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''Textbook of physical chemistry . J. Newton Friend 

Textbook of inorganic chemistry . J. Newton Friend 

(Details on application) 

Chemistry for engineering students R. Hum 

Treatise on quantitative inorganic analysis 

J. W. Mellor and H. V. Thompson 

History of the microscope . R. S. Clay and T. H. Court 
The constellations and their history . . C. Whyte 


Man's most notable achievement in the investigation of the elements 

The trial explosion in New Mexico of the first atomic bomb may well prove 
to be one of the most significant events in Man's history. The photographs 
were .taken respectively O016 second and 8 seconds after the initiation of 

the explosion. (See page 320.) 
Reproduced by permission of the Directorate of Atomic Energy, Ministry of Supply 


Some ten years ago I wrote a series of articles on "The 
Historical and Industrial Discovery of the Elements'*. 
They were published in Chemistry and Industry and the 
many kind letters I received encouraged me to write a 
comprehensive book on the subject incorporating 
most of the original material, augmenting it with much 
information of equal academic importance and of no 
less general interest, and including accounts of recent 

There can be little doubt that one of the best 
approaches to a science is through its history, and no 
doubt at all that the story of man and the chemical 
elements is of great fascination. That the first of j^hese 
is widely recognised is adequately demonstrated by the 
frequent appearance of historical questions in academic 
and professional examination papers; and the second I 
have tried to show in these pages. 

My information has been culled from many and 
various sources; I believe that all the important ones are 
acknowledged in the text. My sincere thanks are due to 
the Society of Chemical Industry for permission to make 
full use of my earlier articles, and to the publishers who 
have done all in their power to facilitate the work, 

July 1951 


Chapter Page 

1 PREAMBLE ...... 1 

What is an element? The atomic number Relative abundance 
of the elements The ages of man The stone ages The age 
of metals Elements known to the ancients Problems The 
alchemists Transmutation The sulphur-mercury theory 
The miner The growth of minerals 

Oxygen The theory of phlogiston Lavoisier's theory of com- 
bustion Isotopes Applications of oxygen Ozone Nitro- 
gen Active nitrogen Uses of nitrogen The atomic clock 
Hydrogen Spin isomerism Balloons Deuterium Tritium 

General uses of hydrogen and deuterium The hydrogen bomb 

3 THE INERT GASES ..... 41 
Argon Helium Neon Krypton Xenon Applications 


Chlorine Iodine Bromine Fluorine Alabamine 

5 CARBON 53 

Charcoal Graphite Diamond Some famous diamonds 


Sulphur Selenium Tellurium 


Phosphorus The match industry Arsenic Antimony 


Occurrence of native copper Primitive metallurgy of copper 
Copper and the Egyptians Copper in Holy Writ Copper and 
the Romans Copper in Britain Copper and the alchemists 
Brass Uses of copper Miscellaneous alloys Bell metal 
Silver Some famous silver mines Silver and the Egyptians 

Silver in Holy Writ Silver and the Romans Silver and the 
alchemists Uses of silver Sheffield plate Silver coins 
Gold Some gold mines of interest Gold in Holy Writ Man's 
cupidity Gold in Egypt Gold and the Romans The gold 
of the Incas Gold -and the alchemists Uses of gold Gold 
coins Gold leaf 


Chapter Page 

10 THE ALKALI METALS .... 142 

Potassium Sodium Lithium Rubidium Caesium 

Magnesium Calcium Strontium Barium 


Beryllium Zinc Cadmium 


Aluminium Indium Thallium 


Doebereiner triads Law of octaves Periodic classification 
Scandium Gallium Germanium 

Relative abundance Electronic configurations The yttrium 

group The cerium group Position in the periodic table 


Lead Primitive metallurgy of lead Lead in Holy Writ 
Lead and Egypt Lead and the Mediterranean Lead and the 
Romans Silver in lead Lead in Britain Lead in Derbyshire 
^- The fuel problem Lead and the alchemists Uses of lead 
Lead shot Type metals Tin Tin in Britain Tin and the 
alchemists Tin plague The tin-plate industry Tin foil 

Pewter Solder Sources of tin Mercury or quicksilver 

Mercury and the ancients Mercury and the Romans 
Mercury and the alchemists The story of vermilion Uses 
of mercury The thermometer The fixed thermometric points 

Various thermometers 

Titanium Zirconium Hafnium Thorium The gasmantle 


Vanadium Niobium and tantalum 


Chromium Molybdenum Tungsten 

Manganese Elements 43 and 75 Rhenium Does element 

43 exist in nature? 





Iron Meteorites The lodestone Iron and primitive man 
Iron in Egypt Iron in Holy Writ Iron in India Iron in the 
Far East Iron and the Greeks Iron and the Romans Iron 
in pre-Roman Britain The Mabinogion Iron in Roman 
Britain Iron and post- Roman Britain Iron for swords fast 
iron The fuel problem Uses of iron Ships Bridges 
Nails and horseshoes Alloys of iron Iron for adornment 
Cobalt Nickel Nickel coins Miscellaneous alloys Nickel 
plating Occurrence 


Platinum Palladium and rhodium Indium and osmium 
Ruthenium Uses of the platinum metals Standards of length 
and mass 



Uranium Radium Atomic energy Isotopy of uranium 
The uranium bomb The atomic pile Thorium Actinium 
Atomic weight of lead Radon Transuranium elements 

NAME INDEX ...... 329 



Facing page 
The New Mexico atomic bomb 

1 The Imgig relief 92 

2 The Delhi pillar 264 

3 A Roman ferrule and a nineteenth century steel brooch 274 



What is an element ? 

At the outset let us be mutually agreed as to the meaning we propose 
to assign to the word "element". 

The term is usually taken to indicate something fundamental, 
something simple, with the aid of which more complex systems or 
bodies can be produced. Thus the child goes to school to learn his 
ABC the elements or the rudiments of his mother-tongue. To 
the chemist, however, the word "element" has a special significance, 
He has long realised that the matter by which he is surrounded 
is often extremely complex; it is built up in some mysterious way 
from simpler bodies, just as words may be built up from letters 9 
These simpler bodies came to be known as the chemist's LMN's. 
Pronounce these letters quickly and it is not difficult to arrive at 
our word "element". 

The so-called Aristotelean elements, Fire, Air, Earth, and 
Water, were postulated by Empedocles (490 to 430 B.C.) at least 
half a century before Aristotle (384 to 322 B.C.) saw the light. 
They were regarded as simple, material bodies; but in later years, 
largely as the result of Aristotelean philosophy, the terms were 
used in an abstract sense to denote essences or qualities of 
bodies. Thus hot substances and combustible materials were rich 
in the element Fire, whilst liquids owed their fluid properties to 

A nearer approach to the present conception of an element was 
that of Anaxagoras (500 to 427 B.C.) who assumed as many elements 
as there were "simple" substances. Thus sand and salt were 
simple substances, since the latter could be extracted from a 
mixture by dissolution in water and recovered by evaporation. 
But the number of these "simple" substances was inordinately 

The word element was first used in its more modern sense by 


Boyle about 1662, and was clearly defined by Lavoisier in 1789 
as implying 

A substance that cannot be split up by any known means into some- 
thing simpler 

or, an element is 

Matter in its simplest form. 

For over a century this definition sufficed. It was, nevertheless, 
unsatisfactory, being neither more nor less than a, confession of 
ignorance and impotence. Thus it demanded that caustic potash 
should be regarded as an element until Davy succeeded in decom- 
posing it by electrolysis in 1807. Similarly lime was regarded as 
an element and when Charles Tennant chlorinated slaked lime in 
1799, the product was perforce called chloride of lime, a name 
that clings to it even to-day. 

Lavoisier's definition is now no longer true. With the aid of 
fast-moving projectiles, such as a-particles, protons, deuterons 
and neutrons, under the influence of high potential differences, or 
in some cases ejected from radio-active matter, it is possible to 
effect the artificial transmutation of what are regarded as true 
elements into new ones of higher or lower atomic weight. Thus 
in 1919 the late Lord Rutherford bombarded nitrogen with 
a-particles from Radium C and obtained evidence of the libera- 
tion of protons or hydrogen nuclei as the result of "head on" 
collisions between nitrogen atoms and the a-particles. Similarly, 
in 1932 Cockcroft and Walton effected the disintegration of several 
elements by using, as projectiles, protons and deuterons, moving 
under potential differences up to one quarter of a million volts. In 
1934 Curie and Joliot obtained radio-elements of even higher 
atomic weight than the parent by exposing the latter to bombard- 
ment with a-particles from polonium. Thus boron (at. wt. 10) 
yielded radionitrogen (13)) whilst aluminium (27) was converted 
into radiophosphorus (30). 

More recently still, it has been found possible, not only to 
synthesise elements of atomic weight higher even than that of 
uranium, but to break down these elements or effect their "fission", 
is it is now termed, into elements of only about half their own 
itomic weights (p. 3 1 8). It has now been found possible to convert 
mercury into gold but the gold is radioactive, and the process is 


costly (p. 2 2 1). Thus the dream of the early alchemists has come true, 
but not quite in the way they had hoped. 

The atomic number 

Many years ago, therefore, it became evident that Lavoisier's 
definition would have to be replaced by a new one more in harmony 
with the known facts of the case. Fortunately chelhiists had not 
far to turn. In 1895 R^ntgen, professor of physics in the University 
of Wtirzburg in Bavaria, discovered that when matter is bombarded 
with cathode rays it emits new rays of extraordinary penetrating 
power. These rays, often now called R6ntgen rays, were termed 
X-rays as their nature was then unknown, just as iodine was referred 
to as substance X at the time of its discovery (p. 48) before it was 
recognised to be an element. 

X-rays are invisible but their presence may be shown by the 
fluorescence produced on, for example, a screen of barium platino- 
cyanide when placed in their path. They also travel in straight 
lines, they ionise gases so that their presence can readily be de- 
tected electroscopically; indeed the electroscope can be used to 
measure their intensity. They are regarded as pulsations in the 
ether of space, similar to light waves, but of very much shorter wave- 
length. X-rays cannot be examined with an ordinary * prism or 
diffraction grating, such as may be used for an optical spectrum, 
because their wavelengths are too small. But the orderly arrangement 
of the atoms in a crystal enables the latter to function as a grating 
and to produce an X-ray spectrum. For this purpose Iceland spar 
is largely used. 

In 1913 Moseley made a remarkable observation. He was a 
young scientist of unusually brilliant promise working at Man- 
chester University under the guidance of the late Lord Rutherford. 
Unfortunately for science he felt it imperative to obey the call of 
his Country during the first World War, and perished at the 
Dardanelles in 1915. Moseley discovered that the X-rays, emitted 
by an element when bombarded with cathode rays, yield on 
analysis with a crystal grating a characteristic spectrum consisting 
of groups of lines. The three principal groups belong to what are 
known as the K, L and M series. These spectra are fortunately 
very simple. Thus, in the K-series the spectrum of an element 
consists of but two well-marked lines, and what is more remarkable 
still is Moseley's observation that the wave-numbers of these 
lines shift in stepwise manner with great regularity from one 



adjoining member in the Periodic Table to another. Mathem-, 
atically expressed 

W OC (Z ) 2 

w being the wave number, z the positive charge on the nucleus 
of the atom, and b a constant. If ^/w is plotted against z the 
relationship is'linear, and measurement of w enables us to calculate 
z. Each element yields only one value for z, so that if we arrange 
the elements in the serial order of their z charges, beginning with 
hydrogen as unity, we can give to each a serial number known as 
the Moseley number or the atomic number. Isotopes of any one 
element all have the same atomic number. 

As in general z rises with the atomic weight, the above arrange- 
ment of the elements is almost identical with MendelefFs periodic 
scheme; indeed it is the modern interpretation of the Periodic 
Law, and yields the Ideal Periodic Table, for there are no excep- 
tions to it. Thus argon and potassium, nickel and cobalt, iodine 
and tellurium, now fall into line with the periodic scheme although 
consideration of their atomic weights, as in Mendel^eff's scheme, 
throws them out of gear. 

We m^y therefore define an element as 

A substante possessing one atomic number and one only. I ] 

Thus ammonium, NH 4 , would, if it could be tested, yield two 
atomic numbers, namely those of hydrogen and nitrogen. Despite 
its resemblance in combination to an alkali metal, it is not an element. 
Radium, on the other hand, yields only one atomic number, despite 
the fact that upon disintegration other elements are obtained from 
it; it is an element, therefore, and not a compound. 

Moseley's researches have given us a method of ascertaining 
the maximum number of elements that can possibly exist in serial 
order between any two known elements. Thus between barium 
(atomic number 56) and hafnium (72) exactly 15 elements are 
possible; all of these are known and all occur in Nature with the 
exception possibly of No, 61. They are the rare-earth elements 
and resemble one another very closely; Mendel^eff's system gave 
no indication as to their number. In early days, therefore, con- 
siderable confusion existed, some of the elements being known 
under two or more names and regarded as separate entities; on 
the other hand mixtures of two or more elements were frequently 
regarded as single elements, as for example didymium, which 







3 ll 















I s 

I 8 

| 3 

W O 


Based on the Report of the Commission of Atomic Weights of the International 
Union of Chemistry at its meeting in Amsterdam in September 1949. Values in 


Welsbach showed in 1885 to consist of two elements which he 
named neodymium and praseodymium. 

Between hydrogen and uranium a maximum number of 90 
elements is indicated and all of these are known to occur in Nature 
with the exception, possibly, of elements 61, 85 and 87. The 
search for an element of higher atomic number than uranium for 
long proved abortive; indeed theoretical reasons were adduced to 
show that such an element would be too unstable to exist more than 
momentarily. But elements 93 (neptunium) and 94 (plutonium) 
are now known to occur in Nature ; they have also been synthesised 
together with 95 (americium) and 96 (curium)*. 

Relative abundance of the elements 

Numerous estimates have been made of the relative amounts 
of the various elements that occur in the Earth's crust. They vary 
considerably, as is to be expected when we * bear in mind the 
limitations of our experience; apart from the atmosphere and ocean 
a limited portion only of a thin shell of solid on the surface of the 
Earth constitutes all that we can examine. For the atmosphere 
and ocean our information is fairly good, though still subject to 
minor corrections. For the solid crust we must select some 
arbitrary depth and that of 10 miles is usually chosen as this 
clears the lower depths of the oceans. The average composition of 
the lithosphere (Greek Kthos y stone) must approximate closely to 
that of the igneous rocks alone, some of which were the earliest 
to be formed; the sedimentary rocks represent altered igneous 
material from which some of the soluble salts have been leached 
into the oceans and to which oxygen, carbon dioxide and water 
have been supplied, mainly from the atmosphere. The thin film of 
organic matter on the Earth's surface can be neglected; even coal 
beds are negligible; the ocean itself comprises about 6*8 per cent 
of the Earth's lomile crust. 

The estimated figures are as follows 

10 12 tons 

Total weight of the Earth 6,000,000,000 

Solid iom\\e crust 17,418,000 

Oceans 1,276,000 

Atmosphere , . . 5,260 

*To these have recently (1950) been added berkelium (97) and californium (98). 


In the following table* are given the approximate percentages 
of the more abundant elements in the Earth's romile crust, 
including the air and the ocean. 

Per Cent Per Cent 

Oxygen . . . . 50-0 Fluorine . . . . o-io 

Silicon . . . . 26-0 Barium . . . . 0*08 

Aluminium . . 7-30 Manganese . . 0-08 
Iron .. .. 4-18 Nitrogen.. .. 0^03 
Calcium . . . . 3*22 Copper . . . . 0-02 
Sodium . . . . 2-36 Strontium . . 0*02 

Potassium .. 2-28 Nickel .. .. 0-016 

Magnesium . . 2-08 Cerium . . . . 0-009 

Hydrogen . . 0-37 Tin . . . . 0-008 

Titanium . . 0*37 Lead . . . . 0-003 

Chlorine . . . . 0-20 Silver . . 2 X icr 5 

Carbon .. .. 0-18 Gold .. 2 X icr 7 

Sulphur .. .. o-ii Radium .. 1-4 X icr 12 
Phosphorus . . o-n All other elements 0-874 
It will be noted that oxygen and silicon are overwhelmingly 
abundant; amongst the metals, aluminium, iron and calcium are 
the most plentiful. It may be a surprise to note that ledd is less 
common than tin, despite the much higher price of the latter in 
the metal market; the so-called rare-earth metal cerium is more 
plentiful than either. Silver is 100 times as plentiful as gold and 
the latter at 2488. per oz, troy would appear to be much under- 
valued with silver standing round 58. Although nitrogen is more 
than three times as abundant in the atmosphere as oxygen, there 
are only 6 parts of nitrogen to 10,000 of oxygen in the Earth's crust, 

The ages of man 

It is often convenient to divide the history of man's progress into 
epochs or ages, according to the nature of the materials he commonly 
used in his daily life. Thus in the various stone ages his weapons 
were mainly of flint, in the bronze age of bronze, and so on. These 
ages represent stages of civilisation rather than time intervals and 
were not necessarily co-eval for different races. Thus the ancient 
Philistines, mentioned in the Old Testament, were in their iron 
age whilst the Hebrews were still in their bronze age. 

*Thislistis essentially that given by F. W. CLARKE, "Data of Geochemistry" 
(Washington, 1916) p. 34, down to strontium. The remaining data are culled from 
various sources. 


The stone ages 

At first man's weapons would be of the simplest and crudest 
types; oft-times ordinary stones, branches of trees, horns of 
animals would be used for hunting down his quarry. But as stones 
suitable in shape and size might not always be at hand at the 
critical moment it would occur to him to collect them beforehand 
and improve them by fracture, chipping or rubbing. In this way 
shapes would be evolved that were particularly suitable for special 
purposes, such as axes, arrow and spear heads, knives, Scrapers and 
so on. The rude flaking of the earliest periods would gradually be 
improved upon until implements were ultimately produced ex- 
hibiting the most beautiful workmanship. Some of the finest 
specimens were produced in Egypt just prior to the First Dynasty, 
some 3,500 B.C. 

At an early date man became acquainted with fire and learned 
how to produce it at will. This was an event of stupendous im- 
portance. His camp fire added both to his comfort and to his safety 
at night, keeping the wild beasts at a distance; it guided his friends 
to camp after dark; it enabled him to harden clay into pottery and 
eventually to reduce metals from their ores. 

Virtually co-eval with the knowledge of fire would be the 
recognition of charcoal, so that this form of carbon was one of the 
very earliest elements to be known. 

A second epoch-making event was the invention of the bow and 
arrow. When this took place we do not know; possibly some 
50,000 B.C. This gave man an immense superiority over the 
animal ; it was no longer necessary to go close up to wild beasts to 
spear them; birds could be caught on the wing at much greater 
distances than with a stone, skilful though primitive man must have 
been in the art of stone throwing. Man thus became more secure 
in his home, and his food supply was more certain than ever before. 
He now had time on his hands; what should he do? He began to 
adorn his cave-dwelling with pictures or frescoes such as those 
found in 1875 * n *he fe mous rock-shelter "La Madelaine", in 1879 
at Altamira in Spain, and in the Dordogne in 1895. As pigments 
he used various earths such as chalk for a background, oxides of 
iron for red and brown colours, and charcoal produced in his fires 
for sharp outlines. 

Meanwhile he certainly became acquainted with metals; he was 
familiar with gold, and prized it because of its intrinsic beauty and 
freedom from tarnish. He also knew copper, silver, and any other 


metals that perchance occurred native. This does not mean, how- 
ever, that he was in any sense a metallurgist; that was to come 
later. He would regard a metal merely as a stone, though a very 
useful one withal, because it could be hammered into shape, 
rubbed to a sharp edge, or made into pretty ornaments for his 


The age of metals 

It is generally held that the metallurgical discovery of metals, 
as products of ores, was brought about in a commonplace and 
humble manner, namely, in the domestic hearths of stone-age man 
(P'9) This was another of the real epoch-making events of human 
history. The possession of metal weapons gave men decisive advan- 
tage in battle and the chase over those who relied upon stone alone. 
A courage, born of security or a sense of superiority, coupled with 
a desire to find new sources of the metal, was one of the factors 
leading to the exploration of new lands. 

The discovery that bronze is not obtained from a single pure ore, 
but from a mixture of at least two ores, followed in due course; by 
this time man had acquired a very substantial degree of metal- 
lurgical skill and knowledge. At the zenith of the bronze .age some 
of the workers appear even to have regulated the percentages of tin 
in their alloys to suit particular purposes. 

As time progressed, bronze gradually gave way to iron. For many 
years the two metals were used side by side; in certain prehistoric 
remains, such as those at Hallstadt in the Austrian Tyrol, im- 
plements of bronze and iron have been discovered lying together, 
indicative of contemporary use. 

Elements known to the ancients 

Seven metallic and two non-metallic elements were known to 
man before the Christian Era. The metals include those popularly 
called the "coinage metals, gold, silver and copper, together with 
lead, tin and iron ; to these quicksilver or mercury was added about 
the fourth century B.C. The two non-metals were carbon in its 
various forms as diamond, graphite and charcoal, and brimstone 
or sulphur. Six of the metals are mentioned by name in the Old 
Testament, together with the diamond and brimstone. As will be 
explained later, the "tin" of Holy Writ was not the pure metal as 
we know it to-day, but a rich tin-copper alloy. It is uncertain if the 
"diamond" was our stone (p. 55); the Biblical "brass" was usually 


a bronze, for zinc was unknown to the ancients, and only occasion- 
ally would brass be produced as a "natural alloy". According to 
the Old Testament, gold, iron and "brass" were known before the 
"Flood", that is prior to about 4000 B.C. Silver, lead and "tin" are 
not mentioned until after the Flood. Homer, writing circa 880 B.C. 
knew of the ,six metals ; he was, of course, familiar with charcoal 
and was moreover aware of the disinfectant properties of brimstone. 

There is an old Canaanitish legend, to which reference is made 
in the book of Genesis iv, 22, in which the humanised god, Tubal 
Cain, son of Zillah, is described as "an instructor of every artificer 
in brass and iron". The word Tubal is believed to be Babylonian 
and connected with Gibril, the god of Solar Fire. The suffix Cain 
is missing from the Greek version and means artificer. It was per- 
haps added to Tubal to explain why the hero was regarded as the 
father or instructor of smiths. Possibly in the earliest form of the 
Hebrew legend Tubal was the instructor of men in the art of 
making fire, probably by rubbing two pieces of wood together, for 
this is an old Arabian method and appears in later times in connec- 
tion with ritual. Enoch* recalls the general tradition that the first 
metal worker was supernatural, the fallen angel Azazel being a 
teacher of the art. Azazel was the leader of the evil angels who are 
stated in Genesis vi. 2, 4, to have formed unions with the daughters 
of men and taught them various arts. Their offspring were the giants 
who filled the earth with unrighteousness. 

In later years the Egyptians became wonderfully skilful in the 
working of metals, so much so that when the Greeks conquered 
Egypt in the fourth century B.C. they were greatly impressed. Egypt 
is watered by the longest river of the old world. Every autumn the 
Nile rises in flood, bringing down with it a fine mud which fertilises 
the soil. The black appearance of the land after flooding caused the 
country to be known as Khem or Black Land. In referring, therefore, 
to the skill of the natives in working metals, the Greeks spoke of 
the Art of Khem. This word descended to us through the Arabic 
as Alchemy. Later the prefix #/, which is merely the Arabic definite 
article, was dropped and to-day we speak of Chemistry. In its 
original meaning, therefore, chemistry was more akin to metal- 
lurgy; but the world has moved on since then so has science, 
and chemistry with it. 

It is customary to divide the elements into three groups, namely 
non-metals, metals and metalloids, the. last named being inter- 
*See "The Book of Enoch'* written circa 105 to 64 B.C. 



mediary (p. 68). The word metal comes from the Greek metallon, 
which is believed to have originated in a verb meaning to seek or 
search for. The metallurgist was thus the one who prospected for 
ores, mined them when found and worked the ore for metals; he 
was at once a prospector, a miner and a metal worker. 


It is often difficult to ascertain, from the study of the literature 
alone, what particular metals or alloys were used for specific 
purposes in the past. For this there are several reasons. 

(1) Although the early workers could usually distinguish 
without much difficulty between gold, silver and copper or bronze, 
they often confused other base metals and alloys with one another. 
Their statements are thus apt to be misleading. 

Thus, for example, lead and tin do not appear to have been 
distinguished before Roman times, and even in Pliny's day they 
seem to have been regarded more as varieties of the same metal 
than as entirely different species. 

(2) As knowledge grows, words gradually change their mean- 
ings. For example, the Mexicans called their own copper or 
bronze tepuztli, a West Indian word that is said to have driginally 
meant "hatchet". Later the same word was used for iron, with 
which metal the Mexicans were already familiar at the time of the 
Spanish Conquest. Tepuztli then became a general term for metal, 
and in order to distinguish copper from iron the former was 
termed red and the latter black tepuztli*. 

Similarly the Greek word chalkbs at first referred to copper or 
bronze and we use the word chalcolithic to indicate that stage or era 
of human culture in which copper was the predominant metal. But 
as iron gradually supplanted copper, so chalkos came to mean 
iron, and chalkeus, the copper smith, became the "worker in iron" 
in Homer's Odyssey. As the smith had worked in copper and bronze 
long before he had ever beaten iron on his anvil, he and his smithy 
derived their name from these early metals; but chalkeus and 
chalkeion continued to designate blacksmith and forge throughout 
all classical Greek literature, when iron was the metal that was 

We moderns have done the same thing. The washerwoman's 
"copper", though made of iron, still retains its old designation; 

*TYLOR, "Mexico and the Mexicans", 1861, p. 140. 

fRiDGEWAY, 'The Early Age of Greece 11 (C.U.P., 1901) Volume 1, p. 295. 



and who is not familiar with fire-"irons" made of brass, "tin"-tacks 
of iron and sealing "wax" of shellac? 

In the Torres Strait Region an earth oven or hole in the ground 
in which food is baked is commonly called a "copper" and many 
have erroneously supposed the name to have been borrowed from 
the "copper',' cooking vessels of New Zealand whalers. The word 
is really, however, a form in pidgin English of the native term 
kopa, an earth oven*. 

Somewhat similar difficulties have arisen in the interpretation of 
the words brimstone (p. 22) and quicksilver (p. 16), owing to their 
having been used in a spiritual as well as a material sense. 

(3) Finally, it should be mentioned that, in the past, the 
antiquary has not always possessed the requisite chemical or metal- 
lurgical knowledge, with the result that relics have not infrequently 
been most incorrectly described. Copper objects have been classed as 
bronzes and vice versa, whilst, to the present author's own knowledge, 
haematite arrow-heads have been described as made of iron of such 
excellent quality that it had resisted corrosion throughout the ages! 

The alchemists 

From the earliest times gold has been regarded as the perfect 
metal; the medieval alchemists denoted it symbolically by a circle, 
the hall mark of mathematical perfection. It was also identified 
with the sun in accordance with the practice of associating metals 
with celestial bodies. How this practice originated we do not know, 
but it may have been connected with the holy number seven. 
There were seven metals or alloys known to the ancients and there 
were also seven dominating celestial bodies, these latter including 
the sun, moon and five planets, namely Mercury, Venus, Mars, 
Jupiter and Saturn, revolving, as was then believed, round the 
Earth. Man is slow to realise his own insignificance. Aristarchus 
some 250 B.C. had already explained, though much in advance of 
his time, that the Earth must be travelling round the Sun. But for 
almost another two millenia man preferred to believe that his world 
was the hub of the universe. Uranus was not known to the ancients, 
being discovered by Sir William Herschel in 1781; this was a 
great achievement for, counting the Earth as one, there were now 
seven planets known. The discovery of Neptune in 1846 upset 
this holy number and matters were made even worse when Pluto 
was observed in 1930. 

*SMYTHE PALMER, "The Folk and their Word-lore" (Routledge, 1904), p. 15. 


For the ancients there was thus one metal for each heavenly 
body. Gold was naturally associated with the sun in virtue of its 
bright yellow colour and dominant position among the metals. 
Indeed some alchemists spoke of gold as "condensed sunbeams", 
much in the same way as quartz or rock crystal was regarded by 
Albertus Magnus, round A.D. 1250, as a form of iceso hardened 
by Alpine frosts that it refused to melt. Silver, the less perfect 
metal, was allowed only half a circle, its symbol thus resembling 
the crescent moon ; this, coupled with its pale colour, clinched the 
connection with that luminary. 

Symbols of the alchemists 

Gold O Sun Lead . . ^ Saturn 

Silver )) Moon Iron . . <J Mars 

Copper $ Venus Quicksilver Mercury 

Tin 2J. Jupiter ! 

Iron, the warrior's metal par excellence, came under the aegis of 
Mars, the god of war ; it was appropriately symbolised by a shield and 
spear. The symbols of the remaining elements bore a cross signifying 
the close connection between alchemy and religion. Tin and lead 
were given somewhat similar symbols because they were soAietimes 
regarded as mere variants of one and the same metal. In either case 
they were debased forms of silver, hence the curved portions. The 
lead symbol suggests a sickle or scythe. As lead was heavy, dense 
and dull it came under the influence of Saturn, the farthest known 
planet from the Earth, and apparently therefore moving the most 
sluggishly. From this originated the "scythe of Saturn" and the 
idea of spiritual density or moroseness associated with the word 

Some authorities see in the symbol for tin the Zeta of Zeus or 
Jupiter; others the arabic 4 or arbah $, indicating the fourth 
planet again Jupiter. Copper with its orange colour more closely 
resembles gold than the other metals and was awarded a disc plus 
the inevitable cross. The symbol thus bore a fanciful resemblance 
to a hand mirror and was hence called the looking-glass of Venus. 
The Egyptian symbol ankh, $, the "handled cross", denoting the 
sun's gift of life to the world, is closely similar. 

Quicksilver, as its name implies, is alive and active corresponding 
to Mercury the nimble messenger of the gods. Its symbol, regarded 
as the caduceus or wand of Mercury, embodied the sign of the 
cross, surmounted by the circle of perfection and the crescent of 



silver which latter metal it so closely resembles in colour and bright- 
ness. As the supposed constituent of all metals (p. 15) and by 
virtue of its incorrodibility, quicksilver had earned the circle of 

In early days apothecaries were wont to have with them bottles 
containing coloured liquids and labelled with appropriate signs, as 
badges of office, so to speak. These included yellow solutions, 
indicative of gold, marked with a circle; red solutions signifying 
iron and marked with the shield and spear of Mars; and so on. As 
the years rolled by and the profits increased it was appropriate that the 
size of the bottles should also increase until they reached the dimen- 
sions now familiar to us in the shops of our wealthy pharmacists. 

It is of interest to recall that the seven days of our week are 
associated through the celestial bodies with the seven metals known 
to the ancients. Thus the sun and moon are clearly perpetuated in 
Sunday and Monday, the gold and silver days. Tuesday is the day 
of Tiw, the Anglo-Saxon equivalent of Mars. Woden, the Saxon 
counterpart of the Scandinavian Odin, gives us Wednesday; the 
Romans early identified Wodin with Mercury; the French use the 
word mercredi, that is mercurii dies. Thursday is Thorns day, Thor 
being equivalent to Jupiter, whence the French jeudi or Jovis dies. 
Frigg was the wife of Woden and corresponds to Venus, the goddess 
of love; whence Friday and the French vendredi, the veneris dies. 
Saturday is clearly Saturn's day. The French name for Sunday, 
dimanche, departs from this scheme : it is a corruption of domini dies, 
the Lord's Day. 

In this connection it may be noted that the order of the days of 
the week is not random, as at first sight it appears to be. In times 
when astrology was an important branch of science, day and night 
were each divided into twelve planetary or unequal hours (unequal 
because day and night vary in length throughout the year). The 
hour of one planet succeeded that of another in the order of dim- 
inishing planetary distance from the earth according to the 
Ptolemaic* system of astronomy 

Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon 

s 2j <? o g -g 

*The geocentric Ptolemaic system was superseded by the heliocentric system 
of Copernicus (1473-1543) principally owing to the work of Galileo, Kepler, and 
Newton in the seventeenth century. The planets are now known to revolve 
about the sun in elliptical orbits of small eccentricity at the following mean 
distances (in millions of miles) Mercury, 36;. Venus, 67*2; Earth, 92*9; Mars, 
141-5; Jupiter, 483-3; Saturn, 886-1; Uranus, 1783; Neptune, 2793; Pluto, 3666. 



The day took its name from the hour with which it began. "Under- 
stonde wel", says Chaucer*, "that these houres inequales ben clepid 
[called] houres of planetes . . . The firste houre mequal of every 
Saturday is to Saturne, and the seconde to lupiter, the thirde to 
Mars, the fourthe to the sonne, the fifte to Venus, the sixte to 
Mercurius, the seventhe to the mone. And then ageyn the 8 is to 
Saturne, the 9 to lupiter . . ." Continuing in this way, the twenty- 
fifth hour (or the first hour of the next day) is found to be "the 
houre of the forseide sonne". So the day after Saturday is Sunday 
and so on through the week. 


The idea that the metals could undergo transmutation under 
natural conditions with the lapse of time was widespread for many 
centuries. Plato (427 to 344 B.C.) believed this. The ancient 
Chinese philosophers believed that arsenic, in the course of 200 
years in the ground became converted into tin (p. 19). Even as late 
as the eighteenth century miners believed that lead was gradually 
converted to silver and that bismuth was lead half-way on the road 
thither (p. 87). The alchemists believed it might be possible to 
hurry up or catalyse this transmutation in the laboratory, and if so, 
why not make it profitable by converting a base metal direct into 
gold? At first blush this might appear but a foolish dream; it was 
however a logical conclusion from the then current ideas of the 
constitution of matter. 

The sulphur-mercury theory 

Geberf, the famous Arabian chemist, regarded the six metals 
gold, silver, copper, lead, tin, and iron, as compounds of quicksilver 
with sulphur in different proportions. Gold was composed of the 
purest mercury and sulphur. The base metals contained the same 
essential ingredients as gold, but were contaminated with various 
impurities. If, therefore, these latter could be removed pure gold 
must result; the base metals would thus be transmuted to gold. 
The name Geber is the Westernised form of Jabir, the full name 
of this famous chemist being Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan. He 
was born at Tus, near Meshed, A.D. 721 or 722, the son ofa 

*"A Treatise on the Astrolabe 11 . The quotation is from "The Works of 
Chaucer", Globe edition (Macmillan, 1910). 

f'The Works of Geber". Translated by R. Russell, 1678. Introduction by 
Holmyard (Dent, 1928). 



druggist. Losing his father at an early age* he was sent to Arabia 
to study the Koran and ultimately became persona grata at the court 
of Harun al-Rashid, at Baghdad; this Harun was the Caliph of the 
"Arabian Nights". Later he retired to Kufa in Iraq, which had 
been his father's home, and remained there in seclusion until the 
time of his death early in the ninth century. Some 200 years later 
a street in Kufa, known as Damascus Gate, was rebuilt and in the 
course of necessary demolitions Geber's laboratory was uncovered. 
In it were found a mortar and a large lump of gold which, says the 
chronicler, "the King's Chamberlain took possession of. It was 
assumed of course, that the gold was the product of transmutation. 

The word "gibberish" is derived from Geber and refers to the 
unintelligible jargon used by alchemists of whom Geber was 
regarded as the typical representative. Sylvester, writing in 1621, 
says of the builders of the tower of Babel: "som howl, som halloo, 
sum do stut and strain. Each hath his gibberish." We are reminded 
of Isaiah's reference to a people who speak with "a stammering 
tongue, that thou canst not understand" (Isaiah xxxiii. 19). Al- 
chemists were sometimes nicknamed "Geber's cooks" and Camden, 
writing in 1637, referred to alchemy as "Geber's cookery". ~ 

It is evident that Geber's quicksilver and sulphur were not the 
material elements known by those names, for he mentions that on 
heating the material elements together "the red stone known to 
men of science as cinnabar" was produced. The constituents of 
gold were thus hypothetical or idealised substances to which 
material quicksilver and sulphur were the nearest known approach 
(p. 71). The European alchemist, Albertus Magnus, who became 
Bishop of Ratisbon in 1259, is believed to have subscribed to the 
quicksilver-sulphur theory, although the authenticity of the 
alchemistic works attributed to him has been queried. It was he 
who introduced the word "affinity" to indicate the reason why 
sulphur united with quicksilver a term that is widely used and 
appreciated by chemists to-day. -^ 

Sir Isaac Newton appears to have believed in the possibility of 
transmuting base metals into gold and to have kept furnaces going 
for many weeks with this end in view, sitting up at nights to attend 
to them. But after his appointment 'as Master of the Mint in 1699 
it would hardly have been wise for him to allow his name to be 
associated with alchemy. The less said the better. At his death in 

*He was a druggist and was beheaded by the Caliph for political intrigue. 


1727 the catalogue of his library contained many works on alchemy. 

Numerous stories were current in alchemistic days of base metals 
being transmuted to gold. All were told by "reputable witnesses" 
and were "undeniably true". 

Jean Jacques Manget who, from 1669 unt ^ h* s decease in 1742, 
was "first physician" to the Elector of Brandenburg relates one 
such story in his "Bibliotheca Chemica Curiosa", He says that in 
1650 a young cleric who spoke fluent Italian was asked to show an 
Italian visitor to Geneva the "sights" of that beautiful city. After 
a couple of weeks the stranger ran short of money and asked his 
guide to introduce him to a goldsmith who would be willing to 
lend him some crucibles and allow him the use of a furnace. This 
being duly arranged, the stranger melted some tin in a crucible 
and to it added mercury that had been heated in a second crucible 
together with a red powder in a wax capsule. The mixture became 
greatly agitated and evolved copious fumes. When these had cleared 
away the stranger poured the still molten contents of the crucible 
into moulds and obtained thereby six bars of pure gold. One of 
these he gave as recompense to the goldsmith and the others he 
sold to the Master of the Mint, who thereby guaranteed the 
genuineness of the metal. Being now in funds the stranger paid 
his hotel bill, handed the cleric 20 gold coins as honorarium for his 
services and to these added a further 1 5 for joint entertainment 
with the goldsmith during the next few days. He then left, promis- 
ing to return and have supper with them that evening. But he 
failed to return and was not heard of again another mysterious 

Most of the stories end like that just as they are becoming 

Many alchemists, like Paracelsus (1490 to 1535) and Basil 
Valentine (p. 84), published recipes for making the Philosopher's 
Stone, the magic wand, with the aid of which base metals may be 
converted to gold. But why such generosityP/We look askance jt 
these recipes, remembering the words of Alfred C, Lewis ~~ 

It's not the man who knows the most 
That has the most to say; 
It's not the man who has the most 
That gives the most away. 

In general this is true, and human nature has not altered much 
with the lapse of centuries. 



It is perhaps worth noting that alchemy has several times 
received the serious attention of legislature in this country. In 1404, 
during the reign of Henry iv, the making of gold and silver was 
forbidden by Act of Parliament; to transmute metals was to com- 
pound a felony. The authorities feared that a successful alchemist 
might becon^e a menace to the state. On the other hand the feeble- 
minded Henry vi (1422 to 1461) granted several patents to people 
who imagined they had discovered the philosopher's stone and 
could thus transmute metals. 

The miner 

Miners have been proverbially superstitious. Working under- 
ground, deprived of the stimulating rays of the sun, they were apt 
to cherish a belief in the supernatural that most of us who labour 
above ground hesitate to share. 

The Welsh mines were believed to house "knockers", little 
fellows about 18 inches in height, good-natured and willing to 
assist the miner by drawing his attention to the richest veins of 
ore. These knockers were not generally to be seen, but guided by 
knocks the miners who followed in the direction of the sounds. 
Other inhabitants of mines have not always been quite so friendly, 
Christopher Merret*, writing in 1677 of the Cornish tin mines, 
stated that the miners were wont to tell stories of sprites or "small 
people" as they called them, who terrified them by causing horrid 
knockings and fearful hammerings. Many German mines were 
similarly peopled by sprites or goblins known as "kobalds". These 
pestilential gnomes placed poisonous ores in the path of the miners 
and on the sabbath it was customary to pray for deliverance from 
their machinations when attending church. This belief is per- 
petuated in the name cobalt (p. 291). 

The growth of minerals 

Miners have long cherished the idea that metals and minerals, 
like plants and animals, can grow and breed. Pliny, writing at the 
beginning of the Christian Eraf, refers to certain lead mines 

*C. MERRET, Phil. Trans., 1677, 12, No. 138, p. 949. 

fPLiNY, "Natural History", translated by Bostock and Riley (Bohn, 1857), 
Book 34, Chap. 49. Pliny was probably born at Novum Comum, A.D. 23, on the 
south shore of Lake Larius in N. Italy. He died at the age of 56 in A.D. 79 when 
Herculaneum and Pompeii were overwhelmed by the eruption of Vesuvius. Pliny 
is famous for his enormous literary production -"Historia Naturalis", the only 
one of his works that has survived to our times. It was completed A.D. 77. 



which "when they have been abandoned for some time, become 
replenished and are more prolific than before." Even to-day the 
Tibetan miners will collect and export gold dust; they refuse, 
however, to touch the nuggets as these are believed to breed the 
dust. In effect the nuggets are the geese that lay the golden eggs. 

Many circumstances contributed to these beliefs. Take, for 
example, the bog iron ore which "grows" in the Swedish lakes. It 
consists essentially of hydrated ferric oxide, probably oxidised from 
dissolved ferrous salts and thrown out of solution by lowly organisms. 
The ore once removed from the lake bed is gradually replenished. 
In Cumberland and in Lancashire there are places where lime- 
stone has been replaced molecule by molecule with ferrous 
carbonate from percolating waters charged with ferrous salts in 
solution. Oxidation and heat have converted the ferrous carbonate 
to haematite; the rocks thus possess the appearance of having 
"grown together" as the miners say, the haematite gradually 
passing into the limestone and possessing similar stratifications 
and dip. Casts of mollusca and other fossils characteristic of 
carboniferous limestone have been found in the haematite as well 
as crystals of haematite pseudomorphic with calcite. 

In the Middle Ages mines were frequently closed in order that 
the supply of metals might be renewed. 

Merret* mentions that a "white sparr" found along with tin- 
stone in Cornish mines was locally regarded as the "mother" of the 
ore. Even as late as the middle of the nineteenth century the country 
folk in Berkshire believed that the stones in the fields grew. "They 
could prove to you" wrote John M. Baconf "that stones grew 
from year to year, even as cabbages grow, though of course much 
more slowly; since did they not pick the 'big-uns' off the field 
every season for road mending, yet their number never dimin- 
ished, showing beyond doubt that the 'little uns had growed'." 

Early Chinese philosophers believed that arsenic would regenerate 
itself after 200 years and after a like period would be transmuted 
to tin (p. 15). 

*MERRET, loc. tit., p. 951. 

fGERTRUDE BACON, "The Record of an Aeronaut" (London, 1907), p. 52. 




THE permanent gases included in this chapter comprise oxygen, 
nitrogen, hydrogen, deuterium and tritium. 

The ancients recognised only two forms of matter, to which we 
give the names solid and liquid. The rustling of the leaves of the 
trees in the woods was due to nymphs dancing from bough to bough; 
the waves of the sea during a tempest were lashed into fury by 
Neptune's god-like wrath. But gradually it was realised that these 
conceptions created many insoluble problem*; it was better to 
assume that matter was not destroyed when wood burned and 
water evaporated, but was converted into an invisible spirit-like 
substance which was still in existence even if it could not be seen. 
We owe the word "gas" to that erratic genius van Helmont 
(1577 to 1644) w h probably derived it from the Dutch Geest, 
ghost or spirit, in view of its elusive nature*. 

Faraday, who resumed his earlier work on the liquefaction of 
gases in 1845 found himself utterly unable to liquefy hydrogen, 
nitrogen, oxygen, nitric oxide and carbon monoxide, no matter 
what pressure he applied, and concluded that they were un- 
liquefiable; they came to be known, therefore, as permanent gases. 
We now know the reason for this. For every gas there is a tempera- 
ture, known as the critical temperature, above which a gas cannot 
be liquefied no matter how great the pressure. Above its critical 
temperature any gas is permanent ; below it the gas is a vapour. The 
critical temperatures of the above-mentioned gases lie well below 
the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere ; that was why Faraday 
was unable to liquefy them; they have all since been liquefied; 
liquid air and oxygen are now commercial commodities. 

We shall now proceed to discuss the following gases oxygen, 
ozone, nitrogen, hydrogen with its isotopes, and, in the next chapter, 
the inert gases. Although fluorine and chlorine are also permanent 
gases, it is convenient to consider them later along with the other 

*An alternative derivation from the Greek chaos, space, accepted by many 
authorities appears to the present Author to be less probable. 




So much has been written from time to time about the early 
history of this element that the barest outline will now suffice. 
Oxygen is the most abundant element in the earth's crust of which 
it constitutes some 50 per cent if we include the ocean and the 
atmosphere. The last named alone holds approximately 1218 
billion tons of the gas. Leonardo da Vinci (1452 to 1519), the 
famous artist whose painting of "The Last Supper", in Milan, is 
world famous, appears to have been fhe first European to state 
that air is not completely consumed during respiration or combus- 
tion. Boyle showed in 1660 that air was necessary for life, and in 
1670 an Italian naturalist wrote that if the air holes of an insect 
were covered with oil or syrup, the insect would die in convulsions 
while one might say a Paternoster a monkish method of measur- 
ing time. 

Although Harvey discovered the circulation of the blood in 1619, 
he believed the object of the air in entering the lungs was merely 
to cool the heart. Hooke, in 1665, knew that nitre contained a 
constituent similar to the active principle of the air, and in 1728 
Stephen Hales, Vicar of Teddington, actually heated nitre, 
collected the oxygen and measured its volume. But he did not 
examine the gas. A great discovery was thus narrowly missed. 

In the early seventies of the eighteenth century the Swedish 
chemist Scheele and Presbyterian minister Joseph Priestley* dis- 
covered oxygen independently. Both investigators obtained it, 
probably as early as 1773, in several ways, including the heating 
of mercuric oxide. The Priestley statue in Birmingham represents 
Priestley heating the oxide iri a tube with the sun's heat concen- 
trated by a lens held between his thumb and second finger. Poetic 
licence! The actual lens was twelve inches across! Legend hath it 
that Priestley discovered the gas on 1st August 1774; this is 
apparently due to a misreading of his laboratory notes. He prepared 
the gas on that day, but not for the first time. He had been familiar 
with it for at least a year. His first public announcement was at 
the Royal Society on 23rd March 1775, and in most cases that 
would now be taken as the date of the discovery. 

Scheele embodied an account of his researches in a book entitled 
"Air and Fire", the manuscript of which was completed in 1775; 
but publication was delayed by the printer until 1777, much to 

*See his "Memoirs" edited by his son in 1805. 



the chagrin of Scheele, for, in the meantime, Priestley had announced 
his discovery of oxygen. Scheele called the gas empyreal or fire air y 
the^term "air" being synonymous with the present use of our word 
gas. These names reflected the ease with which substances burned 
in the gas. So did Priestley's term dephlogisticated air, but to 
appreciate thjs and the importance of the discovery of oxygen it is 
necessary to appreciate also the then current views on combustion. 
It is safe to say that neither Scheele not Priestley realised the 
important part played in combustion processes by the gas they had 

The theory of phlogiston* 

Why do substances burn? This is a problem that exercised the 
curiosity of man from the earliest times. Colour, shape, hardness, 
opacity none of these properties appeared to have anything to 
do with it. Surely the explanation must be that substances burn 
because they possess the essence of combustibility; in 1697 
Stahl, professor of Chemistry and Medicine at Halle University, 
coined the name "phlogiston" for this essence, deriving it from the 
Greek phlox, flame, or phlogistein, to set on fire. Substances burning 
in air gave up phlogiston to the air which was regarded as not yet 
saturated with it; as soon as it became saturated no further com- 
bustion could occur, for phlogiston could not escape from matter 
unless it had somewhere to go. The idea was much like that of a 
sponge which until it is saturated can absorb water; but once it is 
saturated it no longer functions. 

The new gas of Scheele and Priestley allowed unusually vigorous 
combustion to occur. It was a really 'dry "sponge"; it could mop 
up the phlogiston in which it was perhaps entirely deficient. 
Hence Priestley's name for it dephlogisticated air. 

The substance we are familiar with under the Latin name of 
"sulphur" was for a long time known as "brimstone" or burning 
stone, the stone that burned completely away and, unlike wood, 
left no* ash. Brimstone thus became the personification of combust- 
ibility, and the words brimstone and sulphur developed a double 
meaning, spiritual and material. This has naturally led to some 
confusion of thought. In Holy Wrtf we read, for example, in 
Rev. xxi. 8, that the wicked "shall have their part in the lake which 
burneth with fire and brimstone". From statements like this the 

*This theory has been exhaustively studied by PARTINGTON and McKis, 
Annals of Science. 1937, 2, 361; I93&, 3, i, 337; I 939. 4, 113. 



conception of hell, which continued down to recent times, was that 
of a place where the wicked were exposed eternally to intense heat 
aggravated by fumes of burning sulphur; in other words hell jvas 
a heated poison-gas chamber. Such, however, was by no means 
the original idea, for material sulphur was not in the mind of the 
writer. The expression meant "fire and the essence of fire" a 
typical eastern duplication so common in languages that have no 
comparatives, to indicate great intensity, like our expressions, 
"out and out" or "through and through". The wicked were thus 
to be exposed to intense fire. But even this is not quite the rea! 
meaning. The early Hebrew tongue had relatively few words and 
practically none to represent abstract moral ideas. Thus when % 
man was angry he was said to be "hot", and the lesson the sacred 
writer wished to convey was that hell is a place or state where th< 
wicked are exposed to the intense wrath of God after all, a verj 
modern conception. 

In 1 640 Albaro Barba wrote a book entitled "The Art of Metals' 
in which occurs one of the earliest known references to Americar 
Petroleum. It runs* 

"La Naphte is a sulphurous liquor, sometimes white, and some- 
times black also, and is that which is called Oyl of Peter, oi 
admirable vertue to cure old pains, proceeding from cold causes 
It will draw fire to it (as the loadstone does iron) ..." 

Clearly there was no suggestion of material sulphur here. We need 
not laugh at our ancestors for giving material and spiritual mean- 
ings to the same words. We do the same to-day. When we are told 
that a man is full of good spirits we do not infer that he has just 
polished off a bottle of whisky. There is no confusion in our minds; 
neither was there in the minds of our forefathers. With the intro- 
duction of the conception of phlogiston many came to regard the 
spiritual sulphur and phlogiston as the same essence. 

When metals are calcined in air, oxides are usually produced. 
This was explained by Stahl on the supposition that the metal, on 
being heated, parted with its phlogiston leaving a residue of calx. 
In the light or this idea the calx was of simpler composition than 
the metal itself. Thus 

metal = calx -f phlogiston 
A substance such as charcoal was regarded as being rich in 

*This quotation is from the English translation of 1669 by the EARL OF 



phlogiston and could reverse the above process by restoring the 
phlogiston to the calx when heated with it and so reproduce the 
metpl. Thus 

calx -f charcoal = metal + charcoal ash 

Paracelsus (p. 85) at the beginning of the sixteenth century, had 
already described metals that had undergone oxidation as dead. 
Thus a calx was a dead metal; verdigris was dead copper. He 
mentioned that metals could be brought to life again or "reduced 
to the metallic state" by heating with charcoal; he was the first to 
use the word reduce in this sense. 

The theory of phlogiston was during the eighteenth century 
very popular amongst chemists despite the fact that it was full of 
anomalies. For example, if phlogiston were a material body, it is 
evident from the equation given above that a metal must weigh 
more than its calx. If phlogiston were merely an immaterial 
essence, the two would weigh the same just as a hot body weighs 
the same as when it is cold within the error of experiment. Now 
Jean Rey had already in 1630 shown that lead and tin actually 
increase in weight when calcined; but trifles of this kind were not 
allowed to interfere with so convenient a theory! 
In 1766 Cavendish identified hydrogen and distinguished it from 
carbon monoxide, marsh gas, and other inflammable gases. 
Priestley, on hearing of this, immediately identified hydrogen with 
phlogiston and, as hydrogen was so much lighter than air, he 
round here an explanation for the gain in weight of a metal when 
converted to calx. Evidently a gross confusion of thought. 

Lavoisier's theory of combustion 

In 1774 Priestley was in Paris and met Lavoisier, already at the 
age of 31 the foremost chemist in France. Unfortunately his 
brilliant career was doomed to end with his execution in 1794, a 
victim to the blood-lust of the French Revolution. Of him Legrange 
said "It required but a moment to strike off his head and probably 
100 years will not suffice to reproduce such another." 

Priestley gave an account of his experiments to Lavoisier who 
then realised that the theory of phlogiston could not be true. He 
explained combustion as due to union of the combustible material 
with this new gas, which evidently now required a new name. At 
first he called it "eminently pure air"; later he changed the name 
to oxygen or acid producer (Greek oxus, sharp or acid ; gennao> I 



produce) in his belief that the element was an essential constituent 
of all acids. The German name Sauerstoff embodies the same idea. 
This is one of the few instances in which the name given to *an 
element by its discoverer has not been retained. Nitrogen and 
hydrogen, the two next elements to be considered, are further 
examples, as are also chlorine, iodine, tellurium and beryllium. 


In 1929 spectroscopic examination of the absorption bands of 
oxygen led Giauque and Johnston to conclude that it is not a simple 
gas but contains three isotopes of atomic weights (16), (17) and 
(i 8). The two latter are present in only small amount, nevertheless 
their existence has been confirmed by the mass spectrograph. 
Atmospheric oxygen contains these isotopes in the proportions of 
99-76 of isotope (16), 0-04 of (17) and 0-20 of (18). 

This discovery of the complexity of ordinary oxygen was one of 
great importance. Since 1906 the atomic weight of ordinary 
oxygen gas has been standardised at 16*000, all other atomic 
weights being expressed relatively thereto. This mean value of 
16-000 is really 1-000275 times as great as that of the single 
isotope (16). When, therefore, atomic weights are determined by 
the mass spectrograph relatively to the physical isotope (16), the 
values are relatively too high for the chemical standard and must 
be divided by i 000275, termed the conversion factor ', in order to 
render them comparable with purely chemical data. As will be seen 
shortly, this was the source of the clue to the discovery of deuterium 

(p. 36). 

Applications of oxygen 

An important modern use to which oxygen is put is to enrich 
the air supplied to aeronauts at high altitudes and to certain invalids, 
and to resuscitate persons who have been suffocated or are suffering 
from carbon monoxide poisoning, etc. The "iron lung" has become 
quite a feature in modern medical practice. In conjunction with 
hydrogen and acetylene the gas is used to attain high temperatures 
for metal cutting and welding. Oxygen is used in bleaching, in the 
oxidation and thickening of oils, etc, and in the preparation of 

The isotopy of oxygen has proved valuable in certain academic 
studies. For example using water containing the O (18) isotope, 



namely H 2 18 O, it has been shown that, in the hydrolysis of esters ' 
with caustic soda, fission occurs at the C atom. Thus 

X.OEt /O-fEt 

RC and not RC 



Ozone is a "condensed" form of oxygen containing three atoms 
in the molecule. In 1785 van Marum drew attention to the fact 
that the air in the neighbourhood of an electrical machine in action 
possesses a peculiar odour. This "electrified air" was used shortly 
afterwards by Cavallo as a remedy for foetid ulcers, its power of 
removing unpleasant smells being thus early recognised. Sch6n- 
bein*, in 1 840, concluded that the odour was caused by the presence 
of a new gas which he called ozone from the Greek ozo, I smell. 

It was at first thought that ozone was a compound of oxygen 
and hydrogen, but this was negatived when Marignac obtained 
it from dry oxygen. In 1845 Marignac and de la Rivef suggested, 
therefore, that ozone was a peculiar or allotropic form of oxygen. 
In 1848 Hunt suggested that it was an oxide of oxygen, of formula 
O.O 2 , analogous to SO 2 and SeO 2 . This was supported in 1860 
by the observation of Andrews and Tait^: that, when ozone was 
formed from oxygen, a contraction occurred, so that the new gas 
possessed a higher density. Odling in 1861 suggested that the 
reaction involved might be most easily represented by the equa- 

3 2 - 2 3 

and the correctness of this was experimentally proved by Soret in 
1866 and confirmed by Brodie in 1872. The reaction may be 
pictured as follows. Three molecules of oxygen approach as in- 
dicated by (i) in the scheme shown (Fig. i). When they are 
sufficiently close the attraction of the two central atoms for each 
other in the unstable complex (ii) counterbalances that of the two 
external pairs. Circumstances will decide whether the complex 
shall dissociate to oxygen again or to ozone. 

On account of its powerful oxidising properties ozone exerts a 
marked bactericidal effect. It is frequently employed therefore in 

*SCHONBEIN, Pogg Annalen, 1840, 50, 616; 1843, 59, 240; 1844, 63, 520. 
t MARIGNAC and DE LA RIVE, Compt. rend., 1845, 20, 1291. 
{ANDREWS and TAIT, Phil. Trans. , 1860, 160, 113. /. Chem. Soc., 1860, 13, 344. 
ODLING, "Manual of Chemistry", 1861, p. 94. 



improving the atmosphere of buildings that are likely to be 
crowded, such as underground passages, and the stations and tunnels 
of electric tube railways ; care must of course be taken that ihe 
concentration of the gas shall always be well under the danger limit. 
Another extensive application is in the sterilisation of water. As 
early as 1886 experiments were carried out on the ozonisation of 
water to effect the removal of organic matter and bacteria. Eight 
years previously Pasteur had introduced his germ theory of disease 
and the danger of transmitting diseases such as typhoid and cholera 
by vitiated waters was beginning to be realised. In 1885 Percy 
Frankland had shown that almost all the bacterial content of water 

'o CM |'o\ 

I | i ) ' I 
lo J I o i 


o o * i o i o 


(i) (ii) (iii) 

Fig. 1 Formation of ozone from oxygen 

could be removed by sand filtration. By the use of ozone after 
filtration it was hoped that complete removal might be achieved. 
It was not until the development of more efficient types of large 
ozonisers had been effected that the process could become one of 
industrial importance. Many such systems were eventually installed, 
mostly on the Continent; but the advantages of the use of chlorine 
for this purpose are so obvious that, at any rate in this country, 
sterilisation by chlorination is now largely adopted. 

Small ozone sterilisation plants are made for sterilising water, 
etc, used in the manufacture of beverages and foods generally. 

Ozone is used as an oxidiser in bleaching such substances as 
starch, flour, oils, wax, delicate fabrics, etc. It has also been used to 
aid the "ageing" or maturing of wines, spirits and tobacco. The 
action of ozone on unsaturated organic substances provides a 
convenient general method for the preparation of aldehydes and 
ketones; it has been applied to the production of vanillin for 
flavouring purposes and heliotropin for perfumery. An ozoniser 
of the silent discharge type is used and air is treated to emerge from 
the apparatus with an ozone content approximating to 2 or 3 grams 
per cubic metre. The "ozone water" of commerce contains no 
ozone; its activity is due to such substances as hypochlorites, etc. 




The discovery of nitrogen in 1772 is usually credited to Daniel 
Rutherford, pupil of Joseph Black who held the Chair of Chemistry 
at Edinburgh University*; he happened also to be uncle to Sir 
Walter Scott. As has been mentioned, it was already known to 
Leonardo da, Vinci that air was a mixture; at the suggestion of 
Black, Rutherford investigated the gas left after the oxygen of the 
air had been used up either chemically or by animal respiration, 
the carbon dioxide in the latter case being removed with alkali. As 
the residual gas would not support combustion, it was regarded as 
saturated with phlogiston, whence its name phlogisticated air. 
Priestley was the first to show quantitatively in 1772 that one-fifth 
of the air disappeared when charcoal was burnt in a closed vessel 
and the residual gas shaken with milk of lime. Scheele independently 
discovered it and called it foul air. Lavoisier in 1776 definitely 
recognised this residue as a simple gas and called it azote from the 
Greek a, not, and zoos, living. This name is still used by the French 
and is retained in our "azo" and "diazo". 

With the fall of the phlogistic theory, however, the term 
"dephlogisticated air" became untenable and Chaptal in 1791 
suggested nitrogen, since it is a constituent of nitre. 

Active nitrogen 

When an electric discharge is passed through nitrogen at low 
pressures, circa 2 mm, a yellow glow is seen which persists for some 
time after the discharge has ceased. Although this had been known 
for some time, it was left for R. J. Struttf, the late Lord Rayleigh, 
to examine the physical properties of the after-glow and the chemical 
reactions of the active form, which differ widely from those of 
ordinary molecular nitrogen. 

It was at first thought that the activity was due to triatomic 
nitrogen analogous to triatomic oxygen or ozone, but later work 
showed that view to be untenable. 

The view now held is that active nitrogen contains at least two 
distinct species, namely 

(i) Metastable, activated molecules, N 2 *, mainly responsible 
for the chemical activity and 

* PROFESSOR BLACK'S name is well known to chemists for his researches on 
"Fixed Air", that is, carbon dioxide. He lived 1728 to 1799. 

fSxRUTT, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1911, A85, 219. R. J. Strutt was the fourth Baron 



(ii) A much smaller proportion of nitrogen atoms, responsible 
for the glow. 

Uses of nitrogen 

Nitrogen exists almost exclusively in the atmosphere which holds 
some 4041 billion tons of the gas over every ?cre are some 
31,000 tons. 

About 1913 Langmuir invented the gas-filled electric lamp 
bulb, and at first nitrogen was used. This gas has now been super- 
seded by certain of the inert gases, such as argon and krypton. 
Nitrogen is used in flushing petrol refuelling tubes for aeroplanes 
in mid-air to prevent firing, and in various "fixation" processes, 
for the production of ammonia, nitric acid, cyanamide, cyanides, 
etc. The main industrial use of nitrogen is in the form of its com- 
pounds, into which it is converted by natural processes as well as 
by artificial. 

In 1784 Cavendish showed that nitrogen will combine under 
the influence of the electric spark with oxygen to form oxides. This 
occurs in nature during thunderstorms and, in temperate climes 
it is estimated that in this way 1 1 Ib. of nitrogen are "fixed" per 
acre per annum. In the tropics the amount will be much greater. 
In 1897 Lord Rayleigh*, describing his experiments in which 
argon was isolated from the atmosphere (p. 41), pointed out the 
possibilities of utilising the electric arc for the industrial fixation of 
nitrogen. The first technical attempt to utilise this reaction was 
made in 1902 at Niagara but was not a commercial success. The 
following year, however, the Birkeland-Eyde process was started 
at Notodden in Norway and proved successful. 

Nitrogen may also be fixed as ammonia, by passing the mixed 
gases, nitrogen and hydrogen, in the proportion of I to 3 by volume 
over a heated catalyst under pressure. The Haber process was the 
first to achieve technical success. It was devised by Haber during 
World War I to enable the Germans to produce explosives, as our 
navy had cut off their Chilean supplies of nitrate. Had Haber not 
succeeded, the war would have been over in our favour several 
years earlier than it was. Haber was a Jew, and a grateful Fatherland 
showed its appreciation of his services many years later by his 
expulsion. He died brokenhearted in 1934. 

In Serpek's process (1919) atmospheric nitrogen is fixed as 

*J. W. STRUTT, third Baron Rayleigh. 



aluminium nitride, A1N, which is subsequently hydrolysed yield- 
ing ammonia and pure aluminium hydroxide. 

^n 1 784 Scheele observed that, by heating a mixture of potassium 
carbonate and carbon in an atmosphere of nitrogen, potassium 
cyanide is produced. In 1835 Dawes observed that potassium 
cyanide is a p/oduct of the blast furnace, and in 1924 the suggestion 
was made by Franchot* that about one per cent of the nitrogen of 
the air blast could be recovered as cyanide from the blast furnace. 
In the Bucher Process (1917), potassium carbonate is replaced by 
the sodium salt ; numerous other modifications have been introduced. 
Mention should also be made of the fixation of nitrogen as calcium 
cyanide, CaN.NH 2 , the process being patented by Frank and 
Caro during the years 1895 to 1898. In 1866 Hellriegel showed 
that the bacteria in the roots of leguminous plants can "fix" 
atmospheric nitrogen. 

The Egyptian national god Amen was known by the Romans 
when they conquered Egypt as Ammon, and identified by them 
with their god Jupiter. Outside the Egyptian temples the refuse 
from the sacrifices, etc, gradually disintegrated and parts were 
converted into mineral salts, which became known as "salts of 
Ammon". In course of time it was found that these salts were 
mixtures, part being volatile. The name Ammon was retained for 
these volatile portions which are now termed ammonia or ammon- 
ium salts. 

The atomic clock 

A new use for ammonia, NH 3 , has been foundf. The mean 
solar day is not absolutely constant. Owing to variations in the 
rate of rotation of the earth on its axis there is a fluctuation of 
i second in every 20 to 30 million seconds. In addition to this there 
is a slight lengthening of the solar day due to a slowing down of 
the earth's rotation, through tidal action mainly, which amounts 
to about i second per day every 120,000 years. This has raised the 
question as to whether or not it might be possible to check time 
intervals by some absolutely constant wave motion on the lines 
adopted for measurements of length (p. 308). This problem is in 
course of solution by the invention of the "atomic clock", as it is 

FRANCHOT, /. Ind. Eng. Ghent., 1924, 16, 235. 

fSee Scientific American, 1949, p. 28; 1948, p. 23. Electronics, 1949, 22, 82. 
Tech. Bull. Nat. Bureau of Standards, 1949, 33, 17. Radio-Corporation Amer. 
Review, 1948, 9, 38. 



called, the first of which was unveiled in January 1949 at the 
National Bureau of Standards, U.S.A. This is based on the 
molecule of ammonia which consists of three hydrogen atoms 
situated in a plane at the corners of an equilateral triangle with the 
nitrogen atom above or below as shown in Fig. 2. The molecule is 
capable of absorbing radio-energy at a sharply defined frequency, 
the N atom vibrating from position N to N 1 and back. An absorp- 
tion line is produced in the spectrum of the incident radiation and 



Fig. 2 The ammonia molecule 

this is utilised to stabilise the frequency of a microwave oscillator 
and thus to check the passage of time. To put the position popularly, 
the oscillator corresponds to the pendulum of an ordinary clock. 
The ultimate accuracy of such a clock depends upon a variety 
of factors. Theoretically it should be possible to obtain a permanent 
accuracy of i part in 10 billion (ro 18 ). At present i part in 10 
million has been achieved. Such a clock can be used to improve 
our astronomical time standards; being entirely constant and 
independent of the earth's movement it could be used, for example, 
to determine if the sidereal day is more constant than the mean 
solar day, as some authorities believe may be the case. Conversely 
it may be of great use to the radio-engineer as it could be used to 
control more rigidly the frequency of the waves emitted from 
various stations and thus make more efficient use of the available 
radio spectrum. This is very necessary if overlapping is to be 
avoided, because the present crowding has imposed severe limita- 
tions both nationally and internationally on the expanding use of 
radio for industry and communications. 


Several combustible gases occur in nature and have been observed 
by man for ages. At the time of Cavendish they were known as 



inflammable air and were not distinguished from each other. 
Cavendish, circa 1766, was the first to examine hydrogen and deter- 
mine its physical properties so that it could be recognised again. 
He called it inflammable air from metals as he thought it came from 
the metals and not from the acids he used. 

Cavendish had observed that hydrogen exploded with air, and 
Priestley called attention to the dew condensing on the glass walls 
of the containing vessel after an explosion. Cavendish investigated 
the matter and proved that water was a compound of oxygen and 
hydrogen. His paper was published by the Royal Society on 
1 5th January 1784. James Watt had almost simultaneously 
arrived at the same conclusion. His letter was laid before the Royal 
Society on 29th April 1784. He was deeply chagrined to find that 
Cavendish had forestalled him. 

Both Cavendish and Priestley thought hydrogen was pure 
phlogiston. When the phlogistic theory was shown to be untenable 
Lavoisier revised the nomenclature and suggested the name 
hydrogen (Greek hudor, water), that is, water producer, in place of 
inflammable air. The German name Wasserstoff carries the same 

On hearing about Cavendish's experiments Pilatre de Rozier 
filled his lungs with hydrogen and set fire to the gas as it escaped 
from his mouth. On repeating the experiment with a mixture of 
hydrogen and air there was a terrific explosion and de Rozier 
thought for a moment that all his teeth had been blown out. 

Spin isomerism 

The change in specific heat of hydrogen with temperature is 
abnormal if the gas consists of only one kind of simple molecule. 
The new quantum theory involving wave mechanics led*, in 1927, 
to the belief that two different types of diatomic hydrogen molecule 
exist, namely 0r//fo-hydrogen, in which the directions of the pro- 
tonic spins are the same, and ^tfra-hydrogen, in which they are 
Dpposite as shown in Fig. 3. This is not an atomic phenomenon, as 
ill the atoms are alike. It is purely molecular and concerns the two 
possible ways in which spinning protons can link up. In 1929 the 
existence of these two types of molecule was proved experi- 

*HEISENBERG, Z. Physik, 1927, 41, 239 

fBoNHOEFFER and HARTECK, Zeitsch. physikal. Chem., 1929, 134, 113. 



Ordinary hydrogen is a mixture of approximately three of ortho 
to one of para. The two forms behave alike chemically but differ 
very slightly in their physical properties, for the ortho possesses 
more energy than the para. Low temperature favours the produc- 
tion of para, and the transformation is catalysed by charcoal at low 
temperatures enabling pure para-hydrogen to be obtained; 
hitherto it has not been found possible to obtain the pure ortho. 
The para melts and boils at only 0-03 and O'I3 C respectively 
below ordinary hydrogen so that there is little hope of separating 
them by purely physical fractionation. Similar spins occur with 
molecules other than hydrogen but their effect is negligible except 
for deuterium. 

Ortho Para 

Fig. 3 Ortho- and para -hydrogen 

One of the earliest uses of hydrogen was for filling balloons, and 
Joseph Black*, the well known Edinburgh Professor (p. 28), 
appears to have been the first to make this suggestion. Soon after 
the appearance of Cavendish's paper in 1766, in which attention 
was drawn to the unusually low density of hydrogen, Black invited 
a party of his friends to supper informing them that he had some- 
thing mysterious to show them. After the party had assembled he 
liberated the bladder of a calf filled with hydrogen which 
immediately rose to the ceiling. The company fully believed that 
the bladder had been attached to a black thread and drawn up to 
the ceiling through a minute hole by a confederate operating in the 
room above. An equally neat experiment illustrating the buoyancy 
of hydrogen was that of Cavallo, a Neapolitan long domiciled in 
London, who in 1772 filled soap bubbles with the gas and watched 
them rise into the air with boyish enthusiasm. Matthew Boulton 
of Birmingham called hydrogen the "goddess of levity". 

The first hydrogen-filled balloonf of practical importance was 

*W. RAMSAY, "Life and Letters of Joseph Black" (Constable, 1918) p. 78. 

fEarlier in the same year a hot-air balloon had been sent aloft by the 
Montgolfier Brothers; it was 35 ft. in diameter and reached a height of 1500 ft. 
Its cargo included a sheep, a duck and a cock. Paris was thrilled and fire-balloons 
became known as montgolneres. 



released in August 1783 from the Champs de Mars in Paris by 
M. Charles, the famous engineer known to all students of chemistry 
in connection with the fundamental law of the expansion of gases 
with rise of temperature (1787). The balloon was 13 ft. in diameter, 
rose rapidly to a considerable height and then fell at Gonesse, 
1 5 miles from Paris, about an hour later. 

The peasants who witnessed its descent were filled with super- 
stitious terror at the appearance of so "monstrous and foul a bird", 
for the smell of the escaping hydrogen, owing to impurities, was 
anything but pleasant. Indeed, the French Government found it 
necessary a little later, as interest in ballooning gained ground, to 
issue a proclamation throughout the country explaining what a 
balloon was and warning people not to be alarmed if they happened 
to see one. A century or so later the Russian Government followed 

No human beings went aloft in Charles's first balloon. The 
earliest pioneers to rise above their fellow men in this way were 
the Marquis d'Arlandes and the afore-mentioned Pilatre de Rozier 
on 2 ist November 1783. The King, Louis xvi, had expressed a 
wish that, if human beings were to take part in balloon trips, 
criminals should be selected, as their lives were less important to 
the state. But de Rozier was indignant "that vile criminals should 
have the glory of being the first to rise in the air" and he carried 
his point. 

The following month M. Charles went aloft with M. Robert. 
The trip was so successful that Charles decided to go aloft again, 
this time alone; In his excitement he forgot to adjust the ballast 
with the result that upon release the balloon shot up with great 
rapidity to a height of at least two miles which nearly proved fatal 
to the bewildered engineer. 

In 1836 Charles Green showed that coal gas could be used in 
place of the more expensive hydrogen, but having less buoyancy, 
larger balloons were necessary. He passed away at the ripe age of 
85 in 1870, having made no fewer than 1400 ascents and earned 
for himself the title of "Father of Modern Balloonists". 

Unfortunately for the balloonist, both hydrogen and coal gas 
ire inflammable and many accidents have resulted from the gases 
:atching on fire in mid air. When the properties of helium were 
investigated it was realised that this was an ideal gas for the 
purpose in view of its chemical inertia. Although twice as dense 
is hydrogen, it was still much less dense than air. In 1925 the 


U.S.A. prohibited export of the gas as it was needed for home 
consumption. As British sources of helium are negligible, we had 
perforce to continue using the inflammable gases. This was tjie 
indirect cause of the tragic loss of the ill-fated British Airship RIOI, 
which was filled with hydrogen obtained by passage of steam over 
heated iron. On its way to India it caught fire over Frgince and its 
48 occupants were all killed. This happened on 5th October 1930. 

At the close of the eighteenth century we British were not on the 
best of terms with the French who conceived the idea that balloon- 
ing might afford them an opportunity of invading us from the sky, 
as our "wooden walls" made any sea attempt too hazardous. 
Actually, however, the boot was on the other leg, for the first 
balloon to cross the channel left Dover on New Year's Day 1785 
to travel in the opposite direction. 

The first occasion on which a balloon was used for military 
purposes was at the Battle of Fleurus, near Charleroi in Belgium, 
in 1794. The balloon was captive and remained up all day, signal- 
ling the dispositions of the enemy to Jourdan's army, enabling 
them to achieve victory. 

In 1798 Napoleon, after taking Cairo, sent up a fire balloon 
with the object of impressing the Egyptians, but he was singularly 
slow to appreciate the military value of balloons. Had he but used 
them as "eyes" at Waterloo in 1815, he would not have mistaken 
Blucher for Grouchy, and that page of history might have been 

It was early appreciated by scientists that balloons might be 
used to obtain invaluable information on meteorological and other 
kindred problems. Probably the first chemist to take to the air 
with this object in view was Gay-Lussac, whose name is per- 
petuated in his Law of Combining Volumes of Gases (1808) and 
the Gay-Lussac Tower used in the Chamber Process for the 
manufacture of sulphuric acid. On 23rd August 1804, in company 
with M. Biot, he ascended from Paris with the object of studying, 
amongst other things, the behaviour of the magnetic needle at 
high altitudes, and the composition of the atmosphere. At a height 
of some 1 1,000 feet they liberated a bird; for a moment it rested 
upon the edge of the car, then directed its course in gradually 
extended circles towards the earth, thus refuting an old idea that a 
bird could not fly in a rarefied atmosphere. 

On another occasion, when by himself, Gay-Lussac attained a 
height of some 22,000 feet, and wishing to ascend still higher, he 



threw overboard a chair as ballast*. It apparently did not occur tc 
him that someone below might be injured; however, a shepherdess 
sa^v this wooden chair fall from the skies into some bushes and ran 
to tell her friends of the marvel. The simple country folk gathered 
round to hear her story and then examined the chair. One thing 
puzzled them. If heaven were the beautiful place they were taught 
to believe, how was it that the workmanship of the chair was sc 

During the siege of Paris^ in the course of the Franco-Prussian 
war of 1870 to 1871, balloons were used by the French to make 
contact with the outside world. As many as 64 balloons, averaging 
2000 cubic metres of gas, were released from Paris carrying a 
personnel of 161 and something like 3 million letters. Of these 
balloons 57 fulfilled their purpose, two only being lost at sea 
whilst five were captured by the Germans. 

Besides freights of letters the majority carried also baskets oi 
pigeons and five carried dogs, destined to return with news to the 
beleaguered city. As a result no fewer than 50,000 messages were 
sent to Paris by pigeon-post. On one voyage a balloon carried two 
cases of dynamite, the intention being to drop them on to the 
enemy; fortunately for the latter no suitable opportunity presented 
itself and Paris capitulated in March 1871. 


In 1927 Aston, with his mass spectrograph, compared the masses 
of hydrogen and oxygen atoms and obtained the ratio 1-00778 : 16. 
This physical value was in excellent agreement with the chemical 
one accepted at the time. As already mentioned, however, Giauque 
and Johnston two years later showed that ordinary oxygen consists 
of three isotopes so that the mean atomic weight is 1-000275 
times greater than that of the pure isotope (16) used as standard by 
AstonJ. As compared with chemical oxygen, therefore, Aston's 
value was 1-000275 times too high. Dividing by this conversion 
factor gives the value 1-00753 for the chemical atomic weight of 
pure hydrogen, which is too low to be satisfactory. Birge and 
Menzel suggested in 1931 that ordinary hydrogen might contain 

*This amusing story is told by Miss WEEKS "Discovery of the Elements" 
(/. Chemical Education, 1945) Fifth Edition, on the authority of Bugge, "Das 
Buch der grossen Chemiker" (Berlin, 1929) Vol. i, pp. 386 seq. 

fNature, 1872, 6, 88; 1870, 3, 115* I34 *75- 

JThe more recent value for the conversion factor is here used. 

BIRGE and MENZEL, Physical Review, 1931, 37, 1669. 



a heavy isotope, and this was confirmed in December of the same 
year by Urey and his co-workers*, who found two faint lines near 
the ordinary Balmer lines of a sample of hydrogen taken aa a 
residue from the evaporation of a considerable bulk of liquid 
hydrogen. The intensity of these lines was increased if fractionation 
was continued and the heavier fraction examined. Calculation 
showed this "heavy hydrogen" to possess twice the normal mass 
of ordinary hydrogen. It was called deuterium, from the Greek 
deuteroS) second. 

Like hydrogen, deuterium yields ortho and para forms. At room 
temperature the ordinary gas comprises 66-6 per cent of ortho. 
Low temperature favours the production of para-deuterium, and 
the transformation of ortho to para is catalysed by charcoal at low 
temperatures exactly as for ordinary hydrogen. For comparative 
purposes, some constants may be noted 

Hydrogen Deuterium 

Atomic weight i oo 8 o 2-0135 

Boiling point abs. 20-39 23-5 

Molar latent heat in 

gm.-calories per mole 183 276 

Trouton's Constant, L/T 9-1 1 1 8 


Another isotope of hydrogen, with an atomic weight 3 was 
reported in 1935 as present in natural waters. It occurs only ir 
very minute quantities to the tune of I part in lo 17 parts of water: 
to this the name tritium was given, with symbol T. It is a short- 
lived element, with a half life of about 30 yearsf. 

Chemistry is now becoming very complicated. With three 
isotopes each of hydrogen and oxygen it is possible for no fewei 
than 1 8 different molecules of so simple a substance as water tc 
exist. As two natural isotopes of carbon are also known, one 
shudders to think of the number of varieties of the starch molecule 
that can exist, starch being (C 6 H 10 O 6 ) n , where n is a large number. 

General uses of hydrogen and deuterium 

Hydrogen is used in the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen as 
ammonia by the Haber process ; the manufacture of hydrochloric 

*UREY and CO-WORKERS, Physical Review, 1932, 39, 164, 864. 

, TAYLOR and BLEAKNEY, /. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1935, 57, 580. 



acid by direct combustion in chlorine; the hardening of oils; 
production of "oil from coal" by hydrogenation of coal; the oxy- 
hydrogen flame now largely superseded by the oxy-acetylene, 
but still used in making mercury vapour lamps and fusing platinum. 
Air-hydrogen mixtures are used in autogeneous soldering of lead 
and an atomic hydrogen blowpipe is used in certain welding 

Deuterium has proved extremely useful as a tracer in following 
metabolic changes in the animal body. Many experiments have 
been carried out on mice. It has been shown, for example, that fat 
may be stored in the body even at a time when the body needs it 
for conversion into energy. Butyric acid is rapidly consumed to 
produce energy, from which it appears that butter may be expected 
to relieve exhaustion more rapidly than other fats. Deuterium 
oxide, D a O, often called "heavy water" is used as a moderator in 
atomic piles to slow down fast moving neutrons to the speed 
desired. Most substances either absorb neutrons or are otherwise 
unsuitable; neither deuterium nor oxygen absorbs them. 

The question as to whether or not small amounts of deuterium 
ire essential to the animal organism has not been solved. There 
nay be some connection, for it has been found that dilute solutions 
:an accelerate the growth of micro-organisms. 

The hydrogen bomb 

Another use to which hydrogen or deuterium may be put in due 
:ourse is in the construction of the H-bomb, the principle of 
which is as follows 

If, during the course of any reaction, matter is destroyed, it 
eappears as energy. The relation between the mass, dm y in grams 
destroyed and the energy, dE> in dynes produced is given by 
Einstein's Equation (1905) 

dE = u*dm = 9 X id**dm 

Where u is the velocity of light, namely 3 x lo 10 cm per second. 
That is, for every gram of matter destroyed, the energy produced 

= 9 X io* dynes 
9 x Io2 

4-185 X io 7 or2 ' l $ x 



At the high temperature of the sun, which attains some 20 
million C near its centre, hydrogen atoms condense to helium, 
some 10,000 helium atoms being produced in every c.c. of the^sun 
per second. During this condensation matter is lost and reappears 
as energy. This is the source of the sun's heat. 

Let us try to gain some idea of its magnitude. For gvery 4 gram- 
atoms of hydrogen of atomic weight 1-0080 that condense to 
yield I gram-atom of helium (at, wt. 4*003) the amount of matter 

= 4 X i -008 4*003 = 0-029 gm 

= 0-029 X 2-15 X lo 18 or 6-24 X lo 11 gm-calories. 

Big figures like these do not convey much to us. We can perhaps 
appreciate them better if we remember that I gram of coke on 
combustion to carbon dioxide evolves 8080 gm-calories of heat. 

The quantity of heat liberated, therefore, when each gram-atom 
of helium is produced from 4 grams of hydrogen is equal to that 
obtained by the complete combustion of 

* 24 X * or 7-7 x io 7 gm of coke 


= 76 tons of coke. 

This condensation can only take place, however, at very high 
temperatures and it would be necessary to use a uranium or 
plutonium bomb as detonator. At the moment of the explosion 
there would be a sufficiently high temperature and pressure to 
initiate the condensation which could then, under favourable 
conditions, become self-supporting, as in the sun. 

It might perhaps be found preferable to use deuterium instead 
of hydrogen, although the heat liberated per gram-atom of helium 
produced would be slightly less, namely 

2 X 2-0135 4-0030 = 0-024 gm 
= 5-16 X io 11 gm-calories 
= 63 tons of coke 

Even so it is unlikely that the free gas would be used. Probably a 
deuteride would be, such as that of lithium, LiD, or beryllium, 
BeD a . In any case it would be necessary to ensure that the deu- 
terium was not dissipated by the force of the explosion before 
condensation could occur. Unless fairly complete condensation 



were effected, the bomb might not be any more powerful than a 
comparable plutonium bomb. Such a bomb, however, would leave 
less radio-matter behind. The problem as to whether or not the 
H-bomb is worthwhile has yet to be decided. Any work and money 
expended in its production are of little value to the world at peace. 
Unlike the uranium bomb it offers no promise as a source of 
industrial energy or of new products like radio-isotopes of economic 
or scientific value. 




THE inert gases dealt with in this chapter include argon, helium, 
neon, krypton and xenon. Radon is discussed later (p. 324). 

The discovery of the inert gases reads like a romance*. The first 
of these gases to be discovered terrestrially was argon. In 1894 
Lord Rayleigh observed that the density of atmospheric nitrogen 
was greater than that of the chemical gas, and in 1894 asked 
chemists to suggest a reason. Sir William Ramsay asked if he 
might collaborate. After searching the literature, they found that 
Cavendish in 1785 had already noted that, after sparking with 
excess oxygen, atmospheric nitrogen yielded an inert residue that 
could not be made to combine with oxygen. Was this a new gas? 
Rayleigh and Ramsay accordingly, passed atmospheric nitrogen 
over magnesium to remove the nitrogen as solid magnesium 
nitride, Mg^N 2 , and introduced the residual gas into a Plticker 
tube and examined its spectrum. To their joy, although the 
characteristic lines of nitrogen were present, there were also new 
red and green lines suggesting the presence of a new element. As 
this new gas was present in the atmosphere the story goes that the 
authors decided to call it aeron, but they received so many letters 
asking when Moses would turn up, that they decided in view of 
its remarkable chemical inactivity to christen it argon^ a Greek 
word meaning inert. Although at the British Association Meeting 
in Oxford in 1895 the announcement was received with scepticism, 
truth ultimately prevailed. 

A word Argon has been known for a long time. Marco Polo 
(p. 55), in his travels in the second half of the thirteenth century, 
visited the kingdom of a prince named Argon, who would un- 
doubtedly have objected to the derivation of the modern word as 
applied to himself. 

The scene now shifts to India. In 1868 there was a total eclipse 
of the sun, visible in that country, and the Danish astronomer 

*A detailed history is given by RAMSAY, "The Gases of the Atmosphere" 
(Macmillan, 1902). Full references to the original literature are given in FRIEND'S 
"Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry" (Griffin, 1914) Vol. I, Pt. 2 by H. V. A. 
BRISCOE, and in "Helium" by KEESOM (Amsterdam, 1942). 



Janssen went thither and examined the sun's corona spectro- 
scopically for the first time in history. He detected a prominent 
yellow line close to, but not identical with, the sodium lines which, 
however, did not correspond with any known element. Bunsen 
and Kirchhoff in 1860 had concluded that every element has its 
own characteristic spectrum and could be detected by it. Frankland 
and Lockyer* therefore suggested, in 1868, that this new line was 
due to an element present in the sun, but not present terrestrially. 
As alkali metals were known to give line spectra it was thought the 
new element would be a metal. They therefore suggested it be 
called helium from the Greek helios, sun. The same line, designated 
as D 8 , was later detected in the spectra of certain stars, and in 1882 
Palmieri found it in Vesuvian gases. 

In the latter part of 1894, when searching for new sources of 
the newly discovered argon, Ramsay received a letter from Miers, 
the eminent mineralogist, at that time connected with the British 
Museum, suggesting that it might be worth while examining 
pitchblendes. Ramsay gratefully took the hint and obtained a 
specimen of cleveite, a variety of uraninite, essentially UO 2 .2UO 3 , 
for which it is said he paid 33. 6d. a small sum for so vast a 
return. He treated the powdered mineral with dilute sulphuric 
acid, sparked the resulting gas with oxygen over soda, removed 
excess oxygen with alkaline pyrogallol, washed, dried and trans- 
ferred to a vacuum tube. The light given by the passage of 
electricity through this tube was examined visually in a spectro- 
scope alongside that from a Plticker tube containing argon, for 
comparison. It so happened that this second tube, owing to im- 
purities in the electrodes, gave the spectra of hydrogen and nitrogen 
as well as of argon. It was at once evident that the cleveite gas 
contained both argon and hydrogen, but it also gave a brilliant 
line in the yellow, nearly but not quite coincident with the yellow 
sodium* lines. The wavelength of this line was measured by 
Crookesf and proved to be the solar D 3 line. It thus became 
known that helium could now be regarded as a terrestrial element. 
About the same time Cleve also independently found helium. 

In 1889, Hildebrand^ had noticed that uraninite, when dissolved 
in acid, evolved a gas which he believed to be nitrogen. He noticed 

*A full account was given by SIR NORMAN LOCKYER in Nature, 1896, 53, 319, 
342, also FRANKLAND and LOCKYER, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1868, 17, 91. 
fCROOKES, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1895, 58, 69. 
JHiLDEBRAND, Bull. U.S. Geol. Survey, 1889, No. 78, 43. 



that the spectrum contained lines not usually attributable to nitrogen ; 
he knew however that gaseous spectra are profoundly affected by 
changes in pressure and although he and his assistant jocularly 
suggested that they might be dealing with a new element, the 
matter was allowed to drop. Many a true word is spoken in jest; a 
great discovery was narrowly missed. 

Before long both the elementary nature of helium and its 
identity with the solar element were called into question; but 
these doubts were soon set at rest. The homogeneity of the gas 
was confirmed by Ramsay and Travers* who showed that spectral 
anomalies were due to contamination with argon. The identity of 
the celestial and terrestrial spectra was confirmed by Hugginsf and 

In 1903 Ramsay and Soddy made a sensational discovery, 
namely that helium is a disintegration product of radium. 

After many fruitless attempts had been made by Dewar and 
others to liquefy helium, that difficult task was achieved by Onnes 
in 1908 in his famous cryogenic laboratory at Leyden University. 
It was not until 1926, however, that the gas was solidified by 
Keesom, the pupil and worthy successor of Onnes, Solid helium 
melts at 271*5 Cor 1*5 abs. 

The two elements argon and helium suggested the need for a 
new vertical group in the periodic table. If so, elements were 
required to precede sodium, rubidium and caesium. Ramsay and 
Travers searched for these. They examined many possible 
sources, but were most successful with liquid air residues, and in 
1898 they discovered successively three more gases which they 
christened krypton (Greek kryptos\ the hidden one; neon (Greek 
neo$), the new one; and xenon (Greek xeno$\ the stranger. The last 
member of the series, radon, was not discovered spectroscopically. 
It is a radio-element first detected by Dorn in 1900, and is dis- 
cussed later. 

Helium ought logically to be called helion. This was suggested 
by the author to the Chemical Society in 1926, but the Publication 
Committee was not in favour of the change. 

*RAMSAY and TRAVERS, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1897, 60, 206; 1898, 62, 316. TRAVERS, 
ibid., 1897, 60, 449- 

fHuGGiNs, Chem. News, 1895, 72, 27. 

JHALE, Astrortom. Nachrichten, 1895, 138, 227. 

RAMSAY and TRAVERS, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1898, 62, 316; 1898, 63, 405, 437; 
Phil. Trans., 1901, 197, 47. See MOORE, Chem. News, ign, 103, 242. 



Applications of helium 

Helium is used for air-ships, blimps, etc, its non-inflammability 
ren4ering it particularly suitable tor these purposes although its 
lifting power is only half that of pure hydrogen. To a limited extent 
helium is employed in thermometry and in lamps for yielding the 
D 3 line in optical work. When inhaled with oxygen, helium is 
used as a cure for asthma and other ailments, such as croup and 
diphtheria, in which the windpipe is obstructed. 

Helium is of great assistance to the diver and in caisson work. 
After prolonged exposure at great depths much time is absorbed 
in bringing the diver to the surface; every 33 feet of depth gives 
an extra atmosphere of pressure. Helium is also used in the manufac- 
ture of zirconium by Kroll's process.* 

The average man carries about 1000 c.c. of nitrogen gas dis- 
solved in his body under ordinary atmospheric conditions. If the 
pressure is increased the volume of dissolved nitrogen increases 
proportionately, though it takes several hours for equilibrium to 
be reached. If, therefore, the diver is decompressed too rapidly by 
being brought swiftly to the surface, nitrogen is released from 
solution and bubbles collect in the blood stream; the diver becomes 
black in the face due to oxygen shortage for the heart cannot drive 
the bubbles through the blood vessels owing to their enormous 
resistance. The remedy is to lower again when the bubbles redis- 
solve. As helium is much less soluble in the body there is less danger 
of bubble formation and decompression may be effected in a mixture 
of oxygen and helium (usually i to 4 by volume) in one-twenty- 
third of the time required with air. This may be of supreme 
importance in cases of accident or of attack by, say, sharks. 
Hydrogen appears to be equally effective. 

J. B. S. Haldane used a mixture of 9 volumes of hydrogen to I 
of air, which is not explosive and may be safely stored in cylinders 
under pressure. It contains only 2 per cent of oxygen by volume, 
but under a pressure of 10 atmospheres it has as much oxygen per 
c.c. as ordinary air. Argon behaves similarly to nitrogen. Neon 
may be intermediate. 

By way of contrast it may be mentioned that xenon is more 
soluble in the body even than nitrogen, and causes dizziness and 
numbness. It has been suggested that xenon may be the cause of 
air-sickness at high altitudes. 

*G. L. MILLER, Industrial Chemist. 1950, 26, 435. 


Argon is used in gas-filled incandescent electric lamps, being 
more efficient than nitrogen. Efficiency increases with the molecular 
weight of the gas, and before World War II krypton and xenon 
were being used for the purpose. Special plants had been erected 
at Ajka in Hungary and at Boulogne in France to separate these 
gases from the atmosphere to render them available in sufficient 
quantities to meet the needs of the lamp industry. 

Neon is used extensively for various types of lighting such as 
shop signs, street lighting and illumination of airfields. 




THE halogens (Greek hah salt, gennab I beget) constitute a group 
of four or possibly five closely allied elements, namely fluorine, 
chlorine, bromine and iodine with possibly alabamine or astatine. 
Their name was coined by Berzelius (i 779 to 1 848), since the various 
members known in his day were to be found as salts in seawater 
resembling sea salt or halite. Before fluorine was isolated, the three 
remaining elements formed a typical example of the "Doebereiner 
triads". In 1829 Doebereiner pointed out that a determination of 
the atomic weight of bromine by Berzelius effected the previous year, 
supported his prediction that it would probably be the arithmetic 
mean of the atomic weights of chlorine and iodine. 


The first halogen to be discovered was chlorine, by that in- 
defatigable Swedish pharmacist Scheele who also discovered 
oxygen. In 1774 he studied the action of muriatic acid (Latin 
muria, brine), the name given to an aqueous solution of "marine 
acid air", our hydrogen chloride, on pyrolusite and observed that, 
upon warming, the mixture smelled like aqua regia, a greenish- 
yellow, choking gas being evolved, 

Scheele had been brought up on the phlogistic theory already 
outlined in connection with oxygen and in consequence regarded 
the new gas as marine acid air deprived of its phlogiston by the 
pyrolusite. He accordingly baptised it in the name of dephlogisticated 
marine acid air. This cumbersome name obviously could not be 
retained and with the passing of the phlogistic theory a more 
suitable name had to be found*. 

For many years chlorine was regarded as a compound of oxygenf. 
Its method of preparation appeared to suggest this, the gas being 
obtained by the oxidation of muriatic acid. Lavoisier therefore 
called it oxymuriatic acid; under such a name it fitted into Lavoisier's 

*For full discussion of discovery of chlorine and proof of elementary character 
see CHATTAWAY, Chem. News, 1910, 101, 25, 37, 50, 73. 

fBERTHOLLET suggested this in 1785, Mem. Acad. Sci. t Paris, 1785, p. 276. 



scheme, according to which all acids, even muriatic acid itself, 
contained oxygen, the "acid producer". Oxymuriatic acid thus 
bore the same relation to muriatic acid as sulphuric to sulphurqus. 
It was Davy* who, in 1810, showed conclusively that chlorine is 
an element. He passed hydrogen chloride over metallic potassium 
and found that only the metal chloride and pure hydrogen were 
produced. He therefore suggested the name chlorine (Greek 
MoroSy greenish yellow) in allusion to its colour. Thus arose 
another example in which the name given to an element by its 
discoverer came to be changed (p. 25). 

Chlorine is used for various purposes on an enormous scale by 
civilised communities. In 1910 it was used at Reading during an 
epidemic to sterilise the water, and since then this has become a 
usual practice; the process received great impetus during the 1914 
1918 war, when water supplies for the troops were chlorinated, and 
again in 1 940 when the authorities urged the adoption of chlorina- 
tion by all of the larger water undertakings in view of the war risks. 
Chlorine is used in the sterilisation of sewage; extraction of bromine 
from carnallite and seawater; de-tinning of scrap tin-plate; removal 
of objectionable odours from gasoline, etc. At one time considerable 
quantities were used in the extraction of gold, but this process has 
now been largely superseded by the cyanide and amalgamation 
processes. Much chlorine is used in the manufacture of chemicals; 
it is burned with hydrogen to yield hydrochloric acid; with lime 
it gives bleaching powder; it is consumed in preparing chlorides, 
chlorates and hypochlorites, etc. 

Wool is chlorinated to increase its resistance to "felting" during 
laundering. It is easier to wash as the surface after chlorination 
is hydrophilic and is readily cleansed by soap. 

Chlorine finds an enormous demand in the preparation of 
various chlorinated organic derivatives. Amongst these may be 
mentioned carbonyl chloride or phosgene, COC1 2 , used in the dye 
industry and as an asphyxiant in chemical warfare; 200 ppm in 
air constitute a fatal dose in 2 minutes. Carbon tetrachlonde or 
"CTC", CC1 4 , and pentachlorethane, CHC1 2 .CC1 8 , are used for 
extinguishing fires, the former also as a solvent and degreaser; 
trichlorethylene, CHC1:CC1 2 , known commercially as triklone or 
simply tri, is a degreaser and an anaesthetic; chlorpicrin, CCl 8 NO a , 
has been used in the extermination of rats by the Russians in the 
Caucasus, to effect the elimination of bubonic plague communicated 

*DAVY, Phil. Trans., 1811, pp. i and 32. The Bakerian Lecture for 1810. 



to humans by rat fleas; DDT., (C1C 6 H 4 ) 2 .CH.CC1 8 , is an in- 
valuable insecticide. These will suffice. 

jGaseous chlorine was first used as an asphyxiant in chemical 
warfare in April 1915 when the Germans launched a cloud 
attack against the Africans, Canadians and French in the Ypres 
salient. There were 20,000 casualties of which 5000 were fatal, 
whilst many others were damaged for life. Very small amounts of 
chlorine in the air help to ward off colds and to relieve them when 
once they have gained a hold. After the first world war chlorine 
chambers were used in America and the custom received a fillip 
when President Coolidge himself in May 1924 received treatment 
in one and was able to state afterwards that he felt considerable 
relief from his cold. The maximum safe concentration is I ppm 
in air for more or less prolonged inhalation; 32 ppm constitute 
a lethal dose in 30 minutes. 


Iodine was the second halogen to be discovered*. It was first 
observed by Courtois, a manufacturer of nitre, in 1811, but this 
was not announced until two years later by Clement and Desormes. 
Like so many other important discoveries that of iodine is what is 
popularly called "accidental". That is to say it was not the result 
of a specific search for the element, but of a chance observation by 
an intelligent observer. 

In the preparation of nitre from seaweed or wrack (French 
varecK) the dried plants were burned and the ashes leached for the 
sodium and potassium salts. Upon concentration sodium chloride 
separated first, followed by potassium chloride and sulphate, other 
salts of these metals, such as sulphites and carbonates, being left 
in solution. These were destroyed by addition of sulphuric acid. 
On one occasion the acid was probably more concentrated or in 
larger quantity than usual and a violet vapour arose with an 
irritating odour not unlike that of chlorine. This condensed to a 
solid crystalline deposit on cold objects without formation of liquid. 
For a time this new substance was referred to as X, an appellation 
used many years later to designate the unknown rays discovered 
by Rdntgen in 1895 an< ^ nowadays often employed in cases of 
blackmail. As Courtois had insufficient laboratory facilities he 

* A valuable compilation of data in connection with iodine is published by the 
Iodine Educational Bureau, maintained by the Chilean Nitrate and Iodine 
Producers under the title "Iodine Facts". 



asked his friends Clement and Desormes to undertake the study 
of X. Its analogy to chlorine suggested its elementary nature and 
this was subsequently demonstrated by Gay-Lussac in 1814 and 
independently by Davy. Gay-Lussac suggested the name tone 
(Greek ion y the violet) whilst Davy proposed iodine from Greek 
ioeideSy violet coloured as being more analogous to chlorine and 
fluorine and less likely to lead to confusion with other terms. 

Iodine in minute quantity is a normal constituent of the human 
body and the average person requires a daily dose of 0*000,017 gm. 
Absence of the requisite amount leads to general debility and in 
more severe cases to goitre or "big-neck". In very severe cases 
mental weakness develops known as cretinism, from Latin creta, 
chalk, because of its prevalence in Alpine districts. In Switzerland 
sodium iodide is added to table salt by legal regulation to ensure 
that everybody receives his necessary "ration" of iodine. In 
Britain there are several areas of iodine deficiency in the soil and 
addition of iodides to the feeding-stuffs of cattle, etc, effects an 
enormous improvement in the herds. 

Iodine is used largely in medicine owing to its powerful germ- 
icidal action. The brown solutions of iodine in alcohol or aqueous 
potassium iodide applied as "paints" to wounds, etc, are familiar 
to alb Iodine is the main constituent of iodoform; it is also used 
in photography and in chemical laboratories. 


In 1825 Ldwig, one of Gmelin's students at Heidelberg, began 
to study a red liquid obtained by chlorination of the concen- 
trated waters from a salt spring at Kreuznach. Before, however, 
he could complete his study Balard* announced the discovery in 
1 826 of a new element extracted with chlorine from the Montpellier 
brines after first removing the sodium chloride. This element was a 
dark red liquid identical with that of L6wig and to it he gave the 
name muride in view of its presence in brine. But this name was 
not acceptable to chemists in view of probable confusion with 
muriatic acid and the name was changed to bromine^ from Greek 
brbmoSy a stench. 

Liebigf had narrowly missed the same discovery. A German 
firm had asked him to examine a red liquid which he regarded as 
chloride of iodine and not worth further attention. Upon the 

*BALARD, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1826, (n), 36, 377. 

fSHBNSTONB, "Justus von Liebig, His Life and Work" (Cassell, 1901), Chap. 3. 



announcement of Balard's bromine Liebig realised the mistake he 
had made; on his shelves this very element had been standing 

Bromine is used as a disinfectant; bromum solidificatum is merely 
kieselguhr saturated with bromine. Bromine is a valuable raw 
material in the manufacture of dyestuffs and drugs, A recent use 
is in the preparation of ethylene dibromide, C2H 4 Br 2> required 
for anti-knock motor fuel. The simpler methyl bromide, CH 8 Br, 
finds application as a fire extinguisher. Bromine has been used, 
generally in conjunction with other gases, as an asphyxiant in 
warfare. Some 31 ppm in air are usually fatal within 30 to 60 


Fluorine was the last halogen to be isolated. Fluorspar* has been 
known for many centuries. Georgius Agricolaf, who earned for 
himself the title of "Father of Metallurgy", referred to the use of 
fluorspar as a flux in his work "Bermannus", circa 1529, whence 
the name of the mineral, from Latin fluere, to flow. When gently 
warmed the mineral emits light; this is termed fluorescence, a word 
showing that the growth of a language may cause derivatives to 
assume a meaning entirely different from that suggested by their 

In Napoleonic times Derbyshire fluorspar was exported to France 
where it was termed the bleu jaune or blue-yellow stone; it was 
shaped into fancy articles which were subsequently re-imported 
into Britain as the anglicised Blue John. 

It is usually stated that the corrosive action of hydrofluoric acid, 
which is readily obtained by the action of sulphuric acid upon the 
mineral in the warm, was first observed by Herr Swanhardt, an 
artist of Nuremberg, in 1670. Some accidentally fell on to his 
spectacles and etched the glass; from that time onwards Swanhardt 
etched glass with the vapours from fluorspar and sulphuric acid. 
But this pretty legend has been exploded by Partington^: who 

*Will the student notice that this is not "flour" spar. Judging from exam- 
ination papers many students appear to confuse the two words. 

fGEORGius AGRICOLA, 1490 (or 1494) to 1555, was a physician who took 
unusual interest in metallurgy and mining. His monumental work "De re 
Metallica" did not appear until 1556 but the MS was evidently finished several 
years before that as it bore a dedication dated 1550. He was author also of several 
other works, including "Bermannus". 

JPARTINGTON, Chemistry and Industry, 1941, p. 109. Mem. Manchester Lit. 
Phil. Soc., 1922-3, 67, 73. 



finds that the first authenticated mention of the acid is in 1720; he 
further adds that the discovery of the acid was probably a British 
achievement. t> 

In 1771 Scheele was the first to recognise in fluorspar the cal- 
cium salt of a new acid which latter he obtained later by distillation 
of fluorspar with sulphuric acid using a tin retort. He called the 
product fluoric acid and in 1807 Gay-Lussac and Thenard prepared 
the anhydrous acid. In accordance with Lavoisier's theory the 
acid was regarded as a compound of water with the oxide of an 
element "fluorium" and hence contained oxygen. 

In 1810, however. Ampere suggested to Davy that the acid was 
probably a compound of hydrogen with an unknown element and 
contained no oxygen. In 1813 Davy in turn developed these views. 
Assuming fluorspar to be analogous to calcium chloride in that it 
contained an element analogous to chlorine, he suggested the new 
element be called fluorine. 

Every effort to isolate fluorine was futile until Gore obtained a 
little momentarily in 1869 by electrolysis, but it immediately 
combined explosively with hydrogen. It was not until 1886 that 
Moissan succeeded in obtaining pure fluorine by electrolysing a 
solution of anhydrous potassium hydrogen fluoride in hydrofluoric 
acid, using electrodes of an alloy of platinum and iridium. 

Despite its intense chemical activity which rendered its isolation 
so difficult, its first oxide, F 2 O, was not discovered until 1927 by 
Lebeau and Damiens. 

Fluorine, like iodine, in minute amount is essential to the human 
body; it enables the teeth to develop a hard enamel and resist 
decay. But this is a case in which it is easy to have too much of a 
good thing. In 1934 the children at Maiden in Essex were found 
to be suffering from mottled teeth a name that explains itself. 
This was traced to the presence of excess fluorine ions in the water 
to the extent of 4-5 to 5 ppm. Small quantities up to about 
I ppm appear to be beneficial. 

Fluorine has a great affinity for carbon; considerably greater 
than that of hydrogen or the other halogens, so that the fluorides of 
carbon are extremely stable. This is evident from the bond strengths 
which are believed to be as follows; C H, 80; C Cl, 83; C F, 
1 20 Calories per gm.-atom. A relatively new thermoplastic, 
known technically zsfluon has been made by polymerising tetrafluo- 
ethylene, F 2 C:CF 2 , yielding (C2p 4 ) n , variously known as poly- 
tetrafluo-ethylene or PTFE. It is of special interest to engineers 



on account of its inertness. There appears to be a wide field opening 
up for research on fluocarbons and their value in industry. 

^From the Periodic Table it seems that element 85 should be 
the highest member of the halogen group. In 1931 a claim was 
made* that the presence of the element had been detected and it 
was given <the name alabamine. This story requires confirmation. 
For the element obtained synthetically through fission of uranium 
the name astatine has been suggested. 

* ALLISON and CO-WORKERS, Physical Review. 1931, 37, 1178; 1930, 35, 285. 




CARBON, in the forms of charcoal, graphite and diamond, has 
been known from very early times. Acquaintance with charcoal 
would be roughly synchronous with that of fire (p. 8). In later 
years the charcoal was used by man as a pigment in decorating the 
walls of his caves ; later still it played a great part in his metallurgy. 

Graphite would certainly be a much later discovery than charcoal ; 
nevertheless it was known in early times and esteemed because of 
the greyish black streak left behind when it was rubbed against a 
roughened surface. The word is derived from the Greek grapho y I 
write; the names plumbago and black lead show that the mineral was 
regarded as a form of lead. The Greek word molybdos was apparently 
employed to denote lead and materials that resembled lead in 
physical appearance, and thus included galena, PbS, graphite and 
molybdenite, MoS 2 , these two latter minerals being regarded as 
identical. Indeed pencils have been found containing molybdenite 
.instead of graphite. Pliny (A.D.23 to 79) used the words molyb- 
daena and galena synonymously. It was Scheele, in 1779, who first 
distinguished between graphite and molybdenite. Acting on them 
with nitric acid he obtained with the one merely gaseous carbon 
dioxide, whereas the other yielded a white solid which Scheele 
termed molybdic acid. From that time onwards the two minerals 
have been recognised as distinct, the term graphite being given to 
the one consisting of carbon only, and molybdenite to the other, 
namely molybdenum sulphide. In 1800 Mackenzie showed that 
graphite burns like charcoal, producing carbon dioxide. 

The exceptional properties of graphite are due to its unique 
structure which is the most perfect example known of layer 
lattices. It consists of sheets of carbon atoms linked hexagonally 
like wire netting (fig, 4) each sheet representing a gigantic, two- 
dimensional molecule. Adjacent atoms are 1-421 A apart* and 
statistically rather more than three valencies out of the four of each 
carbon atom are absorbed in the C C bonds in each layer. The 
valency forces left over are absorbed in holding the various layers 

*A = angstrom unit, that is io~ 8 cm. 



together, the bonding assuming the form similar to that in metals. 
The electrons are but loosely bound and, in consequence, graphite 
possesses metallic conduction in the direction of the planes. 

These planes, too, are 3 -354 A apart and, as interatomic forces 
are inversely proportional to about the eighth power of the distance 
between thp centres of the atoms, the layers can easily slide over 
each other like the leaves of a book. Thus graphite functions as 
a lubricator. Normally the different layers are out of step as shown 
in Fig. 4. 


1-421 A 
Fig. 4 The structure of graphite 

All forms of carbon seem to possess a graphite structure with 
the exception of the diamond (p. 59). So-called "amorphous" 
carbon consists of small sheets of hexagonal structure and the 
smaller the sheets the more widely do they tend to lie apart. A 
variation in the properties of carbon with its fineness of division is 
thus to be expected. 

Some 1 2 per cent of the world's graphite is used in the pencil 
trade. The finest graphite in the world was found at Borrowdale 
in Cumberland, but the supplies are now largely worked out. The 
Keswick pencils were world-famous. In early days the mineral 
Was cut to shape and inserted in grooves in cedar wood to form 
the pencil ; but the result was poor as only short lengths of graphite 
were possible, and even these contained the natural grit of the 
mineral. Now the graphite, whether natural or artificial, is pulver- 
ised, mixed with a little clay and gum solution to a paste, and 
squeezed through a die. 

Foundries consume considerable quantities of graphite; the 
pattern is buried in moulding sand, the surface of which, after 
removal of the pattern, is coated with graphite often mixed with 
talc to provide a smooth surface and prevent the casting from 


Graphite is also used for making crucibles for meltiftg^tg$l :anj; 
brass; as a lubricant, sometimes alone and sometimes" fmxed-witl: 
grease or water; as a constituent of paint, stove polishes; ofoi 
coating blasting powders to protect from damp; for electrode! 
and electrodeposition of metals on non-conducting surfaces, suet 
as wax, etc. Graphite is used in the construction of atomic piles 
but for this an extremely pure product is essential and this is 
manufactured in the electric furnace at such a high temperature 
that virtually every trace of impurity volatilises. Indian ink is finel) 
pulverised graphite baked with a glutinous paste. 


The word "diamond", derived from the Greek adamas> in- 
vincible, bears witness to its extreme hardness, and the term was 
used in reference to this stone in A.D.I 6. Pliny speaks of the 
diamond as the most valuable of gems. The brilliant lustre and 
play of colours of the "cut" stone are due to its high refractive 
index and dispersive power. Sometimes diamonds are also doubly 
refracting, in consequence of internal strain; such specimens have 
been known to crack and even burst spontaneously. 

Although mentioned by name several times in the Old Testament 
it is considered unlikely that the early Hebrews were acquainted 
with the diamond. The "diamond" of Exod. xxviii. 18, anq 
xxxix. u, was an engraved stone, and could therefore hardly havl 
been the gem we know under that name. It was probably quartz! 
The so-called Bristol, Cornish, and Derbyshire "diamonds" art 
merely quartz (p. 61). The later references in Jer. xvii. i, ant 
Ezek. xxviii. 13, may possibly be genuine. I 

Diamonds were first discovered in the sands of India; ther 
were not known in Europe until Alexander the Great returneE, 
from India 327 B.C. The Romans introduced them into Western; 
Europe and used them for graving tools, producing cameos arji 
intaglios in hard stone. They do not appear to have used diamonds! 
as jewels. The Indian industry was centred round Golconda, neta 
Hyderabad; it was a fortress and market for the gems, but |^ 
now merely a ruined city. 

In his "Voyages and Travels" Marco 
Venetian traveller (1254 to 1324), known as 

*'The Voyages and Travels of Marco Polo". 
Chap, xxviii. Marco was probably the first Eurnnean 
territory of India. 


East Indies, states that he visited a district in India known as the 
Kingdom of Murfili, now generally identified with Golconda. 
Here were rocky mountains and steep precipitous valleys into which 
men were afraid to venture partly because of the large number of 
venomous serpents. He was informed that after the rainy season 
these valleys were rich in diamonds which lay on the surface having 
been washed down from the mountain sides. To obtain them the 
men were wont to throw chunks of raw flesh into the valleys; 
perceiving which the local white eagles would swoop down and 
pick up the flesh in their talons, with the soil and diamonds 
clinging to it, and carry it to their nests. When the eagles left 
their nests again the men raided them for diamonds. 

Marco gives a very human touch to his story when he adds that 
"the kings and great men in this country keep the fairest and 
finest stones to themselves and suffer the merchants to sell the rest." 
Nevertheless the reader may be pardoned if he queries the accuracy 
of the story as it stands. Probably it took its rise from some 
sacrificial custom in connection with the worship of the goddess 
of riches, Ammarwaru. The flesh cut from a slaughtered cow or 
buffalo was probably thrown on the ground as an offering and would 
naturally be picked up and carried off by the birds*. 

In 1725 diamonds were found in Brazil; miners searching for 
gold had found some curious pebbles and, unaware of their value, 
used them as counters and gave them to children to play with. An 
officer who had spent several years in the East Indies was struck 
by the appearance of the pebbles and sent some to a friend in 
Lisbon to be examined. They proved to be diamonds, equal to 
those of Golconda. But popular prejudice against Brazilian diamonds 
was strong; to be fashionable the diamonds must come from India; 
many therefore were shipped from Brazil to India and re-exported 
from thence to Europe as "Indian" diamonds, when they were 
readily marketed. The soil at Diamantino in Brazil appears to have 
been singularly rich in small diamonds; a negro is reported to 
have found one of 9 carats among the roots of some vegetables 
from his own garden; diamonds have also been found in the crops 
of chickens. John Mawef, in an account of his travels in Brazil 
mentions that a negro wrote to the then Prince Regent announcing 
the discovery of an enormous diamond which he begged to have 
the honour of showing to his majesty in person. A carriage and 

V. BALL, Nature, 1881, 23, 490. 

f JOHN MAWE, "Travels in the Interior of Brazil" (London, 1812). 



escort were accordingly sent and the negro was brought to the 
royal presence when he handed over the precious stone weighing 
nearly i Ib. It was sent to the royal treasury and deposited in the 
hall of gems, its value being estimated as at least a million sterling. 
One or two persons at court, however, appear to have entertained 
some doubt as to the genuineness of the stone and when Mawe 
was in Rio de Janeiro he was requested, as a known authority, to 
examine it. At a glance he saw that it was merely quartz and con- 
firmed his opinion by scratching it with a diamond. The negro 
who had been brought to Rio in such pomp had to find his way 
back home as best he could. 

In 1867 even more important deposits were found in S. Africa. 
An intelligent pedlar noticed that a Boer child on a farm near 
Hopetown on the Orange River was playing with some peculiar 
pebbles and submitted one to a mineralogist who identified it as 
diamond; it was shown in the Paris Exhibition in the same year. 
There was in consequence a rush to S. Africa and extensive river 
diggings Were undertaken which extended to the R. Vaal. By 1869 
dry diggings had begun in several shallow depressions or "pans" 
and this led to the founding of Kimberley. In 1888 Cecil Rhodes 
effected the amalgamation of the Kimberley mines into the De 
Beers Consolidated Mines. 

Sir Isaac Newton as early as 1704 suspected that the diamond 
might be combustible, and it was shown by Lavoisier in 1772 
that such was the case provided air was present, carbon dioxide 
being produced. Tennant, in 1797, showed that when equal 
weights of diamond and graphite are separately burned, equal 
quantities of carbon dioxide result. It was still necessary to prove 
that there were no other products. The matter was clinched by 
Sir Humphry Davy who had a wealthy wife; he burned with the 
sun's heat a diamond in oxygen in Florence, during March 1814, 
using the great lens then recently acquired by the Cabinet of 
Natural History in that city. He used the precious lens with 
characteristic agility which made the savants tremble lest he should 
break their newest acquisition. But Davy did not; instead he 
showed that there was no change in volume of the gas when the 
diamond had disappeared and that the sole product was carbon 
dioxide. The diamond and charcoal were thus chemically identical. 
Up to that time it was generally believed that bodies could not 
have the same chemical composition if their physical properties 
were different. Davy's experiments showed this to be untrue and 



paved the way for the later conceptions of allotropy and poly- 
morphism. It was Berzelius who, in 1840, described the different 
varieties of an element as allotropes (Greek al/os y other; tropes, 

The weight of a diamond is expressed in carats* ', the carat being 
originally the average weight of the seed of the locust, Kuara, or 
carob tree a native of Africa. The word is said to be derived 
from the Greek keration, which refers to the horn-like shape of the 
pods. The seeds are remarkably uniform in the pod, those at the 
ends being as large as the middle ones; they have been used from 
time immemorial for weighing gold, and were transported to India 
in early times and there used for weighing diamonds. In 1888 
the Board of Trade fixed the English carat at 3*1683 grains, 
equivalent to 205-310 milligrams. The metric carat, now universally 
adopted, was legally fixed at 200-000 mgm. The. metric carat 
became compulsory in Britain in 1914. 

Many attempts have been made to produce the diamond 
artificially. In 1880 Hannay obtained diamonds of microscopic 
size by heating to dull redness for many hours a mixture of paraffin 
and bone oils with metallic lithium in a closed wrought-iron tube. 
On opening the tube minute isotropic crystals were extracted from 
the black residue; they were sufficiently hard to scratch all other 
crystals. For many years doubt was expressed as to the identity of 
these crystals with diamond, but X-ray examination has justified 
Hannay's claimf. 

Moissan, the French chemist, who was the first to isolate fluorine, 
also claimed^ to have synthesised the diamond by causing it to 
crystallise out from molten iron under great pressure. The minute 
crystals conformed to all known tests for the diamond, but un- 
fortunately the X-ray method, which could have placed the matter 
beyond all doubt, was not then known. 

Not all diamonds are of gem quality; some 60 per cent of the 
raw stones are unsuitable for gems; industry absorbs about 80 per 
cent of the diamonds by weight, the remaining 20 per cent being 
used for jewellery, etc. Black diamonds known as carbonado^ 
have no gem value; they are peculiar to Bahia in Brazil and contain 
up to 2 per cent of impurity. They are nevertheless as hard as the 

*A historical account of the carat is given by DR. SPENCER in the Mineralogical 
Magazine, 1910, 15, 318. 

fBANNiSTER and LONSDALE, ibid., 1943, 26, 315. 

JSee "The Electric Furnace" by MOISSAN, English Edition, 1904. 

The largest carbonado was found in Bahia in 1895 and weighed 631*9 grams. 



pure stone and tougher; they show no cleavage tendency. They do 
not soften when heated and are in great demand for drills. The 
Simplon tunnel opened in 1906 was the first major operation with 
diamond drills. Irregular aggregates of bad colour and flawed are 
known as bort (Old French bort, bastard) ; they are obtained mostly 
from the African fields and are extensively used ae an abrasive 
dust, for dies, for "cutting" and faceting precious stones* and for 

The first diamond ever cut in Birmingham occupies a place of 
honour in the Lord Mayor's chain. It lies at the centre of a Maltese 
cross in the badge suspended from the central link of the chain. 
Beneath this is a wreath suggesting laurel and oak; it surrounds a 
shield on which appear the Birmingham Arms, in enamel. Above 
the shield, mounted on a plate of gold, is the motto "Forward" 
and on the back is engraved: "This diamond, the first cut in 
Birmingham, was manufactured, mounted in badge, and presented 
to the Corporation of his native town, by William Spencer, 1873 
(during the mayoralty of Ambrose Biggs)." v 

Diamond tools are now made to obtain a high finish necessary 
for many engine components, particularly for aircraft. Diamond 
dies are made by rotating a needle fed by diamond dust and ore, 
and are sometimes of minute diameter; they are so hard that they 
will pass many miles of wire without change in diameter; this is 
important when uniformity is essential as in electrical work such as 
tungsten filaments (p. 246), resistances, etc. Diamonds are also used 
for cutting glass, for drilling glass and porcelain, for engraving 
metal work, etc. 

The diamond possesses cleavage planes in four directions and 
despite its phenomenal hardness it may be easily shattered by a 
blow. An old method of testing stones reputed to be diamonds was 
to strike them on an anvil. If they broke they were not diamonds! 
Probably many a valuable stone was lost in that sad way. 

The hardness of the diamond is due to its symmetrical structure. 
Each C atom has four others arranged tetrahedrally and perfectly 
symmetrically round it (Fig. 5). The diamond is thus one huge 
molecule with no weak spot. Carborundum, SiC, has a similar 
structure and is also extremely hard. It might be thought that 
close-packing would explain the hardness, but the diamond has a 
relatively open structure; if close packed it would be possible for 

*The pioneer in this art was Louis de Berquem, of Bruges, who, in 1476, 
conceived the idea of using diamond dust for this purpose. 



12 spheres to touch the central one, in which case the density of 
the aiamond would be 7-653, instead of 3-01 to 3*56*. 

The beauty of the diamond is due to its high refractive index 
coupled with great dispersive power. The crude diamond as found 
looks anything but attractive; the art of the lapidary consists in 
cutting the stone and polishing it to bring out its brilliancy. 

Fig. 5 

(i) Tetrahedral arrangement of carbon atoms 
(ii) Arrangement of carbon atoms in the diamond 

The purest diamonds are crystal clear and colourless. Such stones 
are described as of the "first water" or as " blue-whites". Diamonds 
may be of any colour; when ruby red they are almost priceless. 
There was a small ruby red one among the Russian Court Jewels 
many years ago. 

In 1926 a small red diamond was found in alluvial diggings 
near Kimberley and was expected to weigh 6 carats when cut and 
to be worth close upon 1000. A clear apple green stone of 41 
carats is known as the Dresden Diamond, an Indian stone purchased 
in 1743 for the Crown of Saxony. Blue stones are almost as rare 
as the red, the most famous example being the Hope Diamond 
(p. 62); it is thought that the Brunswick Blue Diamond may have 
been cut from the same stone. Yellow is the most common colour, 
the most famous being the Austrian Yellow Diamond (p. 61), the 

*The theoretical value for the perfectly pure diamond is 3-515. 



Tiffany Yellow from Kimberley, 1878, the Tennant and Colenzo 

When strongly heated in air absence the diamond either ^ub- 
limes or is converted to graphite; it never melts. The somewhat 
slippery feel is regarded as due to the assumption by the electronic 
oroits of surface atoms of a pseudo-graphitic structure. 

In 1663 Boyle observed that diamonds become luminous if 
rubbed in the dark; they become luminous, too, after exposure 
to light or to cathode rays. When exposed to ultraviolet light 
some diamonds yield a blue glow. They are more transparent to 
X-rays than other gems and after prolonged exposure to radium 
a colourless diamond becomes green. 

Many stones that are not genuine diamonds are popularly so 
called. Thus Brazil, Bristol*, Cornish*, Derbyshire, Alaskan, 
Arkansas, Marmora and German "diamonds' 1 are quartz. Matura 
or Ceylon "diamonds" are white zircons. The Saxony "diamond" 
is white topaz; the Simili or Strass "diamond" is merely a paste 
(glass). Carbonado and coal are frequently termed black diamonds 
and not without reason. 

Some famous diamonds 

The story of the diamond could hardly be complete without 
some reference to a few of the more important diamonds known to 
the civilised world. The diamond is the only gem stone that 
comprises one element only. It appeals to popular taste because of 
its rarity, unique hardness, which prevents it from being scratched, 
and exceptional optical properties. 

The Austrian Yellow or Grand Duke of Tuscany Diamond, 
known also as the Florentine Diamond, is probably of Indian 
origin; it was cut as a briolette in 1476 for Charles the Bold. It is 
pale yellow in colour, and weighs 137-27 metric carats. Prior to 
World War II it was kept in Vienna. It was one of the heirlooms 
of the Royal House of Austria. 

The Cullinan Diamond is a famous stone. In 1897 Thomas 
Cullinan purchased a fajrm near Pretoria in the Transvaal, which 
was believed to contain diamonds ; and so it proved ; in a few years 
the land was valued at 20 million. In 1903 a diamond mine was 
discovered there which came to be known as the Premier Mine, 
and in January 1905 a diamond was unearthed, the largest gem 

"These are mentioned by C. MERRET, Phil. Trans., 1866, 12, No. 138, p. 949. 



ever found in historic times*; nevertheless it was probably only 
a portion of a still larger stone as it had one large cleavage surface. 
It measured 4 X 2^ X 2 cubic inches and weighed 621*2 grams 
or 3016 metric carats, equivalent to 1*3695 Ib. (avoir). It was 
named after (later Sir) Thomas Cullinan. 

In 1907 the Transvaal Government, acting on the suggestion 
of General Botha, purchased the diamond for 150,000 and 
presented it to King Edward vn. The stone was remarkably pure, 
of the first water or bluish white; it was cut yielding two magnificent 
brilliants, 7 smaller stones and 96 still smaller ones. The total 
weight of the cut diamonds was 1063-65 carats, equivalent to a 
yield of about 34 per cent of the rough stone, the remainder being 
converted to dust. The two largest stones are set in the English 

The De Beers Diamond found in 1888 in the De Beers mine at 
Kimberley was pale yellow and weighed 88 grams or 440 metric 
carats. When cut it yielded a magnificent brilliant of 234*5 carats. 

The Excelsior Diamond was found in June 1893 * n t ^ ie Jagers- 
fontein diamond mine in the Orange Free State of S. Africa. Next 
to the Cullinan it was the largest of known diamonds, weighing 
in the rough 199-04 grams or 995*2 metric caratsf. A glass model 
is in the possession of the British Museum, and measures 2*3 X 
2*15 x i-o8 cubic inches, approximately. It was not cut until 
1903 when it was converted into 21 brilliants ranging in weight 
from 69*68 metric carats downwards. 

The Hope Diamond has been much to the fore in recent years. 
Dull, slaty blue in colour it is generally acknowledged to be the 
world's most perfect blue diamond. It weighs 45*5 carats. It has 
had a chequered history. Its existence was revealed by the Great 
Mogul for the first time to a European, the celebrated French 
traveller Jean Baptist^ TavernierJ, who was his guest in the 
middle of the seventeenth century. He said that, in a temple in the 
ancient town of Pagan, there was an idol nzmedRamaSita, adorned by 
a magnificent blue diamond, Tavernier was interested; he was a 

*The Bahian carbonado (p. 58) was a little larger, but it was not a gem. 

fSpBNCER, Miner alogical Magazine, 1911, 16, 140. 

t TAVERNIER (1605 to 1689) was the son of a German map engraver who had 
settled in Paris. He travelled widely, made much money by trading in jewels and 
was ennobled by Louis xiv, becoming Baron d'Aubonne. For a detailed account 
of his travels see ''The Six Voyages of John Baptista Tavernier, Baron of 
Aubonne, through Turkey into Persia and the East Indies" (London, 1678). 



connoisseur of gems having been supervisor of the treasures of Louis 
xiv. After leaving the Mogul, Tavernier went to Pagan to visit the 
temple; this was easy; he was the friend of the Great Mogul. 
With several accomplices he stole into the temple at the dead of 
night, bound and gagged the priests, extracted the diamond from 
the forehead of the idol and fled. The curse of the Indian god is 
reputed to fall on all who possess the stone. Certainly its career has 
been accompanied by misfortune. Tavernier sold it to Louis xiv 
and died soon after*. The stone remained a French Crown jewel 
until the Revolution. After receiving the stone Louis xiv lost 
several members of his family and himself became gravely ill. One 
of his mistresses, Mdlle de Montespan, wore the stone on several 
occasions and then fell from favour. Another, Mdme de Lavallire, 
wore it and became strangely depressed, so entered a convent. 
Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis xvi, wore it and was guillotined 
soon after her royal husband. The Assembly annexed the royal 
jewels but the diamond was stolen, reappearing later in Amsterdam, 
where it was cut by Fala, whose son stole it, sold it, squandered 
the money and then committed suicide. Eventually the stone came 
into the possession of Francois Beaulieu who cut it in two, sold the 
smaller part and took the larger to London where it was purchased 
by Henry Philip Hope, a wealthy Londoner, for 18,000; it was 
described in the catalogue of his collection in 1839, the year of 
his death, and thus came to be known as the Hope Diamond. 
Henry was a bachelor, but the diamond remained in the family 
passing in due course to Lord Francis Hope. The latter became 
involved in financial and domestic difficulties; his actress wife 
May Yohe, at her divorce proceedings in 1902, attributed all 
their ill-luck to the stone. The gem was sold and became the 
property of a Polish prince in 1908 who lent it to a Paris actress 
who was shot from a box whilst on the stage. The prince was himself 
stabbed to death a couple of days later. 

The stone now came into the possession of Abdul, Sultan of 
Turkey, who shot his wife whilst wearing it and was himself later 
deposed. A Persian merchant who next had it was drowned. In 
1911 Edward McLean, a Washington millionaire, purchased it, 
paying, it is said, some 60,000, and gave it to his wife Evelyn 
Walsh McLean. She very naturally scoffed at the idea of ill-luck; 

*Some say he was killed by wild animals on his travels. Different accounts of 
;he diamond vary considerably in the details of its early history. The Author has 
mdeavoured to include only the most authentic data. 



nevertheless to be on the safe side she arranged for it to be blessed 
by a priest. This apparently, didn't do much good, for Evelyn 
sa^p her eldest son run over by a car and killed; her husband 
became involved in financial difficulties and she divorced him in 
1933. He died insane. Evelyn herself broke her leg and it never 
healed properly. In 1941 her 25-year-old daughter married and 
Evelyn wore the diamond at the wedding. In 1946 the daughter 
was found dead in her home in Washington as the result of sleeping 
tablets. Evelyn once asked the Bishop of Washington to hide the dia- 
mond in his cathedral, but this the reverend gentleman was unwilling 
to do. "I do not know" wrote Mrs McLean "if the bishop was 
afraid of the diamond's curse, but I do know that I could not 
persuade him to have anything to do with it." Mrs McLean died 
from pneumonia in 1947. In April 1949 it was announced that 
Mr Harry Winston, a New York jeweller, had purchased the 
diamond, the purchase price not being named. "It is childish", he 
said, "to suppose that diamonds themselves exert any influence 
for good or evil; it is not the diamonds themselves that cause 
misfortune, but the people who handle them." We will let it rest 
at that. 

The Imperial Diamond, known also as the Victoria or Great 
White Diamond probably came from the Jagersfontein mine of 
the O.F.S. It appeared on the London market in 1884 and had 
been presumably stolen from the mine. Its original weight was 
given as 457 carats; it was cut into an oval brilliant of 180 carats 
and a smaller round brilliant of approximately 19-6 carats. The 
former was purchased by the Nizam of Hyderabad. 

The Jonker Diamond is the fourth largest gem diamond known. 
The story of its discovery is a real romance. Jacobus Jonker, a 
South African farmer and prospector, had a claim at Elandsfontain, 
not far from the Premier Mine near Pretoria. For 18 years he 
toiled with unexampled perseverance but with little result. In due 
course his luck turned. After a heavy rain storm in January 1934 
he put a native to work on gravel that had been washed up. He 
found a stone in size and shape like a hen's egg, about 2| inches 
long by i^ inches wide and deep, weighing 145-2 grams or 726 
carats. That night the stone was hidden in a stocking tied round 
Mrs Jonker 's neck and the hut was guarded by armed men. Next 
day it was taken to safety; in due course it was purchased by Sir 
Ernest Oppenheimer, Chairman of the Diamond Corporation, and 
sent to London by ordinary registered post what a tribute to the 



postal system of those days! It was seen by the King and Queen 
but a suggestion that it should be added to the Crown jewels did 
not materialise. It was kept in the vaults of the Corporation until 
it was sold in 1935. Because of heavy insurance it cost about 10 
per day to keep the diamond. The purchaser was Mr Harry 
Winston of New York, who recently purchased the Hope Diamond 
(p. 64); he paid 150,000. The next problem was tfo get it cut. 
This was done by Lazare Kaplan who studied the stone for a whole 
year in order to ensure that he had diagnosed its cleavage planes 
correctly; an error in their determination might ruin the diamond 
which even Lloyds were not prepared to insure against accident. 
At long last, taking his courage in both his hands, Lazare began 
his task which ended in complete success. The diamond yielded 
12 gems weighing about 400 carats, the largest gem weighing 
about 170 carats, some 300 carats being "lost" as dust. The cut 
stones were then valued at 400,000. 

The Kohinoor Diamond or Mountain of Light, is a magnificent 
stone. Many centuries ago a beautiful diamond was found in one 
of the Golconda mines ; according to Hindoo tradition it belonged 
to Kama, a King of Auga, 3000 years ago, but that is typical oriental 
exaggeration. The stone was kept by the rulers of the kingdom of 
Golconda until they were conquered in the seventeenth century by the 
Moguls. During a visit to India in the second half of the seventeenth 
century, the French traveller Tavernier (p.62) was shown a diamond, 
known as the Great Mogul, by the Mogul ruler Aurungzebe, 
whose guest Tavernier had the honour to be. In the rough it 
weighed about 300 carats and was sometimes worn by the Mogul 
himself or it adorned his famous peacock throne. In 1739 the 
Mogul Empire was over-run by the Persians under Nadir Shah, 
into whose keeping the Mogul treasures now passed. When Nadir 
Shah was murdered by his own subjects, a large diamond, believed 
to be the Great Mogul, was carried away by Ahmed Shah and re- 
mained in his family until 1800 when the then owner was over- 
thrown by Shah Shuja, who, himself in 1813 was compelled to 
hand over the stone to the Rajah of Lahore, who wore it as an 
armlet and sometimes decked his horses with it. 

On the annexation of the Punjab a diamond, known as the 
Kohinoor, and believed to be the Great Mogul, was handed to the 
East India Company and by them to H.M. Queen Victoria, being 
brought to London in 1850. Up till then the stone had only been 
rough cut; it was now re-cut to a brilliant of 108-9 carats and 



exhibited at the famous 1851 Exhibition. It was unfortunately cut 
too broadly for its depth and does not in consequence show its full 
brilliance. It is a Crown jewel and the superstitious Indians regarded 
its 'loss as the downfall of their empire. 

The Pitt or Regent Diamond, is a remarkably clear stone said 
to have been found in the Kistna River at Hyderabad in 1701, but 
may equally well have been stolen from some mine in the Golconda 
area. It was bought by Thomas Pitt, known thereafter as Diamond 
Pitt, Governor of Fort St. George, Madras, and grandfather of the 
great English statesman, the Earl of Chatham. He paid some 
20,000 for the diamond in 1715. Two years later he sold it, still 
in the rough, to the Duke of Orleans, Regent of France, for 
135,000, for presentation to Louis xv. The rough stone weighed 
410 carats and was cut as an extra deep brilliant of 135 carats, an 
operation that took two years. When Louis xv was crowned the 
diamond was set in his crown; later it was worn in a brooch by 
his queen Marie Leczincka. During the Revolution it was stolen, 
but recovered and adorned the state sword of Napoleon. During 
the Franco-Prussian War it was placed for safety in the arsenal at 
Brest and later in the hold of a French warship. It is now exhibited 
in the Louvre, Paris. 

The Sanci Diamond is believed to be the first to be cut and 
polished in Europe. It weighed about 53^75 carats. It belonged to 
Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, who wore it at the Battle of 
Nancy in 1477, where he was defeated and killed. The diamond 
was found by a Swiss soldier on the field of battle; it was sold to a 
Frenchman named Sanci and kept in his family for nearly a century, 
when Henry in desired to borrow it from one of the captains of 
his Swiss troops to whom it had descended. This young Sanci 
accordingly gave it to a trusted servant to take to the king, but 
both man and diamond mysteriously disappeared. Sanci had the 
greatest confidence in his servant and made a thorough search for 
him, learning later that he had been waylaid by robbers, murdered 
and buried in a forest. He proceeded to the spot indicated, had the 
body disinterred and cut open. In the man's stomach lay the 
diamond. The faithful minion had swallowed the stone sooner 
than allow it to fall into wrong hands. 

The diamond later came into the possession of the English 
crown and was taken across to France by James n when forced to 
leave England in 1688. Louis xv wore it at his coronation. In 1835 



it was purchased by a Russian nobleman for 86,000. Presumably 
it now lies behind the "Iron Curtain". 

In 1948 Tanganyika presented H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth, on 
the occasion of her wedding, a pink diamond, the largest and 
purest known, weighing, when cut, 23 carats. 




THE term metalloid was introduced by Erman and Simon in 
1802 to indicate such elements as possess metallic physical 
properties, but non-metallic chemical properties. These include 
boron, silicon, arsenic, antimony, selenium and tellurium. Some- 
times iodine is added to the list. Unfortunately in 1 8 1 1 Berzelius 
employed the term metalloid as synonymous with non-metal and 
at the present time the French still adhere to its use in that sense. 
In the present chapter we shall deal with boron and silicon only. 


Borax has been known in commerce for many centuries, its name 
being derived from the Arabic bauraq probably from the Persian 
burah. The word occurs in early alchemical writing, but may not 
always have referred to the same substance since the Arabs applied 
the term also to nitre. Agricola (circa 1530) called it chrysocolla 
(Greek krusos y gold) because of its use in soldering gold, but that 
name is now reserved for another mineral, namely copper meta- 
silicate, CuSiO 3 .2H 2 O. Borax was originally obtained from a salt 
lake in Tibet and sent to Europe in the crude state as tincal. 

In 1 702 Homberg prepared the free acid from borax and called 
it sal sedativum. In 1747 Baron discovered that borax is a compound 
of soda and sal sedativum ; in other words, it is a salt and with the 
establishment of Lavoisier's system of nomenclature, introduced 
in conjunction with de Morveau, Berthollet, and Fourcroy in 1787, 
the incorrect appellation sal sedativum gave place to boracic acid, 
subsequently shortened to boric acid. Lavoisier regarded it as an 
oxide. The news reaching Paris early in 1808 that Davy had, in 
the previous October, isolated the alkali metals potassium and 
sodium stimulated chemists generally to attempt the isolation of 
other metals. Gay-Lussac and Thenard prepared potassium that 
year (1808) by a new process, namely heating potash with metallic 
iron, a method which Davy himself subsequently adopted as more 
convenient than his own electrolytic one. The potassium was now 
heated with boric anhydride in a copper tube and, after cooling, 



the residue was washed free from soluble matter, and christened 
bore. To complete their investigation they oxidised some of this 
bore, converting it to boric acid. About the same time D?,vy 
similarly prepared boron, and his paper announcing his success was 
read before the Royal Society in June 1808. As obtained in this 
way the boron was very impure. It was not until 1909 that a really 
pure sample was obtained by Weintraub. 

Although compounds of boron are widely used in industry, the 
element itself is seldom if ever required. Ferro-boron, an alloy 
with iron, has been used to a limited extent in the manufacture of 
boron steels. 


Silicon, like boron, possesses too great an affinity for oxygen to be 
found free in nature. Next to oxygen it is the most abundant 
element in the earth's lo-mile crust, of which it constitutes some 
26 per cent. Its oxide in one form or another has been utilised by 
man from primeval times, as witness the flint implements dating 
back even to eolithic ages. In more civilised times quartz, onyx, 
agates and opals came to be prized. The word silica is derived from 
the Latin stlex, flint. The scientific history of silicon compounds 
dates back to the time of Becher (1635 to J 682) who stated that 
siliceous minerals are suitable for glass making and contain an 
"earth" which he called terra vitrescibilis. Tachenius showed in 1660 
that this earth was acidic because it would combine with alkali. 
Davy thought that silica was undoubtedly the oxide of an unknown 
element and endeavoured to decompose it electrolytically in the 
same way as he had tackled the caustic alkalis, but without success. 
Gay-Lussac and Thenard were probably the first to obtain the 
element, albeit in a very impure form, by a method similar to that 
already adopted with success in the case of boron. In 1809 they 
passed silicon tetrafluoride, discovered by Scheele in 1771, over 
heated potassium and obtained a reddish-brown, combustible solid. 
Crystalline silicon was first obtained in 1854 by Deville. He was 
preparing aluminium by the electrolysis of fused sodium aluminium 
chloride which contained silica as impurity. The silicon crystallised 
from the aluminium on cooling and remained behind when the 
mass was treated with acid just as graphite is left when cast-iron is 
similarly treated. 

Compounds of silicon are widely used in industry. The element 
is much less in demand. At one time it had a restricted use as a 


de-oxidiser in metallurgy. Silicon steels were invented by Hadfield 
in the early eighties of last century and may contain up to 20 per 
cent silicon. With 14 to 15 per cent the steels are very resistant to 
attack by chemicals and are useful for chemical* plant. With 20 
per cent they are even more resistant, but are brittle. Stalky is an 
alloy with iion containing 3 to 4 per cent silicon whilst silicon 
bronze, a copper-tin alloy containing merely a trace of silicon, is 
used for telegraph wires. Cast-iron is really an alloy of silicon (up 
to about 3*5 per cent) and iron containing some 3 per cent of 
carbon with smaller amounts of manganese and other elements. 
Alloys with aluminium are now stepping into prominence and are 
mentioned in connection with this latter element. 

With the extension of radio-communication to ultra-high 
frequencies the use of point-contact crystal rectifiers in telecom- 
munication circuits has become an established practice. Both 
silicon and germanium (p. 174) crystal rectifiers are now in use. 




THE sulphur group comprises sulphur, selenium, tellurium and 
polonium. Although polonium belongs chemically to this group it 
is convenient to discuss it later along with the radio-elements (p. 3 1 1). 


Sulphur or brimstone occurs native in many parts of the world and 
could hardly fail to be observed in those districts at an early date. 
The word sulphur or sulfur is Latin. The term brimstone or burning 
stone refers to its combustibility. Its occurrence in the neighbour- 
hood of volcanoes and the disagreeable smell produced when it 
burned caused it to be regarded as symbolic of the powers of evil. 
In ancient writings the term brimstone frequently refers to the 
idea of combustibility, and not to the material element as explained 
on p. 22. Thus, in the Old and New Testament alike, fire and 
brimstone are frequently associated in terms of punishment. On 
the other hand, the disinfecting properties of the pungent fumes 
appear to have been recognised in early times, for Homer, circa 
880 B.C., represents Odysseus, after the slaughter of the suitors, 
as calling for fire to burn some sulphur for general cleansing. A 
millenium later Pliny mentioned the fumigation of houses with 
sulphur, and Ovid (43 B.C. to A.D, 17) referred to the use of eggs 
and sulphur for a similar purpose. 

In later years the term sulphureous was synonymous with 
inflammable. The early alchemists represented fire by an equi- 
lateral triangle. Fire, or heat, was known to effect the decomposition 
of most substances; it was supposed to penetrate into them and 
split them up. An equilateral triangle has the most acute angles of 
any regular two dimensional figure. So it was chosen to represent 
fire. As the spiritual sulphur represented the essence of fire or 
inflammability it, too, was represented by an equilateral triangle, 
but with the sign of the cross beneath it, thus ^. 

This double meaning, spiritual and material, for the term 
sulphur naturally led to much confusion. Material sulphur came to 
be recognised as an element only when Lavoisier explained the 



process of combustion generally as due to union with the oxygen 
of the air, although Davy, as late as 1812, suspected sulphur to 
contain hydrogen on account of its inflammability. 

The sulphur-mercury theory of metals has already been 
discussed (p. 15). 

The Codex, Germanicus, circa A.D. 1350, says that pure sulphur 
will crackle if held in the warm hand, and that this may be used as 
a test, because impure sulphur does not. This, of course, is generally 

The invention of gunpowder, a mixture of charcoal and nitre 
with sulphur, is usually attributed to Roger Bacon about 1242, but 
tradition ascribes the discovery of its propellent force to a second 
monk, one Berthold Schwarz, a century later. 

At one time the main uses of sulphur were in the manufacture 
of gunpowder and of sulphuric acid. Nowadays its use for these 
purposes is more restricted. Sulphur is used in the manufacture of 
carbon disulphide, ultramarine, vermilion and numerous other 
compounds. Vulcanisation of rubber may be effected with sulphur. 
Enormous quantities are converted to bisulphites for treating wood 
pulp in the manufacture of paper. Sulphur is employed as a 
preventive of the growth of fungus on vines, and mould on hops; 
it is burnt in the oast house to improve the flavour of the hops; 
it is used as a disinfectant, a familiar form being "sulphur candles". 

Sulphur also finds application medicinally. Our thoughts at once 
revert to Mrs Squeers of Dotheboys Hall in Dickens's immortal 
"Nicholas Nickleby". That worthy, or perhaps better described as 
unworthy, dame was wont to give the young hopefuls under her 
care substantial doses of brimstone and treacle each morning 
'partly because if they hadn't something or other in the way of 
'medicine they'd be always ailing and giving a world of trouble, 
and partly because it spoils their appetites and comes cheaper 
than breakfast and dinner." 

Pliny mentions the use of sulphur in combination with turpentine 
as a cure for skin diseases, the mixture being known as harpax, from 
the Greek meaning to carry away. 


The oldest copper mine in Sweden is at Fahlun, about 100 miles 
N.W. of Stockholm, once the home of Gahn and Sefstrom, the 
discoverers of manganese and vanadium, respectively. The copper 
occurs as pyrites and the sulphur obtained by distillation from these 



was used at Gripsholm for the manufacture of sulphuric acid by 
the chamber process. A red deposit was observed to collect on the 
floor of the chambers when the Fahlun sulphur was used, but jiot 
when sulphur from other sources was employed. Both Berzelius 
and Gahn held shares in the works at Gripsholm and became 
interested in the phenomenon. As the result of a preliminary investiga- 
tion in 1817 they concluded that the deposit was tellurium, but 
by February 1818, Berzelius had satisfied himself that he was 
dealing with a new element. As it closely resembled the element 
then recently named tellurium by Klaproth, Berzelius suggested 
that his be called selenium from the Greek selene, the moon. 
Sometimes, to emphasise its metalloidal nature, it is called selenion. 

Selenium exists in several allotropic forms; the grey "metallic" 
allotrope sustains an enormous increase in its electrical conductivity 
when exposed to light and loses it again in the dark. Observed by 
W. Smith in 1873, this remarkable property is utilised commercially 
in various ways, as for example, in the optophone, photophone and in 
television. Thus, it is possible to transmit photographs by wire to 
illustrate newspapers ; to synchronise sounds with moving pictures ; to 
register the moment the runner reaches the tape and the racehorse 
passes the finishing post; to measure the density of smoke emitted 
by chimneys, stacks or apparatus designed to produce smoke 
screens. The feeble light or stars may be measured with the aid of 
selenium ; explosives may be fired at a distance with a beam of light 
and a selenium cell ; burglar alarms are based on the same principle. 

The main use of selenium is in the glass and ceramic industries. 
Small amounts serve to decolorise glass which would otherwise 
show a green tint owing to the presence of iron, although manganese 
is now largely used as it imparts a pinkish tint. With larger 
selenium content ruby glass is obtained, the selenium being in 
colloidal form, just as gold is in the classical ruby glass. The 
selenium ruby glass is particularly useful for signals, tail lights on 
automobiles, etc, because it transmits virtually all the red rays, 
and eliminates almost all others. Red enamels and glazes are 
similarly produced. The total world consumption of selenium is 
of the order of 300 tons annually. 


In 1782 Miiller von Reichenstein, chief inspector of mines in 
Transylvania, extracted from a bluish white gold ore, now recog- 
nised as an auriferous native tellurium, but then known variously 



as aurum problematicum, paradoxicum or album, a substance thought 
to resemble antimony, but which he regarded as new to science. He 
despatched a fragment to Bergman, then recognised as one of the 
leading analysts in Europe, who satisfied himself that it was not 
antimony; but, with so small a piece at his disposal, he would not 
commit himself further. Seven years later, in 1789, a Hungarian 
chemist, Kitaibel, independently discovered the same element. 
Klaproth, a famous Berlin mineralogist, read a paper on the gold 
ores of Transylvania and called attention to Mtiller's discovery, 
which had been either forgotten or overlooked by chemists. 
Klaproth had confirmed the existence of the new element and 
suggested the name tellurium, from Latin tellus, the earth. He was 
the first to isolate the metalloid by igniting a paste of the oxide 
with oil in a glass retort. On cooling, globules of tellurium were 
found. Like beryllium, therefore, tellurium was not named by its 
discoverer an unusual state of affairs. A systematic study of the 
element was first effected by Berzelius in 1835. 

For a long time tellurium was a puzzle to chemists because its 
atomic weight exceeded that of iodine, which was contrary to what 
was to be expected from Mendeleeff's periodic table. Believing in 
the absolute truth of Mendeleeff's system, many chemists made a 
study of the atomic weight of tellurium and probably methods of 
purification of no element have ever been so carefully studied as 
those of tellurium. The classical research of Baker and Bennett* in 
1907 appeared to confirm for all time that tellurium must be 
regarded as an exception to the Periodic Law. As a mean of 43 
determinations obtained from various highly purified derivatives 
of the element a mean value of 127-605 (O = 16-000) was found 
a value that is accepted to-day (1950) by the Committee on Atomic 
Weights of the International Union of Chemistry, in the form of 

In 1889 Brauner suggested that tellurium was a mixture of two 
elements which could not be separated by chemical means, and was 
severely attacked by Wyroubofff in 1896 for his heretical views. 
"He has therefore submitted tellurium" wrote this cynic "to all 
the tortures which a substance can undergo. He has melted it, 
sublimed it, oxidised it, hydrogenised it, dissolved it, precipitated 
it and finally arrived at the result, which everybody had reached 
before him, that the atomic weight varies between the wide limits 

*BAKER and BENNETT, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1907, 91, 1849. 
fWYROUBOFF, Chem. News, 1896, 74, 30. 



of 125 and 129. Hence he concludes that we have here a complex 
body composed of two elements of very different atomic weights. 
What are these weights and what are the distinctive properties, of 
tellurium a and tellurium ft he does not tell us for he has not been 
able to separate them." 

There is invariably stern opposition and oft-times, as here, 
ridicule for those who suggest revolutionary ideas ; yet how true 
Brauner was in his ideas. We now know that*tellurium consists of 
not merely two but actually four forms, chemically indistinguish- 
able. We call them isotopes, all having the same atomic number 52, 
and possessing atomic weights of 130, 128, 126 and 125 
respectively in order of abundance. Had the element possessed a 
higher proportion of isotope 126 and/or 125, the anomaly would 
not have occurred. Iodine has no isotopes; there is only one form. 
It is sometimes incorrectly stated that iodine has one isotope; but 
this is a "terminological inexactitude". The word isotope (Greek 
tics, equal ; topos y position) is intended to indicate that the varieties 
have the same atomic number and therefore occupy equal positions 
in the Ideal Periodic Table. If there is only one form its position is 
unique and not equal to that of another. The only child is not a 

Turning now to its properties and commercial applications, 
tellurium is not very poisonous but human beings are easily 
indisposed by small amounts. Workers are apt to acquire a very 
offensive "tellurium breath". 

Tellurium is used as a colouring agent in glass and porcelain, 
yielding a blue to brown colour. Certain alloys possess high 
electrical resistance and have been used in electrical equipment. 
Addition of 0-05 to 0-085 P er cent tellurium to lead greatly 
increases its strength and hardness; it is recommended (1933) for 
pipes carrying water. Tellurium is sometimes added to copper 
alloys to assist machining; it is used for staining silver in electro- 
plating, the ware being dipped into a solution of tellurium chloride, 
when a dark "platinum" finish is acquired. 




THE phosphorus group comprises phosphorus, arsenic, antimony 
and bismuth. 


This term (Greek phbs light, pherb I bear) was applied in the 
seventeenth century to any substances that luminesced in the dark. 
Thus in 1602 a Bolognese shoemaker, Casciorolus by name, 
observed that the mineral now called barytes became phosphor- 
escent when ignited with a combustible substance; such was the 
origin of Bolognian phosphorus or lapis bononiensis. In 1693 Homberg 
heated salammoniac and lime, a phosphorescent calcium chloride 
resulting, known as Homberg s phosphorus. 

About this time there lived in Hamburg a merchant, Hennig 
Brand not to be confused with the Swedish chemist, Georg 
Brandt (p. 292) who discovered cobalt. Brand is described as a 
charlatan and was ironically called Dr. Teutonicus. He became 
wealthy by marriage and spent his days in his laboratory, seeking 
to make yet more money, as many a worse man has since tried to 
do. He turned his attention to urine. Why? Probably because of the 
doctrine of signatures which was widely believed at the time. This 
doctrine is discussed more fully later in connexion with nickel; 
suffice it to say that natural objects of a golden colour were 
supposed to contain gold, this being Nature's way of assisting 
mankind to understand her mysteries. Though urine did not give 
Brand gold directly, it did so indirectly. It yielded him, in 1669, a 
waxy, easily melted, highly inflammable substance which lumin- 
esced in the dark. This was the "Fiihrer" phosphorus; very 
phosphorus of very phosphorus, if one may venture to adapt an 
ancient quotation. 

The process was kept secret. Probably the urine was evaporated 
to small bulk, allowed to ferment and then distilled with sand, the 
distillate being collected under water. Brand was patronised by 
dukes and urged to hide himself in the Hartz mountains lest his 
secret should leak out. Leak out it did. 

The news of the discovery spread rapidly throughout Europe. 



Kirchmaier gave a description of it in 1676 and Brand, who had 
shown the element to Kunckel, eventually sold the secret to Dr. 
Krafft, of Dresden, for 200 thalers. Krafft exhibited "das kalte 
Feuer" at various courts including that of our English King Charlfes n 
in 1677. The fact leaked out that the phosphorus was obtained from 
urine and Johann Kunckel or Kungelius, at one time Counsellor 
of Metals to Charles xi of Sweden, experimented with the liquid 
until he succeeded in 1678 in preparing phosphorus and casting 
it into sticks. He designated it phosphorus mirabilis. Robert Boyle 
saw the element at court and apparently independently worked out 
a method of extracting it from urine in 1680. He described the 
method in a sealed paper which was deposited with the Royal 
Society and published in 1693. Boyle's assistant, Hanckewitz and 
his son Ambrose Godfrey, prepared this noctiluca commercially 
and even exported it to the Continent. It was there known as 
English Phosphorus and Boyle's Phosphorus. Godfrey made fame and 
fortune from it. When continentals wrote to him they addressed 
their letters to "Mr Godfrey, Famous Chemist in London". That 
was sufficient. 

For a century phosphorus remained an expensive chemical 
curiosity. In 1769 Gahn recognised it as a constituent of bones 
and Chel, a pupil of Bergman, showed how phosphoric acid 
could be obtained from calcined bones by treatment with sulphuric 
acid. It was then only necessary to mix the acid with charcoal 
powder and distil off the phosphorus. The price accordingly fell 
instanter. The elementary nature of phosphorus was first recognised 
by Lavoisier in 1777. 

The match industry 

Large quantities of phosphorus are used in the match industry, 
the total annual consumption being estimated at 1000 tons. In 
England alone 125,000 million matches are consumed annually 
despite the extensive use of automatic lighters by cigarette smokers. 
The first chemical matches are generally supposed to have been 
made by Chancel of Paris in 1805 an( ^ were manufactured from 
1812 on. They contained no phosphorus, however, but consisted 
of sticks of wood the ends of which had been dipped in molten 
brimstone and then coated with a mixture of sugar and potassium 
chlorate then newly discovered by Berthollet. To ignite, they were 
dipped into a bottle containing asbestos moistened with oil of 
vitriol. These "oxymuriate matches" continued to be sold down to 



1845. I* 1 *8 2 7 the first commercially successful friction matches, 
known as friction lights, were invented in England by John Walker, 
a chemist of Stockton on Tees not to be confused with Johnnie 
Walker of 1 820, still going strong! His sales book is still in existence 
and shows that he sold his first box of matches on yth April 1827, 
to a local solicitor. They again contained no phosphorus, being 
tipped with' a mixture of stibnite, potassium chlorate, and gum. 
Rubbing on sandpaper effected their ignition, and Walker sold 
the sandpaper in the shape of a cocked hat with his matches. His 
invention was not patented and his matches became superseded 
about 1834. These later matches were called lucifers the name 
being invented by Samuel Jones, a vendor in the Strand, London*. 
In 1 833 matches were first prepared containing phosphorus and were 
known as Turin Candles. These were made simultaneously in several 
countries, but as they were found to be somewhat dangerous, 
the chlorate was later replaced by lead dioxide and pyrolusite. 

In 1844 Arthur Albright of Birmingham suggested to his 
partner that phosphorus ought to be manufactured on a large scale 
and placed more cheaply on the market. He accordingly built a 
sulphuric acid plant in Birmingham, where Roebuck in 1746 had 
introduced his leaden chambers to replace the earlier and more 
costly glass globes. Calcium phosphate was obtained from South 
America, and production began. 

In 1845 Albright went to Galatz on the Danube, to buy bones 
left from canning beef. Dodging the Turkish quarantine regulations 
he found Wagner's beef bones rather odorous to say the least; so 
he built a furnace to calcine them on the spot. 

The same year (1845) Schrotter of Vienna showed that white 
and red phosphorus are chemically identical. As soon as Albright 
learned of this he decided to manufacture red phosphorus and 
obtained the necessary patent in 1851. He had been greatly im- 
pressed by the death through phosphorus poisoning of large 
numbers of young girls in the German match-making industry 
and he hoped it might be possible to avoid this by using the non- 
poisonous red phosphorus in place of the white. As is well known, 
white phosphorus is extremely poisonous; two grains may prove 
fatal. The workers engaged in the manufacture of lucifers were 
subject to "jaw disease" > Phossy jaw or necrosis of the lower jaw. 
In addition to this, even when finished, the ordinary match made 
*See CLAYTON, Chem. News, 1911, 104, 223. Also anon., Nature, 1898, 58, 345. 



with white phosphorus was a source of danger, being both liable 
to spontaneous ignition and poisonous. Children had frequently 
died as the result of using them as playthings; they moreover 
absorbed moisture and became useless by age. 

By using red phosphorus Albright thought that the position 
would be greatly improved, and an end would be put to necrosis. 
Red phosphorus is much less chemically active than white. As it 
is insoluble in most ordinary solvents it will pass through the 
animal system if taken internally and duly excreted without doing 
much harm. It evolves no poisonous fumes, is not luminous in the 
dark, and is less likely to ignite spontaneously. 

But here was a difficulty. When red phosphorus is brought 
into contact with potassium chlorate a slight touch is sufficient to 
induce an explosion. Many attempts to form a paste for the match 
head were made, but none with success ; indeed in some cases fatal 
accidents occurred. Prizes were offered by manufacturers but still 
the problem remained unsolved. At last, however, someone hit 
upon the happy idea of splitting the process. Instead of attempting 
to use a paste containing both phosphorus and oxidiser, the two 
were kept separate until ignition was required, by putting the red 
phosphorus on the box and the oxidiser on the match head*. When 
wishing to obtain a light the consumer himself brings the two 
together as he "strikes a match* '. It is said that Bottger prepared 
the first safety matches in 1848. These were tipped with gum, 
sulphur, and chlorates. They could be ignited by rubbing on a 
surface containing red phosphorus, gum, and antimony sulphide. 

In 1851 Albright moved his works to Oldbury, and the same 
year he exhibited a specimen of his new red phosphorus at the 
Great Exhibition. This eventually brought him a large order from 
a Swedish firm, the Lundstrom Brothers, who had large match 
factories in Sweden and wished to protect their workers from 
phosphorus poisoning by introducing the safety match. At first 
Albright refused to consider the order. 

"Gentlemen," he wrote, "amorphous phosphorus in such 
quantities as stated in your letter can, to the best of my judgment, 
only be used for the purposes of war." But the Swedes convinced 
him that in matches it was to be used "for the enlightenment of 

Phosphorus is now prepared on a very large scale, in England 
by Messrs Albright and Wilson at Oldbury, as the raw material 
*TOMLINSON, Nature, 1876, 13, 469. 



for the manufacture of the various compounds of phosphorus used 
in industry. Calcium phosphate, in the form of apatite, 
CaCl a .3C%(PO 4 ) 2 , or some other mineral, is heated in a furnace 
with sand and some form of carbon, the distillate being collected 
under water. Thus 

Ca3(P0 4 ) 2 + 3Si0 2 = 3CaSi0 8 + P 2 O 6 
P 2 6 + 5C = 5CO + 2P 

In this way very pure products are obtainable; the standard grade 
of white phosphorus is over 99-9 per cent pure and contains only 
the merest traces of sulphur and arsenic. It is extremely reactive 
chemically and it is said that an excise officer once found this out 
very much to his cost. When prowling round Albright's factory 
he wrapped a piece of the curious "barley sugar" or "lemon rock" 
in paper, and put it in his pocket and lived to regret it. 

Red phosphorus is used as a deoxidising agent in the manu- 
facture of non-ferrous alloys. It is common practice to prepare 
phosphor-copper, containing 10 to 12 per cent of phosphorus, and 
other alloys of high phosphorus content and to use these as 
deoxidisers. White phosphorus is used also in chemical laboratories, 
in rat poisons, fireworks, smoke bombs, etc. The standard grade of 
the red has not less than 97 per cent of phosphorus and is free from 
its white allotrope. Apart from its use in the match trade, already 
mentioned, it is used as a "getter" in electric lamp manufacture; 
it is also used in certain organic syntheses and to some extent in 
the manufacture of non-ferrous alloys for de-oxidising purposes, 
although white phosphorus is normally preferred owing to its lower 
cost. Heated with copper turnings for example, it yields copper 
phosphide used in the manufacture of phosphor bronzes (p. 106). 

Much of the phosphorus is burned to the pentoxide from which 
phosphoric acid and the numerous phosphates of commerce are 
prepared. These include, for exajnple, the ammonium phosphates 
used in fireproofing of timber, sodium metaphosphate or calgon 
(calcium gone) for water softening ; calcium and sodium phosphates 
used in flour and various medical preparations ; organic phosphates 
used in ever increasing amounts as plasticisers in the plastics 
industry. Some phosphorus is consumed in preparing metallic 
phosphides such as calcium phosphide in Holme s signals, etc ; 
ferrophosphorus, a convenient reagent for introducing phosphorus 
into steel when needed; zinc phosphide, an effective poison for 
rats and mice. 




Ancient prehistoric implements of arsenical bronze, containing up 
to 4 per cent of arsenic, have been found in Egypt, They were 
"natural" alloys produced by reduction of arsenical ores, and not 
with the intentional addition of arsenic. Arsenical compounds have 
been used from very early historic times. The n?tive yellow 
sulphide, As^, now known as orpiment (Latin auri of gold, 
pigmentum pigment) was used at Tell el Amarna in the Eighteenth 
Egyptian Dynasty. Aristotle (384 to 322 B.C.) used the term 
sandarake in his writings and is believed to yefer to the ruby 
coloured sulphide, As^g, often called realgar (Arabic rahj al gahr y 
powder of the mine). The Greek herbalist Dioscorides (circa 
A.D. 50) uses the term arsenikon, presumably for realgar, and 
recommends as a cure for asthma that it be burned with resin and 
the fumes inhaled. Pliny similarly recommended its use and this 
may possibly account for the presence of the realgar discovered in 
the Roman stratum on the floor of Wookey Hole, near Wells, 
Somerset* ; there is no indication of its use as a pigment for mural 
decoration there. 

The word arsenic would thus appear to have reached us from 
the Greek ; it meant masculine, or powerful, and evidently referred 
to the great activity of the substance as a medicine. Possibly the 
word is connected with the Persian zarnick or zirnuk, zar meaning 
gold, with reference perhaps to the yellow colour of orpiment. During 
the first century of our era the sandarach mines of Pompeiopolis, in 
Paphlagonia, were worked by slave labour, involving enormous 
losses of lifef. 

The sesquioxide, As^g, known familiarly as white arsenic, 
must also have been known at an early date. In Shakespeare's day 
it was known as ratsbane because of its use in poisoning vermin. 
Thus in Henry vi, Act v, Scene iv, the old, broken-hearted 
shepherd says to his much-loved daughter, Joan la Pucelle, 
commonly called Joan of Arc, 

"I would the milk 

Thy Mother gave thee, when thou suckst her breast, 
Had been a little ratsbane for thy sake." 

Then had she not been compelled to suffer at the stake or he to 
witness it. 

* FRIEND, Nature, 1937, 139* 72. 
fSTRABO, "Geographia" 12, (3), 40. 



Roger Bacon, the inventor of gunpowder (p. 72), in "Breve 
Breviarum de dono Dei" (thirteenth century) showed that arsenicum 
album resulted on heating orpiment with iron scale and the substance 
soon became familiar to medieval alchemists. Zosimus* in the 
fifth century A.D. is believed to have described the preparation of 
elementary, arsenic; but Albertus Magnusf is usually credited 
with being the first to obtain it; he heated orpiment with twice its 
weight of soap, Paracelsus (p. 85) stated that arsenic metal could 
be obtained by ignition of "arsenic" with eggshells whilst Schroeder 
in 1649 mentioned that metallic arsenic resulted on reduction of 
white arsenic with charcoal or the sulphide with lime. 

The alchemists viewed arsenic as a "bastard metal" or semi- 
metal^:. Some regarded it as akin to quicksilver, its red sulphide 
resembling cinnabar, and the volatility of its compounds that of 
mercury salts. To it they gave the symbol o o often accompanied 
by a coiled snake. Brandt observed that white arsenic, AsgC^, was 
the calx of the semi-metal. 

Arsenic is sometimes used in the manufacture of its compounds, 
but more often in alloys. Small quantities, o-i to 0-2 per cent, are 
added to lead for the production of shot (p. 196). Arsenical lead 
anodes are used in the electrolytic production of zinc. Alloys with 
antimonial lead containing i to 2 per cent of arsenic and sometimes 
other elements are used for sheaths for electric cables, etc. Arsenical 
coppers and bronzes are used for high temperature work such as 
locomotive fireboxes, etc. 


Bronze age implements have been found in Hungary containing 
copper alloyed with antimony up to 4 to 5 per cent. Like the 
Egyptian arsenical copper already mentioned, this was purely a 
natural alloy. Undoubtedly metallic antimony was known in very 
early times. A vase, found by de Saizec at Tells in Chaldea, was 
analysed by Berthelot in 1887, who found it to consist of almost 
pure antimony, whilst a copper ewer and basin dating from the 
Fifth or Sixth Egyptian Dynasty have been shown to be coated 
with antimony (p. 93). Ancient beads of fairly pure antimony 
were found by Petrie in a tomb at Illahun dating back some 800 B.C. 

*BERTHELOT, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1888, (6), 13, 430. 

fALBERTUs MAGNUS, "Theatricum Chemicum", 1613 Edition, 4, 931. He lived 
1193 t 1280. 

J BRANDT, Arch. Akad. Upsala, 1733, 3, 39. 



It is difficult, however, to trace the history of metallic antimony 
back through history because both terms antimonium and stibium 
are used to indicate sometimes the metal itself and sometimes^ its 
naturally occurring sulphide, stibnite. The last named, under the 
Arabic name of kohl, was used in the form of a fine powder in the 
toilet, of oriental women. It was used to paint the eyejprows and to 
increase* the apparent size of the eye, whence the term platy- 
ophthalmon ore (Greek plains, broad; ophthalmos^ eye). Reference to 
this .practice apparently occurs in Holy Writ for we are told 
(2 Kings ix. 30) that Jezebel, true to her feminine instincts, when 
she heard that Jehu had slain her son Jehoram (842 B.C.) and 
reacl^d Jezreel, first painted her face and then looked out of an 
upper window on to the conqueror, hoping thereby to win favour 
in his eyes and preserve her life. But Jehu was not so easily beguiled. 
Ezekiel (xxiii. 40) refers in terms of reproach to the painting of the 
eyes, and Jeremiah (iv. 30), that embodiment of human cheerfulness, 
speaks in like manner. What these venerable prophets would have 
said had they seen the modern species with their bloodred finger 
nails can hardly be imagined. Dioscorides, the Greek physician 
who lived in or about the second century A.D. gathered much 
scientific information on science and medicine during his travels 
with the Roman army, which he accompanied on several expeditions 
as medical adviser. Later he wrote his monumental work "Peri 
Hules latrikes" which for many centuries remained one of the 
authentic medical treatises, the first Latin edition appearing in 
1478. Dioscorides mentions that in order to roast the crude 
stibnite it must be heated in a current of air until it burns; if more 
strongly heated it ignites and melts like lead. From this it is 
concluded that Dioscorides was acquainted with metalloidal 

For a long time antimony and bismuth were not distinguished 
from each other; even Andreas Libavius (1540 to 1616) confused 
the two. 

The word kohl referred to above as denoting stibnite in a finely 
powdered state came gradually to mean any fine powder. Thus 
reduced iron was known as alcohol of Mars, and as late as 1812 
Davy referred to flowers of sulphur as alcohol of sulphur. In the 
theatrical profession pigments used for darkening the eyes are 
still known as kohl. Francis Bacon in his "Sylva Sylvarum or 
a Naturall Historic", 1626, p. 739, says "The Turkes have a black 
powder made of a mineral called alcohole." 



As powders obtained by sublimation were very fine, kohl came to 
mean a sublimate. It was not a great jump for it eventually to 
me^n a distillate, for sublimation and distillation are closely 
analogous processes. Thus in 1773 Baum, in his work entitled 
"Chymie Experimentale" defined an alcohol as either 

(i) A powder of the finest tenuity, or 
(ii) Spirit of wine rectified to the utmost degree. 

The distillation of alcohol had then been known for about 400 
years and in course of time it was felt that this was the only 
distillate worth bothering about by the man in the street; it was 
therefore designated as the kohl or alkohl, which soon became our 
alcohol, the Arabic prefix al being merely the definite article. 

Pliny referred to two varieties of antimony which he terms male 
and female. The latter was white and shiny and bore several names, 
such as stibi and larbasis. This is thought to be the native element. 
By the male form Pliny probably meant the less attractive stibnite. 

The origin of the word antimonium is uncertain. A popular story 
credits its origin to the escapades of a mythical monk, Canon of 
the Priory of St. Peter at Erfurt, Basil Valentine, who is supposed 
to have lived in the fifteenth century, though some authorities 
have suggested earlier dates. The worthy monk, after experimenting 
with antimonial compounds, threw his residues out of his cell 
window. Some pigs ate them up greedily, were promptly sick and 
then began eating vigorously to make up for lost meals. This 
fattened them in a very gratifying manner for Christmas. Basil, a 
keen observer of nature, thought it would be good to treat his 
frugal colleagues in a similar manner, and invited them to partake 
of this antimonial refreshment. Their bodies, weakened by asceti- 
cism, could not stand the strain and several perished; whence the 
term antimony or anti-monakhos, that is, monk's bane. It is a mere 
bagatelle that the word antimonium was in use long before Basil 
was thought of! 

In those days the semi-metals or metalloids were regarded as 
variations of true metals, probably much as we regard allotropic 
forms to-day, though of course their ideas were confused. Basil 
thus termed antimony -plumbum antimonii> that is, the antimonial 
form of lead. He was familiar with the characteristic fern leaf and 
star appearance on the surface of the solidified metalloid which, he 
stated, the learned before his time had termed the philosophical 
signet star. 



In his book* entitled "The Triumphal Chariot of Antimony" 
Basil gives instructions for the preparation of the Fire-stone, an 
inferior type of Philosopher's stone which would transmute silver 
into gold, but could not change iron or copper, whereas the true 
Philosopher's stone was all-powerful. After devoting several pages 
to the process he naively ends up by the words "I have told you 
enough; and if, after all that has been said, you do not discover 
the secret, it will not be my fault." To use an army term, Basil was 
an adept at "passing the buck". 

Antimony compounds were largely employed in the Middle 
Ages in medicinal preparations. Paracelsusf used them; his 
pharmacy was a strange mixture of chemistry and superstition. 
His real name was Philipus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombast von 
Hohenheim, but he used Paracelsus for short. His arrogance and 
self assurance give the word bombast its present meaning. He 
made butter of antimony, as the trichloride SbCl 3 was first called, by 
distilling corrosive sublimate, that is mercuric chloride, with 
stibnite; it was at one time thought to be a compound of mercury, 
but Glauber disproved that in 1648. At the end of the sixteenth 
century the trichloride was introduced into medicinal preparations by 
the Veronese physician Algarotus, under the name pufois angelicus. 
Probably this was a mixture of the trichloride and oxychloride, 
which latter became known as powder of algaroth. 

Basil Valentine refers to the use of antimony in medicine in his 
characteristic bantering style. Thus 

"Antimony, you affirm, is a poison; therefore let everyone 
beware of using it I 

But this conclusion is not logical, Sir Doctor, Magister or 
Baccalaureus ; it is not logical, Sir Doctor, however much you 
may plume yourself on your red cap. 

Theriac is prepared from the venom of the viper, the most 
deadly poison in the world. Does it therefore follow that 
Theriac ought not to be used as a medicine? 

You know that it is so employed." 

The word theriac as used by Valentine deserves explanation. It 
has long been believed that "like cures like". As the viper brews a 

*This book, purported to have been written by Basil, is well worth reading for 
its humorous style. An English translation, in 1893, by WAITE, of the Latin 
version of 1685 is as entrancing as a Dickens novel. 

t Paracelsus is variously stated to have been born in 1490, 1491 and 1493. 
Various dates are given for his death, ranging from 1535 to 1541. 



deadly poison in its body, how comes it that it does not poison itself? It 
was supposed that the blood of the snake possessed its own 
antidote. If therefore a person were bitten all he had to do was to 
catch the viper, slit it open and bind it on the wound. 

But one could not always be sure of catching the viper, it was 
better to have the remedy to hand in advance; the Greeks therefore 
compounded a medicine containing vipers' bodies. Now the Greek 
word therion referred to any savage animal and came to be applied 
specifically to the viper. The medicine prepared as above came to 
be known accordingly as theriaka from which our word "treacle", 
used as early as 1124 by Fourcher de Chartres, is derived. Thus 
Venice treacle comprised 12 adders soaked in white wine, and in 
France a charlatan or quack doctor was known as a triacleur\ in 
course of time the word was used to denote any thick and viscous 
medicine. It was used in that sense in the so-called "Treacle Bible", 
published in 1568, in which the well-known words of Jer. viii. 22 
"Is there no balm in Gilead" are rendered as "Is there no treacle 
in Gilead" a perfectly correct rendering, be it said, in those 
times. Eventually the word was used to indicate any viscous fluid 
until the time came that there was only one such fluid worth 
bothering about, namely that obtained from the crystallisation of 

During the sixteenthand seventeenth centuries antimony cups were 
used by the monks, particularly in Germany. Wine kept in these 
became slightly impregnated with antimony, and monks who had 
partaken too freely of the good things of life were made to drink this 
wine which functioned emetically. The cup was known as poculum 
emeticum. This practice persisted to the time of Boyle. 

Antimony pills were in use about this time, also known as "the 
everlasting pills". It is recorded that a lady swallowed one and was 
alarmed at its not passing through. The physician comforted her, 
however, saying that it had already passed through 100 patients 
without difficulty! 

The alchemist sign for antimony was an inverted copper 
sign and a wolf. Boyle (1627 to 1691) was familiar with the 
starred appearance of the cast metal which he termed in 1772 "the 
starry regulus of Mars and antimony". 

The great majority of liquids contract on solidification and with 
some organics this contraction is very considerable, amounting in 
the case of acetic acid to 16-7, and of naphthalene to 16-2 per cent. 
Ice, on the other hand is exceptional in that it expands on freezing, 



namely by 9*06 per cent. The majority of metals also contract 
upon solidification, gold by 4-92, silver by 4-76 and copper by 
3*89 per cent. Were it otherwise, and our coinage metals expanded 
on solidification, our coins could be cast and the expensive procfess 
of stamping avoided. Antimony, bismuth and gallium are excep- 
tional Like water they expand on solidifying, antimony by about 
0-96, bismuth by 3*43, and gallium by 1-84 per cent/ 

This expansion by molten antimony upon solidification renders 
it a valuable constituent of many alloys. A familiar example is type 
metal, an alloy of lead, tin and antimony (p. 197). Babbitt's metal 
(p. 2 1 2), pewter (p. 211) and Britannia metal (p. 212) also contain 

Alloys of antimony and aluminium look very much like silver 
and have been used in the past in forging our coins. One such 
florin analysed by the author in 1911 contained aluminium 53*40, 
and antimony 46-38 per cent with traces of lead, arsenic and iron. 
With copper a violet alloy, probably a compound SbCu 2 , is formed 
known as regulus of Venus. Small amounts of antimony are used in 
stiffening lead. Antimony oxide is used, associated with titanium 
oxide, as a white pigment, as for example in titanox. 


Apparently the earliest reference to metallic bismuth is that of 
Agricola in "De re Metallica" in 1556. In recognising bismuth as a 
separate metal he was in advance of his time, for even as late as the 
eighteenth century the miners regarded it as a variety of lead, well 
on the way to being transmuted to silver. If they happened to 
strike the ore they would say "Alas, we have come too soon." 

No doubt bismuth was known at a much earlier date, but its 
history is confused because it was called marcasite^ a name that has 
been used for many other substances also and is now mainly used 
to denote a rhombic variety of iron pyrites FeS 2 . Most of the later 
writers regarded it as a semi-metal. Barba, a South American priest, 
wrote in 1640 that bismuth had been discovered in Bohemia and 
that it was "a metal somewhat like a cross between tin and lead, 
without being either of the two". It was apparently used in the 
manufacture of pewter rendering it harder and more sonorous. 
Hellot, the French chemist noticed that Cornish smelters added it 
to their metal, and in 1737 he succeeded in preparing a button of 
bismuth from a cobalt ore. Geoffroy in 1753 showed conclusively 
that bismuth was not a variety of lead, but a distinct metallic species. 



For a long time it was confused with antimony (p. 83). It is one of 
the few solids that contracts on fusion (p. 87). 

The origin of the name is uncertain, but a possible derivation is 
from the miners' term wis mat (German Weisse Masse) white mass*. 

The main industrial use of bismuth is in alloys, notably those of 
low melting t point, called fusible metals. These are useful as fuses in 
electrical work and for a variety of automatic contrivances where 
undue rises in temperature will cause them to melt and function in 
one way or another. Wood's metal contains bismuth 50, lead 24, tin 
14 and cadmium 12 or thereabouts, and melts at about 70 C. In 
bending thin-walled tubes of other metals this alloy can be used 
as a filling to prevent kinking and is readily removed after bending 
by steaming. An amalgam of bismuth and mercury has been used 
in dentistry. As alloys of bismuth with other metals expand on 
solidification they yield sharp castings. 

*Smythe Palmer connects bismuth with the ancient Egyptian Mesdemet, eye- 
paint. "Some Curios from a Word Collector's Cabinet'* (Routledge, p. 150). 




THE coinage metals are copper, silver and gold. 

Occurrence of native copper 

Although not generally plentiful in Europe, native copper occurs 
in Cornwall in many of the mines near Redruth; one huge mass 
from Mullion weighed about three tons. The native metal occurs 
more plentifully in Australia and in various parts of the New 
World. The most famous locality is the Lake Superior copper 
region near Keweenaw Point in Northern Michigan. Here the 
copper is practically all in the native state and is found in an area 
over 200 miles in length. Dana* states that the yield of native 
copper from this region in 1887 was about 37,000 tons. In 1857 
a huge mass of copper was found in the Minnesota mine weighing 
some 420 tons; it was 45 feet long, 22 feet at its greatest width 
and 8 feet at its thickest part. Silver was present in the copper, 
sometimes in visible grains or lumps; occasionally, when polished, 
the metal appeared sprinkled with large silver spots resembling a 
porphyry with felspar crystals. 

Copper, like silver, sometimes occurs as fine threads. These, 
when intertwined or matted together, are known as copper moss. 

Native copper was known to stone age man many thousands of 
years ago. He no doubt regarded it as a particularly useful kind 
of stone that could be hammered or cold-worked into various 
shapes for personal use or adornment. Within the environs of 
Lake Superior, where native copper is relatively abundant, 
numerous axe and lance heads and other primitive implements of 
native copper have been unearthed at various times, all shaped by 

Primitive metallurgy of copper 

When man first observed that copper or its alloys could be obtained 
by heating certain kinds of "stone" in an ordinary fire he made a 

*DANA, "A System of Mineralogy" (Chapman and Hall, 1914) 6th Edition, 
p. 22. 



real epoch-making discovery. He passed from the age of stone to 
that of metals and thus opened up vast new realms to exploit and to 
conquer. It has been suggested that the discovery of copper 
originated in the ordinary domestic fire of neolithic man, the metal 
being reduced from its ore which by chance formed part of the 
ring of stones of his primitive hearth. "The camp fire" wrote 
Gowland* "was in fact the first metallurgical furnace, and from it, 
by successive modifications, the huge furnaces of the present day 
have been evolved." 

This sounds reasonable enough and its probability is supported 
by the fact that the presence of metal has sometimes been made 
evident within historic times in a similarly accidental manner. 

The presence of silver at Pasco in Peruf was discovered in this 
way three centuries ago by an Indian shepherd. Whilst watching 
his flock he lit a fire on the side of a hill, for the weather was cold, 
and lay down to rest for the night. Next morning he awoke to find 
that the stone beneath the ashes of his now dead fire was overlaid 
with silver. He told his master and a rich vein of silver ore was laid 
bare; works were erected for the extraction of the precious 
metal and the "Discovery Mine" as it was called, soon became 
locally famous. 

Beads of copper have been found on the sites of native camp 
fires in the Belgian Congo. These resulted from reduction of 
surface ores on which the fires had been laid. History repeats itself. 

Gradually the camp fire of the primitive metallurgist was mod- 
ified to increase the yield of metal. Furnaces came to be constructed 
with shallow circular cavities in the ground, about 12 inches in 
diameter, into which the molten metal trickled. Fortuitous wind 
supplied the blast. When sufficient metal had collected, the fire 
was raked away; as soon as it had solidified, the metal was dragged 
out and broken to pieces for subsequent re-melting and casting. 
At the copper mine of Kapsan in Korea this primitive procedure 
was still being practised in 1884, when Gowland visited it. 

As time progressed the cavity in the ground was made bigger 
and its capacity increased also by surrounding with a wall of stones. 
As obtained in this way the metal was dirty, soil and ashes 
being included in its bulk. To obtain a cleaner product the hearth 
cavity was subsequently lined with clay. Finally this clay lining was 
made detachable; in other words it became a crucible which could 

*GOWLAND, J. Inst. Metals, 1912, 7, 24. The Engineer, 1912, p. 65 
fW. JONES, "The Treasures of the Earth" (Warne) p. 40. 



be lifted out of the furnace so that the metal could be teemed direct 
into moulds, thus obviating a second melting. The blast, too, was 
improved by building furnaces on the windward side of hills or 
a forced draught was initiated by the use of bellows, as depicted r m 
Egyptian mural paintings dating back some 1500 B.C. 

The composition of the crude metal thus produced^would vary 
according to circumstances. In Hungary, where copper ores are 
associated with those of antimony, the early implements consisted 
of copper containing up to 4-5 per cent of antimony. Implements 
from Germany have been found with 2 to 4 per cent of nickel, 
those from Egypt with a like amount of arsenic all for the same 
reason. In Cornwall, copper and tin ores are found together and 
the earliest metal implements are in consequence "natural" bronzes. 

The intentional addition of tin to copper to increase its hardness 
was a later procedure and represented a more advanced knowledge 
of metallurgical technique. In Ireland the first metal implements 
were essentially copper as neither ores of tin nor those of copper 
containing tin were known there in early times. The Irish copper 
age lasted for about 700 years before the introduction of bronze, 
the knowledge of which probably spread from Britain. 

Stone age man might thus pass direct into the bronze age, or 
stepwise through the copper or chalcolithic age to the bronze age, 
according to local circumstances. A curious reversal of this 
procedure appears to have taken place with the Sumerians who, 
after using bronze, reverted to copper. Possibly this was due to 
shortage of tin*. 

In early Sumerian dynastic days copper was already being used 
extensively for religious purposes. Thus, at Al'Ubaid a flight of 
stone steps led up to a shrine built in the first dynasty, circa 3100 
to 3000 B.C. At the stair head was a porch with wooden columns 
overlaid with copper or with a mosaic in mother of pearl, etc. The 
entrance to the shrine was flanked by life-size heads of lions 
worked in copper, with inlaid eyes and teeth. Above the door was 
the Imgig Relieff or Copper Imgig (Plate i) which represents the 
lion-headed eagle of the Lagashite god Ningirsu grasping two 
stags by their tails; it measures 3 J feet in height and 7 feet 9^ inches 

* "Copper through the Ages" (Copper Development Association, 1934) P- I2 * 
^British Museum Quarterly, 1927, 1, (4), 85. FRIEND and THORNEYCROFT, 
/. Inst. Metals, 1929, 41, 105. Plate i is reproduced through the kind permission 
of the late Dr H. R. Hall, when Keeper of the Department of Egyptian and 
Syrian Antiquities. 



across and is one of the most important existing relics of the 
nascent art of Mesopotamia of the period. Even the nails fastening 
the relief to the wood back are of copper. The antlers were made of 
hkmmered copper bar and had been fixed into the heads of the 
stags with lead poured into the root-holes (p. 1 90). The walls of the 
shrine, made or mud-brick, were adorned externally with copper 
statues of bulls modelled in the round with a copper frieze in 
relief*. The relief may be seen at the British Museum. 

Copper and the Egyptians 

The Egyptians were highly skilled in the art of working metals 
at a very early date (p. 10); it is possible that copper was the first 
metal known to them as it occurs in early predynastic graves, 
whereas gold, silver and lead do not appear until middle pre- 
dynastic times. Both casting and hammering or forging of the 
metal were practised. 

In the First Dynasty, circa 3500 B.C. copper wire was in use; it 
was not made by drawing through dies, however, but by the 
laborious process of cutting thin strips from sheets and hammering 
them into round shape. 

The waste wax or cire perdue method of making hollow castings 
is believed to have originated in Egypt about this timef. A nucleus 
of suitable material such as sand or clay was prepared and coated 
with wax. The wax envelope was suitably shaped and the whole 
covered with a layer of fine clay and then with loam. The wax was 
now melted and allowed to flow away whilst molten metal was 
poured into the hollow mould thus produced. 

Who has not heard the legend of Daedalus who, with his son (or 
nephew) Icarus, was gaoled by King Minos of Crete? Daedalus 
fixed wings with wax to their shoulders and they escaped, flying 
across the sea. Unfortunately Icarus flew too near to the sun, the 
wax melted and his wings became detached; he fell into the sea 
and was drowned; whence the name of the Icarian Sea. Daedalus, 
however, reached Greece in safety. This is now regarded as the 
legendary way of stating that Daedalus was the inventor of the 
sails or wings of ships, and that, moreover, he introduced the 
cire perdue or waste wax method of casting. 

*WOOLLEY, "The Sumerians" (Oxford, 1928), pp. 41, 42. 
fCooK, The Metal Industry, 1937, 50, 534. Also "Copper through the Ages" 
(Copper Development Association, 1934) p. 16. 


[Facing p. 92 

The Imgig Relief 

The Imdugud or Imgig Relief ( early 

Sumerian dynastic days (circa 3100 to 3000 B.C.) and 
comes from above the door of a shrine at Al'Ubaid. 
It is a representation in copper of the lion-headed 
eagle of the Lagashitc god Ningirsu grasping two 
stags by their tails. One oft lie most important existing 
relics of the nascent art of Mesopotamia of the period, 
it measures 3| feet in height and 7 feet 91 inches across. 
The Relief is in the possession, and the illustration is 
reproduced by permission, of the British Museum 
Authorities. (See page 91.) 


Icarus has been chosen by Dr Baade, of the Mt. Palomar 
observatory, as the appropriate name for a new minor planet he 
discovered in June 1949*. It is a tiny body, probably less than a 
mile across, with an eccentric orbit which takes it from beyoad 
the orbit of Mars to within the orbit of Mercury nearer to the 
sun than any other known asteroid. It can approach to well within 
four million miles of the Earth. It is quite possible that Icarus will 
eventually enable the first really reliable estimate of the mass of 
the planet Mercury to be made; the present figure of 0-04 times 
the mass of the Earth is admittedly an uncertain one. 

The Sinaitic Peninsular was one of the earliest and most 
important sources of Egypt's copper. As the ore is free from tin, 
the true bronze age in Egypt was late in development, reaching its 
zenith during the Sai'te Period, which included the 25th to 2yth 
Dynasties, 712 to 332 B.C. All the same, bronze was probably 
known in the First Dynasty. The existence of ancient mines, ruins 
of settlements, remains of furnaces, slags, crucibles, moulds and 
weapons all confirm the early working of copper ores in the Sinai 
area. Inscriptions tell the same tale. From the amount of slag left 
it has been estimated that some 10,000 tons of copper may have 
been obtained, enough to keep ancient Egypt going for a long time. 

During the pyramid age copper water or drain pipes were made 
from hammered sheet; copper swords were in use and soldiers' 
helmets were constructed with copper and leather. A painting on 
the tomb of Rekh-my-Re, dating back to the middle of the 1 5th 
century B.C., depicts the casting of two copper doors for the temple at 
Karnak. Old cast bronzes are frequently found to contain from 6 to 1 2 
per cent of lead, added presumably to increase the fusibility; later 
hammered bronzes sometimes contain I to 2 per cent of iron, 
which renders them hard. The iron probably came from the copper 
pyrites used. No tinned copper vessels have been found as yet in 
Egypt, but a copper basin and ewer belonging to the 5th or 6th 
dynasties, circa 2750 to 2475 B.C. were found coated with a hard 
adherent film of antimony. This may have been effected by boiling 
the metal in a bath of stibnite and sodium carbonate solutionf, but 

*J.B.A.A., 1950, 60, 96. B.A.A. Circular, 1950, No. 316. Icarus is one of a 
number of small bodies, moving in similar eccentric orbits, which have been 
discovered since 1932. In 1937 one f them, Hermes, came within one million 
kilometres of the Earth (less than three times the distance of the moon). Apart 
from size, there is probably no distinction between these objects, meteorites, and 
certain meteors (cf. HOFFMEISTER, Observatory, 1950, 70, 70). 

fFiNK, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 1934, 26, 236. 



other methods are possible. Both vessels showed wear and were 
evidently not new when put into the grave; nevertheless the 
antimony bottoms had not been worn off during their life before 
bing put into the tomb. This indicates how hard and closely 
adherent the film had been. 

Copper in Holy Writ 

Copper and "brass" are mentioned by name in Holy Writ; the 
"brass", mentioned 84 times, was usually our bronze. The "tin" 
of the Old Testament was not the metal we know by that name but 
an alloy of copper and tin, richer in the latter than bronze. 

"Brass" is mentioned before the Deluge (Gen. iv. 22), Tubal 
Cain being named as the first worker in that metal as also in iron. 
Copper itself is named only once (Ezra viii. 27) when reference is 
made to "two vessels of fine copper, precious as gold". The book 
of Ezra was probably written about 300 B.C. The coppersmith is 
likewise referred to but once in the Bible, this time by St. Paul in 
his letter to Timothy (2 Tim. iv. 14) wherein he says "Alexander 
the coppersmith did me much evil ; the Lord reward him according 
to his works" a pious wish, very human, but not altogether 
consonant with his Master's injunction to offer the other cheek 
(Matt. v. 39) when smitten. 

Palestine is described as "a land whose stones are iron, and out 
of whose hills thou mayest dig brass" (Deuf. viii. 9). David 
prepared "brass in abundance" to be employed in building 
Solomon's Temple (i Chron. xxiii. 3). Upon request, Huram, 
King of Tyre, sent to Solomon the son of a man "skilful to work 
in gold, and in silver, in brass, in iron, etc" (2 Chron. ii. 14). 
Job (xxviii. 2) says that "brass is molten (i.e. melted) out of the 
stone", which presumably means that it was obtained by the usual 
primitive method of setting fire to a mixture of fuel (wood) and ore. 
This would appear to the lay observer like melting the stone. No 
doubt the Hebrews acquired their BfrSwledge from the Egyptians, 
but such large castings as were required for the temple pillars, etc, 
required more skill than the Hebrew workers possessed; hence the 
need of assistance from Tyre. 

Copper and the Romans 

The Romans had vast supplies of copper at their disposal for they 
were able to work the mines with slave labour in various parts of 
their far-flung empire. Pliny specially mentions Cyprus where, he 



says, copper was first discovered, Corduba in Spain, and other 
localities which are less easy to identify. The Romans mined copper 
extensively in our Islands, notably in Cumberland and North 
Wales, including Anglesey. Roman cakes of copper have btfen 
found in North Wales; one found near an old mine at Llandudno 
was stamped with the words Socio Roma that is, "to my partner at 
Rome", indicating that the metal was intended for export*. 

Copper and itsalloys were used extensively by the Romans for 
statues, temple ornaments and later for domestic furniture such 
as banqueting-couches, and the like. Plinyf states that the first 
bronze image cast in Rome was that of Ceres, the goddess of corn, 
after whom our element cerium was named many centuries later 
(p. 182). In later years statues were erected in honour of prominent 
citizens, and were sometimes gilded. An amusing story is told by 
Pliny of the sale of a bronze lamp-stand, the condition of sale being 
that the purchaser must also take, as part of the lot, a hunch-backed 
slave of hideous aspect. The purchase was made by a member of an 
ancient noble family at Rome, a lady named Gegania. At an 
entertainment to her friends she exhibited her purchases and, for 
the further amusement of her guests, made the deformed slave 
attend the assembly entirely unclothed. Gradually, however, she 
became infatuated with the hunch-back, recalling to our minds 
Shakespeare's Titania who fell in love with the clown with the 
ass's head, and eventually left him all her estate. 

The earliest Roman bronzes that have come down to us date 
from the fifth century B.C. and contain tin about 7 per cent, and 
lead from 19 to 25 per cent. This was the alloy used for casting 
the large coin (8 to 1 1 oz) of the Republic, known as the "As' . 
These ternary alloys were continued in use as coinage until 20 
B.C. but from that date until two centuries later lead is seldom 
found in Roman coins except as an accidental impurity. The lead 
was no doubt added partly to increase the fusibility of the alloy 
and also because of its cheapness as compared with copper and tin. 
Roman bronze statues often contain 6 to 12 per cent of lead. 
Gowland states that the Japanese were accustomed to add lead to 
bronze, not merely for cheapness and increased fluidity but also to 
enable the development, under suitable treatment, of a rich brown 
patina^ . Pliny gives a tip to the house- wife. When bronzes are cleaned, 

*GOWLAND, /. Inst. Metals, 1912, 7, 40. 

tPLiNY, Opus, cit., Book 34, Chaps. 6, 9, 21 and 22. 

{GowLAND, /. Inst. Metals, 1912, 7, 41. 



he says, they oxidise more quickly than when left alone unless 
rubbed over with oil. 

The Romans knew how to use copper for joining pieces of iron 
together a process that may be regarded as the fore-runner of 
modern brazing (p. 273). 

Copper in Bi itain 

Although the conquest of Britain by the Romans undoubtedly led 
to a great increase in the mining of copper, the metal and certain 
of its alloys were already well known in the British Isles. Prehistoric 
relics have been found in Ireland, such as flat celts, made of almost 
pure copper, many specimens containing no more than o- 1 per cent 
of tin and cannot therefore be classed as bronze. They may date 
back as far as 2500 B.C. 

In England bronze objects have been found in burial mounds 
of the late Neolithic period, some 2000 B.C. As the objects are small 
it may well be that they indicate merely the beginning of the bronze 
age; as the years rolled on, metal objects increased in range and 
dimensions. Riveted bronze cauldrons and buckets have been 
found from time to time; a cauldron recovered from the Thames 
near Battersea, 16 inches high and 22^ inches in diameter is shown 
in the British Museum and possibly dates from about 700 B.C. 

In 1914 a hoard of bronze vessels was found at Wotton in Surrey; 
it comprised amongst other things several perforated bowls or 
water-clocks and a curious vessel very much like a frying-pan. It 
appears that the bowls, perforated at the base were placed empty 
in larger bowls containing water and as the water slowly entered 
the perforation the bowl gradually sank until it reached the bottom 
of the larger containing vessel. R. A, Smith* considers that the 
vessels of frying-pan shape were gongs which were suspended, 
perhaps to a wall, and every time the bowl sank the gong was struck 
by an attendant whose duty it was to keep a check on the time. 
Similar methods of measuring the time have been used in India. 
This type of water clock, however, was not known to the Hindoos 
till after A.D. 350; it appears, therefore, to have been a British 

For several centuries after the Romans had left these islands 
very little copper was produced, practically all the metals required 
were imported from Europe. 

*R. A. SMITH, Proc. Soc. Antiquaries, 1907, 21, 319; 1915, 27, 76. FRIEND, 
"Iron in Antiquity" (Griffin and Co., 1926) pp. 59 et seq. 



The English are supposed to have used brass or bronze cannon 
for the first time during the reign of Edward in (1327 to 1377), 
possibly at the siege of Cambrai in 1339 or a few years later at 
Crecy in 1346. These were perhaps imported from abroad, but 
cannon are believed to have been made in Britain not long after; 
the experience that had been gained in the bell foundries (p. 107) 
no doubt proved invaluable. 

Brass guns are said to have been made for the Sheriff of 
Northumberland in 1385; but guns of this alloy soon proved too weak 
and were superseded by wrought-iron and cast-iron cannon 
(pp. 274, 277)^ 

It was not wise, however, for Britain to be dependent on the 
good-will of her neighbours for her copper. A war might cut off 
the supplies and leave her stranded. An effort was therefore made 
in the sixteenth century by Henry vm (i 509 to 1 547) to develop the 
home-mining of both copper and zinc, and skilled workers were 
invited over from the Continent to assist. In 1566 a rich deposit 
of copper ore was discovered at Newlands near Keswick in 
Cumberland, whilst calamine (zinc carbonate) was found at Worle 
near Weston super Mare in Somerset. 

At this period the woollen industry was of supreme importance 
to Britain; copper and brass wires were required in quantity for 
"wool cards* ' used for working short fibres into a fluffy mass prior 
to spinning. These were wooden instruments with wire teeth on 
one side set in leather. 

The wires had been mostly imported, but in 1582, during the 
reign of Elizabeth (1558 to 1603), a brass factory was opened at 
Isleworth near London to meet the need. Hitherto such wire as 
had been made in England had been done by very primitive 
processes involving either hammering or drawing. In the latter 
case the method was extremely crude. Two men sat facing each 
other on swings. Each man had a waist belt to which one end of the 
same strip of brass was attached. Moving the swings with their 
feet they were able to swing apart thus stretching the brass strip 
into a crude form of wire. 

By the close of the century, the continental method of drawing 
wire through a die had been introduced; it is believed to have first 
been used in Nuremberg in the fourteenth century and operated by 
hand labour; but machinery driven by water or other power was 
subsequently employed. 

About this time, also, hammers worked by water-power were 



introduced from Germany for the production of sheet metal, 
ingots being beaten into plates by a variety of hammers, some 
weighing as much as 500 Ib. The difficulty of course lay in obtaining 
a uniform thickness, but this was remedied later by the introduction 
of the more efficient rolling-mill late in the seventeenth century, 
with the result that battery works gradually faded from the picture. 

By the accession of James i (1603 to l ^ 2 S") ^ e manufacture of 
brass pins had become an important industry and at the close of the 
century about a ton of wire was produced weekly at Esher in 
Surrey, alone, most of which was used in making pins. The wire, 
after drawing, was pickled in waste acid liquors, rubbed with the 
pulp of rotten oranges to give it a clean finish, drawn again and 
made into pins. It is said that the best workers could produce some 
24,000 pins a day. 

At first wood and charcoal were used in smelting copper ores, 
but in 1632 Edward Jorden patented the use of coal, peat and turf, 
whilst four years later Sir Phillibert Vernatt patented the use of 
coal alone as fuel. These inventions stimulated the production of 
copper, especially in South Wales where coal was abundant. By 
the close of the eighteenth century Britain was the largest producer of 
copper in the world. This could not last for long. In 1830 the 
enormous Chilean deposits began to be developed; the resources 
of Australia and North America rapidly followed suit; the tables 
were now turned in earnest, the procedure of Henry viu reversed, 
and expert smelters from Britain now travelled to all parts of the 
world to show others how best to carry on. 

Copper and the alchemists 

Copper was regarded by the alchemists as under the patronage of 
the planet Venus, and, as we have seen (p. 13), was designated by 
the symbol $, known as Venus's looking-glass. 

Every schoolboy knows the trick of initialling the blade of his 
penknife with copper. The blade is dipped in molten wax; on 
cooling, the initials are scratched out with a pin and the blade 
dipped into a solution of copper sulphate. Where the naked metal 
makes contact with the solution, iron dissolves and an equivalent 
amount of copper is deposited. The alchemists used to try the 
same experiment in front of a credulous laity, claiming to have 
transmuted iron to copper. 

Round 1735 a company was floated in Paris for the trans- 
mutation of iron into copper. The fraud was exposed by Claude 



Geoffrey, and the manager disappeared with the cash leaving a 
quantity of copper sulphate and some old iron. 

The copper springs in the County of Wicklow, Ireland, owed 
their discovery to a chance experiment of this kind. About thfe 
middle of the eighteenth century a workman left an iron shovel in a 
part of the Crone-Bawn mines, through which a stream was 
passing. Some weeks later on fetching the shovel he found it to 
be thickly encrusted with copper, due to copper salts in the stream 
reacting with the iron. This suggested the laying of iron bars in 
the water; and 500 tons were accordingly spread out in the pits; 
the copper was precipitated out as a fine mud, each ton of iron 
yielding i\ tons or more of dried mud, each ton of which in turn 
produced 1 6 cwt. of commercially pure copper. 

In order to ascertain whether or not copper is present in an ore 
miners will drop a little nitric acid on the mass and, after a while, 
dip a feather into the acid and draw it over the polished blade of 
a knife. The presence or absence of copper is immediately indicated. 
Many modern "wet processes" for the recovery or extraction of 
:opper from waste products or ores are based on this principle. 


Brass was known long before metallic zinc. Although beads of 
line blende, ZnS, have been found in Predynastic Egyptian graves 
there is no evidence that the early Egyptians were familiar with 
brass. The alloy termed brass by early translators of the classics 
was usually bronze. Thus, in Holy Writ, Tubal Cain is named as 
"he first worker in "brass" as in iron, but true brass was generally 
unknown in Old Testament times (p. 94) although it was occasionally 
nade by accident by reduction of a copper ore containing zinc, a 
'natural" brass resulting. Macalister states that brass containing 
&3'4 per cent of zinc has been found in Palestine dating back to 
i period between 1400 and 1000 B.C. This alloy was probably used 
for cymbals and bells. Zinc is present in some Grecian alloys 
jp to 2 per cent, but merely as impurity. It is also found in 
;arly Roman coins in like capacity; but in the reign of Augustus, 
lo to 14 B.C., zinc ore was added intentionally to that of copper, 
:hus producing, on reduction, a true, synthetic brass. An early 
:oin dating back to 20 B.C. was found to contain 17* 31 per cent 
rf zinc. 

The Romans were thus the first intentional makers of brass, 
ind coins were made of it even down to the time of Diocletian 



(286 to 305)5 during whose reign 6 parts of brass were equivalent 
to 8 of copper. The proportion of zinc was very variable ranging 
from about n to 28 per cent. The alloys containing 15 to 20 per 
cent of zinc, possessing a maximum ductibility, were used for 
scale armour and ornamental purposes. Several rosettes and studs, 
which had formed the mounts of a casket, unearthed in 1 900 in 
the Roman city of Tilchester, possessed a rich golden colour. 1 
These were analysed by Gowland* and found to contain 17 or 1 8 
per cent of zinc. This alloy is virtually identical with the imitation 
gold known as Tournay's alloy (82-5 copper, 17*5 zinc) which is 
used in the manufacture of French jewellery. 

The Roman method of making brass consisted in mixing 
ground calamine with charcoal granules and small fragments of 
copper, and heating in a crucible to a temperature suitable for 
reducing the calamine to metal, but not sufficiently high to melt 
the copper. The zinc vapour penetrated the copper, converting it 
to brass. The temperature was then raised to melt the brass which 
was then poured into moulds. 

The Indian alchemists were familiar with this method of making 
brass at quite an early date. The Tantra Rasaratnakara (p. 114), 
written during the seventh or eighth century A. D. purports to give the 
wisdom of Nagarjuna, circa A.D. 150, and contains an obvious 
reference to brass. Amongst its recipes we read that "calamine . . I 
roasted thrice with copper converts the latter into gold." 

The Roman method was so efficient and easy to manipulate 
that it remained the standard European procedure for many 
centuries, the product being known as Roman or Calamine brass. 

It appears that by the eleventh century considerable pains were 
being taken to purify copper used in making brass for ornamental 
purposes. Brass containing lead was difficult to gild, so the removal 
of this element was important. Rugerus Theophilus*j", a monk who 
lived in the earlier years of the eleventh century, described in detail a 
method for doing this. The copper was heated in a clay-lined iron 
dish under charcoal until it melted; the liquid was then stirred with 
a dry stick to which the lead scum adhered. 

In 1781 John Emerson patented the method now universally 
used for making brass, namely addition of metallic zinc to copper. 
This gradually superseded the Roman method, although this 

*GOWLAND, /. Inst. Metals, 1912, 7, 44. 

fTHEOPHiLUs, "An Essay upon Various Arts", translated by HBNDRIE, 
(Murray, 1847), p. 313. 



latter was still employed at Pemberton's works in Birmingham 
until shortly before 1861. 

Brasses are easily machined, spun, stamped and polished. They 
resist corrosion well and are used in the form of sheet, strip, rod, 
wire, tubing and castings. Cartridge brass with copper 70, and 
zinc 30, is particularly tough and strong. 

Uses of copper 

The ease with which copper conducts the electric current has 
enabled it to play a vital part in most phases of electrical develop- 
ment. It had been noticed as early as 1678 that contraction of the 
muscle occurred when a silver wire in contact with the nerve 
touched a copper wire on which the muscle rested. It cannot be 
said that science moved rapidly in those days, for it was not until 
1786 that similar observations were made by Galvani, professor 
of anatomy at Bologna. The story goes that Madame Galvani was 
ill; some luscious edible frogs, intended to make soup for her, 
were lying on a table in a laboratory in which stood a machine for 
generating frictional electricity. It was observed that every time a 
spark was emitted from the machine, the frogs would twitch, 
although they had been dead for hours. 

Galvani's attention having been drawn to the matter he decided 
to investigate it more fully. During a thunderstorm he connected 
the leg of a dead frog with a lightning conductor, and found that 
the limb kicked every time the lightning flashed. Next he attached 
several dead frogs by means of copper or brass hooks to an iron 
trellis in his garden in anticipation of another storm. As it happened 
the weather proved fine and sunny, with no suspicion of thunder 
in the air, yet each time he pressed a metal hook against the trellis 
the leg fixed to it twitched, and the twitching was continued as long 
as the contact was maintained. 

Galvani concluded that the electric "fluid" was already present 
in the frog's legs and that the metals merely served to release it, 
just as pipes can draw off water from tanks or reservoirs. 

This conclusion, though incorrect, is quite understandable 
because at that time the attention of scientists had been directed 
to the peculiar electric shocks given by certain eels. In 1793, 
however, Volta, professor of natural philosophy at Pavia, dissented 
from this view in a paper presented to the Royal Society and 
suggested that the observed agitation was caused by an electric 
discharge due to contact of the two dissimilar metals, copper and 



iron. In 1799 Volta described his "pile" and "battery", with which 
it became possible for the first time to produce at will a continuous 
electric current. The pile consisted of discs of zinc resting on silver, 
ekch pair being separated from the others by moist pasteboard. 
On connecting the uppermost zinc with the lowest disc of silver 
an electric current would flow. The voltaic battery was similar, 
strips of zinc and silver or copper being dipped into cups 
containing dilute acid which took the place of the pasteboard 
in the pile. 

Before long a large battery was installed for research purposes 
in the Royal Institution under the direction of Humphry Davy, 
It had 2000 pairs of plates copper and zinc with a total 
surface of 890 square feet. With its aid in 1807 Davy was able to 
isolate for the first time the alkali metals sodium and potassium 
(p. 144). It was soon realised that, of all the base metals, copper was 
the finest conductor of electricity. It was rapidly put into use in 
the construction of lightning conductors for chimneys, etc, and by 
1 8 1 1 it was similarly employed for the protection of ships' masts. 
If it was not an unqualified success in this capacity, it was not 
altogether the fault of the copper. Examination of one Man-of-War 
showed that a conductor had actually been laid through the powder 
magazine !* 

A few years later it was realised that messages might be sent by 
electricity for long distances with extreme rapidity through copper 
wires with the aid of a pre-arranged code. The railway authorities 
felt that this might be a valuable method of communicating the 
movement of trains and in 1837, a month after the first train had 
steamed into Euston station a telegraphic system was installed on 
a section of the L.M.S. railway between Euston and Chalk Farm. 
This was the first to be put into commercial use. It was an enter- 
prising innovation, however, for Euston only boasted six trains a 
day, three in and three out. But what was lost in magnitude was 
gained by drama. The guard wore resplendent scarlet, and gaily 
tootled a hunting horn. In 1843 a similar service was installed on 
the G.W. line between Paddington and Slough; but these were, in 
a sense, specialised applications and did not interest the public in 
general. In 1845, however, an event happened that thrilled the 
man in the street, and opened his eyes to the enormous possibilities 
of the inventionf. A woman was brutally murdered not far from 

*" Copper through the Ages" (Copper Development Association, 1934) ? 4 X 
fC. A. MITCHELL, "Science and the Criminal" (Pitman, 1911), p. 24. 



Slough. A neighbour, hearing her screams, ran to the spot just in 
time to see a man in Quaker garb hurrying away. The man 
succeeded in reaching Slough station unchallenged and boarded 
a train to London. The police, however, telegraphed through and 
the man was met by detectives and later arrested. In due course he 
was tried at the Aylesbury Assizes, convicted and executed. 

The next important move was to connect England with France 
by telegraph. In 1850 a copper wire, insulated with gutta-percha 
but otherwise unprotected, was laid across the Channel. It worked 
all right until it broke after one day's operation. But the 
principle had been established and a year later an armoured copper 
cable was laid and this proved successful. 

A more ambitious scheme was now embarked upon, namely 
the connecting of this country with America by cable. To bridge 
the "herring pond" some 2,500 miles of cable were required. The 
first attempt in 1857 was unsuccessful; a second attempt with 
3000 miles of cable was successful for the moment but failed after 
but a few weeks of service. The third attempt was permanently 
successful, the cable being put into commercial operation in 1866. 
More than 365 tons of copper were used in the construction of 
this cable. 

These were but small beginnings; to-day tens of thousands of 
tons of copper are in use in various ways in electrical plant and in 
the distribution of electricity. A single building may have many 
miles of copper wire laid on so that its rooms may be illuminated, 
warmed, and provided with an adequate telephone service. The 
electrical industry absorbs nearly 60 per cent of the world's 
production of copper. 

Because of its elasticity, copper wire is favoured by rope dancers. 

The resistance of copper to corrosion renders copper particularly 
valuable for water tanks and pipes, cooking utensils, sheathing of 
ships, etc. It possesses many advantages over lead for the covering 
of domes and other outdoor structures. It was used in a temple 
frieze at Al 'Ubaid (Plate i), near the ancient city of Ur of the 
Chaldees, Abraham's reputed city, some 3000 to 4000 B.C., 
worked up from sheet copper, and has been used by numerous 
peoples for like purposes ever since. The dome of the Library of 
the British Museum, London, dating back to 1857, is the largest 
copper-covered dome in the world. St Paul's Cathedral is lead- 
covered; Wren would have preferred copper, but his workmen 
appear to have been unequal to the task (p. 195). Copper possesses 



four main advantages over lead 

(i) It is less dense and can be used in thinner sheets so that its 
weight is much less. 

\ii) Copper has a higher melting point, 1083 C, than lead, 
327 C. In case of fire, therefore, there is much less danger of its 
melting and .injuring firemen and others. 

(iii) Copper does not "creep" like lead. 

(iv) Copper ultimately develops a decorative and protective 
green patina that is pleasing to the eye, whilst lead is always dull 
and "leaden". It should be mentioned that the green patina is not 
verdigris, as is popularly supposed. In the neighbourhood of 
cities it is, in the limit, largely basic copper sulphate, 
CuSO 4 .3Cu(OH) 2 , of similar composition to the mineral broch- 
antite, admixed with more or less basic copper chloride, 
CuCl 2 .3Cu(OH) 2 , similar to atacamite, in proximity to the sea*. 

All of these compounds are bactericidal and the ancients knew 
that they helped to prevent wounds from festering. Accordingly, 
Achilles has been represented in ancient pictures as scraping the 
"rust" or oxidation products from his bronze sword or spear into 
the wound of Telephusf. These oxidation products are frequently 
but incorrectly called verdigris, which latter is really a basic acetate 
of copper, and is not produced by ordinary atmospheric corrosion 
of the metal or its alloys. 

In this connection it is interesting to note that Pliny was aware 
of the curative properties of copper for he mentions that nowhere do 
ulcers heal more rapidly than in the neighbourhood of copper mines. 

Annealed copper is soft and easy to work. It admits also of 
being easily jointed by soldering, brazing or welding. This is an 
important advantage, particularly valuable in connecting electrical 
conductors, water pipes, etc, and in the manufacture of many 
domestic and other articles now on the market. Copper can be 
hardened and its tensile strength more than doubled by what is 
known as "cold working", that is by such treatment as hammering, 
rolling or drawing the metal at more or less ordinary temperatures. 
A still harder and stronger metal is obtained by the addition of 
small quantities of other metals. Thus, the addition of even less 
than one per cent of cadmium increases the tensile strength with- 

*VERNON and WHITBY, /. Institute of Metals, 1929, 42, 181; 1930, 44,389; 
1932, 49, 153; 1933. 52, 93- 

fPLiNY, "Natural History". Translated by Bostock and Riley (Bohn, 1857). 
Book 25. Chap. 19. 



out seriously affecting its electrical conductivity. Addition of some 
five per cent of tin will suffice to double the strength of copper 
whilst a little beryllium may render it as strong and hard as a mild 
steel. As these beryllium alloys are not easily "fatigued" they are 
particularly useful for the manufacture of springs. 

Bronzes are alloys of copper and tin. The word "brqnze" is not 
very ancient. It appears to have been introduced in the fifteenth or 
sixteenth centuries. In his Pirotechnia, published in 1 550, Vannuccio 
Biringuiccio, an Italian, stated that alloys of copper and tin were 
termed bronzo. This is thought to be a contraction of the Latin aes 
Brundusinum, the brass of Brindisi. Some ancient bronzes contained 
up to 50 per cent of tin as in the case of ancient Chinese mirrors 
of the Chou period 1249 to 1122 B.C. But usually in ancient 
bronzes the tin content was very much lower. In Mesopotamia, for 
example, about 2000 B.C. an alloy containing 10 per cent of tin 
was made; it was almost what one might call a standard bronze, 
being suitable for most purposes. Bronze was known, however, in 
Mesopotamia at a much earlier date, probably before 3000 B.C. 
and in Egypt it has been found in a tomb dating back to the First 
Dynasty, circa 3300 B.C. The life-size statue of Pepi i of the 
vnth Dynasty, now in Cairo Museum, is catalogued as bronze. By 
the xvnith Dynasty, circa 1580 B.C. bronze was in considerable 
use and reached its highest development under Psammetik i 
about the time of the fall of the Assyrian empire, coincident with 
the capture of Nineveh in 612 B.C. 

Bronzes are to-day used for various architectural and ornamental 
purposes. The magnificent bronze gates of Henry vu's Chapel in 
Westminster Abbey, built 1503 to 1519, are the pride of that 
historic building. They are adorned with heraldic devices referring 
to the King's ancestry and his claims to the throne; the crown on 
the bush recalls the coronation on Bosworth Field in 1485; the 
Roses are those of Lancaster and York united by his marriage; 
the Lions are those of England, the Fleurs de Lis of France. 
Bronze lends itself admirably to decoration such as this. 

Bronzes are used for statues, propellers, fire-boxes, etc. 

Bronze coins have been circulated among the nations for several 
thousand years. Some unearthed at Snettisham in Norfolk in 1948 
are of Celtic origin and date back to 85 to 75 B.C. They are perhaps 
the earliest minted in Britain. 

Copper is used in all our coins including gold, silver and base 
metal. Our "nickel" threepenny bit contains 79 of Cu, 20 of Zn 



and I of Ni. Until 1 942 our pennies contained 3 per cent of tin 
together with a little zinc but, in order to conserve our tin supplies, 
the tin content was reduced in that year to half a per cent and would 
no doubt have been abolished entirely had not the coinage acts 
required the presence of some of the metal. A ton of bronze will 
make pennies to the value of approximately 448, but farthings or 
half-pennies, being relatively heavier, amount to only 373. In 
1943 the output of half-pennies, all of the "Ship" variety, reached 
the 76,200,000 mark, almost the greatest on record. Since this 
design was first struck in 1937, something like 400 million had 
been issued by 1944. There are still plenty of "bun" pennies, as 
they are called, in circulation estimated at some 90 millions, on 
which Queen Victoria is depicted as a young woman with her hair 
done neatly in a "bun" at the back. These coins were issued until 
1894, by which time the young girl had become an elderly lady; 
they were then superseded by a more appropriate figure. 

Much modern bronze contains 10 of tin, 2 of zinc, the remainder 
being copper. An alloy consisting of Cu:Sn:Zn as 16:2*5:1 was 
used in the construction of the Imperial Standard Yard in 1845 
(p. 308). 

Miscellaneous alloys 

Our silver coins since 1928 have contained 40 per cent of copper, 
but in 1945 it was decided to replace them by a copper-nickel 
alloy, and that is gradually being done (p. 296). 

After the invention of gunpowder, supposedly by Roger Bacon 
(1214 to 1294), a bronze containing 8 to 1 1 per cent of tin was 
found to combine great strength and resistance to shock and was 
thus valuable for making guns. It came to be known as gunmetaL 
The modern alloy usually contains also a little zinc up to about 3 
per cent. 

Mention should be made also of phosphor-bronze (p. 80) 
containing 5 to 15 per cent of tin and from a trace up to 1-75 per 
cent of phosphorus which imparts great hardness, elasticity, 
toughness and resistance to corrosion to the alloy. It finds 
application in pump plungers, valves and bushes of bearings, etc. 
Phosphor-bronze wire is used in stay ropes exposed to corrosive 
atmospheres; armature binding wires, overhead transmission cables, 
springs in electrical switches, and in wire cloth used in paper- 
making machines. 

Manganese and silicon bronzes are also in vogue, the term 



bronze being retained though the tin may be entirely absent. 
Bronze bearing-metal, employed for the bearings of locomotives, 
is an alloy of copper containing tin 8 and lead 1 5 -per cent. The lead 
reduces local heating and diminishes loss by wear. The function of 
the tin is to facilitate the mixing of the lead and copper. Other 
alloys are bell metal (below), white bronze (p. 213), Muntz metal, 
brass (p. 99), the nickel silvers (p. 297), silver solders (p. 120) 
and duralumin (p. 163). 

Small additions of copper to steel render it more resistant to 
atmospheric corrosion. 

Bell metal 

Once bronze came into use for cooking utensils it would soon be 
noticed that, upon being struck, the latter emitted a musical sound. 
The earliest "bells" would thus be cooking vessels used as gongs 
(p. 96). From these were evolved the bells and gongs known to the 
ancients. It was ultimately found that the best sounds could be 
obtained from alloys containing from 15 to 25 per cent of tin, the 
remainder being copper. 

Although fairly large bells may have been made in China and' 
used in the temples at an early date, church bells are supposed to 
have been used in Europe only since about A.D. 400. At first they 
were small; by the eleventh century a bell weighing 2600 Ib. was 
given to the church at' Orleans, France. In A.D. 1400 a bell weighing 
some 1 5,000 Ib. was cast in Paris, and from this time onwards bells 
increased very much in size and weight. In 1497 a bell weighing 
30,250 Ib. was cast at Erfurt, Germany, the supposed home of 
that elusive monk, Basil Valentine (p. 84). 

Bronze bells had been cast in England as early as the eleventh 
century and by the twelfth century the industry had attained national 
importance; in later years numerous bell foundries opened up in 
various parts of the country. The bell founder was known as a 
"bellyeter", and Billiter Street, off Leadenhall Street, London, E.G. 
derives its name from this as it was once a centre of the 

The largest bell in England is Great Paul of St Paul's Cathedral, 
London. It was cast at Loughborough in 1882 and weighs 39,200 
Ib; it is rung daily for 5 minutes at I p.m. Even bigger is that at 
St Peter's in Rome; 42,000 Ib. That at Notre Dame in Paris is 
somewhat less, namely 35,600 Ib. But all of these are dwarfed by 
the Great Bell or Monarch of Moscow cast in 1735 and weighing 



approximately 200 tons. It is, however, inarticulate. This gigantic 
casting, 24 inches thick at its thickest place and 6 inches at its 
thinnest, cracked in several places on cooling, one portion weighing 
10 tons falling away. The crippled bell lay in its casting pit until 
1836 when it was lifted out and placed on a granite foundation for 
all to see. Itsjnscribed date is 1732 but this refers not to the date 
of casting but to that of making the mould. 

The carillon of Bruges Belfry is considered to be the finest in 
Europe and dates from 1745 to 1748. There are 48 bells, the 
largest weighing 11,589 Ib. and the smallest 12 Ib. The total 
weight of all 48 bells is 55,166 Ib. The Bourdon or largest bell in 
the clock weighs 19,000 Ib. 


Silver, the "Queen of the Metals" does not often occur free in 
Nature and for this reason did not come into such early use as gold. 
It did not play an important part in primitive culture. 

The earliest sources of the metal for economic use were most 
probably argentiferous lead ore or plumbiferous silver ores. In 
most cases the ore would belong to the former class and would 
usually be galena, that is lead sulphide, PbS, which usually 
contains some silver. Thus, for example, British galenas contain 
on the average some 4 to 5 oz. of silver per ton whilst some 
Devonshire ores contain up to 170 oz. (p. 189). 

Galena has a brilliant, silvery lustre which could not fail to 
intrigue primitive man; but the brittleness of the ore made it 
impossible for him to use it direct to good purpose. But if by 
chance or intention a piece of galena were to fall into a blazing 
wood fire* it could easily be reduced to metal, that is, to lead with 
a certain amount of silver dissolved in it; if this alloy remained in 
the fire for some time, the lead would be oxidised leaving a small 
lump of silver. Thus would originate the economic discovery of 
silver, and the camp fire would thus constitute the first smelting 

Some famous silver mines 

The Gogerddan mines near Aberystwyth two or three centuries 
ago were very productive of silver; the ore was galena. It is said 
that they yielded to Sir Hugh Myddleton a profit of some ^25,000 
a year which enabled him to pursue and complete in 1613, with 

*PERCY, "The Metallurgy of Lead" (Murray, 1870) p. 213. 


the help of James i, his great scheme of bringing water to London 
from near Ware in Hertfordshire by the "New River" a 
distance of some 40 miles. 

The expense was so great that, although an act had been passed 
in 1607 empowering the City Corporation to construct the river, 
no attempt was made by the Corporation to implement it. The 
story goes that, after completion of the scheme, the'King himself 
once fell into the river when riding an unfortunate reward for 
his efforts but no doubt a joy to those who had opposed the scheme 
on the ground that the "ditch" would prove dangerous to hunters. 

The Salcedo Mine in Peru had an interesting history. It was very 
rich in silver and was given as dowry in the middle of the seventeenth 
century to Salcedo, a poor Spaniard married to an Indian girl, by 
the girl's mother who had herself discovered it. Salcedo worked 
the mine most successfully and became sufficiently wealthy to 
excite the envy of the Spanish Governor of Peru. This worthy 
endeavoured to obtain possession of the mine and suggested to the 
Spanish Government that Salcedo was using his wealth in an 
endeavour to raise an insurrection amongst the Indians and throw 
off the Spanish yoke. Although there was not a vestige of truth in 
this, Salcedo was arrested, subjected to a mock trial and sentenced 
to death. It was dangerous in those days to be successful and 
Salcedo was duly hanged. Whilst in prison he had begged 
permission to send to Madrid and appeal to the Crown for mercy; 
he had promised to give the Governor a daily bribe of a silver bar 
for every day that the vessel took to sail from Callao to Spain and 
back again; but in vain. The vessel would take 12 months or more, 
and the mine must be marvellously productive, mused the Governor, 
if Salcedo can promise that. But the Governor over-reached himself. 
As soon as Salcedo was hanged, his mother-in-law caused the mine 
to be flooded and the works destroyed; the entrance was closed 
and camouflaged so effectively that no one could find it. When, 
afterwards, some who had known the mine were caught and 
questioned, both promises and torture failed to reveal the position 
of the mine, which is unknown even to-day. 

The San Jose Mine in Huancavalica, Peru, is another very rich 
one. The owner was desirous that the Governor should be god- 
father to his first born and this was agreed to; but as important 
affairs of state prevented the Governor from attending the 
christening he sent his wife instead. To show his appreciation of 
the honour done to him and his family, the owner caused a triple 



row of silver bars to be laid the whole distance from his residence 
to the church where the ceremony was to be performed. Over this 
silver pavement the party passed to and from the christening. 
When the Governor's wife departed the owner presented her with 
the whole of the silver road. 

These anecdotes give some idea of the enormous wealth of Peru. 

Silver and the Egyptians 

There were no silver mines in Egypt and, even as late as the rule 
of the Hyksos or Shepherd Kings circa 1780 to 1580 B.C. silver 
was twice the value of gold. But during the i8th Dynasty, which 
lasted from 1580 to 1350 B.C. the position was reversed, for silver 
became more abundant, 3 parts of gold being worth 5 of silver*. 
The reason for the greater abundance of silver was undoubtedly 
because of Egyptian marauding expeditions into Palestine and the 
North. Thothmes in, the Napoleon of Egypt circa 1500 B.C. 
captured huge quantities of silver in Asiatic cities which he 
repeatedly visited; he used gold and silver rings for trading 
purposes ; some of these rings were very heavy, weighing as much 
as 12 Ib. The Egyptian ladies of the period were wont to adorn 
themselves with silver chains of varying length up to five feet. 

Even in the seventeenth century silver and gold were of equal 
value in Japan. To be born "with a silver spoon" in one's mouth is 
an old expression based on the once high cost of silver tableware. 

Silver, being a soft metal, was sometimes used, like gold and 
lead, in the form of plates or tablets for keeping permanent 
records of important treaties or documents of state. During the 
reign of Rameses n, the King who was once regarded as the 
Pharaoh of the Oppression, the Kheta or Hittites were a source of 
considerable trouble to the Egyptians. In 1333 B.C. a treaty was 
drawn up between Rameses and Kheta-sar, which was inscribed 
on a tablet of silver and deposited in the palace fortress in the Nile 


In later days the Egyptians both knew of and practised the 
separation of silver from gold by the chloride method, but we 
cannot fix the date of its innovation. 

Silver in Holy Writ 

There are many references to silver in the Old Testament, but 

*PARTINGTON, "Origins and Development of Applied Chemistry" (Longmans, 

1935) ? 43- 

fBUDGB, "A History of Egypt" (Kegan Paul, 1902), vol. v ( pp. 48 et seq. 



although both iron and "brass" are referred to by name before the 
Deluge, some 4000 B.C., there is no mention of silver. By the time 
of Abraham, who lived possibly 2160 to 1985 B.C., silver was 
common. Abraham is described as rich in both silver and gold ;* it 
is recorded that he paid 400 shekels of silver for a burial place for 
Sarah, his wife (Gen. xxiii. 15). The site chosen was the cave at 
Macpelah. The money was not in the form of coin but Was weighed 
out in the presence of witnesses (Gen. xxiii, 15-16), just as it is 
weighed out even to-day in China because the silver coins are 
frequently cracked or in pieces in consequence of repeated stamping 
on changing hands. 

The Jewish shekel was a unit of weight, equivalent to some 
1 6 grams or slightly more than 0-5 oz. avoir. The word is derived 
from the Hebrew Shakal, to weigh: 50 shekels made one mina and 
60 minas one talent. A talent was thus equivalent to approximately 
106 Ib. avoir., 128 Ib. Troy or nearly I cwt. 

It was not until many centuries later that the Jews had silver 
coins of their own, the word shekel then referring to a coin of 
approximately the same weight as the earlier bars. Two large 
hoards of silver coins, one found in Jerusalem and one in Jericho, 
are described by Reinach*. Some of the coins, the heavy shekel, 
weighed 14 grams, others, the light or half shekel, weighed just 
half this amount. They date back to the time of Simon 
Maccabseus circa 138 B.C. Judaea was then a free state and had 
been authorised to strike silver money of its own; it founded a 
mint and issued an entirely new coinage in which it endeavoured 
to portray its own peculiar national character. On the obverse was 
a chalice; on the reverse a branch of lily with three flowers; these 
were described by earlier numismatists as a "pot of manna" and 
"Aaron's rod budding". 

The Hebrews were expressly forbidden (Exod. xx. 23) to make 
gods of silver just as they were censured for making a golden calf; 
no doubt they had ample silver to make them with; on leaving the 
Nile Delta they "borrowed" jewels of silver from the Egyptians, 
presumably on as generous a scale as they borrowed the gold 
(p. 127) for we read that "they spoiled the Egyptians" (Exod. 
xii. 36). 

In Old Testament times silver was used in large quantity in 
domestic and ceremonial vessels. It was his own silver cup used 

*REINACH. "Jewish Coins 11 , translated by Mary Hill (Lawrence and Bullen, 
Ltd. 1903), p. 4. 



for divining (Gen. xliv. 15) that Joseph caused to be placed in 
Benjamin's sack of corn as the Brethren left Egypt after their 
second visit in search of food. 

. Silver was used on a lavish scale in constructing the Ark of the 
Covenant (Exod. xxvi.) and in Num. vii. we are given a detailed 
account of the offerings brought to Moses. These included silver 
chargers 01" flat dishes weighing 1 30 shekels (4 Ib.) and silver bowls 
weighing 70 shekels massive vessels these. Tarshish, the 
modern Andalusia of Spain, is mentioned as the trading centre in 
silver as well as the base metals iron, lead and "tin (Ezek. xxvii. 

In later years, when the Hebrews had become firmly established 
in Palestine, silver became very plentiful. Solomon, some 950 B.C., 
"made silver to be in Jerusalem as stones" (i Kings x. 27). 

The later Hebrews are said in Num. xxxi. 23, to have practised 
the refining of silver by fire. It is probable that cupellation is 
referred to for Ezekiel (xxii. 18) mentions "the dross of silver" 
which suggests litharge of cupellation, otherwise it is less easy to 
understand the analogy, given in verses 21 and 22, "I will gather 
you and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath ... as silver is melted 
in the midst of the furnace." 

The fining pot for silver is mentioned twice in the Book of 
Proverbs (xvii. 3; xxvii. 21) in connection with the furnace for 
gold and may be a reference to the chloride process used in 
removing silver from gold as practised by the Egyptians (p. 133). 
The "silver cord" mentioned in Eccles. xii. 6 is thought to refer 
to the spinal cord because of its bright appearance even in a dead 
body. Silver is but seldom mentioned in the New Testament. In Acts 
xix. 24, we read that Demetrius made silver shrines for Diana. This 
was evidently one of the trades in Ephesus. 

Silver and the Romans 

Pliny, after a lengthy dissertation on gold (p. 120), devotes a chapter 
to silver*, "the next folly of mankind", and mentions Spain as the 
best source. In the time of Strabo (p. 133) the silver mines were 
private property; they did not belong to the state like the gold 
mines. Enormous quantities of silver found their way into Rome as 
the result of her conquests. Cornelius Lentulus, for example, when 
circa 200 B.C. he was proconsul of Spain, brought 43,000 Ib. of 

*PLINY, "Natural History", translated by Bostock and Riley (Bonn, 1857), 
Book xxxiu, Chapters 31, 50 and 52. 



silver to the city on the occasion of his entry in ovation. The 
Romans appear to have been very fond of silver plate and silver 
ornaments, many individuals possessing large supplies. One cannot 
help smiling at the Carthaginian ambassadors' sarcasm with 
reference to the Roman use of silver plate. No people, they 
declared, lived on more amicable terms among themselves than 
the Romans, for that wherever they had dined they '(the ambas- 
sadors) had always met with the same silver plate. This, of course, 
was intended to indicate that the silver was lent from house to 
house for the occasion and that the Romans were not as wealthy as 
they pretended. "And yet, by Hercules!" says Pliny, evidently 
annoyed at the sneer, "to my own knowledge, Pompeius Paulinus . . 
had ... a service of silver plate that weighed 12,000 Ib." Bravo 

Sometimes the dishes were very heavy. Pliny mentions a silver 
charger weighing 500 Ib., for the manufacture of which a workshop 
had been specially built. This charger was part of a set comprising 
eight other dishes, each weighing 250 Ib. Pliny naively asks 
Who were to be the guests served therefrom? Dean Swift would no 
doubt have supplied them from Brobdingnag. 

An analysis of Roman silver objects in the British Museum 
showed them to contain from 92-5 to 92-6 per cent of silver. 
Couches on which ladies reclined, and banqueting couches were 
often covered with silver, as were ladies' baths. Vessels of silver 
were used "for the most unseemly purposes" whatever that may 

The ease with which silver tarnishes has always been regarded 
as a disadvantage. Pliny knew that silver is readily blackened with 
the yolk of an egg and gives a useful tip to the housewife by saying 
that the tarnish is removed by rubbing with vinegar and chalk. 

Galena invariably contains some silver (p. 189) and the Romans 
knew how to extract it by cupellation. The furnace or hearth was 
a shallow cavity lined with bone-ash, that is, calcined bones ground 
to powder. A charcoal fire was made and the lead placed on it to 
melt. When sufficient had collected in the hollow, the fire was raked 
to the sides and a blast of air introduced, which oxidised the lead 
but not the silver. The scum of lead oxide was absorbed into the 
bone-ash leaving a cake of silver, containing, however, any gold 
that was originally present. 

Incidentally it may be mentioned that at about this time the 
Indian alchemists were also familiar with cupellation; an early 



MS. containing the wisdom of Nagarjuna (p. 100) who lived about 
the second century A.D. states that "silver alloyed with lead and 
fused with ashes becomes purified". A later MS. dating back 
prpbably to the eleventh century and known as the Tantra 
Rasahridaya of Bhikshu Govinda speaks of a cupel made of ashes 
from the bones of a goat. 

Silver and the alchemists 

Silver has a beautiful appearance unequalled by any other ordinary 
white metal. The word silver is Anglo-Saxon; the Latin name 
argentum, from which the chemical symbol Ag is taken, is allied 
to the Greek arguros, silver, from argos, shining. The Hebrew name 
kesseph is derived from a root meaning "to be pale". Owing to its 
ready tarnish and solubility in acids, silver was not regarded by 
the alchemists as so perfect a metal as gold. They therefore gave 
it only half a circle as its symbol, suggesting merely partial 
mathematical perfection; at the same time indicating a supposed 
connection with the crescent moon (p. 13). 

The metal was known to the alchemists as luna, and its salts as 
lunar salts. Thus silver nitrate was termed lunar caustic and was 
prescribed during the Middle Ages for brain disorders, it being 
held that the moon controlled the mental faculties. 

The alchemists were fond of producing the "silver tree" or 
arbor Dian<* by suspending some suitable metal in a solution of a 
soluble silver salt such as lunar caustic (silver nitrate) in much the 
same way as the better known "lead tree" is grown (p. 194). It is 
very beautiful to watch under the microscope the growth of silver 
on a piece of metallic copper*. 

Uses of silver 

The attractive appearance of silver has caused it to be in great 
demand for ornamental purposes. As has been mentioned, its main 
disadvantage lies in the ease with which it tarnishes, particularly in 
our centres of industry because of the presence of sulphur com- 
pounds in the atmosphere which induce the formation of a black, 
dull superficial layer of silver sulphide. 

To counter this, plating with rhodium has been successfully 
applied to jewellery (1936); the process is known as rhodanising, 
but the details are kept secret. It may be applied equally well to 
old silver as to new (p. 305). Rhodium is a white metal like silver 

*J. H. GLADSTONE, Nature, 1872, 6, 66. 


and is exceptionally resistant to tarnish. Unfortunately it is also 
extremely expensive; further, any scratching or mechanical 
abrasion of the thin rhodium coating cannot easily be repaired 
except by stripping and re-plating. * 

The most hopeful line of attack in preventing the tarnishing of 
silver appears to lie in the addition of some metal or metals which 
will form an adherent and protective oxide skin on the surface 
which will renew itself if and when damaged. Such skins are termed 

If a really untarnishable silver could be produced it would no 
doubt have a ready sale; the chief difficulty lies in the insistence of 
the public that the metal shall be hall-marked, that is, it must be 
certified as containing at least 92-5 per cent fine silver. This 
allows only 7-5 per cent as a maximum for alloying elements, and 
hitherto that has proved insufficient. Although several non- 
tarnishing alloys have from time to time been placed on the market, 
none has so far given satisfaction. 

Silver has long been popular for "challenge" cups, shields and 
other trophies. Some years ago it was used more frequently than 
now for vases and "the table", silver teapots, cream-jugs and the 
like being highly esteemed as lending brightness to the meal. 

During the early years of the nineteenth century there was an old 
tavern in Peck Lane, Birmingham, known as the Minerva and kept 
by one Joe Lyndon. At this tavern the "cups" or tankards were of 
solid silver and the property of regular patrons. None of inferior 
metal was permitted. Uniform in size and shape the name of the 
owner was legibly engraved across the bottom of the "cup" in such 
a way that when hung in front of a top shelf in the bar it could be 
distinctly read. 

There were 37 such cups. In addition there was another silver 
cup that held three pints; it was known as the "Fine Slapper" 
because if anyone committed a breach of good manners he was 
liable to a fine of "a slapper of ale" that is, three pints*. He was 
thus little likely to attempt to cover up lack of intelligence by 

Chance visitors to the tavern, who had no "cups" had to put up 
with jugs of the plainest brown earthenware! Unfortunately the 
tavern was demolished when the site was required for the New 
Street Railway Station, and there are no slappers now for the 
modern boor. 

*R. K. DENT, "Old and New Birmingham", 1880, p. 316. 



Sheffield plate* 

Much silver was at one time consumed in the "Sheffield plate" 
industry, the invention of Thomas Bolsover, a cutler of Sheffield 
i'n 1742. Whilst making a knife in which both silver and copper 
were used, Bolsover noticed that the two metals could be made to 
adhere very firmly by merely beating and rolling together. A silver 
plating or veneer could thus be worked on to a copper base. It took 
a little while for the idea to be adopted, but gradually small articles 
came to be made, including snuff boxes, buttons and the like. The 
plating proved so excellent, however, that gradually a big demand 
arose and increasingly larger articles were produced. The industry 
flourished for about a century but production declined when the 
commercial electrodeposition of silver was invented in 1840. The 
plating was applied not merely to copper, but to brass and other 
base metals. 

When fully established the Sheffield plate industry was concerned 
mainly with the production of fairly large articles; these were 
frequently copies of genuine silver wares under the name of 

About 1750 John Taylor introduced the process into Birming- 
ham where the material was used for making small articles, such 
as buttons, buckles and trinkets of all kinds that comprised the 
toy trade of the city, the latter being described by Edmund Burke 
(i 730 to 1 797) as "the toy-shop of Europe". 

Electrodeposition of silver is widely adopted both for purely 
ornamental purposes and also for table ware. In 1825 Justus von 
Liebig, professor of chemistry at Giessen, observed that when 
acetaldehyde is warmed with a slightly ammoniacal solution of 
silver nitrate in a glass vessel, metallic silver is deposited on the 
walls of the vessel appearing as a brilliant mirror when viewed from 
outside. The process is most widely used in making household and 
other types of mirrors; it also finds application in the manufacture 
of Dewar and Thermos flasks, silvered electric light bulbs and small 
glittering objects such as adorn the Christmas tree at the festive 
season. The thickness of a film may vary from 1-2 X io~ 6 inch 
(30 X icr 6 mm.) to six times that amount. The process has been 
extended to include deposits on plastic materials, cast phenolics 
and vinyl resin giving good results. 

The method widely used for silvering the mirrors of astro- 
nomical reflecting telescopes and other optical parts is a modification 

*See E. A. SMITH, /. Inst. Metals. 1930, 44, 175. 



of Liebig's process due to John Brashear* of Philadelphia. Its great 
advantage lies in the fact that it can be effected at temperatures 
little removed from atmospheric. In 1877 Brashear, wishing to 
observe the favourable opposition of Mars in that year, set himself 
to grind and polish the mirror for a 1 2-inch telescope. Being then 
a rolling-mill foreman, with little time to himself, it was several 
months before the delicate task was completed and the mirror had 
the desired excellence of figure. Then tragedy ensued. During the 
silvering process a current of cold air struck the mirror as it was 
lifted from the hot solution and the brittle glass snapped in two. 
Not to be daunted, Brashear, within two months, had ground and 
polished a 1 2-inch disc superior even to the first. Meanwhile he 
had experimented with silvering odd pieces of glass and had found 
the method now known by his name. Forty years later, we are 

Brashear stood beside the icoinch mirror at Mt. Wilson, 

with Professor George W. Ritchey, the man who had ground and 

figured it, and remarked at the brilliance of the silver coating on 

that magnificent glass. 

Said Ritchey "It ought to be a good coat it's silvered 

by Brashear's process"j\ 

Considerable attention is now being given to vaporisation 
> methods of producing silver films, the advantage being that a more 
rigid control is possible. One method consists in placing small 
pieces of silver on the loops of a tungsten or molybdenum coil 
filament suspended in a chamber containing the articles to be 
silvered. The whole is evacuated; on passing the electric current 
the temperature of the filament rapidly rises, the silver melts, but 
does not fall away because it "wets" the filament. The molten 
silver evaporates and the vapour condenses on the cooler objects 
round it. In this way beautiful deposits may be obtained not merely 
on glass but on certain plastic materials, metals and enamels. 
Cellophane and paper have also been silvered in this way. 

Silver coins 

One of the most important uses of silver has hitherto been for 
coins. Silver pennies were used by our Saxon ancestors. "Standard 

* BRASHEAR, J., English Mechanic, 1893. Accounts of the process will also be 
found in most books on telescope making or optical workshop practice; e.g. 
TWYMAN, F., "Prism and Lens Making" (and edition, in the press, Hilger & Watts 
Ltd, London). 

fPENDRAV, G. E., "Men, Mirrors and Stars" (1935, New York). 



silver " was established for British currency during the reign of 
Henry n (1154 to 1189) who brought coiners from Eastern 
Germany, where the coinage was famous for its purity, to improve 
ttte quality of British currency which at that time was debased. It 
was ordained that standard silver should contain 92-5 of pure or 
"fine" silver with 7-5 of base metal, usually copper. It remained 
at this figure until 1920 except for a brief lapse of some 20 years 
during the sixteenth century, when debasement was permitted. The 
inhabitants of Eastern Germany were known as Easterlings and 
our word sterling as applied to currency appears to be derived from 
this. John Stow* writing in 1603 says "the Easterling pence took 
their name of the Easterlings, which did first make this money in 
England in the reign of Henry n." 

It is customary to express the silver content of coins in parts 
per 1000. Thus, sterling silver was described as "925 fine" 
meaning that it contained 92-5 per cent of silver. Very similar 
alloys were in use in Saxon and Norman times; a coin of William 
the Conqueror (1066 to 1087) was found to assay 922*8 of silver 
not very different from the alloy used by the Romans (p. 1 1 3). This 
standard silver has been and still is largely used for "silver plate", 
but another legal standard for silver wares was introduced in 1696 
containing 958-3 per thousand; this is softer and less resistant to 
wear and tear; it is known as "Britannia silver" because it is stamped 
with the figure of a woman commonly called Britannia instead of 
the lion passant, used by Government offices in hall-marking silver. 

In 1920 the market price of silver had risen to 8s. per oz. so 
that illegally melting it down offered considerable profit. The 
government therefore reduced the silver content to 50 but did 
not state what the other constituent(s) should be. At first an alloy 
of equal amounts of silver and copper was tried. It had been used 
in England before in 1544 but discarded as unsatisfactory. An 
analogous alloy had also been tried in Russia, but it discoloured on 
circulation. Our coins soon resembled gorgonzola cheese, so a new 
alloy was tried containing silver, 50; copper, 40; and nickel, 10. 
For this, cupro-nickel coverings of bullets were used, relieving 
the Disposals Board of much lumber. The new coins were bright 
but too hard to work; they damaged the dies and many were 
imperfectly struck. In 1927 an alloy containing silver, 50; copper, 
40; nickel, 5; and zinc, 5 was decided upon. It proved very 

*JOHN STOW, "A Survey of London", 1603, p. 52. 


satisfactory; it was pickled prior to issue to give it a good appearance. 
The richer silver coins were gradually withdrawn from circulation. 
It took the banks some 1 8 years to collect the pre-war coins. 

Wars have curious effects on the circulation of coins,. Simple 

Ssople often bury their money hoping to return and dig it up. 
uring World War II the florin enjoyed unusual popularity, next to 
the cupro-nickel threepenny bit it was the baby of our monetary family. 

When the first silver florin was issued in 1849, the familiar 
letters DG, standing for Dei Gratia, by the will of God, were 
omitted from Queen Victoria's titles. This caused an outcry and 
the issue, which became known as the Godless florin, was stopped. 
Since 1937 no five shilling pieces have been struck. Two distinct 
patterns of our English shilling have been struck since 1937; one 
bears the King's English crest on the "tail", the other his Scottish 
crest a graceful tribute to his Scottish Queen. 

In 1945 it was estimated that 2000 million silver coins were in 
circulation corresponding to some 1400 tons of silver; it was 
decided to replace them gradually by an alloy of nickel and copper. 
All silver coins struck before 1947 are being withdrawn, and 
the reclaimed silver is to be sent to the U.S.A. in part payment of 
silver sent to this country under Lend-Lease. The recoinage will 
take at least 20 years. 

It has been suggested that in time of war we could save metal 
by calling in our pennies and replacing them by a smaller coin of 
the same or some other metal. But even if the Mint dropped all 
other duties it would take some 10 years full-time work to replace 
the pence, so that the proposed saving in metal would take a long 
time to mature, and would have little effect on the general position 
during a merely temporary shortage. 

Silver is resistant towards organic acids, and large silver 
components, sometimes weighing 3 or 4 cwt, are used in acetic 
acid manufacturing plants. Silver vats are employed in the vinegar, 
brewing, cider and milk industries because of their resistance to 
attack. Chemical plant need not, however, be composed solely of 
silver. A plant of copper is frequently rendered resistant to corrosion 
by coating with silver either by electrodeposition or by lining after the 
fashion of Sheffield plate. Thin coatings obtained by the former 
process are liable to be porous, whilst thick ones may peel on service, 
leading to expensive repair. The lining process is therefore favoured, 
a thin silver sheet, some 0-03 inch in thickness, is sweated or 
hammered on to the copper thus yielding a non-porous coat. 



Modern silver solders are copper-silver alloys to which small 
additions of phosphorus or zinc have been made. They function 
as de-oxidants. The melting points of these alloys are much below 
tht of copper; the joint is strong and resistant to corrosion; so 
silver soldering is useful where welding would be difficult or 
inadvisable. f Until recently the main use of silver solders was for 
jewellery and other fine work. Now, however, they are being used 
in engineering, partly because of the strength and neatness of the 
joint, as in refrigerators and aircraft. 

Silver is so ductile that I gram of the pure metal can be drawn 
out into a wire more than a mile in length; its malleability enables 
it to be beaten into leaf 0-00025 inch in thickness. Both wire and 
foil are used for ornamental purposes. 

Silver is used in the "quartation" of gold. Pharmacists coat 
pills with silver not merely to enhance their appearance but also 
to act as preservative, largely against moisture. 

Owing to its excellent electric conductivity properties - it is 
the best known metallic conductor silver is employed in many 
electrical instruments. 

Silver conducts heat more readily than any other metal. It is 
often convenient to take its thermal conductivity as a standard, 
namely 100, and express all others relatively thereto. On this basis 
the conductivity of copper is 92, gold 70 whilst that of nickel silver 
is only about 8. It is thus easy to understand why silver teaspoons 
rapidly become hot when dipped into a cup of tea whereas the 
common or garden variety of spoon does not. 


Gold has been prized from the earliest times partly because of its 
colour and lustre, but also because of its resistance to tarnish and 
general incorrodibility. Pliny* lays particular stress on this 
latter feature. "Those persons" he writes "are manifestly in error 
who think that it is the resemblance of its colour to the stars that 
is so prized in gold." He then proceeds to eulogise the resistance of 
gold towards fire and other disintegrating forces. "Gold is subject 
to no rust, no verdigris, no emanation whatever from it, either to 
alter its quality or to lessen its weight. In addition to this, gold 
steadily resists the corrosive action of salt and vinegar, things 
which obtain the mastery over all other substances." To this 

*PLINY, "Natural History' 1 , translated by Bostock and Riley (Bonn, 1857) 
Book 33, chap. 19. 



catalogue of virtues the modern chemist would add one more, 
namely that there is only one single acid that by itself can dissolve 
gold, namely selenic acid. 

The element is believed to owe its name to its brilliant appear- 
ance, the word "gold" being derived from the Sanskrit Jva/, to 
shine, a word cognate with "yellow". The Hebrew word for gold 
is ZaAdv also meaning to shine. The modern slang term for a 
golden sovereign, namely shiner, would appear to be quite 

Some gold mines of interest 

The Clogan mine has a romantic history. It stands above the .great 
expanse of Barmouth estuary, fronting the lonely precipices of 
Cader Idris, which rise some miles away across the estuary. It has 
been worked at intervals from very early times, possibly by the 
Romans, who had a camp and a settlement near. 

Early last century copper was mined there on a considerable 
scale, and about 1845 t " ie miners found a lode in which small lumps 
of peculiar yellow metal were imbedded. When it was tested this 
proved to be gold, but attempts to work the mine further for gold 
failed owing to the very patchy character of the deposits. 

The old refuse of the copper mine, however, yielded rich 
treasure. Gold was recovered from it in considerable quantities, 
one ton of refuse alone yielding gold valued at 6000. 

In 1919 another vein of gold was struck in this mine, but was 
soon exhausted. In 1930 the Secretary of Mines instituted an 
inquiry into the gold position in Wales generally with a view to 
possible development of gold production. But the results were not 
encouraging; experts held out no hope of anything more than 
mere sporadic finds. The wedding rings of several members of the 
Royal Family, including the Queen Mother and Princess Mary, 
have been made of Welsh gold. In October 1934 it was announced 
that the wedding ring of Princess Marina was to be made of gold 
from North Wales mines and from the Pumpsaint mine in 
Carmarthenshire; so presumably this was done. 

Gold has been found also in Ireland; tradition ascribes its 
discovery in County Wicklow to a poor schoolmaster who found a 
small nugget whilst fishing in one of the streams descending from 
the Croghan Mts*. Further search revealed more and the cautious 

*W. JONES, "The Treasures of the Earth" (Warae), p. 25. 



pedagogue enriched himself gradually by disposing of the spoil to 
4 goldsmith in Dublin. He preserved the secret for many years but 
Inarrying a young wife he imprudently made her his Delilah "and 
told her all his heart" (Judg* xvi. 17). She, of course, couldn't keep 
the secret, she must perforce tell her people, with the result that in 
1795 th e existence of gold became popular knowledge and 
thousands oY adventurers of every age hurried to the spot in one 
mad search for the precious metal. 

The gold was so pure that the Dublin goldsmiths were wont to 
put gold coin in the opposite scale to it when purchasing and thus 
give weight for weight. In a couple of months the Government 
stepped in and took control until 1798 when all the machinery was 
destroyed in an insurrection. The gold was found in nuggets of all 
sizes up to one extraordinary mass weighing 2 2 oz. irregular in shape, 
measuring 4 inches long, 3 inches in greatest width and nearly 
one inch in thickness. A gilt cast of it could, and probably can still, 
be seen in Trinity College, Dublin. 

The first discovery of gold in California was the result of accident. 
In 1847 Captain Suter erected a saw-mill in a pine forest; the water 
to work it washed down mud and gravel from the upper reaches of 
the stream. This mud was found to contain glittering particles 
which proved to be of gold. Public attention was soon drawn to 
the neighbourhood, for so remarkable an observation could not 
long be kept secret, and San Francisco became a centre of attraction 
to gold-seekers from all parts of the world. For some years gold 
was won exclusively from alluvial washings but by 1852 quartz 
mining had become the order of the day, some of the quartz veins 
being of very considerable size. 

Great as was the Californian output of gold, it was soon eclipsed 
by that from Australia. In 1851 news reached this country that 
gold had been found in quantity in N.S. Wales, near Bathurst. An 
educated aboriginal returning home from tending sheep stated 
that he had seen a large mass of glittering metal among some 
quartz; his employer, Dr Kerr of Wallowa, went to investigate 
and three blocks of quartz containing about I cwt. of gold were 
discovered. As soon as it was bruited abroad, the discovery caused 
the greatest excitement and persons of all trades and pursuits set 
off in quest of gold. 

Gold was found about this time also in Victoria* where mining 
operations began in 1851 and in a few years this area was producing 

*See The Engineer, 1890, 49, 15. 



far more of the precious metal than any other in Australia. There 
was a fruitful field at Sandhurst distant about 100 miles from 
Melbourne; the old name of the town was Bendigo and any 
Bendigonian who had lived there prior to 1855 was known as> an 
"old identy". Early in 1851 Bendigo Creek and the surrounding 
areas were known only to shepherds, the gullies and flats being 
covered with green grass and box trees. But before tAe middle of 
the year all this was changed, for it had become noised abroad that 
here gold was to be had for the digging. Men began to arrive from 
all parts of Australia, and not from Australia only. A motley group, 
they came in twos and threes, and then in tens and twenties. Some 
were shepherds, others included those who had "done time", 
run-away naval men, men who sought the solitude of the bush to 
escape from the consequences, and possibly the memories also, of 
a seamy life; it was hardly safe to inquire into a man's antecedents. 
As the weeks rolled by, town-dwellers were drawn to the spot; 
clerks, labourers, bankers, publicans and tradesmen. They came 
on horseback, in spring carts, by coach, by bullock dray, whilst 
not a few trudged on shanks' pony. Many of these had not known 
till then what entire liberty meant; few if any knew the meaning 
of unlimited money; each man was a law unto himself; no one was 
without some means of protection from assault. The majority 
resembled mobile arsenals, carrying pistols and knives in their 
belts; some had tents, others lay at night under the vast vault of 
the heavens. Jack was as good as his master; perhaps better; each 
had a pair of hands and arms ; education, knowledge, culture 
these counted as nothing. By 1853 some 60,000 men had assembled 
on the field, with only about 100 women. Each digger was allowed 
8 feet square of ground for which he had to pay the Government 
a rental of 30 shillings monthly. The miners would dig square 
holes in their plots and, after taking off the surface loam, at a depth 
of some 7 or 8 feet they came to the "wash dirt" which contained 
the gold; this dirt being the last few inches overlaying the bed 
rock. The lumps of gold were now picked out or "nuggeted" with 
a knife, like taking the plums out of a cake; the residue was taken 
to the creek where the soil was washed away, leaving a residue of 
gold. The reward of a morning's work for four men would often 
amount to some 20 Ib. weight of gold; in that case the men felt 
they had earned an afternoon's rest and in the evening the metal 
was dried and cleaned. 

So long as the gold lasted, life continued much the same. The 



gold was squandered; men would throw nuggets to their favourite 
actresses instead of bouquets of flowers. But the time came when 
this rich ground was becoming exhausted and the miners found 
the <f ent of 303. oppressive. They approached the Commissioner 
and asked for a reduction. The Commissioner said he had no 
power to grant this but would forward their wishes to the 
Government at Melbourne and advised the miners who had 
collected into a body of 20,000, to go quietly back to their tents. 

The Government panicked on hearsay, printed notices on calico 
announcing the reduction of the licence to los, and sent soldiers 
with them to tack them on to trees that all might read and this, 
before the Commissioner's report had reached them! At first the 
miners were surprised; then they realised their power; union was 
strength; together they could defy the Government. One man 
named Brown, determined td make capital out of this. He 
organised a band of ruffians who levied blackmail on storekeepers 
and had a guardroom with sentries and a system of passwords. A 
warrant was issued for his arrest, but the police hesitated to put it 
into execution with the result that Brown became increasingly 

One night a young cadet, Brooke Smith by name, quietly left 
his officer quarters and, dressed in diggers' clothes, went off to 
interview "Captain" Brown at his HQ. Arriving there he inquired 
if the captain was in. Yes, he was, but could the visitor give the 
password? No, said the cadet, but as his business was of exceptional 
importance, would the captain see him. On being informed that a 
young digger was waiting outside with an important message, the 
unsuspecting captain came out and, lured by the cadet's air of 
simplicity, he walked with him to the centre of the main street; the 
cadet now drew close to him and pushing a revolver into his ribs 
said "Captain Brown, I am a Government officer and arrest you". 
Brown, of course, started and began to tell the cadet that by merely 
raising his hand he could call a thousand men to his assistance. But 
the cadet calmly told him that if he attempted anything of the sort 
he would be shot at once. 

Discretion was the better part of valour and with the revolver 
at his ribs, Brown was marched off to the guardroom, where he 
was handcuffed, placed in a cart and galloped off to Melbourne 
with an escort on horseback. They went at such a rate over the 
rough ground that Brown was almost killed by the jolting, but 
they reached their destination safely and Brown was duly sentenced. 



The ignominy of the capture made the whole thing so ridiculous 
that the captain's sentries disappeared and his gang was broken 
up for ever. 

New gold areas continued to be found for many years in Australia 
but it was not until 1892 that William Ford and a chance acquaint- 
ance discovered gold in Coolgardie in Western Ai\stralia. Ford 
died in Sydney as recently as October 1932. 

The discovery of gold in Australia is regarded by the credulous 
as having been predicted several centuries earlier by that somewhat 
nebulous person known as Mother Shipton. This curious "witch 
is supposed to have been born at Knaresboro* about 1486 and to 
have died at what was then considered to be a very advanced age 
in 1561. It is claimed that she was buried at York. Remarkable 
predictions attributed to her were published in 1641 and again in 
1873. O ne runs as follows 

Gold shall be found, and found 
In a land that's not yet known. 

The discovery of Australia certainly took place during the period 
in which she is supposed to have lived. 

The exact date is unknown ; the existence of Australia was not 
made generally known in Europe earlier than 1511 or later than 
1 542. We put it that way because both the Dutch and the Portuguese 
appear to have known of its existence some years earlier, keeping 
it secret for commercial reasons, just as the Phoenicians kept the 
secret of the Cassiterides or Tin Islands to themselves (p. 200). It is 
fair to say that Mother Shipton could never have heard of Australia, 
and certainly gold was not discovered there until many centuries 
later (1851). There are other lands, however, that might claim the 
same distinction; two of these are Tasmania and New Zealand, 
discovered by Tasman around 1642. Whilst so large a part of the 
world remained undiscovered, Mother Shipton's prediction stood 
a very good chance of verification. But what are we to make of the 
addendum to her prophecies 

The world will then be near the end 
And Germany will have to bend. 

Is this a kind of world destruction by the atomic or hydrogen bomb? 
One wonders. 

Canada has yielded gold for many years, official records going 
back to 1858 in which year some 34,000 oz. were won. Of course 
gold was worked there many years before that, but on a small 



scale. The first outstanding event in Canadian gold-mining was 
the Klondike rush of 1897 which focused the attention of the world 
on this bleak and dreary region. In September 1896 it had been 
reported to the Canadian Government that rich discoveries of gold 
had been made on Bonanza Creek, a tributary of the Klondike, 
which flows into the Yukon. The news spread rapidly and miners 
travelled in sleds over the snow from many places in the area until 
by January 1897 some 2000 men had assembled with scanty 
supplies and little protection against the frosts which brought the 
thermometer down to some 50 below zero Fahrenheit, that is 
82 degrees of frost*. 

In July the first miners from Klondike reached San Francisco, 
accompanied by about 400,000 in gold. The excitement reached 
fever heat and thousands started for the Yukon without sufficient 
supplies. Great sufferings were endured; nevertheless miners 
continued to flock to Klondike. Throughout 1898 and succeeding 
years gold was worked feverishly, reaching its maximum of 
870,750 oz. in 1901. Since then the output has fallen. 

Although the Portuguese brought gold-dust from South Africa 
to Europe in 1 445, it was not until the nineteenth century that serious 
attention was directed to gold winning in this area. The first 
South African gold-mining company was the Limpopo, floated in 
London in 1868. This was the year also during which diamonds 
were discovered on the banks of the Vaal and it was generally 
believed that these would prove a more lucrative investment than 
gold-mining, so the latter was continued in but a half-hearted 
manner. In 1873 the Lydenburg gold-field in the Transvaal was 
opened up, and by 1884 it had been discovered that the Banket 
Reef was auriferous. T. B. Robinson was greatly impressed by the 
appearance of the ore and purchased the Langlaate Farm for some 
20,000. This he subsequently floated as a public company for 
close upon half a million sterling. 

The City of Johannesburg was founded on one of these farms, 
and sterile, unsaleable property of 1886 now became a much 
coveted land of promise; poor men became immensely wealthy 
almost "over night". The story reads almost like a novel. 

Gold has from time immemorial formed one of the principal 
exports from Tibet. The principal gold-fields are found in the 
Chang-Tang, or Northern Desert, and also in the territory east of 

T. K. ROSE, Nature, 1897, 56, 615. 


Lhasa, between that city and the Chinese frontier. The Tibetan 
gold-miner, however, only collects gold-dust, believing that should 
he remove any nuggets the supply of gold-dust will cease, as the 
nuggets are supposed to be alive and to produce the dust by 
breeding (p. 19). 

It is stated that some years ago the Tibetan Government sent 
3ne of their most promising young men to this country t6 be trained 
is a mining engineer and metallurgist, and on his return instructed 
him to search for gold. 

In a short time he discovered gold in large quantity and proceeded 
to extract it. Numbers of nuggets were also found. Just as the work 
was getting into full swing the local lamas arrived on the scene and 
lot only forbade further operations but directed that all gold 
dready taken out should be put back. The young engineer 
ippealed to the Tibetan Government to sanction his carrying on 
work as the find was of great value and would give very considerable 
- evenue. The lamas retorted that unless their instructions were 
:arried out to the letter ill-fortune would surely come to the 
:ountry, and especially to the State religion. 

In the face of this attitude of the priests the Government was 
powerless and, in consequence, one of the richest gold-fields in 
Tibet, and possibly in Asia, must lie undisturbed for an indefinite 

Sold in Holy Writ 

There are 267 references to gold in Holy Writ. The first occurs 
n Genesis ii. 1 1, where Havilah, a land washed by a branch of the 
iver flowing out of Eden, is said to yield the metal. 

The statement (verse 12) that "the gold of that land is good" 
>eems to imply a power to discriminate between different grades 
)f the native metal. 

There are frequent references to rings and chains of gold. When 
foseph had interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh, the latter in his 
gratitude "took off his ring from his hand and put it upon Joseph's 
land, and arrayed him in vestures of fine linen and put a gold chain 
ibout his neck" (Gen. xli. 42). When, many years later, the Hebrews 
escaped from Egyptian domination under the leadership of Moses 
:hey "borrowed" jewels of gold (Exod. xii. 35) from their late 
>ppressors. This "borrowing" must have been effected on a fairly 
extensive scale because, after the departure from Egypt, the ear- 
ings alone, worn by the Hebrew men and women, sufficed 



to enable Aaron to fashion a golden calf to be worshipped as 
an idol. 

The worker in gold was an important member of the community; 
h% is mentioned in Nehemiah iii. 8 by name, along with the 
apothecary and, indeed, given pride of place before him. Gold was 
worked in various ways; it was refined in furnaces (Prov. xvii. 3), 
cast (Exod. xxxii. 4) and beaten into plates the goldbeater 
being referred to as the carpenter in the Authorised Version. 

Many references to gold in the Old Testament suggest the 
presence of enormous quantities of the metal. Very possibly the 
amounts are exaggerated. The Hebrews led by Moses are stated 
to have taken jewellery from the Midianites to the extent of 
16,750 shekels (Num. xxxi. 52) or roughly 0-25 ton. Gold was used 
lavishly in the construction of the Ark of the Covenant and its 
furniture (Exod. xxv). Moses was instructed to overlay the wood 
of the Ark with pure gold and put four rings of gold at the four 
corners thereof. 

Centuries later, when the Hebrews were established in the 
Promised Land, King David accumulated enormous quantities of 
gold and silver, spoil from his defeated enemies, and consecrated 
them to the Lord (2 Sam. viii). His son, Solomon, used enormous 
quantities of gold in adorning his Temple, erected circa 967 to 
957 B.C. 

Josephus* states that in his day (37 to 100) the Temple had ten 
gates, nine of which "were on every side covered with gold and 
silver, as were the jambs of their doors and their lintels; but there 
was one gate . . . which was of Corinthian brass and greatly excelled 
those that were only covered over with silver and gold/' 

This Corinthian "brass" was an alloy of gold, silver and copper 
which, according to an old legend, was accidentally produced 
when Corinth was burnt at the time of its capture, 146 B.C. It was 
highly esteemed in Roman days and was often used by the wealthy 
for domestic utensilsf. 

Sacred vessels used in Solomon's Temple were of gold as they 
had been in the Ark before it; they comprised basins, spoons, 
candlesticks, lamps, snuffers and even flowers^ It is not difficult to 
believe that the description is substantially true for the building 
was closely paralleled, more than two millenia later by the Sun 
Temple of the Peruvian Incas (p. 135). 

*JOSEPHUS, "Wars of the Jews", translated by Whiston, Book 5, Chap. 5, 3. 
f PLINY, Opus cit. t Book 34, Chap. 3. 



Solomon was not less lavish in the use of gold in his own royal 
household ; all his drinking vessels were of gold, it being specifically 
stated that "none were of silver" (2 Chron. ix. 20). 

Gold was used in Biblical times, as now, in making crowns for 
royalty. When David fought the Ammonites, Joab besieged Kabbah 
and destroyed it "and David took the crown of their king from off 
his head and found it to weigh a talent of gold, and there were 
precious stones in it; and it was set upon David's head" (i Chron. 
xx. 2). 

It would appear from the above quotation that kings wore their 
crowns in battle, and we are reminded of our own king, Richard in 
who, at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, realising that defeat 
was inevitable, rushed into the thick of the fight, with the crown 
on his head, and met a soldier's death. 

The crown of the Ammonite king is stated above to have weighed 
a talent, that is about 106 Ib. (p. 1 1 1) or nearly one cwt a load 
that no king would voluntarily carry into battle on his head. 
Probably this is a mistranslation, the original Hebrew scribe 
intending to convey the meaning that the beautifully wrought and 
decorated crown was "valued at" one talent of gold. This would be 

The desire to possess gold has at all times led some men to 
crime. Biblical times were not exempt from the curse of cupidity 
any more than we are. On the fall of Jericho, about 1400 B.C. it 
was ordained that the gold and silver together with the vessels of 
"brass" and iron were to be deposited in the treasury of the Lord. 
One man, Achan, could not resist the temptation to steal and kept 
back a little of the spoil for himself and his family. As he later 
confessed to Joshua "When I saw among the spoils a goodly 
Babylonish garment and 200 shekels of silver and a wedge (or 
tongue) of gold of 50 shekels' weight, then I coveted them and 
took them" (Joshua vi and vii). 

During excavations at Gezer in Palestine, a tongue of gold was 
found measuring xoj inches long, f inch thick, i inch broad at 
one end and | inch at the other. It was rather narrower in the 
middle and slightly curved. It weighed 27-6 oz. approximately 
equivalent to 50 Babylonian heavy gold shekels*. If this is not a 
mere coincidence, it indicates that these tongues or ingots were 
made into definite sizes for trade purposes and could thus be used 
as currency for large amounts. 

*MACALISTER "The Excavation of Gezer 1 ' (Murray, 1912) Volume 11, p. 259. 



Man's cupidity 

The first use of gold was undoubtedly for ornaments, but it was an 
easy step to employ it for barter and hence in later years to utilise 
it fos coinage. The desire to possess this precious metal has led to 
many marauding expeditions, the classical example being per- 
petuated in the Legend of the Golden Fleece*. The cupidity of man 
is also well illustrated by the familiar story of Midas, King of 
Phrygia, who prayed of Bacchus that everything he touched 
might be turned to gold. 

"Gold, gold, money untold 1" 
Cried Midas to Bacchus, beseeching. 
Said the god "I'm afraid, 
By the prayer you have made, 
You are vastly too over-reaching. " 

Nevertheless the prayer was granted. But Midas soon had 
cause to repent his greed as the very food he attempted to eat was 
transformed into indigestible metal, so that starvation stared the 
multi-millionaire in the face. His touch was as inconvenient as that 
of Autolycus, the classical thief of whom Hesiod wrote that 
"whatever he touched became invisible". 

In despair Midas was compelled to ask the god to take back his 
dangerous gift. He was ordered to bathe in the river Pactolus. As 
the Jordan washed away the leprous scales from Naaman so did 
the Pactolus wash the golden touch from Midas. Where the king 
trod as he entered the water the sands were turned to gold, in proof 
of which the sands of the river, even to this day, yield alluvial gold 
to him who works for it. 

Another ancient story pointing to the same moral is Chaucer's 
well known "Pardoner's Tale". 

On the other hand the pursuit of gold has been an important 
factor in building up modern civilisation, though the cynic 
may urge that that is nothing to boast about. The pursuit of 
gold has led adventurous spirits into unknown lands, and our 
geographical knowledge has been greatly increased; the sciences 
of geology, metallurgy and mining have likewise been richly 

*An excellent interpretation of this legend is given by ROBERT GRAVES in 
"The Golden Fleece" (Cassell, 1944). 



Gold in Egypt 

Gold was known to the Egyptians in predynastic* times and the 
goldsmith's art had already reached a high state of proficiency 
before the First Dynasty, about 3500 B.C. Examples have bfien 
found of solid gold hieroglyphs neatly let into ebony strips forming 
part of articles of furnituref. Among later pictorial rock-carvings 
in Upper Egypt there occur illustrations of the processes used in 
extracting gold from rocks. The latter were broken with stone 
hammers, ground in querns, and the matrix washed away with 
flowing water, the gold by virtue of its high density being left 
behind. Inscriptions depicting this process occur on monuments 
as early as the Fourth Dynasty, that is some 3000 B.C. * 

The washing of alluvial deposits in the Sudan was a flourishing 
industry at the time of Amenemhat n, 2200 B.C. 

Until quite recent times the Japanese were following the ancient 
practice of grinding gold ores in querns before washing. The fine 
mud thus obtained was washed on inclined tables on which sheets 
of cotton were spread. The particles of gold were caught on the 
rough surface of the cloth whilst the earthy material was carried 
away by the water:}:. 

There were no silver mines in ancient Egypt, and during the 
reign of the Shepherd Kings, circa 1780 to 1580 B.C., gold was less 
expensive than silver (p. no). 

The position was reversed, however, by the i8th Dynasty, 
1580 B.C., silver being more plentiful and proportionately less 
precious. Large quantities of gold were taken as tribute and spoils 
of war from Palestine and neighbouring lands after conquests by 
warlike kings and carried back to Egypt. Amongst the spoil taken 
by Thothmes in, circa 1530 B.C., on capturing Megiddo, were two 
chariots plated with gold, together with gold and silver rings 
weighing 966 lb. His son, Amenhetep n, after one of his foraging 
expeditions, took back to Egypt some three-quarters of a ton of 
gold. Year after year expeditions of this kind were undertaken by 
various monarchs whilst Egypt was at the zenith of her power and 

*GARLAND and BANNISTER, "Ancient Egyptian Metallurgy" (Griffin & Co., 
1927), p. 6. 

fThe Art of Egypt through the Ages", edited by SIR E. D. Ross (Studio Ltd, 

JGowLAND, "Huxley Memorial Lecture for 1912". Royal Anthropological 
Institute of Gt. Britain and Ireland. 

BUDGB, "A History of Egypt" (Kegan Paul, 1902) Volume 4, p. 36. 



the sum total of gold, silver and other precious booty must have 
been prodigious. 

Special interest centres around the tomb of Tutankhamen*. 
Tkis youthful sovereign ruled over Egypt for a bare six years, 
about 1360 to 1354 B.C.; his tomb in the Valley of the Kings was 
discovered jn 1922 by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter. The 
mummy was enclosed in three coffins, the two outer ones of oak 
overlaid with sheet gold, the innermost being solid gold elaborately 
chased and embellished with superimposed cloisonn work. The 
King's death mask was of beaten gold and represented the king at 
the age of his death about 1 8 years. Mention should also be made 
of a 4 statuette of Tut representing him as the youthful warrior 
Horus, throwing a javelin. It was carved in hardwood and overlaid 
with thin sheet gold. 

One of the great difficulties facing the amateur collector in 
Egypt is the number of skilfully executed forgeries which so 
closely resemble genuine relics that even the expert may be non- 
plussed. In this connection Wakelingf tells an excellent story 
which we must not spoil by too close inquiry. At the time that 
predynastic graves were discovered in Nubia, there was a rush on 
the part of museums from all over the world to acquire specimens. 
The bodies were found in the graves lying upon one side with their 
legs drawn up and one hand placed before the face. They had not 
been embalmed; that was unnecessary owing to the dryness of the 
climate; the skin had the appearance of Tight-coloured leather. 
Around the body were placed jars and rough vessels, perhaps 
those that had been used by the occupant of the grave when alive. 

As the demand for graves increased, the prices rapidly rose and 
the Arabs vied with a Coptic dealer in finding and selling graves, 
which were then taken whole to the museums. In course of time 
demand exceeded supply and the Arabs were hard put to it to 
supply their customers. But, as usual, where money was concerned, 
their native adaptability rose to the occasion. With sublime un- 
concern they killed their Coptic rival Aboutig, and buried his body 
in the approved position; the body rapidly dried before 
decomposition had a chance to set in and poor old Aboutig soon 
resembled a genuine predynastic mummy. Later on when a special 
request came from an important museum that could afford to pay 

*HOWARD CARTER, "The Tomb of Tutankhamen" (Cassell, 1927). 
fWAKEUNG, "Forged Egyptian Antiquities" (Black, 1912), pp. 117-118. 



well for the grave, the Arabs "found this one, duly replete with 
jars, and sold it for a good round sum. 

The Arabs could not keep their mouths closed and soon were 
openly heard to boast in the village that they had sold old Aboyitig 
for 450! 

We owe to Egypt the first mining map in the world*. It 
represents a mining district in the time of Seti i or of Ms immediate 
successor Rameses n, some 1320 B.C., the actual site of which has 
not been determined. It is crudely drawn on a papyrus, now in the 
Turin Collection, and depicts two parallel valleys among gold- 
bearing mountains, with houses for storage and tracks for transport. 

Of course the gold contained varying amounts of silver, byt the 
early Egyptians were unaware of this. By the second century B.C. 
however, the chloride method of removing silver from gold appears 
to have been practised in Nubia, for Agatharchides mentions that 
salt and bran were added to the native gold before melting. The 
salt would convert the silver to chloride and thus effect its elimina- 
tion as dross or scum. As late as 1872 Gowland found that the 
Japanese were using this self-same method. 

Gold and the Romans 

Vast quantities of gold were accumulated by the Romans who 
obtained it partly as spoil from their conquered foes and partly by 
working the mines in various countries within their empire. As an 
example of the former, Livyf records that in 200 B.C. Cornelius 
Lentulus, proconsul of Spain, on the occasion of his entry "in 
ovation" J into Rome, brought 2450 Ib. of gold with 43,000 Ib. of 

The mines of Spain were perhaps the most important sources of 
the precious metal, particularly those of Andalusia, probably the 
Tarshish of Ezekiel xxvii. 12, the Turdetania of Strabo and part 
of the Iberia of Diodorus. Strabo waxes eloquent on the mineral 
wealth of Turdetania and states that the gold mines were the 
property of the State whilst the silver mines were privately owned 

*GOWLAND, loc. cit. t p. 255. 

fLivv (59 to 18 B.C.), "History of Rome", translated by Sage (Heinemann, 
*935) Book 31, Chapter 20. 

JAs merely a proconsul he was not entitled to enter "in triumph". The 
ovation was a less important honour. 

Strabo was born in Amasia, Pontus, 64 or 63 B.C. The quotation is from the 
translation by H. L. Jones of STRABO'S "Geography" (Heinemann, 1917 +). 
Book 3, Chapter 2. 8 to 10. 



(p. 112). "Up to the present moment" he writes "neither gold nor 
silver has been found anywhere in the world in a natural state, 
either in such quantity or of such good quality." 

Diodorus*, writing over the period 56 to 36 B.C. gives a lengthy 
account of mining in his "Bibliotheca Historica" and mentions the 
use of the "Egyptian screw, which was invented by Archimedes of 
Syracuse at 'the time of his visit to Egypt", about 220 B.C., for 
pumping out the subterranean waters from the mines. He speaks 
of the screw as a masterpiece of mechanical invention. Several of 
them have been found in modern times in Southern Spain. This 
kind of pump is still used by the fellahin of the Nile Delta in 
raising water from the Nile for irrigation. The modern engineer 
would not share the enthusiasm of Diodorus for the efficiency of 
these screws. Twenty of them, each worked by a slave, would be 
needed to raise water 100 ft. 

The Romans were, and could afford to be, lavish in the use of 
gold for religious, ornamental and utility purposes. Plinyf quotes a 
current belief that the first massive statue of gold, solid throughout 
known as a holosphyrata, i.e. solid hammerwork as opposed to 
cast and hollow within was one erected in a temple to the 
goddess Anai'tis. This was stolen during the Parthian War. On one 
occasion Emperor Augustus was dining with a Roman veteran and 
during the course of conversation reference was made to this 
statue, Augustus then asked his host if he was aware that the 
soldier who had desecrated the statue by taking it away from the 
temple had been smitten with blindness, paralysis, and finally with 
an early death a warning to those who anger divinities. The 
soldier laughed and replied that it was he himself who had 
committed the sacrilege and, horribile dictu> the golden plate, from 
which his august Majesty was even then partaking, was shaped 
from one of the legs of the goddess. 

Gold being so abundant when Rome was at the height of her 
power, one can almost forgive the arrogance of Poppaea, wife of 
Nero, who had her favourite mules shod with it. 

Pliny^ was aware that native gold usually contains silver ranging 
from small amounts up to about 1 2 per cent. Electrum was an alloy 

*Diodoms was born at Argyrium in Sicily. The quotation is from "Diodorus 
of Sicily" by OLDFATHER (Heinemann, 1933 +)> Book 5, Chapters 36 to 38. 
RICKARD, Journal of Roman Studies, 1928, 18, 129. 

f PLINY, Opus cit., Book 33, Chapters 24, 17 and 49. 

JPLINY, Opus cit., Book 33, Chapter 23; Book 34, Chapter 48, 



containing 20 per cent of silver, and Pliny records an old belief 
that it possessed the power of detecting poisons for, in such case, 
"semi circles, resembling the rainbow in appearance, will form 
upon the surface of the goblet and emit a crackling noise, likfr that 
of flame, thus giving a twofold indication of the presence of poison." 
Pliny also states that base metal articles were sometimes gilded 
by dipping into molten gold in the same way as copper was tinned. 

The gold of the Incas 

South America is rich in gold. When the Spaniards conquered the 
Incas of Peru early in the sixteenth century they were amazed at the 
lavish profusion of gold in the temples and royal palaces. The 
Sun-Temple* of the ancient city of Cuzco was outstanding for its 
magnificence and for the treasures contained therein. The walls of 
the main hall were covered from top to bottom with gold; at the 
eastern extremity was a representation of the sun with solid gold 
rays encircled with a frame of costly gems, whilst along the side 
walls were ranged the golden thrones on which sat the mummified 
bodies of former kings. The Temple doors were overlaid with gold 
or silver and a strip of gold as thick as a man's finger, twice as 
broad as his hand and surmounted by a golden cornice encircled 
the entire building. In one of the Temple Courts was the "Golden 
Garden", with "golden sacred columns, golden figures of animals, 
silver bushes and trees whose delicate branches trembled in the 
breeze, heads of maize with silver leaves and stalks bearing golden 
grain, bearded with the most delicate silver filaments; on the 
branches golden birds; cockchafers and butterflies with wings of 
sparkling gems seemed to fly in the air, whilst lizards, serpents, 
snails and little mammals, all made in gold or silver with eyes of 
precious stones, crept along the ground. Wonderful fantastic 
flowers adorned the beds and amidst all this artificial magnificence 
rose the natural beauty of real shrubs kept moist by the water 
flowing in golden pipes to basins of the same precious metal." 

Gold was esteemed for its beauty and incorrodibility alone; it 
did not excite cupidity amongst the Incas who had no money and 
knew nothing of finance. 

In spite of the almost incredible amount of golden treasures, 
scarcely any of the Inca works of art remain. The Spaniards 

*HANSTEIN, "The World of the Incas", translated by Barwell (Allen and 
Unwin Ltd, 1924) pp. 65 et seq. 



melted down everything they could into ingots for convenience in 
transport to their wretched capital. 

Gold and the alchemists 

The attitude of the alchemists towards gold and the possibility of 
transmuting base metals into the more precious one have already 
been discussed. The symbol for gold was a circle, the hall- mark of 
mathematical perfection (p. 12). 

Although the quest of the alchemists ended in disappointment, 
the mass of chemical and metallurgical data* they accumulated 
proved of great value in laying the foundations of the modern 
sciences of chemistry and metallurgy. 

Uses of gold 

One of the most important uses of gold and its alloys is for jewellery. 
The craftsman has endeavoured throughout the ages to retain the 
attractive colour of the pure metal in alloys containing large 
admixtures of other metals. It is usual to express the quantity of 
gold present, not as a percentage, as is usual in most other alloys, 
but in carats. Here again, the carat is not the unit of weight as 
applied to diamonds (p. 58). The gold carat is a fractional part of 
24; thus 24 carat is pure or 100 per cent gold; 18 carat is ^fths 
pure gold, equivalent to 75 per cent and so on. The recognised 
carats in Britain since 1932 are 22, 18, 14 and 9. Wedding rings 
by tradition were invariably 22 carat and thus contained 2200 -f- 24 
or 91*7 per cent of gold: 7 carat gold is used for cheap ornaments 
and is not hall-marked. 

Gold is very ductile and can be fashioned into wire or threads 
which may be spun or woven like wool. Plinyf quotes the statement 
that "Tarquinius Priscus celebrated a triumph, clad in a tunic of 
gold; and I myself have seen Agrippina, the wife of the Emperor 
Claudius, on the occasion of a naval combat . . . attired in a military 
scarf made entirely of woven gold without any other material. " 

Being soft and malleable, gold tablets were long used inscribed 
with treaties, laws, orders, etc, for which permanency was required. 
Pliny refers to the same practice with lead plates in his day (p, 189) 
and Rameses n in 1333 B.C. used silver for the same purpose 
(p. no). When Marco Polo, the Venetian (p. 55) was, in 1290, 
about to set out on an expedition at the request of Cublai Khan, he 

*Will the student try to remember that data is plural; datum is the singular. 
fPLiNY, Opus cit. t Book 33, Chapter 19. 



was given a golden tablet, duly inscribed and signed with the 
Khan's name, which served as a passport throughout the Khan's 
empire. It called on the governors of provinces and cities to afford 
Marco every facility in the course of his duties and to defray lys 

Gold coins 

The commerce of the nations has been built up on what is called 
the "gold standard". Gold has been used in coinage in the Western 
World since about 700 B.C. The parting of gold and silver was then 
practised and ancient Greek coins containing some 99*7 to 99*8 
per cent of gold have been unearthed. , 

The famous "golden penny", first struck in Britain in 1257 
during the reign of Henry in, consisted of pure gold and weighed 
44 grains. But although it was our first golden penny, it was not 
our first penny. Silver pennies were used by our Saxon ancestors; 
in the eighth century a pound of silver yielded 240 pennies, and this 
is perpetuated in our Troy weight measure, namely 20 penny- 
weights make one ounce, and 12 ounces one pound. Henry m's 
golden penny was valued at 12 such silver pennies. 

But pure gold is a soft metal and for most purposes it is now 
hardened with small quantities of silver, copper or other suitable 
metal. British gold coinage contains 916*6 parts of gold and 83-4 
parts of copper; this is 22 carat gold (p. 136;. The copper not only 
hardens the metal, thus increasing its resistance to wear and tear, 
but also lowers the melting point from 1062*6 to 949 C. which 
is an advantage metallurgically. The molten metal contracts on 
solidifying and this is the reason why our coins must be struck, a 
more . expensive process than casting. 

Pliny* speaks of an alloy called electrum which could be produced 
by melting silver with gold ; he was also aware of the presence of 
silver in native gold and that its amount varied with the locality. 
If the native metal contained 20 per cent of silver it was called 
electrum just the same as the synthetic alloy. 

Homer, writing about 880 B.C. refers to elektron, and from the 
fact that this is mentioned in connection with gold ornaments it is 
possible that the word was used to denote some sort of shining 
alloy. The word was later used by the Greeks to denote either the 
alloy or amber. The modern alloy called electron contains no 

* PLINY, Opus cit. t Book 33, Chapter 23. 



gold, but about 95 per cent of magnesium, with some 4-5 of zinc 
and a little copper (p. 152). 

The so-called white gold alloys were introduced to resemble 
tJatinum when that metal was prohibitive in price, and their use in 
jewellery has been very successful. The earliest white gold 
contained ,gold, nickel and zinc. Gold-palladium alloys are easier to 
work and with 20 per cent of the latter element are completely 
white, but the high price of palladium militates against their use 
except in the most expensive jewellery. Green, blue and purple 
alloys are also easily made by addition of cadmium, iron and 
aluminium respectively. 

Gold leaf 

The malleability of gold has been noted from the earliest times. In 
the Old Testament we read of beaten gold on many occasions, as 
for example I Kings x, 1 6 ; Numbers viii. 4, etc. The gold beaters' 
craft is one of the most ancient that survives to-day. Pliny* mentions 
that gold was beaten out into thin leaves and used for gilding. The 
modern method is the same as that used in bygone centuries, save 
that machinery in the form of highly polished steel rolls is employed 
to reduce the cast alloy usually containing from 95 to 96 per 
cent of gold, the remainder being silver and copper to sheet or 
ribbon about o-ooi inch in thickness. Subsequent reduction to 
0-000,004 inch is effected entirely by hand. 

At the beginning of this century there were some 1500 gold 
beaters in Britain, but to-day only about one tenth of this number is 
employed, a considerable proportion in Birmingham. The machined 
rolled metal is cut into inch squares each being placed between 
the leaves of a cutch of 200 sheets of vellum 4 inches square and 
beaten until the metal has spread out to the size of the cutch. The 
leaves are then removed, quartered and placed between the skins 
of a shoder, containing 800 coarse skins, 4^ inches square. Beating 
is continued with a 1 2 Ib. hammer until the gold leaves have spread 
out to the size of the shoder. Again they are quartered and placed 
in a mould of gold beater's skin, 5^ inches square and hammered 
once more. This is the most highly skilled part of the operationsf 
and when the leaves have spread sufficiently they are trimmed and 
put into thin paper books ready for sale. 

*PLINY, Opus cit., Book 33, Chapter 19. 

fSee DOWNS, Chemistry and Industry, 1942, 61, 156. 



Gold leaf is used by book-binders for gold lettering, book-edges, 
etc. Carvers, gilders, picture-frame makers and sign writers use it, 
and many other trades. The intrinsic value of the gold itself is small, 
for i oz. Troy can yield 250 sq. feet of leaf; taking gold at its present 
price of 2488. per oz., I sq. inch of 23 carat metal is worth only 
about iV penny. 

A considerable quantity of gold is used in the electroplating 
industry, the article to be plated being made the cathode in a bath 
of potassium auro-cyanide. The deposit aimed at is usually of the 
order of 0-0005 inch, but depends partly on the nature of the base 
metal to be coated and the use to which it is to be put. Plated 
surfaces take a high polish and are not liable to tarnish. 

Cathode sputtering or dispersion is a recent development in 
processes for covering surfaces with a film of gold. The object is 
placed in a chamber fitted with an aluminium anode and gold 
cathode. On evacuation and passage of a high voltaged current 
the cathode disperses covering the object with a thin film of gold, 
less than one-millionth of an inch in thickness. 

A vaporisation process is sometimes used, the gold being 
electrically heated to its melting point in a high vacuum, the 
vapour condensing in a molecular film on any article placed within 
the chamber. Spectacles lenses are sometimes treated in this way 
for people suffering from iritis \ they exclude ultra-violet light and 
allow rays of a greenish, restful colour to pass. 

In making gilt wire, a bar of silver, alloyed with copper, approx- 
imately 2 inches in diameter is plated with gold and drawn down 
to wire in the usual way. It is then used for weaving into gold braid 
and embroideries such as one sees on uniforms, clerical and masonic 
vestments, etc. 

Rolled gold is manufactured by soldering or welding a plate of 
gold or alloy on to a base metal or silver and rolling to the required 
thickness. The gold film produced is hard and impervious, so that 
it resists wear and tear more effectively than ordinary electroplated 
films. Rolled gold consequently finds application in watch cases, 
pencils, spectacle frames, cufflinks and cheap forms of jewellery. 
Very thin coverings of gold, about 0-000,005 inch are used for 
toys and trinkets and of course quickly wear off. In better class 
rolled gold objects the gold film may reach a maximum of o-oi 
inch in thickness. 

Prior to the introduction of rolled gold, imitation jewellery was 
made chiefly of copper or brass gilded with pure gold; the soft gilt 



surface, however, soon wore off. Towards the close of the eighteenth 
century, at the time when the manufacture of "Sheffield plate' ' had 
reached its zenith, the rolled gold industry was born in 
Birmingham*. The two processes are virtually identical, save that 
in Sheffield plate a base metal is veneered with silver whereas in 
rolled gold, silver is replaced by gold (p. 1 1 6). 

Gold use c d for pottery is practically pure ; it is usually applied as 
"liquid gold" with a brush before firing. The liquid consists of 
some organic gold derivative in oil, with some suitable adhesive. 

Gold is used in producing some types of ruby glass; originally 
the gold was used in the form of purple of Cassius, a mixture of 
colloidal gold and colloidal tin oxide. This was the method 
employed by Kunckel (1630-1703). Later it was found that gold 
chloride would do equally well. By transmitted light gold is green; 
in glass the ruby colour is not that of gold but it is the colour of the 
light scattered by the gold particles of colloidal size within the 
glass. A similar effect is produced by selenium (p. 73). 

Gold is used for chemical plant and laboratory ware on account 
of its resistance to acids and alkalies. The only single acid that will 
attack gold is selenic acid, H 2 SeO 4 . In the laboratory, dishes and 
crucibles made of a high melting palladium-gold alloy, melting at 
1370 C. have been used when the cost of platinum has been 
prohibitive. In chemical plant gold-lined base metals are sometimes 
used and for the distillation of essential oils a solid gold still and 
condenser have been used; the thermal efficiency is high and cor- 
rosion does not occur. 

Alloys of gold and the platinum metals are used in the manu- 
facture of artificial silk. The viscous liquid used to produce the silk 
is extruded through fine holes in a spinneret. As these holes may be 
only 0-003 inch in diameter they must be perfectly smooth, and 
gold-platinum metals alloys serve the purpose admirably. 

Gold has long been used in dentistry both for fillings and 
dentures; the latter are now usually made by pressure casting of a 
hardened alloy containing some 30 to 40 per cent platinum. 
Vulcanite plates may be strengthened by gold gauze or perforated 
gold sheet. The employment of gold in dental operations dates 
back to very early times. In the Corneto museum on the coast of 
Italy there were, and probably still are, two specimens of artificial 
teeth found in Etruscan tombs probably dating from four or five 

*E. A. SMITH, /. Inst. Metals, 1930, 44, 175. 



centuries B.C. The graves contained the bodies of two girls; on the 
jaw of one, two incisors were attached to their neighbours by small 
gold rings*. In the other grave the rings remained but the artificial 
teeth had fallen out. These latter had evidently been taken from 
the mouth of some large animal. Cicero (106 to 43 B.C.) quoted a 
law forbidding the incineration or burial of costly golden articles 
but allowing an exception in the case of "teeth fastened Vith gold"f 

Amongst the numerous miscellaneous uses of gold may be 
mentioned its application as target in X-ray work, as a rival of 
tungsten; in certain thermocouples, such as the pallador thermo- 
couple, for measuring high temperatures; as heat fuses; for hair 
springs for chronometers; for electrical equipment for measuring 
the speeds of aircraft engines; in radium therapy for the containers 
of the disintegration products of radon. 

The annual world output of gold is about I ooo tons, the value of 
which in pounds sterling is placed at approximately 260 millions. 
From 90 to 95 per cent of this is absorbed in bars of statutory 
400 oz. Troy weight for monetary purposes, international trade and 
exchange. The world's stock in hand of gold is believed to be 
worth some 4000 to 5000 million pounds sterling. 

Nature. 1885, 31, 564. 
\Ibid., 1885, 31, 578. 




THE alkali metals include lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium 
and caesium. 

The name alkali is derived from the Arabic al-qaliy^ calcined 
ashes, 'and refers to the carbonates of sodium and potassium which 
were obtained by lixiviation of plant ashes. Natron^ an impure 
sodium carbonate, was known in Egypt in very early times. It has 
been found in vases in tombs dating back as early as the xvinth 
Dynasty; Lucas regards it as probable that natron was already 
used for embalming royalty in the ivth Dynasty. The Latin word 
used by Pliny was natrum, but the salt came to be called Egyptian 
nitre, perhaps by confusion with the Greek word nitron. A reference 
to this salt occurs in Holy Writ "As vinegar upon nitre so is he 
that singeth songs to an heavy heart" (Prov. xxv. 20). This was a 
puzzling statement, for vinegar does not visibly affect European 
nitre, i.e.) saltpetre, and the point of the proverb was lost until 
Boyle obtained a sample of Egyptian nitre in 1680 and found by 
direct experiment that it readily effervesced with acids. The meaning 
of the proverb then became clear. The ancient Hebrews prepared 
an impure carbonate of potash under the name borith by passing 
water through vegetable ashes, probably from the salt-wort. This 
is referred to as soap in Jer. ii. 22, and Malachi iii. 2. It was not 
until the eighteenth century that sodium carbonate or soda became 
well known in Western Europe. It was then prepared from the 
ashes of marine plants. Potash or pearl ash was similarly obtained, 
namely by extraction with water from the white ashes of burnt 
wood, whence the word pot-ash. These two carbonates were 
termed "fixed alkali" to distinguish them from the volatile 
ammonium carbonate. 

That a difference existed between soda and potash was only 
gradually realised. In 1702 Stahl distinguished between "natural" 
and "artificial" alkalis, evidently referring to soda and potash, 
noting that salts of the former sometimes possessed a different 
crystalline form from the corresponding salts of the latter. In 1736 
Duhamel de Monceau observed further differences between 
"mineral" alkali, that is soda, and "vegetable" alkali or potash, 



whilst in 1758 Marggraf noted the variation in the flame colorations. 
>It was known to Geber in the eighth century that mild alkali, that is 
soda, could be converted into caustic alkali by the action of slaked 
lime, and soap was prepared at an early period by the action of this 
caustic alkali on fat. The causticity was attributed to lime dissolved 
in the alkali, but in 1756 Black proved that mild alkalis contained 
"fixed air" that is, carbon dioxide and no lime, whereas the caustic 
alkalis contained neither fixed air nor lime. They were regarded as 
elements by many chemists until the beginning of the nineteenth 
century. Indeed they conformed to Lavoisier's definition of an 
element, in that they had never been split up into anything simpler. 
Other chemists, however, doubted their elementary nature and 
the time for proving it was rapidly drawing near. 

In 1799 the Italian physicist Volta, Professor of Physics in 
Pavia, described a method of producing an electric current using 
what are known as the 'Voltaic pile" and "battery" (p. 102). The 
first battery to be used in England was in the possession of 
Nicholson and Carlisle who, the following year, effected the 
decomposition of water with its aid into its two constituent gases. 
They used platinum wires. In 1803 Berzelius and Hisinger made 
the further observation that aqueous salt solutions could be de- 
composed in a similar manner, the acid of the salt collecting round 
l^ie electrode at which the oxygen was liberated and base round 
the other electrode. 

In 1 80 1 Davy, on the invitation of Count Rumford, went to 
London to take charge of the laboratory at the Royal Institution*. 
This Count Rumfordf, one of the Founders of the Royal 
Institution, was an interesting personality. His original name was 
not Rumford but Thompson ; American by birth, he spent most of 
his life in England and on the Continent. In 1791 he was made a 
Count of the Holy Roman Empire and chose the name Rumford. 
In 1796, puzzled by the large amount of heat evolved in boring 
cannon, he began experiments from which in 1798 he concluded 
that heat was a form of energy the first scientist to suggest this. 

*See JOHN DAVY, "Memoirs of the Life of Sir Humphry Davy" (London, 
1836). This authoritative and detailed work is somewhat marred by John Davy's 
almost spiteful recurrent criticisms of the "Life of Davy" written in a delightful 
popular style by his friend Dr. Paris in 1831. Probably Paris gave a truer picture 
of the man, Humphry Davy, than did John who appears to have suffered from 
hero worship. 

JGEORGE E. ELLIS, "Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, 
with Notices of his Daughter" (Boston, 1873). 

*'' 143 


Up to that time heat had been regarded as a fluid. In 1801 he 
married Mdme Lavoisier, widow of the famous scientist executed' 
in 1794. 

In 1802 Davy was promoted to the Professorship and in 1805 
to the Directorate of the Royal Institution. 

Davy was keenly interested in the new applications of electricity 
to chemical problems, and prepared a powerful battery for his own 
use. Experimenting with solutions of caustic potash he found that 
hydrogen and oxygen alone were liberated; so then he tried the 
effedt of the current on solid caustic potash, rendered sufficiently 
moist by brief exposure to air to conduct the current. The experi- 
m?nt was an immediate success and raised Davy instantaneously 
to the pinnacle of fame. At the electrode where, in previous 
experiments, hydrogen had appeared, globules like mercury, 
possessed of high metallic lustre and great chemical reactivity 
were seen. Some of them ignited explosively and burned with a 
bright flame, others remained and soon tarnished. His laboratory 
book, dated I9th October 1807, bears the comment "A capital 
experiment". This new metal Davy named potassium. Shortly after 
Davy had isolated the metal, Dr. George Pearson called at the 
Royal Institution. Seeing the lustrous metal he said "Why, it is 
metallic to be sure", and then, balancing it on his finger, remarked 
"Bless me, how heavy it isl"* How easily we are misled by our 
preconceptions! To Dr. Pearson all metals were necessarily heavy. 
Actually, the density of potassium is well below that of water, and 
less than one-third that of aluminium. 

Flushed with his success, Davy repeated his experiment a few 
days later, this time using caustic soda, and was rewarded by the 
liberation of his second new metal sodium. He also obtained this 
element by decomposing sodium chloride with metallic potassium. 

Dr. Paris, in his very charming life of Davy published in 1831, 
states that Napoleon was extremely angry that the honour of 
discovering the alkali metals should have fallen to the English, the 
nation that stood between him and the conquest of Europe and 
who, though he knew it not then, were destined to rob him of the 
victor's laurels and consign him to eat his heart out in solitude at 
St. Helena. He called the French scientists together and demanded 
of them why they had not forestalled Davy. For want of a better 
answer they replied that they did not possess an electric battery 

PARIS, "Life of Sir Humphry Davy", 1831, vol. I, p. 268. 


sufficiently powerful. Napoleon commanded them to have one made 
at once and when it arrived he called at the Academy to see 
it. Before any one could stop him he placed the terminals in his 
mouth to try the strength of the current. The shock on ])is 
tongue must have been terrific; he left the Academy without a 

Of the two metals it is only sodium that is used to any extent in 
its metallic state. It is required in manufacturing sodium peroxide, 
cyanide and sodamide. An alloy with potassium is liquid at the 
ordinary temperature and is used in thermometry. Sodium is a 
useful reagent in organic chemistry as in the manufacture of 
synthetic rubber; it was at one time used in manufacturing 
metallic aluminium and magnesium by replacement in the chlorides ; 
but these metals are now obtained electrolytically. An alloy with lead 
finds application in the manufacture of "ethyl", that is, lead 
tetraethyl, for anti-knock motor spirit. Its property of emitting 
electrons when exposed to light enables it to be used in photo- 
electric cells. 


The next element of the alkali group to be discovered was lithium in 
1818, by Arfvedson* who was working under Berzelius in his 
famous laboratory at Stockholm. Arfvedson was examining the 
mineral petalite, then recently discovered by d'Andrada in the iron 
mine at Uto, Sweden, and so named from the Greek petalon, leaf, 
because of its cleavage. The mineral was thought to be sodium 
aluminium silicate, but analysis on this assumption exceeded 100 
per cent. Examination of the alkali portion of the mineral showed 
that it was not sodium but a new element which it was decided to 
call lithium from the Greek lithos, stone, in recognition of its being 
discovered in the mineral kingdom whereas the two previous 
alkali metals occurred in the vegetable world. Petalite is now 
regarded as lithium aluminium disilicate, LiAl(Si 2 O 6 ) 2 . The 
characteristic red colour imparted to the flame by lithium salts was 
observed by C. G. Gmelin in 1818, but neither he nor Arfvedson 
succeeded in isolating the metal, although they tried both to reduce 
the oxide with iron and carbon, and to electrolyse its salts; their 
voltaic pile was evidently insufficiently powerful. Both Brandes 
and Davy in 1820, however, succeeded in decomposing lithia 

*ARFVEDSON, Schweigger's /., 1817, 22, 93; Ann. Chim. Phys., 1819, (2), 10, 82. 



electrolytically, but only in small amount. It was Bunsen* and 
Matthiessen who, in 1855, obtained metallic lithium by electrolysis 
of the fused chloride in sufficient amount to enable them to make a 
careful study of its properties. 

Lithium is used to a limited extent in industry in various alloys. 
It increases the tensile strength and resistance of magnesium alloys 
to corrosion; a calcium-lithium alloy is used in purifying copper 
for high conductivity work. Addition of about o-i per cent of 
lithium to aluminium-zinc alloys enhances their tensile strength. 

Rubidium and caesium 

The story of the discovery of rubidium and caesium introduces 
the' spectroscope as an important adjunct to the chemist's equipment. 
In 1852 Bunsen succeeded Leopold Gmelin in the chair of 
chemistry at Heidelberg. He felt that chemists ought to collaborate 
as fully as possible with physicists, and when the chair of physics 
fell vacant in 1854 he strongly advocated the appointment of 
Kirchhoff who had been his colleague at Breslau. The two men 
then collaborated. Kirchhoff showed Bunsen that it was more 
efficient to examine the flames coloured with various salts through 
a prism than merely through coloured glass, and the two designed 
the Bunsen-Kirchhoff spectroscope, which proved invaluable both 
for chemical analysis and for the discovery of new elements. In 1859 
Kirchhoff found the cause of the dark lines in the solar spectrum/ 
first measured by the Munich optician Fraunhofer and now known 
as the Fraunhofer lines. As a result of extensive researches on the 
emission spectra of different elements, Bunsen and Kirchhoff in 
1860 established the following fundamental principles 

(1) Every element when sufficiently excited in the gaseous 
state yields its own characteristic spectrum. 

(2) The vapour of an element can be inferred with certainty 
when its spectral lines are present. 

These conclusions were of unusual importance. To begin with 
they made it possible for the first time, apart from the examination 
of meteorites, to determine the chemical composition of celestial 
bodies such as the sun. We have already seen (p. 42) that in 1868 
the presence of helium was detected in that luminary and since 
then some 40 more of our terrestrial elements have been detected 
there also. > 

Another direction in which these optical principles have proved 
*BUNSEN, AnndUn, 1855, 94, 107. 
146 , 


valuable has been in detecting the presence of traces of substances 
in various materials. The eye is extraordinarily sensitive to light. If 
an ordinary pea is allowed to fall through an inch under the 
influence of gravity it yields a certain amount of potential energy, 
extremely minute, but none the less definite. If that minute amount 
of energy were converted into light, the average human eye could 
just detect it. 

For many years the spectroscope afforded the only general 
method of detecting minute traces of elements and as it led to such 
far-reaching results much attention has since been paid to the 
detecting of traces by this and by other means, so that micro- 
chemistry has now become an extremely important branqji of 
chemical science. 

In 1860 Bunsen and Kirchhoff* announced the spectroscopic 
discovery of a new alkali metal in the mineral waters of Dtirkheim. 
The waters had been concentrated and the spectrum examined 
with the result that two very characteristic new blue lines were 
observed, close together, indicating the presence of a new element. 
It was proposed to call the new metal caesium from the Latin 
caesius, sky blue. Some 50 grams of the hexachlorplatinate, 
CsaPtCl e , were ultimately obtained by evaporation of 40 tons of 
the waters, more than a kilogram of lithium carbonate being 
obtained as by-product. A few months later, namely early in 1861, 
Bunsen and Kirchhoff announced the discovery of a second 
element, this time in lepidolite, which yielded, in addition to others, 
two magnificent dark red lines in its spectrum. The name rubidium 
was suggested, from the latin rubidus^ dark red. Lepidolite or 
lithium mica, so called because of its bright scaly appearance 
(Greek lepidos scale, lithos stone) is essentially a fluo-siiicate of 
lithium and aluminium. 

Caesium is not only of interest as being the first metal to be 
discovered spectroscopically. As early as 1846 Plattner had exam- 
ined polluxite, then believed to be merely potassium aluminium 
silicate, but the analysis, on this assumption, did not work out at 
100 per cent. Some alkali appeared to be missing. After the 
discovery of caesium, Pisanif, in 1864, re-examined the mineral 
and showed it to contain this new element, and not potassium, 
whose salts its own so closely resemble. The higher atomic weight 

*BUNSEN and KIRCHHOFF, Pogg. Annalen, 1861, US, 342; 1863, 119, I. 
Annalen, 1862. 122, 347; 1863, 125, 367. 

fPiSANi, Compt. rend., 1864, 58, 714. Annalen, 1864, 132, 31. 



of the caesium explained the missing percentage of alkali. Polluxite, 
usually given the formula Cs2O.Al 2 O 3 .5SiO 2 .H 2 O, but more 
probably represented by iCs^.sAljOg^SiCVHjjO, is the main 
soijjrce of caesium compounds to-day; clear, colourless crystals of 
polluxite from Oxford County, Maine, U.S.A. have been used as 
gem stones. Caesium beryl, 3BeO.Al 2 O 3 .6SiO 2 , contains up to 
4-56 per cent of caesium, calculated as CsaO. It is usually pink and 
is known as morganite after James Pierpont Morgan. 

Bunsen succeeded in isolating rubidium in 1863 by electrolysis 
of the fused chloride, but nearly twenty years elapsed before 
caesium was first isolated by Setterberg in 1882 by electrolysis of 
the cyanide in the presence of barium cyanide. 

Rubidium has been, and caesium now is, used in photo-electric 
cells and thermionic valves. 

Numerous attempts have been made to find ^-caesium, the 
element of atomic number 87, that would normally occupy the 
position in the periodic table between radon and radium. In 1931 
Papish, of Cornell University, claimed to have detected it in 
samarskite, a complex niobo-tantalate named after the Russian 
von Samarski; but the evidence is not substantiated. The name 
suggested was virginium. In 1933 Remy-Gennetfe suggested that 
the helium content of certain minerals may have originated from 
the decomposition of ^-caesium, which has now almost if not 
entirely disappeared. In 1936 Professor Horia Hulubei, in Paris, 
believed he had detected the X-ray "L" spectrum of No. 87 in 
alkali metals obtained from polluxite and suggested the name 
moldavium*. Element 87 was discovered in 1939 by Mile Percy 
in Paris as a branch product of the actinium series and the name 
francium or franconium suggested. 

*HULUBEI, Compt. rend., 1936, 202, 1927; 1937. 205, 854. 




THE group to be considered in this chapter includes magnesium, 
calcium, strontium and barium. Radium is discussed later (p. 313). 
The modern conception of an earth is little different from that 
given by Nicholson in 1796 in his "First Principles of Chemistry ", 
We now know their chemical compositions however. Briefly 
defined, they are refractory metallic oxides, incombustible, infusible, 
insoluble in water, and destitute of metallic splendour to use 
Nicholson's words. They may be conveniently divided into four 
groups, namely 

(1) Alkaline earths, such as lime and baryta. 

(2) Acid earths, including silica and tantala. 

(3) Rare earths, such as ceria and yttria. 

(4) Earths proper, e.g., ferric oxide and alumina. 

We may now consider the first of these groups. 

Owing to their prevalence among surface rocks, chalk, limestone, 
dolomite, magnesite, and other compounds of magnesium and the 
alkaline earths have been known to and used by man from very 
early times. But, of course, they were not distinguished the one 
from the other. The Romans referred to lime under the name of 
calx and both Dioscorides (circa A.D, 50) and Pliny (23 to 79) 
described lime-burning, which was probably even then an 
ancient process. Early mortars were made with equal quantities of 
sand and lime, but modern ones contain 2 of sand to i of lime as 
experiment shows this to give better results. 

Mention has already been made (p. 76) of the fact that in 1602 
a Bolognese shoemaker, Casciorolus, observed that "heavy spar", 
our barytes, became luminescent after ignition with a combustible 
substance and from that time Bolognian phosphorus became famous. 
Cronstedt called the mineral marmor metallicum and in 1750 
Marggraf found it to contain sulphuric acid, but mistook the base 
for lime. 

In 1774 Scheele gave a detailed account of his researches on 
pyrolusite, then known variously as manganese or magnesia. This 



mineral frequently contains barium compounds, and Scheele 
mentioned that in addition to lime it contained "a new species of 
earth which, so far as I know, is as yet unknown." 

This earth was shown by Gahn the following year to be the same 
as that present in heavy spar, or barium sulphate, and in 1779 
Scheele showed that the earth in heavy spar was quite distinct 
from lime. * 

Guyton de Morveau, who with Lavoisier, Fourcroy, and 
Berthollet, devised a more appropriate system of chemical nomen- 
clature 1 than then existed, suggested barote as a suitable name for 
this earth; Lavoisier preferred baryta (Greek bartu heavy) and 
Kirwan, the Irish chemist, called it barytes a name that has been 
retained for the mineral. 

In 1782 Withering, the famous Birmingham doctor who 
introduced the foxglove into medicine, discovered barium carbonate 
in the Leadhills, Scotland. This was called terra ponderosa aerata, 
but later the cumbersome appellation was altered to Witherite. i 

Shortly after this a mineral found in lead mines at Strontian in 
Argyll was mistaken for witherite. In 1790 Crawford suggested 
that it contained a new earth which he called strontia. His views 
were confirmed by numerous other investigators. The mineral was 
named strontianite\ it is the carbonate, SrCO 3 . The sulphate was 
first found by Clayfield near Bristol, where it is still incorrectly 
called "strontia" in the trade. The beautiful blue colour of some 
specimens led to the name celestine; it is probably caused by 
traces of colloidal gold. 

The medicinal value of Epsom spring water was discovered in 
the reign of Queen Elizabeth (1558 to 1603). According to local 
tradition it happened this wise. One very dry summer a farmer dug 
round a spring to make a pond for his cattle. But although dying of 
thirst the poor beasts would not touch the water. He marvelled at 
this, tasted the water, and marvelled no more. It was "bitter", but 
one thing it did do: it kept the flies off. The relaxing action of the 
water was soon noticed and by 1640 Epsom Spa had become 
famous; in 1695 Nehemiah Grew, a London physician, wrote an 
account of the medicinal salt from the spring. In 1700 George and 
Francis Moult established a factory for obtaining the salt from a 
spring at Shooters Hill near London. In England the salt was 
called Epsom Salt, but on the Continent it was referred to as Sal 
Anglhum. In such high esteem were the Epsom Salts held that at 
St. Bartholomew's Hospital alone, in the early years of the 



century, no fewer than 2^ tons were consumed annually. No 
wonder the springs became exhausted and Epsom lost its early 
prosperity as a spa. 

About this time a white powder was sold in Rome as a medicine, 
and its source was kept secret a procedure not unknown e\ten 
in recent times with patent medicines. It was a basic carbonate of 
magnesium and was called magnesia alba in contrast with black 
oxide of manganese, which was often called simply magnesia or 
magnesia nigra. It was Black, who, in 1755, first distinguished 
between chalk, lime, and slaked lime and between these and 
magnesia. He pointed out that the latter gave a soluble salt with 
oil of vitriol, whereas lime gave an insoluble compound. 

Although up to the close of the eighteenth century lime* was 
generally regarded as an element, Lavoisier thought otherwise. He 
argued that if certain metals had a greater affinity for oxygen than 
carbon had, it might not be possible with the means then available 
to reduce their oxides. Hence many substances classed generally 
as earths might merely be refractory oxides. Davy was of a like 
opinion and his view was supported when he succeeded in isolating 
metallic sodium and potassium from their hydroxides. In 
November 1 807, only a few days after his successful decomposition 
of the alkalis, Davy was taken seriously ill. His medical adviser, 
Dr. Babington, attributed it to overwork and excitement. It was 
not until March the following year (1808) that he was able to 
continue his researches. He then attempted to decompose the 
alkaline earths electrolytically. His efforts, however, were unavailing 
until he received a communication from Berzelius to the effect that 
Pontin and himself had succeeded in preparing amalgams of 
calcium and of barium by electrolysing an intimate mixture of 
mercury and lime (or baryta). Davy now tried again; he mixed 
moist lime with one-third of its weight of mercuric oxide and laid 
it on a platinum plate which was made anode. A small cavity in the 
centre of the mixture was filled with mercury and rendered cathodic 
with a platinum wire. Sufficient amalgam was obtained to enable 
Davy to distil off the mercury and obtain a little (impure) calcium*. 
[n a similar manner he obtained barium, strontium, and magnesium. 
The last-named metal he named magnium, lest it should be confused 
svith manganese because, as mentioned above, pyrolusite was known 

*DAVY, Phil. Trans., 1808, 98, 341. Also "Alembic Club Reprint 1 ', No. 6, 1894. 
BERZELIUS and PONTIN, Gilbert's Annalen, 1810, 36, 255. FRIEND, Nature, 1950, 
166, 615. 



variously as manganese, magnesia, and black magnesia; but the 
name magnesium has, by common consent, been retained. 
Magnesia was the name of a peninsular in East Thessaly where 
magnetic iron ore was found (p. 256), and the names of both 
mknganese and magnesium appear to have been derived from this 

Although barytes is dense the metal barium on isolation was 
found to be by no means dense (D 3-78) and E. D. Clarke*, 
Professor of Mineralogy at Cambridge from 1808 to 1822, 
suggested that the name barium was in consequence a misnomer. 
He claimed to have obtained the metal by heating the monoxide to 
a high temperature in the oxyhydrogen flame and suggested 
that plutonium would be a more appropriate name. In Thomas 
Thomson's "System of Chemistryf" the metal is referred to by 
this name (p. 326). 

Davy's specimens of the metals were both small in amount and 
impure. Magnesium was first prepared in coherent form by 
Bussy:): in 1829. He ignited a mixture of magnesium chloride and 
metallic potassium. Upon extracting the potassium chloride with 
water, shining globules of magnesium were left. 

Of the various metals of this group, magnesium is by far the 
most important in industry. 

Magnesium is usually manufactured by electrolysis of the 
double chloride KCl.MgCl 2 . It is used in pyrotechny, Bengal and 
flash lights. The metallurgist finds it useful in preparing brass free 
from blow-holes and in improving nickel castings. It was used 
during the war very extensively in making incendiary bombs 
which contained some 93 of Mg and 7 of Al. As ribbon and wire it 
is used in the degasification of radio valves ; as rods, bars or plates 
to replace zinc in batteries as it gives a higher E.M.F. Magnesium 
enters in small or large amounts into several important alloys such 
as duralumin, magnalium, and electron, the last named consisting 
of approximately copper 0-5, zinc 4-5, and magnesium 95 per cent. 
The high per cent magnesium alloys are valuable when lightness 
combined with strength is required as in aircraft and automobile 
industries. Sheet and tubing are utilised in aeroplane fuselages, 

*WEBB, Nature, 1947, 160, 164. Reference is made to REV. W. OTTER, "Life 
and Remains of Edward Daniel Clarke" (London, 1825). 

fTHOMAS THOMSON, "System of Chemistry" (London, 1817) 5th Edition, 
Vol. i, p. 342. 

JBussv, /. Pharm. Chirn., 1829, 15, 30. 



cabins and steering parts, electric fans and in some musical instru- 

The main use of metallic calcium is as a de-oxidiser in steel 
manufacture ; as a hardening agent for lead when it rivals antimony 
or tellurium in quantities or less than I per cent; with lead it yields 
bearing metals when present in quantities exceeding i per cent; 
the Bahn-metall used by German railways contained calcium, 
sodium and lead. An alloy .known as ulco comprised lead with less 
than i per cent of calcium and barium; it is harder than ordinary 
commercial lead alloys, expands on solidification and gives tastings 
free from blow-holes. It has been used in shrapnel bullets. Calcium 
has also been used in the production of high vacuum, the separation 
of argon from nitrogen, as a reducing agent, and also for desiccation 
purposes in the laboratory. 

Metallic strontium has no industrial application. Metallic 
barium finds a limited use in several alloys; e.g., with lead and 
calcium in bearing alloys; with aluminium, magnesium or nickel 
for radio-valves. 

Although radium belongs chemically to this group of elements 
it is convenient to discuss it later in a section dealing with the 
radio-elements (p. 313). 




THE zinc group comprises oeryinum, zinc ana caamium. 


The emerald has been prized from very early times and Cleopatra's 
Emerald Mines in Upper Egypt were worked in 1650 B.C. 
many* centuries before that famous queen saw the light. Stones 
with a bluish-green cast are known as aquamarines and H.M. 
Queen Elizabeth is said to have a collection of these, her favourite 
stones. The aquamarine is regarded as a lucky stone. 

The famous French crystallographer, Ren6 Just Hatiy, enun- 
ciator in 1784 of the Law of Rational Intercepts, believed 
that substances of identical crystal form must haVe the same 
chemical composition as well as the same constitution. This we now 
know to be absolutely true. This rule must not be confused with 
Mitscherlich's Law of Isomorphism which, of course, is not rigidly 
true only approximately so. 

Now Hatiy observed that the beryl and the emerald were 
geometrically identical and he asked Vauquelin to compare their 
analyses. The beryl had hitherto been regarded as calcium alumin- 
ium silicate, but Vauquelin showed that not only were the beryl 
and emerald identical chemically but that they contained a new 
element, the oxide of which he called terre du BeriL This result was 
published in 1798 and the new earth was called la glucine at the 
suggestion of the editor of the Annales de Chimie et de Physique 
because Vauquelin stated that its salts were at first sweet to the 
taste. The Germans, however, adopted the term Eeryllerde and the 
names glucinum and beryllium were subsequently adopted to 
denote the metal itself. In 1924 the Chemical Society decided to 
adopt the name beryllium instead of glucinum a very sensible 
decision, though perhaps somewhat long overdue. 

The metal itself was not isolated for many years. In 1828 
Bussy* and Wflhlerf independently obtained it by reduction of the 

*BUSSY, Dingier' s Poly. /., 1828, 29, 466. 
fWdHLER, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1828, (2), 39, 77. 



chloride with metallic potassium. It is now usually prepared by 
electrolysis of the double fluoride, K ? BeF 4 . 

Owing to the resemblance of its compounds to those of 
aluminium it was at first thought that beryllium would be trivalent. 
This received support from specific heat determinations and the 
application of Dulong and Petit's rule. The combining weight of 
beryllium was found to be 4-7, and Berzelius regaVded it as 
trivalent, so that its atomic weight was roughly 14. Its specific heat 
between o and 100 C. was 0*42 giving an atomic weight of 
approximately 6-4 -f- 0*42 or 15-2. This supported Berzelius. 

Mendel^eff had no room in his Periodic Table for an element 
with this atomic weight ; he had, however, a vacancy for one f of 9 
and in his table dated 1869 (? I 7) ^ e placed beryllium between 
lithium and boron, ascribing to it a valency of two. Confirmation 
was afforded when in 1884 Nilson and Pettersson* determined the 
vapour density of its chloride, showing its formula to be BeCl 2 , and 
again when in 1887 Mallardf observed that crystallised beryllia 
is isomorphous with crystallised zinc oxide, ZnO, and must there- 
fore have a similar structure, namely BeO. 

Beryllium is too expensive to be widely used as a metal by itself 
or as the main constituent of alloys. It is claimed that 2-5 per cent of 
beryllium added to copper is useful for springs, giving a sixfold 
tensile strength and higher fatigue endurance limit especially under 
conditions of corrosion. One per cent added to silver is said to make 
it resistant to tarnish. The alloy is heated in hydrogen to 400 with 
a little water vapour whereby a thin protective film of oxide is 

Pure beryllium is now being used in the construction of the 
metal "windows" of X-ray tubes as it is more transparent to the 
rays than aluminium. 


Metallic zinc was not known to the ancients. The "brass" of the 
Old Testament was not usually our alloy of copper and zinc, but 
bronze, that is an alloy of copper and tin, although apparently 
brass was occasionally made by accident when copper ores contain- 
ing zinc were reduced (p. 99). Certainly metallic zinc was not known, 

*NILSON and PETTERSSON, Compt. rend., 1884, 98, 588; Ann. Chim. Phys., 1886, 
(6)' 9 554* COMBES (Compt. rend., 1894, 119, 1222) proved in a similar manner 
that Be is divalent in its acetylacetonate, Be(C,H 7 O g ),. 

fMALLARD, Zeitsch. Krysl. Min. t 1888, 14, 605; 1888, 15, 650. 



cither, to the Egyptians as they had no word for it. Brass was well 
known to the Romans, but they made it by reducing calamine, or 
natural zinc carbonate, with charcoal in the presence of copper; 
brass was thus produced without the isolation of the zinc. 

The Indians appear to have been the first to obtain the metal. 
In the Rasarnava Tantra*, written about A.D.I 200, a flood of light 
is thrown on the scientific knowledge of the Hindoos of the twelfth 
century. The tantra takes the form of a dialogue between the God 
Siva and his consort. We are told that "calamine mixed with wool, 
lac, ." . . and borax, and heated in a covered crucible yields an 
essence of the appearance of tin." Obviously this "essence" was 
zinc, although the Indian alchemists did not at first recognise it as 
a separate metal. But in the medical Lexicon ascribed to King 
Madanapala, written probably in 1374, zinc is clearly regarded as 
an individual metal under the name of Jasada. It would thus 
appear that the smelting of zinc was first carried out in India. 
From thence the art may have been carried to China or it may have 
been independently developed there. The Chinese were certainly 
acquainted with the metal'in the sixteenth century; slabs of zinc of 
98 per cent purity have been found in the Kuang Tung Province, 
dating back to 1588. A primitive method of extracting the metal 
from its ore is described in the Chinese book Tien kong kai wu 
of 1637. 

The term zinkum was apparently first used by the arch- 
alchemist Paracelsus (1493 to 1541) and was applied, for long 
after, to both ore and metal. The word spelter, applied to commer- 
cial zinc, is regarded as allied to German Spiauter or Spialter 
pewter, and dates from the time of Boyle. 

In 1546 Agricola (p. 50) mentioned a white metal counter/ ei 
found on the walls of furnaces smelting lead ore at Goslar in the 
Harz. This may have been zinc. 

During the seventeenth century the nature of zinc was mis- 
understood; it was frequently confused with bismuth. In 1695 
Homberg identified it as the metal in blende and about 1700 
Johann Kunckel von Lflwenstein recognised that calamine contains 
a metal that alloys with copper in the manufacture of brass. It may 
be recalled that both Homberg and Kunckel played an important 
r6le in the discovery of phosphorus (p. 76). Percy states that 
Henckel was the first person in Europe to make metallic zinc from 

*P. C. RAY, "A History of Hindu Chemistry" (Williams and Norgate), 1902, 
Volume i, pp. 39, 86. 



calamine direct in 1721. In 1738 William Champion patented a 
method of obtaining the metal, likewise from calamine, and in 1743 
erected a zinc factory at Bristol. The first Continental zinc works 
were established at Lige in 1807. The production of zinc in this 
country in the middle of the eighteenth century was small, "the 
metal being imported from China and India as required. In 1731 it 
cost some .260 per ton. By 1820 the production had increased so 
much that the export of zinc from England about equalled the 
total imports, so that the country was in effect self-supporting as 
regards the metal. 

Metallic zinc in one form or another finds a very wide application 
in commerce. Zinc dust, under the name of zinc fume or, blue 
powder which is really a mixture of zinc and its oxide is used 
as a reducing agent, for example, in dye manufacture. Zinc 
shavings are precipitants for gold and silver. Zinc is sometimes 
used in coinage as sharp impressions are obtainable. In 1920, after 
World War I, Belgium was using zinc coins. They were very 
unpleasant to handle and left one's pockets in a messy state. In 
France zinc is used for statuettes, etc, these being usually coloured 
or bronzed afterwards. Some of the statuettes contain about 1 7 per 
cent copper as the alloy yields a sharp impression on casting. 
Important alloys such as brass, delta metal, nickel silver (p. 297) 
and our silver coinage (p. 1 17), have already been referred to or are 
dealt with later. Motor-car handles are made of an alloy containing 
94 to 95 zinc, 4 Al, i to 2 Cu and 0-25 to 0-5 Mg. 

An enormous amount of zinc is used in wet galvanising, a 
process that was patented by Crawfurd in 1837. It is still a more 
or less rule-of-thumb procedure and although only one quality of 
galvanised iron is recognised the amount of zinc actually present 
on the steel varies greatly. As a rule the resistance is roughly 
proportional to the amount of zinc present. In 1935 R. H. Vallance 
and the writer analysed several galvanised articles and were 
surprised at the variation in zinc content. A few of the results are 
as follow 

Sheet iron (i) . . . . . . 0-54 oz. per sq. ft. 

(ii) 0-72 

Soap rack .. .. .. 1-23 

Bucket 1-36 

Handbowl . . . . . . 1*94 

The thickest Admiralty Specification is 1-25 oz. 



Sherardising) a process which was introduced by Cowper Coles in 
1900, and since 1923 firmly established as a trade in this country, 
as well as the direct spraying of zinc, afford further uses for the 
metal. Minor uses are in making the so-called zinc-copper couples, 
in granulated form in various chemical experiments in laboratories, 
as anodes in cells such as Lechanch and dry cells used extensively 
for bells in domestic service. Zinc "plating** of the inside of the 
nose was prescribed at one of the London Hospitals in 1937 as 
part of "defence measures" for hay fever victims. 


The, discovery of cadmium solved a puzzling pharmaceutica 
problem. Friedrich Stromeyer*, professor of medicine at Gftttingen 
was also the Inspector General of the Hanoverian pharmacists. In 
1817 he noticed that zinc carbonate was being used in a certain 
area instead of the prescribed zinc oxide in compounding a certain 
preparation. Upon inquiry he was informed that, on ignition to 
oxide, the zinc carbonate developed an orange-yellow colour, 
though apparently free from iron and lead. As this rendered it un- 
suitable for the purpose in hand, white zinc carbonate had been 
substituted. On dissolution in acid, the coloured oxide gave a 
yellow precipitate with hydrogen sulphide which it was feared was 
arsenic sulphide. 

"This information induced me", wrote Stromeyer,"to examine 
the oxide of zinc more carefully and I found, to my surprise, that 
the colour it assumed was due to the presence of a peculiar 
metallic oxide, the existence of which had not hitherto been sus- 
pected. I succeeded by a peculiar process in freeing it from the 
oxide of zinc and in reducing it to the metallic state." - 

This metal Stromeyer named cadmium, since cadmia is an old 
name for calamine or zinc carbonate, derived from the Lat. calamus 
reed, in allusion to its slender stalactitic forms. To avoid confusion 
it should be mentioned that American mineralogists know natural 
zinc carbonate under the name of smithsonite, after Smithson, who 
founded the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, and who 
analysed the mineral in 1803. Unfortunately, the Americans use 
the term calamine to designate our hemimorphite, ZnjSiC^.HjO, 
or more probably Z^OH^.ZnaSiaCVHgO, since one half of the 

*STROMEYER, Ann. Chim. Phys., 1819, (2), 11, 76. Gilbert's Annalen, 1818, 60, 
193. Schweigger's /., 1818, 22, 362. 



total water content can be removed without destruction of the 
crystal, but not more than half. 

The pure metal is used in the cadmium and Weston standard 
cells, invaluable for the accurate determination of E.M.F's. It is 
sprayed on to steel to protect against corrosion ; sometimes it is plated 
on to steel prior to chromium plating. Alloys of cadmium with 2 per 

cent of Ni, or of 2-25 Ag plus 0-25 Cu are used in ^automobiles 
etc, as handles, and for other purposes. 

Many alloys melting at low temperatures contain cadmium; 
these are useful as fusible metals. Thus, Wood's alloy contains 
4 Bi, 2 Pb, i Sn and i Cd; it melts at about 70 C. (p. 88). 
Extensive use is made of cadmium in bearing alloys, the other 
metals being nickel, nickel -f- silver, copper -f- silver, or copper -f- 
magnesium. These alloys have low coefficients of friction, greater 
resistance to fatigue, and are harder than the tin-base Babbitts. 
Unfortunately, they are easily attacked by organic acids in lubrica- 
ting oils. To improve their resistance to these they are first plated 
with indium and then heated to permit diffusion of indium into the 
Hoy. Such alloys are known as cadmium base white bearing metals 
(p. 1 66). 

Both the metre and the yard have now been measured in terms 
of the cadmium red spectral line (p. 308). 




THE aluminium group comprises aluminium, indium and thallium 


The Romans used the term alumen to denote substances of an 
astringent taste. One of these was a crystalline substance well known 
to Geber (died A.D. 765) and the later alchemists, who classed it 
with the vitriols. This was our "alum". 

The production of alum is an industry of great antiquity. Until 
about 1450 most of the alum used in Europe came from Asia 
Minor, the trade being mainly in the hands of the Genoese. In 1451 
Henry vi, being "hard up", confiscated all the Allow foyle belonging 
to the Genoese merchants at Southampton to the value of 8000 
a very considerable sum in those days. Presumably Henry sold this 
alum to English purchasers and thus obtained the needed ready 

The alum trade in those days was a most important one; it even 
formed the subject of papal bulls and interdicts, and entered into 
the correspondence of kings, popes and cardinals. 

It was during the fifteenth century that several alum works were 
established in Italy. The most famous of these was at Tolfa near 
Civitavecchia, the seaport of Rome, and the ancient Centum Cellae, 
whose harbour was planned by Trajan about A.D. 100. Tolfa is the 
chief place among volcanic mountains of the same name which, 
although extinct, still emit vapours. In this district the manufacture 
of so-called "Roman alum" was for centuries an industry of great 
importance. Baedeker summarises the present position somewhat 
laconically in the words "The mines are no longer of great import- 
ance, but the scenery is picturesque." 

Pope Pius ii described the origin of this industry. He stated 
that in May 1462, Giovanni de Castro, of Padua, whilst travelling 
over the mountains of Tolfa, observed a plant which*he knew also 
grew on the alum mountains of Asia Minor. This led him to look 

*A detailed account of the alum trade is given by RHYS JENKINS, Trans. 
S.E. Union of Scientific Societies, 1914, p. 57. Science Progress, 1915, 9, 488. 



for alum and he found some white stones with a salt-like taste 
which proved to be of a similiar nature to alum. It was alunite, or 
alum rocky a basic double sulphate of aluminium and potassium 
usually formulated as K 2 SO 4 .A1 2 (SO 4 ) 3 .4A1(OH)3. It was 9nly 
necessary to leach with water and crystallise the alum from the 
clear solution. 

It is better, of course, to calcine and treat the product with 
dilute sulphuric acid. This gives a solution containing excess 
aluminium sulphate, and addition of potassium sulphate enables all 
the aluminium salt to be converted into alum. This has long been 
the recognised procedure. 

De Castro hastened to acquaint His Holiness with his discovery 
and the latter, after a little initial scepticism, saw in this discovery 
the hand of God. With true Christian charity he "determined to 
employ the gift of God to His Glory in the Turkish War and 
exhorted all Christians henceforth to purchase alum only from him 
and not from the Turkish infidels." The mine was soon in operation 
and by 1463 some 8000 persons were engaged, and the papal 
treasury was enriched to the tune of some 100,000 ducats per 
annum. The following year Pope Paul n, who succeeded Pius n, 
launched a Bull excommunicating all who purchased alum from 
the unbelievers and thus set up a papal monopoly of alum in 
Europe. There was a rise in price and Charles the Bold decided in 
1467 to allow his people to buy their alum anywhere they liked. 
This annoyed the Pope who threatened Charles with personal 
excommunication, and he capitulated. 

The Tolfa alum was markedly superior to that brought from the 
east and was largely purchased by dyers and the demand rapidly 
increased. Despite the papal Bull, however, our Kings, with 
characteristic British independence reserved the right to purchase 
alum where they chose, and one Pietro Aliprando, writing in 
December 1472 to the Duke of Milan, was very outspoken in 
his views of the obstinate British. "In the morning", he wrote, 
"they are as devout as angels, but after dinner they are like 
devils, seeking to throw the Pope's messenger into the sea," In 
1545, King Henry vin arranged to take papal alum in exchange 
for lead, of which he had immense quantities presumably as the 
result of spoliation of the monasteries. The alum was brought by 
sea from Cadiz and stored in the "late dissolved house of Fryer 
Augustynes". This was regarded as a good transaction because alum 
was necessary for the dyeing industry. 



Alum was also produced from alum shale at an early date. Alum 
shales contain pyrites which on prolonged weathering, disintegrate 
and oxidise to sulphuric acid, which attacks the clay essentially 
alujninium silicate yielding aluminium sulphate and other 
substances. Both Agricola (1494 to 1555) and Libavius (1540 to 
1616) knew that, in order to obtain crystals from the solution 
obtained by leaching the weathered shales, it was necessary to add 
an alkali. Both writers mention the practice of adding decomposed 
urine for the purpose. The salt obtained would thus be essentially 
ammonium alum, whereas the papal alum was obviously the 
potassium salt. It was not until 1797 that Chaptal and Vauquelin 
showed that ammonia and potash are vicarious in alum. This 
explained why alum could be obtained from alunite without 
addition of alkali, since the potash was already present as sulphate, 
whereas it was not present in the Whitby shales. 

The discovery of the alum shales in the Upper Lias in the N. 
Riding of Yorkshire was due to Thomas Chaloner who, with others, 
obtained a joint patent for the manufacture of alum in England for 
31 years in 1607. The work was so successful that King James i 
(1603 to 1625) became interested and decided that the Crown 
should share the profits. In 1609 Chaloner's monopoly was trans- 
ferred to the Crown and, to stifle competition and thus counter the 
adverse effects that might follow through any rise in price due to 
maladministration, the importation of alum from abroad was 
prohibited. The usual result of "nationalisation" accrued; for many 
years the industry was not a success; by 1637 things had improved 
and the Yorkshire industry reached its zenith in the latter half of 
the eighteenth century; it then gradually declined to extinction. 

In 1754 Marggraf showed that alumina and lime are two distinct 
earths and that alumina is the earth present along with silica in clay. 
Davy, after his brilliant success in isolating the alkali and alkaline 
earth metals by electrolysis, endeavoured in a similar manner to 
obtain aluminium, but failed. But Oersted, discoverer of the 
magnetic action of the electric current, succeeded in 1825 by 
acting on aluminium chloride with potassium amalgam. The 
resulting aluminium amalgam was then distilled in the absence of 
air, leaving a residue of metallic aluminium, which in colour and 
lustre was stated to resemble tin. In 1827, W6hler, who found 
himself unable to repeat Oersted's experiment, obtained the metal 
by decomposing the anhydrous chloride with metallic potassium. 
In both cases the products were impure. 



The French chemist, Henri St. Claire Deville was the first to 
obtain pure aluminium. In 1854, he prepared the double chloride 
NaCl.AlQ 3 , and, by heating this with sodium, succeeded in isolating 
pure aluminium. 

In June 1881, James Fern Webster patented a process for 
producing aluminium and erected what is claimed to be the world's 
first factory at Solihull Lodge, near Birmingham. The output was 
about 20 tons weekly and in 1883 a large consignment was sent to 
the Calcutta Exhibition, where it was awarded two gold medals. 
Although one or two patents were taken out the main process was 

In 1886, Charles Hall, an American, and the Frenchman, Paul 
H6roult, solved the problem of producing aluminium electro- 
lytically from alumina in a bath of molten cryolite. Hall died in 
1914, leaving a fortune of nearly 6 million. H6roult died the same 
year ; both men were only 5 1 years of age at the time of their decease. 

The first authentic article of aluminium was a rattle for the 
infant destined later to become Emperor Napoleon in. In 1854, an 
aluminium medal was struck and presented to him, and he both 
authorised and financed experiments to manufacture the metal on 
a larger scale. He had visions of supplying his troops with helmets 
and breastplates of aluminium, but its price of over 100 per Ib. 
.rendered the proposition hopeless. After the invention of the Hall- 
H&roult electrolytic process the price fell to about 85 per ton in 
1914. The world consumption in 1938 was 550,000 tons, and by 
1941 it was close upon one million tons. It was stated in October 
1939, that bullet-proof duralumin armour was among Germany's 
new methods of warfare on the Western Front. 

Owing to its low density, 2-7 (tin is 7-3) aluminium and its 
alloys, also of low density, are particularly valuable for aircraft 
production. Small quantities of certain alloying elements increase 
the tensile strength to that of mild steel. Thus duralumin, contain- 
ing up to 5 per cent copper and small amounts of magnesium, 
manganese, silicon and iron, may have a tensile strength of 30-5 
tons per sq. in., and will weigh only one third as much as corres- 
ponding steel plates. 

Cooking utensils are made of aluminium, and elaborate 
experiments indicate that, if any aluminium thereby enters the 
system, it soon leaves the system and does no harm. 

Aluminium is used in electric transmission in place of copper; 
it is added to molten steel prior to casting to prevent blow holes. It 



is useful as a reducing agent in the production of certain metals, and 
in the manufacture of thermit. The action of this latter is due to the 
enormous heat of union of aluminium with oxygen, namely, 
399,040 gram calories per 54 grams of metal. 

In 1938 an aluminium wire was on exhibit at the Glasgow 
Empire Exhibition, of diameter o-oooi in. It was calculated that 
i oz. of this wire would cost some 5 million and would encircle 
the earth at the equator 1200 times. Some 600 of these hairs would 
be equivalent to a human hair. 

Although it readily combines with oxygen, aluminium is 
resistant to atmospheric corrosion because a thin film of closely 
adherent oxide is formed which protects the underlying metal from 
attack. Aluminium powder is therefore used as a pigment in anti- 
corrosive paints. 

In 1936 sen coins in Japan were made of aluminium. 

The excessive wear of aluminium pistons in internal combustion 
engines has been traced to oxidation with production of amorphous 
oxide, A1 2 O 8 , which hardens to corundum, which is strongly 
abrasive. To prevent this, magnesium is added to the aluminium; 
this on oxidation gives spinel, MgO.Al 2 O 3 , which is amorphous, 
stable and not abrasive. This is termed "spinelising". 

The surface of aluminium may be allowed to undergo superficial 
oxidation and then dyed with various dyes to give beautiful effects. 
The explosive ammonal, used in mining, consists of 4 to 6 parts of 
aluminium the remainder being ammonium nitrate. 

Aluminium yields many valuable alloys. Magnalium consists of 
aluminium with I to 2 per cent of magnesium ; duralumin contains 
up to 5 per cent of copper with small amounts of Mg, Mn, Fe, and 
Si; it has a low coefficient of expansion with rise of temperature, and 
plates of duralumin are only one-third the weight of equally strong 
steel ones. There is a growing interest in aluminium bronzes, 
alloys of aluminium and copper which are resistant to seawater and 
certain concentrations of sulphuric acid. Alloys of aluminium and 
silicon are also becoming important. 

The first bridge of aluminium alloy was opened at Sunderland 
in 1948, It has a span of 95 feet and is designed to carry road and 


In one sense the discovery of thallium led to that of indium as did 



the discovery of caesium to that of rubidium. Ferdinand Reich*, 
professor of physics at Freiberg, was examining some local zinc 
ores and in 1863 obtained a yellow precipitate (In 2 Sg) on passing 
hydrogen sulphide into an almost neutral solution, arsenic, etc, 
having been previously removed from the ore by roasting. He 
concluded that this contained a hitherto unknown element and asked 
his assistant Hieronymus Theodor Richter to examine the 
precipitate spectroscopically as he himself was colour blind. Richter 
noticed a brilliant line ^45 12 in the dark blue region which did not 
coincide with either of the caesium lines 4555, 4593- This was 
taken to confirm the existence of a new element, and it was 
appropriately decided to call it indium from indigo. The element was 
studied in detail by Winklerf a few years later. 

Indium occurs in widespread association with both zinc and 
tin ores. It seems improbable that this can be due to chemical 
segregation, for isomorphism of indium and tin compounds, for 
example, appears to be ruled out by their difference both in valency 
and atomic radius. It has been suggested^ that the tin isotope 115 
has gradually been transmuted into iAdium 1 1 5 by loss of an 
electron and a neutrino. The process is presumed to take place 
extremely slowly so that in finite time it escapes observation. Tin 
has eleven natural isotopes; of these Sn 115 constitutes 0^44 per 
cent. Indium comprises In 115, 95*5, and In 113, 4-5 per cent. 
The high percentage of isotope 1 1 5 in natural indium is in harmony 
with the above suggestion. 

The chlorides of indium are of considerable historical interest. 
Kekul regarded valency as a fundamental property of the atom, as 
unchangeable and invariable as the atomic weight. This view he 
retained to the last. Apparent exceptions certainly existed. Carbon 
monoxide could, however, readily be explained on the assumption 
that the two unused valencies of the carbon atom saturate each other; 
mercurous salts, such as the chloride, possessed the double formula, 
Cl-Hg-Hg-Cl, and so on. In 1888, however, Nilson and Pettersson 
showed that three distinct chlorides of indium can exist in the 
vapour state. To these they gave the formulae InCl, InCl 2 and 

*REICH and RICHTER, /. prakt. Chem., 1863, 89, 441; 1863, 90, 172; 1864, 92 
480. RICHTER, Compt. rend., 1867, 64, 827. 

fWiNKLER, /. prakt. Chem., 1865, 94, i; 1865, 95, 414; 1867, 102, 273. 

{EASTMAN, Physical Review, 1937, 52, 1226. But AHRENS dissents from this 
view (Nature, 1948, 162, 414). 

NILSON and PETTERSSON, Trans. Chem. Soc., 1888, 53, 814. Zeitsch physikal 
Chem., 1888, 2, 657. 



InQ 3 , respectively. This was the first clear example of an element 
showing three valencies; these could not be explained away by 
association or self-neutralisation in Kekul^'s manner, and were 
regarded as definitely establishing the principle of multiple valency. 
Ncf one doubts this principle to-day, though indium may not of 
necessity be divalent in InCl 2 ; it may perhaps be a complex, such 
as In[InO 4 ] or indium tetrachlorindiate, the indium atoms 
functioning with valencies of one and three, respectively. 

On account of its relatively low melting point (i56'4 C) and 
high boiling point (2087 Q indium has an unusually large liquid 
range; its use in high temperature thermometry has been advocated. 
An alloy of 1 8 per cent of indium with Wood's metal (p. 1 59) melts 
at 46 C. Small amounts up to 5 per cent are added to jewellery to 
increase the hardness. A 42 per cent alloy with silver is untarnish- 
able; but the cost is high and the alloy is difficult to work. It is 
more usual, therefore, to plate silver with indium and then by 
suitable heat treatment to induce the formation of a thin surface 
layer of untarnishable alloy. Indium is also used in dental alloys; 
it is also plated on to cadm'ium base white metal bearing alloys, and 
heated to 340 F (170 C) to diffuse it inwards whereby resistance 
to corrosion by organic acids in lubricating oils is enhanced. 


Thallium was discovered independently by Sir William Crookes* 
in England and by the Belgian chemist M. Lamy. Crookes was 
the first to make the discovery. He was the founder and editor of 
the now defunct Chemical News which, in its day, was a valuable 
contribution to scientific literature. In March 1861 he was engaged 
in extracting selenium from a deposit obtained from a sulphuric 
acid factory at Tilkerode in the Harz. Bunsen and Kirchhoff had 
just announced their discovery of caesium and rubidium with the 
aid of the spectroscope (p. 147), so Crookes tested his material in a 
similar manner. 

He noticed a new line in the green portion of the spectrum and 
in accordance with the Bunsen-Kirchhoff rule then recently 
enunciated, concluded that a new element was present to which he 
gave the name thallium from Greek thallos^ a young shoot or green 

*CROOKES, Chem. News., 1861, 3, 193, 303. Phil. Mag., 1861, (4), 21, 301. 
FOURNIER D'ALBB, "The Life of Sir William Crookes" (Unwin, 1923), Chapters 
7, 8 and 13. 


At first Crookes thought the new element was probably a metalloid 
like selenium. His early work was hampered by lack of material, 
but eventually he found that thallium was a metal and in May 1862 
was able to exhibit a few grains in powder form. 

In April 1862, Claude August Lamy* independently observed 
the same green line due to thallium in the spectrum obtained from 
slime from a sulphuric acid works at Loos, where Belgian pyrites 
were used. More fortunate than Crookes he had considerable 
quantities of material at his disposal and soon established the 
metallic nature of thallium. In May of the same year he, was able 
to display a lump of the metal and before the end of the year he 
isolated several hundred grams and gave a fairly complete account 
of the physical and chemical properties of the metal. * 

For some time the question of the priority of these two chemists 
was an unfortunate cause of dispute. There can be no doubt, how- 
ever, that Crookes was the first to observe the green line and it 
appears highly probable, too, that he was also the first to obtain the 
metal ; he claimed to have obtained it as a black powder as early as 
1st May 1862. 

At this time the Periodic Classification had not been formulated 
and it was difficult to decide to which group of elements thallium 
should be assigned. The metal resembles lead in many of its 
physical properties and a number of thallous compounds likewise 
resembled those of lead. Other thallous salts were found to be 
isomorphous with those of potassium and the spectrum of thallium 
was simple like the spectra of the alkali metals. To add to the 
uncertainty, thallic compounds resembled those of aluminium. 
For these reasons Dumas referred to thallium as "the paradoxical 
metal" and "the ornithorynchus of the metals". Mendeleff, with 
characteristic courage, classed thallium with the aluminium metals 
in his Periodic Table in 1869, and subsequent research has fully 
justified this arrangement. With an atomic number 81 it lies 
between mercury (80) and lead (82) and whilst in the monovalent 
state it shows analogy with the alkali metals, in the trivalent state 
it is a true congener of indium. 

*LAMY, Compt. rend., 1862, 54, 1255; 1862, 55, 836. Ann. Chim. Phys., 1863, 
(3), 67, 385- 




MENDELEEFF'S predictees include scandium, gallium and german- 

When once the Atomic Theory, as enunciated by John Dalton, 
circa 1803, had been accepted, numerous attempts were made by 
chemists to discover some method of grouping together those 
isola/ed portions of matter known as elements. 

In 1 8 1 6 Doebereiner directed attention to the curious fact that 
certain triads of elements existed in which the elements showed 
both a peculiar regularity in their atomic weights and a close 
similarity in chemical properties. For several years, however, the 
subject was allowed to drop into abeyance until Dumas in 1851 
again brought it to the fore; both he and other chemists added to 
the examples. Sulphur, selenium and tellurium were typical; the 
atomic weight of selenium was practically the mean of those of 
sulphur and tellurium. Five such triads were found, namely 




















At first it was hoped that all the elements might ultimately be 
grouped into these triads and that in this way a complete system of 



classifying might be evolved, for the Periodic Classification had 
not then been introduced. These hopes were, however, doomed to 
failure and a severe blow was struck at the utility of the triads when 
Cooke showed that some of them actually broke into natural 
groups of four or five closely related elements, as in the case of 4he 
halogens and the alkali metals respectively. 

A second group of triads was also known in which *the atomic 
weights of the constituent elements were closely similar; these 
were the iron and platinum metals. In the accompanying list the 
modern atomic weights are used as in the previous table.. 

Iron .. 55-85 Ruthenium.. 101-7 Osmium .. 190-2 
Cobalt .. 58-94 Rhodium .. 102-91 Iridium .. 193-1 
Nickel . . 58-69 Palladium . . 106-7 Platinum . . 195-23 

Some years later, when the atomic weights had been revised by 
Cannizzaro, Chancourtois observed that certain remarkable reg- 
ularities were brought out by arranging the elements in the order of 
increasing atomic weights, and in 1862 he arranged them in a 
spiral round a vertical cylinder divided into 16 vertical sections 
known as the Telluric Screw. The elements in any vertical section 
were seen to possess analogous chemical and physical properties. 

About this time Newlands was working along similar lines and 
in a series of papers from 1864 to 1866 introduced his generalisa- 
tion known as The Law of Octaves. In a series of short papers he 
showed that when the elements are arranged in order of increasing 
atomic weights, similarities between their properties become 
apparent periodically between the first and last of every eight 
elements. Thus lithium, sodium and potassium resembled each 
other; counting lithium as I, sodium was 8; with sodium I, 
potassium was 8, and so on. Hence the term octave. At first 
Newlands' papers were ridiculed and the coincidences ascribed to 
chance. In 1866, at a meeting of the Chemical Society when a 
paper entitled "The Law of Octaves and the Causes of the 
Numerical Relations among the Atomic Weights" was being 
discussed, one cynic inquired if Newlands had ever examined the 
elements according to their initial letters and suggested that such 
a study might prove profitable. Newlands, however, did not pursue 
the subject. 

In 1869 and in subsequent years Lothar Meyer and Mendel^eff 
independently made similar observations and these generalisations 
came to be known as the Periodic Law. 




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Can any good come out of Nazareth? Prophets often remain 
unrecognised in their own country. As soon as Meyer and 
Mendel^eff recognised the periodicity of the elements, the British 
began to think that after all there might be something in Newlands' 
observations. At that time, however, not only was the number/ of 
elements known to the chemist relatively small but the values 
assigned to their atomic weights were often faulty, even* when their 
equivalent weights were known with reasonable accuracy. Thus 
the atomic weight assigned to beryllium was 14, indium 76 and 
uranium 120, and these values threw them out of their true 
positions. As more elements were discovered and their atomic 
weights correctly determined, the general truth of the Periodic 
Law came to be appreciated and attempts were made to bring; the 
recalcitrant elements into line. 

The periodic table drawn up by Mendel6eff in 1869, as it 
appeared when published in English in 1871, is shown on p. 170. 
It is much the same as the modern Ideal Periodic Table^ shown 
on page 5, in which the elements are arranged in the order 
of the increasing electric charge on tho atomic nucleus, which is 
much the same as the order of increasing atomic weights. There is 
one important difference, namely the inclusion of the inert gases in 
column "o" by William Ramsay; these gases were of course unknown 
in 1869. This scheme was an enormous advance on anything 
which an arrangement based on the Doebereiner triads could hope 
to be. The vertical groups held not only all the triads but the other 
elements associated with them, so that natural groups were no 
longer dissected. Thus the 5 alkali metals and the 4 halogens fell 
into groups i and vi respectively. There were, however, certain 
difficulties; but Mendel^eff, believing in the real existence of 
periodicity, felt that these were due to incorrect data and sought 
means of harmonising all the discrepancies. 

Taking the three elements mentioned above, Mendel^eff 
suggested that, as their equivalent weights were well known, it 
might well be that the valencies assigned to them were incorrect. 
Thus from its resemblance to aluminium, beryllium was regarded 
as trivalent and its atomic weight was in consequence taken as 
4*7 X 3 or 14-1; if, however, the analogy were mistaken and 
beryllium ought really to be compared with magnesium and 
calcium, its valency would be 2 and its atomic weight in consequence 
4*7 x 2 or 9*4. In that event there was room in his table. 
Mendeleff therefore assumed that this was correct and boldly 



placed beryllium at the head of group n. Similarly he assumed that 
indium was trivalent, resembling aluminium rather than zinc, so 
that its atomic weight became 1 13 instead of 76; he also assumed 
that uranium was hexavalent like sulphur, not trivalent like iron, 
tht;s raising its atomic weight from 120 to 240. These three 
recalcitrant elements then fell into line. Subsequent work has fully 
justified these manoeuvres. 

Even so there remained three important gaps in the fourth and 
, fifth rows of the table. Mendel^eff again took his courage in both 
hands and suggested that these pointed to the existence of three 
elements as yet unknown to science. He named them eka-boron, 
^-aluminium and eka-si\icon respectively; moreover he went so 
far as to indicate the general properties these elements would 
be found to possess when discovered. 

In due course these elements were discovered and christened 
scandium, gallium and germanium respectively. They were found to 
possess properties remarkably close to those predicted by 
Mendeleeff, and their discovery removed all lingering doubts as 
to the importance of the Periodic Law. 


In 1879 Nilson was extracting ytterbia from euxenite a complex 
niobo-tftanate of yttrium and uranium and from gadolinite a 
basic ortho silicate of iron, beryllium, and the yttrium earths 
named after Gadolin, the Finnish mineralogist. He used the method 
adopted the previous year by Marignac, the discoverer of ytterbia, 
and obtained some 63 grams of "earth" which he converted into 
nitrate and fractionally decomposed by heat a favourite method 
of fractionation, first adopted by Berlin in 1860. To his surprise he 
found that it contained a small amount (actually only 0*3 gram) of 
an entirely new earth characterised by feeble basicity, a very low 
chemical equivalent, and a new spark spectrum. To this new earth 
he gave the name scandia in honour of his native Scandinavia. A 
little later Nilson obtained a further supply of scandia, described 
some salts, and determined the atomic weight of the metal, 
scandium. It was Cleve who, in the same year (1879), pointed out 
that the properties of the element agreed with those predicted by 
Mendeleff for eka-boron. 

In many respects scandium resembles the rare earth metals, but 
not so closely as does yttrium (p. 178). Like the rares it is found in 
small quantities in many minerals, it is trivalent yet yields neither 



an alum nor alkyl or aryl derivatives; its oxalate is insoluble in 
water and dilute acids and it yields double platino-cyanides. Never- 
theless, it is not now usually regarded as a true rare earth, since in 
many ways it presents notable contrasts. Thus, for example, its 
acetyl acetonate sublimes without decomposition, like that* of 
thorium; its fluoride, ScF 3 , again like that of thorium, ThF 4 , is 
insoluble in mineral acids and affords a convenient 1 method of 
separating scandium from the rare earth metals whose fluorides 
are soluble. A further difference lies in the tendency for scandium 
sulphate to yield complex ions in aqueous solution. Addition of 
barium chloride does not at once precipitate all the sulphate ion as 
barium sulphate. It is concluded that the salt has the constitution 
Sc[Sc(SO 4 ) 3 ], that is, it is scandium sulphato-scandiate, analogous 
to cadmium iodo-cadmiate, Cd[CdI 4 ]. In each of these and in many 
other ways the scandium derivative behaves differently from the 
corresponding rare earth one. 

For many years an atomic weight of 44-1 was accepted for 
scandium, but in 1923 Aston showed that the element had no 
isotopes and that its atomic mass relative to oxygen 16 was 45. 
As a result of fresh chemical investigation, the atomic weight 45-1 
was accepted by the International Committee in 1925, and this 
value is accepted to-day (1950). 


In August 1875, Boisbaudran observed a pair of violet lines in the 
spark spectrum of some material he had separated from zinc blende 
from the Pierrefitte mine, from which he concluded the presence 
of a new element. This he named gallium in honour of his native 
country. Later in the year he obtained a small quantity of the free 
metal by electrolysis of a solution of gallium hydroxide in caustic 
potash. It was Mendel^efF himself who, in November 1875, 
suggested the identity of this element with ^-aluminium, and further 
study of its properties and those of its compounds confirmed this view. 
Gallium has a very wide range of liquidity; it melts at 30 and 
boils at 1 600 C, and may therefore be used as the liquid indicator 
in a quartz thermometer at temperatures much higher than the 
ordinary mercury thermometer. 


Towards the close of 1885 Welsbach discovered a new mineral in 
the Himmelsfiirst mine near Freiberg, Saxony. This he called 



argyrodite from its metallic lustre and the fact that it contains silver 
(Greek arguros, silver). On the assumption that the mineral was 
essentially silver sulphide, which a qualitative analysis by Richter 
had indicated, Winkler (1838 to 1904) was requested by Welsbach 
to tnake a quantitative analysis. He did so, but, as in Plattner's 
examination of polluxite (p. 147), his analysis only added up to 
some 93 pel* cent. For several months he puzzled over this, but at 
last was able to isolate a new base from which, in 1 887, he prepared 
a new metal. In honour of his fatherland he called it germanium. 
Argyrodite is 4Ag 2 S.GeS 2 . It was at first thought that the new metal 
would fill in the supposed gap between antimony and bismuth, but 
it was soon recognised as Mendeleff's ^-silicon. 

For a long time germanium was very rare, but in 1916 a new 
mineral, germamte^ was discovered in S. Africa. It is a complex 
copper pyrites and contains some 8 per cent of germanium and 
I or gallium, together with varying amounts of nearly twenty other 
elements. It is the only mineral known to contain both gallium and 
germanium in appreciable amounts. 

Germanium has at present few uses in industry. With the 
extension of radio communication to ultra-high frequencies the 
use of point-contact crystal rectifiers in telecommunication circuits 
has become an established practice. Both silicon (p. 70) and ger- 
manium crystal rectifiers are in use. The germanium crystals 
are obtained from ingots formed in vacuo and slowly cooled. 





THE rare earth metals constitute a group of fifteen contiguous 
elements, numbers 57 to 71 inclusive, in the Periodic Classification 
to which is added yttrium (No. 39) because of its very close 
analogies generally and particularly with those with the higher 
atomic numbers. For reasons already given, scandium (21), althoiigh 
a congener of yttrium and belonging to the same vertical group of 
the Periodic Table, is not included amongst the rare earths proper. 

The modern acceptation of the term "earth" was discussed in 
connexion with the alkaline earths. The so-called rare earths are of 
peculiar interest. They even attracted the attention of H.I.H. 
Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte who prepared pure ceria and 
several salts of cerium in 1843. It is convenient to retain the 
specific adjective "rare" although it is well recognised that many 
of the earths are quite plentiful although others may be extremely 
scarce. Indeed their distribution is remarkably uneven. It has been 
estimated* that they, all told, constitute only o-ooi per cent of the 
earth's crust. Cerium is relatively abundant; it rivals tin and is : 
three times as plentiful in the earth's lomile crust as lead, as is 
evident from the table on page I76t 

Yttrium, neodymium and lanthanum are more plentiful than 
lead, and all are more so than silver, with the single exception of 
illinium with regard to the existence of which considerable doubt 
now exists. 

Although the figures shown are always liable to modification as 
our knowledge of the composition of the earth's crust is extended, 
they are probably of the right order. One feature is very pronounced, 
namely that the metals of even atomic number are invariably more 
plentiful than their immediate odd congeners. This is clearly shown 
m Fig. 6. 

*WASHINGTON'S estimate, quoted by HOPKINS, Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc. t 

I935> 66, 49- 

(Numerous estimates have been published. The data in the Table are sub- 
stantially the same as those given by GOLDSCHMIDT, /. Chem. Soc., 1937, P- 656. 



Rare-earth Metals in the Earth's crust 


29 Copper 

58 Cerium 

50 Tin . . 

39 Yttrium 

66 ' Neodymium 

57 Lanthanum . . 19 
&2 Lead . . 

.. 16 

62 Samarium . . 6*5 

64 Gadolinium . . 6*3 

5 9 Praseodymium 5 6 

Grams Atomic 
per ton No. 

66 Dysprosium 

70 Ytterbium 

68 Erbium 

67 Holmium 
63 Europium 
65 Terbium 

7 1 Lutecium 

69 Thulium 
6 1 (Illinium) 





per ton 

, 2-6 

2 '4 

. 1-2 
. I'O 
. I'O 

. 0-7 
. 0-3 


Lo Ce Pr Nd - Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 66 69 70 71 

Symbols and atomic numbers 

Fig. 6 Abundance of rare earth metals 



In their chemical properties the rare earths resemble one another 
very closely; there is a gradual change in properties as we pass along 
the series from lanthanum (57) in order of increasing atomic 
number towards lutecium (71), and although it is easy to distinguish 
between and to separate elements of widely removed atomic 
numbers, like the two mentioned, it is sometimes extremely difficult 
to separate two contiguous elements. It can be done qualitatively in 
most cases by repeated fractionation of one kind or another, 
usually by fractional crystallisation, but the method cannot give 
quantitative results. Two contiguous elements frequently' resemble 
each other much more closely than the platinum metals and in this 
respect lie between these and some isotopes, notably hydrogen and 

The reason for this similarity is not difficult to find. The 
chemical and optical properties of atoms are mainly decided by the 
outermost electrons, as we have already seen. The arrangements of 
the electrons round the nuclei in yttrium, scandium and the rare 
earth elements are shown in the accompanying table. 








Maximum No. of 








20 Calcium 





21 Scandium 



8+ I 


38 Strontium 






39 Yttrium 




8+ i 


56 Barium 

57 Lanthanum . . 

58 Cerium 

59 Praseodymium 

60 Neodymium . . 

6 1 (? Illinium) . . 

62 Samarium 

63 Europium 

64 Gadolinium . . 

65 Terbium 

66 Dysprosium . . 

67 Holmium 








































8 + 


18 + I 

8 + 


18 + 2 

8 + 


18 + 3 

8 + 


18 + 4 

8 + 


18 + 5 

8 + 


18 + 6 

8 + 


18 + 7 

8 + 

18 + 8 

8 + 

18 + 9 

8 + 


18 + 10 

8 + 





Shell .. K L M N O P 
Maximum No. of 

Electrons . . 2 8 18 32 50 72 

68*Erbium ..2 8 18 18+11 8+1* 2 

69 Thulium ..2 8 18 18+12 g + I* 2 

70 Ytterbitim ..2 8 18 18+138+1* 2 

71 Lutecium ..2 8 18 18+1484-1 2 

72 Hafiflum 
73 Tantalum 

. . 2 
. . 2 





8 -f 2 
8 + 3 


According to a more recent view* the starred electrons in the 
O-shell are held in the N-shell. For reasons explained later Seaborg 
has suggested (p. 311) that the series of elements ranging from 
lanthanum (57) to lutecium (71) be termed the lanthanide series^ a 
term that calls attention to the actinide series, ranging upwards 
from actinium (89) in which the O-shell gradually fills up. 

It has already been mentioned (p. 172) that scandium bears a 
resemblance to the rare earth metals and the electrons in the M and 
N shells of the former certainly resemble those in the O and P shells 
in the latter. But for reasons already given scandium is not regarded 
as a true rare earth metal. 

The structure of yttrium approaches even more closely that of 
the rare earth metals, for like these latter its M shell is complete, and 
in its chemical properties it so closely resembles those with the 
higher atomic weights that elements 63 to 71 are frequently 
classed as belonging to the yttrium group. We shall observe this 
classification in the present section. 

The characteristic valency of the elements is 3, but a few of them 
can function in other capacities ; they then show marked differences 
in the physical properties of their derivatives and can often be 
separated very completely from their congeners in this way. For 
example, oxidation of cerous (trivalent) compounds to eerie 
(tetravalent) enables cerium to be separated. It yields, for example, 
beautiful orange crystals of eerie ammonium nitrate, 
Ce(NO 8 )4.2NH 4 NO 3) insoluble in concentrated nitric acid, whereas 
the nitrates of its congeners are soluble. Similarly upon reduction 
europium and ytterbium yield insoluble sulphates, EuSO 4 and 

*Yosx, "The Rare Earth Elements and Their Compounds", p. 3 (Chapman & 
Hall, 1947). 



YtSO 4 , corresponding to barium sulphate, whereas the sulphates of 
their congeners gadolinium, Gda(SO 4 )3.8H 2 O, and dysprosium, 
Dy 2 (SO 4 )3.8H 2 O, are soluble and cannot be reduced. Such methods 
are a very great help, for fractionation is slow and tedious; thus, in 
preparing a very pure lutecium, Urbain in 1911 submitted hfe 
material to fractionation some 15,000 times (p. 232). 
t In discussing the history* of these elements it is convenient to 
discuss them in two groups, namely, the cerium earths, comprising 
elements 57 to 62, and the yttrium earths 63 to 71 with yttrium (39) 
itself. ' 

The yttrium group 

Let us be scriptural and take the last first. The story begins with a 
Swedish mineralogist, by name Lieutenant Arrhenius, to be dis- 
tinguished from Svante Arrhenius who, a century later, evolved 
the theory of electrolytic dissociation. In 1788 Lt. Arrhenius 
found a black mineral in a quarry at the little town of Ytterby, near 
Stockholm, and regarding it as new to science he called itytterbite. 
Six years later, in 1794, the Finnish mineralogist Gadolin, a native 
of Helsinki, examined this mineral and concluded that it contained 
a new earth. This was confirmed in 1797 by Ekeberg, destined 
later to be the discoverer of tantalum. He showed that the mineral 
contained beryllia, which had just been discovered by Vauquelin 
although the result was not published until 1798, and a new earth 
which he called yttria. In recognition of Gadolin's original observa- 
tion, the original ytterbite came to be known as gadolinite^ and to-day 
we assign to it the formula 3BeO.FeO.Y 2 O 3 .2SiO 2 . This new earth 
yttria, however, proved to be complex, and in 1843 Mosander 
separated three earths from it to which he gave the names yttria^ 
erbia, and terbia. The yttria was essentially the earth known by 
that name to-day. The erbia gave a brown higher oxide on ignition 
whilst the terbia was pink. In 1860, however, Berlin introduced a 
method of fractionation depending upon the partial decomposition 
of rare earth nitrates by heat; experimenting with the crude yttria 
he failed to obtain the brown earth and most unfortunately called 
the pink earth, the existence of which he was able to confirm, erbia. 
In 1873 a mineral known as samarskite was found in quantity in 
Mitchell County, North Carolina. This mineral had been found in 
Russia many years previously by von Samarski and handed to 

*Full references to the early histories of these elements are given in FRIEND'S 
"Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry", Vol. iv. H. R V. Little (Griffin, 1917). 



Heinrich Rose for analysis. It is a complex niobo-tantalate contain- 
ing numerous rare earth elements and Rose named it after its 
discoverer. The finding of the mineral in Carolina enabled 
chemists by 1877 to obtain fairly large amounts of raw material for 
the study of the now "less rare 1 ' earths, and the work entered on a 
new phase. In 1877 Delafontaine confirmed the existence of 
Mosander's brown oxide-forming earth in samarskite, and owinr 
to Berlin's unfortunate action, he had perforce to call it terbia. Thus 
a most distressing confusion arose. The following year (1878), 
Marignac confirmed the existence of this terbia in gadolinite as 
Mosander had claimed. But it was only present to a minute extent, 
its deep staining powder being characteristic. It was only many 
years later that the brown higher-oxide forming earth was obtained 
in a state of purity. 

About this time Laurence Smith and Delafontaine obtained 
what they believed to be two new earths, which they called 
mosandra and phillipia respectively. Moseley's method of deter- 
mining atomic numbers had not then been dreamed of, and it was 
extremely difficult not merely to ascertain whether or not an earth 
was simple, but also how many separate earths were to be expected, 
as the Periodic Table gave no help at all. Suffice it to say that 
Smith's mosandra and Delafontaine's phillipia were mixtures. 

Returning now to Marignac, in 1878 he fractionated the earth* 
from gadolinite, and Soret examined the absorption spectra of the 
erbia fractions with the result that he concluded that at least two 
earths were present. He suggested retaining the name erbia for the 
earth which gave the absorption bands characteristic of the crude 
erbia and designated the new element giving other bands, particularly 
A 6404 and 5363 as X. He also observed a band A 6 840 which did 
not appear to belong to either. Marignac meanwhile fractionated 
the crude erbia and isolated a new earth which he called ytterbia, 
which was shown to be complex by Auer von Welsbach and Urbain 
many years later. In 1 905 Welsbach announced that it consisted of 
two earths which he called Aldebarania and Cassiopeia; but Urbain 
in 1 907 named them neoytterbia and lutetia, the latter name being 
the Latin for Urbain's native city Lutetia Parisiorum. The Inter- 
national Atomic Weights Committee, however, adopted the names 
ytterbium and lutetium for the elements. It should be mentioned that 
Charles James of New Hampshire University, U.S.A., simul- 
taneously discovered lutecia, but delay in publishing his results 
caused him to lose priority to Urbain. 



The order of discovery of the yttrium earths is summarised 
'in the following scheme 

History of the yttrium earths 
Ytterbite or Gadolinite 

1797 Ekeberg 


Already discovered 
by Vauquelin 


1843 Mosander 
proved complex 

gave pink salts 

gave a brown higher oxide 


1860 Berlin 
and called it 



1877 confirmed 
by Delafontaine 
who had to 
call it 


1880 Mosander 
fractionated to 

I . 


already known 
to Boisbaudran 
1879 (p. 184) 


(p. 172) 



Soret by 

Erbia Thulia Holmia 

Element X 



obtained pure 
by Urbain in 


obtained pure 
by Holmberg 
in 1911 



Nilson, in 1879, obtained still another oxide from crude erbia 
which he called scandia, in honour of his native Scandinavia. This 
has already been discussed as one of Mendel^efFs Predictees 
(p. 1 68). Cleve in 1879 a ^ so fractionated crude erbia after removal 
of Marignac's ytterbia and Nilson's scandia. He concluded that in 
addition to erbia, as characterised by Soret, there were two new' 
earths wliich he called holmia, after Stockholm, and thulia, after 
Thule, an old name for Scandinavia or possibly Iceland. In 1886, 
ho\, Boisbaudran showed that holmia was complex as its 
absorption spectrum characterised two elements. Thulium was 
responsible for Soret's band A 6840, whilst the new holmium was 
idtntical with Soret's X. The third element, which gave bands at 
^753 an d 45 1 5 Boisbaudran named dysprosium (Greek dysfrositos 
hard to get at). 

In 1880 Marignac showed that the "terbia" from samarskite 
contained in addition to true terbia at least two other earths. One 
was Samaria, which had been discovered in 1879 by Boisbaudran 
(p. 183), and the other >vas a new earth to which Marignac gave the 
name gadolima in 1886. 

The cerium group 

Turning now to the history of the cerium earths we hark back to 
the close of the eighteenth century. 

In the iron mine at Bastnas, near Vestmanland, in Sweden, 
there was a mineral of high density known as the "heavy stone of 
Bastnas", or "Bastnas tungstein", tung being Swedish for heavy. 
The mine belonged to a wealthy Swedish family and Wilhelm 
Hising, a member of the family who later was raised to the nobility 
and became known as Hisinger, sent a sample to Scheele for 
analysis. This was in 1781. Now Scheele expected to find tungsten 
on account of the great density of the mineral, but in vain. He there- 
fore replied that he was unable to find anything new in it. 

For a while no further notice was taken, but in 1803 Klaproth 
examined it and concluded a new earth was present which he called 
terre ochroite, because it turned dark yellow when heated. Simul- 
taneously and independently Berzelius and Hisinger studied the 
mineral and discovered the same new earth to which they gave the 
name ceria in recognition of the minor planet Ceres, then newly 
discovered (in 1 801) by Piazzi and named after the Sicilian goddess 
Ceres Ferdinandea, who is to be identified with Ceres, the Roman 



goddess of corn. The mineral itself became in consequence known 
as cerite. 

In 1839 Mosander showed that the ceria obtained by Berzelius 
was not a simple earth but a mixture. When suspended in potash 
and chlorinated, a yellow, insoluble residue was obtained, which 
Mosander regarded as true ceria and the earth present in the soluble 
portion he called lanthana^ from the Greek lanthomo^ I lurk. 
Precipitation of the lanthana yielded a brownish earth; but 
Mosander rightly believed that it ought to be white and that its 
brown colour was due to impurity, and in 1840 he proved this to 
be the case by isolating a brown earth from it, leaving a colourless 
lanthana. This new earth he called didymta, from the Greek didumos^ 
twin, regarding didymia as the twin brother of lanthana, the two 
always being associated. In 1879 Boisbaudran isolated a new earth 
from didymia extracted from samarskite and called it samaria. Six 
years later Auer von Welsbach observed that didymium freed from 
samaria was still complex, its salts on fractionation yielding green 
and rose-red portions. He therefore termed the earth yielding green 
salts praseodymia (Greek prason, leek) antl the one yielding rose-red 
derivatives neodymia (Greek neos, new). Even now the tale was not 
quite complete. The presence of small amounts of a new earth was 
demonstrated by Demarcay in 1896, which he called Europia. 

The method evolved by Moseley (1887 to 1915) of determining 
the atomic number enabled chemists to ascertain, as has already 
been seen, the maximum number of elements that can exist in serial 
order between any two selected ones. As the atomic numbers of 
lanthanum and lutecium are 57 and 71, it is clear that it is possible 
for 13 elements to exist of atomic numbers between these. Now 
europium was the twelfth to be discovered, but no element corres- 
ponding to 6 1 had been recorded. This should lie between 
neodymium (60) and samarium (62), and as early as 1902 Bohuslav 
Brauner had predicted its existence. In 1926 Hopkins, of Illinois, 
with his collaborators Harris and Yntema, announced the discovery 
of a new element in the neodymium extracted from monazite sand, 
the lines of the X-ray spectrum agreeing with those expected for 
element 61. He called it Illinium. 

About the same time, Prof. Rolla, of the Royal University of 
Florence, announced that he had, a couple of years before, obtained 
evidence of the existence of the same element and called itflorentium. 
The results had been deposited in a sealed package with the Reale 
Accademia in June 1924, and the contents were withheld from 



publication until November 1926 a singular procedure, to say 
the very least. 

Considerable doubt has been expressed as to whether element 
6 1 has been detected in nature at all. As a general rule pairs of 

The ordeV of the discovery of the cerium earths is summarised 
in the following scheme 

History of the cerium group 

Bastnas Heavy Stone 

1804 Berzelius 
and Hisinger 

1839 Mosander 

Ceria Lanthana 

1840 Mosander 

Didymia Lanthana 

Samaria Praseodymia Neodymia ? Illinia 

Boisbaudran Auer von Welsbach Hopkins etc. 


Samaria Europia 


stable isobares of adjoining elements are incapable of existence; 
one must be unstable. Now the known isotopes of neodymium and 
samarium are all stable, viz. 

(60) Nd . . 142 143 144 145 146 148 

(62) Sm . . 144 147 148 149 150 

There is thus no room for a stable element 61 between them. 
But an unstable 6 1 might exist. Evidence has been obtained of its 



production by bombardment of neodymium and praseodymium by 
deuterons, a-particles and protons, the products having half lives 
ranging from 2*7 hours to 200 days, possibly indicating the 
existence of various isotopes of varying stabilities. Also during 
bombardment of uranium with neutrons, element 61 of mass 147 
has been obtained, its half life being about 4 years*. 

Its properties are found to agree with those to be expected from 
its position in the Periodic Table. The names promethium and 
cyclonium have also been suggested for this element in view of its 
artificial production. * - 

The position to be allotted to the rare-earth metals in the Periodic 
Table has been the subject of much discussion. They cannot be 
accommodated in the usual way and the present author "has 
arranged them, purely for convenience, in a belt across the table 
(see page 5). They do not conform in their properties with the 
elements in the same vertical columns. 

The rare earth metals are extracted from their oxides by the 
alumino-thermic process. An indefinite mixture of these metals 
obtained by reduction of the mixed earths is known as misch-metall 
and is used for the reduction of other refractory oxides. Alloys of 
cerium are used in automatic lighters, tracer bullets and lumin- 
escent shells. Those rich in cerium are used as reducing agents and 
for flashlight powders. 

*See note, p. 5. Apparently even more stable is isotope 145, of half life approx. 
30 years (BUTEMENT, Nature, 1951, 167, 400). 





OWING to its softness lead did not play an important rdle in the life 
of primitive man. His interest in metals was mainly confined to their 
uses as ornaments or as weapons yielding hard and sharp cutting 
edges. Lead is not suitable for either of these purposes. It can be 
hammered out into sheets and rolled into pipes, but of what use 
would these be to the cave man or even to his immediate successors? 
Only at a much later date would it occur to him that lead might be 
moulded into containing-vessels and by reason of its density used 
for sinking his fishing nets. 

Primitive metallurgy of lead 

The bright appearance of galena would attract early man, for it 
often lay on or very close to the surface of the soil. Having already 
learned how to reduce copper ores in his primitive furnace, he 
would experience no difficulty in reducing galena. It was sufficient 
merely to roast it in air, whereby the sulphur burned off and the 
molten metal sank into the hearth. 

The early hunters in Missouri practised a crude version of this 
process ; they threw pieces of galena into a fire made in the hollow of 
a fallen tree, or in an old stump, and scraped the resulting metal out 
of the ashes. Much of the metal was of course lost in the slag. 

The Indians of the Mississippi valley obtained their lead in a 
somewhat more pretentious manner. They piled logs on the ground 
and laid smaller pieces of wood round them; lead ore was now 
thrown on to the heap. The fire was ignited in the evening and next 
morning the ashes were searched for lumps of lead. 

The early French settlers in S.E. Missouri dug a hole in the 
ground in the shape of a large brick; in the centre of this a stick 
was fixed so that, when the ore was reduced in the fire, the molten 
lead collected in the cavity as an ingot with a hole. On cooling, a 
raw-hide rope was passed through the hole to facilitate transport 



when the ingot was swung either on the shoulder of a man or upon 
the back of a horse*. 

Lead in Holy Writ 

Lead is mentioned nine times in the Old Testament but, as'Vith 
silver, not until after the Flood circa 4000 B.C. It was one of the 
metals traded in the fairs at Tarshish, probably oifr Andalusia, 
along with silver, iron and "tin" (Ezekiel xxvii. 12). The great 
density of lead was a matter of common knowledge ; in the Song of 
Moses, which celebrated the flight of the Hebrews frbm Egypt 
and their escape from the pursuing troops of the Pharaoh, we read 
that the chariots "sank as lead in the mighty waters" (Exod. 2jv. 10). 

An interesting passage in Job reads as follows "Oh that my 
words were now written! Oh that they were printed in a book! 
that they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever!" 
(Job xix. 23, 24). This evidently refers to the use of lead sheets as 
writing material. The Book of Job was not all composed at the same 
time. It appears to have been finally compiled in the fourth 
century B.C., but portions of earlier MSS. were undoubtedly 
incorporated into the text. Astronomers calculate that the curious 
reference to Arcturus in Job ix. 9 probably dates back to 750 B.C. 
Even at that date the practice of inscribing on soft metals had 
already been long established for important documents. It was 
paralleled in ancient Assyria by the customary habit of writing on 
clay tablets which were afterwards baked to ensure permanency 
of the record. 

Hesiod^next to Homer the earliest Greek poet whose works are 
still extant, lived during the eighth century B.C. and would thus be 
co-eval with the passage in Job above referred to. He wrote seven 
of his books on sheets of lead. 

An inscription on lead has been found on the site of ancient 
Nineveh, and thin sheets of the same metal, bearing amulitic texts, 
have been unearthed at Babylon. The Phoenicians believed they 
could communicate with the dead by dropping little rolls of 
inscribed lead sheets into the tombs. 

Lead and Egypt 

Lead was known to the ancient Egyptians by whom it appears to 
have been regarded as an inferior kind of silver. It has been found 

*RICKARD, /. Inst. Metals, 1930, 43, 297. 



in predynastic remains almost as early as those in which silver first 
occurs, being used for sacred figures and, in sheet form, as a cover 
for wood. Beads of galena frequently occur in predynastic tombs ; 
the powdered ore was used as an eye paint almost as commonly as 
malachite (basic copper carbonate) both in predynastic and in First 
dynastic times. 

Lead and galena were not plentiful in the early dynastic periods, 
but by the advent of the New Kingdom, circa 1580 B.C., the metal 
was fairly common; the fishermen used it regularly for weighting 
the edges of their nets as is done at present. By the sixth century 
B.C. it was used on a much larger scale as, for example, in making 
water tanks. 

Lead* ores occur in Egypt and were worked there; but when at 
the height of her power, Egypt received also much lead as "presents" 
or tribute from neighbouring countries. 

Sheet lead was used as a damp course in the walls of ancient 
Babylon, and inscriptions were engraved by the Babylonians on 
sheets of lead. 

Lead and the Mediterranean 

Lead was known to the peoples of the Mediterranean at a very 
early date. 

A hideous idol of metallic lead, evidently representing an ancient 
goddess, was found in the second ancient city of Troy dating back 
to circa 2200 B.C. Xenophon, writing circa 400 B.C., tells us that the 
Rhodian slingers used lead balls whereas the Persians used stone 
ones, as did David in combat with Goliath, about 1030 B.C. Roman 
and Greek sling bullets, made of lead, have been found in Cyprus. 
The Greek word for lead was molybdos (p. 53), but this word was 
also used to denote plumbago. It is difficult to say when the ancients 
learned to distinguish between lead and our modern tin. 

Lead and the Romans 

Pliny, writing at the beginning of the Christian era (see note p. 1 8) 
was familiar with both tin and lead; he referred to lead us plumbum 
nigrum^ whilst tin was plumbum album or candidum. Nevertheless, he 
seemed to regard them as varieties of the same metal rather than as 
separate species. Plumbum by itself invariably meant lead; the 
word stannum or stagmum sometimes meant tin and sometimes an 
alloy of lead and silver. 



The Romans used lead on an enormous scale for water pipes, 
cooking utensils, etc, and lead poisoning appears to have been 
frequent. They obtained much lead from Spain and later from 
Britain. Lead pipes of Roman origin have been found in Bath with 
walls nearly half an inch in thickness and of internal diameter^from 
4 to 5 in. Lead pipes were made by folding strips of sheet lead into 
the required shape, probably by beating round a wooden core or 
mandrel until the longitudinal edges of the sheet met. The edges 
were then either welded at the seam or joined with molten lead. 

Rome in the first century of the Christian era had a remarkable 
water supply system administered by a body of officials comparable 
to the modern Water Board. The chief officer was the Curator 
Aquarum; the supply of water was taken from nine different 
sources, including springs and lakes from 10 to 60 miles from the 
city; supplies suitable for potable purposes were kept apart from 
less pure waters which were used for public fountains, baths and 
sanitation. Each length of pipe bore raised inscriptions formed by 
impressions in the sand bed in which the lead sheet was cast. The 
inscriptions indicated the person authorised to receive the water. 

Pliny states that the Public Acts in his time (A.D. 23 to 79) were 
preserved on plates of lead. In 1699 Montfaucon purchased in 
Rome an ancient book entirely composed of lead. It measured 
about 4 inches long by 3 across, and not only were the two pieces 
that formed the cover and the six leaves made of lead, but also the 
stick inserted through the rings to hold the leaves. 

Silver in lead 

British lead ores invariably contain some silver; the average for 
Britain as a whole is some 4 to 5 oz. per ton of lead. Ores in 
Cornwall and Devonshire are very rich with some 30 to 70 oz. in 
the former county reaching to 170 oz. in the latter*. 

Pre-Roman lead does not appear to have been de-silverised, 
but the Romans certainly knew how to abstract the silver by 
cupellation (p. 190) long before they invaded Britain. Probably they 
worked lead ores with the dual object of obtaining both silver and 
lead. Many Roman lead pigs bear the inscription ex arg y that is, 
silver extracted. Analysis of Roman pigs show their silver contents 
to have often been very low. The following silver contents from 

*H. Louis, loc. tit. E. A. SMITH, /. Inst. Metals, 1927, 37, 74. 



ancient samples of lead illustrate the great variation that has been 
found to occur* 

per cent 
Sunoerian lead from Al 'Ubaid, Imgig Relief, 3100-3000 

B.c.f 0-0131 

Egyptian net sinker, circa 1400 B.C. . . . . . . 0-0282 

Assyrian lead 700-600 B.C. .. .. ., o-on 

Spartan lead 700-500 B.C. . . . . . . . . 0-0568 

British lead net sinker from Meare Lake Village, Somerset, 

250 B.C.-A.D. 50 . . . . . . . . . . 0-0077 

Roman lead from Bath, A.D. 44-100 0-0027 

Lead from Merlin's Cave, Wye Valley, A.D. 100-400 . . 0-0263 
Lead from Glastonbury Abbey, A.D. 1 130-1184 . . 0-0327 

Lead pipe from Rievaulx Abbey, A.D. 1 131-1500 . . 0-0084 
Lead bullet from Marston Moor, A.D. 16444 . . . . 0-0073 

Ordinary commercial lead (1920) . . . . . . . . 0-0020 

Ordinary commercial lead (1928) . . . . . . . . 0-0004 

The low silver contents 6f Roman lead as compared with earlier 
eastern specimens and some of the western ones, notably those from 
Merlin's cave and Glastonbury Abbey are a tribute to the efficiency 
of Roman desilverisation processes. 

Lead in Britain 

There is no evidence that lead was produced in any quantity in 
Britain before the arrival of the Romans ; on their arrival they found 
large quantities of surface ores, and lost no time in turning the 
mineral wealth of Britain to account. More than 50 Roman lead 
pigs have been found in Britain, some near the ancient mines 
where they were produced, others near the roads leading from them 
to Roman stations. As these were merely "strays" it is evident that 
enormous quantities of lead must have been produced during the 
Roman occupation. This conclusion is supported by the vast extent 
of Roman mining excavations and accumulations of slag and other 

*FRIEND and THORNEYCROFT, /. Inst. Metals, 1929, 41, 105. 

fThis Relief is described on p. 91 . The antlers of the left hand stag, made of 
hammered copper bar, had been fixed into the head of the stag with lead poured 
into the root holes. The lead had in both cases corroded and burst open the head. 
Through the kindness of the British Museum Authorities a fragment of the lead 
was made available for analysis. 

{This was a genuine, authentic bullet, and its analysis confirms this. 


debris*. In Mendip mines Roman lamps have been found made of 

It is evident that many of the pigs were cast very shortly after 
the Romans arrived here. As the pigs invariably bear inscriptions, 
often with the Emperor's name, they can usually be roughly dated; 
but only roughly, for news would travel but slowly to outlying posts 
and an Emperor might well be dead for some time before the 
miners became aware of it. 

The mines were under the control of the state; the administrative 
officer who regulated a mining area was known as the procurator 
metallorum\ although sometimes worked by the state the mines 
were usually farmed out by the procurator to private prospectors, 
called occupations, from whom a royalty was demanded in the form 
of a percentage, sometimes amounting to 50 per cent, of the 
produce. This perhaps accounts for the fact that pigs of lead some- 
times bear the name of some person other than the emperor, 
representing the portion kept by the private prospector. The 
miners themselves were largely slaves; but even so provision was 
made for pit-head baths, the Romans thus setting an excellent 
example in cleanlinessf. 

Among leaden articles belonging to the Roman period are pipes, 
coffins, cists, etc. The Romans also used articles of pewter (p. 211), 
at that time an alloy of lead and tin in the ratio of I to 4. Probably 
the two metals were deliberately mixed to produce the pewter, for 
the Romans were familiar with solder. It is possible, however, that 
pewter may have been produced in the first instance from a natural 
mixture of tin and lead ores, just as bronze resulted from a mixture 
of tin and copper ores (p. 91). Professor Louis has recorded such 
an occurrence in the Far East, where he found the Chinese smelting 
a natural mixture of lead and tin ores obtained by washing certain 
alluvials in the State of Patain in the northern part of the Malay 

Large quantities of lead were used by the Romans in the con- 
struction of the baths in the Somerset town of Bath. It has been 
suggested that baths may have been there before the Roman 
occupation, but the evidence is slight and the need for them 
would appear to be even slighter, for the early British are usually 

*GOWLAND, "Huxley Memorial Lecture for 1912", Royal Anthropological 
Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, p. 275. 
fWHEELocK, "Prehistoric and Roman Wales 1 ' (Clarendon Press, 1925), p. 269. 



regarded as having belonged to the great army of the unwashed. 
The baths as we know them were founded by Vespasian or else by 
his son and successor, Titus, that is between A.D. 69 and 81. 
Originally there were two baths, divided by a street that ran from 
north to south, and in the centre of each was a hot spring rising at 
a temperature of some i I3F (45 C), The bottom of the bath was 
paved with sheet lead, the whole being built below street level so 
that pumps were not required. During excavations a unique lead 
consecration cross was discovered, believed to date from the seventh 
century A.D. It is worked on a plaque about 3 inches in diameter 
and bears the names of the four evangelists with a Latin inscrip- 

When the Romans withdrew from Britain they left behind them 
a firmly established lead industry. No doubt this continued through 
the unsettled periods that followed, for the Venerable Bede or 
Bseda (672 to 735) wrote in his "Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis 
Anglorum", on which his literary fame rests, that Vents metallorum^ 
aerify ferri et plumbi et argenti fecunda y which means that Britain 
"is rich in veins of the rfietals copper, iron, lead and silver". This 
book was subsequently translated into Anglo-Saxon by Alfred the 
Great (849 to 901), the word plumbum being rendered "leade" 
(lead), this being the first recorded use of this English word. 

Bede also stated that the Bishop of Lindisfarne removed the 
thatch from his church and covered the roof and the sides with 
sheets of lead. This would be circa A.D. 680. 

Lead in Derbyshire 

Lead was being worked at the time of the Norman invasion in 1066, 
for reference is made in the Domesday Book to the lead mines or 
plumbaria in Derbyshire and to the salt works and lead furnaces at 
Droitwich in Worcestershire"]". The Normans used lead very 
largely for coffins, for church ornaments and for roofing churches. 
Wirksworth, now a producer of limestone, was from very early 
days the chief centre of the lead industry of Derbyshire, but 
lead mining has almost died out now. The expense of freeing the 
deep workings from water raised the cost of production unduly and 
enabled foreign ores to swamp the market. The lead was regarded 
as amongst the finest in Britain. 

*BADDBLBY, "Bath and Bristol" (Nelson, 1908), p. 21. 

fSee A. BALLARD, "The Domesday Boroughs" (Clarendon Press, 1904), p. 62. 



It is estimated that there are between four and five thousand 
derelict lead-mine shafts on the limestone uplands of Derbyshire; 
all now fenced round as a safeguard for wandering animals. The 
lead in the Wirksworth region was certainly worked by the Romans, 
and the late Professor Windle believed that their town of Lududa- 
rum was Wirksworth. Pigs of lead bearing Roman inscriptions 
have been unearthed in the vicinity, the first, found in iy77> bearing 
the mark of the Emperor Hadrian, about A.D. 120. In Saxon days 
the manor of Wirksworth belonged to Repton Abbey, and early in 
the eighth century an Abbess of Repton sent a coffin from* her lead 
mines at Wirksworth to Crowland for the burial of St. Guthlac. 

Defoe, who expressed little admiration for Derbyshire folk, 
wrote of Wirksworth about 1720 "There is no very great trade to 
this town but what relates to the lead works, and to the subterranean 
wretches, who they call Peakrills, who work in the mines .... The 
inhabitants are a rude boorish kind of people, but they are a bold, 
daring, and even desperate kind of fellows in their search into the 
bowels of the earth/' 

Any man was at liberty to prospect for lead and mark out his 
claim, and he had the right to a direct draw-way, three oxen wide, to 
the nearest highroad, provided it did not pass through churchyard, 
garden or orchard. A proportion of the ore was payable to the King 
or the lord of the manor, and the lead was measured in wooden 
dishes. These dishes had to be taken periodically to Wirksworth to 
be tested by a standard measure. The only ancient standard now 
known to exist is preserved in the Moot Hall at Wirksworth. It is 
in fine bronze and holds fourteen pints. Part of the inscription, in 
Old English characters, reads "This dishe was made the iiij day 
of October, the iiij year of the reigne of Kyng Henry the VIII ... 
This Dishe to Remayne in the Moote Hall at Wyrksworth hangyng 
by a cheyne so as the Merchauntes or mynours (miners) may have 
resorte to the same at all tymes to make the trw mesur after the 

The fuel problem 

The rapid disappearance of our forests in the attempt to supply 
the metallurgical industries with charcoal caused the authorities no 
little concern. Cardinal Wolsey attempted to reduce his lead ore 
with coal instead of with the more usual charcoal in his smelting 
furnace at Gateshead-on-Tyne; but as he subsequently disposed of 
the furnace, in 1527, to one Thomas Wynter, it would appear 



g-obable that the attempt proved a failure. In the reign of Queen 
lizabeth two Acts of Parliament were passed, one in 1558 and 
the second in 1584, with the object of preserving the timber (p. 278). 
In 1678 a patent was granted to Viscount Grandison for smelting 
lead ore in a reverberatory furnace with sea-coal. Fourteen years 
later the famous London Lead Company was founded under a 
charter of i William and Mary "for smelting down lead with pit 
coal and sea coal". This company carried on lead smelting operations 
continuously until it was finally wound up in 1905. 

Lead and the alchemists 

The alchemists used the sign $ to denote lead, as has already been 
mentioned; the curved portion suggests a connection between lead 
and silver. Lead was under the influence of Saturn and the symbol 
was often called the scythe of Saturn. In consequence of the high 
density of the metal the term saturnine became synonymous with 
heavy, dense, or dull-witted. Minium or red lead was known as 
saturnine red. 

A favourite experiment*was the production of the "lead tree" or 
arbor Saturni by suspending a piece of zinc in a solution of some 
soluble lead salt such as the acetate, popularly known as "sugar of 
lead". The experiment is popular to-day. 

Lead was often regarded as a debased form of silver and in the 
Middle Ages it was held that lead in progress of time became trans- 
muted into bismuth and later into the more precious metal. 

In A.D. 1 12 1 Al Khazini, an Arabian philosopher, wrote a book 
on the physical properties of matter. He discussed the balance and 
gave the density of lead as 1 1*33, coincident with the modern value 
of 11-33 to 11-35. 

Uses of lead 

Commercial lead is a metal with a high degree of purity. The foreign 
metals generally present include copper, antimony, zinc and iron; 
less frequently bismuth and traces of tin and arsenic. Silver is 
almost completely extracted by desilverising processes. The total 
metallic impurities rarely exceed o- 1 per cent and may fall below 

Lead is used as sheets for gutters, spouts, etc. As strips for 
"leaded lights", in pipes for water, gas, electric wiring, etc. It was 
once used a great deal for roofing cathedrals and churches; but it 
was very heavy. Wren used it for the dome of St Paul's Cathedral 



(begun 1675) because his workmen were not equal to the task of 
using copper (p. 103). It is estimated that had copper been used the 
weight or the roof would have been reduced by some 600 tons. 
This would have greatly relieved the anxiety of those responsible 
for the safety of Wren's masterpiece. 

Owing to its resistance to acids lead is in demand for chemical 
plants. As an example the lead chambers used in the manufacture 
of sulphuric acid may be quoted. They are constructed of sheet lead, 
about 3 mm. in thickness, the sheets being autogenously soldered 
that is, lead is used as solder to prevent electrolytic action in contact 
with acid or sealed by a blow-pipe flame. Chambers frequently 
exceed 40,000 c. ft. in individual capacity, and a series of thrqe or 
four is commonly used, the gases being conducted from one to the 
other by lead pipes. 

Thin sheet lead is frequently used as a lining for wooden cases or 
chests in which tea is imported. 

Hardened with a little antimony it is used in storage batteries or 
accumulators, for cables, and occasionally for statuary. For this 
last, however, it is not really suitable; its dull colour is not pre- 
possessing. Bullets, etc, are made of lead hardened with 4 to 1 2 per 
cent of antimony. Other important alloys are solder (p. 2 1 2), type 
metal (p. 197) and bearing metals, which contain also tin and 

Pewter in Roman times contained I of lead to 4 of tin ; in the 
Middle Ages i of Pb to 3 of Sn were used. The amount of lead was 
gradually increased until the alloy became too debased and fell out 
of favour. Modern pewter contains no lead (p. 212). 

The density of lead makes it useful in making the builders' 
plumb lines and for "sounding" apparatus at sea. It is this latter 
use which has given rise to the expression * 'swinging the lead", 
which indicates a shirking of duty. 

In "sounding" the lead must be "heaved". The lead weighs from 
10 to 14 lb, therefore "heaving the lead" is not light work, even 
for a strong man. It is for this reason that a leadsman will make his 
"swing" last several minutes before finally "heaving". So to 
"swing the lead" became a recognised Navy term for an excuse for 
shirking; in some way it passed into Army parlance, and so into 
popular usage. 

Archers were wont to carry heavy leaden mallets as part of their 
equipment and this was an important factor in winning, for example, 
the battle of Agincourt in 1415, the heavy mallets of the British 



archers crashing through the iron helmets of the French knights 
whose horses were held fast in the mud. 

Lead shot 

Ac one time lead shot was made by cutting sheet lead into small 
squares thus producing little cubes which were then rolled into 
little balls or shot a laborious process, which has long since been. 
discarded. The addition of a little arsenic to lead renders it less 
viscous in the molten state, and the alloy thus produced is now used 
in making shot by a more efficient and rapid process. The shot 
tower erected on the south bank of the Thames has long been 
famous. Fortunately, despite near misses, it escaped destruction by 
German bombs in both of the Great Wars; during World War II 
operations were carried on all the time, many thousand tons of lead 
shot being turned out as its contribution to victory. The tower 
looks like a tall chimney stack and has usually been regarded as 
such by the casual visitor; if one looks more closely, however, 
windows can be seen at various levels let into the wall, and near the 
top is a gallery. Probably the tower was deliberately designed to 
resemble a chimney stack in order to deceive the curious, as the 
process of making shot in this way was kept a secret for many years. 
The tower was taken over by the L.C.C. in 1948 and is now no 
longer used for shot making; at the moment, it is adding interest to 
the South Bank site of the 1951 Festival of Britain. 

Molten lead passed as drops through a "card" or colander 
perforated with numerous holes 1448 for the smallest shot 
and fell into water which usually contained a little sodium sulphide. 
This coated the shot with a thin layer of sulphide of a lustrous 
black metallic colour which remained permanent in moist air. The 
size of the shot depended not only on the diameter of the holes in 
the colander, but also on the initial temperature and composition of 
the molten metal. The shot was sorted by sieves and by roiling down 
an inclined plane, the imperfectly shaped pellets remaining behind. 
Finally the shot was polished by rolling with plumbago in a barrel 
or rumble. 

A curious story is told* of the invention of this process of making 
shot. One night, about the year 1782, William Watts, a Bristol 
plumber, dreamed that he was out in a shower, and the raindrops 
were not water but lead shot. On waking he argued that, by allowing 
molten lead to fall from a considerable height into water, the drops 

*W. JONES, "The Treasures of the Earth 11 (Warne), p. 205. 


would become spherical, and a great improvement might thus be 
effected in shot manufacture. The experiment was tried from the 
tower of St Mary Redcliffe Church, Bristol, and proved successful. 
Watts accordingly patented his idea, and erected a works which he 
ultimately sold for 10,000. But here his beneficent angel left him; 
he expended more money than he could afford in attempting to 
build houses at Clifton, for which considerable excavation work was 
necessary, and the half-finished parts of the buildings were for long 
known as "Watts's Folly". 

A more modern method of producing shot embodies the use of 
centrifugal machines. The molten metal is poured in a thin stream 
upon a rapidly revolving metal disc which breaks it up into drops, 
the size of which depends on the rate at which the disc revdlves. 
These drops are thrown off at a tangent by centrifugal force and are 
stopped by a screen, 

Type metals 

Probably the greatest single use of lead alloys is for type metals*. 
Long before these were introduced bpoks were printed from 
engraved wood blocks, hard boxwood being a favourite. Each 
page of the book was cut laboriously in reverse by hand, an 
operation that took much time and required great skill. The Romans 
were accustomed to cast lead plates with raised inscriptions (p. 189); 
it is easy to be wise after the event, but it certainly seems curious 
that the world had to wait until the early years of the fifteenth century 
before a movable type became invented. The honour of this inven- 
tion is usually given to Laurens Koster of Haarlem and to John 
Gutenberg of Mainz about 1440. In 1476 Caxton introduced the 
art into this country, having learned it when living abroad; he set 
up his press near the western entrance to Westminster Abbey. The 
following year was issued the first book ever to be printed in this 
way in England, entitled "The Dictes and Sayinges of 
Philosophres" "Emprynted by one William Caxton at West- 
minster". The king, Edward iv, and his nobles used to visit and 
watch Caxton at work. To them it was a new toy. 

In 1450 the whole Bible, in the Vulgate Latin, was produced. 

At first leaden type was used ; but it proved too soft and was later 
hardened by addition of a little tin. But the alloy still failed to give 
on casting a perfect type face, and subsequently antimony was 
added. This reduced contraction when the casting solidified so that 

*" Printing Metals" (Fry's Foundries Ltd, 1936), p. 33. 



the type had a good face and body. Early last century machines 
were invented which greatly accelerated the production of type, but 
even so each letter had to be set up by hand. Then came other 
machines, such as the linotypes and monotypes which reduced 
manual labour to a minimum and rendered possible the flood 
of newspapers and other printed matters with which we are in- 
undated tc-day. The alloy used for standard linotype metal is 86 Pb, 
1 1 Sb and 3 Sn. 


It is, perhaps, unfortunate that the word "tin" should frequently 
be used in a derogatory sense, when the element itself is not under 
consideration. Thus a poor sounding bell is said to be "tinny" 
whilst another, possessed of beautiful tones, is described as 
"silvery". Money, the filthy lucre of Titus i. 7, is colloquially known 
as "tin". The reason for this disparagement appears to lie in the 
early belief that tin was not a genuine metal. Thus in Dyche and 
Pardon's "English Dictionary", dated 1744, we read that "tin by 
some is called an imperfect or compound metal, white and softer 
than silver, and harder than lead and so imagined to be made up of 
both ..." As a debased silver, therefore, tin was not a genuine 
article. Although we know different to-day, the stigma remains; call 
a dog a bad name and it can never be any good. 

The word "tinker" is also used in a derogatory sense; to tinker 
implies working in an inefficient or clumsy manner, and although 
often associated with a man who works in tin the word has nothing 
to do with that metal. It is derived from the Middle English tinken, 
to tink, tinkle or make a sharp, shrill sound. 

"Tinsel", again, is an entirely different word derived from the 
Latin scintilla, a spark, and appears to be in no way connected with 
"tin", which is Anglo-Saxon. Tinsel originally meant something 
glittering, without any derogatory suggestion; but, apparently 
through false analogy with tin, it now implies cheapness if not 
indeed vulgarity. Thus Edmund Spenser (1553 to 1599) in his 
Faerie Queen wrote 

"Her garments all were wrought of beaten gold, 
And all her steed with tinsel trappings shone" 

There is no suggestion of paltriness here. 

*A useful monograph "Tin through the Ages" by F. J. NORTH, was published 
by the National Museum of Wales on the occasion of a Temporary Exhibition 
in 1941. 



Ancient Chinese philosophers had peculiar ideas anent tin. They 
believed that arsenic would generate itself in 200 years and after a 
further like period would become tin. The observation that wine 
kept in tin vessels sometimes became poisonous was regarded as 
confirming the idea, transmutation not being complete*. 

Tin was not known in Egypt at a very early date; the earliest 
examples to be unearthed date only from the i8th Dyrfasty (1580 
to 1350 B.C.). Tin is not even mentioned in the Ebers Papyrusf of 
1550 B.C. although bronze has been found sporadically at a much 
earlier date. It would appear therefore that in Egypt tin 'was not 
at first reduced separately from its ore and added to copper to 
produce bronze, but that the mixed ores of copper and tin ,were 
smelted together, as usually elsewhere. Tomb pictures, however, 
indicate that by the i8th Dynasty the alloy was made by the 
former process. A tin vase dating back to circa 1200 B.C. has been 
found in upper Egypt and from 700 B.C. onwards tin foil was used 
in the wrappings of mummies. 

Tin is not mentioned by name in Holy Writ before the Flood, 
circa 4000 B.C. The word occurs five times afterwards in the Old 
Testament and is mentioned along with silver, iron and lead as one 
of the metals traded in the fairs of Tarshish, the modern Andalusia 
of Spain (Ezek. xxvii. 12). As already stated, however, (p. 9) the 
so-called tin was an alloy of copper and tin, but containing a 
higher percentage of the latter metal than the ancient "brass" or 

Both Homer circa 880 B.C. and Hesiod, who lived a century 
later, use the word cassiteros to denote tin. It is possible that it may 
have been borrowed from the Sanskrit kastira^ tin, related to the 
verb has, to shine. The Arabic word for tin is kafsdir, closely re- 
sembling the Sanskrit, although the two languages are not 
connected. On the other hand, Reinach has suggested that the 
name Cassiterides is Celtic, comparing it with Cassivellaunus, 
Cassignatus, Veliocasses, etcj. 

The Romans at the beginning of the Christian era were using 
considerable quantities of tin and clearly distinguished between it 
and lead. Much of their tin was undoubtedly obtained from Spain 

*GOWLAND, "Huxley Memorial Lecture for 1912", Royal Anthropological 
Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, p. 247. 

fWritten during the reign of Amenhetep i and found reposing between the 
legs of a mummy. 

{"Guide to Early Iron Age Antiquities", British Museum, 1925, pp. 4-5. 



where the metal was mined at a very early date. Pliny* called tin 
plumbum candidum or album, whereas lead was written as plumbum 
nigrum or simply plumbum (p. 188). He refers to the practice of 
tinning copper by dipping into molten tin (p. 205). 


Tin in Britain 

Diodorus Siculus, writing about 56 to 36 B.C. mentioned Britain as 
a source of tin. Herodotus circa 550 B.C. was the first to mention 
the cassiterides as such and it has been assumed by many that the 
Cassiterides were the Scilly Isles or, if Britain, Cornwall in 
particular was meant. Others have suggested the islands in Vigo 
Bay on the Atlantic coast of Spain. But this may be narrowing down 
the meaning of the word too much. Most of the passages in the 
ancient writers referring to these islands are quoted in Elton's 
"Origins of English History" and discussed at considerable length. 
Baileyf is of opinion that Cassiterides was originally a general name 
for the tin localities of Western Europe, covering a wide area much 
as we speak of the Middle East to-day without meaning Palestine 
in particular. The writers *of those days had but a poor idea of the 
geography of the West and they were by no means helped by the 
Phoenicians themselves who did their utmost to conceal the goose 
that laid the tin egg ; they not unnaturally wished to maintain their 
monopoly of the trade just as in the sixteenth century the Dutch and 
Portuguese guarded their secret of the discovery ^of Australia with 
the utmost jealousy (p. 125). Strabo, writing about 7 B.C. (p. 133), 
mentions that on one occasion a Roman vessel followed a certain 
Phoenician trader hoping to find the source of his tin. But the 
Phoenician purposely ran his vessel on to a shoal, leading his 
pursuers into the same disaster; he managed, however, to escape 
from drowning and subsequently received from the State the value 
of the cargo he had lost. 

PlinyJ states that there was a "fabulous story" of the Greeks 
sailing in quest of tin to the islands of the Atlantic and of its being 
brought in barks made of osiers covered with hides. There is nothing 
incredible in this as Pliny seems to imagine, for in an earlier book 
he had already mentioned that the British used boats of that kind 

*'The Natural History of Pliny", translated by Bostock and Riley (Bonn, 
1857), Book 34, Chapter 48. 

fBAiLEY, "The Elder Pliny's Chapters on Chemical Subjects" (Arnold, 1932), 
Part 2, p. 193. 

{PLINY, Book 34, Chapter 37. 

fPuNY, Book 4, Chapter 30. 



but perhaps he had forgotten. The Greeks called these boats coracles, 
evidently a term borrowed or adapted from the Celtic cren or croen 
meaning skin*. 

The Phoenicians themselves stated that the inhabitants of the 
islands where they traded were clad in black cloaks and in turyics 
reaching to the feet, with girdles round their waists, and that they 
walked with staves and were bearded like goats. So if^these were 
indeed Cornishmen we now know what some of our ancestors were 

In Cornwall, tin was mined in the bronze age; the tin tradef was 
already in existence at the time of Pythias, 325 B.C., and possibly 
the trade had been carried on since 450 B.C. It is possible that the 
Phoenicians sought tin in Britain as early as 1000 B.C. for 'it is 
certain they had even then passed through the Straits of Gibraltar 
and founded Cadiz. Irish gold work of about 1200 B.C. has been 
found at Gaza, so there must have been some connection between 
our Islands and the Mediterranean. The tin may have been 
shipped from St Michael's Mount or from the Isle of Thanet; 
possibly from both. It seems then to have found its way to the 
Loire or the Garonne, or to both these rivers, and thence overland 
to the Mediterranean. A Falmouth tradition holds that the 
Phoenician trade with Britain was first transacted on the Black 
Rock, a jagged islet at the entrance to the Carrick Roads. 

Julius Caesar and other Roman historians were rather prone to 
disparage the British whom they had defeated. This was foolish 
and belittled their own efforts, for their soldiers found the British 
very sturdy foes; warriors like Caractacus and Cassivellaunus were 
no mean antagonists. For many years it was supposed that our 
Celtic ancestors were barbarous folk, poor in physique and ill-clad, 
their bodies being stained with woad. This is an entirely wrong 
picture. British priests or Druids were a cultured and highly 
educated sect, possessing a high standard of scientific attainment. 
They had invented a water clock which enabled them to measure 
the passage of time beneath our leaden skies ; sundials by day and 
clock-stars by night, so valuable in the East, were of little avail 
here. So great was the renown of the Druids that young men 
flocked over to Britain from the Continent to receive instruction at 
first hand from them. Britain was the university of Western Europe. 
In addition to this, Britain carried on an extensive commerce with 

*A. TYLER, Nature, 1883, 29, 84. 
fBROMEHBAD, ibid., 1940, 146, 405. 



the mainland of Europe, and must even have been a naval power, 
for the assistance she sent to the Veneti in Gaul evidently worried 
Caesar and was made the pretext of the Roman invasion. Further, 
Tacitus, writing about A.D. 115, speaks of London after Caesar's 
invasion as a city of great importance. This was obviously no 
mushroom growth that could spring up in a night. 

There was a concentration of Roman roads at Venta Belgarum 
or Winchester, as a glance at the map in Fig. 7 shows. Such roads 
were clearly built mainly for military purposes but they must also 
have been designed with an eye to easy transport of metallurgical 
products. Of two roads to the north, one veered eastwards to 




Fig. 7 The Roman roads of Southern Britain 

Silchester and thence to Londinium; the other turned westwards 
ending in Fosse Way^ which connected Exeter and Aquaesulis or 
Bath with Lincoln. To the west lay a road passing through Old 
Sarum, that is Salisbury, and so to the Mendips, cutting Fosse Way 
a few miles south of Bath, Almost due south a road led to Clausentum 
the modern Bitterne, now included in the borough of Southampton. 
A second road more to the east joined that from Clausentum to 
Chichester at Porchester Castle. From Chichester the road, called 
Stane Street^ passed through Bignor, Pulborough and Dorking to 
Londinium. It was thus an easy matter to transport on the backs of 
pack-horses, through Winchester to the Hampshire coast, 
Cornish and Dartmoor tin, lead and iron from the Mendips, iron 



from S. Wales and lead from the north. On the coast were several 
ports, notably Southampton and Portus Magnus or Portsmouth, 
from which the cargoes could be shipped to Vectis^ the Isle of 
Wight, and thence to Gaul. The metals were never sea-borne from 
Britain to the Mediterranean, but followed an old trade route 
through St. Valery-sur-Somme and Chalons-sur-Saone. 

At the beginning of the thirteenth century the tin miners of 
Cornwall began to make history of their own. Mining had been 
carried on, as we have seen, for more than 1,000 years, and the 
tinmen had formed a separate community. Their political position 
was unique. The tinman or "stannary" worker paid taxes not as an 
Englishman but as a miner. He lived, not by common law, but by 
miners' law, his courts were miners' courts, his parliament the Miners' 
Parliament. The parliament of the stannaries not only made its own 
laws but possessed the power to veto any national legislation that 
infringed the miners' privileges. These privileges were definitely 
confirmed by John in 1201. 

When, in 1337, Edward in created his son the first Duke of 
Cornwall, it was done in order that the Black Prince might enjoy 
the revenues, derived chiefly from the tin mines of the county. 

Tin and the alchemists 

The western alchemists called tin diabolus metallorum^ because of its 
peculiar crackling "cry" when bent due to the crystals crushing 
against each other. On account of its brightness coupled with its 
cry, tin was associated with the thunderbolt of Jupiter and about 
the sixth century received the sign 2[ (p. 1 3). Here again, as in lead, 
the curved portion indicates analogy with silver. The sign of the 
cross is once more in evidence. In ancient Persia tin was associated 
with the planet Venus. 

A favourite experiment was the production of the "tin tree" by 
suspending a rod of zinc in a solution of tin chloride ; tin deposited 
as the zinc dissolved yielding the arbor Jovis, analogous to the 
silver and lead trees already mentioned. 

Tin plague 

Aristotle, 384 to 322 B.C. was aware that, when kept very cold, tin 
undergoes a change which he described as "melting", for want of 
a better term. Since then attention has on numerous occasions been 
directed to this curious phenomenon. Thus in 1851 the tin organ- 
pipes in the church at Zeits were found to be attacked, the metal 



crumbling to a powder. Some sixteen years later, after an extremely 
bitter winter in Russia (1867 to 8), blocks of tin stored in the 
Customs House at St Petersburg were found reduced to a greyish 
powder. This is variously known as tin -plague^ tin pest and museum 
sickness, and is due to the conversion of ordinary white tin into its 
grey allotrope, the transition temperature being 13 C, below 
which the grey tin is the stable form. As the temperature falls, white 
tin tends to change to grey at an increased rate, a maximum velocity 
being reached at 50 C. The white metal first tarnishes, then 
becomes covered with a number of grey warts, finally crumbling to 
a powdery mass. Fortunately, at the ordinary winter temperatures 
in Britain the rate at which this change occurs is very small. But 
the ''disease" is contagious and if a "sick" piece of tin is allowed to 
remain in contact with white tin at a temperature below the transi- 
tion point, the latter metal is more rapidly converted to grey than 
would otherwise be the case. 

Tin is an important constituent of solder (p. 212). During 
Captain Scott's ill-fated expedition to the South Pole (1910 to 1912) 
the petrol tins were found to leak. It is believed that, exposed to 
the intense cold of the Antarctic, the solder disintegrated in con- 
sequence of the tin changing into its allotropic grey form and thus 
failed to keep the tins tight. Amundsen, who succeeded in reaching 
the South Pole a few weeks before Scott, recorded that his petrol 
tins required frequent re-soldering, presumably for the same 

It may well be that the tin plague is largely responsible for the 
paucity of ancient objects of pure tin. The addition of lead to tin 
appears to retard this change and it is worthy of note that of many 
hundreds of Roman tin objects that have survived until present 
times and have been examined all contain some lead. A soldier's 
button, which microscopic examination shows to have been cast, 
contained 0*84 per cent of lead; a jug from Glastonbury, 12-22; 
a cup 4-49; and a coffin from Ilchester, Somerset, 55*31 of lead, 
this last-named alloy being close to common solder in composition. 
On the whole, the Romans used a wide range of alloys or the two 
metals ranging from 4 : I to I : 4, and presumably determined 
by experience which alloys were best suited for any particular 

*J. A. SMYTHE, Trans. Newcomen Soc., 1937-1938, 18, 255. RICHMOND and 
SMYTHE, Proc. Univ. Durham Phil. Soc. t 1938, 10, 48. A. WAY, Arch. Journal, 
1859, 16, 38. 



The tin-plate industry 

The largest consumption of tin occurs in the tin-plate industry, the 
history of which is extremely interesting. 

Pliny* mentioned the application of protective coatings of tin to 
copper and iron to preserve the underlying metal from corrosfon. 
"It was in the Gallic provinces", he wrote, "that the method was 
discovered of coating articles of copper with tin so as tcf be scarcely 
distinguishable from silver. Articles thus plated are known as 
incoctUia" The last term means "in-boiled", evidently referring to 
the practice of immersing the article to be coated in the mblfen tin. 
Pliny adds that this process was extended to coating base metals 
with silver and gold. 9 

Apparently during Norman times iron was coated with tin in 
this country, but the application of the process was limited because 
sheet metal had to be made by the laborious practice of hammering 
out blocks of metal. The real tin-plate industry began in Bohemia 
circa 1240. 

Subsequently the Duke of Saxony, learning of the wonderful 
properties of tin-plate and the great success of the Bohemian trade, 
determined to introduce the same into his countryf. To this end he 
obtained the services of a Roman Catholic priest who, disguised as 
a Lutheran, went to Bohemia to pick up what information he could. 
Spying of this kind seems to have been popular in the Middle Ages, 
and it must be conceded that the priest did extremely well. He 
returned to Saxony with the necessary information and in a short 
time a thriving tin-plate industry was established. France now 
wished to emulate Saxony, and Colbert, Minister to Louis xiv (1643 
to 1715), friend of the British King Charles n, deputed Reaumur 
to visit Saxony and in his turn glean all the information he could. 
Ren de Reaumur (1683 to 1757) was a famous French scientist, 
chiefly remembered to-day, perhaps, for his thermometric scale 
(p. 226). As the result of Reaumur's visit, tin-plate works were set 
up in France, the labour being apparently carried out by German 
workmen; but the pay was regarded as insufficient, the workmen 
"struck" or withdrew and the trade died out. 

Early in the reign of Charles n (1660 to 1685) Thomas Allgood, 
a native of Northamptonshire, went to Pontypool to extract 

*PLINY, Opus cit., Book 34, Chapter 48. 

fCHARLES WILKINS, "History of the Iron, Steel, Tinplate and other Trades 
of Wales" (Williams, 1903), Chapter 33. P. W. FLOWER, "A History of the Tin 
Trade" (Bell, 1880). 



copperas and oil from the coal. An iron trade had already been 
established there, records of which date back to 1588. During the 
course of his experiments Allgood discovered a method of varnish- 
ing tin-plate so as to imitate the lacquered articles imported from 
Japan, then known widely as Japanware. The necessary tin-plate 
was accordingly imported from Saxony. To produce it in this 
country and thus make Britain independent or foreign trade was 
the aim of Andrew Yarranton*. In 1632, when a lad of 16, Andrew 
was apprenticed to a linen draper in Worcester. But the work was 
not to. his taste and he ran away. When civil war broke out he 
joined the Parliamentary army, rising to the rank of captain. He 
distinguished himself by uncovering a Royalist plot to seize 
Doyley House in Herefordshire. For this he received the thanks of 
Parliament together with the substantial honorarium of 500. On 
sheathing his sword he started an iron works near Bewdley in 1652 
and became interested in the development of canals and of river 
transport. He was one of the first to recognise the value of clover in 

On the accession of Charles n in 1660, people recalled that he 
had been of the opposite faction, charges were trumped up against 
him and he was thrown into prison. After an eventful escape, re- 
capture and trial, he was released and in 1665 turned his attention 
to the possibility of manufacturing tin-plate in Britain. In 1667 he 
was sent out to Saxony, with a workman who understood iron, and 
an interpreter, by a number of interested gentlemen, so that he 
might learn the secrets of the process. "Coming to the works" 
wrote Yarranton "we were very civilly treated and, contrary to our 
expectation, we had much liberty to view and see the works go, 
with the way and manner of their working and extending the 
plates ; as also the perfect view of such materials as they used in 
cleaning the plates to make them fit to take tinn, with the way they 
used in tinning them over when clear'd from their rust and black- 
ness." When he had found out all he needed to know Yarranton 
returned to England and set up a factory in Worcester. In 1670 
the Worshipful Company of Tmplate Workers was incorporated. 
Trouble, however, arose at Worcester in connection with patents, 
for his secret had leaked out, and Yarranton closed his factory. 

John Hanbury now enters the picture. He was a Kidderminster 
man, destined for the bar. But he was more interested in mines and 

*See "Dictionary of National Biography" edited by L. STEPHEN (London, 1888) 


forges than in law. He was not without means which he made all 
the more substantial by a prudent marriage, and settled in Pontypool, 
Mon. Here he extended and "improved" the iron works to such an 
extent that a visitor, some years later, described the place as "A 
large, dirty, straggling town standing near the entrance of a once 
picturesque valley filled with ironworks and collieries. " 

At Pontypool the tin-plate was made as follows. She^t iron was 
prepared by flattening out hot slabs of metal under a helve or 
tilt-hammer; the slabs, when reduced in thickness, were doubled 
over and piled, with other similarly thinned plates, under the 
hammer, their surfaces being sprinkled with powdered charcoal 
or coal to prevent welding. Hammering was continued until the 
resulting sheets were of the desired thickness. They were then 
pickled in dilute sour rye-water or vinegar to remove oxide and 
other surface impurities, and finally immersed in a bath of molten 

In 1728 Hanbury was joined by John Payne, and the same year 
they introduced the method of rolling the hot bars of iron into 
sheets between metal rollers. This was an enormous improvement. 
Not only could sheets be produced more rapidly but they were 
more uniform and even. The specification of the patent announced 
that "barrs, being heated . . . pass between two large mettall 
rowlers (which have proper notches or furrows on their surfuss) by 
the force of the inventor's engine or other power into such shapes 
and forms as required." 

By 1 740 the German imports of tin-plate were dispensed with, 
the plate produced in England being ample for home consumption. 
By 1776 England herself was exporting. It was not until 1885, 
however, that iron sheets were replaced by steel. 

The fame of the Pontypool japanware lasted for 150 years and 
then decline set in. Meanwhile Wolverhampton (circa 1720) and 
other centres of industry had begun to manufacture the ware; even 
after Pontypool had ceased to produce it, the ware was still known 
as Pontypool ware. 

The Old Hall at Wolverhampton, which occupied a site not far 
from the present library, was a remarkable mansion surrounded by 
a moat, built by the Levesons, a well-known county family, who 
acquired great wealth in the wool trade. The Hall was eventually 
let to the brothers Ryton, who had carried on the tin-plate trade in a 
small factory in Tin Shop Yard, North Street, and their enterprise 
made the Old Hall famous all over the world. 



A further wave of prosperity followed the improvement in 
transport by the development of the Staffordshire and Worcester- 
shire Canals, and then ensued a period when public taste demanded 
goods of high artistic merit, and japanned tea-trays, tea-caddies, 
cc/al-vases, and other goods were produced, cleverly decorated with 
hand-painted designs and scenes by artists of repute. 

Edward Bird, R.A., was apprenticed to the japan trade at the Old 
Hall, and at one period Biblical scenes were the fashion. Then 
followed elaborate decorations in gold and colours, in Indian and 
Chinese designs, some splendid work being accomplished. 

Another notable person associated with the Old Hall was Edwin 
Booth, who was a skilled workman before he became famous as a 
tragedian. He eventually emigrated to America and, sad to relate, 
it was his son, Wilkes Booth, who assassinated President Lincoln 
in the theatre at the close of the American Civil War. 

One of the most far-reaching improvements on the manufac- 
turing side of the industry was the introduction of Nasmyth's 
steam-hammer process circa 1840. It was on the suggestion of a 
foreman at the Old Hall works Mr Pinson, afterwards of 
Pinson and Evans that Nasmyth (i 808 to 1 890) made alterations 
in his steam hammer and adapted it for use in stamping articles of 
hollow-ware from steel and iron sheets. Originally all tin articles 
such as tea and coffee pots, saucepans and kettles, were made 
entirely by hand, but a slow and laborious method of stamping had 
been evolved just before Nasmyth's patent was applied. The hammer 
head was raised by hand by means of a winch, and later by steam, 
but Nasmyth's invention revolutionised the industry, and since 
then the machinery for the production of hollow-ware and pressed 
metal-ware generally has been continually improved by new inven- 
tions and adaptations. 

Good may come out of evil. Military campaigns may stimulate 
research that ultimately proves to the good of man. Napoleon was 
anxious to feed his troops in regions where insufficient or even no 
food might be obtainable locally. He appealed to Nicholas Appert in 
1808 to help him out. This man had already observed that rood in 
airtight packages could be sterilised with heat and could then 
apparently be kept indefinitely. IJe thought that contact with air 
caused putrefaction. It was not until 1854 that Pasteur began those 
researches that culminated in the discovery that putrefaction was 
due to living micro-organisms. 



Appert's first experiments were carried out with stout glass 
bottles as containers. In 1806 the French Navy tried out his 
preparations and apparently found them very successful. In 1809 
Appert was awarded a prize of 12,000 francs in recognition of his 
work by the Bureau Consultatif des Artes et Manufactures. 

In 1810 John Hall, founder of the Dartford Iron Works and his 
associate Bryan Donkin, a scientist and Fellow of the Royal Society, 
developed a similar process, evidently visualising an outlet for their 
products if iron containers could be used in place of glass. The same 
year patents were granted to Augustus de Heine and to Peter 
Durand for the preservation of food in "tin" containers. Although 
Durand is known both in this country and in America as the 
"Father of Tin Cans" neither he nor Heine appears to have engaged 
in canning on a commercial scale. By 1813 both the British Army 
and Naval authorities were interested in the scheme*. Evidently 
Wellington's attention had been drawn to the subject for a certain 
C. C. Smith wrote on his behalf a letter, dated 3Oth April 1813, 
saying that his Lordship (he was Lord Wellesley then) had found 
the preserved beef very good. Was it a sen&e of humour which made 
him add that his Lordship could not himself write owing to 

Captain Parry took some of Donkin's tinned foods with him on 
his three Arctic voyages of discovery (1819 to 1825) and found 
them invaluable. Some tins of meat were landed on the ice when one 
of his vessels, H.M.S. Fury, in the third expedition met her fate in 
August 1825; they were found several years later by Captain Ross 
during his voyages (1829 to 1833) and their contents were in 
excellent condition. Two tins brought back by Parry himself were 
opened as late as 1938 and the contents were still perfect after 
114 years. 

Two tins of meat left over from the stores of H.M.S. Blonde, 
which went on a voyage of discovery to the Sandwich Islands in 
1826, came later into the possession of Dr Alfred S. Taylor. In 
1846 Taylor opened one of them before the chemistry students at 
Guy's Hospital, London, and noted that the meat seemed perfectly 
good. Unfortunately he was unable to analyse the food, for its 
savoury appearance and odour induced some hungry hospital 
assistants to sample it exhaustively. Nature did not exact any 
retribution for their unauthorised repast, so evidently it was 

*"Historic Tinned Foods" (International Tin Research and Development 
Council, 1939). Publication 85. 



still wholesome. In 1867 the remaining tin, then 41 years old, was 
opened, but the contents were bad; the tin had become perforated 
with rust. Taylor therefore recommended that the tins should be 
lacquered or painted as a protection against corrosion. 

f By 1820 the tin can had been introduced into the U.S.A. For 
70 years the cans were made there by hand, and a tinsmith who 
could tur;i out 100 cans a day was a skilled workman indeed. 
Towards the close of the century automatic can-making machinery 
came in, and the "sanitary" top can was patented in 1904. To-day, 
as many as 300 cans per minute are produced by a single unit or 
"line" of can-making machinery in the modern plant. 

The modern tin container, solderless, except for a small applica- 
tioif on the outer edges of the side seam, represents a further 

Equally great strides have been made by the canning industry 
in the methods used in canning foods. This improvement, together 
with scientific methods of sterilisation and processing, now in use 
by most canners, has practically eliminated "spoilage" of canned 
foods. e 

Tinned meats, fish, and fruits have long been on the market; 
since 1935 tinned or "canned" beer has been obtainable in the 
U.S.A. Some 40 per cent of America's tin consumption is absorbed 
by the tin-plate industry. The French call tin-plate white iron. 

The industry consumes more tin than any other. It is stated that 
the quantity of tin-plate made in 1933 would suffice to form a belt 
round the earth at the equator 100 ft. wide. 

Even cast-iron is now being tinned ; cast-iron boxes required for 
the manufacture of penicillin have been tinned. 

In medieval times sword blades were sometimes tinned to 
preserve them from rust, and analysis shows that inlaid inscriptions 
were sometimes executed in tin instead of silver. 

South Wales is the centre of British tin-plate manufacture; more 
than 16,000 tons of tin and 1,000,000 tons of steel are consumed 
annually. The tin coating is very thin, usually about o-oooi inch in 
thickness and less than 1*5 per cent of the weight of an empty tin, 
such as is used for meats, fruits, vegetables, etc, is really metallic 
tin. For this reason it has been suggested that our so-called "tins" 
should be called "cans". That would certainly be more logical, but 
we should lose the history. 

Copper coated with tin is used in the dairy industry, the tin 
preventing the copper from flavouring the milk. 



Copper wires coated with tin are used in the electrical industry. 
The tin prevents the sulphur in the rubber insulation from causing 
the copper to deteriorate. 

Tin foil 

The existing oriental custom of making lace by the laborious hand- 
beating of tin into foil and subsequent cutting into decorative design 
originated in dim antiquity. One Ib. of foil will spread over some 
11,000 to 14,000 sq. in., the usual thickness being 0-0035 to 
0-0080 inch. Tin foil has in recent years been much favoured as a 
harmless wrapping for sweetmeats, tobacco, cheese, and other 
foodstuffs, although it is now displaced in considerable measure by 
aluminium. The mechanical weakness of tin imposes a limit ofi the 
thinness to which it can be rolled and yet retain its usefulness as a 
wrapper. Greater strength is obtained by addition of a little zinc 
and a trace of nickel and this alloy has proved useful for capping 
milk bottles. 

Pewter f 

Tin is the essential constituent of pewter, which the Romans made 
by melting together approximately four parts of tin and one of lead 
(p. 191). This alloy dates mostly from the third and fourth centuries 
A.D. In 1348, The London Guild of Pewterers, founded in 1300, 
recognised this mixture as suitable, but three years later stipulated 
that the amount of lead should not exceed one part in seven of tin. 
Being relatively soft, malleable, ductile, and of pleasing appearance, 
pewter was largely used for vessels of all kinds including plates, 
flagons, tankards, salt cellars and the like. Even church plate, 
particularly on the Continent, was made of pewter. Edward i (1272 
to 1307) is said to have possessed over 300 pewter vessels. The 
method of assaying was based on the fact that tin is less dense than 
lead, hence, by comparison of the weight of a cast disc of pewter 
with a similar one of pure tin, one could determine with ease 
whether or not the correct amount of lead was present. From the 
fifteenth to the eighteenth century pewter was largely used by the 
middle classes. 

King Charles i (1625 to 1649) prohibited the import of tin, and 
directed "that all measures for wine and ale used in taverns, 
victuallers' houses, and shops should be made of pewter or tin and 
should receive the Royal stamp or seal." Unfortunately, after the 
Restoration this very law nearly ruined the trade, owing to the delay 



in obtaining the Royal stamp. We hear similar complaints about 
the inertia of Government Departments even in this enlightened 
age. History repeats itself. 

During the eighteenth century pewter became less popular for a 
variety of reasons. One lay in the increasing appreciation of glass, 
porcelain and pottery. Another was the debasing of pewter with 
increasing (> amounts of lead which gave it a dull grey or black 
appearance. This happened despite the attempt of the Pewterers in 
1772 to regulate the quality of pewter by threatening members 
who Disregarded their ruling with expulsion from the Guild. 

Modern pewter contains no lead; it is roughly 95 per cent tin, 
with a little antimony (4) and a small amount of copper (i). It 
possesses a pleasing white lustre and is moreover very resistant to 
attack by comestibles. Hammered pewter with a highly polished 
facetted surface is popular in this country, whilst most Swedish 
ware is duller. Britannia metal, introduced by James Vickers 
towards the close of the eighteenth century and manufactured in 
Sheffield, also contained a little antimony; it was made by adding this 
element to high grade pewter, the product being harder, whiter and 
more resonant. At the present time several alloys are classed under 
the general name of Britannia metal. One of these comprises 93 of 
tin with 4-6 of antimony and 2 of copper. 


Some 22 per cent of the world's tin production enters into the 
solders. The tinman's solder is 2 of tin and i of lead; the plumber's 
solder is just the reverse; formerly soft solders had equal amounts. 
The idea of the soft solder is that during soldering the lead will 
harden before the tin which remains molten in the interstices of the 
lead and thus keeps the whole plastic until the plumber has had 
time to "wipe the joint". 

Other alloys are type metal (p. 197) and fusible alloys (p. 88). 

In 1839 Isaac Babbitt prepared an alloy of tin with some anti- 
mony and copper which was more plastic than ordinary bronze and 
specially suited for reducing friction between moving parts of 
machinery. The alloy was white and was later modified until whole 
series of "antifriction alloys" or "bearing metals" had been 
produced. These are still known as Eabbitfs metaL A typical alloy 
contains 83 of tin, 8-5 of antimony, and copper each. Bearing 
metals with a high tin content are used in electrical generators and 
aeroplane engines, in the main bearings and big ends of connecting 



rods of steam engines and internal combustion engines and 
generally where risk of scoring shafts must be avoided. 

Speculum metal (Latin speculum, a mirror) or white bronze contains 
2 of copper and I of tin. It is whiter even than tin, extremely 
brittle, and takes a high polish. It was used in Roman days for 
making mirrors and in more recent times found application in 
reflectors for telescopes. Later it was, of course, replaced by the 
well-known silvering process (p. 116). 

Collapsible tubes for paints, ointments, etc, are frequently made of 
tin. In 1841 John Rand brought out the first patent for*nlaking 
collapsible tubes, lead being used. By 1850 the lead was being 
replaced by the less poisonous tin. At the present time som 800 
million collapsible tin tubes are produced annually. 

Sources of tin 

A century ago, two-thirds of the world's tin came from Cornish 
mines. Hot water welled up in the mines and was pumped out by 
the steam pumps of James Watt and later Tfevethick. At the 
present time the two chief mines are at Geevor, near Land's End, 
and the South Crofty mine at Camborne. 

Prior to World War II some 70 per cent of the world's tin ore 
came from S.E. Asia, including Malaya, Dutch East Indies and 
China. Other sources are Australia, Tasmania, Nigeria, the 
Belgian Congo and Bolivia. 

The tin of Nigeria is extremely easy to work, for the deposits are 
all alluvial. It was secured in the early days of the industry by 
simply washing the sands and gravel. The resulting product, black 
tin, contained over 70 per cent pure tin. 

The tin mining industry in Nigeria did not develop to any great 
extent until the price of the metal reached 150 per ton, when the 
mining world began to take an active interest in it. Since then it has 
gone rapidly ahead, and in 1928 Nigeria produced over 10,000 
tons of tin concentrates. 

The opening up of the railways has aided the development of the 
tin area by enabling modern machinery to be imported and by 
reducing the carriage of the raw material to the coast. While the 
shallower deposits are in some cases being worked out, the deeper 
ones are now being exploited. Hand labour is giving place to the 
hydro-electrical plant and steam shovels. 

Prior to World War II nearly 40,000 natives were regularly 
employed in the tin fields and a real standard of living had been 



established. In half a century the slave-driver and his works have 
been forgotten. 

In 1800 the world production of tin was less than 9000 tons; in 
1900 75,000 tons and by 1940 238,000 tons, the increase being 
mainly due to the enormous consumption in the tin-plate industry. 

Mercury or, quicksilver 

This was the latest of the seven metals to be discovered in pre- 
Christian times. The word quick means living and is used in this 
sense nir the old expression "the quick and the dead" a modern 
version of which, since the advent of the motor car, is said to be 
"the quick or the dead". When held in the palm of the hand the 
surface of the metal is in constant motion, due to tremors caused 
by the blood coursing through the veins and arteries. It thus seems 
to be alive; this coupled with its bright silvery appearance, completes 
the aptness of its early name. The alternative name mercury is 
probably derived from the Latin merx, merchandise. 

Mercury and the ancients 

The metal has been found in Egyptian tombs dating back to some 
1600 B.C. but is believed to have been introduced into these at a 
much later date by Arabs, who used small bottles or phials contain- 
ing the metal as amulets. Mercury is not mentioned in the Ebers 
Papyrus, circa 1550 B.C. (p. 199) neither does the metal receive 
mention in the Old Testament. In Numbers xxxi we read of the 
spoil taken from the Midianites. This included (verse 22) gold, 
silver, "brass", iron, "tin" and lead. We are then told of the "water 
of separation" which the Lord commanded the Hebrews to use in 
purifying the spoil. "Everything that may abide the fire, ye shall 
make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it 
shall be purified with the water of separation." Many have inter- 
preted this passage as referring to the use of mercury, but more 
probably it merely refers to the usual "water of purification" used 
ceremonially and prepared by burning a red heifer whole, mixing 
the ashes with water and allowing to stand*. 

The Greeks were already familiar with mercury before the 
Christian Era. Aristotle (384 to 322 B.C.) referred to it as "liquid 
silver"; this appears to be the first definite mention of the metal. 
Theophrastus, circa 300 B.C., mentions the manufacture of chutos 

*PARTINGTON, "Origins and Development of Applied Chemistry" (Longmans* 
*935)> PP. 84, 193, 486. 


argyros or quicksilver from cinnabar, saying that it can be obtained 
by rubbing the ore with vinegar in a copper vessel. 

Mercury and the Romans 

Pliny* has a good deal to say about mercury. It was apparendy 
customary to distinguish between the native metal, that is argentum 
vivum or quicksilver, and the same element prepared fronj cinnabar, 
which was called hydrargyrum or "silver water". Pliny briefly 
described the preparation of this latter, which he somewhat dis- 
paragingly referred to as a "substitute" for the native metal. An 
iron pot, containing cinnabar, was placed inside an earthen pan 
and covered with a lid luted on with clay. The whole was then 
heated from beneath with a fire kept going with the aid of belfows. 
The vapour condensed on the lid to a liquid combining the colour 
of silver with the mobility of water. 

Pliny knew that quicksilver could be used in the purification of 
gold for he states that "on being briskly shaken m an earthen 
vessel with gold, it rejects all the impurities that are mixed with it. 
When once it has thus expelled these superfluities, there is nothing 
to do but separate it from the gold." 

In 1 154 Al Idrisi described a similar process as being carried out 
in his day in Central Africa. Auriferous sands were washed in 
wooden tubs and the gold mixed with mercury. On heating the 
amalgam over a charcoal fire the mercury volatilised leaving a 
residue of gold. This, of course, is. the principle of the "amalgama- 
tion process" for the extraction of gold and silver, once extensively 
used. It was re-discovered by the Spanish about the middle of the 
sixteenth century, after having apparently been lost for several 

Mercury and the alchemists 

The alchemists placed a high value on mercury and their symbol 
for it has already been explained (p. 13). They were fond of 
experimenting with amalgams^ that is alloys of various metals with 
mercury. The word amalgam, derived from the Greek malakos, 
soft, is believed to have been introduced by Thomas Aquinas, 
circa 1250, pupil of Albertus Magnus who introduced the term 
affinity into chemistry (p. 1 6). 

*'The Natural History of Pliny". Translated by Bostock and Riley (Bohn, 
1857)1 Book 33, Chapters 32 and 41. 



Reference has already been made to the medieval conception of 
mercury as a constituent, along with sulphur, of all metals. An 
English MS. in the possession of the British Museum, dating back 
to the fifteenth century refers to mercury as "the mother of all 
njetals with sulphur"*. 

To the Indian alchemistsf mercury was all-important. Their god, 
Siva, was the mercurial deity, and mercury was used not merely to 
transmute base metals into gold but also to prolong life beyond the 

In the sixteenth century liquid mercury appears to have been fre- 
quently prescribed as a medicine to be taken internally. Somewhat 
later Thomas Dover (b. 1660), a reputable physician, was a great 
advocate of its use ; it is said that a patient of his, to wit Captain 
Henry Coit, took one-and-a-quarter ounces of metallic mercury 
daily until he had consumed more than two pounds. Dover claimed 
that mercury removed all vermicular diseases, opened all obstruc- 
tions and purified the blood. But more gold could be accumulated 
in those days by piracy, for might was right and the weaker were 
thrust to the wall. So Dover threw up his medical practice and went 
aroving in the South Seas under a scheme engineered by a group 
of Bristol merchants, returning somewhat later with spoil estimated 
at 170,000. During his voyages he landed on the island of Juan 
Fernandez, where Alexander Selkirk was marooned in 1704 
whose experiences are believed to have led Defoe to produce in 1719 
his world-famous Robinson Crusoe. 

The story of vermilion 

Mercury occurs naturally as the sulphide cinnabar or coral ore. 
Both names refer to the colour. The word cinnabar is believed to 
come from India where it is used to designate the red resin known 
to us as dragon's blood. The crushed mineral was used as a pigment 
under the name vermilion and was much prized for its beautiful 
colour. The Egyptians used it as long ago as 400 B.C. for painting 
pictures of their gods. Its Roman name was minium, but it was so 
frequently adulterated with what Pliny J termed "a second-rate 
kind of minium", known to us as red-lead, that the name minium 
passed from vermilion to its adulterant, and still clings to it, thus 

*See RODWELL, Chem. News, 1873, 7, 206. 

fP. C. RAY, "History of Hindu Chemistry" (Williams & Norgate), Volume I 
(1902); Volume 2 (1909). 

JQuoted from BAILEY, "The Elder Pliny's Chapters on Chemical Subjects", 
(Arnold, 1929), Part i, p. 123. 



perpetuating the memory of man's dishonesty. A nation's language 
bears the impress of the character of its people. 

The quicksilver mines at Almaden in the province of Ciudad 
Real, Spain, are the richest and most valuable in Europe, normally 
producing about half the world's supply of the metal. They were 
worked at the time of the Punic Wars, 600 B.C., and the first actual 
excavations are believed to have taken place at this time** They cover 
an area of some 1 2 square miles, and as yet but a small proportion 
has been worked. In 1927 the output was 2,500 tons; in 1935 it 
was 1,227 tons, the output having been restricted in 1930; the 
present production is not known. Mercury mining is an unhealthy 
task, and in the early days it was allotted to slaves ; later it was the 
duty of convicts, and the Spanish Government at one time granted 
exemption from military service to men who had been at Almaden 
for two years. 

Approximately 2000 men normally work in these mines, but 
this number has often been exceeded. The present workings, which 
date from the seventeenth century, are 1,200 feet deep, with twelve 
galleries, one below the other. They are closed between April and 
October, when there is a lack of water for the distillation process. 

In by-gone years, however, the conditions were ghastly. Slaves 
and criminals worked continuously throughout the seasons, through 
hot and cold, through summer and winter. They seldom survived 
three years of service, and as rapidly as they perished they were 
replaced by others. Stories are told of men whose bodies became so 
saturated with mercury that a piece of brass put into their mouths 
would become white. 

In 1 1 68 King Alfonso vm granted the mines to the Knights of 
Calatrava who were, however, defeated by the Moors at the battle 
of Alarcos, with the result that Almaden became the property of 
the Caliphs of Cordova. The name Almaden is Arabic for mine> 
which suggests that the Moors worked the mineral in their turn. 
In 12 12 the tables were turned, the Christians defeated the Moors 
at Las Navas de Tolosa, and the Spanish king again took over the 
mines. The Knights of Calatrava then reminded the king of their 
early rights and once more entered into possession, but this time 
they had to share their profits on a fifty-fifty basis with the Crown. 

A few centuries later, with the discovery of the vast quantities of 
silver ore in Mexico and Peru (p. 109), the importance of Almaden 
grew enormously, for mercury was essential to the old Spanish 
amalgamation method of extracting silver. 



The mines are still extremely valuable; in war time they possess 
a special interest, for mercury fulminate is then in huge demand as 
a detonator. 

The cinnabar mines of Idria in Hungary have been worked for 
sewral hundred years. A merchant noticed globules of mercury 
lodged in the hollows of a spring and thought that by excavating to 
a sufficient* depth the source of the valuable metal might be dis- 
covered. He obtained a grant of the ground from the Government 
and began working; his efforts were to a large extent successful, but 
it becurrte evident that much larger quantities of ore could be 
obtained at greater depths than he could afford to work. So he sold 
the works as a running concern to the Austrian Government and 
they are now known to be extremely rich. In some places free 
mercury is found in glistening globules, but of course the main 
bulk of the metal of commerce has to be extracted from the ore. 

About the year 1566 Henry Garces, a Portuguese, examined a 
red earth used by the Indians for making paint. The colour 
reminded him of cinnabar and after making a few experiments he 
convinced himself that this red earth was indeed the same as that 
mined in Spain. This led to the opening up of the mines at 
Guancavelica in Peru, where thousands of workmen were sub- 
sequently condemned to forced labour amid the deadly fumes. 

The mines run deep and it is said that in the abyss are seen streets, 
squares and a chapel where religious ceremonies are celebrated on 
festive occasions. Very rich mines are worked in California and 

The Japanese were wont to utilise the antiseptic properties of 
cinnabar in preserving the dead. The rich and noble were buried 
in several square coffins, one inside the other, usually in a sitting 
position, the nose, ears and mouth being filled with cinnabar to 
arrest decay. In the case of the very wealthy the coffin might be 
completely filled with cinnabar*. 

Pliny mentions the use of vermilion as a pigment; he states that 
in earlier days it had been customary on festive occasions to cover 
the face of the statue of Jupiter with the pigment, whilst victorious 
generals, returning triumphant from successful campaigns, likewise 
stained their bodies red an emblem of blood and carnage! 

Vermilion was expensive, and Roman artisan painters discovered 
an ingenious method of pilfering it; in the interest of cleanliness 

*LORD REDESDALE, "Tales of Old Japan" (Macmillan, 1910), p. 75. 


they would frequently wash their brushes when filled with pigment, 
which latter, owing to its great density, fell to the bottom of the 
water and was thus so much gained by the thief. Adulteration was 
common (p. 216). Pliny was aware that cinnabar is poisonous and 
mentions that "by Hercules*' some physicians used it by mistake 
instead of Indian cinnabar, the resin now known as dragon's blood. 
Let us hope that it was by mistake only, and not of malice afore- 
thought. Pliny was fond of invoking Hercules when he wished to 
express himself forcefully. 

The Chinese were long regarded as the best makers of vermilion; 
perhaps they took more pains with their work and thus produced a 
finer substance, for they are a gifted people and their patience is 
proverbial. The Chinese used vermilion as a royal colour in quite 
early times. Marco Polo (p. 55) states that the paper currency of 
Cublai Khan in the thirteenth century was stamped with the royal 
signature in vermilion. 

The Hindoos knew how to make vermilion at an early date. In the 
Rasarnava tantra, circa A.D. 1200 a method of manufacture is given 
which is essentially the same as that long 'practised "by the Chinese. 

That mercury was a true metal was not generally admitted until 
1759 when it was first frozen, its melting point being 3 8 '9 C. 
Solid mercury was then seen to resemble lead or silver in its 
physical properties. In 1849 Ross, when in Greenland, pierced a 
wooden plank an inch thick with a bullet of frozen mercury, so low 
were the temperatures he experienced. 

Uses of mercury 

Mercury is employed in thermometers, barometers and numerous 
other instruments. Priestley introduced the mercury pneumatic 
trough which enabled him to prepare and collect in a pure state 
such gases as ammonia, hydrogen chloride and sulphur dioxide, 
which are too soluble for collection over water. 

Amalgams are of considerable importance. Some are at first so 
soft that they can be moulded in the hand like wax, but harden later; 
they are sometimes used by dentists for filling teeth. 

As we have already seen, gold readily amalgamates with mercury, 
so does silver, and amalgamation processes for the extraction of 
these metals from their ores have long been practised, though they 
are now largely superseded by the cyanide process. 

Gold amalgam is used in fire-gilding; the metal article to be 
gilded must of course be able to stand uninjured a temperature 



close to that of boiling mercury, namely 357 C. It is first "pickled" 
or cleansed by dipping in acid, and then brushed with an acid 
solution of mercury nitrate. A little of the metal dissolves causing 
a thin layer of mercury to deposit, so that the article now appears 
whitish, and is ready to receive the gold amalgam which is applied 
with a stiff brush. The article is now heated to volatilise the mercury 
and leave ta coherent coating of gold. The mercurial vapours are 
extremely poisonous and though fire-gilding yields the more 
durable coat, the process is being superseded by electro-deposition. 
Fire-silvering was also practised. 

Tin amalgam was formerly used for "silvering" mirrors, but the 
process suffers from many disadvantages in addition to the 
poisonous character of the emitted mercurial vapours. It has there- 
for become virtually obsolescent. 

Amalgams with the alkali metals are readily formed by plunging 
the latter into warmed mercury. They are of interest in that by 
using a mercury cathode, Sir Humphry Davy in 1807 was a ble to 
isolate both potassium and sodium by electrolysis of potash and 
soda (p. 144). Mercury is used to-day in the commercial manufacture 
of caustic soda and hydrochloric acid by the electrolysis of brine. It 
is used also as the raw material for the preparation of mercuric 
oxide, vermilion, mercurous and mercuric chloride, fulminate and 
other derivatives. The oxide is of special historical interest as it led 
170 years ago to the discovery of oxygen (p. 21) 

It has long been supposed that a loaf of bread loaded with 
mercury and thrown into a river or lake in which a dead body lay, 
would come to rest over the corpse and so reveal its presence. This 
ancient belief was tested with dramatic success at Bedworth, near 
Nuneaton, in October 1932 on the thirteenth of the month, too. 
A girl of fifteen had disappeared four days previously. She had been 
last seen on a path leading towards the Coventry canal, on the 
banks of which her purse was afterwards found. Her uncle then 
decided to test the old belief, putting some mercury into a loaf of 
bread and launching it into the canal. Next morning, in company 
with the police he searched for the loaf and found it resting on the 
water at a spot a few yards from a bridge. Amid great excitement 
drags were thrown into the water and the girl's body was 
located and brought to the side. A similar experiment had been tried 
on the Avon, near Amesbury, in May 1925, but without success. 
The sceptic declared that the loaf had not been properly baked ; 
the true believer maintained that the girl had not been drowned! 



Mercury vapour lamps are widely used for a variety of purposes, 
as for example in the sterilisation of water and the irradiation of 
milk to produce vitamin D. The use of mercury in making mirrors 
has largely been superseded by silvering. 

By bombardment of metallic gold with neutrons in an atoi\iic 
pile one of the isotopes of mercury has been produced and isolated 
m a pure state. Thus 

Au (197) + n .Hg (198) + e 

an electron being evolved. This is an inversion of the alchemists' 
dream. Hg(i98) gives a pure monochromatic green light and its 
wavelength is being carefully measured so that eventually the yard 
and metre may be expressed in terms of wavelengths whicji are 
believed to be absolutely permanent (p. 308). 

The thermometer* 

Mercury has been for many years, and still is, employed widely in 
thermometry. It is curious that any serious attempts to measure 
temperatures were so long delayed in scientific history. One of the 
earliest written references to temperature differences occurs in the 
book of Daniel, written probably about 170 B.C. and purporting to 
give an account of events that had occurred several hundred years 
earlier in the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon 604 to 
562 B.C. Annoyed at the uncompromising behaviour of three 
Hebrews, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who refused to 
worship the golden image he had erected, the king ordered them 
to be thrown into a furnace heated "one seven times more than it 
was wont to be heated" (Daniel m. 19). This appears to have been 
quite a usual method of inflicting capital punishment in Persia 
(Jeremiah xxix. 22) and was probably no more unpleasant than 
being flayed alive, the custom of the Assyrians a century before. 

The word thermometer appears to have been first used by Father 
Leurechon, a French Jesuit, in his work entitled "Rcration 
Mathematique", dated 1624. The credit of inventing thermometers 
with a liquid indicator (actually spirits of wine) hermetically sealed 
in a glass tube is usually given to Ferdinand n about 1650; he was 
Grand Duke of Tuscany, a liberal patron of science and founder of 
the Accademia del Cimento at Florence. Prior to these, air thermo- 
scopes or baro-thermoscopes had been used for comparing relative 

*A detailed history with full references is given by FRIEND, Nature, 1937, 139, 



changes in temperature. These were (probably) invented either by 
Santorio, professor of medicine at Padua and colleague of Galileo, 
or by Galileo himself, about 1592*. The utility of these thermo- 
scopes was severely limited by their susceptibility to changes in 
atjnospheric pressure. As no standard temperature scale was 
recognised, it was at first impossible, even with the Ferdinand or 
Florentine thermometers, to collate the results of different invest- 
igators. Tfiis very serious defect was soon realised, and steps were 
taken to find a remedy. 

A single fixed point 

It was regarded by some as sufficient to select a single fixed point 
at arj easily reproducible temperature and regard that as the zero or 
null point. Other temperatures were measured by noting the 
percentage or other fractional changes in volume of the liquid 
indicator once the null point had been marked off on the thermometer. 

Clearly the nature of the liquid medium was a matter of supreme 
importance, for, if the results of different investigators were to be 
collated, either the same liquid indicator must be used by all, or one 
possessed of an identical* coefficient of expansion. Halley (1656- 
1 742) directed attention to this, having observed that all liquids do 
not expand by similar amounts with rise of temperature. Further, 
the exact volume of the liquid in the bulb of the thermometer must 
be known in order that the fractional volume change may be 
calculated and the temperature evaluated. 

Boyle (162791) proposed water. He recommended taking a 
vessel of water and noting the volume of the liquid at the boiling 
point. On cooling to a lower temperature, the latter could be 
registered in terms of the contraction of the water as parts per 
10,000 of the boiling volume. But this suggestion did not find 
favour despite the abundance of water and the ease with which it 
could be obtained in a pure condition. Water was regarded as 
unsuitable for not only was its coefficient of expansion small, but 
also its freezing point was too high for many meteorological 
purposes, and it was for this kind of work that thermometers were 
then mainly required. 

Sir Isaac Newtonf (1642-1727) used linseed 0/7, noting its 
volume at the temperature of melting ice and, like Boyle, expressing 

*BOLTON, "Evolution of the Thermometer, 1592-1743" (Chem. Pub. Co., 
U.S.A. 1900). 

fNEWTON, Phil. Trans., 1701, p. 824. The paper, entitled "Scala graduum 
Galons' ', is anonymous and printed in Latin. 



its change in volume as parts per 10,000. Martine* quaintly refers 
to his experiments as follows 

Sir Isaac Newton thought the settling [of] the degrees of 
heat and cold well worth his notice; and as he carried every- 
thing he meddled [sic] with beyond what anybody had done 
before him, and generally with a greater than ordinary 
exactness and precision, so he laid down a method of adjusting 
thermometers in a more definite way than had 'been done 

But although linseed oil has a low freezing point and> a large 
range of liquidity, its use in thermometry did not become general, 
despite Newton's fame as an investigator and the fact that the oil 
could be used at temperatures far above the boiling point of T vater. 
This was probably due to the fact that, in consequence of its high 
viscosity, the oil drains very slowly, particularly at the lower 
temperatures, down the sides of the tube bearing the scale; the 
thermometer thus takes a long time to adjust itself to new 

Ferdinand ordered his thermometers % to be made with spirit \ 
Boyle was quick to appreciate their merits and introduced them 
into England, and Martine says they "came immediately to be of 
universal use among the virtuosi in all the several countries, 
wherever polite learning and philosophy were cultivated." The 
scale divisions were approximately one fiftieth of the volume of the 
bulb. Sagredo used 360 divisions, like the graduation of a circle; 
hence the term degree, as applied to temperature. 

The low freezing point and viscosity of spirit were excellent 
features, but a really serious difficulty lay in the fact that the co- 
efficient of expansion was found to vary greatly with the quantity 
of admixed water. 

Fahrenheit favoured the use of mercury as well as of spirit; indeed 
he was the first to bring the mercurial thermometer into general 

Two fixed points 

Some investigators, Martine included, advocated the use of a 
thermometric scale based upon two fixed points. This had several 
great advantages. Any suitable liquid could then be used as 

* MARTINE, "Essays on the Construction and Graduation of Thermometers" 
(New edition, Edinburgh, 1792). The first essay, from which these and succeeding 
quotations are taken, is dated 1738. 



indicator, and the necessity no longer existed for determining with 
great accuracy the volume of the bulb of the thermometer. All that 
one had to do, and this was comparatively easy, was to note the 
levels at the two fixed points and divide the distance between them 
int9 as many parts or aegrees as was held convenient. 

The lower fixed point 

Boyle* recommended the freezing point of oil of aniseed (17 to 
20 C) as zero, because it was not necessary to wait for frosty 
weather Before it solidified. Halley thought a cave might be selected 
where summer and winter temperatures are alike; one such cave 
was known to Boyle, whilst Mariotte claimed that the cave under 
the Royal Observatory at Paris was also isothermal. Both Hooke 
and Newton chose the freezing point of water as their zero. 

Boyle's suggestion is ruled out because oil of aniseed is a natural 
product and as such does not possess a fixed composition ; its melt- 
ing point is thus liable to vary. For geographical reasons, Halley's 
idea is impracticable, as a particular cave could not be visited by 
everyone desirous of checking his thermometer. 

Ole Roemer (1644-1710), the Danish astronomer famous for 
his measurement of the velocity of light from a study of the 
movements of Jupiter's satellites, used a mixture of ice and common 
salt or a similar one (ice and sal ammoniac) in obtaining his zero, 
which was regarded as the lowest temperature then attainable in 
the laboratory. This mixture was not entirely satisfactory and 
Fahrenheit later pointed out that a different result might be obtained 
in summer from that in winter (p. 226). 

The suggestion of Hooke and Newton appears to be the simplest 
and most convenient. Why then was it not generally adopted? The 
reason appears to be that many believed the freezing point of water 
was not constant, but varied with the latitude, Halley and others 
asserting that, the farther north we go, the more cold is required 
to freeze the water to use the then current phraseology. 

Martine refers to this, and appears to have been the first to show 
that such is not the case. He rightly attributes the observed 
differences in the freezing point of water either to inaccurate 
observation or to the use of imperfect thermometers. He says that 
he marked the mercury level on a thermometer at Edinburgh, when 
immersed in snow and water, whilst a friend did the same with 
another thermometer in London. They then exchanged instruments 

BOYLE, "An Experimental History of Cold 11 , 1665. 

and tested them, finding them to agree perfectly. Evidently the 
difference in latitude between the two cities had not affected the 
freezing point. Later experiments as far south as Paris and Dijon 
yielded similar results. 


The upper fixed point 

For this Newton chose blood heat which was regarded as absolutely 
constant in a healthy person, Roemer and Fahrenheit used this 

Halley recommended the boiling point of spirit of wine, "only 
it must be observed" he wrote "that the spirit of wine used to this 
purpose, be highly Rectified or Dephlegmed for otherwise the 
differing goodness of the spirit will occasion it to boil sooner or 
later, and thereby pervert the designed exactness. " 

Carlo Renaldini in 1694 recommended the boiling point of 
water. He was the first to make this suggestion. Fahrenheit and 
others were aware that the boiling point varied with the pressure of 
the atmosphere but apparently this was not regarded as a serious 

Newton's thermometer 

As we have seen, Newton's fixed points were the melting point of 
ice taken as o and blood heat, which was designated as 12. 

Roemer's thermometer 

In "Adversaria", which was printed in 1910, the MS having 
been mislaid for about 200 years*, Rcemer gives an account of the 
ways in which he made and standardised his thermometers. 

For his upper fixed point he either used the boiling point of 
water, which he designated as 60, or blood heat, presumably when 
the thermometers were intended only for meteorological use as it 
would not then be necessary to graduate to so high a temperature. 
Blood heat was taken as 22^. The thermometer was checked in 
ice-water, the reading being 7^. How the zero was obtained is not 
definitely stated but simple calculation shows that it corresponds 
roughly to the temperature of a mixture of salt and ice. This, or a 
similar mixture, was Fahrenheit's zero, and he admitted to having 
copied Roemer's methods. 

*KIRSTINB MEYER, Nature, 1910, 82, 296. "Adversaria" by THYRA and K. 
MEYER (K0benhavn, 1910), reviewed in Nature, 1911, 86, 4. Also KIRSTINE 
MEYER, "Temperaturbegrebets Udvikling gennem Tiderne" (K0benhavn, 1909). 



R&aumur's thermometer 

Ren de Reaumur (1683-1757), the French scientist*, found that 
the best spirits of wine of his day expanded by 8y parts per 1000 
when warmed from the temperature of melting ice to that of 
bailing water. Equal parts of his spirit and water gave an 
expansion of 6yJ. He therefore for simplicity chose such a mixture 
as expanded by 80 parts. Hence the Reaumur scale runs from o 
to 80 between those two temperatures. The choice was not 

accidental, as we frequently read, but by design. 

The Centigrade thermometer 

Celsius favoured the decimal system and in 1736 divided the 
temperature interval between the melting of ice and the boiling of 
water into 100, taking the former as 100 and the latter as o. This 
meant that temperatures above the boiling point of water were 
negative, so the scale was inverted in 1743 by Christin of Lyons. 

In 1948 a General Conference on Weights and Measures was 
held in Paris and Sevres and the suggestion was made that the term 
Centigrade should be replaced by Celsius; this would bring the 
Centigrade scale into line with those of Kelvin, Fahrenheit and 

The Fahrenheit thermometer 

This was based on Rcemer's thermometer, as Fahrenheit candidly 
admits. His zero was the temperature obtainedf "by the commixture 
of ice, water and sal ammoniac, or even sea salt". From the fact that 
he quotes sal ammoniac and sea salt as alternatives we gather that 
Fahrenheit supposed they yielded the same temperature with ice. 
We now know that their cryohydric points are 15 C (or 
+ 5 F) and 22 C (or 8 F) respectively. Nevertheless, 
Fahrenheit did realise that there was a difficulty in reaching the 
true zero, for he naively remarks that "if into this mixture the 
thermometer be put, it descends to o. This experiment succeeds 
better in winter than in summer"! 

* Reaumur interested himself in spiders. He thought their "silk" might be 
used for textiles and sought to rear colonies of them. But they showed disgraceful 
cannibalistic propensities, the females being even more voracious than the males, 
and the experiments were not a success. 

{FAHRENHEIT, Phil. Trans., 1724, 33, 78. Printed in Latin. This quotation is 
from Hutton's Abridged Edition, 7, 22-24. See also ERNST COHEN and W. A. T. 
COHEN-DE-MEESTER, Kon. Akad. Wet. Verhand. (Amsterdam), 1936, xvi, No, 2, 
p. i. Chtmisch Weekblad, 1936, 33, No. 24. 


Fahrenheit's upper fixed point was blood heat. On Roemer's 
scale this was 22^, but he stated in a letter to Boerhaave* that in 1 7 1 7 
he felt Rcemer's scale with its fractions to be both inconvenient and 
inelegant; so instead of 22^ divided into quarters, that is, 90, he 
decided to take 96 as blood heat. Retaining the same zero, the 
meltingpoint of ice became 32, instead of 7^ divided into quarters 
or 30. This scale he continued to use and was using at the time the 
letter was written (that is, in 1729); he added that he had been 
confirmed in his choice because he found it to agree, by pure 
coincidence, with the scale marked on the thermometer liariging 
in the Paris Observatory. 

Fahrenheit gave no reason for regarding the number 96 as rnore 
convenient than 90. Probably it was due to the fact that 96 is 
divisible not merely by 3 but also by multiples of 2 and hence by 12. 
The decimal system was not then in general use in scientific work, 
otherwise Fahrenheit would no doubt have fixed blood heat at 100. 
In that case the freezing and boiling points of water would have 
been represented by numbers even more awkward and disconnected 
namely, 33*3 and 221 respectively. So let us be thankful. 

Although we retain a Fahrenheit scale to-day, it is not quite the 
same as that which Fahrenheit used. The lower and upper fixed 
points adopted are those deliberately rejected by Fahrenheit, ice 
being taken to melt at 32 and water to boil under standard 
conditions at 212. 

*A few years ago there were found, in the Military Medical Academy at 
Leningrad, some letters sent by Fahrenheit to Boerhaave during 1718 to 1729. 
The letters were written in Dutch at Amsterdam and a literal translation of one 
of them into German, dated i7th April 1729, given by the Cohens, throws con- 
siderable light on Fahrenheit's procedure in graduating his thermometer. See 
Nature, 1936, 138, 428. COHEN and COHEN-DE-MEESTER, Kon. Akad. Wet. 
Verhand., Eersle Sectie, 16, No. 2, pp. 1-37. Amsterdam, 1936. 




THE titanium group comprises titanium, zirconium, hafnium and 


Years ago country clergymen were often keen students of nature 
and 1 spent many hours of their free time in unravelling her secrets. 
In his parish of Menachan, Cornwall, the Rev. William Gregor 
noticed a black, magnetic sand, resembling gunpowder in external 
appearance, washed by a meandering stream whose principal 
source lay in the valleys of Gonhilly*. Analysis of the sand in 1791 
showed it to contain, in addition to iron, a new element, the oxide of 
which was reddish brow# and dissolved in acid to a yellow solution 
which became purple when reduced with zinc. These results were 
published in CrelPs Annalen in 1791; the sand was called 
menachanite and the oxide menakine by Kirwan in 1829. They 
attracted but little notice, however. Can good come out of Nazareth? 
Can a country parson contribute anything of value to the scientific 

In 1795 Klaprothf was examining a brownish red mineral then 
known as red schorl or schorl rouge^ but later called rutile. From it he 
separated a red oxide which bore a close resemblance to that 
described by Gregor as obtained from his black sand, menachanite. 
Klaproth was fortunate in obtaining some of this latter mineral, 
which he playfully called "iron shot titanite", and confirmed the 
identity of the two oxides. Notwithstanding Gregorys priority, 
which should have been respected, Klaproth suggested the name 
titanium for the metal, although he did not isolate it, "borrowing" 
as he wrote "the name for this metallic substance from mythology 
and in particular from the Titans, the first sons of the Earth." 
Gregor did not live to see his metal isolated; he died in 1817 of 
tuberculosis, like his great contemporary, Karl Wilhelm Scheele. 

"These place-names are given on the Ordnance Survey maps as Manachan and 
Goonhilly Down. 

t KLAPROTH, "Analytical Essays towards promoting the Chemical Knowledge 
of Mineral Substances". Cadell and Da vies (London, 1801). 



Eight years later (1825), Berzelius, the renowned Swedish chemist, 
reduced potassium hexafluotitanate, K 2 TiF 6 , with potassium and 
obtained an impure amorphous specimen of titanium. In 1887, a 
95 per cent pure sample was isolated by Nilson and Pettersson* 
by reduction of the tetrachloride, TiQ 4 , with metallic sodium. By 
a similar method, Hunter obtained titanium of some 99-9 per cent 
purity in 1910. 

Although titanium is surprisingly abundant in the Earth's 
lo-mile crust (p. 7), greatly exceeding copper and lead, the pure 
metal is not used commercially. In 1890 Rossi smelted titanium 
ores and from them made superior steels; from this the titanium 
alloy industry developed. 

The alloy with iron known as ferro-titanium, is used in making 
titanium steels and in combating "weld decay" in stainless steels. 
It is used as final deoxidiser and denitrogeniser in steel manufacture. 
Cupro-titanium and mangano-titanium are used as deoxidisers in 
making brass and bronze castings. Manganese-titanium is also used 
as a scavenger for certain white metal alloys especially for alloys of 
nickel and chromium. 


The jacinth or hyacinth, now also known as zircon, ZrSiO 4 , has long 
been prized as a gem for its beautiful orange to red colour whence 
the name zircon, from Arabic zarkun, cinnabar, and Persian zargun, 
gold coloured. Unfortunately, the colour tends to fade on exposure 
to light. The colourless, yellow and smoky varieties from Ceylon 
are termed jargon, a word possibly derived from the same root. 
The word jacinth occurs twice in the New Testament. In Rev. xxi. 
19 to 20, we read that the foundations of the Holy Jerusalem 
"were garnished with all manner of precious stones", the eleventh 
being the jacinth. In Rev. ix. 17, the horsemen are described as 
"having breastplates of fire and of jacinth and brimstone." The 
"brimstone" here may well refer merely to combustibility, as 
explained in a previous chapter (p. 22), but the connection of fire and 
brimstone with jacinth is not clear. Possibly, however, the jacinth 
referred to is not the stone we now know by that name. If it were 
amber or some other organic substance it would naturally be 

Although zircons had been analysed before, it was not until 1789, 
when Klaproth examined a specimen from Ceylon, that the presence 

*NILSON and PETTERSSON, Zeitch physikal Chem., 1887, 1, 27. 



of a hitherto unknown "earth" was suspected. Zircons had been 
regarded as merely aluminium silicates, the base we now call 
zirconia being confused with alumina. 

In 1808, Davy, having successfully decomposed potash, soda 
ard the alkaline earths with the electric current, endeavoured 
similarly to isolate the metal from zirconia. He was not successful, 
however, but in 1824 Berzelius obtained an impure specimen of 
zirconium by heating potassium hexafluozirconate, K 2 ZrF 6 , with 
metallic potassium the method he subsequently adopted in 
isolating titanium, as already mentioned. The product was impure; 
many years were to elapse before a really pure specimen was 
obtained by Lely and Hamburger*, who, in 1914, reduced the 
chloride ZrCl 4 with metallic sodium. The pure metalf is now 
obtained technically by heating crude zirconium and iodine in a 
vacuum and dissociating the vapour of the iodide on a zirconium 
wire at 1300 C. The zirconium "grows" on the wire in very pure 
form and can be drawn to wire or rolled to thin foil 2Ofji thick. It is 
also obtained by reduction of the tetrachloride with magnesium in 
an atmosphere of helium (Kroll's method). 

Zirconium has always been a difficult metal for the chemist. 
Berzelius in 1824 gave it a valency of six, like that of sulphur and 
wrote the oxide as ZrO 3 in modern nomenclature; later he 
altered this to Zr 2 O 3 by analogy with alumina. But analogy is the 
fruitful parent of error, as Davy was wont to say, and it led Gmelin 
astray also, for likening zirconia to lime he wrote the formula as 
ZrO. In 1857, however, Deville and Troost^: found the vapour 
density of the chloride to correspond to ZrCl 4 , and therefore 
suggested that the metal was tetravalent. This was supported by 
Mendeleff when he drew up his Periodic Table in 1869, and 
confirmed in 1873 when Mixter and Dane determined the specific 
heat as 0*066 and the atomic weight, by the application of Dulong 
and Petit's Rule, as 97. 

Ferro-zirconium is made by alumino-thermal reduction in an 
electric furnace, and is used in steel manufacture for de-oxidising, 
desulphurising and denitrogenising purposes, as also for making 
zirconium steel, armour plate and projectiles. 

*LBLY and HAMBURGER, Z. anorg. Allg. Ghent., 1914, 37, 209. 
IDE BOER and FAST, ibid., 1926, 153, i. MILLER, Industrial Chemist, 1950,26,435. 
JDEVILLE and TROOST, Compt. rend., 1857, 45, 821, FRIEND, COLLEV and HAYES 
/. Chem. Soc., 1930, p. 494, 



Zirconium metal is used in flashlight powders and ammunition 
primers, and as a "getter" in valves and discharge tubes as it readily 
absorbs gas when warmed. 

Several hard non-ferrous alloys are now in use. Mention may be 
made of cooperite^ a zirconium nickel alloy, non-corrosive and a^id 
resistant. Being very hard it is useful for high-speed cutting tools. 


For many years chemists suspected that ordinary zirconia contained 
varying amounts of a second earth mixed with it. But, as with the 
rare earths, chemists were floundering in the dark; the principle of 
the atomic number had not been evolved and there was no clear 
indication as to the possible number of elements that could exist. 

In 1845 Svanberg* claimed to have found a new earth in zircons 
which he called noria, the oxide of norium. The chloride, double 
sulphate and oxalate of norium differed from those of zirconium 
and the atomic weight of the metal was less. In 1853 Sjogren 
believed he had found the same element in catapleiite, a complex 
metasilicate of sodium, calcium and zirconium, and stated that 
the density of noria (D = 5-5) was greater than that of zirconia 
(D = 4*3). Both of these densities, however, are lower than that 
of pure zirconia (D = 5*73) and several investigators who repeated 
the experiments were unable to detect the presence of a second earth. 

In 1864 Nylanderf reported the presence of two earths in 
zirconia. Two years later A. H. ChurchJ described unusual bands 
that he had observed in the absorption spectra of certain zircons, 
notably those from Ceylon and Norway. He hazardeu uie sugges- 
tion that they might be due to Svanberg's norium. 

Unaware of this work H. C. Sorby in 1 869 published an account 
of the absorption spectra of jargon from Ceylon and other zircons 
from which he concluded that a new element was present for which 
he suggested the extremely ugly name ofjargonium. On hearing of 
this Church very properly directed attention to his earlier paper, 
stated that he had been continuing the research and felt convinced 
that ordinary zircons usually contained a new element. He 
suggested the name nigrium||. 

*SVANBERG, Ann. Phys., 1845, 65, 317. 

fNYLANDER, Ada Univ. Lund. t 1864, n. Quoted by VENABLE, "Zirconium 
md its Compounds" (N.Y., 1922), p. 16. 
JA. H. CHURCH, Intellectual Observer, 1866, 9, 201. 
H. C. SORBY, Chem. News, 1869, 19, 121, 181; 1869, 20, 7, 104. 
IICHURCH, ibid., 1869, 19, 121. 



In 1901 Hofmann and Prandtl* claimed that a specimen of 
zirconia extracted from euxenite contained the oxide of a metal 
of high atomic weight. Euxenite is a very complex niobotantalate 
of uranium, yttrium and the rare earth metals in which Nilson 
h%d found scandia in 1879 (p. 172). But Hauser and Wirthf could 
not confirm the presence of a new element. 

It is easy to be wise after the event. Looking back with our 
present knowledge of the existence of hafnium an invariable 
associate (usually in small quantity) of zirconium, it appears quite 
within die bounds of possibility that some of these investigators 
did actually observe slight differences due to this element. But the 
evidence of the existence of a new element was far from conclusive, 
and we must leave it at that. 

The ultimate discovery of hafnium is an outstanding tribute to 
the value of modern scientific theory. When Moseley, in 1913 
(p. 3) made it possible to ascertain by X-ray methods the serial 
order of the elements it became obvious that an unknown element 
should exist of atomic number 72, lying between the rare earth 
element lutecium, No. 71, and tantalum, No. 73. The question 
then arose as to whether or not this element would be the last 
member of the rare earth series. 

Langmuir, whose scheme for the arrangement of the electrons 
round the atomic nucleus was based on Rydberg's formula, 
predicted that element 72 would end the rare earth series. 
UrbainJ had already in 1911 fractionated lutecium residues some 
15,000 times in an endeavour to isolate No. 72 and obtained some 
new lines in the spectrum which he took to indicate its existence; 
but they were really fresh lutecium lines not observable with the 
less pure specimens. He named the supposed element celtium. 

According to the Bohr-Bury theory of 1921, however, the 
number of electrons in the various shells round the nucleus are 
given by 2# 2 , where n is the shell number. Accordingly the inner- 
most or K-shell has 2 electrons, the second or L-shell has 
2 x 2 2 = 8, and so on. 

Arranging the rare-earth elements as shown in the table below, 
it will be seen that the N-shell of lanthanum contains only 18 

*HOFMANN and PRANDTL, Ber., 1901, 34, 1064. 
f HAUSER and WIRTH, ibid., 1909, 42, 4443; 1910, 43, 1807. 
JURBAIN, Compt. rend., 1911, 152, 141; 1922, 17, 1349. 

BURY, /. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1921, 43, 1602. BOHR, "The Theory of Spectra 
and Atomic Constitution", 1922. 



electrons although it is capable of holding 32. Now it is the outer- 
most electrons that are mainly concerned with the chemical and 
optical properties of atoms ; by filling up the N-shell, we can pass 
from lanthanum to lutecium without appreciably altering the 
chemical properties. But once we reach lutecium the N-shell is 
full up and any further electrons can only be added to the O or*P 
shells, with a corresponding change in chemical properties. 
Element 72 therefore will have different properties from* the others 
and can no longer be regarded as a rare-earth metal. 

Shell K L M N O -P 
Maximum No. of 

electrons . . 2 8 18 32 50 72 

57 Lanthanum ..2 8 18 18 8+1*2 

58 Cerium ..2 8 18 18+1 8+12 

70 Ytterbium ..2 8 18 18+13 8+1 2 

71 Lutecium ..2 8 18 18+14 8+1 2 

72 Hafnium ..2 8 18 i8+H 8 + ^2 

Coster and Hevesy were thus encouraged to search amongst the 
zirconium minerals for the elusive element and in 1923 announced 
its presence as evidenced by its X-ray spectrum*. They called the 
metal hafnium after Hafnia or Copenhagen. It was found to be 
present in varying amounts in most zirconium minerals, being 
about one-tenth as abundant as zirconium. Alvite (Zr, Hf, Th) SiO 4 
was found to be particularly rich. 

The metal was first isolated by Hevesy by reducing K 2 HfF 6 
with sodium. As the atomic weight of hafnium is double that of 
zirconium it now became obvious why different investigators had 
obtained such varying results for the atomic weight of zirconium. 
The two elements resemble each other as closely as do adjacent 
members of the rare earth series and are as difficult to separate. For 
most industrial purposes it is unnecessary to separate them. 
Hafnium is about one-tenth as plentiful as zirconium in the earth's 
crust, its amount being estimated at about 3*2 ppm. Van Liempt in 
1925 recommended the use of the oxide, HfO 2 , with tungsten in 
filament lamps, as it has a high melting point and low vapour 
pressure, in order to reduce the tendency of tungsten to "off-set" 
or crystallise. At present silica and thoria are used. 

*COSTER and HEVESY, Nature, 1923, 111, 79, 182, 252. Chemistry and Industry, 
1923, 42, 258, 929. Ghent. News, 1923, 127, 33, 353- Ber., 1923, 56, 1503. See also 
HEVESY, "Das Element Hafnium" (Springer, Berlin, 1927). 




Thorium is sometimes regarded as a rare earth element; but it is 
wise to restrict the term to yttrium and the elements lying between 
agd including lanthanum and lutecium for these are trivalent 
aryi closely similar, whereas thorium is tetravalent and presents 
many other contrasts. In many ways it resembles scandium, which 
we have already seen to differ in several important ways from the 
rare earth metals. Thus, like scandium, thorium yields an insoluble 
fluoride, an acetyl-acetonate that sublimes without decomposition and 
a basic -thiosulphate. The rare earth metals do none of these things. 

In 1817 Berzelius* examined the Swedish mineral now known 
as gadolinite and isolated from it what he believed to be a new 
earth, the oxide of a metal which he called thorium after the 
Scandinavian god Thor. Subsequently, however, he concluded that 
his earth was a basic phosphate of yttrium, an element that had 
already been discovered by Gadolin in 1794. Eleven years later, 
however, in 1828 Berzelius examined a black mineral from the 
island of L6v6n near Brevig in Norway and obtained from it a new 
earth somewhat resembling his previous product, so he called it 
thoria. The mineral is now known as thorite, ThSiO 4 , and is 
isomorphous with zircon, ZrSiO 4 . Berzelius isolated the metal by 
heating the hexafluo potassium double salt, K 2 ThF 6 , with metallic 

In 1851 Bergemannf announced the discovery of a new metal in 
orangite, the gem variety of thorite, and named it donarium. 
Subsequently, however, this was shown to be identical with thorium. 
In 1862 BahrJ: thought he had discovered in a mineral from 
Rftnsholm a new metal which he named wasium, but two years 
later he himself showed that it was thorium. From experiments on 
the fractional distillation of thorium chloride Baskerville concluded 
in 1901 that two other elements were present, which he named 
berzelium and carolinium. In this he was mistaken. 

The radio properties of thorium are discussed later (p. 321). 

The gasmantle industry 

It was known more than a century ago that certain oxide earths 
emit an intense light when heated in non-luminous flames such as 

* BERZELIUS, Afhandl. Fys. Kem. och. Min., 1817, 5, 76. K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. 
HandL t I, 1824, p. 315; 1829, p. i. 

fBERGEMANN, Pogg. Annalen, 1852, 85, 558. 
JBAHR, ibid., 1862, 119, 572; Annalen, 1864, 132, 227. 
BASKERVILLE, /. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1901, 23, 761; 1904, 26, 922. 



we now obtain from a Bunsen burner. In 1829 it was known to 
Berzelius that zirconia and thoria yielded a particularly brilliant 
light in these circumstances. The earliest application was the 
Drummond light or "lime-light" invented by Drummond in England 
in 1826. A cylinder of quicklime was heated in an oxy hydrogen 
flame and proved excellent for magic lanterns, for which it was 
used for very many years, the lime being often replaced by zirconia 
after 1867. I n 1846 mantles of platinum were used in tKe ordinary 
gas flame; but they soon wore out and were, moreover, too 

In 1880 Dr Carl Auer, later von Welsbach, experimentecf with 
cotton fabrics impregnated with nitrates of many metals yielding 
upon ignition refractory oxides; these included zirconium* and 
lanthanum, and his success encouraged him in 1884 to apply for 
patents. In 1886 his experiments were extended to include thorium 
nitrate. In efforts to obtain a maximum illumination thorium salts 
were subjected to increasing purification and in 1891 the curious 
discovery was made that the highly pure oxide gave a much less 
intense light than the less pure. This was soon tracked down to 
the catalytic activity of ceria, CeO 2 , addition of one per cent of 
which to pure thoria increased by seven times the illuminating power 
of the latter. 

The main difficulty in commercialising the gas mantle lay in the 
shortage of thorium which was only known to occur as the relatively 
scarce mineral thorite or orangite^ ThSiO 4 , the price of which rose to 
13 los od per Ib. avoirdupois. This was prohibitive so an 
intensive search was made for fresh sources. Sands were soon found 
in Carolina containing one per cent of monazite, which consists 
essentially of thorium phosphate, Th 3 (PO 4 ) 2 , associated with the 
phosphates of the rare earth metals. These were worked for a time 
by the Welsbach Light Co. of New York. Deposits were also 
found on the Pacific side of Idaho and a Company was formed in 
1 906 to extract the monazite from the residues left after removing 
the gold; the process was short-lived for a disastrous fire in 1910 
ended the work . 

In the meantime sands had been found in Brazil with a high 
thorium content lying near the coast so that transport was easy. By 
1910 the two above-mentioned American firms had been ousted 
and the Brazilian sands, worked under German control, supplied 
the world demand until 1913 when a formidable rival source was 
found in the sands of Travancore, India. These were very rich in 



monazite, containing some 46 per cent with a thoria content of 
from 8 to 10 per cent. At the outbreak of war in 1914, shipments 
from Brazil fell off and the Travancore sands, under British control, 
were shipped to Britain and America. 

The fabric mantles are constructed of cotton, ramie fibre or 
artificial silk, the last named being best but most expensive. The 
fabrics are soaked with nitrate solution, dried, branded with a 
didymium nitrate solution, shaped on wooden models and burned 
off, the nitrates being converted to oxides. The fragile mantle is 
now dipped in nitrocellulose and oil and dried. This renders it 
sufficiently strong for transport. When burned off the usual 
composition is 98 parts of ThO 2 , i of CeO 2 and I of some suitable 
binder, such as CaO, A1 2 O 3 or MgO. Beryllium nitrate is added to 
the impregnating solution to increase the strength of the finished 
mantle when destined for use with high-pressure gas, as in light- 




THE vanadium group comprises vanadium, niobium and tantalum. 


In 1 80 1 a specimen of brown lead from Zimapan was examined by 
Andres Manuel del Rio, a Spanish professor of mineralogy in the 
Colegio de Mineria, Mexico City. Del Rio concluded tUat it 
contained a new metal similar to chromium, to which he gave the 
name erythronium, in recognition of the red colour acquired by its 
salts when ignited. The mineral is known to-day as vanadinite, 
PbCl 2 .3Pb3(VO 4 ) 2 , and the red colour obtained on ignition, for 
example, of ammonium vanadate is due to formation of vanadium 
pentoxide, V 2 O 5 . 

Second thoughts are not always best. On further study of the 
mineral, del Rio concluded that he was mistaken in assuming the 
presence of a new element and that the brown lead was merely 
basic lead chromate. In this he was supported by Collet Desc6tils, 
and there the matter rested for many years, 

But "truth will out". In 1830, Nils Gabriel Sefstrflm*, a 
Swedish chemist, established the presence of a new element in an 
unusually tenacious and ductile specimen of wrought iron prepared 
from ore from the Taberg mine in Smaland. Upon dissolving the 
iron in hydrochloric acid, a black insoluble powder was formed, 
which contained an element that was neither chromium nor 
uranium. To this he gave the name vanadium, in honour of 
Vanadis, also known as the Scandinavian goddess Freia or Frigg, 
the wife of Odin (p. 14), it being customary to name planets and 
elements after heathen deities. 

Now it so happened that Friedrich Wahlerf was, at this time, 
interested in del Kio's brown lead and had found something new in 
it when he was compelled, by temporary indisposition, due to 
inhalation of hydrofluoric acid vapour, to set the problem on one 
side. In 1831 he established the identity of Sefstrdm's vanadium 

*SEFSTROM, Pogg. Annalen, 1831, 21, 43. 
fWoHLER, ibid.. 1831. 22, i. 



with the erythronium of del Rio. He greatly blamed himself for 
not having pursued his study of brown lead, although, as he after- 
wards added, "Even if I had charmed her (*'.*., vanadium) out of 
the lead mineral, I would have had only half the honour of discovery, 
because of the earlier results of del Rio on erythronium. But 
Sefstrftm, because he succeeded by an entirely different method, 
keeps the honour unshared. 

Like Stephen Hales, the worthy Vicar of Teddington, who, in 
1728, allowed the discovery of oxygen to slip between his fingers 
(p. 2i),' and Liebig, who had bromine on his shelves unhonoured 
and unrecognised at the time that Balard discovered it in 1826 in 
Montpellier brines (p. 49), W6hler had narrowly missed a great 

Berzeiius examined a number of derivatives of vanadium and 
concluded that the element was allied to chromium and uranium. 
Berzelius, however, had been handling the oxide, VO, or the nitride, 
VN, when he thought he was dealing with the free metal. The same 
kind of error occurred with uranium (p. 3 1 2). Roscoe, however, 
corrected this error in the course of his classical researches during 
1868 to 1870. He isolated the metal by reducing the dichloride, 
VC1 2 at bright red heat in a current of hydrogen, every precaution 
being taken to prevent the entry of moisture and oxygen into the 
apparatus. The product was 95-8 per cent pure metal. 

Rammelsberg in 1856 had shown that vanadinite and pyro- 
morphite are isomorphous. Roscoe pointed out that if Mitscherlich's 
Law of Isomorphism applied, the two minerals ought to possess 
analogous structures. This could only be the case if vanadium had 
the same valency as phosphorus. In that case vanadium would be 
pentavalent like nitrogen and phosphorus, not hexavalent like 
chromium and uranium. The two minerals would thus be 
represented as follows 

Vanadinite, 3Pb3(VO 4 ) 2 .PbCl 2 
Pyromorphite, 3Pb 3 (PO 4 ) a .PbCl a 

This was accepted by Mendel^eff who, when he drew up his 
Periodic Table in 1869, placed vanadium in Group V along with 
nitrogen and phosphorus. 

Vanadium is not used commercially in the pure state. More than 
90 per cent of it is marketed as ferro-vanadium and used in the 
manufacture of steels; ferro-vanadium contains from 30 to 40 per 
cent of vanadium. The metal enhances the toughness, tensile 



strength and elasticity of steel. Thus a good carbon steel containing 
some i I per cent of carbon has an elastic limit of about 30 tons 
per sq. in.; addition of 0-3 per cent vanadium increases this to 43 
tons, whilst 0-6 per cent raises it to 65 tons. Vanadium steels are in 
consequence used in the construction of piston rods, axles, bolt?, 
gears, motor car and aeroplane parts, rock crushers, dredgers, and 
in tools for punching, shearing and drawing. Vahadiufn is used 
along with tungsten and molybdenum in the manufacture of high 
speed tools. Chromium-vanadium steel is used for armour plate, 
torpedo tubes, gun shields, etc. Vanadium is also added to casttiron. 
It is used to a limited extent in non-ferrous alloys; thus copper- 
vanadium and aluminium-vanadium alloys are used in aeroplane 
construction; they contain up to about 0-5 per cent of vanadium. 
Vanadium oxides are used to impart to glass an amber colour. The 
pentoxide is used as a catalyst in the manufacture of sulphuric acid, 
replacing the more expensive platinum catalyst used in oxidising 
SO 2 to SO 3 . 

The world production of vanadium averages some 3000 tons per 

Niobium and tantalum 

John Winthrop the Younger (1606 to 1676) was fond of 
minerals and made a hobby of collecting them. In a spring near his 
home in New London, Connecticut, he found a black rock, now 
known as columbite. His grandson sent this to Sir Hans Sloane 
(1660 to 1753) in London, who handed it over to the British 
Museum. There it lay until 1801 when Charles Hatchett* 
examined it. Hatchett was the son of a prosperous London coach- 
builder in Long Acre, a well-known mineralogist and chemist, and 
one of the Founders of the Animal Chemistry Club (1809) which 
met alternately at the houses of Sir Everard Home and of Hatchett 
himself. He was working on some chromium minerals in the 
British Museum and concluded that this black mineral contained 
a new element, which he called columbium; the mineral in con- 
sequence was later called columbite, as mentioned above. It sub- 
sequently transpired, however, that the columbium was not a simple 
element, but a mixture of two. The discovery was made in this way. 
In 1802 Anders Gustav Ekebergf found what he thought was 
yet another new element in two minerals, one being tantalite from 

* HATCHETT, Proc. Roy. Soc., 1802, 92, 49. 
fEKEBERG, Ann. Chim., 1802, 43, 76. 



Kimito, Finland, and the other yttro-tantalite fiJDm Ytterby, Sweden. 

To this element he gave the name tantalum 
then the fashion to name new elements afte 

partly because the name was particularly appi Dpriate in view of the 
"jtantalising" difficulty he experienced in eff acting the dissolution 
of the metal oxide in acid. 

At firsjt, the impression gained ground 

)artly because it was 
heathen deities and 

hat columbium and 

tantalum were identical, but in 1 844 the famous German pharmacist 
and mineralogist Heinrich Rose* followed up the observation that 
many columbites and tantalites, together with the oxides produced 
from them, showed marked differences in Density. He showed that 
columbite from Bodenmais in Bavaria contained a new element in 
addition to tantalum, to which he gave the name niobium^ since 
Niobe was the daughter of Tantalus. Thus Hatchett's columbium 
was a mixture of niobium and tantalum. Columbite may therefore 
be written as (Fe,Mn)O. (Nb,Ta) 2 O 4 whilst tantalite is essentially 
(Fe,Mn)O.Ta2O 4 . There is no definite line of demarcation between 
the two minerals; they merge, like iron and copper pyrites, into one 
another. If niobium is in excess the mineral is called columbite; if 
tantalum, tantalite. In 1846 Rose thought he had obtained evidence 
of the presence of yet another metal in columbite; this he called 
pelofium^ but later concluded that it was merely niobium. 
Nevertheless in 1925 Noddack and Tacke did discover at least one 
new element in columbites and tantalites, namely rhenium (p. 250) 
and believed they had obtained evidence of the existence of another 
metallic element, No. 43, which they named masurium (p. 251). 

In 1 903 von Bolton^: of Charlottenburg showed it was possible 
to convert tantalum powder, the only form in which the metal had 
then been obtained, into ductile filaments which rendered possible 
its industrial application. The powder was pressed into rods, 
melted in the electric arc, rolled and drawn. 

In 1905 niobium and tantalum received commercial attention, as 
possible material for electric lamps filaments to replace the fragile 
carbon then in use. Niobium was soon found to be useless, but 
tantalum with a melting point of 2850 C proved valuable, and was 
extensively used during 1905 to 1911. In 1910 the National 

*RosE, Pogg. Annalen, 1844, 63, 307, 693; 1846, 69, 118. 

fGMELiN devoted a chapter to this * 'element" and its compounds in his 
"Handbook of Chemistry". Translated by Watts (Cavendish Society) 1850, 
Vol. 4, Chap. 173. 

JVON BOLTON, Zeitsch. Elektrochem., 1905, 11, 45. 



Electric Lamp Association of the U.S.A. used 5 million feet of 
tantalum wire weighing less than 100 Ib. Each i Ib. of wire yielded 
some 20,000 lamps. After some 100 million lamps had been made 
and used, tantalum was largely superseded by the more efficient 
tungsten, melting only at 3382 C. Tantalum lamps are still .used, 
however, when required to resist more than ordinary vibration, as 
on railways. But only D.C. lamps are possible, - for with A.C. 
tantalum undergoes progressive crystallisation. 

Tantalum is extraordinarily resistant to acid attack and is being 
used in ever-increasing amounts in the building up of chemical 
plant. Its special field of usefulness appears to be in plant for 
halogens, aqua regia and hydrochloric acid. For use in the manu- 
facture of the last named a tantalum absorption tube 6 ft. 6 in. in 
height and 6 in. in diameter has been described*. Tantalum dishes 
can be used for evaporating aqua regia and they are resistant to 
hydrofluoric acid. For the same reason tantalum can be used as 
cathode in electrolytic analysis as the deposited metals, do not alloy 
with it and gold and the platinum metals can be disso ved off with 
aqua regia. In the U.S.A. tantalum is used in plant for concen- 
trating acids and resisting the corrosive action of acid vapours; 
tantalum nozzles are used in chlorinating water, and in dental and 
surgical instruments, although for these latter stainless steels are 
also in demand. The metal is biologically "acceptable" and is used 
in wire for repairing bones and in plates for skull injuries; tantalum 
"wool" and gauze are used in replacing muscular tissue and as 
bridges for the overgrowth of new tissue. 

Tantalum tends to oxidise above 1 50 C and cannot therefore be 
used for crucibles except in a reducing atmosphere and it cannot 
be used, either, in place of platinum as anode owing to oxidation. It 
is useful as a "getter" for traces of unwanted gases. 

Tantalum is a white metal similar to platinum but being much 
less expensive is sometimes used as a substitute in jewellery; it 
takes an iridescent oxide film which is attractive. It yields a very 
hard and dense (D = 1 3-96) carbide, TaC, which is used in dies. 

Niobium, now also known as columbium, enjoys a much more 
restricted use in industry. It finds application in the refining of the 
grain of aluminium alloys; it is present in certain stainless 
chromium steels and weldable high-speed steels. 

* HUNTER, Ind. Eng. Chem. t 1938, 30, 1214. 




THE chrqjnium group comprises chromium, molybdenum and 


In a letter to Buffon in 1762 Lehmann described a new mineral 
fron\ the Berezov mine near Ekaterinburg, now of tragic memory. 
From its ruddy colour it was known as Siberian red lead, but is 
now called crocoite^ Greek krokos saffron, PbCrO 4 . A specimen 
reaching Paris was analysed by Vauquelin and Macquart in 1789, 
who found it to contain lead, iron and alumina. Bindheim of 
Moscow, however, believed that several other elements were also 
present, including the then newly discovered molybdenum. 
Accordingly Vauquelin*' re-examined the mineral in 1797. On 
boiling the powdered specimen with potassium carbonate solution 
he obtained an insoluble residue of lead carbonate with a yellow 
solution (of potassium chromate) which gave a red precipitate with 
mercury chloride (mercuric chromate) and a yellow one with lead 
nitrate. He rightly concluded that the yellow solution contained 
the potassium salt of a new acid. The following year Vauquelin 
obtained the metal itself; he decomposed the mineral with acid, 
reduced the liberated oxide, CrO 3 , with charcoal and obtained a 
mass of interwoven metallic needles, weighing about one-third as 
much as the original oxide. 

Fourcroy and Hatiy suggested chromium as a suitable name for 
the element in recognition of the various colours shown by its 
derivatives, Greek khroma colour. The same year Vauquelin 
detected chromium in the spinel ruby while Taessert showed it to 
be an essential constituent of chrome iron ore or chromite, 
FeO.Cr 2 O 3 now the main source of chromium compounds. 
The colour of the ruby is now usually attributed to its chromium 
content and artificial rubies are manufactured by fusing pure 
alumina with a little oxide of chromium, to "colour" it, in an 

VAUQUELIN, Ann. Chim. Phys. t 1798, 25, 21, 194; Crell's Annalen, 1798, i, 
183, 276. 



oxyhydrogen flame. It should be mentioned that, about this time, 
Klaproth* independently discovered chromium in crocoite. 

Chromium is now used to a considerable extent in plating. It 
yields a pleasing, non-tarnishing coat, which is greatly appreciated 
domestically and in other realms. Hard deposits can now fye 
obtained, so they are used on cycle wheel rims, and for "making 
up" after wastage. Its most important use is in the production of 
ferro-chrome an alloy with iron containing 43 to 80 per cent of 
chromium. This is used largely in the manufacture of special irons 
and steels. Stainless stee! y for example, contains 13 to 14 p<er, cent 
of chromium and is very resistant to atmospheric corrosion and 
attack by vinegar and other vegetable acids. It is used in cutlery, etc. 
A chromium steel containing, say, i to 1-5 of carbon and 2-5 to 4 
of chromium is intensely hard and is useful for burglar-proof safes, 
railway couplings, etc. Chrome vanadium steels find application in 
axle shafts and locomotive wheels; chrome nickel steels containing 
2 to 3 per cent Cr and some nickel are used for armour plate, whilst 
high-speed tools are manufactured from chrome tungsten and 
chrome molybdenum steels. Staybrite steel may contain about 18 
per cent Cr and 8 of Ni. 

Amongst the non-ferrous alloys of chromium, nichrome, cochrome^ 
stellite and magnet steels (p. 245) may be mentioned. 


This word, derived from the Greek molybdos, lead, was used rather 
widely in the eighteenth century to designate graphite and sub- 
stances resembling it in appearance, such as the mineral known 
to-day as molybdenite , MoS 2 , and some compounds of antimony. The 
distinction between graphite and molybdenite was established by 
Scheele in 1778, and he found it necessary in the opening words of 
his thesis to make clear what the precise nature of his material 
happened to be. 

"I do not mean", he wrote, under the title Experiments with 
Lead-Ore: Molybd<ena, "the ordinary lead ore that is met with in 
the apothecaries shops, for this is very different from that concern- 
ing which I now wish to communicate my experiments to the Royal 
Academy. I mean here that which in Cronstedt's Mineralogy is 
.called Molybd<ena membranacea nitens, with which Quist and others 
probably made their experiments." 

*See ROSCOE and SCHORLEMMER, "Treatise on Chemistry" (Macmillan, 1907) 
Vol. 2, p. 995. 



Scheele observed that although nitric acid is without appreciable 
effect on graphite, in contact with molybdenite it yields sulphuric 
acid and a white insoluble residue. This he called terra molybdana^ 
and regarded it as an acid, whence molybdic acid. 

*- "Earth of molybdsena is of an acid nature. Its solution reddens 
litmus; soap solution becomes white and liver of sulphur is 

Bergman suggested that it might be the oxide of a hitherto 
unknown metal. Scheele desired to effect its reduction and, having 
no suitable furnace of his own, induced his friend Peter Jacob 
Hjelm* to undertake the work. Incidentally it may be mentioned 
that shortly after, namely, in 1782, Hjelm was appointed Assay 
Master of the Royal Mint at Stockholm. A paste of the powdered 
residue was made with linseed oil, heated in a closed crucible as 
strongly as possible, and, on cooling, metallic molybdenum 
remained, albeit impure. Some years later, namely, 1817, Berzeliusf 
obtained a pure metal by reduction of the oxide in hydrogen. 

Molybdenum has a fairly wide industrial application. Ferro- 
molybdenum is manufactured as an intermediary in steel production 
as it enhances the tensile strength, toughness and fineness of grain. 
Molybdenum steel, since about 1917, has been used for making 
high-speed tools (associated with tungsten), rifle barrels, rollers, 
in high-pressure work, and in the motor industry in place of nickel 
steel. It contains up to 0-5 per cent Mo. Some of the alloy steels are 
exceptionally resistant to acid and are useful in making chemical 
plant steels with 3 to 4 per cent. Molybdenum and I to 1*5 of 
carbon are used for permanent magnets. An alloy of iron, copper 
and molybdenum, known as toncan, is very resistant to corrosion. 

The pure metal, reduced in hydrogen, is softer than tungsten 
and more ductile so it is used as a fine wire or filament for screens 
for radio valves; thicker wire for winding electric furnaces; hemi- 
spherical cups and sheets for X-ray and vacuum tube work. 


There were two dense minerals, now known as scheelite^ CaWO 4 , 
and wolframite^ FeWO 4 , which, in the eighteenth century, were 
regarded as varieties of tin ore, for tin-stone is a very dense mineral 
(D = 7). Scheelite was then known as tungsten^ which is Swedish 
for "heavy stone" and in 1781 Scheele wrote a short paper on its 

* HJELM, Crell's Annalen, 1790, i, 39; 1791, i, 179, etc. 
fBERZELius, Schweigger's /., 1817, 22, 51. 



examination. Scheelite was, of course, later named after Scheele 
himself. Wolframite was so called because it caused loss in tin 
smelting, just as antimony was known as the wolf by the early 
alchemists because it devoured the base metals in refining gold; 
it can be separated magnetically from tin stone which is npt 

"The constituents of this variety of stone", wrote Scheele "seem 
probably to be still unknown to chemists. Cronstedt enumerates it 
amongst the ferruginous varieties of stone, under the name of 
Ferrum calciforme^ terra quodam incognita intime mixtum. That which 
I used for my experiments is pearl coloured and taken from the iron 
mine of Bitsberg; and as I made many experiments upon it and 
have ascertained its constituents, I take the liberty of presenting 
the following to the Royal Academy. " 

Scheele then proceeded to give an account of his experiments 
from which he concluded that scheelite is a compound of lime and 
"tungstic acid . 

In 1782 Bergman found the same acid in wolframite. The follow- 
ing year, 1783, two Spanish brothers, Don Fausto d'Elhuyar and 
Don Juan Jos, extended Scheele's observations and also showed 
that wolframite likewise contains "tungstic acid". This they 
proceeded to reduce by ignition with pulverised charcoal in a 
crucible and were rewarded by finding metallic globules of tungsten 
in the residue, some of which were as large as a pin's head. In 1 847 
Oxland patented a method for manufacturing sodium tungstate, 
tungstic acid and metallic tungsten from cassiterite. In 1857 he 
took out a second patent for manufacturing iron-tungsten alloys, 
the basis of modern tool steel production. 

Some 90 per cent of the world's production of tungsten is 
absorbed in the manufacture of steel. The old Mushet steel of 1859 
contained tungsten. Ferro-tungsten is largely made for this 
purpose. Some 2 to 8 per cent of tungsten increases the hardness, 
toughness and tensile strength of steel, and the alloy is much used 
in armour plate, projectiles, etc; 15 per cent of tungsten enables 
steel to retain its hardness at a high temperature and renders it 
valuable for high-speed tool production. 

The alloy known as stellite retains its hardness at high tempera- 
tures. It comprises Co 55, Cr 33 to 35, W 10 and C 1*5 to 2 and 
stellite bits are often used in rock boring instead of diamonds. It is 
used cast as it is too difficult to work. Magnet steels contain iron 
alloyed with the above four elements. A typical steel suitable for 



good, permanent magnets, contains Co 35, Cr 6'O, W 4-0 and C 
Q'75, the remainder being iron. 

Prior to the European War of 1914 to 1918, wolframite was 
mostly sent to Germany, and in August 1914 we had barely a four 
months* stock of metallic tungsten in the country. A Government 
inquiry was instituted, works were erected, arrangements were 
made with the Dominions to furnish us with ore, and in the course 
of a single year we were producing 98-5 per cent tungsten, fully 
I per cent better than the best that Germany had ever sent to 
Sheffield. That illustrates very graphically what can be done when 
necessity arises. On account of its resistance to acids, tungsten is 
recommended as a platinum substitute in laboratory practice. 
Tungsten crucibles, lined with an alloy of Pt-Ir, are used for high- 
temperature work. 

Tungsten has an unusually high melting point, 3382 C. This, 
indeed, is higher than that of any other known element. Its vapour 
pressure is extremely low and the metal finds useful application for 
electric wiring for furnaces, targets of X-ray tubes, contacts, 
arcing points, thermionic valves, wiring for electric furnaces and 
also for thermocouples in a reducing atmosphere; thus a W-Mo 
couple can be used up to 2000 C, 

Owing to its high electrical efficiency tungsten has since 1911 
almost completely ousted tantalum for ordinary lamp filaments, 
except when lamps are required to resist unusual vibration (p. 241). 
Usually the wire is mechanically drawn through a die at 2000 C. 
A rod the thickness and length (7 inches) of an ordinary pencil 
will give 100 miles of filament; fewer than two tons of metal are 
required to supply filaments for 100 million electric bulbs. 

As a matter of historical interest, it should be mentioned that 
Edison was not the inventor of the filament lamp, although this has 
been frequently urged. Actually, in 1860, Sir Joseph Swan obtained 
a glow in a carbon filament in vacuo and by 1878 he had perfected 
his filament lamps and placed them on show in this country. At this 
time Edison's lamp was only in the laboratory stage. This is not to 
minimise in the slightest Edison's work. But fact is fact. 

What is reputed to be the largest molybdenum and tungsten 
works in Europe was recently opened in Kabardino-Balkaria in the 
heart of the Caucasian mountains. The plant lies at the foot of 
Mount Tyrny-Auz. Prospecting began in 1934 and at a height of 
9850 ft ores of both metals were found, together with rich beds of 



gold, tin, antimony, arsenic, copper and lead. Meteorological 
difficulties are immense, fierce blizzards rage, and the extraction of 
the ores presents many problems. But, persevera, per severa^ 
per se vera. 




THE manganese group comprises manganese, masurium and 


The dioxide was known to the ancients, but until the close of the 
eighteenth century was confused with oxide of iron. Pliny, for 
example, distinguished two lodestones, one of which was magnetic, 
namely, FegO 4 , whereas the other was not and is usually thought to 
have been manganese dioxide. This mineral was used in Roman 
times for decolorising glass, whence the name pyrolusite from Greek 
pyr y fire and luo, I wash. Excess manganese gives a violet glass; 
amethystine glass has been found at Memphis, Egypt, as well as in 
Roman specimens. Such glass, resembling port-wine in colour, was 
regarded as protecting the drinker from becoming drunk and would 
naturally be popular; indeed the word amethyst is derived from 
the Greek #, not and methein, to be drunk. Cleopatra's famous 
amethyst ring was believed, in accordance with the doctrine of 
signatures (p. 293), to protect its fair wearer from becoming intoxi- 
cated should she be tempted to indulge too freely in Eastern wines. 
The amethyst is quartz tinted with manganese, presumably as 
silicate. Other names for pyrolusite were manganese and magnesia 
nigra (p. 151). 

In 1740 J. H. Pott expressed the view that pyrolusite contained 
a metal unknown to science. 

Scheele during 1771 to 1774 spent much time examining the 
mineral under the name of manganese and was led to the discovery 
of chlorine by acting on it with marine acid air (p. 46). He pointed 
out that although the mineral contained a little iron, silica and lime 
there was also "some of a new species of earth, which so far as I 
know, is as yet unknown." This was a barium compound; 
he further observed that the mineral as a whole behaved like a calx 
or oxide. His friend Johann Gottlieb Gahn, who had in 1769 
recognised phosphorus as a constituent of bones (p. 77), ignited 
an oil paste of pyrolusite and charcoal and obtained a button of 
metallic manganese in 1774. 



For a considerable time the position to be given to manganese in 
the Periodic Table was a matter of dispute. Mendeleff in 1871 
put it in Group vn immediately beneath fluorine and between 
chromium and iron in the first long horizontal series. But as no 
other metal was known to belong to Group vn, it was sometimes 
bracketed with iron in Group vin. Those who supported its 
position in Group vn pointed to the isomorphism of ootassium 
perchlorate and permanganate. The determination of its atomic 
number by Moseley's X-ray method confirmed this view and it was 
further shown that vacancies occurred in the list of atomic numbers 
that would lead one to expect the existence of two more elements 
in Group vn, namely, numbers 43 and 75, lying between molyb- 
denum and ruthenium in the second long horizontal period* and 
between tungsten and osmium in the fourth long period respectively. 
Mendeteeff's original scheme was thus supported. 

Manganese by itself is seldom, if ever, used commercially. 
Alloys with iron rich in manganese are extremely important. 
Ferro-manganese contains upwards of 20 per cent of the latter 
metal, whilst spiegel irons range from fco downwards. They are 
used in steel manufacture. Small quantities of ferro-manganese are 
added to the steel before teeming into ingots to de-oxidise and 
desulphurise. Almost all of the manganese enters the slag, leaving 
perhaps 0-4 per cent as sulphide disseminated throughout the steel. 
Steels containing about one per cent of alloyed manganese are 
commonly used for rails and structures. Those containing some 
1 2 to 1 5 per cent manganese are very hard and tough and are used 
for tramway points and crossings and numerous other purposes 
where high resistance to shock and wear is essential. 

Many alloys with non-ferrous metals are well known, such as 
manganese bronze, manganin, cupro-manganese, Hensler's alloy, 
and manganese German silver. 

Elements 43 and 75 

Amongst the claims to the discovery of elements that might have 
been No. 43, the eka-manganese of Mendel^efF, the following may 
be mentioned 

Ilmenium, by Hermann, 1846, in ilmenite and also accom- 
panying niobium and tantalum in various minerals; it was 
closely allied to them in its general characteristics and to it he 
ascribed an atomic weight of 104-6. Several years later he 
relinquished his claims, but brought them forward again in 



1877, together with the announcement that a second element, 
which he called neptunium, occurred in tantalite from Haddam, 
Connecticut, belonging to the same series presumably 
referring to element 75. Owing to the minute quantities of 
the supposed elements obtainable and the lack of modern 
X-ray methods of identifying them, no confirmation appeared 

Nipponium, by Ogawa, 1908, in molybdenite and thorianite, 
with an atomic weight of approximately 100. Nippon is the 
Japanese name for Japan. 

In addition to Hermann's neptunium mentioned above there 
are three claims to elements that might have been No. 75, the 
dvi-manganese of Mendel^eff 

Ruthenium, by Osann in 1828, from platinum ores. This 
is not to be confused with the element now recognised by that 
name, discovered by Claus in 1845. 

Uralium, by Guyard in 1869, again from platinum ores; it 
had a density of 20-25 and an atomic weight of 1 87 ; these are 
in general accord with those of rhenium D = 21-04 an d 
At. Wt. 186-31. But in its chemical and other physical 
properties there was less similarity. 

Davy urn, by Sergius Kern* of St Petersburg, in 1877, in 
residues obtained from platinum ores after removal of the 
noble metals. He named it, as he says, in honour of Sir 
Humphry Davy. The density was 9-385, very low for 
rhenium (21-0). The atomic weight could not be determined 
with accuracy as the quantity of the material available was too 
small but a preliminary investigation suggested a value of 
about 154; that of rhenium is 186-3. ^ * s of special interest 
to note that the solution of its chloride gave a red precipitate 
when heated with potassium thiocyanate a reaction that is 
also given by rhenium. In 1899 Malletf confirmed Kern's 
reactions and it would appear quite possible that Kern's 
material did actually contain a little rhenium. 


Three young chemists, Walter Noddack, Ida Tacke and BergJ, 

*KERN, Chem. News, 1877, 36, 4, 114; 1878, 37, 65. Nature, 1878, 17, 245. 
f MALLET, Amer. Chem. /., 1898, 20, 766. FRIEND and DRUCE, Nature, 1950, 
165, 819. 

JNODDACK and COWORKERS, Naturwissenschaften, 1925, 13, 567. 



working in Nernst's laboratory, claimed in 1925 to have discovered 
two new elements. This was not a so-called "chance" discovery, 
but, like that of hafnium (p. 232), the result of a direct search in likely 
quarters. It was considered that the congeners of manganese should 
be found, if they exist at all, in platinum ores and certain othpr 
minerals such as molybdenite, niobite, and tantalite. After removing 
most of the known elements, residues were obtaineft and submitted 
to X-ray analysis with the result that the lines calculated for 
elements 43 and 75 were found, thus indicating the existence of 
the two elements in question. Element 75 was called rheniuni a 
very appropriate name for Germans to give it in honour of their 
national river the Rhine; but the choice of masurium for element 43 
was a stupid psychological blunder, which no civilised scientist 
should make. It commemorates the crushing defeat inflicted on the 
Russians by the Germans in the Masurian district during the 
Great War of 1914 to 1918, and thus tends to perpetuate racial 
hatred in a realm where such should be forgotten in noble attempts 
to serve mankind. 

Simultaneously Loring and Druce* were examining pyrolusite 
and crude manganese compounds for indications of a trans- 
uranian element, No. 93. In the course of the work evidence was 
obtained of the presence of dvi-manganese, No. 75. This was 
supported by X-ray analysis in collaboration wtth Messrs Adam 
Hilger in the latter's research laboratory in London and confirmed 
by Heyrovsky and Dolejsekf. 

Pure rhenium and rhenium compounds are now quite well known 
and are obtainable by purchase. As yet they have no industrial 
applications. The most important source of rhenium appears to be 
molybdenite, MoS 2) particularly Norwegian and Japanese ores. 

Does element No. 43 exist in nature ? 

The existence of a stable isotope of this element seems unlikely on 
theoretical grounds, and the claim of Noddack and Tacke to have 
detected its presence in the minerals they examined has not been 

In 1937 a molybdenum target that had been bombarded for 
many months with deuterons in a cyclotron showed radio-activity 

*LORING and DRUCE, Chem. News, 1925, 131, 273, 337. See also DRUCE, 
"Rhenium" (C.U.P. 1948). 

fHEYROVSKY and DOLEJSEK, Nature, 1925, 116, 782. 



characteristic of isotopes of element 43, for which the name technetium 
or technicunt) Tc, has been suggested*, 

*See SEGRE and his co-workers, /. Chem. Physics, 1937, 5, 712; 1939, 7, 155. 
Physical Review, 1937, 52, 1252; 1938, 54, 772; 1939, 56, 753. EMELEUS, Nature, 
1949, 163, 624. 




THE iron group comprises iron, cobalt and nickeL 


Iron, like copper, occurs native in many parts of the world and has 
in consequence been known to man from very early times.* Unlike 
gold and silver it is not particularly prepossessing in appearance 
and its contribution towards the growth or civilisation has lain in its 
industrial applications rather than in its artistic merits, although 
many primitive peoples have used iron for personal adornment, 
and as late as the nineteenth century steel jewellery was fashionable 
in Britain (see Plate 3). 

The metallurgical discovery of iron, like that of copper, was a 
truly epoch-making advance. Using the term iron in its broadest 
sense to include cast and wrought irons and steels, we are still in the 
iron age. 

It is generally accepted that most native irqn is of meteoric 
origin, but in certain cases there can be no doubt as to its terrestrial 
source. Iron has been found in the coal measures of Missouri at 
depths of 30 feet and more below undisturbed strata, which 
precludes a meteoric source; it is extremely unlikely that iron 
meteorites of Carboniferous age (c. 3 X io 8 years) would have 
survived in metallic form. Furthermore, the metal was soft and free 
from nickel, whereas the meteoric metal is nickeliferous. Probably 
it was formed by reduction in situ. 


Meteoric iron was known to primitive man and both worshipped 
and used by him during the stone age. Numerous meteorites have 
been found in different parts of the world; they vary greatly both 
in size and in composition. The largest known is the Hoba West 
meteorite which lies where it was found at Grootfontein, S. W. 
Africa. It is a roughly rectangular mass, 3 X 3 X I cu. metres, 

*A detailed account of the history of iron is given in the Author's "Iron in 
Antiquity" (Griffin, 1926). 



weighing approximately 60 tons. Allowance for iron in the rocks 
immediately surrounding the meteorite suggests that its original 
weight was over 80 tons. Its nickel content of 16 per cent is un- 
usually high, and it is a particularly hard and malleable specimen. 
T^o natives required two full days, and a great supply of hack-saw 
blades, to cut a surface only 8 cm. X 1 3 cm.* 

The second largest known is the Ahnighito meteorite brought 
by Peary from Western Greenland in 1895; ^ weighs 36*5 tons 
and now reposes in the Hayden Planetarium, New York. In 
Febniary 1947 an enormous meteorite fell in Russiaf, in Eastern 
Siberia, and the noise of its fall was heard 200 km. away. It was 
probably the largest that has struck the earth within historic times 
and f may indeed have been a minor planet. A preliminary estimate 
of its mass is about 1000 tons and its temperature due to friction 
with the air was probably about 5000 C. On striking the earth it 
broke up into thousands of fragments. Had it fallen in a populous 
district like London the damage would have been irretrievable. On 
the other hand, by way of contrast, the famous Rowton meteorite of 
1876 (p. 256) weighed only 7 lb. (3109 grams). 

In former days a fall of stones or "thunderbolts from the sky 
was regarded as heralding events of prodigious importance, and 
ancient literature contains many references to such phenomena. 
One of the earliest is that recorded in Holy Writ, in Joshua x. II, 
early in the fourteenth century B.C., where we are told that "the 
Lord cast down great stones from heaven" upon the enemy of the 
Hebrews, more being killed by the stones than by the sword. 
Diana of the Ephesians (Acts xix. 35) "the image which fell 
down from Jupiter " was undoubtedly a meteorite. 

Livy (59 to 1 8 B.C.) tells of a shower of stones that fell on Mount 
Albanus about 652 B.C. The Senate were so impressed that a nine- 
day solemn festival was decreed. 

An interesting legend enshrouds a large black meteoric stone 
found in ancient Phrygia and taken to the shrine of the Mother Goddess 
Cybele to be worshipped as her image. It remained there for many 
generations. In 216 B.C., however, Hannibal, the Carthaginian 
general, defeated the Romans at Cannae and threatened Rome 
herself. The Sybelline books were consulted by the anxious 
Romans and appeals were made to the oracles by the City Fathers 
who were informed that Rome might yet be saved if Cybele could 

*WATSON, "Between the Planets" (Churchill, London, 1945). 
^Nature , 1949, 163, 92. 



be brought within her walls. An imposing embassy was sent to 
Phrygia to ask for the sacred image; naturally the king refused; 
but an earthquake conveniently shook the royal palaQe and the 
goddess herself spoke from her shrine stating that it was the will 
of the gods that she should repair to Rome and save the city. What 
king could resist so clear a command ! The sacred pines were hewed 
by a thousand axes, a new vessel was built, fit for a divine passenger, 
and the image was duly taken to Rome, reaching tnere about 
204 B.C. The ancient city was never taken; Hannibal left Italy 
for ever in 202 B.C. Thus were the oracles confirmed. 

The behaviour of uncivilised races in analogous circumstances 
in modern times is closely similar*. 

Built into the north-east corner of the Kaaba at Mecca is a very 
dark reddish-brown stone, believed to be a meteorite. It has been 
venerated by the Arabs for generations. When Mohammed 
captured Mecca, A.D. 630, he entered the sacred enclosure and 
with habitual iconoclasm destroyed the 360 idols within; but, 
strangely enough, he spared the stone; he even saluted it with his 
staff and kissed it. To-day that stone is the most sacred jewel of 
Islam. Towards it each devout Moslem is bidden to turn as he 
prays five times a day. It is called The Right Hand of God on Earth 
and is reputed to have dropped from Paradise when Adam was 
created. In the day of judgment it will be endQwed with speech 
and will witness in favour of all who have touched it with sincere 
hearts; but woe to the unbeliever! 

So rigidly obeyed is the injunction to Moslems to turn towards 
Mecca when making their devotions, that the Emir Abdullah, 
ruler of Transjordania, when on a flight over the Mediterranean 
towards this country in 1 946, carried with him a compass so that he 
might know which way to turn at the hour of prayer even if his plane 
were lost in the clouds. There is something beautiful in such sincerity. 

Meteorites may be roughly divided into three groups according 
to their composition, namely siderites, siderolites and aerolites^. The 
first named include those which consist mainly of iron (Greek 
sideroSy iron), whilst the last consist almost wholly of stone, that is, 
silicates with interspersed particles of nickeliferous iron etc. (Greek 
aer air; lithos, stone). The siderolites are intermediate between the 

*H. A. NEWTON, Nature, 1897, 56, 355. 

fL. FLETCHER, "An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites" (British 
Museum, 1908). Unfortunately the word siderite is also used to denote a natural 
carbonate of iron, namely chalybite or spathic iron ore. 



two. Some authorities connect the Greek word sideros with the 
Latin sidus a star, regarding this as an indication that meteoric iron was 
known and that it was recognised as the metal dropped from the sky. 

It is interesting that most ancient folk designated iron by words 
indicative of celestial origin, but it does not necessarily follow that 
a meteoric origin was envisaged. Thus the natives of the West 
Indies, discovered by Columbus in 1492, were familiar with gold 
and copper but not with iron. The brass and iron introduced by 
the Spaniards intrigued them greatly; they called them turey^ a 
gift jfr/Dm heaven. There was no question of meteoric origin; the 
natives may however have regarded their white visitors as gods 
until they knew them better. 

Analyses of numerous siderites indicate that the iron is in- 
variably alloyed with varying amounts of nickel. The specimen 
from Rowton in Shropshire contains nearly nine per cent of nickel; 
it may be seen in the Natural History Museum, South Kensington, 
and is of special interest as its fall in 1876 is the first to be recorded 
by an eye-witness in Great Britain. Other siderites have been 
found to contain up to 6p per cent of nickel and as this metal tends 
to render iron more resistant to corrosion, it has helped to preserve 
the specimens from disintegration. On the other hand, a few 
meteorites have been observed to corrode rapidly upon exposure 
to the atmosphere, and this has been traced to the presence of small 
amounts of Lawrencite or ferrous chloride, FeCl 2) a salt which 
readily hydrolyses in moist air yielding free acid and stimulating 
corrosion; a three-ton specimen from Cranbourne, Australia, is 
now kept in a nitrogen-filled case for this reason*. Most iron 
meteorites contain a proportion of troilite (FeS) which also is readily 
erodible. Large specimens, after some years of atmospheric attack, are 
frequently deeply pitted owing to the dissolution of this constituent. 

The lodestone 

The richest ore of iron is magnetite or the lodestone, FegO 4 . 
According to an ancient legend a shepherd, Magnes by name, was 
crossing the slopes of Mt. Ida in Asia Minor, taking his flocks to 
pasture, when he felt his shoes fall to pieces, the nails having been 
drawn from the soles as he trod the magnetic soil. The mineral thus 
came to be known as Magnes' stone or magnetite. 

It is always painful to destroy a pretty legend; let us do it gently \ 
More probably the word magnetite is derived from Magnesia, a 

*WATSON, Opus cit. 


town in Lydia, destroyed by earthquake during the reign of 
Tiberius (A.D. 14 to 37). 

In course of time the mineral was found to occur in other parts 
of the world, specimens possessing extra powerful magnetic 
properties being discovered in Siberia and the Hartz mountains. 

The first iron miners in Greece appear to have been roving bands 
of Phrygians who, because of their skill in metallu?gy, came to be 
regarded with awe. In due course tradition traced them Back to the 
Idean Dactyls or "Fingers" of the Earth Goddess, Rhea. These 
miners settled in Samothrace where the ore was plentiful, and 
exhibited to the wondering populace the magnetic properties of 
the lodestone by suspending from it rings of iron as in chains. 
They also demonstrated that the stone could impart its t>wn 
magnetic properties to iron. The Samothracian rings were for long 
regarded as mysterious and were repeatedly mentioned by early 
authors from the time of Plato (427 to 344 B.C.) onwards. 
Lucretius* writing in the first century B.C. refers to the lodestone 
as still an object of wonder. "This stone men wonder at", he writes, 
"as it often produces a chain of rings hanging down from it. Thus 
you may see sometimes five or more suspended in succession . . . 
each in turn experiencing the binding power of the stone." 

Some 600 years later St Augustine, who came as a missionary 
to Britain, A.D. 597, at the instance of Pope Gregry i, was thrilled 
by a similar sightf. "When I first saw it I was thunderstruck", he 
wrote, "for I saw an iron ring attracted and suspended by the stone; 
and then, as if it had communicated its own property to the iron it 
attracted, this ring was put near another and lifted it up and, as the 
first ring clung to the magnet, so did the second ring to the first. 
A third and fourth were similarly added, so that there hung from 
the stone a kind of chain of rings with their hoops connected, not 
interlinking, but attached together by their outer surface. Who 
would not be amazed at this virtue of the stone . , .? Yet far more 
astonishing is what I heard about the stone from my brother in the 
episcopate, Severus, Bishop of Milevis. He told me that Bathan- 
arius, once Count of Africa, when the Bishop was dining with him 
produced a magnet and held it under a silver plate on which he 
placed a bit of iron ; then as he moved his hand with the magnet 

*LUCRETIUS, "De Rerum Natura". Translated by Munro (Routledge, 1886), 
Book 6. Lucretius was born 95 B.C. and is believed to have committed suicide 51 B.C. 

fP. BENJAMIN, 'The Intellectual Rise in Electricity" (Longmans, 1895), 
p. 87. Quoted from Dod's translation of "De Civitate Dei". 



beneath the plate, the iron upon the plate moved about accordingly. 
The intervening silver was not affected at all, but precisely as the 
magnet was moved backward and forward below it, no matter how 
quickly, so was the iron attracted above. I have related what I 
Qiyself have witnessed. I have related what I was told by one 
whom I trust as I trust my own eyes." 

During the' later centuries the power of the lodestone grew 
apace. Mountains of it beneath the sea could draw the very nails 
out of the ships sailing above them so that they fell to pieces even 
in calm weather. Similarly their presence would disturb the compass 
and lead the mariner astray. 

Being magnetic the mineral also possesses polarity, and an elon- 
gated specimen, when freely suspended, will place itself in a direction 
pointing to the magnetic north and south, whence the name lode- 
stone, lode meaning direction. 

The knowledge that the stone attracts iron presupposes a 
knowledge of the metal. But we can conceive the possibility that 
the polarity of the stone was known to man long before this. It is 
possible that it had been observed by man in the bronze age, and 
that the compass had already been invented before iron was 
intentionally reduced from its ores. 

The power of the stone to transmit its properties to iron is 
clearly described* in a fourteenth century MS. believed to contain 
the writings of one who styled himself William the Clerk, a monk 
of the twelfth century; an intriguing translation into English 
verse* runs as follows 

"Who would of his course be sure, 
When the clouds the sky obscure, 
He an iron needle must 
In the cork wood firmly thrust. 
Lest the iron virtue lack 
Rub it with the lodestone black, 
In a cup with flowing brim, 
Let the cork on water swim. 
When at length the tremor ends, 
Note the way the needle tends ; 
Though its place no eye can see 
There the polar star will be." 

To-day, all this and much more is taken^for granted. 

*By P. BENJAMIN, Opus cit. t p. 151. 


Iron and primitive man 

Whilst still in the stone age, man used both native copper and iron. 
The quantity of native iron known to science is much les% than that 
of native copper and the chance that man would come across it was 
proportionately small. It has been estimated that some 246 tons of 
meteoric iron* are known to science, and in prehistpric times there 
were all the accumulations of previous ages for man to djraw upon. 
As only about one per cent of the native metal is brittle and unsuit- 
able for cold-working there would be sufficient malleable metal 
available to supply man with an appreciable number of implefarents. 
The Otumpa meteorite, discovered in the Argentine about 1783, 
and weighing more than half a ton, shows at least six places from 
which portions have been removed. The Descubridora meteorite 
(Mexico), already known in 1780, has a gap in which is wedged a 
broken copper chisel left by some primitive workman. 

The metallurgical skill acquired by men of the bronze age 
paved the way for the discovery and rapid utilisation of iron in such 
areas as possessed suitable ores near the surface. Reduction of 
oxide or carbonate ores takes place quite easily in a primitive 
furnace; the metal does not melt, its melting point, 1535 C, being 
far too high to be reached in an ordinary fire. It is obtained as a 
spongy mass, more or less admixed with impurities but often very 
free from carbon and hence very soft. It could rea&ily be hammered 
into shape, but would not retain a sharp cutting edge and would 
thus be useless as a sword. The introduction of a little carbon into 
the metal, however, would render it hard and capable of receiving 
a temper. The early worker would soon learn to test his product in 
some simple practical way and to work up those portions that gave 
promise of being suitable. 

Unable to understand why his furnace sometimes yielded him 
good material and sometimes poor, the superstitious workman 
would tend to lay the blame on his gods. Thus in Japan, until 
recently, it was the custom of the armourers, when making the 
famous Samurai blades, to put on the cap and robes worn by 
nobles of the Mikado's court, close the doors of the workshop, and 
labour in secrecy and gloomf. A tasselled cord of straw, such as is 
hung before the shrines of the native gods of Japan, would be 
suspended between two bamboo poles in the forge ; which would 

*ZIMMER, /. Iron and Steel Inst., 1916, No. u, 306. 

fLoRD REDESDALE, "Tales of Old Japan" (Macmillan, 1910), p. 38. 



for the time being function as a holy altar. The gods thus appeased, 
the work should be brought to a successful issue. 

Once man had learned to produce good steel, its superiority over 
bronze for military purposes would be rapidly appreciated, and the 
conservative soldier proverbially slow to adopt new methods 
would be compelled by dire necessity to throw aside his bronze 
sword and shield and betake to himself weapons of steel (p. 275). 

Iron in Egypt 

Iron appears to have been known and prized by the pre-dynastic 
Egyptians some 4000 B.C., that is, if we are correct in assuming 
that the beads found in the graves, and now completely oxidised to 
rusfc, were originally specimens of the metal. But another explanation 
is possible, namely that the original beads were iron pyrites or 
marcasite, the latter being particularly liable to corrosion. This is by 
no means impossible, for the various forms of iron pyrites have 
long been admired for their golden colour*. 

Iron did not come into general use in Egypt before about 1350 
B.C. The period ranging from the earliest use of the metal down to 
this later date is aptly termed by Sir Flinders Petrie the Sporadic 
Iron Age. Considerable interest centres round the iron objects 
found by Howard Carter^ in the tomb of Tutankhamen, the boy 
king who ruled over Egypt circa 1360 to 1354 B.C. Nineteen 
objects were found, including a dagger the blade of which was still 
bright though flecked with rust spots. It now reposes in the 
museum in Cairo. 

By the time of Rameses n, circa 1300 B.C., iron was being used 
by the Mediterranean nations in fashioning weapons of war, and 
a letter is extant indicating that Rameses applied to the Hittite 
king for a supply of the metal ; whether he received it or not we do 
not know, but iron gradually became more plentiful and the armies 
of Rameses in a century later appear to have been equipped with 
iron weapons, for these are painted blue on the monuments. 

An interesting light is thrown upon the conditions prevailing in 
the time of Rameses n by the Egyptian Papyrus Anastasi 1$, 
popularly known as "The Travels of a Mohar". It is a collection 

of letters written by a professor of literature at the Court of 
.' " , , , i \ . . - 

*See LUCAS, "Ancient Egyptian Materials" (Arnold, 1926), p. 97. WAIN- 
WRIGHT, Revue Archeologique, 1912, No. i, 255. 

f Ho WARD CARTER, "The Tomb of Tutankhamen" (Cassell, 1927), Volume 2. 

JToLKOwsKi, "The Gateway of Palestine" (Routledge, 1924), p. 21. From 
SAYCE, "Patriarchal Palestine" 1895, pp. 212-224. 



Rameses n, giving a satirical account of the journeyings of a royal 
messenger. It appears that at Jaffa his arms were stolen from his 
side and the armour stripped from his unguarded chajiot as he 
slept in a garden. In modern newspaper parlance this would be 
described as an "impudent theft' ' and it is noteworthy that the 
Mohar's prestige as envoy of the great Rameses was not sufficient 
to protect him from such indignity. The letters profteed ' 

"Thou comest into Joppa; thou findest the garden in full 
bloom in its time. Thou penetratest in order to eat. Thou 
findest that the maid who keepest the garden is fair. Sht does 
whatever thou wantest of her. Thou art recognised, thou art 
brought to trial and owest thy preservation to being a 
Mohar. Thy girdle of the finest stuff thou payest as the price 
of a worthless rag. Thou sleepest every evening with a rug of 
fur over thee. Thou sleepest deep sleep for thou art weary. A 
thief steals thy sword and thy bow from thy side; thy quiver 
dt^i thy armour are cut off in the darkness, thy pair of horses 
run away . . . Thy chariot is broken to pieces . . . The iron- 
workers enter into the smithy; they rummage in the workshops 
of the carpenters; the handicrafts men and saddlers are at 
hand; they do whatever thou requirest. They put together 
thy chariot ; they put aside the parts of it that are made useless ; 
thy spokes are fashioned quite new; thy wtteels are put on; 
they put the straps on the axles and on the hinder part; they 
splice thy yoke, they put on the box of thy chariot; the work- 
men in iron forge the (?) ; they put the ring that is wanting on 
thy whip and they replace the lashes upon it." 

A truly human document. 

It appears that even at this early date workmen could be found 
in Jaffa skilful in repairing chariots and familiar with the art of 
forging iron. 

The earliest general group of iron tools in Egypt was found at 
Thebes and belonged to the time of the Assyrian invasion by 
Ashur-banipal, 666 B.C. 

Iron in Holy Writ 

The word iron occurs more than 60 times in the Old Testament. 
The first reference occurs in Numbers xxxv. 1 6, where the Lord lays 
down the law to be observed by the Hebrews when they entered the 
Promised Land. If a man smite another "with an instrument of 



iron, so that he die, he is a murderer; the murderer shall surely be 
put to death/' The next time iron is mentioned is in connection 
with Og, the giant king of Bashan, a city of the Amorites. Og died 
about 1400 B.C. and his bier or sarcophagus, was of iron (Deuf. iii. 
1,1), "nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the 
breadth of it, after the cubit of a man." As a cubit was roughly 
equivalent t to 20-6 inches, the bier would measure 15 by 7 feet. 
Such large dimensions were no doubt worthy of note, but it is 
doubtful if they would have found their way into Holy Writ had 
it not been for the unusual fact that the bier was made of iron. Both 
in the Authorised and Revised Versions of the Bible the word bier 
is incorrectly rendered bed. Beds as we know them were not then in 
use. 'The account may, however, be a later addition to the MS. and 
it would be unwise to conclude from this alone that iron was in 
general use at that early date*. 

The early Hebrews did not use war chariots and we are toldf 
that in consequence they found themselves at considerable dis- 
advantage when fighting the Canaanites who possessed large 
numbers of chariots plate'd or studded with iron. 

The oldest specimens of iron hitherto found in Palestine are 
two wedge-shaped lumps discovered at the bottom of the sloping 
part of the water-passage at GezerJ. The passage had been sealed 
up prior to 1250 B.C., so that the pieces of metal evidently date back 
to a time many years anterior to that at which iron came into general 
use in the country. 

The Philistines who entered Palestine from the Mediterranean 
about the same time as the Hebrews from the desert, were a 
cultured, non-semitic race, familiar with iron. They wisely retained 
the monopoly of working the metal, refusing to teach the Hebrews 
lest they should equip their armies with iron swords (i Sam. xiii. 
19-22). In consequence the Hebrews had no smiths of their own 
and only Saul and Jonathan possessed iron swords. The petty 
skirmishes between the Hebrews and the Philistines are easily 
understood when one has visited the country and traversed the 
bleak and barren heights occupied by the Hebrews and compared 
them with the fertile maritime plains below owned by the Philis- 
tines. It was the have-nots versus the haves. 

*RIDGEWAY, "The Early Age of Greece" (C.U.P., 1901), Volume i, p. 617. 

f Joshua xvii. 16. Judges i. 19. 

JMACALISTER, Palestine Exploration Fund, Quarterly Statement, 1908, p. i. 


As Macalister* quaintly puts it "the promise of a land flowing 
with milk and honey was not made to a crowd of beef-fed excur- 
sionists, coming from cultivated and developed lands of the 
modern west, but to tribes of half starved wanderers, fighting their 
way from oasis to oasis over sterile sands/' Hence, if the barren 
heights of Judah seemed to flow with milk and honey, how much 
more so would the maritime plain. * 

The break up of the Philistine domination removed the embargo 
on iron, and when David ascended the throne about 1000 B.C. the 
use of iron had become more general. By the time of Amosi|" 760 
B.C.), the herdman of Tekoa in Southern Judah, iron was in general 
use among the Hebrews, and the later Hebrew writers were 
evidently familiar with smelting furnaces:):. 

In 1925, when in Jerusalem, a dragoman informed the Author 
of a curious belief which he stated to be prevalent amongst the 
Jews, namely that if the crevices in the ancient wall at the famous 
Wailing Place are completely filled with iron nails, Jerusalem will 
once again be restored to the Jews. The authorities have very 
properly stopped the practice of plugging the walls with nails 
which had become a nuisance. A host of questions instantly 
suggests itself to the inquiring mind. Would copper nails be 
equally effective? If not, wherein lies the virtue of the iron? 

There are but few references to iron in the New Testament. It 
is generally conceded, however, that the nails used in the crucifixion 
of Christ were of iron, and tradition says that these were subse- 
quently welded into an iron band to which six golden plaques were 
affixed thus making the Corona Ferrea or the Crown of Lombardy. 
Tradition says that this crown was given by Pope Gregory the 
Great to Queen Theodelinda, who died A.D. 638, and it is known 
to have been used at many coronations since that of Henry of 
Luxemburg in 1311, who is the first who is known with certainty 
to have worn it. In 1805 wh en Napoleon was crowned King of 
Italy in Milan cathedral he placed the crown upon his own head 
voicing the traditional formula "God gave it to me; woe to him 
who touches it." History adds pathetically that Josephine was 
present at the ceremony, but only as a spectator||. The crown 

*MACALISTER, "A History of Civilisation in Palestine" (C.U.P., 1921), p. 29. 
fAmos may have witnessed the total eclipse of the Sun in Palestine in 763 B.C. 
(Amos viii. 9). 

I Jeremiah xi. 4. Written about 600 B.C. 

JONES, W., "Crowns and Coronations", p. 23 (1883, Chatto & Windus). 

||GEER, "Napoleon and his Family" (Allen and Unwin, 1928), p. 206. 



followed the remains of King Victor Emmanuel to the Pantheon at 
Rome in 1878. 

And what of the spear that pierced the Master's side so deeply 
that "forthwith came there out blood and water" John xix. 34? 
Traditions are unanimous that the spear-head was made of iron, 
but very different tales are told of its subsequent history. According 
to one story the spear-head was carefully preserved after the 
crucifixion and was ultimately blended into the huge sword Joyeuse 
of Charlemagne (742 to 814). 

According to another legend the spear-head was found by Peter 
Bartholomew during the First Crusade in 1098. Antioch had fallen, 
but the crusaders who had taken it were themselves besieged in 
turrt by the Turks. One night St Andrew appeared to Peter in a 
vision and showed him where the relic lay. "Behold" said he "the 
spear which pierced the side of Him who saved the world." On 
awaking, Peter communicated his vision to the authorities ; digging 
was undertaken and the spear-head found a piece of rusted iron. 
This was regarded by the crusaders as a sign that God was with 
them. Under BohemuncJ they sallied forth from Antioch with the 
spear-head bound to a standard; the Turks were routed. The spear- 
head was later encased in silver and given to the Byzantine 

Iron in India 

It is claimed that iron was worked in India at a very early date, 
possibly some 2000 B.C. if early records are to be believed. This is 
quite conceivable. But the imagination of the Easterns is apt to run 
riot, and early traditions must be scrutinised with the utmost care. 

Herodotusf states that the Indian troops in the army of Xerxes, 
King of Babylon 485 to 455 B.C., used arrows pointed with iron. 

Several large masses of iron are to be seen in India made many 
centuries ago by welding together small blooms, obtained by the 
direct process and weighing several pounds each. That such huge 
masses could be constructed is a remarkable tribute to the skill of 
the early Indian metallurgists. The most famous of these are the 
Delhi Pillar, the Dhar PillarJ and the iron beams from the Black 

*H. LAMB, "The Crusades" (London, 1930), Chapters 25 and 26. See also 
BESANT and PALMER, "Jerusalem" (London, 1908), Chapter 6. 

f"The History of Herodotus", translated by G. Rawlinson, Book 7, Chapter 65. 

JV. A. SMITH, /. Royal Asiatic Society, 1898, p. 143. /. Iron Steel Institute, 1912, 
i, 158. GRAVES, ibid., p. 187. 



[Facing p. 264 

The Iron Pillar at Delhi 

Height 22 feet, Upper Diameter 121 inches, Lower Diameter 16 inches, Weight 6 tons 
(Reproduced by permission of the late Sir Robert Hadfield, F.R.S.) 


Pagoda at Konarak* in the Madras Presidency. It will suffice to 
give a brief account of the first of these, namely the Delhi Pillar, 
which dates back to about A.D. 300. According to Brahmin 
tradition it was erected after the stars had indicated the auspicious 
moment, and was embedded so deep in the earth that it pierced the 
head of the serpent god Schesnag, who supports the earth. The 
priests told the Rajah that this ensured that his 'kingdom would 
last for all time. But the Rajah could not be satisfied lihtil he had 
confirmed what the priests told him. He dug the pillar up again 
and sure enough the end was covered with blood. On replacement 
the serpent refused to be caught and the pillar now merely rested 
in the soil without supernatural support. This of course was nothing 
like so secure a foundation and after a few generations the Rajah's 
kingdom was supplanted by another. The pillar is not now on its 
original site; it was placed in its present position in A.D. 1052 as an 
adjunct to a group of temples from the materials of which the 
Mahommedans later constructed the mosquef. Analysis^ shows 
the metal to be an excellent type of wrought iron, somewhat high 
in phosphorus but low in sulphur, showing that the fuel used in its 
manufacture and subsequent treatment was very pure it would 
most probably be charcoal. The pillar has resisted corrosion 
extremely well and it has been argued that this ancient metal is of 
better quality than that produced to-day. But the* ancient custom of 
anointing the pillar with butter at certain religious festivals may 
have had something to do with this. The total height of the pillar 
is 23 feet 8 inches, of which only 20 inches lie beneath the ground. 
The upper diameter is roughly one foot, the lower 1 6 inches, the 
total weight being estimated at about 6 tons. The pillar is illus- 
trated in Plate 2. 

Legend hath it that Delhi owes its name to this pillar, the priests 
giving it that name from dhili loose or unstable. A Hindoo Judge 
has informed the Author that there is no connection between the 
two words. The word Delhi most probably means "Heart's 

Iron in the Far East 

In China the bronze age probably began about the time of the 
Emperor Ta-yii, that is, Yii the Great, circa 2200 B.C., and drew to 

* FRIEND and THORNEYCROFT, /. Iron Steel Institute, 1924, n, 313. GRAVES, 
loc. cit. 

fV. A. SMITH, "Early History of India 11 (Clarendon Press, 1924). 
JHADFIELD, /. Iron Steel Institute, 1912, i, 156. T. TURNER, ibid. p. 184. 



a close about 500 to 600 B.C. For religious purposes bronze 
remained the favoured metal and the art of casting in bronze 
continued f.o improve, attaining its zenith in the magnificent and 
gigantic castings of the Northern Wei (386 to 535) and T'ang 
(6 ( i8 to 907) Dynasties. 

During the reign of the Emperor Chuang-Wang, 696 to 682 
B.C., iron had crime into general use, a tax on iron needles, knives 
and agricultural implements being instituted. This proved so 
profitable that later governments continued the tax and did all they 
could, to increase the production of iron articles. But in the original 
tax no mention was made of swords or arms. This suggests that 
the metal was not as yet sufficiently reliable for military purposes. 
Som6 300 years later the King of Ch'u is stated to have been 
interested in the production of iron swords possessing magical 
properties, which suggests that the Chinese had learned to 
carburise their iron and convert it into steel sufficiently hard and 
reliable to warrant the confidence of the soldier*; it was usual to 
attribute magical properties to swords that were specially efficient 
(see p. 276). 

Japan has long been famous for her swords. The Samurai, a man 
belonging to the military class and entitled to bear arms, set much 
store by his sword, which was his constant companion and allyf. 
The price of the sword was high, particularly if made by a famous 
craftsman, the blade alone costing several hundred pounds. The 
swords were handed down from father to son as valued heirlooms, 
and the swordsmith, regarded as following a most honourable 
profession, was of gentle blood. 

"The trenchant blade of the Japanese sword is notorious", 
wrote Lord Redesdale. "It is said that the best blades will, in the 
hands of an expert swordsman, cut through the dead bodies of 
three men, laid one upon the other, at a blow." The swords of the 
Shogun were wont to be tested on the corpses of executed 
criminals; it is said that the public headsman was entrusted with 
this duty and that for a "nose-medicine" or bribe he would 
substitute the sword of a private individual for that of his lord, and 
that the executioner earned many a fee from those who wished to 
see how their swords would cut off a head. 

The blades of MuramasaJ were reputed to be unlucky; and the 

*F. HIRTH, "The Ancient History of China" (New York, 1908), pp. 203, 235. 
fLoRD REDESDALE, "Tales of Old Japan" (Macmillan, 1910), pp. 38, 61 and 93. 



superstitious regard them as hungering after men's lives. The 
Suk^sada was an ancient and famous family of swordsmiths whose 
blades fetched very high prices. * 

Iron and the Greeks 

The Greeks and the Cretans appear to have been amongst the first 
European peoples to use iron; the Grecian iron age began about 
1400 B.C., although for most of the Celtic and Teutonic^peoples it 
did not commence until some 900 years later. 

Homer, who lived about 880 B.C., was very familiar with the 
metal. The Homeric Age, however, as depicted in the "Iliad'* and 
"Odyssey", was much earlier, being in the main coeval with the 
Third Late Minoan Period of Crete, that is about 1400 to 1*200 
B.C., and represents a transition period, during which iron and 
bronze weapons and implements were used side by side. In the 
Homeric age iron, though not regarded as a precious metal like 
gold, ranked amongst the treasures of the wealthy, and was used, 
amongst other things, in ransoming prisoners and as a prize in 
sporting contests. Thus Achilles awarded^ a heavy lump of iron to 
him who could hurl it the greatest distance. The swords and defen- 
sive armour of the Homeric Heroes were made of bronze, as this 
metal could be relied upon to resist reasonable force. Goliath of 
Gath was similarly armed. Heavy implements nuch as axes and 
plough shares, however, were frequently made of iron, as a solid 
block of metal would be less liable to deformation than the fine 
cutting edge of a sword. Thus we read of 

Great Areithous, known from shore to shore 

By the huge, knotted iron mace he bore*. 

The Greeks in Homer's time possessed a certain knowledge of 
tempering. This is hinted at in the Odyssey, in the story of the 
blinding of the one-eyed giant, Polyphemus, by Ulysses, who 
plunged a fiery stake into his orbj". 

As when the smith an hatchet or large axe 
Temp'ring with skill, plunges the hissing blade 
Deep in cold water (whence the strength of steel) 
So hissed his eye around the olive wood. 

Herodotus, in his famous History, written about 450 B.C., makes 
numerous references to iron. It is curious that he refers to the metal 

* "Iliad", Pope's translation, vn. 

f "Odyssey", Cowper's translation, ix. 



as having been "discovered to the hurt of man". The same idea runs 
through Homer and Virgil, whilst the Roman admiral Pliny 
moralises a,t length in the same strain. Even Mahomet, early in the 
seventh century, held a similar view; he is reported in the Koran as 

And we haye sent down iron. Dire evil resideth in it, as well as 
advantage to mankind. 

Iron and the Romans 

( o 

The Romans were skilled metallurgists and it is evident that 
already before the Christian era they were familiar not only with 
iron* but with the tempering of steel. Virgil in his "Aeneid", 
written about 36 B.C. describes a smithy in full blast* 

A flood of molten silver, brass and gold, 
And deadly steel in the large furnace rolled; 
Of this, their artful hands a shield prepare, 
Alone sufficient to sustain the war. 
Seven orbs within a spacious round they close, 
One stirs the fire, and one the bellows blows, 
The hissing steel is in the smithy drowned. 

Ovidf, writing some 40 years later than Virgil, refers to the 
same metallurgical process in his description of the mythical fight 
between the Thessalian chiefs and the centaurs half man, half 
horse. After the wedding of the beautiful Hippodame with 
Pirithotts, the nuptial song was in full strain and the great hall 
smoked with fires. As the maiden entered, her surpassing beauty 
inflamed the wild centaurs, excited by the wine that had been 
flowing freely, and the hall was straightway in an uproar. Eurytus, 
the wildest of the centaurs, seized the bride, but Theseus rushed to 
the rescue, hurling an antique vessel full in the centaur's face, so 
that he fell, never to rise again. The centaur Rhoetus with a blazing 
torch struck Charaxus, whose hair caught fire and burned like a 
dry field of grain. The "blood, scorching in the wound, gave forth 
a horrid sizzling sound, such as a bar of iron, glowing red in the fire, 

*VIRGIL, "The Aeneid". Dryden's translation (Routledge, 1884), Book vm. 
The last line has been italicised by the present Author. Virgil was born 76 B.C., 
and was at work on the "Aeneid" when about forty years of age. 

fP. OVIDIUS NASO, born at Sulmo, 43 B.C. and died A.D. 17. See OVID 
"Metamorphoses". Translation by Miller (Putnam, 1916), Book xn. The work 
was completed by Ovid in A.D. 7. 



gives when the smith takes it out in his bent pincers and plunges it into 
a tub of water" 

Pliny has much to say in reference to iron. One passage* is of 
special interest 

It is a remarkable fact that, when the ore is fused, the meCal 
becomes liquefied like water, and afterwards acquires a 
spongy, brittle texture. 

This can only mean one thing, namely, that the Romans 
occasionally made small quantities of cast iron, possibly by 
the accidental overheating of their furnaces by extra draught. 
If so, the above passage is the earliest reference to cast iron in 

Like earlier writers (p. 268), Pliny laments the fatal uses to which 
iron is put, for "it is with iron also that wars, murders, and rob- 
beries are effected.' 1 But as a punishment for its evil propensities, 
iron is cursed with a tendency to rust. "Nature," he writes, "in 
conformity with her usual benevolence, has limited the power of 
iron by inflicting upon it the punishment of rust." Pliny knew also 
that some kinds of iron are more prone to rust than others. "There 
is in existence", he says, "at the city of Zeugma, upon the Euphrates, 
an iron chain by means of which Alexander the Great constructed 
a bridge across the river, the links of which that have been replaced 
having been attacked with rust, while the original links are totally 
exempt from it." This is the earliest recorded report on the 
relative corrodibilities of different specimens of ironf. 

One cannot help smiling at the unconscious betrayal that human 
nature alters but little with passage of time. In Pliny's day, as in 
ours, the modern metal was inferior to the old. We are reminded 
of the man who complained that Punch's jokes are not now as good 
as they used to be; to whom Punch pithily replied "They never 

As a sort of atonement, however, iron is accredited by Pliny 
with certain beneficial virtues. "For if a circle is traced with 
iron ... it will preserve both infant and adult from all noxious 
influences ; if nails, too, that have been extracted from a tomb, are 
driven into the threshold of a door, they will prevent nightmare." 
And so on. 

*PLINY, "Natural History", translated by Bostock and Riley (Bohn, 1857), 
Book 34, Chapter 41. 
\Ibid. , Chapter 43. 



Iron in Pre-Roman Britain 

Iron was known to the British at least a couple of centuries before 
Julius Ca&ar visited our shores in 55 B.C. one of the few dates 
we all remember. None of the earliest furnaces have been discovered 
but it is thought probable that the first iron furnace of the Britons 
was similar to those used so successfully in the extraction of tin ; it 
would thus be a simple low hearth resembling the Catalan furnace 
of the Pyrennees which has been in use there from very remote 
times down to the present*. 

At* the time of the Roman conquest iron was in common use 
amongst the Britons. The wheels of their war chariots had iron 
tyrec, and fragments of these have been found in the remains of 
chariot burials in various parts of the country. The wooden parts of 
the chariots have long since mouldered away. Some of the chariots, 
like modern motor cars, were fitted with iron mirrors to prevent the 
charioteer from being attacked unawares in the rear. Although 
Boadicea is represented on the Thames Embankment as riding in a 
scythed chariot, there is no evidence that such scythes were ever 
attached to British chariots, although they were used on the 

Although coins were known, having been introduced from Gaul 
some 200 B.C. the British also used bars of iron as currency. 
Numbers of these bars have been found in various parts of the 
southern half of England, including the Isle of Wight, and were 
first recognised as such by Reginald A. Smith of the British 
Museum|. The bars somewhat resemble unfinished swords, a rude 
handle being formed at one end by folding over the edges. They 
are, however, of different sizes and weights, multiples or sub- 
multiples of about 309 grams or 4,770 grains. In the National 
Museum of Wales at Cardiff there lies a bronze weight, found near 
Neath in Glamorganshire amongst late Celtic relics, the weight of 
which approximates to the above. A similar weight, in basalt, once 
lay in the Mainz Museum; it weighs 4767 grains, and like the 
Neath specimen it bears the mark i. These weights correspond to 
half an Attic commercial mina of the period 160 B.C. Evidently in 
their trade with the Continent the British used similar standard 

*R. A. SMITH, "A Guide to the Antiquities of the Early Iron Age" (British 
Museum, 1925), p. 2. 

fR. A. SMITH, Archceological /., 1913, 19, (2), 421. Proc. Soc. Antiq., 1915, 21. 
69. FRIEND, Trans. Worcestershire Nat. Club. 1919. BULLEID, "The Lake Villages 
of Somerset" (Folk Press, 1924), p. 44. 



weights. It is a thousand pities that we ever departed from this 
very sensible custom. 

Various iron relics have been found in Wookey Hold, a cave in 
the Mendips some two miles from Wells in Somerset. A rocky 
path by the side of the Paper Mills leads up the hill to the famous 
cavern. The narrow entrance opens into a large cave some 80 feet 
in height carved out by nature in the limestone. The cave was 
inhabited in pre-Roman times as well as during me Roman 
occupation; it has been thoroughly explored by Balch* and his 
collaborators who found within it numerous implements irf stone, 
bronze, iron and bone. The iron objects exceeded 60 in number 
and of particular interest are those dating from pre-Roman times. 
Amongst these was an iron dagger, now known as the Goatherd's 
dagger, for it probably belonged to the person whose skeleton was 
found near by, together with the remains of some goats. Judging 
from the size of the bones the goatherd was only about 5 feet in 
height, and may well have been a woman. As Balch suggests, it is 
just possible that this lonely occupant of the cave gave rise to the 
legendary Witch of Wookey, who was /'laid'' by a pious monk 
from the hard-by Abbey of Glastonbury. The ballad runs as 

In anciente days tradition showes 
A base and wicked elfe arose 
The Witch of Wokey hight; 

In due course, however, a monk from Glastonbury came to 
exorcise the witch. 

He chaunted out his godlie booke, 
He crost the water, blest the brooke, 
Then paternoster done 
The horrid hag he sprinkled o'er; 
When lo! where stood a hag before, 
Now stood a ghastlie stone. 

The first chamber entered by the curious visitor, and described 
above is known as the "Kitchen", and a lump of stalagmite is 
pointed out as the remains of the witch, a warning for all time to the 
godless, A strong imagination, assisted by the weirdness of the 
surroundings, enables the superstitious to detect a human profile 
in that shapeless mass of rock. 

*H. E. BALCH, "Wookey Hole" (Oxford, 1914). 



The cave was not always thus deserted. At times its walls 
echoed to the shouts of the hunter and the laughter of happy 
children. The hammer of the worker was also heard at intervals, ror 
a piece of unworked iron weighing more than 6 Ib. was found 
near the door of the cave, indicating that it was usual to work up 
iron objects at the cave itself. Other pre-Roman iron relics included 
two Celtic saws, a bill-hook and sickle, a latch-lifter, awls showing 
remains of wooden handles and a currency bar. One of the saws had 
a handle of cleft antler, and the teeth of both were set in opposite 
directions alternately as with modern saws. The sickle indicates 
that the cave dwellers grew grain upon the land surrounding their 
home; a sickle of similar shape was used in Saxon times. The 
purpose of the latch-lifter was to lift a concealed latch in a palisade. 
It would appear therefore that the cave entrance was at times 
protected. An ox shoe had holes for nails just like a modern horse 

Numerous iron objects have been found also amongst the 
remains of the Glastonbury Lake village which was probably 
inhabited from about 100 B.C. to 50 A.D, These include bill-hooks 
and latch-lifters similar to those found at Wookey. 

The Mabinogion 

Several referencee to iron occur in that curious collection of ancient 
Welsh literature known as the "Mabinogion"*. In the story of 
"Kulhwch and Olwen" we are introduced to the giant, Yspad- 
daden, father of Olwen whom Kulhwch wishes to marry. The 
name Olwen means white footprints, and the girl was so named 
because four white clover blossoms would spring up in her foot- 
prints wherever she walked. Kulhwch and his companions duly 
called upon the giant and stated their errand. 'Come here to- 
morrow, and I will give you some answer* said the giant. The 
young men rose and went their way, but as they left Yspaddaden 
"seized one of three poisoned j/o^-spears which were to hand, and 
hurled it after them; but Bedwyr caught it, and hurled it back, 
piercing the giant's thigh. 'A cursed savage son-in-law' roared 
the giant '. . . Like bite of gadflies has this poisoned iron pained 
me. Accursed be the smith who fashioned it and the anvil it was 
fashioned on, so painful it is'." 

The stone spear, it will be observed, becomes one of iron when 
it is flung back. The episode was twice repeated ; at the end of the 

See the translation by Ellis and Lloyd (Clarendon Press, 1929). 


second visit the giant hurled his second stone spear after the young 
men but received it back as an iron one in the middle of his chest so 
that it came out in the small of his back. After the thir$ visit the 
last of the three stone spears was flung back at the giant, the iron 
entering his eye. 

This is not a mere idle tale. It represents the passage from th'e 
stone age to that of metals. The younger genei*ation won the 
victory by using the more modern weapons. * 

Numerous Welsh stories tell of the dire result of allowing iron 
to come into contact with fairies*. 

These stories have their modern counterpart in the belief that the 
gift of a knife or any cutting instrument will sever the bonds of 
friendship. Hence on receiving a present of this character ft is 
usual for the recipient to give the donor a farthing or half-penny; 
the "gift" is then not a gift; it has been purchased. 

The Manx saw displays much wisdom 

Where folks believe in witches, witches are; 

And where they don't, the de'il a witch is there! 

Iron in Roman Britain 

With the advent of the Romans, the iron industry of our island was 
enormously stimulated; both Gloucestershire and Sussex became 
important centres. Large quantities of slag, known as cinders, were 
left in various places, and at one time were in demand for the repair 
of roads. That the word cinder is not modern is evident from its 
appearance on early documents, as also from the names of many 
early sites, such as Cinderford, Cinderhill, etc. In A.D. 120 the 
Emperor Hadrian founded an arms factory at Bath, where iron 
from the Forest of Dean was worked. From among the remains of 
ancient Roman towns many interesting iron relics have been taken. 
Mention may be made of an iron ring or ferrule unearthed during 
excavation on the site of Uriconium. The ring had been made by 
bending over on to itself a strip of sheet iron and "brazing" or, 
more correctly, "copper soldering" the ends together with some 
copper alloy. This appears to be the only duly authenticated sample 
of the kind actually done by the Romans")". The specimen cannot be 

*T. GWYNN JONES, "Welsh Folklore and Folkcustom" (Methuen, 1930), p. 66. 

See also MCPHERSON, "Primitive Beliefs in the N.E. of Scotland" (Longmans, 
1929), p. 102. 

t FRIEND and THORNEYCROFT, /. Inst. Metals, 1928, 39, 61. FRIEND, Nature, 
1925, 116, 749- 



dated very closely, but as Uriconium was destroyed about A.D. 380 
it cannot be younger than this. It is now in the possession of the 
Birmingham City Museum. (See Plate 3 ). 

Iron and Post-Roman Britain 

With the coming of the Saxons we are beginning to escape from 
antiquity. The, Saxons were, of course, quite familiar with iron, 
although references to it in the " Saxon Chronicle* ' are scanty. We 
do know, however, that, owing to shortage of weapons, some of the 
troops under Harold at the battle of Hastings were armed with 
ston6 hammers. The Normans required considerable quantities of 
iron for their armour. The metal was always made by the direct 

In Anglo-Saxon times the smith was regarded as a person of 
great importance. In the royal court of Wales the smith sat in the 
great hall with the King and Queen, next to the chaplain, and was 
entitled to a draught of every kind of liquor that was brought into 
the hall. His duties were numerous, and the smith had to be 
proficient in all manner of ways. He was expected to make horse- 
shoes and the nails to fix them, as well as all sorts of military 
weapons including the forging of mail coats and armour for both 
knight and horse. 

As the various uses to which iron could be put steadily increased, 
the smiths began to sort themselves out and specialise in certain 
types of work, some concentrating on horse-shoes and nails, others 
on swords and knives and so on. During the reign of Edward in 
(1327 to 1377), the pots, spits and frying-pans of the royal kitchen 
were classed amongst the king's treasures. 

In Scotland likewise the smith was held in high esteem and a 
story is told of one of his craft who committed a crime for which he 
was found guilty and sentenced to death. But the chief of the clan 
could not dispense with his services and offered to hang two 
weavers instead!* 

In the fifteenth century cannon were made by hooping wrought 
iron bars together; Mons Meg, in Edinburgh, made in 1455, is a 
noted example. 

William Shakespeare in his various works makes reference to 
iron some 48 times and to steel 64 times. In his boyhood days the 
forge and smithy of Richard Horneby stood close to where he 
lived, and would be frequently visited by the youthful poet. They 

*W. JONES, 'Treasures of the Earth" (Warne), p. 167. 


[Facing />. 214 

A Roman ferrdle 

The ferrule, here reproduced 
actual size, was found f ai 
Uriconium. The bottom view 
shows a copper join at A and 
a weld at B. (See page 273.)* 

A nineteenth century 
steel brooch 

Steel jewellery was popular 

in the nineteenth century. 

(See page 291.) 


adjoined a tailor's shop (now the Birthplace Ticket Office) which 
lay next door to Shakespeare's residence, in Stratford on Avon. In 
Shakespeare we find the expression "true as steel" ("Troilus and 
Cressida", act I, scene 3), The expression had also been used by 
Chaucer on several occasions; in the "Canterbury Tales" (c. 1388) 
the host uses it to describe his wife, and in the "Parlement of Foules' 
(1382) the royal eagle is described as "wys and worth/, secree, trewe 
as stel". The expression is first known in English literature from a 
MS. of c. 1300, which runs "Oure love is also trewe as stel". It is 
likely that from about Chaucer's time onwards the expression was a 
common enough compliment; a few centuries earlier, however, in 
Viking times, it would surely have been thought an insult (see 
p. 276). 

For many centuries Sussex and Gloucestershire were most 
important centres of the iron industry. As the practice of metallurgy 
improved so did the size of the furnaces. At one time the Forest of 
Dean could boast the largest furnace in England; this was in 1724, 
the furnace measuring 2 8 feet in height. The ore was first dried by 
exposure to air and then calcined in heaps in the open using wood 
fuel; later this calcining took place in kilns. The ore was then 
smelted with charcoal in stout-walled furnaces built in the form of 
square, truncated pyramids which, by the advent of the seventeenth 
century measured some 22 feet square at the base, Inside they were 
approximately egg-shaped ending in a rectangular hearth of 
considerable depth. The blast was produced with bellows which, 
in 1323, were worked by water power for the first time, though of 
course hand bellows continued to be used for many years*. 

Iron for swords 

The soldier is naturally conservative. No doubt this is largely due 
to the natural working of the law of self preservation. The bronze 
age warrior was slow to discard his trusty sword and shield of bronze 
in favour of new-fangled iron weap 3ns, just as the hero of Waterloo 
preferred the musket long after the superiority of the rifle had been 
demonstrated to less prejudiced minds. We cannot altogether 
wonder at it, for in the early days of its manufacture iron was a 
somewhat uncertain metal, and, when a man's life depended upon 
the trustworthiness of his sword, the proved weapon, even if 
antiquated, might well be preferred to the more modern one if the 
slightest doubt existed as to its reliability. 

*RHYS JENKINS, The Engineer, 1921, 131, 116, 502, 546. 



Polybius, for example, tells us that the defeat of the Kelts by 
the Romans at the battle of Addua, near Milan, 223 B.C., was 
largely attributable to the fact that the long iron swords of the 
Kelts were "easily bent and would only give one downward 
cut with any effect, but that after this the edges got so turned 
and the blade so bent, that, unless they had time to straighten 
them with the foot against the ground, they could not deliver a 
second blow/' 

The same kind of difficulty faced the warriors in Iceland more 
than c. millenium later. In the Viking sagas, covering the period 
A.D. 800 to 1 100 (approximately), we constantly read of the failure 
of the iron swords to "bite". In The Story of the Ere-dwellers*, for 
example, we are given details of a family squabble which ended 
in an appeal to arms. "So then befell a great battle", we are told, 
"and Steinthor was at the head of his own folk, and smote on 
either hand of him; but the fair- wrought sword bit not whenas 
it smote armour, and oft he must straighten it under his foot." 
Such, then, was the state of affairs as late as the eleventh century 
of our era ! 

The early metallurgist, to whom chemical analysis and micro- 
graphical examination were unknown, was unable to explain the 
uncertainty of his iron. When, by chance, a good piece of metal was 
obtained, it was often given a supernatural origin. Thus the 
sacred sword of Attila (A.D. 395 to 453) was believed to have been 
found by a shepherd, inverted in the ground, and was handed to 
that "Scourge of God" as a token of Heaven's approval. It is 
interesting to note that the name Atli, Etzel or Attila, in the Hun 
language, is believed to have signified the metal ironf. The divine 
origin of Arthur's Excalibur is beautifully portrayed by Tennyson 
in The Passing of Arthur. One can sympathise with bold Sir 
Bedivere who hesitated to consign so beautiful a weapon to the 
misty waters of the mere. 

When a sword had once been proved to be reliable, its value was 
priceless. Upon the death of its owner it was not usually buried in 
the warrior's grave, but was appropriated by his conqueror or by 
his next of kin for future use. Thus the weapons became christened 
with suggestive names and developed a sort of pedigree. Numerous 
examples are quoted in the Icelandic Sagas, and similar tales are 
associated with the famous swords of the Japanese Samurai. 

"Translated by Morris and Magnusson (Quaritch, 1892), p. 120. 

fBRiON, "Attila, The Scourge of God", translated by Ward (Cassell, 1929). 



Cast iron 

At first the iron was always produced by direct reduction although 
even in Roman times it would appear that cast iron was sometimes 
produced by accident through overheating of the furnaces (p. 269) ; 
but this would be regarded as unfortunate as in those days there was 
no use for this brittle product. As the size of the furnaces increased, 
however, the iron remained for a longer time in contact with the 
fuel and the temperature tended to rise, ultimately reaching that at 
which carbon and iron combine, yielding cast iron. This accidental 
production of cast iron became increasingly frequent until ulti- 
mately it became, designedly, the only product, as it is to-day. We 
do not know when cast iron first became important metallurgically. 
It is recorded that in 1340 a blast furnace designed as such was 
erected near Namur in Belgium and there were blast furnaces in 
England before 1490; in 1497 one Simon Ballard cast large 
quantities of iron shot in Ashdown Forest in Sussex. But of course 
cast iron was known in England much earlier than this, certainly 
by 1350 in Sussex. 

It is held that the introduction of the blast furnace proper, as 
apart from the ordinary furnace really intended to produce wrought 
iron direct, led to Sussex becoming the premier iron producing 
district in England; the forests yielded ample fuel and the streams 
provided the necessary mechanical power. 

At first cast iron was used exclusively for casting purposes and 
several Sussex church yards are graced with cast iron tomb stones. 
Cast iron cannon balls are said to have been made at Memingen in 
1388, whilst in 1412 cannon were cast at Lille as the earlier bronze 
cannon were found too weak to stand the increasingly larger 
charges the army desired to use. The first cast iron cannon produced 
in Britain were made at Buxted near Crowborough in Sussex in 
1543. According to local legend 

Master Huggett and his man John 
They did cast the first cannon. 

Cast iron guns were used by the Spaniards in their ships at the 
time of the attempted invasion of Britain in 1588. After a thorough 
trouncing at the hands of the Royal Navy under Drake, the 
surviving ships of the Spanish Armada, afraid to return through the 
English Channel, straggled home round the north of Scotland in 
pitiable plight. The weather was stormy and most of the vessels, 
probably already damaged, either foundered at sea or were broken 



to pieces on the rocks. In 1740 cast iron guns were raised from 
The Florida, one of the Spanish ships that had sunk off the coast of 
Mull an4 had thus lain in the sea for 1 52 years. On scraping away 
the corroded surface they became too hot to touch. Wilkinson* 
states that "the inhabitants of Mull, and all who witnessed the 
phenomenon, were greatly astonished (as may naturally be 
supposed) ; and being themselves unable to solve the mystery, they 
applied tc the surgeon of the ship, as being the most scientific man 
present; he was, however, as much at a loss to account for such 
unusual appearances as themselves, but said that although they had 
been buried in the sea nearly 200 years, yet, as they went down in the 
heat of action, he supposed they had not had sufficient time to cooll" 

Actually of course, the iron had undergone oxidation to ferrous 
oxide which, on coming into contact with the oxygen of the air, 
rapidly oxidised to ferric oxide, with evolution of heat, the reaction 
being strongly exothermic. 

About this time, also, guns were made of wrought iron bars 
hooped together, a good example being afforded by Mons Meg in 
Edinburgh, made in 1455 (p. 274). The Mary Rose was fitted with 
this type of gun ; she was a British vessel which sank off Portsmouth 
in an engagement with the French in 1545. In 1836 her guns were 
raised after having lain in the water for nearly 300 years. 
Wilkinson describes them as "formed of iron bars hooped with 
iron rings, and they were all loaded"; the cannon balls were of 
cast iron, originally 8 inches in diameter and weighing 70 Ib. 

In 1822 some cast iron cannon were fished up off Holyhead|; 
they had belonged to a pirate vessel sunk there a century or so 
earlier and had oxidised through their whole mass. When raised 
from the water they were quite soft and could be cut with a knife. 
On exposure to air they hardened and were used along with other 
truly metal ones to fire salutes when King George iv passed through 
Holyhead somewhat later en route for Dublin. It was noticed that 
these old cannon made more noise than any others when fired; it 
was a marvel they didn't burst. 

The fuel problem 

Rich though Sussex was in wood its stocks began to show signs of 
depletion owing to the large amount of charcoal required to keep 

*WILKINSON, "On the Extra-ordinary Effect produced on Cast Iron by the 
Action of Sea-water" (London, 1841). 

fRENNiE, Min. Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, 1845, 4, 323. 



her furnaces ablaze. The shortage of fuel was equally acute elsewhere 
in Britain and in the first year of Queen Elizabeth's reign (1558) 
and again in 1584 Acts were passed for the preservation of timber. 
But iron was badly needed. Attempts were made by Simon 
Sturtevant, Dodo (Dud) Dudley and others in the seventeenth 
century to use "Pit-coale, sea-coal e, etc, and with the same Fuell 
to Melt and Fine Imperfect Mettals and Refine perfect Mettals" 
as we read on the title page of Dud Dudley's "Metalluji Martis", 
dated 1665. To Simon was granted the first patent in 161 1. 

Dud Dudley, a natural son of Edward, Lord Dudley, was born 
in 1599 near Birmingham and as a young man studied at Baliol 
College, Oxford; in 1619 he was called home to take charge of 
several iron works belonging his father. In his own words 

Wood and Charcole, growing then scant, and Pit-coles, in 
great quantities abounding near the Furnace, did induce me 
to alter my Furnace, and to attempt by my new Invention, the 
making of Iron with Pit-cole, assuring myself in my Invention, 
the loss to me could not be greater than others, nor so great, 
although my success should prove fruitless ; But I found such 
success at first tryal animated me, for at my tryal or blast, I 
made Iron to profit with Pit-cole and found Facere est addere 

Dudley took a prominent part in the Civil War as a Royalist and 
in 1642 he was busy making cast iron cannon at his foundries for 
use by the King's troops. He died in 1684 at the ripe age of 85, 
and in the church of St Helen's at Worcester a large monument 
was erected on the South Wall to his memory. 

Dudley's persevering efforts met with a given measure of success, 
but it was not sufficient to induce others to follow in his footsteps. 
In the Forest of Dean, charcoal furnaces some 30 feet high 
were in use and Henry Powle*, writing in 1677, states that, 
although various attempts had been made to substitute coal for 
charcoal all had proved abortive. The problem of smelting iron 
with coal was not really solved until 1735 when Abraham Darby 
the younger, at Colebrooke Dale, Shropshire, first coked his coal 
and then reduced his calcined ore; by 1750 coke-fired furnaces 
were becoming serious rivals of the charcoal ones and eventually 
superseded them. The Colebrooke Dale Works were very pro- 
gressive; they appear to have been the first to use a steam engine 

*POWLE, Phil. Trans., 1676, 12, No. 137, p. 931. 



and they were the first to erect a cast iron bridge, about 1785, over 
the Severn. By 1790, 81 of the 106 furnaces in the country were 
coke fed. , 

The iron industry had reached its zenith in Sussex round 
1650 and employed some 50,000 men; it then began to decline, 
but it was not until 1809 that the last Sussex forge was 
extinguished. Writing of this Lady Nevill stated, "Ashburn- 
ham was closed in 1809, the immediate cause of it being the 
failure of the foundrymen, through intoxication, to mix chalk 
with the ore, by reason of which it ceased to flow, and the 
blasting finally ended." 

Meanwhile, however, the iron industry had spread to many 
other centres. In 1740 England and Wales together possessed 59 
furnaces the total annual yield of metal being 17,350 tons; this 
looks small in comparison with the modern output of the order of 
15 million tons of steel. 

The essential difference between steel and wrought iron is that 
the former contains more carbon, which is combined with the iron 
to form a carbide known to the metallurgist as cementite. 

It was already known to the Romans that certain ores yielded 
what we call steel. The iron ores of Noricum were celebrated for 
this; but the real "eason was unknown. Both Biringuiccio in 1540 
and Agricola (p. 50) in 1561 described the making of steel by 
keeping lumps of wrought iron for several hours immersed in 
molten cast iron. The process of "cementing" by keeping iron at 
red heat in charcoal whereby the carbon is absorbed converting the 
metal into steel, was described by Reaumur (p. 226) in 1722, but 
it was even then an ancient process. In 1750 Benjamin Huntsman 
improved it by melting wrought iron with a definite amount of 
charcoal in fire-clay crucibles, thus paving the way for the pre- 
eminence of Sheffield in the steel industry. With this "cement" 
steel tools, shears, razors, springs, etc, were produced, although 
the chemistry of the process long remained ill-understood. Be it 
said, however, that long before Benjamin Huntsman saw the 
light, Sheffield was already famous for her steel. Peter Bates, 
writing in 1590, gave the schoolmaster sound advice regarding 
the making of quill pens. "First then be the choice of your 
pen-knife. A right Sheffield knife is best." The poll tax records 
of King Richard n (1379) show that the making of knives 
was an important Sheffield industry even in those days. The 



miller in Chaucer's Reve's tale (circa 1388) bore a Sheffield 

Ther was no man, for peril, dorste hym touchc; 

A Sheffeld thwitel baar he in his hose. 

The idea of obtaining wrought iron from cast iron by oxidation 
of the impurities in the latter was put into practice by T. and G. 
Granage in 1776, more successfully by Henry Cort in 1784, and 
still more successfully by Rogers in 1 8 1 6. The cast iron was heated 
in a furnace lined by Cort with siliceous material, by Rogers with 
iron oxide; such a furnace came to be known as spuddling furnace ; 
the iron oxide yields up its oxygen to the cast iron converting its 
:arbon into gaseous carbon monoxide which escapes, other 
impurities being oxidised such as silicon to silica and entering the 
>lag. The carbon monoxide burns with a blue flame as it meets the 
ur, yielding the puddlers* candles, as they are called. The escape of 
:he gas causes the appearance of boiling, and the workmen refer 
:o this as the boil. The metal is now pasty, for the melting point of 
ivrought iron is much higher than that of pig iron ; it is removed 
Tom the furnace, squeezed whilst hot to force out the still molten 
slag, and rolled to give the product a fibrous structure. This 
: ormed a second outlet for the cast iron which had hitherto been 
ased mainly for castings. 

It would appear that if the oxygen of iron oxide could effect the 
purification of cast iron, so might atmospheric oxygen. Accordingly 
n 1852 Kelly patented a process for forcing air through molten 
Dig iron. In 1856 Henry Bessemer patented a "converter" for this 
Durpose and later bought up Kelly's patent. In this converter air 
s blown through the molten pig iron, and when the impurities 
lave been sufficiently oxidised, an alloy of iron and manganese, 
:ontaining also some carbon, is added to carburise the metal and 
:onvert it into steel. The manganese helps to remove the sulphur. 
The liquid steel is then cast into ingots. 

Bessemerf was born in 1813 and showed great promise at an 
sarly age. When only about twenty years of age he invented the 

*"The Canterbury Tales". The quotation comes from "The Works of Chaucer", 
*lobe edition (Macmillan, London, 1910). The word "thwitel" (A.S. thwitan, to 
;ut) survives in the modern word "whittle". The citizens of Sheffield, rightly 
>roud of this Chaucerian reference, have recently installed in their cathedral a 
tained-glass window depicting a scene from "The Canterbury Tales". It was 
lesigned and painted by Mr Christopher Webb. 

fE. J. LANGE, Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 
*9i3 57, No. 17. 



method of dating stamps by perforation; this was designed to 
prevent the transfer of Government stamps from old deeds to new 
ones, a practice which he had been informed caused the Stamp 
Office an annual loss of revenue of some 100,000. Not having 
patented his invention, the grateful Government appropriated 
it without offering any reward until a twinge of conscience 
some 45 years" later led them to make a tardy amend by bestow- 
ing upon che now wealthy and celebrated inventor the honour of 

In 1854 Bessemer invented a rotating projectile for guns but 
the War Office, with characteristic aloofness, refused to have 
anything to do with it; Louis Napoleon, later Napoleon n, saw the 
value or the invention, being himself an authority on artillery, and 
offered to finance the necessary experiments. A chance remark by 
Commandant Mini6 the inventor of the rifle of that name 
that the new projectile would require a better gun than one of cast 
iron led Bessemer to consider the possibility of improving the then 
known methods of steel production. This led to his invention of 
the process already descnbed, an account of which was presented 
to the British Association at their Cheltenham Meeting in 1856 
under the title "The Manufacture of Malleable Iron and Steel 
without Fuel". Sir Henry lived to the ripe age of 85, passing in 
1898 at his residence in Denmark Hill, London. 

It so happens that many ores of iron contain phosphorus which, 
if left in the steel, would render it brittle and unsuitable for most 
purposes. In 1878 Thomas and Gilchrist showed that by lining the 
furnace with a basic material such as dolomite (calcium magnesium 
carbonate) the phosphorus could be made to enter the lining as 
metallic phosphate. Two birds could thus be killed with one stone. 
The steel was rendered free from phosphorus and the basic lining 
became valuable a^ a fertiliser in virtue of its phosphate content. 
In this manner arose the familiar basic Bessemer and open hearth 
processes. The latter, developed in England by Sir William 
Siemens, has now superseded the basic Bessemer process in most 
countries. The industry is an enormous one, world production 
of ingots and castings being of the order of 140 million tons 

Uses of iron 

According to an ancient Chinese proverb the nation that holds the 
iron of the world may rule the world. Needless to say uranium and 


atomic forces had not then been visualised. Kipling put the case in 

a nutshell 

Gold is for the mistress, silver for the maid, 
Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade. 
"Good" said the Baron, sitting in his hall, 
"But iron, cold iron, is master of them all." 

Iron is so intimately bound up with every phase of modern 
civilisation that we cannot hope to do more than mention a few of 
its more important uses. 


Probably the earliest recorded suggestion that iron might be made 
to float on water occurs in Holy Writ, 2 Kings vi. 6, where we are 
told that, whilst a beam was being felled, the iron head of an axe 
wielded by one worker flew off into the Jordan ; whereupon Elisha 
caused it "to swim" evidently by prodding it in some way with a 
piece of wood sufficiently large to bring it to the surface. This was 
about 840 B.C. Another reference of interest but much more recent 
occurs in the sixteenth century prophecy of Mother Shipton 
(p. 125) who said that 

Iron in the water shall float 
As easy as a wooden boat. 

The earliest use of iron in ships, apart from such minor com- 
modities as nails, etc, appears to have been for naval purposes. 
According to a work published at Stuttgart in 1866, one Samuel 
Kieshel visited Stockholm in 1586 and was specially interested in 
the warships he saw lying in the sea approach to the city. The 
largest was named The Great Dragon and Kieshel describes it as a 
strong and stable vessel with several decks. He further adds "I 
have been told that the space between both the ship's boards has 
been filled with iron so that the shots rebounded and could not 
easily go through the vessel or inflict damage to it." If this was 
really the case Sweden must be credited with having possessed the 
first iron-clads in the world. 

In Britain an iron canal boat was launched in 1788, and the 
first iron sea-going vessel, the Aaron Mawby, was built in 1821. 
Round 1835 th e use of armour plate was proposed; at first the 
ships were built of wood and cased with metal ; later the wood was 
discarded and the vessels built entirely of steel. 

On i yth October 1855 the first iron-clad ships went into action 



in the Black Sea, in the shape of three primitive floating batteries 
protected with iron armour, against the Russian fortifications at 
Kinburn which were destroyed in a few hours. This sounded the 
doom of Britain's wooden walls, for but a few months previously a 
cpmbined attack by the British and French fleets of wooden 
battleships had been driven off by fire from the forts at Sebastopol 
and badly knocked about. 

The armed cruiser Triomphante*, built for the French Navy in 
1877, illustrates the gradual transition from the wooden battleships 
of Nelson's time to the modern all-steel vessels. She was built of 
wood with an armour belt nearly six inches thick whilst her 
batteries were protected with iron armour nearly 5 inches thick. 
She played an important part in the operations in the Min River 
during the China War or 1884. 


There are, however, other ways of crossing water than by boat, and 
many millions of tons of iron in its various forms have been used in 
the construction of tunnels and of bridges. The first cast iron 
bridge in the world appears to have been that over the Severn near 
Colebrooke Dale about 1785. To-day steel is more commonly used, 
although the year before last (1949) saw the opening of a bridge of 
aluminium-alloy (p. 164). 

The Forth Bridge, designed by Sir Benjamin Baker and opened 
in 1890, is perhaps the most impressive in existence. For centuries 
the traveller wishing to cross the Forth at its junction with the sea 
had been dependent on ferry-boats, and many a one had been over- 
taken by a gale which prevented his ever reaching the other side. 
In 1805 it was proposed *o construct a double tunnel, some 15 feet 
wide, under the bed of the Forth, one tunnel for the 'comers' and 
one for the 'goers' as was quaintly explained; but nothing came of 

In 1873 ^e Forth Bridge Company was formed with the object 
of building a bridge designed by Sir Thomas Bouch, but the 
collapse of the ill-fated Tay Bridge in 1 879 shook public confidence 
and the scheme was abandoned. In 1882 an Act of Parliament 
authorised the construction of a bridge designed by Mr (later Sir) 
Benjamin Baker, based on the principle of the cantilever, full 
advantage being taken of the island of Inchgarvie, a peak of 
whinstone rock in the middle of the Forth. Some 50,000 tons of 

*See The Engineer, 1890, 49, 648. 


steel were required and the total cost of the bridge approximated 
to ,3,200,000. In order to protect it from corrosion the bridge is 
continuously painted by "steeplejack painters" as they are called 
from the dangerous nature of their work. These men are always at 
work; it takes them some three years to paint the bridge from end 
to end, and when the job has been completed it is necessary to 
begin over again. It is estimated that the total surface to be painted 
amounts to about 135 acres of steel, and during the process trains 
pass over every few minutes. 

Nails and horseshoes 

It is remarkable what a wealth of legend and romance has 
collected round iron nails and horseshoes. Reference has already 
been made to the legends surrounding the nails used at the Cruci- 
fixion of our Lord (p. 263). The earliest type of nail was undoubtedly 
the wooden peg, which in later years became known as a "tre-nail", 
that is a nail of wood (tree). Such pegs are used to-day alongside 
their metal fraternity, and were very frequent in the pegged joints 
of medieval half-timber work. The discovery of metals paved the 
way for a metal nail industry and legend states that the Argos 
which carried Jason and his crew to the Black Sea in search of the 
Golden Fleece was built of oak and pine joined with bronze nails. 
The greater strength of iron, once man had learned to produce it in 
good quality, gave the iron nail the premier position as a means of 
fastening woodwork, although nails of copper, brass and bronze 
are still frequently used, sometimes because they are more 
ornamental in the circumstances and sometimes, too, because they 
are less susceptible to corrosion. 

The smooth wire nail, so commonly used to-day, readily enters 
wood with the minimum danger to splitting, but for the same reason 
it may easily come out of the wood again. This led to the invention 
of a threaded nail or screw. It seems impossible to discover when 
screws were first used; it cannot have been later than the fourth 
century for, in the literature of that period an account is given of 
the chasing of screws by hand. At first they were known as "screw- 
nails". The screw cutting lathe was known to one Jacques Besson 
in 1548, but Maudsley was the first to make really accurate screws 
in 1800 to 1810- 

Until about 1750 all nails were hand-made and the smith who 
forged them was called a "nayler", a word that survives in the 
modern surname Naylor which, however, is not quite so common 



as Smith. Leland, when he visited Birmingham in 1 538, recorded that 
"there be many Smithes in the Towne . . . and a grate many Naylors." 

In medieval records nails are mentioned under various interesting 
and curious names, the meanings or origins of which are not always 
patent. For example "strokhede nayles" are referred to in the 
Windsor Castle records of 1534. The entry runs: "i 1 1 c of vstrok 
hede nayles tinned for the new Dore in the colege garden wall, 
price Vjs", The reference to tinning shows that our tin-tacks are 
not mere modern luxuries. The fact that these nails were intended 
for doors suggests that they were stud nails, partly constructive 
and partly decorative, as was common enough in those days. The 
"five stroke" perhaps refers to the labour involved in making the 
nail head as these were formed with a "nayle tulle" (nail tool) or 
matrix in which the head was shaped by hammering. Perhaps the 
number five also indicated the size of the head, for in other MSS. 
the prefix vn is sometimes used; if all were of the same size there 
would be less point in quoting the stroke number. "Strake nails" 
were used for fixing the strakes or iron plates of cartwheels before 
the iron band or tyre became common. In the "penny" nail, the 
prefix stands for pounder and refers to the weight in pounds per 
thousand. The derogatory expression "Not worth a tenpenny 
nail" thus meant that the article in question was not even equal in 
value to a nail, 1000 of which weighed only 10 Ib. 

"Tyngyl nailles" or "chingil nayles" were made to replace the 
old wooden "tylepynnes" or oak pegs used for fixing roor shingles 
before the introduction of nibbed tiles, the nibs keeping them in 
position on the laths. Other kinds of nails were known in medieval 
times as spykynges, goletts, haxnailles, sharplinges, flywings or 
sparabilis (sparrow bills), and traversnailles. Several of these names 
are difficult to unravel, but the reader will without difficulty 
recognise the modern forms of brods, takkets and bordnayles. 

Animals sometimes take a fancy to nails, and a curious case was 
recorded in 1938 of a pigeon which built its nest of six-inch nails. 
Workmen engaged on the erection of scaffolding in front of the 
Birmingham Art Gallery, were perplexed by the disappearance of 
their nails during their lunch hour. No boys or other persons 
appeared to be involved, so a watch was set. It was soon found that 
tne thief was a pigeon whose mate had ensconced herself on top 
of one of the columns supporting the fagade of the Art Gallery. 
Waiting until the coast was clear, the bird made innumerable 
flights, bringing back each time a new "stick" for the nest. 



Its efforts must have involved a considerable tax on its strength, 
for the watchers saw the bird labouring for breath after every flight, 
*Nor was the avian labourer helped by the tendency of the nails to 
roll over the edge of the column head; nearly 2 Ib. of nails were 
afterwards picked up, having been lost by the birds in this way. 
Eventually, however, the nest was complete, and two eggs were 
duly laid therein. 

Iron nails have frequently been used in the past both for purposes 
of medicine and necromancy. A favourite remedy for toothache 
consisted in hammering a nail into a tree and as the iron rusted so 
would the toothache disappear. This was much less drastic than 
having the tooth extracted. Warts have been a nuisance for 
centuries, though it is difficult to understand why such should have 
been the case as so many infallible remedies have been prescribed 
from time to time. The mere touching of a wart by a wise man will 
effect its disappearance provided an iron nail is offered as a reward 
for the service; but lack of men sufficiently wise may nowadays 
make this cure somewhat difficult to effect. A simpler remedy hails 
from the Weald of Kent, namely rub the warts with a piece of raw 
steak and then bury the latter. As the meat rots so will the wart 

The arabs believed that the soul of a murdered man should be 
nailed down by driving a nail into the ground where the murder was 
committed, otherwise the ghost would rise*. 

Once each year, namely in October, the Corporation of London 
and the Sheriffs of Middlesex pay a curious rental to the King for 
two pieces of land. London's imposing Law Courts are built on 
one of these plots, the site of an ancient jousting ground; the other 
plot lies somewhere in Shropshire, but nobody appears to know 
exactly where. 

On the annual rent day the King's Remembrancer goes into the 
city to represent the Sovereign. He sits in full wig and gown on the 
bench, with the City Clerk and other leading officials of the 
Corporation at the table below him. First of all the warrant from the 
Sheriff and City Remembrancer demanding the payment of the 
rent for the piece of land in the Strand is read out, calling upon 
the "tenants and occupiers of a certain tenement called The Forge 
in the Parish of St Clement Dane's, in the County of Middlesex, 
to come forth and do their service." 

*C. J. S. THOMPSON, "The Mysteries and Secrets of Magic" (London, 1927), 
p. 90. 



The site had been granted in 1235 by Henry in to a farrier, one 
Walter le Brun, for repairing the armour of a Knight Templar 
wounded, in a tournament, on condition that he annually paid six 
horseshoes and 6 1 nails as rent, and in course of time it passed into 
the hands of the city with the same liability. 

The Secondary having recited the warrant and stated the facts, 
the City Solicitor solemnly hands up to the King's Remembrancer 
the six horseshoes and the 6 1 nails, counting them one by one in a 
stern voice. This little account being settled, the Secondary next 
proceeds to recite the authority for paying his Majesty the sum of 
one billhook and one hatchet for the piece of land in Shropshire 
which the Corporation has held from the Crown for more than 
700 years. But this time the representative of the Sovereign must 
be assured that the billhook and hatchet are good sharp implements. 

So, before the rent is paid, the City Solicitor places a small 
chopping block on the table. A clerk hands him a bundle of sticks. 
Then, having chopped some with the billhook and some with the 
hatchet, he presents both tools to the King's Remembrancer, who 
formally accepts them as payment of the Shropshire rent. A written 
acknowledgment follows later. Actually the Crown only gets the 
billhook and hatchet each year. The horseshoes and nails are kept 
to serve as hardy ceremonial annuals. 

Who has not heard of Horse-Shoe Corner in Lancaster City 
where John of Gaunt's horse is said to have cast a shoe, about 1380, 
on a visit the Duke never actually paid? A horseshoe lies embedded 
in the middle of the road to perpetuate the legend; it has to be 
replaced every few years, however, for modern traffic wears it 

Oakham in Rutland is the tiniest county town in Britain; it 
possesses an ancient castle; nailed to a wall in which is a remarkable 
collection of horseshoes. Rutland has exacted by traditional right, 
accorded to the Ferrers family centuries ago, one horseshoe from 
every member of the Royal Family and every peer who has crossed 
its border. The collection contains, amongst others, horseshoes 
presented by Queen Victoria and by her son, King Edward vn. 

Horseshoes are generally regarded as bringers of good luck ; but 
the owner should be careful to hang his specimens with the two ends 
upwards, otherwise there is a danger that his luck may run out. 
The shoe nailed to the mast of the Victory at Trafalgar in 1805 
was wrong way up. What wonder that Nelson paid the penalty! 
When, as late as April 1930, the Duchess of Bedford set out on her 



return flight by aeroplane from South Africa to England, a lady 
well-wisher handed her a be-ribboned horseshoe for luck; the 
plane, called The Spider, was thus enabled to make a perfect ascent 
From the Maitland Aerodrome, Cape Town, and the crowd raised 
a hearty cheer as the Duchess waved her farewell to them. 

In northern Scotland it was believed that if a horseshoe were 
nailed over the stable door, no witch or warlock would dare to 
enter and steal a horse no matter how badly the animal wis required 
to take them to their conventions. 

During their excavations at Wookey Hole, Balch (p. 271) and 
his collaborators found the shoe of an ox which had apparently 
been used by the cave-dwellers for burden or draught. It is "of 
interest to note that the early workman made the holes for the iiails 
in exactly the same form as the farrier of to-day uses for his horse- 
shoes"*. Evidently the long lapse of time has failed to improve 
upon the positions of the nails. 

Alloys of iron 

This chapter could hardly be regarded a3 complete without some 
reference, however brief, to the numerous alloys of iron and steel 
that play such an important part in modern civilisation. One of 
the best known and most popular of these is stainless steel^ an alloy 
containing some 13 per cent of chromium. This beautiful metal 
has saved the housewife much arduous toil, because it does not rust 
when exposed to air and water, even in the presence of organic 
acids like vinegar or the juice of oranges and lemons. Many of us 
can well remember the unsavoury appearance of the table knife 
after a meal including lamb and mint-sauce; but that fortunately is 
a thing of the past. One day a steel manufacturer, a friend of the 
author, had a lump of his own stainless steel worked up into table 
knives and proudly exhibited them one evening at dinner, inviting 
his guests to try them. Beef and pickles were on the menu and, to 
the manufacturer's disgust, his stainless steel rusted. Confident 
that his steel was all right he had the pickles analysed; they con- 
tained sulphuric acid! Stainless steel is not immune to attack from 
mineral acids ; sea water will also effect its corrosion ; such corrosion, 
however, is invariably localised resulting in deep pitting. The 
actual loss in weight may be small, but if a tube or a tank, for 
example, is pitted through, that is, perforated, it may be much 

*BALCH, Opus cit., p. 87. 



more seriously damaged than if it had lost ten times as much metal 
through corrosion distributed equally over its entire surface. 

Another interesting alloy, known as invar (p. 297) contains some 
35 per cent of nickel and is particularly valuable for certain 
purposes such as clock pendulums, because of its negligible 
expansion with rise of temperature. An alloy containing 40 per 
cent of nickel expands by a similar amount as glass and may there- 
fore be sealed into glass instead of the more expensive platinum 
which at one time had to be used ; for this reason the alloy is known 
*& platinite (p. 297). 

Steels containing both chromium and tungsten are known as high 
speed tool steels and retain their temper at high temperatures at 
red^heat, indeed, when ordinary carbon steels would soften and be 
useless. Alloys containing small amounts of chromium and vana- 
dium are very hard and strong; they find application in springs, 
locomotive wheels, axle-shafts and the like. Manganese steels are 
also very hard and are used at tramway points and elsewhere 
where great resistance to wear and tear is essential. Various high 
tensile steels are now used in large quantities in the construction of 
fast-going steamers and ocean liners. The hull of the magnificent 
French liner Normandie, for example, was stated to include some 
5000 tons of high tensile steel. Unfortunately she was a war loss, 
being burnt out In New York harbour. 

Important alloys of iron with other metals are also discussed in 
connection with those metals. 

Iron for adornment 

Iron beads were possibly used by pre-dynastic Egyptians some 
4000 B.C. although the evidence is not unassailable (p. 260). 
Remains of iron finger rings have been found in Palestine dating 
back some 1000 B.C. 

Pliny*, in a lengthy discourse on rings, states that at the time of 
the Second Punic War (218 to 201 B.C.) rings were in very general 
use. These were mostly of gold, but Pliny is careful to add that 
"not even in those days did all the senators possess gold rings, 
seeing that, in the memory of our grandsires, many personages who 
had even filled the praetorship wore rings of iron to the end of their 
lives." In Pliny's own day iron was a much more common com- 
modity, and when slaves wore rings of iron they were allowed to 

"PLINY, "Natural History". Translated by Bostock and Riley (Bohn, 1857), 
Book 33, Chapter 6. 



encase them with gold. Apparently, however, slaves were not 
allowed to wear pure gold rings, the use of which was confined to 
the free. 

The wedding rings of the Romans were generally of iron; 
probably this originated in another Roman custom, namely, the 
bestowal of a ring as an earnest upon the conclusion of a bargain*. 
In Rome it was at one time customary to give a ne-vly made bride 
a ring of pure gold and to send at the same time an iron ring to her 
parents as a remembrance of modesty and domestic frugality. 

It is not impossible that the modern use of iron or steel finger 
rings to "cure* rheumatism is a relic of those times when iron was 
supposed to ward off attacks of the evil one. 

In modern times steel has been used even in this country for 
jewellery for the production of which both Birmingham and Wolver- 
hampton were at onetime famous (Plate 3,opp. p. 274). Missen referred 
to the good quality of the Birmingham ware in 1690, and in the 
succeeding century Boulton and Watt were engaged in its manufac- 
ture. Thackeray tells us that when King George iv (1820 to 1830) 
made his first appearance at a Court Ball "his hat was ornamented 
with two rows of steel beads, five thousand in number, with a button 
and loop of the same metal, and cocked in a new military style." 

With the introduction of numerous alloys resembling gold, steel 
jewellery gradually became less popular. But primitive races still 
love to adorn themselves with iron rings and bangles. Kaffir 
bangles, for example, are made of malleable iron in the shape of 
a horseshoe, so that African chiefs, no matter how fat they may be, 
can get them on their arms and legs. When they have got them on 
the ends are forced together; they are nickel-plated, so that they 
scintillate in the African sun. 


Certain natural arsenides of cobalt were known, many centuries 
ago, to be associated with silver ores in Saxony, although their 
chemical composition was not understood. They were probably 
what are to-day called smaltite, CoAs2, and f04////i, CoAsS, but were 
then recognised under the general name kobold, from the Greek 
kobalos, a subterranean gnome or malicious sprite, the word being 
akin to our "goblin". The miners were a superstitious folk (p. 18) 
and, as the mineral was believed to be poisonous, its presence in 
the mines was attributed to the malice of the little devils inhabiting 

*WILLIAM JONES, "Finger Ring Lore" (London, 1877), p. 303. 



the underworld, from whose pestilential machinations it was 
customary to pray for deliverance on the Sabbath in the churches. 
Goethe mentioned these kobolds or sprites in " Faust", 

Up to 1540 the mineral was regarded as useless, but Scheurer 
then found that it would impart a beautiful blue colour to glass 
'a discovery that gave it a commercial value; he sold his secret to 
England, and 'from that time on till the present cobalt compounds 
have been used in the European glass industry. One great advantage 
lies in the fact that the colour is but little affected by the composition 
of the glass, O' i per cent of the metal being ample to produce an 
intense blue colour, whilst a pale blue tint results even with o-oi 
of cobalt. 

Cobalt compounds had been used in very early times for colour- 
ing glass, though of course nothing was then known of their real 
composition. Thus, cobalt blue glass or "fine lapis of Babylon" 
figured in the tribute sent by the ancient city of Assur in Assyria, 
some 1480 B.C. to Thothmes i, the Egyptian king, after his conquest 
of Syria and Palestine. Metallic cobalt was present (0*54 per cent) 
in the nickel-bronze coin of the Bactrian king Euthydemos, 235 
B.C., but its inclusion was undoubtedly a matter of accident and not 
one of design. 

In 1735 the c balt ore used by the glass maker was examined by 
Georg Brandt, P. Swede, born at Riddarhytta in Vestmanland in 
1694, and not to be confused with Hennig Brand, the Hamburg 
merchant, who obtained phosphorus from urine in 1669 (p. 76). 
Brandt isolated a new metal from the mineral in impure form in 
1742 and called it cobalt. That it was really a new metal was 
confirmed by Bergman in 1790 and by Tassaert in 1799. The real 
study of the chemistry of cobalt compounds began with the re- 
searches of Thenard in 1 802 and of Proust in 1 806. 

A few years ago almost the only commercial uses of cobalt lay 
in its compounds; but two important fields have suggested them- 
selves, namely, electroplating and coinage on account of its hardness 
and resistance to oxidation. Several alloys of cobalt are now marketed 
such as stellite (p. 245), used for stainless cutlery, surgical instru- 
ments, and some parts of motor cars. It is an alloy of cobalt, 
chromium, and a little tungsten. Cochrome y analogous to nichrome, 
contains cobalt and chromium, and is used for the windings of 
electric fires and furnaces; it is extremely resistant to atmospheric 
corrosion, even at elevated temperatures. A 35 per cent cobalt steel 
is used in loud-speaker magnets and for short bar magnets, a high 



magnetism being possible with this alloy. An alloy containing 
75 F C > 35 Co, 2 Cr, 5 W and 0-90 was until comparatively 
recently the most highly magnetic material known. It has now been 
superseded by Ni-Fe-Al alloys, some of which also contain cobalt. 
Cobalt is the best binder for tungsten carbides and similar 
excessively hard materials welded on to steel for cutting purposes. 


The early history of nickel is closely interwoven with the "Doctrine 
of Signatures' 1 to which reference was made when dealing with the 
search for gold in gold-coloured urine, which search led to the 
discovery of phosphorus in 1669 (p. 76). According to this doctrine 
Nature has implanted her signature upon all things, great and small, 
animate and inanimate. This enables the observant; and initiated to 
ascertain to what good ends Nature's gifts may be properly used. 
Thus, a plant with leaves curiously spotted reminds one of the 
lungs ; this is Nature's way of indicating, to those endowed with 
eyes to see, that an infusion of this plant would prove a remedy for 
lung trouble whence its name lung wort or, as the botanist has 
it, pulmonaria. Colas, writing in 1657, says, of the "Heart trefoil", 
that it is so called "not only because the leaf is triangular like the 
heart of a man, but also because each leafe doth contain the perfect 
icon (image) of an heart, and that in its proper colour. It defendeth 
the heart against the noisome vapour of the spleen." 

In a similar manner minerals were held to indicate by their 
shapes, colours, or some other outstanding physical properties, the 
specific uses to which they are specially adapted. Thus yellow 
arsenic sulphide, like urine, was supposed by virtue of its colour, 
to contain gold whence its name orpiment or auri pigmentum, the 
pigment of gold (p. 81). 

Few minerals resemble copper in appearance; one of the best 
known and most important or these was known to German miners 
and was used to colour glass green. Although repeatedly worked for 
copper, that metal could never be extracted from it; the doctrine 
of signatures had broken down. Not that Nature herself was at 
fault; it was the Devil who had deliberately tinted the mineral in 
order to mislead the poor miner. So the mineral was called Kupfer- 
nickel, that is false copper, -pseudo copper, or, more literally, Old 
Nick's copper. 

' The term Old Nick is sometimes regarded as a perverted form 
of St Nicholas, the patron saint of children, thieves, and fishermen. 



The reference to fishermen might be due to its connection with the 
Anglo-Saxon Nicor y a water sprite. Anyhow, Old Nick was a 
disreputable fellow, and Saxe referred to his bad behaviour when 
he wrote 

Don't swear by the Styx 

It's one of Old Nick's 

Most abominable tricks 

To get men into a terrible fix. 

In 1751 Axel Frederick Cronstedt, the Swedish mineralogist, 
who introduced the blowpipe into analysis, turned his attention to 
kupfer nickel or niccolite, as we generally term it to-day. Cronstedt 
was regarded by his illustrious compatriot, Berzelius, as "the 
founder of the chemical system of mineralogy". He observed that, 
although the mineral dissolved in acid yielding a green solution, 
no copper was deposited on metallic iron placed within it. This 
surprised him for he was familiar with the old alchemical trick of 
converting iron into copper with the aid of copper sulphate solution. 
He therefore calcined a portion of the green deposit on the surface 
of some weathered niccolite, reduced the resulting oxide with 
charcoal and obtained a whitish metal, that certainly was not copper. 
For this new element he suggested the very appropriate name of 

At first chemists were disinclined to accept the view that nickel 
was a new element. Cronstedt's specimen was impure and many 
believed that it was merely a more or less unholy mixture of cobalt, 
arsenic, iron, and possibly copper. But in 1775 Torbern Bergman, 
Cronstedt's famous Swedish contemporary, confirmed the existence 
of nickel, of which he prepared a fairly pure sample, and showed 
that no alloy of copper, iron, cobalt, and arsenic would behave like 

"Natural" alloys of nickel have long been used by man, being 
reduced by reduction of naturally occurring mixed ores, the 
introduction of the nickel being at first purely accidental. Thus 
ancient bronze implements from pre-iron age civilisation have been 
found to contain from 2 to 4 per cent of nickel. Reference has 
already been made to the coin of the Bactrian king*, Euthydemos 
u, dating back to 235 B.C., analysis of which showed copper 77*6, 
nickel 20-0, with cobalt 0-54, and iron i-o. It has been conjectured 
that the alloy was originally obtained in ingot form from China 

*CHARLBTON, /. Roy. Soc. Arts, 1894, 42, 496. 


possibly carried by camel trade to the Mediterranean, for it is 
known that nickel-copper alloys were made from nickeliferous 
copper ores in very early times in Yunan and Szechuan. These 
alloys were known as Pei-tung, that is, white copper, or Pack-long, 
incorrectly rendered as Pack-fong. They contained copper, nickel 
and zinc and were used for gongs and other musical instruments. 
As soon as refined nickel became commercially available the 
Chinese alloys were made in England and Germany, the latter 
country making one in particular, called Argentan^ which became a 
popular substitute for silver whence the general term "German 
silver" (see table, p. 297). 

Nickel coins* 

In 1850 the Swiss Federal Government decided to use German 
silver as the basis of their coinage, on the ground that it was hard 
and durable, and was thus resistant to abrasion and difficult to 
counterfeit. The first attempts were not very successful as it was 
desired to make the coins worth their face value, and accordingly 
some 5 to 1 5 per cent of silver was added, according to the value of 
the coin. They were intensely hard, the coining dies broke, and the 
impression obtained on the coin itself was shallow. Similar diffi- 
culties were encountered with our own coinage after World War I 
(1914 to 1918), as already explained (p. 1 18) and we ought not to 
have fallen into the same error. After experimenting with several 
alloys, the Swiss, in 1881, decided to use pure nickel the first 
time in history that the pure metal had been used for coins. It 
could not have been used much earlier because it was only in 1879 
that Fleitmann showed the brittleness of commercial nickel could 
be removed by addition of a small amount of magnesium; it thus 
became possible now to roll the metal. This, Fleitmann did; he also 
rolled sheets of nickel both upon iron and steel much as silver was 
rolled on copper in the manufacture of Sheffield Plate. He thus 
became the pioneer in the development of nickel-clad steel. 

In 1855 the Belgians decided to reform their low currency coins 
and, after experimenting with a number of alloys, were the first to 
employ one containing copper 75 and nickel 25. In 1857 the U.S.A. 
replaced their cumbrous copper cent pieces by an alloy of copper 8 8 
and nickel 22, the latter metal then costing $2 per pound and was 
admittedly added to raise the intrinsic value of the coins. Later, in 

*See Report of the Royal Ontario Nickel Commission, Toronto, 1917. 



1865, ^ e U.S.A. adopted the Belgian alloy, and Germany followed 
suit in 1873. We in Britainare now replacing our silver coins with 
a copper-nickel alloy (p. 106). 

It is estimated that up to the end of 1912 some 900 million pure 
nickel coins had been issued in the old and new worlds, together 
with some 4500 million coins of nickel bronze*. It is easy to dis- 
tinguish between the two, since nickel coins are readily attracted 
by a magnet, whereas the alloys are not. 

Miscellaneous alloys 

As nickel and copper mix in all proportions yielding uniform solid 
solutions, the nickel increasing both the hardness and electrical 
resistance of the alloys, mixtures of many different compositions 
are marketed bearing special names. 

Cupronickels contain from 1 5 to 20 per cent of nickel, the remainder 
being copper. They can be cold- worked; for example they can be 
cold-rolled from I inch down to 0-05 inch without annealing being 
necessary. They have been extensively used for bullet jackets. The 
25 Ni, 75 Cu alloy used in coinage has already been mentioned. A 
30 Ni, 70 Cu alloy is uded for condenser tubes. Another useful 
alloy, sometimes known as constantan^ has 40 Ni and 60 Cu. 
Owing to its high electrical resistance and low resistance tempera- 
ture coefficient it is used for standard electrical resistances. 

In 1905 Ambrose Monell, President of the International 
Nickel Company, suggested smelting mixed copper and nickel ores 
together to produce a natural alloy containing small quantities of a 
few other elements as well. The registered trade name of this alloy 
is monel metal and it contains from 60 to 72 per cent Ni, the 
remainder being copper with iron up to 6*5 per cent and small 
quantities of Mn, Si and Al. The U.S. Government Specification, 
issued in July 1910 for the rolled metal, was 60 Ni, 36 Cu, 3-5 Fe 
and 0-5 Al, but no lead. The alloy looks like nickel, is non-magnetic 
and resistant to corrosion; it retains its high tensile strength at 
elevated temperatures. It is used for locomotive fireboxes, propellers, 
turbine blades, laundry fittings, kitchen ware, etc. One recent use 
is for aircraft fittings where steel, being magnetic, might influence 
the instruments. 

Numerous other nickel alloys are now marketed, including 
many grades of nickel-silver^ which are essentially ternary alloys of 
copper, nickel, and zinc. 

* Bulletin Imperial Institute, 1916, 14, 228. 


The manufacture of nickel silver in Europe was begun in Berlin 
in 1824 and the fancy names given are legion. Different grades are 
recognised in the trade, the first three in the accompanving table 
are three of many recognised in the trade in Birmingham and 
Sheffield. Nickel-silver to which a little tungsten has been added is 
known as platinoid. Argozoil contains, in addition to the three usual 
elements about 2 per cent each of lead and tin, whilst manganin has 
up to 12 per cent of manganese. Nichrome has many interesting 
features; it has a high electrical resistance and is used for electrical 
heating appliances; it is also very resistant to acid attack and is thus 
suitable, amongst other uses, for pickling baskets. 

Ni Cu Zn Miscellaneous 

White Metal 















2 5 

Hgnda Metal 

3 J *5 

Fe6 3 - 

5> c 5 




Cr 14 





W I to 2 

Alloys of nickel and iron are also of great economic importance. 
Ordinary nickel steel, containing some 3 to 5 per cent of nickel, is 
hard and tough, and is suitable for naval armour, burglar-proof 
safes, and for parts of machinery that are subject to special wear and 
tear. A 3-5 nickel steel was used in Segrave's Golden Arrow. 

Steels with 7 to 35 per cent Ni, often with a little Cr are heat and 
corrosion resistant; they are used in chemical apparatus, domestic 
and marine fittings, turbine blades and in the food industry. A 1 3 
per cent nickel steel is extremely hard and can hardly be cut or 
drilled. With 24 per cent of Ni magnetic power is lost and with 24 
to 32 of Ni the alloy offers a high resistance to the passage of an 
electric current, for which reason it finds application in heating 
coils. With 36 of Ni the alloy, known as invar ', has an extremely 
low coefficient of expansion with rise of temperature. Platinite, with 
46 of nickel expands comparably with glass and may thus replace 
the more expensive platinum for sealing into glass ware. Permalloy 
is used in cables, yielding a more rapid service in virtue of its high 



Towards the close of the 8o's of last century, Samuel J, Ritchie, 
who was interested in the Sudbury nickel ores, wrote to Krupps 
suggesting the use of an alloy of nickel and iron for ordnance. 
Krupps without hesitation rejected the idea as absurd. Meanwhile, 
however, the French had developed chrome steel projectiles that 
Were making havoc with the naval armour plate, and the problem 
arose as to how this was to be countered. 

In 1889 James Riley* of Glasgow drew attention to the various 
special properties of nickel steels. This interested, amongst others, 
the American Naval Authorities, who, in 1891, purchased plain 
steel plates from British and French manufacturers and nickel 
steel plates from Le Creusot works of Schneider in France. On 
testing these, the last named proved much more resistant to 
projectile attack than the others. The results attracted world wide 
attention and the introduction of alloy steels for naval armour plate 
dates from this time. 

Honda metal^ a ternary alloy prepared by Professor Honda of 
Japan, has a lower thermal coefficient of expansion even than 
silica. Its composition is given in the table on p. 297. 

Nickel added in small amount to cast iron increases its strength 
and resistance to corrosion ; it also enhances the ease of casting and 
machining. Such alloys are used in Diesel engines, valves, pumps, 

Nickel plating 

Already in 1839 Jordan was depositing copper electrolytically from 
sulphate solutions and establishing the art of electrotyping. In 1842 
Boetger had pointed out that dense, lustrous deposits of nickel 
could be obtained electrolytically in similar manner from solutions 
of nickel salts but it was not until about 1870 that the art of nickel 
plating was developed for, prior to that date, there was a difficulty 
in obtaining suitable nickel anodes at reasonable cost. Once that 
difficulty had been solved the nickel plating industry rapidly 
progressed and many hundreds of tons or nickel are used annually 
in this country for this purpose alone. It yields a hard coat, takes a 
good polish and does not readily tarnish; it looks well and is ornate. 
One can always detect nickel plate by moistening with a drop of 
acid, absorbing the drop on filter paper, adding ammonium 
hydroxide, then acetic acid and dimethyl glyoxime. The character- 
istic red colour of the nickel derivative is developed. 

*RILEY, /. Iron Steel Inst. t 1889, 1, 45. 


Nickel is used in the manufacture of cooking utensils and table 
"crockery" or "silver"; for this it is particularly useful, as it is 
remarkably resistant to corrosion and will withstand rough usage, 
such as that encountered in hotels, cafs, and restaurants. In a finely 
divided condition nickel is used as a catalyst for many reactions; 
for example, the "hardening" of oils is an important industry, 
unsaturated liquid oils being "hardened" or rendeied solid by the 
absorption of hydrogen with the aid of a nickel catalyst. 


Nickel is much more plentiful in the Earth's crust than lead and tin 
as indicated in the table on p. 7. The world production of nickel 
is normally of the order of 100,000 tons annually. 

For a time the world was combed for supplies of nickel ores and 
ores containing as little as i per cent nickel were profitably worked. 
For many years the pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite deposits of Norway 
were the main source of nickel, the industry reaching its height 
during 1870 to 1877. 

In 1774 Captain Cook discovered New Caledonia, an island in the 
S. Pacific Ocean and once used as a French convict station. In 1865 
Gamier found a nickel ore there near the capital Noumeia. It is a 
silicate, (Ni, Mg)SiO 3 .Aq. and exists in two varieties; one is light 
green and is known as garnierite, the other is dark green and called 
noumeite. In 1874 it was proved present in large quantity and by 
1875 some 300 tons had been exported; the export rate increased 
until New Caledonia's output exceeded that of Norway, and the 
island became the chief producer of nickel ; it maintained its lead 
until 1905. 

An area of fewer than 1000 sq, miles in the Sudbury District of 
Ontario now entered the scene. Already in 1856 a Government 
Surveyor had reported the presence of ores there, but it was not 
until 1883, when the Canadian Pacific Railway was being extended 
westward from Sudbury, that the discovery assumed industrial 
importance. The first attraction was copper ; later the nickel content 
was noted and a nickel industry developed, which by 1905 
succeeded in swamping that of New Caledonia. It is likely to 
maintain its foremost position long into the future as the area 
contains many millions of tons of ore. 




THIS group comprises platinum, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, 
osmium arid iridium. 


Platinum was the first of the so-called platinum metals to be dis- 
covered, and its history reads like a Jules Verne novel. Platinum 
occurs in nature, sometimes in a fairly pure state, but more usually 
alloyed with its congeners in the eighth vertical group of the 
Periodic Table. Generally, it appears as grains or scales, but 
occasionally irregular lumps or nuggets have been found, ranging 
in weight from anything up to some 20 Ib. The largest nugget ever 
found weighed 21 Ib. Troy, or 7837 grams, and was deposited in 
the Demidoff Museum a f Leningrad. Platinum does not appear to 
have been used or prized by primitive man to any extent, certainly 
not like gold; possibly because its appearance is far less attractive. 
In 1901 Berthelot stated, however, that a Theban (Egypt) casket of 
about 700 B.C., covered with inscriptions, had a portion of one of 
its characters made of an alloy of platinum. It was too small for 
a complete analysis, but from its behaviour towards aqua regia it 
was thought to be native metal, possibly from the alluvial deposits 
of Nubia or the upper regions of the Nile Valley. 

It is said that in 1557 Scaliger referred to a metal, found in 
Mexico and Colombia, that could not be melted in existing Spanish 
furnaces. This is usually regarded as a reference to platinum, which 
is found in these regions. In 1741, Charles Wood, a metallurgist, 
sent his relative, Dr Brownrigg, a specimen of a new metal which 
he had found in Cartagena, Colombia. Nine years later this was 
handed over to the Royal Society. "I take the freedom to inclose to 
you," wrote Dr Brownrigg, on 5th December 1750, "an account 
of a semi-metal called Platina di Pinto; which, so far as I know, hath 
not been taken notice of by any writer on minerals/' 

The story now returns to South America. In 1735, ^on Antonio 
de Ulloa was one of two officers selected by the French and Spanish 
Governments to take charge of a scientific expedition to Peru. 
Whilst out there, Ulloa came across native platinum and included 



an account of it in his log. On his return to Europe in 1 744 on a 
French ship, the latter was captured by the British. Ulloa was treated 
with the greatest courtesy by the British naval officers and given a 
safe passage, with his records, to England. We were hot at war 
with Spain at the time. The Admiralty returned his papers and his 
log was published in 1748. The Spaniards called platinum platina 
del Pinto, that is, "little silver of the R. Pinto". At the time the 
metal had no commercial value and was frequently used by the 
Spaniards to adulterate South American gold. So the Spanish 
Government closed the mines and ordered the metal to be thrown 
into the sea. The British frequently referred to it as "frog gold", 
and as late as 1874 its market value was a mere 253. per oz. Troy. 
Platinum was found in the Urals in 1819 and five years later (i 824) 
Russia began to export the metal. For very many years that was the 
main source of the commercial product. At the present time, 
platinum is being obtained in ever-increasing quantity during the 
refining of nickel by the International Nickel Co. of Canada. Prior 
to 1929 the nickel produced by this company contained traces of 
platinum metals originally present in the ores used, but in that year 
electrolytic refining of nickel was introduced whereby the platinum 
metals were obtained in a rich anode sludge. Owing to the large 
tonnage of the nickeliferous ores worked over six million tons 
in 1937 the actual amounts of the recovered platinum metals 
are appreciable. There is one part of the metal in two million parts 
of ore, which is approximately the same as of radium in pitchblende. 

Platinum was difficult to work; but William Hyde Wollaston, 
who began as a medical practitioner at Bury St Edmunds, famous 
for his researches in metallurgy, mineralogy and optics, found that 
the metal becomes malleable when the spongy form is strongly 
compressed. It then may be annealed and hammered. His discovery 
brought him a fortune of some 30,000, so he was able to "retire" 
in 1800 at the age of 34 and devote himself to scientific pursuits. 
We shall meet him again presently. Incidentally, it may be men- 
tioned that Wollaston drew gossamer threads of platinum by 
enclosing in silver, extending, and removing the silver with acid. 
These threads he made red hot with an electric current from a 
voltaic cell constructed in a tailor's thimble! We may thus regard 
Wollaston as the inventor of the first electric glow lamp, 

Thomas Cock manufactured platinum by Wollaston's process, 
and^ Wollaston was associated with him for some time. In 1805, 
platinum crucibles could be bought for 173. 6d. per oz., and wire 



at 1 6s. per oz. Cock was a relative of Percival Norton Johnson, who 
began a metallurgical business in Hatton Garden in 1817. A few 
years later he was joined by George Matthey, and thus was founded 
the world-famous firm of Johnson, Matthey & Co. Ltd. which is 
"still going strong". 

Brownrigg referred to platinum as a semi-metal, and the interest 
of chemists w?s rapidly engaged. One has only to refer to early 
issues of certain well-known scientific journals to realise what an 
immense amount of research was carried out by famous 
chemists at the close of the eighteenth and beginning of the 
nineteenth century. Such names as Berzelius, Berthollet, Bonsdorff, 
Descotils, Pelletier, Tennant, Klaus, Osann, Vauquelin, and others, 
constantly recur. It was not long before it was realised that native 
platinum was far from the pure metal and contained elements, 
alloyed with it in varying proportions, that were entirely new to 
science. In those days there was no rule to guide chemists as to the 
greatest possible number of elements such as we possess to-day in 
the Atomic number the product of the brilliant work of Moseley 
in 1913. There thus appeared to lie before each and every invest- 
igator the possibility mac he might discover a new element. Alas 
that such a possibility should be so remote to-day 1 

Palladium and rhodium 

In 1803 Wollaston* dissolved crude platinum in aqua regia, and, 
after evaporating off the excess acid, obtained a yellow precipitate 
by the dropwise addition of mercuric cyanide solution. It was a 
lucky experiment, for only one of the platinum metals is precipitable 
in this way. On ignition of the precipitated cyanide a white metal 
remained which Wollaston called palladium in honour of the minor 
planet Pallas, discovered the previous year by Olbers. 

Wollaston's discovery succeeded in raising the usual crop of 
sceptics, as witness such titles as "Reward of Twenty Pounds for 
the Artificial Production of Palladium" and "Enquiry concerning 
the Nature of a Metallic Substance lately sold in London as a New 
Metal, under the Title of Palladium", which appeared in 
Nicholson's famous Journal in 1804. 

Following up his discovery of palladium, Wollaston dissolved 
some native platinum in aqua regia, removed platinum as ammon- 
ium hexachlorplatinate and palladium as cyanide. Evaporation of 
the filtrate with acid effected the decomposition of excess of the 

WOLLASTON, Phil. Trans., 1804, p. 419; 1805, p. 316. 


mercury cyanide and a dark red double chloride of sodium and a 
new metal remained. To this new metal Wollaston gave the name 
rhodium from the Greek rhodon rose, because of the beautiful rose 
colour of aqueous solutions of its salts. The double salt, probably 
Na 3 RhCl 6 i8H 2 O, was reduced in hydrogen, the sodium chloride 
leached away, and rhodium obtained as a powder. 

Iridium and osmium 

But Wollaston was not the only chemist who was tackling the 
mysteries of native platinum. In the same year (i 803) the Wensley- 
dale Yorkshireman, Smithson Tennant*, a pupil of Black at 
Edinburgh, also dissolved the metal in dilute aqua regia. Despite 
his happy-go-lucky temperament he did happen to ponder over 
the insoluble black residue which had hitherto been regarded as 
merely graphite, and which we now know to have been osmiridium. 
He found that by alternate action of acid and alkali it was possible 
to effect its separation into two distinct metals. One of these he 
named indium, from the Greek iris rainbow, because it yielded 
salts of various colours green, red, violet. The other, on heating, 
yielded a volatile oxide which he at first called ptene, from the 
Greek ptenos, winged; but he was persuaded against that very 
awkward term and called it osmium, from the Greek osme a smell, 
in recognition of the unpleasant odour of the volatile tetroxide, 
OsO 4 , produced when the metal is heated in air. The vapour is very 
penetrating, intensely poisonous, producing temporary blindness 
and other unpleasant symptoms. Osmium thus reminds us of the 
halogen (p. 49) which Baiard first called muride but accepted its 
alteration to bromine from the Greek brbmos a stench. 

Poor Tennant came to an untimely end shortly after his election 
to the Chair of Chemistry in Cambridge. Ever fond of horseflesh, 
he was riding over a drawbridge at Boulogne, when the bridge 
moved and he fell into the ditch, with his horse on top of him. 
When extricated he was fast dying. 

In 1922 the extraction of gold by the amalgamation process was 
discarded on the Rand in favour of the cyanide process and a 
preliminary concentration on blankets and corduroy introduced. 
This recovers the osmiridium together with coarse gold particles 
that are not readily dissolved in the subsequent cyaniding. This is 
comparable with tne sheep-skin method of the ancients used in the 
recovery of gold from river gravels, which is generally believed to 

*TBNNANT, Phil. Trans., 1804, p. 411. 


have given rise to the legend of the golden fleece. The Rand gold 
mines are now the main source of osmiridium ; only small quantities 
are present, amounting to about I oz. in 1200 tons or roughly i 
part in 30 million, 


Ruthenium was the last of the platinum metals to be discovered and 
for it we are indebted to the Russian chemist Karl Karlovich Klaus*, 
It owes its name to Osann who, in 1828, thought he had obtained 
three new metals from crude metal from the Urals; he christened 
them pluranium, polinium, and ruthenium^ the last named being 
derived from Ruthenia, a name of Russia. The first two supposed 
elements, however, were not new elements but the existence of one 
new element in Osann's "ruthenium" was confirmed by Klaus, who 
retained for it the name ruthenium. In 1842 Klaus obtained 20 Ib. 
of platinum residues from the laboratory of the Russian Govern- 
ment Mint in what was then known as St Petersburg. He 
separated osmiridium by its insolubility in aqua regia, fused with 
potassium hydroxide and nitrate, and extracted the melt with 
water, thereby obtaining an orange-coloured solution of potassium 
osmate, K 2 OsO 4 , and ruthenate, K 2 RuO 4 . Addition of nitric acid 
effected the precipitation of osmium di-oxide and ruthenium oxide 
from which the , osmium was separated by distillation with aqua 
regia ; addition of ammonium chloi ide to the residue yielded what 
was supposed to be ammonium hexachlorruthenate, (NH 4 )RuCl 6 , 
but was most probably the nitrosyl derivative, K 2 RuCl 5 .NO, from 
which the new metal was obtained by ignition. 

Uses of the platinum metals 

Although ruthenium appears to have no industrial applications all 
the other platinum metals are used to a considerable extent. 

A good deal of platinum is used in jewellery, often alloyed with 
iridium to increase its hardness. It is valued as a setting for diamonds 
the brilliance of which is developed by the white colour of the metal. 

Platinum is largely used in the chemical industry as a catalyst 
in various processes. Every chemist thinks immediately of the 
"contact" process of the sulphuric acid industry and the classic 
researches of Knietsch in 1901. A healthy stimulus to the investiga- 
tion of platinum catalysts was afforded by the placing on the market 

*KLAUS, Annalen, 1845, 56, 257; 1846, 59, 234. Pogg. Annalen, 1845, 64, 192; 
65, 200. OSANN, ibid., 1828, 14, 329; 1845, 64, 197. 



of a vanadium catalyst; but the palm still goes to the former as they 
give an efficient conversion of SO 2 to SO 8 over a wide range of 
SO 2 -concentration in the initial gases. Platinised asbestos is a 
favourite, but platinised silica gel was introduced into factory use 
in 1926, and possesses an undoubted advantage in being immune 
to arsenical poisoning. 

Platinum is unusually ductile; it can be drawn into wire of 
diameter 0*00005 inch; one ounce of metal could thus be drawn 
out for several hundred miles. Its coefficient of linear expansion 
from o to 1 00 C is 0-0000089, which is closely similar to that for 
ordinary glass; for this reason platinum wire is used in the con- 
struction of electrical and other apparatus in which it is necessary 
to pass wire through glass and leave a perfectly air-tight and 
hermetically sealed joint. 

World production of platinum in 1938 was 460,000 oz. Troy 
and two years later it is believed to have exceeded 600,000 oz. 

Rhodio-platinum, an alloy containing 10 of rhodium, is widely, 
used, in the form of gauze, in the catalytic oxidation of ammonia to 
nitric acid a process that has largely supplanted natural nitrates 
as a source of nitric acid. Its conversion ratio is higher than with 
platinum alone. Thermocouples of platinum and rhodio-platinum, 
that can be immersed direct in molten steel in open hearth furnaces, 
have recently been designed; the junction is encased in a silica 
sheath, covered by a steel tube; the latter melts, but the silica 
sheath lasts for several immersions. Rhodio-platinum, as also alloys 
of platinum and gold (30 : 70) and platinum, gold and palladium 
(20 : 70 : 10) are used in making spinnerets for the production of 

As rhodium is very resistant to tarnish and remains white even 
in concentrated solutions of alkali sulphides, it is now in demand 
for electroplating. Although a very costly metal, exceedingly thin 
coats suffice so that the process is not too expensive. It is claimed 
that a coat, o-oooi in. in thickness, on silver can withstand boiling 
aqua regia for 30 minutes without appreciable damage. A new 
secret process for rendering silver untarnishable, known as rhodan- 
ising, can be applied to old and new silver alike (1936). 

Rhodium-plated reflectors, on account of their resistance to heat 
and oxidation, are particularly suited for searchlight and cinema 
projectors. Rhodium black has been used for producing a black 
colour in the decoration of pottery. 

On account of its hardness ana extreme incorrodibility iridium 



is used for pivots, surgical tools, etc. Alloyed with platinum it is 
used in electrical contacts used under severe conditions as, for 
example, in aircraft ; in constructing chemical apparatus, a classical 
instance Being the U-tube and electrodes used by Moissan in 1886 
for the isolation of fluorine from the electrolysis of potassium 
hydrogen fluoride. An alloy containing 10 of iridium and 90 of 
platinum was used in preparing the International Prototype Metre 
and the corresponding Kilogram (pp. 307, 309). 

Iridium black like rhodium black has been used in producing 
black colours in the decoration of porcelain. 

F6r crucibles an alloy of platinum and rhodium, with 3 to 5 per 
cent of the latter, is recommended for high temperature work. 
Iridium stiffens platinum but increases its volatility above 900 C 
whereas rhodium not only stiffens the platinum but also reduces its 
volatility. Iridio-platinum is used successfully in sparking-plug 
electrodes of aero-engines, best all-round results being obtained 
with 20 per cent iridium. 

Osmium is used in the fountain pen industry being the most 
important component of "iridium" tips. Alloys of extreme hardness 
containing osmium are finding increasing application. It has been 
used in the filaments of electric lamps on account of its infusibility 
which closely approaches that of tungsten ; its melting point being 
2700 C (tungsten, melting point 3382 C). Osmium is also used 
in electroplating as, for example, for searchlight reflectors. 

Palladium is now being used more in industry than hitherto, 
often as a substitute for platinum. Sometimes medals are struck in 
it. Alloyed with gold it is used as a substitute for platinum. Gold 
with 20 per cent palladium is completely white and is sometimes 
used in expensive jewellery under the name "white gold". 

On account of its resistance to corrosion it has been used for 
astronomical and dental purposes. 

Standards of length and mass 

The original standard metre and kilogram were constructed by 
Borda in platinum. The metre owes its origin to the French 
Republic of 1795. ^ was decided that the metre should be a 
physical constant and, as a convenient length, one ten-millionth 
(io~ 7 ) of the Earth's quadrant was selected, or more precisely 
that of the distance between the N. Pole and the Equator measured 
over the surface of the Earth along the meridian passing through 
Paris. It was thought that by this means if ever the standard were 



lost it could be replaced. The actual measurements were carried out 
by Delambre and Mechain between Barcelona and Dunkirk, and 
Borda was entrusted with the task of constructing the standard 

It was soon realised, however, that, if the metre were defined as 
above, every time a more accurate determination was made all the 
copies in general use would require altering, which would be 
almost fatal to scientific progress beside causing a great deal of 
inconvenience to trade. The metre was therefore converted into a 
purely arbitrary unit like the British yard and was defined as the 
distance between the ends of Borda's platinum rod. 

According to more recent measurements the mean meridian 
quadrant measures 10,002,100 metres. 

The International Prototype Metre is a copy of the original Borda 
standard or Metre des Archives \ it is made of an alloy of Pt 90 and 
Ir 10 per cent, this alloy being hard, durable, very resistant to 
corrosion and possessed of a low thermal coefficient of expansion. 
The metre is here the distance between the centres of two lines 
engraved upon the standard, when measured at o C. 

Platinum-iridium copies of this metre, called the National 
Prototype Metres^ were made at the same time and distributed 
about 1889 to various Governments, the British copy being housed 
at the Standards Department of the Board of Trade. 

In ancient times in Britain three barley corns were taken as the 
measure of one inch. The earliest recorded standard of length in 
Britain was the gird or yard^ decreed by the Saxon King Edgar 
(959 to 975); it was kept at Winchester and is believed to have 
represented two cubits, the cubit being the average length of the 
fore-arm and one of the earliest known standards of length recorded 
in ancient history. 

From time to time new standards were prepared approximating 
very closely to the old ones, the last standard being housed, down 
to 1834, in the House of Commons. It was destroyed, however, in 
the fire of 1834, when the Houses were burned down, the fine old 
Westminster Hall fortunately escaping. 

By 1845 a new standard had been prepared by taking the mean 
length of the most authoritative measures constituting the best 
primary approach to the lost standard, no official duplicates or 
copies ever having been made or recognised. The new Imperial 
yard was defined as the distance between two fine lines cut in gold 
plugs let into a bronze bar, measurements being made at 62 F. 



The composition of the alloy was Cu : Sn : Zn as 16 : 2-5 : i. 
Four official copies were made and housed in different places, the 
standard being kept at the Standards Department of the Board of 
Trade in accordance with the Weights and Measures Act of 1878. 

Copper alloys are now known to be unsuited for standard lengths 
knd in 1902 an iridio-platinum (10 : 90) copy was made. 

The metre *vas recognised by the British Parliament in 1897, 
and the legal equivalents established by Order in Council of May 
1898 are 

i metre = 1*0936 143 yards 
I yard = 0*914399 metre 

Both the metre and yard have now been measured in terms of the 
wavelength of the red cadmium spectral line, A rt in vacuo with the 
following results 

i metre = 1,552,734-44*, 
i yard = 1,419,818-24*, 

It would thus be possible to replace the standards with great 
accuracy in the event of loss or destruction of the standards them- 
selves and their copies. 

Ordinary cadmium consists of several isotopes and ideal mono- 
chromatic light is obtainable from a single isotope only. Even greater 
accuracy may therefore be expected when light from one single 
isotope is available. Cadmium is difficult to separate into isotopes 
but, by the bombardment of metallic gold with neutrons in an 
atomic pile, one of the isotopes of mercury (At. wt. 198) has been 
prepared. Thus 

Au (197) + n -+ Hg (198) + e 

an electron e being evolved, which is an inversion of the alchemists' 
dream of transmutation, Hg (198) gives a pure monochromatic 
green light and in time this should be available for standard length 
measurements. Preliminary measurements of this line indicate 
(1950) the metre to equal 1,831,249-2* in standard air. On the 
Continent the krypton isotope 84 is being similarly studied. 

The metric standard of mass is the kilogram, a lump of platinum 
prepared by Borda to represent the mass of a cubic decimetre of 
water at the temperature of its maximum density, namely 4 C. 
It is called the Kilogram des Archives. 

This kilogram was prepared at the close of the eighteenth 
century with the very greatest care, but during succeeding years 
methods of measurement became increasingly refined and by 1872 



it was realised that the experimental error in the determination was 
greater than was permissible for accurate work. So instead of 
defining the kilogram as the mass of 1000 cc. of water it was 
decided to make the mass of that particular lump of platinum the 
arbitrary unit. The International Prototype Kilogram is the mass of a 
cylinder of iridio-platinum (10 : 90), similar in composition to the 
alloy used for the metre and for the same reasons: it is an exact 
copy of the original Borda standard. Copies of this have been 
prepared and distributed to various Governments as National 
Prototype Kilograms. The British copy is kept at the Standards 

Ever since Saxon times the unit of weight in Britain has been the 
pound) but that pound has varied considerably in value from time to 
time. In 1533 Henry vm instituted the pound Troy as the legal 
unit. This had been introduced from the French city of Troyes 
towards the close of the reign of Edward in (d. 1377) and was 
apparently widely known and used even before it became official. 
The standard Troy pound appears to have been renewed from 
time to time and that used from 1758 onwards was destroyed in 
the fire at the House of Commons in 1834, having been housed 
there along with the standard yard. 

A commission was accordingly appointed to consider the 
whole question of standard weights and measures; it was 
decided to construct a Troy Ib. in platinum as close in 
weight as possible to the lost standard by averaging reliable 
copies. The difference between the two must have been extremely 

As the old Troy Ib. was equivalent to 5760 grains the new grain 
was defined as one 576oth of the new standard Troy Ib. 

At this time the Troy Ib. was less popular among business men 
than the heavier Avoirdupois pound which had been in use more 
or less from the time of Edward in. It was equivalent to 7000 
grains. Advantage was accordingly taken to change the legal 
standard from Troy to Avoirdupois and a cylinder of platinum was 
prepared equal in weight to exactly i Ib. Troy X 7000 -f- 5760. 
A pound weight was thus obtained equivalent to 7000 of the new 
grains. By Act of Parliament (1878) the weight in vacuo of this 
cylinder became the standard pound from which all other weights 
and all measures having reference to weight were to be derived. 
The cylinder was marked "P.S. 1844 i Ib." The letters P.S. 
mean Parliamentary Standard, 



The connection between the kilogram and pound is defined 
legally (1898) as 

i kilogram = 2-2046223 pounds 
i pound = 0-45359243 kilogram 

Thus, both the kilogram and the pound are purely arbitrary units. 




THESE include elements of atomic numbers 84 upwardr. Elements 
of higher At. No. than uranium are frequently termed transuranic^ 
and six of these are now known. When they were studied it was 
observed that they bore a closer resemblance to uranium than to 
the elements of Group VIII the platinum metals. It appeared, 
therefore, that these elements formed part of a new series resem- 
bling the rare earth elements, Nos. 57 to 71. This suggested that 
the electronic arrangements might be analogous, the O shell now 
filling up in a similar manner to the N shell in the former. 
Actinium thus resembles lanthanum, thorium resembles cerium, 
and so on. It was therefore proposed by Seaborg that the rare earth 
elements be termed the lanthanide series, and the radioelements 
from actinium onwards the actinide series. 

The electronic arrangement is shown in the following table, in 
the final column of which are given the symbols of the correspond- 
ing rare earth metals. Elements 97 and 98 (p. 327) have not yet 
been (1950) officially recognised and are not included in the table. 

Shell K 
Maximum No. of 2 

L M 

8 18 







9 8 





8 8 



8 + 









18 H 

- i 

8 + 









18 - 

- 2 

8 + 










18 - 

- 3 

8 + 










18 - 

- 4 

8 + 



(6 1) 






18 - 

u S 

8 + 










18 - 

- 6 

8 + 







8 8 


18 - 

h 7 

8 + 





In 1789 Klaproth was investigating a mineral which, from its 
black, shining appearance, was known as pitch-blende. It was thought 



to be an ore of zinc and iron, but since, on dissolution in nitric acid 
and neutralising with caustic potash, a precipitate is obtained 
soluble in excess of the latter reagent, Klaproth rightly conjectured 
that he wks dealing with a new element. To this he gave the name 
uranium in recognition of Herschel's discovery of the new planet 
Uranus in 1781. It constitutes about 4 ppm of the earth's crust. 

By igniting a paste of the oxide with oil and charcoal, Klaproth 
obtained a black, metallic-like powder which he regarded as 
uranium itself. In 1841, however, Peligot showed that it was an 
oxide. He analysed the chloride, UC1 4 , and his results added up to 
no per cent. This impossible result was due to the fact that the 
"uranium" he had weighed was not really the element but the very 
stable oxide, UO 2 , which was not reducible either with hydrogen 
or carbon. He therefore reduced the chloride with metallic 
potassium in a closed platinum crucible and, after removing the 
potassium chloride by leaching with water, was rewarded by finding 
a residue of metallic uranium, the properties of which were different 
from those of the oxide hitherto regarded as the element. 

More than a century passed between the recognition of the 
presence of a new element in pitch-blende by Klaproth in 1789, 
and the discovery that this element possesses extraordinary physical 
properties, the examination of which led to revolutionary ideas on 
the structure of natter. 

It came about in this wise. In 1896, Antoine Henri Becquerel 
was studying the fluorescence shown by uranic salts such as 
potassium uranyl sulphate, K 2 SO4.UO 2 SO4.2H 2 O, and made the 
interesting observation that these would affect a wrapped photo- 
graphic plate, even in the dark. This appeared to rule out the 
possibility of fluorescence being the cause, and further support 
came from the activity of uranous salts, which similarly affected the 
photographic plate, although they were not fluorescent. It appeared, 
therefore, that an entirely new type of radiation was being emitted, 
capable of passing through black paper and affecting a photo- 
graphic plate. 

The scientific world, at this time, was all agog with Rdntgen's 
discovery of 1 895 of a new set of rays, the so-called X or Rdntgen 
rays, emanating from the glass walls of tubes where bombardment 
by cathode rays occurs. The time was therefore ripe for Becquerel's 
results and scientists were not slow to turn them to good account. 

Shortly before this Marie Sklodowska, daughter of a science 
master in Warsaw, had gone to the Sorbonne in Paris and worked 



in the laboratory of Pierre Curie. With the wilfulness of her species, 
she neglected Punch's advice to those about to be married and, 
in 1895, changed her name to Curie. This, as afterwards transpired, 
was a distinct advantage for scientific nomenclature. The two were 
happy though poor; Pierre swept the floor and Marie cooked the 
meals. She still found time for science. Interested in Becquerel's 
discovery, Mme Curie began to test all sorts of substances for 
"rays" and was not long in discovering that thorium compounds 
were also active. 

It was soon realised that this radioactivity is an atomic property 
with an intensity directly proportional to the concentration of the 
element yielding it and entirely independent of the state of chemical 
combination of that element. Not only do the rays affect a photo- 
graphic plate, but they induce ionisation in air and thus assist the 
discharge of an electroscope. Hence a radioelement can be detected 
electroscopically no matter what chemical process it undergoes. 
This enormously simplifies the method of detection which is both 
rapid and delicate. 


Mme Curie noticed that certain pitch-blendes show greater activity 
than corresponds to their uranium content, and concluded that 
this was due to the presence of an unknown element, much more 
active than uranium itself, but present in such minute quantities 
that it had escaped detection by the ordinary methods of analysis. 
Upon request the Austrian Government very generously placed a 
ton of pitch-blende residues from their state "Dollar Mine" at 
Joachimstal, at the disposal of Mme Curie. This, with the collabor- 
ation of her husband, she fractionated according to accepted 
qualitative methods of analysis, each precipitate being tested 
electroscopically for radioactivity and rejected when inert. In this 
way the radio precipitates were concentrated, and two radio- 
substances eventually separated in 1898. One of these was 
precipitated with bismuth and was named polonium, in honour of 
Poland, Mme Curie's native land; the other was precipitated 
with the barium and was christened radium, because of its great 

For many years radium was only known in the form of its salts. 
These were purified by fractionation ; for four years Mme Curie 

*Full references are given to this early work in FRIEND'S "Textbook of 
Inorganic Chemistry", Vol. Ill, Part I, by M. S. BURR (Griffin, 1925). 



carried on this dangerous task and in 1903 presented her results 
to the Paris Faculty of Science with a view to her doctorate. Poor 
Pierre's hands were crippled by the activity of the rays, whereas 
Marie escaped injury a striking tribute to the knightly chivalry 
of her husband, who evidently bore the brunt of the exposure. The 
happy pair leaped into fame; the same year, the Nobel Prize was 
shared between them and pecuniary embarrassments were now at 
an end. Pierre's fame was short-lived. In 1906 he went out one 
day to lunch with some friends ; Marie waited in vain for his return ; 
he had been run over and mortally injured by a dray*. 

This cruel blow did not prevent Mme Curie from carrying on 
her research. She learned to cultivate a sublimely detached attitude 
towards things in general, as her maid once discovered to her 
consternation. She had entered the laboratory exclaiming, 
" Madame, madame, I have swallowed a pin!" Madame attempted 
to soothe her, saying, "There, there, don't cry, there's a good girl; 
here is another pin for you." 

To perpetuate the name of Curie, the quantity of emanation in 
equilibrium with one gram of radium was termed a curie. This is an 
inconveniently large amount and the milli-micro curie is frequently 
used as a practical unit. It is the quantity of emanation in equi- 
librium with one millionth of a milligram of radium. Since one- 
fiftieth of this can be detected with a sensitive electroscope, this 
method of detecting the presence of radio-elements is extra- 
ordinarily sensitive more so even than the spectroscope. The 
above definition of the curie has now been superseded. In July 
1950 the Joint Commission on Standards, Units and Constants of 
Radioactivity defined the curie as the quantity of any radioactive 
nuclide in which the number of disintegrations per second is 
3-700 X io 10 . 

The radium content of the Earth's crust is estimated as 
1-4 X io- 12 per centf. 

In 1904 an amalgam of radium was obtained by Coding who 
electrolysed a solution of radium bromide in methyl alcohol using 
a silver anode and an amalgamated zinc cathode. It was not until 
1910 that Mme Curie and Debierne isolated the pure metal by 

*EvE CURIE, "Madame Curie". Translated by V. Sheean (New York, 1943). 
fG. BERG, "Das Vorkommen der Chemischen Elemente auf der Erde" (Berlin, 
1932), p. 113. 

JCoEHN, Ber., 1904, 37, 811. 

CURIE and DEBIERNE, Compt. rend., 1910, 151, 523. 



distillation of the amalgam in a current of hydrogen. The same 
year Ebler* obtained it by thermal decomposition of the azide, 
Ra(N 8 ) 2 . 

Radium is a brilliant white metal, melting at 700 D C, and 
manifesting luminescence, thereby differing from the other 
alkaline earth metals. 

Radium is continuously disintegrating; the process is sub- 
atomic and can neither be accelerated nor retarded by any means at 
our disposal. Radium is a member of the Uranium series and may 
be found in all minerals containing this latter element. The scheme 
in Fig. 8 shows the various stages of the disintegration of uranium, 

U, -J^ UX, -^ X U -^- lo -2L*. Ra -~+ Rn -^ RaA 

238 234 \,, X234 230 226 222 218 

VIA 1VA ^X&V V V1 A 1VA 11A V1B 

RaG - 


Fig. 8 The uranium series 

The arrows are marked to indicate whethei the disintegration takes place 

by a- or /^-emission 

the ultimate product being radium G or uranium lead (p. 324). The 
atomic weights are given beneath the symbols and the vertical 
groups in the Periodic Table to which the elements belong. 

It is customary to express the stability of a radioelement in 
terms of its half-life, by which is meant the time that would be 
required for one half of a given mass of the element to undergo 
natural disintegration. Thus the period of half-life or half-change 
of radium is 1600 years. If therefore we have to-day a gram of 
radium, in 1600 years there will be only half a gram left, and in a 
further 1600 years the amount will have fallen to 0-25 gm. and 
so on. 

During the disintegration of radium, as indeed of uranium, 
many new transitional elements are formed, some of purely 

*EBLBR, Ber. t 1910, 43, 2613. 



ephemeral existence, like radium C, whose period of half-life is 
estimated at icr e second, and brevium, 1-14 minutes, whereas 
radium D has a life of some 16 years. Polonium is the penultimate 
disintegration product of radium, and is also called radium F\ its 
period of half-life is 136-5 days; when it loses an a -particle it is 
converted into radium G or uranium lead. In its chemical properties 
polonium resembles tellurium and early preparations were sold as 
radio-tellurium. Old radon tubes are a useful source. 

Radium itself has no commercial applications. Its compounds 
are used mainly for medical purposes and as a source of radon; 
these absorb some 85 per cent of the world's output: 10 per cent 
is used for rendering dials of instruments and other objects lumin- 
ous, the remaining 5 per cent being used for scientific and 
miscellaneous purposes*. One mg of radium emits 22-2 X io 8 
a-particles per min. Its half-life is 1610 years. 

Atomic energy 

Decomposition of a radioelement, whether natural or induced by 
bombardment is invariably accompanied by liberation of energy. 
When, for example, a radium salt is confined in a thick lead vessel 
almost all the evolved energy is converted into heat, some 25 gm- 
calories per hour being produced per gram of radium. For this 
heat to serve any useful economic purpose we should require 
Vastly greater quantities of radium than we could ever hope to obtain. 

The position is even worse with uranium, U(238), the half-life 
period of which is 4,500 million years. During that period a gram 
of the metal would, it is true, evolve an enormous amount of 
energy, equivalent to 3 x io 12 gm-calories. This could raise 
30,000 tons of water from freezing to boiling point, or afford hot 
baths for more than one million people a matter of supreme 
indifference to those politicians who do not bathe. 

But this energy is evolved over so long a period that the quantity 
available at any one moment is too small to be of economic value. 
It has been calculated that io million tons of uranium would be 
required beneath the boilers of the Queen Mary (81,235 tons) to 
propel that noble vessel across the Atlantic at full speed. This it 
could continue to do for many million years without renewal. 

But that is of no use to us. No ship could possibly carry so vast 
a load of fuel; and even if it could the radioactivity would be so 

*See JENNINGS and Russ, "Radon" (Murray, 1948). 


intense that no human freight could accompany it. If, however, we 
could hurry up the rate of disintegration, something economically 
useful might be achieved. If, for example, we could induce 
uranium to reduce its period of half-life from 4,500 million years 
to six months, its energy would be liberated some 9000 million 
times as rapidly and a matter of 2 Ib, would suffice to take the Queen 
Mary across the Atlantic at full speed; refuelling after each journey 
would require less than I oz. of uranium. This would enormously 
reduce the fuel space and increase that for cargo. At present this 
cannot be done. No means has yet been discovered of acceleiating 
the natural decomposition of uranium or indeed of any other radio- 
element for economic use in this way. 

We can often hasten a chemical reaction with rise of temperature. 
On the average it is found that if the temperature is raised by 
i o C the rate of reaction is doubled. By raising the temperature 
through 1 00 C therefore, the reaction would, if it followed 
the rule, proceed 2 10 or 1000 times as rapidly; raised through 
1000 C its rate would be roughly io 30 or one pentillion times 
as rapid. Experiments were accordingly tried with uranium, but 
no influence whatever was observed by raising its temperature to 
2500 C. 

There is no doubt, however, that if we could obtain a sufficiently 
high temperature the rate of dibintegration would be increased. In 
the interior of the sun, for example, which approximates to 20 
million C, matter as we know it cannot exist; even atoms are 

But although we cannot accelerate the natural radio- 
decomposition of uranium, we can effect an entirely different type 
of decomposition by bombarding its nucleus with suitable projectiles 
moving with appropriate speeds. A useful projectile is the neutron, 
which is a minute mass of neutral matter entirely devoid of 
electrical charges. On account of its neutrality and small size, its 
diameter being io~ 12 cm, it possesses unique penetrating power. 
It can pass through the planetary space surrounding the nucleus 
of an atom without disturbing the electrons. Its existence, first 
suggested as possible by Lord Rutherford in 1920, was confirmed 
by Chad wick in 1932. 

The results obtained by the bombardment of uranium with 
neutrons depend both on the isotopic form of uranium used and 
the speed or the neutrons. 



Isotopy of uranium 

Ordinary uranium is a mixture of three isotopes, all of which are 
radioactive. Thus 

Per cent Emission Half-life 

Isotope in natural (years) 


U(238) 99' 2 94* " 4'56 X io 9 

11(255) 0-70 a 7-1 X io 8 

U(234) 0-006 a 2-7 X I O 5 

*By difference 

Although identical in their chemical behaviour these isotopes 
respond differently towards neutron bombardment. At speeds 
between those of fast and thermal (relatively slow), neutrons are 
captured by 11(238) without fission, producing a very active isotope 
11(239), which loses an electron producing a new element 
neptunium, Np, which in turn loses an electron yielding plutonium^ 

239 p Emits* 235 ff 
94 Pu - - U 

Half life 4-56 x lo'yrs. 23 muts 2-3 days 2-4xl0 4 yr* 7-1 x I0*yr s - 

(a) Formation of transuranic elements, Np and Pu, and U(235) 

(Thermal) Critical energy (Fast) 

for stability 

(b) Fission of U(235) after thermal-neutron capture 
Fig. 9 Neutron bombardment of uranium 

Pu, which is radioactive, ejecting a-particles and yielding U(235); 
this decay is relatively slow. The scheme may be written as in Fig. 9(0). 
Thermal neutrons have relatively little action on 11(238) but 
can effect the fission of 11(235). This is illustrated in Fig. 9^). 
Krypton and barium are not always formed; many different 
elements have been identified. The fission is accompanied by the 
liberation of an enormous amount of energy, and this is the 
principle of the atomic bomb. It will be noticed that these artificial 
disintegrations yield very different products from the natural 
processes as shown on p. 315. 



The uranium bomb 

The high speed neutrons liberated by fission of U(235) mostly 
escape or are neutralised by foreign bodies during natural dis- 
integration. As, however, usually one to three secondary high speed 
neutrons are liberated for each fruitful collision it is clear that, if 
sufficient of these could be slowed down to thermal velocities and 
themselves allowed to combine fruitfully with further U(2J5) atoms, 
the process might be made continuous or chain-wise. This is shown 
diagrammatically in Fig. 10. 

Kr atom 



\ I 



neutron U(235) 


excess energy - 

a* s,t.*~ t b * sloved to 

bet atom t hermaL 

for further disruptions 
Fig. 10 The initiation of a chain reaction 

Owing to the rapidity with which fission occurs (about icr 12 
second) when once the neutron has been absorbed, if one could 
ensure that even only a few more of the evolved neutrons than those 
absorbed in producing them could collide fruitfully, the number of 
collisions would increase with terrific speed leading to an explosion 
of unprecedented violence. 

Let us consider how this can be done. 

(i) It is first necessary to increase the proportion of U(235) in 
the metal ; in Nature it constitutes less than one per cent. 
As 11(235) is merely an isotope of 11(238) and hence 
possesses identical chemical properties, its separation 
presents unusual difficulties. One of the ways in which the 
difficulty has been overcome lies in the fractional thermal 
diffusion of the fluorides U(238)F 6 and U(235)F 6 , there 
being only one form of fluorine. The process is lengthy. 
(ii) A neutron liberated in the middle of a mass of uranium has 
little chance of escape; one produced near the surface has 
obviously a better chance. Hence the average opportunity 



for a neutron to escape without fruitful collision is propor- 
tional to the surface area of the generating material, whereas 
the chance of capture is a volume effect. For spherical masses 
the area is oc r 2 but the volume is oc r 8 ; hence the larger the 
lumps the less the chance of escape. There is thus a critical 
size for a mass of U(235) below which rapid disintegration 
will not occur, but above which, owing to neutrons 
normally present in consequence of natural decay, rapid 
disintegration will occur spontaneously. What that critical 
mass may be has not been disclosed; it probably lies 
between 20 and 40 Ib. 

(iii) To effect a maximum fission capture the high speed 
secondary neutrons must be slowed down. This can be 
effected with the aid of moderators. These must be of such a 
kind as will function without actually capturing the 
neutrons. Graphite is largely used. 

(iv) Finally both the uranium and the moderator must be as 
free as possible from impurities, 

/. A' 


Fig. 11 The atomic bomb 

Having prepared the material the next step is to construct the bomb. 
This presents great mechanical difficulties which, however, have 
been solved to a certain extent. 

The principle consists in assembling lumps of U(235), suitably 
moderated and of size well below the critical so that they remain 
stable, apart from natural radio-disintegration. When an explosion 
is required these lumps must be made to coalesce mechanically 
with great rapidity and completeness when spontaneous dis- 
integration will immediately occur. An arrangement like that 
shown in Fig. 1 1 might be expected to fulfil the above conditions. 
A, A' are two lumps of 11(235) in a steel tube. When the explosive 
charge E is fired, A' rapidly coalesces with A; the combined mass 
is above the critical size and disintegration occurs immediately. 

A trial bomb based on the above principles was fired in New 
Mexico on i6th July 1945. It was mounted on a tall steel tower. 
As detonation occurred there was an intense flash and a huge dome 
of fire ascended heavenwards. The temperatures attained were of 



the order of those attained in the centre of the sun ; the steel tower 
disappeared and in its place was a shallow crater surfaced with 
fused grains of sand. The Frontispiece shows photographs taken at 
two different intervals after detonation. 

President Truman has stated that the bomb which devastated 
Hiroshima on 6th August 1945, was equivalent in its explosive 
power to more than 20,000 tons of T.N.T. It has been estimated 
that the total cost involved in the production of this type of bomb 
was of the order of ^700 million. 

The atomic pile 

The uranium bomb is of relatively little economic value; its energy 
is liberated as much too rapidly as that of uranium is liberated too 
slowly in natural radio disintegration. If the liberation of that 
energy could be controlled at will, it would be of unprecedented 
value to the human race. For example, it has been calculated that, 
assuming 100 per cent efficiency, i Ib. of 11(235) would suffice to 
keep an 18,000 h.p. engine running for 100 years. Even a mere 
10 per cent efficiency would be of inestimable value. But there are 
enormous difficulties that have not yet been surmounted, although 
scientists have now been tackling the problems for several years. 

The nearest approach as yet to the solution lies in the atomic pile. 
This usually comprises rods of uranium surrounded by some 
suitable moderator such as graphite. The so-called GLEEP pile 
at Harwell commenced operations in 1947; the larger BEPO or 
British Experimental Pile, with O for euphony, began operations 
in July 1948. It is air-cooled, the warmed air being used to warm 
the buildings. Its moderator consists of several hundred tons of 

traphite, the ratio of carbon to uranium being about i o to I . The 
rst French atomic pile began work in December 1948. 

At present, owing to the extreme susceptibility of uranium to 
corrosion it is not possible to use the evolved heat for steam raising 
purposes. But the pile has many other uses including the production 
of new elements, such as plutonium; the manufacture of radio- 
compounds for greenhouses, etc, or as tracers for engineering, 
chemical and medical purposes; and for research into the produc- 
tion of complex substances. 


In 1898 both Mme Curie and Gerhardt Carl Schmidt, professor 
of physics at the University of Mtinster, independently discovered 



the radioactivity of thorium, observing it to be less active photo- 
graphically than uranium, but equally active electroscopically, this 
latter indicating an equal ionising power. The interested reader 
may easily demonstrate the photographic activity of thorium 
compounds by laying a gas mantle on a wrapped photographic 
plate and leaving it undisturbed for two or three weeks. Upon 
developing th^ plate an image of the mantle is obtained. 

The changes undergone by thorium during its spontaneous 
disintegration to lead are indicated in Fig. 12, which gives the type 
of "particle" evolved, the recognised symbol for the product, its 
atomic weight and the vertical group in the Periodic Table to 
which it belongs. 

Th -*- MsTh, -- M$Th M -* RdTh. -*- ThX - Thn -^- ThA 
232 228 228 228 224 220 216 

1VA 11A 111A 1VA 11A V1B 

v'r.ra ^ 

ThC 1 

1B ^ THC -*- TUB 
IV B v , 212 212 

Thorium ^V ty VB 1VB 


Fig. 12 The thorium series 

The first product of disintegration is mesothorium I, discovered 
by Hahn in 1907. It is isotopic with radium and is used as a 
substitute for certain radium preparations. As large quantities of 
thorium minerals are now worked up in connection with the gas- 
mantle industry, and mesothorium is a by-product, it has assumed 
commercial importance. It is separated from thorium in monazite 
being precipitated along with barium as sulphate. Thorium X y 
discovered by Rutherford and Soddy in 1902, is another isotope of 
radium. Radiothorium, RdTh, is an active isotope of thorium and 
cannot be separated from it directly; it has to be obtained from 
mesothorium I by disintegration if required free from isotopes. 

The final product is thorium D or thorium lead. Several isotopes of 
thorium are known. Fast neutrons can cause fission with Th(232) 
as with U(238) and Np(237) 


Actinium was discovered in pitch-blende by Andr Debierne in 
1899, a friend of the Curie family and later associated with Mme 
Curie in the isolation of metallic radium in 1910. He found 



actinium was precipitated along with the rare earths in fraction- 
ating pitch-blende; in 1902 it was re-discovered by Geisel who 
named it emanium. It resembles the rare earth metals, particularly 
lanthanum, and when the double magnesium nitrates of acuniferous 
earths of the cerium group are fractionated, it concentrates in the 
neodymium and samarium fractions. 

Actinium is a member of a third radioactive seres, known as 
the actinium series, which originates in actino-uranium> an isotope of 
uranium I with a half-life period of 4 X io 8 years. It occurs in all 
uranium minerals in a constant ratio to UI whatever the age. 

Until last year (1950) compounds of actinium have not been 
obtained in anything like a state of purity. This is partly because of 

p a _L*. Ac * ~ RdAc - AcX -^ - Acn -^ AcA - AcB 

230 226 226 222 218 214 210 

VA 111A 1VA HA V1B 1VB 


Fig. 13 The actinium series 

rarity, only 0-15 mg of actinium occurring per ton of pitch-blende; 
also it is invariably associated with rare earth elements, usually 
those of the lanthanum end, from which it is extremely difficult to 
separate. Of the known isotopes, only Ac(227) has a sufficiently 
long life for macro-separation. Hagemann* has succeeded in 
synthesising actinium bromide by neutron irradiation of radium 
bromide; thus 

Ra(226) + n -> Ra(227) -> Ac(227) + p 

Although the metal was not isolated, micro quantities of pure 
AcgC^, AcF 3 , AcCl 3 , etc. were obtained and shown to be iso- 
morphous with the corresponding lanthanum and cerium derivatives. 
The immediate parent of actinium is protactinium or eka- 
tantalum, discovered independently by Hahn and by Soddy in 
1917; it occupies the position between thorium and uranium left 
vacant by Mendel^eff in his Periodic Table of 1869. ^ l ses an 
a-particle yielding actinium. At one time the actinium series was 
regarded as a branch of the uranium series. In old minerals the 

*HAGEMANN and co-workers, /. Amer. Chem. Soc. t 1950, 72, 768, 771. 



U/Ac ratio was found to be constant, but the amount of actinium 
present was nevertheless less than would be expected if it were a 
direct disintegration product of uranium. This was the reason for 
assuming it to lie in a separate chain. By the Group Displacement 
Law protactinium should belong to Group v and thus resemble 
tantalum. It was this consideration that led to its discovery. 

The changes undergone by protactinium during its spontaneous 
disintegration to actinium lead are indicated in Fig. 1 3, which gives 
the type of radiation evolved, the recognised symbol for the product, 
its atomic weight and the vertical group in the Periodic Table to 
which it belongs. 

Atomic weight of lead 

Three isotopes of lead are the end products of the three natural 
disintegration series just considered. As these are inactive they 
accumulate in their radioactive mineral sources. 

If the lead present in a pure uranium mineral has resulted from 
the disintegration of uranium atoms only, its atomic weight should 
approximate to that of uranium less 8 a-particles, that is, to 
238-14 8 X 4-002, or 206-12. Actinium lead will be the same. 
But lead from a thorium mineral should have an atomic weight 
equal to that of thorium less 6 a-particles, that is 232-12 6 X 
4-002, or 208-1 T . Hence the atomic weight of lead may be expected 
to vary with its source. 

Experiment has shown this to be the case. Ceylonese thorite was 
found to contain 0-39 per cent of lead oxide presumably derived 
from thorium by natural disintegration during past ages. The 
atomic weight of the lead was found by Soddy and Hyman in 1914 
to be 208-4. 

On the other hand several investigators have obtained a value of 
approximately 206-0 for lead extracted from pure uranium minerals. 
Mention may be made of the value 206-06 obtained by 
Hftnigschmidt and Horovitz in 1915 for lead from a sample of 
Norwegian broggerite, a variety of uraninite from Norway; and 
206-00 found by Baxter in 1 933 for lead from Katanga pitch-blende. 
The atomic weight of ordinary lead is 207-22. 


In 1900 Rutherford* observed that thorium compounds impart a 
temporary activity to the surrounding air, this activity being 

* RUTHERFORD, Phil. Mag., 1900, (5), 49, i. 


retained for a short time after the removal of the thorium compound, 
but rapidly diminishing in strength, its half-life being less than one 
minute. He showed that the emanation was a gas that could be 
condensed at or about the temperature of liquid air. The gas is now 
known as thoron\ it is chemically inert, belonging to Group O and 
is one of the isotopes occupying the place of element 86. 

Rutherford sought for a similar gaseous emanation from radium 
compounds, but the quantity of these at his disposal was too small. 
Within a few months, however, Dorn* detected the presence of the 
gas and three years later Debiernef found that actinium behaved 
likewise. The three emanations are now known as thoron of half-life 
54 sees., radon 3-825 days, and acfinon.^'9 sees. 

Of these radon alone is of medical importance, the other two 
isotopes being too short lived. The medical usef of radon in the 
U.K. began in 1914. Radon capsules are used in the treatment of 
deafness where due to blocking of the Eustachian tube. This 
occurs with airmen when flying at great heights or when changing 
their altitudes rapidly, as for example, during dive-bombing. As 
radon is soluble in. petroleum jelly a radio-ointment is prepared 
that has been used in the treatment of necrosis and radiation 
injuries. Radon "seeds" and "needles" are also used. The seeds are 
short lengths of capillary glass tubing filled with radon which may 
be inserted into growths such as, for example, orcur in cancer of 
the tongue. Needles are generally larger. Being a chemically inert 
gas, radon readily diffuses into most tissues and is used in 
biological research. It is also used as a tracer element in the study 
of gas flow. 

Trans -uranium elements 

Neptunium was the first of these to be synthesised ; it was obtained 
in traces by bombardment of 0(238) with neutrons (see Fig. 9(0), 
p. 318). Its chemical properties are not in general like those 
of rhenium or the other elements of Group vn. It yields no 
volatile oxide corresponding to Re 2 O 7 . It functions with valencies 
3, 4, 5 and 6 and in its higher stages of oxidation it tends 
to resemble uranium. Several isotopes are known including 237, 
238 and 239. It was named after the planet Neptune discovered 
in 1846. 

*DORN, Abh. Naturforsch. Ges. Halle-a-S., 1900. 

JDEBIERNE, Compt. rend., 1903, 136, 446, 671; 1904, 138, 411; 1904, 139, 538. 

{JENNINGS and Russ, Opus cit. 

McMiLLAN and co-workers, Physical Review, 1939, 55, 519; 1940, 57, 1185. 



Plutonium was synthesised by Seaborg in 1940. It has been 
detected both in pitch-blende, UO 2 .2UO 8 , and in carnotite, 
K 2 (VO 2 ) 2 (VO 4 ) 2 .8H 2 O, to the extent of about i in lo 14 . Probably 
the naturkl element is the isotope 239 formed by non-fission absorp- 
tion by U(238) of some of the neutrons always present, possibly 
resulting from spontaneous fission of 11(238). Although it has a 
longer life thaa radium, namely 2-1 X io 4 years (as against 1600) 
each mg emits 160 million a-particles per minute so that it is 
dangerous to handle. It functions with valencies of 3, 4, 5 and 6 
and generally resembles neptunium and uranium, being more 
stable than the former in its lower stages of oxidation. Several 
isotopes are known including 236, 238 and 239. Slow neutrons 
cause fission with 239?u as with 2351!. 

Emits ft 

237... Emits oc 241 . 
93 NP + 95 


96 - 9 4 5 2Am 

Fig. 14 The transuranic elements 

Production of plutonium was begun in Chicago in 1 942 in an 
atomic pile. The bomb that devastated Nagasaki in Japan on 9th 
August 1945 contained plutonium. 

The name plutonium was suggested for barium by E. D. Clarke, 
Professor of Mineralogy at Cambridge, 1808-1822, and was used 
in this sense by Thomas Thomson in his "System of Chemistry" 
in 1817. 

In 1945 the synthesis of elements 95 and 96 was announced. 
No. 95 corresponds to europium in the lanthanide series (p. 177) 
and was hence appropriately named americium. No. 96 corresponds 
to gadolinium, named after the Finnish mineralogist Gadolin. It 
was therefore felt that it was the turn of the Curies to be honoured, 
and the new element was named curium. Several isotopes of the 
two elements are known. 

Both elements are dangerous to handle. Am(24i) with a half-life 
of 500 years evolves 7x10 a-particles per minute per mg, and 
Cm(242) with a half-life of 5 months evolves io 18 . The relation 
between these elements and plutonium is illustrated in Fig. 14. 


Neptunium, plutonium and americium metals have been 
isolated by reduction of their fluorides with barium at 1200 C. 
Like uranium they are base metals and do not resemble the 
platinum group. The metal curium has not yet been described. 

From the Radiation Laboratory of the University of California* 
comes news of the syntheses of two more elements, Nos. 97 and 98. 

No. 97 has been obtained, by irradiation of amerHum (96) with 
helium ions accelerated in the cyclotron, as a nuclide of half-life 
4'6 hours and probable atomic weight 243. It decays by electron 
capture. For it, the name berkelium, Bk, has been suggested. 

No. 98 has been similarly synthesised by irradiation of curium 
(96); its half-life is only 45 min. and its atomic weight probably 
244, The name californium^ Cf, has been suggested. 

"Office of Public Information, University of California; released iyth March 
1950. See also PANETH, Nature. 1950, 165, 748. 



AARON, 128 

Abdul, 63 

Abdullah, 255 

Abednego, 221 

Aboutig, 132, 133 

Abraham, 103, 111 

Achan, 129 

Achilles, 104, 267 

Agatharchides, 133 

Agricola, 50, 68, 87, 156, 162 

Agrippina, 136 

Ahmed Shah, 65 

Ahrens, 165 

Al Idrisi, 215 

Al Khazini, 194 

Albright, 78, 79 

Alexander Gt, 55, 269 

Alfonso VIII, 217 

Alfred, Gt, 192 

Algarotus, 85 

AUgood, 205, 206 

Allison, 52 

Amen, 30 

Amenemhat II, 131 

Amenhetep I, 199 

II, 131 

Ammarwaru, 56 

Ammon, 30 

Amos, 263 

Ampere, 51 

Amundsen, 204 

Analtis, 134 

Anaxagoras 1 

Andrew, St, 264 

Andrews, 26 

Antoinette, Marie, 63 

Appert, 208, 209 

Aquinas, 215 

Archimedes, 134 

Areithous, 267 

Arfvedson, 145 

Argon, Prince, 41 

Aristarchus, 12 

Aristotle, 1, 81, 203, 214 
Arrhenius, Lt, 179 
Arthur, King, 276 
Ashurbanipal, 261 
Aston, 36, 173 
Atli, 276 
Attila, 276 
Augustine, St, 257 
Augustus, 99, 134 
Autolycus, 130 
Azazel, 10 

BAADE, 93 
Babbitt, 212 
Babington, 151 
Bacchus, 130 
Bacon, Francis, 83 
, John, 19 
, Roger, 72, 82, 106 
Baddeley, 192 
Bahr, 234 
Bailey, 200, 216 
Baker, B., 284 
, H. B., 74 
Balard, 49, 238, 303 
Balch, 271, 288 
Ball, 56 

Ballard, A., 192 
, Simon, 277 
Bannister, 58, 131 
Barba, 23, 87 
Baron, 68 

Bartholomew, P., 264 
Barwell, 135 
Bates, Peter, 280 
Bathanarius, 257 
Baume', 84 
Baxter, 324 
Beaulieu, 63 
Becher, 69 
Becquerel, 312 
Bede, 192 



Bedford, Duchess, 288 

Bedivere, Sir, 276 

Benjamin, 112 

Benjamin, P., 257, 258 

Bennett, 74 

Berg, 250, 314 

Bergemann, 234 

Bergman, 74, 77, 244, 245, 292, 


Berlin, 172 179, 181 
Berquem, 59 
Berthelot, 82, 300 
BertUollet, 46, 68, 77, 150 
Berzelius, 46, 58, 68, 73, 74, 143, 

145, 151, 155, 183, 184, 229, 

230, 234, 235, 238, 244, 294 
Bessemer, 281, 282 
Besson, 285 
Biggs, 59 
Bindheim, 242 
Biot, 35 
Bird, 208 
Birge, 36 

Biringuiccio, 105, 280 
Black, 28, 33, 143, 151, 303 
Bleakney, 37 
Boadicea, 270 
Boer, de, 230 
Boerhave, 227 
Boetger, 298 
Bohemund, 264 
Bohr, 232 

Boisbaudran, 173, 181-184 
Bolsover, 116 
Bolton, 222 
, von, 240 
Bonaparte, L., 175 
Bonhoeffer, 32 
Booth, 208 
Borda, 306-309 
Bostock and Riley, 104, 112, 120, 

200, 215, 269, 290 
Botha, 62 
Bottger, 79 
Bouch, 284 
Boulton, 33, 291 
Boyle, 2, 21, 61, 77, 86, 142, 156, 

222 224 
Brand, 76, 77, 292 

Brandes, 145 
Brandt, 76, 82, 192 
Brashear, 117 
Brauner, 74, 75, 183 
Brion, 276 
Briscoe, 41 
Brodie, 26 
Bromehead, 201 
Brown, "Capt.", 124 
Brownrigg, 300 
Brim, Le, 288 
Budge, 110, 131 
Buffon, 242 
Bulleid, 270 
Bunsen, 42, 146-148 
Burke, 116 
Burr, 313 
Bury, 232 
Bussy, 152, 154 

CJESAR, J., 201, 202, 270 
Cain, Tubal, 10, 94, 99 
Camden, 16 
Cannizzaro, 169 
Caractacus, 201 
Carlisle, 143 
Carnarvon, Lord, 132 
Caro, 30 
Carter, 132, 260 
Casciorolus, 76, 149 
Cassivelaunus, 199, 201 
Castro, de, 160, 161 
Cavallo, 26, 33 
Cavendish, 24, 29, 31-33 
Caxton, 197 
Celsius, 226 
Ceres, 95, 182 
Chadwick, 317 
Chaloner, 162 
Champion, 157 
Chancel, 77 
Chancourtois, 169 
Chaptal, 28, 162 
Charaxus, 268 
Charlemagne, 264 
Charles, 34 

I, 211 

II, 77, 205, 206 



Charles XI, 77 

the Bold, 61, 66, 161 

Charleton, 294 

Chartres, de, 86 

Chattaway, 46 

Chaucer, 15, 130, 275, 281 

Chfel, 77 

Christ, 263 

Ch'u, 266 

Chuang Wang, 266 

Church, 231 

Cicero, 141 

Clarke, E. D., 152, 326 

Clarke, F. W., 7 

Claudius, 136 

Claus, 250 

Clayton, 78 

Cl&nent, 48, 49 

Cleopatra, 248 

Cleve, 42, 172, 181, 182 

Cock, Thomas, 301, 302 

Cockcroft, 2 

Coehn, 314 

Coit, 216 

Cohen, 226, 227 

Cohen de Meester, 226, 227 

Colas, 293 

Colbert, 205 

Coles, Cowper, 158 

Colley, 230 

Columbus, 256 

Cook, Capt., 299 

Cook, M., 92 

Cooke, 169 

Coolidge, 48 

Combes, 155 

Copernicus, 14 

Cort, Henry, 281 

Coster, 233 

Courtois, 48 

Cowper, 267 

Crawford, 150 

Crawfurd, 157 

Cronstedt, 149, 243, 294 

Crookes, 42, 166, 167 

Crusoe, 216 

Cublai Khan, 136, 219 

Cullinan, T., 61, 62 

Curie, L, 2 

Curie, Eve, 314 
, Mme, 321, 322 
Curies, the, 313, 314, 326 
Cybele, 254 


D'Albe, Fournier, 166 

Dalton, 168 

D'Andrada, 145 

Damiens, 51 

Dana, 89 

Dane, 230 

Daniel, 221 

Darby, Abraham, 279 

D'Arlandes, 34 

David, 94, 128, 129, 188, 263 

Davy, Humphry, 2, 47, 49, 51, 57, 

68, 69, 72, 83, 102, 143, 145, 

151, 152 220, 230, 250 
J, 143 
Dawes, 30 

Debierne, 314, 322, 325 
Defoe, 193, 216 
Delafontaine, 180, 181 
Delambre, 307 
D'Elhuyar, Don, 245 
Demarcay, 18b, 184 
Demetrius, 112 
Dent, 115 
Descotils, 237 
Desormes, 48, 49 
Deville, 69, 163, 230 
Dewar, 43 
Diana, 112,254 
Diocletian, 99 
Diodorus, 133, 134 
Dioscorides, 81, 83, 149 
Dodo, 279 

Doebereiner, 46, 168 
Dolejek, 251 
Donkin, 209 
Dorn, 43, 325 
Dover, 216 
Downs, 138 
Drake, 277 
Druce, 250, 251 
Drummond, 235 
Dryden, 268 



Dudley, Dud, 279 
Dumas, 167, 168 
Durand, 209 

Dyche, 198 


Ebler, 315 
Edgar, King, 307 
Edison, 246 
Edward I, 211 

Ill, 97, 203, 274, 309 

IV, 197 

VII, 62, 288 
Ekeberg, 179 
Elisha, 283 
Elizabeth, Princess, 67 

, Queen, 97, 150, 194, 279 
, H.M. Queen, 154 
Ellis, 272 
Ellis, G. E., 143 
Elton, 200 
Emeteus, 252 
Emerson, 100 
Emmanuel, Victor, 264 
Empedocles, 1 
Enoch, 10 
Erman, 68 , 
Etzel, 276 
Eurytus, 268 
Euthydemos, 292, 294 
Excalibur, 276 
Ezekiel, 83, 112 

FAHRENHEIT, 223-227 
Fala, 63 
Faraday, 20 
Fast, 230 

Ferdinand II, 221-223 
Ferrers family, 288 
Fink, 93 
Fleitmann, 295 
Fletcher, 255 
Flower, 205 
Ford, Wm., 125 
Fourcroy, 68, 150, 242 
Franchot, 30 
Frank, 30 
Frankland, Percy, 27 

Frankland, Edward, 42 

Fraunhofer, 146 

Freia, 237 

Friend, 81, 91, 96, 151, 190, 221, 

230, 250, 265, 270, 273, 313 
Frigg, 237 

GADOLIN, 172, 179, 234, 326 

Gahn, 72, 73, 77, 150, 248 

Galileo, 14, 222 

Galvani, 101 

Garces, 218 

Garland, 131 

Gamier, 299 

Gaunt, John of, 288 

Gay-Lussac, 35, 49, 51, 68, 69 

Geber, 15, 16, 143 

Geer, 263 

Gegania, 95 

Geisel, 323 

Geoftroy, 87, 99 

George IV., 278, 291 

Giauque, 25, 36 

Gibril, 10 

Gilchrist, 282 

Gladstone, 114 

Glauber, 85 

Gmelin, G. C., 145 

Gmelin, L., 49, 146, 230, 240 

Godfrey, 77 

Goliath, 188, 267 

Goldschmidt, 175 

Gore, 51 

Gowland, 90, 95, 100, 131, 133, 

191, 199 

Granage, T. and G., 281 
Grandison, 194 
Graves, 130, 264 
Green, 34 
Gregor, 228 

Gregory, Pope, 257, 263 
Grew, 150 
Gutenberg, 197 
Guthalac, St, 193 
Guyard, 250 

HABER, 29 
Hadfield, 70, 265 



Hadrian, 193, 273 
Hagemann, 323 
Hahn, 322, 323 
Haldane, 44 
Hale, 43 
Hales, 21, 238 
Hall, C., 163 
, H. R., 91 
- J-, 209 
Halley, 222, 224, 225 
Hamburger, 230 
Hanbury, 206 
Hanckewitz, 77 
Hannay, 58 
Hannibal, 254, 255 
Hanstein, 135 
Harold, 274 
Harris, 183 
Harvey, 21 
Hatchett, 239, 240 
Hauser, 232 
Haiiy, 154, 242 
Hayes, 230 
Heine, de, 209 
Heisenberg, 32 
Hellot, 87 
Hellriegel, 30 
Helmont, van, 20 
Hendrie, 100 
Henckel, 156 
Henry II, 118 

Ill, 137, 288 

Ill (of France), 66 

IV, 18 

VI, 18,81, 160 

VII, 105 

VIII, 97, 98, 161, 193,309 

(of Luxemburg), 263 
Hensler, 249 
Hercules, 219 
Hermann, 249, 250 
Herodotus, 264, 267 
H6roult, 163 
Herschel, 12, 312 
Hesiod, 130, 187, 199 
Hevesy, 233 
Heyrovsky, 251 
Hildebrand, 42 
Hilger, 251 

HOI, Mary, 111 

Hippodame, 268 

Hirth, 266 

Hisinger, 143, 182, 184 

Hjelm, 244 ^ 

Hofimeister, 93 

Hofmann, 232 

Holmberg, 181 

Homberg, 68, 76, 156 

Home, 239 

Homer, 10, 11, 71, 137, 187, 199, 


Honigschmidt, 324 
Honda, 298 
Hooke, 21, 224 
Hope, R, 63 
, H. P., 63 
Hopkins, 175, 183, 184 
Horovitz, 324 
Horus, 132 
Huggins, 43 
Huggett, 277 
Hulubei, 148 
Hunter, 229, 241 
Hunstsman, 280 
Huram, 94 
Hyman, 324 

ICARUS, 92, 93 

JAMES, C., 180 

I, 98, 109, 162 

Janssen, 42 
Jason, 285 
Jehoram, 83 
Jehu, 83 

Jenkins, 160, 275 
Jennings, 316, 325 
Jeremiah, 83 
Jezebel, 83 
Joab, 129 

Joan of Arc, 81 
Job, 94, 187 
John, King, 203 
Johnson, 302 
Johnston, 25, 36 
Joliot, 2 



Jonathan, 262 
Jones, H. L., 133 
, S., 78 
, T. G., 273 

, W., 90; 121, 196, ?63, 274, 291 
Jonker, 64 
Tordan, 298 
Jorden, 98 
Jos<, Don, 245 
Joseph, 112, 127 
Josephine, 263 
Josephus, 128 
Joshua, 129 

Jupiter, the god, 14, 30, 203, 218, 

KAMA, 65 

Kaplan, 65 

Keesom, 41, 43 

Kekute, 165 

Kelly, 281 

Kelvin, 226 

Kepler, 14 

Kern, 250 

Kerr, 122 

Kheta-sar, 110 

Kieshel, 283 

Kipling, 283 

Kirchhoff, 42, 146, 147 

Kirchmaier, 77 

Kirwan, 150 

Kitaibel, 74 

Klaproth, 73, 74, 182, 228, 229, 

243, 311, 312 
Klaus, 304 
Knietsch, 304 
Koster, 197 
Krafft, 77 
Kroll, 45, 230 
Krupp, 298 
Kulhwch, 272 
Kunckel, 77, 140, 156 

LAMB, 264 
Lamy, 166, 167 
Lange, 281 
Langmuir, 29, 232 
Lavallidre, de, 63 


Lavoisier, 2, 24, 28, 46, 57, 68, 71, 

77, 150, 151 
Lebeau, 51 
Leczincka, 66 
Leland, 286 
Legrange, 24 
Lehmann, 242 
Lely, 230 
Lentulus, 112, 133 
Leurechon, 221 
Levesons, the, 207 
Lewis, A. C., 17 
Libavius, 83, 162 
Liebig, 49, 116,238 
Liempt, van, 233 
Lincoln, 208 
Little, 179 
Livy, 133, 254 
Lloyd, 272 
Lockyer, 42 
Lonsdale, 58 
Loring, 251 
Louis, H., 189, 191 

XIV, 62, 63, 205 

XV, 66 

XVI, 63 
Lowig, 49 
Lucas, 142, 260 
Lucretius, 257 
Lundstrom Bros., 79 
Lyndon, 115 

MACALISTER, 99, 129, 262, 263 

Maccabaeus, 111 

Mackenzie, 53 

Macquart, 242 

Madanapala, 156 

Magnes, 256 

Magnus, Albertus, 13, 16, 82, 215 

Magntisson, 276 

Mahomet, 268 

Mallard, 155 

Mallet, 250 

Manget, 17 

Marggraff, 143, 149, 162 

Marignac, 26, 172, 180 

Marina, Princess, 121 

Mariotte, 224 


Marline, 223, 224 
Marum, van, 26 
Mary, Princess, 121 
Matthey, 302 
Matthiessen, 146 
Maudsley, 285 
Mawe, 56, 57 
McKie, 22 
McLean, Ed., 63 

, Evelyn, 63, 64 

McMillan, 325 

McPherson, 273 

M<chain, 307 

Mendeteeff, 4, 155, 167, 169, 171- 

173, 230, 238, 250, 323 
Menzel, 36 
Merlin, 190 
Merret, 18, 19, 61 
Meshach, 221 
Meyer, Kirstine, 225 
, Lothar, 169, 171 
, Thyra, 225 
Midas, 130 
Miers, 42 
Miller, 268 
, G. L., 45 
Mini6, 282 
Missen, 291 
Mitchell, 102 
Mixter, 230 
Mohammed, 255 
Moissan, 51, 58, 306 
Monceau, Duhamel de, 142 
Monell, 296 
Montespan, de, 63 
Montfaucon, 189 
Montgolfier Bros., 33 
Moore, 43 

Morgan, Pierpoint, 148 
Morris, 276 
Morveau, de, 68, 150 
Mosander, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184 
Moseley, 3, 183, 232, 249, 302 
Moses, 41, 112, 127, 128, 187 
Moult, G. and R, 150 
Muller, 73, 74 
Munro, 257 
Mushet, 245 
Myddleton, 108 

NAAMAN, 130 
Nadir Shah, 65 
Nagarjuna, 100, 114 
Napoleon I, 35, 66, 144, 145, 208, 

II, 282 

Ill, 163 
Nasmyth, 208 
Nebuchadnezzar, 221 
Nelson, 284, 288 
Nero, 134 

Nevill, Lady, 280 

Newlands, 169 

Newton, H. A., 255 

, Isaac, 14, 16, 57, 222-225 

Nicholas, St, 293 

Nicholson, 143, 149, 302 

Nick, Old, 293, 294 

Nicor, 294 

Nilson, 155, 165, 172, 181, 229 

Niobe, 240 

Noddack, 240, 250, 251 

North, 198 

Nylander, 231 

ODIN, 14, 237 

Odling, 26 
Oersted, 162 
Og, 262 
Ogawa, 250 
Gibers, 302 
Oldfather, 134 
Olwen, 272 
Onnes, 43 
Oppenheimer, 64 
Osann, 250, 304 
Otter, 152 
Ovid, 71, 268 
Oxland, 245 

PALMER, Smythe, 12, 88 

Paneth, 327 

Papish, 148 

Paracelsus, 17, 24, 82, 85, 156 

Pardon, 198 

Paris, 143, 144 

Parry, 209 

Partington, 22, 50, 110,214 

Pasteur, 27, 208 

Paul II, 161 



Paul, St, 94 

Paulinus, 113 

Payne, 207 

Pearson, 144 

Peligot, 3f2 

Pemberton, 101 

Pendray, 117 

Pepi I, 105 

Percy, 108, 156 

, Mile, 148 

Petrie, 82, 260 

Pettersson, 155, 165, 229 

Piazai, 182 

Pinson, 208 

Pisani, 147 

Pit*, 66 

Pius II, 160, 161 

Plato, 15, 257 

Plattner, 147, 174 

Pliny, 18, 53, 55, 71, 72, 81, 84, 
94,95, 104, 112, 113, 120, 128, 
134-138, 142, 149, 188, 189, 
200, 205, 215, 216, 218, 219, 
248, 268, 269, 290 

Polo, 41, 55, 56, 136, 219 

Polybius, 276 

Polyphemus, 267 

Pontin, 151 

Pope, 267 

Poppaea, 134 

Pott, 248 

Powle, 279 

Prandtl, 232 

Priestley, 21, 22, 24, 28, 32, 219 

Priscus, 136 

Proust, 292 

Psammetik I, 105 

Punch, 269 

Pythias, 201 

QUIST, 243 

RAMA Sita, 62 

RamesesII, 110, 133, 136, 260, 


Ill, 260 
Rammelsberg, 238 
Ramsay, 33, 41-43, 171 
Rand, 213 


Ray, 156, 216 

Rayleigh, 28, 29, 41 

Reaumur, 205, 226, 280 

Redesdale, Lord, 218, 259, 266 

Reich, 165 

Reinach, 111 

Rekh-my-Re, 93 

Remy-Gennete, 148 

Renaldini, 225 

Rennie, 278 

Rey, Jean, 24 

Rhea, 257 

Rhodes, 57 

Rhoetus, 268 

Richard II, 280 

Ill, 129 

Richmond, 204 

Richter, 165, 174 

Rickard, 134, 187 

Ridgeway, 11, 262 

Riley, 298 

Rio, del, 237 

Ritchey, 117 

Ritchie, S. J., 298 

Rive, de la, 26 

Robert, 34 

Robinson, 126 

Rodwell, 216 

Roebuck, 78 

Roemer, 224-227 

Rogers, 281 

Rolla, 183 

Rontgen, 3, 48, 312 

Roscoe, 238, 243 

Rose, H., 180, 240 

, T. K., 126 

Ross, Capt., 209, 219 

, E. D., 131 

Rossi, 229 

Rozier, de, 32, 34 

Rumford, 143 

Russ, 316, 325 

Rutherford, Daniel, 28 

, Lord, 2, 317, 322, 324 

Rydberg, 232 

Ryton Bros., 207 

SAGE, 133 
Sagredo, 223 


Saizec, de, 82 

Salcedo, 109 

Samarski, von, 148, 179 

Sanci, 66 

Sandwich, Earl, 23 

Santorio, 222 

Sarah, 111 

Saul, 262 

Sayce, 260 

Scaliger, 300 

Scheele, 21, 22, 28, 30, 46, 51, 53, 

69, 149, 150, 182, 228, 243-245, 


Schesnag, 265 
Scheurer, 292 
Schmidt, 321 
Schneider, 298 
Schonbein, 26 
Schorlemmer, 243 
Schroeder, 82 
Schrotter, 78 
Schwarz, 72 
Scott, Capt., 204 
, Walter, 28 
Seaborg, 178,311,326 
Sefstrom, 72 
Segrave, 297 
Segre, 252 
Selkirk, 216 
Selwood, 37 
Seti I, 133 
Setterberg, 148 
Severus, 257 
Shadrach, 221 
Shakespeare, 274 
Sheean, 314 
Shenstone, 49 
Shipton, Mother, 125, 283 
Siemens, 282 
Simon, 68 
Siva, 156, 216 
Sjogren, 231 
Sloane, 239 
Smith, B., 124 
, C. C., 209 
, E. A., 116, 140 
, L., 180 
, R. A., 96, 270 
, V. A., 264, 265 

Smith, W., 73 
Smithson, 158 
Smythe, 204 
Soddy, 43, 322-324 
Solomon, 94, 112, 128 > 
Sorby, 231 
Soret, 26 

Spencer, L. J., 58, 62 
, Wm., 59 
Spenser, 198 
Squeers, Mrs, 72 
Stahl, 22, 23, 142 
Steinthor, 276 
Stephen, 206 
Stow, 118 

Strabo, 81, 112, 133, 
Stromeyer, 158 
Strutt, 28, 29 
Sturtevant, Simon, 279 
Suter, 122 
Svanberg, 231 
Swan, 246 
Swanhardt, 50 
Swift, Dean, 113 
Sylvester, 16 


Tacitus, 202 

Tacke, 240, 250, 251 

Taessert, 242 

Tait, 26 

Tantalus, 240 

Tassaert, 292 

Tavernier, 62, 65 

Taylor, 37 

, A. S., 209, 210 

-,J., 116 

Telephus, 104 

Tennant, 2, 57, 303 

Tennyson, 276 

Thackeray, 291 

Thenard, 51, 68, 69, 292 

Theodelinda, 263 

Theophilus, 100 

Theophrastus, 214 

Theseus, 268 

Thomas, 282 

Thompson, 287 

Thomson, Thomas, 152, 326 



Thor, 14, 234 

Thorneycroft, 91, 190, 265, 273 

Thothmes I, 292 

III, 110,131 

Tiberius, 257 

Timothy, 94 

Titania, 95 

Titus, 192 

iblkowski, 260 

Tomlinson, 79 

Travers, 43 

Trevethick, ?13 

Troost, 230 

Trum?n, 321 

Tubal, 10 

Tut, 132 

Tutankhamen, 132, 260 

Twyman, 117 

Tyler, 201 

Tylor, 11 

ULLOA, de, 300, 301 
Ulysses, 267 

Urbain, 179, 180, 181, 232 
Urey, 37 


Valentine, BasU, 84, 85 

Vanadis, 237 

Vauquelin, 154, 162, 179, 242 

Venable, 231 

Vernatt, 98 

Verne, Jules, 300 

Vernon, 104 

Vespasian, 192 

Vickers, 212 

Victoria, Queen, 65, 106, 119, 288 

Vinci, da, 21, 28 

Virgil, 268 

Volta, 101, 102, 143 

Waite, 85 
Wakeling, 132 
Walker, 8 
Walton, 2 
Ward, 276 
Washington, 175 
Watson, 254, 256 

Watt, 32, 213, 291 
Watts, H., 240 

Wm., 196, 197 
Webb, 152 

- C., 281 

Webster, 163 

Weeks, Miss, 36 

Weintraub, 69 

Wellington, 209 

Welsbach, 6, 173, 174, 180, 183. 

184, 235 
Wheelock, 191 
Whiston, 128 
Whitby, 104 
Wilkins, 205 
Wilkinson, 278 
William!, 118 

the Clerk, 258 
William and Mary, 194 
Wilson, 79 

Windle, 193 

Winkler, 165, 174 

Winston, 164, 165 

Wintrop, 239 

Wirth, 232 

Withering, 150 

Woden, 14 

Wohler, 154, 162, 237, 238 

Wollaston, 301-303 

Wolsey, 193 

Wood, Charles, 300 

WooUey, 92 

Wren, 103, 194, 195 

Wynter, 193 

Wyrouboff, 74 

Xerxes, 264 

Yntema, 183 
Yohe, May, 63 
Yost, 178 
Yspaddaden, 272 
Yu the Great, 265 

ZlLLAH, 10 

Zimmer, 259 
Zosimus, 82 



AARON Mawby, 283 
Aaron's rod, 111 
Actinide series, 178, 311 

, electronic systems, 311 
Actinium, 311, 322-4 

, electron system, 311 

lead, 323, 324 

series, 323 

, synthesis from radium, 323 

Actinon, 325 

Actino-uranium, 323 

Addua, battle of, 276 

Aerolites, 255 

Aeron, 41 

Affinity, 16, 215 

Agincourt, 195 

Air, dephlogisticated, 22 

, marine acid, 46 

, electrified, 26 

, eminently pure, 24 

, empyreal, 22 

, fire, 22 

, fixed, 142 

, foul, 28 

-, inflammable, 32 

, life and, 21 

, marine acid, 46 

, phlogisticated, 28 

thermometer, 221 
, weight of, 6 
Al'Ubaid, 91, 103 
Alabamine, 52 
Alchemists, 12 

, Indian, 100, 114 

symbols, 61 
Alcohol, 83, 84 

of Mars, 83 

of sulphur, 83 
Aldebarania, 180 
Alkali, caustic, 143 
, fixed, 142 

metals, 142-148 
, mild, 143 

Alkali, mineral, 142 

, vegetable, 142 

Alkaline earths, 14&-153 

Allom foyle, 160 

Allotropy, 58 

Alpha particles from radium, 316 

Alum, Roman, 160 

rock, 161 

shale, 162 

, Tolfa, 160, 161 

trade, 160 
Alumina, lime and, 162 
Aluminium, 160-164 
, abundance of, 7 

alloys, 163, 164 

bridge, 164 

bronzes, 164 

cooking utensils, 163 
, corrosion, 164 

, eka-, 171, 173 

in gold, 138 

, isolation, 162, 163 
, uses, 163, 164 

wire, 164 
Alunite, 161 
Alvite, 233 

Amalgams, 151, 215, 303 
Americium, 6, 311, 326 
, electron system, 311 
Amethystine glass, 248 
Ammon, 30 
Ammonal, 164 
Ammonia, 30, 31 
Andalusia, 112, 133, 187, 199 
Ankh, 13 

Anti-monakhos, 84 
Antimonium, 83, 84 
Antimony, 82-87, 93 

, butter of, 85 

cups, 86 

in lead, 195 

in type metal, 197 

on copper, 93 



Antimony pills, 86 
, regulus of, 86 
, symbol, 86 
Apothecaries' bottles, 14 
Aqua suhs, 202 
Arbor Diana, 114 

Jovis, 203 

Saturni, 194 
Arcturus, 187 
Argentan, 297 
Argentum, 114 

vtvum, 215 
Argon, 41-44 
, discovery, 41 
, uses, 44 
A*-guzoid, 297 
Argyrodite, 174 
Arsenic, 81, 82 
, symbol, 82 

transmuted to tin, 15, 19, 

, white, 81, 82 
Arsenicum album, 82 
Arsenikon, 81 
As, the, 95 
Astatine, 52 
Atmosphere. See Air 
Atomic bomb, 32o 

clock, 30, 31 

disintegration, 315 

energy, 316, 317 

fission, 2, 318 

number, 3 

piles, 55, 321 

weights, 5 

Auri pigmentum, 81, 293 
Aurum album, 74 

paradoxicum, 74 

problematicum, 74 
Australia, discovery of, 125 
Azote, 28 

BABEL, 16 
Babbitt's metal, 212 
Bahn-metall, 153 
Balloons, 33-36 
, military, 35, 36 
Barium, 151-153 

Barium as plutonium, 152, 326 
, electron system, 177 
Barote, 150 
Baryta, 150 
Barytes, 150 
Bastard metal, 82 
Bath, Roman, 191 
Bearing metal, bronze, 107 

, cadmium, 159, 166 

Beer, canned, 210 
Bell metal, 107, 108 
Bells, 107, 108 
Bellyeter, 107 
Bendigo Creek, 123 
B.E.P.O., 321 
Berkelium, 6, 327 
Bermannus, 50 
Beryl, 154 
, caesium, 148 
Beryllerde, 154 
Beryllia, 181 
Beryllium, 154, 155 

in copper, 105 

nitrate, 236 
Berzelium, 234 
Bewdley iron works, 206 
Bible, Latin, 197 

, Treacle, 86 
Big neck, 49 
Billiter street, 107 
Birkeland Eyde process, 29 
Birmingham mayoral chain, 59 
Bismuth, 87, 88 

turning to silver, 15 
Black lead, 53 

Blast furnace, 277 
Bleu jaune, 50 
Blonde. H.M.S., 209 
Blue John, 50 

powder, 157 
Boadicea's chariot, 270 
Bog iron ore, 19 
Bomb, hydrogen, 38-40 
, plutonium, 326 

, uranium, 319-321 
Boracic acid, 68 
Bordnayles, 286 
Bore, 69 
Boric acid, 68 



Borith, 142 

Boron, 68, 69 

, eka-, 172, 173, 181 

Bort, 59 

Bow and arrow, 8 

Brashear's process, 117 

Brass, 99-101 

, biblical, 9, 10, 94, 155 

, Brindisi, 105 

, calamine, 100 

cannon, 97 

cartridge, 101 

coins, 99 

, Corinthian, 128 
, Emerson's, 100 
, Indian, 100 
, natural, 99 

pins, 98 

wire, 97 
Brevium, 316 
Brimstone. See Sulphur 

and treacle, 72 
, biblical, 9, 22, 71 
, fire and, 22 
Bridge, aluminium, 164 
, cast-iron, 280 

Forth, 284 
, Tay, 284 

, Zeugma, 269 
Britannia metal, 212 

silver, 118 
Brods, 286 
Bromine, 49, 50 
Bromum solidificatum, 50 
Bronze, 9, 10, 105-108 

age, 9, 91 

, aluminium, 164 

cannon, 97 

, Chinese, 105, 265 

coins, 105, 106 

, Egyptian, 93, 105, 199 

gong, 96 

, Japanese, 95 

, Mesopotamian, 105 

, natural, 91 

, phosphor, 106 

, silicon, 70 

, uses, 105 

weight, 270 

Bronze, white, 213 
Bronzo, 105 
Brown lead, 237 
Bruges belfry, 108 
Bucher process, 30 
Bullets, 195 
Butter of antimony, 85 
Buxted iron, 277 

CABLE, Atlantic, 103 
Cadmium, 158, 159 

bearing metals, 159, 166 

in copper, 104 

in gold, 138 

spectrum, 308 
Caduceus, 13 
Caesium, 146-148 

beryl, 148 
, eka-, 148 
Caisson work, 44 
Calamine, 97, 100, 158 
Calcium, 149-153 

, abundance, 7 

cyanamide, 30 

, electron system, 177 
, uses, 153 
Californium, 6, 327 
Calx, 23 

Cannon, brass, 97 
, bronze, 97 
, cast-iron, 277, 278 
, wrought iron, 274, 278 
Canterbury Tales, 275 
Carat, 58, 136 
Carbon, 53-67 
, abundance, 7 
, amorphous, 54 
Carbonado, 58, 61 
, Bahian, 62 
Carborundum, 59 
Carolinium, 234 
Cassiopeia, 180 
Cassiterides, 125, 200 
Cassiteros, 199 
Cast-iron, 277, 278 

bridge, 280 

cannon, 277, 278 
, Roman, 269 



Catalan furnace, 270 
Celestine, 150 
Centaurs, the, 268 
Ceres (planet), 182 
Ceria, 182-184 
Cerium, 175, 176, 185, 233 
, abundance, 176 

alloys, 185 

, electron system, 177. 233 

group, 182-185 
Chalcolithic age, 11 
Charcoal, 8, 53 

furnace, 279 
Chemistry, 10 
Chloride of lime, 2 

separation of gold, 133 
Chlorine, 46-48 

, abundance, 7 
, an element, 47 
, as poison gas, 48 
Chromite, 242 
Chromium, 242, 243 

plating, 243 
Chrysocolla, 68 
Cinnabar, 16, 215-219 
Cinderford, 273 
Cinderhill, 273 , 
Cire perdue, 92 
Cleveite, 42 

Clock, atomic, 30, 31 
, water, 96, 201 
Cobalt, 18, 291-293 

glass, 292 
Cochrome, 292 
Codex Germanicus, 72 
Coinage metals, 9, 89-141 
Coins, aluminium, 164 
, Belgian, 295 

, brass, 99 

, bronze, 105, 106 

, Chinese, 111 

, gold, 137 

. nickel, 105, 106, 295, 296 

, silver, 106 

, Swiss, 295 

, zinc, 157 

Columbite, 239, 240 

Columbium. 239-241 

Combustion, 24 

Condensed sunbeams, 13 
Conversion factor, 25 
Converter, Bessemer, 281 
Coolgardie, 125 
Cooperite, 231 
Copper, 11, 12,89-112 
, abundance, 7, 176 
, alchemists and, 98, 99 
, bible, 94 
, British, 96-98 
, cold worked, 104 
, corrosion, 103, 104 
, Egyptian, 92 
, false, 293 

Imgig, 91, 103 

moss, 89 
, native, 89 

, Old Nick's, 293 

, primitive metallurgy, 89. 90 

, pseudo, 293 

roofing, 103 
, Roman, 94-96 

soldering, 96, 273 

springs, 99 

' , Sumerian, 91 
swords, 93 

symbol, 13 

tinning of, 205, 210, 211 

uses, 101-106 

- washerwoman's, 11 
wet processes for, 99 
wire, 97 
Coracles, 201 
Coral ore, 216 
Cornet o museum, 140 
Cornish ancestors, 201 

tin miners, 203 
Corona ferrea, 263 
Counterfei, 156 
Cretinism, 49 
Critical temperature, 20 
Crocoite, 242 

Crown of Lombardy, 129 
Crowns, golden, 129 
Crucifixion nails, 263 

spear, 264 
Cupellation, 112-114 
Cupronickels, 296 
Curie, the, 314 


Curium, 6, 311,326 
, electron system, 311 
Currency bars, 270, 272 
Cutch, 138 
Cyclonium, 185 


Dartford iron works, 209 

Davyum, 250 

Days of week, 14 

Dean, Forest of, 275, 279 

Delhi pillar, 264, 265 

Deuterium, 36-38 

, uses, 38 

Dhar pillar, 264 

Diabolus metallorum, 203 

Diamond, 55-67 

, Alaskan, 61 

, artificial, 58 

, Arkansas, 61 

, Austrian Yellow, 60, 61 

, biblical, 9, 55 

, black, 58, 61 

, blue, 60, 62-64 

, blue white, 60 

, Brazilian, 56 

, Bristol, 61 

, Brunswick blue, 60 

, Ceylon, 61 

, Colenzo, 61 

, Cornish, 61 

, Cullinan, 61, 62 

, De Beers, 62 

, Derbyshire, 61 

, Dresden, 60 

, Excelsior, 62 

, first water, 60 

, Florentine, 61 

, German, 61 

, Golconda, 55, 56 

, Great Mogul, 65 

, Great White, 64 

, green, 60 

, Hannay's, 58 

, Hope, 62-64 

, Imperial, 64 

, Indian, 55 

, Jonker, 64 


Diamond, Kohinoor, 65, 66 

, luminosity, 61 

, Marmora, 61 

, Matura, 61 

, Moissan's, 58 

, Mountahi of Light, 65 

, pink, 67 

, Pitt, 66 

, red, 60 

, Regent, 66 

, Sanci, 66 

, Saxony, 61 

, Simili, 61 

, Strass, 61 

, structure, 59, 60 

, Tennant, 61 

, Tiffany Yellow, 61 

, Tuscany, 61 

, uses, 59 

, Victoria, 64 

Didymia, 183, 184 

Didymium, 4 

Doebereiner triads, 46, 168 

Dona/ium, 234 

Druids, 201 

Drummond light, 235 

Duralumin, 163, 164 

Diirkheim, 147 

Dvi-manganese, 250 

Dysprosia, 181 

Dysprosium, 182 

, abundance, 176 

, electron system, 177 

Earth, an, 149 
Earth goddess, 257 
Earth, weight of the, 6 
Earths, the rare, 175-185 
Eber's papyrus, 199, 214 
Egyptian screw, 134 
Einstein's equation, 38, 39 
Electron, 137, 152 
Electrum, 134, 137, 297 
Element, 1, 2, 4 

No. 43, 249-252 

No. 61, 184, 185 

No. 75, 249-251 

Elements, abundance of, 6, 7, 176 



Elements, Aristotelean, 1 

, disintegration of, 2, 315-327 

known to ancients, 9, 12 
, radio, 311-327 

, rare eaith, 4, 175-185 

, transmutation, 2, i5-18, 221, 


, transuranian, 311, 325-327 
Emanium, 323 
Emerald, 154 
Energy, atomic, 316, 317 
, mass and, 38, 39 
Epsom springs, 150 
Erbia, 179, 182 
Erbium, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 178 
Ere-dwellers, the, 276 
Erythronium, 237 
Europia, 183, 184 
Europium, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 177 
Euxenite, 172, 232 
Excalibur, 276 
Exodus, 111, 127 
Eye, sensitivity, 147 

FERRUM calciforme, 145 
Festival of Britain, 196 
Fine slapper, 115 
Fire, 8, 10 

air, 22 

and brimstone, 22, 23 

stone, 85 
Fission, 2, 318 
Fleurus, Battle of, 35 
Flood, the. See Deluge 
Florentium, 183 
Fluon, 51 
Fluorescence, 50 
Fluorine, 50-52 

, abundance, 7 

oxide, 51 
Fluorium, 51 
Fluorspar, 50 
Fosse Way, 202 
Foul air, 28 
Francium, 148 
Franconium, 148 
Frescoes, 8 

Frog gold, 301 

Fuel problem, 193, 194, 278-282 

Furnaces, Catalan, 270 

, charcoal, 279 

, coke-fired, 279 

, puddling, 281 

Fury, H.M.S., 209 

Fusible metals, 88, 159, 166, 212 

GADOLINIA, 181, 182 

Gadolinite, 172, 179, 180, 234 

Gadolinium, abundance, 176 

, electron system, 177 

Galena, 108, 186, 188 

, silver in, 108, 189 

Gallium, 173 

Galvanising, 157 

Gas, 20 

Gases, inert, 41-45 

, permanent, 20-40 

Gasmantle industry, 234-236 

Geber's cooks, 16 

Germanite, 174 

Germanium, 173, 174 

Gezer iron, 262 

Gird, 307 

G.L.E.E.P., 321 

Gibberish, 16 

Glucine, La, 154 

Glucinum, 154 

Goddess of levity, 33 

Godless florin, 119 

Goitre, 49 

Golconda, 55, 56, 65 

Gold, 120-141 

, abundance, 7 

, alchemist and, 136 

alloys 137-138, 140 

, amalgamation process, 215, 


, Australian, 122-125 
, biblical, 127-129 
, Californian, 122 
, Canadian, 125, 126 

carat, 136 

, chloride separation, 133 

coins, 137 

, colloidal, 140, 150 


Gold, condensed sunbeams, 13 
, corrosion resistance, 120, 140 
' , cyanide process, 303 
, Frog, 301 

from base metals, 15-18 
, Geber's, 16 

in Bendigo Creek, 123 
. central Africa, 215 

dentistry, 140 

Egypt, 131-133 

_ Tibet, 126, 127 

Transvaal, 126 

Victoria, 122, 123 

, Irish, 121, 122 
, Japanese, 131 

leaf, 138 
, liquid, 140 

mines, 121-127, 133, 134 

of the Incas, 135 

production, 141 
, radio-active, 2 
, rolled, 139, 140 
, Roman, 133 

, South African, 126 

, Spanish, 133, 134 

, tongue, 129 

, transmutation, 15, 221, 308 

, uses, 136-141 

, vaporisation, 139 

, Welsh, 121 

, white, 138 

writing tablets, 136 
Golden fleece, 285, 304 

penny, 137 
Goldbeater, 128 
Gollets, 286 
Gong, bronze, 96 
Grain, the, 309 
Graphite, 53-55 

as moderator, 321 
, structure, 54 
Growth of minerals, 18, 19 
Gunmetal, 106 
Gunpowder, 72, 106 

HABER process, 29 
Haematite, 19 
Hafnia, 233 


Hafnium, 231-233 

, electron system, 178, 233 

Half-life, 315 

Halogens, 46-52 

Harpax, 72 

Hastings, Battle of, 274 

Haxnailles, 286 

Heavy hydrogen. See Deuterium 

spar, 149 

water, 38 
Helion, 43 
Helium, 42-44 

, applications, 44 

from deuterium, 39 

hydrogen, 39 

radium, 43 

uraninite, 42 

Hensler's alloy, 249 
Hiroshima, 321 
Holme's signal, 80 
Holmia, 181, 182 
Holmium, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 177 
Holosphyrata, 134 
Holyhead cannon, 278 
Honda metal, 297, 298 
Horseshoe Corner, 288 
Horseshoes, 283-289 
Hyacinth, 229 
Hydrargyrum, 215 
Hydrogen, 31-40 

, abundance, 7 
as phlogiston, 32 

bomb, 38-40 

, goddess of levity, 33 
, heavy, 37 

isotopes, 36, 37 
, ortho, 32, 33 
, para, 32, 33 

, spin isomerism, 32 
, uses, 37-40 

ICARUS (planet), 93 

Illinium, 183 

, abundance, 176 

, electron system, 177 

Ilmenite, 249 

Ilmenium, 249 



Imgig relief, 91, 103, 190 
Imperial yard, 307 
Incas, the, 135 
Incoctilia, 205 
Indian alchemists, 100, 114 
Indium, 164-166 

bearing alloys, 166 
, valency, 166 
Invar, 307 

Iodine, 48, 49 

Iridium, 303 

, application, 306 

Iritis* 139 

Iron, 253-293 

, abundance, 7 

alloys, 289, 290 

, bane of man, 268, 269 
, biblical, 261-264 

bridges, 284, 285 
, cast, 269, 277-281 
, Chinese, 265, 266 
, Egyptian, 260, 261 
, Far Eastern, 265-267 

for adornment, 290, 291 

from Gezer, 262 
, Grecian, 267, 268 
, Hebrew, 263 

, Homeric, 267 < 

horseshoes, 285-289 

in Britain, 270-274 
, Indian, 264, 265 

industry, 279-282 
, Japanese, 266, 267 

, meteoric, 253-256, 259 

nails, 283, 285-289 
, native, 253 

, Philistine, 262 

, pre-Roman, 270-272 

, primitive man and, 265 

rings, 290 

, Roman, 268, 269 
, Saxon, 274 

ships, 283, 284 

swords, 275, 276 

symbol, 13, 14 

tinning of, 205 

transmutation, 98 

uses, 282, 283 

virtues of, 269 

Iron wedding rings, 291 
, white, 210 


Jaffa, 261 

Japan ware, 206 

Jargon, 229 

Jargonium, 231 

Jaw disease, 78 

Jazada, 156 

Jericho, 129 

Job, Book of, 187 

Johannesburg, 126 

Joppa, 261 

Joyeuse, 264 

Jupiter, 12-15, 203, 218, 224 

KALTE Feuer, 77 
Khem, 10 
Kilogram, 309 
Kimberley, 57, 60-62 
Klondike rush, 126 
Knockers, 18 
Kobalds, 18 
Kohl, 83, 84 
Konarak, 265 
Kopa, 12 
Krypton, 43-45 
Kupfer-nickel, 293 

LANTHANA, 183, 184 
Lanthanide series, 175-185, 311 

, electron system, 177, 178, 


Lanthanum, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 177, 233 
Lapis bononiensis, 76 

of Babylon, 292 
Larbasis, 84 
Lawrencite, 256 
Lead, 186-198 

abundance, 7, 82 

actinium, 323, 324 

alchemists and, 194 

atomic weight, 325 

biblical, 187 

black, 53 



Lead book, 189 

bullets, 195 
, brown, 237 

, cupellation, 113 
, debased silver, 187, 194 
, Derbyshire, 192 
, desilverising, 190 
, Egyptian, 187, 188 
.in Britain, 190-192 
in bronze, 95 
, isotopes, 324 

mallets, 195 

, Mediterranean, 188 

, primitive metallurgy, 186 

, Roman, 188, 191 

roofing, 103, 194 

shot, 196, 197 

, silver in, 108, 189, 190 
, swinging the, 195 
, symbol, 13, 114 
, thorium, 322 

transmuted to silver, 15 

tree, 114, 194 

, uranium, 315, 316 
, uses, 194-200 

writing tablets, 187 
Lepidolite, 147 
Limelight, 235 
Limpopo, 126 
Linotype, 198 
Lithium, 145, 146 
Lodestone, 248, 256-258 
Lucifers, 78 

Luna, 114 

Lunar caustic, 114 

Lutetia, 180, 181 

Lutecium, 180 

, abundance, 176 

, electron system, 178, 233 

Lydenburg gold-field, 126 

MABINOGION, 272, 273 
Magnalium, 164 
Magnes 1 stone, 256 
Magnesia, 149, 152 
- alba, 151 

nigra, 151, 248 
, town of, 256 
Magnesium, 151-153 

Magnesium, abundance, 7 

Magnetite, 256 

Magnium, 151 

Manganese, 149, 248, 249 

, eka-, 249 

, ferro, 249 

Manganin, 297 

Manna, pot of, 111 

Manx saw, 273 

Marcasite, 87, 260 

M armor metallicum, 1^9 

Mars, 12-14 

, regulus of, 86 

Masurium, 240, 251 

Match industry, 77 

Matches, chemical, 77 

, friction, 78 

, oxymuriate, 77 

, safety, 79 

Mecca, 255 

Menachanite, 228 

Mendeleeff s system, 4, 74, 155 

periodic table, 70 

predictees, 168-174 
Mercury, 9, 12-15, 214-221 
, alchemists and, 215 

, ancients and, 116 

as medicine-, 216 

as silver water, 215 
, biblical, 116 

corpse detector, 220 

from gold, 221, 308 

mining, 217 
, native, 218 

(planet), 12-15 
, symbol, 16 

thermometers, 223 

transmutation, 2, 17 
, uses, 219-221 
Mesdemet, 88 

Meso thorium, 322 
Metal, 11 
Metalloid, 68 
Metalloids, the, 68-70 
Metallum martis, 279 
Metals, age of, 9 
, bastard, 82 
, dead, 24 
, fusible, 88 



Meteorite, Ahnighito, 254 

, Cranbourne, 256 

, Descubridora, 259 

, Hoba West, 253 

, Mecca, 255 

, Otumpa, 259 

, Phrygian, 254 

, Rowton, 254, 256 

, Russian, 25* 

Meteorites, 253-256 

, biblical, 254 

, Mt. Albanus, 254 

, nickel in, 254 

Mina, 111 

Mine(s), Almaden, 217 

, Clogan, 121 

, Cornish tin, 18, 19, 201 

, Crone-Bawn, 99 

, De Beers, 57, 62 

, discovery, 90 

, Dollar, 313 

, Gogerddan, 108 

, Himmelfiirst, 173 

, Idria, 218 

, Jagersfontein, 62 

, Kapsan, 90 

, Kimberley, 57, 60-62 

, Llandudno, 95 

, mercury, 217 

, Pierrefitte, 173 

, Premier, 61, 64 

, Salcedo, 199 

, San Jos6, 109 

, Taberg, 237 

, Welsh, 18 

Minerals, growth of, 18 

Miners, 18, 291 

, Cornish, 18, 203 

, iron, 257 

, Saxony, 291 

, Tibetan, 19 

Miners' parliament, 203 

Minerva tavern, 115 

Mining map, first, 133 

Minium, 194, 216 

Misch-metall, 185 

Moderators, 320, 321 

Mohar, travels of, 260 m 

Moldavium, 148 

Molybdaena, 243 
Molybdenite, 53, 243 
Molybdenum, 243, 244 
Molybdos, 53, 188 
Monarch of Moscow, 107 
Monazite, 235 
Monel metal, 296 
Monksbane, 84 
Mons Meg, 274, 278 
Montgolfieres, 33 
Moon, 13, 14 
Morganite, 148 
Mortar, 149 
Mosandra, 180 
Moseley number, 4 
Mother of ore, 19 
Mottled teeth, 51 
Mull, 278 

Murasama blades, 266 
Muride, 49, 303 
Museum sickness, 204 
Mushet steel, 245 


Nails, 285-289 

, chingil, 286 

, crucifixion, 263, 285 

, nest of, 286 

, penny, 286 

remedies, 287 

rental, 287, 288 

screw, 285 

strake, 286 

strokehede, 286 

tre, 285 

tyngyl, 286 
Natron, 142 
Natural alloys, 10, 294 
Nayle tuUe, 286 
Nayler, 285 
Necrosis, 78 
Neodymia, 183, 184 
Neodymium, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 177 
Neon, 43-45 
Neoytterbia, 180, 181 
Neptune, 12, 325 
Neptunium, 6, 250, 311, 318, 325 
, electron system, 311 



New Caledonia, 299 

Mexico, 320 

River, 109 
Niccolite, 294 
Nichrome, 297 
Nickel, 293-299 

alloys, 296-298 

as catalyst, 299 

coins, 295, 296 

in coins, 105, 106 

meteorites, 254-256 

natural alloys, 294 
, occurrence, 299 

plating, 298 

silver, 296, 297 

zirconium alloy, 231 

Nigrium, 231 

Niobium, 239-241 

Nitre, 142 

, Egyptian, 142 

Nitrogen, 28-30, 41 

, abundance, 7 

, active, 2 

, fixation, 29, 30 

in air, 29 

in blood, 44 
, radio, 2 
Nitron, 142 
Noctiluca, 77 
Nona, 231 
Noricum, 280 

)AKHAM Castle, 288 

v ccupatpres, 191 

)ctaves law, 168 
Jg's bedstead, 262 
Old Sarum, 202 
Open hearth process, 282 
Orpiment, 81, 82, 293 
Osmium, 303 
, uses, 306 
Oxygen, 21-36 
, abundance, 7 
, discovery, 21 
, isotopes, 25 
, uses, 25 
Oxymuriatic acid, 46 
Ozone, 26-27 

Ozone, structure, 27 
water, 27 

Palladium, 302 

in gold, 138 
, uses, 305, 306 
Pallas, 302 
Paris, siege of, 36 
Pearl ash, 142 
Pelopium, 240 
Penny, bun, 106 
, English, 106 
, golden, 137 

, silver, 117, 137 
Periodic law, 169 

table, ideal, 4, 5, 171 

, Mendeteeff's, 170 

Permalloy, 297 
Petalite, 145 
Petroleum, 23 
Pewter, 195,211,212 
Pewterers, Guild, 211 
Phillipia, 180 

Philosopher's Stone, 17, 85 
Philosophical star, 84 
Phlogisticated air, 28 
Phlogiston theory, 22-24 
Phoenician traders, 200, 201 
Phosphorus, 76-80 

, abundance, 7 
, Bolognian, 76 
, Boyle's, 77 
, English, 77 
, ferro, 80 
, Homberg's, 76 

in bones, 77 

in bronze, 106 

in iron ores, 282 

mirabilis, 77 
, radio, 2 

, red, 78, 80 
, uses, 80 
Phossy jaw, 78 
Pigeon post, 36 
Pins, 98 

Pitchblende, 311-313 
Planets, 12-15 



Platina del Pinto, 301 

di Pinto, 300 
Platinite, 297 
Platinoid, 297 
Platinum, 300-302 

, a semi-metal, 300,^302 

as catalyst, 304 

gas mantles, 235 

glow lamp, 501 
, uses, 304, 305 
Platyophttalmon ore, 83 
Plumbago, 53 
Plumbaria, 192 
Plumbum album, 188 

antimonii, 84 

candidum, 188 

nigrum, 188 
Pluranium, 304 
Pluto, 72 

Plutonium, 6, 152, 311, 318, 326 

bomb, 326 

, electron system, 311 
Poculum emeticum, 86 
Polinium, 304 
Polonium, 313, 316 
Polluxite, 147, 148 
Pontypool iron ware, 207 

japan ware, 207 

tin plate, 207 
Portus Magnus, 203 
Potassium, 144 

, abundance, 7 
Pound, the, 309, 310 
, Troy, 309 
Powder of Algaroth, 85 
Praseodymia, 184 
Praseodymium, 183 
, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 177 
Predynastic graves, 132 
Priestley's statue, 21 
Procurator metallorum, 191 
Prometheum, 185 
Protactinium, 311, 323 
, electron system, 311 
Pt&ie, 303 

Ptolemaic system, 14 
Puddlers 1 candles, 281 
Puddling furnace, 281 

Pulvis angelicus, 85 
Punic wars, 217 
Pyrolusite, 46, 248 

QUEEN Mary, 316, 317 

of metals, 108 
Quicksilver. See Mercury 

RlOl, 35 
Radioelements, 311-327 

gold, 2 

tellurium, 316 

thorium, 322 
Radium, 313-316 

, abundance, 7, 314 

amalgam, 314 
-r- an element, 4 

, conversion to Ac, 323 

C, 316 

D, 316 

F, 316 

G, 315 

, half-life, 315 
Radon, 43, 324, 325 
, medical uses, 325 

needles, 325 

seeds, 325 

Rare earths, 4, 175-185 

, abundance, 176 

, electron systems, 177, 178 


Ratsbane, 81 
Realgar, 81 
Red lead, 194, 216 
phosphorus, 78, 80 

schorl, 228 
Reduction, 24 
Regulus of antimony, 86 
Mars, 86 

_ Venus, 87 
Rhenium, 240, 250, 251 
Rhodium, 302, 303 

plating, 114, 305 
Rifle, invention of, 282 
Roads, Roman, 202 
Rontgen rays, 3, 312 
Rowton meteorite, 254, 256 
Rubidium, 146-148 



Ruthenium, 250, 304 
Rutile, 228 

SAL anglicum, 150 
sedativum, 68 
Samaria, 183, 184 
Samarium, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 177 
C^marskite, 179, 180 
Samothracian rings, 257 
Samurai blades, 259, 266 
Sandarake, 81 
Saturn, 12-15, 194 
, scythe, 13, 194 
Saturnine red, 194 
Sauerstoff, 25 
Saxon chronicle, 274 
Scandia, 172, 182 
Scandium, 172, 173 
, atomic weight, 173 
, electron system, 177 
Scheelite, 244 
Schorl rouge, 228 
Scourge of God, 276 
Screw nails, 285 
Selenion, 73 
Selenium, 72, 73 
Serpek's process, 29 
Sharplinges, 286 
Sheffield plate, 116, 117 

steel, 280 

Shekel, Babylonian, 129 

, Hebrew, 111, 129 

Sherardising, 158 

Shiner, 121 

Ship halfpenny, 106 

Ship, Aaron Mawby, 283 

, Florida, 278 

, Great Dragon, 283 

, Mary Rose, 278 

, Normandie, 290 

, Queen Mary, 316, 317 

, Triomphante, 284 

Ships, iron, 283-284 

Shoder, 138 

Shot, lead, 196, 197 

tower, 196 
Siderites, 255 
Siderolites, 255 

Signatures, doctrine of, 76, 293 
Signet star, 84 
Silicon, 69, 70 
, abundance, 7 

bronze, 70 

, eka-, 17, 174 

steels, 70 * 
Silver, 108-120 
, abundance, 7 

, alchemists and, 114 
, biblical, 110-112 
, Britannia, 118 

coins, 106, 117-9 

"cord", 112 

corrosion resistance, 119 
, cupellation, 113 

, debased, 187, 194 
, Egyptian, 110-H2 
, electroplating, 139 

in copper, 89 

galena, 108 

lead, 108, 189, 190 

Peru, 90 

, liquid, 214 

mines, 108-110 

mirrors, 116, 117 

pennies, 117, 137 

plate, 116, 117 

, quick. See Mercury 

, refining, 112 

, Roman, 112, 113 

, Saxon, 118, 137 

, separation from gold, 133 

solders, 120 
, symbol, 13 

treaty tablet, 110 

tree, 114 

, untarnishable, 166 
, uses, 114, 115 

water, 215 

Silvering mirrors, 116, 117, 220 
Slapper of ale, 115 
Slough murder, 102, 103 
Small people, 18 
Smith, the, 274 
Smithsonite, 158 
Soap bubbles, 23 
, Hebrew, 142 
Sodium, 144 



Sodium, abundance, 7 

Solder, 120, 212, 213 

, decay, 204 

Solomon's temple, 128 

Soret's X, 182 

South Wales tinplat;, 210 

SparabilisJ, 286 < + 

Speculum metal, 213 

Spelter, 156 

Spialter, 156 

Spiauter, 156 

Spider, the, 289 

Spiegel iron, 249 

Spin isomerism, 32 

Spinel ruby, 242 

Spinelising, 164 

Sporadic iron age, 260 

Spykynges, 286 

Stagmum, 188 

Stainless steel, 243 

Stalloy, 70 

Stamps, perforation, 282 

Standard measures, 306-310 

Stannary worker, 203 

Stannum, 188 

Steam hammer, 208 

SteeU basic, 282 

, cement, 280 r 

, Chinese, 266 

, cobalt, 245, 292, 293 

, copper in, 107 

, Homeric, 267 

jewellery, 290 

, magnet, 245, 292, 293 

, manganese, 249 

, nickel, 297 

, nickel-clad, 295 

, Roman, 268 

, silicon, 70 

, stainless, 243 

, tempering, 267 

, true as, 275 

Stellite, 243, 245, 292 

Sterilisation of food, 208-210 

Sterling, 118 

Stibi, 84 

Stibium, 83 

Stone ages, 8 

Strontia, 150 

Strontium, 151 

, abundance, 7 

, electron syscem, 177 

Sudbury ores, 298, 299 

Sulphur, 9, 22, 71, 72 

, abundance, 7 

candle, 72 

- , disinfectant, 71, 72 

, essence of fire, 22 

mercury theory, 15 

, symbol, 71 

Sun, 12-14 

, temperature, 39 

Sussex; iron, 273, 277, 280 

Swords, 259, 275, 276 

, copper, 93 

, Homeric, 267 

, Japanese, 259, 266, 267 

, Viking, 276 

Symbols of alchemists, 13 

TAKKET, 286 
Talent, 111, 129 
Tantalite, 239, 240 
Tantalum, 239-241 
, eka-, 323 
, electron system, 178 
Tantra Rasahridaya 1 14 

Rasaratnakara, 100 

Rasarnava, 156, 219 
Tarshish, 112, 133, 187, 199 
Technecium, 252 
Technicum, 252 
Telegraph, first, 102 
Telluric screw, 169 
Tellurium, 73-75 

, atomic weight, 74 

breath, 75 

isotopes, 75 
Temple, Solomon's, 128 
, sun, 135 
Teputzli, 11 

Terbia, 179-182 
Terbium, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 177 
Terra molybdana, 244 

ponderosa, 150 

vitrescibilis, 69 
Terre du Beril, 154 



Terre ochroite, 182 

Thallium, 166, 167 

Theriac, 85 

Theriaka, 86 

Therion, 86 

Thermit, 164 

Thermometer, 221-227 

, air, 223 

, Centigrade, 226 

, Fahrenheit, 226 

, invention, 221 

, linseed oil, 227 

, mercury, 223 

, Newton's, 225 

, Reaumur's, 226 

, Roemer's, 225 

, spirit, 223 

, water, 222 

Thorite, 234, 235, 324 

Thorium, 234, 311, 321, 322, 324 

D, 322 

, electron system, 311 

lead, 322 
, meso, 322 

series, 322 
, radio, 322 

X, 322 
Thoron, 325 
Thulia, 181, 182 
Thulium, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 178 
Thunderbolts, 254 
Tibet, 126 

Tin, 198-214 
, abundance, 7, 176 
, alchemists and, 203 
, allotropy, 204 

amalgam, 220 

, biblical, 9, 10, 199 
, British, 200-203 

cans, 209, 210 
, Chinese. 199 
, Cornish, 18, 201 
, cry of, 203 

, debased silver, 198 
, Egyptian, 199 

foil, 211 

from arsenic, 199 

islands, 125, 200 

Tin, Nigerian, 213 

on copper, 205, 210, 211 

pest, 204 

plague, 204 ' 

plate, 205-210 
, Roman,) 199 

, sources, 213, 214 

tree, 203 
Tincal, 68 
Tinken, 198 
Tinker, 198 
Tinned food, 209, 210 
Tinsel, 198 
Titanium, 228, 229 
, abundance, 7 

, cupro, 229 

, ferro, 229 

, mangano, 229 

Transmutation, 2, 15-19 

, a felony, 18 

Transuranic elements, 311, 325- 


Travancore sands, 235 
Travorsnailles, 286 
Treacle bible, 86 
Trenail, 285 
Triacleur, 86 
Triads, 46, 16C; 169 
Tritium, 37 
Tungsten, 244-247 
, ferro, 245 

filaments, 246 
Tungstic acid, 245 
Turdetania, 133 
Turey, 256 
Turin candles, 78 
Tylepynnes, 268 
Type, lino, 198 

metal, 197 

ULCO, 153 
Ur, 103 
Uralium, 250 
Uraninite, 42 
Uranium, 311-313 

bomb, 319 

chloride, 312 

, electron system, 311 
, fission, 185 



Uranium, fluorescence, 312 

G, 315 

, half-life, 316 
isotopes, 318 

lead, (U5, 316 

series, ,31 5 
Uranus, 12, 312 
Uriconium, 273 

VALLEY of Kings, 132 
Vanadinit?, 237 
Vanadium, 237-239 

alloys, 239 
Vapour, 20 
Varech, 48 

V f enta belgarum, 202 
Venus, 12-15 
, looking glass, 98 
, regulus of, 87 
Verdigris, 104 
Vermilion, 216-218 
' , adulteration, 219 
, antiseptic, 218 
, Chinese, 219 
, Hindoo, 219 
Viking swords, 276 
Virginium, 148 
Voltaic battery, 1*)2, 143 

pile, 102, 143 

WARTS, cure for, 287 
Wasium, 234 
Waste wax process, 92 
Water, composition, 32 

clock, 96, 201 

, decomposition, 143 
, heavy, 38 

of purification, 214 

power hammers, 97 
, silver, 215 
Watts's folly, 197 
Wedding rings, 137 
Weld decay, 229 
Whitby shales, 162 
White arsenic, 



iron, 21C 


White metals, 159, 166 
Whittle, 281 
Wire drawing, 97 
Wirksworth, 192, 193 
Wismat, 88 
Witherite, 150 
Woden, 14 
Wolframite, 244-246 
Wolverhampton Old Hall, 207 
Wood's metal, 88, 159, 166 
Wookey Hole, 81, 271 

ox shoe, 289 

witch, 271 
Worcester tin plate, 206 
Wotton hoard, 96 

X-rays, 3, 312 
Xenon, 43-45 
, dizziness, 44 

YARD, standard, 106, 306-308 
Ytterbite, 179, 181 
Ytterbia, 181 
Ytterbium, 180 
, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 178, 233 
Yttrium, abundance, 176 
, electron system, 177 

group, 179-182 
Yttrotantalite, 240 
Yukon R., 126 

Zeugma bridge, 269 
Zimapan, 251 
Zinc, 155-158 
, Chinese, 156 

coins, 157 

confused with bismuth, 156 

dust, 157 

fume, 157 

in coins, 99, 100 
,. Indian, 156 
Zinkum, 156 
Zircon, 229, 234 
Zirconium, 229-231 
, ferro, 230 

nickel alloy, 231 
Zirnuk, 81