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G. H. DURY, M.A., Ph.D., F.G.S. 

Lecturer in Geography, Birkbeck College 
(University of London) 

A. E. MOOD IE, B.A., Ph.D. 

Reader in Geography, Birkbeck College 
(University of London) 




First published 1952 
Reprinted 1957 

Second edition 1960 
Reprinted 1962 

G. H. Dury 

F2 (E.5I9<5) 


THE statement that maps are the geographer's tools has been repeated 
so often that it is in danger of becoming a platitude: yet there can be 
no doubt as to the validity of its meaning. It is difficult, if not impos- 
sible, to imagine a course of geographical study being followed 
successfully without constant recourse to maps of a wide variety in 
type and scale. Ability to use these maps is an essential requirement or 
all geographers, but it is not an easy skill to acquire. After more than 
twenty years of experience in teaching undergraduates, I am fully 
aware of the difficulties which confront the uninitiated in map inter- 
pretation. There is a world of difference between a Boy Scout finding 
his way from A to B by map-reading and a geographer seeking to 
illuminate his studies by map interpretation, although the map is a 
"tool" in each case. The latter requires the ability not only "to see 
solid" but also to grasp and explain the relationships between all the 
conditions which the map represents in symbolical form. 

Some people seem to have a flair in this direction, but competence 
can be acquired only by application and frequent practice. Dr. Dury 
does not claim to have covered all the problems of his subject, but the 
student who masters the principles laid down here will be well on the 
way to a mastery of map interpretation: he will have learned the use 
of his tools in the sense that they are peculiar to geographical study. 

Such an achievement will be commendable, but this book also 
draws attention to a major problem in modern geography. Dr. Dury 
lays emphasis on the importance of adequate knowledge of physical 
geography in map interpretation, but he by no means neglects the 
human aspects. Indeed, the close relationships between man and 
nature are brought out clearly. This symbiosis, the core of geography, 
is in danger of being overlooked, owing to the increasing tendency or 
recent years towards specialized studies. Maps can no more show all 
the conditions of an area than they can reveal all the relationships 
which exist in it, but they represent the closest approach to an expres- 
sion of its wholeness. It follows, therefore, that map interpretation 
fosters the development of a balanced outlook and its practice is, in 
consequence, a valuable discipline. When combined with field 
investigations, as suggested by Dr. Dury, it becomes one of the most 

rewarding of activities for geographers at all levels. 

A. E. M. 


I WISH to acknowledge with gratitude the help I have received in 
preparing this book. My colleagues Miss E. M. J. Campbell, M.A., 
and H. C. Brookfield, B.A., Ph.D., have read portions of the manu- 
script, while A. E. Moodie, B.A., Ph.D., has offered constructive 
suggestions on the whole book. Dr. Brookfield contributed a chapter 
(XVI) to the first edition. Parts of his material have been incorporated 
in the corresponding chapter in this edition, where considerable 
revisions have been made in accordance with changes in map series. 
The Controller, H.M.S.O., has permitted O.S. material to be repro- 
duced or otherwise made use of in the illustrations; photographs have 
been obtained from H.M. Geological Survey and from Hunting 
Aerosurveys, Ltd. 

G. H. D. 

Birkbeck College, 
February, 1960. 



Foreword v 

Acknowledgments vi 


Relation of work with maps to work on the ground Map interpretation and 
map analysis Background knowledge Bibliographical references Selection 
of maps 



General characteristics of the landscape Interpretation in terms of the erosion- 
cycle Physiographic subdivision Sketch-mapping 


The scarp-formers The clay vale Structures Drainage Terraces of the 
Avon The Stour and the Evenlode Underfit streams 


General aspect of Chalk country Limits of the Chalk outcrop Geological 
structure The drainage pattern Evolution of the landscape 


Erosion-platforms Former base-levels Denudational sequence Superim- 
posed drainage 


Landforms of glaciated highlands Renewed normal erosion Glacial troughs 
and through-valleys Diversion of drainage Relation of drainage to structure 
Changes of base-level Lowland glaciation Drumlins 


Recognition of limestone country Sinks Other karstic features Thickness 
of the limestone Underground cavities Rocks above and below the lime- 
stone Evidence of glaciation River development 


The shoreline cycle The shoreline and subaerial cycles 




Distinctive character of desert landscapes Inselbergs Alluvial plain Pedi- 
ments Intermittent drainage Desert basins 


Hill country of the south-west The Levels Small cuestas and outliers amid 
the levels The Mendips and other similar limestone hills Broken hill country 
in the east The drainage system The shoreline 



Interpretation of land use Routes The pattern of rural settlement Inter- 
pretation of rural settlement: village forms Interpretation of rural settle- 
ment: place-names 


Dominantly nucleated Dominantly dispersed Rural settlement in the 
fenland Rural settlement in glaciated highland Recent primary dispersion 
The transect chart 


Effects of re-growth Form Function Situation Site The small market 
town Ports Resorts Large towns An industrial town Geometrical 
layout of a new town 


The question of dating Neolithic antiquities Bronze Age antiquities The 
Early Iron Age Roman sites Earthworks of the Dark Ages Lynchets 
Interpretation from an O.S. map 




Geometric analysis Arithmetic analysis Volumetric analysis Clinomctric 


B.A., Ph.D, and G. H. DURY) 180 

Scale The representation of reliefsThe representation of cultural features 
Non-landscape features Margins and marginal information An example 
of appreciation Comparison of map scries 

Index 203 



1. A scale of symbols suitable for use on physical sketch-maps . .19 

2. Interpretation of physique: The Cotswolds and the Avon Valley . 27 

3. Interpretation of physique: the western part of Salisbury Plain . 35 

4. Diversion of drainage by the agency of ice 48 

5. Interpretation of physique: Ingleborough and its surroundings . 61 

6. Morphological subdivision : part of the Somerset Plain . . .91 

7. Parish boundaries 109 

8. A transect chart 130 

9. Man-made features in an industrial district 149 

10. Analysis of prehistoric evidence . . . . . . .159 

11. Generalized contours for the area shown on Sheet 186 of the O.S. 

Seventh Series 1/63,360 map 168 

12. Some applications of profile-drawing 170 

13. Long-profiles, drawn from the map, for some of the rivers shown on 

O.S. Seventh Series 1/63,360, Sheet 186 172 

14. Some graphic methods of summarizing relief distribution . .175 



I. (A) Aerial view of the mouth of the Fowey River, showing low 

plateau inland 100 

(B) Ben Nevis rising above surrounding mountains . . .100 

II. (A) General view of Ingleborough and Simon Fell . . . 101 
(B) The shoreline near Sidmouth 101 

III. (A) Aerial view of the Mendip Plateau, with Cheddar Gorge . 116 
(B) Part of the fenland, near Boston, seen from the air . . .116 

IV. (A) Aerial view of Stow on the Wold 117 

(B) Part of Merthyr Tydfil: terraced housing, steelworks, and tip- 
heaps 117 

Straight mine eye hath caught new pleasures 
While the landscape round it measures. MILTON 


It is an hieroglyphical and shadowed lesson of the whole 

IT has long been tacitly assumed that a map interpreter has no field 
knowledge of the country with which he has to deal; but, now that 
field-work has come to be generally accepted as an integral part of 
geographical study, this antique fiction should be discarded. It is 
clear, of course, that the most extensive and prolonged excursions can 
sample only a little of even this country, and that only the most 
fortunate will be able to observe, at first hand, contemporary glaciers, 
deserts, or tropical landscapes. On the other hand, an impressive 
variety of terrain is easily accessible from all the great centres of 
population, so that school journeys, university field-classes, and less 
formal explorations can exemplify, in the large, much of the material 
which must inevitably be compressed and generalized in the text-book. 
Hence it is reasonable to urge that students of geography should 
become acquainted on die ground with many of the landforms 
developed in the normal (humid) cycle of erosion, with the leading 
features of limestone country, with glaciated landscapes, and with 
shorelines, as well as with a wide range of land-use and settlement 
forms. It is no exaggeration to claim that every locality has its own 
opportunities for field study of the most rewarding kind. In due 
course, then, the interpreter will be capable of bringing knowledge of 
real country to bear on his problems not necessarily knowledge of 
the actual country represented on a given map, but of country which 
is essentially similar. The value of such an approach cannot be over- 
stated. It implies the whole difference between performing an abstract 
exercise and dealing in realities. 

Relation of Work with Maps to Work on the Ground 

The question of field-work as an aid to map interpretation devolves, 
in part, upon the difference of scale. On the 1/63,360 maps of the 
Ordnance Survey, which must be the customary tool for many geo- 
graphical purposes, a large number of significant individual features 


are necessarily suppressed. Even though they are represented, they 
may not be distinctive. The only possible corrective is a comparison, 
on the ground, between the object itself and its appearance on the map. 
Practice in comparison of this kind will ensure a very high yield of 
information. The map becomes astonishingly clarified and illuminated 
by real experience. So true is this, and so partial and unsatisfactory is 
work with the map alone, that one may insist on the ground itself as 
the proper place to learn map reading. There are, admittedly, a few 
excellent elementary texts, which set out to introduce their users to 
the method of representing country on a greatly reduced scale by 
means of symbols, and to the manner of transposing the symbols back 
into words; but, however skilful one may become in this respect, the 
exercise is valueless unless the symbols are understood in terms of 
real objects. Thus texts on map reading should be regarded as com- 
prehensive and formal additions to study of the home region with its 
own maps. 

Now the present book does not set out to teach map reading. It is 
expected that the user will already possess an elementary vocabulary 
of cartographical terms, and will be able, with some assistance from a 
key, to perceive the meaning of the several notations employed. We 
are concerned here, not with the translation of individual items, but 
with the terrain as a whole. In map reading one learns a new language ; 
in map interpretation one begins to speak it. The reduced scale of the 
map is no longer merely a difficulty to be overcome as well as may be: 
it is the means whereby a broad expanse of country can be surveyed at 
one time. Herein lies the great value of work with maps. They 
provide a *synoptic view and, to the skilled interpreter, reveal the 
distributions and interrelations with which geography is peculiarly 



Map Interpretation and Map Analysis 

Map interpretation, like a great deal of geography in general, 
involves a synthesis in which complex ideas are deduced and combined 
from simple ones. This point is worth emphasizing, for maps lend 
themselves readily to a number of attractive exercises in analysis, and 
it is important not to mistake the results of these for the results of 
interpretation. For instance, one might transfer to a sheet of tracing 
paper the roads, or the buildings, represented on one of the O.S. 
1/63,360 sheets. The resulting map would indubitably reveal, with all 
possible clarity, the distribution in question, but only because all other 


distributions had been excluded. Interrelations would no longer 
appear. If two distributions were mapped on a single tracing, for 
example, those of relief and moorland, the result would be a partial 
synthesis, the whole of which is provided by the original map. This 
is not to say that selective mapping has no value. It can, on the con- 
trary, be highly instructive, just because it throws into relief a single 
distribution which on the more detailed map is obscured. A number 
of statements in the following text are based on analysis of precisely 
this kind, but the problem is ultimately one of cartographic representa- 
tion and of skill in handling the map. In a rather different context, 
analysis is the correct, indeed the only, method of operation. A 
number of techniques have already been evolved for treating map 
information statistically, and their number may well be usefully added 
to in the course of time. Samples of these methods in their application 
to the study of landform are briefly described in Chapter XV. 

Background Knowledge 

In addition to some knowledge of the elements of map reading, the 
interpreter needs a grounding in physical geography and elementary 
geology. Within the limits of Part I of this book, where physical 
interpretation is treated, there is no room to discuss or summarize all 
the fundamental concepts of this branch of study. It must, therefore, 
be assumed that the reader is, or soon will be, acquainted, in outline, 
with the scheme of the normal cycle of erosion. Moreover, the land- 
forms of the normal cycle are likely to be accessible to a majority of 
students. In the discussion of maps of shorelines, of glaciated, arid, 
and karstic landscapes, however, rather more explanatory detail has 
been included, partly because the features concerned offer special 
problems to the cartographer and, therefore, to the user of the map. 
Throughout the book, where technical terms necessary in description 
are introduced for the first time, they have been printed in heavy 
type, so that one may easily perceive the range of geographical 
vocabulary required, and refer, if necessary, to the relevant pages of a 
standard text. 

As yet, physical geography is better served in the matter of text- 
books than the features of human occupance, which are dealt with in 
Part II. In the words of Professor S. W. Wooldridge, we as geo- 
graphers are concerned with land genesis, land quality, and land use. 
Thanks to the combined efforts of geologists and geomorphologists, 
the manner of land genesis is sufficiently well understood. Although a 


formidable body of material still awaits detailed attention, descriptions 
in general terms and some noteworthy special studies are universally 
available. Land quality, on the other hand, has long been regrettably 
neglected, or disposed of in brief and inadequate phrases. This will 
continue until the rudiments of soil science, the use of soil maps, the 
detailed investigation of landscape facets, and the factors of micro- 
climatology have been combined in an improved geographical dis- 
cipline. It is evident, from the beginnings that have been made, that 
land quality, like land genesis, will in time be accorded a systematic 
treatment, with its elements clearly stated in an orderly form; but, 
until then, map interpretation must perforce make do with a minimum 
of factual information about land quality, and must move almost 
directly from land genesis to land use. In dealing with land use one is 
concerned with almost the whole field of human endeavour. On the 
time-scale of man's history, even of his written history, the cultural 
landscape is an impermanent and rapidly changing complex of features. 
Consequently, the problem of interpreting land use, in its widest sense, 
from maps, is one which involves a large number of complexly 
related variables. This is why, in Part II, there can be no short list of 
standard texts for background reading comparable to that suggested 
for physical study, and why it has seemed desirable to state principles 
more fully than in the earlier part. 

In Part III two special topics are discussed: cartographical apprecia- 
tion and the analysis, by measurement on maps, of landform. The 
two chapters are intended for those more advanced students who 
require to make a comparative study of different map series, or to 
carry out an exploratory morphological survey, and who will norm- 
ally have access to a large map collection. 

Bibliographical References 

Selected bibliographical references are provided at the end of each 
chapter. They are of two kinds. The first includes a number of the 
better-known text-books dealing with the subjects discussed, so that 
the reader may revise, amplify, or extend his general geographical 
knowledge at need. The second consists of important single papers 
dealing with individual topics, including a number of specific points 
which are treated in the main text. It is hoped that in this way state- 
ments can be substantiated, if necessary, by reference to the original 
authority, without recourse to cumbrous footnotes, and that the lists 
will serve to locate useful material for further reading. It is not 


suggested, or intended, that the student of map interpretation should 
read them all. Indeed, the beginner is best advised to defer all such 
work until he is well grounded in basic principles. Sooner or later, 
however, he should attempt a modicum of detailed reading, in order to 
appreciate the direction and scope of current geographical research, 
and the nature of the ground which he encounters on the map. This 
is particularly important since nothing has been included in the inter- 
pretations but what can fairly be obtained from the map, except where 
additional notes of the briefest sort have proved essential. Some of the 
articles cited are, therefore, to be regarded as possible supplements to, 
and extensions of, the present text. 

It will be clear from the table of chapter headings that the arrange- 
ment of Part I is broadly similar to that of several text-books of 
physical geography. This consideration, as much as any other, 
governed the selection of the maps treated herein ; but any selection 
had necessarily to be a compromise. In addition to illustrating, within 
the limits of the sheet lines, some leading classes of physical landscape, 
the maps were required to exemplify a variety of settlement, both in 
respect of density and of form. It was desired, furthermore, to keep 
the list as brief as possible, on the grounds of expense, and from the 
O.S. maps to select as far as possible those showing accessible pieces of 
country. These various factors operated with different strength in 
different cases. The inclusion of Ingleborough, for example a piece 
of country more than once included in books on map reading is due 
to its convenient occurrence in the centre of a 1/25,000 sheet. Other 
things being equal, the precise area chosen is that best known to the 

Selection of Maps 

In accordance with the view that work on maps and work in 
the field are inseparable, the text which follows relates largely to 
the maps of the Ordnance Survey on the scales of 1/63, 36O 1 and 
1/25,000. The complete list of maps required is given in the table 
on page 6. 

The total cost of the maps required, with the exception of the last 

1 When the first edition of this book was prepared, the then current New Popular 
Edition of the 1/63,360 Map was used. This Edition is now superseded by the Seventh 
Series, but the sheet lines remain unchanged, and the older series may still be employed. 
Sheet-line changes, however, affect the map initially chosen for Scotland (Popular, 
Sheet 47). 

2 (.5196) 


two, which arc used here only to illustrate cartographical appreciation, 
is thus ^i I2s. 8d. 

The prices given for O.S. maps are the current prices less one-third. 
O.S. maps required for educational purposes may be obtained direct 
from the Director General, Ordnance Survey, Chessington, Surbiton, 
Surrey. Discount is allowed at the rate of 33 i per cent for 1/25,000 





O.S. (Seventh Series or 
New Popular Edition) 


114 (Boston and Skegness) 
144 (Cheltenham and Evesham) 
165 (Weston-super-Mare) 
167 (Salisbury) 
1 86 (Bodmin and Launceston) 

2s. 4d. 
per sheet 

O.S. Tourist Map 


Lorn and Lochaber 






per sheet 

Survey of Ireland 


169 (Sheets 169, 170, 180, and 
1 8 1, printed as a single 


U.S. Department of the 
Interior: Geological 


Arizona (Final County) 
Casa Grande Quadrangle 


Netherlands: Topogra- 
phische Dienst (Topo- 
graphic Service) 


New Series No. 25A (Haarlem) 


Germany: Landesver- 
messungsamj; (Land 
Survey Office) Nord- 


4506 (Duisburg) 

75. 6d. 

and smaller-scale maps. Orders should be accompanied by O.S. form, 
O.S. 318, countersigned by the appropriate educational authority. 
Prices of foreign maps are liable to fluctuate with rates of exchange, 
and those given should be taken as approximate. Agents dealing in 
foreign maps include Sifton Praed & Co., Ltd., 67 St. James's Street, 
London, S.W.I, and Edward Stanford, Ltd., 12-14 Long Acre, 
London, W.C.2. 



The following may be recommended for background reading 

SIR. C. CLOSE. The Map of England. Peter Davies, London, 1932. 
F. DEBENHAM. Map Making. Blackie, London, 1940. 
A. R. HINKS. Maps and Survey. University Press, Cambridge, 1942. 
H. S. L. WINTERBOTHAM. A Key to Maps. Blackie, London, 1945. 

The most abundantly illustrated works on map interpretation are 

R. D. SALISBURY and W. W. ATWOOD. The Interpretation of Topo- 
graphical Maps. U.S. Geological Survey, Professional Paper 60, 
Washington, 1908. 

A. GARNETT. The Geographical Interpretation of Topographical Maps. 
Harrap, London, 1935. (Accompanied by an atlas of selected maps.) 

In the early years of this century H. R. Mill proposed that geo- 
graphical memoirs should be produced, corresponding to the Sheet 
Memoirs of the Geological Survey. A great deal of material additional 
to that shown on the map would naturally be included, but Mill's 
essay is nevertheless well worth study in connection with map inter- 

H. R. MILL. "A Fragment of the Geography of England." Geogr. 
Journ., xv, 1900, pp. 205, 353. 




The form of the land-surface is perhaps the most funda- 
mental of all geographical factors. WOOLDRIDGE 

A STRICTLY analytical attack on the problem of interpreting the physical 
landscape from maps will usually prove the most effective. The method 
advocated here resembles qualitative analysis in chemistry, or the use 
of mineralogical tests by the field geologist, and might indeed be aptly 
described as the qualitative interpretation of landscape. Each operation 
is carried out in three stages. First, the interpreter works systematically 
over the map, identifying individual features, assemblages of features, 
and types of terrain. Next, the kind of erosion-cycle in progress and 
the most evident structures are determined. Finally, the map is care- 
fully inspected for special features associated with the particular mode 
of denudation, but not yet discovered, as well as for evidence of stage 
in the current cycle and for signs of sculpture in previous cycles. With 
practice, many of the essential facts are perceived at a glance, but 
orderly treatment can never be dispensed with, especially if difficult 
maps are likely to be encountered. 

General Characteristics of the Landscape 

W. M. Davis* s classic description of the physical landscape as "a 
function of structure, process, and stage*' embodies the fundamental 
principle to be observed, and serves as a basis for a scheme of operations. 
It is, of course, quite clear that all three elements cannot be fully inter- 
preted from every, or perhaps from any, topographical map. Nor is a 
stereotyped procedure or treatment to be recommended. In some 
areas the main interest will reside in a close correspondence between 
structure and surface; elsewhere the chief concern will be landforms 
developed in one of the special cycles; elsewhere again, the map will 
provide striking evidence of erosional forms belonging to a certain 
stage of the cycle, or of a combination of forms developed under the 
control of more than one base-level. While, therefore, structure, 
process, and stage must always be taken into account, they need not be 
discussed in that order, and it is frequently desirable to lay emphasis 


on one particular aspect. Examples of varying treatment and emphasis 
will be found in the descriptive chapters which follow. 

In order to provide a convenient scale of reference and a guide to 
orderly interpretation of physique, several lines of reasoning are 
brought together in the accompanying table. This is arranged, for 
convenience, in summary form, not as a set scheme of headings under 
which, in the order given, results should be presented. However, 
there is no doubt that physical interpretation is most successful when 
it is carried out systematically, or that the task is considerably simplified 
when, by the use of some such scheme as this, many possibilities can 
be at once eliminated. The table should assist the interpreter to identify 
the kind of terrain represented, to locate critical features, to perceive 
apparent anomalies, and to test his conclusions. 

No attempt has been made to catalogue all the typical or critical 
features of the various classes of physical landscape, for this would 
have made the table unwieldy, in addition to usurping some of the 
functions of text-books of geomorphology. On the other hand, the 
table is so arranged that the relevant portions of standard texts can be 
discovered easily from an index, and reading or revision carried out 
as necessary. If a particular class of landscape is dealt with later, a 
note is made of the relevant chapter in this book; if not, a reference is 
given to a standard work which contains the description required. 

It is, perhaps, as well to repeat that the table is designed for reference, 
not as something to be assimilated before interpretation is begun. Its 
frequent use should lead, in due course, to a considerable economy of 
time and effort, and to a rapid perception of essential facts. It is meant 
to assist in relating study of physical geography to the use of maps. 
Like the rest of this chapter, it is intended to assist in the development 
of a satisfactory technique. 

Class of Cycle 

What form of the erosion cycle is now in progress ? 

(i) The normal cycle; or Systems of perennial streams observed, 
(ii) One of the special cycles 

(a) The glacial cycle Glaciers actually present. 

(b) The arid cycle Intermittent or absent surface drainage, 

associated with desert features. (See 
Chapter IX and the texts there cited.) 

(c) The karstic cycle; and, if Absence of surface drainage and 
so, are full karstic features de- presence of sinks in a region of humid 
veloped, or only the modified climate. (See Chapter VII and Chap- 
forms typical of Chalk country? ter IV on Chalk country.) 


If the normal cycle, does the land bear marks of 

Corries, glacial troughs, etc. (See 

Chapter VI.) 

Drumlins or large terminal moraines. 

(See Chapter VI.) 

Raised abrasion-platforms. (See 

Chapter V.) 

(i) Former glacial erosion? 
(ii) Former glacial deposition? 
(iii) Former marine erosion ? 

If any shoreline occurs, what is 
(i) Its class and type? 

(ii) The stage reached in the present 
shoreline cycle? 

Erosional and Depositional Features 

These should be selected and specified, as required, to illustrate the general 
argument, and to provide evidence of structure and stage. 

I.e. whether submergent or emergent, 
highland or lowland, etc. (See 
Chapter VIII.) 
(See Chapter VIII.) 


(i) Do the rocks as a whole seem 
resistant or weak? 

(ii) What evidence is there of differ- 
ential rock resistance? 

(iii) Assuming a humid climate, is 
there any sign of permeable rock ? 
If so, are there definite lines of 

Geological Structure 

(i) Is there a definite alternation of 
weak and strong outcrops? If 
so, the rocks are likely to be 
part of a sedimentary succession, 

(a) Horizontal; or 

(b) Uniclinal; or 

(c) Domed; or 

(d) Openly folded; if so, note 
arrangement of folds, for exam- 
ple, if off-set or pitching. 


(ii) Is the area one of complex struc- 
ture, for example, strongly 
folded or faulted? 
If so, what structural grains can 
be identified ? 



Strong relief corresponds generally to 
resistant rocks, but feeble relief is not 
confined to weak rocks. 
In sedimentary rocks, the resistant 
formations are likely to be limestones 
and sandstones; the weak, clays. 
Local absence of surface drainage. 
Limestone with karstic features. 
(See Chapters III, IV, and VII.) 

Structural plateau. 

Eroded into scarpland country. (See 

Chapter III.) 

When denuded, domes are enclosed 

by in-facing scarps. 

Eroded anticlines show in-facing 

scarps; eroded synclines, out-facing 

scarps. (See Chapter IV.) 

For example, an oldland. See Chap- 
ters V and VI.) 


iii) What, if any, are the signs of 

(a) Full development of fault- 
block topography; 

(b) Offsetting of scarps; 

(c) Rectilineal structural pat- 
tern in an oldland; fault-line 


(iv) Where the structure is generally 
simple, for example, uniclinal, 
what minor structures, if any, 
can be identified ? 


(v) What igneous masses occur, if 


(vi) If volcanic topography is devel- 
oped, where are the vents, what 
lava flows can be identified, and 
how advanced is the dissection 
of the cones? 

(For a full discussion, refer to the text- 
books cited below.) 

(See Chapter VI.) 

For example, transverse folds or faults 
in a scarpland. (See Chapter III.) 

For example, granitic bosses. (See 
Chapter V.) 

(For a discussion of volcanoes, which 

are not dealt with in the present work, 

see the texts cited below. 

The fullest treatment is given in 

Volcanoes as Landscape Forms by 


in. STAGE 


(i) If a special cycle is in progress, 
what is the stage reached? 


(ii) If the normal cycle, is the land- 

(a) Unicyclic? or 

(b) Polycyclic? 


(iii) What is the approximate stage 
reached in 

(a) The present cycle ? 

(b) Any previous cycle whose 
landforms can be identified? 


(i) Assuming the normal cycle, as 
far as can be judged from the 
map, is the drainage mature or 

(For descriptions of the cycle in karstic, 
glacial, and arid conditions, see the 
works cited below.) 

I.e. still evolving in the first cycle 
initiated by emergence. 
I.e. comprising features developed in 
more than one cycle ; for example, an 
up-lifted and partly dissected pene- 
plain, or an approximately mature 
landscape with the lower parts of 
valleys rejuvenated. 

(See text immediately following.) 

I.e. are the long-profiles of rivers 
smooth throughout? 


(ii) If breaks of slope occur in long- 
profiles, do they appear 

(a) Of cyclic origin ? or I.e. knickpoints. (See text immedi- 

ately following, and Chapter XVI.) 

(b) Non-cyclic? I.e. determined by structure alone, 

(iii) What is the relation of drainage 
to structure? 

(a) Well adjusted; 

(b) Partially adjusted; 

(c) Maladjusted; and, if so, 
does the discordance appear to be 
due to youth, superimposition, 
or antecedence? 

Interpretation in Terms of the Erosion-cycle 

A few supplementary comments are needed on the subject of stage. 
There are good reasons for separating, under this head, landscape from 
drainage. Rivers may easily attain maturity while the landscape is 
still youthful, that is to say, there may be a phase-difference in the 
respective cycles of landscape and drainage evolution, at a time when 
relief is generally strong. Again, although many maps readily show 
the stage reached by the evolving landscape, this fact is commonly 
overlooked in map interpretation where undue emphasis may be 
placed on drainage. Finally, it is impossible to tell, by mere inspection 
of a map, whether the rivers shown are mature or not. 

The landscape becomes mature in the normal cycle when all initial 
forms are consumed, that is, when opposing valley walls meet along the 
crests of divides. Although not all members of a divide system attain 
maturity at the same time, it is usually possible to distinguish broadly 
between those landscapes which do, and those which do not, retain in 
the crest regions remnants of an initial surface or of an erosional 
platform produced in an earlier cycle. When low divides are separated 
by broad, flat-bottomed valleys, the landscape is indubitably post- 
mature. In practice, various complications arise from differences in 
rock strength. Furthermore, the problem of interpreting a normal 
landscape from maps often resolves itself into one of understanding a 
polycyclic landscape, which combines features produced in more than 
one erosion-cycle, with the possible addition of the forms of earlier 
shorelines; but, whatever the complexities, landscape is often more 
easily interpreted than drainage, for contours show die qualities of 
relief far better than those of river profiles. Where drainage is incised, 
it is the landscape that has not yet become mature after rejuvenation. 


A river is mature when it is graded, that is, when its long-profile is a 
smooth curve decreasing in gradient from source to mouth. 1 Now a 
graded state can be satisfactorily demonstrated only by accurate 
levelling in the field. Very many rivers are in fact ungraded, either 
because their profiles have never been smoothed into a continuous 
curve, or more commonly because the profiles have been developed 
in more than one cycle. When a river is rejuvenated, by a general fall 
of base-level or by deformation of part of the earth's crust, the new 
profile developing headwards from the new base-level intersects the 
old profile in a kriickpoint. Unfortunately many irregularities of 
profile, whether cyclic or not, do not appear on long-profiles 
constructed from contoured maps. Hence the ungraded state of some 
rivers can be proved only by levelling. All that the map interpreter 
can do is to discover which rivers, according to his map, are certainly 
ungraded in the present cycle, by locating marked irregularities of 

Note that the form of the profile is the only criterion of a graded 
state; the presence or absence of meanders has no significance here. 

Braided streams can be graded. Again, rivers can begin to meander 
well before maturity is reached in the first cycle, and, once meanders 
are incised, their trace can obviously be preserved throughout a series 
of successive rejuvenations. 

Physiographic Subdivision 

When the processes at work, the underlying geological structures, 
and the stage reached in the current and earlier cycles of erosion have 
been decided as fully as the map permits, the work of description may 
begin. It is.usually necessary to subdivide the area represented into 
parts which, each with its unifying characteristics, may be discussed in 
turn, and to illustrate the subdivision by a sketch-map. The method 
of subdividing must be carefully thought out. When, as in most map 
interpretation, only small areas are in question, it must nearly always 
depend on physical differences. Field studies in geomorphology 
have revealed the basic principle, which is that a great part of the earth's 
surface may be appropriately described in terms of flats and slopes. A 
geomorphologist regards the physical landscape as composed of a 
number of facets, each a slope or a flat, some depositional, others 

1 Recent work indicates that a smooth long-profile may never be attained, and that 
maturity may be indefinable in terms of slope. Obviously irregular reaches, however, 
remain significant. 


reflecting the structure of die solid rocks, and yet others entirely 
erosional in origin. Once this principle is grasped, a contoured map 
can be used in drawing boundaries between small contiguous parcels 
of land, differing from one another in form, slope, aspect, geology, 
soil quality, and frequently also in density and form of occupance and 
in surface utilization. 

The above statements merely express what has long been practised 
in map interpretation, and record its sound foundation in morpho- 
logical theory. As Linton 1 has so truly said, "a predilection for 
morphological subdivisions may be considered as a characteristic of 
British geographical method" ; but, rather surprisingly, no standard 
nomenclature has arisen, comprising terms useful in identifying and 
describing the units of country with which map interpretation deals. 
The word "region" will not serve; "area" is too weak. In this book 
the nomenclature adopted is that suggested by Linton (op. cit.), as 

Site. The unit of the smallest order; the geographical equivalent 
of a single morphological feature, such as an individual hillside or a 
patch of river terrace. 

Stow. An assemblage of sites, possessing a geographical unity ; 
cf. the examples suggested by Unstead, the valley stows and the 
plateau stows of the North Downs. 

Tract. A group of stows, again with a geographical unity, but 
with a higher order of complexity ; for example the North Downs 
as a whole. 

Section. A unit of higher order, which derives its unity in part 
from climate, vegetation, and land use; for example the highland 
of N.W. France (Armorica). 

Province. A group of sections with a fundamental geographical 
resemblance; for example the Oceanic Uplands Province of 
Linton, comprising S.W. Ireland, S.W. England and the coast of 
S. Wales, and the N.W. Highlands of France. 

Continental Subdivision. The major unit in the subdivision of 
a continent; for example the Atlantic Highlands, comprising the 
extreme west and north of Ireland, Scotland beyond the Lowlands, 
and most of Scandinavia. 

The three highest orders are illustrated in Linton (op. cit.). 

1 D. L. LINTON. "The Delimitation of Morphological Regions." Published in London 
Essays in Geography^ edited by L. Dudley Stamp and S. W. Wooldridge. Longmans, 
Green, London, 1951, p. 199. 


Needless to say, interpretation on medium scales will be concerned 
chiefly with sites, stows, and tracts or parts of tracts. 

These terms have a self-apparent value in providing much-needed 
names for use in detailed physical description, and in bringing some 
precision into descriptive work. When they are correctly employed, 
there need be no doubt at any time as to the class of unit under dis- 
cussion, or as to the order of geographical complexity which it is 
likely to attain. One might discuss at considerable length the use of 
physical criteria in' establishing major as well as minor geographical 
boundaries, but Linton's scheme has the indisputable advantage of 
coherence and of working upwards from the fundamental unit of 
country, the individual feature. The physical basis of unity in a partic- 
ular piece of country has been finely expressed by the same writer in 
these words 

"If in any area the physiographical conditions exist for the produc- 
tion of a particular slope form they are usually rather widespread and 
examples of that form are likely to be repeated fairly commonly over 
the area." (Ibid. p. 209.) 


In drawing sketch-maps one should aim at representing the principal 
steep slopes, such as scarp-faces, the walls of wide valleys, or the edges 
of mountain blocks. When a sketch-map is prepared in this way for 
one of the O.S. 1/63,360 sheets, the subdivision into stows will have 
been at least partly effected, although further boundaries may be 
necessary, for example at the edge of a fen which is bounded by low 
but better-drained country. Steep slopes are physical features and 
geographical sites ; the boundary between stows is usually to be drawn 
at the foot of the slope. 

Physical interpretation, however, demands more than boundaries. 
Many significant features must be appropriately symbolized on a 
sketch-map. If contoured maps were already adequate, other devices 
for showing landform would be superfluous; but, since contours, 
however close and accurate, are descriptive rather than interpretative, 
there is need for a scale of symbols suitable for use in sketch-mapping, 
such as that given here. (See Fig. i.) These symbols are already widely 
used and widely understood. Those for steep slopes are all variants of 
hachuring, which can be adapted at will for representing scarp-faces 
developed on a variety of geological formations, the abrupt edges of 







selected flats, 
e.g. terraces, 
bevelled summits 

glacial trough 
end- moraine 
alluvial fan 


exposed r 
r rock surface 


. . '. .... 


>.s and 



der scar 1 
ff slope [ 
J valley 














rfall or 
ion of dip 
nal axis 
nal axis 

' outcrops 









' . * . ' 




beach bar 


sand , foreshore 



lava flow 


* c 



^ T ! 


* 4- * 



uplands, the walls of glacial troughs, and the sides of incised valleys. 
Where flats have to be emphasized selectively they may be blocked-in 
or stippled. Certain kinds of terrain demand special attention to 
special features, such as drumlins or dunes. When a symbol which 
can be rapidly drawn is already widely used on published maps, it 
should be preferred, but in other cases a new symbol may have to be 

Several of the illustrations in this book are sketch-maps show- 
ing physique, or. of physical analysis, using symbols from the 
accompanying scale, while Fig. 6 shows a complete morphological 
subdivision into stows. It should be noted that each sketch-map 
depends for its effect on the selection and simplification of the material 
contained in the original topographical map, and that the facts to be 
shown can be adequately represented in black only. It may not be 
out of place here to counsel those who are beginning the study of map 
interpretation that in sketch-mapping of this kind the clear austerity 
of monochrome is usually preferable to the confused gaiety of colour. 


Each of the following works deals generally with the evolution of 
landscape, both in the normal and the special cycles. Since the mode of 
treatment varies somewhat from one to another, it is desirable that 
more than one should be closely studied. 

C. Ar COTTON. Geomorphology. Third Edition. Whitcombe & 
Tombs, Christchurch, New Zealand, 1942. 

G. H. DURY. The Face of the Earth. Penguin Books, London, 1959. 

O. D. VON ENGELN. Geomorphology. Macmillan, New York, 1949. 

L. C. K*ING. South African Scenery. Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 

A. K. LOBECK. Geomorphology. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1939. 

W. D. THORNBURY. Principles of Geomorphology. Wiley, New 
York, 1954. 

No student of physical geography can neglect the work of W. M. 
DAVIS, in particular the papers reprinted in Part II of Geographical 
Essays (Ginn, Boston (Mass.), 1909). Of these, the following should be 
consulted at an early stage 

"The Geographical Cycle." Reprinted from Geogr. journal, xiv, 
1899, p. 481. 

"Base-level, Grade, and Peneplain." Reprinted from Journal oj 
Geology, x, 1902, p. 77. 


Much of the Davisian thesis is now being strongly challenged. For 
an important summary of opposing views, see 

L. C. KING. "Canons of Landscape Evolution," Bull. geol. Soc. 
Amcr., 64, 1953, p. 721. 

The question of geographical subdivision is discussed in 

D. L. LINTON. "The Delimitation of Morphological Regions." 
Published in London Essays in Geography, edited by L. Dudley Stamp 
and S. W. Wooldridge. Longmans, Green, London, 1951, p. 199. 

J. F. UNSTEAD. "A System of Regional Geography." Published in 
Geography, xviii, 1933, p. 175. 

Specimens of morphological mapping may be found in 

COMITE NATIONALS DE GEOGRAPHIE. Atlas de Prance. Planches 8, 
8 A, 9, 9A: Morphologic. (Scale: 1/1,000,000.) 

D. L. LINTON. Watershed Breaching by Ice in Scotland. Institute of 
British Geographers, Publication No. 15. George Philip, London, 
1951, p. 8. (Sec especially Figs. 4 and 5.) 

S. W. WOOLDRIDGE and D. L. LINTON. Structure, Surface and 
Drainage in South-east England. George Philip, London, 1955. 

Techniques of morphological mapping in the field are discussed in 

R. S. WATERS. "Morphological Mapping," Geography, xliii, 1958, 
p. 10. 

3-(E. 5 i 9 6) 



A most patient and thorough examination of the structure is 
made by the destructive forces. W. M. DAVIS 


ON this part of the English Plain scarpland topography is boldly 
developed. There can be no mistaking the impressive scarp-face, 
rising as much as 800 ft. above the sub-edge country to the north- 
west. South-eastwards there is a general, steady descent, readily made 
out although the country is considerably dissected. In broad outline, 
then, the structure appears simple : the Avon valley has been excavated 
in weak, impermeable rocks, while the Cotswolds are based on more 
resistant strata, permeable at least in part and dipping gently towards 
the south-east. It will be seen in due course that the foregoing state- 
ment must be qualified in some important respects, but for the time 
being it is well to accept it and to consider, in as much detail as the 
map permits, the lithology and geological structure which so markedly 

influence relief. 

The Scarp-formers 

Although the dry valleys of the back-slope indicate permeable rock, 
and althoifgh the name "down" is given to many hills, 1 this is not 
Chalk country. "Chalk Hill" (i326) 2 no more proves an outcrop of 
Chalk than "Upper Slatepits" (1032) indicates the presence of meta- 
morphosed shales. The texture of relief can be appealed to for 
guidance. The short re-entrant valleys or combes in the Cotswold 
scarp-face are more sharply and deeply cut than the corresponding 
scalloped recesses in Chalk, while the contours of the back-slope are 
less smooth than those, for example, of the comparable part of the 
Chilterns. (See also the following chapter.) The Cotswold terrain, 

1 The use of "down" in hill names is adduced, with surprising frequency, as evidence 
of Chalk. 
1 Throughout this book, grid references apply only to the kilometre squares. 


with narrow, steep-sided valleys and tabular interfluves, suggests a 
dissected plateau much more strongly than do the swelling undulations 
of much Chalk country. Discontinuous drainage occurs much more 
widely here than on the Chalk: a number of valleys are dry only in 
certain reaches, as, for instance, that of the Dikler between 147303 and 
167279, a characteristic which suggests that the rocks of the cuesta are 
not permeable throughout, at least to a uniform degree. Some sand- 
stones are highly permeable in mass, but rarely develop the localized 
sinks which cause a stream to disappear; hence it may be concluded 
that the rocks of the Cotswolds include limestones, which must be 
mechanically stronger than Chalk in order to support the steep valley 

There is some indication in the forms of the scarp-face that the 
scarp-forming rocks are not homogeneous throughout. The steep 
descent is broken at several places by benches, most clearly seen 
perhaps on Oxenton Hill (963 1) and in Burhill east of Buckland (0836). 
The main summit of the Oxenton Hill group, rising to 734 ft., is 
presumably capped by resistant rock; but a different formation at a 
lower level would seem to cap the three spurs at 500-600 ft., Dixton 
Hill (9830), Crane Hill (9630), and the broad shoulder south of Ted- 
dington (9632). Similarly at Burhill there is a sharp descent of some 
250 feet from the brow of the main scarp to a distinctive flat, which 
slopes gently to the south in rough accordance with the assumed 
regional dip. It is, of course, natural to expect that lithological changes 
should occur in a thickness of some 500 feet of sediments. 

The Clay Vale 

The strong formations are underlaid by weak rocks, which have 
been deeply eroded into a strike vale. As stated previously, the weak 
rocks may safely be regarded as of the clay family ; but the lowland 
tract is not unvaried. The sub-edge country between the scarp and 
the River Avon is divided into two stows, the Vales of Gloucester and 
Evesham, by a group of detached hills. The flanks of these hills are 
so obviously similar in general form and detail to the main scarp-face 
that they must be geologically similar ; the resemblance is emphasized 
by the distribution of woodland, which is very like that of the main 
scarp. It follows that the hills are outliers, orographical as well as 
geological, of the cuesta, and that they have survived for some reason 
while the scarp generally has receded. At first sight there is nothing to 
explain why they should not also have been destroyed as the strike 


vale was opened out, but a useful clue may be obtained when a further 
principle is applied. 


The solution lies in minor structures, which may conveniently be 
discussed as part of the question of cuesta structure as a whole. It is a 
mistake to suppose that, in the English scarplands at least, the back- 
slopes are usually structural surfaces: to this extent the customary 
simple diagram illustrating elementary accounts of scarpland country 
is misleading. As a rule, the dip of the strata is greater than the general 
slope of the ground, so that progressively younger rocks come in 
towards the foot of the back-slope. Again, in many cuestas minor 
folds and faults occur, which may or may not be reflected in the form 
of the ground. Once it is accepted that in actuality a cuesta is likely to 
possess some internal structural variety, the interpreter is naturally on 
the look-out for signs. The scarp-face is most likely to repay close 
study, for its outline may be influenced by transverse folds or faults. In 
an anticline, for example, the weak underlying rocks will be laid open 
to attack and the scarp-face may be deeply indented; a syncline which 
brings down the scarp-former may appear as a projection of the high 
ground into a strike vale. 

The structural pattern of the Cotswold cuesta is somewhat com- 
plicated, as intermittent folding took place over a long period, 
including the time when the sediments were being laid down. Little 
of the total effect can be made out from Sheet 144, but it is at least 
possible to see the deep re-entrant valley of the Isbourne above 
Winchcomlj (0228) and that of the Badsey Brook south of Broadway 
(0937). If these are anticlines, an ill-marked syncline appears to lie 
between them, with a much deeper downfold west of Winchcomb 
passing through Cleeve Hill (9826), Nottingham Hill (9828), and 
Oxenton Hill. Bredon Hill is actually down-faulted, but this cannot 
be seen from the map. One can perceive, however, that the cap-rock 
here appears to stand lower than on the main crest of the south : the 
profile of the Cotswold back-slope, if projected towards the north- 
west, would pass above the summit of Bredon Hill. 

With a little care, the interpreter may further make out signs of 
earth-movement on a more considerable scale. The map evidence 
available on this sheet is none too plentiful, but is nevertheless perfectly 
sound. North of the Avon, a little west of the meridian of Evesham, 
is a stow of low hill country in which stands Church Lench (0251). 


The 2 soft, contour and the patches of woodland draw attention to the 
steep outward-facing edges, which are appropriate to a denuded 
syncline. The problem of linking this syncline to the one passing 
through Cleeve Hill is less important, in the present connection, than 
the remarkable similarity between these hills and the small cuesta 
between Eatington (2649) and Loxley (2553). The resemblance 
extends to the distribution of woodland as well as to height, but lies 
fundamentally in the details of the scarp-slopes and in the amplitude 
of curvature of the contours. It looks as if the two stows might be 
based on a single formation. If so, a strong fold or fault must lie 
between; for the strong rocks of the Lcnch Hills occur in the clays of 
the strike vale and must dip under the scarp-formers of the Cotswolds, 
but the small cuesta in the north-east is in line with the Cotswold 
scarp-face. In other words, the north-eastern cuesta is considerably 
offset down the dip. Such a distribution would be expected if a fault 
or fold, near the line of the Stour valley, threw down the rocks on the 
south-western side. In that event one would expect the main scarp 
also to be offset. In reality certain complications occur, but this map 
suffices to suggest that Chastleton Hill (2628) may correspond to 
Ilmington Down (1842) and that displacement of the kind envisaged 
has taken place. These suggestions are summarized in Fig. 2. 


The value of interpreting structure before drainage will now be 
realized. Unless structures can be defined independently, there is no 
way of telling whether or not the drainage is adjusted. It is an ele- 
mentary error in logic to assume implicitly that adjustment has taken 
place, and to use this assumption to define structures. On this view, 
most of the trunk streams of a scarpland will seem to have become 
adjusted to structure, whereas in fact many, in the English Plain, are 
far from being so. 

The Warwickshire Avon is often cited as a strike-stream. From the 
atlas map there seems little doubt that it is; but it has already been 
noted that transverse structures appear to run across the river, notably 
in the Lench hills, and there is no alternative but to regard it as super- 
imposed, at least in part. The topographical map provides no clue to 
the truth, that it has cut into the "solid" rocks through a thick covering 
of Pleistocene material. Nor is there any sign of the many fans of 
sludge deposits, which in periglacial conditions spread over the sub- 
edge plain from the numerous combes. 


Terraces of the Avon 

Despite these serious limitations, the selected map provides a con- 
siderable amount of useful information concerning the later evolution 
of the Avon system. As always, the interpreter should be on the watch 
for signs of re-grading in progress. Since the valley bottom is 100 
feet or so below the surrounding countryside, it may be assumed that 
rejuvenation has taken place. The rocks of the Vale are mostly weak, 
but not too weak to preserve sufficient detail, at a number of sites, 
to show the manner and the effect of the renewed downcutting. 
Between Bidford on Avon (1051) and Offenham (0546) meanders 
appear to have swept freely down-valley, trimming back meander-spurs 
into straight lines of bluffs, clearing any valley fill, and developing a 
continuous ribbon of flood-plain. In contrast, the run of the 5O-ft. 
contour in the lobes of Pensham and Birlingham (9444, 9343) suggests 
slip-off slopes of gentle gradient, which are opposed by undercut 
slopes at least fifty feet high across the river. Here are certainly 
ingrown meanders, which have enlarged themselves laterally during 
incision without migrating downstream to any marked extent. The 
lobes of ingrown meanders deserve very close inspection for signs of 
terraces, which are often best preserved at such sites. Although a 
standard topographical map will never reveal terraces with the clarity 
of a geological sheet or a special morphological map, something may 
perhaps^be read from the spot heights and the run of drainage channels. 
Thus, here, spot heights of 81, 79, and 69 ft. are given on the lobe 
immediately east of Pershore (9646), whereas the flood-plain alluvium 
stands at ogly 50 ft. just below Pershore Bridge, i miles downstream. 
Between the points at 79 and 69 ft. there is a fall of only 10 ft. in | mile; 
at this rate the river would be reached at 60-65 ft- If these points are 
on the flood-plain, there must be a pronounced break of slope a little 
above the bridge. Further search, however, discloses that a patch of 
terrace is present, for a height of only 61 ft. is marked on the crown of 
a road, higher up the valley at 999457. Again, the tips of some lobes 
are cut off by small channels, as near Birlingham, and below the spot 
height 61 where Lench and Oxton Ditches are named. It is justifiable 
to suppose that the crescent between these channels and the main 
stream is part of the flood-plain, whereas on the landward side of the 
channels the ground stands higher in other words, that the channels 
define the edge of the alluvium, acting as drainage ditches for the 
flood-plain and as catchwaters for ditches or streams flowing towards 


the river. Confirmatory evidence is often forthcoming. The field 
road through Broadway stops short at Oxton Ditch (cf. the similar 





mom scorp 
sub- scorp 
minor scorp 


Avon flood plain and low terrace 
incised meonderinq volleys 
former head of Evenlode 
dry volleys ( ~~ 

^Inferred anticlines 
inferred synclines 
.-^. inferred line of downward 
displocement to west 


(Based, by permission, on Sheet 144 of the O.S. New Popular 1/63,360 Map) 

termination of a similar road at 948428). Evesham stands on the lobe of 
a notably asymmetric and ingrown meander. On the southern side 
of the town, building is roughly confined within the roo-ft. contour, 
which curves smoothly round within the loop of the river. On the 


south-western, downstream, side of the lobe the river appears to have 
shifted a little down-valley, leaving a crescentic patch of alluvium 
with poor natural drainage. The Evesham site seems to have acted 
as a node, through which meanders have been unable to sweep freely 
down the valley, for all the evidence goes to show that here and in 
the downstream loops the alluvium is confined to the tips of the lobes. 
Above the flood-plain, terrace patches indicate that downcutting has 
been intermittent. 

The Stour and the Evenlode 

In the Stour system relief is more varied, and the valley less widely 
opened than that of the Avon. It has already been inferred that the 
Stour is probably cutting back along a structural line; but, although 
downcutting has been vigorous, the meanders have not apparently 
been able to sweep out an alluvial trough. Note the sharpened spurs 
near Halford (2645) and below Shipston (2641), which are being 
attacked on their upstream sides but are as yet little eroded. 

The greatest contrast is that between the valleys of the Stour and 
of the Evenlode, the one with numerous small hills 150-200 ft. higher 
than their surroundings, the other with a wide, flat floor, which ends 
abruptly in a steep edge defined by the 35O-ft. and 400-6. contours. 
This is an erosional scarp. The Stour is pressing back the divide, 
causing it to creep south-eastwards; it has also leapt, for the Knee 
Brook head of the Stour has beheaded the Evenlode which once 
flowed through the col at Campden Tunnel (Fig. 2). The topo- 
graphical map can do no more than hint at the former course of 
events, proof being obtained from work in the field. 

Underfit Streams 

The action of capture must have reduced the volume of the Even- 
lode, but capture is not the explanation of underfit. The interpreter 
notes that in the trace of the river below Adlestrop Station (2526) 
meanders of small radius are superimposed on windings of much 
greater size. The small meanders are described by the low-water 
channel of the river, which appears too small for its valley and is 
therefore described as a misfit, or underfit, stream. The implication 
is that discharge has in some way been greatly diminished. Many 
writers, following the early work of W. M. Davis, regard underfit as 
the result of river capture, since beheaded streams are often found in an 
underfit condition; but Sheet 144 shows that the capturing Stour, as 


well as the beheaded Evenlode, has meanders of the two orders of 
size. Each river meanders within a meandering valley, and, in addition, 
the Avon itself, although much regularized for navigation, displays 
similar features, for example, in the Birlingham loop. The Coin, 
which may well have been beheaded by the Isbourne, is no more a 
misfit than the Avon, which should have been increased in volume by 
any capture effected. Two useful conclusions may be drawn. Firstly, 
capture is inadequate to explain underfit, which must be accounted 
for in some more general fashion. Secondly, it is important to 
distinguish, in description, between the meanders of the river and 
those of the valley. It is the lobes of valley-meanders which provide 
the interlocking spurs so frequently mentioned in introductory 

Since underfit streams on the back-slope are not reliable indicators 
of capture, the contest of streams along the crestal divide must be 
interpreted with much care. In a tract such as this, where the sedi- 
mentary scarp-formers are (as seen above) somewhat varied, and where 
transverse structures have been identified, a notch in the crest may not 
invariably be the result of capture. It is quite possible that two 
streams, one on the scarp-face and the other on the back-slope, have 
worked headwards along a single line of weakness, approaching the 
same point on the watershed and forming a col. Consequently the 
shallow dry gaps, as at Lyne's Barn (0627), may be noted without 
explanation. There is no way of knowing, from the topographical 
map alone, which of these are inherited from beheaded streams. 
Capture appears certain only where, as between the Coin on the one 
side and the Isbourne and Chelt on the other, the dry gaps are unusually 

If in the foregoing paragraphs the limitations of the topographical 
map seem to have been stressed, the effect is deliberate. It is useless to 
approach the task of interpreting maps of real country in the hope that 
structures, landscapes, and the results of human occupance will every- 
where be simple. If they were, geographical study would fail to 
stimulate and many cartographical problems would disappear. There 
is no point in seeking complexity for its own sake, but the interpreter 
who is prepared, on general grounds, to find the actuality varied will be 
best fitted to discover most from the map. It seems particularly appro- 
priate that this initial study of scarpland country, which at first glance 
appears so uncomplicated and clear-cut, should provide the necessary 
caution against an over-simple treatment. 



For a general account of the geology, including structure, see 

G. A. KELLAWAY and F. B. A. WELCH. Bristol and Gloucester District. 
Second Edition. British Regional Geology Scries, H.M.S.O., 1948. 
(See especially Figs. 3 and 20 for maps of structure.) 

F. H. EDMUNDS and K. P. OAKLEY. The Central England District. 
Second Edition. British Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1947. 

A summary of the orthodox views on the evolution of scarpland 
drainage is 

W. M. DAVIS. "The Drainage of Cuestas." Proc. Geol. Assoc., xvi, 
1899-1900, p. 75. As stated in the text, this concept is not wholly 
applicable to the Cotswolds and the Avon valley. 

The capture of part of the Evenlode by the Stour is described in 
W. J. ARKELL. The Geology of Oxford. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 


W. J. ARKELL. "The Geology of the Evenlode Gorge, Oxfordshire." 
Proc. Geol. Assoc., Iviii, 1947, p. 87. 

M. E. TOMLINSON. "The Drifts of the Stour-Evenlode Watershed, 
etc." Proceedings of the Birmingham Natural History and Philosophical 
Society, xv, Part viii, 1929, p. 157. 

Descriptions of the morphology and drift deposits of the sub-edge 
plain occur in 

W.J. ARKELL. The Geology of Oxford. (Above.) 

W. W. BISHOP. "The Pleistocene Geology and Geomorphology 
of Three Gaps, etc.," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Ser. B, No. 682, cxli, 
1958, p. 255. 

G. H. DURY. "A 400-ft. Bench in South-eastern Warwickshire." 
Proc. Geol. Assoc., Ixii, 1951, p. 167. 

F. W. SHOTTON. "The Pleistocene Deposits of ... Coventry, 
Rugby, and Leamington, etc.," Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., Ser. B, No. 646, 
cxxxvii, 1953, p- 209- 


. . . the shapely figured aspect of Chalk hills. GILBERT WHITE 

MAP: O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 167 

THE most cursory examination of this map sheet reveals that most of 
the ground represented is based on Chalk. The easily recognized 
assemblage of cartographic symbols and contour patterns stands for a 
highly typified association of actual features, those of high open 
downland a kind of landscape not found throughout the Chalk 
outcrops but very widespread there. Somewhat paradoxically, a 
map may allow no possible doubt that Chalk is present, while pro- 
viding weak or unconvincing items of specific evidence. The best 
guide to diagnosis is the texture of the country as a whole. 

General Aspect of Chalk Country 

The most striking attribute of much Chalk terrain is its lack of 
surface drainage, which in itself proves no more than that die under- 
lying rock is permeable. As in some other limestone tracts, valleys 
occur although streams are lacking. On the Chalk these dry valleys 
are found to be distinctively arranged in elaborate branching systems, 
similar in plan to surface drainage and, with very few exceptions, 
sloping continuously downwards to their mouths. Dry valleys 
elsewhere, for example, on the Carboniferous Limestone, are much 
less regular in form, particularly in long-profile. The smoothly 
undulant appearance of many Chalk tracts, and the flowing contours 
by which they are represented on the map are due to a characteristic 
combination of the dry valleys the bottoms with the intervening 
swelling hills. The dry valley systems are generally regarded as having 
been cut by surface streams in conditions which no longer obtain. 
The matter cannot be argued at length here, but one may note in 
passing that the water table has evidently fallen so that percolation has 
largely replaced run-off. As with other permeable outcrops, springs 
are to be expected at the boundary of underlying impermeable strata, 



or in the deeper valleys which have been cut down to the water-table. 
Streams which head within the Chalk outcrop usually rise well below 
the upper ends of valleys (cf. on Sheet 167 the River Till, which is 
shown as rising at Orcheston St. George (0645), over five miles from 
the watershed and more than three miles below the village of Tilshead). 
In reality, the sources of streams of this kind are liable to shift up or 
down the valley, in response to rises and falls of the water-table. An 
unusual rise may cause temporary streams, called bournes or lavants, 
to flow in valleys which are normally dry: in the wet spring of 1950, 
which followed a wet autumn and winter, many such streams appeared 
on Salisbury Plain. A "bourne" element may be looked for in place- 
names, for example, the three Winterbournes (1634, 1635, and 1835) 
which all stand on the River Bourne. 

In some localities the Chalk outcrop is dimpled by sinks, which 
rarely appear, however, on the standard map. Few streams are 
swallowed, so that discontinuous drainage, like that of some other 
limestone tracts, is not to be expected. The combination of many dry 
valleys with few large localized sinks, which results from the wholesale 
opening of joint-planes, is a means whereby Chalk can be distinguished 
on the map from other permeable formations. 

Some scarp-faces on the Chalk are remarkably straight, but others 
are scalloped by short, rounded combes (cf. on Sheet 167 the form of 
the scarp from Chirton Bottom (0655) eastwards). Combes of this 
shape appear to have been eroded in the special conditions of a peri- 
glacial environment and should not, therefore, be looked on as 
essential features of denuded chalklands, but where they occur they 
are useful pointers to the nature of the rock. 

The evidence so far reviewed suffices, in the main, to prove perme- 
able strata. The special characteristics the smooth outlines, the dry 
valley systems, and the general permeability are those which suggest 
Chalk, and which, moreover, are all to be discovered from the map 
of contours and water only. Other evidence, for which one must 
refer to the full topographic sheet, is almost entirely supplementary in 
character and secondary in importance. Chalk quarries may be named, 
as, for example, in "Chalkpit Hill" (2249), but a single example is not 
always reliable. Similarly the names Broad Chalke (0325) and Bower 
Chalke (0223) are helpful but not in themselves conclusive. Signs of 
prehistoric occupance indicate no more than an easily cleared tract of 
light, shallow soils. Similarly, the little that can be read of present 
land use provides suggestions rather than facts, and is very far from 


giving a definite indication of rock type. The interpreter, then, 
should rely on the forms of the ground and on the texture of the relief 
to show where Chalk occurs, treating any additional material as 
tending to confirm inferences already drawn. 

Limits of the Chalk Outcrop 

It is nevertheless true that certain distributions, for example, that of 
woodland, may be of use in interpreting the approximate boundaries 
of the Chalk. One may expect the outer boundary to be associated 
with a scarp-face, as generally throughout this tract, in which event it 
is easily fixed: the belts of woodland on rocks beneath the Chalk, as 
for instance in the upper Nadder valley in the south-west, serve to 
emphasize (not to demonstrate) the grain of the relief; but, where the 
Chalk is in part overlain by Tertiary rocks or by Clay-with-flints, the 
soils are likely to be very different from those developed on the Chalk, 
and the difference is usually, in fact, reflected to some extent in the 
occurrence of woodland or heath. The possibility that such deposits 
may occur deserves to be strongly emphasized, for the chalklands 
cannot be understood if it is ignored. 

On Sheet 167 the bounding scarps of the Chalk tract are seen to 
flank the Vale of Pewsey in the north, the upper Nadder valley in the 
south-west, and a small part of the Wylye valley above Upton Lovell 
(9440). (See also Fig. 3.) One may assume that the Chalk tends to dip 
southwards and eastwards away from the boundary thus defined. 
Now within the line of scarp-faces, woodland is extensive only in the 
east, and on the crest between the Wylye and the Nadder. East of the 
Avon below Salisbury the woodland is based on impermeable rock, 
as shown by the surface drainage: from what has been said, it may be 
guessed that here the Chalk dips under younger, that is, Tertiary, rocks. 
In the west, however, the woodland occurs on the highest ground, not 
far from the outer limit of the Chalk tract. It is entirely possible, if not 
indeed highly probable, that this woodland is underlain by Clay-with- 
flints, the product of lengthy subaerial weathering of Chalk. Because 
similar large woods are not found on the crests of other interfluves, 
it should not be assumed that Clay-with-flints is confined to this stow 
alone: former woodland may have been cleared for cultivation. 

Geological Structure 

Chalk having been identified and its limits broadly defined, an 
interpretation of the geological structure may now be attempted. 


Although much of the tract could be described in terms of scarp-face 
and back-slope, as a whole it is not an area of uniclinal structure but 
one of folding. This fact may be ascertained in either of two ways : 
from a synoptic view of all the scarp-faces shown on the map, or from 
a comparison of inferred dips. 

The Chalk scarps which bound the Vale of Pewsey face one another 
across the low ground and converge towards the east. The same is 
true of the corresponding scarps of the upper Nadder valley. In each 
case the forms are those of a denuded anticline which pitches, that is, 
dies away, eastwards. The extremity of a third similar structure is 
found in the Wylye valley, in the westermost part shown. If each 
section of scarp-face is taken as running roughly along the strike, and 
dip arrows inserted pointing down the back-slopes, it will be found 
that, for example, the inferred dips are to the north on the northern 
side of the Vale of Pewsey and to the south on the southern an 
anticlinal axis must lie between them. An approximately south- 
south-east dip near Bratton (9152) opposes one to the north-east at 
Heytesbury (9242): here a synclinal axis must intervene. In these 
ways a picture is obtained of a tract of open folding, wherein the axes 
run approximately east-west and the anticlines pitch eastwards (Fig. 3). 

This interpretation is confirmed and extended when the landforms 
of the anticlinal vales are closely examined. Sub-scarps are found to 
occur at the foot of the Chalk scarp-faces, that is to say, another resis- 
tant formation appears from beneath the Chalk, standing out in a 
narrow and lower cuesta. South of the Nadder a prominent bench 
runs from Donhead St. Andrew (9225) to Barford St. Martin (0531), 
more than a mile wide and clearly demarcated by the steep, tree-clad 
edge on its northern side. The forms suggest a gentle southerly dip 
similar to the inferred dip of the Chalk above. Corresponding features 
occur north of the river, but the bench is replaced by a line of hog- 
back ridges, here also marked by a line of woodland which runs 
westward along Wick Ball (0032) and Ridge Hill (9532). The hog- 
back form signifies a steep dip; or, in other words, the upfold is 
asymmetrical, dipping steeply on the northern flank and gently on the 
southern. No sub-scarp is visible in the nose of the Wylye anticline, 
but it may be at once identified in the Vale of Pewsey. In the extreme 
west the Chalk and the lower scarps are combined in a single edge, but 
eastwards of Erdington (9253) the sub-scarp detaches itself and the line 
of woodland begins near Erlestoke (9654). A line of scarp features is 
easily traced across the mouth of the Vale, through Devizes, with the 



help of the woodland symbol which shows where the crowded 
contours should be looked for. 

icorpi ruing above \r\ land above TOO ft 


(Based, by permission, on Sheet 167 of the O.S. New Popular 1/63,360 Map) 

The map indicates no more than a resistant formation, underlying 
the Chalk and similar in respect of dip. One might well suggest that 
in view of the general concordance of structure it also is likely to 
belong to the Cretaceous. In the field the outcrop proclaims itself 


from a distance. The woodland is largely coniferous (not distinguished 
on the modern O.S. 1/63,360 sheet) and is very dark in appearance, 
especially in the colder months. The observer is at no pains to 
recognize the Greensand. 

Further structural interpretation is not easy, except that the low 
ground west of Devizes is seen to be based on weak, impermeable 
rock presumably clay. Axes of folding additional to those described 
are present in the area and affect the relief in varying degree, but, like 
the faults which also occur, can scarcely be interpreted from the map. 
It has already been suggested that the impermeable rocks in the 
south-east may be of Tertiary age, in which event they would occupy 
a syncline, but the suggestion cannot be confirmed without more 
evidence. The geological basis of a number of hills in the east, which 
rise above the Chalk plateau, must similarly remain obscure until the 
geological map is consulted. Wexcombe Down (2757) attains 876 ft., 
unusually high for this tract, and well above the crest level of the 
nearest bounding scarp. The line of hills from Windmill Down (245 1) 
to Quarley Hill (2642) seems to present a scarp-face, marked by 
woodland, towards the west, but Sidbury Hill (2150), Clarendon 
Hill (2248), and Beacon Hill (2044) on the other side of the Bourne 
valley are less clearly defined. The cuesta form is again found in the 
high ground which runs north-eastwards from Pitton (2131) and 
swings eastwards near Roche Court (2534), and also in Deal Hill 
(2526). Since the rock composing these patches of high ground is not 
likely to be less resistant than the generality of the Chalk, and, since 
dry vall&ys are found, it might be that the scarped hills at least owe 
their form to resistant beds high in the Chalk succession (cf. the South 

Downs, where two scarp-formers occur within the Upper Chalk). 

The Drainage Pattern 

It is true to say that in this tract, as in the English Plain as a whole, 
not every major structure is unequivocally expressed in the relief. All 
the more caution is necessary, therefore, in an interpretation of the 
drainage-pattern. If structures are in part unknown, a complete 
description of the stream systems in terms of dip-, strike-, and scarp- 
streams is obviously impossible, for it would imply not only that 
structures are known but also that streams have attained some measure 
of adjustment. Maladjustment of drainage, due to youth, glacial 
interference, antecedence, or superimposition, is a text-book common- 
place, but it is too seldom realized that much of the drainage of the 


English scarplands is maladjusted. The effects of glacial interference 
and of superimposition are widespread a fact never to be forgotten 
in map interpretation. 

Although the structures on the area represented on Sheet 167 have 
been imperfectly discerned from the map, it can be stated that the 
streams are not everywhere adjusted to them. The Nadder and Wylye 
occupy anticlinal valleys, the Ebble valley may be synclinal, but the 
Till, Avon, and Bourne flow across the lines of the east- west axes. 
Now, if the adjusted streams are the older, it is highly improbable that 
they would have thrown out tributaries across the structural grain: 
the maladjusted Avon is likely to be the earlier, with the adjusted 
streams developed as subsequents along the strike of weak rocks. In 
other words, the drainage appears to have been superimposed on a 
group of pitching folds, to which it is as yet only partially adjusted. 

Wind-gaps in the scarp crest, on the southern side of the Vale of 
Pcwsey at 9251 and 0151, testify to the capture which adjustment 
involves. The Till and a feeder of the Wylye have been beheaded by 
the Semington Brook, a tributary of the (Bristol) Avon, draining the 
weak outcrop in the north-west. The beheaded streams once rose 
north of the present crestline, as the (Wiltshire) Avon still does. Note 
that the divide between the two Avons lies on the resistant formation 
below the Chalk, somewhat east of the crest of the Devizes scarp. 
The Bristol Avon is gaining ground here also. 

Close inspection shows that the Chalk scarps, and the Great Ridge 
between the Wylye and the Nadder, have even crestlines, higher than 
650 ft. O.D. for considerable distances, but not often above 750 ft. 
This accordance of level suggests that the flat crestal belt has survived 
from a former more extensive erosion-platform. If so, the cycle in 
which the platform was produced must necessarily have reached an 
advanced stage. It follows, too, that the captures recorded in the wind- 
gaps must have taken place in the present cycle, for gaps produced in 
an earlier cycle would have been obliterated by planation. 

The incised condition of the larger valleys of the Chalk tract proves 
rapid downcutting in the present cycle, besides incidentally confirming 
the resistant nature of the rock. Weak rocks could not support such 
steep valley walls. Interpretation of drainage is somewhat hampered 
by the numerous minor channels in the valley bottoms, but it is amply 
shown that the rivers meander within meandering valleys. Since the 
general problem of valley-meanders has been outlined in Chapter III, 
further discussion can be dispensed with, but the present examples 

4 -(E.5i9<>) 


are well worth close attention if only by virtue of their bold, unmis- 
takable forms. The inner valley of the Avon between West Chisen- 
bury and Enford (1352) describes a great curve, within which the 
river traces loops of much smaller amplitude. Similar relations are 
found, for example, on the Bourne below Idmiston (1937) and on the 
Nadder (9829). It is the valley-meanders which are ingrown, and the 
spurs between them which have been eroded, that is, sharpened on 
their upstream sides. Observe, for instance, the three successive spurs 
in the Avon valley between Upper Woodford (1237) and Newton 

The minor channels mentioned in the previous paragraph are much 

too regular to be other than artificial: they are the "drawns" of water 
meadows. Where they occur the valley must be flat-bottomed, and 
the Avon both above and below Salisbury evidently flows over a 
winding ribbon of alluvium. From Charlton (1723) downstream the 
western side of the valley bottom is dry, however. Settlements occur 
on the low ground and the main road runs along the valley floor. 
These are signs of a terrace standing higher than the flood-plain, which 
although not indicated by contours is identifiable by other distribu- 
tions. One concludes that the downcutting in the present cycle has 
been intermittent. 

Evolution of the Landscape 

The several inferences may now be combined in the following 
minimiyn sequence of events required to account for the physical 
landscape as mapped 

1. Folding along east-west axes; anticlines pitching eastwards, 
at least one upfold steeper on its northern side. 

2. Prolonged denudation, producing a surface of low relief. This 
surface is recorded in the accordant summits of the present Chalk 

3. Fall of base-level, initiating new cycle later followed by further 
intermittent rejuvenation. It is probably the consequent drainage 
of this cycle that has been superimposed. 

Adjustment of drainage to structure is still incomplete in the 
present cycle (cf. wind-gaps, beheaded consequents, streams flowing 
across fold axes). 

Dry valleys belong to this cycle, since they are related to the 
present river system and lie well below the level of accordant crests. 


As might be expected, on general grounds, the full sequence is 
much more complicated, but the outline given here is valid as far as it 
goes and of considerable value in the understanding of the terrain 


For a general account of the geology, see 

C. A. CHATWIN. The Hampshire Basin and Adjoining Areas. Second 
Edition. British Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1948. 

The geomorphology is discussed, with more accuracy and in greater 
detail than in the foregoing text, in 

S. W. WOOLDRIDGE and D. L. LINTON. Structure, Surface and Drain- 
age in South-cast England. George Philip, London, 1955. (See especially 
Fig. 10 and the accompanying text.) 

Certain aspects of Chalk topography are dealt with by 

A. J. BULL. "Cold Conditions and Land Forms in the South 
Downs." Proc. Geol. Assoc., li, 1940, p. 63. 

C. C. FAGG. "The Recession of the Chalk Escarpment." Transactions 
of the Croydon Natural History and Scientific Society, ix, 1923, p. 93. 

F. K. HARE. "The Geomorphology of a Part of the Middle Thames/* 
Proc. Gcol. Assoc. , Iviii, 1947, p. 294. (See especially pp. 326-8.) 

J. F. KIRKALDY. "Solution of the Chalk in the Minims Valley, 
Herts/' Proc. Geol. Assoc., Ixi, 1950, p. 219. 

W. V. LEWIS. "The Pegsdon Dry Valleys/' Compass, i, No. 2, x, 

1949, p- 53- 

S. W. WOOLDRIDGE and J. F. KIRKALDY. "The Geology of the 
Minims Valley/' Proc. Geol. Assoc., xlviii, 1937, p. 307. 

The water meadows represented on Sheet 167 are among those 
discussed in 

H. P. MOON and F. H. W. GREEN. "Water Meadows in Southern 
England." Appendix II, p. 373, to F. H. W. GREEN: The Land of 
Britain, Part 89, Hampshire. Geographical Publications, London, 1940. 


Besides the story of the rocks, we may try to trace that of the 
surface itself. MACKINDER 

MAP: O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 186 

WHEN this area is first inspected for evidence of "structure, process, 
stage," one immediately notes strong contrasts with the areas of 
tilted and folded sedimentary rocks treated in Chapters III and IV. 
The area is a low plateau, undergoing dissection by numerous streams 
which flow in valleys mostly deep, narrow, and steep-sided. There is 
nothing corresponding to the broad strike vales or denuded anticlines 
previously studied, where weak clays formed the basis of wide stows 
of low ground. Here the rocks are generally resistant. Because of 
this, and because little progress has been made in the present erosion- 
cycle, geological structure must in part remain obscure. There are, 
however, compensations for the interpreter, as will shortly be seen. 
The processes now at work are those of normal erosion and the shore- 
line cycje. Because the area bears none of the marks of regional 
glaciation described below (see Chapter VI) it seems probable that 
normal and shoreline processes between them have shaped the entire 
landscape in its present form. The stage reached in the present sub- 
aerial cycle is that of youth, shown, for example, by the deep youthful 
valleys and the broad, flat crests which separate them. When the 
landscape is mature, opposing valley walls will have retreated so far 
that they meet along the crests of the divides, and the flat tops will 
have been consumed. It can be seen at a glance that maturity is some 
way off. Now the subdued relief of the crestal belts is the product of an 
earlier cycle than the present. The general form of the landscape 
produced in that earlier cycle would be realized if the existing valleys 
were filled in. As the existing landscape combines features produced 
in more than one cycle it is styled polycyclic. The map selected is 
especially well suited to illustrate the broader features of a polycyclic 
landscape, and the method of treatment employed in the following 



paragraphs is intended to exemplify some of the possibilities of inter- 
preting landscape history. 


The texture of relief is of two kinds. On Bodmin Moor, which lies 
north-west of centre and shows up prominently as a blank in the 
patterns of roads, settlement, and woodland, the valleys are wide, 
shallow and marshy. Most of the Moor is higher than 800 ft. O.D., 
with single hills exceeding 1,000 ft. and two over 1,300 ft. This part 
of the landscape is approaching a senile condition, for the higher hills 
are mere residuals above a wide, gently sloping plateau surface. In 
the tracts surrounding the Moor it is the interfluves that are broad and 
flat. They are separated by the incised young valleys already mentioned. 

The contrast of texture corresponds approximately to differences of 
lithology. China clay pits, for example at 1970 and 1381 on Bodmin 
Moor, and the extensive workings on Hensbarrow in the south-west 
indicate that these uplands are based on granite. 1 Other signs of this 
rock are the many tors, where residual piles of joint-blocks have 
survived the attack of erosion. Tors are usually looked on as the result 
of subacrial weathering, but it has also been suggested that some, at 
least, may represent the stacks and islets of shorelines higher than the 
present. Subaerial processes arc chiefly responsible for detaching the 
boulders which clutter the steeper hillsides of granitic country, and 
which are indicated on this map by the symbol for rock-strewn ground. 

It is clear that the granite of Bodmin Moor stands above the sur- 
rounding tracts in virtue of its greater strength, but even here one 
finds evidence of severe denudation. The very fact that the originally 
deep-seated granite is exposed at the surface proves that a great thick- 
ness of cover has been stripped off in cycles of which no trace remains. 
The earliest cycle to have left a recognizable mark on the present 
landscape is that in which the granite has worn down to the surface of 
low relief noted on first inspection. A closer examination shows 
that, at c. 850 and 1,000 ft. O.D., the summit of the Moor is a 
broad, open expanse with slight gradients and correspondingly wide- 
spaced contours. Such a plateau surface, cut across the granite, cannot 

1 One may note in passing that the origin of granite and china clay is wrongly stated 
in many older geographical texts. The alteration of granitic felspar to kaolin appears to 
have been a metamorphic process rather than the work of subaerial erosion. The forma- 
tion of granite is a matter of geological controversy, but it may be said that many author- 
ities regard this rock as incorporating much pre-existing material, rather than as being 
simply a solidified magma. 


be other than erosional. It requires, moreover, a long still-stand to 
account for the extensive wearing-down of the resistant rock, whether 
by subaerial or marine erosion. Since planation was nearly attained, it 
may be inferred that the base-level by which the erosional processes 
were controlled was not far from the bounding contour of the plateau, 
say, c. 800-850 ft. O.D. The higher hills overtopping this erosional 
platform may be residuals from an earlier cycle, for a number of 
summits are fairly flat, but as a group the hills are too few and too 
small to justify any attempted reconstruction of a higher platform. 

On the flanks of the granite outcrop there is a sharp descent from 
the c. 850-6. level, obvious enough on close inspection but much more 
clearly revealed by generalized contours. 1 Outside Bodmin Moor and 
Hensbarrow the ground is nearly all below 750 ft., with a general 
slope coastwards to levels of 200-400 ft. at the cliff-tops. As already 
noted, the surface is that of a low plateau, broadly preserved on the 
flat interfluves. It is interrupted at 2757 and 3771 by steep-sided hills, 
which, since they carry moorland vegetation, may again be granitic, 
and is undergoing dissection by streams flowing in young valleys. 
The summit surface, like the plateau of Bodmin Moor, is erosional, 
not structural. It lies lower than the erosional platform cut across the 
granite, and is developed across rocks in which the granite is cmplaced 
and which are therefore likely to be considerably disturbed and in part 
altered. Their structure cannot be discovered from this map, even in 
outline, for the planation recorded in the summit surface seems to 
have b^en complete, and differential erosion in the present cycle has 
made little headway. There is a hint of structural graining in the 
river pattern east of Bodmin Moor, where a number of east-west 
reaches ar$ to be observed, but this fact is significant only if the streams 
are adjusted to structure. 

Former Base-levels 

The non-granitic outcrops must have been denuded with reference 
to a lower base-level than that of c. 800-850 ft. which is thought to 
have controlled the levelling of Bodmin Moor. Presumably one or 
more falls of base-level occurred, with still-stands long enough for all 
the rocks except the granite to be worn down, whether by normal 
erosion or by the sea. There is, in fact, fair indication on the map of at 
least one intermediate still-stand. Near Tintagel (0588) a narrow 
platform occurs between the cliff-top at c. 300 ft. and a marked 
1 Sec below, Chapter XVI. 


topographic riser on the landward side which extends from c. 400- 
600 ft. O.D. or over. This steep slope might be the line of a former 
cliff, cut when the strand-line stood some 400 feet above its present 
level. In general, however, it cannot be claimed that any old shore- 
lines are well indicated by the map, however accurately they may be 
defined in the field. The closest scrutiny (on the map) of the immediate 
coastland will often fail to produce evidence of base-level changes 
which must have occurred to account for the forms of the valleys. It 
is so here. The incised valleys are a sound indication that, after the 
planation which is recorded on the flat intervening crests, base-level 
fell considerably. As a result the streams were rejuvenated and cut 
deeply into the erosional platform. 

On the high moorland, however, the valleys are not deeply cut: 
contours cross them at wide intervals, showing a gentle downstream 
gradient. It is evident that the headward waves of rejuvenation, 
propagated by the falls of base-level, have not yet reached the head- 
waters. Somewhere the long-profiles must be broken by knickpoints, 
where the older and newer elements intersect. The only reliable way 
to locate a knickpoint is to survey a valley in detail on the ground, for 
contours are apt to generalize the actual conditions and to that extent 
to be misleading. However, where rejuvenation has so obviously 
occurred as it has here, and where the stream profiles are generally 
steep, major breaks of profile may be revealed to inspection alone. In 
fact, contours crossing the valleys are significantly bunched, usually a 
short distance above the boundary of the granite, as follows : on the 
Inny, from 700 ft. downwards at 1786; on Penpont Water, below 
c. 650 ft. at 2181; on the Lynher, below c. 700 ft. at 2379; on the 
Fowey, below c. 600 ft. at 2268 where Golytha Falls are marked; on 
the St. Neots River below c. 750 ft. at 1871 ; on the Warleggan below 
c. 600 ft. at 1470; on the De Lank below c. 650 ft. at 1075; and on 
another unnamed tributary of the Camel, below c. 650 ft. at 1078. The 
rough similarity of height, taken in conjunction with the considerable 
vertical range of each steep descent, suggests that most of these 
plunges of long-profile are knickpoints related to a still-stand of base- 
level. They do not appear to correspond to geological distributions. 

Denudational Sequence 

The polycyclic nature of the present landscape is by this time 
sufficiently evident. There are, however, additional features to be 
considered. It will be found when the shoreline is examined that the 


deep inlets are drowned river valleys (Plate IA). In other words, base- 
level was at one time lower than it now is, and has risen to its present 

Unaided inspection has now revealed evidence of the following 
minimum sequence of denudational history 

1. Unroofing of the granites (very lengthy). 

2. Widespread but not complete planation of Bodmin Moor, 
controlled by a base-level of 800-850 ft. O.D. 

3. Fall of base-level to 600-6506. O.D.; shallow valleys cut in 
the granite, non-granitic outcrops severely denuded. 

4. Further fall of base-level, probably intermittent with one 
still-stand detected at c. 400 ft. ; non-granitic outcrops further 
planed off. 

5. Relatively rapid fall of base-level to below O.D.; drainage 
generally rejuvenated and valleys incised. 

6. Rise of base-level to present position, valley mouths drowned. 

While the refined techniques of morphometry are likely to elaborate 
this sequence, and field-work is certain to do so, it can be claimed that 
interpretation on sight, as it were, has made possible a useful genetic 
description of the landscape represented. Individual valley features 
can be placed in due perspective against a background of long- 
continued but intermittent rejuvenation. 

Superimposed Drainage 

It must be stated at once that much less can be discovered about the 
drainage system than about the major facets of the landscape. Certain 
streams, or stream reaches, follow well-defined lines, but it cannot be 
said how these lines have been determined. The Lynlier throughout 
most of its length, and neighbouring streams to a greater or lesser extent, 
pursue a south-easterly direction ; the Fowey runs westward for about 
five miles below Doublebois (1964) ; the Tamar system in the north- 
east combines east-west with north-south reaches in an approach to a 
trellis or espalier pattern. Although on general grounds it is possible 
that some reaches follow structures, there is no means of deciphering 
the structural pattern. The Lynher to one side of Bodmin Moor and 
the Camel on the other run in part near the boundary between the 
granite and the surrounding rocks, but this relationship seems to be 
accidental, since some of the streams parallel to the Lynlier flow across 
the granite while others rise beyond its limits. In other words, there is 


little connection between the direction of streams and the geological 
distributions inferred from the map. 

The most useful information comes from a study of the Tamar. 
From the bridge between Crossgate and Pool (3488) to Greystone 
Bridge (3680), a distance of about seven miles, the river flows on a 
valley floor which for this area is relatively wide, and which appears to 
have been swept over by meanders in their migration down-valley. 
Below Greystone Bridge the river enters a defile, where the meandering 
course is deeply incised between steep, close-set walls. In the course of 
an incision of at least 150 ft. the two meanders which enclose Duntcrue 
Wood and Wareham Wood (3878) have enlarged themselves laterally, 
slipping oft the inner banks and undercutting the outer, but have not 
shifted far downstream. The meander lobes are as yet little trimmed 
on the upstream side. This assemblage of forms, which is paralleled 
at Lamerhooe (3973), indicates a resistant outcrop where the meanders 
have not succeeded in sweeping out an alluvial trough. The Tamar 
passes from the weaker to the stronger formation at Greystone Bridge. 

It is certain that the river is maladjusted to structure; but it has been 
concluded from an examination of the landscape that this area was 
severely denuded in an earlier cycle, during which one would expect 
the drainage to have become adjusted. A likely possible explanation 
is that the low plateau into which the Tamar is now incised was 
covered by a thin veneer of terrestrial or marine deposits, from which 
rivers were superimposed on to the outcrops now revealed. 


For a general account of the geology, see 

H. DEWEY. South-west England. Second Edition. British Regional 
Geology Scries, H.M.S.O., 1948, 

Erosion-platforms in part of the area shown on the selected map 
are described by 

W. G. V. BALCHIN. "The Erosion Surfaces of North Cornwall/' 
Geogr.Journ. xc, 1937, p. 52. 

Other relevant material occurs in 

J. A. STEERS. The Coastline of England and Wales. University Press, 
Cambridge, 1946, pp. 254-260. 

W. G. V. BALCHIN. "The Erosion Surfaces of Exmoor, etc.," 
Geogr. Jotirn., cxvii, 1952, p. 453. (See also part of Chapter XV 
(below) including Figs, n and 13.) 


Hills peep o'er hills, and Alps on Alps arise. POPE 

O.S. 1/25,000, SHEET NY/71 (BROUGH) 

IN the field, the landforms of highland glaciation are boldly defined, 
not to say imposing. They are clearly distinguishable from one an- 
other, and photograph well. Hence it is easy to become familiar, if 
only at second hand, with the appearance of glaciated mountains, and 
to identify on the spot features previously encountered only in the 
text-book. In a general way the large erosional features also are 
clearly represented on the map, by means of standard symbols, but 
certain depositional features show up poorly, if at all. 

Landforms of Glaciated Highlands 

The fundamental landform of glaciated higliland is the corrie, the 
hollow in which snow accumulated and consolidated before moving 
down-hill. When freshly revealed by deglaciation the corrie is seen to 
approacji, more or less closely, the form of a cylinder, with a shallow 
concave floor and a precipitous partially enclosing wall. Although 
there is some difference of opinion about the precise way in which 
corries arejformed, there can be no doubt that the walls arc cut back 
during glaciation, so that corries eat into the high ground. The sheer 
slopes may be represented by rock-drawing, as on the Fort William 
Sheet at the flank of Ben Nevis (1671) and along the high ground 
eastwards to Stob Coire na Ceannain (2674), or by unbroken contours, 
as, for example, in Coire Dubh (0882) and the nameless corries in 
0471 and 1634, each of which is a fine example of the corrie form. The 
slightest field knowledge of this type of country compels the interpreter 
to remark also those less noticeable corries which are shown merely 
by inflected contours, for example in grid squares 9570-9670, and the 
unnamed corrie on the northern flank of Sgurr a'Mhaim (1666) 
where the 3,ooo-ft. contour runs near the foot of the head wall. 

In geography the term tarn is applied exclusively to corrie lakes. 



They occupy shallow basins liable to infilling by peat, downwash, and 
the coarse scree weathered off the corrie walls. Some have already 
been drained as the effluent stream has cut down; and, since an enclosed 
basin was not formed in eveiy corrie, in a given tract of glaciated 
highland tarns may be uncommon, as they are here. Those which 
occur are instructive. There are four between Binnein Mor (2166) 
and Binnein Beg (2267), of which the largest draws attention to a well- 
marked but shallow corrie. In Coire Leis, on the northern side of 
Ben Nevis, one single tarn and a group of three indicate what can also 
be read from other detail, i.e. that Coire Leis is composite. It is, in 
fact, a short glacial trough, with corries running together along the 
sides and at the head. 

Where high ground is scalloped by encroaching corries, biscuit- 
board topography results. In this tract very little remains of a pre- 
glacial plateau surface, but a limited amount of subdued country at a 
high level is to be observed on the divide running northwards through 
Aonach Beg (1971) and Aonach Mor (1973). If glaciation goes on 
long enough, neighbouring corries merge into one another. A pair of 
hcadwalls on opposite sides of a divide, or a pair of juxtaposed side- 
walls, intersect in an arete (knife-edge ridge). Three or four opposing 
hcadwalls intersect in a sharp peak or horn, of which the Matterhorn 
is the type. It is rather remarkable that in the glaciated highlands of 
Britain the true horn is rare, while many ridges between adjacent 
corries have not been completely sharpened into aretes. In the tract of 
the Grampians represented here, the highest summits and the crests of 
ridges are generally narrow, but nevertheless preserve rounded not 
sharpened forms. From Stob Coire Easain (2372) to Stob Coire na 
Ceannain (2674) the forms of the crests are entirely comparable to the 
subdued relief noted on Aonach Beg and Aonach Mor a few miles to 
the west, except that here less of the crestal belt has survived. On the 
southern side of Ben Nevis itself, the relief is comparatively feeble 
above c. 4,000 ft., with little beyond a field of riven blocks to 
suggest frost-action. It would seem that, in some parts of the area 
mapped on this sheet, glacial processes just failed to destroy completely 
the pre-glacial topography. 

During glaciation the corries were the headward catchment areas of 
valley glaciers. Small tongues of ice from the corries coalesced into 
great streams moving in U-shaped troughs. If corries are the funda- 
mental landforms of a glaciated highland, glacial troughs are the 
most distinctive, with their straight reaches and angular plan, steep 


sides, truncated spurs, hanging tributary troughs, and ribbon lakes 
(Plate IB). Their long-profiles, despite some alluvial fill, are character- 
istically irregular in contrast to the smoother long-profiles of rivers. 
Most of these characteristics are sufficiently apparent on the contoured 
map, except perhaps for truncated spurs, which although numerous 

Reconstructed by prc-glacial 

(6) Corries, glaciers, and direction 

of ice-movement, 
(c) Present landforms. 

(C) The River Gallop. 

(D) The Dubh Lighe. 
(F) The Finnan. 

i) Loch L-iJ. 
(L.V) Loch Shicl. 

(Based, by permission, on part of Sheet 47 of O.S. Scotland (Popular) 1/63,360) 

in the field and unmistakable in perspective along a trough reveal 
themselves on the map only when very large and especially clear-cut, 
for example, the eastern flank of Sgor Chalum (1369). The rock-steps 
which typify many glacial troughs, and which are in part responsible 
for the irregularities of long-profile, are not always revealed by 
contours even when the contour interval is small. The major rock- 
step or "trough's end," near the head, is the most likely to be identifi- 
able, since as a rule it is high and stretches the whole way across the 
trough (cf., in the valley of Allt Coire an Eoin, the small steps at 221733 


and 218729 with the great step running through 210720, which rises 
as far as 2,250 ft. O.D.). Like many small rock-steps, roches moutonnees 
can scarcely be represented, unless by a special symbol on a large-scale 
map. There are several noteworthy groups in the area of this map, 
including a fine series in the Gallop valley between 910804 and 925793, 
of which the map gives no hint. Terminal valley moraines, which are 
numerous, are again unreflected by the contours. Their small, chaotic 
mounds cannot be shown on the scale employed, even where the 
range of height is sufficient. Lateral, medial, and ground moraines 
are also unrepresented. 

Renewed Normal Erosion 

Since deglaciation there has not been time for streams to achieve 
grade in the new normal cycle, and torrential reaches and falls are 
numerous. The waste-mantle is similarly ungraded, for many slopes 
remain oversteepened by glacial action and bare of the debris of 
weathering. Nevertheless the details of relief have already been 
considerably modified, especially by deposition. 

On some upper slopes frost action, together with the rapid removal 
of loose material, has tended to maintain a freshly denuded aspect, 
but on the lower slopes and in valley bottoms the forms of glacial 
erosion may be widely and often also thickly covered. Sheets of rock- 
waste, in places bare scree and in others with a covering of soil and 
plants, commonly lie banked against the lower parts of the trough 
walls. These conditions are excellently displayed on the north- 
eastern side of lower Glen Nevis, where debris-sheets conceal the true 
steepness of the rocky sides. Elsewhere the masking waste is moraine 
rather than scree, as in the Loch Eil valley to the west of Fort William. 

The very many streams testify to impermeable rock and a heavy 
rainfall. Run-off is rapid down the steep hillsides, even allowing for 
the fact that hill peat acts as a reservoir, with the result that trunk 
streams are very powerful at times of high water. The short lateral 
tributaries bring down much rock-waste, which is deposited where 
they are checked on the floor of the main valley or in a lake. Few of 
the delta-fans on the land are perceptible on the map, partly because 
the ground is in any case generally varied in fine detail, but lake deltas 
on the other hand are distinctly outlined by the plan of the shore. 
Lateral deltas may nearly approach the fan shape, as at Stronchreggon 
House (0672), but lake-head deltas are frequently less regular (e.g. at 
Kinlochctive, 1145). Damming of a lake may cause lateral deltas to 


be drowned, and lead underwater contours to be omitted from the 
map, as with the Blackwater reservoir on northing 60. 

Most of the rock-waste in sheets of scree, deltas, alluvial flats, and 
related forms is either re-sorted moraine or the product of weathering, 
but corrasion by post-glacial streams has also provided some. On the 
map, the effects of this corrasion are best detected where a rock-step 
or the lip of a hanging valley has been deeply notched, as at 280734. 
(Note the sharp re-entrant in the 1,750-6:. and adjacent contours.) 

Glacial Troughs and Through-valleys 

Soundings in the freshwater lochs of Scotland, as in other ribbon 
lakes elsewhere, prove great depths. Loch Morar, a freshwater loch 
adjacent to the west coast of Scotland, descends some 1,000 feet below 
sea-level. Although detailed investigation is required to show how 
much of the barrier at the lower end of a lake consists of moraine, and 
how much rock in place, there can be little doubt that in many glacier 
troughs erosion was deepest some way above the glacier snout. 
Towards its lower end, a Pleistocene valley glacier must, like the 
glaciers of to-day, have been much reduced by melting and ablation, 
so that its cross-sectional area diminished down-valley. This is one 
explanation of the "down-at-heel" erosion which excavated the great 
lake basins. In their original form they must have been even more 
impressive than they now are, for some have been completely silted 
up, while in the remainder alluvial infilling has made progress to a 
varyirlg degree. 

Now these enormous hollows cannot have been formed unless the 
basal ice moved locally up-hill. Such movement is made possible by 
the very farge cross-sectional area of a glacier, by comparison with the 
cross-sectional area of a river with an equivalent discharge. The 
comparison is well illustrated at any glacier snout. Because ice-streams 
are so wide and thick, they can override irregularities in their beds 
behind which rivers would be impounded. It is necessary to emphasize 
the phrase glacier bed, for the great troughs were the channels of glaciers. 
This fact is usually advanced in explanation of hanging tributary 
troughs, which are taken as the channels of tributary glaciers. The 
tributary ice entered the main glacier accordantly, at the surface, but 
required a much smaller channel hence the difference of height 
between the channel floors now revealed by deglaciation. 

The explanation thus briefly outlined is acceptable when the hanging 
tributary leads back into the high ground, and terminates in corries, 


but some lateral troughs merely pass through a divide into the next 
trough (cf. that at 2257). As the l/-section of these cols testifies to the 
passage of ice through them, it is evident that at some points ice has 
spilled over the divide. Accessible examples of the resultant glacially 
moulded col occur on either side of Dun Deardail (1270), where two 
small gaps in the crest lead out of Glen Nevis and debouch above the 
corrie at the head of the next valley on the south. It seems certain that 
ice has passed southwards over the divide here. 

Divergence of ice-streams in this manner, made possible by their 
great thickness, may be associated with local uphill movement towards 
the lateral outlets. Linton has convincingly demonstrated that, at a 
number of sites, the sill of the over-ridden col has been much lowered, 
whether by the lateral over-spill of distributary glaciers glacial 
diffluence or by ice-movement across divides glacial trans- 
fluence. At some points the rivers, recommencing the work of 
normal erosion on deglaciation, have flowed through the lowered cols 
across the lines of pre-glacial divides in the direction taken by the 
diffluent ice. Elsewhere two rivers, flowing in opposite directions in a 
glacial trough, are separated by a very low watershed. It can often be 
shown, or at least inferred, that the pre-glacial divide has been des- 
troyed and substituted by an imperceptible or temporary parting, for 
example that formed by a delta-fan. Two distinct pre-glacial valleys 
have been merged into a single trough or through-valley, so called 
because it pierces a broad divide or runs through generally high 
ground from side to side. 

Both sets of conditions appear to be represented on this map. At 
271643 and 240695, for instance, the parting between opposed drainage 
in a glacial trough is most ill-defined: ice must have passed along the 
whole length of the trough, moving away from its gathering-ground 
and eroding outlet channels. It is unnecessary at the present juncture 
to comment on the significance of through-valleys in relation to 
routeways, since the facts are evident enough in themselves and belong, 
in any event, under another head; but it is well to emphasize that 
through-valleys, formed in the manner described, are typical of 
glaciated highlands and to be deliberately looked for in map 

Diversion of Drainage 

The effects of glacial diffluence in river diversion are probably 
illustrated by the country between Glenfinnan (9080) and Drimsallie 


(9578). The Dubh Lighe descends from a tributary trough into the 
Loch Eil valley, where it turns sharply eastwards. The Gallop, des- 
cending the opposite side, turns sharply westwards instead of joining 
die Dubh Lighe, and enters a narrow defile through the high ground. 
Near their elbow-bends the two streams are separated by a very low 
divide, scarcely perceptible on the map but seen, in the field, to consist 
in part of river-laid debris. Since the roches nwutonnees within the 
defile (referred to above) present their stoss or onset sides to the east, 
it would seem that the gap is due, at least partly, to ice which passed 
westwards through it. Thus field evidence supports the hypothesis 
that map interpretation suggests, namely that the Gallop flows west- 
wards along a former line of ice-movement, and that its sharp turn is 
the result of glacial diversion not of river capture in the normal cycle. 
Although in a full study certain additional facts, for example, strand- 
line movements, would have to be taken into account, the hypothesis 
as stated is satisfactory as far as it goes. It does provide a possible 
explanation of the drainage forms, while river capture docs not. 

Relation of Drainage to Structure 

It should now be seen that the problem of the drainage pattern in 
glaciated highlands must be approached with caution. Even if the 
Scottish Highlands had not been glaciated, many pitfalls would await 
the unwary: the drainage net represented on this sheet cannot possibly 
be interpreted in terms of the stream system of an ideal scarpland a 
fact too often overlooked. A little explanation will make the matter 
clearer. In areas of uniclinal strata, where drainage is to some extent 
adjusted to structure, streams of any size will flow rouglily parallel to 
the dip er else roughly parallel to the strike, either as a whole or in 
their various reaches. The abrupt angle where a large stream changes 
from flowing down-dip to flowing along the strike is most obviously 
interpreted as an elbow of capture. But in the Scottish Highlands the 
structural grain is very different from that of a scarpland. Although 
there is an indescribable variety of detail, it is probably justifiable to 
say that large areas are dominated by two sets of linear structures which 
intersect at a high angle. Consequently the broad pattern of relief 
of ridges, valleys, and the rivers in them itself tends to be angular. 
In the part represented on this map a number of valleys run approxi- 
mately east-west, while a second group trends from north-east to 
south-west. 1 The scale of relief makes it clear that the rocks of the 

1 The Ben Nevis mass, an old volcanic centre, does not display the same graining. 


whole area are resistant. The lines of weakness which the valleys 
follow are determined by structures not by outcrops. In such country, 
especially after glaciation, the idea of dismembered consequent streams 
ceases to be helpful in map interpretation, for angular bends in stream 
courses are seen as the natural result of adjustment to structure. 

Changes of Base-level 

The two topics outstanding have in common a relation to former 
base-levels of erosion. The Parallel Roads in the north-east, symbolized 
on the map by double pecked lines, are so nearly horizontal as to seem 
undoubtedly referable to some local series of base-levels, which can 
scarcely have been provided by anything but bodies of water contained 
in the valleys. Nothing more can be read from the map; but, 
as is well known, the Roads are the littoral benches of temporary 
lakes impounded by ice. Glaciers from the Ben Nevis group blocked 
Glens Gloy, Roy, and Spean, which filled with meltwater up to the 
level of the lowest open col. As lower cols were uncovered by the 
melting ice the lake-levels intermittently fell and benches were cut- 
and-built at the new shorelines. It may be added that the benches are 
generally narrow, especially those intermediate ones which are not 
shown on the map. The controlling spillway at about 850 ft. was a 
lateral drainage channel, unspectacular but distinctly recognizable 
on the ground at 288812, at the outlet at the lower end of Glen Spean, 
where lake-water escaped past the wasting but still obstructive ice 
which descended from the mountains to the low ground. 

Earlier in this chapter it was stated that some of the highest ground, 
above corrie level, displays subdued relief. Although frost-riving has 
attacked these elevated sites they do not seem to have been overridden 
by ice, and might therefore provide some slight indication of the form 
of the pre-glacial landscape. Within the limits of this map, many 
summits to the west of Glen More and in the extreme north-east are 
found to lie within, or very little outside, the range 2,000-3,000 ft. 
with a majority between 2,000 and 2,500. A wider area would have 
to be studied before the possible significance of this distribution could 
be fully appreciated, but one can at least make a note of the relatively 
small range of height, and advance an extremely tentative suggestion 
that the numerous summits in the range 2,000-2,500 ft. may be 
remnants of an erosional surface of low relief. East of Glen More, in 
the Ben Nevis group and in Mamore Forest, a number of sum- 
mits rise above 3,000 ft. and some above 4,000. If the possible 

3 (.5196) 


subdued erosional surface at the lower level is authentic, the higher 
mountains in the south-east might well have risen above it as 

Lowland Glaciation 

It is a text-book commonplace to contrast highland glaciation, 
dominated by erosion, with lowland glaciation, dominated by de- 
position. The generalization should not be pressed too far, for some 
lowland parts of the Laurentian and Baltic Shields were centres of ice 
dispersion, and have in consequence been stripped of their waste- 
mantle and deeply scoured besides; but the resulting terrain of multi- 
tudinous rock knobs, lakes, and watercourses mammillated 
topography is poorly represented in Britain, where ice did in fact 
move outwards from the hills and leave thick deposits on the low 

At the farthest limit of advance, where melting held the ice-front 
stationary, debris accumulated in terminal moraines; temporary 
halts in the decay of the ice-sheet are marked by recessional moraines. 
In front of the moraines, the debris has in many places been redistri- 
buted as outwash sands and gravels, in some areas pitted by the 
kettles where detached masses of ice were buried and melted. Much 
of the outwash material was transported by streams of meltwater 
issuing from the ice-front, often from tunnels within or beneath the 
glacier. Fans of debris laid down by streams of this kind now appear 
as roughly conical hills of gravel, called kames, while the stream 
courses themselves may be recorded in gravelly ridges eskers 
which wind across country. On beaded eskers, kames occur from 
place to place, marking points at which the ice-front rested for 
a time. 

Examples of all these forms have been located in Britain, but for 
various reasons are not well shown by the standard map. It will be 
realized that, comparatively speaking, none is of great size, so that they 
easily escape representation with a contour interval of 50 ft. especially 
as half the contours are interpolated. Again, the English Midlands, 
where the effects of glacial deposition in a lowland tract could be well 
displayed, have mostly remained ice-free since the older Pleistocene. 
Their dritts have been deeply dissected and in part destroyed. Finally, 
the features mentioned are characterized not only by their form, which 
a sufficiently detailed topographical map would show, but also by 
their geological composition. Just as the low sinuous ridge of an esker 


is concealed on the topographical sheet by a general irregularity of 
surface, so the material of which it is made is included, on the standard 
geological map, in a wider spread of glacial drift. Work in the field, 
and special maps, must provide the illustrations of these smaller 
features of lowland glaciation. 


The greatest sum effect on relief is produced by the sheets of boulder 
clay, with their associated sands and gravels, which in places thickly 
conceal the topography of the "solid" rocks. Some boulder-clay 
spreads cannot be identified from the topographical map, but the 
interpreter working on lowland parts of the Midlands, on East Anglia, 
or on the eastern plains should be aware that he is likely to be dealing 
with a drift cover, more or less complete. Valley trains of outwash, 
like many river terraces, are also likely to escape notice. In some of 
the glacially impounded lakes known to have existed on the English 
Plain great amounts of sands, gravels, and laminated clays were laid 
down, but neither the lake deposits nor the shoreline features are 
usually distinguishable on the O.S. map. In contrast to all this lack of 
information, drumlin swarms are unmistakable. As exemplified 
on the selected 1/25,000 sheet, drumlins consist of low hills of oval or 
elliptical plan, 50-100 ft. high and J-^ mile long. They occur in 
close-set groups, as here, with their longer axes roughly aligned in a 
single direction, giving rise to the "basket of eggs" topography. 
Their exact mode of origin has been keenly argued, but there is little 
doubt that they have been moulded by a vigorous ice-sheet, principally 
from ground moraine, but in places from the solid rock. The ice near 
the ground moved parallel to the long axes of the drumlins in this 
tract, along N.W.-S.E. lines in the centre and north, and W.-E. in 
the south, centre, and east. The actual direction of movement can be 
found by close study, for drumlins usually taper more gradually at the 
one end than at the other. The blunter is the stoss end, from which 
the ice came, the sharper is the lee end, which points the direction of 
movement. Unless contours have been carefully surveyed at close 
intervals it is not always possible to detect on the map a systematic 
tapering throughout the drumlin field, but the expected asymmetry is 
suggested by die contours of Ketland (720184), Hemmel Hill (742133), 
Bermer Hill (743149), and others. The point should be very carefully 
checked, for the basal ice which moulded the drumlins did not 
invariably move down-valley. Hollingworth has proved that in the 


Eden valley, wherein the mapped area lies, basal ice-sheds did not all 
coincide with the centres of dispersion on high ground. The drumlins 
shown on this 1/25,000 sheet were shaped by basal ice which moved 
south-eastwards from near Appleby and swung eastwards to pass over 
the higher ground near Stainmore. 

Immediately after deglaciation, drumlin fields typically contain 
many small enclosed hollows, occupied at first by lakes. In suitable 
climatic conditions these hollows tend to be filled by peat, often in the 
form of raised bog- as in parts of the Irish drumlin country. Here in 
Edenside the shallow basins have generally been drained, whether 
naturally by tributaries of the vigorous Eden, or artificially. Note 
that the pattern of the minor streams is reminiscent, on a small scale, 
of the theoretical pattern of consequent drainage in an area of Jura- 
type folding: streams run along the hollows, parallel to the long axes 
of the hills, passing from one hollow to another by way of the low 
saddles between adjacent drumlins. 

In the south-west, south-east, and north-east, the drift is thin or 
absent. In the south-west the land is shown to rise above 950 ft. O.D. ; 
the drumlins appear to be confined below the yoo-ft. contour. Observe 
also the deep narrow valley of Waterhouses Beck, which with the 
quarries marked at several points indicates solid rock. The symbol 
used for the quarries is that for rock-drawing, not for earth-slopes 
(cf. 702111, 712128). At the second of these a short spur of railway 
linking the quarry with the main line indicates that the stone is worth 
transporting over some distance, which would not be true of boulder 
clay or ill-assorted gravel. At 701128 a resistant outcrop forms 
Swathburn Crag. Small quarries in the extreme south-east, served by 
field roads, 'seem likely to have provided the building stone for the 
houses of Winton. In the north-east the valley wall rises sharply for as 
much as 1,000 feet: it seems to be based on almost horizontally bedded 
Carboniferous Limestone, for the general assemblage of features is very 
similar to that found on Ingleborough (see Chapter VII) : scars, springs 
near the foot of the slope, rare and discontinuous streams above, caves 
(718189), sinks (for example Carry Pot, 770190), abundant scree or 
more scattered debris (for example Alme Bank, 768186), and possibly 
also limestone pavement (775188). 

The steep edge was obviously in being before the drumlins were 
formed, for post-glacial re-grading in the normal cycle has not greatly 
changed the general aspect of the drumlin field and cannot therefore 
have had much effect on the more resistant "solid" rocks. The physique 


of the whole area, as interpreted from the 1/2,5000 map, might there- 
fore be summarized in terms such as the following 

A drumlin field, moulded by basal ice moving in a broad arc from 
north to east, occupies the floor of a wide valley which slopes towards 
the north-west. The valley is bounded on the north-eastern side by 
a steep edge, developed across (probably) Carboniferous Limestone, 
which also underlies at least part of the drumlin field. Karstic features 
are developed on the limestone to a somewhat limited extent, although 
it does not seem to have been thickly covered by glacial drift. The 
drumlin field is in an early stage of dissection by normal drainage ; 
the trunk stream, the Eden, is cutting down rapidly and shows signs of 
developing a meander-belt, but although any small lakes have been 
filled in or drained, the tributaries do not seem to have effected much 


The descriptions of glaciated landscapes given in the texts listed at the 
end of Chapter II may be amplified from 

R. F. FLINT. Glacial and Pleistocene Geology. Wiley, New York, 

The map used to illustrate glaciated highland in the first edition of 
this book was the old Popular Sheet 47. Because the Lorn and Lochabcr 
Tourist sheet omits part of the area represented on Sheet 47 (Popular), 
while giving a greater total coverage, little use is made here of the 
abundant signs of glaciation including breaches which occur in 
the south. 

The extent to which field-work modifies and amplifies conclusions 
drawn from maps alone can be judged by comparing the foregoing 
interpretation ot the Callop breach with 

G. H. DURY. "A Glacial Breach in the Northwestern Highlands/' 
Scot. Geogr. Mag., Ixix, 1953, p. 106. 

Other accounts of glacial breaching include 

G. H. DURY. "A Contribution to the Geomorphology of Donegal," 
Proc. Geol. Assoc., Ixx, 1959, p. i. 

D. L. LINTON. "Some Scottish River Captures Re-examined/' 
Scot. Geogr. Mag., Ixv, 1949, p. 123. 

D. L. LINTON. "Some Scottish River Captures Re-examined, II." 
Scot. Geogr. Mag., Ixvii, 1951, p. 31. 


D. L. LINTON. Watershed Breaching by Ice in Scotland. Institute of 
British Geographers, Publication No. 15. George Philip, London, 
1951, p. i. 

Drift spreads of lowland areas, and certain marginal features, are 
described in 

S. E. HOLLINGWORTH. "The Glaciation of Western Edenside." 
Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. y Ixxxvii, 1931, p. 281. (Includes a map and 
discussion of the drumlin field of which part is shown on the selected 

C. P. CHATWIN. East Anglia and Adjoining Areas. Second Edition. 
British Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1948. (See Chapter VI, 
p. 57 f) 

V. WILSON. East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. British Regional 
Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1948. (See Chapter VIII, p. 71 ff.) 

The geology of the country represented on the selected maps is 
outlined in 

T. EASTWOOD. Northern England. Second Edition. British Regional 
Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1946. 

H. H. READ. The Grampian Highlands. Second Edition (Revised 
by A. G. MacGregor). British Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 


J. PHEMISTER. Scotland: The Northern Highlands. Second Edition. 
British Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1948. 

For an illustrated account of the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy, see 
Scotland: The Northern Highlands (above), p. 74 ff., Fig. 22, Plate IX. 

The survival of unglaciated parts amid a generally glaciated high- 
land is discussed by 

D. L. LINTON. "Unglaciated Areas of Scandinavia and Great 
Britain/' Irish Geography, ii, 1949, p. 25. 


Behold a labyrinth of hydraulic pipes. BROWNING 

IN tracts underlain by limestone, solution tends to be the most effective 
agent of erosion. When the limestone is thick, soluble, and well- 
jointed, but also mechanically strong, systems of cavities are hollowed 
out which absorb not only the local precipitation but also the largest 
streams which pass on to the limestone from adjacent impermeable 
outcrops. The texture of the landscape and the system of drainage 
come to differ so markedly from those observed where creep, surface 
wash, and surface streams are at work that limestone country is looked 
on as evolving in a special cycle, the karstic cycle. The name is 
from the type Karst on the eastern side of the Adriatic. 

Recognition of Limestone Country 

It is important that a map interpreter should recognize country 
which is so highly specialized, both as a type of physical landscape and 
as a form of environment for human life. The most reliable evidence 
is provided by the sinks whereby drainage passes underground. 
Surface drainage is discontinuous, intermittent, or absent; dry valleys 
and enclosed hollows with no surface outlet can also be looked for, 
together with exposed surfaces of limestone more or less severely 
weathered. All these are true karstic features, by some or all of which 
limestone outcrops should be identified on the map. Lime kilns, 
where they occur and are named, provide useful supporting evidence, 
especially when quarries adjoin them, but unspecified quarries alone 
are of little help except in proving resistant rock. Certain additional 
features are widely observed on the Carboniferous Limestone of this 
country lead mines, numerous prehistoric sites, and heathland 
vegetation but these are not confined to the limestone and cannot 
therefore be taken as diagnostic. They should be regarded rather as 
expected occurrences on limestone outcrops which have been recog- 
nized by their physical features. 




The essential unit of a karst landscape is the doline, a conical hollow 
which may be hundreds of feet across. Comparable and related 
features in this country may be grouped as sinks, a term applicable 
throughout the range from true dolines to enclosed marshy basins 
and minute depressions. Many sinks 1 appear to be connected with 
more or less vertical shafts (the pitches of speleologists), which 
develop at the intersection of major joint-planes, and are best dis- 
played where they are kept open by a disappearing stieam. In the 
Chalk country some groups of localized sinks and shafts are known, 
but the rock appears to be too soft to support and preserve large 
systems of cavities. It is moreover permeable, and therefore soluble, 
in mass, so that much rainfall is disposed of by wholesale percolation 
and dry valleys are more typical than sinks. Karst country proper is 
well represented in the selected area, which is not based on Chalk, and 
where the several varieties of sink may be observed on Ingleborough. 
Hundreds more occur than are shown on the 1/25,000 sheet. Some of 
the larger hollows are symbolized by hachuring, as, for example, in 
the kilometre square 7272. A number of deep conical sinks are found 
here, although the surface drainage is concentrated in nothing more 
than rills. On the eastern flank of the mountain perennial streams are 
swallowed, as Fell Beck at Gaping Gill (751727) and Alum Pot Beck 
at Alum Pot (775756). In the absence of the hachure symbol a well- 
marked terminal sink may be recorded in a place-name, for example, 
Hodge Hole (735756), or by a note, for example, "Enters Pot Holes" 
(759768), "Mouth of Cave" (762730). Sinks of this kind are rarely 
blocked. The disappearing stream tends to cut through the lip of the 
shaft, lowering its profile upstream with reference to this local base- 
level. Thus the valley is deepened as far down as the sink but not 
below it, while the sink itself is enlarged as the sides are weathered 
back. The blind valley resulting ends in a steep enclosing wall. 
Other streams dwindle gradually through small openings in their 
channels, ceasing to flow above ground at a point which varies with 
the season and which is determined by the combined effect of discharge 
and the condition of the sinks upstream. Many of the smaller streams 
mapped here disappear in this manner, so that one cannot with com- 
plete certainty interpolate sinks at their lower ends. 

1 Sinks are known in various localities as swallows, swallow-holes, swallets, sink-holes 
pots, and potholes. 



Nevertheless, when marked sinks and probable sinks are plotted 
(Fig. 5) it is found that a systematic arrangement can be made out. 
The higher, steep-sided part of Ingleborough discharges surface 

^ > -1 


sink \_* scar 

spring | /? scar with screej . roc ^Y 9L_ un ^L * wq ^ er f G lL_ 

Odrumlinl Q 



(Based, by permission, on Sheet SD/77 of the O.S. 1/25,000 Map) 

streams, which nearly all vanish at a line of sinks encircling the moun- 
tain at a height varying between 1,200 and 1,500 ft. O.D. The stow 
thus enclosed is one of impermeable rock and die line of sinks approxi- 
mately marks die upper boundary of the limestone, beyond which 
the waters circulate underground to reappear at very well-marked 
lines of springs low down in the valleys. As none remains at the 


surface, the drainage of the limestone tract is mature in the karstic 
cycle. In fact, the stage is that of late maturity, for normal erosion 
is re-asserting itself on the impermeable rock which underlies the 
limestone and which is being revealed in the valley bottoms. The 
junction with the limestone is marked by the spring-lines referred 
to (Fig. 5). 

Other Karstic Features 

On the limestone outcrop as thus delineated, other features of a 
karst landscape may be sought. They may be dealt with under two 
heads: those related to the circulation of underground water, and those 
due to weathering at the surface. Although the cavern systems and 
their associated surface features connect the sinks and springs already 
mentioned, it is more convenient to deal first with the features of 
weathered limestone, which are well expressed on the map and are 
well understood. 

Between the spring-line and the line of sinks one can make out, in a 
very rough way, a succession of surface features (Plate HA). On the 
steep valley walls above the springs, individual resistant beds of lime- 
stone have been thrown into relief by differential erosion, and stand 
out as precipitous rocky scars (Fig. 5). Debris weathered off the scar- 
face tends to accumulate in a bank of scree lower down the slope. 
Some of the many sheets of rock-waste are symbolized on the 1/25,000 
sheet and on the sketch-map. An interesting modification of the scar- 
scree association occurs on Keld Bank (7477), below Bent Hill Wood 
(7777) and elsewhere; although the scar has been weathered back into 
the hillside and covered with soil and vegetation, a bank of scree 
survives, running across the slope, to indicate the near-by presence of 
a strong limestone bed. Scars are naturally best formed and maintained 
on steep slopes where the debris of weathering can be most quickly 
removed. On the flatter hilltops above, the bare limestone beds are 
exposed in limestone pavements, or clints, shown on the O.S. map 
by a variant form of rock-drawing. Clints are fields of joint-blocks, 
each block separated from its neighbours by grikes, the fissures 
opened by solution along joint-planes. Away from the bounding 
scarps clints pass into rock-strewn ground with a partial soil cover, 
distinguished on the O.S. map by the symbol for scattered boulders, 
and that in turn into expanses of peat moor. The "Moss" names (for 
example on the south-west flank of Ingleborough) and the various 
bogs are significant of climate as well as of vegetation type. 


Thickness of the Limestone 

Now the spring-line shown in Fig. 5 is not far from horizontal. 
It lies close to 850 ft. in the Greta valley, where the springs are re- 
markably aligned, ranges vertically through c. 100 ft. in the south- 
west, and is included between the 9OO-ft. and i,ooo-ft. contours in 
Crummack Dale in the south-east. One may infer that the base of the 
limestone is nearly flat and level. The attitude of the scars, which run 
sub-horizontally across the hillsides, confirms this inference by showing 
that individual beds of limestone dip very gently. It follows that the 
vertical distance between the spring-line and the line of sinks may be 
taken as a rough guide to the total thickness of the limestone. A 
figure of the order of 500 ft. seems the most reasonable. 

Underground Cavities 

A limestone formation of this thickness, late mature in the karstic 
cycle, is bound to include extensive systems of cavities through which 
water passes from the sinks to the springs ; but, on a map, information 
is usually restricted to the names of a few well-known caves ; it is rare 
for the outlines to be shown, as they are here at Ingleborough Cave 
(7571). Without such guidance, the interpreter should refrain from 
explaining certain features by the collapse of caverns, as he may at 
first be tempted to do. The need for this caution arises from the 
occurrence in a karst landscape of enclosed hollows, not only the 
small sink and the larger doline, but in addition the uvala and the 
polje. The polje, unknown in this country, 1 may be 100 square miles 
or more in area and is of tectonic origin. The uvala (or valley sink) is 
a basin of intermediate size, formed by the merging of two or more 
dolines. The feature is not common in Britain, but is not unknown. 
Now the underground cavity systems include three elements: the 
joint-plane cave previously mentioned, the gallery (passage, or, in 
gently-dipping strata, bedding-plane cave), and die large cavern or 
hall which is long, wide, and deep. There must be a limiting size, 
above which the roof of a cavity can no longer support its own weight. 
Collapse of large bedding-plane caves would cause shallow depressions 
at the surface, like the subsidence-hollows of coalfields; the unroofing 
of halls would produce uvalas and gorges; more localized collapse at 
a shaft might be reflected in a deep doline. Investigations show, 
however, that the upper parts of cave systems tend to become choked 
Unless possibly at Lane End ,Bucks. 


by detritus and stalagmite, rather than to be enlarged still more by 
solution, flaking, and corrasion. Hence in map interpretation, gorges 
and enclosed hollows should be noted merely in descriptive terms. 
Trow Gill (7571) on the present sheet (see also Fig. 5) is known to 
have been cut, at least in part, by a surface stream which flowed during 
the Pleistocene. Similarly, the common dry valleys of a karst may have 
large sinks in the bottom, as has that between Gaping Gill and Trow 
Gill, but it cannot be assumed that the former surface stream follows 
its old line with the sole difference of flowing at a lower level and 
underground. The dry limestone valleys of Britain should be regarded 
generally as carved by surface streams, which have been captured to 
the underground system, and which as a result may find an outlet in 
entirely separate valleys at some distance away. The dry valley 
symbols in Fig. 5 must therefore not be taken as suggesting under- 
ground courses: they merely show features which on the 1/25,000 
sheet are expressed by contours. 

A number of the springs at the base of the limestone are likely to 
fluctuate greatly in volume, in response to local rainfall, siphoning, 
and flow under pressure, but unless the map gives descriptive notes 
the interpreter can do little more than remark the issue of considerable 
streams, for example, at Clapham Beck Head (754711). 

Rocks Above and Below the Limestone 

Limestone formations in Britain, of the order of thickness estimated 
here and* with pronounced karstic features developed on them, may be 
confidently regarded as Carboniferous Limestone. Of the underlying 
impermeable rocks little can be said, except that they are older than 
Carboniferous. The name "Ingleton Granite Quarries" (7175) is 
misleading, including a quarryman's term, not a geologist's. Above 
the Carboniferous Limestone in the higher part of Ingleborough are 
younger strata, for the most part impermeable since there are many 
surface streams, but including some permeable beds to account for the 
occasional sinks. It is likely that the permeable rocks too are limestone, 
and that they explain the few scars in addition to the well-defined 

Evidence of Glaciation 

In the north-east of the area mapped is part of a drumlin field. The 
discussion of Chapter VI need not be amplified here : it is necessary 
only to note that the arrangement of many drumlins indicates a 


southward movement of ground ice down the Ribble valley. Sinks 
in the grid squares 7974 and 7975 prove that the drift cover is in places 
thin. Apart from the drumlins, the map affords no indisputable 
evidence of glaciation. The straightness and trough-like form of 
Kingsdale and the Greta valley might well be structurally determined 
rather than glacially shaped. One cannot judge how widely the hill 
peat is developed on boulder clay which, as it were, waterproofs the 
limestone. The fact is that the whole area has been powerfully 
glaciated, but does not lend itself readily to the development and 
preservation of glacial landforms. In the field the most striking 
evidence consists in the numerous erratic boulders of grit scattered 
over the clints: they are unrepresented on the map. 

River Development 

On a map of this size and scale, the area represented (less than forty 
square miles) is too small to afford the wide synoptic view required in 
the interpretation of drainage and drainage history. Because of this 
limitation, and because the landscape is complicated by karstic, 
glacial, and structural features, certain important results of normal 
erosion are obscured. The series of falls on the Greta, like the force 
on Jenkin Beck (7173), are in reality located at knickpoints, the head- 
ward limits of waves of rejuvenation. Another probable knick 
belonging to an earlier cycle occurs on the Greta at Weathercote 
(7377)- It has been shown by Sweeting that the great mountain 
shoulders at c. 1,300 ft. O.D. are to be regarded as erosional rather 
than structural: the close coincidence of an erosional platform and a 
structural surface is mainly accidental. None of these facts can be 
perceived on the map: they are mentioned here as a reminder that 
interpretation, however careful and detailed, is subject to inevitable 
limitations by comparison with work on the ground. 


For a general account of the geology, see 

D. A. WRAY. The Pennine* and Adjacent Areas. Second Edition. 
British Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1948. 

The concept of the karstic cycle is briefly summarized in 

E. M. SANDERS. "The Cycle of Erosion in a Karst Region (after 
Cvijic)." Geogr. Review, xi, 1921, p. 593. 


An illuminating morphological study of the whole district in which 
Ingleborough occurs is 

M. M. SWEETING. "Erosion Cycles and Limestone Caverns in the 
Ingleborough District." Geogr. Joitrn., cxv, 1950, p. 63. 

Other relevant material is to be found in 

R. G. S. HUDSON et al "The Geology of the Yorkshire Dales." 
Proc. GeoL Assoc., xliv, 1933, p. 227. (I: 'The Scenery and Geology 
of North-west Yorkshire," by R. G. S. HUDSON; III: "Alum Pot," 
by H. W. HAYWOOD; IV: "The Glacial and Post-glacial periods in 
West Yorkshire," by A. RAISTRICK.) 

A very detailed study of Ingleborough was published under the 
name of T. McKENNY HUGHES in Proc. Yorks. GeoL Soc. "Physical 
Geography" appeared in 1901, "Geology" in 1905-8 inclusive. 

Current research and exploration, illustrated by detailed maps, are 
described in the periodicals Cave Science and Transactions of the Cave 
Research Group. 

Papers describing the modifications of karstic phenomena observed 
in the Chalk country are listed at the end of Chapter IV. 


What's it now? 

Changed like a rock-flat, rough with rusty weed, 
At first wash-over o the returning wave. BROWNING 

IRELAND, 1/63,360, SHEET 169, ETC. (WEXFORD); O.S. 

THE concept of a cycle of erosion is no less useful in the study of 
shorelines than in the study of landscapes. Youth, maturity, and old 
age are marked by distinctive assemblages of forms. In some ways 
maps of shorelines are easier to interpret than those of inland areas, 
for many shoreline features are very simple to represent on a map, and 
the principal changes in the course of the shoreline cycle are changes of 
plan. Moreover, shorelines become more and more regular as maturity 
approaches, whereas landscapes become progressively diversified. 
On the other hand, while it is often unnecessary or impossible to 
consider the effect on inland areas of changes of base-level, whatever 
they may have been, evidence of such changes is critical in the inter- 
pretation of shorelines. Away from the coast, the essential fact is that 
the land lies above base-level and is subject to subaerial processes; at 
the shore, neither the direction nor the amount of strand-line move- 
ments can be ignored. 

The Shoreline Cycle 

Any considerable displacement of the strand-line initiates a new 
cycle of shoreline erosion on the drowned landscape or the exposed 
sea floor. Hence the customary distinction between shorelines of 
submergence and shorelines of emergence. A third class, neutral 
shorelines, includes the shorelines of deltas, volcanoes, and fault- 
blocks, where neither submergence nor emergence is required to 
account for the initial forms. In nature, compound shorelines are 




widespread. They combine elements essential to any two, or all three, 
of the foregoing classes. Shorelines with both emergent and submer- 
gent features are especially common. 

It must be understood that the terms "submergence" and "emer- 
gence" mean nothing more than movements of the strandline, 
upwards positive, and downwards negative, respectively. No- 
thing is implied as to causes. Examples of local or regional uplift, 
depression, or tilting, are well known from certain unstable parts of 
the earth's crust, -but there is also powerful support for the view that 
world- wide rises and falls of sea-level have taken place. These general 
or eustatic movements of the strand-line appear to have been going 
on at least since early Pliocene times. Some must be due to changes 
in the capacity of the ocean basins, but others reflect the loss or gain 
of water resulting from the growth or decay of the great Pleistocene 
ice-sheets. It is easy to see that, quite apart from crustal deformation, 
the record of strand-line movements on a given stretch of coast may 
be lengthy and involved. Hence the wide distribution of compound 
shore-lines, and the need to employ non-committal descriptive terms 
in speaking of changes in base-level. 

Besides the direction and extent of the strand-line movement with 
which the new shoreline cycle begins, it is necessary also to consider 











the form of the emergent or submergent land. As far as the stage of 
maturity, the shore-line cycle takes a different course on highland and 
lowland coasts respectively. Some accounts over-simplify matters by 
assuming or implying that emergent and lowland coasts on the one 
side, and submergent and highland coasts on the other, are synony- 
mous. This is frequently, but not universally, true. A eustatic rise of 


sea-level must obviously submerge lowland as well as highland, while in 
places the bottom topography is far too rugged to constitute a lowland 
if it emerged. Consequently the initial shorelines produced by strand- 
line movements must be cross-classified in the manner illustrated in 
the table on p. 68. 

Compound shorelines combining emergent and submergent features 
may be appropriately described in such terms as "compound highland 
shoreline, dominantly submergent." 

The Shoreline and Subaerial Cycles 

Now a map interpreter will rarely confine his attention to the 
shoreline the immediate zone of contact between land and water 
but will need to treat the coast as a whole. In this connection the direc- 
tion of strand-line movement is more than ever important, for a rise 
of base-level influences the development of rivers and valleys differ- 
ently from a fall. In tliis wider view, it is necessary to pay attention 
not only to raised shoreline features, including perhaps extensive 
wave-cut platforms, but also the breaks of river profile and to valley- 
in- valley forms ; but, although a given strand-line movement may be 
looked on as initiating a new cycle both on land and at the shore, it is 
usually convenient to consider the landscape and shoreline individually, 
for several reasons. Even if the two cycles begin simultaneously, it 
does not follow that they will keep in phase after the initial stage. 
Furthermore, the intermittent movements of emergence abundantly 
proved in many areas have been relatively small and frequent, initiating 
epicycles rather than completely new cycles of subacrial erosion. 
Consequently a landscape and its limiting shoreline are commonly 
found to be in very different stages of their respective cycles, a fact 
wliich must be recognized in description. The physical characteristics 
of a given piece of coast may be summarized under the following 

1. Class of shoreline submergent, emergent, neutral, or 

2. Type of coast highland or lowland. 

3. Stage reached in the shoreline cycle. 

4. Form of subacrial cycle normal, karstic, glacial, or arid 
and stage reached therein. 

The areas discussed below can be no more than a selection of the 
combinations possible. They are, however, intended to illustrate a 


wide variety of coastal forms, and to exemplify the main features 
developed in the shoreline cycle up to and including the stage of 
maturity, with particular reference to highland coasts in different 
stages of the subaerial cycle. 

O.S. 1/25,000, SHEET NC/y6 

This portion of the coast of Sutherland displays a remarkable combina- 
tion of features. Although no submarine contours are given, the 
amplitude of subaerial relief and the forms produced on the shore 
indicate that the highland variety of the shoreline cycle is in progress. 
Numerous lakes on the low plateau seem most likely to be the relics of 
glaciation, which has also left its mark in the steep-sided flat-bottomed 
trough glimpsed in the extreme south-west. It is not surprising, 
therefore, to discover signs of re-grading in the new, post-glacial, 
normal cycle, as at 738622, 783620, and 785629, where streams are 
sawing through rock-steps or through the lips of hanging valleys. 
Some additional factor may be needed to explain the well-marked 
gorge in the east (798630), to which another in the south-east may 
be tributary, but without more evidence this problem cannot be 

One soon finds, however, that not all active valley-deepening can be 
explained as the re-grading of glacial features. Several tiny valleys 
hang nqjtably above the shore, discharging their streams in cascades 
down the cliff. At 752658 and 753659 the "hang" is more than 
100 ft. At some points the stream, in commencing to accommodate 
itself to present base-level, has deeply notched the cliff-face, for 
instance at 774655; but inspection of the contours proves that the 
work is still in its early stage and that the long-profile still plunges 
seaward. A number of these ungraded streams appear too long to 
have developed headwards from the present shore: they are some- 
thing more than rills. Consequently an explanation must be found 
for the steep gradients near their mouths. The leading possibilities are 
cliff recession and rejuvenation by emergence. To cause a stream to 
hang or plunge in this way, cliff recession must be rapid and extensive. 
But, as will shortly be noted, the forms of this shoreline indicate very 
early youth and resistant rocks, whence it may be inferred that in the 


present shoreline cycle the cliffs have receded very little. The alter- 
native explanation, late emergence, is amply supported by the available 

At the head of Armadale Bay (7964) a low cliff is marked (in 
hachuring) above HWMOST, backed by a gentle ascent up to 100 ft. or 
thereabouts, after which there is a sharp rise. Near Kirktomy (74638) 
a flat spur rises a little over 100 ft. O.D., and closed loo-ft. contours 
occur at 735635 and 708625 in neighbouring valleys. The steep rising 
slopes behind Farr Bay (7162) commence at about the same level of 
100 ft. One may suggest subject to the test of work on the ground 
that the features noticed are the remains of former cliffs and abrasion- 
platforms, mostly referable to a base-level of c. 100 ft. above the 
present one. If so, the low cliff in Armadale Bay appears to record a 
still-stand at an intermediate level during emergence. Since heavy 
glaciation would have been likely to destroy or to conceal evidence of 
tliis kind, the inferred high base-levels are probably later than local 

These features of relatively late emergence of a highland coast are 
associated with the shoreline forms of very early youth. The shoreline 
as a whole is crenulate, i.e. minutely irregular. Besides the bold 
irregularities of bay and headland there are very many small clefts 
and points, etched out by wave-erosion working selectively along 
lines of weakness. At this stage the details of shoreline form are to a 
considerable extent structure-guided, as is well shown in the group 
of parallel clefts just east of Port Mor (7363). As yet bay-head beaches 
are little developed: powerful waves enter nearly every inlet and 
maintain steep cliffs along most of the shoreline. 



O.S. IRELAND, 1/63,360, SHEET 169 (SHEETS 169, 170, 180, 181) 

Submergence is likely to produce embayed shorelines. Within 
this group a very wide range of initial forms is possible. In schematic 
outlines of the shoreline cycle on a submergent highland coast, it is as 
a rule tacitly assumed that the landscape is approximately mature in 
the subaerial cycle, so that the former valleys constitute deep bays 
while the intervening divides stand out prominently in headlands. 


In these circumstances, wave-attack on the promontories gives rise to 
cliffs. The derived rock-waste combines with the load discharged by 
rivers to provide material which is disposed as beaches, spits, and bars. 
The chief process at work in cliff-cutting, in rolling and abrading the 
beach material, and in moving it along the shore, is wave-action. 
Despite the multitude of individual forms, both destructional and 
constructional, one may observe a general tendency for beaches to 
accumulate at the heads of bays and for headlands to be linked to one 
another by coalescent spits. By the time the shoreline is sub-mature, 
much of the headlands has been destroyed; the surviving bays are 
almost cut off from the open sea by bars, which with the headland 
beaches form a straight or gently curving, regular line. Maturity is 
attained when the line of beach has been pushed back to the mainland 
throughout its whole length, i.e. when the cliff line has receded as far 
as the bayheads. 

Although the selected area is not one of very strong relief, the shore- 
line cycle is that appropriate to highland coasts. Submergence is 
indicated by the drowned valleys : Bannow Bay and Wexford Harbour 
are identical in kind with Tacumshin Lake and Lady's Island Lake. 
Perhaps it is not out of place to insist that, although the outlines of 
bays are smoothed out by shoreline processes, the actual inlets are 
usually the mark of submergence. In other words, most of the excava- 
tion has been done by subaerial not marine agents. The fact that a bay 
coincides with an outcrop of weak rock does not prove that the inlet 
has been carved out by the sea. Observation shows that shoreline 
processes tend to regularize, not to diversify, the outline. Initially this 
particular shoreline must have been deeply embayed, but a great deal 
of regularization has already taken place and sub-maturity has been 
reached in places. The different stretches may be taken one by one, 
in order of advancement in the shoreline cycle. 

Bannow Bay seems to have been a fairly deep, steep-sided valley, 
cut by a river working to a lower base-level than the present. Sub- 
mergence must have converted it into a deep-water inlet of the ria 
type, with a bottom gradient determined by the form of the old 
valley floor. Doubtless the bay originally deepened seaward, but the 
old floor now lies deeply buried under rock-waste that has accumulated 
since the submergence, filling the inlet up to mid-tide level and re- 
placing deep water by tidal flats. It is often urged that tidal scour 
militates against the silting-up of inlets of this kind, but tides can 
sweep material in as well as out. Observation teaches that these 


inlets usually tend to become choked, and the limited investigations so 
far made show that much of the fill consists of marine rather than 
fluvial deposits. In some measure the silt is protected by the bar 
typically developed across the mouth of the inlet. There is a difference 
between the offshore bar, formed under water and driven landward, 
and the spit which grows out from a headland. Here the channel on 
the western side of Bannow Island is about two-thirds closed by a 
large spit projecting north-eastwards from the opposite shore; a 
mile to the southward, the bar at the head of Fethard Bay almost 
completely encloses a small drowned valley. 

Between Crossfarnoge and Carnsore Point the cycle is more 
advanced. No powerful streams enter the sea ; bay mouth bars almost 
seal off the two inlets. The forms are those of sub-maturity a smooth 
line of beach passing from one cliffcd headland to another, with 
portions of the initial inlets surviving. Note that spits appear to have 
grown most vigorously from the central headland, which is now 
winged, both to cast and west a fact which should prevent any 
facile generalization on the dominant direction of longshore drift. 
Although it may be possible to show that, on a long stretch of 
shoreline, there is a net transport of beach material in a single 
direction, local exceptions are to be expected if the shoreline is at 
all irregular (cf. the opposed directions of the spits in Bannow and 
Fethard Bays). 

The shoreline of Ballyteige Bay is not far from mature. It may be 
assumed that the headlands on either side, now \vell cliffed, once 
projected farther, and that they have receded considerably under 
wave-attack. The great dune-covered bar (Ballyteige Burrows) is 
the counterpart of the baymouth bars previously noticed, but has 
been driven inland as the anchoring headlands were destroyed until 
it rests almost against the mainland. The sizeable bay of submergence 
behind it is now represented by no more than a narrow valley bottom 
with diminutive tidal flats. A further recession of less than a mile 
would involve the burial of these flats, the destruction of the bar, and 
the development of a smooth line of cliffs on the firm ground. This 
stretch of shoreline would then be fully mature. 

It seems as if the large bar has grown westwards from Crossfarnoge, 
progressively displacing the mouth of the stream. Where records 
exist, however, it is remarked that such growth and displacement have 
usually been intermittent and subject to relapse, even without human 
interference. The map can give no more than a statement of existing 


conditions, showing effective growth and ignoring historical details, 
unless a given spit or bar is obviously complex or compound. Com- 
plex spits are those which send out branches during growth; com- 
pound spits include elements of more than one earlier feature; 
recurved (hooked) spits, for instance, not infrequently have "teeth" 
on the landward side, at former positions of the terminal hook. On 
the present map the record is somewhat obscured by dunes, which 
incidentally prove that the spits are at least partly composed of sand, 
and by sea walls at the edges of the tidal flats. The long spit terminating 
in Rosslare Point is possibly compound, but the irregular inner edge 
may also be due to tidal deltas (washovers), where beach material has 
been swilled inwards at high tide. Small spits which would be more 
easily understood with the help of bottom contours are St. Patrick's 
Bridge near Crossfarnoge, St. Patrick's Bridge on Saltee Island Little, 
and The Ring on Saltee Island Great. 

The eastern shoreline remains to be considered in its entirety. The 
low cliffs alternating with shallow bays between Carnsore and 
Greenore Points call for little remark. About a mile beyond Rosslare 
Harbour Pier a smoothly curved shoreline begins, based in the south 
on the mainland but farther north on the spit already mentioned. It is 
clear that the shoreline is being developed to some extent independ- 
ently of the subaerial forms, a fact which emphasizes the utility of 
dealing separately with the shoreline and with the landscape. The spit, 
already protecting a great width of tidal flat from wave-attack, seems 
likely o unite with The Raven to the north in a cuspate bar, separating 
Wexford Harbour from the open sea. On this view, the shoreline 
from Rosslare Harbour northwards is roughly sub-mature, but if it 
were a Igwland shoreline the interpretation would be different (see 
below, p. 77 ff ). 


O.S. 1/25,000, SHEET SY/i8 (SIDMOUTH) 

This part of the shoreline of South Devon is in reality compound. 
The River Sid has a buried channel related to a lower base-level, 
while raised abrasion-platforms in the vicinity show where the sea 
formerly stood higher against the land; but maturity in the present 
shoreline cycle is so nearly attained that for the purposes of this 
discussion strand-line movements may be ignored, the shoreline being 


regarded as one of submergence, exemplifying a later stage in evolu- 
tion than that just discussed. 

There are no bays. Any headlands that may formerly have existed 
have been cut back to a smooth line of cliffs, broken only at the valley 
mouths and continuously fringed by beach (Plate HB). Such regularity, 
and the abrupt truncation of the landscape are typical of shoreline 
maturity. There is no doubt that neither geological structure nor the 
texture of the subaerial relief has much effect on the plan of the shore, 
nor do waves enter and enlarge the openings of river valleys. 

The area seems to be one of uniclinal structure, with a more resistant 
cap-rock overlying weaker beds. Note at the top of each valley wall 
a steep descent through about a hundred feet, with a gentler slope 
below. 1 Wave-attack is vigorous and the cliffs are receding rapidly. 
Small streams hang above the shore, or plunge downward to their 
mouths, having been unable to lower their profiles as fast as the cliffs 
have been cut back. The discordant relationship of minor drainage to 
present base-level is similar to that observed previously on the Suther- 
land shoreline, but the cause is different. In Sutherland other evidence 
supported the hypothesis of emergence; here, rapid and general 
retreat of the cliffs is indicated not merely by the mature form of the 
shore, but also by the partial destruction of hilltop camps at High 
Peak Hill (104859) and Berry Cliff (188882). It seems probable that 
marine erosion has made a great deal of progress in the last two 
thousand years or so. The whole cliff-face, not the lower part alone, 
is being brought down. Landslip symbols, particularly clear on Berry 
Cliff, show how the weak rocks respond to undercutting. 

O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 186 

The maps so far treated in this chapter represent many of die larger 
features typical of submergent highland coasts, at various stages up to 
and including maturity of the shoreline cycle. Stress has been laid on 

1 This inference is correct as far as it goes, but a geological map would reveal additional 
facts of great interest: the cap-rock rests unconfonnably on the weak formation; the flat 
summit-surface, although apparently structural at first sight, truncates the resistant beds 
at a very low angle, and is thought to be a plane of marine abrasion. 


shoreline rather than on subaerial forms. It is now proposed to take 
a more complicated example, where an upland in early youth of the 
subaerial cycle has been affected by oscillations of the strand-line, 
including a late positive movement, and where the present shoreline 
is still immature. 

The initial shoreline of submergence was very different from that 
of a submerged mature landscape. Instead of the ample bays, corre- 
sponding to wide and deep valleys, one observes long, narrow, branch- 
ing inlets: this is. a ria coast. The partially submerged valleys of the 
Fowey, Looe, and Lynher, comparable to Barrow Bay in County 
Wexford, are indisputable criteria of submergence. Wave-erosion 
cannot have shaped them. They inherit their form from the young 
valleys of the subaerial cycle in progress before submergence. As 
expected in a youthful landscape, the narrow valleys are separated by 
broad divides, on whose flat tops part of the initial surface survives. 
These divides end seaward in rather irregular lines of steep cliff', which 
correspond to the cliffed noses of the headlands which result from the 
drowning of a mature landscape. 

Additional evidence of a rise inbase-levcl is given by the submerged 
forest (2150) whose trees must have flourished above the sea-level of 
the time. It is possible also that th e floor of St. Austell Bay is a drowned 
bayhead beach; but the drowned valleys remain the most easily 
interpreted sign of submergence, even in the field, as shoreline features 
developed at lower levels than the present are necessarily under water. 
Evidence of emergence, in contrast, is often unmistakable on the 
ground: caves, arches, stacks, wave-cut notches, patches of abrasion- 
platform and of raised beach may be located, all out of reach of the 
highest waves. 

On the map, however, such comparatively small features do not 
show well, if at all, and arc rarely labelled. Hence emergence has to be 
proved from inland areas. It is unnecessary to recapitulate die argu- 
ments of Chapter V, where it was seen that in this area strongly 
rejuvenated drainage is associated with a scries of probable erosional 
platforms, the whole indicating intermittent falls of base-level. The 
interpreter would do well to note that except for the presumptive 
evidence of a former low base-level afforded by the rias, shoreline 
forms as represented on maps are best able to indicate submergence. 
Away from the shore, however, emergence may be clearly recorded 
in the erosional forms of valleys while submergence is concealed by an 
alluvial fill which may not be apparent from the topographical sheet. 


The shorelines mapped here are by no means mature in the present 
cycle, but the work of regularization has begun. Bayhead beach is 
slightly developed in Mevagissey and St. Austell Bays, while the rias 
are being filled in; the mouth of the Seaton River (3054) is indeed 
already choked by alluvium behind a small enclosing spit. It seems 
likely that the shoreline will attain a smooth plan long before the cliff 
line has been cut back to the heads of the rias; the inlets will disappear 
mainly by being silted up, until the tidal flats are replaced by flood- 
plain, i.e. until shoreline forms are locally replaced by subaerial forms. 
The shoreline cycle is most advanced in the south-east. East of 
Downend Point (2251) cliff recession from a shelving shore has left an 
abrasion-platform, which passes eastwards in Whitcsands Bay into a 
gently arcuate beach. The line of cliff on this stretch is approaching 
the regular plan of maturity. 



O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 114 


The initial outline of a lowland coast is likely to be highly irregular or 
generally smooth, according to whether the cycle begins with the 
submergence of a land-surface or with the emergence of a flat sea- 
floor. As strand-line movements at various times in the late Pliocene, 
the Pleistocene, and the post-Pleistocene have been widely demon- 
strated in Britain, it is probable that most immature lowland shorelines 
will be compound. It is best to remain content with the fact that the 
lowland shoreline cycle is in progress, and to ascertain die stage 
reached with present base-level. 

Whether emergent or submergent, the lowland shore has a bottom 
gradient so gentle that large waves break offshore. In doing so they 
throw up a bar, submarine at first, but appearing above water at the 
end of the initial stage. The bar grows by accretion as more debris is 
thrown up, but at the same time time tends to move inshore as the 
seaward face is combed down and fresh material is washed over the 
top towards the mainland. During the stage of youth, the lagoon 
enclosed between the bar and the mainland becomes filled with rock 
waste and organic debris silt and peat over which the bar is driven 
inwards. Maturity is reached when the bar has been pushed back to 
the mainland, which is itself attacked. Conditions at this stage are 


generally similar to those at maturity of the highland shoreline cycle, 
except that on the mature lowland shore the cliffs can be of no great 

It is of course possible for the gentle bottom gradient required for 
evolution of the lowland-shore type to exist locally off a highland 
coast, for example, where slight emergence brought the floor of a bay 
within reach of the breaking waves. For this reason care is necessary 
in interpreting such features as those of Wexford Harbour, where the 
shoreline is knowji to be compound. On the present map, however, 
the very wide tidal flats in the Wash leave no doubt that the lowland 
shoreline cycle is being pursued. 

In Britain generally, lowland shores have been greatly modified by 
reclamation and drainage. The flat fenlands here, and the comparable 
Somerset Levels, represent former lagoon and marsh. The remarkably 
wide bar, easily distinguished from the fen by its contrasted pattern of 
settlement and roads, is the compound product of several strand-line 
movements, which cannot however be inferred from the map. This 
shoreline will not be mature until the bar has receded across the fen, 
to rest against the firm ground which commences near the 5O-ft. 
contour. One may doubt whether recession is taking place at the 
present time, for south of Gibraltar Point (5557) a strip of salt marsh has 
been reclaimed on the seaward flank of the bar (see also Chapter XII), 
and the work is still going on. North of the Point conditions are 
different. A much narrower foreshore corresponds to a steeper bottom 
gradient. No salt marsh was available for reclamation here, for the 
shoreline runs along the edge of a sandy bar which is, in places at least, 
under wave-attack. There is nothing to say whether the "-ness" of 
Skegness was an earlier tip of the bar, but one may certainly note the 
apparent southward diversion of the Steeping River (5460-5567) and 
of the drainage now carried in the artificial Cow Bank Drain (5560). 
The groynes near Chapel St. Leonards indicate a longshore movement 
of beach material as well as the likelihood of marine erosion, while the 
outlines of Chapel Point and Ingoldmells Point suggest that the move- 
ment is towards the south. It seems justifiable to infer that the seaward 
face of the bar tends to be combed down, and that the material trans- 
ported along the beach accumulates at the tip of Gibraltar Point, 
extending it southwards. 

In spite of the redistribution of material on the outer side, great bars 
of this kind appear to be, as features, fairly stable. Inshore movement 
is slow, often perhaps because of artificial defensive works. Some 


offshore bars of shingle, or banks of sand and mud, are relatively fast- 
moving, changing noticeably in their low-tide outlines between 
successive surveys. It is very difficult to generalize about their develop- 
ment. In map interpretation it is advisable merely to note them as 
indications of shallow water and of the form of shoreline cycle to be 


Fiords are glacier troughs invaded by the sea. They are frequently 
compared to the rias of some unglaciated areas, presumably because 
they indent the shoreline and allow the sea to penetrate deeply inland, 
but the comparison needs to be qualified. Rias necessarily imply 
submergence, fiords do not. Rias are river valleys, excavated when 
base-level was lower and drowned by a positive strand-line movement : 
fiords are glacier channels, occupied by the sea when the ice melted. 
Because of their great size glaciers can corrade well below sea-level. 
Now as many ria coasts are thought to have remained stable un- 
affected by earth-movement since late Tertiary times, the sub- 
mergence which has affected them would seem to have been eustatic, 
the manifestation of a general change of base-level. Some heavily 
glaciated areas, on the other hand, responded to the massive load of 
Pleistocene ice-caps by regional subsidence from which they are still 
intermittently recovering. Movements of this kind, due to loading or 
unloading, are termed isostatic. It will readily be appreciated that, 
although submergence is not an essential factor in the origin of fiords, 
many fiord coasts bear the impress of positive movements as well as 
displaying the more noticeable signs of emergence. Hence in addition 
to noting those features which derive from glaciation, or from the 
beginnings of re-grading in the normal cycle, one must pay close 
attention to the shoreline in the attempt to discover evidence of recent 
changes in base-level. 

In many glacier troughs the "solid" rock is deeply buried under 
moraine and alluvium, which conceal irregularities in the floor; but 
in ribbon lakes and fiords deposition is concentrated at the mouths of 
rivers, with the result that enclosed hollows survive to be recorded 
in the underwater contours. On the Scottish O.S. sheets bottom 
contours, given in feet for all freshwater lochs except where the level 
has been raised by damming, clearly indicate the forms present. In 


that part of Loch Shiel mapped on Sheet 47 there are three closed 
contours at depths of 400, 400, and 300 ft. Similar subsidiary basins 
occur in Lochs Arkaig and Lochy in the north, and in Loch Eildc Mor 
in the south-east. Some of these hollows reflect the presence of rock- 
steps, but each basin as a whole owes much of its depth to the "down- 
at-heel" erosion characteristic of valley glaciers. In the fiords submarine 
contours, drawn at 5 and 10 fathoms only, can often record no more 
than the shallowing towards the lower end: in Loch Eil both are 
closed ; in upper Loch Linnhe both converge at, but pass through, the 
Corran Narrows (0263) ; the floor of Loch Leven is better represented, 
with the lo-fathom line closed at least four times and with two sets of 
narrows less than 5 fathoms deep. 

Just as the sides of a glaciated trough plunge below an alluvial fill 
or beneath the surface of a ribbon lake, so they descend sharply into 
the waters of a fiord. Hanging tributary valleys and deltas at the fiord 
heads or at the mouths of lateral tributaries bear the same relationship 
to the main trough as do comparable features inland, which have 
already been reviewed. It is not to be expected that in the sheltered 
waters of fiords marine erosion will have advanced far since dcglacia- 
tion, so that wave-cut cliffs are unlikely to be extensive. The influence 
of communication with the sea is found in the features of occupance 
(discussed elsewhere) and in the beaches. 

All these sea-lochs are fringed between tide-marks by a narrow 
strip of foreshore, very narrow where the bottom plunges but wider 
where the larger deltas provide gentle gradients. In the freshwater 
basins, beach development, if any, is small. Above the present sea 
beaches, close examination of the fiord shorelines discloses a narrow 
bench at a slightly higher level (Plate IB). Where it is best developed 
this feature might well be interpreted at first sight as a delta flat, an 
accumulation of moraine, or as the enclosing rock at the lower end of a 
glacier trough. The small flat at North Ballachulish (0560), with a 
spot height of 46 ft., could be based on the rocky or morainic barrier of 
lower Loch Lcven; the low ground projecting eastward at the Corran 
Narrows might be similarly related to the basin of upper Loch Linnhe; 
the narrows at the lower end of Loch Eil seem to combine the terminal 
shallowing of a glacier trough with the delta of a heavily laden 
tributary. At other points, however, explanations of this kind cannot 
apply. Opposite Fort William at Trislaig (0974) a small flat appears 
between the edge of the water and the line of buildings. The fiord 
appears to be deep hereabouts, and receives no delta-building stream. 


Much of the ground up to 50 ft. is obscured by the road symbol, 
but hints of comparable sites appear north of the Klachnish delta 
(0669) and along the southern shore of Loch Eil. Indeed, the course of 
the coast roads, and of the railway on the north of Loch Eil, itself 
suggests that low ground is available. On the south side of Loch Leven 
the 50-ft. contour runs along the water's edge, indicating a continuous 
slope, and the main road climbs the valley wall. Elsewhere careful 
inspection discovers that the so-ft. and zero contours are more widely 
separated than those above. In fact, the coast roads skirting the water's 
edge run along raised beach, except when crossing streams and deltas, 
or passing over rocky knobs. 

The interpretation is not easy on this map scale, but a careful inter- 
preter might expect to locate the flat at Trislaig and to consider it in 
relation to possible isostatic movement. Much of the rest follows. 
Account may also be taken of spot-heights on the coast roads, but 
caution is necessary here. Those on bridges and deltas should be 
rejected as likely to be misleading. The whole scries, in order along 
the coast road from 9359 to the head of L. Eil is: 15, 52, 41, 24, 38, 
45, 31, 12, 27, 15, 45, 21, 40, 27, 15, n, 12, 30, 19, 10 ft. Some of 
these would certainly be eliminated in the field, as marking crests 
where the road crosses a protuberance, but in map interpretation 
they must be taken as they stand. It would be straining the evidence 
to claim that they are helpful : in twenty-five readings there is a range 
of 35 ft. and little sign of grouping. The sample is too small to suggest 
what is actually the case, that more than one raised beach exists as a 
result of intermittent isostatic recovery. Again, the map scale is too 
small and the contour interval too large to show what is at once noted 
in the field, that rejuvenated streams have partly destroyed their raised 
deltas, building anew at the lower level. The resulting "cone-in- 
cone" form is well displayed on the ground at the northern side of 
the Loch Eil narrows. 

It is thus seen that die topographical map is not wholly successful 
in representing on tin's fiord coast certain features which, although 
small in extent, throw much light on recent shoreline evolution and 
considerably modify the setting of human activity. 

For general accounts of geology, see 

J. PHEMISTER. The Northern Highlands. Second Edition. British 
Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1948. 


V. WILSON. East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. British Regional 
Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1948. 

C. P. CHATWIN. East Anglia and Adjoining Areas. Second Edition. 
British Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1948. 

G. A. KELLAWAY and F. B. A. WELCH. The Bristol and Gloucester 
District. Second Edition. British Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 


H. DEWEY. South-ivest England. Second Edition. British Regional 
Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 1948. 

A full treatment of shorelines is 

D. W. JOHNSON. Shore Processes and Shoreline Development. Wiley, 
New York, 1919. 

Much helpful material may be obtained from 

J. A. STEERS. The Coastline of England and Wales. University Press, 
Cambridge, 1946. (In particular, wave-action, longshore drift, and 
spits are discussed on pp. 44-63, and strand-line movements in 
Chapter XII, pp. 475-501. Some of the stretches of coast treated in 
the foregoing text are considered on pp. 198-204, 211-12, 254-60, 

The account of constructional forms given in this chapter might 
usefully be supplemented by STEERS, op. tit., pp. 345-64 and by 

J. L. DAVIES. "Wave Refraction and the Evolution of Shoreline 
Curves," Geographical Studies, v, 2, 1958, p. i. 

C. A. M. KING. "The Relationship between Wave Incidence, etc.," 
Trans. Inst. Brit. Geog., 1953, P- J 3- 

Papers relating to the shorelines described in the foregoing chapter 

J, F. N. GREEN. "The High Platforms of East Devon." Proc. Geol. 
Assoc., xlii, 1941, p. 36. 

O. D. KENDALL. "The Coast of Somerset." Proceedings of the Bristol 
Naturalists' Society, viii, 1936, p. 186. 

H. GODWIN. "Studies in the Post-glacial History of British Vegeta- 
tion, III and IV." Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., B, 230, 1940, p. 239. 

H. GODWIN. "Correlations in the Somerset Levels. New Phyto- 
logist, xl, 1941, p. 108. (See also STEERS, op. tit., pp. 490-1, Figs. 105, 


The wind 
Shoulders the pillared dust. BROWNING 




AN arid climate is one in which potential evaporation exceeds pre- 
cipitation. It follows that deserts are regions of interior drainage, 
except where very large rivers succeed in crossing them, without 
drying up on the way; but, paradoxically enough, it is impossible to 
understand much of the desert landscape without allowing a major 
role to running and percolating water. Few areas are entirely without 
rain : rain in the desert, when it does come, takes the form of violent 
convectional downpours which, running off as heavily loaded torrents 
or sheets of water, profoundly modify die relief. 

Distinctive Character of Desert Landscapes 

Landscapes shaped by desert weathering and erosion differ among 
themselves as signally as do the glaciated landscapes of Britain. Just 
as in glaciated country, however, the landforms produced are highly 
characteristic and easily recognizable, whether in the field or on the 
map. The nature of the geographical environment is never in doubt, 
and a descriptive account presents few problems. The difficulties are of 
another kind. As yet, the precise ways in which erosion operates in 
arid conditions are not fully understood, nor has the scheme of the 
desert cycle been satisfactorily worked out beyond the stage of 
maturity. It seems best, therefore, to take the selected map as exem- 
plifying certain leading features of a single class of desert landscape, 
rather than a particular stage in the desert cycle, and to direct the 
reader to the works listed below for a discussion of the morphological 
problems involved, and for descriptions of contrasted arid tracts. 

This map represents an assemblage of inselberg, pediment, and 
alluvial plain. These are major landforms, sufficient proof in 



themselves that the processes of arid erosion have been at work. On 
the ground one would observe an abundant variety of detail, for, as 
on shorelines, bare rock is exposed to differential attack ; but in both 
cases limitations of scale compel the map interpreter to concentrate 
chiefly on the texture of relief as a whole. 


The inselbergs are the Sacaton Mountains in the north-east, and a 
similar mass in the south-west lying mostly outside the Quadrangle 
and represented only by Double Peaks and near-by smaller hills. 
Inselbergs are residual forms, rising abruptly here, to as much as 
700 ft. above the surrounding gentler slopes. Some are based on 
outcrops of particularly resistant igneous rock, and may be compared 
to the tors found in humid regions; others are outliers of a partly 
denuded formation, analogous to the outliers in front of escarpments 
in the normal landscape. Whatever their composition, inselbergs 
undergo severe weathering. The powerful sun by day, and unimpeded 
radiation by night cause great changes of temperature in the exposed 
rock-faces, which tend to disintegrate into angular slabs or coarse 
grains. When water is available, heat promotes chemical change. By 
these means, and with the aid of the natural sand-blast, rock can be 
speedily worn away. Since the vegetation cover is necessarily sparse 
and discontinuous, desert landscapes are made up of clear-cut features 

with associated large accumulations of debris. 

Alluvial Plain 

It might be thought that the scree would remain banked up against 
the inselbergs until it was sufficiently comminuted to be removed by 
the wind. This might be so in completely rainless climates, but is 
demonstrably not the fact in the Casa Grande neighbourhood. Loose 
rock-waste has been carried away from the inselbergs, leaving them 
continually exposed to further attack, and has been transported towards 
the lowest ground, where it has accumulated in a constructional plain 
with very low surface-gradients. On this map sheet the constructional 
surface, nicely defined by widely spaced contours, is approximately 
bounded by the railway on the north-east and by the upper part of 
the Santa Rosa Wash on the south-west. The deposits beneath the 
plain are certain to be generally permeable, and in suitable climatic 
conditions may contain accessible reserves of ground-water (cf. the 
numerous wells, especially towards the east). 


It is clear that the supply of fine-grained waste is limited. Patches 
of bare sand, as marked on the map, are mostly small, and dunes are 
restricted in extent. Moreover, drainage channels occur, even though 
the streams which flow in them are intermittent, and part of the plain 
has been settled impossible conditions in a sand sea. One might 
reasonably infer, therefore, that the rock-waste on which the plain is 
based is partly coarse in calibre. It can scarcely have been transported 
to its present position by wind. 


Between the eroded inselbergs and die depositional plain lie the 
pediments, gently sloping surfaces cut across the solid rock and usually 
covered with the thinnest veneer of rock-waste. The pediment 
surrounding the Sacaton Mountains lies between the 1,500-6:. and 
i,275-ft. contours on the western side, and between 1,600 and 1,400 on 
the cast, while that below Double Peaks is observed to fall as low as 
1,325 ft. towards the north. Inselbergs are separated from pediments 
by a remarkably clear break of slope, below which the pediment sur- 
faces descend smoothly towards the plain at gradients decreasing 
slightly downwards. Their lower boundaries, where the flat plain 
begins, arc scarcely less well defined although the change of gradient 
is much less. 

The mode of origin of pediments is far too controversial to be 
debated at length here. Some authorities regard them as planed oft by 
the lateral corrasion of intermittent streams, which work over the 
pediments much as the streams of humid regions work over deltas, 
repeatedly dividing and swinging from side to side. In support of 
tins view it is urged that many pediments (including, as is at once 
noted, those mapped here) are very shallowly dissected by numerous 
tiny channels. It has been suggested that occasional streams, fed by 
the rare convectional rainstorms, are capable of transporting the 
heavy loads of rock-waste derived from the hills, but not of cutting 
deeply down. On this view, the streams can corrade in the hill belt, 
just succeed in transporting their load across the pediments, and aggrade 
the alluvial plain where they disappear by evaporation and percolation. 
Other writers regard sheet-flood as the chief process at work the 
movement of occasional floodwater, heavily charged with the tools of 
corrasion, over the whole pediment at once. Others again maintain 
that a pediment is produced essentially by the bodily retreat, under the 
attack of desert erosion, of the rock-wall above, and would compare 


it to the strike vales in front of scarps in humid regions. Whatever the 
truth of the matter, it is generally agreed that pediments are progres- 
sively extended as the higher ground is denuded. The useful term 
pediplanation connotes the sum of the processes at work and their 
total effect. The selected map is seen, then, to depict a tract where 
pediplanation is going on. The inselbergs now observed are certain to 
be destroyed. Final stages in their elimination are represented by 
knobs of rock, isolated or in groups, such as the hill at 1,556 ft. about 
two miles north-west of Casa Grande, or the detached remnants south 
of the Sacaton Mountains. 

Intermittent Drainage 

All the streams of this tract are intermittent. Fed by surface run-off, 
they cut gullies in the high ground and occupy shifting, braided 
courses on the alluvial plain, where they lose most of their volume 
before passing the bounds of the Quadrangle. It is evident that the 
floor of this particular basin of centripetal drainage rises well above 
the i,ooo-ft. contour. 

Desert Basins 

This consideration enables the interpreter to regard the landforms 
identified in due perspective against a wider background of desert 
erosion in general; for deserts are commonly enclosed by mountain 
walls, constituting orographic as well as drainage basins. Hence the 
considerable elevations of floor and walls alike. The encircling 
mountains serve to accentuate an aridity, which might be expected 
because of distance from the sea or the prevalence of high atmospheric 
pressure. Many of the desert basins in the south-western United 
States are, in fact, the tectonic depressions of highly faulted country, 
and are bounded by fault-blocks. As the basin walls retreat before the 
attack of pediplanation, detached portions survive for a time as 
inselbergs, while the products of weathering accumulate except for 
a fraction exported as wind-blown sand in the hollows. Plain, 
pediments, rock knobs, inselbergs, basin walls, and the channels of 
intermittent drainage thus make up a unitary assemblage of forms. 
The pattern of drainage, the form of slopes, depositional features, 
and features of erosion are not only characteristic in themselves, but 
are combined in a distinctive manner. The resulting assemblage is 
not least instructive in virtue of proving the qualities of the climate 
in which it has evolved. 



Accounts of landscape development in arid and semi-arid climates may 
be found in the texts listed at the end of Chapter II. The following 
should be consulted for a fuller treatment of the problems involved 

R. A. BAGNOLD. The Physics of Blown Sand and Desert Dunes. 
Methuen, London, 1941. 

C. A. COTTON. Climatic Accidents in Landscape Making. Whitcombe 
& Tombs, London, 1947. 

L. C. KING. South African Scenery. Oliver and Boyd, London and 
Edinburgh, 1951. 

Selected papers dealing with the nature and formation of pediments 

W. G. V. BALCHIN and N. PYE, "Piedmont Profiles in the Arid 
Cycle," Proc. Geol. Assoc., Ixvi, 1956, p. 167. 

W. M. DAVIS. "Rock Floors in Arid and in Humid Climates." 
Journ. Geology, xxxviii, 1930, pp. i, 136. 

D. W.JOHNSON. "Rock Planes of Arid Regions." Geogr. Review, 
1932, p. 656. 

J. L. RICH. "Origin and Evolution of Rock-fans and Pediments." 
Bull. Geol. Soc., Amer., xlci, 1935, p. 999. 



When we come to subdivide areas in detail, to examine the actual 
differentiation of the earth's surface, the first of our considerations is 
generally its, morphological diversity. S. W. WOOLDRIDGE 

MAP: O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 165 

THE constituent stows of this piece of country contrast very markedly 
with one another, in respect of geological structure, lithology, soil 
property, form of relief, system of drainage, settlement pattern, and 
surface utilization ; but, although a remarkable variety of country is 
thus to be observed within a small compass, the task of physical 
interpretation is not unduly difficult, especially in the light of the 
foregoing studies. All the kinds of landform present here have already 
been encountered. This map may therefore be treated in a somewhat 
summary fashion, stow by stow, in accordance with the morphological 
analysis sketched in Fig. 6. The subdivision made is based on the 
principles recommended by Linton 1 and summarized in Chapter II. 
Each boundary, as may be seen by comparing Fig. 6 and the O.S. map, 
is drawn along a marked break of slope between two very different 
types of country. The nature of the differences, that is to say the 
rational basis of the subdivision, will be made clear in the following 

I and 2: Hill Country of the South-west 

These stows are undergoing dissection by many short streams, 
which in the extreme south-west are deeply incised in narrow valleys. 
Here the land rises to more than 900 ft. O.D. and the rocks appear to 
be especially resistant. Note also the considerable extent of woodland 
and moor. The lower ground, on the other hand, has been largely 

1 D. L. LINTON. "The Delimitation of Morphological Regions." Published in London 
Essays In Geography, edited by L. DUDLEY STAMP and S. W. WOOLDRIDGB. Longmans, 
Green, London, 1951. 



cleared: wide shallow valleys separate belts of low hills and the under- 
lying rocks are evidently of no more than moderate strength. 

3. The Levels 

This is fen country, closely similar in many ways to the fenland 
bordering the Wash. Much of the drainage is artificial, and the trace 
of many natural streams has been lost. Note the extremely low 
altitudes above mean sea-level that are recorded far inland. The tidal 
range in the Bristol Channel is very great, as suggested by the wide 
tidal flats and the long tidal reach of the River Parrett: hence an 
increased need of land-drainage works, of embankments along the 
rivers, and of strengthened coast defences. The strongest defence of 
the fen is however a natural one. This is a lowland coast, on which 
bars have been anchored by headlands and islands, with fen deposits 
accumulating in the former lagoon behind. 

The "islands" rising from the fen are of two kinds. The sizable 
but very low-lying dry patches, only slightly higher than the rest of 
the Levels, are based on permeable deposits, as suggested by the 
absence of streams and ditches and the presence of nucleated settlement 
and roads (cf. the sites of Chedzoy, Middlezoy, and Wcston Zoyland 
(3437 to 3733) ). "Islands" of the second kind belong under the next 

4. Small Cuestas and Outliers amid the Levels 

The Polden Hills constitute a small cuesta, based on rock which is 
not wholly impermeable. The scarp, which faces S.S.W., is in part 
marked by strips of woodland. In the neighbourhood of Wedmore 
(4347) a generally similar block of hills slopes gently towards the 
south-west and has a steep scarp-face on the north-eastern side. If the 
two stows are based on a single geological formation, they are to be 
interpreted as the flanks of a denuded syncline with its axis roughly 
along the line of the River Brue. Contrast the denuded anticlines 
studied in Chapter IV, where the scarps were observed to face inwards. 
Now as Brent Knoll, Glastonbury Tor, and Pennard Hill lie somewhere 
near the supposed synclinal axis, it may be supposed that they are 
outliers of a formation younger than that in the Polden Hills and at 
Wedmore. A synclinal structure is compatible with the fact that they 
are scarped on all sides. Note also that Glastonbury Tor and Brent 
Knoll both display a tabular flat c. 300 ft. below the summit. It 
seems likely that a resistant cap-rock is underlain by weaker beds, and 


those again by strong rocks which crop out in structural benches. 
Similar features were noted, and a similar inference drawn, in the 
study of outliers from the Cotswolds (p. 23). 

The hills around High Ham (423 1) in the south resemble the south- 
eastern part of the Polden Hills very closely. If the central syncline 
were followed on the south-west by a complementary anticline, one 
might expect a cuesta similar to the Poldens but facing in the opposite 
direction; but, since the highest and best-formed scarp in these 
southernmost hills faces north-westwards, at right angles to the front 
of the Poldens, it is clear that some structural complication has super- 
vened, i.e. that the fold system is not composed of simple, parallel 

5. The Mendips and Other Similar Limestone Hills 

The Mendips rise abruptly above the valley flats of the Axe on the 
south and the gentle slopes of the Yeo valley bottom on the north, to 
a wide, flat plateau surface lying mostly between 850 and 900 ft. O.D. 
(Plate HIA). As surface drainage is almost entirely lacking the under- 
lying rock must be highly permeable, and also mechanically strong, 
for dry valleys become gorges at the edge of the upland with precip- 
itous, rocky walls. These features, together with the caves and caverns 
noted on the map a mere selection of the total known are those of 
karst country, which one may suppose to be developed on Carbon- 
iferous Limestone (cf. Chapter VII). 

Although sinks are not marked by a special symbol, the streams 
flowing northwards off Blackdown (Fig. 6) evidently vanish into the 
limestone. In actuality, sinks occur at many points but are not shown 
on the map : one might expect them to be excluded at this scale. The 
limited development of steep rocky slopes and the apparent lack of 
limestone pavement are more difficult to account for, but like the 
paucity of dry valleys are to be related to the remarkably perfect 
planation of the plateau surface. 

One soon realizes that the Mendip plateau is an erosional not a 
structural surface; for the valley of the Lox Yeo, hemmed in by the 
western hills, cannot be other than a denuded dome or basin. In other 
words, the structures in the limestone block are far from uniclinal, 
not to mention horizontal. The plateau surface is developed across, 
and regardless of, high and inconstant dips. Brief consideration shows 
that the Lox Yeo valley has been carved from a short pitching anticline 
or elongated dome, with the longer axis running approximately 


east-west. If the structure were synclinal, the impermeable rocks 
which now floor the centre should be traceable some way to the east 
by means of a visible stream system. There is, in fact, only a small 



Sec text for explanation of numbers 

Based, by permission, on Sheet 165 of the O.S. New Popular 1/63,360 Map) 

impermeable outcrop on the high ground of Black Down, which 
supports the short streams already noted as disappearing underground 
on the north, into the overlying permeable beds. 1 The small enclosed 

1 The dome was first excavated at least as early as Triassic times, as the 1/63,360 geo- 
logical sheet proves at a glance, but the topographical map records only the net effect of 
all erosion and infilling. 


lowland is therefore taken as an anticline with its weak core eroded 

North of the Yeo valley, the western extremity of a group of hills 
reproduces the association of physical and cultural features which is so 
well displayed by the Mendips. Dry hilltops between dry valleys with 
steep and rocky sides (Goblin Combe, 4765, Brockley Combe, 4766, 
Healls Scars, 4966), at least one cave (in Brockley Combe), woodland 
on the outer slopes, cleared woodland or heath on the flat summits, 
and a long barrow permit of no doubt that this too is limestone 
country of the same kind, differing from the Mendips in standing 
lower and in being less regularly planed off by erosion. Carboniferous 
Limestone also underlies the belt of hills stretching westwards from 
Bristol and turning sharply north-eastwards at Clevedon to follow 
the coast, but the evidence of rock type is less plentiful here, consisting 
chiefly in the absence of surface drainage. Detached outliers of the 
Limestone are seen in Middle Hope, Worlcbury Hill, and Brean 
Down, as also in Steep Holme and Flat Holme; but, apart from the 
"Celtic Fields" on Brean Down, which might correspond to limestone 
soil, the only positive indications are of resistant rock of indeterminate 

6. Broken Hill Country in the East 

Heavily dissected hill country comes in on the east, on both sides 
of the Mendips. The texture of the landscape, the pattern of occupancc, 
and surface utilization are all very different from those observed on 
the outcrops of Carboniferous Limestone. The underlying rocks 
appear to be of only moderate strength, for dissection is considerably 
more advanced than in the limestone areas just reviewed. Broken 
lines of scarp, and many valleys containing surface streams, indicate 
sedimentary formations, in part weak and impermeable but in part 
resistant. One may conjecture that, on the northern side at least, these 
formations are younger than the Carboniferous Limestone; for the 
latter, in the outcrop north of the Yeo, forms scarps which face south 
and west, and should therefore possess an easterly dip which would 
carry it under the hill belt to the south of Bristol. 

The Drainage System 

Although rivers of the levels (or the large artificial channels by 
which they are now represented) are aligned roughly parallel to the 
grain of relief, they cannot be described as adjusted to structure, for 


they are not in contact with the solid formations. They flow, instead, 
over fen deposits which insulate them from the deformed rocks 
beneath. These rivers should, therefore, be regarded as occupying 
the infilled valleys of a former landscape wherein the form of the ground 
was related to structure, and where some measure of drainage adjust- 
ment had been attained. 

Since little can be discovered of the geological structure of the 
south-western hills, no comment can be made on the relation of 
drainage to it, but one may note as a fact that streams here flow in 
roughly parallel courses towards the north-east. In the Mendips and 
other outcrops of Carboniferous Limestone the question of adjustment 
does not arise in the same way. It is more relevant to observe that the 
drainage may be taken as mature, having gone completely 

The map represents an area just large enough to bring out the 
discordant relationship of drainage to structure in the north-east, where 
the Avon turns north-westward from a broad valley to pierce a belt 
of limestone hills in a gorge c. 250 ft. deep. There would seem to 
be an easier route on weaker rocks, already picked out by the diminu- 
tive Land Yeo, through the gap at Flax Bourton (5169). Since the 
Avon must have become established in its course across the limestone 
before this gap was eroded, the gorge is seen to be the result of super- 
imposition, which has not yet been followed by readjustment of 
drainage to the structures now revealed. 

The Shoreline 

Submergence is proved by the Submarine Forest (2246), while 
emergence is strongly suggested by the wide expanse of fen behind 
beach bars, and strikingly demonstrated in the field, for example, by 
raised beaches north-west of Clevedon: the shoreline is therefore com- 
pound. It is dominantly, however, a lowland shoreline of emergence, 
far from mature in the present cycle, and diversified by headlands 
where tongues or outliers of resistant rock run down to the sea. 

A low offshore gradient and a great tidal range combine to produce 
a wide foreshore, sandy, at least in part. Dunes have been formed 
north of die Brue estuary. Wave-built features occur both at and off 
the shore (cf. the banks such as Langford Grounds off the mouths of 
the Yeo and Kcnn, and the shingle ridge which runs from Stolford 
(2346) to Steart Point (2847), where it recurves). 

At a few places, retreating cliffs cut in resistant outcrops have left a 


visible abrasion-platform, nowhere widely developed in the north- 
east but, finely shown in the extreme south-west, where it is mile 


For a general account of the geology, see 

G. A. KELLAWAY and F. B. A. WELCH. The Bristol and Gloucester 
District. Second Edition. British Regional Geology Series, H.M.S.O., 

Special aspects of landform are discussed in 

H. E. BALCH. The Caves ofMendip. Fold Press, London, 1926. 

A. E. TRUEMAN. "Erosion Levels in the Bristol District, etc." Proc. 
Bristol Naturalists' Society, viii, 1938, p. 402. 

H. GODWIN. "Correlations in the Somerset Levels." New Phyto- 
logist, xl, 1941, p. 108. 

The form and distribution of settlement, which are not dealt with 
in the preceding text, are analysed and described by 

B. M. SWAINSON. "Rural Settlement in Somerset." Geography, xx, 
1935, p. 113. 

B. M. SWAINSON. "Dispersion and Agglomeration of Rural Settle- 
ment in Somerset." Geography, xxix, 1944, p- i- 




And beware how in making the portraiture thou breakest the 

MAN'S activities have not greatly altered the form of the ground, 
except locally, where quarrying or tipping has been extensive; but 
reclamation, drainage, clearing, cultivation, and building have signally 
altered the observed landscape. To the extent that it fails to portray 
the visible scene, the map fails to show how little the present country- 
side resembles the "natural* ' countryside of prehistory. Forests, 
woodlands, heaths and marshes of the British lowlands, and of some 
parts of the highlands, have been replaced by a patchwork of fields, 
interlaced by man-made roads and thickly studded by settlements. 
Even the high moorlands, which still remain largely open, have been 
greatly changed: their treelessness is due in part to the grazing of 
domestic animals, or to climatic changes which have occurred since 
the arrival of man. 

The study of cultural features lends itself well to map analysis, in the 
conventional sense of that term the abstraction from a given map of a 
certain class of data, such as roads, settlements, or mines. Selective 
maps produced in this way have an undoubted value in representing, 
with all possible clarity, distributions which may be somewhat 
obscured on the full topographic sheet. The interpreter might well 
make a full analysis of a chosen map at an early stage in his work, 
taking off the several distributions in turn, in order to demonstrate to 
himself the wealth of data available and the way in which patterns 
emerge when various elements are separately studied. The ultimate 
aim, however, must be to take a synthetic, not an analytic, view to 
interpret the map as it stands, and to perceive relationships which are 
necessarily suppressed or minimized when distributions are taken 

Interpretation of Land Use 

On the O.S. topographical maps, evidence of agriculture is mostly 
of a negative kind. With few exceptions, the most highly productive 



agricultural land is left blank. The existence of a special series of Land 
Utilization maps is, in itself, a measure of the deficiency. A little 
thought will show that most of the features of contemporary occupance 
recorded on the standard maps fall into the category of Waste, i.e. 
agriculturally unproductive land, in the classification of the Land 
Utilization Survey. Six other categories are distinguished in that 
scheme. Two, Inland Water and Forest (which includes all wooded 
land), are marked by special symbols on the topographical map, so 
that the interpreter is left in no doubt of their extent and distribution. 
On the Land Utilization maps, Gardens include nurseries and orchards 
in addition to domestic kitchen or flower gardens; topographical 
maps record only orchards by a special symbol, except where the name 
"nursery" occurs or where, on the 1/25,000 and larger scales, tiny 
enclosures attached to dwellings are presumably for the most part 
cultivated. The distribution of heath and moorland, as shown by the 
familiar tuft symbol on the topographical sheet, is broadly similar to 
the extent of Heath (land suitable for rough grazing) recorded by the 
Land Utilization Survey for upland areas, but in the lowlands the 
topographical maps are liable to omit much, while Arable and Meadow 
(permanent pasture), accounting for the greater part of the best agri- 
cultural land, are not symbolized at all. All the interpreter can do, 
therefore, in dealing with the map of an area which has little wood, 
moor, heath, or marsh, and which carries a rural population, is to 
assume that most of the land is devoted to agriculture. 

Needless to say, any specific points of relevant information should 
be discovered and made use of. The nature of the boundary between 
enclosed and improved land on the one side, and open, unimproved 
land on, the other, is particularly interesting. Since field boundaries 
are given on the 1/25,000 series, the extent of enclosure can be found; 
but, as there is no positive evidence of the quality of the worked land, 
one must rely on such data as the symbols for limestone pavement or 
for rocky ground to show which fields are likely to be in pasture 
rather than in tillage. In areas of crofting settlement, even this evidence 
is likely to be misleading. Where woodland or heath is widespread in 
a low-lying tract, the map may also provide inferential evidence of an 
outcrop of sand or clay, but the possibly more favourable soils of adja- 
cent cleared areas can only be guessed at not, as a rule, very accurately 
by the absence of heath or wood. 

Sometimes the beginner, encouraged by having identified the 
underlying structures and types of rock, is tempted to suggest an 


agricultural response. Such a practice would be determinism of the 
crudest sort. It leads directly into a number of pitfalls. Soil type is not 
determined solely, or necessarily at all, by solid geology. The initial 
work of the new Soil Survey reveals, as any rational geographer must 
have foreseen, a most complex and minutely diversified distribution 
of soil series. Again, land use is not influenced by soil alone. Quite 
apart from the influence of superficial deposits, of vegetation, of 
climate, and of cultivation on the qualities of farmland, one must 
always remember that agricultural distributions are in part a function 
of historical and economic factors. The Land Utilization maps, drawn 
from a field-by-field survey in the nineteen-thirties, have already 
been relegated to the status of historical documents by the agricultural 
changes which accompanied and followed the war of 1939-45. 
Bearing in mind that there have been other periods in which no less 
marked alteration in the structure of farming occurred, the map inter- 
preter must content himself with concluding that a cleared, settled 
rural area is presumably devoted to agriculture, and with observing 
the probable extent and limits of cultivation. Within die bounds of 
worked land, positive evidence is likely to exist in the form of named 
farms, symbolized orchards and glasshouses, the channels of water 
meadows, and, in places, such establishments as sugarbeet factories, 
which by their nature indicate one of the crops raised; but all these, 
even in the most favourable areas, provide no more than a small 
fraction of the total possible information. 


Railways and canals, which are features of industrialism, present 
few problems of interpretation, except that on some map series a more 
detailed classification might be conveniently employed. Their modes 
of development, their functions, and their varying success are good 
general guides. Natural waterways and road systems, however, are 
more difficult to deal with, partly because their use dates from very 
early times. 

Canals. Canals are usually closely adapted to the form of the 
ground, running along valley bottoms or parallel to the contours on a 
slope. The existence of a canal implies that at the time of construction 
a demand for transport facilities existed, or was expected to arise, but 
in this country canal traffic has so greatly declined that parts of the canal 
system now lie derelict. Where canals appear on the map they should 
be examined for notation (disused), which is by no means uncommon. 


Apparent signs of present use may be unreliable. Some factories 
alongside canals are themselves derelict; others prefer road or rail 
transport, even for the bulky goods which canals are designed to 
carry. Canal names are worth particular attention: the original 
purpose of the "Coal Canals" is self-evident, while "Navigation 
Canals" were often intended as a substitute waterway for rivers on 
which, for some reason, navigation was difficult. Many canals take 
off from rivers at points determined by physical obstacles of some 
kind, but the map evidence is not always clear. One may assume that 
below the canal junction a river is navigable for canal-boats, as weirs 
and locks may show. Nothing can be said of larger craft, however, 
unless the map represents port facilities, for example, coal staithes. 
It is significant of the small use made of inland waterways in this 
country that the scale of map symbols makes no distinction on the 
basis of capacity. Coastal ports are better treated: large harbour works 
can be shown in plan, while the upstream limit of tides is recorded, on 
the 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Series, by a change from the black line 
of HWM to the blue of inland water. 

Railways. The railway network in Britain, laid down piecemeal 
by competing companies, shows unnecessary duplication of routes in 
some parts and deficiencies in others. A number of sizeable towns, 
for example, lie off the main lines. These anomalies apart, railways 
connect the great towns and industrial districts witli one another and 
with the ports, as well as providing transport services of varying 
quality in rural areas. Map interpretation is usually concerned with a 
small part of the system at one time. Consequently, through-connec- 
tions must be taken for granted, and attention confined to the class of 
installation shown, the relation of routes to the form of the ground, 
and the apparent effect of rail services on the location and growth of 

The scale of symbols used for railways varies with the map series, 
the editions of a single scries, and even with the style of a single edition. 
Thus on the Provisional Edition of the O.S. 1/63,360 (New Popular) 
maps, railways with two or more tracks are marked by a solid black 
line, whereas on the later New Popular Edition proper a chequered 
line is used, similar to that on the 1/25,000 (Later Style). Single- 
track lines are recorded on both series by a lighter chequer. The 
distinction between the two classes corresponds to a useful division in 
railway practice, between lines where two-way working is or is not 
possible without by-passing. Other track symbols demand careful 

Photograph: Aerofilms, Ltd. 


Photograph: Aerofilms, Ltd* 



Note cultivation on raised beach, left foreground 


Geological Survey photograph, reproduced by permission of the Controller, H.M.S.O. 
Glints in the foreground 

Geological Survey Photograph, reproduced by permission of the Controller, H.M.S.O. 


The band of beach can be seen to cross the mouth of the River Sid at the extreme 
right. Abrasion-platform in the foreground 



reference to the key of the map: a hatched line on the 1/63,360 O.S. 
sheets means a siding or tramway, but on the 1/25,000 scale stands for a 
narrow gauge railway; sidings on the 1/25,000 appear as solid black 
lines. For narrow gauge tracks the Seventh Series 1/63,360 uses 
an adaptation of the chequer symbol. The 1/25,000 indicates clearly 
which factories have rail connections; the 1/63,360, on close examina- 
tion, will reveal the location of marshalling yards, goods yards, and 
railway depots. 

Railways are less closely adapted to relief than are canals, partly 
because sharp bends in the track are impracticable and because a certain 
gradient is permissible. Nevertheless, where relief is at all varied one 
usually finds that the actual course of a railway line is a compromise 
between the straight line from point to point and the line of least 
gradient. Conversely, a long straight track is a guarantee of very low 
natural gradients, but with this exception each stretch must be dis- 
cussed on its merits in respect of guidance by relief features. 

In examining the relation between railways and die growth of 
settlements, one must recall that in long-settled countries most villages 
and many towns already existed as villages and towns, before the 
railways were laid. Consequently, railways as a factor in locating 
settlement need little attention, but they can be shown, on the other 
hand, to have influenced the manner and rate of expansion of pre- 
existing settlements. The remarkable growth of towns in occidental 
countries, wliich began in the nineteenth century and has continued 
into the twentieth, cannot be looked on as caused by the construction 
of railways : urbanization and railways alike are the outcome of that 
complex of developments, the Industrial Revolution; but, since, for 
the purposes of industry, large quantities of goods and large numbers 
of people must be transported from place to place, it is natural to look 
for some connection between the spread of towns and the existence 
of a rail link. 

The connection is most obviously revealed where a town has grown 
towards, and across, a railway. When the lines were first laid they 
usually skirted the towns then in being, so that where they now run 
through a town it is often found that they have been included by recent 
growth. Sometimes the early stage of the process is illustrated, as 
where a town has not yet spread beyond the tracks, or where the 
original nucleus of settlement lies at some distance and a newer group 
of dwellings has been established near the station. Many of the clearest 
examples of the stimulating effect of a rail connection on the rate of 

8 (.5196) 


growth, and on the direction of growth, are to be found in dormitory 
areas, where small towns or villages are within easy reach, by rail, of a 
large industrial town. Swollen dormitory villages along the railway 
correspond to ribbons of housing along main roads, where motor 
transport is the stimulating factor. 

Roads. The pattern of roads is essentially composite. It has had a 
far lengthier evolution than have the networks of canal and rail, and 
combines antique elements with those of very recent origin. In the 
broadest sense and as a whole, it is the most intimately associated with 
the pattern of settlement. Furthermore, although canal and rail have 
exercised their effects on the distribution of factories and on the direc- 
tion of urban growth, roads are now recovering their dominance. 
The most recent industrialization, generally post- 1920 and by no 
means at an end, demands vast facilities for road transport of goods. 
Travel by road has increased no less remarkably. It is not surprising 
that in Britain the road system, alone of the three networks, still tends 
to grow. The additions include new arterial roads and by-passes as 
well as new streets in expanding towns. 

Completely new roads, however, are rare, for changing needs have 
been met by widening and re-surfacing rather than by entirely new 
construction. The great road-makers of the later eighteenth and early 
nineteenth centuries also achieved a compromise between improve- 
ment and substitution. Only under the Romans was a single planned 
system imposed on the whole country. Many elements of that system 
can be distinguished in the present road network, but even where the 
Roman line is preserved it may be followed in part by bridle tracks 
and footpaths instead of by metalled roads. The dismemberment of 
the Roman roads clearly illustrates the manner in which the present 
system, t symbolized on the map according to present condition and 
function, results from long-continued growth, selection, adaptation, 
superimposition, and abandonment. 

In map interpretation, therefore, the classification of roads should 
be looked on as a rough guide to present use. A better general view 
of the whole system is obtained when all roads, of whatever grade, 
are traced off the map and indicated by a uniform symbol, when 
unsuspected through-routes are likely to appear. Frequently the rela- 
tion of the road system to the forms of the ground will also be more 
clearly seen, for the various elements of the modern system are, as it 
were, re-distributed among the different nets from which they have 
been derived. In particular, this exercise is well suited to re-constitute 


the Roman lines, and to reveal a great many ridgeways which tend to 
be suppressed on the topographical sheet. 

It is generally known that prehistoric men circulated for the most 
part along the relatively open hilltops. Where the crests are very 
narrow it is possible that definite trackways were beaten out, but the 
early ways on the wider uplands should not be thought of as "roads'* 
in the present sense. Very many of the ridge-routes, which in some 
form or other are incorporated in the present road system, owe their 
survival, if not their very existence, to medieval traffic. This point 
deserves to be strongly emphasized, especially in connection with the 
interpretation of town sites: many a so-called "gap town" was origin- 
ally located, not at a focus of valley- ways, but where a ridge-route was 
interrupted by a crossing (cf. Chapter XIII). A not dissimilar case is 
that of the Anglo-Saxon herepaths, harepaths, or hard ways, occasionally 
named on the map. These, literally "army paths" but in fact surfaced 
or at least firm roads, run generally along the crests and show where 
overland movement was easiest in early historical times. Valley-ways 
are a later development : although they account for so much of the 
existing main-road system, they must not be allowed to confuse 
interpretation of origins. 

The rectilinear Roman system and the irregular net of medieval 
and modern times are both guided by relief, but in different ways. 
Despite their long straight stretches and their small concession to 
details of landform, the Roman roads are remarkably well adapted to 
major physical features, as may be clearly seen on the J-in./mile maps. 
The Fosse Way, for example, runs near the foot of the Cotswold dip- 
slope, avoiding the more deeply incised valleys of the plateau to the 
north and the ill-drained claylands to the south. Passing through the 
Moreton Gap, the best defined break in the Jurassic hills for many 
miles in either direction, it continues below the main scarp-face but 
above the bottom of the Avon valley, which is floored with marly 
boulder clay. Post-Roman roads, tortuous as a whole, are at many 
points guided by minor topographical features but are also instructively 
related to the broader lie of the land, for example in clay country, 
where they are frequently seen to run along the very low divides. 
The manner of approach to obstacles, such as rivers, is especially 
informative, and well repays study in connection with die siting of 
towns: it is proper to inquire why the roads should make for a 
particular point in order to cross, rather than another in the same part 
of the valley. 


A concluding general remark may be offered on the subject of 
nodality as expressed in the pattern of routes. Because roads are the 
most numerous of routes, they are the best able to show convergence 
on a particular focus; but it is a mistake to imply that a town has 
arisen or expanded because roads, as such, converge on it: usually the 
roads have become better defined and more frequented as the town 
has grown larger. It is inevitable that roads should reveal the nodality 
which is essential to all towns, but the nodality itself is a matter of 
situation rather than of connections. 

The Pattern of Rural Settlement 

Interpretation of settlement can be highly rewarding, if the inter- 
preter will recognize the fact that, with few exceptions, the map 
attempts to show present distributions only. Whatever can be 
inferred, nothing is actually stated about how the observed patterns 
came into being. There is, for example, little direct evidence that the 
different parts of a town differ in age or in function, or that different 
elements in the pattern of rural settlement were introduced at different 
times. Here is at once the interpreter's task and his limitation. 

The remainder of this chapter will be given over to a discussion of 
those various aspects of rural settlement which most closely affect map 
interpretation. Prehistoric occupance and the analytical study of 
towns are made the subjects of separate chapters, where they can be 
conveniently illustrated by reference to maps selected for the purpose. 

Units of Rural Settlement. The development, stage by stage, of 
a given complex of settlement and routes is to be traced by the 
historian, the historical geographer, and the archaeologist; but the 
pattern cannot be perceived until the roads, buildings, historic and 
prehistoric sites have been mapped. To suppose that patterns, especially 
patterns of settlement, can be made out implies that habitations are 
grouped and distributed in characteristic and recognizable ways. 
With these the interpreter should be broadly acquainted. The units 
of rural settlement are the isolated farm, the hamlet, and the village. 
Small market towns are closely linked with their surroundings, both 
economically and socially, but basic functional differences compel 
them to be treated under a different head. Although there is continuous 
gradation through the farm-hamlet-village series, with the result that 
a strict classification is not always possible, it is nevertheless often found 
that a given stow or tract is dominated by one of these elements, or 
by more than one in a definite combination. In parts of the English 


Midlands, for example, villages lie near the centres of their parishes 
with outlying farms around them; elsewhere the hamlet is dominant; 
elsewhere again, most rural habitations are disseminated single farms, 
as is finely illustrated on the O.S. Ireland 1/63,360, Sheet 169. 

The fundamental distinction is that between nucleated settlement 
and dispersed settlement. The observed pattern need not, however, 
be the original pattern. It expresses merely the cumulative effect of a 
number of factors in the complex relationship of man to ground. 
The problem of interpretation is far from simple, and can scarcely be 
attacked unless certain principles are clearly understood. 

Some environmental factors appear to have exerted a powerful 
but by no means exclusive effect on the form of settlement. We may 
remark, with Demangeon, that even relief and limited water-supply 
favour nucleation by limiting the effective choice of sites, whereas 
broken terrain and abundant water encourage dispersion. In this 
connection one may note the distinction commonly made between 
wet-point sites, where water is available in a relatively dry tract, 
and dry-point sites, for example, "islands" of relatively good 
drainage in a marsh. A common relationship between the siting of 
settlement and the natural water-supply is, however, not an invariable 
rule. Social and ethnic factors, although not yet well understood and 
rather uncertain in their effects, have undoubtedly influenced the 
form of some rural settlement. Demangeon considers the chief of 
them to have been the form of agricultural economy, which although 
itself open to the influence of the environment, appears to have been 
capable on occasion of determining the form assumed by pioneer 
settlement. Thus although "the unit of settlement on the English 
Plain was the village community," consisting in its purest form of a 
cluster of houses standing in the midst of its territory, 1 the Jutish 
system of land tenure and agriculture was associated with hamlet 
settlement in the lower Thames valley and in the Continental 

It is no part of the present task to discuss the origin of the early field 
systems, the way in which they were linked with the feudal system of 
government and administration, or the effects on agricultural practice 
of improvements in tools and systems of cropping or stock manage- 
ment. The mere reference must suffice to show that the historical 
problem of rural settlement is exceedingly difficult and complex. 

1 H. C. DARBY, in An Historical Geography of England Before A.D 1800. Edited by 
H. C. DARBY. University Press, Cambridge, 1936, p. 189. 


To suppose that a crude and direct relationship exists between 
settlement and land is to be guilty of gross over-simplification. 

The observed pattern of rural settlement in the English Plain has 
evolved, in large measure, from the pattern established by Saxon, 
Scandinavian, and contemporary pioneers. The evidence of place- 
names and Domesday Book proves the antiquity of many settlements, 
while Darby has shown that much of the forested low ground had 
been cleared before the Norman invasion. In other words, the 
conquest from nature of what is to-day the best agricultural land was, 
to an important degree, the work of the Dark Ages. There have of 
course been later changes. Some village communities were destroyed 
by a catastrophe such as war or plague; others were removed to make 
way for the sheep farming of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. 
Some new settlements have been established, elaborating the ancestral 
pattern. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries openfield working 
was finally superseded by wholesale enclosure, and new farms were 
built on the newly consolidated holdings. 

Forms of Rural Settlement. These most recent enclosures are 
principally responsible for the combination, in many lowland tracts, 
of nucleated villages and outlying farms. It is important to recognize 
that the two elements date from widely separate periods. Where the 
village is the original settlement, the form is that of primary nuclea- 
tion, while the farms represent secondary dispersion, i.e. a later 
re-distribution of population in single scattered dwellings or hamlets. 
Since the village survives, secondary dispersion has been incomplete. 
Dispersion is also possible as an original form, but is rather difficult to 
prove. Again following Demangeon, we may identify old-estab- 
lished primary dispersion, intercalated dispersion, and recent 
primary dispersion, in addition to the secondary dispersion already 
mentioned. Old-established primary dispersion is most appropriate 
to moorland, woodland, and mountain country, which is unstated 
to openfield working by a village community and where potential 
grazing is more abundant than potential tillage. Intercalated dispersion 
results from piecemeal colonization, for example, during the Middle 
Ages, of the forests and wastes remaining between the cleared land of 
the villages. Recent primary dispersion is the form of relatively 
modern agricultural settlement, where single farmsteads have been 
established on the newly won land. 

The problem of old-established primary dispersion arises in discus- 
sions of Highland Britain, where the systems of land tenure descend 


from Celtic times, never having been superseded by Romano- 
British or later practices. In these generally less hospitable and wetter 
tracts, the environmental factors thought to favour dispersion exert 
their strongest influence, especially where individual parcels of land 
have been reclaimed at the edge of the waste. Even here, however, 
investigation shows that primary dispersion cannot be taken for 
granted, no matter how widely disseminated dwellings may be at 
the present day. The custom of gavelkind in North Wales, and 
the breakdown of the rundale system of agriculture in Ireland, are 
now known to have assisted in dispersion from primary nuclei. 
Map evidence can be adduced for the complete dispersion of two 
Donegal villages between 1834 and I9O3. 1 In view of these 
findings, one is well advised in dealing with rural settlement in 
Highland Britain to attempt nothing beyond a statement of existing 

Parish Boundaries. It has long been known that a map of parish 
boundaries may bring out significant and useful facts. Despite 
numerous small adjustments, and some greater changes effected for 
administrative convenience, many boundaries remain substantially 
the same as they were when first determined. Hence it is possible to 
tell, in a general manner, what kinds of land were held by many of 
the original village settlements. For, although the same caution must 
be observed as in discussing the qualities of present agricultural land, 
one may justly recall that the medieval openfield systems tended to 
produce stereotyped methods of cropping and rotation, practised on 
the best arable land, and demanded in addition meadow, woodland, 
and common pasture. Where villages lay along a scarp-foot, there 
were obvious advantages in the division of land into long, narrow 
parishes running across the grain of the country, with meadow and 
woodland on the lowest ground, common grazing and probably 
woodland again on the hills, and the open arable around the village 
itself in the scarp-foot zone, which is typically one of favourable soils. 
Thus parish boundaries came to cross the boundaries of adjoining 
stows. A similar fact may be noted on parts of the fenland margin, 
where each group of villagers and each manorial lord wished to 
secure rights of exploiting part of the marsh. Where the differences 
in land quality were smaller, or were less apparent to the early settlers, 
and again where villages were founded in forest clearings, parishes 
tend to be more nearly hexagonal, although the actual boundaries 
Sec the work of E. ESTYN EVANS, cited on p. 113. 


are usually irregular in detail. Examples of both forms in juxtaposition 
are given in the annexed Fig. 7 (/). 

Rectilinear boundaries are uncommon. They occur in those parts 
of the fens which were drained late in historical times, where no 
landmarks had existed before reclamation, and in some mountainous 
tracts, where they are of limited interest or influence. Some, however, 
which run along Roman roads, neatly demonstrate that the road 
existed before the parish was delimited. Parts of Watling Street, for 
example, are used to mark county as well as parish boundaries. 

Interpretation of Rural Settlement: Village Forms 

The forms of individual villages, no less than their actual existence, 
may be influenced both by the environment and by the agricultural 
organization of the original settlers. As yet, the study of village forms 
is far less advanced in Britain than in some European countries, where 
the material is on the whole far more promising: large compact 
villages unaffected by secondary dispersion are easier to classify 
according to form than the small, shrunken agglomerations of rural 
England. In the interpretation of British maps, therefore, it is usually 
sufficient to distinguish elongated from massed villages. Where the 
forms are clear and detail is abundant, as on the 1/25,000 scries, a 
number of subclasses can usefully be made out. Thus, the elongated 
or linear villages include the street-village, where houses line the 
street on either side, and the street-green village, of cigar-shaped plan 
and with an elongated central green. Massed villages are less easily 
subdivided, but one may separate those which are close-knit (with or 
without a central green) from those which are loose-knit or of indeter- 
minate shape. Selected forms are illustrated, by village plans drawn 
from the O.S. maps used with this book, in Fig. 7 (a-e). 

The interpreter should not attempt to classify all the villages on a 
given map according to this scheme, which is by no means compre- 
hensive, but should seek to identify the dominant form(s) and to 
select a few marked exceptions for detailed examination. 

Interpretation of Rural Settlement: Place-names 

Place-name evidence is conveniently taken in conjunction with the 
pattern and lorm of rural settlement. Like the settlements themselves, 
the names have been modified in the course of time. Since the map 
records only the modern name (except at a few Roman sites), and, 
since place-name study is a highly specialized task, a map interpreter 


(Based, by permission, on O.S. maps) 

Crown Copyright reserved 

(a) Willerscy, a compact village (O.S. New Popular 1/63,360, Sheet 144, 1039). 

(b) Hagworthingham, a loose-knit village (O.S. New Popular 1/63,360, Sheet 

114, 3469). 


(/) Pattern of parish boundaries at the side of the Vale of Pewsey. Parish 
churches and the scarps of Chalk and Greensand arc shown. 



should attempt inferences only where certain common elements are 
widespread. In this way one may discover something of early settle- 
ment, avoiding at the same time most of the manifold errors which 
arise from guesses at the derivation of particular names. The following 
list contains a selection of the commonest elements in English place- 
names, together with meanings and original forms, derived mostly 
from Saxon, Norse, and Danish, but with a few Celtic additions. 
The Ordnance Survey publishes a very useful Glossary of the Most 
Common Welsh Words Used on the Ordnance Survey Maps (1949, 4d.), 
and formerly issued a Glossary of the Most Common Gaelic Terms Used 
on Scottish Maps, now unfortunately out of print. 


Element Meaning 

berry, borough, (primarily) 

borrow, brough, fortified place 

burg, burrough, 


cester, Chester 



dean, den, dene 

don, dun 
ea, ey 

ham * 

hempstead * 
hirst, hurst 


ingaham, ingham 


stead, sted 
strat, street, 

large city or town 


down, hill 

island; also "land in midst of 

generally "farm** or "estate" 

site of chief house of a farm or 


literally "army path" but used herepaej? 

generally of through-roads 

(i) hillock, knoll, bank (ii) copse, 
wood possibly originally "wood- 
ed height" 

often originally ingas, "X's 

the ham of X's people 
originally woodland; later, clear- teah 
ing in woodland 

town, especially with market rights 
and rights of minting 

place, position, site stede, styde 

place, site __ 

primarily a road of Roman con- strxt 


burh (dative singular byrig); but 

liable to confusion with Old 

English beorg, and Old Norse 

berg, hill 

ceaster, caester; loan-word from 

Latin castra, camp, settlement 



denu; but may be confused with 

Old English denn, (i) lair of wild 

beast (ii) pasture for swine 

dun; but liable to confusion 

with denu and tun 

ea, eu, eig; also from Old Norse 


ham; but liable to confusion 

with hamm, enclosed possession, 


ham + stede 




tret, etc. 
thorp (c), throp 








force, foss 




thorp (e) 



MI action, later any made-up road 
village or hamlet 

wide range of meaning; primarily 
enclosed piece of ground, then en- 
closed land with dwellings on it, 
i.e. estate, manor, vill, village 


]?orp, ]?rop; but many thorpes 
were so named by the Danes 
-tun; but possibly also from 




originally shieling (centre for sum- 
mer pasture) 
village, town (Danish) 
homestead (Norse) 
see booth 
island, etc. 
ravine, cleft 

meadow-land, especially in marshy 
places (North-country dialect 

a hamlet or daughter-settlement 
dependent on, i.e. colonized from, 
an older village 

clearing; but many thwaites date 
from the thirteenth and fourteenth 
centuries, the word having passed 
into local speech 

piece of land, homestead; often 

see under "Elements of Old English 
Origin"; sometimes from Scandin- 
avian tun 


both (Danish) 
buth( Old Norse) 






Element Meaning 

pen head, top, summit, promontory; 

but also possibly from Old English 
perm, pen or enclosure 

pol stream (cf. Welsh poll); also pos- 

sibly from Old English pol and 
Welsh pwll 

tre, trev homestead, village, town; often 




a pool, deep place in a river 

Wooldridge has shown that three phases of Anglo-Saxon settlement 
can be distinguished, each associated with specific place-name elements: 
the entrance phase of skeletal infiltration to the areas of early settlement, 
the expansion phase of secondary colonization around and within the 
early settled tracts, and of territorial expansion by conquest, and the 
terminal phase, when the settlement plan was filled out and assumed 
for the time being a relatively static condition. Place-names are most 


informative about the entrance phase, which is recorded in many 
names of early form, including -ing names (where these are derived 
from names in -ingas), a large number of names in -ham and in the 
combinations -ingaham and -ingham. Naturally enough, these early 
elements are commonest on the eastern side of the country. Scandin- 
avian forms occur widely on the north-eastern side of a line joining 
the Cheshire Dee and the Lea River, i.e. north-east of Watling Street. 
Norse elements are frequent on the western side from Cumberland 
to the Wirral, and also extend farther southwards along the coast; 
the rest of the last formed part of the Danelaw and Danish forms are 
expectedly frequent. In the western highlands, Celtic (including 
Gaelic) names are abundant along the old frontiers of conquest. 


Much information relevant to the subject of this chapter is to be found 

H. C. DARBY. An Historical Geography of England Before A.D. 1800. 
University Press, Cambridge, 1936. (Sec especially Chapter V, The 
Economic Geography of England ', A.D. 1000-1250, by H. C. DARBY, 
p. 165.) 

Settlement patterns and forms are discussed in 

A. DEMANGEON. "L'Habitat Rural." Comptes Rendus, Congres 
Internal, de Geographic, Cairo, 1925. Tome IV. Reprinted in A. 
DEMANGEON, Problemes de Geographic Humaine. Colin, Paris, 1947, 
p. 156- 

A. DEMANGEON. "La Geographic de 1'Habitat Rural." Reprinted 
from Ann. de Geog., 199 and 200, xxxvi, 1927, in Problemes de Geographic 
Humaine^ (above), p. 159. 

A. DEMANGEON. "Types de Pcuplement Rural en France." Re- 
printed (torn Ann. de Gt ( og., 271, xlviii, 1939, in Problemes de Geographie 
Humaine (above), p. 291. 

W. PAGE. "Notes on the Types of English Villages and their 
Distribution." Antiquity, i, 1927, p. 447. 

F. SEEBOHM. The English Village Community. Longmans, Green, 
London, 1883. 

Seebohm's work contains much helpful material on the relationship 
between agricultural systems and the structure of the community. On 
this point, reference may also be made to 

C. S. and C. S. ORWIN. The Open Fields, Oxford. Clarendon Press, 
Oxford, 1938. 


C. S. ORWIN. A History of English Farming. Nelson, London, 1949. 
H. PEAKE. The English Village. Benn, London, 1922. 

Accounts of certain processes which have greatly modified the 
cultural landscape occur in 

H. C. DARBY. "The Clearing of the English Woodlands." Geo- 
graphy, xxxvi, 1951, p. 71. 

H. C. DARBY. "The Changing English Landscape." Geogr. Journ., 
cxvii, 1951, p. 377. 

See also 

M. W. BERESFORD. "The Lost Villages of Medieval England." 
Geogr. Journ. , cxvii, 1951, p. 129. 

Individual studies include 

E. ESTYN EVANS. Irish Heritage. Tempest, Dundalk, 1945. (See 
p. 47 ff., Figs. 13 and 14, for evidence of rapid dispersion.) 

E. Jones. "Some Aspects of the Study of Settlement in Britain." 
Advancement of Science, viii, 1951, p. 59. 

B. M. SWAINSON. "Dispersion and Agglomeration of Rural 
Settlement in Somerset." Geography, xxix, 1944, p. I. 

In the study and interpretation of place-names, one should make 
use whenever possible of the relevant county handbook of the Place- 
name Society. The whole series has not yet appeared, however. A 
great deal of help is obtainable from 

A. MAWER and F. M. STENTON. Introduction to the Survey of English 
Place-names. (English Place-name Society, Vol. I, Part i.) University 
Press, Cambridge, 1925. 

A. MAWER. The Chief Elements Used in English Place-names. (English 
Place-name Society, Vol. I, Part 2.) University Press, Cambridge, 

E. EKWALL. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Place-names. 
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1951. (Contains a useful introductory 

ORDNANCE SURVEY. Glossary of the Most Common Gaelic Words used 
on Ordnance Survey Maps. (Out of print.) 

ORDNANCE SURVEY. Glossary of the Most Common Welsh Words 
used on Ordnance Survey Maps. 1949. 

These works have been freely drawn on in compiling the Table 
given above. 

The scheme of land-use classification adopted by the Land Utilization 
Survey is set out in 
L. DUDLEY STAMP and E. C. WILLATTS. The Land Utilization Survey 


of Britain; an Outline Description of the First Twelve One-inch Maps. 
Land Utilization Survey, London, 1935, pp. 5-7. 

The extremely great geographical value of the Soil Surveys will be 
conceded by all with experience of working over ground for which 
soil maps are published. The pattern of soil-distributions shown on the 
maps is complex, but complex reality is no excuse for neglect or scorn. 
Among the soil maps already available on 1/63,360 are Sheet 296 
(Glastonbury) of the Soil Survey of England and Wales, which relates 
to part of the area represented on Sheet 165 of the O.S. series, and 
Sheet 22 (Kilmarnock) of the Soil Survey of Scotland, which refers 
mainly to drumlin country. Both of these maps are strongly 


It sited was in fruitful soil of old SPENSER 

MAPS: O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEETS 114, 144, 167, 

I. Dominantly Nucleated 

O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 144 

THE area shown on Sheet 144 is dominantly one of nucleated rural 
settlement. There are towns, Cheltenham sizable and the rest small, 
as well as numerous scattered farms, but the village is the typical unit. 
This fact does not preclude differences between stows in the size and 
form of village or in the relation of settlement to ground. 

To the east of the Cotswolds, that is to say roughly east of the Grid 
Line 16, numerous villages of no great size lie in the valley stows 
drained by the Windrush, Evenlode, and Avon. Many sites near the 
foot of hills obviously had the original advantage of water from 
springs, for example the three Rissingtons (1921, 1919, 1917) and the 
corresponding villages of Icomb, Westcotc, Idbury, and Fifield on the 
eastern side of the same hill. Streams can be seen to head near, and to 
flow away from, the base of the slope, while the name Springhill Farm 
(2516) is significant. Villages of this kind are conveniently styled wet- 
point settlements. If the rocks forming the high ground were perme- 
able throughout, a definite line of springs would be looked for at the 
geological boundary. Villages grouped around springs would then 
constitute spring-line villages or scarp-foot villages, according to 
whether emphasis were placed on relation to water-supply or relation 
to terrain as a whole. In this locality, however, the resistant rocks are 
variously permeable in themselves as well as being separated by clays, 
so that springs occur at various elevations on the sides of hills and in 



belts rather than in lines. The wells 1 of a single village may tap a 
number of water-bearing horizons. 

Also in this eastern part occur villages on or very close to streams, 
particularly to the Stour, in valley-bottom sites. Halford stands where 
the Fosse Way crosses the river, but the remaining valley-bottom 
villages on the Stour appear to have little relation to the control of 
crossings: in the first place, not every village has its road bridge, while 
secondly, there are seventeen crossings of some kind in the 12 miles of 
valley between Tidmington (2638) and the confluence with the Avon. 
Evidently the difficulty of crossing was insufficient to concentrate 
traffic at a few points only. Mills and weirs show that these riparian 
sites had the advantage of potential water power, which was in due 
course developed and must have assisted the survival and growth of 
the mill-owning villages; but potential water power cannot alone 
account for the selection of the sites in question. Place-name evidence 
shows that the settlers were Anglo-Saxons. It follows that the stow 
was found generally suited to cultivation. Field investigation is 
required, since published geological maps are inadequate to the pur- 
pose, to prove that these valley-bottom villages are, in fact, sited on 
patches of low terrace. Faint pointers towards this conclusion arc 
given by the sites of Halford (2645) and Tredington (2543), each in 
the inner side of a meander-loop : such siting confirms the suggestion 
of the contours that the Stour is ingrown, but there is nothing to show 
whether the ingrowth has been continuous or spasmodic. 

The shortcomings of the topographical map are again evident a 
little? to the south, where Stretton-on-Fosse (2238), Todenham (2436), 
the Wolfords (2434, 2635), and Barton on the Heath are sited on hills 
capped by sandy and gravelly drift, which provides a perched water- 
table and drier ground than the surrounding claylands. Only the 
"Heath" element in the last-mentioned place-name provides a dubious 

Along the north-western side of the Cotswolds wet-point settle- 
ments are strung out near the scarp-foot, from Mickleton (1643) to 
Great Witcombe (9114). They are linked by the Stratford-on- Avon- 
Cheltenham-Bath road, but particularly north-eastwards of Winch- 
comb (0228) tend to lie on one side of it or at a little distance. 
In this north-eastern part the typical village site occurs at the mouth 
of a combe, the short re-entrant valley of a scarp stream. In the field, 

1 Water-supply schemes are progressively reducing the number of small wells in use, 
but the historical argument remains unaffected. 

Photograph: films, Aero Ltd 

Photograph: Aerofilmi, Ltd. 


Note the regularized Witham, the rectangular field pattern, and dispersed 



Photograph: Aerofilms, Ltd. 





Buckland (0837) an< l Stanton (0634) in particular seem to be almost 
enclosed by hills. Broadway, by far the largest member of the group, 
lies where the London-Evesham road descends the scarp-face; the 
influence exerted by traffic on this road on the growth of Broadway is 
well shown by the remarkable elongation of the village in the direction 
of movement. 

In the dissected plateau stow of the Cotswolds, nucleated settlement 
avoids the tops of interfluves, and the small villages are located chiefly 
at valley-bottom sites as wet-point settlements, where roads cross the 
larger valleys, or near the heads of tributaries. Examples of the former 
class are Temple Guiting (0928) and Naunton (1123), lying within the 
incised valley of the Windrush, and of the second Notgrove (1020) 
and Aston Blank 1 (1219) near the heads of feeder streams. It is notice- 
able that some valley-bottom villages, narrowly restricted by the 
valley walls, have grown along the valley. Withiiigton (0315) is 
especially interesting : the village extends in an arc across the Coin, in 
conformity with the shape of the meandering valley. 

In the claylands flanking the Avon different factors operate. The 
scarp-foot settlements encircling Bredon Hill, and similar settlements 
associated with similar but smaller hills to the south, may be regarded 
as outliers of the main belt of scarp-foot villages, just as the hills them- 
selves are outliers of the Cotswolds. For the rest, there is a noticeable 
tendency for villages to be sited on the higher rather than on the lower 
ground, as dry-point settlements. Among the clearest examples are 
Pebworth (1347) and Long Marston (1548), each on the crest of a low 
mterfluve, and Aston Somerville (0438) on one side of a low spur. In 
reality this sub-edge country received a great deal of soliflucted material 
during the Pleistocene. The deposits are by no means without influence 
on the agricultural quality of the ground and on its suitability for 
settlement, but the topographical map fails to indicate either these or the 
true glacial deposits which are also present. 

Close to the Avon the record is clearer. Physical interpretation has 
indicated that terraces are present. It is now seen that, on the flood- 
plain proper, buildings and roads are alike rare. Below Evesham, 
where the Avon describes great loops, nucleated settlements are 
systematically disposed on the intervening spurs: Charlton (0145), 
Fladbury (9946), Wick (9645), the town Pershore (9546), the hamlet 
Pensham (9444), Birlingham (9343), and Eckingtoii (9241). The 
immediate neighbourhood of Fladbury illustrates particularly well the 
1 Locally called Cold Aston. 



manner in which settlement and trackways tend to cease at the boun- 
dary of the flood-plain, as here defined by Oxton Ditch and Lench 
Ditch. A contrasted factor of siting is the navigability of the river, 
demonstrated by weirs and locks. A number of villages are placed 
where meanders impinge on the higher, firmer ground, so that deep 
water can be reached without crossing the flood-plain. Such sites are 
those of Wyre Piddle (9647) and Cropthorne (0045) in the reach just 
discussed, and of Bidford on Avon (1051) farther upstream. 

Crossing-places below Evesham are differently placed from those 
above. In the lower reach Eckington Bridge (9242), Pershore Bridge 
(9545), and Jubilee Bridge (0045) he near points of inflexion of the 
great river loops, that is to say at about where the direction of curvature 
is changing. Since the flood-plain alluvium is disposed in crescents on 
the inside of the loops, crossings at such points are made between the 
tips of adjacent crescents and involve the minimum traverse of ill- 
drained ground. Upstream of Evesham the valley bottom has been 
more extensively cleared by the sweeping meanders, with the result 
that a wider and more regular belt of flood-plain must be traversed. 
The ford at 065470 and the two road bridges (1052, 1453) carry roads 
which descend meander-spurs where the ground is at least a little 
dryer than on most of the flood-plain. In addition, place-names 
along this reach show that a number of settlements grew in association 
with fording-places Salford Priors, Bidford, and Welford. 

Although many of the villages in the area of this map sheet are small, 
the most casual inspection in the field leaves no doubt that, as stated at 
the outset, rural settlement is dominantly nucleated. Because of their 
smallness, little useful comment can be made on the form of villages. 
Most are rather formless agglomerations, 1 a well-defined shape being 
imposed only in exceptional cases by close adaptation to the qualities 
of the site. An influence not to be read from the map was the 
decline of the Cotswold production of wool and woollen cloth, a 
decline which has been reflected in the declining population of the 

The result of secondary dispersion, on the other hand, is easily 
perceived. If it is assumed on the basis of place-name suffixes that many 
of the existing settlements were established by Anglo-Saxons, and on 
general grounds by way of corollary that openfield agriculture was 
practised for many centuries, it appears probable that the single farms 
are in large part the result of movement outwards from pre-existing 
1 Haufendorfer of continental writers. 


agglomerations. 1 The assumptions and the inference are in fact 
justified by historical evidence. As in many other respects the map 
record is incomplete: not every farm which exists in the field has the 
word "farm" attached on the map, besides which it is common to 
find some farmhouses within the villages themselves. Nevertheless, 
the available information is sufficient to show the presence of outlying 
farms, for example, four named in the parish of Stretton on Fosse 
(2238) and four also in Aston Blank parish (1219). 

Quite apart from the naming of farms, it goes without saying that a 
widely cleared, well-peopled countryside of this kind is very largely 
in tillage or pasture. The precise mode of land use, which is itself 
liable to considerable change in response to economic pressure, can 
be read only when it is indicated by a symbol. The hangers of wood 
on steep slopes may well represent the remnants of a former extensive 
woodland cover in the Cotswolds, although many small patches with 
rectilinear bounds and lying on flatter ground are likely to be planta- 
tions (cf. Stanway Ash (0832) ). Again, in formerly wooded country 
it is often found that a park is partly ringed by narrow woods, as at 
Northwick (1636), Trafalgar Farm (2911), and Bcmbro (1027). The 
last two have evidently been put to agriculture while all three may well 
represent early clearance of woodland granted by the Crown to an 
individual. Recent clearance appears in the combination of the 
symbols for trees and for rough grazing, for example, in the kilometre 
square 1226; but Brockeridge Common (8838) is a more doubtful 
case because of the name and is likely to be covered by heath or 

It is well known that the Vale of Evesham is noted for specialized 
cash crops, market-garden produce and orchard fruit. Such specializa- 
tion is due to a whole complex of factors which lie in part in the proper 
field of the economist. The geographer engaged in map interpretation 
should confine himself to remarking the facts shown on the map, in 
this instance the considerable areas under orchards, and to the tacit 
assumption that the local climate, soil, and aspect are favourable to 
tree-fruit growing. The chief concentration of orchards is around 
Evesham, except on the lowest ground, which has the double dis- 
advantage of poor drainage and of liability to frost 2 ; extensions from 
this central area run up and down the Avon. Where the orchards are 

1 This dispersion was of course the concomitant of enclosure. 

1 As might be expected, some orchards do lie within frost-pockets (see the work of 
RAYMOND BUSH cited at the end of this chapter). 


more scattered it is seen that (for obvious reasons) they tend to abut on 
metalled roads. Away from the river, or more properly from the 
terrace spreads, the scatter of orchards is less dense, but continues up to 
and includes the line of scarp-foot villages, with incipient penetration 
of the upper Stour valley. The abrupt cessation of orchards at the 
scarp-foot line is a fair sign that here marked agricultural and physical 
boundaries coincide. 

2. Dominantly Dispersed 

O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 186 

The very frequent place-name element "Tre-," with the less common 
"Pen-" and "Pol-" show that the pattern of rural settlement here has 
developed not from Anglian, Danish, or Scandinavian origins, but 
from Celtic. Much of Highland Britain, including this part, resisted 
the militant settlers of the Dark Ages, so that the array of villages 
representing original nucleation, with intervening farms representing 
secondary dispersion, so familiar in parts of the English Plain, is not to 
be sought on this map. At the same time it may well be emphasized 
that the wide dissemination observed is not necessarily the effect of 
primary dispersion. It is true that the generally impermeable rocks 
and the heavy rainfall of Highland Britain made water-supply no 
great problem, and that therefore wet-point settlements grouped 
round springs are unlikely to occur in numbers, but the matter is far 
mor$ complicated than this. Until the agrarian economy of Celtic 
times is better understood, it is best to accept the present fact of 
dissemination as it stands, noting at the same time that several recent 
studies point to the law of gavelkind as a powerful factor in causing 
dispersion in parts of the Celtic west. 

Disseminated rural settlement may be dominated either by the 
hamlet or by the single farm. In the area of Sheet 186 the hamlet 
appears typical to the north-east of Bodmin Moor, while separate 
farms are most numerous in the south, say, south of Grid Line 65. The 
hamlets are characteristically sited high up on the sides of tributary 
valleys, close to the subdued tops of the interfluves but at the same time 
in sheltered positions. True valley-bottom sites have rarely been 
selected. The many single farmsteads of the south, being presumably 
placed somewhere near the centres of their respective land, occupy 
less obviously selected sites, but in the field are nevertheless seen to take 


advantage of folds of the ground too small to be represented by the 
available contours. 

The major part of Bodmin Moor may be taken as unimproved 
rough grazing on heath or bog. Single farms occur on the flanks and 
avoid the highest ground. From the manner in which rectilinear 
patches free of the moorland symbol are interspersed with land which 
is still heath, one may infer that piecemeal enclosure and improvement 
has gone on (cf. "New Closes" (2071) ). If this is so, the single farms 
established in the cleared areas would represent primary dispersion, 
in the familiar guise of squatter settlement on the margins of poor land. 
It is noticeable that in prehistoric times the higher parts were more 
hospitable than they now are: besides many tumuli and various arrays 
of standing stones, there are groups of hut circles and one "Ancient 
Village" (2376) to prove former extensive habitation. 

Any attempt to explain the location of villages in this area by local 
nodality is bound to fail. In the first place, as nearly all are so diminutive 
that they lie very close to the ill-defined division between hamlet and 
village, any factors tending to increase their size seem to have operated 
but feebly. Secondly, there appears little to choose between the road 
connections of most villages and those of a large number of hamlets. 
The fenced roads, which cover the whole area, except for Bodmin 
Moor, in a close network, are mostly classified as "Under 14 ft. of 
metalling, bad" or "Minor roads," and some villages arc served by no 
roads of higher grade, for example, Treneglos (2088), St. Clether (2084), 
and Cardinham (1268). On the map, the two obvious differences 
between villages and hamlets are that the former are named in larger 
and different type wliich, indeed, is the easiest means of identifying 
them and that each has a church. It would appear, therefore, that 
in this area the settlements to be recognized as villages arc ecclesiastical 
centres, and presumably also centres of local administration, of parishes 
where most dwellings lie away from the centre. It is for the historical 
geographer and others to discover whether, when the parishes were 
delimited, settlement was more strongly nucleated. 

Dispersed agricultural settlement extends right to the coast, with 
diminutive villages at intervals among the farms and hamlets. As there 
is very little low ground immediately behind the shore, small groups 
of buildings find themsleves somewhat precariously placed along the 
base of the cliff (Portwrinkle (3553), Downderry (3154)) or uncom- 
fortably confined in small youthful valleys (Polperro (2151), Polruan 
(1251)). Pentewan (0247) also clings to the foot of the slope behind, 


probably because the flat ground is too sandy for building. The 
improved harbour here, like those at Charlestown (0451) and Par 
(0752), which has rail connections, evidently provide outlets for the 
china clay fields north of St. Austell. 

In conclusion one may turn to the Fowey to remark the very small 
agglomerations characteristically located at the head of the lesser 
inlets: Lerryn (1457), Penpoll (1454), and Pont (1451). Because of 
the smaller volumes of the tributary streams these sites are relatively 
little affected by silting, and at high tide can be reached by fishing 
craft and small coasting steamers. 

3. Rural Settlement in the Fenland 

O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 114 

Each of the several kinds of stow represented on this map is clearly 
distinguished from the others by differences of physique, of drainage, 
of form and distribution of settlement, and of the road nexus. However 
complex the relation between man and land, the sharp differentiation 
observed here leaves no possible doubt that the terrain has exerted a 
powerful influence on the history and nature of occupance: the 
effect of occupance on the ground is no less clear. 

The only land above 50 ft. O.D. lies in the north, outside the fenland 
boundary. This stow has already been noted as one of fairly weak 
rocks, generally impermeable and heavily dissected into country of 
many wide valleys and small divides. The irregular parish boundaries 
and the winding roads show early occupation and unplanned develop- 
ment. Nevertheless a definite connection is to be observed between 
the form gf the ground on the one hand, and the location of settlement 
and the course of roads on the other. The roads avoid valley bottoms, 
except to cross a stream, running instead near the foot of the valley 
walls or along the crests of divides; villages also show a general pre- 
ference for the high ground. It is of the greatest importance to note 
that the finer details of location would amply repay intensive study 
in the field, for the place-names Gravel Pit Hill (3669), Sandhill Farm 
(4364), and the Brick and Tile Works at Hundleby (3866) mean that 
marked local differences are certain to occur in the qualities of the 
waste-mantle and of the soils developed thereon. Although the soil 
survey of Britain is not yet far advanced, enough is known to justify 
the statement that, unless variations of soil can be taken into account, 


the pattern of rural settlement cannot be fully understood. Since a 
vast quantity of fundamental data must thus be awaited, and since in 
any case soils are not recorded on the topographical map, the inter- 
preter needs to discuss rural settlement with these reservations in mind, 
and should not fail to support the general argument by drawing 
attention to such facts as those indicated. 

Four groups of tumuli (4072, 4171, 4371, 4471) testify to early 
penetration of possibly Bronze Age date. The road with long straight 
stretches from 4075 to 448697 invites inquiry, especially as it is con- 
tinued by a mile of field road near Burgh le Marsh (494657). The 
straightness suggests a Roman origin; but the nearest site actually 
described as Roman lies some miles to the south near Wainfleet All 
Saints, where the ancient Salt Works locate the shoreline of some 
2,000 years ago. Place-names ending in -by, which are very common, 
show that Scandinavian invaders settled here in force, apparently 
displacing, subjecting, or destroying earlier Anglo-Saxon inhabitants, 
whose traces remain, for instance, in the place-name terminations 
ham (for example, Greetham, 3070) and -ingham (for example, Hag- 
worthingham, 3469). Names in -ton are less helpful, since, where 
Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon forms occur in association, this 
termination may be of mixed derivation. 

As in the Cotswolds and the Avon valley, studied on Sheet 144, 
primary nucleation may be taken as highly probable, with Dark Age 
villages sited on patches of drier soils above the wooded valleys. The 
outlying farms would then once more represent secondary dispersion. 
Another mode of expansion may be interred from the thorpes (for 
example, Mid Thorpe and Far Thorpe, 2673 an d 2674), which are 
likely to have been founded as daughter-settlements some way from 
the original village. 

On the seaward side, this northern stow is bounded by the fen, 
wliich is thrown into prominence, on the map, by its sub-rectangular 
pattern of roads, parish boundaries, and drainage channels. (In the 
field the physiographic boundary is sharply and narrowly defined.) 
This regularity in the features of occupance (Plate Ills), the scale of 
the drainage works effected, and the obliteration of most of the natural 
water-courses are sufficient to indicate that reclamation came relatively 
late in historical times, even were the general facts less well known. 
It is permissible to take the ubiquitous name "fen," together with the 
flatness and very low altitudes, as presumptive evidence of the nature 
of the soil, which must be developed largely on fen peat. One may 


pass rapidly over the form of settlement, which is characteristic of 
tracts reclaimed by major drainage operations: individual farms occur 
at intervals on the roadside, where the risk of flooding or waterlogging 
is least, or, more rarely, at a short distance from it. The pattern is one 
of recent primary dispersion. Nucleated villages occur only where 
firmer ground rises through the fen deposits, as at Stickford (3560), 
Stickney (3457), and Sibsey (3551). The -ey element shows that at one 
time two of these sites appeared as "islands" in the fen. Differences of 
level, as shown by the spot heights, are very slight but significant: 
the main road linking the three villages takes an irregular line, while 
the houses are distinctly grouped into street-villages. 

East and north of Wainfleet and Burgh le Marsh the ill-drained belt 
is narrower than to the south-west, and less obviously modified by 
the work of man, but here, too, a contrasted stow intervenes between 
the low hill country and the coastal belt. 

It was observed in the discussion of physical distributions that the 
coastal belt itself comprises two tracts, one of salt marsh already 
reclaimed or in process of reclamation, and one of firmer ground where 
settlement is old-established. In the stows of reclaimed marsh, between 
Gibraltar Point (5558) and Freiston Shore (3943), between Freiston 
Shore and the Welland, and between the Welland and the Ncne, the 
pattern of occupance recalls that of the fenland: regular drainage 
channels, straight roads, and the single farms of recent primary dis- 
persion are again observed. Progressive reclamation is attested by the 
"Old Sea Bank" (4955) and the "Roman Bank" marked in several 
places (but possibly later than Roman, despite the name), as well as by 
the "Old Marsh" and "New Marsh" (5158, 5257). The Roman Salt 
Works have been mentioned before. Note also the strip of marsh 
represented above high-water mark. 

The next tract inland, between the salt marsh and the drained fen, 
stands little above the sea. It is nevertheless one of firmer ground, 
which is well settled with old-established villages and a complex net 
of local roads, and which retains some elements of the natural drainage 
system. Individual stows in this tract vary somewhat from the general 
pattern. In the southernmost, immediately south of the outer belt of 
reclaimed marsh between the Nene and Welland outfalls, the road 
network is more open and rather more regular than in the others, 
while the largest settlement is a hamlet. Between Wainfleet and the 
extreme south-west of the area mapped, the belt of firm ground is as 
much as five miles wide in places. It is traversed by reclaimed valley 


bottoms and inlets which formerly connected the marsh of the shore- 
line with the fen behind: Bicker Haven (2533), The Haven (3540), 
Friskney Low Ground (4454) and the neighbouring Wrangle Low 
Ground, and the mouth of the Steeping River. Scandinavian place- 
name elements such as toft, beck, wick, and thorpe indicate one period of 
conquest and settlement. The -ey of Friskney bears witness to the 
working distinction made in early times between the better and the 
less well-drained land. The several "Low Grounds," "Commons," 
and "Fens" must have been held communally by the villages after 
which they are named, under a medieval system of agronomy. 
Many minor place-names imply a close relation between man and 
land, and a keen appreciation of the varied qualities of the setting, 
for example, the common "dyke," Fishmere End (2837), Freiston 
Shore where the firm ground reaches the sea, the ings which are, in 
this tract, patches of meadow in the marshland, and the name "hill" 
given to very low rises. After what has previously been said, it is 
unnecessary to stress the facts that the settlement pattern results from 
primary nucleation, with secondary (or perhaps intercalated) disper- 
sion, and that villages tend to straggle along almost imperceptible 

Between Wainfleet and Burgh a stow of firm ground provides a 
link with the hilly tract in the north-west. Once more, it is marked 
by irregular roads and some nucleated villages. The pattern recurs 
north of Gibraltar Point, where the dryer ground abuts directly on 
the sea. Salt marsh is replaced by a sandy beach, with which is asso- 
ciated the only new element that requires attention, i.e. the signs of 
recent growth in the villages of Ingoldmells and Chapel St. Leonards. 
Planned streets of modern layout at 570692 and 559731 indicate that 
these two small centres have shared, to a limited extent, in the modern 
growth of seaside resorts which has been responsible for the present 
size and form of Skegness. 

4. Rural Settlement in Glaciated Highland 

O.S. 1/25,000, SHEET NC/y6 

Both the distribution and the form of settlement in glaciated mountains 
are powerfully, although not exclusively, influenced by the setting. 
It is in the nature of such tracts to include large negative areas, devoid 
of soil, very steeply sloping, inaccessible, or climatically formidable. 


Within the occupied parts, however, there is room for considerable 
variety, according to the qualities of the ground, the system of agri- 
culture practised, and the relations of the tract with other tracts outside. 
A general concentration of settlement in the valleys is inevitable. 
One may also safely postulate for earlier times an almost complete 
dependence on subsistence farming, in which the relative importance 
of livestock and tillage varied with the abundance of good land and the 
qualities of the climate. Since good tillable land is generally scarce, 
one may look for a selective concentration of rural settlement on 
favourable sites. 

A marked contrast between adjacent sites is characteristic of glaciated 
highlands, and ensures that some influential facts of the environment 
can be clearly read. The problem of aspect, however, demands careful 
analysis for a complete solution. While the broad difference between 
the northern and southern sides of a glacial trough is obvious enough, 
Garnett has shown that significant differences of aspect between the 
sites on one side only can be discovered from the map when certain 
techniques are employed. As the required treatment is somewhat 
lengthy, the reader is referred to the works cited at the end of this 
chapter for a description of method and results ; but it must be borne 
in mind that, unless analysis of this kind is attempted, questions of 
aspect can be discussed only in general terms. 

The various environmental factors of location are likely to operate 
most powerfully near the upper limit of settlement, where conditions 
are most difficult. Local differences of aspect serve to modify the 
general limitation imposed by low summer temperatures, severe 
winters, and long duration of snow cover, which are themselves 
partly determined by height and latitude. Some Alpine villages are 
situated far up the valleys, at heights which in Scotland would be on 
or above the peaks. In the difficult tract represented on Sheet 47, the 
sparse settlement is not confined merely to the valleys but nearly 
everywhere to the valley bottoms, and the problem of distribution is 
to that extent simplified. 

Rural settlement occurs both in dispersed and in nucleated form, 
but where grouping occurs it is dissimilar to that of the English 
Lowlands. Trislaig (0874), Blarmachfoldach (0969), South Garvan 
(9977), and Inverroy (2581) may be taken as examples. In each the 
houses straggle along the glen. Trislaig has already been identified as 
occupying a patch of raised beach. The houses lie along the old shore- 
line, with cleared land in front and open moor rising behind. Assuming 


this to be an agricultural settlement, one may suppose that the limited 
area of flat ground, with its soil developed from raised beach deposits, 
is likely to carry tillage crops and hay, while livestock is pastured on 
the lower hillside. This is so in actuality (1950) : the organization is 
that of crofting, the form of subsistence agriculture proper to the 
remote Highlands. However, even though the environment imposes 
strict limits on the possible organization of farming, marked differences 
are possible within those limits, and it must not be assumed that the 
crofting system holds good everywhere. One may perhaps repeat the 
caution that the topographical map shows only the distribution of 
buildings and the extent of cleared land, with, at some sites, physical 
features likely to provide tillable soil. Furthermore, the map alone 
cannot show how greatly the system of crofting may have been 
modified: in its fullest development, crofting involves an economic 
isolation and a low standard of living which are both rare to-day. A 
further characteristic, again not to be read from the map, is the black 
house, a single-storeyed chimneyless building containing a family of 
crofters at one end and the livestock at the other. The type form may 
be modified by the addition of chimneys, and by the complete 
partitioning of the two ends, but the general structure is distinctive 
enough, as at Trislaig. 

At South Garvan there is apparently a less abrupt change from flat 
to slope, and enclosures have been cleared and improved as high as the 
loo-ft. contour. It would appear from the irregular moorland 
boundary (better shown at Blaich (0377) ) that the land has been taken 
in piecemeal. At Blarmachfoldach the clearance has, in total at least, 
been more regular, extending upwards from the stream bank well past 
the line of houses to a smooth fence at the edge of the moor. Inverroy 
is different again. There are two lines of houses, one at a sharp break of 
slope between the valley wall and the valley floor, which also coincides 
approximately with the limit of moorland, and one below the main 
road, at the edge of an alluvial valley flat or haugh. 

Alluvium provides other sites capable of cultivation in deltas and 
delta-fans, which must be numerous where so many ungraded streams 
are well supplied with rock-waste. Deltaic sites at the heads of lakes 
or at the mouths of large tributaries are identified without difficulty. 
At many of them, buildings lie near the apex where natural drainage is 
good, with easy access to, and command of, the whole cone, and safe 
from flood (cf. Fassfern (0279) ). Much of the dispersed settlement is 
also located on sites of this kind, but the cones are frequently too 


small for the map to show (cf. Gucsachan (8879), obviously on deltas 
built into Loch Shiel, with Tighnocomairc (9469), where there is 
actually a small corrom or delta-fan). 

A scale of 1/63,360 is able to reveal that some houses are considerably 
larger than those of the crofting settlements. The contrast in size, and 
also in plan, is well shown by Sallachan (9863) and the Crofts of 
Sallachan to the east of it. The map does no more than record the 
numerous large "Houses": the social order which produced them is a 
subject for historical study, except that one may regard them as a 
likely outcome of an aristocratic or squirearchical system. 

The relation of certain Highland settlements to the land on which 
they lie is illustrated in more detail on the O.S. 1/25,000, Sheet 29/76. 
Nearly all the habitations shown arc comprised in five groups: 
Armadale (7864), Kirktomy (7463), Swordly (7363), Farr (7263), and 
Betty hill (7062). On this map, where field boundaries are shown, it 
is at once seen that the houses in Armadale are strung out along the 
lower hillside, with small enclosures carved out of the moor above or 
running down to the stream and the shoreline below. The moorland 
symbol within some enclosures indicates either that the part of the 
land proved intractable, or that it has been allowed to revert, for 
example because of a decline in population. At Kirktomy and at 
Farr, buildings lie roughly at the break in slope between the steep 
hillside and the flatter low ground a relationship already observed 
on the 1/63,360 sheet. Bettyhill is the only group which has expanded 
sufficiently to require an attack on the hilltops. Here the subdued 
summits at c. 300 ft. O.D. have been enclosed and to some extent 
cleared in the significantly named Newlands: the spread of clearing 
has evidently been associated with the establishment of dwellings at 
this higher level. One might suggest that the vigour of Bettyhill, by 
comparison with the other groups, has something to do with its 
situation on the main road (cf. the presence of an hotel). Because of 
the expansion, it is not clear whether Bettyhill may not include more 
than one original group. Farr, Armadale, and Kirktomy are more 
truly representative of a settlement form indigenous to the Scottish 
Highlands, the clachan a loose agglomeration of precisely the kind 
seen here, but often no more than a small, loose-knit hamlet. On this 
sheet the name "clachan" appears once only, applied to a small group 
of buildings at the eastern end of the modern Bettyhill. 

To explain the origin of the clachan, it would be necessary to take 
account not only of a former dependence on subsistence farming, but 


also of the former social structure of clans, and of family groups within 
the clans. Thus it is seen that even here, in country where physical 
circumstances impose strict limits or severe difficulties on land use, the 
pattern of rural settlement cannot be understood without appeal to 
additional factors. 

5. Recent Primary Dispersion 


The pattern of rural settlement here is geometrical. Systems of 
numbered squares, in which the rural habitations lie, relate to the 
arbitrary division and allocation of land at the time of settlement by 
white men: each square is a range, i mile by I mile in size, with 
a block of thirty-six squares making up a township. The town of 
Casa Grande and the small, rather loosely grouped smaller settlement 
of Chiu-Chiuschu in the south show a tendency to develop converging 
roads, while other short lengths of road lead to wells, but in general 
the rectangular pattern of land holdings is repeated in, and emphasized 
by, a rectangular net of minor roads. Most houses lie by the roadside. 
With such an arrangement nucleation can scarcely begin, for, if a 
square block of four ranges is owned or held by four farmers, the 
largest possible grouping at the central crossroads would include 
only four farms plus the dwellings, if any, of farm-workers. The 
factors militating against nucleation here are comparable to those 
responsible for the primary dispersion noted in drained fen. 

In this climate, proved to be arid by the nature of the landscape, 
and without a supply of water for irrigation, farming is certain to 
be pastoral. The wells are needed for domestic water-supply and for 
watering stock. They tap the water-table in the deposits of the alluvial 
plain, which is fed by percolation from intermittent streams and occa- 
sional rainstorms. Note the absence of wells on the pediment in the 
south-west, where settlement may have been deterred by the lack of 
ground-water in a very thin cover of rock-waste. Below the Sacaton 
Mountains, on the other hand, superficial deposits seem to extend 
across the foot of the pediment, for wells have been sunk as high as the 
i,5OO-ft. contour. It should be remarked that, although water-supply 
is possibly the most pressing of all problems for settlers in this tract, 
the special qualities of the water-table in the alluvium and the use of 
modern techniques of well-sinking result in the almost complete 


absence of anything comparable to the wet-point settlements studied 

6. The Transect Chart 

O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 167 

Structure, surface, and human occupance are seldom wholly uncon- 
nected, however complex the relationship may prove to be. The 
transect chart provides a useful and graphic means of sampling and 
summarizing the various distributions, and of revealing their simil- 
arities and contrasts. Because the similarities tend to be prominent in 
the finished chart, it is necessary to repeat die caution against crude 
determinism. The first aim of the map interpreter is to perceive and 
define the association, for example, between settlement and landform, 
and to discover, within the limits of his data, how closely the one is 
adapted to the other. Man is everywhere the active partner, limited, 
aided, or excluded by land, but never compelled. 

The transect chart was developed for use in presenting the results of 
intensive local survey, in which, among other tilings, rainfall, vegeta- 
tion, and agriculture can be fully studied. A transect chart constructed 
from a map is more limited in scope. Suitable headings are : profile of 
relief, with inferred geology where possible; physical features; 
nature drainage; surface utilization ; settlements and communications ; 
prehistoric occupance. 

The chart is constructed in the manner of a graph, with the profile 
drawn across the bottom and other information arranged above in 
columns, against the appropriate headings (Fig. 8). The profile refers, 
of course, to a single line on the ground: additional matter may be 
drawn from a belt of country, for example that defined by arbitrary 
lines parallel to the line of profile. In the example given, the profile is 
drawn from north to south along the Grid Line 94. Further informa- 
tion is taken from the area included between the lines of easting 90 
and 98. A north-south transect is chosen as crossing the grain of relief 
(and of structure) approximately at right angles. Where a large feature 
is crossed obliquely, as, for exaipple, the Wylye valley, it and its 
associated features of settlement, etc., are "projected" on to the line 
of profile and noted in the relevant column. 

Since the chart is in itself a tabular descriptive summary, the facts 
presented need not be elaborated. The reader is strongly advised, 


however, to check the chart against the map in order to understand 
precisely how the data have been obtained. 

On the nature and analysis of aspect and related matters, see 

R. BUSH. "Frost and the Fruitgrower." Geography, xxx, 1945, 
p. 80. 

A. GARNETT. "Insolation, Topography, and Settlement in the Alps." 
Geogr. Review^, xxv, 1935, p. 601. 

A. GARNETT. Insolation and Relief. Institute of British Geographers, 
Publication No. 5. George Philip, London, 1937. 

The significance of scarp-foot and dip-foot belts, and of river 
terraces, is demonstrated in 

S. W. WOOLDRIDGE and D. L. LINTON. "The Loam-terrains of 
South-eastern England in their relation to its Early History." Antiquity, 
vii, 1933, p. 297. 

S. W. WOOLDRIDGE and D. L. LINTON. "Some Aspects of the Saxon 
Settlement in South-east England Considered in Relation to the 
Geographical Background." Geography, xx, 1935, p. 161. 

This question is also referred to in 

S. W. WOOLDRIDGE. "The Anglo-Saxon Settlement." Published in 
Historical Geography of England Before 1800. Edited by H. C. DARBY. 
University Press, Cambridge, 1936, p. 88. (This essay discusses the 
relation between place-name elements and the phases of penetration.) 

Drainage of the Fenlands is reviewed in 

H. C. DARBY. "The Draining of the Fens, A.D. 1600-1800," 
Chapter XII, p. 444 ff., in Historical Geography of England (above). 

Specimens of the transect chart, together with the method of con- 
struction from field survey, may be found in 

C. C. FAGG and G. E. HUTCHINGS. An Introduction to Regional Sur- 
veying. University Press, Cambridge, 1930. (See especially pp. 112, 

C. A. SIMPSON. "A Venture in Field Geography." Geography, xxx, 

1945, p. 35. 

Dispersion of settlement in the Celtic west is described in the works 
of EVANS and JONES listed at the end of the preceding chapter. The 


studies of settlement form there specified could be usefully supple- 
mented by 

H. THORPE. "Some Aspects of Settlement in County Durham." 
Geography, xxxv, 1950, p. 244. 

H. THORPE. The Green Villages of County Durham. Institute of 
British Geographers, Publication No. 15. George Philip, London, 
I95i, p. 153. 

io-(E. 3 i 9 6; 


What is the meaning of this city? T. S. ELIOT 
We have come to regard the town almost as an organic unit. 
Its origin, where we can trace it, is almost completely controlled 
by very definite and very local circumstances. An early growth 
beyond that of its immediate neighbours is usually to be associated 
with a quite definitely superior site. The modern road, the canal, 
and the railway focused on such sites, and each such artificial 
addition became a factor in the towns growth often more potent 
than any local physical circumstance. RODWELL JONES 

MAPS: O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEETS 114, 144, 165, 
167; O.S. 1/25,000, SHEETS SY/i8, SO/oo; O.S. TOURIST 

As Darby has pointed out, 1 there seems to have been little continuity 
between the towns of Roman Britain and those of later times. The 
manner in which urban life renewed itself in the Dark Ages is complex 
and obscure, but it may be said that "long before the Norman Con- 
quest a force had begun to operate which was ultimately to give the 
English borough its most permanent characteristic, i.e. that of a 
trading centre." 2 Whatever other functions towns discharged, 
marketing remained a principal concern during several hundred years, 
when most people lived in the country and urban growth was slow. 

Effects of Re-growth 

The extent and form of the pre-industrial towns are still recognizable 
in the towns of to-day. Although the fabric has been renewed, the 
plan survives in the compact massing of buildings and in the narrow, 

1 H. C. DARBY. An Historical Geography of England Before A.D. 1800. Edited by H. C. 
DARBY. University Press, Cambridge, 1936, p. 214. 
Ibid., p. 215. 



irregular streets. The close-packed inner part, especially well marked 
where the old town was confined by a wall, may be styled the core. 
The remarkable increase in the country's population during the last 150 
years has been effectively an increase in urban population, for some 
80 per cent of the present total live in towns. This almost explosive 
growth is expressed on the map in the integument, that part of a town 
which surrounds the core. Streets and buildings are more widely 
spaced than in the centre, forming a separate and distinctive pattern. 
Not in every town is a core of medieval growth surrounded by a 
later integument. A number of minor centres have neither been 
industrialized nor converted into dormitories: they remain, as it 
were, all core. Towns which are almost entirely the product of 
industrialism seem to be all integument, but it is usually practicable 
to separate the regular, crowded inner part with its nineteenth-century 
layout from the more open and varied later portion. 


Identification on the map of the distributional patterns witliin a 
town is part of the study of town form, with which interpretation is 
most simply commenced. The problem involves much more, how- 
ever, than the separation into integument and core: the integument 
may be subdivisible, to some extent, according to function. Now the 
main present functions of a town cannot be considered without 
reference to past function, site, and situation. All of these items are 
closely and complexly interrelated, but should not be confused: the 
interpreter should be quite clear at all times which of them is being 
discussed. So much regrettable confusion has in fact arisen in the past 
that a few explanatory comments may be given. 


The function of a town implies its whole life and work, social and 
economic. Various classifications of towns according to function 
have been proposed, but if past functions are taken into account 
function becomes confused with site, while if attention is confined to 
present conditions the resulting classification is likely to be unsatis- 
factory. The division into towns of extractive industry, towns of 
manufacturing industry, and towns of service industry 1 is too general; 
that into manufacturing, retail, diversified, wholesale, transport, 

1 See R. E. DICKINSON. City Region and Regionalism. Kegan Paul London, 1947, 
p. 45 ff., for a reference and comments. 


university, resort, and retirement centres 1 tends to conceal the funda- 
mental variety of urban life. Furthermore, it can hardly be disputed 
that the functional classification of towns must have a statistical basis 
which the map cannot provide. Thus it appears that the interpreter 
is best occupied, not in trying to affix a single functional label, but in 
discovering something of the structure and internal diversity of a 
given town. It is in this latter task that a classification of functions is 
required, in order that the different parts of a town may be properly 
described. The following list, adapted from Aurousseau, may serve 
the purpose 


Communication and transport. 







When different functions have come to be localized in different parts 
of a town one may expect the map to show which are the chief 
manufacturing, residential, and recreational areas, as well as the main 
facilities of transport and communication. All these tend to lie within 
the integument. Administration, culture, and marketing are more 
typical of the core, but as a rule the only positive map evidence 
consfsts in the names of individual establishments or the distinctive 
representation of public buildings. A defensive role belongs to the 
past and should be considered under the head of site. In any case, 
medieval towns were commonly walled for defence, whether or not 
they were founded as strongholds or had castles. 

The question of function arises in another way. Just as there is no 
universally clear distinction between hamlets and villages, so villages 
grade into towns. Recent studies have revealed that some agglo- 
merations fail to discharge certain functions proper to towns in general, 
although they have urban administrative status. For purposes of work 
with O.S. maps, it is necessary to rely on the form of lettering employed 
in place-names to suggest which of the smaller centres can be classed 
as towns. On the current New Popular Edition of the 1/63,360 map 
the styles of lettering are not yet entirely standardized, but, since the 
1 Ibid., p. 23, Footnote 2, for reference to authorities and brief comments. 


smallest administrative area for which capital letters are used is the 
Urban District, all places with their names in capitals have been taken 
as towns for the purposes of this discussion. 


All towns are nodal. The convergence of roads seems merely to 
respond to the guidance of physical features, but the interpretation of 
nodality nevertheless is not always easy. Under the heading of 
situation the map interpreter can attempt to define and describe 
subject always to the limitations of the map the geographical setting. 
The economic and social relations of a town, which may be regarded 
as external functions, are (like internal functions) a matter for statistical 
treatment. In map interpretation they must be taken largely for 
granted. The task of the interpreter is to state how and why the town 
is physically accessible, how the converging routes wliich express 
nodality are related to the form of the ground, and how the town is 
placed in relation to the boundaries of stows and tracts. For obvious 
reasons, small market towns are often centrally placed in the areas they 
serve, but larger collecting and distributing centres are more typically 
peripheral. This is obviously true of a great port or a major collecting- 
centre like Winnipeg, but a number of lesser towns are also significantly 
placed near the boundary of contrasted tracts, where dissimilar products 
can be marketed. 

Many nodal points lie at the focus of a sheaf of valleys. The crude 
and obvious interpretation is that the town site is a node of valley- ways, 
but it is often at least as probable that the early routes followed the 
crests of divides, avoiding damp and wooded valley-bottoms. Ridge- 
routes would, of course, converge on die same point as the later 
valley-roads. 1 Similarly with many "gap towns": admittedly such a 
town commands the gap, on which modern roads converge, but 
formerly movement overland may have been principally across the 
gap, along the line of the high ground on either side. 


When the site of a town is examined, two things should be looked 
for: the nucleus around which growth has taken place, and the 
manner in which the growing town has adapted its structure to the 
form of the ground. On a small-scale map the nucleus alone may be 

1 The author is indebted to Dr. H. C. Brookfield for suggesting Hertford as a leading 


visible. Consider the frequent case of a small country town lying at 
one end of a river bridge : the bridgehead, commonly with the addi- 
tion of defensive works, constitutes the nucleus; but, when the term 
"bridgehead town" has been applied, interpretation is not much 
further forward. Careful examination will often reveal, or at least 
suggest, why, if the river had to be crossed in the locality, the bridge 
should stand where it does instead of half-a-mile or so upstream or 
downstream; that is, in what way the point selected is superior to 
others available near by. Much can usually be done towards inter- 
preting the advantages of the particular site, but none of these can in 
themselves explain the growth of a town. The question that should be 
asked is: assuming that a town is to grow somewhere in this neigh- 
bourhood, which is the likeliest site, and why? 

Similar treatment should be applied to a port. The physical setting, 
however advantageous, can in no sense account for the existence of a 
port, which is due to powerful economic and historical factors. On 
the other hand most (but not all) large ports are clearly located in 
close relation to geographical features ; but, since few ports have been 
deliberately founded as towns, it is often difficult to find the nucleus 
around which they have grown, modern harbour works having 
destroyed or obscured the original advantage of position. If a port is 
of any size, its site to-day will probably combine favourable with 
unfavourable factors, for example, tidewater far inland with little 
room for expansion, which the interpreter should try, as far as possible, 
to perceive. 

On the 1/63,360 and comparable or smaller scales it is not always 
possible to make out in detail any correspondence between the form 
of a town and that of the ground, especially where parts stand on 
river terraces which do not show well on the topographical map. The 
attempt should always be made, however ; it is rare in unplanned towns 
to find no evidence whatever of what may be called "preferential 
growth*' in certain directions. Where a town is functionally differ- 
entiated, a rough correspondence is often found between the functional 
subdivisions and the type of ground on which they are located. Thus 
the study of site returns to that of functions and structure, with which 
this discussion opened. 

The maps already used show forty-seven towns, with part of a forty- 
eighth, Bristol. There is more than enough material to illustrate 


specifically the principles set out in the earlier part of this chapter, so 
that it will not be necessary to study all the towns in detail. Since, 
however, no dominantly industrial town is wholly represented, 
Sheet SO/ooof the O.S. 1/25,000 Series has been selected in addition, 
for an interpretation of Merthyr Tydfil. 

The Small Market Town 

Small market towns raise few problems of interpretation, except that, 
paradoxically, maps on the smaller scales cannot show whether or 
not a market survives; but, even if cattle and produce markets have 
ceased to operate, the market square is part of the nucleus around which 
growth has taken place, and the towns continue to discharge the 
functions of marketing in the wider sense of retail distribution to the 
surrounding countryside. By definition, towns of this kind are not 
greatly industrialized, and have not been greatly affected by the urban 
spread of modern times. Nevertheless, the interpreter is well advised 
to look for factories, which not infrequently occur. Some are related 
to an essentially local industry, for example, flax mills or processing 
plants for dairy produce; others are outposts of the major industry 
carried on in a neighbouring large centre, for instance, the leather works 
in several market towns of the Midlands ; others again are the result of 
decentralization of industry, a complex economic process greatly 
stimulated by the recent war. 

In or near the easternmost part of the Cotswolds (O.S. 1/63,360 
(Seventh Series), Sheet 144) there are six small country towns: 
Chipping Campden, Shipston on Stour, Moreton in Marsh, Stow on 
the Wold, Northleach, and Burford. Although the plan differs from 
one to another, they have in common their compactness and lack of 
integument. Their sites bear a family resemblance to the sites of 
neighbouring villages, but their situations are more highly nodal. 

Chipping Campden (1539), whose market function is recorded in 
its name, is centrally placed amid a group of villages which, like the 
town, occupy original wet-point sites. The large number of villages 
within a short radius of Chipping Campden is associated with the 
convergence of the two scarps, facing respectively east and north-west, 
and with the outlying scarp of Ilmington Hill, for most of the villages 
in question are located at the scarp-foot. 

Moreton in Marsh and Stow on the Wold lie on the Fosse Way at 
nodes of cross-routes. If the official classification of roads is disregarded, 
the convergence of routes is found to be far more pronounced than 


the map at first suggests. The situation of Stow is especially instructive, 
for the town is sited on a hilltop approached from all sides by ridge- 
ways (Plate IVA). The road from Evesham and Broadway runs along 
the plateau top east of the headwater valleys of the Dikler; that from 
Tewkesbury via Stanway on the western side crosses only two valleys. 
There seems to have been an alternative to the second route through 
Winchcombe, across the Windrush near Guiting Power (0924) and 
thence eastward to Stow, but as a through-road this has been super- 
seded by the main road from Cheltenham, A.436, which is in part 
only a ridgeway and which makes more difficult crossings of the 
Windrush and Slaughter Brook valleys. East of the Fosse Way two 
ridgeways on either side of the Hazelford Brook valley run northwards 
to unite near Wyck Beacon (2020), whence the route continues across 
the col between the valleys of the Evenlode and Dikler. The main 
road from Oxford comes in from the east along the flank of Chastleton 
Hill, traverses a narrow part of the valley bottom, and mounts to 
Stow along the side of St. Martin's Hill. Although the roads from 
Blcdington (2422) and Evenlode (2220) are not ridgeways they do 
not at least keep to the lowest ground, and are in any event less direct 
than those previously mentioned. Moreton in Marsh is very differently 
sited from Stow, lying on low ground where the Oxford-Evesham 
road crosses the Fosse Way. The immediate approaches cannot 
naturally take the form of ridgeways, in the ordinary sense, but are 
nevertheless distinctly related to the low divides of clay country. 

Northleach (1114) offers an interesting contrast with Moreton and 
Stow, both of which stand on the Fosse Way whereas Northleach 
stands to one side. The site is in a valley bottom with a natural water- 
supply, between dry tabular interfluves. The town has grown east- 
wards and westwards along the valley, apparently from a nucleus near 
the church; the central cross-roads lie at the intersection of the 
Burford-Cheltenham-Tewkesbury road, A.4O, with what is now a 
minor road from Bourton on the Water (1620) through Farmington 
(1315), branching at Northleach to Chedworth (0512) and Coin St. 
Denis (08 n). It seems likely that at one time the less direct road was 
preferred to the Fosse, possibly because of easier gradients, for example, 
in the stretch between Northleach and Bourton. 

Besides standing to the side of the Fosse, Northleach is also off the 
ridgeways. The significantly named Salt Way, running southwards 
from Evesham, passes about a mile away on the south-west; the road 
from Burford, instead of descending into the valley at Northleach, 


could continue to the north, rejoining the modern Cheltenham road 
at Puesdown Inn (0717). Thus Northleach is less directly nodal than 
might at first appear; its nodality arises, in part, from the fact that 
several ways pass close by, so that Northleach provides an approxima- 
tion to the several cross-roads. 

Shipston on Stour (2540) further illustrates the effect of movement 
along other roads than the Fosse Way. No nucleated settlement occurs 
on the Fosse itself, either at the crossing of the Chipping Campden- 
Banbury road, or at that of the road from Stratford on Avon up the 
Stour valley towards Oxford. Instead, a small market centre has arisen 
where these last two intersect, at one end of a bridge over the Stour. 
Note at Shipston, as at Chipping Campden, isolated buildings which 
appear to stand in the main street. These are probably covered market 
halls or exchanges. Burford (2512) resembles Shipston in controlling 
a river crossing, but also possesses an ancient priory, which may 
well have encouraged early growth and have assisted Burford to 
outpace the alternative crossing-settlement at Barrington, 3 miles 
upstream. The road system south of the Windrush well repays close 

Enough has now been said to illustrate the fact that, within the class 
of small towns, great variety of setting is possible within the limits of a 
single tract of country. That is why the interpreter should deal with 
each such town on its merits, refraining from hasty classification and 
using to the full the information obtainable from the map. 

The six towns discussed are very small and show few or no signs of 
recent growth. Melksham and Devizes, in the north-west of the area 
of the O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Sheet 167, although by no 
means big towns, are larger than the previous examples and appear to 
be expanding. The characteristic openwork pattern of recent suburban 
housing appears on the eastern side of Devizes, in the kilometre Grid 
Square 1061, while Melksham is spreading to the south-east and 
north-east. Note also at Melksham the rubber factory. It is difficult 
to imagine that the town offers specific advantages for rubber manu- 
facture it is far more probable that the general factors of rail transport 
and a potential labour-supply were relied on when the industry was 

Some country towns, without being industrialized, have yet grown 
fairly vigorously in modern times. They often serve as the economic 
centres of whole tracts or of large stows and their wider influence is 
not infrequently recognized in place-names (cf. Salisbury and Salisbury 


Plain, Evesham and the Vale of Evesham). They are more markedly 
nodal than the smallest towns, and in addition usually occupy dis- 
tinctive sites, for their eminence dates from medieval times when they 
were strongholds of defence, noted ecclesiastical centres, or both at 
once; but a town which stood very high in the medieval urban 
hierarchy, for whatever reason, may have experienced very little re- 
growth, for example, the cathedral town of Wells and the neighbouring 
Glastonbury with its renowned Abbey (O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) 
Sheet 165). We are concerned at present not with these, but with 
towns of comparable antiquity and former size which have developed 
vigorous modern functions of industry and trading. 

Salisbury is a case in point (O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Sheet 167). 
The nuclear area includes the cathedral; the core is approximately 
defined by the very densely built-up southern part of the present 
town, with an outlying portion in the angle of confluence between the 
Avon and Nadder. Outside the core there has been considerable recent 
growth towards the north-west, in the Pembroke Park area, and 
towards the north in the direction of Paul's Dene. On the eastern side 
also a more open pattern of streets and buildings can be seen, between 
the core and the railway. As no marked industrial development 
appears to have taken place it seems that the modern growth of 
Salisbury is related to its situation, for the town is well placed to serve 
a large number of rural settlements in a tract where no other town 
exists. Both site and situation illustrate the contrast between the con- 
ditions of Roman and post-Roman times respectively. The Roman 
roads, now in large part disused or reduced to the condition of bridle 
ways, radiate not from Salisbury but from the earlier centre of 
Sorbiodunum (Old Sarum). The modern Salisbury lies at the focus 
of two sets of roads, those running along the crests of interfluves and 
those following the valleys. Since nucleated settlements are con- 
centrated in the valleys it is the valley-ways that best express the 
nodality of Salisbury as a market centre, even though the easiest 
approaches in the early days must have been along the ridges. The 
frequent elements -ton, -ford, and -bury in the place-names of the valley 
settlements are associated with Saxon penetration. Thus, although the 
observed pattern of settlement and communications belongs to post- 
Roman times, it has evolved from an original pattern of considerable 
antiquity a fact which serves to emphasize the utility, in a discussion 
of Salisbury, of separating the core of the town from the integument. 
The recent growth of the latter corresponds not to an increase in rural 


population but to closer and more extensive commercial links between 
the town and its environment. 


Except for Bristol, which appears only in part on one of the selected 
maps and will not be discussed, the ports available for study are small. 

Bridgwater (O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Sheet 167) stands at the 
lowest crossing of the tidal River Parrett. Roads converge on the 
bridge from the west, running across the broken hill country, and 
also from the east where they are more directly guided by the belts of 
dry land amid the fen. Since there is a relatively short traverse of 
fenland between the extremity of the Polden ridgeway and the river 
crossing at Bridgwater, it is readily understood that the town has con- 
siderable nodality in respect of movement by land, quite apart from any 
traffic on the Parrett. 

The site of Bridgwater may usefully be compared with that of 
Combwich (2642). Both settlements are based on firm ground which 
approaches the river on the western side, and both originally possessed 
small natural inlets to serve as harbours. Combwich is several miles 
nearer to the open sea, and presumably has the longer period of high 
water, but can scarcely have provided a crossing in the very early days 
when fording not bridging was the rule. Furthermore, the natural 
drainage of Pawlett Hams, across the river from Combwich, appears 
likely to have been considerably worse than that of the ground 
opposite Bridgwater. 

The small core of Bridgwater is almost surrounded by integument, 
wherein ribbon building may be identified along all the radiating 
roads. Modern expansion has been industrial, for in addition to the 
railway-carriage works one observes a number of factories alongside 
the Parrett, from 305384 in the north to 320353 in the south-east. It 
seems that the navigable river has been more influential in locating 
factories than either the railway or the canal. Since no factories are 
named or otherwise described, apart from the railway-carriage works 
and the brick and tile works at Chilton Trinity (3039) it is impossible 
to suggest what the dominant industry might be. The many patches 
of inland water on the eastern side of the town might be flooded 
clay-pits, as they are at Chilton Trinity, but might equally well be 
gravel workings. 

Few of the facilities of a small port can be adequately represented 
on a map of this scale : the 1/25,000 Series enjoys a better scope. Since, 


however, factories are located on the Parrett it may be inferred that 
wharves have been constructed along the river banks, providing 
accommodation additional to that of the small dock. The canal 
leading out of the dock would not appear to have been a great success, 
since factories avoid it. The more useful railway link is secured by 
spurs to the dockside and to the quays on the east of the river in 
Castle Field. 

In many respects Boston (O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Sheet 114) 
resembles Bridgwater. It also is an estuary-head port, with obvious 
local nodality. Narrowly confined between the old fen on one side 
and the former estuarine marsh on the other, the Boston crossing of the 
Witham carries roads which converge along the broad lanes of firm 
ground, as well as that running southwards along the "islands" of 
Stickney and Sibsey. Although the shoreline has been pushed seaward 
for a considerable distance by reclamation within historical times, the 
Witham is still tidal up to Boston bridge. Since a canal takes off at 
Dogdyke (2155) the regularized Witham above Boston must be 
navigable for canal-boats, but unlike the Parrett is not flanked by 
factories. The modern growth expressed in the integument of Boston 
is to be associated with industrial development on the southern side 
of the town, near the small rail-served dock and also on the west of 
the river. Here no factories are named or described, but the two 
electricity transmission lines suggest that a power station may be 
located at 335431. 

Lil^e Bridgwater, Boston serves a rural hinterland: hence their 
relatively small size; but, just as Bridgwater surpasses Combwich, 
so Boston is larger and better connected than Wainfleet All Saints 
(5059). JThe general setting of Wainfleet is broadly comparable to 
that of Boston, but the former now lies more than three miles from 
tidewater on a smaller river than the Witham. Whatever historical 
factors may have operated, it is clear enough that as a port Wainfleet 
suffers grave physical disadvantages. Indeed, it has been effectively 
reduced to the status of a small inland market centre, located at a river 

Wexford (O.S. Ireland, 1/63,360, Third Edition, Sheet 169) is 
another small port in a rural tract. Since the map was last revised in 
1898, it can hardly be expected to record a large integument. Very 
little can be read from the map of port facilities, which appear to be 
restricted. They may possibly be represented by the jetty immediately 
downstream of the road bridge, together with the large buildings 


on the seaward side of the single-track railway. Undoubtedly the 
port of Wexford is unsatisfactory in some ways probably because of 
too shallow water at low tide for an outport has been established at 
Rosslare Harbour on the open coast. As Wexford seems very little 
industrialized, and as the cargo traffic of small ports is not usually too 
urgent to await a suitable height of tide, one may infer that the rail- 
served pier at Rosslare Harbour is designed for passenger traffic. 

Other specialized ports on the selected maps include Kinlochleven 
and Fort William (O.S. Tourist Map, 1/63,360 (Lorn and Lochaber)), 
and Par and Charlestown (O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Sheet 186). 
Each of the first pair has a deep-water pier, connected by rail with an 
aluminium factory, whence it would appear that bauxite is probably 
brought in by sea. The second two are Cornish ports which serve as 
outlets for the china clay field of Hensbarrow, north of St. Austell. 
They are too small to rank as towns. 

Also in the area covered by Sheet 186, Lostwithiel (1050) and 
Fowey (1251) well exemplify a relationship of settlement to ria which 
is so common as to be properly regarded as typical. Lostwithiel is 
sited where roads converge on the crossing of the deep valley (cf. the 
place-name "Bridgend" at the eastern side). The main road from 
Liskeard is a ridgeway, which secures gentle gradients by skirting the 
heads of southward-flowing streams, and passes over the Fowey river 
at the (present) tidal limit, i.e. at the lowest point which could be 
crossed with relatively little difficulty. An east-west road nearer to 
the coast would involve many bridges and steep hills, and would 
approach the tidal Fowey where it is much wider. The town of Fowey, 
although provided with two ferry services, is not primarily a crossing- 
place, but a coastal settlement with a sheltered, deep-water harbour, 
directly connected on one side of the ria only to the town at the ria- 
head. An interesting modification of this association of towns with 
rias occurs on the Looe, which is again represented on Sheet 186. 
The river mouth is so narrow that bridging was not unduly difficult: 
in consequence East and West Looe combine the functions of bridge- 
town and port, and there is no settlement of any size at the ria-head. 
The principal road crossing of the Looe valley, however, is still located 
well inland, near Liskeard. 


Most resorts of this country lie at the seaside, for which reason they 
may conveniently be discussed next. Whereas the nucleus of a port 


may be regarded as an inlet, or as a conveniently sheltered portion of 
shoreline, the nucleus of a seaside resort is the central part of the front. 
The actual beach did not, as a rule, constitute a factor in the growth 
of a resort before an efficient system of sewage disposal had been 
acquired; but whatever its individual peculiarities of location and 
history, a seaside resort is usually distinguished by being sited on the 
open shore, and by possessing far more integument than core since it 
is largely a product of the last century, or even of the last fifty years. 

Weston-super-Mare, Clevedon, and Burnham on Sea (O.S. 
1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Sheet 165) may be contrasted in respect 
of site with the port of Bridgwater discussed above. Burnham, 
indeed, might be more aptly considered in relation to the small 
neighbouring town of Highbridge, a crossing-place and minor port 
on the River Brue. All three resorts are characterized by a relatively 
open pattern of streets and buildings, with very little sign of industri- 
alization. All have golf links; Clevedon has one pier, Weston two. 
None is served by an inland waterway, nor does the railway approach 
the waterfront. 

The considerable spread of building along the southern flank of 
Worlebury Hill, on the northern side of Weston-super-Mare, illus- 
trates a typical development of resorts where suitable ground is 
available. The hillside is a "desirable residential area." The same 
phenomenon is illustrated in greater detail, although on a smaller 
scale, by Sidmouth (Sheet SY/i8 of the O.S. 1/25,000 Series), where 
detached houses are scattered over the eastern side of the valley. 

Clevedon and Weston each have a small core where the buildings 
are compactly massed; Burnham, lacking a comparable centre, 
appears ,to be of more recent growth, although the fact is not very 
clearly illustrated on the 1/63,360 map (cf. however the representation 
of Skegness on the same scale (Sheet 114): there can be no doubt that 
this resort has grown recently as well as vigorously, for no core of 
dense, older building is to be found). 

When non-industrial inland centres display small cores and large 
integuments resembling those of seaside resorts, the leading prob- 
abilities are that the towns in question are also resorts, for example, 
spas, or that they function as dormitories. The fact offering itself for 
interpretation is once again the great extent of residential building. 
Although spas, as such, are no longer fashionable, they may have 
survived as residential or resort towns of a specialized character. 
Cheltenham (O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Sheet 144) is one such. 


Although its history can only be guessed at, the map indubitably 
represents a town with a large, unindustrial integument very similar 
in cartographic appearance to the outer parts of flourishing seaside 

Large Towns 

As was made clear in the early part of this chapter, the large modern 
town performs many functions. The towns discussed so far, simply 
because all are highly specialized and none is of more than moderate 
size, have been conveniently treated under summary descriptive 
headings, but it has already been observed that a useful distinction can 
be made between the inner (commercial) and the outer (mostly 
residential) portions. The core of Clevedon, for example, is identical 
with the shopping centre. The resorts of very recent growth, and the 
very small market towns, provide apparent exceptions, but maps on a 
larger scale (for example, 1/10,560) would show that in them also the 
central part is more densely packed than the outer, while a survey of 
urban land use would reveal the functional differentiation. 1 The next 
example provides more complex material. While it does not illustrate 
the large, fully diversified, "general-purpose" modern town, it 
combines extensive industrial and commercial areas with residential 
districts of two distinct kinds. 

An Industrial Town 

O.S. 1/25,000, SHEET SO/oo (MERTHYR TYDFIL) 
On this scale the form of the town is very clearly shown. The core 
consists of the compact mass of buildings and narrow streets lying 
within the bend of the River TafF, in the north-east of die kilometre 
square 0405. The nucleus seems to have been located near the church 
at 050048. Early growth was probably responsible for the tongue of 
close building which fringes the main road to the north-east, but most 
of the expansion has undoubtedly been associated with the working of 
coal and iron ore, and with the manufacture of iron, which are so 
abundantly attested by the pits, levels, works, and spoil-heaps (Plate 
IVfi). The development has been remarkably asymmetrical, and 
considerably guided in direction by the form of the ground: Dowlais 
(0607) is based on a broad spur between two small but deeply incised 
valleys, while Georgetown (0406) occupies part of the flat valley floor 

1 Functional maps of towns may be consulted at the offices of many planning 


of the Taff. Despite the irregular outline of the whole, certain general 
conclusions are easily reached. Some quarters, for instance, that on 
the valley side south-east of Pen-y-bryn Water Works (0507), include 
an older and particularly compact element, but consist chiefly of the 
regular streets of terraced houses which are a typical product of rapid 
urban growth in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. With 
slight modifications, this pattern is repeated in much of Dowlais and 
in the Taff Valley both to north and to south of the core. That part 
of Merthyr immediately east of the main railway station, spreading 
north-eastwards up the hillside to Thomas Town, appears certainly to 
have been built later than the railway. A concentration of public 
buildings (shown by solid black) immediately north of the station 
suggests that some important cultural and administrative functions 
are discharged here, but the more easterly portions are less easy to 
interpret. On higher slopes where the land is free of industrial waste, 
or in valleys beyond the older residential quarters, one may note the 
wider, curving streets of suburbs constructed in the twentieth-century 
manner, as, for example, in the kilometre square 0508. The plan of 
these streets still has a certain geometrical uniformity, in contrast with 
the irregular scatter of large, detached houses on the hill flank above 
Cefh-coed-y-cymmer (0308). 

The industrial functions of Merthyr Tydfil can be interpreted with 
unusual clarity. It is evident from the numerous old coal levels and old 
ironstone levels that, at least in the first days of industrial development, 
gently dipping seams of coal and beds of iron ore were worked in 
adits not by shafts. The Taff, and the Cynon in the next valley to the 
west have been incised into productive Coal Measures not violently 
disturbed by earth-movements and containing economic bands of 
ironstone. The presence of ironworks, as opposed to steelworks, 
indicates either that manufacture was established early, or that the 
local iron ore proved unsuitable for the acid Bessemer process which 
came to dominate steel manufacture from about 1860 onwards. The 
very numerous abandoned coal workings would also suggest early 
exploitation and relatively small individual concerns. The fewer but 
large pits now in work may be located by means of the notation on 
the map, by a characteristic pattern of railway sidings and pithead 
buildings (usually small), and by their association with active spoil- 
banks; for derelict tips are symbolized by hachures, while those still 
in use are shown by stipple and usually carry at least one line of rail. 
The features in question can be seen at Cwm Bargoed Pits (086060). 



Ironworks require much larger buildings and more elaborate systems 
of railway lines (cf. those on the southern side of Dowlais at 065074). 
The huge quarries in the north, on the flank of Morlais Hill (0509) 
and elsewhere, appear to provide limestone, whose obvious destination 

Roads, railways, canals, buildings, quarries, and tip-heaps shown in solid black 
Based, by permission, on Sheet SO/oo of the O.S. 1/25,000 Map) 
Crown Copyright reserved 

is the smelting works, for the highest ground hereabouts is marked, 
on the map, with the symbols for rocky edges and rock-strewn ground 
which have been encountered on the maps of Carboniferous Lime- 
stone country. One might, perhaps, advance the very tentative 
suggestion justified, in point of fact that the rock quarried is indeed 
die Carboniferous Limestone, which would, therefore, seem to dip 
southwards under the Coal Measures. 

xi~(E. 5 i96) 


The exploitation of minerals, the tipping of spoil, the construction 
of works, and the expansion of towns have vastly transformed Merthyr 
Tydfil and its environment. Simple inspection of the map gives a 
powerful impression of the extent of this transformation, but its 
extent can be fully appreciated only by means of selective mapping, 
as shown in Fig. 9. 

Geometrical Layout of a New Town 


Many of the younger towns in the central and western provinces of 
North America have come into being very differently from the old 
towns of Western Europe. Instead of a long period of slow urban 
growth in which the street plan evolved, as it were, by natural selec- 
tion, and a later recrudescence in the railway age, these new towns of 
the New World have often arisen after the railway had been laid. 
The order of succession has been reversed : the first arrival, the railway, 
has been followed by streets, and the buildings have come last. The 
streets in Casa Grande were not, at the time of the survey, fully built 
up; they form a rectangular pattern, aligned in part on the railway 
and in part on the meridian. Such a town, laid out as a whole or 
expanding according to plan, differs from European towns as 
greatly in form as in history. Core and integument are no longer 
differentiated: they lie within the province of sociological not of 
cartographic study. 


Much useful material on the early establishment and growth of towns 
occurs in 

H. C. DARBY (Editor). Historical Geography of England before A.D. 
1800. University Press, Cambridge, 1936. (See especially Chapter V, 
"The Economic Geography of England," A.D. 100-1250, by H. C. 
DARBY, p. 214 ff.) 

The classification and functions of towns are discussed by 

M. AUROUSSEAU. "The Distribution of Population; a Constructive 
Problem." Georg. Review, xi, 1921, p. 567. 

R. E. DICKINSON. City Region and Regionalism. Kegan Paul, 
London, 1947. 


R. E. DICKINSON. The West European City: A Geographical Inter- 
pretation. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1951. 

A. E. SMAILES. "The Urban Hierarchy of England and Wales." 
Geography, xxix, 1944, p. 41. 

The economic relations of towns with their surroundings are 
attracting much notice at die present time. Among the papers which 
have so far appeared, the following may be cited 

R. E. DICKINSON. "The Distribution and Functions of the Smaller 
Urban Settlements of East Anglia." Geography, xvii, 1932, p. 19. 

A. E. SMAILES. The Urban Mesh of England and Wales. Institute of 
British Geographers, Publication No. n. George Philip, London, 
1946, p. 85. 

A. E. SMAILES. "The Analysis and Delimitation of Urban Fields." 
Geography, xxxii, 1947, p. 151. 

Many individual studies have been made from time to time. The 
following is a very brief selection 

H. C. BROOKFIELD. "Worthing: A Study of a Modern Coastal 
Town." Town Planning Review, xxiii, No. 2, July, 1952, pp. 145-62. 

E. JONES. "Tregaron, A Welsh Market Town." Geography, xxxv, 
1950, p. 20. 

S.J.JoNES. The Growth of Bristol Institute of British Geographers, 
Publication No. n. George Philip, London, 1946, p. 55. 

M. J. WISE. "Some Factors Influencing the Growth of Birming- 
ham." Geography, xxxiii, 1948, p. 176. 


For monuments as for men, position is everything. BALZAC 
The laws of probability apply only to large numbers. (Statistical 

MAP* O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 165 

ON the bounds of archaeology the map interpreter must tread with 
care. Excavation and dating are the task of the field archaeologist, 
who makes use of a great body of material which the topographical 
map cannot record, and who is able to subdivide prehistory minutely. 
Map interpretation of prehistoric features depends on a fraction of the 
evidence that actually exists. It can take no account of artefacts but 
must rely on earthworks, and only on those earthworks which have 
survived, have been identified, and are represented on the map. These 
are the facts employed in an attempt to discover which parts of the 
land were occupied by man in each of the great cultural stages of 

The Question of Dating 

The special maps of the Ordnance Survey, such as the Map of 
Neolithic Wessex, naturally raise no problems of dating, but the 
standard topographical map shows remains of very different age on 
the same sheet. The help afforded by distinctive notation is very 
limited. Roman sites and remains, where they are represented, are 
named in a special type 

UPRIGHT SANS SERIF CAPITALS on the New Popular One- inch 
map, although policy is now to employ EGYPTIAN TYPE for 
this purpose. Pre-Roman antiquities are shown in Olb (tt0li$l) 
type, those of post-Roman date in erman text. 

On the New Popular Edition the difference between Old English 
type and German text is not always clear, but the 1/25,000 Series is 
wholly successful in this respect. 

Fortunately for the purposes of interpretation, the nature of the 



remains is usually clear from the name or from the symbol, or both. 
Archaeology gives exactly the lead required in showing that each 
great class of earthworks is likely to belong to a certain one of the 
broad divisions of prehistoric and early historic times. The classes of 
earthwork, the cultural stages, and approximate dates applicable in 
Lowland Britain are summarized in the accompanying table. It must 
be stated as emphatically as possible, that the table has very little value 
in the classification of a single feature. There is, for example, no 
justification for referring a particular round barrow to the Bronze Age, 
but where a number of round barrows occur in a given tract of country 
it is highly probable that they are of Bronze Age date. The more 
numerous and closely grouped the barrows, the greater the probability. 
In dealing with prehistoric evidence, the interpreter should concern 
himself first and chiefly with groups of features not with isolated 
examples, that is to say, with the signs of undoubted and effective 

The classes of earthwork listed differ widely in purpose. A few 
brief remarks are called for to relate each to the life of its period and to 
point its precise significance. The following paragraphs are by no 
means intended as an adequate review of prehistoric time in Lowland 
Britain, for which the reader should consult the useful elementary 
texts listed at the end of the chapter, but are meant to show how the 
broad relation of man to ground altered from period to period. A 
study of prehistoric distributions is in fact, to a large extent, a study 
of changing geographical values. 

Neolithic Antiquities 

In Neolithic times, the earliest from which earthworks are known 
in this country, agriculture was already being practised by people 
living in hill-villages. The organization was probably one of semi- 
nomadism, with tillage subordinate to pasture. It seems certain that 
the climate was more oceanic than it is to-day, and the water-table in 
uplands based on permeable rock the Chalk in particular is thought 
to have stood higher than it now does. Although the downlands 
carried timber they were much more easily penetrated than the 
lowlands, which, except for sandy outcrops and river terraces were, as 
a whole, damp, ill-drained, and densely forested. The soils of the 
open hilltops were deep enough and fertile enough for primitive 
cultivation, and movement was easiest along the ridges. There was 
little pressure of population on the best areas, and in any event 


Neolithic men were ill equipped to clear or to cultivate the low-lying 
claylands, which, indeed, remained forested for many centuries. The 
commonest evidence of Neolithic occupance consists in long barrows, 
the characteristic mound of ceremonial burial. Long barrows are not 
numerous, partly because only a limited number were built by a small 
population, but partly also because some have been exploited for 
building-stone and in that manner destroyed. The hilltop sites, 
encircled by ditch and bank in Neolithic times, were generally re- 
occupied and their defences elaborated in the Iron Age. As yet no 
Neolithic corn-plots are definitely known, possibly because the same 
ground continued in use subsequently. It was during the Neolithic 
Age that Britain received the religion associated with megalithic 
(big stone) monuments, some of which, again, are known to have 
been destroyed in the last few centuries. Long-chambered tombs, or 
dolmens, were probably originally covered with earth. Erection of 
megaliths continued during the Bronze Age, to which belong many 
standing stones in single lines or avenues, solitary (menhirs: 
these are, however, difficult to date) or in circles (cromlechs). A 
highly organized society is implied. The rarity or absence of fortified 
sites of this period is taken by archaeologists to signify a long period of 
peace. The greatest megalithic monuments of all, such as Avebury 
and Stonehenge, are similar to the great cathedrals of to-day, in that 
they were altered and added to during a lengthy use and cannot be 
ascribed to a single period. 

Bronze Age Antiquities 

The Bronze Age in Britain was introduced by numerous immigrants, 
whose period of dominance roughly coincided with the sub-Boreal 
climatic phase, when the climate was drier than it now is, and the 
summers were warmer. A number of authorities hold that a lower 
water-table encouraged pasture rather than tillage on the downlands, 
and suggest that man tended to live near the springlines, that is, in the 
valleys. It is important to bear this point in mind in considering the 
round barrows of certain uplands. Excavation has shown that where 
round barrows are numerous they usually belong, as a group, to the 
Bronze Age, although secondary burials of later date but in the same 
barrows are not uncommon. The geographer taking a synoptic 
view may expect to find round barrows concentrated on the higher 
ground, often in precisely those parts where the long Neolithic 
barrows occur, and may justifiably infer that in the Bronze Age, as in 


earlier times, the permeable uplands were the most favourable tracts; 
but he should think in terms of hilltop pasture, remembering that 
although the barrows prove exploitation of the land, they are burial- 
places and not dwelling-sites. It is on some impermeable uplands, 
Dartmoor, for example, that Bronze Age houses and villages are 
coming to be known on the plateau top, together with walled cattle 
enclosures such as Grimspound, near Moreton Hampstead. The 
settlement of Dartmoor is itself a measure of the climatic difference 
between Bronze Age and present times. 

The Early Iron Age 

In about 750 B.C., at approximately the time that a more oceanic 
climate was re-established in the sub-Atlantic Phase, the Celtic inva- 
sions began. The earlier arrivals were of Bronze Age culture, but iron 
implements became dominant from about 500 B.C. onwards. The 
heavier rainfall and higher water-table allowed tillage to spread 
widely over the downlands, but promoted peat growth on the im- 
permeable rocks of many highland tracts. Doubtless much evidence 
of Bronze Age occupance is buried under sub-Atlantic peat, while 
many Neolithic plots must have been obliterated by Celtic ploughing. 
For about seven centuries after the first invasions, the plough used 
was the light Mediterranean form, which did not turn the sod and 
was well adapted to the shallow upland soils. Cross-ploughing of 
small, roughly rectangular patches gave rise to the characteristic 
pattern of Celtic Fields. Adjacent plots are separated by low banks or 
lynchets, 1 originally faced with stone, where earth accumulated at 
the downhill side of individual plots. "Scratch agriculture'* of this 
kind put a great deal of the Chalk uplands under tillage, and is also 
known, for instance, from the outcrops of Carboniferous Limestone, 
where natural drainage was also good and the soil light and shallow. 
It was associated with a shift of habitation back to the higher ground, 
as occasionally shown on the O.S. map by the notation "British 
Village" (now being discontinued). This upland cultivation seems to 
have continued into, and possibly throughout, the Roman occupation, 
while according to Childe the "Celtic Fields" of Highland Britain 
were still cultivated in the Middle Ages or later. 

The Celtic influx ended the lengthy peace of the Bronze Age, 
replacing it by militarism, raids, and war. The unsettled conditions 
are reflected by the many fortified hilltop sites usually called "camps" 

1 See also p. 157. 


on O.S. maps which, as already stated, include some formerly 
occupied in Neolithic times. Authorities differ on whether these 
strong-points were permanently inhabited or were merely refuges for 
men and livestock in time of danger, but, whatever the fact, their 
existence points to a time of much disorder. Where they occur, the 
map interpreter should note their siting, wherein marked tactical as 
well as strategic advantages are often apparent. In Scotland these 
strongholds include vitrified forts, usually so named on the map. The 
original walls included substantial timbers, which when fired caused a 
partial fusion of the stones. 

By about 100 B.C. a widening political grouping had caused many 
hill forts to be abandoned. Defended cities were becoming established 
on the lower ground. The downhill shift, although still slight, was 
emphasized from about 75 B.C. onwards, when Bclgic invaders 
introduced the heavy plough, an implement fitted with wheel and 
coulter and capable of working the claylands. It is precisely because 
the two forms of plough are suited to contrasted soils that the Celtic 
field patterns remain visible to-day, for the heavy Belgic model, 
which was used to turn the land in long strips, would have obliterated 
the outlines of the squarish plots. 

Roman Sites 

Clearance of the damp, low-lying areas was at first slow, and is 
known to have been effected mostly in post-Roman times. In this 
connection the sites of Roman towns are less significant than the sites 
of villas, which were largely self-contained and self-sufficient agri- 
cultural establishments. They lie almost exclusively outside those 
belts which are, in the natural state, badly drained; but the Roman 
period is recorded most distinctively in features of civil and military 
occupation, superimposed on the terrain rather than adapted to it. 
However strikingly the Roman roads avoid or circumvent major 
obstacles, and however strategically placed the camps, forts, and towns, 
the patterns remain geometrical, corresponding with the texture of 
the country only in the broadest manner. 

Earthworks of the Dark Ages 

The withdrawal of the legions in about A.D. 450 re-opened the 
country to active immigration. Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian 
penetration and settlement have been discussed in another chapter. 
Here it remains to mention only linear earthworks, often named 


"dyke" or "ditch," of which many belong to the Dark Ages. Al- 
though some may have been constructed in haste for immediate 
tactical purposes, others had strategic or political value, delimiting a 
frontier or the boundary of a domain. Geographically a number are 
of great interest, in that they stop short at the edge of low clayland, 
whence it is inferred that, when the works were constructed, the clay 
was still wooded and not easily penetrable. 

Towards the west of the country many earthworks, linear earth- 
works in particular, bear names reminiscent of the Arthurian legends; 
towards the east they are more commonly credited to the Danes or to 
Grim, the Devil. In most cases the implied dating or origin is wildly 
inaccurate and should on no account be accepted. 


The one class of earthwork not yet reviewed in its entirety is the 
lynchet. The term is applied to at least three distinct forms of different 
date. The narrow, striplike, near-horizontal terraces of steep slopes 
(for example, on the scarped edge of Salisbury Plain near Mere) are 
usually taken as cultivation-terraces of unknown date. On O.S. maps 
at 1/63,360 and 1/25,000 there is room only for single rows of hachures, 
which have to stand for whole systems of lynchets. The low banks 
which bound Celtic fields are not always indicated on the i-in. map, 
if the name is inserted; elsewhere hachures are again used. In the 
Yorkshire Dales a third type of lynchet occurs, this time on the lower 
slopes and on parts of the valley bottoms. Like the first type, it 
consists of a narrow flat strip terminating in a steep descent on the 
downhill side, but although some groups run across the slope others 
run almost directly down. It has been urged that these lynchets are of 
Anglian date. 

It is hoped that this brief review, summarized in the Table on 
page 158, will be of use in the interpretation of prehistoric occupance. 
Deficient though it may be, the map record is capable of revealing 
something of the former relationship of man to ground, and of showing 
that in earlier times, even more markedly than to-day, the qualities 
of the setting were not without influence on man's activity. 

Interpretation from an O.S. Map 

The principles stated above will now be applied in a specific inter- 
pretation. The map selected is O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Sheet 165 
(Weston-super-Mare), on which physical distributions have already 

8 ^ 









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been studied in Chapter X. Certain morphological boundaries 
relevant to the present aim have been added, in Fig. 10, to a map of 

C limits of Cofboftifeious limestone ptoteoux | 


Early antiquities as shown on p.S. Seventh Series 1/63,360, Sheet 165, with the 
addition of two lake villages 

Crown Copyright reserved 

earthworks taken from the O.S. sheet. The close general relation 
between the form of the ground and the distribution of remains is 
immediately obvious: it is emphasized by a detailed inspection. 
The eight long barrows are assumed to be probably Neolithic. 


Five occur on the Mendip plateau, three on the dissected scarpland to 
the north. All are prominently sited, either on summits or on false 
crests, where they appear on the skyline as seen from lower ground. 
In themselves these burial-places prove no more than Neolithic 
penetration of the upland, but it is entirely reasonable to suppose, in 
view of the distribution of later features, that in Neolithic times the 
low ground was untouched forest and marsh. 

The four aligned circles, possibly dating from Neolithic or Bronze 
Age times, suggest the ritual practices of a relatively stable and well- 
organized society. The abundant round barrows show that in (pre- 
sumably) the Bronze Age, the Mendip plateau was broadly and easily 
penetrable, i.e. not more than lightly wooded, if not indeed widely 
grazed and tilled. Of a total of 145 round barrows, 137 lie on the 
Mendips, nearly all on the flat summit-plane where, however, the 
gentle north-easterly slopes are avoided. Two barrows lie near the 
summit of Bleadon Hill, a detached portion of plateau, and three 
more in the dissected northern scarpland where long barrows have 
been previously noted, giving a total of 142 on high ground. Of the 
remaining three, that at 2045 (marked "tumulus" on the map) is 
exceptionally placed very close to the fen. Walborough (3157) and 
Castle Batch (3663), each on low ground a little above the 5O-ft. 
contour, may not be tumuli at all, although they are marked by the 
hachure symbol, for the names suggest a post-Roman origin. 

Whatever reservations are necessary on the grounds that not all 
round barrows have survived, or have been located and mapped, 
there is very good evidence of selective occupance of the uplands. 
Although, as remarked above, barrows are not dwelling-sites, there is 
little doubt that the damper valley bottoms as well as the fen were 
avoided by die people who made the round barrows. In this connec- 
tion it should be noted that there is little dry ground between the 
steep edges of the limestone uplands and the bottom lands, so that 
grazing at least must have been practised chiefly on the plateau-tops. 

Where summits are so wide and flat it is pointless to look for an 
alignment of barrows along a ridge-top, such as may be found in 
other parts of the country. The Mendip plateau offers negligible 
obstacles to circulation, providing a belt rather than a line of hilltop 
between the forests and marshes on either side. 

The probable Iron Age antiquities recorded on Sheet 165 and in 
Fig. 10 include twenty-four specified "camps" or large circular 
earthworks. As a group the "camps" are remarkably well sited, 


occupying steep-sided single hills or prominent spurs, invariably 
commanding a wide range of country. As far as may be judged from 
the mapped distributions, this area was more deeply penetrated in the 
Iron Age than in earlier times, for defensive works appear on the coastal 
hills where no barrows are shown, and "Celtic Fields," in so far as they 
belong to the Iron Age, prove cultivation in that period of hilltops 
beyond the mapped extent of round barrows. As noted previously, 
the "Celtic Fields" should be regarded more as relics of an agricultural 
system than as the trace of a particular people, but when they and the 
"camps" are considered together it seems justifiable to conclude that 
during the Iron Age the upland stows were still the most attractive. 

The O.S. map omits two Iron Age village sites, at Meare and 
Glastonbury respectively, which have been marked in Fig. 10. The 
omission is a serious one, for the sites are those of two very well-known 
marsh villages, which exemplify the beginnings of lowland occupance 
in Iron Age times. Their absence from the map, corresponding to an 
extremely faint trace on the ground, is a fact that illustrates the need for 
caution in treating negative evidence. 

The three Roman villas marked signify civil occupation. They lie 
severally near the crest of the Poldens (4824), on the southern side of 
Banwell Hill (3958) and alongside the embanked and tidal Yeo (4065). 
This last site is unusual for a villa, but its natural drainage may have 
been better in Roman times than it is now. A lowland coast of this 
type is capable of changing considerably in two thousand years. No 
recognizable trace remains of any roads which may have linked the 
villas with the national road system, which is here represented by 
part of the Fosse Way in the south-east and by portions and traces of 
Roman roads on the Mendips. The paved ways on the plateau served 
a Settlement and a Camp, with an associated Amphitheatre near 
Charterhouse on Mendip (4955) evidently a civil as well as a military 
establishment existed here. This map fails to suggest that the Roman 
settlement was connected with lead mining, although it is well known 
that this was so. The modern mine buildings, disused but still extant, 
have also been omitted, the only sign of mining being the three pools 
impounded by spoil in the spinney at the head of Velvet Bottom. 

Among the linear earthworks, some of which are likely to belong 
to the Dark Ages, New Ditch (5033) is significantly named and 
strikingly placed. It lies precisely where the crest of the Polden 
cuesta narrows sharply westwards. It may be wondered if the Old 
Ditch recorded in a settlement-name near Wells (5049) is an earlier 


defensive work of the same people. "Intrenchments" above Clevedon 
on Castle Hill are rather indistinctly shown, and should possibly be 
associated with the systems of hill-forts on the two ridges enclosing 
Walton Moor. In any event they mark a site of great tactical, if not 
strategic, value. Finally, the "earthworks" inland of Weston-super- 
Mare include some kind of mound as well as a ditch, and occupy a 
small rise which commands the shortest way across the fen between 
the Mendips and Worlebury Hill. 

It has now been briefly demonstrated that an analytical treatment of 
the distribution of early antiquities can reveal something of the con- 
quest of the land in prehistoric times, and of the profound changes 
which have occurred in man's relationship to the geographical setting. 
Thus, despite the inherent defects of work with partial evidence, a 
certain limited success may be claimed. 


Eminently readable, but at the same time authoritative, general accounts 
of prehistoric times in Britain are 

GRAHAME CLARK. Prehistoric England. Batsford, London, 1945. 

V. GORDON CHILDE. Prehistoric Communities of the British Isles. 
Chambers, Edinburgh, 1940. 

SIR CYRIL Fox. The Personality of Britain. Fourth Edition. National 
Museum of Wales, Cardiff, 1943. 

JACQUETTA and CHRISTOPHER HAWKES. Prehistoric Britain. Chatto 
and Windus, London, 1949. 

STUART PIGGOTT. British Prehistory. University Press, Oxford, 1949. 

S. E. WINBOLT. Britain B.C. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth 
(Middx.), 1943. 

Life in Roman Britain is surveyed by 

R. G. COLLINGWOOD. Roman Britain. University Press, Oxford, 

The summary Table given in the text is based chiefly on the works, 
cited above, of SIR C. Fox and J. and C. HAWKES, together with the 
following very useful booklet 

ORDNANCE SURVEY. Field Archaeology, Some Notes for Beginners 
Issued by the Ordnance Survey. O.S., Professional Papers, New Series, 
No. 13, H.M.S.O., 1951. 

The question of natural vegetation in early times is broadly reviewed 
in Fox, op. cit., p. 53 ff. 


Post-Roman clearing of woodland is discussed by 

H. C. DARBY. "The Clearing of the English Woodlands." Geo- 
graphy, xxxvi, 1951, p. 71. 

An accessible account of the Gaulish method of constructing forts 
with stone and timber, relevant to the problem of vitrified forts, may 
be obtained from 

CAESAR. The Conquest of Gaul Translated by S. A. HANDFORD. 
Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, (Middx.), 1951. 

Short descriptions of the two marsh villages in Somerset may be 
found in the books by CLARK and CHILDE referred to above; but, for 
an instructive comparison between the results obtainable from map 
interpretation and those yielded by field archaeology, see 

D. P. DOBSON. Somerset (County Archaeologies Series). Methuen, 
London, 1931. (This account bears out the interpretation given here, 
but supplements it considerably in some respects, for example, by 
recording finds of implements, and more Roman villas than are shown 
by the O.S. 1/63,360 sheet (cf. Fig. 10, p. 159, and Dobson's map, 
pp. 132-3). Dobson also analyses the Saxon finds.) 

The study of archaeological distributions generally is greatly 
assisted by reference to the maps in Fox, op. cit. (p. 162), and to the 
special maps of the Ordnance Survey; for example, Map of Roman 
Britain, Map of Neolithic Wessex, Map of Monastic Britain, etc., 
which can be obtained in annotated form. 



13 (.5196) 


We require the permeating accuracy of scientific methods as well 
as knowledge of basal scientific facts. FAIRGRIEVE 

MORPHOMETRY is the measurement of shape. Morphometric analysis 
of maps is intended to reveal and define, more clearly and precisely 
than can be done by unaided inspection, the general form of the 
ground as represented on the map. The techniques employed 
vary in difficulty. Some involve laborious measurement and a 
certain amount of calculation, but others are rapid, graphic, and 
simple. All attain a degree of exactitude which is impossible in map 

There can, of course, be no substitute for detailed field-work in the 
study of landform. Very many features of the highest significance 
appear only on those maps drawn by the field geomorphologist ; 
but the techniques of morphometry are of great use in the rapid 
exploratory treatment of large areas, in helping the map interpreter 
to reduce the forms of diversified country to some kind of order, and 
in the treatment of certain classes of data which are not well derived 
from field study. 

For convenience' sake, the methods reviewed in the following 
paragraphs are grouped under the four somewhat arbitrary heads of 
geometric, arithmetic, volumetric, and clinometric analysis, according 
to whether the landscape element measured is the general form of the 
ground, the relation of area to height, the volume of specific features, 
or the degree of slope. The first group comprises most of the rapid 
methods of analysis that the interpreter might expect to find useful 
in a first approach to a given problem: some of these should undoubt- 
edly be standard practice. The remainder, requiring more time and 
lengthier measurement, are certain to be less generally applied. They 
are included here, not so much in order to provide additional tools 
for frequent use, as to demonstrate the considerable possibilities of 
this kind of work, and to explain the construction of various 
kinds of diagram which are coming to be widely used in descriptive 




I. Geometric Analysis 

Work of this kind is designed to simplify the relief distributions of 
the contour map, and to reveal the major landform patterns of the 



Inset, method of constructing generalized contours 

(Based on the O.S. map, by permission) 

area treated. The simplest exercise, and the most widely useful, is the 
construction of generalized contours, which touch the actual contours 
at the tips of spurs but are carried across existing valleys (see Fig. n). 
The surface defined by generalized contours is that which would be 


observed if the valleys were filled in to the general level of the inter- 
fluves. If the crests of divides are remnants of a platform, whether 
erosional or structural, its form is approximately reconstructed in the 
generalized contours. When platforms demonstrated in this manner 
truncate structures they must be erosional. 

It is often found that in a given highland tract the major forms of 
the ground, however greatly diversified by present dissection, consist 
in broad flats or very gentle slopes, separated by much steeper slopes 
or topographic risers. The flats may be miles wide, die risers tens or 
hundreds of feet high : the whole constitutes an impressive physio- 
graphic stairway. Generalized contours are eminently suited to reveal 
such major forms: they lie far apart on the flats and bunch together at 
the risers, as shown in Fig. n, where they are drawn for the area 
of the O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) Sheet 186. It has already been 
seen in Chapter V that this landscape can be interpreted in terms 
of denudation controlled by a sequence of higher base-levels: con- 
clusions drawn from inspection of the map are amplified as well as 
confirmed by generalized contours. The residual hills above the wide 
plateau of Bodmin Moor are encircled by the generalized i,ioo-ft. 
contours ; the plateau itself extends to the poo-ft. line on the eastern 
side and to the 8oo-ft. on the west; the steep edge is well brought out 
in close spacing, which also marks the possible old cliff line inland of 
Tintagel. In this general view there is a very marked topographic 
break between the bounding slope of the granite boss and the broad 
flat of the lower ground. Both on the east and on the south this break 
occurs between 600 and 700 ft. O.D. Note also the similar break of 
general slope, at a similar height, on the north-eastern side of Hens- 
barrow. If more detailed work for example, on the 1/25,000 map, 
but primarily in the field proved that the change from slope to flat 
was nearly horizontal, one would suspect the presence of an old shore- 
line, related to a base-level higher than, but parallel to, the present one. 
This would imply that the fall of base-level was not, in this area, 
accompanied by tilting, in which case any old shorelines at lower 
altitudes should also remain horizontal : now the run of the generalized 
contour at 400 ft. O.D. in the basins of the Looe and Fowey is not 
inconsistent with a former shoreline at about this level, such as has 
already been suggested by a study of the north coast. 

Serial profiles are drawn along equally spaced parallel lines, which 
run in the direction of general slope, if any. When closely spaced 
enough, such profiles may indicate or suggest the presence of erosional 


or structural platforms. If geological detail be added, they illustrate 
the relation between structure and relief. 

As serial profiles are not easily compared with one another at a 
glance, especially if the series is large, superimposed and projected 
profiles have been devised for the purpose of rapid comparison. In a 
superimposed profile the entire series of profiles is plotted in a single 
diagram. If any platforms exist, of whatever nature, they are likely to 
be reflected in the grouping of lines (Fig. 120), whereas topographic 
risers are distributed over die whole figure; but the superimposition 
of many lines may result in a confused diagram. Hence the practice 


(a) Superimposed profiles. 

(b) The same profiles projected. 

Signs explanation appear at 400 and at 900 ft. 

of simplifying, in the projected profile. Here the first of the series of 
profiles, as it were the nearest to the observer, is drawn complete; 
the second, or next nearest, only where it rises above the second ; and 
so on throughout the series. Thus a kind of panoramic sketch (without 
perspective) is obtained, which reveals accordance of level at specific 
altitudes (Fig. 126). Care is needed in laying out the lines of profile, 
for if a great deal of high ground occurs in the earlier profiles the 
later may be heavily obscured. Some detail must in any event be lost, 
for simplicity is achieved only by means of sacrificing part of the data. 
Profiles drawn along arbitrary lines are likely to miss significant 
breaks of slope. Hence the use of spur-top profiles, drawn along the 
axes of interfluves. It is doubtful, however, if these have any advantage 
over generalized contours, for the breaks of slope which they are de- 
signed to reveal are precisely those by which the spacing of generalized 
contours is governed. Needless to say, the matter is different with 
spur-top profiles surveyed on the ground, whereby certain features of 
Ate terrain may be fittingly sampled. 


Serial cross-profiles of valleys can bring to light the valley-in- 
valley forms produced by rejuvenation, if these forms should be 
present and sufficiently well marked to be recorded on the map. It 
has been suggested that, where former cross-profiles can be recon- 
structed, they may provide a basis for reconstructing former long- 
profiles also, but in the writer's opinion their value in this connection 
is not great. 

One of the chief aims in constructing the long-profiles of rivers 
is to discover any irregularities that may exist. If a river has been 
rejuvenated, as for example by a rapid fall of base-level, it is often 
found that the surviving portion of the earlier profile meets the 
developing newer profile in a knickpoint of characteristic form. On 
general grounds one should expect very many rivers to display compo- 
site profiles, which like poly cyclic landscapes are the product of more 
than one erosion-cycle ; but not every break of profile is a knickpoint 
of cyclic origin: it is one thing to determine the profile form, another 
to interpret it. If base-level falls, the head ward wave of rejuvenation 
works its way up all the stream systems affected, so that a knickpoint 
on one trunk stream should be associated with knickpoints on other 
trunk streams and also on tributaries. A synoptic plot of the profiles 
of a single-stream system, or of a group of trunk streams, should bring 
to light any general correspondence of form. In practice, however, 
complications are introduced, for example, by differences of rock 
resistance, gaps in the record, the peculiarities of individual streams and 
the diversity of actual sequences of rejuvenation. Thus, even when 
long-profiles have been constructed by the only reliable and satisfactory 
method, detailed levelling of the ground, the task of interpretation is 
difficult. A map interpreter must rely on contours, not all of which 
may have been instrumentally surveyed, and must reconcile himself 
to the fact that long-profiles constructed from maps are certain to 
omit many significant details of form. The interval between instru- 
mental contours on the O.S. 1/63,360 series is too wide for any but the 
coarsest work. Consequently any long-profiles drawn therefrom 
are to be read with extreme caution, except perhaps where the river 
gradient is generally steep and breaks of profile are very well marked. 
Extrapolation of parts of a composite profile, so as to link them with 
former base-levels, should not be lightly undertaken. Research 
proves the futility of supposing that surviving profile curves can be 
accurately extended in this manner. The interpreter should therefore 
confine himself to suggesting, where the evidence is particularly clear, 


that a certain profile element may be related to a former base-level 
which has been identified by other means, for example, by generalized 

For what they are worth, a number of long-profiles plotted from 
Sheet 186 of the O.S. 1/63,360 (Seventh Series) are given in Fig. 13, 
where marked breaks of gradient appear. 

A further method which relies on the cartographic record of stream 
gradients, and which is therefore to be employed with reservation, is 
that of mapping the migrational tendencies of divides. It is assumed 
that, other things being equal, a stream with a steeper gradient will 
extend its catchment headward more rapidly than one with a gentler. 

(Based, by permission, on the O.S. map) 

(L) TheLynher. 

(S) The Seaton River. 

(F) The Fowey. 

(/) One of the tributaries of the Fowey. 

By comparing the gradients of opposing streams on either side of a 
divide, where fortunately for the purpose in hand the gradients are 
likely to be steep and streams much of a size, one may discover where 
the advantage lies, and map the apparent direction of divide movement 
as toward the streams with gentler gradients. Since relative gradient 
is not the only factor which ought to be considered, the result obtained 
is subject to some inaccuracy; but it has been found to work well in 
practice, and to be capable of showing which streams tend to enlarge 
their catchments at the expense of which neighbours. 

2. Arithmetic Analysis 

Under this head will be noted analytical techniques which employ 
numerical values, whether of height alone or of height-plus-area. 
Mathematically speaking, the simplest item is the summit-plane, 
which is commonly indicated or suggested by a close similarity of 
summit heights in a given area. If the accordant summits are numerous, 
broad, and flat-topped, they may be looked on as the remnants of a 
once extensive platform, which, if it truncates reconstructed folds, 


faults, and rock formations, must have been the product of erosion; 
but, where the summits are peaks, as in a great deal of glaciated 
highland, the problem is more difficult. One usually finds that, 
although the summits are roughly accordant in height, any recon- 
structed summit-* 'plane" must be irregular in form and of considerable 
relief. Here is the real difficulty: by no means all former cycles of 
erosion approached completion, so that some former landscapes, if 
accurately reconstructed, would appear hilly or even mountainous. 
Unless the evidence is abundant and satisfactory, the interpreter can 
do no more than point out a general similarity of summit heights. 

Where a gieat many points have been levelled, their frequency 
may be plotted against altitude. They are grouped within selected 
ranges of height, for example, 0-99 ft., 100-199 ft., and plotted on a 
graph, the altimetric-frequency curve. A number of such curves 
have been constructed for parts of England by Hollingworth, who em- 
ployed a wealth of unpublished O.S. data, arid for parts of France by 
Baulig, who showed thereby the possibilities of morphometric work 
with hachured maps. The method of treatment is purely statistical, 
being designed to show at which altitudes there are relatively large 
frequencies of levelled points. When large areas are treated, and when 
more than one area gives high frequencies at corresponding heights, 
it becomes possible that the high frequencies relate to erosional plat- 
forms referable to former high base-levels. 

The assumption made is that remnants of platforms, in dissected 
country, lie on hilltops whose heights are determined in the course of 
survey. A similar assumption is made in plotting the frequency of 
closed contours. In the area selected for treatment, all contours closed 
round outlying hills or spur-tops are identified, and the totals plotted 
against height as in the altimetric-frequency curve. As before, the 
diagram may be expected to reveal something of the general form of the 
ground, and of the presence of any platforms. 

Planimetric data may be similarly treated. Areas between successive 
contours are measured, most rapidly and satisfactorily by the plani- 
meter itself. 1 When the total area between each pair of contours is 
plotted against height, in the same way as for the altimetric-frequency 
curve, die resulting figure is the height-frequency curve (to give it 
a distinctive name) whereby the general form of the ground is well 
summarized. If the several areas between pairs of contours are 

1 None of the other means of measurement seems in any way preferable to the use of 
this effective instrument. 


expressed as percentages of the total area measured, the familiar hypso- 
metric (or hypsographic) curve is produced. Major topographic 
breaks can appear on this curve although less clearly than on the 
height-frequency curve which is far more sensitive to small differences 
of area. Moreover, the hypsometric curve gives a misleading im- 
pression of the form of the ground at the highest levels, for which 
reason the clinographic (or hypsographoid) curve has been pro- 
posed as an alternative. Here the total area above a given contour 
is regarded as a circle* and the distance between the y-axis of the 
graph and the point plotted against that contour is proportional 
to the radius of the circle. A clinographic curve drawn with true 
vertical scale would show the true mean slope between successive 

These several forms of altimetric- and height-frequency curve are 
illustrated in Fig. 14. 

Relative relief, the vertical distance between the tops of divides 
and the bottoms of valleys, may be readily determined from maps. 
The map is gridded, the difference of height between the highest and 
lowest points in each square is plotted, and the values obtained are 
used to construct an isopleth map of relative relief. Such a map is 
obviously capable of expressing, in numerical terms, a significant 
element of landscape texture. 

3. Volumetric Analysis 

The expression of relative relief by the method just outlined un- 
fortunately takes little account of the form of divides, apart from their 
height. It is easy to imagine two contrasted lansdcapes with identical 
relative relief, one with narrow valleys deeply cut between broad, 
flat-top'ped interfluves, the other with wide, flat-bottomed valleys 
separated by narrow, but still high, residual divides ; but the greater 
the bulk of rock contained in the divides, the heavier the task of 
denudation still to be performed. The volume of divides may be 
allowed for by calculating the mean available relief. Available 
relief is zero on a surface passed through the bottoms of the large 
valleys the streamline surface, which is defined by generalized 
contours linking points where the larger rivers cross actual contours. 
Now if this surface is planimetered, one may easily calculate the volume 
of rock between it and base-level. Similarly, the actual surface is 
planimetered and a similar calculation made. The difference between 
the two volumes gives the total volume of the divides, which if divided 



(a) Hypsometric curve. 

(b) Clinographic curve. 

(c) Altimetnc-frequency curve. 

All curves arc drawn from the figures given at the bottom left 


by the area treated gives the mean height of divide over the whole 
area, i.e. the mean available relief. 

In practice a certain economy of working is possible. Let the cumu- 
lative areas above specific contours be / , / lf l n . Then the mean height 
of a planimetered area is given by 

where VI is the vertical interval between contours; and the mean avail- 
able relief is given by 

where M a , M, = / - 

for the actual and streamline surfaces respectively. 

The first equation is also suitable for use in determining, for 
example, the volumes of reservoirs. 

4. Clinometric Analysis 

None of the techniques so far described gives a quantitative indica- 
tion of the roughness or smoothness of the terrain. A rapid and simple 
method of calculating the mean slope, regardless of direction, is as 
follows: the map is gridded and the number of points at which 
contours cross the grid lines is counted; the tangent of the mean slope 
is given by 

- Vl 
G X 3661 

where n is the number of grid/contour crossings, G is the aggregate 

length of the grid lines in miles, and VI is the contour interval in feet. 
The techniques outlined may be varied or extended in a number of 
ways, which will not however be described here. Enough has been 
said to illustrate the chief ways of handling the cartographic data 
embodied in a map. Of the methods listed, the drawing of generalized 
contours and of projected profiles, and the calculation of mean slope 
can be recommended as rapid in practice and highly informative in 
result. They are, in addition, suitable for use with most contoured 
maps. As they do not require laborious measurement or computation, 
they might well be chosen as the first methods of analysing physical 


distributions, with the reservation that generalized contours may be 
difficult to construct for areas of glaciated highland. 


The general problem of strand-line movements is discussed by 

H. BAULIG. The Changing Sea Level. Institute of British Geo- 
graphers, Publication No. 3. George Philip, London, 1935. 

Some of the types of diagram referred to in this chapter are already 
sufficiently familiar from standard texts. For full details of the various 
methods, and for examples of their application, see 

S. W. WOOLDRIDGE and D. L. LINTON. Structure, Surface, and Drain- 
age in South-East England. George Philip, London, 1955. (Generalized 
contours: Figs. 15, 27.) 

J. BARRELL. "The Piedmont Terraces of the Appalachians." Atner. 
Journ. Science, xlix, 1920, p. 227. (Projected profiles.) 

A. E. TRUEMAN. "Erosion Levels in the Bristol District," etc. Proc. 
Bristol Naturalists' Society, viii, 1938, p. 402. (Superimposed profiles.) 

R. F. PEEL. "The North Tyne Valley." Geogr. Journ. xcviii, 1941, 
p. 5. (Serial cross-profiles of valleys.) 

G. H. DURY. "Remarks on the Migration of Divides in the Neigh- 
bourhood of Northampton." Journ. Northamptonshire Natural History 
Society, xxxi, 1949, p. 115. (Migrational tendencies of divides.) 

D. L. LINTON. "Problems of Scottish Scenery." Scot. Geog. Mag., 
Ixvii, 1951, p. 65. (Summit-plane.) 

H. BAULIG. "Les Hauts Niveaux d'rosion Eustatique dans le 
Bassin de Paris." Ann. de Geog., xxxvii, 1928, pp. 288, 385. (Alti- 
metric-frequency curve.) 

S. E. HOLLINGWORTH. "The Recognition and Correlation of High- 
level Erosion-surfaces in Britain." Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., xciv, 1938, 
p. 55. (Altimetric-frcquency curve.) 

E. ROMER. "Une Nouvelle Representation Graphique de T Hypso- 
metric." Comptes Rendus, Congres Internal, de Geographic, Paris, 1931, 
Tome I, p. 328. (Clinographic curve.) 

J. HANSON-LOWE. "The Clinographic Curve." Geol. Mag., Ixxii, 
1935, p. 1 80. (Hypsometric and clinographic curves.) 

W. G. V. BALCHIN. Contributions to the Geomorphology of South- 
west England. Ph.D. Thesis, University of London Library, 1950. 
(Closed contours.) 

G. H. SMITH. "The Relative Relief of Ohio." Geogr. Review, 
xxxv, 1935, p. 272. (Relative relief.) 


G. H. DURY. "Quantitative Measurement of Available Relief and 
of Depth of Dissection/' GeoL Mag., Ixxxviii, 1951, p. 339. (Available 

C. K. WENTWORTH. "A Simplified Method of Determining the 
Average Slope of Land Surfaces. ' Amer. Journ. Science, Fifth Series, 
xx, 1930, p. 184. (Slope analysis.) 

The following must be included in a list of references to work on 

H. BAULIG. The Changing Sea Level. (Above.) 

H. BAULIG. r "Le Profil d'quilibre: Histoire et Critique." Comptes 
Rendus, Congres Internat. de Geographic, Cairo, 1925, Tome III. 

H. BAULIG. "The Reconstruction of Stream Profiles." Journ. 
Geomorph., iii, 1940, p. 3. 

V. S. JovANOVi6. Les Profils Fluviatils en Long, etc., Colin, Paris, 

A. AUSTIN MILLER. "Attainable Standards of Accuracy in the 
Determination of Pre-glacial Sea Levels, etc." Journ. Geomorph., ii, 
1939, P. 95- 

As an example of the reconstruction of past profiles, one may refer 
to R. F. PEEL: The North Tyne Valley (p. 177). Work with a particular 
bearing on the area represented on O.S. 1/63,360 (New Popular) Sheet 
1 86, from which Fig. n has been drawn, includes 

W. G. V. BALCHIN. "The Erosion Surfaces of North Cornwall." 
Geogr. Journ., xc, 1937, p. 52. 

J. F. N. GREEN. "The Terraces of Southernmost England." Quart. 
Journ. GeoL Soc., xcii, 1936, p. Iviii. 

Other references are given at the end of Chapter V. 

Papers which, in their several ways, are relevant to the questions 
raised frere are 

G. H. DURY. "Methods of Cartographical Analysis in Geomorpho- 
logical Research." Journ. Indian Geogr. Soc., Jubilee Volume, 1951. 

A. AUSTIN MILLER. The Dissection and Analysis of Maps. Institute of 
British Geographers, Publication No. 14. George Philip, London, 
1948, p. i. 

The analysis of aspect, not discussed in the foregoing text, may be 
studied in 

A. GARNETT. "Isolation, Topography, and Settlement in the Alps." 
Geogr. Review, xxv, 1935, P 60 1. 

A. GARNETT. Insolation and Relief. Institute of British Geographers, 
Publication No. 5. George Philip, London, 1937. 


Panorama construction is described by 

D. SYLVESTER. "A Method of Panorama Construction from 
Contoured Maps." Geography, xxviii, 1943, p. 12. 

Block-diagrams are considered at some length in 

A. K. LOBECK. Block Diagrams. Wiley, New York, 1924. 

A briefer treatment is given in 

C. B. BROWN and F. DEBENHAM. Structure and Surface, etc. Edward 
Arnold, London, 1929. (Chapter XI.) 

While the references cited above remain of historical interest, and 
while they bear directly on the cartographical exercises suggested in 
the foregoing chapter, neither they nor the above text indicate the 
nature, aims, and scope of recent developments in morphometry. 
Among the papers describing modern applications of statistical method 

A. N. STRAHLER. "Hypsometric (Area-height) Analysis of Erosional 
Topography," Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Ixiii, 1952, p. 1117. 

A. N. STRAHLER. "Quantitative Slope Analysis," ibid., Ixvii, 1958, 
P- 57- 


G. H. DURY, M.A., PH.D., F.G.S. 

Lecturers in Geography, Birkbeck College, University of London 

In every work regard the writer's end, 

For none can compass more than they intend. POPE 

AND SKEGNESS), 1954; O.S. TOURIST MAP, 1/63,360 (LORN 
1925; O.S. 1/25,000, SHEET SO/oo, 1948; GERMANY 
1/25,000, SHEET 4506 (DUISBURG), 1958; NETHERLANDS 
1/25,000, NEW SERIES, SHEET 25A (HAARLEM), 1952 

CARTOGRAPHICAL appreciation is the critical assessment of maps. It 
involves study of cartographical methods and techniques, and estima- 
tion of their success or failure in the representation of land. Like 
regional geography, it can be executed on more than one level, but, - 
also like regional geography, it depends both upon the use of facts and 
upon subjective judgments. In recent years the subjective element in 
regional geography has become highly suspect, and strenuous efforts 
have been made to eliminate it, but the subjective element in carto- 
graphical appreciation has suffered merely by neglect. 

To identify the forms of notation used on a particular map is simple 
enough, even if the key to symbols is scanty or absent. To identify 
the several notations of a number of map-series takes longer, but the 
drawing of comparisons still requires nothing but moderate pains. 
When the suitability of notations comes in question, however, judg- 
ments have to be passed. Although full agreement on all points of 
failure, success, and suitability cannot be looked for, critics are likely 
to pass many verdicts in common, even though the final task of 
appreciation the criticism of the map as a whole will inevitably be 

1 80 


affected by the taste, experience, and aesthetic susceptibilities of 

The final step is a form of art-criticism. Just as a work of art cannot 
be described in terms of an analytical list of its parts, so it is not enough 
merely to analyse the range of information presented on a map, and to 
identify the scales of notation employed. Art critics can draw on an 
extensive vocabulary, which has no parallel in the geographical world 
fortunately, perhaps, since the vocabulary of art-criticism can suffer 
from rapid changes of fashion and from injections of pretentiousness. 
But these very circumstances are little more than responses to a funda- 
mental difficulty, namely, that there are very few common words 
designed to express what the art critic has to say. A geographer, 
possibly untrained in aesthetics and long encouraged to view subjec- 
tivity with deep suspicion, can be very badly equipped to criticize a 
whole map. 

Cartographical appreciation cannot be learned by rule of thumb. 
Long practice and considerable patience are both needed. The largely 
mechanical business of studying representation is so straightforward 
that it might seem pointless, did it not invariably induce respect for 
map-makers, reveal the wide range of choice in the designing of maps, 
and make clear the wide range of actual practice. We strongly urge 
that this analytical work should be performed with scrupulous care, 
and that free comparison should be made between different scales of 
single surveys, different series of single surveys, and maps of different 
surveys on a single scale. We think it quite justifiable to react favourably 
or adversely to the first sight of an unfamiliar map, but insist that the 
initial reaction should be followed both by a study of notation and by 
an explicit statement of a general assessment. 

Maps, like words, have uses rather than meanings. Though the 
topographical map be the geographer's principal tool, it is made 
neither by him nor specifically for him. A modern topographical map 
is a compilation of results obtained by field surveyors, office draughts- 
men, archaeologists, local-government surveyors, transport officials, 
and recording sections of bodies, public and private. In many 
countries, the original object of a national survey was military, and 
potential military use still strongly affects the design of maps today. 
After the military, the next most important class of map-users is 
perhaps formed by travellers especially travellers by road. However, 
it is now common for motorists to use special road maps, one variety 
of the huge group of special maps which includes Admiralty charts, 

13 (.5196) 


aeronautical maps, geological maps, land-use maps, soil maps, large- 
scale plans, and cadastral maps. We are concerned in the present 
context with none of these. This discussion is limited to the general 
map, the ordinary topographical map used in most geographical 
interpretation. Since such a map is a common tool, it is quite unreason- 
able to expect that it should be designed primarily for geographical 
purposes. Unless this principle be kept in mind, criticism may be 

The published map must omit a great deal of potential material, and 
ought to achieve some kind of balance in the material actually repre- 
sented. Some of the resulting compromises are, by general consent, 
successful: others are distinct failures. Many map series achieve 
praiseworthy success with certain classes of information for instance 
the representation of height while failing signally in dealing with 
others for instance built-up areas. Again, it is quite possible for 
individual classes of notation to look clear and handsome in the key, 
but to fuse together in the map, to combine in a faint array of pale 
tints, or to constitute an over-vigorous and repellent display of solid, 
clashing polychrome. 

At the outset the critic is liable to take his own national maps as the 
norm, simply because he is used to them. Adverse criticism is then 
directed at foreign maps which use unfamiliar systems of notation, or 
which omit reference to certain kinds of information. As foreign 
maps become familiar, and as the critic achieves a certain sophistication 
of cartographical taste, tolerance will grow; but full tolerance is 
uhlikely to be attained without experience of using foreign maps on 
their own ground. To take an example, the 1/50,000 map of Sweden 
relies on black hachures and black form-lines for much of its representa- 
tion *of relief, and seems to offer little to the map-reader trained on 
contours. In fact, however, the techniques employed are admirably 
suited to the terrain, and it is easy to follow a cross-country route 
across the terraced drift and glaciated rocky bosses of south-west 
Sweden with the aid of a standard map. 

This is merely one of innumerable examples of the variation of 
cartographic need from country to country. On the negative side, a 
given survey will never need to consider the mapping and representa- 
tion of some classes of feature: symbols for ricefields or vineyards are 
not required by the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain. On the positive 
side, features which could be represented on the finished map may vary 
in apparent significance from country to country, so that there is variety 


in the care, frequency, and prominence with which particular classes 
of item are shown. It is to be expected that watercourses of all kinds 
will be indicated on maps of Holland and Belgium, where they are sub- 
classified far more elaborately than on British maps of comparable 
scales. In this general connexion, the critic can usefully note which 
classes of feature seem to be given special attention, although he cannot 
go so far as to reconstruct the decisions on policy taken by the map- 
designers. Furthermore, it is often possible to comment constructively 
on the treatment of features which are always included buildings, 
relief, and lines of communication among them and to identify 
accomplishment or deficiency. 

Numbers of surveys have traditions of their own. They have 
developed highly characteristic styles, which enable their products to 
be identified at once. Several factors contribute to the development, 
and to the change, of style. Style is affected by the inspiration or 
competence of heads of surveys, by technical developments in methods 
of surveying and in methods of printing, and by the financial strength 
of the survey organization. At any time, the current style usually 
represents an evolved form of styles formerly used, as can readily be 
seen from the changing practice of the Ordnance Survey. Wholesale 
changes are rare; it is quite common to find ancient and modern 
techniques used together on current maps. Thus, on the O.S. Tourist 
Map (1/63,360) (Lorn and Lochaber), relief is shown by contours, 
rock-drawing, partial layer tinting, and a modernized kind of oblique 
illumination, but the woods, orchards, rough pasture, quarries, and 
sandhills are marked by symbols which would not have been out-of- 
place on the maps of private surveyors in the late eighteenth century. 

Although many modern surveys use numerous common techniques, 
there is no reason to suppose that map styles will so converge as to 
become identical. So long as the perfect map remains unmade, so long 
as there is no agreement on cartographical perfection, and so long as 
improvements in printing-processes continue, styles of cartography 
will persist. The way in which technical improvements occasion 
changes, and the way in which problems of representation encourage 
experiment, are well exemplified by the changes introduced by the 
Ordnance Survey in the quarter-inch series. Sheet 10 (North Wales 
and Lancashire) of the new 1/250,000 Series, published in 1957, owes 
much to the true quarter-inch map which it superseded (1/253,440 
Map, Sheet 4, North Wales and Manchester, published in 1935). But 
the style of the Wales and Manchester Special Sheet of the 1/250,000 


Map, published in 1959, strongly resembles the style of the current 
Tourist sheets on 1/63,360. All four maps, however, are recognizable 
as products of the Ordnance Survey. 

Map style can vary sharply from country to country. In view of 
the mixed emotions aroused by references to nationality, nationalism, 
and national character, we wish to state firmly that national styles of 
cartography are just as likely to develop as are styles of book-publica- 
tion, cartoon-drawing, or poster-painting. A possible influence here 
is that cartographic style within a country will be affected by the style 
of the government's maps, so that people come to expect the kind of 
map provided by the national survey. If so, nationals of a country 
may well be far qasier with their national maps than are geographers 
who come to the maps as foreigners. Growing familiarity with style 
will remove difficulties of map-reading, but can do nothing to help 
the critic in assessing the impalpable quality now in question. To our 
hopes that the examples of appreciation given later in this chapter will 
be of assistance, we link a plea for common sense; some maps are 
certainly too skimpy, others are just as certainly overloaded, but is it 
not rational to complain that a map is already congested and at the 
same time to deplore numerous omissions. 


The scale of the map is the most important factor in determining 
the amount of detail that may be shown and the order of accuracy 
that can be attained. Topographical scales have been variously 
defined, but between 1/20,000 and 1/80,000 may be taken as limits for 
most purposes, while about 1/50,000 is the optimum. Within these 
limits of scale a map can show all the larger, essential features of the 
landscape such as may be seen by a walker, including all buildings, 
and every road and track. The larger the scale, the greater the amount 
of detail that may be represented, at the expense however of a larger 
coverage, and also of that wider and more synoptic view of the major 
features of the countryside which can be gained from smaller-scale 
maps. For example, in embarking on the morphological division of 
an area the size of an English county (see Chapter II), it would be 
unwise to attempt the preliminary division into sections with a map 
on a scale greater than 1/125,000. As subdivision proceeds, however, 
larger- and larger-scale maps need to be employed, until for the final 
subdivision into stows a map on about 1/50,000 and preferably on 
1/25,000 is required. 


Within general range of topographical scales, there are four chief 
scales in common use 

1. 1/25,000, long used by Surveys on die Continent, notably the 
German, and recently adopted by the Ordnance Survey. This 
scale was found to be of particular use during the recent war, when 
it was widely employed. 

2. 1/50,000, used by several Continental Surveys as the standard 
topographical scale. 

3. 1/62,500, an approximate i-in. mile scale employed by the 
U.S. Geological Survey. This scale has the advantage of being a 
factor of 1,000,000, the series running 1/62,500, 1/125, ooo, 1/250,000, 
1/500,000, 1/1,000,000. 

4. 1/63,360, the exact i-in. mile scale employed by the 
Ordnance Survey and most Commonwealth Surveys. 

The latter is, perhaps, a rather small scale for topographical maps in 
so closely settled a country as Great Britain, and the somewhat larger 
1/50,000 scale would make for less crowding on maps of densely 
settled areas. 

Maps on these scales deserve close study and comparison. A useful 
exercise is to examine the same piece of country as represented on 
maps of different scales. By this means, the oft-repeated question on 
the "limitations of scale" can best be approached. The problem of the 
limitations of scale has its mechanical aspects, which are beyond the 
scope of this chapter, but is also directly relevant to the subject of 
cartographical appreciation. Detail such as field boundaries and full 
land-use information is quite appropriate on a scale of 1/25,000 but 
can heavily overcrowd a topographical map on a smaller scale. Full 
land-use information is nowhere attempted on O.S. topographical 
maps, but appears on many continental maps, for the widespread 
prevalence of traditional peasant farming in Europe prevents the 
land-use pattern there from changing rapidly. Even then, this informa- 
tion is barely comprehensible on some of the sheets of the French 
1/50,000 map, despite a generous use of colour, and is definitely 
excessive on the all-black German 1/100,000 map, although the 
draughtsmanship and printing are remarkably fine. On the German 
1/25,000 map, however, land-use information is beautifully clear. The 
two German series should be compared in this respect. 

To take another example, the bends and twists of the "rolling 
English road" cannot adequately be represented on topographical 


scales, and are generalized even on the O.S. 1/25,000 map. Road 
widths are greatly enlarged on the smaller-scale maps, the degree of 
distortion increasing as scale diminishes, for the smaller scales are of 
particular use to travellers, and other detail is subordinated. In 1945, 
at the rime of the launching of the new 1/25,000 map, there was a 
certain amount of controversy over the question of exaggerating road 
widths on this scale. The Ordnance Survey held that exaggeration 
was necessary in order to make the map of use to the traveller, but 
critics maintained that it would destroy the advantages of pin-point 
accuracy on a topographical scale which was one of the major features 
of the new map. 

The Representation of Relief 

This is, to the geographer, the most important single function of the 
topographical map. There are many methods, but most are variants 
of the three basic techniques of hachuring, contouring, and oblique 
illumination. Oblique illumination is in part a survival from ancient 
maps, where hills were drawn in profile, one side being shaded to 
give an impression of bulk. The method assumes a light placed 
close to the surface of the ground in the north-west. All east- and 
south-facing slopes are therefore in shadow. To-day, this method 
is seldom employed except in conjunction with more accurate 

Hachuring also is a semi-pictorial method. Basically, hachuring 
consists of a series of parallel lines, drawn at right-angles to the direc- 
tion of slope and usually of a thickness and intensity roughly propor- 
tional Jto the steepness of the slope. The eighteenth-century 
cartographer, Lehmann, developed a precise scale of hachuring 
exactly proportioned to gradient, and a scale of this kind is employed 
on the topographic sheets of The Netherlands. Some remarkably 
fine hachuring was employed on the early maps of the Ordnance 
Survey, though its effectiveness was much greater in lowland than in 
upland country. The very finest use ever made of hachures was in 
the Swiss "Dufour" Series. Bad hachuring can be very heavy and ugly. 
The hachuring of the Austrian General Staff maps the only available 
maps for large parts of central and eastern Europe for many years is 
bad. Clumsy or inadequate hachures fail to bring out the distinction 
between steep and gentle slopes, and can never be made to give any 
precise effect of elevation. The hachuring of the Third Edition of the 
Ordnance Survey of Ireland is a good example of feeble hachuring 


which is largely ineffective. 1 The very worst form ever taken 
by hachuring is the so-called "hairy caterpillar" a ridge shown 
by a heavy, smudgy, overcrowded mass of hachures, inaccurate 
and meaningless in itself and obscuring all other features in the 

Hachures can be combined very effectively with other methods, 
as will be shown below. 

Hill shading is merely a tone shading of intensity proportional to 
the degree of slope. The principle is the same as in hachuring, and 
hill shading is often used in place of hachuring on smaller-scale maps. 
Very frequently it is combined with oblique illumination to give a 
good plastic impression of relief. 

For potential accuracy, no method of relief representation can equal 
the contour, a line passing through points of equal elevation. Its 
apparent scientific accuracy has dangers, however, for many contours 
convey an impression of precision which they do not in fact possess. 
On O.S. maps, for example, only the so-ft., ioo-ft., 2oo-ft., to i,ooo-ft., 
i,25O-ft., i,5OO-ft. contours are actually surveyed on the ground. The 
others are interpolated from spot heights and sketches, and are of a 
much lower order of accuracy than the instrumental contours. The 
same criticism is true of the intermediate contours drawn on the new 
provisional 1/25,000 series, which ate seriously inaccurate in places. 
In the new resurvey of Britain, now taking place, all contours will be 
instrumentally surveyed. 

The contour interval the vertical distance between contours is of 
the greatest significance in the value of a map. A map having contours 
100 ft. apart may miss many significant landscape features altogether. 
On O.S. 1/63,360 maps of the Fourth Edition, and later, the interval 
is 50 ft. ; on the new 1/25,000 map it is 25 ft. The French and Swiss 
1/50,000 maps both employ contours at a lo-metre interval, while the 
American Geological Survey normally employs an interval of 20 ft., 
decreasing to 5 ft. in some low-lying areas such as the Mississippi 
delta, and to I ft. in part of the Texas coastal plain. A remarkably 
detailed and vivid impression of relief can be gained from a closely 
contoured map, and the very clear picture of physical features 
obtained makes this series one of the best in the world for the study 
of geomorphology. 

Some of the most artistic results are obtained from combinations of 
two or more of these methods. The O.S. 1/63,360 Fifth (Relief) 
1 See Sheet 169, used elsewhere in this book. 


Edition, first published in 1929, employed contours at 5O-ft. intervals, 
together with buff hachuring and a grey overprint to the hachures on 
the south- and east-facing slopes to give the effect of oblique illumina- 
tion. There was also layer tinting in buff, the tint changing at 
each 500 ft. The result was a very effective map, but it did not appeal 
to the public and was never completed for more than a small part of the 
country. Some of its finest sheets were in south-east England, particu- 
larly in the North Downs area, and one or two very beautiful special 
sheets were issued for Scotland, such as the Oban and Cairngorms 
Sheets. This latter map employed brown hachures and brown tinting, 
and provided a remarkably beautiful and effective map of wild and 
spectacular country. Unfortunately the whole series is now out of 

The Ordnance Survey also issued a number of 1/63,360 Tourist 
Sheets during the inter-war period, of special areas, and usually 
employing contours in brown at 50-ft. intervals, layer colouring in 
green and brown, and hachures in brown. These, though effective, 
were less attractive than maps of the Fifth (Relief) Edition. One of 
the present Tourist maps is discussed below. 

The Swiss 1/50,000 is perhaps the most effective of all maps in the 
representation of relief. Contours at lo-metre intervals are in brown, 
except for blue on ice and permanent snow, and black on scree. In 
addition, this series is characterized by remarkably good rock-drawing 
on broken rock slopes which are too abrupt to be represented by 
means of contours. Rock-drawing here reaches its finest development 
that on British maps is very poor by comparison. In addition, 
the Swiss map employs a faint brown hill shading, with a grey 
overprint on the southern and eastern slopes, except where ice occurs, 
when blue is substituted. The draughtsmanship is impeccable. This 
map should be studied most carefully as a very fine example of 

The relief of the land may also be depicted by means of point 
elevations. On O.S. maps these fall into the three groups of trigono- 
metrical points, bench marks, and spot heights. Trigonometrical 
points are stations in the triangulation of the country. Normally they 
are found on hilltops commanding a wide view. They appear on the 
ground as concrete pillars having a metal tripod-rest on top and a 
bronze plate carrying a bench mark let into die side. The elevations 
of the bench marks are known exactly. Bench marks at other places 
are elevations of the second order usually marked in a wall or 


gate-post. They are usually one or two feet above the surface of the 
ground. Spot heights are mere points on the map, usually strung 
along roads, and they provide a useful guide to the form of the ground 
between contours, of particular use in interpreting the existence of 
river terraces and/or erosional flats. Those actually shown on the 
map are a mere fraction of the total number available on the original 

The Representation of Cultural Features 

In their broadest sense, the features of occupance cover the whole 
landscape of settled lands. The very form of the woods, and in some 
areas the details of the stream courses, are the product of man's work. 
Although the "cultural overlay" is as complete as the surface of the 
land which underlies it, the object of cartography is not to represent 
the whole, but to select those elements of the overlay which are of 
greatest significance to the user of a topographical map, and to re- 
present them in such a way that their pattern is clear, without obscuring 
the details of the underlying relief. In great urban areas the cultural 
overlay is the whole map, and here in many cases the representation of 
underlying relief is greatly subdued. On the O.S. 1/25,000 map 
contours are shown by broken lines in built-up areas, while, on the 
Tourist and Fifth (Relief) Edition maps of London, hachures and 
tinting were largely omitted, and relief was shown by contours only. 
Thus the whole of the Crystal Palace ridge, to quote an example, 
disappears from all but the closest scrutiny. 

Upon the success or failure of the cartographer in the task of properly 
representing the cultural overlay in balance with the physique depends 
most of the value of the map for the purposes of geographical inter- 
pretation, for the cultural patterns must be both clear in themselves 
and clear in their relationship to the underlying terrain if correlations 
are to be understood and the basic purpose of map interpretation 

The topographical map was, and is, intended primarily for military 
purposes, and must represent all those features which have military 
significance. Thus buildings, roads, railways, and field boundaries of 
all kinds are included wherever possible, and in as much detail as the 
limitations of scale will allow. Different policies have been adopted 
on this point by the different national surveys: the Ordnance Survey 
has been slow to represent field boundaries on its topographical 
scales, and did so for the first time on the new 1/25,000 map in 1945. 


All other features of the map, however, including the emphasis placed 
on the classification of roads and trackways according to the traffic 
they will carry, and the extra significance given to prominent buildings, 
spring from a military origin, even though the maps have been adapted 
to the needs of die walker and tourist. 

Of first importance in the representation of cultural features is the 
nature of the symbols employed. Ideally, cartographical symbols 
should be self-explanatory, requiring no reference to the key. Many 
symbols show in plan the features which they represent, for example 
the symbols for buildings of all kinds, and for bridges, roads, and 
railways. Others, such as the symbols used for pylons, windmills, 
lighthouses, and (on many maps) for trees, are drawn in profile. 
This practice marks the persistence of a venerable tradition: such 
symbols are usually retained on modern maps only for particularly 
prominent objects. 

A very large range of symbols is employed on the modern map. 
The increasing use of maps by travellers has led to a great development 
in the representation of routeways. Railways are usually classified 
according to number of tracks, and roads are now very fully classified 
in respect of width and condition, or according to an official classifica- 
tion adopted by the transport authorities. Guide- and mile-posts also 
are frequently marked. Many foreign surveys attempt much more 
detail than does the Ordnance Survey. 

Appreciation of cultural representation on maps demands careful 
study of the characteristic sheets of the major national surveys and of 
representative maps. In this way only can the student acquire that full 
and wide knowledge of the different methods employed on which 
enlightened appreciation and comparison may be based. 

Non-landscape Features 

Names, boundaries, and the classification of land by administra- 
tion or ownership are the principal non-landscape features commonly 
represented on topographical maps. In general, the relative importance 
of these features increases with the scale of the map, for on the larger 
scales there is both more room and greater need for that class of 
information which is of use particularly to the indoor map reader. 
The characteristic sheet of the O.S. 1/2,500 map includes fifteen 
different administrative boundary symbols with fourteen corresponding 
styles of lettering for use in naming places and districts, while eight 
further styles of lettering are employed in naming topographical 


features. The 1/10,560 (6in./i mile) map uses a similar range of 
styles, but the 1/63,360 map employs only three styles of boundary 
and correspondingly fewer styles of lettering. The new 1/25,000 map, 
which is primarily topographical, attempts a compromise between 
the two adjacent scales of symbols for non-landscape features, with 
but indifferent success. Only three styles of boundary are shown, as 
on the 1/63,360, but the naming of districts and places corresponds 
more closely to the system on the 1/10,560 than to that of the 1/63,360, 
with the result that the names of most districts appear twice, once in 
upright capitals for the place itself, and once in sloping capitals for 
the administrative area. If there is also a small part of the larger 
district known by the same name as the whole but requiring separate 
identification, the name may well appear a third time, in smaller 
print with lower-case lettering. 

In the assessment of non-landscape features one must first consider 
how far the information provided suits the scale of the map and the 
type of terrain. Thus the representation of the least significant non- 
landscape features would be justified in a map of a part of central 
Australia, but the same detail would be quite out of place on a map of 
south Lancashire on a similar scale. Just as it is easy to overload a map 
with such information, it is equally easy to be too sparing. The 
American Geological Survey maps are grave offenders in respect of 

It is important that the information given should have some degree 
of permanence. The Ordnance Survey has decided against the 
practice adopted by some continental surveys of giving the population 
of individual communes by means of a figure on the map. Without 
frequent revision, this information rapidly becomes out-dated, and 
must be used with great care. 

The method and style of representation vary widely. Some reference 
has already been made to the common practice of employing different 
styles of lettering to convey different information. On the O.S. 
1/2,500 map, different styles of lettering are used to denote counties, 
county boroughs, parliamentary county divisions, poor law unions, 
parliamentary boroughs, municipal boroughs, wards, urban districts, 
rural districts, civil parishes, towns, and districts. Some national 
surveys vary the style of lettering employed according to the popula- 
tion of the place named, but this is open to the same objection as 
stating the population itself. A style based on administrative status is 
better. A wide variety of styles of lettering is possible. The interested 


reader should consult Captain Withycombe's paper of 1929 (see 
p. 202), in which the evolution of the present forms of lettering is 
traced from early times. The modern tendency is toward lighter and 
more open lettering, and it is a great pity that the international 
1/1,000,000 map, with its very wide and varied use of lettering, was 
designed in the period of heavier styles before the movement of 
reform was fairly started. 

Even now, the lettering employed by the Ordnance Survey on its 
modern maps (Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Editions, and 1/25,000) is very 
slowly and carefully built up with fine steel pens. A practised draughts- 
man is unable to draw more than twenty names per day. The Royal 
Geographical Society has introduced a quicker style adapted to quill 
pens, but this has not yet found favour with official bodies. Style of 
lettering varies greatly from country to country. In analysing and 
appreciating its value account should be taken of differing national 
styles, and also of the age of the map, for the reform movement is not 
yet twenty-five years old. 

There is one further important aspect of names on maps spelling. 
The modern map user, accustomed to the standardized forms of 
spelling, might easily fail to realize that these have in many cases been 
arbitrarily imposed, and are often at variance with a long tradition in 
which a different spelling, or even a different name, was employed. 
The modern "Dorking," for example, was for centuries "Darking," 
while the names of many rivers were taken from the eighteenth- 
century topographers and not from local custom. In Gloucestershire, 
the village of "Aston Blank" (O.S. 1/63,360 (New Popular Edition) 
Sheet 144, Grid Reference 1320) is still known locally as Cold Aston, 
this being also its name for postal purposes. Nineteenth-century 
bowdlerizations of local names are almost always enshrined on O.S. 
maps, perhaps to the detriment of interest. There is also the factor of 
human error, as where High Barnet Station appears as High Barton 
Station on Sheet 51/29 of the Provisional Edition of the 1/25,000 map. 
Such errors as this are usually speedily corrected. 

The arbitrary rendering of place-names has far-reaching results. 
Consider the rendering of Gaelic names in different parts of western 
Britain. In Ireland, very few Gaelic names are given in their original 
forms: almost all have been done into a kind of phonetic English 
which gives rise to frequent absurdities. Welsh names suffered less, 
while in many parts of north and west Scotland Gaelic place-names 
are correctly spelt out, even though the Gaelic tongue may have long 


since vanished. The possibilities and dangers of place-name inter- 
pretation from maps have been dealt with elsewhere, but it may be 
well to repeat that the map interpreter should beware of taking the 
present form given on the map as etymologically correct. 

The classification of land according to administration or ownership 
also falls into the category of non-landscape features. The modern 
O.S. topographical maps represent, by a clear symbol, all land in the 
possession of the National Trust, and on the larger scales all public 
buildings are distinguished in heavy black. Similar conventions are 
also employed on foreign surveys and are of considerable advantage 
to the map user. 

Margins and Marginal Information 

In former times map margins were most elaborately decorated, but 
in these more austere days they have lost almost all artistic detail. 
Even to-day, however, there are few maps which are bounded merely 
by straight lines, without any form of embellishment whatsoever. 
Commonly, margins are divided according to scale so as to provide 
an easy means of measurement. The margins also contain reference 
systems of latitude and longitude, grid or otherwise. Sometimes 
decoration may still be found. 

Margins have the dual function of limiting the sheet and linking it 
to the next. For this reason some information is carried from the map 
across its margins, such as road names on large-scale plans, and road 
and railway destinations on smaller-scale sheets. On some maps, 
margins are opened where they cut inconveniently across some major 
feature, such as a city, a coastline, a river, or a main highway. This 
has been a practice particularly of the French 1/50,000 series. The 
Ordnance Survey have employed it widely only once, in die special 
sheets of the Fifth Edition published during the later 1930'$. 

Again, the margin includes much information of great importance 
in the proper understanding of the map. The title of the map is 
normally stated in the upper margin, together with details of the 
series to which it belongs and its number within the series. Some 
larger-scale maps carry no tide, merely their number. At the foot 
of the map it is customary to give the scale, usually in all three 
forms verbal statement, representative fraction, and scale bar, the 
latter usually divided in metric units as well as the national units if 
these are not metric. A key should be given, including the commonest 
symbols used on a map and also the most obscure. As it is clearly 


impossible, within the ordinary limited margin, to provide a full list 
of all signs and symbols employed, a characteristic sheet is usually 
published separately; but unless a brief key is given the map loses 
some of its usefulness. 

Other information that must be provided includes a north point, 
with grid north, if any, also shown. Magnetic north is commonly 
given as at the date of publication, and a statement appended of its 
approximate variation from year to year. Secondly, the date of 
survey must be stated. Much that has been written above emphasizes 
the fact that a map is already out of date when published, and becomes 
progressively more out of date as time goes on. A note of the date is 
particularly important in an area of rapidly expanding urban settle- 
ment. The dates of any revisions are commonly stated, but frequently 
the extent of the revisions are inadequately described. Revision may 
be exhaustive, or it may apply only to certain features, such as roads 
and railways: a fact of this kind should be stated. If a map has been 
compiled from several surveys the date of each must be given. With- 
out this the map loses much of its value. Omissions under this head 
are a common weakness of much private cartography, and of the 
Provisional O.S. 1/25,000 map which is a reduction from previous 
1/10,560 and 1/2,500 surveys, so that parts of any one sheet may have 
been revised later than others. This is not at present stated on the 
maps, to their detriment in detailed work. 

Thirdly, some description of the grid-reference system, if any, 
should be provided, and the datum of all elevations should be stated 
clearly and precisely. The Sixth Edition of the O.S. 1/63,360 map 
merely* states that heights are given in feet above mean sea-level a 
datum which has no existence as a single plane for the whole country. 
The present Ordnance Datum is mean sea-level at Newlyn, Cornwall, 
that is, alL heights are referred to the mean between high and low 
water observed at Newlyn for a number of years. But the fenland is 
low-lying with respect to adjacent sea-levels. In fact the base-level for 
drainage at any point is the level of low-water spring tides at the out- 
fall, while "sea-level" from the point of view of the reclamation of 
land and its protection from the sea is the level of high-water spring 
tides at each point of the coast. Along considerable stretches of the 
shoreline of Britain these two levels are more than twenty feet apart, 
and reach forty feet apart in the upper Bristol Channel. Students 
unaware of this have interpreted the levels east of Newport, Mon., at 
20-22 ft. above O.D., as a raised beach, and are perplexed to find the 


25-ft. contour of the 1/25,000 map crossing the tideway of the Severn 
below Gloucester. These facts are of some significance to the map 
interpreter, and it is important to note that the topographical map 
provides no information about them whatsoever. Admiralty charts 
must be consulted in each case where such a problem arises. 

A similar consideration applies to the interpretation of foreign maps. 
For example, in maps of the Netherlands all heights are referred to 
the summer water-level at Amsterdam; those in Belgium originate 
from low water of spring tides in Ostend Harbour; the German 
datum is referred to a point below Berlin observatory. To correlate 
the elevations given on the maps of different countries is, in effect, a 
problem for geodesy. 

Final points of marginal information should include the name of the 
projection used, the origin of any grid system, the origin of the 
longitude by no means always Greenwich and also the price. 

Examples of Appreciation 

O.S. 1/63,360 (SEVENTH SERIES) SHEET 114, 1954 

Relief is shown by brown contours at intervals of 50 feet, strengthened 
at every 250 feet. Point elevations in black include two kinds of spot 
height; freely distributed on the low ground, they are helpful when 
it is recalled that they occur inland mainly on embanked roads. Con- 
tours for the hilly ground in the north are elaborate enough to suggest 
accurate survey; they are finely drawn and adequately numbered. 

Bright blue is used for water-names, natural rivers, creeks on the 
foreshore, and the marsh symbol. Canals, drains, and artificial rivers 
are in pale blue, between double bright blue lines if they are wide. 
Sea and tidal estuarine water is in dull pale blue. Symbols are provided 
for quarries, pits, sandhills, cliffs, rocky foreshore, sand- and mud- 
banks, and accumulations of shingle, the last being omitted from 
the key. 

Cultural information is abundant. Roads are subdivided into seven 
groups, partly by Ministry of Transport classification and partly by 
width. Main roads appear in red, secondary roads in brown, and minor 
country roads in yellow. For farm roads, access roads, and minor 
roads in towns no colouring is used. Railways are classed in four 
groups. The bold red cross formerly printed for level-crossings has 
been abandoned; on this map, the road and rail symbols thin to points. 


Churches are indicated in solid black symbols; other town buildings, 
and houses in the country, are in grey, but outbuildings and isolated 
barns in country areas are in black. Bus and coach stations carry a red 
symbol. Information on land use is scanty; apart from items already 
mentioned, it is confined to stipple for parks, a simplified tussock 
pattern for rough pasture, a blue cross-hatching in a black frame for 
glasshouses, a grey pattern of symbolical trees for orchards, and 
symbols for coniferous and deciduous trees under a green wash for 

Remaining landscape features relate chiefly to service installations 
and to antiquities-; The style of lettering varies among pre-Roman, 
Roman, and post-Roman antiquities. Service installations listed in 
the key include three kinds of telephone kiosk, two of which belong to 
motoring organizations; Youth Hostels are also marked. Masts, 
windpumps, windmills, lighthouses and lightships are all shown by 
pictorial symbols. 

Three types of boundary appear in black. Finely-drawn and 
unobtrusive grid lines are in grey. Latitude and longitude are given by 
linear scales in the margin, and by intersections at 5-minute inter- 
vals on the face of the map. Marginal information includes a revision 
diagram, information about the grid and about the true, grid, and 
magnetic norths, scale bars, county names, distances to nearby towns 
off the map, and a beautifully-lettered key. 

Lettering on the map itself varies in an obviously systematic but 
unexplained way. Minor names generally are in sans serif in which all 
strokes are of uniform thickness; this lettering is clear but not elegant 
contrast the small lettering in the key. Use is made of sloping and 
upright characters to sub-classify features, but the variation, like 
variation in kind of lettering, is not keyed. 

In several ways, this map is far more attractive and far easier to use 
than the New Popular sheet which preceded it. Its general effect is by 
far the less harsh, largely because of the free use of quite small lettering 
and because of the liberal employment of grey. It would be unjust to 
call the sheet pallid without comparison with other sheets of the same 
series where great amounts of complex detail have to be shown. Never- 
theless, it can fairly be said that the tangle of minor roads in the silt 
fen is not easily perceptible at any distance in artificial light, while in 
close-up the map seems overloaded with a not particularly attractive pale 
yellow. A slightly more solid tint, and narrower lines, might have 
been better. In rural areas, too, some individual buildings seem unduly 


large. On the actual sheet used in the writing of this text, the grey 
plate had failed to register correctly, especially in the north-east. 


Since much of what has just been said of the Seventh Series Sheet 114 
applies also to this Sheet, attention will be concentrated on the tech- 
niques of representing relief, which are special to the Tourist Map. 

Brown contours at intervals of 50 feet, strengthened at every 
250 feet, are carried right up to the summits. The intermediate contours 
are so finely drawn that they do not congest the map, yet they are 
strong and clear enough to be easily read. The strengthening does not 
produce that oyster-shell effect to which it has led on some past maps. 
Since the green wash used on the Seventh Series for woodland is here 
applied to layer-colouring for areas under 100 feet, the woodland tint 
has been darkened and the tree symbols strengthened, but contours can 
almost everywhere be read through the darker green with complete ease. 

Apart from the partial layer colouring, this map is distinguished by a 
highly effective use of oblique illumination and by the generous 
application of rock-drawing. While the rock-drawing is inferior to 
the best products of Swiss cartographers, it seems to be more varied 
and more elaborate than on past productions of the Ordnance Survey. 
In oblique illumination, on the other hand, the Survey has here suc- 
ceeded beyond praise. The plastic shading ranges, by gradation, from 
very pale buff to light yellow-brown on the lit slopes, and is purple- 
brown of varying intensity on the shaded slopes. Summits are in part 
untinted. Seen from a distance, the map achieves a most convincing 
three-dimensional effect. In close-up it is no less effective, for the 
shading has been applied with great care and delicacy, quite small 
changes in slope or aspect being accurately reflected in changes of 

Although buildings are marked in grey, their firm but finely-drawn 
black frames make them identifiable. It is, of course, unlikely that the 
Tourist style would be applied to maps of heavily-peopled areas, so 
that one possible cause of congestion does not arise. In any event, 
allowance has been made for the free use of shading, for example in 
the strengthening of the footpath symbol on the map, but not, 
however, in the key. 

It continues to be a matter of regret that submarine contours are not 
shown below the lo-fathom line, that submarine contours are in 
fathoms while subaqueous contours for freshwater lochs (not keyed) 
14 (.5196) 


are in feet, and that defects of spelling should recur Inversanda (9359) 
should be Inversands. Such deficiencies, however, do little to detract 
from the fine achievement of the whole map. 


The representation of relief is by means of contours in brown at 
25-ft. intervals, every fourth contour being strengthened, and by 
point elevations of three types triangulation stations (trigonometrical 
points) and bench marks, both in black, and spot heights, mainly at 
the intersections of the land-survey lines, given in brown. In addition, 
sand dunes are indicated by means of a brown-stipple symbol. The 
impression gained is one of great accuracy, notably on the lowlands. 
Water is shown in blue, intermittent streams being shown by blue 
pecked-and-dotted lines and wells by blue circles. 

Cultural information is very sparse, partly because of the very low 
density of settlement in this area. Apart from the classification of 
roads, black alone is employed. All buildings are shown in solid 
black, their forms normally being generalized as small squares. Roads 
appear in fine hair lines, broken in the case of unmetalled roads. 
Classified through-routes and secondary routes are overprinted in red, 
and, if in bad condition at the date of survey, are lined with red dots. 
Railways are shown by hatched lines, with double and single tracks 
separately distinguished. On the whole, cultural information is 
definitely subordinated to the relief, and the occupance seems sparser 
than it in fact is. Detailed examination reveals, however, a clearly 
and very precisely drawn map of cultural features, of which a very full 
interpretation may be made. 

Non-landscape features also are sparingly represented. Eight forms 
of boundary are shown, but naming is restricted to the larger adminis- 
trative units, such as the Indian Reservations, and to more important 
settlements, such as Casa Grande and Chiu-Chuischu. Individual 
farms and ranches are not named, nor does there appear on this map 
the profusion of rural schools that is so marked a feature of maps of 
the eastern U.S.A. Styles of lettering employed are clear and effective* 

A graticule is printed on the face of the map, and it is difficult to 
separate this at a glance from the section lines which are very clearly 
marked in black. The margins are plain, and are used for graticule 
information, scale bars in miles and kilometres, a grid which is not 


carried across the map, and some information regarding the destination 
of roads (printed in red). North point, date of survey, projection, and 
datum are given, the latter rather inadequately. A full characteristic 
sheet, together with a description of the topographical maps of the 
U.S.A., is printed in grey on the reverse. 

In conclusion, one may say that this is primarily a relief map, second 
importance being given to land-survey lines and the cultural features 
being under-emphasized. Close examination, however, reveals a 
detailed and accurate map of the cultural landscape, on a map which, 
for relief representation, has few equals among the topographical maps 
of the world. 

Comparison of Map Series 

It is customary in cartographical appreciation to refer freely to 
comparable series of other surveys. The interpreter needs to be closely 
familiar with such series and their characteristic sheets. In addition to 
O.S. maps, the major productions of all the national surveys of Western 
and Central Europe and North America should be studied. In particu- 
lar, the maps of France, Germany, Switzerland, the Austrian General 
Staff, and the U.S.A. deserve close examination. The object of this 
concluding illustration is to suggest lines on which comparisons may 
be made between maps of different countries on comparable scales, 
in order to obtain a better appreciation of any one. 

At the outset, a brief summary of the characteristics of each map 
will be given. 

GREAT BRITAIN. O.S. 1/25,000, SHEET SO/oo, 1948 

Relief is by point elevations in black and by contours in brown at 
25-ft. intervals, each fourth strengthened. Rough rock, tip-heaps, 
etc., are given in black, water in blue. Woods are represented by a 
tree symbol in grey. All major roads, tracks, and footpaths are shown 
in black, and the classified roads filled in brown. Buildings are out- 
lined in black and filled in solid grey, except for public buildings which 
are in solid black. Many names are recorded, some providing much 
industrial information. Almost all farms, factories, inns, woods and 
physical features, and many antiquities are named. The result is a 
crowded, but clear, map, the relief being subordinated to the cultural 
features in closely built areas, but dominating in rural areas. 


GERMANY 1/25,000, SHEET 4506 (DUISBURG) 1958 

Brown contours are thickened at every 20 metres, broken at odd 
5 metres, and supplemented by form lines in places at intervals of 
i -25 metres. Some waterside slopes are hachured in brown; water is 
in blue, and woodland is shown by black tree symbols overprinted in 
green. All other information is given in black. Suburban building is 
solid black, with gardens in light black stipple and an unobtrusive 
orchard symbol; congested building is hatched in black, and factories 
are in solid black. 

Both the range of notation and the key are elaborate. Four types of 
administrative boundary, four types of railway line, and eight types of 
road (excluding footpaths) are distinguished. Fourteen classes of land- 
use information are indexed, three of them further subdivided and two 
others capable of variation: these are all additional to gardens. Nine 
types of linear feature, not already specified, include seven types of 
enclosure-boundary. Further symbols, mainly for landscape features, 
are classed under twenty-nine heads and number forty-three in all, 
and thirty-four literal abbreviations are listed. The key to water- 
ways and associated features gives another thirty-odd explanations. 
Remaining marginal information is equally carefully presented. 
Free use is made on the face of the map of variations in style of 

, (HAARLEM), 1952 

Relief is scarcely present in the area represented, except in the belt of 
sand-dunes in the west. Sand is marked by dull yellow which vanishes 
under thfc green wash for woodland; plastic shading for dunes, in a 
purplish brown, seems to have been applied by air-brush and thus to 
be rather coarse, although it is likely that the form of the ground is 
accurately indicated. Black woodland symbols resemble those on the 
German map, but are even further simplified. Part of the polderland 
is marked in green, part left blank, without explanation. All water is 
in a uniform blue. 

Most roads are in a rather heavy red, and are prominent for suburban 
areas where buildings are black. In town centres, roads are left blank 
and most building cross-hatched in pink. Factories and similar 
installations appear in black. A notable feature of the key is the 


provision made for showing dykes, lateral ditches, lock-gates, sluices, 
and similar structures. Bridges over the minor open drains of the 
polderland are recorded in great number. 

Marginal information includes the graticule, numbered clearly in 
black, and grid numbers effectively shown in light red. 

In a comparison of these three maps, the most striking point is the 
much greater dependence on fine engraving on the Continental maps 
than on the British. Fine engraving is a characteristic of German 
cartography, and by means of it a great deal of information is conveyed 
with much greater clarity than on the British map, which both 
attempts less and is less successful. Whereas the grey tone used on 
British maps is adequate for buildings, it is far less satisfactory when 
used for woods and field boundaries, which are by no means clear and 
tend to be suppressed. On the British map, principal emphasis is 
given to relief and to buildings, the map being at its most effective in 
areas devoid of settlement or in closely built towns. It is much less 
effective in settled rural areas and in areas of mixed urban and rural 
settlement. The almost complete absence of information on agri- 
cultural land use on the British map is noteworthy, although the more 
rapid change of land-use patterns in Britain than on the continent 
would diminish the utility of such representation. 

The Netherlands map, while obviously constructed from a careful 
and detailed survey, suffers from the traditional emphasis of road- 
widths in suburbs, where colouring is also heavy. Town centres seem 
to be suppressed. The map is perhaps at its most effective in open 
polderland and in factory areas. Variation of lettering is used to good 
effect, but the range of colour, while superior to that on the O.S. 
1/25,000 map, results in a not altogether pleasing combination. 

Despite its limited use of colour, the German map is the most 
satisfactory of the three. It provides a most detailed and exact repre- 
sentation of a wide range of features, and, as comparison of the keys 
and of the actual maps makes obvious, has a far greater scope than have 
the other two maps. Slight exception may perhaps be taken to the 
use of hachures of uniform width (i.e., hachures which do not taper) 
for embankments and earthen slopes generally, and to the hatched 
railway-line symbols which cause groups of sidings, and marshalling- 
yards, to be recorded in congested patches. On the other hand, the 
type of symbol used is designed precisely to admit the sub-classification 
of railways which is one of the admirable characteristics of this 


production. Contours are less prominent than on the British 1/25,000 
sheet, but urban features are more elaborately treated. 

This comparison makes it possible to indicate some of the means 
which the various designers have chosen in their efforts to present great 
quantities of information. The German map, drawn in great detail 
and with great care, demands equal care in reading. Although there 
is a great deal of cultural information, represented throughout in black, 
fine engraving and the limited use of solid black undoubtedly prevent 
the map from looking overloaded. The Netherlands sheet relies 
heavily on contrasts in colour. The British map, effectively employing 
tapered black hachures and black stippling, and using solid black lines 
for railway sidings and spurs, is effective with much of the industrial 
landscape. The grey tint for most buildings enables the whole map 
to be lightened, but grey is too faint for woodland where light green 
wash would greatly improve the map. 


The style of maps is dealt with, either generally or in particular aspects, 
in the following works 

G. CHEETHAM. "New Medium and Small Scale Maps of the 
Ordnance Survey." Geogr.Journ. cvii, 1946, p. 211. (An informative 
discussion is printed with this paper.) 

A. R. HINKS. Maps and Survey. University Press, Cambridge, 
1942. (See Chapters II- VI inclusive.) 

ORDNANCE SURVEY. A Description of Ordnance Survey Large-scale 
Plans. ,1954; A Description of Ordnance Survey Medium-scale Maps. 
1955; A Description of Ordnance Survey Small-scale Maps. 1957. 

E. RAISZ. General Cartography. McGraw-Hill, New York, 1948. 
(See especially Parts Two, Three, Four, Six, Seven, and Eight.) 

graphy. Lake Success, 1949. (Provides an up-to-date map of the 
status of topographical mapping in different countries.) 

J. G. WITHYCOMBE. "Lettering on Maps." Geogr. Journ., Ixxiii, 
1929, p. 428. (Followed by a useful discussion.) 


ABRASION-PLATFORM, 71, 74, 93-4 

Accordant summits, 1723 

Adjustment of drainage, 15, 25, 36-7, 
52-3, 92-3 

Administration, 190, 193 

Agriculture, 97-9. See also Land use 

Alluvial plain, 83-5 

Alluvium, 118 

Altimetric-frequency curve, 173 

Analysis, morphometric, 167-79 

Anticlinal valley, 34 

Anticline, 24-5, 34, 90-2 

Antiquities, 152-63 

Appreciation, exemplified, 195 ff. 

Archaeology, 153 

Arete, 47 

climate, 83 
cycle, 12 

Arithmetric analysis, 172-4 

Aspect, 126 

Asymmetrical fold, 34 

Available relief, 174 

BACKGROUND knowledge, 3-4 
Back-slope, 22, 24 
Bar, 72-4 

offshore, 77-9 
Barrow, 153-5, 158-60 
Basal ice, 55 
Base-level, 16, 42-4, 169 

change, 67. See also Emergence 

and Submergence 
Bay, 72 
Beach, 71-2 

material, 72-3 
Belgic people, 156 
Ben Nevis, 46-7 
Bench mark, 188 
Biscuit-board topography, 47 
Blind valley, 60 
Bodmin Moor, 41-2, 168-9 

settlement, 121 
Boston, 144 

contours, 79-80 

gradient, 77-8 
Bottoms, 31 

Boulder clay, 55 
Boundaries, 190-1 
Bourne, 32 

of profile, 15, 43. See also Knick- 

of slope, 85, 169 
Bredon Hill, 24 
Bridgehead, 138 
Bridg water, 143-4 
Bristol Avon, 93 
Broadway, 117 
Bronze Age, 160 

antiquities, 154-5 
Burford, 141 

Burial mounds. See Barrows 
Burnham on Sea, 146 

GALLOP, 51-2 

Camps. See Hilltop sites and Roman 


Canals, 99-100 
Capture, 28-9, 37 
Carboniferous limestone, 56, 59 ff. t 

Cartographical appreciation, 180-96 

exemplified, 192 ff. 
Casa Grande, 150 
Cave, 63-4 
Celtic fields, 155, 161 
Celts, 155 

Chalk country, 3 1-9 
Characteristics of coast, 69 
Charlestown, 145 
Cheltenham, 146-7 
China clay, 145 
Chipping Campden, 139, 141 
Clachan, 128-9 
Classification of shorelines, 68 
Clay, 23-4 
Clay-with-flints, 33 
Clevedon, 146-7 
Cliff, 71, 75 

recession, 70-1 
Clinographic curve, 174 
Clinometric analysis, 176-7 
Clint, 62 
Closed contours, 173 




Coal mines, 148 

Coast, characteristics of, 69 

Coasts, 67-82 

Col, 51 

Combe, 22, 32 

Combwich, 143 

Comparison of maps, 199-202 

Continental subdivision, 17 

Contour interval, 53, 171, 184-5 

Contours, 187-8 

closed, 173 

generalized, 168-9 

instrumental, 187 

interpolated, 187 
Core, 135-6 

Cornwall, rural settlement, 120-2 
Corrasion, 50, 85 
Corrie, 46-7 
Corrielake. See Tarn 
Corrom, 128 
Cots wolds, 22-30 

settlement, 117 
Crenulate shoreline, 71 
Crest, 37, 40 
Crestal belt, 47 
Criticism of maps, 192 ff. 
Croft, crofting, 127-8 
Cromlech, 154 
Cross-profile, 171 
Crossings of Avon, 118 
Crustal deformation, 68 
Cuesta, 23, 34 

in Somerset, 88-90 
Cultural features, 189-90 

landscape, 4 

overlay, 189 
Cycle of erosion, n, 14 

DARK Ages, 106, 156-7 
Datum, 191 
Deglaciation, 49 
Delta, 49 

as settlement site, 127-8 
Denudational history, 44 
Denuded folds, 34, 89-92 

basin, 86 

cycle, 83 

landscape, 83-4, 86 

weathering, 83-4 
Deserts, 83 
Devizes, 141 

Dip, 22, 33-4, 63 
Disappearing streams, 60-1 
Discontinuous drainage, 23 
Dispersed settlement, 105 
Dispersion, 106-7 
Dissected plateau, 23 
Dissection, 40, 92 
Diversion of drainage, 51-2 
Divide migration, 28, 172 
Doline, 60 
Dolmen, 164 
Dome, 90-1 

"Down-at-heel" erosion, 50, 80 
Downcutting, 37-8 
Drainage, 14-15 

diversion, 51-2 

in the Highlands, 52-3 

intermittent, 85-6 

maladjusted, 36-7 

superimposed, 37, 44~5> 93 
Drift, 56 

Drowned valley, 76 
Drumlin, 55-7, 64-5 

field, 55-6 

swarm, 55 
gap, 29 

valley, 22-3, 31-2, 64, 92 

settlement, 117 

site, 105 
Dune, 73-4, 85, 93 

EARLY Iron Age, 155-6, 160-1 

Earthwork, 153 ff., 161-2 

Eden, 56-7 

Edenside, 56-7 

Elements of place-names, 108-12 

Elongated village, 108 

Embayed shoreline, 71 

Emergence, 68, 71, 76 

Erosion-platform, 37, 41-2, 65, 169, 


Erosional scarp, 28 
Esker, 54 

Eustatic movement, 68 
Evenlode, 28 
Evesham, 27 

of emergence, 76 

of submergence, 76 
Evolution of landscape, 38-9 



FACET, 16-17 

Factors in rural settlement, 105 

Farm, 104-6, 118-19, 120-1 

Fault, 14 

Features of occupance, 189-91 

Fen, 89 

Fenland, 78 

rural settlement, 122-5 

boundaries, 98 
systems, 105-6 
work, 1-2 

Fifth (Relief) Edition, 187-8 

Fiord, 79-81 

Flat, 16, 169 

Flood plain, 26, 117-18 

Fold, 13, 34 

Ford, 118 


of towns, 135 
of villages, 108 

Fort William, 145 

Fowey, 145 

Frost action, 47, 49 

Functions of towns, 135 

GAVELKIND, 107, 120 

Generalized contours, 168-9 

Geological boundaries, 33 

Geometric analysis, 168-72 

cycle, 12 
diffluence, 51 
transfluence, 51 
trough, 47-8, 50-1 

Glaciated highland, 46 ff. 
rural settlement, 125-9 

Glaciation, 12-13, 64-5 
of lowland, 54-7 

Glacier, 50-1, 53 

Graded river, 16 

Grampians, 46-58 

Granite, 41 

Grid, 191 

Grike, 62 

Groyne, 78 

HACHURB, 60, 186-8 

Hamlet, 104-6, 120-1 

stream, 70, 75 
valley, 50 

Harepath, herepath, 103 

Haugh, 127 

Height-frequency curve, 173-4 
Hensbarrow, 41-2, 169 
Highbridge, 146 
Highland coast, 68, 70-7 
Hill shading, 186-7, 197 
Hilltop sites, 155-6, 160-1 
Hinterland, 144 
Hogback, 34 
Horn, 47 
Hypsometric curve, 174 

Improved land, 127-8 
Incised meander, 16 

valley, 37, 42-3 
Industrial interpretation, 148 
Ingleborough, 60-4 
Inlet, 71-3 
Inselberg, 83-4 
Instrumental contour, 187 
Integument* 135 
Intercalated dispersion, 106 
Intermittent drainage, 85-6 
Interpolated contour, 187 
Iron Age. See Early Iron Age 
Iron ore, 148 
Isostatic movement, 79, 81 

JOINT-PLANE, 60, 62 

KAMB, 64 
Karst, 59 

country, 90 

cycle, 12, 59 

features, 59, 62 
Kettle, 54 
Kinlochleven, 145 
Knickpoint, 15-16, 43, 65, 171 

LAGOON, 78-9 
Lake, 56, 79-80 

Lake village. See Marsh village 
genesis, 3-4 
quality, 3-4 
use, 3-4, 119 
categories, 98 
information, 182 
interpretation, 97-9 
Landforms of glaciation, 46-58 




characteristics, 11-12 

cultural, 4, 189-90 

evolution, 38-9 

facets, 4 

polycyclic, 14-15, 40 
Landslip, 75 
Large towns, 147 
Lateral moraine, 49 
Lavant, 32 
Lead mine, 161 
Lee, 55 

Lettering, 136-7, 152, 191-2 
Limestone, 23, 59 ff., 90, 92, 149 

pavement, 62 

of maps, 29, 54-5, 65, 76, 81, 116, 171 

of scale, 184-6 

earthwork, 156-7, 161-2 

village, 108 
Lithology, 13 
Local base-level, 60 
Location of settlement. See Settle- 
ment sites 
Loch, 50, 79-80 
Long barrow, 154, 159-60 
Long-profile, 14-16, 171 

of glacial trough, 48 
Longshore drift, 73 
Looe, 145 
Lostwithiel, 145 

glaciation, 54-7 

shoreline, 77-9 
Lynchet* 155, 157 

MALADJUSTED drainage, 36-7, 45 
Mammillated topography, 54 
Map * 

analysis, 2-3, 97 

reading, 2 

series compared, 199-202 
Margins, 189-91 
Marine erosion, 13 
Market town, 139-43 
Marsh village, 161 
Massed village, 108 
Maturity, 15-16, 40 

of shoreline, 72-4, 77-8 
Mean slope, 176-7 
Meander, 16, 26 

bluff, 26 

Meander (contd.) 

incised, 16 

ingrown, 26, 38 

spur, 26, 28, 38 
Meandering valley, 29, 37-8 
Meanders and settlement, 117-18 
Medial moraine, 49 
Medieval agriculture, 107 
Megalith, 154 
Melksham, 141 
Mendips, 90-2 

antiquities, 152-63 
Menhir, 154 
Merthyr Tydfil, 147-50 
Migration of divides, 172 
Minor structure, 24-5 
Misfit stream. See Underfit stream 
Moor, 127-8 
Moraine, 49, 54 
Moreton in Marsh, 139-40 
Morphometric analysis, 167-79 
Morphometry, 167 


Names, 191-3 

Negative movement, 68 

Neolithic antiquities, 153-4, 159-60 

Nodality, 137 

and roads, 104 

Non-landscape features, 190-3 

cycle, 3, 12 

erosion, after deglaciation, 49-50 
North point, 194 
Northleach, 140-1 
Nucleated settlement, 105 
Nucleation, 106 
Nucleus, 137-8 

OBLIQUE illumination, 186-7, 197 

features of, 189-91 

prehistoric, 152-63 
Offshore bar, 73, 77-9 
Old age. See Senility 
Onset, 52 
Orchards, 119-20 
Outlier, 23, 92 
Outport, 145 
Outwash, 54 
Ownership, 187, 189 

PAR, 145 
Parallel roads, 53 



Parish boundaries, 107-8 
Parrett, 143-4 
Pediment, 83, 85-6 
Pediplanation, 85-6 
Percolation, 31, 60 
Periglacial conditions, 25, 32 
Permeable rock, 22-3, 60 

stairway, 169 

subdivision, 16-18 

exemplified, 88-94 
Pitch, 60 

Pitching fold, 34, 90 
Place-names, 108-12 

elements, no-n 

spelling, 192-3 
Planation, 37, 42 
Planimetry, 173-6 
Planned town, 150 

of abrasion, 71, 74, 93-4 

of erosion, 37, 41-2, 65, 169, 173 
Ploughs, 155-0" 
Point elevation, 188-9 
Polden Hills, 89 
Polje, 63 

Polycyclic landscape, 14-15, 40 
Ports, 138, 143-5 
Positive movement, 68 
Post-glacial erosion, 56-7, 70 
Preferential growth, 138 
Pre-glacial topography, 47 

evidence, Somerset, 1 57 ff. 

occupance, I52ff. 

remains, table, 158 

settlement, 121 

dispersion, 106-7 

nucleation, 106 
Process, 12-13 
Profile, forms of, 170-1 
Projected profile, 170 
Province, 17 
Purpose of maps, 181-2 


RAILWAY, 100-2 
symbols, 100-1 
Railways and settlement, 101-2 

Raised beach, 81 
of cliffs, 70-1, 75 
of scarps, 23 

Recessional moraine, 54 
Reclamation, 123-5 
Re-grading, 70, 79 
Re-growth of towns, 134-5 
Rejuvenation, 15-16, 26, 43, 171 
Relative relief, 174 
available, 174 
relative, 174 

representation on maps, 186-9 

of cultural features, 1 89-90 

of relief, 186-9 
Residual, 41-2 
Resistant rock, 40 
Resorts, 145-7 
Revision of survey, 194 
Ria, 72, 76, 145 
Ribbon lake, 48 
Ridgeway, 103 
Riser, 169 

River capture, 28-9, 37 
Rivers, 14-16 
Roads, 102-4 
Roche moutonnte, 49 
Rock-drawing, 46, 188 
Rock-step, 48 

Rock-waste, 49-50, 62, 84-5, 127 

antiquities, on Mendips, 161 

roads, 102-3, 142 

sites, 156 

villas, 161 

Rosslare Harbour, 145 
Round barrows, 154, 160 
Routes, 99-104 
Run-off, 49 
Rural settlement 

dominantly dispersed, 120-2 

dominandy nucleated, 115-20 

forms, 106-7 

in Arizona, 129-30 

in fenland, 122-5 

in glaciated highland, 125-9 

pattern, 104-8 

place-names, 108-12 

sites, 105 

studies, 115-33 

units, 104-5 



Salt marsh, 78 
Sandstone, 23 
Scale, 184-6 

of hachuring, 186 
Scar, 62 
Scarp, 13, 34 
Scarp-face, 33 

Scarp-foot village, 115, 117 
Scarp-former, 22-3 
Scarp recession, 23 
Scarpland, 22-30 
Scree, 49, 62 
Sea-level, 191 
Sea-loch, 80 

Secondary dispersion, 106 
Section, 18 
Senility, 41 
Serial profiles, 169-70 

and railways, 101-2 

prehistoric, 152-63 

rural. See Rural settlement 

sites, 115-33 

studies, 115-51 

urban. See Towns 
Shipston on Stour, 141 
Shoreline, 13, 67-82 

compound, 69 

cycle, 13, 67-82 

initial, 68 

neutral, 67 

of emergence, 67 

of Somerset, 93-4 

of submergence, 67 
Sidmouth, 146 
Sink, 31, 59-61,90 
Site, 17-18 
Sites * 

of rural settlement, 105 

of towns, 137-8 
Situations of towns, 137 
Sketch maps, 18-20 
Slip-off slope, 26 
Slope, 1 6, 1 8 

mean, 176-7 

oversteepened, 49 
Soil, 99 
Soil map, 4 
Spa, 146 
Special cycles. See Arid, Glacial, 

Karstic, and Shoreline 
Special maps, 180 

Spelling of place-names, 192-3 
Spit, 71, 73-4 
Spot height, 26, 185 
Spring, 31-2, 64 
Spring-line, 61-2, 115-16 

village, 115 
Spur-top profile, 170 
Stage, 14-16 
Standing stone, 154 
Still-stand, 42 
Stoss, 52, 55 
Stour, 28 

crossings, 116 
Stow, 17-18 

Stow on the Wold, 139-40 
Strandline movement, 68, 77 
Stream gradient, 172 
Strike vale, 23 
Structure, 13-14 

minor, 24-5 

of Cotswolds, 22, 24-5 

of Highlands, 52-3 

of Salisbury Plain, 3 3-6 

of Somerset Plain, 88-94 
Style of lettering, 188 
Submarine contour, 80 
Submature shoreline, 72 
Submergence, 68, 71-2, 76 
Sub-scarp, 34 

heights, 53-4. i?2-3 

plane, 172-3 

drainage, 37, 44-5 

profiles, 170 
Superimposition, 93 
Sutherland, 70-1 

for railways, 100-1 

for roads, 102 

of cultural features, 189-90 

of land use, 98 

of non-landscape features, 190-2 

on sketch maps, 18-20 
Syncline, 24-5, 34 

TAFF valley, 147-8 
Tamar valley, 45 
Tarn, 46-7 

Terminal moraine, 48, 54 
Terrace, 26-8, 116 
Texture of relief, 22 
Through-valley, 51 



flat, 89 

scour, 72 

Topographical scales, 184-6 
Tor, 41 

Tourist Edition, 188, 197-8 
Towns, 134-51 

form, 135 

function, 135-7 

site, 137-8 

situation, 137 

studies, 138-50 
Tract, 1 8 

Transect chart, 130-2 
Trigonometrical point, 188 
Trough's end, 48-9 
Truncated spur, 48 
Tumuli. See Barrows 

UNDERFIT stream, 28-9, 37-8 
Underground cavity, 63-4 
Ungraded stream, 70 
Uniclinal structure, 13 
Urban, Urbanization. See Towns 
Uvala, 63 

VALE of Evesham, 119-20 
Vale of Pewsey, 33 

anticlinal, 34 

cross-profile, 171 

incised, 37, 42-3 

long-profile, 171-2 

meander, 29, 37-8 

sink, see Uvala 

young, 41-2 

Valley-bottom site, 116-17 
Villa, 161 
Village, 104-6 

form, 1 08 

sites, H5-33 
Vitrified fort, 156 
Volume, calculation from map, 

Volumetric analysis, 174-6 

WAINFLEET All Saints, 144 

Warwickshire Avon, 22, 26-8 

meadows, 38 
supply, 129 
table, 31 

Waterfall, 65 

Wave action, 72 
of rejuvenation, 43 

Weak rock, 36 

Well, 116, 129 

Weston-super-Mare, 146 


settlement, 115-17 
site, 105 

Wexford, 144-5 

Wiltshire Avon, 33 

Wind-gap, 37 

Winged headland, 73 

Witham, 144 

Wylye, 33 

YOUNG valley, 41-2 
Youth, 40 

of shoreline, 71, 77