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“province OF THE GAPE. 0 s00n Hore. | | 


3ist DECEMBER, 1912. 


80TH JUNE, 19138. 











Co be Presented to the Provincial Council. 



[C.P. 5—’13.] 

C.T.Ltd.—B. 1210. 



a , 



StR,—I have the honour to submit the following special 
Reports on the Cape Crawfish and Crawfish Industry, the 
Clupeidee (Herrings, Anchovies, White Bait, &c.) of South 
Africa, and the proposed Acclimatisation of “ Millions,” with 
recommendations on the practical questions which have arisen 

in connection with these subjects. 

I have the honour to be, 
Your obedient Servant, 

Cape Town, 

30th June, 1913. 

[C.P. 5—'13:] 







History of the Crawfish Industry 

Experimental hauls of Crawfish in and around Table Bay 

. Observations at the Marine Laboratory at St. James to 

determine the breeding habits, &c., of the Crawfish 

. Geographical distribution of the Cape Crawfish 
. Sexual differences in the Crawfish 

. Early stages of the Crawfish 

. Habits of the larval Crawfish 

. Age, rate of growth, &c., of Crawfish 

. Enemies of the Crawfish 

. Food of the Crawfish 

. Migration and movements of the Crawfish 

. Life History of the Crawfish 

. Preservation of the Crawfish 



[C.P. 5—’13.] 






Much difficulty has been experienced in dealing with variou 
questions which have from time to time cropped up with 
regard to the Crawfish Industry. In the early stages of this 
industry it seemed to be the general impression that the 
supply of the fish was inexhaustible, and that no steps need 
be taken to prevent over-fishing and the possible extermina- 
tion of the animal. Very soon, however, it was observed 
that, apparently in consequence of the very extensive opera- 
tions of the canning companies, the supply was being se1iously 
endangered, and the question of some restricting measures 
which might safeguard the industry was raised at the instance 
of the canning factories. Measures of this nature generally 
take the form of (1) a close season, during which no fishing 
is allowed, or (2) a size limit, or size below which no fish are 
allowed to be taken, thus protecting the immature forms 
and giving them a chance to breed. 

It was finally resolved to impose a close season. Little or 
nothing, however, was known as to the times of spawning or 
the habits generally of the crawfish, which would indicate 
at what time of the year this close season should be fixed 
in order to be effective. Naturally the fishermen, though 
generally convinced that a close season was desirable, did not 
desire that this should interfere with their fishing operations, 
and the close season was fixed for the months of the year in 
which little or no fish were caught, namely, when they were 
in a condition known as “‘ sick.’’ The question has, therefore, 
been raised as to whether this measure is really effective, as 
no extensive fishing would take place during this period in 
any case. Clearly what is desired is further information as to 
the times of spawningfand the life history of the fish generally. 

[C.P. 5—’13.] 


Again, the imposition of a size limit was suggested. Atten- 
tion was drawn to the practice of catching very small craw- 
fish, and it was suggested that the destruction of these im- 
' mature forms was responsible for the falling off of the supply. 
These small crawfish form a particularly palatable dish, and 
it was pointed out that in many cases young forms of various 
sea animals were extensively utilised for food purposes without 
deleterious effects, and, besides, there were some experienced 
fishermen who maintained that these small forms were not 
the young of the common crawfish, but belonged to another 
and smaller species, which did not grow larger. 

A size limit was, however, imposed, and it was made illegal 
to catch these small crawfish. Here again it was clearly in- 
dicated that what was wanted was further and reliable scientific 
information, particularly with regard to the early and possibly 
somewhat different stages of the fish. 

Even these restrictions were not deemed sufficient, and it 
was decided further to protect the, females “in berry,” that is, 
carrying the eggs externally, as is the habit of the crawfish. 
This appears on the face of it to be a very rational method 
of dealing with the difficulty, especially if it be reckoned 
that the destruction of a female carrying thousands of eggs 
means not only the destruction of one individual but of thou- 
sands of young. However plausible this may be, there are 
reasons, as will be seen later on, for suspecting that there is 
a fallacy in this line of reasoning. What is wanted is further 
information as to the time of maturity, time of life of greatest 
fertility, the life history of the young, time and cause of 
greatest fatality among the young, etc. 

There is a special need for such investigation at the present 
time, as, owing to certain circumstances which will be indicated 
later on, the industry has entered on a new and prosperous 
phase, so that for the last few years the capture and canning of 
the fish for export purposes has been energetically carried on 
—so energetically, it is stated by some who are engaged in 
the industry and presumably in a position to know, that it can 
only last a few years longer. Attracted by the success of the pre- 
sent canning companies, several others are now about to begin 
operations on an extensive scale, for which reason it is all 
the more urgent that effective measures be devised for the 
safeguarding of the industry from a fate similar to that which has 
befallen the lobster industry of Europe and America. 

The following notes on the Cape Crawfish, its life history 
and habits, are intended as a contribution to a fuller know- 
ledge of some of these points and a possible solution of the 
practical difficulties met with. 



The notes'are arranged under the following headings : 

. History of the Cape Crawfish Industry. 
2. Experimental hauls of Crawfish in and around Table 

3. Observations at the Marine Laboratory at St. James to 
determine the breeding habits, &c., of the Crawfish. 

. Geographical distribution of Cape Crawfish. 

. Sexual differences in the Crawfish. 

. Early Stages of the Crawhsh. 

. Habits of the larval Crawfish. 

Age, rate of growth, &c., of Crawfish. 

. Enemies of the Crawfish. 

. Food of the Crawfish. 

. Migration and movements of the Crawhsh 

. Life history of the Crawhsh. 

. Preservation of the Crawfish. 


The crawfish though a valuable article of food, easily pro- 
cured and occurring in large numbers at the Cape, seems to 
have been practically overlooked in the early days. Frequent 
Reference is made ‘to the “fine’,Cape fishes, many of the 
common kinds being mentioned by name, such as snoek, 
steenbras, herring, harders, and even soles, but there appears 
to be only casual reference to “some fine crawfish” presented 
to Van Riebeek by two or three Hottentots. (See Precis of the 
Archives, 4th September, 1852.) 

This neglect of a valuable article of food was typical of much 
later days and its value does not seem to have been appreciated 
except by the natives. This is all the more remarkable as its 
representatives in Europe, the Langouste, Spiny or Rock 
Lobster (Palinurus vulgaris), to which it is not inferior, is an 
important article of food, particularly in France and on the 
coast of the Mediterranean and its islands. In London it 
commands a good price and its flesh is by many considered 
quite as delicate as that of the true lobster. It is significant 
also that in Natal a species of crawfish is found but is rather 
rare, and is much more highly valued than the Cape crawfish is 
at the Cape. 

About the time of Lamarok (1744-1829) the Cape crawfish 
became known to the scientific world in Europe and is men- 
tioned by this author in M.S. (in Museum, Jardin des Plantes) 
under the name Palinurus lalandii, that is, a species of the 
Langouste (Palinurus vulgaris) so well known in France. It 
is probably due to the fact that a crustacean, very similar to the 
Cape crawfish, is so well known and esteemed in France that 
some of the earliest enterprises in connection with the industry 
at the Cape were French in origin. 

[C.P. 5—’13.] 




Before these however the potentialities of the industry were 
realised and attempts were made within the Colony itself to put 
it on a proper basis. The Right Honourable John X. Merri- 
man was the pioneer in the new industry and, although his 
enterprise met with little encouragement, and even with ridicule 
from some quarters at the time, it marks the first successful 
step im a series of experiments, which have led up to the 
present condition of the industry. 

In the year 1874, 1n conjunction with Mr. Charles Manuel, 
he imported an expert in the canning business from Messrs. 
Crosse and Blackwell. A beginning was made with the 
canning of crawfish, but with limited success. Attention was 
then turned to fruit and jam making, and, with such results, 
that the produce found a ready sale. Experiments on crawfish 
canning, however, were continued, and a satisfactory method 
for preserving it was at last devised. The canned products 
were exhibited at the Philadelphia Exhibition of 1876, and 
were awarded a Bronze Medal. In 1875 Mr. Merriman joined 
the Government, and disposed of the business to Messrs King 
and Son, but, in consequence of some difficulty with the 
operator, the enterprise was allowed to drop. 

It was not again until 1890 that the idea of canning the 
crawfish was taken up. In that year Baron Eugene 
Oppenheim, the Consul for the Transvaal Government, 
observing the large quantities of crawfish to be 
easily caught in Table Bay, conceived the idea of 
canning and exporting them to Europe. Along with his 
brother he formed a syndicate under the name of the 
“South Atlantic Lobster Syndicate,” and, utilizing an old 
mill between the Old Somerset Hospital and the Docks as a 
factory, commenced to experiment in preserving the fish in 
tins. Mr. Carl Poppe was manager. The crawfish were got 
in abundance, chiefly from beyond the Woodstock beach, 
near Milnerton, or at Mouille Point, and no difficulty was 
experienced in procuring the raw material in sufficient quantity. 
From this factory about 4 or 5 thousand cases were turned out 
per year (about 96 small and 48 large tins in a case with an 
average of about 2 crawfish per tin). At this time the crawfish 
was not only abundant, but very large specimens were often 
taken. Owing, however, to difficulties in devising a proper 
method for preserving the fish and the consequent bad condition 
of the produce when placed on the market (Paris chiefly) 
there was little sale for the crawfish, and this syndicate soon 
went into liquidation. 

At a later date Baron Oppenheim, who still had faith in 
the ultimate success of the enterprise, started another factory 
under the name of ‘‘ Trebor Bros.”’ at Woodstock about the 
year 1893 under the management of Mr. Lefevre. 


Soon afterwards another small factory was started at 
Woodstock by Captain Malcolm near the first, and shortly 
afterwards yet another by Mr. Hansel Maier, where the 
present Woodstock factory (Ovenstone’s) now is. 

All of these, in spite of apparently promising beginnings, 
were ultimately closed down, the promoters having lost 
heavily in the undertaking. 

Soon afterwards (1894), however, the ‘‘ Cape Canning 
Company’ was started at Mouille Point, and, after losing, it 
is said, about £17,000, went into liquidation like the Trebor 
Bros. Company two years before. 

Some idea of the quantity of Crawfish procured by this 
Company may be obtained from the following figures of a 
year s catch :— 

1894, July, 29,962 
August, 97.265 
September, 124,580 
October, 240,160 
November, 60,150 
December {close season) 

1895, January (close season ) 
February, 29,360 

March; 62,420 
April, 67,640 
May, 72,320 
June, 57,900 

Total for one year, 841,757 

The chief cause of failure seems to have been defective 
canning and the impossibility of competing with the canned 
lobster of America, which was then in great abundance. 

It was during the operation of this last Company that fear 
was entertained that the supply of crawfish was being seriously 
endangered, and the necessity was represented to Government 
of some legislative measure for the imposition of a close season, 
and the prevention of the capture of the young immature 
forms. Considerable alarm was also felt lest a similar fate 
to that of the lobster of the Northern Hemisphere should 
befall the Cape lobster. In Europe, America and Canada so 
great had been the unrestricted operation in this industry 
that it had practically ceased to exist on the former large 
scale. It was partly due to this extensive fishing and the 
consequent cheapness of this article (gd. per tin in Paris in 
1895) that the demand for the Cape article fell off. 

[C.P. 5—’13.] 


For several years after this the factories practically ceased 
to exist at the Cape, and for the first time again a small factory 
was started at North Bay (Saldanha Bay) by Hinchliffe and 
Holland in 1902. This site proved unsatisfactory, and the 
factory was transferred to Hoetjes Bay, not far off. An 
idea of the extent of the operation of this company may be 
obtained from the fact that the annual wages paid to Colonial 
fishermen amounted to about £3,500 per annum. The same 
firm later on erected another factory at Steenberg’s Cove. 
From this factory alone during the year 1912 over 10,000 cases 
of crawfish (representing over a million fish) were exported, 
realising 37s. 6d. per case of 96 half-pound tins. 

Meanwhile a new factory was started at Hout Bay by Plessis 
in 1903, and met with success. Recently another has 
appeared at Woodstock (Ovenstone), another near the Docks, 
and several others are contemplated. 

With improved method of packing, along with an improved 
market owing to the decay in the lobster industry, the 
potentialities of the industry are being recognised. The 
chief market for the fish was, and is still largely, Paris, 
and, for long, the London market would not look at the 
article, owing, it is said, to bad packing. This impression was 
removed at some trouble, and samples of what could be 
produced were submitted (by Mr. Reid) to a London firm. 
These compared so favourably with the canned lobster on 
the market that an offer was made to accept the annual output, 
(30,000 or 40,000 cases) up to a quarter of a million cases, 
a fact which will indicate the possibilities of the industries 
now that the great markets of Europe are prepared to accept 
the article. 


In order to procure definite and reliable information with 
regard to the occurrence and condition of the crawfish at 
different times and places, a number of experimental hauls 
under the supervision of the Fisheries Officer were 
made in Table Bay and its neighbourhood (off Wood- 
stock Beach, near Robben Island, and near Hout Bay). 
These hauls were made with an ordinary crawfish net, 39 
inches in diameter, down for a period of quarter of an hour. 
Notes were taken of locality, state of sea, depth and tempera- 
ture, and the size of each specimen was measured, from rostrum 
to end of carapace. This method of measurement was adopted 
in preference to the method specified in the fishery regulations, 
as being more accurate and not differing materially from it. 
The legal method is from the base of the eyestalk to the end 


of the carapace or shield, and is slightly smaller than the 
measurement here used, in about the proportion of 8 to 9. 
For purposes of comparison the various sizes are classified 
into those of 1 inch up to, but not including 2 inches, 2 inches 
up to, but not including 3 inches, and so on, this being ex- 
pressed by the numbers I +, 2 +, etc. 

The condition of the fish is indicated by the distinction 
between those in (1) hard old shell, (2) hard new shell, (3) soft 
old shell, and (4) soft new shell. 

No. I. 

Dates) 2/10/12. Number of hauls: 24: 

Locality : South East of Robben Island. 

Condition of sea: Smooth, with heavy westerly swell. 
Depth: 13 fathoms. 

Male Crawfish. 
Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+,8+ 

Rlarcvoldishellh 2 a ee Ae Oe 83) 98 
Hard new shell .. ‘ a by bis i ; sy 
Softold'shell >... -.. Ae = ae OP Ch Me 
Soft new shell .. .. I 3 0) I 

Total of males: 290. Average number per haul : 12.086. 
Average size: 5.65 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 
No. 2: 

Date: 6/11/1912. Number of hauls: 24, 
Locality : South East of Robben Island. 

Condition of sea: Smooth, with slight westerly swell. 
Depth: 13 fathoms. 

Male Crawfish. 
Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+,7+, 8+, 

Hard-old:shell*..-°.< Ae eit: 2 7 5 I 
Hard new shell .. ir ae a : 
Soft old shell a He ne ne 

Soft new shell .. Pik gila *2Or mcr’ oe 

Total of males: 61. Average number per haul : 2°541 e 
Average size: 2,7 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 
[(C.P. 5—’13.] 

No. 3. 

Date’; 12/1r/19r2. . Number of-hauls =) 4: 
Locality: Near the sewer, off Woodstock Beach. 
Condition of sea: Choppy. 

Depth: 24 fathoms. Temperature 50-8°. 

Male Crawfish. 

Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+, 
Hard oldshell .. 2 Ory ar a ee a By. ; 
Hard new shell .. : 

Soft old shell 

Soft new shell oe ae NE Be 5 
Total of males: 11. Average her haul: 2-75. 
Average size: 1°18 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 

Sizeéininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 74, Om 
Hard old shell 2.5 45 | = i a tie 
Hard new shell .. : 

Soft old shell 

Soft new shell : a 

In berry Fo ais is 2 

In eyed berry sa Ro pec, Mee eee ; 
Total of females: 14. Average number per haul: 3°5. 
Average size: 1°78 inches. 
Total number of males and females: 25. 
Average size: 1°48 inches. Average number per haul : 6-25. 

Noy ie 

Date: 13/11/1torz. Number of hauls: 16. 
Locality : South East of Robben Island. 

Condition of sea: Choppy, with slight westerly swell. 
Depth: 13 fathoms. Temperature: 50:6°. 

Male Crawfish. 

Size in inches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7,+, 8+ 
Hard.oldishelly 77. ae ah =: oe 4 2 Us 
Hard new shell .. a: an See Br fe 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell .. .. ae 7 ats 2 Tae 

Total of males: 9g. Average number per haul: -562. 
Average size: 5°33 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 
Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+. 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
imandvold-shtelliy 2. 3. ee I a 
Hard new shell .. oa oats < 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell 
In berry 
In eyed berry Te ote CED Pe aoe — ew Meer 
Total of females: 3°77. Average number per haul: -25. 
Average size: 4 inches. 
Total number of males and females: 13. 
Average size : 4°55 inches. Average number per haul: -812. 


Date: 28/11/1912. Number of hauls: 8. 

Locality: Between ‘America Wreck” and Woodstock 

Condition of sea: Rough and very choppy. 

Depth: 4 fathoms. Temperature: 50-7°. 

Male Crawfish. 
Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard-old shell 2: - 11 Gi 
Hard new shell .. 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell cate caer N, ran Meat hy vette Nie 
Total of males: 18. Average number of hauls: 2-25. 
Average size per haul: 1°39 inches. 

Female Crawftsh. 
Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+ 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell 
Hard new shell .. 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell ioe ie ae a 
In berry BSeme se ai 5 3 2 
In eyed berry Sa, 2 Shaaberbod MGhuom ed icy Saeco 
Total of females: 10. Average number per haul: 1:25. 
Average size: 3-7 inches. 
Total number of males and females: 28. 

Average size: 2°54 inches. Average number per haul: 3:5. 
[C.P. 5—’13.] 

No. 6. 

Date: 5/12/1912. Number of hauls: 16. 

Locality : Near the mouth of the sewer at Woodstock Beach 
and near the ‘‘ America Wreck.” 

Condition of sea: Very smooth, calm and cleat. 

Depth: 4 to 5 fathoms. Temperature: 50-4°. 

None caught. 

No. 7. 

Date: 12/12/1912. Number of hauls:. 14. 

Locality: Between “ America Wreck” and Woodstock 

Condition of sea: Choppy, from the South East. 

Depth: 5 fathoms. Temperature: 50-4°. 

Male Crawfish. 

Size in inches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 64+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell .. 4 25. e oe 3 4 3 
Hard new shell .. 

Soft old shell 

Soft new shell Ge ee ne eek, a ee 
Total of males: 16. Average number per haul: 1-142. 
Average size: 4:3 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 
Size ininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+. 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell .. 2 2 : ¢ 
Hard new shell .. 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell a Re te He 
In berry tena | Was Qe ee I 

meyed perky, sesnuee- = 2 

Total of females: rr. Average number per haul: -785. 
Average size: 2°42 inches. 

Total number of males and females: 27. 

Average size. 3°36 inches. Average number per haul: 1-928. 

No. 8. 

Date: 17/12/1912. Number of hauls: 14. 

Locality: Between ‘‘ America” wreck and Woodstock 

Condition of sea: Very calm and oily. 

Depth: 5 fathoms. Temperature: 50°6°. 


Male Crawfish. 
Sizeininches 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Beaten Ol@ssiaelli oe.) aia MOM Tyee hts) | ere t 
Hard new shell .. 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell eer es Ue ee es ree ee 
Total of males: 19. Average number per haul: 1-357. 
Average size: 1-78 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 
Size in inches 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell” 3. 12 rks bs 33 Se ui 
Hard new shell .. Sr ik aa 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell «cy OO, wots 
In berry U 6 
In eyed berry § ee ea 
Total of females: 22. Average number per haul: 1-571. 
Average size: 2 inches. 
Total number of males and females: 41. 
Average size: 1-89 inches. Average number per haul : 2-928. 

No. 9. 

Date: 30/12/1912. Number of hauls: 14. 
Locality. Near the “America” wreck. 
Condition of sea: Choppy from South East. 
Depth: 5% fathoms. Temperature: 50-2°. 

Male Crawfish. 

Size in inches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Itard-old'shell -.. =~. ie is I 2 5 
Hard new shell .. oe = * 

Soft old shell Rees Rr eT Os Wie ae tn eee 
SoiemeweSWella (cc. whe: <tc ee Sepelie Naes yey Re Roi Bees 
Total of males: 310. Average number per haul: +714. 

Average size: 5:6 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 
Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 

Hard old shell Fr a te 
Hard new shell .. 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell 
In berry ree Raia Re Ms ce 
inypevedaberry= We wots ee Ae Tepes Mes cee Viet 

(CP. 5= 13: | G 


Total of females: 1. Average number per haul: -o71. 
Average size: 4 inches. 

Total number of males and females: 11. 

Average size: 4°8 inches. Average number per haul: -785. 

No. I0. 

Date: 7/1/1913. Number of hauls: 14. 

Locality: Between ‘‘ America’? wreck and Woodstock 

Condition of sea: Choppy from North. 

Depth: 54 fathoms. Temperature: 50:6°. 

Male Crawfish. 

Size in inches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 64+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard: oldshell¥. 2) 2. sa ne Os ae 3 
Hard new shell .. .. oa iT 6 ne Sk 
Soft old shell 
‘Soft new shell 

Total of males: 16. Average number per haul: 1-142. 
Average size: 4°31 inches. 

Female Crawfish 

Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 64+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell 
Hard new shell .. 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell 
In berry \ 

In eyed berry § IY : 

Total of females: 21. Average number per haul: 1°5. 
Average size: 3°I inches. 

Total number of males and females: 37. 

Average size : 3:7inches. Average number per haul : 2-642. 


. Date: 10/1/1913. Number of hauls: 14. 

Locality: Between ‘‘ America” wreck and Woodstock 

Condition of sea: Very choppy, from East. 

Depth: 5} fathoms. Temperature 50°8°. 


Male Crawfish. 

Sizeininches 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hanevoldshelly 35° (255) Pk. 5 ee PAP eS kee 
Hard new shell .. Mae San) ied eh ate oad 
Soft old shell Ty ho eee 
Soft new shell .. .. Re: 3 Z Teh iw <t My: 

Total"of males: 24. Average number per haul: 1-714. 
Average size: 4°45 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 

Sizeininches I+, 2+,3 +, 4+, 5+, 64,7 +, 8+ 
Hard old shell ee a er eee 
Hard new shell”. 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell 
In berry \ 
In eyed berry § 

Total of females: 3. Average number per haul: -2r4. 
Average size: 3°33 inches. 

Total number of males and females: 27. 

Average size: 3-89 inches. Average number per haul : 1-928. 

2 ie 

Noo 12 

Date: 14/1/1913. Number of hauls: 14. 
Locality : Near the ‘“‘ America” wreck. 
Condition of sea: Very calm and clear. 
Depth; 5 fathoms.’ Temperature : 50-8°. 
None caught. 


Date: 21/5 /r9r3. Number of hauls.:), 14 

Locality : Between the ‘“‘ America”? wreck and Woodstock 

Condition of sea: Very choppy from South East. 

Depth: 5% fathoms. Temperature: 50-8°. 

Female Crawfish. 

Sizeininches +, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old,shell ”. . a ay. Ur Ntad Penad ai Me cata nae ae 
Hard new shell .. 

Soft old shell * 

Soft new shell *.. ioe (ee 

In berry il ( 

In eyed berry { : 2 5 ve ee ee ee oe 
Total of females: 7. Average number per haul: °5. 
Average size: 2°71 inches. 

[€.Pe—*13, | 

No. 14. 

Date: 28/1/1913. Number of hauls: 14. 

Locality: Between “‘ America”? wreck and Woodstock 

Condition of sea: Very calm. 
Depth: 54 fathoms. Temperature: 50:2°. 

Male Crawfish. 

Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell .. .. as as ae ¥, 2 oe ee 
Hard new shell .. 

Soft old shell 

Soft new shell Ree set ra a i 
Total of males: 2. Average number per haul: -142. 
Average size per haul: 6 inches. 

No. 15. 
Date: 4/2/1913. Number of hauls: 14. 
Locality : Near ‘‘ America” wreck. 
Condition of sea: Very choppy from South East. 
Depth: 54 fathoms. Temperature: 50-2°. 
Male Crawfish. 

Sizein inches 1+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell : oe ae ue ae = =f 2% shell =. ...% a sas ws 4 2 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell sic aA of a: a a om 

Total of males: 6. Average number per haul: -428. 
Average size: 5.33 inches. 

Now 16: 
Date: 6/2/1913. Number of hauls: 14. 
Locality : “‘ Bad Tamboer”’ entrance to Hout Bay. 
Condition of sea: Very choppy, sight North West wind. 
Depth: ro fathoms. Temperature: 50-4”. 
Male Crawfish. 

Size in inches I+,,2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell .. .. oe i Ase eae 8 
Hard new shell .. : 

Soft old shell 

Soft new shell ; a oe a =i Bias) bo 
Total of males: 53. Average number per haul: 3-785. 
Average size: 4°71 inches. 


Female Crawfish. 

Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Prancoldyshell ee. eae te ATO Sie te ayy eet Tees 
Hard new shell .. 

Soft old shell 

Soft new shell 

In berry 

In eyed berry cc ieee A Rae Sia Oram Snore aaa 
Total of females: 27. Average number per haul: 1-928. 
Average size: 3.3 inches. 
Total number of males and females: 8o. 
Average size: 4 inches. Average number per haul: 5. 


Date: 12/2/1913. Number of hauls: 4. 
Locality : Near the “‘ America ” wreck. 
Condition of sea: Very rough, South East swell. 
Depth: 53} fathoms. Temperature: 50-2°. 
None caught. 

No. 18. 

Wate: 14/2/1913. . Number of hauls: 14. 

Locality : Near Duiker Point (Cape Town direction). 
Condition of sea: Very choppy, heavy westerly swell. 
Depth: 84 fathoms. Temperature: 50°25°. 

Male Crawfish. 

Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell : ny ee i UN: iN 
Hard new shell .. 

Soft old shell a ue. ca i Ne Le: 

Soft new shell .. .. ae Site MEAS Vali Bi Aveiece ae 
Total of males: 31. Average number per haul: 2-214. 
Average size: 4°67 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 

Size in inches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell pai Wahe We tte © na ee) Rane ak eee oe Weer 
Hard new shell .. xb ' 17 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell 
In berry 
ETRE VCCU DELI hk iae Set |! Nn aid eA eee |) acl a ae 

Total of females: 28. Average number per haul: 2. 
Average size: 1-6 inches. 

Total number of males and females: 59. 

Average size : 3°13inches. Average number per haul : 4-214. 
[C.P. 5—’13.] 

No. 19. 

Date: 18/2/1913. Number of hauls: 14. 

Locality : Near ‘‘ America”? wreck and Woodstock sewer. 
Condition of sea: Very calm and smooth. 

Depth: 53 fathoms. Temperature: 50°8°. 

None caught. ; 

No. 20. 

Date: 24/2/1913. Number of hauls: 14. 

Locality : Duiker Point (Cape Town side of). 
Condition of sea: Very choppy, heavy westerly swell. 
Depth: 63 fathoms. Temperature: 40:8°. 

Male Crawfish. 
Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell 

Hardimew shell. 7 a 6 
Soft old shell eis 3 al lle 8, Sa a ee 
Soitmew shell 2 5. ee, ee, 1a TO 7 

Total of males: 27. Average number per haul: 1-928. 
Average size: 5°48 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 
Sizeininches I+, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell 

Hard new shell ..  .. Pee, 554 ee eae a sf ae 
Softiold ‘shelly _ fy) ia cae a. fs Ap oe a 
Soft new shell , ae ie A te 
In berry 

In eyed berry 

Total of females: 73. Average number per haul: 5-214. 
Average size: 3°24 inches. 

Total number of males and females: 100. 

Average size: 4°36inches. Averagenumber perhaul: 7-142. 

No. 21. 

Date: 11/4/1913. Number oi aulse rz. 

Locality : Opposite the Milnerton Hotel and “ America” 

Condition of sea: Calm, with heavy westerly swell. 

Depth: 54 fathoms. Temperature: 50°8°. 

Male Crawfish. . 
sizeiminches. 4, 2+, 3+, 4+, 5+, 64, 7+, 8+ 
Hardoldshell .. .. i o, fe ag: 2 

Hard newshell .. .. ste =f Re ae a i yy 
Sottold shelly. 2.04% a LES, Ieee ae de os ae 
Soft new shell a 

Total of males: 2. Average number per haul: -r16. 
Average size, 6 inches. 

Female Crawfish. 

SIZembinches. Bb, 2+, S04 +) 5th 66 4) 9 4 8 

ictecholdishell 24 9%5 °°: i 6 

Hard new shell . 

Soft old shell 

Soft new shell 

iin berry. 

In eyed berry a: chede By ccte ek ae See) Ys. 
Total of females: 7. Average number per haul: -583 
Average size : 3°9 inches. 

Total number of males and females: 9. 
Average size : 4-95 inches. Average number per haul : 


No. 22. 

Date : 23/4/1913. Number of Hauls: 12. 

Locality : Opposite the Milnerton Hotel. 

Condition of sea : Moderate, long heavy swell from the west. 
Depth: 8 fathoms. Temperature : 60-0°. 

Male Crawfish. 

eize mumches. 1-24, 3 45/4 aa, 64 7+, 8+ 
Hard old shell ve a ae = ae 
Hardinewshell. ).. 7 .. I 4 4 Sey "es 
Soft old shell 
Soft new shell 

Total of males: 12. Average number per haul: r. 
Average size: 3°75 inches. 
Female Crawfish. 

None caught. 
(CP 513%] 


These data are as yet not sufficient to throw much light on 
the habits of the crawfish, but some general conclusions may 
be indicated. 


A large number of males by themselves were found in 
13 fathoms near Robben Island on the 2nd November. Most 
of these still had their old shell, but some had moulted. On 
the 6th of the same month a somewhat similar condition was 
met with. 

Meanwhile in shallow water (2} fathoms) off Woodstock 
Beach a small number of immature males were found together 
with females. 

The first locality was visited again on the 13th November 
and a smaller number of males were found, some still in the 
old shell, some in the new, together with 4 mature females in 
hard shell. 

The second locality (off Woodstock Beach) showed, as 
before, small males together with females in berry. On the 
12th, in 5 fathoms, in addition to small males, a number of 
large males were present with mature and immature females. 
Five days later conditions were somewhat similar, but only 
one large male was found. On the 7th January adult males 
were got with berried females in about equal numbers. Later, 
on the roth January, the adult males were much in excess 
of the females (3 berried), and there was a marked absence 
of small males. On the 14th and 21st no males were got ; 
on the 28th, 2 large males and no females, and again on the 
4th February large males but no females were found. 

It would appear from this that the large males had retreated 
to deep water (13 fathoms) and there cast their shell, the 
smaller males in the meanwhile being in shallow water with 
the berried females. Later on, the large males with new shell, 
appeared in the shallow water apparently driving off the small 
forms and adult females. It will be seen by glancing over 
the schedules that very seldom are adult males procured 
together with young forms. That the larger fish drive off the 
smaller is also indicated by the fact that it has been observed 
that in fishing operations the smaller fish are at first got and 
a little later only large fish. The behaviour of the animals 
in the tanks also confirm this, as it was often observed that, 
although the small crawfish could by their superior agility, 
and apparently keener sensory organs, first detect the bait 
and make off with it, yet they were no match for the heavier 
and stronger adults in the struggle for possession of food. 


The smallest male (13 inches) was procured from Woodstock 
Beach at 5 fathoms of water. The largest (74 inches) were 
procured at Robben Island at 13 fathoms and at Woodstock 
Beach at 5—2}4 fathoms. The total number of males procured 
at the different sizes mentioned in the tables were as follows :— 

Sizesininches. I+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 

(I) - AZ) AF Oe FAB AO 
(2) gS ctr WG mee UOTE 27s. Sy feral 
(3) 25,9 Sere OU RS 
(4) - 4 2 
(5) 363 G | : eS a 
(6) Ae RAP AneeyS 
(8) (3) = 200) ss Tee Eas 
(9) Mat 2a 

(10) 5 Gate ae 3 

(11) SiS ee ig 

(14) ne I i6 

(15) . a 

(16) 2 lie 8 

(18) PAGS cole te A 

(20) ae 17, ape 

(21) er a 2 

(22) se Ae es 

25 823) eran r2as 78 | TAGs a3 

The largest number of males were those between 5 and 6 
inches, though not much in excess of those between 6 and 7 
inches, and a fair number were over 7 inches. 

If these catches are representative, therefore, the protection 
of males under 4 inches would be no great burden on the 

- The average size of all the males procured was 4:9 inches, 
of the females 3-8 inches. 


In the three visits to the deeper waters off Robben Island, 
females were absent, with the exception of the third, in which 
3 adult females in hard shell were procured. 

The hauls in the shallower waters off Woodstock Beach 
showed that the females were abundant there, and were in 
berry at this time (November). That this is a normal occur- 
rence is well known to fishermen who, during the close season 
when the crawfish is only allowed to be taken for bait, often 
procure these berried females, as they are within easier reach 
in the shallow waters near Woodstock Beach than are the 

[ese es 13 


males in the deeper water further outside the Bay. From 
the returns it will be observed that all the females above 3 
inches procured in the first hauls (12th and 28th November ; 
12th, 17th, and 30th December ; 7th, roth, and 21st January) 
were in berry. Those in hard old shell (12th November, 12th 
December, 17th December) were under 3 inches or, if larger, 
were in deeper waters near Robben Island (13th November). 

On the 28th January and again on the 4th February large 
males were got, but no females. 

On the 6th, r4th and 24th February the neighbourhood of 
Hout Bay was visited, and only large males and females (with- 
out eggs) were got. This locality is said to be somewhat 
earlier than Table Bay, but no valid conclusion can be drawn 
from these few hauls. 

The tables throw some light on the much-discussed question 
of the size at maturity of the female. This can best be shown 
by the following tables of size and numbers of berried females :— 

Size in inches .. T+ 2+ 3+ 44+ 5+ 6+ 9+ 84 

Hauls INO: +3.) ov he “et eZ 
ga Nios 5 . St eens 
mt wNOz 7 2 I 
aS NO4 7S. 6 : 
55 No. 9 Ti 
ee No: tO 19 2 
PIN err 2 I 
np NOuee? 2 5 

Os 472. 35), a 

From this it is seen that the smallest female in berry was 
between 2 and 3 inches. Berried females between 3 and 4 
inches were by far the most abundant, and there was a rapid 
falling off above 4 inches, there being only 13 between 4 and 5 
inches, 3 between 5 and 6 inches, and none above 6 inches. 
No females of any kind, in berry or not, were procured above 
this last size, though several males were procured over 6 inches.. 


Closer details of this may be shown by considering the actual 
measurements of the berried females. These are shown in 
the following table and curve: 

Nees. Date 1) IS LEVEY 

3 12.41.12 

| 12.4212, 



{| {| 

From this}it will be observed that the number of berried 
females rapidly increases up to 3}¥inches and as rapidly 
decreases beyond that size. Beyond 4 inches there is again 
a rapid drop, there being very few females in berry of a larger 
size. The present legal size limit of 3 inches falls just before 
the size of greatest fertility according to these figures. It 
represents 32 inches in the method of measurement here adopted 
and is represented by the asterisk in the diagram. To ensure 
adequate protection of the female, the size limit should be 
increased to 44 or 44 inches. 

From the data given above, the condition of the female 
may be noted at‘different seasons, though only very generally, 
as the data are#not}sufficient. In November, I1 berried 
females were got on two occasions. In December, 14 on 
three occasions. In January, 31 on three occasions. The 
largest number were got about the beginning of January, and 
none after the 22nd January, which may therefore be pro- 
visionally taken as the end of the spawning season. 

We may note also that the smallest crawfish in berry was 
24 inches, procured on the 12th January off Woodstock Beach 
in 54 fathoms of water and that such small forms were very rare. 

The largest female was 5 inches, there being only 3 of this 
size, t from Woodstock Beach from 4 fathoms, 28th Novem- 
ber, and 2 from the same place from 5 fathoms on the 12th 

[(C.P. 5—'13.] 



About the beginning of October, 1906, four females were 
procured from Saldanha Bay and placed in the tanks of the 
Marine Station at St. James. They were obtained in the 
course of an enquiry to determine the smallest size of mature 
females carrying eggs with a view to the fixing of a size limit. 
After about two hours’ fishing, the fishermen, who knew at 
once in what locality females in berry could be caught at 
that time, were able to procure ample material in the form 
of a full boat-load, all females in berry. There were about 
600 in all and were from near the mouth of the Bay. Four 
of the smallest of these were selected, all being about the 
same size, namely, 3} inches in length of carapace. These may 
be designated A, B, etc., and there subsequent history was as 
follows :— 

Female A.—On the 15th October, 1906, the eggs hatched 
out and produced numerous larve. On the 28th April of the 
following year (1907) the crawfish cast its shell, and again on 
the 4th July of the same year. About the 18th and roth it 
was attended by two males, which had been placed in the tank, 
and on the 20th it was observed to be carrying a full mass 
of eggs below the tail, copulation and the extrusion of eggs, 
as in nearly all other cases, having taken place during the 
night. The two males about this time were very pugnacious, 
the larger driving off the smaller. After the extrusion of the 
eggs, the larger male returned to his customary place in the 

tank, though keeping a watchful eye on the other male. At 
times he resumed his attacks on his rival, driving him off to 
remote corners of the tank, and even then occasionally renew- 
ing his hostilities. It was not until, by accident or superior 
intelligence, the smaller male was able to reach a stone sus- 
pended in the tank that he was left in peace, the larger male, 
in spite of repeated attempts to reach him, being unable to 
do so. Thereafter the larger male was left in undisputed 
possession of the females. It would appear, therefore, that 
the animal is polygamous in its habits, a fact of importance 
in restrictive measures which may be adopted to regulate 
the industry. 

The eggs were shed about the 5th October, 1907. On the 
29th of May of the following year (1908) the shell was again 
cast, and on the 6th July the crawfish was again carrying 
eggs externally ; these were shed on the 18th of September. 



On the 29th May, 1909, and again on the 21st October of 
the same year, the shell was cast, but there were no eggs 
during the whole of this year. 

In rgr0 the shell was cast on the 27th May, and again on 
the 11th August. On the 25th of the same month copulation 
was observed with a male, and on the 26th the female was 
observed to be carrying eggs. These were of a pale whitish 
colour, but in a few days acquired a yellowish tinge. About 
the beginning of October the eggs were cast off from the 
abdominal appendages, and by the 8th only a few were left. 

On the 8th July, ror1, the shell was again cast. 

Female B shed eggs about the middle of October, 1906, 
cast shell 16th April, 1907, and was carrying eggs some time 
before the 2nd June (the first of the four to have eggs again). 
It cast its shell again on the 26th October with the eggs still 
attached, an entirely abnormal occurrence. On the oth June, 
1908, the shell was again cast. The animal died on the 2oth. 

Female C shed eggs about the middle of October, 1906, 
cast shell 28th April, 1907, had eggs about 15th June, 1907, 
and shed eggs 25th October, 1907 ; cast shell 2nd June, 1908, 
and had eggs shortly afterwards. Cast shell 7th June, 1909, 
but had no eggs that year. Cast shell 3rd June, 1910, and 
had eggs shortly afterwards, being attended by male some 
days before. On 19th June, rgr0, cast shell. 

Female D shed eggs about middle of October, 1906, cast 
shell 7th June, 1907, attended by male 22nd June, 1907, and 
had eggs on the 24th. By the 25th October all eggs were 
shed. On the 26th May, 1908, cast shell, and had eggs. On 
the 29th June, 1909, cast shell, and had no eggs this year. 

In drawing any conclusions from these experiments allow- 
ance must of course be made for the more or less unnatural 
conditions under which the animals lived (in the confined space 
of the aquarium tanks). That this had some influence, 
though the animals themselves were apparently quite normal, 
is shown by the fact that in all but the first year the ova did 
not develop normally and no larve hatched out. 

Several important conclusions may, however, be drawn—tor 
instance, that the females cast their shell about mid-winter, 
that soon after casting their shell and while still soft they are 
fertilised by the male and almost at once extrude the eggs, 
which are carried externally for about five months. The date 
of the casting of the shell in the females may therefore be taken 
as at the beginning of the spawning time. 

The dates of the casting of the shell in the case of the four 
individuals are shown more clearly in the following table :— 
[@ Bas 13;| 


Dates of casting of shell in four females from Saldanha Bay : 

x B. C D. 
( 8th April fr6th April 28th April 7th June. 
BOY Atha July { 26th September. 
1908 29th May. oth’ June. (2znd7\une. 26th May. 

28th May. athe | ume: 29th June. 
a0? | 21st October. ‘ : 
a ae! 27th May. ard June; r2th July. 

9 \ 11th August. (Died casting 

Ig1r 8th July. roth June. 

The question as to how often crawfish cast thetr shell has not 
yet been investigated. Judging from the analogy of the 
European lobster, whose life history is now well known, this 
would occur several times a year in the young and, as a rule, 
once a year in the adults. In the above table we note that 
A (go mm. in length of carapace) cast its shell twice a year 
with the exception of two years (1908 and 1911); C (104 mm. 
in length and presumably older) cast its shell only once a 
year throughout the five years, and at very regular intervals, 
with the exception of the first (1907). 

The t2me of casting of the shell is mostly in the month of 
June, but may be from April to October. This last date was 
observed in the case of A in 1909, and is probably very excep- 
tional, and perhaps connected with the fact that in this year 
there was no spawning. 

The time of sbawning—that is, the time of the extrusion 
of the eggs from the body—was, as a rule, some days after the 
casting of the shell. In cases in which the shell was cast 
twice in the year it was after the second casting. In these 
cases also it is noted that the spawning season is later. Thus 
in specimen A, in which the shell was shed twice a year, 
spawning took place in July and August (20th July, 1907; 
6th July, 1908; 26th August, 1910), while in specimen C, 
which only moulted once a year, spawning took place in June 
as a rule (15th June, 1907; 23rd June, 1908; 28th June, 
1910; 11th July, 191r). Specimen C was older than A, and 
it may be concluded, as far at least at these two cases are 
concerned, that spawning is later in the younger specimen. 

With regard to the frequency of spawning, this appears to 
be not more than once a year, and this was so even in the case 
in which the shell was cast twice in the year, namely, after 
the secynd moult. It has for long been a disputed point as 


to whether or not the lobster of the northern hemisphere lays 
her eggs only once in two years, and, while it is still not abso- 
lutely accepted, there seems to be very conclusive evidence 
that this is so. In the case of the crawfish, our experiments 
seem to indicate that this may take place every year; but it 
is to be noted that none of the females had eggs in one year 
(1909). It may be, therefore, that the frequency of spawning 
js more than once in two years and yet less than every year. 

With regard to the time of casting of shell of the male, among 
the specimens (from Table Bay) kept in the tanks, this was in 
October and September. 

The rate of growth or age of the Cape Crawfish is a matter 
which has not yet been investigated. Judging from the 
experiments at the Marine Station, St. James, the increase in 
size is not rapid and is unequal. In the case of Female A it 
was I°5 mm. in 1907, the same in 1908, but 6 mm. in 1909 
(the year in which no eggs were laid), and 2 mm. in 1910. 


The Cape Crawfish has a peculiar distribution, being confined 
to the West Coast so far, at least, as practical fishery purposes 
are concerned. A few were found as far East as Bird Islands, 
on the East Coast, during the trawling operations of the Pzeter 
Faure. These were, however, of a small size, though specifi- 
cally identical with the crawfish found so abundantly near 
Cape Town. Its place is taken in Natal by. other and quite 
different kinds, which occur in no great abundance, chiefly 
amongst the rocks of the shore. It is found also at Hermanus, 
the specimens got at this locality being also of a small size. 
In False Bay it is occasionally met with, but so seldom that its 
capture is somewhat of a rarity. On rounding Cape Point 
and coming into the colder waters of the Atlantic it is found 
in great abundance, as for instance at the Kommetje, only 
a few miles from False Bay. From this point northwards it 
is very plentiful. How far north it extends has not been 
recorded, but it was found in abundance by the Pzeter Faure 
as far north as Mercury Island. 

Doubtless the distribution is determined directly or in- 
directly by the great difference in the character of the water 
of the West Coast northwards of Cape Point from that of 
the East and South Coast, the former, originating in the 
Antarctic Circle, being of a much lower temperature and 
specific gravity than the latter, which comes from the tropical 
regions of the Indian Ocean, and is of a higher temperature 
and specific gravity. This distribution is not peculiar to the 

[C.P. 5—’13.] 


crawfish, but extends to many other marine invertebrates as 
well as fishes, as, for instance, the snoek. Some years ago 
some enterprising citizens of East London thought to remedy 
this unequal distribution of the gifts of Providence by import- 
ing a shipload of crawfish from Cape Town. The consignment 
arrived safely, and was placed in a suitable locality, but 
apparently the fish did not thrive, as they were never again 

There have been suggestions from time to time of the 
advisability of transporting a number of crawfish from Table 
Bay to False Bay, where they might breed and multiply. 
This seems a more feasible proposition than that just men- 
tioned, but, for the reasons stated above, the success of the 
experiment is highly improbable. 

The fact that the Cape Crawfish as a commercial asset has this 
comparatively limited range renders wt all the more probable that 
the supply may be affected by indiscrinunate fishing, and the more 
necessary that adequate means be taken for its preservation. 


The difference between the male and female crawfish are at 
first sight not very striking, and this is of importance in 
connection with the practical difficulties in carrying out any 
legislative measures for the protection of the female. 

The differences are chiefly the following :— 

(1) The female is, as a rule, smaller than the male, and is 
never much over 4 inches in length measured from the base of 
the eye-stalk to the end of the carapace. Individual specimens 
have been known to measure between 5 and 6 inches, but 
these are exceptional. It follows from this that a size limit of 
4 inches would form a very effective measure for the protec- 
tion of the female, which, we will see when dealing with this 
question, is a very vital point in the protection of the industry. 

(2) The female, as a rule, seems to differ in colour from 
the male, being generally somewhat darker. 

(3) There is a difference in the relative breadth of the 
carapace, this being decidedly greater in the male. 

(4) The tail shows marked differences, connected with the 
important function of carrying the eggs. Thus, in the female 
it is broader throughout its length than in the male, as will be 
shown by the following measurements (in millimeters) of the 
length and breadth of the carapace and the breadth of the several 
tail segments of three male and three female specimens :— 

Carapace. Tail Segments. 

aes : g 

3p 3 ¥ 5 BS = <|s 
a oO an rs) = =| + 2 
cB) = | oO pe} ° = a 
4 ea) oa n cal fy — op) 

Females Bac 127 | 85 73 | 80 83 | 80 76 | 72 

Mean! * | 113 76 | O4th 2 Vs 7a || 72" 68) 1 64 

Males ..+/ 83| 59| 43) 44| 43| 42] 43 | 43 

Mean 720 | #842)" 25G | 6x | 60/ 59) 59 59 

The relative breadth of carapace and of tail segments in the 
male and female may be more clearly shown by expressing 
them in the number of times they were contained in the 
length of the carapace, thus :— 

Measurements in length of carapace. 

Female a I | IAG |e FOS 7. | E521 1°57 166 1°76 
INANE? Ms) sas I | I°43 | 2°03 | 1°96| 2°00 | 2°03| 2°03) 2°03 
Difference in fa- | | | | | 

vour of female] 0 | +°05| —'27| —"39| —48| —46| —37 \—'27 

These figures show that the breadth of the carapace is 
contained 1-48 times in its length in the case of the female 
and 1-43 in the case of the male: that is, that the carapace 
of the female is relatively narrower than that of the male. 
In the case of the first segment its breadth is contained in 
the length of the carapace 1-76 times in the female and 2-03 
in the male, a difference of -27. This first segment is, there- 
fore, narrower in the male and this is true also of the succeeding 
segments, the relative difference being expressed by the figures 
39, 48, 46, 37, 27. This may be expressed in another and more 
direct way by taking the length of the carapace as 100 and 

[C.P. 5—’13.] D 


expressing the breadth of the carapace and tail segments in 
proportion, thus :— 

Female, - 9100 67 | 56 | 63") 65.) 637)" "600/56 

Male, aEOO 670"! 41") S500 50 | 49 | 49| 49 

Difference in fa- | | | 

vour of female o b $3 }+I5 |) +13 | +15 | +14 | +11 | +7 


Thus in a crawfish whose carapace measures 100 mm. (from 
the tip of the rostrum to the posterior border of the carapace) 
the carapace is 3 mm. narrower in the female, and the tail 
15 mm. broader in the first and third segments, 13 in the 
second, 14 in the fifth, 11 in the fifth, and 7 in the sixth. A 
female and a male of equal length of carapace are therefore 
readily distinguished as there is a difference of 15 mm. in 
the greatest breadth of the tail. This is enough to be readily 
detected on a mere glance at the fish. 

(5) Though the carapace is narrower as measured by its 
greatest breadth, the under side or sternum between the last 
pair of walking legs is broader in the female than in the male. 
This difference is well marked and is quite evident when 
pointed out. Thus, in the third female in the tables (115 mm. 
in length) the breadth of the sternum as measured by the 
distances between the points of articulation of the five pairs 
of walking legs were, as compared with those of the third male, 
(measuring 122 mm. in length) as follows :— 

Distance between walking legs. 
Length of 

Carapace. | 
First | Second | Third Fourth | Fifth 
| | | 
Male .. 122 13 27 38 42°5 | 26 

Female 115 ET 24 23 4i 2a eee 
or taking the length of carapace as 100: 

Male ..' 100 TO i) 2250 -l\ wean uh See Ne ore 

Female | 100 Or) 29" Pas 28 350) | B27 


The distinctly greater width between the bases of the last 
pair of walking legs in the case of the female is therefore a 
characteristic and easily-recognised feature, being 27 mm. in 
the female as compared with 11 in the male of a crawfish oo 
mm. in length of carapace. 

(6) Another marked difference between male and female 
crawfish, though not recognised without closer examination, 
is in the position of the genital openings, these being at the 
base of the last pair of walking legs in the male, while they are 
at the bases of the third pair in the female. 

(7) Finally, there is a well-marked structural feature in the 
female not found in the male. This is a small pair of pincer- 
like claws (chelae) found at the end of the fifth pair of walking 
legs. These are not used for seizing prey, as is the case in the 
large claws of the lobster, but are used for arranging, cleaning 
and aerating the eggs. 

The points of external difference between male and female 
are, therefore, numerous and well marked when analysed, 
and although they may not be apparent to a casual observer, 
are readily recognised by the experienced fishermen, so that, 
though he may not be able to express these differences specifi- 
cally, he can pick out readily enough the males from the 
females in any lot of fish. 


The various stages through which the crawfish passes after 
hatching from the egg have been investigated at the Marine 
Laboratory at St. James and by tow-nettings in and near 
Table Bay. The eggs have hatched out satisfactorily and 
some of the larval stages have been noted, while larve of about 
the same and older stages have been found in the sea. Three, 
or perhaps four, more or less distinct stages have been noted 
in all, but there are many gaps between these and the adult 
form, and it will be the object of further investigation to find 
these. On the results of such investigation will depend the 
feasibility of artificial hatching and rearing. 

The following short summary, however, may be given of 
the results so far obtained. 

There emerges from the egg a small form entirely unlike the 
adult.* Plate I shows the general appearance of the larva (en- 
larged about 84 times) in the living condition. The body 
is rounded or ovate and still contains some of the yellow 
yolk granules of the egg stage. The antennae are at 
this stage well developed. They have two branches and 
these are provided with long projecting setae. By means 
of these the animal swims about, rising first to the surface of 
* \ more detailed description of this larval form has been published in the 

Journal of the Linnwan Society, London. 

[(C.P, 5—’13.] 


the water. These are the only active locomotary appendages 
at this stage, all the others being more or less folded up under 
the body. The first two pairs of walking legs are branched, 
but the outer branch, though segmented, is not yet provided 
with swimming setae as in the next stage, and the inner branch 
is folded in itself. The last two pairs of walking legs are 

When this larva moults it undergoes considerable change. 
The swimming setae of the antennae are thrown off and these 
appendages no longer perform the function of locomotion. 
This is now performed by the outer branch of the first two 
walking legs. Hitherto this has been a simple rounded organ, 
but on the shedding of the cuticle it expands into a feather- 
like structure with lateral projections or setae, which again 
are provided with smaller sete, so that the whole forms an 
effective instrument for swimming purposes as the three walk- 
ing legs, instead of being folded up under the body as in the 
previous stage, are now widely expanded. A change has 
taken place, too, in the body, which is no longer opaque, but 
is glassy and transparent, This stage (the typical ‘ phyllo- 
soma ’’) has been procured in the aquarium at St. James and 
also by means of fine nets in Table Bay. 

A single specimen has been found at a more advanced stage 
in which the third pair of walking legs has acquired a swimming 
outer branch and a fourth leg with the rudiments of the fifth 
pair appears. 

Amongst other phyllosomas found in townettings a larger 
form (33 mm. in length) appears to be a still later stage of the 
crawfish. Fuller results of these investigations will be published 
with figures at a later date, when more data may be procured 


On hatching, the young crawfish in the first free stage casts 
off the cuticle of the previous stage. This cuticle may be 
seen lying alongside or partly protruding from the ruptured 
egg capsule. The large swimming antenne are at once spread 
out, and apparently the larve cling to the surrounding eggs, 
or are retained in some way in their midst, until shaken off 
by the vigorous movement of the tail of the parent. 

The larva then rises quickly to the surface by a series of 
rapid movements in a vertical direction. This is accomplished 
by the up and down movement of the antennz with their long 
sete. The exopodite projects towards the dorsal side of the 
animal, the endopodite being in the same plane but projecting 
laterally. The large wing-like or rather parachute-like struc- 
ture formed by the rays is so constructed that, on the downward 


stroke of the antenne, they expand widely, and drive the’ 
animal upwards, while, on the upward stroke, they bénd 
downwards at their tips and the body is only carried slightly 
lower. The final result is that the larva is carried upwards 
by a series of dancing movements (about 4 per second), which 
are continued with short periods of rest till the animal reaches 
the surface of the water. 

The factor which determines the direction of movement 
is apparently the light, and once at the surface they rapidly 
congregate towards the most illuminated corner of the tank. 

The rapidity with which they seek the light, and their power 
of discriminating between slight differences in illumination, 
were well illustrated by placing several in a glass dish in a 
room with two windows having slightly different outlooks. 
They quickly approached the more illuminated side, and, on 
this source of light being lessened, they as quickly moved 
towards the other source of illumination. In this lateral 
movement the main axis of the body is, of course, more or 
less changed in position. 

Should movement cease for a short time in the ascent, the 
body sinks rapidly, as it is still laden with a certain amount 
of heavy yolk, lodged in the region of the large diverticula of 
the future liver, the anterior end of the alimentary tract and 
the thinner intestine. This yolk is apparently sufficient to 
tide over the interval between the first and second moult. 
Under the microscope the mouth appendages are seen to be 
in active movement, but their spines and denticulations 
are as yet covered by cuticle, and apparently the animal takes 
no food at this stage. 

The duration of this stage is very short. A number ‘of 
individuals on one occasion was observed given off from the 
parent in the morning and, by midday, they had all changed 
into the second stage. 

The significance of this larval stage, of so short duration, 
and in which the animal may take no food, is doubtless con- 
nected with that fact that the larva changes into a second 
stage which procures its food at the surface of the water, 
and which is so organised that an upward movement is not 
easy. Though the duration of the first stage is only for a 
few hours, it is sufficiently long to enable the larva to ascend 
the few fathoms of water in which the parent lives. 

In the second stage the legs become expanded and hang 
down on each side of the body, all except the last pair (the 
third walking leg) which are long and are trailed out behind. 
The body now assumes a horizontal position and progression 

is mostly parallel to and near the surface of the water. The 
[C.P. 5—'13.] 


first and second walking legs hanging downwards ready to 
seize any food particle, draw it up to the body and hand it 
on to the maxilippedes maxilla and mandibles, where it is 
crushed and mixed up before passing on to the stomach. 
The upper and lower lips are in active motion, they cover 
over the mandibles, thus forming a sort of cavity analogous to 
the ‘*‘ gastric mill” or grinding stomach of the adult. 

The temporary outer branches of the second and third 
walking legs function as very active swimming legs in such a 
way as to direct the body forward. They do not appear to 
be at all directive. 

The animal, however, is able to turn quickly, even to swim 
in short somersaults by means of the bending of the long 
rudder-like hind limbs (third walking legs). The body can 
also be rotated on its long axis by the movement of these 
limbs, as they are rather widely directed away from each 
other posteriorly. 

This stage, like the first, swims rapidly towards the light. 
After about four days the larvee were observed to be more 
scattered throughout the tank, often at a distance from the 
surface. On one or two occasions they were observed to 
descend to the floor of the tank and rise again. At other 
times they kept to the margin of the tank, where a number 
of copepods and small crustacea occurred, but, although 
these animals kept clear of the young crawfish, there was no 
attempt on the part of the latter to seize them. 

About the fifth or sixth day the larve gradually disappeared. 
For better observation one was removed from the tank and 
placed in a bell jar containing clean sea water, which was 
renewed from time to time. This larvee was very active, 
swimming about by vigorous movements of its swimming legs, 
though progression was in no case very rapid. Occasionally, 
however, there was a rapid turning movement ventrally, 
apparently for the purpose of seizing floating particles. About 
the seventh day the young crawfish was observed to be 
keeping almost exclusively to the bottom of the jar, occa- 
sionally examining small particles of debris, though a small 
quantity of boiled yolk of egg placed in the jar was apparently 
not touched. It was then observed that the animal had so 
changed its habits that it now avoided the light, instead of 
seeking it, and it could now be made to move from side to 
side of the tank, as in the case already mentioned, but in the 
opposite direction, keeping as far removed as possible from 
the source of light. The movement, however, was not so 
marked as in the previous stage. As this fact may prove of 
importance in elucidating the life history of the animal, the 


experiment was repeated several times, so that there was no 
doubt about the actual fact. Provided that this was not 
brought about by the artificial surroundings or condition of 
the larve, it would seem to point to the reason why so few 
phyllosomas were found in townettings as they might have 
retreated to the darker or more shady parts. 

It is to be noted that the crawfish in the swimming stage 
did not exhibit any great timidity in its movements but 
moved about rather slowly and apparently fearlessly. Most 
small crustaceans dart away rapidly on the approach of 
suspected danger, but these forms only moved off slowly, on 
being threatened by any object suddenly brought near them. 


Very little is known with regard to this subject. The 
first free swimming stage, after hatching, lasts only a few 
hours as has been recorded, but how long the second stage 
lasts, and how many changes take place before the ground 
form is assumed is not known. This is of importance with 
regard to the question of the possibility of artificial rearing 
of the fish, and indicates a direction for future investigation 
of economic importance. 

At what size or age the female reproduces is also of im- 
portance. If one can rely on statements of various observers 
this occurs at a very small size. Unfortunately these state- 
ments may be consciously or unconsciously influenced by 
ulterior considerations, and they have never been confirmed 
by producing the actual specimen. The smallest female 
carrying eggs which I have been able to procure was much 
larger than the sizes stated, and measured 2} inches in length 
of carapace. 

The size of the largest female is of even greater importance. 
It is stated that at Hoetjes Bay Factory they have been got 
up to 54 inches, though very seldom, and always in deep 
water—perhaps such large specimens are old and past breeding. 
A female of between 5 and 6 inches has also been got at Hout 
Bay Factory, but this was considered a giant and very ex- 
ceptional. As a rule, females do not usually much exceed 
4 inches in length of carapace. 

Males, on the other hand, grow to a much larger size, and 
have been seen about g inches in length of carapace. That 
these are probably very old males is indicated by the fact 
that they are generally covered with various growths, especially 
hydrozoa, which give them a hairy appearance—hence the 
idea among fishermen that old males grow hairs. The presence 
of these growths on the shell probably indicate old age, as, 

at this time of life the shell is not shed so frequently, if at all. 
[C.P. 5—’13.] 


The bodies of these large fish are also not so well filled with 
“meat ”’ it is stated by fishermen. 

The usual size of males of the best marketable value is 
between this size down to about 3} or 4 inches. Smaller 
fish are not so useful at least for canning purposes. 

It is not known as yet what relation exists between the 
age and size of the crawfish, and it may be useful to note 
that in the lobster of the Northern Hemisphere it has been 
found that those between 2 and 3 inches in total length may 
be considered to be about one year old, those about ro inches 
four and a half to five years old. 


In considering any measures for the protection of the 
crawfish it is necessary to have some knowledge of what 
other enemies besides mankind the animal has. Thus, for 
instance, the Octopus is a serious enemy of the crawfish, 
when in its youngest crawling stages, and if one octopus 
devours a hundred young crawfish to one caught by fishermen 
there is not the amount of protection afforded to the animal 
as one would at first sight suppose by the prohibition of the 
catching of small crawfish. And from actual observation of 
the behaviour of the animals in the tanks of the Marine Station 
at St. James’ there seems to be reason for believing that this 
is what actually happens. There it was observed that the 
healthy adult was well able to protect itself against the attacks 
of the octopus by means of its long antenne, which are pro- 
vided with strong and numerous spines, the points of which 
are directed forwards. On the approach of an enemy these 
tentacles are quickly brought forward, and, on contact with 
them, neither fish nor octopus care to advance further. It 
was only in the case of a “‘ soft ’’ crawfish (one which had just 
cast its shell) or a sickly one that the octopus was able to 
successfully attack its prey. It was different, however, with 
the small crawfish, which, like crabs and other small crus- 
taceans, seem to constitute the chief source of food supply 
for the octopus. If it be borne in mind that every rocky 
coast is inhabited by numerous representatives of the octopus 
tribe, and that these are constantly searching every nook 
and cranny with their long arms for the small crustaceans on 
which they feed, it will be realized that the chief mortality 
in crawfish life probably occurs at the early rock frequenting 
stage. Reference is here made of course only to the very 
young crawfish, up to about 2 inches in length of carapace. 
There are many thousands of octopus to one fishermen engaged 
in the capture of these small crawfish, and the methods of 


fishing is at any rate as effective in the case of the first ren- 
tioned, so that it is doubtful at least if the prohibition of the 
fisherman’s operations really afford any material protection. It 
is different of course when the crawfish is large enough to escape 
the octopus. Another serious enemy of the young crawfish 
at this early stage of life is probably the ‘‘ horse-fish ”’ 
(Agriopus), which seems to live chiefly on small crustacea’ 
about the size of these small forms. This large toothless 
fish can extract crabs, etc., from their hiding places by the 
sudden protrusion of the mouth parts, which form a powerful 
suction tube. 

The so-called “‘sea-snake ” (Bdellostoma) is said by some 
to attack the crawfish. It is frequently found along with 
the crawfish in the fishermen’s nets and certainly devours 
dead crawfish. It is the experience, however, of most fishermen 
that it is not a serious enemy of the crawfish, if one at all. 
Certainly there was no disposition observed on the part of 
these “snakes” to attack live crawfish when kept together 
in the same tanks at the Marine Laboratory at St. James’. 
Some of the more adventurous of the young crawfish indeed 
attacked these animals when first placed in the tanks with 
them. They were, however, very soon disconcerted by the 
slimy matter given out by the “snakes,” and, in fact, had 
some difficulty in getting rid of it, as it clung to their tentacles 
and body and caused them great trouble for some time after 
their ill considered attack. The presence of the sea-snakes in 
the crawfish nets is therefore doubtless due to their being 
attracted by the fish bait. 

Fish generally do not seem to be serious enemies of the 
crawfish. In the tanks they usually avoided it, and, when 
they happened to approach too closely, they at once started 
off as soon as they came in contact with the long spiny 
tentacles, which were thrust out in their direction. 

Amongst sea birds the “ Bank Duiker » (Phalacrocorax) 1s 
said to attack and devour crawfish. 

While the adult crawfish is thus well provided with means 
of defence, it is different when the shell is cast and the animal 
is at the mercy of most of the other sea animals. It is then 
very wary and conceals itself as much as possible amongst 
rocks or in sand. It employs the same means of defence 
however, when approached, bringing forward its tentacles 
and keeping them projected towards the source of danger 
Of course they are then quite soft and flexible though in 
appearance in their normal condition. Apparently this 
is undetected by some of their enemies, as theyohave been 
observed to rapidly move off on the approach of the threaten- 

[C.P. 5—’13.] 


ing though harmless tentacles. Dogfish readily attack the 
soft crawfish, however, as has been observed in the tanks, and 
is evident from the fact that the soft shells of crawfish have 
been found in the stomachs of these fish. The octopus also 
is not deceived by the apparently unchanged shell. Even a 
very small octopus has been observed in the tanks to attack 
a large soft crawfish and secure one of the large legs, of which 
it made a meal. Small crawfish also have been observed to 
attack and demolish large soft crawfish. 

Apparently, however, man is the most serious enemy of the 
crawfish in its adult stage, and this would be sufficient to 
account for the rapid diminution in the supply, experienced 
as the result of the extensive operations of the factories. 
These adults occur in enormous numbers, and it was at first 
supposed that no fishing operations could dangerously affect 
the industry, but the explanation at once of their large numbers 
and the effect of fishing is probably to be found in the fact 
that they have comparatively few enemies in the adult stage. 
Another fact tends to confirm this, namely, that formerly, 
before this extensive fishing, very large old crawfish were 
frequently found, and these no longer or seldom occur in the 
nets of the fishermen, though still readily procurable in fishing 
grounds somewhat remote from those of the usual fishing 
operations as, for instance, at Dassen Island. 

The following figures supplied by one of the Crawfish fac- 
tories of the percentage of small and middle sized fish during 
four years, 1909-1911. afford more definite evidence pointing in 
the same direction : 35 per cent., 40 per cent., 40 per cent., 50 
per cent. 

There are, however, other stages previous to the early ground 
stage and the adult stage, as will be seen in the account of the 
life history of the crawfish. The egg stage, when carried about 
by the female, is not immune from hostile attacks. The eggs 
are very carefully guarded by the female, and they may be 
quite covered up by the strong flexure of the tail, but, from 
observation in captivity, it was seen that several small fish, such 
as Klip-fish, but particularly small Dasjes, are very fond of 
the eggs and take every opportunity of harassing the female ; 
darting under the tail, they frequently secure two or three, 
and their success leads to repeated attempts. 

In some of the townettings made in Table Bay there was 
found a considerable number of unhatched but well-advanced 
eggs of crawfish. Whether or not this indicates that in nature 
the eggs may be prematurely detached or, what is more likely, 
that the females have been attacked for the sake of their eggs, 
which are thus scattered about, is not yet known. The fact 


that these eggs were found in this way seems to indicate that 
there is some agent of destruction at this stage, for probably, 
these eggs when they sink to the bottom of mud or sand 
could not hatch out. 

The larva which is hatched out from the eggs seem to be 
much more liable to attacks of enemies, perhaps on account of 
the presence of the unconsumed yolk granules. By way of ex- 
periment some eggs and larvee, some hatching and some just 
hatched, were put into a tank containing harders (mullet) and 
were at once attacked and devoured. In one case two or 
three female crawfish were kept in a large tank with several 
kinds of fish, and it was repeatedly observed that small fish, 
more especially Klip-fish (various species of Clinus), were con- 
continually on the watch during the hatching time, hovering 
round the female and devouring many of the larve as they 
were shaken off. 

On the other hand, the larvee when past their first stage 
and dispersed in the water do not seem to suffer from the 
attacks of fish. Thus when a few active transparent larve 
were placed in this tank they seemed to completely escape 
the notice of the fish or at least were unmolested. Two or 
three small gobies in the crawfish tank remained quite in- 
different even when the larve scattered in hundreds through- 
out the tank almost touched their snouts. As noted under 
habits of the young crawfish at this stage, their behaviour also 
seem to indicate that they had little cause to fear the 
presence of enemies. 

To sum up, the crawfish produces many thousands of eggs 
which may be devoured by fish. The early larvee (still opaque) 
and eggs which are shaken off in clouds by the female are 
specially liable to attack and are probably destroyed in large 
numbers. At a later stage when the larve, now transparent, 
are widely scattered throughout the water, they would appear 
to be comparatively immune from attacks. At a later stage, 
however, when the larve take to the bottom, and become 
opaque and pigmented, they are again liable to the attacks 
of their enemies, notably the octopus. 

Lastly, the adult stage seems again to be better able to 
defend itself and to have comparatively few enemies with the 
exception of man. For the depredations of the fish and the 
octopus nature has made provision by producing a surplus 
of progeny for these natural enemies, and on the whole the 
crawfish can maintain its own, but it has made no provision 
for the depredations of man at a stage when fewer natural 
enemies are present. Hence it is that this new drain in the 

supply so quickly upsets the balance, and, in spite of the 
[C.P. 5—13.] 


abundance of the adult forms, continual and extensive fishing 
operations very soon affect the supply. 


From observations made on the crawfish in captivity, its food 
seems to consist chiefly of any kind of animal matter that may 
happen to be present, such as dead fish, etc., and they act as 
scavengers in the life of the sea. They readily attack any 
disabled fish, but are quite incapable of doing any harm to a 
healthy normal specimen. They have frequently been ob- 
served to make sudden and rather clumsy attacks on resting 
fish, but these had no difficulty in escaping. It is stated by 
some that they live to a large extent on soles, and the sugges- 
tion has been made that the fewer crawfish the greater will be 
the supply of soles, so that the diminution of the crawfish 
supply is not without its compensation. This is founded 
chiefly, I believe, on the fact that crawfish are sometimes 
found in the fishermen’s nets with a fresh sole tightly grasped 
in their legs. From what I have seen of the habits of the 
crawfish, however, this would appear to be the result of the 
special opportunities for the seizing of the sole in the narrow 
confines of the net in which both are captured. This plea, 
therefore, for the extermination of the crawfish can scarcely 
be justified and, in any case, is beside the point, as the regular 
habitat of the soles of commerce is in a region far removed 
from the haunts of the crawfish—a fact which, however, might 
be looked upon as a confirmation of the first position. 

The stomachs of the captured crawfish frequently contain 
a substance like finely broken-up shells and they doubtless 
live to a large extent on various molluscs they find in the 
mud. In captivity they seldom pay any attention to such 
animals, but, on one or two occasions, they were observed to 
attack fairly large and strong shells, as, for instance, that of 
Turbo. The shell was taken up in the claws and turned round 
so that the edge could be firmly grasped between the powerful 
mandibles of the crawfish. The shell was then twisted to the 
side by the legs and the piece grasped by the mandibles broken 
off. The shell was so thick and strong that the noise of the 
breaking could be distinctly heard through the water and 
sides of the tank. This process was repeated until all the free 
edge of the shell was broken off, down to the very solid oper- 
culum, which was of course strongly drawn into the opening 
of the shell during the process. Further progress was more 
difficult, but, by inserting the sharp claws between the exposed 
operculum and the shell, the contents were finally exposed. 


Crawfish have been observed in the tanks making 
attacks on sea urchins, but with little success. The animal 
was taken up in the claws of the crawfish as in the case of the 
Turbo, and the spines were bitten off one by one by means of the 
mandibles till the whole shell was quite bare. All attempts to 
penetrate the shell or the oral or aboral areas were, however, 
in vain, and the crawfish finally abandons its prey, which 
then fell a victim to the omnivorous starfish, which is 
provided with other and more effective means of attack, 
provided the spines are removed. 

As regards food supply, the crawfish is very easily kept 
in captivity. It can survive for long intervals without food, 
and can be fed continuously on the same kind of food. It 
was never observed to feed on vegetable matter, though that 
it does so is shown by the stomach contents of captured fish. 


Information is wanted on this subject in connection with 
the alleged difference in the spawning times of the crawfish at 
different localities and with reference to other questions. 
There does not seem to be any extensive migration along the 
coast, and it would appear that the animals are confined more 
or less to the bays or localities which they inhabit. A series 
of experiments with marked fish would be necessary to throw 
light on this point. 

Within a restricted area, however, such as Table Bay, there 
seems to be a definite movement. Thus at times the animals 
are found in abundance at one spot for several days, and then 
suddenly hardly a single one will be found, the whole of them 
having moved off to some other locality, where they may be 
procured as abundantly as before. It has been stated that in 
Table Bay they move round the Bay in a circle, returning to 
the point from which they started. In the fishing operations 
of the Canning Factory it was found that large males were 
caught off Mouille Point from February to April or May 
(according to the weather). Mostly medium-sized males were 
caught off Milnerton and Blaauwberg in May and June. 
Medium-sized males and females were caught off Robben Island 
between June and October, and during the months of July 
and August a good proportion were females. Along the coast 
from Camps Bay to Oude Skip catches are made during March 
and April, these being nearly all large or medium-sized males. 
This, of course, does not point to an actual movement of the 
fish from Mouille Point, Milnerton, Blaauwberg and Robben 
Island, as the fish caught are apparently not the same kind, 
differing as they do in size and in sex. 

[C.P. 5—13.] 


The method of progression of the animal would seem to 
indicate that it can migrate to no great distance, as it can 
only crawl rather slowly by means of its walking legs or make 
rapid but spasmodic darts by the flexure of its large tail. 
That we cannot draw such conclusions, however, is rendered 
probable from the experiments with marked crabs and lobsters 
in Europe and America, and the interesting occurrence of craw- 
fish apparently on a grand trek has been observed. This 
was at Stompneus Bay on the Malmesbury coast, and is re- 
corded by Mr. MacLachlan who, on one occasion, observed 
the usual indications of the passage of a shoal of fish close 
inshore moving in the direction of Lambert’s Bay. Steps were 
taken to put out the seine net for their capture, and this was 
successfully effected. Instead of fish, however, it was found 
that the take consisted of crawfish. 

Definite movement from one place to another within a 
limited area therefore does certainly occur and possibly move- 
ments on a larger scale. The former is probably determined 
by a variety of causes. It is stated, for instance, that the large 
male crawfish found from February to April off Mouille Point 
will remain there sheltered from the prevailing south-east 
winds till the first strong north-west wind, when they all 
disappear from the locality and find shelter under the lee of 
Robben Island. Again, there must be definite movements in 
connection with the breeding season, when males and females 
come together, as, at other seasons, the males and females 
congregate by themselves in entirely different localities, as 
is seen in the account of the experimental hauls. Thirdly, 
there is a definite movement on the approach and after the 
period of the casting of the shell. This movement is said to 
be in some cases towards rocky ground, where shelter from 
enemies may be found in the nooks and crevices of the rocks ; in 
others towards a sandy shore, where the animals bury them- 
selves up to the eyes in sand and there they remain 
until new hard shell is acquired. 


The egg, still attached to the ventral side of the tail of the 
mother, is hatched in the spring of the year in shallow water. 

From the egg emerges the first larval form already des- 
cribed, and this rapidly ascends to the surface of the water- 
remaining there probably without taking food. 

It then, within a few hours, changes into another form 
(the Phyllosoma) provided with other and entirely different 
organs of locomotion, adapted for swimming chiefly in a 


horizontal direction, and for the capture of minute floating 
particles of food, abundant during the summer months. 

Later, free swimming stages succeed these, but whether 
they are numerous and last for weeks or months is not yet 
known. These free swimming forms are glassy and trans- 
parent and swim about rather slowly and without the timidity 
which characterises later stages. Probably their transparency 
helps them to avoid their enemies. 

Ultimately, however, these free swimming forms settle down to 
the bottom, lose their swimming appendages, and seek refuge 
in seaweed and rocks in the shallow parts of the sea, avoiding 
as best they can the numerous enemies of this stage. It is no 
longer transparent and invisible to its enemies, and is timid 
and wary in its movements. The body becomes opaque and 
pigmented. The inner branches of the walking legs come into 
use for the first time as organs of locomotion, and it can 
crawl into crevices; the outer swimming branches are lost. 
The tail region increases very considerably in size and forms 
a powerful organ of locomotion, as, by its sudden flexure, it 
is capable of projecting the body backwards at a rapid rate, 
away from any suspected source of danger. 

As it increases in size with succeeding moults the animal be- 
comes better able to defend itself, and it may venture further 

The remaining stages of its life history differ according to 
whether it is a male or female. 

During or towards the end of the winter months the female 
casts her shell and soon after has connection with the male, 
and lays the eggs which become attached to the underside 
of the tail. 

The eggs are carried about in this way for some months 
and the female finds her way into shallow water, the male 
into deep water. 

In the early summer months the eggs of the female, which 
is then in shallow water among seaweed, hatch out. 

Meanwhile the males in the deeper water begin to cast 
their shells and gradually to build up a new one. They are 
then in poor condition, being described by the fishermen as 
“sick,” and are unfit for food. This lasts till about the end 
of January or the beginning of February, when the fish have 
fully acquired the new shell, and the body fills up so that they 
are described as in ‘“‘ good condition”? by the fishermen. 
During this sick condition they apparently do not eat much 
and are scarcely to be tempted by bait, finding shelter in 
crevices of the rocks or burying themselves in sand. 

[(C.P. 5—’13.] 



We have seen that the close season, which has been adopted 
with a view to the protection of the Cape Crawfish, corres- 
ponds to the months in which the males are in deep water 
engaged in casting their shell and in a sickly condition, They 
do not take the bait readily at this time and are unfit for 
commercial purposes. The females are at this time in shallow 
water, some still carrying their eggs, but most having got 
rid of them. 

This is therefore the most favourable season for the fishermen 
and the factories to suspend their operations, but it is doubtful 
if the ‘“‘ protection ” thus afforded by such a close season is 
of any considerable value. The males cannot readily be got. 
and are unfit for canning, so that fishing operations for the 
factories would be confined to females, but the females which 
have spawned in this season are just those which presumably 
could best be spared and the catching of which would do the 
least harm. As the females which have just given rise to pro- 
geny are of less value economically than those about to do 
so, the most effective close season would cover the months 
just previous to the time at which they get rid of their eggs. 

However suitable this close season may be therefore for the 
fishermen it cannot be held to be the most effective for pre- 
venting overfishing and damage to the supply. 

A second means adopted for the preservation of the industry 
was to impose a size limit of 3 inches (measured from the base 
of the eyestalk to the end of the carapace or shield). It was 
enacted that no crawfish below this size should be caught. 
This however protected, it is to be noted, three different classes 
of crawfish: first, the very small forms (males and females) 
such as were of commercial use as a delicacy ; second, the 
adolescent and sexually mature males; and_ thirdly, the 
adolescent and secondly mature females. We have adduced 
reasons for believing that the first are particularly hable to 
the attacks of such natural enemies as the octopus, and nature 
has made special provision for a natural drain on these forms 
by their large numbers so that the damage caused by man is 
probably insignificant as compared with the normal mortality 
at this season. With regard to the second, the protection of 
young adolescent males, these it would appear are just the 
forms which can most readily be dispensed with, being the 
least valuable from the point of view of the preservation of 
the species. An analogous case is that of seals, where the 
young males or “bachelors” are found to be those that 
can be killed off with least damage to the industry. In both 


cases the animal is polygamous, and there will probably always 
be a sufficient number of males to fertilise all the females. 
With regard to the third it would seem that the young female, 
reproducing, or about to reproduce its kind, should be the object 
of special care. Without doubt this protection does considerably 
safeguard the continuation and multiplication of the species, 
but it might be suggested that later stages, in which the 
female may be more fertile and capable of reproduction, 
should be the object of still more special care. A female at 
the zenith of its reproductive powers is the most valuable 
from the point of view of the preservation of the species. It 
would appear that as a matter of fact (though it is a point 
still to be investigated more fully) this period in the life of 
the female is between 2} and 4 inches, so that the strict 
preservation of these forms would be the best means of 
safeguarding the industry. It could not, however, perhaps 
be found practicable to enforce such a regulation. The fish 
are caught in nets and promptly tumbled into the boat, often 
in the dark of early morning, when there is neither time nor 
opportunity for readily separating out and throwing back 
into the sea females between 2} and 4 inches long. The 
difference between male and female are, however, as has been 
pointed out, well marked, and are seen by the experienced 
fishermen at a glance, and if any relaxation of the restrictive 
measures be contemplated in the future, in view of stricter 
protection of the females it might quite well be in allowing 
the capture of young males. 

A third direction in which the protection of the crawfish 
has been sought is the protection of ‘‘ berried ’’ females or 
females carrying eggs externally. This is one of the most 
obvious methods of dealing with the problem, and regulations 
to this effect cannot but be very useful, though they have been 
avoided, it is said, by stripping the female of eggs before 
landing the catch. Females with the ovaries well-developed 
and with internal eggs demand protection, however, quite as 
much as those with external eggs, and the only fault with the 
regulation is that it implies the non-protection of such females. 

A fourth method of ensuring the continuation of the supply 
of crawfish is one which has not yet been tried, but has been 
adopted for some time in the case of the lobster of the Northern 
Hemisphere. It is that of artificial hatching, which may be 
carried out by collecting the eggs and by a system of artificial 
aeration keeping them until the young hatch out. These young, 
free-swimming forms are then turned into the sea, having 
probably been tided over a dangerous period of their develop- 
ment. This method could probably be easily carried out in 
the case of the South African Crawfish. 

[G.P. 523; ] E 


Lastly, artificial hatching can be rendered still more effective 
by artificial rearing, namely by keeping the free-swimming forms 
in comparative security from the attacks of their natural enemies 
by rearing them in ponds or enclosures until they have passed 
the pelagic stage and have become ground-frequenting forms. 
It is possible, however, that this may not be easily accom- 
plished in the case of ‘the crawfish, as it apparently passes 
through a long free-swimming larval stage. Further investi- 
gation of this point is required. 

With regard to the general question as to what steps should 
now be taken to modify or extend the present laws, with a 
view to preserving an industry which is apparently threatened 
by inadequate protection and by the prospect of much more 
extensive fishing operations in the immediate future, it would 
appear that the most effective means would be the protection 
of the female between 2} and 4} inches (new measurement). 
There does not appear to be the same need for protecting the 
very young forms, up to say 14 inches, nor the males of any 
size, but in view of the threatened decrease in the supply it 

may not be advisable to withdraw any of the present restric- 
tions, (including four months close season as recommended by 
the Fisheries Advisory Board), which do not impose a very 
heavy burden on fishing operations and afford some _ pro- 
tection however small and inadequate. The proposed alteration 
therefore would be the ratsing of the size limit from 3 to 4 inches, 
measured from the base of the eyestalk to the end of the carapace 
(or four and one-fourth inches measured from the tip of the 
rostrum or beak). 

Still more effective measures would be the protection 
throughout the year of all female crawfish, and this may yet 
have to be seriously considered. 

It is to be borne in mind in framing such regulations that 
the ordinary fishing operations of the Cape fishermen for the 
Cape market do not seem to have affected the supply so 
seriously as those of the canning companies for oversea mar- 
kets, if indeed the former have affected it at all, and the question 

may therefore be raised as to whether a distinction should 
not be made betw een these two in framing restric tive regu- 

Whatever difficulty there may be in adjusting the difference 
between the immediate interests of the factories and the 
permanent preservation of the industry, there is no such 
trouble in the methods of preserving or augmenting the 
supply of crawfish by means of artificial hatching and rearing, 
and all agree as to the desirability of carrying on further 
investigation which may lead to a more adequate knowledge 

of the life history of the crawfish and possible practical results 
of great economic importance. Steps should at an early date 
be taken in the matter of arttficial hatching. In the emphatic 
words of the manager of the Hout Bay Factory “ the sooner 
such a course is adopted the better; it is inadvisable to follow 
the example set in the Northern Hemisphere and wait until the 
fishing grounds are denuded before making the experiment.” 

Finally, the question of controling crawfish factories and the 
procuring of reliable returns of quantities and conditions of fish 
caught should receive careful consideration, and adequate 
means should be taken for inspection. 

Note.—In carrying out these investigations on the Crawhsh 
and Crawfish Industry [have been greatly assisted by the ready 
co-operation of the Managers of the Crawfish Factories, to 
whom I desire to express my obligations. The actual fishing 
operations mentioned on p. 5 were efficiently carried out by 
the Fishery Officer, Mr. Cripps. 

[C.P. 5—’13.] 


Owing to a lack of definite descriptions and figures of South 
African fishes there has been considerable doubt as to what 
fish really occur in South African waters. This is well illus- 
treated in the case of the Herring family, which contains so 
many fish of economic importance. Thus, in the early records 
of Van Riebeek, mention is made of Herring. In his Journal, 
under the date February 24th, 1654, he wrote :—‘‘ Caught 
on board the Calff half a boatful of fine herrings—about 1,000 
were salted—making the finest pickled herring in_the World. 
Never caught so many together; generally only found three 
“or four in a shoal of harders, which, when salted, were found 
to be very delicate, and will be a great treat for the officers 
of the return fleet.” From time to time since this date dis- 
coveries of the existence of Herring in South African waters 
are recorded. Only a few years ago much was made in the 
local press of the Eastern Province of such a discovery, and 
hopes entertained of the possible development of a herring 
industry on lines rivalling that of the North Sea. The ‘‘ Penny 
Mail”? gave an emphatic assurance that these were “ true 
Herring.” Nothing further, however, in the way of more 
definite information or practical results followed. 

In the year 1853 a fish called the Shad or Sardyn was 
described by Pappe as a new species of Clupea, and was given 
the name Clupea ocellata. The description is mainly of the 
colour of the fish, other characters of specific value unfor- 
tunately not being mentioned. It is as follows :—** Body 
compressed, elongated; head flattened at top; muzzle 
obtuse ; upper jaw with a central notch and a little projecting. 
No teeth in either mandible ; eyes and scales large. One 
dorsal only, tail deeply forked. Length, 6 to 7 inches. Head 
and back blue, changeable to green and shaded with purple, 
yellow and gold. Lower jaw and gill cover silvery, with a 
reflecting golden lustre; sides above the lateral line crossed 
by a sky blue longitudinal stripe. A line of eight to fifteen 
round, blacls, eye Aight (eyelike ?) spots extends from the edge of 
the operculum along the whole body. Belly silvery. Iris 


In 1860 Bleeker, in his ‘“ Vische v. d. Kaap,”’ mentions: 
C. ocellata as a Cape fish but without further description, and 
in 1861 Castelnau (“‘ Mémoire sur les Poissons de |’Afrique 
australe’) gives a short description, again of colour only. 
He draws attention to its resemblance to the common Herring, 
without however adding any further details of importance. 
He says :—‘* Cette espece ressemble au Hareng commun 
mais s’en distingue par une série de points noires, espacés,. 
assez grands et ocellés, qui suit le ligne latérale. Ils varient 
en nombre, de 5 a 12 de chaque coté du corps. Le dos et 
le dessus de la tete sont d’un beau bleu éclatant. Le reste 
dun blanc argenté, un peu doré; nageoire dorsale jaune en 
avant.—Caudale cendrée, les autres nageoires blanches ; |’ iris 
jaune. Se peche en eté, mais assez rarement.” 

There is little doubt that Van Riebeek’s “ fine herring,” 
the “Penny Mail’s” “true herring,” “‘Clupea ocellata, 
Sardyn or Shad” of Pappe, and Castelnau’s fish resembling 
a *“*‘ Hareng commun” are one and the same fish. A number 
of specimens of a fish corresponding to these descriptions 
have been recently captured alive and put into the tanks 
at the Marine Station, St. James, thus affording good material 
for a more definite determination as well as observations of 
the animal in the living state. 

A second member of the family, not generally known to 
occur in South Africa, though abundant at times, is a species 
of Anchovy, almost identical with the European Anchovy. 
It is not distinguished from the Herring by Cape fishermen, 
who include both under the name “Sardine” It is first 
definitely mentioned by Pappe, who took it to be identical 
with the European Anchovy, Engraulis encrastcholus, L., and 
gave the common name as “ Ansjovis or Anchovy” His 
description is as follows :—‘‘ Body slender ; head and snout 
pointed ; upper jaw projecting considerably. Mouth deeply 
and horizontally cleft far behind the eyes. Maxillaries and 
palate armed with small but sharp numerous teeth. Scales 
large and deciduous ; tail deeply forked. Top of head and 
back blue, with a tinge of green; flanks and belly silvery. 
Fins greenish-white. Length, 4 to 5 inches.” 

Bleeker (l.c.p. 56) mentions Engraulis encrastcholus as a 
Cape fish, evidently quoting from Pappe, and Castelnau 
(l.c.p. 68) had some doubt as to the identity of the fish with 
the European form as identified by Pappe. “Ce n’est qu’ 
avec beaucoup de doute que je rapporte ce petit poisson du 
Cap a l’espece européenne, mais je n’al pas cette dernicre a 
ma disposition et depuis, par conséquent, les comparer ; je 
me range done a l’avis du docteur Pappe, en les réunissant 

(CP. 5135] 


en une seule espéce.” In spite of the apparent resemblance 
to the European Anchovy, this South African form, as will be 
shown later on, appears to be a different species, which I have 
named Engraulis capensis. 

In 1900, young specimens of an Anchovy were found in 
some experimental netting in the Zwartkops River, and were 
described as a new species, Engraulis holodon, by Boulenger 
(Mar. Inv. in South Africa, Vol. I., p. 12). Those he took to 
be probably the fish referred to by Pappe and Castelnau, and 
pointed out that they were not the European species as these 
authors had supposed. He says: “ The ‘ Ansjovis’ of the 
Cape fishermen has hitherto been referred to E. encrasicholus, 
without having been compared with European specimens. 
These, as well as the Australian and Neo-zelandian EF. antipodum 
differ in the narrower and shorter maxillary, the toothless 
mandible, and the dorsal fin entirely in advance of the anal.” 

In 1906 a new species of Herring (Clupea durbanensts) was 
‘described by Regan from the Coast of Natal (Ann. Nat. Gov. 
Museum; Volo. pant 1 p04). 

In 1908 two new species were added to the South African 
‘Clupeide by Gilchrist and Thompson, viz. :—Engraulis 
vitrivostus and Pellona (Llisha) natalensis (Ann. S. Afr. Museum, 
Vol. VI., part 3, p. 201) from the Coast of Natal. 

In 1909 the same authors recorded and described another 
seven members of the family, also from the East Coast, viz : 
Engraults setirostis, Brouss, Etrumeus muicropus, Schleg , Clupea 
sagax, Jenyns, Albula conorhynchus, Bl. et Schn., (A. vulpes L), 
Elopss saurus L., Megalops cyprinotdes, Brouss, and Chanos 
salmoneus, Forst. 

The family Cluperd@ has been defined as fish with the 
margin of the upper jaw formed by the premaxillaries and the 
maxillaries. Body scaly; head, naked; abdomen, usually 
keeled ; short dorsal fin ; no adipose fin ; respiratory mechanism 
well developed, the gill openings being usually wide, opercular 
pieces complete and pseudobranchie usually well developed. 
This definition includes a variety of groups which later authors 
have found it desirable to divide up into a number of distinct 
families. It includes the following South African forms: (1) 
Elops saurus, (2) Megalops cyprinoides, (3) Albula conorhynchus, 
(4) Chanos salmoneus, (5) Etrumeus micropus, (6) Spratteloides 
cestuartus, (7) Clupea durbanensis, (8) Clupea  sagax, (9) 
Engraulis holodon, (10) Engraulis capensis, representing 
the families of the Elopide (1) and (2), Albulide (3), 
Chamde (4), Clupetde (5-8), Engraulide (9) and (10), as 
in the following table :— 



Famity 1: ELOPIDA. 
1. ELOPS, JL. 
I. saurus, L. 

2. MEGALOPS, Lacey. 
]. cyprinoides, //0uss. 

1. ALBULA, Grono. 
1. vulpes, ZL. 




Famity 3: CHANIDA. 
1. CHANOS, Lacep. 
1. salmoneus, /vvsf. 

Famity 4: CLUPEIDA. 
1. ETRUMEUS, 5//v. 
I]. micropus, Schleg. 
1. estuarius, Gi/ch. 
3. CLUPEA, Civ. 
1. sagax, Jenyns. 
2. durbanensis, Rega. 
4. ILISHA, Gray. 
1. natalensis, Gilch d) Thomp. 

Famity 5: ENGRAULIDA. 

1, ENGRAULIS, C. d V. 
1. holodon, Blg7. 
2. capensis, Gulch. 
3. vitrirostris, Gilch & Thomp. 
4. setirostris, Dyvouss. 

Key to Families. 

1 Bony plate between branches of 
lower jaw .. eE ELOPIDZ 
2 No bony plate between branches of 
lower jaw 
1 Lateral line well developed 
I Teeth present, no accessory 

branchial organ... oy .. ALBULIDZ. 
2. Teeth absent, an accessory 
branchial organ... as .. CHANIDZ. 
2. Lateral line absent. 
1. Mouth terminal vi le .. CLUPEID A. 
2. Mouthinferior, longsnout .. .. ENGRAULIDZE. 

Famity 1. ELOPIDA. 

Margin of upper jaw formed of premaxillaries and maxil- 
laries, which extend backwards beyond the eye, a bony plate 
between branches of lower jaw. Pharyngeal teeth . Branchio- 
stegals numerous. Gill rakers rather long and slender. Body 
not keeled. Lateral line present. Parietal bones meet above 
head. Widely distributed in tropical and sub-tropical seas. 

Key to Genera. 

A. Scales, small; dorsal a little longer 

than anal. ot BS . eee OpS alee 
B. Scales, large ; dorsal a little shorter 
than anal, with last ray much produced .. Magalops, Lacep. 

I. ELOPS, Linnaeus. 

Linn. syst. Nat. Ed. XII, p. 518 (1766). 

Mugilomorus, Lacep. Hist. Nat. Poiss. V, 398 (1803). 

Body elongate with thin small scales. Lateral line straight, 
with simple tubes. Mouth very large, small teeth in pre- 

maxillaries and maxillaries, lower jaw, palatines, pterygoids, 
parasphenoid and tongue. Dorsal fin slightly behind v éntrals, 
both depressible within a sheath. Pseudobranchice w ell 
developed. The young are ribbon-shaped, like young eels. 

1. Elops saurus, Linn. 

Linneus, Syst. Nat. Ed. XII, p. 518 (1766); Bloch, Aust. 
Fische, VII, p. 153, pl. CCCXCIM, te. 14(t7o4), ea 
and Val. Hist. Poiss. XIX, p. 365 (1846); Gunth. Cat. 
Fish, VII, p. 470 (1868) ; Steind Sitzb. b.ak. Wien, LXI, 


i. p 571 (1870). Kleinz. Verh. Zool_—bot. Ges. Wien, 
XXI., p. 603 (1871); Bleek. Atl. Ich. VI., p. 84, pl. 
COLVIN dic. 3 (1872). Day, Fishes: Ind. p: 649," pl- 
CXLVI, fe. (1878), Se: 

Depth of body 4} to 5} times in total, length of head 3} to 4 
times. Eye 4 to 5 times, about equal to snout and interor- 
bital width. Lower jaw scarcely projecting beyond upper. 

Scales about 100—1x20 in a longitudinal series, }4— }{ in 
in a transverse series, g—1I0 between lateral line and scaly 
process above ventral, 28 round caudal pednule. 

Dorsal 22—25, Anal 13—17. 

Branchiategals 28—35. 

Colour silvery. 

This fish is abundantly distributed in tropical and sub- 
tropical seas, and may grow to a length of 3 feet. 

Elops saurus, The “Springer” or “ Salmon” of the East Coast (Blgr. after Day). 

At certain seasons it ascends rivers and is known to fishermen 
on the East Coast as Cape Salmon, a name usually applied 
elsewhere in South Africa to the Geelbek (Ofolithus equidens). 
It affords excellent sport to anglers, and, in this respect, 
resembles its namesake the salmon more than _ the 
geel-bek. Though known by this name at Port Elizabeth 
and East London it is called the “‘ Springer ” in Natal, a name 
applied to a mullet, or “harder,” in other parts of South 
Africa. The largest specimen recorded (Mr. Robinson, Natal) 
was 15 lb. in weight: He writes “ The springer is related to 
the tarpon, which it resembles in the fire and speed of its 
movements when hooked: and its frequent leaps out of the 
water when seeking to rid itself of the hook. It is a beautiful 
silvery fish with large scales, but, owing to its violent struggles 
when landed, it generally damages its skin, arid it is not easy 
to get a perfect specimen. .... Its flesh is too pappy and full 
of bones to be edible. It will take most baits, but it is difficult 
to land owing to its soft mouth.” Plate II. is from a photo- 
graph of two specimen caught at Delagoa Bay. 

The young of the fish are ribbon shaped. 

[C.P. 5—'13.] 


2. MEGALOPS, Liacep. 
Lacep.. Hist: Poiss. Vs p. 289°(1803); Gunth Cats Fish Vit 
p- 471 (1868) ;. Bleek. Atl. Ichth. VI, p.85 (1872). 
Tarpon, Jordan and Everm. Fish. N. Amer. I, p. 409 (1876). 
Body not so elongated as in Flops and strongly compressed. 
Scales large ; lateral line with branched tubes. Mouth large, 
small teeth in premawxillaries, maxillaries, vomer, palatine, 
pterygoid and tongue. Dorsal fin above or slightly behind 
ventrals, its last ray produced no pseudobranchie. 
1. Megalops cyprinoides, Brouss. 
Clupea cyprinotdes, Brousson, Ichthyol, pl. 1x (1782). 
Megalops filamentosus, Lacep. Hist. Poiss. v. p. 290, pl. xiii, 
fig. 3 (1803); Bleek. Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk. ii, 1866, 
p. 286, and Atl. Ichth:, VI. p. 86, pl. cclxxim, fig. 1(1672): 
Cyprinodon cundinga, Ham. Buchan. Fish. Ganges, p. 254 
Megalops setipinnis, Richards. Ann. N. H. xi, 1843, p. 493. 

Acs Ne oy ( LOM: 
oye Nene ne Mold 
BeNOR a 

py ee 

Megalops cvprinoides, A“ Tarpon” of the East Coast (Blgr. alter Day). 

Megalops curtifilis, Richards. Ichth. China, p. 310, (1846). 

Megalops indicus, Cuv. and Val. Hist. Poiss. xix, p. 388, pl. 
eecccexIm (846); Bleek: Verh: Bat\Gen® xadv; 1052500 
7a Ohne oe 

Elops cundinga, Cantor, Cat. Mal. Fish., p. 289 (1850). 

Megalops macrophthalmus, Bleek. Verh. Bat. Gen. xxiv. 1852, 
1iNese feg | Okay 1ESy 

Megalops macropterus, Bleek. Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk. 111, 1866, 
p. 284,.and At tic:p: 85) pl iccla xin, shes 2 

Megalops kundinga, Bleek. tt. cc. pp. 288, 87, pl. cclxxiv, fig. 1 

Megalops cyprinoides, Bleek. t.c.p. 290; Gtmnth. Cat. Fish. 
Vil,/p. 471 (1868)%: Bleek. Ath-tic.p. 87, pl: echac iis 
Day, Fish. Ind. p. 650,-pl. clix, fig. 3 (1878); Sauv. 
Hist. Madag. Poiss.p. 407, pl. xlix, Ay fis. 3 (60m); 
Pfeffer, Thierw. O.-Afr., Fische, p. 70 (1896). 


Megalops oligolepis, Bleek. t.c.p. 292. 

Elops apalike, Day, Fish. Malab., p. 228 (1865). 

Elops cyprinoides, Playf. & Gunth. Fish. Zanzib. p. 122 (1866) ; 
Peters, Reise Mossamb. iv, p. 92 (1868). 

Depth of body equal to or a little greater than length of 
head, 3 to 4 times in total length. Eye 22 to 3} times in length 
of head, greater than length of snout or interorbital width ; 
lower jaw projecting beyond upper; maxillary extending to 
below posterior border of eye or a little beyond. Gill-rakers 
at least as long as gill-filaments, 25-35 on lower part of an- 
terior arch. Dorsal 17-20, originating above base of ventral. 
Anal 24-28. Scales 37-42, ?—{%, 4-5 between lateral line and 
scaly process above ventral, 12-14 round caudal peduncle. 
Silvery, bluish green on the back. 

Famiry 2. ALBULIDA. 
Margin of upper jaw formed ot maxillaries. Small teeth 
in jaws, vomer and palatine; patches of coarse flat teeth 
on tongue, sphenoid and pterygoid. Branchiostegels about 

Albula vulpes. 

14. Gillrakers, short. Body not keeled. No bony platse 
between jaws. Parietal bones meet above top of head. Young 
pass through a ribbon-like larval stage. 

ALBULA, Gronov. 
Gronov. Zoophyl, p. 102 (1763); Block & Schneider Syst. 
Ichth.; p. 432 (780x) 
Buitrynus, Lacep. Hist. Nat. Poiss., v. p. 45 (1803). 
‘Glossodus (Cuv.) Agassiz in Spix. Pisc. Brasil, p. 48 (1829). 

Albula vulpes, L. 

Jordan and Everman, Fishes of North America, p. 411. 
(see synonymy) 

Albula conorhynchus, Gilch. & Thomps. Ann. S. Af. 
Museum. VI., p. 269 (Natal). 

Depth of body nearly 4 times in total length, excluding 
caudal, length of head 3°. Snout, 24 times diameter of eye, 

which is nearly 1} times in interorbital width and 6 times in 
[C.P. 5—13.| 


length of head. Maxillary reaches to vertical of about + the 
distance between point of snout and anterior margin of eye. 
Profile from origin of dorsal to point of snout convex. 

Dorsal 17, commences a little nearer to base of caudal 
than to point of snout, and ? of its base is situated in advance 
of the ventrals; anterior rays nearly ®* length of head, pos- 
terior margin of fin slightly concave. Pectorals ? length of 
head. Ventrals over 4 length of head, inserted below last 
4 of dorsal. Anal, 8; about 4 length of dorsal and } height. 
Caudal forked, upper lobe longest and about ,’, length of 
head; Lat. 1. 70, nearly straight; lat. tr... 

Colour (of preserved specimen), silvery, darker above. 

(This description is of the Natal specimen). 

Famiry 3. CHANIDA. 

Premaxillaries joined to anterior edge of maxillaries. No 
teeth. Branchiostegels, 4; pseudobranchie well developed. 
An accessory branchial organ. Lateral line well developed. 
Eye with adipose eyelid. Abdomen broad, flat. 

CHANOS, Lacep. 
Lacepede. Hist. Nat. Poiss. v. 395 (1803). 
Lutodetra (Kuhl) Ruppel, Neue Wirbelthiere Abyssinia, 18, 

Chanos salimonens (Alter Day). 

Ptycholepis, Gray, Dieffenbach’s Travels in New Zealand, 
II, 218 (1842?). 

The only genus in this family. 

Chanos salmoneus, | orst. 

Day, Fishes of India, p. 651 (see synonymy) Gilchrist & 
Thompson, Ann. S. Afr. Mus. VI. p. 271 (Natal). 

Depth of body, 3} times in total length excluding caudal ; 
length of head, 4? times. Snout, } diameter of eye, which is. 
I} times in interorbital width and 3,%, times in length of head. 
Eyes, subcutaneous ; upper surface of head flat ; upper jaw 
overhangs lower, maxillary reaches almost to vertical of 
anterior margin of eye ; opercle’nearly twice as high as broad. 


Dorsal 15 commences about midway between anterior 
margin of eye and base of caudal, highest in front, upper 
margin concave, 2 rows of scales at its base ; longest rays 
nearly ¢ length of head. Pectorals pointed, % length of head, 
with an elongated scaly appendage above the base. Ventrals 
5 length of head, inserted under middle of dorsal and with a 
long basal scale. Anal 9, small, lower margin concave, 2 rows 
of scales at base ; anterior rays about 7 height of longest ray of 
dorsal. Caudal deeply lobed, 14 times length of head, with two 
pointed laminz of scales at its centre. Lat r. 87, lat. tr. 12. 

Colour (of preserved specimen) bluish on top, silvery below ; 
dorsal dark, and both it and anal and ventrals covered with 
minute dark specks, pectorals dark and also with minute 
specks. (This description is that of the Natal specimen). 


Mouth, large terminal ; maxillaries forming margin of upper 
jaw, each of three pieces. Teeth, small, rudimentary, or 
wanting. Branchiostegels 6-15. Pseudobranchize present. No 
lateral line. Eyes with or without adipose eye-lids. Abdomen 
rounded or compressed and frequently armed with bony plates 
(includes the group Clupeina and Dussumieriina of Gunth., 
V1, 413-467). | 

Key to Genera.. 
Belly rounded, no abdominal scutes, a silvery band. 

Dorsal, 11-18 Ses ae .. wee SPRATTELOIDES. 
Belly rounded, no abdominal scutes, no silvery band. 

Dorsal, 18-20 ie uae a ETRUMEUS. 
Body compressed with scutes. 

Anal, 15-25... Pr Le Ms CLUPEA. 
Body compressed, with scutes. 

Anal of more than 30 rays x ILISHA. 


Body elongate, slightly compressed, without abdominal 
scutes. Mouth terminal. Scales deciduous. Teeth minute 
or absent. Dorsal opposite or nearly opposite ventrals. 

Spratelloides zstuarius, n. sp. 

Depth of body, 4! in total length, excluding caudal; equals 
length of head. Snout 3% times in length of head, shorter 
than diameter of eye, which is four times in head; the lower 
jaw slightly projects beyond upper. Maxillary, broad ; reaches 
to near vertical of anterior border of eye. Supplemental 
bone broad ; slightly broader than maxillary. About 30 gill- 
rakers on the lower branch of the outer gill-arch. 

fe. Po 5/135] 


Dorsal 15, much nearer root of caudal than end of snout, 
these distances being in the proportion of 5 to 8. Anal 20, 
begins under the end of the dorsal. Ventrals inserted slightly 
in front of dorsal. 

About 40 scales in a longitudinal and to in a transverse 
series. A patch of small teeth on the anterior end of pre- 
maxillary and mandible. The maxillary denticulate. There 
are no scutes on the abdominal margin between pectorals and 
ventrals nor behind ventrals, but there are three or four fused 
into a rather sharp and hard ridge on the thoracic region in 
front of pectorals. 

This fish is common in the tidal portion of the Zwartkops 
River near Port Elizabeth, where it is known as ** White-bait.”’ 
It is found also in some of the tidal rivers near East London. 

Spratelloides astuarius, n. sp. 

A fish apparently identical with it has been found by Mr. 
W. W. Thompson in Princess Vlei, a sheet of practically fresh 
water on the Cape Flats. 

ETRUMEUS, Bleeker. 

Bleeker, Verh. Bat. Gen. xxv., 48 (1853). 

Body, elongate, shightly compressed ; abdomen, rounded, 
without scutes ; mouth, terminal ; scales, cycloid, very decidu- 
ous ; ventrals, entirely behind dorsals. 

Dorsal fin long and low. No silvery lateral stripe. ! 

Etrumets micropus. 

Clupea micropus, Schleg. Faun. Japon. Poiss, p. 236, pl. 107, 
fig. 2. 

“Benen micropus, Bleeker,. Verh. Bat. Gen. xxv, p. 48. 
Gilch. and Thomp. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. vi., p. 268 (1909). 

Depth of body 6 times in poral length excluding caudal, 
length of head 4} times. Snout 2 diameter of eye, which is 
nearly 2;, times in length of head and twice the interorbital 
width. Lower jaw slightly projecting beyond upper, maxillary 
reaches to vertical of anterior margin of eye. 



Dorsal 18 ; originates nearer to point of snout than to base 
of caudal by about the length of the base of dorsal fin; 2nd 
and 3rd rays 3 length of head, remainder rapidly shortening, 
upper portion of fin slightly concave. Pectorals ,*, length of 
head, axillary scale very long. Ventrals about 4 length of 
head. Anal 10, originates in posterior sixth of body, low. 
Caudal nearly ,°, length of head, forked. Scales 52-54. Lat. 
mae ges 

Colour (of preserved specimen), dark on back above lateral 
line, sides and belly silvery. 

This fish is recorded also from Japan. The above description 
is of a specimen from Natal. 

CLUPEA (Artedi) Linn. 

(Artedi) Linnaeus Syst. Nat. Ed. x, 317 (1853). 
Rogeina, Cuvier & Valenciennes, Hist. Nat. Poiss., xx, 340 

(1847). . 
Alosa, Cuv. Regne Anim. 2nd Ed. ii, p. 319 (1820). 

Body compressed, with abdominal scutes, no lateral line. 

Maxillary of three pieces. Teeth present or absent. Dorsal 
fin short. Anal elongate. Ventrals with 6-9 rays. 

Key to Species. 

Depth of body about 5 times in total length : C. sagax. 
Depth of body about 2} times in total length : C. durbanensis. 

Clupea sagax, Jenyns. 

Jenyns, Voyage of the Beagle, Fishes, p. 134, 1842 (Lima). 
Gilchrist & Thompson, Ann. S. Afr. Mus., Vol. vi, p. 269 

Alosa fimbriata, Kner & Steindachner Sitzl, Akad. K. Wien 
1886 (Chili). 

Clupea ocellata, Pappe, Synopsis of the Edible Fishes of the 
Cape of Good Hope, p. 20, 1853; Bleeker, over eenige visch- 
sorten van de Kaap de Goede Hoop. Nat. T. Ned. Ind. XXI, 
1860, p. 56 ; Castelnau, Mémoire sur les Poissons de I’ Afrique 
australe, p. 67, 1861. 

Body elongate, compressed, depth slightly over 5 times in 
total length excluding caudal, length of head 3? times, greatest 
breadth of head about half its length. Snout 1! times the 
diameter of the eye, which is equal to the breadth of the 

interorbital space. 
(CBs 13. 


Adipose eyelids present, each covering about 4 of the diameter 
of the eye. Lower jaw scarcely projecting beyond upper, 
equal when completely closed. Maxillary extends to anterior 
third of eye. Lower branch of the outer branchial arch long, 
nearly straight, with about 115 gill-rakers, the longest of which 
is slightly longer than the diameter of the eye and slightly 
less than the length of snout. 

Scales of the upper part of the body in front of dorsal striated 
and ciliated, those of the sides and belly smooth and slightly 
ciliated. They are regularly arranged and loose. Abdominal 
scutes in front (19) ma behind (12) ventrals. Two of the 
anterior are in front of pectorals. About 54 scales in a longi- 
tudinal and 12 in a transverse row. Teeth absent in jaws 
and palate and tongue, which however has a sharp, rough, 
bony ridge. 

Dorsal III 16, a little in front of middle of body, me distance 
between tip of snout and beginning of dorsal being 2! in total 
length. The longest ray a little more than the length of the 

Clupea sagax, The Cape Herring or Sardine. 

head and equal to the length of its base. Anal III] 15. Be- 
ginning of ventral below posterior part of base of dorsal, its 
longest ray 13 in head. The length of pectoral is 4 its distance 
from the ventral. 

The colour of the fish when alive and observed swimming 
in the water appears of a silvery, slightly greenish shade. This 
uniform colour is only broken by the black spots along the side. 
These may be numerous, few or entirely absent. When re- 
moved from the water, and especially when the easily-detached 
scales fall off, the variety of colours recorded by Pappe and 
Castelman may be observed. The lower 4 of the body is then 
of a bright silvery colour sharply m: irked off by a straight line 
from the upper third, which is of a vivid green or greenish blue 
tint. The-line of demarcation follows the line of greatest 
diameter of the body, so that when viewed from above, the 
fish is of a dark blue or green colour, and when viewed from 
below of a bright silvery hue ; the sharp line of demarcation is 


interrupted by the series of dark spots which has suggested 
the specific name of the fish. These range from about 20, 
extending from the head to the tail, to a few at the anterior 
end of the body and in some cases are absent. The position of 
each scale is marked on the upper part of the body by a small 
black dot and, in some cases, there are two or three larger black 
marks, symmetrically placed on each side at the base of the 
dorsal fin. 

The ovaries were examined and were found to be not fully 
developed. In a specimen 40 mm. in length from snout to tip 
of caudal and weighing 84 grammes, the ovaries weighed 3 
grammes. The largest ovum was -63 mm. in diameter and 
was full of very small oil globules. 

Pappe has compared this fish with the Shad of Europe and 
gives this apparently as the popular name in South Africa. 
This name is not now used, but “‘Sardine.”’ The Shad of Europe 
—Clupea finta, the Allis Shad, and C. alosa, the Twaite Shad— 
differ from C. ocellata in deeper body, fewer number of gill- 
rakers, larger number of scales and other respects. 

The fish does not seem to differ from C. sagax Jenyns recorded 
(from a single and somewhat imperfect specimen) by Gilchrist 
and Thompson from Natal. The type was found at Lima. 
Alosa fimbriata, Kner and Steindachner, from Chili, may also 
be the same species. It is very closely related to the European 
Pilchard (C. pilchardus) small tinned specimens of which are 
called ‘‘Sardines.’’ It is sometimes preserved in salt 
or oil by the native fishers, and both in this and the fresh con- 
dition has an excellent flavour. It would ‘probably make a 
valuable article of commerce if cured in sufficient quantities. 
The difficulty is to make a beginning and this might be 
arranged by offering a reward for the best preserved samples. 

Clupea durbanensis, Regan. 

Regan, Annals of the Natal Government Museum, Vol. 1, 
Part I, p. 4, 1906. Gilchrist and Thompson, Annals of the 
South African Museum, Vol. VI, Part 3, p. 269, 1909. 

Body comparatively short, deep and much compressed. 
Abdominal profile very convex. Depth 2? to 2% in length, 
length of head 33 to 33. Snout equals the diameter of eye: 
which is 4 to 4} times in length of head, interorbital width 
32 to 33. 

Eyes with adipose lids, each covering about 4 of the eye. 
Lower jaw shut within upper; maxillary extends to below 
middle of eye or slightly beyond. Gill-rakers about 200 in 
the 2 sections of the lower branch of the outer arch, these two 

fC.PS 5— 713. ] F 


sections forming nearly a straight line. The longest ray equals 
the breadth of the interorbital space. Post orbital portion of 
head longer than or about equal to remainder of head. 

Scales regularly arranged, finely striated ciliated, 43-45 in a 
longitudinal, 14 in a transverse series ; 12 scuta behind and 15 
before ventral. 

Dorsal III 14, a little nearer end of base of caudal than end 
of snout, the longest ray equal to the length of its base and 
double the length of the last ray. Anal III 17-19. Pectoral 
%-2 length of head. Origin of ventral a little in advance of 
middle of dorsal. Caudal deeply forked. 

Colour: Silvery, a dark spot on shoulder. Edge of dorsal 

This description is drawn up from that of the authors 
referred to, and from a large specimen, forwarded by the 
Durban Museum, 240 mm. in length excluding caudal (which 
is 76 mm.) the body is deeper, being 2? in total, the Head is 
longer (33 in body), eyes smaller 4} in head, the post orbital 
position of the head, which, in the other specimen is equal 
or about equal to the rest of it, is here decidedly longer, being 
1-3 times the rest of the head. 

This East Coast Herring 1s a handsome and _ substantial- 
looking fish and may occasionally be seen as smoked fish in the 
inland cities. It is said, however, to be very bony. It is 
recorded as yet only from Natal waters. 

ILISHA, Gray. 
Platygaster, Swainson, Nat. Hist. il, p. 294 (1839) name pre- 
Ilisha, Gray in Richards. Ichth. China, p. 306 (1846) ; Bleek. 
Ati ichth. val. 16872): 
Pellona, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Poiss. xx, p. 300 (1847) ; Gunth. 
Cat. Fish, vii. p. 454 (1868). 

llisha natalensis (Gilch. & Thomp.). 

Pellona natalensis, Gilch. & Thomp. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. Vol. 
Viti, ip. 202. 

Teeth on jaws, palate, vomer, and tongue. Depth of bodv 
2% times in total length excluding caudal, length of head 33 

times. Snout nearly $= diameter of eye, which is 1% times 

interorbital width and 22 times in le ngth of head. Ridges on 
occiput converge very sli ehtly posteriorly and meet anteriorly ; 
mouth opens on superior side, lower jaw projects hovers 
upper ; maxillary reaches to vertical of posterior nostril ; eyes 
large and situated high up, occupying upper half of cael 

Dorsal profile almost straight, abdominal profile convex. 


Dorsal 17 ; situated about midway between point of snout 
and base of caudal. Pectorals 3 length of head. Ventrals 
situated just in front of vertical of origin of dorsal and very 
small, about + diameter of eye in length. Anal 37 ; commences 
below posterior margin of dorsal, length of base 24 times in 
total length of body excluding caudal. Caudal forked, as 
long as the head. Scales, 16 scutes anterior to and 8 posterior 
to ventral fins. 


Mouth very large, upper jaw projecting beyond lower. 
Premaxillaries small, firmly joined to maxillaries, which are 
formed of three pieces and are long and slender, extending to 
beyond eye. Branchiostegels 7-14. _Pseudobranchiz present. 
No lateral line. No adipose eyelid. This family is closely 
allied to the Clupeide, from which it should perhaps not be 

Engraulis holodon, An East Coast Anchovy. 


Conical snout projecting beyond very large mouth. Maxil- 
lary extending beyond eye, but not beyond gill opening. 
Teeth small but equal. Dorsals posterior to ventral, about 
middle of body. Pseudobranchie present. Branchiostegels 
—g-14. Gill-rakers long and slender. Vertebrae about 48. 

Key to Spectes. 

Anal begins below middle of dorsal — ... x0 > Molodon: 
Anal begins behind dorsal sii a8 oo0. Le GAPONSIS. 

Anal begins about last ray of dorsal : 
Maxillary extends to a little beyond base of 
pectoral as on ae Sue ace LeeUDERUNOSTRIS. 
Maxillary extends to end of ventral wes Ee Setinesiris: 
Engraulis holodon, Blgr. 
Boulenger, Marine Investigations in South Africa, Vol. I, 
p- I2, 1900. 
[C.P. 5—’13.] 


Depth of body 5 to 54 times in total length, length of head 
4times. Snout painreel strongly projecting, shorter than eye, 
the diameter of which is three times in the length of the head. 
Teeth present in both jaws, minute; maxillary tapering 
behind, extending to gill-opening. Gill-rakers long, 12 on the 
lower part of anterior arch. Dorsal with 14 rays, originating 
a little nearer root of caudal than end of snout. Anal with 19 
or 20 rays, Originating below middle of dorsal. Pectoral 3 
length of head. Spiny scales of abdomen g in number, extend- 
ing between pectorals and ventrals. Caudal deeply forked. 
Caudal peduncle twice as long as deep, 40 to 42 scales in a 
longitudinal series, 9 in a transverse series. A silvery lateral 

The specimens of which this description is given by Boulenger 
were young, the total length being 50 mm. The adults are 
not known. They are very abundant in the nettings carried 
‘on in the Zwartkops River near Port Elizabeth and are known 
as *‘ White-bait,’’ as are also other immature fish, such as 
Clupea sagax and Spratlelotdes estuarius. The term ‘‘ white 
bait’ is in Europe applied to the young of the peat and 
‘other fish, 

The Anchovies of warmer seas characterised by a fewer 
number of vertebrae and the possession of a silvery lateral 
stripe have been placed in a separate genus (Slotephorus, 
Lacépede) and the distinction would seem to be justified. 
Engraulis holodon and E. capensis occur in practically the same 
latitude in S. Africa, but the former in the warmer waters 
‘of the Indian Ocean and the latter in the colder waters of the 

E. holodon has about 42 vertebrae and a silvery lateral band 

and, therefore, would be placed in the genus Stolephorus 
of Lacépeéde. 

Engraulis capensis, n. sp. 

Engraulis encrasicholus, Pappe (not L.), Synopsis of the 
Edible Fishes of the Cape of Good Hope, p. 21, 1853 ; Bleeker, 
Over eenige Vischsoorten van de Kaap de Goede Hoop. Nat. 
T. Ned. Ind. XXI, 1860, p. 21; Castelnau, Mémoire sur les 
Poissons de V Afrique australe, iB} 68. 

Depth of body 62 in total length, excluding caudal, length of 
head 32. Snout pointed, strongly projecting, slightly shorter 
than diameter of eye which is 4? in Jength of head. Maxillary 
not tapering behind, ends in angle of jaw but does not extend 
to end of mandible. Gill-rakers 35 on lower branch of outer 
gill arch, the longest 14 in the diameter of the eye. 


About 44 scales in a longitudinal series, 6 in a transverse 
series. Teeth present in both jaws, minute. 

Dorsal with 15 rays, its origin half way between end of 
snout and root of caudal. Anal with Ig rays originating 
behind dorsal. Pectoral 2,\, in head. Vertebree 46. 

Colour: Dark above, silvery below. 

This fish closely resembles the European Anchovy (E. 
encrastcholus L.), but differs from it in having teeth in the lower 
jaw and a fewer number of scales in the lateral line (44 as 
against 48). The number of vertebre is the same—46 in one 
specimen examined—and the colour, general shape of body, 
etc., are very similar. 

In referring to E. antipodum of the Australian regions, 
Giinther states that “ the only difference between European 
specimens and those from the Southern Hemisphere is a 
slightly increased number of anal rays, viz., 18-20.” He 
regards it, therefore, as a variety of E. encrasicholus. The 
South African specimens resemble Giinther’s specimen from 

Engraulis capensis. The Cape Anchovy. 

Van Diemen’s Land and New Zealand in having the additional 
rays, but differ from it in the same features which mark it off 
from E. encrasicholus. There seems little doubt as to the 
constancy of these differences. The scales have been counted 
in about half-a-dozen specimens, showing a possible difference 
of one or two scales, but nothing like 48. The teeth in the 
lower jaw are also well marked and rather numerous, but 
smaller and readily seen with a lens or under a low power of 
the microscope, the longest being about -2 mm. in length. 

This fish differs markedly from the only other South African 
Anchovy, which has been sufficiently described (E. holodon. 
Blgr.) most obviously in the length of the maxillary, which 
in that species reaches the gill opening, and in the position of 
the anal, which originates below the middle of dorsal. 

It is not a point of great importance as to whether early 
authors, who described the South African Anchovy referred 

[C.P. 5—’13.] 


to this or to the other species, but probably the reference was 
to the species near the Cape, not to the East Coast species, 
and to the one which most resembles the European form. I 
have therefore regarded Pappe’s, Bleeker’s, and Castelnau’s 
E. encrasicholus as a synonym of the species which I have now 
described under the new name of FE. capensis. 

This fish is closely related to the European Anchovy, 
resembles it also in its economic qualities, and there is here an 
‘opening for fishery entetprise. Difficulties, however, will 
present themselves in the ascertaining of its times and places of 
occurrence, its capture and preparation. The attention of 
fishermen and fishmerchants should be drawn to the fish, and 
an adequate reward offered for its introduction to the market. 

Engraulis vitrirostris, Gilch. & Thomp. 

Gilchrist & Thompson, Ann. S. Afr. Museum, Vol. VI., Part 
El, ps 20x (Natal). 

Teeth, fine, a row on each jaw, two patches on vomer, 

a and on wel anes and covering the tongue. Depth of body 

3 to nearly 32 times in total length excluding caudal, length 
of head 44 times. Snout 7 to & diameter of eye, W hich equals 
or is slightly less than interorbital width and is 44 to 43 times 
in length of head. Eyes subcutaneous; snout obtuse and 
projects slightly beyond upper jaw; maxillary produced 
beyond gill-opening to a little beyond the base of the pectorals ; 
opercle rather more than twice as high as broad; gill- rakers 
about } diameter of eye in length, 21-24 in horizontal limb of 
outer branchial arch. 

Dorsal 1 12; commences nearly midway between base of 
caudal and point of snout ; spine short and separate from soft 
rays. Pectorals ? to # length of head, reach to origin of 
ventrals, which are very small, about } length of head. Anal 
41; commences behind vertical of last.ray of dorsal. Caudal 
nearly as long as head, forked. Scales moderately large, 
cycloid; 16 scutes anterior to, 9 behind base of ventrals. 

Colour (of preserved specimens), silvery, shot with gold, 
back a darker shade, venules on shoulder. 

This description is that of the type. 

Engraulis setirostris, Brouss. 

Clupea setirostris, Broussonet, Ich. dec. 1 

Engraulis setirostris, Day, Fishes of India, p. 626. (See 
synonymy). Gilchrist and ‘Thompson, Ann, S. Afr. Museum, 
Vol. VI., Part IIL. p. 267 (Natal). 

Teeth minute, present on both jaws and on palatines and 
tongue. Depth of body 3% times in total length excluding 
caudal, length of head 44 times. Snout about ? diameter of 

eye, which is slightly greater than interorbital width and a 
little more than 34 times in length of head, Snout obtuse, 
very slightly projecting beyond lower jaw ; angle of mouth is 
beneath posterior edge of eye; maxillary much prolonged, 
extending to anus, lower edge finely serrated, and_ slightly 
enlarged or bulging at angle of mouth. ro gill rakers on 
horizontal limb cf outer branchial arch, rather widely separated 
from each other and the longest shorter than diameter of eye. 

Dorsal 1 14, originates midw ay Det een anterior third of eye 
and base of caudal; 4th ray about *, length of head, succeed- 
ing rays rapidly decrease giving the fin a triangular shape 
Pectorale nearly equal length of head. Ventrals nearly 2 
length of head. Anal 38, commences below or slightly behind 
last ray of dorsal ; anterior rays about ? height of longest rays 
of dorsal, succeeding 12 Or 13 decrease rapidly, Femaincen 
subequal. Caudal forked, 1} times length of head. Abdomen 
compressed ; the spiny scutes extending forward to gill-open- 
ings, 14 before, 10 behind insertion of ventrals. Lat. 1. 42. 

Colour (of preserved specimen), darkish above, silvery on 
sides ; black venules in scapular region. 

This description is that of the Natal specimen. 

The South African representatives of the Sub-order Mala- 
copterygii may be completed by the addition of the families : 
Mormyride, Pantodontide, Kneriidze, Chirocentride, Salmon- 
ide, Alepocephalide, Stomiatidee, Gonorhynchide. 

The Mormyride are peculiar fresh water fishes found in 
Africa, mostly in the Nile and Tropical Africa. The following 
are found in the Zambesi and East Africa : Mormyrops delicio- 
sus, Leach; Petrocephalus stuhlmanm, Blgr., Marcusenius 
discorhynchus, Peters, Gnathonemus macrolepidotus, Peters, 
Mormyrus anchtete, Guim. 

The small family of the Pantodontide is represented by a 
single species, Pantodon buchholzi, Peters, a fresh water flying 
fish, and another small family, the Kneriide, by Aneria 
angolensis, Stdr., also a fresh water fish. 

The family of the Chirocentridz is represented by its single 
species, Chirocentrus dorab, Forsk. found in the Indian Ocean 
and Seas of China and Japan. 

The Salmonidz are represented in South Africa only by 
introduced species, Salmo fario, the brown trout, its variety 
S. levenensis, the Loch Leven Trout, and Salmo trideus, the 
Rainbow Trout. 

The Alepocephalidz are represented by a species of Alepo- 
cephalus, and Xenodernichthys socialis. These are deep sea 
fish allied to the Clupeidee and Salmonide. 

iCR 2913" 


The Stomiatide (including Sternoptychide) is also a deep 
sea family and is represented in South African seas by Mauro-. 
licus amethysto-punctatus, Chauliodus sloanit, Astronesthes 
boulengeri, Cyclothone bathyphila, Argyropelecus hemigymnus, 
Sternoptyx diaphana, Neostonuas filiferum and Idiacanthus ferox. 

Another small family, the Gonorhynchide, is represented 
by its single species, Gonorhynchus greyt, occasionally found by 
fishermen in their seine nets. 



The little fish known as “ Millions ” ( Lebistes poeciliodes ) on 
account of the rapidity with which it reproduces is found in Bar- 
bados. It lives in pools and thrives wellin any small collection of 
water, such as tanks, garden fountains, etc., so that it abounds 
everywhere. It is a striking fact that the Island of Barbados 
enjoys an immunity from malaria, and as this little fish feeds 
to a large extent on the larvee of mosquitoes, which occur in 
such collections of water, the conclusion has been drawn that 
the immunity of the island is due to the fact that the mos- 
quitoes which convey the malarial parasite are kept in check 
by the presence of the fish, the malarial mosquito being un- 
known in Barbados, though other mosquitos are found. So far 
as the evidence goes it would seem that the conclusion is 

This being so, it was naturally suggested that the fish might 
with great advantage be introduced into the countries suffering 
from malaria. It was accordingly introduced into most of the 
other West Indian Islands, apparently with good results. In 
1904 a ‘ Citizen’s Antimosquito Committee ’? was organised 
at Honolulu for the purpose of introducing mosquito larve- 
eating fish, and samples of various kinds (Mollimista, Adima, 
Gambusia and Fundulus) were successfully transported from 
the United States to Hawaii. No difficulty was experienced 
in transportation nor in the subsequent rearing of their progeny. 
The success of these experiments was doubtless due to the 
similarity of conditions, especially of temperature, in the two 

It has proved otherwise, however, in attempts to introduce 
the fish into remoter and colder regions. A consignment was 
brought to London and throve fairly well in the Zoological 
Gardens, though they did not increase as rapidly as was hoped. 
They were kept in special tanks, as they would readily have 
perished from cold in open air tanks in the climate of England. 
As there were applications from several of the English Colonies 
for supplies of the fish, an arrangement was made through 
the Colonial Office with the Department of Agriculture of 
Brabados to keep a stock, from which the fish could be supplied, 
though the information obtained by the staff of the Zoological 
Gardens did not indicate that the importation of the fish would 

[C.P. 5—'13. | 


lead to the desired result. In recent years, however, ‘ Mil- 
lions ” have been sent to Australia, India, Burma, and some 
parts of Africa, but no success has attended these experiments. 
In cases where the fish survived the journey they did not 
thrive in the tanks specially prepared for their reception, 
and when set free rapidly disappeared. 

No attempt has been made to introduce the fish into East 
Africa. In 1908, however, a consignment was brought out 
for the Uganda Protectorate, but, unfortunately, perished in 
the railway journey, owing, it was thought, to the excessive cold 
on the Mau Plateau (bear 8,000 feet). The Administration of 
Rhodesia has considered the question of the importation of 
“Millions” into their territory, and it ‘‘ does not propose, 
after due consideration of the value of such a step and the 
probabilities of success. to take any action in the matter.” 

There have been suggestions from time to time of the 
desirability of importing these fish into South Africa, and Mr. 
S. Goldreich recently brought the matter to the notice of the 
Provincial Secretary for Natal. It was then referred to the 
Cape Provincial Secretary for advice and assistance. In view 
of the risks attending the introduction of animals from other 
countries and the unlikelihood of any advantage to the Cape 
Province, it was not considered desirable that the Cape Pro- 
vincial Government should take any active steps in the intro- 
duction of the new fish, but the facilities of the Trout Hatchery 
at Jonker’s Hoek were offered for the experimental breeding 
of the fish. 

Meanwhile the * South African Anti-malarial Association ” 
took the matter up and ordered a consignment from the 
Department of Agriculture of Barbados to arrive about 
August to escape the South African winter. |The consignment 
was shipped by the ** Kenilworth Castle,’ which left South- 
ampton on the 24th August, 1912. It consisted of seven tins, 
all of which arrived with their contents in a good healthy 
condition, some of the fish having given birth to young (the 
fish 1s viviparous) on the journey of six weeks’ duration. 
The fish were at once distributed to the trout hatcheries of 
Jonker’s Hoek in the Cape Province, to the Trout Hatchery 
at Potchefstroom, in the Transvaal, and to the Anti-Malarial 
Association in Johannesburg. At Jonker’s Hoek the fish throve 
well in the open-air ponds during the summer months, but 
began to die off when the winter cold set in. Some were then 
placed under cover with an appliance for raising the temperature 
of the water and in this way a few have so far survived the winter. 
At Potchefstroom the fish were placed in a carefully prepared 
pond, but after a time they disappeared; the pond was 


emptied, but no traces of them were to be found, and it was 
thought that they may have been devoured by the large 
frogs which were discovered at the bottom (more probably 
they perished from cold). The remaining lot of the imported 
fish, sent to the Pongola Rubber Estate Company’s property 
in Zululand,.has also disappeared. 

It does not appear, therefore, from these experiments that 
the West Indian “* Millions”? can readily be acclimatised in 
South Africa, and attention may now be profitably directed 
to the finding of some native species of fish which may be 
as useful in the extermination of the mosquito larve. 

It is also to be borne in mind, as I have already stated 
in a former report on the subject, that the introduction of 
animals not native to the country has already been the means 
directly or indirectly of injuring the native fauna, and this is an 
additional reason for thoroughly testing the country’s own 

A small fish known in some districts as ‘ Kurper”’ 
(Tilapia) has been observed (Howard) to clear the pools in 
which it lives of mosquito larve. It is a hardy little fish, 
stands transportation well, and appears to multiply quickly 
in favourable surroundings, so that further investigations into 
its habits may show that it can be utilized as a mosquito larvee 
destroyer. A small species 7. philander is abundant near 
Pretoria, and a few years ago I conveyed a few in a large glass 
vessel to Cape Town. They throve well at the Jonker’s Hoek 
hatchery, though not reproducing rapidly, probably on 
account of the colder water." Plate, Lil of, this Report 1s 
from a photograph of these fish in the living condition, 
Fundulus melanospilus in German East Africa, Longo 
Bay, Seychelles, and two other species from Longo 
Bay and Zanzibar (fF. guenthert) from Victoria Nyansa and 
Lake Tschaia (fF. taeniopygus) may prove useful. Species of 
Haplochilus from Nyassa, Albert Nyansa, and probably in 
many other regions, are also deserving of further investigation 
in this connection. A small fish (Galaxias) found in the South 
West of the Cape Province may prove a useful mosquito 
destroyer though confined to the South Western districts of 
the Cape Province. 

Some investigation in this direction has already been done 
in India; a number of fresh water cyprinodont fishes of 
India and Burma have been kept under observation, and it 
has been found that several species of Haplochilus in particular 
are as hardy as “Millions” and devour mosquito larve even 
more readily. 

[C.P. 5—’13.] 


The fresh water fishes of South Africa are imperfectly 
known and still less is known of their habits. The great 
benefits that would result from the discovery of some native 
fish of similar habits to that of the Barbados fish and suitable 
to this country are obvious, and such an investigation seems 
a matter of necessity if active steps are to be taken in com- 
bating malaria in this way. 

This is a matter of course more for combined action among 
the different Provinces of the Union, and the Cape Province 
has less to gain than the others, though it would appear 
that malaria is endemic along the whole of the Orange River, 
the malarial mosquito being found at Kimberley, Barkly 
West, Vryburg, and Kuruman and “much of the disease 
known locally as ‘camp fever’ is in reality a mild type of 
Malaria ”’ (Thornton). 

The initiative in such an investigation might well be taken 
by the Cape Province, and, with the co-operation of the 
other Provinces might produce valuable results. 

Nl 2 ae 

Adinia, 67. 

Agriopus, 35. 
Albula, 49, 53. 

Albula conorhynchus, 49, 53- 
Albulide, 49, 53. 

Alepocephalide, 65. 

Anchovy, 48. 

Anti-malarial Association, 68. 
Artificial hatching (crawfish), 

43, 44.| 

Bank duiker, 35. 
Bdellostoma, 33. 
Bird Island, 25. 

Camp fever, 70. 
‘Cape Canning Co., 5. 
‘Cape herring, 58. 
‘Chanos, 49, 54. 

‘Chanos salmoneus, 49, 54. 

‘Chanide, 49, 54. 

‘Clinus, 37. 
Chirocentride, 65. 

‘Clupea, 49, 57. 




durbanensis, 49, 59. 
ocellata, 57. 
Ssagax, 57. 

‘Clupeide, 49, 55. 
‘Crawfish, I, 3. 

age, rate of growth, etc., | 
3, 25, 33: 

artificial hatching, 43, 44. 

catches, 5. 

cause of failure of com- 
panies, 5. 

chief markets for, 6. 

close season, I, 5. 

early stages, 3, 29. 

enemies, 3, 34. 

experimental hauls, 3, 6. 

female in berry, 22. 


of, 2. 

” ” 

» largest in 
Pal ey 

,, smallest in berry, 
20; 32. 

, size at maturity, 20. 

fOOd>) Ses 302 

geographical distribution, 
3, 25: 

habits of larval, 3, 30. 

history of industry, 3. 
industry, I. 

[C.P. 5—'13.] 


life history, 3, 40. 
licensing of factories, 45. 
male, largest, 33. 
method of measurement, 6. 

migrations and move- 
ments, 3, 39. 
observations at Marine 

Laboratory, 3, 22. 
polygamous habits, 22. 
preservation, 3, 42. 
returns, 45. 

sexual differences, 3, 26. 
shell casting, 24. 

Size, limit) 1, 25°20; 225 44. 
spawning time, 24. 
of, 24, 25. 

” 2 

Dasjes, 36. 
Dassen Island, 36. 

| Dogfish, 3 


| East London, 26. 

Elopide, 49, 50. 

Elops, 49, 



| Etrumeus, 



_ Elops saurus, 49, 50. 
| Engraulide, 49, 61. 

49, OI. 
antipodum, 48. 
capensis, 49, 62. 
encrasicholus, 47. 
holodon, 49, 61. 
setirostris, 49. 
vitrirostis, 49. 
49, 56. : 
miucropus, 49, 56. 

False Bay, 25. 


, Gambusia, 



Gonorhynchide, 66. 

Haplochilus, 609. 


> =) 

46, 47° 

Hoetjes Bay, canning factory at, 6. 

Hout Bay 


llisha, 49, 

> ” 2”? 



Ilisha natalensis, 49, 60. 

Jonkers Hoek, 68. 

Klipfish, 36, 37. Rhodesia, 68. 
Kneriide, 65. 
Kurper, 60. Saldanha Bay, 22. 
35 », canning factory at, 6. 
; p Salmon, 51. 

Lobster, American industry, 5. = De 

? ae paige Salmonide, 65. 
artificial hatching, 43. eine settee! 

Sea snake, 35. 


Megalops, 49, 52. Sea urchins, 39. 
# cyprinoides, 49, 52. South Atlantic Lobster Syndicate, 4. 
Mercury Island, 25. Spratelloides, 40, 55. 
Millions, 67. Ay aestuarius, 49, 55. 
Mollinisia, 67. Springer, 51. . 
Mormyride, 65. Steenberg’s Cove, 6. 
Mosquitoes, 67. Stolephorus, 62. 
Stomiatide, 66. 
North Bay Canning Factory, 6. 

Tilapia, 60. 
Turbo, 38. 
Octopus, 34- 
Van Riebeek, 3, 46. 
Pantodontide, 65. 
Phalacrocorax, 35- Whitebait, 56, 62. 
Phyllosoma, 30, 40. 
Potchefstroom, 68. | Zwartkops, 56, 62. 

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