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Library of the 
Museum of 

Comparative Zoology 

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VOL. 36, NO. 1-2 .  MALACOLOGIA | 1995 | 
| | Aue | Se TUE 


Morfologia del Estomago y Partes Blandas en Mytella strigata (Hanley 1849 Mey 

(Bivalvia: Mytilidae) ia La 222 2a ns о a A Pet ERBE fi | 
Laboratory Experiments on the Influence of Food Availability, Temperature and FX } 
- Photoperiod on Gonad Development in the Freshwater Mussel Dreissena EN 
„NPalymearpha 2/72 So oe) O A er ee RSR АЕ Е i 15 4 
Relaxing Techniques for a! Molluscs: Trials for Evaluation of Different à 
Méthode Ch Den И O a ee 

Land-Snail Community Morphologies of the Highest-Diversity Sites of Ман 
gascar, North America, and New Zealand, with RECO Alternatives to”. 
HelghteDiameter Plots N Rune ac eben ben eee eee See > 
Distributional Differences Among Acavid Land Snails Around Antalahdy Mada- eee 

gascar: Inferred Causes and Dangers Of Extinction N RTS ESS ES HA. 4 
+ Effect of Temperature on Reproduction in Planorbañus corneus (L.) and Plan- . I 
orbis planorbis (L.) Throughout the Life “ad О OS + eats See ИТ 
L М. COOK 4 J. BRIDLE ewe ye! 7 
1 Colour Polymorphism in the a Snail Littoraria intermedia т Sinai..... 91 
р The Relationship Between Shell-Pattern Frequency and Microhabitat Variation nS 
- in the Intertidal Prosobranch, ‚Clithon oualaniensis (Lesson) .......... Jesse ta 

El Género Canariella Hesse, 1918, y su Posición: en Ja Familie Hygromidae e 

| | Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Helicoidea) .......... rn IA 2 «le wu; EN 

~~ Age-Related Differential Catabolism in the Snail Bithynia graeca (Westárluñd, À ay 
1879) and its Significance in the Bioenergetics of Sexual Dimorphism “4 №, ee 

Dietary Preference of Three Freshwater Gastropods for Eight Natural Foods of | 
Different Engraetic ‘Content Lil. a de ee PE VE SEE a 

Patterns of Land Snail Distribution 16, a Montane Habitat on the ‘sland oft 

> Ва [a dis aye a ele ase mia A O AA LER e 15 
E Genetic Heterozygosity and Growth Rate in the Southern Appalachian Land A 
4 y Snail Mesodon normalis (Pilsbry 1900): The Effects of реа Stress . Tey 
| DAVID В. LAWRENCE / IR N N Rr A sats. 
| Diagnosis of the Genus Crassostrea (Bivalvia, Ostreidae) . ón ot tk an, |: 
Clarification and Evaluation of Tillier’s a0 989) Siylommatophora Mono- 
grap RA Bu ae 
/ RS / i . 
| | PRE ee APE UE 
e la Jr ÓN 
' | fe A (a 
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, | SNA oe 
a | L L * 4 x he Г iN À 

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| | МСО... 
} VOL. 37, NO. 1 LIBRARY 1995 
À | 210. 1995 
y JER ds | TY 
International Journal of Malacology 
Revista Internacional de Malacologia 

Journal International de Malacologie 
Международный Журнал. Малакологии 

Internationale Malakologische Zeitschrift 



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Dept. Conservation and Land Management 

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Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 
Frankfurt am Main, Germany 

MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 1-11 



M. Lazaridou-Dimitriadou 

Laboratory of Zoology, School of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Aristotle University of 
Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki, Macedonia, Greece 


The life cycle, population dynamics, and growth of the pulmonate snail Helicella (Xerothracia) 
pappi were studied in northern Greece. The spatial distribution of H. рарр! was found to be 
contagious. Demographic analysis of its population revealed that (a) three cohorts exist 
throughout the year, (b) increased growth rate is observed during spring, (c) snails attain their 
maturity 21 months after hatching when their greatest shell diameter reaches 15 mm, and (d) 
it is an iteroparous species, with egg-laying in autumn. Von Bertalanffy analysis showed that H. 
рарр! may reach its maximum size (dead shells collected in the field had 25.5 mm maximum 
shell diameter) in four years. Shell morphology changes when spermatozoa are fully formed in 
the gonad for the first time. Mortality rate is high just after hatching and also after winter, when 
tissue degrowth occurs, at which time the snails lose 33% of their biomass. Life expectancy 
decreases with increasing age. Net reproductive rate (Ro) was 3.025, per capita rate of increase 
(г) is 0.04, annual production (P) was 5.82 + 0.45 g/(m?-yr) in 1987 and 3.73 + 0.31 g/(m?-yr) in 
1988, mean standing crop (В) was 2.89 g/m? in 1987 and 1.81 g/m? т 1988, and annual 
productivity rate constant (P/B) was 0.2 per year in both 1987 and 1988. 

Key words: Biology, ecology, growth, production, snail, Helicella pappi, Xerolenta obvia. 


Little is known about the species Helicella 
(Xerothracia) pappi Schútt, 1962. Wagner 
(1927) referred population of this species 
from near our study area in Xanthi, southern 
Thrace, to Martha filimargo Krynicki, placing 
it in the genus Helicopsis Fitzinger, 1833. Ur- 
banski (1960) said that samples from south- 
ern Thrace of Helicella (Helicopsis) filimargo 
(Rossmássler) did not differ from samples of 
Krimea and Odesco. Schútt (1962) described 
the shell and genital apparatus of samples of 
Helicella (Xerothracia) pappi from a type lo- 
cality in Philippi, Kavala, eastern Macedonia; 
he claimed that this species could not be 
placed in the genus Helicopsis, as Wagner 
(1927) had done, because of such shell fea- 
tures as curvature and the presence of a keel. 
Hausdorf (1988) claimed that H. рарр! could 
not be placed in a subgenus of Helicella be- 
cause it differs in the dart sac and in the 
nerves coming from the cerebral ganglia. He 
concluded that it is a subspecies of Xerolenta 

In the present study we are using the name 
Helicella (Xerothracia) pappi following Schütt 

(1962), because the samples come from the 
type locality. We have studied the biology 
and ecology of this species, which 1$ re- 
stricted to Philippi, eastern Macedonia, in or- 
der to find out why this species does not 
have a broader and continuous distribution 
from Krimea to Greece. 


Helicella рарр! was studied in the archae- 
ological site of Philippi, 25 km from Kavala, 
eastern Macedonia, Greece. Philippi is a 
limestone area with limited vegetation, т- 
cluding mosses, lichens, several Taraxacum 
species, and succulent plants. Several grass 
species are dominant. Apart from Н. pappi, 
there are small, sparse populations of Lindol- 
holmia lens and Helix figulina. Weather con- 
ditions during the investigation period are 
shown in Figure 1. 

Random samples (Lewis 4 Taylor, 1972) 
were taken every month for three consecutive 
years between April 1986 and April 1989. No 
samples were taken in winter (December 
through February), when the snails are in di- 


Mean monthly 
90 temperature (°С) 

Total precipitation 50 
ern 45 



FIG. 1. Ombrothermic curve showing mean monthly temperatures (°С) and total monthly precipitation (mm) 
at Philippi from April 1986 to Мау 1989 (striated areas represent arid periods of the year). 

apause and hidden under vegetation. Quadrat 
sample-size (25 x 25 cm?) was determined by 
Healy's method (Cancela da Fonseca, 1965). 
Elliot's (1971) method was used to determine 
the necessary total number of sampling units 
(sampling error less than 20%). Sampling was 
carried out during morning hours in the ab- 
sence of rain. All snails found in a quadrat 
were collected, measured and then replaced. 
The largest diameter of the shell (D) and the 
peristome diameter (d) were measured with 
vernier calipers to the nearest 0.1 mm. D was 
used for size-frequency histograms, using 
3-mm class intervals (Cancela da Fonseca, 
1965). The cohorts were discriminated using 
probability paper (Harding, 1949). This 
method was valid because the modes of the 
age-classes were separated by at least 2.5 
standard deviations (Grant, 1989), except for 
two cases, one in March 1987 and one in June 
1988; although many age classes had less 
than 50 individuals, the modal values were 
consistent from month to month. This con- 
firms that the modes were real and not the 
result of sampling variation. The same method 
has been used before for demographic anal- 
yses of other populations of molluscs 
(Hughes, 1970; Lévéque, 1972; Daguzan, 
1975; Lazaridou-Dimitriadou et Kattoulas, 

There were no statistically significant vari- 
ations in field density over the three years. 
Life data and rate estimates were based on 
successive samples over 1987 and 1988. 

Spatial distribution of the snails in the hab- 

itat was examined by using Taylor's (1961) 
power law 6° = ax”, where 6° = variance and 
x = mean number of snails/0.25 m“. 

For the study of relative growth, the mor- 
phometric criteria of shell diameter (D) in re- 
lation to the peristome diameter (d) were 
used from all the animals sampled during 
1987 (М = 2567). Mayrat's method (1965а, b) 
was used to compare the growth of D in re- 
lation to d between immature and mature 
snails. A logarithmic transformation was ар- 
plied to the data. 

Bertalanffy’s (1938) method was used to 
calculate the theoretical growth curve and life 
span; this method is widely used (Moreteau, 

Life-table and fertility data, as well as an- 
nual secondary production, were estimated 
as described for Helix lucorum (Staikou et al., 
1988) and Eobania vermiculata (Lazaridou- 
Dimitriadou 4 Kattoulas, 1991). Annual pro- 
duction is calculated by the size-frequency 
method because single cohorts need not be 

For dry body-weight (Wb) analysis, 100 an- 
imals comprising five from each size class 
were individually marked and their greatest 
shell diameter (D) was measured; they were 
then dried to constant weight over a period of 
36 h in a vacuum at room temperature. Shell 
organic matter was calculated as the residual 
weight of dry shell after treatment with 5 m 
mol/ml HCl, successive washing over a fine 
filter; the residue was dried in a vacuum. Two 
size classes were used; one comprised im- 


N/2500 ст 



A86M J J O М DM87A M JJ 

ег аут? 



FIG. 2. Density of Helicella (Xerothracia) pappi (number of snails/2500 ст? (mean + SD)) at Philippi from 
April 1986 to May 1989. Double lines on the x-axis indicate periods during which no samples were taken. 

mature snails (4 < D < 13 mm) with shell or- 
ganic matter containing 1.4% of the total 
shell weight, and the other comprised mature 
snails (14 < D < 21 mm) with shell organic 
matter containing 0.19% of the total shell 
weight. These size classes were chosen as a 
result of study of the maturation of the geni- 
talia and gonad. The shell organic matter was 
then added to the dry body weight of the 
different size classes and the sum was used 
(Table 3) in estimating annual secondary pro- 

Aspects of the Biology of Helicella pappi 

Helicella pappi is an iteroparous species 
with overlapping generations throughout the 
year. Rate of growth and reproduction were 
not constant during the three study years 
(Figs. 2, 4). The greatest shell diameter of 
sexually mature snails was 22 mm, and ma- 
turity was attained 21 months after hatching 
(Figs. 3, 4) for 98% of the population. The 
aperture lip started to form 23 to 24 months 
after hatching. In the third year, the other 2% 
of the population matured. Egg laying took 

place at the end of September, October or 
November (Fig. 2), depending on the prevail- 
ing climatic conditions, especially precipita- 
tion (Fig. 1) Measurements of ten egg 
clutches in the field showed that the mean 
number of eggs laid was 69 + 4.3 (т + SE), 
with a range of 42 to 85 eggs, and the mean 
weight of 70 eggs was 0.03 + 0.004 g. The 
mean number of eggs laid by older adults, 
which had already laid eggs in the previous 
year, was 22 + 1.9 (m + SE) (N = 5), with a 
range of 18 to 28 eggs. Hatching took place 
25 days to one month later, but hatchlings 
remained in the soil. The greatest shell diam- 
eter of the newly hatched snails was 1.5 + 
0.09 mm. By marking ten different egg 
clutches, hatching and after-hatching losses 
were estimated at 55%. After-hatching 
losses were estimated in the laboratory to be 
20%. During winter, from the end of Novem- 
ber to the end of February, the snails did not 
really hibernate. Juveniles formed a thin, 
transparent epiphragm, whereas 30% of the 
snails with 14 > D > 7 formed a thick epi- 
phragm. Snails with D > 14 mm did not form 
an epiphragm, but they diapaused under 
creeping plants occurring on the soil or 
stones. No real aestivation took place. During 
July and August, all snails diapaused during 


TABLE 1. Estimation of statistical parameters of the population of Helicella pappi (where a, b 
= constants, г = correlation coefficient, N = number of snails examined, logd + 6,4 and 
logD + O\go = Means of the greatest shell diameter (mm)(D) and the peristome diameter 

(mm)(d) + SD)). 

Entire sample 
ato, 1.189 + 0.005 
DEBIGE 0.302 + 0.003 
e 0.954 
1099 + Goga 0.603 + 0.153 
logD + 6,40 1.019 + 0.182 
М 2569 

dry weather, as in summer 1986 (Fig. 1), but 
only the juveniles formed a thin, transparent 
epiphragm. Snails were active during spring 
and on humid weather in summer (Fig. 1). 
Helicella pappi became mature and the 
genitalia became well formed when D > 14 
mm. Histologically, the gonad of these snails 
showed fully formed spermatozoa during Oc- 
tober (the reproductive period), although 
oocytes were not fully grown. There was a 
positive correlation (r? = 0.918, М = 100, P< 
0.001) between (а) the greatest shell diameter 
(D) and the corresponding dry body weight 
and (b) the dry body weight and the dry shell 
weight (r° = 0.742, N = 100, Р < 0.001). 

Population Dynamics and Spatial 

The population fluctuated during the study 
period (Fig. 2). The mean population density 
was 18.1 + 3.3 snails/0.25 m° (mean + SE) in 
1986, 14.4 + 6.6 in 1987, and 12.7 + 1.5 in 
1988. An ANOVA test among the three con- 
secutive years did not show any statistical 
differences (F = 1.646, P = 0.2077) in the 
population densities. Densities of H. рарр! 
peaked in early spring. The population den- 
sity was above the mean density for 5-6 
months (Fig. 2). The spatial distribution of H. 
рарр! was found to be contagious because 
parameter b of Taylor's power law was equal 
fo) 21043 [© ОТ 

Demographic Analysis of the Population of 
Helicella рарр! 

The analysis of size frequency histograms 
(Fig. 3, 4) with probability paper showed that: 
(a) three cohorts existed in the habitat 
throughout the year; a fourth was added after 
the reproductive period, though the third co- 
hort contained adults of different ages (Fig. 

Juveniles 2<D<14 

Adults 14<D<22 

1.254 + 0.088 0.859 + 0.012 
0.270 + 0.005 0.545 + 0.009 
0.922 0.801 
0.515 + 0.153 0.75 + 0.057 
0.916 + 0.122 1.19 + 0.049 
1600 969 

4); (b) increased growth rate was observed 
during spring. An ANOVA test showed no 
statistical differences in the daily rate of 
spring growth among the three consecutive 
years of study (Fig. 4); (c) mature snails of 15 
mm attained their maximum size 21 months 
after hatching; (d) when egg laying took place 
in October (Fig. 2: 1987), depending on the 
degree of precipitation (Fig. 1), the hatchlings 
appeared in November (Fig. 3: 27-11-87). 
When egg laying took place in November, the 
hatchlings appeared in early spring (Fig. 3: 
20-3-88 and 31-3-89), possibly because it 1$ 
safer for thin-shelled juveniles to stay buried 
in the soil. 

Relative Growth of D in Relation to d 

In the field, growth rate was high during 
periods of suitable weather, but there was no 
significant growth during winter and summer. 
Growth was most rapid in spring, from March 
till May (Fig. 4). There was a positive correla- 
tion between greatest shell diameter and peri- 
stome diameter for the whole population of 
Н. рарр! (Table 1). Growth rate was faster in 
juveniles (a = 1.254) than in adults (a = 0.859), 
and growth was more heterogenous in juve- 
niles than in adults, because their standard 
deviations of the mean were greater (Table 1). 
According to Mayrat's (1965a, b) method, the 
intersection point between the rate growth of 
these two subpopulations (juveniles + adults) 
occurred at D = 13.9 mm. This, according to 
histological examination of gonads in relation 
to the age of the snails, was the diameter at 
which spermatozoa were fully grown. 

Absolute Growth 
The growth pattern of H. рарр! seems to 

conform to the equation D, = D, 
[1-е ^“ °], which was given by D... = 


N% 40 3/4/86 30 

= N © 
oo о о 
= № 
(>) o o 

| 25/3/87 

1 7 14 22 



= № ao 
(=) o o о 
= Nm 

o o 


24/10/87 pe 31/8/88 
1 7 14 1 10 2 

22 0 

S 30/4/87 ” 27/11/87 E 29/9/88 
20 8 
10 4 
0 0 
1 9 19 

1 6 12 19 9 18 1 10 20 
30 12 40 20 
6/6/86 т Re 20/3/88 
20 8 
6 20 10 
10 4 io 
0 0 0 0 
16 12 19 - = 1 9 18 1 10 20 
207 2/7/86 12 30/6/87 30 - 30/4/88 20 8/12/88 
8 20 
10 6 10 
4 10 
0 0 0 0 
1 7 14 21 1 10 20 1 9 17 1 9 19 
20 15 20 20 
3/10/86 31/7/87 25/5/88 31/3/89 
10 10 10 
0 0 0 0 
1 10 20 1 7 14 21 1 9 18 : 9 19 
204 15/11/86 12 20 12 
10 29/8/87 30/6/88 10 31/5/89 
8 8 
10 6 10 6 
4 4 
2 2 
0 0 0 0 
1 10 20 1 7 14 21 1 9 19 1 9 19 
207 41286 = 30/9/87 1 26/7/88 
8 10 
10 6 
4 5 
0 0 0 
1 10 20 1 7 14 21 1 9 19 

FIG. 3. Size-frequency histograms of the population of Helicella pappi at Philippi from April 1986 to May 


28.8[1—е %-0*8+0,313]. According to this 
method, the greatest shell diameter mea- 
sured in the field (inferred from dead shells (D 
= 25.6 mm)) may be attained in 48 months. 
The above equation was calculated by using 

the known greatest shell diameter in the field 
(26 mm), the mean D value of newly hatched 
snails, which was 1.2 mm, and the mean size 
of young snails first sampled in the field, 
which was 1.5 mm (Fig. 3: November 1987). 


АЗ © М D MESA М т 

Аз SOsM Ти 

$ О ММ: 8 А МО Л ВА $ 


FIG. 4. Мода! distribution of Helicella рарр! at Philippi from April 1986 to May 1989. Broken lines indicate 
periods during which no samples were taken. G,-G, indicate the different generations during the study 
period. Time breaks denote winter time, during which diapause took place and no samples were taken. 

Dt is the shell diameter at time t; D,,,., is the 
diameter at the upper growth asymptote cal- 
culated according to Ford-Walford equation 
(Walford, 1946); t is time in months, t, is the 
hypothetical time when D is equal to zero (mi- 
nus the egg stage for this paper), and k is the 
growth rate coefficient. 

Life and Fertility Table 

For the construction of the fertility table, 
we used (a) the numbers of eggs laid by two 
or three-year old adults, and by adults of 
more than three years old, known from field 
observations and (b) egg-hatching and after- 
hatching losses calculated in the field and the 
laboratory respectively. 

From Table 2, the following may be con- 
cluded: (a) mortality rate (Kx) was high after 
hatching and then stabilized. It increased af- 
ter the first winter, before the second winter 
(in 3-year-old adults snails) and stayed high 
after the third winter, (b) values of expecta- 
tion of life (ex) decreased with increasing age, 
(c) the value of net reproductive rate (Ro) was 
high (Ro = 3.024), and (d) the per capita rate 
of increase was greater than zero, with a rate 
of 0.04 per unit of time. 

Annual Secondary Production 

The calculations for Hynes’ size-frequency 
method are listed in Table 3. The mean bio- 
mass of each size class was expressed as 
dry-weight of body plus organic material of 
the shell. After conversion, using Benke's 
(1979) correction, annual production (P) was 
found to be 5.82 + 0.45 g/(m?-yr) in 1987 and 
3.73 + 0.31 g/(m*-yr) in 1988. Biomass (В) 
was 2.89 g/m” т 1987 and 1.81g/m° in 1988. 
The annual productivity rate constant (P/B) 
was 0.21 in both 1987 and in 1988. Turnover 
time (B/P x 365 days) was 1765 days in 1987 
and 1775 days in 1988. 


The contagious spatial distribution of H. 
рарр! is similar to the xerothermophilic spe- 
cies living in similar habitats in Greece (e.g., 
Xeropicta arenosa and Cernuella virgata (Laz- 
aridou-Dimitriadou 8 Kattoulas, 1985). 

Recruitment of newly hatched snails of H. 
pappi seems to be the main reason for the 
rise in population density after winter. The 
low values of population density in November 
and December are due to the fact that some 


TABLE 2. Life and fertility table of a cohort of Helicella (Xerothracia) pappi starting in April 
1986 (Figure 3-G:). 

(months) ly Q, К, e, m, Em; 
1 1000 0.27 0.31 12.29 0.00 0.00 
2 730 0.00 0.00 15.65 0.00 0.00 
3 730 0.00 0.00 14.65 0.00 0.00 
4 730 0.00 0.00 13.65 0.00 0.00 
5 730 0.18 0.20 12.65 0.00 0.00 
6 600 0.00 0.00 14.28 0.00 0.00 
ih 600 0.06 0.06 13.28 0.00 0.00 
8 565 0.00 0.00 13.07 0.00 0.00 
9 565 0.00 0.00 12.07 0.00 0.00 
10 565 0.01 0.01 11.07 0.00 0.00 
11 560 0.00 0.00 10.14 0.00 0.00 
12 560 0.39 0.47 9.14 0.00 0.00 
13 350 0.00 0.00 13.32 0.00 0.00 
14 350 0.00 0.00 12:32 0.00 0.00 
15 350 0.00 0.00 11.32 0.00 0.00 
16 350 0.00 0.00 10.32 0.00 0.00 
17 350 0.00 0.00 9.32 0.00 0.00 
18 350 0.00 0.00 8.32 0.00 0.00 
19 350 0.01 0.01 7.32 0.00 0.00 
20 347 0.63 0.98 6.39 0.00 0.00 
2] 130 0.00 0.00 15.25 0.00 0.00 
22 130 0.00 0.00 14.25 0.00 0.00 
23 130 0.00 0.00 13.25 18.00 53.75 
24 130 0.14 0.15 12.25 0.00 0.00 
25 112 0.00 0.00 13.09 0.00 0.00 
26 112 0.00 0.00 12.09 0.00 0.00 
27 112 0.00 0.00 11.09 0.00 0.00 
28 112 0.03 0.03 10.08 0.00 0.00 
29 110 0.00 0.00 9.40 0.00 0.00 
30 110 0.00 0.00 8.40 0.00 0.00 
31 110 0.00 0.00 7.40 0.00 0.00 
32 110 0.10 0.10 6.40 0.00 0.00 
33 101 0.00 0.00 6.03 0.00 0.00 
34 101 0.00 0.00 5.03 0.00 0.00 
35 101 0.07 0.07 4.03 7.00 24.07 
36 90 0.15 0.17 3.30 0.00 0.00 
37. 77 0.27 0.32 2.81 0.00 0.00 
38 56 0.19 0.21 2.67 0.00 0.00 
39 46 0.38 0.49 2.18 0.00 0.00 
40 28 0.38 0.47 2:22 0.00 0.00 
41 18 0.40 0.51 2.25 0.00 0.00 
42 10 0.33 0.41 2.43 0.00 0.00 
43 7 0.00 0.00 2.40 0.00 0.00 
44 7 0.50 0.69 1.40 0.00 0.00 
45 4 0.50 0.69 1.30 0.00 0.00 
46 2 0.60 0.92 1.10 0.00 0.00 
47 1 0.50 0.69 1.00 0.00 0.00 
48 0 1.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 

Во = УЁ т, = 3.025 г = InRo / Тс = 0.04 

|, : Number of animals surviving at the beginning of age-class x (months) out of 1,000 originally hatched. 
а, : Mortality rate during age interval x (d,/l,, where d, is the number of animals during age interval x). 
K, : Intensity or rate of mortality: loga, — loga 
e, : Expectation of life: T,/l, where T, =L, + Ly; ...... L, (L, : is the number of animals alive between age 
x and х+1: (I, + 1, 1)/2; L, is the total number of animals x age units beyond age x). 

L,m, : Total number of hatchlings in each age interval (m, : Number of living animals hatched per adult 

where Ro is net reproductive rate, г is per capita rate of increase, and Tc is generation time (25,7 months). 

х— 1 



TABLE 3. Calculation of production of Helicella pappi by the size-frequency method. Annual production 
based on sets of samples from April 1988 to April 1989 (where п, = number of snails at the size class j 
in number; Un, = variance of п; W, = mean individual dry body weight + mean dry shell of organic 
matter (in mg); G, = geometric mean of weight of pairs of successive size classes; В = mean standing 
crop or population biomass in mg; P = annual production in mg; P/B = annual turnover ratio; a = 
number of size classes; CPI = cohort production interval: 730 days). 

Class п, W, (mg) 
range п, /0.25т? Un; Di + st. error 
1-2 0.01 0.0000 —0.13 0.410 + 0.01 
2-3 0.15 0.0020 —0.35 0.410 + 0.02 
3— 0.50 0.0554 —0.22 1.000 + 0.02 
4-5 0.72 0.1764 —0.05 1.000 + 0.03 
5-6 0.77 0.0806 —0.25 2.000 + 0.14 
6-7 1.02 0.0960 —0.46 5.000 + 0.27 
7-8 1.48 0.2454 012 7.000 + 1.00 
8-9 1.36 0.2364 0.37 8.000 + 0.44 
9-10 0.99 0.0892 0.04 11.000 + 1.00 
10-11 0.95 0.0828 0.39 15.000 + 1.00 
11-12 0.56 0.0493 —0.06 22.000 + 3.00 
12-13 0.61 0.0436 0.07 26.000 + 2.00 
13-14 0.54 0.0483 —0.15 27.000 + 4.00 
14-15 0.70 0.0616 —0.23 36.000 + 2.00 
15-16 0.93 0.0980 0.10 49.000 + 2.00 
16-17 0.83 0.0677 —0.07 51.000 + 2.00 
17-18 0.90 0.0736 0.37 65.000 + 4.00 
18-19 0.53 0.0427 0.37 71.000 + 5.00 
19-20 0.16 0.0058 0.15 85.000 + 5.50 
20-21 0.01 0.0003 0.01 134.000 + 6.00 
13.73 x 4 = 
54.92/m? (259 days) 
77.39/m* (365 days) 

(B) Р’ 
AC, [njWj] (пп. 1)(@,) 
(WW.,,)°° (mg/0.25 m°) (mg/0.25 m°) 
0.41 0.0051 —0.0549 
0.64 0.0600 —0.2258 
1.00 0.4990 = 0.2233 
1.41 0.7223 —0.0738 
3.16 1.5489 —0.7781 
5.92 5.1025 —2.7369 
7.48 10.3819 0.9115 
9.38 10.8906 3.5145 
12.85 10.8534 0.5313 
181 14.1796 7.0363 
23.92 12.2754 —1.3548 
26.50 15.9802 1.9403 
31.18 14.6175 —4.7975 
42.00 25.0296 —9.7470 
49.99 45.4396 4.9246 
57.58 42.2702 —4.2654 
67.93 58.6892 25.1060 
77.69 37.8676 28.9068 
106.72 13.7058 16.0344 
134.00 1.4744 1.4744 
321.593 x 4 = 66.1227 x 4 = 

1286.36 mg/m?” (259d) 264.49 mg/m? (259 а) 
1812.82 (365 а) 372.74 (365 d) 

P = 20 x 365/730 x 372.74 = 3727.4 mg/(m?.yr) or ог 3,727 g/(m?.yr) 

U(P) = Uñ(G,_G,_,) x a? x (365/730) = 24371.67 
¿UPS = (22371.67)? = 312.22 = 0:31 

P = 3.73 + 0.31 g/(m°.yr) 

Р/В = 372.74/1812.82 = 0.206 

Turnover time = B/P x 365 = 1775.2 days 

snails are already dormant because of the 
prevailing weather conditions and the fact 
that old adults and some new adults (D > 15 
mm) die after egg laying. The population dy- 
namics suggests that there is a characteristic 
annual periodicity, with synchronization of 
population and life-cycle development. This 
appears to be a species adapted to recover 
slowly after an adverse period. The slow re- 
covery of the population results from the low 
hatch-rate of eggs deposited just before the 
adverse period. The low rate of juvenile de- 
velopment into adult stage during spring, and 
the rapid decline in population size after the 
density peak, indicate a reduced reproduc- 
tive effort of later adult stages. 

Increased growth took place during spring 
because temperatures were not exceedingly 
high (20°C), and total monthly precipitation 

did not fall below 20-30 mm (Fig. 1). During 
autumn, growth took place only in juveniles 
(Fig. 4) when temperatures were around 15°С 
(in October and November) and only if there 
was precipitation. Newly hatched snails dur- 
ing that period of the year remained dormant. 
The rate of growth, however, was not the 
same for newly hatched snails and juveniles 
(Fig. 4). This is also related to differences in 
temperature [e.g., the 1987 March (5.8°) and 
April (12.5%) temperatures were lower than in 
1986 (8.6 — 15.4”C respectively)]. Addition- 
ally, the growth rate was not the same for 
juveniles and mature snails. This was evident 
from the study of the population analysis of 
H. pappi and from the comparison of the rate 
of relative growth of D in relation to d be- 
tween juveniles and adults. This is a general 
phenomenon in many Helicidae and it is usu- 


ally due to internal changes in genitalia and 
gonad maturation (Yom-Tov, 1971; Bonavita, 
1972; Williamson, 1976; Lazaridou-Dimitria- 
dou, 1986; Staikou et al., 1988). Seasonal 
variation in growth and, more specifically, in- 
creased growth rate in spring, have been re- 
ported for other snails in Greece, including Е. 
vermiculata (Lazaridou-Dimitriadou & Kattou- 
las, 1985), X. arenosa and C. virgata (Lazari- 
dou-Dimitriadou, 1986), H. lucorum (Staikou 
et al., 1988), B. fruticum (Staikou et al., 1990), 
and М. cartusiana (Staikou & Lazaridou-Dim- 
itriadou, 1990). Baba (1985) also reports that 
growth is related to climatic factors and that 
it increases only before sexual maturity. As 
for H. lucorum (Staikou et al., 1988), B. fruti- 
cum (Staikou et al., 1990) and other terrestrial 
snails, H. pappi continues to increase D even 
after maturation, because it is heterothermic. 
There were adverse periods during which ac- 
tivity, and consequently growth and repro- 
duction, stopped. These periods coincided 
mainly with winter and summer drought. 
Moreover, the values of k showed that winter 
constitutes the most important environmen- 
tal stress. Helicella pappi matures only in the 
second year of its life, with a rate of increase 
equal to 0.041. Being iteroparous, this snail 
reproduces again after its first egglaying. 
However, it seems that high reproductive 
output on one occasion influences future re- 
productive output. Although Ro and the turn- 
over time was high (1,775 days), productivity 
rate (0.2/year) was low, which may be related 
to the long life span (4 years) and high mor- 
tality of this species at subadult and adult 
stages, especially after winter. Moreover, 
maintenance costs during dormant periods 
are increased; 33% of the previously ac- 
quired biomass 1$ lost. These snails try to ex- 
ploit favourable conditions, but the absence 
of a true hibernation or aestivation and a var- 
ied capacity for dormancy cause the death of 
much of the population. The annual adult 
mortality rate was similar to that reported by 
Osterhoff (1977) and Williamson et al. (1977) 
for С. nemoralis and by Shachak et al. (1975) 
for Sphincterochila zonata, which also has a 
life-span of 4-6 years. Turnover times are ob- 
viously related to length of life; long turnover 
times have only been reported for such bi- 
valves as Anodonta (1,789 days/4.9 years) 
(Russell-Hunter & Buckley, 1983) and for the 
terrestrial snail Monacha (1,177 days/2-3 
years) (Staikou 8 Lazaridou-Dimitriadou, 
1990). Otherwise, terrestrial snails seem to 
have short turnover times from 50.7 days 

(Vallonia, Russell-Hunter 8 Buckley, 1983) to 
293 days/3 years (Helix lucorum, Staikou et 
al., 1988). However, the possibility of long 
turnover times in age-structured populations, 
especially in relation to interspecific compar- 
isons, must be treated with caution, because 
some average standing-crop values in the lit- 
erature are estimated from an entire popula- 
tion and others from a model cohort. Gener- 
ally, turnover times of more than two years 
appear to be associated with life spans of 
four years or more. The fact that H. pappi has 
long turnover times and a low productivity 
rate may be related to its small size, its long 
life span, and the fact that it is iteroparous. 

Published distribution data seem to sug- 
gest that H. pappi comprises a species with a 
patchy distribution (Schútt, 1962). Because of 
its evolutionary origin in colder climates (Ur- 
banski, 1960), this species manages barely 
to survive in this region of Greece, with wide 
daily and seasonal temperature variations. 
Actually, it is the climatic factors that play an 
important role in controlling energy flux in H. 
рарр!. Low rates and efficiencies of growth 
place severe restraints on the snail's ability to 
meet the demands of over-winter mainte- 
nance and reproduction. As a result, repro- 
duction is delayed until the second autumn. 
Energy investment is not concentrated on egg 
production, and there 1$ variation in rates of 
growth and fecundity according to age. Mor- 
tality takes place at all stages, but mainly after 
winter; high mortality after adverse periods of 
the year is a common characteristic of many 
helicid snails. Consequently, the demograph- 
ic characteristics of Helicella conform to an 
A-selectionist's strategy, as defined by Green- 
slade (1983); that is, suitable conditions for 
breeding last for only a short period but occur 
regularly and predictably, such that the pop- 
ulation synchronizes with those conditions 
(Figs. 1, 2). Moreover, interspecific competi- 
tion is rare, because only very small, sparse 
populations of Lindolhomia lens and Helix 
figulina were observed. 


| would like to thank Dr. E. Gittenberger of 
The Natural Museum of Leiden for informa- 
tion on the distribution and systematic posi- 
tion of Helicella (Xerothracia) pappi. Thanks 
are also due to Dr. С. В. J. Dussart from 
Christ Church College, Canterbury, U.K, for 
his critical remarks, K. Asmi and Dr. A. 


Staikou for their technical help, and Dr. T. 
Sofianidou for providing me with samples 
from the area of Philippi before this study 
was undertaken. 


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Revised ms. accepted 28 November 1994 

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MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 13-21 


Hilary Piggott & Georges Dussart 

Canterbury Christ Church College, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1QU, United Kingdom 


In laboratory trials, specimens of the freshwater pulmonate snail Lymnaea peregra from 
Ullswater, a soft-water lake in the English Lake District (6.5 mg/l [Са?*], pH 7.1), showed a 
significant preference for laying eggs on clean, dead conspecific snail shells (y? = 38.91, Р < 
0.001 n = 20), thereby confirming anecdotal field observations of this behaviour. 

A choice chamber was used to investigate to test the hypothesis that Iymnaeid snails might 
be able to use calcium as a cue for orientation, for example as a stimulus to find target shells 
for oviposition. Lymnaea stagnalis showed a more positive response to calcium than did L. 
peregra (t = 4.2, Р < 0.05, п = 137). When snails from soft-water environments were reared in 
soft water in the laboratory, specimens of L. peregra showed a strong preference for calcium 
(x? = 19.6, Р < 0.001, п = 202), but specimens reared in hard water (84 mg/l [Ca?*], п = 44)) 
showed no such preference. The hypothesis that snails could use a calcium cue to select a shell 
as an oviposition site was supported, and, in addition, the breadth of the chemical niche of L. 

peregra appears to be wider than that of L. stagnalis. 
Key words: egg-laying, calcium, preference, ecology, hardness, Lymnaea peregra, Lymnaea 



The importance of calcium in the distribu- 
tion of freshwater molluscs has been widely 
reported (Boycott, 1936; Macan, 1950; 
Okland, 1969; Williams, 1970; McKillop 8 
Harrison, 1972). In his qualitative study of the 
ecology of freshwater molluscs in Britain, 
Boycott suggested that whereas some spe- 
cies were restricted to waters with calcium 
concentration exceeding 20mg/l, other spe- 
cies were more tolerant and could occur both 
in high calcium waters and elsewhere in low 
calcium waters, L. peregra being a typical ex- 
ample of such tolerance. Boycott (1936) also 
highlighted the difficulty of separating water 
chemistry from geographical distribution and 
physical characters of the habitats. In quan- 
titative studies of molluscan ecology in rela- 
tion to water chemistry, Dussart (1976) 
showed that general mollusc abundance was 
greater in hard waters ([Ca*] > 40 mg/l), al- 
though medium waters ([Са?*] 5-40 mg/l) 
had greater species diversity. As well as af- 
fecting distribution, calcium concentration 
also affects such aspects of freshwater mol- 
lusc biology as shell composition in planorbid 
snails (Madsen, 1987), freshwater sphaeriid 
clams (Burky et al., 1979), and the ampullariid 


snail Marisa cornuarietis (L.) (Meier-Brook, 
1978). Other evidence of a direct metabolic 
response to environmental calcium was 
demonstrated by Dussart & Kay (1980), who 
showed that L. peregra reared in waters of 
different hardness had different respiration 

Dussart (1979) observed anecdotally that 
in some soft-water habitats, L. peregra ap- 
peared to show a preference for laying eggs 
on the shells of other L. peregra from the 
same generation, and it was proposed that 
this behaviour could possibly *'... provide an 
immediate source of nutrients to the off- 
spring after the post-egg laying deaths of the 
parent population.” These observations 
therefore raised questions about whether 
snails could behaviourally orientate to envi- 
ronmental calcium. Thomas (1982) observed 
that taxes of freshwater molluscs along inor- 
ganic ion gradients had been little studied. 
There is precedent for suggesting that fresh- 
water molluscs exhibit chemoreception, 
because, for example, the freshwater pulmo- 
nate Planobarius corneus (L.) can discrimi- 
nate between amino acids (Lombardo et al., 
1991), and Thomas et al. (1980) observed 
species-specific responses to four amino 


Lymnaea peregra 1$ probably the most 
common freshwater snail in Europe (Fitter 8 
Manuel, 1986); it occurs in all types of habi- 
tats, including water with a calcium concen- 
tration as low as 1 mg/l. By contrast, L. stag- 
nalis is a calciphile species comprising larger 
individuals, often sympatric with L. peregra in 
harder waters. The objectives of the following 
experiments were therefore, firstly to investi- 
gate the hypothesis that soft-water snails 
might lay eggs preferentially on the shells of 
other individuals, secondly to investigate 
whether L. peregra and L. stagnalis might ori- 
entate to calcium in solution and thirdly, to 
identify any species-specific differences in 
such behaviour. 


Sources and Maintenance Conditions 
of Snails 

All samples were taken in June and July 
1992, when L. peregra were obtained from 
the River Stour in Kent (OS ref. TR1785990, 
84 mg/l [Са?*], pH 7.4) and L. stagnalis were 
collected from Monkton Nature Reserve (OS 
ref. TR657295, 72mg/l [Са?*], pH 7.5). Spec- 
imens of L. peregra were also collected from 
Ullswater, a soft-water lake in the Lake Dis- 
trict (OS ref. NY421205, 6.5 mg/l [Ca**], pH 
7.1). In all the choice experiments, snails 
were young-mature specimens, of about 
8-11 mm maximum length for L. peregra and 
25-35 mm maximum length for L. stagnalis; 
because some of the snails came from the 
field, age could only be estimated. Other- 
wise, snails were four-six months old. 

Snails were housed in the laboratory in 
plastic tubs measuring 16 x 16 x 16 cm, each 
tub containing one litre of water and ten 
snails. Where snails from hard water were 
being cultured in hard water, water from the 
River Stour was used. The snails were main- 
tained at room temperature, with continuous 
aereation, in natural daylight and fed fresh 
lettuce every three days; ten millilitres of fil- 
tered pond water were added to each tub to 
provide additional micro-nutrients. A small 
quantity of washed, fine sand was provided 
in each tub to aid digestion, and the water 
was changed at three-day intervals. In the 
experiment to investigate substratum choice, 
two round, flint pebbles (10 mm diameter, the 
approximate size of an L. peregra shell), and 
two empty L. peregra shells were added to 

each tub. Each tub thus comprised a micro- 
cosm for which both the number of egg cap- 
sules and the area of the surface types upon 
which eggs were laid was recorded, includ- 
ing the submerged walls of the tub. 

Review of Choice-Chamber Designs for 
Aquatic Snails 

Various experimental designs have been 
employed to examine chemoreception in 
aquatic molluscs. For example, Uhazy et al. 
(1978) investigated chemicals attractant to 
Biomphalaria glabrata (Say) by using a grid of 
10 x 5 units marked on a white enamel dish 
with test material at one end of the dish and 
control material at the other; Madsen (1992) 
used a similar design in food location exper- 
iments for Helisoma duryi (Wetherby) and Bi- 
omphalaria camerunensis (Boettger). Lom- 
bardo et al. (1990) used a ‘Y’ shaped maze to 
investigate Planorbarius corneus, whereas 
Thomas et al. (1980) used an olefactometer 
to investigate the response of B. glabrata to 
amino acids and related compounas. 

There are however, many problems asso- 
ciated with the design of such experiments; 
firstly, diffusion causes dynamic change in 
ionic concentrations, so that snails might be 
responding to an ionic flow, as opposed to 
absolute concentrations. Secondly, the ani- 
mals might become satiated as they move up 
the concentration gradient so that their be- 
haviour changes accordingly. Thirdly, there 
are problems of deciding when a choice has 
been made; for example, Lombardo et al. 
(1991) reported that a time limit was neces- 
sary due to the slowness and sometimes in- 
activity of the snails in their experiments. 
Fourthly, the distinction between olfaction 
and gustation is not clear in aquatic molluscs 
(Kohn, 1961). Fifthly, when a liquid medium 
rather than a solid object is the object of the 
choice, there are problems of experimental 
design because seiche phenomena can be 
entrained at the start of each trial. Given the 
nature of the animal, it is unlikely that any 
aquatic choice-chamber design will be 
wholly satisfactory for aquatic snails. 

To circumvent these problems, Vareille- 
Morel (1986) used a flowing water design in 
studies of the response of Potamopyrgus 
jenkinsi Smith to a nutrient source, and Dus- 
sart (1973) used a static chamber with a 
“starting box”; test specimens introduced 
into the starting box had an instant choice of 
waters when the starting gate was removed. 


Central baffle 

Water flow 


FIG. 1. Choice chamber used in the present study. 

Design of the Choice-Chamber 

Because L. stagnalis and L. peregra can be 
amphibious, the choice-chamber shown in 
Figure 1 was used, as it circumvents many of 
the problems described above. Preliminary 
dye experiments and water samples taken 
during the trials showed that there was no 
significant transfer of chemicals across the 
central divider; the latter was made of wood 
(ramin) because streaming was found to oc- 
cur when plastic dividers were used. 

Character of Water 

For all choice experiments, solutes were 
added to distilled de-ionised water to give 
the following standard water (mg/l): magne- 
sium, 15; sodium, 30; potassium, 7; ortho- 
phosphate, 15; calcium, 0; pH 7.5; (pH ad- 
justment with 2M НС). By contrast, the test 
hard water included 50 mg/l calcium. 

Methods of Testing Preferences 

Testing one species at a time, up to ten 
snails were placed on the divider, all facing 
the same way. They could then move to the 
left or right, or could remain on the divider. To 
prevent extraneous bias, the location of 
choice waters were systematically varied be- 
tween runs. Because Green et al. (1992) had 
shown significant anticlockwise-left move- 
ment of L. peregra when out of water, runs 
were repeated, with all the snails facing in the 
opposite direction. There were thus four ori- 
entations in each run and each run was re- 
peated, so that approximately 80 snails were 
involved in each trial. Similar numbers of 
snails were used by Madsen (1992) in food 
location experiments. After ten minutes, or 
sooner if all the snails had moved, the snails 
were removed from the choice chamber and 
the dividers cleaned; there was no contact 

between snails and no evidence of trail fol- 

y? tests with Yate's corrections were used 
to see if there was a significant choice and 
snails which stayed on the central divider 
were not included in the analysis. For the final 
investigation, L. peregra reared from eggs 
produced by Ullswater snails were used. Two 
batches of adult snails were separately main- 
tained in soft water (5 mg/l [Са?*]), and two 
batches were separately maintained in hard 
water (84 mg/l [Са?*]), both being kept for 
1-3 weeks before the trials. 

Oviposition Choice of L. peregra 

Besides the walls of the tub, the snails had 
only two pebbles and two shells upon which 
to lay, so that oviposition on these surfaces 
needed a significant positive choice. After 
correction of the data for available area, soft- 
water snails imported from Ullswater showed 
a significant bias towards laying eggs on 
shells, and this bias was greater for snails 
which, before the trials, had been kept in the 
laboratory in soft water (y? = 38.91, P < 
0.001) compared with those kept in hard wa- 
ter (X? = 13.49, Р < 0.01). These results imply 
that L. peregra from soft water showed a 
preference for laying eggs on snail shells, 
particularly having been maintained in soft 
water. It is a statistical requirement of a chi- 
square test that no observed values should 
be less than five; because no eggs were laid 
on the pebbles, this requirement was not 
met, and the results should therefore be 
treated with caution; it is conceivable that 
eggs might never have been laid on a flint 
pebble. It should be noted that in other batch 
cultures however, eggs were intermittently 
laid on such pebbles. 

Choice Experiments 

A number of preliminary tests were con- 
ducted. Ten L. stagnalis were housed in soft 
water and used in the following preliminary 
experiments. When given a choice of sodium 
and calcium cations but with the same con- 
centrations of chloride anions, the null hy- 
pothesis could be refuted at P < 0.05, imply- 
ing that movement was significantly towards 
the source of calcium (Table 1-Trial (1). To 
determine whether this apparent bias was 



TABLE 1. Preliminary investigation of choice behaviour. For the purposes of this report, a trial is defined 
as an opportunity to make a choice by a single individual snail. Because some snails stayed on the 
central baffle for the duration of an experiment, the number of movements 15 frequently less than the 
number of trials. In experiments (i)-(iv), each of the ten snails was tested four times (i.e. four runs) in 

the four orientations, giving 160 trials. 

Preliminary trials—ten mature specimens of L. stagnalis previously housed in soft water for one week 

Bias Towards.. vo Significance 
(i) Comparison of cations 
100 mg/l [CI ] cf 100 mg/l [CI ] 
(as NaCl) (as Ca Cl,.2H,0) 
Movements 81 56 [Cas] 4.2 Р < 0.05 
(ii) Sodium against water 
100 mg/l [Na*] ai HEC 
(as NaCl) 
Movements 73 50 [Na*] 3.9 Р < 0.05 
(iii) Calcium against water 
100 mg/l [Са?*] cf H,0* 
(as Ca CI,.2H,0) 
Movements 89 53 [Gaz] 8.8 Р < 0.01 

Osmotic Potential Trial —40 mature specimens of L. stagnalis previously housed in soft water for one 
week were tested in each of the four orientations, ¡.e. 160 trials. 

(iv) [Ca?*] cf [Na*] 
500 mg/l 370 mg/l 
(аз Ca CI,.2H,0) (as NaCl) 
Movements 92 45 

prompted by an aversion for sodium, the 
snails were given a choice between sodium 
and de-ionised water in Trial (ii). Again, the 
null hypothesis could be refuted at P < 0.05, 
implying that the snails chose the sodium re- 
gime and aversion had not been a factor in 
Trial (i). 

In Trial (iii), there was again an apparent 
bias towards calcium, implying that the null 
hypothesis could be refuted at P < 0.01; this 
could represent an aversion to de-ionised 
water, possibly due to the effects of osmotic 
potential. Freshwater gastropods have body 
fluids that are hyper-osmotic to the external 
media and therefore have to cope with 
the continual influx of water. To establish 
whether the difference in osmotic pressure 
between the test substances was affecting 
the responses, in Trial (iv), snails were offered 
a choice between calcium and sodium but at 
concentrations that would each exert the 
same osmotic potential. The result provides 
evidence to refute the null hypothesis that 
there is no significant difference in the re- 
sponse of snails to different substances of 
the same osmotic pressure at P < 0.01; the 
snails apparently once again showed a sig- 
nificant bias towards the water containing 

Bias Towards.. Ne Significance 

[Ca?*] 15.4 Р < 0.001 

To investigate whether there might be spe- 
cies-specific differences in these move- 
ments, 40 specimens each of L. stagnalis 
from Monkton and L. peregra from the Stour 
were maintained in hard and soft water for 
periods of one to three weeks before inves- 
tigation. The results of the main trials shown 
in Table 2 allow comparison between their 
behaviour. Trials (v) and (ix) were controls 
showing that when exposed to identical test 
substances, there was no significant bias in 
choice for either species. 

For Trials (vi) to (viii), L. stagnalis displayed 
a highly significant positive response to cal- 
cium, but in Trials (x) to (хи), L. peregra 
showed a lower response (Table 2). A Stu- 
dent's t-test of these data confirmed this dif- 
ference; across the three trials, the mean 
number of L. stagnalis choosing calcium was 
42.17 with a comparable mean of 32.42 for L. 
peregra, thereby indicating that L. stagnalis 
were orientating more strongly than L. pere- 
gra (t = 4.33). The responses for both species 
towards calcium differed, depending on the 
length of time they had been maintained in 
hard or soft water before the experiment. For 
example, the y? value for L. stagnalis that had 
been kept in soft water for one week was 
62.3, compared with 19.5 for snails that had 


TABLE 2. Results of trials to investigate choices of forty individuals of each of L. stagnalis and L. 
peregra. Snails were kept in either hard water for one week (H1), hard water for two weeks (H2), soft 
water for one week (S1) or soft water for three weeks (S3). All calcium was presented as 100 mg/l 

calcium as [Ca Cl,.2H,0]. Each snail was tested twice in each of the four orientations, i.e. 320 trials. 

Trial Choice Available Result 

L. stagnalis Bias Towards.. x? Significance 
(v) H1 [Ca?*] cf [Са] 

Movements 140 135 neither 0.08 N.S. 
(vi) H2 [Са?*] ef H,O* 

Movements 155 98 [Са || 12.4 Р < 0.001 
(vii) $1 [Ga?*] cf 850% 

Movements 186 61 [Cart] 62.3 P < 0.001 
(viii) $3 [Ca?*] cf H,O* 

Movements 165 93 [Ga?*] 19.5 Р < 0.001 

L. регедга 
(x) H1 [Gas] cf [Са?*] 

Movements 135 139 neither 0.08 N.S. 
(x) H2 [Gas] cf H,O* 

Movements 124 128 [Ca**] 0 N.S. 
(xi) $1 [Са?*] cf H,O* 

Movements 132 95 [Са?*] 5.7 Р < 0.05 
(xii) $3 [Ca] et 150: 

Movements 133 69 Са | 19.6 Р < 0.001 


been kept in soft water for three weeks; by 
contrast, the equivalent y? values for L. per- 
egra were 5.7 compared with 19.6. 

It is possible that the snails were orientat- 
ing to chloride rather than calcium. However, 
Trial (x) for L. peregra showed no significant 
preference between chloride and de-ionised 
water; and, in fact 34 snails compared with 
26 snails actually migrated into the de- 
ionised water. There is always the possibility, 
however, that this experiment shows a bal- 
anced preference/aversion for both chloride 
and de-ionised water. For example, aversive 
behavioural and physiological responses to 
salinity are well documented (Perkins, 1974). 
The animals may have balanced their aver- 
sion to salinity with an aversion to the os- 
motic problems posed by deionised water, 
and consequently made по significant 

Those L. peregra that had been raised in 
hard water showed no calcium preference 
(Table 3). By contrast, L. peregra raised in 
soft water showed a significant preference 
(X? = 8.2, Р < 0.01) for calcium. For example, 
over four runs, the mean number of snails 
that had been raised in hard water and chose 
calcium was 6.5, and the mean number of 
snails that had been raised in soft water and 
chose calcium was 8.75, the difference be- 
tween the means being significant at (t = 

The molluscan shell is formed by the dep- 
osition of calcium carbonate on a protein ma- 
trix. For snails in a soft water environment, an 
immediate source of calcium could be ben- 
eficial to the developing juveniles and so 
there is an a priori reason for expecting snails 
to be able to detect and orientate towards 
calcium. The possible attractant properties of 
calcium were demonstrated here by the re- 
sults of Trial (i) on [. stagnalis. lt appeared 
that sodium chloride did not act as a repel- 
lant, because movements away from this 
compound were not significant in Trial (ii); 
Madsen (1990) found that such snails as H. 
duryi and Bulinus truncatus Audouin were not 
adversely affected by low concentrations of 
sodium chloride. However, there could have 
been a significant aversion to the de-ionised 
water in Trial (ii). 

Young (1975) reported that in soft water, L. 
peregra extracted 70% of the calcium re- 
quirement from lettuce and in hard water, ex- 
tracted only 46% from lettuce. This was 
compared with L. stagnalis, which, although 
it efficiently extracted 95% of the calcium 
content of the lettuce, usually only took 20% 
of the total requirement from this source, the 
remaining 80% being derived directly from 
the water. Thus, the relationships between 
environmental Базе-юп concentration and 


TABLE 3. Results for eight L. peregra reared in hard water and eight reared in soft water. The snails 
were tested when they had reached an overall shell length of 6-8 mm. Calcium was presented as 100 
mg/l [Ca Cl,.2H,0]. Each specimen was tested twice in each of the four orientations, i.e. 64 trials. 

Choice Available 

Snails reared in soft water 

[Са?*] cf 
Movements 35 
Snails reared in hard water 

[Ca?*] cf 
Movements 22 

snail biology appear to be complicated. For 
example, ionic ratios might be involved; Har- 
rison et al. (1966) invoked the ratio of cal- 
cium/magnesium as a significant factor in 
egg production. There are also contrary re- 
sults; though Harrison et al. (1966) found a 
curvilinear relationship between egg produc- 
tion and calcium concentration for В+ 
omphalaria pfeifferi, Thomas et al. (1974) 
found a positive linear relationship for Bi- 
omphalaria glabrata. Nevertheless, it ap- 
peared that in our experiments, the need to 
respond to a source of environmental cal- 
cium was less for L. peregra than for L. stag- 
nalis, possibly because L. peregra obtains a 
smaller proportion of its calcium require- 
ments direct from the environment. This 
proposition 1$ supported by the results 
shown in Table 2: a gradually increasing re- 
sponse to a source of calcium by L. peregra, 
whereas the corresponding response of L. 
stagnalis was immediately highly significant. 
Even when kept, albeit temporarily, in hard 
water (84 mg/l [Са?*]), it seems that the cal- 
cium requirement of L. stagnalis was not be- 
ing met in these relatively small containers. 
Trials (v) to (xii) were designed to show 
species-specific differences in behaviour and 
were not particularly designed to distinguish 
between the effects of calcium, chloride or 
possible osmotic potential effects of de-ion- 
ised water. However, the results of trial (x) for 
L. peregra suggest that chloride and osmotic 
potential were not playing respectively at- 
tractive and aversive roles, because a major- 
ity of snails chose de-ionised water. There is 
also circumstantial evidence from Trials (i) to 
(iv) and from the literature to suggest that cal- 
cium 1$ a significant factor (e.g., Greenaway, 
1971a, b). It is probable that ten L. stagnalis 
housed in one litre of pond water would re- 
duce the calcium concentration to such a 
level that a significant response to a source 
of calcium would be both essential for the 



Bias Towards.. x Significance 
14 lea] 8.2 P < 0.01 
22 neither 0 N.S 

snail and observable by the experimenter. 
For example, in our experiments, L. stagnalis 
showed a massive response to the source of 
calcium, having been in soft water for only 
one week. Out of 247 observed movements, 
186 were towards the source of calcium; if 
osmotic potential were the only factor, it 
might be expected that the response would 
not have changed between trials. In addition, 
at this stage, the shells of L. stagnalis were 
becoming increasingly fragile. Nduku & Har- 
rison (1976) suggested that snails cultured in 
low calcium concentration are physiologi- 
cally stressed and cannot carry out normal 
metabolic processes. 

Bielefeld et al. (1993) have implicated alka- 
line phosphatase in the mantle epithelium as 
a factor in shell mineralisation, and Green- 
away (1971a, b) suggested that there was a 
net movement of calcium from the environ- 
ment into the blood, excess calcium being 
deposited as carbonate in the shell. When 
Greenaway cultivated snails in soft water, 
there was a loss of calcium from the blood to 
the external environment. To compensate, a 
reverse flow of calcium occurred from the 
shell to the blood. It is therefore likely that in 
the later stages of our experiments, L. stag- 
nalis were physiologically stressed. 

Given that the test snails of both species 
were of similar sizes, these results suggest 
that either L. stagnalis has a greater calcium 
demand than L. peregra, or that L. peregra 
has a higher threshold for the inception of 
calcium-mediated stress at lower concentra- 
tions than L. stagnalis. The implication is 
therefore that in terms of meeting calcium re- 
quirements, the niche breadth of L. peregra is 
wider than that of L. stagnalis. This hypothe- 
sis 15 supported by Costil-Fleury (1991), who 
used factor analysis to show that L. peregra 
is less confined in terms of habit type than L. 

However, many other physico-chemical 


and biotic factors are as important as cal- 
cium. Temperature, pH, macro-vegetation, 
suspended solids and the nature of the 
allochthonous input to the habitat have all 
been suggested as crucial factors in mollus- 
can distribution (e.g., Macan, 1974; Okland, 
1983; Pip, 1986), and Dussart (1979) showed 
that potassium, mud substratum-type and 
rock substratum-type were major variables in 
the distribution of Bithynia tentaculata (L.), 
Gyraulus albus (Müller) and Planorbis planor- 
bis (L.) respectively; magnesium was a major 
water chemistry variable for L. peregra. 

The results of the investigation using L. 
peregra reared in different environmental 
conditions tentatively support the suggestion 
of Dussart (1979) that in soft waters, snails 
might satisfy a metabolic need for calcium by 
orientating towards, and laying eggs on 
shells. There is anecdotal evidence that, es- 
pecially in areas of base-ion deficiency, 
aquatic snails will aggregate on shells, bones 
and other calcium sources; it would be useful 
to compare the calcium responses of snails 
originating from soft-water environments 
with snails of the same species from hard- 
water environments. If raised in identical con- 
ditions, any significant differences in re- 
sponses persisting in the F1 and succeeding 
generations would indicate the existence of 
physiological races and plasticity. This in turn 
might suggest that the process of speciation 
for water type is under way. 

The existence of a microhabitat at the sub- 
stratum surface of, say, a shell or a pebble 
needs to be recognised. Environmental cal- 
cium concentration in the microhabitat could 
be higher at interfaces due to mineralization 
by bacteria, algae or fungi. Consequently, a 
variety of factors could act as a cue for ovi- 
position on shells, examples being biofilms 
(auchwuss) on the shell surface, phero- 
mones, amino acids from the shell protein, or 
even physical contact with the shell as a sub- 
stratum rather than the calcium itself. In the 
experiments reported here, it is possible that 
the differing physico-chemical nature of the 
plastic, pebble and shell surface had facili- 
tated the development of biofilms that might 
have differentially encouraged egg deposi- 
tion on these surfaces; this possibility needs 
further investigation. Conversely, if an amino- 
acid attractant was leaking from the shell sur- 
face, it could be species-specific, because 
the concentration of amino acids within 
shells differs in different species of mollusc 
and with waters of different hardness (Dus- 

sart, 1973; 1983). Freshwater snails can 
show chemoreception in relation to amino 
acids exuded from a food source (Croll, 
1983; Thomas et al., 1980), and the parent 
snails could be following an amino acid gra- 
dient to the target shell. In natural conditions, 
the amino acids could act as a primary stim- 
ulus and calcium could be secondary. The 
behavioural response to the amino acids in 
the shell of L. peregra could be examined by 
other choice-chamber experiments. How- 
ever, the possibility of synergism must be 
recognised; for example, Uhazy et al. (1978) 
noted a synergistic response of B. glabrata to 
the amino acids proline and glutamine. 

Despite the fact that Uhazy et al. (1978) 
found that B. glabrata would orientate to- 
wards magnesium but not calcium, our dem- 
onstration of species-specific differences 
has implications for control of snail vectors of 
helminth disease; for example, species within 
the Bulinus and Biomphalaria genera might 
show similar variability. As suggested by 
Thomas et al. (1980), Thomas (1982) and 
Lombardo et al. (1991), baiting techniques 
might be used to control helminth vectors, 
and knowledge of the role of calcium could 
be an important contributing factor. 

In conclusion, it seems from this study that 
there are differences in orientation behaviour 
that might be symptomatic of the calciphile 
distribution of L. stagnalis compared with the 
eurycalcic distribution of L. peregra. In the 
investigation of oviposition-site behaviour of 
L. peregra, the bias towards laying eggs on 
shells may have been due to such factors as 
leakage of calcium or amino acids from the 
shells, or mechanical quality of the shell sur- 
face. Both species might be able to orientate 
towards sources of calcium, though aversion 
to a low osmotic potential and attraction to 
chlorides are alternative, though less likely 
hypotheses. Also, there appears to be a dif- 
ference in response within a species when 
the animals are raised under different envi- 
ronmental conditions, suggesting that there 
may be the capacity for physiological plas- 
ticity within these metabolic requirements. 


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tracer, on the source of calcium during growth in 
two freshwater species of gastropoda. Proceed- 
ings of the Malacological Society of London, 41, 

Revised Ms accepted 19 October 1994 

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MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 23-32 


Luiz Ricardo Lopes de Simone 

Seçäo de Moluscos, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo, 
Caixa Postal 7172, CEP 01064-970, Sáo Paulo, SP, Brazil 


Tonna galea and Tonna maculosa, from Brazilian region, are described anatomically. Each 
character is compared between the species and also with other known Tonnoidea. These 
species differ anatomically in characters of the mantle color and collar, osphradium, hypobran- 
chial gland, kidney, proboscis length, radular rachidian, lateral tooth, penis, vas deferens, and 
female genital opening. Characters of the anterior region of the digestive system, heart, penis 
and pallial oviduct are of particular interest in tonnoidean systematics. 


Tonna galea (Linné, 1758) is a very wide- 
ranging species, occurring in the Pacific and 
Atlantic oceans and in the Mediterranean 
Sea. Tonna maculosa (Dillwyn, 1817), in con- 
trast, only occurs in the tropical west Atlantic 
(Rios, 1985: 70; Matthews et al., 1987: 33). 
Tonna perdix (Linné, 1758), which is closely 
related to Т. maculosa, occurs in the Indo- 
Pacific region, and some authors consider 
them to be synonyms (e.g., Morretes, 1949). 
Two questions arise: (1) is “Топпа galea” а 
single species, and (2) are Т. maculosa and Т. 
perdix really separate species? These ques- 
tions have been discussed (e.g., Turner, 
1948; Matthews et al., 1987), with arguments 
based on shell characters, but are still unre- 

The objective of this paper is not to answer 
these questions, but to be a step in this di- 
rection, providing anatomical descriptions of 
specimens identified as Tonna galea and Т. 
maculosa from the Brazilian region. These 
data could be used in comparisons with sup- 
posed co-specific specimens from other ar- 
eas to assist in clarifying the systematic 
problems. Another objective of this paper is 
_ to contribute to the understanding of system- 
atic characters in the Tonoidea, identifying 
some useful characters not previously uti- 
lized in the systematics of this group. 

Little has been published on the anatomy 
of the Tonnoidea, and in particular the Ton- 
nidae. What has been has mainly concerned 
the alimentary canal and feeding habits. The 


following information is available: Tonna 
galea: Weber (1927) studied the digestive 
system, and some of his data were repro- 
duced by Hyman (1967); Turner (1948) 
described the penis and figured the radula; 
Matthews et al. (1987) figured the penis, 
jaw and radular rachidian; and Bentivegna & 
Toscano (1991: 37) figured an active speci- 
men preying on Holothuria tubulosa and 
Н. sanctori. Tonna maculosa: Turner (1948) 
described the penis and figured the radula; 
and Matthews et al. (1978) figured jaw 
and radular rachidian. Other Tonnoidea de- 
scribed anatomically and used here for com- 
parision are: Reynell (1905) —description of a 
male Cassidaria rugosa (Linné) (Ranellidae); 
Day (1969) — digestive system of Argobuc- 
cinum argus (Gmelin) (Ranellidae); Houbrick 
8 Fretter (1969) — digestive system and 
other organs of three species of Bursa (Bur- 
sidae) and four of Cymatium (Ranellidae); 
Lewis (1972) — anatomy of anterior region of 
digestive system, head-foot complex and pe- 
nis of Distorsio perdistorta Fulton (Ranell- 
idae); and Hughes 8 Hughes (1981) — diges- 
tive system of Cassis tuberosa (Linné), 


The specimens studied belong to malaco- 
logical collection of the Museu de Zoologia, 
Universidade de Sáo Paulo (MZUSP). They 
are preserved in 70% ethanol. 

All specimens were dissected using stan- 
dard techniques. The buccal region, region of 


female genital opening and pallial oviduct 
were extracted, dehydrated in ethanol series, 
stained by carmine, cleared, and fixed with 
creosote. Radulae and jaws were examined 
on slides with Hoyer. All drawings were made 
using a camera lucida. 

Anatomical terminology is based on Rey- 
пе! (1905) and Hughes & Hughes (1981). 
Conchological description and synonymy are 
omitted, and can be found mainly in Mat- 
thews et al. (1987) and Turner (1948). 

Tonna galea (Linné, 1758) 
(Figs. 1-19, 37) 

Synonymy and types material: Turner 
(1948: 173) and Matthews et al. (1987: 31) 


Shell of clear, homogeneous color; outline 
globose; sculptured with strong, spiral, 
somewhat isometrical ridges. Mantle border 
thick; hypobranchial gland poorly developed. 
Kidney large, with complex tissue arrange- 
ment. Proboscis about half projecting from 
rhynchodeum in fixed specimens. Central 
cusp of radular rachidian smooth; main cusp 
of lateral tooth smooth. Penis with a small 
pointed papilla; anterior region of vas defer- 
ens fused with seminal receptaculum. Fe- 
male genital opening with larger inner divi- 
sion for the bursa opening. 


Shell: Detailed descriptions of the shell given 
by Turner (1948: 173 pl. 78) and Matthews et 
al. (1987: 31, figs. 1, 2). Protoconch brown, of 
almost four glassy, convex whorls. 

Head-Foot Complex (Figs. 1, 2): Foot large, 
solid, rounded posteriorly, notched anteri- 
orly; propodium narrow, with anterior pedal 
gland opening to ventral slit (Fig. 1, mp). 
Operculum lacking in adult, present in young 
(Rios, 1985). Tentacles long, fairly thick, 
bluntly pointed. Black eyes on tubercles on 
outer upper part of tentacle bases. Rhyncho- 
deum with simple, rounded opening. Probos- 
cis with about half of length projecting from 
rhynchodeum in all specimens (Fig. 2). Head- 
foot structures beige, with dark brown, irreg- 
ular spots. 

Pallial Complex (Fig. 12): Mantle edge entire, 
simple, not reflected, thick, rounded, pale 
cream in color. Pallial cavity occuping first 

whorl. Siphon long, well developed, pale- 
beige, with dark-brown, somewhat longitudi- 
nal, irregular spots. Osphradium large, bipec- 
tinate, on pallial roof at base of siphon; 
osphradium leaflets lamellate, pigmented 
brown. Ctenidium very large, monopectinate 
(Fig. 12); leaflets very numerous, triangular, 
low. Hypobranchial gland not well devel- 
oped; some specimens with folds of this 
gland running from the anterior and left re- 
gion of rectum. Flaccid tissue covering rec- 
tum (and pallial oviduct in females) on right 
side of mantle cavity, allowing a well-devel- 
oped ad-rectal sinus. 

Excretory-Circulatory Systems: Kidney very- 
large, on right side of pericardium, immedi- 
ately behind pallial cavity, from which it is 
separated by a thin, nearly transparent mem- 
brane (Fig. 12, km); this membrane with slit- 
like nephrostome, surrounded by muscular 
fibres to form a sphincter (Fig. 12, ne). Kidney 
traversed by intestine, which divides it into 
two lobes, the largest (Fig. 13) anterior, the 
smallest posterior. Internally, the kidney is 
very complex, the outer divisions being 
formed by green-brown lobes and tubes, its 
anterior limit bulging the posterior region of 
pallial oviduct glands of females. Nephridial 
gland cream-colored, poorly developed, sit- 
uated above nephrostome (Fig. 13, ng). Heart 
(Fig. 13) with very thin, transparent, flaccid 
auricle and a very thick, rounded ventricle 
(Fig. 13). Ctenidial vein on right margin of gill, 
entering auricle both anteriorly and posteri- 
orly (Fig. 13). Central part of auricle inserting 
directly in gill margin (Fig. 13, au). 

Ad-rectal sinus very developed, apparently 
continuous from chamber of kidney into an 
aperture, with muscular walls, near the anus 
(Fig. 37, at), similar to an ureter. 

Digestive System: Similar to that described 
by Weber (1927), typical of tonnoideans 
(Hughes & Hughes, 1981). Some details of 
insertion of proboscis gland duct and oe- 
sophagial caecum duct in buccal complex 
are shown in Figure 4; detail of buccal com- 
plex (sectioned dorsally) shown in Figure 5; 
transversal section of the mid region of ante- 
rior oesophagus shown in Figure 6. Salivary 
glands surrounding duct of proboscis gland 
(Fig. 3). Duct of each proboscis gland looping 
anteriorly to nerve ring in all specimens ex- 
amined (Fig. 11). Radular rachidian tricuspate 
(Fig. 7; Matthews et al., 1987); lateral teeth 
with a flattened, irregular base and two 
cusps, a long, large acuminate cusp and a 


sheath exposed, scale = 10 mm; (3) anterior region of digestive system, dorsal view, scale = 10 mm; (4) 
anterior extremity of opened proboscis, right-dorsal view, scale = 1 mm; (5) buccal complex opened 
dorsally, inner view, scale = 2 mm; (6) transversal section in mid region of the anterior oesophagus, ventral 
region down, scale = 1 тт; (7) rachidian tooth of the radula; (8) lateral tooth showing the accessory cusp 
(ac); (9) inner marginal tooth; (10) outer marginal tooth, scale (Figs. 7-10) = 0.5 mm; (11) dorsal view of the 
region of nerve ring, scale = 2 mm. 


FIGS. 12-19: Tonna galea: (12) inner view of pallial cavity and viceral mass of a male, scale = 10 mm; (13) 
detail of opened nephridial and pericardial chambers, scale = 2 mm; (14) viceral mass of a male, mantle 
partially removed, scale = 2 mm; (15) ventral view of the penis, scale = 2 mm; (16) detail of insertion region 
of the vas deferens in seminal groove, showing the receptaculum, scale = 2 тт; (17) pallial oviduct, 
tegument removed, scale = 10 mm; (18) detail of the albumen gland showing the vesicles (ve), scale = 2 
mm; (19) detail of female genital pore, tegument removed, scale = 2 mm. 


minute cusp (Fig. 8, ac); base of inner mar- 
ginal teeth (Fig. 9) a little longer than that of 
outer marginal teeth (Fig. 10). Stomach 
poorly developed, with two ducts to digestive 
glands, without developed style sac, folds or 

Nervous System: Nerve ring (Fig. 11, nr) with 
cerebral ganglia turned to left side in all spec- 
imens; from these, three pairs of nerves run 
anteriorly, fusing near the proboscis gland 
duct loops to become only one pair, which lie 
ventraly to the oesophagus (Fig. 11, np). In 
mid oesophagial region, this pair of nerves 
bifurcates, the median nerves (Fig. 6, in) in- 
nervating radular bulb and the lateral nerves 
(Fig. 6, on) innervating proboscis wall. 

Genital System, Male: Testis (Fig. 14, tt) 
branching into digestive gland, mainly on col- 
umellar surface of viceral mass. Convoluted 
seminal vesicle rather spheric (Fig 14, pt), 
confined to anterior part of viceral mass just 
anterior to testis. Vas deferens thin walled 
(Fig. 14), its anterior region to right of the re- 
ceptaculum, fused with its walls (Fig. 16). Re- 
ceptaculum a modified, bulging region of the 
spermatic groove posterior to vas deferens 
insertion in spermatic groove (Fig. 16). In 
floor of right margin of pallial cavity, sper- 
matic groove thick walled near prostate 
gland (Figs. 1, 14, 16). Penis large, somewhat 
flattened, with open penial groove, which ter- 
minates in a small, pointed papilla at central 
region of penis tip (Fig. 15). 

Female: Ovary branching into digestive 
gland. Oviduct slender (Fig. 17), with a small 
gonopericardial duct. Oviduct opening into a 
short, thick-walled albumen gland. A series 
of small, paired vesicles present in ventral 
side of the albumen gland (Figs. 17, 18, ve). 
Capsule gland long, curved, thick walled (Fig. 
17). Bursa copulatrix long, claviform, sepa- 
rate and to right of capsule gland. Posterior 
limit of bursa sacciform, thin walled, the walls 
gradually becoming thickly muscular anteri- 
orly (Figs. 17, 19, bc). Genital pore small 
(Figs. 17, 19, gp), to right, behind anus; pore 
with two inner divisions: the largest and pos- 

terior is the end of the bursa, the smallest and 
_ anterior the end of pallial oviduct (Fig. 19). 

Length, width in mm and if mature (m) or 

immature (i): MZUSP 27967: male, 78.5 by 
66.5, m; female, 73.0 by 61.0, 1; male, 69.5 

by 55.5, m; MZUSP 27984: male, 74.2 by 
60.6, m; MZUSP 27968: female, 102.0 by 
85.0, m; MZUSP 27986: male 118.5 by 104.0, 
т: MZUSP 27969: female 135.0 by 115.0, т; 
male 98.7 by 71.0, m. 


The specimens were obtained by diving, 
burrowing in sandy sediment, near rocks or 
reefs. Some specimens were also dredged 
from about 150 m depth in muddy sediment. 

Material Examined 

BRAZIL. Espirito Santo: MZUSP 27970, 1 
male and 1 female, Barra do Riacho (8/ix/72). 
Sao Paulo: MZUSP 27967, 2 males and 1 
female, Saco da Ribeira Beach, Ubatuba; 
MZUSP 27983, 2 females, Enseada Beach, 
Ubatuba (x/91); MZUSP 27984, 1 male, est. 
42, otter traw (22/x/86); MZUSP 27985, 1 
male, IOUSP-Veliger, ‘‘rede de pesca fixa 8”; 
URUGUAY. off Maldonado: MZUSP 27968, 1 
female, 35°18’S 52°32’W, “W. Besnard,” 
station 1920, 150 m deep (30/x/72); MZUSP 
27969, 2 males and 1 female, same data; 
MZUSP 27986, 4 males and 1 female, ““W. 
Besnard,’ station 1921 OT.9 (20/x/72). 

Tonna maculosa (Dillwyn, 1817) 
(Figs 20-36) 

Synomymy and type material: Turner 
(1948: 169) and Matthews et al (1987: 37) 


Shell dark-brown, spotted; outline fusi- 
form; sculpture of low spiral ridges. Mantle 
border thin. Hypobranchial gland developed. 
Kidney with a smooth surface. Proboscis to- 
tally within rhynchodeal cavity in fixed spec- 
imens. Radular rachidian with crenulations 
on base of central cusp; crenulation on main 
cusp of lateral radular teeth. Penis without 
papilla, with a flap of the tegument on tip. 
Anterior region of vas deferens separated 
from walls of receptaculum. Inner division in 
female genital opening of capsule gland 
larger than in 7. galea. 


Shell: Detailed decriptions of shell are given 
by Turner (1948: 169-172, pl. 75, fig. 2, pl. 76, 
figs. 1, 2) and Matthews et al. (1987: 37, fig. 


6). Protoconch of almost four glassy, convex 
whorls, brown in color (Figs. 20, 21). 

Head-Foot Complex (Fig. 22): Foot solid, 
large, rounded posteriorly, notched ащеп- 
orly; propodium narrow, with anterior pedal 
opening to ventral slit (Fig. 22, mp). Opercu- 
lum lacking in adult. Tentacles long, fairly 
thick, bluntly pointed (Fig. 22). Black eyes on 
tubercles on outer upper part of tentacle 
base. Rhynchodeum with simple, rounded 
opening. Proboscis completely retracted 
within proboscis sheath in all specimens. 
Color of all head-foot structures beige, with 
clear-brown irregular spots. 

Pallial Complex (Fig. 31): Mantle edge entire, 
simple, not reflected, thin, flattened, pale 
cream in color. Pallial cavity occupying first 
whorl. Siphon long, well developed, pale- 
beige in color, with clear-brown irregular 
spots. Osphradium large, bipectinate, pro- 
portionaly larger than that of Т. galea, situ- 
ated on pallial roof at base of siphon; osphra- 
dium leaflets lamellate, pigmented brown. 
Ctenidium very large, monopectinate, with 
many low, triangular filaments. Hypobran- 
chial gland developed, along left side of an- 
terior region of rectum. Tissue covering rec- 
tum and pallial oviduct of females less flaccid 
than that of 7. galea, but allowing a well-de- 
veloped ad-rectal sinus. 

Excretory-Circulatory Systems: Kidney mod- 
erately large (Fig. 30), forming a sac situated 
like that of Т. galea. Well-developed, slit-like 
nephrostome, surrounded by muscular fibres 
to form a sphincter (Figs. 30, 31, ne). Internal 
structures of kidney similar, but simpler than 
in 7. galea, with a smooth surface and a 
cream color; its anterior limit does not bulge 
with albumen gland of females. Nephridial 
gland somewhat inconspicuous, situated 
dorsal to nephostome (Fig. 30, ne). Heart 
(Figs. 30, 31) with a very thin, transparent, 
flaccid walled auricle, and a very thick-walled, 
rounded ventricle. Ctenidial vein and auricle 
like those of T. galea. 

Ad-rectal sinus well developed but less 
than that of 7. galea; as in that species, sinus 
apparently continuous from kidney chamber 
into an aperture (Figs 35, 36, at), with mus- 
cular walls, near anus, like an ureter. 

Digestive System: Like that of Т. galea (Figs. 
23-29). Structures within buccal bulb very 
similar to those of 7. galea; a pair of ventral 
jaws (Fig. 24, md), two dorso-lateral folds (If) 
in buccal cavity, one on either side, with 

opening of proboscis gland duct median to 
fold and near its anterior end. Radula with 
rachidian with a crenulation on base of its 
central cusp; tip of this cusp slender and 
smooth (Fig. 26). Lateral teeth with a series of 
crenulations on main cusp (Fig. 25, cr); small 
accessory cusp present (Figs. 25, 27, ac). In- 
ner (Fig. 28) and outer (Fig. 29) marginal teeth 
similar of those of Т. galea. Oesophagus and 
its inner ventral folds and glands similar to 7. 
galea, but much shorter (Figs. 23, 24). Oe- 
sophageal caecum present, the folds and 
glands of the oesophagus terminating in os- 
tium of caecum (Fig. 24, eo). Posterior oe- 
sophagus without distinct glands or crop. 
Stomach poorly developed, with two ducts to 
digestive glands, but without developed style 
sac, folds, or typhlosole. Inner surface of 
posterior oesophagus, stomach and intestine 
with low longitudinal folds. Salivary glands, 
proboscis glands and their ducts (Figs. 23, 
24), similar of those of 7. galea (Weber, 1927). 
All anterior structures of digestive system 
maintained in position by a tridimensional net 
of muscle fibres running to wall of vesopha- 
gus, body wall and foot. Looping section of 
ducts of proboscis gland lying anterior to 
nerve ring, as in 7. galea. 

Nervous System: Nerve ring (Fig. 23, nr) with 
cerebral ganglia turned to left side in all spec- 
imens examined. Ventral pair of nerves of 
proboscis similar to those of 7. galea. 

Genital System, Male: Testis branching into 
digestive gland, concentrated mainly on col- 
umellar surface of viceral mass. End of vas 
deferens an enclosed, small, thin-walled 
tube, lying to right of receptaculum, without 
fusion except for insertion (Fig. 34). Recep- 
taculum a modified, bulging region of sper- 
matic groove, posterior of insertion of vas 
deferens in floor of pallial cavity (Fig. 34). 
Spermatic groove in right side of floor of pal- 
lial cavity, thick walled, by the prostate gland 
(Figs. 22, 32, 33, 34). Penis very large (Figs. 
32, 33), curved backwards, somewhat flat- 
tened, its free end curving downwards fol- 
lowing curve of floor of pallial cavity, blunt at 
the apex. At right side, near apex of penis 
there is a flap of tissue (fig. 32: pf), under 
which the penial duct opens; there is no pa- 

Female: Ovary branching into digestive 
gland. Oviduct slender, opening into a short, 
thick-walled albumen gland (Fig. 35). A series 
of paired vesicles present in ventral side of 


FIGS. 20-31; Tonna maculosa: (20) protoconch in profile; (21) protoconch, apical view, scale (Figs. 20, 21) 
= 2 mm; (22) head-foot complex from male, scale = 5 mm; (23) dorsal view of anterior region of the digestive 
system, proboscis opened, scale = 5 mm; (24) the same, oesophagus opened longitudinally, scale = 5 mm; 
(25) lateral tooth of radula, showing the crenutation (cr) and the accessory cusp (ac), scale = 0.1 mm; (26) 
rachidian tooth; (27) lateral tooth; (28) inner marginal tooth; (29) outer marginal tooth, scale (Figs. 26-29) = 
0.2 mm; (30) detail of opened nephidial and pericardial champers, scale = 2 mm; (31) pallial cavity of a male, 
inner view, scale = 5 mm. 


FIGS. 32-36: Tonna maculosa: (32) penis and seminal groove, dorsal view; (33) the same, ventral view, 
scale = 5 тт; (34) detail of the insertion of vas deferens in seminal groove, showing the receptaculum, 
scale = 1 mm; (35) pallial oviduct ventral view, tegument partially removed, scale = 5 mm; (36) detail of 
female genital pore, tegument removed, scale = 2 mm. 

albumen gland, similar to those of 7. galea, 
Capsule gland long, сигуеа, thick walled (Fig. 
35, cg). Bursa copulatrix long, claviform, 
slender, separate and to right of capsule 
gland; posterior end of the bursa sacciform, 
thin walled, the walls becoming thick and 
muscular anteriorly (Fig. 35, bc). Small genital 
opening at right and posterior to anus (Figs. 
35, 36, gp). Genital opening with two inner 
divisions, the smallest and posterior is end of 
bursa (bc), and the larger and anterior is end 
of capsule gland (cg) (fig. 36). 


MZUSP 27961, female = length 65.0 mm 
by width 44.0 mm; male = 40.4 mm by 26.5 
mm. MZUSP 27962, female = 45.3 mm by 
31.0 mm. 

The collected specimens were found by 

diving or at low tide, burrowing on sandy bot- 
toms near reefs. 

Material Examined 

BRAZIL. Bahia: MZUSP 27961 (one male 
and one female) Цариа Beach, Salvador (7/ 
vii/71); MZUSP 27962 (one female) Карча, 
Salvador (29/ix/84). 


Tonna galea differs anatomically from 7. 
maculosa in having (1) a thick mantle border; 
(2) darker spots on the epidermis; (3) a less- 
developed hypobranchial gland; (4) a propor- 
tionally smaller osphradium; (5) a more de- 
veloped kidney, with more complex internal 
structure; (6) proboscis extending 50% from 
rhynchodeum (in 7. maculosa proboscis al- 
ways completely retracted within proboscis 
sheath) in fixed specimens; (7) oesophagus 
and inner oesophagial structures much 
longer; (8) central cusp of radular rachidian 
teeth and lateral teeth without crenulations 
(present in 7. maculosa); (9) penis with a pa- 


FIG. 37: detail of anal region of Tonna galea, scale 
= 2 mm. 

pilla (7. maculosa has a flap, without papilla); 
(10) end region of vas deferens fused with the 
receptaculum walls (in 7. maculosa this duct 
is free); and (11) female genital pore with 
larger inner opening to the bursa (7. таси- 
losa has the larger opening leading to the 
capsule glana). 

The function of the aperture near the anus 
(Figs 36, 37, at) in both species is unknown. It 
probably controls the exit of the inner fluid of 
the ad-rectal sinus, which 1$ apparently con- 
tinuous to the kidney chamber. These struc- 
tures resemble the ureter of the Viviparidae 
(Hyman, 1967), for example, which have no 
well-developed nephrostome as in Tonna 
(Figs. 21, 31, ne). The fortuitous use of the 
ad-rectal sinus as an ureter merits further 

Some differences between the literature 
accounts (Turner, 1948; Mattews et al., 1987) 
and the specimens studied here were: (1) the 
protoconchs of both species are closely sim- 
_ ilar, and of almost four whorls, in contrast 

with the data of Matthews et al. (1987), in 
which differences in number of whorls was 
given; (2) the jaw lies ventral to the proboscis; 
(3) the radular rachidian of 7. maculosa has a 
crenulation only on the base of the central 
cusp; the tip of this cusp is smooth and slen- 
der (Fig. 26, cr); (4) the radular lateral tooth 

has a small, but conspicuous accessory 
basal cusp in all specimens examined of both 
species (Figs 8, 25, 27, ac); (5) Turner (1948: 
168) reported an extremely long and flagel- 
late papilla in the penis of Т. maculosa, dif- 
ferent from the penis described herein, in 
which the papilla is lacking (Figs. 32, 33). Fur- 
ther investigation is need to determine the 
significance of these differences. 

The proboscis of Tonna, as in all known 
Tonnoidea, has a great development of the 
buccal mass, this region taking most of the 
proboscis length (Figs. 2, 23). The proposal 
of the tonoidean proboscis as a distinct type 
(Day, 1969) is perhaps not justified, but rather 
it can be regarded as a specialized and mod- 
ified pleurembolic type. 

The auricle structure and pallial oviduct 
may be considered as additional characters of 
Tonnoidea, in addition to the anterior region of 
the digestive system. This type of auricle 1$ 
found in Cassidaria rugosa (Ranellidae) (Rey- 
nell, 1905). However, no reference to the pal- 
lial oviduct has been found in the literature 
except for Bursa cruentata (Houbrick & Fret- 
ter, 1969: 417), but details are missing that 
would allow a full comparison. 

Besides radular aspects, other charac- 
ters of the Tonna digestive system differing 
from other Tonnoidea (Reynell, 1902; Day, 
1969; Houbrick & Fretter, 1969; Lewis, 1972; 
Hughes & Hughes, 1981) are (1) the presence 
of a oesophagial caecum and (2) the absence 
of a clear oesophagial gland (crop or bulb) in 
the posterior oesophagus. These are per- 
haps characters of Tonnidae. 


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HYMAN, L. H., 1967, The invertebrates, Volume VI, 
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WEBER, H., 1927, Der Darm von Dolium galea L. 
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Revised Ms. accepted 26 October 1994 

ac: accessory cusp of lateral tooth 
ag: albumen gland 
ao: anterior aorta 
an: anus 
at: aperture of ad-rectal sinus 
au: auricle 
Be: bursa copulatrix 
bu: buccal complex 
CE central fold of buccal complex 
cm: columellar muscle 
Cp: capsule gland 
ch crenulated ridge 
CV: ctenidial vein 
dc: duct of oesophagial caecum 
dg: digestive gland 
dp: duct of proboscis gland 
ес: oesophagial caecum 

eo: ostium of oesophagial caecum 

floor of pallial cavity 

gonopericardial duct 

female genital opening 
hypobanchial gland 
inner proboscis nerve 


membrane between kidney and 
pallial cavities 

lateral fold of buccal complex 
buccal lips 

mantle border 
mandibule (jaw) 
muscle fibers 
mid-ventral mucous gland of 


anterior pedal gland 
nephridial gland 

nerve ring 

anterior oesophagus 
oesophagial folds 
outer proboscis nerve 
posterior oesophagus 


posterior aorta 

pericardial chamber 

penian flap 

penian seminal groove 
proboscis nerve 
proboscis gland 
penian papilla 

: convoluted seminal vesicle 

radular complex 
proboscis sheath 
receptaculum seminalis 
radular nucleus 


salivary gland 

seminal groove 


cephalic tentacle 


vas deferens 

vesicles of albumen gland 

MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 33-40 


J. D. Acuña? & М. A. Muñoz* 


Multivariate mixture analysis is a powerful tool that appears to be useful for dealing with 
situations in which several traits with overlapping variation are used for species discrimination. 
A multivariate mixture analysis technique is applied to discrimination of two sibling species of 
the genus Patella (P. aspera Róding and P. caerulea Linnaeus). These species show a sub- 
stantial overlap in the distribution of maximum shell width and shell height. In spite of this 
overlap, the results of mixture analysis in a sample of 101 specimens, classified but treated as 
unclassified for the purpose of the analysis, suggest the existence of two mixed distributions. 
Moreover, examination of specimen classification derived from mixture analysis reveals that 
these mixed distributions correspond to P. aspera and P. caerulea. The estimated values of 
mixture parameters confirm a substantial overlap in the bivariate distribution of maximum shell 
width and shell height of the two species. We hope that these results will contribute to making 
multivariate mixture analysis more popular among taxonomists. 

Key words: multivariate mixture analysis, taxonomy, species discrimination, Gastropoda, 

Patellidae, Patella aspera, Patella caerulea. 


Individual variation in morphological traits 
often provides valuable information for spe- 
cies discrimination. However, the interpreta- 
tion of variation is sometimes difficult due to 
polymorphism, polytypy, and similarity be- 
tween species. 

A particularly difficult case arises when 
species overlap in the distribution of contin- 
uous morphologic traits used for their classi- 
fication. Overlap in these traits can be mis- 
takenly interpreted as evidence in favor of 
interbreeding when, in fact, two or more non- 
hybridizing species are involved. 

The solution to this problem requires a de- 
tailed analysis of trait variation which is fre- 
quently made resorting to several statistical 
methods. However, taxonomists have not 
taken full advantage of recent advances in 
statistics to deal with the problem of overlap- 
ping variation. Mixture analysis techniques 
offer a useful alternative to traditional meth- 
ods of statistical analysis when overlapping 
variation is a concern (Everitt 8 Hand, 1981; 
Titterington et al., 1985; McLachlan 8 Bas- 
ford, 1988). 

Although originally developed to deal with 
problems in the biological realm (Pearson, 

1894), mixture analysis has received little at- 
tention from biologists. This may be in part 
due to difficulties in the computations re- 
quired by the method. Recently, several au- 
thors have confirmed the usefulness of mix- 
ture analysis for species discrimination (Do & 
McLachlan, 1984), the resolution of the age- 
class structure of a population (Equihua, 
1988), and the study of sexual dimorphism 
(Flury et al., 1992). 

In a previous герой (Muñoz & Acuña, 
1994), we were able to discriminate between 
two sibling species of the genus Patella (P. 
aspera Róding and P. caerulea Linnaeus) by 
means of a univariate mixture analysis tech- 
nique. The specimens included in the sample 
were actually classified, but for the purpose 
of the analysis they were treated as unclas- 
sified. The taxonomic trait that we selected 
was shell height. Our aim was to show the 
usefulness of mixture analysis as a tool for 
species discrimination using a trait with over- 
lapping variation. Here we attempt the dis- 
crimination of these two species with the 
same method but using two conchological 
traits, which requires the use of multivariate 
mixture analysis. Multivariate mixture analy- 
sis provides powerful techniques for dealing 
with situations in which several traits with 

“Departamento de Biología Animal, Universidad de Valencia, Dr. Moliner, 50, 46100 Burjasot, Valencia, España. 
“Departamento de Ciencias Morfolögicas |, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Arcos de Jalón, s/n, 28037 Madrid, 



overlapping variation are used for species 
discrimination. We hope that our results will 
contribute to making multivariate mixture 
analysis more popular among taxonomists. 


Patella aspera Róding (= P. ulyssiponensis 
Gmelin) and P. caerulea Linnaeus are two 
very abundant European marine gastropods. 
The first is found in the Mediterranean and is 
also widely distributed along the Atlantic 
coast, whereas the second 1$ restricted to the 
Mediterranean. The two species live in very 
similar habitats. Both are found on hard sub- 
strata in the littoral zone and reach upper 
subtidal levels, although P. aspera has a 
lower distribution range in the littoral zone 
and exhibits a preference for areas exposed 
to wave action. From a taxonomic stand- 
point, P. aspera and P. caerulea are consid- 
ered two separate species, although their 
specific status was a contentious issue for 
some time. 

Part of the protracted debate regarding the 
taxonomic status of these two species came 
about because there 1$ substantial overlap in 
the distribution of traits (shell shape, orna- 
mentation, and coloration) used for their clas- 
sification. In the past, taxonomists interpreted 
this overlap as arising from interbreeding and 
accordingly rejected a specific distinction or 
considered this to be an instance of incom- 
plete speciation (Fischer-Piette, 1935, 1938; 
Evans, 1953, 1958). Others, however, argued 
that reproductive features (e.g., timing of the 
breeding season) could be used as a basis for 
discriminating between the two species (Fi- 
scher-Piette, 1948). The controversy was fi- 
nally settled when Fischer-Piette 8 Gaillard 
(1959) reported clear-cut species differences 
in the single cusp lateral teeth of the radula. 
More recently, analyses of a variety of taxo- 
nomic traits has confirmed the taxonomic va- 
lidity of Patella aspera and P. caerulea. Such 
is the case of studies that relied on caryotypic 
(Cervella et al., 1988), electrophoretic (Sella et 
al., 1989; Cretella et al., 1990) and soft-part 
traits (Cretella et al., 1990). 

A review of the literature reveals that con- 
chological traits, when taken altogether, allow 
for a separation of the two species. Indeed, 
several authors have relied on conchological 
traits to separate samples, the species mem- 
bership of which was later confirmed by dif- 

ferences in radular (Fischer-Piette & Gaillard, 
1959), electrophoretic (Cretella et al., 1990), or 
soft-part traits (Cretella et al., 1990). Never- 
theless, taxonomists were reluctant to grant 
these Patella their current specific status until 
clear-cut differences were found in non-con- 
chological traits. This may be partly due to the 
difficulties involved in analyzing shell traits 
with overlapping variation. 


Our study of shell height by means of 
univariate mixture analysis (Muñoz & Acuña, 
1994) used a very large sample. Part of this 
material was judged suitable for the present 

The complete sample (detailed description 
in Muñoz & Acuña, 1994) included over а 
thousand specimens of Patella aspera and P. 
caerulea obtained at Cabo Oropesa, Castel- 
lón, España. Specimens of all available sizes 
were collected randomly in a narrow band of 
uniform characteristics located at the base of 
the littoral zone. Sampling took place in May 
1989. In the laboratory, shell length (distance 
between anterior and posterior shell mar- 
gins), maximum width (maximum distance 
between lateral shell margins), and height 
(distance between apex and line between an- 
terior and posterior shell margins) were mea- 
sured to the nearest 0.05 mm using calipers 
on 1025 useful, whole shells. Specimens 
were also assigned to either species using 
non-conchological traits, mainly foot mor- 
phology and color (Cretella et al., 1990). At 
Cabo Oropesa, Patella aspera can be easily 
recognized by its pyriform or oval foot, with 
sole yellow or cream with no dark areas. Pa- 
tella caerulea, on the other hand, has an oval 
foot, with sole dark gray or bluish with edge 
and center cream. Use of these diagnostic 
characters resulted in 439 specimens being 
classified as P. aspera and 581 as P. caer- 
ulea. Five specimens could not be unambig- 
uosly assigned to either species and were 
classified as doubtful. Later, the range of 
shell lengths in the total sample (5.30-35.10 
mm) was divided into 31 intervals of 1 mm, 
which were operationally considered as 
growth stages. Specimens were, irrespective 
of their specific identity, grouped into these 
31 shell-length class intervals. 

Because the performance of mixture anal- 
ysis is greatly improved by a large sample 


size (e.g., Equihua, 1988), only the largest 
subsample was considered for the analysis 
performed in the present study. This sub- 
sample included all specimens with shell 
length between 14 and 15 mm (n = 103). Ac- 
curate measurements of maximum shell 
width and shell height could only be obtained 
from 101 of the 103 specimens (37 belonging 
to Patella aspera and 64 to P. caerulea) yield- 
ing 101 bivariate data that were submitted to 
the statistical analysis. 

The subsample was considered a mixture 
(superposition of density functions) of two 
components with bivariate normal distribu- 
tion as to maximum shell width and shell 
height. Multinormality of the continuous phe- 
notypic traits in a population is a frequent 
theoretical assumption (Нат & Clark, 1989). 
In a real mixture situation, testing for normal- 
ity would be impossible because group 
membership of the specimens 1$ not known. 
In our sample of classified specimens, multi- 
normality was tested for confirmation. It was 
done for each species separately using (1) 
Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test 
with Lilliefors correction (Sokal & Rohlf, 1981) 
to test the univariate normality of the mar- 
ginal distributions, and (2) Mardia’s test of 
multinormality (Mardia, 1970; Appendix 1) to 
evaluate joint normality. Although marginal 
normality does not imply joint normality, the 
converse is true. Hence, test (1) is useful for a 
fast and easy detection of many types of 
non-normality, whereas test (2) permits eval- 
uation of multivariate normality when results 
of the previous test are inconclusive (i.e., fails 
to reject the hypothesis of normality). 

In the Patella sample case, results of good- 
ness of fit testing revealed no significant de- 
partures from marginal normality and multi- 
normality (P > 0.05) in the growth stage 
(shell-length class interval) that is the focus of 
this report, as well as in most other growth 
stages of either species. 

Statistical analysis of the mixture required 
estimation of 11 parameters, including four 
means, four variances, two covariances, and 
one mixing parameter (proportion of either 
component in the mixture). The estimation 
was accomplished by means of a maximum- 
likelihood approach. The EM algorithm 
(Dempster et al., 1977) was used to compute 
the maximum-likelihood estimates of the pa- 
rameters using the equations studied by 
Wolfe (1970). The procedure has been de- 
scribed by Everitt & Hand (1981) for the gen- 
eral case of a mixture of multivariate normal 

distributions (an arbitrary number of mixed 
distributions and variables, with all parame- 
ters unknown) (Appendix 2). 

This method, although slow, is easily pro- 
grammable and very stable (i.e., shows little 
dependency on the initial estimates of the 
parameters). In the case studied here, includ- 
ing two mixed distributions and two vari- 
ables, the programming was particularly sim- 
ple. Initial estimates of the parameters were 
computed by the program directly from the 
data. The variance/covariance matrices of 
the components were assumed equal to the 
variance/covariance matrix of the mixture, 
and the means were calculated by imposing 
a small deviation (10% of the range of the 
variables) on both sides of the mixture 
means. The means calculated in this way 
were then grouped into vectors taking into 
account the sign of the correlation of the data 
in the mixture. Mixing proportions were set at 
0.5. This approach has proved successful in 
several runs with simulated data. In addition, 
different initial estimates were used in order 
to confirm that the results of the mixture anal- 
ysis did not correspond to a local maximum 
of likelihood (Appendix 2). The convergence 
criterion of the iterative procedure was spec- 
ified in terms of the Euclidean distance be- 
tween successive estimates of the parameter 
vector. Following Everitt (1984), the criterion 
value was set at 0.0001. 

A likelihood ratio test was used to evaluate 
the goodness-of-fit of the mixture (Hassel- 
blad, 1969; Everitt & Hand, 1981; Equihua, 
1988). The statistic is given by 

G=2 (Ly — № 

where L, is the log-likelihood computed un- 
der the null hypothesis (which assumes only 
one distribution), and L, is the log-likelihood 
under the alternative hypothesis (which as- 
sumes the mixture of two distributions). Sta- 
tistic G is asymptotically distributed as chi- 
square with degrees of freedom equal to the 
difference in the number of parameters be- 
tween the two hypotheses (six in the present 
case). This approach, however, is not devoid 
of criticisms (Everitt & Hand, 1981; Tittering- 
ton et al., 1985). Under the null hypothesis, 
the mixing proportions fall in the boundary of 
the parameter space, so that conditions for G 
to be asymptotically distributed as chi- 
square are not fulfilled. However, a satisfac- 
tory performance of the test was found by 
Hasselblad (1969) with mixtures of exponen- 


tial, Poisson, and binomial distributions. 
Based on this evidence, Equihua (1988) has 
argued that the likelihood ratio test can be of 
assistance in assessing the number of com- 
ponents in a mixture. 

Once the analysis was completed, the 
probabilities of membership (posterior prob- 
abilities) of each datum (specimen) to each 
component (species) in the bivariate mixture 
were calculated by dividing the component 
density function weighed by its proportion in 
the mixture by the mixture density function. 

The presence of two components in the 
mixture could be taken as evidence of a spe- 
cific discrimination. Alternative interpreta- 
tions based on other phenomena that yield 
mixed distributions in natural populations ap- 
pear rather unlikely. For example, the species 
are hermaphroditic (Bacci, 1947; Fretter & 
Graham, 1976), thus sexual dimorphism is 
not a likely explanation for the presence of 
two components in the mixture. Mendelian 
segregation in the shell dimensions of these 
two species has never been reported, and it 
is likely that, as is the case with other organ- 
isms, traits related to body size are under 
additive polygenic control resulting in a nor- 
mal distribution of maximum shell width and 
shell height (Falconer, 1989; Hartl 8 Clark, 
1989). Also, because the samples were col- 
lected in a uniform environment, a possible 
effect of disruptive selection and/or differen- 
tial reaction seems unlikely. 


Figure 1 shows scatterplot of the two vari- 
ables measured in the 14-15 mm shell-length 
growth stage. Inspection does not permit 
discrimination of two components. However, 
the results of the mixture analysis (Table 1) 
suggest the existence of two mixed multivari- 
ate distributions. This can be inferred from (1) 
the absence of an empty component in the 
mixture; (2) the absence of mixing propor- 
tions suggesting a component with a mar- 
ginal representation as could arise from a 
spurious frequency peak in the tails of the 
distribution, and (3) the results of the likeli- 
hood ratio test, which allow rejection of the 
null hypothesis with P < 0.05 (G = 12.72; d.f. 
= 6). Furthermore, the estimated values of the 
parameters indicate a substantial overlap in 
the bivariate distributions for the two compo- 

The taxonomic interpretation of the results 


9 10 11 12 13 

FIG. 1. Scatterplot for the sample used in the 
present study. Specimens belonging to Patella as- 
pera are symbolized by closed dots, and those be- 
longing to P. caerulea by open dots. Superim- 
posed lines limit the regions with probabilities of 
membership (posterior probabilities) > 0.95 in the 
components detected through the use of mixture 

TABLE 1. Results of the mixture analysis. 

Component 1 Component 2 

(Patella aspera) (Patella caerulea) 


proportion 0.45 0.55 
Maximum shell 

width mean 10.71 11.62 
Shell height 

mean 4.76 3.88 
Maximum shell 

width variance 0.35 0.31 
Shell height 

variance 0.35 0.18 
Maximum shell 


height covariance 0.04 0.07 

of the mixture analysis is straightforward if 
one considers simultaneously the probability 
that each specimens belongs to any one 
component in the mixture and the results of 
their specific diagnosis based on non-con- 
chological traits (Table 2; Fig. 1). When strin- 
gent probability levels are applied (e.g., 0.99 
or 0.95), the classification derived from the 
mixture analysis is congruent with that based 
on non-conchological traits. With few excep- 
tions, the component with the lowest maxi- 
mum shell width mean and the highest shell 
height mean (component 1) corresponds to 
Patella aspera shells, whereas the compo- 
nent with the highest maximum shell width 


TABLE 2. A comparison of the classifications arising 
from mixture analysis and from specific diagnosis 
based on non-conchological traits. PM: probability 
of membership in a component; A: number of spec- 
imens ascribed to either component; lA: number of 
incorrect ascriptions; OIA: observed percentage of 
incorrect ascriptions; ElA: expected percentage 
of incorrect ascriptions. 

PM A IA OIA(%) EIA(%) 
0.99 31 0 0.00 1.00 
0.95 59 5 8.47 5.00 
0.90 70 5 7.14 10.00 
0.75 89 8 8.99 25.00 
0.50 101 11 10.89 50.00 

mean and the lowest shell height mean (com- 
ponent 2) corresponds to P. caerulea shells. 
The number of incorrect ascriptions in- 
creases at low probability levels (e.g., 0.75 or 
0.50), but is always under reasonable values. 
Therefore, it seems safe to conclude that the 
two components detected through the use of 
mixture analysis correspond to P. aspera and 
P. caerulea. 

Although the following discussion is mainly 
based on the analysis of specimens between 
14-15 mm in shell length, the same proce- 
dure was also applied to other shell-length 
class intervals in the sample. Only occasion- 
ally did mixture analysis reveal two compo- 
nents using data from a single interval [e.g., 
18-19 mm (n = 65)]. However, in some cases 
discrimination was accomplished after pool- 
ing data from two successive intervals [e.g., 
14-15 mm + 15-16 mm (n = 101 + 87), 17-18 
mm + 18-19 mm (n = 68 + 65)]. 


The results of the mixture analysis pre- 
sented here indicate that there are only slight 
differences between the sibling species Pa- 
tella aspera and P. caerulea as far as the bi- 
variate distribution of maximum shell width 
and shell height. The shell of P. aspera 1$ 
slightly narrower and taller than that of P. 
caerulea. It is worth noting that a third vari- 
able, namely shell length, was bearing on the 
results of the bivariate analysis, because the 
specimens were grouped into growth stages 
according to shell length. Therefore, the spe- 
cific differences revealed by the analysis con- 
cern all three variables that determine the 
general shape of the patelliform shells. The 
shell of P. aspera is slightly more oval-conic 

and elevated than that of P. caerulea. This 
difference has been reported in type-materi- 
als for a long time (Bucquoy et al., 1886; 
Christiaens, 1973; Powell, 1973) and is po- 
tentially interesting, because shell shape is a 
taxonomic trait that was extensively investi- 
gated in relation to adaptive value (Segal, 
1956; Lowell, 1984). 

The discrimination between Patella aspera 
and P. caerulea extends the results of a pre- 
vious report (Muñoz & Acuña, 1994) and il- 
lustrates the use of multivariate mixture anal- 
ysis to deal with situations in which several 
traits with overlapping variation are used for 
classification. Multivariate mixture analysis 
proved capable of discriminating between 
these two species in spite of a substantial 
overlap in the mixed distributions and a mod- 
erate sample size. We hope that these results 
will encourage the use of multivariate mixture 
analysis among taxonomists. 

Moreover, mixture analysis seems prefera- 
ble in many taxonomic applications to other 
statistical procedures, such as discriminant 
analysis and ordinary cluster analysis (Flury 
et al., 1992). Mixture of distributions arise 
when a population is subdivided into homo- 
geneous components, but it is unknown from 
which of the components any given observa- 
tion originates. Mixture analysis models this 
situation, attempting to estimate the statisti- 
cal parameters of the components and their 
proportions in the population by means of a 
sample of unclassified observations. Later, 
the observations can be classified using the 
parameter estimates. In discriminant analy- 
sis, the basic problem 1$ to assign a given 
observation to one of two or more classes on 
the basis of the value of this observation. The 
procedure requires reference samples with 
known group membership. Ordinary cluster 
analysis attempts to partition the data into 
homogeneous subgroups without consider- 
ing a statistical model and assuming that the 
subgroups are distinct and do not overlap. 
Therefore, mixture analysis seems preferable 
for dealing with taxonomic problems in which 
(1) the statistical distribution of traits 1$ used 
for discrimination, (2) overlapping variation is 
present, and (3) reference samples are not 
available. In these situations, mixture analy- 
sis is a reasonable alternative provided that 
the number of variables (and therefore pa- 
rameters that need estimation) does not de- 
mand an inordinate sample size. When the 
number of variables is high, such methods as 
principal component analysis can be used to 


reduce the dimensions of the variability to a 
smaller number of meaningful and indepen- 
dent variables. 

However, a general discussion of the 
methodological implications of mixture anal- 
ysis is necessary. In particular, application of 
mixture analysis to the problem of species 
discrimination entails a risk of misinterpreta- 
tion. The coexistence of populations leads, 
indeed, to mixtures of distributions, but other 
phenomena may be responsible for the pres- 
ence of mixed distributions in populations. 
Mendelian segregation, sexual dimorphism, 
disruptive selection, and multiple environ- 
mental reaction are examples of potential 
sources of mixed distributions. Thus, mixture 
analysis, like other more popular statistical 
techniques, should be not be considered as 
an alternative, but rather as an aid to tradi- 
tional taxonomic methods. 


We are very grateful to J. D. Bermúdez (De- 
partamento de Estadística e Investigación 
Operativa, Universidad de Valencia), E. Font 
(Departamento de Biología Animal, Univer- 
sidad de Valencia), and M. Sendra (Departa- 
mento de Estadística e Investigación Opera- 
tiva, Universidad de Valencia) for providing 
useful information and discussion of an ear- 
lier draft of this manuscript. We also thank R. 
T. Dillon and an anonymous referee for stim- 
ulating discussion and constructive criticism. 


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the world (Patellidae). Indo-Pacific Mollusca, 3: 

SEGAL, E., 1956, Adaptive differences in water- 
holding capacity in an intertidal gastropod. Ecol- 
оду, 37: 174-178. 

Evolutionary divergence between sympatric 
species of Mediterranean Patella: electro- 
phoretic analysis of proteins. Atti Associazione 
Genetica Italiana, 35: 333-334. 

SOKAL, В. В. & Е. J. ROHLF, 1981, Biometry. The 
principles and practice of statistics in biological 
research, 2nd. ed. W. H. Freeman and Co., New 
York. 859 pp. 

MAKOV, 1985, Statistical analysis of finite mix- 
ture distributions. John Wiley & Sons, Chich- 
ester. 243 pp. 

WOLFE, J. H., 1970, Pattern clustering by multi- 
variate mixture analysis. Multivariate Behavioral 
Research, 5: 329-350. 

Revised Ms. accepted 17 January 1995 

Mardia’s Test of Multinormality 

Mardia’s test is a simple but useful test of 
multinormality (Mardia, 1970). If y,,..., y, 
are a random sample of k-dimensional data 
from a normal multivariate distribution of y, 
the sample estimators of skewness and kur- 
tosis, b, and b,, are 


by = 1/12 Y Y In -w’S (y, - УВ 
h=1 i=1 


62 = 1/n) [y -У)’5 * (y, -УР 

where y is the sample estimate of the mean 
vector and $ is the sample estimate of the 
variance/covariance matrix. Then, for large 
samples, we have, asymptotically, 

A=1/6nb; -xf {= 1/6 k(k + 1)(k + 2) 

Bee ran 
[8k(k + 2) /n] 

Although these distributions are only ap- 
proximate for moderate sample sizes, they at 
least indicate whether the data show any 
marked departure from multivariate normal- 



Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the 
Parameters of a Mixture of Multivariate 
Normal Distributions by Means of the 
EM Algorithm 

ИС.,..., Cy are the g components 
with multivariate normal distribution which 
contribute to the mixture in proportions 
ру, -.., Pg respectively, О < pj < 1 

Ур =1 

and f, (y) is the probability density function of 

the distribution of y ~ М, (m, S) in С, (i=1, 
., 9) given by 
f(y) =1218,1 1 

exp [-1/2(y — т)” s (y — m;)] 

then, considering a random sample of n k-di- 

mensional data y;,..., y, the density of y; is 
given by 

fly) = Ур) (j=1, ..., n) 

and the maximum likelihood estimates of the 
parameters of the mixture (Everitt & Hand, 
1981) are given by 

В, = У wi/n dei, 2.9) (1) 
Si = > Wi (y; = mi) (y; = m;)’ /n Pi 




Equations 1 through 3 are solved itera- 
tively. Initial estimates of the parameters are 
used in the right hand side of the equations to 
obtain other estimates of the parameters op- 
erating the data. The resulting estimates are 
then used in the right hand side of the equa- 
tions to yield new estimates, and so on. The 
iterative procedure continues until two suc- 
cessive estimates of the parameters differ 
only by some arbitrarily small amount. 

As is the case with other iterative pro- 
cesses, with the EM algorithm there is no 
guarantee that the global maximum of the 
likelihood function will ever be found. It is 
possible that, depending on the initial esti- 

mates of the parameters, one or several local 
maxima might result. In these instances, the 
solution with the largest likelihood would be 
accepted. However, EM algorithm shows, 
compared to other algorithms, little depen- 
dency on the initial estimates of the parame- 
ters (Everitt, 1984). 

Note: A copy of the program written to 
compute the maximum likelihood estimates 
of the parameters of a mixture of two bivari- 
ate normal distributions is available from the 
authors upon request. This program 1$ writ- 
ten in Quick Basic and runs on IBM PC or 
compatible computers. 

MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 41-52 


М. Eleutheriadis & М. Lazaridou-Dimitriadou 

Section of Zoology, Department of Biology, University of Thessaloniki 54006, 
Thessaloniki, Greece 


The life cycle, population dynamics, growth and secondary production of the prosobranch 
freshwater snail Viviparus contectus were studied in the marshes of Strymonas River upstream 
of its entry into the artificial Lake Kerkini, Serres, Macedonia, northern Greece. Demographic 
analysis of the population of V. contectus revealed that two or more generations existed in the 
field throughout the year. The sex ratio was 1:1. Reproduction took place in the beginning of 
spring or at the end of autumn, depending on the water level and water temperature in the study 
area. Growth of newly born individuals mainly took place during spring and early summer. Von 
Bertalanffy's method suggested that V. contectus may live up to five years to reach ¡ts maxi- 
mum possible size (51 mm). Annual secondary production, calculated by Hynes' size frequency 
method, revealed a mean annual density of three individuals/m?, a mean standing crop (В) of 
4.19 g dry body weight/(m”.year), and an annual production (P) of 13.45 + 12.9 д dry body 
weigh/(m?.year). Annual turnover ratio (Р/В) was 3.21 and turnover time was 113.7 days. 

Key words: Viviparus contectus, Gastropoda, ecology, population dynamics, production. 


Viviparus contectus is a prosobranch snail 
found in the marshes of Strymonas River 
(old bed of Strymonas River) upstream of its 
entry to Lake Kerkini, which lies 100 km from 
Thessaloniki in Serres, Macedonia, northern 
Greece. These marshes were formed in 1982 
after the construction of a new bed of Stry- 
monas River parallel to the old one. The lake 
is an artificial water storage reservoir, con- 
structed on the site of a natural marsh and 
small natural lake. The area of the lake 1$ in- 
cluded in the list of the internationally impor- 
tant wetlands, edited by the United Nations 
at Ramsar in 1971. It supports a numerically 
rich, diverse wildlife (Pelecanus onocrotalus, 
P. crispus, Hirudo medicinalis), including V. 

Studies on the biology and ecology of fam- 
ily Viviparidae occurring in freshwater show 
considerable differences between genus, 
species and populations (Stanczykowska et 
al., 1971; Samochwalenco 4 Stanczykowska, 
1972; Young, 1975; Bernardi et al., 1976; 
Browne, 1978; Vail, 1978; Jokinen et al., 1982; 
ВЫ & Gebhardt, 1986). Studies of these dif- 
ferences can provide worthwhile insights into 
the strategies that the species follow (Young, 


Although the prosobranch snail Viviparus 
contectus (Millet) is widespread in Europe 
(Zhadin, 1952), little is known about its life 
history, apart from studies done by Samoch- 
walenco & Stanczykowska (1972) in Poland. 
К is one of the most important constituents in 
the food web of lake fauna and also the main 
intermediate host of trematode parasites. 
This gastropod is relatively large and is nu- 
merically and functionally a dominant mem- 
ber of the second trophic level of the macro- 
fauna of Lake Kerkini. Consequently, a study 
on the life cycle, population dynamics, 
growth, and secondary production of this 
prosobranch snail was considered valuable. 


The abiotic characteristics of the study 
area have been studied in detail, including 
water level, precipitation, water temperature, 
pH, dissolved oxygen, chloride, water hard- 
ness, and PO,-P, in relation to the density 
and growth of V. contectus (Eleutheriadis & 
Lazaridou-Dimitriadou, in press.). Presented 
here are the water level of Lake Kerkini at 
weekly intervals during the study period (Fig. 
1), which affects the marshes around the lake 







Water level 






FIG. 1. Water level at weekly intervals of artificial Lake Kerkini during the years 1989, 1990 & 1991. 

where this snail lives, monthly water temper- 
atures (Fig. 2) at the marshes, and monthly 
changes of the concentration of dissolved 
oxygen (Fig. 3), at the marshes, which seem 
to affect the onset of hibernation and repro- 
ductive period of this species. 

The study started in October 1989 and 
lasted for two years. Data from October 1989 
to August 1991 were used for the demo- 
graphic analysis of the populations of V. con- 
tectus, which dominate the benthic, littoral 
and sublittoral fauna. Samples were taken 
using random coordinates (Lewis & Taylor, 
1972) by use of a net “drag” based on the 
Doulkeite sampler (illustrated in Lammote & 
Bourlière, 1971) with a 1-m° surface, at ap- 
proximately monthly intervals throughout the 
year. Vegetation, debris and snails were hand 
washed through 1-mm mesh sieves. Snails 
were sexed (males have an enlarged right 
tentacle used as a copulatory organ), mea- 
sured and then returned as near as possible 
to their initial places. 

Measurements of the distance between 
the apex of the shell and the farthest point on 
the aperture (shell height) were made using 
vernier calipers. In addition to the shell height 
(H) of each specimen, the largest shell diam- 
eter (D) and the perpendicular diameters of 
the peristome (d & a) were also measured to 
the nearest 0.1 mm. 

The total number of samples were deter- 

mined so that the percentage error (Table |) 
was not more than 25% (Elliott, 1971). 

Spatial distribution of the snails in the hab- 
itat was examined by using Taylor's (1961) 
power law. The parameter b from Taylor's 
equation s* = ax” (where a = constant, $2 = 
variance, х = mean number of snails found in 
a sample unit, a and b = constants) was used 
as an index of dispersion. Parameter b is 
fairly constant and characterizes a species 
(Southwood, 1966); it is independent of the 
total number of samples and the total num- 
ber of animals in the samples but 15 affected 
by quadrat size (Elliott, 1971). 

The class interval of the monthly size-fre- 
quency histograms of shell height (H) was 3 
mm, as determined by Goulden's method 
(Cancela da Fonseca, 1965). Cohorts were 
separated using probability paper (Harding, 
1949). This method was valid because the 
modes of the age classes were separated by 
at least 2.5 standard deviations (Grant, 1989). 
Although some age classes had less than 50 
individuals, the modal values were consistent 
from month to month, which confirms that the 
modes were real and not the result of sam- 
pling variation. This method has been used for 
demographic analyses of the populations of 
other molluscs (Hughes, 1970; Léveque, 
1972; Daguzan, 1975; Lazaridou-Dimitriadou, 
1981; Lazaridou-Dimitriadou 8 Kattoulas, 
1985; Staikou et al., 1988, 1990, 1991). 



FIG. 2. Monthly water temperatures at the marshes of Strymonas River from July 1989 to April 1992. 

> 10 
0 $ с 
8 10 

FIG. 3. Monthly concentrations of dissolved охудеп (D.O.) at the marshes of Strymonas River from July 

1989 to April 1992. 

For the study of absolute growth, data 
from the modal distribution of V. contectus 
were used (e.g., the growth of one age class 
was followed by the growth of the same age 
class the following month taking into consid- 
eration that time intervals always had to be 
equal). For determination of the theoretical 
growth curve, Bertalanffy's (1938) equation 
was employed: H, = Ha, [1 e KE 
where H, = the largest shell height at age t, 
Hmax = the asymptotical maximum possible 
largest shell height, К = growth rate coeffi- 
cient, t = time in months, and t, = hypothet- 
ical time when Н is equal to “zero.” 

The coefficient К and H,„.. were deter- 
mined according to Walford’s (1946) method. 
Hmax is the intersection point of the growth 
curve H,,, = f(H,) and the line drawn at 45° 
through the zero point. The coefficient К 1$ 
equal to —loga* 2,30259 (where a = the slope 
of Walford’s line). For the determination of 
the date of birth of an age class on the time 
axis, it is possible to use a secondary origin 

(Г = 0) corresponding to the smallest snails 
found in the biotope during the study period 
of a species (in our case was H = 5.5 mm), 
assuming that all the small snails of this spe- 
cies have been captured with the same size 
and that all age classes follow the same 
growth laws. Consequently, it is possible to 
draw the theoretical growth curve of shell 
height in relation to time from the first capture 
Hy = Hmax [1 — e 9], If the shell height 
at the moment of birth is known from labora- 
tory data (in our case was H = 3.5 mm), the 
axes may be changed taking as origin birth 
(zero point) (to = t’-t”). So Bertanlaffy’s 
equation becomes H, = Hina, [1-е “* ‘J 
and the life span of the studied species until 
H max Can be estimated. 

For the study of relative growth, the mor- 
phometric criteria of shell diameter (D) in re- 
lation to the perpendicular diameters of the 
peristome (d & a) were used from all the an- 
imals sampled during 1990 (Table |. Mayrat's 
method (1965 a, b) was used to compare the 



growth of the shell diameter (D) in relation to 
the peristome surface (P.) between immature 
and mature male and female snails. Because 
the peristome was almost an ellipse, its sur- 
face area (P.) could be calculated by the for- 
mula (Rey = 3.14: Ча 

Annual production in 1990 was calculated 
by the size-frequency method, because it 
has an important advantage in that single co- 
horts need not be identified to calculate pro- 
duction (Krueger & Martin, 1980), although it 
may produce an overestimate (Waters 4 
Crawford, 1973). This method has been used 
for the determination of gastropod produc- 
tion, because it gives similar results to those 
obtained by Russell-Hunter's (1970) method. 
Both methods have been compared for B. 
graeca (Eleutheriadis 8 Lazaridou-Dimitria- 
dou, submitted). The formula as modified by 
Benke (1979) and Krueger & Martin (1980) 
can be written as: 

Z (nn) (VW Win)" 


+ ia.) - 365/CPI, 

where Р = the mean annual production in mg, 
a = number of size classes, п; = number of 
snails at the size class | in number, Un; = 
variance of ñ,, W, = mean individual dry body 
weight+mean dry shell of organic material (in 
mg), and CPI = cohort production interval in 

For the determination of the variance (U) of 
P the following formula was used: 

— 22] С? И. 
U(P)=a*| GF U(n:)+ Z (G¡-G;¡ +) U(n;) 
¡NA j 

+ (W,—Ga-1)2U(na) |: (365/CPI)?, 

where G = geometric mean of weight of pairs 
of successive size classes. For the determi- 
nation of n; and Un;, data from the population 
dynamics of V. contectus were used and 
snails collected during 1990 were grouped 
into 15 size classes of 3-mm intervals. 

To determine dry body weight and the dry 
organic shell material, 60 snails representing 
all size classes were brought to the labora- 
tory in April 1990, where their shell height (H) 
was measured in mm and they were dried in 
vacuo at room temperature; dry body weight 
(W) in mg was measured one week later. Dry 
organic shell material was also estimated af- 
ter successive treatments of immature and 

mature shells (mature: H > 17 mm and imma- 
ture: H < 17 mm, according to the study of 
relative growth) with 5N HCl, as described in 
Staikou et al (1988). Size classes >18 mm 
contained two females and two males (ex- 
cept for the last size class, which contained 
only females), in the sex ratio 1:1 as in nature, 
and in the size classes from 3 to 18 mm 20 
snails were examined (in total 60 snails). 

On March 1991, some females were re- 
turned to the laboratory for observations on 
birth. There the mean number of new-born 
snails released per female was determined. 
We also measured the mean shell height of 
new-born snails. The differentiation of the 
genitalia in relation to the age of the snails 
was also studied under a stereoscope. The 
maturation of sectioned female and male go- 
nads in relation to the age of the snails were 
studied under a light microscope. 

Aspects of the Biology 

The snails were sexually mature when the 
largest shell height (H) exceeded 17 mm, as 
verified by following gonad maturation. Ma- 
turity was attained three months after birth if 
the new-born appeared in early spring, but 
eight months if they appeared in autumn. The 
sex ratio in the three consecutive years of 
study (1989, 1990, 1991) was equal to 1:1. In 
1989, new-born snails appeared in October 
when water level was high (Fig. 1) and the 
water temperature was > 15°C (Fig. 2). In the 
same season in October 1990, because wa- 
ter level was low (Fig. 1) and water tempera- 
ture < 15°C (Fig. 2), females carried fully 
formed embryos through the winter and gave 
birth during spring 1991. No females smaller 
than 16 mm shell height contained develop- 
ing embryos. The mean number of new-born 
snails released per female was 16 + 8.8 (n = 
8) and the new-born snails had a mean shell 
height 5.15 + 0.58mm (n = 61). Fully devel- 
oped young were found throughout the year 
in the brood sacs of the adult females. Fe- 
males attained larger sizes because of their 
greater longevity. The snails in this popula- 
tion were active during spring, summer and 
until the end of autumn. At the end of autumn 
and during winter, snails were buried in the 
mud of deeper water (1-2 т). The population 
began to move into shallower waters by early 



TABLE 1. Viviparus contectus population density in the marshes of Strymonas River from July 1989 to 
August 1991 (п: number of samples; X: mean number of animals/m?; s: standard error). 

6/7 21/7 2/8 17/8 20/9 2/10 19/10 
n 40 31 38 33 22 28 40 
x 0:15 1.52 1.26 112 2.45 1253 0.77 
$ 0.26 0.38 0.25 0.29 0.50 0.34 0.17 
Percentage error D 34.6 25:2 20.0 26.3 20.3 22.1 22.4 
22/4 13/5 26/5 10/6 29/6 21/7 4/8 29/8 13/9 
п 28 24 24 24 24 20 24 16 16 
x 1.64 РУ 215 3.29 2.62 12 2.91 215 2.68 
5 0.48 0.45 0.43 0.67 0.61 0.34 0.47 0.6 0.53 
Percentage error D 29.7 16.7 Wes 20.1 23.4 28 16.5 21.6 19.7 
1990 1991 
24/9 22/10 7/11 24/3 21/4 16/5 3/6 26/6 
п 16 22 24 14 8 16 15 21 
x 2:5 1.59 1.41 4.78 8.75 3 2 2 
Ss 0.74 0.48 0:37 1.02 2:23 0.6 0.47 0.32 
Percentage error D 28.9 30.5 25.8 21.4 25:5 19.2 22.8 16.1 
12/7 1/8 24/8 
n abe) 11 14 
x 2.4 1.3 2.43 
$ 0.52 0.56 0.83 
Percentage error D 21.4 32 34 

spring and occupied the highest 50 cm of 
water. Migration to deeper waters occurred 
again between October and November, so 
that over-wintering of all members of the 
population occurred in water of 1-2 m depth. 

Population Density and Spatial Distribution 

Population density fluctuated during the 
study period, either from month to month or 
from year to year (Table 1). Low values ap- 
peared in July and in the end of autumn each 
year, whereas high values were recorded in 
March and April in 1991. The mean popula- 
tion density of V. contectus during the study 
period 1989-1991 was 2.84 + 2 (mean + stan- 
dard deviation) snails m ?. 

The spatial distribution of V. contectus was 
found to be contagious, because parameter 
b of Taylor’s power law was equal to 1.43 ($2 

Demographic Analysis of the Population of 
V. contectus 

The analysis of size frequency histograms 
(Fig. 4) from October 1989 to April 1991 with 
probability paper showed the following (Fig. 

(a) Two cohorts were found in the habitat 
throughout the year; a third was added after 
the release of newly born individuals. 

(b) In 1989, the newly born individuals ap- 
peared in mid-autumn and in 1991 the new- 
born appeared in the beginning of spring. 

(c) Increased growth rate for newly born 
young occurred during spring and in the be- 
ginning of summer. Growth was continuous 
until the end of autumn. 

(d) One year after the new-born appeared, 
the largest shell height was about 28 тт; 
two years later, the snails were about 35 mm 
(March 1991) and the third year about 37-40 
mm (Gas). 



307 % 10/89 
О 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
% 4/90 
O 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
205 % 5/90 
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
59] 2 6/90 
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
30- + 7/90 
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 

304 + 8/90 
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
307 0, 9/90 
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
SU ca 11/90 
O 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
407% 3/91 
O 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
60 + % 4/91 
O 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 

401 % 5/91 
O 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
SO Tg 6/91 
0 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 
407 + 8/91 
O 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 

D (mm) 

FIG. 4. Size frequency histograms of Viviparus contectus in the marshes of Strymonas River from October 
1989 to August 1991. 






Reproductive period 


3/91 4 5 6 7 



FIG. 5. Population analysis of the populations of Viviparus contectus at marshes of Strymonas River from 
October 1989 to August 1991. Percentages denote the contribution of each cohort to the total population. 
(G88 to G91 indicate when a generation started and when it ended). Dotted lines represents a decrease in 
shell height (H) because of the death of the largest individuals. 


TABLE 2. Estimation of statistical parameters of the population of Viviparus contectus 
[where a,b: constants, r: coefficient correlation, N: number of snails, D: the mean shell 
diameter, Ps: 1/10 d - а, (а, а = the perpendicular diameters of the peristome, о: standard 

deviation)] from Teissier's regressions. 

Data Entire sample 
a+o 0.511 =0.037 
logb +0 0.657 + 0.047 
г? 0.957 

logD + o 1.304 + 0.137 
logPs +o 1.266 + 0.268 
М 819 

Relative Growth 

The study of the relative growth of D in 
relation to Р. (for practical reasons we used P. 
as 1/10 : d a) showed a positive correlation 
between D and P, (r? = 0.957, п = 819) (Fig. 6). 
Knowing that gonad differentiation was com- 
plete (first appearance of spermatozoa and 
mature oocytes) when the largest shell diam- 
eter reached 13.5 mm (corresponding to 17 
mm shell height), it was decided to examine 
whether relative growth rate was the same in 
the two size groups, that is those with D< 13.5 
mm and those with D > 13.5 mm. A logarith- 
mic transformation was applied to the data 
because the coefficient of correlation was 
higher than for raw data (0.957 and 0.950 re- 
spectively). A statistical difference (P < 0.01) 
was found between the slopes of the two re- 
gression lines using Mayrat's method (1965а, 
b) (Table 2). The intersection point of the two 
regression lines, corresponded to D = 14.9 
mm, near to the size that sexual maturity was 
attained (Fig. 6). No statistical difference was 
found between the regression lines of mature 
female and male snails. 

Absolute Growth 

Knowing that after maturity growth rate was 
the same between male and female V. con- 
tectus, we decided to study absolute growth 
in all snails. H,,,,., which represents the inter- 
section point of Walford equation of a straight 
line (H,,, = 0.941H, + 3.087) and the diagonal 
H,=H,,,, was 52.3 тт. By using the slope of 
the line (a = 0.941), which showed the growth 
rate of the animals, the coefficient К was са|- 
culated as 0.06. Knowing the minimum H of 
the measured snails in the biotope during the 
study period (H = 5.5 mm), the growth of the 
snail shell height was calculated by Bertalan- 
ffy's equation H, = 52.3 [1 — е %:08('+1.84)] 
Because it was known from laboratory data 

immature snails mature snails 

0.421 + 0.012 0.556 + 0.0055 
0.735 + 0.008 0.594 + 0.007 
0.937 0.932 
1.019 + 0.10 1.333 + 0.103 
0.673 + 0.235 1.326 + 0.186 
79 744 

that the minimum H of new-born snails was 
about 3.5 mm and their age t”, the age from 
zero point t, = (Г — t”) was calculated. By 
starting the curve at birth (Zero point), when 
snails had their smallest H (equal to 3.5 mm), 
the theoretical growth curve of H in rela- 
tion to age was calculated: H, = 52.3 
[1-е °`95+1-17)]. From this curve (Fig. 7), it 
was found that V. contectus may live up to five 
years before reaching its maximum size ac- 
cording to Von Bertalanffy’s equation. 

Secondary Production 

The calculations of the size-frequency 
method are listed in Table 3. The mean bio- 
mass of each size class 15 expressed in dry 

Applying Benke's correction, values of n 
(mean annual density), B (mean annual crop) 
and P (annual production) were calculated to 
be 3 individuals/m?*, 4.19 g dry body weight/ 
п?.уеаг and 13.45 + 12.9 g dry body weight/ 
m*.year respectively. The annual turnover ra- 
tio P/B was 3.21 and the turnover time was 
113.7 days. 


Populations of Viviparidae from various 
habitats appear to differ in a number of life 
history traits. Intraspecific and interspecific 
differences exist in size of new-born snails, 
number of broods/year, size of largest males 
and females, time of birth, and life span of 
females (Chaberlain, 1958; Samochwalenko 
8 Stanczykowska, 1972; Young, 1975; Ber- 
nardi et al., 1976; Browne, 1978; Vail, 1978; 
Jokinen et al., 1982; Buckley, 1986; НЫ & 
Gebhardt, 1986). Viviparus contectus is iter- 
oparous and viviparous. Birth begins in mid 
autumn or in the beginning of spring. Spring 


-.2 .2 .4 .6 

.8 1 5 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 
Ps=10.9 mm 

FIG. 6. Relative growth of the shell diameter in relation to Ps of shell peristome in the whole population and 
in mature and immature snails of Viviparus contectus (Teissier's regression lines). 

55 4 mm 

Shell height 


FIG. 7. Theoretical growth curve of Viviparus contectus. 

reproduction 1$ also reported for other spe- 
cies ofthe Viviparidae by Van Cleave & Cham- 
bers (from Vail, 1978), Van Cleave & Altringe 
(from Vail, 1978), Chaberlain (1958), Fretter & 
Graham (1962), Young (1975), Bernardi et al. 
(1976), Browne (1978), Vail (1978) and Jokinen 
et al. (1982), possibly because in this season 
the environmental conditions favour survivor- 
ship and rapid growth of the new-born snails. 
In contrast to most other molluscs, fecundity 
of У. contectus is low, reflecting the conse- 
quences of viviparity, as has also been re- 
ported for V. georgianus by Browne (1978). 

The number of new-born snails released per 
female is variable. This number in the genus 
Viviparus ranges from 2.5 to 90 snails. In 
Poland, V. contectus released 4.5-10.2 
new-born snails per female (Samochwalenco 
8 Stanczykwoska, 1972), whereas in our 
study, the number of newborn snails was 16 
+ 8.8 (n = 8). Selection probably drives female 
toward a larger size than males as a conse- 
quence of the cost of viviparity. The repro- 
ductive output of smaller females is not only 
limited bioenergetically, but smaller size 
places severe physical constraints on the 


TABLE 3. Calculation of production of Viviparus contectus by the size-frequency method. Annual 
production based on sets of samples from April 1990 to April 1991 (where п; = number of snails at the 
size class j in number; Un, = variance of п; W = mean individual dry body weight+mean dry shell of 
organic matter (in mg); G, = geometric mean of weight of pairs of successive size classes; В = mean 
standing crop or population biomass in mg; P = annual production in mg; P/B = annual turnover ratio; a 
= number of size classes; CPI = cohort production interval. 

Class — 
range n,/m? Un; N, NA W, (mg) 
3-6 0.42 0.0224 — 0.04 0.042 
6-9 0.45 0.6475 0.22 0.100 
9-12 0.23 3.7573 0.19 0.238 
12-15 0.04 0.0157 0.01 0.406 
15-18 0.06 0.0023 — 0.06 0.575 
18-21 0.12 0.0196 —0.01 0.742 
21-24 013 0.0191 — 0.01 0.910 
24-27 0.14 0.0047 — 0.02 1.078 
27-30 0.16 0.0469 — 0.03 1.376 
30-33 0.19 0.0240 = 0.12 1.870 
33-36 0:31 0.0975 —0.09 2.381 
36-39 0.39 0.0554 0.14 2.780 
39-42 0.26 0.0897 0.18 3.390 
42-45 0.08 0.0185 0.05 3.970 
45-48 0.02 0.0013 0.02 4.490 
365 days 3 

(B) Pp 
__G [njWi] (N, ñ,,:)G) 

(WW...) (mg m?) (mg m?) 
64.8 ir — 2.5 
154.3 45.4 34.7 
310.9 54.6 58.1 
483.2 17.3 —7.1 
653.2 33.0 — 39.9 
821.7 87.9 —12.0 
990.4 12.1 Or 
1217.9 153:0 — 18.8 
1604.1 216.5 —4.9 
2087.8 351.3 =250.3 
2545.6 717.4 219.1 
3069.9 1094.9 420.8 
3668.6 870.4 659.1 
4222.0 306.0 225.9 
4490.0 105.9 105.9 

4192.1mg/m? 897 

P =а.Р”-365/СР! = 15:897-365/365 = 13455 mgm * or 13.455 gm ? in 365 days. U(P) = UN,(G;G,1)* - (865/CPI)? - a? = 


Confidence limits of P = P + 2-[U(P)9*] = 13.455 + 12.92 
P/B = 13.455/4.192 = 3.21 

Turnover time = 113.7 days 

number of embryos that can be maintained in 
the uterus if discrete embryo size units are to 
be maintained. By contrast, males following 
the strategy of attempting to mate with as 
many females as possible would have only 
limited time for feeding, resulting in slow 
growth and a much shorter life span than fe- 
males. This has also been reported for V. 
georgianus by Browne (1978). 

Viviparus contectus in Lake Kerkini under- 
take distinct seasonal migrations into deeper 
water in November following the drop in 
marsh temperatures, and they migrate back 
into shallow water in early spring. Although 
other species of Viviparidae appear to mi- 
grate before a decrease in temperature 
(Stanczykowska & Magnin, from Jokinen et 
al., 1982), the decline in temperature appears 
to trigger a migration of V. contectus into 
deeper water in the marshes, bringing the 
snails from summer feeding areas into the 
hibernation area of 2 m depth. Snails migrate 
to avoid areas of low temperatures (Skoog, 
1971; Horst & Costa, 1975; Vincent et al., 
1981) and unfavourable ecological condi- 
tions in the surface water (Coulet 8 Alfaro- 

Tejera, 1985). Other factors that provoke mi- 
gration might be seasonal habitat changes 
(Lilly, 1953; Jokinen, 1985), changes in water 
level (Skoog, 1971), food availability (Russell- 
Hunter, 1953), or water currents that flow 
faster as vegetation dies back (Lilly, 1953; 
Fretter 4 Graham, 1962; Boss et al., 1984; 
Lodge et al., 1987). Additionally, snails mi- 
grate to areas of macrophytic vegetation as a 
preferred habitat for the release of new-born 
snails or egg deposition, as shown for Amni- 
cola limosa by Horst & Costa (1975). The re- 
cruitment of newly born snails to the popula- 
tion during the breeding season in March and 
April 1991 was the main reason for the rise in 
population density in these months. By con- 
trast, the low numbers found at the end of 
autumn were probably due to migration to 
the undersampled marsh bottom. The de- 
crease after the breeding season was prob- 
ably due to mortality of the new-born snails. 
According to Taylor's law, the spatial distri- 
bution of V. contectus was contagious, and 
this behaviour, as Bovbjerg (1965), Duch 
(1976) and Brown (1979) have demonstrated, 
is characteristic of freshwater snails that tend 


to aggregate on filamentous algae and large 
diatom clusters. Bithynia graeca in Lake Ker- 
kini also shows a contagious distribution 
(Eleutheriadis 8 Lazaridou-Dimitriadou, sub- 
mitted). Growth of V. contectus stopped at 
the end of autumn and in winter for about 4 
months. Growth pauses have also been re- 
ported for V. georgianus by Jokinen et al. 
(1982) and Buckley (1986) in New York. In 
contrast, Young (1975) for V. viviparus in En- 
gland, Bernardi et al. (1976) for V. ater in Italy, 
and Browne (1978) for V. georgianus in the 
USA noted that growth was continuous 
throughout the year, although growth rate 
varied seasonally. Rapid growth during 
spring may be due to the favourable water 
temperatures (Fig. 2) and oxygen concentra- 
tions (Fig. 3) that prevailed during this period 
in the Strymonas marshes. Water level and 
water temperature seem to influence the on- 
set of birth. Fully developed young were 
found throughout the year in the brood sacs 
of the adult females, so it appears that adult 
snails choose the most favourable environ- 
mental conditions for the release of young 
snails. The fact that both internal changes in 
this species concerning the maturation of the 
gonads correspond to external morphomet- 
ric changes in the shell agrees with results 
reported for other prosobranch species of 
the family Littorinidae (Daguzan, 1975), for 
Monodonta lineata (Daguzan, 1991), and for 
B. graeca (Eleutheriadis 4 Lazaridou-Dimitri- 
adou, submitted). Viviparus 1$ a genus show- 
ing considerable variation in the duration of 
life. Viviparus contectus has a multiyear life 
cycle, and there are some differences in the 
pattern of the cycle within the genus. Such 
European investigators as Samochwalenco & 
Stanczykwoska (1972) reported that V. con- 
tectus and V. viviparus lives up to 4 years; 
Young (1975) reported that V. viviparus lives 
up to 2 years, and Ribi & Gebhardt (1986) 
reported that V. ater lives 5 to 8 years. A Ca- 
nadian population of V. malleatus was re- 
ported to live for 5 years (Stanczykwoska et 
al., 1971). In the USA, populations of V. geor- 
gianus were reported to have a 2 to 3 year 
life-span (Van Cleave & Lederer, from Vail, 
1978; Browne, 1978; Jokinen et al., 1982) 
and 4 years (Buckley, 1986). These studies 
indicate that Viviparus life span may be a trait 
determined by habitat factors. The compari- 
sons in production among freshwater snails 
were done by use the turnover times, be- 
cause productivity rates are very sensitive to 
difficulties of assessing environmental space 

in calculating densities for biomass (Russell- 
Hunter & Buckley, 1983). The turnover time 
for V. contectus is short and reflects relatively 
high levels of productivity. The value of 113.7 
days is low compared with values from other 
freshwater prosobranchs. For four popula- 
tions of V. georgianus, the turnover time was 
477, 510, 393 and 421 days (Browne, 1978), 
for Bithynia tentaculata 337 and 314 days for 
females and males respectively (Tashiro, 
from Russell-Hunter & Buckley, 1983), and 
for three population of Leptoxis carinata 372, 
311 and 303 days (Aldridge, 1982). All these 
populations are at least biennial. Low values 
were reported by Lévéque (1973) in Lake 
Chad for three annual prosobranchs snails 
including 74.5-117 days for Melanoides tu- 
berculata, 101-126 days for Cleopatra buli- 
moides, 56-70.2 days for Bellamya unicolor, 
and in Lake Kerkini 77.9 days for an annual 
population of В. graeca (Eleutheriadis 4 
Lazaridou-Dimitriadou, submitted). The dif- 
ference in turnover time of V. contectus com- 
pared to other biennial and triennial popula- 
tions must be due to lack of competition with 
other freshwater snails; in two years” study, 
only small numbers of Valvata piscinalis and 
Lymnaea stagnalis were recorded. There 1$ 
also little direct human intervention on these 

Viviparus contectus, being an A-strategist, 
seems to be able to profit the favourable con- 
ditions even when the climate shows a sud- 
den difference and its parameters do not 
follow the characteristic cycle of the Mediter- 
ranean climate at the marshes of Strymonas 


We would like to thank Dr. G. Dussart from 
Canterbury Christ Church College for his 
comments on an earlier draft of this paper and 
the two anonymous referees of this journal. 


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Revised ms accepted 28 Nov 1994 

MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 53-68 


Katerine Costil & Jacques Daguzan 

Laboratoire de Zoologie et Ecophysiologie (L. А. INRA & URA 1853), Université de Rennes |, 

Campus de Beaulieu, Av. du General Leclerc, 35042 Rennes Cedex, France 


The shell growth and life cycle of two natural populations of Planorbarius corneus and 
Planorbis planorbis were studied for 16 and 17 months, respectively. These planorbid popu- 
lations lived in ponds where they exibited great annual density variations, which could be 
related to environmental conditions, snail behaviour and, especially, their life cycle. The pop- 
ulation of Planorbis planorbis showed a life cycle with two breeding periods per year, and 
consequently, two generations. Whereas both generations were semelparous and lived for 11 
months, they grew with different seasonal patterns. But of the two species, Planorbarius cor- 
neus growth seemed more influenced by the climate. For the population of this species, an 
annual life cycle with two generations was observed in 1987, whereas only one spring gener- 
ation seemed to be present in 1986 and 1988. In 1987, the vernal generation, showing an 
estimated maximum life span of 18-20.5 months, was potentially iteroparous, and the estival- 
autumnal generation living 15-21 months was basically semelparous. Life-cycle variations of 

natural populations of freshwater snails are reviewed. 
Key words: shell growth rate, life cycle, Planorbidae, population dynamics, reproduction. 


Life cycles of freshwater snails are of the 
highest importance for the study of their bi- 
ology because they can be viewed as a syn- 
thesis of the main life-history traits of snail 
populations. Such studies have been per- 
formed for planorbid temperate species (Rus- 
sell-Hunter, 1961; Boerger, 1975; Young, 
1975; Eversole, 1978; Alfaro Tejera, 1982; 
Lodge & Kelly, 1985; Byrne et al., 1989; Ca- 
quet, 1993). Planorbis planorbis has been re- 
ported to show an annual life cycle (De Coster 
8 Persoone, 1970; Dussart, 1979), whereas 
the life cycle of P. corneus is almost unknown. 
In England, a population of P. corneus was 
studied for only four months (Berrie, 1963). 
Moreover, freshwater snails present great in- 
traspecific variation in life-history patterns 
(Calow, 1978; Brown, 1985), and this plastic- 
ity has been considered to be of fundamental 
selective value in their evolution. (Russell- 
Hunter, 1961). An observed life history is the 
result of both long-term evolutionary forces, 
and the more immediate responses of an or- 
ganism to the environment in which it is and 
has been living (Begon et al., 1990). 

The present data constitute part of a set of 
results on the biology and the ecology of Ar- 


morican freshwater gastropods (Costil, 1993, 
1994; Costil 8 Daguzan, 1994). The aim of the 
present study was to determine the life cy- 
cles of the populations of P. corneus and P. 
planorbis in order to compare them with life- 
history strategies of other freshwater snail 
populations. Special attention was given to 
snail shell growth. 

Study Sites 

The population of P. corneus was studied 
for 17 months in pond Le Boulet, located 35 
km north of Rennes, east Brittany (48°20’N, 
1°38’W). The population of P. planorbis living 
in pond La Musse, 35 km _ southeast of 
Rennes (48°00’N, 1°58’W), was sampled for 
16 months. These continuous studies were 
preceded and followed by instantaneous ob- 
servations made in 1986 and in 1989. 

The sampling areas in the large ponds (Le 
Boulet: 120 ha.; La Musse: 49 ha.) were the 
shallowest (depth of 20-50 cm) and the most 
eutrophic parts. Vegetation contained nu- 
merous aquatic and amphibious macro- 
phytes (Clement, 1986; Costil, 1993), and the 
bottom was covered by mud. Table 1 sum- 
marizes the results of water chemical analy- 


TABLE 1. Water chemistry in the two study ponds; the unit is mg/l except for conductivity (uS/cm) and 
pH (pH unit); S.M. = matter in suspension; the analyses were performed in May 1988. 

S.M. CON СЕР” Mg?* pH Total iron mangenese 
Le Boulet 80 160 13:8 6.0 ES SU 1.4 
La Musse 150 160 12.6 4.3 8.7 MOS ES 
№№.  N-NO,  N-NH,* Total P-PO,? Total 
Or 10m nitrogen (035 phosphorus 
Le Boulet 1253 1.4 9.0 21 2.1 5.6 107 
La Musse 0.39 1.3 8.0 1.86 0.9 2:4 11078 

ses. Because of human interferences, the 
water level was subject to great variations (up 
to + 180 cm at the study site in La Musse). 
Planorbarius corneus lived with 10 coexisting 
gastropod species (4 planorbids, 3 lym- 
naeids, 1 physid and 2 prosobranchs), 
whereas P. planorbis shared its habitat with 7 
species (3 planorbids, 3 lymnaeids and 1 
physid). In both ponds, birds and fishes that 
include molluscs in their diets were present, 
e.g. Anas platyrhynchos L. and Aythya 
fuligula L., Rutilus rutilus L. and Abramis 
brama L. 


Samples were taken fortnightly from May 
5, 1987, to October 18, 1988, for P. corneus, 
and from April 14, 1987, to August 16, 1988, 
for P. planorbis. Sampling was sometimes 
impossible because of ice cover or flooding. 
Random sampling took place in a limited 
zone of 50 т? surface. In mid September 
1987 in pond La Musse, the deterioration of 
the environment leading to the disappear- 
ance of the studied population obliged us to 
transfer the study site from the south to the 
north bank, a few meters away. The snails, 
however, from both banks belonged to the 
same population. 

The snails were collected using a pond net 
(1 mm mesh) and a wood frame delimiting a 
sampling surface of one square meter. This 
sampling method was chosen especially be- 
cause it respects the environment and allows 
long-term study. On every sampling date, we 
tried to collect at least 100 individuals. The 
number of sampled т? depended on the 
snail density and environmental conditions, 
and fluctuated from 3 to 10 for P. planorbis, 
and from 3 to 15 for P. corneus. The number 
of collected snails sometimes reached 380 
(P. planorbis) and 389 (P. corneus), but sam- 

pling difficulties (particularly ice cover or 
flooding) did not always allow us to collect 
100 snails. In the field, living snails and empty 
shells were counted (рег m*), and measured 
(maximum shell diameter) using a vernier cal- 
liper (to the nearest of 0.05 mm). The snails 
were then returned to the study site, while the 
empty shells were removed. Egg capsules 
were sampled to determine periods of repro- 

Sample Treatment 

The results were recored in 1-mm size 
classes. The number of individuals in each 
size class was expressed as a percentage of 
total number, establishing size-frequency 
histograms. The cohorts, represented by 
gaussian structures, were discriminated us- 
ing Bhattacharya's (1967) method. On every 
sampling date, a mean shell diameter (+ stan- 
dard error) was calculated for each cohort. 
Each cohort was assumed to be representa- 
tive of one generation resulting from a spe- 
cific reproductive period. The empty shells 
were attributed to a particular cohort if pos- 

The observed life span of a cohort corre- 
sponded to the time from recruitment until 
death. For the “real life span,” we had to add 
the time necessary for the snails to reach the 
recruitment size. This time was known if the 
water temperature in the field and the growth 
results of the laboratory experiments were 
taken into consideration (Costil, 1994). 

Von Bertalanffy’s model was used to de- 
scribe the growth of the vernal and estival or 
autumnal cohorts (Von Bertalanffy, 1938). It is 
given by the equation: 

D, = De [t= ee 

where D, is the diameter at time t; О„.„„, the 
asymptotic maximum diameter; K, a growth 



rate coefficient; t,, the hypothetical time 
when О is equal to “zero” (minus the duration 
of the egg stage). К and L,,,,, are determined 
according to Ford-Walford's method by the 
slope and intercept on the x-axis of the re- 
gression line of growth rate on size, respec- 

Population Density 

The mean densities of P. corneus and P. 
planorbis were respectively 20.0 (S.E. = 3.5) 
and 37.8 (S.E. = 5.9) individuals/m”, but great 
annual variations were noted for both species 
(Fig. 1). The maximum density was the same 
(127 individuals/m?), but it was observed at 
different dates (P. planorbis: 07-07-87; P. 
corneus: 20-10-87). 

Life Cycle 

Two reproduction periods were found, a 
vernal for both species and an autumnal or 
estival-autumnal (16 weeks) for P. planorbis 
and P. corneus, respectively (Table 2). For P. 
planorbis, autumnal reproduction was only 
observed on two sampling dates. On Octo- 
ber 13, 1987, the site was inaccessible and 
perhaps egg capsules were present (repro- 
duction period for a minimum of two, possi- 
bly up to four weeks). 

The percentages of empty shells in relation 
to sampled live snails varied from 0.4 to 
26.8% for P. corneus, and from 0.0 to 32.4% 
for P. planorbis (Fig. 2). They were especially 
high in July 1987 for the first species, and in 
August 1987 and in April 1988 for the latter. 

For two consecutive years, the maximum 
shell diameter of the population of P. corneus 
was observed in May (20.9 mm on 19-05-87 
and 18.9 mm on 31-05-88), whereas the min- 
‘imum (6.9 mm) was noted in March 1988. For 
P. planorbis, the minimum and maximum 
shell diameters were 4.2 mm (23-05-87) and 
11.8 mm (26-05-87), respectively. These 
changes in mean diameter of the population 
reflected the succession of cohorts that ap- 
peared, grew and died. Each cohort repre- 
sented a generation stant after a particular 
reproductive period and descended from the 
same parent generation. 

At the beginning of the study, the popula- 
tion of P. corneus corresponded to cohort 
G1, the mean diameter of which was 18.9 

mm (Fig. 3). One month later, the diameter 
reached 23.7 mm and the snails reproduced. 
Some individuals of the cohort G1 lived until 
September 22, and some until mid Novem- 
ber. The very large shells (25-28 mm) were 
thicker and more eroded than the large shells 
(22-23 тт). Cohort G2 appeared on June 2, 
1987, and the largest snails laid egg capsules 
in summer 1987. The individuals of G2 over- 
wintered and, after May, except for observa- 
tions made on September 20, 1988 (24 indi- 
viduals in a restricted area), the number of 
survivors was low. Cohort G3 appeared on 
August 25, 1987, continued to be alive until 
the end of the study. Individuals of G3, but 
also survivors of G2, which had laid egg cap- 
sules in previous summer, were the parents 
of cohort G4. This cohort, recruited on May 
31, seemed not to reproduce, although three 
small snails were collected on October 4, 
probably belonging to cohort G5. 

In the case of P. planorbis, the population 
showing a mean diameter of 8.6 mm on April 
14, 1987, was mainly made up of one cohort 
(G1) (Fig. 3). This cohort coexisted with a 
more aged cohort (GO; mean size of 15.7 
mm), which was no longer found in the mid- 
dle of June. G1 retained a relatively large 
number of snails until June 9, when the first 
newly hatched snails of cohort G2 appeared. 
After ovipositing in autumn (mean diameter of 
8.2 mm), the individuals of G2 did not disap- 
pear, and a lot of them were collected on 
March 15. Snails of G3 were seen for the first 
time on October 27, 1987. However, consid- 
ering their relative large size and the period 
when egg capsules were observed, it 
seemed that recruitment had already oc- 
curred on October 13. (On this date, we 
could not sample because of flooding.) In 
spring 1988, individuals of G3 gave the co- 
hort G4. From July 5, 1988, the snails of co- 
hort G3 contributed less than 10% to the to- 
tal population. 

For P. corneus, the observed life span of 
cohort G2 was 70 weeks (about 16 months). 
The number of these snails was sometimes 
very low or null on certain sampling dates. 
Moreover, the individuals of cohorts G1 and 
G2 were very similar in size at the beginning 
of May for two consecutive years. So, G2 ap- 
peared to be homologous to G1, and its 
members could survive six weeks after Oc- 
tober 4, as was the case of G1 in 1987. The 
observed life span of G2 was estimated to be 
from 70 to 76 weeks. If the correction factor 
and the size of G2 on the recruitment date 

180 A 


Population density (snails/m2) 

8 as = a 8 as as A =F == AS AAs E am as Aa 
5-6. 7_8 9 101112 1234 5 6 7 в 
Study dates (days & months) 




Population density (snails/m2) 

Study dates (days € months) 

FIG. 1. Changes in population density with time: Mean + S.E.. A: Planorbarius corneus (from April 1987 to 
October 1988); B: Planorbis planorbis (from May 1987 to August 1988). 

were taken into consideration, the “real life snails belonging to cohort G3 measured 24 
span” was then from 79 to 85 weeks (18 to mm, that is, 2 mm lower than the maximum 
20.5 months). At the end of the study, the size noticed for G2. Their growth curve did 


30 А 
a 20 
> 15 
æ 10 
8 as = an an as as as =8 == A Aas = m= ae Ss as = 
5. “6 2711869, 10: 11121234 5 6 7 8 9 10 
Study dates (days & months) 
= B 

No. of empty shells (%) 

м Ро. 
Study dates (days & months) 

FIG. 2. Variation of the number of collected empty shells in relation to the number of live snails collected. 
A: Planorbarius corneus; B: Planorbis planorbis. 


TABLE 2. Features of reproduction period (В. P.) in Planorbarius corneus and Planorbis planorbis; the 
water temperatures, recorded on every study date at midday, correspond to minimum and maximum 

values during the reproduction periods. 

Start of the End of the Duration temperature 
Rip: R.P. (weeks) (°C) 
Planorbarius 19-05-87 16-06-87 4 16-20 
corneus 28-07-87 17-11-87 16 9.5-28 
17-05-88 28-06-88 6 15-22 
Planorbis 28-04-87 23-06-87 8 12-22 
planorbis 15-09-87 29-09-87 2 14.5-18.5 
(13-10-87?) (4?) 
11-05-88 19-07-88 10 15-29 

not show a plateau, typical of an asymptotic 
growth. Moreover, the individuals of G3 were 
not found in samples collected during spring 
1989. The observed life span was estimated 
to be from 60 to 80 weeks. The “real life 
span” varied then from 67 to 87 weeks (15 to 
21 months). 

For P. planorbis, the cohort G2 showed an 
observed life span of 44 weeks and a “real 
life span” of 48 weeks. The population study 
was stopped in mid-August 1988, when five 
individuals of G3 were collected. If we con- 
sider G3 as the homologue of G1, we could 
say that G3 lived until the beginning of Sep- 
tember 1988. So, the cohorts G2 and G3 had 
the same observed (44 weeks) and “real life 
span” (48 weeks or 11 months). 

Growth of the Vernal and 
Estival-Autumnal Cohorts 

In P. corneus, strongly different growth 
patterns were noted, as evidenced by the co- 
horts (Fig. 4). In the first sample, the mean 
diameter of individuals of cohort G2 was 6.4 
mm. After 6 weeks, it reached 53% of the 
maximum size, that 1$, 13.8 mm, and the 
maximum growth rate attained 2.1 mm/week 
(Fig. 5). A second peak (1.5 mm/week) was 
observed for planorbids one year old. On the 
other hand, from December 15 to April 19 
(age: 29-45 weeks), shell growth gain did not 
exceed 2.3% (rates below 0.035 mm/week). 
For the growth of G3 cohort in the field, two 
periods appeared to be particularly favour- 
able: at the time of cohort recruitment (rates 
higher than 1.05 mm/week), and from April 
19 to mid-June (age: 29-45 weeks, mean 
rate of 1.2 mm/week, and so the size 
changed from 13.6 to 20.1 mm). During the 
winter and in July and August, shell growth 
was slow or null. The mean growth rate was 

slightly higher for G3 than for G2 (0.35; S.E. = 
0.09 and 0.29; S.E. = 0.08). Nevertheless, in- 
dividuals of both cohorts reached a size of 
about 25 mm at the end of their life. 

The growth rate coefficient of Von Berta- 
lanffy's model (К) was equal to 0.046. For the 
entire population of P. corneus, the shell 
growth in terms of individual age was given 
by the relation: 

О; = 37.31 1 = et SIE 
time unit of 14 days. 

The theoretical diameter for maximum age 
estimated in the field (32.4 for snails 20 
months old) was higher than maximum size 
observed in the field (28 mm) (Table 3). 

In the case of P. planorbis, the snails of 
cohort G2 reached 65% of their maximum 
size eight weeks after recruitment; maximum 
rates were of 0.85 and 0.80 mm/week (Figs. 
4, 6). Thirty-two weeks were necessary to at- 
tain 89% of their size before growth started 
again and the death of the cohort. For the 
cohort G3, a long recruitment period influ- 
encing the growth rates was observed. The 
snails reached the two-thirds of the maxi- 
mum size after 26 weeks, and two peaks 
(more than 0.7 mm/week) were noted in 
spring and in summer 1988. The mean 
growth rates of the cohorts G2 and G3 were 
0.21 (S.E. = 0.05) and 0.19 (S:E- = 0:05), mn 
week, respectively. 

The theoretical shell growth of the popula- 
tion in relation to snail age was given by the 
following relation: 

D, = 13.4 1 = & о: 
time unit of 14 days. 

According to Von Bertalanffy's model, the 
maximum mean diameters of G2 (11.3 mm) 
and G3 (11.6 mm) conferred on these cohorts 
a life span of 11-12 months (Table 3). 


Egg laying 

Diameter (mm) A 


1987 Study dates (days & months) 

Egg laying 
Diameter (mm) B 



1987 1988 
Study dates (days & months) 

FIG. 3. Changes in mean shell diameter of Planorbarius corneus (A) and Planorbis planorbis (B) (+ S.E.) with 
time (from May and April 1987 to October and August 1988, respectively), at the Le Boulet and La Musse 
ponds respectively. The numerals correspond to percentages denoting the contribution of each cohort to 
the total population. For P. corneus, G1, G2 and G4 represent the spring generations, and G3 the estival- 
autumnal one. For P. planorbis, the spring generations are GO, G2 and G4, whereas the autumnal gener- 
ations are G1 and G3. 



—#— Cohort G2 
=--0-- Cohort G3 A 

Pooog “voce ps 

Diameter/maximum diameter (%) 

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6 6. 
Observed age (weeks) 

Diameter/maximum diameter (%) 

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 33 40 45 
Observed age (weeks) 
FIG. 4. Relation between the snail age and the percentage of maximum diameter attained by the individuals 

belonging to the vernal (C2) and the estival or automnal (C3) cohorts. A: Planorbarius corneus; B: Planorbis 


Cohort G2 

Water temperature Growth rates 
(°С) (mm/week) 
26 Sp Su f Ww Sp Su 22 
a PAT а [20 

| 1,8 

0.5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45.50 55: 60 65 70 
Observed age (weeks) 

Cohort G3 

Water temperature Growth rates 
(°C) (mm/week) 
26 Su f Ww Sp Su f 722 

247 % : 2,0 
22 a+ gt 1,8 

h , у 1,6 


Осьеэх 19:15 20725.30 355.04 60 
Observed age (weeks) 


FIG. 5. Variation of the water temperature at Le Boulet pond, and changes in growth rates for the vernal (C2) 
and the automnal (C3) cohorts of Planorbarius corneus. Sp = spring; Su = summer; F = fall; W = winter. The 
value corresponding to C3 snails at the age of 13 weeks is put in brackets because it is an abnormal value 
due to sampling difficulties. 


TABLE 3. Theoretical relation between the age and the shell diameter (D) of Planorbarius corneus and 
Planorbis planorbis according to Von Bertalanffy's model, H = hatching. 

Р. Age (months) H 1 3 6 12 18 20 

corneus D (mm) 172 4.0 10.3 11742 26.3 31.2 32.4 

22 Age (months) H 1 3 6 10 12 

planorbis D (mm) 0.8 РЕЙ 5:5 8.4 10.6 11.4 
DISCUSSION nately declines as the water level increases. 

Density Variations 

Variation in population structure appears to 
be a major factor explaining variation in snail 
density. In our study, the recruitment of newly 
hatched snails had a strong effect on the den- 
sity, whereas the cohort disappearance af- 
fected the density more or less progressively. 
We do not know exactly how long the resi- 
dence time of the empty shells in the studied 
ponds is and when the corresponding snails 
were dead. Such a topic has not been exam- 
ined much. Hunter (1990) has reported that 
adverse water chemistry (low pH and/or low 
calcium concentration) has a much greater 
effect on shell dissolution than does presence 
orabsence of periostracum. Moreover, empty 
shells do not have an absolute value, because 
they could accumulate in certain areas. Nev- 
ertheless, the percentages of empty shells 
and above all their variation helped us to de- 
termine the life cycle of both populations, and 
to explain the variations in their density. For P. 
planorbis, great numbers of empty shells and 
low densities could be attributed to death of 
cohorts. In summer, the disappearance of G1 
and G3 took place, whereas in spring the dis- 
appearance of G2 occurred. On July 14 and 
28, 1987, the density of P. corneus was low 
and the percentage of empty shells high (20- 
27%). The reproductive effort of the largest 
individuals seemed to be responsible for their 
death, whereas the high mortality of small in- 
dividuals might be dueto predation. The pred- 
ators seem to be small invertebrates unable to 
eat whole shells, such as insects or leeches, 
because a lot of empty shells were pierced. 
Nevertheless, the major predation on fresh- 
water snails 15 exerted by vertebrates (Lodge 
et al., 1987). According to Eisenberg (1966), 
the whole predation could lead to the death of 
93% to 98% of the young Lymnaea elodes 

The snails were sampled using a pond net 
which respects the environment, but the ef- 
ficiency of this sampling method unfortu- 

This is especially illustrated in winter for P. 
corneus, and on June 7, 1988, when the den- 
sity of P. planorbis population was less than 
6 snails/m” at the flooded study site. On the 
other hand, during dry periods, snails could 
be seen on the mud and easily collected. Such 
was the case in March 1988 for P. planorbis 
and in September 1988 for P. corneus. Snail 
behaviour also influenced their density. When 
the environmental conditions became unfa- 
vourable in winter, we observed some indi- 
viduals of P. corneus sinking into substratum 
crevices or even into mud. It was then very 
difficult to collect them. Such behaviour has 
been reported for Lymnaea catascopium (Say) 
(Pinel Alloul, 1978). At the same time, some 
individuals of P. corneus were seen moving on 
the ice cover on December 1 and 15, 1987. 
Nevertheless, the extreme climatic conditions 
(cold and hot) appeared particularly unfavour- 
able for the population density of P. corneus. 
In summer, lack of dissolved oxygen into wa- 
ter was a problem, as was the case in late July 
1987, when chlorophytes pullulated at the 
study site and no individual of P. planorbis 
was sampled. Moreover, Eisenberg (1966) 
emphasized the importance of food for the 
regulation of density in a natural population of 
L. elodes. The death and then the regrowth of 
submerged macrophytes led to changes in 
the densities of those snails inhabiting them 
(Lodge et al., 1987). Lymnaea peregra and 
Valvata piscinalis (Müller) exhibited low resis- 
tance to habitat disturbance (decline of sub- 
mersed macrophytes), but high adjustment 
following the disturbance. The maximum den- 
sity for P. corneus (127 snails/m*) was noted 
three days after a storm occurred in Brittany 
with winds of 140 km/h. The accumulation of 
individuals of Anisus rotundatus (Роге) in lim- 
ited areas attributed to wind was also re- 
ported by Marazanof (1970). 

Life Cycle 

Different reproductive periods were deter- 
mined according to the cohort to which the 


Cohort G2 
Water temperature Growth rates 
(°С) (тт/меек) 
28 Su f Ww Sp 1,0 

0 3 10 15 20: “25 30 35 40 45 
Observed age (weeks) 

Cohort G3 
Water temperature Growth rates 
(°С) (mm/week) 
287 № Ww Sp : su 1,0 
26 N: 
24 A 6 
> Pa 0,8 
20 | 
16 | oP 
10 0,4 
6 0,2 
0 0,0 

0 5 10 15 20:7 25 307 35 40 45 
Observed age (weeks) 

FIG. 6. Variation of the water temperature at La Musse pond, and changes in growth rates for the vernal (C2) 
and the automnal (C3) cohorts of Planorbis planorbis. Sp = spring; Su = summer; F = fall; W = winter. 


majority of the parents belonged. In the stud- 
ied population of P. corneus, the egg-laying 
period began in May and ended in Novem- 
ber, but we accepted two periods. The esti- 
val-autumnal reproduction period lasted for 
16 weeks (the parents belonged to the cohort 
G2). However, at the end of this period, we 
could not exclude an egg-laying by the larg- 
est individuals of G3 estival cohort (13 mm on 
November 17, 1987). Moreover, no egg cap- 
sules were found in August or in October 
1987. Perhaps some were in the field, but it 
was very difficult to see them among the 
dense vegetation. The length of the egg-lay- 
ing period was due to the inter-individual 
growth variation. In L. catascopium, all the 
snails belonging to spring generation were 
not mature at the same time, and they con- 
tinued to reproduce as long as the water tem- 
perature allowed it (Pinel Alloul 4 Magnin, 
1979). According to Berrie (1963), the repro- 
duction period of P. corneus was short. On 
the other hand, De Coster & Persoone (1970) 
sampled very small P. corneus (0-2 mm) from 
April to September. Concerning P. planorbis, 
the spring reproduction periods were longer 
than the autumnal period. In northwest En- 
gland, P. planorbis also showed two egg-lay- 
ing periods, one in February and the other in 
July (Dussart, 1979). 

According to Precht (1936), P. corneus did 
not reproduce in autumn or in winter, and an 
endogenous rhythm had to be suggested, be- 
cause the snails brought in the laboratory at 
23°C did not lay eggs either. This author 
added that P. corneus began to reproduce 
when the temperature reached 12°C. The 
minimum threshold temperature for the re- 
production of freshwater snails appears to be 
between 7°C and 12°C (Boerger, 1975; Dun- 
can, 1975; Eversole, 1978). Three egg cap- 
sules were laid by P. corneus reared at 8°C 
(De Wit, 1955). In our study, the reproduction 
period of both species began when temper- 
ature reached 15-16°C, which was above the 
minimum threshold. In spite of suitable tem- 
peratures, the genital organs could be imma- 
ture. Such a result was observed by Russell- 
Hunter (1961) in Gyraulus albus (Müller). 
Moreover, the freshwater snails could be 
more sensitive to temperature variations than 
to absolute temperatures. 

The main life-cycle patterns encountered in 
natural populations of freshwater snails have 
been described by Russell-Hunter (1961, 
1978) and reviewed by Calow (1978). During 
our study, P. planorbis showed a type C as 
defined by Calow (1978), that is, an annual life 

cycle with reproduction periods occurring in 
spring and in autumn with parent generation 
replacement. The snails of the vernal cohort 
G2 did not survive until the next reproductive 
period. However, these individuals coexisted 
with the snails of the autumnal cohort for 28 
months. Both cohorts corresponding to two 
generations were semelparous, and their life 
span was estimated at 11 months. A life span 
of 12-13 months and an annual life cycle have 
been reported respectively by De Coster & 
Persoone (1970) and Dussart (1979). How- 
ever, the second author described a life cycle 
with egg-laying periods completely brought 
forward in comparison with our results (re- 
cruitment of newly hatched snails in February 
and July instead of early May and September). 
Such an annual life cycle with two generations 
per year occurred in the following species: 
Lymnaea peregra (Müller) (Russell-Hunter, 
1961; Lambert, 1990), Lymnaea palustris 
(Müller) (Hunter, 1975), Physa fontinalis (L.) 
(De Wit, 1955; Russell-Hunter, 1961), Heli- 
soma trivolvis (Say) (Eversole, 1978); Bathy- 
omphalus contortus (L.) (De Coster & Per- 
soone, 1970), Armiger crista (L.) (Alfaro Tejera, 
1982), and A. rotundatus (Marazanof, 1970). 
For the latter planorbid species, Caquet 
(1993) observed a semelparous life cycle with 
a maximum life span apparently reaching 
17-18 months. 

From a four-month study, an annual life cy- 
cle was attributed to P. corneus (Berrie, 1963). 
According to different authors, the life span of 
this species in the field was 13 months 
(Hilbert, 1911), 2 or 3 years (Boycott, 1936; 
Boettger, 1944), and 4 years (Frómming, 
1956). Russell-Hunter (1978) has reported 
that biennal life-cycle patterns involve such 
larger pulmonates as P. corneus and Lym- 
naea stagnalis (L.) in higher latitudes or more 
oligotrophic waters (1.е., poorer temperature 
or trophic conditions). Like for P. planorbis, 
the life cycle of P. corneus in 1987 was annual 
showing two generations. The estival-autum- 
nal generation was not replaced by the new 
generation (type B). So, other differences 
were also observed between the two species: 
longer life span of both generations and an 
annual life cycle close to a biennial (18-20.5 
months for G2; 15-21 months for G3, these 
life spans could be very similar); a longer sec- 
ond reproductive period; a spring cohort 
probably iteroparous to a certain extent and 
an estival-autumnal cohort probably semel- 
parous (the second egg laying period proba- 
bly missing in 1986 and 1988). At the begin- 
ning of May 1987, only one cohort was 


observed (G1). Its mean diameter was the 
homologous of the spring cohort G2 diame- 
ter at the same date in 1988. In autumn 1988, 
no egg capsule was present at the sampling 
site, although three small snails were col- 
lected on October 4 (mean diameter of 6.1 
mm). The second reproduction period might 
occur every other year or might be far less 
predictable, depending on annual climatic 
variations. In the pond Le Boulet in 1988, the 
water temperature was apparently not as 
high as in 1987, and shell growth was slower 
than in 1987. The climatic hypothesis was put 
forward by Vincent & Harvey (1985) to explain 
both types of life cycle (short and long) en- 
countered in a Canadian population of Bithyn- 
ia tentaculata (L.). The number of genera- 
tions per year can also be related to the 
length of dry periods (Duncan, 1959; Ma- 
razanof, 1970). Lymnaea catascopium exhib- 
ited an annual life cycle with one generation 
in hard or medium waters, and two genera- 
tions in soft waters (Pinel Alloul, 1978). In L. 
peregra, snails from the exposed habitats 
matured earlier and put more effort into it 
than snails from the sheltered habitats; these 
differences in growth and reproduction could 
be explained in terms of differences in selec- 
tion pressure between habitats of varying 
exposure (Calow, 1981). Individuals of H. 
trivolvis from the eutrophic sites grew faster 
and exhibited an annual life cycle, whereas 
those from the mesotrophic site grew slowly 
and lived about two years, breeding in both 
summers (Eversole, 1978). From reciprocal 
transfer experiments, Brown et al. (1985) 
concluded: “genetic divergence among pop- 
ulations of L. elodes explained a compara- 
tively small proportion of the variation in life 
histories in comparison with proximal factors 
like habitat productivity. Nevertheless, snails 
from the vernal pond always grew more 
slowly, matured at a smaller shell length, and 
had higher fecundities than other popula- 
tions. These smaller differences may still be 
important over evolutionary time scales.” 
These examples show that life-cycle varia- 
tions can be adaptative. The adaptative plas- 
ticity allows the populations to have maxi- 
mum productivity in given conditions and 
then to compensate for bad years (Huben- 
dick, 1958; Russell-Hunter, 1961). 

Snail Growth 

The shell growth of freshwater pulmonates 
is continuous until death (indeterminate 

growth). For both studied species, the growth 
differed according to time when a cohort had 
been recruited. The shell growth did not only 
depend on age of the animals, but the ob- 
served differences could be due to various 
physiological potentialities that remain to be 
studied. For B. tentaculata, growth rates fluc- 
tuated from 0.17 mm/week to 0.80 mm/week 
with the seasonal trophic conditions (Pinel 
Alloul 4 Magnin, 1971). In L. peregra and L. 
palustris, the vast majority of the interpopu- 
lation variation of shell growth rate appeared 
to result from non-genetic ecophenotypic en- 
vironmental influences and in particular from 
habitat productivity (Byrne et al., 1989). Cli- 
mate seemed very important for growth, es- 
pecially in the case of P. corneus. 

Spring is very favourable to the shell 
growth of P. corneus and other species (Ma- 
razanof, 1970; Pinel Alloul, 1978). In June 
1987, a marking experiment (with painting) 
allowed us to observe that some shells had 
grown from 0.75 of whorl to 1.75 whorls in 
two weeks (diameters attaining respectively 
10.1 and 18.1 mm). In spring, the shell growth 
of young Lymnaea humilis (Say) was very fast 
reaching 7% per day (MacCraw, 1961). Dur- 
ing autumn, the studied snails grew with in- 
termediate rates. In summer (July-August) 
and in winter (December to March), a lower 
rate of shell growth was noticed for L. pere- 
gra (Lambert, 1990) and P. corneus inhabit- 
ing Le Boulet pond. In summer, the high tem- 
peratures (up to 26°С) monitored probably 
exceeded the optimum, which was close to 
20°С for the growth of the two studied spe- 
cies reared in the laboratory (Costil, 1994). 
For a population of P. corneus in England, 
Berrie (1963) recorded a mean size increase 
of 4% between July and August, and in- 
creases of 70% and 33% respectively be- 
tween June-July and August-September. In 
our study, the growth of individuals belong- 
ing to cohort G2 slowed down at the same 
period that the snails reproduced. Concern- 
ing the homologous cohort G4, no summer 
reproduction period was observed in 1988, 
but growth did not slow down. These facts 
about the cohorts G2 and G4 suggested the 
energy allocation theory which, on the other 
hand, was not confirmed by the cohort G3 
(growth slowed down after reproduction pe- 
riod). A slow or null shell growth during winter 
has been reported for many freshwater snails 
(Russell-Hunter, 1961; Calow, 1973; Vincent 
et al., 1981). Individuals of В. contortus sam- 
pled in winter and then brought to the labo- 
ratory grew fast again (Calow, 1973). Natural 


population of aquatic molluscs can exhibit 
degrowth (decrease in unit mass of structural 
proteins through time) (Russell-Hunter, 
1985); according to this author, degrowth 
can be associated with reproductive or sea- 
sonal stress, an example being the overwin- 
ter starved individuals of Р. corneus, which 
lost 44% of their tissue biomass over 126 
days (with 33% mortality). For the same spe- 
cies, Emerson (1967) has reported similar 
losses: 62.3% with 56% mortality after 58 
days of starvation; at this time, 95% of the 
original polysaccharides, 49% of the proteins 
and 22% of the lipids were metabolized. A 
very omnivorous diet could be responsible 
for the winter shell growth observed in P. plan- 
orbis and also L. peregra (Russell-Hunter, 
1961), Physa integra and P. gyrina (Clampitt, 
1970). In the diets of both P. corneus and 
Planorbis carinatus (Müller) (close to P. plan- 
orbis), detritus formed over 85% of the food 
ingested and sand grains about 10% (Reav- 
ell, 1980). In comparison with Р. corneus, Р. 
planorbis seemed far less affected by the cli- 
matic variations. The spring cohorts (G2 and 
С4) grew the fastest in July and August. Their 
renewal of growth at the end of life could be 
due to the late death of the largest individu- 

According to Von Bertalanffy's model, the 
largest individuals of P. corneus in the field 
were 14 months old. However, this model 
does not take into account the environmental 
conditions and their variations. lt appears 
more suitable for P. planorbis than for P. cor- 
neus. The first species showed higher growth 
constant (k = 0.069) than the second (k = 
0.046), which illustrates a faster develop- 
ment. For comparison with other freshwater 
snails, some values of k are given (same time 
unit: 14 days): 0.024 for A. crista (Alfaro Te- 
jera, 1982), 0.057 to 0.485 for snails from 
Lake Tchad (Lévêque, 1971), 0.095 for L. per- 
egra (Lambert, 1990). 

The maximum size reached by animals in- 
habiting in a given site depends on many fac- 
tors, such as environmental conditions, but 
also genetic makeup and parasitic infection. 
Before death, the cohorts G1 and G2 of P. 
corneus respectively measured 27.4 or 25.9 
mm, and the size of the largest individuals 
reached 28 mm. These sizes were lower than 
the value that is usually given for this species 
(35 mm). According to the cohorts of P. plan- 
orbis, the mean diameter attained before 
disappearance fluctuated from 11.3 to 14.3 
mm. The maximum diameter recorded was 

16.1 mm, whereas the maximum size re- 
ported for this species is 20 mm. It is difficult 
to know to what extent the environment con- 
ditions influence the maximum size of the 
snails of a given species. In both ponds, the 
water mineralization was rather low, and 
flooding and drying occurred quite often, 
making the environment unstable. According 
to Byrne et al. (1989), the extended adult sur- 
vival and oviposition was a life-history trait 
that allows L. palustris to survive in marginal, 
unstable habitats. Such an observation could 
be made for P. corneus showing a potentially 
itereparous cohort and a very long annual life 
cycle, but not for P. planorbis. Nevertheless, 
for both species the spring cohort growth 
was rapid enough to allow a second repro- 
duction period per year (every year in the P. 
planorbis population and in 1987 for P. cor- 
neus). Moreover, the trophic conditions in 
both studied ponds appeared favourable for 
the coexistence of a great number of gastro- 
pod species. The environmental factors are 
of the highest importance in the life-history 
strategies of the freshwater snails. The great 
range of strategies used by these snails т- 
habiting various types of environment make 
them particularly useful for studies about ev- 
olutionary biology. 


We are grateful to Maria Lazaridou-Dimitri- 
adou for her comments on early draft of this 
manuscript. We also thank Stacy Payne for 
checking the english and Jean Luc Foulon for 
technical help. 


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Revised Ms. accepted 15 December 1994 

MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 69-110 


Kenneth C. Emberton 

Department of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1900 Benjamin 
Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-1195 U.S.A. 


A phylogenetic hypothesis for the 274 known polygyrid species is presented, based on 115 
anatomical, behavioral, and shell characters (39 of which are newly discovered or newly as- 
sessed), as corroborated in part by published allozyme data. The hypothesis differs little from 
that of Emberton (1994a), except for greatly increased resolution in the tribes Stenotremini and 
Polygyrini. A corresponding revision is presented that assigns species to 50 subgenera, 24 
genera, seven tribes, three infrafamilies, and two subfamilies. All taxa in the revision, as well as 
unnamed clades, are defined phylogenetically by shared derived characters. Nine new subge- 
neric names are introduced: Neohelix (Asamiorbis), N. (Solemorbis), Triodopsis (Brooksorbis), 
T. (Pilsbryorbis), T. (Macmillanorbis), T. (Vagvolgyorbis), Stenotrema (Archerelix), S. (Pils- 
brelix), and Millerelix (Prattelix). 

A separate phylogenetic analysis of polygyrid subgenera was conducted based on shell 
morphology alone, using 71 character states in 14 characters, all new or newly assessed, 
including ontogenetic characters scored from shell x-rays. The resulting shell-based hypothesis 
had only one-fourth the phylogenetic resolution of, and showed major topological discrepan- 
cies from, the anatomy-behavior-shell hypothesis. Thus, at present level of knowledge, poly- 
gyrid shells are inadequate for reconstructing phylogenetic history, and identifications of pre- 
Miocene fossils should be considered dubious at best. Remaining to be evaluated, however, 
are shell-surface microsculptures and ultrastructural layers. 

Museum and field surveys discovered the closest known polygyrid convergences in sympa- 
try on flat, umbilicate, and tridentate shell forms: Patera laevior and Xolotrema fosteri at Hawes- 
ville, Harlan County, Kentucky; Appalachina sayana and Allogona profunda on Pine Moun- 
tain, Hancock County, Kentucky; and Inflectarius inflectus and Triodopsis fallax in Vinton 
County, Ohio. These provide starting points for analyses of naturally replicated experiments 
in evolutionary morphology, such as those already conducted on the globose shell form 
(Mesodon normalis and Neohelix major at numerous sites in the Southern Appalachian Moun- 

Adult Triodopsis tridentata from which apertural barriers had been removed lost water 
27% faster than controls when retracted, and 9% faster when extended. Controls were 83% 
more successful than barrierless snails in forming epiphragms. Epiphragms reduced the rate 
of water loss by 3% in controls and by 38% in barrierless snails. Ramsay's (1935) hypothesis 
is extended to suggest that barriers and epiphragms slow evaporation not directly, but indi- 
rectly by interrupting natural convection currents between the aperture and the retracted snail's 
body. Because 7. tridentata and other triodopsins have larger barriers in more humid climates, 
barriers should also serve at least one other function, such as impeding invertebrate predators. 
A new hypothesis is proposed for the function of extremely obstructed shell apertures: to 
exclude water, allowing the snails to float to safety during floods. Polygyrids have many con- 
vergences on apertural obstruction by barriers, some extreme examples of which are illustrated 

Based on the phylogenetic hypothesis/revision, the most urgent remaining targets for 
polygyrid conservation are (1) Colombia's Isla de Providencia, where deforestation threatens 
the ancient, relic, uniquely live-bearing, endemic Giffordius; and (2) the northern coves of Pine 
Mountain, Harlan County, Kentucky, which harbor North America's most diverse land-snail 
communities, including four simultaneous cases of polygyrid convergence in sympatry. 

Key words: cladistics, phylogenetic taxonomy, shell ontogeny, paleontology, fossils, con- 
vergence in sympatry, functional morphology, Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Stylommatophora. 




The Polygyridae are an endemic North 
American family of land snails that are remark- 
able for their shell convergences in sympatry 
(due to iterative, punctuated evolution cou- 
pled with phenotypic and genetic, adaptive 
parallel environmental responses); their 145- 
million-year biogeographic history (paralleling 
that of, for example, plethodontid salaman- 
ders); and their evolution of hermaphroditic, 
external sperm exchange via several behav- 
iorally bizarre intermediates that remain ex- 
tant (Pilsbry, 1940; Webb, 1974; Solem, 1976; 
Emberton, 1981, 1988a, 1991a,b 1994a,b, 
1995a,b; Asami, 1988, 1993). Polygyrids cur- 
rently comprise 271 nominal and three unde- 
scribed species (see below), with a maximum 
sympatric diversity of ten species reported 
from Pine Mountain, Harlan County, Ken- 
tucky, U.S.A. (Hubricht, unpublished; Ember- 
ton, 19950), with many more species yet to be 
described and discovered in Mexico and Cen- 
tral America (F. Thompson, pers. commun.), 
and probably with some undiscovered spe- 
cies remaining in the Pacific Northwest (T. 
Frest, pers. commun.). Phylogenetic hypoth- 
eses for the family as a whole (Webb, 1974; 
Pratt, 1979; Emberton, 1994a) have been to 
genus only, and the most recent hypothesis 
omitted shell characters completely and had 
major unresolved polytomies. 

Polygyrid fossil shells of the Pleistocene 
and Pliocene are nearly all identical with 
Recent species (Hubricht, 1985, and pers. 
commun.; Emberton & Bogan, unpublished). 
Miocene and later fossils are generally as- 
signable to genus (Pilsbry, 1940; Auffenberg 
8 Portell, 1992; Roth 4 Emberton, 1994). Ear- 
lier polygyrid fossils, however, which are rare 
but presumably valuable in reconstructing 
the first 125 million years of polygyrid history, 
could be difficult to identify because of multi- 
convergent, punctuated-equilibrium evolu- 
tion (Emberton, 1994a). One way of testing 
the value of early fossils is to make an hon- 
est, concerted attempt to reconstruct poly- 
gyrid phylogeny based on Recent shells 
alone. This has not previously been at- 
tempted. One possible source of new and 
useful characters for such an analysis—and 
for fossil identification—is shell ontogeny as 
viewed in x-rays (Ramirez, 1993). For exam- 
ple, a recent study discovered, using x-rays, 
a significant difference in whorl-expansion 
rate between the polygyrid tribes Triodopsini 
and Mesodontini (Emberton, 1994a). Thus a 

more general x-ray survey of polygyrid shell 
ontogeny could be productive. 

Non-mimetic sympatric convergences are 
important as naturally replicated experiments 
in evolutionary morphology (Emberton, 
1995a). Polygyrid non-mimetic convergences 
in sympatry fall into four distinct shell forms 
(Pilsbry, 1940) that have been called globose, 
flat, tridentate, and umbilicate shell-static 
clades (Fig. 1; Emberton, 1991b, 1994a). The 
globose clades show the closest conver- 
gences in sympatry (Solem, 1976; Emberton, 
1981; Asami, 1988, 1993), of which the most 
extreme 1$ between Neohelix major and Ме- 
sodon normalis. Recent analyses ofthese two 
species have yielded important new insights 
into the ecological, genetic, and natural- 
selective influences on shell morphology 
(Emberton, 1994b, 1995a). The most extreme 
cases of sympatric convergence on flat, tri- 
dentate, and umbilicate shell forms have not 
been analyzed or even reported, however. 

Polygyrid shell evolution is further note- 
worthy for its convergences in extreme aper- 
tural obstruction by denticles and other shell 
structures (Fig. 2; Pilsbry, 1940; Zilch, 1959- 
60). Such apertural barriers appear in many 
forms among numerous land-snail clades 
(Zilch, 1959-60). Four hypotheses have been 
proposed concerning the function of these 
barriers: (1) to deter attacks by predatory in- 
sects (Cook, 1895; Boettger, 1921, 1935; 
Solem, 1972, 1974; Falkner, 1984); (2) to re- 
tard evaporative water loss (Boettger, as 
cited by Goodfriend, 1986; Rees, 1964; Paul, 
1974; Christelow, 1992); (3) to strengthen the 
aperture against accidental breakage (Paul, 
1974); and (4) to orient the shell during crawl- 
ing (Paul, 1974). A fifth hypothesis, proposed 
here for the first time, is suggested by some 
polygyrid cases of extreme apertural ob- 
struction existing in flood-prone environ- 
ments (Hubricht, 1985; Emberton, 1986): that 
some barriers function (5) to trap air within 
the submerged shell, preventing drowning 
and enhancing gene flow by allowing the 
snail to float downstream. None of these hy- 
potheses has been adequately tested using 
living snails (Goodfriend, 1986; pers. ob- 

Also untested is the likely hypothesis that 
some barriers perform two or more functions 
simultaneously. In the polygyrid tribe Triod- 
opsini, there is a correlation in several lin- 
eages— including that of the common spe- 
cies Triodopsis tridentata—between greater 
apertural obstruction and increased environ- 



‘oIyO ‘AjUNOD UOJUIA WO4} xe/¡e4 sısdopou] pue sn398/yu/ зпивэаци! pue ‘емерч| ‘UIEYD PUBAE) шо 1/97S0/ ешелоох 
pue /0/188/ B/987ey ‘Ayonjuey “send oy low врипзола euoboyy pue euefes eunyoejeddy :sassauua| ‘элоЭ Sepe9 wo (зуб) ло/еш хиецоэм pue (ya) 
seuuou uoposayy :(woyoq о} doy) suo:]93|¡09 tuunasnu UO paseq ‘AneduuAs и! зээцеблелиоэ ||э4$ puABAjod эшедхе 150 INO} S POWAY Y HON WIEISEZ ‘| "914 


FIG. 2. Convergent shell-apertural obstruction among various polygyrid subgenera. Species are (left to 
right, top row): Triodopsis (Haroldorbis) henriettae (ANSP 109734), Triiobopsis гореп (150631), Ashmunella 
mudgii (319743), Stenotrema (Stenotrema) unciferum (171138), Stenotrema (Stenotrema) maxillifer 
(170141); (bottom row): Millerelix (Millerelix) tamaulipasensis (317942), Millerelix (Prattelix) plicata (143448), 
Daedalochila (Upsilodon) hippocrepis (84629), Daedalochila (Daedalochila) uvulifera (10990), Inflectarius 

(Inflectarius) rugeli (116893). 

mental moisture (Vagvolgyi, 1966; Emberton, 
1988a). This implies that if apertural barriers 
retard evaporative water loss in T. tridentata, 
then they should also serve at least one ad- 
ditional function, such as deterring predators 
or trapping air. 

Polygyrid conservation is relatively ad- 
vanced, with at least five rare taxa currently 
listed as endangered or threatened: Patera 
clarki nantahalae, Fumonelix archeri, F. or- 
estes, F. jonesianus, and Triodopsis playsay- 
oides. Thanks to this recognition, these taxa 
are receiving the protection they need to sur- 
vive. Phylogenetic analysis, however, can 
provide insights into conservation priorities 
beyond the rarity of individual taxa. Polygyrid 
conservation has never been considered in a 
phylogenetic context. 

The purposes of this paper are (1) to con- 
duct a phylogenetic analysis of the Polygy- 
ridae to the species-group/subgeneric level; 
to use the resulting phylogenetic hypothesis 
(2) to taxonomically revise the family; (3) to 
conduct an independent phylogenetic analy- 
sis based on shells alone, incorporating 
x-rays; to use the resulting cladogram (4) to 
assess the reliability of fossils for recon- 

structing polygyrid phylogeny; (5) to find and 
report the closest polygyrid convergences in 
sympatry on the flat, tridentate, and umbili- 
cate shell forms; (6) to test for retardation of 
evaporative water loss by shell apertural bar- 
riers in living Triodopsis tridentata; and (7) to 
assess remaining conservation priorities for 
the Polygyridae from a phylogenetic per- 

General Phylogenetic Analysis 

Standard phylogenetic methods of charac- 
ter analysis were used (Hennig, 1966; Wiley, 
1981; Wiley et al., 1991; Brooks & McLennan, 
1991). The outgroups used were the type 
genera of the bradybaenids, helminthoglyp- 
tids, thysanophorids, camaenids, and sag- 
dids, plus Cepolis to represent the xanthony- 
cids (Emberton, 1991c). Data sources were 
from anatomical and behavioral characters 
compiled by Emberton (1994a: appendix A), 
with added anatomical character analyses 
using illustrations of Pilsbry (1940), Archer 


(1948), Metcalf & Riskind (1979), Pratt 
(1981a), and Emberton (1988a, 1991a), and 
shell character analyses using the collection 
of the Department of Malacology, Academy 
of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP). 
Shell characters were limited as much possi- 
ble to those involving complex apertural 
barriers. No anatomy of Pilsbry’s (1940) “Poly- 
gyra plicata group” had ever been ade- 
quately published (W. G. Binney's [1878: 
plate 15, fig. I] sketch of the genitalia of “Poly- 
gyra troostiana Lea” is uninformative and un- 
trustworthy, appearing as it does beside a 
totally inaccurate depiction of the genitalia of 
“P. tridentata [Say]’’). Therefore, all the (lim- 
ited) ANSP alcohol material of “Р. plicata 
Say” was examined, and one adult was cho- 
sen for dissection and illustration of the shell 
and the reproductive system, which were in- 
cluded in the general character analysis. 

Based on experience with anatomical-shell 
comparisons in the context of an anatomical- 
allozymic phylogenetic hypothesis among all 
species of both the Triodopsini and the Me- 
sodontini (Emberton, 1988a, 1991a), anatom- 
ically unknown polygyrid species were tenta- 
tively assigned to subgenus Бу shell 
characters alone. Thus, subgenus was used 
as the operational taxonomic unit for this 
phylogenetic analysis, even though any given 
subgenus may have been represented by up 
to eleven species that were each scored for 
each character. For this reason, all '“autapo- 
morphies” defining subgenera were retained 
in the data matrix. 

Polygyrid allozyme data (Emberton, 1988a, 
1991a, 1994a) were not used in this analysis 
because data were lacking for many subgen- 
era and because existing data were from two 
separate analyses involving only partially 
overlapping sets of loci. Instead, relevant 
portions of this phylogentic hypothesis were 
visually compared for topological congru- 
ency with previously published, allozyme- 
based hypotheses (Emberton, 1988a, 1991a, 

Phylogenetic analysis was conducted by 
hand and was interactive with construction of 
the data matrix. The analysis progressed 
along successively more restricted ingroups, 
each of which was compared with its closest 
possible outgroup. Thus, the resulting cla- 
dogram and its coordinate subgenus-by- 
character-state matrix were superficially free 
of certain homoplasies that would have re- 
sulted from a non-hierarchical, single-out- 
group analysis. 

Taxonomic Revision 

The revision was based on the general 
phylogenetic hypothesis and followed basic 
principles of phylogenetic taxonomy (Queiroz 
& Gauthier, 1990), which are becoming well 
established among vertebrate systematists 
and have recently been introduced to mala- 
cology by Roth (1995). The method, as em- 
ployed here, designates as taxa clades that 
are defined by shared derived characters (sy- 
napomorphies), regardless of subsequent 
evolutionary modifications of those charac- 
ters. For a discussion of the naturalness of 
this method and its great advantages over 
traditional taxonomy, see Queiroz & Gauthier 

Shell-Based Phylogenetic Analysis 

Previous studies had shown the extents 
and limits of intraspecific variation in polygy- 
па shell morphology (Emberton, 1988a, 
1988b, 1994a, 1994b), which were consid- 
ered during character analysis. In general, 
one intact adult shell of the type species was 
chosen to represent each subgenus, but for 
subgenera with extreme shell variation, two 
or more representative species were se- 
lected. Outgroups were represented by one 
shell each of the type species of the type 
genus of each of the six closest polygyrid 
outgroup families (Emberton, 1991c), except 
when the type genus happened to have a 
highly derived shell morphology. 

Shells were mounted in the planes simul- 
taneously of both the rotational axis and the 
aperture (Emberton, 1988a: fig. 29b, d) on 
clear acetate sheets using thick rubber ce- 
ment, then x-rayed over single-coat SR-5 In- 
dustrex R film. Contact prints were made 
from the x-ray negatives. Shell “apertures” at 
half-whorl intervals were drawn, with accom- 
panying 3-mm scale lines, from the contact 
prints using a camera lucida mounted on a 
Wild M-5 dissecting microscope. The draw- 
ings were inked, reduce-xeroxed until all of 
about the same size, and mounted in regular 
array, arranged by a former classification 
(Webb, 1974; Richardson, 1986) that has 
since been revised (Emberton, 1994a, this 

The demounted shells themselves, as well 
as the x-ray drawings of their ontogenies, 
were compared in a standard phylogenetic 
character analysis (Wiley, 1981; Wiley et al., 
1991; Brooks & McLennan, 1991: chapter 2). 


Conchological differences known to occur 
among closely related species within sub- 
genera of the Triodopsini and the Mesodon- 
tini (Emberton, 1988a, 1991a) were dis- 
counted as characters. 

The resulting shell-character by subgenus 
matrix was analyzed phylogenetically using 
Hennig86 (Farris, 1988), assigning equal 
weights to all characters. A Nelson semi- 
strict consensus tree (Farris, 1988) was com- 
puted from the set of resulting, equally and 
maximally parsimonious cladograms. 

Reliability of Fossils 

To qualitatively assess the reliability of fos- 
sils for reconstructing polygrid phylogeny, 
the shell-based and anatomy-behavior-shell- 
based phylogenetic hypotheses were com- 
pared for their degrees of phylogenetic res- 
olution among subgenera. Resolution in both 
cases was quantified as the number of nodes 
relative to the maximum number of possible 
nodes for the given number of taxa. 

Closest Convergences in Sympatry 

Closest potential polygyrid shell conver- 
gences in sympatry on the flat, tridentate, and 
umbilicate shell forms were searched for us- 
ing Pilsbry (1940), Hubricht (1985), and the 
collections of the Field Museum of Natural 
History, Chicago. Actual sympatry was tested 
by field work conducted during the spring 
months of 1979, 1981, 1982, and 1983. 

Shell Barriers and Water Loss 

Twenty-five adult Triodopsis tridentata 
were collected during five field trips in the 
spring and fall of 1970. Twenty-three were 
from Athens County, Ohio, and two from 
Monongahela County, West Virginia. Initial 
weights ranged from 0.39 to 1.06 gm. From 
ten of these snails, all three apertural denti- 
cles were completely removed using a table- 
mounted dentist's drill. These barrier-less 
nails were given 20 hours to recuperate from 
the operation, and seven appeared at that 
time to be uninjured and normally active. 

All snails were weighed and placed into in- 
dividual rubber-stoppered Erlenmeyer flasks 
in which were suspended 10.0 gm о the des- 
iccant calcium sulfate in a cheesecloth bag. 
Temperature was maintained at 14-15°C in a 
walk-in refrigerator. Each snail was weighed 
on a tortion balance every hour for 18 hours. 

Weighing took about two minutes per snail. 
At each weighing, the snail's activity state 
was recorded as (a) fully extended, (b) par- 
tially extended, (c) retracted without epi- 
phragm, (d) retracted with partial epiphragm, 
or (e) retracted with complete epiphragm. Pe- 
riods of individual fully extended activity were 
also recorded when they occurred between 

Each recorded weight was expressed as a 
percentage of the snail's initial weight, then 
the percent decrease from the previous 
hour's weight was calculated for each “snail- 
hour” that proved usable. Mean percent de- 
creases were calculated for each of eight ap- 
erture/activity categories. Differences among 
categories were expressed as percent 
changes in rates of evaporative water loss. 
The study was conducted some 25 years 
ago, and since that time the raw data were 
lost, so no statistical analysis could be per- 

Remaining Conservation Priorities 

Phylogeny-based conservation priorities 
were assessed for the categories of (1) radi- 
ating, endemic clades; (2) extremely autapo- 
morphic, endemic taxa; (3) relic sister groups 
to major clades; and (4) sites rich in conver- 
gences in sympatry (Emberton, 1992). Prior- 
ities in these categories were judged from the 
general polygyrid phylogenetic hypothesis/ 
revision (this paper; Emberton, 1988a, 1991a) 
and from known species distributions (Hu- 
bricht, 1985) and sites of known high diver- 
sity (Solem, 1976; Emberton, 1995c, unpub- 
lished; Hubricht, unpublished). The current 
conservation status of each high-priority 
taxon or site was evaluated based on the 
U.S. Federal Endangered Species List and 
the locations of national and regional parks 
and forest preserves. 

General Phylogenetic Analysis 

Table 1 defines the 115 characters used for 
phylogenetic analysis, with references to il- 
lustrations of the characters. | had not previ- 
ously used or detected some of these char- 
acters (39, or 34%) (Emberton, 1988a, 1991a, 
1994a), primarily those dealing with (a) penial 
morphology within the tribe Stenotremini 
(Fig. 3), (b) reproductive-system morphology 


TABLE 1. Anatomical, behavioral, and shell characters used for a phylogenetic hypothesis (Fig. 8) and 
a revision (text) of the Polygyridae. Citations refer to papers of Emberton, unless otherwise indicated. 

OO —J O O1 R © ND — 

. Nodulose fertilization pouch-seminal receptacle complex (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 2.2). 

. Anteriorly united retractor muscles (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 3.2). 

. Deeply excavated ureteric interramus (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 4.2). 

. Single, dorsal, penial pilaster (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 5.2). 

. Proximally swollen, internally lamellate vas deferens (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 8.2). 

. Terminally papillate penial verge (1988a: figs. 2f, 3b, 4b, 5е, 7b, 7d, 8c). 

. Two, flat terminal papillae on a terminal penial verge (1988a: fig. ба). 

. Distinct but pustulate lappets (= transversely, partially fused pustules) on the penial pilaster 

(1988a: figs. 2b, 5с, 58. 

. Doubled density of pustulate lappets on the penial pilaster (1988a: figs. 5a, 50). 
. Smooth lappets (= transversely, completely fused pustules) on the penial pilaster (1988a: fig. 


. Halved density of smooth lappets оп the penial pilaster (1988а: figs. 2d, 4a). 
. Smooth penial-pilastral lappets, plus in adulthood a short vas deferens (only about twice as 

long as the penis) and a penial-retractor-muscle attachment near the penis (on the vas deferens 
within one-third penis-length of the apex of the penis) (1988a: table 4). 

. Greatly enlarged pustules on the penial pilaster (1988a: fig. 7). 
. Penial-wall columns that merge mid-ventrally into 6-10 U-shapes that are tapered and slightly 

separated and that bear unequally sized pustules (1988a: fig. 8). 

. Penial-pilastral pustules forming a single column of abutting cubes (1988a: fig. 8a). 
. A ventrally subterminal penial verge (1988a: fig. 7). 
. Penial-pilastral pustules that are knob-like, unfused, and abruptly larger than the penial-wall 

pustules (1988a: figs. 9a, 9c), or derivatives thereof. 

. 15-20 penial-wall columns unmerging and radiating directly from the ejaculatory роге (1988a: 

figs. 9a, 9c), or derivatives thereof. 

. Club-shaped penis with a ventrally subterminal ejaculatory pore about 1/5-way from the apex 

and indented into the penial wall (Webb, 1959: figs. 22, 27, 34, 38; 1988a: fig. 9), or derivatives 
thereof (characters 28-30). 

. Penial-pilastral pustules fused into two interdigitating columns of rectangular boxes (1988a: fig. 


. Penial-pilastral polygons 4-10 times the size of penial-wall pustules and armed with pustule- 

sized knobs, or derivatives thereof (characters 22-24). 

. Penial-pilastral polygons fused into a single mass or into large, irregular masses (1988a: fig. 11). 
. Ventral penial-wall columns with pustules indistinct (1988a: fig. 11). 
. Penial pilaster 3/4 the length of the penis and bearing polygons armed with blunt spurs (1988а: 

figs. 13a, 14a, 14b, 16a). 

. Indistinct pustules on the ventral-most radiating penial-wall columns (1988a: fig. 18b). 
. Penial-wall columns merging mid-ventrally into 5-7 acute, equilateral, widely separated 

V-shapes bearing equally sized pustules (1988a: figs. 14a, 15b, 16a). 

. Extremely long, narrow penis (at least 25 times as long as wide) (1988a: fig. 13). 
. Mace-shaped penis with a ventrally subterminal ejaculatory pore and with a sub-pore region 

erectile as a fleshy peduncle, and derivations thereof (characters 29, 30). 

. Ejaculatory-pore position approximately 1/4-way from the penial apex, peduncle small (Webb, 

1948: fig. 4; Webb, 1959: figs. 14, 25а, 40, 43; 1988a: figs. 14a-b, 15-17). 

. Ejaculatory-pore position approximately 2/5-way from the penial apex, peduncle large (Webb, 

1959: figs. 12, 13, 15, 41; 1988a: figs. 14c-d, 18а, 180). 

. A discernible clasping disc during mating (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 1.4), or derivatives 


. An unfanned origin of the penial retentor muscle (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 7.3). 
. An epiphallus and flagellum (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 9.2), or derived loss thereof. 
. А constriction in the epiphallus from the penial apex part-way toward the flagellum (1994a: fig. 

2: character-state 9.3). 

. А Незпу protuberance near the apex of the penis (Roth 8 Miller, 1992: fig. 6). 




TABLE 1. Anatomical, behavioral, and shell characters used for a phylogenetic hypothesis (Fig. 8) and 
a revision (text) of the Polygyridae. Citations refer to papers of Emberton, unless otherwise indicated. 


36. Conical, non-papillate verge at the apex of the penis (Pilsbry, 1940: fig. 512Bb; Webb, 1970: 
plate 35, fig. 5; Roth & Miller, 1993: figs. 19, 24). 

37. Clasping disc during mating that is as voluminous as the inserted portion of the penis (1994a: 
fig. 2: character-state 1.5), or derivatives thereof. 

38. Minutely pustulate sculpture on the dorsal penial wall (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 5.4). 

39. Paired dorsal penial pilasters (Pilsbry, 1940: fig. 496Aa, Bb’, D), or derivative thereof (character 

40. Rugose clasping disk (Webb, 1990: plate 6, figs. 1—4). 

41. Nearly effaced paired dorsal pilasters (1994a: appendix B, character state 5.4). 

42. Single dorsal pilaster, plus a clasping disc that is twice as voluminous as the inserted portion 
of the penis (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 1.5). 

43. One or more small, pointed, fleshy processes on the clasping disc, and derivatives thereof 
(characters 44, 45). 

44. Asingle large, pointed, fleshy process on the clasping disc (Pilsbry, 1940: fig. 506, 1d-e; Webb, 
1948: figs. 3, 3a). 

45. Two large, pointed, fleshy processes on the clasping disc (Pilsbry, 1940: fig. 510: 2a, 5a). 

46. Clasping disc divided peripherally into two or three broad, unpointed lobes (Webb, 1965: plate 
27, figs. 1-4). 

47. Epiphallus longer than the prostate-uterus (Pilsbry, 1940: figs. 524, 525). 

48. Chitinous, ornate spermatophore (Webb, 1954). 

49. No penial insertion during mating (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 1.8). 

50. Lateral pilaster(s) on the clasping disc (= basal penis) (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 5.5). 

51. A (secondarily) slender spermathecal duct (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 10.4). 

52. (Basal) penial lateral pilasters apically modified into two fleshy-walled cups half as long as the 
penis (Fig. 3E). 

53. Shell aperture with a complete basal lamella having a central trough half or more as broad as 
the lamella, and derivatives thereof. 

54. Shell bearing a straight, even-height parietal apertural denticle isolated from both the umbilicus 
and the aperture (Fig. 6: character-state 5a), and derivatives thereof. 

55. During mating, bearing an everted female organ that receives ejaculate from a pocket at tip of 
the penis (1994a: fig. 2: character-state 1.8). 

56. Apertural-basal-lamellar central trough about one-third or less as broad as the lamella (Fig. 6: 
character-state 4b), and derivatives thereof. 

57. Parietal apertural denticle extending from the umbilicus into the aperture (Fig. 6: character-state 
5b), and derivatives thereof. 

58. A single penial lateral pilaster apically modified into a symmetrical, fleshy-walled cup one-third 
as long as the penis, with a medial branch leading to a medial fleshy protuberance (Fig. 3C). 

59. Lower apertural shell lip joined to the basal body whorl as a thin callus (Fig. 5, character-state 
3b), and derivatives thereof. 

60. Two large, fleshy penial lateral pilasters, both bearing apical V- or U-shaped structures, one up 
and one down (Fig. 3A). 

61. Two large, fleshy penial lateral pilasters, neither bearing apical V- or U-shaped structures, and 
one or none bearing an apical, cup-like depression (Fig. 3T, S, P), and derivatives thereof. 

62. One of the two large, fleshy penial lateral pilasters bearing an apical, cup-like depression about 
one-tenth as long as the penis (Fig. 31). 

63. The two large, fleshy penial lateral pilasters free of apical, cup-like structures (Fig. 3S). 

64. One of the two large, fleshy penial lateral pilasters bearing an apical, cup-like depression 
one-fifth to one-half as long as the penis (Fig. 3P). 

65. Penial-retractor-muscle insertion on or near penial apex (1994a: fig. 2, character-state 7.5-7.8). 

66. Penial sheath (secondarily) completely absent (1994a: fig. 2, character-state 7.8). 

67. Only a vestigial flagellum near the penial apex (1994a: fig. 2, character-state 9.5), and deriva- 
tives thereof. 

68. Shell bearing a triangular parietal denticle (Fig. 6: character-state 6a), and derivatives thereof. 

69. Ovoviviparity (Pilsbry, 1930a). 



TABLE 1. Anatomical, behavioral, and shell characters used for a phylogenetic hypothesis (Fig. 8) and 
a revision (text) of the Polygyridae. Citations refer to papers of Emberton, unless otherwise indicated. 



Shell apertural expansion rate abruptly increasing then decreasing such that successive whorls 
are nearly equal in volume (Fig. 6: character-state 2b), and derivatives thereof. 

At least one full whorl of growth beyond the expansion-rate increase (Fig. 6: character-state 

. Shell bearing a V- to U-shaped parietal denticle (Fig. 6: character-state 6b). 

. Shell with a narrow baso-palatal interdenticular notch (Pratt, 1981a: fig. 3i). 

. Complete loss of pustulation in the penial apex (1994a: fig. 2, character-state 5.6). 

. Asmall, sac-like, glandular diverticulum of the lower penis (Fig. 5Ln), and derivatives thereof. 
. Patches of glandular cells on the penial wall above the diverticulum (Fig. 5Ln). 

. Penial diverticulum large, one-third to equal the volume of the penis (Fig. 5Lb). 

. Shell apertural expansion rate (Secondarily) regular throughout ontogeny. 

. A secondary lobe on the penial diverticulum (Fig. 5Lb). 

. A (secondarily) globose shell with the aperture entirely free of denticles (Pilsbry, 1940: figs. 


. Adnate penial diverticulum (Fig. 5PrF). 

. Penial diverticulum long and at least twice the volume of the penis (Fig. 5PrP, PrX). 

. Shell depressed, broadly umbilicate (Zilch, 1959-1960: fig. 2036). 

. Spiral, threadlike sculpture on the embryonic shell (Pilsbry, 1940: 689). 

. A bifurcate or trifurcate penial retractor muscle (Fig. 5PrP). 

. A vestigial epiphallus without a flagellum (Fig. 5MiM, МР). 

. А slender penis (width < 0.12 length) with an apical, pendant, conical projection (Fig. 5MiM, 

MiP), and derivatives thereof. 

. An extremely long and slender penis (width < 0.06 length) (Fig. SMiM). 

. A greatly enlarged, muscular, proximal vas deferens (Figs. 7МГР, 13). 

. Even-diameter vas deferens with no trace of epiphallus (Fig. 500, DU). 

. A stout penis (length/diameter <3.5) with a straight apex (Fig. 5DU). 

. Amoderately long penis (4 < length/diameter < 10) with a bent or convoluted apex (Fig. 5DD). 
. A downward curve on the lower limb of the parietal apertural denticle (Pilsbry, 1940: figs. 


. A raised parietal callus (Pilsbry, 1940: figs. 384-387). 
. А penial apical chalice formed by the junction of lateral pilasters (1991a: fig. 27). 
. An even-diameter distal vas deferens with no trace of flagellum or epiphallus (1994a: fig. 2: 

character-state 9.6). 

. An arched parietal apertural denticle (Fig. 13: character-state 9b), and derivatives thereof. 
. Adepressed, hairless shell (height/diameter 0.4-0.6) (1991a: figs. 49, 50), and derivatives thereof. 
. A regularly oval-shaped aperture with the reflected lip uniform in width throughout its palatal 

and basal regions, with no basal dentition (1991a: fig. 48a). 

. A basal apertural lamella (1991a: figs. 46, 47). 

. A pronounced, blade-like parietal apertural denticle (1991a: figs. 46, 47). 

. A straight basal region of the aperture with only a vestigial lamella (1991a: fig. 10b). 

. A barrel-shaped, solid pedestal underlying the penial chalice (1991a: fig. 45c-d). 

. Asmall, globose or subglobose shell (diameter 8-15 mm, height/diameter 0.6-0.7) (1991a: figs. 

35a,b, 40a,b), and derivatives thereof. 

. A globose, hairless shell (1991a: figs. 35a,b). 
. A subglobose shell (height/diameter 0.5-0.6) bearing periostracal scales, with the umbilicus 

broadly covered by an extension of the basal apertural lip, and with palatal and basal apertural 
denticles (1991a: figs. 40a,b), and derivatives thereof. 

. A thick-walled, hooded, cup-shaped penial chalice (1991a: figs. 7, 8, 9b). 
. Penial chalice with a higher left than right wall (1991a: fig. 27, transformation 21). 
. Shell very broadly umbilicate (1991a: figs. 39a,c). 

Dorsal penial sculpture (1991a: fig. 28, transformations 31-33). 
Dorsal penial sculpture consisting of 4-10 cord-like, subparallel, anastomosing ridges, running 
longitudinally to 30-degrees obliquely (1991a: figs. 4, 6, 16a). 



TABLE 1. Anatomical, behavioral, and shell characters used for a phylogenetic hypothesis (Fig. 8) and 
a revision (text) of the Polygyridae. Citations refer to papers of Emberton, unless otherwise indicated. 


112. Dorsal penial sculpture consisting of 8-12 cord-like, subparallel, anastomosing ridges, running 
longitudinally to 30-degrees obliquely, many of which are contiguous with one or both lateral 
pilasters, and many of which enlarge basally to form a network of large basal bulges (1991a: 

figs. 2b, 11b,c, 156). 

113. Penial chalice a deep, thin-walled scoop, with the left wall much higher than the right (1991a: 

figs: 2b, bie, 156). 

114. Dorsal penial sculpture consisting of about 8-12 thin parallel ridges, equal in diameter, which 
is constant or gradually increases basally (1991a: figs. 15a,b, 16b,c). 
115. Penial chalice a thick-walled, rounded or pointed ear-like flap, flared to the left (1991a: figs. 

15a,b, 16b,c). 

within the tribe Polygyrini (Figs. 4, 5), and (c) 
shell ontogenetic and apertural morphology 
within—primarily—the tribes Stenotremini 
and Polygyrini (Fig. 6). 

Figure 7 shows the distributions of all 115 
characters among polygyrid subgenera (as 
revised below). 

Figure 8 gives the maximum-parsimony 
cladogram of polygyrid subgenera (as ге- 
vised below), based on the data presented in 
Figure 7. Each node in the cladogram is sup- 
ported by one to three characters, numbered 
as in Table 1. 

Taxonomic Revision 

The following revision exactly follows the 
phylogenetic hypothesis of Figure 8. For 
brevity's sake, definitions employ character 
numbers as defined in Table 1. Species with 
only tentative assignment to subgenus are 
preceded by a question mark. 

Family POLYGYRIDAE Pilsbry, 1894 
Definition: The first stylommatophoran pul- 

monate gastropod to possess characters #1, 
2, and 3, and all of its descendants. 

Subfamily TRIODOPSINAE Pilsbry, 1940 
Definition: The first Polygyridae to possess 

characters #4 and 5, and all of its descen- 


Definition: as for the subfamily. 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Webbhelix, 
Neohelix, and Xolotrema 

Synonym: “Xolotrema Rafinesque” (Webb, 

Definition: The first Triodopsinae to pos- 
sess character #6, and all of its descendants. 

Genus Webbhelix Emberton, 1988 

Type species: Helix multilineata Say, 1821, 
by original designation. 

Definition: The first Triodopsinae to pos- 
sess character #7, and all of its descendents. 

Species: W. multilineata (Say, 1821). 

Genus Neohelix Ihering, 1892 

Type species: Helix albolabris Say, “1816” 
1817, by subsequent designation (Pilsbry, 

Definition: The first Triodopsinae to pos- 
sess character #8, and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus Neohelix (Asamiorbis) subgen. n. 

Type species: Helix dentifera Binney, 1837. 

Definition: The first Neohelix to possess 
character #9, and all of its descendents. 

Etymology: Dr. Takahiro Asami, land-snail 
ecologist and geneticist, who has worked 
extensively with N. (A.) dentifera and other 
polygyrids in Virginia (Asami, 1988, 1993); or- 
bis (Latin) “disc” or “coil.” 

Species: N. (A.) dentifera (Binney, 1837); N. 
(A.) divesta (Gould, 1851); N. (A.) lioderma 
(Pilsbry, 1902). 

Unnamed clade comprising subgenera 
N. (Neohelix) s.s. and 
N. (Solemorbis) subgen. n. 

Definition: The first Neohelix to possess 
character #10, and all of its descendents. 


FIG. 3. Character-state analysis of penial-functional-surface anatomy of the Stenotremini; see Table 1, 
characters #52, 58, 60-64. Characters are delineated by solid lines; arrows are hypothesized transforma- 
tions among characters. Anatomical figures (at different size scales) are from Archer (1948). A, Stenotrema 
(Archerelix) subgen. n.; С Stenotrema (Cohutta); E, Euchemotrema; P, Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix) subg. n.; $, 
Stenotrema (Stenotrema); T, Stenotrema (Toxotrema); aa, $. altispira altispira; ad, $. altispira depilatum; bb, 
$. barbatum; bd, $. blandianum; bg, $. barbigerum; bv, $. brevipila; cd, $. caddoense; ch, $. cohuttense; 
dc, S. deceptum; eg, $. edgarianum; ev, $. edvardsi; ex, $. exodon; ext, $. exodon turbinella (= $. turbinella); 
fl, 5. florida; ft, E. fraternum; h $. hirsutum; |, $. labrosum, ma, E. monodon aliciae; mg, $. magnifumosum; 
mn, E. monodon, mx, $. maxillatum; pb, $. pilsbryi; pl, $. pilula; sp, $. spinosum; st, $. stenotrema; и, $. 


FIG. 4. Reproductive system (minus ovotestis) and shell (umbilical view) of Millerelix (Prattelix) plicata (ANSP 
A2423-A) from Knox County, Tennessee. a = atrium, ag = albumen gland, ap = apical, pendant, conical 
projection of the penis, fpsc = fertilization pouch-seminal receptacle complex (= talon = carrefour), gp = 
gonopore, hd = hermaphroditic duct, mf = mantle-cavity floor, о = oviduvt, р = penis, pr = penial retractor 
muscle, pt = prostate, sd = spermathecal duct (= bursa copulatrix duct = gametolytic duct), u = uterus, v 

= vagina, vd = vas deferens. 

Subgenus Neohelix (Neohelix) s.s. 

Synonym: Neohelix albolabris group (Em- 
berton, 1988). 

Definition: The first Neohelix to possess 
character #11, and all of its descendents. 

Species: N. (N.) albolabris (Say, 1817); N. 
(N.) major (Binney, 1837). 

Subgenus Neohelix (Solemorbis) subgen. n. 

Type species: Neohelix solemi Emberton, 

Synonym: Neohelix alleni group (Ember- 
ton, 1988). 

Definition: The first Neohelix to possess 
character #12, and all of its descendents. 

Etymology: The late Dr. Alan Solem, long 



FIG. 5. Character-state analysis of the lower-reproductive-tract anatomy of the Polygyrini; see Table 1, 
characters #75-92. Characters are delineated by solid lines; arrows are hypothesized transformations 
among characters. Anatomical figures (at different size scales) are from Pilsbry (1940), Metcalf 8 Riskind 
(1979), Pratt (1981a), and this paper (Fig. 4). DD, Daedalochila s.s.; DU, Daedalochila (Upsilodon); G, 
Giffordius; Lb, Lobosculum; Ln, Linisa; ММ, Millerelix s.s.; МР, Millerelix (Prattelix); Po, Polygyra; PrF, 
Praticolella (Farragutia); PrP, Practicolella (Praticolella); PrX, Praticolella (Filapex); be, Pr. berlandieriana; bu, 
D. burlesoni; ch, D. chisosensis; cr, Po. cereolus; df, Mi. doerfeuilliana; hp, D. hippocrepis; Ip, D. leporina; 
Iw, Pr. lawae; mb, Pr. mobiliana; mp, D. multiplicata; mr, Mi. тоогеапа; pi, G. pinchoti; pl, Mi. plicata; pu, 
Lb. pustula; sp, Po. septemvolva volvoxis; tm, Ln. tamaulipasensis; tx, Ln. texasiana; uv, D. uvulifera. 


FIG. 6. Character analysis of shell morphologies of the Stenotremini and the Polygyrini; Table 1, characters 
#53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 70-72. 
















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(xTTS1qsTId) *5 
(ешэ130и935) *5 
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(23314092) "Ss 
(ersdeue1ot) ‘2 
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(euobordng) ‘2 
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(хттечоем) "N 


В Bradybaena 
X Cepolis 
H Helminthoglypta outgroups 
Т Thysanophora 
с Pleurodonte 
Ss  Sagda 
—_—_ + Webbhelix 
| 10-11—NN Neohelix s.s. 

6 8—— 12—NS Neohelix (Solemorbis) 
| 9—_NA Neohelix (Asamiorbis) 
4,5 13,14——15—XW Xolotrema (Wilcoxorbis) Trio- 
16—XX Xolotrema s.s. dop- 
19——_———————_TdS Triodopsis (Shelfordorbis) sini 
17,18420—————————TGB Triodopsis (Brooksorbis) 
21-22,23————TdP Triodopsis (Pilsbryorbis) 
24-25——————TÓM Triodopsis (Macmillanorbis) 
1-3 26-27 TdH Triodopsis (Haroldorbis) 
28-29 —TdT Triodopsis s.s. 
30—TdV Triodopsis (Vagvolgyorbis) 
34————35—H Hochbergellus Vesperi- 
36—V___Vespericola colini 
40—CB Cryptomastix (Bupiogona) 
3 8 ———— 39 —— HCC Cryptomastix s.s. Allo- 
31-33 41—CM Cryptomastix (Micranepsia) go- 
r46 Tb Trilobopsis nini 
42—43—44—А1А Allogona s.s. 
45—A1D Allogona (Dysmedoma) 
47 48—— АЗ Ashmunella Ashmunellini 
55——E Euchemotrema 
52-544 58————5С Stenotrema (Cohutta) Steno- 
37 56/97 60 SA Stenotrema (Archerelix) tremini 
59] 64—SP Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix) 
61—463-SS Stenotrema s.s. 
62—ST Stenotrema (Toxotrema) 
49-51 69 ——-—_ TE Giffordius 
68 VPO Polygyra 
76—————Ln Linisa 
70 75— 79———Lb Lobosculum 
77,78 81 PrF Praticolella (Farragutia) 
80—| 83-PrE Praticolella (Eduardus) Poly- 
72-74 82-84-PrX Praticolella (Filapex) gyrini 
85-PrP Praticolella s.s. 
65-67 87-88-MiM Millerelix s.s. 
85 ————] 89-MiP Millerelix (Prattelix) 
90-91-DU Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 
92-9400 Daedalochila s.s. 
98—799——PaV Patera (Vesperpatera) 
100-101PaP Раёега s.s. 
102,103PaR Patera (Ragsdaleorbis) 
95-97———————-1047105—IH Inflectarius (Hubrichtius) 
| 106— ТТ Inflectarius s.s. Meso- 
107————_F Fumonelix dontini 

109——App Appalachina 
1081 111MeA Mesodon (Aphalogona) 
110+23MeK Mesodon (Akromesodon) 

1145MeM Mesodon s.s. 

FIG. 8. Phylogenetic hypothesis for polygyrid subgenera based on the data in Fig. 7. Synapomorphies 
supporting each node and defining each subgenus are numbered as in Table 1. “23MeK” = 112, 113 MeK. 
“1145MeM” = 114,115 MeM. 


one of the world's leading and most prolific 
specialists on land snails, who did some im- 
portant work on polygyrids (Solem, 1976); or- 
bis (Latin) “disc” or “coil.” 

Species: N. (S.) alleni (Sampson, 1883); N. 
(S.) solemi Emberton, 1988. 

Genus Xolotrema Rafinesque, 1819 

Type species: Helix denotata Ferussac, 
1821 (= Helix notata Deshayes, 1830) by sub- 
sequent designation (Pilsbry, 1940). 

Definition: The first Triodopsini to possess 
characters #13 and 14, and all of its descen- 

Subgenus Xolotrema (Wilcoxorbis) 
Webb, 1952 

Type species: Polygyra appressa fosteri F. 
C. Baker, 1932, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Xolotrema to possess 
character #15, and all of its descendents. 

Species: X. (W.) fosteri (F. C. Baker, 1932); 
X. (W.) occidentalis (Pilsbry & Ferriss, 1907). 

Subgenus Xolotrema (Xolotrema) s.s. 

Definition: The first Xolotrema to possess 
character #16, and all of its descendents. 

Species: X. (X.) caroliniensis (Lea, 1834); X. 
(X.) denotata (Ferussac, 1821); X. (X.) ob- 
stricta (Say, 1821). 

Genus Triodopsis Rafinesque, 1819 

Type species: Helix tridentata Say, “1816” 
1817, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Triodopsinae to pos- 
sess characters #17 and 18, and all of its 

Subgenus Triodopsis (Shelfordorbis) 
Webb, 1959 

Type species: Triodopsis fraudulenta vul- 
gata Pilsbry, 1940, by original designation. 

Synonym: species group Triodopsis vul- 
gata (Emberton, 1988). 

Definition: The first Triodopsis to possess 
character #19, and all of its descendents. 

Species: Т. (S.) claibornensis Lutz, 1950; Т. 
(S.) fraudulenta (Pilsbry, 1894); Т. (S.) picea 
Hubricht, 1958; 7. (S.) vulgata Pilsbry, 1940. 

Subgenus Triodopsis 
(Brooksorbis) subgen. n. 

Type species: Polygyra platysayoides 
Brooks, 1933. 
Synonym: species group Triodopsis 

platysayoides (Emberton, 1988). 

Definition: The first Triodopsis to possess 
character #20, and all of its descendents. 

Etymology: The late Dr. Stanley T. Brooks, 
who described the type species; orbis (Latin) 

Species: Т. (B.) platysayoides (Brooks, 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Triodopsis 
Subgenera 7. (Pilsbryorbis) subgen. n., Т. 
(Macmillanorbis) subgen. n., Т. 
(Haroldorbis), T. (Triodopsis), and Т. 
(Vagvolgyorbis) subgen. п. 

Definition: The first Triodopsis to possess 
character 421, and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus Triodopsis (Pilsbryorbis) 
subgen. n. 

Type species: Polygyra tridentata tennes- 
seensis Walker 8 Pilsbry, 1902. 

Synonym: species groups Triodopsis ten- 
nesseensis and Т. burchi (Emberton, 1988a). 

Definition: The first Triodopsis to possess 
characters #22 and 23, and all of its descen- 

Etymology: The late Dr. Henry A. Pilsbry, 
for some 70 years the world's best known 
and most productive land-snail specialist, 
who wrote the definitive monograph on poly- 
gyrids (Pilsbry, 1940); orbis (Latin) “disc” or 

Species: Т. (P.) burchi Hubricht, 1950; 7. 
(P.) complanata (Pilsbry, 1898); Т. (P.) tennes- 
seensis (Walker & Pilsbry, 1902). 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Triodopsis 
Subgenera T. (Macmillanorbis) subgen. n., 
T. (Haroldorbis), T. (Triodopsis), and T. 
(Vagvolgyorbis) subgen. n. 

Definition: The first Triodopsis to possess 
character #24, and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus Triodopsis (Macmillanorbis) 
subgen. n. 

Type species: Triodopsis tridentata rugosa 
Brooks & MacMillan, 1940. 

Synonym: species group Triodopsis rug- 
osa (Emberton, 1988). 


Definition: The first Triodopsis already hav- 
ing character #24, to possess character #25, 
and all of its descendents. 

Etymology: The late Gordan K. MacMillan 
of the Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, who col- 
lected and coauthored the type species; or- 
bis (Latin) “disc” or “coil.” 

Species: Т. (M.) fulciden Hubricht, 1952; Т. 
(M.) rugosa Brooks & MacMillan, 1940. 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Triodopsis 
Subgenera 7. (Haroldorbis), T. (Triodopsis), 
and 7. (Vagvolgyorbis) subgen. n. 

Definition: The first Triodopsis already hav- 
ing Character #24, to possess character #26, 
and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus Triodopsis (Haroldorbis) 
Webb, 1959 

Type species: Triodopsis cragini Call, 
1886, by original designation. 

Synonyms: “Triodopsis соре! (Wetherby)” 
(Vagvolgyi, 1968; species group Triodopsis 
cragini Call (Emberton, 1988a). 

Definition: The first Triodopsis already hav- 
ing characters #24 and 26, to possess char- 
acter #27, and all of its descendents. 

Species: Т. (H.) cragini Call, 1886; Т. (H.) 
henriettae (Mazyck, 1877); T. (H.) vultuosa 
(Gould, 1848). 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Triodopsis 
Subgenera 7. (Triodopsis) and Т. 
(Vagvolgyorbis) subgen. n. 

Definition: The first Triodopsis already hav- 
ing Characters #24 and 26, to possess char- 
acter #28, and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus Triodopsis (Triodopsis) s.s. 

Synonym: species groups Triodopsis tri- 
dentata (Say) and Т. fallax (Say) (Emberton, 

Definition: The first Triodopsis already hav- 
ing characters #24, 26, and 28, to possess 
character #29, and all of its descendents. 

Species group 7. (T.) tridentata s.s.: Т. (T.) 
anteridon (Pilsbry, 1940); Т. (T.) tridentata 
(Say, 1817). 

Species group Т. (Т.) fallax: Т. (T.) alabam- 
ensis (Pilsbry, 1902); Т. (T.) fallax (Say, 1825); 
Т. (T.) hopetonensis (Shuttleworth, 1852); Т. 
(T.) obsoleta (Pilsbry, 1894); T. (T.) palustris 

Hubricht, 1958; Т. (T.) soelneri (Henderson, 
1907); Т. (T.) vannostrandi (Bland, 1875). 

Subgenus Triodopsis (Vagvolgyorbis) 
subgen. n. 

Type species: Polygyra tridentata juxtidens 
Pilsbry, 1894b. 

Synonym: species group Triodopsis juxti- 
dens (Pilsbry) (Emberton, 1988). 

Definition: The first Triodopsis already hav- 
ing Characters #24, 26, and 28, to possess 
character #30, and all of its descendents. 

Etymology: Dr. Joseph Vagvolgyi, author 
of a conchological monograph on the Triod- 
opsinae and Cryptomastix (Vagvolgyi, 1968); 
orbis (Latin) “disc” or “coil.” 

Species: Т. (V.) discoidea (Pilsbry, 1904); Т. 
(V.) juxtidens (Pilsbry, 1894b); Т. (V.) neglecta 
(Pilsbry, 1899); T. (V.) pendula Hubricht, 

Subfamily POLYGYRINAE s.s. 

Definition: The first Polygyridae to possess 
characters 431, 32, and 33, and all of its de- 

Tribe VESPERICOLINI Emberton, 1994 

Type genus: Vespericola Pilsbry, 1939, by 
original designation. 

Definition: The first Polygyrinae to possess 
character #34, and all of its descendents. 

Genus Hochbergellus Roth & Miller, 1992 

Type species: Hochbergellus hirsutus Roth 
8 Miller, 1992, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Vespericolini to pos- 
sess character #35, and all of its descen- 

Species: H. hirsutus Roth & Miller, 1992. 

Genus Vespericola Pilsbry, 1939 

Type species: Polygyra columbiana pilosa 
Henderson, 1928, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Vespericolini to pos- 
sess character #36, and all of its descen- 

Species: V. armigera (Binney, 1885); V. co- 
lumbianus (Lea, 1838); У. euthales (Berry, 
1939); V. hapla (Berry, 1933); V. karokorum 
Talmadge, 1962; У. marinensis Roth & Miller, 
1993; У. megasoma (Dall, 1905); “М. sp. п. 1” 
(Roth 8 Miller, 1993); “М. sp. п. 2” (Roth 4 
Miller, 1993); V. orius (Berry, 1933); V. pilosus 


(Henderson, 1928); V. pinicola (Berry, 1916); 
V. pressleyi Roth, 1985; V. shasta (Berry, 
1921); V. sierrana (Berry, 1921). 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Tribes 
Allogonini and Ashmunellini and 
Infrafamily Polygyrinai 

Definition: The first Polygyrinae to possess 
character 437, and all of its descendents. 

Tribe ALLOGONINI Emberton, 1994 

Type genus: Allogona Pilsbry, 1939, by 
original designation. 

Definition: The first Polygyrinae already 
having character #37, to possess character 
#38, and all of its descendents. 

Genus Cryptomastix Pilsbry, 1939 

Type species: Polygyra mullani olneyae 
Pilsbry, 1928, by original designation. 

Synonym: Triodopsis Rafinesque (in part) 
(Pilsbry, 1940; Vagvolgyi, 1968). 

Definition: The first Allogonini to possess 
character #39, and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus C. (Bupiogona) Webb, 1970 

Type species: Polygyra mullani hendersoni 
Pilsbry, 1928, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Cryptomastix to pos- 
sess character #40, and all of its descen- 

Species: С. (В.) hendersoni (Pilsbry, 1928). 

Subgenus С. (Cryptomastix) s.s. 

Definition: (as for the genus). 

Species: C. (C.) devia (Gould, 1846); C. (C.) 
mullani (Напа & Cooper, 1862); С. (C.) san- 
burni (Binney, 1886). 

Subgenus C. (Micranepsia) Pilsbry, 1940 

Type species: Helix germana Gould, 1851, 
by original designation. 

Definition: The first Cryptomastix to pos- 
sess character #41, and all of its descen- 

Species: C. (M.) germana (Gould, 1851). 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Allogona 
and Trilobopsis 

Definition: The first Allogonini to possess 
character #42, and all of its descendents. 

Genus Allogona Pilsbry, 1939 

Type species: Helix profunda Say, 1821, by 
original designation. 

Definition: The first Allogonini already hav- 
ing Character #42, to possess character #43, 
and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus A. (Allogona) s.s. 

Definition: The first Allogonini to possess 
character #44, and all of its descendents. 
Species: A. (A.) profunda (Say, 1821) 

Subgenus A. (Dysmedoma) Pilsbry, 1939 

Type species: Helix townsendiana Lea, 
1838, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Allogonini to possess 
character #45, and all of its descendents. 

Species: А. (D.) lombardii Smith, 1943; A. 
(D.) ptychophora (Brown, 1870); A. (D) 
townsendiana (Lea, 1838). 

Genus Trilobopsis Pilsbry, 1939 

Type species: Helix loricata Gould, 1846, 
by original designation. 

Definition: The first Allogonini already hav- 
ing Character #42, to possess character #46, 
and all of its descendents. 

Species: Т. loricata (Gould, 1846); Т. peni- 
tens (Hanna 4 Rixford, 1923); T. roperi (Pils- 
bry, 1889); Т. tehamana (Pilsbry, 1928); Т. tra- 
chypepla (Berry, 1933). 

Tribe ASHMUNELLINI Webb, 1954 

Type genus: Ashmunella Pilsbry 8 Cocker- 
ell, 1899, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Polygyrinae already 
having character 437, to possess characters 
#47 and 48, and all of its descendents. 

Genus Ashmunella Pilsbry & Cockerell, 

Type species: Polygyra miorhyssa Dall, 
1898 [= Ashmunella rhyssa miorhyssa (Dall, 
1898)], by subsequent designation (Pilsbry, 

Definition: (as for the tribe). 

Species (n = 49): A. altissima (Cockerell, 
1898); A. angulata Pilsbry, 1905; A. ani- 
masensis Vagvolgyi, 1974; A. ashmuni (Бай, 
1896); A. auriculata (Say, 1818); A. bequaerti 
Clench & Miller, 1966; A. binneyi Pilsbry & 
Ferriss, 1917; A. carlbadensis Pilsbry, 1932; 


А. chiricahuana (Dall, 1896); А. cockerelli Pils- 
bry 4 Ferriss, 1917; A. danielsi Pilsbry 8 Fer- 
riss, 1915; A. edithae Pilsbry 8 Cheatum, 
1951; A. esuritor Pilsbry, 1905; A. ferrissi Pils- 
bry, 1905; A. harrisi Metcalf 8 Smartt, 1977; 
А. hawleyi Metcalf, 1973; A. hebardi Pilsbry & 
Vanatta, 1923; A. intricata Pilsbry, 1948; A. 
jamesensis Metcalf, 1973 (fossil); A. juarezen- 
sis Pilsbry, 1948; A. kochi Clapp, 1908; A. 
lenticula Gregg, 1953; A. lepidoderma Pilsbry 
8 Ferriss, 1910; A. /evettei (Bland, 1881); A. 
macromphala Vagvolgyi, 1974; A. mearnsi 
(Dall, 1896); A. mendax Pilsbry 8 Ferriss, 
1917; A. meridionalis Pilsbry, 1948; A. mog- 
ollonensis Pilsbry, 1900; A. montivaga Pils- 
bry, 1948; A. mudgei Cheatum, 1971; A. or- 
ganensis Pilsbry, 1936; A. pasonis (Drake, 
1951); A. pilsbryana Ferriss, 1914; A. proxima 
Pilsbry, 1905; A. pseudodonta (Dall, 1897); A. 
rhyssa (Dall, 1897); A. rileyensis Metcalf & 
Hurley, 1971; A. ruidosana Metcalf, 1973 
(fossil); A. salinasensis Vagvolgyi, 1974; A. 
sprouli Fullington 4 Fullington, 1978; A. tegil- 
lum Metcalf, 1973; A. tetrodon Pilsbry & Fer- 
riss, 1915; A. thomsoniana (Ancey, 1887); A. 
todseni Metcalf 8 Smartt, 1977; A. tularosana 
Metcalf, 1973; A. varicifera Ancey, 1901; A. 
walkeri Ferriss, 1904; A. watleyi Metcalf € 
Fullington, 1978. 

Infrafamily POLYGYRINAI s.s. 

Definition: The first Polygyrinae already 
having character #37, to possess characters 
#49, 50, and 51, and all of its descendents. 

Tribe STENOTREMINI Emberton, 1994 

Type genus: 

Definition: The first Polygyrinai to possess 
characters #52, 53, and 54, and all of its de- 

Stenotrema  Rafinesque, 

Genus Euchemotrema Archer, 1939 

Type species: Helix monodon Rackett, 
1821, by subsequent designation (Pilsbry, 

Definition: The first Stenotremini to pos- 
sess character #55, and all of its descen- 

Species: E. fasciatum (Pilsbry, 1940); E. 
fraternum (Say, 1824); E. hubrichti (Baker, 
1937); E. leai (Binney, 1840); E. monodon 
(Rackett, 1821); E. occidaneum Roth 8 Em- 

berton, 1994 (early Miocene fossil); E. wichi- 
torum Branson, 1972. 

Genus Stenotrema Rafinesque, 1819 

Type species: Stenotrema convexa 
Rafinesque, 1819 [nomen nudum = Helix 
stenotrema Pfeiffer, 1842]. 

Definition: The first Stenotremini to pos- 
sess characters #56 and 57, and all of its 

Subgenus Stenotrema (Cohutta) 
Archer, 1948 

Type species: Polygyra cohuttensis Clapp, 
1914, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Stenotrema to possess 
character #58, and all of its descendents. 

Species: S. (Cohutta) cohuttensis Archer, 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Stenotrema 
(Archerelix), S. (Pilsbrelix), S. (Stenotrema) 
s.s., and S. (Toxotrema) 

Definition: The first Stenotrema to possess 
character #59, and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus Stenotrema (Archerelix) 
subgen. n. 

Type species: Helix barbigera Redfield, 

Description: The first Stenotrema to pos- 
sess character #60, and all of its descen- 

Etymology: The late Dr. Allan F. Archer, 
who contributed “information, notes, and 
manuscript”? (Archer, 1948: 8) to Pilsbry’s 
(1940) monograph on Stenotrema and wrote 
a revision and ecological manual on the ge- 
nus (Archer, 1948); helix (Latin) “coil” or 

Species: $. (A) barbigerum (Redfield, 
1856); S. (A.) edgarianum (Lea, 1841); S. (A.) 
edvardsi (Bland, 1858); S. (A.) pilsbryi (Fer- 
riss, 1900). 

Unnamed Clade Comprising S. (Pilsbrelix), 
S. (Stenotrema) s.s., and S. (Toxotrema) 

Definition: The first Stenotrema to possess 
character #61, and all of its descendents. 


Subgenus $. (Toxotrema) Rafinesque, 1819 

Type species: Helix hirsuta Say, 1817, by 
subsequent designation (Pilsbry, 1930). 

Definition: The first Stenotrema to possess 
character #62, and all of its descendents. 

Species: 5. (T.) barbatum (Clapp, 1904); $. 
(T.) hirsutum (Say, 1817); S. (T.) labrosum 
(Bland, 1862); ?S. (T.) simile Grimm, 1971. 

Subgenus Stenotrema (Stenotrema) s.s. 

Synonyms:  Stenotrema  (Stenostoma) 
Rafinesque, 1831 (Archer, 1948); Stenotrema 
(Maxilliter) Pilsbry, 1940 (Archer, 1948); 
Stenotrema (Coracollatus) Archer, 1948. 

Definition: The first Stenotrema to possess 
character #63, and all of its descendents. 

Species and subspecies: $. (S.) altispira 
(Pilsbry, 1894); $. (S.) altispira depilatum 
(Pilsbry, 1895); ?S. (S.) angellum Hubricht, 
1958; $. (S.) brevipila (Clapp, 1907); $. (S.) 
caddoense (Archer, 1935); 75$. (S.) 
calvescens Hubricht, 1961; S. (S.) florida Pils- 
bry, 1940; $. (S.) magnifumosum (Pilsbry, 
1900); S. (S.) maxillatum (Gould, 1848); ?S. 
(S.) morosum Hubricht, 1978 (Pleistocene- 
Recent fossil); S. (S.) pilula (Pilsbry, 1900); S. 
(S.) spinosum (Lea, 1831); S. (S.) stenotrema 
(Pfeiffer, 1842); S. (S.) unciferum (Pilsbry, 
1900); ?S. (S.) waldense Archer, 1938. 

Subgenus Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix) 
subgen. n. 

Type species: Polygyra stenotrema exodon 
Pilsbry, 1900. 

Description: The first Stenotrema to pos- 
sess character #64, and all of its descen- 

Etymology: The late Dr. Henry A. Pilsbry, 
who wrote the definitive monograph on poly- 
gyrids (Pilsbry, 1940), and who described the 
type species; helix (Latin) “coil” or “snail.” 

Species: S. (P) blandianum (Pilsbry, 1903); 
$. (P) deceptum (Clapp, 1905); $. (P.) exodon 
(Pilsbry, 1900); S. (P) turbinella (Clench & Ar- 
cher, 1933). 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Polygyrini 
and Mesodontini 

Definition: The first Polygyrinai to possess 
characters #65, 66, and 67, and all of its de- 

Tribe POLYGYRINI s.s. 

Definition: The first Polygyrinai already 
having characters #65, 66, and 67, to pos- 
sess character #68, and all of its descen- 

Genus Giffordius Pilsbry, 1930 

Type species: Giffordius pinchoti Pilsbry, 
1930, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Polygyrini to possess 
character #69, and all of its descendents. 

Species: G. corneliae Pilsbry, 1930; G. pin- 
choti Pilsbry, 1930. 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Polygyra, 
Linisa, Lobosculum, Praticolella, Millerelix, 
and Daedalochila 

Definition: The first Polygyrini to possess 
character #70, and all of its descendents. 

Genus Polygyra Say, 1818 

Type species: Polygyra septemvolva Say, 
1818, by subsequent designation (Herr- 
mannsen, 1847). 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing character #70, to possess character #71, 
and all of its descendents. 

Species: P. caloosaensis Johnson, 1899 
(Pliocene fossil); Р. cereolus (Mühlfeld, 1818); 
P. paludosa (Wiegmann, 1839); P. plana 
(Dunker, 1843); P. septemvolva Say, 1818. 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Linisa, 
Lobosculum, Praticolella, Millerelix, 
and Daedalochila 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing character #70, to possess characters 
#72, 73, and 74, and all of its descendents. 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Linisa, 
Lobosculum, and Praticolella 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing characters #70, 72, 73, and 74, to pos- 
sess character #75, and all of its descen- 

Genus Linisa Pilsbry, 1930 

Type species: Helix (Polygyra) anilis Gabb, 
1865, by original designation. 

Synonyms (fide Pratt, 1981a): Polygyra 
(Daedalochila) texasiana group (in part) (Pils- 


bry, 1940); Polygyra (Erymodon) Pilsbry, 
1956; Polygyra (Monophysis) Pilsbry, 1956; 
Polygyra (Solidens) Pilsbry, 1956; Polygyra 
(Linisia) (Pratt, 1981a,b); Daedalochila (in 
part) (Richardson, 1986). 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing Characters #70, 72, 73, 74, and 75, to 
possess character #76, and all of its descen- 

Species: ?L. adamnis (Dall, 1890) (Upper 
Oligocene fossil); L. albicostulata (Pilsbry, 
1896); L. anilis (Gabb, 1865); ?L. aula- 
comphala (Pilsbry & Hinkley, 1907); L. behri 
(Gabb, 1865); ?L. bicruris (Pfeiffer, 1857); ?L. 
cantralli (Solem, 1957); ?L. couloni (Shuttle- 
worth, 1852); ?L. dissecta (Martens, 1892); 
?L. dysoni (Shuttleworth, 1852); ?L. euglypta 
(Pilsbry, 1896); ?L. hertleini Haas, 1961; ?L. 
hindsii (Pfeiffer, 1845); ?L. idiogenes (Pilsbry, 
1956); ?L. matermontana (Pilsbry, 1896); ?L. 
nelsoni (Dall, 1897); L. pergrandis (Solem, 
1959); ?L. plagioglossa (Pfeiffer, 1859); L. 
polita (Pilsbry 4 Hinkley, 1907); ?L. ponsonbyi 
(Pilsbry, 1896); [. richardsoni (Martens, 
1892); ?L. suprazonata (Pilsbry, 1900); L. 
tamaulipasensis (Lea, 1867); L. texasiana 
(Moricand, 1833); L. ventrosula (Pfeiffer, 
1845); ?L. yucatanea (Morelet, 1853). 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Lobosculum 
and Praticolella 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing characters #70, 72, 73, 74, 75, and 76, to 
possess characters #77 and 78, and all of its 

Genus Lobosculum Pilsbry, 1930 

Type species: Helix pustula Férussac, 
1822, by subsequent designation (Pilsbry, 
1930b: 320). 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing characters #72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, and 
78, to possess character #79, and all of its 

Species: L. pustula (Férussac, 1822); L. 
pustuloides (Bland, 1858). 

Genus Praticolella Martens, 1892 

Type species: Praticola ocampi Strebel 8 
Pfeffer, 1880 (= Helix ampla Pfeiffer, 1866), 
by original designation. 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing characters #72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, to 

possess character #80, and all of its descen- 

Subgenus Praticolella (Farragutia) 
Vanatta, 1915 

Type species: Helix mobiliana Lea, 1841, 
by original designation. 

Definition: The first Praticolella to possess 
character #81, and all of its descendents. 

Species: P. (F.) mobiliana (Lea, 1841). 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Praticolella 
(Eduardus), P. (Filapex), and 
Р. (Praticolella) s.s. 

Definition: The first Praticolella to possess 
character #82, and all of its descendents. 

Comment: The membership of P. (Eduar- 
dus) in this clade needs to be tested by dis- 
section, because Pilsbry (1936) was inexplicit 
about the size of the appendix. 

Subgenus Praticolella (Eduardus) 
Pilsbry, 1930 

Type species: Polygyra martensiana Pils- 
bry, 1907, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Praticolella already 
having character #82, to possess character 
#83, and all of its descendents. 

Species: P. (E.) martensiana 


Subgenus Praticolella (Filapex) Pilsbry, 1940 

Type species: Helix jejuna Say, 1821, by 
original designation. 

Definition: The first Praticolella already 
having character #82, to possess character 
#84, and all of its descendents. 

Species: P. (F.) bakeri (Vanatta, 1915); P. 
(F.) jejuna (Say, 1821); P. (F.) lawae (Lewis, 

Subgenus Praticolella (Praticolella) s.s. 

Definition: The first Praticolella already 
having character #82, to possess character 
#85, and all of its descendents. 

Species: P. (P.) ampla (Pfeiffer, 1866); P. 
(P.) berlandieriana (Moricand, 1833); P. (P.) 
candida Hubricht, 1983; P. (P.) flavescens 
(Pfeiffer, 1848); P. (P.) griseola (Pfeiffer, 
1841); P. (P.) pachyloma (Pfeiffer, 1847); P. 
(P.) strebeliana Pilsbry, 1899; P. (P.) taeniata 
Pilsbry, 1940; P. (P.) trimatris Hubricht, 1983. 


Unnamed Clade Comprising Millerelix 
and Daedalochila 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing characters #70, 72, 73, and 74, to pos- 
sess character #86, and all of its descen- 

Genus Millerelix Pratt, 1981 (see below) 

Type species: Helix mooreana W. G. Bin- 
ney, 1857, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing characters #70, 72, 73, 74, and 86, to 
possess character #87, and all of its descen- 

Subgenus Millerelix (Millerelix) s.s. 
Pratt, 1981 

Definition: The first Millerelix to possess 
chiaracter #88, and all of its descendents 
(Pratt, 19815). 

Species: M. doerfeulliana (Lea, 1838); M. 
gracilis (Hubricht, 1961); ?М. implicata (Mar- 
tens, 1865); M. lithica (Hubricht, 1961); M. 
mooreana (Binney, 1857); 2M. rhoadsi (Pils- 
bry, 1900); M. tholus (Binney, 1857). 

Subgenus Millerelix (Prattelix) subgen. n. 

Type species: Polygyra plicata Say, 1821. 

Synonyms: Polygyra plicata group (Pilsbry, 
1940); Daedalochila plicata group = unnamed 
subgenus (Pratt, 1981a). 

Definition: The first Millerelix to possess 
character #89, and all of its descendents. 

Comments: The shell of the type species is 
sparsely and evenly covered with long, con- 
spicuous periostracal hairs, seemingly round 
in cross-section and slightly curved at the tip, 
that fade out toward the umbilicus (Fig. 13). 
They are easily broken, hence Pilsbry’s 
(1940: 626) mildly erroneous, “a few short 
hairs, usually preserved only in the umbilicus 
and behind the lip.” The long hairs were 
found in all four of the Academy of Natural 
Sciences's alcohol-preserved lots of D. pli- 
cata: Alabama, Madison County (ANSP A 
2423-B); Tennessee, Marion County (A 2423- 
C); Tennessee, Knox County (A 2423-A, Fig. 
13); and Kentucky, Barren County (A 2387-B, 
most hairs broken). 

Etymology: The subgenus is named in 
honor of Will Pratt. 

Species: deltoidea (Simpson, 1889); fatigi- 
ata (Say, 1829); jacksoni (Bland, 1866); pere- 
grina (Rehder, 1932); plicata (Say, 1821); simp- 

soni (Pilsbry & Ferriss, 1907); troostiana (Lea, 

Genus Daedalochila Beck, 1837 

Type species: Helix auriculata Say, 1818, 
by subsequent designation (Herrmannsen, 

Definition: The first Polygyrini already hav- 
ing Characters #70, 72, 73, 74, and 86, to 
possess character 490, and all of its descen- 

Subgenus Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 
Pilsbry, 1930c 

Type species: Helix hippocrepis Pfeiffer, 
1848, by original designation. 

Synonym: Daedalochila (Acutidens) Pils- 
bry, 1956. 

Definition: The first Daedalochila to pos- 
sess character #91, and all of its descen- 

Comment: The recurved palatal apertural 
denticle of D. acutidentata also occurs in the 
otherwise very different shell of D. poeyi, so 
does not seem to be a reliable character for 
defining a clade. 

Species: ?D. (U.) acutedentata (Binney, 
1858); D. (U.) burlesoni (Metcalf & Riskind, 
1979); D. (U.) chisosensis (Pilsbry, 1936); D. 
(U.) да! (Metcalf & Riskind, 1979); D. (U.) hip- 
pocrepis (Pfeiffer, 1848); D. (U.) leporina 
(Gould, 1848); D. (U.) multiplicata (Metcalf & 
Riskind, 1979); ?D. (U.) poeyi (Aguayo 8 
Jaume, 1947); О. (U.) sp. п. A (Pratt, 1981 a); 
О. (U.) sterni (Metcalf & Riskind, 1979). 

Subgenus Daedalochila (Daedalochila) s.s. 

Synonym: Polygyra auriculata group (Pils- 
bry, 1940). 

Definition: The first Daedalochila to pos- 
sess characters #92, 93, and 94, and all of its 

Comments: The downward curve on the 
lower limb of the parietal apertural denticle 1$ 
a newly discovered synapomorphy. Pratt 
(1981a) stated (without giving evidence) that 
2D. ariadne and ?Mi. implicata are members 
of a new genus; this needs to be investi- 

Species: 2D. (D.) ariadne (Pfeiffer, 1848); D. 
(D.) auriculata (Say, 1818); D. (D.) auriformis 
(Bland, 1862); D. (D.) avara (Say, 1818); D. (D.) 
delecta (Hubricht, 1976); D. (D.) hausmani 
(Jackson, 1948); 2D. (D.) oppilata (Morelet, 


1849); D. (D.) peninsulae (Pilsbry, 1940); D. 
(D.) postelliana (Bland, 1862); D. (D.) sub- 
clausa (Pilsbry, 1899); D. (D.) uvulifera (Shut- 
tleworth, 1852). 

Tribe MESODONTINI Emberton, 1991 

Type genus: Mesodon Férussac, 1821. 

Definition: The first Polygyrinai already 
having characters #65, 66, and 67, to pos- 
sess characters #95, 96, and 97, and all of its 

Genus Patera Albers, 1850 

Type species: Helix appressa Say, 1821, 
by subsequent designation Pilsbry, 1930c: 

Definition: The first Mesodontini to pos- 
sess character #98, and all of its descen- 

Subgenus Patera (Vesperpatera) 
Emberton, 1991 

Type species: Polygyra binneyana Pilsbry, 
1899, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Patera to possess char- 
acter #99, and all of its descendents. 

Species: P. (V.) binneyana (Pilsbry, 1899); 
P. (V.) clenchi (Rehder, 1932); P. (V.) indian- 
orum (Pilsbry, 1899); P. (V.) kiowaensis (Sim- 
pson, 1888); P. (V.) leatherwoodi (Pratt, 
1971); P. (V.) roemeri (Pfeiffer, 1848). 

Unnamed Clade Comprising P. (Patera) and 
P. (Ragsdaleorbis) 

Definition: The first Patera to possess char- 
acter #100, and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus Patera (Patera) s.s. 

Definition: The first Patera already having 
character #100, to possess character #101, 
and all of its descendents. 

Species: P. (P.) appressa (Say, 1821); P. 
(P.) clarki (Lea, 1858); P. (P.) laevior (Pilsbry, 
1940); P. (P.) panselena (Hubricht, 1976); P. 
(P.) perigrapta (Pilsbry, 1894b); P. (P.) sargen- 
tiana (Johnson & Pilsbry, 1892). 

Subgenus Patera (Ragsdaleorbis) 
Webb, 1954 

Type species: Helix pennsylvanicus Green, 
1827, by original designation. 
Definition: The first Patera already having 

character #100, to possess characters #102 
and 103, and all of its descendents. 

Species: P. (R.) pennsylvanica (Green, 

Genus Inflectarius Pilsbry, 1940 

Type species: Helix inflecta Say, 1821, by 
original designation. 

Definition: The first Mesodontini to pos- 
sess character #104, and all of its descen- 

Subgenus /nflectarius (Hubrichtius) 
Emberton, 1991 

Type species: Mesodon kalmianus Hu- 
bricht, 1965, by original designation. 

Definition: The first /nflectarius to possess 
character #105, and all of its descendents. 

Species: /. (H.) downieanus (Bland, 1861); /. 
(H.) kalmianus (Hubricht, 1965) 

Subgenus /nflectarius (Inflectarius) s.s. 

Definition: The first /nflectarius to possess 
character #106, and all of its descendents. 

Species group I. (l.) edentatus: I. ((.) eden- 
tatus (Sampson, 1889); I. (.) magazinensis 
(Pilsbry & Ferriss, 1907). 

Species group /. ((.) smithi: I. (1.) smithi 
(Clapp, 1905). 

Species group /. ((.) inflectus: I. (l.) арргох- 
imans (Clapp, 1905); I. (l.) inflectus (Say, 
1821); /. (1.) rugeli (Shuttleworth, 1852); /. ((.) 
verus (Hubricht, 1954). 

Species group: I. (l.) ferrissi: I. (l.) ferrissi 
(Pilsbry, 1897); I. (1.) subpalliatus (Pilsbry, 

Genus Fumonelix Emberton, 1991 

Type species: Helix wheatleyi Bland, 1860, 
by original designation. 

Definition: The first Mesodontini to pos- 
sess character #107, and all of its descen- 

Species: F. archeri (Pilsbry, 1940); F. 
christyi (Bland, 1860); F. jonesiana (Archer, 
1938); F. orestes (Hubricht, 1975); F. weth- 
erbyi (Bland, 1874); Е. wheatleyi (Bland, 

Unnamed Clade Comprising Appalachina 
and Mesodon 

Definition: The first Mesodontini to pos- 
sess character #108, and all of its descen- 


Genus Appalachina Pilsbry, 1940 

Type species: Polygyra sayana Pilsbry, 
1906, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Mesodontini already 
having character #108, to possess character 
#109, and all of its descendents. 

Species: A. chilhoweensis (Lewis, 1870); A. 
sayanus (Pilsbry, in Pilsbry & Ferriss, 1906). 

Genus Mesodon Férussac, 1821 

Type species: Helix thyroidus Say, 1817, 
by monotypy. 

Definition: The first Mesodontini already 
having character #108, to possess character 
#110, and all of its descendents. 

Subgenus Mesodon (Aphalogona) 
Webb, 1954 

Type species: Helix elevata Say, 1821, by 
original designation. 

Definition: The first Mesodon to possess 
character #111, and all of its descendents. 

Species: M. (Aph.) elevatus (Say, 1821); M. 
(Aph.) mitchellianus (Lea, 1838); M. (Aph.) za- 
letus (Binney, 1837). 

Subgenus Mesodon (Akromesodon) 
Emberton, 1991 

Type species: Polygyra andrewsae norma- 
lis Pilsbry, 1900, by original designation. 

Definition: The first Mesodon to possess 
characters #112 and 113, and all of its de- 

Species: M. (Akr.) altivagus (Pilsbry, 1990); 
M. (Akr.) andrewsae Binney, 1879; M. (Akr.) 
normalis (Pilsbry, 1900). 

Subgenus Mesodon (Mesodon) s.s. 

Definition: The first Mesodon to possess 
characters #114 and 115, and all of its de- 

Species: M. (M.) clausus (Say, 1821); M. 
(M.) sanus (Clench & Archer, 1933); M. (M.) 
thyroidus (Say, 1817); M. (M.) trossulus Hu- 
bricht, 1966. 

Shell-Based Phylogenetic Analysis 

Figures 9-11 present x-ray outlines of 57 
shells representing polygyrid subgenera and 
outgroups. These outlines were used for phy- 
logenetic character analysis. Also included in 
the character analysis were the x-rayed 

shells themselves, plus four shells from the 
ANSP collection representing four additional 
species: Ashmunella angulata, Stenotrema 
(Archerelix) barbigerum, S. (Pilsbrelix) ex- 
odon, and S. (Toxotrema) hirsutum. No shell 
was available of Hochbergellus hirsutus, but 
its published description (Roth & Miller, 1992) 
was used to score as many characters as 
possible. Thus, a total of 62 species were 
included, of which only five lacked x-ray 

Table 2 defines the 14 characters and 71 
character states scored for phylogenetic 
analysis, which are illustrated in Figures 12, 
13, and 6. All of these characters and char- 
acters states are new or newly evaluated. 

Figure 14 shows the distributions of shell 
characters among subgenera and species. 
Figure 15 diagrams shell characters that 
were excluded from phylogenetic analysis 
because of Known high levels of homoplasy 
within subgenera of the Triodopsini and Me- 

Figure 16 shows the results of cladistic 
analysis of the data in Figure 14. In total, 
Hennig86 generated 1,529+ equally and 
maximally parsimonious cladograms with a 
consistency index of 0.34 and a retention in- 
dex of 0.68, of which Figure 16 is the Nelson 
consensus tree. 

Reliability of Fossils 

Comparison of shell-based and anatomy- 
behavior-shell-based phylogenetic hypothe- 
ses revealed conspicuous differences in res- 
olution and topology. Among 54 ingroup 
(polygyrid) taxa, with a maximum possible 
resolution of 53 nodes, the shell hypothesis 
(Fig. 16) had 10 nodes (19% of maximum) 
and the anatomy-behavior-shell hypothesis 
(Fig. 8) had 40 nodes (75% of maximum). 
Thus, the anatomy-behavior-shell hypothesis 
had four times the resolution of the shell- 
based hypothesis. 

Topologically, the only congruence be- 
tween the two hypotheses was т the 
Stenotremini, which both showed as a mono- 
phyletic clade with Euchemotrema and 
Stenotrema (Cohutta) at its base. Other 
clades showed major discrepancies between 
the two phylogenetic hypotheses. Thus, rel- 
ative to the anatomy-behavior-shell hypoth- 
esis/revision, the shell-based hypothesis (a) 
grouped Vespericola and Appalachina, Dae- 
dalocheila (Upsilodon) hippocrepis and Lo- 
bosculum, and Polygyra and Millerelix (Prat- 


IGE 9! 

FIGS. 9-11. Shell ontogenies, from x-rays of adult shells, of representatives of polygyrid subgenera and of 
polygyrid closest outgroup families. The representatives are type species unless otherwise indicated. All 
scale bars = 3 mm. The shells are arranged by a previous classification (Webb, 1974; Richardson, 1986), 
since revised (Emberton, 1994a, this paper). Dotted lines indicate portions of the x-rays that were difficult 
to interpret. By chance the x-rayed shell representing Ashmunella (As) was broken internally; all characters 
could be scored from this drawing, however, so the specimen was not replaced. Specimen abbreviations, 
defined in alphabetical order with their catalog numbers at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- 
phia, are: AIA, Allogona (Allogona) profunda, 77867; AID, Allogona (Dysemdoma) townsendiana, 100390; 
App, Appalachina sayana, 139140; As, Ashmunella rhyssa, 166077; CB, Cryptomastix (Bupiogona) hena- 
ersoni, 171267; CC, Cryptomastix (Cryptomastix) mullani, 171245; CM, Cryptomastix (Micranepsia) ger- 
mana, 11154; DD, Daedalochila (Daedalocheila) auriculata, 57070; DU, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) hippocre- 
pis, 84629; DUa, D. (U.) acutidentata, 166418; E, Euchemotrema leai, 172539; F, Fumonelix wheatleyi, 
169691; G, Giffordius pinchoti, 150735; IH, Inflectarius (Hubrichtius) downieanus (non-type), 91035; Il, 
Inflectarius (Inflectarius) inflectus, 91616; 11, /. (1.) ferrissi, 98085; Lb, Lobosculum pustula, 86968; Ln, Linisa 
anilis, 166371; Lnb, Linisa behri, 166487; MeA, Mesodon (Aphalogona) elevatus, 81161; MeK, Mesodon 
(Akromesodon) normalis, 169640; MeM, Mesodon (Mesodon) thyroidus, 71950; MiM, Millerelix (Millerelix) 
mooreana, 158375; MiP, Millerelix (Prattelix) plicata, 143448; NA, Neohelix (Asamiorbis) dentifera, 78876; 




IG 510: 

NN, Neohelix (Neohelix) albolabris, 75843; NS, Neohelix (Solemorbis) solemi, 182281; OB, outgroup Brady- 
baenidae: Bradybaena similaris, 174469; OC, outgroup Camaenidae Pleurodonte lynchnuchus, 32588; OH 
outgroup Helminthoglyptidae: Helminthoglypta tudiculata, 112911; OS, outgroup Sagdidae: Sagda cooki- 
ana, 139388; OT, outgroup Thysanophoridae: Thysanophora impura, 177310; OX, outgroup Xanthony- 
chidae: Cepolis cepa, 33301; PaP, Patera (Patera) appressa, 335137; PaR, Patera (Ragsdaleorbis) penn- 
sylvanica, 251512; PaV, Patera (Vesperpatera) binneyana, 176765; Po, Polygyra septemvolva, 69117; PrE, 
Praticolella (Eduardus) martensiana, 98578; PrF, Praticolella (Farragutia) mobiliana, 105999; PrP, Praticolella 
(Praticolella) ampla, 131749; PrX, Praticolella (Filapex) jejuna, 77035; SC, Stenotrema (Cohutta) cohuttensis, 
170118; SS, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) stenotrema, 169148; SSm, S. (S.) maxillatum, 170141; SSp, S. (S.) 
spinosum, 11383; ST, Stenotrema (Toxotrema) hirsutum, 11396; Tb, Trilobopsis loricata, 11149; TdB, 
Triodopsis (Brooksorbis) platysayoides, 183201; Тан, Triodopsis (Haroldorbis) cragini, 186723; ТОМ, Tri- 
odopsis (Macmillanorbis) rugosa, 174909; TAP, Triodopsis (Pilsbryorbis) tennesseensis, 139143; TdS, Tri- 
odopsis (Shelfordorbis) vulgata, 68807; Тат, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) tridentata, 211921; TdV, Triodopsis 
(Vagvolgyorbis) juxtidens, 64720; V, Vespericola columbiana, 158355; W, Webbhelix multilineata, 190168; 
XW, Xolotrema (Wilcoxorbis) fosteri, 157255; XX, Xolotrema (Xolotrema) denotata, 128444. 





E 111 

telix), each pair of which has been classified 
into two widely separated clades; and (b) 
split Ashmunella rhyssa and A. angulata, 
Daedalocheila (Upsilodon) hippocrepis and 
D. (U.) acutidentata, Praticolella and Lobos- 
culum, Linisa anilis and Linisa behri, Millerelix 
(Millerelix) and M. (Prattelix), and Polygyra 
and Giffordius, each pair of which has been 
classified into a single, closely related clade. 
Among outgroups, the shell-based hypothe- 
sis conflicted with a previous, anatomy- 
based hypothesis (Emberton, 1991c; Fig. 8) 

by joining Cepolis in a clade with Pleurodonte 
and Sagda. 

Closest Convergences in Sympatry 

Figure 1 shows the closest known, field- 
validated, polygyrid convergences in sympa- 
try on the globose, umbilicate, flat, and tri- 
dentate shell forms. As mentioned in the 
Introduction, the globose case 1$ the closest 
convergence and has received detailed 


TABLE 2. Shell characters used for a separate phylogenetic analysis of the Polygyridae (Fig. 16). 





Shape of the aperture's generating curve throughout late-juvenile ontogeny (Fig. 12: 1). 1a, 
“egg,” “pinto bean,” or “lima bean.” 1b, “kidney bean.” 1c, “bulging kidney bean.” 
Approximate number of complete adult whorls (Fig. 12: 2, which shows the shell apex 
down). 2a, four. 2b, five. 2c, six. 2d, eight. 2e, nine. 

Approximate ratio of apertural areas three whorls apart, beginning near the apex and 
ending at least 3/4-whorl before the aperture (Fig. 12: 3). 3a, 40:1. 3b, 32:1. 3c, 15:1. 3d, 
9:1. Зе, 7:1. 

Columellar surface of the body whorl approximately 1/4-whorl before the adult aperture 
(Fig. 12: 4). 4a, flat or slightly concave, but convex at the suture. 4b, flat or slightly concave, 
flat at the suture. 4c, convex throughout. 

Umbilical shape (Fig. 12: 5, which outlines the x-rayed umbilici). 5a-5h, extremely narrow 
to broad (some intergradation among categories). 

Umbilical sutures (Fig. 13: 6). 6a, strongly to weakly shouldered. 6b, rounded, unshoul- 

Umbilical-wall whorls (Fig. 13: 7). 7a, flat. 7b, slightly flat. 7c, round. 

Basal denticle(s) (Fig. 13: 8). 8a, absent. 8b, baso-columellar shoulder or knob parallel to 
apertural plane. 8c, partial lamella parallel to apertural plane. 8d, basal denticle parallel to 
apertural plane. 8e, denticle or lamella(e) transverse to apertural plane. 8f (= Fig. 6: char- 
acter 4), complete lamella parallel to apertural plane. 

Parietal denticle shape (size variable) (Fig. 13: 9). 9a, absent. 9b, linear, curved toward the 
umbilicus, higher toward the aperture. 9c (= Fig. 6: character 5), linear, straight, even in 
height. 9d (= Fig. 6: character 6), Triangular to spatulate. Ye, linear, curved away from the 
umbilicus, higher away from the aperture. 

Size (Fig. 13: 10). 10a-10i, gigantic to minute (some intergradation among categories). 

. Gradually increasing outward tilt of the long axis of the aperture (= Fig. 6: character 1). 11a, 

throughout ontogeny or until tilting upward slightly. 11b, until tilting upward conspicuously. 

. Whorl expansion rate (= Fig. 6: character 2). 12a, constant. 12b, increasing then decreas- 

ing, with successive whorls always larger. 12c, increasing then decreasing, such that 
successive whorls are equal. 

Lower apertural lip (= Fig. 6: character 3). 13a, separate from basal shell. 13b, joined to 
basal shell as a thin callus. 

Palatal denticle (= Fig. 6: character 7). 14а, absent. 146, discrete, parallel to apertural plane. 
14c, non-discrete, forming a thin shelf grading into the basal denticle, parallel to apertural 
plane. 14d, semidiscrete, with bottom tapering and thinning, basally slanted inward into the 
apertural plane. 

study, including discoveries of several sites 
of sympatry (Emberton, 1994b, 1995b). 

The second closest shell-form conver- 
gence in sympatry is on the flat form, exhib- 
ited by the mesodontin Patera (Patera) laevior 
and the triodopsin Xolotrema (Wilcoxorbis) 
fosteri. Fieldwork in April 1981 along the 
lower Ohio River Valley, visiting all stone 
bluffs reasonably accessible by road, accu- 
mulated collections at 22 stations (numbered 
as “H-1” through “Н-22”), all material from 
which is catalogued at the Field Museum of 
Natural History. Both species had been re- 
ported from Grand Chain, Indiana (Pilsbry, 
1940), but extensive search failed to find both 
in 1981, perhaps due to recent floods. Sym- 
patry between Р. laevior and X. fosteri was 
discovered at only one station: on a sand- 

stone wall above the Ohio River at the Fern 
Cliff estate, Hawesville, Hancock County, 
Kentucky, 21 April 1981. 

Figure 17 illustrates the external anato- 
mies, shells, and dissected reproductive 
anatomies of representative specimens of 
Patera laevior and Xolotrema fosteri from the 
Hawesville, Kentucky, site, and summarizes 
their mating-behavioral differences accord- 
ing to Webb (cited in Emberton, 1994a). The 
shells and external bodies were virtually iden- 
tical in size and shape (Figs. 1, 17), but inter- 
nally X. fosteri differed from P. laevior by its 
penial sheath, penial retentor muscle, retrac- 
tor-muscle attachment on the vas deferens, 
and thick gametolytic-gland (= spermathecal) 
duct, all correlating with its internal (vs. 
external) sperm exchange (Fig. 17). Ecologi- 


OOO © ©, 


А ND t= 


FIGS. 12-13. Shell characters among polygyrid subgenera, п addition to those in Fig. 6. Definitions are 
given in Table 2. 





NS US —— 

с Ted D 
Te IS e 
№ Ре 

3 Е 
A u I 
TZ) 2 


b С 
ЕС. 13. 

cal and conchological data on the two sym- 
patric populations (Emberton, unpublished) 
are archived at the Academy of Natural Sci- 
ences of Philadelphia. 

The third closest shell-form convergence in 
sympatry 1$ on the umbilicate form, exhibited 
by the mesodontin Appalachina sayana and 
the allogonin Allogona (Allogona) profunda. In 
the northern Midwest, these species” ranges 
overlap extensively (Hubricht, 1985), but ex- 
amination of Field Museum collections indi- 

cated only a few cases of documented sym- 
patry, of which the most conchologically 
similar case was at Burnside, Pulaski County, 
Kentucky (Fig. 1). Extensive search of that 
region in spring of 1982 failed to yield both 
species, perhaps due to degradation of rem- 
nant forest. Sympatry was discovered, how- 
ever, at a site on the northern slope of Pine 
Mountain, Harlan County, Kentucky (station 
“GS-116’’). At that site, the shell convergence 
was not as extreme as in Figure 1, because 



oo ee IR RR vd A A A TAAQAAAA|T чо оао чадо ооо ооо о соо ол ооо KAU UT UT TR RAU U U U 
ABB RK WI TO оо ооо RR RT RR IR чо оо очочовсая A A À AU U U U U ооо оо U U TG CT TC U U U OU © 
| © © © © RI GC RU TC UT RT TR RU TI AT U TR OT чо RT AR RI vd A TA À ооо вала вая TU U U U U RO U U © 
ORTE © A dd D оо о вая A A À GA чо TT TT oo о TOR RAU RU RT TUT RR U TC чо CT U U U U U U 
ма оная ооо DU ® ® CH OH BE 0 DIL D DU ® TU O AMOere THT € о MT 2 0 QW MMUAUTTWTTTUAQAAQ 
+0 QA DU DU A A0 #8 4 4 DU 4 DU DU D ооо ODIO Din UDO ооо ооо о овощ ооо 

il © D TC GG ооо TT GT TT RR O vd U U U RA IT Ten OR Te.) TA À соо ооо оао TU GT OU U OU U 

LASER Laos QA а HHXAZ=A o ¡>MA “ oe > 
што она see joo) TOUS aaa © & A U U U E OGGQAHHH HAA D D OT TTIHH aves 

2, etc.). 

FIG. 14. Distributions of shell characters among polygyrid subgenera. Characters are numbered as in Table 

2, but character-states are converted to letters (a = 1, b 


de mer oil 

FIG. 15. Shell variation discounted as characters: a, low-to-high spires are documented within Patera s.s.; 
b, rounded-to-angulate-to-keeled peripheries occur within Xolotrema s.s., X. (Wilcoxorbis), and Patera s.s.; 
c, covered-to-open umbilici are known within both Patera (Vesperpatera) and Mesodon s.s.; d, smooth- 
to-ribbed sculpture appears within Xolotrema s.s., Triodopsis s.s., Г. (Pilsbryorbis), and T. (Haroldorbis); e, 
bald-to-hirsute sculpture occurs within Xolotrema s.s., Inflectarius (Summinflectarius), and Fumonelix; f, 
unicolor-to-color-banded shells are known within both Mesodon s.s. and M. (Aphalogona). 

App. sayana tended to have a smaller shell 
than Al. profunda. The northern Midwest was 
not extensively surveyed during 1982 and 
1983 fieldwork, however, so closer conver- 
gences in sympatry on the umbilicate shell 
form may exist in that region. 

Least close—but still remarkable, espe- 

cially in apertural-barrier construction—of the 
four polygyrid shell-form convergences in 
sympatry (Fig. 1) is on the tridentate form. 
The closest field-documented case of triden- 
tate convergence in sympatry comprises the 
mesodontin Inflectarius (Inflectarius) inflectus 
and the triodopsin Triodopsis (Triodopsis) fal- 


FIG. 16. Shell-based consensus tree of polygyrid subgenera resulting from cladistic analysis of data in Fig. 


Lengthy courtship and mating 
Intertwining of penes 

External deposition of sperm | 
mass on mates everted penis 

2 < 

K Duct of 
\ gametolytic gland 
vas №7 
DEFERENS () | ] 



Brief courtshipand mating 
Insertion of penes 

Internal deposition of sperm 
mass in spermathecal duct 



FIG. 17. Closest known convergence in sympatry on the flat shell form: Patera laevior (left) and Xolotrema 
fosteri (right) from Hawesville, Hancock County, Kentucky. Center: external anatomies and shells in two 
views. Bottom: dissected reproductive anatomies. Sides: mating-behavioral differences according to Webb 

(cited in Emberton, 1994a). 

lax, which | collected together under the 
same log in dense woods, Vinton County, 
Ohio, in 1979 (vouchers at Field Museum of 
Natural History, Chicago). The ranges of 
these two species overlap moderately in the 
central Midwest, and other cases of sympa- 
try are documented— sometimes as inadvert- 
ently mixed lots—in the collection of the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 
(Emberton, unpublished). 

Shell Barriers and Water Loss 

Table 3 gives the results of the experiment 
on Triodopsis tridentata. A total of 280 “snail- 
hours” were recorded. Snails from which ap- 
ertural barriers had been removed lost water 
by evaporation faster than those with barriers 
left intact: 27% faster when inactive (re- 
tracted into the shell) and 9% faster when 
active (extended from shell). 


Snails with intact barriers were 83% more 
successful than those from which barriers 
had been removed in forming complete or 
partial epiphragms. Epiphragms slightly re- 
duced the rate of evaporative water loss in 
snails with barriers intact (by 3% for both 
partial and complete epiphragms). In snails 
from which barriers had been removed, how- 
ever, epiphragms greatly reduced the rate of 
water loss: by 22% for partial epiphragms 
and by 38% for complete epiphragms. 

Remaining Conservation Priorities 

Table 4 gives highest priorities for polygy- 
rid conservation for each of four, phylogeny- 
based categories. In the category of radiat- 
ing, endemic clades, Fumonelix must rank 
very high; the genus 1$ restricted to the 
southern Appalachians, and three of its six 
species are narrow-range endemics that 
have been officially designated as endan- 
gered or threatened: F. archeri, F. jonesianus, 
and F. orestes. In the same category, al- 
though Mesodon (Akromesodon) contains 
the widespread and relatively common spe- 
cies M. normalis, its other two species both 
have narrow, high-altitude ranges: M. altiva- 
gus оп summits of the Great Smoky Moun- 
tains, and M. andrewsae on the summit of 
Mount Rogers, Virginia. 

Four species have been listed as high pri- 
orities for conservation in the category of ex- 
tremely autapomorphic endemics. The two- 
species genus Giffordius, endemic. to 
Colombia’s tiny Isla de Providencia (off the 
eastern coast of Nicaragua), is unique within 
the family for its ovoviviparity; Giffordius pin- 
choti by far is the rarer and most endangered 
of the two species (Emberton, unpublished). 
Inflectarius ferrissi, endemic to high eleva- 
tions of the Smoky Mountains, represents 

extreme phylogenetic shifts in both shell 
morphology (Emberton, 1991a, 1991b) and in 
penial morphology (Emberton, 1991a). Triod- 
opsis platysayoides, endemic to a few bluffs 
along the New River Gorge of northeastern 
West Virginia, U.S.A., also embodies extreme 
phylogenetic divergences in both shell and 
penis (Emberton, 1988a). Mesodon chilhow- 
eensis is remarkable for its gigantic, broadly 
umbilicate shell, exhibiting nearly regular, 
log-spiral growth (Emberton, 1994a: fig. 1) 
and for its extremely long penis, much longer 
than the diameter of the shell (Emberton, 

Giffordius also deserves high priority for 
conservation in another category, as relic sis- 
ter-group to a major clade. According to the 
general phylgenetic hypothesis (Fig. 8), Gif- 
fordius is basal to the Polygyrini, hence is 
sister-group to the remaining Polygyrini, a 
highly diverse and speciose clade. 

The conservation category of localities 
with diverse sympatric convergences 15 led 
by the northern slope of Pine Mountain, Har- 
lan County, Kentucky. This 1$ the only known 
site where convergences on all four polygyrid 
shell forms (Fig. 1) coexist. There the globose 
form is represented by Mesodon zaletus and 
Neohelix albolabris; the umbilicate form by 
Appalachina sayana and Allogona profunda 
(mentioned above); the flat form by Patera 
appressa and Xolotrema denotata; and the 
tridentate form by /nflectarius inflectus, Tri- 
odopsis vulgata, and Т. tridentata (Emberton, 
19950). This site is also important as North 
America's most diverse known locality for 
land snails (Emberton, 19950). 

Thus, Table 4 lists seven high priorities (in- 
cluding a double listing of Giffordius) for poly- 
gyrid conservation, based on phylogenetic 
criteria. Five of these priorities are currently 
under protection. The Smoky Mountains are a 

TABLE 3. Effect of apertural dentition and epiphragm on the rate of 
evaporative water loss in Triodopsis tridentata. 


Toothed, no epiphragm 
Toothed, partial epiphragm 
Toothed, complete epiphragm 
Toothless, no epiphragm 
Toothless, partial epiphragm 
Toothless, complete epiphragm 
Toothed, after activity 
Toothless, after activity 

Total “Snail-Hours” 

Number of Mean Rate of 
“Snail-Hours” Water Loss 

70 3.86% 
59 3.74% 
26 3.73% 
63 4.90% 

Z 3.97% 
20 3.06% 
25 15.80% 
10 17.18% 



TABLE 4. Conservation high priorities for polygyrids, based on four phylogenetic criteria. 

Criterion High Priority 

Mesodon (Akromesodon) 

Radiating, endemic clade 

Radiating, endemic clade 

Extremely autapomorphic 

Extremely autapomorphic 

Extremely autapomorphic 
endemic Triodopsis platysayoides 

Extremely autapomorphic Mesodon 

Giffordius pinchoti 

Inflectarius ferrissi 

endemic chilhoweensis 
Relic sister-group to 

major clade Giffordius 
Diverse sympatric four shell-form 

convergences convergences 

#Spp Locality Protected? 
6 Southern Blue Ridge, U.S.A. Yes 
3 Southern Blue Ridge, U.S.A. Yes 
1 Isla de Providencia, Colombia No 
1 High Smoky Mountains, U.S.A. Yes 
1 New River Gorge, U.S.A. Yes 
1 Smoky Mountains, U.S.A. Yes 
2 Isla de Providencia, Colombia No 

11 Pine Mountain, Kentucky, U.S.A. No 

U.S. National Park and International Bio- 
sphere Reserve, protecting four species of 
Fumonelix, two species of Mesodon (Akrome- 
sodon), Inflectarius ferrissi, and Mesodon 
chilhoweensis. The remaining Fumonelix are 
protected in U.S. National Forests, and the 
remaining M. (Akromesodon) is protected by 
Mount Rogers State Park. Triodopsis 
platysayoides is somewhat protected in Coo- 
pers Rock State Forest, West Virginia, U.S.A. 

Two high-priority sites remain unprotected. 
There is a “Pine Mountain State Park,” Bell 
County, Kentucky, but it is about 64 km away 
from and has a much lower diversity than the 
Harlan-County Pine Mountain site listed in Ta- 
ble 4 (Emberton & Petranka, unpublished). 
Thus, the Pine Mountain site, U.S.A., is un- 

Also unprotected 1$ the conservationally 
important, small Isla de Providencia, Colom- 
bia. In 1987, both species of Giffordius were 
still surviving on the island in remnant 
patches of forest, primarily at higher eleva- 
tions, but deforestation had already de- 
stroyed the type locality of G. pinchoti and 
seemed to be rapidly advancing up the cen- 
tral peak (Emberton, 1992, unpublished). 

General Phylogenetic Hypothesis/Revision 

This hypothesis/revision culminates the 
author's 15 years of work on polygyrid sys- 
tematics, and hopefully provides a replicable 
data set and a fully testable hypothesis upon 
which future workers may build. For allozyme 

data and for more detailed phylogenetic hy- 
potheses on the Triodopsini and the Meso- 
dontini, see Emberton (1988a, 1991a, 1994). 
For a polygyrid biogeographic/historical hy- 
pothesis, see Emberton (1994a). Clearly, this 
is not the final word; much remains to be 

Shell-Based Phylogenetic 
Analysis/Reliability of Fossils 

Despite the discovery of many new char- 
acters, shell-based phylogenetic analysis re- 
sulted in very low resolution. Two possible 
sources of additional shell characters were 
neglected, however: shell-surface micro- 
sculpture (Emberton, 1995b) and shell ultra- 
structural layers (Boggild, 1930; Wilbur 8 
Saleuddin, 1983; Roth, 1987; Watabe, 1988). 
Both of these should be investigated. Quali- 
tative character analysis of x-ray data failed 
to detect a difference in whorl expansion rate 
between the Triodopsini and the Mesodontini 
suggested by quantitative analysis (Ember- 
ton, 1994a). Thus, more subtle analysis of 
x-rays could yield more characters for phylo- 
genetic resolution. Based on current data, 
however, “shells do not tell” the estimated 
145 million years of phylogenetic history of 
the Polygyridae in North America (Emberton, 
1994a). This implies that identification of pre- 
Miocene polygyrid fossils may be very diffi- 
cult at best. 

Thus, based on the general phylogenetic 
hypothesis/revision, convergences in shell 
morphology were rampant within the Poly- 
gyridae. “Kidney-bean” generating curves 
cropped up in one subgenus each of Poly- 


дуга and Daedalochila. Whorl-counts of 
over six hypothetically evolved one or more 
times each in the Triodopsini, Vespericolini, 
Stenotremini, Polygyrini, and Mesodontini. 
Extremely low whorl-expansion rates (< 2.7 
per 360-degree rotation) seemingly evolved 
independently in the Triodopsini, Stenotrem- 
ini, and Polygyrini. Convergences on a col- 
umellarly flattened body whorl seem to have 
occurred in all polygyrid tribes except the 
Ashmunellini. Expanded umbilici (Fig. 12: 
char 5e-g) appeared in all tribes but the Ves- 
pericolini. Rounded, unshouldered umbilical 
sutures seems to be a good synapomorphy 
of the genus Triodopsis, but nevertheless this 
character-state was apparently reversed in 
the nominal subgenus and seems to have 
been converged upon in the outgroup family 
Camaenidae. Slightly flattened umbilical-wall 
whorls seemingly arose convergently within 
one or more subgenera each of the Triod- 
opsini, Allogonini, and Mesodontini. Although 
transverse-to-spiral basal lamellae in Ash- 
munella, Daedalochila, and Appalachina were 
hypothetically plesiomorphic and hence not 
necessarily convergent, all other forms of 
basal denticles and lamellae seem to have 
been converged upon repeatedly in the Poly- 
gyridae, with the single exception о the com- 
plete basal lamella, which is a hypothetical 
synapomorphy of the Stenotremini. Two 
types of parietal denticles—straight and tri- 
angular-to-spatulate—seem to be good syn- 
apomorphies, with additional phylogenetic 
information, for the Stenotremini and the 
Polygyrini, although the latter was apparently 
lost secondarily in Practicolella; a down- 
curved parietal denticle, however, seems to 
have evolved independently in all other tribes 
of the Polygyridae (non-type species of Ves- 
pericola also have it: Pilsbry, 1940). Both ex- 
tremes of shell size occur among the out- 
groups, and various intermediate and small 
sizes recur repeatedly among polygyrid sub- 
genera, with only very slight tendencies to- 
ward trends within and among tribes. Rapid 
shifts in apertural tilt and expansion rate are 
apparent synapomorphies for a subset of the 
Polygyrini, yet both were hypothetically re- 
versed in type species of some genera. An 
adnate, callus-like apertural basal lip may 
seem a perfect synapomorphy for four of 
Stenotrema's five subgenera, but was appar- 
ently reversed in S. (Archerelix) barbigerum 
(Pilsbry, 1940). Regarding apertural palatal 
denticles, discrete denticles (apertural barri- 
ers) seem to appear sporadically in nearly all 

polygyrid tribes; and semidiscrete, basally 
recessed denticles seem to be only an incon- 
sistent synapomorphy of the Polygyrini; but a 
non-discrete ‘‘shelf” seems to be a good sy- 
napomorphy of the Stenotremini. 

Closest Convergences in Sympatry 

Identifications and field verifications of the 
closest convergences in sympatry on the flat, 
umbilicate, and tridentate polygyrid iterated 
shell forms (Fig. 1) provide starting points for 
analyses of these naturally replicated exper- 
iments in evolutionary morphology, such as 
those already conducted on the globose shell 
form (Emberton, 1994b, 1995a). Although 
these four cases of polygyrid shell conver- 
gence in sympatry (Fig. 1; Emberton, 1994a) 
are the most precise known in North Amer- 
ica, they are representative of numerous less 
precise cases involving the same four basic 
shell forms. Among and within these four 
shell forms, there are other examples of con- 
vergence (Emberton, 1988a, 1991a, 1994a), 
the most striking (and informative for polygy- 
rid evolution) of which is between /nflectarius 
ferrissi and Neohelix dentifera (Emberton, 

Shell Barriers and Water Loss 

The experimental results from Triodopsis 
tridentata suggest that apertural barriers re- 
duce the rate of evaporative water loss both 
directly and indirectly, by aiding in the forma- 
tion of an epiphragm. The manner in which 
barriers and epiphragms retard water loss 
may be counter-intuitive, judging from Ram- 
say's (1935) experiments on evaporation 
rates from vertical tubes. Ramsay observed 
faster water loss when the evaporating sur- 
face was at the bottom of the tube than at the 
top, but found that the presence of a perme- 
able occluder tended to diminish the differ- 
ence. He hypothesized therefore that “when 
[the evaporating surface] is at the bottom... 
there is an upward current of moist air which 
sets up a circulation in the system.” Ram- 
say’s hypothesis has not been tested, to my 
knowledge. Extending his hypothesis to land 
snails, when a snail withdraws deeply (to es- 
cape predation, for example) into the coiled 
tube of its shell, its apertural barriers (and the 
epiphragm they aid in forming) may function 
not so much to physically block diffusing wa- 
ter vapor as to interrupt the convection cur- 


rents that normally result from tubular evap- 

The trend for apertural barriers in 7. triden- 
tata and other triodopsins to be larger in 
moister habitats (Emberton, 1988a) suggests 
that their demonstrated retardation of evap- 
orative water loss is not their only—or even 
primary—function. Other hypothesized func- 
tions are given in the Introduction. 

Polygyrids provide some fascinating ex- 
amples of apertural obstruction that could be 
used to test these and other hypotheses. Fig- 
ure 2 presents some extreme examples from 
several clades, most of which have arisen by 
evolutionary convergence. The most extreme 
cases are in the genus Stenotrema; it is a 
memorable experience to watch one of these 
snails extend, its body “pouring” like molas- 
ses through the slit-like, convoluted aperture. 
This slit seems to be at its most narrow in $. 
(Pilsbrelix) uncifera, but is augmented in S. 
(Stenotrema) maxillatum (both in Fig. 2) by 
recession of the basal lamella, which lacks a 
notch and which 1$ overlapped by the parietal 
lamella to form a three-dimensional baffle. 

Species of Daedalochila have some com- 
plex apertural conformations, the most bi- 
zarre of which are the deeply recessed pari- 
etal scoop in D. (Upsilodon) hippocrepis and 
the convoluted apertural lip incorporating the 
parietal scoop and augmented by recessed 
denticles in D. (Daedalochila) uvulifera (both 
in Fig. 2). Other notable examples occur in 
Triodopsis, Lobosculum, Ashmunella, Linisa, 
Lobosculum, and Inflectarius (some are Шиз- 
trated in Figs. 1 and 2). 

Remaining Conservation Priorities 

The evaluation of conservation priorities 
presented in this paper is doubtless biased 
by the author's limited experience with the 
western and subtropical species. Table 4 15 
intended only as a preliminary guideline and 
as a possible format for future, more enlight- 
ened assessments. 

Given these caveats, Table 4 suggests that 
most phylogenetically important polygyrids 
are reasonably well protected against extinc- 
tion due to habitat loss. How well they and 
other polygyrid species will withstand envi- 
ronmental degradation due to acid rain 
(Graveland et al., 1994), local extinctions of 
forest-canopy tree species (Getz & Uetz, 
1994), and global warming, remain to be dis- 
covered, however. Unfortunately, there is no 
long-term monitoring study being conducted 

on any polygyrid population or community, to 
my knowledge. 

Two remaining conservation priorities do 
demand rapid attention, however: Isla de 
Providencia, Colombia, and Pine Mountain, 
Harlan County, Kentucky, U.S.A. (Table 4). 
The high conservation importance of these 
sites almost assuredly applies to many other, 

lesser-known, leaf-litter/soil invertebrates 
that polygyrids represent. 

Supported in part by National Science 
Foundation grants BSR-8700198 and DEB- 
9201060 and by Academy of Natural Sci- 
ences of Philadelphia (ANSP) discretionary 
funds. | am also grateful to S. Schaefer and 
G. Bohlke for access to the x-ray facility, Ich- 
thyology Department, ANSP; to E. Gitten- 
berger for steering me to the Christelow and 
Falkner papers; and especially to T. Pearce, 
B. Roth, and an anonymous reviewer for very 
useful comments on a previous draft of the 
manuscript. | would like to take this opportu- 
nity to thank fellow polygyrid workers who 
have generously helped me with this and 
other projects during the past 15 years: T. 
Asami, K. Auffenburg, N. Babrakzai, A. 
Bogan, J. Burch, R. Caldwell, H. L. Fair- 
banks, H. Feinberg, Н. В. Foster, В. Fulling- 
ton, G. Goodfriend, F. W. Grimm, L. Hubricht, 
E. Keferl, G. Long, C. Mather, R. Maze, G. 
McCracken, W. Miller, J. Murray, R. Neck, T. 
Pearce, J. Petranka, W. Pratt, R. Reeder, B. 
Roth, R. Selander, the late A. Solem, A. 
Stiven, В. Taylor, Е. Thompson, J. Vagvolgyi, 
A. Van Devender, W. Van Devender, and G. 


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Revised MS. accepted 10 January 1995 

MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 



A. Honék 

Department of Entomology, Research Institute of Plant Production, Ruzyné 507, 161 06 
Praha 6, Czech Republic 


Occurrence and colour and shell banding polymorphism were investigated in populations of 
Cepaea nemoralis (L.) at the edge of the species’ geographic distribution in the Czech Re- 
public. Cepaea nemoralis populations were found only at intravillan localities. The great majority 
of town and village localities were occupied by C. nemoralis in three isolated areas: a northern 
one integrated with the main geographic area of the species, and two isolated southern insular 
areas. А few populations were scattered at localities between these areas and further south, 
where C. nemoralis was replaced by Cepaea hortensis (Múller). The C. nemoralis distribution 
area and abundance may have increased since 1950. | speculate that human activity encour- 
aged the spread of С. nemoralis populations, and this species competitively exterminated С. 
hortensis populations from the intravillan habitats. The frequency of shell colour and banding 
morphs in local populations was similar to those in oceanic Western Europe (56.2 + 18.6% of 
pink shell colour), and may be affected by climatic selection and random drift. There exist small 
areas marked by a high frequency of 00000, 00300, 00345 and 12345 shell banding morphs. 

Their edges were mostly not concordant with areas of geographic distribution. 


Cepaea nemoralis (L.) is a West-European 
species distributed from southern Scandina- 
via, Lithuania and the Ukraine in the east, to 
Hungary and the northern Balkan Peninsula in 
the south (Schilder 8 Schilder, 1953, 1957). 
However, it is absent in the highlands of cen- 
tral Europe, in the territories of the Czech Re- 
public and Slovakia. Only Bohemia (the west- 
ern half of the Czech Republic) is crossed by 
the edge of the area of species’ continuous 
distribution (Fig. 1). From this region Lozek 
(1956) listed a number of localities scattered 
mostly north of the Labe (Elbe) River where 
C. nemoralis was found chiefly at intravillan 
sites. However, the precise borderline of 
the species distribution is impossible to trace 
from the published data. The shell colour 
and banding polymorphism in Bohemian pop- 
ulations has never been quantitatively inves- 
tigated despite the fact that variation in 
marginal populations is of considerable the- 
oretical interest. 

Another common west European species 
is Cepaea hortensis (Múller). It lives in low- 
land and submontane areas of the whole ter- 
ritory of the Czech Republic, at both intravil- 
lan sites and in the open landscape (Lozek, 


1956). There exist indications (see Discus- 
sion) that each Cepaea species may exclude 
the other from occupying the same site. A 
precise delineation of the geographic distri- 
bution of intravillan populations of C. horten- 
sis and С. nemoralis may contribute to test- 
ing this assumption. A precise study of C. 
hortensis distribution in Bohemia is also not 

The aim of this study was: (1) mapping the 
edge of the C. nemoralis distribution, (2) re- 
cording shell colour and banding polymor- 
phism in local populations, and (3) investigat- 
ing the possible interaction of C. nemoralis 
with C. hortensis populations. Distribution 
and polymorphism т С. nemoralis have been 
the subject of numerous studies (Jones et al., 
1977; Lamotte, 1988). The present work 1$ 
justified by the fact that the occurrence and 
variation were never investigated in the very 
eastern edge of the С. nemoralis area of dis- 


The populations of С. nemoralis and С. 
hortensis were sampled systematically at in- 
travillan and open landscape habitats of 



‘facing page. 




Figurgl 1 b 

ee {8 se 
Оэ ОФ 70. 

o 8 

N и 9 
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northern Bohemia in 1989-1991. Towns and 
villages where Cepaea was found are shown 
in Figure 1. At some localities, the snails were 
sampled at several sites at least 100 m apart. 

The shell colour was classified as pink or 
yellow, although both colours varied largely 
in saturation and hue. In some populations, a 
large proportion of shells was very pale. п 
this case, | lumped all specimens that had 
even a slight trace of pink colour (usually at 
the top of the shell). These were classified as 
“pink,” the rest of the animals was classified 
as “yellow.” For recording the shell banding 
polymorphism, | used the commonly ac- 
cepted notation. Visible bands are indicated 
from the dorsal side by numbers 1-5, missing 
bands as 0, and fusions between bands are 
indicated by brackets (). The sample size 
varied between 6 and 258. Proportions of col- 
our and shell banding forms were calculated 

for populations where at least 15 snails were 
collected. The rare hyalozonate individuals 
(with pale blanks instead of black bands), and 
animals with bands having diluted margins 
(common at some localities) were classified 
as the respective band morphs. Evaluating 
the geographic variation, | compared the pro- 
portions of 00000, 00300, 00345, and 12345 
morphs, regardless of confluences between 
bands. According to the frequency of a 
morph the localities were ranked into four 
categories: (1) zero frequency of the morph, 
(2) low frequency—quartile 1 of the series of 
localities where the morph was present ar- 
ranged in ascending order of the morph per- 
centage, (3) medium frequency—quartile 2 of 
the above series, (4) high frequency—quar- 
tiles 3 and 4 of the above series. 

Details of the frequencies of colour and 
shell banding morphs at different localities 

FIG. 1. The localities of C. nemoralis (solid circles), C. hortensis (open circles), and of mixed populations of 
both species (divided circles). The areas of “continuous” distribution of С. nemoralis are delimited by heavy 
lines: above—Liberec LB, left—Litomérice LT, right—Novy Bydzov NB. The area of “scattered” distribution 
is fenced by a dotted line. Insert: Area shown in Fig. 1 projected onto the map of the Czech Republic. The 
edge of the C. nemoralis distribution is shown by a solid line (inside the Czech Republic) and a dashed line 
(after Schilder & Schilder, 1953, 1957). : 

Localities of С. nemoralis (small figures): 1 Libochovany, 2 Zalhostice, 3 Litoméfice, 4 Tfeboutice, 5 
LibéSice, 6 Mlékojedy, 7 Zeletice, 8 Pocaply, 9 Terezín, 10 Nové Kopisty, 11 BohuSovice, 12 Keblice, 13 
Doksany, 14 Lobendava, 15 Lipová, 16 Sluknov, 17 Mikulásovicky, 18 MikulaSovice, 19 Brtniky, 20 Rum- 
burk, 21 Krasná Lipa, 22 Studanka, 23 Dolní Podluzí, 24 Jifetín pod Jedlovou, 25 Rybnisté, 26 Chribska, 27 
Jetfichovice, 28 Kamenicky Senov, 29 Volfartice, 30 Novy Bor, 31 Chotovice, 32 Janov, 33 Sloup, 34 
Castolovice, 35 ManuSice, 36 Pise@na, 37 Ceska Lipa, 38 Staré Splavy, 39 Doksy, 40 Mafenice, 41 
Marenicky, 42 Jablonné у Podjestédí, 43 Mimon, 44 Stráz pod Ralskem, 45 Hamr, 46 Brevnisté, 47 Озебпа, 
48 Kfizany, 49 Ves, 50 Andélka, 51 ViSnova, 52 Minkovice, 53 Víska, 54 Kunratice, 55 Srbská, 56 Jindri- 
chovice pod Smrkem, 57 Nové Mésto pod Smrkem, 58 Dolní Rasnice, 59 Krásny Les, 60 Arnoltice, 61 
Frydlant у Cechách, 62 Raspenava, 63 Hejnice, 64 Bily Potok, 65 Chrastava, 66 Liberec, 67 Vratislavice, 68 
Janov nad Nisou, 69 Josefüv Dül, 70 Lucany, 71 Tanvald, 72 Velké Hamry, 73 Drzkov, 74 Zásada, 75 
Vrkoslavice, 76 Dalesice, 77 Pulecny, 78 Rychnov и Jablonce nad Nisou, 79 Rádlo, 80 Hodkovice nad 
Mohelkou, 81 Cesky Dub, 82 Miliceves, 83 Slatina, 84 Vrbice, 85 HradiSt’ko, 86 Vysoké Veselí, 87 Cho- 
mutice, 88 Ostroméf, 89 Нойсе у PodkrkonoSi, 90 Lístkovice, 91 Кпёйсе, 92 Zlunice, 93 Sekeïice, 94 
Smidary, 95 Smidarská Lhota, 96 Janovice, 97 Hlusice, 98 Stary Bydzov, 99 Novy BydZov, 100 Vysoéany, 
101 Prasek, 102 Mystéves, 103 Petrovice, 104 Suchá, 105 Staré Nechanice, 106 Nechanice, 107 Boharyné, 
108 Skochovice, 109 Luzec, 110 Nepolisy, 111 Mlékosrby, 112 Chlumec nad Cidlinou, 113 Mnichovo 
HradiSté, 114 Sedlist'ka, 115 Turnov, 116 Zelezny Brod, 117 Bozkov, 118 Sobotka, 119 Nova Рака, 120 
Vrchlabi, 121 Hostinné, 122 Miletin, 123 Pardubice, 124 Libcany, 125 Hradec Králové, 126 Nedélisté, 127 
Ceská Skalice, 128 Olivetin, 129 Broumov. o 

Localities of С. hortensis (large figures): 1 Dolní Habartice, 2 Benesov nad Ploucnicí, 3 Zandov, 4 
Stvolinky, 5 Kravaïe, 6 USték, 7 Zahradky, 8 Jestrebi, 9 Holany, 10 Dfev£ice, 11 Спит, 12 Vrchovany, 13 
Dubá, 14 Pavlicky, 15 ZakSin, 16 Polepy, 17 Host'ka, 18 Snédovice, 19 Stéti, 20 Béla pod Bezdézem, 21 
Klaster Hradisté, 22 Kosmonosy, 23 Mladá Boleslav, 24 Dobrovice, 25 Dolni Bousov, 26 Liban, 27 Chylice, 
28 Kostelec, 29 Kopidino, 30 Cesov, 31 Chroustov, 32 Chotusice, 33 Dymokury, 34 Záhornice, 35 Méstec 
Králové, 36 Lovüice, 37 Svijansky Ujezd, 38 Hubálov, 39 RadoSovice, 40 Jesenny, 41 Jablonec nad Jizerou, 
42 Rovensko pod Troskami, 43 Lomnice nad Popelkou, 44 LibStät, 45 Jilemnice, 46 Horní Branná, 47 Jicín, 
48 Sárovcova Lhota, 49 Lázné Bélohrad, 50 Borovnice, 51 Dolní Kalná, 52 Lanzov, 53 Dvür Králové, 54 
Horicky, 55 Chvalkovice, 56 ReSetova Lhota, 57 Jaromér, 58 Semonice, 59 Cernozice, 60 Smifice, 61 
Probluz, 62 Stézery, 63 Roudnice, 64 Kosicky, 65 Dobfenice, 66 Chyst', 67 Rohovládova Béla, 68 Holice, 
69 Cernilov, 70 Jasenná, 71 Оробпо, 72 Tyniste nad Orlici, 73 Vamberk, 74 Praha, 75 KarlStejn. 

114 HONEK 

with an analysis of linkage disequilibria will be 
published in a separate paper (Honek, in 
prep.). The data may be also obtained on re- 
quest from the author. 

The Habitats of Cepaea populations 

In Bohemia, typical habitats of C. nemora- 
lis are intravillan areas. Most often the snails 
were found at ancient or working cemeteries, 
particularly along the south- and west-facing 
walls. Typical localities were also the railway 
stations surrounded by exuberant weedy 
vegetation. Other sites often populated by C. 
nemoralis included small gardens, weed 
stands bordering the margins of quiet 
streets, and intravillan shrubs on south-fac- 
ing slopes. Many sites were periodically dis- 
turbed by human activities: soil cultivation, 
mowing, herbicide application, transport or 
building activities. Despite an intensive 
search, по С. nemoralis populations were 
found outside the intravillan areas. 

Populations of С. hortensis in towns and 
villages (Fig. 1) occurred in habitats similar to 
those of C. nemoralis. Cepaea hortensis gen- 
erally preferred less disturbed sites, and its 
populations were also frequently found in the 
open landscape (localities not shown in Fig. 
1). The preferred rural habitats were hedge- 
rows and shrubs, south-facing slopes with 
mixtures of dicotyledonous and grassy veg- 
etation, and roadside ditches. 

The distribution of Cepaea populations 

Cepaea nemoralis was found at 129 town 
and village localities of northern Bohemia 
(Fig. 1). Most localities were grouped in three 
areas where the species occupied nearly all 
favourable intravillan sites and was present in 
most towns and villages. These areas | call 
“areas of continuous distribution” (Fig. 1, de- 
limited by solid lines), and refer to by the 
name of the principal included town. The 
largest area of Liberec (LB, localities no. 14— 
81) extends along the northern Bohemian 
frontier and is probably a southern protrusion 
of the area of continuous C. nemoralis distri- 
bution (Fig. 1, insert). Two smaller “island” 
areas of continuous distribution are the area 
of Litomérice (LT, localities 1-13), and the 
area of Novy Bydzov (NB, localities 82-112). 

The boundaries of the areas of “continu- 
ous” distribution could be traced with the 
precision of a few kilometers, that 1$, the dis- 
tance that divides the neighbouring villages 
of which one is populated by C. nemoralis, 
the other by C. hortensis populations. At the 
edge of distribution of both species, for ex- 
ample between Ceská Lípa (Fig. 1, locality 
37) and Doksy (locality 39) in the LB area, or 
along the entire west-south-east edge of the 
NB area, there exist no prominent geo- 
graphic structures which may cause the sep- 
aration of the species. Other portions of the 
boundary are bordered by areas generally 
unfavourable for Cepaea (e.g., volcanic or 
sandstone hills, or large forests). This is also 
the case along the western and eastern sec- 
tions of the boundary of the LB area, and the 
northern sections of the LT and NB areas. 

The LB and NB areas of “continuous” dis- 
tribution are separated by an area of mosaic 
distribution of intravillan С. nemoralis and С. 
hortensis populations, which | refer to as the 
area of “scattered” С. nemoralis distribution 
(Fig. 1, dashed line). Sixteen villages and 
towns with populations of С. nemoralis were 
found on this territory. In some towns, for ex- 
ample Pardubice (123) and Hradec Králové 
(125), а С. nemoralis population was found at 
one site, whereas many sites were occupied 
by C. hortensis. 

In total, | found only 14 sites where popu- 
lations of С. nemoralis and С. hortensis lived 
together at one place. Five mixed popula- 
tions were found at the area of “scattered” 
distribution, others at the margins of the LB 
(two populations) and NB (seven populations) 
areas of “continuous” distribution. 

Shell Colour and Banding Polymorphism 

The large variation in the proportions of col- 
our morphs had a very localised character. 
Thus, the extent of variation in the frequency 
of the pink form was only slightly smaller 
among 24 sites within the small town of Lito- 
тёйсе (9.7-78.3%) than among 73 popula- 
tions of the entire LB area (1.2-98.4%). The 
average proportion of the pink form was 56.2 
+ 18.3%. The figures for particular areas of 
“continuous” distribution differed slightly. 
The highest frequency of pink was in popu- 
lations from the LB area, followed by the LT 
and NB areas (Fig. 2). This difference was 
correlated with greater average altitude (and 
cooler climate) of the LB area (localities at 


230-580 m above sea level) than of the LT 
(160-230 m a.s.l) and NB (190-240 т 
a.s.l.) areas. However, within the LB area the 
regression of the proportion of pink individu- 
als on altitude was not significant (r° = 0.006, 
p> 0-1) (Fig: 3): 

The frequency of shell banding 00000, 
00300, 00345 and 12345 morphs in local 
populations (Fig. 2) showed typical area ef- 
fects. The distribution of frequencies of the 
00000 morph was right-skewed and popula- 
tions with a high frequency of > 17% were 
found in the LT and LB areas and also at the 
eastern margin of the area of “scattered” 
species distribution (Fig. 4). The populations 
with high frequency > 46.5%, of the 00300 
morph were aggregated in the LT and NB 
areas and also in the north of LB area (Fig. 5). 
The populations with high frequency of 
> 6.6% of 00345 morph were aggregated in 
the LT area and the north LB and west NB 
areas (Fig. 6). The distribution of the 12345 
morph was complementary to distribution of 
other morphs. Populations with high fre- 
quency of > 80.0% of this morph were ag- 
gregated in the south of the LB area. 

The fraction of fused band phenotypes 
within the 12345 morph varied among popu- 
lations. The frequencies of melanic (123)(45) 
and (12345) morphs varied between 0.0- 
45.2% and 0.0-28.4%, respectively, and 
were not correlated (in LB area) with the alti- 
tude of the locality. 

The 00000 phenotype was associated with 
pink colour, and yellow specimens were very 
rare. By contrast, 00300, 00345, and 12345 
morphs were not associated with any colour 
phenotype. Details of linkage disequilibria 
between colour and shell banding morphs 
will be discussed elsewhere (Honék, in 


Spreading of C. nemoralis 

Comparing the distribution of C. nemoralis 
populations from before 1950 (Lozek, 1956) 
with this study revealed that most localities 
reported earlier (localities no. 3, 16, 21, 30, 
37, 48, 66, 99, 115) were within the areas of 
“continuous” distribution. The general pat- 
tern of С. nemoralis distribution apparently 
has not changed within the last 50 years, but 
the species became more abundant since 
Lozek (1956; personal communication) qual- 

ified its abundance in the 1950's as “rare.” At 
present, the species also occupies more lo- 
calities than it did earlier. The difference be- 
tween abundance estimates from before the 
1950’s and in this study cannot be explained 
by omissions by earlier authors but probably 
indicates an increase of the area of species 
distribution. The change involves southward 
expansion of the LB area, and radial expan- 
sion of LT and NB areas. On the other hand, 
| did not find С. nemoralis at three localities 
where it was established before the 1950's: 
Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad) and Zerotín (both 
outside the area shown in Fig. 1) and USt&k 
(C. hortensis locality no. 6 in Fig. 1). These 
localities are now populated by C. hortensis. 
This indicates extinction of local C. nemoralis 
populations. The causes of extinction are un- 
clear, because ordinary human activity does 
not endanger their survival. The plasticity of 
the distribution of C. nemoralis at the eastern 
edge of the species” distribution area con- 
trasts with its constancy in Western Europe, 
where some populations have persisted, with 
little variation in morph frequency, since the 
neolithic period (Cain & Cook, 1989). 

The factors of fast spreading of an animal 
with a limited dispersion capacity are of in- 
terest. | suppose that human activity may be 
an important factor in species dispersion. 
This follows from a frequent occurrence of 
marginal populations at two typical habitats: 
railway stations and cemeteries. This distri- 
bution may indicate the accidental passive 
transport by man. Climbing onto and falling 
off the railway coaches may disseminate the 
snails. In fact, some marginal populations of 
C. nemoralis (e.g. 113, 116, 119, 125) were 
found at railway stations in towns otherwise 
populated by С. hortensis. The occurrence of 
C. nemoralis in cemeteries could be attrib- 
uted to the popular exchange of potted 
plants. The potted plants are usually distrib- 
uted from large gardens to several surround- 
ing villages. The soil infested with the eggs of 
garden populations of C. nemoralis may be- 
come the vehicle of dissemination. 

Relationship to C. hortensis 

In fact, С. nemoralis and С. hortensis rarely 
occurred at the same place. In several towns 
118; ВУ. 88; 112. 116.118, 123, 125. 127),€: 
hortensis was found at several sites, but С. 
nemoralis inhabited only one place. These 
towns are at the margins of the areas of 

116 НОМЁК 
00000 00300 00345 12345 PINK 

40 pe i a 
15 10 
20 5 



30 60 30 
20 40 20 
10 20 10 
60 60 
40 15 40 
20 20 

0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 0 40 80 

FIG. 2. The frequency of percentages of shell banding morphs 00000, 00300, 00345, 12345 and pink shell 
coloration in populations of С. nemoralis. A—Pooled sample; B—Litomérice (LT) area of “continuous” 
distribution; C—Liberec (LB) area of “continuous” distribution; D—Novy Bydzov (NB) area of “continuous” 
distribution; E—area of ““scattered” distribution. The boundaries of the areas are shown in Fig. 1. 



en 5 a 
en a à 



100 . 4 3 я 
= s 
= © ña o > о о №. © e 
= 50 e e 5 ы ° e u 
= e ы a e 3 e 
1) e 
a .° e 2 e 

0 . ae 


FIG. 3. The regression of the percentage of the pink colour form in populations of Liberec (LB) area on the 
altitude (m) above sea level of the locality. Regression: у = —0.015x + 63.3, г? = 0.006, р >> 0.1. 

“continuous” distribution or in the area of 
“scattered” distribution. The reverse situa- 
tion when С. nemoralis occurred all over the 
inside of the town and С. hortensis populated 
a few suburban sites, was established at 
Novy BydZov (99), in the centre of NB area of 
“continuous” distribution. Both examples 
may show stages of invasion of a new locality 
by C. nemoralis. At first, C. nemoralis is es- 
tablished at one place and from there it 
spreads, exterminating C. hortensis popula- 
tions. At a given site, the transition is perhaps 
quick, as mixed populations usually contain a 
majority of one species, either C. hortensis 
(28, 83, 85, 86) or C. nemoralis (69, 91, 120). 
_ There exists some experimental evidence 
for competition superiority of C. nemoralis 
over C. hortensis (Cameron 8 Carter, 1979, 
Tilling, 1985a, b), and competitive exclusion 
has been proposed in explaining the distribu- 
tion of both species (Boycott, 1934; Cain, 
1983). The situation in Bohemia contrasts 
with that in Western Europe, where mixed 
populations may coexist for a long time (Cain 
8 Currey, 1963a; Cain, 1983). This difference 
may be due to the fact that in the western 
part of its distribution area C. nemoralis lives 
in the extravillan landscape where C. horten- 

sis may resist its competition. Also, in Bohe- 
mia C. hortensis populations live outside the 
towns where intravillan sites are all occupied 
by C. nemoralis. 

The examples of invasion of a locality oc- 
cupied by one Cepaea species by the other 
species are few. Well documented 1$ a recent 
(between 1961 and 1985) substitution of C. 
nemoralis by С. hortensis on severeal sites at 
Marlborough Downs, England (Cain 8 Cur- 
rey, 1963b; Cowie 4 Jones, 1987). The trend 
observed in this non-urban area may be a 
consequence of the change of the microcli- 
mate following the change of the vegetation 
cover. А dense and tall vegetation may favour 
the occurrence of C. hortensis, which makes 
better use of solar radiation and is capable of 
exploiting shade places. The microclimate 
might favour also the changes in Bohemian 
populations because intravillan sites where 
C. nemoralis probably replaced C. hortensis 
are generally warmer than the sites in the 
open landscape occupied by C. hortensis. 

Colour and Shell Banding Polymorphism 

The study of C. nemoralis variation is a 
problem that has resisted final solution de- 
spite the large body of accumulated data 



‘ydiow quid jo uoiuodoid 3sayBiy au} pue 15эмо]| ay] зиэзэл4эл yolym $э|лэ um} 
Aq pajuesaidai эле pajoa]¡o9 элэм чалош quid au} jo suonuodold jua lap YIM suonendod |елэлэ$ aJaym зэциеэол '(%0:/1<) 
Аэцепбэд ybiy—ajomo pios “(9%0'/1-S'p) Аэцепбэд uunipau—aj9119 papinip ‘(%у’у-‘0) Aouanbay moj—jods ¡erueo 
YUM 89119 'AÁcuanbax 0187—28[9119 USO ‘з/елошаи “9 jo suoyejndod и! цалош Buipueq ||эц$ 00000 Jo Ácuanbax ay] “y ‘914 



y ‘Bld ul 
se ASIMIBUIO '(%9'9$<) Aouanba.y YBIy—ajould pros ‘(%G' 9P-v' pz) AoUeNbe. wNIPSW— 8919 papinip ‘(%5`уг-0' |) АэцэпБэл mo¡—jods 
eue, YUM ajomo ‘Aouenbes 018Z—819119 UBdO ‘з/елошаи “9 jo зиоцетаоа ul ydıow Buipueq ||э4$ 00$00 JO Ácuanbax эц ‘$ “DI 

‘+ ‘64 

ui se эзимец `(%9`9<) fouenbeuy uBly—ejouto pos (99'9-9'E) Aouenbey шпреш-—еюло papinip “(9 p"E-p"0) Аоиепед moj—jods 
едиео цим 89419 ‘Аоцепьед олег—еолю usado ‘зуелошеи “9 jo suoyeindod и! ydiou Bulpueq 194$ SPEOO Jo Ácuanba, ayı “9 “Old 

Figure 6 here; 



(Schilder & Schilder, 1953, 1957; Jones et al., 
1977; Cain, 1983; Lamotte, 1988). Typical 
features of this polymorphism are very local 
differences in the proportion of morphs 
(Wolda, 1969a, b), and the “area effects,” 
that is high frequency of a phenotype in a 
limited area (Cain 8 Currey, 1963b). Area ef- 
fects have been observed for both shell co- 
lour and banding polymorphism (Khemici et 
al., 1989; Lamotte et al., 1989; Ratel et al., 
1989). The factors of differences in morph 
proportions may be random population pro- 
cesses (Lamotte, 1951, 1952) or selection by 
climatic or substrate factors (Currey & Cain, 
1968; Cameron et al., 1977; Khemici et al., 
1989; Mazon et al., 1988, 1989) or visual 
predators (Cain & Sheppard, 1950). 

Random processes have probably influ- 
enced the composition of some of our iso- 
lated populations. Morph frequencies may be 
influenced by genetic drift when populations 
were established from a small number of 
founders. An example may be the population 
at the railway station at Nová Paka (119), 
which consisted of 95.6% of pink 00300 in- 

Climatic effects contribute to maintaining 
the frequencies of shell colour forms. Popu- 
lations from areas with oceanic climate are 
mostly pink in contradistinction to the mostly 
yellow populations of areas with Mediterra- 
nean climate (Mazon et al., 1988; Vicario et 
al., 1988). Multivariate analysis of climatic 
and substratum data revealed that these fac- 
tors contribute also to maintaining small dif- 
ferences in shell colour frequencies under 
oceanic climate (Khemici et al. 1989, Ratel et 
al. 1989). 

The average proportion of pink individuals 
in Bohemian populations (56.2%) was similar 
to that in oceanic Western Europe (about 
60% of the pink form) and far greater than 
in Mediterranean populations (with only 20- 
30% of pink form, Lamotte, 1988; Mazon et 
-al., 1988). Typical for Bohemian populations 
is also the absence of the yellow 00000 phe- 
notype, which is the most adapted one to 
warm conditions. A demonstration of climatic 
effects on diversification of morph propor- 
tions among Bohemian populations would 
require more microclimatic and orographic 
data. An indication of such effects was the 
increased frequency of the pink form in hilly 
LB compared to lowland LT and NB areas. 

No explanation has been found for the area 
effects shown by the 00000, 00300, 00345, 
and 12345 morphs. The role of visual preda- 

tion on maintenance of differences between 
populations is difficult to evaluate. The local- 
ities of C. nemoralis in Bohemia become cov- 
ered mostly by sparse vegetation (weeds, 
ornamental plants), which makes a rather 
uniform optical background for avian preda- 
tors. Under such conditions, visual predation 
is not likely to create important differences in 
morph proportions among local populations 
of Cepaea. Anyway, the results do not con- 
tradict the classical theory of the role of visual 
selection in maintaining Cepaea polymor- 
phism (Cain & Sheppard, 1950, 1954). The 
remains of crushed shells were found at only 
15 collection sites. This paucity of crushed 
shells parallels the results of other studies 
(e.g. Cowie & Jones, 1987) and may caused 
by preference of avian predators for juveniles 
(cf. Wolda, 1972; Wolda & Kreulen, 1973). A 
comparison of morph frequency in adult 
crushed shells and in living animals could be 
made only at one locality (Arnoltice 60). There 
was no significant difference in proportion of 
colour and banding morphs among living an- 
imals and dead shells. 


| thank Prof. A.J. Cain, Prof. M. Lamotte 
and Dr. V. Lozek for critical reading of my MS 
and many valuable comments. 


BOYCOTT, A. E., 1934, The habitats of land Mol- 
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CAIN, A. J. & L. M. COOK, 1989, Persistence and 
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CAIN, А. J. & 4. D. CURREY, 1963a, Area effects in 
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CAIN, A. J. & J. D. CURREY, 1963b, Area effects in 
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(Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Journal of Animal 
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GAN-HUWS, 1977, The habiats of the land snail 
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JONES, J. S., В. H. LEITH & P. RAWLINGS, 1977, 
Polymorphism in Cepaea: a problem with too 
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1989, Relations entre polymorphisme et milieu 
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LAMOTTE, M., 1951, Recherches sur la structure 
génétique des populations naturelles de Cepaea 
nemoralis. Bulletin Biologique de la France et de 
la Belgique, Supplement, 35: 1-239. 

LAMOTTE, M., 1952, Le róle des fluctuations for- 
tuites dans la structure génétique des popula- 
tions naturelles de Cepaea nemoralis. Heredity, 
6: 333-343. 

LAMOTTE, M., 1988, Facteurs influencant la diver- 
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1989, Le polymorphisme de la coquille de Ce- 
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Revised Ms. accepted 18 October 1994 

MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 123-132 


В. Vitturi', A. Libertini?, M. Panozzo” & G. Mezzapelle' 


The diploid chromosome number 2n = 34 has been determined in early developing embryos 
of L. saxatilis and male gonads of L. (Melaraphe) punctata both from the Mediterranean Sea. 
The diploid value 2n = 33 occurred in spermatocytes of L (Melaraphe) neritoides specimens 
from the Lagoon of Venice. As previously reported for L. neritoides from the Sicilian coast, a 
male XO sex-determining mechanism seems to operate also in the population of the same 
species here studied. Variation in the number of NOR-bearing chromosomes per cell has been 
detected in both L. saxatilis and L (Melaraphe) neritoides. Flow cytometric DNA analysis indi- 
cates that L. saxatilis and L. (Melaraphe) neritoides are endowed by almost equal genome sizes, 
whereas L. (Melaraphe) punctata exhibits about 60% of their values. 

Key words: periwinkles, karyology, genome size, Mediterranean Sea. 


Periwinkles are mesogastropod molluscs 
belonging to the genus Littorina which inhabit 
rocky coasts and lagoon brackish waters. п 
the Mediterranean, this genus is represented 
by three species: L. saxatilis (Olivi, 1792), L. 
neritoides (Linnaeus, 1758) and L. punctata 
(Gmelin, 1791). On the basis of their repro- 
duction, embryogenesis, and morphology of 
the radula and penis, the former belongs to 
the subgenus Littorina, whereas the others 
are grouped in the subgenus Melaraphe 
(Nordsieck, 1968; Torelli, 1982). 

Cytogenetically, two Mediterranean popu- 
lations of L. neritoides (Thiriot-Quievreux & 
Ayraud, 1982; Vitturi et al., 1988) and three 
North Sea populations of L. saxatilis, from 
western Sweden, northern England (Janson, 
1983) and the Barentz Sea (Birstein 4 Mikhai- 
lova, 1990), have been investigated. Never- 
theless, the results of these studies do not 
agree. More precisely, the diploid number of 
34 chromosomes was proposed by Thiriot- 
Quievreux 4 Ayraud (1982) for L. neritoides 
males from Villefranche-sur-Mer, Provence, 
France, whereas 2n = 33 was found in male 
specimens from Palermo, Sicily, Italy (Vitturi 
et al., 1988). In the latter population, the oc- 
currence of an unpaired chromosome т 
spermatocytes, along with n = 17 bivalents in 
the female, made the authors hypothesise a 
male XO sex-determining mechanism oper- 
ating in this species. 

Moreover, although Janson (1983) and 
Birstein & Mikhailova (1990) agree upon the 
chromosome number (34 in the diploid set) of 
three different populations of L. saxatilis, 
there are small differences related to the 
karyotype morphology. In fact, three small 
chromosome pairs were seen as subtelocen- 
tric in the Swedish population (Janson, 1983), 
whereas the same pairs were found to be 
most likely telocentric in the strain from the 
Barentz Sea (Birstein & Mlkhailova, 1990). 

Karyological investigation in the present 
report includes: (1) analysis of L. neritoides 
male specimens from the Lagoon of Venice, 
northeastern Italy, in order to verify if the 
male XO sex-mechanism also occurs in this 
geographical location; (2) a comparison 
among the karyotypes of L. saxatilis from the 
Mediterranean Sea and from the North Sea 
previously described (Janson, 1983; Birstein 
& Mikhailova, 1990); and (3) a preliminary cy- 
togenetic characterisation of L. punctata, 
which is still unknown. 

Moreover, in order to better understand 
karyological relationships in Littorinidae, nu- 
cleolar organizer regions (NORs) of L. saxati- 
lis and L. neritoides as well as genome sizes 
in the three species have been investigated. 


Several specimens of the brooding L. sax- 
atilis and sexually mature L. (Melaraphe) neri- 
toides were collected along the dock base- 

‘Institute of Zoology, University of Palermo, Via Archirafi 18-90123, Palermo, Italy. 
2CNR- Institute of Marine Biology, Riva 7 Martiri 1364/A, Venice, Italy. 
National Institute of Cancer Research, Biotechnological Section, Via Gattamelata 64, Padua, Italy. 


TABLE 1. Counts of mitotic spreads in three Mediterranean periwinkles species. 


Littorina saxatilis 
Littorina (Melaraphe) 

punctata Gulf of Palermo — — 
Littorina (Melaraphe) 
neritoides Lagoon of Venice — — 

ments, in Venice, Italy, on October 1991 and 
April 1992, respectively. Sexually mature 
specimens of L. (Melaraphe) punctata were 
sampled from July 1991 to August 1993 on 
rocky shores at Sferracavallo, Palermo Dis- 
trict, Italy. Identifications were made accord- 
ing to the guidelines of Parenzan (1970) and 
Torelli (1982), and voucher shells of five indi- 
viduals per species were deposited at the 
Museum of the Institute of Zoology, Univer- 
sity of Palermo. 

Mitotic metaphase chromosomes of L. 
saxatilis were obtained from early developing 
embryos extracted from 20 different females 
and treated with 0.025% colchicine in 0.075 
M KCI solution for 20 min according to the 
air-drying technique. The same procedure 
was applied to the testes of 15 specimens of 
L. (Melaraphe) neritoides and 30 of L. (Mela- 
raphe) punctata to obtain diakinetic bivalents 
and spermatogonial metaphases. Slides 
were stained т 5% Giemsa-phosphate 
buffer solution (pH 6.8), observed, then de- 
stained in ethanol and restained with silver 
nitrate according to the colloidal 1-step 
method (Howell & Black, 1980). 

In order to obtain the karyogram of L. sax- 
atilis and L. (Melaraphe) neritoides, the chro- 
mosomes of five plates per species were cut 
and paired on the basis of decreasing size 
and centromere position. Chromosomes 
were measured and classified by arm-ratio 
(longer/short arm) following the nomencla- 
ture proposed by Levan et al. (1964). 

Genome size was evaluated through flow 
cytometric assay. From dissected mantle of 
8-20 specimens per species, a cell зизреп- 
sion was obtained by a 5 min hypotonic treat- 
ment with 0.075 М KCI solution. Cells were 
filtered through a 30-um mesh, then fixed in 
70% ethanol and centrifuged twice at 800 g 
adding new fixative every time. Samples 
were stored at —20°С. 

A day before cytofluorimetric analysis, 
cells were centrifuged again and resus- 
pended into 1 ml of solution containing 
0.12% sodium citrate, 0.005% propidium io- 

2п =21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31/ 3223384 TOTAL 

Lagoon of Venice 1 — 

=P ======= 1 1,2906 
ey nm u 
Ze SSS 2 dE — 2 

dide and 0.1% RNase. RNA digestion was 
performed at 37°C for 30 min, while staining 
lasted overnight at 4°C. Gill cells of the blue 
mussel (Mytilus edulis) were prepared in the 
same manner and used as standard. Control 
assigned DNA content was 3.2 pg according 
to Hinegardner (1974). An EPICS-C flow cy- 
tometer (Coulter Electronics, Hialeah, Flor- 
ida) was employed for DNA content mea- 

A 488-nm argon ion laser was used for ex- 
citation and total red fluorescence emission 
was measured. At least three samples per 
species each containing more than two thou- 
sand cells were employed. Conditions of 
analysis were set in order to obtain the modal 
value of blue mussel at the channel 50 in a 
256-channel DNA histogram. 

The samples of periwinkle species were 
run both with and without control cells; be- 
cause data distribution of reference and test- 
ing nuclei were partially overlapped, only in- 
dividual histograms are shown. 


The diploid value 2n = 34 has been found 
in both L. saxatilis and L. (Melaraphe) punc- 
tata from counts of 32 and 24 metaphases 
respectively (Table 1). A few aneuploid 
spreads displaying a chromosome number 
lower than the mode were also encountered. 
These might be related to technical short- 

Littorina saxatilis complement (Figs. 1, 2; 
Table 2) consisted of all bi-armed pairs 
(M+SM) except for pairs 4 and 6, which were 
mono-armed (ST). However, pairs 3, 7, and 
12 were characterized by arm ratio on the 
border line between SM and ST and thus, 
considering their confidence limits (respec- 
tively 1.53-2.01, 1.34-2.20 and 2.47-3.29), 
these chromosome pairs may not be attrib- 
uted to one or the other chromosome class. 

NOR location and variation in number of 
NOR-bearing chromosomes per cell were 



AD DE Be an 44 Au ка 
x6 £6 В ks BA 8a TE 

Bk ds 8% 

3 а b a b 
a a L 
«+ о с En № а b с 1 +. 
A À + 4 р e . ¿ 
А 48 A 141 E | Da > 
”’ | 
+ Oe 

FIG. 1. Karyogram obtained from five mitotic metaphases of L. saxatilis. 

FIG. 2. Giemsa stained representative karyotype of L. saxatilis. 

FIG. 3. Different NOR phenotypes (А, В, С, D) of L. saxatilis. 

FIG. 4. Giemsa stained spermatocyte bivalents at diakinesis of L. (Melaraphe) punctata. 

‘6 ” 

detected in L. saxatilis by silver staining. chromosomes belonging to pairs 4 (“а 
NORs were located on the short arms in three type), 6 (“‘b” type) and 15 (‘‘c”’ type). In the 
different types of silver positively stained first case, NOR was in a large-sized subtelo- 



«NS и WS N WS и N и N LS W У LS LS N N и Seplo}ueu ‘7 

66 с OL ple ЗЕЕ 0871 Geil 801 ОЕ cel 00 + ¿EL SEL 18'6 OC'E 6€ L 621 ell Seplo}ueu "7 
66€ ost LAA 981 ¿Us 88c lv! 63! 9c 89'¢ ДЕ ve € Ка 10'y ¿EL Le! vil SI/Nexes "7 

e€'0FZ0'L v€'0F89'L be Or9/ | 8e'0FZ6'L Ot'OF/6 L Ob OFOO'? 9+'OF80Z SS'OF8L'Z 9SOFZE'Z SVOFLbZ /90FI92 99'0+69'е /90708  +/'OFOLE 9/'OFSEE PO LFPO + EL LFB +  Sapioyuaeu ‘7 
Op OFL8'l bb OFZ6'L 19`0+Р0’с 9SOF9LZ У9'0+6е’е 99‘0+6у’е +9 Or8 ce 20692 cC/'0F69 2 88'0F28'2 S8'0F68'Z #0'0+60'5 bL'OFEL'E Z8'OFOY "E OL'OFBS'E Z6'0FLL'y Z8'0FEL'S sınexes ‘7 
‘a's + (WN) HLON3T NVIN 

Zt 9! SE vi el ct LL OL 6 8 д 9 5 y € rá | dlvd 

(омзиеэолое = y “9IJUSIO|9I-QNS = 1$ ‘оэщиээеэщ-ап$ = WS ‘ощиэовеш = JA) “BUIOSOLUOIUO 
X2S зэзео!ру! Ysuajsy “‘Sep/ojeU (aydelejayy) ‘7 pue SEXES CULIOJIT jo sejejd eseydejau an] jo seuosouwoJyo ey, JO оцел We pue yjbua] чеэи\ ‘г FIGVL 


centric chromosome and seemed to be ter- 
minally or sub-terminally located in con- 
densed (Fig. 3A) and decondensed (Fig. 3B) 
chromosomes. In the second case it was ter- 
minal in a medium-large subtelocentric chro- 
mosome, and finally it resulted to be terminal 
in а small-sized submetacentric chromo- 
some. Four NOR phenotypes, differing for 
the number of chromosomes involved in nu- 
cleolus organization, were found: one char- 
acterized by four chromosomes (а, a, b, c in 
two spreads) (Fig. 3A), two by three chromo- 
somes (a, a, b and a, b, c, in 7 and 5 plates, 
respectively) (Fig. 3B, C) and one by two (a, b 
in six spreads) (Fig. 3D). 

In L. punctata, notwithstanding several at- 
tempts during three reproductive seasons 
(1991-1993), no slides gave spermatogonial 
metaphases useful to define the karyotype 
morphology of this species due to the over- 
condensation of mitotic chromosomes. 
Overall, the diploid number tendel tube 2n = 
34 (Table 1). The haploid number was n = 17 
(Fig. 4), and no heteropycnotic elements 
were identified. 

Counts of 21 spermatogonial metaphases 
resulted in the diploid number 2n = 33 in L. 
(Melaraphe) neritoides from the Lagoon of 
Venice (Fig. 5). The Кагуодгат (Fig. 6, Table 
2) consisted of 16 autosomal pairs, 12 of 
which were bi-armed and four mono-armed 
(pairs 4, 5, 6, 8), and one small unpaired sub- 
metacentric element about 1 um long. 

After silver staining, spermatogonial meta- 
phases showed the occurrence of either three 
or two NOR-bearing chromosomes per plate 
referred as to two distinct NOR phenotypes. 
The former consisted of two small-sized me- 
tacentric chromosomes (pair 16) with terminal 
NORs and a large subtelocentric (pair 6) with 
telomeric NORs on the short arms designated 
“a,” “a” and “b,” respectively (Fig. 7A), and 
was observed in 15 spreads. The latter in- 
cluded two small-sized metacentric NOR- 
bearing chromosomes always similar to those 
previously identified as “a” (Fig. 7B), and this 
was found in 12 spreads. 

Analysis of diakinetic plates showed 16 
bivalents plus one small-sized submetacen- 
tric. The latter being characterized by the 
same morphology of the unpaired element 
observed in mitotic metaphases, was inter- 
preted as “univalent” (Fig. 8, arrow). 

A typical fluorescence distribution histo- 
gram in cell samples of the three periwinkle 
species and the control are given in Fig. 9 
(A-D). Each littorinid species is characterized 

by two peaks. The first one represents diploid 
cells while the second one—localized at a 
double distance from the axes origin (tetra- 
ploid peak)—is probably due to cell aggrega- 
tion rather than G2-M phase cells. The refer- 
ence exhibits one peak only. 

Red fluorescence emission measurements 
are summarized on Table 3. They indicate 
that L. saxatilis and L. (Melaraphe) neritoides 
are endowed by almost equal genome sizes 
(estimated haploid DNA content of 1.352 and 
1.376 picograms, respectively), whereas L. 
(Melaraphe) punctata exhibits about 60% of 
these values (0.811 pgs). 


Karyological data concerning all periwin- 
kles of the genus Littorina studied to date are 
briefly summarized on Table 4. Interestingly, 
a diploid number 2n = 33 occurs in males of 
Littorina (Melaraphe) neritoides from the La- 
goon of Venice. This result, and a karyotype 
very similar to that observed for L. (Melara- 
phe) neritoides from the Sicilian coast (Vitturi 
et al., 1988), supports a male XO sex chro- 
mosome system presumably operating in 
this species. Moreover, as previously argued 
(Vitturi et al., 1988), this result does not agree 
with 2n = 34 suggested by Thiriot-Quievreux 
& Ayraud (1982) for the males of L. (Melara- 
phe) neritoides from Villefranche-sur-Mer, 
France. Because of the hypothesis of a chro- 
mosomal polymorphism in this species has 
already been excluded (Vitturi et al., 1988), a 
karyotype revision of the French population 
would be desirable. 

Male XO sex determination mechanism 
has been described in some grasshoppers 
(Cabrero et al., 1985; Vitturi et al., 1993) and 
fishes (Chen, 1969; Le Grande, 1975). How- 
ever, according to our knowledge, it has 
never been reported in mesogastropods, be- 
Cause neritid species, possessing this sex- 
determination mechanism (Vitturi & Catalano, 
1988, and authors quoted by them) belong 
to Archaeogastropoda (Franc, 1968; Boss, 

The same chromosome number (2n = 34) 
but with small differences in karyotypes have 
been found in three out of four L. saxatilis 
populations analyzed so far. Observed differ- 
ences are to be probably related to the fact 
that some chromosome pairs may be close 
to the limits between different chromosome 


£a JA 3% 46 £x à 
aa ху $5 ta à 

Е Tan ne 

ta4 CLS 
#16 (a wx PO Mey, ep 


FIG. 5. Giemsa stained karyotype from male gonads of L. (Melaraphe) neritoides. 

FIG. 6. Karyogram obtained from five spermatogonial metaphases of L. (Melaraphe) neritoides. 

FIG. 7. NOR phenotypes (A and В) of L. (Melaraphe) neritoides (д = giemsa stained and п = silver stained). 
FIG. 8. Diakinetic bivalents from male gonads of L. (Melaraphe) neritoides (arrow indicates the unpaired 
chromosome). Scale for figures from 1 to 8: 10 um = 26 mm 

Considering NOR patterns determined for 3. at least three chromosome pairs are in- 
L. (Melaraphe) neritoides and L. saxatilis, volved in nucleolus organization in L. 
some considerations can be drawn: saxatilis, whereas only two operate in L. 

oi (Melaraphe) neritoides. This implies a 
1. intra-specific polymorphism due to dif- smaller variation of NOR patterns in the 

ferent number of silver-positive chro- second species. 

mosomes per cell occurs in both spe- 

cies; On the whole, data from the literature doc- 

2. chromosomal location of active NOR ument a wide distribution of NOR polymor- 

sites differs from one species to an- phism within animal kingdom (Foresti et al., 

other; 1981; Gold & Amemiya, 1986; King et al., 


number of cells 

red fluorescence 

Littorina (Melaraphe) punctata 

43 C 

Littorina (Melaraphe) neritoides 

42 B 

Littorina saxatilis 

50 D 

Mytilus edulis 

FIG. 9. A-D. Histograms of red fluorescence emission in cell suspensions obtained from three species of 
Littorinidae and Mytilus edulis (control). A: L. (Melaraphe) punctata; В: L. saxatilis; С: L. (Melaraphe) neri- 
toides; D: Mytilus edulis. Red fluorescence emission and number of scored cells are expressed in arbitrary 


1990; Vitturi et al., 1991a). Particularly, in 
mollusks, intraspecific NOR variations have 
been described for two prosobranch gastro- 
pods (Vitturi & Catalano, 1989, 1990), two 
pulmonates (Vitturi et al., 1991b; Vitturi, 1992) 
and four oysters (Thiriot-Quievreux & Insua, 
1992; Insua & Thiriot-Quievreux, 1993). 
Haploid genome sizes (C-value) vary from 
0.8 to 1.3 pg in five littorinid species (Hine- 
gardner, 1974; present paper), whereas the 
diploid chromosome number is 34, except 
for males of L. (Melaraphe) neritoides. Ob- 
tained results allow us to speculate that large 
differences in genome size of periwinkles and 

loss or accumulation of DNA occur within 
chromosomes without changing their num- 
ber. As already reported for other organisms 
(Hutchinson et al., 1980; Gold & Prince, 1985; 
Olmo et al., 1989; Vitturi et al., 1993), ob- 
served C-value variability ought to reflect pri- 
marily gain or losses of repeated DNA se- 

As in littorinid species, wide genome size 
variations with no substantial change in chro- 
mosome number have been already reported 
among species of the same genus in culicid 
mosquitoes (Diptera) (Nagesh Rao & Rai, 
1990) and leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chry- 


TABLE 3. Genome size evaluation in three periwinkle species. Relative fluorescence is referred to 

Mytilus edulis 

Fluorescence in 

Arbitrary Units 

Percentage Estimate 
Number of Average Standard of Relative Haploid DNA Standard 
Species Samples modal Value Deviation Fluorescence Content (pgs) Deviation 
Littorina (Melaraphe) 
punctata 3 25.333 0.471 50.667 0.811 0.0301 
Littorina (Melaraphe) 
neritoides 3 43 0.816 86 1.376 0.0522 
Littorina saxatilis 4 42.250 0.829 84.500 1.352 0.0531 

TABLE 4. Chromosome numbers in six species of the genus Littorina 

Species n 2n Origin 

L. brevicula 117 — Japan 

L. strigta 1% 34 Japan 

L. neritoides 17 34 Provence, France 
L. neritoides 11% 33 

L. neritoides 17 33 

L. punctata We 34 

L. saxatilis 17 34 Cornwall, England 
L. saxatilis 17 34 

L. saxatilis 17 34 Barents Sea 

L. saxatilis — 34 

L. obtusata — 34 

Lagoon of Venice, Italy 
Gulf of Palermo, Italy 
Gulf of Palermo, Italy 

Northern Sea, Sweden 

Lagoon of Venice, Italy 
Northern Sea, Sweden 


Nishikawa, 1962 
Nishikawa, 1962 
Thiriot-Quievreux 4 Ayraud, 1982 
Present paper 

Vitturi et al., 1988 

Present paper 

Janson, 1983 

Janson, 1983 

Birstein & Mikhailova, 1990 
Present paper 

Janson, 1983 

somelidae) (Petitpierre & al., 1993). Further- 
more, no direct correlation between DNA 
content and chromosome number were ar- 
gued also for pleurocerid snail genus Semi- 
sulcospira (Mesogastropoda) (Nakamura 4 
Ojima, 1990). 

Although karyological data for L. punctata 
are limited to the diploid chromosome num- 
ber (2n = 34) and spermatocyte bivalent mor- 
phology, they allow us to exclude a XO sex- 
determining mechanism for this species. 
Hence, the wide karyological differences (ge- 
nome size and presence of sex chromo- 
somes) between L. punctata and L. neri- 
toides make location of these species in the 
same subgenus (Nordsieck, 1968; Torelli, 
1982) unjustified. Alternatively, in accordance 
with Rosewater (1970), the taxon Melaraphe 
should contain only L. neritoides, which dif- 
fers from all other littorinids by a pair of cusps 
on the basal part of the central tooth in the 

The three species of Littorina here studied 
display a great variability when different cy- 
togenetical parameters (i.e., karyotype mor- 
phology, NOR patterns, sex chromosomes, 
genome size) are considered, and, therefore, 

karyology may be very useful in order to de- 
fine the frequently rearranged taxonomy of 
the genus (Bandel, 1974). 


Financial support by the ministero per Г 
Università e la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecno- 
logica (60%, 1992-93), Roma, is gratefully 


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George М. Davis', Zhang УР, Guo Yuan Hua’, & Christina Spolsky' 


The coevolved relationships of populations considered to be Oncomelania hupensis through- 
out China with Schistosoma japonicum are of interest to evolutionary biologists and consider- 
able importance to medical science relative to understanding the differentiation of the parasite 
throughout its range. As populations of Oncomelania dispersed and diversified in a direction 
from Burma-western Yunnan, China, throughout China to Japan and the Philippines, the par- 
asite has had to modify genetically with the genetically changing snail populations or become 
regionally extinct. This hypothesis predicts that measures of genetic distance among snail 
populations parallel genetic diversification among parasite populations. Our question here 15: to 
what extent have populations of Oncomelania diverged genetically throughout China, and what 
are the implications for systematic status of the populations? 

Measures of population divergence for Oncomelania can be derived from shell characters, 
anatomical characters, or molecular genetic distances. In this paper, we explore genetic di- 
vergence based on allozyme data involving 14 populations that are widespread throughout 
China, are in divergent drainage systems, and have different shell phenotypes. We find con- 
siderable genetic differentiation occurring throughout China. We also find coherent discernable 
patterns to the genetic differentiation. Careful examination of these patterns provides evidence 
for one case of cross-country transport of snails, and for the existence of three exceptional 
populations in which hybridizations between subspecies may have occurred. Excluding these 
four populations, patterns of genetic differentiation are in general correlated with geographic 
distribution and shell sculptural and shape characters. These patterns thus serve as the basis 
for subdivision of O. hupensis into three discrete subspecies. O. h. robertsoni, О. В. tangi, and 

O. h. hupensis. 


The rissoacean gastropod genus Oncomel- 
ania is restricted to Asia and has two species 
based on morphological criteria (reviewed in 
Davis, 1994); Oncomelania hupensis poly- 
typic species distributed from northern Burma 
(fossil), western China to Japan, Philippines, 
and Sulawesi, and O. minima in northwestern 
Honshu, Japan. The genus is one of eight 
genera of the Pomatiopsidae: Pomatiopsinae 
deriving from a Gondwanian origin (Davis, 
1979). The other genera are now found in 
South Africa, South America, Australia, Ja- 
pan, and the U.S.A. The genus in the U.S.A., 
Pomatiopsis, derived from Oncomelania of 

Oncomelania is of considerable interest to 
very different groups of people. To the spe- 
cialist in tropical medicine and parasitology, 
O. hupensis is associated with the transmis- 
sion of the human blood worm Schistosoma 

japonicum. The two species of Oncomelania 
also transmit different species of the lung 
fluke Paragonimus (Davis et al., 1994). For 
the systematist, variation in size and shell 
sculpture throughout the range of the genus 
has been the basis for debates about the 
number of genera and species involved 
(Bartsch, 1936a; Abbott, 1948; Davis, 1971; 
Kang, 1981, 1985; Liu et al. 1981; Lou et al. 
1982). The genus now plays a central role in 
the debate of defining what a species is. 
Does one today recognize polytypic species 
or subspecies; to what extent should one rely 
on measures of genetic distance to define 
species (Woodruff et al., 1988; Davis, 1994)? 

The coevolved relationships of populations 
considered to be Oncomelania hupensis 
throughout China with Schistosoma japoni- 
cum are of interest to evolutionary biologists 
and considerable importance to medical sci- 
ence relative to understanding the differenti- 
ation of the parasite throughout its range (re- 

‘Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia PA 19103. 
2Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Shanghai, China. 


viewed by Davis, 1992). As populations of 
Oncomelania dispersed and diversified in a 
direction from Burma-western Yunnan, 
China, throughout China to Japan and the 
Philippines (Davis 1979), the parasite has had 
to modify genetically with the genetically 
changing snail populations or become re- 
gionally extinct. This hypothesis predicts that 
measures of genetic distance among snail 
populations parallel genetic diversification 
among parasite populations. 

Measures of population divergence for On- 
comelania can be derived from shell charac- 
ters, anatomical characters, or molecular ge- 
netic distances. In this paper, we explore 
genetic divergence based on allozyme data 
involving 14 populations that are widespread 
throughout China, are in divergent drainage 
systems, and have different shell pheno- 
types. We find considerable genetic differen- 
tiation occurring throughout China. We also 
find coherent discernable patterns to the ge- 
netic differentiation. Careful examination of 
these patterns provides evidence for one 
case of cross-country transport of snails, and 
for the existence of three exceptional popu- 
lations in which hybridizations between sub- 
species may have occurred. Excluding these 
four populations, patterns of genetic differ- 
entiation are in general correlated with geo- 
graphic distribution and shell sculptural and 
shape characters. These patterns thus serve 
as the basis for subdivision of О. hupensis 
into three discrete subspecies: О. h. robert- 
soni, О. В. tangi, and O. В. hupensis. 

Specimens Studied 

Two groups of populations were studied 
seven months apart: all snails were alive 
when brought to the United States by Dr. 
Guo. They were collected by members of lo- 
cal anti-epidemic stations throughout China 
and sent to Dr. Guo in Shanghai. The 14 lo- 
calities sampled are listed in Table 1 and are 
shown in Figure 1. Group | represents seven 
populations from the most geographically 
separated locations in China collected in No- 
vember 1984. Group II snails, collected in 
November 1985 were from central to eastern 
China, with populations concentrated in the 
Hubei-Hunan-Anhui triangle. 

Shell categories are based on the major 
phenotypic classes of variants (Figs. 2-5): (1) 
smooth and no varix = S; (2) smooth but with 

pronounced varix = S,V; (3) smooth, with 
varix but with sporadic low ribs on penulti- 
mate and body whorl; these may appear as 
exaggerated growth lines = S +; (4) ribbed 
and with varix, the ribs are numerous (15-18 
on the lower whorls) and pronounced but low 
in profile = R; (5) pronounced high profile ribs, 
few in number on the lower whorls (12-13), 
with varix = R+. Each population consists of 
one phenotypic class only. 


Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of 
tissue proteins was followed by staining 
for the following 30 loci: AAT-1, AAT-2 (as- 
partate aminotransferase,; AK 
(adenosine kinase,; AO (aldehyde 
oxidase,; ACPH (acid phospha- 
tase,; APH (alkaline phosphatase,; CK (creatine kinase,; EST-1, 
EST-2, EST-3 (esterase,; GDH (glu- 
tamate dehydrogenase,; G6PD-1, 
G6PD-2 (glucose-6-phosphate dehydroge- 
nase,; GPI (glucose-6-phosphate 
isomerase); ISDH-1, ISDH-2, ISDH-3 (isoci- 
trate dehydrogenase,; LDH (L-lac- 
tate dehydrogenase,; MDH (malic 
dehydrogenase,; ME-1, ME-2 (malic 
enzyme,; MPI (mannose-6-phos- 
phate isomerase,; NADD-1 (NADH 
dehydrogenase,; 6PGD (phospho- 
gluconate dehydrogenase,; PGM-1, 
PGM-2 (phosphoglucomutase,; OCT 
(octopine dehydrogenase,; SDH-1; 
SDH-2 (sorbitol dehydrogenase, ; 
XDH (xanthine dehydrogenase, 
Procedures are those of Ayala et al. (1973) as 
modified by Dillon and Davis (1980), Davis 
(1983), Davis et al. (1981, 1988), and most 
recently for Oncomelania, by Davis et al. 

Because the number of snails was limited, 
and because the two groups were studied 
some months apart, it was not possible to 
obtain results for all loci for all populations. In 
comparing the two groups of populations, in- 
sufficient snails were available to fill in miss- 
ing data for some loci and to be absolutely 
certain of homology of scoring among some 
populations. Accordingly, the results are 
given for each group of populations sepa- 
rately before giving the combined data set. 
The combined data set for 14 populations 
involved 25 loci. The following loci were not 
included: AAT-2; ME-2; CK; GDH; ISDH-3. 

Genetic parameters were calculated using 
BIOSYS-1 (Swofford & Selander, 1981). 


TABLE 1. Populations, localities, and catalog numbers for the fourteen populations of the 
two groups. Localities are listed as they occur west to east. Latitudes and longitudes are 
given. They are provided for the county town when the precise locality in the county is 
not known. Shell sculptural types are as follows: Smooth; Smooth+ = smooth with a few 
low riblets scattered on the last two whorls of some shells, some looking as strong growth 
lines; Ribs+ = ribs very strong, few and high, about 11-13 on the body whorl; Ribbed = 
ribs strong, low but pronounced, many, ¡.e. some 18-19 on the body whorl or penultimate 

Group | snails collected in October 1984: 


Yunnan Province; Dali County 
25744'43"N; 100°7’16”Е; ANSP 398317, A18327 
shell: smooth; no varix 

. Sichuan Province; XiChang City 

2657'49"N; 10277'58“E; ANSP 398322; A18333 
shell: smooth; no varix 

. Hubei Province; JianLi County 

29°49’N; 112°54’E; ANSP 398320; A18330 
shell: ribbed; varix strong 

. Jiangxi Province; PengZe County 

29°54’N; 116°32’E; ANSP 398321; A18331 
shell: ribs+; varix strong 

. Anhui Province; GuiChi City 

117°20.6’E; 30°30’N; CIPD 0356; ANSP 398319; A18329 
shell: ribs+; varix strong 

. Fujian Province; FuQing County 

25°43’38”М; 119°24’00”Е; ANSP 398317; A18332 
shell: smooth; varix strong and wide 

. Fujian Province; XiaPu County 

26°50/11”М; 120°E; ANSP 398323; A183333 
shell: smooth; varix strong and wide 

Group Il collected in November 1985: 
1(8). Guangxi Province; GuiPing County 

23°23’27”’N; 110°04’42”E; ANSP 375733 
shell: smooth+; varix strong 

2(9). Hubei Province; JiangLing County 

30°20’57”М; 112°11’E; ANSP 375528 
shell: ribbed; varix strong 

3(10). Hunan Province; YueYang City 

29722'52"N; 113°06’00”Е; ANSP 375732 
shell: ribs+; varix strong 

4(11). Hubei Province; HanYang County 

30734'46"N; 114°01”06”Е; ANSP 375731 
shell: ribs+; varix strong 

5(12). Anhui Province; TongLing County/City 

30°12’35”М; 116°05’27”Е; ANSP 375730 
shell: ribs+; varix strong 

6(13). Anhui Province; NingGuo County 

30°22’23”М; 118°58’21”Е; ANSP 37573 
shell: smooth; varix strong 

7(14). Zhejiang Province; Chang Xing County 

near Anji; 31°01’35’N; 119°54’29°E; ANSP 375729 
shell: smooth; no varix 

= DA, Fig. 1 

= XI, Fig. 1 

= Jl, Fig. 1 

= PZ, Fig. 1 

= GC, Fig. 1 

= РО, Fig. 1 

= XP, Fig. 1 

= GP, Fig. 1 

= JL, Fig. 1 

= YY, Fig. 1 

= НУ, Fig. 1 

= TL, Fig. 1 

= NG, Fig. 1 

= СХ, Fig: 1 


Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was analyzed 
for all polymorphic loci. Nei’s (1978) genetic 
distance and Cavalli-Sforza & Edwards’ 
(1967) arc distance were calculated and 
phenograms constructed using the UPGMA 
method. Homology of alleles at certain loci 
could not be rechecked because of lack of 
specimens, and therefore Nei’s (1978) unbi- 

ased minimum distance (mD) was used so as 
not to inflate D due to possible error. Un- 
rooted trees based on mD were also con- 
structed using the FITCH program of PHYLIP 
version 3.4 (Felsenstein, 1989). This phyloge- 
netic analysis program does not assume 
equal rates of evolution. Twenty repetitions of 
FITCH were run with randomized input order 


| | 
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| HY о 
SICHUAN } an, 
/ ÈS 
HU | 1 GC y o 
| | 2 RUE 5 
a Г. PR & e 
Zi | YY Jl Nanchang E 
| Changsha 
| ^_--ХР 
QEr Hai Е | Fuzhou 
= 25 
Dali >-DA | N AS 
Kunmin: ig | e | | 
y 1 < = 
4 Guangzhou 
. + Jiang в. \ 
Nanning | 
o 90 180 270 360km | 20° 

105° 110° 

FIG. 1. Мар of localities in southern China. West to east: DA = Dali; Х! = XiChang; GP = GuiPing; JL 
JiangLing; Jl = JianLi; YY = YueYang; HY = HanYang; PZ = PengZe; GC = GuiChi; TL = TongLing; NG 
NingGuo; FQ = FuQing; CX = ChangXing; XP = XiaPu. 

and optimization by global branch rearrange- 


Indices of genetic variability are given in 
Table 2. Mean heterozygosity 1$ low, with 
means ranging from 0.008 to 0.093 (1.1 to 1.6 
alleles per locus). The percentage of poly- 
morphic loci ranged from 4.0 to 28.0. The 
lowest levels (4.0 to 8.0) involved smooth- 
shelled populations from Fujian and Sichuan 
provinces in the west, and from Zhejiang 
Province in the east. The mean value for 
smooth-shelled populations was 9.3 + 6.0 
(4.0-20.0; N = 6). The highest levels (20.0 to 
28.0) involved ribbed snails from Hubei, An- 
hui, and Jiangxi provinces. The percentage of 
polymorphic loci among ribbed snails was 
20.6 + 4.7 (16-28; N = 7). 

In the analysis of the seven populations in 
group |, allele frequencies for 29 loci involving 
67 alleles are given in Table 3. Nei’s D and 
arc distances are given in Table 4. Invariant 
loci and loci with fixed alternative alleles are 

115° 120° 

given in Table 5. Phenograms based on these 
distances are given in Figure 6. 

Group | populations represent highly diver- 
gent locations in six different provinces from 
Yunnan to Jiangxi provinces in the interior, 
and from Fujian Province on the coast. Nei’s 
D ranges from 0.107 (close geography and 
shell type: Yunnan and Sichuan: smooth 
shells) to 0.346 (Fujian smooth shell type vs. 
Jiangxi ribbed shell type). The mean D was 
0.241 + 0.066. The corresponding value for 
arc distance is 0.457 + 0.059 (range of 

Results from group II are given in Tables 6 
and 7 involving 60 alleles at 28 loci. Nei’s D 
averaged 0.234 + 0.095 (range of 0.089 to 
0.382); arc D averaged 0.440 + 0.087 (range 
of 0.291 to 0.559). Corresponding pheno- 
grams are given in Figure 7. 

Nine loci were monomorphic in the first 
group, 12 in the second (Table 5). One locus 
in each group was invariant except for one 
population; thus there were 19 and 14 infor- 
mative loci, respectively. There were fixed 
differences at eight loci in each group (Table 
5). There were minor deviations from Hardy- 


180 270 360 km | 


FIG. 2. Localities as in Fig. 1, but showing the distribution of shell types. Relative shell sizes are as shown. 

Weinberg equilibrium in both groups of pop- 
ulations (Table 8). In the first group, these 
involved four populations, five of 25 polymor- 
phic loci (summed over all populations), and 
primarily reflected heterozygote deficiency. 
In the second group, deviations occurred in- 
five populations at three of 28 polymorphic 
loci; the esterase-2 locus was involved in 
three of the five populations. Grouping pop- 
ulations from west to east along the Yangtze 
River drainage, Nei's D averaged as follows: 
Yunnan-Sichuan, 0.107 (group 1; Hubei- 
Hunan, 0.089—0.102 (group II, М = 3); Anhui, 
0.231 (group Il, N = 2). 

For the combined data-set, the matrix of 
Nei’s (1978) unbiased minimum distance is 
given in Table 9. The UPGMA phenogram 
based on these data is given in Figure 8. The 
greatest Nei’s minimum distance was 0.453 
(between Gui Ping and Fu Qing). In the phe- 
nogram, the populations are grouped in two 
major clusters. The upper cluster 1$, with 
three exceptions, a smooth-shelled cluster 
with shells having no varix (Dali, Chang Xing, 
Xi Chang) at the top; and the Fujian Province 
populations with smooth shells and low wide 
varix (Fu Qing, Xia Pu) at the bottom. Three 

populations seem out of place because they 
have ribbed shells: Tong Ling, Jian Li, and 
Gui Chi. Tong Ling has relatively low genetic 
distances to the Yunnan (Dali) and Sichuan 
(Xi Chang) populations and the lowest ge- 
netic distance (mD = 0.092) to the Zhejiang 
population (Table 9). The presence of ribbed 
shells in these snails, which are genetically 
closest to smooth-shelled populations, sug- 
gests the possibility that this is a hybrid pop- 
ulation. The same might be the case for the 
Jian Li and Gui Chi populations, which also 
have closer genetic affinity with the upper 
section taxa of the phenogram. 

The lower cluster, with an average pairwise 
mD of 0.160 + 0.07, is one characterized by 
populations with ribbed shells, except for the 
Ning Guo (Anhui) and the Gui Ping (Guangxi) 
smooth-shelled populations. These excep- 
tions will be discussed later. In sum, popula- 
tions clustered in Figure 8 appear to repre- 
sent three genetically cohesive groups: the 
Yunnan, Sichuan, and Zhejiang smooth- 
shelled populations with no varix; the two 
smooth-shelled Fujian populations with low 
wide shells and a low wide varix; a cohesive 
group of ribbed-shelled populations, which 




FIG. 3. Examples of shells from six localities: A. Dali, Yunnan Province = Oncomelania hupensis robertsoni; 
В. XiChang, Sichuan Province = O. В. robertsoni; С. ChangXing, Zhejiang Province = O. h. robertsoni; D. 
FuQing, Fujian Province = O. h. tangi; E. XiaPu, Fujian Province = O. В. tangi; Е. NingGuo, Anhui Province 
= O. В. hupensis (fausti form). The shell at the top left is 6.0 mm; others are printed to the same scale. 


FIG. 4. Examples of shells from six localities: A. GuiPing, Guangxi Province = O. hupensis guangxiensis; B. 
JianLi, Hubei Province = O. h. hupensis; C. JianLing, Hubei Province = O. h. hupensis; D. PengZe, Jiangxi 
Province = O. h. hupensis; E. GuiChi, Anhui Province = O. h. hupensis; F. YueYang, Hunan Province = O. 
h. hupensis. The shell at the top left is 6.69 mm long; others are printed to the same scale. 


FIG. 5. Examples of shells from two localities: A. TongLing, Anhui Province = Oncomelania hupensis 
hupensis; B. HanYang, Hubei Province = O. h. hupensis. The top left shell is 7.75 mm long; others are 

printed to the same scale. 

includes two exceptions that will be dis- 
cussed later. In addition, there are three pos- 
sible hybrid populations in the upper cluster. 
The general topology of the UPGMA pheno- 
gram is confirmed by FITCH analyses. Figure 
9 gives the best unrooted FITCH tree (sum of 
squares = 2.165); the 20 repetitions pro- 
duced only four unique trees, with three clear 
groupings in each case: Yunnan-Sichuan- 
Zhejiang (Dali group), Fu Qing—Xia Pu (Fujian 
group), and a mainly ribbed group of six pop- 
ulations (Han Yang, Gui Ping, Yue Yang, 
Peng Ze, Jiang Ling, and Ning Guo). The dif- 
ferences in the four FITCH trees occurred 
only in relative placement and branch lengths 
of the three possibly hybrid populations; in all 
cases, however, these three populations 
were positioned between the two smooth- 
shelled groups on the one hand and the 
ribbed group on the other. The former two 
groups are found in the upper cluster in the 
UPGMA phenogram; the latter group corre- 
sponds exactly to the lower cluster in the UP- 
GMA tree. Thus, the differences between the 
UPGMA and FITCH analyses lie mainly in the 

placement of the three putative hybrid pop- 

Genetic Distance, Shell Sculpture and 
Geographic Distance. 

Pairwise comparisons among populations 
on the basis of Nei’s minimum D from the 
smallest value to 0.156, along with the shell 
type, are given in Table 10. The value of 
0.156 was arbitrarily chosen to represent the 
upper limit of divergence that one might the- 
oretically expect between populations based 
on a number of studies of diverse taxa (re- 
viewed in Ayala and Aquadro, 1982). It 1$ 
clear, even without doing a Mantel test (Rice, 
1989), that there is no correlation between 
geographic distance and genetic distance 
when one considers all 14 populations. The 
two farthest separated populations have the 
lowest genetic distance (mD = 0.007 over 
>2,000km), whereas closest neighbors have 
an mD of 0.204 at 44 km, and of 0.339 at 72 
km. This lack of correlation provided the pre- 
liminary indication that the set of 14 popula- 


TABLE 2. Genetic variability at 25 loci for all 14 populations studied. 

Mean Heterozygosity 

Mean sample Mean no. 

size per alleles per % loci direct- Hdywbg 

Population locus locus polymorphic count expected 
1. Dali (Yunnan) 30.0 : 12.0 0.028 0.035 
(0.0) (0.1) (0.017) (0.021) 
2. FuQing (Fujian) 25:0 р 8.0 0.008 0.013 
(0.0) (0.1) (0.017) (0.010) 
3. GuiChi (Anhui) 14.9 a 24.0 0.077 0.093 
(0.1) (0.2) (0.036) (0.039) 
4. JianLi (Hubei) oro : 20.0 0.045 0.082 
(0.0) (0.2) (0.021) (0.039) 
5. PengZhe (Jiangxi) 25.0 у 28.0 0.093 0.110 
(0.0) (0.2) (0.036) (0.043) 
6. XiChang (Sichuan) 16.2 . 4.0 0.008 0.022 
(1.0) (0.0) (0.008) (0.022) 
7. XiaPu (Fujian) 25.0 . 8.0 0.026 0.022 
(0.0) (0.1) (0.020) (0.017) 
8. ChangXing (Zhejiang) 25.0 4 4.0 0.010 0.018 
(0.0) (0.0) (0.010) (0.018) 
9. TongLing (Anhui) 2510 : 16.0 0.064 0.082 
(0.0) (0.2) (0.032) (0.040) 
10. JiangLing (Hubei) 25.0 р 20.0 0.064 0.082 
(0.0) (0.2) (0.032) (0.040) 
11. YueYang (Hunan) 25.0 ; 16.0 0.085 0.082 
(0.0) (0.2) (0.041) (0.039) 
12. GuiPing (GuangXi) 25.0 . 12.0 0.074 0.061 
(0.0) .1) (0.041) (0.034) 
13. NingGuo (Anhui) 25.0 ; 20.0 0.074 0.055 
(0.0) 1) (0.044) (0.028) 
14. HanYang (Hubei) 25.0 : 20.0 0.070 0.073 
(0.0) .2) (0.035) (0.035) 

tions is not a valid grouping, and suggested 
the existence of discrete subgroups of O. hu- 

In Table 11 are given pairwise comparisons 
between populations listed by an increasing 
value of D from Tables 3 and 7. Crisscrossing 
through southern China the values gradually 
increase by increments of 0.020 + 0.01 (N = 
15). There are no big gaps to suggest a 
change from population groupings to dis- 
crete species. 

However, when populations are separated 
into groups based on chonchological and 
geographic criteria (Table 12), significant dif- 
ferences are evident among the different 
groups of populations. The Dali group of 
three populations with smooth shells without 
varix have a small average distance among 
them (0.081). A relatively small distance is 
found between the two Fujian populations 
with smooth shells but with a low, wide varix 
(0.154). Distances jump to >0.200 for inter- 
group comparisons of smooth-shelled popu- 

When all ribbed shells are compared, the 

average distance is 0.204 + 0.085; one stan- 
dard deviation ranges from 0.119 to 0.289. 
However, if one excludes the three putative 
hybrid populations, the remaining six popu- 
lations form a genetically cohesive group: 
this group includes two smooth-shelled pop- 
ulations where shells have а varix. This pre- 
dominantly ribbed-shelled set of populations 
has a much lower average pairwise distance, 
0.160. This distance is similar to the interpop- 
ulational differences within the Fujian group 
(0.154) and to the range of the Dali group 
(0.007 to 0.127). Thus, there are no signifi- 
cant within-group differences in distances 
between the coherent ribbed-shelled group 
of six and the two major smooth-shelled 
groups, Dali and Fujian. There is a clear gap 
between interpopulation distances within 
groups (Dali, Fujian, and ribbed; mD < 0.160) 
and intergroup distances between smooth 
and ribbed populations (mD > 0.300). For the 
three ribbed, possibly hybrid populations 
(Tong Ling, Gui Chi, Jiang Li), comparisons of 
each to the Dali group, the Fujian group, the 


TABLE 3. Allele frequencies for seven populations of Oncomelania hupensis from throughout China 
(group I). 29 loci; 67 alleles. “Same number of individuals from each population at all loci. There were 
nine invariant loci; see Table 5. AAT-2 was not detected in XiChang, population 6. 



(Ny 30 25 19 15 25 18 25 

А 1.0 0.0 0.97 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 

В 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 

С 0.0 0.0 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

А 1.0 1.0 0.87 1.0 1.0 —= 0.74 

В 0.0 0.0 0.13 0.0 0.0 — 0.26 

A 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

B 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 

A 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

B 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 

A 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 

B 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

A 1.0 0.86 1.0 1.0 0.96 0.0 0.0 

B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.50 0.0 

C 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 0.0 

D 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.0 1.0 

A 1.0 1.0 0.56 0.43 0.78 1.0 0.72 

B 0.0 0.0 0.40 0.30 0.18 0.0 0.0 

С 0.0 0.0 0.03 0.17 0.04 0.0 0.28 

D 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 

A 1.0 0.0 0.92 120 1.0 1.0 1.0 

B 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

C 0.0 0.0 0.08 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

A 0.97 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 

B 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

А 0.0 0.0 0.57 0.90 0.70 1.0 0.0 

В 0.0 1.0 0.40 0.07 0.28 0.0 1.0 

С 0.0 0.0 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

D 0.93 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

E 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

| 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.03 0.02 0.0 0.0 

A 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 

B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 

A 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 

B 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 

A 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 

B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 


TABLE 3. (Continued) 

A 1.0 1.0 0.70 0.57 0.32 1.0 1.0 
B 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.24 0.0 0.0 
C 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.0 
D 0.0 0.0 0.30 0.30 0.26 0.0 0.0 
E 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.13 0.12 0.0 0.0 
E 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 
A 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 
B 0.0 150 1.0 
A 0.72 0.0 0.07 0.0 0.04 1.0 0.0 
B 0.28 1.0 0.53 0:77 0.62 0.0 1.0 
С 0.0 0.0 0.37 0.20 0.34 0.0 0.0 
D 0.0 0.0 0.03 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 
A 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.90 1.0 0.08 
В 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.93 
С 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.08 0.0 0.0 
A 0.82 0.94 1.0 0.0 0.72 1.0 1.0 
B 0.18 0.06 0.0 0.90 0.0 0.0 0.0 
C 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.10 0.0 0.0 0.0 
D 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.28 0.0 0.0 
A 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 
В 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 

TABLE 4. Pairwise genetic distances among the seven populations of group I; Nei’s (1978) D below the 
diagonal; arc D above the diagonal. The lower set includes the AAT-2 locus, which was not scorable for 
XiChang and therefore excluded from the upper set. 

Dali — 0.443 0.456 0.402 0.538 0.339 0.392 
FuQing 0.223 — 0.499 0.466 0.503 0.460 0.314 
GuiChi 0.221 0.287 — 0.436 0.482 0.510 0.448 
JianLi 0.171 0.255 0.217 — 0.513 0.483 0.417 
PengZe 0.334 0.302 0.278 0.312 — 0.515 0.521 
XiChang 0.107 0.227 0.292 0.244 0.301 — 0.455 
XiaPu 0.176 0.108 0.233 0.200 0.346 0.230 — 
Dali — 0.395 0.411 0.364 0.481 — 0.358 
FuQing 0.214 — 0.449 0.419 0.452 — 0.289 
GuiChi 0.214 0.277 — 0.391 0.432 — 0.404 
JianLi 0.164 0.245 0.210 — 0.456 — 0.381 
PengZe 0.320 0.289 0.268 0.298 — — 0.473 
XiChang — — — — = — — 
XiaPu 0.173 0.107 0.227 0997 0.337 — = 

ribbed group of five, and separately the Ning est to the Dali group (Dali group—Tong Ling, 
Guo population, show that in each case, the 0.116; Dali group—Jiang Li, 0.189; Dali 
putative hybrid population is genetically clos- group—Gui Chi, 0.227). These three excep- 


TABLE 5. Loci fixed for a single allele or having 
alternative alleles 

Invariant loci Group 1 

Group 2 


>< << >< | << 



Invariant except population 

Fixed for alternative alleles 

| © 
| хх | 

De SS | За | 

CPR ee | 

Alternative allele except population 

3 (GC) 

3 (GC) = 
MDH = 8 (JL) 

tional populations are also fairly closely re- 
lated to each other (average mD 0.187), but 
not clearly to any other group. 

Population Genetics 

Populations of Oncomelania studied here 
are not unusual in having few alleles per lo- 
cus (1.0 to 1.6), a low mean heterozygosity 
(0.008 to 0.036), and low percentage of poly- 
morphic loci (4 to 28). In a previous study of 
Oncomelania from China and the Philippines, 
Woodruff et al. (1988) found 16 polymorphic 
loci among 21 loci studied, with 1.8 to 2.1 
alleles per locus, in two populations from Gui 

Chi in Anhui Province; mean heterozygosity 
was 0.19 to 0.20, and the percentage of poly- 
morphic loci ranged from 52 to 62. The major 
difference between these two studies of On- 
comelania 1$ that in this study we had results 
from 29 loci. Had we studied only 21 loci, Gui 
Chi of our study would have had 33% poly- 
morphic loci rather than 24%. This, however, 
is not the only source of discrepancy. Wood- 
ruff et al. (1988) reported polymorphism at 
three loci where we found none: LAP, ACP, 
ME; in addition, they had a polymorphism at 
PEP locus we did not study. Even with ex- 
tensive additional screening of our Gui Chi 
population (250 additional individuals; 38 
loci), the number of polymorphic loci still re- 
mains relatively low, 44%. 

The results found in our study were similar 
to those found in sister taxa of rissoacean 
snails in the genus Hydrobia (Hydrobiidae): 
Davis et al. (1988, 1989), one species, six 
populations (30 loci); Haase (1993), three 
species (25 loci); and in Truncatella: Rosen- 
berg (1989), five species (19 loci), one spe- 
cies with four populations. п the Truncatella 
study, four populations had a mean heterozy- 
gosity above 0.036 (0.037 to 0.077). How- 
ever, the 0.077 value derived from a mean 
sample size of 5.3 snails analyzed per locus. 
The mean number of alleles per locus varied 
from 1.1 to 1.4; mean heterozygosity varied 
from 0.006 to 0.077; the percentage of poly- 
morphic loci varied from 5.3 to 31.6. In sum- 
mary, the Oncomelania populations studied 
here are normally outbreeding rissoacean- 
grade snails with an apparent usual pattern 
of low heterozygosity and low percentage of 
polymorphic loci. 

Genetic distance and 
taxonomic discrimination 

Where do populations stop and higher taxa 
begin? This topic was reviewed extensively 
by Davis (1994) with particular reference to 
Oncomelania hupensis. Large genetic dis- 
tances by themselves do not serve to define 
species. There is no magical cut off point be- 
low which are populations and above which 
are species. We have demonstrated the 
gradual rise of Nei’s D to the 0.400 level in 
pairwise comparisons of populations across 
China, but again, this does not hold if one 
excludes the three candidate hybrid popula- 
tions. We documented the very great inter- 
population variance in Nei's minimal D for the 
ribbed populations traditionally classified as 


МЕ! '5 1978 D 





А+ У 
R У 
R+ У 
5 V 



А 1 1 == J 

12 08 04 te) 



1 _ —E =i 1 2 НЕЕ 
-60 .54 .48 .42 .36 .30 24 

= 5. Е 
18 12 .06 о 

FIG. 6. UPGMA derived phenograms based on Nei’s 1978 D and Cavalli-Sforza's Arc D for group | 


Oncomelania hupensis hupensis (range of 
0.048 to 0.324). 

Woodruff et al. (1988) showed that On- 
comelania hupensis quadrasi populations 
from the Philippines differed from Oncomel- 
ania hupensis hupensis from China by a D of 
0.62 + 0.04 and on this basis, invoking the 
“evolutionary species concept,” stated that 
two species rather than subspecies were in- 
volved. On the other hand, Davis (1994) 
noted that the land snail Cepaea nemoralis 
introduced from Europe to the southern 
U.S.A. differed by a D of 0.631 between con- 
tinents (Johnson et al., 1984) and that a pop- 
ulation near Pavia, Italy, differed from another 
from Florence, Italy, by D = 0.391. This spe- 
cies, used in various paradigms in evolution, 
is well known for geographic variation in shell 
polymorphisms and allozymes. Quoting 
Johnson et al. (1984), “The decoupling of ge- 
netic distance from speciation emphasizes 
the limitations of viewing the process of spe- 
ciation solely in genetic terms” (see also 
Stine, 1989 and Murray et al., 1991). 

The large genetic distances in our and the 
Woodruff studies are caused by six or more 
loci with alternative allele(s). Alternative alle- 
les in allopatric populations are largely re- 
sponsible for the results seized upon by 
Woodruff et al. (1988) to defend an evolution- 

ary or phylogenetic species concept. But is 
this justified? 

Species concepts and Oncomelania 

In describing new species, and especially 
in applying molecular genetic data in the pro- 
cess, one must commit to a species concept 
and be prepared to defend that concept. 
Davis (1994) reviewed this topic in arguing for 
Templeton's (1989) “cohesion” model, 
which includes the biological species con- 
cept whenever it applies as well as Patter- 
son's (1985) recognition concept. The cohe- 
sion model integrates population genetics 
and ecology with standard studies of mor- 
phology. The concept can be applied to all 
organisms from outbreeders to syngameons 
or parthogenetic organisms. 

Among populations of Oncomelania hu- 
pensis one finds considerable cohesion! 
Given that each morphological character 1$ 
controlled by one to several genes, morpho- 
logical distance is a measure of relative ge- 
netic distance. Aside from size and a few 
shell characters, the allopatric populations of 
this species are qualitatively the same. Ac- 
cordingly, the relative genetic divergence ex- 
pressed in morphology 15 extremely low. Re- 
productive cohesion is also large. Allopatric 


TABLE 6. Allele frequencies for seven populations of Oncomelania hupensis from south-central China 
(group II). 28 loci (no CK; GDH). М = 25 for all populations, all loci. There were 12 invariant loci; see 
Table 5. 


Locus ChangXing TongLing JiangLing YueYang GuiPing NingGuo HanYang 

A 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 

B 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

C 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 

A 1.0 1.0 0.92 0.96 1.0 1.0 1.0 

B 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

C 0.0 0.0 0.06 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

D 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 

A 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 

B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 

A 1.0 1.0 0.44 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 

B 0.0 0.0 0.44 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

С 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

D 0.0 0.0 0.12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

A 1.0 0.46 1.0 0.46 0.46 0.50 0.78 

B 0.0 0.42 0.0 0.46 0.0 0.50 0.0 

C 0.0 0.12 0.0 0.08 0.54 0.0 0.22 

А 0.0 0.80 0.70 0.72 0.48 0.38 0.80 

В 0.0 0.0 0.14 0.16 0.0 0.62 0.20 

С 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

D 1.0 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 

Е 0.0 0.10 0.02 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 

E 0.0 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 

G 0.0 0.02 0.06 0.04 0.52 0.0 0.0 

A 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

B 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 

A 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 

С 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 

D 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 

A 0.0 0.0 0.98 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

B 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 

C 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

A 1.0 О 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 

В 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 

А 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 

В 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 

С 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 

A 1.0 0.54 0.40 0.34 120 0.88 0.56 

B 0.0 0.14 0.0 0.06 0.0 0.08 0.04 

C 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.04 0.0 

D 0.0 0.26 0.56 0.60 0.0 0.0 0.38 

E 0.0 0.06 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 


TABLE 6. (Continued) 

Locus ChangXing TongLing JiangLing 
A 1.0 1.0 0.0 
B 0.0 0.0 1.0 
A 0.32 0.0 0.0 
B 0.68 0.64 0.52 
C 0.0 0.34 0.44 
D 0.0 0.02 0.04 
Е 0.0 0.0 0.0 
А 140 1.0 1.0 
B 0.0 0.0 0.0 
A 1.0 0.0 0.0 
B 0.0 1.0 1.0 

YueYang GuiPing NingGuo HanYang 
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 
0.0 0.0 0.06 0.02 
0.62 0.46 0.94 0.44 
0.38 0.54 0.0 0.50 
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.02 
1.0 1.0 0.02 0.98 
0.0 0.0 0.98 0.02 
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 

TABLE 7. Matrices of genetic distances for group Il populations. Nei's (1978) D is given above the 

diagonal; arc D below the diagonal. 

Population CX TL JL 

ChangXing — 0.089 0.381 
TongLing 0.306 — 0.293 
JiangLing 0.559 0.492 — 

YueYang 0.558 0.470 0.310 
GuiPing 0.556 0.490 0.468 
NingGuo 0.506 0.448 0.469 
HanYang 0.487 0.397 0.302 

populations from the Philippines, Japan, 
China can readily interbreed and produce vi- 
able F,, F, РГ, generations (reviewed in 
Davis, 1980, 1981). Thus, there is no barrier 
to reproduction; clearly, allozymic differenti- 
ation does not impinge on overall genetic co- 
hesiveness. It appears that gene divergence, 
as seen in allozymes, can change relatively 
rapidly in Oncomelania hupensis, while over- 
all morphological and breeding system rec- 
ognition patterns do not. 

Because the fundamental niche parame- 
ters for allopatric populations of the species 
are the same (van der Schalie and Davis, 
1968; Davis, 1971), the populations are de- 
mographically exchangeable. Behavior is the 
same for all populations, whether from Ja- 
pan, the Philippines or China; that 1$ these 
snails climb upward. In dry periods, they can 
be found cemented to stone walls bounding 
canals or, in the Yangtze flood plain, a meter 
or more up on tree trunks. All populations lay 
their eggs singly, each coated with fine mud. 

0.382 0.364 0.301 0.264 
0.267 0.286 0.231 0175 
0.102 0.261 0.263 0.093 

— 0.155 0.287 0.089 
0.373 — 0.296 0.140 
0.483 0.506 = 0.193 
0.291 0.360 0.403 —= 

Species of Oncomelania 

In contrast to the biological and ecologi- 
cal cohesion among populations of On- 
comelania hupensis, there is considerable 
disruption between the two recognized spe- 
cies of Oncomelania: O. hupensis and О. 
minima (Bartsch, 1936a). Oncomelania min- 
ima comes from northwestern Honshu, Ja- 
pan. The type locality is the Noto Peninsula, 
Ishikawa Prefecture. The species are readily 
distinguished by differences in shell morphol- 
ogy, genital and gill anatomy, and ecology 
(Davis, 1971). Oncomelania minima can be 
amphibious, as is O. hupensis, but the former 
is abundant on sticks, leaves, rocks in a nar- 
row mountain stream. Oncomelania minima 
is also abundant on rock slabs over which 
there was a great amount of water seepage- 
flow. Thus, these snails live much as do many 
species of the sister genus Tricula (Pomati- 
opsidae: Triculinae); this mode of life is not 
that of O. hupensis. 


NEI'S 1978 D 

L 4 L 1 1 1 L 1 L L 1 1 4 1. L 1 4 J 
40 36 32 .28 24 20 16 12 .08 04 o 
L N 1 1 1 L 1 + 1 1 it 1 = 1 = L L 1 J 
-60 .54 .48 .42 .36 -30 .24 18 12 -06 o 

FIG. 7. UPGMA derived phenograms based on Nei’s 1978 D and Arc D for group И populations. 

TABLE 8. Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg (H. W.) equilibrium for all populations studied; Р = 

probability; P level accepted = 0.05. 

No. loci Locus not Probability 
Population polymorphic in H.W. x pooled exact 
Dali 4 SDH-1 0.01 — 0.03 
FuQing 2 — — — — 
GuiChi 6 EST-3 0.0 — 0.04 
Лапы 5 EST-2 0.01 0.02 0.03 
OCT 0.0 0.02 0.03 
PengZhe Uf SDH-1 0.002 — 0.01 
XiChang 1 — — — — 
XiaPu 2 — — — — 
ChangXing 1 PGM-1 0.02 — 0.03 
TongLing 4 EST-2 0.001 0.02 0.04 
JiangLing 5 — — — = 
YueYang 5 AAT-2 0.0 — 0.02 
GuiPing 3 EST-2 0.0 — 0.02 
NingGuo 5 EST-2 0.0 — 0.0 
HanYang 5 — — — — 

Тре type of morphological discontinuity 
and ecological divergence that allows recog- 
nition of these two species parallels that of 
the types of character-state changes seen 
among species of the sister subfamily Tricu- 
linae. Closely related triculine species differ 
by a combination of character states, such as 

given above and: penis with papilla in one 
species, without in another; seminal vesicle a 
coil dorsal to the gonad vs. a knot on the 
posterior stomach; penis with pronounced 
ejaculatory duct in the base of the penis in 
one species vs. absent in another; outer mar- 
ginal tooth with specialized outer cusp vs no 


TABLE 9. Matrix of genetic distances (mD) for the combined set of fourteen populations. R = ribbed; S 

= smooth; V = marix; NV = no varix. 


Dali, Yunnan 

FuQing, Fujian $, V — 

GuiChi, Anhui В+, V — 

JianLi, Hubei В, V — 
PengZe, Jiangxi R+, V — 
XiChang, Sichuan S, NV 

XiaPu, Fujian S, V 
ChangXing, Zhejiang S, NV 
TongLing, Anhui В+, V 
JiangLing, Hubei R, V 


S,NV — 0.218 0.209 0.166 0.297 0.110 0.215 0.007 0.101 0.344 0.308 0.296 0.294 0.255 
0.266 0.241 0.276 0.225 0.154 0.205 0.254 0.334 0.376 0.453 0.296 0.404 
0.202 0.247 0.270 0.262 0.203 0.204 0.299 0.245 0.260 0.325 0.286 
0.274 0.232 0.234 0.169 0.156 0.339 0.280 0.378 0.372 0.324 
0.275 0.349 0.291 0.208 0.097 0.129 0.231 0.256 0.167 


— 0.266 0.127 0.155 0.292 0.367 0.361 0.328 0.307 
— 0.201 0.243 0.306 0.286 0.357 0.253 0.315 
— 0.092 0.337 0.300 0.290 0.281 0.249 

YueYang, Hunan В+, V — 0.150 0.222 0.048 
GuiPing, Guangxi S+, V — 0.232 0.098 
NingGuo, Anhui SV — 0.185 
HanYang, Hubel В+, V — 





.12 .08 .04 lo) 

FIG. 8. UPGMA derived phenogram based on Nei's minimum D (Table 9) for both population groups 


specialized outer cusp; and so forth. In sum, 
species in the Pomatiopsinae and the sister 
clade, Triculinae, regularly demonstrate mor- 
phological discontinuities equatable to con- 
siderable relative genetic divergence. Such 
discontinuity is not found within the On- 
comelania hupensis species complex. 

The Oncomelania hupensis Polytypic 
Species Complex 

The data we have thus far for this species 
indicates that overall cohesiveness—mor- 
phological, genetic, and ecological—has not 
been disrupted to the extent that allopatric 
populations in this complex should be ac- 

corded species status. Nevertheless, evolu- 
tion towards species rank has progressed to 
varying degrees in many allopatric popula- 
tions both within and outside China. 

In China, Oncomelania is distributed in 12 
provinces and 347 counties (Kang, 1985). It 
has been argued by Liu et al. (1981) that, 
based on shell differences, there are five sub- 
species in mainland China: O. hupensis hu- 
pensis; O. hupensis robertsoni (Bartsch, 
1946); O. hupensis tangi (Bartsch, 1936b); O. 
hupensis fausti (Bartsch, 1925); and O. hu- 
pensis guangxiensis (Liu et al., 1981). On the 
basis of the data presented here, we are in- 
clined to accept three of them. 

Before discussing allozyme results and the 


O. hupensis hupensis 

Han Yang 
x JiangLing 



O. h. robertsoni 

O. h. tangi 


FIG. 9. An unrooted FITCH tree based on Nei's mD for both population groups combined. Line lengths are 

proportional to branch lengths. 

basis for accepting three subspecies, it is im- 
portant to understand the genetic basis for 
shell characters. Historically, the plesiomor- 
phic relevant character states are: small size, 
smooth shell, no varix, colorless apex (Davis, 

1979). Today, differences among populations 
are seen in the increased shell size, sculpture 
(smooth to heavily ribbed), varix or lack of 
same, width/length ratios, and apex color. 
Hybridization and schistosome susceptibility 


TABLE 10. Comparison of Nei's mD (юг mD < 0.157), shell morphology, and geographic distance; $ = 
smooth shells; R = ribbed shells (see Table 1 caption). Distances in km. 

0.007 Dali, Yunnan x ChangXing, Zhejiang 
0.048 HanYang, Hubei x YueYang, Hunan 
0.059 JiangLing, Hubei x YueYang, Hunan 
0.092 ChangXing, Zhejiang x TongLing, Anhui 
0.092 JiangLing, Hubei x HanYang, Hubei 
0.097 PengZe, Jiangxi x JiangLing, Hubei 
0.098 GuiPing, Guangxi x HanYang, Hubei 
0.101 Dali, Yunnan x TongLing, Anhui 

0.110 Dali, Yunnan x XiChang, Sichuan 

0.127 XiChang, Sichuan x ChangXing, Zhejiang 
0.129 PengZe, Jiangxi x YueYang, Hunan 
0.150 YueYang, Hunan x GuiPing, Guangxi 
0.154 XiaPu, Fujian x FuQing, Fujian 

0.155 XiChang, Sichuan х TongLing, Anhui 
0.156 JianLi, Hubei x TongLing, Anhui 

0.204 GuiChi x TongLing/ANHUI 

0.339 JiangLing x JianLi/HUBEI 

SxS 2,052 (most distant) 
R+ x R+ 62.5 

Rx R+ 141.1 

SxR+ 199.0 

Rx R+ 175.0 

R+ xR 438.3 

S+ x В+ 899.3 

S x R+ 1,854 

SxS 321.4 

SXS 1,784 

R+ x R+ 312.0 

R+ x 5+ 660.0 

эхо 142.3 

S x В+ 1,567 

Rx R+ 442.0 

R+ x В+ 44.4 (closest neighbors) 
RxR 72.1 

TABLE 11. Pairwise comparisons of Nei's (1978) D values in a gradation from 
small to large values along with the provinces involved. From Tables 4 and 7. 

то Populations compared 
0.089 TongLing x ChangXing 
0.102 HanYang x YueYang 
0.140 HanYang x GuiPing 
0.155 GuiPing x YueYang 
0.176 XiaPu x Dali 

0.193 HanYang x NingGuo 
0.221 GuiChi x Dali 

0.255 JianLi x FuQing 

0.261 GuiPing x JiangLing 
0.287 GuiChi x FuQing 
0.292 GuiChi x XiChang 
0.301 XiChang x PengZe 
0.334 PengZe x Dali 

0.346 XiaPu x PengZe 

0.364 GuiPing x ChangXing 
0.382 YueYang x ChangXing 

Geographic location 

Anhui—Zhejiang Provinces 
Hubei Province 
Hubei—Guangxi Provinces 
Guangxi—Hubei Provinces 
Fujian—Yunnan Provinces 
Hubei—Anhui Provinces 
Anhui—Yunnan Provinces 
Hubei—Fujian Provinces 
Guangxi—Hubei Provinces 
Anhui—Fujian Provinces 
Anhui—Sichuan Provinces 
Sichuan—Jiangxi Provinces 
Jiangxi—Yunnan Provinces 
Fujian—Jiangxi Provinces 
Guangxi—Zhejiang Provinces 
Hubei—Zhejiang Provinces 

studies underscore the importance of these 
sculptural aspects (Davis and Вий, 1973). 
Ribbing is dominant to smooth, involving a 
single gene with multiple alleles. Large size is 
dominant to small as is higher whorl number. 
Hybrid vigor was demonstrated, as F, snails 
had 7.5 to 8.5 whorls, whereas parental 
snails had 5.0 to 6.5 whorls. Susceptibility 1$ 
dominant to resistance. In addition to shell 
characters, pigmentation is dominant to albi- 

Ribbing 1$ restricted to the mainland of 
China and especially to low-land flood plains 
and marshy areas adjacent to the Yangtze 
River or rivers flowing into the Yangtze. At 
higher elevation, above the effects of annual 

flooding, the shells of snails become smooth. 
All snail populations in the highland areas 
west of the three gorges barrier on the 
Yangtze River, in Yunnan and Sichuan, are 
smooth and without a varix. Ribbing seems 
to be selected for relative to dispersal and 
survival during rampaging floods of the 
Yangtze River drainage. 

The varix, the rib-like thickening at the lip 
of the shell is, it seems, the last rib. Yet, there 
are smooth shells that may or may not have a 
varix. All shells with ribs have a varix. Reten- 
tion of the varix in smooth shells seems to be 
the genetic loss of all ribs except the last one. 
It is also probable that the loss of ribbing with 
retention of the varix has occurred indepen- 


TABLE 12. Comparison of populations based on shell sculpture using Nei’s minimum D 

|. Smooth x Smooth Shells 
Dali x Sichuan x Zhejiang [no varix] 
Fujian [strong, wide varix] 
Dali groups x Fujian group 
NingGuo [smooth, varix] х Dali group 
NingGuo x Fujian group 
GuiPing [smooth, varix] х Dali group 
GuiPing x Fujian group 

|. Ribbed x Ribbed Shells 
All ribbed populations (incl. hybrids) 
Ribbed populations (excluding hybrids) 

0.081 + 0.06 

0.230 + 0.024 
0.301 + 0.024 

0.316 + 0.036 

вет ито 
ND © D © O — w 

0.204 + 0.085 
0.160 + 0.092 

— N 


(includes НУ, GP, YY, PZ, JL, NG = Ribbed “Group of 6”) 

Smooth x Ribbed 

Dali group x All ribbed populations 
Dali group x Group of 6 

Fujian group x All ribbed populations 
Fujian group x Group of 6 

NingGuo x rest of group of 6 
GuiPing x rest of group of 6 

IV. TongLing [ribbed, possible hybrid] x Other Groups 

TongLing x Dali group 
TongLing x Fujian group 
TongLing x Group of 5 
TongLing x NingGuo 

V. GuiChi [ribbed, possible hybrid] x Other Groups 

GuiChi x Dali group 
GuiChi x Fujian group 
GuiChi x Group of 5 
GuiChi x NingGuo 


JiangLi x Dali group 
JiangLi x Fujian group 
JiangLi x Group of 5 
JiangLi x NingGuo 

dently in different geographic regions and at 
different times. Thus, one observes the fol- 
lowing characters and character-states. 
Varix: absent (0), present (1); Varix shape: 
high and pronounced (0), low and wide (1). 
The subspecies we accept and the basis 
for accepting them are given below: 
Oncomelania hupensis hupensis Gredler, 
1881, is strongly ribbed and with a strong 
rib-like varix. Shells are tall, large. This sub- 
species occurs throughout the mid to lower 
Yangtze River basin, especially Hubei, 
Hunan, and Anhui provinces, and the Bei 
River in Guangdong Province (Liu et al., 
1981). At first glance, our populations 3, 4, 5, 
9, 10, 11, 12 (Table 1) appear to fit this de- 
scription. Nei’s mD among these seven pop- 
ulations is 0.204 + 0.085 (N = 21). As dis- 

JiangLi [ribbed, possible hybrid] x Other Groups 

0.257 + 0.077 
0.304 + 0.056 
0.296 + 0.053 
0.334 + 0.089 
0.227 + 0.036 
0.182 + 0.042 

225.726 FL, FL, FL CE 
NL A UT NE Hall 
Sn On SS 105) 


0.116 + 0.032 
0.212 + 0.048 

ou out 

— O1 ND © 

0.227 + 0.034 
0.267 + 0.027 

A de 
I mM 

— O1 D © 

0.189 + 0.033 
0.319 + 0.052 

+ On Ww 

cussed below, however, we also include two 
smooth-shelled populations, 8 and 13, within 
this grouping, but exclude ribbed popula- 
tions 3, 5, and 12. 

We included within O. hupensis hupensis 
the nominal subspecies O. h. fausti and O. h. 
guangxiensis. Oncomelania h. fausti has O. h. 
hupensis-sized shells that are smooth but 
with a strong varix. These smooth-shelled 
snails live in uplands beyond the reach of 
flooding of the Yangtze River and tributaries. 
The two nominal taxa live over the same geo- 
graphical regions. Lou et al. (1982) con- 
cluded that they are synonymous. In Hubei 
Province, one finds streams where the 
smooth form is at the headwaters and the 
ribbed form is along the flood plain. In inter- 
mediate zones, there appears to be intergra- 


dation of the two sculptural types. It is ap- 
parent that ribbing is associated with flood 
plains and the smooth shells associated with 
upland areas beyond the effects of flooding. 
There are no physical or reproductive barriers 
between the sculptural types. The upland 
habitats only reflect elevation and freedom 
from annual flooding, not differences in the 
microhabitat. The one population of the 
“fausti” type that we studied, no. 13 from 
Ning Guo, Anhui Province, differs from the 
other members of the coherent group of six 
ribbed populations (Table 12) by an mD of 
0.227 + 0.062 (N = 13); from the two smooth- 
shelled groups, Dali and Fujian, by 0.301 and 
0.274, respectively. Further, in both phyloge- 
netic analyses (Figs. 8, 9), this “fausti” type 
clusters with the group of predominantly 
ribbed-shelled taxa. We noted previously 
that Nei’s mD for the latter populations is 
0.160 + 0.07. Accordingly, we do not con- 
sider O. h. fausti to be a distinct subspecies 
but a smooth form of O. h. hupensis. 

Liu et al. (1981) described a new subspe- 
cies, O. hupensis guangxiensis from the 
northwestern part of Guangxi along the Yu 
Jiang and Hongshui river systems. The shells 
were described as medium sized, rather thin, 
smooth and with a weak varix. The type and 
the description of the taxon puts emphasis 
on deep sutures and especially rounded 
body whorl. Our Guangxi population from Gui 
Ping is at the confluence of the Yu Jiang and 
Hongshui rivers. One of our specimens re- 
sembles the figured type, but the remaining 
somewhat resemble the “O. h. fausti’ type. 
The shells are smooth and the varix weak in 
90% of the snails. However, there are weak 
scattered ribs or pronounced growth lines on 
the shells of some individuals. It differs from 
the two smooth-shelled groups by Nei’s тб 
of 0.316 and 0.405 respectively; it differs 
from the other members of the coherent 
group of six ribbed populations by 0.182. As 
with our “fausti” population, this population 
clusters even more tightly with the coherent 
group of O. h. hupensis. The faint ribs seen 
on some shells and its genetic affinity for taxa 
in the lower cluster indicates to us that it 1$ 
part of the ribbed-shell group, i.e. O. A. hu- 
pensis, and not a distinct subspecies. How- 
ever, topotypes must be studied to confirm 
our opinion. 

This then brings into question the affinity of 
the three ribbed populations in the upper 
cluster of Figure 8, Tong Ling, Jian Li, and 
Gui Chi. Because morphologically and geo- 

graphically, these populations appear to be 
O. h. hupensis, but genetically and phyloge- 
netically, they appear most closely allied to 
the smooth-shelled Dali group, we raise the 
possibility that these three populations are a 
result of hybridization between smooth- 
shelled taxa, such as O. h. robertsoni as dis- 
cussed below (Dali, Chang Xing, and Xi 
Chang), and a ribbed O. h. hupensis popula- 
tion. It is particularly compelling to make this 
hypothesis given: (1) that ribbing is dominant 
to smooth and the populations in question 
come from the flood plains; (2) an average 
mD to the three O. h. robertsoni populations 
of only 0.116 + 0.034; and (3) the close geo- 
graphic proximity ofthe Tong Ling population 
and the transported smooth-shelled popula- 
tion from Chang Xing, Zhejiang Province; the 
genetic distance between these two popula- 
tions is only 0.092. In further discussion, 
when we refer to ribbed populations, we 
therefore include only the coherent group of 
six populations that cluster together in phy- 
logenetic analyses (Figs. 8, 9). 

Oncomelania hupensis robertsoni (our 
populations Dali, Xi Chang, Chang Xing) 1$ 
smooth and without varix. It is located in Si- 
chuan and Yunnan provinces at altitudes 
from 200 m up to 2,000 m (Liu et al., 1981) in 
ditches along the slopes of hills, at the edges 
of fields and irrigation canals in basin areas. 
The geographic region is isolated from other 
provinces with respect to invasion down the 
Yangtze River by the long stretch of the 
treacherous Yangtze Gorges west of Hubei 
Province. One population assigned to this 
subspecies is enigmatic in that it comes from 
Zhejiang Province at the eastern end of China 
(Group Il, Chang Xing), a locality that is the 
farthest removed from Yunnan-Sichuan of all 
populations studied, yet the least divergent 
from the Yunnan population (Nei’s mD of 
0.007). The presence of this population can- 
not be due to dispersal by flotation down the 
Yangtze, given the time involved to disperse 
over such a great distance and the genetic 
near-identity, but rather to a recent introduc- 
tion either by man or birds. These three pop- 
ulations cluster together tightly by both 
methods of analysis (Figs. 8, 9; mD = 0.081). 
They differ from the ribbed group (О. h. hu- 
pensis) by an average mD of 0.305 + 0.071 (N 
= 34). They also differ from the smooth- 
shelled Fujian group (O. hupensis tangi) by 
0.220 + 0.024. Thus, there is a significant dif- 
ference in genetic distance between these 
two smooth-shelled groups. 


Oncomelania hupensis tangi (our Fu Qing, 
Xia Pu populations) has smooth shells with a 
low but very wide varix. The width of the 
shells is greater relative to height than in O. h. 
robertsoni. Oncomelania h. tangi lives along 
the coast of Fujian Province in hilly environ- 
ments (from 50 to 500 m altitude) as well as in 
small ditches of the seaside lowlands. This 
region is very isolated from other regions with 
Oncomelania (Fig. 1). Our two populations 
form a separate cluster (Figs. 8, 9); they differ 
from all others by an mD of 0.285 + 0.066 (N 
= 24); from the ribbed group by 0.334 + 0.089 
(N = 10). Given an intragroup mD of 0.154, 
there is a decided gap between this taxon 
and О. h. hupensis or O. В. robertsoni. 

There are no fixed diagnostic alleles unique 
to any of the nominal subspecies. While ge- 
netic distance per se is not a measure of sub- 
species status, a subspecies should be co- 
herent genetically as well as morphologically. 
Phylogenetic clusters shown in Figs. 8 and 9 
do provide evidence for genetic cohesive- 
ness supporting the three subspecies we ac- 
cept, if the arguments we provided concern- 
ing “fausti,”” “guangxiensis,” and possible 
hybrids hold up. Additional arguments to 
support the subspecies are: (1) regional iso- 
lation; (2) shell size/shape; (3) presence or 
absence of shell ribbing, but recognizing that 
hybridization in the flood plains will yield a 
ribbed shell; (4) presence or absence of 
varix; (5) varix, if present, low and wide (0), 
weak (1), strong and rib-like (2); (6) differ- 
ences in susceptibility to schistosomes (Liu 
et al., 1981); (7) low interpopulation genetic 
distances as well as low percentage of poly- 
morphic loci within the O. h. robertsoni and 
О. В. tangi smooth-shelled groups, as well as 
within the coherent O. h. hupensis group. 

Hope and McManus (1994) carried out 
PCR-based RFLP analyses of variation in the 
ITS-region of rDNA repeat unit among four 
populations of Oncomelania hupensis т 
China, three from the Philippines, and one 
from Japan. Their data are puzzling because 
the largest divergence they find is between 
the Yunnan and Sichuan populations in 
China, populations we classify as O. hupen- 
sis robertsoni because of cohesiveness in al- 
lozymes, shell sculpture, lack of varix, and 
biogeographic closeness; and additionally, 
because of lowest divergences among pop- 
ulations in cytochrome b gene sequences 
(Spolsky and Davis, unpubl.). The discrep- 
ancy may be the result of the paucity of data 
points (DNA fragment bands) in the RFLP 

LE] ‘6 

analyses and of the inability to distinguish 
small differences in fragment size. We there- 
fore advise caution in choice of tool to dem- 
onstrate population divergence. All studies of 
populations should give illustrations of the 
shells to ascertain shell phenotypes. Voucher 
specimens should be deposited for refer- 


The assortment of four shell characters to 
distinct geographic regions and regional т- 
fectivity patterns argue for subspecific sta- 
tus. Low allozymic heterozygosity, unique 
combinations of shell characters, coherent 
genetic clustering and geographic isolation 
indicate the usefulness of recognizing sub- 
species for two smooth-shelled taxa. The 
presence of a different type of varix on the 
shells of these two nominal subspecies indi- 
cates to us that they had independent ori- 
gins. The phylogenetic analyses confirm this. 

Major points to be considered are: 

1. The three regional sets of populations 
should be treated as subspecies. Allozyme 
differences are insufficient by themselves, 
but together with geographic location and 
shell characters, enable recognition of each 
of these population sets as subspecies. 

2. In hilly areas above the Yangtze River 
flood effects, ribbing becomes reduced and 
lost. This does not affect subspecific status. 

3. The disjunction between morphology 
and genetic distance in three ribbed popula- 
tions indicates possible hybridization be- 
tween subspecies, in particular between O. 
h. robertsoni and O. h. hupensis. 

4. The considerable interpopulation ge- 
netic distance between allopatric popula- 
tions of the same shell type, especially in the 
O. hupensis hupensis complex (that includes 
all populations with ribs), shows genetic 
change in the absence of anatomical change. 
We predict that there would be parallel ge- 
netic differences in the populations of Schis- 
tosoma japonicum transmitted by these allo- 
patric snail populations; such genetic 
differentiation should be visible in DNA se- 
quences of genes such as cytochrome b. 
Molecular differences in the snails and their 
parasites evolve at a different tempo and 
mode than does the anatomical ground plan. 
Would sufficient differences be found to de- 
fine a series of morphostatic (term defined in 
Davis, 1992) subspecies where differences 


might be driven by localized parasitism in a 
tightly coevolved system as suggested by 
Davis (1992)? 

5. A weakness of this paper is that there was 
not enough material to confirm the allele align- 
ments on which the integrated data set in 
Table 9 is based. Each data set by itself is 
confirmed. What is now needed are: (1) a de- 
tailed analysis of populations within a prov- 
ince grouped along river drainage systems 
from highlands to point of entry to the Yangtze 
River or other primary river; (2) a comparison 
between selected populations of the different 
subspecies using more than 50 snails per 
population in order to increase reliability in 
estimates of polymorphic loci; (3) a careful 
analysis of populations of O. hupensis hupen- 
sis from selected streams where there is a 
demonstrated change from ribbed shells on 
the flood plains to smooth shells at higher 

Clearly, this baseline study has set the 
stage for future, carefully targeted studies. 


We thank Caryl Hesterman for running the 
gels; all gels were scored by Davis. Graphics 
were prepared by Susan Trammell. We are 
indebted to Dr. Margaret Mulvey and to Dr. 
Hsiu-Ping Liu of the Savannah River Ecology 
Laboratory for their independent critical re- 
view of the manuscript; they made valuable 
suggestions for improvement. This work was 
supported by N.I.H. grant TMP Al 11373 to 
Davis. The support of the Institute of Parasitic 
Diseases, Chinese Academy of Preventive 
Medicine is gratefully acknowledged. 


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HESTERMAN, 1981, Molecular genetics and 
speciation in Elliptio and its relationships to other 
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DAVIS, С. M., С.Е. CHEN, Z. В. KANG 4 Y. У. LIU, 
1994а, Snail hosts of Paragonimus т Asia and 
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DAVIS, G. M., С. E. CHEN, X. P. ZENG, $. H. YU & 
L. Ll, 1994b, Molecular genetic and anatomical 
relationships among pomatiopsid (Gastropoda: 
Prosobranchia) genera from southern China. 
Proceedings of The Academy of Natural Sci- 
ences of Philadelphia, 145: 191-207. 


DAVIS, G. M., V. FORBES 4 G. LOPEZ, 1988, Spe- 
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Revised Ms. accepted 1 June 1995 

MALACOLOGIA, 1995, 37(1): 157 



М. A. Edwards! & М. J. Thorne? 

While not wishing to protract this exchange 
unnecessarily, we would like to offer a final, 
brief, response to the above. 

Which Names Get Omitted? 

The analysis of names omitted 1$ based оп 
material published mostly between 1940 and 
1975, that is between 20 and 55 years ago. 
During most of this period the Record was 
compiled by volunteer specialists in the dif- 
ferent animal groups. The work was done in 
their spare time so that, while it is unfortu- 
nate, it is not surprising that material, whether 
from obscure or main stream publications, 
was overlooked. 

Bouchet 8 Rocroi say that **. . . in an era of 
frequent and easy travel ... the staff of ZR 
has attended only once ... an International 
Malacological Congress . . .” and, atten- 
dance at meetings would “. . . greatly en- 

hance the efficiency of ZR...”. 

There is a simple explanation for our ab- 
sence at meetings and that is although travel 
may be easy, it is expensive. We are occa- 
sionally able to attend local meetings (hence 
our presence at the 1986 congress in Edin- 
burgh), but the cost of attending the annual 
and other meetings of all the main zoological 
disciplines in Europe, USA, Russia, or any- 
where else, is quite beyond the capacity of 
our budget. As referred to in our earlier re- 
sponse, Zoological Record production is 

heavily subsidized, and increased travel 
would add considerably to the already large 
overheads borne by BIOSIS. 

It must also be said that while the meetings 
we have attended have certainly been useful, 
they have not led to the discovery of signifi- 
cant numbers of new titles for indexing. 

The Risks of a “List of Available Generic 
Names in Zoology’? Based on Nomenclator 
Zoologicus and ZR” 

The policy of the Zoological Record and 
the Nomenclator Zoologicus is to provide in- 
formation and not to adjudicate on the status 
of the names listed. The Nomenclator seeks 
to give details of the first use of a name and 
it is not practical to check back on previous 
volumes to determine the availability of 
names under the Code. A note of any rele- 
vant information on errors, omissions, and 
other matters is always welcomed by the ed- 
itor for future action. 

As mentioned above, The Zoological 
Record is subsidized by BIOSIS and the No- 
menclator Zoologicus is compiled on a vol- 
untary basis. Each is produced as a service 
to zoology and not as a financial proposition. 

К is our understanding that proposals on 
how a registry of names might be compiled 
or made available have yet to be finalized, 
therefore further discussion seems prema- 

The editor-in-chief of Malacologia welcomes let- 
ters that comment on vital issues of general im- 
portance to the field of Malacology, or that com- 
ment on the content of the journal. Publication is 
dependent on discretion, space available and, in 
some cases, review. Address letters to: Letter to 
the Editor, Malacologia, care of the Department 
of Malacology, Academy of Natural Sciences, 
19th and the Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103. 

The Zoological Society of London, Regent's Park, London, NW1 4RY, United Kingdom. 
2BIOSIS, U.K., Garforth House, 54 Micklegate, York, North Yorkshire YO1 1LF, United Kingdom. 



Ibanez, M., E. Ponte-Lira & М. В. Alonso. 1995. EL GENERO 
MALACOLOGIA 36(1-2): 111-137. 

Figures 12-20 are reprinted here that include the scale bar under 

Figs. 19 and 20. The scale bar, and the edges of the shells at the 
bottoms of figures 15 and 16 were cut out in the original printing. 


ы , ' ' La 3 

FIGS. 12-20. Concha y SEM detalles. (12) Canariella discobolus (Barranco de la Rajita, La Gomera). (13) 
Canariella gomerae. Lectotipo de Helix (Gonostoma) дотегае (МНМ; es un ejemplar pequeño dentro de la 
especie). (14-15) Canariella hispidula. (14) Lectotipo de Helix (Gonostoma) hispidula subhispidula (ZMZ). 
(15) Lectotipo de Helix (Ciliella) lanosa (ZMZ). (16) Canariella leprosa (El Draguillo, Tenerife). (17-18) Cana- 
riella eutropis. (17) Lectotipo de Helix eutropis (NMB). (18) Mandíbula de un ejemplar de Morro del Cava- 
dero, Fuerteventura). (19-20) Rádula de Canariella planaria (Benijo, Tenerife). (19) Diente central y primeros 
dientes laterales. (20) Dientes laterales próximos al margen radular. Escala: (12-17) 5 mm; (18) 200 um; 
(19-20) 20 um. 


Publication dates 

28, No. 
29, No. 
29, No. 
30, No. 
©: No: 
31, No. 
32, No. 
32, No. 
33, No. 
34, No. 
35, No. 
35, No. 
36, No. 

19 Jan. 1988 
28 June 1988 
16 Dec. 1988 
1 Aug. 1989 
29 Dec. 1989 
28 May 1990 
30 Nov. 1990 
7 June 1991 
6 Sep. 1991 
9 Sep. 1992 
14 July 1993 
2 Dec. 1993 
8 Jan. 1995 



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1 ne H y 
"Г т LAON 
Ne G ie A (a N 
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} Y nee | i y ER AM { N ve | и 
VOL. 37, NO. 1 MALAGQLOGIA Y "Nm Мой ae м 
R | ГА. | ми и. 
CONTENTS СИ | a a x 

The Life Cycle, Demographic Analysis, том and Secondary Production of the г 
Snail Helicella (Xerothracia) Papp! (Schútt, 1962) т ose Pulmonata) in E. 
Macedonia (Greece) ...... dde LATE CARO OA q ER: 

y 5 _ Egg-Laying . and Associated Behavioural : Responses of meta Peregra 
EBEN (Müller) and Lymnaea Stagnalis (L.) to Calcium in their Environment coves Я Kr 
= Anatomical Study оп Топпа Galea Mine, 1758) and Tonna Maculosa (Dillwyn, a 
| 181 2 (Mesogastropoda, Tonnoidea, Tonnidae) from Brazilian Region. ASS DEP i 3 
N Hoe D. ACUÑA & М. A. MUÑOZ e t, \ | a 
"A Taxonomic Application of Multivariate Mixture Sie in Patellidae . igual Mua 

was The Life Cycle, Population Dynamics, Growth and secondary Production of they 

‘Snail Viviparus Contectus (Millet) (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) i in the Marshes of | 

< LU ‘the River Strymonas, Serres, Macedonia, Northern Greece Ll N Ba), 4 
a E Comparative Life Cycle and Growth of two rear ter Gastropod Species, N | 

Hal m x ори Planorbarius Corneus: (L.) and Planorbis Planorbis (LT A ee Les au _ 53 
Гм PE KENNETH C. EMBERTON Bu NS X Res ( 1 ei 13 
IR WANN When Shells Do Not Tell: 145 Million Years of Evolution i in North M wit 
UP ar у Ar УГ Polygyrid Land Snails, with a Revision and Conservation Priorities . + 9 

Y y 3  AXHONEK к] 5 A > yd 
N Sy 1 | GebatabhieDishtbytion and ‘Shell Colour and Banding Polymorphism, in Mar 7 $ 
! Hs ginal Populations of Cepaea Nemoralis (Gastropoda, Helicidae) RR 15 CR ane 
bs IA MC Karyotype Analysis and Genome Size in Three нала Species of 
у TES % | winkles (Prosobranchia: Mesogastropoda) ia ere PR RT ` ño 
N ln \ 4) 7 Population Genetics and Systematic Status of Oncomelania Hupensis 
y an, N _ tropoda: HEURES) ее China AA Bd HE a Pine м. 
И t | EEE о 
ем А. EDWARDS & M. “Y. THORNES  : I 
о у | Response to Bouchet & Rocroi; “The Lottery of Bibiographical Dép 
RENE | ig ne) ly to to Edwards a AO rn a LANCE NOM Ad RE EN, ’ Pa, rl 
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NOL. 37, NO. 2 | 

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MALACOLOGIA ми ( \c a 
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) | 
| Le Ko of Comparative Zoology _ >  W. D. RUSSELL-HUNTER | M m Bei 
NS ambridge, Massachusetts KU | Easton, Maryland _ Of 0 
AN 2% REN, re Ser 
| ae ) A N | Copyright © 1996 by the Institute of Malacology. SA TAN je 
) Rh: > д i 
Ur à hol À 1 (9 dus | | | À a 5 
|) ARE ds L | , | A ие 
wg aX у | \ 4 $ VEN 4 м 

Marine Biological Station 
Millport, United Kingdom 

Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 
Genève, Switzerland 

University of Liverpool 
United Kingdom 

University of Sheffield 
United Kingdom 

University of North Carolina 
Chapel Hill, U.S.A. 

Bishop Museum 
Honolulu, HI., U.S.A. 

А. Н. CLARKE, Jr. 
Portland, Texas, U.S.A. 

University of Nottingham 
United Kingdom 

College of Charleston 
SC, U.S.A. 

University of Liverpool 
United Kingdom 

California State University 
Fullerton, U.S.A. 


Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie 

Leiden, Netherlands 

Universita di Siena, Italy 

Zoological Institute 
St. Petersburg, Russia 


$. J. GOULD 
Harvard University 
Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. 

Universitatea Bucuresti 

Tokai University 
Shimizu, Japan 

Marine Biomedical Institute 
Galveston, Texas, U.S.A. 

Academy of Natural Sciences 
Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. 

University of Texas 
Austin, U.S.A. 

Association of Systematics Collections 
Washington, DC, U.S.A. 

Naturhistoriska Museet 
Goteborg, Sweden 

United Kingdom 

Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 
Frankfurt am Main, Germany 

Natal Museum 
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa 

Museo Nacional de Historia Natural 
Montevideo, Uruguay 

Zoologisk Institut & Museum 
Kobenhavn, Denmark 

Faculté des Sciences 
Brest, France 

Tropenmedizinisches Institut 
Túbingen, Germany 

Hebrew University of Jerusalem 

The University 
Auckland, New Zealand 

J. J. MURRAY, Jr. 
University of Virginia 
Charlottesville, U.S.A. 

Marine Biological Station 
Porto Novo, India 

University of Oslo 

University of Fisheries 
Tokyo, Japan 


Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro 


Carnegie Museum 
Pittsburgh, U.S.A. 

Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes 
Perpignan Cedex, France 

Australian Museum 

©] ZW 
Academia Sinica 
Qingdao, People’s Republic of China 

The Natural History Museum 
London, United Kingdom 

University College of North Wales 
Bangor, United Kingdom 

Institute of Marine Research 
Helsinki, Finland 

Siedlce, Poland 

Zoologisches Institut der Universitat 
Wien, Austria 

Zoological Institute 
St. Petersburg, Russia 

Université de Caen 

Universidad de Chile 

Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle 
Paris, France 

Harvard University 
Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. 

University of Utrecht 
The Netherlands 

Potchefstroom University 
South Africa 

Utrecht, Netherlands 

Dept. Conservation and Land Management 
Kallaroo, Western Australia 

Leipzig, Germany 

Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 
Frankfurt am Main, Germany 

MALACOLOGIA, 1996, 37(2): 163-332 


António M. de Frias Martins 

Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Açores, P-9502 Ponta Delgada Codex, 
Sao Miguel, Açores, Portugal 


Various conchological, radular and anatomical characters of the 18 Western Atlantic species 
of the pulmonate family Ellobiidae are evaluated and used in a systematic review of the family. 
The conchological features, especially protoconch, resorption of inner whorls, apertural den- 
tition and radular morphology, are useful at the specific and generic levels. Features of the 
radula of the Melampinae change greatly with increasing age. The youngest individuals have 
strongly cusped crowns. Although the cusps usually disappear with age, some species retain 
various features of the juvenile radula. The reproductive and central nervous systems are most 
useful in defining subfamilial relationships. The monaulic, entirely glandular condition of the 
pallial gonoducts, and the greater width of the visceral nerve ring are hereby considered 
primitive. Morton’s (1955c) subfamilial division of the halophilic Ellobiidae is corroborated. The 
Pythiinae have a monaulic, entirely glandular pallial gonoduct and a wide visceral nerve ring. 
The Ellobiinae have a diaulic reproductive system with entirely glandular pallial gonoducts, and 
a long visceral nerve ring. The Pedipedinae have a monaulic/incipient semidiaulic, partly glan- 
dular pallial gonoduct, and a concentrated visceral nerve ring. The Melampinae are character- 
ized by an advanced semidiaulic reproductive system with nonglandular pallial gonoducts, and 
concentration of the ganglia of the visceral nerve ring. 

The present work documents that Microtralia Dall, 1894, belongs in the Pedipedinae, not in 
the Melampinae; that Laemodonta Philippi, 1846, belongs in the Pythiinae, not in the Pedipe- 
dinae; that Leuconia succinea Pfeiffer, 1854, belongs in the Pedipedinae and in the new genus 
Creedonia; that Apodosis Pilsbry £ McGinty, 1949, is synonymous with Leuconopsis Hutton, 
1884; that Myosotella Monterosato, 1906, type species Myosotella payraudeaui “Shuttleworth” 
Pfeiffer, 1856 [= Auricula myosotis Draparnaud, 1801], is removed from Ovatella Bivona, 1832, 
and restored to generic rank; that Detracia Gray, 1840, as noted by Zilch (1959), is a subgenus 
of Melampus Montfort, 1810; that Melampus monile (Bruguière, 1789) belongs in the subgenus 
Detracia Gray, 1840; and that Detracia clarki Morrison, 1951, is a junior secondary homonym 
and is herein renamed Melampus (Detracia) morrisoni. Leuconopsis manningi new species, 
from Ascension Island, is described. 

The phylogenetic relationships within the Ellobiidae are discussed, a tentative cladogram of 
the family is presented, some distributional patterns are considered and reference is made to 
the fossil record. 

Key words: Archaeopulmonata, Ellobiidae, systematics, shell, radula, anatomy, genitalia, 
nervous system, Western Atlantic, mangroves, salt marshes. 


Materials and Methods 
Abbreviations Used in Figures 
Taxonomic Characters 
Classification Outline, Western Atlantic Ellobiidae 
Family Ellobiidae H. & A. Adams in Pfeiffer, 
Subfamily Ellobiinae H. & A. Adams in Pfeiffer, 
Genus Ellobium Róding, 1798 
Subgenus Auriculodes Strand, 1928 


Ellobium (Auriculodes) dominicense 
(Férussac, 1821) 
Genus Blauneria Shuttleworth, 1854 
Blauneria heteroclita (Montagu, 1808) 
Subfamily Pythiinae Odhner, 1925 
Genus Myosotella Monterosato, 1906 
Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud, 1801) 
Genus Laemodonta Philippi, 1846 
Laemodonta cubensis (Pfeiffer, 1854) 
Subfamily Pedipedinae Fischer & Crosse, 1880 
Genus Pedipes Scopoli, 1777 
Pedipes mirabilis (Mühlfeld, 1816) 


Pedipes ovalis C. B. Adams, 1849 
Genus Сгеедота new genus 
Creedonia succinea (Pfeiffer, 1854) 
Genus Microtralia Dall, 1894 
Microtralia occidentalis (Pfeiffer, 1854) 
Genus Leuconopsis Hutton, 1884 
Leuconopsis novimundi (Pilsbry & 
McGinty, 1949) 
Leuconopsis manningi new species 
Leuconopsis sp. 
Subfamily Melampinae Pfeiffer, 1853 
Genus Melampus Montfort, 1810 
Subgenus Melampus s.s. 
Melampus (Меатриз) coffeus 
(Linnaeus, 1758) 
Melampus (Melampus) bidentatus Say, 
Subgenus Detracia Gray, 1840 
Melampus (Detracia) bullaoides 
(Montagu, 1808) 
Melampus (Detracia) floridanus Pfeiffer, 


Melampus (Detracia) paranus (Morrison, 

Melampus (Detracia) monile (Bruguiere, 

Melampus (Detracia) morrisoni new 


Genus Tralia Gray, 1840 

Subgenus Тга/а $.5. 
Tralia (Tralia) ovula (Bruguiere, 1789) 


Phylogeny and Classification 

Zoogeography of the Ellobiidae 
Literature Cited 


The Ellobiidae are primitive pulmonate 
gastropods that characterize the malaco- 
fauna of the upper and supra-littoral zones of 
the mangroves of the tropical regions and 
salt marshes of temperate regions. The Ello- 
biidae were first assigned familial rank by 
Lamarck (1809) when he included his Auric- 
ula [= Ellobium Róding], along with three 
other unrelated genera, within the “auricula- 
cées”. Since then, several comprehensive 
works have been published. The group was 
illustrated in Reeve's Conchologia Systemat- 
ica (1842) and Conchologia Iconica (1877). 
A pictorial presentation was given in Martini 
8 Chemnitz’ Conchylien-Cabinet by Küster 
(1844) and Kobelt (1897-1901). Pfeiffer 
(1854b) outlined a monograph of the Auricu- 
lacea [= Ellobiidae] in his Synopsis and fully 
developed the work in his Monographia in 
1856, which he revised and completed 

twenty years later. Odhner (1925) rearranged 
the classification of the family on the basis 
of radular morphology; Morton (1955c) in- 
cluded morphology of the stomach and re- 
productive organs in his review of the group. 
Only a few genera have received compre- 
hensive treatment. The genus Plecotrema 
[= Laemodonta Philippi] was first revised by 
H. 8 A. Adams (1853) and was studied by 
Sykes (1895) and, more recently, by Huben- 
dick (1956). The genera Ellobium Róding and 
Melampus Montfort were studied by H. & A. 
Adams (1854). Cox (1882) worked on the no- 
menclature and distributuion of Pythia Ród- 
ing, and Connolly (1915) did a similar study 
on the genus Marinula King. Noteworthy are 
the detailed anatomical and histological 
studies on Melampus boholensis H. & A. Ad- 
ams (Koslowsky, 1933), Myosotella myosotis 
(Draparnaud) (Meyer, 1955; Morton, 1955b) 
and Auriculinella (L.) bidentata (Montagu) 
(Morton, 1955b). Marcus & Marcus (1965a, b) 
discussed the anatomy of Melampus (M. 
coffeus (Linnaeus), Melampus (D.) paranus 
(Morrison), Ellobium (A.) dominicense (Férus- 
sac) and Blauneria heteroclita (Montagu). 
Giusti (1973) discussed the radula and anat- 
omy of Ovatella firminii (Payraudeau), and the 
shell, radula and anatomy of Myosotella my- 
osotis (Draparnaud) were dealt with by Giusti 
(1973, 1976) and Cesari (1973, 1976). 

The Western Atlantic ellobiids were т- 
cluded in the very earliest conchological re- 
ports of American scientists. Say (1822), the 
first New World malacologist, described the 
common Melampus (M.) bidentatus. Gould 
(1841) illustrated Say's species and Myoso- 
tella myosotis (Draparnaud), which is thought 
to have been introduced to North America 
from Europe. Study of American ellobiids 
was particularly influenced by Binney (1859, 
1865) and Dall (1885). Binney (1859) figured 
most of the common species; his later figures 
(1865) were copied by subsequent workers 
(Tryon, 1866; Dall, 1885, 1889; M. Smith, 
1937; Abbott, 1974), sometimes without crit- 
ical investigation. For example, Binney's in- 
accurate representation of Melampus (D.) flo- 
ridanus Pfeiffer in fact represents a dwarf 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus Say. 

Morrison (1946, 1951a, 1951b, 1954, 1958, 
1959, 1964) addressed several aspects of 
American ellobiid systematics, life history 
and ecology, and Clench (1964) revised the 
Western Atlantic Pedipes and Laemodonta. 

The only detailed comprehensive anatom- 
ical research on Western Atlantic ellobiids 


was that of Marcus 8 Marcus (1965a, b) on 
the four species mentioned above. Several 
aspects of the life history and anatomy of 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus Say have been 
investigated, almost exclusively in the New 
England area. Hausman (1932), Holle 8 
Dineen (1957) and Grandy (1972) focused on 
various aspects of the ecology of this spe- 
cies, while Apley (1970) and Russell-Hunter 
et al. (1972) did extensive research on its 
early life history. Additional investigations 
have involved the morphology of the nervous 
system (Price, 1977; Kahan 8 Moffett, 1979), 
several aspects of physiology and behaviour 
(Price, 1979, 1980; Hilbish, 1981; Capaldo, 
1983), locomotion (Moffett, 1979) and feed- 
ing (Thompson, 1984). 

In the present work particular attention has 
been paid to shell morphology, the radula 
and internal anatomy, especially the repro- 
ductive and nervous systems. This holistic 
approach helps to clarify the systematic po- 
sition and phylogenetic relationships of the 
Western Atlantic ellobiids. 


Thousands of specimens from many local- 
ities were studied to understand inter- and 
intrapopulational variation in shell morphol- 
ogy. To accomplish this | studied the collec- 
tions at the Museum of Comparative Zool- 
ogy, Harvard University, Cambridge, at the 
American Museum of Natural History, New 
York, at the Academy of Natural Sciences of 
Philadelphia and at the United States Mu- 
seum of Natural History, Washington, D. C. 
Because museum collections were very poor 
in material with preserved soft tissue, the ma- 
jority of the internal anatomical work was 
done on specimens from my collections. 

Most of the Western Atlantic material was 
obtained during field trips along the Atlantic 
coast of the United States, to Bermuda, the 
Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Venezuela. Some 
specimens from R. C. Bullock's collection 
were also kindly made available to me. Field 
trips were very important in providing large 
series of most recorded species and in allow- 
ing examination of living animals in their hab- 
itats. Most of this material is now in my col- 

Material not from the Western Atlantic, be- 
sides that in the museum collections men- 

tioned above, included Azorean ellobiids 
from my own collection, specimens from Ma- 
laysia sent by A. Sasekumar and another se- 
ries of specimens from Hong Kong sent by B. 
S. Morton; all are now part of my collection. 
The British Museum (Natural History) has 
kindly allowed me to work on preserved 
specimens of Marinula. 

Most of the Western Atlantic species of el- 
lobiids were first studied and described by 
European scientists and much of the type 
material is thought to be in European muse- 
ums. Only the type material studied in brief 
visits to the British Museum (Natural History) 
and to the Museum National d’Histoire Na- 
turelle de Paris, as well as that kindly sup- 
plied by the Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de 
Genève, were incorporated in this work. 
Sherborn (1940) and Dance (1966) have been 
used to locate tentatively the collections that 
might contain required type material. 

Throughout the text, the museums and 
collections in which the studied material 1$ 
deposited are indicated by the following ab- 

AMNH American Museum of Natural His- 
tory, New York, NY, U.S.A. 

ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences of 
Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. 

BMNH The Natural History Museum [for- 
merly British Museum (Natural His- 
tory)], London, U.K. 

R.B. Private collection of R. C. Bullock, 
University of Rhode Island, King- 
ston, RI, U.S.A. 

FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, 

Chicago, IL, U.S.A. 
LSL Linnaean Society of London, U.K. 
A.M. Private collection of A. M. F. Mar- 
tins, University ofthe Azores, Ponta 
Delgada, Sáo Miguel, Azores, POR- 

MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, 
Harvard University, Cambridge, 
MA, U.S.A. 

MHNG Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de 

MNHNP Museum National d’Histoire Na- 
turelle de Paris, FRANCE 

NHMB Natural History Museum of Basel, 

RAMM Royal Albert Memorial Museum, 
London, U.K. 

USNM National Museum of Natural History 

[formerly United States National 
Museum], Washington, DC, U.S.A. 



Observation and Collection of Live Animals. 
Observations of external morphology were 
made in the field and in the laboratory. The 
animals were photographed with Koda- 
chrome film. Notes on the habitat were taken 
during collecting. 

Besides extensive search and collecting in 
a variety of habitats, six transects were made 
in January, 1981, in the mangroves of the 
Florida Keys. Duplicate transects were made 
in May, 1982, at two of the 1981 sites, one on 
the previously disturbed site, another adja- 
cent to it. All ellobiids found in the transects 
were collected and preserved. Qualitative 
analysis of this data is included in notes on 
habitats of the different species. 

Preservation. Most animals were immersed 
directly in 70% ethanol. Some were relaxed 
overnight in isotonic MgCl, (75.2 g Мас 
of distilled water) and then preserved in 70% 
ethanol. Some of the contracted and relaxed 
animals were fixed in Bouin's solution after 
the shell was cracked to allow better pene- 
tration of the fixative; others were frozen in 
fresh water for later dissection. This latter 
method seemed quite useful, because the or- 
gans maintained their original colors and 
softness, allowing easier dissection many 
months later. 

Measurements. Various numbers of speci- 
mens from different localities were selected 
(Table 1, Appendix). Shells and dissected re- 
productive systems were drawn using a Wild 
M8 microscope with drawing tube. All mea- 
surements were taken from these drawings 
using a GTCO digitizer and IBM microcom- 
puter. Radular teeth were counted from SEM 

Shell and Radula Preparations for Scanning 
Electron Microscope. Juveniles of most spe- 
cies and adults of the smaller species were 
mounted for SEM observation of the entire 
shell or the protoconch, or both. The shells 
were cleaned in 95% ethanol in an ultrasonic 
cleaner for two to ten seconds, depending on 
the fragility of the specimen, and then were 
mounted on a stub with double-sided tape. 

The radulae were first cleaned in KOH (two 
pellets/10 ml distilled water), washed in dis- 
tilled water and in 70% ethanol. Ultrasonic 
cleaning was reduced to two seconds for 
each step. The radula was mounted on a 
piece of cover slip, to which it adhered when 
dry, and the cover slip was affixed to the stub 

with double-sided tape. The use of 70% eth- 
anol alone had the advantage of slower evap- 
oration, which was preferable when small 
pieces had to be manipulated at the exact 
moment they dried, to ensure proper posi- 
tioning and good adhesion. | found very help- 
ful the use of human eyelashes attached to 
dissecting needles with “superglue.” They 
are fine, flexible, but sufficiently rigid for 
clearing the membranes of the radula without 
tearing, and for facilitating positioning while 

All specimens were first coated with a sin- 
gle layer of carbon and then two layers of 
gold-palladium (60:40) in a Denton DV-502 
vacuum evaporator, and examined in an ISI 

Histology. Serial sections were made of 
specimens of every species collected. Some 
specimens were relaxed overnight in isotonic 
MgCl, before fixation in Bouin’s solution. For 
most of the specimens the shell was cracked 
and the pieces removed to allow better fixa- 

Whole animals, dissected reproductive or- 
gans and stomach were embedded sepa- 
rately. Embedding was done with an Auto- 
technicon Duo, Model 2A. The specimens 
were dehydrated in S-29 and embedded in 
Paraplast. The blocks were refrigerated until 
sectioned. Sectioning was done with a Spen- 
cer 820 microtome. The thickness of the sec- 
tions varied from 8 to 15 um. Best results 
were achieved by keeping the block and the 
blade refrigerated during sectioning. The 
preparations were stained with Heidenhain's 
aniline blue, following Luna (1968). 


aa anterior aorta 

acpn anterior cutaneous pedal nerve 
ad anterior diverticulum 

adgl anterior lobe of digestive gland 
ад! albumen gland 

al aperture length 

aln anterior labial nerve 

alpn anterolateral pedal nerve 

ато! anterior mucous gland 

ampn anteromedial pedal nerve 

an aortic nerve 

angl anal gland 

ann anal nerve 

aoen anterior esophageal nerve 

au auricle 


anterior vas deferens 
aperture width 

buccal bulb 

buccal commissure 
buccal ganglion 


bursa duct 

body whorl 

body whorl length 

central tooth 

gastric caecum 

cardiac region of stomach 
cerebrobuccal connective 
cerebral commissure 
cerebral ganglion 

cutaneous-lateral pleural nerve 

columellar muscle 
columellar muscle nerve 
cerebropedal connective 
cerebropleural connective 

columellar tooth 
columellar tooth width 
penial diverticulum 


external pallial nerve 
elbow of vagina 


female genital opening 
fertilization pouch 
genital nerve 
hermaphroditic duct 
hypobranchial gland 

inner lip 

internal pallial nerve 

kidney pore 

lateral teeth 

lower pneumostomal gland 
marginal teeth 

mantle skirt 

mantle skirt artery nerve 
muscular band 

mucous gland 

mantle lappet 

medial lip nerve 

mantle organ 

medial pallial nerve 
muscular strand of stomach 
mantle skirt vein 

nuchal nerve 

osphradial ganglion 
outer lip 

ocular nerve 

open spermatic groove 



posterior artery 

pedal commissure 

posterior cutaneous pedal nerve 
posterior cutaneous visceral nerve 
posterior diverticulum 
posterior lobe of digestive gland 


penial nerve 

penial retractor muscle 

pedal ganglion 

pallial gland 

pharyngeal retractor muscle nerve 
pharyngeal nerve 

pleural ganglion 

posterior lip nerve 
pleuropedal connective 
posterior lateral pedal nerve 
pleuroparietal connective 
posterior mucous gland 
posteromedial pedal nerve 

pneumostomal nerve 
posterior esophageal nerve 
first posterior pedal nerve 
second posterior pedal nerve 
prostate gland 
parietocutaneous nerve 
parietal ganglion 

anterior left parietal ganglion 
posterior left parietal ganglion 
parietovisceral connective 
anterior parietal tooth 
posterior parietal tooth 
peritentacular nerve 

width of posterior parietal tooth 
pulmonary vein 

posterior vas deferens 

pyloric region of stomach 


roof of mantle cavity 

salivary gland 

salivary gland nerve 

shoulder of body whorl 

shell length 

subpedal commissure 


spire length 


statocyst nerve 

seminal vesicle 

shell width 


18 transitional teeth 

t tentacle 

tem tentacular control muscle 
tn tentacular nerve 

upe unwrapped penis 

ира! upper pneumostomal gland 
V vagina 

ve ventricle 

vg visceral ganglion 

wpe wrapped penis 


Мауг (1969: 121) stated, “А taxonomic 
character is any attribute of a member of a 
taxon by which it differs or may differ from a 
member of a different taxon.” Application of 
this definition cannot be uniform and gener- 
alized. Although there is consensus that a ho- 
listic approach is essential to sound classifi- 
cation (Mayr, 1969; Solem, 1978), one must 
be aware of the difference between charac- 
ters used at the species level or even for ge- 
neric grouping and those used for higher taxa. 
Characters that stress differences are used to 
define lower taxa, whereas those characters 
sensitive to convergence and seemingly less 
affected by environmental factors are used to 
define phylogenetic relationships among 
higher taxa. For example, the pattern of the 
spiral grooves on the shell is useful in sepa- 
rating Melampus (M.) coffeus from Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus, whereas the arrangements of 
the nervous and reproductive systems are the 
most consistent characters in defining the 
subfamilies of the Ellobiidae. In the Ellobiidae 
the shell and radular morphology are useful 
mostly at the generic or specific level. Harry 
(1951) and Hubendick (1978) pointed out the 
value of anatomical studies for clarifying tax- 
onomic relationships within the group. Morton 
(19550), followed by Marcus (1965) and Mar- 
cus & Marcus (1965a, b), adopted this holistic 
approach by including analyses of the stom- 
ach and reproductive organs; this approach 
led to somewhat surprising results, such as 
inclusion of Auriculinella and Blauneria within 
the Ellobiinae. 

In the present study conchological, radular 
and anatomical characters are used. Each of 
these different characters will now be con- 
sidered in more detail. 

FIG. 1. Conchological characters. A, Shell termi- 
nology; B, Morphometry. 

Conchological Characters (Fig. 1) 

The shell, more than other molluscan 
structures, has the obvious advantages of 
permanence and ease of study. Traditionally 
it has been the important basis for distinc- 
tion of most taxa (Zilch, 1959). Application of 
mathematical models and statistical analyses 
has provided tools for the interpretation of 
shell morphometry with accuracy and preci- 
sion (Sokal & Sneath, 1963). Mathematical 
analysis of geometry of shell coiling has also 
been used (Raup, 1961, 1962, 1966, 1967; 
Raup 4 Michelson 1965; Rex & Boss, 1976; 
Warburton, 1979; Harasewych, 1981). This 
method aims at providing an opportunity for 
interpretation of evolutionary changes in shell 
morphology in functional terms and as an in- 
dication of strategies of adaptation to differ- 
ent habitats (Vermeij, 1971). Such interpreta- 
tion has been challenged recently (Gould, 
1984). In spite of modern refinements in anal- 
yses of conchological characters, it remains 
true that some, such as shell shape, have 
limited weight in assessing phylogenetic re- 
lationships because shell morphology is of- 
ten strongly influenced by diverse environ- 
mental parameters (Hubendick, 1978; Solem, 

Other shell characters, such as the proto- 
conch, resorption of the inner whorls and ap- 
ertural dentition, demonstrate more nearly 
constant patterns and are useful at the spe- 
cific and even generic level. 

The gastropod protoconch indicates the 
type of larval development that organisms in 
the different groups have undergone (Dall, 
1924; Lutz et al., 1984). It might also have 
other very distinctive features that make it a 


useful taxonomic character (Walter, 1962; 
Bouchet 8 Warén, 1980; Turner & Lutz, 
1984). Study of the protoconch has been 
aided greatly by the use of the scanning elec- 
tron microscope, an increasingly important 
tool in malacology (Solem, 1970; Calloway 8 
Turner, 1978). The SEM has been used to 
examine small and juvenile specimens, and 
to study the external morphology of the shell, 
radula and larvae. In this study the SEM was 
used to examine the protoconchs and radu- 
lae of most of the Western Atlantic ellobiids, 
and to provide photomicrographs of small 
and juvenile specimens. 

Ellobiid protoconch morphology proved a 
very useful taxonomic character in most 
cases. The Melampinae, for example, have 
only one type of heterostrophic protoconch, 
which shows one-half of each nuclear whorl. 
This feature might reflect the fact that, as far 
as is known, all have free-swimming larvae. 
Indeed, a similar type of protoconch occurs 
in Pyramidellidae having larvae with a long 
pelagic phase (Haszprunar, 1985). The mor- 
phology of the protoconch in the other sub- 
families of the Ellobiidae does not show an 
exclusive subfamilial pattern. For example, all 
the Pythiinae, Ellobiinae and the pedipedin- 
ian genera Pedipes and Creedonia have a 
bulbous protoconch with an umbilicus and a 
laterally facing aperture. The protoconch of 
the pedipedinian genera Microtralia and 
Pseudomelampus sits atop the teleoconch 
with the aperture facing the columellar axis, 
as in the Melampinae, rather than laterally as 
in all pythiinians and ellobiinians. Particular 
anatomical features indicate that these two 
genera belong to the Pedipedinae, however. 
The protoconch is very uniform within a spe- 
cies and, in the case of the West Indian Pe- 
dipes, it was the only consistent diagnostic 
conchological character that allowed clear 
separation of species. 

Shell resorption, as seen in the Ellobiidae, 
also occurs in the Neritacea, Helicinidae and 
Conidae. It was first noted by Montagu (1803: 
235) in his Voluta denticulata [= Myosotella 
myosotis (Draparnaud)] and was reported for 
most members of the Ellobiidae by Gray 
(1840: 220-221). Crosse & Fischer (1879, 
1882), however, studied the phenomenon in 
more detail and are usually credited with its 
discovery. Resorption of the inner whorls pro- 
vides a larger cavity in which the organs of the 
visceral mass can be rearranged with spatial 
economy. For example, in Melampus and Mi- 
crotralia, which show a high degree of resorp- 

tion, the conspicuous ovotestis has moved to 
an apical position and displaced the posterior 
lobe of the digestive gland; in Pedipes and 
Creedonia, which do not гезо the inner 
whorls, the ovotestis lies embedded in the 
apical, conspicuous posterior lobe of the di- 
gestive gland. This character varies within the 
different subfamilies of the Ellobiidae, but can 
be useful at lower taxonomic levels. In Melam- 
pus s.s., for example, the partition о the inner 
whorls occupies only one-fourth of the body 
whorl (Figs. 225, 267), whereas in the subge- 
nus Detracia it occupies at least three-fourths 
of the body whorl (Figs. 302, 316). The ex- 
treme case of variation within one subfamily 
occurs in the Pedipedinae, in which Pedipes 
and Creedonia completely retain the inner 
whorls (Figs. 106, 128, 153), whereas in Mi- 
crotralia resorption reaches the most ad- 
vanced stage in the Ellobiidae with less than 
a quarter of the interior partitions left (Fig. 
178). In conjunction with other features, the 
lack of shell resorption justified the creation of 
the new genus Creedonia. The degree of re- 
sorption also supported the separation of De- 
tracia as a Subgenus of Melampus s.l. and was 
helpful in the interpretation of some anatom- 
ical differences observed between that sub- 
genus and Melampus s.s. 

Apertural dentition, an important character 
in gastropod classification, is а conspicuous 
feature of the Ellobiidae. One of the most 
commonly accepted functions of the aper- 
tural dentition is that of constituting a barrier 
against predators. From my observations on 
the disposition of the various branches of the 
columellar muscles along the conspicuous 
internal lamellae of Melampus (D.) bullaoides 
(Fig. 302), | think that this feature also helps 
in positioning the shell during locomotion. 
Although variable, there are some general 
patterns of apertural dentition. On this basis 
one can characterize broadly the different 
subfamilies as follows: Ellobiinae with bipli- 
cate inner lip, with columellar and parietal 
teeth very close together; Pythiinae with 
evenly spaced triplicate inner lip with first pa- 
rietal tooth strongest; Pedipedinae with two 
columellar teeth and strong parietal tooth; 
Melampinae with inner lip dentition restricted 
to anterior half, columellar and posterior pa- 
rietal teeth conspicuous, outer lip dentate. 
There are exceptions to these patterns, how- 
ever, forthe species in the melampinian genus 
Tralia have an inner lip structure very similar to 
that of the pythiinian genus Myosotella. The 
inner lip dentition of Microtralia deviates from 


FIG. 2. Terminology for radular teeth of Melampus 
(M.) coffeus. A, Top view of central tooth; B, Top 
view of first lateral tooth; C, Lateral view of first 
lateral tooth; D, Top view of tenth marginal tooth; 
E, Top view of 20th marginal tooth. 

the pattern of the Pedipedinae in having only 
one columellar tooth. The apertural structure 
of the pythiinian genera Cylindrotis and Au- 
riculastra resembles that of the Ellobiinae and 
Ellobium (E.) aurisjudae has a conspicuous 
posterior parietal tooth. 

Radular characters 

The molluscan radula is a valuable charac- 
ter in the classification of higher taxa and is 
the basis of phylogenies proposed for the 
Gastropoda (Gray, 1853; Troschel, 1856- 
1893; Mörch, 1867). Some authors have stud- 
ied ellobiid radulae in an attempt to divide the 
Ellobiidae into subfamilies. Classifications of 
the ellobiids by Odhner (1925) and Thiele 
(1931) were based mainly on radular morphol- 
ogy, but these authors differed in their sub- 
familial division. Odhner adopted six subfam- 
Шез whereas Thiele recognized only three. 
Observation of the radula with a light micro- 
scope provides only limited information on the 
intricate articulation of the different teeth with 
one another (Figs. 250, 395). The SEM opened 
new vistas in the study of radular morphology 
and function (Solem, 1972b, 1974). 

The terminology used in this study follows 
that of Fretter & Graham (1962) and Ober- 
holzer et al. (1970) (Fig. 2). The radula of the 
ellobiids characteristically has many teeth in 
each row; the central tooth usually has a 
small crown. In most species the transition 
from the lateral teeth, which have a strong 

mesocone, to the pectinate marginal teeth is 
gradual. Morphology of the radula in the 
Melampinae and Ellobiinae 1$ rather uniform, 
but it varies in the Pedipedinae and Pythiinae. 
The radula of the Melampinae undergoes a 
series of morphological changes with age. 
The deeply indented crown of the lateral 
teeth of very young individuals becomes the 
unicuspid, triangular crown of adults. Some 
species, however, seem to have a radula with 
neotenic features, for example Melampus (D.) 
floridanus and Melampus (D.) paranus, which, 
as adults, have a conspicuous ectocone on 
the lateral teeth. This structure, present in the 
radula of the juveniles of some species of the 
Melampinae (Figs. 243-249, 370, 371), disap- 
pears with age. Marcus 8 Marcus (1963, fig. 
8) observed the same morphological change 
in the radula of Ellobium (A.) dominicense. 
Their illustration of the radula of a very young 
specimen of that species shows a striking 
resemblance to the radula of an adult Blaune- 
па heteroclita. 

The Pedipedinae and Pythiinae display 
great radular diversity with as many as three 
radular types in each subfamily. Radulae of 
some Pedipedinae, such as Microtralia, re- 
semble that of the Melampinae, whereas in 
the Pythiinae the strong mesocone on the 
radular teeth of Cassidula and Pythia resem- 
bles that in adult Ellobium. 

The radula of the ellobiids is a much more 
useful character at the generic level than at 
the specific level. The minute differences in 
the radulae developed by analysis of closely 
related pairs such as Melampus (M.) cof- 
feus—Melampus (M.) bidentatus, Pedipes 
mirabilis—Pedipes ovalis and Leuconopsis 
novimundi—Leuconopsis manningi failed to 
provide morphological evidence useful in the 
separation of these species pairs. On the 
other hand, the different genera, mainly within 
the subfamilies Pythiinae and Pedipedinae, 
are readily distinguished on the basis of their 
radular morphology. 

Anatomical characters 

A series of anatomical characters com- 
monly used in devising classifications was 
listed by Solem (1978). Because all charac- 
ters do not have the same taxonomic value 
weighting always must be applied. Those 
characters having greater influence on the 
cohesion of the group should be used in phy- 
logenetic studies. Those same characters 
should be the least affected by nongenetic 


factors, such as environmental and com- 
petitive pressures, exemplified by habitat 
and food. Thus the reproductive and the ner- 
vous systems ought to be considered prime 
taxonomic characters for the interpretation 
of phylogenetic relationships among higher 

Stomach: Graham's comprehensive studies 
(1939, 1949) of the functional morphology of 
the molluscan stomach showed an evolution- 
ary trend toward the disappearance of the 
crystalline style and simplification of the sort- 
ing areas in conjunction with the adoption of 
a macrophagous carnivorous diet. He ob- 
served the forward migration of the cardiac 
opening, with consequent reduction of the 
stomach to a blind sac into which the diges- 
tive gland discharges, and the increase in the 
muscularity of the mid-section to form a giz- 

К is generally recognized that the basom- 
matophoran stomach originated from the 
prosobranch condition and it appears to me 
that it evolved along two different lines. The 
lower basommatophoran or archaeopulmo- 
nate stomach shows a tendency toward a 
forward migration of the cardiac opening. 
Otina otis (Turton), a primitive marine pulmo- 
nate, retains a vestigial style sac and has a 
rudimentary gizzard (Morton, 1955a). In the 
higher, limnic basommatophorans the stom- 
ach remains open-ended, with esophageal 
and intestinal openings at opposite ends, as 
shown in Carriker (1946) and Morton (19550). 
In this group the simplest stomach occurs in 
Acroloxus, which lacks musculature, has a 
well-developed caecum similar to a style sac 
and a structure similar to a crystalline style 
(Hubendick, 1978). Morton (1952, 1953) also 
investigated the functional morphology of the 
gastropod stomach and, on the basis of the 
disposition of the internal ciliary patches and 
of the tendency toward stronger muscularity 
of the mid-section, used it as a character in 
the classification of the ellobiids (Morton, 

In this study only the external appearance 
of the stomach was noted. Without an under- 
standing of the functional morphology of the 
internal parts, phylogenetic inferences and 
use in classification would be unwarranted 
and possibly misleading. 

Reproductive System: Traditionally the mol- 
luscan reproductive system has been ac- 
corded special value in the understanding of 
the phylogenetic relationships among higher 

taxa (Duncan, 1960a, b; Visser, 1977, 1981; 
Gosliner, 1981; Haszprunar, 1985, 1988; Sal- 
vini-Plawén 8 Haszprunar, 1987). The impor- 
tance of the reproductive system in gastro- 
pod evolutionary studies is corroborated by 
my studies. 

A basic plan of the gastropod reproduc- 
tive system consists of a posteriorly located 
gonad, a middle glandular section and an 
anterior duct associated with the pallial re- 
gion, primitively glandular owing to its prob- 
able origin from the hypobranchial gland 
(Fretter, 1984). This simple tube becomes in- 
creasingly complex with the appearance of 
specialized evaginations and of the herma- 
phroditic condition (Ghiselin, 1966). In proso- 
branchs gonochorism is the rule, a condition 
currently considered primitive (Haszprunar, 
1988). Cases of protandry and of simulta- 
neous hermaphroditism exist in archaeo- 
gastropods and mesogastropods, however 
(Fretter, 1946). Simroth (1907) and Huben- 
dick (1945) both thought that hermaphrodit- 
ism was the original condition among the gas- 
tropods. Krull (1935, fide Fretter & Graham, 
1962) also shared Simroth's view and, based 
on the fact that the pallial oviduct of the 
prosobranch hydrobiids is divided in a man- 
ner similar to that of the monaulic pulmo- 
nates (species with one bisexual duct), he 
suggested that the hydrobiids were the most 
primitive gastropods. This view has not been 
accepted by later authors. In the euthy- 
neurans (opisthobranchs and pulmonates), 
once commonly thought to have evolved from 
the archaeogastropods (Pelseneer, 1894a; 
Hubendick, 1945; Morton, 1955c), but more 
probably from the mesogastropods (Fretter, 
1946; Boettger, 1954; Duncan, 1960a; Gos- 
liner, 1981) or Apogastropoda (Salvini-Plawén 
8 Haszprunar, 1987; Haszprunar, 1988), her- 
maphroditism 1$ the universal condition (Ghis- 
elin, 1969). Opinions also differ as to which of 
the two hermaphroditic conditions appeared 
first, monaulic (one bisexual duct) or diaulic 
(two separate sexual ducts). Pelseneer's sug- 
gestion (1894b: 19) that hermaphroditism in 
mollusks arose by the secondary addition or 
grafting of a male system to the female indi- 
vidual has led to the view that топацу 1$ the 
primitive condition (Ghiselin, 1966; Marcus 4 
Marcus, 1965b; Visser, 1977, 1981; Huben- 
dick, 1978). Solem (1972a, 1978) considered 
diauly the primitive condition, however, and 
stated that partial or total fusion of the male 
and female reproductive tracts has evolved 
independently in several groups. The choice 


of one or another hypothesis has obvious 
phylogenetic implications for the use of the 
reproductive system. Visser (1981) rejected 
Solem's opinion because there is no evidence 
of two separate gonads with two separate 
gonoducts in primitive gastropods. Visser, in 
contrast to Pelseneer, stated that hermaph- 
roditism in the Basommatophora, unlike that 
of the Stylommatophora, was derived from a 
male prosobranch. As evidence he cited the 
consistency ofthe penial structure throughout 
the basommatophorans (see also Hubendick, 

My work has led me to support the most 
commonly held view, namely that monauly 
and a glandular pallial gonoduct represent 
the primitive condition. The tendency toward 
reduction of the glandular elements of the re- 
productive system to the proximal, nonpallial 
portion is hereby taken as a derived trend. 
Supporting this view 1$ the presence of glan- 
dular pallial gonoducts among littorinids and 
the primitive opisthobranchs (Gosliner, 1981). 
Existence of such glandular ducts in groups 
otherwise clearly primitive (Pythiinae, Ellobii- 
nae) also is taken as supportive circumstan- 
cial evidence for the case. 

The terminology used in this study follows 
that of Duncan (1975), Visser (1977), Berry 
(1977) and Tompa (1984). Histological stud- 
ies were carried out to clarify some critical 
features of basic morphology, such as the 
extent of the mucous and prostate glands 
and to establish the aulic condition, the site 
of separation of male and female ducts. No 
distinction was made between the different 
components of the penial complex (penial 
sheath, preputium and penis) and this entire 
structure is herein called the penis. The de- 
gree of adhesion of the anterior vas deferens 
to the penis is also considered, the free con- 
dition being interpreted as derived. 

Central Nervous System. Use of the pulmo- 
nate central nervous system as a primary tax- 
onomic character has become increasingly 
accepted (Bargmann 1930; Van Mol, 1967; 
Bishop, 1978, Haszprunar, 1985, 1988; Sal- 
vini-Plawén 8 Haszprunar, 1987). Morton 
(1955c) and Regondeau et al. (1976) agreed 
that within the gastropods concentration of 
the ganglia is a derived character, but Morton 
shared Fretter 8 Graham's concern (1949) 
that sole reliance on characters of the ner- 
vous system to establish phylogenetic rela- 
tionships can be misleading. Haszprunar 
(1985, 1988) emphasized the possibility that 

concentration of ganglia and consequent eu- 
thyneury could be associated with small size 
in some cases. 

The degree of concentration of the ganglia 
of the central nervous system is considered 
important because the complexity of an en- 
tire system 15 generally unaffected by envi- 
ronmental pressures. Any major change in 
the arrangement of the ganglia probably 
would mean a greater rearrangement at most 
levels of anatomical organization. For this 
reason the morphology of the central nervous 
system is considered herein to be a taxo- 
nomic character useful at higher levels of 

A detailed treatment of the ellobiid central 
nervous system 1$ provided for Ellobium (A.) 
dominicense (Fig. 21) and Melampus (М.) 
coffeus (Fig. 255). The terminology adopted 
here is from several sources (Simroth 1912, 
1925-1928; Bargmann, 1930; Carriker, 1946; 
Brisson, 1963; Price, 1977). For most species 
only the relative concentration of the ganglia 
seemed important, but the nerves were 
found to approximate the pattern in Melam- 
pus (M.) coffeus. 


Family Ellobiidae H. & A. Adams in Pfeiffer, 1854 
Subfamily Ellobiinae H. & A. Adams in Pfeiffer, 
Genus Ellobium Róding, 1798 
Subgenus Auriculodes Strand, 1928 
Ellobium (A.) dominicense (Férussac, 
Genus Blauneria Shuttleworth, 1854 
Blauneria heteroclita (Montagu, 1808) 
Subfamily Pythiinae Odhner, 1925 
Genus Myosotella Monterosato, 1906 
Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud, 1801) 
Genus Laemodonta Philippi, 1846 
Laemodonta cubensis (Pfeiffer, 1854) 
Subfamily Pedipedinae Fischer & Crosse, 1880 
Genus Pedipes Scopoli, 1777 
Pedipes mirabilis (Mühlfeld, 1816) 
Pedipes ovalis C. B. Adams, 1849 
Genus Creedonia new genus 
Creedonia succinea (Pfeiffer, 1854) 
Genus Microtralia Dall, 1894 
Microtralia occidentalis (Pfeiffer, 1854) 
Genus Leuconopsis Hutton, 1884 
Leuconopsis novimundi (Pilsbry & 
McGinty, 1949) 
Leuconopsis manningi new species 
Leuconopsis sp. 
Subfamily Melampinae Stimpson, 1851 


Genus Melampus Montfort, 1810 
Subgenus Melampus $.5. 

Melampus (M.) coffeus (Linnaeus, 1758) 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus Say, 1822 
Subgenus Detracia Gray т Turton, 1840 
Melampus (D.) bullaoides (Montagu, 

Melampus (D.) floridanus (Pfeiffer, 1856) 
Melampus (D.) paranus (Morrison, 1951) 
Melampus (D.) monile (Bruguiere, 1789) 
Melampus (D.) morrisoni new name 
Genus Tralia Gray in Turton, 1840 
Subgenus Тга/а s.s. 
Tralia (T.) ovula (Bruguière, 1789) 


Family Ellobiidae H. & A. Adams in Pfeiffer, 

Auriculidae Lamarck, 1809: 321 [corrected 
from “Les Auriculacées” by Gray, 1840]. 

Auriculae Lamarck. Férussac, 1821: 32. 

Auriculadae Lamarck. Gray, 1824: 107. 

Auriculacea Lamarck. Blainville, 1824: 245. 

Auriculaceae Lamarck. Menke, 1828: 19. 

Auriculoidea Lamarck. Cristofori & Jan, 
1832: 6. 

Auriculidea Lamarck. Beck, 1837: 101. 

Auriculata Lamarck. Sismonda, 1842: 26. 

Auriculiadae Lamarck. De Kay, 1843: 57. 

Auriculina Lamarck. Agassiz, 1847: 41 [cor- 
rection for Auriculacea]. Non Grateloup, 
1838, nec Gray, 1847a. 

Carychiadae (Leach MS) Gray, 1847b: 269. 

Auriculae’inae Lamarck. Strobel, 1850: 32. 

Conovulidae Clark, 1850: 444. 

Melampidae Stimpson, 1851: 51. 

Ellobiidae H. & A. Adams in Pfeiffer, 1854b: 
146 [in synonymy with Auriculacea La- 

Description: Shell spiral, dextral (except in 
Blauneria), oval-conic, sometimes umbili- 
cate, smooth or with spiral sculpture, cov- 
ered with brownish periostracum; aperture 
elongate, round at base, angulate posteriorly, 
with strong folds on inner lip, outer lip sharp 
or weakly reflected, often dentate. Inner 
whorls resorbed (except in Pedipes and 
Creedonia). Protoconch heterostrophic. 
Animal completely retractable into shell. 
Head separated from foot by transverse 
groove, into which a large mucous gland 
opens. Operculum present in embryos, ab- 
sent in adults. Mouth T-shaped; horny upper 
jaw sometimes with folded extremities lining 
lateral lips; one pair of subcylindric, contrac- 

tile or subretractile tentacles; eyes sessile, 
medial to base of tentacles; foot long, ante- 
riorly blunt, sometimes transversely divided, 
posteriorly tapered and entire or bifid; pneu- 
mostome on right side, medial to anal aper- 

Radula broad, elongate; teeth numerous; 
central tooth equilateral; lateral teeth inequi- 
lateral, becoming shorter toward outer edges 
of radula, abruptly or gradually changing into 
marginal teeth. 

Digestive system moderately long; salivary 
glands usually elongate; esophagus long, 
thin walled, longitudinally grooved, opening 
posteriorly into wide crop; stomach generally 
tripartite with thin-walled cardiac region, 
muscular medial and pyloric regions and 
thin-walled, smaller posterior caecum; diges- 
tive gland usually bilobed, emptying anteri- 
orly at crop, posteriorly at gastric caecum. 

Reproductive system hermaphroditic; ovo- 
testis acinose and embedded in digestive 
gland or leaf-like and covering part of stom- 
ach; hermaphroditic duct with generally con- 
voluted seminal vesicle; glandular complex 
composed of whitish albumen gland, convo- 
luted posterior mucous gland, straight ante- 
rior mucous gland and prostate gland cover- 
ing pallial ducts (except in Melampinae); 
fertilization chamber follows posterior mu- 
cous gland and gives rise to oviduct and 
spermiduct, which might or might not be 
completely separate for their entire length; 
bursa duct and bursa arising from vagina at 
variable distances from aperture; female ap- 
erture medial to pneumostome, anterior to 
union of mantle with neck; male aperture on 
right corner of cephalic groove, under right 
tentacle; a fold of skin (sperm groove) runs 
from near female to male aperture, functional 
only in Pythia; in all others the vas deferens 
lies embedded in neck skin; it separates from 
skin inward near male aperture and enters 
penis at posterior end; penial complex (penis 
and penial sheath) lying over buccal bulb and 
cerebral ganglia. 

The hypoathroid, pentaganglionate central 
nervous system is of the basommatophoran 
type (Bargmann, 1930; Haszprunar, 1985), 
composed of 11 discrete ganglia, joined by 
connectives of various lengths: paired cere- 
bral, buccal, pleural, parietal and pedal gan- 
glia, and an unpaired visceral ganglion. 

Remarks: The Ellobiidae were first assigned 
familial rank by Lamarck (1809) under the 
vernacular Les Auriculacées. The group т- 


cluded Lamarck's Auricula and three other 
genera (Melanopsis, Melania and Limnaea) 
that were assigned subsequently by other 
authors to different families. Many incorrect 
Latinizations of Lamarck's vernacular name 
followed; Blainville's (1824) Auriculacea be- 
came well established and was used in major 
monographs on the family (Reeve, 1842; 
Küster, 1844; Pfeiffer, 1856a, 1876; Kobelt, 

The correct Latin designation, Auriculidae, 
was first used by Gray (1840) and was widely 
accepted until the 1920s, when the names 
Ellobiidae H. & A. Adams т Pfeiffer, 1854, 
and Melampidae Stimpson, 1851, replaced 
Lamarck's name. 

According to the International Code of 
Zoological Nomenclature Art. 11 (e) the name 
Auriculidae has priority because, when first 
published, it was based upon the name then 
valid for the contained genus Auricula La- 
marck. Odhner (1925), however, preferred 
the name Ellobiidae H. 4 A. Adams because 
the type genus, Auricula Lamarck, 1799, is a 
synonym of Ellobium Róding, 1798. The 
name Ellobiidae has been in general use 
since that time. Works dealing exclusively 
with the family, such as those of Odhner 
(1925), Morton (1955b, c), Hubendick (1956), 
Clench (1964), Marcus (1965), Marcus & Mar- 
cus (1965a, b), Cesari (1973, 1976), or gen- 
eral ones, such as those of Thiele (1931), 
Zilch (1959), Hyman (1967), Franc (1968), 
Fretter (1975), Jones (1975), Runham (1975), 
Berry (1977), Hubendick (1978), Solem (1978, 
1985), Boss (1982) and Haszprunar (1985, 
1988), and even popular books, such as 
those of Morris (1973), Humphrey (1975), 
Emerson & Jacobson (1976) and Rehder 
(1981), are the most obvious examples of the 
acceptance of the name Ellobiidae. 

Recently the name Melampidae Stimpson, 
1851, has appeared in some influential mal- 
acological works, such as those of Keen 
(1971), Abbott (1974), Rios (1975) and Kay 
(1979). Morrison's reintroduction (1964) of 
the name Melampidae was unfortunate in 
several ways. It was an unnecessary distur- 
bance of taxonomic stability, because the 
name Ellobiidae had already been universally 
accepted. It also required a change to a dif- 
ferent type genus for the family. The appear- 
ance of the term Melampidae in influential 
malacological works obviously was leading 
to widespread use and consequent renewed 
taxonomic confusion. 

Strict application of the law of priority to 

family-group names would upset general use 
of the name Ellobiidae. In accordance with 
Art. 23 (d) of the ICZN, a petition should be 
submitted to the International Commission 
on Zoological Nomenclature to place the 
name Ellobiidae on the Official List of Family- 
Group Names in Zoology, and to place the 
names Auriculidae and Melampidae on the 
Official List of Rejected Names. 

Credit usually is given to H. & A. Adams 
(1855b) for the introduction of the name El- 
lobiidae. However, Pfeiffer (1854b), who had 
access to the Adams brothers’ manuscript, 
referred to the to-be-proposed family name, 
but continued to use the name Auriculacea. 
For this reason the name Ellobiidae, which 
should be credited to H. & A. Adams, must 
take the date 1854, when it was first pub- 
lished by Pfeiffer as a synonym. 

The family Ellobiidae varies greatly in mor- 
phology and anatomy, but it is nevertheless 
readily identifiable as a group at the familial 
level. Starobogatov (1976) exaggerated the 
differences in the reproductive system and 
raised the family name to ordinal status and 
considered existing subfamilies separate 
families. This view has not gained accep- 
tance and | have concluded that the differ- 
ences within the ellobiids are reconcilable 
within a single family. 

Odhner (1925), using radular characters, 
and Zilch (1959), using shell morphology, 
recognized six subfamilies, Carychiinae, Mel- 
ampinae, Pedipedinae, Pythiinae, Cassiduli- 
nae and Ellobiinae. Morton (1955c) and Hu- 
bendick (1978) merged the Cassidulinae with 
the Pythiinae on the basis of the similarities of 
their reproductive systems, and assigned the 
latter name to the group. My studies support 
Morton’s conclusions and | have followed his 
scheme of classification for the division of the 
Ellobiidae into subfamilies. 

Zilch (1959) recognized 20 genera of living 
halophilic ellobiids. Zilch’s classification is 
accepted here with certain modifications and 
21 genera are recognized in this paper. Zilch 
considered Sarnia H. & A. Adams a subgenus 
of Tralia Gray, but Marincovich (1973), on the 
basis of radular morphology, placed it in the 
Ellobiinae. Sarnia (Fig. 181) shows strong 
conchological similarity to Pseudomelampus 
and Microtralia, and for that reason | include 
it in the Pedipedinae. Further information on 
the reproductive and nervous systems is 
needed to confirm the systematic position of 
this genus, however. | have synonymized 
herein Apodosis Pilsbry & McGinty with Leu- 



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FIG. 3. Pictorial review of subfamilies of Ellobiidae, from most primitive to most advanced. A, Pythia (P.) 
scarabaeus (Linnaeus), radula; B, Pythia (P.) scarabaeus, reproductive system; C, Pythia (P.) plicata (Fér- 
ussac), central nervous system; D, Pythia (P.) scarabaeus; E, Рута (Trigonopythia) trigona (Troschel); Е, 
Ophicardelus australis (Quoy & Gaimard); G, Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud); H, Ovatella firminii Pay- 
raudeau; |, Laemodonta octanfracta (Jonas); J, Allochroa bronni (Philippi); К, Cassidula (C.) aurisfelis (Bru- 
guière); L, Cassidula (Cassidulta) doliolum (Petit); M, Cylindrotis quadrasi Móllendorff; М, Auriculastra subula 
(Quoy & Gaimard); O, Ellobium (E.) aurismidae (Linnaeus), radula; P, Ellobium (E.) aurismidae, reproductive 
system; Q, Ellobium (E.) aurismidae, central nervous system; R, Ellobium (E.) aurismidae; S, Ellobium 
(Auriculodes) gangeticum (Pfeiffer); T, Auriculinella (Leucophytia) bidentata (Montagu); U, Blauneria hetero- 
clita (Montagu); V, Carychium tridentatum (Risso), radula; W, Carychium tridentatum, reproductive system; 
X, Carychium tridentatum, central nervous system; Y, Carychium minimum Müller; 2, Zospeum spelaeum 
(Rossmássler); AA, Pedipes mirabilis (Mühlfeld), radula; BB, Pedipes pedipes (Bruguiere), reproductive 
system; CC, Pedipes pedipes, central nervous system; DD, Pedipes pedipes; EE, Marinula pepita King; FF, 
Creedonia succinea (Pfeiffer); GG, Pseudomelampus exiguus (Lowe); HH, Sarnia frumentum (Petit); Il, 
Microtralia occidentalis (Pfeiffer); JJ, Leuconopsis obsoleta (Hutton); KK, Melampus (M.) coffeus (Linnaeus), 
radula; LL, Melampus (M.) coffeus, reproductive system; MM, Melampus (M.) coffeus, central nervous 
system; NN, Melampus (M.) coffeus; 00, Melampus (Micromelampus) nucleolus Martens; PP, Melampus 
(Detracia) bullaoides (Montagu); QQ, Melampus (Signia) granifer (Mousson); ВВ, Tralia (T.) ovula (Bruguière); 
SS, Tralia (Persa) costata (Quoy & Gaimara). 

conopsis Hutton, and have created the genus 
Creedonia. Myosotella Monterosato, treated 
by Zilch as a subgenus of Ovatella Bivona, is 
given herein generic status. 

A pictorial review of the subfamilies 1$ pre- 
sented in Figure 3. The radula, nervous sys- 
tem and reproductive system of the type or of 
a representative species of each subfamily 
are shown, as well as the shells of all the type 
species of the genera and subgenera herein 
recognized. The reproductive and nervous 
systems provided the most consistent basis 
for the separation of the subfamilies. 

Detailed descriptions of general anatomy 
and of the nervous system are provided un- 
der Melampus (M.) coffeus; these descrip- 
tions will be used as standards of compari- 
son in discussions of other species. 

Habitat: Ellobiids are mainly tropical. They 
commonly occur around the high-tide mark in 
mangrove areas, under rocks or pieces of de- 
caying wood. In extratropical regions they live 
in eurhyaline environments of salt marshes or 
in upper littoral rocky areas. 

Morton (1955c) divided the ellobiids into 


four groups according to habitat. The upper- 
tidal marine ellobiids, such as Melampus, 
Myosotella, Ophicardelus, Cassidula and El- 
lobium, prefer the high-tidal fringe of man- 
groves and marshes, never venturing far from 
the reach of the highest spring tides. The in- 
tertidal and crevice-dwelling species include 
the minute ellobiids of the genera Auricu- 
linella, Leuconopsis, Pedipes, Microtralia and 
Marinula, to which Creedonia, Laemodonta 
and Blauneria might be added, which live 
buried at different depths in the sediment or 
under partly buried rocks, roots and fallen 
branches in the upper intertidal zone. Pythia 
is the only coastal terrestrial ellobiid; it always 
frequents moist places near the shore, al- 
though out of reach of the highest tides. The 
inland terrestrial ellobiids are Carychium and 
Zospeum, which live in very humid environ- 
ments, frequently under forest leaf litter or in 

The ellobiids are commonly thought to have 
evolved from an estuarine ancestor. Con- 
quest of the terrestrial habitat brought about 
modifications in the structure of the larval 
stages. Such modifications, however, are not 
exclusively related to distance from the sea 
and a single feature, such as suppression of 
a free-swimming veliger, can exist in intertidal 
and terrestrial species. A more or less mod- 
ified veliger stage 1$ present throughout the 
family. The Melampinae have a free-swim- 
ming veliger larva. Apley (1970) recorded two 
to six weeks of planktonic life for Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus, while Marcus & Marcus 
(1965a) suggested equally long periods for 
the veligers of Melampus (M.) coffeus and 
Melampus (D.) paranus. The veliger stage of 
the other subfamilies passes inside the egg 
and the embryo crawls immediately after 
hatching. Larvae of Ellobium (A.) dominicense 
have а ciliate velum and can swim for very 
short periods of time (Ewald, 1963). That 
same ciliated structure was found in Blauneria 
heteroclita by Marcus & Marcus (1963). Mor- 
ton (1955c) observed that the velum of the 
larvae of Myosotella myosotis and of Auricu- 
linella (L.) bidentata is reduced and lacks cilia. 

Another feature of larval ellobiids is the 
widespread presence of an operculum, which 
is lost at an early age. Blauneria heteroclita, 
which normally reaches 7 mm in length, sheds 
the operculum at a shell length of about 0.7 
mm (Marcus & Marcus, 1963). The reduced 
operculum of Myosotella myosotis and of Au- 
riculinella (L.) bidentata helps to break the 
shell during hatching (Morton 1955b). 

Range: The family Ellobiidae has worldwide 
distribution, but appears to have three main 
centers, a large Indo-Pacific center, charac- 
terized by Ellobium, Cassidula and Pythia; a 
smaller West Indian center, characterized by 
Melampus; and a much poorer Mediterra- 
nean region, characterized by Myosotella and 

The fossil record of the Ellobiidae 1$ rela- 
tively poor and 1$ insufficient for the determi- 
nation of evolutionary lineages. The presence 
of the Indo-Pacific genera Ellobium and Cas- 
sidula in Europe during the Eocene and 
Miocene (Zilch, 1959) suggests that the Eu- 
ropean shores were connected with the Indo- 
Pacific region. This is consistent with the ex- 
istence of the Tethys Sea which, in various 
ways, extended longitudinally from Australia 
through Europe and northern Africa to the 
tropical West Indies and eastern Pacific. 
Existence of this seaway is indicated by the 
distribution of several groups of inverte- 
brates, and has been more extensively stud- 
ied for the Mediterranean region. Evidence 
of a Tethyan distribution in American faunas 
was found in Foraminifera (C.G. Adams, 
1967), Ostracoda (McKenzie, 1967) and in bi- 
valves and gastropods (Palmer, 1967). The 
ellobiid fossil record does not provide any 
new information about Tethyan relationships 
between Europe and America. The ellobiid 
fossils of North America are represented by 
the melampinine genera Rhytophorus and 
Melampoides from the Cretaceous of Wyo- 
ming (White, 1895; Henderson, 1935) and by 
the more recent Melampus, Marinula, Tralia 
and Pedipes, from the Eocene, Miocene and 
Pleistocene (Conrad, 1862; Dall, 1912; Wood- 
ring, 1928; Gibson-Smith & Gibson-Smith, 
1979, 1982, 1985). The Mesozoic genera 
seem not to have European counterparts, 
but Rhytophorus was recorded from the 
Lower Cretaceous of China (Zhu, 1980). 
Present records are too sparse to allow elab- 
oration of the meaning of such an occur- 
rence. The Cenozoic genera represent only 
the Recent ellobiid fauna of the West Indian 

Subfamily Ellobiinae H. & A. Adams т Pfeif- 
fer, 1854 

Auriculea Pfeiffer, 1853a: 9. 

Ellobiinae “Н. & A. Adams” Pfeiffer, 1854b: 

Auriculinae H. & A. Adams, 1855a: 30 [emen- 
dation of Auriculea Pfeiffer, 1853]. 


Description: Shell very small and thin (Auri- 
culinella, Blauneria) to large and thick (Ello- 
bium), dextral except in Blauneria. Spire low 
to high, with very faint to marked and granu- 
lar spiral lines. Body whorl 60-80% of shell 
length, smooth or sculptured like spire. Ap- 
erture 70-80% of length of body whorl, oval- 
elongate; columellar tooth small, very oblique; 
anterior parietal tooth stronger, perpendicular 
to (Auriculinella) or weakly oblique to columel- 
lar axis; smaller posterior parietal teeth some- 
times present; outer lip thin and sharp to thick 
and weakly reflected, smooth internally. Pro- 
toconch smooth, prominent, with umbilicus- 
like slit in apex. 

Radula with central tooth small, triangular; 
lateral teeth bicuspid, with endocone smaller 
than mesocone; marginal teeth similar to lat- 
eral teeth but smaller. 

Animal whitish; eyes often concealed by 
thick skin; tentacles short, subcylindric or 
with dilated tips; foot entire (Ellobium) or 
transversely divided. Mandible corneous, 
semilunate. Stomach tripartite; mid-section 
very muscular. Spermiduct separates from 
oviduct before the latter leaves posterior 
glandular complex; anterior mucous gland 
covers entire length of vagina; spermiduct 
surrounded by prostate gland and might 
communicate with base of bursa duct near 
vaginal opening. Penis large and complex to 
small and simple (Blauneria); associated vas 
deferens adheres to penis. Visceral nerve 
ring long, with evidence of streptoneury in 
Ellobium; right parietovisceral connective 
very short. 

Remarks: There has been confusion in defin- 
ing the limits of the subfamily Ellobiinae. 
Pfeiffer (1853a) was the first to try to group 
the genera of the Ellobiidae into higher taxa. 
On the basis of the absence or presence of a 
reflected outer lip he recognized the subfam- 
ilies Melampea and Auriculea. He assigned 
Pythia, Auricula [= Ellobium] and Carychium 
to the latter group. The two subfamilial 
names were emended to Melampinae and 
Auriculinae by H. & A. Adams (1855a). Pfeiffer 
(1854b), after seeing the unpublished manu- 
script of the Genera of Recent Mollusca by H. 
& A. Adams (1855), mentioned some of the 
Adams’ conclusions, including the names 
Melampinae and Ellobiinae, and it is H. & A. 
Adams (in Pfeiffer) who should be credited 
with the introduction of the latter name (see 
the remarks under the Ellobiidae). Pfeiffer 
(1854b) continued to use his previous names 

and to the existing list of the Auriculea he 
added Plecotrema [= Laemodonta], Cassid- 
ula, Alexia [= Myosotella] and Blauneria. Two 
years later in his Monografia Pfeiffer (1856a) 
tentatively included the genus Leuconia [= 
Auriculinella] in this subfamily. 

Odhner (1925) noted the peculiar radula of 
Ellobium and he admitted only this genus to 
the subfamily. He wrongly stated that Ello- 
bium (E.) aurismidae lacks the central radular 
tooth (Fig. 17). Zilch (1959), who used con- 
chological characters, also considered the 
Ellobiinae monotypic. Thiele (1931), on the 
basis of radular morphology, reached quite 
different conclusions and he included in the 
Ellobiinae the subfamilies Melampinae, Pythi- 
inae and Cassidulinae. 

Studies of the comparative anatomy of the 
group are essential to an understanding of 
the taxonomic relationships within the Ellobi- 
inae and of the entire family as well. Morton 
(1955с) noticed the similarity of the reproduc- 
tive tracts of Auriculinella and Ellobium, and 
placed those two genera in the subfamily El- 
lobiinae. Likewise on the basis of reproduc- 
tive structures Marcus (1965) and Marcus 4 
Marcus (1965b) added В/аипепа. In spite of 
the sinistrality of В/аипепа and the fact that 
Blauneria and Auriculinella are much smaller 
than Ellobium, the dentition of the inner lip 
shows a constant pattern in all three genera 
of the subfamily. This conchological similar- 
ity, corroborating the evidence shown by the 
reproductive system, makes these features 
useful phylogenetic characters. | therefore 
concur with the inclusion of Auriculinella and 
Blauneria in the subfamily Ellobiinae. 

Habitat: The various genera of the Ellobiinae 
live in somewhat different habitats. Ellobium 
is common on the muddy surface of Indo- 
Pacific mangroves, just below the high-tide 
mark, around roots and decaying wood 
(Berry et al. 1967). Blauneria lives buried in 
the black sediment, and under rocks and rot- 
ting vegetable material at the high-tide mark 
(Marcus & Marcus 19656; Martins, personal 
observation). Auriculinella lives closer to the 
low-tide mark than the other two genera; in 
the Azores it lives under rocks buried in 
gravel, sometimes into the intertidal zone 
(Martins, 1980). 

Range: The Ellobiinae have a worldwide dis- 
tribution, with only partial overlap of the dif- 
ferent genera. Ellobium, which is character- 
istic of the Indo-West Pacific mangroves, has 
a single representative in the tropical Eastern 


Pacific and another in the tropical Western 
Atlantic. Blauneria occurs only in the Western 
Indo-Pacific and in the Western Atlantic. Au- 
riculinella is restricted to the Mediterranean, 
the eastern North Atlantic and Macaronesian 

The subfamily seems to have had a 
Tethyan distribution, which is shown by the 
present distribution of Ellobium and by the 
presence of Ellobium and the Blauneria-like 
Stolidoma Deshayes in the Jurassic and Oli- 
gocene deposits of Europe (Degrange- 
Touzin, 1893; Zilch, 1959; Huckriede, 1967). 

Genus Ellobium Röding, 1798 

Ellobium Röding, 1798: 105. Type species by 
subsequent designation of Gray (184 7a): 
Ellobium midae Röding, 1798 [= Bulla 
aurismidae Linnaeus, 1758]. 

Auricula Lamarck, 1799: 76. Type species by 
monotypy: Auricula midae (Röding, 
1798) [= Bulla aurismidae Linnaeus, 

Auriculus Montfort, 1810: 310. Type species 
by monotypy: Auriculus judae Montfort, 
1810 [= Bulla aurisjudae Linnaeus, 1758]. 

Marsyas Oken, 1815: 305 [new name for El- 
lobium Röding]. 

Geovula Swainson, 1840: 344 [new name for 
Ellobium Röding]. 

Description: Shell moderately large and thin 
(25 mm) to large and thick (100 mm) and cov- 
ered with рае brown periostracum. Spire low 
to moderately high, sculptured with granular 
spiral lines crossed by more or less conspic- 
uous axial cords. Body whorl about 80% 
shell length, with same sculpture as spire, 
sometimes weakly depressed dorsoventrally. 
Aperture about 80% length of body whorl; 
small, very oblique, twisted columellar tooth; 
stronger anterior parietal tooth; posterior pa- 
rietal tooth sometimes present; outer lip thin 
to thick, sharp to weakly reflected. 

Radula with central tooth small, very nar- 
row, without mesocone, with ectocones 
curved inwards; lateral teeth with very wide, 
bicuspid crown; marginal teeth similar to lat- 
eral teeth, but smaller. 

Remarks: The name Ellobium Róding, 1798, 
was ignored for a long time in favor of its 
junior synonym Auricula Lamarck, 1799. 
Most probably the reason for maintaining the 
junior name was the acceptance of La- 
marck's work and ignorance of the Bolten 
Catalogue published by Róding in 1798 (Fis- 

cher, 1857; Dall, 1915). The vernacular name 
Auricule was first published by Lamarck in 
the Actes de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle 
de Paris in 1795 or 1796 (fide Férussac, 1821: 
95), but the Latinized name Auricula first ap- 
peared in Lamarck's (1799) Prodrome, pub- 
lished in the Mémoires of the same society. 

Montfort (1810) pointed out that Lamarck 
(1799) had confused Auricula midae and Au- 
ricula judae by including in the references Ar- 
genville’s (1757: 226, pl. 10 [13], fig. G) “oreille 
de Midas,” which Montfort identified with Au- 
ricula judae. Montfort, then, renamed La- 
marck’s genus Auriculus and selected for its 
type species Auriculus judae [= Ellobium (E.) 
aurisjudae (Linnaeus)]. Pfeiffer (1876) pre- 
ferred Auriculus Montfort to Ellobium Róding 
and Auricula Lamarck, both of which he dis- 
missed as vague, owing to the heterogeneous 
assemblage of species that they included. 

The genus Ellobium is conchologically well 
Characterized by its auriform shape, by a 
finely reticulate sculpture and by the conspic- 
uous straw-colored to dark brown репо- 
stracum (Figs. 4-9). The central tooth of the 
radula is greatly reduced but not lost in Ello- 
bium (E.) aurismidae, as Odhner (1925) erro- 
neously reported (Fig. 17). The mesocone of 
the central tooth has been lost and the ecto- 
cones curl inwards and resemble a pair of 
pincers (Figs. 13, 14). 

Zilch (1959), on the basis of conchological 
characters, recognized the subgenera Ello- 
bium s.s. and Auriculodes Strand. Ellobium 
was Characterized as having a large, thick 
shell with a thick, reflected outer lip (Fig. 9), 
whereas Auriculodes had a smaller, thinner 
shell, with the outer lip sharp and weakly re- 
flected (Figs. 4-8). Some scattered informa- 
tion on the reproductive system of species 
belonging to both subgenera (see remarks 
under Auriculodes) indicates that the penis 
and vagina are usually more complex in Ello- 
bium s.s. More detailed research on a greater 
number of species of both subgenera is 
needed, however, to clarify the relative taxo- 
nomic positions of Ellobium s.s. and Auricu- 
lodes. Pending additional information, on the 
basis of shell thickness, | concur with Zilch 
(1959) in the recognition of these subgenera. 

Subgenus Auriculodes Strand, 1928 

Autonoe Guppy, 1868: 244. Type species by 
monotypy: Autonoe riparia Guppy, 1868 
[= Auricula dominicense Ferussac, 
1821]. Non Leach, 1852. 


Auriculina Kobelt, 1898: 77. Type species by 
original designation: Auricula (Auriculina) 
дапдейса Pfeiffer, 1855. Non Grateloup, 
1838, nec Agassiz, 1847. 

Auricella Móllendorff, 1898: 160. Type spe- 
cies by original designation: Auricula 
(Auricella) auricella Férussac, 1821 [= 
Bulimus auricula Bruguière, 1789]. Non 
Jurine, 1817. 

Auriculodes Strand, 1928: 64 [new name for 
Auriculina Kobelt, 1898]. 

Autonoella Wenz, 1947: 36 [new name for 
Autonoe Guppy, 1868]. 

Description: Shell to 25 mm long, thin to 
somewhat solid. Spire with fine spiral lines, 
sometimes granular and crossed by axial 
granular cords. Body whorl not flattened dor- 
soventrally, smooth and shiny or with granular 
appearance as in spire. Inner lip of aperture 
with very oblique, twisted columellar tooth 
and somewhat stronger, weakly oblique pa- 
rietal tooth; outer lip sharp, sometimes slightly 
thick and somewhat sinuous at mid-length, 
slightly reflected in gerontic specimens. 

Animal with portion of vagina anterior to 
confluence with bursa duct straight, very 
short; associated vas deferens adhering to 
anterior vagina; penis moderately long, 
straight; associated vas deferens adhering to 

Remarks: Guppy (1868), on the basis of a 
single beach specimen, introduced Autonoe 
[= Autonoella Wenz], which he considered al- 
lied to Melampus and Laimodonta [= Laem- 
odonta]. Later, in the revised list of the spe- 
cies of Trinidad, Guppy (1872: 7) observed 
under Synonyms, etc., “Comp. Auricula pel- 
lucens [= Ellobium (A.) dominicense (Férus- 
sac)].” Thiele (1931) considered Autonoe a 
subgenus of Melampus, as did Zilch (1959) 
for Autonoella Wenz, a replacement name for 
the preoccupied Autonoe Guppy. From the 
original description of Autonoella riparia 
(Guppy), and from Guppy’s illustration (1871: 
pl. 17, fig. 1), it seems that the specimen con- 
sidered was a juvenile of Ellobium (A.) domin- 
icense (Férussac). In view of this, | consider 
Autonoella Wenz a junior synonym of Auric- 
ulodes Strand. 

Kobelt (1898) proposed Auriculina at the 
same time as Móllendorff (1898) introduced 
Auricella for the smaller and thinner-shelled 
forms of Ellobium s.l. Because both names 
were preoccupied, Strand (1928) introduced 
the substitute name Auriculodes for Kobelt's 

Only two species of Auriculodes have been 
investigated anatomically, and they appar- 
ently differ greatly from each other in their 
pallial gonoducts. According to Marcus 4 
Marcus (1965b) and Martins (this study) Ello- 
bium (A.) dominicense has a very short, 
straight vaginal section anterior to the con- 
fluence with the bursa duct, and a moder- 
ately long, straight penis. Knipper & Meyer 
(1956) briefly described the reproductive sys- 
tem of Ellobium (A.) gaziense (Preston, 1913) 
and they mentioned the lack of separation 
between male and female ducts. This feature 
is not typical of the subfamily and could lead 
to removal of Ellobium (А.) gaziense, a spe- 
cies with typical Auriculodes shell (Fig. 8), 
from the Ellobiinae. Knipper 8 Meyer's rep- 
resentation of the nervous system 1$ so sim- 
ilar to that of Ellobium (A.) dominicense (Mar- 
tins, this paper), however, that the accuracy 
of their report on the reproductive system 
should be questioned instead. Apparently 
there are variations in the penial structure of 
Ellobium s.s. as well. The highly coiled penis 
of Ellobium (E.) aurisjudae (Linnaeus) is typi- 
cal ofthe nominate subgenus (Morton, 1955b; 
Berry et al., 1967). Sumikawa 8 Miura (1978) 
observed a thick, straight penis in Ellobium 
(E.) chinense (Pfeiffer) although this species 
retains the characteristic long, coiled anterior 
vagina. Odhner (1925: pl. 1, fig. 10), on the 
other hand, represented a small, somewhat 
thickened, straight penis, and an equally 
straight vagina for Ellobium (E.) subnodosum 
(Metcalfe, 1851). All of these scattered ana- 
tomical observations on the genus hardly al- 
low conclusions to be drawn concerning the 
correlation between conchological and ana- 
tomical characters of these two subgenera, 
but | find the conchological characters suffi- 
cient to justify the separation of Auriculodes 
from Ellobium s.s. 

Habitat: Species of the subgenus Auricu- 
lodes prefer to live above the high-tide mark 
of mangrove swamps, gathering wherever 
there is rotten wood (Morrison, 1946; Marcus 
& Marcus, 1965b; Keen, 1971; Martins, per- 
sonal observation). 

Range: The subgenus Auriculodes is known 
from the eastern coast of Africa (Knipper & 
Meyer, 1956) and throughout the Indo-Pa- 
cific region. It is represented along the west- 
ern coast of Central America by Ellobium (A.) 
stagnale (Orbigny, 1835) and in the West In- 
dian region to Brazil by the closely related 
Ellobium (A.) dominicense (Férussac). 


Ellobium (Auriculodes) dominicense 
(Férussac, 1821) 
Figs. 4-7, 10-16, 18-22 

Auricula dominicensis Férussac, 1821: 103 
[Santo Domingo Island (Hispaniola); lec- 
totype herein selected MNHNP (Fig. 4)); 
Beck, 1837: 103; Beau, 1858: 15. 

Auricula pellucens Menke, 1828: 78 [Demer- 
ara (Guyana), South America; location of 
type unknown]; Menke, 1830: 36, 131; 
Kúster, 1844: 17, pl. 2, figs. 16, 17; Pfeif- 
fer, 1854b: 151; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 137; Bin- 
ney 8 Bland, 1870: 87; Simpson, 1889: 

Conovulus pellucens (Menke). Voigt, 1834: 

Ellobium pellucens (Menke). H. & A. Adams, 
1855b: 237; Morrison, 1951b: 10; Perry 
& Schwengel, 1955: 197, pl. 39, fig. 185; 
Morrison, 1958: 123; Marcus, 1965: 
124-128 [taxonomy]; Marcus & Marcus, 
1965b: 426-438, pl. 1, figs. 1-7, pl. 2, 
figs. 8-11, pl. 3, figs. 12-16 [anatomy, 
ecology, taxonomy]; Rios, 1970: 139; 
Abbott, 1974: 334, fig. 4106 [illustration 
from Dall (1885)]; Rios, 1975: 159, pl. 48, 
fig. 769; Altena, 1975: 88; Vokes & 
Vokes, 1983: 60, pl. 22, fig. 18. 

Autonoe riparia Guppy, 1868: 244 [Mayaro 
Point, Trinidad; type presumed to be in 
Victoria Institute, Trinidad, destroyed by 
fire in 1920 (Sherborn, 1940); Guppy, 
1871: 306, pl. 17, fig. 1 [type figured]; 
Guppy, 1872: 7. 

Melampus riparius (Guppy). Pfeiffer, 1876: 

Auriculus pellucens (Menke). Pfeiffer, 1876: 

Auricula (Auriculastrum) pellucens Menke. 
Dall, 1885: 275, pl. 18, fig. 8; Dall, 1889: 
90, pl. 47, fig. 8; Maury, 1922: 54. 

Auriculastra pellucens (Menke). Kobelt, 1898: 
101, pl. 15, figs. 5, 6; Haas, 1950: 197; 
Ewald, 1963: 11-14 [larval history]. 

Melampus (Autonoe) riparius (Guppy). Ko- 
belt, 1898: 213, pl. 25, figs. 5, 6; Thiele, 
1931: 467. 

Auriculastrum  pellucens (Menke). С.М. 
Johnson, 1934: 158; M. Smith, 1937, pl. 
67, fig. 8 [plate from Dall (1885)]; Webb, 
1942, pl. 11, fig. 21; M. Smith, 1951: 145, 
pl. 55, fig. 2, pl. 67, fig. 8; Coomans, 
1958: 103. 

Melampus (Autonoella) riparius 
Zilch, 1959: 66, fig. 210. 


Description: Shell (Figs. 4-7, 10, 11) to 27 
mm long, oval-elongate, somewhat solid, 
whitish-yellowish, covered with brownish pe- 
riostracum. Spire with as many as eight 
weakly convex whorls; sculpture as in sub- 
genus. Body whorl about 85% of shell length, 
subcylindric, smooth or with same sculpture 
as spire. Aperture about 80% length of body 
whorl. Inner partition of whorls occupying 
one-third of body whorl (Fig. 6). Protoconch 
smooth, prominent, with about one whorl vis- 
ible; lip weakly reflected at base, forming um- 
bilicus-like perforation in apex (Figs. 10, 11). 

Animal white; tentacles partly retractable, 
moderately long, subcylindrical, with swollen 
tip; eyes inside base of tentacles, deep in 
integumentum, barely visible; foot entire; 
mantle skirt white; anal opening continued by 
fold of mantle skirt forming longitudinally split 
tubular extension. Kidney long, narrow, whit- 

Radula (Figs. 13-16, 18) with formula 
(26+1+26)x70. Central tooth small; base 
roughly rhombic; posterior portion elongate, 
emarginate at anterior quarter, where crown 
of next tooth seems to articulate; crown very 
small; mesocone lacking; endocones thin, 
sometimes curled inwards. Lateral and mar- 
ginal teeth not sharply distinct, here de- 
scribed always as lateral teeth; first seven to 
12 with base short and wide, weakly pro- 
jected lateroanteriorly, with median anterior 
notch with which posterior process of crown 
of next tooth articulates; crown wide, roughly 
triangular, bicuspid, with conspicuous poste- 
rior process; mesocone wide, somewhat 
rounded anteriorly; endocone sometimes 
barely defined, mainly in adult specimens; 
gradual narrowing of crown and somewhat 
sharper definition of endocone marks teeth 
12 to 21; base shorter and narrower than that 
of first group of lateral teeth, with lateral pro- 
jection resembling basal ectocone; crown 
somewhat narrow, elongate; endocone first 
very rudimentary, then absent; no clearly de- 
fined ectocone. 

Digestive system with mandible solid, 
crescentic, with concave, sharp anterior 
edge and tapered ends (Fig. 12). Salivary 
glands fusiform, separated from each other, 
attaching to whitish esophagus by thin liga- 
ments. Stomach tripartite (Fig. 19); anterior 
portion membranous, comprising cardiac 
and pyloric regions; mid-portion (gizzard) 
very muscular, subcylindric; gastric caecum 
thin, receiving posterior diverticulum anteri- 


FIGS. 4-11. Ellobium. (4) E. (A.) dominicense (Férussac), lectotype (MNHNP), Santo Domingo [Hispaniola], 
sl 16.2 mm. (5) E. (A.) dominicense, Demerara, Guyana (ANSP 22251), sl 22.3 mm. (6) E. (А.) dominicense, 
Big Torch Key, Florida, sl 20.6 mm. (7) E. (А.) dominicense, Big Torch Key, Florida, sl 23.0 mm. (8) E. (А.) 
gaziense (Preston), syntype (BMNH 1969103), Gazi, British East Africa [Kenya], sl 18.2 mm. (9) E. (E.) 
aurismidae (Linnaeus), Malaysia, sl 90.4 mm. (10) Е. (A.) dominicense, lateral view of spire and protoconch, 
Big Torch Key, Florida. (11) E. (А.) dominicense, top view of spire and protoconch, Big Torch Key, Florida. 
Scale 1 mm. 

orly. Digestive gland bilobed, brownish; pos- 
terior lobe conic, partly covering ovotestis. 
Reproductive system (Fig. 20) with ovotes- 
tis follicular, covering posterior portion of 
stomach, beneath posterior lobe of digestive 
gland; hermaphroditic duct thin, straight; 
separation of male and female ducts just an- 

terior to fertilization chamber; secondary 
connection of posterior vas deferens with an- 
terior end of bursa duct; bursa duct as long 
as pallial gonoducts, emptying into oviduct a 
short distance from female aperture; anterior 
mucous gland covers oviduct as far as con- 
fluence with bursa duct. Penis moderately 


FIGS. 12-17. Ellobium, mandible and radular teeth. (12) E. (А.) dominicense, mandible, Big Torch Key, 
Florida; scale 1 mm. (13) Е. (А.) dominicense, radula of young specimen, Big Torch Key, Florida, sl 5.4 mm; 
scale 100 um. (14) E. (А.) dominicense, radula of young specimen, Big Torch Key, Florida, sl 5.4 mm; scale 
100 um. (15) E. (А.) dominicense, radula of young specimen, Big Torch Key, Florida, sl 5.4 mm; scale 200 
um. (16) E. (4.) dominicense, radula of young specimen, Big Torch Key, Florida, sl 5.4 mm; scale 200 um. 
(17) E. (E.) aurismidae, radula, Malaysia, sl 90.4 mm; scale 200 um. 

long, somewhat thin, simple; ramifications of 
right tentacular retractor muscle attach to pe- 
nis near male aperture; associated vas defe- 
rens adhering to penis; penial retractor short, 
attaching to nuchal region. 

Nervous system (Fig. 21) with ganglia 

wrapped in thick connective tissue; cerebral 
commissure twice length of cerebral gan- 
glion; pedal commissure very short; left ce- 
rebropedal and cerebropleural connectives 
somewhat longer than right ones, about as 
long as cerebral commissure; pleuroparietal 


Cc 1L 2L 7L 8L 

17L 20L 24L 


9L 10L yi 12L 
я | 
ON ( 

FIG. 18. Ellobium (A.) dominicense, radula, Big 
Torch Key, Florida. Scale 10 um. 

FIG. 19. Ellobium (A.) dominicense, stomach, Big 
Torch Key, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

connectives very long; left parietovisceral 
connective shorter than right one, beneath 
branch of columellar muscle coming from be- 
hind right tentacle; right parietovisceral con- 
nective crossing over left one before insertion 
in visceral ganglion (rudiment of chiasto- 
neury); cerebral ganglia as large as pedal 
ganglia; left parietal ganglion double; anterior 
portion of left parietal ganglion giving off 
nerve to artery in mantle skirt, posterior por- 

hd в У 
= RE, 
per $ su A EN 

FIG. 20. Ellobium (A.) dominicense, reproductive 
system, Big Torch Key, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

tion giving off pallial internal and parietal cu- 
taneous nerves; osphradial ganglion present 
on pneumostomal nerve; tentacular nerves 
split at their origin; penial nerve coming off 
median lip nerve. 

Remarks: Ellobium (A.) dominicense (Férus- 
sac, 1821) has been considered a synonym 
of Ellobium (А.) pellucens (Мепке, 1828) al- 
though Dall (1885: 276) stated that Férus- 
sac's species was described in such a way 
as to be unidentifiable. Férussac's reference 
(1821: 103) to the sculpture and size of the 
shell and comparison with Auricula auricella, 
which he had just introduced, constitute 
enough indication to recognize the species. 
Contention might arise owing to the fact that 
Férussac's Auricula auricella was not de- 
scribed (Pfeiffer, 1856a: 134, footnote), but 
the author referred to Bulimus auricula Bru- 
guière, 1789, Lister (1770: pl. 577, fig. 326) 
[error for 32b] and Gualtieri (1742: pl. 55, fig. 
F). Férussac's description contains enough 
information to allow identification of the spe- 
cies and his name has priority over that of 
Menke (1828). 

Emerson & Jacobson (1976) considered 
Ellobium auricula (Bruguière) to be the earli- 
est name for the West Indian Ellobium. Bru- 
guiere (1789: 342) provided a description of a 
Bulimus aurícula that indeed could apply to 


gn ст ргсп тап 

a prg1 

plprc pmpn * 
‘ x \ 


E A 
и ‘ и 4 
ppni / / plg 

‘ Ц 

р!рп iu 


st ampn pen 

FIG. 21. Ellobium (A.) dominicense, central nervous system, Big Torch Key, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

the West Indian shells. No locality was given 
in the original description, and reference was 
made to the Gualtieri and Lister illustrations 
just cited. Férussac, as stated above, intro- 
duced without description Auricula auricella 
from Baie des Chiens Marins, New Cale- 
donia. He mentioned in his synonymy of Bru- 
guière’s name the same synonymic refer- 
ences given by that author. The fact that 
some Indo-Pacific species are conchologi- 
cally very similar to the West Indian species 
contributed to this confusion. Ellobium (A.) 
dominicense has been stated erroneously to 
live in Natal, East Africa (Krauss, 1848), prob- 
ably the result of a misidentification of Ello- 
bium (A.) gaziense (Preston, 1913), and 
Pfeiffer (1856a) considered the Indian Ello- 
bium ceylanicum H. 8 A. Adams, 1854, a jun- 
ior synonym of Auricula pellucens Menke, 
1828 [= Ellobium (A.) dominicense (Ferussac, 
1821)]. All this circumstantial evidence indi- 
cates that Bruguiere (1789) had described an 
Indo-Pacific shell, which was deposited at 
the Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Geneve 
(Mermod & Binder, 1963). I therefore dis- 
agree with Emerson & Jacobson (1976), who 
misidentified Bruguiere’s name for the West 
Indian species. 

Ellobium (A.) dominicense has been placed 

wrongly in Auriculastra [Auriculastrum is an 
unjustified emendation (Marcus & Marcus, 
1965b)] by Dall (1885) and others. Martens 
(1880) created Auriculastra as a subgenus of 
Marinula for those species similar to Ellobium 
s.s., but with visible eyes and knobbed ten- 
tacle tips. Ellobium (A.) dominicense has 
these characteristics, a fact which might ex- 
plain Dall’s decision. However, Auriculastra 
elongata (Parreyss, 1845), also originally 
listed by Martens and very similar to the type 
species, Auriculastra subula (Quoy & Gaim- 
ard, 1832), has a very different radula (Odh- 
ner, 1925) and appears to belong in the 

The nervous system and the radula of the 
specimens of Ellobium (A.) dominicense here 
examined, collected on Big Torch Key, Flor- 
ida, differ from those of animals from Brazil 
studied by Marcus & Marcus (1965b). The 
central nervous system of the Floridian spec- 
imens is very similar to that of Ellobium (A.) 
gaziense (Preston), illustrated by Knipper & 
Meyer (1956: 106, fig. 6), differing only in that 
the left parietal ganglion is double in Ellobium 
(A.) dominicense. In the Brazilian specimens 
(Marcus 8 Marcus, 1965b: 431, pl. 3, fig. 13) 
there is only one left parietal ganglion. The 
latter authors did not refer to the osphradial 


ganglion and their figures indicate that the 
pleuroparietal connectives are shorter than 
the cerebropleural connectives. In the Florid- 
ian specimens the pleuroparietal connectives 
are three times longer than the cerebropleu- 
ral connectives. The radula of the specimens 
from Florida is very similar to those of Ello- 
bium (E.) aurismidae (Fig. 17) and Ellobium 
(E.) aurisjudae, both from Malaysia. Marcus & 
Marcus (1965b: 433, pl. 2, fig. 8) described 
and figured a tricuspid central tooth with a 
small, triangular mesocone and rudimentary 
ectocones. In the specimens from Florida the 
mesocone is lacking and the slender ecto- 
cones are sometimes curved inwards, re- 
sembling small fangs. Preserved material 
from northern South America was not avail- 
able for comparative anatomical study; how- 
ever, intrapopulational variability in shell 
shape and intensity of sculpture is seen 
throughout the range of the species, al- 
though the sculpture seems to be more 
marked in northern South American speci- 
mens (Fig. 5). | am unsure about the phylo- 
genetic significance of the anatomical differ- 
ences observed in the Brazilian specimens. 
Should further comparative anatomical re- 
search establish that the South American 
specimens are a separate taxon, Menke’s 
name pellucens is available. 

Deposited in the Muséum National d’His- 
toire Naturelle de Paris are two syntypes of 
Auricula dominicensis Férussac, from which 
a lectotype is herein selected and figured 
(Fig. 4). 

Habitat: Ellobium (A.) dominicense lives in 
protected embayments in which mangrove 
growth is thin, buried in the soft black humic 
sediment or under rotting logs seldom cov- 
ered by high tide. It seems to be an oppor- 
tunistic species, usually found in colonies 
and apparently with very limited movement 
once established. Great numbers of shells 
clustered in a small area, indicative of former 
colonies, are often found without living ani- 
mals in the immediate vicinity. lt seems that 
the colonies are destroyed by lack of food or 
by some environmental change, even though 
apparently suitable habitats exist a few 
meters away (Ewald, 1963; Marcus & Mar- 
cus, 1965b; Martins, personal observation). 

Range: Florida, from Miami to Cedar Key 
(Dall, 1885); Dominican Republic (Férussac, 
1821); Haiti; Guadeloupe (Beau, 1858); Trin- 
idad (Guppy, 1868); Yucatan, Mexico, to 

90 75 60 45 30 

FIG. 22. Ellobium (A.) dominicense, geographic 
distribution. Open circle, locality from literature. 

Cananeia, Brazil (Marcus & Marcus, 1965b). 
(Fig. 22). 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA: Golden 
Beach (MCZ 157854); Miami (ANSP 77056; 
MCZ 104943); Virginia Key (USNM 338303); 
Key Biscayne (ANSP 345210; USNM 700836, 
700911); Coconut Grove (MCZ 201646); El- 
liot Key (MCZ 110206); Key Largo (ANSP 
192837; MCZ 243979; USNM 590644, 
701421); Card Sound, Key Largo (A.M.); Rab- 
bit Key (ANSP 88136); Big Pine Key (ANSP 
106384); Big Torch Key (USNM 61046, 
492482, 492484; A.M.); Middle Torch Key 
(USNM 663960); Oyster Bay (USNM 37596); 
Lossman Key (MCZ 291093); Cape Sable 
(MCZ 291085, 292564; USNM 525156); Rog- 
ers River (MCZ 3981); 2.5 km E of Chokolos- 
kee Key (MCZ 58955); Harris Island, Ten 
Thousand Islands (USNM 381326); Blue Hill 
Island, near Goodland Point (ANSP 82742); $ 
of Cape Romano (ANSP 62833); Marco (MCZ 
292565); Bonita Springs (MCZ 291088); Carl 
E. Johnson Park, near Little Carlos Pass 
(A.M.); Fort Myers (ANSP 66963, 140799; 
USNM 87733, 492483); Punta Rassa (MCZ 
291091, 291094, 292566; USNM 39804); 
Punta Gorda (USNM 592297); Sanibel Island 
(ANSP 170650; MCZ 13721, 291089, 


291090, 292563); Bokeelia (MCZ 291087); 
Wulfert (ANSP 219866). HAITI: lle-a-Vache 
(USNM 403877, 404948). MEXICO: Silam, 
Yucatán (ANSP 62656). VENEZUELA: М of 
Sinamaica, Zulia (USNM 536129). GUYANA: 
Demerara (ANSP 2225, 22241; MCZ 146522; 
USNM 31572, 58857, 119552). FRENCH 
GUIANA: Cayenne (MCZ 102934; USNM 
126413). SURINAME: Saramacca (USNM 

Genus Blauneria Shuttleworth, 1854 

Blauneria Shuttleworth, 1854a: 148. Type 
species by monotypy: Blauneria cuben- 
sis (Pfeiffer, 1841) [= Voluta heteroclita 
Montagu, 1808]. 

Blanneria Shuttleworth. Dall, 1885: 287 [in 
synonymy; error for Blauneria]. 

Blaumeria Shuttleworth. Verrill, 1901: 35 [er- 
ror for Blauneria]. 

Description: Shell to 8 mm long, elongate, 
fragile, translucent, whitish, sinistral. Spire 
with as many as nine flattened whorls. Body 
whorl about 60% of shell length. Umbilicus 
absent. Aperture about 70% of length of body 
whorl, oval-elongate; inner lip with very small 
columellar tooth; outer lip sharp, smooth. Pro- 
toconch prominent, smooth, with about one 
and one-half whorls visible. 

Radula having central tooth with wide, tri- 
angular, emarginate base; crown small, uni- 
cuspid. Lateral teeth gradually becoming 
smaller toward margin of radula, bicuspid, 
with strong mesocone and much smaller en- 
docone; no morphological distinction be- 
tween lateral teeth and marginal teeth. 

Animal whitish, translucent, with short, 
cylindrical tentacles and very conspicuous 
black eyes. Foot transversely divided. Ar- 
rangement of organs sinistral. Separation of 
male and female ducts just anterior to fertili- 
zation chamber, before oviduct enters pos- 
terior glandular complex; posterior vas defe- 
rens secondarily communicates with anterior 
end of bursa duct. Penis small, simple; asso- 
ciated vas deferens adhering to penis. Con- 
nectives of visceral nerve ring long. 

Remarks: The genus Blauneria is readily 
identifiable because it is the only sinistral el- 
lobiid taxon. The history of this once enig- 
matic small group, before it was placed tim- 
idly in a separate genus by Shuttleworth 
(1854a), is connected with that of the type 
species Blauneria heteroclita (Montagu), and 

will be discussed in the remarks under that 

Once it was discovered to be a member of 
the Ellobiidae, the genus Blauneria was 
placed in different subfamilies, depending 
upon which character assumed greater im- 
portance in the classification scheme of the 
particular malacologist. Fischer & Crosse 
(1880) included Blauneria and other “marine” 
ellobiids with an elongated spire in the Auri- 
culinae [= Ellobiinae]. Odhner (1925), on the 
basis of radular characters, considered the 
genus to belong to the Cassidulinae. Thiele 
(1931), who based his classification largely 
upon Odhner's radular studies, did not rec- 
ognize the subfamilies Pythiinae and Cassid- 
ulinae, and placed Blauneria, together with 
many other genera, in the heterogeneous 
subfamily Ellobiinae. Zilch (1959), probably 
on the basis of conchological similarities with 
the dextral Cylindrotis Móllendorff, 1895, re- 
moved Blauneria to the Pythiinae. Finally, 
Marcus (1965) and Marcus & Marcus (1965b), 
followed by Hubendick (1978), included 
Blauneria in the Ellobiinae owing to similari- 
ties of the reproductive system with those of 
Ellobium and Auriculinella. My anatomical 
studies confirm the taxonomic conclusions of 
these latter authors. 

Habitat: Blauneria commonly lives in man- 
groves at the high-tide mark in the sediment 
under rocks and decaying branches. Pease 
(1869: 60) reported that his Blauneria gracilis 
from Hawaii lives in the same habitat as Pe- 
dipes, in the crevices of stones covered at 
high tide. He observed that Blauneria never 
crawls on the sides or tops of the rocks dur- 
ing low tide, but only around the base, which 
was always wet. 

Range: The genus is known from the warm 
regions of the Indo-Pacific and from the trop- 
ical Western Atlantic. There is no known fossil 
record of this sinistral genus, but the concho- 
logically closely related, dextral Stolidoma 
Deshayes, 1863, has been recorded from 
strata as old as the Paleocene of Europe (De- 
grange-Touzin, 1893; Zilch, 1959). Zhu (1980) 
described a Blauneria ? elliptiformis from the 
Cretaceous of northeastern China. 

Blauneria heteroclita (Montagu, 1808) 
Figs. 23-40 

Voluta heteroclita Montagu, 1808: 169 [Dun- 
bar, Scotland (error), herein corrected to 
Matanzas, Cuba; location of type un- 


known]; Laskey, 1811: 398, pl. 81, figs. 
1, 2; Turton, 1819: 254. 

Acteon heteoclita (Montagu). Fleming, 1828: 

Achatina (?) pellucida Pfeiffer, 1840: 252 
[Cuba; location of type unknown]. 

Tornatellina cubensis Pfeiffer, 1841: 130 
[Cuba; location of type unknown]. 

Auricula heteroclita (Montagu). Thorpe, 1844: 

Tornatella heteroclita (Montagu). Forbes & 
Hanley, 1852: 526. 

Blauneria cubensis (Pfeiffer). Shuttleworth, 
1854a: 148; Franc, 1968: 525. 

Blauneria pellucida (Pfeiffer). Pfeiffer, 1854b: 
152; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 153; H. 8 A. Adams, 
1858: 643, pl. 138, fig. 8; Binney, 1859: 
175, pl. 53, fig. 2; Binney, 1860: 4; Binney, 
1865: 21, text fig. 22; Mórch, 1878: 5. 

Oleacina (Stobilus) cubensis (Pfeiffer). H. 8 A. 
Adams, 1855a: 136. 

Odostomia (Tornatellina) cubensis (Pfeiffer). 
Shuttleworth, 1858: 73. 

? Odostomia cubensis (Pfeiffer). Poey, 1866: 

Blauneria heteroclita (Montagu). Pfeiffer, 1876: 
368; Arango y Molina, 1880: 60; Fischer 
8 Crosse, 1880: 9, pl. 34, figs. 14, 14a, 
14b [anatomy, radula, taxonomy]; Dall, 
1885: 287, pl. 17, fig. 6; Dall, 1889: 92, 
pl. 47, fig. 14; Simpson, 1889: 60; 
Crosse, 1890: 259; Kobelt, 1900: 260, pl. 
31, figs. 19, 20; Dall & Simpson, 1901: 
369; Davis, 1904: 126; Peile, 1926: 88; 
Thiele, 1931: 466; Bequaert & Clench, 
1933: 538; C.W. Johnson, 1934: 160; M. 
Smith, 1937: 147, pl. 67, fig. 14 [plate 
from Dall (1885)]; Morrison, 1951b: 10; 
Coomans, 1958: 104; Nowell-Usticke, 
1959: 88; Zilch, 1959: 74, fig. 241; 
Warmke & Abbott, 1961: 152; Marcus, 
1965: 124-128 [taxonomy]; Marcus & 
Marcus, 1965b: 438-446, pl. 4, figs. 
25-29 [anatomy, taxonomy, habitat]; 
Rios, 1970: 139; Abbott, 1974: 334, fig. 
4104 [illustration from Binney (1859)]; 
Altena, 1975: 87, fig. 42; Rios, 1975: 159, 
pl. 48, fig. 768; Hubendick, 1978; 20, fig. 
164, 24, fig. 176 [nervous and reproduc- 
tive systems redrawn from Marcus & 
Marcus (1965b)]; Vokes & Vokes, 1983: 
60, pl. 31, fig. 19; Jensen & Clark, 1986: 
458, pl. 153. 

Blanneria pellucida (Pfeiffer). Dall, 1885: 287 
[error for Blauneria; in synonymy]. 

Blaumeria heteroclita (Montagu). 
1901: 35 [error for Blauneria]. 


Description: Shell (Figs. 23-32) with length 
to 7 mm, elongate, fragile, transparent to 
translucent, shiny, whitish. Spire with as 
many as nine flat or weakly convex whorls; 
very faint spiral lines on teleoconch, crossed 
by irregular growth lines. Body whorl about 
60% shell length in gerontic specimens, 70- 
75% in young individuals. Aperture about 
70% body whorl length, oval-elongate; inner 
lip weakly canaliculate at base, with small, 
very oblique columellar tooth, stronger, ob- 
lique parietal tooth at mid-length of aperture; 
outer lip sharp, smooth inside. Partition of 
inner whorls occupying about three-quarters 
of the body whorl (Fig. 26). Protoconch 
smooth, well developed, with one and one- 
half whorls visible, leaving umbilicus-like per- 
foration on apex (Figs. 30-32). 

Radula (Figs. 33-36) having formula (17 + 1 
+ 17) x 70. Base of central tooth wide, tri- 
angular, deeply emarginate anteriorly; crown 
very small, narrow, unicuspid. Lateral teeth 15 
to 18; base quadrangular, anteriorly oblique 
away from central tooth, with small notch on 
anterior edge; crown wider and longer than 
base, bicuspid; mesocone strong, long; en- 
docone less than half the length of mesocone; 
from about sixth lateral tooth outward a pro- 
cess develops on posterolateral edge of 
crown, which articulates with notch in base of 
next tooth. Marginal teeth not morphologi- 
cally distinct from lateral teeth except in grad- 
ual decrease in size. 

Animal has external anatomy as in genus. 
Stomach (Fig. 37) with thin, somewhat di- 
lated cardiac region, and smaller, slightly 
thicker pyloric region; gizzard very muscular, 
barrel-shaped; gastric caecum invaginable, 
without posterior diverticulum. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 38) with ovotes- 
tis apical, granular, orange; hermaphroditic 
duct simple, with some pouch-like dilations 
(seminal vesicle) as it approaches albumen 
gland; male and female ducts separating just 
anterior to fertilization chamber; spermiduct 
thick, covered with prostatic tissue, commu- 
nicating with bursa duct where the latter 
opens into vagina; anterior mucous gland 
covers oviduct until confluence with bursa 
duct. Penis small, simple; associated vas 
deferens adhering to penis; penial retractor 
very short, attaching to nuchal region. 

Nervous system (Fig. 39) with cerebral 
ganglia largest; cerebral commissure as long 
as width of cerebral ganglion; pedal commis- 
sure very short; right cerebropedal and cere- 
bropleural connectives longer than left coun- 


FIGS. 23-35. Blauneria heteroclita (Montagu). (23) Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 6.7 mm. (24) Hungry Bay, 
Bermuda, sl 5.2 mm. (25) Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 4.3 mm. (26) Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 6.3 mm. (27) 
Plantation Key, Florida, sl 3.5 mm. (28) Matanzas, Cuba (MCZ 131769), sl 3.7 mm. (29) Isla Mujeres, 
Yucatán, Mexico (R.B.), sl 3.5 mm. (30) Lateral view of spire and protoconch, Big Pine Key, Florida. (31) Top 
view of spire and protoconch, Crawl Key, Florida. (32) Top view of spire and protoconch, West Summerland 
Key, Florida. (33) Lateral and central teeth of radula, Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 4.5 mm. (34) Lateral and 
central teeth of radula, Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 4.5 mm. (35) Lateral teeth of radula, Hungry Bay, Bermuda, 
si 4.5 mm. Scale, Figs. 30-32, 1 mm; Figs. 33-35, 100 um. 


C IL 2b 3L 

A\ } 7 № 
À | } 
A A = ES 

8L 9L 13L 14L 15L 

ES == AS der 
uy | | 
YA | и \ V 

FIG. 36. Blauneria heteroclita, radula, Hungry Bay, 
Bermuda. Scale 10 um. 

FIG. 37. Blauneria heteroclita, stomach, Hungry 
Bay, Bermuda. Scale 1 mm. 

terparts; left pleuroparietal and right parie- 
tovisceral connectives very long, the latter 
somewhat shorter than the former; right pleu- 
roparietal and left parietovisceral connectives 
about same size, about half length of cerebral 

Remarks: Ваипепа heteroclita (Montagu) 
was originally thought to belong to the En- 
glish malacofauna. The appearance of this 
Western Atlantic shell on the shores of Dun- 
bar, Scotland, can be attributed to the dump- 
ing of ballast of ships from the West Indies. 

FIG. 38. Blauneria heteroclita, reproductive sys- 
tem, Hungry Bay, Bermuda. A-C, transverse sec- 
tions and their locations. Scale 1 mm. 

FIG. 39. Blauneria heteroclita, central nervous sys- 
tem, Hungry Bay, Bermuda. Scale 1 mm. 

This little, fragile and elegant shell puzzled 
the European naturalists for some time. 
Pfeiffer, within 12 months, introduced the 
names Achatina ? pellucida (1840) and Tor- 
natellina cubensis (1841) for specimens from 
Cuba. H. 8 A. Adams (1855b, 1858) treated 
those two names as referring to species in 
very different groups. They assigned Torna- 
tellina cubensis to the terrestrial Oleacina, 
and they followed Pfeiffer (1854b) in allocat- 
ing Achatina ? pellucida to Blauneria. The 
species in question was placed in seven dif- 
ferent genera before Shuttleworth (1854a) 


hesitantly proposed that “Odostomia cuben- 
sis’’ probably should belong to a separate 
genus. Shuttleworth, in a presentation made 
at the Lyceum of New York a month before 
the appearance of that paper but published 
four years later, had considered the species 
to be marine on the word of the naturalist 
Blauner. Pfeiffer (1854b), upon receiving a 
communication from Gundlach that the ani- 
mal in question had conspicuous eyes at the 
base of the tentacles (Pfeiffer 1856a: 153), 
immediately adopted Shuttleworth's name 
Blauneria and placed the genus within the 
Auriculidae [= Ellobiidae]. 

| have found some discrepancies between 
the specimens | studied and those from Bra- 
zil examined by Marcus 8 Marcus (1965b). 
The Marcuses stated (p. 443) that the en- 
docone of the radular teeth is basal. The SEM 
photographs of my Bermudian specimens 
clearly show the endocone as part of the 
crown, not of the base (Figs. 33-35). Another 
discrepancy is found in the lengths of the 
pleuroparietal connectives of the visceral 
nerve ring (pl. 5, fig. 28). Based upon my ob- 
servations in the current study | suspect that 
the Marcuses reversed the right and left con- 

Blauneria differs from all other ellobiids in 
its sinistrality. Gerontic specimens have a 
very elongate and slender shell (Fig. 23). 
Most commonly, however, the body whorl of 
the shell is longer and wider than the spire 
(Figs. 27-29). This form has been the one 
commonly illustrated, represented by Binney 
(1865) and copied by Dall (1885), M. Smith 
(1937) and Abbott (1974). 

Habitat: Blauneria heteroclita lives in man- 
groves above the high-tide mark, where it is 
usually deeply buried in the soft sediment un- 
der rocks, rotten wood or on the roots of the 
propagules, where it occurs with Laemo- 
donta, Creedonia and Microtralia. Marcus 4 
Marcus (1965b) stated that these animals are 
common in decaying banana trees washed 
ashore in Cananeia, Brazil. 

Range: Bermuda; Florida to Texas and Yu- 
catán, Mexico; West Indies; Panama (Olsson 
8 McGinty, 1958); Suriname (Altena, 1975); 
Brazil (Fig. 40). 

Binney (1859: 176) stated, “Dr. Foreman 
collected a few specimens in a garden of 
Washington city. He believes them to have 
been brought on plants from Charleston, 
S.C.” Both places are distant from the range 

90 75 60° 45 30 

FIG. 40. Blauneria heteroclita, geographic distribu- 
tion. Open circle, locality from literature. 

of the species and, because there has been 
no confirmation of either record, | do not in- 
clude them in the range of the species. 

Specimens Examined. BERMUDA: Fairyland 
(ANSP 99076); Old Road, Shelly Bay (A.M.); 
Cooper's Island (ANSP 131647); Hungry Bay, 
S of Ely's Harbour (both A.M.). FLORIDA 
(USNM 39843, 67953): St. Augustine (USNM 
663064); Rose Bay, N of New Smyrna Beach 
(A.M.); Miami (MCZ uncatalogued); Barnes 
Sound (ANSP 196748; MCZ 291100); Key 
Largo (MCZ uncatalogued; USNM 597460); 
Tavernier Key (USNM 492513); S of Ocean 
Dr., Plantation Key (A.M.); Lignumvitae Key 
(ANSP 156648; MCZ 294648); Lower Mate- 
cumbe Key (USNM 492521); Long Key 
(A.M.); Grassy Key (ANSP 397277; MCZ 
291102; A.M.); Crawl Key (A.M.); Big Pine 
Key (ANSP 104106); end of Long Beach Drive 
and W of Kohen Avenue, both Big Pine Key 
(both A.M.); Sugarloaf Key (ANSP 88804, 
104107); Boca Chica Key (USNM 270352); 
Cape Sable (MCZ 291099, 291101); Marco 
(ANSP 22470; USNM 37615, 37616); Semi- 
nole Point (ANSP 105422); Starvation Key 
(ANSP 130061); Fort Myers (USNM 492512); 
E of St. James, Pine Island (ANSP 93432); 
Captiva Island (ANSP 149907); Sarasota Bay 
(USNM 30626); Mullet Key (USNM 652410, 


653108; A.M.); Tampa Bay (USNM 37614); 
Boca Ciega Bay (ANSP 9570); Shell Key 
(USNM 466212); Clearwater Island (ANSP 
9350). ALABAMA: Coden Beach (USNM 
422371). TEXAS: Galveston (MCZ 227843); 
Port la Vaca (MCZ 223050); N end of Padre 
Island, 45 km S of Рой Aransas (MCZ 
228745). MEXICO: Isla Mujeres, Quintana 
Roo, Yucatán (В.В.). BAHAMA ISLANDS: 
Creek (ANSP 370564); South Hawksbill 
Creek (ANSP 371810); GREAT ABACO IS- 
South Mastic Point (A.M.); Stafford Lake 
(ANSP 151931); Mangrove Key (USNM 
180672, 269947, 270198); Smith's Place, 
South Bight (USNM 257569, 269649); Linder 
LAND: Nassau (MCZ uncatalogued); SE 
shore of Lake Cunningham (ANSP 299720); 
Bonefish Pond (A.M.); ROYAL ISLAND 
(USNM 468124); AKLINS ISLAND: between 
Pleasant Point and Claret Cove (MCZ 
225524). CUBA (ANSP 22471; MCZ uncata- 
logued; USNM 39842, 57726, 492511): Ha- 
bana (ANSP 130745, 326340; MCZ 233993); 
Salt Works, Hicacos Peninsula (ANSP 
157338); La Chorrera (MCZ 128256, 167956); 
Сало (MCZ 167955); Matanzas (MCZ 
131769; USNM 492510); Batabanó (ANSP 
93730; MCZ 167957). JAMAICA (ANSP 
16705, 22472; USNM 94765): Green Island 
Harbor (USNM 440791); Montego Bay (ANSP 
329122); Port Morant (USNM 423688); King- 
ston (USNM 427130, 467555); Hunt's Bay 
(USNM 427117). HAITI: lle-a-Vache (USNM 
403701, 403859, 403872, 404947); Landep- 
rie Bay (USNM 383264); between Vieux 
Bourg and Baie des Flamands (USNM 
402467); Aquin (USNM 403149); Bizoton 
(USNM 403324). PUERTO RICO: Punta Are- 
nas, N of Joyuda (A.M.); Puerto Real (A.M.). 
Cananeia (ANSP 305213; USNM 699448). 

Subfamily Pythiinae Odhner, 1925 

Scarabinae Fischer & Crosse, 1880: 5. 
Pythiinae Odhner, 1925: 14. 

Description: Shell variable in size. Aperture 
usually heavily dentate; one columellar tooth; 
one to three, commonly two parietal teeth, 
anterior one strongest; outer lip generally in- 
ternally dentate. 

Radula with mesocone of lateral teeth tri- 
angular, usually pointed; marginal teeth be- 
coming smaller toward margin, with as many 
as three subequal cusps. 

Animal with rudimentary anterior tentacles 
sometimes present; foot entire. Pallial gono- 
duct entirely hermaphroditic; anterior mu- 
cous gland and prostate gland covering 
spermoviduct along entire length; bursa duct 
emptying near vaginal opening; spermatic 
groove open in Pythia; penis simple; vas def- 
erens adhering to penis externally or free in 
haemocoel. Ganglionic connectives of vis- 
ceral nerve ring long, leaving pedal ganglia 
mid-way between cerebral ganglia and vis- 
ceral ganglion; right parietovisceral connec- 
tive longer than left one. 

Remarks: Fischer & Crosse (1880) created 
the subfamily Scarabinae for Scarabus Mont- 
fort, 1810 [= Pythia Róding, 1798] on account 
of its oddly shaped, dorsoventrally flattened 
shell. Odhner (1925) used the name Pythiinae 
because by that time Scarabus Montfort was 
recognized as a junior synonym of Pythia 
Roding; he included Alexia [= Myosotella] and 
Blauneria on the basis of radular characters. 
Cassidula and Ophicardelus were added by 
Morton (1955c), who merged Odhner's Cas- 
sidulinae with the Pythiinae. Zilch (1959) re- 
verted to Odhner’s division and included in 
the Pythiinae the Recent genera Pythia, Ova- 
tella, Cylindrotis and Blauneria and removed 
Ophicardelus and Cassidula to the Cassiduli- 
nae. Marcus (1965) and Marcus 8 Marcus 
(1965b) noted that in Blauneria the spermi- 
duct and oviduct separate before the her- 
maphroditic duct enters the glandular com- 
plex, and so removed this genus to the 
Ellobiinae. In consideration of shell and ana- 
tomical features, | have concluded that Lae- 
modonta must be included in the Pythiinae. 

Dall (1885) included Sayella within the El- 
lobiidae and Zilch (1959) listed it, with a ques- 
tion mark, within the Pythiinae. Morrison 
(1939), however, showed that Sayella Dall is 
not an ellobiid, but a pyramidellid opistho- 

Separation of the Cassidulinae from the 
Pythiinae, as Odhner (1925) proposed and 
Zilch (1959) supported, 15 not justifiable. The 
two groups are similar in the basic pattern of 
the inner lip teeth of the shell aperture but 
their radular morphology shows too much di- 
versity and overlap to constitute a useful tax- 
onomic character at the subfamilial level. 
Both groups have a similar plan of the ner- 


vous system and, for this reason, Morton 
(1955c) regarded Odhner's Cassidulinae as 
superfluous. The nervous system of the Cas- 
sidulinae indeed shows the elongate right pa- 
rietovisceral connective, characteristic of the 
Pythiinae. Morton erroneously stated that the 
pallial gonoduct of Cassidula is very similar to 
that of Myosotella in that it remains hermaph- 
roditic until the vaginal aperture. According 
to Berry et al. (1967), Berry (1977) and Mar- 
tins (personal observation) the vas deferens 
of Cassidula aurisfelis (Bruguière) separates 
from the oviduct some distance before the 
vaginal opening, and runs free until entering 
the neck skin to follow the spermatic groove. 
This feature can be considered secondary to 
the general pattern of the reproductive sys- 
tem, however, for the bursa duct opens at the 
same position relative to the separation of 
the vas deferens in Cassidula as it does in the 
other Pythiinae. The same arrangement oc- 
curs in the Ellobiinae. Ellobium (E.) aurisjudae 
also has a long, nonglandular vagina, which 
is in accordance with the highly specialized 
penial complex of the species. Ellobium (E.) 
aurismidae, on the other hand, has a less 
specialized penis and lacks the long, non- 
glandular vagina (Morton, 1955c; Berry et al., 
1967; Martins, personal observation). In both 
species, however, the bursa duct opens at 
the anterior end of the glandular portion of 
the oviduct. 

In view of the similarities of the repro- 
ductive and nervous systems of the two 
groups, as well as their similar patterns of 
apertural dentition, Morton's decision (1955c) 
to merge the Cassidulinae with the Pythiinae 
is hereby followed. 

Habitat: The Pythiinae contain very primi- 
tive ellobiids such as Pythia, Myosotella, 
Ophicardelus and Cassidula. These groups 
have left the proximity of the sea and are less 
dependent upon that element than all other 
halophilic ellobiids. Руа has acquired a 
semiterrestrial habitat, and Myosotella, Oph- 
icardelus and Cassidula were placed by 
Morton (1955c) among the “supratidal and 
estuarine ellobiids.” Laemodonta lives in 
rocky areas at the high-tide mark, with Pe- 
dipes, and in the mangroves at or just below 
the high-tide mark, under rocks and fallen 

Range: The Pythiinae have a worldwide 
distribution. Pythia, Cassidula and Ophicar- 
delus are characteristic of the tropical Indo- 

Pacific; Laemodonta, also common in the 
Indo-Pacific, is represented in the West Indies 
by one species. Ovatella and Myosotella are 
represented in the Mediterranean, but the 
latter has been introduced to eastern North 
America (Binney, 1859; Verrill, 1880), Califor- 
nia (Hanna, 1939), western South America, 
South Africa and Australia (Climo, 1982). 

Genus Mysotella Monterosato, 1906 

Phytia Róding, 1798. Gray, 1821: 231 [mis- 
spelling of Pythia]. 

Phitia Gray. Blainville, 1824: 246 [misspelling 
of Gray’s misspelling of Ру]. 

Phythya Gray. Deshayes, 1832: 762 [mis- 
spelling of Gray’s misspelling of Руа]. 

Jaminia Brown, 1827, pl. 51. Type species by 
subsequent designation of Gray (1847a): 
Jaminia denticulata (Montagu, 1803) [ = 
Auricula myosotis Draparnaud, 1801]. 
Non Risso, 1826. 

Alexia “Leach” Gray, 1847a: 179. Type spe- 
cies by monotypy: Alexia denticulata 
(Montagu, 1803) [= Auricula myosotis 
Draparnaud, 1801]. Non Stephens, 

Kochia Pallary, 1900: 239. Type species by 
subsequent designation of Monterosato 
(1906): Alexia (Kochia) oranica Pallary, 
1900 [= Auricula myosotis Draparnaud, 
1801]. Non Frech, 1891. 

Myosotella Monterosato, 1906: 126. Type 
species by original designation: Myoso- 
tella payraudeaui “Shuttleworth” Pfeif- 
fer, 1856a [= Auricula myosotis Drapar- 
naud, 1801]. 

Nealexia Wenz, 1920: 190 [new name for A/- 
exia Gray, 1847, non Stephens, 1835]. 

Description: Shell to 10 mm long, fragile to 
somewhat solid, pale yellow to purplish red. 
Spire high, with as many as eight weakly con- 
vex, spirally striated whorls; only one spiral 
row of hairs in juveniles. Aperture oval-elon- 
gate; inner lip with small, very oblique col- 
umellar tooth, strong anterior parietal tooth 
and usually one, sometimes more, parietal 
teeth becoming smaller posteriorly; outer lip 
sharp, weakly reflected, commonly with one 
or more inner tubercles. Protoconch smooth, 
large, with one and one-half protruding 
whorls, leaving umbilicus-like slit in apex of 
shell (Figs. 76, 77). 

Radula with base of central tooth wide, 
emarginate half of its length; crown of mar- 
ginal teeth pointing medially, mesocone 
stronger than endocone. 


Animal grayish-white; neck and tentacles 
sometimes darkly pigmented. Hermaphro- 
ditic duct convolute; pallial gonoduct her- 
maphroditic as far as the vaginal арейиге; 
anterior mucous gland and prostate gland 
cover entire length of spermoviduct; bursa 
duct emptying near vaginal aperture; penis 
short, thick; vas deferens adhering to penis. 
Ganglia of visceral nerve ring widely spaced; 
osphradial ganglion present. 

Remarks: The majority of modern literature 
has treated Myosotella Monterosato, 1906, 
as a subgenus of Ovatella Bivona, 1832. The 
anatomy of the type species of Myosotella, 
Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud), has been 
studied extensively (Meyer, 1955; Morton, 
1955b) and Giusti (1973) looked briefly into 
the anatomy of the type species of Ovatella, 
Ovatella firminii (Payraudeau, 1826). A study 
of the anatomy of Ovatella aequalis (Lowe, 
1832) from the Azores (Martins, personal ob- 
servation) revealed the presence of a pallial 
gland, not noted by Giusti (1973) for Ovatella 
firminii, similar to that in Carychium tridenta- 
tum (Müller) (Morton, 1955b), Руа scara- 
beus (Gmelin, 1791) (Plate, 1897), Cassidula 
labrella (Deshayes, 1830) (Renault, 1966) and 
Laemodonta cubensis (Pfeiffer, 1854) (Mar- 
tins, this study). In another work (Martins, 
1980) Ovatella aequalis was shown to have 
a tripartite mandible with tapering ends, 
whereas that of Myosotella myosotis 1$ entire 
and quadrangular. These two characteristics, 
corroborated by differences in the proto- 
conch, justify the attribution of generic rank 
to Myosotella. 

Some modern authors, following Kennard 
8 Woodward (1919), treat Myosotella as a 
junior synonym of Gray’s misspelling “Phy- 
па’ (Morrison, 1951а; M. Smith, 1951; Мс- 
Millan, 1968; Keen, 1971; Climo, 1982). The 
word “Phytia” appeared in Gray (1821) and is 
obviously a misspelling of Pythia Róding, 
1798, for two reasons. First, as Watson 
(1943) pointed out, the family Ellobiidae was, 
at the time of Gray’s publication, divided into 
very few genera, and Carychium Müller, 
1774, Рута Roding, 1798, and Auricula La- 
marck, 1799, all had been established many 
years earlier. Pythia had been introduced for 
Pythia helicina Róding [= Helix scarabeus 
Gmelin], a species which has a row of tuber- 
cles inside the outer lip. Group b of Gray's 
“Order 1. Adelopneumona” included the am- 
phibious Auricula, Carychium and “Phytia.” 
Gray's only example of “Ррува’” was Voluta 

denticulata Montagu, a form of Myosotella 
myosotis that also has two or more tubercles 
inside the ощег lip. It can be assumed, there- 
fore, that Gray was including Voluta denticu- 
lata Montagu within the already known genus 
Pythia Róding on the basis of the dentition of 
the outer lip. Second, Gray's publication is 
notorious for the number of misspellings it 
contains. For example, in the first nine lines 
of page 231, on which “Phytia” appears in 
the fifth line, one can read: Clauselia [= Clau- 
silia], Ancillus [= Ancilus] and Phaneropneu- 
mana [= Phaneropneumona] and, near the 
bottom of the page, Neritino [= Neritina]. Fur- 
thermore, Gray (1847a) corrected “Phytia” to 
Pythia. In view of the above, “Phytia” of Gray 
must be treated as a misspelling of Pythia 
Rôding, in accordance with Articles 19 and 
32 ii of the ICZN, and as such it lacks taxo- 
nomic standing. Сгау’$ misspelling was later 
misspelled by Blainville (1824) and Deshayes 

Gray (1847a) also introduced Alexia for Vo- 
luta denticulata Montagu [= Аипсша myoso- 
tis Draparnaud]. Stephens (1835) had used 
the same name for a genus of Coleoptera, 
however, rendering Gray's name preoccu- 
pied. This fact prompted Wenz (1920) to pro- 
pose Nealexia as a new name for Alexia Gray, 
but Myosotella Monterosato, 1906, has pre- 
cedence over Wenz' name. 

In two more instances Gray made mistakes 
concerning Ovatella [= sensu Myosotella]. In 
1840 he used Ovatella Bivona as a subgenus 
of Conovulus Lamarck for Voluta denticulata 
Montagu; later (1847a) he included ‘‘Ovatella 
Gray non Bivona” in the synonymy of his A/- 
exia. Because Voluta denticulata was not in- 
cluded in Bivona's (1832) original species, 
“Ovatella 'Bivona' Gray” must be treated as 
a misuse of Ovatella Bivona. Gray (1847a) 
also included in the synonymy of his Alexia 
the name Jaminia Brown, 1827, but the latter 
name was preoccupied by Jaminia Risso 

Pallary (1900) proposed Kochia as a sub- 
genus of A/exia Gray and he included, among 
other species, Alexia (K.) denticulata (Mon- 
tagu) and Alexia (K.) oranica Pallary [both 
junior synonyms of Myosotella myosotis 
(Draparnaud)]. The latter species was se- 
lected as type species by Monterosato 
(1906). Pallary (1921), unaware of Montero- 
sato’s selection, proposed Alexia (K.) dentic- 
ulata as the type species of Kochia, noting at 
the same time that this name was preoccu- 
pied by Kochia Frech (1891). 


Monterosato (1906) considered Montagu's 
Voluta denticulata and Draparnaud's Auricula 
myosotis not only as being different species, 
but as belonging to different genera. Leaving 
the former within Gray's Alexia, he included 
the latter within his genus Myosotella, which 
he created for a group of species under 
Pfeiffer’s Alexia #2 (1856a: 147); he desig- 
nated Myosotella payraudeaui ('“Shuttle- 
worth” Pfeiffer, 1856) as the type species. On 
the basis of Pfeiffer's description, | consider 
Myosotella раугаиаеаш conspecific with My- 
osotella myosotis (Draparnaud). Monterosa- 
to's name, then, 1$ the earliest available name 
for the subgenus that includes Myosotella 
myosotis (Draparnaud). 

Habitat: Myosotella lives mainly above the 
high-tide mark, sometimes even away from 
the influence of spring tides (Morton, 1955b). 

Range: Although it has a worldwide distribu- 
tion Myosotella is generally absent from the 

Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud, 1801) 
Figs. 41-84 

Auricula myosotis Draparnaud, 1801: 53 
[Mediterranean coast; type probably in 
Vienna (Locard, 1895)]; Draparnaud, 
1805: 56, pl. 3, figs. 16, 17; Férussac, 
1821: 103; Lamarck, 1822, 6: 140; Blain- 
ville, 1824: 246; Blainville, 1825: 453, pl. 
37 bis, fig. 6; Gould, 1833: 67; Griffith & 
Pidgeon, 1834: 36; Küster, 1844: 19, pl. 
1, figs. 15-17; Moquin-Tandon, 1851: 
348-351 [апаюту]. 

Voluta denticulata Montagu, 1803: 234, pl. 
20, fig. 5 [Devon, England; lectotype 
herein selected RAMM 4100 (Fig. 41); 
paralectotypes RAMM 4100]; Dillwyn, 
1817: 506; Wood, 1825: 90, pl. 19, fig. 

Voluta ringens Turton, 1819: 250 [England; 
lectotype herein selected USNM 85901 1 
(Fig. 42); paralectotype USNM 55351]. 

Voluta reflexa Turton, 1819: 251 [Exmouth, 
England; holotype USNM 55370 (Fig. 

Phytia denticulata (Montagu). Gray, 1821: 
132; Gardiner, 1923: 64; Germain, 1931: 
561, text fig. 597. 

Auricula veneta Von Martens, 1824: 433 
[Venice: location of type unknown (fide 
Cesari, 1976)]. 

Jaminia denticulata (Montagu). Brown, 1827, 
ВТ. tig. 6. 

Jaminia quinquedens Brown 1827, pl. 51, fig. 
11 [Prestonpans, England; type probably 
at Manchester (Sherborn, 1940)]. 

Acteon denticulatus (Montagu). Fleming, 
1828: 337. 

Auricula tenella Menke, 1828: 36 [Type local- 
ity herein designated to be Norderney Is- 
land; location of type unknown]; Menke, 
1830: 131; Küster, 1844: 57. 

Carychium personatum Michaud, 1831: 73, 
pl. 15, figs. 42, 43 [Bretagne, France; 
lectotype herein selected MNHNP (Fig. 

Melampus borealis Conrad, 1832: 345 [New- 
port, Rhode Island; type material pre- 
sumed lost (Baker, 1964)]; Jay, 1839: 59; 
Н. & A. Adams, 1854: 10. 

Melampus gracilis Lowe, 1832: 288 [Madeira; 
location of type unknown]. 

Auricula myosotis Lamarck. Orbigny, 1835: 

Руша denticulata (Montagu) Gray. Beck, 
1837: 103: 

Руа myosotis (Draparnaud). Beck, 1837: 

Auricula reflexilabris Orbigny, 1837: 326, pl. 
42, figs. 1-3 [Lima, Peru; lectotype 
herein selected ВММН 1854.12.4.242 
(Fig. 46)]. 

Auricula (Auricula) myosotis (Draparnaud). 
Anton, 1839: 48. 

Auricula denticulata (Montagu). Gould, 1841: 
199, fig. 129; De Kay, 1843: 58, pl. 5, fig. 
93; Küster, 1844: 54, pl. 8, figs. 1-5; 
Reeve, 1877, pl. 7, fig. 61. 

Auricula mysotis Draparnaud. Sowerby, 
1842: 99 [misspelling of myosotis]. 
Auricula denticulata var. borealis (Conrad). 

De Kay, 1843: 58, pl. 5. fig. 91. 

?Auricula sayi Küster, 1844: 42, pl. 6, figs. 14, 
15 [United States of America; location of 
type unknown (nomen dubium)]. 

Auricula microstoma Küster, 1844: 52, pl. 1, 
figs. 18, 19 [Budua, Dalmatia; location of 
type unknown]. 

Auricula kutschigiana Küster, 1844: 54, pl. 8, 
figs. 11-14 [Servola near Trieste; Lissa 
Island; location of type unknown]. 

Auricula biasolettiana Kúster, 1844: 56, pl. 8, 
figs. 18-20 [Niza; Trieste; coast of Dal- 
пана; location of type unknown]. 

Auricula myosotis var. elongata Küster, 1844: 
69, pl. 8, figs. 21, 22 [Zara; location of 
type unknown]. 

Auricula myosotis var. adriatica Kúster, 1844: 
69, pl. 8, figs. 23, 24 [Trieste; Istria; Dal- 
matia; Zara; location of type unknown]. 


Auricula ciliata Morelet, 1845: 77, pl. 7, fig. 4 
[Alcácer do Sal, Alentejo, Portugal; lec- 
totype herein selected BMNH 
1893.2.4.831 (Fig. 47)]. 

Аипсша botteriana Philippi, 1846: 97 [Lesina 
Island, Dalmatia; location of type un- 

Melampus denticulatus auct. 

Alexia denticulata (Montagu). Leach, 1852: 
97; Locard, 1882: 182; Adam, 1947: 39; 
Sevo, 1974: 5, fig. 5. 

Alexia obsoleta Pfeiffer, 1854a: 111 [Tergesti, 
Adriatic Sea; location of type unknown]; 
Kobelt, 1898: 131, pl. 19, figs. 5, 6. 

Alexia myosotis (Draparnaud). Pfeiffer, 
1854b: 151; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 148; Binney, 
1859; 172, pl..15, 119.88; plu 79, Tig: 16; 
Binney, 1860: 4; Binney, 1865: 4, figs. 
2-4; Tryon, 1866: 6, pl. 18, figs. 1, 2; 
Pfeiffer, 1876: 365; Nevill, 1879: 227; 
Verrill, 1880: 250; Locard, 1882: 183; 
Apgar, 1891: 130; Schneider, 1892: 116; 
Whiteaves, 1901: 208; C.W. Johnson, 
1915: 178; Morse, 1921: 21, pl. 7, fig. 44; 
Nobre, 1930: 165, pl. 7, fig. 70; Nobre, 
1940: 36; Adam, 1947: 38; La Rocque, 
1953: 262; Porter, 1974: 300; Sevo, 
1974: 6, fig. 6. 

Conovulus denticulatus (Montagu). Clark, 
1855: 297. 

Alexia bermudensis H. 8 A. Adams, 1855a: 
33 [Bermuda; lectotype herein selected 
BMNH 1969105 (Fig. 48)]: H. & A. Ad- 
ams, 1855b: 241; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 152; 
Pfeiffer, 1876: 367; Kobelt, 1901: 282, pl. 
33, fig. 3; Fénaux, 1939: 43, pl. 1, fig. 6. 

Conovulus (Alexia) denticulata (Montagu). 
Woodward, 1856: 174. 

Alexia payraudeaui “Shuttleworth” Pfeiffer, 
1856a: 147 [Corsica; Nizza; Tergesti; lo- 
cation of type unkown]; Pfeiffer, 1876: 
365; Kobelt, 1898; 130, pl. 17, figs. 21, 

Melampus turritus (Say MS) Binney, 1859: 

_ 174 [Rhode Island; type presumably de- 
posited at ANSP, probably lost]. 

Auricula bicolor Morelet, 1860: 206, pl. 5, fig. 
7 [Pico, Azores; lectotype herein se- 
lected BMNH 1893.2.4.822 (Fig. 49)]. 

Auricula vespertina Morelet, 1860: 210, pl. 5, 
fig. 9 [Pico, Azores; lectotype herein se- 
lected ВММН 1893.2.4.825 (Fig. 50)]. 

Alexia micheli Bourguignat, 1864: 140, pl. 8, 
figs. 34-36 [La Calle and Cherchell, Al- 
geria; lectotype herein selected MHNG 
(Fig. 51)]. Non Mittré, 1841. 


Alexia micheli var. triplicata Bourguignat, 
1864; 141, pl. 8, figs. 37, 38 [La Calle, 
Algeria; lectotype herein selected MHNG 
(Fig. 52)]. 

Alexia algerica Bourguignat, 1864: 141, pl. 8, 
figs. 23-26 [Algeria; lectotype herein se- 
lected MHNG (Fig. 53)]; Kobelt, 1898: 
128, pl. 17, figs. 18, 19. 

Alexia algerica var. quadriplicata Bourguig- 
nat, 1864: 142, pl. 8, figs. 27-30 [Algeria; 
lectotype herein selected MHNG (Fig. 

Alexia loweana Pfeiffer, 1866: 145 [Madeira 
Island; location of type unknown]. 

Melampus myosotis (Draparnaud). Jeffreys, 
1869: 106, pl. 4, fig. 2 [Voluta ringens 
Turton illustrated (Fig. 43), probably type 

Alexia setifer Cooper, 1872: 153, pl. 3, figs. 
A1-A3, А5-Аб [San Francisco Bay, 
California; holotype ANSP 22513a (Fig. 

Alexia setifer var. tenuis Cooper, 1872: 154, 
pl. 3, fig. A4 [San Francisco Bay, Califor- 
nia; holotype ANSP 22513b (Fig. 56)]. 

Alexia (Auricula) myosotis var. hiriarti Follin & 
Bérillon, 1874: 88 [Biarritz lighthouse; 
lectotype herein selected MNHNP (Fig. 

Alexia setigera Cooper. Pfeiffer, 1876: 368; 
Fénaux, 1939: 43 [error for setifer]. 
Auricula (Alexia) meridionalis Brazier, 1877: 
26 [Port Adelaide, South Australia; holo- 

type ANSP 22506a (Fig. 58)]. 

Auricula watsoni Wollaston, 1878: 269 [Ma- 
deira; lectotype herein selected BMNH 
1895.2.2.411 (Fig. 59)]. 

Auricula watsoni scrobiculata Wollaston, 
1878: 269 [Salvages Islands (Madeira); 
lectotype herein selected BMNH 1895. 
2.2.417 (Fig. 60)]. 

Auricula bicolor var. subarmata Wollaston, 
1878: 466 [Lanzarote (Canary Islands); 
location of type unknown]. 

Auricula (Alexia) denticulata (Montagu). Fisch- 
er, 1878: 309-312. 

Alexia setifera Cooper. Nevill, 1879: 226 [un- 
justified emendation of setifer]. 

Alexia borealis Say Cooper. Nevill, 1879: 227. 

Alexia hiriarti Follin 8 Bérillon. Locard, 1882: 

Alexia biasoletina (Küster). Locard, 1882: 183 
[misspelling of biasolettiana]. 

Alexia ciliata (Morelet). Locard, 1882: 184; 
Kobelt, 1898: 129, pl. 17, fig. 20. 

Tralia (Alexia) myosotis (Draparnaud). Dall, 
1885: 277; Dall, 1889: 92, pl. 52, fig. 9. 


Tralia (Alexia) myosotis var. ringens (Turton). 
Dall, 1885: 278. 

Tralia (Alexia) myosotis forma junior Dall, 
1885: 278 [new name for Auricula ciliata 
Morelet and Alexia setifer Cooper]. 

Alexia cossoni Letour neux 8 Bourguignat, 
1887: 130 [Gabès and Cheiba, Cape 
Bon, Tunisia; lectotype herein selected 
MHNG (Fig. 61). 

Alexia terrestris Letourneux & Bourguignat, 
1887: 130 [El-Hamma, $ of Gabes, Tu- 
nisia; holotype MHNG (Fig. 62)]. 

Alexia globulus Bourguignat, in Letourneux & 
Bourguignat, 1887: 131 [Gabes, Tunisia; 
holotype MHNG (Fig. 63); on museum la- 
bel as Alexia ovum Bourguignat]. 

Alexia letourneuxi Bourguignat, т Letourneux 
8 Bourguignat, 1887: 131 [Mandara, 
near Alexandria, Egypt, and Djerba Is- 
land, Tunisia; lectotype herein selected 
MHNG (Fig. 64)]. 

Alexia pechaudi Bourguignat, ín Letourneux 
8 Bourguignat, 1887: 132 [Macta near 
Oran and Majerda, Tunisia; holotype 
MHNG (Fig. 65)]. 

Alexia acuminata Morelet, 1889: 15, pl. 1, fig. 
11 [Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony, South 
Africa; specimen marked “type” broken, 
lectotype herein selected BMNH 
1893.2.4.838 (Fig. 66)]. 

Alexia pulchella Morelet, 1889: 15, pl. 1, fig. 
10 [Port Elizabeth, Cape Colony, South 
Africa; lectotype herein selected ВММН 
1911.8.8.39 (Fig. 67)]. 

Alexia armoricana Locard, 1891: 132 [west 
coast of France; lectotype herein se- 
lected MNHNP (Fig. 68)]. 

Alexia exilis Locard, 1893: 62 [Le Croisic, 
Loire-Inférieure; Porquerolles (France); 
herein restricted to Porquerolles; lecto- 
type herein selected MNHNP (Fig. 69)]. 

Alexia parva Locard, 1893: 62 [Le Croisic, 
Loire-Inférieure (France); lectotype here- 
in selected MNHNP (Fig. 70)]. 

Alexia ringicula Locard, 1893: 62 [Arrdudon, 
Morbihan (France); lectotype herein se- 
lected MNHNP (Fig. 71)]. 

Auricula (Alexia) myosotis 
Pelseneer, 1894a: 73, figs. 

Alexia bicolor (Morelet). Kobelt, 1898: 134, pl. 
24, fig. 3. 

Alexia vespertina (Morelet). Kobelt, 1898: 
135, pl. 24, fig. 4. 

Alexia (Kochia) oranica Pallary, 1900: 240, pl. 
6, figs, 2, 2a [Oran, Tunisia; lectotype 
herein selected MNHNP (Fig. 72)]. 


Alexia myosotis marylandica Pilsbry, 1900a: 
40 [Mouth of St. Leonards Creek, Patux- 
ent River, Maryland; lectotype by Baker 
(1964) ANSP 22483a (Fig. 73)]; C.W. 
Johnson, 1934: 159. 

Alexia myosotis bermudensis Pfeiffer. Pilsbry, 
1900b: 504. 

Alexia oranica Pallary. Kobelt, 1901: 280, pl. 
31, figs. 8, 9. 

Alexia bidentata Montagu forma americana 
Kobelt, 1901: 312, pl. 33, figs. 1, 2 [Ber- 
muda; type Senckenberg Museum, 
Frankfurt-am-Main (not seen)]. 

Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud). Montero- 
sato, 1906: 126. 

Phytia myosotis var. bermudensis (H. & A. 
Adams). Peile, 1926: 88. 

Phytia myosotis (Draparnaud). Ellis, 1926: 96, 
pl. 2, fig. 3, pl. 5, fig. 49; Germain, 1931: 
560, text figs. 295, 296, pl. 18, figs. 535, 
536; McMillan, 1947: 264; McMillan, 
1949: 67; M. Smith, 1951: 145, pl. 55, fig. 
3, pl. 71, fig. 9; McMillan, 1968: 165; 
Climo, 1982: 43-48, fig. 1, A-L. 

Alexia (Myosotella) myosotis (Draparnaud). 
Thiele, 1931: 466. 

Phytia myosotis myosotis (Draparnaud). 
Winckworth, 1932: 238. 
Phytia myosotis denticulata (Montagu). 

Winckworth, 1932: 238. 

Alexia myosotis myosotis (Draparnaud). C.W. 
Johnson, 1934: 159. 

Alexia myosotis var. varicosa Fénaux, 1939: 
44, pl. 1, fig. 3 [Provence, France; type 
probably in Fenaux’s collection, Ecole 
des Mines, Paris]. 

Alexia subflava Fénaux, 1939: 45, pl. 1, fig. 9 
[Bermuda; type in Fénaux's collection, 
Ecole des Mines, Paris (not seen)]. 

Phytia bermudensis (H. & A. Adams). Morri- 
son, 1951b: 10. 

Phytia myosotis marylandica (Pilsbry). Morri- 
son, 1951b: 10; Burch, 1960a: 182 

Phytia myosotis borealis (Conrad). Morrison, 
1951b: 10. 

Ovatella myosotis (Draparnaud). Meyer, 
1955: 1-43, pls. 1, 2 [anatomy, taxon- 
omy, life history]; Morton, 1955b: 119- 
131, figs. [anatomy, life history]; Morton, 
1955c: 127-168 [anatomy, taxonomy, 
evolutionary relationships]; Bousfield, 
1960: 14, pl. 1, fig. 10; Coomans, 1962: 
90; Kensler, 1967: 391-406 [ecology]; 
Jacobson & Emerson, 1971: 65, text fig.; 
Baranowski, 1971: 143; Abbott, 1974: 
334, fig. 4103; Emerson 8 Jacobson, 


1976: 192, pl. 26, fig. 28; Hubendick, 
1978: 1-45 [taxonomic relationships); 
Morrell, 1980: 208-209; Rehder, 1981: 
650, fig. 232; Jensen 4 Clark, 1986: 458, 

Ovatella (Myosotella) myosotis (Draparnaud). 
Zilch, 1959: 73, fig. 236; Cesari, 1973: 
181-210 [taxonomy, distribution, ecol- 
ogy]; Giusti, 1973: 124, figs. 4 A-N, pl. 2, 
figs. 1-4, pl. 3, figs. 1-3; Giusti, 1976; 
Cesari, 1976: 3-19, 5 pls. [taxonomy, 
anatomy, polymorphism]; Martins, 1978: 
24, pl. 3, figs. 4, 4a, 4b, pl. 4, figs. 4, 4a, 
4b, pl. 5, figs. 5, 6, D; Martins, 1980: 
1-24, pl. 2, figs. f-o [habitat]. 

Ovatella (Alexia) myosotis (Draparnaud). Rus- 
sell-Hunter & Brown, 1964: 134. 

Ovatella myosotis bermudensis (H. 8 A. Ad- 
ams). Abbott, 1974: 334 [fig. 4105, erro- 
neously stated to be Microtralia occiden- 
talis, appears to be Myosotella myosotis 
from Bermuda]. 

Description: Shell (Figs. 41-77) to 12 mm 
long, oval-elongate, fragile to somewhat 
solid, commonly pale yellow to purplish red, 
rarely whitish. Spire high, with as many as 
eight somewhat convex whorls; first three 
whorls of teleoconch with spiral rows of pits, 
becoming fewer as spire progresses (Figs. 
76, 77); row of hairs, in juveniles, anterior to 
spiral rows of pits (Fig. 77). Body whorl about 
70% of shell length, smooth except for faint, 
irregularly spaced growth lines. Aperture 
about 80% body whorl length, oval-elongate, 
anteriorly rounded; inner lip with small, very 
oblique and somewhat twisted, white col- 

umellar tooth; anterior parietal tooth stron- 
gest, white, of variable thickness and perpen- 
dicular to columellar axis; usually one, rarely 
none, sometimes as many as four posterior 
parietal teeth that gradually become smaller 
posteriorly; outer lip sharp, often weakly re- 
flected in gerontic specimens, commonly 
with one, sometimes with as many as six 
whitish tubercles. Partition of inner whorls 
only in body whorl (Fig. 75). Protoconch as in 

Animal grayish white to yellowish brown; 
neck usually darkly pigmented; tentacles 
subcylindric, darker than neck; rudimentary 
anterior tentacles present; foot not trans- 
versely divided, yellowish; mantle skirt gray- 
ish with dark spots. 

Radula (Figs. 78-80) having formula (20 + 
11 +1+ 11 +20) x 80. Width of central tooth 
base twice that of lateral teeth, with central 
emargination, anterior portion of arms some- 
what sinuous; crown small, posteriorly de- 
pressed, unicuspid; mesocone triangular, 
somewhat rounded. Lateral teeth eight to 13; 
base quadrangular, elongate, oblique, with 
rounded lateral prominence over anterior 
third; crown cuneiform, about half length of 
base, posteriorly rounded. Marginal teeth 17 
to 25; base becoming reduced anteriorly, 
projecting and square posteriorly; crown 
pointing medially, bicuspid; endocone some- 
what smaller than mesocone. 

Stomach with anterior membranous cham- 
ber, median muscular gizzard and posterior 
membranous gastric caecum (Fig. 81). 

Reproductive system (Fig. 82) with ovotes- 

FIGS. 41-60. Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud). (41) Voluta denticulata Montagu, lectotype (RAMM 4100), 
Devon, England, sl 8.5 mm. (42) Voluta ringens Turton, lectotype (USNM 859011), British Isles, sl 8.4 mm. 
(43) Voluta ringens Turton, figured in Jeffreys’ British Conchology, pl. 98, fig. 29 (USNM 67947), sl 8.5 mm. 
(44) Voluta reflexa Turton, holotype (USNM 55370), British Isles, sl 9.2 mm. (45) Carychium personatum 
Michaud, lectotype (MNHNP), Boulogne, France, sl 6.5 mm. (46) Auricula reflexilabris Orbigny, lectotype 
(BMNH 1854.12.4.242), Lima, Peru, sl 9.0 mm. (47) Auricula ciliata Morelet, lectotype (BMNH 1893.2.4.831), 
Portugal, sl 7.8 mm. (48) Alexia bermudensis H. & A. Adams, lectotype (ВММН 1969105), locality not given 
[Bermuda], sl 7.6 mm. (49) Auricula bicolor Morelet, lectotype (BMNH 1893.2.4.822), Pico, Azores, sl 9.7 
mm. (50) Auricula vespertina Morelet, lectotype (BMNH 1893.2.4.825), Area [Areia] Larga, Pico, Azores, sl 
7.8 mm. (51) Alexia micheli Bourguignat, lectotype (MHNG), La Calle, Algeria, sl 9.2 mm. (52) Alexia micheli 
var. triplicata Bourguignat, lectotype (MHNG), La Calle, Algeria, sl 8.0 mm. (53) Alexia algerica Bourguignat, 
lectotype (MNHG), Mostaghanem, Algeria, sl 9.4 mm. (54) Alexia algerica var. quadriplicata Bourguignat, 
lectotype (MHNG), Cape Caxine near Alger, Algeria, sl 6.8 mm. (55) Alexia setifer Cooper, holotype (ANSP 
22513a), San Francisco, California, sl 7.1 mm. (56) Alexia setifer var. tenuis Cooper, holotype (ANSP 
22513b), San Francisco, California, sl 6.4 mm; Baker (1964) gave the length as 7.7 mm, which does not 
match the length of the shell marked as type. (57) Alexia (Auricula) myosotis var. hiriarti Follin & Bérillon, 
lectotype (MNHNP), Biarritz lighthouse, France, sl 10.1 mm. (58) Auricula (Alexia) meridionalis Brazier, 
holotype (ANSP 22506a), Port Adelaide, South Australia, sl 8.3 mm. (59) Auricula watsoni Wollaston, 
lectotype (BMNH 1895.2.2.411), Madeira, sl 8.1 mm. (60) Auricula watsoni scrobiculata Wollaston, lecto- 
type (BMNH 1895.2.2.417), Salvages Islands [Madeira], sl 7.5 mm. 


FIGS. 41-60. 



FIGS. 61-77. 


FIGS. 78, 79. Myosotella myosotis, radular teeth, Newport River, North Carolina, sl 5.1 mm. Scale 100 um. 

tis light colored, between lobes of digestive 
gland; hermaphroditic duct long, dilated, 
convoluted; pallial gonoduct hermaphroditic 
along its entire length; anterior mucous gland 
and prostate gland cover entire length of 
spermoviduct; bursa duct as long as sper- 
moviduct, emptying near vaginal opening; 
spermatheca spherical. Penis short, thick; 

length; connectives of visceral nerve ring 
long; right pleuroparietal connective twice as 
long as left one; left parietovisceral connec- 
tive longer than right one, sometimes with 
ganglionic swelling on anterior third, from 
which internal pallial nerve originates; rudi- 
mentary osphradial ganglion arising from 
pneumostomal nerve. 

associated vas deferens adhering to penis. 
Nervous system (Fig. 83) with cerebral 
commissure one and one-half times width of 
cerebral ganglion; left and right cerebropleu- 
ral and cerebropedal connectives of same 

Remarks: Myosotella myosotis is an ex- 
tremely variable species especially known 
from European coasts. Within one population 
the shape of the shell can vary from slim and 

FIGS. 61-77. Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud). (61) Alexia cossoni Letourneux & Bourguignat, lectotype 
(MHNG), Lagune de l'oued Cheiba, (Cap Bon), Tunisia, sl 7.3 mm. (62) Alexia terrestris Letourneux & 
Bourguignat, holotype (MHNG), El Hamma, $ of Gabes, Tunisia, sl 5.4 mm. (63) Alexia globulus Bourguig- 
nat, holotype (MHNG), Gabés, Tunisia, sl 5.7 mm. (64) Alexia letourneuxi Bourguignat, lectotype (MHNG), 
Mandara, near Alexandria, Egypt, sl 5.7 mm. (65) Alexia pechaudi Bourguignat, holotype (MHNG), La 
Mactra, near Oran, Tunisia, sl 5.2 mm. (66) Alexia acuminata Morelet, lectotype (BMNH 1893.2.4.838), 
Natal, sl 5.0 mm. (67) Alexia pulchella Morelet, lectotype (BMNH 1911.8.8.39), Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 
sl 5.0 mm. (68) Alexia armoricana Locard, lectotype (MNHNP) Brest, Finisterre, France, sl 5.1 mm. (69) 
Alexia exilis Locard, lectotype (MNHNP), Porquerolles, France, sl 6.1 mm. (70) Alexia parva Locard, lecto- 
type (MNHNP), Le Croisic, Loire-Inférieure, France, sl 5.0 mm. (71) Alexia ringicula Locard, lectotype 
(MNHNP), Arrdudon, Morbihan, France, $1 5.0 mm. (72) Alexia (Kochia) oranica Pallary, lectotype (MNHNP), 
Oran, Tunisia, $1 6.0 mm. (73) Alexia myosotis marylandica Pilsbry, lectotype (ANSP 22483a) Patuxent River, 
Maryland, sl 8.0 mm. (74) Jamestown, Rhode Island, sl 6.7 mm. (75) Old Road, Shelly Bay, Bermuda, sl 6.3 
mm. (76) Lateral view of spire and protoconch, Jamestown, Rhode Island. (77) Top view of spire and 
protoconch, Sao Miguel, Azores. Scale 1 mm. 


il (E 10L 111 1M 2M 14M 15M 




FIG. 80. Myosotella myosotis, radula, Beaufort, 
North Carolina. Scale 10 um. 

FIG. 81. Myosotella myosotis, stomach, Bermuda. 
Scale 1 mm. 

high spired to globose, and the color ranges 
from pale yellow to purplish red (Martins, per- 
sonal observations in Bermuda and Azores). 
Similar variability occurs in the apertural mor- 
phology, in which the number of parietal and 
outer Пр teeth can vary considerably. It was 
the variability of these characters that evoked 
most of the many names given to this spe- 
cies. According to Locard (1895), Drapar- 
naud (1801) was aware of this variability 
when he described Auricula myosotis, be- 
cause the 113 syntypes included examples 
of the dentate form later described by Mon- 
tagu (1803) as Voluta denticulata. Michaud 
(1831), who completed Draparnaud's work, 
described Montagu's form as Carychium 
personatum (Fig. 45). 

Even quite recently the question of the con- 
specificity of the European forms included in 
the genus Myosotella has been extensively 

FIG. 82. Myosotella туозой$, reproductive sys- 
tem, Bermuda. A-C, transverse sections and their 
locations. Scale 1 mm. 

FIG. 83. Myosotella myosotis, central nervous sys- 
tem, Bermuda. Scale 1 mm. 

debated. Germain (1931) accepted two Eu- 
ropean species, Phytia myosotis (Drapar- 
naud), with only one posterior parietal tooth, 
and Phytia denticulata (Montagu), with a 
heavily dentate aperture. Winckworth (1932) 
treated both as subspecies of Phytia. Watson 
(1943) noted the differences between the two 
forms but added that there are intermediates. 
The slight differences he found in radular fea- 
tures could be explained by the different sizes 
of the specimens studied, and the differences 
in shell morphology could be attributed to the 


more saline habitat of Phytia denticulata. 
Fénaux (1939), after examining hundreds of 
specimens from a stretch of coast between 
Toulon and Agde, southern France, found al- 
most all the “species” described from Eu- 
rope. Cesari (1973) was inclined to treat Ova- 
tella denticulata as a synonym of Ovatella 
myosotis but later (1976), as did Watson 
(1943), he considered the case of Ovatella 
denticulata unclear pending a definite ana- 
tomical comparison. Considering the high de- 
gree of shell variability of Myosotella myosotis 
(sensu lato), a wide range of anatomical vari- 
ability is to be expected. The same condition 
is found in the Western Atlantic Melampus (M.) 
bidentatus, which exhibits high variability in 
shell morphology as well as in anatomical 
characters (see the remarks under that spe- 
cies). On the basis of the great range of vari- 
ability in shell morphology, | think it justifiable 
to consider Myosotella myosotis as the only 
species living in Europe and North Africa. The 
names Voluta ringens Turton, Voluta reflexa 
Turton, Auricula tenella Menke, Carychium 
personatum Michaud, Auricula botteriana 
Philippi, Alexia letourneuxi Bourguignat, Al- 
exia armoricana Locard, Alexia ringicula Lo- 
card and Alexia oranica Pallary all pertain to 
the dentate morph of Myosotella myosotis. 

| have concluded previously (Martins, 
1978, 1980) that Auricula vespertina Morelet 
and Auricula bicolor Morelet from the Azores 
are conspecific with Myosotella myosotis. 
Upon inspection of the type material of Wol- 
laston's Auricula watsoni and Auricula wat- 
soni scrobiculata from Madeira (Figs. 59, 60) 
| also include them in the synonymy of Муо- 
sotella myosotis. 

Shell morphology can be affected by envi- 
ronmental factors. The Bermudian speci- 
mens (Figs. 48, 75) are larger and thicker than 
the specimens from New England (Fig. 74), 
but similar to those | found in North Carolina 
[Alexia myosotis marylandica Pilsbry (Fig. 73)] 
and in the Azores. The thickening and en- 
hanced color of the shell seen nearer the 
warm regions is also observed in Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus (see the remarks under the 
species), and should be considered an envi- 
ronmentally determined character of little 
taxonomic value. The names Alexia myosotis 
marylandica Pilsbry and Alexia bermudensis 
H. 8 A. Adams, the latter considered a sub- 
species by Abbott (1974), are obviously only 
morphological variations of Myosotella myo- 
$015. Alexia subflava Fénaux, also from Ber- 
muda, was based upon a form with unusual 

apertural features, but it is clearly within the 
range of variation of Myosotella myosotis, 
and it too must be considered synonymous. 

Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud) and Au- 
riculinella (L.) bidentata (Montagu, 1801) are 
often confused. The latter was erroneously 
reported from America and Bermuda. Dall's 
(1885) statement that Melampus (Leuconia) 
bidentatus (Montagu) [= Auriculinella (Leuco- 
phytia) bidentata (Montagu)] lived in America 
was based on Binney's remarks about Myo- 
sotella myosotis. Binney (1859: 174), after de- 
scribing the animal, noted that it differed from 
Н. 8 A. Adams’ illustration of the animal of 
Alexia denticulata (1855b: pl. 82, fig. 5). He 
mentioned that, “from the exterior of the an- 
imal there appears no difference between it 
and Melampus bidentatus.” Apparently Dall 
(1885) wrongly concluded that the species in 
question should also have the foot trans- 
versely divided, a characteristic shared by 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus and Auriculinella 
(L.) bidentata, but not by Myosotella myoso- 
tis. From Dall’s description of Melampus 
(Leuconia) bidentatus (Montagu) it is clear 
that he was confused about differences be- 
tween the shell of Myosotella myosotis and 
that of Auriculinella (L.) bidentata. 

Kobelt (1901: 283) briefly described a sup- 
posedly biplicate variation of Alexia bermu- 
densis H. & A. Adams, to which he later (p. 
312, caption of pl. 33, figs. 1, 2) gave the 
name Alexia bidentata Montagu forma amer- 
icana. The illustration hardly differs from that 
of Alexia bermudensis (pl. 33, fig. 3), which H. 
& A. Adams (1855a: 33) described as having 
“columella biplicata” (Figs. 48, 75). As noted 
above, Myosotella myosotis varies greatly in 
apertural morphology, especially in the con- 
spicuousness of the posterior parietal teeth. 
Alexia bidentata Montagu forma americana 
Kobelt is just a phenotypic variant of Myoso- 
tella myosotis. 

Three other names were applied to North 
American specimens. Kuster (1844) de- 
scribed and figured an Auricula sayi. п the 
words of Binney (1859: 178), “Kúster's figure 
represents no known American shell. There 
exists, however, a strong resemblance be- 
tween it and his figure of Alexia myosotis.” 
Pfeiffer (1856a) tentatively assigned Kúster's 
name to Marinula, and compared it with Au- 
ricula infrequens C. B. Adams, 1852, from 
Panama. After examining C. B. Adam’s type 
material | disagree with Pfeiffer’s сотрап- 
son. The dentition shown in Kúster's illustra- 
tion resembles that of Creedonia succinea, 


although the shell is too globose and acumi- 
nate to be referred with certainty to that spe- 
cies. In view of the conflicting diagnostic 
characters derived from the illustration and 
from the description given by Kúster, | con- 
sider Auricula sayi Kúster a nomen dubium. 
The other two problematic names are 
Melampus borealis Conrad and Melampus 
turritus (Say MS) Binney, both from Rhode 
Island, and both undoubtedly conspecific 
with Myosotella myosotis. The former was 
misidentified by Pfeiffer (1856a) who, based 
upon misidentified specimens from Georgia 
in the Cuming collection, wrongly assigned 
them to Melampus bidentatus Say, var. y bo- 
realis Conrad. Pfeiffer’s description of this 
variety (1856a: 46) mentioned an “outer lip 
with a white callus, regularly with 6-10 pli- 
сае.” Меатриз (D.) floridanus, another 
Georgian species, has as many as ten riblets 
inside the outer lip, but it is doubtful that 
Pfeiffer, who had introduced the latter spe- 
cies 11 pages before, would have confused it 
with Myosotella myosotis. Melampus (M.) bi- 
dentatus normally exhibits the sort of dentic- 
ulation on the outer lip mentioned by Pfeiffer, 
but this feature never has been found in Му- 
osotella myosotis. One must conclude that 
Pfeiffer relied on misidentified specimens 
when he identified his variety with Ме/атри$ 
borealis Conrad. The description of Меат- 
pus turritus, found by Binney (1859) among 
Say's unpublished manuscripts, was pub- 
lished by that author only to provide addi- 
tional information about Myosotella myosotis. 
Myosotella myosotis can be differentiated 
conchologically from Melampus (M.) bidenta- 
tus and Melampus (D.) floridanus, with which 
it associates, by its less globose shape, by its 
shorter, anteriorly rounded and wider aper- 
ture, and by its lack of riblets within the outer 
lip. № differs from Creedonia succinea by its 
pointed spire and by the dentition of its inner 
lip, which in Creedonia has a very strong, 
posteriorly located parietal tooth. Some 
dwarf, thin-shelled forms of Tralia (T.) ovula 
can be confused with the solid, deeply col- 
ored forms of Myosotella myosotis. This fact 
probably accounts for Dall's (1885) report of 
the latter species from Jamaica. The nonmu- 
cronate apex, the sinuous outer lip and the 
white, equidistant teeth of the inner lip of Tra- 
lia constitute sufficient diagnostic characters, 
however. Gerontic individuals of Myosotella 
myosotis have a weakly reflected outer lip, a 
feature that led early authors to insist on in- 
cluding this species in the genus Auricula. 

Detailed studies of life history and anatomy 
were published simultaneously by Morton 
(1955b) and Meyer (1955). 

Habitat: Myosotella myosotis lives in salt 
marshes and adjacent areas, preferring piles 
of rocks and detritus above the high-tide 
mark. In Bermuda this species commonly 
lives under piles of rocks, farther onto land 
than any other halophilic ellobiid, a situation 
also observed in the Azores (Martins, 1980). 

Range: Myosotella myosotis is well known as 
a Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic spe- 
cies. “Species” very similar to Myosotella 
myosotis have been described from extra- 
European shores, such as Orbigny’s (1837) 
Auricula reflexilabris (Fig. 46) from the Pacific 
coast of South America, Cooper's (1872) Al- 
exia setifer (Figs. 55, 56) from California, Bra- 
zier's (1877) Auricula (Alexia) meridionalis 
(Fig. 58) from southern Australia and More- 
let's (1889) Alexia acuminata (Fig. 66) and Al- 
еха pulchella (Fig. 67) from South Africa. 
Hanna (1939) included Cooper's species 
among the “Exotic Mollusca in California” 
and | concur with Paulson (1957) in conclud- 
ing that the Californian Alexia setifer Cooper 
does not differ from eastern American or Eu- 
ropean specimens. Alexia setifer Cooper, as 
well as Auricula ciliata Morelet, were named 
on the basis of the presence of hairs on the 
spire of juveniles. Clark (1855) first noted that 
this condition occurs in Myosotella myosotis. 
Taking into consideration the well-docu- 
mented morphological plasticity shown by 
Myosotella myosotis, | concur with Climo 
(1982) in synonymizing Brazier's species, as 
well as the others just mentioned. 

The wide range of Myosotella myosotis is 
attributed to its estuarine and supralittoral 
habits; most probably the animals were car- 
ried about in ballast or as egg masses laid on 
deck equipment and cargo that came in di- 
rect contact with marsh communities (Climo, 

In the Western Atlantic this species occurs 
from Halifax, Nova Scotia (Bousfield, 1960), 
to Georgia, Bermuda and Cuba (Fig. 84). The 
Cuban specimen at the USNM (383711) 
should be classed as a spurious report until 
further confirmation because it is far from the 
range of the species in the Western Atlantic. 
Dall's герой of this species from Jamaica 1$ 
doubtful and it has not been confirmed by 
recent collections. Stimpson (1851), followed 
by Binney (1859, 1865), Verrill (1880) and Dall 
(1885), remarked that this species probably 


45 30 

FIG. 84. Myosotella myosotis, geographic distribu- 
tion, Western Atlantic. Open circle, locality from 

was introduced to the eastern coast of North 

Specimens Examined: MAINE: Castine 
(MCZ 4180; USNM 492501); Portland (MCZ 
uncatalogued; USNM 24865, 73394); New- 
castle (MCZ 34005). NEW HAMPSHIRE: 
Fabian Point, Great Bay, Newington (R.B.). 
27740, 27913): Manchester (USNM 39800); 
Marblehead (MCZ 199478; USNM 492503); 
Boston (MCZ uncatalogued; USNM 41240); 
Woods Hole (ANSP 357609; MCZ 34004; 
USNM 158953, 525155); New Bedford 
(ANSP 22494; MCZ uncatalogued; USNM 
139801). RHODE ISLAND (MCZ 34003; 
USNM 539238): Newport (MCZ 68946, 
163167; USNM 39799, 67730); Warren 
(ANSP 60355); Maple Creek, Jamestown 
(A.M.); Wickford (MCZ 294645). CONNECTI- 
CUT: Branford (MCZ 34847; USNM 492502); 
New Haven (USNM 83471). NEW YORK: 
New York Harbor (USNM 492485); Cold 
Spring Harbor (MCZ 294167); Staten Island 
(MCZ 56738, 61847, 119477; USNM 59729, 
407787, 492500). NEW JERSEY: Cape May 
(MCZ uncatalogued). MARYLAND: Patuxent 
River (ANSP 22483, 359154; USNM 492486); 

St. Leonards Creek, Patuxent River (ANSP 
60971; USNM 465806); Crisfield (USNM 
618924). VIRGINIA: Mollusk (USNM 791448); 
Watts Bay (USNM 701628); Chincoteague Is- 
land (MCZ uncatalogued); Fisherman’s Island 
(USNM 422292); Norfolk (USNM 637142). 
NORTH CAROLINA: mouth of Newport River, 
S of Beaufort (A.M.) SOUTH CAROLINA: 
Charleston (MCZ uncatalogued); McClellan- 
ville (USNM 663059). GEORGIA: Isle of Hope 
(USNM 663053); Thunderbolt (USNM 
663055). BERMUDA (ANSP 48594, 48595, 
48596, 62743, 78217, 79937, 85588; MCZ 
8972, 9971, 24407, 24408, 24409, 294163, 
294166; USNM 6529a, 6537, 94436, 94437, 
101401, 151271, 250298a, 492487, 492488, 
482490): Hamilton (USNM 152134, 171941); 
Hamilton Beach (MCZ uncatalogued); Fairy- 
land (ANSP 99074; USNM 208070); Gibbet 
Island (MCZ 294162); Flatts (ANSP 88572; 
MCZ 294164; USNM 1719340); Shelly Bay 
(MCZ 294165; USNM 492489); Old Road, 
Shelly Bay (A.M.); N of Shelly Bay Beach 
(A.M.); S of Coney Island (R.B.); Ferry Reach 
Park (R.B.); N of Long Bird Bridge (A.M.); 
Castle Harbour (ANSP 143320); Cooper’s Is- 
land (ANSP 131644); Spitall Pond (A.M.); 
Hungry Bay (ANSP 88580; USNM 171947; 
A.M.); Paget (USNM 714209); W of Somerset 
Bridge (A.M.); S of Ely’s Harbour (A.M.); Man- 
grove Bay (A.M.). CUBA: Los Canos, Guan- 
tanamo (USNM 383711). 

Genus Laemodonta Philippi, 1846 

Laemodonta Philippi, 1846: 98. Type species 
by monotypy: Laemodonta [Auricula] 
striata (Philippi, 1846) [= Pedipes octan- 
fracta Jonas, 1845]. Non Martens, 1824, 
nec Anton, 1839. 

Laimodonta Bronn, 1847: 4 [nomen nudum, 
fide Herrmannsen, 1852]. Non “Nuttall” 
H. & A. Adams, 1855a. 

Plecotrema H. & A. Adams, 1853: 120. Type 
species by original designation: Ple- 
cotrema typica H. & A. Adams, 1853. 

Bullapex Haas, 1950: 199. Type species 
by monotypy: Laemodonta (Bullapex) 
cubensis (Pfeiffer, 1854). 

Description: Shell to 9 mm long, oval-conic, 
solid, sometimes hirsute. Umbilicus present. 
Spire moderately high, sculptured with more 
or less marked spiral cords. Body whorl 70- 
75% shell length, sometimes truncate at 
base, with same sculpture as spire. Aperture 
about 70% length of body whorl, oval-elon- 


gate, narrow; inner lip with three subequal 
teeth, one oblique columellar tooth and two 
parietal teeth; outer lip thickened, with one to 
three teeth about same size as parietal teeth. 
Protoconch smooth, globose, prominent. 

Remarks: Philippi (1846: 98), following the 
description of his Auricula striata, noted, 
“Laemodonta striata Adams (ubi?). Bronn 
placed under this name this species from 
Sandwich Islands [Hawaii]. The name Lae- 
modonta appeared as a nomen nudum in a 
sales catalogue of shells prepared by Bronn 
(1847, fide Sykes, 1894), who had sent the 
shells to Philippi. Although Laemodonta Phil- 
ippi, 1846, was introduced in synonymy, this 
name must be accepted as valid according 
to the ICZN, Article 11, (а). Thiele (1931) and 
Zilch (1959) used Laemodonta and since 
1961 the name has been universally ac- 
cepted (Clench, 1964; Franc, 1968; Abbott, 
1974; Hubendick, 1978; Kay, 1979). 

The names Laimodonta and Laemodonta 
have been confused in many instances, the 
second being taken wrongly for a misspelling 
of the first. Laimodonta (Nuttall MS) H. 4 A. 
Adams, 1853, was introduced for a group of 
shells different from those assigned to Lae- 
modonta Philippi. Often credit was given er- 
roneously to Nuttall for the introduction of 
Laimodonta. It appears, however, that Nuttall 
never published the name (Sykes, 1894). 
Nevill (1879) considered “Laimodonta Nut- 
tall” [= emendation of Laemodonta Philippi] 
and Laimodonta H. 8 A. Adams to be differ- 
ent taxa and Ancey (1887) introduced A/- 
lochroa to replace H. 8 A. Adams” suppos- 
edly preoccupied name. Sykes (1894), 
apparently unaware of Апсеу’$ introduction, 
also stated that Laimodonta H. 8 A. Adams 
was preoccupied, not by Philippi’s (1846) or 
by Bronn's (1847) names, which he consid- 
ered undescribed, but by Laimodon Gray, 
1841, a genus of birds. Sykes proposed the 
new name Enterodonta. Laimodon Gray, 
1841, cannot be considered a homonym of 
Laimodonta or of Laemodonta. According to 
the ICZN, Art. 32 (a), in spite of the fact that 
Philippi (1846) misspelled Bronn's name, his 
spelling is to be considered the correct orig- 
па! spelling. Laimodonta (Nuttall MS) H. & A. 
Adams, although not a homonym of Philippi’s 
name, has been abandoned in favor of Al- 
lochroa in important malacological works 
(Thiele, 1931; Zilch, 1959; Franc, 1968; Kay, 
1979). A permanent solution to this problem 
would be the placement of Laimodonta ‘‘Nut- 

tall” H. & A. Adams on the Official List of 
Rejected Names in Zoology. 

Sykes (1894) and Hubendick (1956) in their 
monographs on Laemodonta preferred the 
name Plecotrema H. 8 A. Adams to Philippi’s 
name. Sykes recorded in his synonymy Lira- 
tor Beck, which he felt had not been properly 
introduced. The name Lirator, indeed, was 
used by Beck (1837) for an undescribed 
Melampus (Lirator) multisulcatus from Opara 
Island. Pfeiffer (1856a, 1876) tentatively iden- 
tified Beck's species with Laemodonta striata 
Philippi [= Pedipes octanfracta Jonas] and 
Hubendick (1956) accepted Pfeiffer's opinion 
without query. Because only circumstantial 
evidence connects Beck's names to a recog- 
nized species, however, one must conclude 
that both Lirator and Melampus (Lirator) mul- 
tisulcatus are nomina nuda. 

Hubendick (1956: 111) stated that Aguayo 
8 Jaume (1947) had given “strong reasons 
for maintaining Plecotrema as the valid name 
of the genus.” In fact, what Aguayo & Jaume 
(1947: No. 132) had stated was, “in the im- 
possibility of deciding about the priority of 
Laemodonta [Philippi] 1847 [sic] over Laimo- 
donta [Bronn] 1847, and about the validity of 
Lirator [Beck], we have decided to use the 
genus Plecotrema [H. 8 A. Adams] as many 
modern authors do.” Later Hubendick (1978) 
used Laemodonta Philippi and relegated Ple- 
cotrema to synonymy. As stated above, Lae- 
modonta Philippi is now universally ac- 

The genus Laemodonta has been assigned 
erroneously to the subfamily Pedipedinae on 
the basis of the shell. Although described as 
“fairly uniform” (Hubendick, 1956: 110) or as 
a “convenient group” (Sykes, 1894: 241), the 
name Laemodonta is used now for a mixture 
of genera. Examination of the radula of “Lae- 
modonta” punctigera H. & A. Adams from 
Malaysia has a very wide, rounded meso- 
cone, typical of the Cassidula group, and that 
species will be assigned to another genus 
pending more research. H. & A. Adams 
(1853: 120) had noted that Plecotrema [= 
Laemodonta] was “а genus of small shells 
allied to Cassidula.” 

The present study of Laemodonta cuben- 
sis leads me to include this West Indian spe- 
cies within the Pythiinae on the basis of the 
radula and the reproductive and the nervous 
systems. Although preserved material of the 
type species was not available for anatomical 
comparisons, the remarkable resemblance of 
shell morphology, especially apertural denti- 


tion, of the West Indian species to Laemo- 
donta octanfracta (Fig. 31) has led me to con- 
clude that they are congeneric. № further 
anatomical studies indicate the necessity of 
taxonomic separation, the name Bullapex 
Haas 15 available for Laemodonta cubensis. 

| concur with Hubendick (1956) that the 
subgenus Bullapex Haas cannot be justified 
on the basis of shell characters alone. The 
true umbilicus of the West Indian species is 
often reduced to an umbilical depression, 
similar to the pseudoumbilicus mentioned by 
Haas (1950: 199) for Laemodonta clausa H. 8 
A. Adams, 1853 [= Laemodonta octanfracta 
(Jonas)]. According to Hubendick (1956: 114) 
the inflated apex can be explained as an eco- 
logically influenced character and as such 1$ 
unreliable. The apex (protoconch) of Laemo- 
donta octanfracta, although not so prominent 
as that of Laemodonta cubensis, appears to 
be somewhat inflated (Fig. 92). 

According to Sykes (1894) and Hubendick 
(1956) the genus Laemodonta appeared in the 
Eocene. These earlier species, unlike those 
recorded from the Miocene, are smoother and 
more similar to the West Indian Laemodonta 
cubensis. The Miocene species have the 
heavy sculpture of the Indo-Pacific group. 
Hubendick concluded that the West Indian 
species and the Indo-Pacific group probably 
had common ancestors in the Tethys Sea. 

Habitat: Because most of the data available 
to me pertain to Laemodonta cubensis, de- 
scription of the soft parts and comments on 
the habitat are presented under that species. 

Range: Hubendick (1956) noted the discon- 
tinuous distribution of Laemodonta. Most of 
the representatives are from the western 
Indo-Pacific, with one species in the West 
Indies and Bermuda. The genus is not repre- 
sented in the Recent fauna of the Mediterra- 
nean or Eastern Atlantic. 

Laemodonta cubensis (Pfeiffer, 1854) 
Figs. 85-87, 89, 90, 93-101 

Plecotrema cubensis Pfeiffer, 1854b: 153 
[Cárdenas, Cuba; location of type un- 
known]; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 107; Pfeiffer, 
1876: 348; Arango y Molina, 1880: 60; 
Crosse, 1890: 259; Kobelt, 1900: 236; 
Peile, 1926: 88; Aguayo & Jaume, 1947: 
132; Hubendick, 1956: 111, text. fig. 1A, 
pl. 23, fig. 7 [distribution]. 

Plecotrema cubense Pfeiffer. Sykes, 1895: 
245; Pilsbry, 1900b: 504, pl. 62, fig. 11. 

Laemodonta cubensis (Pfeiffer). Thiele, 1931: 
464; Morrison, 1951b: 9; Morrison, 1958: 
118-124 [habitat]; Abbott, 1974: 333, fig. 
4101; Emerson & Jacobson, 1976: 190, 
pl. 26, fig. 20; Rehder, 1981: 650, fig. 
222; Jensen 8 Clark, 1986: 458, figured. 

Laemodonta (Bullapex) cubensis (Pfeiffer). 
Haas, 1950: 199, pl. 22, figs. 6-8; Zilch, 
1959: 69, fig. 225; Clench, 1964: 123, pl. 
79 [taxonomy, distribution]; Vokes 4 
Vokes, 1983: 60, pl. 31, fig. 18. 

Description: Shell (Figs. 85-87, 89, 90) to 3.5 
mm long, oval, somewhat solid, pale yellow 
to light brown, hirsute. Narrow umbilicus or 
umbilical depression present. Spire moder- 
ately high, whorls as many as six and one- 
fourth, weakly convex, with two incised spiral 
lines near suture; first whorls of teleoconch 
with fine, compact spiral striae, crossed by 
very fine, somewhat irregular growth lines. 
Body whorl about 70% shell length, with in- 
cised spiral lines. Aperture oval; inner lip with 
three evenly spaced teeth; columellar tooth 
oblique toward base, moderately strong; an- 
terior parietal tooth smallest, oblique poste- 
riorly; outer lip sharp, with two conspicuous 
teeth, sometimes with one or two much 
smaller tubercles posteriorly. Partition of in- 
ner whorls occupying about three-quarters of 
body whorl (Fig. 86). Protoconch whitish, 
smooth, inflated, oblique or perpendicular to 
columellar axis of teleoconch (Figs. 89, 90). 

Animal whitish, translucent; tentacles long, 
thin, subcylindric, translucent; foot entire, 
rounded posteriorly. Pallial cavity long; kid- 
ney long and thin; mantle gland curved, tu- 
bular, empties near vaginal opening. 

Radula (Figs. 93-97) having formula 
[24 + (7 +7) + 1 +(7 + 7) + 24] x 100. Central 
tooth at about same plane as lateral teeth; 
base triangular, weakly emarginate anteriorly, 
with lateral prominences at mid-length; 
length of crown about half that of crown of 
lateral teeth, unicuspid; mesocone some- 
what sharp. Lateral teeth seven to ten; base 
weakly bent medially at posterior third, with 
lateral and medial prominences, the latter 
anteriormost; crown about half the length of 
the base, unicuspid, cuneiform. Transitional 
teeth five to nine; base similar to that of lat- 
eral teeth; crown bicuspid; endocone some- 
what shorter and weaker than mesocone. 
Marginal teeth 21 to 24; base becoming 


FIGS. 85-92. Laemodonta, Ovatella. (85) L. cubensis (Pfeiffer), West Summerland Key, Florida, sl 2.9 mm. 
(86) L. cubensis, Grassy Key, Florida, sl 3.2 mm. (87) L. cubensis, Crawl Key, Florida, sl 0.84 mm. (88) O. 
aequalis (Lowe), Sáo Miguel, Azores, sl 9.3 mm. (89) L. cubensis, lateral view of spire and protoconch, 
Grassy Key, Florida. (90) L. cubensis, top view of spire and protoconch, Grassy Key, Florida. (91) O. 
aequalis, top view of spire and protoconch, Säo Miguel, Azores. (92) L. octanfracta (Jonas), top view of spire 
and protoconch, Hawaii. Scale 1 mm. 

shorter and wider than that of lateral teeth, 
developing lateral basal cusp covered by 
next tooth; crown tricuspid; endocone, me- 
socone and ectocone sharp, becoming 
subequal, with mesocone somewhat longer 
and stronger. 

Digestive system with salivary glands small, 

attaching posteriorly to esophagus through 
large area. Stomach (Fig. 98) tripartite; ante- 
rior portion corresponding to cardiac region, 
thin, dilated; mid-portion very muscular, with 
muscle also covering pyloric region; gastric 
caecum somewhat thin, not muscular, receiv- 
ing dilated, pouch-like posterior diverticulum 


FIGS. 93-96. Laemodonta cubensis, radular teeth, Grassy Key, Florida, sl 3.5 mm. Scale 50 um. 

C 1L2L 11L 1T 8T 1M 2M 3M 4M 11M 12M 

N | 

J KL) 

FIG. 97. Laemodonta cubensis, radula, Grassy 
Key, Florida. Scale 10 um. 

anteriorly, at boundary with mid-region. Di- 
gestive gland with two subequal lobes. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 99) with ovotes- 
tis between lobes of digestive gland; seminal 
vesicle of hermaphroditic duct convoluted at 
mid-length; pallial gonoduct hermaphroditic 
to the vaginal aperture; anterior mucous 
gland and prostate gland cover entire length 
of spermoviduct; bursa duct about same 
length as spermoviduct and empties just 
posterior to vaginal opening; bursa spherical. 
Penis short, thin; vas deferens adhering to 
penis; penial retractor about as long as penis, 
inserting on floor of pallial cavity. 

Nervous system (Fig. 100) with cerebral 
commissure short, about half width of cere- 

FIG. 98. Laemodonta cubensis, stomach, Ber- 
muda. Scale 1 mm. 

bral ganglion; right cerebropedal and cere- 
bropleural connectives two-thirds length of 
left ones; left and right connectives of vis- 


FIG. 99. Laemodonta cubensis, reproductive sys- 
tem, Hungry Bay, Bermuda. A-C, transverse sec- 
tions and their locations. Scale 1 mm. 

FIG. 100. Laemodonta cubensis, central nervous 
system, Hungry Bay, Bermuda. Scale 1 mm. 

ceral nerve ring equal; pleuroparietal connec- 
tives very short; parietovisceral connectives 
very long, the right one longer; visceral gan- 
glion beneath tentacle retractor muscle. 

Remarks: Laemodonta cubensis is the only 
representative of the genus in the Atlantic. All 
other species live in the Indo-Pacific region. 
The West Indian species is somewhat iso- 
lated conchologically, owing to its thinner, 
much less sculptured shell. Kobelt (1900) and 

Thiele (1931) were not sure whether this spe- 
cies should even belong to this genus. As 
stated in the remarks under the genus, this 
species is included in Laemodonta because 
of the great similarity of its apertural morphol- 
ogy to that of the type species, Laemodonta 
striata (Philippi, 1846) [= Laemodonta octan- 
fracta (Jonas, 1845)]. The description of the 
radula of Plecotrema clausa H. 8 A. Adams, 
1853, a junior synonym of the type species, 
given by Odhner (1925) is very similar to that 
of Laemodonta cubensis except for the 
lesser number of teeth in a row in the latter. 

In the original description of Laemodonta 
cubensis, Pfeiffer (1854b: 153) characterized 
the shell as “hispidula” [slightly hairy], a fea- 
ture also noticed by Haas (1950). A pilose 
shell appears also in some Pacific species; 
Garrett (1872) noted that his Plecotrema hir- 
suta [= Laemodonta molinifera (H. £ A. Ad- 
ams)] had short, curved hairs. 

The presence of a pallial gland was some- 
what unexpected in Laemodonta. This organ 
of unknown function was first noticed by 
Plate (1897) in Phytia scarabeus (Linnaeus) 
and observed later in Carychium tridentatum 
(Risso) (Morton, 1955b), in Cassidula labrella 
(Deshayes) (Renault, 1966) and in Ovatella 
aequalis (Lowe) (Martins, personal observa- 
tion). Carychium lives inland, frequently in the 
mountains and, although preferring humid 
environments such as forest leaf litter, it is 
obviously a terrestrial species. Pythia is also 
considered a terrestrial ellobiid because it 
lives in the upper fringe of mangroves. Ova- 
tella aequalis lives just above the high-tide 
limit and Laemodonta at or just below the 
high-tide mark. Information is not available 
concerning the precise habitat of Cassidula 
labrella. Morton (1955b, c) advanced the hy- 
pothesis that this was probably a case of par- 
allel evolution in response to some environ- 
mental parameter associated with terrestrial 
life. According to that same author, the pos- 
sible functions of the pallial gland range from 
help in forming egg cases to aid in keeping 
the body moist or secretion of bacteria-killing 
substances as a protective device while the 
animal is crawling. The presence of the pallial 
gland in two supposedly marine ellobiids de- 
папа$ a review of the hypotheses about the 
evolution and function of this organ. 

Laemodonta cubensis 1$ very distinct from 
all other West Indian mollusks because of its 
hirsute, oval shell and its apertural dentition. 
Its protoconch and juveniles are very similar to 
the protoconch and hirsute juveniles of the 
Macaronesian and western European Ova- 


90 75 16 OI 45 30 

FIG. 101. Laemodonta cubensis, geographic dis- 
tribution. Open circle, locality from literature. 

tella aequalis (Lowe) (Figs. 89, 90). The 
strength of the palatal tooth of the aperture 
(Figs. 85, 88), the similarity of the radular teeth 
and the presence о the pallial gland (personal 
observations) also suggest a generic relation- 
ship between Laemodonta cubensis (Pfeiffer) 
and Ovatella aequalis (Lowe). 

Habitat: Laemodonta cubensis lives at or just 
below the high-tide mark, aggregating under 
half-buried porous rocks, rotting wood and 
leaves, and among the roots of propagules, 
together with Pedipes, Blauneria, Microtralia 
and Creedonia. lt is common, along with Pe- 
dipes, in rocky areas, either under loose 
stones near the sediment, or in crevices in 
rock beds at about the high-tide mark. They 
prefer the part of loose stones that touches 
the sediment. 

Range: Bermuda; Captiva Island, on the 
western coast of Florida, south to the Florida 
Keys; Bahamas and Cuba, Jamaica south to 
Barbados; Mexico (Vokes & Vokes, 1983) 
(Fig. 101). 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA: Third 
Ragged Key above Sand Key (USNM 
462737, 614608); Key Largo (MCZ 235475); 
N of Tavernier Key, Key Largo (A.M.); S of 
Ocean Drive, Plantation Key (A.M.); Indian 

Key Fill, N of Indian Key Channel (A.M.); In- 
dian Key (USNM 462893, 492557); Long Key 
(A.M.); Grassy Key (A.M.); Crawl Key (MCZ 
235469; A.M. Bonefish Key (ANSP 174978, 
219861; МСУ 110178; USNM 599365); 
Knight Key (A.M.); Bahia Honda Key (ANSP 
104109; MCZ 235472; USNM 492464); West 
Summerland Key (A.M.); Big Pine Key (ANSP 
104110); Long Beach Drive and W end of Ko- 
hen Avenue, both Big Pine Key (A.M.); Little 
Torch Key (MCZ 235470); Big Torch Key 
(A.M.); Ramrod Key (MCZ 235471); Sugarloaf 
Key (ANSP 89559); Boca Chica Key (ANSP 
104111; USNM 270348); Garden Key, Dry 
Tortugas (USNM 492509, 492522); Seminole 
Point (ANSP 105438); Captiva Island (ANSP 
149410). BERMUDA (ANSP 62842, 293543; 
MCZ 24229; USNM 250298): Fairyland 
(ANSP 99078); N of Shelly Bay Beach (A.M.); 
North of Long Bird Bridge (A.M.); near St. 
Georges (ANSP 100821); Castle Harbour 
(ANSP 143321); Hungry Bay (A.M.); W of 
Somerset Bridge (A.M.); Ely's Harbour (A.M.); 
Mangrove Bay (A.M.). BAHAMAS ISLANDS: 
Eight Mile Rock (ANSP 375427, 375455); Bell 
Channel, Lucaya (ANSP 370709); Dead Mans 
Reef [Sandy Bevan's Cay] (ANSP 371224); 
Bahama Beach Canal (ANSP 371802); Silver 
Cone Canal (ANSP 372886); North Riding 
Point (ANSP 375563); West End (ANSP 
368764); GREAT ABACO ISLAND: Mores Is- 
land (MCZ 116720); Sand Bank, Crossing 
Bay (MCZ 235474); S of Witch Point (MCZ 
235478); Wilson City (MCZ 235479); North 
Hawksbill Creek (ANSP 370566); ANDROS 
ISLAND (ANSP 151873): Morgan's Bluff 
(А.М.); South Mastic Point (A.M.); Mangrove 
Cay (USNM 590609, 614605); Solomon 
Pond, Mangrove Cay (USNM 614606); First 
island off Mintie Bar, SE of South Bight 
(USNM 590610, 614607); NEW PROVI- 
DENCE ISLAND: Bar Point (A.M.); W of Rock 
Point (A.M.); W of Clifton Point (A.M.); E of 
Clifton Pier (A.M.); shore of Millars Road 
(A.M.); Malcolm Creek (A.M.); ELEUTHERA 
ISLAND: S of Rock Sound (MCZ 235473); 
EXUMA CAYS: NE coast, Hog Cay (MCZ 
235476), Western End, Hog Cay (MCZ 
235477). CUBA (ANSP 22544): near Habana 
(ANSP 130743); El Vedado, Habana (MCZ 
uncatalogued). JAMAICA: Falmouth (ANSP 
397272); Robin's Bay (USNM 442000). PU- 
ERTO RICO: San Juan (R.B.). VIRGIN 1$- 
reto (USNM 502107). 


Subfamily Pedipedinae 
Fischer & Crosse, 1880 

Pedipedinae Fischer 4 Crosse, 1880: 5. 

Description: Shell to 11 mm long, globose 
to elongate. Spire low to high, with as many 
as six and one-half whorls. Body whorl 80- 
90% of shell length. Aperture broad to nar- 
row; columellar teeth one or two; parietal 
teeth one or two; outer lip smooth, with one 
strong tooth or with internal axial, ribbed cal- 
losity (Pseudomelampus). Inner whorls re- 
sorbed except in Pedipes and Creedonia. 

Animal whitish; foot transversely divided 
(except in Microtralia), posteriorly tapered, tip 
rounded. Mantle skirt broad, fused posteri- 
orly. Pallial cavity not occupying entire body 
whorl; kidney white, long to broadly triangu- 
lar; pneumostomal glands white and anterior 
to kidney; anal gill well developed; mantle or- 
gan lacking. 

Radula having very variable formula. Cen- 
tral tooth slightly posterior to lateral teeth, 
unicuspid or tricuspid. Lateral teeth bicuspid. 
Transition to marginal teeth gradual. Marginal 
teeth with as many as five cusps. 

Digestive system with mandible broadly 
rectangular, composed of numerous longitu- 
dinal fibers. Salivary glands white, small, fusi- 
form. Digestive gland of two roughly equal 
lobes; anterior lobe empties into crop 
through wide anterior diverticulum, just be- 
fore crop enters stomach; posterior lobe 
empties into gastric caecum through poste- 
rior diverticulum. Stomach tripartite, middle 
section very muscular and with a caecum. 

Reproductive system with hermaphroditic 
duct not convoluted (except in Marinula s.s.), 
posteriorly dilated; anterior mucous gland 
and prostate gland extending over proximal 
half of spermoviduct; bursa duct emptying 
just posterior to female opening, at which vas 
deferens separates from vagina (except in 
Pseudomelampus and Leuconopsis). Penis 
thick, usually with more or less developed 
diverticulum, simple in Microtralia; vas defe- 
rens free, enters penis apically; penial retrac- 
tor short, attached to columellar muscle or to 
floor of pallial cavity. 

Nervous system with cerebral ganglia well 
developed; cerebropedal connectives about 
as long as cerebropleural connectives; pleu- 
roparietal connectives and parietovisceral 
connectives very short, somewhat longer in 

Remarks: Fischer & Crosse (1880) created 
the subfamily Pedipedinae for Pedipes, the 
only ellobiid genus then known to retain its 
inner whorls. On the basis of radular charac- 
ters Odhner (1925) added to the subfamily the 
genera Marinula and Plecotrema |= Laemo- 
donta], Thiele (1931) included Pseudomelam- 
pus and Leuconopsis and Morton (1955c) 
added Rangitotoa [= Microtralia]. In 1959 Zilch 
transferred Rangitotoa to the Melampinae and 
added Apodosis, which | consider a junior 
synonym of Leuconopsis. Abbott (1974) listed 
Microtralia within the Cassidulinae and erro- 
neously considered Ovatella [sensu Myoso- 
tella] to belong to the Pedipedinae. My anal- 
ysis Of nervous and reproductive systems 
leads to the inclusion of Microtralia in the Pe- 
dipedinae and to the removal of Laemodonta, 
Ovatella and Myosotella to the Pythiinae. A 
new genus, Creedonia, is here created upon 
the basis of the conchological and radular 
characters of Creedonia succinea (Pfeiffer, 
1854), formerly placed in the genus Marinula. 
Creedonia does not resorb the inner whorls, 
its central and lateral radular teeth are broad 
with only a few in arow and the marginal teeth 
have several endocones but lack ectocones. 
The radulae in those species of Marinula stud- 
ied have numerous, very long, narrow lateral 
teeth and marginal teeth with one endocone 
and several ectocones (Figs. 163-168). 

The subfamily is best characterized ana- 
tomically. The nervous and reproductive sys- 
tems have very consistent patterns, whereas 
the shell and radula vary somewhat. The 
short connectives of the visceral ring cause 
the concentration of those ganglia. This fea- 
ture also exists in the Melampinae and sets 
these two groups apart from the remaining 
subfamilies, which have long visceral ring 
connectives. The cerebral ganglia in the Pe- 
dipedinae are proportionally much larger 
than the other ganglia. The reproductive sys- 
tem differs from that of the Melampinae by its 
acinose ovotestis, its unconvoluted seminal 
vesicle of the hermaphroditic duct, its longer 
spermoviduct, its junction of the bursa duct 
near the female opening, and its elaborate 
penial complex, sometimes with a long diver- 
ticulum. From the other three subfamilies it 
differs by its elaborate penial complex with 
free anterior vas deferens, and by its prostate 
and anterior mucous glands that cover only 
the posterior half of the spermoviduct. 

The genus Leuconopsis deviates in some 
anatomical features from the typical Pedipe- 
dinae pattern in that its visceral nerve ring is 


longer and its reproductive system is semi- 
diaulic, the vas deferens and vagina sepa- 
rating from the common spermoviduct half- 
way along the pallial gonoduct. The visceral 
nerve ring is not so long as that of any of the 
species belonging to the Pythiinae and Ello- 
biinae here studied and does not justify per 
se the exclusion of Leuconopsis from the 
Pedipedinae. The organization of the pallial 
gonoducts of Leuconopsis resembles that of 
Pseudomelampus (Martins, personal obser- 
vation) in that the vas deferens separates 
from the spermoviduct some distance before 
reaching the female opening, giving rise to a 
long, nonglandular vagina. The arrangement 
of the reproductive organs in Leuconopsis is, 
then, within the range of variation seen within 
the Pedipedinae. Shell and radular charac- 
ters also justify the inclusion of Leuconopsis 
within the Pedipedinae. 

The Pedipedinae are represented in the 
West Indies by Pedipes, Creedonia, Leu- 
conopsis and Microtralia, all of which are 
readily distinguishable on conchological 
characters. Pedipes 1$ globose, generally 
heavily sculptured, with two strong columel- 
lar teeth, a large oblique, posteriorly placed 
parietal tooth and a readily visible callous 
tooth on the outer lip, opposite the parietal 
tooth. Creedonia has an apertural configura- 
tion similar to that of Pedipes, but lacks the 
tooth on the outer lip and has an elongate, 
smooth and very thin shell. The minute Leu- 
conopsis has an elongate, thick shell that 
lacks the parietal and teeth on the outer lip. 
The shell of Microtralia is very thin and trans- 
parent and has a long, narrow aperture with 
the outer lip smooth inside, one columellar 
tooth and two anteriorly placed parietal teeth, 
of which the anterior is the strongest. 

Habitat: The Pedipedinae are a group of 
small species that live at or below the high- 
tide zone (Morton, 1955c; Martins, 1980), 
sometimes reaching the low intertidal area 
(Spencer, 1979). They live mainly in crevices 
and under half-buried rocks. Some (Cree- 
donia, Microtralia) live in the soft, black sed- 
iment of the high-tide region of mangroves, 
or in the spaces around the underground root 
system of propagules and adult plants. 

Range: Worldwide, warm and temperate ar- 
eas. In the Western Atlantic the Pedipedinae 
occur in Bermuda and from south Florida to 
the West Indies, Central America south to 

Brazil, Ascension Island and Tristan da 
Cunha (Connolly, 1915). 

Genus Pedipes Scopoli, 1777 

Pedipes Scopoli, 1777: 392. Type species by 
subsequent designation of Gray (1847a): 
Pedipes afra (Gmelin, 1791) [= Pedipes 
pedipes (Bruguière, 1789)]. 

Carassa Gistel, 1847 [1850]: 555 [substitute 
name for Pedipes Scopoli]. 

Description: Shell to 6 mm long, globose, 
solid to fragile, white to dark brown. Spire 
low, with as many as five rapidly expanding 
convex whorls, with incised spiral grooves. 
Body whorl averaging 87% of shell length. 
Aperture about 70% length of body whorl, 
ovate, widely rounded at base; exposed por- 
tion of columella flat and depressed, with two 
strong columellar teeth, posterior one stron- 
ger; parietal tooth strongest, oblique; outer 
lip sharp, smooth or with thick, elevated 
tooth opposite parietal tooth. Inner whorls 
not resorbed. Protoconch with apex involute 
in first teleoconch whorls, smooth, translu- 
cent, yellowish to brown. 

Animal grayish; tentacles long, pointed, 
with transparent base, blackish toward tip. 

Radula with 150 to 450 teeth in a row; first 
30 to 40 rows without marginal teeth. Central 
tooth at same level as lateral teeth; base 
long, slightly indentate anteriorly, wide and 
angular in first quarter, longitudinally de- 
pressed in the middle, becoming narrower 
posteriorly; crown as wide as base, falciform, 
with long mesocone. Lateral teeth as narrow 
as but longer than central tooth, laterally 
compressed; base irregularly thickened lon- 
gitudinally; crown falciform, laterally com- 
pressed; mesocone long; endocone half 
length of mesocone, pointed. Transitional 
teeth four to eight, with base becoming 
shorter, crown becoming wider; two or three 
endocones. Marginal teeth cteniform, with 
very thin, short base; wide rounded crown, 
connected to base by long neck bent up- 
wards; as many as six short endocones; me- 
socone somewhat stronger than endocones. 

Visceral mass coiled. Digestive gland yel- 
lowish; posterior diverticulum becoming 
pouch-like before entering anterior portion of 
gastric caecum. Stomach tripartite; anterior 
thin-walled, pouch-like section that receives 
crop on left and empties into intestine on 
right; middle thick-walled, very muscular giz- 
zard; posterior membranous, extensible cae- 


cum that receives posterior diverticulum at 
junction with gizzard. Ovotestis acinose, em- 
bedded in posterior lobe of digestive gland; 
hermaphroditic duct dilated along most of its 
length; bursa spherical. Penis unevenly thick- 
ened, convoluted in middle. Cerebral com- 
missure long; connectives of visceral ring 
very short; penial nerve originating from right 
middle labial nerve. 

Remarks: The name Pedipes was first used 
by Adanson (1757), who gave a very detailed 
and accurate description of a species from 
Senegal later described as Pedipes pedipes 
and accepted as the type species of the ge- 
nus. Adanson, a contemporary of Linnaeus, 
derived the generic group name from the 
French word, pietin, meaning pedestrian, 
which refers to the way in which the animal 
progresses, first advancing the anterior half 
of the transversely divided foot, then moving 
the posterior half, seemingly advancing by 
steps. Adanson’s work (1757) antedates the 
starting point of zoological nomenclature and 
therefore he is not credited with introducing 
Pedipes. The first post-Linnaean use of Pe- 
dipes was that of Scopoli (1777), who briefly 
characterized Pedipes “Adanson” as having 
the shell aperture diversely dentate. The only 
known species, not mentioned by Scopoli, 
was Adanson’s African “pietin,” introduced 
by Bruguiere (1789) as Bulimus pedipes. He- 
Их afra Gmelin, 1791 [= Pedipes pedipes 
(Bruguiere, 1789)] was designated type spe- 
cies of Pedipes by Gray (1847a). 

Férussac (1821) used Pedipes in a re- 
stricted sense but Blainville (1824), using 
the sharp outer lip as the major diagnostic 
character, included a heterogeneous as- 
semblage, i.e., Conovulus [= Melampus] and 
the opisthobranch genus Tornatella. Lowe 
(1832), following Lamarck (1822) and Menke 
(1828), treated Pedipes as a genus of the 
family “Plicacea” and tried to prove that the 
animal was a pectinibranch. After Crosse & 
Fischer (1879) noticed that Pedipes was the 
only Known ellobiid that did not resorb the 
inner whorls of the shell, the genus could be 
separated easily from otherwise conchologi- 
cally similar groups, e.g., Marinula. In this 
study the genus Creedonia too was found not 
to resorb the inner whorls. The radula of Pe- 
dipes too is unique because the posterior- 
most 30 to 40 rows lack marginal teeth (Fig. 

The genus Pedipes is represented in the 
Western Atlantic by two species. The larger 

(6 mm) Pedipes mirabilis has a thick, globose, 
generally heavily sculptured shell; the visible 
part of the protoconch consists of hardly 
more than one whorl and has a sinuous, 
elongate apertural lip. The smaller (3.5 mm), 
more elongate Pedipes ovalis has a thicker- 
shelled, rock-dwelling form and a thinner- 
shelled, mangrove-inhabiting form. The pro- 
toconchs of both forms are identical, with 
more than one and one-third whorls visible 
and with round, not sinuous, apertural lips. 

Habitat: The genus Pedipes lives in man- 
groves near the sea, in which animals are 
abundant under fallen leaves and branches 
below the high-tide mark. They also live 
along open rocky shores in crevices and un- 
der stones frequently covered by waves at 
high tide. 

Range: Worldwide, warm temperate to trop- 
ical regions. In the Western Atlantic they oc- 
cur in Bermuda, southern Florida to Texas, 
the West Indies and Central America south to 
Brazil and Ascension Island. 

Pedipes mirabilis (Mühlfeld, 1816) 
Figs. 102-106, 108-110, 112-120 

Turbo mirabilis Mühlfeld, 1816: 8, pl. 2, figs. 
13a, b [Locality unknown, herein desig- 
nated Cabo Rojo lighthouse, Puerto 
Rico; type specimens presumed lost, 
fide Clench (1964); neotype herein des- 
ignated MCZ 188476a (Fig. 102)). 

Pedipes mirabilis (Mühlfeld). Beck, 1837: 
105; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 70; Pfeiffer 1876: 
333; Mörch, 1878: 5; Nevill, 1879: 221; 
Pilsbry, 1900b: 503; Dall & Simpson, 
1901: 369, pl. 53, fig. 8; Aguayo & 
Jaume, 1947: 218; Morrison, 1951b: 9; 
Morrison, 1958: 121 [ecology]; Nowell- 
Usticke, 1959; 88; Warmke & Abbott, 
1961; 152, pl. 28, fig. j; Rios, 1970: 138; 
Morris, 1973: 274, pl. 74, fig. 12; Rios, 
1975: 159, pl. 48, fig. 767; Rosewater, 
1975: 23; Emerson & Jacobson, 1976: 
189, pl. 21, fig. 20; Rehder, 1981: 648, 
fig. 234; Vokes & Vokes, 1983: 60, pl. 31, 
fig. 16 [juvenile; not positively this spe- 
cies]; Mahieu, 1984: 314 pp; Jensen & 
Clark, 1986: 458, figured. 

Pedipes quadridens Pfeiffer, 1840: 251 
[Cuba; location of type unknown]; C. B. 
Adams, 1849: 41, 42; C. B. Adams, 
1851: 186; Pfeiffer, 1854b: 148; Shuttle- 
worth, 1854b: 102; H. & A. Adams, 


1855b: 149; Shuttleworth, 1858: 73; 
Poey, 1866: 394. 

Pedipes globulosus C. B. Adams, 1845: 12 
[Jamaica; lectotype by Clench 4 Turner 
(1950), MCZ 177347 (Fig. 103)]; Clench 
& Turner, 1950: 288, pl. 49, fig. 9. 

Pedipes globulsus “Petit” Pfeiffer, 1856a: 
70 [Haiti; type from Cuming's collection, 
not seen at ВММН]; Pfeiffer, 1876: 333. 
Non “Férussac” H. & A. Adams, 1854 
(nomen nudum). 

Pedipes mirabilis (Mühlfeld) [in part] Arango у 
Molina, 1880: 60; Dall, 1889: 92, pl. 47, 
fig. 17; Crosse, 1890: 259; Kobelt, 1900: 
255, pl. 24, figs. 19, 20; Maury, 1922: 54; 
C. W. Johnson, 1934: 159; M. Smith, 
1937: 145, pl. 55, fig. 8 [probably Pe- 
dipes ovalis; pl. 67, fig. 17 is Pedipes 
ovalis]; M. Smith, 1951: [same illustra- 
tions as in first edition, 1937]; Clench, 
1964: 119, pl. 76, figs. 1, 3, pl. 77 [fig. 2 
is lectotype of Pedipes ovalis C. B. Ad- 
ams; systematics, distribution]; Ап- 
drews, 1971: 144, text fig. [figure prob- 
ably is of Pedipes ovalis]; Abbott, 1974: 
333, fig. 4096 [in part]; Andrews, 1977: 
181, text fig. [figure probably is of Pe- 
dipes ovalis]. 

Pedipes mirabilis Megerle. Peile, 1926: 88. 

Description: Shell (Figs. 102-106, 108-110) 
to 6 mm long, globose, very solid, white 
to brown. Spire low, as many as five con- 
vex whorls, sculptured with incised spiral 
grooves and fine axial striae. Body whorl av- 
eraging 88% of shell length, with average of 
22 deeply incised spiral grooves. Sculpture 
as on spire; spiral grooves sometimes subdi- 
vided by fine spiral cords. Aperture about 
70% of length of body whorl, widely ovate, 
round to angular at base, sometimes with 
weak angle at shoulder; columella flat and 
weakly concave, with two strong, rounded, 
subequal teeth perpendicular to columellar 
axis; parietal tooth strongest, oblique and 
slightly curved anteriorly; outer lip wide and 
smooth in juveniles, thick and crenulated in 
adults owing to grooves of body whorl; op- 
posite parietal tooth one large tooth very 
weakly extends inside aperture. Protoconch 
with barely more than one whorl visible, ap- 
ertural lip sinuous (Figs. 108-110). 

Radula (Figs. 112-116) as in genus; formula 
[120 + (6 + 70) + 1 + (70 + 6) + 120] x 120. 

Stomach (Fig. 117) as in genus. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 118) with her- 
maphroditic duct with longitudinally dilated 

seminal vesicle; bursa duct longer than sper- 
moviduct and albumen gland conbined. Pos- 
terior half of penis thicker than anterior por- 

Nervous system (Fig. 119): left cerebrope- 
dal and cerebropleural connectives longer 
than right ones; left parietovisceral connec- 
tive twice length of right one; visceral gan- 
glion largest of five in visceral ring; left pleural 
and left parietal ganglia smaller than right 

Remarks: In spite of the great variability 
shown by West Indian Pedipes, recent au- 
thors consider all of the named forms con- 
specific. According to Clench (1964) variabil- 
ity in Pedipes is a result of colonization 
strategy. Most colonies might have begun 
from one individual or from one cluster of 
eggs. Clench based this observation upon 
the meager representation of Pedipes in mu- 
seum collections, because he clearly stated 
(р. 118), “there is nothing in the literature... 
concerning their life history.” The colonies 
are not so rare as Clench implied. Pedipes 
species are among the most common West 
Indian ellobiids just below the high-tide mark, 
at least in mangroves (Martins, personal ob- 

Pedipes mirabilis prefers piles of loose 
rocks around the high-tide mark. The shell is 
always thick, deeply grooved, with the aper- 
ture constricted in adults by a thick outer lip 
tooth. The body whorl of gerontic animals 
shows asymmetric growth. The name 
“quadridens” of Pfeiffer (1840) reflects the 
change in apertural aspect with age, and the 
names “globulosus” of С. В. Adams (1845) 
and “globulus” of Pfeiffer (1856a) refer to the 
allometric growth of this species. 

In 1849 C. B. Adams cautiously introduced 
Pedipes ovalis, calling attention to its strong 
affinity with Pfeiffer's Pedipes quadridens. Al- 
though the latter species is here considered a 
junior synonym of Pedipes mirabilis, Pedipes 
ovalis is recognized here as a separate spe- 
cies on the basis of size, sculpture and pro- 
toconch. The thick-shelled, heavily toothed 
Pedipes ovalis that C. B. Adams described 
from Jamaica rarely occurs in mangroves 
(Martins, personal observation), where the 
much thinner-shelled, smoother Pedipes tri- 
dens Pfeiffer [= Pedipes ovalis C. B. Adams] 
abounds. Their similar protoconchs and the 
sizes suggest, however, that both rock- 
dwelling and mangrove-dwelling forms are 
expressions of the same species. The simi- 


FIGS. 102-111. Pedipes. (102) P. mirabilis (Mühlfeld), neotype (MCZ 188476a), Cabo Rojo lighthouse, 
Puerto Rico, sl 4.7 mm. (103) P. globulosus C. B. Adams, lectotype (MCZ 177347), Jamaica, sl 4.6 mm. 
(104) P. mirabilis, Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, sl 6.0 mm. (105) P. mirabilis, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil 
(ANSP 300179), sl 3.8 mm. (106) P. mirabilis, Morgan's Bluff, Andros Island, Bahamas, sl 5.0 mm. (107) P. 
pedipes (Bruguiere), Senegal (AMNH 22590), sl 7.7 mm. (108) P. mirabilis, lateral view of spire and proto- 
conch, Maravén, Venezuela. (110) P. mirabilis, top view of spire and protoconch, Shelly Bay, Hamilton, 
Bermuda. (111) P. pedipes, top view of spire and protoconch, Sáo Miguel, Azores. Scale 1 mm. 

larities of Pedipes ovalis with Pedipes mira- 
bilis should, then, be interpreted as adapta- 
tions for life in rocky environments. A more 
detailed comparison between these two spe- 
cies is presented under the remarks on Pe- 
dipes ovalis. 

Pedipes mirabilis is similar to the Eastern 
Atlantic Pedipes pedipes (Bruguière), mostly 
in the shape of the protoconch (Fig. 111). 
The Eastern Atlantic species, however, has a 
double outer lip tooth and a bifid, downward- 
curved parietal tooth (Fig. 107). 


FIGS. 112-115. Pedipes mirabilis, radular teeth. (112) Shelly Bay, Bermuda, sl 2.3 mm. (113-115) El Palito, 

Venezuela, sl 3.2 mm. Scale 50 um. 

CAL 9L 65L 75L80L1T 2T ST 1M 



2M 3M 4M 38M 40M 81M 124M 


FIG. 116. Pedipes mirabilis, radula, El Palito, Ven- 

ezuela. Scale 10 um. 

H. & A. Adams (1854) listed a Pedipes 
globulus Férussac, which might be confused 
with the homonym introduced by Pfeiffer 


FIG. 117. Pedipes mirabilis, stomach, Bahamas. 
Scale 1 mm. 



FIG. 118. Pedipes mirabilis, reproductive system, 
Clifton Pt., New Providence, Bahamas. A-C, trans- 
verse sections and their locations. Scale 1 mm. 

FIG. 119. Pedipes mirabilis, central nervous sys- 
tem, Clifton Pt., New Providence, Bahamas. Scale 
1 mm. 

(1856a) for a West Indian specimen. Such a 
name does not appear in Férussac (1821). 
The Adams brothers might have intended to 
refer to Pedipes ovulus, which Férussac 
(1821: 109) described as “longer than afra [= 

FIG. 120. Geographic distributions, Pedipes mira- 
bilis (circles) and Leuconopsis manningi (star). 
Open circle, locality from literature. 

Pedipes pedipes], smooth and shiny, without 
tooth on the outer lip.” Perhaps Férussac 
was dealing with a specimen of Marinula, 
which Connolly (1915) with doubt referred to 
Marinula xanthostoma H. & A. Adams. Pe- 
dipes globulus was described by Pfeiffer 
(1856a) using Petit’s manuscript name in the 
Cuming collection, and it is considered syn- 
onymous with Pedipes mirabilis. The name 
Pedipes globulus “Еегиззас” H. & A. Adams 
should be considered a nomen nudum. 

A Pedipes, tentatively assigned to Pedipes 
mirabilis, was found in the Early Miocene 
Cantaure Formation in Venezuela (Gibson- 
Smith & Gibson-Smith, 1979). Recently 
(1985) the Gibson-Smiths described those 
fossils as Pedipes mirandus, which | consider 
а junior synonym of Pedipes ovalis (see the 
remarks for this species). 

Habitat: Pedipes mirabilis usually lives on 
rocky shores, often where wave action is 
strong. The animals aggregate in fairly large 
numbers under rocks at or just below the 
high-tide mark. 

Range: Bermuda; Florida, Texas; West In- 
dies, Central America, northern South Amer- 
ica to Sao Paulo, Brazil (Rios, 1975); Ascen- 
sion Island (Fig. 120). 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA: Daytona 
(USNM 162346, 253173); Indian River 
(USNM 758222); Lake Worth (MCZ 205366; 


USNM 599349); Palm Beach Inlet (MCZ 
110215; USNM 543392); Boca Raton (ANSP 
219865); S Bayshore Dr., Miami (USNM 
701950); Biscayne Bay (MCZ 291105); Hau- 
lover Beach Park, Biscayne Bay (USNM 
809777). TEXAS: Port Aransas (MCZ 225522, 
229626); Mustang Island, Port Aransas (MCZ 
235614); South Padre Island (ANSP 319092; 
USNM 758649); Port O'Connor (USNM 
711183). BERMUDA (ANSP 48599, 62741; 
MCZ 9952, 24251, 167937): Flatts (USNM 
171948); Shelly Bay (MCZ 25523; A.M.); М of 
Long Bird Bridge (A.M.); W of Somerset 
Bridge (A.M.); Ireland Island (USNM 712378). 
LAND: W of Eight Mile Rock (R.B.); Hepburn 
Town, Eight Mile Rock (ANSP 370410); Car- 
avel Beach, Freeport (ANSP 370228); Tama- 
rind Shipway, Lucaya (ANSP 370708); 
299513; USNM uncatalogued); Sweeting's 
Village (MCZ 24142); Sand Bank, Crossing 
Bay (MCZ 116721); Mores Island (MCZ 
116719); ANDROS ISLAND: Morgan's Bluff 
(A.M.); South Mastic Point (A.M.); Mangrove 
Point (A.M.); Delaport Point (A.M.); Rock 
Point (A.M.); Clifton Point (A.M.); E of Clifton 
Pier (A.M.); ROYAL ISLAND (MCZ 78360). 
CUBA: El Vedado (MCZ 167983); Matanzas 
Bay (ANSP 167481; MCZ 83308, 109334, 
167984); Peñas Altas (MCZ 127866); Playa 
de Bellamar (ANSP 222590, 345332); Ver- 
salles (MCZ 92075); Muelle de la Aduana, 
Matanzas (MCZ 188903); Chivera, Bahia de 
Santiago (MCZ 167985); Cayo Francés (MCZ 
167982); Guantánamo Bay (ANSP 313059). 
JAMAICA (ANSP 22565, 22570, 22572; MCZ 
117347, 117348, 185170; USNM 90459, 
94747): Montego Bay (USNM 441609); Rob- 
ins Bay (MCZ 167896; USNM 441978); 
Jack's Bay (MCZ 167895; USNM 441836); 
Manchioneal (USNM 492493); Port Morant 
(USNM 423674); Rock Fort (MCZ 167894; 
USNM 423792); Kingston (USNM 442594); 
Kingston Harbor (MCZ 314005); Palisadoes 
(USNM 442540); Mouth of Rio Cobre, Port 
Royal (USNM 426870); Hunt's Bay (USNM 
441675); Little River (USNM 492506). HAITI: 
St. Louis (MCZ 167899; USNM 439397); Port 
Salut (MCZ 167891; USNM 440000); Les 
Cayes (USNM 439780); Ааит (USNM 
367339, 440107); Baïe Anglaise, near Aquin 
(USNM 439605); Saltrou (MCZ 167897, 
167898, 223892; USNM 439341); W of Me- 
tesignix (USNM 404730); Bizoton (USNM 

439843). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Santo Do- 
mingo (ANSP 60920; USNM 492507); Santa 
Bárbara de Samaná (ANSP 173412; MCZ 
57783); Cayo Chico, 4 km E of Santa Bárbara 
de Samaná (MCZ 57784). PUERTO RICO: Pi- 
ñones, W of Boca de Cangrejos (A.M.); Pu- 
erta de Tierra, San Juan (A.M.); Punta Arenas, 
N of Joyuda (A.M.); Cabo Rojo lighthouse 
(MCZ 188476, 188476a); Humacao (MCZ 
166297); Ensenada Honda, Culebra Island 
CROIX (USNM 621393, 706774): Christian- 
sted (MCZ 188477); ST. THOMAS (ANSP 
22569; USNM 119543); GUANA ISLAND: 
North Beach (MCZ 89245); ST. JOHN (ANSP 
(MCZ 294220); ST. KITTS (MCZ 167935); 
BARBUDA: Spanish Point (ANSP 353819); 
GUADELOUPE (ANSP 22566; MCZ 181419); 
MARTINIQUE (MCZ 167936, 294221; USNM 
612694); Pointe Pie, 2.5 km S of Ste. Anne 
(MCZ 248315); GRENADINES: Union, Admi- 
ralty Bay, Bequia Island (MCZ 216484); BAR- 
BADOS (MCZ 167900, 167939; USNM 
502106); TOBAGO: Buccoo Bay (ANSP 
188276); TRINIDAD (MCZ 90508): Toco 
MAN ISLANDS: Cayman Brac (MCZ 294222); 
ARUBA (USNM 663655). CURAÇAO: Port 
Marie & Daaibooi Baai (R.B.). COSTA RICA: 
Portete (USNM 702836, 706405). PANAMA: 
Toro Point, Fort Sherman (USNM 734066); 
Limon Bay, inside Toro Point (USNM 732870; 
R.B.); Fort Randolph (USNM 759237). CO- 
LOMBIA: Sabanilla (MCZ 167890; USNM 
103468, 193615). VENEZUELA: Cayo Punta 
Brava (A.M.), Parque Nacional de Morrocoy, 
Tucacas (A.M.); El Palito (A.M.); Puerto Ca- 
bello (A.M.); Maravén, Borborata (A.M.). 
BRAZIL: Praia do Forte, Natal, Rio Grande do 

Pedipes ovalis C. B. Adams, 1849 
Figs. 121-148 

Pedipes ovalis C. B. Adams, 1849: 41 [Ja- 
паса; lectotype by Clench & Turner 
(1950) MCZ 177349 (Fig. 121)]; C. B. Ad- 
ams, 1851: 186; Pfeiffer, 1854b: 148; H. 
8 A. Adams 1855b: 249; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 
70; Pfeiffer, 1876: 333; Clench 4 Turner, 
1950: 321, pl. 141, fig. 14 [lectotype fig- 
ured]; Morrison, 1951b: 9; Morrison, 
1958: 121 [ecology]; Morton, 1955: 
127-168 [evolution]. 

Pedipes tridens Pfeiffer, 1854b: 148 [nomen 


Pedipes tridens Pfeiffer, 1855: 122 [Bermuda 
and Cärdenas, Cuba, herein restricted to 
Bermuda; lectotype herein selected 
BMNH 1967590 (Fig. 122)]; H. & A. Ad- 
ams, 1855b: 249; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 72; 
Pfeiffer, 1876: 333; Pilsbry, 1900b: 503, 
pl. 62, fig. 10; Peile, 1926: 88; Haas, 
1950: 198, pl. 22, fig. 4. 

Pedipes naticoides Stearns, 1869: 108, text 
fig. [Rocky Pt., Tampa Bay, Florida; ho- 
lotype USNM 37598 (Fig. 123)]; Pfeiffer, 
1876: 334; Dall, 1883: 323; Dall, 1885: 
279, pl. 18, fig. 17; Simpson, 1889: 69. 

Pedipes mirabilis (Mühlfeld) [in part]. Arango 
y Molina, 1880: 60; Dall, 1889: 92, pl. 47, 
fig. 17; Crosse, 1890: 259; Kobelt, 1900: 
255, pl. 24, figs. 19, 20; Maury, 1922: 54; 
C.W. Johnson, 1934: 159; M. Smith, 
1937: 145, pl. 55, fig. 8 [probably Pe- 
dipes ovalis; pl. 67, fig. 17 is Pedipes 
ovalis]; М. Smith, 1951: [same illustra- 
tions as in first edition, 1937]; Clench, 
1964: 119, pl. 76, figs. 1, 3, pl. 77 [fig. 2 
is lectotype of Pedipes ovalis C. B. 
Adams; systematics, distribution]; An- 
drews, 1971: 144, text fig. [figure prob- 
ably is of Pedipes ovalis]; Abbott, 1974: 
333, fig. 4096 [in part]; Andrews, 1977: 
181, text fig. [figure probably is of Pe- 
dipes ovalis]. Non Mühlfeld, 1816. 

Pedipes insularis Haas, 1950: 197, pl. 22, fig. 
3 [Lover’s Lake, St. George’s, Bermuda; 
holotype FMNH 30171 (not seen); para- 
type ANSP 212176 (Fig. 124)]. 

Pedipes mirabilis, forma ovalis C. B. Adams. 
Robertson, 1960: 22. 

Pedipes mirandus Gibson-Smith & Gibson- 
Smith, 1985: 88, fig. 1 [Early Miocene 
Cantaure Formation, Paraguana Penin- 
sula, Venezuela; holotype NHMB No. H 
17113 (not seen)]. 

Description: Shell (Figs. 121-139) to 3.5 mm 
long, oval, solid to thin, yellow to dark brown; 
spire low, whorls four and one-half, convex, 
sculptured with incised spiral grooves; mi- 
crosculpture of grooves composed of very 
fine, irregular, compressed axial lamellae, 
sometimes crossed by spiral lines; ribs 
smoothish, sometimes with incised spiral 
lines; slightly matte appearance caused by 
fine growth lines crossing spiral ribs. Body 
whorl averaging 85% of shell length, with 15 
to 34 deeply incised spiral grooves. Aperture 
about 70% of length of body whorl, widely 
ovate to squarish, round to somewhat angu- 
late at base; columella flat and weakly con- 

cave, with two rounded teeth, the posterior 
one stronger, anterior one sometimes very 
weak; parietal tooth oblique, longest; outer 
lip somewhat angular posteriorly, frequently 
smooth in thin-shelled forms (Figs. 122-124, 
126-128); thick-shelled forms usually with 
strong, ridge-like tooth opposite parietal 
tooth, extending inside aperture (Figs. 121, 
125, 129, 132). Protoconch with more than 
one and one-third whorls visible, apertural lip 
round, not sinuous (Figs. 133-139). 
Radula (Figs. 140-144) as in genus; for- 
mula [75 + (5 + 50) + 1 + (50 + 5) + 75] x 120. 
Stomach (Fig. 145) as in genus. 
Reproductive system (Fig. 146) with her- 
maphroditic duct anteriorly dilated to form 
seminal vesicle; bursa duct shorter than sper- 
moviduct and albumen gland combined. An- 
terior half of penis thicker than posterior half. 
Nervous system (Fig. 147) with left cere- 
bropedal and cerebropleural connectives 
about twice length of right ones; left parieto- 
visceral connective about as long as right 
one; visceral ganglion largest of five in vis- 
ceral nerve ring; left pleural ganglion and left 
parietal ganglion three times larger than right 

Remarks: Pedipes ovalis is very variable 
(Figs. 121-132). A stout, highly sculptured 
form could be confused with Pedipes mirabi- 
lis. In fact, C. B. Adams (1849: 41) introduced 
his description of Pedipes ovalis with the 
words, “Pedipes ovalis may be a variety of 
Pedipes quadridens Pfeiffer [= Pedipes mira- 
bilis (Múhltfeld)].” Аз С. В. Adams pointed 
out, it differs from Pedipes mirabilis by the 
smoothness of its body whorl and the less 
conspicuous tooth on the outer lip. The outer 
lip tooth in Pedipes ovalis is often ridge- 
shaped and it gradually diminishes into the 
aperture, whereas in Pedipes mirabilis this 
tooth is more tubercle-shaped. In Pedipes 
ovalis the anterior columellar tooth usually is 
weaker than the posterior one. The most 
consistent character differentiating these 
species, however, is the protoconch, which 
in Pedipes ovalis is larger and has a rounded, 
not sinuous, lip. 

Smoother, thin-shelled examples were 
named Pedipes tridens by Pfeiffer (1855), Pe- 
dipes naticoides by Stearns (1869) and Pe- 
Чрез insularis by Haas (1950) (Figs. 
122-124). This form differs from the typical 
thick-shelled form in the greater number of 
grooves on the body whorl and in the wider, 
somewhat quadrangular aperture that some- 


FIGS. 121-132. Pedipes ovalis C. B. Adams. (121) Lectotype (MCZ 177349), Jamaica, sl 3.1 mm. (122) 
P. tridens Pfeiffer, lectotype (BMNH 1967590), Bermuda, sl 3.4 mm. (123) P. naticoides Stearns, holotype 
(USNM 37598), Tampa Bay, Florida, sl 2.4 mm. (124) P. insularis Haas, paratype (ANSP 212176), Lover's 
Lake, Bermuda, sl 2.4 mm. (125) Clifton Pt., New Providence, Bahamas, sl 2.3 mm. (126) Shore of Millars 
Road, New Providence, Bahamas, sl 2.3 mm. (127) Crawl Key, Florida, sl 2.3 mm. (128) Plantation Key, 
Florida, sl 3.5 mm. (129) Punta Arenas, Puerto Rico, sl 2.8 mm. (130) Isla Mujeres, Yucatán, Mexico (R.B.), 
sl 2.6 mm. (131) Fort Sherman, Panama (USNM 620532), sl 3.3 mm. (132) Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, sl 

3.0 mm. 

times has a weak tooth inside the outer lip. 
The smoothness of the body whorl is very 
evident in the thin-shelled form although 
there is much variability and overlap with the 
thick-shelled form. Owing to unifying fea- 
tures, such as the identical protoconch, and 
the continuation and gradual disappearance 
of the outer lip tooth into the aperture, how- 
ever, the thin-shelled form should be consid- 
ered conspecific with Pedipes ovalis. 

The thick-shelled forms of Pedipes ovalis 
live mostly in rocky habitats, whereas the 
thin-shelled forms are predominantly man- 
grove-dwellers. In Punta Arenas, Puerto 
Rico, both species of Pedipes live in an area 
in which mangrove trees cover the rocky 
shore. At this site Pedipes ovalis showed a 
wide range of thickness and corresponding 
variability in the conspicuousness of the 
tooth on the outer lip (Fig. 129). In the Florida 


FIGS. 133-139. Pedipes ovalis. (133) Juvenile, Crawl Key, Florida, sl 0.45 mm. (134) Juvenile, Crawl Key, 
Florida, sl 0.55 mm. (135) Juvenile, Crawl Key, Florida, sl 0.55 mm. (136) Lateral view of spire and proto- 
conch, Clifton Pt., New Providence, Bahamas. (137) Top view of spire and protoconch, Clifton Pt., New 
Providence, Bahamas. (138) Top view of spire and protoconch, Punta Arenas, N of Joyuda, Puerto Rico. 
(139) Top view of spire and protoconch, Isla Mujeres, Yucatán, Mexico. Scale 1 mm. 

Keys, in which | failed to collect Pedipes mi- 
rabilis and from which | could not confirm any 
museum records referring to that species, 
Pedipes ovalis in most mangroves appears 
as Pfeiffer’s Pedipes tridens or Stearns’ Pe- 

dipes naticoides. In rocky areas, however, 
the sculpture and shape approach those of 
Pedipes mirabilis. 

Anatomical research yielded some small 
differences in the reproductive and nervous 


FIGS. 140-143. Pedipes ovalis, radular teeth. (140) Whole radula, Ely's Harbour, Bermuda, si 3.1 mm. (141) 
Morgan's Bluff, Andros Island, Bahamas, sl 2.7 mm. (142, 143) Ely’s Harbour, Bermuda, sl 2.7 mm. Scale, 
Fig. 140, 1 тт; all others, 50 um. 


С 1L2L3L 34L т 3T AT 


1M 2M 

14M 60M 62M 

FIG. 144. Pedipes ovalis, radula, Ely's Harbour, 
Bermuda. Scale 10 um. 

FIG. 145. Pedipes ovalis, stomach, Florida. Scale 
1 mm. 

systems, and counts of radular teeth are 
lower in Pedipes ovalis. On that basis, but 
mostly on the bases of the protoconch, the 
generally more disparate sizes of the col- 
umellar teeth, the shape of the outer lip tooth 
and the maximal size, Pedipes ovalis is con- 
sidered distinct from Pedipes mirabilis. The 
resemblance of the two species can be inter- 
preted as convergence due to adaptation to 
the same environmental pressures of the 
rocky shore. The gradation from the thick- 
shelled, rock-dwelling forms to the thin- 
shelled, mangrove-dwelling populations, to- 
gether with the retention of the same pattern 
of protoconch and shape of the tooth on the 


FIG. 146. Pedipes ovalis, reproductive system, 
Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

FIG. 147. Pedipes ovalis, central nervous system, 
Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

outer lip, amply justify the inclusion of Pe- 
dipes tridens, Pedipes naticoides and Pe- 
dipes insularis as junior synonyms of Pedipes 

As stated under the remarks on the previ- 
ous species, Gibson-Smith 8 Gibson-Smith 
(1985) described a Pedipes mirandus from 
the Early Miocene Cantaure Formation of 
Venezuela. The authors did not mention the 
shape of the protoconch, the decisive char- 
acter for the separation of the Western Atlan- 
tic species. Judging from the accentuated 
difference in size of the columellar teeth, 
however, | consider Pedipes mirandus a jun- 


FIG. 148. Pedipes ovalis, geographic distribution. 

ior synonym of Pedipes ovalis. The specimen 
of the latter species that | collected in Vene- 
zuela (Fig. 132) closely resembles the illustra- 
tion of the holotype of Pedipes mirandus 
(Gibson-Smith 8 Gibson-Smith, 1985: 88, 

fig. 1). 

Habitat: Pedipes ovalis often occurs with Pe- 
dipes mirabilis under rocks and in crevices at 
or just below the high-tide mark. The thinner- 
shelled forms are very common in man- 
groves under leaves, twigs and rocks at or 
just below high-tide mark. The juveniles ven- 
ture farther into the intertidal zone than do 
any other West Indian ellobiid. 

Range: Bermuda; Florida; West Indies; Mex- 
ico south to Panama and Venezuela (Fig. 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA: Waveland 
(USNM 123531); Miami (ANSP 320358; 
USNM 159439, 330934); Ocean Beach 
(USNM 270714); Third Ragged Key above 
Sand Key (USNM 462738); Key Largo (USNM 
597459); Tavernier Key (USNM 492504); 
Plantation Key (MCZ 188973, 291000, 
291003); Ocean Dr., Plantation Key (A.M.); 
Upper Matecumbe Key (USNM 492492); In- 
dian Key (MCZ 167889; USNM 492520); In- 
dian Key Fill, N of Indian Key Channel (A.M.); 

Lignumvitae Key (ANSP 156683); Lower 
Matecumbe Key (MCZ 167893; USNM 
492495); Long Key (ANSP 219860; A.M.): 
Grassy Key (ANSP 89560, 397279; MCZ 
188970; A.M.); Crawl Key (MCZ 188972, 
289998, 289999; A.M.); Bonefish Key (ANSP 
227991); Knight Key (MCZ 188971); Bahia 
Honda (ANSP 104115; MCZ 188969); West 
Summerland Key (A.M.); Big Pine Key (ANSP 
104114, 227999; MCZ 291104); W end of Ko- 
hen Avenue and Long Beach Drive, both on 
Big Pine Key (A.M.); Little Torch Key (MCZ 
188974, 291108); Big Torch Key (ANSP 
104112); Ramrod Key (MCZ 188975; USNM 
599368); Sugarloaf Key (ANSP 89561, 
104113; MCZ 188478); Boca Chica Key 
(MCZ 167892; USNM 270349); Key West 
(ANSP 22563; USNM 36017, 492494); SW 
channel, Dry Tortugas (USNM 492505); Gar- 
den Key, Dry Tortugas (USNM 590210); Fla- 
mingo Key (ANSP 294313); Cape Sable (MCZ 
291103); Seminole Point (ANSP 105432); 
Sanibel Island (MCZ 84103); Tarpon Bay, 
Sanibel Island (MCZ 84339); Captiva Island 
(ANSP 149408); Starvation Key (ANSP 
130059); Palmetto (A.M.); Mullet Key (USNM 
652408, 653109; A.M.); Shell Key (USNM 
466287); Tampa Bay (MCZ 239222; USNM 
37598a); Anclote Key (ANSP 22564). MEX- 
ICO: Isla Cancun, Quintana Roo (ANSP 
285534). BERMUDA: (ANSP 48597, 48600, 
48601, 48602; MCZ 9952a, 74809, 314027; 
USNM 6523, 94438, 492496): Fairyland 
(ANSP 99077, 111096; USNM 208071); Flatts 
(USNM 171963); Shelly Bay (MCZ 225523); 
Old Road, Shelly Bay (A.M.); Coney Island 
(А.М.); N of Long Bird Bridge (A.M.); Nonsuch 
Island (MCZ 248274); Lover's Lake (ANSP 
212176); Cooper's Island (ANSP 131648); 
Hungry Bay (A.M.); W of Somerset Bridge 
(A.M.); Ely's Harbour (A.M.); Mangrove Bay 
325624): East Well, East Bimini (ANSP 
326449); N. end of Pigeon Cay, Bimini La- 
goon (ANSP 326022; USNM 656173); S end 
of Pigeon Cay (ANSP 326017); Cavelle Pond, 
South Bimini (ANSP 325548); Tokas Cay 
W of Eight Mile Rock (R.B.); Running Mon 
Canal (ANSP 369780); North Hawksbill Creek 
(ANSP 370569); Dead Mans Reef [Sandy Be- 
van’s Cay] (ANSP 371226, 371285); Sweet- 
ings Cay (ANSP 374312); Riding Point (ANSP 
371521); West End (ANSP 368763, 371933); 
299478); Gorling Cay (ANSP 299549); AN- 
DROS ISLAND: Morgan's Bluff (A.M.); South 


Mastic Point (A.M.); Danlin Bay (USNM 
180671); Mangrove Cay (ANSP 325639; 
USNM 180462); First island off Mintie Bar, SE 
end of South Bight (USNM 271784); NEW 
(A.M.); E of Clifton Pier (A.M.); Clifton Bluff 
(MCZ 205367); Clifton Point (A.M.); Millars 
Road (A.M.); Malcolm Creek (A.M.); ROYAL 
ISLAND (MCZ 78360, 167901; USNM 
468120); ELEUTHERA ISLAND: Governor's 
Harbor (MCZ 167995); EXUMA CAYS: Hog 
Cay (MCZ 225560, 225561); CAY SAL BANK: 
Salt Lagoon, Cay Sal (USNM 513429). CUBA 
(USNM 492498): Dimas (USNM 614603); Ha- 
bana (ANSP 130744); Las Villas, Caibarién 
(USNM 608763). JAMAICA (MCZ 177348a, 
177349, 177350, 185170a; USNM 90460, 
94748): Falmouth (ANSP 397266); Robin's 
Bay (MCZ 167896a; USNM 441978a); Jack's 
Bay (MCZ 167895а; USNM 441836a); Port 
Morant (USNM 423674a); Palisadoes (USNM 
442540a). HAITI: St. Louis (USNM 439397a); 
Port Salut (USNM 440000a); Bizoton (USNM 
439843a). PUERTO RICO: San Juan (R.B.); 
Punta Arenas, N of Joyuda (A.M.); Cabo Rojo 
lighthouse (МСУ 1884765). VIRGIN IS- 
LANDS: ST. CROIX (USNM 706775); ST. 
ST. KITTS (MCZ 167935a; USNM 492491); 
GRENADA: Caliveny Harbor (ANSP 296716); 
ST. MARTIN (MCZ 250474). MEXICO: Isla 
Mujeres, Quintana Roo (R.B.). BELIZE: Twin 
Cays (USNM 841329); Drowned Cays (ANSP 
284811). PANAMA: Devil's Beach, Fort Sher- 
man (USNM 620532). CARIBBEAN 15- 
155415). VENEZUELA: Puerto Cabello (A.M.). 

Genus Creedonia new genus 

Type species: Сгеедота succinea (Pfeif- 
fer, 1854). 

Description: Shell to 3.8 mm long, oval-elon- 
gate, fragile. Spire moderately high, trun- 
cated, with rounded apex; as many as four 
smooth, weakly convex whorls. Body whorl 
about 80% of shell length. Aperture oval- 
elongate, about 70% of body whorl length, 
posteriorly acuminate, rounded at base; col- 
umella somewhat oblique and twisted; col- 
umellar teeth two, posterior one stronger; pa- 
rietal tooth a little stronger than posterior 
columellar tooth; outer lip sharp, smooth. In- 
ner whorls not resorbed. Protoconch large, 
smooth, with nuclear whorls covered by first 
whorls of teleoconch. 

Radula with about 45 teeth in a row; central 
tooth wide, with triangular base, small, uni- 
cuspid crown; lateral teeth with strong en- 
docone; transitional teeth with two еп- 
docones; marginal teeth with as many as five 

Animal whitish; tentacles long, pointed. 
Visceral mass coiled. Pallial cavity elongate; 
kidney long, thin. Hermaphroditic duct some- 
what dilated in the middle; penis with long 
diverticulum. Nervous system with long cere- 
bral commissure. 

Remarks: The genus Creedonia is created 
for Creedonia succinea (Pfeiffer) upon the ba- 
sis of shell, radular and anatomical charac- 
ters. This new genus is closely related to Pe- 
dipes and Marinula, and the type species was 
formerly included in one or the other genus. 
Creedonia, like Pedipes, does not resorb its 
inner whorls and, like Marinula, has a smooth 
shell and a smooth outer lip. The three gen- 
era characteristically have two columellar 
teeth and one strong parietal tooth. 

As stated above, Creedonia succinea for- 
merly was considered to belong to the genus 
Marinula. Only twice have some species of 
Marinula been assigned tentatively to new 
genera. Swainson (1855) introduced the ge- 
nus Cremnobates in which he included his 
three species Cremnobates cornea, Cremno- 
bates parva and Cremnobates solida, all from 
Tasmania. Hedley & Suter (1910) noted that 
Cremnobates cornea is a junior synonym of 
Ophicardelus australis (Quoy 8 Gaimard, 
1832) and that Cremnobates solida is con- 
specific with Marinula patula (Lowe, 1832). 
They therefore selected Cremnobates parva 
(Fig. 156) as type of the genus. Connolly 
(1915) considered Cremnobates parva allied 
to Marinula xanthostoma H. 8 A. Adams, 
1855. Iredale (1936: 328) proposed Mar- 
ipythia for Marinula xanthostoma H. & A. Ad- 
ams on the basis of Connolly's opinion that 
that species “could not be classed under 
Marinula.” This is a misinterpretation of the 
statements of Connolly (1915: 118) who, after 
tracing the tortuous history of Marinula xan- 
thostoma, concluded, “the typical form of 
xanthostoma is on the extreme borderland of 
Marinula,” but added that intermediate forms 
occurred in different localities, a fact making 
the connection with Marinula less doubtful. 

Research on the anatomy of a Marinula cf. 
xanthostoma H. 8 A. Adams, conchologically 
related to Cremnobates parva, revealed a re- 
productive system similar to that of Pedipes. 


The reproductive system of Marinula pepita 
King, 1832, the type species of the genus, 
differs considerably from that of the Adams’ 
species, leading to the conclusion that they 
are at least subgenerically separated. The 
similarity of the radular teeth of Marinula 
pepita to those of Marinula filholi (Hutton, 
1878) (Figs. 163-168), conchologically allied 
to Marinula xanthostoma, casts doubt upon 
their generic separation. Because | lacked 
an opportunity to examine the anatomy of 
Cremnobates parva to assess its relationship 
to Marinula xanthostoma, | think a decision 
about the synonymy of the names proposed 
by Swainson and Iredale is unwarranted. 

The genus Marinula has been confused with 
Ovatella [Pythiinae] on the basis of the appar- 
ent similarity of the dentition of the inner lip. H. 
& A. Adams (1855b) created the subgenus 
Monica to include the Mediterranean Monica 
firminii (Payraudeau, 1826) [= Ovatella firminii), 
and the Madeiran Monica aequalis (Lowe, 
1832) [= Ovatella aequalis] and Monica gracilis 
(Lowe) [= Ovatella aequalis]. The shells of 
Marinula are easily separated from those of 
Ovatella on the basis of their apertural teeth. 
Marinula, Pedipes and Creedonia all have two 
conspicuous columellar teeth, whereas Ova- 
tella has only one columellar tooth. The pari- 
etal tooth of Marinula is the strongest of the 
three inner lip teeth, whereas in Ovatella the 
anterior parietal tooth is the strongest (Fig. 
88). Connolly (1915) added as a diagnostic 
character of the genus the absence of teeth 
on the outer lip, but the Eastern Pacific 
Marinula concinna (C. B. Adams, 1852) and 
Marinula brevispira (Pilsbry, 1920) have a 
thick, ridge-like tooth opposite the parietal 
tooth. Anatomical research on these species 
is needed to ascertain their phylogenetic re- 
lationships, however. 

Marinula is known from the Indo-Pacific 
and it is well represented along the Pacific 
coasts of Central and South America; it has 
been reported from the South Atlantic Islands 
and from South Africa as well (Connolly, 

The new genus Creedonia differs from 
Marinula by having a thinner, smaller shell 
that is less than half the size of that of any 
species included in Marinula, with the possi- 
ble exception of Marinula mandroni Velain, 
1877, which Connolly (1915) suspected to 
have been named after a young specimen of 
Marinula velaini Connolly, 1915. In Creedonia 
the columella is twisted and oblique, instead 
of flat and straight, and the anterior columel- 
lar tooth is always conspicuous, whereas in 

Marinula it is very small (Figs. 155-157). The 
spire in Creedonia is more elevated, the apex 
is truncate and perforated (Fig. 158) instead 
of acuminate and obliterated as in Marinula 
(Fig. 159). As stated above, Creedonia ani- 
mals do not resorb the inner whorls of the 
shell (Fig. 153), whereas those of Marinula 
species do. 

The radula of Creedonia succinea differs 
from that of Marinula in its broad central and 
lateral teeth and in the very small number of 
teeth in a row (Table 3, Appendix). The mar- 
ginal teeth have several endocones but no 
ectocones, whereas in the Neozealandic 
Marinula Вой (Hutton) and in Marinula pe- 
pita King there are one or two endocones and 
several ectocones (Figs. 163-168). 

The genus Creedonia is named in honor of 
the Rev. Joseph Dennis Creedon, Pastor of 
Christ the King Church, Kingston, Rhode Is- 
land, as an expression of my gratitude for his 
support in this research and for his invaluable 

Creedonia succinea (Pfeiffer, 1854) 
Figs. 149-154, 158, 160-162, 169-173 

Leuconia succinea Pfeiffer, 1854b: 156 [Cár- 
denas, Cuba; location of type unknown]; 
Pfeiffer, 1856a: 157; Pfeiffer, 1876: 370; 
Arango y Molina, 1880: 61; Crosse, 
1890: 260; H. & A. Adams, 1855b: 248. 

Pedipes elongatus Dall, 1885: 279, pl. 18, fig. 
4 [Marco, Florida; lectotype herein se- 
lected USNM 859012 (Fig. 149); five 
paralectotypes USNM 37599]; Dall, 
1889: 92, pl. 47, fig. 4; Simpson, 1889: 
60; Kobelt, 1900: 258, pl. 24, figs. 17, 18; 
Maury, 1922: 54; C. W. Johnson, 1934: 
159; M. Smith, 1937, pl. 67, fig. 4 [pl. 
from Dall (1885)]; Emerson 4 Jacobson, 
1976: 190; pl. 26, tig 2% 

Marinula succinea (Pfeiffer). Morrison, 1951b: 
9; Morrison, 1958: 118-124 [habitat]; 
Abbott, 1974: 333, fig. 4100 [not fig. 
4108]; Vokes & Vokes, 1983: 60, pl. 31, 

Description: Shell (Figs. 149-154, 158) to 
3.8 mm long, oval-elongate, fragile, shiny, 
translucent, pale yellow to golden brown. 
Spire truncate, with as many as four and 
one-half weakly convex, apparently smooth 
whorls; very fine spiral lines visible under 
high magnification, crossed by weak, irregu- 
larly spaced growth lines; spiral depression 
just below suture. Body whorl about 80% of 
shell length, smooth. Aperture oval-elongate, 


FIGS. 149-159. Creedonia, Marinula. (149) Pedipes? elongatus Dall, lectotype (USNM 859012), Marco, 
Florida, sl 3.9 mm. (150) C. succinea (Pfeiffer), Crawl Key, Florida, sl 2.3 mm. (151) C. succinea, Big Pine 
Key, Florida, sl 3.3 mm. (152) C. succinea, Isla Mujeres, Yucatán, Mexico (R.B.), sl 4.3 mm. (153) С. 
succinea, Isla Mujeres, Yucatán, Mexico (R.B.), sl 3.3 mm. (154) С. succinea, lateral view of spire and 
protoconch, Crawl Key, Florida. (155) М. pepita King, syntype (BMNH 1968882), Chiloe Island, Chile, sl 10.1 
mm. (156) М. parva (Swainson), New Zealand (USNM 98181), sl 6.4 mm. (157) M. filholi (Hutton), New 
Zealand, (USNM 681303), $1 5.4 mm. (158) С. succinea, top view of spire and protoconch, Crawl Key, 
Florida. (159) M. filholi, top view of spire and protoconch, New Zealand (USNM 681303). Scale 1 mm. 

about 70% of length of body whorl, round at anterior columellar tooth conspicuous, pos- 
base; columella somewhat oblique, twisted; terior columellar tooth twice the size of ante- 
columellar teeth two, oblique toward base; rior; parietal tooth lamelliform, as large as or 


somewhat larger than posterior columellar 
tooth; outer lip sharp, smooth. Inner whorls 
not resorbed (Fig. 153). Protoconch large, 
smooth, whitish, translucent; nuclear whorls 
enveloped by first whorl of teleoconch, leav- 
ing pit in apex of shell (Figs. 154, 158). 

Radula (Figs. 160-162, 169) with formula 
[12 + (2 + 12) + 1 + (12 + 2) + 12] x 80. Base 
of central tooth as wide as that of lateral 
teeth, rhomboidal, with anterior end much 
shorter than posterior, rounded; crown as 
wide as posterior end of base; mesocone 
small, triangular, with rounded tip; no ecto- 
cones. Lateral teeth eight to 12; base qua- 
drangular, medially bent at half-length; crown 
as wide as posterior end of base, triangular, 
with rounded tip; endocone about half the 
length of mesocone, strong, weakly pointed. 
Transitional teeth two, with base wider than 
that of lateral teeth, with two subequal en- 
docones. Marginal teeth 12 to 14; base be- 
comes shorter and wider; mesocone be- 
comes smaller as teeth approach lateral 
edge of radula; first marginal tooth with three 
subequal endocones; fourth endocone ap- 
pears on fourth marginal tooth, fifth en- 
docone on tenth marginal tooth. 

Animal whitish, translucent; tentacles mod- 
erately long, somewhat pointed, translucent, 
with bulbous base. Foot transversely divided. 
Pallial cavity elongate; kidney broad, triangu- 
lar, white. 

Digestive system with salivary glands 
small, fusiform. Stomach globose, very mus- 
cular; gastric caecum conspicuous, membra- 
nous (Fig. 170). Digestive gland bilobed; 
anterior lobe covers most of stomach and 
empties into pouch-like posterior crop 
through dilated anterior diverticulum; intes- 
tine very dilated as it comes off the stomach. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 171) with ovo- 
testis acinose, embedded in posterior lobe 
of digestive gland; hermaphroditic duct with 
irregularly dilated seminal vesicle; fertilization 
pouch bilobed, very conspicuous; albumen 
gland large, triangular; posterior mucous 
gland weakly convoluted; anterior mucous 
gland and prostate gland cover posterior half 
of spermoviduct. Bursa duct thick, shorter 
than spermoviduct; bursa elongate. Penis 
with several pouch-like dilations, with very 
long diverticulum wrapped around esopha- 
gus and salivary glands; short penial retractor 
attaches to columellar muscle; vas deferens 
short, free. 

Nervous system (Fig. 172) with cerebral 
commissure just shorter than width of cere- 

bral ganglion; left cerebropedal and cere- 
bropleural connectives shorter than right 
ones; pedal commissure very conspicuous; 
cerebral ganglia large, elongate laterally; left 
pleural ganglion about one-fourth size of right 
one; left parietal ganglion about one-tenth 
size of right one; visceral ganglion largest of 
visceral ring, somewhat smaller than pedal 

Remarks: Creedonia succinea was originally 
assigned by Pfeiffer (1854b) to the genus 
Leuconia Gray [= Auriculinella Tausch, 1886]. 
The species appeared in the literature under 
this name until placed by Morrison (1951b) in 
the genus Marinula King, 1832, in which it 
has remained until now. 

Dall (1885) apparently was not aware of 
Pfeiffer's species when he introduced Pe- 
dipes elongatus for specimens from Marco, 
Florida. Creedonia succinea is one of the few 
species of ellobiids that shows little morpho- 
logical variation. It cannot be confused with 
any other West Indian species. The superfi- 
cial similarity to the Mediterranean Ovatella 
was already pointed out in the remarks under 
the genus Creedonia. In Creedonia the col- 
umellar tooth 1$ double and the parietal tooth 
is the strongest or at least as strong as the 
posterior columellar tooth. In Ovatella there is 
only one columellar tooth and the first pari- 
etal tooth 1$ the strongest. The same applies 
to the introduced Myosotella myosotis, with 
the difference that in this species the poste- 
rior parietal tooth is either absent or weaker 
than the anterior parietal tooth. The spire of 
Creedonia succinea is truncate and the pro- 
toconch gives it a mucronate appearance. 
The elongate, smooth, translucent shell, with 
flat whorls, separates Creedonia succinea 
from the thin-shelled form of Pedipes ovalis 
with which it occurs. Microtralia and Blaune- 
ría also occur with Creedonia; the former 
differs from Creedonia in having a narrow 
aperture with much smaller inner lip teeth 
and a very short spire. В/аипепа 1$ sinistral, 
has a high spire and is white and transpar- 
ent, whereas Creedonia is straw-colored to 

Connolly (1915: 105), in his monograph on 
the genus Marinula, apparently was not ac- 
quainted with Pfeiffer's species. He men- 
tioned “Pythia abbreviatus Beck,” criticizing 
Pfeiffer's (1856a) questionable attribution of it 
to Marinula in these terms: “whatever may be 
its true genus, as the shell is said to come 
from the Antilles it is quite unlikely to be a 


FIGS. 160-168. Creedonia, Marinula, radular teeth. (160-162) C. succinea, Long Key, Florida, sl 3.0 mm. 
(163) M. filholi, New Zealand, sl 5.4 mm. (164) M. filholi, New Zealand, sl 5.5 mm. (165) M. filholi, New 
Zealand, sl 5.4 mm. (166-168) M. tristanensis Connally [= M. pepita King], Gough Island (BMNH), $1 10.8 
mm. Scale 50 um. 


С iL 2L 11L 12L 1M 2M 3M 15M 16M 


FIG. 169. Creedonia succinea, radula, Long Key, 

Florida. Scale 10 um. 







FIG. 170. Creedonia succinea, stomach, Crawl 
Key, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

FIG. 171. Creedonia succinea, reproductive sys- 
tem, Crawl Key, Florida, sl 3.3 mm. A-C, trans- 
verse sections and their locations. Scale 1 mm. 

Marinula.” Beck (1837: 105) had listed, with- 
out description, a “Pythia abbreviatus” from 
the West Indies, placing the name after 
Pythia aequalis (Lowe, 1832) [= Ovatella ae- 

ppre. pipe  cpe = IM a cc bg 

` ИВ Аа и 
a N \ = / 
Pg. x N SS == 
` S ` > 
` ` ` 

FIG. 172. Creedonia succinea, central nervous sys- 
tem, Crawl Key, Florida, sl 3.0 mm. Scale 1 mm. 

qualis] and Pythia patulus, which is question- 
ably referred by Connolly (1915) to Marinula 
xanthostoma H. & A. Adams. Pfeiffer (1856a) 
did not see Beck's specimens but tentative- 
ly assigned Pythia abbreviatus Beck to 
Marinula, no doubt on the basis that Beck 
listed it between two species that Pfeiffer 
considered to be Marinula. The only other 
species in the Western Atlantic that at first 
glance could be confused with Creedonia 
succinea is Myosotella myosotis, which 
does not live in the West Indies. In spite of 
the fact that some circumstancial evidence 
seems to indicate that Beck's name refers to 
Creedonia succinea, Рута abbreviatus Beck 
must remain a nomen nudum. 

Habitat: Individuals of Creedonia succinea 
live about the high-tide mark, the juveniles 
venturing a short distance into the intertidal 
zone. They live within the sediment, some- 
times 10 to 15 cm deep, and they occur fre- 
quently under half-buried rotting wood or 
rocks and on the roots of mangrove propa- 
gules, together with Pedipes, Microtralia and 

Range: Georgia ?, Florida Keys and the Ba- 
hama Islands south to Cuba and Jamaica; 
Mexico (Fig. 173). The USNM record from 
Isle of Hope, Georgia, collected by Hubricht, 
is so distant from the normal range that it 
could be explained better as the result of ac- 
cidental transportation by currents. 

Specimens Examined: GEORGIA: Isle of 
Hope (USNM 663054). FLORIDA: S of Ocean 
Drive, Plantation Key (A.M.); Lignumvitae Key 


(ANSP 156694); Long Key (A.M.); Grassy Key 
(А.М.); Crawl Key (A.M.); Big Pine Key (ANSP 
293553); Long Beach Drive and W of Kohen 
Avenue, both Big Pine Key (A.M.); Newfound 
Harbor (USNM 272639); Big Torch Key 
(ANSP 104105); Sugarloaf Key (ANSP 89566, 
104104); Ramrod Key (MCZ 235471a); Boca 
Chica Key (USNM 590597); Key West (USNM 
450693); Seminole Point (ANSP 105410); 
Marco (ANSP 22578; USNM 37599, 859012); 
Captiva Island (ANSP 149409); Mullet Key 
(USNM 652409; A.M.); Mullet Key Bayway 
Creek (ANSP 371809); ANDROS ISLAND: 
South Mastic Point (А.М.). CUBA: Matanzas 
(MCZ 131760). JAMAICA: Kingston (USNM 
442584). MEXICO: N end of Ascension Bay, 
Quintana Roo (USNM 736105); Isla Mujeres, 
Quintana Roo (R.B.). 

Genus Microtralia Dall, 1894 

Microtralia Dall, 1894: 117. Type species by 
monotypy: Auricula ? (Microtralia) mi- 
nuscula (Dall, 1889) [= Leuconia occi- 
dentalis Pfeiffer, 1854]. 

Rangitotoa Powell, 1933: 148. Type species 
by monotypy: Rangitotoa insularis Pow- 
ell, 1933. 

Description: Shell to 3.8 mm long, subcylin- 
dric, fragile, translucent white. Spire low to 
moderately high, with as many as seven 
weakly convex whorls. Body whorl 80% of 
shell length. Aperture narrow, about 90% of 
body whorl length; inner lip with small, ob- 
lique columellar tooth; anterior parietal tooth 
very near columellar tooth, strong; posterior 
parietal tooth very small, about mid-length of 
aperture; outer lip thin, sharp. Protoconch 
smooth, globose; nuclear whorls deeply em- 
bedded in first whorl of teleoconch. 

Radula with 55 to 79 teeth in a row. Central 
tooth at same level as lateral teeth; base 
broad, triangular, anteriorly emarginate; 
crown small, tricuspid. Base of lateral teeth 
quadrangular, weakly bent medially; crown 
less than half length of base, with large me- 
socone, small ectocone. Transitional teeth 
with one endocone. Marginal teeth wide, 
pectinate, with as many as six ectocones. 

Animal whitish to rusty brown, translucent. 
Foot not divided transversely, posteriorly en- 
tire, round. Eyes lacking. Tentacles short, 
subcylindric. Hermaphroditic duct dilated an- 
teriorly into a pouch-like seminal vesicle; an- 

"90 75. 60 45 30 

FIG. 173. Creedonia succinea, geographic distribu- 

terior mucous gland covering posterior half of 
spermoviduct; vas deferens free from penis. 
Connectives of visceral ring very short. 

Remarks: Since its introduction by Dall (1894) 
the genus Microtralia has been considered to 
belong to very different taxonomic groups. Its 
uncertain taxonomic position is the result of 
the different weights given by different au- 
thors to the various taxonomic characters. 
The etymology ofthe word implies similarity to 
Tralia, a member of the Melampinae. Dall 
(1894) tentatively placed Microtralia in the ge- 
nus Auricula [= Ellobium], a member of the 
Ellobiinae. Thiele (1931) considered Microtra- 
lía a subgenus of Melampus. Powell (1933), 
although recognizing the uniqueness of the 
genus, followed Odhner's (1925) radula- 
based classification and placed his Rangito- 
toa, here considered а junior synonym of М/- 
crotralia, in the Melampinae. Powell stressed 
the radular affinities of his genus with the 
Carychiinae. Morton (1955b), on the basis of 
anatomy and habitat preferences, placed 
Rangitotoa [= Microtralia] within the Pedipe- 
dinae. Zilch (1959) treated Microtralia as a 
subgenus of Melampus, and he considered 
Rangitotoa as a separate genus of the 
Melampinae. Abbott (1974) considered Mi- 


crotralia a genus of the subfamily Cassiduli- 

Although the shell is not typical of the 
Pedipedinae, the dentition of the inner lip and 
the protoconch of Microtralia are similar to 
those of the more solid Pseudomelampus 
and Sarnia (Figs. 180, 181). The central and 
lateral teeth of the radula of this Eastern At- 
lantic genus closely resemble those of Pe- 
dipes, but the pectinate marginal teeth with 
as many as six ectocones are very similar 
to those of Pseudomelampus (Martins, per- 
sonal observation). Analysis of the reproduc- 
tive and nervous systems indicate the sys- 
tematic position of Microtralia within the 

The Neozealandic Rangitotoa insularis 
Powell, 1933, is quite similar to the West In- 
dian Microtralia occidentalis (Pfeiffer, 1854), 
especially in shell and radular characters, 
and Climo (1982) considered them conspe- 
cific (Fig. 179). 

Habitat: These animals live near the high- 
tide mark, under rocks partly buried in mud 
(Powell, 1933). In West Indian mangroves Mi- 
crotralia lives in the black sediment at the 
high-tide mark, preferably under rotting, half- 
buried branches (Martins, personal observa- 

Range: Sporadic records from Easter Island 
(Rehder, 1980), Hawaii (Pease, 1869), New 
Zealand (Powell, 1933), Japan (Habe, 1961) 
and South Africa (Turton, 1932) indicate an 
Indo-Pacific distribution. In the West Indian 
region the genus 1$ represented by Microtra- 
lia occidentalis (Pfeiffer). 

Microtralia occidentalis (Pfeiffer, 1854) 
Figs. 174-178, 182-193 

Leuconia occidentalis Pfeiffer, 1854b: 155 
[Cárdenas, Cuba; location of type un- 
known]; H. 8 A. Adams, 18556: 248; 
Pfeiffer, 1856a: 157; Pfeiffer, 1876: 370; 

Arango y Molina, 1880: 61; Crosse, 
1890: 260. 

Tralia (Alexia?) minuscula Dall т Simpson, 
1889: 69 [Magill's Bay, Tampa, Florida, 
and Exuma Island, Bahamas, herein re- 
stricted to Magill’s Bay, Tampa, Florida; 
lectotype herein selected USNM 61211 
(Fig. 174); two paralectotypes USNM 

Tralia minuscula Dall. Dall, 1889: 92. 

Auricula ? (Microtralia) minuscula (Dall). Dall, 
1894: 117, fig. 7 [Fig. 175]. 

Leucopepla occidentalis (Pfeiffer). Peile, 
1926: 88. 
Microtralia occidentalis (Pfeiffer). Pilsbry, 

1927: 125; Morrison, 1951b: 10; Abbott, 
1974: 334 [not figured; fig. 4105, errone- 
ously referred to this species, represents 
Myosotella myosotis]; Jensen & Clark, 
1986: 456 ffig. on раде 456, wrongly 
stated to represent this species, is of 
Myosotella myosotis]. 

Auriculastrum (Microtralia) minusculum (Dall). 
C.W. Johnson, 1934: 159. 

Auriculastra nana Haas, 1950: 197, pl. 22, 
figs. 1, 2 [Lover's Lake, St. George’s Is- 
land, Bermuda; holotype FMNH 30169 
(not seen); paratype ANSP 212177 (Fig. 

Melampus (Microtralia) minusculus 
Zilch, 1959: 65, fig. 208. 


Description: Shell (Figs. 174-178, 182-184) 
to 3.8 mm long, subcylindric, fragile, translu- 
cent, white to yellowish. Spire low to moder- 
ately high; whorls to five and three-fourths, 
weakly convex, sculptured with very fine, un- 
dulating spiral lines that extend over body 
whorl. Body whorl about 80% of shell length, 
crossed by faint, compact growth lines. Ap- 
erture about 90% of body whorl length, nar- 
row; inner lip with three teeth on anterior half; 
columellar tooth small, oblique, twisted; an- 
terior parietal tooth strong; posterior parietal 
tooth very small, sometimes reduced to a 

FIGS. 174-184. Microtralia, Rangitotoa, Pseudomelampus, Sarnia. (174) Tralia (Alexia?) minuscula Dall, 
lectotype (USNM 61211), Magill's Bay, Tampa, Florida, sl 3.5 mm. (175) Auricula? (Microtralia) minuscula 
Dall, Atkins Island, Bahamas (USNM 127487), si 2.3 mm; figured by Dall (1894, fig. 7). (176) Auriculastra 
nana Haas, paratype (ANSP 212177), Lover's Lake, Bermuda, sl 3.2 mm. (177) M. occidentalis (Pfeiffer), 
Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 3.5 mm. (178) М. occidentalis, Hungry Bay, Bermuda, $1 3.6 mm. (179) A. insularis 
Powell, paratype (ANSP 242319), Rangitoto Island, Auckland, New Zealand, sl 3.2 mm. (180) P. exiguus 
(Lowe), lectotype (BMNH 1875.12.31.109), Madeira, sl 5.8 mm. (181) S. frumentum (Petit), syntype? (BMNH 
1843.11.24.58), Lima, Peru, sl 7.0 mm. (182) M. occidentalis, top view of spire and protoconch, Plantation 
Key, Florida. (183) M. occidentalis, Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 3.1 mm. (184) M. occidentalis, lateral view of 
spire and protoconch, Hungry Bay, Bermuda. Scale 1 mm. 



FIGS. 174-184. 


FIGS. 185-188. Microtralia occidentalis, radular teeth. (185) Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 3.9 mm. (186) Grassy 
Key, Florida. (187, 188) Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 3.9 mm. Scale 20 um. 

barely visible callus at mid-length of aperture; 
outer lip sharp, parallel to body whorl, sinu- 
ous. Inner wall of whorls occupying less than 
one-quarter of body whorl (Fig. 178). Proto- 
conch globose; nuclear whorls deeply invo- 
luted in first whorl of teleoconch; only small 
portion of lip showing (Figs. 182, 184). 

Animal whitish to rusty brown; tentacles 
short, subcylindric, with tip weakly pointed or 
somewhat flat and expanded. Eyes lacking. 
Mantle skirt whitish with brownish tinge along 
border. Pallial cavity somewhat elongate; 
kidney broadly triangular, anteriorly rounded, 
covering most of pallial cavity; pneumo- 
stomal and anal openings prolonged by a 
tube-like flap of mantle skirt; anal gill well de- 

Radula (Figs. 185-189) having formula [15 
+ (3 + 16) + 1 + (16 + 3) = 15] x 95. Crown of 
central tooth small, as wide as posterior end 
of base, tricuspid; mesocone small, blunt to 
weakly pointed; ectocones very small but 
well defined. Lateral teeth 12 to 18; crown 


FIG. 189. Microtralia occidentalis, radula, Grassy 
Key, Florida. Scale 10 um. 

wider than base, bicuspid; mesocone 
broadly rounded anteriorly, becoming more 
pointed and longer toward marginal teeth. 
Transitional teeth two to three, with small en- 
docone, thinner and longer ectocone. Mar- 


FIG. 190. Microtralia occidentalis, stomach, Ber- 
muda. Scale 1 mm. 

ginal teeth 13 to 19; base short and wide, 
with lateral flare, on which endocone of next 
tooth articulates; Crown gradually widening 
and mesocone gradually becoming shorter 
and thinner toward margin; first marginal 
tooth with two ectocones; additional ecto- 
cones appearing on fourth, eighth and twelfth 
marginal teeth; sometimes a sixth ectocone 
appears on twelfth marginal tooth in some 

Digestive system (Fig. 190) having diges- 
tive gland with two subequal lobes. Posterior 
crop dilated, receiving anterior diverticulum 
just before joining stomach. Anterior portion 
of stomach thin, with inner thickening be- 
tween entrance of esophagus and exit of 
intestine; mid-stomach gizzard-like, thickly 
muscular; gastric caecum thin, dilated, re- 
ceiving posterior diverticulum at junction with 

Reproductive system (Fig. 191) with 
ovotestis acinose, trilobed, conical, at poste- 
rior tip of visceral mass, covering stomach; 
hermaphroditic duct straight, with anterior, 
pouch-like seminal vesicle connecting with 
convoluted fertilization chamber; albumen 
gland and posterior mucous gland large; an- 
terior mucous gland and prostate gland cov- 
ering posterior half of spermoviduct; bursa 
duct as long as spermoviduct, thick, empty- 

FIG. 191. Microtralia occidentalis, reproductive 
system, Hungry Bay, Bermuda. A, B, transverse 
sections and their locations. Scale 1 mm. 

ing near opening of vagina; bursa oval-elon- 
gate; vas deferens separates from oviduct 
near opening of vagina. Penis short, thick; 
associated vas deferens free, somewhat 
longer than penis; penial retractor about as 
long as penis, inserting on penis subapically, 
attaching to anterior portion of floor of pallial 

Nervous system (Fig. 192) with cerebral 
commissure somewhat shorter than width of 
cerebral ganglion; left cerebropleural and 
cerebropedal connectives longer than right 
ones; connectives of visceral ring very short, 
causing agglomeration of ganglia; pedal 
commissure short but conspicuous. Cerebral 
ganglia largest; pleural ganglia well devel- 
oped; left parietal ganglion very small; right 
parietal ganglion and visceral ganglion about 
same size. Penial nerve branching from me- 
dial lip nerve. 

Remarks: Originally Pfeiffer (1854b) assigned 
Microtralia occidentalis to the genus Leuco- 
nia Gray, 1840, which, because it was preoc- 
cupied, was renamed Leucopepla by Peile 
(1926). Pilsbry (1927) showed that on the ba- 
sis of shell characters Microtralia occidentalis 
could not be placed in Leucopepla [= Auricu- 
linella]. The latter genus belongs in the Ello- 
biinae on the basis of its nervous and repro- 


FIG. 192. Microtralia occidentalis, central nervous 
system, Hungry Bay, Bermuda. Scale 1 mm. 

ductive systems, and Microtralia (see re- 
marks under the genus) rightly belongs in the 

Dall (1889), apparently unaware of Pfeif- 
fer's name, described Tralia (Alexia?) minus- 
cula (Fig. 174) for which he created, in 1894, 
the subgenus Microtralia, tentatively remov- 
ing it to the genus Auricula. The odd combi- 
nations of names representing such different 
groups indicate the extent to which Dall was 
confused about the relationships of this small 

Microtralia occidentalis shows some mor- 
phological variation within populations and 
across its geographical range. Bermudian 
specimens are brownish and have the tips of 
the tentacles somewhat flat and broad. Flo- 
ridian specimens are usually whitish, some- 
times yellowish brown, and the tentacles are 
subcylindrical with blunt or weakly pointed 
tips. Bahamian examples are rusty brown and 
the tips of the tentacles are intermediate in 
shape between Bermudian and Floridian 
specimens. The radulae of specimens from 
Bermuda have rounder and somewhat shorter 
cusps than do those from Florida, but other- 
wise show no other morphological differ- 
ences. Intrapopulational variations in shell 
morphology, especially the height of the spire 
and the strength of the apertural teeth, occur 
throughout the range of the species. 

Haas (1950) apparently was unaware of 
Pfeiffer’s or Dall’s names when he introduced 
Auriculastra nana from Bermuda, for he 
did not refer to either author in the original 
description. Haas’ species (Fig. 176) does 
not differ from Microtralia occidentalis and it 

must therefore be considered a junior syn- 
onym of the latter. 

Climo (1982), as noted under the remarks 
for the genus, synonymized Rangitotoa insu- 
laris Powell with Microtralia occidentalis, con- 
sidering the former to have been introduced 
in New Zealand and possibly also in Rapa Iti 
Island and Easter Island. | concur with Cli- 
mo’s taxonomic decision about the genera, 
on the basis of the conchological and radular 
similarities; however, the widespread distri- 
bution of the genus (See the remarks for the 
genus) and the anatomical differences ob- 
served in Microtralia alba (Gassies, 1865) 
from Hong Kong (Martins, 1992), preclude an 
immediate synonymization of both species. 

An anatomical peculiarity of Microtralia oc- 
cidentalis is the absence of eyes, confirmed 
by histological examination. Concealment of 
the eyes under the skin has been reported for 
several species of the genus Ellobium (Pelse- 
neer, 1894a: 75, note 1). In the West Indian 
species Ellobium (A.) dominicense the eyes, 
although covered by thick skin, are readily 

The shell of Microtralia occidentalis is not 
confused easily with that of any other West 
Indian ellobiid. It can resemble the very thin- 
shelled juveniles of some populations of Tra- 
lia ovula, however. Microtralia has a large, 
rounded protoconch, faintly incised, undulat- 
ing lines on the spire and a posterior parietal 
tooth that is anterior to the mid-length of the 
aperture. In Tralia ovula the apex is mu- 
cronate, the spire has marked, pitted lines 
and the posterior parietal tooth 15 in the pos- 
terior half of the aperture. 

Microtralia commonly occurs with Pedipes 
ovalis, Laemodonta cubensis, Blauneria het- 
eroclita and Creedonia succinea and 1$ 
readily distinguished from them. Pedipes is 
globose and has a rounded, strongly dentate 
aperture, Laemodonta is oval-elongate and 
hirsute and has a heavily dentate aperture, 
Blauneria has a sinistral shell and Creedonia 
has a truncated spire and very different inner 
lip dentition. 

Habitat: Microtralia occidentalis lives at or 
above the high-tide mark, buried in the 
sediment sometimes 10 to 15 cm deep, in 
the company of В/аипепа heteroclita and 
Creedonia succinea. The animals are quite 
common under partly buried, rotting wood or 
porous rocks, and on the roots of mangrove 
propagules, on which Laemodonta cubensis 
and Pedipes ovalis also abound. 


90 75. 60 45 30 

FIG. 193. Microtralia occidentalis, geographic dis- 

Range: Bermuda; Clearwater, Florida, south 
to the Florida Keys and the Greater Antilles 
(Fig. 193). 

Specimens Examined: BERMUDA (USNM 
250297); Fairyland (ANSP 99075; USNM 
208069); Old Road, Shelly Bay (A.M.); Lover's 
Lake, St. George's (ANSP 212172); near St. 
George's (ANSP 1008220); Castle Harbour, 
near Harrington House (ANSP 143322); Coo- 
pers Island (ANSP 131645); Hungry Вау 
(A.M.); S End of Ely's Harbour (A.M.); Man- 
grove Bay (A.M.). FLORIDA: N of Tavernier 
Creek, Key Largo (A.M.); S of Ocean Drive, 
Plantation Key (A.M.); Lignumvitae Key 
(ANSP 156682); Long Key (A.M.); Grassy 
Key (A.M.); Crawl Key (A.M.); Bahia Honda 
Key (ANSP 104108); Big Pine Key (ANSP 
104102); W of Kohen Avenue, Big Pine Key 
(A.M.); Big Torch Key (ANSP 104001; A.M.); 
Sugarloaf Key (ANSP 89558); Boca Chica 
Key (ANSP 152503; USNM 270350); Semi- 
nole Point (ANSP 105409); Blue Hill, Hors Is- 
land (ANSP 99199); Captiva Island (ANSP 
131836); McGill's Bay, near Tampa (USNM 
61211, 859503); Boca Ciega Bay (ANSP 
9571); Pinellas Point (USNM 83255); Clear- 
water Island (ANSP 9351). ВАНАМА IS- 

land (MCZ 294207); ANDROS ISLAND: South 
Mastic Point (A.M.); Stafford Lake (ANSP 
294338); Mangrove Cay (USNM 270214b); 
Point (A.M.); E of Clifton Pier (A.M.); shore 
of Millars Road (A.M.); Bonefish Pond 
(A.M.); AKLINS ISLAND: Pinnacle Point 
127487): Bob's Key, S. Ferdinand (USNM 
360499). CUBA (ANSP 22482): near Habana 
(ANSP 130794). JAMAICA: Falmouth (ANSP 
397269); Robin's Bay (USNM 441980, 
442113); Kingston (USNM 395452b); Rio Co- 
bre, Port Royal (USNM 426889); Hunt's Bay 
(USNM 441642); Rock Fort (USNM 467164). 
HAITI: Gonave Island (USNM 380184). DO- 
MINICAN REPUBLIC: Rio Guayabin by Sa- 
baneta Road (ANSP 160398). PUERTO 
RICO: Puerta de Tierra, San Juan (A.M.); Pu- 
erto Real (A.M.). 

Genus Leuconopsis Hutton, 1884 

Leuconopsis Hutton, 1884: 213. Type spe- 
cies by monotypy: Leuconopsis obsoleta 
(Hutton, 1878). 

Apodosis Pilsbry & McGinty, 1949: 9. Type 
species by monotypy: Apodosis novi- 
типа! Pilsbry & McGinty, 1949. 

Description: Shell to 4 mm long, oval-conic to 
oblong-conic, somewhat thin to solid. Spire 
low to moderately high, with as many as six 
and one-half flat, striated whorls. Body whorl 
about 80% of shell length. Aperture about 
75% length of body whorl, approximately 
oval, posteriorly angulate; inner lip with strong 
submedian columellar tooth, usually with 
weak anterior secondary tooth; outer lip 
sharp. Protoconch smooth; nuclear whorls 
embedded in first whorl of teleoconch. 
Radula with 87 to 111 teeth in a row. Base 
of central tooth widened anteriorly, sharply 
constricted posteriorly; crown thin, falciform; 
mesocone long, sharp. Base of lateral teeth 
abruptly bent medially at half length; crown as 
wide as base, with strong endocone. Transi- 
tional teeth lacking. Marginal teeth with strong 
mesocone, weaker endocone and ectocone. 

Remarks: The genus Apodosis was created 
by Pilsbry & McGinty (1949) for the smallest 
and rarest West Indian ellobiid. In the original 
description the authors stated (p. 10) that 
they were “strongly inclined to treat Apo- 
dosis as a subgenus of the antipodal genus 
Leuconopsis Hutton.” The shape of the shell, 
oblong-conic in the Atlantic species vs oval- 


conic in the type species (Fig. 217) the unim- 
pressed suture and the inner thickening of 
the outer lip led them to establish a new ge- 
nus. Examination of additional specimens of 
Leuconopsis novimundi revealed that the 
thickness of the outer lip varies with the 
thickness of the shell, and that the distinct 
thickened outer lip actually does not appear 
in some thin-shelled specimens. This varia- 
tion was observed in Leuconopsis manningi 
n. sp. from Ascension Island and in Leu- 
conopsis rapanuiensis Rehder, 1980, from 
Easter Island. The other characters men- 
tioned by Pilsbry 4 McGinty are significant 
only at the specific level. The most obvious 
generic shell characters are the absence of a 
parietal tooth and the presence of a weak 
secondary columellar tooth just anterior to 
the primary submedian columellar tooth. This 
columellar structure is reminiscent of Pe- 
dipes, Marinula and Сгеедота. 

Powell (1933) illustrated the radula of Leu- 
conopsis obsoleta (Hutton, 1878). The mor- 
phology of the teeth is very similar to that of 
the West Indian Apodosis novimundi. On the 
basis of shell and radular characters, Apo- 
dosis Pilsbry 8 McGinty must be considered 
a junior synonym of Leuconopsis Hutton. 

Habitat: The genus lives intertidally under 
rocks (Hutton, 1884). Powell (1933: 150) 
found Leuconopsis obsoleta “in sheltered 
harbour bays towards high-tide, .. . and on 
cliffs, just above high-tide mark, in situations 
where fresh-water seepage occurs.” | col- 
lected Leuconopsis novimundi on New Prov- 
idence Island, Bahama Islands, in crevices of 
cliffs, just above high tide, but | did not see 
any indication of freshwater seepage. 

Range: The genus Leuconopsis occurs in 
the Pacific in Australia, New Zealand and 
Easter Island. In the Atlantic it is represented 
by Leuconopsis novimundi (Pilsbry & Мс- 
Ginty) from the Florida Keys, Bahamas and 
Jamaica, and by Leuconopsis manningi, 
herein described, known only from Ascen- 
sion Island. A possible third species from St. 
Thomas is left unnamed owing to lack of suit- 
able material. 

Leuconopsis novimundi 
(Pilsbry & McGinty, 1949) 
Figs. 194-204 

Apodosis novimundi Pilsbry & McGinty, 
1949: 10, pl. 1, fig. 1 [Clifton Bluff, New 
Providence, Bahamas; holotype ANSP 

185474a (Fig. 194)]; Morrison, 1951b: 9; 
Zilch, 1959: 70, fig. 227; Franc, 1968: 
525; Abbott, 1974: 334, fig. 4102. Non 
“Pilsbry & McGinty” Rosewater, 1975 
[misindentification of Leuconopsis man- 
ningi Martins n. sp.]. 

Description: Shell (Figs. 194-197) to 3.4 mm 
long, oblong-conic, solid, uniformly light 
yellow to pale brown. Umbilical area marked 
by shallow excavation. Spire moderately 
high, whorls аз many as six and one-half, 
flat and heavily sculptured with numerous 
spiral cords, intersected by compact axial, 
somewhat regularly spaced, fine growth 
lines, giving shell a matte appearance. Body 
whorl convex, about 75% of shell length and 
with same sculpture as spire. Aperture about 
70% body whorl length, subaxial, narrowly 
ovate; inner lip with partly hidden tooth at 
point of juncture of columella and parietal 
wall; occasionally secondary columellar 
tooth present as faint callosity just anterior to 
columellar tooth; outer lip sharp. Protoconch 
oblong, smooth, transparent, with sinuous lip 
(Fig. 197). 

Animal whitish gray; foot dirty white, trans- 
versely divided; tentacles short, transparent, 
subcylindric, with rounded tip; mantle skirt 
slightly lighter than rest of animal. 

Radula (Figs. 198-201) having formula 
(33 + 10 + 1 + 10 + 33) x 75+. Base of central 
tooth with quadrangular anterior half, round 
at tip; width of posterior half abruptly re- 
duced to half; crown as wide as posterior half 
of base, falciform; mesocone just over half 
length of base, pointed. Lateral teeth bicus- 
pid; mesocone sharp, as long as, but stron- 
ger than, that of central tooth; endocone 
sharp, almost as long and strong as meso- 
cone. Marginal teeth tricuspid; ectocone be- 
coming as long as endocone; mesocone be- 
coming smaller, but remaining the strongest 

Digestive system with posterior crop wide, 
with strong internal folds; stomach very mus- 
cular, with gastric caecum where posterior 
diverticulum empties. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 202) semidiau- 
lic, with vas deferens separating from oviduct 
almost at half-length of pallial gonoduct; an- 
terior mucous gland covers spermoviduct 
nearly to separation of vas deferens; bursa 
duct empties near female opening. Penial 
complex dilated, pouch-like in mid-section; 
posterior section thinner, coming out of 
pouch as blunt diverticulum; penial retractor 



FIGS. 194-200. Leuconopsis novimundi (Pilsbry & McGinty), Clifton Bluff, New Providence, Bahamas. (194) 
Holotype (ANSP 185474a), sl 3.36 mm. (195) Shell length 2.73 mm. (196) Lateral view of spire and proto- 
conch. (197) Top view of spire and protoconch. (198) Central, lateral and marginal teeth of radula. (199) 
Marginal teeth of radula. (200) Marginal teeth of radula. Scale, Figs. 196, 197, 1 mm; Figs. 198-200, 20 um. 

multifid, short, attaching to end of posterior 
section of penis subapically; vas deferens 
free, entering penis at base of thinner poste- 
rior section. 

Nervous system (Fig. 203) with cerebral 
ganglia largest; left pleural ganglion larger 
than right one; left parietal ganglion much FIG. 201. Leuconopsis novimundi, radula, Clifton 
smaller than right one; visceral ganglion Bluff, New Providence, Bahamas. Scale 10 um. 


FIG. 202. Leuconopsis novimundi, reproductive system, Clifton Bluff, New Providence, Bahamas. Penis 
drawn under camera lucida, pallial gonoducts reconstructed from histological sections. A-L, transverse 

sections and their locations. Scale 1 mm. 

about as large as right parietal ganglion. Ce- 
rebral commissure somewhat longer than 
width of cerebral ganglion; right and left cere- 
bropedal and cerebropleural connectives 
roughly equal; left pleuroparietal connective 
very small; all other visceral ring connectives 
equal, about half length of cerebropleural 

Remarks: Leuconopsis novimundi shows 
some anatomical deviations from typical 
members of the Pedipedinae such as Pe- 
dipes and Creedonia (see the remarks under 
the subfamily). The origin of the vas deferens 
from the mid-section of the spermoviduct- 
vaginal tract was unexpected in this species 
because Morton (1955b) stated that the sep- 
aration of the vas deferens from the sper- 
moviduct in Leuconopsis obsoleta occurs 
at the vaginal opening, as in Ovatella [sensu 
Myosotella]. Nevertheless, Leuconopsis novi- 
mundi is placed in the Pedipedinae on the 
basis of the presence of the double columel- 
lar tooth in the aperture, the shape of the 
crown of the central and lateral teeth, the 
prostate and anterior mucous gland not 

FIG. 203. Leuconopsis novimundi, central nervous 
system, Clifton Bluff, New Providence, Bahamas. 
Scale 1 mm. 

reaching the female opening, and the rela- 
tively short visceral nerve ring, as compared 
to that of the Pythiinae or Ellobiinae. 


Rosewater (1975) erroneously identified a 
small Leuconopsis from Ascension Island 
as Apodosis novimundi. These specimens 
(USNM 735149, 859015) differ from Leu- 
conopsis novimundi in the differently sculp- 
tured shell that lacks the matte appearance 
and in the readily visible secondary columel- 
lar tooth. They represent a previously unde- 
scribed species that is introduced as Leu- 
conopsis manningi п. sp. in this report (Figs. 
205, 206). The protoconch of Leuconopsis 
novimundi is very similar to that of Leuconop- 
sis manningi in having a sinuous lip (Figs. 
207, 208), a characteristic lacking in Leu- 
conopsis rapanuiensis (Fig. 216). 

Leuconopsis novimundi is readily distin- 
guished from all other Western Atlantic ello- 
biids by its oval-elongate shell that has a 
matte appearance and by its lack of parietal 
teeth in the aperture. 

Habitat: The two specimens collected by R. 
Robertson in 1964 on Pigeon Cay, Bimini, in 
algae on mangrove roots were probably the 
first ones to be collected alive. All other spec- 
imens in museum collections, including those 
of Pilsbry and McGinty, seem to have been 
obtained from beach drift. Despite thorough 
field work and patient rock-combing, all but 
one of the specimens | found alive came from 
a cave at the western tip of Clifton Bluff (Clif- 
ton Pt.), New Providence Island, Bahamas, 
kindly indicated to me by T. L. McGinty. The 
cave formed from a double crack in the coral 
bed, running from sea to shore. lt is open 
above, so direct sunlight illuminates it a few 
hours a day. At high tide water enters the 
main opening from the ocean, as well as the 
bottom of the double crack. One specimen 
was found among stones that had collected 
in one such crack, just above high-tide mark. 
Eight others were found in the crevices as 
deep as 20 cm in the wall and were obtained 
by chipping away the wet layers of coral in a 
band about 15 cm wide just above the black 
zone. The animals apparently feed on the de- 
tritus that collects in these crevices. The 
eight specimens were found within a radius 
of about 20 cm, together with Pedipes ovalis, 
Laemodonta cubensis and young Melampus 
(D.) monile. The other live specimen was 
found at Morgan's Bluff, Andros Island, Ba- 
hamas, under stones at the high-tide mark of 
a tidal pool. 


Range: Florida Keys, Bahamas, 

(Fig. 204). 

60 “45 30 

FIG. 204. Leuconopsis novimundi, geographic dis- 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA: Indian 
Key (USNM 492557a). BAHAMA ISLANDS: 
(ANSP 369338); Hepburn Town, Eight Mile 
Rock (ANSP 370409); Caravel Beach [John 
Jack Point], Freeport (ANSP 370225); BIMINI 
ISLANDS: N end of Pigeon Cay (ANSP 
329623); ANDROS ISLAND: Morgan’s Bluff 
(A.M.); Mangrove Cay (USNM 1804625); First 
island off Mintie Bar, SE of South Bight 
LAND: Clifton Bluff (ANSP 185474; А.М.). JA- 
MAICA: Jack’s Bay (USNM 441915). 

Leuconopsis manningi n. sp. 
Figs. 120, 205-212 

Apodosis novimundi Pilsbry & McGinty. 
[Type locality: English Bay, Ascension Is- 
land; holotype USNM 859015 (Fig. 205); 
11 paratypes USNM 859015 (Fig. 
206)].Rosewater, 1975: 23. Non Pilsbry 
& McGinty, 1949. 

Description: Shell (Figs. 205-208) to 2.1 mm 
long, ovate, solid, uniformly pale to dark 
brown, smooth, shiny. Umbilical excavation 
very weak. Spire short, whorls as many as 
five and one-fourth, flat, sculptured with two 



pd à | 

FIGS. 205-211. Leuconopsis manningi n. sp., English Bay, Ascension Island. (205) Holotype (USNM 
859015), si 2.02 mm. (206) Paratype (USNM 859015), sl 1.58 mm. (207) Lateral view of spire and proto- 
conch. (208) Top view of spire and protoconch. (209) Central and lateral teeth of radula. (210) Marginal teeth 
of radula. (211) Marginal teeth of radula. Scale, Figs. 207, 208, 1 тт; Figs. 209-211, 20 um. 

to seven incised spiral lines on shoulder in 
adults, juveniles often spirally striated on en- 
tire length; growth lines very faint. Aperture 
75% of body whorl length, ovate; inner lip 
with strong posterior columellar tooth about 
mid-length of aperture, with conspicuous but 
much smaller anterior secondary tooth; outer 
lip sharp. Protoconch oblong, smooth, trans- 
parent, dark brown, with sinuous lip. 

Radula (Figs. 209-212) having formula 
(32+11+1+11+32)x70+. Radular morphol- 
ogy as in Leuconopsis novimundi. 

Animal unknown. 

Remarks: Leuconopsis manningi was first 
mentioned in the literature by Rosewater 
(1975), who misidentified it as Apodosis 
novimundi. This new species differs from 


C iL 2L 11L 1M 2M 22M 23M 31M 32M 

| | IM LA a Аа» y a à en 
LU ALL MA MA à N y ) 7 
\ ] PRA L a | у L 
<a ES 

FIG. 212. Leuconopsis manningi, radula, Ascen- 
sion Island. Scale 10 um. 

Leuconopsis novimundi in the ovate shape 
of the shell, the proportionately longer, 
nonmatte body whorl that usually has two 
incised lines on the shoulder, the larger ap- 
erture and the conspicuous secondary col- 
umellar tooth. Leuconopsis manningi is 
closely related to Leuconopsis rapanuiensis 
Rehder, 1980, from Easter Island (Figs. 214- 
216). The secondary columellar fold of the 
latter is farther foreward than in Leuconopsis 
manningi, the protoconch is stouter and has 
a rounded instead of sinuous lip. 

The single radula studied was obtained by 
breaking the shell of a dried animal; the apex 
of the shell was used for the SEM study of the 

Following the suggestion of the late J. 
Rosewater | name this species for R. B. Man- 
ning, who collected the specimens in 1971. 

Habitat: Intertidal pools, subtidal rocky 
shore, with some coarse sand (from USNM 

Range: English Bay, Ascension Island (Fig. 

Leuconopsis sp. 
Rig: 213 

Description: Shell (Fig. 213) 4 mm long, oval- 
conic, solid, white. Spire moderately high, 
with about six weakly convex whorls. Body 
whorl 77% of shell length. Aperture semilu- 
nate, 67% of body whorl; inner lip with mod- 
erately strong, horizontal columellar tooth 
just anterior to mid-length of aperture; obvi- 
ous secondary tooth somewhat anterior to 
previous one; outer lip sharp. 

Remarks: A single specimen from St. Thom- 
as, Virgin Islands, originally from the Swift 
collection (now ANSP 22599), differs from the 
other Atlantic species of Leuconopsis in its 
wider body whorl, in its anteriorly less ex- 
panded outer Пр, which gives the арейиге a 
semilunate aspect, and in its conspicuous 
secondary columellar tooth at some distance 
anterior to the primary tooth. The example is 

undoubtedly a beach specimen, a fact that 
might account for the absence of any visible 

| am reluctant to erect a new species upon 
a single worn specimen; the naming of this 
probably new species must await collection 
of more material. 

Subfamily Melampinae Pfeiffer, 1853 

Melampinae Pfeiffer, 1853a: 8 [corrected from 
Melampea by H. & A. Adams, 1855b)]. 

Melampodinae Fischer & Crosse, 1880: 5 
[unjustified emendation]. 

Description: Shell to 23 mm long. Spire low 
to high. Body whorl usually more than 75% of 
shell length. Aperture elongate, narrow; one 
columellar tooth; one to five parietal teeth; 
outer lip internally smooth or with as many as 
18 riblets. Protoconch nipple-like, smooth, 
with spiral axis perpendicular to columellar 
axis of teleoconch; nuclear whorls only partly 
covered by first whorl of teleoconch. 

Animal white to black, generally brown; 
foot transversely divided, bifid posteriorly. 

Radula with central tooth posterior to lat- 
eral teeth, triangular, with base deeply in- 
dented; crown with narrow, sharp mesocone, 
ectocones very small or absent. Base of lat- 
eral teeth rectangular, medially bent in shape 
of boomerang, with medial node on inner sur- 
face; crown with strong mesocone pointing 
laterally, sometimes with endocone or ecto- 
cone. Transitional teeth with shorter base, 
crown more elongate posteriorly and extra 
denticle on ectocone. Marginal teeth with 
very strong mesocone, one or two denticles 
оп endocone and one to eight denticles on 
ectocone; base and crown gradually become 
shorter from innermost to outermost teeth 
and denticles of ectocone gradually advance 
to same level, becoming subequal in size. 

Digestive system having mandible tripar- 
tite, of numerous longitudinal fibers; stronger 
central portion lining upper lip and folded, ta- 
pering extremities lining lateral lips. Salivary 
glands yellowish to white, long, fusiform. 
Esophagus with internal, longitudinal folds, 
ending posteriorly in a wide crop that receives 
anterior diverticulum of digestive gland; a thin 
muscular strand secures posterior crop to 
posterior portion of muscular band of stom- 
ach. Digestive gland brown to dark orange, 
bilobed; anterior lobe very large, composed of 
several lobules that empty into wide anterior 
diverticulum; posterior lobe small, located 


FIGS. 213-217. Leuconopsis. (213) Leuconopsis sp., St. Thomas, Virgin Islands (ANSP 22599), formerly in 
Swift collection, sl 4.04 mm. (214) L. rapanuiensis (Rehder), holotype (USNM 756790), Easter Island, sl 2.87 
mm. (215) L. rapanuiensis, paratype (USNM 756238) Easter Island, sl 2.34 mm. (216) L. rapanuiensis, top 
view of spire and protoconch. (217) L. obsoleta (Hutton), Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand (USNM 
681309), sl 2.50 mm. Scale 1 mm. 

partly beneath ovotestis, covering posterior 
left portion of stomach and emptying into 
small posterior diverticulum. Stomach glob- 
ular, tripartite; anterior portion thin, weakly 
muscular at cardiac aperture; middle portion 
surrounded by thick band of muscle around 
pyloric region; posterior portion of caecum 
thin, receiving posterior diverticulum at ante- 
rior border, just posterior to muscular band 
and near attachment of muscular strand; 

stomach attached to mantle by muscular fi- 
bers extending from region opposite opening 
of posterior diverticulum. Intestine dilates as 
it leaves the stomach anteriorly just right of 
esophagus, and has several convolutions 
in midst of digestive gland; rectum parallels 
right edge of pallial cavity; anal opening lateral 
to pneumostome, on mantle lappet. Anal gill 
bilobed, flanking rectum just posterior to 


FIGS. 218-229. Melampus (M.) coffeus (Linnaeus). (218) Lectotype (LSL), si 18.8 mm. (219) Paralectotype 
(LSL), sl 11.0 mm. (220) Auricula biplicata Deshayes, holotype (ММНМР), $1 20.0 mm. (221) М. coffea var. 
microspira Pilsbry, holotype (ANSP 61471), Progreso, Yucatán, Mexico, sl 12.8 mm. (222) Bermuda (USNM 
11421), sl 15.2 mm. (223) Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas (MCZ 116679), sl 17.3 mm. (224) Anegada, Virgin 
Islands (MCZ 229004), si 18.3 mm. (225) Isla Matica, Dominican Republic (R.B.), $1 10.4 mm. (226) Juvenile, 
Puerto Real, Puerto Rico, sl 3.6 mm. (227) Tucacas, Venezuela, sl 10.5 mm. (228) Bahía [San Salvador], 
Brazil (AMNH 22434), sl 12.0 mm. (229) Boa Viagem, Brazil (MCZ 219130), sl 19.5 mm. 


Reproductive system of advanced semi- 
diaulic type, the short spermoviduct separat- 
ing into long, thin vagina and vas deferens 
shortly after passing posterior mucous gland; 
posterior mucous gland large, spiral, cover- 
ing only small portion of spermoviduct; pros- 
tate gland beneath posterior mucous gland, 
not discrete; anterior mucous gland absent; 
vagina running posteriorly, turning abruptly 
and following columellar muscle anteriorly; 
elbow of vagina attached by muscle fibers to 
left corner of insertion of columellar muscle. 
Bursa with short peduncle, at or very near 
proximal end of vagina. Penis long, usually 
simple; anterior vas deferens long, thin, en- 
tering penis apically; penis and posterior vas 
deferens run beneath upper tentacle retrac- 
tors, over cerebral commissure and under 
right tentacular nerve. 

Nervous system having cerebral commis- 
sure short; cerebropleural connectives about 
same length as cerebropedal connectives; 
pleuroparietal and parietovisceral connec- 
tives very short. 

Remarks: Baker (1963) showed that, al- 
though the word Melampus has its origin in 
the Greek, meaning “black foot,” it was La- 
tinized and used by the Romans in the gen- 
itive case, “melampi.” Hence Melampinae 
must be used instead of Melampodinae. 

During growth the radula changes consid- 
erably in shape and number of teeth (Table 4, 
Appendix). In very young animals the inner 
edge of the arms of the base of the tricuspid 
central tooth bears conspicuous promi- 
nences. The first lateral tooth can be either 
tricuspid or bicuspid. The marginal teeth 
have an ectocone that becomes serrate, car- 
rying as many as eight subequal cusps. As 
the animal grows, certain characteristics are 
retained, such as the splitting of the en- 
docone and ectocone. Others are enhanced, 
such as the serrations on the lateral edge of 
the crown of the marginal teeth of young 
Melampus s. s. before the ectocone be- 
comes a distinct cusp. Some characteristics, 
such as the ectocone and endocone of the 
lateral teeth, become lost in most species. 
Even in adults the same tooth in adjacent 
rows might be inconsistent. The characteris- 
tics given in the description must be consid- 
ered as the general pattern in adult individu- 

In all animals examined the stomach 
agrees with Koslowsky's (1933) and Marcus 
8 Marcus’ (1965a) descriptions, rather than 

with Morton 's (1955c) account, which did not 
record the presence of the caecum and pos- 
terior diverticulum. No evidence was found to 
support Marcus 8 Marcus’ statement that the 
stomach of Melampus gundlachi Pfeiffer, 
1853 [= Melampus (M.) bidentatus Say, 1822] 
is radically different from that of other West 
Indian Melampinae. 

Only two genera compose the subfamily 
Melampinae: Melampus Montfort and Tralia 
Gray. Melampus 15 easily distinguished from 
Tralia on the basis of its shell. Melampus has 
a much narrower aperture than does Tralia, 
the dentition of the inner Пр 1$ restricted to 
the anterior half, the anterior parietal tooth, 
when present, is very small and the outer lip 
is usually interiorly ribbed. Tralia has a strong 
anterior parietal tooth and always has an- 
other conspicuous parietal tooth on the pos- 
terior half of the aperture. The ощег Пр 1$ sin- 
uous and has only one ridge-like riblet 
opposite the posterior parietal tooth. Zilch 
(1959) listed Rangitotoa Powell in this sub- 
family, but results of this study led me to con- 
clude with Climo (1982) that Rangitotoa is a 
junior synonym of Microtralia Dall, which 
Zilch had listed as a subgenus of Melampus. 
The genus Microtralia belongs to the Pedipe- 
dinae by reason of the morphology of the re- 
productive and nervous systems. 

The Melampinae are separated from the 
other ellobiid subfamilies on the basis of rad- 
ula, reproductive system and nervous sys- 
tem. The serration of the ectocones of the 
marginal teeth of the radula has some parallel 
only in Microtralia. The nonglandular pallial 
gonoducts, the proximal position of the bursa 
duct and the long, generally thin penis are 
unique. The concentration of ganglia has 
some parallel in the Pedipedinae, but in the 
Melampinae the cerebral commissure 1$ rel- 
atively shorter and the cerebropleural and the 
cerebropedal connectives are much longer. 

A planktonic veliger has been reported for 
several Melampinae (Morrison, 1959; Rus- 
sell-Hunter et al., 1972; Berry, 1977). This 
condition is considered primitive, retained 
from the estuarine habit of the ancestors of 
the ellobiids. 

Habitat: The Melampinae are the most com- 
mon ellobiids in the Western Atlantic, living 
mostly in salt marshes and in mangroves. 
They can occur in zones of very low salinity 
such as along the banks of rivers some miles 
inland [Melampus (M.) bidentatus, Melampus 
(D.) floridanus], or under rocks exposed to 


high-tide surf [Melampus (D.) monile, Tralia 
(T.) ovula]. They are among the common gas- 
tropods found in Stephenson 4 Stephen- 
son’s (1950) upper intertidal gray zone. 

Range: Worldwide distribution, except in the 
Mediterranean region. п the Western Atlantic 
the Melampinae extend from Newfoundland 
to southern Brazil. Species are especially nu- 
merous in the West Indian region. 

Genus Melampus Montfort, 1810 

Melampus Montfort, 1810: 319. Type species 
by monotypy: Melampus coniformis 
(Bruguière, 1789) [= Melampus coffeus 
(Linnaeus, 1758)]. Non Gray, 1865 

Conovulus Lamarck, 1816, pl. 459, fig. 2 a. 
b., Liste, p. 12. Type species herein des- 
ignated, Conovulus coniformis (Bru- 
guière, 1789) [= Melampus coffeus (Lin- 
naeus, 1758)]. 

Melampa “Draparnaud” Montfort. Schweig- 
ger, 1820: 739 [unjustified emendation of 

Conovula Lamarck. Schweigger, 1820: 739 
[in synonymy; unjustified emendation of 

Conovulae Lamarck. Férussac, 1821: 104 
[unjustified emendation of Conovulus]. 

Conovolus Lamarck. Sowerby, 1839b: 10 [er- 
ror for Conovulus]. 

Conovulum Lamarck. Sowerby, 1842: 119 
[unjustified emendation of Conovulus]. 

Maelampus Montfort. Reeve, 1877, pl. 1 [in 
synonymy; error for Melampus)]. 

Description: Shell ovoid, white to dark 
brown, uniform or with light spiral bands or 
axial stripes. Aperture high, narrow, with wid- 
est point above columellar tooth; first parietal 
tooth reduced or absent; outer lip sharp, with 

Animal grayish blue to black; tentacles 
subcylindric, pointed. 

First lateral tooth of radula with or without 
ectocone, always lacking endocone. 

Salivary glands attaching to ventral portion 
of esophagus, right one in front of left one. 
Esophagus heavily pigmented. 

Reproductive system having ovotestis of 
dark yellow radiating tubules with or without 
dark brown spots, shallow-conic to leaf-like, 
rounded or lobed at base, deeply split on 
right side; gonadial artery entering ovotestis 
from left, bifurcates and radiates, covering 
lower surface of gland. Hermaphroditic duct 

brown, moderately long, forming very convo- 
luted seminal vesicle, passing beneath pos- 
terior diverticulum. Albumen gland spiral. 
Posterior end of short, nonglandular sper- 
moviduct with pouch-like prevaginal cae- 
cum; bursa large, banana-shaped, located 
partly against mucous gland, partly embed- 
ded in digestive gland, beneath heart. Penis 
simple, thin; penial retractor usually running 
beneath albumen gland, entering between 
two major bundles of columellar muscle and 
inserting together with muscle attachment; 
often penial retractor attaches to floor of 
lung, bifurcates or runs on top of columellar 
Free-swimming veliger larva present. 

Remarks: Ignorance of the specific habitat of 
the supralittoral pulmonate genus Melampus 
Montfort led to taxonomic misplacement of 
the group. Some early workers tried to incor- 
porate habitat information in their classifica- 
tion schemes and therefore early 19th cen- 
tury nomenclatorial history of this genus is 
related not only to shell characters but also to 
knowledge of the habitats of species. 

Montfort (1810) separated Melampus con- 
iformis (Bruguière) [= Melampus coffeus (Lin- 
naeus)] from Bulimus Bruguiere on the basis 
of apertural details, and from Auricula La- 
marck [= Ellobium Rodding] and Scarabus 
Montfort [= Руа Róding] on the basis of its 
conical shape. Bulimus Bruguiere was а 
large, heterogeneous assemblage of mostly 
terrestrial and fluviatile mollusks. Montfort 
(1810: 320) seems to have had reliable infor- 
mation about the marine habitat of Melampus 
(M.) coffeus, for he specified (1810: 20), “Ce 
mollusque est marin, il vit sur les côtes de 
Cayemne, et principalement contre le rocher 
du Conétable, qui est en avant de la rade.” It 
is also probable that Montfort had access to 
live or preserved material, although in the 
description he did not mention the external 
appearance of the animal. Only such an ob- 
servation would justify the choice of the ap- 
propriate name Melampus, meaning black 
foot, a conspicuous characteristic of the type 

Lamarck, apparently unaware of Mont- 
fort's work, also used shell shape and habitat 
in his classification. In 1812 he used the ver- 
nacular Conovule, Latinized by him in 1816 to 
Conovulus, for those fluviatile shells with the 
outer lip simple and sharp, which he previ- 
ously had included under Auricula. Upon be- 
ing informed that the animals in question 


were terrestrial, however, Lamarck (1822: 
136) suppressed Conovulus, reuniting those 
species with Auricula. Nevertheless, the name 
Conovulus continued to be used occasionally, 
either emended or as originally spelled (Beck, 
1837; Anton, 1839; Gray, 1840; Clark, 1850, 

Lowe (1832) was convinced that the genus 
Melampus Montfort should be included 
within the marine pectinibranchs, and he 
stated, wrongly, that his Melampus aequalis 
[= Ovatella aequalis] had branchial respira- 
tion. Lowe knew of Montfort's comments on 
the marine habitat of the type species, 
Melampus (M.) coffeus, but he listed the latter 
species, without justification, among Species 
incertae: huc forsan referendae [Uncertain 
species; perhaps to be referred to this place]. 
It was this misidentification that led Gray 
(1847a) to consider Lowe's use of Melampus 
Montfort distinct and thus erroneously to 
designate a type species. 

The genus Melampus 1$ the predominant 
West Indian ellobiid group because of the 
number of species and abundance of individ- 
uals. Of the 18 recognized ellobiid species 
belonging to ten genera, seven are in Melam- 
pus. The very numerous individuals in salt 
marshes (Morrison, 1951a; Martins, personal 
observation) and in mangroves (Martins, per- 
sonal observation) makes them very conspic- 
uous occupants of those habitats. 

Only two subgenera are recorded for the 
Western Atlantic, Melampus s. s. and Detra- 
cía Gray, which can be separated on the ba- 
sis ОГ apertural morphology. In Melampus $. 
s. the columellar tooth is small and the upper 
parietal tooth 1$ the largest of the teeth on the 
inner lip. In Detracia the columellar tooth 15 
largest, usually strongly twisted, and the up- 
per parietal tooth is small and hidden. Ana- 
tomical differences reside mainly in the com- 
paratively longer separation of the foot from 
the visceral mass in Detracia, with conse- 
quent elongation of the pallial and anterior 
reproductive ducts. In Detracia the mantle or- 
gan is conspicuously pouch-like, rather than 
rounded and conforming to the general 
shape of the mantle cavity. 

The anatomical differences are related to 
the degree of resorption of the inner whorls of 
the shell. In Melampus s. s. resorption is so 
extensive that less than half of the partition of 
the body whorl remains (Figs. 225, 267), 
whereas in Detracia at least 75% of that par- 
tition remains (Figs. 302, 316, 340, 361). In 
Detracia the parietal teeth appear on the in- 

ner whorl as two conspicuous lamellae and 
the region near the columellar tooth forms a 
cavity that is occupied by the pouch-like 
mantle organ. 

Habitat: Ubiquitous in those habitats men- 
tioned for the Melampinae. 

Range: Worldwide. Most of the Western At- 
lantic species live in the West Indies, but the 
genus extends from Newfoundland to south- 
ern Brazil. 

Subgenus Melampus s.s. 

Description: Shell oval-conic, spire low, eight 
to 12 whorls; posterior parietal tooth stronger 
than columellar tooth. Animal brownish to uni- 
form black or with white markings. Medial 
edge of arms of base of central tooth of radula 
smooth or with very faint medial nodes. Vis- 
ceral mass separated from foot by half a 
whorl; mantle organ round, not pouch-like. 

Remarks: Beck (1837) used Melampus B 
[Beck (sic)] as a subgenus of Melampus Mont- 
fort. In listing the species, however, he did not 
include Melampus (M.) coffeus, the type of the 
nominate genus, which he had listed under 
the subgenus Conovulus B [Beck (sic)]. Gray 
(1847a) considered Beck’s Melampus a valid 
taxonomic name and he erroneously desig- 
nated Melampus lineatus Say [= Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus Say] as type species. 
Melampus $. $. is represented in the West- 
ern Atlantic by only two species: Melampus 
(M.) coffeus (Linnaeus) and Melampus (М.) bi- 
dentatus Say. In Florida, Bermuda and the 
Greater Antilles, in which they overlap, the 
two species show a wide range of variation in 
shape and color, sometimes making their 
separation difficult. Melampus (M.) bidenta- 
tus can be recognized by the presence of at 
least one, usually two or three marked spiral 
grooves on the whorls of the spire and on the 
shoulder of the body whorl. In Melampus (M.) 
coffeus these grooves occur only on the first 
four whorls (Figs. 230, 232, 233). In addition, 
Melampus (M.) coffeus is conical, whereas 
Melampus (М.) bidentatus is more ovoid. Al- 
though variable in color, Melampus (M.) cof- 
feus characteristically has as many as five 
dark, olive-green bands on the body whorl 
and usually it has a pinkish to purple patch 
covering the columellar fold and the tip of the 
columella. In Melampus (M.) bidentatus the 


bands are usually brownish and the col- 
umella is white. Anatomical differences oc- 
cur, as in the nervous system, in which the 
right parietovisceral connective 1$ shorter 
than that in Melampus (M.) coffeus; also in 
this species the vagina is twice the length of 
the posterior vas deferens, whereas т 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus, although variable, 
both ducts are much more alike in length. 

Habitat: Melampus (M.) bidentatus is a com- 
mon inhabitant of the North American salt 
marshes and of the mangroves of the Florida 
Keys, Bermuda and the Bahama Islands. 
Melampus (M.) coffeus lives in mangroves 
from Florida to Brazil. This species has not 
been reported from salt marshes and it over- 
laps with the former species only in man- 

Range: The subgenus Melampus has a 
worldwide distribution, not being restricted, 
as are most ellobiid groups, to the tropics. In 
the Western Atlantic the subgenus extends 
from Newfoundland, Canada, to Brazil. 

Melampus (Melampus) coffeus 
(Linnaeus, 1758) 
Figs. 218-256 

Bulla coffea Linnaeus, 1758: 729 [type local- 
ity unknown, herein designated to be 
Barbados, West Indies; lectotype herein 
selected, Linnaean collection, LSL (Fig. 

Voluta coffea (Linnaeus). Linnaeus, 1767: 
1187; Gmelin, 1791: 3438; Dillwyn, 1817: 

Bulimus coniformis Bruguiere, 1789: 339 
[American coast, herein restricted to 
Barbados, West Indies; location of type 

Melampus coniformis (Bruguière). Montfort, 
1810: 319; Lowe, 1832: 292; C. B. Ad- 
ams: 1849: 42; C. B. Adams, 1851: 186; 
Shuttleworth, 1858: 73; Franc, 1968: 

Conovulus coniformis (Bruguière). Lamarck, 
1816, pl. 459, figs. 2, a. b., Liste p. 12. 

Auricula coniformis (Bruguiere). Férussac, 
1821: 105; Lamarck, 1822: 141; Menke, 
1830: 36; Gould, 1833: 67; Potiez & 
Michaud, 1838: 202; Jay, 1839: 59; 
Sowerby, 1839b: 10, fig. 298: Sowerby, 
1842: 77, fig. 298; Küster, 1844: 31, pl. 4, 
figs. 14-17; Reeve, 1877, pl. 7, fig. 57. 

Pedipes coniformis (Bruguiere). Blainville, 

1824: 245; Blainville, 1825: 325 [425], pl. 
37 bis, fig. 4 [erroneously listed in plate 
caption as Tornatelle coniforme]. 

Auricula biplicata Deshayes, 1830: 91 [type 
locality unknown, herein designated to 
be Barbados, West Indies; holotype 
MNHNP (Fig. 220)]; Pfeiffer, 1854b: 148. 

Melampus (Conovulus) biplicatus (Deshayes). 
Beck, 1837: 106. 

Melampus (Conovulus) coffeus (Linnaeus). 
Beck, 1837: 106. 

Auricula (Conovulus) coniformis (Bruguiere). 
Anton, 1839: 48. 

Auricula conoidalis (Bruguière). Sowerby, 
1839b: 63, fig. 298; Sowerby, 1842: 187, 
fig. 298 [referred to in text as coniformis]. 

Conovulus coffee (Linnaeus). Gray, 1840: 20 
[error for coffea]. 

Auricula coniformis Férussac. Orbigny, 1841: 
187, pl. 12, figs. 4-7 [plate caption incor- 
rect; should be 4-7, not 1-3]. 

Auricula coniformis Lamarck. Reeve, 1842: 
106, pl. 187, fig. 7. 

Auricula olivula ‘“‘Moricand”’ Küster, 1844: 33, 
pl. 3, figs. 11-33 [Bahía, Brazil; location 
of type unknown]. 

Melampus coffea (Linnaeus). Mórch, 1852: 
38; Pfeiffer, 1854b: 147; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 
28; Binney, 1860: 4; Binney, 1865: 13, 
fig. 15; Tryon, 1866: 8, pl. 18, figs. 7, 8; 
Pfeiffer, 1876: 306; Mörch, 1878: 5; 
Fischer 8 Crosse, 1880: 23, pl. 34, figs. 
10, 10a; Crosse, 1890: 258; Hinkley, 
1907: 71; Bequaert & Clench, 1933: 538. 

Melampus coniformis (Lamarck). Shuttle- 
worth, 1854b: 101. 

Melampus coffeus (Linnaeus). H. & A. Adams, 
1854: 9; H. & A. Adams, 1855b: 243, pl. 
82, figs. 7, 7a; Binney, 1859: 162, pl. 75, 
figs. 21, 25; Poey, 1866: 394; Nevill, 1879: 
219; Arango y Molina, 1880: 59; Dall, 
1885: 280, pl. 18, fig. 3; Dall, 1889: 92, pl. 
47, fig. 3; Машу, 1922: 54; Peile, 1926: 
88; M. Smith, 1937: 146, pl. 55, fig. 7, pl. 
67, fig. 3 [pl. 67 copied from Вай (1885: pl. 
18)]; Perry, 1940: 117, pl. 39, fig. 286; 
Broek, 1950: 80; Morrison, 1951b: 8; 
Dodge, 1955: 64-68 [history of nomen- 
clature]; Perry & Schwengel, 1955: 197, 
pl. 39, fig. 286; Morris, 1958: 228, pl. 40, 
fig. 14; Coomans, 1958: 103; Morrison, 
1958: 118-124 [habitat]; Nowell-Usticke, 
1959: 88; Holle & Dineen, 1959: 28-35, 
46-51 [shell morphometry]; Golley, 1960: 
152-155 [ecology]; Warmke & Abbott, 
1961: 153 [pl. 28, fig. n is of Melampus 
(Detracia) monile (Bruguiere)]; Marcus 4 


Marcus, 1963: 41-52 [early life history); 
Marcus, 1965: 124-128 [systematics]; 
Marcus & Marcus, 1965a: 19-82, figs. 
1-18 [distribution, ecology, anatomy); 
Natarajan & Burch, 1966: 114 [chromo- 
somes]; Scarabino & Maytia, 1968: 276- 
278; Coomans, 1969: 82; Rios, 1970: 
138; Vilas & Vilas, 1970: 91, pl. 10, fig. 21; 
Princz, 1973: 183; Morris, 1973: 273, pl. 
74, fig. 11; Abbott, 1974: 332, fig. 4088; 
Humphrey, 1975: 196, pl. 22, fig. 27 [fig- 
ured dorsal view looks very much like 
Melampus (D.) monile (Bruguiere)]; Rios, 
1975: 158, pl. 48, No. 764; Emerson 4 
Jacobson, 1976: 192, pl. 26, fig. 26; 
Berry, 1977: 181-226; Cosel, 1978: 215; 
Rosewater, 1981; 161; Rehder, 1981: 
646, fig. 362; Heard, 1982: 20, fig. 15; 
Mahieu, 1984: 314; Jensen 8 Clark, 1986: 
457, figured. 

Melampus (Tralia) olivula (Kúster). H. & А. Ad- 
ams, 1854: 11. 

Melampus olivula (Küster). Pfeiffer, 18546: 
147; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 23; Pfeiffer, 1876: 
304; Lange de Morretes, 1949: 122; 
Morrison, 1951b: 8. 

Melampus biplicatus (Deshayes). 
1856a: 21; Pfeiffer, 1876: 303. 

Melampus caffeus (Lamarck) (Linnaeus). Dall, 
1883: 322 [misspelling]. 

Melampus caffeus (Linnaeus). 
1889: 68 [misspelling]. 

Melampus coffea, var. microspira Pilsbry, 
1891: 320 [Progreso, Yucatán, Mexico; 
holotype ANSP 61471 (Fig. 221)]. 

Melampus (Melampus) coffeus (Linnaeus). 
Dall 8 Simpson, 1901: 368, pl. 53, fig. 13; 
Thiele, 1931; 467; Zilch, 1959: 65, fig. 
211; Vokes & Vokes, 1983: 6, pl. 22, fig. 

Melampus coffeus coffeus (Linnaeus). C.W. 
Johnson, 1934: 159. 

Melampus (Melampus) coffea (Linnaeus). Al- 
tena, 1975: 86, pl. 8, fig. 8; Gibson-Smith 
8 Gibson-Smith, 1982: 116, fig. 1. 



Description: Shell (Figs. 218-233) to 23 mm 
long, ovate-conic, solid, shiny to dull, whitish 
to dark brown with olive tones, sometimes 
monochrome, rarely with irregular axial mark- 
ings, generally with as many as five olive 
green to brown bands on body whorl, the one 
just below shoulder markedly consistent; 
pinkish to dark brown patch usually covering 
tip of columella and columellar tooth. Umbil- 
ical excavation visible in large specimens. 

Spire low, whorls nine to 12, flat; the first 
three and one-half to four whorls of teleo- 
conch dark brown, spirally pitted; four rows 
of pits in first whorl, gradually disappearing at 
a rate of about one a whorl; remaining whorls 
smooth or marked with very fine superficial 
cords, not related to the preceding pits; body 
whorl about 90% of total length, carinate at 
shoulder, near its broadest point, smooth ex- 
cept around columella, which 15 striated. Ap- 
erture narrow, broadening anteriorly, subax- 
ial, averaging 93% of body whorl length; 
inner lip with small, oblique columellar tooth, 
two parietal teeth, posterior one moderately 
strong, perpendicular to columellar axis, an- 
terior one minute, sometimes fused with pos- 
terior one, sometimes absent; rarely with ad- 
ditional parietal denticles above posterior 
parietal tooth; outer lip sharp, with 13 to 18 
even, white internal riblets not reaching edge. 
Inner whorls greatly resorbed, partition ex- 
tending into only half of body whorl (Fig. 225). 
Protoconch smooth, translucent, brownish 
(Figs. 230-233). 

Radula (Figs. 234-251) with formula [32 + 
(1 + 26) + 1 +(26 + 1) + 32] x 113. Base of 
central tooth approximately same width as 
that of lateral teeth, triangular, laterally con- 
stricted on first third; crown small, posterior 
edge with medial depression; mesocone 
small, sharp; ectocones very small or absent. 
Lateral teeth 20 to 36; crown strong, broadly 
triangular, one-third of total length of tooth; 
irregularities on crown give it tricuspid ap- 
pearance, but distinct endocone or ectocone 
not present. Marginal teeth 28 to 38; meso- 
cone large, triangular, pointing medially; en- 
docone small, sometimes divided into as 
many as five small denticles that can give a 
serrated appearance; ectocone appearing as 
serrate edge in crown of first marginal tooth; 
denticles becoming distinct around seventh 
to tenth marginal tooth; from about 20th mar- 
ginal tooth onward, ectocone becomes 
cteniform with as many as eight denticles. 

Animal (Fig. 252) brownish, mottled to uni- 
form black. Mantle skirt broad, with numer- 
ous mucous Cells; right and left margins pos- 
teriorly fused to form pointed lappet of 
posterior aperture canal. Pallial cavity deep, 
not covering entire body whorl, opening to 
outside through semicircular pneumostome 
on right side of mantle skirt. Rectum delimits 
right side of pallial cavity; bilobed anal gill 
flanking rectum just posterior to anus. Long, 
weakly developed hypobranchial gland just 
to left of rectum. Kidney contiguous with hy- 


FIGS. 230-233. Melampus (M.) coffeus, lateral and top views of spire and protoconch. (230, 231) South 
Mastic Pt., Andros Island, Bahamas. (232, 233) Tucacas, Venezuela. Scale, Fig. 231, 500 um; all others, 
1 mm. 

pobranchial gland, white, long, narrow, with 
incomplete transverse foldings forming lon- 
gitudinal medial atrium; kidney opening pap- 
illose, emptying into mantle cavity just pos- 
teriorto dorsal pneumostomal gland. Grayish, 
white-spotted pneumostomal glands in front 
of kidney, one on roof, other on floor of pallial 
cavity. Mantle organ in anterior left corner, 
well developed, dark brown to black. Heart 
transparent, posterior to kidney and mantle 
organ; posterior ventricle gives off short aorta 
that branches anteriorly and posteriorly; an- 
terior aorta large, passing beneath crop, 
crossing to right over columellar muscle and 
under right parietovisceral connective, and 
emptying into large pedal sinus; posterior 
aorta branches to digestive gland, intestine, 
stomach and ovotestis; some blood collects 
in wide circular vein of mantle skirt and passes 
to pulmonary vein that opens into auricle; rest 
of blood passes through kidney and mantle 
organ, joining pulmonary vein at entrance of 
auricle. Stomach (Fig. 253) as in subfamily. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 254) basically 
as described under Melampus s. I.; vagina 
about one and one-half times length of body 
whorl; posterior vas deferens about half the 
length of vagina. 

Nervous system (Fig. 255) having cerebral 
ganglia joined by thick cerebral commissure, 
usually heavily wrapped in connective tissue; 
cerebral commissure shorter than width of a 
single cerebral ganglion. Ten pairs of nerves 
originate on cerebral ganglia; from anterior to 
posterior, they are: large tentacular nerve in- 
nervating tentacles; ocular nerve to eyes; 
peritentacular nerve going to base of tenta- 
cles; anterior labial nerve innervating sides of 
mouth; thicker medial labial nerve with one 
branch to sole of labial palps and two 
branches to lips and right medial labial nerve 
sends a branch to penis (penial nerve); pos- 
terior labial nerve innervating ventral portions 
of mouth; long cerebrobuccal connective; 
thick cerebropedal connective; thin statocyst 
nerve; and thick cerebropleural connective. 


m ь 

To (7 te 
A nt 

FIGS. 234-242. Melampus (M.) coffeus, radula, Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 14.1 mm. (234) General view, left 
half. (235, 236) Left lateral teeth. (237, 238) First left marginal teeth. (239) Central and first right lateral teeth. 
(240, 241) Last left marginal teeth. (242) Last right marginal teeth. Scale, Fig. 241, 500 um; all others, 50 um. 


FIGS. 243-250. 



23L T 1M 

10M 11M 12M 18M 19M 25M 26M 27M 

FIG. 251. Melampus (M.) coffeus, radula, Mullet 
Key, Florida. Scale 10 um. 

Buccal ganglia small, joined by short, thin 
buccal commissure from which unpaired 
pharyngeal nerve leaves, embedding into 
buccal bulb just anterior to radular sac; a pair 
of esophageal nerves leave medial anterior 
portion of ganglia, splitting immediately into 
anterior and posterior esophageal nerves, the 
latter running posteriorly on sides of esoph- 
agus; cerebrobuccal connectives securely 
attached to sides of buccal bulb, at which 
they emit a lateral buccal nerve; the salivary 
gland nerve branches off cerebrobuccal con- 
nectives and enters salivary ducts near junc- 
tion with buccal bulb. 

Pleural ganglia small, lacking nerves di- 
rectly associated with them other than cere- 
bropleural, cerebropedal and pleuroparietal 
connectives; thin cutaneous lateropleural 
nerve extends from lower posterior portion of 
pleuropedal connective to lateral mid-foot re- 
gion; left pleural ganglion about 30% of size 
of right pleural ganglion; left pleuroparietal 
connective twice length of right one. 

Parietal ganglia unequal. Left ganglion half 
size of right one, with fewer nerves; mantle 
skirt artery nerve leaving ganglion anteriorly, 
entering mantle skirt on left side, running 
along artery, sending branch into dorsal por- 
tion of mucous gland; thin external pallial 
nerve going to posteroventral section of 

mantle skirt; parietocutaneous nerve with 
branch to origin of posterior left bundle of 
columellar muscle; internal pallial nerve to 
mantle skirt, bifurcating to left side and to 
posteroventral portion. Nerves from right pa- 
rietal ganglion are: external pallial nerve orig- 
inating ventrally near pleural ganglion, cross- 
ing beneath other right parietal nerves and 
ramifying in floor of lung; thick pneumo- 
stomal nerve following floor of pneumostome 
and branching to innervate lips of pneumos- 
tome; medial pallial nerve arising above 
pneumostomal nerve and branching into 
mantle skirt; internal pallial nerve arising 
above pneumostomal nerve and branching 
into mantle skirt; internal pallial nerve, closely 
associated with pneumostomal nerve, going 
to roof of mantle cavity; and aortic nerve in- 
nervating wide aorta. 

Visceral ganglion about same size as right 
parietal ganglion, giving off these nerves: 
thick pallial cutaneous visceral nerve crosses 
from left to right to innervate mantle lappet; 
thinner anal nerve goes to lower pneumos- 
tomal gland and anal region; genital nerve 
gives off thin branch to columellar muscle, 
extends along posterior vas deferens, sends 
branch to albumen and mucous glands and 
continues to ovotestis; and thinner columel- 
lar muscle nerve arises to right of genital 
nerve and penetrates columellar muscle. 

Pedal ganglia united in front by pedal com- 
missure and posteriorly by thin subpedal 
commissure. There are seven pairs of pedal 
nerves: anteromedian pedal nerve goes for- 
ward to mid-ventral foot; anterolateral pedal 
nerve runs laterally and anteriorly; anterior 
and posterior cutaneous pedal nerves go 
midlaterally to wall of foot; posterolateral 
pedal nerve runs posterolaterally; postero- 
median pedal nerve goes to posterior mid- 
ventral section; and posteropedal nerve goes 
to posterior ventral portion of foot. Thick 
cerebropedal and thinner pleuropedal con- 
nectives insert close to each other on anterior 
and lateral margins of ganglion respectively; 
thin statocyst nerve inserts just above cere- 
bropedal commissure; thin left pharyngeal 
retractor muscle nerve originates posterior to 

FIGS. 243-250. Melampus (M.) coffeus, radula. (243) Laguna Rincon, Bahía de Boquerón, Puerto Rico, sl 
2.33 mm; central tooth hidden by tricuspid first lateral teeth. (244) Laguna Rincón, Bahía de Boquerón, 
Puerto Rico, sl 2.33 mm. (245, 246) Laguna Rincón, Bahía de Boquerón, Puerto Rico, sl 3.48 mm. (247-249) 
Shore of Millars Road, New Providence, Bahamas, sl 4.63 mm. (250) Left lateral teeth, with articulation of 
medial node of base of one tooth with crown of next tooth, Punta Arenas, Puerto Rico, sl 19.9 mm. Scale 

50 um. 


| рип 
\ | gn 
ру4 апп v 

mL "pn ра! 
FIG. 252. Melampus (M.) coffeus, anatomy. Right and anterior sides of mantle cavity cut, roof of lung 

reflected to left; neck incised longitudinally, neck skin reflected laterally; insertion of penial retractor muscle, 
columellar muscle and anterior aorta cut; floor of mantle removed, organs cleaned of connective tissue and 

slightly separated. Scale 1 mm. 

({ _avd 

pe... u 

FIG. 254. Melampus (M.) coffeus, reproductive sys- 
tem, Grassy Key, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

FIG. 253. Melampus (M.) coffeus, stomach, Florida. 
Scale 1 mm. sue wraps connectives associated with pedal 
ganglia, statocyst nerve and proximal portion 
of radular muscle nerve; right pharyngeal re- 
tractor muscle nerve and associated connec- 
tive tissue attach to posterior right side of 

statocyst nerve, follows the latter forward 
buccal bulb. Round statocyst with numerous 

and, halfway, turns posteriorly and inserts in 
radular muscle; wide sheet of connective tis- 


pmpn pg st plpn 
ppn | 



/ y + , NS: \ 
+ 4 ` ` ` 

an, ipan\ pnn“ ‘арт: 
/ = ` 


plprc” plpc épan 


// alpn phmn 
-- ampn man 


mpan 'prg plg срс pin pen “min ‘ptn 

FIG. 255. Melampus (M.) coffeus, central nervous system, Grassy Key, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

statocones on anterodorsal surface of each 
pedal ganglion. 

Remarks: Dodge (1955) gave a detailed ac- 
count of the nomenclatorial history of Melam- 
pus (M.) coffeus (Linnaeus). The description 
provided by Linnaeus (1758) was so brief and 
general that it could be applied to almost any 
species of Melampus. The specific charac- 
ters mentioned were the aperture dentate on 
both sides and conical shell, characters com- 
mon among ellobiid species. A synonymy 
was not given, references to any illustration 
were not cited, and the locality was unknown. 
In his copy of the twelfth edition of the Sys- 
tema Linnaeus added a manuscript reference 
to Lister (1770: fig. 59) (Dodge, 1955). Al- 
though the abbreviation “Barb” [for Barba- 
dos] is written between figures 59 and 60, 
plate 834, of Lister, the sketchy representa- 
tion of the outer lip in figure 59, chosen by 
Linnaeus, suggests a species of the Indo-Pa- 
cific genus Cassidula. Such was the interpre- 
tation of Hanley (1855: 214), who regarded it 
as being Bulimus auris-felis Bruguiére [= Cas- 

sidula aurisfelis] “or some closely allied con- 
gener.” Also according to Hanley, Cassidula 
aurisfelis was not present in the Linnaean col- 
lection although Linnaeus asserted that he 
owned the specimen he used for the descrip- 
tion of his Bulla coffea. 

The history of the interpretation of the 
name Bulla coffea exemplifies the confusion 
of the various authors about the identity of 
Linnaeus’ species. One of the illustrations 
cited in early works for the Linnaean species 
is a dorsal view of the Auricula Midae non- 
fimbriata, bidens of Martini (1773, 2: 126, pl. 
43, fig. 445). Although Martini's description 
and figure are rather sketchy and inaccurate, 
he cited in synonymy Petiver’s (1770) species 
No. 493, Persicula barbadensis fasciatus. The 
locality, Barbados, is within the range of the 
species and agrees with Lister’s note. Chem- 
nitz [1786, 9(2): 45, figs. 1043, 1044] also il- 
lustrated and described under the name Vo- 
luta coffea Linnaei his concept of Linnaeus’ 
species, referring to the tenth and twelfth edi- 
tions of the Systema. Chemnitz criticized 
Martini’s illustration as a “small, unimportant 


and unrecognizable figure of the present 
much larger and impressive shell.” The 
Chemnitz definition and illustration are 
equally incorrect, however; the former men- 
tions fine transverse striae, the latter closely 
resembles Cassidula aurisfelis (Bruguière, 
1789). An indication that Chemnitz was con- 
fused about the true identity of Linnaeus' 
species is the reference to the size. Cassidula 
aurisfelis easily reaches 30 mm whereas 
Melampus (M.) coffeus rarely surpasses 20 
mm in length. 

Probably with the intention of clarifying the 
existing confusion Bruguière (1789) intro- 
duced the name Bulimus coniformis, for 
which he provided a fairly accurate descrip- 
tion. He cited in the synonymy Lister's figure 
59, Linnaeus (1758, 1767) and Martini’s fig- 
ure 445. He rejected, however, Chemnitz' 
figure, which shows an apertural view. 

The thirteenth edition of the Systema nat- 
urae (Gmelin, 1791: 3438) also failed to re- 
solve adequately the question of the identity 
of Melampus (М.) coffeus (Linnaeus). Gmelin 
listed Voluta coffea, and the references to the 
synonymy included Lister's figure 59, Fa- 
vanne's (1780) figure H7 [miscited as fig. 47], 
Martini’s figure 445 and Chemnitz’ figures 
1043, 1044. Two pages before (p. 3436) 
Gmelin introduced Voluta minuta, for which 
he cited the same references to Lister and 
Martini. He described two color patterns, 
dark with two to six white bands, or white 
with four alternating yellow and coffee-col- 
ored bands. These features are not surpris- 
ing, considering the variation in color that 
characterizes the group. Reference to the 
“three ribs on the outer lip” raises doubt 
about the relationship of Voluta minuta to 
Melampus (M.) coffeus, because the latter 
species has many (13-18) riblets inside the 
outer lip. Voluta minuta has been cited fre- 
quently as junior synonym of Melampus (M.) 
coffeus. Given both the impossibility of iden- 
tifying Gmelin's species from the original de- 
scription, and the ambiguity of the illustra- 
tions cited in the synonymy, however, the 
name Voluta minuta of Gmelin must be 
treated as a nomen dubium. 

Róding (1798: 106) introduced the names 
Ellobium inflammatum and Ellobium barba- 
dense and referred both to Voluta coffea 
(Linnaeus). No locality was given for the 
“Banded Midas ear,” Ellobium inflammatum, 
and the additional references are the Lister 
figure 59 and the Chemnitz figures 1043, 
1044, already discussed and considered in- 

conclusive. The only reference given for Ello- 
bium barbadense was the unidentifiable Mar- 
tini figure 445. Róding did not provide any 
description and, as noted, the references 
given are inconclusive. For this reason, Ello- 
bium inflammatum and Ellobium barbadense 
are to be considered nomina dubia. 

According to Dodge (1955) Melampus (M.) 
coffeus is not described in the Museum Ulri- 
cae, and specimens of it are not in the 
Queen's collection at Uppsala. Inspection of 
the type material at the Linnaean Society of 
London revealed a mixed lot of 12 specimens 
representing two species. A label note by S. 
P. Dance from 1963 attributes to Hanley the 
selection of these 12 unmarked specimens. 
Seven specimens are Melampus (D.) monile 
(Bruguière), four represent a smaller form of 
Melampus (M.) coffeus (Linnaeus) (Fig. 219) 
and the twelfth specimen, nearly twice the 
size of any of the others, conforms to Ме/ат- 
pus (M.) coffeus (Linnaeus) of all authors (Fig. 

With all the inconsistencies in the descrip- 
tions and figures applied by the early authors 
to Bulla coffea Linnaeus, this name, as 
Dodge (1955: 67) remarked, would be treated 
as nomen dubium were it not for the exis- 
tence in the Linnaean collection of a speci- 
men that must be considered the ostensible 
type. Equally important is the fact that the 
name Melampus (M.) coffeus has been in 
general use since 1854 and to remove this 
well-established name would create unnec- 
essary confusion in the literature. To prevent 
further confusion, the large specimen in the 
LSL (Fig. 218) is herein designated lectotype. 

Another source of confusion was the 
failure of some authors to distinguish be- 
tween Melampus (M.) coffeus (Linnaeus) and 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus Say. The geo- 
graphical ranges of these two species over- 
lap in Bermuda, most of Florida, the Gulf of 
Mexico and the western Greater Antilles. 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus is highly variable, 
sometimes resembling the highest-spired 
Melampus (M.) coffeus in shape, size and 
color. The most distinctive characteristic, as 
noted by Morrison (1958, 1964), is the ab- 
sence of incised lines on the shoulder of the 
body whorl of Melampus (M.) coffeus. This 
characteristic can be used only in individuals 
having more than four whorls. In fact, the first 
three and one-half to four whorls of both spe- 
cies have incised lines and are indistinguish- 
able in this regard (Figs. 230-233). Binney 
(1859) and Tryon (1866) perceived this differ- 


ence, describing Melampus (M.) coffeus as 
having microscopic revolving lines, as op- 
posed to Melampus (M.) bidentatus, which 
has revolving striae. Lines are very weak 
cords whereas striae are finely impressed 
spiral depressions. The lines in Melampus 
(M.) coffeus are not incised and they do not 
correspond to the continuation of the stria- 
tions or rows of pits on the first whorls. 

Failure to distinguish between Melampus 
(M.) coffeus and Melampus (M.) bidentatus is 
obvious in the work of Holle & Dineen (1959). 
One of their conclusions is the hypothesis 
that Melampus (М.) coffeus and Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus are but subspecies. Natarajan 
& Burch (1966), on the basis of chromosomal 
counts, stated that these species hybridize. | 
doubt, however, that they were dealing with 
both species, but rather with two forms of the 
variable Melampus (M.) bidentatus. The sup- 
posed Melampus coffeus used in their re- 
search was from Jekyll Island, Georgia. In- 
spection of four major museum collections of 
the east coast of the United States failed to 
yield any record of Melampus (M.) coffeus 
north of Florida. It is doubtful, therefore, that 
this species was involved and the suggestion 
that Melampus (M.) bidentatus and Melam- 
pus (М.) coffeus hybridize is probably unten- 

Deshayes (1830) introduced Auricula bipli- 
cata, of unknown locality. Beck (1837) re- 
ported Deshayes' species as living in Amer- 
ica and Binney (1859), probably on account 
of Beck's reference to the name biplicata, 
treated Auricula biplicata as a synonym of 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus, without comment. 
In the original description Deshayes (1830: 
91) stressed that his species should not 
be confused with those under the section of 
the Conovules. In comparing Auricula bipli- 
cata with Auricula coniformis (Bruguiere) 
[= Melampus (M.) coffeus], Deshayes pointed 
out that, although comparable in size [22 x 12 
mm], his species differed from Bruguiere’s 
species in color, shape and apertural denti- 
tion. The holotype of Auricula biplicata 
(Fig. 220) lacks the incised grooves on the 
shoulder of the body whorl, characteristic 
of Melampus (M.) bidentatus. The uniform 
brownish color, the slender shape, the 
strong, whitish posterior parietal tooth and 
the greatly reduced anterior parietal tooth are 
well within the range of variation that | have 
observed in Melampus (M.) coffeus. | col- 
lected in Florida specimens that conform 
with Deshayes' species. | have designated 

herein Barbados as the type locality for Au- 
ricula biplicata Deshayes to avoid confusion 
with a large form of Melampus (M.) bidenta- 
tus, also found in Florida, which Pfeiffer 
(1853b) described as Melampus gundlachi 
(Fig. 271). 

Melampus olivula (Kúster) is a Brazilian 
morph of Melampus (M.) coffeus character- 
ized by the absence of the first parietal tooth 
(Fig. 228). Although Küster (1844: 33) referred 
to an alleged publication by Moricand in 
“Mémoir de la Société de Genève. VIII”, | 
failed to see such a reference in the place 
indicated. Accepting Pfeiffer's (1856a) au- 
thority, who attributed Auricula olivula to 
Moricand “ex citationibus auctorum,” one 
can conclude that Moricand's publication of 
the name is doubtful or obscure, and Kúster 
(1844) is to be credited for its introduction. 

As pointed out under the remarks for the 
subgenus, the radular morphology of Melam- 
pus changes considerably during the early 
growth of the animal (Figs. 243-249). Among 
the most noticeable differences are the wide 
base of the central tooth bearing conspicu- 
ous nodes on the inner edge of the arms and 
the clearly tricuspid first lateral tooth with ec- 
tocone and endocone that becomes serrated 
in larger juveniles. In juveniles, as in adults, 
the transitional tooth is characterized by a 
shortening of the base and the presence of 
an ectocone. The marginal teeth also have an 
endocone. The number of cusps on the ec- 
tocone can vary from row to row in the same 
positional tooth. 

A unique feature of the Melampinae is the 
mantle organ. This squarish, black structure 
was first mentioned by Koslowsky (1933: 
178) for Melampus boholensis H. 8 A. Ad- 
ams, and by Marcus & Marcus (1965а: 31) for 
Melampus (М.) coffeus. Although of unknown 
function, this highly vascularized organ prob- 
ably is excretory or lymphatic, according to 
the latter authors. 

Another structure, here called the bilobed 
anal gill, was described by Koslowsky (1933) 
and by Marcus & Marcus (1965a) as a pair of 
anal glands. It consists of two small, pro- 
fusely ciliated tubular structures flanking the 
anus and isolated from the pallial cavity. Ac- 
cording to Marcus & Marcus (1965a: 38) this 
structure, consisting of epithelial cells and 
subepithelial secretory cells, probably se- 
cretes some mucilaginous substance that 
helps in holding the fecal pellets together and 
in lubricating the anal groove. Renault (1966) 
described the same structure in Cassidula la- 


brella Deshayes, but considered it а gill. п 
the Pythiinae, to which Cassidula belongs, 
and in the Pedipedinae | observed it to be a 
single, well-developed, highly folded struc- 
ture, closely resembling a gill. Renault noted 
that this structure is at the bottom of a de- 
pression in the mantle-skirt groove and con- 
cluded that such a depression is comparable 
to a reduced pallial cavity, seen in the ontog- 
eny of some pulmonates and retained in 
adult ellobiids. Although not denying its glan- 
dular character, | am inclined to consider this 
structure in Melampus (M.) coffeus as a gill 
because of its homology with identical or- 
gans in the Pedipedinae and Pythiinae. 

The connectives of the visceral nerve ring 
are short, but readily identifiable and of un- 
equal length. In this respect Marcus 8 Mar- 
cus’ illustration (1965a, pl. 2, fig. 7) of the 
central nervous system of Melampus (М.) 
coffeus is inaccurate in not showing evidence 
of those connectives, a condition never 
found in the ellobiids. 

Habitat: Melampus (M.) coffeus, an inhabit- 
ant of mangroves, lives at and above the 
high-tide mark but can also occur intertidally, 
commonly gathering on mangrove roots and 
propagules above water level at high tide, but 
descending to the muddy ground at low tide. 
They prefer shady places (Marcus 8 Marcus, 
1965a) and seem to be more active at night 
(Golley, 1960). 

Range: Bermuda; Florida to West Indies; 
Gulf of Mexico, Central America south to Bra- 
zil (Fig. 256). Scarabino 8 Maytia (1968) re- 
ported this species from Uruguay, where four 
beach specimens were collected; the authors 
suggested that they might have been carried 
by currents from nearby Brazil. 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA (ANSP 
56829): Indian River (USNM 758220); S of 
Sebastian Inlet (MCZ 143993); Coconut 
Grove (MCZ 291328, 291330; USNM 
603112); Miami (USNM 700802); Biscayne 
Bay (USNM 603116); Brickell Hammock, Bis- 
cayne Bay (MCZ 291325); Homestead (MCZ 
291097); Card Sound (ANSP 84403); Turner 
River, Card Sound (ANSP 93430); Barnes 
Sound (MCZ 291095); Middle Key (USNM 
338339); McGinty Key (ANSP 139532); Key 
Largo (ANSP 194009; MCZ 246700, 291324; 
USNM 529249, 603118); Tavernier (ANSP 
325296; MCZ 201659); Tavernier Creek 
(USNM 667400; A.M.); Tavernier Key (USNM 



CE EEE E ee eel 

— 90 15) 60. 45 30 

FIG. 256. Melampus (M.) coffeus, geographic dis- 
tribution. Open circle, locality from literature. 

492563); Snake Creek (MCZ 291012); Snake 
Key (ANSP 1054); Plantation Key (MCZ 
199340, 291016; A.M.); Windley Key (USNM 
603103); Indian Key Fill (A.M.); Lignumvitae 
Key (ANSP 156326); MCZ 75605); Mate- 
cumbe Key (USNM 822252); Lower Mate- 
cumbe Key (USNM 700764); Rabbit Key 
(ANSP 88135); Long Key (MCZ 176170; 
A.M.); Grassy Key (МСУ 201673; A.M.); 
Crawl Key (MCZ 291020; A.M.); Key Vaca 
(MCZ 201672); Marathon (MCZ 153253); 
Knight Key (A.M.); Bahia Honda Key (ANSP 
89551;USNM 269777b); No Name Key (MCZ 
142470); Little Pine Key (USNM 681643); Big 
Pine Key (ANSP 89552; MCZ 201651; USNM 
597455; A.M.); Ramrod Key (MCZ 291021); 
Pavilion Key (ANSP 93431); Pelican Key 
(MCZ 3967; USNM 39829); Key West (MCZ 
201666; USNM 60754, 668244); Marquesas 
Key (ANSP 73711); Mangrove Key (ANSP 
365478); Flamingo Key (ANSP 294311; MCZ 
235501, 275576, 291098; USNM 672441); 
Cape Sable (ANSP 56825; USNM 603117); 
East Cape, Cape Sable (MCZ 291017); 
Sandy Key (USNM 603121); Lossman River 
(ANSP 132368); Everglades City (MCZ 
291096); Seminole Point (ANSP 105431); 
Horr’s Island, Ten Thousand Islands (USNM 
381325); Fakahatchee Key (ANSP 88139); 


Royal Palm Hammock (MCZ 257250; USNM 
492561); Marco Island (MCZ 201687, 
291011; USNM 381332); Blue Hill Island, 
near Goodland Point (ANSP 88134); Little 
Marco (ANSP 93429); Gordon Pass (USNM 
603098); Naples (MCZ 178104, 201661; 
USNM 667406); Bonita Springs Beach (MCZ 
201680, 291015); Bonita Beach (USNM 
334075); Cayo Tuna, S. Carlos Bay (ANSP 
106299); Carl E. Johnson Park, Little Carlos 
Pass (A.M.); Mound Key, 2 km N of south end 
of Estero Island (MCZ 201657); Dog Key, 1.5 
km NW of middle of Estero Island (MCZ 
201648); Starvation Key (ANSP 130057); Fort 
Myers (ANSP 183181); Punta Rassa (ANSP 
45075, 56826, 140849; MCZ 84097, 291018; 
USNM 37601, 513900, 492573, 700853; 
A.M.); Sanibel Island (ANSP 91378, 170651; 
MCZ 13702, 55773, 201655, 291024; USNM 
611799); Wulfert, Sanibel Island (МСА 13703, 
13803); Pine Island (ANSP 93387); Pineaire, 
Pine Island (MCZ 291023); Bokeelia (MCZ 
291025; A.M.); Captiva Island (MCZ 291013; 
USNM 513901); Blind Pass, Captiva Island 
(MCZ 201658); Boca Grande, Gasparilla Is- 
land (ANSP 142272); Little Gasparilla Island 
(ANSP 131405); Punta Gorda (ANSP 45076); 
Charlotte Harbor (USNM 592308); Nokomis 
(ANSP 180747); Siesta Key (USNM 669348); 
Sarasota (MCZ 201679; USNM 30625, 
487314a); 45 km N of Sarasota (ANSP 
294315); Long Boat Key (MCZ 201686); be- 
tween Palma Sola and Cortez (MCZ 291014); 
Palmetto (A.M.); Manatee River (ANSP 
56832; MCZ 3968, 201664; USNM 492560); 
Big Bend Road [Rt. 672] (A.M.); Tampa Bay 
(MCZ 55757, 70569, 201645, 201654, 
201664; USNM 37602, 73210, 193362, 
196349a, 504481, 711484); Small Island 
(MCZ 91358); Mullet Key (ANSP 76699; 
USNM 652406; A.M.); Tierra Verde (MCZ un- 
catalogued); Shell Key (USNM 466206, 
466288a); key 2 km S of Pass-a-grille (MCZ 
56177); Pass-a-grille (ANSP 148522; MCZ 
138939, 162640); Bird Key (ANSP 134318; 
MCZ 71009, 71595, 104946; USNM 36896, 
37600); Terra Ceia (MCZ uncatalogued; 
USNM 124285); Pinellas Point (MCZ uncata- 
logued); St. Petersburg (USNM 341721a, 
466195, 663066); SE of Gulfport (MCZ 
201665); Gulfport (MCZ 88789); Bocca Key 
(USNM 75409); Boca Ciega Bay (ANSP 9568; 
MCZ 291329); Sand Key (ANSP 128525); 
Clearwater Island (ANSP 9354, 176363; MCZ 
105461; USNM 611786); island in Clearwater 
Bay (ANSP 149851); Anclote River (A.M.); 
Cedar Key (ANSP 362803; MCZ 201660; 

USNM 27918). BERMUDA (ANSP 158807; 
USNM 11421, 94432a, 173642, 228686): in- 
let E of biological station, St. George's (MCZ 
64705); Hungry Bay (ANSP 85712; MCZ 
374525): Gold Rock Creek (ANSP 369339); 
Running Mon Canal (ANSP 369778); Eight 
Mile Rock (ANSP 173255); Hawksbill Creek 
(ANSP 176351; MCZ 116679); GREAT 
ABACO ISLAND (ANSP 362802, 362804; 
MCZ 201683; USNM 492564, 492591): Witch 
Point (ANSP 299482); Bootle Bay (ANSP 
371879); Cherokee Sound (MCZ 133101); 
BIMINI ISLANDS: Alicetown, North Bimini 
291332); ANDROS ISLAND (USNM 492572): 
South Mastic Point (A.M.); Stafford Creek 
(ANSP 189566); Mangrove Cay (ANSP 
94525; MCZ 24137, 24138; USNM 269861, 

269968b); Lisbon Point, Mangrove Cay 
(USNM 269599); Linder Key (USNM 

(ANSP 184850; MCZ 85768): Nassau (USNM 
160765, 467072, 568412); Old Fort (MCZ 
107792); Dick’s Point (MCZ 107797, 113101, 
291333); Adelaide (USNM 603873); Millars 
Sound (A.M.); Millars Road (A.M.); Bonefish 
Pond (USNM 618597; A.M.); Fox Hill, South 
Beach (MCZ 107770); ELEUTHRA ISLAND: 
Schooner Cays (ANSP 359332); Millars 
Beach (ANSP 359351); ROYAL ISLAND 
(MCZ uncatalogued; USNM 468114); CAT 
ISLAND (ANSP 173256): Russell Creek 
(ANSP 173260; MCZ 63384); Orange Creek 
(ANSP 173254; MCZ 63385); Arthurstown 
(ANSP 173661; MCZ 107832); Dumfries 
(MCZ 107752); EXUMA CAYS: Hog Cay 
Riding Rock (USNM 360311); LONG ISLAND: 
Salt Pond, Clarencetown (ANSP 189565; 
MCZ 113099; USNM 589832, 590247); 
Brett's Hill (MCZ 113336, 142299); Glenton's 
(ANSP 173253; MCZ 113100; Cape Sta. 
Maria (MCZ 113329). CUBA (ANSP 56791; 
USNM 10967, 59724, 121518, 492569, 
492581): Bahia de Santa Rosa (USNM 
492556, 492568); Cape Cajón (USNM 
492571a); Los Arroyos (USNM 492558); 
Cayo Rapado (MCZ 201652); Dimas (USNM 
492559a); Bahia Honda (USNM 492560); Ma- 
riel (MCZ 131922; USNM 169938); Marianao 
(ANSP 77006; MCZ 131953); Rio San Juan 
(MCZ 127825); Cayo Cristo (MCZ 291321); 
Cárdenas (MCZ 87886); Rio Yumurí (ANSP 
87920, 167219; MCZ 83311, 131913, 
131941, 201684); Cayo de las Cinco Léguas 


(ANSP 158050); Rancho Veloz, Sagua la 
Grande (MCZ 201682); Caibarién (MCZ 
131914, 131920, 131940); Cayo Francés 
(MCZ uncatalogued); Muelles (MCZ 131915); 
Cayo Salinas, Buena Vista Bay (MCZ 
201681); Cayo Сописо (MCZ uncatalogued); 
Isla de Cobos (MCZ uncatalogued); Punta 
Alegre (ANSP 149212); Isla Turigano (MCZ 
uncatalogued); Terraplen, Isla Turigano 
(USNM 385661); S of Central Ramon (USNM 
391797); Gibara (USNM 381469, 603096); 
Banes (MCZ 59623); Penon el Fraile, Fraile, 
Santa Cruz del Norte (USNM 807577); Playa 
Cajio, Guira del Melena (USNM 803401); 
Guantanamo Bay (MCZ 92675); Santiago 
(USNM 373225, 603114); Tarallones de 
Arena, near Santiago (ANSP 182935); Rio 
Cauto (USNM 682787); Santa Cruz del Sur 
(MCZ 131919, 201662); Finca, Sabanalmar 
(MCZ uncatalogued); Cienfuegos Bay (ANSP 
106093); Alto del Caracol (ANSP 222629); 
Cienfuegos Bay, 1 km E of La Milpa (MCZ 
uncatalogued); Cayo Blanco (ANSP 157942); 
Batabanó (ANSP 93714; USNM 603115); La 
Coloma (MCZ 84884, 131949); Punta de 
Напа (MCZ 201668); Isla de Pinos (MCZ 
48079, 48080). JAMAICA (ANSP 56822; MCZ 
291233, 291318, 291322; USNM 94743, 
492562, 492570): Green Island Harbor 
(USNM 440805); Fort Clarence (USNM 
433433); Montego Bay (ANSP 329154; MCZ 
17452); Port Morant (USNM 375739); Cow 
Bay (USNM 440974); Kingston (USNM 
442610); Palisadoes (USNM 442466a); Port 
Royal (USNM 395452c, 427004, 442268); 
Hunt’s Bay (USNM 441673); Rock Fort 
(USNM 374232); Phillipsfield (USNM 
402222); Old Harbor (441009); Portland 
(USNM 375680); near Portland Light, Port- 
land Hills (MCZ uncatalogued); Little River 
(USNM 128066); Great Goat Island (ANSP 
344216); Little Goat Island (MCZ 291326); 
Black River (USNM 441356); Savanna la Mar 
(MCZ uncatalogued). HAITI: Fort Liberté 
(USNM 426365); St. Louis (USNM 439390); 
Моте Rouge (USNM 402680, 402715); Go- 
nave Island (MCZ 82119; USNM 492531); 
Port-au-Prince (MCZ 183920; USNM 
403109, 403408, 440460, 440610, 442923); 
Miragoane (MCZ 82072); Anse-à-Maissons, 
Grand Cayamite (MCZ 82100); lle-a-Vache, 
Soulette Bay (USNM 439191, 442850); Tor- 
beck (USNM 383068, 403363, 439667, 
439695b); Les Сауез (USNM 439742а); 
Aquin (USNM 367358, 402839, 403255, 
403561, 440163); Bizoton (USNM 439832). 

57752, 291334); 19 km E of Monte Cristi 
(USNM 471542); Sanchez (USNM 307261); 
Rio Tapion, Puerto Libertador (USNM 
618639); Puerto Plata (MCZ 90785, 291317, 
291320); Santa Bárbara de Samaná (ANSP 
173257; MCZ 57754); Sanchez (ANSP 
173252; MCZ 57338); Isla La Matica, Playa 
Boca Chica, E of Santo Domingo (R.B.). PU- 
ERTO RICO: San Juan (USNM 161160, 
169885); Cayo Maguey (MCZ uncatalogued); 
Cabo Rojo lighthouse (MCZ 242179); Laguna 
Rincón (A.M.); Boquerón Beach (A.M.); Pu- 
erto Real (A.M.); Punta Arenas (A.M.); La Par- 
guera (USNM 622804); Santurce (ANSP 
175624); Piñones (A.M.); Culebra Island 
THOMAS (ANSP 56824, 56827; MCZ 89651, 
291319; USNM 6363, 6385a): Benner Bay 
(USNM 702725). ST. JOHN’S (MCZ uncata- 
logued). TORTOLA (USNM 6484). ANEGADA 
ISLAND (ANSP 249494; MCZ 229004). ST. 
CROIX (ANSP 56831): Altons Lagoon (USNM 
621394); Salt River (MCZ 110325). LESSER 
ANTIGUA (ANSP 109156; USNM 215049); 
Fitches Creek (USNM 809739). GUADE- 
LOUPE (MCZ uncatalogued). MARTINIQUE 
(MCZ 56464): between Le Vauclin and Le 
Francois (ANSP 253289; MCZ 229358). BAR- 
BADOS (MCZ 148628). TOBAGO: Pigeon 
Point (USNM 682273). TRINIDAD: S of Sho- 
ran Site (USNM 608786); Caroni Swamp 
(MCZ uncatalogued); Blue River (R.B.). 
СУВАСАО: Schotteghat, near Willemstad 
GRAND CAYMAN ISLAND: 5 km N of George- 
town (ANSP 209765). OLD PROVIDENCE IS- 
LAND (USNM 687818): N of Ironwood Point 
(ANSP 313209; USNM 678832, 678833; MCZ 
270624). MEXICO: Tampico (USNM 219997); 
Vera Cruz (USNM 769426); Rio Vinasco, Vera 
Cruz (USNM 675266); Tuxpan, Vera Cruz 
(MCZ uncatalogued); SE of Tuxpan, Vera Cruz 
(USNM 675271); Mandinga Lagoon, Vera 
Cruz (USNM 791711); Boca del Rio, Vera 
Cruz (MCZ 155429); Isla de Carmen (USNM 
809096); Ciudad del Carmen (USNM 702910); 
Rio Champotón (MCZ 59747); Silam (ANSP 
61470); Progreso (ANSP 61469, 61471); 
Rio Lagartos (USNM 618635); Isla Cancún, 
Quintana Roo (ANSP 285520); N end of 

Ascension Bay, Quintana Roo (USNM 
736142, 736691, 738632); Allen Point, 
Ascension Bay, Quintana Roo (USNM 

736695, 736892). BELIZE: Ambergris Cay 
(ANSP 284797); Belize (ANSP 294323); Bo- 
tanical Garden, Belize (USNM 426007); 


Blackadore Cay (ANSP 282031); Robinson 
Point (ANSP 281579); N of Punta Gorda 
(ANSP 282494). GUATEMALA: Puerto Barrios 
(MCZ 88877). NICARAGUA: Wounta (ANSP 
97591; USNM 181854); Wounta River, near 
Wounta (MCZ 14804); 16 km S of Wounta 
(MCZ 137227) PANAMA (USNM 46182): 
Galeta Island (USNM 703195, 732922, 
732949); Toro Point, Limon Bay (USNM 
732885); Colón (ANSP 107258; MCZ 45058); 
Porto Bello (USNM 218173). COLOMBIA: Sa- 
banilla (USNM 103175); Cartagena (MCZ 
192431); Coveñas, Bolívar (USNM 364336). 
VENEZUELA (MCZ 291327): S of Porlamar, 
Isla Margarita (ANSP 240007; USNM 707796); 
Punta Mangle, ESE of Punta Piedras, Isla Mar- 
garita (MCZ 273661); La Orchila Island (USNM 
656031); Carenero (784775); Tucacas (A.M.). 
GUYANA: Demerara (MCZ 177296). SURI- 
NAME: 16 km WNW of Paramaribo (MCZ un- 
catalogued); Nickerie Strand, Zeedijk (MCZ 
uncatalogued); Bigisanti (USNM 635225). 
BRAZIL: Boa Viagem (MCZ 219130); Uru- 
majó, Braganca, Pará (ANSP 244096); Praia 
de Búzios, 20 km S of Natal, Rio Grande do 
Norte (ANSP 300442); Praia Upanema, Areia 
Branca, Rio Grande do Norte (ANSP 300320); 
Rio Pirangi (ANSP 300343); Baía (AMNH 
22434; USNM 119506,157674, 465525); Vic- 
tória (MCZ uncatalogued); Rio de Janeiro 
(ANSP 56828; MCZ 89650); Pinheiro Island, 
Rio de Janeiro (USNM 598337). ATLANTIC 

Melampus (Melampus) bidentatus 
Say, 1822 
Figs. 257-289 

Melampus bidentatus Say, 1822: 245 [East 
Florida, herein restricted to mouth of St. 
John's River; type material presumed lost 
(Baker, 1964); neotype herein designated 
USNM 859014 (Fig. 257)]; Jay, 1839: 59; 
H.& A. Adams, 1854: 10; Pfeiffer, 1854b: 
147; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 45; Say in Binney, 
1858: 84; Binney, 1859: 156, pl. 75, fig. 
23; Binney, 1860: 4; Binney, 1865: 10, 
figs. 11, 12; Тгуоп, 18668 ре 1884: 5; 
Gould, 1870: 467, fig. 721; Binney 4 
Bland, 1870: 286, fig. 7 [radula figured]; 
Pfeiffer, 1876: 316; Nevill, 1879: 219; Dall, 
1883: 322; Whiteaves, 1901: 207; Morse, 
1921: 21, pl. 7, fig. 46, pl. 9, figs. 46, 46a 

[external anatomy and morphology]; 
Peile, 1926: 88; Pilsbry, 1927: 125-126; 
Hausman, 1932; 541-545 [ecology]; 
Hausman, 1936: 127; M. Smith, 1937: 
146, pl. 55, fig. 11; plo G7) igs 12 бя 
copied from Dall (1885: pl. 18)]; Morton, 
1955c: 127-168 [anatomy, evolution]; 
Holle & Dineen, 1957: 90-95 [life history); 
Morrison, 1958: 118-124 [habitat]; Mor- 
ris, 1958: 40, fig. 15; Holle & Dineen, 
1959: 28-35, 46-51 [shell morphometry, 
taxonomy]; Baker, 1964: 151; Russell- 
Hunter & Brown, 1964: 143; Russell- 
Hunter & Meadows, 1965: 409 [physiol- 
ogy]; Russell-Hunter 4 Apley, 1966, 392- 
393 [early life history]; Apley et al. 1967: 
455-456 [annual reproductive turnover]; 
Coomans, 1969: 82; Apley, 1970: 381- 
397 [life history]; Jacobson & Emerson, 
1971: 64, text fig.; Russell-Hunter et al., 
1972: 623-656 [early life history]; Grandy, 
1972: 106-109 [winter distribution]; Mor- 
ris, 1973: 273, pl. 74, fig. 8; Abbott, 1974: 
331, fig. 4087; Lesser et al., 1976: 69-77 
[population density]; Emerson 8 Jacob- 
son, 1976: 192, pl. 26, fig. 25; Orton, 
1976: 1-57 [ecology]; Andrews, 1977: 
181, figured [common name coffee 
Melampus erroneously applied]; Price, 
1977: 295-312 [central nervous system]; 
Fitzpatrick & Sutherland, 1978: 23-28 
[population density]; Moffett, 1979: 306- 
319 [locomotion]; Andrews, 1981: 77, 
text fig.; Rehder, 1981: 645, fig. 361; 
Heard, 1982: 19, fig. 15; Moffett, 1983: 
950; Ridgway, 1983: 950; Thompson, 
1984: 44-53 [diet]; Jensen & Clark, 1986: 
457, figured. 

Melampus bidentatus var. lineatus Say, 1822: 
246 [Coasts of Maryland and New Jer- 
sey, herein restricted to Bivalve, New 
Jersey, type material presumed lost 
(Baker, 1964); neotype herein desig- 
nated USNM 859013 (Fig. 259)]; Say т 
Binney, 1858: 85; Pfeiffer, 1854b: 147; 
Pfeiffer, 1856a: 46. 

Melampus obliquus Say, 1822: 377 [South 
Carolina; type material lost (Binney, 
1859)]; Pfeiffer, 18546: 147; Pfeiffer, 
1856a: 30; Say т Binney, 1858: 27; Bin- 
ney, 1860: 4; Pfeiffer, 1876: 306; 
Mazyck, 1913: 2. 

Auricula cornea Deshayes, 1830: 90 [New 
York; location of type unknown]; Jay, 
1839: 59. 

Melampus (Melampus) lineatus Say. Beck, 


Melampus (Melampus) obliquus Say. Beck, 
1837: 107. 

Melampus (Melampus) corneus (Deshayes). 
Beck, 1837: 107. 

Auricula bidentata (Say). Gould, 1841: 197, 
fig. 130; De Kay, 1843: 57, pl. 5, figs. 92, 
1-3; Kúster, 1844: 41, pl. 6, figs. 7-11. 

Auricula jaumei Mittré, 1841: 67 [Hampton, 
Virginia; location of type unknown]. 

Auricula obliqua (Say). De Kay, 1843: 58. 

Melampus lineatus Say. Gray, 1847a: 179; 
Dall, 1885: 282, pl. 18, figs. 9, 12; Dall, 
1889: 92, pl. 47, figs. 9, 12; Apgar, 1891: 
181, figs. 46-48; Mazyck, 1913: 2; C.W. 
Johnson, 1915: 178; Maury, 1922: 55; 
C.W. Johnson, 1934: 159; Webb, 1942, 
pl. 11, fig. 20; La Rocque, 1953: 262; 
Coomans, 1958: 103; Bousfield, 1960: 
14, pl. 1, fig. 10; Coomans, 1962: 90; 
Baker, 1964: 152; Baranowski, 1971: 

Melampus corneus Stimpson. 
1851: 51; Porter, 1974: 301. 

Melampus gundlachi Pfeiffer, 1853b: 126 
[Cayo Blanco, Cuba: location of type un- 
known]; Pfeiffer, 1854a: 147; Pfeiffer, 
1856a: 20; Pfeiffer, 1876: 303: Arango y 
Molina, 1880: 59; A.E. Smith, 1884: 277; 
Crosse, 1890: 258; Kobelt, 1900: 229, pl. 
29, figs. 1, 2; Pilsbry, 1900b: 504; Mor- 
ton, 1955с: 9; Holle 8 Dineen, 1959: 28- 
35, 46-51. 

Melampus redfieldi Pfeiffer, 1854a: 112 [Ber- 
muda; location of type unknown]; Pfeif- 
fer, 1854b: 147; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 33; Bin- 
ney, 1859: 170; Pfeiffer, 1876: 308; 
Kobelt, 1900: 232, pl. 29, figs. 8, 9; Pils- 
bry, 1900b: 504. 

Melampus ? jaumei (Mittré). Pfeiffer, 1854b: 
147; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 25. 

Melampus bidentatus var. borealis ‘ Conrad” 
Pfeiffer, 1856a: 46 [Georgia; type in 
Cuming collection, fide Pfeiffer, not 
found at ВММН]. 

Auricula gundlachi (Pfeiffer). Reeve, 1877, pl. 
6, fig. 50. Non Gassies, 1869. 

Auricula redfieldi (Pfeiffer). Reeve, 1877, pl. 7, 
fig: 52; 

Auricula bidenta (Say). Reeve, 1877, pl. 7, fig. 
54 [error for bidentata, corrected in the 

Melampus spiralis “Pfeiffer” Melvill, 1881: 
155-173 [misidentification]. Non Pfeiffer, 

Melampus coffeus var. gundlachi Pfeiffer. 
Davis, 1904: 126, pl. 4, fig. 9; Maury, 
1922: 55; Peile, 1926: 88. 


Melampus coffeus var. redfieldi Pfeiffer. 
Davis, 1904: 126, pl. 4, fig. 10; Peile, 
1926: 88. 

Melampus coffeus var. bishopi Davis, 1904: 
127, pl. 4, fig. 13 [Bermuda; lectotype 
selected by Baker (1964) ANSP 86925 
(Fig. 262)]. 

Melampus coffeus var. verticalis Davis, 1904: 
127, pl. 4, fig. 12 [Bermuda; lectotype 
selected by Baker (1964) ANSP 86927 
(Fig. 263)]. 

Melampus coffeus var. alternatus Davis, 
1904: 127, pl. 4, fig. 11 [Bermuda; lecto- 
type selected by Baker (1964) ANSP 
86926 (Fig. 264)]. 

Melampus coffeus gundlachi Pfeiffer. C.W. 
Johnson, 1934: 159; Perry, 1940: 177. 

Melampus bidentatus corneus (Deshayes). 
Morrison, 1951b: 8. 

Melampus bidentatus lineatus Say. Morrison, 
1951b: 8; Burch, 1960a: 177-208, pl. 1, 
fig. 1, pl. 4, fig. 62 [chromosomes]; Burch, 
1960b: 454, fig. 5 [chromosomes]; Nat- 
arajan & Burch, 1966: 111, figs. 8, 13 

Melampus bidentatus bidentatus Say. Morri- 
son, 1951b: 8; 

Melampus bidentatus redfieldi Pfeiffer. Mor- 
rison, 1951b: 8 

Melampus (Micromelampus) bidentatus Say. 
Morrison, 1959: 25. 

Melampus bidentus Say. Porter, 1974: 300 
[error for bidentatus]. 

Melampus (Melampus) bidentatus Say. 
Vokes & Vokes, 1983: 60, pl. 22, fig. 12. 

Description: Shell (Figs. 257-280) to 20 mm 
long, ovate-conic to elongate-oval, solid to 
thin, shiny to dull, often whitish, commonly a 
uniform yellowish to dark brown, with irregu- 
lar axial markings or with as many as five 
transverse brown bands on body whorl. Um- 
bilical excavation present. Spire low to mod- 
erately high, whorls eight to 11, flat, spirally 
pitted or grooved; apex frequently eroded. 
Body whorl about 85% of total length, stri- 
ated, with one, usually two or more incised 
striae on round shoulder. Aperture subaxial, 
about 90% body whorl length, narrow, with 
base moderately broadening; inner lip with 
small, oblique columellar tooth and two pari- 
etal teeth, the posterior strongest, perpen- 
dicular to columellar axis, anterior one 
minute, often absent; additional parietal den- 
ticles sometimes present; outer lip sharp, in- 
ternal lamellae uneven, white, as many as 17, 
not reaching edge and only three or four ex- 


FIGS. 257-276. 


FIGS. 277-280. Melampus (M.) bidentatus, lateral and top views of spire and protoconch. (277) Hudson, 
Florida. (278) Jekyll Island, Georgia. (279) Long Key, Florida. (280) South Mastic Pt., Andros Island, Baha- 
mas. Scale, Fig. 279, 500 um; all others, 1 mm. 

tend inward. Resorption of inner whorls ex- Stomach (Fig. 286) as in subfamily. 

tensive, remaining internal partition less than 
half a turn (Fig. 267). Protoconch smooth, 
translucent, brownish (Figs. 277-280). 
Radula (Figs. 281-285) with formula [26 + 
(1 + 17) + 1 +(17 + 1) + 26] x 100. Radular 
morphology the same as that of Melampus 

Reproductive system basically as de- 
scribed under Melampus s.l.; posterior vas 
deferens about 70% of vagina length (Fig. 

Nervous system (Fig. 288) with left parietal 
ganglion one-fourth size of right one; visceral 

(M.) coffeus. 
Animal as in Melampus (M.) coffeus. 

ganglion slightly larger than right parietal 
ganglion. Length of cerebral commissure 

FIGS. 257-276. Melampus (M.) bidentatus Say. (257) Neotype (USNM 859014), from Smith collection, St. 
John’s River, Florida, sl 9.2 mm. (258) Specimen figured by Binney (1865:10, fig. 11) (USNM 39818), sl 14.8 
mm. (259) M. bidentatus var. lineatus Say, neotype (USNM 859013), Bivalve, New Jersey, sl 8.1 mm. (260) 
Specimen figured by Binney (1865:10, fig. 12) (USNM 39818), sl 12.6 mm. (261) Cedar Island, North 
Carolina, sl 18.2 mm. (262) M. coffeus var. bishopi Davis, lectotype (ANSP 86925), South Shore, Bermuda, 
sl 12.1 mm. (263) M. coffeus var. verticalis Davis, lectotype (ANSP 86927), South Shore, Bermuda, sl 11.2 
mm. (264) M. coffeus var. alternatus Davis, lectotype (ANSP 86926), South Shore, Bermuda, sl 11.6 mm. 
(265) Specimen figured by Binney (1859, pl.75, fig. 30) as “Melampus floridanus Shuttleworth” (USNM 
39835), sl 6.8 mm. (266) Crawl Key, Florida, sl 2.15 mm. (267) Knight Key, Florida, sl 14.8 mm. (268) Belize 
(USNM 426007a), sl 12.0 mm. (269) Tampico, Mexico (USNM 219997а), sl 8.8 mm. (270) Myrtle Grove, 
Louisiana (USNM 628753), sl 15.0 mm. (271) Long Key, Florida (USNM 193363), sl 18.8 mm. (272) Narrow 
River, Wakefield, Rhode Island, sl 10.1 mm. (273) Narrow River, Wakefield, Rhode Island, sl 12.6 mm. (274) 
Narrow River, Wakefield, Rhode Island, sl 9.3 mm. (275) Narrow River, Wakefield, Rhode Island, sl 10.7 mm. 
(276) Narrow River, Wakefield, Rhode Island, sl 10.0 mm. 


FIGS. 281-284. Melampus (M.) bidentatus, radular teeth. (281) Narrow River, Rhode Island, sl 11.1 mm. 
(282, 283) Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 14.4 mm. (284) Skidaway Island, Georgia, sl 2.3 mm. Scale, Fig. 284, 
50 um; all others, 100 um. 

equals width of one cerebral ganglion; left 
pleuroparietal connective twice length of 
right pleuroparietal; left parietovisceral con- 
nective about half the length of right parieto- 
visceral. Internal pallial nerve crosses pneu- 
mostomal nerve to right, anastomoses with 
branch of medial pallial nerve, follows floor of 
pneumostome toward aperture and turns up 
to roof of mantle cavity, just to left of upper 
pneumostomal gland; pneumostomal nerve 
branches to mantle skirt, runs to pneumo- 
stomal aperture, sending branches along the 
way to mucous gland of mantle skirt, splitting 
to innervate lips of pneumostome. 

Remarks: Melampus (M.) bidentatus Say 1$ 
more variable than any other Western Atlan- 
tic ellobiid. The shape of the shell (Figs. 257- 
276) varies from almost globose to moder- 
ately high spired and oval-elongate. The 
thickness of the shell shows a geographic 
gradient, increasing toward the warmer parts 
of the range; Auricula cornea from New York, 
described by Deshayes (1830), exemplifies 

the much thinner-shelled northern variety of 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus. The intergrading 
color pattern ranges from monochromic to 
axially striped to discretely banded, the latter 
pattern being common among juveniles. п 
some populations the size of some individu- 
als reaches that of some gerontic Melampus 
(M.) coffeus. The latter consistently has an 
accentuated conic shape as opposed to the 
slender profile of comparably-sized Melam- 
pus (M.) bidentatus. The number of riblets on 
the outer lip also shows geographical grada- 
tion with a tendency toward higher counts in 
the warmer parts of the range. These riblets 
are of unequal size and only four or fewer 
large ones penetrate deep into the aperture. 

As noted in the synonymy above, Melam- 
pus lineatus and Melampus obliquus, pro- 
posed by Say (1822: 246, 377, respectively), 
are here considered to be Melampus (M.) bi- 
dentatus. The name Melampus bidentatus 
was applied to the thin, monochromic east 
Florida specimens, Melampus lineatus to the 
smaller, banded variety of Melampus (M.) bi- 
dentatus from Maryland and New Jersey and 


A 7M 8M 13M 14M 18M 19M 20M 



13M 14M 20M 21M 

8M 9M 


FIG. 285. Melampus (M.) bidentatus, radula. A, 
Woodville, North Carolina; В, Hudson, Florida. 
Scale 10 um. 

Melampus obliquus to the rather thick form 
with a very oblique columellar tooth from 
South Carolina. 

Binney (1859: 159), who had access to the 
type material of Melampus bidentatus and 
Melampus lineatus, noted the variability of 
the species and wrote about the latter name, 
“| have met with none sufficiently marked to 
form a variety, much less a distinct species.” 
Nevertheless, the name Melampus lineatus 
has been used to designate a subspecies or, 
erroneously, to substitute for Melampus (М.) 
bidentatus Say (Dall, 1885). The reasons for 
the use of Melampus lineatus resided in the 
misplacement of Аиисште!а (Leucophytia) 

FIG. 286. Melampus (M.) bidentatus, stomach, 
North Carolina. Scale 1 mm. 

bidentata (Montagu, 1801) in the genus 
Melampus, which would have constituted a 
case of secondary homonymy. Dall's confu- 
sion arose from Binney's contention (1865) 
that the animal of Myosotella myosotis from 
America was apparently similar to Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus Say, and that it did not agree 
with the illustration of Alexia given by H. 8 A. 
Adams (1855b, pl. 82, fig. 5). Binney did not 
say in what way they differed, however. Be- 
sides the color, the main difference between 
the animal of Myosotella myosotis (Drapar- 
naud) and that of Auriculinella (L.) bidentata 
(Montagu, 1801) is that the foot of the latter 
species is transversely divided (Morton, 
1955b). Because Melampus has this same 
characteristic, Dall probably assumed that 
the Alexia myosotis referred to by Binney, like 
Melampus, would have a transversely di- 
vided foot. The shells of Myosotella myosotis 
and of Auriculinella (L.) bidentata can be con- 
fused easily and Dall's (1885: pl. 18, fig. 13) 
illustration of Melampus (Leuconia) bidentata 
(Montagu) is a facsimile of Binney’s (1865: 4, 
fig. 4) representation of Alexia myosotis. 
Say's last name, Melampus obliquus, was 
applied to a form similar to Melampus (D.) 
monile (Bruguiere, 1789). Say (1822: 377) 
added that in the collection of the Academy 
of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia there 
were specimens from the West Indies which 
conformed with his description of Melampus 
obliquus. Binney (1859: 167), who had seen 


FIG. 287. Melampus (M.) bidentatus, reproductive system. A, Narrow River, Rhode Island; B, Cedar Island, 
North Carolina; C, New Smyrna, Florida; D, Hungry Bay, Bermuda. Scale 1 mm. 

specimens belonging to the first two of Say's 
names, noted, “It is not known what shell 
Say had in view when the above description 
was written. No authentic specimen was pre- 
served, and no author has seen any shell 
from that locality answering to the characters 
laid down.” In 1865 Binney relegated Say's 
Melampus obliquus to his ““Spurious species 
of Melampus.” On Cedar Island, North Caro- 
lina, however, | found specimens of Melam- 
pus (M.) bidentatus that fit Say's description 
of Melampus obliquus (Fig. 261). Melampus 
obliquus Say must, then, be treated as a jun- 
юг synonym of Melampus (М.) bidentatus 

Pfeiffer introduced several species that 
should be related to Melampus (M.) bidenta- 
tus. In his comments on Melampus gundlachi 
from Cayo Blanco, Cuba, Pfeiffer (1853b) 
noted that their juveniles were much more 
brightly colored than those of Melampus (M.) 
coffeus and he did not mention incised 
grooves. The elliptic-ovate shape of the shell, 

however, indicates to me that Pfeiffer's name 
can be treated as a synonym of Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus Say. 

Another of Pfeiffer's (1854a) introductions, 
Melampus redfieldi from Bermuda, was dis- 
tinguished from Melampus (М.) coffeus by 
the presence of very compressed riblets in 
the outer Пр. Because it occurs in the latter 
species (personal observation), this condition 
is not a useful character. The fact that Pfeiffer 
referred to the striations on the shell sug- 
gests that he was actually describing a spec- 
imen of Melampus (M.) bidentatus. 

Pfeiffer (1854b, 1856a) erroneously identi- 
fied a variety of Melampus (M.) bidentatus 
Say with Melampus borealis (Conrad) [= My- 
osotella myosotis (Draparnaud)]. Neither 
Pfeiffer's description nor the locality given 
(Georgia) agrees with those of Conrad (1832). 
Pfeiffer (1876: 316) later explained that he 
was referring to a museum label in the Cum- 
ing collection, rather than to Conrad (1832). 

In 1841 Mittré described Auricula jaumei 


FIG. 287. 

from Hampton, Virginia. It was said to differ 
from Deshayes’ Auricula cornea in having the 
inside of the outer lip consistently ribbed. 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus is highly variable in 
this respect (Holle & Dineen, 1959) and this 
character is therefore unreliable for taxonomy. 
Auricula jaumei is conspecific with Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus. 

Melvill (1881) mentioned Melampus spiralis 
Pfeiffer from Cedar Keys, on the western 
coast of Florida. Pfeiffer (1856a), however, in 
his observations on Melampus spiralis, noted 
that this species was made known to him by 

Cuming as Melampus pallescentis Sowerby, 
1839. Because Sowerby provided an incom- 
plete description of the latter taxon, Pfeiffer, 
based on Sowerby’s figure (1839a т Beechy: 
pl. 38, fig. 28), thought that Melampus pall- 
escentis Sowerby should be referred to 
Melampus luteus Quoy 8 Gaimard, 1832, 
from the Philippines. It appears, then, that the 
Melampus spiralis of Pfeiffer was not based 
on West Indian material. Melvill’s citation 
(1881) of “Melampus spiralis Pfeiffer’ should 
be treated as a misidentification of Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus. 


FIG. 288. Melampus (M.) bidentatus, central ner- 
vous system. A, Narrow River, Rhode Island; B, 
New Smyrna, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

Morrison (1951b) recognized several sub- 
species of Melampus (M.) bidentatus: M. b. 
corneus from Prince Edward Island, Canada, 
to Staten Island, New York; М. b. lineatus 
from New Jersey to North Carolina; M. b. bi- 
dentatus from South Carolina to Florida, 
Texas and the West Indies; and M. b. redfieldi 
from Bermuda. The latter supposed subspe- 
cies also lives in Florida (Pfeiffer, 1876, with a 
question mark; personal observation) and 
shows as much variation as the other forms 
of Melampus (M.) bidentatus. Shell thickness 
and color seem to be linked to temperature, 
the thinner and paler forms being typical of 
colder regions. This link would account for 
the similarities between shells from Bermuda 
and those from Florida (see the remarks un- 
der Myosotella myosotis). Holle & Dineen 
(1959) reported the continuous variation in 
shell characters along the range of the spe- 
cies, thus rendering Morrison's treating the 
morphs as subspecies unjustifiable. 

Morrison (1951b, 1964) placed Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus in the subgenus Micromel- 
ampus Möllendorff, 1898, which had been 
erected, according to Zilch (1959), to include 
the small Melampus. Only anatomical study 

of the type species, Melampus nucleolus 
Martens, 1865, from Amboina, will allow an 
objective decision concerning the taxonomic 
status of this subgenus. In any case, the ob- 
served wide range of size in Melampus (М.) 
bidentatus does not justify its inclusion in the 
subgenus Micromelampus and my anatomi- 
cal study strongly favors its inclusion in 
Melampus s.s. 

It appears that Say's type material, to 
which Binney referred (1859), is not in the 
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 
and was presumed lost (Holle 8 Dineen, 
1959; Baker, 1964). Because of documented 
confusion between Melampus (M.) bidenta- 
tus and Melampus (M.) coffeus, neotypes 
that conform to original descriptions and ac- 
cepted usage are herein designated for 
Melampus bidentatus and Melampus linea- 
tus. Inspection of material from South Caro- 
lina present in the collections of the various 
museums did not provide any specimens 
that could be identified with Say's Melampus 
obliquus. As noted above, | found on Cedar 
Island, North Carolina, a colony of Melampus 
(M.) bidentatus that agree with Say's descrip- 
tion of Melampus obliquus. Without ade- 
quate material from the type locality, South 
Carolina, and with the disuse into which 
Say's name has fallen, it is inappropriate and 
unnecessary to designate a neotype for 
Melampus obliquus. 

Habitat: The salt-marsh snail, Melampus (M.) 
bidentatus, is very common in the high-tide 
fringe of salt marshes and mangroves. Its 
habits have been studied only in the New En- 
gland area, in which this mollusk lacks con- 
generic competitors. When Say described 
this species (1822) he noted its abundance 
and he considered it an important item in the 
diet of marsh birds. 

Although dependent upon the rhythm of 
the tides, the salt-marsh snails are more ac- 
tive during the low tides at twilight. Their diet 
includes diatoms and detritus of vegetal and 
animal origin (Hausman, 1936; Thompson, 
1984). The animals gather to spend the win- 
ter in partial hibernation (Grandy, 1972). 

Apley (1970) and Russell-Hunter et al. 
(1972) provided detailed studies of the early 
life-history of this species. The snails become 
sexually mature at a shell length of 5 to 6 mm 
and have a life span of three to four years. 
Copulation and hatching of veliger larvae are 
closely synchronized with spring tides. Ge- 
latinous masses of eggs are laid within one 


90 75 60 45 3 

FIG. 289. Melampus (M.) bidentatus, geographic 

day after copulation. About 13 days later 
free-swimming veligers hatch and spend 
about six weeks in the plankton before set- 

In the mangroves Melampus (M.) bidenta- 
tus commonly lives under fallen leaves and 
debris at the high-tide fringe, and is abundant 
on the margins of sheltered inland lagoons. In 
this habitat it coexists with Melampus (M.) 

Range: New Brunswick, Canada, to the Flor- 
ida Keys, the Gulf coast of the United States 
south to Belize; Bermuda; Bahamas, Cuba, 
Jamaica, Hispaniola, Tortola (Fig. 289). The 
Tortola record is suspect and has not been 
confirmed by recent collections. 

Specimens Examined: NEW BRUNSWICK: 
Buctouche Bay (MCZ 200471). PRINCE ED- 
WARD ISLAND (MCZ 34048): Mount Stuart 
(ANSP 106545); Bunbury (ANSP 106678, 

106938). NOVA SCOTIA: Windsor (ANSP 
326060); West Peswick, Halifax (MCZ 
297898). MAINE: Newmeadows River (MCZ 

104992); Middle Bay (MCZ 294188); Cape 
Elizabeth (USNM 129331, 190466); Biddeford 
(ANSP 22370, 77421, 242121; MCZ 34049, 
34810); USNM 492528). NEW HAMPSHIRE: 

Jackson's Landing, Durham (MCZ 193855); 
Sagamore Creek (MCZ 275395). MASSA- 
CHUSETTS (MCZ 201644): Ipswich (MCZ 
147833); Gloucester (ANSP 102400; MCZ 
201639; USNM 159104); Bass Rocks, 
Gloucester (USNM 408730); Goodharbor 
Beach, East Gloucester (MCZ 199906); 
Manchester (USNM 398130); Danvers (MCZ 
3963, 34052, 61508, 133195; USNM 504484); 
Salem (MCZ 201633, 201636; USNM 73424); 
Lynn (MCZ 34053; USNM 224905); Revere 
(ANSP 89557); Revere Beach (MCZ 147714, 
199909); Magazine, Cambridgeport (MCZ 
141058; USNM 590055, 600303); Charles 
River, Boston (ANSP 56837); Boston Harbor 
(MCZ 141060); Neponset River, Milton (MCZ 
142330); East Milton (MCZ 55146); Cohasset, 
North Scituate (MCZ 139271); Duxbury (MCZ 
14884, 163165, 201638; USNM 492523, 
492525, 492535); Gurnet Lights, Plymouth 
(MCZ 199905); Barnstable (ANSP 44599, 
56840; USNM 34404, 159105, 487652); 
Sandy Neck (MCZ 182392); Truro (USNM 
603101); Playground Beach, Hyannis (ANSP 
176264); Wellfleet (R.B.); Provincetown 
(ANSP 134441; MCZ 147715, 199911; USNM 
159108, 307158, 341102, 341104, 492532, 
492533, 492536); Buzzard’s Bay (MCZ 
199913); Eastham (MCZ 199907, 201632); 
Pleasant Bay (MCZ 80561); Chatham (MCZ 
34054); Eel Pond, South Chatham (MCZ 
18812); South Dennis (MCZ 14547; USNM 
492526); Grand Cove, South Dennis (MCZ 
14548); Point Gammon, West Yarmouth (MCZ 
112213); Lewis Bay (MCZ 200027); Nobska 
Point (MCZ 140811); Briar Neck (MCZ 
199904); Vineyard Sound (USNM 159107); 
Nantucket (MCZ 34047); SE of Coskatee, 
Nantucket (MCZ 167949); South Beach, Nan- 
tucket Harbor (MCZ 167450); Popponesset 
Beach (MCZ 182391); Waquoit (ANSP 46678); 
Naushon Island (ANSP 163469; USNM 
159110); Great Pond, Falmouth (USNM 
660507); Woods Hole (MCZ 34051, 199908; 
USNM 159106); Bathing Beach, Woods Hole 
(USNM 340981, 340983, 340984; Little Sip- 
pewisset Marsh, Falmouth (MCZ 294115; 
A.M.); West Falmouth (ANSP 76171); Ware- 
ham (MCZ 34050, 199910); Piney Point, Mar- 
ion (MCZ 178105); New Bedford (ANSP 
56846; MCZ 201635). RHODE ISLAND: New- 
port (ANSP 56838; USNM 39814, 159109); 
Nayatt (MCZ 71268, 199914; Jamestown, Co- 
nanicut Island (A.M.); Seekonk River (ANSP 
243912; MCZ 199912); Pawtuxet (MCZ 
68940); Buttonwoods (MCZ 199915; USNM 
492530); Apponaug (MCZ 151930; USNM 


568388); Wakefield, Pettaquamscutt River 
[Narrow River] (A.M.); Westerly (MCZ 14550; 
USNM 492541, 590089). CONNECTICUT: 
Stonington (ANSP 91947; MCZ 3965, 56902, 
133196; USNM 858073; A.M.); Long Beach 
(MCZ 231486); Oxecoset Brook (A.M.); Guil- 
ford (USNM 478030, 568440); Pine Orchard 
(MCZ 166061, 201630); Branford (MCZ 
34055, 34925, 199916); New Haven (MCZ 
291293; USNM 404295); Lighthouse, New 
Haven (USNM 380818); Greenwich (ANSP 
154660). NEW YORK: Harlem River (MCZ 
156659, 167630; USNM 492538); Long Island 
(MCZ 201637, 230929; USNM 307157, 
492527, 492542); Greenport (MCZ 161271; 
USNM 407784); Sand's Point (ANSP 145457); 
Sea Cliff (ANSP 43785); Oyster Bay (USNM 
307154); Cold Spring (USNM 504486); Towo 
Point (USNM 694036); Orient (ANSP 133707, 
218373; MCZ 124210); Shelter Island (ANSP 
362811); East Patachogue (MCZ 288109); 
Freeport (MCZ 248224); Coney Island (ANSP 
362808); Far Rockaway (MCZ 54518, 
139569); Sheepshead (MCZ 156658); Staten 
Island (ANSP 132043; MCZ 78422, 201631; 
USNM 59725, 307159, 492500b). NEW JER- 
SEY: Raritan Bay (USNM 608377); Union 
Beach, Raritan Bay (USNM 606609); E of Nan- 
tuxant Point, Newport (ANSP 162143); Point 
Pleasant (ANSP 65200); Harvey Cedars, Long 
Beach Island (ANSP 106527); Beach Haven 
(ANSP 155518); Shrewsbury River (ANSP 
99006); Brigantine Island (ANSP 195015, 
328333; USNM 611523); Atlantic City (ANSP 
56843; MCZ 188902; USNM 492524); Vent- 
nor (ANSP 99155); Margate City (ANSP 
45192); Great Egg Harbor Bay (ANSP 326220; 
А.М.); Avalon (ANSP 354825); Wildwood 
Beach (ANSP 78982, 194600); Саре Мау 
(ANSP 45098, 65201, 106229, 110131, 
117532; USNM 119503, 124603, 406309, 
504479); Cape May Harbor (ANSP 182641); 
Carson’s Inlet (ANSP 133907); Bivalve (ANSP 
113465; A.M.); Dividing Creek (A.M.); Fortes- 
cue (ANSP 113466). DELAWARE: Woodland 
Beach (USNM 522267); Rockhall (ANSP 
112612); S of Fort Miles (USNM 621420); In- 
dian River Inlet (MCZ 198052); М end of Cedar 
Neck, S side of Indian River Bay (USNM 
621418, 621419); Mouth of Cedar Creek 
(USNM 406310); Assawoman Wildlife Area 
(ANSP 302221). MARYLAND: Mayo Beach 
(USNM 522288); Galesville (USNM 595602); 
Chesapeake Beach (USNM 191595, 473893); 
Parkers Creek (USNM 521920, 536709); near 
Triton Beach (758314); Piney Island (USNM 
667267); Patuxent River (ANSP 396602; MCZ 

139263); Carrolls Bank, mouth of Patuxent 
River (USNM 363927); Broome Island (USNM 
473465); N of Solomons Island (USNM 
600765); Solomons Island (USNM 424040); 
Millstone Landing (USNM 512876); Benedict 
(USNM 473456); St. Marys River (USNM 
379539); Smiths Creek (USNM 518853); 
Cobb Island (USNM 499519, 522921); Island 
Creek (USNM 252064); Hope House, N of 
Easton (USNM 602855); Huggins Point, S of 
Leonard Town (MCZ 216712); Town Point 
(ANSP 132462; MCZ 46420, 52344); Church 
Creek, Cambridge (MCZ 200468); Parsons 
Creek (MCZ 211150); Bishops Head (MCZ 
139264); Ocean City, Sinepuxent Bay (USNM 
601744, 601747); E of Dames Quarter (USNM 
618922); SE of Chance Island (USNM 
473331); Deal Island (USNM 468283); Cris- 
field (USNM 595598); near Snow Hill, Chin- 
coteague Bay (USNM 605563); West Bay, 
Chincoteague Bay (USNM 591783). VIR- 
GINIA: Chincoteague Island (MCZ 199443; 
USNM 530826, 533596); Oyster (USNM 
407459); Magotha (ANSP 275980; USNM 
422297); Smiths Island (USNM 153352, 
225965, 422294, 422295); Dameron Marsh, 
Balls Creek and Ingram Bay (ANSP 305137); 
Fisherman Island (USNM 422293); Brighton 
(USNM 171118); Assateague Island (ANSP 
352439; USNM 809536); Toms Cove, As- 
sateague Island (USNM 209268); Watts Bay 
(USNM 701629); Fairport (USNM 103258); 
Potomac Beach (USNM 473900); Wicomico 
Church (USNM 269147); Bretton Bay (USNM 
628900); Greenvale Creek near Rappahan- 
nock (MCZ 214466, 291314); Sweetheart Is- 
land (USNM 269077); Fleeton (USNM 
308939); Severn River (USNM 679373); Chis- 
man Creek (USNM 603690); Poropotank, 
York River (USNM 679375); Goodwin Island 
(USNM 679374); Yorktown (USNM 474077); 
Norfolk (MCZ 46542; USNM 407588, 504483, 
539235, 667497); Granby and Lakewood 
bridge, Norfolk (ANSP 219145; MCZ 221231; 
USNM 653497); Boissevain Avenue, Norfolk 
(ANSP 263386; MCZ 186692); Lamberts Point 
(ANSP 263388), Elizabeth River (MCZ 
186696); Lafayette Park, on bank of Lafayette 
River (MCZ 186691). NORTH CAROLINA: 
Bodie Island (МСУ 105478); Pee Island 
(USNM 488826); Hatteras Island (USNM 
637152); Cedar Island (A.M.); North River, 
Woodville (A.M.); Williston (A.M.); Oyster 
Creek (A.M.); Beaufort (ANSP 56839, 145683; 
USNM 380566, 382982, 433203, 523610, 
523620); Mullet Pond, Beaufort (USNM 
380565); Brackish Pond (MCZ 141059); North 


River (ANSP 179830; MCZ 81930); Newport 
River (A.M.); Wrightsville (USNM 492540); 
Southport (ANSP 113647, 227028; MCZ 
176143); Smith Island, Cape Fear (ANSP 
95602); Cape Fear River (MCZ 175210). 
SOUTH CAROLINA: Pawleys Island (MCZ 
201642); Bull Island (USNM 543341); Sulli- 
vans Island (USNM 492537); Charleston 
(ANSP 56884; USNM 26571, 26574, 39823, 
307156); Folly Beach (ANSP 300432); Edisto 
Island (USNM 474096); Edisto Beach (ANSP 
180786); Yemassee (USNM 492539; A.M.); 
Lobeco (A.M.); Pocataligo (USNM 603106); N 
of McClellanville (USNM 758249). GEORGIA 
(ANSP 56835): Skidaway Island (A.M.); Cox- 
boro Island (USNM 622491); Savannah (MCZ 
200467; USNM 610311, 665761, 665762); 
Jones Island, Savannah River (ANSP 164988); 
Crescent (A.M.); Valona (A.M.); Рой King 
George, Darien (USNM 707263); Sea Island 
(ANSP 56847); Saint Simons Island (ANSP 
123529); Brunswick (ANSP 183414; MCZ 
186697; USNM 425961; A.M.); Jekyll Island 
(A.M.). FLORIDA: Fernandina (MCZ 201208); 
St. John's River (USNM 307155); Mayport 
(ANSP 56844, 76095); Jacksonville (ANSP 
56841; USNM 39815); St. Augustine (ANSP 
45077, 66965, 140731; MCZ 186695; USNM 
36014, 39825a, 492529); Fort Marion, St. Au- 
gustine (ANSP 9523); Matanzas (USNM, 
672437); Indian River (MCZ 186699, 291315; 
USNM 758221); Ormond Beach (MCZ 82493); 
New Smyrna Beach (MCZ 291026; A.M.); Oak 
Hill (ANSP 22362; MCZ 201640; USNM 
87624); Titusville (MCZ 143992); Banana 
River (MCZ 201643); Grant (MCZ 105475); 
Lake Worth (ANSP 69851; MCZ 291287; 
USNM 253538); Fort Dallas (USNM 39817, 
119502); Haulover Canal, head of Indian River 
(ANSP 62720); Miami (ANSP 77506, 82844, 
145885); Biscayne Bay (MCZ 291305); Sands 
Key (MCZ 291309); Virginia Key, Biscayne 
Bay (ANSP 189570); Coconut Grove (MCZ 
291299, 291300; USNM 603111); Waveland 
(USNM 103495, 123532); Madero Bay (MCZ 
291289); Soldier Key (MCZ 174457); Middle 
Key, Barnes Sound (USNM 405985); McGinty 
Key (ANSP 189572; MCZ 103303); Pumpkin 
Key (USNM 355115); Tavernier (MCZ 
294246); Key Largo (ANSP 294318; MCZ 
291281, 291302, 291313, 294228; USNM 
603119); Tavernier Creek (USNM 667401; 
А.М.); Tavernier Key (USNM 492549, 
492552); Snake Creek (MCZ 294234); Plan- 
tation Key (MCZ, 294230, 294231; A.M.); 
Windley Key (USNM 603104); Indian Key 
(USNM 26423, 27917, 462894a); Indian Key 

Fill (A.M.); Lignumvitae Key (ANSP 156327, 
189571); Lower Matecumbe Key (MCZ 
291294; USNM 492553); Long Key (ANSP 
76700; MCZ 291296, 291031; USNM 193363, 
492578; A.M.); Grassy Key (MCZ 291288; 
A.M.); Crawl Key (MCZ 174458, 291032, 
291033, 294235; A.M.); Marathon, Key Vaca 
(ANSP 189584); Knight Key (A.M.); Bahia 
Honda Key (ANSP 104095; USNM 269777a, 
270310); West Summerland Key (A.M.); New- 
found Harbor (USNM 272688a); Little Pine 
Key (USNM 681642); Big Pine Key (ANSP 
104092, 104093; MCZ 291029, 291034, 
294237, 294243; USNM 597453; A.M.); Big 
Torch Key (ANSP 104096; A.M.); Howe Key 
(USNM 681641); Ramrod Key (MCZ 291028, 
291045, 294232, 294233); Sugarloaf Key 
(ANSP 104094); Big Coppit Key (USNM 
603102); Boca Chica Key (ANSP 104091, 
152501; USNM 270326, 511180); Stock Is- 
land (ANSP 149993; MCZ 59993; USNM 
270269); Key West (ANSP 294309; MCZ 
9947; USNM 27730, 529557, 596787, 
667405, 670450); Shark Key (USNM 696979, 
711532); Boca Grande Key (USNM 270262); 
Flamingo Key (ANSP 294312; MCZ 291038, 
294236, 294244); Cape Sable (MCZ 291035); 
Lossman River (ANSP 132369); Everglades 
City (USNM 683928); Marco Island (MCZ 
294249); Little Marco (USNM 511210); Naples 
(ANSP 189568; MCZ 291316); Sanibel (ANSP 
170640; MCZ 13278, 13279, 294239, 
294248); Pineaire, Pine Island (MCZ 291030); 
Bokeelia (MCZ 294245; A.M.); Matlacha 
Key (MCZ 291311); Starvation Key (ANSP 
294320); Captiva Island (MCZ 294250); Punta 
Gorda (USNM 492577); between Fort Myers 
and Punta Gorda (USNM 531133); Charlotte 
Harbor Bay (USNM 407410); Boca Grande, 
Gasparilla Island (ANSP 142272); Little Gas- 
parilla Island (ANSP 189592); Sarasota 
(USNM 159254, 487213, 487314); 5 km N of 
Sarasota (ANSP 195406); Long Boat Key 
(MCZ 294252); between Palma Sola and Cor- 
tez (MCZ 291037); Anna Maria Key (MCZ 
291027); Palmetto (A.M.); Manatee River 
(MCZ 3969; USNM 61052); Small Island, 
mouth of Manatee River (MCZ 291282); Big 
Bend Road [Rt. 672] (A.M.); Tampa (ANSP 
56836, 294317, 362807; MCZ 201649, 
291284, 294238; USNM 36061, 37609, 
193361, 196349, 492574, 504487); Young 
Lagoon, Tampa (USNM 37610); Hillsborough 
River (USNM 100693); Palm River (MCZ 
201647); Mullet Key (A.M.); Shell Key (USNM 
466206a, 466288); S of Pass-a-grille (MCZ 
201685, 291285, 294241); Pass-a-grille 


(ANSP 294321); Pinellas Point (MCZ 294190; 
USNM 194730); St. Petersburg (ANSP 
132371, 132372, 132373, 132374; USNM 
341721, 466194); Bird Key (ANSP 43568); 
Gulfport (MCZ 294242); Boca Ciega Bay 
(ANSP 189574; USNM 341722); Clearwater 
(ANSP 189569, 294319, 294322; MCZ 
294247; USNM 611786a); Anclote River 
(А.М.); Hudson (A.M.); Aripeka (ANSP 73902, 
151138, 151257); Little Blind Creek (ANSP 
149525); Cedar Key (ANSP 56842, 194040, 
194227, 362810; MCZ 199316, 201653, 
201656, 291279; USNM 36012, 36013, 
61700); Suwannee (ANSP 88138; MCZ 
199315); Jena (USNM 484844); Adams Beach 
(MCZ 186701); St. Marks (ANSP 56814, 
56816); Рапасеа (MCZ 91696; USNM 
706611); St. Andrews Bay (ANSP 83641; 
USNM 667402, 667403, 667404); Anderson's 
Bayou, St. Andrews Bay (ANSP 83653); 
Ochlockonee (MCZ 199317); Port St. Joe Bay 
(MCZ 29130, 291297); Panama City (MCZ 
235949). ALABAMA: Cedar Point (MCZ 
186702); Heron Bay (ANSP 315710); Dauphin 
Island (USNM 701860); Coden Beach (USNM 
422364); St. Anthony Bay (ANSP 365474). 
MISSISSIPPI: Boat Harbor at Ocean Springs 
(MCZ uncatalogued). LOUISIANA: Chan- 
deleur Islands (USNM 189168); Grand Isle 
(MCZ 186700; USNM 603100); Cherniere-au- 
Tigre (ANSP 145106); Fort Pike, Orleans Par- 
ish (MCZ 251101); Houma (USNM 653314); 
Grand Lake, Calcasieu (USNM 160814, 
467015); Myrtle Grove (USNM 628753); Cam- 
eron (USNM 177952). TEXAS: Galveston 
(ANSP 69414, 71522, 73692); East Lagoon, 
Galveston (MCZ 217872); Seabrook (ANSP 
105895); Clearlake (MCZ 217874); Quitano 
Beach (MCZ 227841; USNM 600177); Free- 
port (ANSP 254824); Matagorda (USNM 
125534); La Vaca, La Vaca Bay (MCZ 223041; 
USNM 126755); Sand Point, Keller Bay 
(USNM 464802, 465269, 465278); Indianola 
(USNM 26425, 26572, 39832); Rockport 
(MCZ 217875); Carancahua Bay (USNM 
134435); Aransas Pass (ANSP 322151; USNM 
603108); Ransom Island (MCZ 200470); Ran- 
som Island, Redfish Bay (MCZ 198174); Port 
Aransas (ANSP 284785); Mustang Island 
(MCZ 217873); Corpus Christi (МСА 294191; 
USNM 603107); Port Isabel (ANSP 80044; 
MCZ 193910; USNM 603109, 603110); 
Brownsville (ANSP 351204); Callo del Oro 
(USNM 473355). MEXICO: Tampico (USNM 
219997a); N end of Ascension Bay, Quintana 
Roo (USNM 735992, 735993, 736143); near 
Allen Point, Ascension Bay, Quintana Roo 

(USNM 736693). BELIZE: Belize (ANSP 
96583); Botanical Garden (USNM 426007a). 
BERMUDA (ANSP 56815, 56817, 56819, 
56823, 77905; MCZ 3972, 9949, 201106, 
201663, 201667, 201674, 201676, 291290, 
291303, 291307, 291312; USNM 6540, 
11420, 37605, 39805, 94432, 94433, 98152, 
173643, 173644, 173645, 173646, 173647, 
492582, 492584): Fairyland (ANSP 99053); 
Hamilton Island (MCZ 201105); Hungry Bay 
(ANSP 85712; MCZ 10381, 24248, 48123, 
291306; USNM 492578, 492583; A.M.); South 
Shore (ANSP 86925, 86926, 86927; MCZ 
53060, 53061, 53062; USNM 109557, 
109558, 109559); Ely's Harbour (A.M.). BA- 
HAMA ISLAND: Bootle Bay (ANSP 371880); 
North Hawksbill Creek (ANSP 370567); 
359151; USNM 492565, 492580b); Mastic 
Point Creek (USNM 618607); Angelfish Point 
(MCZ 116711); BIMINI: Mangrove Creek 
(ANSP 325614); Mosquito Point (ANSP 
326148); BERRY ISLANDS (MCZ 294251); 
ANDROS ISLAND: Morgan’s Bluff (A.M.); 
South Mastic Point (A.M.); Mangrove Cay 
(ANSP 189587; USNM 269477, 269855, 
269968a, 270214d, 270216); Linder Key 
(USNM 269360, 270483); NEW PROVIDENCE 
ISLAND: Nassau (USNM 160766); Dick's 
Point (MCZ 291280); South Beach, Fox Hill 
(MCZ 294240); Bonefish Pond (USNM 
618645; A.M.); Millars Sound (A.M.); Millars 
468115); ELEUTHERA ISLAND: Rock Sound 
(MCZ 135932); CAT ISLAND: Russell Creek 
(ANSP 294330; MCZ 291278, 294229); 
Arthurstown (MCZ 291295); EXUMA CAYS: 
Hog Cay (ANSP 285755); LONG ISLAND: 
Brett's Hill (MCZ 113332, 291283, 291286); 
Clarencetown (ANSP 173261); Glenton’s 
(ANSP 189573; MCZ 291291); Pinder's (MCZ 
113330); Salt Pond, Clarencetown (USNM 
595950); AKLINS ISLAND: Pinnacle Point 
(USNM 390856, 392237); Rooker Cay (USNM 
291331). TURK’S & CAICOS: TURK’S IS- 
LAND: (USNM 492474a) CUBA (ANSP 
56794, 56795, 56820, 189584): Bahia de 
Santa Rosa (USNM 492556a); Dimas (USNM 
492559); Cayo de las Cinco Léguas (ANSP 
294325); Cayo Perro, Cárdenas (ANSP 
189589); Marianao (ANSP 294324); Cayo 
Maya, near Cayo Santa Maria (MCZ 294187); 
Cayo Juan Garcia (MCZ 291308); Isla de Co- 
bos (MCZ 294186); Cayo Romano (MCZ 
291309); Gibara (USNM 603097); Finca, Sa- 


banalmar (MCZ 294189); Punta de los Colo- 
rados, Bahia de Cienfuegos (MCZ 291292); 
Alto del Caracol, Caracoles, S of Pinar del Rio 
(MCZ 201675); Isla de Pinos (MCZ 48079; 
USNM 130028). JAMAICA (ANSP 56793): 
Green Island Harbor (USNM 440805); Pali- 
sadoes (USNM 713079). HAITI: Gonave Is- 
land (USNM 492531a). DOMINICAN REPUB- 
LIC: Isla La Matica, Playa Boca Chica, E of 
Santo Domingo (R.B.). VIRGIN ISLANDS: ? 

Subgenus Detracia Gray, 1840 

Detracia Gray, 1840: 20. Type species by 
monotypy: Detracia bullaeoides (Mon- 
tagu, 1808) [unjustified emendation of 

Tifata H. & A. Adams, 1855b: 245. Type spe- 
cies herein designated: Tralia (Tifata) 
globulus (Orbigny, 1837). 

Ensiphorus Conrad, 1862: 571. Type species 
by monotypy: Melampus (Ensiphorus) 
longidens Conrad, 1862 [Miocene]. 

Eusiphorus Conrad. Zilch, 1959: 65 [error for 
Ensiphorus; in synonymy]. 

Description: Shell globose to oval-oblong to 
fusiform; spire low to high, whorls ten to 13; 
aperture very narrow; columellar tooth ob- 
lique and stronger than parietal teeth; parti- 
tion of inner whorls occupying almost all of 
body whorl, parietal teeth continuing on wall 
of inner whorl as conspicuous lamellae. Ani- 
mal grayish blue to dirty white, sometimes 
mottled with dark brown spots. Conspicuous 
medial nodes on base of central radular 
tooth. Visceral mass separated from foot by a 
length equivalent to about one and one-half 
whorls; mantle organ forming conspicuous 
pouch; pallial gonoducts and cephalopedal 
reproductive organs elongate. 

Remarks: Detracia was created by Gray 
(1840) for the West Indian species Melampus 
bullaoides (Montagu) because it was said to 
have only the columellar tooth on the inner 
lip. Careful inspection of Melampus (D.) bul- 
laoides reveals a hidden parietal tooth mid- 
way on the inner lip and a long, vertical, cal- 
lous anterior parietal tooth. The most obvious 
diagnostic feature is the very strong, oblique 
columellar tooth. 

The genus Tifata was introduced by H. & A. 
Adams (1855b) as a subgenus of Tralia and 
was characterized by having two spiral, ele- 
vated, lamellar plates at the forepart of the 
inner lip. The genus Tralia had been intro- 

duced by Gray (1840) on account of the 
shape of the ощег lip, but H. & A. Adams 
(1855b), followed by Binney (1865), used the 
incorrect anatomical feature, “foot posteri- 
orly acute,” to separate this taxon from 
Melampus (Fischer & Crosse, 1880; Dall, 
1885). This led to the erroneous inclusion of 
Tifata within the genus Tralia. The pattern of 
dentition of the inner lip used by the Adams 
brothers to characterize Tifata is not con- 
spicuous in the first two originally included 
species, Tralia cingulata (Pfeiffer, 1840) [= 
Melampus (D.) bullaoides (Montagu, 1808)] 
and Tralia floridana (Pfeiffer, 1856) [= Melam- 
pus (D.) floridanus]. In those species the first 
parietal tooth is usually a broad, longitudinal 
callosity, and the lamellar second parietal 
tooth is too far posterior in the aperture to be 
considered in the “forepart” of the inner lip. 
In the next species listed, Tralia globulus (Or- 
bigny, 1837) [= Melampus (D.) globulus], the 
longitudinal callosity is less pronounced, ге- 
sembling more an oblique lamella (Keen, 
1971: fig. 2402). This agreement with the 
original description justifies my choice of Tra- 
lia globulus as type species of the subgenus 
Tifata; to clarify further the taxonomy, | 
hereby select a lectotype for this species 
(Fig. 320). Nevertheless, all species originally 
included in Tifata H. & A. Adams, including 
Tralia pulchella (Petit, 1843), should be 
placed in Detracia on the basis of the strong, 
oblique columellar fold. 

Morrison (19516, 1964) considered 
Melampus (D.) monile (Bruguiere, 1789) to 
belong to Pira H. & A. Adams, 1855, which he 
elevated to generic rank. Pira was character- 
ized as having three teeth on the inner lip. 
The type species, Auricula kuesteri (Krauss 
MS) Kúster, 1844 [= Melampus fasciatus (De- 
shayes, 1830)], was illustrated by Küster 
(1844: 34-35, pl. 4, figs. 10-13), who noted 
the conspicuous twisted columellar tooth. Its 
relative prominence 1$ evident in his figure 13, 
which represents Kúster's variety A of that 
species. Although a decision on the system- 
atic status of Pira is at present unwarranted 
owing to lack of anatomical data for compar- 
isons, Melampus топйе (Bruguière) should 
be included in Detracia on the basis of shell 
and anatomical characters. 

Conrad (1862) introduced Ensiphorus for a 
Miocene species from Yorktown, Virginia, 
that was characterized by its elongate, 
slightly curved columellar tooth directed ob- 
liquely upwards, a characteristic of Melam- 
pus (D.) morrisoni. The type species, Ensi- 


phorus longidens, illustrated by Conrad 
(1866, pl. 4, fig. 12), resembles in its size and 
shape a small Melampus (D.) bullaoides or a 
Melampus (D.) floridanus, hence justifying 
putting Conrad’s name in synonymy with De- 

Anatomical comparison of Detracia with 
Melampus does not justify their generic sep- 
aration. Thus Detracia is treated as a subge- 
nus of Melampus [see the remarks under 
Melampus $. 1.]. 

The subgenus Detracia is represented in 
the West Indian region by five species, which 
can be distinguished on the basis of shell 
morphology. The type species, Melampus 
(D.) bullaoides, is usually high spired, oval- 
elongate and without any indication of a ca- 
rina on the shoulder of the body whorl. The 
spire has axial ribs and incised spiral 
grooves, and in juveniles it is hirsute. The 
spire of juvenile Melampus (D.) monile 1$ also 
hirsute (Figs. 341, 345), but the shell is ovate- 
conic and the midale riblets of the outer lip 
are the strongest, whereas in Melampus (D.) 
bullaoides the anteriormost riblet of the outer 
lip is strongest. Some high-spired specimens 
of North American Melampus (D.) floridanus 
resemble Melampus (D.) bullaoides, but can 
be distinguished from them by the absence 
of axial ribs and hairs on the spire, as well as 
by the conspicuous parietal callus that occu- 
pies the site of the anterior parietal tooth. 
This latter character also distinguishes 
Melampus (D.) floridanus from its South 
American counterpart, Melampus (D.) para- 
nus, which lacks the parietal callus. In addi- 
tion, the South American species never has 
more than three riblets in the outer lip, 
whereas the North American species has four 
to eight riblets. Also included in this subge- 
nus is Melampus (D.) morrisoni, a species 
that has certain characteristics of Melampus 
5. s., such as the readily visible upper parietal 
tooth and a discrete anterior parietal tooth. 
Placement in Detracia is based upon the 
strong columellar tooth, narrow aperture, 
long pallial gonoducts and the pouch-like 
mantle organ. 

Habitat: The West Indian species of Detracia 
characteristically live farther from the water 
than do the species of Melampus s.s. with 
which they can occur. Melampus (D.) monile 
is an exception in preferring the area of the 
high-tide mark, in which it is very common 
among piles of rocks frequently covered by 
waves at high tide. Melampus (D.) morrisoni 

prefers inland lagoons and, along with 
Melampus (D.) bullaoides, lives in areas 
reached only by spring tides. The North 
American Melampus (D.) floridanus and the 
South American Melampus (D.) paranus are 
very closely related. Morrison (1951a) inter- 
preted this similarity as a case of parallel ev- 
olution. The North American species lives in 
inland salt marshes of low salinity and curi- 
ously it is absent from mangroves, whereas 
its South American counterpart is a su- 
pratidal estuarine species, living in man- 
groves (Marcus & Marcus, 1965a). 

Range: The subgenus Detracia is mostly 
tropical and occurs in the Indo-Pacific and 
the West Indies. In the Western Atlantic it 
ranges from New Jersey to southern Brazil. 

Melampus (Detracia) bullaoides 
(Montagu, 1808) 
Figs. 290-314 

Voluta bullaoides Montagu, 1808: 102, pl. 30, 
fig. 4 [Lincoln, England (error), herein 
corrected to St. Vincent's, West Indies; 
location of type unknown]. 

Auricula multivolvis Jeffreys, 1833: 518 [Scar- 
borough, England (error), herein cor- 
rected to St. Vincent’s, West Indies; ho- 
lotype USNM 55308 (Fig. 290)]. 

Tornatella bullaoides (Montagu). Ferussac, 
1821: 108. 

Melampus bulla Lowe, 1832: 280 [unneces- 
sary new name for Voluta bullaoides 

Melampus (Melampus) bulla Lowe. Beck, 
1837: 108. 

Detracia bullaeoides (Montagu). Gray, 1840: 
20 [unjustified emendation for bulla- 

Auricula cingulata Pfeiffer, 1840: 251 [Cuba; 
location of type unknown]; Küster, 1844: 
40, pl. 6, figs. 4-6; Reeve, 1877, pl. 6, fig. 

Auricula oliva Orbigny, 1841: 189, pl. 12, figs. 
8-10 [Outskirts of Havana, Cuba; lecto- 
type herein selected BMNH 1854.10.4. 
109 (Fig. 291)]. 

Melampus cingulatus (Pfeiffer). C. B. Adams, 
1849: 42; С. В. Adams, 1851: 186; Shut- 
tleworth, 1854b: 102; Pfeiffer, 1854b: 
147; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 17; Binney, 1859: 
161, pl. 75, figs. 12, 13; Binney, 1860: 4; 
Poey, 1866: 394; Pfeiffer, 1876: 301; 
Nevill, 1879: 219; Arango y Molina, 1880: 
58; Crosse, 1890; 258. 


Conovulus bullaoides (Montagu). Forbes & 

Hanley, 1852: 197. 

Melampus роеу! Pfeiffer, 1853b: 126 [Cuba; 
location of type unknown); Pfeiffer, 
1854b: 147; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 17; Pfeiffer, 
1876: 301. 

Melampus (Tralia) cingulatus (Pfeiffer). H. & A. 
Adams, 1854: 11. 

Melampus (Tifata) cingulata (Pfeiffer). H. 8 A. 
Adams, 1855b: 245. 

Melampus bullaoides (Montagu). Pfeiffer, 
1856a: 18; Kobelt, 1901: 277, pl. 33, figs. 

Melampus oblongus Pfeiffer, 1856b: 393 
[Bermuda; lectotype herein selected 
BMNH 1968848 (Fig. 292)]. 

Tralia cingulata (Pfeiffer). Binney, 1865: 18, 
fig. 19; Tryon, 1866: 9, pl. 18, fig. 10; 
Fischer & Crosse, 1880: 22; Dall, 1883: 

Melampus ? bullaoides (Montagu). Pfeiffer, 
1876: 301. 

Melampus (Detracia) bulloides (Montagu). 
Dall, 1885: 285, pl. 18, fig. 7; Dall, 1889: 
92, pl. 47, fig. 7; Simpson, 1889: 68; 
Maury, 1922: 56 [misspelling of bulla- 

Melampus bulimoides (Montagu). 
1901: 35 [error for bullaoides]. 

Melampus bulloides (Montagu). Davis, 1904: 
126, pl. 4, fig. 4 [error for bullaoides]. 

Melampus (Detracia) bullaoides (Montagu). 
Peile, 1926: 88. 

Melampus (Detracia) bullaeoides (Montagu). 
Thiele, 1931: 467; Zilch, 1959: 65, fig. 
207 [error for bullaoides]. 

Detracia bulloides (Montagu). M. Smith, 
1937: 147, pl. 55, fig: 1; pl. 67, fig: 7 pl. 
67 copied from Dall (1885, pl. 18)]; Perry, 
1940: 178: Coomans, 1958: 103; Porter, 
1974: 300 [error for bullaoides]. 

Detracia bullaoides (Montagu). Morrison, 
1951a: 18, figs. 1, 5 [systematics]; Mor- 
rison, 1951b: 9; Perry 8 Schwengel, 
1955: 198, pl. 53, fig. 359; Morrison, 
1958: 118-124 [ecology]; Warmke 8 Ab- 
bott, 1961: 153, pl. 28, fig. o; Coomans, 
1969: 82; Morris, 1973: 274, pl. 74, fig. 
13; Abbott, 1974: 332, fig. 4092; Hum- 
phrey, 1975: 196, pl. 22, fig. 26; Emerson 
8 Jacobson, 1976: 190, pl. 26, fig. 22; 
Rehder, 1981: 648, fig. 349; Gibson- 
Smith & Gibson-Smith, 1982: 117; Vokes 
8 Vokes, 1983: 60, pl. 22, fig. 15; Jensen 
8 Clark, 1986: 457, figured. 

Detracia roquesana Gibson-Smith & Gibson- 
Smith, 1982: 117, fig. 6 [Isla de los 


Roques, Venezuela; 
784718 (Fig. 300)]. 

holotype USNM 

Description: Shell (Figs. 290-305) to 15 mm 
long, globose to fusiform, solid, shiny, uni- 
form whitish, yellow to brown or with as many 
as three, rarely more, white, unequally wide 
bands on body whorl; body whorl frequently 
with axial zigzag markings or with combina- 
tion of bands and markings. Deep umbilical 
groove sometimes present in gerontic spec- 
imens. Spire high, mucronate, whorls as 
many as 13, flat and sculptured with well- 
marked spiral grooves, axial ribs and a spiral 
row of laterally compressed, short periostra- 
cal hairs. Body whorl 70% of total length, 
oval, smooth or with very faint spiral lines, 
without carina on shoulder. Aperture length 
about 80% of body whorl, very narrow, an- 
gulated anteriorly, with base sometimes 
broad and round in gerontic specimens; inner 
Ир with a strong, oblique, twisted columellar 
tooth and a small, oblique, hidden parietal 
tooth just posterior to conspicuous longitudi- 
nal parietal callus; area posterior to parietal 
tooth excavated, with anterior border weakly 
raised to plait-shaped; in the latter case, cor- 
responding riblet of outer lip becomes stron- 
ger, forming wall of narrow anal canal; outer 
lip sharp, rarely smooth within, with one 
strong riblet opposite columellar tooth, usu- 
ally followed posteriorly by as many as eight 
riblets that do not reach the edge of the lip, 
gradually becoming smaller towards poste- 
rior end of aperture. Inner partition of whorls 
occupying entire body whorl; connection of 
posterior visceral mass space with aperture 
very narrow (Fig. 302). Protoconch trans- 
lucent, whitish to slightly brown (Figs. 303- 

Animal bluish gray; foot dirty white; top of 
neck dark brown to black; tentacles subcy- 
lindric, pointed, translucent in first quarter, 
abruptly changing to dark gray or black; 
mantle skirt light gray. Pallial cavity long; 
mantle organ dark brown, well developed, 
forming very conspicuous pouch; kidney 

Radula (Figs. 306-310) having formula [24 
+ (1 + 14) + 1 + (14 + 1) + 24] x 100. Base 
of central tooth twice width of base of later- 
al teeth, triangular, with very conspicuous 
prominences on inner surface of arms; crown 
smaller than that of lateral teeth, with medial 
depression at posterior edge; mesocone 
small, sharp; ectocones not defined. Lateral 
teeth ten to 18; crown strong, broadly trian- 



FIGS. 290-305. 


gular, half total length of tooth; mesocone 
sharp, pointing laterally; no distinct en- 
docone or ectocone. Transitional tooth with 
base partly reduced, crown weakly project- 
ing posteriorly, with small ectocone or serrate 
edge on ectocone site. Marginal teeth 20 to 
31 with reduced base and elongated crown; 
mesocone strong and sharp, gradually be- 
coming rounded toward the edge of the rad- 
ular ribbon; appearance of ectocones incon- 
sistent from row to row. 

Stomach (Fig. 311) as in subfamily. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 312) with ovo- 
testis conical, dark brown; mucous gland 
spiral, conical; ргеуадта! caecum very con- 
spicuous; bursa duct thick, enters vagina op- 
posite to exit of posterior vas deferens; bursa 
large, approximately oval; vagina thin, about 
one and four-fifths times length of body whorl; 
penis thin, long; penial retractor inserting with 
columellar muscle. 

Nervous system (Fig. 313) having cerebral 
commissure about as long as width of cere- 
bral ganglion; left parietovisceral connective 
twice the length of right one. 

Remarks: Melampus (D.) bullaoides originally 
was stated to belong to the British fauna al- 
though Montagu (1808) doubted its origin. He 
reported it as from Lincoln, because this was 
the locality given on the lot label in the Port- 
land collection, from which the shell had 
been purchased. Lowe (1832) repeated the 
original information when, for no apparent 
reason, he renamed Montagu's species 
Melampus bulla. Beck (1837) erroneously re- 
ported Lowe's species from “Atlantic Ocean, 
Boreal Africa.” The shell, however, became 
well known in European collections, allowing 
Gray (1840: 21) to remark, “it is one of the 
most common shells in the small boxes from 
the West Indies.” Jeffreys (1869: 109) also 
noted that ‘‘Voluta bullaoides of Montagu (my 
Auricula multivolvis) [Fig. 290] is a rather 
common West Indian species.” He also 

stated that a specimen had been found at 
Scarborough and that the species had been 
reported from Croisic in the Loire-Inferieure. 
Morrison (1951a) explained those odd occur- 
rences as inclusions in ballast picked up by 
ships in the West Indies and dumped along 
the coast of England. 

The high degree of variability that charac- 
terizes the genus Melampus is also notice- 
able in Melampus (D.) bullaoides and caused 
the introduction of most of the names here 
considered synonyms. In Pfeiffer's three ma- 
jor revisions of the family (1854b, 1856a, 
1876), the name Melampus bullaoides ap- 
pears only in the last two, indeed with a query 
in the last one. Pfeiffer (1856a) noted that 
Forbes & Натеу (1852) had treated his 
Melampus cingulatus from Cuba as a junior 
synonym of Montagu's species. Although he 
admitted that they were very closely related, 
Pfeiffer was reluctant to synonymize them 
solely on the basis of Montagu’s figure, leav- 
ing the problem, in his words, to the consid- 
eration of the experts. Almost at the same 
time Pfeiffer described Melampus cingulatus, 
Orbigny (1841) described and nicely illus- 
trated Auricula oliva from Cuba (Fig. 291). 
Presumably Orbigny was not aware of Pfeif- 
fer's publication, because the two descrip- 
tions are very similar. The second of Pfeiffer's 
supposed species, Melampus poeyi, also 
from Cuba, is intermediate between Melam- 
pus bullaoides and Pfeiffer's Auricula cingu- 
lata, according to Pfeiffer’s observation 
(1856a). The last of Pfeiffer’s names, Melam- 
pus oblongus, was applied to a Bermudian 
specimen (Fig. 292) that Pfeiffer (1856b) 
thought was more closely allied to Melampus 
angiostomus (Deshayes, 1831) than to his 
Auricula cingulata. The Bermudian speci- 
mens have a quasi-smooth outer lip, and 
some populations have only the characteris- 
tic strong riblet opposite the columellar tooth 
(Figs. 293-296). Comparison of individuals 
from Bermuda with specimens from Florida 

FIGS. 290-305. Melampus (D.) bullaoides (Montagu). (290) Auricula multivolvis Jeffreys, holotype (USNM 
55308), Scarborough, Englana, sl 7.5 mm. (291) Auricula oliva Orbigny, lectotype (BMNH 1854.10.4.109), 
Cuba, sl 11.0 mm. (292) M. oblongus Pfeiffer, lectotype (BMNH 1968848), Bermuda, sl 11.1 mm. (293) 
Somerset Bridge, Bermuda, sl 8.1 mm. (294) Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 10.6 mm. (295) Hungry Bay, 
Bermuda, sl 10.3 mm. (296) Hungry Bay, Bermuda, sl 11.2 mm. (297) Crawl Key, Florida (R.B.), sl 9.0 mm. 
(298) Big Pine Key, Florida, sl 9.4 mm. (299) South Mastic Pt., Andros Island, Bahamas, sl 9.1 mm. (300) 
Detracia roquesana Gibson-Smith & Gibson-Smith, holotype (USNM 784718), Isla de los Roques, Vene- 
zuela, sl 10.6 mm. (301) Long Key, Florida, sl 2.4 mm. (302) Grassy Key, Florida, sl 13.7 mm. (303) Lateral 
view of spire and protoconch, Somerset Bridge, Bermuda. (304) Lateral view of spire and protoconch, Long 
Key, Florida. (305) Top view of spire and protoconch, Somerset Bridge, Bermuda. Scale 1 mm. 


FIGS. 306-309. Melampus (D.) bullaoides, radular teeth, Somerset Bridge, Bermuda, sl 9.0 mm. (306) 
Central and lateral teeth. (307) Transitional and lateral teeth. (308) Marginal teeth. (309) Lateral view of 

marginal teeth in preceding figure. Scale 50 um. 


1L 2L 


11L 12L T1M2M 

Pace th 

В 8M9M 15M 16M21M22M 

A D ee _ 

FIG. 310. Меатриз (D.) bullaoides, radula. A, 
Somerset Bridge, Bermuda; B, Big Pine Key, Flor- 
ida. Scale 10 um. 

15L T 1M 7M8M 12M 13M 17M 18M 

FIG. 311. Melampus (D.) bullaoides, stomach, Flor- 
ida. Scale 1 mm. 

and Bahamas, however, revealed overlap in 
characters of the apertural dentition (Figs. 
297-299, 301, 302). One must conclude that, 
owing to its variable expression, the apertural 

FIG. 312. Melampus (D.) bullaoides, reproductive 
system, Grassy Key, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

dentition in this species 15 not a reliable tax- 
onomic character and that Melampus oblon- 
gus Pfeiffer from Bermuda is conspecific with 
Melampus (D.) bullaoides. 

Very recently Gibson-Smith 4 Gibson- 
Smith (1982), on the basis of six beach spec- 
imens, described Detracia roquesana from 
Islas de los Roques, off Venezuela (Fig. 300). 
The Bermudian specimens in my collection, 
which | refer to Pfeiffer's Melampus oblon- 
gus, as well as those from the Bahamas, fit 
the description of Gibson-Smith 4 Gibson- 
Smith. The brown protoconch, so common in 
Bermudian shells, also occurs in certain 
specimens from Florida, although in the latter 
specimens the aperture is narrower and more 
dentate. Analysis of protoconch, radula and 
anatomy of the Bermudian forms did not 
yield any differences between specimens 
from Florida and those from the Bahamas. 
These facts led me to consider Detracia ro- 
quesana Gibson-Smith & Gibson-Smith a 
junior synonym of Melampus (D.) bullaoides 

Melampus (D.) bullaoides is very easily dis- 
tinguished from Melampus (D.) floridanus by 



prvc prg 

FIG. 313. Melampus (D.) bullaoides, central nervous system, Grassy Key, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

the presence of ribs on its spire and by its 
protruding, mucronate apex. The spire is 
constricted toward the apex and broadens 
suddenly toward the base. The juveniles have 
a crown of periostracal hairs. The last whorl 
shows a wide range of color patterns, and 
frequently young specimens are brightly col- 
ored. In Melampus (D.) floridanus the spire 1$ 
regularly conical, glabrous, and the body 
whorl has as many as three chestnut-brown 

Habitat: Melampus (D.) bullaoides is а com- 
mon inhabitant of the mangroves and can be 
very abundant in some localities. The species 
prefers the supralittoral zone and it frequently 
lives on the edges of inland tidal lagoons, 
sometimes in relatively dry places, in which 
they aggregate under rocks, pieces of wood, 
cardboard and other decaying trash. 

Range: Bermuda; Florida, West Indies to 
Suriname (Fig. 314). 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA (USNM 
27914, 39833, 39838, 39839, 1524268, 
492459): Fernandina (USNM 492544); Lake 
Worth at Boynton (ANSP 194770); Miami 
(ANSP 91284; USNM 153399, 492460); Co- 
conut Grove (MCZ 82497, 291238, 291258); 
Virginia Key (MCZ 46880); Bear’s Cut, Key 
Biscayne (MCZ 153116); Soldier Key (MCZ 
174459); Third Ragged Key, above Sands 
Key (USNM 462736); Sands Key, Biscayne 
Bay (MCZ 291269); Elliot Key (ANSP 
160894); Key Largo (ANSP 56813; MCZ 
56473, 291255, 291264; USNM 68130, 
492546, 597456); Tavernier (MCZ 153121); N 
of Tavernier Key (A.M.); Tavernier Key 
(USNM 492550); Snake Creek (MCZ 291058); 
Plantation Key (MCZ 199343, 291057); S of 


FIG. 314. Melampus (D.) bullaoides, geographic 

Ocean Drive, Plantation Key (A.M.); Indian 
Key (USNM 462895, 492547); Indian Key Fill, 
N of Indian Key Channel (A.M.); Little Duck 
Key (MCZ 291061); Lower Matecumbe Key 
(USNM 700771); N end of Long Key (A.M.); 
Bonefish Key (MCZ 291059); Upper Grassy 
Key (MCZ 291051); Grassy Key (MCZ 
291064; A.M.); Crawl Key (MCZ 174470, 
199342, 291046, 291047; A.M.); Key Vaca 
(ANSP 181137); Marathon (MCZ 153258); 
Knight Key (A.M.); Bahia Honda Key (ANSP 
88030, 88132, 104098, 189562; USNM 
269780); Howe Key (USNM 681640, 706760); 
Big Pine Key (ANSP 89549, 104099, 189559; 
MCZ 250733, 291048, 291049, 291517; 
USNM 597454); Long Beach Drive, Big Pine 
Key (A.M.); W end of Kohen Avenue, Big Pine 
Key (A.M.); Big Torch Key (ANSP 104100; 
A.M.); Little Torch Key (MCZ 291053); Ram- 
rod Key (MCZ 291050, 291247); Sugarloaf 
Key (ANSP 9635, 22475, 89550, 189560); 
Lower Sugarloaf Key (USNM 672440); Sum- 
merland Key (USNM 270318); West Summer- 
land Key (MCZ 291084; A.M.); Military Key 
(MCZ 291055); Pavilion Key (ANSP 93434); 
Boca Chica Key (ANSP 104097, 152502, 
189561; MCZ 162638; USNM 270327); Cow 
Key (USNM 596786); Stock Island (ANSP 
149994; USNM 270280); Key West (ANSP 

56812, 100848, 174635, 264540, 294310; 
USNM 36015, 36965, 61101, 153076, 
270363, 338357); Snake Key (ANSP 105461); 
Seminole Point (ANSP 105437); Boca 
Grande Key (USNM 272834); Flamingo Key 
(MCZ 291060); Cape Sable (MCZ 291062); 
Marco Key (USNM 381333); mouth of Hend- 
erson Creek, 5 km N of Marco (МСА 294215); 
Little Marco (ANSP 93435); Bonita Springs 
(MCZ 291063); Carl E. Johnson Park, Little 
Carlos Pass (A.M.); Mound Key (MCZ 
291270); Punta Rassa (MCZ 13705, 291056); 
Sanibel Island (ANSP 179352; MCZ 291052); 
Tarpon Bay, Sanibel Island (MCZ 13704, 
55961); Turner's Pond, Sanibel Island (MCZ 
232526); E of St. James, Pine Island (ANSP 
93433); Captiva Island (ANSP 149406; MCZ 
60186, 236852, 291054); Osprey (ANSP 
88078); Mullet Key (USNM 652407; A.M.); 
Pinellas Point (MCZ 294209); Bayou off Gulf- 
port (MCZ 138942); St. Petersburg (MCZ 
291242; USNM 343843, 366191, 466193); 
Maximo Point, St. Petersburg (ANSP 
167540); Shell Bay, off St. Petersburg (USNM 
466207, 466289); Sand Key (ANSP 129249; 
USNM 338365); Harts Bayou, Boca Ciega 
Bay (MCZ 291266); Indian Rocks (ANSP 
167541); Clearwater Island (ANSP 189558); 
Clearwater (USNM 611785); Cedar Key (MCZ 
291246; USNM 36895, 37611, 37612). BER- 
MUDA: (ANSP 85590; MCZ 24246, 291240, 
291253, 291260, 291262, 292267; USNM 
6529, 94435, 98153, 173651, 492543); 
Hamilton (ANSP 182551; USNM 152145, 
171960); Fairyland (ANSP 99058, 111095); N 
end of Long Bird Bridge (A.M.); Hungry Bay 
(ANSP 88581; A.M.); S end of Ely's Harbour 
(A.M.); W side of Somerset Bridge (A.M.); 
Mangrove Bay (A.M.); Ireland Island (USNM 
712379); Pond W of Evans Bay (A.M.); Rid- 
dell's Bay (USNM 621666). ВАНАМА IS- 
LAND: Dead Mans Reef [Sandy Bevan's Cay] 
(ANSP 371222); Riding Point (ANSP 371520, 
375562); 4 km NW of Sweetings Cay Light 
Witch Point (ANSP 299481, 359153; USNM 
4925800); Crossing Bay (ANSP 173189); 
McLeans Town (ANSP 369066); Running 
Mon Canal (ANSP 369777); North Hawksbill 
Creek (ANSP 370565); BIMINI ISLANDS: Al- 
icetown, North Bimini (USNM 598841); oppo- 
site Cat Tail Pond, South Bimini (ANSP 
325782); BERRY ISLANDS: Chub Cay (ANSP 
359148); Frazier, Hog Cay (ANSP 194182, 
195213); ANDROS ISLAND (ANSP 226713; 
USNM 269844); Stafford Creek (ANSP 


151848, 151930); Mangrove Cay (MCZ 
24102; USNM 180518); Bastion Point, Man- 
grove Cay (USNM 269226, 269252); Rocky 
Point, Mangrove Cay (USNM 270214, 
270215); Solomon Pond, Mangrove Cay 
(USNM 269968); 5 km from mouth of Lisbon 
Creek, Lindsey Creek (USNM 270234); First 
island off Mintie Bar, SE of South Bight 
(USNM 271785); Long Bay Key (USNM 
299646; USNM 124376): Nassau (MCZ 
107498; USNM 160767, 467111); Bar Point 
(A.M.); Delaporte Point (A.M.); W of Rock 
Point (A.M.); Clifton Point (A.M.); Clifton Pier 
(A.M.); shore off Millars Road (A.M.); Millars 
Sound by Bacardi Road (A.M.); Bonefish 
Pond (A.M.); South Beach (MCZ 291268); 
Malcolm Creek (A.M.); Dick’s Point (MCZ 
291518); ROYAL ISLAND (MCZ 184098, 
280395; USNM 343844, 366190, 468116); 
pon Bay (MCZ 135934, 175921); Great Oys- 
ter Pond (MCZ 291265); BRIGADINE KEY 
(USNM 270034); CAT ISLAND: Arthurstown 
(MCZ 291237); LONG ISLAND: Simms (MCZ 
291251); Galloway’s Landing (MCZ 291241); 
Pinders (MCZ 113328); AKLINS ISLAND: 
Pinnacle Point (USNM 390857); ROOKERKEY 
(USNM 390663, 390674a); GREAT INAGUA: 
Matthewstown (MCZ 291263); 5 km SE of 
Matthewstown (MCZ 190050); CAY SAL 
BANK: Cay Sal, (MCZ 291256); Salt Lagoon, 
Cay Sal (USNM 513426). TURK’S & CAICOS: 
CAICOS ISLAND: Bell Cay (USNM 391323). 
CUBA (ANSP 56810, 567800; MCZ 31418, 
291257, 294214; USNM 10966, 39840, 
55727, 336072, 492461): Cayo Juan Garcia 
(MCZ 291271); La Habana (MCZ 291259); 
Cayo Birricu, N. of Habana (ANSP 362823); 
Cayo Blanco, Cärdenas Bay (ANSP 157955); 
Playa del Bellamar (MCZ 291239, 291243); 
Cayo Cristo (MCZ 292559); Caibarién (MCZ 
291248, 294213); Dimas (USNM 492559b); 
Cayo Romano (MCZ 291272); Punta de Pie- 
dra (MCZ 291252); Santa Cruz del Sur (MCZ 
131939, 291254); Santa Maria Key (MCZ 
291261); Cochinos Bay (USNM 492548); 
Cayo de las Cinco Léguas (ANSP 158053); 
Finca, Sabanalmar (MCZ 294210); Isla de Pi- 
nos (MCZ 48081). JAMAICA (ANSP 56811; 
MCZ 291245; USNM 94746, 374270a, 
492462, 492551): Montego Bay (ANSP 
359146); Kingston (USNM 442736); Harbor 
Head, Kingston (USNM 617127); Hunt's Bay 
(USNM 441719); Cow Bay (USNM 440985); 
Palisadoes (USNM 442465); Port Royal 

(USNM 442419); Rock Fort (USNM 374243); 
Great Goat Island (ANSP 359156). HAITI 
(ANSP 146738): St. Louis (USNM 439392); 
Gonave Island (MCZ 82118; USNM 380256); 
near Port-au-Prince (USNM 403034, 403035, 
440610a); lle-a-Vache, Soulette Bay (USNM 
439169a, 439169b, 442850a); Port Salut 
(USNM 403760); Aquin (USNM 403256, 
403573, 440170); Bizoton (USNM 439828). 
291249). PUERTO RICO: Punta Arenas, N of 
Fitches Creek (USNM 809737); BARBUDA 
294212); Georgetown Barcadero, Grand 
Cayman (ANSP 209770). COLOMBIA (MCZ 
291273). VENEZUELA: Islas de los Roques 
(USNM 784718). SURINAME: Paramaribo 
(MCZ 274063). 

Melampus (Detracia) floridanus 
Pfeiffer, 1856 
Figs. 315-318, 321-332 

Melampus (Tralia) floridianus Shuttleworth. H. 
8 A. Adams, 1854: 11 [nomen nudum]. 

Melampus floridanus Shuttleworth. Pfeiffer, 
1854b: 147 [nomen nudum]. 

Tralia (Tifata) floridana Shuttleworth. H. 4 A. 
Adams, 1855b: 245 [nomen пиаит]. 
Melampus floridanus “Shuttleworth” Pfeiffer, 
1856a: 35 [Florida, herein restricted to 
Myakka River; location of type un- 
known]; Binney, 1860: 4; Nevill, 1879: 
219; Dall, 1885: 281, pl. 18, fig. 2; Dall, 
1889: 92, pl. 47, fig. 2; Simpson, 1889: 
68; Kobelt, 1898: 213, pl. 24, fig. 14; Hin- 
kley, 1907: 71; Maury, 1922: 55; C. W. 
Johnson, 1934: 159; M. Smith, 1937: 
146, pl. 55, fig. 5, pl. 67, fig. 2 [pl. 67 from 

Dall (1885)]. 

Melampus floridianus Shuttleworth. Binney, 
1859: 165 [error for floridanus; pl. 75, fig. 
30 is of Melampus (M.) bidentatus Say 
(Fig. 265)]. 

Tralia floridana (Shuttleworth) (Pfeiffer). Bin- 
ney, 1865: 16 [fig. 17 is of Melampus (M.) 
bidentatus]; Tryon, 1866: 9 [pl. 18, fig. 11 
copied from Binney (1859) shows 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus]. 

Detracia floridana (Pfeiffer). Morrison, 1951a: 
17, figs. 4, 7 [description, habitat]; Mor- 
rison, 1954: 15-16 [egg masses]; Morri- 
son, 1959: 25 [early life history]; Burch, 


1960a: 182, pl. 1, figs. 2, 91 [chromo- 
somes]; Abbott, 1974: 332 [Fig. 4093 
copied from Binney (1859) is of Melam- 
pus (M.) bidentatus]; Emerson & Jacob- 
son, 1976: 191, pl. 26, fig. 23; Heard, 
1982: 20, fig. 16. 

Detracia floridana (Shuttleworth). Morrison, 
1951b: 8. 

Melampus floridanus Pfeiffer. Holle 8 Dineen, 
1959: 50 [systematics]. 

Description: Shell (Figs. 315-318, 321-323) 
to 7 mm long, globose to fusiform, thin, 
smooth to corrugated, dark brown with gray- 
ish tones, with as many as three chestnut- 
brown bands on upper half of body whorl. 
Spire moderately high, mucronate, with as 
many as 10.25 flat, compressed whorls, with 
fine, spirally arranged pits. Body whorl 70% 
of total length, oval to subcylindric, lacking 
carina on shoulder, smooth or with very faint 
spiral lines. Aperture narrow, about 90% of 
length of body whorl, weakly canaliculate at 
base; inner lip with oblique columellar tooth, 
conspicuous parietal callus and, above it and 
hidden inside, small horizontal parietal tooth; 
outer lip sharp, with as many as ten subequal 
riblets, not reaching edge. Inner partition of 
whorls occupying entire body whorl (Fig. 
316). Protoconch raised, smooth, translu- 
cent, dark brown (Figs. 321-323). 

Animal bluish gray; foot paler; tentacles 
subcylindric, pointed, darker toward tip; 
mantle skirt grayish. Mantle organ dark 
brown, well developed, forming conspicuous 

Radula (Figs. 324-328) having formula 
[14+ (1 +12) +1 + (12 +1) + 14] x 100. Central 
tooth with base wider than that of lateral 
teeth, with conspicuous medial promi- 
nences; crown half length and width of that of 
lateral teeth, rounded posteriorly; mesocone 
sharp; ectocones well marked, small. Lateral 
teeth 11 to 16; crown strong, half total length 
of tooth; mesocone sharp, pointing laterally; 
ectocone well developed in all lateral teeth. 
Transitional tooth with very weak endocone. 
Marginal teeth 13 to 17, with reduced base 
and elongate crown; mesocone becoming 
shorter and thinner; endocone and second 
cusp of ectocone in first marginal tooth; outer 
edge of base assuming configuration of den- 
ticle around third marginal tooth, first cusp of 
ectocone becoming smaller and third cusp of 
ectocone appearing; second cusp of en- 
docone appearing on fifth to sixth marginal 
tooth; eighth to tenth marginal teeth without 

additional cusps; last two marginal teeth ru- 

Digestive system as in Melampus s. S.; 
stomach elongate, muscular band thick (Fig. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 330) with 
ovotestis shallow-conical, dark brown; albu- 
men gland spiral, conical; fertilization cham- 
ber forming double pouch; vagina and asso- 
ciated vas deferens muscular, long; bursa 
duct entering vagina opposite exit of poste- 
rior vas deferens; penis muscular, long; 
length of anterior vas deferens 75% that of 

Nervous system (Fig. 331) having cerebral 
commissure about as long as width of cere- 
bral ganglion; left pleuropedal connective 
very short; left parietovisceral connective 
longer than right one. 

Remarks: The name Melampus floridanus ap- 
peared in published lists for several years be- 
fore Pfeiffer (1856a) validated it with a de- 
scription in his Monographia. Holle & Dineen 
(1959) stated that the original specimens had 
been collected in Florida by a Mr. Rugel for 
Shuttleworth, who deposited them in the 
Cuming collection under his manuscript 
name. Pfeiffer (1856a) probably had seen 
these specimens marked as Auricula floridana 
by Shuttleworth, and also the specimens in 
the Albers collection marked as Auricula rugeli 
by Charpentier. Both names are referred to as 
manuscript names in Pfeiffer's description. 
He gave the measurements of the specimen 
he used for the description, however, men- 
tioning that it was Nr. 15 of his collection. The 
type material therefore should include only 
the specimen in Pfeiffer’s collection, because 
there is no assurance that Pfeiffer used other 
collections in writing the description. Most au- 
thors have given credit erroneously to Shut- 
tleworth for introduction of Melampus (D.) flo- 
ridanus but in accord with the ICZN Pfeiffer 
must be credited with this name, for it is he 
who validly introduced it. 

According to Morrison (1951a), Binney 
(1859), using shells collected by Bartlett from 
the Florida Keys, wrongly illustrated this spe- 
cies by using an example of a dwarf Melam- 
pus (M.) bidentatus (Fig. 265). Several subse- 
quent authors, including Abbott (1974), 
perpetuated Binney's mistake by copying 
that figure. Morrison (1951a), Emerson & Ja- 
cobson (1976) and Heard (1982) correctly il- 
lustrated Melampus (D.) floridanus, however. 

Melampus (D.) floridanus can be distin- 


FIGS. 315-323. 


FIGS. 324-327. Melampus (D.) floridanus, radular teeth. (324-326) Myakka River, Florida, sl 6.7 mm. (327) 
Woodville, North River, North Carolina, sl 5.3 mm. Scale, Fig. 324, 50 um; all others, 100 um. 

guished from Melampus (M.) bidentatus, with 
which it commonly associates, by its smaller 
size, stronger columellar tooth, the callus оп 
the site of the first parietal tooth, its narrower 
aperture and more numerous whorls. The 
specimens of Melampus (D.) floridanus from 
southern and western Florida are smooth and 
sometimes brightly colored, and usually re- 
tain all the whorls of the spire, whereas north- 
ern specimens are thinner and corrugated, 
with the apex greatly eroded. 

Habitat: Melampus (D.) floridanus lives in salt 
marshes and freshwater riverbanks on which 
it often occurs with Melampus (M.) bidenta- 
tus. The Floridian salt-marsh snail prefers 
that zone of the marsh rarely flooded by 

spring tides. The animals frequently live half- 
buried in the sediment, against the base of 
the stems of Spartina, Juncus and other 
marsh plants. Very common in some places, 
they were estimated by Morrison (1951a) to 
attain a density of about four billion individu- 
als in a square mile. 

Range: New Jersey to Florida, and along the 
Gulf Coast to Vera Cruz, Mexico (Fig. 332). | 
have not observed specimens from the Flor- 
ida Keys. 

Specimens Examined: NEW JERSEY: Divid- 
ing Creek (A.M.); Newport (ANSP 294331). 
DELAWARE: Woodland Beach (USNM 
522268); Bombay Creek (USNM 473356, 

FIGS. 315-323. Melampus (Detracia). (315) M. (D.) floridanus Pfeiffer, Woodville, North River, North Caro- 
lina, sl 5.2 mm. (316) M. (D.) floridanus, Woodville, North River, North Carolina, sl 5.5 mm. (317) M. (D.) 
floridanus, Myakka River, Florida, sl 6.7 mm. (318) М. (D.) floridanus, Myakka River, Florida, sl 5.7 mm. (319) 
Detracia parana Morrison, holotype (USNM 594591), Pará, [Belém], Brazil, sl 6.5 mm. (320) Auricula glob- 
ulus Orbigny, lectotype (ВММН 1854.12.4.243), Guayaquil, Ecuador, sl 8.1 mm. (321-323) М. (D.) florida- 
nus, lateral and top views of spire and protoconch, Myakka River, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 


C1L2L3L 12L Т 1М 2M3M4M 

ARO dre 

8M 9M 10M 11M 12M 13M 


FIG. 328. Melampus (D.) floridanus, radula, Cres- 
cent, Georgia. Scale 10 um. 

ES > — 

FIG. 329. Melampus (D.) floridanus, stomach, 
Georgia. Scale 1 mm. 

628864, 628865, 628866); Augustine Pier 
(ANSP 89556; MCZ 294219; USNM 492587). 
MARYLAND: Morgan Creek, Charlestown 
(MCZ 200469); Mayo Beach (USNM 522289); 
Galesville (USNM 595601); Chesapeake 
Beach (USNM 473812); Parkers Creek 
(USNM 536708); N of Benedict, Patuxent 
River (USNM 473459, 473460, 473461); 

Benedict (USNM 473463);  Kepplers, 
Broomes Island (USNM 473466); Helen 
Creek, N of Solomons Island (USNM 

600764); Solomons Island (USNM 4240410; 
Millstone Landing, mouth of Patuxent River 
(USNM 521877); Cobb Island, Potomac River 

FIG. 330. Melampus (D.) floridanus, reproductive 
system, Sapelo Island, Georgia. Scale 1 mm. 

Г р 

ре pc pg pig сре cpc cg cbc 

FIG. 331. Melampus (D.) floridanus, central nervous 
system, Sapelo Island, Georgia. Scale 1 mm. 

(USNM 473565, 473566, 499520, 522920); 
Bretton Bay, Potomac River (USNM 628901); 
Chapel Point, Potomac River (USNM 
758317); opposite Chestertown (ANSP 
106973); Town Point (MCZ 46419); Head of 
Little Choptank River, Cambridge (USNM 
348955); Cambridge (MCZ 52355, 291275); 
Dailsville (ANSP 1332468, 303357; MCZ 


FIG. 332. Geographic distributions, Melampus (D.) 
floridanus (circles), Melampus (D.) paranus (stars). 
Open symbols, localities from literature. 

55922); Chambers Farm, Dailsville (ANSP 
65100); Whitehaven (MCZ 291276); East of 
Dames Quarter (USNM 618923). VIRGINIA: 
Colonial Beach, Potomac River (USNM 
473890, 473891); Potomac Beach (USNM 
473901, 473902, 473903); Poropotank River 
(USNM 679376); 2 mi NE of Bartlett (USNM 
595938); Yorktown (USNM 474078); Norfolk, 
Lafayette River (USNM 667496). NORTH 
CAROLINA: Cedar Island (A.M.); Williston 
(A.M.); Woodville, North River (A.M.); Beau- 
fort (MCZ 294261; USNM 678946); Morton's 
Hill, near Beaufort (USNM 621431). SOUTH 
CAROLINA: Yemassee (А.М.). GEORGIA: 
Crescent (A.M.); Fort King George, at Darien 
(USNM 628867). FLORIDA: Jacksonville 
(ANSP 132461); Clear Lake (MCZ 294218; 
USNM 30210); Miami (ANSP 77039; USNM 
153403); Everglades fork of Miami River 
(ANSP 82852); Biscayne Вау (USNM 
492586); Seminole Point (ANSP 293554); 
Flamingo Key (MCZ 291041); Cape Sable 
(MCZ 291039); Turner River, near Chokolos- 
kee (ANSP 93436); Everglades City (MCZ 
291040, 294262); Naples (MCZ 291041); Fort 
Myers (ANSP 62805; MCZ 291277; USNM 
492585); Little Gasparilla Island (ANSP 
142169); Myakka River (A.M.); Sarasota Bay 

(ANSP 294332; USNM 30624); Big Bend 
Road, Tampa Bay (A.M.); Tampa (ANSP 
76114; MCZ 70562; USNM 37608, 504488); 
Ballast Point, Tampa (MCZ 13815); Hudson 
(A.M.); Tributary to Hudson Bayou (USNM 
487336); Aripeka (ANSP 73901; USNM 
149953); Little Blind Creek, below mouth of 
Chassahowitzka River (ANSP 148526); Tar- 
pon Springs (MCZ 291274); Suwannee River 
(ANSP 189567); St. Marks (ANSP 56815, 
56816). ALABAMA (USNM 492588): SE of 
Heron Bay (ANSP 315714); Mobile (MCZ 
68065); Coden Beach (USNM 422365). 
MISSISSIPPI: Point Cadet, Biloxi (USNM 
518640); Davis Bayou, Ocean Springs 
(USNM 778280); Escatawpa River (ANSP 
315718). LOUISIANA: New Orleans (USNM 
119495). MEXICO: Tampico (ANSP 46584); 
Rio Vinazco (USNM 675265); SE of Tuxpan, 
Vera Cruz (USNM 675272). 

Melampus (Detracia) paranus 
(Morrison, 1951) 
FIGS. 319, 332, 333 

Detracia parana Morrison, 1951a: 19, fig. 3 
[Amazon River at Pará, Brazil; holotype 
USNM 594591 (Fig. 319); three para- 
types USNM 32090]; Morrison, 1951b: 9; 
Marcus 8 Marcus, 1965a: 42-51, figs. 
19-21, 23-25 [distribution, ecology, 
anatomy]; Rios, 1970: 138; Rios, 1975: 
158, pl. 48, fig. 766. 

Melampus (Detracia) paranus (Morrison). Al- 
tena, 1975: 86. 

Description: Shell (Fig. 319) to 7 mm long, 
globose to fusiform, thin, smooth, yellowish 
brown with one to three darker brown bands 
on body whorl, the one nearest suture more 
conspicuous. Spire low, with as many as ten 
flat whorls, dark brown with lighter band. 
Body whorl 80-90% of shell length, fusiform 
to subcylindric, without hint of carina on 
shoulder. Aperture 85-90% of length of body 
whorl, narrow, weakly canaliculate at base; 
inner lip with strong, oblique columellar tooth 
and small, horizontal parietal tooth hidden in- 
side aperture; outer lip sharp, usually with 
one riblet opposite columellar tooth, some- 
times with none, rarely with two or three. 

Animal with tentacles bulbous at base; 
eyes surrounded by unpigmented skin. Vis- 
ceral mass separated from foot by one whorl, 
with corresponding extension of mantle cav- 
ity; mantle organ forming funnel-shaped 


a UE el 12L 4M a и 
ANA ee Gor 
Mm ae | N (hoe Cyd 

о \ LIA 

FIG. 333. Melampus (D.) paranus (Morrison), rad- 
ula, Cananeia, Brazil; redrawn from Marcus & Mar- 
cus (1965a). Scale 10 um. 

Radula (Fig. 333) having formula 
[16 + 16 + 1 + 16 + 16] x 100. Base of central 
tooth weakly concave, not emarginate; 
crown rounded posteriorly; mesocone small, 
rounded; ectocones absent. Mesocone of 
lateral teeth about half of length of tooth, with 
conspicuous ectocone. Endocone appearing 
on second marginal tooth; as many as five 
ectocones on marginal teeth. 

Remarks: Melampus (D.) paranus was de- 
scribed by Morrison (1951a) on the basis of 
four specimens in the United States National 
Museum of Natural History, collected in Bra- 
zil before 1885. Only the type specimens 
were available to me and they constitute the 
basis for my description of the shell. All data 
on the animal and its anatomy were taken 
from Marcus 4 Marcus (1965a). In their study 
of 174 specimens from Cananeia, Brazil, 
Marcus 8 Marcus observed the aperture 
length to be barely 75% of the length of the 
body whorl, an important difference from the 
few specimens that constitute the type ma- 
terial. | observed similar variation in the North 
American companion species Melampus (D.) 

According to Morrison (1951a) the strong 
similarities between Melampus (D.) paranus 
and Melampus (D.) floridanus suggest that 
both species underwent closely parallel evo- 
lution. The former differs from the North 
American species by its lack of а callosity 
above the columellar tooth and by the num- 
ber of riblets inside the outer lip. Marcus & 
Marcus (1965a) observed that Melampus (D.) 
paranus commonly had one riblet, seldom 
none and rarely two, and only one of the 174 
specimens examined had three riblets inside 
the outer lip. Melampus (D.) floridanus has 
four to ten riblets inside the outer lip. 

Habitat: According to Marcus & Marcus 
(1965a), Melampus (D.) paranus is a supralit- 
toral estuarine species that lives in man- 
groves together with Melampus (M.) coffeus. 

Range: Suriname (Altena, 1975), south to 
Cananeia, Brazil (Marcus & Marcus, 1965а) 
(Fig. 332). 

Specimens Examined: BRAZIL: Pará [Belém], 
on the Amazon River (USNM 32090, 594591). 

Melampus (Detracia) monile 
(Bruguiere, 1789) 
Figs. 334-354 

Bulimus monile Bruguiére, 1789: 338 [West 
Indies, herein restricted to San Juan, Pu- 
erto Rico; location of type unknown]; 
Dillwyn, 1817: 506 [erroneously stated 
as a probable variety of Voluta flava 
Gmelin, 1791]; Cuvier, 1817: 414. 

Melampa monile (Bruguiére). Schweigger, 
1820: 739. 

Auricula monile (Bruguière). Férussac, 1821: 
105; Lamarck, 1822: 141; Kuster, 1844: 
30, pl. 4, figs. 7-9. 

Auricula monile Lamarck. Menke, 1830: 36; 
Gould, 1833: 67; Jay, 1839: 59; Reeve, 
1842: 106, pl. 187, fig. 8. 

Melampus monile Schweigger. Lowe, 1832: 

Conovulus monile (Bruguiere). 
1836: 71, pl. 27, 165. 55а 

Melampus (Melampus) топйе (Bruguiere). 
Beck, 1837: 108. 

Auricula monile Férussac. Potiez & Michaud, 
1838: 202. 

Melampus coronatus C. B. Adams, 1849: 41 
[Jamaica; lectotype chosen by Johnson 
8 Boss (1972) MCZ 186029 (Fig. 342); C. 
B. Adams, 1851: 186; Pfeiffer, 1854b: 
147; Pfeiffer: 1856a: 51; Johnson 4 
Boss, 1972: 196, pl. 41, fig. 5 [lectotype 

Melampus flavus Gmelin of authors. C. B. Ad- 
ams, 1849: 42; C. B. Adams, 1851: 186; 
H. & A. Adams, 1854: 9; Pfeiffer, 1854b: 
147; Pfeiffer, 1856a: 21; Binney, 1859: 
167, text fig.; Binney, 1860: 4; Binney, 
1865: 12, fig. 14; Tryon, 1866: 8, pl. 18, 
fig. 6; Poey, 1866: 394; Pfeiffer, 1876: 
303; Mórch, 1878: 5; Arango у Molina, 
1880: 59; Dall, 1883: 322; Dall, 1885: 
281, pl. 18, fig. 1; Dall, 1889: 92, pl. 47, 
fig. 1; Simpson, 1889: 68; Crosse, 1890: 
258; Davis, 1904: 126, pl. 4, fig. 5; Peile, 
1926: 88; Maury, 1922 55, (GW: 
Johnson, 1934: 159; M. Smith, 1937: 
146, pl. 55, fig. 12, pl. 67, Ig Piper 
copied from Dall (1885)]; Holle 8 Dineen, 
1959: 28-35, 46-51. Non Gmelin, 1791. 



Melampus torosa Mórch, 1852: 38 [Antilles; 
location of type unknown]. 

Melampus fusca Mórch, 1852: 35 [Antilles; 
location of type unknown]. 

Melampus coronulus С. В. Adams. H. & A. 
Adams, 1854: 10 [error for coronatus]. 

Melampus monilis Lamarck. Shuttleworth, 
1854b: 102; Shuttleworth, 1858: 73 [un- 
justified emendation of monile]. 

Melampus monile Lamarck. Mórch, 1878: 5. 

Melampus flavus (Gmelin?) Binney. Dall 8 
Simpson, 1901: 368, pl. 54, fig. 9. Non 
Gmelin, 1791. 

Melampus flavus var. purpureus Davis, 1904: 
126, pl. 4, fig. 6 [Bermuda, herein re- 
stricted to South Shore; lectotype se- 
lected by Baker (1964) ANSP 86922 (Fig. 

Melampus flavus var. albus Davis, 1904: 126, 
pl. 4, fig. 7 [Hungry Bay, Bermuda; lec- 
totype selected by Baker (1964) ANSP 
86924 (Fig. 337)]. 

Pira monile (Bruguière). Morrison, 1951b: 8; 
Morrison, 1958: 118-124 [ecology]; 
Nowell-Usticke, 1959: 88; Morrison, 
1964: 119-121 [systematics]. 

Melampus monile (Bruguiere). Warmke 8 Ab- 
bott, 1961: 153, pl. 28, fig. p; Rios, 1970: 
138; Morris, 1973: 273, pl. 74, fig. 9; Em- 
erson & Jacobson, 1976: 192, pl. 26, fig. 
27; Rehder, 1981: 647, fig. 363. 

Melampus (Pira) monilis (Bruguiere). Abbott, 
1974: 332, fig. 4090: Rios, 1975: 158, pl. 
48, fig. 765; Gibson-Smith & Gibson- 
Smith, 1982: 116, figs. 2, 3; Vokes 4 
Vokes, 1983: 60, pl. 22, fig. 14. 

Melampus (Pira) monile (Вгидшеге). Hum- 
phrey, 1975: 196, pl. 22, fig. 23 [shell fig- 
ured seems to be Melampus coffeus]. 

Melampus monilis (Bruguière). Cosel, 1978: 
216; Mahieu, 1984: 314; Jensen 4 Clark, 
1986: 457, figured. 

Description: Shell (Figs. 334-345) to 16 mm 
long, ovoid to fusiform, solid, shiny, usually 
a uniform purplish brown or with as many 
as three narrow white bands, rarely uniform- 
ly white or yellowish. Excavated umbilical 
groove sometimes present in gerontic spec- 
imens. Spire low to moderately high, with as 
many as 11.25 flat whorls, with two or three 
well-marked spiral grooves on first two 
whorls, one or two rows of elongated pits on 
remaining whorls; spiral row of short, laterally 
compressed periostracal hairs, often running 
along spiral row of pits in adult specimens; 
location of hairs does not correspond to that 

of pits. Body whorl averaging 83% of shell 
length, conic to ovoid, smooth or with pitted 
and sometimes carinate shoulder. Aperture 
about 90% length of body whorl, narrow, an- 
teriorly angulate; inner lip with strong, ob- 
lique, twisted columellar tooth, conspicuous 
parietal callus and, just posterior to it, deep 
parietal tooth; outer lip sharp, with as many 
as ten subequal riblets not reaching edge. 
Inner partition of whorls occupying two- 
thirds of body whorl (Fig. 340). Protoconch 
translucent, brownish (Figs. 343-345). 

Animal bluish gray; foot whitish; top of 
neck blackish; tentacles subcylindric, 
pointed, translucent in first quarter, changing 
sharply to dark gray or black; mantle skirt 
light gray. Pallial cavity elongate; mantle or- 
gan forming conspicuous pouch; kidney very 

Radula (Figs. 346-350) having formula 
29 + (1 + 15) + 1 + (15 + 1) + 29] x 113. 
Central tooth base twice width of lateral teeth 
base, triangular, with conspicuous promi- 
nences on inner surfaces of arms; crown nar- 
rower and smaller than that of lateral teeth, 
with posterior edge straight or with weak me- 
dial depression; mesocone small, pointed; 
very weak ectocones sometimes present. 
Lateral teeth 14 to 17; crown broadly trian- 
gular, half total tooth length; mesocone 
sharp, pointed laterally; first lateral tooth with 
medial posterior part of crown elongate, with 
weak endocone; remaining lateral teeth with- 
out endocone, posterior edge of crown with 
medial prominence, medial posterior part of 
base flaring, cusp-shaped; no ectocone. 
Transitional tooth with weak ectocone. Mar- 
ginal teeth 24 to 32; base reduced, crown 
very elongate in first teeth, gradually becom- 
ing smaller; mesocone strong, sharp, gradu- 
ally becoming rounded at tip. 

Digestive system as in Melampus s. $.; 
stomach (Fig. 351) as in subfamily. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 352) with 
ovotestis leaf-like, round, dark brown; albu- 
men gland spiral; prevaginal caecum con- 
spicuous; bursa duct connecting with vagina 
opposite exit of posterior vas deferens; bursa 
large, oval-elongate; vagina thin, long, about 
same size as posterior vas deferens; penis 
thin, long; anterior vas deferens about 65% 
of penis length; penial retractor attaching to- 
gether with columellar muscle. 

Nervous system (Fig. 353) having cere- 
bral commissure narrower than width of ce- 
rebral ganglion; left parietovisceral connec- 
tive twice the length of right one. 



FIGS. 334-345. 


FIGS. 346-349. Melampus (D.) monile, radular teeth, Shelly Bay, Bermuda, sl 11.2 mm. (346) Central and 
lateral teeth. (347) Transitional and marginal teeth. (348,349) Marginal teeth. Scale 50 um. 

Remarks: Bruguiere (1789) clearly stated 
that his Bulimus monile was from the West 
Indies, but the works he cited refer to both 
the West Indies (Lister, 1770: pl. 834, figs. 60, 
61, Barbados) and East Indies (Martini, 1773: 
2, р. 126, pl. 43, fig. 444, East Indies). It was 
probably this discrepancy that led Dillwyn 
(1817) to suggest that Bruguière’s Bulimus 
monile was only a variety of Voluta flava 
Gmelin, 1791. This, in turn, led to the general 
confusion of Bulimus monile with Voluta flava 
and the general use of the latter name for the 
West Indian species. Gmelin (1791: 3431), 
however, under Voluta flava referred only to 
figure 444 of Martini (1773), which definitely 
represents an East Indian species. 

Another explanation for the confusion of 

the two species, besides common reference 
to Martini's fig. 444, might reside in the vari- 
able color pattern of the West Indian species. 
The juveniles of Melampus (D.) monile, like 
those of Melampus flavus, are often golden or 
golden brown, as seen in C. B. Adams' 
Melampus coronatus [= Melampus (D.) mo- 
nile, juvenile]. Bruguière (1789) in the original 
description stated that his specimens of 
Melampus (D.) monile were not fully grown, 
because they lacked the inner dentition о the 
outer lip, a feature reported by Lister (1770) 
and Martini (1773). This might explain his 
statement about the “very light yellow” color. 

Binney (1859), using the name Melampus 
flavus Gmelin, 1791, for the West Indian spe- 
cies, listed Melampus torosa Mörch and 

FIGS. 334-345. Melampus (D.) monile (Bruguiére). (834) Specimen perhaps figured by Binney (1859:167, 
fig. IV) (USNM 39827), sl 12.8 mm. (335) Shelly Bay, Bermuda, sl 14.4 mm. (336) М. flavus purpureus Davis, 
lectotype (ANSP 86922), South Shore, Bermuda, sl 10.0 mm. (337) М. flavus albus Davis, lectotype (ANSP 
86924), South Shore, Bermuda, sl 8.6 mm. (338) San Juan, Puerto Rico, sl 12.6 mm. (339) San Juan, Puerto 
Rico, $1 12.5 mm. (340) San Juan, Puerto Rico, sl 12.2 mm. (341) Juvenile, Maravén, Venezuela, sl 1.67 mm. 
(342) M. coronatus C. B. Adams, lectotype (MCZ 186029), Jamaica, sl 3.0 mm. (343,344) Lateral and top 
views of spire and protoconch, Indian Key Fill, Florida. (345) Detail of spire and protoconch of specimen of 

Fig. 341. Scale 500 um. 


11M 13M 18M 20M 26M 28M 


FIG. 350. Melampus (D.) monile, radula, Shelly Bay, 
Bermuda. Scale 10 um. 

FIG. 351. Melampus (D.) monile, stomach, Ber- 
muda. Scale 1 mm. 

Melampus (D.) monile (Bruguiere) as syn- 
onyms. Under Melampus torosa, Mörch 
(1852) cited figure 444 of Martini (1773), in- 
cluded Voluta flava Gmelin in the synonymy 
and mentioned the Antilles as the locality. It 
appears, then, that Mórch also confused 
Melampus flavus (Gmelin) with Melampus (D.) 
monile (Bruguière) and Mórch's name must 
be treated as a synonym of Melampus (D.) 
monile (Bruguière, 1789). 

Another name listed in Mórch's (1852) 


FIG. 352. Melampus (D.) monile, reproductive sys- 
tem, Clifton Pt., New Providence, Bahamas. Scale 
1 mm. 

рус prg pig cple сре cc cg 

y LA 
\ A у \ 


1 tha 
vg plpre pipe 

FIG. 353. Melampus (D.) monile, central nervous 
system, Clifton Pt., New Providence, Bahamas. 
Scale 1 mm. 

Yoldi Catalogue is Melampus fusca from the 
Antilles. In the synonymy he cited Martini 
(1773, pl. 43, fig. 445), Voluta minuta Gmelin, 
1791, which prompted Binney (1859) to in- 
clude Melampus fusca as a synonym of 
Melampus (M.) coffeus, and Voluta monile. 
Figure 445 of Martini, upon which Voluta 


minuta Gmelin was based, has already been 
shown to be unidentifiable [see the remarks 
for Melampus (M.) coffeus]. Thus, the only 
citation under Melampus fusca that can sup- 
port the name is Voluta monile, of which 
Melampus fusca Mórch must be considered 
a synonym. 

Dall & Simpson (1901) found it difficult to 
separate Melampus (D.) monile; erroneously 
listed as Melampus flavus, from Melampus 
(M.) coffeus, owing to similarities in shape 
and color. They noted that the apertural den- 
tition is the most reliable distinguishing char- 
acter. Bruguiere (1789) for Melampus (D. 
monile mentioned two teeth, a small, oblique 
columellar tooth and a smaller parietal tooth. 
Usually Melampus (М.) coffeus has one 
small, more or less oblique columellar tooth, 
and two readily visible parietal teeth, the pos- 
terior one the largest of the three. Some- 
times, however, the anterior parietal tooth is 
either very small or absent, hence the source 
of confusion. The twisted columellar tooth, 
the much smaller, hidden parietal tooth and 
the hairs (noticed by Shuttleworth in 1858) or 
pits on the shoulder of the body whorl and 
spire unmistakeably distinguish Melampus 
(D.) monile from Melampus (M.) coffeus, 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus and Melampus (D.) 
morrisoni. It differs from Melampus (D.) bul- 
laoides in its more conical shape, longer ap- 
erture and evenness of the riblets on the 
outer lip. The hairs and general aspect of the 
spire are similar to those of the latter species, 
but Melampus (D.) monile has a more regular, 
lower conical spire. 

Melampus (D.) monile was placed by Mor- 
rison (1951b) within the genus Pira H. 8 A. 
Adams. The reasons that | do not accept that 
decision are discussed in the remarks for De- 
tracia. Melampus (D.) monile is placed in the 
subgenus Detracia on the basis of shell, rad- 
ular and anatomical characters. The strong, 
twisted columellar tooth, the medial promi- 
nences on the base of the central radular 
tooth, the pouch-like mantle organ and the 
greater separation between foot and visceral 
mass are all typical characters of Detracia. 

Habitat: Melampus (D.) monile is unique 
among species of Detracia in its preference 
for living much closer to the high-tide mark 
than do any other species of the subgenus, 
which usually live farther inland. Melampus 
(D.) monile commonly lives under boulders 
above the high-tide mark along open rocky 
shores, together with Tralia (T.) ovula and Pe- 

90 75 60 45 30 

FIG. 354. Melampus (D.) monile, geographic distri- 
bution. Open circle, locality from literature. 

dipes mirabilis. It can also occur in man- 
groves, but always near the high-tide mark. 

Range: Bermuda; Florida; West Indies, Cen- 
tral America to Guanabara Bay, Brazil (Rios, 
1975) (Fig. 354). 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA: Indian 
River (MCZ 201670); Miami (ANSP 47603, 
294316; USNM 492589); Coconut Grove 
(MCZ 201093, 291380, 294258); Brickell 
Hammock, Biscayne Bay (MCZ 291382); 6 
km S of Tavernier, Key Largo (MCZ 291385); 
Tavernier Key (USNM 492549a); Plantation 
Key (MCZ 294255); S of Ocean Drive, Plan- 
tation Key (A.M.); Tea Table Key (MCZ 
291009); Indian Key Fill, N of Indian Channel 
(А.М.); Long Key (MCZ 291010; A.M.); Grassy 
Key (A.M.); Crawl Key (MCZ 294256; А.М.); 
Knight Key (A.M.); West Summerland Key 
(MCZ 291388; A.M.); Big Torch Key (ANSP 
189590); Key West (ANSP 56804; 174363; 
USNM 36062a, 596785); Boca Grande, Gas- 
parilla Island (ANSP 142273). TEXAS: Port 
Maria (USNM 711207). BERMUDA (ANSP 
56790, 85587; MCZ 24155, 24249, 24250; 
USNM 11421a, 94432b, 173648, 173649, 
173650, 228688): Fairyland (ANSP 99082); N 
of Shelly Bay Beach (A.M.); Coney Island 


(A.M.); Ferry Reach Park (R.B.); N end of 
Long Bird Bridge (A.M.); St. George's Island 
(USNM 621572); Castle Harbor (ANSP 
143319); Hungry Bay (USNM 171939, 
492555; A.M.); Agar's Island, Hungry Bay 
(MCZ 48124, 106521; A.M.); South Shore 
(ANSP 86922, 86924; MCZ 53063, 53064; 
USNM 109560, 109561); Boat Bay (USNM 
621691); S end of Ely's Harbour (A.M.); W 
side of Somerset Bridge (A.M.); Mangrove 
56799; MCZ 9946; USNM 37607): GRAND 
BAHAMA ISLAND (ANSP 374527): Running 
Mon Canal (ANSP 369779); Eight Mile Rock 
(ANSP 173262; MCZ 116712); Caravel Beach 
[John Jack Point], Freeport (ANSP 370226); 
Dead Mans Reef [Sandy Bevan's Cay] (ANSP 
371225); McLeans Town (ANSP 369067); 
492580): Hope Town Harbor (ANSP 299391); 
Little Harbor (USNM 180520); Witch Point 
(ANSP 299483, 359150); Matt Lowes Cay 
(ANSP 299248); Marsh Harbor (MCZ 
275572); BIMINI ISLANDS: Alicetown, North 
Bimini (MCZ 144132); opposite Cat Tail 
Pond, South Bimini (ANSP 325784); AN- 
DROS ISLAND (MCZ 66755, 71633): Mor- 
gan's Bluff (A.M.); Mastic Point (USNM 
359884); South Mastic Point (A.M.); First is- 
land off Mintie Bar, SE end of South Bight 
(USNM 271785b); Mangrove Cay (USNM 
2699680); Lisbon Point, Mangrove Cay 
(USNM 269599a); Bastion Point, Mangrove 
Cay (USNM 269260); Long Bay Key (USNM 
269304); PARADISE ISLAND: (A.M.); NEW 
sau (USNM 160765a); Culbert Point, 10 km 
ESE of Nassau (MCZ 107793); Bar Point 
(A.M.); Delaport Point (A.M.); W of Rock Point 
(A.M.); Clifton Point (A.M.); Clifton Pier (A.M.); 
shore off Millars Road (A.M.); Malcolm Creek 
(A.M.); Coral Harbor (USNM 679136); ROYAL 
Arthurstown (MCZ 107833); 6 km E of Arthur- 
stown (MCZ 107825); RUM CAY (MCZ 
87849); LONG ISLAND: 3 km NE of O’Neill’s 
(ANSP 173265; MCZ 113102); Simms (MCZ 
294259); Clarencetown (MCZ 113339); 
GREAT INAGUA: Matthewstown (MCZ 
291384). TURK’S 8 CAICOS: TURK'S IS- 
LAND (MCZ 201098; USNM 492474, 
509960). CUBA (ANSP 56801, 56802; USNM 
492478): Jaimanitas (MCZ 294198); Habana 
(ANSP 93653); Cayo Birricu, N of Habana 
(ANSP 362824); Cojimar (ANSP 45089; MCZ 
131921, 131955); Matanzas (ANSP 87896; 
MCZ 294192); La Playa (MCZ 92045, 

131950, 189818, 294260); Versalles (MCZ 
291381); Cayo Cristo (MCZ 291389); Vara- 
dero (ANSP 110604; MCZ 201677; USNM 
598261); Cayo Galindo, Cärdenas Вау 
(ANSP 157578); Cayo Frances (MCZ 42106, 
131951); Siboney (USNM 533912); Agua- 
dora, Santiago (USNM 391879); Guantán- 
amo (ANSP 313059); Cabo Cruz (MCZ 
87887); Rancho Alma, Cienfuegos (MCZ 
291386). JAMAICA (ANSP 56803; MCZ 
186029, 201094, 294254, 294257; USNM 
6385, 94744, 492475, 492477, 492480): 
Montego Bay (USNM 441488); Falmouth 
(ANSP 397268); Robin’s Bay (USNM 442026, 
442092); Jack's Bay (USNM 441926); Buff 
Bay (USNM 441196); Port Antonio (USNM 
440855); Priestmans River (USNM 492479); 
Manchioneal (R.B.); Rock Fort (USNM 
374242); Kingston (USNM 374270, 442730); 
Harbor Head, Kingston (USNM 375579); Pal- 
isadoes (USNM 442466); Runaway Bay 
(USNM 202658); Little River (USNM 128046). 
HAITI: Gonave Island (492531 a); lle-a-Vache, 
Soulette Bay (USNM 439191a); Port Salut 
(ANSP 226701; MCZ 183912); Les Cayes 
(USNM 439742); Bale Anglaise, near Aquin 
(USNM 439548a); Saltrou (USNM 439342, 
442819); Bizoton (USNM 439832a). DOMIN- 
ICAN REPUBLIC: Monte Cristi (MCZ 57591, 
57750, 291383); Puerto Plata (MCZ 291379, 
291387); Santa Bárbara de Samaná (ANSP 
173263; MCZ 57757); Cayo Chico, E of Santa 
Bárbara de Samaná (MCZ 57776); Cayo de 
Tamiso (MCZ 57812); Isla La Matica, Playa 
Boca Chica, E of Santo Domingo (R.B.). PU- 
ERTO RICO: E of San Juan (USNM 683107); 
Puerta de Tierra, San Juan (A.M.); Punta 
Cerro Gordo (USNM 683012); Punta Agu- 
jereada (MCZ 233338); Arecibo (MCZ 
291391); Punta Arenas, N of Joyuda (A.M.); 
Lighthouse, Cabo Rojo (MCZ 294194; 
Ensenada Honda, Culebra Island (USNM 
(ANSP 56789; MCZ 294196; USNM 256035); 
ST. CROIX (ANSP 56788; USNM 621396). 
off Falmouth (USNM 502116); North Bay, 
Guana Island (MCZ 88870; ANSP 351799); 
492481): Anse-Dumont, Gosier (USNM 
758065); ST. VINCENT: (USNM 492473); Villa 
(USNM 487000); BARBADOS: (ANSP 56797; 
MCZ 291390; USNM 502108, 502109); 
Bridgetown (USNM 502115); Pelican Island 
(USNM 502110, 502112); Needham Point 
(USNM 502113); off Telegraph Station 
(USNM 502114); Maxwell’s Coast (USNM 


603784); San Blas (ANSP 56796); GRENADA: 
Prickly Bay (ANSP 297189); off Hardman Bay 
(ANSP 296483); TRINIDAD (MCZ 294193). 
22938, 36611); CAYMAN ISLANDS: Cayman 
Brac (ANSP 296178; MCZ 294195); OLD 
PROVIDENCE ISLAND: N of Ironwood Point 
(ANSP 154359; MCZ 88689); СУВАСАО: 
Port Marie 8 Daaibooi Ваа! (В.В.). MEXICO: 
Isla Mujeres, Yucatán (ANSP 284638); As- 
cension Bay, Quintana Roo (USNM 736381, 
736718). BELIZE: North Spot (ANSP 
281604); Belize (USNM 150281). HONDU- 
RAS: Utila Island (USNM 61185); Roatan Is- 
land (USNM 364701). COSTA RICA: Portete, 
Limón (USNM 702853, 706403). PANAMA: 
Limón Bay (USNM 732871, 734073); Fort 
Sherman, Devil's Beach, 9 km N of Colón 
(USNM 620529). COLOMBIA: Sabanilla 
(USNM 103467, 193611). VENEZUELA: Cayo 
Punta Brava, Parque Nacional de Morrocoy, 
Tucacas (A.M.); El Palito (A.M.); Borburata 
(USNM 784776); Maravén, Borburata, E of 
Puerto Cabello (A.M.). 

Melampus (Detracia) morrisoni 
new name 
Figs. 355-376 

Detracia clarki Morrison, 1951a: 18, figs. 2, 6 
[Key West, Florida; holotype USNM 
594588 (Fig. 355)]; Morrison, 1951b: 9; 
Morrison, 1958: 118-124 [habitat]; Ab- 
bott, 1974: 332; Emerson & Jacobson, 
1976: 191, pl. 26, fig. 24 [dubious Шиз- 
tration]; Vokes & Vokes, 1983: 60, pl. 22, 
fig. 16. Non Melampus clarkii White, 

Description: Shell (Figs. 355-367) to 17.7 
mm long, ovate-conic to subcylindric, solid, 
shiny; uniformly white to dark brown or with 
as many as five spiral brown bands or with 
irregular yellowish axial markings on body 
whorl. Spire short to moderately high, with as 
many as 13.25 spirally grooved or pitted 
whorls. Body whorl about 80% of total 
length, with incised spiral lines on shoulder. 
Umbilical excavation sometimes present. 
Aperture about 90% of body whorl length, 
very narrow; inner lip with very strong, ob- 
lique, upcurved columellar tooth; posterior 
parietal tooth strong, sometimes upcurved, 
anterior parietal tooth sometimes fused with 
posterior one; outer lip with as many as 18 
uneven internal riblets, not reaching edge; 

when numerous, not more than five riblets 
extend inside aperture. Partition of inner 
whorls occupying about 75% of body whorl 
(Fig. 361). Protoconch smooth, translucent, 
brownish (Figs. 365-367). 

Animal whitish, mottled with irregular 
brown spots, or uniformly black becoming 
lighter toward yellowish gray foot; tentacles 
subcylindric, pointed, discolored at base, 
dark toward tip; mantle skirt yellowish gray. 

Radula (Figs. 368-372) having formula [29 
+ (1 + 20) + 1 + (20 + 1) + 29] x 110. Base of 
central tooth wider than that of lateral teeth, 
triangular, weakly constricted laterally, with 
small medial prominence on inner surface of 
arms; crown length half of lateral teeth; me- 
socone small, sharp; ectocones very small or 
lacking. Lateral teeth 15 to 28; crown strong, 
cuneiform, half total length of tooth; meso- 
cone sharp, pointed laterally; no distinct ec- 
tocone or endocone. Transitional tooth with 
elongate crown, with either weak ectocone or 
serrated edge at site of ectocone. Marginal 
teeth 23 to 42, with reduced base; crown 
high; mesocone very strong, sharp, rapidly 
becoming round at tip; first marginal tooth 
with ectocone, becoming bicuspid on sec- 
ond marginal tooth and tricuspid on third; 
fourth cusp appears on seventh or eighth 
marginal tooth; endocone visible on fourth 
marginal tooth; outer edge of base gradually 
shortening posteriorly, fusing with crown and 
assuming shape of denticle stronger than ec- 
tocone cusps. 

Digestive system as in Melampus $.5.; 
stomach (Fig. 373) as in subfamily. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 374) with 
ovotestis leaf-like, circular, dark brown; albu- 
men gland spiral, conical; prevaginal caecum 
very conspicuous; bursa duct connecting 
with vagina just before exit of posterior vas 
deferens; bursa elongate; vagina thin, with 
length corresponding to nearly one and one- 
fifth the length of body whorl; penis thin, 
slightly longer than associated vas deferens. 

Nervous system (Fig. 375) with cerebral 
commissure about as long as width of cere- 
bral ganglion; left parietovisceral connective 
slightly larger than to twice size of right one. 

Remarks: Morrison (1951a) described this 
species as Detracia clarki. The anatomy of 
Detracia, however, does not justify generic 
rank and this taxon is here considered a sub- 
genus of Melampus (see the remarks for 
Melampus s. |.). The name Melampus clarki 
was used by White (1895) for a fossil shell, 



FIGS. 355-367. 



FIGS. 368-371. Melampus (D.) morrisoni, radular teeth, Plantation Key, Florida. (368) Central and lateral 
teeth, sl 12.9 mm. (369) Marginal teeth, sl 12.9 mm. (370) Central and lateral teeth of juvenile, sl 1.8 mm. 
(371) Marginal teeth of juvenile, sl 1.8 mm. Scale 50 um. 

later chosen as the type species of the genus 
Melampoides Yen, 1951. The inclusion of De- 
tracia as a subgenus of Melampus creates а 
case of secondary homonymy. A new name 
is necessary and | hereby rename the species 
Melampus (Detracia) morrisoni, in honor of J. 
P. E. Morrison and in appreciation for his 
work on the Ellobiidae. 

Melampus (D.) morrisoni is unusual among 
members of this subgenus in having a con- 
spicuous parietal tooth. In the other mem- 
bers of the group this tooth is not readily 
visible owing to its being deep within the ap- 
erture. The strong columellar tooth, the 
greater length of the pallial gonoducts, the 
pouch-like mantle organ and the medial 
nodes on the base of the central tooth of the 
radula justify removing this species from 

С 11 2 19L 1T 2T 1M 2M 

FIG. 372. Melampus (D.) morrisoni, radula, Planta- 
tion Key, Florida. Scale 10 um. 

FIGS. 355-367. Melampus (D.) morrisoni, new name. (355) Detracia clarki Morrison, holotype (USNM 
594588), Key West, Florida, sl 12.5 mm. (356) Grassy Key, Florida, sl 13.6 mm. (357) Grassy Key, Florida, 
$1 14.0 mm. (358) Grassy Key, Florida, sl 17.7 mm. (359) Grassy Key, Florida, sl 15.7 mm. (360) Grassy Key, 
Florida, 14.2 mm. (361) Plantation Key, Florida, sl 12.8 mm. (362) Key Largo, Florida, sl 12.7 mm. (363) 
Juvenile, Long Key, Florida, sl 2.15 mm. (364) Millars Sound, New Providence, Bahamas, sl 13.8 mm. 
(365-367) Lateral and top views of spire and protoconch, Long Key, Florida. Scale 500 um. 


FIG. 373. Melampus (D.) morrisoni, stomach, Flor- 
ida. Scale 1 mm. 

FIG. 374. Melampus (D.) morrisoni, reproductive 
system, Grassy Key, Florida. Scale 1 mm. 

Melampus s. s. and placing it in Detracia, 

Melampus (D.) morrisoni can be confused 
with Melampus (M.) bidentatus because they 
converge in shape and color and are similar 

in their variability. In its typical form, Melam- 
pus (D.) morrisoni is readily distinguished by 
its very narrow shell aperture, well-devel- 
oped, upcurved columellar tooth, numerous 
whorls and its more globose shape. Some 
populations from inner lagoons, in which they 
occur with Melampus (M.) bidentatus, show 
gradation to an average-sized columellar 
tooth and a common ovoid shape (Fig. 364). 
In such cases anatomical studies are helpful. 
The combination of a greater value of vagina 
length/body whorl length and the slightly 
higher number of whorls/shell length charac- 
terizes Melampus (D.) morrisoni. The latter 
species also can resemble the morphs of 
Melampus (M.) coffeus that have a less pro- 
nounced carina on the shoulder of the body 
whorl. The strong, curved columellar tooth, 
the presence of striae on the shoulder of the 
body whorl, the narrow aperture and the un- 
even outer lip riblets of Melampus (D.) morri- 
soni clearly separate this species from 
Melampus (M.) coffeus. 

As do other members of the genus, 
Melampus (D.) morrisoni undergoes a change 
in radular morphology with age (Figs. 370, 
371). The central tooth has weak but distinct 
ectocones. The first lateral tooth, deeply tri- 
cuspid in very young individuals, becomes 
bicuspid, then unicuspid, with serrated 
edges on the sites of the endocone or ecto- 
cone, or both. The transitional tooth develops 
an endocone, which remains through the 
marginal teeth. The marginal teeth have more 
ectocone cusps in the juvenile than in the 
adult. The radula of juveniles very strongly 
resembles in tooth count and morphology 
that of the adult Melampus (D.) floridanus 
(Figs. 324-327). This similarity suggests 
some degree of neoteny in radular develop- 
ment within the genus Melampus. 

Habitat: Melampus (D.) morrisoni lives in as- 
sociation with Melampus (M.) bidentatus and 
Melampus (D.) bullaoides. It prefers sheltered 
inland places in which the mangrove is thin 
and reached only by very high tides. Individ- 
uals aggregate under rocks and in old bur- 
rows of fiddler crabs. 

Range: South Florida [the St. Augustine 
record is dubious, according to Morrison 
(1951а)]; Bahama Islands south to Cuba and 
Yucatán, Mexico (Fig. 376). 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA: St. Augus- 
tine (USNM 492529a); Grant (MCZ 291233); 
Miami (ANSP 189594, 294333; USNM 


prc PO P 

\ \ | 

lprc plg 

~ 90 75 60 _ 45 30 

FIG. 376. Melampus (D.) morrisoni, geographic dis- 

82844a); Brickell’s Hammock, Miami (ANSP 
294334); Virginia Key (ANSP 189591; USNM 
82859a); Biscayne Bay (MCZ 291230); Flor- 


ida City (ANSP 294335); Middle Key, Barnes 
Sound (USNM 338339a); Pumpkin Key, Card 
Sound (USNM 355114); Key Largo (MCZ 
291232; USNM 603120); N of Tavernier 
Creek, Key Largo (A.M.); 6 km S of Tavernier 
(MCZ 291234); Tavernier Key (USNM 
492552a); S of Ocean Drive, Plantation Key 
(A.M.); Windley Key (USNM 603105); Indian 
Key (USNM 462894); Indian Key Fill, М of In- 
dian Key Channel (A.M.); Lower Matecumbe 
Key (USNM 492554, 700774); Long Key 
(A.M.); Grassy Key (MCZ 291236; А.М.); 
Crawl Key (MCZ 291042); Marathon, Key 
Vaca (ANSP 294336; MCZ 294264); Knight 
Key (A.M.); Bahia Honda Key (ANSP 189576; 
USNM 269777, 269980); Spanish Harbor Key 
(USNM 667407); Newfound Harbor (USNM 
272688, 338376); Little Pine Key (USNM 
681638); Big Pine Key (ANSP 189583; MCZ 
294270; USNM 104092a); end of Kohen 
Avenue, Big Pine Key (A.M.); Howe Key 
(USNM 681639); Big Torch Key (ANSP 
189579; A.M.); Ramrod Key (MCZ 291043, 
294263); Geiger's Key (ANSP 189582); Sug- 
arloaf Key (ANSP 189577; USNM 104094a); 
Porpoise Point, Big Coppit Key, 5 km N of 
Key West (MCZ 275573); Boca Chica Key 
(ANSP 189593; USNM 270329); Stock Island 
(ANSP 189581; USNM 594589); Key West 
(ANSP 180089, 189578; MCZ 291235; 


USNM 36062, 668245); Chokoloskee Key 
BAHAMA ISLAND (ANSP 374526): North 
Riding Point (ANSP 371539); GREAT ABACO 
ISLAND: Witch Point (ANSP 359152; USNM 
594592); Angel Fish Point (MCZ 294265); 
by Bacardi Road (A.M). CUBA: Cape Cajón 
(USNM 492571); Cayo Perro (ANSP 189575; 
USNM 594590). Cayo Juan Garcia (MCZ 
291231); Cayo Maja, near Cayo Santa Maria 
(MCZ 294217). MEXICO: Isla Mujeres, Quin- 
tana Roo, Yucatán (R.B.). 

Genus Tralia Gray, 1840 

Tralia Gray, 1840: 21. Type species by mono- 
typy: Tralia pusilla (Gmelin, 1791) [= Vo- 
luta ovula (Bruguiere, 1789)]. 

Tralica Gray. Reeve, 1877, pl. 1 [in synonymy 
of Auricula; error for Tralia]. 

Description: Shell thick, oval-elongate; aper- 
ture moderately long, widest part anterior to 
columellar tooth; inner lip with three white 
teeth, first parietal strongest; outer lip thick- 
ened, slightly reflected, with distinct anal 

Animal white; tentacles flat dorso-ventrally. 
Internal edge of arms of central radular tooth 
with prominent medial nodes; first lateral 
tooth with conspicuous endocone; transition 
to marginal teeth marked. Salivary glands at- 
tached lateroventrally to esophagus; esoph- 
agus white. Ovotestis granular; mucous gland 
very convoluted, not clearly spiral; bursa duct 
connects at some distance from proximal end 
of vagina; penis very long, muscular. 

Remarks: The genus Tralia was created by 
Gray (1840) for the West Indian Tralia pusilla 
(Gmelin) [= Tralia ovula (Bruguiere)] on the ba- 
sis of the peculiar, simple outer lip with its 
distinct anal groove. H. & A. Adams (1855b: 
244) separated Tralia Gray from Melampus 
Montfort on the basis of the incorrect obser- 
vation, “the foot was posteriorly acute, en- 
tire.” The Adams brothers were confused, 
however, for they commented, “This group, 
which appears to have a simple, undivided 
tail, .. . perhaps, when the animals are better 
known, will be found to be merely a subge- 
nus of Melampus.” 

H. & A. Adams recognized four subgenera 
of Tralia, Pira, Tifata, Signia and Persa. | have 
commented on Pira and Tifata under the re- 
marks for Detracia Gray. Signia, the third 

subgenus of Tralia introduced by H. 8 A. Ad- 
ams (1855b), was later treated as a subgenus 
of Melampus by Thiele (1931) and Zilch 
(1959). The fourth subgenus, the Pacific 
Persa, was recognized by Thiele and Zilch as 
belonging to the genus Tralia; it is character- 
ized by the very short spire and by the con- 
vex, distinctly ribbed whorls. Another subge- 
nus also placed in Tralia was introduced by 
the Adams brothers in 1855 as Siona, a ge- 
nus of Cassidula, just prior to the publication 
of their Genera of Recent Mollusca. In this 
latter publication they changed the name to 
Sarnia without specifying the reason. Thiele 
(1931) recognized Siona as belonging to Tra- 
lia; Zilch (1959) noted that the name Siona 
was preoccupied and that Sarnia should be 
the correct name. The type of the subgenus, 
Tralia (Sarnia) frumentum (Petit, 1842), from 
South America, is an Eastern Pacific species 
conchologically very similar to the eastern 
North Atlantic Pseudomelampus exiguus 
(Lowe, 1832) [Pedipedinae] and to the genus 
Microtralia (Figs. 174-181). Keen (1971) con- 
sidered Pseudomelampus to be synonymous 
with Sarnia and placed it within the Ellobii- 
nae. According to Marincovich (1973) the 
radula of Tralia (Sarnia) frumentum is similar 
to that of Ellobium, and he considered Sarnia 
to belong in the Ellobiinae. It appears, then, 
that Sarnia cannot be considered a subgenus 
of Tralia. | have considered Sarnia, on the 
basis of the conchological resemblances 
with Pseudomelampus, to belong in the Pe- 
dipedinae (see the remarks under the Ellobi- 
idae). A study of the reproductive and ner- 
vous systems is needed to ascertain its 
phylogenetic position, however. 

Binney (1865: 16, fig. 16) figured the animal 
of an alleged Tralia, but admitted in a foot- 
note that he did not know which species it 
represented. Simpson drew from nature a 
figure of an animal from Charleston, South 
Carolina, a locality that is not in the range of 
Tralia (T.) ovula. | concur with Dall (1885) that 
Simpson's drawing probably represents My- 
osotella myosotis (Draparnaud). 

The genus Tralia is readily distinguished 
from Melampus by its wide anterior aperture, 
its strong first parietal tooth and its thickened 
outer lip with a subposterior internal groove. 

The apertural dentition of Tralia is unusual 
for a member of the Melampinae and, after 
anatomical research is carried out, it is pos- 
sible that some Indo-Pacific species pres- 
ently put in this subgenus will be found to 
belong to other subfamilies. 


Habitat: The only information available about 
the habitat of the genus refers to the West 
Indian Tralia (T.) ovula and, for this reason, 
comments on habitat will be made under that 

Range: Tralia 1$ a tropical group, living 
mostly in the Indo-Pacific. It is represented in 
the West Indies by one species, Tralia (T.) 
ovula, which seems to have been introduced 
in West Africa. 

Subgenus Tralia $. $. 

Description: Shell to 16 mm long; spire mod- 
erately high, with pitted lines; body whorl 
smooth or weakly marked with punctate spi- 
ral lines. 

Remarks: see the remarks under Tralia $. I. 

Tralia (Tralia) ovula (Bruguiere, 1789) 
Figs. 377-387, 389-400 

Bulimus ovulus Bruguiere, 1789: 339 [Guade- 
loupe, West Indies; location of type un- 
known]; Cuvier, 1817: 414. 

Voluta pusilla Gmelin, 1791: 3436 [locality un- 
known, herein designated to be Guade- 
loupe, West Indies; location of type un- 
known]; Dillwyn, 1817: 507; Wood, 1825: 
91, pl. 19, fig. 20; Hanley, 1856: 98, pl. 
19 Mg. 20: 

Voluta triplicata Donovan, 1802, pl. 138 [lo- 
cality unknown, herein designated to be 
Guadeloupe, West Indies; location of 
type unknown]; Montagu, 1808: 99; Dill- 
wyn, 1817: 507; Wood, 1825: 91, pl. 19, 
fig. 19; Hanley, 1856: 98, pl. 19, fig. 19. 

Auricula (Conovulus) ovula (Bruguiere). Fér- 
ussac, 1821: 104; Rang, 1829: 173. 

Auricula nitens Lamarck, 1822: 141 [Guade- 
loupe, West Indies; type in the MHNG 
(Mermod, 1952)]; Menke, 1830: 36; 
Gould, 1833: 67; Jay, 1839: 59; Küster, 
1844: 18, pl. 2, figs. 11-13. 

Melampus ovulum Schweigger. Lowe, 1832: 

Pythia triplicata (Donovan). Beck, 1837: 104. 

Pythia ovulum (Bruguiere). Beck, 1837: 104. 

Auricula ovula (Bruguiere). Potiez & Michaud, 
1838: 204, pl. 20, figs. 13, 14. 

Auricula pusilla (Gmelin). Deshayes. 1838: 

Auricula (Conovulus) pusillus Deshayes. An- 
ton, 1839: 48. 

Tralia pusilla Gray. Gray, 1840: 21. 

Auricula ovula Férussac. Orbigny, 1841: 186, 
pl. 13, figs. 1-3. 

Tralia pusilla (Gmelin). Gray, 1847a: 179; H. & 
A. Adams, 1855b: 244, pl. 82, fig. 8; Bin- 
ney, 1865: 17, fig. 18; Tryon, 1866: 9, pl. 
18, fig. 9; Dohrn, 1866: 133 [first record 
from Eastern Atlantic]; Dall, 1885: 276, 
pl. 18, fig. 5; Dall, 1889: 92, pl. 47, fig. 5; 
Dall in Simpson, 1889: 69; Dall & Simp- 
son, 1901: 369, pl. 59, fig. 13; Odhner, 
1925: 5, pl. 1, fig. 8B, pl. 2, fig. 18 [radula 
and reproductive system figured]; Peile, 
1926: 88; C. W. Johnson, 1934; 159; 
Coomans, 1958: 103, pl. 10; Franc, 
1968: 525. 

Melampus pusillus (Gmelin). C. B. Adams, 
1849: 42; C. B. Adams, 1851: 186; 
Pfeiffer, 1854b: 147: Pfeiffer, 1856a: 46 
[erroneously stated as also inhabiting 
Hawaii]; Binney, 1859: 168, pl. 75, fig. 
29; Binney, 1860: 4; Poey, 1866: 394; 
Jeffreys, 1869: 109; Pease, 1869: 61; 
Pfeiffer, 1876: 317; Arango y Molina, 
1880: 59; Crosse, 1890: 258. 

Melampus (Tralia) pusillus (Gmelin). H. 4 A. 
Adams, 1854: 10. 

Melampus nitens (Lamarck). Shuttleworth, 
1854b: 101; Shuttleworth, 1858: 73; 
Morch, 1878: 5; Nevill, 1879: 219. 

Tralia pusilla Linnaeus. Fischer & Crosse, 
1880: 22. 

Tralia (Tralia) pusilla (Gmelin). Thiele, 1931: 

Tralia ovula (Bruguiere). Morrison, 1951b: 9; 
Nowell-Usticke, 1959: 88; Coomans, 
1969: 82; Warmke & Abbott, 1961: 153, 
pl. 28, fig. m; Morris, 1973: 274, pl. 74, 
fig. 10; Abbott, 1974: 332, fig. 4095; 
Emerson & Jacobson, 1976: 193, pl. 26, 
fig. 29; Gibson-Smith & Gibson-Smith, 
1982: 117; Vokes & Vokes, 1983: 60, pl. 
22, fig. 17; Mahieu, 1984, 314 pp. 

Tralia (Tralia) ovula (Bruguiére). Zilch, 1959: 
67, fig. 215. 

Tralia ovula sculpta Nowell-Usticke, 1959: 88 
[St. Croix-by-the-Sea, Cane Bay, St. 
Croix; lectotype herein selected AMNH 
220313 (Fig. 384); listed on page VI as 
Tralia ovulata sculpta]. 

Tralia cf. ovula (Bruguiere). Gibson-Smith & 
Gibson-Smith, 1979: 22 [Cantaure For- 
mation, Venezuela (Miocene)]. 

Tralia venezuelana Gibson-Smith 4 Gibson- 
Smith, 1982, figs. 7-9 [Borburata, Falcón 
State, Venezuela; holotype USNM 
784719 (Fig. 377). 


Description: Shell (Figs. 377-387, 389-391) 
to 16 mm long, oval-elongate, solid, shiny, 
uniformely chestnut brown to dark purplish 
brown, sometimes with one or two paler 
bands on body whorl. Umbilicus present. 
Spire low to moderately high, with as many 
as nine flat whorls sculptured with four or five 
spiral rows of deep pits. Body whorl averag- 
ing 85% of shell length, oval-elongate, with 
striated, uncarinate shoulder; striations visi- 
ble over entire body whorl of most young, 
commonly only on anterior region in adults. 
Aperture averaging 85% length of body 
whorl, posteriorly angulate, widely rounded 
anteriorly, white to dark purple inside; inner 
lip with three evenly spaced, large white 
teeth; columellar tooth and posterior parietal 
tooth of same size, reversely oblique, col- 
umellar tooth inclined toward base of aper- 
ture; first parietal tooth strongest, perpendic- 
ular to columellar axis; excavation posterior 
to second parietal tooth, bordered outside by 
more or less conspicuous callus, continuing 
inwards, commonly with small irregularities, 
sometimes with prominent denticle; outer lip 
sharp in juveniles, thick and weakly reflected 
in gerontic individuals, weakly sinuous pos- 
teriorly and with thick callous denticle inside, 
opposite second parietal tooth; outer lip den- 
ticle ridge-like, continuing inside aperture, to- 
gether with second parietal tooth delimiting 
relatively wide canal. Inner partition of whorls 
occupying less than half of the body whorl 
(Fig. 379). Protoconch smooth, yellowish to 
brown, with nucleus visible (Figs. 389-391). 

Animal white; foot with transverse groove, 
whitish, with minute brown spots over bifid 
posterior end; tentacles dorsoventrally flat- 
tened, spatulate, with first quarter bulbous, 
white, abruptly changing to dark grey or 
black toward tip; seminal groove unpig- 
mented; mantle skirt with very small brown 
spots over light brown background. Kidney 

rectangular, elongate; mantle organ well de- 
veloped, not pouch-like. 

Radula (Figs. 392-396) having formula [38 + 
(1 + 15) + 1 + (15 + 1) + 38] x 115. Base of 
central tooth with conspicuous medial prom- 
inences on inner edge of arms; crown length 
about half of that of lateral teeth, broadly tri- 
angular anteriorly, elongate posteriorly; ecto- 
cones absent. Lateral teeth 13 to 19; crown 
broadly triangular; conspicuous endocone on 
first lateral tooth; posterior medial portion of 
base of remaining lateral teeth flaring at junc- 
ture with crown, simulating endocone; last lat- 
eral tooth sometimes with very weak ecto- 
cone. Transitional tooth with lateral portion of 
crown posteriorly elongate, with tricuspid ec- 
tocone; base almost straight. Marginal teeth 
35 to 43; crown very elongate and irregularly 
pointed posteriorly; mesocone sharp, long, 
becoming rounded, spatulate, almost as long 
as remaining denticles, but much stronger; 
first marginal tooth with conspicuous en- 
docone and a tricuspid ectocone; as many as 
nine ectocone cusps on last ten marginal 

Digestive system with salivary glands at- 
tached close together by fine thread on ven- 
tral side of white esophagus; posterior crop 
very dilated, forming pouch before entering 
stomach; stomach (Fig. 397) as in subfamily; 
digestive gland pale yellow to bright orange. 

Reproductive system (Fig. 398) having 
ovotestis dark brown with whitish spots, gran- 
ular; mucous gland and albumen gland inter- 
penetrating at base; spermoviduct cylindrical, 
very muscular; bursa duct connecting at a 
point about one-fourth of total length from 
proximal end of long, muscular vagina; pos- 
terior vas deferens about 80% of vagina 
length; penis long, very muscular, with pos- 
terior half sometimes wrapped in membra- 
nous sheath; anterior vas deferens of variable 

FIGS. 377-391. Tralia. (377) T. venezuelana Gibson-Smith & Gibson-Smith, holotype (USNM 784719), 
Borburata, Falcón State, Venezuela, sl 12.7 mm. (378) Т. (T.) ovula (Bruguiere), El Palito, Venezuela, sl 13.6 
mm. (379) Т. (T.) ovula, El Palito, Venezuela, sl 13.5 mm. (380) 7. (T.) ovula, San Juan, Puerto Rico, sl 12.8 
mm. (381) 7. (T.) ovula, Rock Pt., New Providence, Bahamas, sl 14.9 mm. (382) 7. (T.) ovula, Ilha do Principe, 
Gulf of Guinea (MCZ 73375), sl 9.0 mm. (383) “Voluta triplicata Donovan,” West Indies (USNM 442093), 
from Turton's Cabinet, Jeffreys collection, sl 14.8 mm. (384) Т. ovula sculpta Nowell-Usticke, lectotype 
(AMNH 220313), St.-Croix-by-the-Sea, Cane Bay, St. Croix, sl 12.0 mm. (385) 7. (T.) ovula, Haiti (MCZ 
18392), sl 10.4 mm. (386) 7. (T.) ovula, Robin's Bay, Jamaica (USNM 712378), sl 6.4 mm. (387) Т. (T.) ovula, 
juvenile, Maravén, Venezuela, sl 2.3 mm. (388) Т. vetula Woodring, holotype (ANSP 12506), Bowden, 
Jamaica, sl 5.5 mm. (389) Т. (T.) ovula, lateral view of spire and protoconch, Tucacas, Venezuela. (390) 7. 
(T.) ovula, lateral view of spire and protoconch, Rock Pt., New Providence, Bahamas. (391) 7. (Т.) ovula, top 
view of spire and protoconch, Haiti (USNM 439659). Scale 1 mm. 


A ena = 

FIGS. 377-391. 


FIGS. 392-395. Tralia (T.) ovula, radular teeth. (392-394) El Palito, Venezuela, sl 14.7 mm. (395) Central 
tooth and adjacent lateral teeth, with articulation between base of one tooth and crown of next tooth, Bar 
Pt., New Providence, Bahamas, sl 14.1 mm. Scale 50 um. 

10M 11M 12M 20M 21M 22M 30M31M32M 


FIG. 396. Tralia (T.) ovula, radula, El Palito, Vene- 
zuela. Scale 10 um. 

Nervous system (Fig. 399) with cerebral 
commissure as long as width of cerebral 
ganglion; left parietovisceral connective two 
to three times longer than right one; left FIG. 397. Tralia (T.) ovula, stomach, Venezuela. 
parietal ganglion half size of right one; vis- Scale 1 mm. 


FIG. 398. Tralia (T.) ovula, reproductive system. A, Clifton Pt., New Providence, Bahamas; B, Puerto Rico, 
$1 13.8 mm; С, Tucacas, Venezuela, sl 10.9 mm; D, El Palito, Venezuela, sl 13.8 mm. Scale 1 mm. 


spc pc pg pe ple coo 0 bg 

FIG. 399. Tralia (T.) ovula, central nervous system, 
San Juan, Puerto Rico, sl 13.8 mm. Scale 1 mm. 

ceral ganglion as large as right parietal gan- 

Remarks: The names Bulimus ovulus Bru- 
guiére, 1789, and Voluta pusilla Gmelin, 
1791, were thought to have appeared in the 
same year (Dall, 1885) and early authors were 
more inclined to use the latter. In fact Bru- 
guiére's name antedates Gmelin’s and it has 
now been accepted as the correct name by 
most authors. 

Gmelin’s description, although mentioning 
the tridentate columella, is brief and omits the 
geographic origin of the specimen. The fact 
that both Gmelin and Bruguiere referred to 
Martini (1773, fig. 446) indicates that these 
authors were describing the same species. 

Donovan (1802) introduced Voluta tripli- 
cata (Fig. 383) based on material of unknown 
origin, although Montagu later stated (1808) 
that the specimens were from Guernsey, En- 
gland. As in the case of Melampus (D.) bul- 
laoides (Montagu) and of its junior synonym 
Auricula multivolvis Jeffreys, Donovan’s ma- 
terial might have reached England in the bal- 
last of ships coming from the West Indies. 
Auricula (Conovulus) triplicatus Anton (1839) 
should not be confused with Donovan’s spe- 
cies. Anton referred to the highest (posterior) 
parietal tooth as the strongest, a character- 
istic of most Pedipedinae. Connolly (1915) 
considered Anton’s species a junior synonym 
of Marinula pepita King, 1832. 

Bruguière (1789) and Dillwyn (1817) both 
mentioned Martini’s (1773) reference to fine, 
axial striations on the shell; this can refer only 
to the very fine growth lines that are some- 
times visible. The shell can be sculptured 

with well-marked spiral striae, however (Figs. 
387, 389-391). It was on the basis of the spi- 
ral striations that Nowell-Usticke (1959: 88) 
described Tralia ovula sculpta in two words, 
“spire lined” (Fig. 384). Shuttleworth (1858) 
was the first to mention the five deeply pitted 
spiral lines on the early whorls, erroneously 
adding that they were “ciliated” in juveniles. 
Juveniles and some adults of Melampus (D.) 
monile, which at a first glance can be con- 
fused with Tralia (T.) ovula, have a crown of 
hairs on the spire (Fig. 341), but neither the 
adults nor the young of Tralia (T.) ovula have 

Gibson-Smith & Gibson-Smith (1982) de- 
scribed Tralia venezuelana from Borburata, 
Venezuela (Fig. 377), which they distin- 
guished from Tralia (T.) ovula on the basis of 
its pitted spire and the presence of a fourth 
denticle in the aperture. | have observed a 
pitted spire, more or less pronounced, on all 
well-preserved specimens and on all young 
shells of Tralia (T.) ovula. It is particularly 
marked in some thin-shelled, elongate, dwarf 
morphs from Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti and St. 
Croix. The fourth denticle, in the shallow pos- 
terior parietal excavation, also occurs in 
specimens from Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto 
Rico and St. Croix. Specimens from the Ba- 
hamas have an irregular surface on the pos- 
terior portion of the inner lip, but no distinct 
denticle. The fourth denticle seems to be a 
variable character, not associated with differ- 
ences in radula, anatomy, or shell. Presence 
of extra parietal teeth has been reported in 
the Pacific Melampus fasciatus, Melampus 
luteus and Melampus nucleolus and it is not 
considered a reliable taxonomic character for 
those species (Jickeli, 1872). Extra denticles 
also occur in Melampus (M.) coffeus and 
Melampus (M.) bidentatus (Martins, personal 
observation). | therefore have placed Tralia 
venezuelana Gibson-Smith & Gibson-Smith 
in the synonymy of Tralia (T.) ovula. 

In some Venezuelan specimens the poste- 
rior half of the very muscular penis was 
folded and wrapped in a membranous sheath 
(Fig. 398D). Such specimens also had an un- 
usually muscular spermoviduct and a shorter 
anterior vas deferens. Except for larger size 
(average 14 vs. 12 mm) no other shell and 
radular characters were associated with the 
phenomena. They were not associated with 
the presence of a fourth denticle on the ap- 
erture. It is possible that such phenomena 
are anomalies of gerontic specimens of that 


There are two reports of fossil West Indian 
Tralia. Woodring (1928) described Tralia (T.) 
vetula from the Pliocene Bowden Formation 
of Jamaica (Fig. 388). After examining several 
lots of Recent material from Jamaica, | com- 
pared Woodring's example with the thinner- 
shelled, slender, dwarf specimens of Tralia 
referred to above; | found that these recent 
specimens show all gradations of thickness. 
Tralia (T.) vetula 1$ considered a distinct spe- 
cies on the basis of the less pronounced den- 
tition of the inner lip, however. Gibson-Smith 
& Gibson-Smith (1979) reported a Tralia ? 
ovula from the Early Miocene Cantaure For- 
mation of Paraguaná, Venezuela, and also 
from the Late Pliocene Mare Formation of 
Cabo Blanco, Venezuela (Gibson-Smith & 
Gibson-Smith, 1982). In the latter publication 
the Gibson-Smiths identified those speci- 
mens with their Tralia venezuelana, which | 
consider synonymous with Tralia (T.) ovula. 

Habitat: Tralia (T.) ovula lives along the high- 
tide mark. The animals prefer piles of boul- 
ders on open rocky shores, but they also live 
in the less-protected mangroves. 

Range: Bermuda; Florida Keys; West Indies 
to Trinidad; Central America to Venezuela; 
IIha do Principe, Gulf of Guinea, Africa (Fig. 

Specimens Examined: FLORIDA (USNM 
37597, 39873): Tavernier Key (USNM 
492519); Lower Matecumbe Key (USNM 
492595); Long Key (A.M.). BERMUDA (MCZ 
304151; USNM 6531, 94434). BAHAMA IS- 
ISLAND (ANSP 173482, 375528): Eight Mile 
Rock (MCZ 294268); GREAT ABACO IS- 
LAND: Little Harbor (USNM 180486); AN- 
DROS ISLAND (MCZ 58507, 66744, 66756); 
534924); Rock Point (A.M.); Clifton Point 
(A.M.); RUM CAY (MCZ 304157); LONG IS- 
LAND (ANSP 173483): 3 km NE of O’Neill’s 
Matthewstown (MCZ 304153). TURK’S & CA- 
492469, 509960а). CUBA (ANSP 56807; 
USNM 10965, 492472): Habana (MCZ 
294794); Cayo Birricu (ANSP 362825); Jai- 
manitas (MCZ 294199); Matanzas (ANSP 
167243; MCZ 304168); La Playa (MCZ 
304159, 304165); Versalles (MCZ 304154); 
Varadero (MCZ 304164); Caibarién (MCZ 

FIG. 400. Tralia (T.) ovula, geographic distribution. 

304163, 304175); Cayo Francés (MCZ 
294200); Siboney (USNM 533913); Punta de 
Piedras (MCZ 304166); Bahia de Santiago 
(MCZ 304161); Cabo Cruz (MCZ 304156). 
JAMAICA (ANSP 66964; MCZ 294269, 
304158, 304167, 304169, 304174; USNM 
49744a, 94745, 492467, 492471, 492593): 
Montego Bay (ANSP 359145); Robin’s Bay 
(USNM 442092a, 442093); Jack’s Bay 
(USNM 441834); Port Maria (USNM 711209); 
Buff Bay (USNM 441195); Stoney Cove 
(USNM 440762); Port Antonio (ANSP 62022; 
USNM 712147); Priestman’s River (USNM 
492468); Manchioneal Bay (ANSP 61883; 
MCZ 9950; USNM 127359; R.B.); Port Royal 
(USNM 395452a, 442419a); Runaway Bay 
(USNM 202657); Little River (USNM 128047, 
492463). HAITI: Yuma River (ANSP 60950); 
St. Louis (USNM 439390); St. Marc (USNM 
492470); Port Salut (ANSP 226694; MCZ 
183922; USNM 440024); lle-a-Vache (USNM 
401874, 401875, 439169); Les Cayes (USNM 
439746); Torbeck (USNM 402261, 439659); 
Aquin (USNM 403256a, 440170a); Baie Ang- 
laise, near Aquin (USNM 439548); between 
Vieux Bourg and Bale des Flamands (USNM 
403425); N of Metesignix (USNM 404149); 
Saltrou (ANSP 387078; USNM 439342а, 
442813); Bizoton (USNM 439828a). DOMIN- 


151297): Santo Domingo (ANSP 62910); 
Monte Cristi (MCZ 304162); Samaná (MCZ 
281639). PUERTO RICO: Puerta de Tierra, 
San Juan (A.M.); Rifle Range Beach, Punta 
Agurejeada (MCZ 233299); Arecibo (MCZ 
304160); Cabo Rojo Lighthouse (МСА 
294202); Ensenada Honda, Culebra Island 
CROIX (ANSP 56806; MCZ 200448, 304155; 
USNM 621395): Prosperity Beach (MCZ 
304173); St. Croix-by-the-Sea, Cane Bay 
(AMNH 192356, 220313; ANSP 231952); ST. 
THOMAS (ANSP 56805, 359147; USNM 
250034, 530175): Sapphire Beach (ANSP 
306673); Water Bay (ANSP 56808); ST. 
(MCZ 294203): North Bay (ANSP 351790). 
294201); ANTIGUA (ANSP 109155; USNM 
215048): off Falmouth (USNM 502098); 
GUADELOUPE (USNM 492466, 492518): 
Anse-Dumont, Gosier (USNM 758066); BAR- 
BADOS: (MCZ 304170, 304177, 304178; 
USNM 502104, 502105); Bridgetown (USNM 
502102); Needham Point (USNM 502101); 
Maxwell’s Coast (USNM 603783); Pelican Is- 
land (USNM 502100); GRENADA: Prickly Bay 
(ANSP 297184); TRINIDAD: South Coast 
SWAN ISLAND (MCZ 36612, 294267); CAY- 
MAN ISLANDS: Little Cayman (MCZ 294204); 
ВАСАО: Port Marie and Daaibooi Baai (R.B.). 
MEXICO: Ascension Bay, Quintana Roo 
(USNM 736380). BELIZE: Belize (USNM 
151050). HONDURAS: Roatan Island (USNM 
364701а). COSTA НСА: Portete, Limön 
(USNM 702826, 706404). PANAMA: Fort 
Sherman, Devil's Beach (USNM 620530); 
Toro Point, Fort Sherman (USNM 732868, 
734071). COLOMBIA: Sabanilla (USNM 
193612). VENEZUELA: Cayo Punta Brava, 
Parque Nacional de Morrocoy, Tucacas 
(A.M.); El Palito (A.M.); Borburata (USNM 
784719, 784772); Maravén, Borburata (A.M.). 
EASTERN ATLANTIC: Ilha do Principe, Gulf of 
Guinea (MCZ 73375). 


Phylogeny and Classification 

Gastropods have long been divided into 
prosobranchs, opisthobranchs and pulmo- 
nates. Ihering’s (1876, 1877) anatomical re- 
search led him to conclude that the Gas- 

tropoda were polyphyletic. He derived the 
prosobranchs from the annelids, and the 
opisthobranchs and the pulmonates from 
the platyhelminths. Ihering’s view has not 
been accepted and there is consensus that 
the gastropods are in fact monophyletic. A 
difference of opinion arises, however, about 
the way in which the generally more ad- 
vanced euthyneurans (opisthobranchs and 
pulmonates) are related to the more primitive 
streptoneurans (prosobranchs). Pelseneer 
(1894a) and Hubendick (1945) thought that 
the euthyneurans arose from the archaeo- 
gastropods. Pelseneer based his decision 
upon the similarities of the rhipidoglossan 
radula of the trochids with that of the ceph- 
alaspideans and basommatophorans. Mor- 
ton (1955c) slightly modified this view by 
proposing a pre-archaeogastropod as the 
ancestor of the archaeogastropods and eu- 
thyneurans. A different view was held by 
Fretter (1946, 1975), Boettger (1954) and 
Gosliner (1981), who considered the meso- 
gastropod stock as the ancestor of the eu- 
thyneurans. For the first two authors this 
origin would be located near the Rissoacea, 
on the basis of the size and habitat of the 
Recent species of that superfamily, which 
live in marine, estuarine, freshwater and ter- 
restrial habitats. Their small size could ex- 
plain the loss of the ctenidium, and the inva- 
sion of the terrestrial habitat would favor the 
secondary development of an air-breathing 
pallial cavity. In addition, the mesogastropod 
lineage explains the absence of the right kid- 
ney throughout the Euthyneura and the sim- 
ilarity of the reproductive tract with that of a 
female mesogastropod (Fretter, 1975). Gos- 
liner (1981), however, on the basis of the re- 
productive system, together with the fossil 
record, considered the Littorinacea as the 
stock that produced the euthyneurans. 

More recently emphasis has been put on 
the Pyramidelloidea Gray, 1840, a зирейат- 
ily of mostly small streptoneurans assembled 
within the suborder Allogastropoda Haszpru- 
nar, 1985. Separation of this superfamily 
from the Opisthobranchia has favored the hy- 
pothesis of a common ancestry for the Pyra- 
midelloidea and euthyneurans (Haszprunar, 
1985, 1988; Salvini-Plawén 8 Haszprunar, 

Traditionally the ellobiids have been con- 
sidered the living representatives of the prim- 
itive pulmonates and simultaneously they 
have been associated with the primitive 
opisthobranchs. Mórch (1865: 11) was the 


first to recognize the affinities of pulmonates 
and opisthobranchs when, on the basis of 
their hermaphroditism, he included both 
groups within his subclass Androgyna. 
Pelseneer (1894a) broadened that relation- 
ship by also calling attention to their detorted 
(euthyneurous) nervous system. This euthy- 
neurous condition led some authors to con- 
sider both groups members of the subclass 
Euthyneura Spengler, 1881 (Boettger, 1954; 
Taylor & Sohl, 1962; Burch, 1962; Haszpru- 
nar, 1985). Others, while recognizing the 
close similarities between the two groups, 
still prefer the traditional terminology, consid- 
ering the Pulmonata and the Opisthobran- 
chia as separate subclasses (Morton, 1955с; 
Fretter & Graham, 1962; Robertson, 1973; 
Fretter, 1975; Hubendick, 1978; Salvini-Pla- 
wén, 1980). 

Pelseneer (1893, 1894a), Thiele (1935) and 
Boettger (1954) derived the pulmonates from 
the cephalaspidean Acteon and considered 
the ellobiids to be the link between the two 
groups. Pelseneer found support for his de- 
cision in the earlier fossil record of the 
acteonids and on the similarities of the shell 
apertures of the acteonids and ellobiids. 
Morton (1955c) suggested that these con- 
chological characters might be adaptive only 
and, as such, their taxonomic value 1$ not 
significant. As Harry (1951) pointed out, the 
heterostrophy common to the ellobiids and 
the opisthobranchs constitutes a much 
stronger taxonomic character. More com- 
mon is the opinion that the opisthobranchs 
and pulmonates arose from the same proso- 
branch stock, not one from the other (Mor- 
ton, 1955c; Fretter, 1975; Gosliner, 1981). 

Within the pulmonates, the relationship 
between the basommatophorans and the 
stylommatophorans also has been the object 
of several hypotheses. Apart from the direct 
line “opisthobranch-ellobiid (basommatopho- 
ran)-stylommatophoran” scheme advocated 
by Pelseneer (1893, 1894a), Hedley (1917) 
and Boettger (1954), the more commonly 
held opinion is that the basommatophorans 
are too diverse to be considered collectively 
as ancestors to the stylommatophorans. 
Burch (1962), based on the number of chro- 
mosomes, proposed that a hypothetical pre- 
basommatophoran (called Ur-Basommato- 
phora) with opisthobranchiate ancestry might 
have given rise to Morton's (1955c) Archae- 
opulmonata and Branchiopulmonata. The 
first group includes the Ellobiidae, Amphibol- 
idae and Siphonariidae, commonly consid- 

ered the “lower basommatophorans.” The 
second group includes the freshwater pul- 
monates, or “higher limnic basommatopho- 
rans.” According to this view the Stylom- 
matophora are polyphyletic, although having 
all originated from the Archaeopulmonata. 
Harry (1964) slightly modified Burch’s phyl- 
etic tree by adding a “pre-pulmonate” an- 
cestor to the Urbasommatophora [sic]. A 
similar framework of classification, also fol- 
lowed here, was adopted by Van Mol (1967), 
Hubendick (1978), Salvini-Plawén (1980), 
Boss (1982) and Tillier (1984), who restricted 
the term Basommatophora to Burch’s 
“higher limnic basommatophorans.”’ 

Quite a different view was proposed by 
Starobogatov (1976), mostly on the basis of 
the reproductive system. He reversed the di- 
rection of the evolutionary relationships 
within the pulmonates and considered the 
basommatophorans as derived from the sty- 
lommatophoran stock. Starobogatov did not 
consider the widespread fusion of the ganglia 
in the stylommatophorans, a condition that 1$ 
considered derived. Reversal to a more dis- 
persed condition of the ganglia is very un- 
likely and has not been reported for other 

Phylogenetic relationships within the Ello- 
biidae, although obscured by the presence in 
each subfamily of primitive and derived char- 
acters, can be elucidated by comparing the 
reproductive and nervous systems. Diauly, 
nonglandular condition of the pallial gono- 
ducts and ganglionic concentration on the 
nervous system are derived conditions (Gos- 
liner, 1981; Haszprunar, 1985, 1988; Salvini- 
Plawén 8 Haszprunar, 1987); | consider these 
features decisive in the interpretation of the 
degree of departure from the ancestral plan. 
A tentative phylogenetic tree elaborated on 
that basis is presented in Figure 401 and Ta- 
bles 5 and 6 (Appendix). 

Consistent patterns of organization al- 
lowed a clear delimitation of subfamilial 
boundaries. Five types of organization of the 
reproductive system were identified, corre- 
sponding to Morton's (1955c) subfamilial di- 
visions, for which they are named. First is the 
Pythiinian type, monaulic, with the anterior 
mucous gland and prostate gland running 
parallel to each other and covering the pallial 
gonoduct as far as the vaginal atrium. Sec- 
ond is the Ellobiinian type, diaulic, with the 
anterior mucous gland and prostate gland 
covering the pallial gonoducts for all their 
length. Third is the Carychiinian type, monau- 





OF Of Lee Mierotralia 
(2) LY Marinula 
ome ES 


FIG. 401. 


lic, with the pallial gonoduct glandular and 
the prostate gland concentrated distally in 
the gonoduct. Giusti (1975), in a sketchy rep- 
resentation of the reproductive system of 
Zospeum, left doubt whether the system is 
monaulic or diaulic, but the glandular appear- 
ance resembles the pythiinian or ellobiinian 
types; however, dissections of Carychium cf. 
tridentatum from the Azores using superficial 
staining with methylene blue (Martins, per- 
sonal observation) indicated an agglomera- 
tion of what appeared to be a prostate gland 
near the distal portion of the pallial gonoduct, 
thus substantiating Morton’s (19550) inter- 
pretation. Fourth is the Pedipedinian type, 
monaulic ог incipient semidiaulic, with the 
anterior mucous gland and the prostate 
gland covering only the proximal half of the 
pallial gonoduct. Fifth 1$ the Melampinian 
type, advanced semidiaulic, with a very 
short, nonglandular spermoviduct and sepa- 
rated, nonglandular, long vagina and poste- 
rior vas deferens. 

Although not so discrete as in the repro- 
ductive system, patterns were found in the 
organization of the central nervous system, 
concerning the relative lengths of the various 
connectives. Three types were identified. The 
Pythiinian type has a wide visceral nerve ring 
and a long right parietovisceral connective. 
The Ellobiinian-Carychiinian type has a wide 
visceral nerve ring, sometimes with marked 
chiastoneury, and a very short right parie- 
tovisceral connective. The Pedipedinian- 
Melampinian type has a short visceral nerve 
ring; the connectives between the cerebral 
ganglia and the visceral nerve ring are longer 
and symmetrical in the Melampinae, whereas 
they are generally shorter in the Pedipedinae, 
with the right ones longer than the left ones. 

The phylogenetic relationships within the 
different subfamilies of halophilic Ellobiidae 
are better explained if one considers the 
Pythiinae as the representatives of the prim- 
itive core from which the Ellobiinae, the Cary- 
chiinae and the remaining taxa as a third 
group independently radiated. First, the 
Pythiinae have a monaulic, glandular pallial 
gonoduct and a wide visceral nerve ring. 
Pythia still has a very weak remnant of chia- 

stoneury and retains a functional open sper- 
matic duct. The presence of a pallial gland in 
species of Pythia, Cassidula, Ovatella and 
Laemodonta suggests a relationship of that 
group of the Pythiinae with the terrestrial 
Carychiinae. Secondly, the Ellobiinae must 
have separated from the primitive stock very 
early, for they retain the most primitive ner- 
vous system. The reproductive system is di- 
aulic; the pallial gonoducts, although glandu- 
lar in their entirety, separate immediately 
anterior to the seminal vesicle, eliminating the 
spermoviduct. Thirdly, the Pedipedinae and 
the Melampinae might have arisen from the 
same stock. In both subfamilies the visceral 
nerve ring is very short, concentrating the 
ganglia in the cephalopedal region. In the Pe- 
dipedinae there 1$ some proximal concentra- 
tion of the anterior mucous gland and pros- 
tate gland, giving rise to а partly nonglandular 
pallial duct that is monaulic in most genera. In 
Leuconopsis and Pseudomelampus the vas 
deferens separates some distance before the 
female genital opening, giving rise to what 1$ 
called here an incipient semidiaulic repro- 
ductive system [Visser's semidiaulic system], 
vaguely resembling a rudimentary step to- 
ward the condition in the Melampinae. In this 
subfamily the reproductive system 1$ here 
called advanced semidiaulic. There is a very 
short spermoviduct, on which the inconspic- 
uous prostate gland 1$ located, and the an- 
terior mucous gland has completely disap- 
peared. In Tralia the bursa duct inserts more 
distally in the vagina, a fact that suggests that 
there might have been a proximal migration 
of that structure and of the spermoviduct. 
The combination of ganglionic concentration 
and nonglandular, advanced semidiaulic pal- 
lial gonoduct indicates that the Melampinae 
are the least primitive ellobiids. 

The subfamilies, listed in order of increas- 
ingly derived characters, are Pythiinae, Ello- 
biinae, Pedipedinae and Melampinae. As 
stated above, however, primitive and derived 
characters occur in each subfamily. The 
Pythiinae, for example, live farther inland than 
any other halophilic ellobiid (Morton, 19550); 
this habit is seen as a derived condition. 
Some Pedipedinae (Pedipes, Creedonia) do 

FIG. 401. Cladograms for Ellobiidae generated by PAUP from data in Tables 5, 6 (Appendix). A, Consensus 
of 703 trees, all characters included; B, Consensus of 1396 trees, excluding character G, status of sperm 
groove. a, Outgroup; b, Pythiinae; с, Carychiinae; а, Pedipedinae; e, Melampinae; +, Ellobiinae. O, Plesio- 
morphies (monauly, pallial ducts entirely glandular, wide visceral nerve ring); 1, Apomorphy diauly; 2, 
Apomorphy concentration of visceral nerve ring; 3, Apomorphy pallial ducts partly glandular; 4, Apomorphy 
incipient semidiauly; 5, Apomorphies advanced semidiauly and pallial ducts nonglandular. 


not resorb their inner whorls and are consid- 
ered primitive in this respect. The Melampi- 
nae retain a free-swimming veliger larva and, 
consequently, have a highly heterostrophic 
protoconch, which is a primitive feature. The 
occurrence of such a variety in the expres- 
sion of the different characters within the 
Ellobiidae obscures the tracing of a linear 
phylogenetic relationship for the family. | 
conclude with Morton (1955c) that the evolu- 
tion among the Ellobiidae is better under- 
stood as following a mosaic pattern, in which 
the organs and the mode of life evolve at dif- 
ferent rates in the various taxa. 

Zoogeography of the Ellobiidae 

The Recent Ellobiidae are a primarily trop- 
ical family, distributed in three centers. 

The first is the Indo-Pacific center, extend- 
ing from the East African coast to Polynesia. 
This center is characterized by large ellobi- 
ids, such as Ellobium, Cassidula and Pythia. 
Only four of the 21 genera of halophilic ello- 
biids are not represented in this center, the 
Mediterranean Ovatella and Auriculinella, 
the Eastern Atlantic Pseudomelampus and 
the newly created West Indian Creedonia. 
Besides Ellobium s.s. and the other two gen- 
era that characterize this center, four others 
are endemic in the Indo-Pacific, Cylindrotis, 
known from the Philippines and Thailand 
(Brandt, 1974), Ophicardelus, from the Aus- 
tralian region, Allochroa, recorded from the 
Pacific Islands and from the Red Sea, and the 
widely distributed Auriculastra. 

The second is the West Indian center, 
which includes the Neartic and Neotropic 
regions and Ascension Island. The genus 
Melampus characterizes this center. Ten 
genera are present in the Western Atlantic, of 
which only the new genus Creedonia is en- 
demic. Of the 18 western Atlantic species 
seven belong to the genus Melampus. 

Wallace (1876) assigned with difficulty an- 
other mid-South Atlantic island, St. Helena, 
to his Ethiopian region, but he did not even 
mention Ascension Island. Rosewater (1975) 
noted that Ascension Island is very poor in 
endemic marine mollusks (only one subspe- 
cies and the new ellobiid species Leuconop- 
sis manningi) and that the malacofauna of the 
island contains even numbers of species 
from both sides of the Atlantic. The inclusion 
of Ascension Island in the West Indian center 
is justified by the presence of the Western 
Atlantic Pedipes mirabilis and of the new spe- 

cies Leuconopsis manningi. These are the 
only ellobiids reported from that South Atlan- 
tic island. 

The third is the Mediterranean center, 
which includes the Macaronesian Islands 
(Azores, Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape 
Verde Islands), is characterized by the en- 
demic Auriculinella and Ovatella, and also by 
the more widely distributed Pseudomelam- 
pus and Myosotella. Pseudomelampus is 
reported from South Africa [Melampus acino- 
ides (Morelet, 1889)] and Myosotella, repre- 
sented by the extremely variable and equally 
overnamed Myosotella myosotis, has be- 
come cosmopolitan. 

The tropical character of the ellobiids 1$ 
well exemplified in their Western Atlantic dis- 
tribution. Of the 18 recorded species only 
three are reported from the American coast 
north of southern Florida, Melampus (М.) bi- 
dentatus, Melampus (D.) floridanus and the 
introduced European Myosotella myosotis. 

Bermuda was included by Wallace (1876) 
in his Alleghenian subregion of the Neartic, 
but it appears that the island should belong 
rather in the Antillean subregion of the Neo- 
tropical. Eight (67%) of the ellobiid species 
not represented on continental shores north 
of southern Florida were recorded from Ber- 

Another interesting note is the record of 
Tralia (T.) ovula from the African coast. It ap- 
pears to be an isolated report, for the genus 
has not been reported from elsewhere in Af- 
rica; however, the 49 specimens collected by 
Dohrn in 1866 and deposited in the Museum 
of Comparative Zoology indicate that the 
species was not rare at llha do Príncipe, in 
the Gulf of Guinea. This West Indian species 
might have been transported to Africa in the 
ballast of ships, which | think was important 
in the dispersal of Myosotella myosotis as 

It is worth noting that both species of Pe- 
dipes, although broadly overlapping in the 
West Indies and Bermuda, overlap very little 
in Florida; | could not substantiate in any mu- 
seum collection or in my extensive collec- 
tions any record of Pedipes mirabilis from the 
Florida Keys. 

As noted in the remarks under the family, 
the fossil record of the Ellobiidae 1$ relatively 
poor. It is interesting that the oldest known 
fossil ellobiids are the European Carychiopsis 
from the Paleozoic of France. This genus re- 
sembles the Recent terrestrial Carychium, 
which is known from the Jurassic of Asia, 


Europe, America and West Indies (Zilch, 
1959). The Paleozoic of Europe contains fos- 
sils of the heavily dentate Traliopsis and the 
high-spired Stolidoma, which resemble some 
Recent examples of the Pedipedinae or the 
Pythiinae. They were most probably halo- 
philic, as were Rhytophorus and Melam- 
poides [Melampinae] from the Cretaceous of 
North America. It appears, then, that the el- 
lobiids had already invaded the terrestrial 
habitat through the Carychiinae during the 
Paleozoic, which implies that the group had 
separated very early from the prosobranch 

Another interesting note on the paleogeog- 
raphy of the Ellobiidae is the presence of the 
Recent Indo-Pacific genera Ellobium and 
Cassidula in the Eocene of Europe, which 
suggests a Tethyan distribution. 

The Tertiary and Quaternary ellobiid gen- 
era of the West Indies are representatives of 
the Recent fauna both in their taxonomy and 
geographic boundaries. Marinula from the 
Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Dall, 1912), Pe- 
dipes from Venezuela (Gibson-Smith 8 Gib- 
son-Smith, 1979, 1985), Tralia from Venezu- 
ela (Gibson-Smith 4 Gibson-Smith, 1982) 
and Jamaica (Woodring, 1928), and Melam- 
pus (Detracia) from Virginia (Conrad, 1862) 
reflect the modern distribution of the respec- 
tive genera. 


| wish to express my gratitude to Dr. Rob- 
ert С. Bullock, of the University of Rhode Is- 
land, for his patient advice and stimulating 
enthusiasm during the development of this 
work as a dissertation for the Ph.D and for 
allowing me to use material in his personal 
collection. | thank Dr. Ruth D. Turner and Dr. 
Kenneth J. Boss, Curators of the Department 
Mollusks of the Museum of Comparative 
Zoology, Harvard University, for their gener- 
ous help and their kindly allowing me to use 
the collection and library of that Department 
and never sparing their precious, expert ad- 
vice on the intricacies of the nomenclatorial 
problems. Also, | wish to thank the late Dr. 
Joseph Rosewater and the late Dr. Joseph 
Houbrick of the United States National Mu- 
seum in Washington, Dr. George M. Davis 
and Dr. Arthur Bogan of the Academy of Nat- 
ural Sciences of Philadelphia, Dr. William K. 
Emerson of the American Museum of Natural 
History in New York, Dr. John D. Taylor and 

Dr. Fred Naggs of the British Museum (Nat- 
ига! History), Dr. Simon Tillier, Annie Tillier 
and Dr. J.-P. Hugot of the Muséum National 
d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris for kindly pro- 
viding access to their collections and for al- 
lowing me to use their computers for working 
with PAUP. | am indebted to Prof. Brian S. 
Morton of the University of Hong Kong and to 
Dr. A. Sasekumar of the University of Malay- 
sia, who provided me with preserved material 
of great importance for anatomical compari- 
sons, as well as to Dr. Claude Vaucher of the 
Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de Geneve for 
lending me Bourguignat’s type material. The 
histological work was greatly simplified and 
enormously improved by the generosity and 
expertise of Dr. Paul Yevich and Mrs. Carolyn 
Barcsz Yevich of the E.P.A. Laboratory, Nar- 
ragansett Bay, Rhode Island, and by the con- 
tinuous assistance of Ms. Esther Peters; | am 
immensely grateful to them. | am most in- 
debted to the Rev. Joseph D. Creedon, Pas- 
tor of Christ the King Community, Kingston, 
Rhode Island, for his unreserved friendship, 
warm hospitality and exemplary patience in 
following and supporting the development of 
my research. | am also grateful to the Univer- 
sity of the Azores, to the Fundacáo Calouste 
Gulbenkian and to the Instituto Nacional de 
Investigacáo Científica for their support in the 
various trips to the United States, England 
and France to prepare the revision of this 
work. Lastly, | wish to express my apprecia- 
tion for the loving support and continuous 
encouragement of my wife, Micéu. 


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Revised Ms accepted 6 November 1995 


TABLE 1. Number of specimens used for various morphometric comparisons. G, reproductive organs; 

R, radula; S, shell. 

Species S R G 
M. coffeus 9 5 5 
M. coffeus 16 9 — 
М. coffeus 5 5 5 
M. coffeus 42 — — 
М. coffeus 14 5 5 
M. coffeus 17. — 
М. coffeus 5 5 5 
M. coffeus 2 — 

M. coffeus 17 — — 
M. coffeus 5 5 5 
М. coffeus 5 5 5 
М. coffeus 5 5 5 
M. coffeus 25 5 5 
M. bidentatus 10 10 10 
М. bidentatus 5 5 5 
M. bidentatus 50 — — 
M. bidentatus 5 5 5 
M. bidentatus 38 23 15 
M. bidentatus 5 5 5 
M. bidentatus 5 5 5 
M. bidentatus 5 5 5 
M. bidentatus 5 5 5 
M. bidentatus 5 5 5 
M. bidentatus 5 5 5 
M. bidentatus 18 12 12 
M. bidentatus 38 — 5 
м. bidentatus 20 20 20 
М. bidentatus 5 is) 
M. bidentatus 5 5 5 
M. bidentatus 39 21 2] 


Hungry Bay, Bermuda 

Grassy Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Knight Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Big Pine Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Mullet Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Hawksbill Creek, Eight Mile Rock, Grand Bahama Island, 

South Mastic Pt., Andros Island, Bahamas 

Shore of Millars Road, New Providence Island, Bahamas 

Anegada, Virgin Islands 

Piñones, Boca de Cangrejos, San Juan, Puerto Rico 

Punta Arenas, Puerto Rico 

Laguna Rincón, Bahía de Boquerón, Puerto Rico 

Tucacas, Venezuela 

Jamestown, Rhode Island, U.S.A. 

Narrow River, Wakefield, Rhode Island, U.S.A. 

Stonington, Connecticut, U.S.A. 

Bivalve, New Jersey, U.S.A. 

Cedar Island, North Carolina, U.S.A. 

Woodville, North Carolina, U.S.A. 

Yemassee, South Carolina, U.S.A. 

Crescent, Georgia, U.S.A. 

Valona, Georgia, U.S.A. 

New Smyrna Beach, Florida, U.S.A. 

Grassy Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Knight Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Big Pine Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Big Torch Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Big Bend Road (Rt. 672), Hillsborough Co., Florida, U.S.A. 

Hudson, Florida, U.S.A. 

Hungry Bay, Bermuda 




TABLE 1. Number of specimens used for various morphometric comparisons. G, reproductive organs; 

В, radula; $, shell (Continued). 




E. dominicense 


ооо оо Ula dictation <= SIS ISS 

. bidentatus 
. bidentatus 
. bidentatus 
. bullaoides 
. bullaoides 
. bullaoides 
. floridanus 
. floridanus 
. floridanus 
. paranus 

. morrisoni 
. morrisoni 
. morrisoni 
. morrisoni 


. succinea 
. occidentalis 




NN © ND © — м № — фр O1 O1 N 

Li — 1 

era Es) 

Ls | 


— — 


| lool 


Mangrove Cay, Andros Island, Bahamas 
Bonefish Pond, New Providence Island, Bahamas 
Millars Sound, New Providence Island, Bahamas 
Hungry Bay, Bermuda 

Somerset Bridge, Bermuda 

Big Pine Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Dividing Creek, New Jersey, U.S.A. 

Woodville, North Carolina, U.S.A. 

Myakka River at Rt. 41, Sarasota Co., Florida, U.S.A. 
Pará [Belém], Amazon, Brazil 

Key Largo, Florida, U.S.A. 

Long Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

S of Ocean Dr., Plantation Key, Florida, U.S.A. 
Grassy Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Knight Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Long Bird Bridge, Bermuda 

Shelly Bay, Bermuda 

Hungry Bay, Bermuda 

Rock Pt., New Providence Island, Bahamas 
Clifton Pt., New Providence Island, Bahamas 
Havana, Cuba 


Port Salut, Haiti 

San Juan, Puerto Rico 

Maravén, Borburata, Venezuela 

El Palito, Venezuela 

Ilha do Principe, Gulf of Guinea 

Shelly Bay, Bermuda 

Morgan’s Bluff, Andros Island, Bahamas 
Paradise Island, Bahamas 

Clifton Pt., New Providence Island, Bahamas 
San Juan, Puerto Rico 

Punta Arenas, Puerto Rico 

Е Palito, Venezuela 

Puerto Cabello, Venezuela 

Ely's Harbour, Bermuda 

Big Pine Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Mullet Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Morgan’s Bluff, Andros Island, Bahamas 
Clifton Pt., New Providence Island, Bahamas 
Punta Arenas, Puerto Rico 

Puerto Cabello, Venezuela 

Long Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Hungry Bay, Bermuda 

Crawl Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Indian Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Pigeon Cay, Bimini Islands, Bahamas 

Mintie Bar, South Bight, Andros Island, Bahamas 
Morgan’s Bluff, Andros Island, Bahamas 
Mangrove Cay, Andros Island, Bahamas 
Clifton Pt., New Providence Island, Bahamas 
Jack's Bay, Jamaica 

English Bay, Ascension Island 

Jamestown, Rhode Island, U.S.A. 

Newport River, Beaufort, North Carolina, U.S.A. 
Hungry Bay, Bermuda 

Grassy Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Big Torch Key, Florida, U.S.A. 

Hungry Bay, Bermuda. 


TABLE 2. Shell morphometry of several species of Marinula and of Creedonia succinea. Measurements 
of Creedonia succinea from specimens in my collection; all others from Connolly (1915). AL/BWL, ratio 
aperture length/body whorl length; BWL/SL, ratio body whorl length/shell length; SL, shell length (mm); 
W, number of whorls. 

M. pepita 10.4 4.00 0.89 0.76 
M. pepita 10.3 4.00 0.91 0.64 
M. pepita 9.3 4.00 0.86 075 
M. xanthostoma 9.9 5.00 0.88 0.71 
M. tristanensis 10.4 3:19 0.92 0.92 
M. velaini 9.0 3.50 0.93 0.79 
М. parva 9.2 4.00 0.91 0.71 
М. filholi 7.4 3.50 0.85 0.71 
М. mandroni 4.0 — — — 
C. succinea 3:3 4.50 0.80 0:72 
C. succinea 3:3 4.25 0.79 0.69 
C. succinea 3:0 4.25 0.79 0.76 
C. succinea 3.0 4.20 0.81 0.72 

succinea 2.8 4.00 0.80 0.70 

TABLE 3. Radular formulae of species of Marinula and of Creedonia succinea. 
Transitional teeth were counted as lateral teeth; in some cases lateral teeth and 
marginal teeth were pooled. 


M. xanthostoma (112 + 1 + 112) x 180 Odhner (1925) 

M. parva (135 + 1 + 135) x 180 Odhner (1925) 

M. juanensis (45 + 110 + 1 + 110 + 45) x 180 Odhner (1925) 

M. tristanensis (75 + 35 + 1 + 35 + 75) Connolly (1915) 

M. filholi (121 +1 +121) Powell (1933) 

C. succinea (14 + 10 + 1 + 10 + 14) x 65 Martins, this paper 
C. succinea (12 + 14 +1 + 14 + 12) x 82 Martins, this paper 
C. succinea (13 + 12 + 1 + 12 + 13) x 62 Martins, this paper 
C. succinea (12 +12 + 1 + 12 + 12) x 72 Martins, this paper 

TABLE 4. Shell measurements and radular counts of young Melampus coffeus. LOC, localities: ВАН, 
Millars Road, New Providence, Bahamas; PR, Bahía de Boquerón, Puerto Rico. L,, Lz, Lz, number of 
lateral tooth first appearing unicuspid, bicuspid and tricuspid; M, number of marginal teeth; R, number 
of horizontal rows; SL, shell length (mm); T, number of transitional teeth; W, number of teleoconch 
whorls; 2-7, number of denticles first appearing on second through fourteenth marginal tooth. 

LOC SL W ROUE nee LOU: 2 A a a 6 7 
PR 266° 4550 E 2 2 5 8 9 
PR 348 585 75 1 OF Aes Ao ae 7 40 № 
BAH 268 Ге мо “F GS wet о 2 ES м м = 
ВАН 476 750 70 — 6 5 1 16 2 6 8 12 14 — 



TABLE 5. Characters used to generate the cladogram presented in Fig. 401. Characters (A-l) as 
explained in the table; character states (0-3), the condition of each character, from primitive to 
advanced when polarized; type, polarized (ordered) or nonpolarized (unordered) character; weight (1-4), 
ascending assigned importance of the character. 

A. Ацу (separation of pallial gonoducts) 

В. Glandular cover of pallial gonoducts 

C. Position of insertion of bursa duct 

D. Origin of posterior vas deferens 
(as a nonglandular duct) 
E. Pallial gland 

F. Status of sperm groove 

С. Chiastoneury 

H. Oesophageal/Visceral rings (ratio of 
total length of connectives, 

excluding ganglia) 

|. Parietovisceral connectives 
(ratio left/right) 












0.- Monauly 

1.- Incipient semidiauly 
2.- Advanced semidiauly 

3.- Diauly 

0.- Entirely covered 
1.- Partly covered 
2.- Naked 

0.- Near female genital opening 

1.- On anterior third of oviduct 

2.- On posterior third of oviduct 
0.- Opposite insertion of bursa duct 
1.- Posterior insertion of bursa duct 

0.- Present 
1.- Absent 
0.- Open 

1.- Closed 
0.- Present 
1.- Absent 
0.- <0.80 

1.- 0.80-1.20 
2.- 1.21-1.99 
3.- >2.00 

0.- <0.90 

1.- 0.90-1.9 
2.- 2.0-4.0 

3.- >4.0 

TABLE 6. Taxa and data matrix used to generate the cladogram presented in Fig. 401. Names in 
boldface are the taxon and rank represented in the cladogram. Explanation of characters in Table 5. 
Data on the outgroup Ringicula sp. from Fretter (1960) and Gosliner (1981); all others are original. ? no 
information; * character reversed, owing to sinistrality of the taxon. 


Ringicula sp. [outgroup] 

Pythia plicata (Férussac) 

Myosotella myosotis (Draparnaud) 

Ovatella aequalis (Lowe) 

Laemodonta cubensis (Pfeiffer) 

Cassidula mustelina (Deshayes) 

Carychium cf. tridentatum (Risso) 

Ellobium (Auriculodes) dominicense 

Ellobium (Ellobium) aurismidae (Linnaeus) 

Auriculinella bidentata (Montagu) 

Blauneria heteroclita (Montagu) 

Pedipes mirabilis (Mühlfeld) 

Creedonia succinea (Pfeiffer) 

Marinula (Cremnobates) xanthostoma 
(Н.& A. Adams) 

Microtralia occidentalis (Pfeiffer) 

Pseudomelampus exiguus (Lowe) 

Marinula (Marinula) tristanensis Connolly 

Leuconopsis novimundi Pilsbry & McGinty 

Tralia ovula (Bruguiere) 

Melampus (Melampus) coffeus (Linnaeus) 

Melampus (Detracia) bullaoides (Montagu) 


North Atlantic 
Hong Kong 
Florida, U.S.A. 

Florida, U.S.A. 



Gough Id., $ Atlantic 

Puerto Rico 

Florida, U.S.A. 
Florida, U.S.A. 

© © © © CO CO Me) (e teme (<=) (=) || 35 

N ND ND = 20 


B. с в 
и 0 0 
оо 0 
и 0 
о 0 
0-0 0 
оо с 
1.0 (© 
i @ © 
о © 
1 © 0 
lee Os 
Vo @ 4 
и @ 4 
2 @ © 

(¡SMeMe eMe Me) O0A=0-0|m 

(5) (=)(>) (>) (e (<) (<>) 


MH — — — À AA tl mn mn nm OO 

= = = ee E = ES 

о А к © O1 1000) 


ON = 20 20 E 


0 © 0N ww 

> — © © O©O © = © 

© = D = ND © 

D © © — © © © 

MALACOLOGIA, 1996, 37(2): 333-348 



Donald L. Thomas & James В. McClintock 

Department of Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, UAB Station, Birmingham, 

Alabama 35294, USA 


Population density, size frequency, and reproduction of the pulmonate gastropod Physella 
cubensis living in a central Alabama stream and ephemeral pond habitat were assessed over 
a three-year period from January 1989 through December 1991. These parameters covaried 
seasonally and from year to year with fluctuating environmental temperature and precipitation. 
Population dynamics of ephemeral pond snails were also affected by episodic drying events. 
Physella cubensis is able to survive habitat desiccation in ephemeral pond habitats by burrow- 
ing into the hypopheric zone of the sediments. This behavior is displayed only by juvenile snails 
(1-5 mm shell length). Overwintering in the sediments 1$ restricted to young adult snails (5-8 
mm shell length). Food quality and particularly temperature were found to influence growth and 
survivorship. Optimum temperature for growth and survivorship was 25°C (vs. 15°C and 35°C). 
Snails raised at 15°C and 25°C exhibited a dramatic shift in the timing of first oviposition (60 vs. 
18 days, respectively), but did not differ significantly in body size at first reproduction. Snails 
raised at 35°С appeared thermally stressed and failed to oviposit. Food quality influenced 
reproductive output, with only snails fed medium- and high-quality diets producing eggs. Both 
field and laboratory studies indicate that P. cubensis living in a warm-temperate climate ex- 
emplify an opportunistic life history strategy in which such traits as rapid juvenile growth and 
attainment of maturity, shortened lifespan, high fecundity, and constant reproduction over the 

duration of the adult lifespan are favored. 

Key words: Physella cubensis, population dynamics, physiological ecology, temperature, 

food quality. 


Studies of seasonal fluctuations in density, 
size frequency, and reproductive activity of 
organisms in a variety of habitats and across 
diverse taxa are central to understanding 
how fitness is maximized under changing 
environmental constraints. Much of the liter- 
ature on the population dynamics and life 
histories of freshwater gastropods consists 
of studies from northern climates (e.g., De- 
Witt, 1955; McNeil, 1963; Eisenberg, 1966; 
Clampitt, 1970; Eisenberg, 1970; McGraw, 
1970; Eckbald, 1973; Hunter, 1975; Browne, 
1978; Brown, 1979a,b, 1982; Diamond, 1982), 
whereas studies in southern temperate and 
subtropical climates are comparatively few 
(Cridland, 1957; McMahon, 1975; Gray, 1987; 
Brown et al., 1989; Crowl, 1990). 

In his extensive review of the life cycles of 
freshwater snails, Calow (1978) indicated that 
many aquatic pulmonates studied in cool- 
temperate environments have annual repro- 
ductive cycles with a single spring breeding 


period. Calow predicted that in warm-tem- 
perate and subtropical environments subject 
to stochastic seasonal drying events, pulmo- 
nates might be expected to exhibit a short- 
ened lifespan, higher fecundity, and increased 
mortality. These environments would neces- 
sitate rapid maturation and opportunistic, 
seasonally plastic reproductive patterns. Sim- 
ilar predictions have been advanced by Pi- 
anka (1970), Giesel (1976), Browne 8 Russell- 
Hunter (1978), Brown (1979a), Stearns (1980), 
and Brown (1985), although few empirical 
studies of pulmonates living in warm-temper- 
ate and subtropical environments (e.g., Gray, 
1987) have been conducted. 

Temperature has been shown to have a 
significant influence on growth, reproduction, 
and microhabitat selection in a number of 
freshwater gastropods (DeWitt, 1954; Dun- 
can, 1959; Beames 4 Lindeborg, 1967; Clam- 
pitt, 1970; McGraw, 1970; van der Schalie 8 
Berry, 1973; McMahon, 1975; Brown, 1979a; 
McMahon & Payne, 1980; Ross & Ultsch, 
1980; Hernandez et al., 1981; Krkac, 1982; 


Gray, 1987; Blandenier & Perrin, 1989; Brown 
et al., 1989; Lam & Calow, 1990; Brackenbury 
& Appleton, 1991). Thomas 8 McClintock 
(1990) found that elevated water temperature 
increased rates of embryonic and juvenile 
growth and also influenced the body size at 
which sexual maturity (first oviposition) was 
attained in the pulmonate gastropod Physella 
cubensis. It has been suggested that temper- 
ature might be one of the most important fac- 
tors influencing the life histories of pulmonate 
gastropods occupying warm-temperate en- 
vironments (DeWitt, 1954; Duncan, 1959; 
Calow, 1978; Brown, 1979a; Thomas 8 Mc- 
Clintock, 1990). 

The frequent drying of ephemeral streams 
and ponds is of particular importance in shap- 
ing the life histories of non-migratory aquatic 
invertebrates, including molluscs (Paterson & 
Fernando, 1969; Eckbald, 1973; Calow, 1978; 
Hornbach, 1980; Brown, 1983, 1985; Crowl, 
1990; Wyngaard et al., 1991). Stochastic 
drying events may affect age-specific survi- 
vorship, timing of sexual maturity, length of 
reproductive period, and fecundity of aquatic 
pulmonates living in ephemeral habitats 
(Cridland, 1957; Eckbald, 1973; Brown, 1985). 
Several aquatic pulmonates use the hypo- 
pheric zone of sediments as a refuge from 
desiccation (DeWitt, 1955; Cridland, 1957; 
Clampitt, 1970; Brown, 1979a, 1985; Crowl, 
1990). This burrowing behavior may be 
size specific (DeWitt, 1955; Cridland, 1957; 
Brown, 1985; Crowl, 1990). Populations of 
Physella cubensis occurring in small streams 
and ponds in central Alabama are known to 
survive extensive periods of desiccation dur- 
ing summer months (Thomas, pers. obs.). 
Size-specific survivorship during desiccation 
events may be important in regulating popu- 
lation dynamics and ultimately selecting for 
life history traits of P. cubensis. 

Food quality (availability of nutrients and 
energy) may have significant effects on the 
relationship between fecundity, egg size, and 
age of sexual maturity in invertebrates 
(Spight 8 Emlen, 1976; Quian 8 Chia, 1991). 
К has been argued that for some lymnaeid 
(Bovbjerg, 1968; Brown, 1979b) and physid 
snails (Clampitt, 1970) food supply may be a 
negligible factor in limiting growth and distri- 
bution for these taxa due to the generalist 
nature of the diet. The need for more detailed 
studies of the effects of food quality on fe- 
cundity, egg size, and adult maturation has 
been emphasized by Calow (1978), Brown 
(1983), and Brown et al. (1985). 

The specific objectives of this study are to: 
(1) document the population dynamics and 
reproductive cycles of Physella cubensis in a 
warm-temperate climate over a three-year 
period and (2) measure the effects of temper- 
ature and food quality on juvenile and adult 
growth, onset of oviposition, egg size, and 
fecundity under controlled laboratory condi- 

Aspects of Population Dynamics 

Abundance of Physella cubensis and their 
egg masses in Shades Creek, a shallow, low- 
velocity stream in central Alabama (33°34’N; 
86°53’W), as well as those in a nearby 
ephemeral pond habitat, were assessed from 
January 1989 through December 1991. Four 
sampling sites were established, including 
three in the stream and one in the ephemeral 
pond. Each site was delineated by a ten- 
meter transect marked at either end by steel 
stakes. Stream sites | and Il extended in di- 
rections parallel and perpendicular to the 
current, respectively. Average water depth in 
stream sites | and ll ranged from 2 to 30 cm, 
and substrata consisted of a combination of 
coarse silt and small cobble (Wentworth 
scale). While sites | and ll were similar in wa- 
ter depths and in substrata, site | extended 
through relatively calm water (mean velocity 
<0.003 m/sec.), whereas portions of site Il 
extended into a channel which experienced 
higher mean water velocities (0.25 m/sec.). 
Stream site Ш, located approximately 150 т 
upstream from sites | and II, extended paral- 
lel to the current along a smooth bedrock 
shelf at a distance of 1 m from the stream 
bank. Water depth in stream site Ш ranged 
from 2-18 cm, and average water velocity 
was 0.75 m/sec. With the exception of vari- 
ous filamentous algae, no conspicuous mac- 
rophytes were present at any of the stream 
sites. A fourth study site was established in 
an isolated, ephemeral pond located 36 m 
from the stream. The pond was a shallow 
(maximum depth 20 cm) rain-fed depression 
of approximately 25 m° in area. The substra- 
tum was characterized by a 3-8 cm layer of 
leaf litter, algae and detritus. Conspicuous 
aquatic macrophytes in the pond included 
Typha latifolia and Juncus effusus. 

Sampling was conducted approximately 
every two weeks. On each sampling date, a 


1-m? quadrat was placed at three randomly 
determined positions along each transect. 
Snails were enumerated by hand collecting 
all snails from each quadrat. All vegetation, 
stones and other debris were examined thor- 
oughly, with care being taken to minimize 
habitat disruption. Sampling by dredging or 
coring was deemed inappropriate due to the 
rocky nature of the stream sites and to the 
disturbance to the habitat incurred by these 
methods. The long-axis shell length of up to 
the first 50 randomly selected individuals 
from each quadrat were measured to the 
nearest 0.5 mm. Egg masses of Physella 
cubensis, found attached to stones or other 
solid debris, were counted. All snails and egg 
masses were restored to their original quad- 
rats following field measurement. Air temper- 
atures as well as stream and pond water tem- 
peratures were recorded. Precipitation data 
(cm/week) was obtained from a National 
Weather Service Station located 5.4 km from 
the study area. Relationships between the 
temporal abundance of stream and pond 
snails and the environmental parameters of 
temperature and precipitation were analyzed 
statistically using the Spearman-Rank Corre- 
lation (Zar, 1974). Size frequencies of stream 
snails emerging from overwintering in the 
sediments in the spring and of pond snails 
emerging from aestivation in the sediments 
following dry periods were statistically tested 
for similarity (independence) using a Contin- 
gency Table Analysis (G-test, Sokal 4 Rolf, 

The size of aestivating snails was exam- 
ined in the field. Core samples of substratum 
from an ephemeral pond (separate from, but 
with similar characteristics to the one in 
which population sampling was conducted) 
in which dense populations of Physella 
cubensis had been noted were collected two 
weeks following the complete drying of the 
pond in late May 1992. Bottom sediments 
were collected by using a 12-cm diameter 
hollow steel cylinder, driven 15 cm deep into 
the substratum at five randomly selected lo- 
cations. Each sample consisted of 1.5 L of 
sediment. Each sediment sample was im- 
mersed in distilled water and allowed to 
stand for a 24-h period, after which the sam- 
ples were individually washed through a 
0.25-mm mesh sieve and the snails col- 
lected. Vital condition of aestivating snails 
was confirmed by placing them in distilled 
water and observing active emergence from 
the shell over a 24-h period. The long-axis 

shell length of all living snails was measured 
to the nearest 0.5 mm. 

Effects of Temperature and Food Quality 

The effects of temperature and food quality 
on growth, reproduction and survivorship of 
Physella cubensis were examined in the lab- 
oratory. Two-hundred and twenty-five labo- 
ratory-hatched snails (12 h neonates) were 
distributed into 45 glass finger bowls (12 cm 
diameter; 5 cm depth) to yield five snails per 
bowl. Each bowl received 150 ml of distilled 
water, which was changed daily. Snails were 
placed in three temperature treatments of 
15°C, 25°C and 35°C (15 bowls/treatment) in 
environmental chambers on a 12:12 h light: 
dark photoperiod. Snails in each temperature 
treatment were further divided into low, me- 
dium, and high quality food treatments, each 
consisting of five replicate bowls containing 
five snails per bowl. For the purposes of this 
study, different amounts of food embedded 
in agar were considered to represent differ- 
ent quality foods. We chose to define food 
quality as the concentration of nutrients and 
energy content per unit food mass (Bedding- 
field 8 McClintock, 1993). The three different 
quality diets were prepared from 5% gum 
agar (Sigma) combined with a proteinaceous 
powdered food compound originally devel- 
oped for omnivorous sea urchins (J. M. 
Lawrence, pers. comm.). Three different con- 
centrations (qualities) of artificial food were 
prepared (0.5%, 7%, and 15% dry food, re- 
spectively) and fed to the snails ad libitum. 

Snails were maintained in the nine temper- 
ature and food quality treatments for 138 
days. Every third day, the long-axis shell 
length of each snail was measured. Egg 
masses, if present, and numbers of eggs per 
mass were recorded for each bowl. Individual 
eggs were measured (long and short diame- 
ters) for the first 70 days of oviposition using 
a compound microscope equipped with an 
ocular micrometer. Growth and survivorship 
(arcsine transformed data) of snails were 
compared statistically using a two-way 
ANOVA followed by pairwise comparisons 
using a Scheffé test (Zar, 1974). Statistical 
analyses were applied on days 18 and 60 
(dates at which first oviposition occurred for 
25°С and 15°С temperature treatments, re- 
spectively). Sizes of eggs produced were 
compared statistically between different tem- 
perature and food quality treatments using a 
Student's t-test (Zar, 1974). 


Aspects of Population Dynamics 

Physella cubensis were active on the sed- 
iment surface in the three stream sites 166.7 
+ 37.3 (+ 1 SE) days/year over the three-year 
period. Annual abundance patterns of stream 
snails (Fig. 1) and egg masses (Fig. 2) were 
significantly correlated (г. = 0.825, Р < 
0.0001) with зеазопа! shifts in temperature 
(Fig. 3), with snails less common or absent 
from the surface of the substratum during 
cold winter months. Overwintering via aesti- 
vation in the sediments of stream snails oc- 
curred from late September to late May. In 
stream sites | and |, mean densities of snails 
in 1990 and 1991 were twice those observed 
in 1989. Abundance of stream snails during 
the warm months of each year were inversely 
correlated (г. = —0.345; Р < 0.01) with 
marked seasonal precipitation events, such 
as the heavy rains that occurred in the early 
summer of 1989 (Fig. 4). Stream snails exhib- 
ited multiple peak densities annually, which 
varied in magnitude from year to year (Fig. 1). 
Egg masses were present in all stream sites 
for the duration of the presence of adult 
snails. Peaks in egg-mass density (Fig. 2) 
were synchronous with peaks in snail den- 
sity. Patterns of snail and egg-mass abun- 
dance at sites | and II were similar from year 
to year. Both snail and egg-mass densities 
were consistently lower at site Ш than those 
at sites | and Il. 

The size frequencies of stream _ snails 
emerging in the spring indicate that overwin- 
tering in the sediment was limited to young 
adult snails (Mean + 1 SE: 6.5 + 1.2 mm shell 
length, n = 213). The size frequencies of 
emergent snails did not differ significantly be- 
tween the three stream sites (G = 0.42; P = 
0.94) or from year to year within sites (G = 
0.41; P = 0.92). Changes in size distributions 
(Figs. 5-7) suggest that periods of peak 
growth for stream snails occurred during the 
months of July and August. At this time of 
year, growth from young juvenile (1-2 mm 
shell length) to large adult (9-12 mm shell 
length) appeared to require approximately 
5-6 weeks. 

Temporal periodicity of pond snail densi- 
ties (Fig. 1) was primarily related to episodic 
drying events, which occurred most fre- 
quently between the months of March and 
November (Figs. 5-7). Intra-annual multiple 

peak densities of snails and egg masses (Fig. 
1, 2) were significantly correlated (r, = 0.414; 
P < 0.0001) with seasonal peaks in precipi- 
tation which hydrated the pond. Pond snails 
did not exhibit as constant a period of over- 
wintering in the sediments as did stream snail 
populations. Rather, pond snails were active 
on the surface of the substratum during win- 
ter on days when temperatures were mild. 
Pond snails and egg masses were never ob- 
served on sampling dates when the pond 
temperature was below 14°C. Pond snails 
emerging following desiccation events were 
limited to juveniles (1-5 mm shell length; 
Figs. 5-7). The size frequencies of emergent 
pond snails did not differ significantly among 
different intra-annual (G = 4.72; P = 0.53) re- 
hydration events or from year to year (G = 
4.53; P = 0.50). Size distributions suggest 
that during warm seasons (e.g., May, 1990; 
Fig. 6), growth from young juvenile (1-2 mm 
shell length) to large adult (9-12 mm shell 
length) requires approximately four weeks. In 
contrast, during periods of cold temperatures 
in winter and early spring months (e.g., 1989; 
Fig. 5), growth from juvenile (2-4 mm shell 
length) to young adult (6-8 mm shell length) 
required approximately 12 weeks. In general, 
peak growth for pond snails occurred in the 
wet spring months, in contrast to the dryer 
late summer months for stream populations. 

Physella cubensis exhibited differential 
survivorship in response to a desiccation 
event in the field. Of 75 living snails collected 
from the cores of dry pond sediments, 82.3% 
were less than 4 mm in shell length. No living 
snails that measured greater than 5 mm shell 
length (mean + 1 SE shell length = 2.2 + 0.13 
mm) were extracted from the pond sedi- 
ments. The empty shells of medium- to large- 
size snails were observed on the surface of 
the dry pond sediments, but were not 

Effects of Temperature and Food Quality 

Growth rates and onset of oviposition of 
Physella cubensis raised at 15°C, 25°C and 
35°C and fed low, medium, and high quality 
diets are shown in Figure 8. Physella cuben- 
sis raised at 35°C grew at rates similar to 
those raised at 15°C irrespective of food 
quality (day 60 Sheffé S = 0.174; P = 0.858). 
Growth of snails raised at 25°C was signifi- 
cantly greater by day 18 (ANOVA, F = 137.5, 
Р < .0001; Scheffé S = 2.02, Р < .0001) than 
that of snails in 15°C and 35°C treatments, 



Mean Density(#/m° ) 



Stream site I 

Stream site II 

Stream site Ш 


1990 1991 

FIG. 1. Seasonal mean densities of stream and pond populations of Physella cubensis from January 1989 
through December 1991. Note different scaling of vertical axis for stream site Ill. 

regardless of food quality. First oviposition 
occurred on days 18 and 60 for 25°C and 
15°C treatments, respectively. Snails raised 
at 35°C did not oviposit and experienced 
high mortality, whereas snails raised at 15°C 
experienced minimal mortality and attained 
sexual maturity. Cumulative egg production 
50 days after first oviposition occurred for 
15°C and 25°C treatments was 678 and 659 
eggs, respectively. Sizes of eggs (mean long- 

axis diameter + 1 SE = 0.3 + 0.12 тт; п = 
500) did not differ significantly between tem- 
perature treatments (t = 0.939; P = 1.5). Tem- 
perature had a significant influence on survi- 
vorship (ANOVA, Е = 23.6; Р < 0.0001), with 
the highest mortality occurring at 35°С 
(Scheffé $ = —28.5, P < 0.0001) and lowest 
mortality occurring in snails raised at 15°С 
(Scheffé $ = - 16.23, Р < 0.002) as shown in 
Figure 9. 



Stream site I 

40 Pond 

Mean Egg Mass Density (#/m? ) 


Ws ВЕ 


We SD, 5 Е 

Stream site Il 

Stream site Ш 

W 52 S Е 

1990 1991 

FIG. 2. Seasonal mean densities of egg masses laid by stream and pond populations of Physella cubensis 
from January 1989 through December 1991. Note different scaling of vertical axes for stream site Ш and 

pond site. 

Within each of the three temperature treat- 
ments, snails fed medium and high quality 
diets did not differ significantly in growth (day 
60 Scheffé S = 0.241, P = 0.612) or in the 
timing of first oviposition. Snails fed low qual- 
ity diets, however, grew significantly more 

slowly (day 18 ANOVA, F = 0.33, P < 0.0001; 
Scheffé S = 1.63, P < 0.0001) than snails fed 
medium and high quality diets. Moreover, 
snails fed low quality diets did not oviposit 
regardless of temperature. Cumulative egg 
production 50 days after first oviposition oc- 






Temperature (°C) 

1989 1990 1994 

FIG. 3. Water temperatures of stream and pond from January 1989 through December 1991. Discontinu- 
ities in the temperatures recorded for the pond site indicate periods when the pond was dry. 


W Sp $ F W $ 5 F W E S F W 
1989 1990 1991 

FIG. 4. Weekly precipitation recorded at a weather station located 5.4 km from the study site from January 
1989 through December 1991. 

Precipitation (cm?) 

curred for snails fed medium and high quality icantly between medium and high quality 
diets was 675 and 655 eggs, respectively. food treatments (t = 0.35; P = 0.13). Food 
Egg size (mean long-axis diameter + 1 SE = quality did not significantly influence survi- 

0.3 + 0.12 mm; n = 500) did not differ signif- vorship at 15°C (day 60 Scheffé $ = —6.46, P 


ы Site I Site II Site Ш Ропа 
1989 100 J 
125 M 

Frequency (%) 


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 

Shell length (mm) 

FIG. 5. Size frequencies (%) of Physella cubensis occurring in stream sites and pond in 1989. Discontinu- 
ities in both stream and pond graphs represent sampling periods when snails were absent from the surface 
of the substratum. Sample sizes are indicated to the left of each histogram. 


Site I Site I Site HI Pond Е 
80 30 
1990 70 | 

Frequency (%) 

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 

Shell length (mm) 

FIG. 6. Size frequencies (%) of Physella cubensis occurring in stream sites and pond in 1990. Discontinu- 
ities in both stream and pond graphs represent sampling periods when snails were absent from the surface 
of the substratum. Sample sizes are indicated to the left of each histogram. 

S 19 
O 10 
= 40 
о 150 

Site I Site I Site Ш Pond 

1991 à 
7 M 
45 A 
150 M 
1 5 ere 


8 5 5; 

150 J 

150 ТЕ 

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 

Shell length (mm) 

FIG. 7. Size frequencies (%) of Physella cubensis occurring in stream sites and pond in 1991. Discontinu- 
ities in both stream and pond graphs represent sampling periods when snails were absent from the surface 
of the substratum. Sample sizes are indicated to the left of each histogram. 


10 15°С —t— Low 
—— Medium 
8 ===. Hiph /; 
“+ 225 » : в 
— 2 Gi | 
Е o 
— 0] asec 
Е 8 
OD 6 
oD) 4 
== 2 
Rz 0) 
2 10 
= A 
= 35°С 
= 6 
0 50 100 150 

Time (days) 

FIG. 8. Growth of Physella cubensis raised at 15°С, 25°С and 35°С and fed low, medium, and high quality 
diets. Arrows indicate the dates of first oviposition. Shown are means + 1 S.E. (n = 25 at time 0). 


100 353 

Mean survivorship (%) 

0 50 100 150 

Time (days) 

FIG. 9. Mean survivorship of Physella cubensis raised at 15°C, 25°C, and 35°C and fed low, medium, and 
high quality diets. Shown are means + 1 S.E. (п = 5 replicate bowls beginning with five individuals per bowl). 

= 0.53) but caused significant differences in 25°С and 35°С by day 18 (Scheffé $ = 
survivorship in snails fed low and high quality —14.69, Р < 0.005). 
foods (ANOVA, Е = 6.4, Р < 0.004) raised at A significant interactive effect between 


temperature and food quality on growth was 
observed by day 18 (ANOVA, Е = 14.97, Р < 
0.0001) but not at day 60. In contrast, signif- 
icant interactive effects between temperature 
and food quality on survivorship were ob- 
served both on day 18 (ANOVA, F = 4.61, P < 
0.005) and on day 60 (ANOVA, F = 5.57, Р < 
0.001). Parasitism of snails was not observed 
in any treatment. 


Temporal abundance patterns of stream- 
dwelling Physella cubensis varied from year 
to year and appeared to be related primarily 
to seasonal fluctuations in temperature and 
precipitation. Seasonally low temperatures 
appeared to restrict the presence of stream 
snails on the sediment surface to a period of 
approximately seven months per year. Young 
adult stream snails overwintered in the sedi- 
ments during the colder months of each year. 
Similar over-wintering behavior has been 
recorded for other freshwater gastropods 
(Paterson & Fernando, 1969; Clampitt, 1970; 
McGraw, 1970; Browne, 1978). Low popula- 
tion densities and abbreviated periods of 
abundance during warm months were corre- 
lated with heavy precipitation events (e.g. 
May-June 1989). High water velocities ac- 
companying flooding of the stream may have 
dislodged exposed individuals, particularly in 
site Ш, which was located on a smooth rock 
shelf. Flood-associated siltation may have 
also restricted or temporarily eliminated ac- 
cess to detrital and algal food sources. Snails 
appeared to avoid regions of the stream that 
regularly experienced relatively high water 
velocities, limiting their distribution to pools 
and riffles within the stream (Thomas, pers. 
obs.). In conditions of high water velocity as- 
sociated with heavy precipitation, P. cuben- 
sis seek shelter by burrowing into the sub- 
stratum or by moving under rocks or other 
immobile debris (Thomas, pers. obs.). Similar 
behaviors have been observed in P. virigata 
(Crowl 8 Schnell, 1990). The low density of 
snails consistently observed at stream site III 
may have resulted partly from the lack of ref- 
ugia from periodic water scouring in this site. 

Size-distribution data indicate that peak 
growth of Physella cubensis in the stream oc- 
curred in the late summer months when wa- 
ter temperatures were high and when precip- 
itation was low. Based on size-distribution 
analysis, growth of snails from young juve- 

niles to large adults typically required five 
weeks during warm months. 

Temporal abundance patterns of the 
ephemeral pond snails studied was consid- 
erably more irregular than of that observed in 
stream populations. The abundance of pond 
snails seemed to be primarily regulated by 
episodic drying events. Desiccation of the 
pond resulted in extensive mortality, as evi- 
denced by the abundance of empty shells. 
No migration of snails from the pond was ob- 
served. The interruption of the life cycle of 
pond snails by desiccation events, and a 
mandatory time period required for sexual 
maturation, are likely factors responsible for 
consistent low densities of egg masses. Per- 
sistent precipitation events of late spring 
1989 extended the time period during which 
the pond contained water. During this period, 
snails experienced a period of rapid growth, 
with young juveniles (1-2 mm shell length) 
attaining adult sizes (9-10 mm shell length) in 
approximately four weeks. Reproductive out- 
put was also elevated during this period. 
Comparatively slow growth occurred in late 
winter and early spring of 1989, during ex- 
tended periods of low temperature. 

Pond snails are capable of surviving drying 
events by burrowing into the moist zone of 
sediments. However, field observations indi- 
cate that only juvenile snails (<5 mm shell 
length) are able to escape desiccation in this 
manner. This size-specific survivorship con- 
curs with field observations of DeWitt (1955) 
and Clampitt (1970) for Physa (= Physella) 
gyrina and of Brown (1985) for Lymnaea elo- 
des, but contrasts with the findings of McNeil 
(1963), who observed greater survivorship in 
larger (7-16 mm shell length) aestivating 
Stagnicola palustris. 

Adult Physella cubensis subjected to dry 
conditions in the laboratory (Thomas, unpub- 
lished data) were observed to produce a dry 
mucous film across the shell aperture. How- 
ever, snails in the laboratory survived in this 
manner no longer than 24 hours in the ab- 
sence of moisture, indicating that this means 
of protection from desiccation is effective 
only for a short time. This behavior may en- 
hance survival in dry conditions in the field on 
a short-term basis, perhaps allowing snails to 
temporarily escape aquatic predators or wa- 
ter pollution. 

As adults do not survive desiccation, im- 
mature Physella cubensis must replenish 
pond populations following seasonal desic- 
cation events. Immature snails must first sur- 
vive a mandatory period of growth in order to 


oviposit. Such conditions as these would ul- 
timately be expected to favor selection for 
rapid juvenile growth and maturation. More- 
over, continuous reproduction following mat- 
uration may ultimately be essential in main- 
taining a significant number of juveniles in the 
population capable of opportunistically sur- 
viving episodic desiccation events. Both 
rapid growth and attainment of sexual matu- 
rity appear to be mediated further by more 
proximate factors, such as water tempera- 
ture and food quality. 

Laboratory studies support the hypothesis 
that temperature plays a central role in the 
regulation of growth and reproduction of 
Physella cubensis (Thomas & McClintock, 
1990; present study). Snails raised at 25°C 
grew faster over the first 50 days of the study 
and began ovipositing 42 days earlier than 
those raised at 15°C. Temperatures of 25°C, 
which are frequently experienced by stream 
and pond populations of Physella cubensis 
during summer months in Alabama, appear 
to be optimum for growth and reproduction. 
Growth at 25°C was considerably reduced 
following the onset of ovipostion, likely indi- 
cating a shift in resource allocation from 
growth to reproduction. In contrast to snails 
raised at 15°C, those raised at 10°C (Thomas 
& McClintock, 1990) never attained sexual 
maturity during the study. Such characteris- 
tics as rapid growth and attainment of matu- 
rity as observed at 25°C are consistent with 
those considered adaptive by Calow (1978) 
and Brown (1985) for pulmonates living in 
warm-temperate, seasonally unstable habi- 
tats subject to rapid daily temperature shifts. 

Physella cubensis exposed to a sustained 
temperature of 35°C apparently suffer signif- 
icant metabolic stress. It is likely that this 
temperature is near the lethal level of temper- 
ature tolerance for P. cubensis. Although 
temperatures of 33°C have been recorded in 
shallow ephemeral pond habitats (Thomas, 
unpublished data), temperatures of this mag- 
nitude are likely experienced for only brief pe- 
riods by P. cubensis (Thomas, pers. obs.). 
Van der Schalie and Berry (1973) found that 
while physids had the widest range of tem- 
perature tolerance of the three North Ameri- 
can aquatic pulmonate genera, Physella gy- 
rina raised at 34°C experienced 100% 
mortality after only 49 days. Clampitt (1970) 
reported that P. gyrina raised at 35°C expe- 
rienced 50% mortality at 11-13 days. 

When resources are limited, nutrients may 
be differentially allocated towards growth 

and reproduction (Spight & Emlen, 1976; 
Rollo & Hawryluk, 1988). Whereas low qual- 
ity food restricted growth and prevented 
attainment of sexual maturity in Physella 
cubensis, there were no significant differ- 
ences in growth, fecundity, onset of oviposi- 
tion, or egg size between snails fed medium 
and high quality artificial foods. The medium 
quality food may have provided adequate nu- 
trients relative to the capacity of assimilation 
efficiency in P. cubensis, rendering no addi- 
tional benefit to the higher quality food. The 
slow growth and lack of oviposition of snails 
provided low quality food indicates nutrient 
and/or energy limitations imposed by this 
diet (see also Eisenberg, 1966; Beddiny, 
1977). Interactive effects observed between 
temperature and food quality indicate that 
the combination of medium and high quality 
foods and a temperature of 25°C produced 
optimal conditions for growth. 

In both medium and high quality food treat- 
ments, reproductive output was continuous 
over the duration of the life span. Rapid mat- 
uration and constant reproduction when food 
is not limiting has been considered a key life 
history adaptation for organisms living in sea- 
sonally unstable habitats (Pianka, 1970; Smith 
& Fretwell, 1974; Wilbur et al., 1974; Giesel, 
1976; Calow, 1978; Caswell, 1983; Brown, 
1985). Given the unpredictable drying events 
experienced by Physella cubensis and other 
freshwater pulmonates, rapid maturation and 
high fecundity for the duration of the life span 
may be essential in maintaining an adequate 
cohort of juveniles in the population capable 
of aestivating. Food supply is clearly not 
unlimited for many organisms, but may be 
of reduced importance for many omnivorous 
invertebrates. Periphyton, which encrusts 
plants and rocks, and other organic and in- 
organic debris has been suggested as pri- 
mary food sources of many aquatic pulmo- 
nates, including members of the Physidae 
(DeWitt, 1955; Bovbjerg, 1968; Clampitt, 1970, 
1973; Hunter, 1975; Lodge, 1985, 1986). Al- 
though quantitative studies of natural diets 
were not conducted, observations in the field 
indicate that P. cubensis is a generalist grazer, 
with a distribution, growth, and fecundity in 
natural populations that may rarely be limited 
by food quality or quantity. Instead, temper- 
ature and the periodicity and magnitude of 
precipitation events appear to be the most 
important factors regulating the population 
dynamics of P. cubensis in this central Ala- 
bama stream and ephemeral pond habitat. 



We wish to thank Ginger Holt, Rebbecca 
Seals, and Wendy Tipton, who assisted in 
field data collection. Robert Angus provided 
invaluable assistance in the statistical analy- 
ses. This research was supported by the De- 
partment of Biology, University of Alabama at 


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Revised Ms. accepted 12 July 1995 

MALACOLOGIA, 1996, 37(2): 349-361 


Giuseppe Manganelli, Leonardo Favilli & Folco Giusti 

Dipartimento di Biologia Evolutiva, Via P. A. Mattioli 4, 1-153100 Siena, Italy 


The status of Xeroamanda Monterosato, 1892, is revised. Anatomical study showed that the 
type species of this nominal genus, Helix amanda Rossmássler, 1838, is characterized by a 
structure of the distal genitalia coinciding with that of the subfamily Hygromiinae sensu Schi- 
leyko (dart sac complex with 0 + 2 stylophores) and more precisely with the group of genera 
with 0 + 2 stylophores and right ommatophore retractor independent of the genitalia (Cernuella, 
Xerosecta, Polloneriella, Microxeromagna, Xeromunda). The wide dart sac complex fused to the 
walls of the vagina for a long tract and the penis joining the distal vagina level with the 
stylophores enables it to be included in Cernuella. The latter has two subgenera: Cernuella $. 
str. (penial papilla with three basal frenula, two tufts of digitiform glands on opposite sides of 
vagina, proximal vagina very short or absent, proximal duct of bursa copulatrix flared), and 
Xerocincta (penial papilla without frenula, digitiform glands around the vagina, proximal vagina 
long, proximal duct of bursa copulatrix not flared). Xeroamanda (penial papilla with three basal 
frenula, digitiform glands around the vagina, proximal vagina long, proximal duct of bursa 
copulatrix not flared) is intermediate between Cernuella s. str. and Xerocincta and forms a third 
distinct subgenus of Cernuella. At present, C. (Xeroamanda) includes two species, both en- 
demic to the Sicilian area: the western Sicilian C. amanda (Rossmássler, 1838) and the Sicilian- 

Maltese C. caruanae (Kobelt, 1888). 

Key words: Hygromiidae, Cernuella, Xeroamanda, nomenclature, taxonomy, Sicily. 


Monterosato (1892: 22) established Xe- 
roamanda, for a group of species from Tuni- 
sia, Algeria, and Sicily, among which he cited: 
Hlelix]. amanda and [Helix] usticensis. The 
same year “Hel. amanda” was designated 
type species in an anonymous review (1892: 
151) of the Monterosato paper, usually attrib- 
uted to Kobelt, editor of the Nachrichtsblatt 
der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesell- 

Kobelt (1904) subsequently regarded Xera- 
manda [sic] as a subgenus of Xerophila and 
assigned thirteen species to it. Some years 
later, Gude & Woodward (1921) regarded Xe- 
roamanda as a junior synonym of Jacosta, one 
of the subgenera in which they divided Heli- 

The taxonomy of Xeroamanda was more 
recently considered by Sacchi (1955), Brandt 
(1959), Zilch (1960), Forcart (1976), Manga- 
nelli & Giusti (1988), and Nordsieck (1993). 
Sacchi (1955) studied the genitalia of Alge- 
rian specimens that he regarded as conspe- 
cific with Sicilian Helix amanda, having been 
unable to find live topotypical specimens in 
the localities where the species had been re- 


ported. He concluded that Xeroamanda must 
be regarded as a separate subgenus of He- 
licella. On the contrary, Brandt (1959), in his 
revision of Cyrenaikan helicellids, regarded 
the type species of Xeroamanda as a poly- 
typical species comprising numerous sub- 
species, including a new one described by 
him from Cyrenaika. Because study of the 
genitalia of this new species showed that it 
belonged to Trochoidea, he considered Xe- 
roamanda to be a subgenus of Trochoidea. 
Zilch (1960) doubted Xeroamanda was a dis- 
tinct subgenus of Trochoidea, regarding it as 
a junior synonym of another subgenus of Tro- 
choidea, Xeroplexa. 

Later, Forcart (1976: 143) stated that the 
drawing of the genitalia published by Sacchi 
(1955: 4, fig. 1) showed clearly that Helix 
amanda sensu Sacchi corresponded to Cer- 
nuella. Nevertheless, he considered any con- 
clusion premature, because neither Sacchi 
(1955) nor Brandt (1959) had examined topo- 
types of the type species. 

Manganelli & Giusti (1988) examined a ju- 
venile specimen of Helix usticensis, the other 
species originally included in Xeroamanda by 
Monterosato, finding a situation of the distal 
genitalia externally similar to, but internally 


different from, that of adult Cernuella. They 
concluded that if their finding is confirmed in 
adult specimens of the type species, Xe- 
roamanda must be considered a separate 
taxon. Nordsieck (1993) observed that the 
features noted by Manganelli & Giusti (1988) 
suggest affinity with the Tunisian and Maghe- 
brian Xeroplana, which might turn out to be a 
distinct Sicilian-Maghebrian genus. 

Some years ago we asked some Sicilian 
colleagues for living specimens of Helix 
amanda, but they were unable to find any. 
Fortunately, some specimens were found 
among specimens of Cernuella rugosa (La- 
marck, 1822) sent to us by Dr. V. E. Orlando 
in 1987. This material was studied anatomi- 
cally and led to the following revision. 


Whole shells were photographed under the 
optical microscope (Wild M5A). All dimen- 
sional parameters (shell height, maximum 
shell diameter, aperture height and aperture 
diameter) were measured using calipers. 

Living specimens were drowned in water, 
then fixed and preserved in 75% ethanol 
buffered with СаСО.. The bodies were iso- 
lated after crushing the shells and dissected 
under the optical microscope (Wild M5A) us- 
ing very thin, pointed watchmaker's forceps. 
Anatomical details were drawn using a Wild 
camera lucida. The dimensions of anatomical 
tracts were measured using a graduated mil- 
limetric lens on the same microscope. 

Radulae were manually extracted from the 
buccal bulbs, washed in pure 75% ethanol, 
mounted on copper blocks with electron- 
conductive glue, sputter-coated with gold, 
and photographed using a Philips 505 SEM. 

The material examined 1$ listed as follows: 
locality, municipality and province names 
in parenthesis, UTM reference, collector(s), 
date, number of specimens in parenthesis. 
Locality names and UTM references were ac- 
cording to the official 1:50,000 scale map of 
Italy (series M 792, sheet 593). 

Explanation of symbols in Figures 3-9, 13- 
23: BC, bursa copulatrix; BW, body wall; DBC, 
duct of bursa copulatrix; DG, digitiform 
glands; DP, distal penis; DSC, dart sac com- 
plex; DGS, dart gun; E, epiphallus; F, flagel- 
lum; FR, frenulum; FHD, first hermaphrodite 
duct; FO, free oviduct; G, glans or penial pa- 
pilla; GA, genital atrium; IS, inner stylophore; 

LDL, left dorsal lobe; LLL, left lateral lobe; OS, 
outer stylophore; P, penis; PN, pneumos- 
tome; POS, prostatic portion of ovispermid- 
uct; PP, proximal penis; PR, penial retractor 
muscle; PV, proximal vagina; RCG, right ce- 
rebral ganglion; RDL, right dorsal lobe; RLL, 
right lateral lobe; ВОВ, right ommatophore 
retractor; RPG, right pedal ganglion; SL, sub- 
pneumostomal lobe; T, talon; UOS, uterine 
portion of ovispermiduct; VD, vas deferens. 


Cernuella amanda (Rossmássler, 1838) 

Caracolla limbata Philippi, 1836: 137, pl. 8, 
fig. 7. Type locality: “... prope Panor- 
mus... ,” but incorrect according to 
Calcara (in Benoit, 1862) and Benoit 
(1862, 1882). Type series: holotype (Fig. 
1) from “Panormus,” Philippi Collection, 
Zoologisches Museum und Institut für 
Spezielle Zoologie of the Humboldt-Uni- 
versitat of Berlin, Germany. 

Helix amanda Rossmássler, 1838: 10, pl. 32, 
fig. 449. New name for Helix limbata 
(Philippi, 1836), junior secondary hom- 
onym of Helix limbata Draparnaud, 1801, 
and permanently invalid according to 
Art. 59 (b) of ICZN (1985). 

Material Examined 

“Panormus” (holotypus of Caracolla lim- 
bata; Philippi Collection, Zoologisches Mu- 
seum und Institut fur Spezielle Zoologie of 
the Humboldt-Universitat of Berlin, Ger- 
many); San Vito Lo Capo (San Vito Lo Capo, 
Trapani), 33SUCO2, V. E. Orlando leg. 10.87 
(3 shells + 2 spirit specimens); Mercato 
Gnarosa (Custonaci, Trapani), 33STC91, 1. 
Sparacio leg. 17.10.84 (1 shell); Semaforo 
(San Vito Lo Capo, Trapani), 33SUC0028, 
F.G. & G.M. leg. 7.10.94 (numerous shells). 


A species belonging to Cernuella, anatom- 
ically similar to C. caruanae (Kobelt, 1888) 
(penial papilla with three basal frenula; digiti- 
form glands all around vagina; proximal 
vagina long), but different by virtue of its 
smaller, depressed, and carinate shell. 


Shell (Figs. 1, 2) 

Shell dextral, medium sized, robust, lentic- 
ular, carinate, uniformly yellowish-grey or with 
brown speckling and/or traces of a pale 
brown band in upper half, and with traces of 
5-6 bands, fragmented to form rows of small 
brown spots in lower half, opaque; external 
surface with fine ribs, densely packed, slightly 
raised and rather irregularly positioned and 
spaced; spire conical, depressed, consisting 
of 5-5-1/2 clearly convex whorls, regularly 
and slowly growing, last whorl large, barely 
dilated, sometimes slightly descending near 
aperture, with slightly raised, cord-like keel at 
periphery; sutures moderately deep, shoul- 
dered by keel of preceding whorls; umbilicus 
open, rather small (about 1/6 of shell maxi- 
mum diameter); aperture elliptical, its external 
margin angled at keel; peristome interrupted, 
simple, reflected only at columellar margin, 
with upper margin sometimes starting at keel, 
sometimes below keel, with well-developed, 
yellowish, internal callous rib. 

Dimensions of the holotype. Shell diame- 
ter: 11.9 mm; shell height: 6.4 mm. Dimen- 
sions of largest shell examined. Shell diame- 
ter: 12.7-13.2 mm; shell height: 6.9-8.0 mm. 

Body and General Anatomy (Fig. 3) 

Data on colour of soft parts of living spec- 
imens is not available. Retractor of right om- 
matophore independent of penis and vagina; 
kidney sigmurethrous; jaw odontognathous; 
penial nerve from right pedal ganglion. 

Genitalia (Figs. 4-9) 

General scheme of semidiaulic monotrem- 
atic type. Large hermaphrodite gonad (ovo- 
testis) consisting of bunch of acini, ducts of 
which converge into first hermaphrodite duct; 
initial portion of first hemaphrodite duct very 
slender, then widening to function as seminal 
vesicle; first hermaphrodite duct ending in 
club-like “talon” adhering to internal side of 
large, bean-like albumen gland; talon consist- 
ing of seminal receptacles (tree-like system of 
tubules, ending in about three branches) and 
fertilization chamber; second hermaphrodite 
duct (ovispermiduct) arising from base of al- 
bumen gland, and consisting of female chan- 

nel (uterine portion of ovispermiduct contain- 
ing seminal groove) and prostate gland (with 
sperm groove) fused to define single cavity; 
rather long free oviduct following female 
channel; duct of bursa copulatrix arising from 
where proximal vagina follows free oviduct, 
long, slender (slightly shorter than epiphallus), 
initially barely flared, ending in large, pyriform 
bursa copulatrix (gametolytic gland); proximal 
vagina proportionally long; digitiform glands, 
far from apex of inner stylophore, subdivided 
into two opposite groups, each of 3-4 units; 
bases of units cover large portion of vagina 
perimeter (Small portion of vagina perimeter is 
free between the two groups); distal vagina 
initiating from where dart-sac complex enters 
one side of vagina; dart-sac complex 0 + 2, i.e. 
consisting of one pair of stylophores, outer 
fused to external side of inner for most of 
its length; larger outer stylophore contain- 
ing dart; smaller inner stylophore with small, 
empty cavity; cavities of stylophores opening 
independently one above other into groove 
along side of conical structure named ‘‘dart- 
gun” (Manganelli & Giusti, 1988); dart-gun 
constituting basal appendix of dart-complex 
projecting into distal vagina lumen; vaginal 
pleats variable in number along internal sur- 
face of vagina walls on both sides of dart-gun, 
two of them fusing below dart-gun and giving 
rise to sort of half-ring; vagina ending in gen- 
ital atrium just after penis enters its far end; 
long, slender vas deferens following sperm 
groove (inside prostate gland of ovispermid- 
uct) and ending in penial complex; penial 
complex composed of flagellum, epiphallus 
and penis; flagellum very short (about 1/9 
epiphallus length), ending level with where vas 
deferens enters penial complex and epiphal- 
lus begins; epiphallus very long (about four 
times penis length), ending where penial re- 
tractor muscle contacts penial complex wall 
and penis begins; penis short, entering distal 
vagina level with apex of dart-gun and con- 
taining penial papilla (glans); penial papilla 
arising 1/3-1/4 of penis length from base, 
long, slender, cylindrical, with apical opening 
bordered by two-three “lips,” its base con- 
nected to penial walls by three small, sym- 
metrically disposed muscles (frenula); trans- 
verse section of penial papilla with compact 
walls with only few, small lacunae, and central 
duct (ejaculatory duct) continuing directly 
from proximal penis and epiphallus lumen; 
penis opening into vagina bordered by sort of 
annular pleat, possibly sphincter. 


# НАХ » 

Ue LES ! 

à 4 

\ = 

FIGS. 1, 2. Shells of Cernuella amanda (Rossmässler, 1838). 1, holotype of Caracolla limbata Philippi, 1836, 
Philippi Collection, Zoologisches Museum und Institut für Spezielle Zoologie of Berlin, Germany. 2, a shell 
from San Vito Lo Capo, Trapani, 33SUCO2, V. E. Orlando leg. 10.87. 




FIGS. 3, 4. Mantle edge (3) and talon (with transverse section) (4) of Cernuella amanda (Rossmässler, 1838) 
from San Vito Lo Capo, Trapani, 33SUCO2, V. E. Orlando leg. 10.87. 

Radula (Figs. 10-12) 

Similar to that of other Cernuella species 
(the radula of the various genera of the Hy- 
gromiidae and Helicidae does not usually 
have diagnostic characters), consisting of 
many rows each of about 49-51 teeth; cen- 
tral tooth with large tricuspid crown, meso- 
cone long more than twice ectocone height; 
first lateral teeth with bicuspid crown with 
long, robust mesocone and small (about 1/2- 
1/3 mesocone height) ectocone; last lateral 
and latero-marginal teeth with bicuspid 
crown, with long mesocone without small 
protuberance or cusp on its inner side (only 
exceptionally do a few lateromarginal teeth 
have this small protuberance or cusp; in 
other species, it is situated at about 2/3 of 
mesocone height); extreme marginal teeth 
with crown composed of very reduced me- 
socone, its tip not split, and very reduced 
ectocone, frequently split into two small, 
sharp points. 

Type Locality 
Philippi claimed to have collected his sin- 

gle specimen of Caracolla limbata in the 
neighbourhood of Palermo: “Unicum speci- 

men prope Panormus inveni.” According to 
later students of Sicilian malacofauna, this lo- 
cality was incorrect. The species was pre- 
sumably collected by Calcara at Girgenti and 
Catania in eastern Sicily and by Benoit at Ca- 
latafimi in western Sicily (Calcara, reported in 
Benoit, 1862: 188; Benoit, 1862: 188, 1882: 
34-35). The presence of the species in the 
localities reported by Calcara has not been 
confirmed by subsequent research (Benoit, 
1882: 34-35). 

Type Series 

The species was described from a single 
shell collected by Philippi ‘ргоре Panormus” 
(Philippi, 1836; Rossmássler, 1838). This shell 
(Fig. 1) therefore has the status of holotype. lt 
was illustrated by Philippi (1836: pl. 8, fig. 7) 
and again by Rossmássler (1838: pl. 32, fig. 
449) and is currently kept in the Philippi Col- 
lection at the Zoologisches Museum of the 
Humboldt-Universitát, Berlin, Germany. 


Xeroresistant species occurring in natural 
habitats on calcareous substrata. 


y ee 

FIGS. 5-7. Genitalia (gonad to part of ovispermiduct excluded) (5, 6) and digitiform glands (7) of Cernuella 
amanda (Rossmássler, 1838) from San Vito Lo Capo, Trapani, 33SUCO2, V. E. Orlando leg. 10.87. In the 
specimen illustrated in Fig. 4, the outer stylophore has shifted and dart tip protrudes from the dart-sac 
complex due to deformation in the course of sample preparation. 



FIGS. 8, 9. Details of distal genitalia of Cernuella amanda (Rossmássler, 1838) from San Vito Lo Capo, 
Trapani, 33SUCO2, V. E. Orlando leg. 10.87. 8, distal penis opened to show penial papilla and frenula; 9, 
vagina opened to show dart gun structure; penial papilla protrudes from distal penis. 


The species is endemic to Sicily and at 
present is known from only one locality, San 
Vito Lo Capo, north of Trapani. Other shells, 
corresponding perfectly to those of San Vito 
Lo Capo, were found in a nearby site, Mer- 
cato Gnarosa, by |. Sparacio. 


Philippi (1836: 137, pl. 8, fig. 7) introduced 
the nominal species Caracolla limbata for a 
Sicilian xerophilous hygromiid described from 
a single specimen collected near Palermo. 
Two years later, when reporting Philippi’s 
species in his /conographie, Rossmássler 


FIGS. 10-12. Вааща of Сетие!а amanda (Ross- 
mässler, 1838) from San Vito Lo Capo, Trapani, 
33SUCO02, V. E. Orlando leg. 10.87. 

(1838: 10, pl. 8, fig. 7) moved it to the genus 
Helix and, to avoid secondary homonymy with 
the older Helix limbata Draparnaud, 1801, 
renamed Caracolla limbata, Helix amanda, 
after the second personal name of Philippi, 

This century, revision of the helicoids 
caused splitting of the genus Helix into many 
different genera. When Helix limbata Drapar- 
naud, 1801, and Helix limbata (Philippi, 1836) 
fell into two different genera, the secondary 
homonymy between them ceased. This led 


FIGS. 13, 14. Hygromia and Cernuella—group (in- 
cluding Xeroamanda, Xerocincta, Cernuella and 
the apomorphous Cernuellopsis) share many char- 
acter states that except the structure of penial pa- 
pilla derived from dart-sac complex, e.g.: 0 + 2 
dart-sac complex (1), dart-sac complex adhering 
to vagina (2), inner stylophore with thick, muscular 
walls and narrow lumen (3), stylophores opening 
independently of each other (4), dart-gun structure 

Brandt (1959) to revive Philippi’s name over 
Rossmássler's. The reintroduction of Philip- 
pi's name passed unobserved (e.g., Alzona, 
1971) or caused some confusion. In his Cat- 
alogue of the species of Helicidae, Richard- 
son (1980) lists amanda Rossmassler, 1838 
(р. 246) and limbata Philippi, 1836 (р. 248), as 
different species of Trochoidea! 

The fate of junior secondary homonyms is 
defined by Art. 59 (b) of ICZN (1985), which 
states that “a junior secondary homonym re- 
placed before 1961 is permanently invalid.” 
Hence, the reintroduction of Philippi’s name 
by Brandt (1959) is invalid. 


Pfeiffer (1853: 136) regarded the Sicilian 
species as a junior synonym of the Algerian 
Helix rozeti Michaud, 1833 (type locality: “еп- 
tre Mostaganem et les marabouts de Mes- 
rah’’). This synonymy was accepted by some 
(Martens, in Albers, 1860; Kobelt, 1871; 
Westerlund, 1876; Paulucci, 1878; Pfeiffer, 
1878-1881; Tryon, 1887) and overlooked or 
disregarded by others (H. Adams & A. Ad- 
ams, 1855; Benoit, 1857, 1875, 1882; Bour- 
guignat, 1864; Issel, 1880; Lallemant, 1881; 
Westerlund, 1889; Pilsbry, 1895; Kobelt, 
1904; Sacchi, 1995; Brandt, 1959; Alzona, 
1971). Because no data is currently available 
on topotypical Helix rozeti, this synonymy 
seems completely speculative. 



KW NN o 
у | \ % 


18 4 


$ ( 


CL cl 

N FR i ps 
OS ~ D Г 

FIGS. 15-23. Character states used in cladistic analysis. For explanation, see Table 1. 

At present, Cernuella amanda (Ross- 
mässler, 1838) is endemic to Sicily and im- 
mediately distinguishable from the species of 
the two currently accepted subgenera of 
Cernuella, Xerocincta and Cernuella s. str., by 
virtue of features of the distal genitalia. It is 
also easy to distinguish from the other spe- 
cies belonging to Xeroamanda, the Sicilian- 
Maltese Cernuella caruanae (Kobelt, 1888): 
C. amanda has a small, depressed, carinate 
shell (Figs. 1, 2), whereas C. caruanae has a 
small-medium to medium, almost globular 
shell (Kobelt, 1890: pl. 113, figs. 672-673; 
1890: pl. 113, figs. 676, as Helix gattoi; Giusti 
et al., 1995: figs. 553-557, 565). However, 
because no substantial anatomical charac- 

ters distinguish the two taxa, further research 
is necessary to establish their relationship 
(two distinct species or two subspecies of 
the same species? the same species with a 
variable shell?). This can only be done in the 
framework of the revision of all the Sicilian 
Cernuella, a difficult task because of the ex- 
istence of more than 60 nominal specific taxa 
(Favilli, 1994). The status of these taxa 1$ 
problematical and their revision is complex, 
because it involves locating and studying of 
the original descriptions, syntypes, topo- 
types and obtaining much living material for 
classical morphological (conchological and 
anatomical) and genetic (allozyme polymor- 
phism) studies. 


TABLE 1. List of characters. 

1—Retractor of right ommatophore (Fig. 15) 
between penis and vagina = 0 
independent of penis and vagina = 1 
2—Penial nerve (Fig. 16) 
from cerebral ganglion = 0 
from pedal ganglion = 1 
3—Joining of penis and vagina (Fig. 17) 
atrial = 0 
vaginal = 1 
4—Frenula at base of penial papilla (Fig. 18) 
absent = 0 
present = 1 
5—Proximal vagina (Fig. 19) 
long = 0 
very short or absent = 1 
6—Digitiform glands (Fig. 20) 
single units all around vagina or two barely distinct tufts, each consisting of various units on 
opposite sides of vagina; small portion of vagina perimeter 15 left between the two tufts = 0 
two distinct tufts, each consisting of a few units on opposite sides of vagina; large portion of 
vagina perimeter 1$ free between the two tufts = 1 
7—Proximal portion of bursa copulatrix duct (Fig. 21) 

slender = 0 
wide and flared = 1 
8—Opening of stylophores (Fig. 22) 
directly into vagina = 0 
into a muff inside vagina = 1 
9—Vagina and inner stylophore (Fig. 23) 

Vagina adhering to side of inner stylophore opposite to that facing outer stylophore = 0 
Vagina inserted in side of the inner stylophore facing outer stylophore = 1 


The revision of the many taxa of the genus 
groups introduced by Monterosato (1892) for 
the sections of Xerophila has posed serious 
problems to everyone involved in the study of 
these palaearctic helicoids in the last 100 
years (for example, Pilsbry, 1895; Kobelt, 
1904; Gude & Woodward, 1921; Hesse, 
1926, 1934; Lindholm, 1927; Thiele, 1931, 
Germain, 1929; Zilch, 1960). In fact, until the 
old, conchological approach to gastropod 
taxonomy was abandoned and replaced with 
the more valid anatomical approach, revi- 
sions were a matter of opinion and did not 
produce natural classifications. 

Unfortunately, the early approach to the re- 
vision of Xeroamanda (Sacchi, 1955; Brandt, 
1959) was vitiated by the analysis of non- 
topotypical specimens (Algerian in the case 
of Sacchi, 1955; Libyan in the case of Brandt, 
1959), which did not resolve the problem and 
produced two opposite interpretations of Xe- 
roamanda, as Forcart (1976) realized: Xe- 
roamanda as a distinct subgenus of Helicella 
(Sacchi, 1955); Xeroamanda as a distinct 
subgenus of Trochoidea (Brandt, 1959). 

Research on the taxonomy and systemat- 
ics of helicoids has gained new impetus 
since the 1970s and 1980s thanks to Schi- 
leyko’s study of the inner structure of the 
distal genitalia (dart-sac complex and penis). 
This work was innovative and produced 
many revisions that permitted a new look at 
the taxa involved in revision of Xeroamanda 
(Schileyko, 1972, 1978, 1991; Hausdorf, 
1988; Manganelli & Giusti, 1988, 1989; Giusti 
et al., 1992, 1994; Nordsieck, 1993). 

Anatomical study of the type species of 
Xeroamanda showed that this taxon is char- 
acterized by a distal genital structure that co- 
incides with that of the subfamily Hygromii- 
nae sensu Schileyko (dart зас complex with 0 
+ 2 stylophores). The genus-group taxa of 
the Hygromiinae sensu Schileyko with 0 + 2 
stylophores and right ommatophore retractor 
independent of the genitalia (Cernuella, Xero- 
secta, Xeromagna, Polloneriella, Microxero- 
magna, Xeromunda) were recently revised by 
Hausdorf (1988) and Manganelli & Giusti 
(1988, 1989). Xeroamanda is clearly charac- 
terized by the structure of the distal genitalia 
(dart sac complex wide and fused to inner 
walls of vagina for a long tract, penis joining 



8(1) 9(1) 

1(1) :2(1) 




5(1) 6(1) 7(1) 
Cernuella (s.str.) 

FIG. 24. The most parsimonious phylogenetic hypothesis consistent with the data matrix showing evolution 

of characters. 

distal vagina level with stylophores), which 
allowed it to be included in Cernuella. At 
present, Cernuella includes two subgenera 
Cernuella s. str. (penial papilla with three 
basal frenula, two opposite tufts of digitiform 
glands, proximal vagina very short or absent), 
and Xerocincta (penial papilla without frenula, 
digitiform glands around vagina, proximal va- 
gina long). Xeroamanda 1$ intermediate be- 
tween Cernuella s. str. and Xerocincta (pe- 
nial papilla with three basal frenula, digitiform 
glands around the vagina, proximal vagina 
long) and comes to be a third distinct subge- 
nus of Cernuella. 

Table 1 lists the characters (Figs. 15-23) 
considered for analyzing the relationships 
between the Xeroamanda and the allied ge- 
nus-group taxa Cernuellopsis Manganelli 8 
Giusti, 1988 (type species: С. ghisottii Man- 
ganelli & Giusti, 1988), Cernuella Schlúter, 
1838 (type species Helix variabilis Drapar- 
naud, 1801), and Xerocincta Monterosato, 
1892 (type species: Helix neglecta Drapar- 
naud, 1805). 

Character polarity was determined by out- 
group comparison, using the genus Hygromia 
Risso, 1826 (type species: Helix cinctella 
Draparnaud, 1805) as the outgroup. Hygro- 
mia, Cernuella, Cernuellopsis, Xeroamanda 
and Xerocincta share many character states 
(structure of penial papilla, O + 2 dart-sac 
complex, dart-sac complex adhering to va- 
gina (not stalked as in Xerosecta), inner sty- 
lophore with thick, muscular walls and narrow 
lumen, stylophores opening independently of 
each other, dart-gun structure) (Figs. 13, 14), 
which form robust synapomorphies of the 
Hygromia—Cernuella group (Manganelli 8 
Giusti, 1988; Giusti et al., 1992). The Cernuella 

TABLE 2. Taxa and data matrix. 

VIANA gor 160) TOO 
Hygromia 0207 2052052 07230520 220720 
Cernuellopsis 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 
Xerocincta о ооо 
Хегоатапаа о 00 
Cernuella IA IE OO 

group is supported with respect to Hygromia 
by two synapomorphies: penial nerve from 
pedal ganglion and retractor of right ommato- 
phore free from genitalia. 

The data matrix is 100% consistent with 
only one possible phylogenetic hypothesis 
nine steps long (Fig. 24). The relationships 
between the four genera of the Cernuella 
group are interpreted as follows: Cernuellop- 
sis (based оп 8 (1) and 9 (1)) is a sister group 
of Xerocincta-Xeroamanda-Cernuella s. str. 
(based on 3(1)); Xerocincta is a sister group of 
Xeroamanda-Cernuella, s. str. (based on 4 

Cernuella is therefore taken to be the 
monophyletic group supported by the syn- 
apomorphy 3(1) and including three subgen- 
era: Xerocincta, Xeroamanda and Cernuella 
s. str. Cernuella s. str. is a monophyletic 
group based on three autoapomorphies: 
5(1), 6(1) and 7 (1). The monophyly of Xe- 
rocincta and Xeroamanda is not supported 
by any autoapomorphies. In the case of Xe- 
rocincta, which includes only one species, 
there are no problems. On the contrary in the 
case of Xeroamanda, which currently т- 
cludes two possibly distinct species, para- 
phyly cannot be excluded. 


We thank Mr. L. Gamberucci and Mrs. A. 
Daviddi for technical assistence, Mrs. H. 
Ampt for linguistic revision, and Ignazio Spar- 
acio and Vittorio E. Orlando, both of Palermo, 
Italy, for material of С. amanda. 

This research was supported by CNR, 
MURST 40% and MURST 60% grants. 


ADAMS, H. & A. ADAMS, 1855, The genera of Re- 
cent Mollusca, Part 22, Vol. 2: 189-220, pls. 85- 
88; London. 

ALBERS, J. C., 1860, Die Helicen nach natürlicher 
Verwandtschaft systematisch geordnet. Zweite 
Ausgabe nach dem hinterlassenen Manuskript 
besorgt von Eduard von Martens. Leipzig: xviii + 
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Revised Ms. accepted 16 July 1995 

MALACOLOGIA, 1996, 37(2): 363-373 


Michael J. Kennish,' Antonieto S. Tan,” & Richard A. Lutz' 


The shell structure of three deep-sea vesicomyid clams (i.e., Calyptogena magnifica, Calyp- 
togena phaseoliformis, and Calyptogena c.f. pacifica) is characterized by scanning electron 
microscopy (SEM). SEM examination of shell fracture sections of these vesicomyids reveals a 
variety of shell microstructures in distinct arrangements. The shell of Calyptogena magnifica 
consists of layers of planar spherulitic, fine complex crossed lamellar, cone complex crossed 
lamellar, and irregular simple prismatic structure, and that of Calyptogena phaseoliformis 1$ 
comprised of layers of fine grained homogeneous, planar spherulitic, fine complex crossed 
lamellar, irregular spherulitic prismatic, and irregular simple prismatic structure. In Calyptogena 
c.f. pacifica, the shell contains layers of planar spherulitic, fine complex crossed lamellar, 
vertical non-denticular composite prismatic, and irregular simple prismatic structure. While 
cone complex crossed lamellar structure is only observed in Calyptogena magnifica, fine 
grained homogeneous and irregular spherulitic prismatic structures only occur in Calyptogena 
phaseoliformis. Vertical non-denticular composite prismatic structure is found exclusively in 
Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. 

Key words: vesicomyid clams, shell microstructure, deep-sea hydrothermal vents, cold-seep 



The genus Calyptogena Dall, 1891, occur- 
ring from Eocene to the Recent, is a member 
of the archibenthal infauna of the northern 
Pacific (Bernard, 1974). Although Dall (1891) 
initially placed the genus in the Carditidae, 
Woodring (1938) later united the taxon with 
the Vesicomyidae (a family instituted by Dall 
& Simpson [1901]) based principally on its 
shell hinge morphology and associated het- 
erodont dentition (Woodring, 1938). In addi- 
tion, the microstructure of the aragonitic 
shells of Calyptogena differed from that of 
the carditids, with the outer layer being 
homogeneous in Calyptogena and crossed 
lamellar with a system of tubulations in the 
Carditidae (Oberling 4 Boss, 1970; Taylor 
et al., 1973; Lutz & Rhoads, 1980a; Lutz, 
1982). According to Oberling & Boss (1970), 
the macroscopic characteristics of Calypto- 
gena—chalky, ponderous, smooth, and whit- 
ish valves—are also distinctly different from 
the carditid traits of strong radial sculpture, 
ventral crenulations, polished interior, and 
brownish coloration. 

Calyptogena spp. appear to be restricted 
to deep-sea habitats (Allen, 1983). Living or 

recently dead specimens of species within 
the family have been collected or photo- 
graphed from hydrothermal vents or cold 
seeps in the eastern Pacific (Explorer Ridge, 
Juan de Fuca Ridge, Gorda Ridge, Santa 
Barbara Channel, Monterey [Ascension Fan] 
Canyon, Guaymas Basin, Galapagos Rift and 
21°N, 13°N, 11°N, 9-10°М, and 17-22°$ 
along the East Pacific Rise), Sea of Japan, 
Gulf of Mexico (Florida Escarpment, Louisi- 
ana Slope, and Alaminos Canyon), and Lau- 
rentian Fan (Swinbanks, 1985; Turner, 1985). 
In soft sediment, sulfide/hydrocarbon loca- 
tions, all vesicomyids are infaunal, shallow 
burrowers. However, C. magnifica has ac- 
quired an epifaunal habit at vent sites on bare 
volcanic rock where it lives, nestling in crev- 
ices on the hard rock substratum, a habit that 
appears to be unique among the vesicomy- 
ids (Kennish & Lutz, 1992). 

The systematics of the family Vesicomy- 
idae (Calyptogena and Vesicomya) is beset 
with problems owing to the paucity of sam- 
ples thoroughly analyzed, their considerable 
variability, insufficient anatomical data, and 
the ill-defined boundaries of the numerous 
families of heterodont bivalves with which 
vesicomyids have been associated (Boss 4 

‘Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903, USA 
“Department of Biology, Worcester State College, Worcester, Massachusetts 01602, USA 


Turner, 1980). Ambiguities in the classifica- 
tion of vesicomyids are evident from past 
efforts by various authors to place many gen- 
era and species, now included in the Vesi- 
comyidae, in other families (i.e., Arcticidae 
[Cryprinidae], Carditidae, Kelliellidae, and 
Veneridae). Although the dearth of speci- 
mens, lack of adequate ontogenetic series, 
and occurrence of many species from single 
localities at great depths in the ocean have 
hindered prior systematic work on the group 
(Lamy, 1922; Odhner, 1960; Boss, 1969), col- 
lections of relatively large numbers of speci- 
mens from a wide range of sulfide-rich hab- 
itats (e.g., hydrothermal vents, cold water 

sulfide seeps, and the carcasses of decaying 
whales) have revealed certain common ana- 
tomical features (Kanno, 1971). The shell mi- 
crostructures of the vesicomyids reported 
here may provide additional information of 
value in taxonomic differentiation of mem- 
bers of the group. 


Ten Calyptogena magnifica specimens 
ranging in length from 4.4 cm to 26.9 cm 
were collected from hydrothermal vent fields 


along the East Pacific Rise (6 specimens 
from 21°N and 2 specimens from 9°N) (Alvin 
Dives 1218, 1220, 1223, and 1227) and Gal- 
apagos Rift (2 specimens) (Alvin Dive 2224) 
and prepared for SEM examination by shell 
fracturing and sectioning. Subsequent to 
fracturing, specimens were sonicated in dis- 
tilled water, dehydrated in 95% ethanol, air 
dried, and coated with gold/palladium (prep- 
aration 1) prior to observation in a Hitachi 450 
SEM and Атгау 18301 SEM. Radial (perpen- 
dicular to the shell margin), oblique (non-ver- 
tical and non-horizontal relative to the plane 
of the shell layer), and horizontal (parallel to 
the plane of the shell layer) sections (Carter 8 
Clark, 1985) were prepared by first embed- 
ding specimens in epoxy 815 resin, and sec- 
tioning, polishing, and etching them with 6% 
HCL (preparation 2). After etching the pol- 
ished sections, they were rinsed with distilled 
water, dehydrated in 95% ethanol, air dried, 
and coated with gold/palladium prior to ob- 
servation in the SEM. 

The same methods of sample prepara- 
tion were employed on specimens of Calyp- 
togena phaseoliformis and C. c.f. pacífica. 
Eleven C. phaseoliformis specimens ranging 
in length from 16.6 cm to 25.4 cm and six 

specimens of C. c.f. pacifica ranging in length 
from 2.8 cm to 3.7 cm were collected from 
sulfide/methane cold seep sites in Monterey 
Canyon (Alvin Dives 2286 and 2287) and the 
Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge 
(Alvin Dive 2426), respectively. Both frac- 
tured and sectioned specimens were pre- 
pared for SEM observation according to the 
aforementioned methods. 

Some Calyptogena phaseoliformis speci- 
mens were prepared by first sectioning the 
shells and then polishing and etching them 
with 6% HCL. Subsequent to etching the pol- 
ished sections, they were rinsed with distilled 
water, dehydrated in 95% ethanol, air dried, 
and coated with gold/palladium prior to ob- 
servation in the SEM (preparation 3). These 
shells were not embedded in epoxy 815 resin 
prior to sectioning as in the case of prepara- 
tions 1 and 2. Although shells prepared ac- 
cording to preparation 3 were examined by 
SEM, no photographs of their microstruc- 
tures are presented here. 

In addition to the methods of shell prepa- 
ration outlined above, some shells were frac- 
tured but not sonicated prior to observation 
in the SEM. Others were treated with sodium 
hypochlorite (bleached). However, most of 

FIG. 1. Calyptogena magnifica. Radial section, preparation 2, 500x. Umbo towards the left. External shell 
surface towards the top. Planar spherulitic structure (PS) grades into fine complex crossed lamellar struc- 
ture at the transition (T) layer. Horizontal field width (HFW) = 142 um. 

FIG. 2. Calyptogena magnifica. Horizontal section of planar spherulitic structure, preparation 2, 1000x. HF W 
= 74 um. 

FIG. 3. Calyptogena magnifica. Radial section, preparation 2, 500х. Same orientation as Fig. 1. Irregular 
simple prismatic structure (SP) alternates with fine complex crossed lamellar structure (FCCL). HFW = 
142 um. 

FIG. 4. Calyptogena magnifica. Radial section, preparation 2, 2500x. Same orientation as Fig. 1. Transition 
from fine complex crossed lamellar structure to cone complex crossed lamellar structure resembles fine 
vertical non-denticular composite prismatic structure. HF = 29 um. 

FIG. 5. Calyptogena magnifica. Vertical section, preparation 2, 400x. External shell surface towards the top 
left corner. The cone complex crossed lamellar structure increases in width and starts to branch out 
towards the inner surface of shell. HF = 178 um. 

FIG. 6. Calyptogena magnifica. Radial section of cone complex crossed lamellar structure, preparation 2, 
500x. Same orientation as Fig. 1. HFW = 142 um. 

FIG. 7. Calyptogena magnifica. Horizontal section of cone complex crossed lamellar structure, preparation 
2, 1000ж. HFW = 71 um. 

FIG. 8. Calyptogena magnifica. Vertical section, preparation 1, 600х. Umbo towards the top right corner. 
The adductor myostracum (AM) consisting of irregular simple prismatic structure is embedded within fine 
complex crossed lamellar structure. HFW = 118 um. 

FIG. 9. Calyptogena magnifica. Vertical section, preparation 1, 985x. Umbo towards the bottom right 
corner. The pallial myostracum (PM) consisting of irregular simple prismatic structure is embedded within 
cone complex crossed lamellar structure. HFW = 71 um. 


the shells were prepared according to prep- 
arations 1, 2, and 3. 

Summary of Methods for Preparing 
Shell Samples 

Preparation 1. Shell fractured, sonicated in 
distilled water, dehydrated in 95% ethanol, 
air dried, coated with gold/palladium. 

Preparation 2. Shell embedded in resin, sec- 
tioned, polished, etched with 6% hydrochlo- 
ric acid, rinsed with water, dehydrated in 

95% ethanol, air dried, coated with gold/pal- 

Preparation 3. Shell sectioned, polished, 
etched with 6% hydrochloric acid, rinsed 
with water, dehydrated in 95% ethanol, air 
dried, coated with gold/palladium. 


Calyptogena magnifica Boss & Turner, 1980 

Oberling & Boss (1970) reported that the 
shell of Са/урюдепа has a granular ec- 
tostracum (outer shell layer) and a homoge- 

FIGS. 10-18. 


neous mesendostracum (middle shell layer) 
with traces of complex structure. Lutz 4 
Rhoads (1980a), Fatton 8 Roux (1981a), Lutz 
(1982), and Lutz et al. (1988) identified three 
primary microstructural layers plus myostra- 
cal regions in the entirely aragonitic shell of 
С. magnifica, including (1) an outer granular 
layer; (2) a middle fine to irregular complex 
crossed lamellar layer; and (3) an inner cone 
complex crossed lamellar layer. The shell ex- 
terior of larger individuals is often heavily cor- 
roded, with the outer granular layer being ab- 
sent dorsally due to dissolution (Lutz et al., 
1988). Growth lines present on the shell ex- 
terior do not show either continuity on the 
whole of the shell or any evidence of regular 
periodicity (Fatton & Roux, 1981b). However, 
the growth lines are concentrated near the 
ventral margin of the shell and appear mor- 
phologically similar to those of shallow water 
bivalves, with V- or U-shaped indentations in 
the shell microstructure. 

Detailed observations on Calyptogenamag- 

nifica specimens revealed the following shell 
structures: (1) planar spherulitic (Figs. 1, 2); 
(2) fine complex crossed lamellar (Figs. 3, 4); 
and (3) cone complex crossed lamellar (Figs. 
4-7). Planar spherulitic structure т С. mag- 
nifica (Fig. 2) consists of horizontally flattened 
spherulites with second-order subspherical 
aggregations of laths which radiate more or 
less equally in all directions from a central 
point of origin. Individual planar spherulites 
are quite variable in shape and measure ap- 
proximately 1-5 um in width. They tend to 
exhibit highly irregular contacts, yielding a 
layer with no particular structural arrange- 
ment. When eroded, planar spherulitic struc- 
ture appears similar to coarse to fine homog- 
enous structures with which it may be easily 

Beneath a layer of planar spherulites, fine 
complex crossed lamellar structure is ob- 
served. A transition layer of fine microstruc- 
ture typically separates the planar spherulitic 
and fine complex crossed lamellar layers 

FIG. 10. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Vertical section, preparation 2, 600х. Umbo towards the left. Outer 
shell surface towards the top. The outer surface of the planar spherulitic structure (PS) is fine grained 
homogeneous structure (FGHS). HFW = 118 um. 

FIG. 11. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Vertical section, preparation 2, 1000x. Same orientation as Fig. 10. 
Planar spherulitic structure (PS) overlies irregular spherulitic prismatic structure (ISP). HFW = 71 um. 

FIG. 12. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Horizontal section, preparation 2, 1500x. Umbo towards the left. 
Anterior end towards the top. Plane of horizontal section through the broad face of planar spherulitic 
structure parallel to the depositional surface. Five to six major rays radiate from the center toward the 
periphery of the lenses. HFW = 49 um. 

FIG. 13. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Horizontal section, preparation 2, 4000x. Umbo towards the right. 
Anterior end towards the bottom. Plane of horizontal section passing through the transition layer between 
р!апаг spherulitic structure and fine complex crossed lamellar structure. The branched ends of the radiating 
rays in a lens of planar spherulitic structure interdigitate with irregular laths of the neighboring units of fine 
complex crossed lamellar structure. HFW = 18 um. 

FIG. 14. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Radial section, preparation 2, 2000x. Umbo towards the top right 
corner. Inner shell surface towards the bottom right corner. The criss-crossing units of the fine complex 
crossed lamellar structure can be arranged into tablets. The tablets are staggered irregularly to form a 
discontinuous layer. HFW = 37 um. 

FIG. 15. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Vertical fracture, preparation 1, 500x. Same orientation as Fig. 10. 
Shell layers from the top of micrograph are: (1) irregular spherulitic prismatic structure; (2) fine complex 
crossed lamellar structure. HFW = 142 um. 

FIG. 16. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Horizontal section, preparation 2, 1500x. Umbo towards the right. 
Anterior end towards the bottom. Cross section of irregular spherulitic prismatic structure. HFW = 47 um. 

FIG. 17. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Vertical section, preparation 2, 1500x. Same orientation as Fig. 14. 
Adductor myostracum consisting of irregular simple prismatic structure is sandwiched between fine com- 
plex crossed lamellar layers. HFW = 47um. 

FIG. 18. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Vertical fracture, preparation 1, 1000x. Same orientation as Fig. 14. 
Pallial myostracum consisting of irregular simple prismatic structure is sandwiched between fine complex 
crossed lamellar layers. HFW = 67 um. 


(Fig. 3). The formation of fine complex 
crossed lamellae is often interrupted by the 
insertion of pallial or adductor myostracal 
layers, and as a consequence, irregular pris- 
matic structure is seen alternating with fine 
complex crossed lamellar layers (Fig. 3). Pro- 
ceeding toward the inner shell surface, one 
can follow the development of cone complex 
crossed lameller structure (Figs. 4-7). 

The adductor and pallial myostraca consist 
of irregular simple prismatic structure (Figs. 
8, 9). The prism cross sections appear highly 
variable in shape along their lengths (Carter, 
1990). The adductor and pallial myostraca 
are easily distinguished (except when the ad- 

ductor myostracum splits) because the ad- 
ductor myostracum is substantially thicker 
than the pallial myostracum. 

Calyptogena phaseoliformis Métivier, 
Okutani 8 Ohta, 1986 

The thin, elongate shell of Calyptogena 
phaseoliformis consists of several character- 
istic layers: (1) fine grained homogeneous 
(Fig. 10) or planar spherulitic structure (Figs. 
10-14); (2) irregular simple prismatic or irreg- 
ular spherulitic prismatic structure (Figs. 11, 
15, 16, 17, 18); and (3) fine complex crossed 
lamellar structure (Figs. 14, 15). One or more 

FIGS. 19-27. 


of these layers may be absent from a given 
region of the shell due to growth or dissolu- 
tion effects. As in С. magnifica, the adductor 
myostracum and pallial myostracum can be 
traced down to the inner shell layer, which 15 
composed of fine complex crossed lamellar 
structure (Figs. 17, 18). 

Calyptogena c.f. pacifica Dall, 1891' 

Radial sections of polished and acid- 
etched specimens of Calyptogena c.f. paci- 
fica exhibit four shell layers. Proceeding from 
the outer shell surface inwards, these layers 
consist of: (1) planar spherulitic structure 
(Figs. 19-22); (2) vertical non-denticular com- 
posite prismatic structure (Figs. 22-24); and 
(3) fine complex crossed lamellar structure 
(Fig. 25). The planar spherulites in this spe- 
cies measure about 1-3 um in width. As in C. 
magnifica and C. phaseoliformis, the adduc- 
tor myostracum and pallial myostracum can 
be followed down to the fine complex 
crossed lamellae comprising the inner shell 

‘Morphological characteristics of this species are consis- 
tent with assignment to Calyptogena pacifica. In light of 
the large geographical separation and differences in water 
depth between Axial Seamount (site from which speci- 
mens were sampled; depth = 1,540 т) and the type-lo- 
cality (Albatross Station 3077, off Dixon Entrance, Alaska, 
in 585 m; see Boss 4 Turner, 1980), subsequent genetic 
analyses may reveal differences between this species and 
С. c.f. pacifica from the type-locality. 

layer (Figs. 26, 27). This vesicomyid, having a 
much smaller and thinner shell than that of C. 
magnifica, is particularly susceptible to dis- 
solution effects. Hence, many of the speci- 
mens collected from hydrothermal vent fields 
of the Axial Seamount (Juan de Fuca Ridge) 
have pitted shells, especially in proximity to 
the dorsum. 

A characteristic feature of Calyptogena 
magnifica and С. c.f. pacifica shells 1$ the 
presence of stellate formations outside of the 
pallial line along the depositional surface of 
the shell margin undertucked by the perio- 
stracum (Figs. 28-30). These formations ap- 
pear as slender and rod-like or triangular 
units in the shell microstructure. In C. phase- 
oliformis, however, fine grained granules or 
hexagonal formations occur on the deposi- 
tional surface of the shell margin under- 
tucked by the periostracum (Figs. 31-33). In 
C. magnifica, with shell structure on the 
depositional surface that is well preserved, 
smooth surface stellate formations, granu- 
lated surface stellate formations, and granu- 
lated hexagonal formations can be delin- 
eated (Figs. 34-36). These structures occur 
sequentially from the shell margin to the pal- 
lial line. Hexagonal structures may be formed 
by the deposition of particles preferentially 
on the angles of the rods that form the stel- 
late structures (Figs. 34-36). The hexagonal 
formations in C. phaseoliformis may repre- 
sent a later stage of formation than the stel- 

FIG. 19. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Radial section of planar spherulitic structure, preparation 2, 2500x. 
External shell surface towards the top. HFW = 29 um. 

FIG. 20. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Radial section of planar spherulitic structure, preparation 2, 5000x. Same 
orientation as Figure 19. HFW = 14 um. 

FIG. 21. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Horizontal section of planar spherulitic structure, preparation 2, 5000x. 
HFW = 14 um. 

FIG. 22. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Radial section, preparation 2, 2500x. Same orientation as Fig. 19. Planar 
spherulitic structure (PS) overlies vertical non-denticular composite prismatic structure (VNDP). HFW = 
29 um. 

FIG. 23. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Radial section of “fine” vertical non-denticular composite prismatic 
structure, preparation 2, 2500x. HFW = 29 um. 

FIG. 24. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Horizontal section of “fine” vertical non-denticular composite prismatic 
structure, preparation 2, 2500x. HFW = 29 um. 

FIG. 25. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Radial section of fine complex crossed lamellar structure, preparation 2, 
5000x. HFW = 14 um. 

FIG. 26. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Radial fracture, preparation 1, 1500x. Umbo towards the right. The 
adductor myostracum (AM) is embedded within fine complex crossed lamellar structure. HFW = 47 um. 

FIG. 27. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Umbo towards the top right corner. Radial fracture, preparation 1, 1500x. 
The pallial myostracum (РМ) is embedded within fine complex crossed lamellar structure. HFW = 47 um. 


late structures from which they likely derive. 
These stellate- hexagonal formations repre- 
sent stages in the formation of planar spher- 
ulitic structure. 


The shell microstructures of Calyptogena 
magnifica, С. phaseoliformis, and С. c.f. рас!- 
fica share a number of common features, and 
they have several differences. The shell of C. 
magnifica contains prismatic, planar spheru- 
litic, and various crossed structural types. 
These structures differ from one region of the 

shell to another owing to growth and disso- 
lution effects. A complete sequence of shell 
structures in this species is most likely en- 
countered about midway between the umbo 
and pallial line. One or more of these struc- 
tures may be absent toward the dorsum 
where dissolution effects are most рго- 
nounced and toward the ventrum where in- 
complete shell formation occurs ventral to 
the pallial line. Fatton & Roux (1981b), exam- 
ining the shell of a C. magnifica specimen 
collected in a hydrothermal vent field of the 
East Pacific Rise at 21°N, identified an onto- 
genetic process in the clam leading from 
granular to various crossed structural types 

FIGS. 28-36. 


which differ from one region of the shell to 
another. They suggested that the various 
structural types that develop in the shell of 
this species seem to be related to growth 
rate and environmental fluctuations. 
Although fine complex crossed lamellar 
structure, cone complex crossed lamellar 
structure, and irregular simple prismat- 
ic structure (myostracal regions) have been 
identified previously in Calyptogena mag- 
nifica (Fatton 8 Roux, 1981a; Lutz et al., 
1988), planar spherulitic and (formation of) 
cone complex crossed lamellar structures 
have never been documented in this species. 
In addition, the cause of the repetitive struc- 
tural changes first reported in C. magnifica by 
Fatton & Roux (1981a) has not been ade- 
quately addressed in the literature. Irregular 
prismatic structure (myostraca) in C. mag- 
nifica may be seen alternating with either fine 
complex crossed lamellar or irregular com- 
plex crossed lamellar layers (Fig. 3). These 
repeated structural changes signify a change 
in the physiological environment of shell dep- 
osition, with the pallial myostracal layers 
marking interruptions in the deposition of a 
particular shell structure (Batten, 1984). Lutz 
8 Rhoads (1980b) noted that myostracal in- 
terruptions in the formation of the complex 
crossed lamellar layer in the bivalve Arctica 
islandica (Linnaeus, 1767) may develop dur- 

ing aperiodic burrowing events when the or- 
ganism respires anaerobically. During these 
episodes, the energy requirements of the an- 
imal are supplied by anaerobic glycolysis, 
with the acidic end products of this metabo- 
lism being neutralized by dissolution of the 
shell (Lutz 4 Rhoads, 1977; Crenshaw, 1980). 
This type of metabolic activity may also con- 
trol the repetitive shell structures observed in 
C. magnífica. 

All of the shell structures identified in Ca- 
lyptogena c.f. pacifica, except vertical non- 
denticular composite prismatic structure, 
also occur in C. magnifica. Irregular complex 
crossed lamellar structure and cone complex 
crossed lamellar structure, both present in 
the shell of C. magnifica, have not been ob- 
served in C. c.f. pacifica. Planar spherulitic 
structure in C. c.f. pacifica compares favor- 
ably with that in С. magnifica, although there 
is a difference in the maximum width of the 
spherulites in these two species. In this 
structure, the spherulites are horizontally flat- 
tened with concentrically arranged aggrega- 
tions of laths radiating outward from a com- 
mon center. The spherulites in C. c.f. pacifica 
are variable in shape, have irregular contacts, 
and range from 1-3 mu in width. 

As in the shells of Calyptogena magnifica 
and C. c.f. pacifica, the shell of C. phase- 
oliformis contains planar spherulitic, fine 

FIG. 28. Calyptogena magnifica. Preparation 1, 5000x. Stellate structures on the shell margin undertucked 
by periostracum. The stellate structure consists of triangular units. HFW = 14 um. 

FIG. 29. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Preparation 1, 1000x. Stellate formations on the depositional surface 
undertucked by periostracum. HFW = 71 um. 

FIG. 30. Calyptogena c.f. pacifica. Preparation 1, 5000x. Stellate formations on the depositional surface 
undertucked by periostracum. HFW = 14 um. 

FIG. 31. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Preparation 1, 1000x. Fine grained homogeneous structure on the 
depositional surface undertucked by periostracum. HFW = 74 um. 

FIG. 32. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Preparation 1, 1000x. Hexagonal tablets on depositional surface 
undertucked by periostracum. HFW = 71 um. 

FIG. 33. Calyptogena phaseoliformis. Preparation 1, 5000x. Hexagonal tablets on depositional surface 
undertucked by periostracum. HFW = 14 um. 

FIG. 34. Calyptogena magnifica. Preparation 1, 5000x. Stellate structures on the shell margin undertucked 
by periostracum. Units of the stellate structure are slender and rod-like. Many stellate structures are 
superimposed on one another. HFW = 14 um. 

FIG. 35. Calyptogena magnifica. Preparation 1, 5000x. Particles begin to mask the stellate structures. HFW 
= 14 um. 

FIG. 36. Calyptogena magnifica. Preparation 1, 5000x. Between the shell margin and the pallial line, 
particles have fully masked the stellate structures. The composite structure appears hexagonal. Compare 
with hexagonal structures of Calyptogena phaseoliformis in Figs. 32 and 33. HFW = 14 um. 


complex crossed lamellar, and irregular sim- 
ple prismatic structures, although there are 
differences in the relative thicknesses of these 
structures among the three vesicomyids. Un- 
like C. magnifica and C. c.f. pacifica, C. phase- 
oliformis also exhibits fine grained homo- 
geneous and irregular spherulitic prismatic 
structures. The fine grained homogeneous 
structure in C. phaseoliformis consists of an 
aggregate of aragonitic granules which mea- 
sure about 1-4 um т size. The granules have 
irregular boundaries and variable shapes, 
yielding a layer with no particular structural 

The planar spherulitic structure in Calypto- 
gena phaseoliformis, as in C. magnifica and 
C. c.f. pacifica, is comprised of horizontally 
flattened spherulites that appear similar to 
coarse to fine grained homogeneous struc- 
ture when eroded (Figs. 10-13). In C. phase- 
oliformis, the planar spherulitic structure 
is wider than that observed in C. magnifica 
and C. c.f. pacifica. This structure is underlain 
by fine complex crossed lamellar, irregular 
spherulitic prismatic, and irregular simple 
prismatic structures. The fine complex 
crossed lamellar (Figs. 14, 15) and irregular 
simple prismatic layers (Figs. 17, 18) in С. 
phaseoliformis are structurally identical to 
those described above in C. magnifica and C. 
c.f. pacifica. Irregular spherulitic prismatic 
structure, observed only in C. phaseoliformis 
(Figs. 11, 15, 16), is composed of more or less 
conical first-order prisms that, in some in- 
stances, strongly interdigitate along their mu- 
tual boundaries (Carter & Clark, 1985; Carter, 
1990). Hence, it is readily differentiated from 
planar spherulitic structure. 

Stellate formations occur along the depo- 
sitional surface of the shell margin of Calyp- 
togena magnifica and C. c.f. pacifica (Figs. 
28-30). These formations can be distin- 
guished from the hexagonal formations ob- 
served outside the pallial line along the shell 
margin of C. phaseoliformis (Figs. 31-33). 
The hexagonal structures may represent a 
later stage of formation than the stellate 


The shell structure of the vesicomyids Ca- 
lyptogena magnifica, C. phaseoliformis, and 
C. c.f. pacifica has been examined with a 
scanning electron microscope. It was found 
that the shell of C. magnifica consists of pla- 

nar spherulitic, fine complex crossed lamel- 
lar, cone complex crossed lamellar, and ir- 
regular simple prismatic structures. The shell 
of C. phaseoliformis is comprised of fine 
grained homogeneous, planar spherulitic, 
fine complex crossed lamellar, irregular 
spherulitic prismatic, and irregular simple 
prismatic structures. The shell of C. c.f. paci- 
fica contains planar spherulitic, fine complex 
crossed lamellar, vertical non-denticular 
composite prismatic, and irregular simple 
prismatic structures. Only C. magnifica pos- 
sesses cone complex crossed lamellar struc- 
ture and C. phaseoliformis, fine grained 
homogeneous and irregular spherulitic pris- 
matic structures. Vertical non-denticular 
composite prismatic structure is present ex- 
clusively in C. c.f. pacifica. Variation in the 
relative thicknesses of the aforementioned 
structures in these three species is substan- 
tial, accounting for much of the difference 
observed in the overall shell thicknesses of 
the vesicomyids. 


This is New Jersey Agricultural Experiment 
Station Publication No. D-32402-15-95 and 
Contribution No. 95-17 of the Institute of Ma- 
rine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers Univer- 
sity, supported by New Jersey State funds, 
the Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology 
Extension Center, and NSF Grants OCE 87- 
16591, OCE 89-17311, OCE 92-17026 and 
OCE 93-02205. 


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Revised Ms. accepted 12 July 1995 

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MALACOLOGIA, 1996, 37(2): 375-442 



Paula M. Mikkelsen' 


Cephalaspid opisthobranchs, or ‘‘bubble-shells,’’ comprise a diverse group of snails com- 
monly considered “transitional” between prosobranchs and “higher gastropods.” Compara- 
tive morphological investigations at gross, light, and scanning electron microscopic levels, 
involving 20 taxa of cephalaspids and related shelled opisthobranchs in 16 genera, produced 
a data matrix of 47 new and modified-traditional characters. The results present the first 
phylogenetic hypothesis for shelled opisthobranchs generated using parsimony-based cladis- 
tic methods. 

The preferred cladogram (length 117, ci 0.50, ri 0.70) has the following topology: (Outgroup 
(Acteon, Gegania) (Hydatina ((Ringicula A, Ringicula B) ((Cylindrobulla (Ascobulla, Volvatella)) 
((Aplysia, Akera) ((Bulla (Haminoea, Smaragdinella)) (Cylichna (Retusa A, Retusa В) (Acteocina 
(Scaphander (Philine A, Philine B)))))))))). Non-homoplastic or at least strong clade-supportive 
characters were determined from external anatomy, mantle cavity, and digestive, nervous, and 
reproductive systems. From the preferred tree topology, the Anaspidea and Sacoglossa (= 
Ascoglossa) were confirmed as monophyletic groups, with Cylindrobulla as an unambiguous 
member of the Sacoglossa. Traditional Cephalaspidea was split into two major clades: (a) 
Acteon, Ringicula, and Hydatina, removed to the as-yet-unresolved, paraphyletic ‘‘architecti- 
branchs” or “lower heterobranchs,” and (b) the remaining cephalaspids as the monophyletic 
group Cephalaspidea s.s., in sister-group relationship with Anaspidea. Homoplasy was evident 
in 25 characters, and significant in six, confirming the existence of ‘‘rampant parallelism” in 
shelled opisthobranchs. 

Tree topology suggested several evolutionary scenarios. (a) Formation of the gizzard (most 
plesiomorphic in Anaspidea) involved the gizzard plates (many to three) and gizzard spines 
(present in Anaspidea and Bulloidea, lost in Philinoidea). (b) The internal sperm-conducting duct 
(“vas deferens””) is presumed homologous with the prosobranch external ciliated groove. A 
second (novel) external groove, located laterally, developed in shelled opisthobranchs, initially 
for egg transport, and co-occurs with the internal duct in Sacoglossa. The internal duct was lost 
in Anaspidea and Cephalaspidea s.s., with the external groove assuming the task of sperm 
transport. (c) Allosperm storage sacks include a proximal receptaculum seminis and distal 
gametolytic gland, the latter probably formed from the prosobranch bursa copulatrix. The 
“bursa copulatrix” of sacoglossans is probably secondary. Some of the “lower heterobranchs”’ 
may share a proximal ‘‘receptaculum apparatus,” with the receptaculum and gametolytic gland 
in tandem arrangement. (d) A herbivorous diet is presumed plesiomorphic, with carnivory 
evolving independently at least five times, associated with different suites of digestive system 

Key words: Cephalaspidea, Opisthobranchia, Heterobranchia, systematics, cladistics, phy- 
logeny, anatomy, characters. 


The virtual revolution occurring in gastro- 
pod systematics has stemmed from a variety 
of causes, including a profusion of new dis- 
coveries and development of new techniques 
(Haszprunar, 1988; Bieler, 1992). Paramount 
among the latter is phylogenetic methodology 
(= cladistics), now the almost universally ac- 

cepted procedure for reconstructing interre- 
lationships among taxa. The resultant insis- 
tence upon monophyletic groups defined by 
synapomorphies is now overturning tradi- 
tional gastropod classification, reducing such 
familiar groups as Prosobranchia and Meso- 
gastropoda to the level of informally used 
common names. 

Among the newly recognized higher taxa is 

"Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, 5600 U. $. 1 North, Ft. Pierce, Florida 34946, and Department of Biological 
Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, 150 W. University Boulevard, Melbourne, Florida 32901 U. S. A. 
Present address: Department of Malacology, Delaware Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 3937, Wilmington, Delaware 

19807-0937 Ц. $. А. 


Heterobranchia (Haszprunar, 1985a; Ponder 
8 Lindberg, 1992), now believed to be the 
monophyletic sister group to Caenogas- 
tropoda (Haszprunar, 1988; Lindberg & Pon- 
der, 1991). Heterobranchia includes the 
Opisthobranchia and Pulmonata (collectively 
Euthyneura, or “higher gastropods’’) plus the 
“lower heterobranchs” [= Heterostropha (in 
part), Allogastropoda (in part); Haszprunar, 
1988; Ponder 8 Warén, 1988; Bieler, 1992], 
an enigmatic set of families (e.g., Pyramidel- 
lidae, Architectonicidae, Mathildidae) with 
mosaic sets of prosobranch and opistho- 
branch characters (Robertson, 1974). This 
last unresolved assemblage 1$ the subject of 
much of the current research in gastropod 

Within the Heterobranchia, the Order Ceph- 
alaspidea [= Bulloidea, Tectibranchiata (in 
part), “bubble-shells””] occupies a tradition- 
ally “basal” or “transitional” position be- 
tween prosobranchs and “higher” opistho- 
branchs (Boettger, 1955; Schmekel, 1985), 
placing them in close proximity to the con- 
troversial lower heterobranchs. Recognizing 
that systematics of Cephalaspidea is based 
upon anagenetic organizational grades and 
phenetic similarities, several authors (Rud- 
man, 1972c, d; Gosliner, 1992) have con- 
cluded that Cephalaspidea is probably not 
monophyletic, yet to date, no parsimony- 
based cladistic analysis, presenting a com- 
plete data matrix and suggesting an alterna- 
tive classification, has appeared in the 

In earlier reviews (Mikkelsen, 1993, 1994), 
| surveyed all published phylograms and 
the 49 most frequently-used characters for 
the 31 traditional families in this order. | noted 
a general lack of morphological definition for 
the taxon as a whole and that 92% of the 
characters traditionally employed are prob- 
lematic under modern phylogenetic stan- 
dards. | concluded that in order to effectively 
apply cladistic methodology to this group, 
a thorough re-evaluation of cephalaspid 
morphology was necessary to generate an 
improved set of taxonomically informative, 
homologous characters. This work is the re- 
sults of that study and presents the first cla- 
distically generated, testable phylogeny for 
cephalaspids and closely related shelled 
opisthobranchs. Importantly, this provides a 
solid morphology-based framework for fu- 
ture work involving more refined techniques 
at the anatomical, ultrastructural, and/or mo- 
lecular levels. 


The ingroup comprised 16 genera repre- 
senting key families in Cephalaspidea and 
other shelled opisthobranch groups with his- 
torically close affinity. From present Ceph- 
alaspidea, these included Acteon (Acteon- 
idae), Ringicula (Ringiculidae), Hydatina 
(Aplustridae), Scaphander (Cylichnidae, often 
separated as Scaphandridae), Philine (Philin- 
idae), Cylichna [Cylichnidae, included also be- 
cause of the excellent anatomical work of 
Lemche (1956)], Acteocina (Cylichnidae, often 
separated as Acteocinidae), Bulla (Bullidae), 
Haminoea (Haminoeidae), Зтагадате!а 
(Haminoeidae, often separated as Smarag- 
dinellidae), and Retusa (Retusidae). Three 
taxa were chosen from the shelled members 
of Sacoglossa (= Ascoglossa), all formerly in 
Cephalaspidea: Volvatella (Volvatellidae), Cy- 
lindrobulla (Cylindrobullidae), and Ascobulla 
(Ascobullidae, often combined into Volvatel- 
lidae). The Anaspidea were represented by 
Akera (Akeridae, formerly in Cephalaspidea) 
and Aplysia (Aplysiidae, representing tradi- 
tional sea-hares). 

Exemplar species (explained especially 
well by Griswold, 1993) were chosen for the 
various genera, selected on the basis of avail- 
ability of adequate anatomical material and 
literature data. Name-bearing type species 
were used whenever possible; this is partic- 
ularly pertinent in such studies as this, in 
which the higher taxa being considered (i.e., 
families) have not themselves been recently 
revised and cannot a priori be considered 
monophyletic. Although the name-bearing 
type might not exhibit the most plesiomorphic 
dataset for its family (as currently defined), 
such ап exemplar secures the validity of the 
results regardless of subsequent redefinition 
of families or genera, or reassignment of other 
species. Strict adherence to the exemplar 
method was suspended during the creation of 
the present dataset in only three cases (Rin- 
gicula, Philine, and Retusa) which showed 
sufficient anatomical variation at the generic 
level to require two ingroup members each, 
designated A and В, with A representing the 
primary species investigated and В repre- 
senting variable character states present in 
one or two alternate species. In all other cases 
of variability within a genus or other closely 
related group (fully explained below in the 
Characters and Coding section), coding was 


assigned according to the exemplar. The total 
ingroup thus included 19 taxa. 

One of the underlying assumptions in cla- 
distics is that the ingroup being analyzed is a 
monophyletic group, and this criterion con- 
tributed to the choice of the outgroup. Al- 
though the primary goal of this study was to 
reevaluate Cephalaspidea [the problems of 
which with monophyly were reviewed earlier 
by Mikkelsen (1993, 1994)], because non- 
(but former) cephalaspid taxa were included, 
the ingroup under consideration here 1$ rather 
the Opisthobranchia, albeitincomplete. Ques- 
tions still exist about monophyly of the Opis- 
thobranchia, specifically whether it is rather a 
paraphyletic grade “leading to the pulmonate 
level of organization” (Haszprunar, 1988: 
426). However, the monophyly question can 
be surmounted here if the ingroup can be 
considered as the Euthyneura, which is pres- 
ently thought to be monophyletic (Haszpru- 
nar, 1988; Bieler, 1992). Thus, although Pul- 
monata has been considered by many (e.g., 
Gosliner, 1994) as the sister group to Opistho- 
branchia, and might be argued to be the ¡ideal 
choice for outgroup selection, it was rejected 
primarily because of these considerations. 

A representative of the lower hetero- 
branchs, unresolved but in presumed sister- 
group relationship to the Euthyneura, was 
considered the most appropriate outgroup 
for this study. This group, unfortunately, pro- 
vided few taxa for which adequate character 
information was available in the literature or 
could be supplemented through original 
study. Many are also highly derived in at least 
one anatomical respect. For example, Pyra- 
midellidae was one possibility because pop- 
ulations of several species were readily avail- 
able in the area surrounding my laboratory. 
However, pyramidellids have a highly spe- 
cialized digestive tract (including lack of a 
radula) associated with a parasitic lifestyle, 
considered a disadvantage because diges- 
tive characters were anticipated as important 
in this study. In addition, pyramidellids are 
derived in lacking a gill and in their euthyneu- 
rous nervous system. 

Members of other lower heterobranch taxa 
are either known primarily from shells without 
much anatomical data (e.g., Architectoni- 
cidae) or are extremely minute and poorly 
understood taxonomically (e.g., Rissoelli- 
dae, Valvatidae, Cornirostridae). Although 
typically deep-water, one species in the fam- 
Ну Mathildidae, Gegania valkyrie Powell, 
1940, has been relatively well studied (Climo, 

1975; Haszprunar, 1985b; Bieler, 1988), and 
the availability of preserved and sectioned 
specimens made this the best choice for an 
outgroup in this study. But because it was 
based on an extant biological species, Gega- 
nia was not the ideal outgroup in every char- 
acter. Not all of Gegania’s character states 
were plesiomorphic according to the ‘‘larger 
outgroup” (= caenogastropods) (e.g., shape 
of the eye lens coded 2; see below). In addi- 
tion, the copulatory organ, which provided 
most of the reproductive characters in the 
analysis, is absent in G. valkyrie. For these 
reasons, a hypothetical plesiomorphic (all- 
zero) outgroup was used in a second analysis 
that included Gegania. [This hypothetical all- 
zero taxon was itself “imperfect”; for in- 
stance, in the absence of a gizzard (character 
17 = 0), all gizzard characters (characters 18- 
21) must be coded as “not applicable.’’] 

Taxon abbreviations in the text are as fol- 
lows: Ac, Acteon; Ai, Acteocina; Ak, Akera; 
Ap, Aplysia; As, Ascobulla; Bu, Bulla; Cb, Cy- 
lindrobulla; Cy, Cylichna; Ge, Gegania; Ha, 
Haminoea; Hy, Hydatina; Ph, Philine [PhA, 
based on P. aperta (Linné, 1767); PhB, based 
on P. falklandica Powell, 1954, and P. gibba 
Strebel, 1908]; Re, Retusa [ReA, based on R. 
obtusa (Montagu, 1803); ReB, based on R. 
truncatula (Bruguiere, 1792) and Я. semisul- 
cata Philippi, 1836]; Ri, Ringicula [RiA, based 
оп Я. nitida Verrill, 1873; РВ, based on R. 
buccinea (Brocchi, 1814) and R. conformis 
Monterosato, 1875]; Sc, Scaphander; Sm, 
Smaragdinella; Vo, Volvatella; 00, all-zero 
outgroup. Sources of data (e.g., specimens 
and literature consulted for each taxon) and 
summarized anatomical descriptions are pre- 
sented in Appendix 1. 

Cited repositories, institutions, and other 
sources of material are: CAS, California Acad- 
emy of Sciences, San Francisco; DMNH, Del- 
aware Museum of Natural History, Wilm- 
ington; FIT, Florida Institute of Technology, 
Melbourne; FMNH, Field Museum of Natural 
History, Chicago, Illinois; HBOI, Harbor 
Branch Oceanographic Institution, Ft. Pierce, 
Florida; HBOM, Harbor Branch Oceano- 
graphic Museum, HBOI; MNHN, Museum Ма- 
tional d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France; 
NMNZ, National Museum of New Zealand, 
Wellington; NNM, Nationaal Naturhistorisch 
Museum, Leiden, The Netherlands; PMM, col- 
lections by the author; SMSLP, Smithsonian 
Marine Station at Link Port, Ft. Pierce, Florida; 
USNM, National Museum of Natural History, 
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.; 


ZMUC, Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, 

Morphology and Comparative Anatomy 

Comparative methods began with surveys 
of the extensive literature on opisthobranch 
anatomy to provide suggestions for usable 
characters. In most cases, these were veri- 
fied and supplemented by original anatomi- 
cal investigations involving gross dissection 
of fresh and preserved material, light histol- 
ogy, scanning electron microscopy, and life 
history studies. Character selection placed 
emphasis on the search for derived novel 
features and on presumably non-homoplas- 
tic characters. 

Gross dissections employed a Wild-M5 
dissecting microscope equipped with draw- 
ing tube and ocular micrometer; standard 
fine dissecting tools and differential tissue 
stains were used. All organ systems, tradi- 
tional and non-traditional, were considered 
as sources of characters. Radulae, jaws, and 
gizzard plates were extracted by dissolving 
the surrounding soft tissue in an aqueous so- 
lution of potassium or sodium hydroxide, or 
sodium hypochlorite (household bleach), at 
room temperature, followed by a rinse in dis- 
tilled water and storage in 70% ethanol. For 
light histology, radulae were permanently 
mounted in Turtox CMC-9AF low-viscosity 
stain-mountant tinted with acid fuchsin (Mas- 
ters Chemical Co., Des Plaines, Illinois). Indi- 
vidual organs (e.g., gills) were critical-point 
dried for scanning electron microscopy 
(SEM). Items thus prepared (plus shells) were 
air dried, mounted on stubs either in water- 
soluble white household glue or on double- 
sided adhesive tape, sputter-coated with 
gold-palladium (at НВОМ) or gold (at ЕММН), 
and studied using a Zeiss Novascan-30 (at 
HBOM) or Amray-1810 (at FMNH) scanning 
electron microscope. 

Histological study was required for verify- 
ing gross dissections, especially in small 
individuals, and for discerning tissue differ- 
ences. Tissue fixation varied and was often 
unknown in the case of museum material. 
Originally collected specimens were fixed in 
5% formalin or Bouin's fixative (Humason, 
1962: 13). Labels with specimens embedded 
by Lemche (ZMUC) noted use of formol 
sublimate (saturated corrosive sublimate in 
10% formalin; Guyer, 1936: 240), Sanfelice's 
(Humason, 1962: 21), Bouin's, or Petrun- 
kevitsch’s (1933, cupric-paranitrophenol) Яха- 

tives. Removal of the shell was accomplished 
through physical means and/or chemical de- 
calcification utilizing preservation in Bouin’s 
or subsequent treatment in a 1% solution of 
ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA, ad- 
justed to pH 7.2, J. Voltzow, pers. comm.) 
until decalcified. Standard 5-10-um (in rare 
cases, 15-um) serial sections were produced 
for entire paraffin-embedded individuals in 
anteroposterior and/or lateral orientation. 
Larger specimens (e.g., Hydatina) were cut 
into several pieces prior to embedding, and 
each piece was serially sectioned. Excep- 
tionally large specimens (e.g., Aplysia) relied 
on gross dissection supplemented by sec- 
tions of selected tissues. Instead of routine 
staining procedures, such as hematoxylin- 
eosin, the more informative stains Alcian- 
Blue/Periodic Acid/Schiff's (PAS) or Gomori’s 
Green Trichrome (Vacca, 1985: 280), sensi- 
tive to different mucosubstances in the re- 
productive tract and mucus glands, were 
employed (for full protocols, see Mikkelsen, 
1994: appendix IID). The specimen of Gega- 
nia valkyrie prepared and described by Hasz- 
prunar (1985b; NMNZ M.36712) had been 
sectioned at 7 um and stained with Azan. 

A qualitative mineralogical test using Al- 
izarin Red solution (Friedman, 1959) verified 
calcification (e.g., the presence of calcite 
and/or aragonite) of gizzard plates. Alizarin 
Red solution was prepared by dissolving 0.1 
g of Alizarin Red S in 100 ml of 0.2% cold 
HCl, and the solution stored in a brown glass 
bottle. Each gizzard plate sample was first 
broken to expose interior layers for testing, 
then soaked in the bright yellow test solution 
for 4-5 тт. Tests were concluded by stop- 
ping the reaction in a distilled water rinse. A 
positive reaction stained the cut surface of 
the plate bright red. 

Phylogenetic Analysis 

Characters and character states employed 
in the final analysis (with notes on traditional 
use and coding assigned to specific taxa) are 
outlined in the Results. Characters used in 
the dataset were numbered, beginning with 
“0” in accordance with the requirements of 
the analytical algorithm, Hennig86. Polarity 
(plesiomorphic and apomorphic character 
states) was assigned on the basis of the con- 
dition in “the larger outgroup,” or a general- 
ized caenogastropod, not in accordance with 
the condition in the outgroup taxon. As men- 


tioned earlier, this resulted in several cases in 
which the outgroup was not coded 0, when 
good evidence existed to believe that the 
character state in Gegania is derived. 

Within the data matrix, a “not applicable” 
character was coded as а '“'n”; unknown char- 
acter states were coded as “u.” This system 
provides the reader with information, а|- 
though the two are treated identically by the 
algorithm. Autapomorphic characters (i.e., 
those for which the apomorphic state occurs 
in only one taxon, e.g., radula absent in Re- 
tusa only) were not included in the analysis, 
because they are uninformative in this con- 

The data matrix was analyzed using Hen- 
nig86 (Farris, 1988), version 1.5, on an IBM- 
compatible (PC-DOS) 486-class personal 
computer. Multistate characters were treated 
as unordered. As mentioned previously, two 
analyses were conducted, the first with Ge- 
gania as outgroup, and the second with an 
all-zero outgroup. 

Neither dataset allowed the /e algorithm (= 
implicit enumeration, guaranteed to find all 
trees of minimal length), the most exhaustive 
algorithm in Hennig86, to conclude within a 
reasonable time frame. Even the most basic 
version of this algorithm, ¡e-, guaranteed to 
identify one tree of minimal length, did not 
find solutions in over ten hours of run-time 
per dataset. The most extensive algorithm 
that could be successfully executed using ei- 
ther dataset was the mhennig*/bb* combina- 
tion, which constructs several shortest trees 
by single passes through the data and then 
applies extended branch-swapping to the re- 

Because neither dataset allowed execu- 
tion of the ie algorithm (and thus were not 
guaranteed to have produced the shortest 
possible trees), successive approximations 
weighting (Farris, 1969) was employed as an 
additional test. Except for this method, all 
analyses utilized equally weighted characters. 

The tree-manipulation program Clados ver. 
1.1 (Nixon, 1991) was used for interpretation 
of character state transitions on the trees. 
Component ver. 2.0 (Page, 1993) facilitated 
production of the final cladogram in publish- 
able format. 

From the results of the two mhennig*/bb* 
analyses plus the successive weighting runs, 
a “preferred tree” was constructed by exam- 
ining variation in each section of the tree, and 
selecting the topology which was best sup- 
ported by character state changes. 

Characters and Coding 

A complete list of the 47 characters ap- 
pears in Table 1. Thirty-six characters are 
binary; 11 characters are coded as multi- 
state. Within each of the following sections, 
characters considered but not used are 
first explained, followed by full discussion of 
numbered, coded characters. Within each 
“coding” list, a ‘‘?”’ indicates that some de- 
gree of uncertainty remained, and assigned 
coding was provisional. 

Shell: The shell in opisthobranchs is a more 
difficult structure to use taxonomically than in 
most gastropods because it is generally re- 
duced in size and thickness. It usually has 
little color (except in Acteonidae and Aplus- 
tridae) and sculpture (other than spiral 
grooves), and is often completely lost. When 
present, it is most diagnostic at the species 

In the present dataset, adult shells are 
present for all taxa, therefore the traditional 
character “shell present/absent” was not 
pertinent. Taxa with species lacking shells as 
adults are present within several opistho- 
branch orders under consideration here, for 
example, Bursatella (Anaspidea), and Elysia 

The traditional character “shell thick/thin” 
is relative to overall body size, which varies 
with age or preservation and was therefore 
considered too subjective to be reliably 
coded. This can also vary with environmental 
conditions or within a genus, for example, in 
Acteocina with thin- and thick-shelled spe- 
cies [A. atrata Mikkelsen & Mikkelsen, 1984, 
and A. canaliculata (Say, 1826), respectively; 
Mikkelsen & Mikkelsen, 1984]. 

As in the previous case, the traditional 
character “shell reduced” has been linked to 
body size and was also rejected as uncod- 

Protoconch type (i.e., many tapered whorls 
vs. few bulbous whorls), reflecting larval 
development (i.e., planktotrophic vs. leci- 
thotrophic/direct-developing, respectively) 
was not used, because this character com- 
monly varies intragenerically among opistho- 
branchs (see below, Larval Development).The 
same is true of the position о the protoconch, 
that is, whether the apex is exposed (e.Q., 
Acteon, Ringicula) or involute (e.g., Bulla, 
Scaphander). Involution probably occurred 


TABLE 1. Characters and coding. M = character modified from traditional use; NEW = new character; 
NON = traditionally used character for non-cephalaspids; U = character used unchanged from 
traditional use. 

. Shell internalization (U). O = external; 1 = internalized. 
. Operculum (in adult) (U). O = present; 1 = absent. 
. Parapodia (M). O = absent; 1 = present. 
. Posterior foot (U). O = absent; 1 = present. 
. Mantle cavity opening (M). O = anterior; 1 = lateral. 
. Adductor muscle (NEW, NON). 0 = absent; 1 = present. 
. Plicatidium (М). 0 = two-sided, suspended in mantle cavity; 1 = one-sided, fully attached to roof of 
mantle cavity. 
7. Ciliated strips (NEW). O = blunt at mantle edge; 1 = flexed at mantle edge only; 2 = exogyrous, 
flexed at both ends to form an arch. 
8. Pallial caecum (M). O = absent or short; 1 = long. 
9. Jaws (U). O = present; 1 = absent. 
10. Oral cuticle (NEW). O = smooth; 1 = with processes; 2 = thickened cuticular ring. 
11. Descending limb/ascus (NEW, NON). O = absent; 1 = present. 
12. Tooth size (NEW, NON). O = uniform throughout existing ribbon; 1 = increasing within existing 
13. Rachidian tooth (М). 0 = rhomboid, with larger median cusp; 1 = rhomboid, bilobed cutting edge, 
with median indentation; 2 = dagger-shaped; 3 = еопдаеа plate. 
14. Enlarged sickle-shaped lateral teeth (M). O = not present (but other laterals/marginals present); 1 = 
15. Lateral/marginal teeth number (M). O = > 1, more than one form; 1 = > 1, identical in form; 2 = 1. 
16. Pharyngeal pouches (NEW, NON). O = absent; 1 = present. 
17. Esophageal gizzard with gizzard plates (M). O = absent; 1 = present. 
18. Gizzard plate calcification (M). O = not calcified; 1 = calcified (as evidenced by positive Alizarin Red 
S reaction). 
19. Gizzard plate number (Ц). 0 = > 3; 1 = 3. 
20. Gizzard plates tuberculate (M). O = not tuberculate; 1 = tuberculate. 
21. Gizzard spines (NEW). O = present; 1 = absent. 
22. Filter chamber (NEW, NON). 0 = absent; 1 = present. 
23. Stomach (NEW). O = with pouch-like chamber; 1 = simple flow-through, without pouch-like 
24. Caecum extending from stomach (NEW, NON). 0 = absent; 1 = present. 
25. Extent of intestinal typhlosole (NEW). 0 = partial; 1 = absent; 2 = entire. 
26. Nerve ring location (U). 0 = prepharyngeal; 1 = postpharyngeal. 
27. Cerebral/pleural ganglia (M). O = separate; 1 = fused. 
28. Relative length of cerebral commissure (NEW). O = long; 1 = short (adjacent). 
29. Relative length of pedal commissure (NEW). O = long; 1 = short (adjacent). 
30. Position of left pallial ganglion (NEW). 0 = LA, fused or adjacent; 1 = L-A or L—A, separate. 
31. Position of subesophageal ganglion (NEW). O = B-V; 1 = B migrated toward nerve ring; 2 = BV, 
migrated toward visceral. 
32. Position of supraesophageal ganglion (NEW). O = V-P; 1 = P migrated toward nerve ring; 2 = VP. 
33. Position of right pallial ganglion (NEW). O = AL; 1 = A-L; 2 = PA, migrated toward supraesophageal. 
34. Position of genital ganglion (NEW). O = off visceral ganglion; 1 = on visceral loop between V and P. 
35. Eye direction (NEW). O = dorsolateral; 1 = ventrolateral. 
36. Eye location (NEW). 0 = close to surface [S/C < 0.2]; 1 = midway between surface and nerve ring 
[S/C = 0.2-0.5]; 2 = deeply embedded, near nerve ring [S/C > 0.5]. 
37. Eye lens (shape) (NEW). 0 = solid spherical or oblong-oval; 1 = solid irregular with hollows/anchors; 
2 = hollow irregular. 
38. Internal sperm duct (M). O = present; 1 = absent. 
39. Lateral external ciliated groove (M). O = absent; 1 = present. 
40. Copulatory organ (retractability) (U). O = nonretractile; 1 = retractile. 
41. Autosperm storage bulb (U). O = absent; 1 = present. 
42. Ejaculatory duct (M). O = absent; 1 = present and continuous with external ciliated groove; 2 = 
present and continuous with internal sperm duct. 
43. Receptaculum seminis (location) (M). O = proximal; 1 = distal. 
44. Gametolytic gland (location) (NEW). O = distal; 1 = proximal. 
45. Novel bursa copulatrix (NEW). O = absent; 1 = present. 
46. Gonad acini (NEW). O = hermaphroditic acini; 1 = separate male and female acini. 

O O1 BR © ND HO 


several times during opisthobranch evolution 
(Gosliner, 1981), as evidenced by several gen- 
era or families that contain members with ei- 
ther exposed or involute apices (e.g., Hyda- 
tina, Acteocina, Retusa). 

A plate-like shell is known to occur in many 
gastropods (e.g., Naticidae, тре, Crepid- 
ula spp., plus Aplysia and Philine here), was 
considered certainly homoplastic, and there- 
fore was not coded. 

Shell microstructure revealed no codable 
pattern in the taxa under study. In the re- 
duced shells of cephalaspids, shell layers are 
uniformly cross-lamellar (Gosliner, 1994; 
pers. obs.). 

Shell mineralogy (aragonite or mixed ara- 
gonite/calcite), included in the preliminary 
analysis (Mikkelsen, 1994), was omitted from 
the final analysis following discussions which 
revealed that the underlying assumptions of 
Feigl's Test (for aragonite; Friedman, 1959) 
could be imprecise (C. Hedegaard, pers. 

One character was coded from the shell: 

0. Shell Internalization. In most species in 
the present dataset, the shell is external, as it 
also is in caenogastropods. However, in sev- 
eral taxa, it is covered by fused mantle tis- 
sues, completely (Philine) or with a small 
open foramen (Aplysia). 

Coding: O = external (in all except follow- 
ing); 1 = internalized (in Ph, Ap). 

External Anatomy: External anatomy or gen- 
eral body form, especially the cephalic shield, 
foot, and parapodia, have been widely used 
in cephalaspid systematics since the time of 
Fischer (1883b). Because some of these fea- 
tures are strongly associated with the bur- 
rowing habit, and are present in other bur- 
rowing snails (e.g., Oliva, Natica), many are 
likely to be homoplastic. 

The cephalic shield was once considered a 
synapomorphy for the order Cephalaspidea. 
This is no longer true since the reclassifica- 
tion of such taxa as Akera (to Anaspidea) and 
Cylindrobulla (to Sacoglossa). The cephalic 
shield could only be defined as a shovel- 
shaped head including posterior extensions 
(= “processes” or “tentacles””) covering the 
anterior shell and/or mantle opening. No spe- 
cial innervation patterns could be deter- 
mined, and this definition was too subjective 
and dependent upon functional rather than 
morphological criteria to be reliably used in a 
cladistic analysis. Traditional consideration 
of form of the cephalic processes referred 

either to (a) species-specific shape (rounded, 
pointed, cleft) or (b) the unique presence in 
Ringicula of an inrolled extension forming a 
siphon; neither were appropriate for use in 
this dataset. 

Hancock's organ is the primary chemosen- 
sory organ in cephalaspids, located anteriorly 
in the cephalo-pedal groove on either side of 
the head. Prior to reclassification of such taxa 
as Akera, it served as a well-recognized syn- 
apomorphy for Cephalaspidea. It is usually 
comprised of a series of vertical or oblique 
plicae, with distinct anterior and posterior 
portions of separate innervation (Edlinger, 

Based on dissection and histological 
studies, Edlinger (1980a, b) categorized Han- 
cock’s organs among representative ceph- 
alaspids and proposed the following evo- 
lutionary transition: (a) irregularly folded 
(Acteon), giving rise to (b) regularly folded 
(Bulla), in turn giving rise to both (c) bipin- 
nate (Haminoea) and (d) weakly folded 
(Scaphander). The transition from (b) to (d) 
was supported by the observation of a regu- 
larly folded organ in juvenile Scaphander 
(Edlinger, 1980b). The plesiomorphic condi- 
tion of (a) (as well as the character state re- 
lationships in general) was supported by well- 
separated nerves leading to the lip organs 
(N1) and anterior Hancock’s organ (N2), plus 
the narrow base of the nerve leading to the 
posterior Hancock’s organ (N3), both nerve 
conditions as present in Hydrobia ulvae (Pen- 
nant, 1777) (Caenogastropoda: Rissooidea: 

Edlinger’s transformation series could not 
be used in this dataset for three reasons. (a) 
Coding of a strongly folded Hancock’s organ 
(as in Bulla) and one that is weakly folded (as 
in Philine) was hindered by the ontogenetic 
shift seen in Scaphander (Edlinger, 1980b), 
changes in external morphology through 
preservation, and lack of clear character 
state limits. (b) Edlinger’s (1980b) evidence 
offered to derive the bipinnate Hancock’s or- 
gan from the folded version is weak: Edlinger 
(1980b) placed credence in Ev. Marcus & Er. 
Marcus’ (1967b: figs. 13, 14) drawings of hor- 
izontal pinnae in some Haminoea species 
over slanted pinnae in others. This difference 
seems more likely a matter of preservation 
artifact, species variation, or artistic license, 
rather than one of phylogenetic significance. 
(c) Edlinger’s (1980b) judgment of Acteon as 
most plesiomorphic in innervation of Han- 
cock’s organ is also unsettled by the close 


similarity of that in Haminoea (Edlinger, 
1980b: fig. 5). 

Hancock's organ is extremely variable 
throughout the group under consideration. 
According to Edlinger (1980a), that in Acteon 
consists of irregular folds only. In Bulla, it is 
vertically folded like a single unit of the plica- 
tidium-type gill, whereas in Hydatina, each 
plica has a radial pattern of folds resembling 
a ginkgo leaf. In Scaphander and Philine, the 
organ 15 detectable as only a lateral bulge, 
sometimes with weak oblique ridges. In Ak- 
era, alcohol-preserved specimens showed 
hardly any trace of Hancock's organ, but for- 
malin-preserved specimens (not transferred 
to alcohol) clearly showed a whitish oval 
patch with vertical folds amidst an otherwise- 
brown integument. This degree of variability, 
plus apparent preservation artifacts, made 
coding the external structure of the organ dif- 
ficult and unreliable. The organ 1$ likewise dif- 
ficult to analyze in light-histological material. 
Ultrastructural studies seem necessary here 
before morphology of the Hancock's organ 
can be coded. Edlinger's (1980a, b) conclu- 
sions were compared to the final result of the 

Simple presence/absence of the Han- 
cock's organ was considered as a character, 
evidenced histologically by the presence of 
strong innervation of the cephalo-pedal 
groove often coupled with dark-staining sen- 
sory cells. If one assumes Bullock (1965) was 
correct in regarding Aplysia’s rhinophores to 
be homologous with Hancock’s organs (Sup- 
ported by similar innervation), the organs are 
present in the entire ingroup [unconfirmed in 
Acteon, Ringicula, Volvatella, but cited for а! 
but Ringicula by Ghiselin (1963), Baba (1966), 
and Edlinger (1980a, b)]. This potential char- 
acter thus became an autapomorphy of the 
ingroup, and was discarded from the dataset 
as uninformative. 

Lip organs were studied by Edlinger 
(1980a, b), but were difficult to code here for 
the same reasons cited above for Hancock’s 
organ. As in the latter case, Edlinger’s con- 
clusions will be compared those of this anal- 

Three characters were coded from external 

1. Operculum (in Adult). In opisthobranchs, 
with general reduction of the shell as a pro- 
tective mechanism, the operculum is dis- 
carded in most species shortly after meta- 
morphosis of the larva. Because this is loss 
(rather than gain) of a character, it could con- 

ceivably occur more than once in a ho- 
moplastic pattern. 

Shape of the operculum, when present, 
does not vary substantially. Adult opercula in 
Acteon and Retusa (Luque, 1983) are pau- 
cispiral. Larval opercula are also paucispiral 
and similar in appearance in all known spe- 
cies in the present dataset: Acteon (Thomp- 
son, 1976), Acteocina (pers. obs.), Aplysia 
(Ostergaard, 1950). The larval operculum is 
absent in Philine gibba (fide Seager, 1979). 

An adult operculum is absent in Retusa ob- 
tusa and most other species, but is present in 
three species, R. truncatula (some popula- 
tions only; Burn & Bell, 1974; Luque, 1983; 
Mikkelsen, 1995), R. operculata Minichev, 
1966 (Minichev, 1966), and R. chrysoma 
Burn, in Burn & Bell, 1974 (Burn & Bell, 1974). 
Retusa A is coded as absent; Retusa B is 
coded as present. 

Coding: 0 = present (in Ac, ReB, Ge, 00); 1 
= absent (in remainder). 

2. Parapodia. Although the presence or ab- 
sence of parapodia could generally be deter- 
mined (although not readily from preserved 
specimens alone), the traditional categories 
of “weak” and “strong” were considered too 
subjective to be useful. 

Coding: 0 = absent (in Ac, Cb, As, Vo, Ge, 
00); 1 = present (in remainder). 

3. Posterior Foot. In many species of ceph- 
alaspids, the foot is shortened so that it does 
not extend beneath the entire animal. Coding 
of the relative length of the foot (= traditional 
character “foot long/short’’) was considered 
too subjective, too relative to overall body 
size, too subject to variation due to age, 
preservation, and other factors. 

Some species of traditional cephalaspids 
(e.g., Acteocina) possess a thickening of the 
posterior edge of the mantle (= posterior pal- 
lial lobe, infrapallial lobe) that functions as a 
posterior foot. Although this is formed espe- 
cially in species with a shortened foot, a per- 
fect correlation does not exist; it is absent 
from the shelled sacoglossans (with short- 
ened foot), and present in Smaragdinella in 
which the foot extends the full length of the 
body. A section of the lobe often extends 
dorsally over the posterior apex of the shell 
(e.g., Haminoea). 

An expansion of the posterior floor of the 
mantle cavity is present in some taxa (e.g., 
Acteon, Ringicula, Hydatina), but in these 
forms it is not thickened and is not used as an 
accessory foot. 

Coding: 0 = absent (in Ac, RiA, RiB, Hy, Cb, 


As, Vo, Ap, Ge, 00); 1 = present (in Sc, PhA, 
РВВ, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, АК). 

Mantle Cavity: The osphradium is a chemo- 
sensory organ in the mantle cavity adjacent to 
the gill. In caenogastropods, it is a large and 
often complex structure, for which fine struc- 
ture has been judged taxonomically informa- 
tive (Haszprunar, 1986). In cephalaspids, the 
osphradium 1$ reduced in size to a small knob, 
presumably due to development of a new 
chemosensory structure, Hancock's organ 
(see above). Edlinger (1980a, b) investigated 
the osphradium in six cephalaspid genera and 
suggested a pattern of phylogenetic reduc- 
tion. However, in the present study, Edlinger’s 
(1980b) supposedly taxon-specific morphol- 
ogies could not be confirmed in histological 
sections, although the osphradium and os- 
phradial ganglion could be readily located by 
tracing the osphradial nerve from the suprae- 
sophageal ganglion. No reliable differences 
could be discerned in this small organ. Hasz- 
prunar (1986) suggested that external shape 
can reflect ecological conditions or diet, and 
indicated no codable differences in four taxa 
of heterobranchs examined. Effective study 
of osphradial structure in this group will 
probably require ultrastructural techniques. 
Edlinger’s conclusions will be compared to 
the results of this analysis. 

Five characters were coded from the man- 
tle cavity. 

4. Mantle Cavity Opening. The position of 
the mantle cavity opening, either anterior or 
lateral, reflects “detorsion” or posterior mi- 
gration of the mantle skirt (Brace, 1977b). It is 
usually imprecisely expressed in the pub- 
lished literature, for example, “the mantle 
cavity is mostly to the right, though some- 
times anteriorly directed” (for Scaphan- 
dridae; Boss, 1982: 1024). To define this 
more exactly, diagrammatic mantle cavity 
maps (Figs. 1-17) were drawn for each taxon 
and divided into quadrants. Position of the 
osphradium, anus, and one or both points at 
which the mantle fuses with the head-foot 
were indicated on each map. The effective 
opening of the mantle cavity is delimited by 
the osphradium and anus, often (but not al- 
ways) adjacent to the mantle fusion points. 
An “anterior” opening was defined as one 
with the osphradium and anus in the two an- 
terior quadrants (Figs. 1, 2). A “lateral” open- 
ing was similarly defined, but with the os- 
phradium and anus in the two right quadrants 
(Figs. 3-17). 

The mantle cavities of Acteon and Ringi- 
cula have been described as anterior but 
“twisted toward the right” (Fretter & Graham, 
1954: 567; Fretter, 1960: 540), nevertheless 
each fit the quadrant criteria for “anterior” as 
coded here. 

Coding: 0 = anterior (in Ac, МА, ВВ, Ge, 
00); 1 = lateral (in remainder). 

5. Adductor Muscle. Several species of tra- 
ditional cephalaspids possess transverse ad- 
ductor muscles together with a flexible shell. 
These are considered to be relocated slips of 
the columellar muscle (Morton, 1972), which 
in typical snails acts in retracting the snail 
into its shell. In the now-sacoglossan taxa 
Cylindrobulla, Ascobulla, and Volvatella, a 
single adductor muscle 15 located anteriorly 
just ahead of the gill. Akera has both anterior 
and posterior adductor muscles. 

Coding: O = absent (in all except following); 
1 = present (in Cb, As, Vo, Ak). 

6. Plicatidium. The typical cephalaspid gill, 
or plicatidium, was excellently figured by Per- 
rier 8 Fischer (1911: fig. H; pl. 1, figs. 2, 3) and 
later by Morton (1972: figs. 6a, b; who coined 
the term) in both surface and cross-sectional 
views. Although its status relative to the cae- 
nogastropod ctenidium has been controver- 
sial, Gosliner (1994) summarized the argu- 
ments for and against homology of the two 
structures; for purposes of the all-zero out- 
group, here, the plicatidium is considered ho- 
mologous with the (albeit highly modified) 
ctenidium. The plicatidium 1$ composed of 
two parallel laminae separated by a narrow 
blood space (Fig. 22; as described by Perrier 
8 Fischer 1911: 30), and thrown into a highly 
convoluted, evenly ciliated surface (Figs. 18, 
19) between efferent and afferent blood ves- 
sels. It is attached by suspensory тет- 
branes at both edges to the roof of the man- 
tle cavity; the edge is mostly free but 1$ also 
attached deeply within the mantle cavity. 
Both surfaces of the gill are exposed in the 
mantle cavity. In histological cross-section 
(Fig. 20), this looks like an extremely long, 
convoluted, single membrane, attached to 
the mantle by one point. In some taxa (e.Q., 
Bulla, Hydatina), each “fold” or leaflet of the 
gill is in turn convoluted, to the extent that 
each leaflet looks like a plicatidium itself (Fig. 
19); the plicatidial unit has multiplied along 
the length of the gill. This “two-sided” plica- 
dium is more similar in morphology to the 
caenogastropod ctenidium, and this charac- 
ter state was considered more plesiomor- 


FIGS. 1-17. Diagrammatic mantle cavity maps, showing line of mantle fusion, and position of osphradium 
(O), anus (A), and ciliated strips (thick line). 1. Acteon [after Fretter, 1939; Minichev, 1967 (after Pelseneer, 
1894)]. 2. Ringicula (after Minichev, 1967). 3. Hydatina (after Rudman, 1972a; pers. obs.). 4. Scaphander 
(after Perrier & Fischer, 1911; Brace, 1977b). 5. Philine (after Brown, 1934; pers. obs.). 6. Cylichna (after 
Lemche, 1956). 7. Acteocina (after Er. Marcus, 1958). 8. Bulla (after Er. Marcus, 1957). 9. Haminoea (after 
Er. Marcus, 1958). 10. Smaradinella (after Rudman, 1972c). 11. Retusa (after Gosliner, 1978; pers. obs.). 12. 
Cylindrobulla (after pers. obs.). 13. Ascobulla (after Ev. Marcus & Er. Marcus, 1956). 14. Volvatella (after 
Baba, 1966; Haszprunar, 1985а). 15. Akera (after Brace, 1977b). 16. Aplysia (after Eales, 1921; pers. obs.). 

17. Gegania (after Haszprunar, 19855). 

In Cylindrobulla and the other shelled sa- 
coglossans, the gill has the same bilamellar 
structure, but is one-sided, attached by one 
full side to the roof of the mantle cavity (Fig. 
2A, D). This condition was assumed to be 
more derived. 

The traditional condition “gill reduced” 
was avoided as being too subjective. Some 
authors have used “д! plicate/non-plicate” 
as a character within the Cephalaspidea. 
Schmekel (1985) used pectinate to describe 
an alternate condition, but did not explain 
which possessed this morphology. Boss 
(1982) used “pinnate” to describe the gill of 
Gastropteron, a philinoidean taxon not in- 
cluded here. These distinctions did not apply 
to the present dataset. 

Although Climo (1975) noted that a caeno- 
gastropod-like ctenidium was absent in Ge- 
gania, Haszprunar (1985b: fig. 13) found gill 
filaments suspended from the roof of the 

mantle cavity. Although Haszprunar denied 
their homology with the plicatidium, personal 
observations suggest the same bilaminate 
histological structure. Their location near the 
kidney and rectum further supports homol- 
ogy with the plicatidium. The gill is one-sided, 
with each filament directly attached to the 
mantle roof as in Cylindrobulla and the other 
shelled sacoglossans. 

No gill filaments were detectable in either 
Retusa obtusa or R. truncatula. 

Coding: 0 = two-sided, suspended in man- 
tle cavity (in Ac, МА, RiB, Hy, Sc, PhA, РВВ, 
Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, Ak, Ap, 00); 1 = one- 
sided, fully attached to roof of mantle cavity 
(in Cb, As, Vo, Ge); n (absent) in ReA, ReB. 

7. Ciliated Strips. The dorsal and ventral 
ciliated strips (= tracts, raphes, bands) in the 
posterior mantle cavity increase the flow of 
water in the vicinity of the gills and anus. Ac- 
cording to Brace (1977b), their development 


FIGS. 18-22. Plicatidium. 18. Full plicatidium; Cylindrobulla n. sp. (Bermuda, 8/1990), SEM. 19. Same as 18, 
close-up of plicatidial units. 20. Two-sided plicatidium, Akera bullata (ZMUC), histological cross-section, 
PAS stain. 21. One-sided plicatidium, Ascobulla ulla (Ft. Pierce Inlet, 8/1990), histological cross-section, 
Gomori stain. 22. Plicatidial structure; same as 20. М = mantle; PL = plicatidium; SH = shell. Scales = 400 

um (18), 200 um (20, 21), 100 um (19), 50 шт (22). 

correlates with reduction in body size and re- 
duction of the gill. The ciliated strips pass just 
posterior to the anus, and are present in most 

In most taxa considered here, the ciliated 
strips begin bluntly at the mantle edge and 
proceed obliquely posteriorly into the mantle 
cavity, ending within the pallial caecum if 
present (Fig. 1). In the case of this character, 
because caenogastropods have no ciliated 
strips (and the all-zero outgroup was coded 
‘“n”), polarity was based on the outgroup Ge- 
дата and on higher frequency of occurrence 
in the ingroup. In other taxa (e.g., Cylichna), 
the ciliated strips are flexed posteriorly at the 
mantle edge (Но. 6); in a few (e.g., Hami- 
noea), both ends of the strips are flexed, 
forming an arch (Fig. 9). This latter format 
was considered as a type of pallial caecum 
(“exogyrous,” see below) by Perrier 8 Fis- 
cher (1911). 

Coding: O = blunt at mantle edge (in Ac, 
RIA, РВ, Ну, PhA, PhB, Ai, Cb, As, Vo, Ak, 
Ge); 1 = flexed at mantle edge only (in Sc, Cy, 
ReA, ReB); 2 = exogyrous, flexed at both 
ends to form an arch (in Bu, Ha, Sm); n (ab- 
sent) in Ap, 00. 

8. Pallial Caecum. The pallial саесит 1$ 

a terminal extension of the ciliated strips in 
the mantle cavity. Morton (1972: 344) sup- 
posed that the presence of a pallial caecum 
correlated with inhabiting turbid waters or 
burrowing into soft substrata, where it is used 
as “a long flushing siphon circulating a clean 
water current that keeps the pallial cavity 
clear of inborne sediment.” Perrier & Fischer 
(1911; summarized by and often credited to 
Hoffmann, 1933) proposed three types of pal- 
lial caecum: (a) free (in Acteon, Hydatina, 
Scaphander), in the form of an elongated tube 
enrolled within the shell whorls in parallel to 
the visceral mass (Fig. 1); (b) adhering (in Ak- 
era, Philine), united with the visceral mass and 
enrolled as part of it [Fig. 15; not to be con- 
fused with the long, free cloacal tentacle 
present in Akera, a sensory structure that dif- 
fers histologically (Perrier & Fischer, 1911)); 
and (с) exogyrous [= “fused” of Brace 
(1977a); in Bulla, Haminoea], or “winding out- 
side” the shell whorls, in a spiral plane entirely 
within the mantle cavity and terminating at the 
mantle edge (Fig. 8). Type (c) is more properly 
considered a form of ciliated strip and 1$ 
treated here as such (character 7). Other spe- 
cies (e.g., in Philine, Acteocina) have a very 
short extension of the ciliated strip into a small 


triangle from the mantle cavity (Fig. 7). Al- 
though a pallial caecum in Gegania was not 
discussed by either Climo (1975) or Haszpru- 
nar (1985b), the mantle's posteriormost ex- 
tension is a small pocket in which the end of 
the ciliated strips is situated (Haszprunar, 
1985b: fig. 1; Fig. 17). This could qualify here 
as a short pallial caecum, however, because 
of this and other cases of subjective degree 
associated with a short pallial caecum, both 
absent and short were coded equally as 0. A 
long caecum, either free or adherent, was 
coded 1. 

Coding: O = absent or short (in МА, ВВ, 
PhA, PhB, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, Cb, 
As, Vo, Ge); 1 = long (in Ac, Hy, Sc, Ak); n 
(ciliated strips absent) in Ap, 00. 

Digestive System: The digestive system of a 
typical shelled opisthobranch includes chiti- 
nous jaws, a muscular buccal mass contain- 
ing the radula, an esophagus extending from 
the buccal mass to the stomach [elaborated, 
depending on the taxon, by esophageal di- 
verticula, crop, muscular gizzard (containing 
gizzard plates and spines), and filter chamber 
(also with small plates)]. Food manipulation 
and maceration typically occur within the 
buccal mass and esophageal structures. The 
stomach can be a simple flow-through tube 
or can have an extensive posterior pouch or 
caecum; the ducts to the digestive gland 
open into the stomach to receive digestible 
food particles. Following the stomach, a 
winding intestine compacts fecal particles, 
which are expelled into the mantle cavity. 

The “hard parts” of the digestive system 
(e.g., radula, jaws, gizzard plates) have 
played major roles in traditional cephalaspid 
systematics. Details of these features are 
particularly useful at the generic level, but 
can show remarkable variability at the spe- 
cies level. A good example here is the radula 
of Haminoea spp., in which overall radular 
appearance is exceedingly similar although 
the numbers of marginal and lateral teeth 
vary from six to over 50 (Thompson, 1976), 
with confirmed records of ontogenetic т- 
creases (Ev. Marcus, 1976). 

The traditional character “radula present/ 
absent” was not used here because Retusa 
is the only taxon here lacking a radula; thus, 
this becomes an autapomorphy for Retusa 
and is not informative within the analysis. 

Gastropod radulae are often categorized 
into types (e.g., docoglossate, rhipidoglos- 
sate, taenioglossate), reflective of the num- 

bers and shapes of the teeth in each row. 
Instead of using such terms, which have 
never been precisely defined for opistho- 
branchs, a number of radular features have 
been individually coded (characters 13-15, 

Two types of salivary glands were cited for 
Aplustridae (= Hydatinidae) by Thiele (1931) 
and Boss (1982). The second “pair” is actu- 
ally an unpaired, elongate tube called the oral 
gland. Its presence in Hydatina alone defines 
this character as an autapomorphy, not ap- 
propriate for coding in this context. 

Outpockets or diverticula of the anterior 
esophagus (anterior to gizzard) are present 
in a number of groups (e.g., Cylindrobulla, 
Bulla, Haminoea), and can be single, paired, 
or stalked. In some species, these pouches 
are glandular, and in some not (Rudman, 
1971b). Many caenogastropods also have 
esophageal pouches of various types (Fretter 
& Graham, 1994). Ghiselin (1966: 370) sug- 
gested that “this diverticulum may be a prim- 
itive trait which is retained in some herbivo- 
rous forms,” but Gosliner (1994) considered 
homology among the various forms un- 
proven. Until more convincing evidence sup- 
ports homology, this character cannot be 
used cladistically. 

The presence of a thin-walled crop in the 
esophagus of shelled opisthobranchs was 
considered plesiomorphic by Gosliner (1981), 
who later (1994) suggested that its derived 
form was the muscular gizzard (discussed 
below). However, species in many genera 
(e.g., Scaphander, Philine, Haminoea, Re- 
tusa, Aplysia) with a gizzard have a distinct 
crop preceding the gizzard, which could re- 
quire rethinking of Gosliner's proposed ho- 
mology. Because the appearance of the crop 
varies with preservation and the amount of 
food in the gut, it was difficult to confirm in 
dissections and histological sections, and 
was not coded here. Examination of series of 
live animals are needed to adequately assess 
this character. 

Seventeen characters were coded from the 
digestive system. 

9. Jaws. Jaws (= mandibles) are here de- 
fined as a pair of discrete cuticularized struc- 
tures in the oral cavity composed of rod-like 
structures (Fig. 3A, B). This differs from con- 
tinuous cuticularized epithelium, which stains 
similarly (dark pink in PAS) in histological 
sections, but lacks rods. Jaws are further- 
more inserted into a generative groove in the 
oral cavity (where the rods are formed), which 


is identifiable in histological cross-sections 
(Fig. 25, GG); this was confirmed for all taxa 
with rod-like elements except Aplysia (not 
sectioned). It is not present for taxa with oral 
cuticle only (character 10). 

The traditional character “jaws armed” 
could refer to two situations: (a) jaws with 
rodlets, or (b) rodlets with terminal denticles. 
Either case prevents the unmodified use of 
this terminology. | have, first of all, redefined 
“jaws” here so that the absence of rodlets 
negates the presence of jaws; jaws without 
rodlets is merely oral cuticle (character 10), 
which can also be denticulate, but exists 
without a generative groove and 1$ an inde- 
pendent feature. Denticulation of the jaw el- 
ements can be prominent or barely discern- 
ible (Gosliner, 1994: figs. 12, 13). This could 
not be coded due to subjectivity and be- 
cause it also appears to cross generic lines; 
for example, in Gosliner's (1994) excellent 
scanning photomicrographs, the jaw ele- 
ments of Bulla striata Bruguiere, 1792, and 
Haminoea natalensis (Krauss, 1848) are 
nearly identical, although those of B. striata 
are slightly denticulate, whereas those of H. 
solitaria (Say, 1821) are strongly denticulate. 

Thompson et al. (1985) described and fig- 
ured denticulate jaw elements in Ringicula 
conformis. Similar structures were noted by 
Bouchet (1975) in R. nitida, however, histo- 
logical sections of this species showed that 
these are actually processes of the cuticle 
lining the oral cavity; rod-like structures and a 
generative groove were not observed. Fretter 
(1960) agreed with this interpretation, de- 
scribing “cuticularized epithelium bearing 
rows of sharp denticles” in R. buccinea. Rin- 
gicula is therefore coded 1. The same is true 
of Acteon, with denticulate oral cuticle (rec- 
ognized by Fretter 1939; Fig. 26) that has of- 
ten been termed “jaws” (Er. Marcus, 1958; 
Ev. Marcus, 1974; Gosliner, 1994). 

Coding: 0 = present (in Ну, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, 
Sm, Ak, Ар, 00); 1 = absent (in Ac, РА, Sc, 
PhA, ReA, ReB, Cb, As, Vo, Ge); u (unknown) 
in АВ, РВВ. 

10. Oral Синае. Cuticle occurs т the oral 
cavity of most cephalaspids, including those 
with jaws (Fig. 25). In some taxa, the cuticu- 
larized epithelium is adorned with denticles 
or processes (Fig. 26; as discussed under 
character 9), or is noticeably thickened [Fig. 
27; e.g., the “sphincter” or “inner labial disk” 
of Sacoglossa and other taxa (Salvini-Pla- 
wen, 1988: 327), and the “cuticularized ring’ 
of Umbraculacea (Willan, 1987: 225)]. 

See comments above (character 9) on the 
“jaws” of Ringicula and Acteon. Retusa's 
oral tube is lined by ciliated cells only, without 
any trace of jaws or cuticle. 

Coding: 0 = smooth (in Ну, Sc, PhA, Cy, Ai, 
Bu, Ha, Sm, Ak, Ap, Ge, 00); 1 = with pro- 
cesses (in Ac, RiA); 2 = thickened cuticular 
ring (in Cb, As, Vo); u (unknown) in RiB, PhB; 
n (absent) in ReA, ReB. 

11. Descending Limb/Ascus. The orienta- 
tion of the radula within the buccal mass dif- 
fers among the gastropods under study. п 
lateral view, the buccal mass of a typical snail 
or cephalaspid (Fig. 28) has a wide, exposed 
area of teeth in use (RF). Posteriorly, the rad- 
ula “bends” where the ribbon enters the pos- 
teroventral radular sack (RAS) where new 
teeth are formed. Generally as old teeth are 
worn, they drop off the anterior edge of the 
radula and are shed. 

From the same perspective, the sacoglos- 
san buccal mass (Fig. 29) has the radular 
sack (RS) most dorsal in position. A small 
number of teeth (one to several) is in active 
use (RF) at the “bend,” which 1$ nearest the 
mouth. Instead of being shed, worn teeth are 
retained in a ventral pouch called the ascus 
(ASC). In this radula, the “elbow” marks the 
teeth currently in use; newer, larger teeth 
form the so-called ascending limb (Fig. 29: 
AL) from the radular sack, and older, smaller 
teeth form the descending limb (DL) from the 
ascus. The radular sack and ascus are also 
clearly distinguishable in histological cross- 
section. The presence of a descending limb, 
with an ascus, is one of several unique fea- 
tures cited for the order Sacoglossa (e.g., 
Boss, 1982). 

Coding: 0 = absent (in all but following); 1 = 
present (in Cb, As, Vo). 

12. Tooth Size. In most gastropods, tooth 
size does not differ noticeably from row to 
row in the extracted radular ribbon. However, 
in sacoglossans, tooth size increases notice- 
ably from younger to older portions of the 
radula. Following reassignment to Saco- 
glossa, Cylindrobulla is now the single ex- 
ception to this rule. 

Coding: 0 = uniform throughout existing 
ribbon (in all except following); 1 = increasing 
within existing ribbon (in As, Vo); n in Re (not 
applicable; radula absent). 

13. Rachidian Tooth. The rachidian, or cen- 
tral, tooth exists in this dataset in several 
general forms, including rhomboid with a 
central larger cusp, bilobed with a minute 
central cusp, or dagger-shaped. Bulla has a 



FIGS. 23-27. Jaws and oral cuticle. 23. Complete jaw; Haminoea antillarum (PMM-933), SEM. 24. Same as 
23, close-up of rod-like jaw elements. 25. Jaw and generative groove; Bulla striata (PMM-931), histological 
cross-section, PAS stain. 26. Oral cuticle with processes; Acteon tornatilis (ZMUC), histological cross- 
section, PAS stain. 27. Thickened oral cuticle; Ascobulla ulla (Ft. Pierce Inlet, 8/1990), histological cross- 
section, Gomori stain. CUT = cuticle, GG = generative groove; J = jaw. Scales = 100 um (23, 25), 40 um 

(27), 20 ит (26), 10 ит (24). 

unique, plate-like rachidian, which was 
coded separately. Several taxa (i.e., Hyda- 
tina, Scaphander, Philine) have a “vestigial” 
rachidian tooth: 

The rachidian is absent in Ringicula nitida 
(fide Bouchet, 1975; pers. obs.) and R. buc- 
cinea (fide Fretter, 1960), the two species 

upon which Ringicula A and B are here 
based. However, R. conformis has the un- 
usual formula 1.1.1, with a bilobed, smooth- 
margined rachidian (Thompson et al., 1985). 
Similar rachidians were seen in the radular 
sack of an unidentified Ringicula from off 
eastern Florida; no rachidians were noted in 



29 RF 



FIGS. 28-29. Diagrammatic buccal masses. Ante- 
rior at left; dorsal at top. 28. Cephalaspid. 29. Sa- 
coglossan (modified after Gascoigne, 1985: fig. 2). 
AL = ascending limb; ESO = esophagus; MO = 
mouth; RF = functional portion of radula; RAS = 
radular sack. 

the buccal mass portion of this radula, sug- 
gesting that they are “caducous,” as in 
Scaphander (below). Although Ringicula A 
was coded “n” to reflect the absent rachid- 
ian in R. nitida, Ringicula B was coded 1 to 
account for the bilobed form seen in other 

In Hydatina physis, Rudman (1972a: 130, 
fig. 9C) described the rachidian ‘when 
present... [аз]... а small elongate plate with 
а raised point at the anterior end.” Ev. Mar- 
cus & Er. Marcus (1967b: 17, fig. 9B, as H. 
vesicaria Lightfoot, 1786) described this as 
“a tiny pointed, somewhat irregular, tooth.” 
In H. velum (Gmelin, 1791), Eales (1938: 80) 
noted that “оп the naked rachis is a very 
minute flat рае.” The Hydatina radula 
scanned during this study showed no rachid- 
ian. Because of this level of variability, Hyda- 
tina was coded “u” for this character. 

“The central teeth of Scaphander are 
known to be caducous” (Ev. Marcus & Er. 
Marcus, 1967a: 602), falling off in the func- 
tional radular rows and present only in the 
radular sack. Because of this, Rudman (1978: 
99) stated that “the central tooth [in 
Scaphanaer] is a relic structure of little or no 

functional importance.” Although descrip- 
tions of the rachidian teeth of Scaphander 
species often note the presence of a median 
cusp [e.g., $. lignarius (Linné, 1758), fide Pils- 
bry, 1885a: pl. 61, figs. 39, 40, and Rudman, 
1978: fig. 2G; S. clavus Dall, 1889, fide Ev. 
Marcus 8 Er. Marcus, 1967a: 602, fig. 2], 
most modern descriptions show irregularly 
shaped plates, but definitely lacking cusps 
[e.g., S. lignarius, fide Thompson, 1976: fig. 
63f; S. punctostriatus (Mighels, 1841), fide 
Bouchet, 1975, and Thompson, 1976: fig. 
659, h]. The latter suggestion was upheld by 
scanned radular teeth of $. watsoni during 
this study. The condition in Scaphander 1$ 
therefore undecided and is here coded “u.” 

A rachidian tooth is entirely lacking in the 
type species of Philine, P. aperta, therefore 
Philine A is coded “n.” However, a nonden- 
ticulate, “semi-circular, raised plate” is 
present in P. falklandica and in P. gibba (fide 
Odhner, 1926; Rudman, 1972b), which ac- 
cording to Rudman (1972b: 173) is the plesi- 
omorphic condition for the genus. Odhner's 
figure (1926: fig. 12) of the radula of P. gibba 
shows a rectangular plate, without a median 
indentation but evenly denticulate, therefore 
also without a distinctly larger median cusp. 
Rudman’s drawing (1972b: fig. 2a; repro- 
duced in Rudman, 1978: fig. 2C) from the 
same species is a semicircular nondenticu- 
late plate. Although a median indentation is 
clearly not indicated, the absence of any 
cusps leaves the condition in this taxon un- 
decided, therefore Philine B is coded “u” 

Coding: 0 = rhomboid, with larger median 
cusp (in Ha, Sm, Cb, Ak, Ap, Ge, 00); 1 = 
rhomboid, bilobed cutting edge, with median 
indentation (in RiB, Cy, Ai); 2 = dagger- 
shaped (in As, Vo); 3 = elongated plate (in 
Bu); u in Hy, Sc, PhB (vestigial without defin- 
able form); n in Ac, RiA, PhA (rachidian ab- 
sent) and in ReA, ReB (radula absent). 

14. Enlarged Sickle-shaped Lateral Teeth. 
Many taxa in this analysis have hook- or 
cusp-shaped lateral and marginal teeth. The 
enlarged sickle-shaped tooth is here defined 
as a robust hook (often marginally denticu- 
late) on a handle-like base (as in Acteocina 
spp., see Mikkelsen & Mikkelsen, 1984: fig. 
3D). This morphology is frequently associ- 
ated with a bilobed, denticulate rachidian. 

Both the sickle-shaped teeth and the bi- 
lobed rachidian (when present) are smooth in 
Ringicula (Bouchet, 1975; Thompson et al., 
1985; pers. obs.). 


Coding: 0 = not present (but other laterals/ 
marginals present; in Ac, Hy, Bu, Ha, Sm, Ak, 
Ар, Ge, 00); 1 = present (in RiA, РВ, Sc, PhA, 
РВВ, Cy, Ai); п (absent) in Cb, As, Vo (laterals 
absent) and in ReA, ReB (radula absent). 

15. Lateral/Marginal Teeth Number. Lateral 
teeth are generally larger and more robust 
than marginals, but these labels suffer from 
lack of any further identifying criteria. In cer- 
tain species, the distinction can be difficult to 
resolve. In Akera and Haminoea, for example, 
all non-rachidian teeth are hook-shaped, 
gradually becoming more slender and less 
robust outwardly. The innermost 1-6 teeth 
are usually denticulate, and although slight, 
this is sufficient to distinguish laterals from 
non-denticulate marginals. Because of these 
vague definitions, however, a character such 
as “marginals present/absent” was not used 
in this analysis. Gosliner (1994) concurred, 
calling the indistinct outermost teeth of 
opisthobranchs “outer laterals.” Character 
states O and 1 indicate the presence/ab- 
sence of different teeth outside of the rachid- 
ian, but are independent of the ambiguous 
marginal tooth category. Character state 1, 
where all non-rachidian teeth are essentially 
identical (and usually minute), is exemplified 
by the radulae of Acteon and Hydatina spp. 
(Gosliner, 1994: fig. 19C, D). 

Although the type species of Philine, P. ap- 
erta, possesses only a single lateral tooth 
(coded 2), other species (e.g., P. gibba, fide 
Odhner, 1926: fig 12) have additional ‘‘mar- 
ginal” teeth, usually cusp-shaped but smaller 
than the “laterals.” Philine В is therefore 
coded 0. 

Coding: 0 = > 1, more than one form (in 
PhB, Cy, Bu, Ha, Sm, Ak, Ap, Ge, 00); 1=> 
1, identical in form (in Ac, Hy); 2 = 1 (in RiA, 
RiB, Sc, PhA, Ai); n (not applicable) in Cb, As, 
Vo (laterals/marginals absent) and in ReA, 
ReB (radula absent). 

16. Pharyngeal Pouches. Pharyngeal 
pouches are lateral outpockets of the central 
cavity of the buccal mass, and are character- 
istic of sacoglossans. Their comparable ap- 
pearance in histological cross-sections of 
Cylindrobulla and Ascobulla spp. is one of 
the deciding factors in considering the former 
taxon a sacoglossan in this study. 

Climo (1975) described a bifurcate “Бисса! 
pouch” in Gegania valkyrie, but this is prob- 
ably not homologous with the pharyngeal 
pouches of sacoglossans. That found in Ge- 
gania is a caecum originating ventral to the 
junction of the buccal mass and esophagus, 

and is therefore more like an esophageal di- 
verticulum (see below). 

Coding: 0 = absent (in all except following); 
1 = present (in Cb, As, Vo). 

17. Esophageal Gizzard with Gizzard 
Plates. The muscular gizzard, always with a 
series of gizzard plates well anchored within 
the musculature, is one of the most recog- 
nizable features of a typical cephalaspid. The 
traditional character “weakly/strongly devel- 
oped” was interpreted to refer to corneous 
versus calcified gizzard plates, coded in 
character 18. “Gizzard plates present/ab- 
sent” applies to this character, because a 
gizzard 1$ never present without plates, and 
vice versa. 

Because the all-zero outgroup was coded 
here as 0 (gizzard absent), characters 18-21, 
which involved gizzard plates and spines, 
were coded “n” (not applicable) in this hypo- 
thetical taxon. 

Coding: 0 = absent (in Ac, RiA, RiB, Hy, Cb, 
As, Vo, Ge, 00); 1 = present (in remainder). 

18. Gizzard Plate Calcification. Gizzard 
plates were tested mineralogically to verify 
“calcification,” as reported in the literature 
for species of the Philinoidea, for example, 
Scaphanaer, Philine, Acteocina, and Cy- 
lichna (see generalized descriptions in, e.g., 
Boss, 1982). Scaphander, Philine, and 
Acteocina tested positively in Alizarin Red 
solution, indicating calcification. The gizzard 
plates of Cylichna cylindracea tested nega- 
tively, disputing previous reports. One sam- 
ple tested partly negatively: the gizzard 
plates of Scaphander watsoni tested posi- 
tively in the portion embedded within the 
gizzard wall, but were “capped” by a layer 
of unreactive material (three trials). The latter 
could be weddellite, a calcium oxalate hy- 
drate, determined (by electron-probe micro- 
analysis) in the gizzard plates of Scaphander 
cylindrellus Dall, 1908 (Lowenstam, 1968). 

Gizzard plates in Philine aperta are calci- 
fied according to the mineralogical test, 
therefore Philine A was coded 1. However, 
some species (e.g., P. gibba, P. falklandica) 
have been reported to have uncalcified, cor- 
neous gizzard plates (Odhner, 1926; Rud- 
man, 1972b), a character state considered 
plesiomorphic for the genus by Rudman 
(19725). Philine В was provisionally coded 0, 
however, in view of the conflicting results of 
the Cylichna gizzard plate test versus litera- 
ture data, this requires verification. 

As a control for the gizzard plate samples, 
the “corneous” gizzard plates of Bulla striata 


were tested with Alizarin Red. Results were 
negative. All other reportedly corneous giz- 
zard plates (in Akera, Aplysia, Haminoea, 
Smaragdinella, and Retusa) tested negatively 
in Alizarin Red. 

Coding: 0 = not calcified (in PhB?, Cy, Bu, 
Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, Ak, Ap); 1 = calcified (in 
Sc, PhA, Ai); n (gizzard absent) in Ac, RiA, 
АВ, Ну, Cb, As, Vo, Ge, 00. 

19. Gizzard Plate Number. The number of 
gizzard plates is three in most species of 
cephalaspids. In anaspids (Akera, Aplysia), 
10-20 small pyramidal gizzard plates occur. 
Runcina (Runcinidae; Runcinoidea), a taxon 
not included here, has four gizzard plates, a 
feature contributing to its placement in its 
own order of opisthobranchs by many au- 
thors (Mikkelsen, 1993: fig. 2; 1994: table 2). 

Determination of polarity of this character, 
in the absence of a gizzard in both Gegania 
and the all-zero outgroup, was assigned ac- 
cording to Gosliner (1994), who suggested 
that the presence of numerous plates was 
more plesiomorphic. 

Coding: 0 = > 3 (in Ak, Ap); 1 = 3 (in Sc, 
PhA, РВВ, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB); п 
(gizzard absent) in Ac, НА, RiB, Hy, Cb, As, 
Vo, Ge, 00. 

20. Gizzard Plates Tuberculate. Gizzard 
plates exist in many sculptural forms, includ- 
ing smooth, ridged, laterally pinched, and 
tuberculate. Most of these were not treated 
in this analysis, but tuberculate gizzard plates 
were coded, in part, with the goal of unifying 
the two species of Retusa, which in early 
trials increased the number of possible 
trees dramatically through their independent 

The tubercles on the uncalcified gizzard 
plates of Retusa spp. (Figs. 30, 31) are black 
in fresh or preserved material, and stain yel- 
lowish rather than purplish in PAS. In cross- 
section (Fig. 31), these extend from the base 
to the surface of the plate. The color suggests 
different composition from the rest of the 
plate; the yellowish hue is similar to that of the 
outer tests of foraminiferan prey seen in the 
gut. Other heavily sculptured gizzard plates 
(e.g., in Haminoea) did not show these kinds 
of staining differences. This character is prob- 
ably a synapomorphy for the genus Retusa. 

Coding: O = not tuberculate (in Sc, PhA, 
PhB, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, Ak, Ap); 1 = tuber- 
culate (in ReA, ReB); n (gizzard absent) in Ac, 
RIA, РВ, Ну, Cb, As, Vo, Ge, 00. 

21. Gizzard Spines. Gizzard spines (Figs. 
32-35) are here defined as acicular, cartilag- 

FIGS. 30-31. Tuberculate gizzard plates. 30. Re- 
tusa obtusa (Fleet, Dorset, U.K., 2/1986), SEM. 31. 
R. obtusa (Fleet, Dorset, U.K., 2/1986), histological 
cross-section, PAS stain. Scales = 100 um (30), 20 
um (31.) 

inous bodies affixed to the inner wall of the 
esophageal gizzard, always in conjunction 
with larger gizzard plates. They vary greatly in 
size but are always substantially smaller than 
the gizzard plates. The base is roughly circu- 
lar and flat to slightly concave below. Lo- 
cated at the periphery of the main gizzard 
plate “field” (i.e., preceding or following the 
gizzard plates), they often alternate with the 
larger plates. Histologically and at low mag- 
nification during gross dissection, a flattened 
inner core of longitudinal striations 1$ visible 
and often more darkly pigmented (Fig. 6A-C). 
The tip of the spine is also flattened in the 
plane of the striations. Gizzard spines control 
the flow of food particles in and out of the 
gizzard, including (depending on location) 
prevention of (a) back-washing into the ante- 
rior esophagus during processing, and (b) 
exit from the gizzard until particles are small 
enough for further digestion in the stomach. 

Spines precede the gizzard plates in both 
Akera and Aplysia. In fact, in Akera, small py- 
ramidal plates showed strong similarity to the 



FIGS. 32-35. Gizzard spines. 32. From anterior gizzard; Aplysia brasiliana (НВОМ 065:00414). 33. Same; 
Bulla ampulla (NNM). 34. Same; Haminoea antillarum (PMM-933), histological cross-section, PAS stain. 35. 
From filter chamber of Akera bullata (ZMUC), histological cross-section, PAS stain. Scales = 1.00 mm (32, 

33), 50 ит (34, 35). 

larger conical spines, suggesting that the two 
structures are in fact homologous. Removal 
of both plates and spines from the gizzard 
wall is easy and leaves behind a “scar” or 
slightly elevated base to which they were af- 
fixed. Conical spines also occur in the thin- 
ner-walled filter chamber in Aplysia. The filter 

chamber in Akera, although probably itself 
homologous, contains different “spines” 
(Fig. 35). These are thin cartilaginous caps 
over elevated fleshy papillae, effectively hol- 
low in histological cross-section, are not re- 
movable from the gizzard wall, and do not 
show longitudinal striations in the chitin. They 


are not believed homologous to the gizzard 
spines defined here. 

Gizzard spines are present both preceding 
and following the gizzard plates in Haminoea 
and Bulla (Er. Marcus, 1957: fig. 3; Fretter, 
1939: fig. 11, teeth”). They are tiny com- 
pared with the robust plates, often frayed at 
the tip, and (especially when small) do not as 
readily detach from the gizzard wall. They are 
heavily longitudinally striated and flattened, 
morphologically resembling only the inner 
core of Akera/Aplysia spines. This resem- 
blance and their location are taken as evi- 
dence of homology with the latter. They often 
also show distinct, regular transverse striae, 
presumably growth lines. Fretter (1939) 
noted that during ontogeny, three groups of 
plate-like projections later fuse to form the 
three preceding spines. However, this was an 
over-interpretation of Berrill (1931), who quite 
clearly referred to three projections that fit 
between the three gizzard plates in two- 
month-old post-larvae. 

In Smaragdinella, Rudman (1972c) was un- 
clear т noting the gizzard as “very similar” to 
that of Phanerophthalmus, which has gizzard 
spines (Rudman, 1972c). Spines were ем- 
dent preceding the gizzard plates in histolog- 
ical sections and dissections of Smarag- 
dinella, but they are thin, V-shaped chitinous 
structures without obvious striation, and do 
not readily detach. By virtue of their location 
and chitinous nature, Smaragdinella is provi- 
sionally coded 2. 

Brown (1934: fig. 18) showed fleshy 
“spines” between the gizzard plates of Phil- 
ine aperta, with no comment in the text. In 
dissection, these were confirmed as fleshy 
ridges running the entire length of the gizzard 
between each pair of plates. These are nei- 
ther homologous nor analogous in function to 
gizzard spines. These structures are also ev- 
ident in published drawings of the gizzard of 
Acteocina canaliculata (fide Ev. Marcus, 
1977b: fig. 43). 

Minichev (1971) stated that cuticular 
spines were present on the gizzard walls in 
Retusa instabilis Minichev, 1971. According 
to his figures, these are minute; they proba- 
bly correspond to small cuticle-covered pa- 
pillae on the gizzard wall seen in histological 
sections prepared for this study. Gizzard 
spines as defined here are absent in R. ob- 
tusa and R. truncatula. 

In the absence of literature opinion, polarity 
of this character mirrored that of character 
19; because numerous gizzard plates (the 

plesiomorphic state) in Aplysia and Akera are 
accompanied by numerous gizzard spines, 
the presence of gizzard spines was also con- 
sidered plesiomorphic. This decision is ad- 
mittedly arbitrary. 

Coding: 0 = present (in Bu, Ha, Sm?, Ak, 
Ap); 1 = absent (in Sc, PhA, PhB, Cy, Ai, ReA, 
ReB); n (gizzard absent) in Ac, RiA, RiB, Hy, 
Cb, As, Vo, Ge, 00. 

22. Filter Chamber. A filter chamber, or 
secondary gizzard, is present in anaspideans 
between the gizzard and the stomach. This 
character, plus character 24, were added to 
the analysis as unifying data for Akera and 

Coding: 0 = absent (in all except following); 
1 = present (in Ak, Ap). 

23. Stomach. The stomach in opistho- 
branchs was defined here as the (at least 
slightly) expanded part of the post-esoph- 
ageal digestive tract where the digestive 
glands open. Unlike its vertebrate namesake, 
where maceration of food occurs, this is the 
center for sorting and/or absorption of usable 
nutrients; food maceration usually occurs 
earlier in the buccal mass or gizzard. [In 
Acteon and Ringicula, with weak radulae and 
without gizzards, maceration occurs in the 
posterior region of the stomach (Fretter, 
1939: 641; 1960).] 

The stomach exists in two main formats: 
those with a large posterior chamber (e.g., 
Acteon), and those without this chamber that 
are effectively a simple flow-through tube. In 
Ringicula, the large posterior pouch is elab- 
orated by thickenings of the wall (Fretter, 
1960; Gosliner, 1994) that act to crush large 
prey items, analogous (but not homologous) 
to gizzard plates. 

Coding: 0 = with pouch-like chamber (in 
Ac, RiA, RiB, Hy, Ge, 00); 1 = simple flow- 
through, without pouch-like chamber (in all 

24. Caecum Extending from Stomach. The 
anaspid stomach has a distal caecum con- 
taining two longitudinal folds or typhlosoles 
(Fretter & Ko, 1979). This is a unifying char- 
acter for the anaspid clade, comprising Akera 
and Aplysia. 

Coding: 0 = absent (in all except following); 
1 = present (in Ak, Ap). 

25. Extent of Intestinal Typhlosole. Unlike 
its vertebrate namesake, which serves in ab- 
sorption of food nutrients, the function of the 
opisthobranch intestine is the elaboration of 
waste matter (Fretter, 1939). A typhlosole, or 
longitudinal fold, acts to consolidate fecal 


pellets through secretions (Fretter & Ko, 
1979). A partial typhlosole extending only a 
short distance into the intestine was consid- 
ered the plesiomorphic state, due to that in 
the larger caenogastropod outgroup (Fretter 
8 Graham, 1994: 220). 

Coding: 0 = partial (in Ac, ВТА, Sc, PhA, Cy, 
Ha, ReA, ReB?, 00); 1 = absent (in Hy, Bu, As, 
Vo, Ak, Ap, Ge); 2 = entire (in Cb); u (un- 
known) in RiB, PhB, Ai, Sm. 

Nervous System: The presumed plesiomor- 
phic nervous system in the Euthyneura (mod- 
ified from Guiart, 1901: fig. 49; Russell, 1929: 
200, text-fig. 1; Williams, 1975: fig. 7A) in- 
cludes: six ganglia in a prepharyngeal esoph- 
ageal nerve ring (right and left cerebrals, ped- 
als, and pleurals), and five ganglia [a single 
visceral (= abdominal), supra- and subesoph- 
ageals (= -intestinals), and right and left pal- 
lials (= parietals)] on a long streptoneurous 
visceral loop emanating from the pleural gan- 
glia. Other components of the basic system 
include an osphradial ganglion emanating 
from the supraesophageal, paired buccal 
ganglia from the cerebrals, and a genital gan- 
glion from the visceral. 

The pallial ganglia are believed to repre- 
sent detached portions of the pleural ganglia, 
supplying the lateral body wall and parts of 
the mantle (Bullock, 1965). Bullock (1965; 
supported by Brace, 1977a) considered this 
separation to be a phylogenetically recent 
event. Their presence was given as the 
“most important synapomorphy” for the 
Pentaganglionata (= Euthyneura) by Hasz- 
prunar (1988: 14; but see results for Gegania, 

Williams (1975) considered the relative po- 
sitions of the nerve loop ganglia to be impor- 
tant comparative criteria. Mere numbers of 
ganglia on the loop (as in the traditional char- 
acter “visceral loop ganglia 5/4/3”) do not 
reflect their relative positions nor which gan- 
glia are fused with which others. A visceral 
nerve loop formula was devised to cladisti- 
cally reflect this information. The most plesi- 
omorphic arrangement advocated by Gos- 
liner (1994) and earlier authors mentioned 
above is L-A-B-V-P-A-L, reading from the left 
origin on the circumesophageal nerve ring to 
the right, where L = pleural (right or left), A = 
pallial (right or left), В = subesophageal, \ = 
visceral, and P = supraesophageal. [The 
“neutral” positions exhibited here by the two 
left (A, B) and two right (P, A) ganglia are 
periodically referred to below as upper and 

lower left, and upper and lower right posi- 
tions, respectively.] The most plesiomorphic 
condition (for purposes of assigning polarity) 
was modified here to LA- -B-V-P- -AL, dif- 
fering in location of the pallial ganglia, which 
in this format are not yet separated from 
the pleurals. No dashes between ganglia in- 
dicate adjacency or fusion of the two ganglia; 
no distinction is made between adjacent or 
fused because the degree of fusion is often 
ambiguous (i.e., is a dumbbell-shaped gan- 
glion fused or not?). A single dash indicates 
a short connective; two or three dashes indi- 
cate longer connectives. As an example, 
L-A- -BV- - -PAL indicates adjacent (or fused) 
subesophageal/visceral and supraesoph- 
ageal/right pallial with the latter adjacent to 
the nerve ring, a short connective between 
the nerve ring and left pallial, a long connec- 
tive between pallial and subesophageal, and 
a still longer connective between visceral and 
supraesophageal. Because nearly all taxa in- 
volved in this study had unique overall pat- 
terns (making coding especially difficult), cer- 
tain features of this were coded separately, 
reflecting the location of key ganglia, using 
care to create independent characters. Gan- 
gliar fusion and streptoneury are not reflected 
in this formula. The position of a single gan- 
glion must be expressed with reference to 
two other ganglia, e.g., the supraesophageal 
in the above example 1$ at the V- -Р/РА po- 

Shortening of the visceral loop was dis- 
carded as a potential character, as in previ- 
ous traditional characters, because of sub- 
jectivity and dependence on overall body 

Within gastropods, streptoneury (= chias- 
toneury) is plesiomorphic to euthyneury (= or- 
thoneury) wherein the nerve loop is un- 
crossed. Haszprunar (1988: 14) believed that 
“euthyneury . . . is a phenomenon of multiple 
convergence.” Williams (1975: fig. 31) 
showed it evolving six times within the 
opisthobranchs. The process of untwisting 
has been attributed to causes other than 
strict “detorsion” (Brace, 1977b), including 
shortening of the visceral loop, posterior mi- 
gration of the mantle skirt, differential growth, 
and other changes. 

The taxa involved in this study exhibit vary- 
ing degrees of streptoneury, from fully 
crossed (Acteon), fully uncrossed (Aplysia), to 
“slight streptoneury” (Haminoea; terminol- 
ogy of Williams, 1975), wherein the nerve 
cords are uncrossed, but the right portion of 


the loop is dorsal to the left portion. Position 
of the “crossing” also varies, necessitating 
precise definition here. Because Brace 
(1977a) expressed euthyneury in part as mi- 
gration of the supraesophageal ganglion to- 
ward the right, assessment is here made at 
the level of the supraesophageal ganglion, ei- 
ther left (streptoneurous) or right (euthyneur- 
ous) of the midline. Thus, Philine is euthyneu- 
rous at the level of its supraesophageal 
ganglion, even though its nerve loop 1$ 
crossed farther posteriorly [e.g., Philine sp. 1 
of Williams (1975: fig. 8) with a posterior 
“vestige of streptoneury” (Brace, 1977a: 
19)]. This was also noted in dissections of 
Haminoea antillarum (Orbigny, 1841) during 
this study. 

“Slight streptoneury” (= incomplete euthy- 
neury) was determined if the right arm of the 
visceral nerve loop was positioned dorsal to 
the esophagus. In Aplysia, wherein all nerve 
loop ganglia are crowded about the visceral 
ganglion, the only “vestige of streptoneury”’ 
is found in the dorsal position of the suprae- 
sophageal ganglion over the more ventral 
viscero-subesophageal ganglion (Guiart, 
1901); but because both arms of the visceral 
loop are ventral to the gut, Aplysia was con- 
sidered fully euthyneurous. 

Some degree of variability has been im- 
plied in Akera with regard to this character. 
Both Guiart (1901, in A. bullata Múller, 1776) 
and Ev. Marcus (1970, in A. bayeri Marcus 4 
Marcus, 1967) depicted the supraesophageal 
ganglion distinctly on the left side, that is, п 
streptoneurous position. Brace (1977a: fig. 
2B; in A. bullata) drew a clearly uncrossed 
visceral nerve cord. Hoffmann (1936: fig. 484) 
explained this difference as one related to 
isolated versus in situ configurations of the 

Following coding of this character, it was 
noted in complete congruence with the posi- 
tion of the mantle cavity opening (character 
4). Because posterior migration has been 
proposed as a possible cause of the change 
from streptoneury to euthyneury, these char- 
acters were considered not independent, 
and this character was not used. Coding 1$ 
here noted for information purposes only: O = 
streptoneurous (crossed visceral loop; in Ac, 
Ri, Ge); 1 = slightly streptoneurous (un- 
crossed but right arm of nerve loop dorsal to 
left; in Hy, Sc, Ph, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Re, Cb, As, 
Vo, Ak, Ap); 2 = euthyneurous (uncrossed, 
arms of visceral loop level; in Sm, Ru). 

Statocysts are roughly spherical, fluid- 

filled organs, containing hard bodies called 
statoliths (large, single) or statoconia (small, 
multiple), which assist the mollusk in deter- 
mining its own orientation. Dorsett (1986) 
noted that the anatomy of molluscan stato- 
cysts is poorly known from a comparative 
point of view. These were observed here in 
histological sections of all taxa except 
Acteocina and Volvatella; Aplysia was not 
sectioned, therefore also not observed. In all 
but a few exceptions, they were appressed to 
the surface of the pedal ganglia (near the 
junctions with the cerebro-pedal connec- 
tives), and contained multiple statoconia. 
This agrees with the general description “in 
gastropods” given by Dorsett (1986). Stato- 
conia were clearly observed in Hydatina, 
Bulla, Haminoea, Smaragdinella, and Gega- 
та as minute flattened disks, each with a 
central thickening, as discussed and figured 
for Aplysia californica Cooper, 1863, by Cog- 
geshall (1969). In other species, statoconia 
were indistinct flakes and dots (Acteon, 
Scaphander, Philine A, Cylichna, Cylindro- 
bulla) or were inevident (Ringicula, Retusa A, 
Ascobulla, Akera). Hoffman’s (1935) figure of 
the statocyst of Aplysia suggested both a 
larger statolith and multiple statoconia, al- 
though this disagrees with the findings of 
Coggeshall (1969). Guiart (1901: 120) also re- 
marked on the absence of a large “otolithe.” 
Fretter 8 Graham (1994) stated that, although 
multiple statoconia appeared more charac- 
teristic of “primitive”” gastropods and the sin- 
gle statolith of “more advanced” forms, no 
clear systematic generalizations were possi- 
ble. Haszprunar (1988: 399) also regarded 
this dichotomy as “highly ambiguous.” In 
some species (e.g., Tritonia hombergi Cuvier, 
1802), statoliths and statoconia are both 
present, with statoconia added progressively 
during development (Thompson, 1962). No 
coding was possible on this information. 

Gegania showed the only exception in sta- 
tocyst location, appressed to the pedal gan- 
glion near the junction with the pedal com- 
missure. Location of the statocysts, although 
possibly useful phylogenetically, differed in 
only one species and as such would be an 
uninformative character in the analysis. Also, 
details of the cellular fine structure of the sta- 
tocyst itself, discussed as evolutionary infor- 
mative by Barber (1968), were not resolvable 
by the light histological techniques employed 

Twelve characters were coded from the 
nervous system. 


26. Nerve Ring Location. The six-ganglion 
nerve ring around the anterior esophagus 
can be located either anterior or posterior 
to the buccal mass. Gosliner (1994) deter- 
mined that the postpharyngeal position 1$ 
plesiomorphic for Gastropoda (based on 
the condition in veti- and caenogastropods), 
but that the prepharyngeal position 1$ a 
synapomorphy for the Heterobranchia (sec- 
ondarily moved postpharyngeally within the 
group, hence determining the polarity here 
assigned). The prepharyngeal position is 
present only in Cephalaspidea within the 
Opisthobranchia (Williams, 1975). The post- 
pharyngeal position could be associated with 
centralization of the nervous system toward 
the midpoint of the body (Williams, 1975). 
Williams (1975: fig. 33) perceived this shift to 
have occurred at least three times during 
opisthobranch evolution. 

Members of the genus Retusa have no 
muscular “pharynx” or buccal mass, render- 
ing it difficult to determine the coding of this 
character. However, a reasonable determina- 
tion was derived from the location of the 
paired buccal ganglia relative to the nerve 
ring. In most cephalaspids, the buccal gan- 
glia are located at the posterior region of the 
buccal mass, adjacent to its junction with the 
esophagus. In species with a postpharyngeal 
nerve ring (e.g., Akera), the buccal ganglia are 
located anterior to or in close proximity to the 
nerve ring. Alternatively, in species with a 
prepharyngeal nerve ring (e.g., Acteon, Cy- 
lichna), the buccal ganglia are located poste- 
rior to the nerve ring. Histological sections of 
R. obtusa showed the buccal ganglia to lie 
significantly behind the nerve ring. This ob- 
servation is supported by Hurst (1965: figs. 
24, 31), who additionally showed the nerve 
ring surrounding the “oral region” anterior to 
an expanded, weakly muscular “buccal re- 
gion.” The latter carries the buccal ganglia 
posteriorly, adjacent to the junction with the 
esophagus. Hurst's “buccal region” thus ap- 
pears homologous to the functional buccal 
mass of other cephalaspids; therefore, the 
nerve ring was considered prepharyngeal 
and this character was coded O for Retusa. 
Boss (1982: 1026) apparently agreed but in- 
accurately stated “the nerve collar is in front 
of the pharynx” (emphasis mine) in his de- 
scription of Retusidae. 

The nerve ring of Hydatina physis in histo- 
logical sections studied here surrounds a 
muscular portion of the pharynx containing 
the jaws, i.e., somewhat mid-region of the 

pharynx. This, however, was anterior to both 
the radular region of the pharynx and the 
buccal ganglia, concluding that the nerve ring 
must be coded as prepharyngeal (0). 

Coding O = prepharyngeal (in Ac, Hy, Sc, 
PhA, РВВ, Cy, Ai, Bu, ReA, ReB, Ge, 00); 1 = 
postpharyngeal (in RIA, РВ, Ha, Sm, Cb, As, 
Vo, Ak, Ap). 

27. Cerebral/Pleural Ganglia. Fusion of 
these two ganglia is clearly indicated in his- 
tological sections by the presence of two 
connectives (rather than one) between the 
cerebral (actually the cerebropleural) and 
pedal ganglia. This is identical to the tradi- 
tional characters “nerve ring with 6 or 4 gan- 
glia.” This and the following two characters 
are expressions of “concentration” of the 
nervous system, a phenomenon reportedly 
occurring independently in many groups of 
“lower” opisthobranchs (Rudman, 1972c). 

Cerebral and pleural ganglia are fused in 
histological sections of Ringicula nitida, but 
are separate but closely apposed in R. buc- 
cinea (fide Fretter, 1960). This character was 
therefore coded as separate for Ringicula В, 
and fused for Ringicula A. 

Although the cerebral and pleural ganglia 
are fused in the type of Retusa, R. obtusa, 
these ganglia are separate in many other 
species of Retusa (e.g., R. truncatula). This 
character is therefore coded 0 (separate) in 
Retusa B and 1 (fused) in Retusa A. 

Haszprunar's (1985b) claim that the cere- 
bral and pleural ganglia of Gegania valkyrie 
are separate on the left and fused on the right 
was confirmed by examination of Haszpru- 
nar's own histological sections as well as an 
additional set, however, the fusion on the 
right is incomplete and two ganglia are 
clearly distinguishable (Fig. 36). Gegania is 
coded here as separate. 

Coding: 0 = separate (in RiB, Sc, PhA, РВВ, 
Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReB, Ak, Ap, Ge, 00); 1 = 
fused (т Ac, РИА, Ну, ReA, Cb, As, Vo). 

28. Relative Length of Cerebral Commis- 
sure. Within the nerve ring, cerebral and 
pedal ganglia are either closely adjacent (CC 
or PP) or connected by a distinct commissure 
(C-C or P-P). The latter state is true for both 
ganglion pairs in the hypothetical ancestral 
condition presented by Russell (1929) and 
Gosliner (1978, 1981, 1994). Shortening of 
commissures (and connectives) is another 
reflection of concentration of the nervous 

Coding: 0 = long (C-C, in all but following); 
1 = short (CC, adjacent; in Hy, Ak, Ap, Ge). 


FIG. 36. Circumesophageal nerve ring of Gegania valkyrie (MNHN), histological cross-section, PAS stain. 
Dorsal at upper right, right side of animal at left. AG = pallial ganglion (right); СС = cerebral commissure; 
CG = cerebral ganglion (right); ESO = esophagus; LG = pleural ganglion (right); М = mantle; PA = right 

pallial-supraesophageal connective. Scale = 100 um. 

29. Relative Length of Pedal Commissure. 
See comments under character 28. 

Coding: 0 = long (Р-Р, in all but following); 
1 = short (PP, adjacent; in Cb, As, Vo). 

30. Position of Left Pallial Ganglion. Bul- 
lock (1965: 1362) considered the first indica- 
tions of concentration of the visceral loop to 
be “the movement of the parietal ganglia for- 
ward” seen in many cephalaspids. This as- 
sumes that the plesiomorphic state is one in 
which the pallials are substantially removed 
from the pleurals. Here, because the pallial 
ganglia are presumed to have split from the 
pleural ganglia (Bullock, 1965; Brace, 1977a), 
the state LA (adjacent) is presumed plesio- 
morphic to L-A or L- -A, which are here both 
considered as character state 1. 

The left pallial ganglion is reportedly miss- 
ing in Scaphander (Brace, 1977a), Cylichna 
(Lemche, 1956), and Асеоста (Gosliner, 
1979). Brace (1977a) and Schmekel (1985) 

considered the left pallial fused with the left 
pleural in Scaphander; however, Brace 
(1977a) noted (also in Cylichna) the presence 
of vestigial somata at the junction of the left 
pallial nerve with the visceral loop, in a upper 
left position. lt seems more likely therefore 
that the left pallial ganglion has been reduced 
in these three taxa, rather than fused with the 
left pleural. The position of the left pallial is 
therefore interpreted through that of the left 
pallial nerve; these three taxa are therefore 
coded here as separate. 

No left pallial was detected in dissections 
of Philine aperta or P. orientalis A. Adams, 
1854; Philine A was coded “u.” Philine falk- 
landica and P. angasi (Crosse 8 Fischer, 
1865) apparently have a left pallial ganglion 
(as “accessory” ganglion, Rudman, 1972b) 
migrated toward the visceral, and Philine В 1$ 
coded 1 accordingly. 

The position of the left pallial ganglion var- 


ies in the genus Haminoea. It could not be 
discerned as a separate ganglion in dissec- 
tions of H. elegans (Gray, 1825) and H. antil- 
larum, although in each case nerves were 
noted innervating the pallial wall from the 
pleural ganglion as well as from the lower left 
position of the visceral loop (i.e., in the lower 
left position). Er. Marcus (1958) found no in- 
dication of a left (or right) pallial in dissections 
or sections of H. elegans. Guiart (1901: pl. 5) 
showed a pallial nerve and a “ganglion pal- 
léal gauche” in the lower left position in H. 
navicula (da Costa, 1778). Vayssiere (1879- 
1880: pl. 12, fig. 114) figured a small pallial 
nerve immediately adjacent to the subesoph- 
ageal ganglion (i.e., in L- - -A/AB position) in 
H. hydatis (Linné, 1758). [Thompson (1976: 
fig. 58e) extrapolated a small ganglion at the 
base of this nerve in his redrawing of Vays- 
siere's (1879-1880) figure.] Rudman (1971a: 
fig. 11) found several left pallial nerves, the 
largest at the upper left position, and several 
smaller ones nearer the adjacent BV ganglia. 
Williams (1975: fig. 14) claimed the left pallial 
to be fused to the left pleural in H. virescens 
(without any indication of pallial nerves). In 
this dataset, Haminoea was provisionally 
coded 1 in accordance with its exemplar 

Although Williams (1975: 96) considered 
the left pallial ganglion in julioid sacoglossans 
“fused to some degree within the anterior 
nerve ring,” two distinct ganglia were found 
on the left side of the visceral loop in Cylin- 
drobulla and Ascobulla, identifiable as the left 
pallial and subesophageal ganglia. In Volva- 
tella, the pallial ganglion was less clear in his- 
tological sections but suggested the same 
configuration. In other species of Volvatella 
[V. vigorouxi (Montrouzier, 1861) and У. ven- 
tricosa Jensen 8 Wells, 1990), Baba (1966) 
and Jensen & Wells (1990) showed the sube- 
sophageal in the upper right position, but this 
is likely the left pallial ganglion [with the sube- 
sophageal fused with the visceral, as in V. 
bermudae Clark, 1982]. 

Haszprunar's (1985b) interpretation of the 
nervous system of Gegania included no men- 
tion of pallial ganglia, however, both right and 
left were identified here. The right pallial gan- 
glion (= Haszprunar's right pleural) is imme- 
diately adjacent to the partially fused cere- 
bro-pleural ganglion; this was confirmed as 
pallial, not pleural, because it lies along the 
pleural-supraesophageal connective and 
does not receive a connective from the pedal 
ganglion (as does the pleural). The left pallial 

ganglion appears to be what Haszprunar 
(1985b) called “accessory ganglion,” de- 
picted as separate from the pleural and in- 
nervating the columellar muscle; its presence 
was not confirmed in sections examined. 

Coding: O = LA, fused or adjacent (in RiA, 
RIB, Hy, 00); 1 = L-A or L- -A, separate (in Ac, 
Sc, PhB, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha?, Sm, Cb, As, Vo, Ak, 
Ge); u in PhA, ReA, ReB, Ар. 

31. Position of Subesophageal Ganglion. 
Brace (1977a) stated that the posterior mi- 
gration of the subesophageal ganglion to- 
ward the visceral (i.e., B-V to BV) was caused 
by the posterior migration of the mantle skirt. 
However, there is imperfect correlation be- 
tween this and character 4, therefore this 
character was also used in the analysis. 

In Hydatina physis, according to Rudman 
(1972a), the subesophageal ganglion is in the 
lower left position. However, in my dissec- 
tions of H. physis and in H. velum according 
to Eales (1938), the subesophageal has 
clearly migrated posteriorly to lie adjacent to 
the visceral. Because of the conflicting ob- 
servations of the type species, H. physis, Hy- 
datina is here coded “u.” 

The subesophageal was confirmed adja- 
cent to the visceral in my dissections of 
Volvatella bermudae. lts position adjacent to 
the left pleural in V. vigourouxi and V. ventri- 
cosa (fide Baba, 1966; Jensen & Wells, 1990) 
is probably an error, mistaking the prominent 
left pallial for the subintestinal. 

Coding: 0 = B-V (in Ac, Cb, As, Ge, 00); 1 = 
B migrated toward nerve ring (in RiA, RiB); 2 
= BV, migrated toward visceral (in Sc, PhA, 
PhB, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, Vo, Ak, 
Ap); u in Hy. 

32. Position of Supraesophageal Ganglion. 
In Retusa obtusa and R. truncatula, the su- 
praesophageal ganglion is in the lower right 
position on the nerve loop (Vayssiere, 1893; 
pers. obs.). However, in R. semisulcata, it is 
adjacent to the right pleural at the nerve ring 
(Huber, 1993). Retusa A is accordingly coded 
0, and Retusa B is coded 1. 

Williams (1975) assigned Cylindrobulla, As- 
cobulla, and Volvatella to the julioid type of 
nervous system with visceral loop formula 
LA- -B-V-P- -AL. However, in this study, the 
supraesophageal and right pallial ganglion 
were clearly fused in histological sections of 
all three taxa. 

The supraesophageal ganglion is in the 
lower right position on the nerve loop in 
Volvatella vigourouxi (fide Baba, 1966), V. 
ventricosa (fide Jensen & Wells, 1990), and in 


my observations of V. bermudae. However, in 
his work on V. bermudae, Clark (1982: fig. 
1G) placed it adjacent to the right pleural, 
close to the nerve ring. Because of the con- 
flicting observations in the exemplar, Volva- 
tella is coded “и” here. 

Coding: 0 = V-P (in Ac, РИА, Sc, РВВ, Cy, 
Ai, Bu, Ha, ReA, Cb, As, Ak, Ge, 00); 1 = P 
migrated toward nerve ring (in Hy, PhA, Sm, 
ReB); 2 = VP (in Ap); u in Vo. 

33. Position of Right Pallial Ganglion. See 
general comments about pallial ganglia un- 
der character 30. 

Williams” (1975) julioid formula (see char- 
acter 32) assumed fusion of the right pallial 
ganglion with the right pleural. However, in 
this study, histological sections of Cylindro- 
bulla and Ascobulla suggested fusion of the 
right pallial with the supraesophageal. This 
was especially clear in Cylindrobulla, in which 
the presumed fused ganglion was almost bi- 
lobed. In these cases, the right pallial and 
right pleural are widely separated. Although 
histological sections of Volvatella bermudae 
also showed the -PA--L configuration, 
closely apposed ganglia (-PAL) were re- 
corded in V. bermudae by Clark (1982) and 
also in V. ficula Burn, 1966, by Burn (1966). 
Volvatella was here coded 2, in accordance 
with the condition observed here for the ex- 
emplar species. 

See remarks on Gegania under character 

Coding: 0 = AL (in Hy, Sc, PhA, PhB, Cy, 
Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, Ge, 00); 1 = A-L (in 
Ac, RiA, RiB); 2 = PA, migrated toward su- 
praesophageal (in Cb, As, Vo, Ak, Ap). 

34. Position of Genital Ganglion. Brace 
(1977a: 19) noted several configurations of 
the genital ganglion, either on a nerve off the 
visceral ganglion or directly on the visceral 
loop between the visceral and supraesoph- 
ageal ganglia. Because he assumed that 
well-formed plexuses and ganglia would 
have prevented “migration” of the genital 
ganglion through the visceral, he was “fairly 
certain that new cells must have arisen to 
form the genital ganglion” in the latter case. 

Configurations observed during this study 
suggest the reverse, that genital ganglia in 
either location are homologous. A distinct 
ganglion on a nerve emanating from the vis- 
ceral ganglion was found in many species, 
including Acteon, Hydatina, Volvatella, and 
Aplysia; the nerve was confirmed (but not the 
ganglion) in some Philine species and Gega- 
nia. Alternatively, among those having the 

genital ganglion directly on (or on a separate 
nerve off) the visceral loop, Scaphander, 
Acteocina, Bulla, and Haminoea (also illus- 
trated in Retusa semisulcata by Huber, 1993) 
confirmed the genital ganglion on a nerve off 
the visceral, but also on the loop by its also 
receiving the connective from the suprae- 
sophageal ganglion. It thus appears that the 
VP connective has been relocated. 

Polarity of this character was established 
by Russell (1929: text-fig. 1) and Williams 
(1975: fig. 1), supported by a similar condi- 
tion in the caenogastropod Littorina (genital 
nerve only; Fretter & Graham, 1994). 

Philine B was coded 0 here because of the 
condition of P. falklandica and others (Rud- 
man, 1972b; Williams, 1975; Gosliner, 1978); 
in other species in the genus, including the 
type P. aperta (fide Guiart, 1901; Brace, 
1977a), the genital ganglion is part of the vis- 
ceral loop, therefore Philine A is coded 1. 

The genital ganglion in Akera is on the vis- 
ceral loop immediately adjacent to the con- 
joined visceral and subesophageal ganglia. 
Er. Marcus (1970) called the right-most swell- 
ing the visceral ganglion, but Brace’s (1977a) 
careful tracing of the nerves associated with 
the posterior visceral loop confirms that this 
is the genital ganglion. The connective from 
the supraesophageal ganglion merges with 
the genital ganglion attesting its position on 
the loop. 

Coding: 0 = off visceral ganglion (in Ac, Hy, 
PhB, Cb, As, Vo, Ap, Ge, 00); 1 = on visceral 
loop between V and P (in Sc, PhA, Cy, Ai, Bu, 
Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, Ak); u in RiA, RiB. 

35. Eye Direction. The only traditional char- 
acter regarding the eyes is a simple “ргез- 
ence/absence,” the latter condition applying 
only to Retusa. However, this study shows 
that although eyes are indeed absent т R. 
obtusa, they are well formed in R. truncatula. 
Retusa A is therefore coded “‘п”; coding for 
Retusa B for all eye characters is here based 
on R. truncatula. 

Direction was taken as direction of the cor- 
nea and lens, in other words, the direction of 
vision. Curvature of the black pigmented 
layer (Figs. 38, 40) can also indicate direction, 
that is, concave toward the direction of vi- 
sion, convex toward the optic nerve. Ventro- 
lateral eyes (Figs. 39, 40) are apparently 
“seeing” through the lateral groove between 
the cephalic shield and foot, which might be 
appropriate for burrowing snails. 

From the literature as well as from this 
study, eye direction is inconstant within the 


Sacoglossa. Ventrolaterally directed eyes 
were found here in Cylindrobulla, Ascobulla, 
and Volvatella. They were likewise figured in 
Ercolania lozanoi Ortea, 1981, by Fernandez- 
Ovies et al. (1984: fig. 1B). Dorsally directed 
eyes were noted in Elysia viridis (Montagu, 
1804) (pers. obs.) and in Tamanovalva limax 
Kawaguti 8 Baba, 1959 (Kawaguti & Yamasu, 

The eye of Volvatella bermudae, as ob- 
served here, points ventrolaterally. However, 
the eyes of the type species V. fragilis Pease, 
1860, are situated on the dorsal surface of 
the head, apparently pointing dorsally 
(Evans, 1950). This character is coded 1 for 
Volvatella, in accordance with the exemplar. 

Coding: O = dorsolateral (т Ac, МА, РВ, 
Hy, Bu, Ha, Sm, Ap, Ge, 00); 1 = ventrolateral 
(in Sc, PhA, PhB, Cy, Ai, ReB, Cb, As, Vo, 
АК); n in ReA. 

36. Eye Location. Differences in location of 
the eye in opisthobranchs were first noticed 
by Willem (1892: 141), who designated four 
lettered categories. Those of Aplysia, Hami- 
noea, and Bulla were (a) superficial ““comme 
chez les Prosobranches.” The eyes of other 
taxa not involved here were (5) slightly 
deeper, “dans l'epaisseur des téguments” 
(within the thickness of the skin), (c) deep 
within the integument, and (d) completely 
within the body cavity next to the cerebral 
ganglia. Within this dataset, the eye of 
Scaphander could be placed in Willem's cat- 
egory d. However, because of the subjectiv- 
ity of Willem's categories, plus the difficulties 
of dealing with histological sections not а|- 
ways cut in perfect cross-section, the more 
objective categories used here were devised. 

Distance to the surface (S) was taken to the 
surface nearest the lens of the eye, that is, 
that surface through which the eye would 
“see.” Although distance to the nerve ring 
might be a more logical denominator for use 
in the above ratio, distance to the center of 
the gut (C) was a more reliable measurement 
in preserved, potentially contracted speci- 
mens. The two distances were usually off- 
angled, that is, not measured in a single con- 
tinuous line (from surface to center) in a 
histological cross section. Location was ex- 
pressed as a ratio of distance to surface over 
distance to the center (S/C). 

As with the eye direction, Fretter (1960: 
545) associated withdrawal of the eye from 
the surface with the burrowing habit. 

As with the previous character, Volvatella is 
here coded according to the exemplar spe- 

cies, although according to Evans (1950), the 
eyes of V. fragilis are superficial. 

Coding: 0 = close to surface [S/C < 0.2] (in 
Ac, Hy, Bu, Ha, Sm, Ak, Ap, Ge, 00); 1 = 
midway between surface and nerve ring [S/C 
= 0.2-0.5] (in RiA?, RiB?, Ai?, Vo); 2 = deeply 
embedded, near nerve ring [S/C > 0.5] (in Sc, 
PhA, РВВ, Cy, ReB, Cb, As); п in ReA. 

37. Eye Lens (Shape). The lens of the eye 
existed in three distinct forms within this 
dataset: (a) spherical, (b) irregular, and (c) 
hollow. Solid spherical lenses (Fig. 38) are 
found in caenogastropods (Willem, 1892) and 
in other lower heterobranchs (Valvata, Hy- 
man, 1967: fig. 122b), therefore this was 
taken as the most plesiomorphic state for this 
character. All spherical lenses in histological 
sections stained differently centrally than pe- 
ripherally, in most cases orange throughout 
most of the interior and dark pink at the mar- 
gin. Irregular lenses (Fig. 40) stained uni- 
formly one color throughout (dark pink in 
PAS, light blue in Gomori's). This implies 
non-uniform composition in the spherical 
lenses, but this was not determined further. 
Akera has an oblong-oval lens that 15 histo- 
logically similar to the spherical lenses of 
other species; it was therefore also coded 
as 0. 

The irregular lenses of the three shelled sa- 
coglossans have distinct hollows associated 
with the presence of connective tissue “an- 
chors” to the inner surface of the eyeball (Fig. 
40, АМС). A similar irregular lens with an an- 
chor was figured in Julia japonica Kuroda & 
Habe, 1951, but without comment by Ya- 
masu (1968: figs. 9, 10). This is not, however, 
a clear-cut sacoglossan character, because 
the eye of Elysia viridis sectioned during this 
study has a plesiomorphic round lens. One 
non-sacoglossan, Philine, has an irregular 
lens, staining uniformly pink in sections, and 
with distinct surface hollows; although the 
presence of anchors in this taxon was un- 
clear, it was coded 1 here. The relationship 
between these hollows and the enclosed 
cavity of the derived hollow eye of Gegania is 
unknown. (The latter is ovoid in cross-section 
and therefore could effectively function as a 
solid lens.) Several spherical lenses (e.g., 
Smaragdinella) showed wide lateral “pegs.” 
Staining indicated that these were of lens 
material, therefore different than the connec- 
tive tissue “anchors” seen in other species. 

The sectioned round lenses in Haminoea 
antillarum and in one of two specimens of 
Retusa truncatula showed shallow surface 


г". 90 
P sa 

FIGS. 37-40. Eyes. 37. Dorsally directed eye; Runcina coronata (Quatrefages, 1844) (ZMUC), histological 
cross-section, PAS stain. 38. Same, close-up of round lens. 39. Ventrolaterally directed eye; Cylindrobulla 
п. sp. (Bermuda, 8/1990), histological cross-section, Gomori stain. 40. Same, close-up of irregular lens with 
anchor (ANC). АМС = anchor; CO = copulatory organ; Е = eye; Е = foot; L = lens; OT = oral tube. Scales 

= 100 ит (37, 39), 20 шт (38, 40). 

hollows, but these were without ‘‘anchors” 
and the lenses were bicolored, therefore 
these cases were coded as spherical (0). The 
extremely small lens of Scaphander lignarius 
also had shallow hollows and was slightly ir- 
regular in cross-section, but it was slightly 

orange-stained at the center and lacked “ап- 
chors,” therefore it was coded as spherical 
(0). It is possible that some irregular shape 
and the shallow hollows are fixation artifacts. 

Coding: 0 = solid spherical or oblong-oval 
(in Ac, RiA, Hy, Sc, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReB, Ak, 


Ap, 00); 1 = solid irregular with hollows/an- 
chors (in PhA, Cb, As, Vo); 2 = hollow irreg- 
ular (in Ge); n (absent) in Cy, ReA; u in RIB, 

Reproductive System: Ghiselin (1966: fig. 
1C; reproduced by Hadfield & Switzer-Dun- 
lap, 1984: fig. 1C) figured the generalized 
hermaphroditic reproductive system of a hy- 
pothetical opisthobranch ancestor. It is mo- 
naulic (having a single pathway for both eggs 
and sperm through the female gland mass), 
with an external ciliated groove connecting 
the common genital (= hermaphroditic) open- 
ing with the base of the nonretractile copula- 
tory organ with external groove only (without 
ejaculatory duct), a pallial prostate gland 
[“pallial” as used by Ghiselin (1966), implying 
embryonic ectodermal origin, not location in 
mantle (= pallial) cavity], a proximal receptac- 
ulum seminis, and a distal bursa copulatrix. 
[Proximal (near gonad) and distal (near com- 
mon genital opening, away from gonad) po- 
sitions of allosperm sacks are here as used 
by Gosliner (1981) and Haszprunar (1988).] 
This agrees completely with Gosliner's (1978, 
1981, 1994) Hypothetical Ancestral Opistho- 

Some species (e.g., members of Acteon, 
Cylindrobulla) are diaulic, with separate path- 
ways for autosperm and eggs. In such spe- 
cies, an internal sperm duct splits off from the 
hermaphroditic duct after exiting the gonad. 
This duct travels internally to the copulatory 
organ, and continues into the penis as an in- 
ternal ejaculatory duct. 

The copulatory organ (“реп!5” of authors) 
of shelled opisthobranchs 1$ a varied and of- 
ten elaborate structure. In species with re- 
tractile copulatory organs, a penial sheath 
houses the intromittent organ or what | term 
the penis (““cirus” of Ghiselin, 1963; “penial 
papilla” of Gosliner, 1990). In monaulic spe- 
cies, autosperm travels to the copulatory or- 
gan via the external ciliated groove, continu- 
ing into the penial sheath via additional 
groove(s) (“sulcus seminalis”” of Lemche, 
1956), then through the penis either in an ex- 
ternal groove or an internal ejaculatory duct. 
Terminal glands (''prostate” of authors) 
and/or sperm storage areas ('“sperm bulb” of 
Gosliner, 1990, and others) communicate 
with the base of the penis. 

Glandular tissue associated with the cop- 
ulatory organ was noted in Ringicula, 
Scaphander, Philine, Cylichna, Acteocina (?), 
Bulla, Haminoea, Smaragdinella, and Retusa 

(?). Because gross morphology and cellular 
configuration appeared to be highly variable, 
homology could not be presumed with con- 
fidence across the taxa involved. This struc- 
ture has also been credited with spermato- 
phore formation in a number of taxa 
(Ghiselin, 1966). This character was therefore 
not used in the cladistic matrix. 

Glandular tissue surrounding the internal 
sperm duct in the vicinity of the female gland 
mass is here called “prostate” in convention 
with the literature. However, two types of ap- 
parently non-homologous glandular “‘pros- 
tate” were distinguished histologically: (a) 
dense tissue surrounding an expanded cen- 
tral ciliated lumen [in Acteon, Hydatina (Rud- 
man, 1972a: fig. 6); Fig. 41], and (b) glandular 
tissue in a “flower” configuration, that is, 
large club-shaped cells surrounding a narrow 
central ciliated lumen (also shown by Ev. 
Marcus, 1972: fig. 15, for Ascobulla; Reid, 
1964: fig. 4A, for Elysia; Sanders-Esser, 
1984: fig. 4a, for Ercolania; Fig. 42). The hy- 
pothetical opisthobranch ancestors of Had- 
field & Switzer-Dunlap (1984) and Gosliner 
(1981) were said to have pallial prostates; 
however, configurations were not inferred by 
the authors. Also because of tremendous va- 
riety at the histological level, penial “pros- 
tates” (see above) were not here considered 
homologous with pallial prostates, as tradi- 
tionally used. 

Prostates surrounding an internal sperm 
duct are absent in all species lacking the in- 
ternal duct, requiring that 13 of the 20 taxa in 
the data matrix be coded as ‘п.’ This type of 
character would add too much uncertainty to 
the data matrix, and was therefore omitted 
from the analysis. 

Morphology of the spermatozoa of the taxa 
involved in this analysis is too incomplete to 
be effectively used here, but will be dis- 
cussed below. 

Spermatophores can be structurally com- 
plex and taxonomically useful in gastropods 
(Mann, 1984). They have been reported in a 
number of shelled opisthobranchs [Hami- 
noea hydatis and Ademnestia arachis (Quoy 
& Gaimard, 1833) (Cylichnidae), fide Perrier & 
Fischer, 1914; Volvulella persimilis (Mórch, 
1875) (Retusidae), fide Ev. Marcus & Er. Mar- 
cus, 1960; Metaruncina setoensis (Baba, 
1954) (Runcinidae), fide Ghiselin, 1963; 
Runcina ferruginea Kress, 1977 (Runcinidae), 
fide Kress, 1985], presumably formed by the 
“prostate” part of the copulatory organ. 
Spermatophores are also evident in caeno- 


FIGS. 41-42. Pallial prostate glands. 41. Aceton tornatilis (ZMUC), histological cross-section, PAS stain. 42. 
“Flower” configuration; Cylindrobulla п. sp. (Bermuda, 8/1990), histological cross-section, Gomori stain. 
Scales = 100 um. 


gastropods (Robertson, 1989), lower hetero- 
branchs (Pyramidellidae, Architectonicidae; 
Robertson, 1989), Acochlidiacea, and Nudi- 
branchia (last two summarized by Mann, 
1984). Unfortunately, occurrence of sper- 
matophores has been noted in too few taxa 
involved in this study, and more information 
seems necessary over mere presence/ab- 
sence; data are thus too incomplete to be 
coded at the present time. 

In most taxa of this dataset, the fertilized 
eggs exit the reproductive tract via a duct 
that passes directly through the so-called 
“female gland mass’ complex. This com- 
prises the albumen, capsule (= membrane, 
winding), and mucus (= nidamental) glands, 
which add the nutritional and protective coat- 
ings of the eventual egg mass. While the 
smaller albumen and capsule glands in some 
cases empty their secretions into the main 
duct, eggs always directly traverse at least 
the large mucus gland. Lloyd (1952) noted 
that in several opisthobranchs, instead of 
surrounding the main duct, the female gland 
mass is a diverticulum. Passage through the 
mass is thus a detour off the main duct, 
through a loop with entry and exit in close 
proximity. In one such taxon, Philine, the 
eggs are retained in this gland mass until the 
egg mass is complete to be expelled all at 
once (Lloyd, 1952); this is in contrast to oth- 
ers, for example, Aplysia, that gradually re- 
lease their egg masses as long strings. 

This character was not used here for two 
reasons: (a) the diverticulum configuration, 
present in at least Scaphander, Philine, and 
Acteocina (Lloyd, 1952; Gosliner, 1979), is 
comparable to the direct configuration ex- 
cept that the duct and mucus gland are 
folded into a loop, and (b) coding cannot be 
made with confidence without detailed anal- 
yses of egg and sperm pathways from live 
animal studies, for example, those of Robles 
(1975) for Bulla and of Thompson 4 Bebbing- 
ton (1969) for Aplysia. 

Some shelled opisthobranchs and nudi- 
branchs have been reported with a “райси- 
lar kind of ciliated strip . . . which moves the 
eggs around the sperm” in the ampulla (= 
hermaphroditic duct) considered to have po- 
tential in indicating relationships (Ghiselin, 
1966: 345-346). Fretter & Graham (1954) de- 
scribed this as an unciliated strip in Acteon, 
whereas Rudman (1972b) noted a “wide cil- 
iated tract” in Philine. Gosliner (1994) noted 
that a ciliated strip has also been reported in 
anaspideans. This character was not pur- 

sued, in part because the absence of cilia 
could not be reliably confirmed without ex- 
tensive histological study of each species in- 
volved. Hadfield & Switzer-Dunlap (1984: 
216) also noted ‘‘considerable variability 
among species” in the ampullar wall. 

Ghiselin (1966) noted that in some shelled 
opisthobranchs, the female gland mass (= 
pallial gonoduct) is internally divided. Use of 
this character awaits better study of the fe- 
male gland complex. 

Haszprunar (1985a: 30) used the character 
“gonoduct pallial/coelomic,” stating that 
“the gonoduct is sunken into the haemocoel 
of the body” at a branching point on his tree 
just prior to Pentaganglionata (= Euthyneura). 
If so, his “architectibranch” taxa (here 
Acteon, Ringicula, Hydatina) would be pallial 
in this regard. None of the taxa examined 
here were pallial in the sense understood in 
caenogastropods, wherein the female glands 
are a prominent component (sometimes an 
open trough) in the mantle cavity. This char- 
acter was not considered usable in this anal- 
ysis. [This distinction is not the same as pal- 
lial and coelomic as used by Ghiselin (1966), 
who referred to the embryonic origins of the 
various organs, not the ultimate locations.] 

Nine characters were coded from the re- 
productive system. 

38. Internal Sperm Duct. This and the fol- 
lowing character represent the traditional 
character expressed as “reproductive system 
monaulic or diaulic.”” Мопаийс hermaphro- 
dites have no separation of eggs and auto- 
sperm (except perhaps by separate ciliated 
tracts) as the latter exit the reproductive tract 
via the elaborate female gland mass. Diaulic 
forms have developed either a separate in- 
ternal duct for eggs (6odiaulic) or sperm 
(androdiaulic). The closed internal sperm duct 
discussed previously is indicative of androdi- 

Because the terms monaulic and diaulic 
are “conditions” rather than discrete charac- 
ters, the two characters that determine these 
designations (external ciliated groove, inter- 
nal sperm duct) were used instead. They 
were not, however, treated as homologous 
states of the same character (= the traditional 
character “sperm duct open/closed”) based 
on the following argument. 

Referencing a caenogastropod, such as 
Littorina (Fretter & Graham, 1994), the plesi- 
omorphic open sperm groove is dorsal in po- 
sition. An apparently homologous, superfi- 
cial, but closed, sperm duct is found in other 


caenogastropods [e.g., Cyclostremiscus 
beauii (Fischer, 1857) (Vitrinellidae); Bieler & 
Mikkelsen, 1988]. Both pass from the gonad 
to the base of the copulatory organ, travers- 
ing prostatic tissue along the way. The 
closed internal duct in opisthobranchs (e.g., 
in Acteon, Volvatella), although more lateral in 
position, follows the same course, also 
traverses prostatic tissue, and is assumed 
here to be homologous with that in caeno- 
gastropods. Conversely, this structure can- 
not be homologous with the lateral opistho- 
branch external ciliated groove (e.g., in 
Haminoea, Scaphander), as supposed by the 
traditional character, for two reasons: (1) the 
latter courses from the lateral common gen- 
ital opening (distal to the gonad), forward to 
the external opening (rather than the base) of 
the retracted copulatory organ, without con- 
tact with any prostate-type gland; and (2) 
both structures—external groove and inter- 
nal duct—simultaneously occur in the shelled 
sacoglossans studied here, for example, As- 
cobulla ulla (Marcus & Marcus, 1970) (fide Ev. 
Marcus, 1972; pers. obs.). It therefore follows 
that two non-homologous sperm-conducting 
structures are under consideration here: (1) 
the dorsal caenogastropod open sperm 
groove (or closed duct), homologous with the 
more-lateral opisthobranch internal sperm 
duct; and (2) the lateral opisthobranch exter- 
nal groove. This is in opposition to two sets of 
traditional opisthobranch “dogma”: (1) the 
traditional character ‘‘sperm duct open or 
closed,” which assumed homology of the lat- 
eral opisthobranch external groove with the 
lateral opisthobranch internal duct, and (2) 
the assumption that the external groove of 
opisthobranchs is homologous with the ex- 
ternal groove in caenogastropods. 

In accordance with “the larger outgroup” 
(caenogastropods), character 38 is coded as 
present plesiomorphically and absent in the 
derived condition. In the all-zero outgroup, 
this is coded as 0 but no assumption is nec- 
essary whether the homologue is in its closed 
or open form. 

Members of the genus Ringicula have been 
noted as either androdiaulic (R. conformis; 
fide Pelseneer, 1924) or monaulic (R. buc- 
cinea, R. nitida; fide Gosliner, 1981; present 
study). Ringicula B is here coded with the 
plesiomorphic state (0), and Ringicula A with 
the apomorphic state (1). 

Coding: 0 = present (in Ac, RiB, Hy, Cb, As, 
Vo, Ge, 00); 1 = absent (in РТА, Sc, PhA, PhB, 
Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, Ak, Ap). 

39. Lateral External Ciliated Groove. As 
with the previous, polarity of this character 
was determined by “the larger outgroup” 
(caenogastropods); the lateral (not dorsal = 
character 38) ciliated groove is absent plesi- 
omorphically and present in the derived 
state. See comments under character 38, 
above, concerning homology and the condi- 
tion(s) in Ringicula. 

Coding: 0 = absent (in Ac, RiB, Hy, Ge, 00); 
1 = present (in RiA, Sc, PhA, РВВ, Cy, Ai, Bu, 
Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, Cb, As, Vo, Ak, Ap). 

40. Copulatory Organ (Retractability). The 
copulatory organ exists here in two general 
conditions, retractile and nonretractile. Be- 
cause the outgroup is aphallic, polarity was 
determined through comparison with ‘‘the 
larger outgroup.” As noted by Gosliner 
(1981: 205), “the vast majority of proso- 
branch gastropods” have а nonretractile 
cephalic copulatory organ. 

Coding: 0 = nonretractile (in Ac, Ну, 00); 1 
= retractile (in all others except Ge); n (ab- 
sent) in Ge. 

41. Autosperm Storage Bulb. Confirmed 
sperm storage areas as рай of the copulatory 
organ were of two different morphologies in 
the taxa examined: (a) a terminal bulb (glan- 
dular) in Haminoea and Smaragdinella spp., 
and (b) as part of the autosperm intake duct 
in members of Philine. Type (a) was the only 
one for which homology could be considered 
between taxa through positional evidence. 
Terminal bulbs were also reported in the lit- 
erature for Acteocina (Ghiselin, 1966; as Tor- 
natina), Bulla (Er. Marcus, 1957), and Retusa 
(Ghiselin, 1966; Gosliner, 1978). A glandular 
ciliated terminal bulb was observed in Bulla, 
but did not contain sperm; Robles (1975) 
called this the terminal “caecum” of the 
“prostate” in B. gouldiana Pilsbry, 1895; it 
was provisionally coded as present for 
autosperm storage. The same was true for 

Coding: O = absent (in Ac, Hy, Sc, Ph, Cy, 
Cb, As, Vo, Ak, Ар, 00); 1 = present (in А!?, 
Bu?, Ha, Sm, Re?); n in Ge (not applicable, 
aphallic); u in Ri. 

42. Ejaculatory Duct. An ejaculatory duct 1$ 
defined as an internal closed duct within the 
penis of the copulatory organ. Depending on 
species, this can be continuous with the ex- 
ternal ciliated groove or with the internal 
sperm duct. Ghiselin (1966: 361) “assumel[d] 
that the reproductive systems with ejacula- 
tory ducts are derived [polyphyletically] from 
a form without an ejaculatory duct.” The po- 


FIGS. 43-45. Allosperm storage sacks. 43. Gametolytic gland (GG); Cylichna cylindracea (ZMUC), histo- 
logical cross-section, PAS stain. 44. Receptaculum seminis (RS); Cylichna cylindracea (ZMUC), histological 
cross-section, PAS stain. 45. Receptaculum seminis (RS) and bursa copulatrix (BC); Cylindrobulla n. sp. 
(Bermuda, 8/1990), histological cross-section, PAS stain. Scales = 100 um. 


larity of this character established here 
agrees with this. Traditional usage, “ejacula- 
tory duct open/closed,” was modified to re- 
flect the two possible forms of the closed 
form of the duct. 

Both monaulic and androdiaulic forms are 
represented in Ringicula (see above). Al- 
though the androdiaulic species are here 
coded 2 in Ringicula B, coding for the more 
plesiomorphic (monaulic) species Я. nitida 
was uncertain because the presence of an 
ejaculatory duct could not be confirmed in 
histological sections. Ringicula A is coded as 
Coding: 0 = absent (т Су, Ai, Ha, Sm, ReA, 
ReB, Ak, Ap, 00); 1 = present and continuous 
with external ciliated groove (in Sc, PhA, PhB, 
Bu); 2 = present and continuous with internal 
sperm duct (in Ac, RiB, Hy, PhB, Cb, As, Vo); 
n in Ge (not applicable, aphallic); u in RiA. 

43. Receptaculum Seminis (Location). Two 
allosperm storage sacks, one distal (bursa 
copulatrix) originating near the common gen- 
ital opening, and one proximal (receptaculum 
seminis) originating near the gonad and com- 
mon hermaphroditic duct, are characteristic 
of “pentaganglionate” heterobranchs (Hasz- 
prunar, 1988). In caenogastropods (e.g., Nu- 
cella lapillus (Linne, 1758); fide Fretter & Gra- 
ham, 1994: 49), the bursa copulatrix contains 
unoriented allosperm received during copu- 
lation, and the receptaculum seminis is used 
for long-term storage and nourishment of al- 
losperm, which are oriented with their heads 
embedded in the walls of the pouch. Instead 
of a bursa, most opisthobranchs have a ga- 
metolytic gland (= spermatheca, bursa resor- 
biens), apparently used for digestion of de- 
generating eggs and sperm. Hadfield 8 
Switzer-Dunlap (1984) suggested homology 
with the caenogastropod bursa, although this 
may be questionable. In this study, it is the 
receptaculum seminis and the gametolytic 
gland that are of interest. 

Lemche (1956) noted important histologi- 
cal differences in the cellular components of 
the two sperm storage pouches in Cylichna 
species. The spacious gametolytic gland 
(Lemche, 1956: 138-139, fig. 243, as sper- 
matheca; Fig. 43) is located in histological 
cross-sections at the periphery of the body 
near the heart. Its walls are composed of tall 
columnar cells with prominent vacuoles, sur- 
rounded by thin connective tissue. The 
smaller receptaculum seminis (Lemche, 
1956: 122-123, figs. 219, 221, as spermato- 
cyst; Fig. 44) lies deeper within the coil near 

the stomach. It is formed of low cuboidal 
cells with flattened oval nuclei, surrounded 
by a distinct layer of circular muscle fibers. 
Schmekel (1971) verified the wall structure of 
these two organs examined ultrastructurally. 
These features were confirmed here in histo- 
logical sections of C. cylindracea (Pennant, 
1777), and were used to determine identity of 
the sperm storage pouches irrespective of 
their location. The presence/absence of ori- 
ented sperm, albeit important, was taken as 
less reliable because it can vary depending 
on the physiological state of the animal at the 
time of preservation. 

Johansson (1954) maintained that the sin- 
gle proximal allosperm pouch in Acteon tor- 
natilis (Linne, 1758) was a bursa copulatrix on 
the basis of previous work on ‘‘mesogastro- 
pods.” In contrast, Fretter & Graham (1954) 
called this a receptaculum seminis in part by 
its proximal location. The latter authors ob- 
served oriented sperm in the receptacular 
duct, but extraneous sperm and yolk gran- 
ules in the pouch lumen, and concluded that 
this pouch serves the dual function of both 
receptaculum and gametolytic gland. Gos- 
liner (1978, 1981) considered the receptacu- 
lum absent in Acteon because the single 
proximal pouch appeared to be gametolytic 
in function. In this study, it was determined 
through the cellular criteria discussed above 
that the expanded duct of the pouch qualifies 
histologically as а receptaculum seminis, 
with a distinct muscular layer, low cuboidal 
cells, and oriented sperm. The pouch itself is 
a gametolytic gland with tall columnar cells 
surrounded by thin epithelium, filled with un- 
oriented sperm plus other materials suggest- 
ing gametolytic function. It is concluded that 
this pouch is a physical as well as functional 
combination of receptaculum plus game- 
tolytic gland, together in a proximal location. 

The receptaculum seminis in Bulla is prox- 
imal but is embedded within the proximal por- 
tion of the female gland mass (Robles, 1975; 
confirmed here). A basal expansion of the 
duct of the distal gametolytic gland was called 
the seminal reservoir of the gametolytic gland 
(called bursa copulatrix by Robles, 1975), but 
is histologically similar to the receptaculum 
and also stores closely packed sperm. 

The three shelled sacoglossans in this 
study (Cylindrobulla, Ascobulla, Volvatella) 
have two distal sperm pouches with a com- 
mon duct (Fig. 45). Both of these consistently 
contained sperm and were thin-walled (of low 
cuboidal cells); a Cylichna-type gametolytic 


gland (with tall columnar cells and amorphous 
contents) is absent in all three. The slightly 
larger (and deeper) of the two sacks always 
contained unoriented sperm, thus functioning 
as a bursa copulatrix, but differed in histolog- 
ical structure (see character 45). The slightly 
smaller (and closer to the common genital 
duct) of the two sacks contained oriented 
sperm. Its histology of low cuboidal cells sur- 
rounded by muscle fibers confirmed that this 
is the receptaculum seminis. Sanders-Esser 
(1984: 196) concurred with this description of 
the walls of sacoglossan allosperm storage 
sacks; in the “bursa,” however, she noted 
that “sperm and prostate secretion are dis- 
solved,” indicating some gametolytic func- 

The outgroup Gegania valkyrie has two 
sperm pouches connected by ducts in tan- 
dem and then opening by a common duct 
into the pallial cavity. The two pouches agree 
in histology and contents with the receptac- 
ulum seminis and gametolytic gland of Cy/- 
ichna, with the receptaculum closest to the 
opening. Because the common duct opens in 
close proximity to the vesicula seminalis or 
sperm-collecting duct and far removed from 
the male and female gonopores (Haszprunar, 
1985b: fig. 1), the position of both sacks is 
interpreted here as proximal. 

Although “loss” of the receptaculum was 
considered apomorphic for opisthobranchs 
by Gosliner (1981), all taxa in the present 
dataset had this, rendering the traditional 
character “receptaculum seminis present/ 
absent” unusable. 

Coding: O = proximal (in Ac, RIA, ВВ, Hy, 
Sc, PhA, PhB, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ВеА, ReB, 
Ak, Ap, Ge, 00); 1 = distal (in Cb, As, Vo). 

44. Gametolytic Сапа (Location). See 
character 43. Polarity of this character was 
established by the condition in “the larger 
outgroup” (caenogastropods), making the 
outgroup Gegania derived. 

Because histological sections of Ringicula 
were of insufficient quality to resolve this 
character, Ringicula A and В are here coded 
according to Gosliner (1978, 1981: fig. 1D), 
who noted a distal gametolytic gland (as 
bursa copulatrix). 

Coding: 0 = distal (in RiA?, RiB?, Hy, Sc, 
PhA, РВВ, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, Ak, 
Ap, 00); 1 = proximal (in Ac, Ge); n (absent) in 
Cb, As, Vo. 

45. Novel Bursa Copulatrix. See discus- 
sion under character 43. Because of different 
histology [that in one caenogastropod, Cy- 

clostremiscus Беаий, is of ciliated tall colum- 
nar cells (Bieler 4 Mikkelsen, 1988; pers. 
obs.], the “bursa” present in shelled saco- 
glossans might not be homologous with that 
in caenogastropods (and thus the all-zero 
outgroup). For this reason, and because of 
different location, the sacoglossan “bursa” 
was considered a novel, derived structure. 

Coding: 0 = absent (in Ac, RiA?, RiB?, Ну, 
Sc, PhA, РВВ, Cy, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, 
Ak, Ap, Ge, 00); 1 = present (in Cb, As, Vo). 

46. Gonad Acini. Although a “true her- 
maphroditic gland” has recently been con- 
sidered characteristic (plesiomorphic?) of 
Pentaganglionata (= Euthyneura; Haszprunar, 
1988), Lloyd (1952) noted an evolutionary 
trend in the Opisthobranchia toward separa- 
tion of developing ova and sperm in the acini 
or follicles of the gonad (= hermaphroditic 
gland). In histological sections, acini are rec- 
ognized by a covering of epithelium and mus- 
cle filaments. Many heterobranchs produce 
ova and sperm in the same acinus; fewer rep- 
resentatives have separate male and female 
acini (Hadfield & Switzer-Dunlap, 1984). In 
species with separate acini, sperm-producing 
acini are segregated in the “medullary zone” 
or inner curve of the gonad whorl, whereas 
egg-producing acini lie in the “cortical zone” 
at the outer surface of the gonad (terminology 
of Furrow, 1935b). Jensen (1992: 292) noted 
that the gonads of most elysiid sacoglossans 
are hermaphroditic and few separate, but be- 
lieved that this is ““apparently not related to 
phylogeny within the group.” 

The acini of Philine aperta were noted as 
separate male and female by Brown (1934). 
Guiart (1901) earlier recorded both separate 
and hermaphroditic acini. Sections examined 
during this study verified the existence of 
hermaphroditic acini, therefore Philine A was 
provisionally coded as 0 (hermaphroditic). 

Because most caenogastropods are dioe- 
cious, the all-zero outgroup was here coded 

Coding: 0 = hermaphroditic acini (т Ас, 
Hy, Sc, PhA?, Ai, Bu, Ha, Sm, ReA, ReB, As, 
Ak, Ap); 1 = separate male and female acini 
(in RIA, Cy, Ge); u in RiB, РВВ, Cb, Vo; nin 00. 

Developmental Characters: Larval develop- 
ment is fully unknown in Ringicula, Sma- 
ragdinella, Cylichna, and Scaphander. It is 
incompletely studied in Cylindrobulla, Asco- 
bulla, Volvatella, and Gegania. Because these 
cases added many unknowns to the data 
matrix, larval characters were not employed 



TABLE 2. Data matrix of character states for 21 taxa and 47 characters. n = not applicable; u = 

unknown. See text for explanation of character numbers. 


Taxon 0123456789 0123456789 
All-Zero 0000000nn0 00000000nn 
Gegania 0000001001 00000000nn 
Acteon 0000000011 100n0100nn 
Ringicula А 0110000001 100n1200nn 
Ringicula B 0110000001 10011200nn 
Hydatina 0110100010 000u0100nn 
Scaphander 0111100111 000u120111 
Philine A 1111100001 000n120111 
Philine B 1111100001 000u100101 
Cylichna 0111100100 0001100101 
Acteocina 0111100000 0001120111 
Bulla 0111100200 0003000101 
Haminoea 0111100200 0000000101 
Smaragdinella 0111100200 0000000101 
Retusa А 011110n101 nOnnnn0101 
Retusa B 001110n101 nOnnnn0101 
Cylindrobulla 0100111001 2100nn10nn 
Ascobulla 0100111001 2112nn10nn 
Volvatella 0100111001 2112nn10nn 
Akera 0111110010 0000000100 
Aplysia 1110100nn0 0000000100 

2 3 4 

0123456789 0123456789 0123456 
nn00000000 0000000000 000000n 
nn00010010 1004000200 nnn0101 
nn00000100 1001000000 0020100 
nn00001100 010101011 1440001 
nn000u1000 0101u01u00 1420004 
nn00010110 0u10000000 0020000 
0101000000 1200112011 1010000 
0101000000 u210112111 1010000 
0101040000 1200012411 101000u 
0101000000 1200112n11 1000001 
0101040000 1200111011 1100000 
0001010000 1200100011 1110000 
0001001000 1200100011 1100000 
000101000 1210100011 1100000 
1101000100 u2001nnn11 1100000 
1101000000 u210112011 1100000 
nn01021101 1002012101 1021n1u 
nn01011101 1002012101 1021n10 
nn01011101 12u2011101 1021n1u 
0011111010 1202110011 1000000 
0011111010 u22u000011 1000000 

in the analysis; they were compared against 
the final result. 

Miscellaneous Characters: Аз previously dis- 
cussed (Mikkelsen, 1993, 1994), Ghiselin's 
(1966) use of haploid chromosome number 
suffers from incomplete data, but will be dis- 
cussed below. 

Complete retraction into the shell, and diet 
are “conditional”” characters of traditional 
use. They were not employed here because 
they lack discrete homologous characters as 
their basis. 

Spinella, Cimino, and colleagues have in 
recent years isolated a number of polypropi- 
onate compounds from opisthobranchs, 
many of which function as alarm phero- 
mones. Included in their studies so far are 
Scaphander lignarius (fide Cimino et al., 
1989), Bulla striata (fide Cimino et al., 1987), 
several species of Haminoea (Spinella et al., 
1993b), and Elysia timida (Risso, 1818) (Gav- 
agnin et al., 1994). Although some of the 
compounds are structurally similar and their 
conclusions allude to possible taxonomic ap- 
plications, identical compounds extracted 
from predators and their prey (Cimino et al., 
1987; Spinella et al., 1993a) will interfere with 
the phylogenetic use of such data in the case 

of carnivorous species. Assimilation of com- 
pounds could also conceivably occur in her- 
bivorous species from their algal prey. 

Phylogenetic Analysis 

The final data matrix appears in Table 2. 

Gegania-Outgroup Analysis: Using mhen- 
nig*/bb*, the Gegania-outgroup dataset pro- 
duced 35 trees with a length of 111 [consis- 
tency index (ci) 0.53, retention index (ri) 0.71]. 
Variation occurred in two areas: (a) the Bulla- 
Haminoea-Smaragdinella clade(s), and (b) 
the Cylichna-Acteocina-Retusa clade(s). (Re- 
tusa A and B formed a consistent clade 
throughout all analyses and hereafter will be 
referred to merely as Retusa.) 

Successive weighting produced the same 
basic tree topology, with variation in the 
Bulla-Haminoea-Smaragdinella clade(s), but 
the Cylichna-Acteocina-Retusa arrangement 
stablized. Three trees were generated with a 
length of 387 (ci 0.72, ri 0.85). The weighting 
process reduced seven characters (8, 9, 15, 
27-28, 32, 46) to weights of 1 or 0; 15 other 
characters (11-12, 16-17, 19-24, 29, 40, 43- 
45) were increased to weights of 10. All other 


characters received final weights of interme- 
diate values. 

All-Zero Outgroup Analysis: Using this data- 
set, including both Gegania (as an ingroup 
member) and an all-zero outgroup, 245 trees 
were produced with the mhennig*/bb* algo- 
rithm, with a length of 116 (ci 0.50, ri 0.70) but 
showing much greater variation than the pre- 
vious analysis in all portions of the tree ex- 
cept the Cylindrobulla-Ascobulla-Volvatella 
and Scaphander-Philine clades. Most of the 
variation was experienced by the mid-section 
of the tree, involving the anaspids (Akera- 
Aplysia) and the bulloid cephalaspids (Bulla- 
Haminoea-Smaragdinella), which were also 
the most variable in the Gegania-outgroup 
analyses. Nevertheless, the relative se- 
quence of major groups of taxa was mostly 
consistent with the latter results. 

Successive weighting of this dataset pro- 
duced nine trees with a length of 380 (ci 0.71, 
ri 0.85), with variation only in the Bulla-Hami- 
noea-Smaragdinella clades. This process re- 
duced eight characters to weights of 1 or 0 
(8-9, 15, 25, 27-28, 32, 46); 15 other charac- 
ters (11-12, 16-17, 19-24, 29, 40, 43-45) 
were increased to weights of 10. All other 
characters received final weights of interme- 
diate values. 

The Preferred Tree: Consideration of all trees 
generated during this analysis lead to con- 
struction of a preferred tree (Fig. 46). Deci- 
sions regarding choice of included clades re- 
lied on presence or absence of supporting 
non-homoplastic or other strong character 
state changes. Key nodes are labelled A-I for 
purposes of discussion. This tree has a total 
length of 117 (ci 0.50, ri 0.70). Fifteen char- 
acters (11-12, 16-17, 19-24, 29, 40, 43-45) 
had a ci and ri of 1, indicating total congru- 
ence with the branching pattern of the tree; 
three characters (8, 32, 46) had an ri of 0, and 
were least congruent with the preferred tree. 

Major Clades. There are seven major 
clades on the tree. 

(a), (b) and (c). Gegania-Acteon, Hydatina, 
and Ringicula A-Ringicula В clades. These 
three clades varied somewhat throughout the 
analysis in relative position to one another 
but always appeared in close proximity to 
the outgroup. The Gegania-Acteon clade 
(present in 210 of the 245 trees and all suc- 
cessive weighting trees in the all-zero analy- 
sis) was supported by three synapomorphies 
(characters 30 and 33, left and right pallial 

ganglia separate, respectfully, from left and 
right pleural ganglia; 44, gametolytic gland 
proximal) and one weaker character state 
change (9, jaws absent). The single non-ho- 
moplastic character state change, in which 
the gametolytic gland is proximal rather than 
distal (character 44), points out the hitherto 
unrecognized fact that in both of these 
cases, the receptaculum seminis and game- 
tolytic gland are in tandem with the former as 
a pouch on the stalk of the latter. 

The Ringicula and Hydatina clades varied 
in relative position, each supported by one 
relatively strong character change. With Rin- 
gicula adjacent to Gegania-Acteon (89 of 245 
trees in all-zero analysis), mantle cavity loca- 
tion (character 4) required only one change 
from anterior to lateral (in Hydatina and all 
following taxa). Although this topology did 
not change the overall tree parameters 
(length, ci, etc.), it required two additional 
cases of parallel apomorphic change: (1) the 
copulatory organ (character 40) becomes re- 
tractile twice—in Ringicula and in all taxa fol- 
lowing Hydatina—and (2) the nerve ring 
moves from prepharyngeal to postpharyn- 
geal twice (same locations). Just the oppo- 
site is true in the preferred topology (86 of 
245 trees in all-zero analysis, all successive 
weighting trees, and all Gegania-outgroup 
trees): the copulatory organ becomes retrac- 
tile only once (and the nerve ring moves to a 
postpharyngeal position only once), but the 
mantle cavity shifts to a lateral position twice. 
Because retractability of the copulatory or- 
gan likely requires the evolution of complex 
retractor muscles (as well as the penial 
sheath, and other structure), it was consid- 
ered more parsimonious to assume that this 
occurred only once, and that the mantle cav- 
Ку migrated (through differential growth, with 
corresponding loss of streptoneury) multiple 
times. Therefore, the preferred topology was 
chosen over the alternate one. 

The Ringicula А-В clade is supported by 
one synapomorphy (character 31, subesoph- 
ageal ganglion in B—V postion) and seven 
homoplastic character state changes (9-10, 
13-15, 33, 36). Ringicula À and B share a 
number of character states with the taxa at 
the upper end of the tree. These include sev- 
eral radular characteristics in common with 
all or part of the terminal clade (node F), cre- 
ating homoplasies in three characters (13- 
15). Two of these are reductions [13—bi- 
lobed rachidian as reduction of central cusp 
(that is still minutely visible in several taxa); 





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15—lateral teeth reduced to single] and thus 
not unlikely parallelisms. The sickle-shaped 
laterals (character 14) have not been thor- 
oughly examined by SEM in Ringicula and, 
although superficially similar to those in 
Acteocina, could reveal differences to ac- 
count for the apparent parallelism. Also at 
this position, Ringicula A requires parallel- 
isms in two reproductive system characters 
(38, internal sperm duct absent; 39, external 
ciliated groove present) shared with taxa be- 
yond nodes D and C, respectively. Neverthe- 
less, Ringicula’s disposition at the base of 
the tree is supported by seven plesiomorphic 
character states [3, posterior foot absent; 4, 
mantle cavity anterior (with dependent strep- 
toneury); 17, gizzard absent; 23, stomach 
with pouch; 30, left pallial ganglion adjacent 
to left pleural; 34, genital ganglion off vis- 
ceral; 35, eye direction dorsolateral], some of 
which would make relocation of Ringicula to 
the terminal clade unacceptable through im- 
plied reversals. The reported anatomical vari- 
ations within the family Ringiculidae warrant 
further study as specimens from this infre- 
quently live-collected group become avail- 

(5)  Cylindrobulla - Ascobulla - Volvatella 
clade, representing the Sacoglossa. This is 
the most robust clade on the tree, and the only 
one which did not vary in composition or rel- 
ative position in all analyses. It is supported by 
nine character-state changes (characters 2, 
5-6, 9, 27, 33, 35-37) plus seven synapomor- 
phies [oral cuticle thickened (10); descending 
limb/ascus present (11); pharyngeal pouches 
present (16); pedal commissure short (29); re- 
ceptaculum seminis distal (43); novel bursa 
copulatrix present (45); and prostate gland in 
“flower” configuration (uncoded)]. The As- 
cobulla-Volvatella clade is in turn supported 
by two synapomorphies [tooth size increasing 
within radula (12) and a dagger-shaped 
rachidian (13)] and one other change (25). 

(c) Aplysia-Akera clade, representing the 
Anaspidea. This branch is supported by two 
synapomorphies [filter chamber present 
(character 22), stomach caecum present (24)] 
and three other character changes (25, 28, 
33)]. The larvae of Akera and Aplysia species 
also share the presence of a colorless pig- 
mented mantle organ (uncoded). 

(d) Bulla-Haminoea-Smaragdinella clade, 
representing the traditional superfamily Bul- 
loidea (in part) of Cephalaspidea. Although 
this group experienced much of the variation 
in the results, unification into a single clade 

(as seen in 71 of the 245 all-zero outgroup 
trees, 2 of the 35 Gegania-outgroup trees, 
and all of both sets of successive weighting 
trees) was chosen on the basis of one syn- 
apomorphy, the exogyrous ciliated strips 
(character 7). This character was considered 
sufficiently complex to hypothesize a single 
evolutionary invention rather than two parallel 
events. Also, a sperm bulb (character 41) is 
present in this clade. Bulla is sufficiently dif- 
ferent from Haminoea and Smaragdinella to 
warrant union of the last two into a single 
clade, with regard to rachidian shape (char- 
acter 13, derived in Bulla), extent of intestinal 
typhlosole (25, derived in Bulla), position of 
the nerve ring (26, derived in Haminoea-Sma- 
ragdinella), and presence of an ejaculatory 
duct (42, in Bulla). Haminoea and Sma- 
ragdinella also share two uncoded characters 
(diagnostic of the family Haminoeidae) not 
exhibited by Bulla: protoconch resorbed by 
subsequent whorls, and the presence of 
transversely ridged gizzard plates. In view of 
the incongruity displayed by this group dur- 
ing the analysis, additional study and deter- 
mination of additional characters are war- 

Sixty-three of the 245 trees generated with 
the all-zero outgroup united the Anaspidea 
and Bulloidea as a monophyletic group. Sup- 
port for this clade was restricted to character 
21, gizzard spines present, the hypothesized 
plesiomorphic state. Three other observa- 
tions also support a combined clade: (a) pur- 
ple “inking” behavior in both Aplysia and 
Haminoea (Winner & Mikkelsen, 1986), (b) 
formation of the anterior cephalic shield into 
“funnels” directing water into the cephalo- 
pedal groove, and (c) string-shaped egg 
masses in Bulla and the anaspids (see be- 

(e) The terminal Cylichna-through-Philine 
clade (node F), representing the traditional 
cephalaspid superfamily Philinoidea, with 
the addition of Retusa. The configuration of 
this clade was fairly stable throughout the 
analysis. It is united on the basis of one sy- 
napomorphy [gizzard spines absent (char- 
acter 21)] and three other strong character 
changes—a bilobed rachidian tooth (13), 
sickle-shaped laterals (14), and ventrolateral 
eye direction (35). The strength of the radular 
characters is weakened by the fact that (a) 
Retusa lacks a radula (interpreted with bi- 
lobed rachidian by the algorithm), and (b) 
Ringicula also possesses both of these fea- 
tures (see above). Deep eye location (charac- 


ter 36, reversed to mid-depth in Acteocina) 
also contributes to this clade. Within the 
clade, lateral teeth are reduced to single (15, 
at node G, reversed in Philine B), gizzard 
plates are calcified (18, at node G, also re- 
versed in Philine B), jaws are lost (9, node H), 
an ejaculatory duct is present continuous 
with the external ciliated groove (42, node H), 
and the shell is internalized (0, node |). 

The Retusa A-Retusa В clade 1$ united by 
one synapomorphy (character 20, tubercu- 
late gizzard plates) and two other (homoplas- 
tic) character changes [9, jaws absent; 41, 
sperm bulb present]. lts relationship relative 
to Cylichna could not be resolved. A clade 
uniting Cylichna and the two Retusa taxa was 
present in 111 of the 245 all-zero outgroup 
trees (plus 11 of the 35 Gegania-outgroup 
trees, and all trees of both successive 
weighting analyses), but was unsupported by 
any strong character changes. Character 
support was likewise not evident for separat- 
ing the polytomy, either in the pattern Retusa 
A-Retusa B above Cylichna, or Cylichna 
above Retusa A-Retusa B (each present in 40 
of 245 all-zero outgroup trees, plus 8 of 35 
Gegania-outgroup trees). 

Overall Tree Topology. The arrangement of 
the major clades on the tree (Fig. 46) was 
determined by many non-homoplastic (nh) 
and other strong (s) character-state changes 
at key nodes. At node A, the adult operculum 
(character 1, s) is lost and parapodia (2, s) are 
formed. At node В, the copulatory organ (40, 
nh) becomes retractile, and the nerve ring 
(26, s) moves from prepharyngeal to post- 
pharyngeal. At node C, the stomach pouch 
(23, nh) is lost leading to a flow-through con- 
figuration. Here also, the mantle cavity 
moves to a lateral position (4, s), the left pal- 
lial ganglion separates from the left pleural 
(30, s), and the external ciliated groove (39, s) 
is formed. 

_ At node D, the gizzard (character 17, nh) is 
formed [with numerous gizzard plates (19) 
and gizzard spines (21)]. The posterior foot 
(3, s) is formed, the subesophageal ganglion 
moves posteriorly to become associated with 
the visceral ganglion (31, s), and the internal 
sperm duct (38, s) with its continuous ejacu- 
latory duct (42, “reversal”) is lost. At node E, 
the number of gizzard plates (19, nh) changes 
from many to three. Also, the marginal flexure 
of the ciliated strips (7, s) occurs (later re- 
versed in several taxa), the nerve ring be- 
comes (secondarily) prepharyngeal (26, s, re- 
versal), and the genital ganglion (34, s) joins 

the visceral loop (later reversed in Philine B). 
The changes associated with nodes F, G, H, 
and | have been discussed previously regard- 
ing the Philinoidea. 

Traditional Versus Cladistic Characters 

Fate of the 49 traditional characters used in 
cephalaspid systematics (Mikkelsen, 1993: 
table 2) have been re-examined by this study 
with the following results (Table 3). 

Twenty-seven characters (55%) have been 
discarded from use in the present cladistic 
dataset; 14 of these are unusable because 
they are cladistically uncodable (DU), five are 
not pertinent to the present taxa (DN), and 
eight are not usable awaiting further investi- 
gation (DW). Eight characters (16%) have 
been used unchanged or with minor recoding 
from traditional usage (Table 3, U). Fourteen 
characters (28%) have been used but modi- 
fied significantly from traditional usage (M). 
Twenty-four cladistic characters (51%) are 
new (Table 1, NEW), but six of these charac- 
ters are not traditionally applied to ceph- 
alaspid opisthobranchs (Table 1, NON). 

Consistently strong or weak characters 
can be determined from resultant weights in 
the two successive weighting runs as well as 
from character ci and ri values on the pre- 
ferred tree. Common strong characters in all 
three trials were: ascus (character 11), tooth 
size (12), pharyngeal pouches (16), esoph- 
ageal gizzard (17), gizzard plate number (19), 
tuberculate gizzard plates (20), gizzard 
spines (21), filter chamber (22), stomach (23), 
stomach caecum (24), pedal commissure 
(29), copulatory organ (40), receptaculum 
seminis (43), gametolytic gland (44), and 
novel bursa copulatrix (45). Most of these 
contributed only to individual clades, for ex- 
ample, characters 11-12, 16, 29, 43, and 45 
to Sacoglossa. The most important charac- 
ters to the overall preferred tree structure 
were copulatory organ retractile (character 
40), and characters 17, 19, 21, and 23, all of 
which pertain to the gizzard and stomach. 
Consistently weak characters were similarly 
determined: pallial caecum (character 8), su- 
praesophageal ganglion (32), and gonad 
acini (46), each showed ri values of zero in all 
three analyses. 


Character Evolution 


TABLE 3. Fate of traditional cephalaspid characters (Mikkelsen, 1993), including 
character numbers from the present data matrix. DN = discarded as not pertinent in 
the current dataset (autapomorphies, etc.); DU = discarded as uncodable for use in 
cladistic analysis; DW = discarded awaiting further study; М = modified; U = 

Character Fate No. 
SHELL present/absent DN 

SHELL external/internal U 0 
SHELL thick/thin DU 

SHELL not reduced/reduced DU 

SHELL exposed spire/involute/plate-like DU 

OPERCULUM present/absent U 1 

PARAPODIA absent/weak/strong M 2 
FOOT short/long DU 

POSTERIOR PALLIAL LOBE absent/present U 3 
HANCOCK’S ORGAN weakly/strongly developed DU 



MANTLE CAVITY (position) M 4 
GILL present/reduced/absent M 6 
GILL nonplicate/plicate DN 

OSPHRADIUM not reduced/reduced DW 


PALLIAL CAECUM short/long/absent M 8 
JAWS present/absent U 9 
JAWS armed/unarmed DU 

RADULA present/absent DN 

RADULA (form) M 14 
RADULAR TEETH many/few M 15 
RACHIDIAN present/absent M 13 


GIZZARD weakly/strongly developed M 17 
GIZZARD PLATES absent/present M 17 
GIZZARD PLATES (number) U 19 
GIZZARD PLATES (form) M 18, 20 
NERVOUS SYSTEM streptoneurous/euthyneurous DU 

NERVE RING prepharyngeal/postpharyngeal U 26 
VISCERAL LOOP long/short DU 


EYES present/absent DN 

REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM monaulic/diaulic M 38, 39 
SPERM DUCT open/closed DU 

COPULATORY ORGAN nonretractile/retractile U 40 
SPERM BULB absent/present U 41 
EJACULATORY DUCT open/closed M 42 
PROSTATE pallial/penial DW 
RECEPTACULUM SEMINIS present/absent M 43 
PALLIAL GONODUCT simple/divided DW 

GONODUCT pallial/coelomic DU 


RETRACTION complete/incomplete DU 

DIET carnivorous/herbivorous DU 

Several evolutionary scenarios were im- 
plied by the trees generated during the anal- 
yses and are preserved in the preferred tree. 

(a) Formation of the gizzard. The gizzard 
(character 17) is a synapomorphy of all taxa 
beyond the Sacoglossa clade (Fig. 46, node 
D). In its first appearance in the herbivorous 

Г) x 1996 


anaspids, it has numerous plates and gizzard 
spines (as earlier proposed by Gosliner, 
1994, upon which coding of these characters 
was based) and is followed by a filter cham- 
ber preceding the stomach. Beyond the 
Anaspidea (node E), the gizzard plates con- 
solidate into three large plates (character 19). 
In the primarily herbivorous Bulloidea clade, 
the gizzard spines are retained. These spines 
are lost at node F (character 21). Beyond 
node F, innovations in the gizzard occur: giz- 
zard plate tubercles (in Retusa), and calcifi- 
cation (п Acteocina, Scaphander, Philine А) 
with the corresponding switch to obligate 
carnivory (see discussion under Diet, below). 

(b) Internal sperm duct versus external cil- 
iated groove. The preferred tree reitterates 
assumptions made about homologies of 
these two structures in the Characters and 
Coding section (character 38, above). It was 
assumed that the external ciliated groove 
present in caenogastropods is homologous 
with the closed internal sperm duct of heter- 
obranchs (in Gegania, Acteon, Hydatina, Rin- 
gicula B, and the sacoglossans). The saco- 
glossans show the first appearance of the 
opisthobranch-type external groove (charac- 
ter 39 at поае С) in conjunction with a still- 
present internal duct. Beyond the sacoglos- 
sans (node D), the internal sperm duct 
(character 38) is lost, and the external ciliated 
groove takes over as the sperm conduit. 
Observations by Hadfield & Switzer-Dunlap 
(1984) support this hypothetical transition, 
wherein the ciliated groove first functions to 
transport eggs in the Sacoglossa, both eggs 
and autosperm in Anaspidea, then autosperm 
only in Cephalaspidea. The evolutionary hy- 
pothesis is, then, that the internal sperm duct 
ishomologous with the caenogastropod open 
ciliated groove, but that the ciliated groove 
of opisthobranchs is a novel structure. Ho- 
moplasy in these characters occurs in Ring- 
icula A, based on Я. nitida, which is monaulic 
with a confirmed external ciliated groove. 

(c) Allosperm storage sacks (receptaculum 
seminis, gametolytic gland, novel bursa cop- 
ulatrix). As mentioned previously, the pre- 
sumed plesiomorphic condition for opistho- 
branchs is a proximal receptaculum seminis 
and a distal bursa copulatrix. The distal ga- 
metolytic gland in most taxa examined here 
may be formed from (and thus homologous 
with) the bursa (see discussion of character 
43). According to the preferred tree, the re- 
ceptaculum (character 43) remains proximal 
in all taxa except the sacoglossans, in which 

it moves to a distal position: The gametolytic 
gland (character 44) remains distal in all taxa 
except Acteon and Gegania, in which it has 
moved proximally to unite with the receptac- 
ulum in tandem; in both taxa the receptacu- 
lum is a sack along the stalk of the game- 
tolytic gland. The plesiomorphic bursa is not 
coded here; the “bursa” of the sacoglossans 
is unique histologically and appears to be a 
novel structure. 

(d) The visceral nerve loop formula devel- 
oped here contradicted the previously held 
view in placement of the pallial ganglia in 
their most plesiomorphic form: LA- -B-V-P- 
-AL (rather than the classic L-A-B-V-P-A-L). 
The most critical problem here 1$ the lack of 
incontrovertible evidence for position of the 
pallial ganglia through innervation of specific 
organs; pallial ganglia innervate the wall of 
the mantle cavity, as do most other ganglia. 
Nevertheless, most taxa could be reliably 
coded based on the presence and position of 
other ganglia. 

The preferred tree supports the proposed 
fused/adjacent position of the pallials and 
pleurals as plesiomorphic. The left pallial 
(character 30) is fused/adjacent in the out- 
group, Ringicula, and Hydatina. It becomes 
well separated twice, once in Acteon and Ge- 
дата, and once at node С. The right pallial 
(33) is fused/adjacent throughout most of the 
tree, with two changes to separate (A-L con- 
figuration) in the Acteon-Gegania and Ring- 
icula clades, and two changes to the PA con- 
figuration in the sacoglossans and the 
anaspids (with Aplysia assigned by the algo- 

Homoplasy: Not surprisingly, but now with 
supporting evidence, parallelism is indeed 
“rampant” in the opisthobranchs, at least in 
those investigated by this study. Twenty-five 
characters undergo at least one parallel apo- 
morphic change on the preferred tree. Signif- 
icant parallelism (three or more identical 
changes) occurred in six characters: elonga- 
tion of a pallial caecum (character 8; four 
times), loss of jaws (9; five times), loss of in- 
testinal typhlosole (25; five times), fusion of 
the cerebropleural ganglia (27; five times), 
shortening of the cerebral commissure (28; 
three times), and supraesophageal ganglion 
migration to V- -P position (32; four times). 
Reversals were also common, occurring 
nine times in eight characters. Some of these 
are logical from our knowledge of the biology 
of these animals. For example, the adult 


operculum (character 1) is “reinvented” т 
Retusa B; this is not unexpected because 
most opisthobranchs still possess larval 
opercula and the “reversal” in the tree is 
merely ontogenetic retention of a structure 
never completely lost. Also, reversal to ab- 
sence of the posterior foot (character 3) in 
Aplysia could be a consequence of great en- 
largement in body size. Others can be inter- 
preted as true reversals, for example, a sec- 
ondarily prepharyngeal location of the nerve 
ring (character 26). 

Implications for Cephalaspid Classification 

It is a natural response following this type 
of analysis to extend the conclusions to a 
revision of taxonomic classification. The fol- 
lowing arrangement is supported by the pre- 
ferred tree: 

? “Lower 

Class Opisthobranchia: 
2 “Architectibranchia’’: Hydatina, 
Order Sacoglossa: Cylindrobulla, 
Ascobulla, Volvatella 
Order Anaspidea: Akera, Aplysia 
Order Cephalaspidea: 
Superfamily Bulloidea: Bulla, 
Smaragdinella, Haminoea 
Superfamily Philinoidea: Cylichna, 
Retusa, Acteocina, Scaphander, 

Several qualifications must be mentioned. 
First, Acteon, Hydatina, and Ringicula have 
been here removed from Cephalaspidea by 
this investigation. Haszprunar (1985a) placed 
all three in the paraphyletic pentaganglionate 
(= opisthobranch) group “Architectibran- 
chia.” This analysis placed one of the three 
taxa, Acteon, clearly in a clade with the lower 
heterobranch (= non-opisthobranch) Gega- 
nía. Although both of these larger groups 
(“Architectibranchia” and “Lower Hetero- 
branchia”) are at present unresolved, | have 
provisionally used them here to avoid naming 
new higher groups based on these prelimi- 
nary results. Unfortunately, several presum- 
ably important sources of characters (e.g., 
Hancock's organ, osphradium, female gland 
mass, sperm structure) had to be excluded 
from this analysis for lack of cladistically 
sound data; their eventual inclusion (clearly 
objectives for future work) could define the 
limits of Opisthobranchia and resolve the in- 
teresting basal groups. 

Heterobranchia”: Gegania, 


It is interesting to note the single synapo- 
morphy uniting Geganía and Acteon — char- 
acter 44, gametolytic gland in proximal posi- 
tion, in tandem with the receptaculum seminis 
as a sack on its stalk. Haszprunar (1985b, c) 
noted the same “receptaculum apparatus” in 
two other lower heterobranchs: the mathildid 
Opimilda maoria Powell, 1940, and the archi- 
tectonicid Heliacus variegatus (Gmelin, 1791). 
This character could prove with further study 
to be important in the phylogeny of lower het- 

Relative to previous classifications, the 
Sacoglossa and Anaspidea, both well-recog- 
nized, non-cephalaspid clades, are here each 
confirmed as monophyletic with synapomor- 
phies as outlined earlier. The long list of strong 
characters supporting the sacoglossan clade 
correspond well to previous lists of sacoglos- 
san traits [e.g., suctorial feeding apparatus, 
sacoglossan radula (Kay 1968: 20)]. These 
findings confirm the placement of Cylindro- 
bulla in the Sacoglossa [as advocated by 
Thompson (1976), Gosliner (1994), and others 
(see Mikkelsen, 1993, 1994)], based on the 
type species, С. Беаий, and a new species 
from Florida. Further discussion will be pre- 
sented in a manuscript in preparation. These 
results require redefinition of the order Saco- 
glossa as distinguished by the above synapo- 
morphies for this clade. Most notably, dag- 
ger-shaped radular teeth are no longer 
prerequisite for membership in the order. 

More germane to the present problem, the 
demise of traditional Cephalaspidea has here 
been confirmed by this analysis. With 
Acteon, Ringicula, and Hydatina now ге- 
moved to more basal groups, the remaining 
Cephalaspidea survived the analysis and can 
be considered monophyletic. Synapomor- 
phies for this group (at node E) are: ciliated 
strips flexed at mantle margin (character 7), 
three gizzard plates (19, non-homoplastic), 
the nerve ring secondarily prepharyngeal 
(26), and the genital ganglion on the visceral 
loop (34). Characters 7, 26, and 34 experi- 
ence reversals within the clade. 

Within Cephalaspidea, there are two 
monophyletic clades, the Bulloidea and the 
modified Philinoidea. Bulloidea is supported 
by one non-homoplastic synapomorphy 
(character 7, exogyrous ciliated strip) and the 
weaker character, presence of a sperm bulb 
(41). Philinoidea is based on one non-ho- 
moplastic character—gizzard without gizzard 
spines (2)—and four homoplastic characters: 
bilobed rachidian teeth (13), sickle-shaped 


lateral teeth (14), ventrolaterally directed eyes 
(35), and deeply located eyes (36). 

The position of Retusa warrants special 
comment. Superficially, the living animals of 
Retusa spp. closely resemble those of 
Acteocina or Cylichna, but Retusidae has 
been most often grouped in Bulloidea or at 
least near Bullidae/Haminoeidae (Mikkelsen, 
1993, 1994). The basis for this is difficult to 
determine because Bulloidea, like most 
cephalaspid superfamilies, has rarely been 
defined. Among the few examples, Steinberg 
(1963) and Keen (1971) provided: shell exter- 
nal, aperture as long as the shell, and para- 
podia absent. The first of these 15 clearly ple- 
siomorphic, the second also pertains to 
forms such as Philine and Hydatina, and the 
last is in error. Ghiselin (1966) included Re- 
tusidae in Bulloidea by the presence of a 
sperm bulb (character 41), a character provi- 
sionally assigned but not confirmed here. 
Therefore, traditional placement in Bulloidea 
(which never occurred during this analysis) 1$ 
weaker than the evidence provided here for 
placing Retusa in Philinoidea. Unknown char- 
acter states assigned to Retusa by the algo- 
rithm through its membership in Philinoidea 
involve location of the left pallial ganglion (30, 
which could not be determined), configura- 
tion of the eye (35-37, absent in Retusa A), 
and the appearance of the radula (11-15, as- 
signed by the algorithm with bilobed rachid- 
ian and sickle-shaped laterals prior to its pre- 
sumed loss). Gosliner (1978) also advocated 
philinoidean membership for Retusidae 
based on carnivory and configuration of its 
reproductive system. 

Outgroup Choice: Gegania Versus 
Hypothetical Ancestors 

Although the validity of ‘“‘hypothetical an- 
cestors’”’ can be debated, the hypothetical 
all-zero outgroup solved problems in this 
study not resolved by the use of a bona fide 
outgroup. Because Gegania valkyrie is a real 
animal, it has derived features of its own and 
is even missing suites of characters impor- 
tant in this analysis (e.g., a copulatory organ). 
This will always be especially true within the 
Heterobranchia, in which evolutionary re- 
placement of classic gastropod characters 
with experimental novelties seems ubiqui- 
tous. One might question whether Gegania, 
or in fact any of the lower heterobranchs, was 
an appropriate choice for an outgroup. (The 
arguments against using a pulmonate for this 

analysis were discussed earlier.) The lower 
heterobranchs have been considered by 
most authors (Haszprunar, 1988; Bieler, 
1992; Healy, 1993) to be a paraphyletic 
grade, yet it seems likely that at least some of 
the included families lie in sister-group rela- 
tionship to the Opisthobranchia. Whether 
they comprise one monophyletic group or a 
dozen is immaterial here; the best choice for 
an outgroup in opisthobranch studies still 
rests within the lower heterobranchs. Which 
taxon is chosen depends largely on available 
material and the characters being tabulated. 
Based on sperm ultrastructure, Healy (1993) 
concluded that several alternate superfami- 
lies (Pyramidelloidea, Rissoelloidea, Omalo- 
gyroidea) were closer to the Opisthobranchia 
than the Architectonicoidea (containing Ge- 
gania). So, for sperm studies, a pyramidellid 
might be the best choice. However, for rea- 
sons discussed earlier, a pyramidellid was 
not chosen for this anatomy-based work. 
One unanticipated result of the all-zero 
outgroup analysis was that Gegania joined 
the ingroup, forming a clade with Acteon. 
Some might interpret this as evidence that 
Gegania was a poor choice for an outgroup. 
| prefer to suggest that this result showed 
that Acteon quite possibly does not belong to 
the Opisthobranchia, and that the ingroup 
should have been considered the Hetero- 
branchia. In this case, a caenogastropod (i.e., 
that upon which the all-zero outgroup was 
based) was a better outgroup choice. In this 
interpretation, a pulmonate would have again 
been eliminated as a possible choice. 
Gosliner (1978, 1981, 1994) proposed a 
Hypothetical  Ancestral Opisthobranch 
(HAO), the features of which can now be 
compared against the results of this study. 
The HAO agrees with the all-zero outgroup 
used here (in those characters discussed) 
with one major exception. Although Gosliner 
assumed а nonretractile copulatory organ 
(although he specified a ‘‘non-protrusible pe- 
nis,” his figures show а nonretractile organ), 
the plesiomorphic state for opisthobranchs 
as proposed here, no internal sperm duct 1$ 
indicated. Coupled with this, the HAO has an 
external ciliated groove, which although most 
common in the ingroup, has been suggested 
here as derived. In addition, ‘‘prostatic secre- 
tions are added from glandular epithelial cells 
lining the [open, ciliated] sperm groove” 
(Gosliner, 1981: 222), a condition reminiscent 
of that in caenogastropods, such as Littorina 
(Fretter 8 Graham, 1994), but one not seen or 


proposed here. Gosliner apparently per- 
ceived the open seminal groove of caeno- 
gastropods homologous with that in opistho- 
branchs—dogma not supported by these 
results. In nervous system configuration, the 
HAO has a visceral nerve loop formula (L- - 
B-V-P--L) compatible with this study, 
wherein the right and left pallial ganglia were 
not indicated by description nor by figures; 
although Gosliner did not discuss this issue, 
we can presume that the pallials are, as pro- 
posed here, still fused with the pleurals. 

Additional Character Mapping 

Some available data, although too incom- 
plete for inclusion in the analysis, were suffi- 
cient for comparison against the preferred 

Chromosome Number: Haploid chromo- 
some number has been claimed as conser- 
vative in the Euthyneura (Burch & Natarajan, 
1967; Patterson, 1969; Schmekel, 1985). 
Ghiselin (1966) advocated a clade containing 
Anaspidea, Sacoglossa, and Cephalaspidea 
(in part), supported only by weak evidence of 
a haploid chromosome number of 17 or 18. 
Haszprunar (1985a) perceived this as the ple- 
siomorphic state (16-18 in Gymnomorpha 
and Archaeopulmonata; 17 in lower hetero- 
branchs and Cephalaspidea), which is re- 
duced to 12-13 in the Eleutherobranchia 
(= Notaspidea + Nudibranchia). In his non- 
cladistic phylogenetic hypothesis of Euthy- 
neura, Salvini-Plawen (1991a: fig. 15; 1991b) 
considered 16 as the most plesiomorphic 
state for the Euthyneura, 17 for Opisthobran- 
chia, and a reduction to 13 for three groups 
of traditional Nudibranchia. 

Considerable progress has been made in 
this field since Ghiselin’s 1966 paper. Within 
the group under study here, 16-18 haploid 
chromosomes are characteristic of all taxa 
above node С in the preferred tree. This in- 
cludes: no records for the included shelled 
sacoglossans, but many unshelled forms (17; 
Inaba, 1959; Patterson, 1969); numerous 
records for Aplysia and other Aplysiidae (16- 
17; Inaba, 1959; Burch & Natarajan, 1967; 
Patterson, 1969; Natarajan, 1970; Vitturi et 
al., 1985); one species of Bulla (17; Vitturi et 
al., 1985); six species of Haminoea and the 
related Cylichnatys (16-18; Inaba, 1959; 
Burch & Natarajan, 1967; Patterson, 1969; 
Natarajan, 1970; Vitturi et al., 1985); one spe- 
cies of Smaragdinella (18; Burch & Natarajan, 

1967); one species of Scaphander (18; Vitturi 
et al., 1985); and three species of Philine (17- 
18; Inaba, 1959; Patterson, 1969; Vitturi et 
al., 1985). Node C is the equivalent to that 
based on chromosome data on Ghiselin's 
(1966: fig. 7, node 5) tree. Below this node, 
only one species, Hydatina velum, has been 
studied and found with 15 chromosomes 
(Natarajan, 1970). Although Natarajan (1970) 
considered this state “primitive,” Butot & Ki- 
auta (1969) hypothesized that reduction in 
chromosome number in stylommatophoran 
land snails was derived [as also occurs in 
Nudibranchia (13) and Notaspidea (12-13); 
Vitturi et al., 1985]. Philinoglossa praelonga 
Salvini-Plawen, 1973, a sand-nudibranch 
grouped with Retusa by Ghiselin (1966), 
showed only 13 pairs (Curini-Galletti, 1985). 

Within the lower heterobranch outgroup, 
Valvatidae show 9-10 and Pyramidellidae 17 
(Furrow, 1935a; Patterson, 1969), but only 
two species have been examined so far. 

When mapped onto the preferred tree, the 
pattern of these data supports Ghiselin's 
node 5 character change, however, chromo- 
some number does little to support or refute 
the component clades. А chromosome пит- 
ber of 18 appears on the tree only past node 
E, perhaps establishing this number for 
Cephalaspidea $.5. 

Chemosensory Organs: Edlinger (19805) 
constructed a phylogenetic hypothesis of 
shelled opisthobranchs based on Hancock's 
organ, lip organs, and the osphradium. These 
conclusions can now be compared to the 
preferred tree from this study. In his single- 
organ schemes, Haminoea was considered 
most plesiomorphic for the osphradium and 
lip organs, and Acteon for Hancock's organ. 
Scaphander and Philine comprised a derived 
group in all characters, consistent with their 
terminal position on this preferred tree. Bulla 
was consistently close to Haminoea, but var- 
ied in relationship: identically plesiomorphic 
in lip organs, derived in osphradium, more 
plesiomorphic in Hancock's organ. Acteon 
was considered derived in osphradium and 
lip organs. Retusa was derived in lip organs, 
but was only superficially considered for os- 
phradium (“reduziert’’) and Hancock's organ 
[“eine Ähnlichkeit mit Bullaria” (= Bulla)]. 
Edlinger’s (1980b: fig. 9) composite “Еуо- 
lutionsschema” was based on his morpho- 
logical data (Edlinger, 1980a) and those of 
earlier authors, especially Boettger (1955) 
and Salvini-Plawen (1970). It agrees with the 


preferred tree here in four points: (a) Acteon 
is nearest the base of the tree, (b) the Saco- 
glossa follow, (c) Scaphander and Philine are 
in one clade, and (d) Bulla and Haminoea lie 
in close proximity. It differs from the preferred 
tree in placing Retusa with Bulla, and the 
Anaspidea in a clade with the Philinoidea, 
rendering the latter paraphyletic. Although 
these results lend support to some aspects 
of the preferred tree, and refute others, 
Edlinger's conclusions were not cladistically 
generated, and his morphological data are 
not readily translated into codable informa- 

Larval Development: Larval development 
type (i.e., planktotrophic, lecithotrophic, di- 
rect-developing) was not considered here, 
because evidence suggests a high incidence 
of homoplasy throughout the Gastropoda. 
Planktotrophic development is considered 
more plesiomorphic (Strathmann, 1993), evi- 
denced by (a) its omnipresence throughout 
the class (most common generally indicating 
most plesiomorphic), and (b) the presence of 
vestigial veliger structures (e.g., velar lobes, 
used in locomotion and feeding in swimming 
larvae), even in encapsulated embryos later 
hatching as benthic, crawl-away juveniles. 
Nevertheless, non-feeding larvae (lecitho- 
trophic and direct-developing, evidenced 
also by bulbous protoconch whorls) are 
known throughout the class, even in “primi- 
tive” groups (Jablonski, 1986). Direct devel- 
opment occurs in members of four genera 
involved here [Acteocina (Mikkelsen & Mik- 
kelsen, 1984), Retusa (Smith, 1967), Cylin- 
drobulla (D. De Freese, pers. comm.), and 
Ascobulla (D. De Freese, pers. comm.)], but 
in none are all known members of the genus 

Two alternate sources of data related to 
larval development were considered here: 
form of the egg mass and larval morphology. 

Egg Mass Form. Most opisthobranchs de- 
posit gelatinous egg masses attached to the 
substratum by some means. Study is facili- 
tated by the fact that most species readily 
(and conveniently) shed an egg mass (fertil- 
ized or not) as a stress reaction to the labo- 
ratory environment. Although some egg 
mass characters were studied here, relative 
number of eggs per mass was not used, due 
to high variability within genera dependent 
upon size and condition of the adult, larval 
development type, and other factors. 

Form of the egg mass has been catego- 

rized by Soliman (1987) and by Hadfield & 
Switzer-Dunlap (1984). Three different forms 
were evident in the taxa under consideration: 
(a) elongated string (round or oval in cross- 
section) in Bulla (pers. obs.), Cylindrobulla (D. 
De Freese, pers. comm.), Volvatella (K. B. 
Clark, pers. comm.), Akera (pers. obs.), and 
Aplysia (pers. obs.); (b) flattened ribbon in Hy- 
datina (pers. obs.); and (c) gelatinous ball 
(ovoid to globular) in Acteon (Fretter & Gra- 
ham, 1954), Philine (Tchang Si, 1931; Lloyd, 
1952), Acteocina (Mikkelsen 8 Mikkelsen, 
1984), Retusa (Smith, 1967; Berry, 1989), As- 
cobulla (K. B. Clark, pers. comm.), and Ge- 
дата (Climo, 1975). 

Egg mass variability 1$ evident within Hami- 
noea. Haminoea elegans and H. antillarum 
deposit unanchored coiled ribbons attached 
to the substratum along one long side; H. 
solitaria (fide Smallwood, 1903; Harrigan 4 
Alkon, 1978) and H. succinea (Conrad, 1846) 
(pers. obs.) produce anchored gelatinous 
balls, sometimes elongated into cylinder- 
shaped structures; H. zelandiae Gray, 1843, 
forms unanchored sausage-shaped masses 
attached to vegetation (Rudman, 1971a). 

Many opisthobranchs anchor their egg 
masses to the substratum via a long mucous 
string. This occurs here mainly in gelatinous 
ball masses [in Acteon (Fretter & Graham, 
1954), Philine (Tchang Si, 1931; Lloyd, 1952), 
Acteocina (Mikkelsen & Mikkelsen, 1984), 
and some Haminoea (see above)], but is also 
true of the egg ribbon in Hydatina (pers. 

The species in this analysis all deposit 
eggs encapsulated within gelatinous egg 
masses. (The egg capsule is here the egg 
membrane surrounding each embryo and its 
albumen supply; it is not homologous with 
the resistant, chitinous, external capsules 
produced by neogastropods, e.g., Busycon.) 
In most cases, each capsule contains one 
egg, however several taxa are known to nor- 
mally encase more than one egg per capsule 
[Hydatina (20-30 eggs/capsule, pers. obs.), 
Aplysia (3-12; Tchang-Si, 1931; pers. obs.)]. 
Because these two are among the largest of 
opisthobranchs, this could be an adaptation 
to increased body size. 

Although Hadfield 4 Switzer-Dunlap (1984: 
278) claimed that the number of eggs per 
capsule “probably has little significance as a 
taxonomic tool,” this reference was to the 
actual number among multiple-egg species, 
known to vary with age of the adult or posi- 
tion within the mass. The latter type of vari- 


ability has been noted in several taxa. Tchang 
Si (1931) considered the normal condition in 
Philine aperta to be one egg/capsule, but 
noted that 2-3/capsule were found in en- 
larged capsules near the end of the egg 
string. In P. gibba, Seager (1979) noted mul- 
tiple embryos as rare and usually associated 
with capsule abnormalities. Haminoea antil- 
larum (and others, e.g. H. solitaria, fide Har- 
rigan 8 Alkon, 1978) produces encapsulated 
single eggs, whereas two eggs per capsule 
were reported by Berrill (1931) for H. hydatis, 
and Bandel (1976: 94) noted 1-3 eggs/cap- 
sule in H. antillarum, although single was 
given as “the usual” condition. Bulla striata 
examined for this study were consistently 
one egg/capsule (with a rare two/capsule in 
normally single masses), but as many as 25/ 
capsule were recorded in B. gouldiana by 
Robles (1975). 

In spite of the abundance of egg mass 
data, few patterns are observable when 
mapped on the preferred tree. Gelatinous ball 
masses, anchored or unanchored, range the 
entire length of the tree, so this (= the most 
common) could be the plesiomorphic state 
(agreed by Gosliner, 1994). Egg strings are 
concentrated mid-tree, between nodes C 
and F, however the only clade for which this 
is exclusive is the Anaspidea. 

Larval Morphology. The premetamorphic 
larvae of the taxa under consideration are 
remarkably well studied (Thorson, 1946; 
Thompson, 1976; and others) and extremely 
uniform in morphology. Only one character 
was considered appropriate for possible use 
here, the pigmented mantle organ (= “larval 
kidney”” of authors). 

The pigmented mantle organ (PMO; = lar- 
val kidney, secondary kidney, anal glana), lo- 
cated in the mantle near the anus on the right 
side of the veliger, is an important taxonomic 
feature of all heterobranchs. Its relation to ex- 
cretion, however, is doubtful (Robertson, 
1985). Bonar & Hadfield (1974) suggested in- 
volvement in accumulation of metabolic 
wastes, if not in excretion. Bickell & Chia 
(1979) described PMO cells appearing secre- 
tory in nature. The PMO has been suggested 
as repugnatory in Pyramidellidae (J. B. Wise, 
pers. comm.). Although the PMO is usually 
“lost” at metamorphosis, it persists in mem- 
bers of the genus Philine for at least a short 
period after larval life (Horikoshi, 1967), and 
throughout adult life in other heterobranchs 
(e.g., Pyramidellidae; J. B. Wise, pers. 

Robertson (1985) noted that the PMO color 
(perhaps reflecting biochemical makeup) is 
often genus- or species-specific, and thus of 
taxonomic use. The color of the PMO was 
often recorded in published larval develop- 
ment accounts, facilitating its use here. Rob- 
ertson (1985: 6) noted that PMO color could 
be extremely variable in such families as 
Pyramidellidae, and that “there is no basis 
for a claim that the color diversity reflects 
non-homology.” Likewise one might also 
postulate that similar color does not neces- 
sarily imply homology, although Edlinger 
(1980b) suggested that similar PMO color in 
Philinidae, Philinoglossidae, and Haminoei- 
dae implied close phylogenetic relationship. 
A change in color during ontogeny occurs in 
Philine (Thorson, 1946) and Haminoea (pers. 
obs., H. succinea). For these reasons, and 
because PMO color was often ascertained 
from published black-and-white illustrations, 
dark and light were used here instead of ac- 
tual hue. Dark PMOs (black, red, or orange) 
were found in Hydatina (black, pers. obs.), 
Philine (red to jet black; Thorson, 1946; Hori- 
koshi, 1967), Bulla (dark red, pers. obs.), 
Haminoea (red to black, pers. obs.), and Cy- 
lindrobulla (orange, pers. obs.). Clear PMOs 
have been recorded in Acteon (figured only 
as lightly pigmented by Thompson, 1976), 
Acteocina (pers. obs.), Akera (figured as col- 
orless by Thorson, 1946: fig. 148B, C), and 
Aplysia (Thompson, 1976; Kriegstein, 1977; 
Switzer-Dunlap & Hadfield, 1977). Retusa 
was the only taxon known to exhibit both 
character states: dark (R. obtusa; fide Smith, 
1967) and light (R. truncatula; fide Rasmus- 
sen, 1944). No correlation exists between 
type of larval development and PMO color. 

Hurst (1967: 279) suggested that a darkly 
pigmented PMO is a feature of “the more 
primitive opisthobranchs,” suggesting polar- 
ity. This is corroborated by colorless РМО$ in 
the nudibranchs Phestilla sibogae Bergh, 
1905 (Bonar & Hadfield, 1974) and Doridella 
steinbergae (Lance, 1962) (Bickell & Chia, 
1979). When mapped on the preferred tree, 
however, no pattern emerges; clear and dark 
PMOs are equally and evenly distributed. As 
with egg mass type, the only clade to be sup- 
ported is the Anaspidea, with clear PMOs. 

Sperm Morphology: Ghiselin (1966) summa- 
rized light microscopical observations on 
opisthobranch spermatozoa up to time of his 
publication, noting variation in the length of 
the sperm head (= nucleus; short or long), 


with short assumed to be the plesiomorphic 
state. Healy 8 Willan (1984) explained that 
the “long” form was actually a cord-shaped 
nucleus helically wrapped around the ax- 
oneme. When Ghiselin's (1966) compiled nu- 
clear length data, plus additions from subse- 
quent literature (Thompson & Bebbington, 
1969; Thompson, 1973; Healy, 1981), are 
mapped on the preferred tree, little or no pat- 
tern emerges. Short nuclei are characteristic 
not only of Acteon and lower heterobranchs 
(here, Pyramidellidae), but also of Philine and 
others. Short and long forms have also both 
been documented in Nudibranchia and No- 
taspidea (Healy & Willan, 1984, 1991). It 1$ 
apparent that more sophisticated techniques 
will be needed if sperm data are to be useful 

For the past decade, Healy (1981, 1982, 
1987, 1988a, b, 1993; also Healy & Willan, 
1984, 1991) has been amassing ultrastruc- 
tural data on sperm and spermiogenesis of 
higher gastropods for eventual application to 
phylogenetic studies. Healy (1982, 1988a, b) 
determined that sperm morphology (at the ul- 
trastructural level) of Architectonicidae and 
Pyramidellidae corroborated their relation- 
ship with opisthobranchs and their position in 
Heterobranchia. Healy 8 Willan (1991) exam- 
ined sperm from all four superfamilies of 
nudibranchs; although no autapomorphies 
for Nudibranchia were identified, sperm char- 
acters proved useful in indicating familial re- 
lationships. In these and other studies, the 
following characters have been suggested as 
worth investigating for phylogenetic pur- 
poses: midpiece membranes (Healy & Willan, 
1991), acrosomal morphology (Healy & Wil- 
lan, 1991), presence/absence of glycogen 
piece (Healy & Willan, 1984), and number of 
midpiece helices (Healy, 1988b). Similar in- 
formation for Cephalaspidea is not yet avail- 

Fossil Record: Because of their calcareous 
shells, mollusks have one of the best fossil 
records of any invertebrate group. Given that 
the evolutionarily oldest taxa should be the 
first to branch off a cladogram, comparison 
of the stratigraphic distributions of organisms 
at, for instance, the family level can provide 
an independent test of a morphologically 
based phylogeny. This of course assumes 
that a relatively complete fossil record exists, 
at least representative of actual history. 
Because of their reduced, thin-walled 
shells, shelled opisthobranchs do not have 

as rich a fossil record as most groups of mol- 
lusks. Therefore, although occurrence 
records for shelled opisthobranchs can be 
taken at face value, distributional gaps in the 
fossil record are not guaranteed indications 
of absences of taxa. 

For our purposes here, we are searching 
for the oldest fossil record for each taxo- 
nomic unit to compare against the preferred 
tree [although Schoch (1989: 211 ff.) summa- 
rized the arguments against such an exer- 
cise, e.g., first occurrences of taxa can only 
be objectively compared at a single location]. 
Tracey et al. (1993) provided a convenient 
and comprehensive summation of oldest 
records of gastropods at the family level. 
They reported that the outgroup family, 
Mathildidae, indeed showed the longest fos- 
sil record of taxa on this tree, extending into 
the Permian [Guadalupian stage; 270 MYBP 
(= million years before present)]. Acteonidae 
and Aplustridae were the oldest recorded 
shelled opisthobranchs under consideration 
here, with records in the Jurassic (Sinemurian 
stage; 180 MYBP). Other Jurassic taxa were 
Bullidae (Pliensbachian stage), Retusidae 
(Bathonian), Akeridae (Callovian), and Acteo- 
cinidae (Kimmeridgian). Moving forward in 
time to the Cretaceous (135 MYBP), the old- 
est was Ringiculidae (Neocomian series), fol- 
lowed by Cylichnidae (Santonian) and Hami- 
noeidae (Maastrichtian). The remaining taxa 
with fossil records did not extend past the 
Tertiary: Philinidae and Sacoglossa (oldest 
Juliidae) (both Eocene series, 60 MYBP), and 
Aplysiidae (Miocene series, 25 MYBP). 

Comparing these data against the tree pro- 
vides little information. While the Permian is 
unique to the lower heterobranchs, the next 
oldest genera (Acteon, Hydatina, Akera, 
Bulla, Acteocina, Retusa; all Jurassic) are dis- 
tributed throughout the tree. As previously 
noted, the relatively short fossil record for 
groups such as the sacoglossans or Aplysia 
could be equally (perhaps more) a matter of 
poor fossilization. 

Diet: One of the original goals of this work 
was to evaluate diet and its associated ana- 
tomical modifications in relation to ceph- 
alaspid phylogeny (Mikkelsen, 1993, 1994). 
Diet was presented as one of the potential 
sources of homoplasy, and digestive charac- 
ters were coded with this in mind. Because 
diet is likely the result of a complex interplay 
of phylogeny, prey structure, and habitat, it 
was not itself coded as a character (as done 


by Gosliner, 1978) and thus did not partici- 
pate in tree construction. But it is important 
now to map diet on the preferred tree, to ob- 
serve how morphology could have contrib- 
uted to feeding biology in the various clades. 

From numerous literature sources (summa- 
rized by Mikkelsen, 1990), diet has been 
mapped on the preferred tree in Figure 47. 
The most parsimonious explanation of the 
pattern is that herbivory is most plesiomor- 
phic in agreement with Purchon (1977; but 
contrary to Haszprunar, 1985a). Herbivores, 
that is, anaspids and bulloids, also possess 
the most plesiomorphic radular forms among 
the taxa in this analysis. Within the herbivores, 
the sacoglossans specialize as suctorial feed- 
ers with uniserial radulae, and the anaspids 
and haminoeids handle filamentous algae 
with complex gizzard plate configurations. 

According to the preferred tree, carnivory 
has evolved at least five times, but associated 
with different suites of digestive system char- 
acters. The philinoideans are the best-recog- 
nized cephalaspid carnivores. Most of these 
taxa have sickle-shaped laterals capable (at 
least in some Philine; Hurst, 1965) of pulling 
large, hard-shelled prey (clams, snails, fora- 
miniferans) into the gut to be crushed by the 
gizzard plates. Retusa, in the midst of this, 
feeds (sometimes selectively) on similar prey 
but instead of crushing, the gizzard plates 
apparently hold an item in the gizzard while 
digestive enzymes dissolve its tissues (Burn & 
Bell, 1974). Bulla is an omnivore (Tchang Si, 
1931; В. Winner, pers. comm.), the only one 
on the tree; its radular and gizzard plate mor- 
phologies are correspondingly unique among 
shelled opisthobranchs. 

Acteon and Hydatina are specialists on 
polychaete worms [which contributed to Gos- 
liner's (1978) clade], correlated with radulae 
having numerous, minute, subequal teeth 
(Rudman, 1972a; Yonow, 1992; Gosliner, 
1994). Gegania valkyrie was found by Climo 
(1975) on antipatharian corals, and was as- 
sumed to be an ectoparasite. Ringicula spp., 
according to published sources, are general- 
ists, feeding upon copepods and foraminifer- 
ans (Pelseneer, 1924; Fretter, 1960; Bouchet, 
1975); recognizable clams and foraminiferans 
were seen in the gut of sectioned specimens 
in this study. Fretter (1960) observed Ringi- 
cula using its sickle-shaped radular teeth to 
pull in large prey items, to be crushed not by 
а gizzard (absent in Ringicula), but т the pos- 
terior chamber of the stomach that has been 
muscularized into “crushing plates.” The tree 
supports parallel evolution of the bilobed- 

rachidian/sickle-shaped-lateral type of radula 
in Ringicula as well as the philinoideans. Ат- 
gicula is able to process similar hard-shelled 
prey, not in a gizzard, but analogously in a 
modified stomach. 

One additional character change, loss of 
jaws (character 9), seems strongly associ- 
ated with dietary modifications. Jaws are lost 
five times on the tree: (a) in Acteon-Gegania, 
(b) in Ringicula, (с) in the sacoglossans, (d) in 
Retusa, and (e) in Scaphander-Philine. This is 
affiliated with, respectively, (a) specialized 
vermivory or ectoparasitism, (b) crushing 
stomach plates, (c) suctorial feeding, (d) loss 
of the entire buccal mass, and (e) obligate 
carnivory with crushing gizzard plates. 

It is thus evident that although diet might 
not necessarily be the “driving force” behind 
evolution of the shelled opisthobranchs [as 
advocated by Thompson (1976) and Salvini- 
Plawen (1988)], evolutionary novelties in di- 
gestive morphology almost certainly have 
“allowed” a wide variety of dietary niches to 
be occupied. 


1. The first phylogeny of shelled opistho- 
branchs, based on morphology and employ- 
ing parsimony-based cladistic methods, has 
been generated. Non-homoplastic or at least 
strong clade-supportive characters were de- 
termined from external anatomy, mantle cav- 
ity, digestive, nervous, and reproductive sys- 
tems. This work has created a testable 
hypothesis, now available for refinement and 
comparison with future data from ultrastruc- 
tural, biochemical, and/or molecular studies. 

2. Monophyletic clades were confirmed for 
Anaspidea and Sacoglossa, with the con- 
firmed inclusion of Cylindrobulla in the latter 

3. Traditional Cephalaspidea has been split 
into two groups. (a) Ringicula and Hydatina 
were removed to the paraphyletic “archi- 
tectibranchs,” and Acteon showed strong af- 
finity for the “lower heterobranchs.” These 
will require additional data for resolution of 
monophyletic groups. Ringicula was the 
most enigmatic member of this assemblage, 
with suites of non-congruent characters in 
need of confirmation and further study. (b) 
Cephalaspidea s.s., as a sister group of 
Anaspidea, was supported by four synapo- 
morphies: flexed ciliated strips, three gizzard 
plates, secondarily prepharyngeal nerve ring, 
and genital ganglion on the visceral loop. 



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This clade includes two monophyletic sub- 
clades: Bulloidea (Bulla, Haminoea, Sma- 
гадате!а) supported by an exogyrous cili- 
ated strip, and Philinoidea (Cylichna, Retusa, 
Acteocina, Scaphander, Philine), based оп 
digestive and nervous system configurations. 

4. “Rampant parallelism” is upheld as a 
evolutionary process within the shelled 
opisthobranchs, with 25 of the 47 characters 
showing some, and six characters signifi- 
cant, levels of homoplasy on the preferred 

5. Tree topology suggested a number of 
evolutionary scenarios. (a) Formation of the 
gizzard: the most plesiomorphic gizzard (in 
Anaspidea) has numerous plates and gizzard 
spines, consolidating into three plates in 
Cephalaspidea s.s.; gizzard spines were re- 
tained in Bulloidea, lost in Philinoidea. (b) 
Sperm-conducting ducts: the caenogastro- 
pod external ciliated groove is homologous 
with the internal duct present in some shelled 
opisthobranchs. A second (novel) external 
groove, located laterally, developed in 
shelled opisthobranchs probably initially for 
egg transport. Both internal duct and external 
groove co-occur in Sacoglossa; the internal 
duct was lost in Anaspidea and Cephalaspi- 
dea s.s., with the external groove assuming 
the task of sperm transport. (c) Allosperm 
storage sacks: most shelled opisthobranchs 
have a proximal receptaculum seminis and 
distal gametolytic gland, the latter probably 
formed from the caenogastropod bursa cop- 
ulatrix. Sacoglossans have no opistho- 
branch-type gametolytic gland; their “bursa 
copulatrix”* is probably a novel structure. 
Some of the “lower heterobranchs” may 
share the synapomorphy of a proximal “re- 
ceptaculum apparatus,” consisting of a re- 
ceptaculum seminis and gametolytic gland in 
tandem arrangement. (d) Diet: herbivory is 
presumed plesiomorphic, with carnivory 
evolving independently at least five times, as- 
sociated with different suites of digestive 
system characters. 


This work was submitted in partial fulfill- 
ment of requirements for a Ph.D. degree in 
Biological Sciences at Florida Institute of 
Technology (FIT), Melbourne, Florida. | grate- 
fully acknowledge my committee chair, Dr. 
Kerry B. Clark (FIT), for his advice and inter- 
est during the entire course of my graduate 
study. | also thank the remaining members of 

my committee for their willing involvement: 
Drs. Richard L. Turner (FIT), R. Grant Gilmore 
(FIT and HBOI), Walter G. Nelson (FIT), and 
Gary N. Wells (FIT). Two informal committee 
members, Drs. Rudiger Bieler (FMNH) and 
Terrence M. Gosliner (CAS), provided coun- 
sel on phylogenetics, gastropod morphology, 
and opisthobranch biology. Drs. Petra Sier- 
wald (FMNH), John B. Wise (George Wash- 
ington University, Washington, D.C.), Silvard 
Р. Kool (Boston, Massachusetts), Ya.l. Star- 
obogatov (Zoological Institute, Russian 
Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Rus- 
sia), and C. Hedegaard (University of Califor- 
nia, Berkeley) also contributed greatly 
through discussion of various aspects of this 
work. The manuscript also benefitted greatly 
from the comments of two anonymous re- 

This work would not have been possible 
without the assistance of colleagues who 
provided specimens, and museum curators 
or collection managers who allowed me ac- 
cess and use of their cataloged material: Dr. 
Kathe Jensen and Mr. Tom Schiotte (ZMUC), 
Dr. Terrence M. Gosliner (CAS), Dr. Albert F. 
Chadwick and Mr. Russell H. Jensen 
(DMNH), the late Dr. T. Е. Thompson (Univer- 
sity of Bristol, U.K.), Dr. Nathalie Yonow (Uni- 
versity College of Swansea, U.K.), Dr. Anders 
Warén (Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stock- 
holm, Sweden), Mr. Joseph W. Goy (Texas A 
& M University), Mr. Leonard C. Hill (Miami, 
Florida), Mrs. Jan M. Light (Godalming, Sur- 
rey, U.K.), Dr. Kerry B. Clark (FIT), Dr. Duane 
E. De Freese (formerly FIT; now Brevard 
County EEL Program, Melbourne, Florida), 
Dr. Robert W. Virnstein (formerly HBOI; now 
St. Johns River Water Management District, 
Palatka, Florida), Dr. Rüdiger Bieler (ЕММН), 
Prof. Dr. Е. Gittenberger (МММ), Mr. H. L. 
Strack (Rumphius Biohistorical Expedition, 
Foundation for the Advancement of Biohis- 
torical Research, Rotterdam, The Nether- 
lands), Dr. Robert Ernest (Applied Biology, 
Inc., Jensen Beach, Florida), and Drs. Alan R. 
Kabat, José H. Leal, M. G. Harasewych, and 
the late Richard S. Houbrick (USNM). A col- 
lection of opisthobranchs prepared and em- 
bedded by the late Dr. Hennig Lemche, gen- 
erously made available by the Zoological 
Museum, Copenhagen, provided both an in- 
valuable resource and an historically interest- 
ing vein to this research. Dr. Rudiger Bieler 
also provided access to critical specimens of 
Gegania valkyrie: (a) histological slides origi- 
nally prepared by Dr. Gerhard Haszprunar 


(Institut fúr Zoologie der Universitát Wien, 
Austria) on loan from National Museum of 
New Zealand (Wellington) and upon which 
Haszprunar's (1985a) paper was based; and 
(b) additional material on loan from MNHN for 
joint histological sectioning and SEM. Access 
to the scanning electron microscope and in- 
vertebrate histology laboratory at ЕММН 1$ 
also acknowledged (the latter partially sup- 
ported by National Science Foundation grant 
DEB-9318231 to R. Bieler). 

Literature and collecting assistance was 
provided by Drs. John B. Wise and Rúdiger 
Bieler. Advice and discussion on histological 
procedures were provided by Dr. Rúdiger 
Bieler, Mr. Woody Lee (SMSLP), Dr. Janice 
Voltzow (University of Puerto Rico, Río Pie- 
dras), and Mr. Oliver Putz (НВО! and Univer- 
sitát Berlin, Germany). Translations of foreign 
language publications were performed by Dr. 
André Wybou (Vero Beach, Florida), Dr. 
Cindy Lee Van Dover (formerly SMSLP), and 
Mrs. Irene Guy (Melbourne, Florida). 

| gratefully acknowledge financial support 
and use of the laboratories, equipment, and 
facilities of Harbor Branch Oceanographic In- 
stitution, Ft. Pierce, Florida. Librarian Kristen 
Metzger and Staff Photographer Tom 
Smoyer assisted greatly throughout the 
course of this research. Paul S. Mikkelsen 
(formerly HBOI; now Palm Beach County En- 
vironmental Resources Management, West 
Palm Beach, Florida) assisted with collecting 
and extracted some of the radulae. Addi- 
tional financial assistance was provided by 
the Hawaiian Malacological Society (1993 
Scholarship), National Museum of Natural 
History, Smithsonian Institution (1993 Rose- 
water Fellowship), Field Museum of Natural 
History (visiting research scholarship from 
the Thomas J. Dee Fellowship Fund, 1993), 
and Delaware Museum of Natural History. 

This 15 Harbor Branch Contribution no. 


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Revised Ms. accepted 30 Aug. 1995 


The following are summarized descriptions 
of the taxa involved in this study, based on 
original dissections and histology, supple- 
mented by literature data. References are 
cited within the descriptions only for data un- 
confirmed by original observations. These 
are not complete anatomical descriptions; 
rather, they are limited to those characters 
used in the phylogenetic analysis. The reader 
is referred to the literature examined for each 
taxon for additional information, and to the 
Characters and Coding section for more 


complete explanation of characters. Preced- 
ing each description 1$ a list of зреситеп ma- 
terial and literature examined in generating 
the data matrix. Within material examined, 
the following abbreviations explain the use of 
specimens: D, dissection; H, histology; L, life 
history study; M, mineralogy; S, SEM. The 
exemplar species studied herein is marked 
with an asterisk (*). 


*A. tornatilis (Linné, 1758) (type species)— 
Rhossili, Gonor Peninsula, South Wales, 
United Kingdom, no date, ex N. Yonow 
[0,$]; МОС, Lemche material (embed- 
ded), Frederikshavn, Denmark, 7/1948 
[H]; Perrier & Fischer, 1911; Fretter, 
1939; Fretter & Graham, 1954; Hurst, 
1965; Thompson, 1976; Brace, 1977a. 

A. candens Rehder, 1939—Ev. Marcus, 

A. finlayi McGinty, 1955—Carriacou, no date, 
ex J. Hamann [$]. 

A. pelecais Marcus, 1972—Ег. Marcus, 1958, 

А. traskii Stearns, 1897 —Ev. Marcus, 1972. 

Shell external. Foot simple. Operculum 
present, paucispiral. Parapodia absent. Man- 
tle cavity directed anteriorly. Plicatidium-type 
gill two-sided, attached to mantle by suspen- 
sory membranes. Ciliated strips beginning 
bluntly at mantle edge, extending into long, 
free pallial caecum, winding parallel to vis- 
ceral mass within shell whorls. Jaws absent, 
but cuticularized epithelium present adorned 
with strong denticles. Radula with formula 
100+.0.100+. Rachidian tooth absent. Lateral 
teeth minute, numerous, identical in form, 
denticulate. Distinct marginal teeth absent. 
Tooth size uniform throughout ribbon. 
Esophageal gizzard with gizzard plates ab- 
sent. Stomach with pouch-like chamber. In- 
testinal typhlosole short, not extending full 
length from stomach to rectum. Nervous 
system streptoneurous. Circumesophageal 
nerve ring prepharyngeal. Cerebral/pleural 
ganglia fused. Cerebral commissure long; 
pedal commissure long. Visceral nerve loop 
formula: L-A-B-V-P-A-L (Brace, 1977a, т 
part). Genital ganglion on nerve emanating 
from visceral ganglion (Brace, 1977a, in part); 
genito-rectal nerve present. Eye with solid, 
spherical lens, close to surface (S/C not 
available), directed dorsolaterally. Reproduc- 
tive system androdiaulic. Gonad with her- 

maphroditic acini. Internal sperm duct 
present; external ciliated groove absent. 
Copulatory organ non-retractile, with ejacu- 
latory duct continuous with internal sperm 
duct; no penial gland or sperm storage area. 
Prostate pallial, dense glandular tissue along 
ciliated lumen. Single proximal allosperm 
storage sack, comprised of a united recep- 
tacular duct (with oriented sperm) and termi- 
nal gametolytic gland. Egg mass ball- 
shaped, anchored with a mucus string, with 
single egg/capsule (Fretter & Graham, 1954). 
Veliger PMO color not noted, but figured as 
lightly pigmented (Thompson, 1976: fig. 51b). 


*R. nitida Verrill, 1873—Bay of Baleeira, Por- 
tugal, 5/1988, ex A. Waren [D,H]; 
Bouchet, 1975; Gosliner, 1981. 

R. buccinea (Brocchi, 1814)—Fretter, 1960. 

R. conformis Monterosato, 1875—Pelseneer, 
1924; Gosliner, 1981; Thompson et al., 

В. sp.—HBOI sta. BE-295b, off Ft. Pierce In- 
let, St. Lucie County, Florida, 126 m, 
5/1979 [D—radula only]; Minichev, 1967. 

Shell external. Foot simple. Operculum ab- 
sent. Parapodia present. Mantle cavity di- 
rected anteriorly. Plicatidium-type gill two- 
sided, attached to mantle by suspensory 
membranes. Ciliated strips beginning bluntly 
at mantle margin; pallial caecum absent. 
Jaws absent, but cuticularized, denticulate 
epithelium present in oral cavity. Radula with 
formula 1.0.1 (Fretter, 1960; Bouchet, 1975; 
R. nitida, pers. obs.) or 1.1.1 (Thompson et 
al., 1985; R. sp., pers. obs.). Rachidian tooth 
(when present) rhomboid, with median inden- 
tation (Thompson et al., 1985). Lateral teeth 
single, with enlarged sickle-shaped cusps. 
Marginals absent. Tooth size uniform 
throughout ribbon. Esophageal gizzard ab- 
sent. Stomach with pouch-like chamber. In- 
testinal typhlosole short. Nervous system 
streptoneurous (Pelseneer, 1924; Fretter, 
1960). Circumesophageal nerve ring post- 
pharyngeal. Cerebral/pleural ganglia fused in 
R. nitida, separate but closely apposed (equi- 
distant) in R. buccinea and R. conformis (fide 
Pelseneer, 1924; Fretter, 1960). Cerebral 
commissure long; pedal commissure long. 
Visceral nerve loop formula: LAB- -V-P-A-L 
(“the subesophageal ganglion is the only one 


on the visceral loop which has migrated for- 
wards”; Fretter, 1960: 545; histological 
cross-sections too poor to trace). Genital 
ganglion/nerve? Eye with solid, spherical 
lens, embedded midway between surface 
and nerve ring (?; S/C not available), directed 
dorsolaterally; sometimes absent (Pelseneer, 
1924). Reproductive system androdiaulic 
(Pelseneer, 1924) or monaulic (Gosliner, 
1981; pers. obs.). Gonad with separate male 
and female acini. Internal sperm duct absent 
and external ciliated groove present (Fretter, 
1960; Gosliner, 1981; pers. obs.), or vice 
versa (Pelseneer, 1924). Copulatory organ re- 
tractile, with tubular glandular tissue (“pros- 
tate” of authors), without confirmed sperm 
storage area; penis simple, presence/ab- 
sence of ejaculatory duct unconfirmed. Prox- 
imal receptaculum seminis; distal “Бигза 
copulatrix”” (Fretter, 1960; Gosliner, 1978, 
1981; sperm sacks could not be confirmed in 
histological sections). Egg mass and larval 
development unknown. 

Remarks. The preserved specimens avail- 
able for this study did not section well, per- 
haps due to poor fixation; for this reason, 
many of the anatomical features reported in 
the literature could not be confirmed. The 
type species of Ringicula is Auricula ringens 
Lamarck, 1804 (by subsequent designation 
of Gray, 1847); it was not used in this study 
because it is an Eocene fossil from the Paris 
Basin, and thus could not provide morpho- 
logical characters from soft anatomy. 


*H. physis (Linné, 1758) [= H. vesicaria Light- 
foot, 1786] (type species) —Hobe Sound, 
Tequesta, Florida, 4/1977 [L]; northern 
Colombia, 4/1983, ex L. Hill [D,S]; 
НВОМ 065:01938, РММ-872, Tequesta, 
Florida, May 1983 [D,L,S]; МММ, Ambon, 
Indonesia, n.d. [D,H]; Rudman, 1972a; 
Winner, 1984; Zehra 8 Perveen, 1992. 

H. velum (Gmelin, 1791)—Eales, 1938; Nat- 
arajan, 1970. 

Shell external. Foot simple. Operculum ab- 
sent. Parapodia present. Mantle cavity di- 
rected laterally. Plicatidium-type gill two- 
sided, attached to mantle by suspensory 
membranes. Ciliated strips beginning bluntly 
at mantle edge, extending into long, free pal- 
lial caecum, winding parallel to visceral mass 
within shell whorl. Jaws present, comprised 

of flattened elements with strong denticles. 
Radula with formula (10-20).(0-1).(10-20). 
Rachidian tooth absent (pers. obs.) or vesti- 
gial with median denticle (Rudman, 1972a) or 
flat, plate-like (Eales, 1938) when present. 
Laterals subequal, blade-like, hooked, with 
varying numbers of denticles (0-5), decreas- 
ing in number outwardly in a single radular 
row. Distinct marginal teeth absent. Tooth 
size uniform throughout ribbon. Oral tube ex- 
tremely long; evertible. Esophageal gizzard 
with gizzard plates absent. Stomach with 
pouch-like chamber. Intestinal typhlosole ab- 
sent. Nervous system slightly streptoneur- 
ous. Circumesophageal nerve ring prepha- 
ryngeal. Cerebral/pleural ganglia fused. 
Cerebral commissure short; pedal commis- 
sure extremely long. Visceral nerve loop for- 
mula: LA- -B-V- - -PAL (Rudman, 1972a) or 
LA- - -BV- - -PAL (pers. obs.; Eales, 1938). 
Genital ganglion on nerve emanating from 
visceral ganglion; genito-rectal nerve absent. 
Eye with solid, spherical lens, close to sur- 
face (S/C = 0.16), directed dorsolaterally. Re- 
productive system androdiaulic. Gonad with 
hermaphroditic acini. Internal sperm duct 
present; external ciliated groove absent. 
Copulatory organ nonretractile, with ejacula- 
tory duct continuous with internal sperm 
duct; no penial gland or sperm storage area. 
[Ghiselin's (1966: 346) statement that the 
prostate of Hydatina ‘has been displaced to 
the base of the penis” reflects the posterior 
displacement of the copulatory organ (to 
near the common genital opening) more than 
an anterior shift of the prostate; this is not a 
penial gland in the sense found in Haminoea 
or Bulla.] Proximal ‘‘exogenous sperm sack’; 
distal gametolytic gland (Rudman, 1972a). 
Prostate pallial, of dense glandular tissue 
along ciliated lumen (Rudman, 1972a). Egg 
mass ribbon-shaped, anchored with a mucus 
string, with 20-30 eggs/capsule; Zehra 8 
Perveen (1992) reported 4-6/capsule. Veliger 
PMO black. Chromosome number 15 (Nat- 
arajan, 1970). 


*S. lignarius (Linné, 1758) (type species)— 
Guiart, 1901; Perrier 8 Fischer, 1911; 
Fretter, 1939; Lloyd, 1952; Hurst, 1965; 
Brace, 1977a; Vitturi et al., 1985. 

$. clavus Dall, 1889—Ev. Marcus & Er. Mar- 
cus, 1967a. 

S. punctostriatus (Mighels, 1841)—Gosliner, 


S. watsoni Dall, 1881—off Brazil, 5/1987, ex 
J. Leal [Н]; Gulf of Mexico, 6/1989, ex J. 
Goy [D,S,M]. 

Shell external. Foot supplemented by pos- 
terior pallial lobe. Operculum absent. Para- 
podia present. Mantle cavity directed later- 
ally. Plicatidium-type gill two-sided, attached 
to mantle by suspensory membranes. Ciliated 
strips flexed posteriorly at mantle margin, ex- 
tending into long, free pallial caecum. Jaws 
absent, but oral cavity lined with smooth cu- 
ticle. Radula with formula 1.(0-1).1. Rachid- 
ian tooth rhomboid, without median indenta- 
tion, caducous. Lateral teeth single, with 
enlarged sickle-shaped cusps. Marginals ab- 
sent. Tooth size uniform throughout ribbon. 
Esophageal gizzard with three calcified giz- 
zard plates. Gizzard spines absent. Stomach 
of flow-through type, without pouch-like 
chamber. Intestinal typhlosole short. Nervous 
system slightly streptoneurous. Circume- 
sophageal nerve ring prepharyngeal. Cere- 
bral/pleural ganglia separate, equidistant. 
Cerebral commissure long; pedal commis- 
sure long. Visceral nerve loop formula: L- -A- 
BV-P- -AL [left pallial considered fused with 
pleural by Brace (1977a) and by Schmekel 
(1985), but here treated as present through 
position of left pallial nerve and existence of 
vestigial somata (pers. obs.; Brace, 1977a)]. 
Genital ganglion on visceral loop between vis- 
ceral and supraesophageal ganglia. Eye with 
solid, spherical lens (slightly irregularly 
shaped, but bicolored), deeply embedded 
(S/C = 1.7), directed ventrolaterally. Repro- 
ductive system monaulic. Gonad with her- 
maphroditic acini. Internal sperm duct absent; 
external ciliated groove present. Copulatory 
organ retractile, with terminal spherical glan- 
dular mass (““prostate” of authors) containing 
a large internal lumen and ducts to glandular 
tissue; without sperm storage area. Penis 
largely invaginated when retracted, contain- 
ing an ejaculatory duct; tip simple. Proximal 
receptaculum seminis; distal gametolytic 
gland. Egg mass and larval development un- 
known. Chromosome number 18 (Vitturi et al., 


*P. aperta (Linné, 1767) (type species) —Ox- 
witch, United Kingdom, 3/1984, ex N. 
Yonow [D,M]; ZMUC, Lemche material 
(embedded), Gullmarfjord, Bohuslán, 
Sweden, 7/1947 [H]; ZMUC, Lemche 

material (embedded), no data, 5/1948 
[H]; Tchang Si, 1931; Brown, 1934; Fret- 
ter, 1939; Thorson, 1946; Lloyd, 1952; 
Hurst, 1965; Vitturi et al., 1985. 

P. angasi (Crosse & Fischer, 1865)—Rud- 
man, 1972b. 

P. denticulata (J. Adams, 1800)—Horikoshi, 

р.  falklandica 

P. gibba Strebel, 1908—Odhner, 1926; Rud- 
man, 1972b; Seager, 1978, 1979. 

P. japonica Lischke, 1872—Inaba, 1959. 

P. orientalis A. Adams, 1854—USNM 
858415, Hong Kong, 5/1987 [D,H,S]. 

P. quadripartita Ascanius, 1772—Patterson, 

P. spp. [unidentified—Williams, 1975. 

Powell, 1954—Rudman, 

Shell internal within posterior half of body. 
Foot supplemented by posterior pallial lobe. 
Operculum absent. Parapodia present. Man- 
tle cavity directed laterally. Plicatidium-type 
gill two-sided, attached to mantle by suspen- 
sory membranes. Ciliated strips beginning 
bluntly at mantle margin, extending into short 
pallial caecum. Jaws absent, but oral cavity 
cuticularized. Radula with formula (1-6).1.(0- 
1).1.(1-6). Rachidian tooth absent т P. 
aperta, present as nondenticulate plate in P. 
falklandica and P. gibba (fide Rudman, 
1972b; Seager, 1978). Lateral teeth single, 
with enlarged sickle-shaped cusps. Margin- 
als present in P. gibba (fide Rudman, 1972b; 
Seager, 1978) and several other species, 
hook-like, smaller, and less robust than lat- 
erals. Tooth size uniform throughout ribbon. 
Esophageal gizzard with three gizzard plates 
present. Gizzard plates fully calcified in P. 
aperta, not calcified in P. falklandica and P. 
gibba (Rudman, 1972b; Seager, 1978; but 
not verified here). Gizzard spines absent. 
Stomach of flow-through type, without 
pouch-like chamber. Intestinal typhlosole 
short. Nervous system slightly streptoneur- 
ous; barely so in P. aperta and P. orientalis, 
wherein right connective is only slightly more 
dorsal than left; Williams (1975) showed dis- 
tinct crossing at the far posterior end of the 
visceral loop in two unidentified species. Cir- 
cumesophageal nerve ring prepharyngeal. 
Cerebral/pleural ganglia separate, equidis- 
tant. Cerebral commissure long; pedal com- 
missure long. Visceral nerve loop formula: 
L- -A-BV-P- -AL (in P. falklandica and P. an- 
gasi, fide Rudman, 1972b; in P. gibba, fide 
Seager, 1978), or L--(A)-BV- - -РАЁ (in P. 


арепа and P. orientalis, pers. obs.; left pallial 
missing, location of left pallial nerve indi- 
cated). Because of the generally plesiomor- 
phic nature of P. falklandica (fide Rudman, 
1972b), the nervous system is coded as in 
this species. Genital nerve emanating from 
visceral ganglion (in P. falklandica and others; 
Rudman, 1972b; Gosliner, 1978) or genital 
ganglion on visceral loop between visceral 
and supraesophageal ganglia (in P. aperta, P. 
angasi, and others; Rudman, 1972b; Brace, 
1977a; pers. obs.). Eye with solid, irregular 
lens, with (?) “anchors,” deeply embedded 
(S/C = 0.6), directed ventrolaterally. Repro- 
ductive system monaulic. Gonad with her- 
maphroditic acini. Internal sperm duct ab- 
sent; external ciliated groove present. 
Copulatory organ retractile, in P. aperta and 
P. orientalis with long single-stranded tube 
(“prostate” of authors) emanating from rear 
of penial sheath, comprised of three types of 
histological morphology: strongly staining 
glandular tissue (most distal), weakly staining 
glandular tissue (intermediate), and two-part 
conducting tube for autosperm transport 
connecting to internal duct at base of penis. 
External ciliated groove continuing into penial 
sheath, then closing to form an autosperm 
intake duct (“уаз deferens” of Lloyd, 1952) 
that exits to lie within the hemocoel alongside 
the penial sheath, storing oriented sperm in 
tube and small vesicle (“зретт vesicle” of 
Lloyd, 1952), connecting to elongated tube at 
junction of glandular tissue and two-part 
conducting tube. Two-part conducting tube 
comprised of two lunate, internally ciliated 
halves, each half with central “typhlosole,” 
and receiving contents of glandular tube on 
one side, of autosperm intake duct on other 
side. Penis with ejaculatory duct continuous 
with coelomic two-part conducting tube; tip 
elaborated. Proximal receptaculum seminis; 
distal gametolytic gland. Egg mass ball- 
shaped, anchored with a mucus string, with 
single eggs/capsule [Tchang Si, 1931 (al- 
though 1-3 eggs/capsule noted in enlarged 
capsules at the end of the egg string; Lloyd, 
1952)]. Veliger PMO red to jet black (Thorson, 
1946; Horikoshi, 1967). Chromosome num- 
ber 17 (Inaba, 1959; Patterson, 1969) or 18 
(Vitturi et al., 1985). 


*C. cylindracea (Pennant, 1777) (type spe- 
cies) —ZMUC, Lemche material (embed- 
ded), Gullmarfjord, Bohuslán, Sweden, 

8/1949 [H]; Sweden, ex A. Waren [M,S]; 
Lemche, 1956; Hurst, 1965. 

С. verrillii Dall, 1889—HBOM 065:02338, 
Johnson-Sea-Link | dive #920, off Ft. 
Pierce, Florida, 10/1980 [$]. 

C. alba (Brown, 1827)—Lemche, 1956. 

С. magna Lemche, 1941—Lemche, 1956. 

Shell external. Foot supplemented by pos- 
terior pallial lobe. Operculum absent. Parap- 
odia present. Mantle cavity directed laterally. 
Plicatidium-type gill two-sided, attached to 
mantle by suspensory membranes. Ciliated 
strips flexed at mantle margin, extending into 
short pallial caecum (Lemche, 1956: figs. 27, 
41). Jaws present, comprised of rod-shaped 
elements, strongly bent, and bearing long 
denticles. Radula with formula (2-9).1.1.1.(2- 
9). Rachidian tooth rhomboid with median in- 
dentation. Lateral teeth single, with enlarged 
sickle-shaped cusps. Marginals hook- 
shaped, smaller, and less robust than later- 
als. Tooth size uniform throughout ribbon. 
Esophageal gizzard with three uncalcified 
gizzard plates present. Gizzard spines ab- 
sent. Stomach of flow-through type, without 
pouch-like chamber. Intestinal typhlosole 
short (Lemche, 1956: fig. 168). Nervous sys- 
tem slightly streptoneurous (Lemche, 1956; 
Hurst, 1965). Circumesophageal nerve ring 
prepharyngeal. Cerebral/pleural ganglia sep- 
arate, equidistant (Lemche, 1956: figs. 55- 
57). Cerebral commissure long; pedal com- 
missure long. Visceral nerve loop formula: 
L-(A)- -BV-P- -AL [no left pallial detected by 
Lemche (1956), but here treated as present 
through the position of the left pallial nerve 
(Lemche, 1956: fig. 56)]. Genital ganglion on 
visceral loop between visceral and suprae- 
sophageal ganglia (Lemche, 1956). Eyes ap- 
parently absent in C. alba and C. magna (fide 
Lemche, 1956); very small eye present in C. 
cylindracea, without lens, deeply embedded 
(S/C = 1.1), directed ventrolaterally. Repro- 
ductive system monaulic. Gonad with sepa- 
rate male and female acini (Lemche, 1956). 
Internal sperm duct absent; external ciliated 
groove present. Copulatory organ retractile, 
with terminal glandular bulb ('“prostate” of 
authors) emanating from rear of penial 
sheath. Penis largely invaginated when re- 
tracted (termed “‘rudiment’’ and only occa- 
sionally present by Lemche, 1956), without 
ejaculatory duct; tip simple. Terminal glandu- 
lar bulb with tall cells lining a rather extensive 
lumen, opening into penial sheath at base of 
penis; without confirmed sperm storage area. 


Proximal receptaculum seminis; distal game- 
tolytic gland. Egg mass and larval develop- 
ment unknown. 


*A. canaliculata (Say, 1826) (type species)— 
PMM-814, Biscayne Bay, Dade County, 
Florida, 2/1982 [L]; PMM-826, Haulover 
Canal, Brevard County, Florida, 4/1982 
[0]; PMM-841, Ft. Pierce, St. Lucie 
County, Florida, 5/1982 [L]; PMM-864, 
Haulover Canal, Brevard County, Flor- 
ida, 12/1982 [D,H,M]; PMM, Indian River, 
Florida, 1983 [$]; PMM-900, Peanut Is- 
land, Palm Beach County, Florida, 
9/1985 [0]; Franz, 1971; Ev. Marcus, 
1977b; Gosliner, 1979; Mikkelsen 8 Mik- 
kelsen, 1984. 

A. atrata Mikkelsen & Mikkelsen, 1984— 
PMM-817, Ft. Pierce, Florida, 2/1982 
[L,M]; PMM-818, Haulover Canal, 
Brevard County, Florida, 2/1982 [LU]; 
PMM-826, Haulover Canal, Brevard 
County, Florida, 4/1982 [L]; Mikkelsen 8 
Mikkelsen, 1984. 

A. bidentata (Orbigny, 1841)—Er. 

А. candei (Orbigny, 1841)—Er. Marcus, 1958. 


Shell external. Foot supplemented by pos- 
terior pallial lobe. Operculum absent. Parap- 
odia present, small. Mantle cavity directed 
laterally. Ciliated strips beginning bluntly at 
mantle margin, extending into short pallial 
caecum. Plicatidium-type gill two-sided, at- 
tached to mantle by suspensory membranes. 
Jaws present, comprised of blunt, rod- 
shaped elements. Radula with formula 1.1.1. 
Rachidian tooth rhomboid with median in- 
dentation; rachidian absent in some species 
(Gosliner, 1994). Lateral teeth single, with 
enlarged sickle-shaped cusps. Marginals 
absent. Tooth size uniform throughout rib- 
bon. Esophageal gizzard with three partially 
calcified gizzard plates present. Gizzard 
spines absent. Stomach of flow-through 
type, without pouch-like chamber. Intestinal 
typhlosole? Nervous system slightly strep- 
toneurous. Circumesophageal nerve ring 
prepharyngeal. Cerebral/pleural ganglia sep- 
arate, equidistant. Cerebral commissure 
long; pedal commissure long. Visceral nerve 
loop formula: L-(A)- -BV-P--AL (left pallial 
ganglion absent, but here treated as present 
through the position of the left pallial nerve). 
Genital ganglion on visceral loop between 

visceral and supraesophageal ganglia. Eye 
with solid, spherical lens, embedded midway 
between surface and nerve ring (?; S/C not 
available), directed ventrolaterally. Repro- 
ductive system monaulic. Gonad acini her- 
maphroditic. Internal sperm duct absent; ex- 
ternal ciliated groove present. Copulatory 
organ retractile, with glandular tissue (“ргоз- 
tate” of authors) with ciliated lumen; sperm 
storage not confirmed; penis with external 
sperm duct only, without ejaculatory duct. 
Proximal receptaculum seminis (Gosliner, 
1979); distal gametolytic gland. Egg mass 
ball-shaped, anchored with a mucus string, 
with single eggs/capsule. Veliger PMO color- 


*B. striata Bruguière, 1792—PMM-931, 
Spanish Harbor Keys, Florida Keys, 
1/1988 [D,H,M]; НВОМ 065:02023, 
Hobe Sound, Tequesta, Florida, 3/1979 
[H,S]; Biscayne Bay, Florida, 1/1988 
[D,S]; PMM-996, Indian River, Bessie 
Cove, Martin County, Florida, 5/1994 
[D,L]; Tchang Si, 1931; Er. Marcus, 1957; 
Brace, 1977a; Vitturi et al., 1985; Winner, 

В. ampulla Linné, 1758 (type species)—NNM, 
Ambon, Indonesia, n.d. [D]; Eales, 1938; 
Gosliner, 1978. 

B. gouldiana Pilsbry, 1895—Robles, 1975; 
Williams, 1975. 

B. solida Gmelin, 1791—HBOM 065:00281, 
R/V GOSNOLD 237/514, off Sebastian, 
Florida, 25 т, 12/1974 [0]. 

Shell external. Foot supplemented by pos- 
terior pallial lobe. Operculum absent. Para- 
podia present. Mantle cavity directed later- 
ally. Plicatidium-type gill two-sided, attached 
to mantle by suspensory membranes. Cili- 
ated strips exogyrous; pallial caecum short. 
Jaws present, comprised of blunt, rod- 
shaped elements. Radula with formula Rachidian tooth rhomboid, laterally 
elongated, denticulate, with central cusp 
smaller than 5-7 subequal cusps on either 
side. Lateral teeth ““claw-shaped,” with 4-10 
robust cusps; the first with main cusp central; 
the second with main cusp at inner edge. 
Marginals plate-like, non-denticulate. Tooth 
size uniform throughout ribbon. Esophageal 
gizzard with three uncalcified gizzard plates 
present. Gizzard spines present preceding 
and following plates, flattened. Stomach of 


flow-through type, without pouch-like cham- 
ber. Intestinal typhlosole absent. Nervous 
system slightly streptoneurous. Circume- 
sophageal nerve ring prepharyngeal. Cere- 
bral/pleural ganglia separate, equidistant. 
Cerebral commissure long; pedal commis- 
sure long. Visceral nerve loop formula: L- - 
A-BV-P- -AL. Genital ganglion on or near 
visceral loop between visceral and suprae- 
sophageal ganglia. Eye with solid, spherical 
lens, close to surface (S/C = 0.16), directed 
dorsolaterally. Reproductive system monau- 
lic. Gonad with hermaphroditic acini. Internal 
sperm duct absent; external ciliated groove 
present. Copulatory organ retractile, with 
glandular ciliated coils within spherical vesi- 
cle (“prostate” of authors) proximal to a ter- 
minal glandular appendix (= sperm storage 
bulb?). Penis with ejaculatory duct; tip sim- 
ple. Receptaculum seminis proximal, embed- 
ded within female gland mass; gametolytic 
gland distal with additional sperm-storage 
area in expanded base of gametolytic duct. 
Egg mass of tangled strings, unanchored, 
with single eggs/capsule (rarely 2/capsule; 
1-25/capsule reported by Robles (1975)]. 
Veliger PMO dark red. Chromosome number 
17 (Vitturi et al., 1985). 


*H. antillarum (Orbigny, 1841) —PMM-933, Ft. 
Pierce Inlet, Florida, 4/1988 [D,H,S,M]; 
Biscayne Bay, Florida, 1/1988 [D,L]; 
Bandel, 1976. 

H. hydatis (Linné, 1758) (type species) —Per- 
rier & Fischer, 1914; Fretter, 1939; Berrill, 
1931; Tchang Si, 1931; Vitturi et al., 

H. elegans (Gray, 1825) —PMM-874, Semi- 
nole Shoals, Martin County, Florida, 
8/1983 [0]; PMM-931, Spanish Harbor 
Keys, Florida Keys, 2/1988 [D]; Er. Mar- 

CUS, 1958, 

H. musetta Marcus 8 Burch, 1965—Burch 4 
Natarajan, 1967. 

H. solitaria (Say, 1821)—Smallwood, 1903; 
Inaba, 1959; Harrigan & Alkon, 1978. 

H. succinea (Conrad, 1846) —PMM-912, Na- 
ples, Florida, 3/1987 [D,L]. 

H. virescens (Sowerby, 1833)—Hurst, 1967; 
Williams, 1975. 

Н. zelandiae Gray, 1843—Rudman, 197 1a. 

Shell external. Foot supplemented by pos- 
terior pallial lobe. Operculum absent. Para- 
podia present. Mantle cavity directed later- 

ally. Plicatidium-type gill two-sided, attached 
to mantle by suspensory membranes. Cili- 
ated strips exogyrous; pallial caecum short. 
Jaws present, comprised of blunt, rod- 
shaped elements. Radula with formula (5- 
63).1.1.1.(5-63). Rachidian tooth quadrate, 
tricuspidate with median denticle largest. 
Lateral teeth broad, denticulate. Marginals 
hook-shaped, decreasing in size outwardly. 
Tooth size uniform throughout ribbon. 
Esophageal gizzard with three uncalcified, 
transversely ridged gizzard plates. Gizzard 
spines present preceding and following 
plates. Stomach of flow-through type, with- 
out pouch-like chamber. Intestinal typhlosole 
short. Nervous system slightly streptoneur- 
ous. Circumesophageal nerve ring postpha- 
ryngeal. Cerebral/pleural ganglia separate, 
equidistant. Cerebral commissure long; 
pedal commissure long. Visceral nerve loop 
formula: L-[?A]-BV-P--AL; position of left 
pallial ganglion variable. Genital ganglion on 
visceral loop between visceral and suprae- 
sophageal ganglia. Eye with solid, spherical 
lens (bicolored, but with shallow surface hol- 
lows), close to surface (S/C = 0.08, 0.16), di- 
rected dorsolaterally. Reproductive system 
monaulic. Gonad with hermaphroditic acini. 
Internal sperm duct absent; external ciliated 
groove present. Copulatory organ retractile, 
with terminal two-part spherical glandular 
mass (“‘prostate’’ of authors), the most prox- 
imal with central channel and ducts to glan- 
dular tissue, the most distal with large inter- 
nal lumen for storage of unoriented sperm. 
Penis with external groove only, without ejac- 
ulatory duct. Spermatophores reported (Per- 
rier & Fischer, 1914). Proximal receptaculum 
seminis; distal gametolytic gland. Egg mass 
shape variable, anchored or not, with single 
eggs/capsule [in H. antillarum and others; H. 
hydatis with 1/capsule (Tchang Si, 1931) or 
2/capsule (Berrill, 1931)]. Veliger PMO red to 
black. Chromosome number 16 (Inaba, 
1959), 17 (Burch & Natarajan, 1967) or 18 
(Vitturi et al., 1985). 


*S. calyculata Broderip & Sowerby, 1829 [= $. 
viridis Rang, in Quoy & Gaimard, 1833] 
(type species)—USNM 543627, Oahu, 
Hawaii, 1937 [Н]; USNM 751607, Easter 
Island [D,M,S]; Rumphius Biohistorical 
Expedition, sta. 40, Ambon, Indonesia, 
12/1990 [D]; Ev. Marcus & Burch, 1965; 
Burch & Natarajan, 1967; Natarajan, 
1970; Rudman, 1972c; Williams, 1975. 


Shell external. Foot supplemented by 
posterior pallial lobe. Operculum absent. 
Parapodia present. Mantle cavity directed 
laterally. Plicatidium-type gill two-sided, at- 
tached to mantle by suspensory membranes. 
Ciliated strips exogyrous; pallial caecum 
short. Jaws present, comprised of blunt, rod- 
shaped elements. Radula present, with for- 
mula (5-6).(13-45).1.(13-45).(5-6). Rachidian 
tooth rhomboid, with median denticle only. 
Lateral teeth hook-shaped, largest in center 
half-row, decreasing in size in- and out- 
wardly. Marginals plate-like, lacking hooks. 
Tooth size uniform throughout ribbon. 
Esophageal gizzard with three uncalcified, 
transversely ridged gizzard plates. Gizzard 
spines present, V-shaped. Stomach of flow- 
through type, without pouch-like chamber 
(Rudman, 1972c). Intestinal typhlosole? 
Nervous system euthyneurous. Circume- 
sophageal nerve ring postpharyngeal. Cere- 
bral/pleural ganglia separate, equidistant. 
Cerebral commissure long; pedal commis- 
sure long. Visceral nerve loop formula: LA- - 
BV- -PAL. Genital ganglion immediately ad- 
jacent to visceral ganglion, on loop. Eye with 
solid, spherical lens, close to surface (S/C 
not available), directed dorsolaterally. Repro- 
ductive system monaulic. Gonad with her- 
maphroditic acini. Internal sperm duct ab- 
sent; external ciliated groove present. 
Copulatory organ retractile, with terminal 
three-part spherical glandular mass (“ргоз- 
tate” of authors), the most proximal two with 
central channel (and ducts to glandular tis- 
sue?), the most distal with multiple compart- 
ments for sperm storage. Penis with external 
groove, without ejaculatory duct; tip simple. 
Proximal receptaculum seminis; distal game- 
tolytic gland (Rudman, 1972c). Egg mass and 
larval development unknown. Chromosome 
number 18 (Burch & Natarajan, 1967; Natara- 
jan, 1970). 


*R. obtusa (Montagu, 1803) (type species)— 
Fleet, Dorset, United Kingdom, 2/1986, 
ex T.E. Thompson [H,S,M]; Thorson, 
1946; Hurst, 1965; Smith, 1967; Gos- 
liner, 1978; Berry, 1989. 

В. chrysoma Burn, in Burn 
1974—Burn 4 Bell, 1974. 

В. operculata Minichev, 1966—Minichev, 

R. semisulcata Philippi, 1836—Huber, 1993. 

В. truncatula (Bruguiere, 1792)—ZMUC, 
Lemche material (embedded), Isefjord, 

8 Bell, 

Denmark, 4/1944 [H]; ZMUC, Lemche 
material (embedded), no data, 5/1948 
[H]; Sao Miguel, Azores, 7/1991 [D; Mik- 
kelsen, 1995]; CAS 072614, Ponta de Pi- 
rámide, Sáo Miguel, Azores, 7/1988, [0]; 
Vayssiere, 1893; Rasmussen, 1944; 
Thorson, 1946; Burn & Bell, 1974; Lu- 
que, 1983. 

В. semisulcata Philippi, 1836—Huber, 1993. 

Shell external. Foot supplemented by pos- 
terior pallial lobe. Operculum absent in adult 
R. obtusa and most other species; present in 
three species—R. chrysoma (fide Burn & Bell, 
1974), R. operculata (fide Minichev, 1966), 
and R. truncatula (fide Burn & Bell, 1974; Lu- 
que, 1983; but not in some populations, Mik- 
kelsen, 1995). Parapodia absent. Mantle cav- 
ity directed laterally. Ciliated strips flexed 
posteriorly at mantle margin. Pallial caecum 
short (Gosliner, 1978). Gill absent. Vayssiere 
(1893) ambiguously described a gill in R. 
truncatula, but he could in fact have been 
describing some other pallial structure such 
as the extensive kidney. Smith (1967) did not 
mention a gill in his excellent description of 
the larval development of R. obtusa. Jaws, 
radula, and buccal mass absent. Oral tube 
lined by ciliated cells only, without any trace 
of cuticularization. Esophageal gizzard with 
three uncalcified tuberculate gizzard plates 
present. Gizzard spines absent. Stomach of 
flow-through type, without pouch-like cham- 
ber. Intestinal typhlosole short. Nervous sys- 
tem slightly streptoneurous (Hurst, 1965; Hu- 
ber, 1993). Circumesophageal nerve ring 
“prepharyngeal” according to relative posi- 
tion of buccal ganglia. Cerebral/pleural gan- 
glia fused in R. obtusa, but separate (and 
equidistant) in other species [e.g., В. trunca- 
tula (pers. obs.); R. semisulcata (fide Huber, 
1993)]. Cerebral commissure long; pedal 
commissure long. Visceral nerve loop for- 
mula variable in the genus: L- - -BV-P- -AL (R. 
obtusa, R. truncatula, left pallial not seen; 
pers. obs.; Vayssière, 1893); LA- - -BV- - -PAL 
(R. semisulcata; fide Huber, 1993). [See Hu- 
ber (1993) for summary of other variability in 
visceral loop ganglia.] Genital ganglion on 
visceral loop between visceral and suprae- 
sophageal ganglia. Eye absent in R. obtusa; 
in R. truncatula, with solid, spherical lens, 
deeply embedded (S/C = 0.86), directed ven- 
trolaterally. Reproductive system monaulic. 
Gonad with hermaphroditic acini. Internal 
sperm duct absent; external ciliated groove 
present. Copulatory organ retractile, with 


glandular tissue (‘‘prostate’’ of authors); 
sperm storage area (Ghiselin, 1966; Gosliner, 
1978) unconfirmed. Penis with external 
groove only, without ejaculatory duct. Proxi- 
mal receptaculum seminis; distal gametolytic 
gland. Egg mass ball-shaped, unanchored, 
with single eggs/capsule (Smith, 1967; Berry, 
1989). Veliger PMO black (Smith, 1967) or 
colorless (Rasmussen, 1944: fig. 13). 


*С. beauii (P. Fischer, 1856) (type species)— 
Key Largo, Florida Keys, 7/1987, ex 
АЛ. Virnstein [H]; Belize, ex RSS. 
Houbrick [H]; HBOM 065:01745, Shark 
Channel, Florida Keys, 9/1981 [S]; Er. 
Marcus & Ev. Marcus, 1970 [in part]. 

С. п. sp.—Bermuda, 8/1990, ex О. De Freese 
[D,H,L,S]; HBOM 065:01893, Key Largo, 
Florida Keys, 7/1982 [S]. 

Shell external. Foot simple. Operculum ab- 
sent. Parapodia absent. Mantle cavity di- 
rected laterally. Plicatidium-type gill one- 
sided, attached to mantle over its full length. 
Ciliated strips beginning bluntly at mantle 
edge; no pallial caecum. Single anterior 
adductor muscle present. Jaws absent, but 
thickened cuticular epithelium in oral tube. 
Аааа uniseriate, with formula 0.1.0. 
Rachidian tooth quadrate-cuspidate, with 
denticles flanking main cusp. Tooth size uni- 
form throughout ribbon. Descending limb/as- 
cus present. Pharyngeal pouches present. 
Esophageal gizzard with gizzard plates ab- 
sent. Stomach of flow-through type, without 
pouch-like chamber. Intestinal typhlosole en- 
tire length from stomach to rectum. Nervous 
system slightly streptoneurous. Circume- 
sophageal nerve ring postpharyngeal. Cere- 
bral/pleural ganglia fused. Cerebral commis- 
sure long; pedal commissure short. Visceral 
nerve loop formula: L-A-B-V-PA- -L. Genital 
nerve emanating from visceral ganglion; no 
ganglion seen in cross-sections. Eye with 
solid, oblong, irregular lens, with “anchors,” 
embedded deeply (S/C = 1.3, 1.1), directed 
ventrolaterally. Reproductive system an- 
drodiaulic [not oódiaulic as according to 
Ghiselin (1966), who based his conclusion on 
incorrect data presented for Ascobulla ulla by 
Ev. Marcus 4 Er. Marcus (1956), corrected by 
Ev. Marcus (1972)]. Gonad acini? Both inter- 
nal sperm duct and external ciliated groove 
present. Copulatory organ retractile, without 
glandular tissue or sperm storage area. Penis 

with ejaculatory duct continuous with internal 
sperm duct; tip simple. Prostate pallial, of 
“flower” configuration. Two distal sperm 
sacks: larger bursa copulatrix (containing un- 
oriented sperm) and smaller receptaculum 
seminis (containing oriented sperm); game- 
tolytic gland absent. Egg mass of tangled 
strings, unanchored, with single egg/capsule 
(D. De Freese, pers. comm.). Veliger PMO or- 


*A. ulla (Marcus 8 Marcus, 1970) (type spe- 
cies)—Ft. Pierce Inlet, Florida, 8/1990, 
ex D. De Freese [H]; PMM-991, Sebas- 
tian Inlet, Florida, 7/1993 [H]; PMM-992, 
Sebastian Inlet, Florida, 8/1993 [0]; 
Marco, Florida, no date, CAS 77802 [0]; 
D. De Freese (L; pers. comm.); Ev. Mar- 
cus 8 Er. Marcus, 1956; Ev. Marcus, 

Shell external. Foot simple. Operculum ab- 
sent. Parapodia absent. Mantle cavity di- 
rected laterally. Plicatidium-type gill one- 
sided, attached to mantle over its full length. 
Ciliated strips beginning bluntly at mantle 
edge; no pallial caecum. Single anterior ad- 
ductor muscle present. Jaws absent, but 
thickened cuticular epithelium in oral tube. 
Radula uniseriate, with formula 0.1.0. 
Rachidian tooth dagger-shaped, with mar- 
ginal serrations/denticulations. Tooth size in- 
creasing throughout ribbon. Descending 
limb/ascus present. Pharyngeal pouches 
present. Esophageal gizzard with gizzard 
plates absent. Stomach of flow-through type, 
without pouch-like chamber. Intestinal 
typhlosole absent. Nervous system slightly 
streptoneurous. Circumesophageal nerve 
ring postpharyngeal. Cerebral/pleural ganglia 
fused. Cerebral commissure long; pedal 
commissure short. Visceral nerve loop for- 
mula: L-A-B-V-PA- -L. Genital nerve emanat- 
ing from visceral ganglion; no ganglion seen 
in cross-sections. Eye with solid, oblong, ir- 
regular lens, with ‘‘anchors,”’ deeply embed- 
ded (S/C = 1.3), directed ventrolaterally. Re- 
productive system androdiaulic. Gonad with 
hermaphroditic acini. Both internal sperm 
duct and external ciliated groove present. 
Copulatory organ retractile, without glandular 
tissue or sperm storage area. Penis with 
ejaculatory duct continuous with internal 
sperm duct; tip simple. Prostate pallial, of 
“flower” configuration. Two distal sperm 


sacks: larger bursa copulatrix (containing un- 
oriented sperm) and smaller receptaculum 
seminis (containing oriented sperm); game- 
tolytic gland absent. Egg mass kidney- 
shaped, without anchor (K. B. Clark, pers. 
comm.), with single eggs per capsule (D. De 
Freese, pers. comm.). Veliger PMO unknown. 


*V. bermudae Clark, 1982—Bermuda, 
8/1979, ex К.В. Clark [Н]; Clark, 1982. 

V. fragilis Pease, 1860 (type species)—Evans, 

V. cincta Nevill & Nevill, 1869—DMNH 25113, 
Ceylon, 1957 [S]. 

V. ficula Burn, 1966—Burn, 1966; Jensen & 
Wells, 1990. 

V. laguncula Sowerby, 1894—Thompson, 

V. pyriformis Pease, 1868—Evans, 1950. 

V. ventricosa Jensen & Wells, 1990—Jensen 
& Wells, 1990. 

У. vigourouxi (Montrouzier, 1861)—Baba, 
1966 (fide Clark, 1982); Jensen 4 Wells, 

Shell external. Foot simple. Operculum ab- 
sent. Parapodia absent. Mantle cavity di- 
rected laterally. Plicatidium-type gill one- 
sided, attached to mantle over its full length. 
Ciliated strips beginning bluntly at mantle 
edge; no pallial caecum. Single anterior ad- 
ductor muscle present. Jaws absent, but 
thickened cuticular epithelium in oral tube. 
Radula uniseriate, with formula 0.1.0. 
Rachidian tooth dagger-shaped, with mar- 
ginal serrations/denticulations. Tooth size in- 
creasing throughout ribbon. Descending 
limb/ascus present. Pharyngeal pouches 
present. Esophageal gizzard with gizzard 
plates absent. Stomach of flow-through type, 
without pouch-like chamber. Intestinal 
typhlosole absent. Nervous system slightly 
streptoneurous (Burn, 1966). Circumesoph- 
ageal nerve ring postpharyngeal. Cerebral/ 
pleural ganglia fused. Cerebral commissure 
long; pedal commissure short. Visceral nerve 
loop formula variable: L-A- -BV-PA- -L (in V. 
bermudae, pers. obs.), -PAL (in V. bermudae, 
fide Clark, 1982). [LAB- in V. vigourouxi and 
V. ventricosa (fide Baba, 1966; Jensen 4 
Wells, 1990) is probably an error, mistaking 
the left pallial for the subintestinal]. Genital 
ganglion on nerve emanating from visceral 
ganglion. Eye with solid, irregular lens, with 

“anchors,” midway between surface and 
nerve ring (S/C = 0.3), directed ventrolaterally 
in V. bermudae [and probably, based on lo- 
cation, in other species, e.g., V. pyriformis 
(fide Evans, 1950), V. laguncula (fide Thomp- 
son, 1979)], but dorsolaterally in V. fragilis 
(fide Evans, 1950). Reproductive system an- 
drodiaulic. Gonad acini? Both internal sperm 
duct and external ciliated groove present. 
Copulatory organ retractile, without glandular 
tissue or sperm storage area. Penis with 
ejaculatory duct continuous with internal 
sperm duct; tip equipped with stylet. Pros- 
tate pallial, of “flower” configuration. Two dis- 
tal sperm sacks: larger bursa copulatrix 
(containing unoriented sperm) and smaller 
receptaculum seminis (containing oriented 
sperm); gametolytic gland absent. Egg mass 
string-shaped, unanchored (K.B. Clark, pers. 
comm.), with single eggs per capsule (Clark, 
1982). Larval development unknown. 


"A. bullata О.Е. Müller, 1776 (type species) — 
ZMUC, Lemche material (embedded), 
Frederikssund, Denmark, 10/1950 [H]; 
Sweden, Smedjan, Gullmarn, 8/1909, ex 
A. Waren [0,$,М]; Sweden, Tjärnö 
Marinzoologiska Station, 10/1988, ex A. 
Waren [0]; МОС, Roskeeda Bay, west- 
ern Ireland, 7/1974 [L] (as named giant 
variety A. farrani “Norman” Pilsbry, 
1896); Guiart, 1901; Tchang Si, 1931; 
Thorson, 1946; Morton 4 Holme, 1955; 
Morton, 1972; Williams, 1975; Thomp- 
son, 1976; Brace, 1977a. 

А. bayeri Marcus & Marcus, 1967—Ev. Mar- 
cus, 1970. 

Shell external. Foot supplemented by pos- 
terior pallial lobe. Operculum absent. Para- 
podia present. Mantle cavity directed later- 
ally. Ciliated strips beginning bluntly at mantle 
edge, continuing into long pallial caecum 
that is adherent to visceral mass. Plicatidium- 
type gill two-sided, attached to mantle by 
suspensory membranes. Two adductor mus- 
cles present, one anterior, one posterior (Mor- 
ton, 1972). Jaws present, comprised of blunt, 
rod-shaped elements. Radula with formula 
(19-44).(2-8).1.(2-8).(19-44). Rachidian tooth 
rhomboid, with median cusp flanked by 
smaller denticles. Lateral teeth hook-like, 2-8 
with marginal denticles. Marginals hook-like, 
smooth, more slender and elongate than lat- 
erals, increasingly so outwardly. Tooth size 


uniform throughout ribbon. Esophageal giz- 
zard with numerous, uncalcified gizzard 
plates of varying sizes. Gizzard spines present 
preceding (anterior to) plates only; filter cham- 
ber following gizzard equipped with fleshy 
cartilaginous-capped “spines” only. Stom- 
ach of flow-through type, without pouch-like 
chamber, small blind caecum present (Morton 
& Holme, 1955) or absent (pers. obs.). Intes- 
tinal typhlosole absent. Nervous system 
slightly streptoneurous. Circumesophageal 
nerve ring postpharyngeal. Cerebral/pleural 
ganglia separate, hypoathroid. Cerebral com- 
missure short; pedal commissure long. Vis- 
ceral nerve loop formula: L- -A-BV-PA- -L 
(pers. obs., in part; Brace, 1977a). Genital 
ganglion appressed to visceral ganglion along 
visceral loop. Eye with solid, oblong-oval lens, 
close to surface (S/C = 0.08), directed vent- 
rolaterally. Reproductive system monaulic. 
Gonad with hermaphroditic acini. Internal 
sperm duct absent; external ciliated groove 
present. Copulatory organ retractile, without 
glandular tissue or sperm storage area. Penis 
with external groove only, without ejaculatory 
duct; tip simple. Prostate? Proximal recep- 
taculum seminis, distal gametolytic gland. 
Egg mass of tangled strings, unanchored, 
with single eggs/capsule. Veliger PMO not 
described but figured as colorless (Thorson, 
1946: fig. 148B, С). 


*А. brasiliana Rang, 1828—HBOM 
065:00272, R/V GOSNOLD 229/408, off 
St. Lucie Inlet, Florida, 13 m, 4/1974 [0,1]; 
HBOM 065:00414, Jim Island flat, Ft. 
Pierce, Florida, 2/1974 [D,H,S]; HBOM 
065:03034, Mullet Key, Florida, 1/1979 

californica Cooper, 
‚ 1977. 

. dactylomela Rang, 1828—Switzer-Dunlap 
& Hadfield, 1977. 

depilans Gmelin, 

Bebbington, 1969. 
. fasciata Poiret, 1789—Thompson & Beb- 
bington, 1969. 

. grandis (Pease, 1860)—Ostergaard, 1950. 
. juliana Quoy & Gaimard, 1832—Switzer- 
Dunlap & Hadfield, 1977. 

punctata Cuvier, 1803—Guiart, 1901; 
Saunders & Poole, 1910; Eales, 1921; 
Tchang Si, 1931; Howells, 1942; 
Thorson, 1946. 


1791—Thompson 4 

SO Ss Ss SS 

A. parvula Morch, 1863—Williams, 1975; Vit- 
turi et al., 1985. 
A. sp.—Kandel, 1979. 

Shell internal (but with small aperture in 
mantle). Foot simple. Operculum absent. 
Parapodia present. Mantle cavity directed 
laterally. Ciliated strips and pallial caecum 
absent. Plicatidium-type gill two-sided, at- 
tached to mantle by suspensory membranes. 
Jaws present, comprised of blunt rod- 
shaped elements. Radula with formula 
16.1.16. Rachidian tooth rhomboid, with me- 
dian cusp flanked by smaller denticles. Lat- 
eral teeth with denticulate cusps, changing 
gradually in cusp configuration from center to 
edge of ribbon so that distinction between 
lateral and marginal teeth inexact. Tooth size 
uniform throughout ribbon. Esophageal giz- 
zard with numerous, uncalcified gizzard 
plates, varying in size. Gizzard spines present 
preceding plates and also in posterior filter 
chamber. Stomach of flow-through type, 
without pouch-like chamber. Intestinal 
typhlosole absent. Nervous system slightly 
streptoneurous. Circumesophageal nerve 
ring postpharyngeal. Cerebral/pleural ganglia 
separate, hypoathroid (but pleural ganglion 
only slightly closer to pedal than to cerebral 
ganglion). Cerebral commissure short; pedal 
commissure long. Visceral nerve loop for- 
mula: L---ABVPA---L; Williams (1975) 
claimed that part of the left pallial ganglion is 
fused with the pleural and part with the sube- 
sophageal. Genital ganglion on nerve ema- 
nating from visceral ganglion. Eye with solid, 
spherical lens, close to surface (S/C not 
available), directed dorsolaterally. Reproduc- 
tive system oddiaulic. Gonad with hermaph- 
roditic acini. Internal sperm duct absent; ex- 
ternal ciliated groove present. Copulatory 
organ retractile, without glandular tissue or 
sperm storage area. Penis with external 
groove only, without ejaculatory duct; tip 
simple. Prostate uncertain (Eales, 1921; 
Thompson & Bebbington, 1969). Proximal re- 
ceptaculum seminis, distal gametolytic 
gland. Egg mass of tangled strings, unan- 
chored; multiple eggs/capsule. Veliger PMO 
colorless (Thompson, 1976; Kriegstein, 1977; 
Switzer-Dunlap & Hadfield, 1977), although 
Saunders & Poole (1910: 513) noted ‘‘drops 
of coloured liquid” within its vacuoles. Chro- 
mosome number 16 or 17 in numerous ex- 
amined species (Inaba, 1959; Patterson, 
1969; Natarajan, 1970; Vitturi et al., 1985). 



*G. valkyrie Powell, 1940—NMNZ M.36712, 
New Zealand, east of North Cape, 
2/1974 [H (1 specimen sectioned by G. 
Haszprunar; Haszprunar, 1985b)); 
MNHN, New Caledonia, 505-515 m, 
9/1985 [H,S]; Climo, 1975; Haszprunar, 
1985b; Bieler, 1988. 

Shell external. Foot simple (Climo, 1975). 
Operculum present. Parapodia absent 
(Climo, 1975). Mantle cavity directed anteri- 
orly. Ciliated strips beginning bluntly at man- 
tle margin, extending into a short pallial 
caecum. Plicatidium-type gill one-sided, at- 
tached to mantle (and rectum) throughout 
length. Jaws absent, but cuticularized epi- 
thelium present (Haszprunar, 1985b). Radula 
with formula (Climo, 1975). Rachid- 
ian tooth rhomboid, with median cusp 
flanked by smaller denticles. Lateral teeth 
hook-shaped, denticulate. Marginals plate- 
like. Tooth size uniform throughout ribbon. 
Esophageal gizzard absent. Stomach of flow- 
through type, without pouch-like chamber. 
Intestinal typhlosole absent. Nervous system 
streptoneurous. Circumesophageal nerve 
ring prepharyngeal [but Haszprunar (1985b) 
claimed the pharynx can shift for feeding]. 
Cerebral/pleural ganglia separate [not fused 
as Claimed for right pleural by Haszprunar 
(1985b)], slightly epiathroid. Cerebral com- 
missure short; pedal commissure long. Vis- 
ceral nerve loop formula: L-A-B-V-P-AL 
(Haszprunar, 19856; pers. obs.). Genital 
nerve emanating from visceral ganglion 
(Haszprunar, 1985b). Eye with “hollow,” ir- 
regular lens, close to surface, directed dor- 
solaterally. Reproductive system hermaphro- 
ditic, with male and female tracts largely 
separate. Gonadal acini with separate male 
and female follicles. Copulatory organ and 
external ciliated groove absent. Internal 

sperm duct present, but opens into mantle 
cavity (Haszprunar, 1985b). Prostate absent 
(Haszprunar, 1985b). Two proximal allo- 
sperm storage sacks in tandem, gametolytic 
gland connected by short duct to receptac- 
ulum seminis, thence with common duct 
opening into mantle cavity in vicinity of 
vesicula seminalis or ampulla (Haszprunar, 
1985b: fig. 1). Egg mass ball-shaped (‘gelat- 
inous strap””), unanchored, with single eggs/ 
capsule (Climo, 1975). Larval development 
planktotrophic according to protoconch mor- 
phology (R. Bieler, pers. comm., and 1988: 
fig. 14), otherwise unknown. 

All-Zero Outgroup 

Based (in part) on the “larger outgroup,” the 

Shell external. Operculum present. Para- 
podia absent. Foot simple. Mantle cavity di- 
rected anteriorly. Ciliated strips absent. Gill 
(ctenidium) two-sided. Jaws present; oral cu- 
ticle smooth. Radula of uniform tooth size. 
Rachidian tooth rhomboid; lateral/marginal 
teeth of more than one form. Esophageal giz- 
zard absent. Stomach with pouch-like cham- 
ber. Intestinal typhlosole partial. Nervous 
system streptoneurous. Circumesophageal 
nerve ring prepharyngeal. Cerebral/pleural 
ganglia separate. Cerebral and pedal com- 
missures long. Visceral nerve loop formula: 
LA-B-V-P-AL. Genital nerve emanating from 
visceral ganglion. Eye with solid, spherical 
lens, close to surface, directed dorsolaterally. 
Reproductive system dioecious. Homologue 
of internal sperm duct present (but open or 
closed status undetermined); ejaculatory 
duct and lateral external ciliated groove ab- 
sent. Copulatory organ nonretractile, without 
autosperm storage bulb. Receptaculum 
seminis proximal; bursa copulatrix (homo- 
logue of gametolytic gland) distal. 

MALACOLOGIA, 1996, 37(2): 443-511 


John B. Wise 

Houston Museum of Natural Science, One Hermann Circle Drive, 
Houston, Texas 77030, U.S.A. 


The marine gastropod family Pyramidellidae is poorly known. Although numerous and world- 
wide, the anatomies of only a few species are known, and our understanding of this family’s 
taxonomy and systematics is based almost entirely on shell characters. 

Eight pyramidellid genera and 12 species were dissected, sectioned, and examined with 
SEM. Traditionally used gastropod characteristics are either absent (e.g., radula) or of little use 
(e.g., reproductive system minus the penis), because they are undiversified morphologically in 
the taxa examined herein. Characters of gut, mantle cavity, and penial complex proved most 
useful in developing an understanding of how the taxa in the present study may be defined. 

Phylogenetic analysis of 13 taxa and 28 characters yielded six equally parsimonious cla- 
dograms of 67 steps and a consistency index of 68%. New systematic standards are proposed 
for defining (on the basis of synapomorphies) three of the four traditional pyramidellid subfam- 
ilies, the new subfamily Sayellinae, and the new genera Houbricka and Petitella. 

To test the hypothesis that protoconch configuration is a reflection of developmental mode 
and not phylogeny, protoconch characters were eliminated from a second phylogenetic anal- 
ysis. This yielded one cladogram, which when a taxon’s developmental mode and host(s) are 
known, support the contention that protoconch shape is a result of developmental mode. 

Historically shell characters, to the exclusion of soft-part anatomy, have been used to assign 
taxa to the various pyramidellid genera. Therefore, it might be tempting to rely more on ana- 
tomical characters and treat shell characters a priori as homoplasious. However, this study 
shows that members of the subfamily Pyramidellinae could only be distinguished by concho- 
logical characters, whereas in other taxa soft-part anatomy proved the most phylogenetically 
useful. The present study indicates that all characters (= total evidence) should be used in any 

phylogenetic analysis. 

Key words: morphology, phylogeny, Pyramidellidae, synapomorphies, cladograms. 


The Pyramidellidae Gray, 1840, are marine 
ectoparasitic gastropods that occur in boreal 
to tropical waters worldwide, and from the 
intertidal zone to several thousand meters. 
Pyramidellids feed on a variety of invertebrate 
hosts (Robertson, 1957; Ankel & Christensen, 
1963; Robertson & Orr, 1961; Fretter & Gra- 
ham, 1962; Scheltema, 1965; Boss & Merrill, 
1965; Bullock & Boss, 1971; Robertson & 
Mau-Lastovicka, 1979; Boss, 1982). They 
pierce the host's tissues with a buccal stylet 
and remove host body fluids by the muscular 
action of their buccal pump (Ankel, 1949a; 
Fretter & Graham, 1949; Maas, 1965; Wise, 

The systematic position of the Pyrami- 
dellidae has been controversial for over 130 
years (Boss, 1982). This controversy, al- 
though caused in part by the lack of informa- 


tion about this family, is also due to changing 
views about gastropod phylogeny (for a 
review of the current state of gastropod phy- 
logeny and systematics, see Bieler, 1992). 
Traditionally, gastropods have been divided 
into three subclasses: Prosobranchia, Opis- 
thobranchia, and Pulmonata, with the proso- 
branchs as primitive gastropods giving rise to 
both opisthobranchs and pulmonates. In this 
scheme, pyramidellids occupy an intermedi- 
ary position between the prosobranchs and 
opisthobranchs (Boss, 1982). Because they 
have a spirally coiled calcareous shell into 
which the entire body is retractable, a foot 
with an operculum, a long proboscis, and an 
anteriorly oriented mantle cavity, most early 
authors placed them in the Prosobranchia, 
but because they also have such character- 
istics as a pallial kidney, subepithelial eyes on 
the median side of the tentacles, an ovotestis, 
and a heterostrophic protoconch, later au- 

444 WISE 

TABLE 1. A list of authors and the subclasses to 
which they assigned the Pyramidellidae. 

Author Subclass 

Mörch, 1865 
Pelseneer, 1899 
Thiele, 1929-35 
Wenz, 1938-44 
Thorson, 1946 


Fretter & Graham, 1949 Opisthobranchia 
Risbec, 1955 Prosobranchia 
Boettger, 1955 Euthyneura* 
Knight et al., 1960 Opisthobranchia 
Taylor & Sohl, 1962 Opisthobranchia 
Ghiselin, 1966 Opisthobranchia 
Maas, 1965 Opisthobranchia 
Hyman, 1967 Opisthobranchia 
Golikov 8 Prosobranchia 


Starobogatav, 1975 
Thompson, 1976 
Minichev & 

Starobogatav, 1979 
Salvini-Plawen, 1980 
Gosliner, 1981 
Robertson, 1985 
Haszprunar, 1985b, 1988a 
Ponder & Warén, 1988 

*Placed pyramidellids within Cephalaspidea, with the 
Acteonidae giving rise to the Pyramidellidae. 

thors placed them in the Opisthobranchia 
(Table 1). At present, many authors view the 
three classic subclasses as artificial, and sev- 
eral revisionary schemes have been pro- 
posed, although none have met broad accep- 
tance (Brusca & Brusca, 1990). For example, 
in Haszprunar's (1985b) system, the Gas- 
tropoda are divided into two subclasses: the 
Caenogastropoda (= Prosobranchia) and the 
Heterobranchia (= Opisthobranchia, Pulmo- 
nata, and “allogastropods””). The Pyramidel- 
lidae are placed within the Heterobranchia, 
superorder Allogastropoda, which unites the 
Architectonicoidea, Pyramidelloidea, and the 
fossil Nerineoidea. Most recently, Haszprunar 
(1988a, 1990) and Ponder & Warén (1988) as- 
sign the pyramidellids to the order Heteros- 
tropha of the subclass Heterobranchia on the 
basis of several purported, but cladistically 
untested synapomorphies (e.g., lateral and 
rhinophoral nerves, giant neurons, ciliated 
strips, heterostrophy, sperm morphology, 
and chalazae). In this system, the pyramidel- 
lids are basal heterobranchs and represent 
an evolutionary link between the two sub- 
classes (Gosliner, 1981; Robertson, 1985; 
Haszprunar, 1985a, b, c, 1988a, b, 1990; 
Healy, 1988a, b, 1993). 

Confusion about the systematics of the 
pyramidellids and uncertainty about their role 
as ectoparasites is due, largely, to the lack of 
information about them. To date, the anatom- 
ical knowledge of a few species serve as the 
paradigm for a very large family (Ankel, 1949a, 
b, 1959; Fretter & Graham, 1949, 1962; Fret- 
ter, 1951; Risbec, 1955; Maas, 1963, 1965; 
Höisaeter, 1965; Brandt, 1968; Kristensen, 
1970; Robertson, 1974, 1978, 1985; Haszpru- 
nar, 1985a, b, c, 1988a, b; Ponder, 1973, 
1987; White, 1985; Wise, 1993). 

The monophyly of the Pyramidellidae is 
supported by characters of the alimentary 
tract (e.g., buccal stylet) and mantle cavity 
(e.g., pigmented mantle organ) (Haszprunar, 
1988a). However, relationships among mem- 
bers ofthe Pyramidellidae are unclear. In most 
classifications, the family is subdivided into 
four subfamilies: Cyclostremellinae Moore, 
1966; Odostominae Pelseneer, 1928; Py- 
ramidellinae Gray, 1840; and Turbonillinae 
Simroth, 1907 (Ponder and Warén, 1988). 
Nordsieck (1972) presented an alternative 
view. Traditionally, the assignment of taxa to 
a subfamily and how groups within these sub- 
families have been defined has been based on 
shell characters (Tryon, 1886; Dall 8 Bartsch, 
1904, 1906, 1909; Bartsch, 1909, 1917, 1955; 
Nomura, 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 1940; Laws, 
1937a-d, 1938, 1939, 1940, 1941; Laseron, 
1959; Nordsieck, 1972; Aartsen, 1977, 1981, 
1987; Gofas et al. 1981; Linden 4 Eikenboom, 
1992). Shell characters, however, have been 
shown to be convergent when snails live in 
similar habitats and may be unreliable indi- 
cators of phylogenetic relationships (Davis, 
1979; Kool, 1993). 

The objectives of this study are to develop 
a more comprehensive understanding of 
pyramidellid anatomy, add to our limited 
knowledge of this group's biology, and pro- 
vide a phylogenetic framework upon which to 
build a more comprehensive classification for 
the family. 

Sample Material 

Eight genera and 12 species (representing 
three of the four pyramidellid subfamilies) 
were collected alive for dissection, fixation, 
and histological examination (Table 2). The 
subfamily Cyclostremellinae was not exam- 
ined because no specimens of the animals 
were available (i.e., only shells were available). 


TABLE 2. Collection localities for taxa examined this study. 


Boonea стс (Carpenter, 1864) 
Boonea seminuda* (С. В. Adams 1839) 


Palos Verdes, Los Angeles (34°12’N, 119°20’W), California 
Wild Harbor (41°33’N, 70°36’W) & Bass River (41°40’N, 

70°11’W), Massachusetts 

Odostomia babylonia (C. B. Adams, 1845) 
Odostomia didyma Verrill & Bush, 1900 
Sayella hemphillii* (Dall, 1884) 

Petitella crosseana* (Dall, 1885) 
Pyramidella sulcata (A. Adams, 1854) 

Indian Fill Key (24°54’N, 80°42’W), Florida 

Indian Fill Key, Florida 

Cedar Key (29°08’N, 83°02’W), Florida 

Ft. Pierce (27°35’N, 80°19’W), Florida 

Pago Bay (13°25’N, 144°48’W) & Tumon Bay (13°31’N, 

144°48’W), Guam 

Pyramidella crenulata (Holmes, 1859) 
Pyramidella mitralis A. Adams, 1854 
Turbonilla hemphilli Bush, 1899 
Houbricka incisa* (Bush, 1899) 
Tathrella iredalei* Laseron, 1959 

*Туре species of genus 

At the beginning of this study, it was my in- 
tention to add the number of genera examined 
by using available museum material. Holo- 
types (shells only) for each species were 
examined. However, museum specimens 
proved unusable because they had been 
placed in alcohol without first cracking the 
shell and the animal’s bodies were not pre- 

Snails from Florida were collected through- 
out the year by one of two methods. In the 
first, the topmost substratum (approximately 
2-4 cm) from inter- to subtidal sand and mud 
flats was placed in a 0.5 mm sieve, rinsed with 
seawater to remove silt and mud, and sorted 
under a dissecting microscope. The second 
method involved rinsing the underside of em- 
bedded rocks or coral rubble with seawater, 
and examining this debris under a dissecting 
microscope for pyramidellids. In Massachu- 
setts (October 1991), Boonea seminuda were 
found on the slipper shell Crepidula fornicata. 
In Guam (July 1990), Pyramidella mitralis 
(Otopleura mitralis in previous literature) and 
P. sulcata were collected during night dives in 
both Tumon and Pago bays. During the day, 
these snails remain submerged within the 
sand, but at night they were easily collected 
as they crawled on top of the substratum. 
Tathrella iredalei was found on the shells of 
the various Tridacna spp. (giant clam) at 
Guam’s Fadian Hatchery. Boonea cincta 
(Chrysallida cincta in most previous works) 
was found (August 1990) on the opercula of 
Tequla eiseni found inter- to subtidally on the 
rocks at Palos Verdes, Los Angeles County, 
California. Snails were kept alive in bowls of 
aerated seawater. 

Ft. Pierce 8 Cedar Key, Florida 

Pago 8 Tumon bays, Guam 

Ft. Pierce, Florida 

Ft. Pierce, Florida 

Fadian Hatchery (13°26’N, 144°49’W), Guam 

Light Microscopy 
(a) Observations of Living Animals 

Living snails were observed and their habits 
noted. Photographs were taken with a Pentax 
35 mm camera mounted on a Zeiss Tessavar 
dissecting microscope. 

(b) Gross Dissection 

Snails were prepared for dissection by first 
cracking their shells with a vise. Snails were 
dissected in toto, and structures of the ali- 
mentary tract and penial complex were ex- 
cised and examined using either a compound 
or a dissecting microscope equipped with an 
ocular micrometer. Whole snails and their 
parts were routinely stained with toluidine 
blue to facilitate distinguishing the various or- 
gans and organ systems. Photographs were 
taken with a Polaroid camera (using type 52 
Polapan Land film) mounted on a Nikon La- 
bophot compound microscope. 

(c) Histology 

Snails were removed from their shells ei- 
ther by decalcification or by cracking the 
shell with a vise. The first method, utilizing a 
commercial decalcifier (Decalcifying solution, 
Krajian, J. T. Baker) to dissolve the shell, was 
used when serial sections of the entire snail 
were desired. Tissues were fixed in 10% for- 
malin buffered in filtered seawater. Speci- 
mens were embedded in paraffin, sections 
were cut at 4-6 um, and stained with hema- 
toxylin and eosin-Y (Sheehan & Hrapchak, 



TABLE 3. Character-state distributions for 12 pyramidellid taxa and 28 characters. 

1 2 
Taxa MAS SS OA SA SS the) O A 2s 4 5 6 7 & 
GING 2 4 a OOO a ae a 2071770207 отт (0 2 À ? © 
Ем 9 O 12.0202 03025 1 ZH ото Oo 8 02 1 1 002300 
JUDI 0001000011321 TAO O 2 1%Y0 
DIDY 227070907 Oa tie tS 2707 17707737 O O 210 
SEME? 3) 2) 2) 10) 0 10) 117272020207 Оооо 
ans sea 22 0 0 0 1 2° Oo oh 2 a oo 2 0 oy i too © 1 © © 
SUL OO ооо ооо ao) aa aoa BS 1 OR O OR 
< @ тт OOO OO tt @O ia Wisi 10000 
MIT (0 OOS 22 WO ON ON O OO a a ao a a ab as 1 1 oO OC O C 
AO a OM? Юон т 24 i 2 oO OO 2ii i 
INC 1 OU oo) ON Oa OO OO aw @ a dtd dy oO oO O 1 oO 
IRED то? 0 001.204.071 II OR aI ae т aOR OI À 

(Abbreviations: OUT = Amathinidae, CINC = Boonea cincta, SEMI = Boonea seminuda, JUDI = Odostomia babylonia, DIDY 
= Odostomia didyma, SEMP = Sayella hemphillii, CROS = Petitella crosseana, SUL = Pyramidella sulcata, CREN = P. 
crenulata, MIT = P. mitralis, HEMP = Turbonilla hemphilli, INC = Houbricka incisa, IRED = Tathrella iredalei). 

1980). Specimens were often secured within 
small pieces of Cucumis sativus (common 
cucumber), also fixed in 10% formalin buff- 
ered in seawater. This was done prior to em- 
bedding when the snail’s orientation was par- 
ticularly important. Photographs were taken 
with a 35 mm camera (using Kodak T-Max 
film 100 ASA) mounted on a Nikon Labophot 
compound microscope. 

Scanning Electron Microscopy 
(a) Hard Parts 

Shells and opercula were cleaned by 
sonication, air dried, coated with gold-pal- 
ladium, and examined with either a Cam- 
bridge S-100, Selectron 250, or Hitachi 
S-570 scanning electron microscope op- 
erating at 4-10 KEV. 

(b) Soft Parts 

Tissue specimens were fixed in 2% 
glutaraldehyde buffered in 0.025 M sodium 
cacodylate in seawater. Postfixed tissues 
were thoroughly rinsed in sodium cacody- 
late buffered in filtered seawater. Speci- 
mens were dehydrated in a graded series 
of ethyl alcohol, critical point dried, and 
coated and examined as above. 

Phylogenetic Analysis 
Twenty-eight characters were analyzed for 

eight genera and 12 species of pyramidellids. 
Characters were obtained from shell and soft- 

part anatomy. At no time were characters 
eliminated or included on the basis of any 
preconceived ideas of how they might influ- 
ence the outcome of the phylogenetic anal- 
yses. The distribution of the states of the char- 
acters is shown in Table 3. 

The method of character analysis used to 
determine relationships of the taxa was phy- 
logenetic systematics (i.e., cladistics) (Hen- 
nig, 1966; Lipscomb, 1984; Schuh & Farris, 
1981; Farris, 1982, 1983). These relationships 
are expressed in cladograms that were con- 
structed using the computer program Hen- 
nig86 (Farris, 1988). No a priori character 
weighting was employed. Successive weight- 
ing (Hennig86 option w xs;) was used to 
choose between equally parsimonious cla- 
dograms that were produced when the data 
set was reanalyzed without the protoconch 
characters. Successive weighting selects cla- 
dograms that require the fewest number of 
characters to have homoplasies (i.e., trees 
with the shortest length and fewest changing 
characters) (Carpenter, 1988; Lipscomb, 

Characters were polarized using the out- 
group comparison method (Hennig, 1966; 
Watrous & Wheeler, 1981; Schoch, 1986). The 
family Amathinidae was chosen as the out- 
group, because it appears to be the sister 
group (i.e., most closely related) to the Pyra- 
midellidae and is the only other family within 
the superfamily Pyramidelloidea. 

Transformation series were determined (af- 
ter polarization) for all multistate characters 


TABLE 4. Transformation(s) for each multistate 
character. Italicized transformation series, although 
proposed initially were rejected, as they were in- 
congruent with cladogram groupings constructed 
of other homologies. 

Character Transformation 
1 0-1,2-3 
$: 0-1,2 
4 0-2-1-3 
5 0-1-2 
6 0-1-2 
9 0-1-2; 0-1,2 
13 0-3,2-1 
14 0-1,2; 0-2-1 
19 0-1-2-3 
22 0-1,2,3; 0-1-2-3 
25 0-1-2 
26 0-2-1 

(Table 4) using the homology method outlined 
by Lipscomb (1992). 

The relative quality of the phylogenetic re- 
sults was judged using the consistency index 
(Cl), a measure of the degree to which char- 
acter state changes on a cladogram are min- 
imal (Kluge & Farris, 1969), and the retention 
index (Rl), a measure of the amount of ho- 
mology hypothesized by the data set that is 
retained on the tree (Farris, 1989). 

Autapomorphies were eliminated from all 
analyses. Although autapomorphies are very 
useful in defining terminal taxa, they provide 
no information about how taxa are related to 
each other. Moreover, by including them in 
the analyses the Cl is superficially inflated 
(Farris, 1989). 

Institutional abbreviations are as follows: 

AMNH American Museum of Natural His- 
tory, New York, U.S.A. 

ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences of 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 

AMS Australian Museum, Sydney, Aus- 

| tralia 

BMNH The Natural History Museum, Lon- 
don, U.K. 

CASIZ California Academy of Sciences, 
San Francisco, U.S.A. 

MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, 
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 

USNM National Museum of Natural His- 
tory, Smithsonian Institution, Wash- 
ington, D.C., U.S.A. 

PM Peabody Museum, Yale University, 

Voucher specimens on deposit at USNM. 

Superfamily Pyramidelloidea Gray, 1840 
Family PYRAMIDELLIDAE Gray, 1840 

Diagnosis: Shell sharply lanceolate to roughly 
planispiral. Shell sculpture variable. Smooth, 
heterostrophic protoconch oriented 90-150? 
to teleoconch and often partially submerged 
within succeeding adult whorl. Shell aperture 
elongate-lenticular to ovate, with or without 
columellar folds. Operculum paucispiral, with 
subcentric nucleus. Alimentary tract com- 
prised of acrembolic proboscis, buccal sac, 
buccal pump, esophagus (undifferentiated or 
divided into anterior and posterior sections), 
and a pair of salivary glands. Buccal sac con- 
taining piercing stylet. Simultaneously her- 
maphroditic. Euthyneurous nervous system 
highly concentrated and epiathroid. 

Remarks: The Pyramidellidae is a large 
pandemic family. Depending on the author 
consulted, it contains 35-75 genera and 800- 
1000 or more species. The current taxonomy 
is based primarily on shell characters and 1$ 
both disputatious and conjectural (Abbott, 
1974; Boss, 1982). 

Discussion: Shell: Shell shapes range from 
planispiral to acutely lanceolate. Pyramidel- 
lids, although generally small (average shell 
length 6 mm), may attain lengths of 50 mm. 
Shell sculpture, when present, varies and can 
be microscopic and/or macroscopic, with ax- 
ial and spiral lines, axial ribs, and nodes. Su- 
tures may be deep, shallow, shouldered, or 
crenulate. The heterostrophic protoconch is 
smooth and oriented 90-150° to the teleo- 
conch. The protoconch configurations vary 
among genera. The shell aperture is generally 
elongate to ovate, with or without columellar 
folds, and palatal teeth may be present within 
the outer lip. The thin, paucispiral operculum 
has a subcentric nucleus. When columnar 
folds are present, the operculum may be 
notched to accommodate them. 

Head-foot: Pyramidellids have a well-de- 
veloped head, a pair of cephalic tentacles, 
and a large foot with an operculum that 
tapers posteriorly to either a blunt or acute 
apex. The epidermis of the tentacled head, 
mantle, and foot is lined with one layer of 
simple columnar or cuboidal cells. These 
cells have basal nuclei and are ciliated on the 
ventral surface of the foot, the lower antero- 
dorsal portion of the propodium, and the 

448 WISE 

mentum. Head-foot and mantle contain large 
basophilic, subepidermal gland cells. These 
cells discharge granulated droplets of mucus 
in the cytoplasm, and the droplets are dis- 
charged directly through the cell membrane 
into the space between the epidermal cells. 
This mucus coats the external surface of the 
mantle and head-foot. When present, the 
posterior pedal gland lies in a medial position 
just dorsal and parallel to the ventral surface 
of the foot. It has an invaginated layer of cil- 
iated epithelial cells surrounding a lumen. 
Gland cells containing sulfated mucins that 
are stained dark purple by hematoxylin and 
eosin fill the pedal gland. The pedal gland 
opens on the postero-ventral surface of the 
foot. Snails that produce an attachment 
thread anchor themselves to the substratum 
or to their host. The pedal sinus complex, 
located within the lower portion of the foot 
consists of a series of sinuses surrounded by 
nucleated connective tissue. Muscle fibers 
radiate from the columella muscle into the 
head-foot and are interspersed throughout 
the gland cells and hemolymph sinuses. 

Pyramidellid tentacles have often been de- 
scribed as rabbit-ear or donkey-ear in shape 
(Fretter & Graham, 1949), but such descrip- 
tions oversimplify their variability and com- 
plexity of the structure. Members of the 
Odostominae have a tentacular pad com- 
posed of a distinctive cluster of long cilia lo- 
cated inside and subterminal to the tentacle 
apices (Ponder, 1973). Fretter & Graham 
(1949) suggested these tentacular pads were 
sensory in nature and constructed of many 
fused cilia. Darkly pigmented eyes with a lens 
are subepithelial and on the median side of 
the tentacles. Eyes are usually round to 
ovate, but may be lenticular. Spacing or dis- 
tance between the eyes varies among spe- 

The variably-shaped mentum is located 
just ventral to the head and extends, shelf- 
like, over the propodium (Fig. 11A-K shows 
the mentum shapes of the snails examined 
this study). Its function is usually locomotion. 
К is the first part of the crawling snail in con- 
tact with the substratum. Histologically, the 
mentum is indistinguishable from the foot, 
but it is innervated by the cerebral rather than 
pedal ganglia (Huber, 1987). 

The mantle and its organs are similar for all 
pyramidellids (Fig. 1A-C). The long, wide an- 
terior mantle (= skirt) narrows posteriorly to 
meet the visceral mass. Its right, anterior por- 
tion forms a short canal or siphon. 


mae re EIER 


FIG. 1. Diagram of pyramidellid mantle cavities and 
organs: А. Subfamily Odostominae (bar = 500 um); 
B. Subfamily Pyramidellinae (bar = 1 mm); C. Sub- 
family Turbonillinae (bar = 500 um) (а = anus, des = 
dorsal ciliated strip, glvcs = gland ventral ciliated 
strip, h = heart, mae = mantle edge, те = mentum, 
о = osphradium, рад = pallial gonoduct, pk = pallial 
kidney, pmo = pigmented mantle organ, vcs = vis- 
ceral ciliated strip, vm = visceral mass). 

Pallial cavity: All pyramidellids have ventral 
and dorsal ciliated strips (sensu Fretter & 
Graham, 1949, 1962) on the right side of the 
mantle cavity (Figs. 1A-C, 2A, ЗА). The dorsal 


strip hangs from the mantle roof immediately 
dorsal to the ventral strip. These strips join on 
the mantle roof at the posterior end of the 
mantle cavity. Both of these strips are con- 
structed of a single layer of ciliated columnar 
cells secured to a basal lamina (Fig. 2B). The 
beating of the cilia is responsible for the in- 
take and left-to-right movement of water 
within the mantle cavity. 

A gland underlies the ventral strip (Fretter 8, 
Graham, 1962: 126). The ventral ciliated strip 
gland may extend the entire length of the 
strip (e.g., Pyramidella, Fig. 1B) or may un- 
derlie only 20-25% of its most anterior por- 
tion (e.g., Odostomia and Boonea, Fig. 1A). 
The gland is comprised of large cells filled 
with a viscid substance (Fig. 2C), which is 
sometimes released when the snail is dis- 
turbed (Table 5). 

The pallial kidney is a long, tubular, narrow 
organ suspended from the mantle roof (Figs. 
1А-С, ЗА). It extends anteriorly from the heart 
at the visceral mass-mantle cavity junction, 
to immediately posterior to the pigmented 
mantle organ. Histologically, it consists of a 
series of thin-walled, slightly basophilic 
chambers or tubules (Fig. 3B). The papilla- 
like nephridiopore is located subterminally on 
the antero-ventral surface of the kidney (Fig. 
ЗС, D). 

A pigmented mantle organ of large, rect- 
angular, and often multi-colored cells, is 
present (Figs. 3A, 4A). Genera examined 
have one of three shapes: (1) small and ob- 
long (Fig. 1A), (2) large and rectangular, sur- 
rounded by a field of transparent cells (Fig. 
1В), and (3) very large and elongate (with 
wide anterior and attenuated posterior ends), 
composed of many large transparent cells 
mixed with a few white opaque cells (Fig. 1C). 
In several genera, this organ produces and 
releases an exudate when the snail is dis- 
turbed (Table 5). Both Fretter (1951) and Pon- 
der (1987) identified this structure as the hy- 
pobranchial gland. However, histologically 
and positionally, it is unlike the hypobranchial 
gland of other gastropods (Robertson, 1985; 
present study). 

Only members of the Pyramidellinae have 
a foliobranch gill (sensu Robertson, 1974). 
This gill, first described by Risbec (1955), is 
composed of folds oriented perpendicular to 
and between the ciliated strips on the right 
side of the mantle roof (Fig. 4B, C). This 
highly folded structure ostensibly functions in 
gas exchange; however, it is not homologous 
with the gastropod ctenidium (Ponder, 1987; 

FIG. 2. A. SEM microphotograph of the ventral cil- 
iated strip of Pyramidella sulcata (bar = 80um); В. 
Longitudinal section of the ventral ciliated strip of 
P. sulcata (bar = 40 um); C. Longitudinal section of 
the gland of Pyramidella sulcata underlying ventral 
ciliated strip (bar = 200 um) (c = cilia, des = dorsal 
ciliated strip, glc = gland cells, vcs = ventral ciliated 



TABLE 5. Snail exudate origin and characteristics. 

Taxa PMO Cells GLVCS Exudate Secreted by 
CINC bright yellow & a few brown orange  cream-colored bright yellow pmo 
8 red 
SEMI bright yellow 8 a few green, clear, pink, white or light bright yellow pmo 
or brown orange 
JUDI bright yellow & a few black, red cream-colored bright yellow pmo 
or brown 
DIDY bright yellow, red, brown, orange, cream-colored bright yellow pmo 
8 black 
SEMP transparent 4 white with red, darkly pigmented with milky-blue glvcs 
yellow & orange a few red 
CROS yellow & orange or black & white black & white light blue pmo 
SUL transparent & opaque yellow with a few red light blue glvcs 
& white 
CREN transparent & opaque yellow with a few red light blue glvcs 
& white 
MIT opaque & clear, with a few red yellow with a few red light blue glvcs 
& yellow & white 
HEMP clear ringed by yellow yellow & white yellow glvcs & pmo 
INC clear, yellow & red blue atop transparent bright yellow pmo 
IRED yellow & a few white yellow bright yellow  glvcs & pmo 

ABBREVIATIONS: CINC = Chrysallida cincta, ЗЕМ! = Boonea seminuda, JUDI = Odostomia babylonia, DIDY = О. didyma, 
SEMP = Sayella hemphillii, CROS = Petitella crosseana, SUL = Pyramidella sulcata, CREN =P. crenulata, MIT = Pyramidella 
mitralis, HEMP = Turbonilla hemphilli, INC = Houbricka incisa, IRED = Tathrella iredalei; glvcs = ventral ciliated strip, pmo 

= pigmented mantle organ. 

Haszprunar, 1988a). Typically, the gastropod 
ctendium is located on the left side of the 
mantle cavity, has a complex series of affer- 
ent and efferent blood vessels (lacking in 
pyramidellids), and is composed of filaments 
attached to a central axis (also absent in 

Fretter & Graham (1949) described the lo- 
cation of the anus in Odostomia spp. and 
Chrysallida spp. as on the extreme left side at 
the inner most end of the mantle cavity. How- 
ever, in all the taxa examined in this study 
(e.g., Boonea cincta, Odostomia babylonia, O. 
didyma), the rectum terminates as an anal 
papilla extending from beneath the common 
genital duct at the posterior end of the right 
side of the mantle floor (Figs. 1A, C, 4D). Fret- 
ter (1951), however, described the position of 
the anus in Turbonilla elegantissima and T. 
jeffreysii as in the taxa | examined. 

The simple osphradium is composed of 
white, elliptical cells located beneath the ep- 
ithelium on the extreme left side of the mantle 
roof. In the subfamily Pyramidellinae, part of 
the osphradium extends across the mantle to 
terminate at the right anterior corner of the 
mantle (Fig. 6B). 

Alimentary tract: In the Odostominae, the 
location of the introvert-proboscis aperture is 
medial, on the ventral side of the head, dorsal 

to the mentum base. In both the Turbonillinae 
and Pyramidellinae, this aperture is medial 
and at the anterior apex of the mentum. In 
the retracted condition, the introvert extends 
posteriorly, to pass through the nerve ring 
and enter the cephalic hemocoel. Although 
the configuration and number of alimentary 
structures is variable for pyramidellids, a sim- 
ilar ground plan is shared by all taxa (Fig. 5A): 
there is an acrembolic proboscis (= introvert), 
buccal sac (containing sucker, stylet with 
cuticular sheath, and stylet bulb), one or two 
esophagi, and a pair of salivary glands. In 
some genera (e.g., Boonea and Odostomia), 
a separate oral tube connecting the mouth 
and buccal pump is present (Fretter & Gra- 
ham, 1949; Wise, 1993). 

Reproductive system: Pyramidellids are si- 
multaneous hermaphrodites with both ovary 
and testis within the lobules of the single go- 
nad (= ovotestis). The gonad is located on the 
concave side of the upper visceral coils. The 
reproductive system is monaulic (i.e., POS- 
sessing an undivided pallial gonoduct). Gen- 
era examined here have a common pallial 
gonoduct, extending anteriorly beneath the 
mantle floor to open on the right side of the 
head anterior to the right tentacular base 
above the dorsum of the foot. In some pyra- 
midellid genera, the aperture of the common 


FIG. 3. A. SEM microphotograph of pigmented mantle organ, pallial kidney, and ciliated strips of Pyra- 
midella mitralis (bar = 250 um); B. Longitudinal section of the kidney of P. mitralis (bar = 50 um); C. SEM 
microphotograph of anterior portion of the kidney in Fig. В. (with nephridiopore) (bar = 50 um); D. Enlarge- 
ment of nephridial opening (bar = 10 um) (c = cilia, cs = ciliated strips, ne = nephridiopore, pk = pallial 

kidney, pmo = pigmented mantle organ, tu = tubules). 

pallial gonoduct is reported to be on the 
mantle floor or the neck (Fretter & Graham, 
1949, 1962; Robertson, 1978). Moreover, 
Fretter 8 Graham (1949, 1962) described an 
open, ciliated sperm groove connecting the 
gonoduct aperture to the penial aperture in 
Odostomia unidentata. In contrast, no cili- 
ated sperm groove or ciliated sperm convey- 
апсе is present in any of the taxa | examined, 
as was determined by Robertson (1978) for 
Boonea spp. and Fargoa spp. Although, as 
suggested by Hadfield & Switzer-Dunlap 
(1984), in the absence of a ciliated sperm 
groove, a closed vas deferens should be 
present, no vas deferens were found in the 
taxa examined herein. The penis aperture is 
medial and immediately ventral to the men- 
tum. Until recently (Ponder, 1987), it was be- 
lieved that all pyramidellids possess a penis 
that lies beside the proboscis within the 
nerve ring (Fig. 22B, D). However, six of the 
eight genera examined herein have their pe- 
nes within the head-foot and outside and 
ventral to the nerve ring (Figs. 22А, С, 12A- 

С). Penis configuration is highly variable 
among these genera. Pyramidellids, opistho- 
branchs, pulmonates, and some of the su- 
perfamilies within the order Heterostropha 
share a modified spermatozoon that pos- 
sesses a distinctive acrosome and a complex 
mitochondrial derivative (= paracrystalline 
matrix and glycogen components surround- 
ing the axoneme) (Healy, 1988a, b, 1993). 
Within the visceral mass, the ovotestis is 
connected to the seminal vesicle via the nar- 
row hermaphroditic duct. A short duct con- 
nects the seminal vesicle to the coelomic 
gonoduct (Fig. 5B). This area of the gonoduct 
is the fertilization chamber and the conver- 
gence points for the seminal receptacle, al- 
bumin and mucous glands, and pallial gland 
(Fig. 5B) (Ponder, 1987). Fretter & Graham 
(1949, 1962) described two mucous glands 
for Odostomia spp. and Chrysallida spp. and 
only one for Turbonilla elegantissima. The 
proximal portion of the pallial duct (= pallial 
gland) appears to function in the encapsula- 
tion of the fertilized eggs prior to oviposition. 

452 WISE 


FIG. 4. A. Transverse section of the pigmented mantle organ and gill of P. sulcata showing cells composing 
the gill’s filamentous folds (bar = 75 um); B. SEM microphotograph of the gill of Pyramidella sulcata (bar = 
100 um); С. SEM microphotograph of the rectum and anal opening of P. mitralis (bar = 40 шт) (а = anus, 
cs = ciliated strip, gf = gill fold, glc = gland cells, pmo = pigmented mantle organ). 

The anterior, distal portion of the pallial gon- 
oduct may function as a prostate (Fretter & 
Graham, 1949, 1962). 

Nervous system: (Fig. 6A) In pyramidellids, 
the nervous system (minus the osphradial 
ganglion) is comprised of a highly concen- 
trated ring within the head that encircles the 
alimentary tract and, in some genera, the pe- 
nis (Fretter & Graham, 1949; Huber, 1987; 
this study). The nervous system is further de- 
scribed as being epiathroid, because the 
pleural ganglia lie adjacent to cerebral gan- 
glia (Haszprunar, 1988a). The outlying os- 
phradial ganglion is connected to the suprae- 
sophageal by a long nerve extending across 
the nerve ring immediately anterior to the 
proboscis. In the Pyramidellinae, the portion 
of the osphradium that extends across to the 
right side of the mantle is innervated by a 
nerve arising from the osphradial nerve, lo- 
cated approximately one-half the distance to 
the osphradial ganglion (Fig. 6B). The pres- 

ence of the osphradium and its ganglion on 
the snail’s left side suggests its euthyneurous 
condition (= untwisted visceral loop) is a re- 
sult of concentration of the nerve ring and not 
detorsion (Fretter & Graham, 1949; Haszpru- 
nar, 1985c, 1988a). 

The arrangement of the nervous system for 
the taxa examined in the present study is as 
described by Fretter & Graham (1949) and 
Huber (1987, 1993), with some exceptions: 
(1) Members of the subfamily Pyramidellinae 
examined here have a nerve extending from 
the osphradial nerve (originating at the su- 
praesophageal ganglion) to innervate a por- 
tion of the osphradium that extends to the 
right anterior mantle corner just posterior of 
the mantle edge (Fig. 6B); (2) labial ganglia 
described by Fretter & Graham (1949) for 
constituents of the Odostominae, were not 
apparent in any of the taxa examined this 
study; (3) the subesophageal ganglion has 
been depicted as spheroid and identical to 



| abel \ 

= visceral mass 
mantle cavity 

FIG. 5. A. Diagram of generalized pyramidellid 
feeding structures; B. Diagram of generalized pyra- 
midellid reproductive system (abgl = albumin 
gland, bp1 = buccal pump 1, bp2 = buccal pump 2, 
bs = buccal sac, es = esophagus, fc = fertilization 
chamber, hd = hermaphroditic duct, mg! = mucous 
gland, ov/t = ovotestis, р = proboscis, ра! = pallial 
gland, sd = salivary gland duct, sgl = salivary 
gland, sr = seminal receptacle, s = stylet, su = 
sucker, Sv = seminal vesicle). 

the supraesophageal ganglion (Fretter & Gra- 
ham, 1949; Haszprunar, 1988a, 1990). In all 
of the taxa examined in this study, the esoph- 
ageal ganglia are asymmetrical, with the 
subesophageal ganglion being oblong and 
the supraesophageal spheroid (Fig. 6A); (4) 
the osphradial nerve, as it extends to the 
osphradium from the supraesophageal gan- 
glion, passes beside and anterior to the pro- 
boscis and not posterior to the proboscis 
(Fretter & Graham, 1949; Haszprunar 1988a) 
(Fig. 6A); and (5) the rhinophoral and lateral 
nerves, described by Huber (1987, 1993) for 
various pyramidellids, and used by Haszpru- 
nar (1988a, 1990) to hypothesize that the 
Pyramidellidae are sister taxa to the opistho- 
branchs, are not homologous with those 
nerves of the same name in the opistho- 
branchs described by Huber (1987, 1993). In 
some opisthobranchs (e.g., Architectibran- 

FIG. 6. A. Diagram of generalized pyramidellid ner- 
vous system. Buccal ganglia not illustrated; B. Di- 
agram of the nervous system of Pyramidella sp. 
showing the nerve that splits from the main os- 
phradial nerve to innervate that portion of osphra- 
dium located on the left side of the mantle (bar = 1 
mm) (cg = cerebral ganglia, п = nerve, о = osphra- 
dium, од = osphradial ganglion, on = osphradial 
nerve, pdg = pedal ganglia, plg = pleural ganglia, 
sbg = subesophageal ganglion, spg = supraesoph- 
ageal ganglion, vg = visceral ganglion). 

chia), the rhinophoral nerves innervate the 
posterior portion of the Hancock’s organ, 
whereas in others (e.g., Aplysiomorpha and 
Bullomorpha) these nerves innervate the 
rhinophores. These structures are not con- 
sidered to be homologous (pers. comm., 
Gosliner, 1992). Moreover, all known pyra- 
midellids do not possess either a Hancock’s 
organ or rhinophores (the nerves Huber 
[1987] identified as rhinophoral in the pyra- 
midellids he examined, innervate the lateral 
walls of the head—an area he suggested 
probably contains sensory cells). Huber 
(1987) stated that the lateral nerves, which 
originate on the pedal ganglia near the 
pleuro-pedal connective, occur in pyramidel- 

454 WISE 

lids, opisthobranchs, and pulmonates. In the 
Architectibranchia, these nerves innervate 
the lateral body walls, as well as parts of the 
columella muscle, whereas in Aplysiomorpha 
and Bullomorpha, Huber only listed them as 
present. In primitive pulmonates (e.g., Ar- 
chaepulmonata), the lateral nerves innervate 
portions of the pharynx, while in pyramidel- 
lids, he determined they innervate the mus- 
cles of the lateral body wall. As with the rhi- 
nophoral nerves, it is not possible to consider 
the lateral nerve homologous across the taxa 
he examined. Moreover, examination of just 
the opisthobranchs (illustrated by Huber, 
1987) revealed that the rhinophoral and lat- 
eral nerves are interchangeable, and there- 
fore fail the positional test of homology as 
defined by Remané (1955). 

Life history: The literature contains a lim- 
ited amount of life-history data (Lebour, 
1932; Thorson, 1946, 1950; Ramussen, 
1944, 1951; Amio, 1963; Robertson, 1967, 
White, 1985). Pyramidellids for which longev- 
ity is known have a life span of one year (Ras- 
mussen, 1944; Wells, 1959; Nishino et al. 
1983; White et al., 1985; McFadden & Myers, 
1989; pers. obser.). The spawning season for 
snails living in temperate to subtropical re- 
gions is generally 3-4 months. Cumming 
(1988, 1993) discusses the spawning behav- 
¡or of a single tropical species in a mariculture 
setting. Pyramidellids deposit their eggs in a 
continuous string called a chalazae. The cha- 
lazae is composed of eggs joined end to end 
by threads that are continuous with the wall 
of the cocoon. These strings are molded into 
a gelatinous egg mass. 

Character Descriptions 


(1) Protoconch angle 

0—120-125° (Figs. 9C, 19F) 
1—90-95° (Fig. 25C) 
2—130-135° (Fig. 14C) 
3—140-145° (Fig. 15D) 

Remarks: The protoconch is the larval shell 
formed prior to metamorphosis into the juve- 
nile stage. The protoconch angle is the angle 
at which the protoconch axis is oriented to the 
axis of the adult shell. 

(2) Orientation of protoconch 

O—sinistrally heterostrophic (Figs. 9C, 
25С, 29D, 8 24H) 

1—dextrally heterostrophic (Figs. 7C, 14C, 
15D, & 18D) 

Remarks: In state 0, the protoconch generally 
lies across the teleoconch, with its earliest 
portion partially submerged (Fig. 9C) or com- 
pletely exposed (Fig. 25C). In state 1, the ear- 
liest portion of the protoconch is completely 
submerged within the teleoconch and coils 
upwards. The terms sinistrally and dextrally 
heterostrophic are adopted from Fretter et al. 
1986 (p. 557, fig. 377) and are used here to 
described the relationship of the protoconch 
to the teleoconch. 

(3) Number of protoconch whorls 

0—2.0 (Fig. 23E) 
1—2.5-3.0 (Fig. 28C) 
2—1.0-1.5 (Fig. 18D) 

Remarks: The number of protoconch whorls 
were determined using the method outlined 
by Robertson (1976). 

(4) Columellar fold 

O—absent—No apparent 
fold(s) at aperture (Fig. 29B) 

1—a single, prominent and acute fold on 
the upper one-half of the columella 
perpendicular to the columella axis 
(Fig. 9B) 

2— а single, less acute fold, which begins 
basally on the columella to extend, at 
an oblique angle to the upper half of 
the columella (Fig. 15C) 

3—one large fold on the upper half of the 
columella dorsal to two smaller folds, 
all three perpendicular to the col- 
umella (Fig. 19C) 


Remarks: The columella is the solid or hollow 
pillar formed by the adaxial walls of the whorls 
and surrounds the axis of the coiled shell 
(Knight et al., 1960). The columellar fold is a 
spirally wound ridge on the columella that 1$ 
readily seen at the shell's aperture. Slight 
swellings on the columella deep within the 
body whorl and, therefore, not visible at the 
aperture were not considered to be homolo- 
gous to columellar folds in this study (e.g., as 
in Tathrella iredalei (Fig. 29F). 

In the outgroup, Amathinidae, genera with 
limpet-like shells (e.g., Amathina) lack a col- 
umella. Other genera (e.g., Clathrella) have a 
littoriniform shell with a columella. Only the 
latter genera were used to polarize charac- 
ters of the columella. 


(5) Columellar fold ridges 

O—columellar smooth or unridged (ЭВ, 

1—a single ridge with non-overlapping or 
imbricate plates (23D) 

2—2-4 ridges of many imbricate plates 

(6) Palatal teeth 

1—3 to 4 (Fig. 23C) 
2—6 to 8 (Fig. 19C) 

Remarks: Fully formed palatal teeth, or folds, 
are located deep inside the outer lip of the 
shell’s aperture. Because the palatals located 
immediately inside the aperture are undevel- 
oped and depend on the age of the snail, they 
were not used as characters. 

Operculum Character 

(7) Operculum notched to accommodate 
columellar fold. 

O—absent (Figs. 13F, 28F) 
1—present (Fig. 191) 

Remarks: All genera examined herein pos- 
sess an operculum composed of a brown, 
hardened, and proteinaceous substance. 
Only taxa of the subfamily Pyramidellinae 
have an operculum that is notched to accom- 
modate the largest columellar fold. 

External Anatomy Characters 

(8) Tentacles 

O—comnate (Figs. 21A-C, 8A-D) 
1—not соппае (Figs. 21D, 17А, В) 

Remarks: Connate tentacles are joined along 
their anterior base. 

(9) Tentacle shape 

O—triangular and laterally folded (Fig. 

1—subtriangular and ventro-laterally 
folded (Figs. 8A, D, 21B, C) 

2—cylindrical (Figs. 21D, 17A, B) 

(10) Tentacular pads 


Remarks: Tentacular pads are composed of 
fused cilia that are located subterminally, at 
the apex of the tentacles. These pads are only 

found in members of the subfamily Odostom- 

(11) Attachment thread 


Remarks: Attachment threads may be pro- 
duced by the pedal gland to secure the snail 
to the substratum or its host. Pedal threads 
are absent in taxa that are infaunal. 

(12) Bifurcate mentum 

O—present (Fig. 11D-I) 
1—absent (Fig. 11А-С) 

Remarks: The mentum is a shelf-like projec- 
tion immediately dorsal to the propodium. The 
mentum, in all but one of genera examined in 
this study, extends beyond the foot to the 
substratum when the snail is moving. Its 
shape is highly variable among examined 

(13) Anterior mentum edge 
O— incised (Fig. 11D, F) 
1—retuse (Fig. 11E, С) 
2—emarginate (Fig. 11H, |) 
3—unnotched (Fig. 11А-С) 

Alimentary Tract Characters 

(14) Introvert-proboscis aperture 

O—on the dorsal surface of the mentum 

1—medial on the mentum tip 

2—ventral side of the head dorsal to the 

Remarks: This aperture is the opening 
through which the acrembolic (= completely 
invaginable) proboscis passes upon protrac- 
tion or retraction. 

(15) Four-way junction 

O—absent (Figs. 8A-D, 17B) 
1—present (Figs. 21A-D, 17A) 

Remarks: The four-way junction is formed by 
the convergence of the anterior esophagus, 
posterior esophagus, and paired salivary 

(16) Buccal pump 

O—buccal pump without blind sac or cae- 
cum (Fig. 17B) 

1—with blind sac (Figs. 8A-D, 17A, 

456 WISE 

Remarks: The buccal pump 1$ that portion of 
the gut between the buccal sac and esoph- 

(17) Distal portion of buccal pump (= bp2) 

0—laterally flattened (8A, 17A, 21A) 
1—circular (8C) 

Remarks: Descriptions refer to shape of distal 
end of buccal pump when viewed in cross- 

(18) Buccal pump 

0—outside the proboscis sheath 
1—within the proboscis sheath 

Remarks: When the proboscis is retracted 
the buccal pump may lie within or outside of 
the proboscis sheath. 

(19) Salivary gland ducts 

0—not within or attached to buccal pump 
or esophagus (Fig. 17В) 

1—attached to the exterior of anterior 
esophagus (Figs. 17A, 21A,C, D) 

2—within the walls of anterior esophagus 
(Fig. 21B) 

3— within the walls of buccal pump (Fig. 

Remarks: The ducts of the salivary glands ex- 
tend anteriorly to penetrate the stylet bulb, 
where they unite to form a single duct entering 
the stylet. 

(20) Salivary gland terminus 

O—attachment absent (Fig. 8A-D) 
1—attachment present (Figs. 


Remarks: The salivary glands are elongate, 
slender organs composed of few to numerous 
cells bordering a central ciliated lumen. The 
posterior end of each gland terminates in a 
vesicle-like bladder that can be attached to 
the posterior esophagus by a fine thread of 
muscle or connective tissue. 

(21) Buccal stylet 

Remarks: The stylet, purportedly made of 
chitin, is enclosed within a sheath. 

Pallial Cavity Characters 

(22) Pigmented mantle organ 

1—small, oblong and anterior of the kid- 
ney (Fig. 1A) 

2—large, rectangular and oblong mass 
comprised of pigmented cells sur- 
rounded by transparent cells just an- 
terior of the kidney (Fig. 1C) 

3—very large, wide anterior with attenu- 
ated posterior that extends to the 
juncture of the dorsal and ventral cili- 
ated strips (Fig. 1B) 

Remarks: The pigmented mantle organ which 
hangs from the mantle roof just to the right of 
center, produces an opaque to colorful, vis- 
cous substance that 1$ released when the 
snail is disturbed (Table 5). 

(23) Secondary gill 


Remarks: When present, the gill is located 
between the opposing ciliated strips (Fig. 4B). 
The outgroup has a “gill” to the right of the 
dorsal ciliated strip and is not homologous to 
the pyramidellid gill. It is in a different position 
in the mantle cavity and is comprised of thin 
sheets or leaves, in contrast to fairly thick 
ridges as in the pyramidellids. Moreover, nei- 
ther is homologous with the gastropod 
ctenidium, on the basis of position, blood 
supply, and structure. 

(24) Osphradium 

O—subtriangular, left side only 

1—subtriangular on the left side and ex- 
tends across mantle to right mantle 
corner, just inside mantle edge 

(25) The gland beneath the ventral ciliated 

O—underlies entire ventral ciliated strip 
(Fig. 1B) 

1—underlies 50-60% of the strip (begin- 
ning anteriorly and extending posteri- 

2—underlies only 20-25% of the anterior 
portion of strip (beginning anteriorly 
and extending posteriorly) (Fig. 1A) 

(26) Exudate 

O—secreted from the ventral ciliated strip 

1—secreted from the pigmented mantle 


2—secreted from both the ventral ciliated 
strip gland and the pigmented mantle 

Remarks: A viscid exudate is secreted when 
the snail is disturbed (Table 5). The exudate 15 
believed to be repugnant to repel potential 
predators (Robertson, 1985; pers. obser.) 

Penial Characters 
(27) Penis position 
O—outside the nerve ring (Figs. 22A, C, 
1—а portion of the penis lies within the 
nerve ring (Figs. 22B, D) 

(28) Penial sperm sac 

1—present (Figs. 22B, D) 

Phylogenetic Analysis 

Classical evolutionary taxonomic schemes 
use conchological characters to subdivide the 
Pyramidellidae into four subfamilies (Abbott, 
1974; Boss, 1982). This study is the first to use 
cladistic (= phylogenetic) methodology to test 
the validity of three of the subfamilies and to 
construct hypotheses about the relationships 
of the species. The following results and dis- 
cussion are presented in two parts. The first 
focuses on the relationships of the taxa as 
indicted by the cladograms, and briefly, the 
taxonomic implications of these relationships. 
The second examines conflicting hypotheses 
of relationships when soft-part anatomy and 
protoconch characters are considered sepa- 
rately. To aid in the discussion of the cla- 
dograms, clades are labelled as units I-IV 
(Figs. 30-35). 

Relationships within the Pyramidellidae 

Six equally parsimonious cladograms (Figs. 
30-35) are produced using the data set of 28 
Characters and 13 taxa (Table 3). All trees 
have a length of 67 steps, a consistency index 
(Cl) of 68, and a retention index (RI) of 81. Final 
transformation series for multistate charac- 
ters are listed in Table 4. 

A clade uniting Odostomia babylonia, O. 
didyma, Boonea seminuda, В. cincta is found 
(unit | in Figures 30-35) in all trees. Boonea 
cincta has previously been placed in the ge- 
nus Odostomia, subgenus Chrysallida. This 
clade corresponds to the subfamily Odos- 
tominae. In traditional classifications (Dall & 
Bartsch, 1904; 1909), taxa were assigned to 
the Odostominae if their shells were short, 

subconic or ovate in shape, unsculptured or 
cancellate, possessed few whorls, and had a 
single columellar fold. Here | propose that the 
Odostominae (represented by the taxa in unit 
I; Figs. 30-35) are monophyletic and that their 
definition be expanded by seven synapomor- 
phies: columellar fold (state 4-1), tentacular 
pads (state 10-1), mentum not bifurcated 
(state 12-1), shape of anterior mentum edge 
(state 13-3), introvert aperture location (state 
14-2), position of salivary gland ducts within 
the alimentary tract (state 19-3), and the size 
of the gland beneath ventral ciliated strip 
(state 25-2). Also defining this clade are two 
convergent character states: tentacle shape 
(state 9-1) and pedal thread (state 11-1). 

Within unit I, relationships among O. baby- 
lonia, В. seminuda, and the O. didyma/B. 
cincta sister group, while resolved in Figures 
30, 32, and 34, are unresolved in Figures 31, 
33, and 35. In all cladograms (Figs. 30-35), 
Boonea cincta and Odostomia didyma are 
shown to be more closely related to each 
other than either is to B. seminuda and O. 
babylonia. In these trees then, the genus 
Odostomia is not monophyletic. This appar- 
ent paraphyly is dependent upon protoconch 
character states 1-3 that group В. cincta and 
O. didyma. This sister taxa grouping is con- 
trary to characters of soft-part anatomy, 
which indicate that O. babylonia and O. 
didyma are most closely related. Moreover, 
on the basis of soft-part anatomy (particularly 
due to similarities of the alimentary tract) Boo- 
nea cincta and B. seminuda are sister taxa. 
Consequently, Chrysallida cincta Carpenter is 
transferred to the genus Boonea. 

In all cladograms (Figs. 30-35), units И-М 
(sister taxa to the Odostominae [unit 1]) form a 
monophyletic group on the basis of five char- 
acter states. These synapomorphies include: 
introvert-proboscis aperture medial on men- 
tum tip (state 14-1), portions of the alimentary 
tract forming a four-way junction (state 15-1), 
buccal pump within the proboscis sheath 
(state 18-1), salivary gland ducts attached to 
the exterior of the anterior esophagus (state 
19-1), and the salivary gland's terminal end 
attached to the posterior esophagus by a fine 
thread (state 20-1). 

Unit Il, composed of Sayella hemphillii 
and Petitella crosseana (formerly placed in 
Sayella) are united as sister taxa in all cla- 
dograms (Figs. 30-35) because they share 
two synapomorphies: protoconch angle 
(state 1-3) and columellar fold configuration 
(state 4-2) and four convergences: dextral hy- 
perstrophy (state 2-1), number of protoconch 

458 WISE 

whorls (state 3-2), tentacles not connate 
(state 8-1) and tentacle shape (state 9-2). 
These characters are, however, in conflict 
with characters (15-19) of the alimentary 
tract. Although grossly their respective head 
and foot are similar, these two species are 
anatomically very different. Furthermore, 
when protoconch character (state 3-1) is 
eliminated from the phylogenetic analysis, 
these taxa are no longer united and their close 
kinship no longer supported (Fig. 36). 

This study shows that Sayella hemphillii 
and Petitella crosseana, both originally as- 
signed to the same genus, and to the Odos- 
tominae solely on the basis of overall shell 
shape and the number of columellar folds, do 
not belong in the same genus nor should ei- 
ther be considered any longer a member of 
this subfamily. Sayella hemphillii is anatomi- 
cally very different from all described odos- 
tomian species, and the anatomy of P. cros- 
seana is unlike any described pyramidellid. 
Consequently, Sayella crosseana 1$ assigned 
to the new genus Petitella, and both taxa are 
placed in the new subfamily Sayellinae be- 
cause they are distinct from our current con- 
structs of existing pyramidellid subfamilies as 
shown here. 

The clade composed of Pyramidella sul- 
cata, P. crenulata, and P. mitralis (unit Ill; fig- 
ures 30-35) is equal to the subfamily Pyra- 
midellinae. Originally, pyramidellids were 
allotted to this subfamily if their shell shape 
was elongate-conic, the shell surface was 
polished, the adult whorls were flat-sided and 
the columella had 1-3 columellar folds (Ра! € 
Bartsch, 1904, 1909). As stated above, shell 
characters of this nature may provide con- 
fusing and poorly defined guidelines for as- 
signing taxa to phylogenetically meaningful 
groups. Here the monophyly of the Pyramidel- 
linae is proposed on the basis of five synapo- 
morphies: presence of three columnar folds 
(state 4-3), notched operculum (state 7-1), 
size and shape of pigmented mantle organ 
(state 22-3), presence of a secondary gill 
(state 23-1), and the configuration of the os- 
phradium (state 24-1) (Figs. 30-35). Within 
unit Ш, Pyramidella mitralis and P. sulcata are 
sister taxa relative to P. crenulata, because 
they share the same number of columellar fold 
ridges (state 5-2) and shell apertural palatal 
teeth (state 6-2). Paradoxically, the members 
of this clade cannot be distinguished from one 
another on the basis of the soft-part anatomy 
examined in this study. Pyramidella sulcata 
can only be separated from P. mitralis by over- 

all shell shape (Figs. 14, 19) and minute per- 
forations of the shell (Fig. 19A). Shell charac- 
ters also separate Pyramidella crenulata from 
P. sulcata; the former is much smaller, and its 
sutures are crenulated (Fig. 18B). These shell 
characters, because they are autapomor- 
phies, were not included in the analysis. 

Taxa of the subfamily Pyramidellinae (unit 
ill), as discussed above, are only separated 
into species on the basis of shell characters. 
Anatomically these taxa are nearly identical. 

Turbonilla hemphilli, Houbricka incisa (for- 
merly Turbonilla incisa), and Tathrella iredalei 
are united in a clade (unit IV; Figures 30-35) 
that, at least in part, corresponds to the sub- 
family Turbonillinae. Pyramidellids were as- 
signed to the subfamily Turbonillinae if their 
shell shape was lanceolate, their adult whorls 
were numerous and the whorls had pro- 
nounced axial ribs (Dall & Bartsch, 1904, 
1909). Here the monophyly of the Turbonilli- 
nae is proposed and supported by four syn- 
apomorphies: incised anterior mentum edge 
(state 13-1), exudate origin (state 26-2), po- 
sition of the penis through the nerve ring (state 
27-1), and presence of a sperm sac (state 

In all trees (unit IV) (Figs. 30-35), Houbricka 
incisa is separated from the Turbonilla hemp- 
hilli/Tathrella iredalei sister group on the basis 
of several anatomical differences: anterior 
mentum edge (state 13-0), pigmented mantle 
organ shape (state 22-1), origin of repugna- 
tory exudate (state 26-0), and penial complex 
(states 27-0 and 28-0). Therefore, the genus 
Turbonilla is paraphyletic in all trees (Figs. 30- 
35). Prior to this study, the anatomy of both 
species was unknown, and both were in- 
cluded in the same genus because of their 
lanceolate shell and protoconch configura- 
tion. Houbricka incisa is anatomically very dif- 
ferent from Turbonilla hemphilli or any of the 
other taxa currently assigned to this genus. 
Therefore, the new genus Houbricka, with 
Turbonilla incisa Bush as the type species, is 
proposed herein. Tathrella iredalei is provi- 
sionally retained in the subfamily Turbonillinae 
because it possesses synapomorphies that 
seem to justify this placement. 

Protoconch Characters vs. 
Anatomical Characters 

Members of the Pyramidellidae are gener- 
ally only known from their shells (Abbott, 
1974; Fretter et al. 1986, Haszprunar, 1988a). 
Moreover, the lack of understanding of this 
family’s biology and anatomy is often attrib- 


uted to the difficulty associated with studying 
such small snails (Haszprunar, 1988b). Con- 
sequently, with a better understanding of their 
anatomy, it is not surprising that oversplit tax- 
onomic groupings based on shell characters 
alone may be in conflict (= incongruent) with 
anatomical characters. When the protoconch 
characters 1-3 are suppressed (Hennig86 
option cc];), 20 equally parsimonious cla- 
dograms are produced. After successive 
weighting (Hennig86 option xs w:), one tree 
remains with a length of 57 steps, a Cl of 81, 
and a RI of 90. In this cladogram both O. 
didyma/O. babylonia and В. seminuda/B. 
cincta are sister taxa (Fig. 36). Contrary to the 
relationships suggested by the protoconch 
characters, feeding structures suggest that O. 
babylonia and O. didyma are most closely re- 
lated (= sister taxa). They essentially share the 
same gut configuration, the only difference 15 
that the salivary gland ducts in O. babylonia 
exit the gut just prior to the stylet bulb (Fig. 
8C). Boonea seminuda and B. cincta share the 
same gut configuration and differ only in the 
length of buccal pump one (bp1). The bp1 of 
В. cincta 1$ equal to the length of the buccal 
pump two (bp2), whereas in B. seminuda the 
bp1 is 1.5 times the bp2 (Fig. 8B). 

These conflicting hypotheses of relation- 
ships may be explained by the fact that pro- 
toconch shape 1$ a reflection of developmen- 
tal mode and not phylogeny. Historically, 
protoconch configuration has been correlated 
with the type of larval development rather than 
phylogeny (Reid, 1989). For constituents of 
the Odostominae in the present study, our 
knowledge of larval development is limited to 
B. cincta and B. seminuda. Boonea cincta 
undergoes direct development (i.e., non- 
planktonic) and recently metamorphosed in- 
dividuals crawl away from the egg mass within 
25 to 28 days (LaFollette 1979). Boonea sem- 
inuda is lecithotrophic and in the plankton for 
approximately two weeks (Robertson, 1978). 
Species with non-planktotrophic develop- 
ment and no planktonic stage typically may 
have a large smooth protoconch (i.e., highly 
inflated) of few whorls and generally are not 
distinguishable from the adult shell. Boonea 
cincta meets two of the three criteria; how- 
ever, its smooth protoconch is easily delim- 
ited from the highly sculptured adult shell (Fig. 
7C). Generally, snails that are lecithotrophic 
have a protoconch of a few whorls of inter- 
mediate size (i.e., less inflated). This condition 
is present in В. seminuda (Fig. 9C-E). There- 
fore, developmental modes are different in 

these two species, as are their respective pro- 
toconch shapes. The protoconch characters 
are incongruent with the other characters and 
rejected as synapomorphies. What of O. 
babylonia and O. didyma? Their protoconch 
shapes are very different. Is this, too, a re- 
flection of developmental mode and not phy- 
logeny? The only way to determine this is to 
discover their developmental modes, which 
when treated as characters, can be mapped 
onto a cladogram of the working phylogeny 
for the group and checked for congruence 
with other characters. 

What of convergences in gut or feeding- 
structure anatomy as a result of feeding on 
similar hosts? The hosts for both B. seminuda 
and B. cincta are known. Boonea seminuda 
parasitizes a number of hosts across its range 
(e.g., Crepidula fornicata and Aequipecten 
gibbus), whereas В. cincta feeds on a number 
of trochiid gastropods (e.g., Norrisia norrisi) 
and Haliotis spp. These hosts are all different, 
indicating that feeding structure anatomy is a 
reflection of phylogeny and not adaptation. 
The hosts for O. babylonia and O. didyma are 
not known. 

Protoconch and adult shell characters (e.g., 
similar columellar fold configurations) also 
united S. hemphillii and Petitella crosseana as 
sister taxa in the initial cladograms, whereas 
anatomical characters separate the two (Fig. 
36). Although they both have a grossly similar 
head-foot (e.g., tentacles not connate, tenta- 
cles cylindrical, similar shaped and emargin- 
ate mentum, and location of introvert open- 
ing—none of these are unique to the two), 
they are very dissimilar anatomically. They 
have very different alimentary tract (Fig. 17A, 
B) and penial configurations (Fig. 12A, B). The 
paraphyly of the genus Turbonilla, as depicted 
in Figures 30-35, is even more apparent when 
the protoconch characters were eliminated 
from the phylogenetic analysis (Fig. 36). How- 
ever, until both developmental modes and 
hosts are known for these species, it is im- 
possible to eliminate the protoconch charac- 
ters as completely phylogenetically uninfor- 
mative and/or choose between competing 
hypotheses of relatedness (i.e., between phy- 
logeny and convergent adaptation). 

Historically, shell characters, to the exclu- 
sion of soft-part anatomy, have been used to 
assign taxa to the various pyramidellid gen- 
era. Consequently, it might be tempting to rely 
more on anatomical characters and treat con- 
chological characters a priori as homoplastic 
and uninformative. However, as stated above, 

460 WISE 

| was only able to distinguish members of the idence, sensu Jones et al., 1993) should be 
subfamily Pyramidellinae on the basis of shell used in a phylogenetic analysis. In addition, it 
morphology, whereas in other taxa, soft-part is only by testing these characters for con- 
anatomy proved most informative in deter- gruence with other characters, that the often 
mining relatedness. Therefore, the present complex relationships between taxa can be 
study indicates that all characters (= total ev- resolved. 

FIG. 7. Shell morphology of Boonea seminuda. SEM microphotographs: A. Apertural and dorsal views of 
shell (bar = 1 mm); B. Aperture and columellar fold (bar = 400 um); C. Tilted, frontal view of protoconch (bar 
= 100 um); D. Lateral view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); E. Tilted, lateral view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); 
Е. Unattached surface of operculum; G. Attached surface of operculum (bar = 200 um). 


| fl 
B Man 
ps [A ~ S \ bp2 
N u PA \ у и 
PE dos i \ sd ( \ SS 
A AN Ss \ A ù 
e JA 
ppl VA bp2 
== i «| LAO ale 
: = oe i LE 8 es 
Le A) a sd с 
ря = sb N 

FIG. 8. Diagram of pyramidellid alimentary tracts. A. Boonea стс (bar = 200 um); В. Boonea seminuda 
(bar = 500 um); С. Odostomia babylonia (bar = 150 um); D. O. didyma (bar = 150 um). (bp1 = buccal pump 
1, bp2 = buccal pump 2, bs = buccal sac, es = esophagus, p = proboscis, sb = stylet bulb, sd = salivary 
gland duct, sgl = salivary gland, su = sucker). 

462 WISE 

FIG. 9. Shell morphology of Boonea cincta. SEM microphotographs: A. Apertural and dorsal views of shell 
(bar = 1 um); B. Frontal view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); C. Lateral view of protoconch and first two adult 
whorls (note smooth protoconch vs. cross-hatched teleoconch) (bar = 200 um); D. Apical view of proto- 
conch (bar = 100 um); E. Lateral view of protoconch showing demarkation of larval and adult shells (bar = 
150 um); F. Unattached surface of operculum; G. Attached surface of operculum (bar = 200 um). 


FIG. 10. Living snails of the subfamily Odostominae. A. Boonea seminuda (bar = 650 um); В. Одозютиа 
babylonia (bar = 200 um); C. Odostomia didyma (bar = 150 um). 

464 WISE 

FIG. 11. A. Unnotched mentum of Boonea seminuda and Boonea cincta; B. Unnotched mentum of Odos- 
tomia babylonia; С. Unnotched mentum of Odostomia didyma; D. Retuse mentum of Pyramidella mitralis, 
P. sulcata, and P. crenulata; E. Incised mentum of Turbonilla hemphilli; F. Retuse mentum of Houbricka 
incisa; G. Incised mentum of Tathrella iredalei; H. Emarginate mentum of Sayella hemphillii; |. Emarginate 
mentum of Petitella crosseana. 



FIG. 12. Diagram of retracted penis configuration and position in: A. Boonea seminuda (bar = 250 um); B. 
Sayella hemphilli (bar = 300 um); С. Petitella crosseana (bar = 200 um) (f = foot, me = mentum, nr = nerve 
ring, op = operculum, р = proboscis, pe = penis). 

466 WISE 

FIG. 13. Shell morphology of Odostomia babylonia. SEM microphotographs: A. Apertural and dorsal views 
of shell (bar = 600 um); B. Enlargement of shell's shoulder and suture (bar = 40 um); C. Apical view of 
protoconch (bar = 100 um); D. Lateral view of protoconch showing partially exposed earliest portion (bar 
= 100 um); E. Lateral view of protoconch tilted to reveal demarkation of larval and adult shells (bar = 40 um); 
F. Unattached surface of operculum; G. Attached surface of operculum (bar = 150 um). 


FIG. 14. Shell morphology of Odostomia didyma. SEM microphotographs: A. Apertural and dorsal views of 
shell (bar = 500 um); B. Protoconch and oldest adult whorl (bar = 100 um); C. Lateral view of protoconch 
(bar = 100 um); D. Apical view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); E. Frontal view of protoconch and first adult 
whorl (note deep shoulder) (bar = 100 um); F. Unattached surface of operculum; G. Attached surface of 
operculum (bar = 150 um). 

468 WISE 

FIG. 15. Shell morphology of Sayella hemphillii. SEM microphotographs: А. Apertural and dorsal views (bar 
= 1 mm); B. Young specimen (note difference between this shell and shell in figure A.) (bar = 1 mm); C. Body 
whorl cracked open to reveal columellar fold (bar = 400 um); D. Apical view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); 
E. Frontal view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); F. Lateral view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); G. Attached 
surface of operculum; H. Unattached surface of operculum (bar = 400 um). 


FIG. 16. A. Sayella hemphillii (bar = 1 mm); В. Pe- 
titella crosseana (bar = 500 um). 

A p bp] | 
/ | 
} bs | —sd 
Ji | 
® E 
> sb, 
ee == 
(0% pes 
KY, pe 
\ — 
— bs bp 
_2 0 © ' | 
e ==" 
| = A xs 64 
50 $ 

FIG. 17. A. Diagram of the alimentary tract of 
Sayella hemphillii (bar = 1 mm); В. Diagram of ali- 
mentary tract of Petitella crosseana (bar = 500 um) 
(aes = anterior esophagus, bp = buccal pump, bp1 
= buccal pump 1, bp2 = buccal pump 2, bs = buc- 
cal зас, es = esophagus, р = proboscis, рез = 
posterior esophagus, sb = stylet bulb, sd = salivary 
gland duct, sgl = salivary gland). 

470 WISE 

FIG. 18. Shell morphology of Petitella crosseana. SEM microphotographs: A. Apertural and dorsal views 
(bar = 1 mm); В. Enlargement of the shell’s shoulder and suture (bar = 20 um); С. Lateral view of protoconch 
and earliest adult whorls (bar = 100 um); D. Frontal view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); E. Apical view of 
protoconch (bar = 100 um); F. Unattached surface of operculum; G. Attached surface of operculum (bar = 
200 um). 


FIG. 19. Shell morphology of Pyramidella sulcata. A. Apertural and dorsal view of shell (bar = 4 mm); SEM 
microphotographs: B. Suture and surface microstructure (note growth lines) (bar = 600 um); C. Shell 
aperture with columellar folds and mature, well-developed palatal teeth (bar = 2 mm); D. Ridges of largest 
columellar fold (bar = 200 um); E. Columellar fold ridges, composed of imbricated plates (bar = 10 um); 
F. Lateral view of partially eroded protoconch (bar = 200 um); G. Apical view of protoconch (bar = 200 um); 
|. Unattached surface of operculum (bar = 1 mm). 

472 WISE 

FIG. 20. Living snails of the subfamily Pyramidellinae. A. Pyramidella sulcata (bar = 3 mm); B. Pyramidella 
crenulata (bar = 2 mm) C. Pyramidella mitralis (bar = 3 mm). 


р (a aes 
= | EN bp2 N La 
Кб EN = 7 — | 
A UL bs UN NS 
Е sb sd я So 
== р 

FIG. 21. Diagram pyramidellid alimentary tracts. A. Pyramidella mitralis, P. sulcata, P. crenulata (bar = 1 
mm); В. Turbonilla hemphilli (bar = 500 um); С. Houbricka incisa (bar = 500 um); D. Tathrella iredalei (bar = 
300 um) (aes = anterior esophagus, bp1 = buccal pump 1, bp2 = buccal pump 2, bs = buccal sac, p = 
proboscis, pes = posterior esophagus, sb = stylet bulb, sd = salivary gland duct, sgl = salivary gland). 

474 WISE 

\\/ op—\\ 7 
vu Y 
U у 

FIG. 22. Diagram of pyramidellid retracted penes in situ. А. Pyramidella sulcata, Р. crenulata, and P. mitralis 
(bar = 1 mm); В. Turbonilla hemphilli (bar = 500 um); С. Houbricka incisa (bar = 400 um); D. Tathrella iredalei 
(bar = 300 um) (f = foot, me = mentum, nr = nerve ring, ор = орегсшит, р = proboscis, ре = penis, rmu = 
retractor muscle, ss = sperm sac). 


FIG. 23. Shell morphology of Pyramidella crenulata. A. Apertural and dorsal views of shell (bar = 3 mm); SEM 
microphotographs: В. Sutures and exterior surface of shell (bar = 500 um); С. Portion of broken body whorl 
revealing mature palatal teeth and columellar folds (bar = 400 um); D. Single ridge of non-overlapping and 
overlapping plates on largest columellar fold (bar = 40 um); E. Lateral view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); 
F. Dorsal view of protoconch (bar = 125 um); G. Unattached surface of operculum; H. Attached surface of 
operculum (bar = 430 um). 


ЕС. 24. Shell morphology of Pyramidella mitralis. A. Apertural and dorsal views of shell (bar = 4 mm); SEM 
microphotographs: B. Sutures and surface sculpture of shell (bar = 200 um); C. Shell cut away to expose 
columellar folds (bar = 400 um); D. Ridges of largest columellar fold (bar = 100 um); E. Lateral view of 
protoconch (bar = 200 um); Е. Apical view of protoconch (bar = 125 um); G. Enlargement of titled, lateral 
view of protoconch with a portion of earliest whorl visible (bar = 40 um); H. Attached surface of operculum 
(bar = 1 mm). 


FIG. 25. Shell morphology of Turbonilla hemphilli. A. Apertural and dorsal views of shell (bar = 1.5 mm); SEM 
microphotographs: В. Enlargement of whorl immediately dorsal to body whorl (note ribbing) (bar = 125 um); 
C. Frontal view of protoconch (bar = 100 um): D. Lateral view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); E. Lateral view 
of protoconch showing portion of earliest whorl (bar = 100 um); F. Unattached surface of operculum; G. 
Attached surface of operculum (bar = 250 um). 

478 WISE 

FIG. 26. Living snails of the subfamily Turbonillinae. 
A. Turbonilla hemphilli (bar = 1.5 mm); В. Houbricka 
incisa (bar = 1 mm); С. Tathrella iredalei (bar = 800 

FIG. 27. A. SEM microphotograph of anterior por- 
tion of penis of Turbonilla hemphilli (note medial 
groove and lateral cuticular hooks) (bar = 75 um); 
B. SEM microphotograph of anterior tip of penis of 
Houbricka incisa (bar = 10 um). 


FIG. 28. Shell morphology of Houbricka incisa. SEM microphotographs: A. Apertural and dorsal views (bar 
= 1.25 mm); В. Enlargement of the whorl immediately dorsal to body whorl (note costae and intercostal 
grooves) (bar = 150 um); C. Lateral view of earliest larval whorls (bar = 100 um); D. Lateral view of 
protoconch and earliest adult whorl (bar = 100 um); E. Apical view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); F. 
Unattached surface of operculum; G. Attached surface of operculum (bar = 175 um). 

480 WISE 

FIG. 29. Shell morphology of Tathrella iredalei. A. Apertural and dorsal views (bar = 1 mm); SEM micro- 
photographs: B. Body whorl (bar = 1 mm); C. Shell broken to reveal swellings on columella located within 
the whorl immediately dorsal to body whorl (bar = 400 um); D. Frontal view of protoconch (bar = 50 um); 
E. Apical view of protoconch (bar = 100 um); F. Lateral view of protoconch with early whorl partially 
exposed (bar = 100 um); G. Unattached surface of operculum; H. Attached surface of operculum (bar = 400 


A, EIA, о 

out semi judi cinc didy semp cros cren sul mit inc hemp ired 

FIG. 30. One of six cladograms resulting from analysis of character matrix in Table 3 (OUT = Amathinidae, 
CINC = Chrysallida cincta, ЗЕМ! = Boonea seminuda, JUDI = Odostomia babylonia, DIDY = Odostomia 
didyma, SEMP = Sayella hemphillii, CROS = Petitella crosseana, SUL = Pyramidella sulcata, CREN = P. 
crenulata, MIT = Pyramidella mitralis, HEMP = Turbonilla hemphilli, INC = Houbricka incisa, IRED = Tathrella 

482 WISE 

out semi judi cinc didy semp cros cren 

sul inc hemp ired 
- 19-0 25-1 
- 18-0 11-1 
- 16-0 * 9-2 
* 17-2 - 15-0 8-1 
16 18 23 
13-2 26-2 
1-2 9-2 27-1 
15 * 2-17 8-1 28-1 
* 3-2 4-2 
* 3-2 
a 2—1 
* 11-1 a 
10-1 17 
* 9-1 
14 19-1 
Sa 20-1 
13 16-1 

FIG. 31. One of six cladograms resulting from analysis of character matrix in Table 3 (OUT = Amathinidae 
СМС = Chrysallida cincta, SEMI = Boonea seminuda, JUDI = Odostomia babylonia, DIDY = Odostomia 
didyma, SEMP = Sayella hemphillii, CROS = Petitella crosseana, SUL = Pyramidella sulcata, CREN = Р. 

crenulata, MIT = Pyramidella mitralis, HEMP = Turbonilla hemphilli, INC = Houbricka incisa, IRED = Tathrella 


Пе a а FERNER. 

out semi judi cinc didy cr semp cros inc hemp ired 

* 26-1 
- 19-0 25-1 
- 18-0 pd eas El 
- 16-0 22-2 * 9-2 
- 15-0 19-2 * 8-1 
* 26-1 
р Fer 22 24 
4 no 

* 3- 










a 21 3-1 
* 9-1 

13 16-1 

FIG. 32. One of six cladograms resulting from analysis of character matrix in Table 3 (OUT = Amathinidae, 
CINC = Chrysallida cincta, SEMI = Boonea seminuda, JUDI = Odostomia babylonia, DIDY = Odostomia 
didyma, SEMP = Sayella hemphillii, CROS = Petitella crosseana, SUL = Pyramidella sulcata, СВЕМ = P. 
crenulata, MIT = Pyramidella mitralis, HEMP = Turbonilla hemphilli, INC = Houbricka incisa, IRED = Tathrella 


484 WISE 

re TV Te 

out semi judi cinc didy cren sul mit semp cros inc hemp ired 

- 19-0 25-1 
gen sit 
- 16-0 22-2 222 
x 172 = HEC 19-2 Seal 

> ja 1-1 
on 2 
17-1 4-3 
10-1 17 
* 9-1 
14 19-1 
SÓ 20-1 
13 16-1 

FIG. 33. One of six cladograms resulting from analysis of character matrix in Table 3 (OUT = Amathinidae, 
CINC = Chrysallida cincta, SEMI = Boonea seminuda, JUDI = Odostomia babylonia, DIDY = Odostomia 
didyma, SEMP = Sayella hemphillii, CROS = Petitella crosseana, SUL = Pyramidella sulcata, CREN = P. 

crenulata, MIT = Pyramidella mitralis, HEMP = turbonilla hemphilli, INC = Houbricka incisa, IRED = Tathrella 


FE. ee en 

semi judi cinc didy inc hemp ired semp cros cren 

sul mit 
* 26-1 
25-1 - 19-0 
* 1 - 18-0 
ae 2 * - 16-0 
* 471 = .15=0 
* 26-1 

He ‚9-2 22 24 
<< 4.2 a 
16 1-2 19 aren * 3-2 23 5-2 
3 = 2-1 26-2 FDA 6-2 
* 3-2 27-1 1-3 
15 17-2 28-1 
21 2 
3-1 71 
1-1 22-3 
4-2 23-1 
13-3 24-1 
0-1 18 
* 9-1 
14 19-1 
1 20-1 
13 16-1 

FIG. 34. One of six cladograms resulting from analysis of character matrix in Table 3 (OUT = Amathinidae, 
CINC = Chrysallida cincta, SEMI = Boonea seminuda, JUDI = Odostomia babylonia, DIDY = Odostomia 
didyma, SEMP = Sayella hemphillii, CROS = Petitella crosseana, SUL = Pyramidella sulcata, CREN = Р. 

crenulata, MIT = Pyramidella mitralis, HEMP = Turbonilla hemphilli, INC = Houbricka incisa, IRED Tathrella 

486 WISE 


out semi judi cinc didy inc hemp ired semp cros cren mit 
* 26-1 
25-1 - 19-0 
STE - 18-0 
22-2 * 9-2 - 16-0 
* 172 19-2 * 8-1 - 15-0 
* 26-1 
* 17-2 13-2 
16 19 292252] 23 
SB * 8-1 
18 13-1 3-2 -2 
26-2 2-1 -2 
1-2 = 
3-2 ae 
2 = 
> и 
31 SA 
17-1 1—1 22-3 
14-2 23-1 
13-3 24-1 
0-1 17: 
14 19-1 
> 20-1 
13 16-1 

FIG. 35. One of six cladograms resulting from analysis of character matrix in Table 3 (OUT = Amathinidae, 
CINC = Chrysallida cincta, SEMI = Boonea seminuda, JUDI = Odostomia babylonia, DIDY = Odostomia 
didyma, SEMP = Sayella hemphillii, CROS = Petitella crosseana, SUL = Pyramidella sulcata, СВЕМ = P. 

crenulata, MIT = Pyramidella mitralis, HEMP = Turbonilla hemphilli, INC = Houbricka incisa, IRED = Tathrella 


out cinc semi judi didy cros inc cren sul mit semp hemp ired 

FIG. 36. Cladogram resulting from analysis of character matrix in Table 3 when protoconch characters 1-3 
were eliminated (OUT = Amathinidae, CINC = Chrysallida cincta, SEMI = Boonea seminuda, JUDI = Odos- 
tomia babylonia, DIDY = Odostomia didyma, SEMP = Sayella hemphillii, CROS = Petitella crosseana, SUL 
= Pyramidella sulcata, CREN = P. crenulata, MIT = Pyramidella mitralis, HEMP = Turbonilla hemphilli, INC 
= Houbricka incisa, IRED = Tathrella iredalei). 

488 WISE 


Family Pyramidellidae Gray, 1840 
Subfamily Odostominae Pelseener, 1928 
Genus Boonea Robertson, 1978 

Boonea Robertson, 1978:364. Type-species: 
Jaminia seminuda C. B. Adams, 1839, 
by original designation. 

Diagnosis: Shell thick, chalky white, conical, 
3-5 mm in length, with 4-5 adult whorls. 
Whorls with or without spiral cords, axial ribs 
or both. Body whorl 50% of shell length. Um- 
bilicus minute or absent. Protoconch smooth, 
sinistrally heterostrophic oriented 120-130? 
to teleoconch, partially submerged in first 
adult whorl. Aperture auriform, with single 
acute columellar fold. Operculum tan or 
brown, auriform, paucispiral, with subcentric 
nucleus. Head-foot white and often lentigi- 
nous. Foot narrowing posterior to propodium, 
widening and narrowing again posteriorly to a 
blunt tip. Posterior pedal gland producing at- 
tachment thread. Tentacles subtriangular, 
connate, ventro-laterally folded; tentacular 
pads present. Eyes subepithelial, on median 
side of tentacles. Mentum unnotched, not bi- 
furcate. Introvert-proboscis aperture on ven- 
tral side of head, dorsal to mentum base. In- 
trovert joining buccal sac, which is composed 
of sucker, mouth, sheathed stylet with sepa- 
rate opening, oral tube, and stylet bulb. Buc- 
cal sac joining buccal pump, which 1$ divided 
into anterior (bp1) and posterior sections 
(bp2). Esophagus originating on ventral sur- 
face of bp1-bp2 juncture. Salivary gland 
ducts entering gut and extending parallel to 
one another within walls of bp1 and entering 
stylet bulb without exiting alimentary tract. 
Globose penis tapering posteriorly and lo- 
cated outside and ventral to nerve ring. Un- 
cuticularized spermatophores attached to 
species-specific location (e.g., snail's neck or 
outside last whorl) prior to transfer to mate. 

Remarks: Robertson (1978) erected the ge- 
nus Boonea, to which he transferred three 
western Atlantic species (Boonea seminuda, 
B. impressa, and B. bisuturalis) from the ge- 
nus Odostomia. The reasons for removing 
them were valid, and were based on differ- 
ences (е.д., in protoconch shape, operculum 
configuration, penial complex, and in the lo- 
cation of the gonoduct aperture) between the 
Boonea species and the Odostomia species 
described by Fretter 4 Graham (1949). 

Boonea seminuda (C. B. Adams, 1839) 

Jaminia seminuda С. В. Adams, 1839: 280, 
pl. 4 (misnumbered; should be pl. 5), fig. 
13; Clench & Turner, 1950: 341, pl. 41, 
figs. 5-6 (Lectotype: MCZ 186052; type 
locality: Dartmouth Harbor, Massachu- 

Odostomia seminuda (С. В. Adams, 1839); 
Gould, 1841: 273; Perry & Schwengel, 
1955: 122-123, pl. 23, fig. 164; Andrews, 
1971: 129, no figure designation, photo 
оп р. 129; Odé & Spears, 1972: 2, fig. 3; 
Abbott, 1974: 292, fig. 3487. 

Chemnitzia seminuda (С. В. Adams); Stimp- 
son, 1851: 112 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) willisi Bartsch, 1909: 
97, 99, pl. 13, fig. 42. 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) seminuda Bartsch, 
1909: 97, pl. 13, figs. 45, 48. 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) toyatani Henderson 
8 Bartsch, 1914: 417-418, pl. 13, fig. 2. 

Boonea seminuda (C. B. Adams, 1839); Rob- 
ertson, 1978: 364, figs. 3, 10-30. 

Description: Shell (Fig. 7): Thick, conical, 
white, 6 mm in length, composed of 4-5 adult 
whorls. Each whorl with 4 spiral cords parallel 
to the whorl suture. Cords of upper whorls 
crossed by perpendicular axial ribs to give a 
cancellate or latticed appearance. Body whorl 
50% of shell length and only upper one-half of 
spiral cords crossed by axial ribs (Fig. 7A). 
Intersection of ribs and cords delineate a se- 
ries of deep, rectangular depressions. Whorl 
sutures and grooves between spiral cords 
striated. Auricular aperture ovate, with thick, 
scalloped outer lip and fluted base. Single, 
prominent, acute columellar fold on upper half 
of columella perpendicular to the columella 
axis (Fig. 7B). Smooth, sinistrally heteros- 
trophic protoconch oriented 120° to teleo- 
conch axis, submerged 40-45% in first adult 
whorl, with earliest portion of protoconch par- 
tially exposed (Fig. 7С-Е). Operculum brown, 
auricular, paucispiral, with subcentric nu- 
cleus, but lacking a notch to accommodate 
columellar fold (Fig. 7F, G). 

Head-foot (Fig. 10A): Opaque, lentiginous 
with scattered white cells (particularly abun- 
dant on head posterior to eyes). Anterior 
portion of foot with slight medial indenta- 
tion and rounded lateral edges. Foot nar- 
rowing posterior to propodium, then widen- 
ing to gradually taper to a blunt apex. Pedal 
gland opening at anterior ends of medial 
groove on ventral surface of foot. Attach- 


ment thread present. Tentacles subtriangu- 
lar, connate, ventro-laterally folded; tentacu- 
lar pads present. Black eyes beneath epithe- 
lium on median side of tentacles. Mentum 
unnotched, not bifurcate (Fig. 11A). Digestive 
tissue cells of the visceral mass light brown 
(with black flecks), yellow to light orange 
(with brown flecks), or light grey (with black 
flecks). Reproductive organs opaque to 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 8B): п the retracted 
condition, the introvert-proboscis extends 
posteriorly from its aperture on the ventral 
side of the head, dorsal to the mentum base 
to enter the cephalic hemocoel. Introvert join- 
ing buccal sac, which is connected to buccal 
pump. Buccal pump divided into anterior 
(bp1) and posterior sections (bp2), with bp1 
one and one-half times longer than bp2; bp1 
narrow, round in cross-section, thickened 
along the last one-third of its length; bp2 
wider, laterally flattened, distally rounded. 
Long, coiled esophagus, with irregular sur- 
face, originating on the ventral surface of the 
alimentary tract at bp1-bp2 juncture, extend- 
ing into visceral mass and joining stomach. 
Convoluted salivary gland ducts penetrating 
alimentary tract immediately anterior to bp1- 
bp2 juncture, extending parallel to one an- 
other within the walls of bp1, and entering 
stylet bulb without exiting gut. Salivary 
glands not attached distally to esophagus. 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1A): Mantle and mantle 
organs typical for members of Odostominae. 
Mantle edge finely crenulate. Ventral and 
dorsal ciliated strips joining on mantle roof at 
posterior end of mantle cavity. Small, oblong 
pigmented mantle organ composed primarily 
of cells filled with bright yellow exudate and a 
few cells containing clear, brown, and green 
contents; exudate released when snail is dis- 
turbed (Table 5). Small pink, white, or light 
orange ventral ciliated strip gland underlying 
20-25% of the ventral ciliated strip. Gill ab- 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids examined (Fig. 5B). Penis in pocket 
outside and ventral to nerve ring (Fig. 12A). 
Penis with small, rounded anterior end, nar- 
rowing, then widening to become large and 
bulbous posteriorly. Penis attached anteriorly 
and posteriorly to floor of its pocket by mus- 
cle fibers. Anterior penial opening extending 
posteriorly into a cavity framed by a single 
layer of heavily ciliated cuboidal cells. In 
some specimens, this cavity filled with a 
brown, glandular substance. Penis opening 

to outside via a medial aperture beneath 
mentum. Producing uncuticularized sper- 
matophores attached to right posterior sec- 
tion of neck prior to exchange with a mate 
(Robertson, 1978). 

Nervous system: Typical for known pyra- 
midellids (Fig. 6A). 

Ecology and Distribution: Boonea seminuda 
occurs from Prince Edward Island, Canada, 
south to Florida and Texas (Robertson, 1978) 
and has several different hosts within its range 
(Robertson, 1978; Robertson & Mau-Lasto- 
vicka, 1979). This species is known to spawn 
from mid-June to early October in Massachu- 
setts and early July and August in North Caro- 
lina (Robertson, 1978). Egg masses have also 
been found in North Carolina coastal waters in 
January (Wells & Wells, 1961). 

Boonea cincta (Carpenter, 1864) 

Chrysallida cincta Carpenter, 1864: 659, no 
fig. (Holotype: USNM 15730, type local- 
ity: Santa Barbara, California). 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) cincta (Carpenter); 
Dall & Bartsch, 1909: 152-153, pl. 15: fig. 
2, 2a; Abbott, 1974: 293 fig. 3495; LaFol- 
lette 1977: 19, 21, 22, figs. 1-4. 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) vicola Dall & Bartsch, 
1909: 153, pl. 16, fig. 11 (Holotype: 
USNM 206899; type locality: San Pedro 
Bay, California). 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) hipolitensis Dall & 
Bartsch, 1909: 155, pl. 16, fig. 8 (Holo- 
type: USNM 162770; type locality: Punta 
San Hipólito, Baja California Sur). 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) риса Dall & 
Bartsch, 1909: 160, pl. 16, figs. 10-10а 
(Holotype: USNM 1627630; type locality: 
San Pedro, California). 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) promeces Dall & 
Bartsch, 1909: 164, pl. 18, fig. 2 (Holo- 
type: USNM 162777; type locality: Bahía 
Todos Santos, Baja California). 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) pulcherrima Dall 8 
Bartsch, 1909: 164, pl. 17, fig. 7 (Holo- 
type: USNM 206900; type locality: Ter- 
minal Island, California). 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) утса Dall 8 
Bartsch, 1909: 165, pl. 17, fig. 4 (Holo- 
type: USNM 162726; type locality: San 
Pedro, California). 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) santorium Dall & 
Bartsch, 1909: 167, pl. 18, fig. 1 (Holo- 
type: USNM 46499; type locality: Punta 
San Hipólito, Baja California Sur). 

490 WISE 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) sapia Dall 8 Bartsch, 
1909: 167, pl. 18, figs. 3, 3a (Holotype: 
USNM 162775; type locality San Diego, 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) deceptrix Dall 8 
Bartsch, 1909: 169, pl. 17, fig. 1 (Holo- 
type: USNM 206904; type locality: Punta 
Abreojos, Baja California Sur). 

Odostomia (Chrysallida) contrerasi Baker, 
Hanna 4 Strong, 1928: 231, pl. 12, fig. 13 
(Holotype: CASIZ 066090; type locality: 
“Gulf of California”). 

Remarks: | examined the holotypes of B. 
cincta and all of its synonyms listed above 
and determined that they are all conspecific. 
This decision was based on the work of La- 
Follette (1977), who showed that the shell 
sculpture of C. cincta can be smooth or can- 
cellate, as exemplified by the sculpture of 
the forms named Odostomia santorium and 
O. promeces respectively. 

Boonea cincta, formerly Chrysallida cincta, 
is anatomically very similar to Boonea sem- 
inuda the type species of the genus. | have 
not examined Chrysallida torrita, the type 
species of Chrysallida; therefore, it 1$ not 
possible to determine if Boonea is a synonym 
of the older name Chrysallida. 

Description: Shell (Fig. 9): Thick, conical, 
white, 4 mm in length, composed of 3-4 adult 
whorls. Upper whorls with 4 spiral cords par- 
allel to suture. Upper 3 cords crossed by per- 
pendicular axial ribs to give a cancellate or 
latticed appearance, while fourth cord 1$ 
smooth (Fig. 9A, C). Body whorl 50% of shell 
length, with only upper one-half of spiral cords 
crossed by axial ribs (Fig. 9A). Intersection of 
ribs and cords delineate a series of deep rect- 
angular depressions. Whorl sutures and 
grooves between spiral cords striated. Auric- 
ular aperture ovate, with thick, scalloped 
outer lip. Single, prominent, acute columellar 
fold on upper half of the columella, perpen- 
dicular to the columella axis. Protoconch 
smooth, dextrally heterostrophic, oriented 
130° to teleoconch axis, submerged 30-35% 
in first adult whorl, with earliest portion of pro- 
toconch completely submerged (Fig. 9B-E). 
Operculum, brown, auricular, paucispiral, 
with subcentric nucleus, but lacking a notch 
to accommodate columellar fold (Figs. 9F, С). 

Head-foot: Opaque with scattered white 
cells. Anterior portion of foot (= propodium) 
with slight medial indentation and rounded 
lateral edges. Foot narrowing posterior to 

propodium, then widening to gradually taper 
to a blunt posterior apex. Pedal gland open- 
ing at posterior end of ventral surface of foot. 
Attachment thread present. Tentacles subtri- 
angular, ventro-laterally folded, joining ante- 
riorly across midline (= connate); tentacular 
pads present. Black eyes beneath epithelium 
on median side of tentacles. Mentum un- 
notched, not bifurcate (Fig. 11A). Visceral 
mass of yellow and orange (with flecks of 
brown) digestive tissue cells, translucent to 
transparent reproductive organs. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 8A): Retracted intro- 
vert-proboscis extending posteriorly from its 
aperture on the ventral side of the head, dor- 
sal to the mentum base and entering cephalic 
hemocoel. Introvert joining the buccal sac, 
which is connected to buccal pump. Buccal 
pump divided into anterior (bp1) and poste- 
rior sections (bp2) of equal length; bp1 nar- 
row, round in cross-section; bp2 wider, lat- 
erally flattened, distally rounded. Esophagus 
originating on ventral surface of alimentary 
tract at bp1-bp2 juncture, extending into the 
visceral mass, where it joins the stomach. 
Esophagus long, coiled, with an irregular or 
tuberculate surface. Salivary gland ducts 
penetrating alimentary tract immediately an- 
terior to bp1-bp2 juncture, extending parallel 
to one another within its walls, entering stylet 
bulb without exiting gut. Salivary glands not 
attached distally to alimentary tract. 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1A): Mantle and mantle 
organs typical for members of the Odostom- 
inae. Mantle edge finely crenulate. Ventral 
and dorsal ciliated strips joining on mantle 
roof at posterior end of mantle cavity. Small, 
oblong pigmented mantle organ composed 
primarily of cells filled with bright yellow ex- 
udate and a few cells containing brown, or- 
ange, or red contents; exudate released 
when the snail is disturbed (Table 5). Small, 
cream-colored gland beneath ventral ciliated 
strip extending posteriorly from anterior edge 
of ventral ciliated strip to 20-25% of strip’s 
length. Gill absent. 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids examined in this study (Fig. 5B). Pe- 
nial complex unknown. Egg masses contain 
approximately 25-35 eggs laid in irregular 
gelatinous mass on host. 

Nervous system: Typical of known pyra- 
midellids (Fig. 6A). 

Ecology and Distribution: Boonea cincta 1$ a 
common eastern Pacific species, occurring 
from Santa Barbara to the Gulf of California. 


It parasitizes a number of gastropods (e.g., 
Norrisia norrisi, Astraea undosa, and A. gib- 
berosa; LaFollette, 1977) and can often be 
found on the dorsal surface of the operculum 
of the trochid Tegula eiseni (LaFollette, 1977; 
this study). This species’ shell was first de- 
scribed based on a single, probably imma- 
ture, specimen collected at Santa Barbara, 
California (Carpenter, 1864). The shell sculp- 
ture of B. cincta varies from highly cancellate 
to almost entirely smooth (LaFollette, 1977). 
Living snails collected for this study were all 
cancellate. This species undergoes direct de- 
velopment (veliger stage at approximately ten 
days within the cocoon) with juveniles leaving 
the egg mass at about 27 days (LaFollette, 

Genus Odostomia Fleming, 1813 

Odostomia Fleming, 1813: 76. Type-species: 
Turbo plicata Montagu, 1803, by original 

Diagnosis: Shell white or yellowish, short, 
conical, 3-5 mm in length, with 4-6 adult 
whorls. Whorls smooth to cancellate. Body 
whorl 50-60% of shell length. Umbilicus small 
or absent. Protoconch smooth, dextrally or 
sinistrally heterostrophic oriented 120-150° 
to teleoconch, partially submerged in first 
adult whorl. Aperture ovate, with single acute 
columella fold. Operculum brown, ovate, pau- 
cispiral, with subcentric nucleus. Head-foot 
white, with numerous opaque white cells (es- 
pecially on tentacles and sides of head). Foot 
narrowing posterior to propodium, widening 
and then becoming attenuate posteriorly. 
Pedal gland producing attachment thread. 
Tentacles subtriangular, connate, ventro-lat- 
erally folded; tentacular pads present. Eyes 
subepithelial on median side of tentacles. 
Mentum unnotched, not bifurcate. Introvert- 
proboscis aperture on ventral side of head, 
dorsal to mentum base. Introvert joining buc- 
са! sac, which is composed of sucker, mouth, 
sheathed stylet with separate opening, oral 
tube, and stylet bulb. Buccal sac joining buc- 
cal pump, which is divided into anterior (bp1) 
and posterior sections (bp2). Esophagus orig- 
inating on ventral surface of bp1-bp2 junc- 
ture. Salivary gland ducts entering alimentary 
tract and extending parallel to one another 
within walls of bp1. Just posterior to buccal 
sac, ducts exiting alimentary tract and enter- 
ing stylet bulb. 

Remarks: The genus Odostomia is one of four 
genera recognized by Dall & Bartsch (1904, 
1909) to which they assigned 40 subgenera 
on the basis of a small number of convergent 
shell characters (Abbott, 1974). 

Odostomia babylonia (C. B. Adams, 1845) 

Cheminitzia babylonia C. B. Adams, 1845: 6; 
Clench & Turner, 1950: 259 (type lost, 
fide Clench & Turner; type locality: Ja- 

Odostomia (Cingulina) babylonica [sic] (C. B. 
Adams); Bush, 1899: 176. 

Odostomia (Cingulina) babylonica [sic] (C. B. 
Adams); Verrill & Bush, 1900: 534, pl. 65, 
fig. 11. 

Odostomia (Miralda) judithae Usticke, 1959: 
86-87, pl. 4, fig. 16, (Holotype: AMNH 
198476, type locality: Sugar Bay, St. 
Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands). 

Cingulina judithae (Usticke); Usticke, 1969: 

Pyramidelloides judithae (Usticke); Usticke, 
1971: 28. 

Cingulina babylonia (C. B. Adams); Abbott, 
1974: 301; DeJong & Coomans, 1988: 
120, pl. 19; fig. 637. 

Liamorpha babylonia (C. B. Adams); Faber, 
1988: 81. 

Remarks: Abbott (1974: 301), DeJong 4 
Coomans (1988: 20) and Faber (1988: 81) all 
considered Odostomia judithae Utiscke to be 
a junior synonym of O. babylonia С. В. Adams. 
Although Adams’ type material is lost, his de- 
scription of this highly sculptured species is 
unmistakable. Moreover, this species was ac- 
curately figured by Verrill & Bush (1900). 

Description: Shell (Fig. 13): Polished, trans- 
parent, conical, 2 mm in length, composed of 
3-4 adult whorls (Fig. 13A). Whorls posterior 
to body whorl with two strong spiral cords: 
one subsutural (a part ofthe shoulder at each 
suture) and one equally dividing each whorl. 
Numerous, irregular ridges perpendicular to 
shoulder edge and often extending to the 
suture (Fig. 13B). Body whorl 50% of shell 
length. Each whorl with tightly spaced, lay- 
ered, nearly orthocline growth lines that are 
crossed by numerous microscopic spiral lines 
(Fig. 13B). Aperture ovate, thick, ribbed at 
outer lip. Single, prominent, acute columellar 
fold on upper half of the columella, perpen- 

492 WISE 

dicular to columella axis. Protoconch smooth, 
sinistrally heterostrophic, oriented 120° to te- 
leoconch, submerged 30-35% in first adult 
whorl, with earliest portion of protoconch par- 
tially exposed (Fig. 13С-Е). Operculum light 
brown, lenticular, paucispiral, with a subcen- 
tric nucleus. Operculum lacking notch to ac- 
commodate columellar fold (Fig. 13F, G). 

Head-foot (Fig. 10B): White and opaque 
to translucent. Anterior portion of foot with 
slight medial indentation and rounded an- 
tero-lateral edges. Foot narrowing posterior 
to propodium, widening, becoming posteri- 
orly attenuate. Pedal gland opening medial- 
ly on posterior end of ventral surface of 
foot. Attachment thread present. Aggregate 
of large, white subepithelial cells lying just 
anterior to operculum. Tentacles subtriangu- 
lar, connate, ventro-laterally folded; tentacu- 
lar pads present. Eyes black, large, round, 
subepidermal close together on median side 
of tentacles. Mentum unnotched attached to 
foot laterally, not bifurcate (Fig. 11B). Visceral 
mass of pale orange, light brown, dark blue, 
or burgundy digestive tissue cells and 
opaque reproductive organs. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 8C): Retracted intro- 
vert-proboscis extending posteriorly from its 
aperture on the ventral side of the head, dor- 
sal to the mentum base and entering the 
cephalic hemocoel. Introvert joining buccal 
sac, which is connected to buccal pump. 
Buccal pump is divided into anterior (bp1) 
and posterior sections (bp2); bp1 elongate 
spherical; bp2 one and one-half times length 
of bp1, wider, oblong, circular in cross-sec- 
tion. Esophagus originating on the ventral 
surface of alimentary tract at bp1-bp2 junc- 
ture, extending into the visceral mass to join 
stomach. Esophagus long, coiled, with a tu- 
berculate surface. Short, uncoiled salivary 
gland ducts penetrating alimentary tract at 
the distal end of bp1. Ducts extending paral- 
lel to one another within the walls of bp1, 
exiting the alimentary tract immediately pos- 
terior to buccal sac and entering stylet bulb. 
Salivary glands not attached distally to ali- 
mentary tract. 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1А): Mantle and mantle 
organs as in other Odostominae. Mantle 
edge finely crenulate. Ventral and dorsal cil- 
iated strips joining on mantle roof at posterior 
end of mantle cavity. Small, oblong pig- 
mented mantle organ composed primarily of 
large cells containing bright yellow exudate 
and a few cells filled with brown, red, or black 
contents; exudate released when the snail is 

disturbed (Table 5). Cream-colored, ventral 
ciliated strip gland extending posteriorly from 
beneath the anterior edge of the ventral cili- 
ated strip to 20-25% of the strip’s length. Gill 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids examined this study (Fig. 5B). Pe- 
nial complex unknown. 

Nervous system: Typical of known pyra- 
midellids (Fig. 6A). 

Ecology and Distribution: Odostomia babylo- 
та is found littorally to just sublittorally, in- 
habiting the underside of embedded rocks 
and coral rubble, from West Indies (Abbott, 
1974: 301). Host unknown. 

Odostomia didyma Verrill & Bush, 1900 

Odostomia (Cyclodostomia) didyma Мег! € 
Bush, 1900: 533, pl. 65, fig. 14. (Holo- 
type: PM 15706; type locality: Bermuda). 

Odostomia didyma Мет! 8 Bush; DeJong 4 
Coomans, 1988: 122, pl. 19, fig. 641. 

Description: Shell (Fig. 14): Vitreous, thick, 
conic, 2 mm in length, composed of 3-4 adult 
whorls. Whorls with thick spiral cord just 
above suture. Sloping subsutural shelf ventral 
to each suture (Fig. 14C). Body whorl 50% of 
shell length. Entire shell etched by micro- 
scopic prosocline growth lines. Aperture 
rhomboid with thick, basally flared outer lip. 
Single, prominent, acute columellar fold on 
upper half of the columella, perpendicular to 
columella axis. Protoconch smooth, dextrally 
heterostrophic, oriented 130° to teleoconch, 
submerged 30-35% in first adult whorl, with 
earliest portion of protoconch completely 
submerged (Fig. 14B-E). Operculum light 
brown, lenticular, paucispiral, with subcentric 
nucleus. Operculum lacking notch to accom- 
modate columellar fold (Figs. 14F, G). 
Head-foot (Fig. 10C): Transparent to 
opaque. Golden-yellow pigmentation present 
on dorsal periphery of foot, mantle floor par- 
allel to dorsal ventral ciliated strip, and the 
length of tentacles laterally. White cells, al- 
though scattered around head-foot, concen- 
trated just posterior to eyes. Anterior portion 
of foot with sharp antero-lateral projections 
and deep medial indentation. Foot constrict- 
ing immediately behind propodium, widen- 
ing, narrowing again and tapering to a blunt 
posterior apex. Pedal gland opening in mid- 
die of a groove extending along the posterior 


half of ventral surface of the foot. Attachment 
thread present. Tentacles long, subtriangu- 
lar, connate, ventro-laterally folded; tentacu- 
lar pads present. Eyes black, subepithelial, 
bean-shaped lying close together on median 
side of tentacles. Mentum very short, un- 
notched, not bifurcate, with lateral attach- 
ments nearly even with its anterior edge (Fig. 
11C). Visceral mass composed of brown, 
grey, black, or burgundy digestive tissue 
cells and opaque reproductive organs. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 8D): Retracted intro- 
vert-proboscis extending posteriorly from its 
aperture on the ventral side of the head, dor- 
sal to the mentum base to enter cephalic 
hemocoel. Introvert joining buccal sac, which 
is connected to buccal pump. Buccal pump 
divided into anterior (bp1) and posteri- 
or sections (bp2); bp1 elongate, spherical; 
bp2 one and one-half times length of the 
bp1, wider, oblong, circular in cross-section. 
Esophagus originating on alimentary tract at 
juncture of bp1-bp2, and extending posteri- 
orly to join the stomach within the visceral 
mass. Esophagus long, coiled, with irregular 
surface. Salivary gland ducts penetrating al- 
imentary tract at distal end of bp1, continuing 
anteriorly and parallel to one another within 
the walls of the bp1, entering the stylet bulb 
without exiting alimentary tract. Salivary 
glands not attached distally to alimentary 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1А): Mantle and mantle 
organs as in other Odostominae. Mantle 
edge finely crenulate. Ventral and dorsal cil- 
iated strips joining on mantle roof at posterior 
end of mantle cavity. Small, oblong pig- 
mented mantle organ composed primarily of 
dark and variably colored cells filled with a 
combination of: (a) yellow, black, red, and or- 
ange, (5) yellow and dark brown, or (с) yellow, 
brown, red or black contents. Snail exuding a 
large amount of bright yellow exudate when 
disturbed (Table 5). Cream-colored gland be- 
neath ventral ciliated strip extending posteri- 
orly from the strip’s anterior edge to 20-25% 
its length. Gill absent. 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids in this study (Fig. 5B). Penial com- 
plex unknown. Producing cuticularized sper- 
matophores, that, while commonly attached 
by their bulbous end to the parietal wall of the 
shell, were also seen attached to operculum 
and immediately inside the shell's aperture. 
Fresh spermatophores golden-brown. 

Nervous system: Characteristic of known 
pyramidellids (Fig. 6A). 

Ecology and Distribution: Odostomia didyma 
is found intertidally to subtidally on the un- 
derside of embedded rocks and coral rubble, 
from Bermuda to Curacao, Netherlands An- 
tilles (Dejong 4 Coomans, 1988). Host un- 

Subfamily Sayellinae, new subfamily 

Genus Sayella Dall, 1885 

Sayella Dall, 1885: 286. Type-species: Leu- 
сота hemphillii Dall, 1884, by original 

Diagnosis: Shell brown, pupoid to elongate- 
pupoid, with subsutural white band, 4-5 mm 
in length, with 4-5 adult whorls. Sides of 
whorls convex to straight. Body whorl 40- 
50% of shell length. Umbilicus absent. Pro- 
toconch smooth, dextrally heterostrophic, 
partially submerged in first adult whorl, ori- 
ented 140” to teleoconch. Aperture auricular, 
with single columellar fold originating basally 
on columella, extending at an oblique angle to 
upper half of the columella. Operculum light 
brown, lenticular, with subcentric nucleus. 
Head-foot and mantle darkly pigmented. Foot 
broad anteriorly, tapering posteriorly to blunt 
point. Attachment thread absent. Tentacles 
stout, cylindrical, not connate; tentacular 
pads absent. Eyes black subepithelial, on me- 
dian side of tentacles. Mentum emarginate, 
short, with shallow longitudinal medial cleft. 
Introvert-proboscis aperture medial at ante- 
rior mentum tip. Introvert joining buccal sac 
posteriorly; buccal sac composed of sucker, 
sheathed stylet, mouth-stylet aperture, and 
stylet bulb. Buccal sac extending posteriorly 
to join buccal pump, which is divided into 
anterior (bp1) and posterior sections (bp2). 
Anterior esophagus originating at ventral sur- 
face of buccal pump, continuing posteriorly 
to join posterior esophagus and paired sali- 
vary glands, forming a four-way junction. Sal- 
ivary gland ducts attached to exterior of 
esophagus. Anterior to anterior esophagus- 
buccal pump junction, ducts detached and 
entering stylet bulb. Salivary glands attached 
distally to alimentary tract. Anteriorly tapered, 
hooded penis outside and ventral to nerve 

Remarks: Dall (1883) originally believed S. 
hemphillii to be a freshwater ellobiid and as- 
signed it to the genus [еисота. Later, Dall 
(1885) placed this species and $. crosseana 

494 WISE 

(Dall, 1885) in his new subgenus Sayella within 
the genus Melampus Montfort, 1810. Subse- 
quently, Sayella was transferred to the Pyra- 
midellidae by Morrison (1939) based on his 
study of S. chesapeakea Morrison, 1939. 

Sayella hemphillii (Dall, 1884) 

Leuconia hemphillii Dall, 1884: 323, pl. 10, 
fig. 6. (Holotype: USNM 36016; type lo- 
cality: Cedar Key, Florida). 

Melampus (Sayella) hemphillii (Dall); Dall, 
1885: 286, pl. 18, fig. 11. 

Sayella livida Rehder, 1935: 129, pl. 7, fig. 7; 
Abbott, 1974: 300, fig. 3649 (Holotype: 
USNM 125556; type locality: Corpus 
Christi Bay, Texas); Harry, 1984: 68-70, 
72, 74: 

Odostomia (Syrnola) cf. livida Rehder, 1935; 
Andrews, 1977: 127-128, unnumbered 


Synonymic Remarks: Rehder (1935) noted 
that the shells of S. /ivida and S. hemphillii are 
very similar and suggested that examination 
of more specimens may show that the two are 
conspecific. Examination of the $. livida ho- 
lotype and material collected in Florida indi- 
cates that they are, in fact, the same species. 

Description: Shell (Fig. 15): Elongate pupoid 
(Fig. 15A) to pupoid (Fig. 15B), dark red- 
brown, with whitish subsutural band at each 
whorl, 4-5 mm in length, composed of 4-5 
convex whorls. Adult whorls with numerous 
microscopic, orthocline growth lines (Fig. 
15D). Sutures shallow, simple. Body whorls 
40-50% of shell length. In older individuals, 
upper whorls and protoconch etched, pitted 
or extensively eroded (Fig. 15A). Aperture 
ovate in young specimens, elongate-ovate in 
mature snails. Single columellar fold originat- 
ing at base of columella, extending at an ob- 
lique angle to upper half of columella (Fig. 
15C). Protoconch smooth, dextrally heteros- 
trophic, oriented 140° to teleoconch, sub- 
merged 50-55% in adult shell, with earliest 
portion of protoconch completely submerged 
(Fig. 15D, E). Operculum light brown, lentic- 
ular, with subcentric nucleus (Fig. 15G, H), 
lacking notch to accommodate columellar 

Head-foot (Fig. 16A): Generally heavily pig- 
mented giving snail a “sooty” appearance 
(although a few snails were only lightly pig- 
mented). White to opaque cells between eyes 
and scattered throughout dorsal surface of 

foot. Anterior edge of foot convex, with slight 
rounded lateral projections. Foot narrowing 
posterior to propodium, widening, ending in 
bluntly attenuated tip. Attachment thread ab- 
sent. Tentacles cylindrical, stout, not con- 
nate; tentacular pads absent. Eyes black, 
subepithelial, round, on median side of ten- 
tacles. Mentum emarginate, short, anteriorly 
rounded, with shallow longitudinal medial 
cleft (Fig. 11H). Visceral mass composed of 
grey, black, or light brown digestive tissue 
cells and transparent to translucent repro- 
ductive structures. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 17A): Retracted intro- 
vert-proboscis extending posteriorly from its 
medial aperture at the anterior mentum tip to 
enter the cephalic hemocoel and join the 
buccal sac. Buccal sac continuing posteriorly 
to buccal pump, which is divided into anterior 
(bp1) and posterior sections (bp2); bp1 two 
times the length of the laterally flattened bp2. 
Anterior esophagus originating on ventral 
surface of alimentary tract at bp1-bp2 junc- 
ture. Anterior esophagus joining posterior 
esophagus and paired salivary glands to 
form a four-way junction. Posterior esopha- 
gus widening posterior to four-way junction 
and extending into visceral mass to join the 
stomach. Salivary gland ducts arranged in 
tight folds affixed to exterior of anterior 
esophagus, extending anteriorly, leaving an- 
terior esophagus at esophagus-buccal pump 
junction, straightening and entering stylet 
bulb. Salivary glands attached distally to ali- 
mentary tract at posterior esophagus. 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1A, C): Mantle and man- 
tle organs typical for pyramidellids. Mantle 
edge scalloped. Iridescent ventral and dorsal 
ciliated strips joining on the mantle roof at 
posterior end of mantle cavity. Small, oblong 
pigmented mantle organ composed primarily 
of transparent and white cells, with a few 
scattered cells filled with red, yellow, and or- 
ange contents (Fig. 1A). Pigmented mantle 
organ producing no exudate. Gland beneath 
ventral ciliated strip underlying entire ventral 
ciliated strip, darkly pigmented, with a few 
scattered red cells, producing and exuding 
copious milky-blue exudate (Table 5). 
Cream-colored kidney visible through trans- 
parent dorsal pallial roof, because the mantle 
area above this organ unpigmented. Gill ab- 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids in this study (Fig. 5B). Penis within 
head just anterior and ventral to nerve ring 
(Fig. 12B). Penis in a pocket that opens me- 


dially and ventral to mentum base. Elongate 
anterior section of penis cylindrical, with a 
subapical swelling that narrows to form a 
short terminal nipple. Anterior portion framed 
posteriorly by large, pleated fleshy hood that 
contains numerous glandular cells. Penis an- 
chored to pocket posteriorly and at base of 
hood by muscle and connective tissue. 

Nervous system: Typical for known pyra- 
midellids (Fig. 6A). 

Ecology and Distribution: Sayella hemphillii 
occurs intertidally to subtidal in the surface 
layers of sand and mud flats in the Gulf of 
Mexico along the coast Texas and west Flor- 
ida (Abbott, 1974). In this study, $. hemphillii 
were collected at Cedar Key, Florida, in areas 
with large concentrations of the polychaete 
Onuphis magna, which is a possible host. 

Genus Petitella, new genus 

Type-species: Melampus (Sayella) crosseana 
Dall, 1885: 286, here designated. 

Diagnosis: Shell pupoid to elongate pupoid, 
semitransparent and yellow brown around 
lower periphery of body whorl, 3-4 mm in 
length, composed of 4-5 straight to slightly 
convex adult whorls. Whorls with numerous, 
nearly orthocline microscopic growth lines. 
Body whorl 50% of shell length. Protoconch 
smooth, dextrally heterostrophic, submerged 
50-55% in first adult whorl, oriented 140- 
145” to teleoconch, with earliest portion of 
protoconch completely submerged. Aperture 
elongate-ovate, with thin outer lip slightly 
flared basally. Single, columella fold originat- 
ing at base of columella, extending obliquely 
to upper half of the columella. Parietal wall 
dark golden-brown. Operculum tan, auricular, 
with subcentric nucleus. Head-foot opaque to 
transparent, with white cells concentrated at 
mentum. Foot with broad anterior and slightly 
convex rounded lateral edges, tapering pos- 
teriorly to blunt apex. Attachment thread ab- 
sent. Tentacles stubby, cylindrical, rounded 
apically, not connate; tentacular pads absent. 
Eyes black subepithelial, spherical, on me- 
dian side of tentacles. Mentum emarginate, 
antero-laterally rounded with medial longitu- 
dinal cleft. Introvert-proboscis aperture at an- 
terior tip of mentum. Introvert joining buccal 
sac, which is composed of sucker, sheathed 
stylet, mouth/stylet aperture, and stylet bulb. 
Long, undifferentiated buccal pump posterior 
to buccal sac. Buccal pump without blind sac 

or caecum. Esophagus extending posteriorly, 
entering visceral mass and joining stomach. 
Salivary gland ducts penetrating alimentary 
tract at stylet bulb. Salivary glands attached 
distally to alimentary tract at anterior portion 
of esophagus. Retracted penis folded within 
pocket that opens ventro-medially to mentum 
outside and ventral to the nerve ring. 

Petitella crosseana (Dall, 1885) 

Melampus (Sayella) crosseana Dall, 1885: 
286, pl. 18, fig. 10. (Holotype: USNM 
37613; type locality: Egmont Key, Flor- 

Sayella crosseana (Dall); Abbott, 1974: 300. 

Remarks: Petitella crosseana was originally 
assigned to the genus Sayella on the basis of 
shell characters. Anatomically, P. crosseana 
is unlike any known sayellids (e.g., Sayella 
hemphillii) or for that matter any known pyra- 
midellids. Consequently, | propose that it be 
placed т a new genus. Etymology: Petitella 15 
named for Richard E. Petit in recognition of his 
contributions to malacology. 

Description: Shell (Fig. 18): Polished, semi- 
transparent, pupoid to elongate pupoid, yel- 
low brown around lower periphery of body 
whorl (Fig. 18A), 3-4 mm in length, composed 
of 4-5 straight to slightly convex adult whorls. 
Whorls with numerous, nearly orthocline mi- 
croscopic growth lines (Figs. 18B, C). Body 
whorl 50% of shell length. Upper adult whorls 
and protoconch often eroded and pitted. Ap- 
erture elongate-ovate, with thin outer lip 
slightly flared basally. Single, columella fold 
originating at base of columella, extending 
obliquely to upper half of columella. Parietal 
wall dark golden-brown. Protoconch smooth, 
dextrally heterostrophic, submerged 50-55% 
in first adult whorl, oriented 140-145” to te- 
leoconch, with earliest portion of protoconch 
completely submerged (Fig. 18С-Е). Opercu- 
lum tan, auricular, with subcentric nucleus 
(Fig. 16F,G): 

Head-foot (16B): Opaque to transparent, 
with white cells concentrated at mentum. An- 
terior portion of short foot broad, slightly con- 
vex, with rounded lateral edges. Foot taper- 
ing posteriorly to blunt apex. Attachment 
thread absent. Tentacles cylindrical, stubby, 
rounded apically, not connate; tentacu- 
lar pads absent. Eyes black, subepithelial, 
spherical, on median side of tentacles. Men- 

496 WISE 

tum emarginate, antero-laterally rounded, 
with medial longitudinal cleft (Fig. 111). Vis- 
ceral mass of white-opaque reproductive or- 
gans and a distinctive branching network of 
brown to black digestive tissue cells, this net- 
work generally arranged perpendicular to the 
coiling axis of the visceral mass and visible 
through shell. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 17B): When retracted, 
introvert-proboscis extending posteriorly 
from its medial aperture at anterior tip of 
mentum to enter cephalic hemocoel and join 
buccal sac. Long, undifferentiated muscular 
conduit posterior to buccal sac functioning 
as buccal pump. Buccal pump without blind 
sac or caecum. Esophagus extending poste- 
riorly, entering the visceral mass and joining 
stomach. Salivary gland ducts penetrating al- 
imentary tract at stylet bulb. Salivary glands 
attached distally to alimentary tract at ante- 
rior portion of esophagus. 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1A, C): Mantle and man- 
tle organs as in other pyramidellids. Mantle 
edge finely scalloped. Small, oblong, pig- 
mented mantle organ containing either large 
cells filled with a bright yellow exudate and a 
few cells containing orange contents, or cells 
with black contents and a small number of 
cells filled with a white exudate. Pigmented 
mantle organ secreting a light blue exudate 
when snail disturbed (Table 5). Gland be- 
neath ventral ciliated strip composed mostly 
of large white cells mixed with a few black 
cells, extending the length of the ventral cili- 
ated strip. Gill absent. 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids herein (Fig. 5B). Penis outside and 
ventral to the nerve ring. Retracted penis 
folded within a pocket that opens ventro-me- 
dially to mentum (Fig. 12C). Posterior end an- 
chored to floor of pocket by several retractor 
muscles. Penis anteriorly attenuate, posteri- 
orly bulbous. Shallow dorsal groove extends 
posteriorly from penis anterior to one-half pe- 
nis length. 

Nervous system: Characteristic of known 
pyramidellids (Fig. 6A). 

Ecology and Distribution: Petitella crosseana 
occurs intertidally to subtidally in the surface 
layers of mud and sand flats in the Gulf of 
Mexico along the coast of Texas and west 
Florida (Abbott, 1974), and in the Atlantic, 
South Carolina (Merrill & Petit, 1965) to Florida 
(present study), south to the West Indies (Ab- 
bott, 1974). Host unknown. 

Subfamily Pyramidellinae Gray, 1840 
Genus Pyramidella Lamarck, 1799 

Obeliscus Humphrey, 1797: 24. [Rejected 
work, 1.C.Z.N. Opinion 51]. 

Pyramidella Lamarck, 1799: 76. Type-spe- 
cies: Trochus dolabratus Linnaeus, 
1758, by monotypy. 

Pyramidellus Montfort, 1810: 499. Type spe- 
cies: Trochus dolabratus Linnaeus, 
1758, by monotypy. 

Aphalista Laseron, 1959: 1876. Type species: 
Pyramidella mitralis A. Adams, 1853, by 
original designation. 

Diagnosis: Shell elongate-conical, porcella- 
neous, generally white or brown, with or with- 
out bands or spots, reaching 50 mm in length. 
Sides of whorls convex to straight. Body 
whorl approximately 40% of shell length. Um- 
bilicus present. Protoconch smooth, sinis- 
trally heterostrophic protoconch oriented 
120-125° to teleoconch, partially submerged 
in first adult whorl. Aperture elongate-ovate, 
with one large and two smaller prominent col- 
umellar folds. Operculum brown, elongate- 
ovate, notched to accommodate largest col- 
umellar fold. Head-foot light yellow, with a 
prominent mass of white cells between and 
posterior to eyes. Foot wide anteriorly, with 
shallow medial indentation and bluntly ta- 
pered posterior apex. Attachment thread ab- 
sent. Tentacles triangular, connate, medially 
notched, laterally folded; tentacular pads ab- 
sent. Eyes black, subepithelial on median side 
of tentacles. Mentum retuse, broad anteriorly, 
with sharp antero-lateral projections and shal- 
low longitudinal groove. Introvert-proboscis 
aperture opening medially on mentum tip. 
Introvert connecting posteriorly to buccal 
sac, which is composed of sucker, sheathed 
stylet, mouth-stylet aperture and stylet bulb. 
Buccal sac joining buccal pump separated 
into very short anterior section (bp1) and very 
elongate, laterally flattened posterior section 
(bp2). Esophagus divided into anterior and 
posterior sections that, with the salivary 
glands, form a four-way junction. Salivary 
gland ducts, attached to exterior of anterior 
esophagus, extending anteriorly and entering 
stylet bulb. Salivary glands attached distally 
to alimentary tract at posterior esophagus. 
Ciliated, scoop-shaped penis, with bulbous 
posterior end outside and ventral to nerve 

Remarks: The genus Pyramidella was first 
proposed by Lamarck in 1799. Historically, 
confusion has existed over the use of Pyra- 


midella because the genus Obeliscus was of- 
ten used in its place in the older literature. 
However, the name Obeliscus is no longer 
considered available because it was pro- 
posed by Humphrey (1797), a work rejected 
for nomenclatural purposes (l.C.Z.N. Opinion 

Pyramidella sulcata (A. Adams, 1854) 

Obeliscus sulcatus A. Adams, 1854: 807, pl. 
171, fig. 34. (Holotype: BMNH 1986: 
284; type locality: Tahiti). 

Obeliscus monilis A. Adams, 1854: 806, pl. 

171, fig. 12. 

Obeliscus teres A. Adams, 1854: 807, pl. 171, 
IGS. 31. 32; 

Obeliscus tessellatus A. Adams, 1854: 808, 
ре 17 Ъ ПО. 16. 

Pyramidella pratii Bernardi, 1859: 386, pl. 13, 
19. 1. 

Pyramidella teres (A. Adams); 
1669: pl. 1,110.00: 

Pyramidella tessellatus (A. Adams); Sowerby, 
1865: pl. 1, fig. 4. 

Pyramidella sulcata (A. Adams); Tryon, 1886: 
301, pl. 72, figs. 79-83; Cernohorsky, 
19727200, pl. 57, 10.2, 23; Kay, 1979: 
413, fig. 133B. 

Wingenella pricena Laseron, 1959: 190-191, 
las: 17. 18: 

Wingenella eburnea Laseron, 1959: 190, figs. 


Synonymic Remarks: The nominal species 
Obeliscus teres A. Adams, O. tessellatus A. 
Adams, O. monilis A. Adams, were named at 
the same time as O. sulcata A. Adams. Tryon 
(1886: 301) considered the four to be con- 
specific and acted as first reviser in selecting 
O. sulcatus as the senior synonym. Pyra- 
midella pratii Bernardi, Wingenella eburnea 
Laseron, and W. pricena Laseron are also 
considered conspecific (Cernohorsky, 1972: 

Description: Shell (Fig. 19): White, polished, 
elongate-conical, with orange-brown squar- 
ish spots, 20-30 mm in length, composed of 
12-13 adult whorls. Sides of whorls convex to 
straight, with microscopic orthocline growth 
lines (Fig. 19B). Sutures deeply channeled. 
Body whorl 40% of shell length. Upper whorls 
and protoconch, often eroded and pitted (Fig. 
19F, H). Aperture elongate-ovate, with thin 
outer lip and thick columella. One large col- 
umellar fold on upper half of columella dorsal 

to two smaller folds (Fig. 19C). Columellar 
folds perpendicular to the columella axis. 
Largest columellar fold with four well-devel- 
oped ridges composed of overlapping imbri- 
cate plates (Fig. 19D, E); ridges partially worn 
or highly eroded (resorbed?) in the whorls 
above the penultimate whorl (= whorl preced- 
ing body whorl). The two smaller columellar 
folds smooth. Six to eight well-developed pal- 
atal teeth present deep inside the aperture of 
the body whorl (Fig. 19C). Rudimentary pal- 
atal teeth in various stages of ontogeny 
present immediately inside the outer lip in 
some. Protoconch smooth, sinistrally het- 
erostrophic, oriented 120% to teleoconch, 
submerged 40-45% in first adult whorl, with 
earliest portion of protoconch partially ex- 
posed (Fig. 19F, H). Operculum light brown, 
elongate-ovate, notched to fit largest col- 
umellar fold (Fig. 191). 

Head-foot (Fig. 204): Light yellow, with 
prominent clumps of subepithelial, numerous 
white cells posterior to and between eyes, on 
tentacles, mentum, and foot, particularly just 
anterior to operculum. Foot blunt posteriorly, 
widening anteriorly, narrowing, then widening 
again at slightly bifid propodium. Propodium 
with rounded antero-lateral edges. Attach- 
ment thread absent. Tentacles triangular, 
connate, medially notched, laterally folded; 
tentacular pads absent. Eyes black, subepi- 
thelial on median side of tentacles. Mentum 
retuse, with medial longitudinal groove (Fig. 
11D). Columellar muscle divided into three 
sections. Middle and longest portion, at- 
tached to columella within the penultimate 
whorl, tapering anteriorly and joining four- 
way junction of alimentary tract. Visceral 
mass composed of grey, black, brown, or 
dark red-brown digestive tissue cells and 
opaque reproductive organs. Visceral mass 
partially covered in densely packed small 
white cells. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 21A): When retracted, 
introvert-proboscis extending posteriorly 
from its medial aperture on the anterior apex 
of mentum to enter cephalic hemocoel. Intro- 
vert entering cephalic hemocoel, forming a 
tight coil, and joining the buccal sac. Buccal 
sac joining buccal pump, which is divided 
into laterally flattened posterior section (bp2), 
which is 10 times length of anterior section 
(bp1). Anterior esophagus originating on ven- 
tral surface of alimentary tract at juncture of 
bp1-bp2. Anterior esophagus stretching pos- 
teriorly, joining posterior esophagus and 
paired salivary glands to form four-way junc- 

498 WISE 

tion. Posterior esophagus narrow at four-way 
junction, widening posteriorly, extending into 
visceral mass and joining stomach. Highly 
folded, tightly packed salivary gland ducts at- 
tached to outside of anterior esophagus. 
Ducts extending from salivary glands to an- 
terior esophagus-buccal pump juncture, then 
straightening and entering stylet bulb. Sali- 
vary glands attached distally to alimentary 
tract at anterior end of posterior esophagus 
by connective tissue or muscle. There are 
two pairs of retractor muscles. The first pair 
long, extending anteriorly from that portion of 
muscular enclosure even with the buccal 
sucker, attaching to the proboscis. The sec- 
ond pair originating further anterior on the 
proboscis, where first pair terminates and 
muscular sleeve ends, continuing anteriorly 
approximately 1 mm and attaching to the 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1B): Mantle and mantle 
organs typical for the Pyramidellinae. Mantle 
edge smooth. Ventral and dorsal ciliated 
strips joining on mantle roof at posterior end 
of mantle cavity. Very large, pigmented man- 
tle organ, composed of transparent and 
opaque cells, extending posteriorly, narrow- 
ing and terminating at convergence of ventral 
and dorsal ciliated strips. Pigmented mantle 
organ secreting a very viscid, clear to opaque 
substance. Large, yellow gland beneath ven- 
tral ciliated strip extending posteriorly from 
anterior edge of ventral strip to strip's termi- 
nus. Gland composed primarily of large cells 
filled with a yellow exudate and a few cells 
containing red and white contents; bright yel- 
low exudate released when the snail dis- 
turbed (Table 5). Osphradium subtriangular, 
with numerous elliptical white cells, mostly 
concentrated on extreme left side of mantle 
roof, narrowing as it extends laterally, termi- 
nating just posterior to right mantle edge (Fig. 
6B). Small, white gland cells originating at the 
convergence of dorsal and ventral strips and 
extending anteriorly atop the middle of the 
gill to the anterior mantle edge. Gill com- 
posed of a series of grooves and ridges per- 
pendicular to and enclosed by opposing cil- 
iated strips (Fig. 4B). Individual gill filaments 
highly folded (Fig. 4C). Medial section of gill 
surface with scattered tufts of long cilia, bor- 
dered laterally by densely packed shorter 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids discussed herein (Fig. 5B). Penis in 
cavity outside and ventral to nerve ring (Fig. 
22A). Protrusile penis with sides that fold in- 

ward to form a narrow groove that extends 
length of organ. Grooved and deltoid tip of 
penis ciliated. Posterior portion of penis 
composed of bulbous halves containing 
brown glandular cells. Muscle fibers and con- 
nective tissue attached to posterior of penis 
function as retractors and anchor penis to its 
enclosure. Penis exiting the body through 
medial opening ventral to mentum. 

Nervous system: As in other pyramidellids 
(Fig. 6A), with one exception: the osphradial 
nerve bifurcating to innervate both right and 
left portions of osphradium (Fig. 6B). 

Ecology and Distribution: Pyramidella sulcata 
occurs intertidally to subtidally throughout the 
Indo-Pacific (Cernohorsky, 1972). It remains 
within the sand during the day and at night is 
epifaunal (this study). Host unknown. 

Pyramidella crenulata (Holmes, 1859) 

Pyramidella crenulata Holmes, 1859: 88, pl. 
13, figs. 14, 14a. (Holotype: AMNH 
099185; type locality: Pleistocene; South 

Pyramidella (Longchaeus) crenulata 
(Holmes); Perry & Schwengel, 1955: 118, 
pl. 23, fig. 154; Andrews, 1977: 127, un- 
numbered fig.; Abbott, 1974: 291, fig. 

Obeliscus arenosa Conrad; Tuomey & 
Holmes, 1857: pl. 26, fig. 17 (not of Con- 
rad, 1843: 309). 

Description: Shell (Fig. 23): Polished and 
elongate-conical, 12-14 mm in length, com- 
posed of 10-12 adult whorls. Whorls flat to 
slightly convex, with moderately deep crenu- 
lated sutures (Fig. 23B). Two color forms: (1) 
solid white and (2) brown with white spots. 
Body whorl 40% of shell length. Protoconch 
and upper adult whorls eroded and pitted (Fig. 
23A, E). Aperture elongate-ovate, with thick 
columella and thin outer lip. One large col- 
umellar fold on upper half of columella, dorsal 
to two smaller folds, all folds perpendicular to 
columella axis (Fig. 23C). Large columellar 
fold with a single ridge composed of disjunct 
and/or imbricate plates and bordered by an 
outer notched edge (Fig. 23D). Smaller col- 
umellar folds smooth. Generally with 3-4 fully 
developed palatal teeth within aperture of 
body whorl (Fig. 23C). Rudimentary palatals 
are usually present just inside outer lip. Pro- 
toconch smooth, sinistrally heterostrophic, 
oriented 120° to teleoconch, submerged 40- 


45% in first adult whorl, with earliest portion 
of protoconch partially exposed (Fig. 23E, G). 
Operculum light brown, elongate-ovate, 
notched to accommodate largest columellar 
fold (Fig. 23H, |). 

Head-foot (Fig. 20B): White with prominent 
white cells dispersed throughout but partic- 
ularly ventral to and surrounding antero-dor- 
sal edge of operculum. Foot blunt posteriorly, 
wide across midfoot, narrowing at anterior 
end. Propodium slightly bifid, with rounded 
antero-lateral edges. Attachment thread ab- 
sent. Tentacles triangular, connate, medially 
notched, laterally folded tentacles; tentacular 
pads absent. Eyes black subepithelial, spher- 
ical, on median side of tentacles. Mentum re- 
tuse mentum with medial longitudinal groove 
(Fig. 11D). Columella muscle as in P. sulcata. 
Visceral mass with dark, brown-red digestive 
cells and opaque to translucent reproductive 
organs. Visceral mass coils partially covered 
by numerous densely packed white cells. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 21A): When retracted, 
introvert-proboscis extending posteriorly 
from its medial aperture on the anterior men- 
tum tip to enter cephalic hemocoel. Introvert 
entering cephalic hemocoel twisted into sin- 
gle tight coil, joining buccal sac. Buccal 
pump as in P. sulcata. Short anterior esoph- 
agus uniting with buccal pump at juncture of 
bp-bp2, extending posteriorly, joining poste- 
rior esophagus and salivary glands, forming a 
four-way junction. Posterior esophagus nar- 
row at four-way junction, widening posteri- 
orly prior to entering the visceral mass and 
joining stomach. Salivary gland ducts affixed 
to exterior of anterior esophagus. These 
highly folded ducts extending anteriorly from 
anterior esophagus-buccal pump junction, 
entering stylet bulb. Salivary glands attached 
distally to alimentary tract at anterior portion 
of posterior esophagus. Retractor muscles 
as in P. sulcata. 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1B): Mantle configuration 
typical for the Pyramidellinae. Mantle edge 
smooth. Ventral and dorsal ciliated strips 
joining on mantle roof at posterior end of 
mantle cavity. Very large, elongate pig- 
mented mantle organ of clear to translucent 
cells with a few scattered white cells, releas- 
ing a small amount of opaque substance 
flecked with white. Large, yellow gland be- 
neath ventral ciliated strip extending length of 
the strip. Gland composed primarily of large 
cells filled with yellow exudate and a few cells 
with white and red contents; viscid, bright 
yellow exudate released when snail disturbed 

(Table 5). Osphradium as in P. sulcata. Rows 
of small white and brown cells at the conver- 
gence of dorsal and ventral ciliated strips, ex- 
tending anteriorly atop middle of gill, termi- 
nating at anterior edge of mantle floor. Gill as 
in P. sulcata. 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids in this study (Fig. 5B). Penial com- 
plex as in P. sulcata (Fig. 22A). 

Nervous system: As in other taxa within the 
subfamily Pyramidellinae (Fig. 6A, B). 

Ecology and Distribution: Pyramidella crenu- 
lata occurs intertidally to subtidally in sand 
and mud from North Carolina to Texas and 
West Indies (Abbott, 1974). As with other 
members of the subfamily, it is probably epi- 
faunal at night. Host unknown. 

Pyramidella mitralis A. Adams, 1854 

Pyramidella mitralis A. Adams, 1854: 814, pl. 
172, fig. 9; (Holotype: BMNH 19862799; 
type locality: St. Estevan, North llocos, 
Isle of Luzon, Philippine Islands); 1855: 
177; Sowerby, 1865, pl. 3, species 20. 

Pyramidella propingua A. Adams, 1854: 814; 
pl 172,119. 8; 18557177; 

Pyramidella variegata A. Adams, 1854: 814, 
pl. 172, fig. 10; 1855: 178. 

Pyramidella (Otopleura) mitralis A. Adams; 
Tryon, 1886: 305, pl. 73, figs. 94, 97, 2, 

Aphalista mitralis (A. Adams); Laseron, 1959: 
187, figs. 4-6. 

Otopleura mitralis (A. Adams); Cernohorsky, 
1972: 201, pl. 57, fig. 6-6С; Kay, 1979: 
412, fig. 133C. 

Synonymic Remarks: Pyramidella propinqua 
A. Adams and P. variegata A. Adams are 
placed in synonymy on the authority of Tryon 
(1886: 305) and Cernohorsky (1972: 201). 

Description: Shell (Fig. 24): Thick, mitriform, 
polished, 12-15 mm in length, with 9-10 adult 
whorls. Shell elongate-ovate to elongate-nar- 
row, variable in color. Elongate-ovate forms 
with convex whorls, few to many prominent 
axial ribs, and often colored with brown flam- 
mules (Fig. 24A). Narrow-elongate forms of- 
ten with numerous weak axial ribs (Fig. 24B), 
sides of whorls convex to straight and banded 
or plain. In all forms, body whorl 50% of shell 
length. Adult whorls finely perforate (Fig. 24A). 
Protoconch and upper adult whorls often 
eroded and pitted (Fig. 24E, H). Aperture elon- 
gate-ovate, with thick outer lip. One large col- 

500 WISE 

umellar fold on upper half of upper columella, 
dorsal to two smaller folds (Fig. 24A, C), all 
folds perpendicular to the columella axis. 
Smaller folds smooth, larger fold with 3-4 
ridges constructed of a series of overlapping 
or imbricate plates (Fig. 24D). Plates unidi- 
rectional, oriented opposite to coiling direc- 
tion. Six to seven unequal palatal teeth deep 
inside outer lip, with largest denticle in middle 
of row. Rudimentary palatals usually present 
just inside outer lip. Protoconch smooth, 
heterostrophic, oriented 120° to teleoconch, 
40-45% submerged in first adult whorl, with 
earliest portion of protoconch partially sub- 
merged (Fig. 24E, H). Operculum tan, elon- 
gate-ovate, notched to accommodate largest 
columeliar fold (Fig. 241). 

Head-foot (Fig. 20C): White, with aggre- 
gates of large numerous white cells between 
and posterior to eyes, on tentacles, mentum, 
and foot, particularly concentrated just ante- 
rior of operculum. Anterior end of foot wide 
anteriorly, with slight medial indentation and 
acute antero-lateral projections. Foot nar- 
rowing posterior to propodium, widening, 
then tapering again to blunt apex. Tentacles 
triangular, connate, medially notched, later- 
ally folded; tentacular pads absent. Eyes 
black, subepithelial, spherical, on median 
side of tentacles. Mentum retuse, with medial 
longitudinal groove (Fig. 11D). Columellar 
and retractor muscles as in P. sulcata. Vis- 
ceral mass containing reddish-dark brown 
digestive tissue cells, translucent to opaque 
reproductive structures. Visceral coils par- 
tially covered by densely packed white cells. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 21A): Introvert-pro- 
boscis arrangement and aperture, buccal 
sac, buccal pump and remainder of alimen- 
tary tract as in P. sulcata. Retractor muscle 
arrangement as in P. sulcata. 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1B): Mantle and mantle 
organs typical for the Pyramidellinae. Mantle 
edge coarsely crenulate. Ventral and dorsal 
ciliated strips joining on mantle roof at pos- 
terior end of mantle cavity. Very large, pig- 
mented mantle organ containing variably 
sized opaque to clear cells with a few periph- 
eral yellow and red cells, narrowing posteri- 
orly, terminating at convergence of dorsal 
and ventral ciliated strips. Organ releasing a 
small amount of opaque substance flecked 
with white. Large, yellow gland beneath ven- 
tral ciliated strip, extending length of strip, 
containing primarily large yellow cells and a 
small number of cells filled with red or white 
contents. Bright yellow exudate secreted 

when snail disturbed (Table 5). Osphradium 
as in P. sulcata. Thin line of white glandular 
cells extending anteriorly from juncture of cil- 
iated strips atop gill, terminating at anterior 
edge of mantle roof. Gill as in P. sulcata. 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids in this study (Fig. 5A). Penial com- 
plex like that of P. sulcata (Fig. 22A). 

Nervous system: Typical of the Pyramidel- 
linae (Figs. 6A8B). 

Ecology and Distribution: Pyramidella mitralis 
occurs intertidally to subtidally on sand flats 
throughout the Indo-Pacific (Cernohorsky, 
1972). This snail remains buried during the 
day and is epifaunal at night (this study). Stud- 
ies in Mozambique showed that this species 
occurs with the enteropneust Ptychodera 
flava, which may serve as its host (MacNae 8 
Kalt, 1958). 

Subfamily Turbonillinae Simroth, 1907 
Genus Turbonilla Risso, 1826 

Turbonilla Risso, 1826: 224. Type species: 
Turbonilla typica Dall & Bartsch, 1903 
(new name for Turbonilla plicatula Risso, 
1826, non Turbo plicatula Brocchi, 
1814), by subsequent designation of Dall 
8 Bartsch, in Arnold, 1903:269. See Re- 
marks below. 

Diagnosis: Shell white and lanceolate, 9 mm 
in length, with 10-12 adult whorls. Whorls 
slightly convex to straight. Each whorl with 
prominent axial ribs, extending whorl length, 
except on body whorl, where axial ribs ter- 
minate prior to base. Intervening spaces 
present between ribs. Body whorl 20% of 
shell length. Umbilicus absent. Protoconch 
smooth, sinistrally heterostrophic, perpen- 
dicular to teleoconch, partially submerged 
in first adult whorl. Aperture squarish, with 
straight outer lip and slightly flared base. Col- 
umellar folds absent. Operculum tan, lentic- 
ular, with subcentric nucleus. Head-foot 
white. Short foot, anteriorly truncated, with 
lateral projections, tapered posterior. Tenta- 
cles elongate, subtriangular, connate, ventro- 
laterally folded; tentacular pads absent. Eyes 
black, subepithelial on median side of tenta- 
cles. Mentum incised, with shallow, longitu- 
dinal groove. Introvert opening medial on an- 
terior mentum tip. Buccal sac composed of 
sucker, sheathed stylet, mouth/stylet aper- 
ture and stylet bulb. Penis extending through 
nerve ring beside proboscis. Anterior portion 


of penis with several lateral rows of minute 
cuticular hooks. 

Remarks: Risso (1826) introduced Turbonilla 
without designating a type species. He in- 
cluded four species in the new genus: Tur- 
bonilla costulata Risso, 1826; Turbo gracilis 
Brocchi, 1814; and Turbo plicatula Risso, 
1826; and Turbonilla humboldti Risso, 1826. 
Almost all authors show the type species of 
Turbonilla either as Turbo lacteus Linnaeus, 
1758, or as Turbo elegantissimus Montagu, 
1803, often with the later in the synonymy of 
former. However, neither are originally т- 
cluded species, and are therefore, not eligible 
for type designation. Powell (1979: 256) 
shows the type species as 7. striata Montagu, 
by subsequent designation of Gray (1847). 
This is not correct because Gray (1847: 160) 
listed 7. elegantissima as the type species. A 
search of the literature has revealed no source 
for “T. striata Montagu,” and this name 15 
evidently a lapsus calami. 

The earliest apparent valid type designa- 
tion is that of Dall & Bartsch (in Arnold, 1903), 
in which they propose the new name Turbo- 
nilla typica as a replacement name for Т. pli- 
catula Risso, 1826, not Turbo (= Turbonilla) 
plicatula Brocchi. Although there is no inter- 
nal evidence, other than the specific name, 
that Risso was simply transferring Brocchi's 
species to his new genus, many authors have 
considered this to be the case, with Bronn 
(1843: 1328) apparently the first to do so. Ar- 
naud (1978: 129), for Risso's Т. plicatula, 
stated: “C'est Turbo plicatulus Brocchi, 
1814, annexé par Risso!”. 

Turbonilla hemphilli Bush, 1899 

Turbonilla hemphilli Bush, 1899: 169, pl. 8, 
fig. 3. (Holotype: ANSP 79013; type lo- 
cality: Sarasota Bay, Florida); Andrews, 
1971: 132; Abbott, 1974: 302-303, fig. 

Turbonilla unilirata Bush, 1899: 165, pl. 8, fig. 
6. (Holotype: ANSP 79010; type locality: 
St. Thomas, West Indies). 

Turbonilla penistoni Bush, 1899: 165-166, pl. 
8, fig. 14. (Holotype: ANSP 70024; type 
locality: Bermuda). 

Turbonilla heilprini Bush, 1899: 167-168, pl. 
8, fig. 13. (Holotype: ANSP 79009; type 
locality: Bermuda). 

Turbonilla abrupta Bush, 1899: 168, pl. 8, fig. 
4. (Holotype: ANSP 79012; type locality: 
St. Thomas, West Indies). 

Synonymic Remarks: Holotypes of the above 
species were examined and on the basis of 
shell morphology determined to be conspe- 
cific with T. hemphilli. Because these names 
were all proposed in the same work, T. hemp- 
hilli is here selected as senior synonym under 
the Principle of the First Reviser (1.С.7.М. Ar- 
ticle 24). 

Description: Shell (Fig. 25): Thick, dull white, 
acutely lanceolate, 7-8 mm in length, com- 
posed of 12-13 adult whorls with sides 
straight to slightly convex (Fig. 25A). Whorls 
with 17-18 axial ribs. Except for body whorl, 
axial ribs the length of each whorl, with an 
elongate rectangular depression between 
each rib (Fig. 25B). Axial ribs on body whorl 
terminating at one-half of whorl’s length. 
Body whorl 20% of shell length. Adult whorls 
etched by numerous fine prosocline growth 
lines. Aperture subquadrate, with base of 
outer lip slightly flared. Columellar folds ab- 
sent. Protoconch smooth, sinistrally hetero- 
strophic, oriented 90° to teleoconch axis, 
submerged 5-10% in first adult whorl, with 
earliest portion of protoconch exposed (Fig. 
25C-E). Operculum brown, lenticular, with 
subcentric nucleus (Fig. 25F, G). 

Head-foot (Fig. 26A): Opaque, with a large 
number of white cells scattered throughout. 
Propodium wide, with shallow medial inden- 
tation. Posteriorly the foot narrowing sharply 
to a blunt tip. Attachment thread absent. 
Tentacles elongate, subtriangular, connate, 
ventro-laterally folded; tentacular pads ab- 
sent. Eyes black, subepithelial, round to kid- 
ney-shaped, on median side of tentacles. 
Mentum incised, with rounded antero-lateral 
edges and shallow longitudinal groove (Fig. 
11E). Highly coiled visceral mass of grey and 
green digestive cells and opaque reproduc- 
tive organs. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 21B): When retracted, 
introvert-proboscis extending — posteriorly 
from its aperture located anterio-medially on 
mentum tip to enter cephalic hemocoel. In- 
trovert joining buccal sac, which joins a very 
short buccal pump divided into anterior (bp1) 
and posterior sections (bp2); bp2 four times 
length of bp1. Anterior esophagus originating 
on ventral surface of alimentary tract at bp1- 
bp2 juncture, joining posterior esophagus 
and paired salivary glands to form a four-way 
junction. Posterior esophagus extending into 
visceral mass and joining stomach. Salivary 
gland ducts extending anteriorly within walls 
of anterior esophagus. At convergence of an- 

502 WISE 

terior esophagus and buccal pump, ducts 
exiting and entering stylet bulb. Salivary 
glands attached distally to alimentary tract at 
anterior portion of posterior esophagus. 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1C): Mantle and mantle 
organs characteristic of subfamily Turbonilli- 
nae. Mantle edge etched by fine lines. Mantle 
floor and roof darkly pigmented. Ventral and 
dorsal ciliated strips joining posteriorly on 
mantle roof of mantle cavity. Large, rectan- 
gular, oblong pigmented mantle organ com- 
posed primarily of clear cells surrounding a 
narrow oblong region of bright yellow cells. 
Gland beneath ventral ciliated strip extending 
posteriorly from mantle edge to convergence 
of ciliated strips. Anterior quarter of this gland 
composed of large cells containing a thick 
yellow exudate, whereas remainder com- 
posed of cells filled with a white substance. 
Both ventral ciliated strip gland and pig- 
mented mantle organ secreting a viscous yel- 
low exudate when snail disturbed (Table 5). 
Gill absent. 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids herein (Fig. 5B). Penis sharing nerve 
ring with proboscis (Fig. 22B). Penis anterior, 
attenuate, with a deep medial groove and 
several lateral rows of minute cuticular hooks 
(Fig. 27A), widening posteriorly, becoming 
elongate and bulbous. Sperm sac perpendic- 
ular to long axis of penis. 

Nervous system: Typical of known pyra- 
midellids (Fig. 6A). 

Ecology and Distribution: Turbonilla hemphilli 
occurs subtidally to intertidally in grass/mud 
flats from Bermuda to Texas and south to St. 
Thomas, West Indies (Abbott, 1974). Host un- 

Genus Houbricka new genus 

Type species: Turbonilla incisa Bush, 1899, 
here designated. 

Diagnosis: Lanceolate, white to orange, with 
brown band encircling lower portion of each 
whorl, 6 mm in length, composed of 7-8 
slightly convex whorls. Each whorl with nu- 
merous strong axial ribs separated by 6-7 
incised spiral shallow grooves between and 
perpendicular to intercostal spaces; sculptur- 
ing replaced on lower one-third of body whorl 
by fine spiral lines. Body whorl 30% of shell 
length. Protoconch smooth, sinistrally het- 
erostrophic, oriented 90° to teleoconch, sub- 
merged 5-10% in adult whorl. Aperture elon- 

gate-ovate, with base of outer lip weakly 
flared. Columellar folds absent. Operculum 
brown, lenticular, with subcentric nucleus. 
Head-foot white to reddish pink, with large 
white cells dispersed throughout. Anteriorly, 
foot flared slightly, not bifurcate. Foot nar- 
rowing posterior to propodium, then widening 
and ending in blunt apex. Attachment thread 
absent. Tentacles elongate, subtriangular, 
connate, ventro-laterally folded; tentacular 
pads absent. Eyes black, subepithelial, ovate, 
on median side of tentacles. Mentum incised, 
with rounded lateral edges and shallow lon- 
gitudinal groove. Introvert extending posteri- 
orly from its medial aperture at anterior men- 
tum tip to enter cephalic hemocoel. Introvert 
forming an S-shaped loop and continuing 
posteriorly to join buccal sac, which is com- 
posed of sucker, sheathed stylet, mouth/ 
stylet aperture, and stylet bulb. Buccal sac 
joining а buccal pump, which 1$ divided into 
anterior (bp1) and posterior sections (bp2); 
laterally flattened bp2 seven times length of 
bp1. Anterior esophagus originating at junc- 
ture of bp1-bp2, extending posteriorly to join 
posterior esophagus and paired salivary 
glands, forming a four-way junction. Salivary 
gland ducts highly folded, attached to exterior 
of anterior esophagus. Ducts extend from an- 
terior esophagus to just posterior of buccal 
pump-buccal sac juncture, where they detach 
and enter stylet bulb. Tuberculate, inflated 
posterior esophagus extending posteriorly to 
enter visceral mass to join stomach. Salivary 
glands attached distally to alimentary tract at 
anterior portion of posterior esophagus. Re- 
tracted, folded scoop-shape penis within cav- 
ity that opens medial and ventral to mentum 
outside nerve ring. 

Remarks: The new genus introduced here 
has been named to honor the late Dr. Richard 
S. Houbrick for his very significant contribu- 
tions to the science of malacology. 

The justification for naming a new genus is 
based on anatomical differences between 
Houbricka incisa and our current understand- 
ing of the genus Turbonilla. Regardless of the 
nomenclatural problems outlined above, the 
anatomies of certain species within the ge- 
nus Turbonilla are well known (e.g., Turbonilla 
elegantissima, Т. jeffreysii). When T. hemphilli 
is compared to these taxa, this species, and 
not H incisa, are very similar. Moreover, the 
only taxa that are conchologically similar to 
Houbricka incisa, are subgenera (sensu Dall 8 
Bartsch, 1909), and their anatomy is un- 


known. Therefore, until the type species of 
these subgenera are examined in greater de- 
tail, these names should not be used. 

Houbricka incisa (Bush, 1899) 

Turbonilla incisa Bush, 1899: 156-157, pl. 8, 
fig. 12. (Holotype: ANSP 62800; type lo- 
cality: West Florida); Abbott, 1974: 306, 
fig. 3781. 

Remarks: The holotype is a poor specimen, 
which is badly worn, with both aperture and 
protoconch broken. 

Description: Shell (Fig. 28): Lanceolate, white 
to orange, with brown band encircling lower 
portion of each whorl, 6 mm in length, com- 
posed of 7-8 slightly convex whorls (Fig. 284). 
Each whorl with numerous strong axial ribs 
separated by 6-7 incised spiral shallow 
grooves between and perpendicular to inter- 
costal spaces (Fig. 28B), this sculpture re- 
placed on lower one-third of body whorl by 
fine spiral lines. Body whorl 30% of shell 
length. Aperture elongate-ovate, with base of 
outer lip weakly flared. Columellar folds ab- 
sent. In a few specimens, slight swellings 
present on columella deep inside the body 
whorl. Protoconch smooth, sinistrally het- 
erostrophic, oriented 90° to teleoconch, sub- 
merged 5-10% in first adult whorl, with ear- 
liest portion of protoconch exposed (Fig. 28C, 
E). Operculum brown, lenticular, with subcen- 
tric nucleus (Fig. 28F, G). 

Head-foot (Fig. 26B): White to reddish pink 
(presence of hemoglobin?), with large white 
cells dispersed throughout. Anteriorly, foot 
flared slightly, not bifurcate. Foot narrowing 
posterior to propodium, then widening and 
ending in blunt apex. Attachment thread ab- 
sent. Tentacles elongate, subtriangular, con- 
nate, ventrolaterally folded; tentacular pads 
absent. Eyes black, subepithelial, ovate, on 
median side of tentacles. Mentum incised, 
with rounded lateral edges and shallow lon- 
gitudinal groove (Fig. 11F). Visceral mass of 
grey, brown, orange or red digestive tissue 
cells and opaque to translucent reproductive 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 21C): Retracted intro- 
vert-proboscis extending posteriorly from its 
medial aperture at anterior mentum tip to en- 
{ег cephalic hemocoel. Introvert forming 
S-shaped loop, continuing posteriorly to join 
buccal sac. Buccal sac joining buccal pump, 

which is divided into anterior (bp1) and pos- 
terior sections (bp2); laterally flattened bp2 
seven times length of bp1. Anterior esopha- 
gus originating at bp1-bp2 juncture, extend- 
ing posteriorly to join posterior esophagus 
and paired salivary glands, forming a four- 
way junction. Salivary gland ducts highly 
folded and attached to exterior of anterior 
esophagus. Ducts extending from anterior 
esophagus to just posterior of buccal pump- 
buccal sac juncture, where they detach and 
enter stylet bulb. Tuberculate, inflated poste- 
rior esophagus extending posteriorly to enter 
visceral mass and join the stomach. Salivary 
glands attached distally to alimentary tract at 
anterior portion of posterior esophagus. 

Pallial cavity (Fig. 1A, C): Mantle and man- 
tle organs only generally like those of the 
subfamily Turbonillinae. Mantle edge crenu- 
late. Dorsal surface of mantle roof with scat- 
tered flecks of black pigment. A line of 
subepithelial black cells extending posteri- 
orly across the left side of mantle. Ventral and 
dorsal strips converge posteriorly on roof of 
mantle cavity. Small, oblong pigmented man- 
tle organ (similar to the pigmented mantle or- 
gan present in the Odostominae) containing 
clear cells, cells filled with yellow exudate, 
and a few scattered cells containing a red 
substance, this organ secreting a thick, 
bright yellow exudate when snail disturbed 
(Table 5). Gland beneath ventral ciliated strip, 
composed of large, black cells within a trans- 
parent matrix, extending the length of the 
strip. Gill absent. 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids in this study (Fig. 5B). Penis outside 
and ventral to nerve ring (Fig. 22C). Re- 
tracted, folded penis within pocket that 
opens medial and ventral to mentum. Paired 
retractor muscles anchor penis to pocket 
floor. Tapered, dorsoventrally flattened ante- 
rior penis tip, scoop-shape with wide, medial 
groove (Fig. 27В). 

Nervous system: Typical of known pyra- 
midellids (Fig. 6A). 

Ecology and Distribution: Houbricka incisa 
occurs intertidally to subtidally on both the 
east and west coasts of southern Florida to 
Texas (Abbott, 1972; this study). Host un- 

Genus Tathrella Laseron, 1959 

Tathrella Laseron, 1959: 218. Type-species: 
Tathrella iredalei Laseron, 1959, by orig- 
inal designation. 

504 WISE 

Diagnosis: Shell white, transparent elongate, 
conical, 6 mm in length, with 7-8 adult whorls. 
Convex whorls with numerous small axial ribs. 
Body whorl 40% of shell length. Umbilicus 
absent. Protoconch smooth, sinistrally het- 
erostrophic, oriented 95° to teleoconch, par- 
tially submerged in first adult whorl. Aperture 
ovate, with base of outer lip slightly flared. 
Columellar folds absent. Head-foot white with 
medial black stripe extending from anterior 
end of mentum onto mantle floor. Anterior 
portion of foot with medial indentation, flared 
lateral projections. Foot narrowing posteriorly 
to a blunt tip. Pedal gland producing an at- 
tachment thread. Tentacles cylindrical, slen- 
der, not connate; tentacular pads absent. 
Eyes subepithelial, on median side of tenta- 
cles. Mentum incised, with rounded, lateral 
projections and longitudinal groove. Introvert- 
proboscis aperture medial on anterior men- 
tum apex. Introvert joining buccal sac, which 
is composed of sucker, sheathed stylet, 
mouth-stylet aperture, and stylet bulb. Buccal 
sac joining buccal pump, which is composed 
of two sections (bp1 and bp2). Anterior 
esophagus originating at bp1-bp2 juncture, 
extending posteriorly and joining posterior 
esophagus and paired salivary glands. Sali- 
vary gland ducts attached to exterior of an- 
terior esophagus. Ducts extending from an- 
terior esophagus-buccal pump juncture to 
enter stylet bulb. Penis with sperm sac, shar- 
ing nerve ring with proboscis. 

Remarks: The monotypic genus, originally 
described from the shell of a single specimen 
was collected in 20 fms. (not 11 fms., as 
stated by Laseron, 1959) off Port Curtis, 
Queensland, Australia. 

Tathrella iredalei Laseron, 1959 

Tathrella iredalei Larson, 1959: 218, fig. 101. 
(Holotype: AMS 105285, type locality: 
Port Curtis, Gladestone, Queensland, 

Pyrgiscus sp. Cumming, 1988. 

Turbonilla sp. Cumming, 1993. 

Description: Shell (Fig. 29): Thin, chalky 
white, translucent, 5-6 mm in length, com- 
posed of 7-9 convex whorls. Body whorl 40% 
of shell length (Fig. 29A). Adult whorls with a 
number of slender axial ribs and microscopic 
orthocline growth lines. Aperture elongate- 
ovate, with outer lip flared at base (Fig. 29B). 

Columella thick, without columellar folds. In 
some specimens, 1-4 swellings present deep 
within body whorl on columella (Fig. 290). 
Protoconch smooth, sinistrally hetero- 
strophic, oriented 95° to teleoconch axis, 
submerged 10-15% in first adult whorl, with 
earliest portion of protoconch partially ex- 
posed (Fig. 29D, F). Operculum brown, len- 
ticular, with subcentric nucleus (Figs. 29G, H). 

Head-foot (Fig. 26C): White with prominent 
black stripe extending from anterior mentum 
tip across the head and, in some individuals, 
onto mantle floor. Propodium with moderate 
medial indentation and flared lateral projec- 
tions. Foot narrowing posterior to propo- 
dium, then widening and terminating in blunt 
tip. Black lines of pigment of varying length 
and definition typically on dorso-lateral sur- 
face of foot. Opening to pedal gland a slit on 
postero-ventral surface of foot extending one 
fourth of foot's length anteriorly from poste- 
rior end. Pedal gland producing an attach- 
ment thread. Tentacles cylindrical, long, not 
connate; tentacular pads absent. Eyes black, 
subepithelial, on median side of tentacles. 
Mentum incised, long, with knob-like antero- 
lateral projections (Fig. 11G). Short, corpulent 
visceral coil of light orange, gray, or creamy 
white digestive tissue cells and opaque re- 
productive organs. 

Alimentary tract (Fig. 21D): When ге- 
tracted, introvert/proboscis extending poste- 
riorly from its medial aperture on anterior 
mentum tip to enter cephalic hemocoel and 
join buccal sac. Buccal sac connecting to a 
moderately short buccal pump. Buccal pump 
divided into anterior (bp1) and posterior sec- 
tions (bp2); bp2 five times length of bp1. 
Short anterior esophagus joining buccal 
pump just posterior of buccal sac-buccal 
pump juncture. Anterior esophagus continu- 
ing posteriorly to join posterior esophagus 
and salivary glands to form a four-way junc- 
tion. Long, highly coiled posterior esophagus 
extending to enter visceral mass and termi- 
nate at stomach. Salivary gland ducts at- 
tached to outer surface of anterior esopha- 
gus. At convergence of anterior esophagus 
and buccal pump, salivary ducts extend an- 
teriorly to enter stylet bulb. Salivary glands 
attached distally to alimentary tract at ante- 
rior portion of posterior esophagus. 

Pallial cavity (Figs. 1A, C): Mantle and man- 
tle organs generally as described for the Tur- 
bonillinae. Mantle edge finely scalloped. Ven- 
tral and dorsal ciliated strips join posteriorly 
on mantle roof of mantle cavity; strips bi- 


sected by a thin line of brown, glandular cells 
that extend the length of mantle cavity. 
Small, oblong pigmented mantle organ (sim- 
ilar to same organ in Odostominae) com- 
posed primarily of cells containing a yellow 
exudate and a few cells filled with white con- 
tents. Gland, beneath ventral ciliated strip ex- 
tending 50-60% of strip’s length. Gland filled 
with cells containing a bright yellow exudate. 
Snail exuding copious amounts of exudate 
from ventral ciliated strip gland and a lesser 
amount from pigmented mantle organ when 
disturbed (Table 5). Gill absent. 

Reproductive system: Typical of pyra- 
midellids examined this study (Fig. 5B). Penis 
sharing nerve ring with proboscis and when 
protracted, extending through a medial 
opening ventral to mentum (Fig. 22D). Poste- 
riorly, penis continuing into cephalic hemo- 
coel, looping once, and attaching ventrally 
to columellar muscle. Anterior of penis medi- 
ally grooved and ciliated. A slender duct 
leading distally to bulbous sperm sac present 
perpendicular to anterior portion of penis 

Nervous system: Characteristic of known 
pyramidellids (Fig. 6A). 

Ecology and Distribution: Tathrella iredalei, 
which parasitizes various Tridacna species, 
has inadvertently been sent to mariculture fa- 
cilities throughout the Indo-Pacific (e.g., to 
Australia, Philippines, Guam, and the So- 
lomon Islands) in shipments of Tridacna. As a 
result, this snail has been introduced into ar- 
eas where it does not naturally occur, making 
its original geographic distribution difficult to 


This research is dedicated to my co-adviser 
Dr. Richard S. Houbrick, who died in August 
1993. | am particularly grateful to my other 
co-advisor, Dr. Diana Lipscomb, who willingly 
took on the responsibilities involved in seeing 
this work completed. | also wish to thank my 
committee members Dr. Jaren Horsley and 
Dr. David Atkins, and the outside readers Dr. 
Randall Packard, Dr. John Burns and Dr. Rob- 
ert Hershler for their help in this endeavor. 

| gratefully acknowledge financial support 
from Sigma X, Lerner-Grey Fund, National 
Capitol Shell Club, Delaware Museum, 

George Washington University, Smithsonian 
Institution's Predoctoral Fellowship and Re- 
search Award at Smithsonian Marine Station 
at Linkport. 

Much of this work was accomplished at the 
Smithsonian Marine Station, Ft. Pierce, Flor- 
ida, and this paper is Smithsonian Marine Sta- 
tion Contribution no. 380. | am indebted to 
Julie Piraino, Sherry Reed, Joan Kaminski, 
Woody Lee, Hugh Reichardt, and Dr. Mary 
Rice for all their time and help. 

At the National Museum of Natural History 
Smithsonian Institution, | thank Victor Kranz 
for photographic assistance; Suzanne Bran- 
den, Walt Brown, and Peter Viola Scanning 
Electron Microscopy Laboratory, for all their 
insightful lessons and assistance; Molly Ryan 
for her help with the POS machine and advice 
in producing line drawings; Cathy Price, 
Cheryl Bright, and especially Beth Fricano, for 
their help with specimen preparation and his- 
tology; Dr. Gerry Harasewych for his time and 
valuable aid; Ron Larson, Smithsonian Librar- 
ies, for his assistance in the library, and Marty 
Joynt for being “Marty”. 

| want to thank Dave Hopper, Alex Kerr, Dr. 
José Leal, Dr. Paula Mikkelsen, Dr. Jim 
Mclean, Frank Te, and Kati, Robert, and Rick 
Wise for invaluable field assistance. | also 
want to thank Bern Holthuis, Dr. Gustav 
Paulay, Brad Peterson, Kati Wise, and Robert 
Wise for collecting and sending living speci- 
mens. The University of Guam Marine Station, 
Kewalo Marine Laboratory and Pacific Bio- 
medical Research Center, University of Ha- 
waii, and the Los Angeles County Museum of 
Natural History provided laboratory space. | 
thank Clif Coney and Drs. Jim Mclean, Lou 
Elridge, Mike Hadfield, and Drs. Petra and 
Rudiger Bieler for their generous hospitality. 

| thank Dr. Paula Mikkelsen for all her help 
in Florida, Dick Petit and Dr. Eugene Coan for 
the much needed nomenclatural assistance, 
Dr. José Leal for his darkroom expertise and 
nomenclatural help, Mr. Wybou of Ft. Pierce, 
Florida for translating several articles, Dr. Sil- 
vard Kool and Dr. Winston Ponder AMNH for 
sending museum specimens and Rick Wise 
for all the thought provoking discussions and 
software help. 

The critical comments of Dr. Winston Pon- 
der, Mr. Richard Petit, Dr. Eugene V. Coan, 
and an anonymous reviewer greatly improved 
this manuscript. 

Last, but not least, | want to gratefully ac- 
knowledge the fantastic support | received 
from the entire Wise family. 

506 WISE 


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Revised Ms. accepted 30 August 1995 

MALACOLOGIA, 1996, 37(1-2): 513-536 


Taxa in bold are new; page numbers in 
bold are pages where new taxa are 

introduced or described. Page numbers in 

italics indicate illustrations of taxa. 

abbreviatus, Pythia 228, 230 
abrupta, Turbonilla 501 
Achatina pellucida 187, 189 
acinoides, Melampus 314 
Acochlidiacea 404 
Acroloxus 171 
Acteocina 376, 377, 379, 381, 382, 
384, 385, 389, 390, 395, 397, 399, 
402, 404, 405, 409, 412, 413, 415- 
417, 419-421, 424, 436 
Acteocina atrata 379, 436 
bidentata 436 
canaliculata 379, 393, 436 
candei 436 
Acteocinidae 376, 421 
Acteon 311, 376, 377, 379, 381-383, 
384, 385, 387, 390, 394-396, 399, 
402, 404, 407, 409, 410, 415-422, 
candens 432 
denticulatus 194 
finlayi 432 
heteroclita 187 
pelecais 432 
tornatilis 388, 403, 407, 432 
traskii 432 
Acteonidae 376,421 
acuminata, Alexia 196, 200, 203 
acutidentata, Daecalochila 91 
acutidentata, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 
91, 94, 96 
adamnis, Linisa 90 
Adelopneumona 193 
Ademnestia arachis 402 
adriatica, Auricula myosotis var. 194 
aequalis, Melampus 248 
aequalis, Monica 226 
aequalis, Ovatella 193, 209, 210, 226, 
230 332 
aequalis, Pythia 230 
Aequipecten qibbus 459 
afra, Helix 213 
afra, Pedipes 212,217 
Akera 376, 381-383, 384, 385, 390- 
393, 395, 396, 399, 400, 409, 410, 
412, 416, 419-421, 440-441 
bayeri 440 
bullata 385, 392, 395, 440 
Akeridae 376, 381, 421 
alabamensis, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 86 
alba, Cylichna 435 
alba, Microtralia 236 
albicostulata, Linisa 90 

albolabris, Helix 78 

albolabris, Neohelix 80, 104 
albolabris, Neohelix (Neohelix) 80, 95 
albus, Gyraulus 19,64 

albus, Melampus flavus 293 

albus, Melampus flavus var. 291 

Alexia 177, 191-194 

acuminata 196, 200, 203 
algerica 195, 197 
armoricana 196, 200, 202 
bermudensis 195, 197, 202 
biasoletina 195 
biasolettiana 195 
bicolor 196 
bidentata 196 
borealis 195 
ciliata 195 
cossoni 196, 200 
denticulata 192,195 
exilis 196, 200 
globulus 196, 200 
hiriartí 195 
letourneuxi 196, 200, 202 
loweana 195 
micheli 195, 197 
micheli var. triplicata 197, 197 
myosotis 195, 267 
myosotis bermudensis 196 
myosotis marylandica 196, 200, 202 
myosotis myosotis 196 
myosotis var. varicosa 196 
obsoleta 195 
oranica 196, 202 
parva 196, 200 
payraudeaui 195 
pechaudi 196, 200 
pulchella 196, 200 
ringicula 196, 200, 202 
setifer 195, 196, 197 
setifer var. tenuis 195, 197 
setifera 195 
setigera 195 
subflava 196, 202 
terrestris 196, 200 
vespertina 196 
Alexia (Auricula) myosotis var. hiriarti 
195, 197 
Alexia (Kochia) denticulata 193 
oranica 192, 193, 196, 200 
Alexia (Myosotella) myosotis 196 
algerica, Alexia 195, 197 
algerica var. quadriplicata, Alexia 195, 
aliciae, Euchemotrema monodon 79 
alleni, Neohelix 80 
alleni, Neohelix (Solemorbis) 85 
Allochroa 314 
bronni 175 



Allogastropoda 310, 376, 444 
Allogona 84, 87 
profunda 71, 101, 104 
Allogona (Allogona) 83, 87 
profunda 87, 94, 99 
Allogona (Dysmedoma) 83, 84, 87 
lombardii 87 
ptychophora 87 
townsendiana 87, 94 
Allogonini 84, 87 
alternatus, Melampus coffeus var. 263, 
altispira, Stenotrema altispira 79 
altispira, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89 
altissima, Ashmunella 87 
altivagus, Mesodon (Akromesodon) 93 
amanda, Cernuella 350, 352-356, 357 
amanda, Helix 349, 350, 356 
Amanthina 454 
Amanthinidae 446, 454, 481-487 
Amphibolidae 311 
ampla, Helix 90 
ampla, Praticolella (Praticolella) 90, 95 
ampulla, Bulla 392, 436 
Anaspidea 379, 412, 416, 418-420, 
422, 424 
Ancillus 193 
Ancilus 193 
andrewsae, Mesodon 104 
andrewsae, Mesodon (Akromesodon) 93 
Androgyna 311 
angasi, Philine 397, 434 
angellum, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89 
angulata, Ashmunella 93, 96 
anilis, Helix (Polygyra) 89 
anilis, Linisa 90, 94 
animasensis, Ashmunella 87 
Anisus rotundatus 62 
anteridon, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 86 
antillarum, Haminoea 388, 392, 395, 
398, 400, 419, 420, 437 
aperta, Philine 377, 389, 390, 393, 397, 
399, 408, 420, 434, 435 
Aphalista 496 
mitralis 499 
Aplustridae 376, 386, 421 
Aplysia 376-378, 381, 382, 384, 386, 
391-395, 399, 400, 404, 409, 410, 
412,416, 418, 419, 421, 441 
brasiliana 392, 441 
californica 395, 441 
dacylomela 441 
depilans 441 
fasciata 441 
grandis 441 
juliana 441 
parvula 441 
puncatata 441 
Aplysiidae 418, 421 
Aplysiomorpha 453, 454 
Apodosis 174,211, 237 
novimundi 237, 238, 241, 242 


Apogastropoda 171 

Appalachina 83,84, 92, 93, 106 
chilhoweensis 93 
sayana 71, 94, 99, 101, 104 
sayanus 93 

appressa, Helix 92 

appressa, Patera 104 

appressa, Patera (Patera) 92, 95 

approximans, Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 92 

arachis, Ademnestia 402 

Arbobuccinum argus 23 

Archaepulmonata 311, 418 

Archerelix 88 [see Stenotrema 

archeri, Еитопейх 72, 92, 104 

Architectibranchia 416, 454 

Architectonicidae 376, 377, 404, 421 

Architectonicoidea 417, 444 

Arctica islandica 371 

Arctidae 364 

arenosa, Obeliscus 498 

arenosa, Xeropicta 6,9 

argus, Arbobuccinum 23 

ariadne, Daedalochila 91 

ariadne, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 91 

Aricula gundlachi 263 

Armiger crista 64 
rotundatus 64 

armigera, Vespericola 86 

armoricana, Alexia 196, 200, 202 

Asamiorbis 78 [see Neohelix 

Ascobulla 376, 383, 384, 390, 395, 
398-400, 402, 407-410, 412, 416, 
419, 439-440 

Ascobulla ulla 385, 388, 405, 439 

Ascobullidae 376 

Ashmunella 83, 84, 87, 106, 107 
altissima 87 
angulata 93, 96 
animasensis 87 
ashmuni 87 
bequaerti 87 
binneyi 87 
carlbadensis 87 
chiricahuana 88 
cockerelli 88 
danielsi 88 
edithae 88 
ези ог 88 
ferrissi 88 
harrisi 88 
hawleyi 88 
hebardi 88 
intricata 88 
jamesensis 88 
juanezensis 88 
kochi 88 
lenticula 88 
lepidoderma 88 
levettei 88 
macromphala 88 

mearnsi 88 
mendax 88 
meridionalis 88 
mogollonensis 88 
montivaga 88 
mudgei 88 
mudgi 72 
organensis 88 
pasonis 88 
pilsbryana 88 
proxima 88 
pseudodonta 88 
rhyssa 88, 94, 96 
rhyssa miorhyssa 87 
rileyensis 88 
ruidosana 88 
salinasensis 88 
sprouli 88 
tegillum 88 
tetrodon 88 
thomsoniana 88 
tularosana 88 
varicifera 88 
watleyi 88 
Ashmunellini 84, 87 
ashmuni, Ashmunella 87 
aspera, Patella 33-40 
Astraea gibberosa 491 
undosa 491 
atrata, Acteocina 379, 436 
Auicula bicolor 202 
aulacomphala, Linisa 90 
auricella, Auricula 183, 184 

auricella, Auricula (Auricella) 179 

Auricella 179 
auricula, Bulimus 179, 183 
auricula, Ellobium 183 

Auricula 164, 174, 177, 178, 193, 231, 

236, 247, 248, 302 
auricella 183, 184 
biasolettiana 194 

bicolor 195, 197 

bicolor var. subarmata 195 
bidenta 263 

bidentata 263 

biplicata 245, 249, 258 
botteriana 195, 202 
ciliata 195, 197, 197, 203 
cingulata 276 

coniformis 249 

conoidalis 249 

cornea 262, 266, 269 
denticulata 194 

denticulata var. borealis 194 

dominicense 178, 180 
dominicensis 180, 185 
floridana 285 

globulus 287 
heteroclita 187 
infrequens 202 

jaumei 263, 268, 269 
kuesteri 275 


kutschigiana 194 
microstoma 194 
midae 178 
monile 290 
multivolvis 276, 279, 308 
myosotis 192, 194, 201 
myosotis var. adriatica 194 
myosotis var. elongata 194 
mysotis 194 
nitens 303 
obliqua 263 
oliva 276, 279 
olivula 249, 258 
ovula 303 
pellucens 180, 184 
pusilla 303 
reflexilabris 194, 197, 203 
ringens 433 
rugeli 285 
sayi 202, 203 
striata 205 
tenella 194, 202 
veneta 194 
vespertina 195, 197 
watsoni 195, 197, 202 
watsoni scrobiculata 195, 197, 202 
Auricula (Alexia) denticulata 195 
meridionalis 195, 197, 203 
myosotis 196 
Auricula (Auricella) auricella 179 
Auricula (Auricula) myosotis 194 
Auricula (Auriculastrum) pellucens 180 
Auricula (Auriculina) gangetica 179 
Аипсиа (Conovulus) coniformis 249 
ovula 303 
pusillus 303 
triplicatus 308 
Auricula (Microtralia) minuscula 231, 
Auriculacea 173, 174 
Auriculaceae 173 
Auriculadae 173 
Auriculae 173 
Auriculae'inae 173 
Auriculastra 170, 184, 314 
elongata 184 
папа 232, 236 
subula 175, 184 
Auriculastrum 184 
pellucens 180 
Аипсшаз ит (Microtralia) minusculum 
auriculata, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 
auriculata, Helix 91 
auriculata, Polygyra 91 
Auriculata 173 
Auriculea 176 
Auriculiadae 173 
Auriculidae 173, 190 
Auriculidea 173 
Auriculina 173 



Auriculina 179 
Auriculinae 176, 177, 186 
Auriculinella 168, 176, 177, 186, 228, 
235, 312, 314 
bidentata 164, 332 
Auriculinella (Leucophytia) bidentata 175, 
176; 202267 
Auriculodes 178-179, 312 
Auriculoidea 173 
Auriculus 178 
judae 178 
pellucens 180 
auriformis, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 91 
auris-felis, Bulimus 256 
aurisfelis, Cassidula 192, 256, 257 
aurisfelis, Cassidula (Cassidula) 175 
aurisjudae, Ellobium (Ellobium) 170, 178, 
179, 185, 192 
aurismidae, Bulla 178 
aurismidae, Ellobium (Ellobium) 175,177, 
178 1, ЛОР. WSS, IA, Sey 
australis, Ophicardelus 175, 225 
Autonoe 178, 179 
riparia 178, 180 
Autonoella 179 
riparia 179 
avara, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 91 

B. fruticum 9 

babylonia, Chemnitzia 491 

babylonia, Cingulina 491 

babylonia, Liamorpha 491 

babylonia, Odostomia 445, 446, 450, 
457, 459, 467, 463, 464, 466, 481- 
487, 491-492 

babylonica, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 491 

babylonica, Odostomia (Cingulina) 491 

bakeri, Praticolella (Filapex) 90 

barbadense, Ellobium 257 

barbatum, Stenotrema 79 

barbatum, Stenotrema (Toxotrema) 89 

barbigera, Helix 88 

barbigerum, Stenotrema 79 

barbigerum, Stenotrema (Archerelix) 88, 
93, 106 

Basommatophora 172, 311 

Bathyomphalus contortus 64, 65 

bayeri, Akera 440 

Беаий, Cyclostremiscus 405, 408, 416 

beauii, Cylindrobulla 439 

behri, Linisa 90, 94, 96 

Bellamya unicolor 50 

bequaerti, Ashmunella 87 

berlandieriana, Praticolella 81 

berlandieriana, Praticolella (Praticolella) 

bermudae, Volvatella 398-400, 440 

bermudensis, Alexia 195, 197, 202 

bermudensis, Alexia myosotis 196 

bermudensis, Ovatella myostis 197 

bermudensis, Phytia 196 

bermudensis, Phytia myosotis var. 196 


biasoletina, Alexia 195 
biasolettiana, Alexia 195 
biasolettiana, Auricula 194 
bicolor, Alexia 196 
bicolor, Auicula 202 
bicolor, Auricula 195, 197 
bicruris, Linisa 90 
bidenta, Auricula 263 
bidentata, Acteocina 436 
bidentata, Alexia 196 
bidentata, Auricula 263 
bidentata, Auriculinella 164, 332 
bidentata, Auriculinella (Leucophytia) 
175; 176, 202, 267 
bidentatus, Melampus 203, 262, 266, 
bidentatus, Melampus bidentatus 263 
bidentatus, Melampus (Leuconia) 202, 
bidentatus, Melampus (Melampus) 164, 
165, 168, 170, 1731762202203; 
246, 248, 249, 257, 258, 262-275, 
264-270, 284, 285, 295, 300, 308, 
bidentus, Melampus 263 
binneyana, Patera (Vesperpatera) 92, 95 
binneyana, Polygyra 92 
binneyi, Ashmunella 87 
Biomphalaria 19 
camerunensis 14 
glabrata 14 
pfeifferi 18 
biplicata, Auricula 245, 249, 258 
biplicatus, Melampus 250 
biplicatus, Melampus (Conovulus) 249 
bishopi, Melampus coffeus var. 263, 265 
bisuturalis, Boonea 488 
Bithynia graeca 50 
tentaculata 19, 50, 65 
blandianum, Stenotrema 79 
blandianum, Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix) 89 
Blannaria 186 
pellucida 187 
Blaumeria 186 
heteroclita 187 
Blauneria 168, 173, 176, 177, 186, 191, 
210, 228, 230, 2364312 
cubensis 187 
elliptiformis 186 
gracilis 186 
heteroclita 164, 170, 172, 175, 176, 
186-191, 188, 189, 236, 330, 332 
pellucida 187 
boholensis, Melampus 164, 258 
Boonea 449, 551, 488, 490 
bisuturalis 488 
cincta 445, 446, 450, 457, 459, 461, 
impressa 488 
seminuda 445, 446, 450, 457, 459, 
460, 461, 463-465, 481-490 
borealis, Alexia 195 


borealis, Auricula denticulata var. 194 
borealis, Melampus 194, 203, 268 
borealis, Melampus bidentatus var. 
borealis, Phytia myosotis 196 
botteriana, Auricula 195, 202 
Bradybaena 84 
similaris 95 
Branchiopulmonata 311 
brasiliana, Aplysia 392, 441 
brevicula, Littorina 130 
brevipila, Stenotrema 79 
brevipila, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89 
brevispira, Marinula 226 
bronni, Allochroa 175 
Brooksorbis 85 [see Triodopsis 
buccinea, Ringicula 377, 387, 388, 405, 
bulimoides, Cleopatra 50 
bulimoides, Melampus 277 
Bulimus 247 
auricula 179, 183 
auris-felis 256 
coniformis 249, 257 
monile 290, 293 
ovulus 303, 308 
pedipes 213 
Bulinus 19 
truncatus 17 
bulla, Melampus 276 
bulla, Melampus (Melampus) 276 
Bulla 379, 381-383, 384, 385-387, 393, 
395, 399, 400, 402, 404, 405, 409, 
410, 412, 416, 418-422, 424, 433, 
ampulla 392,436 
aurismidae 178 
coffea 249, 256 
gouldiana 405, 420, 436 
solida 436 
striata 387,388, 390, 409, 420, 436 
bullaeoides, Detracia 275-277 
bullaeoides, Melampus (Detracia) 277 
bullaoides, Conovolus 277 
bullaoides, Detracia 277 
bullaoides, Melampus 275, 277 
bullaoides, Melampus (Detracia) 169, 
173, 175, 275, 276-284, 279-282, 
295, 300, 308; 332 
bullaoides, Tornatella 276 
bullaoides, Voluta 276 
Bullapex 204 
Bullaria 418 
bullata, Akera 385,392, 395, 440 
Bullidae 421 
Bulloidea 376, 412, 416, 417, 424 
bulloides, Detracia 277 
bulloides, Melampus (Detracia) 277 
Bullomorpha 453, 454 
burchi, Triodopsis 85 
burchi, Triodopsis (Pilsbryorbis) 85 
burlesoni, Daedalochila 81 



burlesoni, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 91 
Bursa 23 
crenulata 31 
Bursatella 379 
Bursidae 23 
Busycon 419 

caddoense, Stenotrema 79 
caddoense, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89 
Caenogastropoda 376 
caerulea, Patella 33-40 
caffeus, Melampus 250 
californica, Aplysia 395, 441 
caloosaensis, Polygyra 89 
calvescens, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89 
calyculata, Smaragdinella 437 
Calyptogena 363-372 
magnifica 363, 364, 365, 366-371, 
pacifica 365, 369, 369-370, 371, 372 
phaseoliformis 365, 367, 368-370, 
Camaenidae 95, 106 
camerunensis, Biomphalaria 14 
canaliculata, Acteocina 379, 393, 436 
Canariella 158 
discobolus 159 
eutropis 159 
gomerae 159 
hispidula 159 
leprosa 159 
р/апапа 159 
candei, Acteocina 436 
candens, Acteon 432 
candida, Praticolella (Praticolella) 90 
cantralli, Linisa 90 
Caracolla limbata 350, 352, 353, 355, 
Carditidae 363, 364 
carinata, Leptoxis 50 
carinatus, Planorbis 66 
carlbadensis, Ashmunella 87 
carolinensis, Xolotrema (Xolotrema) 85 
cartusiana, M. 9 
caruanae, Cernuella 350, 357 
Carychiidae 173 
Carychiinae 174, 775, 313, 315 
Carychiopsis 314 
Carychium 176, 177, 193, 209, 312, 
minimum 175 
personatum 194, 197, 201, 202 
tridentatum 175, 193, 209, 313, 331 
Cassidaria rugosa 23, 31 
Cassidula 170, 176, 177, 191, 192; 
205, 256, 302, 312-315 
aurisfelis 192, 256, 257 
labrella 193,209, 259 
mustelina 332 
Cassidula (Cassidula) aurisfelis 175 
doliolum 175 
Cassidulinae 174, 186, 191, 211, 232 


Cassis tuberosa 23 
catascopium, Lymnaea 62, 64, 65 
cepa, Cepolis 95 
Cepaea hortensis 111 
normalis 111-122, 145 
Cephalaspidea 375-442 
Cepolis 72, 84, 96 
cepa 95 
cereolus, Polygyra 81,89 
Cernuella 349, 350, 353, 356-359 
amanda 350, 352-356, 357 
caruanae 350, 357 
rugosa 350 
virgata 6, 9 
Cernuellopsis 356, 359 
ghisotti 359 
ceylanicum, Ellobium 184 
Chemnitzia babylonia 491 
seminuda 488 
chilhoweensis, Appalachina 93 
chilhoweensis, Mesodon 104, 105 
chinense, Ellobium (Ellobium) 179 
chiricahuana, Ashmunella 88 
chisosensis, Daedalochila 81 
chisosensis, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 91 
Chrysallida 450, 451, 457, 490 
cincta 445, 450, 457, 481-487, 489, 
torita 490 
chrysoma, Retusa 382, 438 
ciliata, Alexia 195 
ciliata, Auricula 195, 197, 197, 203 
cincta, Boonea 445, 446, 450, 457, 459, 
461, 489-491 
cincta, Chrysallida 445, 450, 457, 481- 
487, 489, 490 
cincta, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 489 
cincta, Volvatella 440 
cingulata, Auricula 276 
cingulata, Melampus (Tifata) 277 
cingulata, Tralia 275, 277 
cingulatus, Melampus 276 
cingulatus, Melampus (Tralia) 277 
Cingulina babylonia 491 
judithae 491 
claibornensis, Triodopsis (Shelfordorbis) 

clarki, Detracia 297, 299 

clarki, Melampus 297 

clarki, Patera (Patera) 92 

clarkii, Melampus 297 

Clathrella 454 

clausa, Laemodonta 206 
clausa, Plecotrema 209 
Clauselia 193 

clausus, Mesodon (Mesodon) 93 
clavus, Scaphander 433 
clenchi, Patera (Vesperpatera) 92 
Cleopatra bulimoides 50 
cockerelli, Ashmunella 88 
coffea, Bulla 249, 256 

coffea, Conovulus 249 


coffea, Melampus 249 
coffea, Melampus (Melampus) 250 
coffea, Voluta 249, 256, 257 
coffee, Conovulus 249 
coffeus, Melampus 247, 249, 258, 329, 
coffeus, Melampus coffeus 250 
coffeus, Melampus (Conovulus) 249 
coffeus, Melampus (Melampus) 164, 
168, 770, 170, 172, 173; 07348237 
176, 245, 247, 249-262, 251-256, 
265, 266, 268, 290, 29472957300; 
cohuttense, Stenotrema 79 
cohuttensis, Polygyra 88 
cohuttensis, Stenotrema (Cohutta) 88, 95 
columbiana, Polygyra 86 
columbiana, Vespericola 95 
columbianus, Vespericola 86 
complanata, Triodopsis (Pilsbryorbis) 85 
concinna, Marinula 226 
coniformis, Auricula 249 
coniformis, Auricula (Conovulus) 249 
coniformis, Bulimus 249, 257 
coniformis, Conovulus 249 
coniformis, Melampus 247, 249 
coniformis, Pedipes 249 
coniformis, Ringicula 377, 387, 388, 
405, 432 
conoidalis, Auricula 249 
Conovolus 247 
bullaoides 277 
Conovula 247 
Conovulae 247 
Conovulidae 173 
Conovulum 247 
Conovulus 193, 213, 247, 248 
Conovulus coffea 249 
coffee 249 
coniformis 249 
denticulatus 195 
monile 290 
pellucens 180 
Conovulus (Alexia) denticulata 195 
contectus, Viviparus 41-52 
contortus, Bathyomphalus 64, 65 
contrerasi, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 490 
convexa, Stenotrema 88 
cookiana, Sagda 95 
copei, Triodopsis 86 
cornea, Auricula 262, 266, 269 
cornea, Cremnobates 225 
corneliae, Giffordius 89 
corneus, Melampus 263 
corneus, Melampus bidentatus 263 
corneus, Melampus (Melampus) 263 
corneus, Planorbarius 14, 53-68 
Cornirostridae 377 
coronata, Runcina 401 
coronatus, Melampus 290, 293 
coronulus, Melampus 291 
cossoni, Alexia 196, 200 

costata, Tralia (Persa) 175 

costulata, Turbonilla 501 

couloni, Linisa 90 

cragini, Triodopsis 86 

cragini, Triodopsis (Haroldorbis) 95 

Creedonia 169, 172, 173, 175, 176, 
190, 210-213, 225-226, 236, 238, 
240, 312-314 
succinea 173, 175, 202, 203, 225- 

INDEX 519 

Cylindrobulla 376, 377, 381, 383, 384, 
384, 385, 386, 387, 390, 395, 398- 
400, 407, 402, 403, 406, 407-410, 
412, 416, 419, 420, 439 
beauli 439 

Cylindrobullidae 376 

Cylindrotis 170, 186, 191, 314 
quadrasi 175 

Сутанит 23 

231, 227,229, 230, 236, 330-332 

Cremnobates 225, 312 
cornea 225 
parva 225, 226 
solida 225 

crenulata, Bursa 31 

crenulata, Pyramidella 445, 446, 450, 
458, 464, 472, 474, 475, 481-487, 

dacylomela, Aplysia 441 
Daedalochila 81, 84, 89-91, 106 

acutidentata 91 

arladne 91 

burlesoni 81 

chisosensis 81 

hippocrepis 81 

leporina 81 

crenulata, Pyramidella (Longchaeus) 498 multiplicata 81 

Crepidula 381 
fornicata 445, 459 
crista, Armiger 64 
crosseana, Melampus (Sayella) 495 

plicata 91 

uvulifera 81 
Daedalochila (Acutidens) 91 
Daedalochila (Daedalocheila) 83 

crosseana, Petitella 445, 446, 450, 457-  Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 91 

459, 464, 465, 469, 470, 481-487, 
crosseana, Sayella 495 
Cryptomastix 84, 86, 87 
Cryptomastix (Bupigona) 83,84, 87 
hendersoni 94 
Сгурютазих (Cryptomastix) 83, 87 
devia 87 
mullani 87, 94 
sanburni 87 
Cryptomastix (Micranepsia) 83, 84, 87 
germana 87, 94 
cubense, Plecotrema 206 
cubensis, Blauneria 187 
cubensis, Laemodonta 173, 193, 205- 
210, 207-209, 236, 241, 330, 332 
cubensis, Laemodonta (Bullapex) 204, 
cubensis, Odostomia 187, 190 
cubensis, Odostomia (Tornatellina) 187 
cubensis, Oleacina (Stobilus) 187 
cubensis, Physella 333-348 
cubensis, Plecotrema 206 
cubensis, Tornatellina 187, 189 
Cyclostremellinae 444 
Cyclostremiscus Беаий 405, 408, 416 

arladne 91 
auriculata 91,94 
auriformis 91 
avara 91 
delecta 91 
hausmani 91 
oppilata 91 
peninsulae 92 
postelliana 92 
subclausa 92 
uvulifera 72, 92, 107 
Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 81, 83, 84, 91 
acutidentata 91, 94, 96 
burlesoni 91 
chisosensis 91 
dalli 91 
hippocrepis 72, 91, 93, 94, 96, 107 
leporina 91 
multiplicata 91 
poeyi 91 
sterni 91 
dalli, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 91 
danielsi, Ashmunella 88 
deceptrix, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 490 
deceptum, Stenotrema 79 
deceptum, Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix) 89 

Cylichna 376, 377, 384, 385, 390, 395-  delecta, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 91 

397, 402, 407-409, 412, 413, 416, 
417, 424, 435-436 
alba 435 
cylindracea 390, 406, 407, 434 
magna 435 
verrilli 435 
Cylichnatys 418 
Cylichnidae 376, 402, 421 
cylindracea, Cylichna 390, 406, 407, 
cylindrellus, Scaphander 390 

deltoidea, Millerelix (Prattelix) 91 
denotata, Xolotrema 104 

denotata, Xolotrema (Xolotrema) 85, 95 
denticulata, Alexia 192, 195 
denticulata, Alexia (Kochia) 193 
denticulata, Auricula 194 
denticulata, Auricula (Alexia) 195 
denticulata, Conovulus (Alexia) 195 
denticulata, Jaminia 192, 194 
denticulata, Ovatella 202 
denticulata, Philine 434 


denticulata, Phytia 194, 201, 202 
denticulata, Phytia myosotis 196 
denticulata, Pythia 194 
denticulata, Voluta 169, 193, 194, 797, 
denticulatus, Acteon 194 
denticulatus, Conovulus 195 
denticulatus, Melampus 195 
dentifera, Helix 78 
dentifera, Neohelix 106 
dentifera, Neohelix (Asamiorbis) 94 
depilans, Aplysia 441 
depilatum, Stenotrema altispira 79 
depilatum, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 
altispira 89 
Detracia 169, 173, 248, 275-276, 295, 
3027 312 
bullaeoides 275-277 
bullaoides 277 
bulloides 277 
clarki 297, 299 
floridana 284, 285 
parana 287, 289 
roquesana 277, 279, 281 
devia, Cryptomastix (Cryptomastix) 87 
didyma, Odostomia 445, 446, 450, 459, 
461, 463, 464, 467, 481-487, 492- 
didyma, Odostomia (Cyclodostomia) 492 
discobolus, Canariella 159 
discoidea, Triodopsis (Vagvolgyrorbis) 86 
dissecta, Linisa 90 
Distorsio perdistorta 23 
doerfeuilliana, Millerelix 81, 91 
dolabratus, Trochus 496 
doliolum, Cassidula (Cassidula) 175 
dominicense, Auricula 178, 180 
dominicense, Ellobium 330 
dominicense, Ellobium (Auriculodes) 170, 
172,176, 179, 180-186, 181-184, 
dominicensis, Auricula 180, 185 
Doridella steinbergae 420 
downieanus, Inflectarius (Hubrichtius) 92, 
duryi, Helisoma 14,17 
dysoni, Linisa 90 

eburnea, Wingenella 497 

edentatus, Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 92 
edgarianum, Stenotrema 79 
edgarianum, Stenotrema (Archerelix) 88 
edithae, Ashmunella 88 

edulis, Mytilus 124, 129, 130 
edvardsi, Stenotrema 79 

edvardsi, Stenotrema (Archerelix) 88 
eiseni, Tegula 491 

eiseni, Tequla 445 

elegans, Haminoea 398, 419, 437 
elegantissima, Turbo 501 
elegantissima, Turbonilla 450, 451, 502 
Eleutherobranchia 418 


elevatus, Mesodon (Aphalogona) 93, 94 
elliptiformis, Blauneria 186 
Ellobiidae 163-332 
Ellobiinae 168-170, 172, 174, 175, 176, 
177, 186, 191, 211, 231 28522740) 
Ellobium 164, 170, 173, 174, 176-186, 
231, 236, 247, 3027312 731478115 
auricula 183 
barbadense 257 
ceylanicum 184 
dominicense 330 
inflammatum 257 
midae 178 
pellucens 180 
Ellobium (Auriculodes) dominicense 170, 
172, 176, 179, 180-186, 181-184, 
дапдейсит 175 
gaziense 179, 181, 184 
pellucens 183 
stagnale 179 
Ellobium (Ellobium) aurisjudae 170, 178, 
179,185, 192 
aurismidae 175,177,178, 181, 182, 
185, 192332 
chinense 179 
subnodosum 179 
elodes, Lymnaea 62, 65, 345 
elongata, Auricula myosotis var. 
elongata, Auriculastra 184 
elongatus, Pedipes 226, 227, 228 
Elysia 379, 402 
timida 409 
viridis 400 
Ensiphorus 275 
longidens 276 
Enterodonta 205 
Eobania vermiculata 2, 9 
Ercolania 402 
lozanoi 400 
esuritor, Ashmunella 88 
Euchemotrema 79, 83, 84, 88, 93 
fasciatum 88 
fraternum 79, 88 
hubrichti 88 
leai 88, 94 
monodon 79, 88 
monodon aliciae 79 
occidaneum 88 
wichitorum 88 
euglypta, Linisa 90 
Eusiphorus 275 
euthales, Vespericola 86 
Euthyneura 377, 394, 404, 408, 418, 
eutropis, Canariella 159 
eutropis, Helix 159 
exiguus, Pseudomelampus 
exilis, Alexia 196, 200 
exodon, Polygyra stenotrema 89 
exodon, Stenotrema 79 


175, 302, 332 


exodon, Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix) 89, 93 

falklandica, Philine 377, 389, 390, 397, 
399, 434, 435 
fallax, Triodopsis 71, 86 
fallax, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 86, 101 
Fargoa 451 
fasciata, Aplysia 441 
fasciatum, Euchemotrema 88 
fasciatus, Melampus 275, 308 
fasciatus, Persicula barbadensis 256 
fatigiata, Millerelix (Prattelix) 91 
fausti, Oncomelania hupensis 149, 152, 
ferrissi, Ashmunella 88 
ferrissi, Inflectarius 104-106 
ferrissi, Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 92, 94 
ferruginea, Runcina 402 
ficula, Volvatella 399, 440 
figulina, Helix 1 
filholi, Marinula 226, 227, 229, 331 
filmargo, Helicella (Helicopsis) 1 
filmargo, Martha 1 
finlayi, Acteon 432 
firmini, Monica 226 
firminii, Ovatella 164, 175, 193, 226 
flava, Voluta 293, 294 
flavescens, Praticolella (Praticolella) 90 
flavus, Melampus 290, 291, 293-295 
florida, Stenotrema 79 
florida, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89 
floridana, Auricula 285 
floridana, Detracia 284, 285 
floridana, Tralia 275,284 
floridana, Tralia (Tifata) 284 
floridanus, Melampus 265, 284, 285 
floridanus, Melampus (Detracia) 164, 
IO; 173,203, 246, 275, 276, 281, 
282, 284-289, 287, 290, 300, 314 
floridanus, Melampus (Tralia) 284 
floridianus, Melampus 284 
fontalis, Physa 64 
fornicata, Crepidula 445,459 
fosteri, Polygyra appressa 85 
fosteri, Xolotrema 71, 97, 103 
fosteri, Xolotrema (Wilcoxorbis) 85, 95, 
fragilis, Volvatella 400, 440 
fraternum, Euchemotrema 79, 88 
fraudulenta, Triodopsis (Shelfordorbis) 85 
frumentum, Sarnia 175, 232 
frumentum, Talia (Sarnia) 302 
fruticum, B. 9 
fulciden, Triodopsis (Macmillanorbis) 86 
Fumonelix 84, 92, 101, 104, 105 
archeri 72, 92, 104 
jonesiana 92 
jonesianus 72, 104 
orestes 72, 92, 104 
weatherbyi 92 
wheatleyi 92, 94 
Fumonelix (Fumonelix) 83 


fusca, Melampus 291, 294 

galea, Топпа 23-32, 25, 26 
gangetica, Auricula (Auriculina) 179 
gangeticum, Ellobium (Auriculodes) 
Gastropteron 384 
gattoi, Helix 357 
gaziense, Ellobium (Auriculodes) 
181, 184 
Gegania 377, 379, 384, 384, 385, 386, 
390, 391, 394, 395, 398-400, 408- 
410, 413, 415-417, 419, 422, 442 
valkyrie 377, 378, 390, 396, 397, 
408, 417, 422, 442 
georgianus, Viviparus 50 
Geovula 178 
germana, Cryptomastix (Micranespia) 87, 



germana, Helix 87 

ghisottii, Cernuellopsis 359 

gibba, Philine 377, 382, 389, 390, 420, 

gibberosa, Astraea 491 

Giffordius 81, 83, 84, 89, 96, 104, 105 
corneliae 89 
pinchoti 81, 89, 94, 104, 105 

glabrata, Biomphalaria 14 

globulosus, Pedipes 214, 215 

globulsus, Pedipes 214 

globulus, Alexia 196, 200 

globulus, Auricula 287 

globulus, Melampus (Detracia) 275 

globulus, Pedipes 214, 216, 217 

globulus, Tralia (Tifata) 275 

gomerae, Canariella 159 

gomerae, Helix (Gonostoma) 159 

gouldiana, Bulla 405, 420, 436 

gracılis, Blauneria 186 

gracilis, Melampus 194 

gracilis, Millerelix 91 

gracilis, Monica 226 

gracilis, Turbo 501 

graeca, Bithynia 50 

grandis, Aplysia 441 

granifer, Melampus (Signia) 175 

griseola, Praticolella (Praticolella) 90 

guangxiensis, Oncomelania hupensis 139, 
145, 152, 153 

gundlachi, Апсиа 263 

gundlachi, Melampus 246, 263, 268 

gundlachi, Melampus coffeus 263 

gundlachi, Melampus coffeus var. 

Gymnophora 418 

Gyraulus albus 19, 64 

gyrina, Physa 66, 345 

gyrina, Physella 345, 346 


Haliotis 459 

Наттоеа 376, 377, 381, 382, 384, 
385, 386, 390, 391, 393-395, 398- 
400, 402, 405, 409, 410, 412, 416, 
418-420, 424, 433, 437 


antillarum 388, 392, 395, 398, 400, 
419, 420, 437 

elegans 398, 419, 437 

hydatis 398, 402, 420, 437 

musetta 437 

natalensis 387 

navicula 398 

solitaria 387,419, 420, 437 

succinea 419, 420, 437 

virescens 398, 437 

zelandiae 419, 437 
Haminoeidae 376, 417, 420, 421 
hapla, Vespericola 86 
harrisi, Ashmunella 88 
hausmani, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 91 
hawleyi, Ashmunella 88 
hebardi, Ashmunella 88 
heilprini, Turbonilla 501 
Heliacus variegatus 416 
Helicella 349, 358 

pappi 1-11 
Helicella (Helicopsis) filmargo 1 
Helicella (Xerothracia) pappi 1-11 
Helicidae 353 
helicina, Pythia 193 
Helicopsis 1 
Helisoma duryi 14, 17 

trivolvis 64, 65 
Helix afra 213 

albolabris 78 

amanda 349, 350, 356 

ampla 90 

appressa 92 

auriculata 91 

barbigera 88 

dentifera 78 

eutropis 159 

figulina 1 

gattoi 357 

germana 87 

hippocrepis 91 

hirsuta 89 

inflecta 92 

jejuna 90 

limbata 350, 356 

loricata 87 

lucorum 2,9 

mobiliana 90 

monodon 88 

mooreana 91 

pennsylvanicus 92 

profunda 87 

pustula 90 

rozeti 356 

scarabeus 193 

stenotrema 88 

thyroidus 93 

townsendiana 87 

tridentata 85 

usticensis 349 

variabilis 359 

wheatleyi 92 


Helix (Ciliella) lanosa 159 

Helix (Gonostoma) дотегае 159 
hispidula subhispidula 159 

Helix (Polygyra) anilis 89 

Helminthoglypta 84 
tudiculata 95 

Helminthoglyptidae 95 

hemphilli, Sayella 445, 446, 450, 457- 
459, 464, 465, 468, 469, 481-487, 

hemphilli, Turbonilla 445, 446, 450, 458, 
464, 473, 474, 477, 478, 481-487, 

hemphillir, Leuconia 493, 494 

hemphillii, Melampus (Sayella) 494 

hendersoni, Cryptomastix (Bupigona) 94 

hendersoni, Polygyra mullani 87 

hendersoni, Polygyra (Bupiogona) 87 

henriettae, Triodopsis (Haroldorbis) 72, 

hertleini, Linisa 90 

Heterobranchia 376, 416, 421, 443-511 

heteroclita, Acteon 187 

heteroclita, Auricula 187 

heteroclita, Blaumeria 187 

heteroclita, Blauneria 164, 170, 172, 
175, 176, 186-191, 11887 189236 
330, 332 

heteroclita, Voluta 186 

Heterostropha 451 

hindsii, Linisa 90 

hipolitensis, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 489 

hippocrepis, Daedalochila 81 

hippocrepis, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 72, 
91, 93, 94, 96, 107 

hippocrepis, Helix 91 

hiriarti, Alexia 195 

hiriarti, Alexia (Auricula) myosotis var. 

hirsuta, Helix 89 

hirsuta, Plecotrema 209 

hirsutum, Stenotrema 79 

hirsutum, Stenotrema (Toxotrema) 89, 
93, 95 

hirsutus, Hochbergellus 86, 93 

hispidula, Canariella 159 

Hochbergellus 83,84, 86 
hirsutus 86, 93 

Holothuria sanctori 23 
tubulosa 23 

hombergi, Tritonia 395 

hopetonensis, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 86 

hortensis, Cepaea 111 

Houbricka 458, 502-503 
incisa 445, 446, 450, 458, 464, 473, 

474, 478, 479, 481-487, 502, 503 

hubrichti, Euchemotrema 88 

humboldti, Turbonilla 501 

humilis, Lymnaea 65 

hupensis, Oncomelania 133-156 

hupensis, Oncomelania hupensis 134, 
139, 140, 145, 152-154 

hupensis, Oncomelania hupensis (Таиз И 
form) 738, 153 

Hydatina 376-378, 381-383, 384, 385, 

386, 388-390, 395, 398, 399, 402, 
409, 410, 415-417, 419, 420, 422, 
physis 389, 396, 398, 433 
velum 389, 398, 418, 433 
vesicaria 389, 433 
Hydatinidae 386 
hydatis, Наттоеа 398, 402, 420, 437 
Hydrobia 144 
ulvae 381 
Hydrobiidae 381 
Hygromia 356, 359 
Hygromiidae 353 
Hygromiinae 358 

idiogenes, Linisa 90 
implicata, Millerelix 91 
impressa, Boonea 488 
incisa, Houbricka 445, 446, 450, 458, 
464, 473, 474, 478, 479, 481-487, 
502, 503 
incisa, Turbonilla 458, 502, 503 
indianorum, Patera (Vesperpatera) 92 
inflammatum, Ellobium 257 
inflecta, Helix 92 
Inflectarius 84, 92, 107 
ferrissi 104-106 
inflectus 104 
Inflectarius (Hubrichtius) 83, 84, 92 
downieanus 92, 94 
kalmianus 92 
Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 83, 92 
approximans 92 
edentatus 92 
ferrissi 92, 94 
inflectus 92, 94, 101 
magazinensis 92 
гиде! 72, 92 
smithi 92 
subpalliatus 92 
verus 92 
Inflectarius (Summinflectarius) 101 
inflectus, Inflectarius 104 
inflectus, Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 92, 
94, 101 
infrequens, Auricula 202 
instabilis, Retusa 393 
insularis, Pedipes 219, 220, 223 
insularis, Rangitotoa 231, 232, 236 
integra, Physa 66 
intricata, Ashmunella 88 
iredalei, Tathrella 445, 446, 450, 454, 
458, 464, 473, 478, 480, 481-487, 
islandica, Arctica 371 

jacksoni, Millerelix (Prattelix) 91 
jamesensis, Ashmunella 88 

INDEX 523 

Jaminia 192, 193 
denticulata 192, 194 
quinquedens 194 
seminuda 488 
japonica, Julia 400 
japonica, Philine 434 
jaumei, Auricula 263, 268, 269 
jaumei, Melampus 263 
jeffreysi, Turbonilla 502 
Jeffreysii, Turbonilla 450 
jejuna, Helix 90 
jejuna, Praticolella (Filapex) 90, 95 
jonesiana, Fumonelix 92 
jonesianus, Fumonelix 72, 104 
juanezensis, Ashmunella 88 
judae, Auriculus 178 
judithae, Cingulina 491 
judithae, Odostomia (Miralda) 491 
judithae, Pyramidelloides 491 
Julia japonica 400 
juliana, Aplysia 441 
Juliidae 421 
junior, Tralia (Alexia) myosotis forma 196 
juxtidens, Polygyra tridentata 86 
juxtidens, Triodopsis 86 
juxtidens, Triodopsis (Vagvolgyrorbis) 86, 

kalmianus, Inflectarius (Hubrichtius) 92 
kalmianus, Mesodon 92 

karokorum, Vespericola 86 

Kelliellidae 364 

kiowaensis, Patera (Vesperpatera) 92 
kochi, Ashmunella 88 

Kochia 192 

kuesteri, Auricula 275 

kutschigiana, Auricula 194 

labrella, Cassidula 193, 209, 259 

labrosum, Stenotrema 79 

labrosum, Stenotrema (Toxotrema) 89 

lacteus, Turbo 501 

Laemodonta 164, 173, 176, 177, 179, 
190, 192, 204-206, 211, 236, 312, 
clausa 206 
cubensis 173, 193, 205-210, 207- 

209,236, 241, 330, 332 

molinifera 209 
octanfracta 175,206, 207, 209 
punctigera 205 
striata 204, 205, 209 

Laemodonta (Bullapex) cubensis 204, 

laevior, Patera 71, 97, 103 

laevior, Patera (Patera) 92, 97 

laguncula, Volvatella 440 

Laimodon 205 

Laimodonta 179, 204, 205 

lanosa, Helix (Ciliella) 159 

lapillus, Nucella 407 

lawae, Praticolella 81 


lawae, Praticolella (Filapex) 90 
leai, Euchemotrema 88, 94 
leatherwoodi, Patera (Vesperpatera) 92 
lens, Lindolhomia 1 
lenticula, Ashmunella 88 
lepidoderma, Ashmunella 88 
leporina, Daedalochila 81 
leporina, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 91 
leprosa, Canariella 159 
Leptoxis carinata 50 
letourneuxi, Alexia 196, 200, 202 
Leuconia 228 
hemphilli 493, 494 
occidentalis 231, 232 
succinea 226 
Eeuconopsis 173, 124, 176, 211, 212, 
237238, 2437 2443122313 
manningi 170, 172, 238, 241-243, 
242, 243, ЗЛА, 330 
novimundi 170, 172, 238-241, 239, 
240, 243, 330, 332 
obsoleta 175, 237, 240, 244 
rapanulensis 238, 241, 243, 244 
Leucopepla 235 
occidentalis 232 
levettei, Ashmunella 88 
Liamorpha babylonia 491 
lignarius, Scaphander 389, 401, 409, 
limax, Tamanovalva 400 
limbata, Caracolla 350, 352, 353, 355, 
limbata, Helix 350, 356 
Limnaea 174 
Lindolhomia lens 1 
lineatus, Melampus 248, 263, 266, 267 
lineatus, Melampus bidentatus 263, 270 
lineatus, Melampus bidentatus var. 262, 
lineatus, Melampus (Melampus) 262 
Linisa 81, 83, 84, 89 90, 107 
adamnis 90 
albicostulata 90 
anilis 90, 94 
aulacomphala 90 
behri 90, 94, 96 
bicruris 90 
cantralli 90 
couloni 90 
dissecta 90 
dysoni 90 
euglypta 90 
hertleini 90 
hindsii 90 
idiogenes 90 
matermontana 90 
nelsoni 90 
palgioglossa 90 
pergrandis 90 
polita 90 
ponsonbyi 90 
richardsoni 90 


suprazonata 90 
tamaulipasensis 81, 90 
texasiana 81, 90 
ventrosula 90 
yucatanea 90 
Lirator 205 
lithica, Millerelix 91 
Littorina 123-132, 399, 404, 417 
brevicula 130 
neritoides 123-132 
obtusata 130 
punctata 123-132 
saxatilis 123-132; 125 
strigta 130 
Littorina (Melaraphe) neritoides 123-132; 
punctata 123-132; 125 
Littorinacea 310 
livida, Odostomia (Syrnola) 494 
livida, Sayella 494 
Lobosculum 81, 83, 84, 89, 90, 93, 96, 
pustula 81, 90, 94 
pustuloides 90 
lombardii, Allogona (Dysmedoma) 87 
longidens, Ensiphorus 276 
longidens, Melampus (Ensiforus) 275 
loricata, Helix 87 
loricata, Trilobopsis 87, 95 
loweana, Alexia 195 
lozanoi, Ercolania 400 
lucorum, Helix 2,9 
luteus, Melampus 269, 308 
[утпаеа catascopium 62, 64, 65 
elodes 62, 65, 345 
humilis 65 
palustris 64, 65 
регедга 13-21, 62, 64-66 
stagnalis 13-21, 50 
lynchnuchus, Pleurodonte 95 

M. cartusiana 9 

Macmillanorbis 85-86 [see Triodopsis 

macromphala, Ashmunella 88 

maculosa, Топпа 23-32, 29-31 

Maelampus 247 

magazinensis, Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 

magna, Cylichna 435 

magnifica, Calyptogena 363, 364, 365, 
366-371, 3117872 

magnifumosum, Stenotrema 79 

magnifumosum, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 

major, Neohelix 70, 71 

malleatus, Viviparus 50 

mandroni, Маппийа 226, 331 

manningi, Leuconopsis 170, 172, 238, 
241-243, 242, 243, 314, 330 

maoria, Opimilda 416 

marinensis, Vespericola 86 


Marinula 164, 176, 184, 211, 213, 217, 
225, 228,230; 238312 315 
brevispira 226 
concinna 226 
filholi 226, 227, 229, 331 
mandroni 226, 331 
parva 227, 331 
patula 225 
pepita 175, 226, 227, 229, 308, 331 
succinea 226 
tristanensis 229, 331 
velaini 226, 331 
xanthostoma 217, 225, 226, 230, 331 

Marinula (Cremnobates) xanthostoma 

Marinula (Marinula) tristanensis 332 

Maripythia 225 

Marsyas 178 

martensiana, Polygyra 90 

martensiana, Polygyra (Eduardus) 90 

martensiana, Praticolella (Eduardus) 95 

Martha filmargo 1 

marylandica, Alexia myosotis 196, 200, 

marylandica, Phytia myosotis 196 

matermontana, Linisa 90 

Mathildidae 376, 377, 421 

maxillatum, Stenotrema 79 

maxillatum, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89, 
95, 107 

maxillifer, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 72 

mearnsi, Ashmunella 88 

megasoma, Vespericola 86 

Melampa 247 
monile 290 

Melampidae 173, 174 

Melampinae 169, 170, 172, 174, 175, 
177,211, 231, 243-247, 258, 302; 
313, 315 

Melampodinae 243, 246 

Melampoides 176, 299, 315 

Melampus 164, 169, 176, 179, 213, 
231, 246-249, 270, 291, 297, 299, 
312,314, 494 
acinoides 314 
aequalis 248 

` bidentatus 203, 262, 266, 329 
bidentatus bidentatus 263 
bidentatus corneus 263 
bidentatus lineatus 263,270 
bidentatus redfieldi 263, 270 
bidentatus var. borealis 263 
bidentatus var. lineatus 262, 265 
bidentus 263 
biplicatus 250 
boholensis 164, 258 
borealis 194, 203, 268 
bulimoides 277 
bulla 276 
bullaoides 275, 277 
caffeus 250 
cingulatus 276 


clarki 297 
clarki 297 
coffea 249 
coffea var. microspira 244, 250 
coffeus 247,249, 258, 329, 331 
coffeus coffeus 250 
coffeus gundlachi 263 
coffeus var. alternatus 263, 265 
coffeus var. bishopi 263, 265 
coffeus var. gundlachi 263 
coffeus var. redfieldi 263 
coffeus var. verticalis 263, 265 
coniformis 247, 249 
corneus 263 
coronatus 290, 293 
coronulus 291 
denticulatus 195 
fasciatus 275, 308 
flavus 290, 291, 293-295 
flavus albus 293 
flavus purpureus 293 
flavus var. albus 291 
flavus var. purpureus 291 
floridanus 265, 284, 285 
floridianus 284 
fusca 291, 294 
gracilis 194 
gundlachi 246, 263, 268 
jaumei 263 
lineatus 248, 263, 266, 267 
luteus 269, 308 
monile 275,290, 291, 330 
monilis 291 
morrisoni 330 
myosotis 195 
nitens 303 
nucleolus 270, 308 
obliquus 262, 266-268, 270 
oblongus 277, 279, 281 
olivula 250, 258 
ovulum 303 
pallescentis 269 
paranus 330 
poeyi 277 
pusillus 303 
redfieldi 263, 268 
riparius 180 
spiralis 263, 269 
torosa 291, 294 
turritus 195, 203 
Melampus (Autonoe) riparius 180 
Melampus (Autonoella) riparius 180 
Melampus (Conovulus) biplicatus 249 
coffeus 249 
Melampus (Detracia) 315 
bullaeoides 277 
bullaoides 169, 173, 175, 275, 276- 
284, 279-282, 295, 300, 308, 332 
bulloides 277 
floridanus 164, 170, 173, 203, 246, 
275, 276, 281, 282, 284-289, 287, 
290, 300, 314 


globulus 275 
топйе 173, 241, 247, 249, 250, 257, 
267, 275,276, 290-297, 293, 294, 


morrisoni 173, 275, 276, 295, 297- 
302, 299-301 

paranus 164, 170, 173, 176, 276, 
289-290, 290 

Melampus (Ensiforus) longidens 275 

Melampus (Leuconia) bidentatus 202, 

Melampus (Lirator) multisulcatus 205 

Melampus (Melampus) bidentatus 164, 
1165, 168, 170, 173; 176; 202.203; 
246, 248, 249, 257, 258, 262-275, 
264-270, 284, 285, 295, 300, 308, 

bulla 276 
coffea 250 

Gorfeus 164, 168, IO 17051725 
17,3, 775, 175, 176.245; 24 o Cae eje 
262, 251-256, 265, 266, 268, 290, 
2942957, 3007 S087 332 

corneus 263 

lineatus 262 

monile 290 

obliquus 263 

Melampus (Micromelampus) nucleolus 


Melampus (Microtralia) minusculus 232 
Melampus (Pira) monile 291 
monilis 291 
Melampus (Sayella) crosseana 495 
hemphillii 494 
Melampus (Signia) granifer 175 
Melampus (Tifata) cingulata 277 
Melampus (Tralia) cingulatus 277 

floridanus 284 

olivula 250 

pusillus 303 

Melania 174 

Melanoides tuberculata 50 

Melanopsis 174 

Melaraphe 130 

mendax, Ashmunella 88 

meridionalis, Ashmunella 88 

meridionalis, Auricula (Alexia) 195, 197, 

Mesodon 84, 92, 93, 707 

andrewsae 104 

chilhoweensis 104, 105 

kalmianus 92 

normalis 71, 104 

zaletus 104 

Mesodon (Akromesodon) 83, 84, 93, 

104, 105 

altivagus 93 

andrewsae 93 

normalis 93, 94 

Mesodon (Aphalogona) 83, 84, 93, 107 

elevatus 93, 94 

mitchellianus 93 


zaletus 93 
Mesodon (Mesodon) 83, 93 
clausus 93 
sanus 93 
thyroidus 93, 94 
trossulus 93 
Mesodontini 84, 89, 92, 93 
Metaruncina setoensis 402 
micheli, Alexia 195, 197 
Micromelampus 270 
microspira, Melampus coffea var. 244, 
microstoma, Auricula 194 
Microtralia 169, 172, 174, 176, 190, 
210-212, 228, 230-232, 236302} 
alba 236 
occidentalis 172, 175, 197, 232-237, 
232, 234-236, 330, 332 
Microxeromagna 358 
midae, Аипсийа 178 
midae, Ellobium 178 
Millerelix 81, 84, 89, 91 
doerfeuilliana 81, 91 
gracilis 91 
implicata 91 
lithica 91 
mooreana 81, 91 
plicata 81 
tholus 91 
Millerelix (Millerelix) 83, 91, 96 
mooreana 94 
tamaulipasensis 72 
Millerelix (Prattelix) 81, 83, 84, 91, 93, 
deltoidea 91 
fatigiata 91 
jackson! 91 
peregrina 91 
plicata 72, 80, 91, 94 
simpson 91 
troostiana 91 
minima, Oncomelania 133, 147 
minimum, Carychium 175 
minuscula, Auricula (Microtralia) 231, 
minuscula, Tralia 232 
minuscula, Tralia (Alexia) 232, 232, 236 
minusculum, Auriculastrum (Microtralia) 
minusculus, Melampus (Microtralia) 232 
minuta, Voluta 257,294, 295 
miorhyssa, Ashmunella rhyssa 87 
miorhyssa, Polygyra 87 
mirabilis, Pedipes 170, 172, 175, 213- 
218, 215-217, 219) 221, 223295) 
314: 330.332 
mirabilis, Turbo 213 
mirandus, Pedipes 219, 223 
mitchellianus, Mesodon (Aphalogona) 93 
mitralis, Aphalista 499 
mitralis, Pyramidella 445, 446, 450, 451, 


452, 458, 464, 472-474, 476, 481- 
487, 496, 499-500 
mitralis, Pyramidella (Otopleura) 499 
mobiliana, Helix 90 
mobiliana, Praticolella 81 
mobiliana, Praticolella (Farragutia) 90, 95 
mogollonensis, Ashmunella 88 
molinifera, Laemodonta 209 
Monacha 9 
Monica aequalis 226 
firminii 226 
gracilis 226 
monile, Auricula 290 
monile, Bulimus 290, 293 
monile, Conovulus 290 
monile, Melampa 290 
monile, Melampus 275,290, 291, 330 
monile, Melampus (Detracia) 173, 241, 
247, 249, 250, 257, 267, 275, 276, 
290-297, 293, 294, 308 
monile, Melampus (Melampus) 290 
monile, Melampus (Pira) 291 
monile, Pira 291 
monile, Voluta 294 
monilis, Melampus 291 
monilis, Melampus (Pira) 291 
monilis, Obeliscus 497 
monodon, Euchemotrema 79, 88 
monodon, Helix 88 
montivaga, Ashmunella 88 
mooreana, Helix 91 
mooreana, Millerelix 81, 91 
mooreana, Millerelix (Millerelix) 94 
morosum, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89 
morrisoni, Melampus 330 
morrisoni, Melampus (Detracia) 173, 275, 
276, 295, 297-302, 299-307 
mudgei, Ashmunella 88 
mudgii, Ashmunella 72 
mullani, Cryptomastix (Cryptomastix) 87, 
multilineata, Webbhelix 95 
multiplicata, Daedalochila 81 
multiplicata, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 91 
multisulcatus, Melampus (Lirator) 205 
multivolvis, Auricula 276, 279, 308 
musetta, Haminoea 437 
mustelina, Cassidula 332 
Myosotella 173, 175, 176, 191, 192, 
192-194, 201, 240, 312, 314 
myosotis 164, 169, 172, 175, 176, 
193, 194-204, 197, 200, 201, 228, 
230. 232. 207, 2658 270, 302.314, 
330, 332 
payraudeaui 192, 194 
myosotis, Alexia 195, 267 
myosotis, Alexia myosotis 196 
myosotis, Alexia (Myosotella) 196 
myosotis, Auricula 192, 194, 201 
myosotis, Auricula (Alexia) 196 
myosotis, Auricula (Auricula) 194 
myosotis, Melampus 195 


myosotis, Myosotella 164, 169, 172, 
175, 176, 193, 194-204, 197, 200, 
201,228, 230,232, 207,268. 270; 
302.314, 330.332 

myosotis, Ovatella 196, 202 

myosotis, Ovatella (Alexia) 197 

myosotis, Ovatella (Myosotella) 197 

myosotis, Phytia 196, 201 

myosotis, Phytia myosotis 196 

myosotis, Pythia 194 

mysotis, Auricula 194 

Mytilus edulis 124, 129, 130 

nana, Auriculastra 232, 236 
nantahalae, Patera clarki 72 
natalensis, Haminoea 387 
Natica 381 
Naticidae 381 
naticoides, Pedipes 219, 220, 221], 223 
navicula, Haminoea 398 
Nealexia 192, 193 
neglecta, Triodopsis (Vagvolgyrorbis) 86 
nelsoni, Linisa 90 
Neohelix 78, 84 
albolabris 80, 104 
alleni 80 
dentifera 106 
major 70, 71 
solemi 80 
Neohelix (Asamiorbis) 78, 83, 84 
dentifera 94 
Neohelix (Neohelix) 78, 83 
albolabris 80, 95 
Neohelix (Solemorbis) 78, 80, 85; 83, 84 
alleni 85 
solemi 85, 95 
Neohelix (Wilcoxorbis) 83 
Nerítina 193 
Nerítino 193 
neritoides, Littorina 123-132 
neritoides, Littorina (Melaraphe) 
nitens, Auricula 303 
nitens, Melampus 303 
nitida, Ringicula 377,387, 388, 396, 
405, 415, 432 
normalis, Cepaea 111-122, 145 
normalis, Mesodon 71, 104 
normalis, Mesodon (Akromesodon) 93, 
normalis, Polygyra andrewsae 93 
norrisi, Norrisia 459, 491 
Norrisia norrisi 459, 491 
Notaspidea 418, 421 
novimundi, Apodosis 237, 238, 241, 242 
novimundi, Leuconopsis 170, 172, 238- 
241, 239, 240, 243, 330, 332 
Nucella lapillus 407 
nucleolus, Melampus 270, 308 
nucleolus, Melampus (Micromelampus) 
Nudibranchia 404, 418, 421 



Obeliscus 496 
arenosa 498 
monilis 497 
sulcatus 497 
teres 497 
tessellatus 497 
obliqua, Auricula 263 
obliquus, Melampus 262, 266-268, 270 
obliquus, Melampus (Melampus) 263 
oblongus, Melampus 277, 279, 281 
obsoleta, Alexia 195 
obsoleta, Leuconopsis 175,237, 240, 
obsoleta, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 86 
obstricta, Xolotrema (Xolotrema) 85 
obtusa, Retusa 382, 384, 391, 393, 
396, 398, 399, 420, 438 
obtusata, Littorina 130 
obvia, Xerolenta 1 
ocampi, Praticola 90 
occidaneum, Euchemotrema 88 
occidentalis, Leuconia 231, 232 
occidentalis, Leucopepla 232 
occidentalis, Microtralia 172, 175, 197, 
232-237, 232, 234.23673307332 
occidentalis, Xolotrema (Wilcoxorbis) 85 
octanfracta, Laemodonta 175,206, 207, 
octanfracta, Pedipes 205 
Odostomia 449, 451, 488 
babylonia 445, 446, 450, 457, 459, 
461, 463, 464, 466, 481-487, 491- 
cubensis 187,190 
didyma 445, 446, 450, 459, 467, 
463, 464, 467, 481-487, 492-493 
promesces 490 
santorium 490 
seminuda 488 
unidentata 451 
Odostomia (Chrysallida) babylonica 491 
cincta 489 
contrerasi 490 
deceptrix 490 
hipolitensis 489 
promeces 489 
pulcherrima 489 
pulcia 489 
santorium 489 
sapia 490 
seminuda 488 
toyatani 488 
vicola 489 
vincta 489 
willisi 488 
Odostomia (Cingulina) babylonica 491 
Odostomia (Cyclodostomia) didyma 492 
Odostomia (Miralda) judithae 491 
Odostomia (Syrnola) livida 494 
Odostomia (Tornatellina) cubensis 187 
Odostominae 444, 448, 450, 452, 457, 
463, 488 


Oleacina 189 
Oleacina (Stobilus) cubensis 187 
oliva, Auricula 276, 279 
Oliva 381 
olivula, Auricula 249, 258 
olivula, Melampus 250, 258 
olivula, Melampus (Tralia) 250 
olneyae, Polygyra mullani 87 
Omalogyroidea 417 
Oncomelania 144, 145, 147, 154 
hupensis 133-156 
hupensis fausti 149, 152, 153 
hupensis guangxiensis 139, 145, 152, 


hupensis hupensis 134, 139, 140, 
145, 152-154 

hupensis hupensis (fausti form) 138, 

hupensis quadrasi 145 
hupensis robertsoni 134, 138, 149, 
hupensis tangi 134, 138, 149, 153, 
minima 133, 147 
operculata, Retusa 382, 438 
Ophicardelus 176, 191, 192, 314 
australis 175, 225 
Opimilda maoria 416 
Opisthobranchia 310, 311, 376, 396, 
416-418, 443 
oppilata, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 91 
oranica, Alexia 196, 202 
oranica, Alexia (Kochia) 192, 193, 196, 
orestes, Fumonelix 72,92, 104 
organensis, Ashmunella 88 
orientalis, Philine 397, 434, 435 
orius, Vespericola 86 
Otina otis 171 
otis, Otina 171 
Otopleura mitralis 445, 499 
ovalis, Pedipes 170, 172, 213-215, 217- 
225, 220-223, 228, 236, 2477330 
ovalis, Pedipes mirabilis forma 219 
Ovatella 175, 176, 191-193, 211, 226, 
240, 312-314 
aequalis 193, 209, 210, 226, 230, 
denticulata 202 
firminii 164, 175, 193, 226 
myosotis 196, 202 
myostis bermudensis 197 
Ovatella (Alexia) myosotis 197 
Ovatella (Myosotella) myosotis 197 
ovula, Auricula 303 
ovula, Auricula (Conovulus) 303 
ovula, Tralla 236,303, 330/1332 
ovula, Tralia (Tralia) 174, 175, 247, 295, 
302, 303-310, 304-308, 314 
ovulum, Melampus 303 
ovulum, Pythia 303 
ovulus, Bulimus 303, 308 


ovulus, Pedipes 217 

pachyloma, Praticolella (Praticolella) 90 
pacifica, Calyptogena 365, 369, 369- 
370, 371; 372 
palgioglossa, Linisa 90 
pallescentis, Melampus 269 
paludosa, Polygyra 89 
palustris, Lymnaea 64, 65 
palustris, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 86 
panselena, Patera (Patera) 92 
pappi, Helicella 1-11 
pappi, Helicella (Xerothracia) 1-11 
parana, Detracia 287, 289 
paranus, Melampus 330 
paranus, Melampus (Detracia) 164, 170, 
173, 176, 276, 289-290, 290 
parva, Alexia 196, 200 
parva, Cremnobates 225, 226 
parva, Marinula 227, 331 
parvula, Aplysia 441 
pasonis, Ashmunella 88 
Patella aspera 33-40 
caerulea 33-40 
ulyssioponensis 34 
Patellidae 33-40 
Patera 84, 101 
appressa 104 
clarki nantahalae 72 
laevior 71, 97, 103 
Patera (Patera) 83, 92 
appressa 92, 95 
clarki 92 
laevior 92, 97 
panselena 92 
perigrapta 92 
sargentiana 92 
Patera (Ragsdaleorbis) 83, 84, 92 
pennsylvanica 95 
pennsylvanicus 92 
Patera (Vesperpatera) 83, 84, 92, 707 
binneyana 92, 95 
clenchi 92 
indianorum 92 
kiowaensis 92 
leatherwoodi 92 
roemeri 92 
patula, Marinula 225 
patulus, Pythia 230 
payraudeaui, Alexia 195 
payraudeaui, Myosotella 192, 194 
pechaudi, Alexia 196, 200 
Pedipedinae 170, 172, 174, 175, 211- 
pedipes, Bulimus 213 
pedipes, Pedipes 175, 212, 213, 215, 
Pedipes 164, 169, 173, 176, 186, 210- 
213, 225, 226, 230; 236, 238, 240, 
afra 212, 217 
coniformis 249 


elongatus 226, 227, 228 
globulosus 214, 215 
globulsus 214 
globulus 214, 216, 217 
insularis 219, 220, 223 
mirabilis 170, 172, 175, 213-218, 
215-217, 219, 221, 223, 295, 314, 
330, 332 
mirabilis forma ovalis 219 
mirandus 219, 223 
naticoides 219, 220, 221, 223 
octanfracta 205 
ovalis 170, 172, 213-215, 217-225, 
220-223, 228, 236, 241, 330 
ovulus 217 
pédipes, 175, 212, 218,215, 275. 
quadridens 213, 214, 219 
tridens 214,218, 219, 220, 221, 223 
pelecais, Acteon 432 
pellucens, Аипсийа 180, 184 
pellucens, Auricula (Auriculastrum) 180 
pellucens, Auriculastrum 180 
pellucens, Auriculus 180 
pellucens, Conovulus 180 
pellucens, Ellobium 180 
pellucens, Ellobium (Auriculodes) 183 
pellucida, Achatina 187, 189 
pellucida, Blanneria 187 
pellucida, Blauneria 187 
pendula, Triodopsis (Vagvolgyrorbis) 86 
peninsulae, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 
penistens, Trilobopsis 87 
penistoni, Turbonilla 501 
pennsylvanica, Patera (Ragsdaleorbis) 95 
pennsylvanicus, Helix 92 
pennsylvanicus, Patera (Ragsdaleorbis) 92 
Pentaganglionata 394, 404, 408 
pepita, Marinula 175, 226, 227, 229, 
308, 331 
perdistorta, Distorsio 23 
perdix, Tonna 23 
peregra, Lymnaea 13-21, 62, 64-66 
peregrina, Millerelix (Prattelix) 91 
pergrandis, Linisa 90 
perigrapta, Patera (Patera) 92 
Persa 302 
Persicula barbadensis fasciatus 256 
persimilis, Volvulella 402 
personatum, Carychium 194, 197, 201, 
Petitella 495 
crosseana 445, 446, 450, 457-459, 
464, 465, 469, 470, 481-487, 495- 
pfeifferi, Biomphalaria 18 
Phanerophthalmus 393 
Phaneropneumana 193 
Phaneropneumona 193 
phaseoliformis, Calyptogena 365, 367, 
368-370, 371, 312 


Phestilla sibogae 420 

Philine 376, 377, 381, 382, 384, 385, 

386, 388-390, 395, 397, 399, 400, 
402, 404, 408-410, 412, 413, 415- 
422, 424, 434-435 

angasi 397, 434 

aperta 377, 389, 390, 393, 397, 399, 

408, 420, 434, 435 
denticulata 434 

falklandica 377, 389, 390, 397, 399, 

434, 435 

gibba 377, 382, 389, 390, 420, 434 

japonica 434 
orientalis 397, 434, 435 
quadripatia 434 
Philinidae 421 
Philinoglossa praelonga 418 
Philinoglossidae 421 
Philinoidea 390, 412, 413, 416, 417, 
419, 424 
Phitia 192 
Physa fontalis 64 
gyrina 66, 345 
integra 66 
Physella cubensis 333-348 
gyrina 345, 346 
virgata 345 
physis, Hydatina 389, 396, 398, 433 
Phythya 192 
Phytia 192, 193, 201 
Phytia bermudensis 196 
denticulata 194, 201, 202 
myosotis 196, 201 
myosotis borealis 196 
myosotis denticulata 196 
myosotis marylandica 196 
myosotis myosotis 196 
myosotis var. bermudensis 196 
scarabeus 209 
picea, Triodopsis (Shelfordorbis) 85 
pilosus, Vespericola 86 

Pilsbrelix 89 [see Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix)] 

pilsbryana, Ashmunella 88 

pilsbryi, Stenotrema 79 

pilsbryi, Stenotrema (Archerelix) 88 

Pilsbryorbis 85 [see Triodopsis 

pilula, Stenotrema 79 

pilula, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89 

pinchoti, Giffordius 81, 89, 94, 104, 105 

pinicola, Vespericola 87 
Pira 275, 302 
monile 291 
piscinalis, Valvata 50, 62 
planaria, Canariella 159 
Planorbarius corneus 14, 53-68 
planorbis, Planorbis 19, 53-68 
Planorbis carinatus 66 
planorbis 19, 53-68 
platysayoides, Polygyra 85 
platysayoides, Triodopsis 72, 85, 104, 


platysayoides, Triodopsis (Brooksorbis) 
Plecotrema 204, 205 
clausa 209 
cubense 206 
cubensis 206 
hirsuta 209 
typica 204 
Plectrotrema 164, 177 
Pleurodonte 84, 96 
lynchnuchus 95 
Plicacea 213 
plicata, Daedalochila 91 
plicata, Millerelix 81 
plicata, Millerelix (Prattelix) 72, 80, 91, 
plicata, Polygyra 91 
plicata, Pythia 332 
plicata, Pythia (Pythia) 175 
plicatula, Turbo 500, 501 
plicatula, Turbonilla 500, 501 
poeyi, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 91 
poeyi, Melampus 277 
polita, Linisa 90 
Polloneriella 358 
Polygyra 81, 83, 84, 89, 93, 96, 105 
andrewsae normalis 93 
appressa fosteri 85 
auriculata 91 
binneyana 92 
caloosaensis 89 
cereolus 81, 89 
cohuttensis 88 
columbiana 86 
martensiana 90 
miorhyssa 87 
mullani hendersoni 87 
mullani olneyae 87 
paludosa 89 
platysayoides 85 
plicata 91 
septemvolva 89, 95 
septemvolva volvoxis 81 
stenotrema exodon 89 
tridentata 73 
tridentata juxtidens 86 
tridentata tennesseensis 85 
troostiana 73 
Polygyra (Bupiogona) hendersoni 87 
Polygyra (Daedalochila) texasiana 89 
Polygyra (Eduardus) martensiana 90 
Polygyra (Ermyodon) 90 
Polygyra (Linisia) 90 
Polygyra (Monophysis) 90 
Polygyra (Solidens) 90 
Polygyridae 69-110 
Polygyrinae 86 
Polygyrinai 87, 88 
Polygyrini 87, 82, 84, 89, 90, 104, 106 
Pomatiopsis 133 
ponsonbyi, Linisa 90 


postelliana, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 
praelonga, Philinoglossa 418 
Praticola ocampi 90 
Praticolella 84, 89, 90, 96, 106 
berlandieriana 81 
lawae 81 
mobiliana 81 
Praticolella (Eduardus) 83, 84, 90 
martensiana 95 
Praticolella (Farragutia) 81, 83, 84, 90 
mobiliana 90, 95 
Praticolella (Filapex) 81, 83, 84, 90 
bakeri 90 
jejuna 90, 95 
lawae 90 
Praticolella (Praticolella) 81, 83, 90 
ampla 90, 95 
berlandieriana 90 
candida 90 
flavescens 90 
griseola 90 
pachyloma 90 
strebeliana 90 
taeniata 90 
trimatris 90 
pratii, Pyramidella 497 
Prattelix 91 [see Millerelix (Prattelix)] 
pressleyi, Vespericola 87 
pricena, Wingenella 497 
profunda, Allogona 71, 101, 104 
profunda, Allogona (Allogona) 87, 94, 99 
profunda, Helix 87 
promeces, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 489 
promesces, Odostomia 490 
propinqua, Pyramidella 499 
Prosobranchia 443, 444 
proxima, Ashmunella 88 
pseudodonta, Ashmunella 88 
Pseudomelampus 169, 174, 211, 212, 
232, 302. 912-314 
exiguus 175, 302, 332 
ptychophora, Allogona (Dysmedoma) 87 
pulchella, Alexia 196, 200 
pulchella, Tralia 275 
- pulcherrima, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 489 
pulcia, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 489 
Pulmonata 311, 376, 443, 444 
puncatata, Aplysia 441 
punctata, Littorina 123-132 
punctata, Littorina (Melaraphe) 123-132; 
punctigera, Laemodonta 205 
punctostriatus, Scaphander 389, 433 
purpureus, Melampus flavus 293 
purpureus, Melampus flavus var. 
pusilla, Аипсиа 303 
pusilla, Tralia 302,303 
pusilla, Voluta 303,308 
pusillus, Auricula (Conovulus) 303 
pusillus, Melampus 303 
pusillus, Melampus (Tralia) 303 



pustula, Helix 90 
pustula, Lobosculum 87,90, 94 
pustuloides, Lobosculum 90 
Pyramidella 449, 453, 496 
crenulata 445, 446, 450, 458, 464, 
472, 474, 475, 481-487, 498-499 
mitralis 445, 446, 450, 451, 452, 
458, 464, 472-474, 476, 481-487, 
496, 499-500 
pratii 497 
propinqua 499 
sulcata 445, 446, 449, 450, 452, 
458, 464, 471-474, 481-487, 497- 
teres 497 
tessellatus 497 
variegata 499 
Pyramidella (Longchaeus) crenulata 498 
Pyramidella (Otopleura) mitralis 499 
Pyramidellidae 169, 376, 377, 404, 418, 
420, 421, 443-511 
Pyramidellinae 444, 448-450, 452, 455, 
458, 460, 472, 496, 500 
Pyramidelloidea 310, 417, 444, 446, 447 
Pyramidelloides judithae 491 
Pyramidellus 496 
Pyrgiscus 504 
pyriformis, Volvatella 440 
Pythia 164, 170, 173, 176, 191-193, 
209, 247, 312-314 
abbreviatus 228, 230 
aequalis 230 
denticulata 194 
helicina 193 
myosotis 194 
ovulum 303 
patulus 230 
plicata 332 
scarabeus 193 
triplicata 303 
Pythia (Pythia) plicata 175 
scarabaeus 175 
Pythia (Trigonopythia) trigona 175 
Pythiinae 169, 170, 172, 174, 175, 186, 
191192, 20572117212 240/2599, 

gibbus, Aequipecten 459 

quadrasi, Cylindrotis 175 

quadrasi, Oncomelania hupensis 145 
quadridens, Pedipes 213, 214, 219 
quadripatia, Philine 434 

quinquedens, Jaminia 194 

Ranellidae 23 

Rangitotoa 211, 231, 246 
insularis 231, 232, 236 

rapanuiensis, Leuconopsis 238, 241, 
243, 244 

redfieldi, Melampus 263, 268 

redfieldi, Melampus bidentatus 263, 270 

redfieldi, Melampus coffeus var. 263 


reflexa, Voluta 194, 197, 202 
reflexilabris, Auricula 194, 197, 203 
Retusa 376, 377, 381, 384, 386, 391, 
395, 396, 399, 402, 409, 412, 413, 
415-419, 421, 422, 424, 438-439 
chrysoma 382, 438 
instabilis 393 
obtusa 382,384, 391, 393, 396, 398, 
399, 420, 438 
operculata 382,438 
semisulcata 377,398, 399, 438 
truncatula 384, 393, 396, 398-400, 
420, 438 
Retusidae 376, 402, 417, 421 
rhyssa, Ashmunella 88, 94, 96 
Rhytophorus 176, 315 
richardsoni, Linisa 90 
rileyensis, Ashmunella 88 
ringens, Auricula 433 
ringens, Tralia (Alexia) myosotis var. 196 
ringens, Voluta 194, 197, 202 
ringicula, Alexia 196, 200, 202 
Ringicula 312, 332, 376, 377, 379; 381- 
383, 384, 387-389, 393, 395, 402, 
405, 407-410, 412, 415, 416, 422, 
buccinea 377,387, 388, 405, 432 
coniformis 377,387, 388, 405, 432 
nitida 377,387, 388, 396, 405, 415, 
Ringiculidae 376, 421 
riparia, Autonoe 178, 180 
riparia, Autonoella 179 
riparius, Melampus 180 
riparius, Melampus (Autonoe) 180 
riparius, Melampus (Autonoella) 180 
Rissoacea 310 
Rissoellidae 377 
Rissoelloidea 417 
robertsoni, Oncomelania hupensis 134, 
138, 149, 153, 154 
roemeri, Patera (Vesperpatera) 92 
roperi, Trilobopsis 72, 87 
roquesana, Detracia 277, 279, 281 
rotundatus, Anisus 62 
rotundatus, Armiger 64 
rozeti, Helix 356 
rugeli, Auricula 285 
rugeli, Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 72, 92 
rugosa, Cassidaria 23, 31 
rugosa, Cernuella 350 
rugosa, Triodopsis 85 
rugosa, Triodopsis tridentata 85 
rugosa, Triodopsis (Macmillanorbis) 86, 
ruidosana, Ashmunella 88 
Runcina 391 
coronata 401 
ferruginea 402 
Runcinidae 391, 402 

Sacoglossa 379, 381, 412, 416, 418, 


419, 421, 424 
Sagda 84, 96 
cookiana 95 
Sagdidae 95 
salinasensis, Ashmunella 88 
sanburni, Cryptomastix (Cryptomastix) 87 
sanctori, Holothuria 23 
santorium, Odostomia 490 
santorium, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 489 
sanus, Mesodon (Mesodon) 93 
sapia, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 490 
sargentiana, Patera (Patera) 92 
Sarnia 174, 232, 302 
frumentum 175, 232 
saxatilis, Littorina 123-132; 125 
sayana, Appalachina 71, 94, 99, 101, 

sayanus, Appalachina 93 
Sayella 191, 493-494 
crosseana 495 
hemphilli 445, 446, 450, 457-459, 
464, 465, 468, 469, 481-487, 494- 
livida 494 
Sayellinae 493 
sayi, Auricula 202, 203 
Scaphander 376,377,379, 381, 382, 
384, 385, 386, 388-390, 397 397 
399, 400, 402, 404, 405, 408-410, 
415, 416, 418, 419, 424, 433-434 
clavus 433 
cylindrellus 390 
lignarius 389,401, 409, 433 
punctostriatus 389, 433 
watsoni 389, 390, 434 
Scaphandridae 376 
scarabaeus, Pythia (Pythia) 
scarabeus, Helix 193 
scarabeus, Pythia 193 
Scarabinae 191 
Scarabus 191, 247 
scrobiculata, Auricula watsoni 195, 197, 
sculpta, Tralia ovula 303, 304, 308 
seminuda, Boonea 445, 446, 450, 457, 
459, 460, 461, 463-465, 481-490 
seminuda, Chemnitzia 488 
seminuda, Jaminia 488 
seminuda, Odostomia 488 
seminuda, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 488 
semisulcata, Retusa 377, 398, 399, 438 
septemvolva, Polygyra 89, 95 
setifer, Alexia 195, 196, 197 
setifera, Alexia 195 
setigera, Alexia 195 
setoensis, Metaruncina 402 
shasta, Vespericola 87 
sibogae, Phestilla 420 
sierrana, Vespericola 87 
Signia 302 
similaris, Bradybaena 95 
simile, Stenotrema (Toxotrema) 89 



simpson, Millerelix (Prattelix) 91 
Sinistrobranchia 444 
Siphonariidae 311 
Smaragdinella 376,377, 382, 384, 391, 
393, 395, 400, 402, 405, 408-410, 
412, 416, 418, 424, 437-438 
calyculata 437 
smithi, Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 92 
solemi, Neohelix 80 
solemi, Neohelix (Solemorbis) 85, 95 
Solemorbis 78, 80, 85 [see Neohelix 
soleneri, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 86 
solida, Bulla 436 
solida, Cremnobates 225 
solitaria, Haminoea 387, 419, 420, 437 
spelaeum, Zospeum 175 
Sphincterochila zonata 9 
spinosum, Stenotrema 79 
spinosum, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89, 
spiralis, Melampus 263, 269 
sprouli, Ashmunella 88 
stagnale, Ellobium (Auriculodes) 
stagnalis, [утпаеа 13-21, 50 
steinbergae, Doridella 420 
stenotrema, Helix 88 
stenotrema, Stenotrema 79 
stenotrema, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89, 
Stenotrema 84, 88, 106, 107 
altıspira altispira 79 
altispira depilatum 79 
barbatum 79 
barbigerum 79 
blandianum 79 
brevipila 79 
caddoense 79 
cohuttense 79 
convexa 88 
deceptum 79 
edgarianum 79 
edvardsi 79 
exodon 79 
exodon turbinella 79 
‘florida 79 
hirsutum 79 
labrosum 79 
magnifumosum 79 
maxillatum 79 
pilsbryi 79 
pilula 79 
spinosum 79 
stenotrema 79 
turbinella 79 
unciferum 79 
Stenotrema (Archerelix) 79, 83, 84, 88 
barbigerum 88, 93, 106 
edgarianum 88 
edvardsi 88 
pilsbryi 88 
Stenotrema (Cohutta) 79, 83, 84, 88, 93 



cohuttensis 88, 95 
Stenotrema (Coracollatus) 89 
Stenotrema (Maxillifer) 89 
Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix) 79, 83, 84, 88, 
blandianum 89 
deceptum 89 
exodon 89, 93 
turbinella 89 
uncifera 107 
Stenotrema (Stenosoma) 89 
Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 79, 83, 88, 89 
altispira 89 
altispira depilatum 89 
angellum 89 
brevipila 89 
caddoense 89 
calvescens 89 
florida 89 
magnifumosum 89 
maxillatum 89, 95, 107 
maxillifer 72 
morosum 89 
pilula 89 
spinosum 89, 95 
stenotrema 89, 95 
unciferum 72,89 
waldense 89 
Stenotrema (Тохойета) 79, 83, 84, 88, 
barbatum 89 
hirsutum 89, 93, 95 
labrosum 89 
simile 89 
Stenotremini 79, 82, 84, 88, 106 
sterni, Daedalochila (Upsilodon) 91 
Stolidoma 186, 315 
strebeliana, Praticolella (Praticolella) 90 
striata, Auricula 205 
striata, Bulla 387, 388, 390, 409, 420, 
striata, Laemodonta 204, 205, 209 
striata, Turbonilla 501 
strigta, Littorina 130 
Stylommatophora 172 
subarmata, Auricula bicolor var. 195 
subclausa, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 92 
subflava, Alexia 196, 202 
subhispidula, Helix (Gonostoma) hispidula 
subnodosum, Ellobium (Ellobium) 179 
subpalliatus, Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 92 
subula, Auriculastra 175, 184 
succinea, Creedonia 173, 175, 202, 203, 
225-231, 227, 2297 280,236, 330- 
succinea, Haminoea 419, 420, 437 
succinea, Leuconia 226 
succinea, Marinula 226 
sulcata, Pyramidella 445, 446, 449, 450, 
452, 458, 464, 471-474, 481-487, 


sulcatus, Obeliscus 497 
suprazonata, Linisa 90 

taeniata, Praticolella (Praticolella) 90 
Tamanovalva limax 400 
tamaulipasensis, Linisa 81, 90 
tamaulipasensis, Millerelix (Millerelix) 72 
tangi, Oncomelania hupensis 134, 138, 
149, 153, 154 
Tathrella 503-504 
iredalei 445, 446, 450, 454, 458, 
464, 473, 478, 480, 481-487, 503- 
Tectibranchiata 376 
tegillum, Ashmunella 88 
Tegula eiseni 491 
tehamana, Trilobopsis 87 
tenella, Auricula 194, 202 
tennesseensis, Polygyra tridentata 85 
tennesseensis, Triodopsis (Pilsbryorbis) 
85, 95 
tentaculata, Bithynia 19, 50, 65 
tenuis, Alexia setifer var. 195, 197 
Tequla eiseni 445 
teres, Obeliscus 497 
teres, Pyramidella 497 
terrestris, Alexia 196, 200 
tessellatus, Obeliscus 497 
tessellatus, Pyramidella 497 
tetrodon, Ashmunella 88 
texasiana, Linisa 81, 90 
texasiana, Polygyra (Daedalochila) 89 
tholus, Millerelix 91 
thomsoniana, Ashmunella 88 
thyroidus, Helix 93 
thyroidus, Mesodon (Mesodon) 93, 94 
Thysanophora 84 
Thysanophoridae 95 
Tifata 275, 302 
timida, Elysia 409 
Tonna galea 23-32, 25, 26 
maculosa 23-32, 29-31 
perdix 23 
torita, Chrysallida 490 
Tornatella 213 
bullaoides 276 
cubensis 187, 189 
tornatilis, Acteon 388, 403, 407, 432 
Tornatina 405 
torosa, Melampus 291, 294 
townsendiana, Allogona (Dysmedoma) 
townsendiana, Helix 87 
toyatani, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 488 
trachypepla, Trilobopsis 87 
Tralia 173,174, 176, 246, 302-303, 
cingulata 275, 277 
floridana 275, 284 
minuscula 232 
ovula 236, 303, 330, 332 
ovula sculpta 303, 304, 308 


pulchella 275 
pusilla 302, 303 
venezuelana 303, 304, 308, 309 
vetula 304 
Tralia (Alexia) minuscula 232, 232, 236 
myosotis forma junior 196 
myosotis var. ringens 196 
Tralia (Persa) costata 175 
Tralia (Sarnia) frumentum 302 
Tralia (Tifata) floridana 284 
globulus 275 
Tralia (Tralia) ovula 174, 175, 247, 295, 
302, 303-310, 304-308, 314 
vetula 309 
Tralica 302 
Traliopsis 315 
traskii, Acteon 432 
Tricula 147 
Tridacna 445, 505 
tridens, Pedipes 214, 218, 219, 220, 
tridentata, Helix 85 
tridentata, Polygyra 73 
tridentata, Triodopsis 70, 74, 86, 103, 
104, 106, 107 
tridentata, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 86, 95 
tridentatum, Carychium 175, 193, 209, 
313: 331 
trigona, Ру га (Trigonopythia) 175 
Trilobopsis 83, 84, 87 
loricata 87, 95 
penistens 87 
roperi 72,87 
tehamana 87 
trachypepla 87 
trimatris, Praticolella (Praticolella) 90 
Triodopsinae 78 
Triodopsini 79, 84, 106 
Triodopsis 84, 85, 87, 101, 107 
burchi 85 
copei 86 
cragini 86 
fallax 71, 86 
fraudulenta vulgata 85 
juxtidens 86 
platysayoides 72, 85, 104, 105 
гидоза 85 
tridentata 70, 74, 86, 103, 104, 106, 
tridentata rugosa 85 
vulgata 85, 104 
Triodopsis (Brooksorbis) 83,84, 85 
platysayoides 85, 95 
Triodopsis (Haroldorbis) 83, 84, 86, 101 
cragini 95 
henriettae 72, 86 
vultuosa 86 
Triodopsis (Macmillanorbis) 83, 84, 85- 
fulciden 86 
rugosa 86, 95 


Triodopsis (Pilsbryorbis) 83, 84, 85, 101 
burchi 85 
complanata 85 
tennesseensis 85, 95 
Triodopsis (Shelfordorbis) 83, 84 
claibornensis 85 
fraudulenta 85 
picea 85 
vulgata 85, 95 
Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 83, 85, 86 
alabamensis 86 
anteridon 86 
fallax 86, 101 
hopetonensis 86 
obsoleta 86 
palustris 86 
soleneri 86 
tridentata 86, 95 
vannostrandi 86 
Triodopsis (Vagvolgyrorbis) 83-85, 86 
discoidea 86 
juxtidens 86, 95 
neglecta 86 
pendula 86 
triplicata, Alexia micheli var. 
triplicata, Pythia 303 
triplicata, Voluta 303, 304, 308 
triplicatus, Auricula (Conovulus) 308 
tristanensis, Marinula 229, 331 
tristanensis, Marinula (Marinula) 332 
Tritonia hombergi 395 
trivolvis, Helisoma 64, 65 
Trochoidea 349, 358 
Trochus dolabratus 496 
troostiana, Millerelix (Prattelix) 91 
troostiana, Polygyra 73 
trossulus, Mesodon (Mesodon) 93 
Truncatella 144 
truncatula, Retusa 384, 393, 396, 398- 
400, 420, 438 
truncatus, Bulinus 17 
tuberculata, Melanoides 50 
tuberosa, Cassis 23 
tubulosa, Holothuria 23 
tudiculata, Helminthoglypta 95 
tularosana, Ashmunella 88 
turbinella, Stenotrema 79 
turbinella, Stenotrema exodon 79 
turbinella, Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix) 89 
Turbo elegantissima 501 
gracilis 501 
lacteus 501 
mirabilis 213 
plicatula 500, 501 
Turbonilla 459, 500-502, 504 
abrupta 501 
costulata 501 
elegantissima 450, 451, 502 
heïlprini 501 
hemphilli 445, 446, 450, 458, 464, 
473, 474, 477, 478, 481-487, 501- 

197, 197 


humboldti 501 

incisa 458, 502, 503 

jeffreysi 502 

Jeffreysi 450 

penistoni 501 

plicatu'a 500, 501 

striata 501 

typica 500 

unilirata 501 
Turbonillinae 444, 448, 450, 478, 500 
turritus, Melampus 195, 203 
typica, Plecotrema 204 
typica, Turbonilla 500 

ulla, Ascobulla 385, 388, 405, 439 

ulvae, Hydrobia 381 

ulyssioponensis, Patella 34 

Umbraculacea 387 

uncifera, Stenotrema (Pilsbrelix) 

unciferum, Stenotrema 79 

unciferum, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 72, 

undosa, Astraea 491 

unicolor, Bellamya 50 

unidentata, Odostomia 451 

unilirata, Turbonilla 501 

Ur-Basommatophora 311 

Urbasommatophora 311 

usticensis, Helix 349 

uvulifera, Daedalochila 81 

uvulifera, Daedalochila (Daedalochila) 72, 


Vagvolgyrorbis 86 [see Triodopsis 
valkyrie, Gegania 377,378, 390, 396, 
397, 408, 417, 422, 442 
Valvata 400 
piscinalis 50, 62 
Valvatidae 377,418 
vannostrandi, Triodopsis (Triodopsis) 86 
variabilis, Helix 359 
varicifera, Ashmunella 88 
varicosa, Alexia myosotis var. 
variegata, Pyramidella 499 
variegatus, Heliacus 416 
velaini, Marinula 226, 331 
velum, Hydatına 389, 398, 418, 433 
Veneridae 364 
veneta, Auricula 194 
venezuelana, Tralia 303, 304, 308, 309 
ventricosa, Volvatella 398, 440 
ventrosula, Linisa 90 
vermiculata, Eobania 2,9 
verrillii, Cylichna 435 
verticalis, Melampus coffeus var. 
verus, Inflectarius (Inflectarius) 92 
vesicaria, Hydatina 389, 433 
Vesicomya 363 
Vesicomyidae 363 




Vespericola 83, 84, 86, 93, 106 
armigera 86 
columbiana 95 
columbianus 86 
euthales 86 
hapla 86 
karokorum 86 
marinensis 86 
megasoma 86 
orius 86 
pilosus 86 
pinicola 87 
pressleyi 87 
shasta 87 
sierrana 87 
Vespericolini 84, 86 
vespertina, Alexia 196 
vespertina, Auricula 195, 197 
vetula, Tralia 304 
vetula, Tralia (Tralia) 309 
vicola, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 489 
vigorouxi, Volvatella 398 
vincta, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 489 
virescens, Haminoea 398, 437 
virgata, Cernuella 6, 9 
virgata, Physella 345 
viridis, Elysia 400 
Vitrinellidae 405 
viviparus, Viviparus 50 
Viviparus contectus 41-52 
georgianus 50 
malleatus 50 
viviparus 50 
Voluta bullaoides 276 
coffea 249, 256, 257 
denticulata 169, 193, 194, 797, 201 
flava 293, 294 
heteroclita 186 
minuta 257, 294, 295 
monile 294 
pusilla 303, 308 
reflexa 194, 197, 202 
ringens 194, 197, 202 
triplicata 303, 304, 308 
Volvatella 376, 377, 382, 383, 384, 
395, 398-400, 407-410, 412, 416, 
419, 440 
bermudae 398-400, 440 
cincta 440 
ficula 399, 440 
fragilis 400, 440 
laguncula 440 
pyriformis 440 
ventricosa 398, 440 
vigorouxi 398 
volvoxis, Polygyra septemvolva 81 
Volvulella persimilis 402 
vulgata, Triodopsis 85, 104 
vulgata, Triodopsis fraudulenta 85 

vulgata, Triodopsis (Shelfordorbis) 85, 95 

vultuosa, Triodopsis (Haroldorbis) 86 


waldense, Stenotrema (Stenotrema) 89 
watleyi, Ashmunella 88 
watsoni, Auricula 195, 197, 202 
watsoni, Scaphander 389, 390, 434 
weatherbyi, Fumonelix 92 
Webbhelix 78, 83, 84 

multilineata 95 
wheatleyi, Fumonelix 92, 94 
wheatleyi, Helix 92 
wichitorum, Euchemotrema 88 
willisi, Odostomia (Chrysallida) 488 
Wingenella eburnea 497 

pricena 497 

Xanthonychidae 95 

xanthostoma, Marinula 217, 225, 226, 
230, 331 

xanthostoma, Marinula (Cremnobates) 

Xeroamanda 349-361 

Xerocincta 357,359 

Xerolenta obvia 1 

Xeromagna 358 

Xeromunda 358 

Xerophila 358 

Xeropicta arenosa 6, 9 

Xeroplana 350 

Xerosecta 358, 359 

Xolotrema 78,84,85, 101 
denotata 104 
fosteri 71, 97, 103 

Xolotrema (Wilcoxorbis) 83, 84, 101 
fosteri 85, 95, 97 
occidentalis 85 

Xolotrema (Xolotrema) 83-85 
carolinensis 85 
denotata 85, 95 
obstricta 85 

yucatanea, Linisa 90 

zaletus, Mesodon 104 
zaletus, Mesodon (Aphalogona) 93 
zelandiae, Haminoea 419, 437 
zonata, Sphincterochila 9 
Zospeum 176, 313 

spelaeum 175 


\егпаНопа| Journal of Malacolog y 
Revista Internacional de Malacologia 
Journal International de Malacologie 
Международный Журнал Малакологии 

Internationale Malakologische Zeitschrift 


Publication dates 

‚No. 1-2 19 Jan. 1988 
, No. 1 28 June 1988 
‚№. 2 16 Dec. 1988 
, №. 1-2 1 Aug. 1989 
‚ №. 1 29 Dec. 1989 
‚ №. 2 28 Мау 1990 
‚ №. 1 30 Nov. 1990 
„№. 2 7 June 1991 

No. 1-2 6 Sep. 1991 

No. 1-2 9 Sep. 1992 
, No. 1 14 July 1993 
, No. 2 2 Dec. 1993 
, No. 1-2 8 Jan. 1995 
, No. 1 13 Nov. 1995 



А Taxonomic Application of Multivariate Mixture Analysis in Patellidae 


Comparative Life Cycle and Growth of two Freshwater Gastropod Species, 

Planorbarius Corneus (L.) and Planorbis Planorbis (L.) ....................... 

Population Genetics and Systematic Status of Oncomelania Hupensis (Gas- 

tropoda: Pomatiopsidae) Throughout China 

The Life Cycle, Demographic Analysis, Growth and Secondary Production of the 

Snail Helicella (Xerothracia) Pappi (Schutt, 1962) (Gastropoda Pulmonata) in E. 

Macedonia (SISSCe) ооо anse di ce diia AS O et 

Response to Bouchet 8 Rocroi; ‘The Lottery of Bibliographical Databases: 

RS TOC Wands Qo TRONO "asadas a ees 

The Life Cycle, Population Dynamics, Growth and Secondary Production of the 

Snail Viviparus Contectus (Millet) (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) in the Marshes of 

the River Strymonas, Serres, Macedonia, Northern Greece .................. 

When Shells Do Not Tell: 145 Million Years of Evolution in North America's 

Polygyrid Land Snails, with a Revision and Conservation Priorities ........... 


Geographic Distribution and Shell Colour and Banding Polymorphism in Mar- 

ginal Populations of Cepaea Nemoralis (Gastropoda, Helicidae) .............. 

Shell Microstructure of Vesicomyid Clams from Various Hydrothermal Vent and 

еее ЯК ДЕ = Пе о aan 

The Taxonomic Status of Xeroamanda Monterosato, 1892 (Pulmonata, 

FAY COMMAS) na ra vas es Ma e 

Anatomy and Systematics of the Western Atlantic Ellobiidae (Gastropoda: 


The Evolutionary Relationships of Cephalaspidea S.L. (Gastropoda: Opistho- 

branchia)-A:PhylogenettG AnalVSiS coros rosas 020. 0000 Rene a 

Egg-Laying and Associated Behavioural Responses of Lymnaea Peregra 

(Müller) and Lymnaea Stagnalis (L.) to Calcium in their Environment .......... 

Anatomical Study on Tonna Galea (Linné, 1758) and Tonna Maculosa (Dillwyn, 

1817) (Mesogastropoda, Tonnoidea, Tonnidae) from Brazilian Region. ........ 

Aspects of the Population Dynamics and Physiological Ecology of the Gastro- 

pod Physella Cubensis (Pulmonata: Physidae) Living in a Warm-Temperate 

steam and Ephemeral Pond. Habitat: sion cise азов on as nales 
















Karyotype Analysis and Genome Size in Three Mediterranean Species of Peri- 
winkles (Prosobranchia: Mesogastropoda) ................................ 123 
Morphology and Phylogenetic Relationships of Certain Pyramidellid Taxa 
(Heterobranchia) cusco en ae ann an ale AR 443 



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J Anatomy and Systematics of the Western Atlantic. Ellobiidae (Gastropoda: 
у’ Pulmönatal ade do de aa ae clos eects RS DE ВВ at 
и Aspects of the Population Dynamics and Physiological Ecology of the Gastro- 
Pp pod Physella Cubensis (Pulmonata: Physidae) Не in а Warm- Temperate _ 
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The Evolutionary Relationships à Cephalaspidea S. É cae Opistho- _ 




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