mayor's edition of Ascham's The SckaUmaster^ p. 231. 

[ 200 ] 


Selden, for example, had said that he followed Scaliger in con- 
demning Paulus Diaconus for his ignorant abridging of Sextus Pom- 
peius Festus. Montagu retorted that few would defend Paulus for 
that act any more than one would defend Festus in turn for his 
abridging of the great lost encyclopedia of Verrius Flaccus. Yet 
Paulus had made his abridgment, not to supersede Festus, nor to 
take credit for another man^s work, but for his private use and for 
the use of students. "He was, if not the last, yet one of the last," 
says Montagu, "that vndertooke in this gelding kind." 77 Festus 
would have perished utterly, Montagu observes a bit later, if Paulus 
had not made an epitome of him. As for the modern habit of epito- 
mizing masterpieces, however, Montagu attributes it to Lipsius and 
Ramus, and speaks thus of them and their work: 

The Abridgements that haue beene made long since, and of late, are 
held to be one of the chiefe plagues of Learning, and learned men. 
It maketh men idle, and yet opiniatiue, and well conceited of them- 
selues. He that can carry an Epitome in his pocket, * . . imagineth 
mightily, that he knoweth much, and yet indeed is but an ignaro. 
In a day he is taught, but to little purpose, as much as others can 
learne in a whole yeere. Lately the World went a madding this way, 
for Systemaesy Syntagms, Synofseis^ and I know not what, both for 
the Handmaids and Mistresses of Arts. Lipsms and Ramus swayed 
all: but soone they, perceiuing their owne folly, left them, turbidos 
rivulos, & joeculentos [sic], and retyred, with some losse of time and 
trauell, vnto the Fountaines. 78 

Selden had also condemned those who spoke of three or of four 
sorts of tithes in disregard of the rigorous exactness of the modern 
theory of division. His own position was that "Tithes are best di- 
uided into the first, and second Tithe." This statement provokes 
Montagu to retort: 

And why best? Belike, because it is a Dichotomie^ which being the 
darling of the Father of Nouellists in Grammar, Philoso^hie^ and 
vnlesse hee had died opportunely, in Theologie^ must needs be the 
dotage of all such as he. But as great an Artist^ (no dispraise to 
Ramus} that great Dictator of Learning, Alexanders Master, ap- 
proueth not this best diuision in euery subiect, much lesse that vniuer- 
sall title, Best. Doubtlesse it is the best, which includeth all of that 

77 Richard Montagu, Diatribae wpon the first 'part of the late History of Tithes (Lon- 
don, 1621), p. 4.17. 

pp. 415-416. 

[ 201 ] 


kinder where the membra dimdentia be so full, that nothing is exorbi- 
tant, or without the verge of that diuision: else there is, sure there 
may be, a better diuision than that. . . . 79 

Montagu's strictures against abridgments of knowledge and di- 
chotomous divisions are reminiscent of Francis Bacon's remark that, 
while Ramus deserved well of learning for reviving the three laws, 
he was not equally happy in introducing the "canker of Epitomes" 
and the "uniform method and dichotomies." 80 Indeed, Bacon's whole 
response to Ramus is relevant in a very immediate sense to the his- 
tory of Ramism in England during the first quarter of the seven- 
teenth century. But Bacon also belongs to the party that sought a 
more forward-looking reform of scholasticism than that advanced 
by the Ramists, and thus his opinion of Ramus will be reserved for 
the chapter presently to be devoted in part to his position in the his- 
tory of English logic and rhetoric. 

The Montagu-Selden controversy, like that between Harvey and 
Nash and the still earlier one between Digby and Temple, provided 
effective publicity for Ramism in England from 1580 to 1621. In 
the same period, and for a half -century thereafter, various scholars 
of English or continental origin contributed even more directly to 
England^ awareness of Ramus's logic. The efforts of these scholars 
were devoted to propagating the reforms of Ramus through suc- 
cessive editions of his Dialecticae Libri Duo, through learned com- 
mentaries upon its text, and through learned adaptations of its pre- 
cepts to the problems of orators and preachers. These scholarly works 
are mainly in Latin, and they amount, of course, to a direct continua- 
tion of Macllmaine's pioneering effort to make the Latin text of the 
Dialecticae Libri Duo available to English learning. 

Friedrich Beurhaus, a German Ramist, deserves mention among 
English scholars of that same persuasion. Beurhaus was vice-rector 
of the school of Dortmund at the time when three of his textbooks 
on Ramus were published at London. The first of these consists of 
the Latin text of the Dialecticae Libri Duo with questions and an- 
swers in Latin at the end of each chapter to guide students to Ramus's 
full meaning. The title in English would read like this: Inquiries of 
an Expository Sort u<pon the Two Books of Dialectic of Peter Ramus, 
most famous Royal Professor, as brought forth at Paris without 

.^ pp. 341-34*- 

80 See The Works of Francis Bacon, ed. James Speeding-, Robert Leslie Ellis, and 
Booglas J>enon Heath (Boston^ 1860-1864), vi, 294.; ix, 128. 

[ 2O2 ] 


Commentaries in the Recent Year 72; These being Part One of the 
Logic Scholar for the Teaching and Learning of Dialectic (London, 
I58i). si A year later another learned work by Beurhaus appeared 
at the same press, advertising itself under a Latin title as Scholastic 
Disputations wpon the Main Heads of Peter Ramus*s Dialectic) as 
well as Comparisons, between It and Various Logics, These being 
Part Two of the Logic Scholar, in which Truth of Art is investi- 
gated?' 2 ' One of the most interesting features of this volume is a his- 
tory of logic from ancient times to Beurhaus's day, with special at- 
tention to the sixteenth century. Three chapters of the Introduction 
are devoted to this subject. 83 The third and last contribution of Beur- 
haus to English Ramism was published at London by G. Bishop in 
1589 as a text and defense of the Dialecticae Libri Duo, the defense 
being described as a tissue of scholastic disputations. 84 This and the 
two previous works gave Beurhaus a larger representation in English 
publishing houses than any continental Ramist enjoyed during the 
sixteenth or Seventeenth century. 

Wilhelm Adolf Scribonius, a doctor of medicine from Marburg 
in Prussia, gains a place among English Ramists by virtue of a work 
which was published in two editions at London by Vautrollier in 
1583. Its title translated into English reads: The Triumph of 
Ramistic Logic, Wherein a Very Great Many Censures and Obser- 
vations are set forth, first in the Self -same Augmented Precepts of 
Ramus y and then in all his Interpreters and Observers** Gabriel 

81 The title page in Latin reads : "In P. Rami, Regii Prof essoris Clariss. Dialecticae 
Libros Dvos Lvtetiae Anno LXXII. Postremo sine Praelectionibvs Aeditos, Explica- 
tionvm Quaestiones: quae Paedagogiae Logicae De Docenda Discendaqve Dialectica. 
Pars Prima. Auctore Frederico Bevrhvsio Menertzhagensi Scholae Temonianae Prorec- 
tore. Londini Ex Officina Typographica Henrici Bynneman. CIO. IO. LXXXI. Cum 
serenissimae Regiae Maiestatis Priuilegio." 

82 The title page reads in part: "De P. Rami Dialecticae Praecipvis Capitibvs Dis- 
pvtationes Scholasticae, & cum ijsdem variorum Logicorum comparationes: quae Paeda- 
g-ogiae Logicae Pars Secvnda, qua artis veritas exquiritur .... Londini, Ex OfEcina 
Typographica Henrici Bynneman. CID. ID. LXXXII." 

83 Chapters iv, v, and vi. Chapter vi is especially detailed on the logic of the Renais- 

84 I have not seen a copy of this work. The Cambridge University Library lists its 
copy as follows: "P, Rami . . . Dialecticae libri duo. Defensio eivsdem per Scholasticas 
. . . disquisitiones: avthore Frederico Bevrhvsio . . . 1589, Londini, Impensis G. Bishop." 
See Early English Printed Books in the University Library Cambridge (Cambridge, 
i 900- i 907) > I, 347. This work was entered in the Stationers* Registers December 9, 
1588. See Arber, Transcript of the Registers^ II, 510. 

85 The title page of the second edition, as listed in the British Museum General Cata- 
logue of Printed Books y s.v. Scribonius, Gulielmus Adolphus, is as follows; "Triumphus 
Logicae Rameae, ubi turn in ipsa praecepta P. Rami addita, turn in universes ejus inter- 
pretes & animadversores animadversiones observation esq[ue] plurimae proponuntur . . 

[ 203 ] 


Harvey had this work in mind, no doubt, when he listed Scribonius 
among the defenders o Ramus in "that hott contradictory course of 
Logique and Philosophy." 86 

Next to Macllmaine, the greatest Ramistic logician among six- 
teenth-century Englishmen is William Temple, whose debate with 
Digby on the subject of Ramus's theory of method has already been 
discussed. Soon after that debate, Temple published at Cambridge 
a Latin text of the Dialecticae Libri Duo, together with his commen- 
tary 5 and in the same volume he placed not only a disputation of his 
own upon Porphyry's Isagoge y but also a rebuttal under twenty-nine 
heads to the letter which Johannes Piscator had addressed to him 
after he had addressed a letter to Piscator on the subject of the lat- 
ter's criticism of Ramus's dialectic. 87 Piscator's criticism of Ramus 
had already been published at English presses, as had Temple's re- 
sponse to it and Piscator's response to Temple. 88 Thus it is certain 
that, when Temple's edition of the Dialecticae Libri Duo was pub- 
lished in 1584, no Englishman was known as a better Ramist than 
he, thanks to that published correspondence with Piscator, and to the 
earlier controversy with Digby. 

Temple inscribed his edition of 1584 to Sir Philip Sidney, ad- 
dressing him in the dedicatory epistle in part as follows: 

So that you may begin to love this discipline which was saved as from 
ruin by the genius of P. Ramus and quite splendidly elucidated by 
him, it is something which has now spread itself throughout Europe, 
and however inelegantly taken up at first, has nevertheless begun to 
be put to use by a very great many in the best universities. 89 

With his characteristic warmth and generosity, Sidney wrote at 
once to Temple to thank him for the book and the inscription. His 
letter is brief and in every other respect qualified for quotation at 
this time: 

Editio secanda. Londini, 1583." The first edition is listed in the Short-Title Catalogue^ 
s.v. Scribonius s see also Arber, Transcript of the Registers^ n, 429. 

86 See above, p. 199. 

87 The volume containing these three works by Temple bears the following- title: 
"P. Kami Dialecticae Libri Dvo, Scholiis G. Tempelli Cantabrigiensis illustrati. Qvibus 
accessit, Eodem authore, Be Porphyrianis Praedicabilibus Disputatio. Item: Epistolae 
de P. Rami Dialectica contra lohannis Piscatoris responsionem defensio, in capita viginti 
novem redacta. Cantabrigiae, Ex officina Thomae Thomasij. 1584." This work was also 
published at Frankfurt in 15915 see Waddington, Ramus, p. 454. 

^See above, p. 196, note 67. 

89 This section of Temple's dedicatory epistle is quoted by Mullinger, University of 
ir, 409, note 5. Translation mine. 

[ 204 ] 


Good M r Temple. I have receaved both yowr book and letter, and 
think my self greatly beholding unto yow for them. I greatly desyre 
to know yow better, I mean by sight, for els yowr wrytings make yow 
as well known as my knowledg ever reach unto, and this assure 
yourself M r Temple that whyle I live yow shall have me reddy to 
make known by my best power that I bear yow good will, and greatly 
esteem those thinges I conceav in yow. When yow com to London 
or Court I prai yow lett me see yow, mean whyle use me boldli: for 
I am beholding. God keep yow well. At Court this 23** of Mai 1584. 

Your loving frend 

Philip Sidnei 

To my assured good frend 
Mr William Temple 90 

It must have been pleasant for Temple to be thus assured that his 
works were already well known in London and at Court, and that 
men like Sidney were reaching into them for a knowledge of the 
new logic. It must also have been pleasant for him to have received 
this invitation to meet Sidney in person. Not long after the invita- 
tion was issued, such a meeting took place. Its result was that when 
Sidney went abroad in 1585 at the head of an expedition to aid the 
Netherlands in her war against the persistent aggression of Spain, 
Temple accompanied him as private secretary. When Sidney died 
on October 17, .1586, at Arnheim, from a poisoned battle wound, a 
codicil in his will bequeathed "to Mr. Temple the yearly Annuity 
of thirty Pounds by Year" 91 a clear proof that his esteem for Tem- 
ple never waned. Nor did Temple's for Sidney. According to one 
report, he held Sidney in his arms as his distinguished patron lay 
dying. 92 Moreover, he paid tribute to Sidney's poetical theory by 
writing a Latin comment on the Defence of Poesie^ and to Sidney's 
genius by composing a Latin elegy in his honor for one of the sev- 
eral volumes lamenting his death. 93 

It is quite possible that Temple's interest in Ramism had begun 
during his earliest years at Cambridge, when he could have attended 

90 Sir Philip Sidney The Defence of Poesie Political Discourses Correspondence Trans- 
lations^ ed. Albert Feuillerat (Cambridge, 1923), p. 145. 

91 Ibid.^ p. 376. For mention of Sidney's companions on his expedition to the Nether- 
lands, see Mona Wilson, Sir Philip Sidney (London, 1950), p. 237. 

92 See Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Temple, Sir William (1555-1627). 

93 Temple's analysis of the Defence is preserved in manuscript at Penshurst. I am 
indebted to Professor William Ringler of Washington University in St. Louis for 
letting- me see his photostat of it. For a brief description of it, and for the titles of 
the three foremost volumes in Sidney's honor, see Wilson, Sir Philip Sidney , pp. 307, 319. 

[ 205 ] 


Gabriel Harvey's lectures on the rhetoric of Talaeus or Laurence 
Chaderton's lectures on Ramus's logic. At any rate. Temple became 
bachelor of arts from King's College in 1578, whereas Harvey had 
lectured on rhetoric in the spring of 1575 and 1576, and Chaderton 
had been engaged in arousing interest in Ramus's logic during the 
years between 1571 and 1577.* This same Chaderton is also certain 
to have had a part in the development of our next Ramist scholar, 
William Perkins, who took his degree of bachelor of arts from 
Christ's College, Cambridge, in 1581, and his master's degree in 
1584, the very year of Temple's edition of Ramus's DMecticae 
Libri Duo** 

Perkins's contribution to the cause of Ramism in England oc- 
curred during the period of his appointment as fellow of Christ's 
College between 1584 and 1595. This contribution consisted of a 
treatise on preaching, which was published originally in Latin in 
1592 and translated into English after Perkins's death. 06 The Eng- 
lish translation, as done by Thomas Tuke in 1606, is called The 
Arte of Prophecy ing, or y A Treatise concerning the sacred and onely 
trve manner and methode of Preaching. Perkins divides his subject 
into two parts, preaching and praying. He then divides preaching 
into preparation for the sermon and promulgation or uttering of the 
sermon, whereas praying is later made to consist of considering, 
ordering, and uttering. He divides preparation for the sermon into 
interpretation and right division or cutting j he divides right division 
into resolution or partition and application 5 and so on. This prevail- 
ingly dichotomous structure is of course Ramistic, and so far as I 
know, Perkins is the first Englishman to write of preaching in terms 
o that kind of structure. 

There are two other evidences of Ramus's influence upon Perkins. 
One presents itself when Perkins, in speaking of resolution or parti- 
tion as the process of making a biblical text unloose its true doctrine, 
mentions two means to this end, the second of which, he says, "is 
done by the helpe of the nine arguments, that is, of the causes, effects, 
subjects, adiuncts, dissentanies, comparatiues, names, distribution, 

w See above, p. 179; st-e below, p. 2.4.8. 

&5 See Dictionary of National Biography^ s.v. Perkins, William (1558-1602). 

&G The first edition of the Latin text is titled Prophetica, sive de sacra et vnica ratione 
conaonandi y ([Cantabrigiae] : ex officina Johanms Legate, 1592). A second edition bear- 
ing- the same date as the first is listed in the catalogue of the Bibliotheque Xationale at 
Paris* The English translation is entered in the Stationers' Registers under the date of 
December 10, 1606. See Arber, Transcript of the Registers, in, 334, 338. 

[ 206 ] 


and definition." 97 These "nine arguments" are of course the nine 
places for the invention of artistic arguments according to Ramus's 
dialectic, and Perkins was thinking of that very work when he penned 
this passage. He was also thinking of that same work when, in his 
brief chapter on memorized sermons, after rejecting "artificiall 
memorie, which standeth vpon places and images," he says: "It is 
not therefore an vnprofitable aduice, if he that is to preach doe dili- 
gently imprint in his minde by the helpe of disposition either axio- 
maticall, or syllogisticall, or methodicall, the seuerall proofes and 
applications of the doctrines, the illustrations of the applications, and 
the order of them all." 98 These words in part recall the second divi- 
sion of Ramus's dialectic, which he named disposition, it will be re- 
membered, and which he divided into three parts, propositions, syl- 
logisms, and method. 

Although Perkins has to be counted among the English Ramists 
on account of the organization of his theory of preaching, and on 
account of his two references to what we must identify as Ramus's 
dialectic, he is not a thoroughgoing disciple of that master. He does 
not mention Ramus as one of his authorities. Instead, at the end of 
his treatise, he mentions the "Writers which lent their helpe to the 
framing of this Art of Prophecying," and the only ones he enumer- 
ates are Augustine, Hemingius, Hyperius, Erasmus, Illyricus, Wi- 
gandus, Jacobus Matthias, Theodorus Beza, and Franciscus Junius." 
As would be expected from this list, Perkins derives his doctrine 
from sources closer to Ciceronian rhetoric and scholastic logic than 
to the logic and rhetoric of Ramus. In fact, Ramus under his law of 
justice did not allow preaching to be a separate art but assigned its 
precepts to logic or to rhetoric a position which Perkins refuses to 
defend. He remarks instead in his preface that preaching "would 
remaine naked and poore, if all other arts should call for those things, 
which are their owne." 100 His own effort is to restore to preaching 
those grammatical, rhetorical, and logical rules that belong to it, and 
to ignore Ramus's opposition to such an amalgam. Thus he must be 
regarded as a traditionalist in respect to most of his subject matter, 
and as a Ramist only in respect to method of presentation and to a 
few points of doctrine. 

87 Tuke's translation in The VVorkes of That Famous and Worthy Minister of 

Christ^ in the Vniversitie of Cambridge M. William Perkins (London, 1613-1616)^ 
n> 663, 

Ibid., p. 670. *Ibid. y p. 673. 100 /^., p. 645- 

[ 207 ] 


As Chaderton is to be reckoned an influence upon Perkins and 
Temple, so did Temple and Perkins undoubtedly influence George 
Downham, the next scholarly Ramist after Perkins. Downham, 
whose father was bishop of Chester, graduated bachelor of arts at 
Cambridge in 1585, one year after Perkins was appointed fellow of 
Christ's College, and one year after Temple first published his text 
and elucidation of the Dialecticae Libri Duo, Thomas Fuller speaks 
thus of Downham: 

He was bred in Chris ts-colledge in Cambridge, elected Fellow there- 
of 1585. and chosen Logick-professor in the University. No man was 
then and there better skilPd in Aristotle, or a greater Follower of 
Ramus, so that he may be termed the Top-twig of that Branch* 

This pun on the Latin meaning of the word "ramus" permits Fuller 
to share with Harvey and Drant whatever honors one may allow to 
wordplay. 102 Perhaps Fuller deserves a special award for implying 
further that Downham's name, downward looking as it is, offers 
an amusing contrast to his upward position on the tree of English 

The activity of Downham as professor of logic at Cambridge can 
be equated with a treatise which he published some years later when 
he was soon to begin his term as bishop of Derry in Ireland. That 
treatise appeared in Latin at Frankfurt in 1605 and again at the 
same place in i6io. 103 The title of the second of these editions would 
read thus in English: Commentaries on the Dialectic of P. Ramus, 
in which both generally and severally the Perfection of the Ramistic 
Doctrine is demonstrated from the Better Authors, the Sense ex- 
flained) the Use exhibited. In this work Downham proves himself a 
master of the tightfisted style of the logician and of the openhanded 
style of the orator. So Fuller believed, at any rate, when he bor- 
rowed Zeno's ancient metaphor to speak as follows about Downham's 
logical treatise: 

It is seldome seen, that the Clunch-fist of Logick (good to knock a 
man down at a blow) can so open it self as to smooth and stroak one 

101 Thomas Fuller, The History of the Worthies of England (London, 1662), p. 189. 

102 See above, pp. 55, 178. 

103 There is a copy of the 1605 edition in the Columbia University Library 5 see 
Frank Allen Patterson, The Works of John Milton (New York, 1931-1938), xi, 521, 
523. The 16 10 edition has the following- title: Commentarii in P. Kami dialecticam^ 
qulbus ex classicis quibusque auctoribus <praece$torum Rameorum ferfectio demonstrate > 
sensus expticatur* usus exfomtur (Francofurti, 1610). 

[ 208 ] 


with the Palme thereof. Our Dounham could doe both, witness the 
Oration made by him at Cambridge, (preposed to his book of Log- 
ick) full of Flowers of the choicest eloquence.* 

Commentaries in Latin and English on Ramus's Dialecticae Libri 
Duo, and Latin editions of that same work, continued to be pro- 
duced in England for more than sixty years after the date of Down- 
ham's "book of Logick:." Alexander Richardson, who was a member 
of Queen's College, Cambridge, when Downham resided at Christ's, 
delivered a course of lectures on various subjects at his alma mater 
after he became master of arts in 1587, and evidently was so well 
regarded by his hearers that many of them took down what he said 
and passed his teachings on to others in the form of notes. These 
notes were published twice at London during the seventeenth cen- 
tury under the title of The Logicians School-Master^ Samuel 
Thomson, a London bookseller, who brought out the second of these 
editions with many items that had not been included in the first, de- 
votes a preface to Richardson, acknowledging his insight into all the 
branches of learning, and his dedication to the arts. These arts Rich- 
ardson would have greatly improved, observes Thomson, had his 
health been better, and had he claimed for himself what was really 
his. As a tribute to his lectures at Cambridge on many subjects, 
Thomson remarks upon the happiness of the student "who could 
make himself Master of Richardson's Notes." He adds: 

But among many other Notes of his those of his Commentary on 
Ramus Logick were most generally prized and made use of by young 
Students: whereof (though long since printed) there are many Copies 
in Manuscript still in being 5 and indeed it was his Logick whereby, 
as by a Key, he opened the secrets of all other Arts and Sciences, to 
the admiration of all that heard him. 106 

104 Fuller, Worthies^ p. 189. 

105 The title page of the first edition reads thus: "The logicians School-Master: or, 
a comment vpon Ramvs Logicke. By Mr. Alexander Richardson sometime of Queenes 
Colledge in Cambridge. London, Printed for lohn Bellamie, at the three golden Lyons 
in Cornhill. 1629." There is a copy of this edition in the Cambridge University Li- 
brary. The title of the second edition indicates the items that had not been printed in 
the first: "The Logicians School-Master: or, A Comment upon Ramus Logick. By Mr. 
Alexander Richardson, sometime of Queenes Colledge in Cambridge. Whereunto are 
added. His Prelections on Ramus his Grammer$ Taleiis his Rhetorick\ Also his Notes 
on Physicks, Etkicks, Astronomy^ Medicine? and O-pticks. Never before Published. Lon- 
don: Printed by Gartrude Daivson, and are to ... by Sam. Thomson at the White-Hor 
. . . PauPs Church-yard. 1657." (The title page of the copy which I used at the Harvard 
Library is torn off at the corner and thus my transcript of it is incomplete as indicated 
by the dots.) 

ice j*^ Logicians School-Master (1657), sig. A3 

[ 209 ] 


Richardson's sense of the value of Ramistic logic in relation to the 
other arts upon which he lectured is shown by the fact that in the 
second edition of his notes some 351 pages are devoted to a com- 
mentary upon Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo^ whereas the comments 
on grammar, rhetoric, physics, ethics, astronomy, medicine, and 
optics cover a total of 159 pages, more than 50 of which are given 
to rhetoric. Richardson's method in respect to logic is to quote a few 
lines of Ramus's doctrine in Latin and to explain them in Latin- 
studded English. Quite often his explanations proceed by stating 
and answering objections which other scholars, such as Keckermann, 
for example, had urged against Ramus. 107 If Thomson is correct in 
implying that many manuscript copies of Richardson's notes on 
Ramus were still circulating when the second edition of The Logi- 
cians School-Master appeared, then 1657 must be accepted as a date 
well before the end of Ramus's influence in England. 

There is also evidence of an active scholarly interest in Ramus in 
the decade before that in which the second edition of Richardson's 
notes was published. A good indication of this interest is provided 
by a vest-pocket edition of the Dialecticae Libri Duo made at Cam- 
bridge in 1640. Its editor is not identified, but it contains Ramus's 
Latin text and his preface to the reader, "recently brought out in this 
more distinctive and more correct form for use in schools." 108 Six 
years later, as posthumous publications of William Ames, who had 
learned Ramism from William Perkins and George Downham at 
Christ's College in the middle fifteen-nineties, there appeared two 
little works from the Cambridge press entitled Demonstratio Logicae 
Verae and Theses Logicae* The first of these is made up of six- 

107 Ibid.^ pp. 4z, 57, 61, etc. 

1Q8 The title page of the copy at the Folger Shakespeare Library reads thus: "P. 
Kami Veromandui, Regii Professoris, Dialecticae Libri duo; Recens in usum Scholarum 
hac forma distinctius & emendatius excusi. Cantabrigiae, Ex ofEcina Rogeri Danielis, 
almae Academiae Typography CIDBCXL. Et veneunt per Petrum Scarlet." 

1 **The Yale University Library has a volume in which these two works are bound 
with four other treatises by Ames. The first two treatises in this volume are paged 
together, and are called Technometria and Alia Technometriae. The third treatise is 
the Demonslratio Logicae Verae. It has its own pagination, and a title page which reads : 
"Gulielmi Amesii Demonstratio Logicae Verae. Cantabrigiae, Ex officina Rogeri Danielis> 
almae Academiae Typography 1646." Next after it is the Disputatio Theologian adversus 
MetapMcamt with its own title page and date (1646), but with pagination continued 
from the preceding treatise. The fifth treatise is the Disputatio Theologica y De Per- 
fect'tone SS. Scriptzera^ with its own title page, dated at Cambridge in 1646, and its 
own pagination. Last is the Qmlielm Ametii Theses Logicae^ with no title page or 
date of its own* and with its pagination continued from the preceding treatise. The 
Demonstratio Logicae Verae was first published at Leiden in 1632, but I have not seen 
that edition. A copy of it is listed in Gewmtkatalog der Preussischen Bibttotheken> s.v. 

[ 210 } 


teen introductory and 129 later propositions, along with a conclu- 
sion, the whole being an explanation of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri 
Duo. The Theses Logicae is devoted to the same end, and it pro- 
ceeds by setting forth a sequence of more than 350 short logical defi- 
nitions, principles, and laws. 

Ameses Demonstrate Logicae Verae and the vest-pocket text of 
the Dialecticae Libri Duo reappear once more in the history of Ra- 
mism in England. The latter work was combined with George Down- 
ham's Latin commentary upon Ramus's Latin logic and published 
at the press of John Redmayne at London in i669. 110 Some idea of 
the relation between Ramus and his scholarly commentators is indi- 
cated by the fact that in this volume the Dialecticae Libri Duo oc- 
cupies only 54 pages, whereas the Downham commentary runs to 
481 pages of text and several pages of introduction and supplement. 
Included in the introductory matter is the address which Downham 
delivered at Cambridge in 1590 as professor of logic, and which 
Fuller thought to be a splendid example of discourse at once tight and 
open. 111 As for Ames's Demonstrate Logicae Verae y it was repub- 
lished at Cambridge in 1 672 in combination with the text of Ramus's 
Dialecticae Libri Duo, the Amesian propositions being on this occa- 
sion distributed at appropriate intervals throughout the parent 
work. 112 

Much of our story of the Ramist scholars in England has thus far 
involved Christ's College at Cambridge. The line of Ramists who 
studied and in almost every case taught at Christ's extends backward 
in time from Ames, Downham, and Perkins to Gabriel Harvey and 
Laurence Chaderton. After Ames, the line runs to William Chap- 
pell and thence to his illustrious pupil, John Milton, who may be 

Ames, William, Puritaner, Apparently the Thews Logicae was first published in the 
edition at Cambridge in 1646. 

110 The title pag-e reads : "P. Kami Veromandui Regii Professoris Dialecticae Libri 
Duo: Recent in usum Scholarum hac forma distinctius & emendatius excvsi* Cum Coxn- 
mentariis Georgii Dounami Annexis. Londini, Ex Officina Johannh Redmayne, & veneunt 
per Robertum Nicholson ^ Henricum Dickinson Cantabrigiae Bibliopolas. MDCLXIX, W 
This work is mistakenly listed by Donald Wing, Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed 
in England^ Scotland* Ireland, Wales, and British America and of English Books Printed 
in other Countries 1641-1700 (New York, 1945-1951), s.v. La Ramee, Pierre de. Wing- 
places its publication at Cambridge. 

111 See above, pp. 208-209. 

112 'pjjg t j t j e p a g- reads: "P. Kami Veromandui Regii Professoris, Dialecticae Libri 
duo: Quibus loco Commentarii perpetui post certa capita subjicitur, Guilielmi Amesii 
Demonstratio Logicae Verae, Simul Cum Synopsi ejusdem, qua uno intuitu exhibetur 
Tota Ars bene Disserendi. Cantabrigiae* Ex Officina Joann. Hayes* Celeberrimae Aca- 
demiae Typography 1672. Impensis G. Morden^ Bibliopolae, J> 


counted not only the most celebrated but also the last of England's 
Ramist scholars. 

Chappell was a student at Christ's when Ames was serving there 
as tutor and fellow. Thus these two men were thrown together in 
the first few years of the seventeenth century. Ames was forced to 
resign his fellowship in 1610, his withdrawal being occasioned by the 
intemperance of his advocacy of puritanism. 113 Not long before that 
date, Chappell was appointed to a fellowship at Christ's, and he held 
that position for twenty-seven years, after which he became bishop 
of Cork, In 1648, just one year before his death 3 he published at 
London an anonymous Latin treatise on preaching, the Methodus 
Concionandi. This was published in an English version under Chap- 
pelPs name in 1656 as The Preacher^ The person who made the 
English translation cannot be certainly identified, but he may well 
have been the original author himself. Indeed, the "Phil. Christian- 
us" who signed the preface to the translation implies that Chappell 
alone was responsible for its authorship. 

ChappelPs procedure in The Preacher is not unlike that already 
described above in the discussion of Perkins's Arte of Pro^phecying. 
That is to say, Chappell arranges his materials by definition and by 
dichotomies, and on one occasion makes direct use of the places of 
Ramus's theory of dialectical invention $ but he does not otherwise 
incur obligations to Ramistic logic and rhetoric. Thus he defines the 
"Method of Preaching" as "a discourse upon a Text of Scripture, 
disposing its parts according to the order of nature, whereby, the 
accord of them, one with the other may be judged of, and contained 
in memory,'* 115 He divides this method into two parts, that of doc- 
trine and that of use. 116 He divides doctrine into preparation and 
handling. 117 He divides preparation into entering the place where the 
doctrine is and placing the doctrine itself. 118 After he has sufficiently 

113 Mullinger, University of Cambridge^ II, 510-511. 

114 The title page reads: "The Preacher, or the Art and Method of Preaching-: shew- 
ing- The most ample Directions and Rules for Invention, Method, Expression, and 
Books whereby a Minister may be furnished with such helps as may make him a Useful 
Laborer in the Lords Vineyard. By William Chappell Bishop of Cork^ sometime 
Fellow of Christs College in Cambridge. . . . London, Printed for Ed.w. Farnham, and 
are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Palace neer Corn-hill, 1656." There is a 
copy of this work in the McAlpin collection in the Union Theological Seminary. 
No translator is mentioned in connection with the entry of this work in the Stationers' 
Registers. See [George E. B. Eyre and Charles R. Rivington], A Transcript of the 
Registers of the WorMpful Company of Stationers; from 1640-1708 A. D. (London, 
1913-1914), n, 93. The entry is dated October 23, 1656. 

115 The Preacher (1656), p. i. " Ibid., p. 3 . 

p. 4- 118 /^.,p. 4. 

[ 212 ] 


considered doctrine as his first main topic, he turns to the topic of 
use, and this he discusses both in general and in particular, the latter 
head being broken down into the concerns of the mind and the con- 
cerns of the heart. Of those uses "which have respect to the heart, or 
will, and affections," 119 he mentions what bears upon the present 
state of feelings and what bears upon their future state. He speaks of 
reproving and of comforting as procedures to be followed in respect 
to present distempers of feeling; and as a method for reproving 
someone, he recommends the standard places of Ramus's program 
for dialectical invention. True, he covers eight of these standard 
places, 120 where Ramus had covered ten. But it takes no great in- 
genuity to see that Ramus's ten places are covered by ChappelPs 
eight. Both men agree upon causes, effects, subjects, adjuncts, op- 
posites, and comparatives as the first six of what Ramus calls argu- 
ments and what Chappell calls "heads of the aggravations of sin." 121 
After that point Chappell begins to take liberties with Ramistic doc- 
trine, as most Ramists were certain sooner or later to do. Thus he 
combines under his seventh heading the topics of name, division, and 
definition, whereas these three in Ramus had been discussed as the 
seventh, the eighth, and the ninth places. But agreement prevails 
between Chappell and Ramus at the end of the list, nevertheless, for 
both give last place to testimony. 

One of ChappelPs chief claims to fame among literary historians 
is that he is reputed to have whipped his pupil John Milton towards 
the end of the latter's freshman year at Christ's College. 122 The actu- 
ality of this incident has been questioned by the friends and defended 
by the detractors of Milton, but there seems to be no doubt that 
Chappell was Milton's tutor from April 1625 to March 1626 and 
that some trouble between them terminated their relationship and 
caused Milton to be transferred to the supervision of another tutor, 
Nathaniel Tovey. 123 

Milton's interest in Ramistic logic probably began during his asso- 
ciation with Chappell. After all, the latter can be proved to be a 
moderate Ramist, and logic is one of the subjects which Milton 
would have had to study during his first years at the university. 
Moreover, it is highly likely that Tovey was also a Ramist and 

119 Ibid., p. 153. 120 /i<, pp. 166-179. 121 /*<., p. 166. 

122 For a discussion of this episode, see David Masson, The Life of John Milton 
(Cambridge and London, 1859-1880), I, 135-145. 
I, 141. 

[ 213 3 


would not have changed the direction of Milton's logical studies 
when the latter became his pupil. Tovey is known to have been 
lecturer in logic at Christ's in 1621, the first year o his tenure as 
fellow of that college. 124 Thus he would certainly have been ac- 
quainted with the contemporary movements in logical theory, and 
would certainly have been impelled to regard favorably the en- 
thusiasm of his own college and university for Ramus. Unfortunately, 
however, Tovey left no publications to establish his Ramism as fact. 
Anyway, it is certain that Milton knew of Ramus's logic as early as 
1627, when he was completing his sixth college term. On March 2,6 
of that year, as scholars now fix the date, Milton wrote a letter to 
his childhood preceptor, Thomas Young, remarking that "to express 
sufficiently how much I owe you were a work far greater than my 
strength, even if I should ransack all those hoards of arguments 
which Aristotle or which that Dialectician of Paris has amassed, or 
even if I should exhaust all the fountains of oratory." 128 The refer- 
ence to "that Dialectician of Paris," as Masson originally sug- 
gested, 126 is of course a reference to Ramus, and it not only estab- 
lishes Milton's knowledge of that author but it also suggests his 
contemporaneous familiarity with the practical applications of Aris- 
totelian and Ramistic inventional theory in the problem of compos- 
ing a discourse. 

Forty-five years were to elapse before Milton published a Latin 
text and his own Latin exposition of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo. 
That work, as it appeared at a London press in 1 672, is called Joan- 
nis M.iltoni Angli^ Artis Logicae Plenior Institutio^ Ad Petri Rami 
Methodwm condnnata* On the only occasion when it was trans- 
lated into English, its title was rendered as A fuller institution of the 
Art of Logic > arranged after the method of Peter Ramus , by John 
Milton, an Englishman? 2 * As for its date of composition, it doubt- 

I, 1 06, See also Alumni CanUtbrigienses^ Pt. I, s.v. Tovy, Nathaniel. 
^ i2 Patterson, The Works of John Milton, xii, 5. The date of this letter is usually 
given as March 26, 1625, bat opinion now supports a date exactly two years later. See 
William R. Parker, "Milton and Thomas Young, 1620-1628," Modern Language Notes, 
Lin (1938), 399-407. 

***L*fe of Milton^ I, 123. 

127 The title page continues: "Adjecta est Praxis Annalytica & Petri Rami vita. Libris 
duobus. Londini, Impensis Sfencer Hickman^ Societatis Regalis Typography ad insigne 
Rosae in Caemeterio, Z>. Fault. 1672." There is a copy of this work in the Princeton 
University Library. 

128 The translator is Allan H. Gilbert in Patterson> The Works of John Milton, 
XI. All of my English quotations from Milton's Artis Logicae Plenior Institutio are in 
Gilberts translation, which I cite as Gilbert and use with the kind permission of the 
Columbia University Press. 


less belongs among Milton's early works. Masson is almost certainly 
right in his guess that it was "sketched out in Milton's university days 
at Cambridge, between his taking his B.A. degree and his passing as 
M.A." 129 Two anti-Trinitarian statements in the work have been 
cited to suggest that it was written after 1641, since at about that 
time Milton is believed to have lost faith in the doctrine of theTrin- 
ity. 130 But of course those statements could have been inserted dur- 
ing the sixteen-forties into a work mostly finished at an earlier date. 
Masson J s conjecture, which would place the composition of the work 
between the years 1629 and 1632, is supported by the reflection that 
a treatise like The Art of Logic belongs to a university environment, 
as the whole history of' Ramistic scholarship in England demon- 
strates time and again j and that, with Milton as author, the treatise 
would thus be the direct product of his recent undergraduate train- 
ing in Ramus and of a tradition at Christ's in his day to carry on 
Ramistic studies as part of one's advanced scholarship. In fact, Down- 
ham's Commentaries represented to Milton's generation at Christ's 
the best previous scholarship on Ramus by an alumnus of that col- 
lege, and Downham's Commentaries are Milton's only domestic 
source for his Art of Logic - 131 

But Milton wished to improve Downham, not to copy him. The 
latter, as we have seen, initially published his Commentaries without 
giving his readers the benefit that would have come if he had also 
included the text of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo. Milton de- 
termined to avoid that sort of thing. At the same time, he determined 
to avoid publishing a mere text of Ramus's logic, since that was too 
brief to be clear. He begins the preface to his Art of Logic by saying 
that he together with Sidney believed Peter Ramus to be the best 
writer on this art. He observes, with a hidden reference to Ramus*s 
law of justice, that "other logicians, in a sort of unbridled license, 
commonly confound physics, ethics, and theology with logic/' 132 He 
goes on to say that Ramus, as the many commentaries on him will 
testify, sought too earnestly for brevity and thus fell short "not 
exactly of clarity but yet of copiousness of clarity, for in the pres- 
entation of an art it should not be scrimped but full and abun- 

of Milton^ vi, 685. 

130 This view is adopted and explained by Franklin Irwin> "Ramistic Logic in MiU 
ton's Prose Works" (unpubl. diss Princeton, 194.1), pp. 29-33. See also G, C. Moore 
Smith, W A Note on Milton's Art of Logicf* The Review of English Studies^ XIII (1937), 


131 Gilbert, pp. 520-521. 132 Ibid*, p. 3. 



dant." 133 Then he explains how his present work is designed to give 
the precepts of Ramus along with such aids to their understanding 
as can be found in Ramus's Scholae Dialecticae and in the Ramistic 
commentaries. In this connection he says: 

So I have decided that it is better to transfer to the body of the 
treatise and weave into it, except when I disagree, those aids to a 
more complete understanding of the precepts of the art which must 
of necessity be sought in the Scholae Dialecticae of Ramus himself 
and in the commentaries o others. For why should we insist on brev- 
ity if clarity is to be sought elsewhere? It is better by producing one 
work to put together in one place a rather long exposition of a subject 
with clarity than with less clarity to explain in a separate commentary 
a work that is too brief, although this last has up to the present been 
done with no less trouble and much less convenience than if, as now, 
the treatise itself was so detailed as to furnish its own explanation. 134 

A recent interpreter of Milton's attitude towards Ramism, P. Al- 
bert Duhamel, argues that Milton "was never a Ramist except super- 
ficially/' and uses as proof, among other considerations, the opening 
words of the quotation just given, where Milton promises to explain 
Ramism "except when I disagree." 135 It is true that Milton like 
every other English Ramist disagrees in some particulars with 
Ramus's own logical doctrine, and Duhamel gives a good brief list 
of those disagreements as they apply in Milton's case. 136 But it must 
always be remembered that Ramus had encouraged disagreement 
between himself and his disciples by launching a movement of dis- 
agreement between himself and the scholastics. Moreover, it must be 
insisted that, while Milton availed himself of opportunities to dis- 
agree with Ramusj he did not therefore become either a superficial 
Ramist or a covert Peripatetic. Had he wanted to write an Aris- 
totelian logic, he would have modeled his work upon such neo- 
scholastic logics of his day as Blundeville's The Arte of Logicke, 
Smith's Aditvs ad Logicam y or Sanderson's Logicae Artis Compen- 
dium. These works show how the scholastics reconstructed Aristo- 
telian logic In the light of the reforms of Ramus. 137 If Milton, as 
Duhamel contends, is closer to the Peripatetics than to Ramus, he 
would obviously have followed these neo-scholastics of the early 

p. 3 . *jrf., pp. 3-5. 

133 See P. Albert Duhamel, "Milton's Alleged Ramism," PMLA y LXVn (1952), 104.3. 

"***!&., p. 104.5. 

137 For a discussion of this point, see below, pp. 285-308. 

E 216 ] 

seventeenth century rather than the Dialecticae Libri Duo and 
Downham's Commentaries. 

A hidden reference to Ramus's law of justice has already been 
pointed out in Milton's preface to his Art of Logic. There is also a 
hidden reference in the same place to Ramus's law of wisdom and 
law of truth. 

The law of wisdom, as we know, applied in part to the method 
of organizing a discourse j and it required in this context that subject 
matter be arranged in a descending order of generality. Milton pro- 
tests that certain expounders of Ramus had forgotten this law, but 
that he will not. His actual words are as follows: 

Since many of these expositors, perhaps drawn on by too much zeal 
for commenting, reveal a neglect of all proper method astonishing in 
them by mixing everything together, the last with the first, and are 
accustomed to heap up the axioms, syllogisms, and their rules in the 
early chapters that deal with simple arguments, thus necessarily cov- 
ering students with darkness rather than furnishing them light, I have 
decided first of all to take care that I treated nothing prematurely, 
that I mentioned nothing before its proper time as though it were 
already explained and understood, and that I dealt with nothing ex- 
cept in its place, without fear that any one might judge me too narrow 
in my explanation of the precepts of Ramus, while I was trying to set 
them forth by lingering over rather than rushing through them. 138 

Milton's reference to the law of truth is quite fugitive, so far as 
his preface is concerned. This law, we remember, required all pre- 
cepts of a science or body of knowledge to be universally true as 
opposed to partly true. Milton promises to exclude from his work 
all precepts that are not universal or certain. He says: 

Yet I should not easily agree with those who object to the paucity of 
rules in Ramus, since a great number even of those collected from 
Aristotle by others as well as those which they have themselves added 
to the heap, being uncertain or futile, impede the learner and burden 
rather than aid him, and if they have any usefulness or show any wit, 
it is of such a sort as any one might more easily understand by his 
native ability than learn by means of so many memorized canons. 139 

A recurrent theme of the Ramists is that they were seeking to re- 
form Aristotelianism, not to destroy it. 140 Thus they protested that 

133 Gilbert, p. 5. 139 Ibid., p. 5. 

140 See for example Macllmaine's view as quoted above, p. 180. 


their views were not really novel, that in fact they used Aristotle as 
their authority* Milton is no exception to this general practice. He 
says in his preface: 

Our common addition of the authority of Aristotle and other old 
writers to the separate rules of logic would be wholly superfluous in 
the teaching of the art, except that the suspicion of novelty which 
until now has been strongly attached to Peter Ramus ought to be re- 
moved by bringing up these testimonies from ancient authors. 141 

After his preface, Milton sets forth Ramus's logical precepts, book 
by book, and topic by topic, adding his own comments, registering his 
own disagreements, and citing a few of his own examples from such 
sources as Francis Bacon, Christian history, and the Bible. 142 Of par- 
ticular interest in the work as a whole is his direct explanation of 
Ramus's three laws and of Ramistic method. 143 At the end of the 
treatise he adds "An Analytic Praxis of Logic from Downham" and 
a brief "Life of Peter Ramus" from John Thomas Freigius. 14 * The 
latter item tells of Ramus's ancestry, his audacious criticism of Aris- 
totle, his academic troubles, the suppression of his two earliest works, 
the intervention of the cardinal of Lorraine on his behalf, his tem- 
porary triumph, and the agitations of his final years; but his con- 
version to Protestantism is treated by Freigius only in guarded ref- 
erences, as if it were completely disconnected from the development 
and formulation of Ramus's dialectic. 

The influence of Ramus upon Milton's habits as controversialist 
and poet has been in part explored. Franklin Irwin's unpublished 
Princeton dissertation, "Ramistic Logic in Milton's Prose Works," 
identifies Ramistic characteristics in Milton's tractates and pamphlets 
and in his De Doctrina Christiana above all. Leon Howard has shown 
the parallelism between Milton's Art of Logic and the theme and 
purpose of Paradise Lost.* Then, too, as I mentioned before, there 
is at least one modern critic who speaks of Milton's alleged Ramism 
and who considers it important to detach Milton from Ramistic in- 
fluences almost entirely, as if his prose were deliberately Aristotelian 
and his Art of Logic a redaction of the work of scholastic logicians 
rather than of Ramus's reformed scholasticism. 146 Whatever may be 

pp. 7-9- "/*., pp. 25, 37, 43- 

s ****** PP ' 37-33 471-4*5- 1 **/W^., pp. 487-495 497-515. 

145 Leon Howard, " 'The Invention' of Milton's <Great Argument' : A Study of the 
Logic of < God's Ways to Men,' " The Hunttngton Library Quarterly, ix (February 
194.6), 149-173. 

l4 This critic is P, Albert Duhamel in the article cited above, p. 216, note 135. 

[ 218 ] 


the ultimate view, however, of the connection between Milton's 
great eloquence and the canons of Ramistic dialectic, it is safe to say 
that his Art of Logic shows a scholar's basic support of Ramus's 
canons, and a scholar's awareness of the dependence of those canons 
upon the final authority of Aristotle, Cicero, and Quintilian. Thus 
Milton belongs among the learned Englishmen who kept Ramism 
alive in their native intellectual circles between 1574 an ^ 1672. 

It remains for us to look at the frequent attempts in that same 
period to keep Ramism alive for the Englishmen who read no Latin 
or who preferred their learning in the vernacular. On their behalf 
seven free versions of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo appeared dur- 
ing the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and these must be added 
to the learned works just described if the full extent of Ramism in 
England is to be understood. These seven, of course, include Mac- 
Ilmaine's Logike^ and that has already been sufficiently discussed. 
But the others have also their points of interest and eccentricity. 

In the year 1584, just three years after the second edition of Mac- 
Ilmaine's translation had been published, Dudley Fenner brought 
out at a continental press an anonymous work called The Artes of 
Logike and Rethorike?*' The logical doctrine in this treatise is an 
unacknowledged translation of the main heads of Ramus's Dialec- 
ticae Libri Duo, although these heads are illustrated, not from the 
classical authors whom Ramus used, but from the Bible. As for Fen- 
ner's rhetorical doctrine, it will be explained in the next section of 
this chapter as the first English translation of the main heads of 
Talaeus's Rhetorica. On this latter account alone, Fenner's work 
possesses special interest in the history of Ramism in England. But 
it also possesses special interest as the first attempt to join together 
in one English volume the reformed logic and the reformed rhet- 
oric of the Ramists. Here between two covers the unlearned Eng- 
lishman could read for the first time the entire Ramistic theory of 
communication, even as Thomas Wilson had made it possible for the 

147 The title page reads thus: "The Artes of Log-ike and Rethorike, plainlie set 
foorth in the English toungej easie to be learned and practised: together with examples 
for the practise of the same for Methode, in the gouernement of the familie, prescribed 
in the word of God: And for the whole in the resolution or opening- of certayne partes 
of Scripture, according- to the same. 1584." This work was published at Middelburg by 
Richard Schilders about the time when Fenner began serving as chaplain to the English 
merchants of that city. A second edition, probably published in 1588, bears the imprint 
of Schilders and identifies the author as "M. Dvdley Fenner, late Preacher of the 
worde of God In Middlebrugh." 


unlearned of the previous generation to read within two volumes the 
whole of scholastic logic and Ciceronian rhetoric. 

Since Fenner had entered Peterhouse College at Cambridge in 
1575, he may be numbered among the Cambridge Ramists, although 
he did not complete his college course, thanks to his expulsion for 
puritan tendencies. 148 No man of his time had a greater desire than 
he to unlock the learned arts from the iron enclosure of Greek and 
Latin. In the preface to the first edition of The Artes of Logike and 
Rethorike he defends himself against the criticism of those who deem 
it inexpedient to popularize matters "which are wonte to sit in the 
Doctors Chayre." 149 Let not learned men strive, he warns, to keep 
learning rare and excessively dear, "least the people curse them?^ 
Since it is true, he adds, that "the common vse and practise of all 
men in generall, both in reasoning to the purpose, and in speaking 
with some grace and elegancie, hath sowen the seede of these artes, 
why should not all reape where all haue sowen?" 

Fenner next defends himself in this preface against the charge 
that his treatises will seem "newer then the newest" and will invite 
objection because he has made changes in the accepted body of doc- 
trine. He does not openly name Ramus as his authority at this point 
or elsewhere in his work. But he did not need to, so far as his own 
contemporaries were concerned. They would have seen, as modern 
scholars have not always done, that Fenner was working within the 
accepted body of Ramistic doctrine, and that the changes which his 
preface refers to and discusses are not unlike the minor changes made 
by most other good Ramists when they were seeking to promulgate 
their master's teachings. 

One change which Fenner justifies in his preface and incorporates 
in his first treatise concerns the definition of logic. "Logike," he 
says, "is an arte of reasoning." 151 This definition, he earlier remarks, 
satisfies the requirements by having "an arte" as its true general, and 
"of reasoning" as its true full difference. 152 It does not need the addi- 
tion of "well" to make it more perfect, he argues, inasmuch as the 
end of anything is not a necessary part of its definition. Another 
change which he argues for in the preface and inserts later in his 
Logike consists in the arrangement of arguments into two 1 categories, 
"firste and arising of the firste," the latter category being then di- 

148 Thomas Alfred Walker, A Biographical Register of Peterhouse Men (Cambridge, 
1927-1930), II, 6-7. See also Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Fenner, Dudley. 

149 Sig. Azr. 15 Si. Azv. 151 Sig. Bir. 132 Sig. Azv. 

[ 22O ] 


vided into "more artificiall and lesse artificiall." 153 Ramus, it will be 
remembered, had been content merely to divide arguments into arti- 
ficial and inartificial, or more accurately into artistic and non-artis- 
tic. 154 Still another change which Fenner records in his preface and 
in his ILogike concerns the argument of cause. Ramus. had listed four 
types of this argument, that of final cause, of formal cause, of effi- 
cient cause, and of material cause. 155 Fenner lists two types, one of 
which contains Ramus's first and third collapsed into a single head- 
ing, and the other, Ramus's second and fourth. 156 Fenner says that 
this difference between himself and the accepted tradition is a distinct 
gain in logical theory, and he certainly believes that the same thing 
is true of his other changes. But now all his changes seem less like 
improvements than like capricious variations in a pattern that re- 
fuses to lose its dominant familiar contours. 

What Fenner does with the subject of method is a good example 
of his adherence to the familiar outlines of Ramism. He recognizes, 
as Macllmaine had scarcely managed to do, 1ST that the Ramistic 
theory of method involves an analysis of "the best and perf ectest" as 
well as "the worst & troublesomest" ways of handling matter. Ac- 
cording to the perfect way, which would be that followed in learned 
writing, "the definition of that whiche is to bee handled, must be 
firste set downe, and then the diuision of the same into the members, 
and the generall properties of the same, and then the diuerse sortes 
of it, if there be aniej so proceeding vntill by fitte and apte passages 
or transitions, the whole be so farre handled, that it can be no more 
deuided." 158 This kind of arrangement, called by Ramus the natural 
method, is said by Fenner to be "so agreeable to reason, and easie to 
be practised" that it "is for the most parte followed of all writers or 
speakers." Yet writers or speakers may change, alter, or hide it ac- 
cording to their subject, the time, the place, and such circumstances. 
When they do change it, they adopt what Ramus called the pru- 
dential method, and what Fenner calls "the hyding or concealing, 
or crypsis of Methode." Those who follow this latter way, adds Fen- 
ner, "leaue out the former orderly placing of Definitions, Diuisions, 
and Transitions, and do take in diuers repetitions, declarations, mak- 
ings lightsome, enlargings, or amplifications, prouings of the thing, 
preuenting of obiections, outgoing from the matter, called digres- 
sions, as it shall make most fitte for their purpose." 

158 Sigs. Azv-A^r, Bir. 154 See above, p. 155. 155 Dialectiqve (1555), pp. 6-zo. 
156 Sig. Biv-Bzr. 157 See above, pp. 182-183. 15S Sig. Dir. 


While Fenner was an undergraduate at Cambridge, or shortly 
thereafter, a young man named Abraham Fraunce entered St. John's 
College of the same university. Fraunce took the degree of bachelor 
of arts in 1579-80, and was at once appointed fellow of his college. 
During the next three years, as he worked towards his master's de- 
gree, he began to write what was ultimately to become the third Eng- 
lish version of the main doctrine of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo. 

Fraunce's earliest steps in this direction consisted in a little trea- 
tise in praise of logic, and another which compared Ramus's logical 
theory with that of Aristotle. These two works were followed almost 
at once by a third^ which Fraunce called The Sheapheardes Logike. 
Fraunce never published these early works, but the British Museum 
has them all in a manuscript dating from the early fifteen-eighties. 159 
The manuscript reveals that the comparison between Ramus and 
Aristotle is dedicated by Fraunce to "his verye good Master and 
Patron M r . P. Sydney." It reveals also that The Shea*pheardes 
Logike contains three things: "the praecepts of that art put downe 
by Ramus; examples fet owt of the Sheapheards Kalender 5 notes and 
expositions collected owt of Beurhusius, Piscator, Mr. Chatterton 
and diuers others." The fact that The Sheapheardes Logike derives 
many quotations and even its title from Edmund Spenser's The 
Sh&pheardes Calender ^ at that moment a very recent new book, gives 
the Fraunce manuscript a special literary interest. But it also has 
special interest for the historian of Ramism in England. The Chat- 
terton mentioned in connection with its notes and expositions is none 
other than Laurence Chaderton, one of the earliest expounders of 
Ramus at Cambridge. As indicated above, 180 Chaderton never pub- 
lished anything on Ramistic logic under his own name 5 but he was 
still lecturing on that subject to the students of Fraunce's undergrad- 
uate generation, and doubtless to Fraunce himself. Thus it is highly 
probable that the only surviving fragments of his widely popular 
lectures are now to be found in Fraunce's logical writings, particu- 
larly The Sheafheardes Logike. 

Fraunce's interest veered from literature to law after he took his 
master's degree In 1583, and so he changed his abode from St. John's 
College to Gray's Inn. For the next few years he worked upon the 

w* For a description of this manuscript, see Catalogue of Additions to the Manu- 
scripts in the BrtesA Museum m the years MDCCCLXXXVIII-MDCCCXCIII (Lon- 
don* 1894-), pp. 32*-3. 

lfl See above, p. 179. 


English common law. In 1588, some five years after he left Cam- 
bridge, and almost seven years after his first attempts to write on 
logical theory, he published his version of the precepts of Ramus, 
adding many legal illustrations to his previous quotations from Spen- 
ser, and calling his work The Lawiers Logike^ This book is the first 
systematic attempt in English to adapt logical theory to legal learn- 
ing and to interpret Ramism to lawyers. 

The union of law and logic is proclaimed in Fraunce's title, but 
this is merely the beginning of his efforts to keep his readers aware 
of his novel combination of disciplines. A twelve-line stanza on the 
page that precedes his preface celebrates the same union. This stanza 
dedicates the work to Henry, Earl of Pembroke, and speaks in part 
as follows of its author's basic design: 

I say no more then what I saw, I saw that which I sought, 
I sought for Logike in our Law, and found it as I thought. 

The preface that immediately follows these verses is addressed to 
"the Learned Lawyers of England, especially the Gentlemen of 
Grays Inne," and it supports in full what has just been said of the 
history of Fraunce's concern for logic. But it adds several circum- 
stances of interest. For example, it says that the two short treatises 
which came before The Sheapheardes Logike were begun "when I 
first came in presence of that right noble and most renowmed knight 
sir Philip Sydney." 182 "These small and trifling beginnings," adds 
Fraunce, "drewe both him to a greater liking of, and my selfe to a 
further trauayling in, the easie explication of Ramus his Logike." 
In addition to this fact about Sidney, the preface also tells us that 
the present work has been redone six times in the past seven years, 
thrice while Fraunce was still at St. John's, and thrice during his 
residence at Gray's Inn. The preface also tells us something of the 
concern of a university man about to embark upon a legal career 
something of his doubt that his eight years at Cambridge would turn 
to profit at an inn of court, something of his anxiety as to "wheather 
Law were without Logike or Logike not able to helpe a Lawyer." 1 ** 
"Which when I prooued," he remarks, "I then perceaued, the prac- 

181 His title page reads: "The Lawiers Logike, exemplifying- the praecepts of Log-ike 
by the practise of the common Lawe, by Abraham Fraunce. At London, Imprinted by 
William How, for Thomas Gubbin, and T. Newman. 1588." For a brief comparison 
between the manuscript version and the printed version of this work, see the catalogue 
cited above in note 159. 

182 The Lawiers Logike y sig. fr. 16a Ibid. y sig. TV. 


tise of Law to bee the vse of Logike, and the methode of Logike to 
lighten the Lawe." Thus the preface reconciles Fraunce's two edu- 
cations. But with an instinct for the appeasement of readers who 
would not want to encumber their minds with law as the price for 
mastering Ramus's logic, Fraunce reassures them by saying, "I haue 
reteyned those ould examples of the new Shepheards Kalender, 
which I first gathered, and therevnto added thease also out of our 
Law bookes, which I lately collected." 164 

This observation prompts Fraunce to defend himself now quite 
openly for abandoning philosophy at St. John's in favor of law at 
Gray's Inn. It is plain from what he says that philosophy is deemed 
the more glamorous and aristocratic pursuit, law the more bourgeois. 
In an effort to correct the errors within this attitude, he emphasizes 
that philosophy, especially in its logical branch, is illustrated re- 
peatedly in the law, as Cicero had amply demonstrated in the Topics j 
and he urges that philosophy, ordinarily counted a delicate, con- 
ceited, and elegant learning by people who did not distinguish "be- 
tweene the brauery of a Midsommers Comencement, and the seauen 
yeares paynes of a Maister of arts," was in sober fact a taxing and 
difficult study, capable of producing a "perpetuall vexation of Spirite, 
and continuall consumption of body, incident to euery scholler." 165 
Turning next to the other side of his case, Fraunce defends the law 
against the charge that it is hard, unsavory, rude, and barbarous. He 
believes it to be only in need of good teachers, good discipline, and 
good students recruited from the universities. 

The concluding section of Fraunce's preface is devoted to a de- 
fense of Ramistic logic against what he characterizes as "the impor- 
tunate exclamations of a raging and fireyfaced Aristotelean." This 
Aristotelian, seeing Ramus's logic to be highly esteemed, cries out 
against it in arguments that are in one sense the ageless outcry of old 
men against the innovations of the young, and in another sense a 
lament for the decline of Aristotle, for the spread of education to the 
masses, and for the profanation of the temple of learning by the 
lower middle class. Fraunce reports this Aristotelian thus: 

Good God, what a world is this? What an age doe wee now lyue in? 
A Sopister in tymes past was a tytle of credite, and a woord of com- 
mendation 5 nowe what more odious? Aristotle then the father of 
Philosophy^ now who lesse fauoured? Ramus rules abroade, Ramus 

le4 Ibid.* sig, f v. 165 Ibid., sig. f av-T 3 r. 

[ 224 ] 

at home, and who but Ramus? Antiquity is nothing but Dunsicality, 
& our forefathers inuentions vnprofitable trumpery. Newfangled, 
youngheaded, harebrayne boyes will needes bee Maysters that neuer 
were Schollersj prate of methode, who neuer knew order; rayle 
against Aristotle assoone as they are crept out of the shell. Hereby it 
comes to passe that euery Cobler can cogge a Syllogisme, euery Carter 
crake of Propositions. Hereby is Logike prophaned, and lyeth prosti- 
tute, remooued out of her Sanctuary, robbed of her honour, left of her 
louers, rauyshed of straungers, and made common to all, which before 
was proper to Schoolemen, and only consecrated to Philosophers. 168 

Under Fraunce's satirical distortions this argument may seem less 
persuasive than amusing at first 3 but still it cannot be disposed of 
simply by ridicule, or deprecated as unable to rally conservative 
learning to new resistance against the radicals. Thus Fraunce does 
rightly to answer it with partial seriousness: 

Coblers bee men, why therefore not Logicians? and Carters haue 
reason, why therefore not Logike? Bonum y quo cQmmunius y eo melms^ 
you say so your selues, and yet the best thing in Logike you make to 
be the woorst, in thinking it lesse commendable, because it is more 
common. A spytefull speach, and a meaning no lesse malitious, to 
locke vp Logike in secreate corners, who, as of her selfe shee is gen- 
erally good to all, so will shee particularly bee bound to none. Touch- 
ing the gryefe you conceaue for the contempt of Aristotle, it is need- 
les and vnnecessary: for, where Aristotle deserueth prayse, who more 
commendeth him then Ramus? Where he hath too much, Ramus 
cutteth off, where too little, addeth, where any thing is inuerted, hee 
bringeth it to his owne proper place, and that according to the direc- 
tion of Aristotle his rules. Then, whereas there can bee no Art both 
inuented and perfected by the same man, if Aristotle did inuent Log- 
ike, as hee perswadeth you, hee did not perfect it, if hee did not 
finish it, there is some imperfection, if there bee any want, why then 
allow you all? 167 

After these words Fraunce immediately closes his preface with 
the hope that his readers will derive as much profit from practising 
as he has had pleasure in going through "this last explication of 
Ramus his Logike." In such a mood he turns from promise to per- 
formance and begins the first legal logic in the English language. 

His explication of Ramus follows the general pattern of the lat- 
ter ? s Dialectiqve and its Latin counterpart, the Dialectics Libri Duo. 

160 Ibid., sig. ftzv. 167 Ibid., sig-. ITsr. 


Indeed, Fraunce openly stresses that he had these two works before 
him as he notes that the second is somewhat differently arranged 
from the first. Speaking of the topic of final cause, he thus refers to 
both these classics: 

Ramus in his French Logike placeth the end first, sith, according to 
Aristotle in the second of his Physikes, the ende is first in conceipt 
and consideration, though last in execution. But in the last edition of 
his Latine Logike hee setteth it in the last place, respecting rather 
finem rei^ then efficientis scofum & intentionem^ which last resolu- 
tion of his I follow at this present, yet not so resolutely, but that I 
can bee content to heare their aduise, who bid vs take heede that we 
confound not the finall cause with the thing caused. 168 

"I haue in my text kept my selfe," says Fraunce in his second 
chapter, "onely to such maximaes both in Inuention and Disposition, 
as are put downe orderly by Ramus^ and are essentially belonging to 
this art: yet for the satisfiyng of the expectation of some yoong 
Logicians, somewhat vnacquainted with this newfound Logike, as it 
pleaseth some to tearme it, I will heereafter, as occasion shall serue, 
put downe in the annotations, some of the other stampe." 169 These 
words are accurate as the statement of a part of Fraunce's procedure 
in The Lawiers Logike. His most extensive chapters consist of as 
many as five sections. A first section contains Ramist doctrine stated 
in English, and this is a continuing element throughout the entire 
work. Another section consists of illustrations of Ramus's doctrine, 
both from Spenser's English poetry and from the Latin and "Hotch- 
pot French" 170 of England's early legal literature* Still another sec- 
tion consists of annotations. These are in English or in Latin. Some- 
times an annotation will appear to be Fraunce's commentary on 
Ramus when in reality it is merely Fraunce's translation of Ramus's 
French text. 171 At other times the annotations will be clearly credited 

foL ajr. For later references by Fraunce to Ramus's "French Logike," see 
foil. 1 1 or and 1 1 jr 

16 /, foil. 7 v-8r. 

170 This is Fraunce's own phrase, ibid. y sig. T3 r - 

1T * A good illustration of this occurs at fol, Z4r, where Fraunce appears to be an- 
notating Ramtts*s doctrine concerning the formal and final cause. Says Fraunce: "So euery 
naturall thing hath his peculiar forme, as a lyon, a horse, a tree, &c. the hea'uen, the 
earth, the sea, &c. So euery artificiall thing also, as a house, a shippe, &c. So things 
Incorporall, as vertue, vice, &c. So in a woord, whatsoeuer is, by the formall cause it 
is that which it is, and is different from all other things that it is not." 

Here is the passage in Ramus's DmUcfiqve (Paris, 1555), P- , from which Fraunce 
translates this annotation: "Ainsi toute choses naturelles ont leur forme, comme le Lyon, 
le Cheual, PArbre, le Ciel, la Terre: Ainsi les choses artificielles, comme vne maison, 

[ 226 ] 


to their sources, as when open reference is made to such Ramists as 
Piscator, Beurhaus, Scribonius, and Talaeus, or to such scholastics as 
Sturm, Hotman, Agricola, and Melanchthon. Hotman is cited as 
often as any of these, perhaps because his known interest in logic and 
his European reputation in the field of legal scholarship provided 
Fraunce with a contemporary model for his pioneering attempt to 
bring logic and law together in England. 172 It is obvious that Fraunce 
intended his annotations to be as important a contribution to Ramism 
as were his illustrations. In addition to these two sections, and of 
course the actual statement of Ramist doctrine, his chapters contain 
nothing that needs to be mentioned, except perhaps for an occasional 
section headed canons or rules, and another headed elenchs or re- 
buttals. These two sections, however, usually occupy little space in 
comparison to the other three. 

Like many other Ramists, Fraunce does not reproduce his master's 
doctrine without additions and changes. Thus at the end of his fourth 
chapter in Book I, he inserts a discussion of logical abuses, which, as 
he says, deceive the simple "with a glorious shew of counterfeit rea- 

vne nauire: Ainsi semblablement les choses in corporal les, comme la couleur, la chaleur, 
la vertu & le vice a sa forme: Ainsi generallement toute chose est ce qu'elle est par sa 
forme, & par icelles est separee des autres." 

There are many other passages in Fraunce which seem to be his own commentary 
on Ramus's doctrine but are in reality translations from Ramus's Dialectiqve. The fol- 
lowing table indicates where many of them fall: 

The Lafwiers Logike Dialcctiqve 

fol. fr Reference to Aristotle's Elenchs p. 2 

fol. 5r Reference to Plato's Ttmaeus p. 3 

fol. $T Quotation from Parmenides ' p. 3 

fol. 5v Aristotle made two logics pp. 34 

fol. i6r Aristotle on the Efficient Cause p. 9 

fol. i6r Ancient philosophers on Efficient Cause p. 17 

fol. i6v Virgil quoted on advantage of knowing causation p. 20 

fol. i6v Importance of efficient cause in daily affairs p. 17 

fol, iyr 1 7V Aristotle on Fortune & Chance j and also Ovid, 

and Cicero, and Epicurus, and Cicero again, 
and a pagan poet pp. 1517 

fol. 24r Aristotle on the two properties of form p. 7 

fol. 24V Aristotle on Pythagorean idea that number is 

the cause, Plato on idea as cause pp. & 9 

fol. 3ir Parmenio, Philotas, Lentulus, etc. p. 21 

fol. 39V Propertius & Ronsard p. 25 

foil. 66v &7T Plato's complaint against the use of authority pp. 6465 

fol. Sir 8iv Socrates and Aristotle on Menon*s dilemma* pp. 6669 

fol. 98 v The syllogism as an arithmetical deduction p. 89 

*This borrowing is placed by Fraunce under "Elenchs," not "Annotations." 
172 For Hotman's logical theory, see his Dialecticae Institutionis Libri IV (1573), a 
copy of which is in the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris. For a brief discussion of it, see 
Rodolphe Dareste, Essai sur Francois Hotman (Paris, 1850), p. 33. 

[ 227 3 


sons, commonly called Fallacians." 173 Fraunce found this doctrine, 
not in Ramus's French Dialectiqve^ but in the older scholastic logics. 
Again, after his chapter on logical effects, when he would normally 
take up next the concept of subject, Fraunce defines and discusses 
instead the doctrine of the whole, the part, the genus, and the 
species. 174 Readers of Ramus know that he places the doctrine of 
these four terms under the category of derivative primary argu- 
ments, and deals with them when he speaks of dividing wholes into 
parts. 175 Fraunce thus opposes himself to Ramus by placing the four 
terms under primary arguments. In his discussion of them, Fraunce 
recognizes that it is expedient for him to give some reason "why I 
seuer the generall, speciall, whole and parte from the tractate of 
diuision, where Ramus placed them." 176 The reason, as he there 
states it, is that Talaeus had suggested the primary, as opposed to 
the derivative primary, character of the doctrine belonging to these 
four terms. This suggestion Fraunce himself elects to follow, even 
though Talaeus had ended by not following it. Still again Fraunce 
departs from Ramus by discussing the topic of comparatives in a 
kind of appendix to the doctrine of invention, not as the last element 
in the category of primary arguments. This departure has the effect 
of placing such matters as quality, quantity, like, unlike, equal, 
greater, and less between the twentieth and twenty-fourth chapters 
of Fraunce's first book rather than between the twelfth and the six- 
teenth chapters, as a strict adherence to Ramus would have required. 
No one should attach particular importance to this or other discrep- 
ancies between these two logicians. Fraunce did not make changes 
with the idea of becoming a renegade Ramist, nor would any of his 
contemporaries have thought him one. Discrepancies between one 
Ramist and another are always in evidence, as I have often sug- 
gested, and they are to be accepted only as a reminder that they can 
exist and flourish without thereby creating any serious divisions 
within Ramism as a movement. 

Fraunce's attempt to interpret Ramus for lawyers would normally 
be expected to suggest the desirability of performing the same task 
for preachers. To some extent, of course, Dudley Fenner had had 
preachers in mind when he published his translation of Ramus's 
Dialectic&e Libri Duo in 1584, although he did not particularly em- 
phasize sacred logic beyond providing biblical illustrations for the 

173 The Lowers Logike^ fol. z6v. 174 Ibid., foil. 3IV-37V. 
175 See above, p. 156. 1Te The Lawitrs Logike^ fol. 351-. 

[ 228 ] 


doctrines in his source. In the decade following Fenner's work and 
Fraunce's The Lawiers Logikej William Perkins, as we have seen, 177 
took up the challenge of writing about pulpit oratory in terms rem- 
iniscent of Ramus j but while he made preaching his central subject, 
as Fenner had not done, he failed to emphasize Ramus's doctrine in 
such a way as to make his learned Latin treatise a full commitment 
in that direction. The first author to compose in English a full 
Ramistic logic for preachers, and to appear to be trying to do for 
divines what Fraunce had done for lawyers, published his work in 
1620, when Perkins had been dead for eighteen years, and Fraunce 
was sixty years old or more. That author was Thomas Granger, him- 
self a preacher, who had studied at Peterhouse College, Cambridge, 
between 1598 and 1605, an d had received in that time both his 
bachelor's and master's degrees. 

Granger's Ramistic treatise on preaching is called the Syntagma 
Logicvm, that is, The Logic Book, or (to quote the author's own 
explanatory subtitle) The Divine Logike? 7 * A Latin preface of seven 
pages dedicates the work to Francis Bacon, "a most honorable, most 
sagacious, and most learned man." In the main, however, Granger 
keeps to his own native language and loses no time in identifying the 
text of his work with Ramistic logic. On his title page he sets forth 
in Latin an aphoristic definition of each member of the trivium, and 
immediately adds in connection with the third definition a pithy com- 
parison between the logic of Aristotle and that of Ramus. This com- 
parison would read thus in English: 

From ancient minerals did pagan Aristotle polish the golden organon. 
First to the uses of theology did Christian Ramus with rare judge- 
ment accommodate it. 

The same comparison, carried somewhat further, is the theme of 
an English laudatory stanza that precedes Granger's actual text. 

177 See above, pp. 206-207. 

178 Its title page reads as f ollows : "Syntagma Logicvm. or, The Divine Log-ike. 
Seruing 1 especially for the vse of Diuines in the practise of preaching, and for the 
further hetye of judicious Hearers^ and generally for all. By Thomas Granger Preacher 
of Gods Word. 

Grata quidem ratio est concordi <uoce relata^ Gram. 

Gratior est ratio veniens ratione venusta^ Rhet. 

Grata ter est ratio veniens ratione $olita. Logic. 

E veterum tnlneralibus organon aureum expoliuit Aristoteles e//nicus. 

Ad vsum iivprimis Theologicum summo cum iudicio accommodauit Ramus Christianas. 
London, Printed by William I ones, and are to be sold by Arthur lohnson^ dwelling 1 in 
Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the white Horse. 1620." 

[ 229 ] 


This stanza is one of six appearing at the head of Book I, and it is 
first of two English stanzas, the previous four having been in Greek 
or Latin. This English stanza reads as follows: 

This book's a Garden where doth grow a Tree, 

CaPd Logike, fruitfull for Theologie. 

The Roote, whose sappe doth vegetate the rest, 

Is Aristotle height, because the best. 

The Boughes & Branches growing thence, are Ramus, 

Douname, Beurhusius, Temple, and Polanus, 

And here and there, some other fruits doe grow, 

Of pleasant taste, and of delightfull show. 

Each reader may this Garden make his owne, 

(And many will no doubt, when it is knowne.) 

Then giue the price, (but small) to them that sell, 

And thanke the Gardner dressing it so well. 179 

It is impossible to say that this description of The Divine Logike 
reflects Granger's own exact view of the connection between his work 
and that of the Ramists. After all, the stanza just quoted is unsigned, 
and the one just before and just after it bear the name of John Jones 
of Cambridge. 1 * But Granger's similar view is available, neverthe- 
less, in his own signed English preface to his work, where he ad- 
dresses his readers on the subject of his relation to contemporary 
logic. He speaks there of the ancient change that had occurred in 
logical theory when logicians, ceasing to be occupied exclusively with 
philosophical disputation and its rewards of applause, began to con- 
cern themselves with fashioning logic in such a way "that it might 
be as apt an instrument for Oratours in pleading, and Rhetoricians 
in declaming, as for Philosophers in disputing." 181 Just as the ancient 
logicians had adapted logic to philosophers and orators, Granger 
goes on, "so the moderne y and newest (according to the necessitie, 
condition, and exigence of times) to the practise of Diuines also, both 
for the composing of common places, and other tractates, and also for 
the interpretation, explication, amplification, and illustration of the 

176 The Divine Lagike, sig. a^v. The Polanus referred to here is Amandus Polanus 
von Polansdorf, a Prussian, who served as professor of theology at Basel, and whose 
work, the Syntagma Theologian Christiana* (Geneva, 1612), probably suggested 
Granger's title. 

lst> Ths Jones, a member of Caius College, and a bachelor of arts in 1 61^-19, was 
son of Granger's printer, William Jones. See Alumni Cantabrigienses, Pt. i, s.v, Joanes, 

Divine LogtJee, sig, azr. 

[ 230 ] 


Diuine text, or any other worke for the benefite of Gods Church." 182 
Having thus identified the trend in the logic of his day towards the 
needs of the preacher. Granger states his own ambition: 

To this end also haue I perused the chiefest and best in this facultie, 
and out of their Texts, and Commentaries (as the learned may easily 
see) as also from myne owne practise, and experience haue I 
composed this worke, therein directly ayming at the benefite, and 
helpe of Preachers, and hearers, which haue some vnderstanding al- 
readie in the rules of this Art, or that are desirous to attaine to some 
knowledge, and practise thereof. 183 

The "chiefest and best" logicians to whom Granger here refers do 
not remain entirely anonymous throughout his preface. In fact, he 
mentions at once the one who to his mind apparently qualifies for 
recognition above all other contemporaries Ramus. Speaking of 
Ramus as too epitomized to be understood by the unlearned without 
a lengthy commentary, and characterizing lengthy commentaries as 
too verbose to be useful to the learned who have already mastered 
them in epitome, Granger thus defines his special aim: 

Therefore I haue heere walked in the middle path, that neither the 
skilfull might iustly taxe me with prolixitie, nor the vnskilfull with 
breuitie. For this worke is in very deede an Epitome of the best Ex- 
positions, and Logicall tractates both old, and new j and againe, Ramus 
is an Epitome of this: which being well perused thou shalt finde him 
(that seemes so obscure to all) as plaine, and easie, as the a b c. So 
that this worke may serue insteed of all commenters, and Ramus him- 
selfe for an Epitome. 18 * 

The Divine Logike adheres to this statement of purpose. It 
emerges as an English epitome of the standard commentaries on 
Ramistic logic, to which it adds dashes of scholastic doctrine for good 
measure j and it also emerges as an English commentary on the 
logical system epitomized in Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo. Of the 
two parts of logic it says that the "former is of the purpose, or mat- 
ter propounded, whether it bee in minde, word, or writing: the sec- 
ond is of iudgement." 185 Argument, an aspect of matter, is considered 
as to invention and disposition. 186 Under invention are given the 
familiar Ramistic classifications: arguments are "artificiall" or "in- 
artificialP'j artificial arguments are "prime" or "primortiue"j prime 

182 Ibid., sig. air-azv. 18S Ibid.* sig. aav. 1S * Ibid^ sig. 

185 Ibid., p. a. ***lbid^ p. n. 

E 231 ] 


arguments lead ultimately to the consideration of "Cause," "Effect," 
"Subiect," "Adiunct," opposites, comparatives ; primortive argu- 
ments lead ultimately to the consideration of reasoning from name, 
from divisions, and by definitions - 7 and at last inartificial arguments 
lead to the consideration of divine testimonies, human testimonies, 
and the like. 187 Books II, III, and IV discuss disposition under the 
Ramistic headings of axioms, syllogisms, and method, as Book I had 
discussed invention. 

Like Fraunce and the other English Ramists, Granger does not 
hesitate to take liberties with his basic source. The best illustration 
of this, and the only one I shall mention, is to be found in Book V 
of The Divine Logike. Here Granger turns to the subject of judg- 
ment and fallacies. Ramus did not treat fallacies as a part of logic 
when he wrote his Dialectiqve, and judgment was in his view not 
only the second grand division of logic but also an exact synonym 
of disposition. Granger follows Ramus in making judgment the sec- 
ond part of logic, while he departs from Ramus by considering dis- 
position as a kind of subdivision of the first part, that is, the part 
belonging to the content or matter of discourse. Thus the act of judg- 
ing becomes for Granger the act of evaluating a discourse already 
devised and arranged. Here is what he says at the very beginning of 
Book V on the relations between judgment and disposition: 

Ivdgementy is the second part of Logicke, whereby euery proposite, 
or oration, is iudged, and censured, whether it be according to Truth, 
and sound Reason, or otherwise. It is the Consequent, Effect, and 
End of Disposition. 

This concept permits Granger to discuss in a subsequent chapter 
Ramus's famous three laws, which of course are a standard part of 
the second grand division of Ramistic logic. And it permits Granger 
also to Introduce the subject of fallacies and refutations for the clos- 
ing pages of his work, with the result that he like Fraunce is able to 
give his readers the most attractive feature of scholastic logic as an 
entity within the system of Ramus. 

Six years after the publication of Granger's Divine Logike there 
appeared at London a translation of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo 
under the name of Antony Wotton. This work is unusual in being 
the first English translation of Ramus's logic since Macllmaine's to 
"advertise itself on its title page for what it is. It is also unusual in 

pp. 11-233. 

[ 232 ] 


having its title page state that Ramus's logical system is basically a 
reorganization of scholastic logic. Here are the words used by Wot- 
ton to convey these and other points: 

The Art of Logick. Gathered out of Aristotle, and set in due forme, 
according to his instructions, by Peter Ramus, Professor of Philoso- 
phy and Rhetorick in Paris, and there Martyred for the Gospell of 
the Lord lesus. With a short Exposition of the Praecepts, by which 
any one of indifferent ca^acitie, may with a little paines, attaine to 
some competent knowledge and vse of that noble and necessary Sci- 
ence. Published for the Instruction of the vnlearned, by Antony 
Wotton. 188 

It turns out in his preface that Antony Wotton had studied 
Ramus's logic more than forty years before, and had found it con- 
tinuously useful since. Hence he had appointed his son in Cambridge 
to do a translation of it and had given the latter a set of Latin notes 
on Ramus^s text as a general guide to the whole undertaking. Those 
notes appear in the present book, says Wotton, as the basis of the 
exposition of Ramus's doctrine, whereas the present translation of 
that doctrine, and the scriptural illustrations, are the work of the son. 
The preface does not add that the son's name is Samuel, and that 
Samuel was even then a fellow of King's College, having taken his 
bachelor's degree in 1625*** Nor does the preface expressly acknowl- 
edge that Antony had been student and fellow at King's in the days 
of William Temple's appointment at the same college, 190 and prob- 
ably had acquired from that distinguished scholar not only his initial 
interest in Ramus but also the material for the Latin notes which 
Samuel had been given as a way of preparing him to do his transla- 
tion. No blame should be attached to Antony, however, for his fail- 
ure to mention these facts. After all, what he does say in his preface 
makes it sufficiently possible to determine them. Moreover, his own 
attainment in years, the nearness of his death, and the quality of his 
learning in logic are reasons why the son no doubt preferred to have 
the father's name by itself upon the title page of their joint work 
on Ramus. 191 

Another English translation of the main ideas of Ramus's logic 

188 The imprint reads: "London Printed by I. D. for Nicholas Bourne^ and are to be 
sold at his shop at the Exchange. 1626." 

1S * See Alumni Cantabrigienses, Pt. I, s.v. Wotton, Samuel. 

100 See Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Wotton, Anthony (1561? -1626). 

1S1 Antony Wotton died December n> 1626. The preface to his Logick is dated May a 
of that year. 

[ 233 ]. 


appeared at London two years after the one just discussed, and was 
unusual in being accompanied by a commentary that attempted to 
reconcile Aristotle and Ramus, then to correct the shortcomings of 
Ramus wherever he did not agree with Aristotle, and finally to ex- 
pound both authors from the writings of the Scholastics. The author 
of this ambitious undertaking was Thomas Spencer, and his own title 
page is in fact a statement of these three very purposes: 

The Art of Logick, Delivered in the Precepts of Aristotle and Ramvs. 
Whwerein i. The agreement of both Authors is declared. 2. The de- 
fects in Ramus, are supplyed, and his superfluities pared off, by the 
Precepts of Aristotle. 3. The precepts of both, are expounded and 
applyed to vse, by the assistance of the best Schoolemen. By Tho : 
Spencer. 192 

In the work lying under this title, Spencer has followed the 
method of placing within each chapter, usually at the beginning but 
sometimes elsewhere as well, an English translation of doctrine con- 
spicuously identified in the adjacent margin as from Ramus 5 and of 
proceeding then to confirm and explain that doctrine by reference to 
ancient and recent logicians. Aristotle's Organon is his chief ancient 
source, although he also refers many times to Porphyry's Isagoge^ 
As for the "best Schoolemen" promised by his title, they turn out to 
be important figures in medieval and Renaissance philosophy. Two 
o them are Peter Fonseca and Sebastian Couto, Portuguese com- 
mentators on Aristotle, and authors of the widely known Commen- 
tarn Collegii Conimbricensis e Societate Jesu in vniuersam Dialec- 
ticam AristoteliS) which Spencer cites on several occasions as the logic 
of "the lesuites." 19 * Another schoolman is Pierre d'Ailly, French 
ecclesiastic and philosopher of the late fourteenth and early fifteenth 
centuries, 1 * 5 Still another is the medieval English logician, William 
Ockham. 19e Still another is Saint Thomas Aquinas, whom Spencer 

192 The imprint reads: "London Printed by lohn Daw son for Nicholas Bourne^ at the 
South entrance of the Royall Exchange* 1628," 

183 See Art of Logick? pp. 59, 60, 63, 69, 70, 71, 129, 130, 131, for a sample o 
Spencer's references to Porphyry. His references to Aristotle are so numerous as to make 
it inexpedient to list them here. 

194 Ibid., pp. 3-8. For an account of this Jesuit commentary, see The Catholic En- 
cyclopedia, s.v. Conimbricenses. 

Art of Logick, pp. 78, 97, 100, 167, 173, 175, iS 53 262. Spencer refers to him 
by his Latin name Aliaco. 

196 JW^., pp. 8, 27, 33, 50, 53, 107, 109, 1 1 8, 119, 130. For an analysis of Ock- 
ham's contribution to logical theory, see Boehner, Medieval Logic An Outline of Its 
'Development from, 1250 to c. 1400, pp. 36-44. 

[ 234 ] 

cites more often than any of the other schoolmen/ 97 In the ideas 
and words of these and lesser authorities, Spencer sets forth the 
topics and subtopics of the theory of invention and disposition, fea- 
turing only the name of Ramus in the marginal notations, adhering 
in general to the order prescribed by Ramus, and emphasizing every- 
where Ramus's main points, including the famous three laws. 298 

One of the defects in Ramus to be corrected by Spencer from the 
precepts of Aristotle concerns the doctrine of the ten categories. The 
ten categories were part of the machinery of invention in scholastic 
logic. Ramus, in redesigning that machinery, had kept to the notion 
of ten basic seats of argument, but had not named those seats as 
Aristotle named his categories. It thus turned out that, whereas under 
invention the scholastic logicians talked of substance, quantity, qual- 
ity, relation, place, time, posture, apparel, doing, or suffering, the 
Ramists made invention consist of cause, effect, subject, adjunct, and 
six other places of predication. Spencer combines these two systems. 
He gives one chapter to Aristotle's categories, and pays special atten- 
tion to the category of primary substance, under which he discusses 
what Ramus calls effect and subject. 189 Then he devotes twenty- five 
chapters to Ramus's other places of invention, finding Aristotelian 
authority for them, of course. As to his inclusion of effect and subject 
under primary substance, he has this to say: 

This Doctrine is peculiar to Aristotle: Ramus doth not acknowledge 
it 5 for, he hath not a word of it: It may bee, he conceived, that, i. To 
set downe all the seats of arguments in one place together, would 
breed a needles repetition. 2. These single termes did not appertaine 
to Logick. 3. The first substance, or thing subiected, in every sentence, 
hath not the nature of an argument. It is very likely, that, he thought 
thus: because, this doctrine of Aristotle hath beene anciently receiuedj 
therefore, hee would not depart from it vnles hee had some reason 
for it: and I conceiue, he had no reason, but these 3. 200 

Although Spencer proceeds to reject each of these three reasons, he 
does so without a trace of disrespect for Ramus's Aristotelian learn- 
ing. He seems, indeed, to argue his case more to justify his restoring 

187 Art of Logick, pp. 2, 16-18, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 33, 39, 43, 45, 47, 48, 50* 53, 
54, 56, 60, 77, 81, 83, 85, 86, 93, 97, 112, 130, 134, 168, 185, 195, 201, 202, 203. 
Spencer's references are for the most part to the Summa TAeologica* 

198 Art of Logick, pp. 11-147 (for invention), 149-311 (for disposition) and 179- 
18 1 (for the three laws). 

199 Ibid.) pp. 14-23. 

p. 19. 

[235 ] 


of the ten categories to logical theory than to explain what logicians 
should do with them once they were restored. 

The chief superfluity which Spencer sees in Ramus, and hence 
abandons on the authority of Aristotle, is the doctrine of method. 
This doctrine occupied the third and last position in Ramus's treat- 
ment of disposition or judgment. As Spencer finishes his analysis of 
propositions and syllogisms, the two other parts of Ramistic disposi- 
tion," he suddenly says without preamble: 

Now we are come to an end of all the precepts of Logicke: so as, 
there is no more required, to make a Logician, then what hath beene 
sayd alreadie. But that seemes not enough to Ramus^ for he brings 
another member of this art, and calls it Methode: but I omit the same 
of purpose 5 for divers reasons. 201 

Only the last of Spencer's four reasons appears to be the one 
which could have moved him to omit from his Ramistic treatise what 
is in effect the very hallmark of Ramism. He gave that reason as the 
concluding statement of his work: 

He [Ramus] alledges Aristotles authoritie for method j but alto- 
gether without cause 5 for he alledgeth no place, nor words, and I am 
sure he cannot. Aristotle calls all the precepts of Logicke a Method, 
whereby wee come to know, h'ow to discusse. Top. lib. I. cap. 2. lib. 
8. cap. 12. prior, lib. I. cap. 31. therfore he did neuer meane to make 
Method^ one member of his Art, distinct from the rest: seeing 
therefore we haue nothing to say touching Method^ I must here put 
an end to the whole Worke. 202 

Now, this reasoning ignores the fact that Ramus had conceived 
of his logic as in one sense the ancient science of dialectical invention 
and judgment, and in another sense the ancient science of rhetorical 
invention and disposition. Thus he had drawn into logic a distillation 
of such theories of argument as Aristotle's Topics and Cicero's 
Topics y as well as a distillation of what Aristotle's Rhetoric and 
Cicero's voluminous rhetorical writings had to say on invention and 
disposition in oratory. At the same time, Ramus had restricted 
rhetorical theory to the subjects of style and delivery, on the assump- 
tion that the other subjects of ancient rhetoric were adequately cov- 
ered in logic. So when Spencer says that Ramus has no authority in 
Aristotle for making method a division of the theory of discussion, 

201 Ibid., pp. 309-310. *lbid.> p. 3 n. 

E 236 ] 


he is thinking only of Aristotle's Organon, not of Aristotle's Rhet- 
oric, for in the latter work method as the theory of arrangement of 
persuasive discourse is explicitly treated. 203 It is true that Ramus's 
theory of the natural method as the strict arranging of propositions 
in a descending order of generality has no authority in Aristotle's 
Rhetoric or Organon. But Ramus's theory of the prudential method 
can claim some authority in Aristotle's Rhetoric, and his theory of 
method as a part of logic is not an unwarranted deduction from the 
ancient dialecticians. 204 What Spencer's reasoning does is to bring out 
unwittingly that Ramus, bound as he was to Plato, Aristotle, and 
Cicero, managed nevertheless to give the ancient theory of arrange- 
ment a novel twist and to emerge as the first thinker of the modern 
era to insist upon adding to the ancient doctrine of persuasive ar- 
rangement the concept of expository or learned discourse as having 
its separate theory of form. 

The last English translation of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo 
ever to be printed appeared in 1632 and several times thereafter 
during the course of the seventeenth century. It was the work of 
Robert Fage, and its title page is an exact description of its Contents: 

Peter Ramus of Vermandois, The Kings Professor, his Dialectica in 
two bookes. Not onely translated into English, but also digested into 
questions and answers for the more facility of understanding. By R. 
F. Gent. London. Printed by W. J. 1632. 

The dedicatory letter identifies the "R. F." of the title page as "Ro. 
Fage," and assigns the book to the author's uncle, Bestney Parker, 
indicating also that the translation had been first done for the latter 
in the form of a continuous discourse, and then altered to become a 
dialogue. Since there was a Robert Fage who studied at St. Cath- 
arine's College, Cambridge, between 1621 and 1627, and received 
in that period both his bachelor's and master's degrees, it is almost 
a certainty that he is the "Ro. Fage" of the Ramus translation. If so, 
the last Englishman to translate Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo be- 
came vicar of Fulbourn in Cambridgeshire in 1632, the year when 
his translation appeared, and was later made vicar of Wilburton, 
where he died in 1 669- 205 

As for the later editions of Fage's translation, there would seem 

20S See the closing words of Book n of the Rhetoric^ as well as the opening- chapter 
and the seven closing- chapters of Book in. 

204 See for example Plato's Phaedrus y 2.65-266. 

205 See Alumni Cantabrigienses, Pt. i, s.v. Fage or Fagge, Robert. 

[ 237 ] 


to have been six in alL Walter J. Ong, S.J., calls attention to an ap- 
parently unique copy of an edition bearing the date of 1635, and to 
another apparently unique copy of an edition of i636. 200 He has also 
identified Fage's translation as the first unit in a work published at 
London in 1 651 under the title, A Compendium of the Art of Logick 
and Rhetorick in the English Tongue, Containing All that Peter 
Ramus, Aristotle, and Others Have Writ Thereon: with Plaine Di- 
rections for the More Easie Understanding and Practice of the 
Same This particular edition of Page's translation does not bear 
its author's name, and thus cannot easily be recognized for what it is. 
The same observation applies to the next three editions. John Mil- 
ton's nephew and pupil, Edward Phillips, published a miscellany at 
London in 1658 and 1685 under the title, The Mysteries of Love 
&? Eloquence, and at London in 1699 under the title, The Beau's 
Academy. There is a treatise on logic in this miscellany, and it was 
J. Milton French who first identified it as the work of Ramus and 
Fage. 208 Thus at the very end of its career in translation in England, 
as at the very end of its career there in scholarly Latin text and 
commentary, Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo manages to get itself 
associated with the name of Milton, though Phillips, who probably 
became interested in Ramism when Milton was tutoring him in the 
early sixteen-forties, hardly qualifies as an English Ramist in any 
but a passive sense. 

The concluding topic in this history of Ramistic logic in England 
brings Ramus into the English theater and makes him a figure in 
English drama. Two playwrights of the late sixteenth century de- 
serve special mention in this connection. One of them has not been 
identified, although the play of his in which Ramus is mentioned 
survives. The other is Christopher Marlowe, whose undergraduate 
days at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge occurred at the time 
when William Temple of nearby King's was rising to fame as the 
leading Cambridge Ramist and was engaging Everard Digby in con- 
troversy on the question of Ramus's theory of method. 

Marlowe's The Massacre at Paris, probably composed in the very 
early fifteen-nineties, and performed a number of times before Lon- 

2<>a See his Hobi>es and Talon's Ramist Rhetoric in English," Transactions of the 
Cambridge Bibliographical Society^ I (194-9-1953), 261, note i. 

M7 /^V. J pp. 260-261. For a discussion of the other items in this compendium, see 
below, pp. 276, 279, 384. 

208 J. Milton French, "Milton, Ramus, and Edward Phillips," Modem Philology 

ATII (November 1949), 82-87. 

[ 238 ] 


don audiences in the following decade, 209 makes use of the massacre 
of St. Bartholomew for its titular materials, although the play as a 
whole dramatizes French history between 1572 and 1589, with 
leading emphasis upon the murderous struggles among Henry of 
Anjou, Henry of Navarre, and Henry of Guise for the throne of 
France. This war of the three Henries came to a climax in the assas- 
sination of Henry of Guise at the command of Anjou, who was 
reigning as Henry III. Thereafter, Henry III was assassinated by 
a fanatic monk of the Catholic faction which Guise had headed, and 
Henry of Navarre, a Protestant and the son of Antoine de Bourbon 
and Jeanne d'Albret, ascended the French throne as Henry IV to 
place the Bourbon dynasty in its long tenure of power. 

At the beginning of Marlowe's play, the marriage of Henry of 
Navarre and Margaret, Anjou's sister, is being celebrated, and 
Henry of Guise is beginning to lay plans to kill Navarre's mother, 
and Navarre himself, as well as Admiral Coligny, the greatest 
Protestant leader in France. Guise's agents proceed at once to murder 
Navarre's mother by giving her a pair of poisoned gloves, and to 
attempt Coligny's life by shooting him with a musket ball. In actual 
historical fact the death of Navarre's mother under circumstances 
suggesting that she was poisoned occurred some two months before 
the marriage of Navarre and Margaret* 210 Thus at this point Mar- 
lowe is guilty of an anachronism, but his error is dramatically effec- 
tive, nevertheless, and it lays no undeserved amount of extra guilt 
upon Guise. After the attempted assassination of Coligny, Guise is 
driven into an alliance with the queen-mother of France, Catherine 
de' Medici, and with Anjou, the result of which is the massacre of 
St. Bartholomew. Marlowe traces this tragic occurrence from the 
fatal stabbing of Coligny to Guise's preoccupation with Protestant 
victims of the humblest sort. From that point the scene of the play 
widens to permit the development of the dynastic themes that the 
blood and violence of the massacre have endowed with tragic values. 

One of the episodes in Marlowe's dramatic version of the massacre 
is that in which Ramus meets his death in the presence of Anjou and 
Guise. Of all the victims of the actual massacre as depicted by Mar- 
lowe, Ramus is the most important historical personage, Navarre's 
mother and Coligny having fallen before the signal for the beginning 

2 * 9 On these points, see The Works of Christopher Marlo*we y ed. C, F. Tucker Brooke 
(Oxford [i925])> p. 440. This edition is cited below as Works of Marlowe. 

210 For the sequence of these events, see La Grande Encyclopedic, s.v. Saint-Bartfaelemy. 

[ 239 ] 


of wholesale slaughter was given, and the other victims being ob- 
scure Protestants. As if to underline the importance of Ramus, he is 
the only victim to be killed by Anjou. Perhaps Marlowe thought it 
an ironic comment upon royalty that the king's professor of logic 
should be murdered without provocation by one who was soon to 
become King Henry III. 

The actual scene of the murder is swift and intense. As Ramus is 
sitting in his study, against the background of frightened cries from 
the oncoming horror, his friend and collaborator Talaeus enters and 
begs him to fly for his life if he would escape the Guisians. Then 
Talaeus leaps out of the window and disappears through the ranks 
of the assassins, as they recognize him for a Catholic and suffer him 
to go. Perhaps he does not hear Ramus's plea, "Sweet Taleus 
stay." 211 Or perhaps he does and chooses not to heed. In either event, 
the historical Talaeus should not be blamed at all, for he was dead 
when Ramus met his violent end, and had been dead ten years. Here 
is a case where Marlowe's anachronism, if allowed to stand for fact, 
as it has stood in some editions of The Massacre at Paris, 2iz would 
identify Talaeus with the crime of having deserted his best friend 
at a moment of crisis. At least Talaeus^ sins cannot be expanded to 
include that of abandoning Ramus in the latter's final hour. 

The indictment which Guise in Marlowe's play directs at Ramus 
before Anjou strikes Ramus down is surely reminiscent of attacks 
upon Ramism at Cambridge during Marlowe's student days. And 
what does that indictment consist in? It consists in the charge that 
Ramus is superficial as a thinker, irreverent as a student of Aristotle, 
injudicious as an advocate of dichotomies and epitomes, and rash as 
a disputant against the axioms of the doctors. Says Guise when Ramus 
asks wherein he had offended: 

Marry sir, in hauing a smack in all, 

And yet didst neuer sound anything to the depth. 

Was it not thou that scoftes the Organon, 

And said it was a heape of vanities? 

He that will be a flat dicotamest, 

And seen in nothing but Epitomies: 

Is in your iudgment thought a learned man. 

211 Works of Marlowe^ p. 456. 

212 See The Jew of Malta and The Massacre at Paris, ed. Henry Stanley Bennett 
(London, [1931]}, p. 203, where Talaeus is said to have survived the massacre and to 

have died in 1610. 

[ 240 ] 


And he forsooth must goe and preach in Germany: 

Excepting against Doctors axioms, 

And i-pse dixi with this quidditie, 

Ar guynentum testimonn est inartificiale. 

To contradict which, I say Ramus shall dye: 

How answere you that? your nego argumentum 

Cannot serue, sirra: kill him. 213 

At Ramus's plea for a hearing, Anjou bids him speak, and the 
ensuing response may be considered to have been composed in Cam- 
bridge rather than Paris. Ramus says that he wants a hearing, not to 
prolong his life, but to cleanse himself of malicious misrepresenta- 
tions like those of James Schegk. His defense of himself is that he 
had sought to improve the arrangement of Aristotle's logical writ- 
ings, and that the man who hates Aristotle or loves his own works 
better than he loves God can never be a good logician or philosopher. 
Marlowe's words sound thus as Ramus speaks them: 

Not for my life doe I desire this pause, 

But in my latter houre to purge my selfe, 

In that I know the things that I haue wrote, 

Which as I heare one Shekius takes it ill, 

Because my places being but three, contains all his: 

I knew the Organon to be confusde, 

And I reduced it into better forme. 

And this for Aristotle will I say, 

That he that despiseth him can nere 

Be good in Logick or Philosophic. 

And thats because the blockish Sorbonests 

Attribute as much vnto their workes 

As to the seruice of the eternall God. 214 

It is fitting that these last words should be a taunt at his enemies, 
for Ramus had offended many people in his time, and it was too late 
now for him to pretend diplomacy. Guise asks why Anjou should 
suffer this peasant to declaim, and Anjou stabs Ramus, saying, "Nere 
was there Colliars sonne so full of pride." Thus does Marlowe me- 
morialize the murder of one of the chief influences behind the intel- 
lectual life of that time. 

sis Works of Marlowe, p. 457. 

214 Ibid., p. 457. For further information about Shekius, that is, Schegt, see Wadding- 
ton, Ratnus, pp. 198-199, 216, 366, 394. The reference to Ramus's three places means 
that the ten fundamental terms of Rarnus's theory of invention are grouped under three 
wider headings, that is, i) artistic primary arguments, ) artistic derivative primary 
arguments, and 3) non-artistic arguments. See above, pp. 155-156. 


Ramus enters in less spectacular fashion into another drama of the 
late sixteenth century. The Pilgrimage to Parnassus? This was a 
college play performed at St. John's College, Cambridge, in con- 
nection with the Christmas festivities of I598. 216 Since no edition 
of this play was printed until 1886, and no second performance is 
known to have occurred, 217 the number of people to have been aware 
of it in its own time is limited, and thus it cannot claim to have made 
England conscious of Ramus to any appreciable extent. But it reflects 
the success of the English Ramists in making their cause a matter of 
familiar reference within their halls of learning, even if it did not 
contribute to the spread of that cause or to its impact upon the gen- 
eral public. 

Under the image of a devout journey to the mountain of Apollo 
and the Muses, the Pilgrimage represents the struggle of undergrad- 
uates for their bachelor's degree. The play represents the students 
as passing through four realms of knowledge and as having to sur- 
mount four obstacles. The heroes are Philomusus and Studioso, that 
is, Muse-Lover and Zeal, who are sent on their way by Consiliodorus, 
that is, Hellenic Wisdom. Consiliodorus is father of Philomusus and 
uncle of Studioso. His words of advice and warning to the two young 
men occupy a large part of the first act, which is quite short, as are 
the other four. 

The two pilgrims journey first through the land of logic, where 
they meet the student's first obstacle, Madido, the Moist One, or the 
Sot. Madido has never completed his journey to the sacred moun- 
tain, being addicted to wine, to Horace, and to the idea that the 
tavern is a better source of inspiration for the aspiring poet than is 
learning. Philomusus and Studioso are not greatly impressed with, 
him, although perhaps Philomusus has a momentary desire to accept 
his invitation to a pint of wine* 

Next after logic comes the sweet land of rhetoric, through which 
the pilgrims pass during Act III, and where they meet the student's 
second obstacle, Stupido, or Stupidity. Stupido has been on the pil- 
grimage for ten years, and has decided to go no further a change 
of mind that appears essentially unprecipitate. Perhaps his being a 
puritan has something to do with his renunciation of rhetoric, poetry, 

* ls For the text of this play, see The Three Parnassus Plays (i50ff-jdoj), ed. J. B. 
Leishman (London, 1949), pp. 95-132. 
pp. 24-26. 
pp. 8, 26. 

[ 242 ] 


and philosophy as vain and useless arts. Or perhaps, as Philomusus 
suggests, Stupido is one 

Who, for he cannot reach vnto the artes, 

Makes showe as though he would neglect the artes 

And cared not for the springe of Hellicon. 218 

In Act IV the pilgrims come to the land of poetry, where they 
meet the student's most dangerous obstacle, Amoretto, Little Cupid, 
or Love. His delight is in the verses of Ovid, his design is to remain 
forever in his present state, and his advice to Philomusus and Stu- 
dioso is that they spend not their wanton youth "In sadd dull plod- 
ding on philosophers/' 

Studioso Yea but our springe is shorte, and winter longer 

Our youth by trauellinge to Hellicon 

Must gett prouision for our latter years. 
Amoretto Who thinks on winter before winter come 

Maks winter come in sommers fairest shine. 

There is no golden minte at Hellicon. 

Cropp you the ioyes of youth while that you maye, 

Sorowe and grife will come another daye. 218 

This argument proves irresistible, and the pilgrims decide as if to 
renounce their quest and to remain with Amoretto. But in Act V they 
are on their way again, this time in the land of philosophy, where 
they meet the student's last obstacle, Ingenioso, or Cleverness. In- 
genioso is the crafty lad who knows more than the masters and the 
masterpieces. He has learned that there is no gold on Parnassus, and 
only the prospect of a vicarage or a schoolroom for those who reach 
the land of the Muses. But our pilgrims are now safe from further 
delay, and they come soon to the end of their four-year journey. 

Ramus enters this play, not as a character, but as a reference. As 
Philomusus and Studioso begin the first stage of their journey in the 
land of logic, Studioso remarks that he has gotten hold of "lacke 
Setons mapp" to guide them. 220 Thus it is plain that St. John's Col- 
lege, which had previously produced such anti-Ramists as Everard 
Digby, Robert Greene, and Thomas Nash, and such an ardent Ra- 
mist as Abraham Fraunce, was again in the camp of the scholastics in 
1598, and could find no better guide than Peter Carter's edition of 
John Seton's Dialectical But it is Madido, the Sot, who mentions 

218 Ibid., p. 117. ^Ibid., p. 119. 22 /**., p. 101. 

221 See above, pp. 194., 197, aaa* 

I 243 1 


that, when he first came to the land of logic on his way to Parnassus, 
he had begun "to reade Ramus his mapp, Dialectica e$t^ &c.," and 
had thrown it away when "the slouenlie knaue presented mee with 
such an vnsauorie worde that I dare not name it, vnless I had some 
frankensence readie to perfume youre noses with after." 222 We may 
be sure that Madido is here referring to some word which had a 
prominent place in Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo as a scientific term 
and an equally prominent place in current undergraduate slang as a 
scatological term. Perhaps that word is "ars," the third term in 
Ramus's famous definition of dialectic, and the term which Madido 
would have had to mention next if he had completed his Latin quo- 
tation from the first chapter of the Dialecticae Libri Duo. At any 
rate, "ars" as a Latin term would at that time be part of every under- 
graduated learned vocabulary, while as an English term for the but- 
tocks it would not be used in polite speech, and it would suggest not 
only a certain untidiness in anyone who did use it but also certain 
characteristics that make Madido's reference to frankincense inele- 
gant though understandable. 

Ramus figures once more in the intellectual background of the 
Pilgrimage. When Philomusus and Studioso meet Stupido in the 
land of rhetoric, they find him a disciple of Ramus as well as a puri- 
tan and a scorner of "these vaine artes of Rhetorique, Poetrie, and 
Philosophic." 228 Stupido's first words to the pilgrims are these: 

Welcome my welbeloued brethren, trulie (I thanke god for it) I 
haue spent this day to my great comfort 5 I haue (I pray god prosper 
my labours) analised a peece of an homelie according to Ramus, and 
surelie in my minde and simple opinion M r Peter maketh all things 
verie plaine and easie. As for Setons Logique, trulie I neuer looke 
on it but it makes my head ache. 22 * 

Since Philomusus and Studioso have already passed through the 
land of logic with the assistance of "lacke Setons mapp," and since 
Stupido, who regards Seton as difficult, has by now spent ten years in 
getting through that same land under the guidance of Ramus, we 
have to conclude, of course, that the author of the Pilgrimage is 
making Ramus seem helpful only to the stupid, and is representing 
him as essentially beneath the notice of the wise and successful 
scholar. We have also to conclude that this same author is implying 

232 Leishman, Three Parnassus Plays^ p. 108. 
p. 113. ***IbU^ p. 1 1 a. 

E 244 ] 


an adverse judgment against the puritans, with whom Stupido is re- 
peatedly identified, and that he is expressing a favorable judgment 
toward the established church, which had its historical roots in John 
Seton's kind of Catholicism and scholasticism. But it is difficult to con- 
clude, as Leishman does, that the Stupido of this play is a caricature 
of William Gouge. 225 When the Pilgrimage was performed at St. 
John's College in 1598, Gouge had been an undergraduate at nearby 
King's for only three years, whereas Stupido is caricatured as a slow 
undergraduate of ten years' standing. Moreover, Gouge was a good 
student, who stayed on at Cambridge to take the bachelor's and the 
master's degrees and to occupy a fellowship until 1 604, whereas Stu- 
pido seems not to be headed in those directions. To be sure, Gouge 
was known as an undergraduate for his ability to defend Ramus, and 
his connection with puritanism is conspicuous. 226 But Ramists and 
puritans at Cambridge in the fifteen-nineties include William Per- 
kins, Antony Wotton, and William Ames, as well as Gouge, and 
thus in a general way there are at least four possible candidates for 
the honor of being Stupido's counterpart. It is certain, therefore, that 
the audience which saw the Pilgrimage performed in 1598 would 
have had more than Gouge in mind as they speculated upon the 
identity of Stupido. It is also certain that they would have known 
all about Ramus, and that they would have applauded the historical 
accuracy of the Pilgrimage in representing the puritans in the person 
of Stupido as exempting both Ramistic and scholastic logic, but not 
rhetoric, poetry, and philosophy, from the catalogue of vain and 
useless arts. 

As we turn now to Talaeus's rhetoric, which deserves to be ranked 
next to Ramus's logic among the important branches of Ramism in 
England, it might be well to mention in passing that these two lib- 
eral arts are not the only aspects of my present subject 5 for Ramus 
was accepted by Englishmen as an authority on grammar, arithmetic, 
and geometry as welL This fact is borne out by various publications 
in England in the period under discussion in this chapter. As early as 
1581, Ramus's Rudimenta Graeca was given a printing at London; 
four years later The latine grammar oj P. Ramvs Translated into 
English was published in an edition at London and in another at 
Cambridge; and in 1594, a Cambridge graduate student named Paul 
Greaves, of Christ's College, brought out at Cambridge his Gram- 

225 Ibid., pp. 70-71. 228 See above, pp. 199-200. 

[ 245 ] 


matica Anglicana^ which described itself in its subtitle as "ad vnicam 
P. Rami methodum concinnata." Ramus's mathematical writings 
were meanwhile receiving attention from Englishmen. Thomas 
Hood, a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, and the first lec- 
turer in mathematics under a foundation established by Thomas 
Smith for the instruction of citizens of London, published at London 
in 1590 The Elementes of Geometrie, a translation of Ramus's Latin 
treatise on this subject. 227 William Kempe, also a graduate of Trinity 
College, Cambridge, and master at Plymouth grammar school, pub- 
lished at London in 1592 The Art of Arithmeticke in whole num- 
bers and fractions, this work being likewise translated from Ramus. 
William Bedwell, distinguished Arabic scholar and mathematician, 
as well as a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, and a friend of 
Thomas Hood, left behind when he died a work called Via Regia 
ad Geometriam y which was later published at London in 1 63 6 under 
the editorship of John Clerke, and was offered to the public as Bed- 
well's translation and enlargement of Ramus. Bedwell, along with 
Kernpe, Hood, and Greaves, offers further evidence of the influence 
of Ramus upon the intellectual life of Cambridge in the last quarter 
of the sixteenth century. In addition, these men illustrate how far 
Ramus's influence spread in England beyond the boundaries of logic 
and rhetoric. 

227 See Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Hood, Thomas (#. 1582-1598). 

III. Ramus's Rhetoric in England 

To Gabriel Harvey belongs the credit of being the first Englishman 
to interpret Ramistic rhetoric to his countrymen. Harvey was a stu- 
dent at Christ's College, Cambridge, during the early years of Lau- 
rence Chaderton's tenure as fellow at that very hall of learning, 
when Chaderton was arousing great interest by what may be regarded 
as the first lectures on Ramus's logic at an English university. Thus 
Chaderton was in a position to influence Harvey, as pointed out 
above, 1 and may even have done so. Years later, when Harvey was 
attacking Thomas Nash, he mentioned Chaderton's sermons, and 
described them as "methodicall" 2 a particularly appropriate term 
if this is an instance of its being applied by a Ramist pupil to the 
work of his former Ramist master. But when Harvey himself de- 
scribed his original conversion to Ramism, he did not mention Chad- 
erton among the influences that played upon him. He mentioned 
instead how he once came upon the Ciceronianus of Johannes Sam- 
bucus, an author connected by marriage with the prestige of Italian 
learning 5 and how in that work he found a eulogistic reference to 
Ramus's Ciceronianus, which he immediately proceeded to buy and 
to devour, reading "all of it in one day" and all of it again the next 
day. 8 This explanation may be more for the sake of impressiveness 
than of exactitude, inasmuch as it occurs when Harvey is addressing 
undergraduates and is working to give Ramus the glamor of a for- 
eign as opposed to a local endorsement. But nevertheless it stands in 
the way of the confident assertion that Harvey was converted to 
Ramism by his older contemporary Chaderton. 

The date of Harvey's reading of Ramus's Ciceronianus has been 
fixed as I569/ Five years later, when Harvey was appointed prae- 
lector in rhetoric at Cambridge, he was presented with the oppor- 
tunity of doing for Ramistic rhetoric in the English academic world 
what Chaderton had been doing already for Ramistic logic. Harvey's 
appointment as praelector occurred on April 23, 1574, two months 
before Macllmaine's Latin text of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo 
was registered for publication at the company of stationers in Lon- 
don. During the spring of 1575, while Englishmen were reading 

1 See p. *79 

2 See Harvey, Pierce** Supererogation (London, 1593), in Smith, Elizabethan Critical 
Essays, II, z&i. 

8 See Wilson and Forbes, Gabriel Harvey's "Ciceronianus," pp. 18, 69-71. 
* Ibid.) pp. 18, 20. 


Macllmaine's recent works on Ramistic logic, Harvey delivered his 
first course of lectures under his praelectorship, the two inaugural 
discourses being subsequently published at London in 1577 as the 
Rhetor? He gave a second course of lectures in the spring of 1576, 
and the work which we know under the title of his Ciceronianus^ 
also published at London in 1577, is the inaugural lecture of that 
series. 6 The Rhetor and the Ciceronianus are in Latin, and were no 
doubt in the first instance delivered as Latin lectures. Taken to- 
gether they constitute an admirable statement of the basic philosophy 
of Ramistic rhetoric. 

The Rhetor discusses natural inclination, theory, and practice as 
the three means to oratorical effectiveness. Natural inclination and 
theory are the topics of the first of the two lectures in the work, and 
practice is the topic of the second. Harvey often refers to the rhetor- 
ical learning of his day, and mentions such traditionalists as Agric- 
ola, Susenbrotus, Mosellanus, Sturm, and Erasmus j 7 but his favorite 
authorities are Ramus and Talaeus, as we would expect, while such 
Ramists as Foclin, Freigius, and Rodingus receive various degrees 
of attention. 8 All of these authors contribute more or less to Har- 
vey's development of the Ramist view that rhetoric consists exclu- 
sively of style and delivery. 

Early in his discussion of the topic of theory, Harvey sets forth 
the standard Ramist conception of the way in which the five parts of 
Ciceronian rhetoric should be detached from their traditional sur- 
roundings and redistributed between rhetoric and dialectic. The fol- 
lowing passage speaks to that effect : 

For of that fivefold division, which has almost alone prevailed among 
our ancestors, how many now do not see that invention, disposition, 
and memory are not the property of speech but of thought, not of 
tongue but of mind, not of eloquence but of wisdom, not of rhetoric 
but of dialectic? Therefore two sole and as it were native parts re- 

5 The title page reads: "Gabrielis Harveii Rhetor, Vel duorum dierum Oratio, De 
Natura, Arte, & Exercitatione Rhetorica. Ad stios Auditores. Londini, Ex Officina Typo- 
graphica Henrici Binneman. Anno. 1577." 

6 For a careful discussion of the dates of these two courses of lectures, see Wilson and 
Forbes, Gabriel Harvefs "Ciceronianus" pp. 5-10. The title page of Harvey's Cicero- 
manus reads as follows: "Gabrielis Harveii Ciceronianvs, Vel Oratio post reditum, 
habita Cantabrigiae ad suos Auditores. Quorum potissimum causa, diuulgata est. Lon- 
dini, Ex Officina Typographica Henrici Binneman. Anno. CIO. ID. LXXVII." See 
Wilson and Forbes, p. 35. 

7 Rhetor^ sigs. hiv, hzr, hzv, hjv, k^r, ozv, 041. 

8 Ibid^ sigs. eir, eiv> ezv, e4v, fir, fiv, fzr, hzv, h;jv, k^r, lir, hv, nir, o^r, 
qir, qiv. 

[ 248 ] 


main as proper and germane to this art, like the two eyes in the body, 
style and deli very j the former bright in the splendors of tropes and 
the involutions of sch ernes j the latter agreeable in the modulation of 
voice and the appropriateness of gesture 5 each exciting a singular love 
for itself whether in public orations or in private communication, 9 

Practice or exercise as the topic of the second lecture in the Rhetor 
involves Harvey in a discussion of two terms that were to be promi- 
nent in English Ramism, not so much in connection with logical or 
rhetorical theory, as with the applications and uses of that theory. 
These two terms are analysis and genesis. 10 Analysis is the process by 
which the student takes the composition of somebody else and sub- 
jects it to scrutiny in an effort to discover how far it incorporates 
within itself the principles of logic and rhetoric. Genesis is the process 
by which the student brings a composition of his own into being 
through the application of the machinery of invention, of arrange- 
ment, of style, and of delivery. Harvey devotes almost the whole of 
his second lecture to these two terms j and since at the very end he 
promises to take up next the subject of Cicero's Oration to the Peo- 
ple wpon his Return, we may assume that the subsequent lectures in 
his first series were themselves an example of the exercise which 
Ramus called analysis. 

A good vernacular expression of the meaning of analysis and 
genesis is afforded by Fraunce's Lawiers Logike, the dialectical the- 
ory of which has already been discussed. 11 Speaking of the value of 
dialectic "in discoursing, thinking, meditating, and framing of thine 
owne, as also in discussing, perusing, searching and examining what 
others haue either deliuered by speach, or put downe in writing," 
Fraunce proceeds to identify these two procedures by saying that 
"this is called Analysis, that Genesis, and in them both consisteth the 
whole vse of Logike." 12 Later, Fraunce illustrates genesis by an ex- 
ample which he borrows from Sturm. This example consists in tak- 
ing the word nobilitas and drawing it through the places of cause, 
effect, subject, adjunct, opposites, comparatives, and so on, to indi- 
cate how rich a store of arguments may come to the writer or speaker 
who applies inventional theory to the problem of devising subject 
matter. Fraunce then illustrates analysis by taking the word amicitia 

9 Ibid., sigs. e4v-f ir. Translation mine. 

10 Ibid., sigs. k4V-q2r, Far Harvey's discussion of Ramus's doctrine of analysis and 
genesis, see ibid. y sig. lir. For another account of this doctrine in Ramus, see Graves, 
Peter Ramus, pp. 117, 140-141, 165. 

11 See above, pp. 222-228. 12 LavuUrs Logike, fol. 3r-sv. 

[ 249 ] 


in Cicero's Laelius and identifying the places of invention as they 
appear to have been used in the framing of that composition. 13 

Fraunce's examples of genesis and analysis relate only to inven- 
tion, the first part of logic, and he carries them no further. But we 
may easily see their application in other fields. A strictly rhetorical 
exercise of genesis, for instance, would require the student to draw 
his previously acquired subject matter through the tropes and the 
schemes, in order to clothe thought in every appropriate stylistic gar- 
ment. Rhetorical analysis, on the other hand, would require him to 
identify the stylistic garments of trope and scheme in the work of 
any author chosen for study. 

Towards the end of his Ciceronianus, as he prepares to invite his 
Cambridge auditors to his coming lectures on another of Cicero's 
orations, this time the Oration in the Senate wpon his Return, Har- 
vey indicates that his method will be to conduct an analysis of this 
Ciceronian work by applying to it the principles of Ramistic logic 
as well as Ramistic rhetoric. Thus once again he indicates what Ra- 
mistic analysis means to him. Here are his words to the under- 

Let us return, then, dear Cantabrigians, to that interrupted but not 
abandoned exercise of Ciceronian exegesis. Let us weigh on their ap- 
propriate scales all his ornaments of speaking and his main points of 
disputing. . . . And since amplitude of content supports his harmony 
of diction, as the soul supports the body, let us also employ the double 
analysis which we have hitherto been using and apply both rhetoric 
and dialectic continually in all his writings and with special care in 
every period. Let us make rhetoric the expositor of the oratorical em- 
bellishments and the arts which belong to its school, and dialectic the 
expositor of invention and arrangement. Both these methods of analy- 
sis will be very pleasant for me to teach and, believe me, they will be 
very useful for you to learn. 14 

Harvey's Ciceromaiws is interesting not only as a plain indication 
of the methods of rhetorical analysis in process of being demonstrated 
to Cambridge undergraduates of the fifteen-seventies but also as an 
expression of a Cambridge man's idea of the change that was oc- 
curring in the intellectual climate of England. In one sense, this 

f, foil. 8iv-8 5 v. 

14 This passage is quoted from Clarence A. Forbes's excellent translation of Harvey's 
Ciceramanus in Wilson and Forbes, Gabriel Harvey's "Ciceronianus," pp. 85-87. All 
o my quotations from this work are used with the permission of the University of Ne- 
braska Press. 

[ 250 ] 


change meant the renunciation o a counterfeit Ciceronianism and 
the adoption of a true one. In another sense, it meant the end of a 
literary school devoted only to style, and the beginning of a school 
devoted to subject matter as well. In still another sense, it meant a 
realignment of English learning towards France and Germany as 
opposed to Italy. And finally it meant an endorsement of Cambridge 
as the brightest future star in the firmament of European as well as 
strictly English scholarship. 

These various ideas are all involved in Harvey's account of his 
own spiritual progress from a counterfeit to a true Ciceronianism. At 
one time, he had thought himself a simon-pure devotee of Cicero, 
and had carried his devotion so far that he "virtually preferred to be 
elected to the company of the Ciceronians rather than to that of the 
saints." 15 He thus describes what this devotion entailed: 

This will give the sum of the matter: I valued words more than con- 
tent, language more than thought, the one art of speaking more than 
the thousand subjects of knowledge 5 I preferred the mere style of 
Marcus Tully to all the postulates of the philosophers and mathema- 
ticians; I believed that the bone and sinew of imitation lay in my 
ability to choose as many brilliant and elegant words as possible, to 
reduce them* into order, and to connect them together in a rhyth- 
mical period. In my judgment or perhaps I should say opinion 
rather than judgment that was what it meant to be a Ciceronian. 

This sort of Ciceronian, as Harvey had earlier explained, was spon- 
sored in Europe by Italian learning. In that connection he had said: 

I had among my favorites the most elegant and refined Italians 5 and 
especially Pontanus, Cortesius, and those whom I have just men- 
tioned Bembus, Sadoletus, Longolius, Riccius, Nizolius too, and 
Naugerius I ever cherished in my bosom and embrace. One who 
named them seemed to be naming not men but heroes and heavenly 

As for Erasmus and those who clove to his views, Budaeus, More, 
Aegidius, Glareanus, Vives, and all the others who are not considered 
Ciceronians, I not only scorned them as perfectly infantile, but even 
pursued them with hate as utter enemies. To tell the truth, it seemed 
to me a wicked offence to touch Erasmus. 1 * 

As a sharp contrast to his former idea of the meaning of Cicero- 
nianism, Harvey offers to his undergraduate hearers the idea he now 

15 ibid. y p. 69, "/> p. 6 1. 

[ 251 ] 


holds to be wise and true. This new idea had come to him as the 
result o his reading of Johannes Sambucus and Ramus. Harvey ex- 
plains this new idea in various ways, even using at one point the very 
words Ramus had used in a similar connection. 17 But the following 
direct appeal to his students is perhaps as good a place as any in which 
to see what his present conception of sound literary learning is: 

Do you wish, then, to be honored with the glorious and magnificent 
appellation of "Ciceronians"? I shall open my thoughts to you more 
than ever before. Read the artistically and carefully elaborated Cice- 
ronianus of Ramus, that of Erasmus, and that of Freigius. Follow with 
the utmost diligence the footprints of Marcus Tully, your supreme 
commander. Complete the laborious but splendid course of eloquence 
and philosophy, which Cicero completed with noble mind and lofty 
intellect. . . . Consider not merely the flowering verdure of style, but 
much rather the ripe fruitage of reason *nd thought. . . . Remember 
that words are called by Homer Trrepoe^ra, that is, winged, since they 
easily fly away, unless they are kept in equilibrium by the weightiness 
of the subject matter. Unite dialectic and knowledge with rhetoric, 
thought with language. 18 

These instructions, adds Harvey, will make a Ciceronian, "if not 
of the Roman sort, yet of the French, German, British, or Cisalpine 
sort." He had earlier sounded a sharp note of scorn against the re- 
fusal by Italians to admit any northern Europeans to the ranks of the 
eloquent. "As for us," he had then declared, "let us admit one 
Frenchman, and three Germans: Ramus, Erasmus, Sturmius, and 
Freigius." 1 * These, then, are the true Ciceronians the men who fol- 
low, not so much the superficial characteristics of Cicero's style, but 
the profundities of his insight into knowledge as the principle of form. 

The standing of any university, Harvey makes plain, is determined 
only by its ability to produce these true Ciceronians. He promises his 
students that, "if I navigate with you in this harbor as did my pre- 
ceptors with their auditors and students in their respective univer- 
sities Sturmius at Strassburg, Ramus at Paris, Freigius at Basel and 
Freiburg, Erasmus in all these cities and very many others of Ger- 
many, France, Italy, and England, especially here in our own Cam- 
bridge , perhaps you will one day see me not among the hindmost, 
and doubtless I shall very soon see you among the foremost Cicero- 
nians." 20 Harvey predicts, indeed, that Cambridge will be the place 

17 Ibid.* p. 73. **Ibid f , p. 83. Ibvl. y p. Si. 2t> Hid., pp. 79-81. 

[ 252 ] 


to produce such an expositor of Cicero as he has been describing in 
his lecture. "Already this long time," he says, "the standing of a 
learned university, the majesty of a mighty queen, the tranquil peace 
of a flourishing realm, the splendor of a cultured age, and the expec- 
tation of men beyond the seas have been summoning such a man." 21 
He adds: 

Were he to step forth in our midst, resolved to inspire the exalted 
and heroic spirits of noble characters to cultivate the aforesaid studies, 
I should not hesitate to rank the University of Cambridge above the 
most illustrious schools of all of Europe. Others may contend about 
their venerable age, but I would rather hear that Cambridge is pre- 
eminent for the number and fame of her learned men. Then some 
day, just as of yore Athens was called the School of Greece, so Cam- 
bridge may rightfully be known as the School of Britain 5 and to be 
a Cantabrigian may mean among us what it meant among the Greeks 
to be an Athenian. 

Harvey is aware, of course, that the new learning which he wishes 
to make victorious at Cambridge had powerful opponents in Kng- 
land as well as in Italy. One of these opponents was Ascham, who 
had died some eight years before Harvey delivered the lecture now 
under discussion. Harvey mentions Ascham and specifically disclaims 
any intention of casting aspersions upon the latter's Scholemasterf* 
although Ascham, as we have seen, had cast some aspersions of his 
own upon Ramus. 23 Harvey proceeds to acknowledge Ascham's 
learning and eloquence, as if only compliments were in his mind 5 
but then he changes his tone, and criticizes the S choirmaster for being 
defended as a treatise on grammar when in reality it discusses not 
only metaphors, which are properly within the sphere of rhetoric, but 
also contraries, which are properly within the sphere of dialectic. 24 
In other words, Harvey finds that Ascham fails to observe Ramus's 
law of justice, which requires the liberal arts to keep to fixed bound- 
aries. Immediately after this criticism, Harvey avows his own dedi- 
cation to Ramism in these words: 

But let others decide about the Scholemaster of Ascham, who is emi- 
nently refined, elegant, and even, if he be compared with the school- 
masters of others, truly most excellent and polished. In my school- 
master I not only require these same qualities in still richer measure, 

21 Ibid.y p. 101. 22 Ibid.) pp. 91-93. 23 See above, pp. 173, 177-178. 

2 * Wilson and Forbes, Gabriel Harvey's "CiceronianusJ* p. 93. 

[ 253 ] 


but I desiderate many others not less fruitful. I even dare boast, all 
arrogance aside, that in my schoolmaster I distinguish, separate, and 
divide the three subjects rhetoric from grammar and dialectic from 
bothj that I assign its due to each subject in geometrical proportion, 
as they say; that, in short, I heed the well-known Aristotelian doc- 
trine of the categories. Ascham has not done this 5 if he had, he could 
not have got so far outside his circumscribed limits nor digressed so 
frequently from his purpose. 

Harvey's Ciceronianus and Rhetor were respectively published in 
June and November of 1577, an d thus are almost certainly the earli- 
est interpretations of Ramistic rhetoric to be printed in England. 25 
Talaeus's Rhetorica and a volume called Rethorica Rami were 
licensed for publication with the society of stationers in London on 
November n, I577, 26 but even if these got into print before the 
Rhetor^ they were clearly later than the Ciceronianus by some five 
months, and they may even not have been published that year at all, 
since no copy of an edition of a Rhetorica by Talaeus or Ramus under 
an imprint dated at London in 1577 * s now extant. 27 

Ramistic rhetoric in Harvey's interpretation may claim to be first 
in England not only in time but also in quality. Harvey followed 
Ramus exactly in restricting rhetoric to style and delivery, but he also 
followed Ramus in denying vigorously that style and delivery are 
the only two subjects that a speaker has to master or an oratorical 
critic has to teach. The movement which he founded in England upon 
Ramus's authority did not mean that the presentational aspects of 
Ciceronian rhetoric, alone and by themselves, constituted the whole 
of the speaker's art ? although certain modern writers, among them 
Sandford, have interpreted that movement in these exact terms. 28 
Neither Harvey nor Ramus ever believed that speechmaking could 
be limited in such a way as that. They believed instead that speaking 
is made up of logic^ so far as any discourse must have subj ect matter 
and form, and is also made up of rhetoric, so far as any discourse must 
be clothed in words and uttered as speech. Their biggest dispute with 
scholastic logic and traditional rhetoric was that those subjects were 

25 The month In which each of these works was published is indicated in its colophon. 
See also Ronald B. McKerrow, The Works of Thomas Nashe (London, 1904 [-1910]), 
v, 163-164,. 

^Arber, Transcript of the Registers, 11, 319. 

27 See Baldwin, William Shaks<pere*$ Small Latine 6? Lesse Greeke y I, 521. 

28 William P. Sandford, "English Rhetoric Reverts to Classicism, 1600-1650," The 
Quarterly Journal of S$eech> xv (192,9), 504. 

[ 254 3 


gravely redundant in covering invention and disposition twice over. 
Their basic program o reform was to have logic handle the processes 
of invention, disposition, and in a minor sense memory, wherever 
these arose as a problem in learned or popular discourse, whereas 
rhetoric would handle the processes of style and delivery, with gram- 
mar limited to considerations of etymology and syntax. This exact 
program is behind everything that Harvey says throughout the 
Rhetor and the Ciceronianus. And it is expressed elsewhere in his 
writings. For example, it is pretty completely stated in one of the 
marginal comments made by him in his own copy of Quintilian's 
Institutio Oratoria, where he delineates the perfect orator in these 
Ramistic words: 

A most excellent Pleader and singular discourser in any Civil Court, 
or otherwyse, not A bare Professor of any one certain faculty or A 
simple Artist in any one kynde: howbeit his principall Instrumentes 
ar Rhetorique, for Elocution and Pronunciation j and Logique, for 
Invention, Disposition, arid Memory. 29 

Harvey's program of reform had not long to wait before it found 
a supporter in Dudley Fenner's The Artes of Logike and Rethorike. 
As I mentioned before, Fenner's work is made up of an unacknowl- 
edged translation of the main heads of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri 
Duo, and an unacknowledged translation, the first in English, of 
Talaeus's Rhetorical Fenner entered Peterhouse College, Cam- 
bridge, in 1575, and thus was in a position to hear and heed Harvey's 
lectures on rhetoric. 81 It is probably Harvey, indeed, who gave Fen- 
ner the idea for a work in which logic and rhetoric would on the one 
hand be severely separated into two arts, on the basis of Ramus's 
law of justice, and on the other would be united between two covers 
of the same volume, on the basis that both were requisite for perfec- 
tion in the art of communication. At any rate, Harvey emphasized 
this Ramistic paradox in his lectures at Cambridge, and Fenner 
illustrated it in his Logike and Rethorike. 

"Rhetorike," says Fenner at the beginning of the second of his two 
works, "is an Arte of speaking finelie. It hath two partes, Garnishing 

20 G. C. Moore Smith, Gabriel Har<vty*s Marginalia (Stratford-upon-Ayon, 1913), 
p. xas. 

so See above, p. 219. 

81 Fenner entered Peterhouse for the Easter Term of 1575 and thus may have heard 
the lectures making- up Harvey's Rhetor* For Fenner's dates at Cambridge, see Walker, 
Register of Peterhouse Men^ II, 6-7$ for the date of Harvey*s first course of lectures on 
rhetoric, see Wilson and Forbes, Gabriel Harvey's "CiceronianusJ* p. 6, 


of speache, called Eloqution. Garnishing of the maner of vtterance, 
called Pronunciation." 32 The second of these parts is later dismissed 
altogether from consideration "bicause [says Fenner] it is not yet 
perfecte (for the preceptes for the most parte pertaine to an Ora- 
tour) which when it shalbe perfect, it shall eyther onely conteyne 
common preceptes for the garnishing of vtterance in all, or also 
proper preceptes for the same in Magistrates, Embassadours, Cap- 
taynes, and Ministers, therefore vntill it be so perfitted, wee thinke 
it vnnecessarie to be translated into Englishe." 83 But Fenner's treat- 
ment of style as the first part of rhetoric is in the exact Ramistic 

After dividing style into the tropes and the figures, Fenner pro- 
ceeds to define and discuss each of these forms of language. Tropes, 
he says, are "a garnishing of speache, whereby one worde is drawen 
from his firste proper signification to another. . ," 8 * His subsequent 
discussion of these forms involves allegory, metonymy, irony, synec- 
doche, and metaphor, each of which is illustrated from the Bible. 
Next come the figures, which are defined as follows: 

A Figure is a garnishing of speache, wherein the course of the same 
is chaunged from the more simple and plaine maner of speaking, vnto 
that whiche is more full of excellencie and grace. For as in the fine- 
nesse of wordes or a trope, wordes are considered asunder by them 
selues: so in the fine shape or frame of speach or a figure, the apte and 
pleasant ioyning togither of many wordes is noted. 35 

Fenner's analysis of the figures is more extensive than that of the 
tropes, as we would naturally expect in any rhetoric. He defines such 
unusual forms of language as rhyme, blank verse, anadiplosis, anaph- 
ora, paronomasia, exclamation, apostrophe, and prosopopoeia, pre- 
ferring always the biblical illustration to other possibilities. 

The Logike and Rethorike was published in 1584 and again near 
1588 at Middelburg in the Netherlands. 38 Midway between these 
two dates, William Webbe brought out at London his Discourse of 
English Poetrie^ in which he has something to say that indicates the 
influence of Talaeus's Rhetorica upon poetical theory. Webbe, by the 
way, had taken a bachelor's degree from Cambridge in 1573, his 
college being St. John's^ and thus he would as an undergraduate 
have heard something of the new rhetoric of Talaeus. In his Dis- 

32 Artes of Logike and Rethorike (1584.), sig. Dry. 

38 Ibid., sig-. Eiv. ** Ibid., sig. Div. 8S Ibid.> sig. 

86 See above, p, 219, note 147. 

[ 356 ] 


course of English Poetrie he speaks o "the reformed kind of Eng- 
lish verse," 37 that is, of verse built upon quantity rather than rhyme 
an issue that Gabriel Harvey and Edmund Spenser had discussed 
with each other and the public several years before in a famous series 
of published letters. 38 In explaining the verse-forms of Greek and 
Latin poetry, Webbe lists twelve measures or feet, each by its tech- 
nical name, and then he adds: "Many more deuisions of feete are 
vsed by some, but these doo more artificially comprehende all quan- 
tities necessary to the skanning of any verse, according to Tallaeus in 
hys Rethorique." 39 Webbe means this reference to indicate that he is 
here borrowing and translating from Chapter 1 6 of Book I of Ta- 
laeus's Rhetorica y where under the heading De Metro Talaeus lists 
and discusses these same twelve feet. 40 Webbe could not have bor- 
rowed these terms from Fenner's Rethorike, for Fenner does not in- 
clude them in his short discussion of feet and measures, his excuse be- 
ing that English literature contains no worthy examples of them, and 
hence the handling of them would be more curious than necessary. 41 
In the year 1588, as Fenner's translation of Talaeus was achieving 
its second edition on the continent, Abraham Fraunce published his 
Arcadian Rhetorike at London. 42 This work is also a translation of 
Talaeus, the second in the English language, the first on English 
soil. Fraunce obviously intended it and his Lawiers Logike to serve 
together as the means of introducing his countrymen to Ramus's 
complete theory of communication. But by publishing his two works 
separately, and by giving no open indication that his Rhetorike had 
its origins in Ramism, he inadvertently fostered the early twentieth- 
century belief that the latter treatise was in one sense a continuation 
of the stylistic pattern of traditional rhetorical theory and in another 
sense, a seemingly capricious renunciation of invention and disposi- 
tion as concerns of the man of eloquence. 43 

37 I quote from the text of Webbe's Discourse as printed In Smith, Elizabethan Critical 
Essays^ I, 278. 

88 These letters between Harvey and Spenser are reprinted by Smith, I, 87-122. 

39 Ibid.) i, 280. It should be remarked that Puttenham's famous Arte of English 
Poesie (London, 1589), Bk. II, Ch. 14, also limits the number of metrical feet to 
twelve, and with three exceptions names the twelve with the terms used by Webbe and 
Talaeus. See below, pp. 327-329. 

4a See Avdomari Talaei Rhetorica e P. Ratnt Praelectionibuf observata, ed* Claudius 
Minos (Frankfurt, 1582), pp. 80-8 1. 

41 Artes of Logike and Rethorike^ sig. Dsr. 

42 For an excellent modern edition, see The Arcadian Rhetorike By A braham Fraunce^ 
ed. Ethel Seaton (Oxford: Published for the Luttrell Society by Basil Blackwell, 1950). 

43 Smith, Elizabethan Critical Essays, I, 303-306, 422, quotes a chapter of The Ar- 

[ 257 ] 


Fraunce's Rhetorike differs in two main ways from Fenner 's. First 
of al! 7 it deals in some detail with delivery as the second part of 
Ramistic theory, whereas Fenner had thought it unnecessary to trans- 
late this part into English. Here is Fraunce's approach to it: 

Of Eloquution which was the first part of Rhetorike, wee haue spoken 
alreadie: it now remaineth to talke of Vtterance or Pronunciation the 
second part. Vtt&rance is a fit deliuering of the speach alreadie beauti- 
fied. It hath two parts, Voyce and Gesture, the one pertaining to the 
eare, the other belonging to the eye. 44 

The second way in which Fraunce differs from Fenner is that Fenner 
relies upon the Bible for his illustrations, whereas Fraunce in the 
very spirit of Ramus borrows his from secular classics. Thus in his 
discussion of voice and gesture he provides illustrative passages from 
Homer in Greek, Virgil in Latin, Sidney in English, du Bartas in 
French, Tasso in Italian, and Boscan Almogaver and Garcilasso in 
Spanish. These authors, indeed, are the seven main sources of illus- 
tration in the whole Arcadian Rhetorike^ as Fraunce's original title 
page indicates. 45 Each illustration is designed, of course, to exhibit a 
trope, a figure, a kind of voice, or a motion of head, eyes, lips, arms, 
hands, and feet. Thus the work as a whole may be characterized as 
a collection of Ramistic precepts for style and delivery, and as a col- 
lection of model passages to show how the precepts actually work in 
the writings of the great ancients and moderns. Ramus and Talaeus 
had prided themselves upon deriving the principles of composition 
from the practice of the masters, and Fraunce adheres to this same 
procedure in the Arcadian Rhetorike as he had in the Lawiers Logike. 
William Kempe, already mentioned as a Cambridge Ramist and 
a translator of Ramus's Arithmetic** published at London in 1588, 
at the very press where The Arcadian Rhetorike was produced, a 
treatise called The Education of children in learning? 1 This work 

cadian Rhetorike^ and supplies notes about Fraunce, without mentioning Ramus or 
Talaeus in that connection. He suggests a family relation between Fraunce's Lawiers 
Logike and Arcadian Rhetorike* on the one hand, and Thomas Wilson's Rule of Reason 
and Rhetorique y on the other; also between Fraunce's Rhetorike and Sherry's Treatise of 
Schemes and Tropes. Clark, Rhetoric and Poetry in the Renaissance (1922), pp. 58-61, 
discusses Sherry, Peacham, Fenner, Fraunce, Charles Butler, John Barton, and John 
Smith as partners in a single movement towards limiting rhetoric to style and delivery, 
4 * Arcadian Rhetorike^ ed. Seaton, p. 106. 

45 Ibid.) pp. xx-li, Iviii. In these pages Miss Seaton has a full discussion of all the 
authors used by Fraunce for illustrative purposes. 

46 See above, p. 246. 

47 The title page reads: "The Education of children in learning: Declared by the 

[ 258 ] 


deserves mention here as an account of the way in which Ramus's 
logic and rhetoric were beginning to enter into English elementary 
education during the late sixteenth century. Kempe was a master in 
the Plymouth grammar school when he wrote the Education^ and 
thus it is probably a reflection of his own practice. Avowedly seeking 
to arouse public interest in his profession, he dedicated his work to 
the mayor and the other officials of Plymouth, and in a preface to the 
reader announced his intention of reaching, not the learned school- 
masters, but "all other sort of people," and of setting forth "the 
dignitie and vtilitie of the matter, with such holie and ancient His- 
tories, with such plaine and sensible reasons, as may teach the vn- 
learned with some delight, and not be tedious to those that are 
learned." 48 "I suppose," he confessed of his work, "that it will seeme 
altogether a strange and a new Booke." After his preface are printed 
four Latin epigrams to the author from his friends, one of whom 
signs himself "lo. Sw." and thus begins: 

Sturmius and Ramus, Freigius, Manutius, Ascham, 
Beheld each thing in this kind that they might explain it. 
Kempe has what they had, well collected, for teaching the English, 
His diligence being at one with his motive of duty. 49 

Ramus ? s influence is seen after Kempe has talked of "The Dignitie 
of Schooling," as established by its pedigree, and "The Vtilitie of 
Schooling," as established in part from a long speech by Alfred the 
Great. Appropriately enough, Ramus is the obvious source of what 
Kempe has to say about the liberal arts under his third major topic, 
"The Method of Schooling." Kempe's theory of method is stated as 
follows : 

Wherefore first the scholler shall learne the precepts: secondly, he 
shall learne to note the examples of the precepts in vnfoulding other 
mens workes: thirdly, to imitate the examples in some worke of his 
owner fourthly and lastly, to make somewhat alone without an ex- 
ample. Now, all these kindes of teaching are seene in euery speciall 
sort of the things taught, be it Grammar, Logike, Rhetorike, Arith- 
metike, Geometrie, or any other Arte. 50 

Dignitie, Vtilftie, and Method thereof. Meete to be knowne, and practised aswell of 
Parents and Schoolemaisters. . . . Imprinted at London by Thomas Orwin, for John 
Porter and Thomas Gubbin. 1588." 

48 The Education of children in learning, sig. Ajr. 

48 Ibid., sig. A4r. Translation mine. 

50 Ibid^ sig. Far. 

[ 259 ] 


After this preview of the curriculum, Kempe traces the child's 
progress year by year until at the age of twelve he has mastered ele- 
mentary grammar and is ready for the study of logic and rhetoric. 
As Kempe describes the teaching of these latter two subjects and of 
advanced grammar, we find ourselves in the presence, not of scholas- 
ticism and traditionalism, but of Ramus's own doctrine. 

The Ramists assigned the tropes and figures to style, as traditional 
rhetoric had done 5 but style, as we have noticed, is always the first 
part of rhetoric to a thorough Ramist, whereas traditional rhetoric 
counted it the third part, even in treatises where no other part was 
discussed. Not only does Kempe adhere to Ramism in this particular, 
but he also approves of Ramistic analysis and genesis as educational 
procedures, and he exactly follows Ramus's prescription as to the 
contents of the second part of rhetoric, the first and second part of 
logic, and the two parts of grammar. The following quotation, long 
as it is, displays these aspects of Kempe's Ramism, and gives us an 
amazing picture of the fatiguing discipline of Elizabethan elementary 

First the sch oiler shal learne the precepts concerning the diuers sorts 
o arguments in the first part of Logike, (for that without them 
Rhetorike cannot be well vnderstood) then shall followe the tropes 
and figures in the first part of Rhetorike, wherein he shall employ the 
sixth part of his studie, and all the rest in learning and handling good 
authors: as are Tullies Offices^ his Orations, Caesars Commentaries, 
Virgils Aeneis, Quids Metamorphosis y and Horace. In whom for his 
first exercise of vnfolding the Arte, he shall obserue the examples of 
the hardest poynts in Grammar, of the arguments in Logike, of the 
tropes and figures in Rhetorike, referring euery example to his proper 
rule, as before. Then he shall learne the two latter parts also both of 
Logike and Rhetorike. And as of his Grammar rules he rehearsed 
some part euery day 5 so let him now do the like in Logike, after- 
wards in Rhetorike, and then in Grammar agayne, that he forget not 
the precepts of arte, before continual vse haue ripened his vnderstand- 
ing in them. And by this time he must obserue in authors all the vse of 
the Artes, as not only the words and phrases, not only the examples 
of the arguments j but also the axiome, wherein euery argument is 
disposed j the syllogisme, whereby it is concluded j the method of the 
whole treatise, and the passages, wherby the parts are ioyned to- 
gether. Agayne, he shall obserue not only euery trope, euery figure, 
aswell of words as of sentences: but also the Rhetoricall pronunciation 
and gesture fit for euery word, sentence, and affection. 

[ 260 ] 


And so let him take in hand the exercise of all these three Artes at 
once in making somewhat of his owne, first by imitation 5 as when he 
hath considered the propertie of speach in the Grammaticall etymolo- 
gie and syntaxis: the fineness of speach in the Rhetoricall ornaments, 
as comely tropes, pleasant figures, fit pronounciation and gesture: the 
reason and pith of the matter in the Logicall weight of arguments, in 
the certeyntie of the axiomes, in the due fourme of syllogismes, and 
in the easie and playne method: then let him haue a like theame to 
prosecute with the same artificiall instruments, that he findeth in his 
author. 51 

This procedure of mastering the precepts, of analyzing master- 
pieces, and finally of producing themes of the student's own was to 
continue, says Kempe, for three years, that is, from the twelfth year 
of the student's age to the fifteenth. Thereafter would follow a half- 
year of arithmetic and geometry j and so "before the full age of six- 
teene yeers," the student would "be made fit to wade without a 
schoolemaister, through deeper mysteries of learning, to set forth 
the glorie of God, and to benefite his Countrie." 52 Kempe, as he 
said, was writing both to encourage parents to educate their children 
and to describe educational methods for the inexpert schoolmasters 
outside and inside the professional system. 53 But there can be no 
doubt that the procedures recommended to his readers were followed 
in his grammar school at Plymouth and elsewhere in schools of the 
period. I his program for the last year or so of grammar school 
seems to overlap the work of the first year of college, no one should 
be surprised, for that sort of duplication has been in the school sys- 
tem throughout history. 

The exact identity of the earliest edition used to acquaint English 
schoolboys with Talaeus's Latin Rhetorica has not been satisfactorily 
determined. I have already mentioned that a work under such a title, 
and another called Rethorica Rami^ were licensed for publication 
with the company of stationers in London on November n, 1577, 
but that a copy of neither of these works from that date survives. 6 * 
Nor does a copy of Claudius Minos's edition of Talaeus's Rhetorica 
survive in an imprint dated at London in 1582, although that work, 
and a now-vanished edition of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo, were 
licensed for publication on December 5 of that year. 55 Also not pre- 

51 Ibid., sig. Giv-G 3 r. 82 Ibid., sig. Hxr. ^ * 3 Ibid., sig. A*r-A 3 v. 

54 See above, p. 254.. See also Arber, Transcript of the Registers^ II, 319. 

55 See Arber, n a 417. 


served is any 1586 imprint of a London edition of Talaeus's Retor- 
ike or of Ramus's Latin Logike, although both of these works were 
received by the stationers that year on August 22 for printing. 56 And 
finally there is no surviving copy of a 1588 London edition of Ta- 
laeus's Rhetorica accompanied by Ramus's commentary, despite the 
fact that such a work was entered with the stationers as that year was 
drawing to an end. 57 

A less negative record exists for editions put out in the fifteen- 
nineties. Charles Butler, one of the few Oxonians to become an ardent 
Ramist, published for schoolboys a Latin text of Talaeus in 1597. 
Since this work contains a dedicatory letter dated from Oxford on 
May 5, 1593, it can be assumed that its first edition appeared in that 
year, although no copy under such a date survives. The 1597 text is 
something of a curiosity, not only on account of the date on the 
letter, but also because the work bears the title, Rameae Rhetoricae 
Libri Dvo.** The obvious similarity between this title and the one 
already mentioned as having been licensed in the stationers' registers 
on November n, 1577, would suggest at first glance that Butler's 
work had originally appeared as many as twenty years before 1 597. 
But against this is the fact that Butler would have been only sixteen 
years of age in 1577, and not yet an undergraduate at Oxford. A 
more likely explanation of the registration of Talaeus's Rhetorica 
under Ramus's name in 1577 is that everyone accepted the latter as 
the primary authority behind the new rhetoric and as the more 
famous personality of the two, whereas Talaeus was considered as a 
secondary figure, and his name was even regarded in some quarters 
as a pseudonym under which Ramus had published certain of his 
works, 50 Butler did not subscribe to the view that Talaeus was Ra- 
mus's pseudonym. But he did publish Talaeus's Rhetorica under 
Ramus's name in 1597, confining himself to style and delivery, as 
did Talaeus, and allotting to the first topic the thirty-seven chapters 
and sixty-three pages of his Book I, and to the second topic, the ten 
chapters and seventeen pages of his Book II. 

A somewhat expanded edition of Butler's work, titled the Rheto- 
ricae Libri Dvo, appeared at Oxford in 1598, and it is this which 
became the most famous textbook in the history of Ramistic rhetoric 

56 Arber, n, 455. 

57 Arber* II, 509. The exact date of this entry is December 6> 1588. 

58 The title page reads: "Rameae Rhetoricae Libri Dvo. In vsvm Scholarvm. Oxoniae, 
Excudebat Josephus Bamesius. 1597." 

59 See Waddington, Ramus^ pp. 464, 475, 

[ 262 ] 


in England. 60 It no longer bore Ramus's name on its title page, but 
it made no secret of its origins. Its dedicatory letter proclaims its 
sources in veiled terms by saying that "whatever the ancients or 
moderns have written anywhere in this line, the whole is set forth 
here, accommodated to a legitimate method, and made clear by dis- 
tinguished examples from poets and orators." 61 Whenever the word 
"method" appears in the writings of the late sixteenth century in 
England, it amounts almost to a confession of the author's awareness 
of Ramus. But Butler acknowledges his indebtedness to Ramus in 
much more definite terms when he comes to address his readers in 
the preface that follows his dedicatory epistle. 

This preface opens with a eulogy of Ramus as the greatest of the 
entire company of ancient and modern philosophers. Says Butler: 

As to the place which Peter Ramus may rightly hold among the 
philosophers whom distinguished wisdom, as allotted to later times, 
has celebrated throughout the entire circle of the earth, let that be the 
judgment of the pre-eminent in learning and equity who are best able 
and willing to decide. Indeed, according to my opinion, if you would 
have regard either for truth in precepts, or for brevity in method, or 
for clarity in examples, or for use and utility in all things, he will 
stand out second to none in that most celebrated and most honored 
chorus. Surely (that I may freely speak what I mean) 
so far towers his head above the heads of all others 
As cypresses are wont to tower above the pliant viburnum. 62 

Virgil had used this image of the cypress to express the superiority 
of Rome to all other cities. 63 Butler uses it and the Virgilian glori- 
fication of Rome to cap his tribute to Ramus. Then he continues: 

I offer this little book to you (O candid reader) in the name of that 
one [i.e., Ramus], If it should bring anything of fruit and profit, you 

6(? Its title page reads: "Rhetoricae Libri Dvo. Qvorvm Prior de Tropis & Figuris, 
Posterior de Voce & Gestu Praecipit. In vsvm scholarum accuratius editi. , . . Oxoniae, 
Excudebat Josephvs Barnesivs. M. D. XCVIII." Editions of this work appeared at Ox- 
ford in 1600 and 1618; at London in 1629, i64z> 1649, J ^55> anc ^ 16845 at Cam- 
bridge in 164x5 and at Leiden in 164.2, 

61 RhetQTicae Libri Dvo> sig. ^r. Translation mine here and below. 

62 Ibid*) sig. fsv. 

63 See Virgil, Ecloga 7, lines 25-26. Virgil's lines are: 

Verum haec tantum alias inter caput extulit urbes, 
Quantum lenta solent inter viburna cupressi. 

Butler adapts these lines to his context by making some slight changes in wording. Thus 
he says: 

tantum alios inter caput extulit omnes, 
Quantum lenta solent inter viburna cupressi. 

[ 263 ] 


may credit it all as having been learned from him. In truth, he him- 
self studiously sought out the material, traversing completely the 
broad forests of the most tested authors 5 he cut the choice cuttings 
with active hand as one cuts to a rule, and he hewed, and smoothed, 
and shaped them all. 

Now if this seems to imply that Butler was attributing direct 
authorship of the present work to Ramus, as his title of the preced- 
ing year had done, he immediately corrects that impression in the 
following words: 

Having thus prepared all of this, he himself, occupied with grander 
buildings, commended to Audomarus Talaeus, certainly a skilled 
master in all phases of this subject, the work of joining the pieces to- 
gether into perfection. And the latter, indeed, the task having been 
entrusted to him, brought it to completion, Minerva being not unwill- 
ing, as they say. 

The bare definitions in Butler's Rhetoricae Libri Dvo have the 
familiar wording of all such elements in Ramistic rhetorical theory. 
"Rhetoric is the art of speaking well," he begins. Comment follows 
this general observation. Then comes the organizing remark for the 
whole treatise: "The parts of rhetoric are two, style and delivery." 6 * 
"Style," it turns out, "is that of trope or that of figure," whereas de- 
livery as "the appropriate declaring of style" has two parts, voice 
and gesture. 65 "Trope," we are 'told, "is style in which a word is 
changed from its native meaning to some other," and "figure is style 
in which the character of speaking is changed from its straight and 
artless idiom." 66 The several figures and tropes are illustrated from 
classical authors, the orations of Cicero and the poetry of Virgil be- 
ing of course the sources most often cited by Butler and by Talaeus 
as well. 

Butler's one English illustration is worthy of notice, not only as a 
departure from the text of Talaeus, but also as an indication of the 
regard in which Edmund Spenser's poetry was held in the closing 
years of the sixteenth century. Speaking of rhyme-scheme in poetry 
as one of the forms of change from the straight and artless idiom of 
ordinary talk, Butler remarks that rhymes have been used by all 
nations and peoples, but that "today they mostly consist in a re- 
currence connected with sound" $ and then he illustrates with the 
following poem "of our Homer": 

64 Rhetoricae Libri Dvo y sig. Air. e5 JW., sigs. Air, 

68 Ibid.) sigs. Air, A3r. 

[ 264 ] 


Deedes soone doe die how ever noblie donne, 
And thoughts of men doe as thernselues decay j 
But wise wordes taught in numbers for to rune, 
Recorded by the Muses, liue for aye: 
Ne may with storming showres be washt away: 
Ne bitter breathing windes w boisterous blast, 
Nor age, nor envie shall them ever wast. 

For not to haue beene dipt in Lethe lake, 
Could save the sonne of Thetis from to die: 
But that blinde bard did him immortal make, 
With verses dipt in dewe of Castalie: 
Which made the easterne conquerour to crie, 
O fortunate yongman whose vertue found 
So brave a trumpe thy noble actes to sound. 67 

Butler was serving as master of the free school of Basingstoke, 
Hants, when his famous edition of the Rhetoricae Libri Dvo was 
published. Two years later, that is, in 1600, he became vicar at Woot- 
ton St. Laurence, and he remained in that post until his death in 
i647. 68 Thus he did not belong to the company of educators during 
the larger part of his long life. But he must have maintained enough 
contact with his former profession to know that his Rhetoricae Libri 
Dvo became one of the leading textbooks of the seventeenth century. 

This work, indeed, was paid the signal honor in 1612 of being 
recommended by the prominent educator, John Brinsley. ' Brinsley 
published that year at London a treatise entitled Lvdvs Literarivs: 
or, The Grammar Schoole, which on its title page declared itself to 
be intended "for the helping of the younger sort of Teachers, and of 
all Schollars, with all other desirous of learning." The Lvdvs is 
made up of a lengthy dialogue between Spoudeus and Philoponus, 
two schoolmasters, the former of whom prefers traditional methods 
of teaching, and the latter, newer methods. In their discussion they 
intimate that English and penmanship are to be taught as prerequi- 
sites to the work of the Latin grammar school, and that Latin gram- 
mar itself is next given full emphasis. As the student progresses, he 

sig. C;jv-C4r. Butler quotes here from Spenser's "The Rvlnes of Time," lines 
400-406, 428-434. This poem was published at London in 1591 in a volume entitled 
Complaints. Butler's quotation differs in minor ways from Spenser's text. See The Works 
of Edmund Spenser A Variorum Edition^ ed. Edwin Greenlaw, Charles Grosvenor Os- 
good, Frederick Morgan Padelford, Ray Heffner (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 
1932-1949), [vni], 48-49* 

68 See Foster, Alumni Oxonienses^ s.v. Butler, Charles, of Bucks. 

[ 265 ] 


must be taught to write themes in Latin, and it is Spoudeus, the tra- 
ditionalist, who wants to accomplish this object by reading his stu- 
dents the rules out of Aphthonius, and then by having them compose 
themes not only in accordance with those rules but also in imitation 
of Aphthonius's models, especially those of the fable and the chria. 
Philoponus indicates that he teaches Latin composition in a less rigid 
way. Thus it is not surprising, when the talk turns to rhetoric, that 
Philoponus emphasizes the new doctrines of Talaeus, and proceeds 
to pay a handsome compliment to Butler. The words of Philoponus 
deserve quotation at some length : 

For answering the questions of Rhetoricke, you may if you please, 
make them perfect in Talaeus Rhetoricke, which I take to be most 
vsed in the best Schoolesj onely to giue each definitioi} and distribu- 
tion, and some one example or two at most in each Chapter: and 
those of the shortest sentences out of the Poets: so that they can giue 
the word or words, wherein the force of the rule is. ... Claudius 
Minos Commentary may bee a good helpe to make Talaeus Rhetor- 
icke most plaine, both for precepts and examples. . . . 

Or in stead of Talaeus, you may vse Master Butlars Rhetoricke, of 
Magdalens in Oxford, printed in Oxford 5 which I mentioned before: 
being a notable abbridgement of Talaeus, making it most plaine, and 
farre more easie to be learned of Schollars, and also supplying very 
many things wanting in Talaeus. . * . It is a booke, which (as I take it) 
is yet very little knowne in Schooles, though it haue beene forth 
sundry yeares, set forth for the vse of Schooles j and the vse and 
benefit mil be found to be farre above all that euer hath beene written 
of the same. 70 

The success of his Rhetorical Libri Dvo prompted Butler to make 
another textbook in a related field when he had reached the age of 
sixty-eight. This new work he called the Oratoriae Libri Dvo, and 
it was first published at Oxford in 1629."- Here he defines oratorio- 
as the faculty of putting a speech together on any question whatever, 
and oratio as a structure of words and thoughts designed to per- 

** Lvtkrs Literarivs (London, 1612), pp. 172 3. Far a brief discussion of Aphthonius, 
see above, pp. 140-143. 

T0 Lvdvs Litrarvos % pp. 203-204. 

T1 Its complete title page reads: "Qratoriae Libri Dvo. Qvorvm Alter ejus Defini- 
tionem, Alter Partitionem Explicate In vsvm Scholarvm recent editi. Authore Carolo 
Bvtlero, Magd. Oxoniae Excudebat Qvilielmvs Tvrner, im-pensis Authoris. 1629." This 
work did not achieve the popularity of Butler's Rhetoricae Libri Dvo, but it neverthe- 
less was given four later editions in 1633, 1635, 1642, and 1645. See Lee S. Hultzen, 
iC CharIes Butler on Memory/' Speech MonograpAs y vi (1939), 45. 

[ 266 ] 


suade. 72 Here he speaks of persuasion as the process of doing three 
things gaining favor, moving, teaching. 73 Here he discusses the six 
parts of the classical oration, the positions of argument, the kinds of 
oratory. These matters he treats in Book I, whereas Book II deals 
with the five ancient parts of rhetoric, that is, with invention, ar- 
rangement,, style, memory, and delivery. 74 

The fact that Butler's Rhetoricae Libri Dvo deals exclusively with 
style and delivery, while his Qratoriae Libri Dvo covers not only 
these two fields to some extent, but also the great fields of memory, 
arrangement, and invention, may be a bit bewildering at first gla,nce. 
It may be bewildering because Butler, living in an age when Ramists 
and traditionalists held opposing views on rhetoric, would seem in his 
earlier work to have been thoroughly Ramistic, and in his later work 
to have been thoroughly traditional. Is he then to be explained as a 
man who was a Ramist in his youth and a traditionalist in his old age? 
Must we cross him off the roster of English Ramists in the period 
between 1629 and the date of his death in 1647, and enroll him for 
those eighteen years in the ranks of traditional rhetoricians? Must 
we say that he renounced Ramus and embraced Cicero as an old man, 
and that his conversion to Ciceronian rhetoric is merely part of a 
general shift in the seventeenth century from the rhetoric of style 
and delivery to the rhetoric of subject matter and arrangement? 

These questions have to be answered in the negative. 75 They have 
to be answered in the negative because Butler believes himself as 
much of a Ramist in the Oratoriae Libri Dvo as he was in the 

72 Oratorios Libri Dvo (1629), sig. Air, Azr. These definitions read: "Oratoria est 
Facultas formandl Orationem de qualibet Qvaestione"; "Oratio est Dictionu & Senten- 
tiaru structuraj ad persuadendu accomodata." 

73 Ibid., sig. Biv. Butler's terms are conciliando^ concitando y docendo* 

7 * Butler deals first with style in Bk. I, Ch. 2, of the Oratoriae Libri Dvo y -where he 
speaks of the traditional three kinds of style, grand, medium, and plain. He also deals 
with style in Bk. u, Ch. 4, and that entire chapter is brief enough for quotation: 

Caput 4. De Elocutione & Pronunciatione. 

De Blocutionis & Pronunciations ornametis, 

vide Rhetoricam. Quae vt Poesin, Historiam, 

Philosophiam, Epistolas, adeoque ipsum familiare 

Colloquium, exornant; ita in Oratfone praecipue 

locu habet, & cuilibtft Dicendi generi asserunt 

turn gratiam, turn dignitatem, (sig, Pzv). 

75 I am aware that my negative answer runs against previous opinion on this matter. 
Sandford, in particular, explains Butler's Oratoriae Libri Dvo as a phase of the shift 
from an aiiticlassical to a classical attitude. See William Phillips Sandford, "English 
Rhetoric Reverts to Classicism, 1600-1650," The Quarterly Journal of Speech^ XV 
(1929), 503-525. See also by the same author, English Theories of Public Address^ 
1530-1828* pp. 104-107. 

[ 267 ] 


Rhetoricae Libri Dvo. For example, in treating invention in the Ora- 
toriae Libri Dvo, Butler uses the same materials that Ramus had 
used in treating invention as the first part of logic. That is to say, 
Butler reduces arguments to artistic and non-artistic 5 artistic argu- 
ments he classifies as primary and derivative primary $ the ultimate 
distinctions drawn by him among artistic arguments are that they 
concern cause, effect, subject, adjunct, opposites, comparatives, and 
so on. These are terms out of Ramus's logic, as we know. And if 
Butler seems at times to depart from that source, his terms are never- 
theless from commentaries by the later Ramists. 

That Butler is here following Ramus as a devoted and deliberate 
disciple, there can be no doubt, for he says as much. Here are his 
words as he turns from diagramming Ramus's inventional system, 
and prepares to comment upon it: 

These brief and methodical precepts concerning the places or kinds 
of arguments are supplied from Peter Ramus, whose singular acute- 
ness in rebuilding the arts I am never able to admire enough 5 and 
they are not so much assembled in part as adopted in full. Except 
some in Ramus are brought forth somewhat differently here, to the 
end that they may be adapted to the use of oratory. But not of course 
in any wrong sense. For whatever cannot be set forth in a better 
fashion, why should it be made worse by change? 7 * 

Now if Butler is a Ramist in both of his works in the field of ora- 
tory, why is it that those works differ so radically? The answer is that 
in the earlier work he was writing on rhetoric, which as a Ramist he 
had to limit to style and delivery, while in his later work he was in 
reality writing on logic, and as a Ramist he had to develop this 
subject under the headings of invention and arrangement. Thus his 
two works differ more as Ramistic rhetoric differs from Ramistic 
logic than as Ramistic rhetoric differs from traditional rhetoric. 

But that is not the whole story. For, having claimed Butler as a 
Ramist both in his youth and old age, we must now admit that his 
later Ramism is not all it should have been. That he wrote on logic 
in 1629 and called his subject oratorm is a liberty that Ramus would 
never have allowed himself, for Ramus believed that there could be 
no faculty of forming an oration except so far as that faculty was 
governed by logic or by rhetoric, and thus there could be no treatise 
on that faculty unless it was called logic or rhetoric. Nor would 

7e Oratoriae Libri Dvo (1629), sig. Lir. Translation mine. 

[ 268 ] 


Ramus have allowed himself to approve o Butler's final decision to 
treat memory as a part of logic. To Ramus, memory was not a divi- 
sion of logic or of rhetoric. It was a faculty developed from nature, 
not from science, or rather, it was not proper material for a science, 
although it was assisted by the science of dialectical method. Butler 
knows of Ramus's opinion in this matter, but he does not heed it. 77 He 
gives instead a competent analysis of the ancient theory of memory. 78 

In one other instance he proves himself in 1629 to be an adulter- 
ated Ramist. His master would never have used in a scientific work 
what Butler uses in speaking of the parts of the oration, the positions 
of argument, and the kinds of oratory. These materials were not ac- 
ceptable to Ramus because, if they appeared in rhetoric, they made 
rhetoric overlap logic in violation of the law of justice 5 and if they 
appeared in logic, either they violated the law of truth or else they 
duplicated materials already established in logic by prior claim. For 
example, the theory of the six parts of an oration was to Ramus a 
loose variant of the theory of method in logic. Thus it deserved only 
a bare mention in that science, and no mention at all in rhetoric, 
where anything of that sort was an intruder* For another example, 
the theory of the positions of argument was a loose variant of the 
theory of the ten places of Ramistic logic. Thus it duplicated what 
logic already contained, and so it lost its place in logic, whereas it 
too was an intruder in rhetoric. Now, these arguments constitute 
almost the sum of what Butler admires as Ramus's "singular acute- 
ness in rebuilding the arts", but still they did not seem to have the 
acuteness in 1 629 to convince Butler of the necessity of perpetuating 
Ramus's basic distinctions. 

In the year 1648, when Butler had been dead for only a few 
months, and his Rhetoricae Libri Dvo was a venerable work with 
more than a half-century of popularity behind it, a schoolmaster 
named William Dugard, of the Merchant Taylors' School in Lon- 
don, published at his own commercial press in that city a little work 
called Rhetorices Element^ which was in fact an elementary version 
of the text of Butler's edition of Talaeus arranged in the form of 

7T Ibid.) sigf. K;jv. Butler*s "words are: "Oratoriae partes numerantur quinque: In- 
ventio & Dispositio, Elocutio & Pronunciatio, atque Memorla. E quibus primum par 
Dialecticae, alterum Rhetoric?, acceptum refert: partem quintain non ab Arte, sed a 
Natura traditam, vt sibi, prae caeteris artibus necessariam, & quasi peculiarem, assumitj 
& praeceptis perficit." 

78 For a translation of Butler's chapter on memory* see Lee S. Hultzen, "Charles 
Butler on Memory/* Speech Monografhs^ VI (1939), 47-65. 


questions and answers. Dugard, who was also to publish at his press 
the famous reply of John Milton to Salmasius, gave his version of 
Butler a second edition in i65i. 79 Its Latin title declares it to be so 
formed that, if the questions are omitted or neglected altogether, 
the answers alone would present the entire theory of rhetoric to be- 
ginners. And in his preface to those beginners, Dugard speaks thus 
of Butler: 

Butler improved Talaeus in very many ways. Little questions of the 
kind presented here (unless my prediction deceives me) render Butler 
himself easier and more adaptable by far to the capacity of those of 
tender years. . . . Therefore, these having been sampled, you are to 
consult Butler himself if you shall have been at a loss in any way 
concerning this matter. 80 

The work which follows this declaration presents the rhetoric of 
Talaeus in the form of a catechism, style being given twenty-six 
pages of text, and pronunciation, five, while at the end the figures 
of style are summarized in neat tabular form. 

Dugard's Rhetorices Elementa reached a fifth edition by 1657. 
Three years later, Charles Hoole, writing a treatise for the indoc- 
trination of young schoolmasters, mentioned Dugard along with 
Butler and Talaeus when he came to speak of the study of rhetoric 
in grammar schools. Hoole*s treatise, called A New Discovery Of 
the old Art of Teaching Schoole^ invites comparison with Kempe's 
Education of Children and Brinsley's Lvdvs. Like them, it is a de- 
scription of contemporary education, and like them it indicates the 
popularity of Ramistic rhetoric in English education. Hoole ad- 
dresses himself first to the curriculum of the petty school, where 
children of the age of four or five were taught to read English j and 
then he speaks of the grammar school itself, where in successive 
years the emphasis is upon Latin, "forasmuch as speaking Latine is 
the main end oj Grammar^ Pupils of the fourth form are expected 

79 The title page of this second edition reads: "Rhetorices Elementa, Quaestionibus et 
Responsionihus Explicata: Quae ita formantur, ut, Quaestionibus prorsus omissis, vel 
neglectis, Responsiones solummodo integram Rhetorices Tnstitutionem Tironibus ex- 
hibeant. Per Gull. Du-gard, In usum Scholae Mercatorum-Scissorvm. Editio Secunda. . . . 
Londini, Typis Autoris, Anno Domini 1651. Veneunt apud Fr. Egles field in Caemeterio 
PauHno." I have not seen a copy of the first edition. For a discussion of Dugard's con- 
nection with the publication o Milton's reply to Salmasius, see F, F. Madan, "Milton, 
Salmasius, and Dugard," The Library, iv (ipza), 119-145. 

** Rhetorices Element* (1651), p. 6. Translation mine. 

ai Charles Hoole, A New Discovery Of the old Art of Teaching Schoole, ed* E. T. 
Canipagnac (Liverpool and London, 1913), "The Usher's Duty," p. 50. Italics are 

[ 270 ] 


to reach perfection in grammar and to begin to study the elements 
of rhetoric. In mastering the latter subject, they make their first con- 
tact with Talaeus and Butler through Dugard. Says Hoole: 

And to enter them in that Art of fine speaking, they may make use 
of Elementa Rhetorices, lately printed by Mr. Dugard, and out of it 
learn the Tropes and Figures, according to the definitions given by 
Talaeus^ and afterwards more illustrated by Mr. Butler. Out of either 
of which books, they may be helped with store of examples, to ex- 
plain the Definitions, so as they may know any Trope or Figure that 
they meet with in their own Authours. 82 

Another honor was paid in 1671 to Butler's version of Talaeus 
it was partly converted into English by John Newton. Newton was 
a loyalist during the Protectorate, and a clergyman and educational 
reformer after the Restoration. What he wanted above all in educa- 
tion was to have young people taught "all the Sciences in their own 
Tongue," and to have the Latin School reserved for those who, be- 
ing already familiar with the liberal arts in the vernacular, were 
intent upon entering a learned profession. 83 In furtherance of this 
design, he published English versions of the seven liberal arts, one 
version being entitled An Introduction to the Art of Rhetorick (Lon- 
don, i6yi). 8 * Newton is an eclectic. His rhetorical theory recognizes 
invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery as the five com- 
mon heads of that science 5 but his sources are not as purely Cicero- 
nian as these divisions suggest. He indicates instead that his borrow- 
ings are from a Neo-Ciceronian rhetorician and from a Ramist "the 
truth is," he says, "the form and Method of this our Rhetorick, in 
respect of Elocution, some examples only excepted, is the same with 
Butler, and as for invention and disposition, I have very much fol- 
lowed the first part of that excellent piece of Oratory, which Michael 
Radau hath published under the title of Orator 

82 Ibid., p. 132. 

83 These ideas are stated in the dedicatory epistle and preface of his Introduction to 
the Art of Logick (London, 1678). This work was first published in 1671. For a dis- 
cussion of it, see below, pp. 316-317. 

8 * For Newton's complete writings on the trivium and quadrivium, see his The Eng- 
lish Academy: or a brief introduction to the seven liberal arts (London s 1677). There 
was a second edition of this work at London in 1693. The title page of his Art of 
Rhetorick^ as published in 1671, reads as follows: "An Introduction to the Art of Rhet- 
orick. Composed for the benefit of young Schollars and others, who have not opportunity 
of being* instructed in the Latine tongue; and is very helpful to understand the figurative 
expressions in the holy Scriptures. Published for a Publick Advantage, By John Ne*wtott y 
D. D. London* Printed by E. 7% and R. H. for Thomas Passenger at the three Bibles on 
London-Bridge-) and Ben. Hurlock over against St. Magnus Church. 1671.** 

E 271 3 


from whence I might have taken much more than I have, but that I 
was afraid of being too prolixe and over burthening my young Eng- 
lish Rhetorician. . . ," 85 As for memory and delivery, the other two 
parts of Newton's present subject, "I purposely omit them," declares 
he, "as being natural endowments, which may be better improved by 
constant practice, than by any precepts which can be given." 86 

In the chapter which concludes his analysis of invention, Newton 
makes use of material from Radau to give us an insight into the cul- 
tural conditions that produce and are produced by the Ramist con- 
ception of rhetoric. At that point he is speaking of the sharpness of an 
oration. 87 Now sharpness as he discusses it is a stylistic phenomenon, 
even though invention is his present subject, and even though style 
will be treated after he has talked of disposition or arrangement. His 
own definition of sharpness is that it consists in an agreeing discord 
or a disagreeing concord in an oration, as when a beautiful and chaste 
maiden is said to be a fire that scorches and chills, or when the sun 
is called a fountain of light. These concords and discords, he explains, 
are produced in various ways. But what really gives them authority 
with listeners is that the public has a strong appetite for them. Says 
Newton : 

Such is the Curiosity of this age in which we live, as that it is grown 
weary of these plain and ordinary waies, and requireth or expecteth 
in the very style something more than ordinary 5 insomuch that now 
a daies he is not worthy the name of an Orator? that knowes not how 
to brandish an Oration, by some sharp and witty flourishes. And 
therefore, that we may comply with the present times, we will also 
speak something of that sharpness or ingenuity, with which an oration 
should be adorned. 88 

The history of Ramistic rhetoric in Britain would not be complete 
without mention of various Latin editions of Talaeus in addition to 
those that I have already indicated as having possibly preceded But- 
ler, and those that grew directly or indirectly out of Butler. Andrew 
Hart, a famous Scottish printer and bookseller of the Elizabethan 
and Jacobean period, published at Edinburgh in 1621 a little work 
entitled Avdomari Talaei Rhetorica^ which is the earliest surviving 
British reprint of that treatise to acknowledge Talaeus as its author 

^Introduction to the Art of Rhetorick (London, 1671), sig. Aior-Aiov. 
**Ibid. y p. 130. For a discussion of Michael Radau's Orator Extem-poraneus, see 
below, p. 3z6. 

^Introduction to the Art of Rhetorick, pp. 28-36. 8B Ibid., p. 28. 

[ 272 ] 


and Ramus as its source. 89 Ten years later the same work was pub- 
lished in England at the Cambridge University press, and there were 
also two printings of it at London, one of which belongs to the year 
1636, and the other probably to the same year, though it is un- 
dated. 90 Finally, in 1651 at the press of William Dugard in London 
there appeared a little work entitled Rhetoricae Com^endium^ 
Latino-Anglic^ by Thomas Home, an Oxonian who had become 
headmaster of Eton, 81 The Latin section of Home's compend runs 
to twenty-two pages and is followed by seventeen pages of English, 
the latter being a translation of the former, and having as title, "A 
Short Epitome of Rhetorick." The work does not advertise its ori- 
gin, but it consists in reality of a very short disquisition upon six of 
the ten major terms in Ramus's theory of logical invention, and a 
much longer disquisition upon the doctrine of style as set forth by 
Talaeus. Delivery, the second phase of Talaeus's rhetoric, is men- 
tioned but not discussed. 

Home's version of Ramistic doctrine and Newton's adaptation of 
Butler are not the only vernacular versions of the reformed rhetoric 
to be published in England during the seventeenth century. As a 
matter of fact, there are five other versions, two of which are respec- 
tively a schoolboy digest and a scholarly English commentary, where- 
as three are closely identified with Dudley Fenner's sixteenth-cen- 
tury translation of Talaeus. 

John Barton, master of the free school in Kinfare, Staffordshire, 
brought out at London in 1 634 a work consisting of a short English 

89 There is a copy of Hart's reprint at the Folger Shakespeare Library. Its title page 
reads: "Avdomari Talaei Rhetorica. E P. Kami Regii Professoris Praelectionibvs ob- 
servata. Edinburgi, Excudebat Andreas Hart. 1621." A work of similar title was entered 
with the company of stationers on December 6 > 1588. See Arber, Transcript of the 
Registers^ n, 509. No copy of it appears to have survived. 

90 The title page of the Cambridge edition reads: "Avdomari Talaei rhetorica e P. 
Kami, Regii professoris praelectionibus observata. Cui praefixa est epistola, quae lectorem 
de omnibus utriusque viri scriptis, propediem edendis commonefacit. Cantabrigiae, Ex 
Academiae celeberrimae Typographeo- 1631." There is a copy of this edition in the 
Univers'ity Library, Cambridge. The dated London edition as held in the University 
Library, Cambridge, has the same title as that just quoted, and its imprint reads, "Lon- 
dini: Excusum impensis Societatis Stationariorum. 1636." The undated London edition, 
a copy of which I have seen in the Huntington Library, has the same title but not quite 
the same imprint as that in the dated London edition. Its imprint reads, "Londini: Ex- 
cusum pro Societate Stationariorunu" The Huntington copy has perhaps been cropped 
in such a way as to have had its date removed. At any rate, the card catalogue of that 
library identifies it as "perhaps the 1636 ed, with date cut off." 

91 The title page reads: "Rhetoricae Compendium, Latino-Anglice. Opera Thomae 
Horn, A. M. Scholae Etonensis Archididascali. Londini, Typis Guil* D&~gardi. Veneunt 
apud Franc, Eglesfield in Caemeterio Paulino. 1651." 

[ 273 ] 


summary and a shorter following Latin summary of Ramistic rhet- 
oric, these two parts being published as The Art of Rhetorick Con- 
cisely and Comfleatly Handled, although the Latin section is sep- 
arately titled "Rhetorices Enchiridion." 92 In the dedicatory letter 
Barton refers to his double summary as "these two-languag'd twins," 
and his letter to the reader implies that these twins are descended 
from such previous rhetoricians as Keckermann, Aristotle, Cicero, 
Dietericus, Molinaeus, Butler, and Isidore. He even mentions that, 
since grammar and logic are necessary to an orator, men who "for- 
merly wrote Rhetoricks, put in the Topicks of Logick and Figures 
of Grammar, as essential parts of Rhetorick." 93 But his own work is 
not descended from those who gave rhetoric something beyond the 
procedures of style and delivery. True, he objects to "elocution" 
and "pronunciation" as terms for the two parts of the proper rhet- 
oric, on the ground that they both mean about the same thing, and 
that neither includes the concept of gesture* 9 * True, he proposes 
"adornation" and "action" as substitutes for these two terms. At this 
point, however, his originality ends. For the rest, he devotes himself 
to the Ramistic convention, and varies from it only by giving the 
topic of action almost no space at all. Here are his essential state- 
ments on the subject of adornation, and the full text of his chapter 
on action: 

Rhetorick is the skill of using daintie words, and comely deliverie, 
whereby to work upon mens affections. It hath two parts, Adornation 
and Action. Adornation consisteth in the sweetnesse of the phrase, and 
is seen in Tropes and Figures. A Tro-pe is an affecting kinde of speech, 
altering the native signification of a word. . . , 95 

A Figure is an affecting kinde of speech without consideration had of 
any borrowed sense. . . . M 

Thus much of Adornationj a word of Action. Action is a part of Rhet- 
orick exercised in the gesture and utterance. 

Gesture is the comely carriage of the bodiej whereof nothing is need- 
full to be spoken. 

82 The complete title is as follows: "The Art of Rhetorick Concisely and Compleatly 
Handled, Exemplified out of holy Writ, and with a compendious and perspicuous Com- 
ment, fitted to the capacities of such as have had a smatch of learning 1 , or are otherwise 
ingenious. By J. B. Master of the free-school of Kinfare in Staffordshire. . . . [n.p J 
Printed for Nicolas Also^ and are to be sold at the Angel in Po<bes-head-attey. 1634." 

* 3 Art of Rhetorick* si ff . A 3 v. * Ibid., si*. A 3 v. 

p. i. ** /***., p, 33, 


Utterance is the sweet framing of the voice j of which we will note 
onely that which we call Em-phasisj which is the elevation of some 
word or words in the sentence, wherein the chief force lies. Psal. 76.7. 
Thouy thou^ art worthy to be praised. 9 r 

Another vernacular version of Talaeus's Rhetorics appeared in 
1657, when the second edition of Alexander Richardson's Logicians 
School-Master was published. This work has already been described 
in an earlier section of this chapter where English commentaries upon 
Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo were under examination. 98 Richard- 
son's notes on "Taleus his Rhetorick" run to some fifty-six pages, 
and cover only the subject of the tropes and figures. The basic phi- 
losophy behind his analysis of these components of style can be 
grasped from what he has to say about grammar and rhetoric: 

For whereas Grammer is the garment of Logick, and would cover 
every thing as Logick layes it down, the Nominative case before the 
Verb, and the Accusative after the Verb: Figura comes and sets this 
speech otherwise, and so changeth the habit of it j so that I may com- 
pare Grammer to a trubkin, and Rhetorick to a fine handsome fellow; 
and in Rhetorick I may compare a Trope to one cut or jag, and a 
Figure to all the jags, or the whole shape thereof." 

The images suggested by these partly obsolete terms would ap- 
pear to be that of a small squat woman to represent grammar, and a 
fine handsome fellow to represent rhetoric, whereas a trope would 
be one slash in a garment to show the color of a garment underneath, 
and a figure would be the pattern that all such slashes make, or the 
shape of the garment as a whole. These metaphors were valid parts of 
the Ramistic concept of grammar and rhetoric. And by virtue of its 
preoccupation with unusual patterns of language, Ramistic rhetoric 
naturally assumed jurisdiction over much of what we would today 
consider to be poetical theory. Says Richardson, speaking of metrical 
language: "So that here comes in Poetry, so that 'tis not a distinct 
art by it self, and therf ore not to be handled by it self, but is a branch 
of Rhetorrck [sic], . . / no Nevertheless, as Richardson makes plain 
a moment later, poetry has one characteristic of its very own it con- 

97 Ibid.) p. 35. Following- these words there is a half page devoted to commentary. 
The quotation from Psalms actually reads: "Thou, even thou, art to be feared." For 
Barton's reasons for not discussing gesture^ see his preface, sig. A7r. 

98 See above, pp. 209-110. 

* 9 The Logicians School-Master (1657), "Rhetorical Notes, J> p. 66. 
1( *> Ib*L, p. 70. 

[ 275 1 


veys its meaning through the medium of fiction. He places this re- 
striction upon poetry thus: "For the most part," he says, " 'tis used in 
fables, and fabula is the subject of Poetry. . . ," 101 

The three remaining seventeenth-century English versions of Ta- 
laeus's Rhetorica stem more or less directly from the second part of 
Dudley Fenner's Artes of Logike and Rethorike. As we have already 
observed, Fenner was the first Englishman to translate Ramistic 
rhetoric into his native language. 102 No doubt because the first edition 
of his work was published anonymously, it tended in time to become 
an item that could easily be attributed to another author or that could 
be freely appropriated as unowned material. The three rhetorics re- 
maining to my present discussion belong to one or the other of these 
two categories. 

Fenner's Rethorike is one of the three anonymous units of a work 
published in 1651 under the title, A Compendium of the Art of 
Logick and Rhetorick in the English Tongue. I have already men- 
tioned that the first unit of this Compendium^ as Walter J, Ong, S J., 
has demonstrated, is to be identified as Robert Fage's translation of 
Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo.* Now it should be added that the 
other two units, likewise Identified by Father Ong, are Thomas 
Hobbes's English abstract of Aristotle's Rhetoric^ and the main heads 
of Talaeus's Rhetorica in Fenner's translation, the latter treatise be- 
ing said on its title page in the Compendium to be "By a concealed 
author." 104 

Fenner's Rethorike is also the unacknowledged source of part of 
the rhetorical doctrine in John Smith's The Mysterie of Rhetorique 
Unvail'd (London, i657). 105 Smith's Rhetorique is in general a com- 
pilation wherein some 138 tropes and figures are listed, not only by 
Greek, Latin, and English names, but also by English definitions, 
and by Latin and English illustrations. The English illustrations, 
says Smith, "are most of them streams from Sir Philip Sidneys foun- 
tain." 108 As for his Latin illustrations, he is also explicit about their 
intermediate source, for he credits them repeatedly to Thomas Far- 

101 Ibid.^ p. 71- 102 See above, p. 219. 103 See above, p. 238. 

104 See Walter J. Ong-, S.J., "Hobbes and Talon's Ramist Rhetoric in English," 
Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, i (194.9-1953), 260-262. For a 
discussion of Hobbes's abstract of Aristotle's Rhetoric, see below, pp. 38 4--3S 5. 

105 Smith signs his preface "From my Chamber in Mountague Close, Southwark March 
27. 1656. John Smith." Wing, Short-Title Catalogue* lists this work under the name 
of John Sergeant and Indicates editions in 1657, 1665, 1673, 1683, and 1688. The 
Huntington Library has a copy of the ninth edition, dated at London in 1706. 

106 Rhetorique (1657), sig. A$r. 

[ 276 ] 


naby. But he does not tell us that his quotations from Sidney, and 
certain of his definitions as well, are borrowed from Thomas Blount's 
Academic of Eloquence, and he probably did not know that Thomas 
Blount in turn had as silently borrowed the same quotations and 
definitions from John Hoskins's Directions -for Speech and Style^ 
then an unpublished manuscript. The relations between Smith, 
Blount, and Hoskins were brilliantly identified by Hoyt H. Hud- 
son. 107 According to Professor Lee S. Hultzen, Smith also borrows 
definitions and a few illustrations from Henry Peacham's Garden 
of Eloquence in its edition of I593. 10S Now, since Peacham, Hoskins, 
Blount, and Farnaby are all committed for the most part to the old 
Ciceronian tradition rather than to Ramism, it is a surprise to find 
that Smith is enough of an eclectic to borrow as cheerfully from the 
latter as from the former source. But so it is. As the beginning of his 
Rhetorique are twelve pages of logical and rhetorical doctrine as an 
introduction to the main work, and of these pages, three contain a 
glossary of terms from Ramistic logic, whereas nine are closely 
parallel to Fenner 's translation of Talaeus. 

A few passages from Fenner and Smith will show how strikingly 
the latter -follows the former in these nine pages of rhetorical doc- 
trine. 109 After each author has defined rhetoric in somewhat the same 
fashion, they both have this to say of its parts: 

[Fenner] It hath two partes, Garnishing of speache, called Eloqution. 
Garnishing of the maner of vtterance, called Pronunciation. 

[Smith] It hath two parts, viz. i. Garnishing of speech, called Elo- 
cution. 2. Garnishing of the manner of utterance, called Pronuncia- 
tion (which in this Treatise is not principally aimed at.) 

They both have also the same frame of language for the definition of 
elocution and the mention of its parts : 

[Fenner] Garnishing of speache is the firste parte of Rhetorike, 
whereby the speache it selfe is beautified and made fine. It is eyther 

107 John Hoskins, Directions for Speech and Style> ed. Hoyt H. Hudson (Princeton, 
1 9 3 5 ) ? PP xxx-xxxviii . 

108 Ibid., p. xxxvii, note 38. 

109 The passag-es quoted here can be found in Fenner's Rethorike (1584) and Smith's 
Rhetorique (1657) as follows: 

1) Naming- of the parts of rhetoric: Fenner, sig-. DIVJ Smith, p. i. 

2) Definition and parts of elocution: Fenner, sig. DIVJ Smith, p. 2. 

3) Definition of a trope: Fenner, sig-. DIVJ Smith, p. 2. 
4.) Definition of a figure: Fenner, sig 1 . D3rj Smith, p. 4. 

Definition of figura sentential'. Fenner, sig-. D4r; Smith, pp. 7-8. 

[ 277 ] 


the fine maner of wordes, called a Trope, The fine shape or frame 
of speache, called a Figure. 

[Smith] Elocution, or the garnishing of speech, is the first and prin- 
cipal part of Rhetorique, whereby the speech it self is beautified 
and made fine: And this is either 

The fine manner of words called a Tro-pei or, 
The fine shape or frame of speech, called a Figure. 

Again they both use similar words to define the nature of the trope: 

[Fenner] The fine maner of wordes is a garnishing of speache, where- 
by one worde is drawen from his firste proper signification to 
another, . . . 

[Smith] A Trope, is when words are used for elegancy in a changed 
signification 5 or when a word is drawn from its proper and genuine 
signification to another. 

Still again, they both use similar, at time identical, words to define 
the nature of the figure: 

[Fenner] A Figure is a garnishing of speache, wherein the course of 
the same is chaunged from the more simple and plaine maner of 
speaking, vnto that whiche is more full of excellencie and grace. 
For as in the finenesse of wordes or a trope, wordes are considered 
asunder by them selues: so in the fine shape or frame of speach or 
a figure, the apte and pleasant ioyning togither of many wordes is 

[Smith] A Figure is an ornament of elocution, which adornes our 
speech, or a garnishing of speech when words are used for elegancy 
in their native signification. And as in a Trope, or the finenesse 
of words, words are considered asunder by themselves, so in a Fig- 
ure, the apt and pleasant joyning together of many words is noted. 

And once again, they both use the same language to define the figure 
of sentence as the second type of figure: 

[Fenner] Garnishing of the frame of speache in a sentence, is a gar- 
nishinge of the shape of speache, or a figure, which for the f orceable 
mouing of affections, doeth after a sorte beautifie the sence and 
verie meaning of a sentence. Because it hath in it a certayne manlie 
maiestie, which farre surpasseth the softe delicacie or dayntines of 
the former figures. 

[Smith] Secondly. Garnishing of the frame of speech in a sentence, 
called Figura Sententiae, is a figure, which for the forcible moving 

[ 278 ] 

of affections, doth after a sort beautifie the sense and very meaning 
of a sentence: because it carries with it a certain manly majesty, 
which far surpasses the soft delicacy of the former Figures, they 
being as it were effeminate and musical, these virile and majestical. 

The final episode in the history of the anonymous first edition of 
Farmer's Rethorike is that it was published under the name of 
Thomas Hobbes in i68i. 110 Thus it was established among that dis- 
tinguished philosopher's authentic writings, and received without 
question as one of his works, until October 1951, when an article in 
The Quarterly Journal of Speech announced its true identity. That 
article, which I myself prepared as a preliminary digest of this pres- 
ent chapter, had scarcely appeared in America when Walter J. Ong, 
S.J., in an article published in England in the Transactions of the 
Cambridge Bibliographical Society , also announced the true identity 
of the work attributed to Hobbes. 111 In one important respect Father 
Ong's article reached beyond mine. Whereas I had been unable to 
explain why William Crook, Hobbes's literary executor, had been 
willing, two years after the latter's death, to attribute to him a work 
already printed in the previous century under its rightful author's 
name, Father Ong offered what seems to be the true explanation of 
this mystery. According to him, Hobbes's executor must have come 
upon the work published at London in 1651 as the Compendium of 
the Art of Logick and Rhetorick in the English Tongue, and notic- 
ing that it contained an anonymous Art of Rhetorick as a kind of ap- 
pendix to what he would of course recognize as Hobbes's condensed 
version of the Rhetoric of Aristotle, the executor must have concluded 
that Hobbes was the author of the appendix as well as the main 
work. At any rate, he attributed Fenner's Rethorike to Hobbes in 
1 68 1, and it was thereupon accepted in the Hobbes canon for almost 
three hundred years, although at the same time it was accepted in its 
own orbit as one Dudley Fenner's English rhetoric, and an Eng- 
lish rhetoric, moreover, which oddly violated Cicero's laws by limit- 
ing rhetoric to two parts, style and delivery. 

page of the work in which Fenner's translation of Talaeus is published 
under the name of Hobbes reads as follows: "The Art of Rhetoric, with a Discourse of 
The Laws of England, By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury. London, Printed for William 
Crooke at the Green Dragon without Tern-ple-Bar^ 1681." For the work belonging- to 
Fenner, see pp. 135-168. For other details concerning 1 it, see Wilbur S. Ho well, "Ramus 
and English Rhetoric: 1574-1681," The Quarterly Journal of Speech, xxxvn (October 
95i)> PP- 308-309. 

111 Walter J. Ong, S.J., "Hobbes and Talon's Ramist Rhetoric in English," Transac- 
tions of the Cambridge Biblio graphical Society^ I (194.9-1953)3 260-269. 

[ 279 ] 


So ends the history of Talaeus's Rhetorica in seventeenth-century 
England. Hobbes's involuntary association with it did not give it a 
new lease on life after 1681, nor had Milton's association with Ra- 
mus's Dialecticae Libri Duo prolonged its life after 1672. But these 
dates are not to be taken as marking the complete end of Ramism in 
England. They are instead the dates that mark the retirement of 
Ramism from active competition with other logical and rhetorical 
theories. Even after its retirement in 1672, as we have seen, Ramus's 
Dialecticae Libri Duo, in Page's translation, made two public ap- 
pearances in the closing years of the seventeenth century, thanks to 
Edward Phillips, Milton's nephew. 112 And Talaeus's Rhetorica also 
made some public appearances after the Fenner-Hobbes version of 
1 68 1. There was, for example, a final edition of Butler's Rhetoricae 
Libri Dvo at London in 1684, and John Smith's Mysterie of Rhet- 
orique Unvail'd was reprinted in 1683 and 1688. 

Even in the eighteenth century, evidence of the persistence of 
Ramistic rhetoric can be found. Smith's Rhetorique had a ninth edi- 
tion at London in 1706, and one "J. H., Teacher of Geography," 
published an abridgement of it in I739- 113 Also, a treatise which, by 
its own acknowledgment, depended upon Smith's Rhetorique as well 
as upon Farnaby's Latin Rhetoric^ appeared anonymously at London 
in 1706 under the title, The Art of Rhetorick y As to Elocution; Ex- 
*plain y d^ and it, too, was based ultimately upon Talaeus. 114 For ex- 
ample, it divides rhetoric into two parts, "Elocution and Pronuncia- 
tion ," adding "We shall treat only of the Former here." 115 It de- 
fines elocution as "the adorning of Speech either with fine Words or 
Expressions."^* It goes on to treat of the tropes and the figures, as a 
Ramistic rhetoric would. As for the value of that rhetoric, it has this 
to say in some complimentary verses by "M. N." to the author just 
before the first page of the text: 

. 112 See above, p. 238. 

113 See above, p. 276, note 105. See also Hoskins, Directions for Speech and Style, 
ed. Hudson, p. xxxvii. 

1J * The title page reads: "The Art of Rhetorick, As to Elocution j Explain'd: And 
Familiarly Adapted to the Capacityes of School-Soys^ by way of Question and Answer 5 
in English. . . . London. Printed, for . Sturton at the Corner of Gutter-Lane in Chea$- 
side y 1706." 

The anonymous author thus acknowledges his sources towards the end of his preface 
to the reader: "I do not deny but I have been hugely Oblig'd to the Learned Farnaby's 
Rhetorick in Latin, and the Ingenious Mr. Smith's Mystery of Rhetorick UnveiVd in 
English, for the substance of This Treatise." 

115 Art of Rhetoric^ As to Elocution- Ex-plain^ p. i. 
p. 2. 

[ 280 ] 

Our Infant Poets taught by Rules like these, 

Shall Learn with Dreyden's strength, and Otway's Ease, 

The Happy Secret to instruct, and please. 

Thus Rhefrick by thy Artful Pen restored, 

Such Just Renown shall to thy Name afford, 

That Greece and Rome shall be no more Ador'd. 

But these words are more of an epitaph than a prophecy. For the 
rules that represented this rhetoric were fast losing authority, and 
another sort of rhetoric was emerging, even as a new era in logic was 
at hand. What constituted that new logic and rhetoric will be the 
subject of a later chapter. 


Counterreform: Systematics and 

I. Middle Ground between Contradictions 

Ktfus's reform of scholastic logic encountered two sorts of 
opposition during the late sixteenth and early seventeenth 
centuries. The first sort may be described as the opposition 
of denial j the second, as the opposition of compromise. 
During his own lifetime, and particularly in the period between 
1 543 and 1560, he was opposed by the supporters of the logic he had 
attacked, and those adversaries confined themselves largely to deny- 
ing the validity of his revision of the traditional system. Prominent 
in that group of anti-Ramists were Perion, Gouvea, Galland, Char- 
pentier, and Turnebus, each of whom spoke out sharply against his 
reform, although by 1561 all of them except Charpentier were on 
friendly terms with him. 1 After Ramus's death in 1572, his teach- 
ings spread rapidly throughout northern Europe, their popularity 
in England being related to their popularity in provincial France, 
Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, and Germany. Now in 
these countries his logical system came into collision not only with 
the entrenched scholastic logic but also with the logic of Melanch- 
thon. An older contemporary of Ramus, Melanchthon too had tried 
his hand at improving the liberal arts, and his writings on logic and 
rhetoric were particularly esteemed among his own religious sect, 
the Lutherans. 2 As a result of the competition between his system 
and that of Ramus, a disposition to work out a compromise acceptable 
to these two schools and to the older scholasticism came into exist- 
ence, and a logic compounded of elements from all three schools was 
born. The English aspects of that compromise will be the subject of 
the present chapter, first as regards logic, and next as regards rhetoric. 
In the field of logic, three terms were applied during the period 
between 1590 and 1640 to the logicians who helped to promote the 
compromise. Some of them were called Philippo-Ramists, a word 

1 For an account of this early criticism of Ramism, see Wadding-ton, Ramus, pp. 39-58, 
70-80, 102-106, i2i-iij see also Graves, Peter Ramus^ pp. 30-47, 63-70. 

2 For brief reference to Melanchthon's writings on rhetoric and logic, see above, 
pp. 9 z, 94-95- 

[ 282 ] 


suggested in part by Melanchthon's given name and by the popular 
designation of his religious sect as Philippists. Others of the com- 
promisers were called Mixts, after a term in the old chemistry mean- 
ing "compounds." Still others were called Systematics, the reference 
being to the Latin word "systema" as used in the titles of their works 
on the liberal arts, and particularly as used in the works of Bartholo- 
mew Keckermann, a learned German of Danzig. 

Keckermann contributed several works to the critical revision of 
Ramism. His System of Logic, published in Latin at Hanau in 1600, 
and his Three Tractates of Logical Precognitions, published at the 
same place four years later, are especially important to my present 
subject, because of their influence upon the chief English Systematic, 
Robert Sanderson. 3 Other works of Keckermann to be counted as in- 
fluential in England are his Two Books of Ecclesiastical Rhetoric 
and his later System of Rhetoric. To them, indeed, even the devoted 
English Ramists occasionally refer, as we have seen. 4 

The other chief continental Systematics were Heizo Buscherus, 
Andreas Libavius, John Henry Alsted, and Clemens Timplerus. 
Buscherus, rector of the school at Hannover, Germany, published in 
1595 at Lemgo a Latin work in two books called The Philippo- 
Ramistic Logical Harmony , and this is one of the earliest works to use 
the term "Philippo-Ramistic." 5 Somewhat earlier Buscherus had 
composed Two Books concerning the Theory of Solving Fallacies, 
soundly and clearly deduced and explained from the logic of P. 
Ramus, thus showing his interest in giving Ramistic logic an explicit 
claim to a topic less emphasized by Ramus than by the scholastics. 
The next Systematic, Andreas Libavius, wrote chiefly upon medicine 
and chemistry. Indeed, he is credited with being perhaps the first 
doctor to suggest the possibility of blood transfusions. 6 As early as 
1591 he brought out at Frankfurt A Treatise of Disputed Physical 
Questions between Peripatetics and Ramists , and one interesting 
thing about this work is that it has a preface by the English Ramist, 
William Temple. 7 Libavius also wrote a treatise upon various vexing 

3 See below, p. 303. The Latin titles of these two works are respectively as follows: 
Sy sterna Logicae (Hanoviae> 1600) and Praeco gnitorum Logicor-um Tractatus Tres 
(Hanoviae, 1604). 

4 See above, p. 274. 

B Its Latin title is as follows: Hartnoma Logica Philty-po-Ramea (Lemgoviae, 1595). 
There is a copy of it at the Bodleian. 

6 Biogra'phie Uni^oerselle^ s.v. Libavius, Andre. 

7 Its title reads: Quaestionum Physicarum C ontroversarum inter Perapeteticos et 
Rameos tractatus: cum Praefatione Gtd. 

[ 283 ] 


controversies of his own day among physicians of the Peripatetic, 
Ramistic, Hippocratic, and Paracelsic school. 8 But somehow he found 
time to write considerably on logic. At Frankfurt in 1600 he pub- 
lished a Latin work called First and Second Dialogue of Andreas Li- 
bavins concerning Aristotelian Dialectic > clearly selected and ex- 
plained -from Philip Melanchthon and P. Ramus* this treatise be- 
ing third in time among his strictly logical writings. He also pub- 
lished at Frankfurt in 1 608 what he called The Philipfo-Ramistic 
Dialectic. This characterized itself as based upon the descriptions and 
commentaries of Melanchthon, Ramus, and other logicians j and as 
an added feature it contained Talaeus's Rhetorical As for John 
Henry Alsted, he wrote on the philosophy of Aristotelians, Lullians, 
and Ramists before publishing at Herborn in 1614 his Harmonious 
System of Logic, in which the Universal Mode of Disputing Well is 
handed down from Peripatetic and Ramistic Authors?* At about the 
same time Clemens Timplerus of Steinfurt in Luxembourg was also 
contributing to the cause of the Systematics by writing his Methodical 
System of Logic and The Methodical System of Rhetoric^ 

The influence of the Systematics can be seen in England among 
the devoted Ramists whose work has just been described. Whenever 
the strict limits of logic as Ramus conceived of it are relaxed by his 
followers to permit scholastic elements to return to their traditional 
home, the counterref orm is at work, even if it may not reach very far. 
For example, the Syntagma Logicum of Thomas Granger, although 
it belongs among England's Ramistic treatises, as I have indicated, 
has certain traits that come to it from the Systematics, its division 
into five books rather than two being a scholastic influence, as is its 
inclusion of the ancient rhetorical idea that there are three kinds of 
subject matter, demonstrative, deliberative, and judicial. 13 For an- 
other example, Thomas Spencer's Art of Logick, already discussed 

8 The Latin title, as quoted in the Nouvelle Biographie Generate^ s.v. Libavius, Andre, 
reads thus: Variorum, Controversiarum inter nostri saeculi medicos peripateticos, Raineos^ 
Hipfocraticos, Paracelsicos^ A gitatarum^ Libri Duo (Frankfurt, 1600). 

9 That is, De Dialectica Aristotelian a Philip. Melanchthone et P. Ramo fersficue 
selecta et ex^osita^ Andrea Libawii* . . . Dialogus Primus \_-Secundui\* 

10 The title reads thus: Dialectica Philip po-Ra^naea^ ex Descriptionibus et Commen- 
tariis P. Melancthonis et P. Rami, alioruinque Logicorum. . . . Addita est Rhetorica 
Dfscriptionis A . Thcdaei* 

11 The title reads thus: Logicae Systema Harmonicum, in quo universus bene dis- 
serendi modus ex authoribus Peripateticis juxta et Ramets traditur. 

12 Their respective Latin titles are: Logicae Sy sterna Methodicum (Hanau, 1612) 
and Rhetoricae Sy sterna Methodicum, (Hanau, 1613). 

13 See above, pp. 2.29-131 j see also Thomas Granger, Syntagma Logicum (1620), p. 3. 

[ 284 ] 


as a Ramistic treatise, seeks to combine the precepts of Aristotle with 
those of Ramus and to explain both by the assistance of the best 
scholastics an ambition that almost makes Spencer a Systematic. 1 * 
There are many other indications of the same general ambition among 
English Ramists, particularly the later ones, and each indication may 
be counted as a softening of the Ramistic reform by the counter- 

But the true work of the English counterreformers is most clearly 
seen in the logics that were written in England to restore scholasti- 
cism while preserving some of Ramus's innovations. These logics 
belong bibliographically to the period between 1599 and 1673, al- 
though the most influential ones had all been published before 1620. 
The three that may be said to have been so important as to have 
taught logic to all England during the seventeenth century are the 
product of Oxford men, even as Cambridge men had claimed the 
same distinction during the sixteenth century, both before and after 
the birth of the English Ramists. Latin is the language in which al- 
most all of the work of the English counterreformers was published. 
Nevertheless, their story begins with a vernacular work of limited 
popularity and of non-academic appeal. This work is Thomas Blunde- 
ville's Art of Logike ?* 

Blundeville published his Logike at London in 1599, but there is 
some reason to suppose that he wrote it around 1575. The evidence 
for a considerable interval between its date of composition and of 
publication comes from Blundeville himself. In his edition of 1619 
he tells us that the Logike was written "many yeeres past" and with- 
held from publication a long time, until, as he says, "I was fully 
perswaded by diuers of my learned friends, to put it in print, who 
hauing diligently perused the same, and liking my plaine order of 
teaching vsed therein, thought it a most necessary Booke for such 
Ministers as had not beene brought vp in any Vniuersitie." 16 If this 
statement is open to the interpretation that his Logike could have 
been written more than two decades before he published it first, an- 

14 See above, pp. 234-237. 

15 The lengthy title page reads in part: "The Art of Logike. Plainely taught in the 
English tongue, by M. Blundeuile of Newton Flotman in Norfolke, aswell according to 
the doctrine of Aristotle, as of all other moderne and best accounted Authors thereof. . . . 
London Imprinted by lohn Winde^ and are to be sold at Paules Wharfe, at the signe of 
the Crosse Keyes. 1599." Th e second edition, which I have not seen, was published in 
1617. The third edition, as published at London by William Stansby in 1619, is en- 
titled, The Arte of Logicke> etc. It contains a preface with a postscript attached, neither 
of which is found in the edition of 1599. 

16 Logike (1619), sig. 13V. 

[ 285 ] 


other statement In the edition of 1619 would seem to place its date 
of composition in the middle fifteen-seventies. That other statement 
is one in which he says that his treatment of logic in English accepts 
Latin terms after a due explanation of their meaning, -and that it is 
much better to proceed thus "then to faine new words vnproper for 
the purpose, as some of late haue done." 17 Now this remark seems 
to be able to refer only to Ralph Lever's Witcraft, published in 
15735 for that work is the sole English logic of the sixteenth century 
to make an issue of preferring to construct an English logical vocab- 
ulary out of native rather than Latin elements. 18 Thus Blundeville 
appears to suggest that he could not 1 have written his Logike before 
Witcrajt was published, and that he could well have written it when 
Witcrajt was still a recent book. At that time, say in 1575, he would 
not have been likely to foresee that Ramistic logic as advocated by 
Macllmaine and others was destined to drive traditional logic from 
the presses and book markets of England for an entire generation, 
and that his own Logike would thus not be in demand for many years. 
At any rate, the great popularity of Ramism in England between 
1575 and 1600 may well explain why he did not publish his work 
for a long time after its date of composition. That he was active as 
a writer as early as the fifteen-sixties is well known. 19 Moreover, one 
of his most attractive publications, The true order and Methode of 
wry ting and reading Hy stories, not only is dated in 1574, but also is 
derived in large part from a treatise by Jacobus Acontius, an Italian 
philosopher, while another treatise by Acontius, the De Methodo, 
first published in 1558, is an important influence behind the very 
Logike now under discussion. 20 Blundeville would have been more 
likely in 1575 to use Acontius as an anti-Ramist authority on method 
than he would after 1580, when he could have found that sort of 
authority nearer home. 21 

One obvious mark of the influence of scholastic logic upon Blunde- 
ville can be seen in the way his treatise is organized. Like many of 

sg. ZV. , 

18 See above, pp. 59-60. 

19 See Dictionary of National Biogra$y 9 s.v. Blundeville, Thomas. 

20 The title page of Blundeville's work on reading- histories is worded as follows : 
"The true order and Methode of wryting and reading Hystories, according- to the pre- 
cepts of Francisco Patricio, and Accontio Tridentino, two Italian writers, no lesse 
plainly than briefly, set forth in our vulgar speach, to the great profite and com- 
moditye of all those that delight in Hystories. By Thomas Blundeuill of Nevvton Flot- 
man in Norfolke. Anno, 1574. Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres," 

21 For a controversy in England in 1580-1581 on the subject of Ramistic method, see 
above, pp. 194-196* 

[ 286 ] 


the scholastic logicians, and indeed like Ramus, for that matter, 
Blundeville divides logic into two parts, and he calls those parts in- 
vention and judgment. His definitions of them are standard: 

Inuention findeth out meete matter to proue the thing that yee in- 
tend, and Judgement examineth the matter, whether it be good or 
not: and then frameth, disposeth, and reduceth the same into due 
forme of argument. 22 

Now at this point it was the practice of the Ramists to limit them- 
selves to invention and judgment, and to include under these two 
topics all that could be said on the subject of logic. But Blundeville 
does not do this. He goes back instead to the more elaborate practice 
of the scholastics, and he proceeds to organize his treatise by speaking 
respectively (i) of words, (2) of definition, division, and method, 
(3) f propositions, (4) of places, (5) of arguments, and (6) of 
fallacies. These parts of logic are roughly parallel to the six treatises 
making up Aristotle's Organon^ and thus Blundeville and the scho- 
lastics seem so far as organization is concerned to be purer Aristo- 
telians than do the Ramists, inasmuch as the latter tended to or- 
ganize the materials of the Organon around the two main headings 
of Aristotle's Topics. 

Another obvious mark of the influence of scholastic logic upon 
Blundeville is evident in his treatment of the predicables, the pre- 
dicaments, and the places. Ramus had felt the redundancy involved 
in discussing these three matters in the traditional scholastic way; 
and his reform of logic had in an important sense consisted of the 
absorption of the predicaments by the doctrine of the places, and of 
the predicables both by the doctrine of the places and by the doctrine 
of the three laws. Hence the predicables and the predicaments are 
not explicit terms in Ramus's logic, whereas the places are explicit 
to the point of being conspicuous. What Blundeville does is to make 
all of these three terms important once again in logic. He devotes 
one chapter to the predicables, thirteen to the predicaments, six to 
additional scholastic refinements like forepredicaments and postpre- 
dicaments, and three to the places. 23 Thus does he show his prefer- 
ence for scholasticism upon a very crucial issue indeed. 

Still another indication that Blundeville is a scholastic can be seen 

22 Logike (i599),P- x- 

28 Ibid. y Bk. I, Chs. 4-2 3, Bk. iv, Chs. 1-3. The chapters devoted to the places (in 
Bk. iv) are scheduled as six chapters in the table of contents of Blundeville's Logike^ 
but are printed as three. 

[ 287 ] 


in his insistence upon restoring to logic the doctrine of confutation 
and fallacies. These topics were included in Aristotle's Organon and 
in such scholastic logics as that of Thomas Wilson. 2 * Ramus had felt 
it unnecessary to discuss them explicitly, since to his view they were 
already amply covered in everything logic had to say about valid 
proof and sound arguments, and so would lead to redundancy if 
treated as a new and distinct heading. Blundeville is apparently more 
eager to have confutation and fallacies represented in logic than he 
is to avoid redundancy. At any rate, he devotes Book VI of his 
treatise to the theory of rebuttal and to the discussion of logical 
errors. His coverage of these errors, by the way, is so reminiscent of 
what Thomas Wilson had formerly said on the same point in The 
rule of Reason that there can be little doubt of his having borrowed 
his organization and some of his materials from his predecessor 5 in- 
deed, there is even better evidence to the same effect in other parts 
of his treatise. 25 But while he does not mention Wilson either in his 
discussion of fallacies or in previous matters, he makes it clear at 
least once that he relies upon Melanchthon's logic. Speaking of the 
"Fallacia Accidentis," Blundeville mentions its three forms, the last 
of which he describes as follows: 

Thirdly, as (Melancthon saith) when an accidentall cause is made a 
principall cause, as thus: Elias was an holy prophete, but Elias was 
cladde with Camelles haire, ergo I being cladde with Camelles haire 
am an holy prophet. 28 

24 See above, pp. 28-29. 

25 Wilson discusses thirteen "deceiptf ull argumentes," six of which are "Subtilties in 
the worde," and seven, "Subtilties without the word." See his The rule of Reason (Lon- 
don, 1552), foil. i28r-i62V. Blundeville adopts the same division for his treatment of 
"Fallaxes," and his thirteen items are close to those of Wilson. See his Logtke (London, 
1619), pp. 190-197. For other close parallels between Wilson and Blundeville, consult 
the following passages in each, using- the third edition of 'the latter's Logike, and the 
first or second edition of the former's Rule of Reason as indicated: 

1) The four principal kinds of argument: Wilson (1552), fol. 465 Blundeville 

(1619), p. 133. 

2) The example of Induction all wines are hot: Wilson (1551), sig. l^vj Blunde- 

ville, p. 173. 

3) The common jest to illustrate Sorites: Wilson (1552), fol. $9V> Blundeville, 

p. 177. 

4) The dilemma of the man who marries: Wilson (1552), fol. yor-v; Blundeville, 

p. 178. 

5) The inversion Pythagoras (?) & Euathlus: Wilson (1552), fol. 17^5 Blunde- 

ville, p. 178. 

6) Crocodilites, Ceratinae, Asistata, Pseudomenos: Wilson (1551), foil. 

Blundeville, p. 179. 
z *Logike (1599)* P- 167- 

[ 288 ] 


In referring to the compromise between Ramistic and Melanch- 
thonian logic. Graves says that, like most compromises, it "was un- 
satisfactory and led rather to the preservation of Aristotle than of 
Ramus." 27 This opinion seems conclusively demonstrated by what I 
have been saying about Blundeville. Nevertheless, there is at least 
one aspect of his Logike that can hardly be explained as an over- 
shadowing of Ramism by scholasticism. That aspect has to do with 
Blundeville's discussion of method. Method is a topic in scholastic 
logic, and indeed Blundeville treats it just after the topic of defini- 
tion and division, as Thomas Wilson had done. 28 But Blundeville's 
analysis of method goes far beyond Wilson's. What he does is to 
take for granted not only that method is now a more important topic 
than it was in the old logic, but also that it cannot be discussed with- 
out some reference to Ramus, who of course was responsible for the 
new interest in it. Thus Blundeville's chapter on method draws its 
materials from Galen, from Acontius, and from the scholastics, with 
an acknowledgment that the three kinds of method endorsed by 
these sources are in effect what Ramus had insisted upon reducing 
to one kind. 

Blundeville begins his chapter on method by defining his terms 
and dividing his subject into parts. "Methode," he remarks, "is a 
compendious way of learning or teaching any thing: and it is three- 
fold, that is to say, Compositiue, Resolutiue, and Diuisiue or defini- 
tiue." 29 To each of these divisions of the subject he devotes explicit 
and concrete attention. 

The compositive method as he conceives of it is the procedure 
followed when a learner or teacher begins with the smallest division 
of a given thing and proceeds to understand or explain it by going 
on to the next larger division, and so on, until the whole thing has 
been accounted for. This kind of method, says Blundeville, is illus- 
trated by my present treatise; "for first we treate of words or tearmes, 
then of a proposition, and last of al of a Syllogisme." 30 The neatness 
of this example cannot be questioned ; but when Blundeville attempts 
to show how the compositive method may be expressed in spatial 
terms, the image he chooses is less fortunate. He says: 

... so likewise he that will teach the nighest way from Norwich to 

27 Peter Ramus, p. 217. 

28 See Wilson, The rule of Reason (London, 1551), sig. E4v-E6r. See also above, 

pp. 21-22. 

Logike (1599), P- 55- 80 /, p. 55- 

[ 289 ] 


London by order compositiue will bidde him first goe to Windham, 
from Windham to Atleborough, from Atleborough to Thetford, from 
Thetford to Newmarket, from Newmarket to Barkway, fro barkway 
to Ware, fro Ware to Londo. 31 

The resolutive method involves the same procedure in reverse. 
In other words, it consists of understanding or explaining a thing by 
beginning with the thing as a whole and by resolving it progressively 
into smaller and smaller divisions. Thus we might go from whole to 
part, or from effect to cause. Blundeville illustrates this method by 
suggesting a logic organized in terms of the syllogism, the proposi- 
tion, and at last the subject and predicate. Nor does he decline to 
reverse his geographical example for our benefit: 

If ye will teach the way from Norwich to London by Methode reso- 
lutiue, ye must say that there is a town called Ware twenty myles 
from London: next to that is a Towne called Barkway, and so till yee 
come to that which was first in methode compositiue. 82 

Blundeville credits Galen with being the one to add to the two 
methods just discussed a third and final one the divisive or defini- 
tive method. This consists of an orderly definition and division of 
general, less general, and particular elements, as when a given thing 
is understood or explained by successive descriptions of its generic, 
its special, and its individual characteristics. If, for example, we have 
to speak of quality, says Blundeville, we define it, then we divide it 
into its four kinds, and next we divide these kinds into their parts and 
members, until we can go no further. It is at this point that Blunde- 
ville elects to incorporate into his Logike a two-page summary of 
De Methodo of Acontius, this being his way of fully explaining the 
divisive or definitive method, despite his having credited its identifi- 
cation to Galen. Blundeville's summary of Acontius defines method 
as the right way of searching out or teaching knowledge of a thing, 
and defines that right way as an inquiry into what the thing is, what 
its final end is, and what are the causes of that end. 33 "And these," 
says Blundeville as he finishes the summary, "are all the chiefest 
poynts contayned in the Latine treatise which my freend Acontius 
wrote de Methodo*. and though that Petrus Ramus maketh but one 
kynd of Methode, that is to say, to proceede from the first prin- 
ciples or elements: yet I am sure he will not deny but that to goe 
forwarde and backward be two diuers things, though not contrary, 

p. 55- B8 /*^., pp. 56-57. 

[ 290 ] 


as doth well appeare by the Compositiue and Resolutiue Methode 
before defined." 34 

The rest of Blundeville's discussion of method is borrowed from 
the scholastics, and is in large part a statement of the matters which 
Thomas Wilson had suggested as embracing the whole of this aspect 
of logic. 35 In other words, Blundeville proceeds to treat such subjects 
as the nine questions that should be asked in methodically handling 
a simple logical inquiry. Had he confined himself to these questions, 
his theory of method would have wholly belonged to the stable world 
of scholastic logic. The fact that he did not confine himself to them, 
but went beyond to espouse a more comprehensive theory, may be 
said to be the measure of the influence of Ramus upon scholasticism, 
even though Blundeville does not accept Ramus's exact methodology. 

No more than three editions of Blundeville's Logike appear to 
have been published, and those fell within the twenty years between 
1599 and 1619. It is odd that the work did not have a larger number 
of editions in that period. In the first place, it had the vernacular 
market to itself from the date of its first appearance until 1620, 
when Thomas Granger's Syntagma Logicum began to offer competi- 
tion by presenting a new English adaptation of Ramus to readers 
interested in logic. In the second place, it was intended to fill a pro- 
fessional need, being designed, as the title page of its first edition 
declares, "specially for such zealous Ministers as haue not beene 
brought vp in any Vniuersity, and yet are desirous to know how to 
defend by sound argumentes the true Christian doctrine, against all 
subtill Sophisters, and cauelling Schismatikes. . . ." Perhaps the class 
of ministers not educated in any university was too small to sustain 
more than three editions of Blundeville's work. Perhaps its sale in 
other quarters was gradually choked off by the several popular Latin 
logics that appeared at English presses in the first two decades of the 
seventeenth century. At any rate, these Latin logics achieved about 
a dozen separate printings between the dates of Blundeville's first 
and third edition, and are the next topic in this chapter. 

The least influential of these Latin logics is John Sanderson's In- 
stitvtionvm Dialecticarvm Libri Qvatvor, which was given three 
editions at Oxford between 1602 and 1609 after an earlier one at 
Antwerp in I589. 86 Twenty-seven years before the date of that Ant- 

P . 58- 

85 Compare Rule of Reason (London, 1551), sig. E4V-E6r, with Blundeville, pp. 58-59. 

3ft The title page of the first edition reads thus: "Institution vm Dialecticarvm Libri 

Qvatvor, A loanne Sandersono, Lancastrensi, Anglo, Liberalium artium Magistro, & 

[ 291 ] 


werp edition, Sanderson had served as logic reader at Cambridge, 
where he had previously earned a bachelor's and a master's degree. 
Afterwards he had been expelled from his academic position because 
of his adherence to the Catholic faith, and had ultimately settled in 
France as teacher in the English college at Rheims and as canon of 
the cathedral at Cambrai. 37 His Institvtionvm Dialecticarvm Libri 
Qvatvor, virtually his only surviving work, is rooted in the scholastic 
tradition and slightly marked with the reforms of Ramus. Like the 
scholastics of the early sixteenth century, Sanderson divides logic into 
invention and judgment, the latter topic being then subdivided into 
terms, propositions, and arguments, and being treated part by part 
in the first three books of his treatise, whereas Book IV is allotted to 
invention. But like the Ramists, Sanderson emphasizes his transitions 
as he goes from one part of his subject to the next 5 like them he 
divides many of his chapters into a text and a following commentary j 
and in his preliminary chapter on syllogism, induction, enthymeme, 
and example, he speaks of the principles of demonstration, and dis- 
cusses what he calls their three aspects, and what Ramus had heralded 
as the three laws of propositions. 38 

Samuel Smith's Aditvs ad Logicam^ that is, Affroach to Logic, 
which declares itself in its Latin title to be "for the use of those who 
first greet the university," turned out to be much more popular than 
Sanderson's Libri Qvatvor. The Aditvs was originally published at 
London in 1613, and went through three other editions at Oxford 
by 1619, remaining thereafter a steady seller until i685. 39 Smith 
attended Magdalen College in Oxford, where he became bachelor of 
arts in 1609, master of arts in 1612, and bachelor of medicine in 

sacrae Theologiae Doctore, Metropolitanae Ecclesiae Cameracensis Canonico, conscript!. 
Antverpiae, Ex ofEcina Christopher! Plantini, Architypographi Regij. M. D. LXXXIX." 
Two of the three Oxford editions are dated 16025 the third, 1609. See Short-Title Cata- 
logue^ s<v. Sanderson, John. Despite three English editions, this work did not exert 
great influence. It is not once mentioned in T. W. Baldwin's William Shaks$ere*s Small 
Latine & Lesse Greeke^ which is one of most thorough of the published studies of English 
education in the age of Shakespeare. 

ST See Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Sanderson, John, 

38 For Sanderson's emphasis on transitions, see Institutions fn Dialecticarvm Libri 
Qvatvor (Antwerp, 1589), pp. 91, 155; for his treatment of the three laws, see p. 131. 

39 My discussion of this work is based upon a copy of the "fourth" edition in the 
Huntington Library. Its title page reads: "Aditvs ad Logicam. In vsum eorum qui primo 
Academiam Salutant. Autore Samvele Smith Artium Magistro. Quarta editio, de nouo 
correcta, & emendata. Londini Per Guilielmum Stansby. 1627." For an inventory of the 
fourteen printings of this work during- the seventeenth century, see Madan, Oxford 
Book$) in, 448. The original fourth edition appeared at Oxford in 1618. The London 
reprint of 1627 also advertises itself as the fourth edition. 

[ 292 ] 


1 620. After he took the last of these degrees, the university appoint- 
ed him junior proctor. At that time, says Wood, he was "accounted 
the most accurate disputant, and profound philosopher in the uni- 
versity." 40 What seems to have been a career of unusual promise was 
cut short abruptly when he died on June 17, 1620, about two months 
following the start of his proctorship. He is said to have written sev- 
eral works on logic, but his single published work in this field is the 
Aditvs, and thus his contribution to the work of the Systematics can 
be seen only in it. 

Smith's general conception of logic is more like that of the scho- 
lastics than of the Ramists. For example, his definition emphasizes 
disputation and argumentation as the chief ends of logic, more or less 
as Ramus was inclined to do, but he carefully indicates that logic 
teaches us to argue probably and closely, while Ramus always pre- 
ferred to insist that it teaches us to argue well. Says Smith: 

Logic is the science of disputing in a probable and close way upon any 
subject whatever. Or, as I would put it more plainly, logic is the 
artistic and methodical understanding of precepts by which we know 
how to use reasoning concisely for establishing trust in any probable 
case whatever** 

Another example of the way in which Smith's general conception of 
logic parallels the scholastic conception is found in the relation he 
sees between logic and rhetoric. Ramus had thought of logic as the 
inventional and organizational aspect of discourse, whereas rhetoric 
was the stylistic and the oral aspect. To Smith, the two arts differ as 
the technical discourse differs from the popular, and he echoes Zeno's 
ancient metaphor to suggest this kind of contrast: 

[Logic] differs . . . from rhetoric because the latter teaches how to 
prove by means of the expanded palm, that is, copiously and with 
ornament, whereas the former teaches how to prove by means of the 
closed fist, that is, strictly and narrowly. 42 

When Smith comes to divide logic into its parts, he proves him- 
self once again to be on the side of scholasticism rather than Ramism. 
Thus he ignores the theory that logic is limited to invention and 
arrangement, and accepts instead a tripartite logic, the first division 

40 Anthony a Wood, Athenae Oxonienses, ed. Bliss, II, 283. For other details concern- 
ing him, see under Smith, Samuel (1587-1620) in the Dictionary of National Biography. 

41 Aditvs ad Logicam (1627), sig 1 . Aar. Translation mine here and below. The 
italics parallel those in Smith's Latin text. 

* 2 Ibid., sig. A*r. 

[ ^93 ] 


being terms, the second, propositions, and the third, clusters of propo- 
sitions or, in a word, discourses. His statements on this point are 
worth quoting at some length: 

Logic as a whole is divided into three parts 5 the first treats of simple 
terms 5 the second of terms compounded, and the third, of discourse. 
For as boys ought first to be taught to recognize letters and syllables 
of the alphabet, then to combine characters, and at last to read the 
combinations, so beginners in logic ought at first to be taught what is 
a term, in what manner it should be formed, and what uses it has in 
logic, then in what manner a proposition is made from simple terms, 
and what are its structures, and finally, from what propositions is 
erected the syllogism- All this we now begin (God willing) to show 
in three books, and we follow the order pf building, and take the 
position of beginning with the simple term, and of going on to the 
proposition, and thence to the discourse. 43 

The major topics covered by Smith in carrying out his program 
are of course scholastic, not Ramistic. Thus he speaks of the term as 
"the sign of a thing and of a concept, written or spoken in a certain 
configuration of letters or syllables, according to an arrangement 
divine or human." 44 Thus also he speaks of the predicable as "a gen- 
eral term begotten to be properly applied to many things, as 'animal' 
is applied to 'man' and to f beast' "$ and he proceeds at once to list 
and discuss the predicables of genus, of species, of differentia, of 
property, and of accident. 45 Thus again he defines the predicament 
or category as "a certain fixed series of words expressing simple 
states," this series being of course the ten famous terms in Aristotle's 
Categories** And thus finally he speaks of the proposition and its 
kinds 5 of the syllogism, the enthymeme, the induction, the example 5 
of the places belonging to persons and to things 5 and of fallacies 
within and outside of language. His treatment of these matters is 
devotedly conventional and shows little concern for the reforms of 
Ramus some seventy years earlier. But there is precision and brevity 
in his style and comprehensiveness in his scope qualities which no 
doubt contributed to the long popularity of the Aditvs. 

In two distinct respects, however, the Aditvs shows the tendency 
of the Systematics to incorporate silently into logic the doctrines of 
Ramus. First of all, Smith devotes some space to those Aristotelian 
principles which Ramus had made his own and had repeatedly em- 

sig. Azv-Asr. 4 * Ibid. y sig. 

sig. A4V-A 5 r. * Ibid., sig. Ai ir. 


phasized as the three laws. Secondly, Smith follows Ramus in giving 
the subject of method a larger emphasis and a more concentrated 
treatment than it had had in scholastic logic. 

Smith's treatment of the three laws does not once mention Ramus, 
but it would be ingenuous to suppose that he would have discussed 
them if Ramus had not popularized them throughout the learned 
world by explaining them repeatedly and by making them the basis 
of his reform of the liberal arts. To Ramus the three laws are de- 
rived from Aristotle as three tests that any proposition has to meet 
before it can be accepted as scientific. 47 To Smith the three laws are 
also derived from Aristotle, but now they constitute the three marks 
which an argument must have if it is to meet the first of the five re- 
quirements laid down in the Organon for apodictic as opposed to 
probable or to sophistical arguments. 

Smith's general view is that any argument qualifies as science if it 
is in the form of a syllogism and if its materials meet Aristotle's five 
requirements. These requirements are that the constituent proposi- 
tions of the argument must be true or necessary, primary and im- 
mediate, more knowable than is the conclusion arrived at, earlier in 
time than is that conclusion, and causal in the sense of having a middle 
term as cause of the condition which the conclusion predicates of the 
subject. 48 The first requirement obviously interests Smith most, for 
he devotes more space to it than to the others 5 and as we read what 
he says about it, we are in the presence of ideas that owe to Ramus 
their position in seventeenth-century logic. 

The first of the three marks of a genuinely necessary proposition, 
says Smith, is that the proposition must be "Kara Tra^ros-," or "de 
omni," or "suitable to everything at all times." In other words, the 
predicate must be true at all times of all cases of the subject. Here 
are Smith's own words: 

Kara Travros, De Omni, is that which suits everything and at all times. 
Therefore two conditions are required if the proposition is to be "de 
omni"; universality of subject, in order that it may be predicated for 
the subject on behalf of its entire contents, as, truly It is a fact that 
every tree is greeny universality of time, in order that the predicate 
may be attributed to the subject without any exception as to time or 
place, as, every man is an animal. If the former condition is alone 

47 See above, pp. 149-153) also pp. 41-44. 

48 For Smith's definitions of these five conditions, see Aditvs ad Logicam (16*7), sig. 
Eir, Ear, Eav, 4^ E4V. 

[ 295 ] 


fulfilled, it is called antecedently universal j if the latter condition is 
added, it is called posteriorly universal. This Kara iravros differs from 
the dictum "de omni" in the rules of the syllogism, because this refers 
to a single proposition, whereas the dictum "de omni" refers to the 
entire syllogism. Moreover, the dictum "de omni" requires only uni- 
versality in the subject, but Kara Travros adds perpetuity of time to 
universality of subject. 49 

The second mark of the genuinely necessary proposition is that 
the proposition be "*a0 3 duro," or "per se," or self-consistent. Thus 
when we say "man is rational," we have a proposition that is self- 
consistent, inasmuch as the predicate is a part of the definition of the 
subject. Smith distinguishes three other subject-predicate relations 
that exhibit this mark of self-consistency. If, for example, the propo- 
sition is "man is one who laughs," it has self-consistency, because its 
predicate cannot be defined except in relation to its subject. If again 
we say "Socrates is," we have predicated existence of substance, and 
our proposition is self-consistent 5 or if we say, "having had his throat 
cut, he died," we have predicated an effect of its own cause, and thus 
have achieved self-consistency. 50 

The third mark of the necessary proposition is that the predicate 
and subject be in a primary, immediate, and reciprocal relation. As 
Ramus had done before him, Smith uses the Greek terms "/cafloXou 
TrpcSroz'," and the Latin terms "quatenus ipsum," to describe this 
type of proposition. He says: 

Ka^oXov Trp&rov, quatenus ipsum, is that in which an attribute is predi- 
cated concerning a subject, not so much universally, not so much 
through itself, as primarily, immediately, and reciprocally 5 as, all 
living things take nourishment. Now this sort of necessity is met with 
when the predicate belongs to the subject so far as the subject is thus, 
or else it belongs to the extension of the subject. Thus "flying" and 
"croaking" belong to the crow, but "flying" belongs to him so far as 
he is a bird, "croaking" so far as he is a crow. Hence, the proposition, 
the crow croaks, is "quatenus ipsum" ; but not so the proposition, the 
crow flies** 

The influence of Ramus upon Smith in the field of method is not 
so well defined as in the field of the three laws, but it is nevertheless 
unmistakable. Method was the last topic in Ramus's logic, and thus 
it was in the position of greatest emphasis, so far as the strategy of 

** Ibid^ sig. Eir-Eiv. 50 Ibid., sig-. Eiv-Ezr. 51 Ibid., sig-. Ear. 

[ 296 ] 


presentation is concerned. Smith also gives the last place in his Aditvs 
to this topic. Moreover, as if to emphasize its importance still more, 
he makes his chapter on method occupy the entire third section of his 
third book, whereas the preceding two sections of that book had each 
contained several topics. It is the acceptance of method as a very 
important part of logic that betrays the influence of Ramus in the sev- 
enteenth century, and Smith's logic agrees with this rule, even if his 
actual theory of method is closer to Blundeville than to Ramus. 

Smith gives his chapter on method the title, "De Ordine," but 
leaves no doubt that he intends this term to refer to what the Ramists 
called "methodus." He says as much at the very outset: 

As discourse in its inferential aspect teaches how to prove something 
from something else, so in its organizational aspect it shows in what 
manner definitions, divisions, and the other parts of any art or science 
whatever should be correctly linked together among themselves so 
that some may precede and others follow. This popularly is called 
order or method 5 for we may seize hold of both terms indiscrim- 
inately so long as according to them things are arranged that we may 
know them the more easily. 52 

As for the parts of the theory of method, Smith finds them by 
distinguishing between the contemplative and the practical sciences. 
The former examine things in and for themselves, without direct 
consequences in action. The latter examine things in order that what 
is discovered may be used as the basis of action. Smith's distinction 
between these two types of intellectual endeavor is equivalent to our 
distinction between theoretical and applied science, if by applied 
science we mean all applications of knowledge to actual affairs, 
whether in the field of technology or in law, medicine, politics, ethics, 
or communication. In harmony with the idea of contemplative and 
applied sciences, Smith defines two sorts of order to be followed in 
arranging discourses, one of which he calls "synthetical, that is, uni- 
tive," and the other, "analytical, that is, divisive." Here are his own 
definitions of these terms, and his opinions about their connection 
with the two orders of science: 

The synthetical or compositive order is that which proceeds from, 
elements towards what rests upon the elements, in order that a per- 
fect examining of things may be made. This alone is solely perceived 
in the sciences. . . , 

52 Ibid., sig. Giv. 

[ 297 ] 


The analytical order is that which, from an ultimate proposed end or 
action, or from an act by us, progresses towards investigating the 
primary elements by which that end may be achieved. This is solely 
perceived in the practical sciences. - . . 53 

Incidentally, the method of proceeding from elements towards what 
rests upon elements is illustrated by the AdU^s itself, as Smith ^ex- 
plicitly recognizes in his account of the three divisions of logic. 54 
Thus his work indicates what the synthetical or unitive order is, and 
this kind of order approximates what Blundeville had called the 
"methode compositiue." Also, of course. Smith's conception of ana- 
lytical order is close in terminology and intent to Blundeville's 
"methode resolutiue." 

Scarcely less popular during the seventeenth century than Smith's 

Aditvs was Edward Brerewood's Elementa Logicae, first published 

at London in 1614, and often reprinted up to i684- 55 Brerewood 

died the year before this work originally appeared, and at the time 

of his death he was serving as first professor of astronomy at Gresh- 

am College, London. His Elementa Logicae had probably been writ- 

ten some twenty-five years before it was published, for it belongs 

among the interests he would have had between 1581 and I59O> 

when he was a student at Brasenose College, Oxford, and was taking 

his bachelor's and master's degrees. 56 At any rate, he was interested in 

natural philosophy by 1592, and was appointed to his professorship 

at Gresham in 1596, so that a work on logic would not particularly 

belong to his later years. No doubt one reason why he did not pub- 

lish it soon after he wrote it was that Ramistic logic was dominant in 

England in the fifteen-eighties and nineties, and there was little or 

no market for the older doctrine. But by the time of his death in 

1613, interest in the older doctrine was reviving, and his publishers 

may on that ground have been impelled to bring out his Elementa 

Logicae when it came to them later with a preface by William Baker 

of Oxford. 

sig. Gsr. Smith's Latin terms for these two kinds of order are respectively 
"Ordo Syntheticus seu compositivus" and "Ordo Analyticus seu resolutivus." 

54 See above, p. 294. 

55 My discussion of this work is based upon its third edition, a copy of which is at 
the Huntington Library. Its title pag-e reads: "Elementa Logficae, In gratiam Studiosae 
inventutis in Academia Oxoniensi. Authore Edovardo Brerewood, olim Collegij 
Emanasenser alumno dignissimo. Londini, Apud loannem Billivm, 1619." There were 
10 separate printings during 1 the seventeenth century, as follows: London, 1614, 1615, 
1619, 1621, 1628, 1638, 1649, 1684 j Oxford, 1657, 1668. All but three of these 
printings are listed in Madan, Oxford Sooks^ m, 448. 

56 See Dictionary of National Biography^ s.v. Brerewood or Bryerwood, Edward. 

[ 298 ] 


In essence the TLlementa Logicae is a version of two topics of scho- 
lastic logic and is arranged in such fashion that chapters of doctrine 
are followed by chapters in which questions about the doctrine are 
raised and answered. The first topic concerns propositions. It is given 
twenty-four of the twenty-nine chapters making up the work as a 
whole, Aristotle's De Inter-pretatione being cited several times as the 
authority for this part of the discussion. 57 Brerewood defines a propo- 
sition as "an indicative, suitable, and complete statement signifying 
truth or falsity without ambiguity," 58 and in his analysis of it he 
deals with the individual words that make it up and with its various 
kinds as found in logic. His second topic, argumentation, covers in 
five chapters the syllogism, the enthymeme, the induction, and the 
example, his sources at this point being Aristotle's Prior Analytics, 
Posterior Analytics, Topics, and occasionally the Categories. 59 

Two other topics of scholastic logic, that is, the predicables and the 
predicaments, are treated by Brerewood in his Tractatus quidam 
logici de $raedicabilibus et fraedicamentis, which was edited by 
Thomas Sixesmith and published at Oxford in 1628. This work did 
not achieve any spectacular popularity, but it nevertheless went 
through four editions by 1659, and it combined with the Elementa 
Logicae to round out Brerewood's adaptation of the scholastic sys- 
tem, and to- make him a familiar name in seventeenth-century 

Brerewood and Samuel Smith, as two of the foremost English 
Systematics, held their influence among their learned countrymen 
until the time when The Port-Royal "Logic in French, Latin, and 
English versions became widely popular in England during the lat- 
ter part of the seventeenth century. But the chief English Systematic, 
Robert Sanderson, has the distinction of composing a logic that was 
popular not only before the work of the Port-Royalists appeared, 
but for more than a half-century thereafter. Called in everyday 
speech Sanderson's Logic, this Latin treatise bears the actual title of 
Logicae Artis Compendium. 

57 See in particular Elementa Logicae (1619), Chs. 9, 10, n, 15. 

"/, p. i. "/**., Chs. 25, 27. 

60 First published at Oxford in 1615, this work was reissued eight times in the 
seventeenth, three times in the eighteenth, and once in the nineteenth centuries. In addition, 
there is an issue that bears no date. Madan, Oxford Books, in, 448, .lists all dated edi- 
tions as follows: 1615, 1618, 1631, 1640, 1657, 1664., 1668?, 1672, 1680, 1705, 1707, 
174.1, 1841. My discussion is based upon the Huntington Library copy of the second 
edition. Its title page reads: "Logicae Artis Compendivm, Secvnda Hac Editione recog- 
nitum, duplici A -p fen dice auctu-m^ & -pub lid iuris factum a Rob. Sanderson Collegij 

[ 299 ] 


Robert Sanderson was educated at Lincoln College, Oxford, in 
the first few years of the seventeenth century. 61 After taking his 
bachelor's degree in 1606, he became fellow and later the lecturer 
in logic at his college, this second post being awarded to him upon 
his graduation in 1608 as master of arts. He was ordained deacon 
and priest in 1611, held several ecclesiastical positions, including 
that of chaplain to Charles I, and at length became regius professor 
of divinity at Oxford. He was deprived of his professorship during 
the civil war, but at the Restoration he regained it, and was then 
made bishop of Lincoln. He died in 1663 at the age of 76, as his 
Logic was about to receive its sixth edition, and not long after a young 
Cambridge undergraduate named Isaac Newton had given it care- 
ful study. 62 

The second edition of Sanderson's Logic contains two appendixes 
not found in the first edition, An unusual feature of the "Appendix 
Posterior" or "Later Appendix" is a chapter devoted to the history 
of logic, and it is here that we can form an estimate of the way in 
which seventeenth-century logicians regarded themselves in relation 
to their predecessors. 

The first of the seven headings into which Sanderson divides the 
history of logic would be translated as "Logicians before Aristotle." 63 
These logicians, among whom Sanderson mentions Pythagoras, Par- 
menides, Zeno, Socrates, Plato, and others, are accorded some praise 
for their pioneering work, although Sanderson follows the usual 
practice of naming Aristotle as the inventor of logic. So far as Sander- 
son divides these logicians into schools, he speaks of them as Stoics 
and Academics, and he has one interesting thing to say about each 
school. The Stoics, he says, created a logic that was in one sense con- 
fused and in another sense ostentatious 5 and as an example of this 
latter characteristic, he cites their fondness for such outlandish argu- 
ments as the ones they called "Antistrephon," "Crocodilites," "Utis," 
and so on. This remark may be interpreted as indirect criticism by 
Sanderson of Thomas Wilson and Blundeville, both of whom had 

Lincolniensis in alma Oxoniensi Socio. Oxoniae, Excudebant lohannes Lichfield & 
lacobvs Short. 1618." 

61 See Dictionary of National Biogra^hy^ s.v. Sanderson, Robert (1587-1653). 

62 On this point see David Brewster, The Life of Sir Isaac Newton (New York, 
C 1 *}*])* P- *7- 

68 Logicae Artu Compendium (1618), pp. 117-118. The pagination of the two ap- 
pendixes is independent of that of the main work. 

[ 300 ] 


given some space to these terms. 64 As for the Academics, Sanderson 
thinks their logic more serious than that of the Stoics, but he never- 
theless criticizes them, and in particular their leader, Plato, for fail- 
ing to teach logic methodically, and for failing to teach it esoterical- 
ly. These two shortcomngs in Plato were rectified by Aristotle, 
Sanderson adds, the latter being methodical and completely opposed 
to anything heterogeneous and exoteric. Now, the belief that Plato 
wrote for the general public and Aristotle for the initiated is not 
self-evident, as Sanderson seems to think. Rather, it is self-evident 
that the works of Plato, as transmitted to us, are more nearly pre- 
pared for ultimate public consumption than are the works of Aris- 
totle, which have come down to us as the cryptic notes upon which 
Aristotle based academic lectures. But the really interesting thing 
about Sanderson's comment is that logic to him is somehow better 
as an esoteric science than it is when it is made exoteric. This attitude 
becomes more prominent when he speaks later of Ramus. 

The second heading in Sanderson's history of logic would be trans- 
lated as "From Aristotle to the Scholastics." 65 He speaks here of two 
schools, one of which sought to divert logic to the uses of the market 
place, and to make it an instrument for moving the affections, whereas 
the other school sought to keep it for its proper and native end of 
contemplation, understanding, teaching, and ministering to the in- 
tellect. Sanderson recognizes that orators were largely responsible 
for the former school, and in describing it he mentions such men as 
Cicero, Augustine, Jerome, and Chrysostom. The other school be- 
longed to the philosophers, and here Sanderson enumerates several 
names, chief of whom are Porphyry, Avicenna, and Averroes. 

Sanderson devotes his next two sections to the scholastics. 68 These 
logicians include Englishmen, of course, and Sanderson indeed names 
an Englishman, Alexander of Hales, as father of this group. The 
famous thirteenth-century textbook on logic, the Summulae Logi- 
cales, is credited with having an unfortunate influence for a hundred 
years, although its author, Petrus Hispanus, is given a place at the 
end of Sanderson's list of the twelve leading scholastics, and is identi- 
fied by his special name, "Magister Summularum," as each of the 
other scholastics are identified by theirs. 

64 See Wilson, Rule of Reason (1551), foil. I7OV-I75V, and Blundeville, Logike 
(1619), pp. 178-179. 

85 Logicae Artis Com$endvQin) pp. 1 1 8-1 \ 9. 

68 Ibid^ pp. 119-121. Sanderson's Latin headings are "Scholastici" and "Quorunda 
Scholasticomm Cognomenta." 

[ 30i ] 


Coming to the three centuries immediately preceding his own, 
Sanderson speaks of the Lullians and the Ramists as the outstanding 
logicians, and he devotes to each of these sects a section of his history. 67 
The Lullians were followers of Ramon Lull, who died in the early 
fourteenth century, and whose work, The Great, General, and Ulti- 
mate Arty 68 is an attempt to simplify logic and indeed all learning. 
Sanderson speaks of Lull with some contempt and lets it be known 
that his attitude is derived from Keckermann's Three Tractates of 
Logical Precognitions. But the Ramists receive from Sanderson, the 
sort of respectful treatment that permits us to see at a glance what 
Ramus's influence upon logic was conceived at that time to be. 

Introducing Ramus as a more polished and cultivated scholar than 
Lull, and citing Vives as the authority for this estimate, Sanderson 
mentions Ramus's daring assaults upon Aristotle, his criticism of the 
peripatetic philosophy, and his success in gaining for his Dialecticae 
Libri Duo a following among those who worshipped eloquence and 
whose status as Ciceronians led them to dislike the diction and style 
of scholasticism. Nor were Ramus's followers unproductive. "Cer- 
tainly," says Sanderson, "the industry of Ramus brought to the re- 
public of logic the benefit of inducing good genius to improve more 
diligently the theory of method." 69 Thus does a Systematic charac- 
terize Ramus's major contribution to logical theory, and indicate 
what there is in Ramism that is most deserving of lasting notice. 

What criticisms do the Systematics make of Ramus's reforms? The 
answer is supplied in some specific charges developed briefly by 
Sanderson as he refers his readers to Keckermann for further indict- 
ments. Here is what Sanderson says: 

But nevertheless there are in Ramistic logic many things that justly 
displease the learned: to wit, i) its alteration of the terms of the art 
and of the expressions long current in the schools of logic 5 2) its 
manifold mutilation of logic, which the Ramists have limited to ex- 
cessively narrow boundaries and deprived of some, integral parts 5 
3) its illustration of the uses of logic from the writings of poets and 
orators, although these men have treated things not logically but exo- 
terically; 4) its prescription of a single method everywhere, and its 

er Ibid.y pp, 1 21-122. 

68 As edited by C. Sutorius at Frankfurt in 1596, this work bears the title, M. Ray- 
mundi Lullii, . . . Ars magna generates et ultima, quarumcumque artium et scientiarum 
tpsnis Raymundi Lullii assecutrix et clavigera, et ad eas aditum facilem praebens > etc. See 
Catalogue General des Litres Imfrimes de la Bibliotteque Nationale, s.v. Lulle, Ray- 
mond. For a brief comment on Lull, see above, pp. 7, 9. 

"Logic** Artis Camfendivm, p. 122. Translation mine here and below. 

[ 302 ] 


prescription for using it a method excessively meagre and painful, 
to which the Ramists wished all disciplines to be confined by the mere 
process of definition and dichotomies. And there are justly a very great 
many other vices or defects under most worthy censure against the 
Ramists j which Keckermann has set forth accurately and weightily 
in the entire fourth chapter of Tractate Two of his Logical Precog- 

Sanderson's emphasis upon these four defects in Ramism is a good 
statement of the platform of the English Systematics. He turns next 
to the Systematics., whom he calls "Systematic!," and speaks of them 
in such fashion as to indicate some of the alterations he himself 
proposes to make in their doctrine: 

The newest century has produced several logicians who have rejoiced 
in marching by a certain middle course between the Peripatetics and 
the Ramists. These very ones publicly inveigh against the Ramists 
while praising the Peripatetics; but nevertheless in their systems of 
logic they are more Ramist than Peripatetic. For they transform the 
boundaries accepted in the peripatetic schools, and they indulge too 
much in method, while thus they cut everything to pieces in dividing 
and subdividing piecemeal and in vain, so that meanwhile they lose the 
sap and substance of things. These logicians can be called the Philippo- 
Ramists, or the Systematics; of whom the pre-eminent one is Kecker- 
mann, for Timplerus, Alsted, and several others have not kept equal 
pace with him. He has his great use, indeed, his very great use, but 
to those who are of mature judgment and excellently trained in the 
peripatetic school. For whoever shall be able skilfully to unite the 
writings of that man with the writings of the scholastics, after having 
made a selection of boundaries and of method, will in my opinion do 
the most skilful thinking of anyone in philosophy. Nevertheless, I 
would wish that Keckermann be not rubbed often into the hands of 
youth. Youth ought to be accustomed more to the peripatetic bound- 
aries, and instructed in a simpler method, not being of such power of 
judgment as to know how to separate the useless from the useful. 71 

It is not too farfetched to conclude from this analysis of the Sys- 
tematics that Sanderson conceives it to be his mission to unite their 
doctrine with that of the older logic and thus to produce a better 
amalgam of Ramism and scholasticism than had yet been made. That 
mission is rather well accomplished in his Logic, which may be con- 
sidered the best work of its kind to have been produced in England. 

70 Ibid.y p. 122. 7 i Ibid.) pp. 122-123. 

[ 303 ] 


One of the scholastic elements in Sanderson's amalgam appears in 
his conception o the relation of logic and rhetoric. This conception 
is stated in the second chapter of the "Later Appendix," where there 
is a discussion of the circle of disciplines. The liberal disciplines, he 
says > are either instrumental studies or master-studies; that is, some 
of them are equivalent to servants, and the others, to sovereigns. 72 
The servant-studies, or the instrumental, consist of grammar, logic, 
and rhetoric, these being what scholasticism called the discursive or 
the rational part of philosophy, since they are concerned either with 
speech or with reason. After explaining why in barbarous times these 
studies were called the trivium, Sanderson adds: 

Of these, logic directs the reason, and is charged with perfecting the 
mind 5 grammar directs speech, and is charged with forming discourse 5 
rhetoric in its own way directs both one and the other, yet speech the 
more, and is charged with moving the affections. 73 

This conception of the relation between logic and rhetoric is clearly 
scholastic rather than Ramistic, and indicates that, if Sanderson had 
written on rhetoric, he would have done something with invention 
and arrangement as well as style and delivery. But he would not 
have made memory a topic of rhetoric or of logic, and in this respect 
his procedure is close to the Ramists. His reason for rejecting the 
theory of memory is that it belongs more to quackery than to science. 
On this point he says, as he brings his discussion of the relation of 
grammar, logic, and rhetoric to a close: 

Some add mnemonics to these same arts. Of course it does not aid 
memory in any way except as logic aids the mind. But I fear that 
mnemonics may be more of an imposture than an art, if indeed it pro- 
pounds anything distinct from the method which is taught in logic. 74 

The chief scholastic elements in Sanderson's Logic are found in 
his definition of his subject and in his division of it into parts and 
terms. He rejects the Ramistic idea that logic or dialectic is the 
theory of disputing, and says instead, "Logic, which by synecdoche 
is dialectic, is an instrumental art directing our minds to the under- 
standing of everything intelligible.' 575 His enumeration of the parts 
of logic is accompanied by explicit references to the corresponding 
works in Aristotle's Organon. His own words are: 

Ibid. y p. 102. Ibtd. y p. 102. 

pp. 102-103. T5 Ibid.) p. i. 

[ 304 ] 


Its parts are three, by virtue of the number of mental operations di- 
rected by it. Of these parts, the -first directs the first operation of the 
mind, that is, simple conceiving^ and is about simple terms $ to which 
pertain Porphyry's Introduction, and Aristotle's Book of Categories. 

The second part directs the second operation of the mind, that is, con- 
necting and dividing, and is about propositions-, to which pertains the 
Book on Interpretation. 

The third part directs the third and final operation of the mind, that 
is, discoursing, and is about argumentation and method-, to which per- 
tain the Two Books of Prior Analytics, the same number of books of 
Posterior Analytics, the Eight Books of Topics, and lastly, the T<wo 
Books of Sophistical Elenchi. 

As we would expect from this description of the three parts of logic, 
the major terms with which Sanderson deals in his treatise are the 
five predicables, the ten predicaments, the various aspects of proposi- 
tions, the four kinds of argument, the places of invention, and the 
fallacies within and outside of language. Incidentally, he provides a 
Latin distich to aid students in remembering the ten predicaments, 
and the following words as arranged in relation to their correspond- 
ing logical terms may help to suggest what the distich means : 

[Substance] [Quantity] [Relation] [Quality] [Acting] 
A tree six servants in violent cools off 


[Suffering] [Where] [When] [Situation] [Apparel] 
scorched In the tomorrow I shall remain nor shall I 

country be tunicked. 77 

As for Ramistic elements in Sanderson's Logic , three chief things 
may be said. First of all, Sanderson devotes two chapters of his 
"Appendix Prima" or "First Appendix" to genesis and analysis as 
aspects of the uses of logic j 78 and these terms, as I said earlier, desig- 
nate important procedures in Ramus's discussion of the contribution 
that practice as distinct from natural inclination or the study of theory 

76 Ibid., pp. 2-3. Except for titles of works in the Organon, the italics are Sanderson's. 
The Sophistical Elenchi is occasionally printed as two books rather than one. On this 
point see Owen, The Organon, or Logical Treatises > of Aristotle^ 1 1, 540, 575. 

77 Logicae Artis Com^endi^m^ p. 27. Sanderson's distich is arranged thus in Latin: 

1234 5 

Arbor Sex Servos Fervore Refrigerat 

6789 10 

Vstos Ruri Cras Stabo nee Tunicatus ero. 

78 Ibid., pp. 67-88. 

[ 305 ] 


may make in the development o logical ability. 78 In his discussion 
of analysis Sanderson refers explicitly to the tenth book of John 
Henry Alsted's Harmonious System of Logic, thus showing his close 
awareness of the work of one of the very Systematics whom he had 
mentioned in his account of the history of logic. 80 Secondly, Sander- 
son devotes some attention to the discussion of the laws of scientific 
demonstration, and at this point he is covering ground that Ramus 
had heavily emphasized when he spoke of the famous three laws. 81 
Thirdly, Sanderson discusses at some length the theory of method, 
not as a Ramist, to be sure, but as one of the logicians who accepted 
Ramus's thesis that method was more important than the scholastics 
had allowed it to be. 

Sanderson's two chapters on order and method he uses these 
words interchangeably make an initial distinction between the 
method of discovering knowledge and the method of presenting or 
teaching it by discourse. 82 He calls the first of these the method of 
invention, and the second, the method of doctrine. Here is his gen- 
eral description of the two: 

Each proceeds from that which is more known by us to that which 
by us is less known j but one and the other in a different manner, 
nevertheless. For we discover precepts by ascending, that is, by pro- 
gressing from the concrete and the particular, which to us are more 
directly known, towards the intelligible and universal, which are more 
known by nature. But we transmit precepts by descending, that is, by 
progressing from the universal and intelligible, which are more 
known by nature, and more clearly known by us also, to that which is 
less universal, and closer to the senses, and as it were less known. 

Invention conceived as the discovery of new precepts may have 
been suggested to Sanderson by Bacon's Advancement of Learning, 
for Bacon in that work speaks influentially of such a concept. 83 At 
any rate, the idea is an important development in the history of logic, 
and it points to the thesis that Descartes was to enunciate in his Dis- 
cours de la Methode. It might even be said that, while John Stuart 
Mill's canons of induction were a long way ahead when Sanderson 
wrote his Logic, Sanderson's work, nevertheless, is spiritually closer 

78 See above, pp* 24.8-250. 

80 Logicae Artis Compendium^ p. 79 j for my previous references to Alsted, see above, 
pp. 283-284, 303. 

81 Logicae Artis Co-mpendi*om y pp. 174-179. 

82 Ibid.) p. 226. 

83 See below, p. 367. 


to Mill than to Ramus, so far as it conceives of a distinctive formula 
for the discovery of knowledge. Here is what Sanderson says of this 
formula : 

The method of invention has four means, and as it were four stages 
through which we ascend. First is the perception, by the help of which 
we assemble some notion of individual things. Second is the observa- 
tion or the seeing accurately, in the course of which we collect and 
arrange what we have assimilated at different times by the percep- 
tions. Third is the proof by trial, wherein we subject the multitude 
of assembled observations to fixed tests. Fourth and last is induction, 
in which we summon the multitude of collected and tested proofs so 
as to make up a universal conclusion. 8 * 

As for the method of doctrine, Sanderson divides it into two pro- 
cedures, one of which he calls the "Compositiva," that is, the com- 
positive, and the other, the "Resolutiva" or resolutive. 85 There can 
be little doubt that these terms and the meanings assigned to them 
by Sanderson are parallel to the similar terms and meanings in 
Blundeville's Logike and Smith's Aditvs.** For example, Sanderson, 
like Smith, applies the compositive method of presentation to the 
theoretical sciences, whereas the resolutive method applies to the 
practical arts 5 and Sanderson, like Smith and Blundeville, thinks of 
the former method as a progress from smaller to larger units, while 
the latter is a progress from large to small. 

One feature of Sanderson's discussion of these two methods is that 
he assigns five laws as common to each, two laws as peculiar to one, 
and two law^as peculiar to the other. Thus he has a total of nine 
laws to regulate the two methods of transmitting knowledge to 
readers or listeners. These laws are given such names as "Lex brevi- 
tatis," "Lex Harmoniae," "Lex vnitatis," and "Lex Generalitatis," 
thus recalling the procedure of Ramus in enumerating his famous 
three principles of reform. Here are the nine laws as stated by 

[The Five Laws Common to Both Methods of Presentation] 

I Lex brevitatis. Nothing should be lejt out or be superfluous in 
a discipline. ... 

II Lex Harmoniae. The farts of each individual doctrine should 
agree among themselves. . . . 

84 Logicae Artu Gom^endvom^ pp. 226-227. 85 Ibid.) p. 227. 

86 See above, pp. 289-291, 296-298. 

[ 307 ] 


III Lex vnitatis, sive Homogeniae. No doctrine should be taught 

that is not homogeneous in subject or end. . . . 
IV Lex Generalitatis, sive Antecessionis, & consecutionis. That 
should fr&cede in teaching, voithout which something else 
cannot be understood, -provided that it can be understood 

itself without something else 

V Lex Connexionis. The individual farts of doctrine ought to be 

connected by aft transitions. . . . 
[The Two Laws for the Compositive Method of Presentation] 

I Lex vnitatis. The unity of a science defends upon unity of sub- 
ject. Unity of subject is, to wit, unity of matter or at least of 
form. . . . 
II Lex Generalitatis. The more universal should precede the less 

universal. . . . 
[The Two Laws for the Resolutive Method of Presentation] 

I Lex vnitatis. The unity of an instrumental discipline defends 

ufon unity of end. . . . 

II Lex Generalitatis. The more universal f recedes the less uni- 
versal. . . . 87 

Now that Sanderson has fully revealed his respect for the Ramists 
and his devotion to the scholastics, we may pass on to the later 
Systematics. These will not detain us long, for their work was not 
as influential in England as that of the Systematics already con- 
sidered. Still, they are of some interest, and their logics should not 
be entirely omitted from the present discussion. 

One of these logics, the Fasciculus Praeceftorum Logicorum, by 
Christopher Airay, was published at Oxford in 1628 and reprinted 
at the same place in 1633, 1637, and 1660. Airay was educated at 
Queens College, Oxford, in the seven years immediately preceding 
the publication of his Fasciculus^ in fact, he probably composed that 
work just after his appointment as fellow of Queens in 1627. Like 
the other Systematics, Airay displays a strong interest in scholastic 
logic and a mild tendency to adopt some of the favorite ideas of the 
Ramists. He is scholastic in dividing logic into the simple term, the 
proposition, and the discourse, and in finding justification for this 

87 Logicae Artis Comfendivm, pp. 227-231. 

88 The present discussion of this work is based upon the Huntington Library copy 
of the edition at Oxford fn 1633. Its title pag-e reads: "Fasciculus Praeceptorvm 
Log-icorum : In Gratiam juventutis Academicae composite & typis donatus. Editio altera 
liraatior opera secunda C. A. Oxoniae, Excudebat Gutlielmus Turner^ An. Dam. 1633." 

[ 308 ] 


tripartite division in the mental operations of conceiving^ connecting 
(or dividing), and discoursing. 89 He is also scholastic in arranging 
his work into six books, and in progressing from the predicables to 
the predicaments, and onward to propositions, arguments, places, and 
fallacies. Needless to say, Aristotle's Organon is frequently cited as 
the authority for these doctrines. 80 Incidentally, the distich Airay 
proposes as a device for remembering the predicaments is different 
from that of Sanderson, and would be translated more or less as 
follows in relation to Aristotle's ten terms: 

[Situation] [Quantity] [Acting] [Quality] [When] 
On plain vast fought valiantly long ago 

[Relation] [Substance] [Where] [Suffering] [Apparel] 
The son of Arnesti standing & heated in armor 91 


Despite all these marks of scholasticism, however, Airay's Fasciculus 
shows in one place that it belongs in the period of the Ramists. That 
place is where the laws of demonstration are discussed. Airay treats 
the three laws called "de omni," "per se," and "quatenus ipsum," 
and he makes it plain that his discussion of them is based upon Aris- 
totle's Posterior Analytics Nevertheless he must have been aware, 
not only that Aristotle had explained them, but that Ramus had 
given them a new and important emphasis in logic and had made 
it almost a requirement that his immediate successors give them some 

Another logic belonging to the school of Systematics is Franco 
Burgersdijck's Institutionum Logicarum Libri Duo. Burgersdijck, a 
Dutchman, was professor of logic at the University of Leiden, and his 
Libri Duo was published in that city in 1626 and again in i634/ 3 
Thus it belongs primarily to the history of continental logic, but it 

89 Fasciculus (1633), p. 4. 90 Ibid^ pp. a, 19, 145, etc. 

91 Ibid.) p. 38. Airay designates the categories by numbers above the words of the 
distich, as follows: 

In Campo Magno Pugnabat Fortiter Olim 

4 i 9 6 10 

Filius Arnesti Stans & Calefactus in Armis 

92 Ibid., pp. 145-152. 

93 There is a copy of the edition of 162.6 at the Edinburgh University Library. The 
British Museum has a copy of the edition of 1634. Burgersdijck was born in 1590 and 
died in 1636. He was professor of logic and ethics at Leiden after 1620, and his treatise 
on the former subject enjoyed great popularity in the schools of the Netherlands during 
the seventeenth century. See Allgemeine "Deutsche Biogra^hie^ s.v. Burgersdyk, Franco B. 

[ 309 1 


has to be mentioned here because it was given an edition at Cambridge 
in 1637 and some seven later editions at the same place by i68o. 94 

One interesting thing about this work is that its preface "to the 
reader contains an account of recent developments in logical theory 
and indeed classifies all contemporary logicians as adherents of Aris- 
totle, adherents of Ramus, or adherents of the compromise being 
made between those two leaders. 95 The members of the first group, 
says Burgersdijck, "follow Aristotle . . . and abridge his Organon^ 
and distribute by the same method the precepts drawn from that 
place, and illustrate them with suitable examples." 96 "In this class," 
he adds at once, "can be Cumbered Hunnaeus, Crellius, Bertius, 
Molinaeus, and very many others." 97 After a discussion of this group, 
Burgersdijck turns to his second class, "in which," he says, "Peter 
Ramus is leader of the family, a man elegantly learned indeed, but 
audacious, indiscreet, and how very hurtful to antiquity.' 398 This 
statement leads Burgersdijck to evaluate Ramism. As for his third 
class, he mentions that he places within it "Keckermann and a great 
many others, who have mixed the doctrine of Aristotle with that of 
Ramus, and from the teachings of these two have arranged logical 
materials from Aristotle while allowing Ramus to supply the method 
and what they lacked in one, they supplied from the other." 99 

Despite the slight disapproval implied in this judgment of the 
Systematics, Burgersdijck is certainly a member of that class himself. 
In his Libri Duo he deals with the logical materials of Aristotle's 
Organon. Thus he speaks of the predicaments, the predicables, the 
types of logical proposition, the four kinds of argument, the places, 

94 These editions are dated as follows: 16375 1644; 16475 16515 16605 16665 
16685 i6So. 

95 My present discussion of this work is based upon the Princeton University Library 
copy of the Cambridge edition of 1668. This copy has lost its title page, and the fol- 
lowing title has been written on the flyleaf: "Fr. Burgersdicii Institutionum logicarum 
libri duo Cantabrigiae Apud Joann. Field 1668." The dedicatory epistle in>this copy is 
signed "Franco Burgersdicius" and is dated at Leiden September 15, 1626. The "Prae- 
fatio ad Lectorem" is undated and unsigned. 

86 Institutionum Logicarum Libri Duo (1668), sig. Azr. Translation mine here and 

97 Hunnaeus is also known as Augustin Huens (1522-1577). For a brief judgment 
of his logical writings, see Eug. De, Seyn, Dictionnaire des Ecrivains Beiges, s.v. Huens, 
Augustin. Crellius is Fortunatus Crellius, whose Isagoge Logica (Neustadt, 1592) is 
referred to here. Bertius, .known as Petrus Bertius, published at Leiden in 1604 Petri 
BertU Logicae Perifateticae Libri Sex. Molinaeus, that is Pierre Du Moulin, published 
at Paris in 1603 his Elementa Logica, which went through several Latin editions, was 
translated into French as Elements de Logique (Sedan, 1621), and appeared in an Eng- 
lish version at London in 1624 as The Elements of Logick. 

fr8 Institutionum Logicarum Libri Duo, sig. 

9 Ibid., sig. A4V. 

[ 310 ] 


and the fallacies. Although he does not arrange these materials ac- 
cording to Ramus's theory of method, he does nevertheless show 
some inclination to follow Ramus as well as Aristotle. For example, 
he divides logic into two parts, that having to do with themes, and 
that having to do with instruments j he follows the practice of pre- 
senting his doctrine in terms of a text interspersed with commentary j 
and he devotes the last section of his work to the theory of method. 
In these respects, at least, he shows that Ramus has practices of which 
he approves, even if in respect to such things as the theory of method 
he is closer to the Systematics than to the Ramists. 

Two other logics of the counterreform are by John Prideaux, a 
scholar, churchman, and bishop. Prideaux was educated at Oxford in 
the seven years between 1596 and 16035 he served as fellow and 
later as rector of his college, Exeter 5 he became regius professor of 
divinity at Oxford in 1615 and bishop of Worcester in i64i. 100 
Among his writings are treatises on both rhetoric and logic, as we 
might expect from a man who was successively a teacher, a preacher, 
a propagandist, and an ecclesiastical executive. The term "propa- 
gandist" is used advisedly in this case, by the way, for Prideaux be- 
longed to that unique institution, the controversy college at Chelsea, 
which was established in the reign of James I to offer argumentative 
resistance to the cause of the Catholics. 101 Prideaux's writings on 
rhetoric will be mentioned again in the next section of this chapter. 
As for logic, he wrote a work which would be called in English The 
Easiest Start towards the Constructing of Correct Syllogisms and the 
Unraveling of Sophisms, and another work called He^tades Logicae, 
that is, The Sevens of Logic. The first of these was originally pub- 
lished at Oxford in 1629, and the second at the same place in 1639, 
the two being in the same volume on the latter occasion. 102 Both were 
combined to form the first treatise in Prideaux's later work, a Latin 

100 For further details of his life, see Dictionary of National Biogmphyy s.v. Prideaux, 
John (1578-1650). 

101 A brief account of this institution can be found in Dictionary of National Biog- 
raphy, s.v. Sutcliffe, Matthew (i55o?-i629). 

102 tyjy discussion of The Easiest Start and the Sevens of Logic is based upon the 
Huntington Library copy of the 1639 edition. That copy contains the following three 
items by Prideaux, each with its own title page: 

1) Tabvlae ad Grammatica Graeca Intro ductoriae. . . . Editio tertia. Oxoniae, 16^9. 

34- PP. 

2) Tyrocinvvm ad Syllogismvm Legitimum contexendum^ 6? c&ptiosum dissuendum^ 

exfeditissitnum* . . , Oxoniae, 1639. 18 pp. 

3) Heftades Logicae. Sive Monita ad dm-pliores Tractatus Intro ductoria* Pugnus 

quo com$re$sior eo ferit fortius* Oxoniae. 1639. 16 pp. 

[ 3" 1 


account of various sciences, the English title of which would be Notes 
on Logic, Rhetoric, Physics, Metaphysics, Pneumatics, Ethics, Poli- 
tics, and Economics* 

Prideaux is fond of the figure seven as a way of indicating what is 
important in a science. Thus in the Heptades Logicae and in the 
Notes on Logic he presents all logical doctrine under seven heads. 
The Heptades Logicae contain the Latin equivalents of seven terms 
denoting respectively the processes of intellectualizing, objectifying, 
stating, reasoning, methodizing, analyzing, and synthesizing* Cor- 
responding terms in the Notes on Logic have the ring of the compro- 
mise between scholasticism and Ramism, and are the Latin equiva- 
lents, not of terms for seven mental operations, but of terms for the 
seven results of those operations, so far as logic is concerned. Thus 
intellectualizing is equated in the Notes on Logic with the predica- 
bles, objectifying is equated with the predicaments, stating, with the 
proposition, reasoning, with the syllogism, methodizing, with method, 
analyzing, with analysis, and synthesizing, with synthesis. So in the 
end the same seven scholastic-Ramistic concepts control Prideaux's 
entire logical theory. 10 * 

Another original feature of Prideaux's two treatises on logic is 
that they contain questions and answers designed to induce students 
to form preferences in respect to the competing logical theories of 
the day. Here are examples, some of which offer additional proof 
of Prideaux's fondness for sevens, and some of which provide direct 
indications that English Systematics sometimes called themselves 

Q. Is it true that the seven dialectical theories of method in use today, 
to wit, i) the Aristotelian, 2) the Lullian, 3) the Ramistic, 4) the 
Mixt, whether indeed in the manner of Keckermann or of Alsted, 

ios This work is undated. Madan, Oxford Books, n, 487, argues that it was probably 
published in 1650. Its title page reads: "Hypomnemata Logica, Rhetorica, Physica, 
Metaphysica, Pneumatica, Ethica, Politica, Oeconomica. Per Jo: P: Coll: Exon: Oxoniae 
Excudebat Impensis suis Leonar: Lichfield Academiae Typographus." There is a copy 
at the Huntington Library, 

10 * The following parallel lists indicate Prideaux's Latin terms : 

eftades Logicae^ p. i Hypomnetnata^ p. 2. 

1. Noematica i. Praedicabilibus 

2. Thematica 2. Praedicamentis 

3. Axiomatica 3. Propositionibus 

4. Dianoetica 4. Syllogismis 

5. Methodica 5 . Methodis 
6* Analytica 6. Analysi 
7. Genetica 7, Genesi - 

[ 312 ] 


5) the Forensic of Hotman, 6) the Jesuitic, and 7) the Socinian, 
differ mostly in respect to manner of treatment, not in respect to 
A. Yes. lOB 

Q. Is it true that a Mixt ought to be preferred to a Peripatetic, a 

Ramist, a Lullian, and the others? 
A. Yes. 106 

Q. Is it easier and more useful to teach through seven heads, or 

through five, or through three, than through the more current 

dichotomies of the moderns? 
A. Yes. 107 
Q. Is it true that the Ramistic dichotomies of the moderns overload 

the memory rather than inform the intellect? 
A. Yes. 108 
Q. Is it true that the scholastic and Ramistic methods of breaking a 

subject down insist too much at various times upon trifles? 
A. Yes. 109 

Q. Are the Aristotelian and the Ramistic methods one and the same? 
A. Yes. 110 
Q. Is it not true that the 359 places of Aristotle's Topics overload the 

memory of the learner more than they instruct methodically? 
A. Yes. 111 
Q. Is it true that the ten places of Ramus ought to be esteemed good 

A. No. 112 
Q. Is it not true that the places of the Tofics can be accommodated 

equally to rhetorics and to logics for the purpose of treating simple 

and complex themes? 
A. Yes. 118 

105 Hypotnnentata^ p. 94. For the same question in slightly different form, see 
tades Lo gloat) p. 13. Translation mine here and below. Prideaux's reverent attitude 
towards sevens appears to have led him to devise seven contemporary schools of logic, 
when three would have been adequate. For brief reference to Lull, Hotman, and the 
Jesuits, see above, pp. 7, 9, 227, 234, 302. Socinian logic is identified with the Socinians, a 
continental religious sect of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The Socinians were 
anti-Trinitarians, their leaders being Laelius Socinus and his nephew Faustus. 

106 Heptadts Logicae, p. 2. The passage reads: "An Mixta a Peripatetica, Ramea, & 
Lulliana sit caeteris praeferenda. AfL" 

107 Ibid., p. 2. 

108 Hypomnemata) p. 32, 

109 He$tades Logicae> p. 14.4 Hypomnemata^ p. 99. 

110 Heftades Logicae> p. 13. 

111 Hypomnemata, p. 76. 

112 Ibid., p. 76. 
118 Ibid., p. 76. 

[ 313 1 


Q. Is it true that the Ramistic method of disclosing fallacies is easier 

than that of the Aristotelians? 
A. No. 11 * 

Prideaux's theory of method reveals once again his fondness for 
dividing a subject by sevens, and it also shows his persistent eclecti- 
cism. In this section of his treatise he speaks of those who place the 
theory of method within the third grand division of logic, that is, 
within the division which deals with discourses as distinguished from 
propositions and terms. Then he mentions those who divide logic 
into two parts, that is, into invention and judgment, and who pro- 
ceed to regard the theory of method as an aspect of the latter 
branch. 115 Although he does not attach names to either of these two 
groups of logicians, it is obvious that he is here describing the re- 
spective practices of the Systematics and the Ramists. As for him- 
self, he does not at this point identify his doctrine with either of 
these schools j but earlier he had shown how the first five of his seven 
heads of logic could be construed either as belonging to the topics of 
invention and judgment or to the three divisions of the Systematics. 116 
Thus he wants his readers to feel at home with him, no matter what 
school of logic they attend. But he mildly insists upon offering them 
some things they would not get from the usual Systematic or Ra- 
mist; for when he comes to explain what methods are available for 
discovering knowledge or for presenting it, he falls back upon his 
heptades and enumerates seven possible methods, referring here to 
the authority of the Institutiones Logicae of Julius Pacius. 117 These 
seven methods are the "Euretic" or Inventive, the Synthetic, the 
Analytic, the Topical, the Dramatic, the Historical, and the Cryp- 

tic. 118 

The first three of these methods as Prideaux describes them can 
be identified with conventional Systematic doctrine. That is to say, 
the Inventive Method is useful in the discovery of new knowledge, 
says Prideaux, and it proceeds through sense perception, observa- 
tion, experiment, and induction the very steps which Sanderson 
outlines for the method of invention, although Prideaux does not 
* ibid., p. 8 9 . " B ibid., p. 9 o. " ibid., p. 2. 

117 Ibid.) p. 91. The Institutions Logicae of Julius Pacius was published at Cam- 
bridge in 1597. Pacius, also called Pace or Pacio, was an Italian jurisconsult and 
scholar who taught at various continental universities in the late sixteenth and early 
seventeenth centuries. He translated Aristotle, expounded the logic of Ramon Lull, and 
was^well known as an authority on civil law, I have not examined his Institutiones 

118 For Prideaux's discussion of them, see Hy^omnemata^ pp. 91-93. 

[ 314 ] 


mention him. 119 Prideaux's Synthetic Method and Analytic Method 
are easily recognizable as the compositive and resolutive procedures 
advocated by Blundeville, Smith, and Sanderson. In explaining the 
Synthetic Method, by the way, Prideaux refers briefly to the three 
laws that govern it, and these are exactly the three Aristotelian prin- 
ciples borrowed by Ramus for his reform. Prideaux finds it unneces- 
sary, however, to comment upon their origin, feeling no doubt that 
his readers were aware of that matter. 

The last four methods summarized by Prideaux may be called 
rhetorical rather than logical, if by rhetorical we understand methods 
useful in popular as distinguished from scientific discourse. At the be- 
ginning of his Notes on Logic, Prideaux speaks of the logic of the fist 
and the logic of the palm, and he explicitly recognizes that this dis- 
tinction is suggested to him by Zeno's metaphorical summary of the 
difference between logic and rhetoric. 120 The logic of the palm, as 
Prideaux explains it, includes dialogues, panegyrics, forensic disserta- 
tions, and other similar forms 5 and he likens it not only to the So- 
cratic, Platonic, and Ciceronian mode of antiquity but also to the 
forensic mode among the moderns. 121 This kind of logic is to be under- 
stood as a background for Prideaux's later discussion of what he 
calls the Topical, the Dramatic, the Historical, and the Cryptic 
Method. The Topical Method, he says, is that in which material is 
presented in terms of its mainheads or topics. The Dramatic Method 
is that in which material is presented dialogue-wise, or by catechism, 
as in the works of Plato. The Historical Method is that in which 
material is presented in the order of chronology. The Cryptic Method 
is that in which material is presented in some arbitrary order for the 
sake of the pleasure of the listeners and the emotional effect upon 
them. Prideaux refers this method to oratory and poetry. His descrip- 
tion of it is worth quoting in full: 

Lastly, the Cryptic Method is entirely arbitrary. On account of its 
genius and natural capacity, poets and orators are the chief ones to 
appropriate it rather freely in some noteworthy matter, so that they 
may delight or variously move the auditors or readers concerned. Of 
such is the art of Homer (praised by Horace) when he shows Ulysses 
reflecting anew upon past happenings for Alcinous. Of such also is 
the imitation of Virgil in the story told by Aeneas at the request of 
Dido. More recent fragments of this method are seen in the Biblidos 

119 See above, p. 307. 12 Hy^omnetnata^ pp. i-z. 

121 This forensic mode Prideaux characterizes as one of the seven logics of his day. 
See above, p. 313. 

[ 315 ] 


of Calagius, in the Hebraidos of Frischlin, in Du Bartas's description 
of the brazen shield received by Barak from Deborah, and among us 
in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and in Spenser in the records found 
through Britomart in the library of memory $ and in others every- 
where. 122 

Next after Prideaux in the roster of English Systematics is John 
Newton. Newton has already been mentioned as an educational re- 
former who wanted all the sciences to be available in English and 
who translated Butler's Ramistic rhetoric as part of that plan. 123 He 
also prepared an English version of the logic of the Systematics. This 
work, called An Introduction to the Art of Logick, was published at 
London in 1671 and again in i678. 124 Addressing himself at the be- 
ginning of this work to all teachers of vernacular learning, he pre- 
sents logic as the seventh and last part of an English Academy, and 
says that his present work was composed "from those well known, 
and yet received Compendiums of this Art, which have been hereto- 
fore published by the late Learned Prelate Bishop Saunderson, Mr. 
Airy, Mr. Smith^ Burgersdicius^ and Others." 125 Had Newton in- 
cluded Brerewood in this list of sources, he would have been able 
to suggest that his vernacular logic had been influenced by every im- 
portant work published in Latin by the English Systematics. In sober 
fact, however, Newton appears to have relied more upon Burgers- 
dijck's Institutionum Logicarum Libri Duo than upon Sanderson, 
Airay, or Smith. For example, his division of logic into two parts, one 
called the thematical, and the other, the instrumental, is directly bor- 
rowed from Burgersdijck, as is his entire discussion of method. 126 
But he doubtless relied to some extent upon all the authors whom 
he named. At any rate, he follows the familiar plan of discussing 
such other great topics of Systematic logic as the predicables, the 
predicaments, the types of propositions, the kinds of argument, the 

122 Hypomnemataty p.. 93. 

123 See above, pp. 271-2,72. 

124 ftf v p rsent discussion is based upon the Harvard University Library copy of the 
second of these editions. Its title page reads: "An Introduction to the Art of Logick: 
Composed for the Use of English Schools, and all such who having no Opportunity of 
being Instructed in the Latine Tongue, do however Desire to be Instructed in this Liberal 
Science. By John Ne*uton y D. D. The Second Edition Enlarged and Amended by the 
Authour- London, Printed by A. P. and T. H. for T. Passinger, at the Three Bibles, on 
the middle of London-Bridge^ 1678." 

^Introduction to the Art of Logick (1678), sig. A6r. For a further reference to 
Newton's English Academy^ see above, p. 2,71, note 84. 

126 Compare Burgersdijck, Inftitutionum Logicarum Libri Duo (1668), pp. 4, 206- 
aii, with Newton, Introduction to the Art of Logick (1678), pp. 3, 170-171. 

[ 316 ] 


places, and fallacies, nor does his treatment o these terms depart 
from the essential doctrine of Smith, Sanderson, and Airay. 

By way of bringing to a close this account of the English System- 
atics, I should like to mention a treatise by Obadiah Walker en- 
titled Of Education Especially of Young Gentlemen, published at 
Oxford in 1673, an d reprinted on five later occasions in the seven- 
teenth century. This work was designed to indicate how an educa- 
tion could be acquired and how it could be used in the conduct of 
life. Chapters xi, xii, and xiii of Part I introduce the faculties of 
memory, style, invention, and judgment, since of course these facul- 
ties must be trained by the educational process. For the improve- 
ment of memory, Walker recommends the use of the memory system 
devised by the ancient rhetoricians $ and he shows how that system 
could be applied in his day to the streets of London as a network of 
places into which images could be stored and thus remembered. For 
the improvement of style, he recommends the figures of speech. As 
for invention, he turns from rhetoric to logic, and discusses Aristotle's 
ten predicaments and the other devices used in providing oneself with 
a store of arguments. What he actually says about the predicaments 
and the other devices is conventional and unimportant 5 but his in- 
clusion of them in his treatise is a reminder that, despite the conven- 
tionality of the doctrine associated with them, they stood for im- 
portant objectives in seventeenth-century education, as this account 
of the English Systematics has continuously demonstrated. 

II. The Reappearance of the Three Patterns 

THE work of the Systematics in effecting a compromise between 
scholasticism and Ramism during the later sixteenth and earlier 
seventeenth centuries had a close parallel at the same time in the field 
of rhetorical theory. The Ramistic reform of rhetoric had consisted 
in limiting that subject to style and delivery, while ordaining that 
the ancient rhetorical procedures of invention and arrangement 
should be purged of redundancies, combined with the similar pro- 
cedures of ancient dialectic, improved in certain respects, and trans- 
ferred with utter finality to logic. This reform, of course, had caused 
some hostility among the traditional rhetoricians, Ascham's attitude 
being a good case in point. 1 Yet later traditional rhetoricians saw that 
Ramus's criticism of their doctrine had real justification, even if he 
had been too emphatic or arbitrary in some of his views. Thus they 
attempted to answer him not by hostility but by compromise. In 
other words, they sought to restore Ciceronian concepts to rhetoric, 
even as the Systematics were restoring Aristotelian concepts to logic j 
but at the same time they sought to purge those concepts of redun- 
dancy and to arrange them methodically, as the Ramists were effec- 
tively advocating. The rhetoric which resulted from this compromise 
as worked out by English rhetoricians in the period between 1586 
and 1700 will be the subject of this final part of the present chapter. 
The English rhetoricians who formulated this compromise were 
not as historical-minded as their opposite numbers in logic, and thus 
they did not identify themselves as a distinct school or give them- 
selves a name to correspond with their effort at counterreform. It is 
a good thing, of course, that they did not call themselves Philippo- 
Ramists or Systematics or Mixts, for they would then have been 
easily confused with the counterreform in logic, as if they too were 
followers of Aristotle instead of Cicero. In the absence of a name in- 
vented by themselves, it seems wise to call them Neo-Ciceronians. 
Not only did they take the Ciceronian position that rhetoric had 
the duty of providing a machinery for invention, arrangement, and 
memory, as well as for style and delivery, even though logic might 
also claim some jurisdiction over the first three of these processes; 
but also they recognized that the late medieval interpretation of 
Ciceronian rhetoric was often wordy, poorly arranged, and difficult 

1 See above, pp. 173, 177-178. 

[ 318 ] 


to teach. Thus they certainly deserve to be known as Ciceronians of 
a new vintage. 

My discussion of the English Ramists has already provided two 
examples of strong Neo-Ciceronian tendencies in English rhetorical 
theory of the seventeenth century. Those examples involve practicing 
Ramists who did not seem to adhere with due strictness to Ramistic 
rhetorical doctrine. The outstanding case of this sort is of course 
Charles Butler. Butler published the most famous of England's 
Latin versions of style and delivery as formulated by Ramus's col- 
league Talaeus in the latter's Rhetorica; and some thirty years later, 
Butler published a Latin treatise devoted mainly to invention, ar- 
rangement, and memory, his purpose on this second occasion being to 
give these concepts a better adaptation to oratory than they had in 
the strict logical theory of Ramus. 2 In other words, Butler limited 
rhetoric severely to style and delivery with the Ramistic right hand 
of his youth, and with the less Ramistic left hand of his old age he 
sought to broaden Ramus's logic by applying it to oratory and by 
showing that there was for the orator an extra-logical theory of in- 
vention, arrangement, and memory. Ramus would have denied that 
invention and arrangement had an extra-logical as well as a logical 
context 5 but Butler registered no such denial, although he fancied 
himself a devoted Ramist in his later as in his earlier work. The 
truth is, no doubt, that the thirty years between those two works had 
convinced him of the necessity of modifying Ramism as a way of 
preserving it against those who wanted to revive Cicero, and that 
thus his thinking had meanwhile acquired a Neo-Ciceronian aspect. 
Another seventeenth-century English rhetorician with the character- 
istics of a Ramist and a Ciceronian is John Newton. Newton belongs 
with the Ramists because he published in 1671 a rhetoric made up in 
part of Charles Butler's chapter on style 5 but he identifies himself 
with the Ciceronians by including in that same rhetoric Michael 
Radau's discussion of invention and arrangement. 3 By Newton's 
time, such a mixture may have seemed almost commonplace, so far 
had Ramus's doctrine lost its original compulsiveness. Thus Newton 
may possibly be a Ramist by .mistake or a counterref ormer by acci- 
dent 5 but Butler has to be counted as primarily a Ramist and only 
secondarily as a part of the counterreform. 

Turning now to those English rhetoricians who belong more com- 
pletely to the counterreform than do Butler or Newton, I should like 

2 See above, pp. 262, 266. 3 See above, pp. 271-272. 

[ 319 ] 


to speak first of Thomas Vicars. Vicars was awarded the degree of 
bachelor of arts at Oxford in 1611, and the master's degree four 
years later. Thereafter he served for a time as fellow of his college, 
Queens. 4 During this period he became interested in the German 
Systematic, Bartholomew Keckermann, and published around 1620 
a translation of one of Keckermann's works under the title, A Manu- 
duction to Theologie. "Manuduction" means "a leading by the hand" 
or "a hand guide," and this word was a favorite with Vicars, for 
it appeared a year later in its Greek and Latin form in the title of 
another of his works, the Xetpo/ycuyta Manuductio ad Artem Rhe- 
toricam) that is, the MLanuduction to the Rhetorical Art. 5 This 
treatise is a good example of rhetoric formulated in the Neo-Cicero- 
nian style, as can be seen to best advantage in its third edition, pub- 
lished at London in 1628. 

The compromise proposed by Vicars between the Ciceronians and 
Ramists is anticipated by the title page of that third edition. 6 Not 
only does the Latin title contain the words "genesis" and "analysis" 
as a reminder of the famous Ramistic operations of composing and 
criticizing oratory; it also contains John Owens's Latin epigram in 
which the time-honored Ciceronian (and Zenonian) analogy of palm 
and fist is used to differentiate rhetoric and dialectic. Here is Vicars's 
title as it would read in English: 

A Hand Guide or Manuduction to the Rhetorical Art. In which are 
taught Genesis and Analysis, that is, the theory of artistically com- 
posing and of skilfully, clearly, and methodically analyzing orations. 
Third edition augmented by a second part. For the use of schools. By 
the author, Thomas Vicars, of Carlisle, lately Fellow of Queens Col- 
lege in Oxford. John Owen: 

Rhetoric is like unto the palm, Dialectic to the fist. 

The latter wages war 5 but yet the former carries off the palm/ 

* See Dictionary of National Biography^ s.v. Vicars, Thomas (fl, 1607-1641). 

5 (London, 1 62 1 ) . There is a copy of this work at the British Museum. 

* The title page of the copy in the Folg-er Shakespeare Library reads : "Xetpa^wvtet 
Manvdvctio ad Artem Rhetoricam. In qua Genesis & Analysis, h.e. ratio artificiose com- 
ponendi & dextre resolvendi orationes perspicue & methodice docetur. Editio tertia altera 
parte auctior. In usum Scholarum. Auctore Thoma Vicarsio, Carleolensi, nuper Collegii 
Reginensis apud Oxonienses Socio. Joan. Audoen. Rhetorica est palmae similis, Dialectica 
pugnoj Haec pugnat, palmam sed tamen ilia refert. Londini, Typis Joannis Haviland, 
impensis Roberti Milbovrne. CIO. IDC. XXIIX." 

7 This epigram is numbered 105 in Book I of Efigrammatum loannis Owen Oxonien- 
sis, Cambro-Britanm y Libri Tres. Ad Henricvm Princtyem Cambriae Dvo (London, 
1612). The text of this epigram in that source is as follows: 

Ratio & Oratio. 

Rhetorica est palmae similis, Dialectica pugno; 
Haec pugnatj palman sed tamen ilia refert. 

[ 320 ] 


As for the actual execution of this design, Vicars devotes Book I 
to "genesis," and discusses the five main parts of Ciceronian rhetoric, 
whereas Book II is devoted to "analysis," and contains an application 
of Cicero's rhetorical terminology to three of that orator's speeches. 
It has to be emphasized, however, that Vicars defines "analysis" at 
the beginning of Book II by a direct and open quotation from Ra- 
mus's Scholae Dialecticae* Thus does he reconstruct Ciceronian rhet- 
oric upon a plan borrowed from Ramus. He could, of course, have 
been more Ramistic than Ciceronian in his work, had he omitted the 
discussion of memory, as the Ramists did, and had he treated inven- 
tion and arrangement in terms of Ramus's logical doctrine, while 
giving style and delivery an exposition from Talaeus. But in fact he 
discusses these terms in the manner of Cicero, and he yields to Ramus 
only as he feels the need to adopt a new organizing principle for 
rhetorical doctrine. 

Although Vicars appears to be the first English rhetorician since 
Ludham to use Cicero's five great terms as the basic concepts for a 
theory of rhetoric, his Manuduction to the Rhetorical Art did not 
achieve the highest degree of influence in the Neo-Ciceronian move- 
ment. It was given only one other edition after 1628.* A much more 
successful Neo-Ciceronian rhetoric is Thomas Farnaby's Index Rhet- 
oricus, first published at London in 1625, and given ten later edi- 
tions in the seventeenth and several in the eighteenth centuries. 10 In 
fact, even if Farnaby's work in its original Latin title calls itself "the 
rhetorical indicator adapted to schools and to the instruction of the 
tenderer ages" even if, in short, it is a schoolboy rhetoric there 
is no work in the Neo-Ciceronian tradition to compare with it in the 

8 See Manvdvctio ad Artem Rhetoricam (London, 1628), p. 101, for this reference 
to Ramus. 

8 See Wing, Short-Title Catalogue^ s.v. Vicars, Thomas. 

10 The copy of the first edition at the Bodleian Library bears the following 1 title and 
date: Index Rhetoricus > Scholis et Institution* tenerioris aetatis accommodatus (London, 
1625). According to Pollard and Redgrave, Short-Title Catalogue^ and Wing, Short- 
Title Catalogue, editions of this work occurred at the following dates: 1625, 1633, 
1634?, 1640, 1646, 1654, 1659, 1672, 1682, 1689, 1696. Raymond E. Nadeau refers 
to an edition of 17045 see Clyde W. Dow, "Abstracts of Theses in the Field of Speech 
and Drama, vn," Speech Monographs, xix (1952), 12.8. The Huntington Library holds 
a copy of an edition dated at London in 1713, and the Dictionary of National Biog- 
raphy^ s.v. Farnaby, Thomas (15 75? -1647), identifies a fifteenth edition in 1767. My 
present discussion is based upon the Huntington Library copy just mentioned. Its title 
page reads: "Index Rhetoricus et Oratorius, Scholis, & Institutioni tenerioris Aetatis ac- 
commodatus. Cui adjiciuntur Formulae Oratoriae, et Index Poeticus. Opera & Studio 
Thomae Farnabii. Editio Novissima prioribus emendatior. . . . Londini, Typis excudun- 
tur pro Mat. Wotton, ad Insigne Trium Pugionum^ in vico vulgo dicto Fleet street^ & 
G. Conyers, ad Insigne Annuli Aurei y in vico vulgo dicto Little-Britain. 1713." 

[ 3*1 ] 


durability of its appeal. As one of the most famous schoolmasters of 
his time, Farnaby was ideally suited to write such a popular textbook 
as the Index Rhetoricus turned out to be. And as a good classical 
scholar he was well equipped to handle not only the several Roman 
poets whose works he edited but also the Latin rhetoricians who 
formulated the tradition behind his textbook in rhetoric. At the head 
of that tradition, of course, were Cicero and Quintilian. Farnaby re- 
fers often to these two, and to a great many of their descendants, in- 
cluding Agricola, Sturm, Vossius, and Keckermann. 11 

The Index Rhetoricus is a clear and compact discussion of most of 
the chief terms in Ciceronian rhetoric. Farnaby defines rhetoric as the 
faculty of speaking well and in a manner calculated to persuade, no 
matter what the speaker's subject may be. He assigns to this faculty 
the three specific duties of delighting, teaching, and moving. He in- 
dicates that speakers deal with all matters under dispute, but that in 
practice they limit themselves to demonstrative, deliberative, and 
forensic questions. He acknowledges that ability in speaking comes 
from nature and from the study of theory $ but it is the latter topic, 
of course, which interests him most. In treating it, he indicates that 
all rhetorical theory can be referred to the headings of invention, 
arrangement, style, and delivery. Under the first of these terms he 
discusses the discovery of materials for the three kinds of oratory 
and for the various positions of argument, as well as for the three 
duties of rhetoric. Under the second term, arrangement, he enumer- 
ates the six parts of an oration, and discusses them as a pattern of 
organization for the material previously invented. Style is then ex- 
plained in terms of elegance, orderliness of verbal units, and dig- 
nity, the last quality being finally broadened into an analysis of the 
tropes and figures. Then follows a section on delivery,- and here 
Farnaby talks of practice, imitation, reading, and precepts. 

Ramistic influences in the Index Rhetoricus are not strongly visi- 
ble, but they can nevertheless be detected. For example, Farnaby 
omits the subject of memory when he seeks to restore the Ciceronian 
rhetorical system, and this part of his procedure is a tribute to the 

11 According to Raymond E. Nadeau's doctoral dissertation, "The Index Rhetoricus 
of Thomas Farnaby** (University of Michigan, 1951), the primary sources of the Index 
Rketoricus are the Commentariorum Rhetoricorum . . Libri vi (1605) and the Rhet- 
orices Contractae (i6ai) of Vossius, the Systema Rhetorlcae (1606) of Keckermann, 
and the Instit-utto Oratorio, of Quintilian. Nadeau Indicates some fifty-nine other sources, 
Cicero being of course one of the most outstanding-. See Clyde W. Dow, "Abstracts of 
Theses in the Field of Speech and Drama, vn," Speech Monogra-pfa^ XIX (1952), 128. 


success of one of Ramus's reforms. For another example, Farnaby 
discusses the six parts of an oration under the heading of arrange- 
ment, although these materials were placed under invention by the 
older Ciceronians. Here again his procedure shows a concern for the 
observance of Ramus's law of justice, by which each division of 
knowledge was awarded what lawfully belonged to it. Thus does 
Farnaby respond to the influences created by the Ramists, as we 
would expect a rhetorician to do who owed much to Keckermann, 
the Systematic. In fact, Farnaby's Index Rhetoricus stands in rela- 
tion to Neo-Ciceronian rhetoric in England as Sanderson's Logicae 
Artis Com'pendivm) likewise a product of Keckermann's influence, 
stands in relation to the logic of the English Systematics. That is to 
say, both of these treatises were very popular, very long-lived, and 
very cognizant of the determination to effect a compromise between 
the ideas of Ramus and those of the medieval tradition. 

Another work in the Neo-Ciceronian movement is William Pem- 
ble's Enchiridion Oratorivm^ published at Oxford in i633. 12 Pemble 
had prematurely died ten years earlier, after having taken two de- 
grees at Oxford and after having served brilliantly at Magdalen 
Hall in that university as lecturer in divinity. 13 His Enchiridion Ora- 
torivm, which in English would be called the Oratorical Manual, 
defines rhetoric as "the art of treating any matter whatever in an 
ornamental and copious way for the people's knowledge and persua- 
sion." 14 It proceeds to divide rhetoric into invention, arrangement, 
style, and delivery, although it deals only with the first two of these 
terms. Under invention, which Pemble defines as "the devising of 
arguments true or apparently true for rendering a cause probable," 15 
there is a discussion of the discovery of arguments in simple and com- 
plex themes, in the three kinds of oratory, and in the four argu- 
mentative positions of the legal case. Arrangement, defined as "the 
distribution of invented materials in an order showing what ought to 
be collected into what places," 16 is made to deal with the six parts of 
the oration. In respect to this topic, the Enchiridion Oratorivm con- 
forms to the same pattern as that of the Index Rhetoricus, although 

12 The title page of the Harvard University Library copy reads as follows : "En- 
chiridion Oratorivm. A Gvlielmo Pembelo Avlae Magdalenensis non ita pridem Alumno 
facundissime pio concinnatum. . . Oxoniae Apud lohannem Lichfield Academiae Typo- 
graphum pro Edvardo Forrest. A. D. 1633." 

^Dictionary of National Biogra^hy^ s.v. Pemble, William (i 592?-! 613) . 

^Enchiridion Oratori^m^ p. i. Translation mine here and below. 

**Ibid., p. 2. 

16 Ibid.) p. 2; see also p. 57. 

[ 323 ] 


the latter work was published after Pemble's death and thus could 
not have influenced him. Pemble likewise conforms to the pattern of 
the Index Rhetoricus in omitting memory from the list of necessary 
rhetorical subjects. As he does this, he says that memory is not any 
more proper to rhetoric than to the other arts 17 an ancient idea, and 
also, of course, an echo of Ramus's reform. 

The Neo-Ciceronian movement was given additional support by 
Obadiah Walker in 1659 ^th the publication at London of a work 
called Some Instructions concerning the Art of Oratory?* Walker's 
treatise Of Education has already been briefly noticed in the first part 
of the present chapter, and at that time he was seen to be identified 
to some extent with the English Systematics/ 9 Walker was a product 
of Oxford, where he studied at University College and took the de- 
grees of bachelor of arts in 1635 and of master of arts in 1638. He 
stayed on at his college as tutor after he had received his second 
degree, and thereafter his life was associated with academic pursuits. 
In 1 676 he became master of University College. 20 Some Instructions 
concerning the Art of Oratory may thus be said to have a sound 
pedigree and to proceed from well-informed quarters. Moreover, 
the work is to be regarded as an interesting interpretation of four of 
the main terms of Ciceronian rhetoric. 

Walker arrives at these four terms by dividing oratory into inven- 
tion and style, and by subdividing each of these subjects so that the 
first covers both invention and arrangement, whereas the second 
covers both style and delivery. Here are his own statements to indi- 
cate his major and subordinate divisions: 

The Parts of Oratory are I. Invention, taking care for the Matter j 
and 2. Elocution, for the Words, and Style . 21 

In all your Compositions, especially those of any length, upon all your 
Materials revised, a Division, and distribution of them under certain 
Heads, such as best fits them, is alwayes to be cast, and contrived j 

17 /rf. t p. 2. 

16 The title page of the Huntingdon Library copy reads as follows : "Some Instrvctions 
concerning- the Art of Oratory. Collected for the use of a Friend a Young Student. 
London, Printed by F. G. for R. Royston y at the Angel in Ivy lane, 1659." This work 
was given a second edition "very much Corrected and Augmented" at Oxford in i68z. 
The second edition differs from the first by having 150 pages of text rather than 128, 
but even so the two editions are virtually identical in content for the first 100 pages of 
each. Thereafter the second edition shows some additional material. 

19 See above, p. 317. 

20 See Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. Walker, Obadiah (1616-1699), 

Instructions concerning the Art of Oratory (1682), p. i. 

[ 324 ] 


though not necessary al waves to be mentioned; yet, in many also 
not to be concealed. 22 

Thus much of i. Invention, and Arguments $ and of the partition of 
them 5 Now 2. of Elocution. . . . And in it i. concerning Words. 2. 
Then of Periods ^ and of the various artificial flaring of the words in 
them. 3. Next, of the several -figures and modes of livelier and more 
passionate expression. 4. of Stiles. After which I shall adde something, 
5. of Recitation. 6 of Pronunciation, and 7. of Action. 23 

Walker draws the major part of his doctrine from Ciceronian 
authors, and betrays the influence of Ramus only in the way in which 
he distributes his emphasis upon the various headings of his subject. 
His chief authority is Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria^ this work be- 
ing cited over and over again. 24 He refers to Cicero's orations for 
examples of rhetorical practices, and on one occasion he uses a pas- 
sage from Cicero's De Inventione to illustrate etiology. 25 When he 
is finishing his discussion of rhetorical topics as a source of arguments, 
he mentions that Aristotle's Rhetoric may be consulted for additional 
information on this point. 26 The only well-known modern rhetorician 
to whom he refers is Farnaby, although he names such modern writ- 
ers as Scaliger, Hooker, Bishop Andrews, and Francis Bacon. 27 De- 
spite the Ciceronian tendency of his chief rhetorical authorities, how- 
ever, there is one major respect in which Walker differs from them: 
he devotes only one-tenth of his total space to the subject of inven- 
tion, whereas the true Ciceronian who deals with invention at all 
would regard it as worthy of a much heavier emphasis. Walker's 
tendency to slight it may be regarded as an indirect result of Ramus's 
insistence that rhetoric had no right to speculate upon that aspect of 
the theory of communication. As a natural corollary, Walker's over- 
emphasis on style is probably a reflection of the exclusive concern of 
Ramistic rhetoric for the verbal and oral aspects of writing and 

Walker and Farnaby, along with Pemble and Vicars, are the chief 
English rhetoricians of the Neo-Ciceronian school during the seven- 
teenth century. Their effort to revive most or all of the major terms 
of Ciceronian rhetoric, and also at the same time to accept some of 

**Ibid.> p. 15. M /**., p. 24. 

2 *Ibid., pp. 2, 7, 10, 16, 22, 25, 4.1, 43, 75, 82, 95, 104, 105, 107, 130, 134, 135, 

i36> i37 14*. 

25 /*<*., pp. 22, 72, 80-8 1, 91, 93- 26 /&*'<, p. 7. 

27 Ibid., pp. 2 (for Farnaby) 5 143 (for Scaliger) i 46-48 (for Hooker) j 77, 89 (for 
Andrews); and 12, 60, 75, 106 (for Bacon). 

[ 325 ] 


Ramus's reforms, was aided by a similar endeavor on the continent 
and by an occasional edition of a continental rhetoric in England. 
For example, Michael Radau's Orator Extemforaneus^ already 
mentioned as the source of certain non-Ramistic features of John 
Newton's otherwise Ramistic rhetoric, first entered the English 
Neo-Ciceronian movement in 1657 when it was given an edition at 
London. 28 It contains a bipartite summary of the oratorical art, one 
section being devoted to a theoretical treatment of invention, ar- 
rangement, style, and memory, while the other section presents exer- 
cises for training students in the three kinds of oratory, particularly 
the demonstrative. Radau, by the way, was professor of sacred theol- 
ogy in the Jesuit college at Brunsberg, Prussia, and had had the 
misfortune to see his Orator Extemporaneus published as if it were 
largely the work of one George Beckher before it was finally pre- 
sented to the public under its rightful auspices. 29 

My account of the Neo-Ciceronian movement in England would 
not be adequate without some recognition of the English rhetoricians 
of the later sixteenth and the earlier seventeenth centuries who sought 
to maintain a stylistic rhetoric looking back to the old Ciceronian tra- 
dition rather than to Ramus. That is to say, there were a few English 
rhetoricians in those years who confined rhetoric to style, as if they 
were partly Ramists, but who nevertheless treated style in the man- 
ner of such oild-fashioned Ciceronian^ as Richard Sherry and Henry 
JPeacham. A characteristic of the work ot theserhetoricians is that 
they heavily emphasized the tropes and the figures while omitting 
various features of the Ramistic treatment of these devices of style. 

A good case in point has already been covered in my discussion of 
John Smith's Mysterie of Rhetorique Unvail'd (i657). 30 This com- 
pilation of some 138 tropes and figures owes much to John Hoskins 
and Henry Peacham, as well as to Thomas Farnaby, and thus it be- 
longs in part to the Ciceronian school ^ but it also owes several pages 
of doctrine to Dudley Fenner's first English version of Talaeus's 

28 See above, pp. 271-272. This work was given a second edition in England in 1673, 
two years after Newton published an English version of much of it. The Princeton 
University Library has a copy of this second edition. Its title page reads as follows: 
"Orator Extemporaneus seu Artis Oratoriae Breviarium bipartitum, Cujus Prior pars 
praecepta continet generalia, Posterior praxin ostendit in triplici dicendi genere prae- 
sertim Demonstrative. Nee non supellectilem Oratoria, Sententias, Historias, Apophtheg- 
mata Hieroglyphica suppeditat. Auctore R. P. Michaele Radau Societatis Jesu. S. Theolo- 
giae Doctore ejusdemque Professore. Londini, Typis lohannls Redtnayne, MDCLXXIII." 

2fl For an account of Beckher's plagiarized edition of the Orator Extemporaneus^ see 
the edition of this work at Amsterdam in 1673^ sig. *5r-*5v. 

ao See above, pp. 276-279. 

[ 326 ] 


Rhetorica^ and thus it partakes in part of Ramus's reforms. Its Ra- 
mistic characteristics serve to identify it interestingly with the work 
of the English Ramists. At any rate, I placed it in that school rather 
than in the Neo-Ciceronian school, although it would not be out of 
place in the latter. 

George Puttenham's The Arte of English Poesie, published at 
London in 1589, will begin my discussion of the stylistic rhetorics of 
the counterreform. This famous work is, to be sure, a treatise on 
poetry rather than on rhetoric, but it handles the doctrine of style as 
a work on rhetoric would, and thus it belongs in part to the history 
of rhetorical theory in England. Moreover, it treats style, not ac- 
cording to the Ramistic formula that Abraham Fraunce used in the 
Arcadian Rhetorike in 1588, but according to the older Ciceronian 
formula. That is to say, Puttenham devotes some twenty-three chap- 
ters of the third book of his treatise to style, and these chapters con- 
sist of recognizable topics from traditional rhetoric. There is, for 
example, an elaborate analysis of the figures of grammar and rhet- 
oric; and there is also an examination of such other matters as the 
grand, medium, and familiar style, the principal deformities of ex- 
pression, and the nature of decorum as a stylistic virtue. 31 Only in 
one place does Puttenham show an awareness of Ramistic rhetorical 
theory, and that is in his second book, where he discusses the whole 
subject of prosody, and includes a particular description of the twelve 
kinds of ancient metrical feet. His enumeration of these feet is ob- 
viously influenced either by the corresponding passage in Talaeus's 
Rhetorica or by William Webbe's version of that passage in Talaeus's 
Rhetorical In other respects, however, Puttenham appears to pay 
no attention to the Ramists. 

Puttenham's theory of style in respect to oratory and poetry may 
be said to consist in the belief that, as oratory achieves persuasiveness 
only by transcending the speech patterns of ordinary daily converse, 
so does poetry achieve persuasiveness and delightfulness only by 
transcending the speech patterns of oratory. In other words, Putten- 
ham acknowledges ordinary conversation to be a step below the level 
that oratory must achieve, whereas oratory is a step below the level 
that poetry must achieve. And he takes the position that, if the lan- 
guage used on any of these levels be well-bred, ordinary conversa- 

81 George Puttenham, The Arte of English Poesie^ ed. Edward Arber (London, 1*69), 
pp. 149-282. For a recent edition of this work, see Gladys Doidge Willcock and Alice 
Walker, The Arte of English Poesie by George Puttenham (Cambridge, 1936). 

32 The Arte of English Poesie, ed. Arber, pp. i33-*37 See also above, p. 257. 

[ 327 ] 


tion is at the lowest point on the scale because it does not use figura- 
tive language at all, while oratory and poetry are progressively 
higher in value because of their progressive concern for the right use 
of figures. This view amounts to a denial that the language of ordi- 
nary life can be a medium for oratory or poetry. It also amounts to 
an affirmation that the medium for oratory and poetry can be found 
only by dressing up the language of ordinary life with such viola- 
tions of our daily speech as the tropes and the figures represent. 

The requirement that the language of effective literature must be 
well-bred, as opposed to rustic, uncivil., or pedantic,, is the first part 
of the theory just stated, and Puttenham openly commits himself to 
it. His words are addressed to the poet, but he has the orator also in 
mind. Here is what he says of the poet's use of language: 

This part in our maker or Poet must be heedyly looked vnto, that it 
be naturall, pure, and the most vsuall of all his countrey: and for the 
same purpose rather that which is spoken in the kings Court, or in 
the good townes and Cities within the land, then in the marches and 
frontiers, or in port townes, where straungers haunt for traffike sake, 
or yet in Vniuersities where Schollers vse much peeuish affectation of 
words out of the primatiue languages, or finally, in any vplandish 
village or corner of a Realme, where is no resort but of poore rusticall 
or vnciuill people: neither shall he follow the speach of a craftes 
man or carter, or other of the inferiour sort, though he be inhabitant 
or bred in the best towne and Citie in this Realme, for such persons 
doe abuse good speaches by strange accents or ill shapen soundes, and 
false ortographie. 33 

Given a well-bred pattern of language to start with, the would-be 
orator and poet proceed then to take the position, according to Putten- 
ham, that good utterance "resteth altogether in figuratiue speaches," 8 * 
and that figurative speech is "a noueltie of language euidently (and 
yet not absurdly) estranged from the ordinarie habite and manner 
of our dayly talfce and writing." 35 In fact, like all his predecessors in 
the study of figurative language, Puttenham acknowledges the figures 
to be "but transgressions of our dayly speech." 36 When these trans- 
gressions are absent altogether, then our writings or our public 
speeches become "but as our ordinary talke, then which nothing can 
be more vnsauourie and farre from all ciuilitie." 87 Puttenham illus- 
trates such unfigured talk by citing the case of the Yorkshire knight 

33 The Arte of English Poesie, ed. Arber, pp. 156-157. ** Ibid. y p. 152. 
35 Ibid., p. I7 x. " Ibid., p. 269, 37 Ibid. 9 p. 151. 

[ 328 ] 


in Queen Mary's reign who was chosen speaker of parliament and 
whose speech to the queen was so marred by his lack of teeth and 
his inability with unusual language that a gentleman contemptuously 
called the effort an "alehouse tale" "because the good old Knight 
made no difference betweene an Oration or publike speach to be de- 
liuered to th'eare of a Princes Maiestie and state of a Realme, then 
he would haue done of an ordinary tale to be told at his table in the 
countrey, wherein all men know the oddes is very great.' 538 On the 
other hand, when figures or transgressions of our daily speech are 
not only present in our writings or orations, but are present in such 
a way as to be enclosed within a metrical pattern, then our literary 
effort becomes poetry or "speech by meeter," and this kind of utter- 
ance is "more cleanly couched and more delicate to the eare than 
prose is, because it is more currant and slipper vpon the tongue, and 
withal tunable and melodious, as a kinde of Musicke, and therfore 
may be tearmed a musicall speech or vtterance, which cannot but 
please the hearer very well." 39 Puttenham immediately adds: 

It is beside a maner of vtterance more eloquent and rethoricall then 
the ordinarie prose, which we vse in our daily talke: because it is 
decked and set out with all maner of fresh colours and figures, which 
maketh that it sooner inuegleth the iudgement of man, and carieth 
his opinion this way and that, whither soeuer the heart by impression 
of the eare shalbe most affectionatly bent and directed. 

The difference between figured metrical language and figured 
prose is not the only difference that Puttenham sees between poetry 
and oratory, as the whole first book of his treatise demonstrates. In 
fact, if his entire theory on this matter were worked out, it would be 
necessary to recognize that he occasionally uses terms like "imita- 
tion" and "counterfeiter" in his discussion of poetry, but does not 
imply their similar use in the analysis of oratory. Thus he does not 
regard the poem as being a kind of metrical oration. He does regard 
the two, however, as being alike persuasive, and he believes they owe 
their persuasiveness, so far as style is concerned, to the presence 
within them of figurative language. 

Two other stylistic rhetorics of the Neo-Ciceronian school were 
produced in England before the end of the sixteenth century, al- 
though one of them was not published in its own right until the 
present era. Angel Day's The English Secretorie was the earlier of 

p. 151. 

[ 329 ] 


the two. When this work appeared at London in 1592 in its third 
edition, it contained directions to be heeded and models to be fol- 
lowed in letter writing, as it had in its two earlier editions j but it 
also contained a new element in the form of "A declaration of such 
Tropes, Figures, and Schemes, as either vsually or for ornament sake 
are therin required." 40 In other words, this third edition of Day's 
work is both a formulary and a stylistic rhetoric. It is a formulary 
rhetoric because it contains models of descriptive, laudatory, vitupera- 
tive, deliberative, dehortatory, conciliatory, consolatory, amatory, 
judicial, and familiar letters, as well as of many other kinds. It is a 
stylistic rhetoric, of course, because of its section on the figures, which 
Day classifies as tropes and schemes. His treatment of these con- 
trivances of style is distinctly non-Ramistic. To begin with, he classi- 
fies schemes as grammatical and rhetorical, 41 whereas a Ramist would 
have insisted that schemes must belong wholly to rhetoric under 
Ramus's law of justice. Secondly, he includes in his program a brief 
mention of invention and arrangement, 42 whereas Ramus would have 
regarded these matters as the property of logic and as unsuitable for 
discussion elsewhere in the world of learning. For the rest, Day's 
treatise on style is like the many others of its kind, and it need not 
detain us longer. 

The later of the two rhetorics mentioned at the beginning of the 
preceding paragraph is John Hoskins's Directions for Speech and 
Style. This work was not published under Hoskins's name until the 
nineteen-thirties, when it received two editions, one by Hoyt H. 
Hudson and the other by Louise Brown Osborn. 43 Nevertheless, it 
had something o a history in print before it achieved these two edi- 
tions. First of all, a few pages of it were silently embodied in Ben 
Jonson's Timber and were published in that work in 1641, some four 
years after Jonson's death. Thanks to Miss Osborn, these pages were 

40 The English Secretorie was published at London as follows: 1586, 1590?, 159*, 
*595j J 599 1^07, 1614, 1618, 1626, 1635. My present discussion is based upon the 
Huntington Library copy of the 1599 edition. Its title page reads: "The English Secre- 
tary, or Methode of writing- of Epistles and Letters: with A Declaration of such Tropes, 
Figures, and Schemes, as either vsually or for ornament sake are therin required. Also 
the parts and office of a Secretarie, Deuided into two bookes. Now newly reuised and in 
many parts corrected and amended: By Angel Day. At London Printed by P. S. for C. 
Burble and are to be sold at his shop, at the Royall Exchange. 1599." 

41 The English Secretary (1599),?. 81. 
* 2 Ibid., p. 9. 

43 See Hoskins, Directions for Speech and Style, ed. Hudson 5 Louise Brown Osborn, 
The Life, Letters, and Writings of John Hoskyns 1566-1638 (New Haven, 1937), pp. 

[ 330 ] 


publicly identified in 1930 as the property of Hoskins. 4 * Secondly, 
almost all of the Directions was borrowed without acknowledgment 
and published by Thomas Blount as a principal part of his Academie 
of Eloquence. Thirdly, many of Blount's borrowings were in turn 
lifted from him without acknowledgment and published by John 
Smith as part of his Mysterie of Rhetorique Unvail'd. The pillaging 
of Hoskins by Blount and Smith was publicly exposed in 1935 by 
Hoyt H. Hudson, as I indicated earlier. 46 Thus two of the most 
famous stylistic rhetorics of the second half of the seventeenth cen- 
tury must be regarded as in part the work of Hoskins. 

The Directions for Speech and Style deserves the compliment that 
these imitators paid it. It is a treatise on letter-writing, and it recog- 
nizes invention, arrangement, and style as the main divisions of its 
subject. Style is, however, the great point of interest for Hoskins. 
Thus he devotes most of his treatise to the four qualities of the good 
epistolary style, and to the figures that provide for variety, amplifi- 
cation, and illustration. His definition of a metaphor provides an 
excellent example of the ease and attractiveness of his treatise as a 

A Metaphor, or Translation, is the friendly and neighborly borrowing 
of one word to express a thing with more light and better note, 
though not so directly and properly as the natural name of the thing 
meant would signify. 46 

Metaphor and the other tropes, as well as certain figures or schemes, 
are lumped together by Hoskins and discussed as devices "For Vary- 
ing" $ all the other figures considered by him are arranged to show 
his readers how "To Amplify" or how "To Illustrate."* 7 Thus he 
does not classify tropes and figures according to the bipartite scheme 
of Ramus and Talaeus, even though Talaeus is mentioned by him as 
one of his recent sources. 48 In fact, he owes little to Ramistic rhetoric, 
and his reference to Talaeus may well have no purpose except to 
arouse interest by associating his work with a strong popular trend 
in the same general direction. His main sources are Cicero and Quin- 
tilian among the ancients, and Lipsius and Pierre de la Primaudaye 

**See Louise B. Osborn, "Ben Jonson and Hoskyns," The Times Literary Supple- 
ment) May i, 1930, p. 370. 

45 See Hoskins, Directions for Speech and Style^ ed. Hudson, pp. xxvii-xxxviii. See 
also above, pp. 276-277. 

49 Directions for Speech and Style* ed. Hudson, p. 8. 
pp. 8-17, 17-40, 41-50* 
p. 3. 

[ 331 ] 


among the moderns. 49 One indication, for example, of his reliance 
upon the Ciceronian tradition is that he begins his rhetorical treatise 
with a few words about invention and arrangement two subjects 
which a Ramist would have deemed out of place in a work devoted 
to the figures of style. But it should be emphasized that Hoskins does 
not rely upon the Ciceronian tradition in any servile way. He inter- 
prets rather than copies it, and thus his Directions for Speech and 
Style is (in Miss Osborn's phrase) "essentially original." 50 

The next author in the ranks of English stylistic rhetoricians of the 
Neo-Ciceronian school is Thomas Blount, whose borrowings from 
Hoskins have just been mentioned. Blount's Academie of Eloquence , 
first published at London in 1654, contains so much of Hoskins's 
Directions that it hardly deserves special mention as an independent 
stylistic rhetoric. 51 Of the four parts into which it is divided, the first 
is described by Blount as "a more exact English Rhetorique, then has 
been hitherto extant." 52 But Hudson calls this part "nothing but a 
copy of the second, third, fourth, and fifth sections of Hoskins's Di- 
rections^ with such omissions and changes as Blount's fancy, reason, 
or inadvertence dictated." 53 Again, the fourth part of the Academie 
of Eloquence contains, as Blount says, "A Collection of Letters and 
addresses written to, for, and by severall persons, upon emergent 
occasions 5 with some particular Instructions and Rules premised for 
the better attaining to a Pen-perfection." 54 But once more, as Hud- 
son points out, the instructions and rules premised by Blount are 
nothing but passages from Hoskins. 55 True, the collection of letters 
in this fourth part of Blount's work cannot be traced to the Direc- 
tions^ nor can the formulae majores and formulae minores of the 
second and third parts. But neither can these elements be classed as 
the property of stylistic rhetoric. What they are, in actuality, is a 

49 Ibid^ pp. xxii-xxvii. 

50 The Life, Letters^ and, Writings of John Hoskyns, p. 109. 

51 The Academie of Eloquence- was given other editions as follows: 1656, 1660, 1663, 
1664, 1670, 1683, 1684. See Wing, Short-Title Catalogue, s.v. Blount, Thomas. See 
also Hoskins, Directions for Speech and Style, ed. Hudson, p. xxx, note 35. My present 
discussion is based upon the Huntingdon Library copy of the second edition. Its title page 
reads: "The Academy of Eloquence: Containing a Compleat English Rhetoriqve, Ex- 
emplified j Common-Places^ and Formula's digested into an easie and Methodical way to 
speak and write fluently, according to the Mode of the present Times: with Letters both 
Amorovs and Morall, Upon emergent Occasions. By Tho. Blount Gent' The second 
Edition with Additions .... London, Printed by T. N. for Humphrey Moseley, at the 
Prince's Arms in S. Pauls Churchyard. 1656." 

62 Academy of Eloquence (1656), sig. A4r. 

58 Hoskins, Directions for Speech and Style> ed, Hudson, p. xxxi. 

54 Academy of Eloquence^ sig. A4r-A4V. 55 Hudson, p. xxxi. 

[ 332 ] 


contribution to the formulary rhetoric o the seventeenth century. 
They are interesting on that score 5 and the -formulae majores and 
minores, which Blount respectively calls "Common-places" and 
"lesser forms," are interesting because Blount attributes his belief in 
the importance of such collections to Francis Bacon's similar belief 
as expressed in the Advancement of Learning** Still, these formulas 
need not be considered further. As for the rest of Blount's Academie, 
nothing may be said of it that would not be better said in reference 
to Hoskins. 

I shall close this account of Neo-Ciceronian stylistic rhetoric with 
a brief comment upon John Prideaux. Prideaux has been mentioned 
already as one of the English Systematics. 57 Thus it is not strange to 
find him also among the Neo-Ciceronians, although he never sought 
to cope with Ciceronian rhetoric as a whole. 

Prideaux's earliest work on stylistic rhetoric appeared in Latin as 
the second treatise in his Hyfomnemata, which was published at Ox- 
ford around 1650. This second treatise runs only to three short chap- 
ters, one dealing with the tropes, one with the figures, and one with 
the schemes. 58 Prideaux defines rhetoric as "the art of speaking orna- 
mentally, or, as Aristotle holds (Rhetoric, Bk. i, Ch. 2), it is the 
faculty of seeing whatever aims to be suitable to the creating of belief 
in any thing." 59 In other words, Prideaux appears to identify the 
tropes, figures, and schemes with what Aristotle meant by all the 
modes of persuasion in any given case. This interpretation of Aris- 
totle is of course subject to criticism, for Aristotle describes the modes 
of persuasion as the whole operation of creating trust in our own 
character as speakers, of putting our hearers in the right frame of 
feeling, and of proving the truth or probability of our cause by resort 
to argument. 60 But at any rate Prideaux is not completely wrong in 
his reference to Aristotle, inasmuch as Aristotle in a later chapter of 
the Rhetoric talks of language as one of the key factors in creating 
trust in ourselves, arousing emotion in others, and making people 
believe in the truth of what we say. 81 What Prideaux does is to con- 
fine himself to the stylistic aspect of a problem that Aristotle had not 

56 Academy of Eloquence, sig. A4.r. 

57 See above, pp. 311-316, 

88 Hypomnemata, pp. 103-1 x i. 

** Ibid., p. 104. Translation mine. Prideaux's words are as follows: "Rhetorica est 
Ars ornate dicendi. vel ut habet Arist. Facultas in qua[que~\ re videndi quid contingit 
esse Idoneum ad faciendam fidem. Rhet. L. I. c. 2." (Prideaux's italics). 

60 See Aristotle, Rhetoric, 1356* 1-35. 

61 Ibid., Bk. 3, Ch. 7. 

[ 333 ] 


confined to style. Incidentally, as Prideaux discusses the tropes, fig- 
ures, and schemes, he falls into the habit of dividing each of these 
topics into seven parts, even as he had divided logic into heptades 
when he first wrote upon It in 1639. Thus he speaks of seven varieties 
of tropes, seven of figures, and seven of schemes. 

Prideaux's Sacred Eloquence, published at London in 1659, * s 
more important than the treatise just discussed, and it represents a 
further development of his theory of stylistic rhetoric. 62 Prideaux 
defines sacred eloquence as "a Logicall kind of Rhetorick, to be used 
in Prayer, Preaching, or Conference 3 to the glory of God, and the 
convincing, instructing, and strengthning our brethren." 63 He di- 
vides his subject into heptades or sevens, and proceeds to speak of 
Tropes, Figures, Schemes, Patheticks, Characters, Antitheses, and 
Parallels. In discussing each of these topics, he divides his doctrine 
under seven heads, indicating at one point that such organization 
makes the points easier to remember, and that there is biblical au- 
thority for sevenfold divisions of things. 64 His conception of the 
rhetorical importance of the tropes, figures, and schemes is well illus- 
trated by what he says as schemes come up for analysis : "To teach, 
to delight, and throughly [sic] to perswade, are the scopes of Ora- 
tory. After teaching Tropes therefore, and delighting Figures, 
convincing and perswading Schemes may be well enquired after." 85 
As for "Patheticks," Prideaux identifies them with the passions, and 
he discusses the seven most prominent ones love, hatred, hope, 
fear, joy, sorrow, zeal. 66 "Characters" turn out to be characterizations 
of men or situations. For example, Prideaux enumerates the seven 
steps in sin's genealogy, the seven qualities of a good bishop, the 
seven traits of old age, the seven arms of a Christian soldier. 67 "An- 
titheses" and "Parallels," as the terms suggest, are devices for build- 
ing sermons upon a series of seven contrasts or of seven similitudes. 68 
Throughout the treatise Prideaux cites such authorities on rhetoric as 
Cicero, Quintilian, St. Augustine, and the author of the Rhetorica ad 
Herennmm, thus preserving the content of the Ciceronian tradition 5 
but there can be little doubt that his use of heptades as a structural 

62 Its title pag-e reads: "Sacred Eloquence: Or, the Art of Rhetorick, As it is layd 
down in Scripture. By the Right Reverend Father John Prideavx late Lord Bishop of 
Worcester .... London, Printed by W. Wilson^ for George Satvbridge, and are to be 
sold at his Shop at the signe of the Bible on Ludgute-Hill. 1659." 

63 Sacred Eloquence, p. i. * Ibid^ pp. 106-117. 
**lbU^ p. 5*. "Ibid., pp. 76-105. 
* T Ibid., pp. 108, iio-nz, 114-115, 117. 

88 Ibid.y pp. 118-12,3, 124-134. 

[ 334 ] 


principle in presenting doctrine is partly a repudiation of Ramistic 
dichotomies and partly an acceptance of Ramus's desire for a clearer 
organization of the learned arts. 

In the period under discussion in this chapter England produced 
several formulary rhetorics designed to exemplify rhetorical theory 
by presenting students with model compositions ' for imitation and 
study. In fact, the preceding review of Nee-Ciceronian rhetoric has 
involved some reference to these formularies. For example, the sec- 
ond and all later editions of Thomas Farnaby's Index Rhetoricus 
contains a section entitled "Formulae Oratoriae," and thus Farnaby 
belongs in part to the formulary school. 69 So indeed do Angel Day 
and Thomas Blount, as I mentioned earlier. 70 There are in this school 
a few others, however, who deserve a brief moment of attention. 

The chief English authors of formulary rhetorics in the closing 
decades of the sixteenth century are Anthony Mundy and Lazarus 
Piot, if we except Angel Day, who need not be discussed further. 
Mundy published at London in 1593 a work called The Defence of 
Contraries, which advertised itself in its subtitle as "Paradoxes against 
common opinion, debated in forme of declamations in place of pub- 
like censure: only to exercise yong wittes in difficult matters." 71 Al- 
though it proclaims itself on its title page as "Translated out of 
French," it is in fact a translation of a French version of Ortensio 
Landi's Italian work, the Paradossi^ first published at Lyon in 1543. 
Landi's Paradossi contains thirty declamations. 72 Mundy translates 
twelve of these and promises at the end of his work to do fourteen 
others, twenty-six paradoxes having been in the French version that 
he used. 73 His paradoxes are argumentative compositions in defense 
of such unpopular conditions as poverty, physical ugliness, ignorance, 

69 See above, p. 321, note 10. 70 See above, pp. 330, 332. 

71 The title page continues thus; "Wherein is no offence to Gods honour, the estate 
of Princes, or priuate mens honest actions: but pleasant recreation to beguile the iniquity 
of time. Translated out of French by A. M. one of the Messengers of her Maiesties 
Chamber. Pater e aut obsfine. Imprinted at London by lohn Winder for Simon Water- 
son. 1593." There was a second edition in 1616. 

72 For a good bibliographical account of this work, see Jean George Theodore Graese, 
Tresor de Ltvres Rares et Precieux (Dresden, 1859-1869), V, 130-131. 

73 The French version published at Paris in 1561 contains twenty-six paradoxes. Its 
title reads: "XXV paradoxes ou sentences debatues et . . . deduites contre le commune 
opinion. . . . Plus adjouste de nouveau le paradoxe que le plaider est chose tres utile et 
necessaire a la vie des hommes. Paris, 1561." This French version is credited to Charles 
Estienne. My colleague, Dr. Henry K. Miller, Jr., informs me that, although the first 
twenty-five of the paradoxes in this volume are from Landi's Paradosii^ the twenty- 
sixth the one in defense of lawyers is apparently Estienne's own, or at any rate is 
not in Landi. 

[ 335 ] 


blindness, foolishness, loss of worldly honors, drunkenness, sterility, 
and want. The paradoxes promised for his second volume are to in- 
clude, he says, a defense of the wounded, the illegitimate, prisoners, 
women, and lawyers. 7 * As for his intention in preparing the volume 
for publication, he paraphrases what his French source had said to 
justify itself. Thus he recalls in his address "To the friendly Reader" 
that a knight is prepared for the field by exercises in arms 5 and 
he adds: 

In like manner, for him that woulde be a good Lawyer, after he hath 
long listened at the barrej he must aduenture to defend such a cause, 
as they that are most imployed, refuse to maintaine: therby to make 
himselfe more apt and ready, against common pleaders in ordinarie 
causes of processe. For this intent, I haue vndertaken (in this book) 
to debate on certaine matters, which our Elders were wont to cal 
Paradoxes ... to the end, that by such discourse as is helde in them, 
opposed truth might appeare more cleere and apparant. Likewise, to 
exercise thy witte in proofe of such occasions, as shall enforce thee to 
seeke diligentlie and laboriously, for sound reasons, proofes, authori- 
ties, histories, and very darke or hidden memories. 75 

Lazarus Plot's The Orator is very similar in purpose to Mundy's 
Defence of Contraries, but there is no truth in the old belief that 
"Piot" is one of Mundy's pseudonyms and that The Orator is mere- 
ly an expansion of Mundy's earlier collection of paradoxes. In fact, 
Mundy and Piot are two quite different persons, and these two works 
are quite unlike in content, as Celeste Turner was the first to empha- 
size. 76 

The Orator is made up of a hundred exercises, each of which con- 
tains a speech made in accusation and a speech made in reply. 77 Dec- 
lamation 8 1, for example, concerns a surgeon who murdered a man 

7 * Defence of Contraries^ pp. [102-103], 

T5 Ibid. y sig. A4r-A4V. The fact that Mundy's preface "To the Reader" is a para- 
phrase of Estienne*s "An Lecteur Salut" was also called to my attention by Pr. Miller. 

Tft See Celeste Turner, Anthony Mundy An Elizabethan Man of Letters (Berkeley, 
X 9 2 8)> PP- 98-102, 196. 

77 Its title page reads: "The Orator: Handling 1 a hundred seuerall Discourses, in 
forme of Declamations: Some of the Arguments being- drawne from Titus Liuius and 
other ancient Writers, the rest of the Authors owne inuention: Part of which are of 
matters happened in our Age. Written in French by Alexander Siluayn, and Englished 
by L, P. London Printed by Adam Islip. 1596." The French work upon which Piot 

les demandes, accusations & deffences sur la matiere d'icelles." (Paris, 

E 336 ] 


"to see the mouing of a quicke heart." 78 The surgeon was a resident 
of Padua, enjoyed a reputation for great skill, and had the desire to 
open a living man in order that he might observe how the human 
heart beats. The government would not give him a condemned male- 
factor for experimental purposes, however, and thus the surgeon 
had to make his own arrangements. One night a poor soldier came 
to his door. The surgeon took him in, kept him three days in secret, 
and then had him taken to a cave, where, with the help of hirelings, 
the surgeon bound him and opened him alive, and a saw that in him 
which he so greatly desired." But one of the hirelings confessed his 
part in the crime. The surgeon was brought to trial. Declamation 8 1 
consists of his statement in defense of his act, and of the attorney 
general's reply. The surgeon's statement in defense pled that he 
killed this one man to save many, and that he had been forced to do 
as he did because the Senate would provide him with no condemned 
malefactor for his purpose. He also argued that the murdered man 
was probably a bad lot, being a soldier. But he said nothing of what 
he had seen when he observed a living heart at work. The reply of 
the attorney general accused the surgeon of egotism, and argued that 
he might have tried his experiment on an animal "whose entrals had 
not beene much vnlike vnto a mans." The attorney general also said 
that the surgeon was guilty of slandering as well as murdering the 
victim, and that his crime would incite others to similar atrocities. 

This is one of the most interesting of the cases in The Orator. Of 
greater literary interest, perhaps, is Declamation 95, which concerns 
a Jew who lent a Christian money, and was promised a pound of 
flesh from the Christian's body if the debt was not paid on time." 
The speeches in this case may have suggested something to Shake- 
speare for his famous trial scene in The Merchant of Venice. If so, 
the argument runs, Shakespeare's play could not have been written 
before 1596, when The Orator was published. 80 

Plot wants these declamations to be used to develop rhetorical 
skill. In his address to the reader at the beginning of his work, he 
speaks as follows: 

In these thou maiest learne Rhethoricke to inforce a good cause, and 
art to impugne an ill. In these thou maiest behold the fruits and 
flowers of Eloquence, which as Tully saith in his Orator, Bene con>- 

78 The Orator* pp. 316-332. 79 Ibid., pp. 400-406. 

80 For a brief reference to this matter, see William Allan Nejl&on and Charles Jarvis 
Hill, The Complete Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare (Boston, 194*), p. 116. 

[ 337 ] 


stitutae ciuitatis est quasi alumna: Vse them to thy profit good Reader, 
and accept them with as good a mind as I present them with a vertuous 
intent. If thou studie law, they may helpe thy pleadings, or if diuinitie 
(the reformer of law) they may perfect they [sic] persuasions. In 
reasoning of priuate debates, here maiest thou find apt metaphors, in 
incouraging thy souldiours fit motiues . . * briefly euery priuate man 
may in this be partaker of a generall profit. . . . 

Two formulary rhetorics of the seventeenth century will close 
my account of this branch of the counterreform. One of them was 
the work of John Clarke, the other, of Thomas Home. Both were 
intended to circulate within the world of the schoolboy rather than 
in the world of the adult student as envisaged by Piot, Mundy, and 
Angel Day. Thus it should occasion no surprise that Clarke and 
Home make more of an attempt than did Piot, Mundy, and Day to 
preserve important parts of the terminology of Ciceronian rhetoric 
in connection with their publishing of models for study and imitation. 

Clarke's earliest contribution to formulary rhetoric was published 
at London in 1628 under the title, Transitionum rhetoricarum for- 
mulae, in usum scholarum, but that work was supplanted the next 
year by his Formvlae Oratoriae^ a third edition of which was entered 
in the stationers' registers on June i, 1629, with John Clarke desig- 
nated as author and Thomas Farnaby as editor. 81 Clarke was master 
of the free school at Lincoln, and his Formulae Oratoriae makes use 
of that circumstance by including a series of salutatory, valedictory, 
and eristical orations as given by students at that school. 82 The work 
also includes other types of speeches, as well as a series of formulas 
for introducing orations, for winning good will, for conciliating, for 
addressing one's adversary, for insinuating, moderating, explaining, 
partitioning, proving, citing testimony, objecting, refuting, conclud- 
ing, recapitulating, arousing feeling, and making transitions. 8 * In 
addition to these models, there -is a preliminary section headed 

81 The earliest edition that I have seen is the fourth. Its title page reads: "Formvlae 
Oratoriae in usum scholaru concinnatae una cum orationibvs Declamation ib us &c De[que] 
collocatione oratoria et artificio demum Poetico, praeceptiunculis. Quarta Editio. . . . 
Impe Robert! Mylbourn in Caemi Paulino ad Insig 6 . Canis Leporary. 1632." For the 
entry of the third edition with the Stationers, see Arber, Transcript of the Registers, iv, 
212. Clarke's Transitionum Formulae was entered with the stationers on March 31, 
1628. See Arber, Transcript of the Registers^ iv, 195. 

82 See Formvlae Oratoriae (1632), pp. 190 ff. 

83 For a comparison of Clarke's formulas with those of Lipsius, Alsted, and Farnaby, 
and for a sketch of formulary rhetoric in the seventeenth century, see Ray Nadeau, 
"Oratorical Formulas in Seventeenth-Century England," The Quarterly Journal of 

xxxviu (1952), 149-154. 

[ 338 ] 


"Methodvs" in which epistles, themes, and declamations are classified 
and discussed. Epistles, for example, are classed as demonstrative, 
deliberative, and judicial, whereas demonstrative epistles are classed 
as narration-descriptions, laments, eulogies, and so on. Towards the 
end of the work as a whole, there is a section on making verses. With 
variety of this sort, we need not wonder that the Formulae Oratoriae 
found a continuing place for itself in schoolboy life, and that by 1673 
it was in its eleventh edition. 84 

Thomas Home, whose Rhetoricae Compendium was mentioned 
in connection with my account of the English Ramists, 85 also made a 
contribution to formulary rhetoric in England by publishing at Lon- 
don in 1641 a work called Xetpaycuyta sive Manuductio in Aedem 
Palladis?* The IVLanuductio is divided into three parts, one dealing 
with rhetorical preliminaries, another with precepts, and the third 
with examples. 87 The examples concern such themes as "On the Birth- 
day of Christ, Savior of Humankind," "Lamentations on Christ's Pas- 
sion," "In Annual Remembrance of the Consecration of Charles," 
"Virtue shines in Adversity," "Elizabeth Queen of the English," 
"Envy as Nurse of Evil," "A Friend as Another Self," and so on. 
But the section on precepts also contains examples of a briefer sort in 
the shape of formulas for such rhetorical operations as introducing 
speeches, expressing gratitude, rebuking an adversary, providing con- 
nections and transitions, exhorting, dissuading, supplicating, citing 
examples, referring to authorities, and stating conclusions. 88 In the 
first section of his work Home maintains contact with the Ciceronian 
tradition by talking about invention and about the parts of the classi- 
cal oration. 89 For the rest, there is nothing about the work to require 
attention, except for the interesting circumstance that Home's Latin 
text is at one point interrupted so that for study and imitation he can 
present a few English models of sententious remarks, letters, and 
short speeches. 90 

John Newton, whose work on logic and rhetoric has been men- 

84 See Wing, Short-Title Catalogue^ s.v. Clark, John. 

85 See above, p. 273. 

86 Its title page reads: "Xeipo-ywyfa sive Manuductio in Aedem Palladis, Qua utilissima 
methodus Authores bonos legendi indigitatur: Opera Th. Home Art. Mag. Scholae 
Tunbridgiensis Archididascali .... Londini, Excudebat Rob. Young. 1641." My present 
discussion is based upon the Princeton University Library copy of the edition of this work 
at London in 1687. 

87 Manuductio (1687), pp. 1-54.3 55-152, 153-208. 

88 Ibid., pp. 71-92. 

89 Ibid.y pp. 26-29, 30-335 also p. 99. 

90 For these English examples, see pp. 102-110. 

[ 339 1 


tioned above, 91 and who wanted to make the liberal arts available in 
English, expressed in 1671 an interesting verdict upon the formulary 
rhetorics of Clarke and Farnaby, and upon certain other aspects of 
rhetorical education in the seventeenth century. In the preface of his 
Introduction to the Art of Rhetorick y he castigates teachers who dis- 
parage the teaching of English to children, and he mentions the 
difficulty he himself had had as a schoolboy with rhetorical instruc- 
tion as conducted in Latin. He observes: "I thought it hard my self, 
that I should be commanded to make a Theam before I had any 
other instructions for framing thereof than what Claris Formulae 
or Farnabie's Rhetorick did afford me: As for the Oratorical part of 
Sutler's Rhetorick it was to us like terra incognita, and it is well if 
it be otherwise yet. . . ," 92 Newton then speaks disparagingly of the 
things he had been forced to read in order to find subject matter for 
his themes. As he recalls how thoroughly he had neglected the books 
assigned to him, he remarks that he cannot but smile now at the 
cheats perpetrated by the boys against their masters. The boys, it 
would seem, went to Clarke's Formulae or Farnaby's Index Rhetori- 
cu3 whenever they had to write a composition 5 and they proceeded 
to copy out an exordium from this place, a narration and confirma- 
tion from thatj concealing their source in each case by some changes 
in phraseology. The remedy for such cribbing, Newton thought, was 
to teach boys to write in their own tongue and to delay their use of 
the formularies until they had some grounding in histories and 
moral discourses. 

In concluding this sketch of Ciceronian rhetoric as it was adapted 
to the needs of Englishmen in the seventeenth century, I should 
like to mention two additional treatises that belong to my subject, 
not as formularies or as works upon Cicero's full program or upon 
style, but as works upon gesture and memory. Gesture is the sole con- 
cern of John Bulwer's Chirologia . . . Chironomia, published at Lon- 
don in 1 644.'* "Chironomia" is a word out of Quintilian meaning 

91 See pp. 271-272, 316-317. 92 Sig. 

93 Its title pag-e reads: "Chirologia: or the Natvrall Langvage of the Hand. Composed 
of the Speaking- Motions, and Discoursing- Gestures thereof. Whereunto is added Chirono- 
mia: Or, the Art of Man vail Rhetoricke. Consisting of the Naturall Expressions, digested 
by Art in the Hand, as the chief est Instrument of Eloquence, By Historicall Manifesto's, 
Exemplified Out of the Authentique Registers of Common Life, and Civill Conversation. 
With Types, or Chyrograms: A long wish'd for illustration of this Argument. By J. B. 
Gent. Philochirosophus. Manus tnembrum hominis loquacissimum. London, Printed by 
TAa* Har$er y and are to be sold by R. Whitaker, at his shop in Pauls Church-yard. 
1644." The dedicatory epistle is signed "John Bulwer." The Chtrologia covers 191 

[ 340 ] 


"the law of gesture," 94 and Bulwer characterizes this law as "The 
Art of Manuall Rhetorique." Thus he sets forth, as he says, "the 
Canons, Lawes, Rites, Ordinances, and Institutes of Rhetoricians, 
both Ancient and Moderne, Touching the artificiall managing of the 
Hand in Speaking." 95 As for the "Chirologia," Bulwer interprets 
that as the natural language of the hand and body that is, the mean- 
ings that writers have fixed upon such gestures as wringing the 
hands, shaking hands, kissing the hands, and so on. One of the most 
interesting things about Bulwer's work as a whole is that he attributes 
to Francis Bacon's De Dignitate et Augmentis Scientiarum the in- 
spiration that produced it. 96 Another interesting thing about it is its 
connection with contemporary theories of acting. 97 Still another inter- 
esting thing about it is its illustrations, one of which precedes the 
title page and pictures "Eloquentia" as an open hand, "Logica" as a 
fist. An adaptation of this illustration appears on the title page of this 
present book. 

The other additional treatise is called The Art of Memory r , writ- 
ten by Marius D'Assigny, and published at London in i697- 98 D'As- 
signy, who was of French extraction, had a considerable interest in 
rhetoric. In fact, his Rhetorica Anglcrum^ put out in 1699, was com- 
posed of oratorical exercises in sacred and ordinary rhetoric and of 
certain rules for the strengthening of weak memories. 99 His Art of 
Memory ', dedicated "To the Young Students of both Universities," 
is a rather quaint treatise on man's faculty for remembering, and it 
contains much medical and psychological lore of its own day 5 but its 
final chapter, "Of Artificial or Fantastical Memory or Remem- 
brance," is a restatement of the Ciceronian theory of places and 
images as an aid to recollection. 100 Thus did Ciceronian rhetoric con- 
tinue to exert its influence to the very end of the period of my 
present study. 

pages. The Chironomia has its own title page and separate pagination. It covers 
14.7 pages. 

94 See Institutio Oratoria, 1.11.17. 

95 These words are from the separate title page of the Chironomia. 

96 See Chirologia .... Chironomia y sig. A4V-A5V. 

97 For a discussion of this matter, see B. L. Joseph, Elizabethan Acting (Oxford, 
I 95 1 )- Joseph prints from Bulwer's Chirologia .... Chironomia several pages of 
illustrations of gestures; see pp. 4, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48. 

98 Its title page reads : "The Art of Memory. A Treatise useful for such as are to 
speak in Publick. By Marius D'Assigny, B. I>. . . . London, Printed by 7. D. for Andr. 
Bell at the Cross-Keys and Bible in Cornhil^ near Stocks-market, 1697." 

99 See Dictionary of National Biogra-phy, s.v. D'Assigny, Marius (1643-1717), for 
the complete Latin title of this work. 

100 Art of Memory, pp. 82-91. 

[ 341 1 


New Horizons in Logic and Rhetoric 

I. Descartes and the Port-Royalists 

Kius's campaign against the citadel of scholasticism was not 
conducted in the modern spirit, even if it is tempting to 
regard him as a direct forerunner of Bacon and Descartes. 
He was on the side of the moderns, to be sure, in his fer- 
vent belief that the scholastic theory of communication needed dras- 
tic revision if it was to satisfy the needs of a new era in human affairs. 
But when he came to formulate his conception of what those revi- 
sions should be, he hardly assumes the role of prophet of things to 
come. Indeed, his revisions seem now to be little more than a scho- 
lasticism with certain redundancies eliminated, certain terms dis- 
carded, certain procedures newly emphasized, and certain reorganiza- 
tions effected. Thus he cut out of rhetoric all material that had 
previously received a logical as well as a rhetorical coverage, and 
he gave that material to logic alone. Thus also he cut out of gram- 
mar all things previously included in both rhetoric and grammar, 
and he gave those things entirely to rhetoric. Having made these 
three liberal arts severely independent of each other, he reorganized 
their precepts by using dichotomies as a presentational device and by 
adopting a descending order of generality as the grand principle of 
structure. In the field of logic, which was his own favorite subject, 
he gave new emphasis to the separation of that art into invention 
and arrangement 5 he discarded the predi cables and the predicaments 
from logical theory 5 he reduced invention to a neat and convenient 
system of ten places 5 and finally he gave prominence to his own 
version of Aristotle's three laws of the proposition and to his own 
rigorous revision of the scholastic theory of method. These reforms 
are not unreasonable or unhelpful, nor did they prove unpopular. 
But nevertheless they do not provide a clue to the direction that logic 
was to take in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In short, they 
are not the instruments of revolution. 

The same observation holds true for the Systematics. They were 
on the side of the moderns in their belief that something had been 
wrong with the old scholasticism, and that Ramus had not entirely 
corrected it. But in their vision of reform they saw only the alterna- 

[ 34* ] 


tive of proceeding to improve scholasticism in the direction taken 
by Ramus or of proceeding to improve Ramism by a retreat towards 
scholasticism. Thus they accepted Ramus's emphasis on the theory 
of method and sought to improve and extend what he had done in 
that field. Thus they rejected his rejection of the predicables and the 
predicaments, with the result that these celebrated terms were re- 
stored to logical theory. Thus also they rejected Ramus's division 
of logic into invention and arrangement, preferring instead a scho- 
lastic division into terms, propositions, arguments, and fallacies. So 
far as the Systematics began to emphasize logical method as investi- 
gative no less than presentational, they were showing their aware- 
ness of the intellectual revolution that was taking place in the seven- 
teenth century. But otherwise they were looking to the past, not 
the future. 

Apart from the English Ramists and Systematics, who between 
themselves were responsible for most of the logical treatises pro- 
duced in England during the seventeenth century, there was a move- 
ment that now demands some attention. That movement stemmed 
from one of the great works of the modern world, Rene Descartes's 
Discours de la Methode -^ and it became influential in England when 
one of the most popular textbooks of all time, The Port-Royal 
Logic, began to appear at London presses in the closing decades of 
the seventeenth century. The Discours de la Methode and The Port- 
Royal Logic are not the only forces behind the development of 
modern English logic, but they are the most important new forces 
to reveal themselves in logical treatises printed in England before 
1700; and the earlier of them is perhaps the most illuminating of 
all the books that have to be read if we are to understand the nature 
of the difference between the medieval and the modern world. Speak- 
ing of Descartes's philosophy as a whole, and of the Discours de la 
Methode in particular, Leon Roth well summarizes the importance 
of that work as follows: "It marks an epoch. It is the dividing line 
in the history of thought. Everything that came before it is old; 
everything that came after it is new." 1 These words, by the way, 
apply with special aptness to the Discour de la Methode as a protest 
against the Ramists and the scholastics and as an anticipation of the 
logic of Port-Royal. 

The Discours de la Methode or Discourse on Method was pub- 

1 Leon Roth, Descartes* Discourse on Method (Oxford, 1937), p. 3. 

[ 34-3 1 


lished in 1637,* when Descartes was forty-one years of age, and 
thus we may say that the new logic had its official beginning at that 
time. But Descartes tells us in that treatise that he was twenty-three 
when he first evolved his famous method and decided to make it the 
rule of his life. 8 Since Descartes became twenty-three on March 31, 
1619, the new logic may be said to have been in existence for eight- 
een years before it finally reached the public, and to have had some 
kind of form before the publication of that great similar revolution- 
ary document, Francis Bacon's Novttm Organum* 

More of a spiritual autobiography than a formal exposition, the 
Discourse recounts how Descartes had become dissatisfied with the 
literary education he had received, and with the entire system of 
opinions which he (and the surrounding European community) held. 
That education had embraced the usual subjects: languages, fables, 
histories, eloquence, poetry, mathematics, morals, theology, juris- 
prudence, medicine, and philosophy. 5 As he describes these for us, 
and expresses his continuing respect for them and for his Jesuit teach- 
ers, we recognize an active note of distaste only in his account of 
philosophy, by which he obviously meant logic. He says of it that it 
"affords the means of discoursing with an appearance of truth on all 
matters, and commands the admiration of the more simple." 6 As for 
the respected beliefs which his education had given him, they seemed 
to him to rest more upon example and custom than upon reasoned 
conviction, and his faith in them began to wane. At this point (he 
was sixteen at the time and the year was 1612) he made a decision 
which might stand as the symbol of the decision made by mankind 
in turning from the medieval to the modern world: he decided to 
abandon old beliefs and to reconstitute his knowledge. Speaking of 
this decision and of the events that led to it, he says: 

For these reasons, as soon as my age permitted me to pass from under 
the control of my instructors, I entirely abandoned the study of letters, 
and resolved no longer to seek any other science than the knowledge 
of myself, or of the great book of the world. I spent the remainder 
of my youth in travelling, in visiting courts and armies, in holding 

2 Ibid ty pp. 13-16. 

3 Rene Descartes, Discours de la Methode^ ed. tienne Gilson (Paris, 1925), p. 22. 

4 For a comparison of Bacon and Descartes on the subject of method, see Roth, of. cit^ 
pp. 52-71, 

6 John Veitch, trans. The Method, Meditations,, and Selections jrom the Principles of 
Descartes (Edinburgh and London, 1887), pp. 5-11. 
p. 7. 

[ 344 ] 


intercourse with men of different dispositions and ranks, in collecting 
varied experience, in proving myself in the different situations into 
which fortune threw me, and, above all, in making such reflection on 
the matter of my experience as to secure my improvement. 7 

Descartes's reflection upon the matter of his experience during 
the next seven years produced at length his famous method. That 
method was his personal prescription for the reconstituting of his 
own knowledge, and it consisted of four maxims. He states them thus: 

The -first was never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly 

know to be suchj that is to say, carefully to avoid precipitancy and 

prejudice, and to comprise nothing more in my judgment than what 

was presented to my mind so clearly and distinctly as to exclude all 

ground of doubt. 

The second, to divide each of the difficulties under examination into 

as many parts as possible, and as might be necessary for its adequate 


The third, to conduct my thoughts in such order that, by commencing 

with objects the simplest and easiest to know, I might ascend by little 

and little, and, as it were, step by step, to the knowledge of the more 

complex 5 assigning in thought a certain order even to those objects 

which in their own nature do not stand in a relation of antecedence 

and sequence. 

And the last, in every case to make enumerations so complete, and 

reviews so general, that I might be assured that nothing was omitted. 8 

As a prudent reformer, who understood that man cannot live with- 
out belief and that the abandonment of belief is not something to be 
casually undertaken or irreverently executed, Descartes sought to 
caution the public against the injudicious application of his method 
to their own lives. "I have never contemplated anything higher," he 
insists, "than the reformation of my own opinions, and basing them 
on a foundation wholly my own." 9 "The single design to strip one's 
self of all past beliefs," he adds, "is one that ought not to be taken 
by every one." 10 He even acknowledges that he had to protect him- 
self against the chaos of disbelief by evolving and using a provisory 
code of morals for his own guidance during the interval between his 
rejection of the old and his acceptance of the new. That provisory 
code is his subject in Part III of his Discourse, and its first article is 
that he did not permit himself to abandon his faith in God. 11 

7 Ibid., p. 10. 8 Ibid.) p. 19. 9 lbid. 9 pp. 15-16. 

10 Ibid., p. 16. ^Ibid., p. 23. 

[ 345 '] 


The remaining sections of the Discourse represent Descartes's at- 
tempt to build a new world for himself. Part IV, it will be recalled, 
contains his celebrated argument, "je pense, done je suis," which be- 
comes the first principle of his new philosophy and also the basis for 
his proof of the existence of God. 12 In Part V he presents a summary 
of a treatise he had prepared in the course of applying his four max- 
ims to the study of the world and man- and this summary is an 
interesting indication of the structure and content of the new science 
he is working to create. A memorable feature of this section of the 
Discourse is his tribute to Harvey for the latter's discovery of the 
circulation of the blood. 13 In Part VI, his concluding section, Des- 
cartes explains at some length why his Discourse and the three 
treatises accompanying it in its first edition are being offered to the 
public in place of the treatise which he had presented in summary. 
At moments during this explanation he seems particularly close to 
the modern world, as for example when he mentions that the new 
science will have the power to "render ourselves the lords and pos- 
sessors of nature." 14 Most prophetic of all are his remarks about the 
future of medicine. 

It is true [he says] that the science of Medicine, as it now exists, con- 
tains few things whose utility is very remarkable': but without any 
wish to depreciate it, I am confident that there is no one, even among 
those whose profession it is, who does not admit that all at present 
known in it is almost nothing in comparison of what remains to be 
discovered 5 and that we could free ourselves from an infinity of mala- 
dies of body as well as of mind, and perhaps also even from the debility 
of age, if we had sufficiently ample knowledge of their causes, and of 
all the remedies provided for us by Nature. 15 

Turning now to the consideration of the Discourse as a pivotal 
event in the history of logic, I should like to point out that it breaks 
with the past in at least three important ways. A discussion of each 
of them at this point will introduce us to several of the unusual 
aspects of The Port-Royal Logic and will indicate much of what the 
new logic was to be. 

In the first place, Descartes's Discourse calls for a logic that will 
accept experiment rather than disputation as the chief instrument in 
the quest for truth. The logic of the scholastics and the Ramists had 

12 For Descartes's statement of his first principle, see Discours y ed. Gilson, p. 32. 

13 Ibid. y pp. 50, 4.07-408. 14 Vetch, o<p. cit. y p. 61. 
15 Ibid., p. 6 1. 

['346 1 


been a logic of learned disputation. That is to say, it had been a logic 
for the conduct of disputes, and its great unwritten assumption was 
that by conducting disputes man could detect error and establish 
truth. Descartes's disagreement with this assumption is sharp and 
uncompromising. In considering whether the scientist gains an ad- 
vantage from publishing his discoveries and having them subjected 
to controversy, Descartes indicates that in his own case his critics had 
not been of assistance. Of disputation in general he then says this: 

And further, I have never observed that any truth before unknown 
has been brought to light by the disputations that are practised in the 
Schools y for while each strives for the victory, each is much more 
occupied in making the best of mere verisimilitude, than in weighing 
the reasons on both sides of the question 3 and those who have been 
long good advocates are not afterwards on that account the better 
judges. 16 

But the scientist does gain an advantage from publishing his discover- 
ies and having them verified and extended by the experiments that 
others will thereupon be induced to make. In fact, Descartes reveals 
that this very consideration is a powerful factor in impelling him to 
publish the Discourse and the three treatises that accompany it. 17 
Private and personal as this decision may appear to be, it stands never- 
theless in relation to the great intellectual change that took place in 
the seventeenth century a change in which disputation lost its mo- 
nopoly as an instrument for the pursuit of truth, and came rather to 
be regarded as an adjunct to the experimental approach. 

In the second place, Descartes's Discourse calls for a logic that 
will be a theory of inquiry rather than a theory of communication. 
The logic of the scholastics and the Ramists had been formulated as 
an instrument for the transfer of knowledge from expert to expert. 
Thus invention was construed, not as the process of discovering what 
had been hitherto unknown, but as the process of establishing con- 
tact with the known, so that the storehouse of ancient wisdom would 
yield its treasures upon demand, and would bring the old truth to 
bear upon the new situation. The ten places of Ramus, and the ten 
categories of Aristotle as interpreted by the scholastics, were devices 
for establishing contact between the new case and the old truth. 
Once he had established systematic contact between these two sets 
of realities, the learned man had the materials for communication, 

p. 67. 1T Ibid., p. 73. 

[ 347 1 


and his next problem was to arrange those materials for presentation. 
This problem was solved by the scholastic and the Ramistic theory of 
method. Method to these logicians was not a method of inquiry but 
a method of organization. Thus Ramus's natural method required 
that the more general statement should have precedence over the less 
general whenever ideas were arranged into formal treatises. But how 
were those general statements found in the first place? Ramus found 
them in custom and example, but Descartes could not find them there, 
inasmuch as his original loss of belief occurred because all knowledge 
found in custom and example seemed to him doubtful or erroneous. 
Thus Descartes had to evolve a new sort of method a method of 
inquiry. In evolving this method, he had turned first, he says, to the 
logicians, only to find them inadequate. Of their science he has this 
to say: 

But, on examination, I found that, as for Logic, its syllogisms and 
the majority of its other precepts are of avail rather in the communi- 
cation of what we already know, or even as the Art of Lully, in 
speaking without judgment of things of which we are ignorant, than 
in the investigation of the unknown 5 and although this Science con- 
tains indeed a number of correct and very excellent precepts, there 
are, nevertheless, so many others, and these either injurious or super- 
fluous, mingled with the former, that it is almost quite as difficult to 
effect a severance of the true from the false as it is to extract a Diana 
or a Minerva from a rough block of marble. 18 

This criticism provides the context for Descartes's announcement of 
the four maxims that make up his method. These four maxims bear 
upon the investigation of the unknown, but the third in particular 
embodies Descartes's whole concept of investigative procedure, and 
that maxim requires the investigator to proceed from the simplest 
and easiest truths towards the more complex. Such a procedure stands 
in sharp contrast to Ramistic method, which began with the most 
general and proceeded towards the most particular. It should be 
noticed, however, that Descartes's theory of method, although op- 
posed to Ramus's theory, is not unlike that of Smith, Sanderson, and 
certain other Systematics, who, as I have shown, thought of method 
in its investigative aspects. 19 Nevertheless, Descartes differs from the 
Systematics in refusing to allow presentational method a place in 
logic. In this respect he was more modern than they and indeed 
more modern than the Port-Royalists. 

p. 18. 19 See above, pp. zgg, 297, 306. 

[ 348 ] 


In the third place, Descartes's Discourse calls for a logic of prac- 
tical as distinguished from speculative science. By practical he meant 
actually usable in life. Speaking of his new notions in the field of 
physics, and remarking upon the difference between them and the 
principles employed up to his time, he gives the following account of 
the meaning of his notions to science: 

For by them I perceived it to be possible to arrive at knowledge highly 
useful in life 5 and in room of the Speculative Philosophy usually 
taught in the Schools, to discover a Practical, by means of which, 
knowing the force and action of fire, water, air, the stars, the heavens, 
and all the other bodies that surround us, as distinctly as we know 
the various crafts of our artizans, we might also apply them in the 
same way to all the uses to which they are adapted, and thus render 
ourselves the lords and possessors of nature. 20 

A further indication of Descartes's conception of the science that 
would emerge from the use of his method is afforded when in the 
Discourse he speaks of the new science of man, and indulges immedi- 
ately in a minute description of the functioning of the heart and 
arteries. 21 A practical science composed of minute descriptions of this 
sort would postulate induction as the basic logical procedure, and in- 
duction was to become the chief intellectual operation as discussed in 
the new logic. The chief intellectual operation of the old logic was 
syllogistic, even though induction was recognized as one of the forms 
of reasoning. And of course the science envisaged by the old logic 
was speculative rather than practical. For example, in Samuel Smith's 
Aditvs ad Logicam^ which I examined as a specimen of the work of 
the Systematics, method is divided into two branches, the compositive 
and the resolutive, and the former of these, which is the method of 
going from part to whole, and which is not unlike Descartes's pro- 
cedure from simpler to more complex, is useful only in what Smith 
calls the contemplative sciences, where things are examined for them- 
selves, not for the sake of action. 22 Smith does not overlook the prac- 
tical sciences, to be sure. In fact, he specifically applies the resolutive 
method to them. The difference between him and Descartes is that he 
sees speculative sciences emerging from the method of proceeding 
from the particular to the general, whereas Descartes sees practical 
sciences emerging from that same method. 

20 Veitch, op. /., pp. 60-6 1, 

21 Ibid^ pp. 46-54. 

22 See Smith, Aditvs ad Logicam (1627), sig-. Ga 

[ 349 ] 


It took many years for logic to change so as to incorporate within 
itself the three requirements that Descartes wanted it to have. In- 
deed, so far as English logic is concerned, these three requirements 
are completely met for the first time only when John Stuart Mill 
published his System of Logic at London in 1843. Mill's logic em- 
phasizes experiment rather than disputation as the chief instrument in 
the pursuit of truth, his famous description of the four experimental 
methods of inquiry being an adequate illustration of that emphasis. 23 
MilPs logic also stresses that this science is the instrument of inquiry 
rather than communication. Such stress appears first when Mill de- 
fines logic as "the science which treats of the operations of the human 
understanding in the pursuit of truth." 24 But it appears even more 
openly when he adds almost at once: "The sole object of Logic is 
the guidance of one's own thoughts: the communication of those 
thoughts to others falls under the consideration of Rhetoric, in the 
large sense in which that art was conceived by the ancients j or of the 
still more extensive art of Education." 25 As for an emphasis upon 
practical science and the inductive procedure, MilPs logic, with its 
celebrated denial that the syllogism is an adequate description of the 
process of inference, and with its corollary assertion that "All in- 
ference is from particulars to particulars," 26 is more completely in- 
ductive, and more completely directed towards the practical and 
empirical than any preceding logic had been. In this respect, and 
indeed in the two others that I have just mentioned, Mill was in- 
fluenced by many forces: by his opposition to Whately's Logic ; by 
his acquaintance with the works of Newton, Whewell, and Herschel ; 
by his discipleship in the utilitarian philosophy of his father and 
Benthamj and by his intimate familiarity with the development of 
English thought since Bacon. Thus his logical theory is not to be 
explained as a direct descendant of Descartes's Discourse on Method. 
But Descartes may be explained, nevertheless, as MilPs collateral 
ancestor, and the Discourse, as a necessary step in the transition from 
scholastic to modern logic. 

Twenty-five years after the date of the first publication of the 
Discourse, a work called La Logique, ou L*Art de Penser appeared 
anonymously at Paris. This work came ultimately to be called the 

28 For that description, see John Stuart Mill, A System of Logic? Ratio cinative and 
Inductive, 4th edn. (London, 1856), I, 4.19-4.66. 
2 Ibid., I, 4. 

25 Ibid., I, 4-5. 

26 Ibid.) i y 206-231. The quotation is from p. 218, 

[ 350 ] 


Logique de Port-Royal in its own country and The Port-Royal Logic 
in England. Mill mentions it respectfully under the last of these 
titles, and credits it with having given logic a focus upon thinking, 
as distinguished from the old scholastic focus upon argumentation. 27 
It enjoyed an almost unparalleled success in France and on the con- 
tinent from 1662 to 1878, receiving a great many editions at Paris, 
and numerous others at Lyon, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden, Halle, 
Basel, and Madrid. "One can say of this Logic," remarks an en- 
thusiastic eighteenth-century editor, "that it put into oblivion all 
those produced up to its time, and that not one of those produced 
afterwards has put The Art of Thinking into oblivion, although some 
of them have been very good.'' 28 Its great popularity in Europe, and 
its interesting connection with Descartes's Discourse, entitle it with- 
out question to a place in the history of continental logic. What 
makes it of interest in the history of English logic is that it had a 
great success in Britain before the seventeenth century had ended, 
and it was still being published at British presses two hundred years 
later. Between 1664 and 1700 it received eight London editions, one 
in its French text, four in Latin, and three in English. 29 Thereafter 
it was frequently reprinted in English up to the closing years of 
the nineteenth century. 

The authors of this celebrated work were Antoine Arnauld and 
Pierre Nicole, the former of whom composed the first draft for cir- 
culation in manuscript, and the latter of whom helped to prepare the 
first printed edition and to expand the text for subsequent editions. 30 
These two men were close associates in a group of mystics and re- 
formers congregated at Port-Royal near Paris. Theologically this 
group subscribed to the principles of Jansenism, and thus they sought 
to live by a high moral code and to spread such doctrines as that of 
the complete depravity of man, the actuality of predestination, and 
the impossibility of full atonement. The most famous of the Port- 
Royalists was Pascal. By his Provincial Letters and his Thoughts on 
Religion he made Jansenism an impressive force in France during 

28 [G. Du Pac de Belleg-arde and J. Hautefage], CEuvres de Messire Antoine Arnauld 
(Paris, 1775-1781), XLI, iv. Translation mine. Cited below as QSvvres de Arnauld. 

29 The French edition was published at London in 1664 as Logique^ ou VArt de Penser. 
There is a copy of it in Dr. Williams^ Library, London. The Latin editions were pub- 
lished at London in 1674, 1677, 168*5 and 1687, under the title, Logica^ sive ars cogi- 
tandi. So far as the seventeenth century is concerned, the English editions appeared under 
the title, Logic; Or, The Art of Thinking as follows: London, 1685, 1693, 1696. 

80 CEuvres de Arnauld^ XLI, iv-v, 101-104. 

C 351 ] 


the seventeenth century. In addition to their accomplishments in the- 
ology, the Port-Royalists believed in the reform of education, and to 
this end they arranged themselves against the methods used by the 
Jesuits and by the universities. The schools which they established 
came to be known as the little schools of Port-Royal, and two of the 
textbooks written to demonstrate their reforms became celebrated. 81 
One was the Grammaire Generals et Raisonnee, later known as the 
Grammaire de Port-Royal, written by Antoine Arnauld and Claude 
Lancelot. The other was the work under consideration here. 

The first English translators of The Port-Royal Logic are con- 
scious of a certain originality in the work which they are making 
available to their countrymen. They emphasize this attitude in their 
first edition in a preface headed "The Translators to the Reader." 32 
Here they mention how obscure, tedious, and useless logic has be- 
come j how the schoolmen have clogged and fettered reason with 
vain misapplications 5 how ordinary works on logic are shelters for 
the obstinate and vainglorious who refuse either to be beaten or con- 
vinced by argument j and how the remedy is provided by the famous 
author of the present treatise. He has recovered this art from night 
and confusion, continue the translators, and has cleared away the rub- 
bish, the underbrush, the superfluous boughs, "so that now Logic 
may be said to appear like Truth it self, naked and delightful, as 
being freed from the Pedantic Dust of the Schools." 33 These senti- 
ments, which might at first be mistaken for the self-interested exag- 

ai For a study of the educational methods and accomplishments of the Port-Royalists, 
see H. C. Barnard, The Little Schools oj Port-Royal (Cambridge, 1913). 

32 Who these translators were I do not know. The title page of their first edition in- 
dicates that, "For the Excellency of the Matter," the Logic has been "Printed many 
times in French and Latin** and is "now for Publick Good translated into English by 
Several Hands." The best I can do is to suggest that one of the translators bears the 
initials J. L and another, H. C. The initials J. L. appear in the stationers' registers 
under the date of April 2, 1674, where The Art of Thinking is entered for publication 
as "a new System, of Logick^ written originally in French by Monsieur le Bon and, done 
into English by J. L." See Transcript of the Registers* ed. Eyre and Rivington, II, 
479. Monsieur Le Bon was the person originally granted the privilege of publishing 
the Logic in its French text in Paris. See Graesse, Tresor^ s.v. Logique. But J. L. re- 
mains unidentified. As for the initials H. C., they appear as the signature on the dedi- 
catory epistle of the translation of Aristotle's Rhetoric published at London in 16865 
and they connect their owner with our Logic because the title page of that translation 
of Aristotle says that the Rhetoric was "Made English by the translators of the Art of 
Thinking." H. C., however, does not reveal anything about himself in his dedicatory- 
epistle, which is addressed to Henry Sydney, once ambassador to Holland, and later a 
prominent figure in the government of William and Mary. The second English trans- 
lation of the Logic was done by John Ozell and was published at London in 1717. The 
third translation, by Thomas Spencer Baynes, appeared at Edinburgh in 1850. 
33 Logic-, Or, The Art of Thinking (London, 1685), sig. 

[ 352 ] 


gerations of commerce, turned out to correspond with the detached 
judgment of scholarship. 

One dominant feature of The Port-Royal Logic is its lack of en- 
thusiasm for the logical theory of the scholastics. It pays a tribute 
to Aristotle by acknowledging his "very vast and comprehensive 
mind," and by admitting the debt of all subsequent logicians to his 
analysis of the syllogism and of demonstration. In this latter connec- 
tion the Port-Royalists say: "And whatever confusion may be found 
in his Analytics, it must be confessed, nevertheless, that almost all 
that we know of the rules of logic is taken thence $ so that there is, 
in fact, no author from whom we have borrowed more in this Logic 
than from Aristotle." 34 But the borrowings of the Port-Royalists from 
Aristotle are not always complimentary. Here and there they cite 
Aristotle's definitions and reasonings as examples of things to avoid. 35 
And while they deny that it is their intention to do him dishonor 
by such means, 36 they refuse throughout their work to defer to his 
authority upon any matter when reason counsels otherwise. Indeed, 
they state as a kind of thesis that "there is no ground whatever in 
human sciences, which profess to be founded only on reason, for be- 
ing enslaved by authority contrary to reason." 37 And in accordance 
with it they contend that the ten categories, those great concepts of 
scholastic logic, "are in themselves of very little use, and not only 
do not contribute much to form the judgment, which is the end of 
true logic, but often are very injurious, for two reasons, which it is 
important to remark." 38 Their two reasons are to the effect that the 
categories are arbitrary man-made conventions rather than ultimate 
truths, and that they lead men to be satisfied with verbal formula- 
tions rather than with a distinct knowledge of things. Despite these 
objections, however, the Port-Royalists admit the ten categories into 
their logic as being "short, easy, and common" j 39 and they devote 
a brief perfunctory chapter to them. 40 They also devote a brief per- 
functory chapter to another great concept of scholastic logic, the five 
predicables, saying as they dismiss them, "This is more than sufficient 

84 Thomas Spencer Baynes, trans. The Port-Royal Logic, 8th edn. (Edinburgh and 
London [188?]), p. 21. Here and below I have cited Baynes's translation rather than 
that of 1685. Baynes took his duties as translator much more seriously than the original 
translators did, and thus his text can be used with almost no amendments, whereas many 
amendments and various time-consuming explanations would have to be made in con- 
nection with any conscientious use of the earliest English version. 

35 For examples, see Baynes, pp, 168-169, 252. 

36 Ibid., pp. 20-21. 37 Ibid., p. 23. 8S Ibid., p. 40. 
39 Ibid., p. 8. 40 Ibid., pp. 39-42. 

[ 353 ] 


touching the five universals, which are treated at such length in the 
schools." 41 As for the rules of the syllogism, the figures and modes 
of the syllogism, and the grand principle for judging the correctness 
of a syllogism, these topics are also included, but are admitted by 
the Port-Royalists to be of little use, despite the traditional emphasis 
upon them. 42 If to these examples of reluctance on the part of the 
Port-Royalists to endorse scholastic logic we add their slighting 
references to such favorite terms of the Systematics as "second in- 
tentions" and the like, 43 we get the impression that in their view a 
great part of traditional logical theory has lost its utility. 

Another dominant feature of the logic of the Port-Royalists is their 
firm but respectful rejection of several important features of the log- 
ical theory of the Ramists. 44 In fact, the references of Arnauld and 
Nicole to Ramus and his disciples are so numerous as to indicate that 
Ramism had made a profound impression in logical circles in France, 
and that its influence was still felt by Frenchmen in the second half of 
the seventeenth century. Some of these references are concealed, but 
many are open and direct, as if the Port-Royalists wanted their 
criticisms of Ramism to be more than an attempt to slay the slain. 

The concealed rejection of one feature of Ramism occurs when the 
Port-Royalists justify the definition of logic implied in the original 
title of their work. This original title, La Logique, ou L'Art de 
Penser*) shocked certain persons when the work appeared at Paris in 
1662, their objection being that they considered logic to be the art 
of reasoning well rather than the art of thinking. In the second and 
all later editions of the work appears a preliminary chapter headed 

. 55- 

42 CEuvres de Arnauld y XLI, 258. For some reason Baynes does not include in his 
translation a reference to the note in the French text at the beginning- of Part in, Ch. 3, 
saying, "This chapter and the following-, up to the twelfth, are among those which we 
mentioned in the Discourse [that is, in the first of the two discourses prefixed to the text 
of The Port-Royal Logic} as containing things which are subtle and necessary for 
logical speculation but which are of little use." These nine chapters are devoted to the 
rules, the figures, and the modes of the syllogism. 

43 For these slighting references, see Baynes> pp. 10-11. "Words of the first Intention 
are those, whereby any thing is signified or named by the purpose and meaning of the 
first Author or Inuentor thereof, in any speech or language whatsoeuer it be: as the 
beast whereon wee commonly ride, is called in English a Horse, in Latine Equus, in 
Italian Cauallo, in French, CheuaL Words of the second Intention are termes of Art, 
as a Noune, Pronoune, Verbe, or Participle, are termes of Grammar: likewise Genus, 
Sfecies, Pro-prium, and such like, are termes of Logicke." Thus speaks Thomas Blunde- 
ville, The Arte of Logicke (1619), pp. 3-4.. 

44 My present discussion of this matter parallels that in my Fenelon's Dialogues on 
Eloquence (Princeton, 1951), pp. 25-35. 

[ 354 ] 


"Second Discours," in which the authors reply to their critics and 
have this to say of the objection just stated: 

We have found some persons who are dissatisfied with the title, The 
art of thinking^ instead of which they would have us put, The art of 
reasoning well. But we request these objectors to consider that, since 
the end of logic is to give rules for all the operations of the mind, 
and thus as well for simple ideas as for judgment and reasonings, 
there was scarcely any other word which included all these operations: 
and the word thought certainly comprehends them all 5 for simple 
ideas are thoughts, judgments are thoughts, and reasonings are 
thoughts. It is true that we might have said, The art of thinking well$ 
but this addition was not necessary, since it was already sufficiently 
indicated by the word art^ which signifies, of itself, a method of doing 
something well, as Aristotle himself remarks. Hence it is that it is 
enough to say, the art of painting, the art of reckoning, because it is 
supposed that there is no need of art in order to paint ill, or reckon 
wrongly. 45 

Reasoning or arguing had been a component of the scholastic and 
the Ramistic conception of logic, and thus the insistence of the Port- 
Royalists upon thinking is an answer to both of these schools 5 but 
their insistence upon the exclusion of "well" suggests by its length 
and seriousness that something had happened to give this adverb a 
special place in the theory of logic, and that special measures are 
necessary to dislodge it. What had happened, of course, was that 
Ramus had made the word a part of all of his definitions of the lib- 
eral arts. 46 Indeed, his emphasis upon it had taken such a hold that 
the Port-Royalists used the heavy artillery of Aristotle's authority 
against it, even though they did not always defer in their own minds 
to that authority. 

A second feature of Ramistic logic, and a very important feature 
indeed, is rejected quite openly by the Port-Royalists. This feature 
comprehends Ramus's interpretation of the doctrine of places. As we 
know, Ramus had equated the doctrine of the places or seats of 
argument with the doctrine of invention, and had made invention 
first of the two parts of logic. The Port-Royalists say that these 
places, like the ten categories of scholastic logic, are of little use. 47 

* B Baynes, pp. 14-15. 46 See above, p. 151. 

47 They make this remark about the categories and the places in the first of their two 
preliminary discourses. Their words are: "II y avoit d'autres choses qu'on jugeoit assez 
inutilesj comme les categories & les lieux. . . ." See CEuvres de Arnauld^ XLi, in. 
Baynes's translation of this passage (o^>. cit.> p. 8) is inaccurate so far as the word 

[ 355 ] 


Moreover, they reject Ramus's argument for treating the places as 
the first part of logic. Their words are: 

Ramus, on this subject, reproached Aristotle, and the philosophers of 
the schools, because they treated of places after having given the rules 
of argumentation, and he maintained against them that it was neces- 
sary to explain the places, and what pertains to invention, be-fore treat- 
ing of these rules. 

The reason Ramus assigns for this is, that we must have the matter 
found, before we can think of arranging it. 

Now the exposition of places teaches us to find this matter, whereas 
the rules of reasoning can only teach us arrangement. 

But this reason is very feeble, for although it be necessary for the 
matter to be found, in order to [arrange it], it is nevertheless not 
necessary that we should learn how to find the matter before having 
learnt how to dispose it. 48 

The Port-Royalists then widen their attack on the places so as to 
include Cicero, Quintilian, and Aristotle among those who advo- 
cated that method of finding subject matter. Despite the celebrity of 
such sponsors, say Arnauld and Nicole, general experience proves 
the places to be of little real value. Here is the supporting argument: 

We may adduce, as evidence of this, almost as many persons as have 
passed through the ordinary course of study, and who have learned, 
by this artificial method, to find out the proofs which are taught in 
the colleges. For is there any one of them who could say truly, that 
when he has been obliged to discuss any subject, he has reflected on 
these places, and has sought there the reasons which were necessary 
for his purpose? Consult all the advocates and preachers in the world, 
all who speak and write, and who always have matter enough, and I 
question if one could be found who had ever thought of making an 
argument a causa, ab affectu, ab adjunctis, in order to prove that which 
he wished to establish, 49 

As if the doctrine of the places were so firmly entrenched in men's 
minds as to require still more drastic assaults, the Port-Royalists 

"lieux" is concerned. He renders the passage thus: "There are other things which we 
deem sufficiently profitless j such as the categories and the laws. . . ." 

48 Baynes, pp. 236-237. The amendment in brackets is dictated by the French text. 
See OSuvres de Arnauld, XLI, 302. Baynes's "in order to its arrangement" seems less well 
adapted to the original. 

49 Baynes, p. 238, 

[ 356 ] 


narrow the attack once more to the sector occupied by Ramus. They 
quote the speech that Virgil in the Aeneid puts into the mouth of 
Nisus as the latter's friend Euryalus stands surrounded by enemies 
bent on vengeance. Then they observe sarcastically: 

"This is an argument," says Ramus, "a causa efficiente." We may, 
however, judge with certainty, that Virgil, when he wrote these verses, 
never dreamt of the place of efficient cause. He would never have 
made them had he stopped to search out that place j and it was neces- 
sary for him, in order to produce such noble and spirited verses, not 
only to forget these rules, if he knew them, but in some sort also to 
forget himself, in order to realize the passion which he portrayed. 50 

After this bombardment of Ramus and the scholastics, during which 
we can plainly see that the doctrine of the places is doomed to ulti- 
mate extinction, the Port-Royalists suddenly cease their firing, and 
allow the places to come back into logic under a flag of truce. But 
Arnauld and Nicole explain the doctrine with cold brevity, and they 
specifically refuse to treat it according to the plan followed by Cicero, 
by Quintilian, and by Ramus. They say that the plan of Cicero and 
Quintilian is not methodical enough, whereas "that of Ramus is too 
embarrassed with subdivisions." 51 Instead of these, they choose to 
follow the very recent plan proposed by the German philosopher 

A third feature of Ramistic logic is rejected by the Port-Royalists 
in connection with the method they follow in their own work and 
recommend for others. Ramus had decreed that a subject should be 
divided into distinct parts, and that material belonging more to one 
part than another should not be allowed to appear except in that one 
part. This rule is rejected by the Port-Royalists when they explain 
in the first of their preliminary discourses what method they them- 
selves have followed. They say: 

It is right, also, to mention that we have not always followed the 
rules of a method perfectly exact, having placed many things in the 
Fourth Part which ought to have been referred to the Second and 
Third 5 but we did this advisedly, because we judged that it would 
be useful to consider in the same place all that was necessary in order 
to render a science perfect; and this is the main business of method, 
which is treated of in the Fourth Part. For this reason, also, we re- 

60 Ibid., p. 239. 51 Ibid., p. 24.1. 

62 For a note on the Port-Royalists and Clauberg, see Baynes, p. 416. 

[ 357 ] 


served what was to be said of axioms and demonstrations for the same 
place. 53 

Later, when the Port-Royalists speak of the problem of dividing 
wholes into parts, they accept Ramus's view as merely advisory 
rather than compulsive. Here are their exact words: 

Ramus and his followers have laboured very hard to show that no 
divisions ought to have more than two member -s, [dichotomy]. When 
this may be done conveniently, it is better -, but clearness and ease be- 
ing that which ought first to be considered in the sciences, we ought 
not to reject divisions into three members, and especially when they 
are more natural, and when it would require forced subdivisions in 
order to reduce them to two members. For thus, instead of relieving 
the mind, which is the principal end of division, we should load it with 
a great number of subdivisions, which it is much more difficult to re- 
tain than if we had made at once more members in that which we 
divide. For example, is it not more short, simple, and natural, to say, 
All extension is either line y or superficies, or solid, than to say with 
Ramus, Magnitude est Hnea, vel lineatum, lineatum est superficies, 

The theory that a subject may be divided into as many as four parts 
rather than the two advocated by the Ramists is espoused by the Port- 
Royalists themselves when they speak of logic as made up of con- 
ceiving, judging, reasoning, and disposing. 55 And when they come to 
discuss method, they divide it into analysis and synthesis, making the 
former relate to the discovery of truth, the latter, to the presenta- 
tion of truth to others. 56 Ramus, it will be recalled, spoke also of two 
methods, but both of his related to the presentation of truth. 57 Thus 
the Port-Royalists extend Ramus's theory by adding something to 
it, and that something consists explicitly in their mentioning Des- 
cartes and in their recommending as a foundation of all method the 
four rules propounded in his Discourse In fact, Descartes is given 
credit for much of the rest of what the Port-Royalists say on the 
subject of method in inquiry. 59 It must be conceded that the Port- 
Royalists are not so far committed to Descartes as flatly to reject the 
idea of a logic that speculates upon the method of presenting truth to 
others. Instead, they tend to retreat in this respect from the advanced 
outpost of Cartesianism they tend, in other words, to go back to 

58 Ibid., p. 12. 54 Ibid., pp. 165-166. The bracketed word is in Baynes. 

ss lbid., p. 25. S6 Ibid. y pp. 308-323. 67 See above, pp. 160-165. 

58 Baynes> pp. 3*5-3 l6 - 59 See CEuvres de Arnauld y XLI, 362, note (a). 

[ 358 ] 


the Systematics when they allow logical theory to deal with the 
method of presentation as well as with the method o inquiry. Thus 
they show signs of conservatism and caution. They show signs of not 
yet being willing to limit logical method to the discovery of new 
truth, of not yet being willing to require rhetorical theory to take 
charge once more of the theory of presentation 5 but while in each of 
these respects they are not in line with the later views of Mill, they 
are still in the forefront of the logical speculation of the seventeenth 

A fourth feature of Ramistic logic is rejected by the Port-Royal- 
ists when they refuse to follow the dictates of Ramus's law of justice. 
This law, as we know, required that each science should keep rigidly 
to its own subject matter and should touch nothing belonging to other 
sciences. 60 In applying this law, Ramus had refused to allow both 
logic and rhetoric to speculate upon invention and arrangement, or 
to allow both rhetoric and grammar to speculate upon the tropes 
and the "figures. He had decreed instead that logic must be the sole 
science of invention and arrangement, rhetoric the sole science of style 
and delivery. And when he and Talaeus carried out this decree, they 
were careful to exclude all logical content from the theory of rhetoric, 
all rhetorical content from the theory of logic. The Port-Royalists 
show their impatience with this rule in the first of the two pre- 
liminary discourses which are attached to their work. Speaking there 
of certain subjects not treated within their logical theory, they re- 
mark that those subjects belong properly to metaphysics. As if this 
statement implied a conformity to Ramus's law of justice, they go 
on to explain that the subjects in question are omitted as being held 
in low esteem by everyone. In the course of this explanation, they 
affirm their own belief in mentioning in logic any subject whatever 
that is useful in forming the judgment. And they say the following 
with Ramus expressly in mind: 

The arrangement of our different knowledges is free as that of the 
letters in a printing office, each has the right of arranging them in 
different classes according to his need, so that, in doing this, the most 
natural manner be observed. If a matter be useful, we may avail our- 
selves of it, and regard it, not as foreign, but as pertinent 'to the subject. 
This explains how it is that a number of things will be found here 
from physics and from morals, and almost as much of metaphysics 
as it is necessary to know, though in this we do not profess to have 

eo See above, pp. 151-151. 

[ 359 ] 


borrowed anything from any one. All that is of service in logic belongs 
to it 5 and it is quite ridiculous to see the trouble that some authors 
have given themselves as Ramus and the Ramists though other- 
wise very able men, who have taken as much pains to limit the juris- 
diction of each science, and to prevent them from trespassing on each 
other, as might be taken in marking out the boundaries of kingdoms, 
and determining the jurisdiction of parliaments. 61 

While the Port-Royalists were thus taking a stand against certain 
important aspects of Ramism, and were at the same time showing 
their reluctance to accept some of the most hallowed concepts of 
scholasticism, they did not lose the opportunity to express' their pro- 
found indebtedness to Descartes. As I said a moment ago, they made 
open mention of his writings as they were propounding their theory 
of the method of inquiry. But on other occasions they refer to him 
almost as openly, even if our lack of familiarity, with his works makes 
those references seem much less direct to us than to seventeenth- 
century readers. At one point the Port-Royalists identify him under 
a reference to "a celebrated philosopher of this age, 57 and at once 
acknowledge his books as the source of much that was new in their 
own logic. 62 At another point, they cite him as "an author of the 
present time," quoting him there as having said "with great reason, 
that the logical rules of Aristotle serve only to prove to another that 
which we already know, but that the art of Lully only enables us 
to talk, without judgment, of that which we do not know." 63 At still 
another point, they refute the philosopher Gassendi by quoting 
against one of his views the celebrated proposition, "je pense, done 
je suis," although they do not openly identify these words with Des- 
cartes. 64 This and the preceding references are sufficient evidences of 
the Cartesianism of the authors of The Port-Royal Logic. But there 
are many others. For example, the acceptance by the Port-Royalists 
of reason rather than authority as the court of highest appeal in sci- 
ence is not only the pervasive theme of their whole logical theory 
but also that of Descartes's intellectual life after he had lost faith 
in the sciences produced by authority. And, for another and final 
example, the Port-Royalists's use of the words "idea," "thought," 
and "thinking," is thoroughly Cartesian, as Baynes has indicated. 65 

What was the actual logic derived by the Port-Royalists from 
their reluctance towards scholasticism, their respectful repudiation 

61 Baynes, pp. 10-11. e2 Ibid. y pp. 7-8. 63 Ibid.^ p. 4!. Cf. Veitch, op. cit., p. 18. 
64 OSuvres de Arnauld^ XLI, 1325 also Baynes, p. 33. fl5 Op. ctt., pp. xxxvi-xxxvii. 

[ 360 ] 


of Ramus, and their warm admiration for Descartes and the new 
philosophy? This question can be answered only by a complete read- 
ing of The Port-Royal Logic itself. Anyone who undertakes that task 
will find himself rewarded, for the Port-Royalists have not lost their 
significance for us. In Part I of their work, they discuss the opera- 
tion of the mind in conceiving, that is, in forming ideas and in at- 
taching words to them. The student of what we call semantics will 
find this section of The Port-Royal Logic refreshingly modern. Part 
II deals with the mental operation of judging, that is, of putting 
ideas together, of affirming or denying one thing of another, of ex- 
pressing ourselves in propositions. Part III deals with the act of 
reasoning. This operation involves the syllogism, which the Port- 
Royalists doubt to be as useful as it is generally supposed to be. 68 
However, in their analysis of fallacies, particularly those common in 
civil life and ordinary discourse, they make perhaps their finest 
contribution to logical theory, and are as modern as today's news- 
paper. 67 Of the second of their two chapters on fallacies Baynes says: 

It contains a fine analysis of the inward sophisms of interest, passion, 
prejudice, and self-love, through which we are continually deceived, 
and is characterized throughout by a tone of high moral thoughtful- 
ness, and a truly humane, just, and noble spirit. It is a part, therefore, 
which has naturally excited general attention, and called forth uni- 
versal praise. 68 

Immediately after this remarkable chapter on fallacies stands Part 
IV, which describes the mental operation of disposing, that is, of 
ordering ideas, judgments, and reasonings, so as to obtain knowledge 
and to establish it for others. Here, too, there is much to command 
the attention of the modern reader, although we no longer regard 
logic as the science of the method of explaining all the other sci- 
ences, and thus as a branch of the art of communication. 

By way of concluding my analysis of The Port-Royal Logic, I 
should like to say that it comes closer to the three requirements laid 
down by Descartes for this science than does any other logic of its 
time, whether French or English, and thus it deserves what its 
authors say of it when they offer it to the public as "this new logic." 89 

As for Descartes's strongly implied stipulation that logic must 
speculate upon the experimental as distinguished from the disputa- 

66 Baynes, p. 179. C7 See Part in, Ch. 20 j Baynes, pp. 266-297. 

68 Baynes, p. xxxv. 69 /&*<., p. i. 

[ 361 ] 


tious approach to truth, the Port-Royalists are on his side. They do 
not mention disputation when they speak of the four operations that 
logic reflects upon, and of the three services that logic performs. 70 
But they do mention the spirit of debate as an injurious vice, al- 
though they add that discussions cannot in general be censured and 
that, "provided they be rightly used, there is nothing which con- 
tributes more towards giving us different hints, both for finding the 
truth, and for recommending it to others." 71 Moreover, their atti- 
tude towards the value of the experimental approach to truth is well 
illustrated in their discussion of their own opinion of Aristotle. "And 
where is the philosopher," they ask at that point, "who is hardy 
enough to affirm that the swiftness of heavy things increases in the 
same ratio as their weight, since there is no one now who may not 
disprove this doctrine of Aristotle by letting fall from a high place 
very unequal weights, in the swiftness of which, nevertheless, there 
will be remarked very little difference? " 72 

Descartes's explicit stipulation that logic must speculate upon the 
method of finding truth rather than upon the method of imparting 
truth to others is accepted by the Port-Royalists only in part, as we 
have seen. They devote some time to the method of imparting truth 
to others, calling it the method of synthesis or composition or doc- 
trine. 73 In this emphasis, at least, they are closer to the old outlook 
than to the new. But they reverse the situation in their discussion of 
the method of inquiry. There, instead of borrowing their precepts 
from the Systematics, who also had recognized this method, they 
borrow openly from Descartes, and quote his four famous rules .in 
detail. Thus they give new impetus to the tendency that was to lead 
to Mill's removal of the theory of communication from logic. In 
other words, they emerge on this issue as more modern than the 
Systematics, even if they are less modern than Mill. 

Descartes's requirement of a logic for practical as distinguished 
from speculative science is of real influence with the Port-Royalists, 
although their own. prof essional interests are in theology and educa- 
tion rather than in physics or medicine, and thus they do not have 
the scientific learning necessary for a logic heavily illustrated from 
the inductive sciences. They insist that traditional logic is soon for- 
gotten by students who have had to learn it, and they attribute this 
situation to the failure of logic to relate itself to common use. They 

pp. 25-16. 7i lbid., p. z 7 6. lbid., p. z 3 . 

73 Ibid^ pp. 309, 316-318. 

[ 362 ] 


observe at the same time that logic "exists for the very purpose of 
being an instrument to other sciences." They state their own inten- 
tion of illustrating logic from the solid knowledges, "to the end that 
we might learn to judge of these sciences by logic, and to retain 
logic by means of these sciences." 74 Later they describe common logic 
as having the defect "that those who study it are accustomed to find 
out the nature of propositions or reasonings, only as they follow the 
order and arrangement according to which they are fashioned in the 
schools, which is often very different from that according to which 
they are fashioned in the world and in books whether of eloquence, 
or of morals, or of other sciences." 75 They even express doubt in the 
value traditionally attached to the rules of the syllogism, as we have 
seen 5 and of induction they remark, "It is in this way that all our 
knowledge begins, since individual things present themselves to us 
before universals, although, afterwards, the universals help us to 
know the individual." 76 But this and other statements by the Port- 
Royalists do not make their logic an inductive practical logic as was 
that of Mill. For example, the excellent observation just quoted does 
not lead them to include induction under the analysis of reasoning. 
They include it instead as a topic in their first chapter on fallacies. 
Still, they are on the side of the future rather than the past in the 
inductive aspect of their logic, as in the other aspects, and thus they 
gave the seventeenth century a real intimation of things to come, and 
its best intimation, so far as England's logical theory is concerned, 
although they were conservative in the formulation of the new design. 

74 Ibid., p. 1 6, for this and the previous quotations and paraphrases of this paragraph. 

75 Ibid., p. 144. 76 Ibid., p, 265. 

[ 363 ] 

II. Bacon, Lamy, Hobbes, and Glanvill 

SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY England did not witness the publication of 
a rhetorical theory that could engage in serious competition with the 
two major theories described in the preceding chapters. In the period 
between 1600 and 1621, the English Ramists had almost no rivals 
among their own countrymen in the dissemination of rhetorical ideas ; 
and from 1621 to 1700 the Neo-Ciceronians. became more and more 
successful, at first as the competing, and later as the dominant, faction. 
But at the end of the century these two theories were still in posses- 
sion of the field, and no new rhetoric had emerged in any well- 
formulated single treatise to declare itself the herald of a new era. 
Thus the history of English rhetoric in the seventeenth century does 
not openly present a development to match in modernity and fresh- 
ness of approach the event that occurred in English logic when the 
famous work of the Port-Royalists began to appear at London presses 
and to assimilate itself into English learning. In fact, the last major 
episode in a history limited to my present subject and period would 
appear to have been already recorded, and the attempt to chronicle 
the emergence of a new rhetoric would seem to lack a sound factual 

Nevertheless, a new rhetoric that offers some parallel to the new 
logic of the Port-Royalists was in the making in England during the 
seventeenth century. It did not come into being as a single distinct 
work under single authorship, but it did emerge in outline in various 
English publications brought out between 1600 and 1700. Some of 
these publications were devoted directly to rhetoric. They have been 
reserved for this chapter of my history, not because they would have 
been completely out of place under earlier classifications, but be- 
cause they offer some interesting hints as to a new rhetorical attitude 
and thus do not entirely belong to the old systems. Others of these 
publications were devoted to subjects not specifically rhetorical, 
among them being a famous appraisal of learning, a history of the 
new movements in science, some works in the field of logic, and some 
sharp criticisms of the contemporary English pulpit. All of these 
works, and the new rhetorical attitude suggested in them, will be 
my subject in the concluding pages of this book. 

First of all, this new attitude consisted in the recognition that rhet- 
oric must make herself the theory of learned as well as of popular 
communication, and that therefore rhetoric must become a fuller, a 

[ 364 ] 


more inclusive, discipline than it had been with the Ciceronians. In 
Ciceronian terms, of course, rhetoric was limited to popular, and logic 
to learned, converse. Thus both sciences undertook to survey inven- 
tion and arrangement, while rhetoric was forced also to survey style 
and delivery, her followers being required to face the public, and the 
public being in need of such aids to ready understanding as spectacular 
patterns of language and dramatic delivery. Zeno's comparison of 
logic to the closed fist and rhetoric to the open hand was in itself a 
way of saying that logic constituted the theory of discourse for the 
world of learning as rhetoric did for the world of practice and use. But 
there came a time when logic under the impetus of Descartes's teach- 
ings began to renounce its obligation to the theory of communication, 
and to affirm its obligation to the theory of inquiry. At that point 
it became inevitable that rhetoric would take over the obligation re- 
nounced by logic, for society always needs a complete theory of com- 
munication, and rhetoric always possesses some special equipment for 
the meeting of that need. Thus the new rhetoric of the seventeenth 
century is a development towards the idea that learned exposition as 
well as popular argument and exhortation is within its proper scope. 
Francis Bacon, ordinarily considered as Descartes's only rival for 
the honor of being the father of modern philosophy, published his 
first great work, The Advancement of Learning, when Descartes was 
nine years of age. This work is one of the most remarkable of the 
modern era. It undertakes to defend learning against all those who 
discredit it 5 and it undertakes also to survey all branches of learning 
so that the strong disciplines may be identified, and the weaker ones 
carefully marked for further study and improvement. Bacon refers 
to this survey as "a general and faithful perambulation of learning, 
with an inquiry what parts thereof lie fresh and waste, and not im- 
proved and converted by the industry of man." 1 His inventory of the 
learned disciplines, his comments upon their adequacies and inade- 
quacies, became the greatest native influence in English learning dur- 
ing the seventeenth century. So far as English logic of that period is 
concerned, Bacon is a less immediate influence than Descartes, because 
no English logic based directly upon his thinking appeared before 
1700, whereas The Port-Royal Logic with its strong Cartesian out- 
look repeatedly appeared in England after 1664. Nevertheless, The 
Advancement of Learning contains suggestions which could have led 

1 See The Works of Francis Bacon, ed. Spedding, Ellis, and Heath, VI, 1 8 1 . Cited as 
Works of Bacon hereafter. 

[ 365 ] 


to the same kind of logic that the Port-Royalists produced from Des- 
cartes's Discourse, had English logicians been inclined to move in that 
direction. In other respects, Bacon's work had tremendous conse- 
quences at home, particularly in its call for an experimental approach 
to knowledge and in its frank request for the development of new 
arts and sciences. Although it cannot be said to have proposed a com- 
plete new rhetoric, as distinguished from the Ciceronian and Ramistic 
systems then in existence, it did take a fresh look at the theory of 
communication, and it did indicate that rhetoric had obligations to 
learned as well as to popular discourse obligations more compre- 
hensive and vital than it had in the older systems. 

According to The Advancement of Learning^ all knowledge can be 
divided into history, poesy, and philosophy, the last of these cate- 
gories being the complement of the human reason and the general 
head for all sciences, theological, natural, and humanistic. 2 When 
Bacon comes to speak of the humanistic sciences, and those in particu- 
lar which concern man's mind as distinguished from his body, he 
dwells at some length upon four great intellectual arts, and these 
arts he calls invention, judgment, memory, and elocution. 3 These 
are four of the five great arts that Cicero had associated with rhetoric. 
But to Bacon they are not so much the parts of a single discipline as 
the disciplines underlying all the various knowledges. In other words, 
as each scientist gains knowledge in his own field, and judges it, and 
records it, and transmits it, he deals not only with the knowledge of 
that field, but with the knowledges of gaining, judging, recording, 
and transmitting 5 and sooner or later he builds up wisdoms connected 
with these four processes as well as knowledge connected with his 
field. These four processes and the wisdoms built up from the con- 
templation of them are what Bacon discusses under the arts belonging 
to the four terms which he borrows from Ciceronian rhetoric. It is 
profoundly apparent that, while he is in one sense a traditionalist 
bent upon preserving these terms in a spirit of respect, he is in an- 
other sense an innovator bent upon enlarging their reference, re- 
vitalizing their meanings, and making them relate, not to the mere 
desire of a speaker fo command subject matter, organization, mem- 
ory, and delivery, but to the larger desire of scholarship to contribute 
to "the glory of the Creator and the relief of man's estate." 4 Thus 
Bacon's discussion of the four arts has a wider context than did the 
Ciceronian or scholastic discussion of them. 

z Ibid. y vi, 182, 202, 207. * Ibid.y VI, 260-261. 4 Ibid.^ VI, 134. 

[ 366 ] 


The wideness of this context is apparent when Bacon discusses 
invention as the first of these intellectual arts. 5 He sees at once that 
there must be two kinds of invention, one of which brings new arts 
and sciences into being, and the other of which helps us to find 
materials for speech and arguments. In other words, there must be 
one technique of invention for the discovery of something not known 
before, and another technique for the rediscovery of something pre- 
viously known but temporarily forgotten. Bacon sees this second 
technique as a means of getting through to the traditional beliefs of 
the race, but not as a means of discovering new worlds. He says: 

The invention of speech or argument is not properly an invention: 
for to invent is to discover that we know not, and not to recover or 
resummon that which we already know 5 and the use of this invention 
is no other but out of the knowledge whereoj our mind is already 
possessed, to draw forth or call before us that which may be "pertinent 
to the spurfose which we take. -into our consideration* So as, to speak 
truly, it is no Invention, but a Remembrance or Suggestion, with an 
application j which is the cause why the schools do place it after judg- 
ment, as subsequent and not precedent. Nevertheless, because we do 
account it a Chase as well of deer in an inclosed park as in a forest 
at large, and that it hath already obtained the name, let it be called 
invention : so as it be perceived and discerned, that the scope and end 
of this invention is readiness and present use of our knowledge, and 
not addition or amplification thereof. 6 

In his subsequent discussion of the invention of speech and argu- 
ments, Bacon speaks respectfully of promptuaries and topics as aids 
to the resummoning of the knowledge we already havej and al- 
though he recognizes that logic as well as rhetoric has claimed the 
former as well as the latter of these aids, he does not hesitate to 
give the promptuaries or rhetorical places back to rhetoric. 7 In this 
particular he is siding with Ciceronian rhetoric against the Ramists. 
But in his vision of invention as the discovery of something hitherto 
undiscovered, and in his promise to do a subsequent work on the in- 
vention of sciences, 8 he is anticipating Descartes and the Port-Royal- 
ists, and is taking the side of the new logic against Ramism and 

Bacon's discussion of judgment as the second of the four intel- 
lectual arts is in fact a brief discussion of logic. He speaks here of 

id^ VI, 261-272. *Ibid.) VI, 268-269. 7 I&id., VI, 269-270. 

VI, 268. 

[ 367 1 


induction, syllogism, and fallacies. 9 The last of these subjects is so 
handled by him as to constitute the beginnings of what came to be 
famous as his doctrine of Idols. As for induction and syllogism, he 
speaks of the former as being the process of judging immediately 
from the evidence of the senses, whereas the latter is the process of 
judging through a middle term. 

Two observations may be made at this time about Bacon's dis- 
cussion of memory, the third of the great intellectual arts. 10 First 
of all, he thinks of memory in a wide sense as the whole process 
of storing up what has been invented and judged, and thus he in- 
cludes within it the art of making written records. Secondly, he thinks 
of memory in the narrow sense as the process of storing up knowl- 
edge in the human mind. As he discusses this latter aspect of the 
custody or retaining of knowledge, he mentions with some contempt 
the artificial memory system of ancient rhetoric, with its places and 
images. His comment upon that system runs as follows: "It is cer- 
tain the art (as it is) may be raised to points of ostentation prodigious: 
but in use (as it is now managed) it is barren; not burdensome nor 
dangerous to natural memory, as is imagined, but barren; that is, 
not dexterous to be applied to the serious use of business and oc- 

casions." 11 

The final one of the four great intellectual arts is first mentioned 
by Bacon as the art of elocution or tradition. 12 "Elocution" as he uses 
the term has initial reference to elocutio^ that is, style, the third part 
of Ciceronian rhetoric, where the speaker or writer seeks to cover 
with words the thoughts that invention and arrangement have taught 
him to find and to organize. But in line with his policy of widening 
the context in which he uses the ancient terms, Bacon makes "elo- 
cution" the synonym of "tradition" in his first reference to the fourth 
intellectual art, and while it is not at once clear what he means by 
this second term, the reader naturally expects that it will turn out 
to mean more than style in rhetoric. In his later discussion of this art 
of elocution or tradition, he specifies that it covers the entire 
process of communication. The opening words of that discussion can 
be construed in no other way: "There remaineth the fourth kind of 
Rational Knowledge, which is transitive, concerning the expressing 
or transferring our knowledge to others; which I will term by the 
general name of Tradition or Delivery." 18 Delivery, as the fifth part 

9 Ib'td^ VI, 272-280. 10 Ibid.* VI, 280-282. 13 - Ibid., VI, 281. 

12 Ibid., VI, 261. 1S Ibid., VI, 282. 

[ 368 ] 


of Ciceronian rhetoric, means oral presentation or pronunciation. By 
using that term here, after having used elocution before in a similar 
connection, Bacon is saying that the fourth intellectual art takes over 
the functions of two parts of Ciceronian rhetoric, but that those 
functions are now conceived, less as style and delivery in the speech 
intended to persuade, than as the whole enterprise of expressing or 
transferring our knowledge to others in speech, in writing, in expo- 
sition, or in controversy. Here, then, is a concrete and eloquent recog- 
nition of an enlarged art of tradition or communication. 

"Tradition," says Bacon, "hath three parts 5 the first concerning 
the organ of tradition; the second concerning the method of tradi- 
tion j and the third concerning the illustration of tradition." 14 This 
partition requires him to speak of the organ of tradition as language, 
and he broadens language to mean spoken words, written words, 
hieroglyphics, gestures, and cyphers. The main discipline connected 
-with this aspect of communication is grammar, to which Bacon de- 
votes some attention. He then goes on to speak of the method and 
the illustration of tradition, and these two parts of communication 
as he explains them deserve a moment of attention in any history of 
English logic and rhetoric. 

"For the Method of Tradition," remarks Bacon as he comes to 
this subject, "I see it hath moved a controversy in our time." 15 The 
controversy to which these words refer was undoubtedly that be- 
tween Everard Digby and William Temple in the early fifteen- 
eighties over the question of Ramus's theory of method. 16 That con- 
troversy, of course, was merely one episode in the great European 
debate on the same question during the second half of the sixteenth 
century, and thus Bacon's words have a double reference. To Bacon, 
that debate had been unproductive. Remarking that "where there is 
much controversy there is many times little inquiry," 17 he proceeds 
at once to announce that "this part of knowledge of method seemeth 
to me so weakly enquired as I shall report it deficient." 

In remedying the deficiency which he finds in the theory of method 
as set forth in the controversy over Ramism, Bacon allows method 
to stand as a part of judgment in logical theory, and even gives the 
reasons for his stand, thus obviously implying his agreement with 
Ramus on this point. But Ramus had thought of method exclusively 
in terms of the delivery of knowledge from one expert to another or 

14 Ibid., VI, 282-283. 15 Ibid., VI, 288. l6 See above, pp. 194-196. 

" Works of Bacon, vi, 288. 

[ 369 ] 


from expert to public, and had therefore committed himself to two 
divisions of method, the natural and the prudential. It is in respect 
to these cardinal tenets of Ramism that Bacon expresses disagree- 
ment, and his disagreement is made manifest, not by an open refuta- 
tion of Ramus, but by the expression of a theory that urges method 
to consider how it may contribute to the advancement as well as to 
the mere delivery of learning. He says : 

Neither is the method or the nature of the tradition material only to 
the use of knowledge, but likewise to the 'progression of knowledge: 
for since the labour and life of one man cannot attain to perfection of 
knowledge, the wisdom of the Tradition is that which inspireth the 
felicity of continuance and proceeding. And therefore the most real 
diversity of method is of method referred to Use, and method re- 
ferred to Progression j whereof the one may be termed Magistral, and 
the other of Probation. 18 

Thus does Bacon recommend two methods of presentation, one 
for the delivery of knowledge on the more elementary levels of in- 
struction, and one for the delivery of knowledge between the sci- 
entist and the more adult section of the community. The words that 
immediately follow this recommendation have something to say of 
each method. 

For as knowledges are now delivered [Bacon adds], there is a kind of 
contract of error between the deliverer and the receiver: for he that 
delivereth knowledge desireth to deliver it in such form as may be 
best believed, and not as may be best examined $ and he that receiveth 
knowledge desireth rather present satisfaction than expectant inquiry ; 
and so rather not to doubt than not to err: glory making the author 
not to lay open his weakness, and sloth making the disciple not to 
know his strength. 

Although Bacon's main- theory of method is set forth in terms of 
his distinction between a magistral and a probationary presentation, 
he enumerates several other choices open to the deliverer of knowl- 
edge. 19 One of these choices is between the enigmatical and the exo- 
teric method 5 another, between the aphoristic and the conventional 
method j another, between the method of assertion and proof and 
that of question and answer. In the course of his explanation of these 

18 Ibid.y VI, 2 89. For Bacon's earlier comment upon these two methods of delivery of 
knowledge, see vi, 133. 
.y VI, 290-296. 

[ 370 ] 


and other aspects of method, he pauses momentarily to praise and 
criticize Ramus in words to which I referred above 5 20 and he takes 
pains to condemn as an imposture the method taught by Ramon 
Lull. 21 This entire section of The Advancement of Learning is im- 
portant for rhetoric, because as rhetoric took over learned as well as 
popular communication, it needed a theory of expository organiza- 
tion to supplement its ancient theory of the six parts of the per- 
suasive discourse, and Bacon's theory of the method of delivery tends 
to be an original contribution to the theory of exposition, as Ramus's 
had been in its day. It must be remembered, however, that Bacon 
did not consider method to be within the scope of rhetoric. He ac- 
cepted instead the Ramistic belief that the method of presentation 
belonged to logic. Thus his contributions to expository method were 
not intended by him to contribute to the future of rhetoric, and in 
this respect he did not see beyond his time. 

But he did see beyond his time when he discussed what was left to 
rhetoric after grammar had supplied the organ of communication 
and logic had supplied the method. Bacon saw rhetoric as the instru- 
ment which contributed to the delivery of knowledge by illuminat- 
ing what was to be transmitted. He refers to this aspect of the fourth 
great intellectual art as "the Illustration of Tradition, compre- 
hended in that science which we call Rhetoric, or Art of Eloquence; 
a science excellent, and excellently well laboured." 22 When Bacon 
calls rhetoric the illustration of tradition, the image behind his words 
is that of shedding light so as to make anything visible to the eyes. 
In other words, illustration within the context of the theory of com- 
munication would mean the shedding of light so as to make knowl- 
edge visible and hence deliverable to an audience. "It is a figure 
called Illustration," remarks John Marbecke in 1581, "by which the 
forme of things is so set foorth in words, that it seemeth rather to 
be seene with the eies, then heard with the eares," 23 This is what illus- 
tration meant to Bacon, and his theory of communication assigned to 
rhetoric the task of presenting the form of things so that they could 
be seen as if in a great light. 

Thus it is that, as Bacon says, "The duty and office of Rhetoric 
is to apply Reason to Imagination for the better moving of the 

/V., vr, 294-295. See above, p. 202. 

21 Works of Bacon, VI, 296. 

22 Ibid., vr, 296. 

23 John Marbecke, A Booke of Notes and Common 'places (London, 1581), p. 491. 
My quotation is from A New English Dictionary, s.v. Illustration. 

[ 371 ] 


will." 24 Of great interest is the theory o persuasion involved in these 
words and almost at once explained by Bacon. It is an adaptation of 
the famous theory set forth in Plato's Phaedrus. As Bacon expounds 
it, the human will is conceived as a kingdom subject to domination 
by a coalition between two of three powerful rival kingdoms. One of 
these rivals is reason, which has certain natural advantages in her 
struggle to possess the will, and so would ordinarily be victorious 
against any single rival. Another of the rivals is passion or affection, 
a vast, unruly force, capable almost of possessing the will unaided. 
The third rival is imagination. Bacon believes that _a coalition between 
imagination and passion would give these two powers control over 
the will, despite the natural superiority of reason to either one alone. 
So also would a coalition between imagination and reason, or between 
passion and reason, although this last coalition would rarely be likely 
to take place, the two parties being suspicious of each other. Within 
this atmosphere of warfare, sedition, and conspiracy, Bacon places 
rhetoric as a kind of diplomacy exerted to contract an alliance be- 
tween reason and imagination so that man may live the rational life. 
Here is the crucial passage of his exposition: 

Again, if the affections in themselves were pliant and obedient to 
reason, it were true there should be no great use of persuasions and 
insinuations to the will, more than of naked propositions and proof 85 
but in regard of the continual mutinies and seditions of the affections, 
. . . reason would become captive and servile, if Eloquence of Per- 
suasions did not practise and win the Imagination from the Affection's 
part, and contract a confederacy between the Reason and Imagination 
against the Affections. For the affections themselves carry ever an ap- 
petite to good, as reason doth 5 the difference is, that the affection 
beholdeth merely the 'present; reason beholdeth the juture and sum 
of time, and therefore the present filling the imagination more, 
reason is commonly vanquished 5 but after that force of eloquence and 
persuasion hath made things future and remote appear as present, 
then upon the revolt of the imagination reason prevaileth. 25 

One outstanding fact about this conception of rhetoric is that it 
does not limit its own application merely to discourse addressed to 
the people. In the passage just quoted, Bacon intimates that, if the 
passions were obedient to the reason, the only persuasions that would 
be necessary are naked propositions and proofs, or in a word, cold 
logic. But he does not assume cold logic to be more of a force between 

24 Works of 3acon t VI, 297. 25 Ibid.) vi, 299. 

[ 372 ] 


the learned man and the learned audience than it is between the 
speaker and the populace. On either level he suggests that passions 
are unruly, the imagination errant, the reason in danger of defeat. 
Thus rhetoric cannot be restricted to the popular sermon, the popular 
appeal, the popular exposition. She must be present in learned dis- 
course as well. Bacon indicates the need in the learned community for 
the appeals of rhetoric when he speaks of the derision heaped upon 
Chrysippus and many of the Stoics for believing that subtle argu- 
ments addressed to reason were sufficient to control human behavior, 
and that learning could "thrust virtue upon men by sharp disputa- 
tions and conclusions, which have no sympathy with the will of 
man." 26 And much earlier in The Advancement of Learning he 
analyzes the weaknesses of learned men, showing there that they as 
a class are not exempt from tendencies towards unreason, emotion, 
and prejudice. 27 The best proof, however, that Bacon does not limit 
rhetoric to popular discourse comes from The Advancement of Learn- 
ing as a whole. For this work is a learned work, written by a learned 
man, for a learned community j but yet it does not disdain to be 
rhetorical in Bacon's own sense of that term it addresses itself to 
the imagination and reason, and it seeks to transmit its message by 
shedding a great light upon it, by making it visible to the eyes. Many 
of its passages illustrate this quality, and none better than that in 
which Bacon summarizes the value of learning. 

We see then [he says] how far the monuments of wit and learning 
are more durable than the monuments of power or of the hands. For 
have not the verses of Homer continued twenty-five hundred years or 
more, without the loss of a syllable or letter j during which time in- 
finite palaces, temples, castles, cities, have been decayed and demol- 
ished? It is not possible to have the true pictures or statuaes of Cyrus, 
Alexander, Caesar, no nor of the kings or great personages of much 
later years 5 for the originals cannot last, and the copies cannot but 
leese of the life and truth. But the images of men's wits and knowl- 
edges remain in books, exempted from the wrong of time and capable 
of perpetual renovation. Neither are they fitly to be called images, 
because they generate still, and cast their seeds in the minds of others, 
provoking and causing infinite actions and opinions in succeeding ages. 
So that if the invention of the ship was thought so noble, which carrieth 
riches and commodities from place to place, and consociateth the most 
remote regions in participation of their fruits, how much more are 

26 Ibid., VI, 298-299. 27 Ibid.y VI, 129-135. 

[ 373 ] 


letters to be magnified, which as ships pass through the vast seas of 
time, and make ages so distant to participate of the wisdom, illumina- 
tions, and inventions, the one of the other? 28 

The theory that the illuminations of rhetoric are pervasive in all 
discourse, learned as well as popular, leads Bacon to attach an im- 
portant modification to the image that the Ciceronians had borrowed 
from Zeno to express the difference between rhetoric and logic. Bacon 
indicates that these two arts differ, not so much as the open hand 
differs from the closed fist, but more as the handling of ideas without 
reference to an audience differs from the handling of ideas with 
reference to an audience. His exact words in this connection are as 
follows : 

It appeareth also that Logic differeth from Rhetoric, not only as the 
fist from the palm, the one close the other at large 5 but much more in 
this, that Logic handleth reason exact and in truth, and Rhetoric 
handleth it as it is planted in popular opinions and manners. And 
therefore Aristotle doth wisely place Rhetoric as between Logic on 
the one side and moral or civil knowledge on the other, as participating 
of both: for the proofs and demonstrations of Logic are toward all 
men indifferent and the same 5 but the proofs and persuasions of 
Rhetoric ought to differ according to the auditors . . . which applica- 
tion, in perfection of idea, ought to extend so far, that if a man should 
speak of the same thing to several persons, he should speak to them 
all respectively and several ways . . . and therefore it shall not be 
amiss to recommend this to better inquiry. . . . 21> 

In a way, this distinction, as Bacon conceives of it, amends Ramism 
and scholasticism, for those logics had assumed responsibilities to- 
wards audiences, especially the learned audience, whereas Bacon 
wants logic to remain indifferent to that consideration. At the same 
time, this distinction anticipates Descartes, who had wanted logic to 
ignore communication and focus upon inquiry. But it would not be 
accurate to press these interpretations of Bacon too far. After all, as 
we have already seen, he visualized logic as the sole custodian of 
method in communication, and thus he is not consistently committed 
to a logic that renounces all interest in audiences. His basic position 
seems rather to be that, as logic remains the custodian of method in 
the transmitting of knowledge, and as grammar remains the custo- 
dian of the verbal means of transmission, so rhetoric should keep to 

vr, 168-169. 2g Ibid.) VI, 300. 

[ 374 1 

her task of shedding light upon the subject of any learned or popular 
communication, and, in discharging that task, should realize that the 
greatest of light is shed upon a subject when it is connected with 
popular opinions and manners, and with the nature of the individual 
auditor. Thus Bacon stands as a composite of scholasticism, of Ra- 
mism, and of something that looks to the future. His call for an in- 
vestigation of the problem of adapting subjects to audiences is par- 
ticularly modern, although Plato in Phaedrus had also wanted 
rhetoric to investigate that problem, and Aristotle in his Rhetoric had 
actually begun the investigation. 

Bacon has many other things to say about rhetoric in the course of 
his numerous writings, and whatever he says is stimulating. But I 
shall not dwell further upon him here. As I see it, his chief contribu- 
tion to modern rhetoric consists in his theory of tradition, and in his 
emphasis upon rhetoric as the supreme illustrator of knowledge for 
any audience, learned or popular. That important segment of his 
total rhetorical theory seems more significant than any other as a 
prophecy of things to come. Anyone who wishes to see the whole of 
his rhetorical theory, and to judge what other values it holds for the 
modern world, should read Professor Karl Wallace's book on that 
theory. 80 Wallace's book is an excellent guide to materials that would 
otherwise be difficult to assemble and to examine. 

Turning now to other writers of the seventeenth century, and to 
other works which involved rhetoric, I should like to say that their 
second large contribution to the new rhetorical theory consisted in 
a growing recognition of the inadequacy of artistic proof as a means 
of persuasion, and in the development of a belief in non-artistic proof 
as a better way to that goal. The nature of the distinction between 
these two kinds of proof has already been discussed in these pages. 81 
In general, artistic proofs were so called because they were developed 
by systematic means from all of the truths already known and ac- 
cepted about all of the patterns of behavior involved in any case 
handled by rhetoric, whereas non-artistic proofs were not subject to 
production by any systematic means, but had merely to be used if 
they existed or ignored if they did not exist. Thus when a series of 
reliable eyewitnesses testified that a given thing had happened, their 
testimony was considered non-artistic, or not subject to production 
by any predetermined plan or method. When on the other hand a 

30 Karl R. Wallace, Francis Bacon on Communication 6f Rhetoric (Chapel Hill, 1943)- 
81 See above, pp. 68-69. 

[ 375 1 


series of reasonings from the normal and predictable circumstances 
of a case tended to show that a given thing had happened, those 
reasonings were considered artistic, or subject to development by 
method. It is instructive to recall that Ramus advocated an inven- 
tional method made up of ten places or seats of argument, and that 
nine of his places produced artistic proofs, whereas the tenth ex- 
isted to take care of any non-artistic proofs that might be there for 
use. 32 In an age which lacked the facilities to assemble and dissemi- 
nate such non-artistic proofs as documents, confessions, eyewitness 
reports, contracts, laboratory analyses, statistics, and the like, it was 
inevitable that artistic proofs would receive special emphasis. It was 
also inevitable that interest in artistic proofs would decline with the 
development of science, with the expansion of facilities for the study 
and dissemination of facts, and with the growth of respect for direct 
observation and controlled experiment. When Descartes decided that 
he could no longer accept things as true merely because they were 
accepted generally as true, and when he determined to hold beliefs 
only if his reason clearly attested their validity, he was in effect 
deciding not only that the old science was forever gone and a new 
experimental science was on the way, but also that the old rhetoric 
with its formula for artistic proofs would soon disappear, and a new 
rhetoric based upon invention from observation and facts must one 
day develop. Descartes's attitude, as we have seen, was subsequently 
reflected in logical theory by the Port-Royalists' denunciation of the 
doctrine of places in logic. Throughout the seventeenth century a 
parallel attitude is shown in a disposition on the part of some writers 
to turn away from a rhetoric of invention by commonplace and to 
adopt a rhetoric of invention by research. 

One early evidence of this attitude in England is provided in a 
little Latin essay by Nathaniel Carpenter on the subject of logic and 
rhetoric. Carpenter studied at St. Edmund Hall and Exeter College 
in Oxford in the early years of the seventeenth century, being 
awarded his bachelor's degree in 1610, his master's degree in 1613, 
and his bachelor's degree in divinity in 1620. During his residence 
at Oxford, he achieved some reputation as a preacher 3 and like John 
Prideaux, the future logician and bishop, he was designated a mem- 
ber of the controversy college at Chelsea, thus becoming a part of 
that unsuccessful effort to establish a propaganda center against the 

32 See above, pp. 155-156. 

[ 376 ] 

threat of Catholicism in England. 83 Carpenter's most famous work, 
the Philosophic* Libera, published at Frankfurt in 1621, and repub- 
lished three times at Oxford in the course of the seventeenth century, 
contains an essay refuting Zeno's claim that logic is to be understood 
as the closed fist, rhetoric as the open hand} and it is in the course of 
this essay that he suggests a theory of invention not dependent upon 
the places of logic or rhetoric. 84 

The complete argument of Carpenter's essay is addressed to the 
thesis that logical discourse is not necessarily compact, nor is rhetor- 
ical discourse necessarily diffuse, as Zeno's metaphor implies. Car- 
penter reasons syllogistically that diffuse discourse is the product of 
the procedure known as amplification, but that amplification is the 
work of logic. As evidence for the latter of these two premises (the 
former being accepted as indisputable), Carpenter turns first to the 
books on logic, and shows that they recognize three classes of argu- 
ment, one class being designated as the argument for proof, another, 
as the argument for exposition or instruction, and still another, as the 
argument for amplification. Carpenter next turns to the theory in- 
volving the assignment of invention, arrangement, and style to the 
various academic disciplines, and he argues here as follows: 

Moreover, since three things are required for the fulness of a speech, 
namely, invention of subject matter, arrangement of arguments, and 
adornment, it is obvious that the first is supplied from the various 
fields of knowledge conformably to the speaker's end and purpose, the 
second from logic, and the third from rhetoric. Accordingly, it follows 
that the various fields of knowledge contribute substance or content, 
logic the tying together and arranging of arguments, and rhetoric 
merely the flower and spice of the speech. But no sane person denies 
that the faculty of amplifying is based upon the faculty of arranging 

The final movement of Carpenter's argument is devoted to showing 
that even the tropes and figures depend basically upon logic as the 
science of arrangement, and thus that amplification cannot be made 

33 For previous mention of this institution, see above, p. 311. For other details about 
Carpenter, see Dictionary of National Biography , s.v. Carpenter, Nathanael (1589- 

34 For the Latin text of this essay, which is entitled "Logica pug-no, Rhetorica palrnae, 
non recte a Zenone comparatur," see Nathaniel Carpenter, Philosophia Libera (Oxford, 
1622), pp. 158-161. For an English translation, see Wilbur S. Howell, "Nathaniel 
Carpenter's Place in the Controversy between Dialectic and Rhetoric," S-peech Mono- 

hs^ I (1934)? 20-4.1. 

[ 377 1 


the property of rhetoric simply by classifying it among the tropes and 
figures. Anyway, says Carpenter, tropes and figures actually con- 
tract discourse on some occasions, and amplify it on others, and so 
cannot be said to be in essence an amplificatory device. 

In the perspectives of history, Carpenter's argument is modern 
only in his emphasis that invention belongs to the various fields of 
knowledge, and that the speaker or writer does not find substance 
or content except in those fields. This theory amounts to a rejection 
of the places of Ramistic logic as aids to the discovery of subject 
matter 5 and to a rejection, as well, of the places of scholastic logic 
and Ciceronian rhetoric. In other respects. Carpenter draws his ma- 
terials from traditional sources. Thus he accepts logic as the authority 
on the classification and the arrangement of arguments, and rhetoric 
as the authority on ornament, thereby identifying himself as some- 
thing of a Ramist, although he goes on to reject the basic claim of 
Ramus that the tropes and figures are the absolute property of 
rhetoric. His belief in the falsity of Zeno's metaphor is of course 
antischolastic and anti-Ciceronian 3 but he does not advance there- 
from to a modern position in any respect except that just specified. 

A much later and more decisive evidence that rhetoric was turning 
away from invention by commonplace and was endorsing invention 
by external means is provided in a work called The Art of Speaking, 
published at London in 1 676, and reprinted there in 1 696 .and 1 708. 
This work is an English translation of a French treatise first pub- 
lished anonymously at Paris in 1675 under the title, De I* Art de 
Parler. Because the French treatise did not identify its author, and 
because it bore unmistakable resemblances to the thinking of the al- 
ready famous Port-Royalist logicians, its English publishers indi- 
cated on its title page in 1676 that it was "Written in French by 
Messieurs du Port Royal: In pursuance of a former Treatise, In- 
tituled, The Art of Thinking." Thus started a legend of a Port- 
Royalist rhetoric as a parallel of the Port-Royalist logic, and this 
legend was not impaired when the latter work achieved its first 
English translation nine years after the original appearance of the 
Art of Speaking. In its second printing at London in 1696, and in 'ts 
third there in 1708, the Art of Speaking continued to advertise itself 
as the work of the "Messieurs du Port Royal." By then, of course, 
the Logic, Or The Art of Thinking of Arnauld and Nicole was so 
well known in England that a treatise definitely associated with those 
two authors would sell much better than it could have expected to 

[ 378 1 


otherwise. Thus there was an undoubted commercial advantage in 
continuing in 1696 and 1708 to sell the Art of Speaking as a Port- 
Royalist work. But by 1688 the work had appeared at Paris in its 
third edition, and that third edition had changed its title to La 
Rhetorique^ ou PArt de Parler, and had announced its author as 
Bernard Lamy. Bernard Lamy was not a Port-Royalist. He be- 
longed instead to the Congregation o the Oratory, a religious order 
which like the Port-Royalists had interested itself in educational re- 
form. 85 His Art of Speaking hardly deserves the title of a Port- 
Royalist rhetoric, for it is in many ways a compromise between 
Ramus and the Port-Royalists, not an important disavowal of the 
Ramists and the Neo-Ciceronians. 36 Nevertheless, it had a new spirit 
about it, and one aspect of that spirit had to do with its acceptance 
of the Port-Royalist opposition to artistic proof and the doctrine of 
the places of rhetoric as aids to invention. 

The Art of Speaking is divided into four regular parts and a fifth 
part in the form of an appendix entitled "A Discourse, in which is 
given an Idea of the Art of Perswasion." 37 The first part deals with 
matters of speech, grammar, and usage 5 the second part, with tropes 
and figures j the third part, with speaking, pronouncing, articulating, 
breathing, reciting 5 and the fourth part, with style, considered not 
only in relation to its different kinds (the sublime, the plain, and 
the middle), but also in relation to its adaptability to oratory, his- 
tory, philosophy, and poetry, and in relation to its power to make 
discourse beautiful. Thus far, the work is Ramistic in its restriction 
of rhetoric to style and delivery 5 and at the same time it is Cice- 
ronian in its tendency to allow matters of grammar to creep into 
rhetoric, and in its treatment of style as something more than the 

35 For a comparison of the Oratorians and the Port-Royalists in this respect, see 
Barnard, The Little Schools of Port-Royal^ pp. 205-207. 

86 The Art of Speaking is discussed as a compromise between Ramus and the Port- 
Royalists in Wilbur S. Howell, Fenelon's Dialogues on Eloquence, pp. 33-36. For an- 
other recent study of Lamy's work, see Douglas Ehninger, "Bernard Lami's L'Arl de 
Parler: A Critical Analysis," The Quarterly Journal of Speech, xxxn (1946), 429-434. 

87 My discussion is based upon the first edition of the English translation, I- am in- 
debted to my colleague, Professor Alan Downer, for lending me his copy for my present 
purpose. The title page reads; "The Art of Speaking: Written in French by Messieurs 
du Port Royal: In pursuance of a former Treatise, Intituled, The Art of Thinking. 
Rendred into English. London, Printed by W. Godbid, and are to be Sold by M. Pitt, 
at the Angel against the little North Door of St. Paul's Church. 1676." Parts I, II, and 
in of this edition are paged together from p. i to p. 212, but the numbering of the 
pages is incorrect at several points. Parts IV and V are paged together from p. i to p. 
164, and the numbering of this sequence is correct- Part v begins on p. 88 of the second 
sequence of pages. 

[ 379 ] 


tropes and the figures. In its fifth part, it becomes frankly Ciceronian, 
mentioning the five ancient divisions of rhetoric, the three ways of 
persuading, the places of proof, the means of insinuation, the appeals 
to passions, and the classical pattern of oratorical arrangement. The 
work ends by acknowledging that in its final part it had dealt with 
invention and arrangement, that in its first four parts it had dealt 
with style, and that in not treating memory or oratorical delivery, 
it had recognized these faculties to be more in the realm of practice 
than of precept. 

The only section of this work that definitely belongs neither to the 
Ramists nor to the Neo-Ciceronians is that in which the places of 
invention are denounced as worthless after they have been briefly 
explained in two short chapters. This denunciation of the means of 
inventing artistic proofs is a mark of the influence upon Lamy of 
The Port-Royal Logic and its severe denunciation of the logical 
theory of places. "Thus in few words," says Lamy as he begins his 
similar attack, "have I shown the Art to find Arguments upon all 
Subjects of which the Rhetoricians are accustomed to Treat, which 
makes the greatest part of their Rhetorick." 38 He proposes at once 
"to judg of the usefulness of this method." He acknowledges that 
his respect for the authors who have commended it has obliged him 
to set it forth. He also acknowledges that the places have "some kind 
of use," and he specifies that use as follows: 

They make us take notice of several things from whence Arguments 
may be drawn; they teach us how a Subject may be vary'd and dis- 
covered on all sides. So as those who are skilPd in the Art of To-picks, 
may find matter enough to amplifie their discourse 3 nothing is barren 
to them; they speak of every thing that occurs, as largely and as oft 
as they please. 39 

Having stated the traditional defense of places, Lamy turns to those 
who attack this means of inventing proof, and he quotes them with 
approval : 

Those who reject these Topicks, do not deny their Fecundity; they 
grant that they supply us with infinite numbers of things; but they 
alledg that that Fecundity is inconvenient; That the things are trivial, 
and by consequent the Art of Topcks furnishes nothing that is fit for 
us to say. If an Orator (say they) understands the subject of which he 
treats; if he be full of incontestable Maxims that may inable him to 

88 The Art of Sneaking, Pt. v, p. 103. 39 Ibid., Pt. v, p. 104.. 

[ 380 ] 


resolve all Difficulties arising upon that subject 5 If it be a question 
in Divinity, and he be well read in the Fathers, Councils, Scriptures, 
&c. He will quickly perceive whether the question proposed be Ortho- 
dox, or otherwise. It is not necessary that he runs to his Topicks, or 
passes from one common place to another, which are unable to supply 
him with necessary knowledg for decision of his Question. If on the 
other side an Orator be ignorant, and understands not the bottom of 
what he Treats, he can speak but superficially, he cannot come to the 
point j and after he has talk'd and argued a long time, his Adversary 
will have reason to admonish him to leave his tedious talk that sig- 
nifies nothing; to interrupt him in this manner, Speak to the purpose j 
oppose Reason against my Reason, and coming to the Point, do what 
you can to subvert the Foundations upon which I sustain my self. 40 

Frank talk like this is a refreshing change in rhetorical theory, as 
the talk of the Port-Royalists against the places of logic was a re- 
freshing change in that field. Lamy goes on to say that a "witty 
man speaking of the method of which Raimondus Lullius treated 
after a particular manner, calls it An Art of Discoursing without 
judgment of things we do not understand."" This "witty man" is 
of course Descartes, and these words from his Discourse on Method 
were also quoted by the Port-Royalists. 42 Before Lamy thus covertly 
indicates the source of his condemnation of Lull, he takes up the argu- 
ment that the places of rhetoric are of value in providing the speaker 
with proofs beyond those gleaned from the study of his own particu- 
lar subject. He dismisses this argument thus: 

To this it is answered, and I am of the same Opinion, That to per- 
swade, we need but one Argument, if it be solid and strong, and that 
Eloquence consists in clearing of that, and making it perspicuous. All 
those feeble Arguments (proper, as well to the accused, as the accuser, 
and as useful to refel as affirm) derived from Commonplaces, are like 
ill Weeds that choke the Corn. 43 

So did Lamy introduce into French and then into English rhet- 
oric a devastating attack upon the concept of artistic proofs and the 
places of invention. If modern rhetoric no longer believes in artistic 
proofs, and no longer teaches an elaborate system of places, the Port- 
Royalist logicians and their disciple Lamy are in large part respon- 

40 Ibid.* Pt. V, pp. 104-105. **Ibid.) Pt. v, p. 106. 

42 See Descartes, Discours de la MethocLe^ ed. Gilson, p. 17, lines 19-20; also The 
Port-Royal Logic, trans. Baynes, p. 41$ also above, pp. 348, 360. 
4& The. Art of Speaking, Pt. v, p. 106. 

[ 381 ] 


sible. They are responsible, that is, because their correct diagnosis of 
the weakness o the system of places, and their correct recommenda- 
tion of an invention based upon an exhaustive study of the factual 
states in any case, happened to fall in the earlier part of the modern 
period, and happened to be expressed in works that were reprinted 
again and again during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries in 
the most influential centers of European learning. But if the Port- 
Royalists and Lamy had not happened to speak as they did, the 
events set in motion by Bacon and Descartes would sooner or later 
have forced rhetoric to re-examine the whole question of persuasive 
methods in an age of science, and would have caused her to make 
the sort of changes that were actually recommended in The Port- 
Royal Logic and the Art of 8-peaking. 

A third large contribution which seventeenth-century writers made 
towards the development of a new attitude in rhetoric consisted in 
the advocacy of a simpler theory of organization than the older rhet- 
oric and logic had taught. Ramistic rhetoric, of course, had involved 
no theory of organization whatever, since that subject was reserved 
by Ramus for logic and in particular for the doctrine of method. In 
Ramistic logic, as we know, the procedure recommended for all 
learned discourse was called the natural method, and it consisted of 
a severe arrangement of propositions in a descending order of gen- 
erality. As for discourse addressed to the people, Ramus allowed a 
less rigid procedure, called the prudential method, but his disciples 
tended not to advocate it. Ciceronian rhetoric, in the period before 
and after Ramus, taught arrangement in terms of the divisions rec- 
ommended by Cicero for the oration. And scholastic logic, particu- 
larly under the direction of the Systematics, taught various kinds of 
method, a few of which concerned inquiry, and the others, presenta- 
tion. Valuable as these theories were and their importance has un- 
fortunately been forgotten they still had to be modified somewhat 
in the modern era to foster rhetoric's continuing interest in discourse 
organized to persuade, and to meet her developing interest in dis- 
course organized to explain and teach. 

The best contribution made in the seventeenth century towards a 
theory of expository method lies in Bacon's distinction between the 
magistral and the probationary types of transmission of knowledges, 
and his recommendation of the latter type for further use and de- 
velopment- As I have said, Bacon assigns to logic his entire discussion 
of method, and thus he does not consider his recommendations upon 

[ 382 1 

this subject to be part of a new rhetoric. But nevertheless they turned 
out to be that, as logic ceased to concern herself with the method of 
communication, and as rhetoric began to assimilate the methods 
taught by the Ramists and the Systematics, and to adapt those 
methods to her own necessities. The magistral and the probationary 
procedures have already been explained in my discussion of Bacon's 
theory of tradition as a whole. To those comments I should now 
like to add a passage in which Bacon describes in imaginative terms 
what he conceives his probationary method to be: 

But knowledge that is delivered as a thread to be spun on, ought to 
be delivered and intimated, if it were possible, in the same method 
wherein it was invented, ^ and so is it possible of knowledge induced. 
But in this same anticipated and prevented knowledge, no man know- 
eth how he came to the knowledge which he hath obtained. But yet 
nevertheless, secundwrn majus et minus^ a man may revisit and descend 
unto the foundations of his knowledge and consent j and so transplant 
it into another as it grew in his own mind. For it is in knowledges as it 
is in plants: if you mean to use the plant, it is no matter for the roots j 
but if you mean to remove it to grow, then it is more assured to rest 
upon roots than slips. 44 

As for the theory of method in persuasive discourse, there were 
tendencies at work in seventeenth-century English learning to re- 
quire fewer parts for the deliberative, the forensic, and the demon- 
strative oration. These tendencies in learning were a reflection of 
tendencies in the surrounding society. England in that period was 
witnessing the decline in the power of the aristocracy, the growth 
of the political and social influence of the middle class, the lessening 
of the expectation for ceremony and formula in religion, and the de- 
velopment of a genuine need for the effects of religious persuasions, 
as distinguished from the former preference for verbal appeals con- 
fined largely to rituals. These social and political pressures had their 
consequences in the world of English learning, and one of those 
consequences was that rhetorical theory tended to become simpler 
and less ritualistic in all respects, the doctrine of arrangement being 
no exception. 

But the tendency toward simplicity in the theory of rhetorical ar- 
rangement also received powerful support in seventeenth-century 
England from the authority of Aristotle's Rhetoric. In the year 

44 Works of Bacon y VI, 289-290. 

[ 383 1 


1619, Theodore Goulston published at London his edition of that 
famous work, so arranged that the pages consist of three parallel 
columns, one of which contains the Greek text, the next, a Latin 
translation, and the third, a series of Latin notes and comment. 45 In 
or about the year 1637, Thomas Hobbes published at London an 
abridged English version of Aristotle's rhetorical theory under the 
title,. A Brief e of the Art of Rhetoriqve** Hobbes's version was re- 
printed at London in 1651 and 16815 and Goulston's Greek-Latin 
edition was republished at the same place in i6$6* 7 Meanwhile, in 
1686, a complete English translation of the Rhetoric appeared at 
London, announcing that it was "Made English by the translators 
of the Art of thinking." 48 Thus from first to last the seventeenth cen- 
tury in England saw much of this major work, and English learning 
had every opportunity to absorb Aristotle's theory of the arrange- 
ment of persuasive discourse. 

Perhaps the best way to see how English learning conceived of 
that theory is to quote it in the words of Thomas Hobbes. In the 

45 The title page reads in part: 1 "A/BtcrroreXovs Tex v7 l s ptjropiKris Bi/9\la rp/o. Aristotelis 
de Rhetorica seu arte Dicendi Libri tres, Graecolat. . . . Londini Typis Eduardi Griffini, 
do. loc. xix." No editor's name appears on the title page. The Latin dedicatory epistle 
is addressed to Prince Charles of Great Britain, and is signed- "Theodor us Govlston." 

46 There is a copy of this work in the Folger Shakespeare Library. Its title page 
reads: "A Briefe of the Art of Rhetoriqve. Containing in substance all that Aristotle 
hath written in his Three Bookes of that subject, Except onely what is not applicable to 
the English Tongue. London Printed by Tho. Cotes, for Andrew Crook, and are to be 
sold at the black Bare in Pauls Church-yard." 

An entry in the stationers' registers for Feb. i, 1636, i.e., 1637, attributes the work 
to "T. H., l} i.e., Thomas Hobbes, and permits its first edition to be dated in or near that 
year. See Arber, Transcript of the Registers, iv, 372. 

47 Hobbes's Briefe appeared at London in 1 6$ i in A Compendium of the Art of 
Logick and Rhetorick in the English Tongue. For an indication of other items in the 
Compendium, see above, pp. 238, 276. See also Walter J. Ong, S.J., "Hobbes and 
Talon's Ramist Rhetoric in English," Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical 
Society, i (1949-1953), 260-261. 

The Briefe was reprinted in 1681 as "The Whole Art of Rhetorick" in Thomas Hob- 
bes's The Art of Rhetoric, with a Discourse of The Laws of England. This volume also 
contains a little treatise called "The Art of Rhetorick Plainly set forth," as if it were the 
work of Hobbes. In reality, it is merely a reprint of the section on rhetoric in Dudley Fen- 
ner's The Artes of Logike and Rethorike* See above, p. 279. 

The 1696 edition of Goulston's Greek-Latin version of Aristotle's Rhetoric bears the 
same title as the first edition of 1619. Its imprint reads: "Londini, Typis Ben. GrifEni, 
Impensis Edvard. Hall Bibliop. Cantabr'. M DC XCVI." 

48 Its title page reads as follows: "Aristotle's Rhetoric j or, The true grounds and 
principles of oratory 5 shewing the right art of pleading and speaking in full assemblies 
and courts of judicature. Made English by the translators of the Art of thinking. . . 
London, Printed by T. B. for R. Taylor, 1686." This work contains the three books 
of Aristotle's Rhetoric and as Book IV the Rhetorica ad Alexandrum, formerly attributed 
to Aristotle. The identity of these translators has not been determined. See above, p. 
352, note 32. 

[ 384 1 


twelfth chapter of Book III of his Brief e, Hobbes drastically abridges 
the thirteenth chapter of Book III of Aristotle's Rhetoric, but he 
manages, nevertheless, to convey the essentials of Aristotle's doctrine. 
His entire chapter is brief enough for quotation here: 

The necessary parts of an oration are but two; 'propositions and proof $ 
which are, as it were, the problem and demonstration. 

The proposition is the explication or opening of the matter to be 
proved* And -proof is the demonstration of the matter propounded, 

To these necessary farts are sometimes added two other, the proem 
and the epilogue j neither of which is any proof. 

So that in some there be four parts of an oration; the proem ^ the 
proposition, or as others call it, the narration , the proofs, which con- 
tain confirmation 3 confutation amplification, and diminution; and the 

Aristotle's Rhetoric was destined, of course, to exert upon modern 
English rhetorical theory an influence not confined to the doctrine 
of arrangement. What Aristotle says of style undoubtedly affected 
what English rhetoricians of the seventeenth century came to ad- 
vocate in that field, as I shall mention later. And there are many 
other ways in which Aristotle's penetrating eyes have helped modern 
rhetoric to understand her problems, as can be seen in the pages of 
Richard Whately's famous Elements of Rhetoric, first published at 
London in 1828. Nevertheless, modern theory has been particularly 
benefited by Aristotle's conception of the basic organization of per- 
suasive discourse, and that benefit began to operate widely in English 
learning as the seventeenth century produced her Greek, Latin, and 
English versions of the Rhetoric. 

The final contribution of seventeenth-century writers to a new 
attitude towards rhetoric came in their denunciation of the doctrine 
of the tropes and figures and in their advocacy of the principle that 
ordinary patterns of speech are acceptable in oratory and literature 
as in conversation and life. This change was accelerated in the eight- 
eenth and nineteenth centuries by the rise of the democratic state, 
and by the consequent need on the part of the ruling class to develop 
new techniques for communication with the common man. But the 
change began in the Renaissance, and it received in the seventeenth 
century the support of the new science and the new spirit in religion. 

49 The English Works of Thomas Hobbes, ed. Sir William Molesworth (London, 
1839-1845), vi, 500. Cited below as Works of Hobbes. 

[ 385 1 


Scientific discourse, or the communication between one scientist and 
another in the scientific community, did not prove to be a natural 
medium for the tropes and figures of Ciceronian or Ramistic rhetoric. 
Nor could the preaching done in the churches of the later Reforma- 
tion allow itself to be as indifferent to persuasion as it had been dur- 
ing the Middle Ages, when Catholicism had seemingly completed 
her task of conversion in the European community and appeared to 
need only to rely upon ceremonial forms to keep faith alive. Once 
preaching set out to convert commoners, style ceased to remain an 
exploitation of the ways in which verbal formulations can be made 
to depart from the patterns of ordinary speech, and at that moment 
the tropes and the figures tended to become obsolete in the pulpit, 
except as they contributed to the effectiveness of a simpler and plainer 
way of speaking. 

The change from the tropes and the figures to a less unusual style 
began in the learned discourse of the seventeenth century with the 
publication of Bacon's Advancement of Learning in 1605. The in- 
fluence of that remarkable work upon the theory of style in com- 
munication in the world of science, as upon the entire theory of the 
transmission of knowledges from man to man and from age to age, 
cannot be overemphasized. In his opening pages Bacon speaks of 
three vices or diseases that beset scholarship, and one of those vices 
turns out to be "delicate learning," that is, the concern for "vain 
imaginations, vain altercations, and vain affectations," 60 or the exces- 
sive devotion to mannerism as distinguished from matter in the pres- 
entation of discourse. In a passage memorable for its acuteness in 
diagnosing the cultural distempers of the sixteenth century, Bacon 
remarks that the early Reformation had produced a need for ancient 
testimony as a support in the struggle against Rome, and that the 
need for ancient testimony had led to a revival of interest in ancient 
authors. A delightful appreciation of ancient language and style, he 
goes on, was produced as the result of that revival of interest, and 
was cherished, partly on aesthetic grounds, and partly as a means to 
a more effective presentation than that afforded by an imitation. of 
the thorny style of Roman scholasticism. The delight of the scholars 
in the ancient style, Bacon continues, led them to a theory of preach- 
ing based upon the notibn that the people could be won over to the 
Protestant cause by "elogtiencq and varietjrof discourse, as the fittest 
and forciblest access into the capacity of the vulgar sort." 51 Here, 

.M Works of Bacon, vi> 117. * l lbii y vi, 119. 

1 386 i 


then, is a brilliant explanation of the reasons behind the rise of sty- 
listic rhetoric. Bacon caps his historical analysis with a famous passage 
in which he gives us some insight into the excesses created by the 
Ciceronian and Ramistic emphasis upon a study of the tropes and 
figures. He observes: 

So that these four causes concurring, the admiration of ancient authors, 
the hate of the schoolmen, the exact study of languages, and the 
efficacy of preaching, did bring in an affectionate study of eloquence 
and copie of speech, which then began to flourish. This grew speedily 
to an excess 5 for men began to hunt more after words than matter 5 
and more after the choiceness of the phrase, and the round and clean 
composition of the sentence, and the sweet falling of the clauses, and 
the varying and illustration of their works with tropes and figures, 
than after the weight of matter, worth of subject, soundness of argu- 
ment, life of invention, or depth of judgment. 52 

Bacon's implied distinction between a healthy and a pathological 
addiction to style is worth considering as a reminder that an early 
Ramist like Gabriel Harvey had associated the pathological addic- 
tion to style with a counterfeit Ciceronianism, and had tried to re- 
store health to that branch of learning by endorsing Ramus's entire 
theory of communication. 53 Thus the early Ramists are on the side 
of the proper balance between content and style. Nevertheless, there 
is always danger that style, when abstracted from the other aspects 
of composition, will teach the unwary to value it above thought or to 
divorce it from thought, and it is that danger which the later Ramists 
tended to foster, simply because they could not keep their rhetoric 
close to their logic in an educational program which taught rhetoric 
at one stage of a pupil's development, and logic at another stage. 
The way to prevent the divorce of content from style is to teach 
style in company with invention and arrangement, as even the Cicero- 
nians did not always doj and Bacon's attack upon stylistic rhetoric 
as a distemper of learning is therefore to be construed as a plea for 
the better integration of the mental and verbal aspects of communi- 
cation, if the new science is to be properly transmitted. 

The authority of Aristotle's Rhetoric is also on the side of a proper 
integration between content and style in the theory of communica- 
tion, and thus the publication of that work in England during the 
seventeenth century tended to give Englishmen confidence in plain 

52 Ibid*> VI, 119* B3 See above, p. 452. 

[ 387 ] 


ways of speaking or writing. For example, Hobbes's English abridg- 
ment of the Rhetoric^ as published around 1637 and at two later 
dates in the century, contains the sort of stylistic doctrine that the 
times demanded. 64 Here are two passages to show how far Aristotle 
opposes a fine or an unnatural style for oratory: 

The virtues of a word are twoj the first, that it be perspicuous; the 
second, that it be decent, that is, neither above nor below the thing 
signified, or neither too humble nor too fine. 55 

To make a poem graceful, many things helpj but few an oration. For 
to a poet it sufficeth, with what words he can, to set out his poem. But 
an orator must not only do that, but also seem not to do it: for else he 
will be thought to speak unnaturally, and not as he thinks j and there- 
by be the less believed j whereas belief is the scope of his oration. 56 

Thus Bacon, Aristotle, and Hobbes lent influence to the theory 
that the tropes and the figures, as a great system of violations of 
normal ways of speaking, were not an acceptable imperative for 
learned discourse. The Royal Society, as the center of the new sci- 
entific activity, went further its members renounced the rhetoric 
of tropes and figures as a guide to scientific writing, and adopted a 
theory of style that belongs to the new attitude towards rhetoric. 

We see the attitude of the Royal Society to best advantage in 
Thomas Sprat's fine work, The History of the Royal-Society of 
London, For the Improving of Natural Knowledge, published at 
London in 1667. This history deals with three subjects: the state of 
knowledge in the ancient and modern world 5 the actual procedures 
of the Royal Society in fostering the growth of experimental knowl- 
edge 5 and the values to be attached to experimental knowledge in 
general. In discussing the second of these subjects, Sprat describes 
what happens in the Royal Society as they meet to direct, judge, 
analyze, improve, and discuss experiments. 57 Each of these five ac- 
tivities is important in the history of seventeenth-century science. 
But for our present purpose, the happenings in the Royal Society as 
they discussed experiments are of crucial importance, for in these 
happenings we can see a new rhetoric of exposition emerging to re- 
place the rhetoric of persuasion by tropes and figures. 

The discussion of experiments, or transmission of descriptive and 

54 See above, p. 384. B5 Works of Hobbes, VI, 488. 

5 Ibid., vi, 488-489. 

57 Thomas Sprat, The History of the Royal-Society of London (London, 1667), 
pp. 95-115. 

[ 388 ] 


argumentative materials from member to member, led the Royal 
Society, says Sprat, to become most solicitous about "the manner of 
their Discourse." Unless they had taken pains about this, he adds, 
and had sought to keep it in due temper, "the whole spirit and 
vigour of their Design, had been soon eaten out, by the luxury and 
redundance of speech." What the Royal Society is objecting to when 
they express fear of luxury and redundance of speech is ornamental 
language in short, the tropes and the figures. Maybe in the begin- 
ning, says Sprat, these ornaments were highly justified as being 
necessary "to represent Truth^ cloth'd with Bodies j and to bring 
Knowledg back again to our very senses, from whence it was at first 
deriv'd to our understandings." 59 But now the ornaments of speaking 
are put to worse uses. Here is how Sprat elaborates his attitude to- 
wards the tropes and figures: 

They make the Fancy disgust the best things, if they come sound and 
unadorn'd: they are in open defiance against Reason $ professing, not 
to hold much correspondence with that ; but with its Slaves, the Pas- 
sions: they give the mind a motion too changeable, and bewitching, to 
consist with right practice. Who can behold, without indignation, how 
many mists and uncertainties, these specious Tropes and Figures have 
brought on our Knowledg? How many rewards, which are due to 
more profitable, and difficult Arts, have been still snatch J d away by 
the easie vanity of fine speaking! For now I am warm'd with this just 
Anger, I cannot with-hold my self, from betraying the shallowness of 
all these seeming Mysteries $ upon which, we Writer s^ and Speaker s, 
look so bigg. And, in few words, I dare say $ that of all the Studies of 
men, nothing may be sooner obtained, than this vicious abundance of 
Phrase, this trick of Metaphors, this volubility of Tongue^ which 
makes so great a noise in the World. 60 

Had the Royal Society left matters here, history would have had 
a lively denunciation of the tropes and the figures, but no program 
of reform. As Sprat sees it, reform is difficult, because people labor 
so long to acquire an ornamental speech in the years of their educa- 
tion that "we cannot but ever after think kinder of it, than it de- 
serves." Nevertheless, English science attempted to cope positively 
with the unfortunate effects of the ornamental style in science. "It 
will suffice my present purpose," Sprat observes, "to point out, what 
has been done by the Royal Society ', towards the correcting of its 
excesses in Natural Philosophy^ to which it is, of all others, a most 

**Ibid. y p. in. 59 Ibid., p. 112. eo Ibid. y p. 112. 

[ 389 ] 


profest enemy." And here is the outline o the new rhetoric, as Sprat 
describes it from the endeavors of the scientists: 

They have therefore been most rigorous in putting in execution, the 
only Remedy, that can be found for this extravagance; and that has 
been, a constant Resolution, to reject all the amplifications, digressions, 
and swellings of style: to return back to the primitive purity, and 
shortness, when men deliver'd so many things^ almost in an equal 
number of words. They have exacted from all their members, a close, 
naked, natural way of speaking ; positive expressions 5 clear senses j a 
native easiness: bringing all things as near the Mathematical plain- 
ness, as they can: and preferring the language of Artizans, Country- 
men, and Merchants, before that, of Wits, or Scholars. 61 

These words, compared with those uttered by George Puttenham 
in 1589, enable us to measure the change that had occurred in Eng- 
land in the seventy-eight years that immediately preceded Sprat's 
History. Puttenham had warned writers against following "the 
speach of a craftes man or carter, or other of the inferiour sort, 
though he be inhabitant or bred in the best towne and Citie in this 
Realme. . . ." 8a Puttenham had advised the writer in all the intrica- 
cies of the tropes and figures of ornamental artistocratic speech. And 
now, less than a century later, the historian of the Royal Society is 
showing that English scientists were renouncing the tropes and fig- 
ures and were preferring "the language of Artizans, Countrymen, 
and Merchants, before that, of Wits or Scholars." True, Puttenham 
was writing a rhetoric for the poet, whereas Sprat was recording a 
rhetoric for the scientist. But even so the change is striking, and it 
would still be noticeable, even if we confined ourselves to a strict 
comparison between poet and poet or scientist and scientist of the 
two eras. What lies between 1589 and 1667 is to be described, so 
far as rhetorical history is concerned, as the change from the medieval 
to the modern orientation. Nothing shows better how far that 
change had progressed than does the comparison between Putten- 
ham and Sprat. 

In the same period, a change was occurring in the theory of style 
in sermons, despite the tendency of formal homiletics to remain tied 
during the seventeenth century to Ramistic or Neo-Ciceronian doc- 
trine. The change began in criticisms of ornamental style in pulpit 
oratory. At the very beginning of the sixteen-hundreds, William 

p. 113. e2 See a bove, p, 3*8. 

[ 390 ] 


Vaughan's The Golden-grotte, which deals with the arts of governing 
one's self, one's household, and one's country, contained under the 
last of these three heads a chapter on rhetoric, as well as chapters on 
grammar, logic, poetry, philosophy, and so on. In Vaughan's chapter 
on rhetoric there is a caustic reference to "our common lawyers, who 
with their glozing speeches do as it were lay an ambush for iustice, 
and with their hired tongues think it not vnhonest to defend the 
guilty , and to patronize vnlawfull pleas." 63 And just before this 
reference Vaughan condemns the unprofitable doctrine that rhetoric 
holds for preachers. "For although Rhetorical speeches do delight 
their auditory," he says, "yet notwithstanding, they make not much 
for the soules health." 64 Quoting then from the Prometheus of Aes- 
chylus that "Simple and material speeches are best among friends," 
Vaughan adds this cautionary advice for the pulpit: "Preachers ther- 
fore must labour to speak and to vtter that, which the hearers vnder- 
stand, and not go about the bush with their filing phrases." 68 He 
adds a bit later that "Caluine that zealous Preacher had, as many 
men know, an impediment in his speach, and in his sermons neuer 
vsed any painted rhetoricall termes." 66 

The use of painted rhetorical terms is decried later in the seven- 
teenth century in William Pemble's Vindiciae Gratiae. Pemble has 
already figured in these pages as author of the Enchiridion Ora- 
torivm^ a Neo-Ciceronian manual published at Oxford in i633. 67 
Pemble lectured at Oxford on divinity until his premature death in 
1623, and the Vindiciae Gratiae, first published some four years after 
his death, represents one series of those lectures. Although that 
series was devoted to the nature and properties of grace and faith, 
Pemble devotes much of his Preface to comments on preaching, and 
these indicate his desire for a double plainness in sermons, one being 
plainness of style and speech, and the other, plainness of matter. 
Plainness of style, he suggests, is his own ambition in the Preface he 
is now writing. He says in this connection: 

Vnto my apprehension, such Prologues, how euer sleeked ouer, doe 
yet feele rough and vneuen, and smell ranke of Lying or Flattery, 
when they are most seasoned with artificiall and trimme conueyance: 

68 William Vaughan, The G olden- groue, moralized, In three books: A itiorke very 
necessary for all such y as would know how to gouerne themselues y their houses^ or thetr 
countrey (London, 1600), sig. X8r. The italics are Vaughan's, and his note indicates 
that the quotation is from Martial. 

**Ibid., sig. Xyv. es Ibid., sig. X;v. 66 Ibid. y sig, X8r. 

87 See above, pp. 323-324. 

[ 391 1 


but of all, most vnhandsomely doth this Rhetoricke suite with such 
as pleade Gods cause before mortall men, who, if they will acknowl- 
edge this alleageance, must yeeld attention vpon a Sic dicit Dominus y 
without further entreaty. 68 

As for what he means by plainness of style, that comes out in the 
following passage from a later stage of his Preface: 

How many excellent discourses are tortured, wrested, and pinched in, 
and obscured through curiositie of penning, hidden alluions, forced 
phrases, vncouth Epithites, with other deformities of plaine speaking; 
your owne eares and eyes may be sufficient iudges, A great slauerie, to 
make the. minde a seruant to the .tongue, & so to tye her vp in fetters, 
that shee may not walke but by number and measure. Good speech, 
make the most on't is but the garment of truth: and shee is so glorious 
within, shee needes no outward decking j yet if shee doe appeare in a 
raiment of needle worke, its but for a more maiesticke comelinesse, not 
gawdy gaynesse. Truth is like our first Parents, most beautiful when 
naked, twas sinne couered them, tis ignorance hides this. Let perspi- 
cuitie and method bee euer the graces of speech ; and distinctnesse of 
deliuery the daughter of a cleere apprehension: for my selfe, I must 
alwayes thinke they know not what they say, who so speake, as others 
know not what they meane. 69 

Perhaps the greatest of the seventeenth-century pleas for plain- 
ness of style in sermon-making came from the pen of Joseph Glan- 
vill in 1678. Glanvill took his bachelor's degree at Oxford in 1655, 
and his master's degree three years later. Thereafter his life was 
spent in the church. But he was interested in the new movements in 
the science of his day 5 he enjoyed the friendship of the founders of 
the Royal Society 5 and on December 14, 1664, he himself was 
elected fellow of that distinguished organization. 70 Thus his theory 
of preaching grew out of his own professional concern for the needs 
of the pulpit and out of his acquaintance with the new rhetorical doc- 
trine being evolved in the meetings of the Royal Society. It is no 
exaggeration to say that he brought the doctrine of plainness from 
the new theory of scientific exposition and planted it in the ancient 
theory of religious persuasion. He was not the first to advocate plain- 
ness in sermon-making -, but his position in the seventeenth century 

68 William Pemble, Vindiciae Gratiae* A Plea for Grace (London, 1629), p. i. 

69 Ibid.y pp. 12-23. 

70 Dictionary of National Bio gra^hy^ s.v. Glanvill, Joseph (1636-1680)5 also Foster, 
Alumni Oxonienses^ ~s.v. Glanvill, Joseph. 

[ 392 ] 


as writer on homiletics and as member of the group advocating a new 
rhetoric for science gives his homiletical theory a double significance. 

GlanvilPs A Seasonable Defence of Preaching, published at Lon- 
don in 1678, is not primarily a work in the field of sacred rhetoric, 
but it must be mentioned as an indication of its author's interest in 
the problems of pulpit speakers, and it provides an excellent intro- 
duction to his more purely rhetorical doctrine. 71 The Defence is a 
dialogue on preaching by five laymen, identified as A, B, C, D, and E. 
The main speaker is A. He talks first with B on the question whether 
there is an excess of preaching in the modern church, his position 
being that there is not. 72 He next talks with C on the institution of 
preaching as distinguished from prayer. 73 C believes that preaching 
is outmoded in the modern era, inasmuch as there are no longer any 
heathens to convert j and thus he advocates more prayer and less 
preaching. A answers this argument by asserting that sermon-making 
is still essential, and that its success can be explained. In the course 
of this part of the dialogue, A mentions that the success achieved by 
the puritan preachers before the civil war depended not so much on 
the excellence of their sermons as on other factors. At this point D 
enters the argument. He turns out later to be a nonconformist, and 
his general contention is that preaching in the established church has 
not been effective of late, whereas preaching in the sects has shown 
both greater plainness and greater power. 74 In the course of A's ob- 
jections to each of these theses, he pauses to exchange ideas with C 
on the relative merits of preaching, prayer, catechisms, and homi- 
lies. 75 The dialogue comes to an end in a conversation between A and 
E on the disadvantages of having a hired clergy and on the careless- 
ness and looseness that might develop in sermons from the wrong 
kind of attempts to make them plain. 70 

It is GlanvilPs An Essay concerning Preaching: Written for the 
Direction of A Young Divine, also published at London in 1678, that 
contains his chief contribution to rhetorical theory. 77 This work ana- 

71 The title page reads: "A Seasonable Defence of Preaching: and the Plain Way of 
it. London: Printed by M. Clark, for H. Brome, at the Gun in St. Paul's Church-yard. 

72 A Seasonable Defence of Preaching (1678), pp. 1-8. 

73 Ibid., pp. 8-39. 7 *Ibid., pp. 39-50, 74-99- 
75 Ibid., pp. 50-74. Ibid. y pp. 99-112, 

77 Its title page reads: "An Essay concerning Preaching: Written for the Direction of 
A Young Divinej and Useful also for the People, in order to Profitable Hearing. Lon- 
don: Printed by A. C. for H. Brome, at the Gun in St. Paul's Church-yard. M. DC. 

[ 393 1 


lyzes first the different standards used by listeners to measure the 
effectiveness of sermons, some listeners being only in the mood for 
entertainment, others for instruction, still others for a pedantic show 
of learning, still others for plentiful biblical texts, still others for 
passion and vehemence, and still others for coldness and monotony. 
Glanvill then sets forth what he considers to be the true standard: 
"The End of preaching must be acknowledged to be the Instruction 
of the hearers in Faith and Good Life, in order to the Glory of God, 
and their present, and future happiness 5 and this ought to be the 
Rule and Measure of Preaching, and the exercise judged by this." 78 
Having established this function as the true aim of the preacher, 
Glanvill proceeds to organize his theory of sermon-making into four 
main subjects. Let us let him describe them for us: "I shall handle 
the Rules of Preaching under these four Heads. It ought to be plain, 
practical, methodical, affectionate." 7 * 

Plainness to Glanvill is a broad characteristic, and he proceeds to 
explain it mainly in terms of its opposites. These are enumerated as 
"hard words," "deep and mysterious notions," "affected Rhetorica- 
tions," and "Phantastical Phrases." Hard words are outlandish 
words used where ordinary English would serve. Deep and mysteri- 
ous notions are hypotheses and speculative questions in theology and 
philosophy. Affected rhetorications are nothing less than the tropes 
and the figures of Ciceronian and Ramistic rhetoric. Of stylistic 
rhetoric in general Glanvill says: "There is a bastard kind of elo- 
quence that is crept into the Pulpit, which consists in affectations of 
wit and finery, flourishes, metaphors, and cadencies." 80 GlanvilPs 
objection to this sort of style is that it degrades the ministry. "If we 
would acquit our selves as such," he declares, "we must not debase 
our great, and important message by those vanities of conceited 
speech 5 plainness is for ever the best eloquence 5 and 'tis the most 
forcible." 81 As for fantastical phrases, they differ from the rhetorica- 
tions in being not so much violations of accepted patterns of speech 
as exploitations of smart current colloquialisms. Thus, says Glanvill, 
if you teach men to believe Christ's doctrine, to obey his laws, and 
to conform to his example, you are counted dull and unedifyingj 
"but if you tell the people, that they must roll upon Christ, close 
with Christ, get into Christ, get a saving interest in the Lord Christ: 
O, this is savoury, this precious, this is spiritual teaching indeed; 

An Essay concerning Preaching (1678), p. 10. 

76 Ibid., p. ii. 80 /, p. 23. **/, pp. 34-25. 

[ 394 ] 


whereas if any thing more be meant by those phrases than what the 
other plain expressions intend, it is either falshood or nonsense." 82 

When Glanvill requires that, as a second consideration, sermons 
may be judged excellent only when they are practical, he means that 
sermons must actually improve the conduct of the listeners. "The 
main business of Religion," he avers, "is a good and holy life." 83 And 
the main design of the preacher, he adds, "should be to promote 
that." Thus sermons must contain pious doctrine, practicable direc- 
tions, and forcible motives. Pious doctrine is of course made up of 
the basic tenets of the preacher's religion. Practicable directions con- 
cern the advice the preacher may give as to the way in which that 
doctrine transforms itself into duties and actions. Forcible motives 
are those hopes, those fears, and those preferences, "convincing mens 
understanding that their interest is in their duty." 84 

GlanvilPs discussion of the requirement that preaching should be 
methodical is just as close to the spirit of the new rhetoric as is his 
discussion of plainness of style. Here is what he says at the outset of 
this part of his treatise: "Method is necessary both for the under- 
standings, and memories of the hearers j when a discourse hath an 
order, and connexion, one part gives light to another 3 whereas the 
mind is lost in confusions." 85 These words remind us of the efforts 
of Ramus to give method a new significance in the theory of presenta- 
tion. These words remind us, too, that Ramus believed order in dis- 
course to be a great contributing factor in making it easy for the 
speaker and the hearer to remember what was being said. But Glan- 
vilPs general rules for method remind us, not of Ramus and the 
Ciceronians, but of the new rhetoric. The first of these rules is that 
method should "be natural" "not strain'd and forced, but such as 
the matter, and the capacities, and wants of the auditors, require, 
and lead you to." 89 The second of Glanvill's rules for method is 
that "It should be obvious, and plainly laid down." 87 Those who ad- 
vocate a cryptic method to surprise the hearers are vain and weak; 
"our business is not to surprise, but to instruct." 88 GlanvilPs third 
rule is that the method should not be too intricate "the main things 
to be said may be reduced to a small number of heads, which being 
thorowly spoken to, will signifie more than a multitude slightly 
touch'd." 89 Following these general rules, Glanvill talks of method 
in terms of the parts of the sermon, and proceeds to discuss the choice 

8 * Ibid., p. 26. **Ibid., p. 28. M /<*., p. 37 * 5 Ibid. t p, 38. 

p. 39. ** Ibid., p. 39- "/<*., p. 39- "Ibid., p. 40. 

[ 395 ] 


of the text, the introduction, the body, and the application. Through- 
out this concluding portion of his discussion of organization, he keeps 
to the theme of plainness, common sense, and moderation. He also 
writes everywhere with an eye to the effect of a given procedure 
upon those who listen. 

The fourth one of GlanvilPs requirements is that a sermon should 
be affectionate. By this he means that it should express and arouse 
zeal. Affections, he says, "are the springs of the Soul, that move the 
Will, and put our powers into Action." 90 It is best, of course, he goes 
on, for our affections to be aroused by our understanding, by our 
knowledge of duty. But not everyone is capable of that kind of moti- 
vation. The common people, for example, "have not Souls for much 
knowledge, nor usually are they moved by this method." 91 For them, 
and for all others who lack the intellectual power to know what duty 
is, the tropes, figures, and schemes of style, and the inducements of 
vehemence in delivery, are necessary. Nor are these appeals illegiti- 
mate. God condescends to use them for us 5 "he speaks in our Lan- 
guage," says Glanvill, "and in such schemes of speech as are apt to 
excite the affections of the most vulgar, and illiterate." 92 

After concluding these four topics, Glanvill discusses faults in 
sermons, and then turns to a discussion "of the main circumstances 
of Preaching, which concern the Voice and the Action"** Thus does 
he manage to add delivery to his previous discussion of style, matter, 
and arrangement, as if he were thinking of the old Ciceronian divi- 
sions of rhetoric, and were trying to cover the four most often em- 
phasized by the Neo-Ciceronians. His final step is to discuss the edu- 
cation of a preacher, and here too he reminds us of Cicero laying 
down a program of philosophical preparation for the duties of a 
pagan orator in a layman's world. He admits towards the end of the 
Essay that his doctrines may be out of step with his time. Some go to 
church, he remarks, to be entertained by fine language and witty 
sentences. "They come to Sermons with the same appetites and in- 
clinations, as they go to see, and hear Plays." 94 Others go to church 
with a genuine zeal for religion but with a head full of false images 
and false expectations as to the language the preacher should use. 
The plainness and simplicity that I recommend, observes Glanvill, 
will not edify them$ in fact, they will pretend they do not under- 
stand. They and the other group just mentioned, Glanvill declares, 
make up the greater part of those who judge sermons in this age. It 

90 Ibid., p. 54-. 91 /, p. 55. "/<*., p. 56. 

p. 78, 9 * /<*., p. 87. 

[ 396 ] 


is not often "that the true plain Preaching is popular." 95 To the 
young divine for whom he is writing the Essay Glanvill then says 
that one must be ready to hear affected triflers and ignorant canters 
extolled as rare men, while the truly excellent preachers are mis- 
liked. And upon this note he brings his theory of rhetoric to an end. 
GlanvilPs Essay concludes my discussion of the new rhetoric of 
the seventeenth century, and my analysis of the main currents in 
logical and rhetorical theory in England during the Renaissance. 
Glanvill is an excellent prophet of things to come in the theory of 
communication. His Essay summarizes most of the trends I have been 
discussing in this chapter. It stands as a refreshing change for the 
reader who proceeds chronologically to examine works on rhetoric 
in the period between 1500 and 1700. It points specifically towards 
the emergence in English rhetorical theory of that fine modern rhet- 
oric, Fenelon's Dialogues on Eloquence^ which was published in 
French in 1717 and 1718, and in English in I722. 96 Fenelon's Dia- 
logues, by the way, are supposed to have been composed in 1679, or 
thereabouts, and thus they are the product of the same era that pro- 
duced GlanvilPs Essay in England. They are a more complete rhet- 
oric than Glanvill's, because Fenelon devotes as much space to the 
oration of the layman as to the sermon of the preacher, and he even 
gives his rhetorical theory a significance for the student of poetical 
communication. 97 Indeed, he goes farther than any rhetorician of his 
time towards creating a new rhetoric, even as the Port-Royalists 
went farther than contemporary logicians in creating a new logic. 
Although Fenelon was not a Port-Royalist, his Dialogues are a better 
Port-Royal rhetoric than that achieved by Lamy, who was given 
credit by seventeenth-century Englishmen for having completed in 
rhetoric the reform started by Arnauld and Nicole in logic. Thus 
Fenelon ought to be in my present chapter. But he cannot be claimed 
for English rhetorical theory until the eighteenth century was well 
under way, and that era lies outside my present limits. GlanvilPs 
Essay , however, is almost as good an example of the new rhetoric 
as the Dialogues are, and it is an example which belongs naturally to 
England and to the seventeenth century. I am content to close these 
pages with GlanvilPs name in the last sentence of my description of 
the new rhetoric. 

95 ibid., P . 9 i. 

96 On these points, see my Fenelon's Dialogues on Eloquence^ pp. 36-37, 46, 49. 

97 See my "Oratory and Poetry in Fenelon's Literary Theory," The Quarterly Journal 
of Speech, XXXVII (1951), i-io. 

[ 397 ] 


Abelard, 38 

ablatio, 129 

abusion, 109 

Academics, 300-301 

Acontius, Jacobus, De Methodo, 286, 289, 


Adamson, R., 44 
Advancement of Learning, see Bacon, 

Aegidius, 251 
Aeneas, 315 
Aeolus, 199 
Aeschines, 104 
Aeschylus, Prometheus^ 391 
Agricola, Rudolph, 15-16, 34, 54., 126, 

14.9, 198, 227, 248, 322 i De Inventione 

Dialectica Libri Tres, 16, 49-50, 51, 131, 

Airay, Christopher, 308, 3171 Fasciculus 

Praeceptorum Logicorum, 308-309, 316 
Albertus Magnus, 39 
Alcinous, 315 
Alcuin, 6, 7, 37, 40, 75, 785 De Dialectica, 

32-3^) 735 De Rhetorica, 32, 33, 70, 73- 

74, 119 

Aldhelm, Letter to Acircius, 33 
Alexander, 373 
Alexander o Hales, 39, 301; Summa 

Theologica^ 39 
Al-Farabi, 375 Liber de Divisione Scienti- 

arum, 40, 41, 44 
allegory, 169, 256 
Alsted, John Henry, 283, 284, 303, 312, 

3381 Harmonius System of Logic, 284, 

Ames, William, 210, 212, 2455 Demon- 

stratio Logicae Verae, 210-211$ Theses 

Logicae, 2IO-2H 
Amoretto, 243 
amplification, 127, 377 
Amyot, Jacques, 1695 L > Histoire aetht- 

opique, a translation of Heliodorus's 

Aethiopica, 169, 171 
anadiplosis, 256 
analysis and genesis, 249-250, 260, 305- 

306, 312, 320-321 

Analytica Posteriora, see Aristotle, Pos- 
terior Analytics 

Analytica Priora, see Aristotle, Prior Ana- 

anaphora, 256 
Anderson, George K., 33 
Anderson, James Maitland, 179 
Andreae, Antonius, Scriptum . super Libros 

Veteros Logics 45-46 

Andrews, Bishop, 325 

antimetabole, 124 

antitheses, 334 

Apelles, 181 

apheresis, 129 

Aphthonius, Progymnasmata, 140, 142, 

Apiciusj Marcus Gabius, 104 

apocope, 109 

Apollo, 242 

Apollonius, 177 

apology, 124 

aposiopesis, 124 

apostrophe, 170, 256 

Arber, Edward, 30, 50, 179, 192, 194, 
195, 196, 203, 204, 206, 254) arfi, 262, 
*73> 3*7-3*9, 338 3^4 

Archimedes, 153, 1775 Quadratura Para- 
bolae^ 177 

argument, 22, 305, 309, 310, 316, 343* 
dilemma, 23, 54, 2885 enthymeme, 22, 
54, 288, 292, 294, 299, 305, 3105 
example, 22, 23, 54, 288, 292, 294, 299, 
305, 3105 induction, 22-23, 54, 159- 
160, 288, 292, 294, 299, 305, 310, 363, 
3685 rhetorical induction, 545 rhetor- 
ical syllogism, 54, 77 5 sorites, 23, 288 j 
syllogism, 22, 35, 54, 159-^0) **S, 
292, 294, 299, 305, 310, 312, 354, 361, 
363, 368 

Aristotle, 6, 39, 54, 62, 63, 64, 69, 147, 
155) *$*) 164, 165, 173, 174, 175, 177, 
178, 180, 183, 185, 188, 189, 190, 
191, 192, 193, 196, 197, 199, 208, 214, 

217, 2l8, 219, 222, 224-225, 227, 229, 

274, 285, 289, 300, 301, 302, 310, 311, 
318, 347, 353, 355, 356, 360, 362, 374* 
384, 385 f Categories, 12, 19, 34, 35, 
36, 39, 40, 44, 46, 47, 52, 156, 294, 
a 99) 35> Ethics, 215 Metaphysics^ 154, 
i8oj On Interpretation^ 12, 22, 35, 39, 
40, 46, 52, 299, 3055 Organon, 12, 13, 
16, 19, 24, 28, 35, 37, 38) 39i 4) 4i> 
47) 52, 53, 55> *3i *54> io> *34> ^37, 
240, 241, 287, 288, 295> 304, 305, 309, 
3105 Physics, 1 80, 2265 Posterior Ana- 
lytics, 12, 21, 39, 40, 4-i-44> I49> I 5> 
158, 182, 299, 305, 309 j Prior Ana- 
lytics, 12, 22, 40, 53, 158, 182, 236, 
299, 305, 3535 Rhetoric, 64, 6S, 131, 
i54> *55> *56> ^4, 236, 237, 276, 279, 
3*5> 333, 35*> 373, 383-3*5, 387-3885 
Rhetorica ad Alexandrum, 154, 38 4 j 
Sophistical Elenchi, 12, 28, 39, 40, 47, 

[ 399 ] 


63) 227, 3053 Topics, 12, 15, 16-18, 
4) 35) 40, 44> 47> 55) 62, ^9) I 3^> 

149, 152, 236) 287, 299, 305, 313 
Aristotle's three laws, 41-43, 232, 235, 

287, 292, 307; in Vincent of Beauvais, 
41-43; in Ramus, i49-*53) 158-15?) 
3425 in Macllmaine, 181-182, 186; in 
Milton, 217-218 j in Smith, 295-296; 
in Sanderson, 3065 in Airay, 309; in 
Prideaux, 315$ lex justitiae, 150, 151- 
152, 181, 186, 215, 253, 255, 269, 323, 
33) 359-36oi lex sapientiae, 150, 152- 
*53> *6o, 182, 186, 2175 lex veritatis, 

150, 151, 181-1823 186, 217, 2695 de 
omni, 150, 295, 3095 per se, 150, 296, 
3093 universaliter primum (jquatenus 
ipsum), 150, 296, 309; du tout, 150; 
par soy, 150; universel premier ement, 

arithmetic, 14, 51, 151, 15 3, 258, 259 

Arnauld, Antoine, and Claude Lancelot, 
Grammaire Generate et Raisonnee, 352 

Arnauld, Antoine, and Pierre Nicole, Port- 
Royal Logic, 8-9, 10, 299, 343, 346, 
350-363, 364, 365^ 378 382, 384, 397 

arrangement: logical, 15, 16-23, 34, 147- 
148, 152, 154, 155, 157-165, 180-181, 
226, 231-232, 235, 255, 287, 292, 314, 
3*7) 3*8, 321, 342, 343, 348, 359, 365, 
370-371, 377 j philosophical, 366, 367- 
368 j poetic, 75, 82, 83-84; rhetorical, 
6, 66, 67, 72, 74, 81, 92^ 93, 101-102, 
112, 113, 147-148, 152, 153, 155, 164- 
165, 267, 269, 271, 318, 319, 322, 323, 
324-325, 326, 330, 331, 332, 365, 380, 
382-385, 395-396 

artistic proofs, 68-69, 155-156, 162, 180, 
221, 231, 268, 375-382 

Art of Rhetorick, A>s to Elocution ; Ex- 
plain* d> 280-281 

Ascham, Roger, 173)253,259, 318; Letter 
to Sturm (1550), 173-174, 1755 Letter 
to Sturm (1552), 174-1765 Schole- 
master, 177-178, 253-254 

Asser of St. David's, 75 

Astengo, Andrea, 80 

astronomy, 14, 61, 82 

Atkins, J. W. H., 33, 38, 64, 66, 74, 76, 
98, 119, 120 

Atlas, 84 

Atticus, 67 

Augustine, Saint, 81, 108, 112, 207, 301, 
334 j De Doctrina Christiana, 112, 115 

Averroes, 37, 301 

Avicenna, 37, 301 

Bacon, Francis, 9, 218, 229, 325, 342, 
350, 364, 382, 388; Advancement of 

Learning, 9, 194, 202, 306, 333, 365- 
375. 382-383, 386-3875 De Dignitate 
et Augmentis Scientiarum, 341; Novum 
Organum, 344; Works, ed. James Sped- 
ding, Robert Leslie Ellis, Douglas Denon 
Heath, 202, 365-374) 382-383, 386-387 

Bacon, Roger, Opus Majus, 44-45 

Balf, 169 

Baker, William, 298 

Balbus de Janua, Catholicon, 122 

Baldwin, Charles Sears, 15, 38., 40, 64, 
119, 120 

Baldwin, Thomas Whitfield, 64, 146, 254, 

Barak, 316 

Barebone, John, 189-190 

Barnard, H. C., 352, 379 

Bartas, du, 258, 316 

Barton, John, 258, 2735 Art of Rhetorick 
Concisely and Compleatly Handled, 274- 


Baskervill, Charles Read, 139 

Baynes, Thomas Spencer, trans. Port-Royal 
Logic, 352-363 

Beckher, George, 326 

Bede, 7, 32, 33, 75, 76, 127; Liber de 
Arte Metrica, 33; Liber de Ortho- 
graphia, 33; Liber de Schematibus et 
Tropis, 7, 33, 116-119 

Bedwell, William, 246 

Bellay, Joachim du, 169 

Bembus, 251 

Bennett, Henry Stanley, 240 

Bentham, Jeremy, 63, 350 

Beowulf, 33 

Bertius, Petrus, 310 

Beurhaus, Friedrich, 202, 203, 222, 227, 
230; Dialecticae Libri Duo, an edition 
of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo, 203; 
Inquiries, 202-203; Scholastic Disputa- 
tions, 203 

Beza, Theodorus, 207 

Bible, 81, 116, 138, 218, 219, 258; 
Genesis, 187; Matthew, 187; Numbers, 
1875 Psalms, 275 

Blades, William, 79, So 

blank verse, 256 

Bliss, Philip, 30, 293 

Blount, Thomas, Academie of Eloquence, 

277) 33i. 332-333) 335 
Blundeville, Thomas, 29, 30, 297, 298, 

300-301, 315; Arte of Logicke, 29, 216, 

285-291, 307, 354; True order and 
< Methode of wyting and reading Hys- 

tories, 286 

Boehner, Philotheus, 37, 234 
Boethiusi 15, 24, 39, 51, 54; commentaries 

upon Aristotle's Organon, 245 De Dif- 

[ 400 ] 


ferentiis Topicis, 15, 36, 41, 77-78, 805 

Liber de Divisione, 41, 46 
Book of Common Prayer, 13 
Boscan Almogaver, 258 
Bourbon, Antoine de, 239 
Brerewood, Edward, 298, 3165 Elementa 

Logicae, 298-2995 Tractatus quidam 

logici, 299 

Brewster, David, 300 
Brinsley, John, Ludus Literarius, 265-266, 


Britomart, 316 
Brooke, C. F. Tucker, 239 
Brooke, Thomas, 125 

Brown, Peter Hume, see Buchanan, George 
Brutus, see Cicero 
Brutus, 67 

Bucer, Martin, 58-59, 106, 174 
Buchanan, George, 188, 189$ "Opinion 

anent the Reformation of the Univer- 

sitie of St Andros," ed. Peter Hume 

Brown, 188 

Buckley, William, Arithmetica, 51 
Budaeus, 251 

Biihler, Curt Ferdinand, 47, 87, 122 
Bulwer, John, Chirologia . . . Chvronomia, 

Burgersdijck, Franco, Institution-urn Logi- 

carutn Libri Duo, 309-311, 316 
Burke, Robert Belle, 44 
Busche, Alexandre van den (Le Sylvain), 


Buscherus, Heizo, 283 
Butler, Charles, 193, 258, 274, 319; 

Oratoriae Libri Duo, 266-269, 3195 

Ra?neae Rhetoricae Libri Duo, 262 ; 

Rhetoricae Libri Duo, 262-266, 267, 

268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 280, 319, 340 
Butler, H. E., 67 

cacemphaton, 121 

Cacus the thief, 104 

Caesar, 132, 138, 3735 Commentaries, 260 

Calagius, Biblidos, 315-316 

Calvin, 391 

Campagnac, E. T., 270 

Canisius, Henricus, 34 

Caplan, Harry, vii, 106, 115 

Capperonnier, 1 1 8 

Carpentarius, 199, 282 

Carpenter, Frederic Ives, see Cox, Leonard 

Carpenter, Nathaniel, 15, 3765 Philoso- 

phia Libera, 377-378 
Carter, Peter, ed. Seton's Dialectica, 50-56, 

Case, John, 190-191, 193; Speculum Mo- 

ralium Ouaestionum, 190-191} Summa 

veterum Inter pretum, 191-192 

catachresis, 124, 169 

Categoriae, see Aristotle, Categories 

Catherine de* Medici, 239 

Caxton, William, Mirrour of the World^ 
47-48, 49, 87-90 

Centaurs, 84 

Cephas Chlononius, 173, 175, 176 

Chaderton, Laurence, 179, 206, 208, 211, 
222, 247 

Chalmers, Alexander, in 

Chappell, William, 211, 213; Methodus 
Concionandi, 212-213; The Preacher, 

Charisius, 118 

Charlemagne, 32, 33, 34, 73 

Charles I, 300, 339 

Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine, 147, 153, 

Charles, third duke of Suffolk, 105 

Chaucer, 126; Canterbury Tales, 316 

Cheke, Sir John, 12 

Cherillus ( Choerilus ) , 198 

Christ, 135, 174, 339 

Christianus, Phil., 212 

Chrysippus, 373 

Chrysostom, 301 

Cicero, 4, 6, 54, 65, 68, 83, 84, 91, 92, 
in, 122, 127, 137, 148, 155, 165, 173, 
*75> *77, 178* l8 j l8 5j 187? 188, 219, 
227, 236, 237, 251, 252, 253, 260, 264, 
267, 274, ^79) 30i, 3*8> 319, 321, 322, 
3*5, 33i> 334, 35*, 357> 382, 39^5 
Brutus, 67, 104, io8j De Finibus, 15; 
De Inventione, 54, 66, 69, 70-71, 72, 

73> 74-> 76, 77, 92, 93> 94, io> *i 
325} De Officiis, 21, 2605 De Oratore, 
66, 67, 69, 74, 77, 85, 104, 108, 116, 
118, 131, iSoj De Partitione Oratoria, 
66, 67, 108, 1315 Laelius, 250$ Oration 
against Verres, 163} Oration for Marcus 
Marcellus, 132, 1385 Oration in the 
Senate upon his Return, 2505 Oration 
to the People upon his Return, 2495 
Orator, 15, 67, 72, 74, 102, 104, 116, 
118, 121, 131, 337-3385 Topics, 15, 16, 
21, 24-25, 57, 70, 224 
Ciceronian rhetoric, see rhetoric 
Ciceronians, 62, 251, 252, 302, 319, 320, 

3&5y 374 
circuitus, 121 
circumlocution, 124 

Clark, Donald Lemen> 64, 143, 146, 258 
Clark, Samuel, 192-193, 199-200 
Clarke, John, 338, 3405 Formulae Ora- 

toriae, 338-339, 3405 Transitionum 

rhetoricarum formulae, 338 
Clauberg, 357 
Clerke, John, 246 

[ 401 ] 


Clifford's Inn, aoo 

Coligriy, Admiral, 239 

Collier, John Payne, 30 

Collijn, Isak, 79 

colon, 121 

Columbia University Press, 214 

Columbus, 199 

commonplaces, see invention, logical, rhe- 


Company of Merchant Taylors, 143 
Compendium of the An of Logick and 

Rhetorick in the English Tongue, 238, 

176) 279, 384 
Concerning Demonstration, see Aristotle, 

Posterior Analytics 
Concerning Syllogism, see Aristotle, Prior 

A nalytics 

conclusion, see parts of the classical oration 
Congregation of the Oratory, 379 
Consiliodorus, 242 
constitutio^ 70-71, 107, 114 
controversy college at Chelsea, 311, 376- 


Cooper, Lane, vii, 21 

Cooper, Thompson, 50 

Cooper, William Durrant, 30 

Copland, Robert, Art of Memory , a trans- 
lation of Tommai's Foenix, 95-98 

Corax, 2 8 

Cornificius, 135 

Cortesius, 251 

Couto, Sebastian, 234 

Coverdale's English Bible, 13 

Cox, Leonard, 81, 132$ Erotetnata Rhe- 
torica, 945 The Arte or Crafte of Rhe- 
thoryke, 90-95, 98, io8j The Arte or 
Crafte of Rhethoryke, ed. Frederic Ives 
Carpenter, 87-88, 90, 92, 94 

Craig, Hardin, 146 

Crane, William Garrett, 64, 134, 137, 146 

Crellius, Fortunatus, 310 

Crook, William, 279 

Curio, Coelius Secundus, 51-52 

Cyrus, 373 

d > Ailly, Pierre, 234 

Dareste, Rodolphe > 227 

D > Assigny, Marius, Art of Memory, 3415 

Rhetorica Anglorum, 341 
David and Goliath, 107 
Davies, Godfrey, vii 
Day, Angel, 329, 3385 English Secretorie, 

329-^30, 335 
Deborah, 316 
De FinibuSy see Cicero 
De Interpretatione > see Aristotle, On Inter- 


De Inventione, see Cicero 

deliberative oratory, 70, 93, 106 

delivery, 7, 66, 67, 72-73, 74, 75, 81, 82, 
84-85, 89, 104, 112, 113, 148, 164, 
170-172, 249, 255, 258, 260-261, 262, 
264, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 277, 
280, 318, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324-325* 
359 3<55) 3^6, 368-374, 379, 3805 
gesture, 73, 89-90, 104-105, 170-171, 
249, 258, 260-261, 264, 274, 275, 340- 
34i 3^9> 39*5 voice, 73, 89, IO4-XO5, 
170-171, 249, 258, 264, 275, 379, 396 

demonstrative oratory, 70, 93, 106-107 

Demosthenes, 12, 104, 141, 1715 Three 
Orations, 12 

De Officiis, Se Cicero 

de omni, 150, 295, 309 

De Oratore, see Cicero 

De Partitione Oratoria, see Cicero 

Descartes, Rene, 153, 342, 360, 361, 362, 
3*5> 3 6 7> 374> 3?6> 3823 Discours de 
la Methode, 153, 160, 306, 343-350* 
35i) 358, 366, 381 

De Septenario, see Aldhelm, Letter to Acir- 

Desmaze, Charles, 146 

De Sophisticis Elenchis f see Aristotle, So- 
phistical Elenchi^ 

dialectic, see logic" 

dialectic and logic differentiated, 16, 43, 
51, 154-155 

dialectic and logic identified, 17, 52, 154, 

Diana, 348 

Dido, 315 

Dietericus, 274 

Digby, Everard, 194-196, 199, 202, 204, 
238, 243, 369$ Two Books on the Bi- 
partite Method, 1945 Response to the 
Admonition of F. Mildapet, 195 

dilemma, see argument 

Dillingham, Dr., 179 

diminution, 124 

Dimmock, Sir Edward, 99 

Diogenes Laertius, De Vita et Moribus 
Philosophorwm, 28 

disposition, see arrangement 

dissolutum, 109 

division, see parts of the classical oration 

Donatus, 1 1 8 

Dow, Clyde W., 321, 322 

Downer, Alan, 379 

Downham, George, 208, 210, 218, 2305 
Commentaries on the Dialectic of P. 
Ramus, 208-209, 211, 215, 217 

Drant, Thomas, 55-56, 178, 208 

Dry den, 281 

Duchesne, Andre, 34 

[ 402 


Duchess of Suffolk, 57 

Dudley, John, 99 

Duff, E. Gordon, 45, 46, 79 

Dugard, William, Rhetorices Elementa, 


Duhamel, P. Albert, 14.6, 216, 218 
Duke of Northumberland, 99 
Du Moulin, Pierre, 274, 310 
Duns Scotus, Johannes, 46 
Du Pac de Bellegarde, G., and J. Haute- 

rage, 351, 354, 355, 356, 358, 360 
Du tout, 150 

Earl of Essex, 57, 58, 59 

Earl of Leicester, 190 

Edward VI, 12, 13, 99 

Egbert, 32 

Ehninger, Douglas, 379 

Elias, 288 

Elizabeth, see Queen Elizabeth 

Ellis, Robert Leslie, see Bacon, Francis 

Elyot, 126 

enargia, 121, 127 

enigma, 124, 169 

enthymeme, see argument 

enumeration, 127 

epanorthosls, 124 

epenthesis, 109, 129 

Epicurus, 227 

Erasmus, 16, 108, 135, 207, 248, 251 j 
A$o<phthegmata<> 108, 139$ Chiliades, 
1395 Ciceronianus, 2521 Declamation 
on Educating Children, 125, 132, 1385 
De Du'plici Co'pia Verborum ac Rerum y 
I 3 I > I 37i Epistle in praise of matri- 
mony, 1085 Opuscula aliquot^ 1391 
Preacher, 131 

Estienne, Charles, 335 

Ethics, see Aristotle 

etiology, 325 

Euathlus, 28, 288 

Euryalns, 357 

6vrard 1'Allemand, Laborintus, 122 

example, 1275 see also argument 

exclamation, 124, 170, 256 

expolitio, 135 

exposition in medical science, 184 

extenuation 109 

extenuation, 124 

Eyre, George E. B., and Charles R. Riving- 
ton, 212, 352 

Page, Robert, Peter Ramus . . . Ms Dia- 
lectica, a translation of Ramus's Dia- 
lecticae Libri Duo, 237-238, 276, 280 

fallacies, 28, 228, 232, 287, 288, 294, 305, 
309* 3i> 3i7 343) 3*ij 368 i ambigu- 
ity, 305 antistrephon, 28, 300; asistaton, 

28, 288; cacosistaton, 285 ceratinae, 28, 
288 j crocodilites, 28, 288, 3005 fallacia 
accidentiS) 2885 pseudomenos, 28, 2885 
utis, 28, 300 

Faral, Edmund, 66, 75, 119 

Faringdon, Hughj 90 

Farnaby, Thomas, 276-277, 325, 326, 
338, 3405 Formulae Oratoriae, 321; 
Index PoeticuS) 3215 Index Rhetoricus, 
^280, 321-323, 324, 335, 340 

Fenelon, 11, 115, 1494 Dialogues on 
Eloquence, 397 

Fenner, Dudley, 2193 220, 229, 326-3275 
Artes of Logike and Rethortke, 219-222, 
*55- 2 56, 257 258, 273, 276-279, 280, 

Festus, Sextus Pompeius, 201 

Feuillerat, Albert, 205 

Ficino, 144 

figures, 109, 124, 132-137, 164, 167, 169- 
170, 256, 260, 261, 264, 270, 271, 274, 
275, 276, 277, 278-279, 280, 317, 322, 
325 326, 3^7-335) 359) 37S> 379> S^o, 

Fliigel, Ewald, 3 i 

Foclin, Antoine, 166, 2485 La Rhetorique 
Francoise, a translation of Talaeus's 
Rhetorica, 166-172, 1885 ed. Satires of 
Persius, 166 

Fonseca, Peter, 234 

Foquelin, see Foclin 

Forbes, Clarence A., and Harold S. Wilson, 
see Harvey, Gabriel, Ciceronianus 

forensic oratory, see judicial oratory 

formulary rhetoric, see rhetoric 

Foster, Joseph, 190, 193, 265, 392 

Fouquelin, see Foclin 

Francesco dalla Rovere, 79 

Fraunce, Abraham, 2225 Arcadian Rhe- 
torike^ ed. Ethel Seaton, 257-258, 3275 
La<wters Logi&e, 223-228, 329, 249-2 5 o> 
257, 25 8 j Shea'pheardes Logike^ 222, 

Freigius, John Thomas, 199, 248, 2595 

Ciceronianusy 2525 Life of Peter Ramus ^ 


French, J. Milton, 146, 238 
Frischlin, tJebraidos^ 316 
Fulgentius, Mythologiae^ 77 
Fulke, William* 59 
Fuller, Thomas, 208, 209^ an 
Fullwood, William, 59$ Cartel of Mem- 

orie, 1435 Enimie of Idlenesse, 59, 143- 

1455 ed. Lever's Philosopher's Game, 59, 


Galen, 154, 184, 289, 290 

[ 403 ] 


Galen, Matthieu, 34. 
Gallandius, 199) 282 
Garcilasso, 258 
Gassendi, 360 
Gayley, Charles Mills > 31 
Gellius, Aulus, Noctes Atticae, 28 
Genesis, see. Bible 
genesis, see analysis and genesis 
Geoffrey of Vinsauf, Poetria Nova, 75-76, 
8 i, 87, 119, 122} Summa de Coloribus 
Rhetoricis, 119-120, 122 
geometry, 14, 151, 153, 259 
gesture, see delivery 

Gilbert, Allan H., A fuller institution of 
the Art of Logic, a translation of Mil- 
ton's Artis Logicae Plenior Institutio, 
Gilbert de la Porree, Liber de Sex Princi- 

piis, 38, 39, 41, 46, 47 
Giles, John Allen, 173, 174, 175, 176 
Gilson, Ittienne, 344, 346 
Giraldus Cambrensis, 76 
Glanvill, Joseph, n, 364, 392; Essay 
concerning Preaching, 393-397; Season- 
able Defence of Preaching, 393 
Glareanus, 251 

Gossouin, Sensuit le livre de clergie, 47 
Gouge, William, 199-200, 245 
Goulston, Theodore, 384 
Gouvea, Antonio, 188, 189, 282 
Gower, 126 
gradatio, 109 

Graese, Jean George Theodore, 335, 352 
Grafton, Richard, 12, 13, 29 
grammar, 14, 118, 147, 148, 151, 152, 
153, 161-162, 171, 181, 185-186, 229, 
^54-j *59 *6o, ^74-, ^75) 304, 3^7, 
342, 359, 369* 37i> 374o 379 
Granger, Thomas, Syntagma Logicum, 

229-232, 284, 291 

Grataroli, Guglielmo, De Memoria, 143 
Graves, Frank Pierrepont, 146, 176, 188, 

189, 249, 282, 289 
Gray's Inn, 222, 223, 224 
Greaves, Paul, 245 

Greene, Robert, 45, 196, 243; Friar Bacon 
and Friar Bungay, 455 Menaphon, 1975 
Quip for an Upstart Courtier, 198 
Greenlaw, Edwin, 265 
Greg, Walter Wilson, 30 
Grey, Lady Jane, 99 
Grosseteste, Robert, 39, 45, 46 
Guggenheim, M., 173 
Gutch, John, 37, 45, 75, 189 

Hale, E. E. Jr., 64 

Halm, Carolus, 33, 73, 116, 117, 118 

Harvey, Gabriel, 146, 178, 179, 193, 196, 
197, 199, 202, 203-204, 206, 208, 211, 

247, 255, 257, 3875 Ciceronianus, trans. 
Harold S. Wilson and Clarence A. 
Forbes, 146, i74> 1785 i79> l8 9> *47> 

248, 250-254, 2555 Four Letters, 198; 
Piercers Supererogation, 198-1995 Rhe- 
tor, 248-250, 254, 255 

Harvey, Richard, 198 

Harvey, William, 346 

Haureau, Barthelemy, 37 

Hautefage, J., see Du Pac de Bellegarde, 
G., and J. Hautefage 

Hawes, Stephen, 46, 76, 103} Pastime of 
Pleasure, 47, 48-49, 81-88, 119 

Heath, Douglas Denon, see Bacon, Francis 

Heath, T. L., 177 

Heffner, Ray, 265 

Heliodorus, Aethiopica, 169, 171 

Hemingius, 207 

Hendrickson, G. L., 67 

Henry VIII, 50 

Henry, Earl of Pembroke, 223 

Henry of Anjou, 239, 240, 241 

Henry of Guise, 239, 240, 241 

Henry of Navarre, 239 

Henry, second duke of Suffolk, 105 

Heraclitus, 1 84 

Hercules, 84 

Hermogenes, Progymnasmata, 140 

Heron, Mensurae, 177 

Herschel, John, 350 

Hill, Charles Jarvis, 337 

Hippocrates, 161, 184 

Hobbes, Thomas, 146, 238, 279, 280, 3645 
Art of Rhetorick, 279, 384; Art of 
Rhetorick Plainly set forth,' 279, 384; 
Brief e of the Art of Rhetorique, 276, 
279, 384-385, 388} Discourse of the 
Laws of England, 279, 384$ Whole Art 
of Rhetorick, 384; Works, 385, 388 

Homer, 5, 122, 142, 161, 252, 258, 315, 

homiletics, 106-108, 110-115, 184, 187, 

206-207, 212-213, 229-232, 334-335> 

386-387, 39-397 
homoeoteleuton, 130-131 
Hood, Thomas, 246 
Hooker, Richard, 192, 3255 Lawes of 

Ecclesiasticall Politie, 192 
Hoole, Charles, A New Discovery Of the 

old Art of Teaching Schoole, 270-271 
Horace, 122, 154, 187, 260, 315 
Home, Thomas, 273, 3385 Manuductio in 

Aedem Palladis, 339; Rhetoricae Com- 
pendium, 273 
Hortensius, 198 

[ 404- ] 


Hoskins, John, 277, 326$ Directions for 

Speech and Style, 277, 280, 330, 331- 

33*, 333 

Hotman, Francois, 227, 313 
Houston, Benjamin F., vii 
Howard, Leon, 146, 218 
Howell, Wilbur S., 32, 34, 64, 70, 73, 74, 

146, 149, 279, 354, 377, 379, 397 
Hubbell, H. M., 66 
Hudson, Hoyt H., ed. Hoskins's Directions 

for Speech and Style, 277, 280, 330, 

33*, 3325 trans. Jewel's Oratio contra 

Rhetorical, 123-124 
Huens, Augustin, 310 
Hugh of St. Victor, 15, 38 
Hultzen, Lee Sisson, 64, 266, 269, 277 
hyperbole, 124, 127, 169 
Hyperius, Andreas Gerardus, 110-115, 

20 7 j see also Ludham, John 

Illyricus, 207 

image, 127 

images, see memory 

indsum, 121 

induction, see argument 

Ingenioso, 243 

inkhorn terms, 102 

inkpot terms, 106 

Institutio Oratoria, see Quintilian 

introduction, see parts of the classical ora- 

invention: logical, 15, 23-29, 34, 100-101, 
147-148, 152, 154, 155-157, 162, *8o- 
181, 184-185, 226, 231, 235, 255, 287, 
*9* 305) 314) 317) 3*8, 3**, 34*, 343) 
347 355-357* 359> 3^55 philosophical, 
306-307, 314-315) 345. 347-348, 350, 
357-360, 361, 3^6-367, 377i poetic, 
75, 82-83; rhetorical, 5, 6, 10, 66, 67, 
68-72, 73-74, 77, 80-81, 90, 92-94, 
100-101, H2, 114-115, 147, 152, 155, 
164-165, 249, 267, 269, 271, 318, 319, 
3**, 323, 3*4-3*5, 3*6, 330, 331, 332, 
339, 365, 367, 380, 396 

irony, 168-169, 256 

Irving, David, 188 

Irwin, Franklin, 215, 218 

Isidore, 36, 52, 76, 274$ De Grammatica, 
ii 8 ; De Rhetorica, 118-, Etymologiae, 
36, 41, 77-78, 118, 119 

indicium, see arrangement 

James I, 311 
Jansenism, 351 
Jeanne d'Albret, 239 
Jebb, R. C., 64. 
Jerome, 81, 301 

Jewel, John, Oratio contra Rhetoricam, 

see Hudson, Hoyt H. 
John of Garland, Exempla Honestae Vitae, 

120} Poetria, 120 
John of St. David's, 37 
John of Salisbury, 15, 40, 119; Meta- 

logicon, 38, 119 

Johnson, Francis R., see Rainolde, Richard 
Jones, John, 230 
Jonson, Ben, Timber, 330-331 
Joseph, B. L., 341 
judgment, see arrangement 
judicial oratory, 70, 93, 106-107 
Julius Victor, Ars Rhetorica, 74 
Junius, Franciscus, 207 
Justin Martyr, 199 

Keckermann, Bartholomew, 210, 274, 303, 
310, 312, 320, 323 j System of Logic, 
2835 System, of Rhetoric, 283, 3225 
Three Tractates, 283, 302-3033 Two 
Books of Ecclesiastical Rhetoric, 283 

Kempe, William, 246$ Education of 
children in learning, 258-261, 270 

kinds of sermons, 113-114 

King Alfred, 75, 259 

Laelius, see Cicero 

Laistner, M. L. W., 32, 33, 116, 118, 119 

Lamy, Bernard, 3645 Art of S -peaking, 

378-382, 397 
Lancelot, Claude, see Arnauld, Antoine, 

and Claude Lancelot 
Landi, Ortensio, see Mundy, Anthony 
la Primaudaye, Pierre de, 331 
La Ramee, Pierre de, see Ramus, Peter 
Le Bon, Monsieur, 352 
Leishman, J. B., 242, 244, 245 
Lentulus, 227 

Le Sylvain, see Busche, Alexandra van den 
letter writing, i43-*45> 33O, 331-33*, 


Lever, Ralph, 6, 57-58, 157, 1725 The 
Philosopher's Game, ed. William Full- 
wood, 59, 143 j Witcraft, 57-63, 143, 

lex justitiae, 150, 151-152, 181, 186, 215, 
*53, *55> *69, 3*3, 33O, 359"36o 

lex safientiae, 150, i5*-i53, 160, 182, 186, 

lex veritatis, 150, 151, 181-182, 186, 217, 

Libavius, Andreas, 196, 283-284 

Lieblerus, Georgius, 196, 199 

Linacre, Thomas, Rudimentes Grammati- 
ces, 131 

Lipsius, 201, 331, 338 

Livy, Titus, 336 

[ 405 ] 


logic: new, 3, 8-9, 346-350, 361-363, 
3755 Port-Royal, 8-9, 343, 350-363* 
Ramistic, 7-8, 9, 29, 146-165, 1 73-245, 

342, 343, 346-347, 354-36o, 367, 374., 
375) 3?8i scholastic, 6, 7, 9, 12-63, 64, 
301, 342, 343, 34-6-34-7) 35*5 353~354, 
357> 36o, 367, 374, 375, 378, 382; 
Systematic, 8, 282-317, 318, 322, 342- 

343, 354, 38* 

logic and dialectic differentiated, see dia- 
lectic and logic differentiated 

logic and dialectic identified, see dialectic 
and logic identified 

logic and rhetoric compared, 4, 78, 94, 
101, in, 147-I49> i5i) i53-i54i 164, 
186, 250, 254-255, 293, 304, 374, 377 j 
as closed fist to open hand, 4, 15, 33, 51, 
141, 208-209, 293, 315, 320, 341, 365, 

374, 377 
logic as the closed fist, see logic and rhetoric 

Longolius, 251 
Lord Burghley, 190 
Lorich, Reinhard, 140, 142; trans, Aph- 

thonius's Progymnasmata, 140 
Ludham, John, no, 321$ Practise of 

preaching, a translation of Hyperius's 

De Formandis Concionibus Sacris, 110- 

Lull, Ramon, 7, 9, 313* 3*4, 37*, 

The Great, General, and Ultimate Art, 
302, 348, 360 

Luther, Martin, 58 

Lydgate, John, 46, 84, 87, 126 

Macllmaine, Roland, 179, 187-189, 202, 
204, 217, 221, 232, 247, 286} Dia- 
lecticae Libri Duo, an edition of Ramus's 
Dialecticae Libri Duo, 179, 187, 247, 
248 j Logike, a translation of Ramus's 
Dialecticae Libri Duo, 180-187, 219, 

Madan, Falconer, 45, 190, 270, 292, 298, 
299, 312 

Madido, 242, 243, 244 

Maecenas, 153 

Mair, George Herbert, see Wilson, Thomas 

Mallet, Charles Edward, 189 

Manitius, Max, 36 

Manutius, 259 

Marbecke, John, Booke of Notes and Com- 
mon 'places^ 371 

Marcus Marcellus, 132 

Margaret of Anjou, 239 

Marlowe, Christopher, Massacre at Paris, 

Marot, Clement, 169 

Martial, 391 

Martin, James, 196 

Mary Queen of Scots, 166-167, 188 

Masson, David, 213, 214, 215 

Mather, Cotton, 193 

Mather, Increase, 193 

Mather, Richard, 192-193 

Mather, Samuel, 193 

Matthew, see Bible 

Matthias, Jacobus, 207 

Mayor, John E. B., 177-178 

McKerrow, Ronald B., 254 

Mead, William Edward, 47, 49, 81-82 

Melanchthon, Philipp, 92, 93, 132, 174, 
196, 198, 227, 282, 284, 2885 Erotemata 
Dialectices, 94-95 j Institutions Rhe- 
tor icae, 92 

Melville, Andrew, 189 

Wiembrum, 121 

memory, 7, 66, 67, 7*~73, 74, 75, 81, 82, 
112, 113, 148, 149, *55> *66, 267, 269, 
271, 272, 304, 321, 322, 324, 326, 340, 
366, 368, 3805 cultivated, 85, 88, 103, 
i43i *7, 3i7> 3i8, 319, 341, 368} 
natural, 85, 88, 103, 143, 2075 places 
and images, 85-87, 88-89, 96-98, 103- 
104, 143, 207, 317, 341, 368 

Menon, 227 

Merchant Taylors' School, 269, 270 

Merygreeke, Mathew, 31 

metaphor, 109, 130, 168-169, 256, 331, 

389^ 394 

Metaphysics, see Aristotle 

method; scholastic, 21-22, 311, 382$ Ra- 
mistic, 152-153, 160-165, 182-186, 217, 
221, 236, 287, 30^-303, 3", 34*, 348, 
357-36o, 369, 3825 Systematic, 289- 
291, 295, 296-298, 306-308, 311, 312, 
314-316, 339, 343, 348, 349, 359, 362, 
382 j Port-Royal, 357-360, 361, 3625 
Cartesian, 345, 348, 358-359, 362; 
Baconian, 369-371, 374, 382-383 

metonymy, 109, 168-169, 256 

Migne, J-P., 15, 24, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 
73, 78, 118 

Mildapet, Francis, see Temple, William 

Mill, John Stuart, 8, 307, 359, 362, 3635 
System of Logic, 8, 306, 350, 351 

Miller, Dr. Henry K, Jr., 335, 336 

Miller, Perry, 146, 193 

Milton, John, 346, 208, 211-212, 213, 
238, 270, 2805 Artis Logicae Plenior 
Institutio, trans, Allan H. Gilbert, 214- 

Minerva, 348 

Minos, Claudius, 1995 ed, Talaeus's Rhe- 
torica, 257, 261, 266 

Miriam Joseph, Sister, 64, 146 

Mistress Custance, 30, 31 

E 406 ] 


Mixts, 283, 312-313, 318 

Molesworth, Sir William, 385 

Molther, Menrad, 34 

Montagu, Richard, 200; Diatribae, 201- 


More, Sir Thomas, 251 
Mosellanus, Petrus, 131, 248; Tabulae de 

Schematibus et Tropis, 131 
Mullinger, James Bass, 38, 50, 75, 95, 

188, 189, 191, 204, 212 
Mundy, Anthony, 335, 338} Defence of 

Contraries, a translation of Ortensio 

Landi's Paradossi, 335-336 
Mure, G. R. G., 41 
Muses, 242, 265 
music, 14, 105 

Nadeau, Raymond E., 321, 322, 338 

narration, see parts of the classical oration 

Nash, Thomas, 196, 199, 202, 243, 247, 
254; A natomie of A bsurditie, 197-198; 
Preface to Greene's Menaphon, 197; 
Strange Nevues, 198 

Naugerius, 251 

Neilson, William Allan, 337 

Nelson, Norman E., 146 

Neo-Ciceronian rhetoric, see rhetoric 

Newton, Isaac, 300, 350 

Newton, John, 271, 339; Introduction to 
the Art of Logick, 271, 3 16-31 7 ; In- 
troduction to the Art of Rhetorick, 271- 
*7*i 3i9i 3*6, 340 

Nicolas, Michel, 115 

Nicole, Pierre, see Arnauld, Antoine, and 
Pierre Nicole 

Nisus, 357 

Nizolius, 251 

non-artistic proofs, 25, 68-69, I 55- I 5 6 > 
162, 180, 221, 231, 241, 268, 375-38a 

Numbers, see Bible 

Gates, Whitney J., vii 

Ockham, William, 234 

Octo, loannes, 106 

Ogilvy, J. D. A., 33 

Ong, Walter J., S. J., 146, 1713 *9*> 2 3*> 

276, 279, 384 

On Interpretation, see Aristotle 
Oration against Verres, see Cicero 
Oration for Marcus Marcellus, see Cicero 
Oration in the Senate upon his Return, see 

Oration to the People- upon his Return, see 


Orator, see Cicero 
Oratorians, 379 
Organon, see Aristotle 
Osborn, Louise Brown, 330, 331, 3325 

Life, Letters, and Writings of John 

Hoskyns, 330, 332 
Osgood, Charles G vii, 265 
Ossatus, 199 
Otway, 281 
Ovid, 122, 187, 227, 2433 Metamorphoses, 


Owen, Octavius Freire, 12, 1 6, 19, 41, 305 
Owens, John, 320 
Ozell, John, trans. Port-Royal Logic, 352 

Pacius, Julius, Institutiones Logicae, 314 

Padelford, Frederick M., 265 

Paget, William, 95, 132 

Pappus, 177 

parable, 127 

parallels, 334 

Parker, Bestney, 237 

Parker, William R., 214 

Parmenides, 227, 300 

Parmenio, 227 

paronomasia, 256 

par soy, 150 

partition, 127, 135-136 

parts of the classical oration, 72, 99, 267, 
269, 322, 323, 339, 380$ introduction, 
72, 107-108-, 340, 385; narration, 72, 
108, 340, 385; division, 72; proof, 72, 
340, 3855 refutation, 72; conclusion, 72, 


Pascal, 351-352 

Patricio, Francisco, 286 

Patterson, Frank Allen, 208, 214 

Paulus Diaconus, 201 

Peacham, Henry, 132, 3263 Garden of 
Eloquence, 132-137, 277 

Pemble, William, 323, 325; Enchiridion 
Oratorium, 3*3-324, 3915 Vindiciae 
Gratiae, 391-392 

Pericles, vi 

Perihermeniae, see Aristotle, On Interpre- 

periodus, 121 

Perion, Joachim, 173, 174, 176, 199, 282 

periphrasis, 109 

Perkins, William, 206, 208, 210, 211, 229, 
2455 Arte of Prophecying, 206-207, 
212; Prophetica, 206 

per se, 150, 296, 309 

Petrus Hispanus, Summulae Logicales, 301 

Philip, Earl of Arundel, 195 

Philip of Macedon, 12, 141 

Philippo-Ramists, 196, 282-283, 284, 303, 

Phillips, Edward, 146, 2805 Beau's Acad- 
emy, 23 8 j Mysteries of Love Sf Elo- 
quence, 238 

Philomusus, 242-245 

[ 407 ] 


Philoponus, 199, 265-266 

Philotas, 227 

Physics, see Aristotle 

Packard-Cambridge, W. A., 16, 43 

Pico della Mirandola, 144 

Piot, Lazarus, 335; The Orator ', 336-338 

Piscator, Johannes, 149, 195, 196, 204, 

222, 2275 Animadversiones, 196 
Pithou, 1 1 8 

places, see invention, logical, rhetorical 
places and images, see memory 
Plato, 21, 67, 161, 164, 183, 185, 199, 

237, 300, 301, 315; Phaedrus, 21, 372, 

375; Timaeus, 227 
Pluto, 84 
poetry, 4-6, 40, 75, 123, 275-276, 327- 

3*9, 3^6, 379 
Polanus, 230 
Pollard, Alfred William, G. R. Redgrave, 

et al., Short-Title Catalogue, 95-96, 

1 10, 196, 204, 321 
Pontanus, 251 
Pope Innocent VIII, 144 
Pope Sixtus IV, 79 
Porphyry, 24, 36, 301; Isagoge, 34, 35, 

39, 41, 46, 52, 204, 234, 305 
Port-Royalists, 348, 35 I -3^3 ) 3^4, 3 66 > 

3*7, 376, 37i 379, 38i, 382, 397 
Posterior Analytics, see Aristotle 
Powicke, F. M., 45 
Prantl, Carl von, 37 
predicables, 17-18, 157, 158, 287, 294j 

*99 305i 309, 3*o, 3", 316, 342, 343, 

predicaments, 19-21, 27, 35, 156, 157, 

235, 287, 294, 299, 305, 309, 3io, 312, 

3i6, 317, 342, 343, 353, 355 
Predicaments, see Aristotle, Categories 
premunition, 124 
Prideaux, John, 311, 3765 Notes on Logic, 

Rhetoric, etc., 312-316, 333-334-5 Sacred 

Eloquence, 334-3355 Sevens of Logic, 

311-3135 The Easiest Start, 311 
Princeton University Research Fund, vii 
Prior Analytics, see Aristotle 
Prior, Oliver H., 48, 87, 88 
pronunciation, see delivery 
proof, see parts of the classical oration; 

see also argument, artistic proofs, non- 
artistic proofs 
proparalepsis, 109 
Propertius, 187, 227 
prosopopoeia, 170, 256 
Protagoras, 28 
Psalms, see Bible 

Pseudo-Augustine, Categoriae D.ecem, 36 
Puttenham, George, Arte of English Poesie, 

Pygmalion, 145 

Pythagoras, 28-29, 288, 3 

Quarterly Journal of Speech, vi, 279 
Queen Elizabeth, 50, no, 123, 173, 176, 


Queen Mary, 57, 99, 109, 329 

Quintilian, 4, 6, ,54, 69, 140, 178, 219, 
322, 331, 356, 357; Institutio Oratoria, 
15, 67-68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 77, 85, 86, 
92, 94, 108, 116, 118, 121, 122, 127, 
131* J 37> *77i 180, 255, 322, 325, 334, 

Rackham, H., and E. W. Sutton, 85 

Radau, Michael, Orator Extern^ or aneus, 
271-272, 319, 326 

Rainolde, Richard, 7$ Foundacion of Rhe- 
torike, ed. Francis R. Johnson, 140-143 

Ramistic logic, see logic 

Ramistic rhetoric, see rhetoric 

Ramus, Peter, vi, 7, 8, 9, n, 21, 22, 28, 
30, 4', 55, 5* no, 118, 127, 137, 146- 
281, 282, 283, 284, 287, 288, 289, 290, 
292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 302-303, 
307, 309, 3io, 311, 313, 315, 318, 319, 
321, 325, 3 2 *, 3*7, 330, 33*> 335) 
342, 343, 347, 348, 354, 355, 356, 357, 
358, 359-360, 361, 369, 370 371, 376, 
S7 379> 382, 387* 3955 Aristotelicae 
Animadversiones, 148, 149, 150, 155; 
Ciceronianus, 178, 179, 247, 252; Dia- 
lecticae Institutiones, 148; Dialecticae 
Libri Duo, 150, 153, 166, 202, 209, 
210, 211, 215, 217, 219, 222, 225, 226, 
228, 231, 232, 237, 238, 244, 255, 261, 
262, 275, 276, 280, 302; Dialectique, 
150, 151, 153-165, 167, 171, 172, 187, 
225, 226-227; Letter to Ascham, 176; 
Praefationes, Epistolae, Orationes, 148; 

* Rhetorica Rami, 254, 261; Scholae Dia- 
lecticae, 149, 216, 321 

Ravennas, Petrus, see Tommai, Pietro 

Redgrave, G. R., see Pollard, Alfred Wil- 
liam, G. R. Redgrave, et al. 

refutation, see parts of the classical oration 

Regulus, Marcus Atilius, 23 

Research Group of the Huntingdon Library, 

rhetoric, 3-4, 64-65 j Ciceronian, 6-7, 65- 
i*5 378, 38*1 386, 387, 394; formu- 
lary, 7, 138-145, 330, 333, 335-340; 
Neo-Ciceronian, 8, 318-341, 364, 366, 
37> 379> 38o, 390, 391, 396; new, 3-4, 
9, 69, 3^4-3975 Ramistic, 7-8, 165-172, 
247-281, 318, 364, 366, 367, 379, 
380, 382, 386, 387, 390, 394; stylistic, 

[ 408 ] 


7, ii, 116-137, 326-335, 394; tradi- 
tional 6, 7, 9, 14, 65-145, 318 
Rhetoric, see Aristotle 
Rhetorica ad Alexandrum, 154, 384 
Rhetorica ad Herennium, 66, 70, 72, 76, 

77, 80, 81, 85, 87, 93, 94, 100, 103, 

104, 108, 116, 118, 137, 143, 334 
rhetorical induction, see argument 
rhetorical syllogism, see argument 
rhetoric and logic compared, see logic and 

rhetoric compared 
rhetoric as the open hand, see logic and 

rhetoric compared 
rhyme, 256 
rhymed sermons, 108 
Riccius, 251 
Rich, Edmund, 39 
Richard III, 104 

Richard of St. Victor, Excerptionum, 41 
Richardson, Alexander, Logicians School- 

Master ^ 209-210, 275 
Rigollot, Gustave, 146 
Ringler, William, 205 
Rivington, Charles R., see Eyre, George 

E. B., and Charles R. Rivington 
Roberts, W. Rhys, 68 
Rodingus, 199, 248 
Ronsard, 169, 227 
Ross, W. D., 12, 1 6, 41, 43, 68 
Roth, Leon, 343, 344 
Royal Society, 9, 388-390, 392 
Royster Doyster, 30, 31 

Sadoletus, 251 

St. Bartholomew's Day, 146, i47> J 65, 

Salmasius, 270 
Sambucus, Johannes, Ciceronianus, 247, 

Sanderson, John, Institutionum 

carum Libri Quatuor, 291-292 
Sanderson, Robert, 39, 315, 317, 34 8 J 

Logicae Artis Compendium, 39, 216, 

299-308, 316, 323 

Sandford, William Phillips, 64, 254, 267 
Sandys, John Edwin, 39, 44 
sarcasmus y 135 
Scaliger, 201, 325 
Schegk, James, 199, 241 
schemes, 109, 112, 116-119, 121, 122, 
124, 125-131, 132-137, 148, 151-152, 

*49> 33> 33i) 333, 334 
Schmidt, Charles, 176 
scholastic logic, see logic 
Scopas, 103 
Scotus, Johannes, 37 

Scribonius, Wilhelm Adolf, 199, 22 7 j 

Triumph of Ramistic Logic, 203-204 
Scyne, Matthew, 176-177 
Seaton, Ethel, ed. Fraunce's Arcadian Rhe- 

torike, 257-258 
Sedulius, 116 
Selden, John, 2005 History of Tithes , 200- 


semantics, 361 
Serenus, 177 
Sergeant, John, 276 
sermons, see homileticsj see also kinds of 

Seton, John, 6, 49, 60, 157, 172, 245; 

Dialectica, ed. Peter Carter, 50-56, 

178) *43> *44 

seven liberal arts, 14, 36, 271 
Sextus Empiricus, Adversus Mathematicos, 

15, 28 
Shakespeare, 64, 1465 The Merchant of 

Venice, 337 
Sherry, Richard, 109, 172, 3265 Treatise 

of Schemes and Tropes, 109, 125-131, 

^33 i35> 137, 2585 Treatise of the 

Figures of Grammer and Rhetorike, 132, 

i33> 135-136, 137 
Short-Title Catalogue, see Pollard, Alfred 

William, G. R. Redgrave, et al. j see 

also Wing, Donald 
Shuckburgh, E. S., 179 
Sidney, Sir Philip, 205, 215, 222, 223, 

258, 276, 2775 Letter to William 

Temple, 205 
similiter cad ens, 108 
similiter desinens, 108, 130-131 
Simonides, 103 
Sixesmith, Thomas, 299 
Smith, G. C. Moore, 215, 255 
Smith, G. Gregory, 197, 198, 199, 257- 

Smith, John, 258} Mysterie of Rhetorique 

Unvail'd, 276-279, 280, 326-327, 331 
Smith, Samuel, 216, 317, 348; Aditus ad 

Logicam, 216, 292-298, 307, 315, 316, 


Smith, Sir Thomas, 177 
Smith, Thomas, 246 
Smith, William, 140 
Socinians, 313 
Socinus, Faustus, 313 
Socinus, Laelius, 313 
Socrates, 227, 296, 300 
sorites, see argument 
Spedding, James, see Bacon, Francis 
Speech Association of America, vi 
Spencer, Thomas, Art of Logick, a trans- 

[ 409 1 


lation of Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo 9 
233-237) 284-285 

Spenser, Edmund, 222, 226, 257, 264, 
3165 Ruines of Time, 2655 S hep hear des 
Calender ', 222, 224. 

Spindler, Robert, 47, 87, 120 

Spoudeus, 265-266 

Sprat, Thomas, The History of the Royal- 
Society of London, 388-390 

status, 70-71, 107, 114 

Stauffer, Donald A., vii 

Stewart, James, Earl of Mar and Moray, 

Stoics, 300-301, 373 

Strype, John, 190, 194-* 95 

Studioso, 242-245 

Stupido, 242-245 

Sturm, Johannes, 149, 173-176, 227, 248, 
249, 252, 259, 322 

style: poetic, 75, 82, 84, 327-329 j rhe- 
torical, 7, 66, 67, 72, 74, 77, 81, 92, 
102-103, 112, 113, 116-137,. 148, 164, 
168-170, 249) 255, 260, 2*2, * 6 4> 267, 
269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 277, 280, 317, 
318, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324-325) 3^6, 
327-335> 359> 3^5> 368-3*9) 377> 379> 
380, 385-397 

stylistic rhetoric, see rhetoric 

Susenbrotus, 137, 248; Epitome Troporum 
ac Schematum, 137 

suspension, 124 

Sutcliffe, Matthew, 311 

Sutton, E. W., and H. Rackham, 85 

Swineshead, Roger, 45, 46 j Tractatus 
Logic*, 45 

Sydney, Henry, 352 

syllogism, see argument 

syncope, 109, 129 

synecdoche, 106, 168-169, 256 

Systematici, 303 

Systematic logic, see logic 

System of Logic, see Mill, John Stuart 

Tacitus, 108 

Tahureau, 169 

Talaeus, Audomarus, 8, 146, 148, 165, 
i79> *99 227, "8, 238, 248-281, 321, 
33 *> 35 9 > Institutions* Oratoriae, 148, 
165; Praefationes, Epistolae, Orationes, 
1 48-149 j Rhetorica, 165-172, 209, 219, 
*54> 255 25^, 257, 261, 262, 266, 272, 
273) 275, 276, 280, 284, 319, 326-327i 
see also Foclin, Antoine 

Talon, Omer, see Talaeus, Audomarus 

Tasso, 258 

Taverner, Richard, Epistle in praise of 
matrimony, 1085 Flo<wres of sencies, 

1395 Garden of wysdom, 108, 1395 
Proverbes or adagies, 139; Second booke 
of the Garden of vaysedome, 139 

Temple, William, 194-196, 199, 202, 206, 
208, 230, 233, 238, 240, 283, 3695 
Admonition to E'verard Digby, 194-195 ; 
Dialecticae Libri Duo, an edition of 
Ramus's Dialecticae Libri Duo, 204- 
2055 Dissertation, 1955 Letter concerning 
the Dialectic of Ramus, 195-196} Ques- 
tions in Physics and Ethics, 195-1965 
Tributes to Sidney, 205 

Terence, 139 

The Court of Salience, 46-47, 48, 87, 120, 
1 2 3 j "Breuis tractatus de Rethorica," 

12O- 1 22 

Themistius, 41, 545 Paraphrases of Aris- 
totle, 41 

Theon, Progymnasmata, 140 

The Pilgrimage to Parnassus, 242-245 

Thetis, 265 

Thomas a Becket, 38 

Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 234-235 

Thompson, A. Hamilton, 116, 118, 119 

Thomson, Samuel, 209, 210 

Thomson, S. Harrison, 38 

three kinds of oratory, 70, 77, 93, 100, 
106, 267, 269, 284, 322, 323, 326, 339, 

383 . 
three kinds of style, 109, 112, 127, 132, 

327i 379 

Timplerus, 283, 284, 303 

Tommai, Pietro, Foenix, see Copland, 

Topica, see Aristotle, Topics; see also 
Cicero, Topics 

Topics, see Aristotle 5 see also Cicero 

Tovey, Nathaniel, 213-214 

Transactions of the Cambridge Biblio- 
graphical Society, 279 

transumption, 109 

Trapezuntius, Rhetoricorum Libri Quin- 
que, 92 

Traversagni, Lorenzo Guglielmo, 79, 915 
Nova Rhetorica, 79-81 

tropes, 112, 116-119, 121, 122, 124, 125- 
131, 132, 133, 148, 152, 164, 167, 168- 
169, 249, 256, 260, 261, 264, 271, 274, 
2 75> 276, 277, 278, 280, 322, 326, 327- 
335> 359> 378, 379> 380, 385-397 

Trustees of Princeton University, vi 

Trustees of the Huntington Library, vii 

Trustees of the John Simon Guggenheim 
Memorial Foundation, vi 

Tuke, Thomas, Arte of Prophecying, a 
translation of Perkins's Prophetica, 206- 

[ 410 ] 


Turnebus, 281 
Turner, Celeste, 336 
Tuve, Rosemond, 14.6 
Twyne, Brian, 37 

Udall, Nicholas, 30, 31 j Flovres for Latine 
Spekynge, 138-1395 Ralph Royster 
Doyster, 305 trans. Erasmus's A'pO'ph- 
thegmes, 139 

Ulysses, 315 

universaliter 'primum (quatenus ipsum), 

1501 96, 309 

un'vuersel premier ement, 150 
University of Nebraska Press, 250 
University Research Committee of Prince- 
ton University, vii 

Valla, 199 

Vaughan, William, The Golden-grove, 

Veitch, John, trans. Descartes's Discours 

de la Methods, 344-349, 360 
Venn, J. A., in 
Venn, John, in 
Verrius Flaccus, 201 
Verzellino, Giovanni Vincenzo, 80 
Vicars, Thomas, no, 3255 Manuduction to 

the Rhetorical Art, 320-321 
VigiriOj Marco, 79 
Vincent of Beauvais, 39, 46, 149, 158; 

Speculum Doctrinale, 39-44, 45, 76-78; 

Speculum Majus, 39, 76 
Virgil, 5, 84) 122, 187, 227, 258, 264} 

Aeneid, 197, 260, 315, 3575 Eclogues, 

263 5 Georgics, 163 
Vives, Ludovicus, 198, 199, 251, 302 
voice, see delivery 
Vossius, 322 

Waddington, Charles, 146, 149, 150, 153, 

154, 176, 179* l88 > l8 9> *96, 2 4) 2 4ij 

262, 282 

Waddington-Kastus, 146, 150 
Waddingus, Lucas, 80 
Wagner, Russell Halderman, 99, 108 
Walker, Alice, 327 
Walker, Obadiah, Of Education, 317, 3245 

Some Instructions concerning the ArtTbf 

Oratory, 324-325 

Walker, Thomas Alfred, 220, 255 

Wallace, Karl R.> 375 

Webb, Clement C. J., 38 

Webbe, William, Discourse of English 
Poetrie, 256-257, 327 

Weiss, Matthaeus, 34, 35 

Wells, Whitney, 49, 87 

Whately, Richard, Elements of Logic, 3505 
Elements of Rhetoric, 385 

Whewell, William, 44, 350 

Whitaker, Dr., 194 

Whitgift, Archbishop, 194 

Wichelns, Herbert A., vii 

Wigandus, 207 

Willcock, Gladys Doidge, 327 

William and Mary, vi, 352 

William the Conqueror, 105 

Wilson, Harold S., 179 

Wilson, Harold S., and Clarence A. 
Forbes, see Harvey, Gabriel, Ciceroni- 

Wilson, Mona, 205 

Wilson, Thomas, 6, 7, 12, 34, 35, 37, 55, 
56, 57-58, 783 i49> *57 i?^, 219, 289, 
300-3015 Rhetorique^ 81, 95, 138, 140, 
258$ Rhetorique, ed. G. H. Mair, 98- 
110, 117-118, 127, 1315 Rule of Rea- 
son, 12-31, 32, 46, 48, 49> 5*> 57> 58, 
59, 99, 109, 258, 288, 2915 Three 
Orations of Demosthenes, 12 

Wing, Donald, Short-Title Catalogue, 
211, 276, 321, 332, 339 

Winterbottom, Mrs. Miriam T., vii 

Wolf, Jerome, 174 

Wood, Anthony a, 30, 37, 39, 45, 75, 189, 


Worrall, Dr. Thomas, 192 
Wotton, Antony, 232, 2455 Art of Logick, 

a translation of Ramus's Dialecticae 

Libri Duo, 232-233 
Wotton, Samuel, 233 
Wyatt, 126 

Xanthippe, 198 
Young, Thomas, 214 

Zeno of Citium, 4, i4-*5> 33> 5*> I 4 1 
208, 300, 315, 365, 374, 377> 378 

1 24 635