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Full text of "Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings' The yearling : a study in the rhetorical effectiveness of a novel"

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Copyright  1976 
Edna  Louise  Satfy 

To  G'^iadij  EoJiZ  Jokn-bon,   Juyvion. 
[lla  n.a.{^lk  haycutl  makabatzyi  abadiyah] 


I  wish  10    acknov;ledge  those  individuals  who  con- 
tributed to  the  accoTTiplish'rient  of  this  document. 

Without  Dr.  Ronald  Carpenter,  a  scholar,  a  gentle- 
parson,  and  T.)'  iTcentcr,  this  dissertation  would  neither  have 
come  into  existence,  nor  have  reached  coT.pietion.   He 
gave  not  only  of  his  wisdom  but  also  of  his  faith.   In  a 
house  divided,  only  by  his  example  was  the  profession 

The  dissertation  itself  serves  as  an  acknowledge- 
ment to  another,  that  "Canadian  Serpent"  v/ho  both  sus- 
tained and  nurtured  me,  for  without  Grady  Earl  Johnson, 
Jr.,  there  v.ould  have  been  nothing. 

The  work  of  this  volume  reflects  the  composition 
cf  av  corrjaitteo  and  to  each  of  the  mem.bers  T  am  grateful  : 
to  Dr.  Lcland  Zimmerman  for.  his  introduction  tc  the  gradu- 
ate st'jdy  of  speech;  to  Pr.  Donald  KLiliams  for  liis  knowi- 
ed{;e;  to  Dr.  Patricia  Schmidt  for  her  direction;  to  Dx . 
Vincent  McCuire  ^os   h  Li  p!?r.Tpe',.t  i\  e  . 

T  would  like  tc  acknowledge  the  others  In  rhe 
Speech  Defarcinent  of  t'i-3  Jniversity  of  i'Lorida,  witliout 
who.s':?  aid  t'l^s  •■voi'k  ^hs   i'.';<.  cmpi. :' s.'.^d . 

Since  a  dissertation  is  never  wi-itten  alone,  there 
are  so   many  o::hers  to    tnank;   Dr.  Laura  Monti,  who    guided 
ir.e  through  the  freasures  of  the  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
Collection;  Dr.  Harry  Sisler^  Dean  of  the  Graduate  School, 
viho  gave  me   his  friendship;  Dr.  Cal  VanderWerf,  Bean  of 
the  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  and  Dr.  Ruth  McOuov/n, 
Assistant  Dean  of  the  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences,  who 
both  gave  me  their  support. 

And  rhere  are  iiiore  to  v,hoTn  I  am  grateful;   to 
a  group  called  Bloomsbury;  to  a  small  friend  V'jb,ose  name 
belied  her  value;  and  finally  to  the  person  with  whOiTi  it 
all  began— my  mother,  Sadie  Daumit  Saffy. 







Universal  Thenic  of  The  Yearling  -.  .  .  5 

Regionalism  as  a  Symbolic  Ba~sTJ  of 

Universality  6 

Regionalisn  as  a  Rhetorical  Response 

to  a  Crisis  11 

The  Study  of  Regional  Literature  as 

Rhetorical  Discourse  20 

Methodology  24 

Utilization  of  the  Mariorie  Kinnan 

Rav/liags  Collection  5C 

Conclusion  31 



Biographical  Sketch  36 

Awareness  of  Audience  39 

Communication  of  Beauty  Through  Reality  ..  42 

Definitiou  of  Beauty  13 

Responses  to  Beauty  i~ 

Sources  of  Beauty  Particular  L)'  in 

The  Yearling  19 

Theory  of  Comnositicn  Necessary  to  Achieve 
Effect  of  Beauty  Through  Creation 

of  Reality  5  5 

Through  the  Process  of  Character  i  ration  .  3^> 

True -to -11  re  character! :ar ion  5? 

Universality  in  characterization  tf.' 

L'l'titv  In  ch'i  rac  t'.'.  r  i."  •!  t  J.o;"i  63 

Through  Ust  of  Facts  and  Details  66 

Methods  of  Expression 6  9 

Ghi£c-:ivit--' 71 

Uic-l-v::: 72 

Si'HDlicity 74 

Conclusion 79 


Readership  Response  to  Effect  of  Beauty  ...  84 
Response  Based  Jpon  Perception  of 
Reality  as  Produced  b/  Mariorie 

Kinnan  Rawlings  86 

Response  to  individual  Elements  of 
Marjorie  Kinnan  P.awlmgs'  Theory 

of  Composition 90 

Response  to  the  process  of 

characterization  90 

Response  to  facts  and  details  97 

Response  to  obiectivity 99 

Cone lus  ion  '. '. 10  ^ 


Professional  Readership  Response  to 

Effect  of  Beauty  •. 107 

Response  Based  Upon  Perception  of 

Reality  Ill 

Response  to  Individual  Elements  of 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  Composition  .  114 
Response  to  the  process  of 

characterization  115 

Response  to  facts  and  details  123 

Response  to  objectivity  126 

Response  to  dialect ,  128 

Response  to  simplicity  131 

Conclusion  135 

F  iVS     CONCLUSION  , 137 

Sumna ry 157 

Perspective 151 



Abstract  of  Disserra-ion  Preserited.  to  the  Graduate  Council 

ot  the  University  of  Florida  in  Partial  Fulfillnient  cf  the 

Requirerie:its  for  the  Degree  of  Doctor  of  Phiio:sophy 



Edna  Louise  Saffy 

March  197  6 

Chairperson:   Ronald  C.  Carpenter 
Major  DepartT.ent:   Speech 

In  19.39  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  was  awarded  the 
Pulitzer  Prize  in  Letters  for  her  novel,  The  Yearling,  and 
elected  to  the  Academy  of  <^.Tts   ?.nd  Letters.   Marjorie 
Kinnan  Ra^'lings  wrote  with  a  preset  concept  of  effective- 
ness.  Her  theory  of  composition  as  evinced  by  her  personal 
papers,  lecture  notes,  scrapbooks,  newspaper  articles, 
and  correspondence  ?Loai.ed  in  the  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
Collection  at  the.  University  cf  Florida  Library,  was  based 
upon  the  creation  of  a  sense  oF  reality,  which  she  believed 
neces'-ary  in  orde:-  to  conxiuiii  cuce  beauty.   H  er^  h  e  o  r  y  _  A' ',:L- 
corporated  the  proces-i  cf  characterization,  true-to-lice 
depiction,  universa  1  it/\  unity,  the  use  on  facts  .i">'  .iv^r.iil-^ 
objectivity,  simplicity,  and  dialect. 

Regionalism  was  the  iitera'-y  vehicle  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawl  i.njjs  chose  for  her  novel,  and  in  so  doinj?,  she  responded 

rhetorically  to  an  exigence,  in  accordance  v;ith  the  ccii- 
straints  of  her  personal  theorv-  of  coinposition .   Region- 
alisn,  at  that  point  in  history,  served  as  a  response  to 
a  crisis;  that  is,  the  untenable  situation  of  a  population 
in  the  iriidst  of  society's  ills  during  the  Depression.   Her 
writing  had  as  its  purpose  the  communication  of  the  beauty 
which  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  found  in  the  Big  Scrub 
country  and  its  people,  and  by  extension,  of  humanity  in 
harmony  wiih  the  environment.   That  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
purpose  was  effectively  achieved  has  been  borne  out  by 
thorough  investigation  of  the  responses  of  both  her  gen- 
eral readership  and  her  professional  critics. 

This  investigation  places  the  effectiveness  of 
Marjorie  f^innan  Rav-zlings'  no'vol  into  the  broader  context 
of  modern  rhetorical  critic Ismi  and  attempts  to  illume  the 
rhetorical  interaction  of  sender,  message,  and  receiver 
in  ^vhich  the  author  o+'  a  novel  determ^ines  a  method  or 
theory  of  composition  predicated  upon  the  effect  she  wishes 
to  acliieve. 


The  Yearling  was  first  publisb.ed  in  19 5S.   For 
it,  Majorie  Kinnan  Rav/lingi  v/as  awarded  the  Pulitzer 
Prize  in  Letters  for  a  Novel  in  1939  and  elected  to  the 
Academy  of  Arts  and  Letters.   Receiving  universal  acclaim, 
The  Yearling  was  subsequently  translated  into  thirteen 
lang'jages  and  cited  as  the  most  ''distinguished  novel 
published  during  the  year  by  an  American  author  dealing 
with  American  lirJe.""   Reissued  v-ith  a  special  ''Study 
Guide"  geared  to  secondary  schools,  the  novel  has  been  a 
part  of  the  curriculum  tiiroughout  the  country;  and  the 
book  has  been  designated  "a  classic"  and  "a  literary 
masterpiece""  on  a  regional,  national,  as  well  as  an 
international  level.   Chosen  as  a  Pook-ot - tho-Month  Club 
selection  at  publication,  accolades  wore  heaped  upon  it 

R.  R.  Bovvker,  i.itfravy  Pi  izes  and  Their  '>vinners 
(.Mew  York:   R,  R,  cowker' Company ,  li'b7j,  pTTS.' 


■"M.    K.    Rawlings,    The  Yearling,    Study  Guide   by  Mary 
Louise   Fap>'   and   F-dith' Ccvles    rNVuTcTrk:      Charii?.'?   Scribner's 
Sons,    19C2J. 

not  cniy  fron  the  coirirrierciai  i^arketp.Iace  but  also  fron 
profess  .1 0 n a  1  s  i  o >^ r n a  I  s  .   In  19  :>  8  ,  The  >iorth  Aniei'i c an  Rev i^e;> 
a  prestigious  prof essioua';  iouriial,  considered  the  work 
"flawless,"'  and  the  aatho-  an  ''intelligenc  and  meticulous 
craf t.'  .  .  .  [who]  v/ith  The  Yearling  rightfully  takes 
her  place  among  our  most  accomplished  '/riters  of  fiction." 

The  ccncepc  the  public  had  of  this  "intelligent 
and  meticulous"  craftsperson  was  often  distorted  not  only 
b>'  the  artistic  milieu  of  the  1950's,  but  also  by  comrrer- 
cial  publications.   For  example,  a  Saturday  Evening  Fcst 
article,  "Marjorie  Rawlings  Hunts  Her  Supper:   Menu: 
Alligator,  Turtle,  and  Sxvamp  Cabbage,"  contributed  to 
the  public  image  of  the  author  as  Great  V/hite  Huntress. 
This  public  facade  was  based  upon  a  contemporary  tradition 
of  author -as-hero  that  her  peers  deliberately  perpetuated: 
Fitzgerald,  the  international  playperson;  Hemingway,  the 
great  outdoors  person;  Faulkner,  the  country  gentleperson. 
However,  behind  this  appearance  v;as  a  Phi  Beta  Kappa 
gra-iuate  of  the  University  of  Wisconsin,  an  experienced 
journalist,  and  a  creative  artist  who  had  as  her  goal  in 
V r i^ti r.g  The  Yearling  the  accompl  ish.Tient  of  a  predetermined, 
effsct  achieved  by  adherence  to  her  p e r s o n a 1  a u d i e n c e - ■ 
oriented  ti.eory  of  composition.   In  so  doing  she  performs 

,lovd  Morris.  "A   New  Classicist,"  The  ><o_rth 
'V-  ■  246  CSe7;tember,  193S;,  ir^-lSi: 

what  Bryant  hs.s  called  the  rhetorical  functioa  of  "adjust- 
ing ideas  to  people  and  o£  people  to  ideas,"  and  illustrates 
likewise  Bitzer's  concept  or  rlietoric  as  a  response  to  an 
exigence  subject  to  the  constraints  of  the  author's  per- 
sonal theory  of  composition.    In  examining  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  personal  theory  of  coTiposition ,  as  well  as  reader 
response  to  it,  this  study  v/ill  explore  the  rhetorical 
role  of  the  novelist's  language  manipulations  as  they  con- 
tribute to  suasory  (Effectiveness. 

Universal  Inerae  or  The  Ye arl  ing 

As  a  basis  for  underscc'-nding  this  novel  as  rhetori- 
cal discourse,  recail  tnat  the  Yearling  evoked  the  environ- 
ment of  the  Florida  "Cracker"  and  yet,  at  the  sane  time, 
transcended  and  ui'.ive'-'r.aiizcd  this  environment.   The  inter- 
national popular ity  achieved  attested  to  tne  universal 
appeal  of  the  novel,  V/hicli  concerned  the  relationship  of 
an  individual  to  thi'.  O'lvi -onment .   The  Baxter's  pine 
islond  in  The  Yearling  defined  the  microcosm  or  "small 
v;orld"  that  iiivplied  its  corollary,  the  macrocosm,  or 

Donald  C.  Bryant,  "Rhetoric:   Its  Function  and 
Scope,"  in  The  f'rovince_of  Rhetoric,  edited  by  Joseph 
Schwartz  anci  jolm  Tryl:eri2.'a"~T:''*ev'  YoFT   Ronald  Press  Company 
1.565)  ,  r-  34. 

Lloyd  Bitter,  "The  Situation,"  in 
Ccnte;r,j[;o£ary_Thsori»i;j  of  Rhetor_£c:   Selected  R-jadings^, 
e3T r  ed  1: y  ' TQcRa rd^'To'fHj n ns"en  717ew  'To rTi   ffar p e r"ancl"'Row  . 
1971),  r.p.  381-3^3. 

"great  world."   In  the  close  reL'.iiticnship  that  existed 
between  the  small  world  and  the  jreat  world,  the  micro- 
CGsm  fancticned  as  a  clo^'ed,  corripiete  sysr.eiTi.  maintaining 
its  OvvTi  individuality  and  integrity.   The  nine  island  of 
The  Yearling  reflected  the  macrocosm:  yez .    simultaneously, 
it  was  a  self-contained  unit  that  illustrated  equilibrium 
between  the  individual  and  the  environm.ent  achieved  through 
balance  and  harmony  with  nature.   Within  this  context,  the 
pine  island  functioned  as  a  symbolic  garden  of  the  middle 
landscape  as  defined  by   Leo  Marx  in  his  book,  The  Machine 
in  tlie  Garden,  for  the  island  garden  became  a  symbol  for 
fruitfulness  and  blessed  labor,  placed  xvithin  a  landscape 
that  had  neither  the  corruption  of  civilization  nor  the 
savagery  of  the  jungle.^ 

The  indi  -iduai  D^'teracting  within  an  environment 
reflected  total  hum;''nity  interacting  with  the  uniArerse, 
for  each  individual  contained  tho  unity  and  the  variety 
of  the  universe;  thus.  Fenny  Baxter  functioned  as  Every 
Person.   Universality  was  in  part  achieved  through  chrjrac- 
terization,  for  according  to  a  definitive  text  in  literary 
terminology,  "of  all  qualities  which  make  for  universality 
in  literature,  successful  oortraval  cf  human  character  is 

Leo  Marx,  The  Machine  in  the  Garden  ■^New  York; 
(D  X  f  o  r  d  U  n  1  v  e  r  s  1 1  y  p  r  e  s  ?"i  IVETT'. 

Gordon    '6.    Bigelow      frontier   Ederi    [Gjrinesvilie : 
tin i V e r s  i t  v   of   F 1  o r  i d ..i    Press. ~rT^ir4ir 

the  .Ti03t  i.TLportant . '■ '   In.  nhe  classic  traditica,  Penny 

Baxter  in  The  Yearling  \-as  a  person,  bruised  by  civiii-a- 

tion  and  society,  xvho  returns  to    the  land  of  the  raiddle 

landscape  in  an  attempt  to  survive.   Marjorie  Kinnan 

Ravvlings  expressed  this  philosophy  most  directly  in  The^ 


He  had  perhaps  been  bruised  too  of- 
ten.  The  peace  of  the  vast  aloof  scrub 
had  drauTi  him  with  beneficence  of  its 
silence.   Something  in  him  was  raw  and 
tender.   The  touch  of  men  v/as  hurtful 
upon  it,  but  the  touch  of  the  pines  was 
healing.   Making  a  living  came  harder 
there,  distances  were  troublesome  in  tne 
buying  of  supplies  and  the  marketing  of 
crops.   But  the  clearing  was  peculiarly 
his  own.   The  wild  animal  seemed  less 
predatory  to  him  than  people  he  had  known. 
The  forays  of  bear  and  wolf  and  v/ildcat 
and  panther  on  stock  were  understandable, 
which  was  more  than  he  could  say  of  human 
cruelties .  '' 

In  paraphrasing  Rav/lings'  philosophy,  Bigelov  believed 

that  a  person  ''can  be  happy  only  in  the  degree  to  v.hich 

he  is  able  to  adjust  harmonious  1)'  to  his  surroundings. 

The  more  natural  tliese  surroundings,  the  more  completely 

he  is  in  harmon>^  v;ii:h  -.lieiii,  the  creator  will  be  his 


^■'V'Uliam    F.    Thrall,    A.ddison   llibbard,    and   Hugh 
Holman,    A   Handbook   to   Literature    (New  York:      The   Odvssey 
Press,    15^  ,    p.    'SW: 

M.    u.    Raw!  lags,    The   Yearl  ir.g    (New  York:      Charic 
Scril^ner's   .^ons ,    '.97.2),    p".  ITT 

na.pp:.r.sss .     ;.iving  ir.  nc.r^'.^^Tw    witl;  ana  cxoseness  to 
Nature  creates  a  type  of  N'-jble  Savage.   Marjorie  Kinnan 
Ra'vviings'  "account  [of  The  Yearling]  ren-inds  one  of  the 
eighteenth  century  theorists  like  Rousseau  or  Ciiai;ea\'briand 

who  claimed  that  virtue  would  most  abound  in  men  \^ho    lived 

.  .    -        ,-9 
m  a  state  ot  nature. 

The  personal  region  of  Penny  Baxter  was  hounded 

by  the  environs  of  his  daily  life;  yet,  in  the  generic 

sense,  these  personal  regions  of  the  individual  expandec 

to  tlie  persond.1  regions  of  all,  and  the    environs  of  Penny 

Baxter's  daily  life  expanded  to  the  environs  of  each  and 

every  other  person.   Thus,  Penny  Baxter  and  the  pir.e  island 

were    able  to  function  syri^ibolically  as  a  universal  metaphor 

for  the  hu;nan  condition. 

Regionalism  as  a  Symbolic  Basis 
of  Universality 

Universality  was  achieved  through  ihe  vehicle  of 
regionalism;  for  m  tiie  genre  of  literary  regionalism, 
the  locale  functions  as  a  medium  for  understanding  t'le 
universal  by  seeking  out  in  tlie  geographic  region  the 

'Gordon  E.  Sigelow,  "Mariorie  Kinnan  Rawlmgs' 
iv  i  1  d e  !■  n e  s  s  , ' '  T 1  •  e  S  e  '.v  :\ ; i e  e  ki-  v  i  :-  v .- ,  7 ..'  ,  Ap  r  i  1  -  J iine  ,    1 9  6  5  \ 
299-310.       ■"■■        

Ibid  .  ,  p  .  3i'  I 

particular  aspects  "of  the  huT'^sri  character  and  of  the 
human  dilerina  ccmrion  to  ail  iTien  in  nil  ages  and  places.'' 
A  region  may  ha   geographically,  politically,  socially,  or 
econonically  defined  as  a  territory  within  which  there 
are  greater  mutual  dependency  and  homogeneity  than  exist 
outside  its  boundaries.   Regionalism  in  a  literary  pro- 
duction usually  concerns  itself  with  a  specific  culture 
and  its  cus:oir:S,  speech  p-it tera:-, ,  physical  landscape, 
legends,  traditions,  ai-d  ideological  or  social  point  cf 
view.   The  .^e^ulcan:  interacLior  of  the  human  individual 
with  the  immediate  env^ircnment  through  the  peculiarities 
of  language,  landscape,  culture,  race,  and  tradition  are 
the  domain  of  regionalism. 

Usually  infused  in  this  process  is  a  sentimental 
roinanticism  for  an  historical  period  by  which  the  past 
becomes  a  vehicle  for  the  study  of  the  present  and  the 
future.   The  artists  often  fashioned  their  fiction  from 
•vanishing  aspects  of  the  region.   "What  historical  liter- 
ature reflects  in  terms  of  time  and  age,  regional  litera- 
ture reflects  in  terms  of  space  and  locality,"*    By  makin: 
"human  drama  from  neighboring  scrub  and  hammock  country," 

^'^Thrali,  Hibbard,  and  Hclman ,  pp.  406-407. 

Heinnch  Staumann,  Amerj.c-tn  Li t e rature  in_  the 
Twentieth  Ccnlurv  (N'ow  York:  ""HaTper  ana~Row,  'i965j  ,  " 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  attenptcd  to  preserve  that  which 

was  lost  and  dying,  the  traditions  of  the  past,  and  for 

1 '' 
this  she  has  bee:\   acclaii-ed  a  great  Southern  Regional  is  t. 

Through  the  time  warp  of  Cross  Creek,  the  American  past, 
the  frontier,  the  tradition  of  nature,  and  the  purity  of 
the  individual  .ail  could  be  brought  into  focus.   As  a 
result,  according  to  one  i^Iarjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  scholar, 
her  vvritings  reflect  sone  of  th.e  most  deeply  imbedded 
attitudes  of  the-  American  people,  and  belong  to  a  main 
current  of  American  culture  fiov^?ing  from  Crevecoeur  and 
Bartram  in  the  eighteenth  centurv,  through  Cooper,  the  cran- 
scendentalists ,  and  vvhi'man  in  the  nineteenth  century,  to 
Faulkner  in  modern  times."  "' 

Yet,  Marjorie  KLnnan  Rawlings  cared  little  for 
the  mantle  of  Southern  Regioxial  ist .   She  described  herself 
"as  a  writer  who  often  suffers  under  the  epithet  of  re- 
gional," for  in  the  late  1950 's,  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
considered  regionalism  limited.  '      She  denigrated  her 
title  thus: 

"John  M.  Bradbury,  Renaissance  in  the  South:   A 
Critical  History  of  t  he    Literature  ,~rg"2  0'nrJoO"  (Chapel"~Hri  1 
university  of  North"'Carolina  Press,  19c5j  .  p,  20. 

"Sigelov/,  "Wilderness,"  p.  300. 

"^M.  K.  Rawlings,  "Regional  Literature  of  the 
South."  College  English.  I  (February,  1940).  581-389. 

RegionalisiT!  written  on  purpose  is 
perhaps  as  spurious  a  form  of  literary 
expression  as  ever  reaches  print.   It  is 
not  even  a  decent  bastard,  for  back  of 
illegitiinacy  is  usually  a  simple,  if  ill- 
tiir.ed,  honesty.  ^^ 

Ker  concern  at  being  neatly  classified  as  a  regicnalist 
is  understandable.   During  the  195C's  she  was  v/orking  in 
the  literary  milieu  of  Hemingv/ay ,  V;olfe,  and  Fitzgerald, 
who  vvere  the  outstanding  literary  figures  of  her  time, 
and  the  apparently  popular  modes  were  realism,  naturalism 
or  social  consciousness.   The  title  of  Southern  Regionali; 
was  praise,  hov/ever,  for  as  stated  by  Bradbury,  the  liter- 
ary historian: 

.  .  .  by  no  means  all  of  the  impor- 
tant novelists  of  the  first  generation 
(of  what  was  referred  to  as  the  Southern 
Renaissance,  1930-1940)  can  be  neatly 
catalogued  under  the  label  of  symbolic 
naturalism  .  .  .  regional  colorists  like 
Edwin  Cranberry  and  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawl- 
ings  write  substantially  outside  the 
developing  new  tradition. ^^ 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  proffered  a  second  ap- 
proach to  her  definition  of  regional  writing  which  she 
found  more  am.enable  and  valid. 

It  is  the  approach  of  the  sincere 
creative  writer  who  has  something  to 
say  c.ii  who  uses  a  sp-?cialized  locale  — 
a  region  —  as  a  logical  or  fitting  back- 
ground for  tho  particular  tlioughts  or 

1  c 

i.raJbii-y  ,    ]i .    16 


emotions  that  cry   out  for  articulation. 
This  approach  results  in  writing:;  that  is 
only  incidentally,  sonatiiaes  even  acci- 

Though  her  "second  approach"  broadened  the  concept  of 
regionalism  and  though  tvo  of  her  contemporaries  basked  in 
the  term — Robert  Frost  and  William  Faulkner — Mariorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  still  chafed  under  her  oxvn  regional  defi- 
nition and  opinion  of  the  teria.   V'et  in  the  1930 's,  Robert 
Frost's  New  England,  William  Faulkner's  Yoknapatav;pha 
County,  Steinbeck's  Dustbovvl,  and  Mariorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
Big  Scrub  each  furnished  a  portrait  or  regional  unit  com- 
plete and  self-contained.   From  the  multiplicity  of  these 
parts  the  totality  of  the  whole  may  be  comprehended.   In 
explicating  the  basic  conceptions  underlying  the  works 
of  outstanding  American  writers,  Heinrich  Staumann  states 
that  the  literary  "stress  on  regionalism  is  just  another 
powerful  symptom,  of  that  quest  for  a  national  tradition 
based  on  a  profound  love  for  the  variety  of  its  ethno- 
graphical  aspects.""    Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  achieved 
such  thematic  unive  r'^al  i  ty  in  her  novel,  The  Yearling, 
and  It  therefore  is  as  one  of  the  great  Southern  Region- 
alists  that  she  is  remembered. 

Rawiir.g.-, ,  "] 
"itaumann,  p 


Regional  is :-  a£.  a  Rhe  t cric;il  Response 
to  a  Crisis 

In  the  1930's,  regionalism  was  often  discourse  in 
response  to  a  crisis;  as  ?,  re:  pons  e  to  the  social 
and  cultural  changf^  o '?  the  1930's,  The  Yearling  may 
be  treated  r.ox    tt.1/  as  a  iiter^r/  novel,  but  also  as  a 
rhetorical  document.   It  fits  the  rhetorical  paradigm 
of  a  response  to  a  situation,  for  Bitzer  regards  a  rhe- 
torical situation  as 

.  .  .  a  natural  context  of  persons, 
events,  objects,  relations,  and  an  exi- 
gence which  strongly  invites  utterance 
.  .  .  Rhetorical  discourse  comes  into 
existence  as  a  response  to  a  situation 
in  the  same  sense  that  an  answer  comes    ^  g 
into  existence  in  response  to  a  question." 

Following  the  collapse  of  the  economic  and  industrial 
structure  in  1929,  the  literary  world  argued  for  an 
agrarian  as  opposed  to  industrial  culture.   As  Bigelow, 
in  his  study  of  Mar j one  Kinnan  Rawlings'  career,  de- 
scribed that  movement: 

.  .  .  economic  catastrophe  and 
social  unrest  produced  a  widespread 
renewal  of  interest  in  the  regions, 
so  that  life  in  the  village  [the 
agrarian  culture]  began  to  receive  new 
scrutiny  as  a  source  of  those  virtues 
which  could  heal  che  ills  brought  oa 
by  too  much  city  and  too  much  big  busi- 
ness [industrial  culture].-'"^ 

^'"^Bitier.  pp.  385-536. 


**  Bii;elow,  frontier,  pp.  70-71 


October  28,  1929,  stands  as  the  augur  of  the 
crisis.   National  income  plummeCed  fro.ui  a  high  cf  SI 
billion  in  192:)  to  68  billion  in  15."iO,  and  finally  to 
41  billion  in  1932,   Salaries  dropped  off  -iO  per  cent 
from  1929-]_932;  \^g:is   were  dov/n  cO  per  cent  and  dividends 
36,6  per  cent-   Unemployment  ultimately  peaked  at  17 
million,  half  the  uor'k   force  of  the  country.   When 
22,821,857  cltizei:3  >^oted  foi  ^''ranklin  Delano  Roosevelt 
in  the  presidential  election  of  1932,  "the  clash  between 
the  industrial  and  agrarian  minds  [becanej  apparent  in 
the  conflicting  personal!  r.ies  of  Herbert  Hoover  and 
Franklin  Delano  Roosevelt .  ""^    Herbert  Hoover's  political 
philosophy  in  support  of  financial  institutions  and  big 
business  as  opposed  to  Roosevelt's  "distrust  of  big  busi- 
ness and  his  concept  of  individual  rather  than  corporate 
well-being  as  the  cornerstone  of  our  welfare  brought  back 
into  our  national  thinking  an  agrarian  point  of  view  that 
had  been  moribund  since  the  of  Northern  capital 


in  1365.""- 

The  literary  revival  of  the  agrarian  point  of 
view  was  reflected  in  the  voluminous  outpourings  of 


■"Rod  W.  Horton  and  Herbert  1^'.  Edwards,  Backgrounds 

of  American  Literary  Thought  (New  \jrk;   Applet on  Century 
Crofts,  1952) ,  p. "37S. 

Did  .  .  p  .  J)  7  b 

regional  literature  repcrted  by  Howard  Gdan  a:vi  Harry 
Moore  in  their  1938  comprehensive  study.   Using  the  list- 
ings in  The  Publishers  Weekly  as  the  source,  and  restrict- 
ing titles  to  fiction,  Howard  Odum  catalogued  more  than 
two  thousand  regional  titles  that  appeared  in  the  two 
decades  from  1916  to  1936.   As  part  of  a  pattern  that 
peaked  first  after  the  Civil  iVar  and  then  more  signifi- 
cantly after  V/orld  War  I  in  the  late  1920 's  and  1950 's, 
the  ten  years  preceding  the  publication  of  The  Yearling 
showed  the  Southeast  to  be  strong  both  in  numbers  and  m 
literary  quality. 

The  Northeast  leads  with  449  titles 
followed  strongly  enough  by  the  North- 
west with  its  'westerns'  with  344,  the 
Southeast  with  281,  the  Middle  States 
with  183,  the  Southwest  with  138,  and 
the  Far  West  15  7  .  .  .   Strangely  enough 
the  Southeast  has  the  largest  number  of 
Pulitzer  Prize  winners  and  best  sellers 
and  has  tended  to  give  the  best  regional 
portraiture. -^ 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  was  already  classified  among 

"the  best"  foi-  het  nuvei,  South  Moon  Under.   Two  years 

later,  she  was  to  prcvp  a.jain,  with  the  publication  of 

The  Yearling  and  su^;G^u.*r,t  wiiining  of  the  Pulitzer  Prize, 

her  worthiness  to  be  cJa.-ced  with  tie  other  great  regional 

writers.   These  ranks  included  WilliaT.  Faulkner,  Erskine 


■■  Moward   vv .    Odum  and  Harry   h.    Moore,    American 
'^^^-ip^'l^^Vhl      ^  CuJL^fjr^].  •  Historical   Approach   to  "National 
1  n  t'e"^  "f  a  1 1  bn""T^  c  w"V  o  ri. :     If.'  TTol  t"anT''Cofnp".9ny","~l'gT5T7'"p'"T66 , 

Caldwell,  Ellen  Glasgov/,  Zora  Neale  liurston,  Margaret 

Mitchell,  Farreil,  Sinclair  Lewis.  Louis  Bromfield, 

Edna  Ferber,  John  Dos  Passes,  and  John  Steinbeck. 

The  ly.ajor  impetus  for  the  Southern  literary 

renaissance  of  regionalism  was  a  1930  vciume  of  far 

reaching  impact,  I'll  Take  My  Stand,  compiled  by  twelve 

distinguished  Southerners;   John  Crowe  Ransom,  Donald 

Davidson,  Frank  Owsley,  John  Gould  Fletcher,  Lyle  Lanier, 

Allen  Tate,  Herman  Clarence  f^Iixon,  Andrew  Nelson  Lytle, 

Robert  Penn  Warren,  John  David  V/ade,  Henry  Blue  Kline, 

and  Stark  Young.   The  main  thesis  of  this  volume  was 

stated  in  the  preface  of  the  1930  edition. 

All  of  the  contributors  tend  to 
support  a  Southern  way  of  life  against 
what  m.ay  be  called  the  American  or  pre- 
vailing way;  and  all  as  much  as  agree 
that  the  best  terms  in  which  to  repre- 
sent the  distinction  are  contained  in 
the  phrase  Agrarian  versus  Industrial . '^'^ 

The  influence  of  and  reaction  to  this  volume  was  vast  and 

immediate,  as  well  as  of  long  duration.   The  author  of 

a  compilation  of  Southern  litera"cure  addressed  the  impact 

of  the  volume:   ''The  statement  of  principles,  together 

with  accom.panying  essays,  precipitated  a  more  widespread 

controversy,  perhaps  then  has  attended  any  other  Southern 

Tivelve  Southern  Authors,  I'll  Take  ^!y  Stand: 
The  South  and  t he  Agrar x ^t n_ j j; a d i r i on  [N"c^7~'i""ol."Y.   Harper 
and'  Brothers,  l"9o0),  p."  -.x. 


cook  ever  printed.   Copies  of  editorials,  nevvspaper  ar- 
ticles, and  letr.ers  of  protest  f-^cm  every  part  of  the  - 
country  virtually  deluged  the  a'lthcrs.""    William 
Knickerbocker,  edito?-  of  The  Sewanee  Review,  tenned  it 
"the  n:ost  av.dTcious  book  ever  v;r_^tten  by  Southerners 
.  .  .  the  most  challenging  book  published  since  Henry 
George's  Progress  and  Poverty."   H.  L.  Mencken  responded 
in  both  the  American  Mercury  and  Virginia  Quarterly  Reviev. 
Henry  Hazlitt  assailed  i  r.  in  The  Nation  on  the  grounds 
that  the  Agrarians  would  be  obstructionists  in  attempting 
to  stem  the  tide  of  progress.   The  volume  was  attacked 
in  Haiper's  by  Gerald  W.  Johnson  and  disparaged  in  Dallas 
before  a  large  audience  by  Howard  Mumford  Jones.   The 
contributors  were  called  Fugitives,  Escapists,  sufferers 
from  nostalgic  vapors,  romanticists  unwilling  to  face  the 
realities  of  modern  life." 

However,  the  twelve  authors  proudly  bore  the  name 
"Fugitives,"  for  their  volume  was  an  alert,  a  reaction, 
a  respovise,  and  a   reply  for  the  prevailing  economic, 
political  and  social  conditions.   Their  volume  was  a  call 
to  a  return  Co  the  way  of  Life  of  the  "middle  landscape." 
Th-D  upsurge  and  responses  of  literary  regionalism  attempted 

"Thomas  D.  Young,  Flo/d  C.  Watkins,  and  Richard 
C.    Uealty,  Thj;  Literature  of  the  South  CAt  lant.-i:   Scott 
F o r e s m a n  a n'u  Co'npany  ,  VjZc.)  ,    p .  606} 

'^^Ibid..  ;:.  606.   See  for  total  idf.M. 


to  bulkhead  the  er.crc-,^ching  ciisc-.5ter,  for  3?  faumford 
stated  in  1954,  "regionalism  is  in  parr  a  blind  react Lcn 
against  outward  circu:.-i,rcance3  ^nd  disruptions,  an  atteapt 
to  find  refuge  within  an  old  shell  against  the  turbulent 
invasions  of  the  outside  world.'"' 

Thirty  vea-^s  after  the  book  was  first  published, 
Louis  Rubin,  Jr.,  in  the  int-oduction  to  the  1962  edition 
°f  I'll  Take  My  Stand,  ixaborated  on  the  continued  in- 
fluence of  the  volune  and  the  philosophy  that  addressed 
the  question  of  people  separated  from  the  well  being  of 
the  natural  land  who  are  brutalized  by  the  machinery  of 

It  is  about  something  far  more  generally 
important  and  essential  than  the  eco- 
nomic and  social  well-being  of  any  one 
region.   Man  \/as  losing  contact  with 
the  natural  world,  v/ith  aesthetic  and 
religious  reality;  his  machines  were 
brutalizing  and  coarsening  him,  his 
quest  for  gain  blinding  him  to  all  that 
made  life  worth  living.   The  tenuous 
and  frail  spiritual  insights  of  western 
civilization,  achieved  so  arduously  over 
the  coarse  of  many  centuries  were  being 
sacrificed.   The  result,  if  unchecked, 
coVild  only  be  dehumani.zat  ion  and  chaos. -^^ 

As  thie  Paris  expatriates  cf  the  Lost  Generation  of  the 

1920' s  represented  relection  of  the  prevailing  literary 

York:   Harccurt,  Brace  and  Korld,  I'^'SH  ,  ']:. .    15^2." 

'■""Twelve  Southern  Authors,  '' '  1 1  Take  > ty  S t a n d : 
Thr  South  ?.nd  the  Agrarian  Tradition  (Xew  v-crk:  Harpe: 
and  Row,  1562)  . 


and  social  attitudes,  so  then  in  the  1950 's  did  the  fu'ji- 

tive  authors  of  I'll  Tske  >'y  Stand  represent  rejection  of 

prevailing  literary  and  social  attitudes.   In  fo  doing, 

they  "initiated  the  current  regional  movement.""    And, 

as  C.  Hugh  Holman  states,  "the  movement  was  a  response 

to  social  and  cultural  change.""^ 

The  Yearling  was  an  integral  part  or  this  movement 

Manorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  retreat  in  1928  frori  a  career 

as  syndicated  feature  v/riter  for  two  Northern  papers  tc 

the  precarious  ov/nership  of  an  orange  grove  in  middle 

Florida  can  be  viewed,  in  part,  as  subscription  to  the 

Agrarian  philosophy.   This  poem,  found  among  her  papers 

in  the  Collection,  may  provide  additional  perspective. 

Now,  having  left  cities  behind  me,  turned 
Away  forever  from  the  strange  gregarious 
Huddling  of  men  by  stoueb,  I  find  various 
Great  towns  I  knew  fused  into  one,  burned 
Together  in  the  fire  of  my  despairing. 
And  I  recall  of  them  only  those  thing? 
Irrelevant  to  cities-,  murmurings 
Of  ram  and  wind:   moons  setting  and  rising. 

There  was  a  church  spire  on  i.-  distant  hill 
Clamorous  with  birdj  by  day  and  stars  by  night, 
Devout  and  singing.   I  have  forgot  its  site-- 
Bost'^r  .  c-^  Rochest.-jr.  cr  Louisville 


Paul  R.  Beath,  "Regionalism.:   Pro  and  Con,  Foin 

Fallacits  of  Rsgi  cnalisni,"  Saturday  Rgvicv^/  of  Literature, 

15  (November,  1936),  4-14. 

C.  Hugh  Holman,  "Literature  :5nd  Culture:   The 
Fugitive-Agrarians,"  Social  Forces,  37  fCctover,  195S)  , 

Of  a  certain  zity   ail  I  can  reme;Tiher 


Is  wild  ducks  flying  southv/ard  in  November 
At  the  Cross  Creek  grove,  as  she  later  related  to  the 
iNatiojial  Council  of  Teachers  of  English,  "she  found  her- 
self, for  the  first  time  since  leaving  her  father's  farm 

to  go  to  college,  in  full  spiritual  harmony  with  her 

5  "^ 
environment."  "   She  knew  almost  immediately  that  these 

Cracker  people  of  inland  Florida  had  not  been  dehumanized 

by  industrialization  and  for  that  reason,  as  she  told 

Stephen  Vincent  Benet,  she  began  again  to  write. 

I  had  met  only  2  or  3  of  tlie  neigh- 
boring crackers  v/hen  I  realized  that  iso- 
lation had  done  something  to  these  people. 
Rather,  perhaps  civilization  remained  too 
remiOte,  physically  and  spiritually,  to 
take  fiom  them  something  vital. -'^^ 

In  one  of  her  earliest  autobiographical  writings  found 

within  the  Collection,  she  addressed  the  isolation  from 

civilization  of  the  Cracker  country  and  predicted  thai 

the  "inland  core  of  this  state  is  part  of  America's  vanish 

ing  frontier  .  .  .  [and]  it  will  be  the  last  to  vanisn,""'' 

Mar  j  one  Kmnan  Rav\  lines,  "Having  Left  Cities 
Behind  Me."   Unpublished  poem  in  Mar  j  one  .Kinnan  Ra;«-iings 

"'"Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav'.'lings,  "Regional  Literature 
of  the  South,"  College  English,  1  (February,  1940),  3S5. 

"^.N'ew  York  Herald  Tribune,  February  9,  1941.  In 
Mariorie  Kinnan  Rawlmgs  Collection. 

^^Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  "Cracker  Florida." 
Early  Autobiographic:\l  i-ritmgs.   In  Marjcrie  Kinnan  Raw; 
ings  Collection. 


Other  of  her  writings  offered  further  evidence  of 

her  reaction  against  mdas  ci  ializar  ioii . 

'*e  ?ieed  abov?  al:. ,  I  th.Lnk,  a  cer- 
tain remoteness  from  urban  confusion, 
and  while  this  c^n   be  found  in  other 
places.  Cross  Creek  offers  it  v/ith  such 
beauty  and  grace  that,  once  entangled 
with  it,  no  otrier  place  seems  possible 
to  us  .  .  ,3j 

Finally,  in  another  of  her  personal  vvritings,  she  addressed 
civilization  as  a  contributing  agent  to  negative  aspects 
of  human  behavior,  for  "man's  savagery  and  personal  self- 
ishness and  greed,  his  materialism  which  seems  to  increase 
in  direct  ratio  to  the  technical  advance  cf  so-called 
civilization,  are  the  stumbling  block,  the  impasse.   Plain 
people  seem  to  be  aiiead  of  the  leaders.""^    Thus,  not  only 
her  life,  but  also  her  writings,  indicated  a  reaction 
against  a  national  threat. 

Bigelow  quite  often  referred  to  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  reaction  against  the  cities,   for  he  found  her 
to  be  a  "regiorialist ,"  "inextricably  enmeshed  with  agrar- 
ian attitudes,"  drawn  to  a  people  "full  of  grace  and  dig- 
nity bhe  has  i\ever  found  in  city  life."    Previously, 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  Cross  Creek  (New  York: 
Ci^'irles  Scribrer's  Sons,  19^2"),  p.  3. 

■'Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  "Autobiographical 
Sketch."   In  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawling.s  Collection. 

'Bioelow,  frontier  Hden ,  \> .    70. 
Bigelow,  "Wildernviss ,"  TiOj.  310. 


reviewers  in  1938  b.-^H  addressed  Mariorie  Kinnan 
as  a  regional  ist  author,  yet,    as  one  whovvrote  ''unlike 
the  average  regional  novelist,'  for  The  Yearling  as 
another  stated,  "represents  :.he  best  of  the  so-called 
regionalism  school.""^ 

Thus,  during,  the  1930 's  there  was  a  regional 
reaction  to  a  national  threat,  and  based  not  only  upon 
the  personal  writings  of  Mar i  one  Kinnan  Rawlings,  but 
also  from  the  writings  of  literary  historians  and 
scholars  as  well  as  from  reviewers  of  her  book.  The 
Yearling  was  an  integral  part  of  this  movement. 

The  Study  of  Regional  Literature 
as  RJietorical  Discourse 

Functioning  as  a  response  to  a  change  in  the 
social  and  cultural  situation  is  but  one  aspect  of  the 
rhetorical  nature  of  The  Yearling.   In  197  2,  addressing 
the  direction  of  rhetorical  criticism,  Barnet  Baskerville 
noted  that  ''we  now  enthusiastically  advocate  the  rhetori- 
cai  criticism  of  literature."  ■   Baskerville  maA'  have 

Durham  North  Carolina  Mornin^^  He--aid,  April 
3,  19  58. 

Chjj^ago    Illinois    >feu5 ,    April    6,    19 3S. 


Barnot  Baskerville,  "Rhetorical  Criticism, 
1971:   Rhetrospect,  Prospect,  Introsr-ect . "  Southern  Spe; 
CommanijC_at_i_on_Jou_rn,al ,  2  7  (Wintei  ,  19  71),  115. 


revived  an  anachxonis cic  debate  c one  erring  the  relatively 
obscure  distinction  betv/een  rhstoric  and  poetics.   Not 
only  have  time  and  proximity,  as  well  as  usage,  tended 
to  blur  the  distinctions  betv/een  these  two  areas,  but 
also  the  various  attempts  to  discriminate  betueen  these 
two  modes  have  proven  unsatisfactory.   The  interface 
between  rhetoric  and  poetics  is  even  more  obscured  by 
Kenneth  Burke,  who,  according  to  Baskerville,  "seems  not 
to  acknowledge  alleged  distinctions,"  for  in  Burke's 
philosophy  "effective  literature  could  be  nothing  else 
but  rhetoric."     Then  the  obvious  conclusion  must  be 
Bryant's,  for  though  thecrists  and  critics  have  sporadic- 
ally attempted  to  keep  apart  rhetoric  and  poetic  and  to 
deal  with  the;i  as  separate  entities,  "the  two  rationales 
have  had  an  irresistabie  tendency  to  come  together." 

Continuing  the  fccuy  on  the  rhetorical  qualities 
of  literi'.tuve ,  other  t'u;jri?ts  have  articulated  their 
op ir ions,   Wayne  Booth  argues  "that  the  author  cannot 
choose  to  avoid  rhetci ic  ;  he  can  choose  only  the  kind  of 
rhetoric  he  will  cnploy.   He  cannot  choose  whetlier  or  not 
to  affect  his  readers'  evaluation  by  his  choice  of 

'^"ibid.  ,  p.  115. 

Kenneth  Burke,  Counter-Statement  (New  York 
Harcourt,  Braco,  igil),  p.  Zb^f. 

"^^Hryant,  p.  34. 

narrative  matter;  he  can  o:\ly  choose  whether  ro  do  it 
■well  or  poorly."'"   Black,  in  his  tiro  vocative  article, 
"The  Second  Persona,"  provided  further  evidence  concern- 
ing the  rhetorical  aspects  of  literature,  foi',  as  he 
wrote,  everL  the  person  "who  aspires  to  be  nothing  more 
than  a  simple  chronicler  stili  must  maKC  decisions  about 
perspective.""^   Thus,  not  only  the  historian,  but  the 
literary  author  as  well,  meets  Bitter's  concept  of 
rhetoric  as 

.  .  .  ?    mode  of  alter  in j  reality, 
not  by  ;he  dlrec!:  applica  L  icr  of  energy 
to  objects,  but  by  the  creation  of  dis- 
course which  cha.iges  reality  through 
the  mediation  o '^  thought  and  action. 
The  rhetor  alters  reality  bv  oringing 
into  existence  a  disccurse  of  such  a 
character  that  the  audience,  in  thought 
and  action,  is  so  engaged  that  it  be- 
comes mediator  of  change.   In  this, 
rhetoric  is  always  pcrsuasiv 


Again,  the  Black  article  amplifies  Bitzer's  concept  of 

rhetoric  as  a  m.ode  of  altering  reality,  for  Black  vievfs 

discourse  as  having 

enticements  not  sii.ipiy  to  believe 
something;,  but  to  be  something.   We 

4  ' 
^  Wayne  Booth,  T?ie  Rhetoric  of  Fiction  '^  Chic  ago 

University  of  Chicago  Press",  1961)  ,  p.  149. 

^"^Edwin  Black,  "The  Second  Persona,"  Quarterly 
Journal  _oj.__  Speech  ,  56  ( Ap r  J.  1 ,  1970),  109. 

^"^Bitzer,  p.  384. 


are  solicited  b/  the  disccurse  to  fai- 

fiil  its_blar.di  ^h~?- 1  s  ^-ich  our  very 
selves  ,  ■^'■ 

So  then  did  these  v,Titers  add^ress  the  rlietorical  qualities 
of  literature. 

To  Bifev  a  rhf^toiic^l  ivf  rk  roi?es  into  being  "as 
a  response  to  [a]  si'-uition  .  ,  .  the  natural  context  of 
persons,  events,  objects,  relations  and  an  exigence  wiiich 
strongly  invites  utterance.""   Regionalism  as  a  response 
to  the  conditions  of  tlie  1930 's  was  likewise  a  rhetorical 
response,  persuading  the  audience  of  the  value  of  an  in- 
dividual struggle   with  nature  and  self  in  an  environment 
removed  from  a  dehumanized  and  mechanical  society.   Citing 
the  relationship  of  literature  to  the  culture  and  simul- 
taneously defining  rhetorical  discourse,  C.  Hugh  Plolman 
expressed  the  point  that  in  the  Regional  Agrarian  move- 
ment of  the  1930's,  the  artists  "were  making  a  literary 
use  of  economics  and  politics.   They  have  taught  us  that 
artists  respond  to  the  pressures  of  their  culture,  not 
by  making  political  gestures  or  by  accurate  reporting, 
but  by  imprisoning  through  their  talents  its  themes  and 
its  subjects."    Thus,  as  an  artist  responding  to  the 


lack,  p.  119. 



B  i  1 2  o  r  ,  p  .  3  o ' 

Holm.-jn,  "Literature  jid  Culture,"  p.  19 

cultural  pressures  v/ithin  ■'-'■e  context  of  the  1930'5, 
Maiori-e  Kinnan  Rawlings  created  rhet-oricil  disccurse  ■ 
which  addressed  the  universal  struggle  of  nature  and 
self  played  out  in  the  world  of  the  middle  landscape  — 
the  land  between  the  jungle  and  civilization. 


Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  atterr.pted  to  evoke  a 
predetermined  response  through  her  manipulation  of 
language  in  The  Yearling.   in  this  study,  her  readership 
will  be  debriefed  in  order  to  ascertain  achievement  of 
the  specific  effects  upon  which  the  author  had  predicated 
her  personal  theory  of  composition.   Debriefing  was  a 

term  used  by  Munro  in  a  paper  read  at  the  1969  CSSA  Con- 

4  8 
vention.     Later,  the  term  was  elaborated  upon  by  Tompkins 

in  "The  Rhetorical  Criticism  of  Non-Oratorical  Works." 

Both  critics  defined  the  term  in  the  militaristic  sense 
cf  questioning  or  interrogating  or  seeking  to  obtain  knowl- 
edge or  inforniation  from  an  audience;  for  unless  critics 

"'"Hugh  P.  Munro,  "The  the  Wall,  Enthymeme!"   Pacer 
read  at  tlie  1969  CSSA  Convent  iorx,  St.  Louis. 

Non - 0 r a  1 0 r  1  c a  1  >■/ ,■.. r k s  / '  OK^r  t:  ^  :ly  J^jm al  of  Speech  ,  S  5 
(December J  19  69),  431- 1^9.  " 


have  access  Lo  the  audience,  as  To:rpkins  pointed  out,  they 

are  in  a  pC'Or  position  to  explain  the  effect  of  language 

nanipalat ion  or  other  rhetorical  strategies.     The  focus 

of  this  investigation  shall  not  be  into  the  discourse 
itself,  but  into  the  intention  of  the  author  and  the 
resultant  reaction  of  the  readers  to  the  discourse.   In- 
tent lonality  is  clearly  an  integral  part  of  the  rhetorical 
function,  for  as  Bryant  has  stated  in  his  now- familiar 
definition:   "the  rheccrical  function  is  the  function  of 
adjusting  to  people  aad   of  people  to  ideas.  "'^ 

Cha^-tsr  Two  will  focus  upon  the  delineation  of 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  theory  of  composition  and 
articulation  of  the  rhetorical  impact  she  sought.   These 
shalL  be  de^-ived.    from  the  autobiographical  writing  of 
Marjorie  Kinnar  Rawlings,  froi.i  her  speeches,  lecture 
notes,  articles,  and  from  various  secondary  sources. 
Her  concept  of  the  creati\/e  act  was  predicated  upon  het 
personal  theory  of  language  usage  necessary  to  achieve  a 
result  or  create  an  effect.   Investigation  of  her  in- 
tent ioriali  ty  is  consonant  with  Kenneth  Burke,  the  icono- 
clast, who  defines  rhetoric  as  "the  use  oi    language  in 

•'^^'ibid.  ,  p.  435 
^^ Bryant,  p.  19 


sucli  a  way  as  to  produce  a  desired  impression  (ipon  the 
hearer  or  reader." 

Frovn  her  lecture  notes  as  a  visiting  professor 
at  the  University  of  Florida  teaching  creative  writing, 
and  from  various  articles  she  has  authored,  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  delineated  those  constraints  under  which 
an  author  must  operate  so  as  to  achieve,  through  her  per- 
sonal theory  of  composition,  a  predetermined  effect  upon 
her  readership.   'Jcilizing  Bltzer's  concept  of  a  rhetori- 
cal situation,  constraints  are  one  of  the  three  constitu- 
ents of  a  rhetorical  situation,  the  other  two  being 
exigence  and  audience. 

Standard  sources  of  constraints 
include  bexiefs,  attitudes,  documents, 
facts,  traditions,  images,  interests, 
motives,  and  tlie  like;  and  when  the 
orator  enters  the  situation,  his  dis- 
closure not  only  harnesses  constraints 
given  by  situation  but  provides  ad- 
ditional important  constraints  —  for 
example,  his  personal  character ,_  his 
logical  proofs,  and  his  style. ^- 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  theory  of  composition  was  a 
constraint  that  regulated  or  United  her  writing.   Wayne 
Booth  has  stated  that  the  author's  '"attitudes  towards 
the  three  variables,  subject  miatter,  structure,  and  tech- 
nique, depend  finally  on  notions  of  purpose  or  function 

Lirice,  p.  26 S 

■^Sitzer,  p.  oSS 


cr  effect";  and  thus  Chapter  Two  vvill  be  addressed  to 
articulat  ioji  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Ravv'lings'  "notions  of 
effect"  or  theory  of  composition. 

The  focus  of  Chapter  Three  will  be  upon  debriefing 
her  readership  through  utilizing  of  the  correspondence 
in  the  substantial  ifarjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  Collection 
housed  at  the  University  of  Florida.   The  methodological 
approach  for  this  impact  study  is  similar  to  the  debrief- 
ing of  a  readership  for  their  situationally  bound  reac- 
tions as  employed  by  Carpenter  in  his  study,  "Alfred 
Thayer  Mahan ' s  Style  on  Sea  Power:   A  Paramessage  Conducing 
to  Ethos."    As  in  the  Carpenter  study,  the  extent  of 
effectiveness  will  be  based  upon  the  reactions  of  her 
general  readership  to  her  language  usages.   For  as  Car- 
penter stated,  achievement  of  effectiveness  is  "most 
accurately  discernible  in  the  responses  of  people  for  whom 
the  discourse  was  intended";  and  therefore,  the  methodo- 
logical focus  of  this  investigation  is  not  on  the  dis- 
course itself,  but  rather  on  debriefing  the  readership.^ 

t^ootn,  p.  57. 

^^Ronaid  Carpenter,  "Alfred  Thayer  Mahan 's  Style 
on  Sea  Power:  A  Paraceosage  Conducing  to  Ethos,"  Speech 
Monographs.  42  (August.  1975),  191  -20:. 


p.  19.. 

Since  The  Yearling  is  currently  in  publication., 
all  correspondence  in  the  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  Col- 
lection from  her  general  readership  relating  to  the  novel 
was  examined.   The  bulk  of  the  Collection,  however, 
covers  the  period  from  the  original  publication  of  The 
Yearling  in  1938  to  her  death  in  1953.   Only  those  re- 
sponses dealing  specifically  with  areas  of  composition 
or  v'hich  indicate  relationship  to  language  usage  shall 
be  utilized  in  order  to  focus  in  on  the  achievement  of 
the  specific  effect.   Comments  by  the  readership  dealing 
with  the  process  of  her  language  manipulation  in  The 
Yearl ing  were  catalogued  and  analyzed  to  indicate  recurring 
patterns.   Through  analysis  of  these  responses,  an  attempt 
will  be  made  to  establish  the  causal  relaricnship  between 
technique  and  effect  in  Chapter  Three. 

Chapter  Four  will  focus  on  the  responses  of  her 
professional  readership,  such  as  critics  in  newspapers, 
magazines,  and  periodicals.   Six  large  scrapbooks  con- 
taining the  reactions  of  these  critics  are  a  part  of  the 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  Collection.   Phillip  Tompkins 
refers  zo  these  critics  and  revic',vcrs  as  "a  sizable  im- 
portant body  of  receivers  v-ho  'debrief  themselves  volun- 
tarily."'   The  methodology  for  cataloguing  and  analyzing 

^^ompVM^s,  V.    a; 

the  reactions  of  this  professional  readership  shall  pro- 
ceed in  the  sair.e  manner  as  follov/ed  with  her  general 
readership.   This  professioaal  readership,  according  to 
Tompkins,  brings  to  the  novel  a  fainil  iarity  \vith  the 
genre  and  a  psi -cepc  ioi-.  more  soon  Is  ticated  than  the  average 
reader  which  "makes  them  even  m^ore  useful  in  rhetorical 
analysis;  [for]  they  do,  aft*)?-  all.-  reveal  their  percep- 
tions and  valae  judgments  of  the  art  form  under  analysis."^ 
Several  rhetorical  critics  have  found  the  approach  of 
debriefing  critics  most  useful.   William  Jordan  in  re- 
views of  the  novel,  To  Kill  a  .Mockingbird,  Phillip  Tomp- 
kins in  reviews  of  In  Cold  Blood,  Patricia  Weygandt  in 
the  reviews  of  Sgt.  Pepper's  Lonely  Hearts  Club  Band.*^ 
The  results  of  this  study  should  indicate  that 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  accomplished  her  rhetorical 
function  as  intended  or  not  as  intended,  or  that  her 
rhetorical  function  was  not  accomplished.   The  metho- 
dolog/  employed  is  similar  to  proffered  by  Carpenter, 
for  the  focus  of  this  study  is  upon  establishing  a  metho- 
dology whereby  documents  as  responses  to  discourse  may  be 

'''^Ibid.  ,  p.  4  36. 

"William  Jordan,  "A  Study  of  Rhetorical  Criticism 
in  the  Modern  Novel,"  Debut  Paper,  SAA  Convention,  1967. 

Fhillit.)  Tompkins,  "In  Cold  Fact."  Esquire,  6S 
iJi:nc,    19661,  12*5. 

Patricia  Ueycjandt. ,  "A  RheLoricaL  Criticisju  oi 
St.  Pepper'-.  Lonely  Hearts  Club  Band."  Unpublished  paper, 
1969,  Kent  State  L'uivor .sity . 

analyi'ed  in  ordex-    to    asceri:airi  whether  a  predetermined 
effect  has  been  achieved  by  that  rhetorical  effort. 

Ut i  1  ization  of  tlie 
Ma  r  3  o  r  i  e  K  ihvi  a  a  R  a  w  1  i  n  g  s  Collection 

In  order  to  ac::orplish  this  studv,  the  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  Collection  in  tne  Universitv  of  Florida 
Manuscript  Collection  vvill  be  fully  utilized.   The  Rawlings 
Collection  is  composed  of  extensive  correspondence,  from 
famous  people  as  well  as  from  he-^  readers;  also  manu- 
scrips  of  books,  short  scories,  and  unpublished  poems. 
Her  personal  scrapbooks,  as  well  as  two  previously  kept 
by  relatives  and  one  forwarded  from  another  library, 
photographs,  newspaper  clippings,  early  drafts  cf  speeches 
and  lecture  notes,  as  well  as  personal  memorabilia  are 
likewise  included  in  this  large  collection,  which  co\-er5 
m.ainly  the  period  from  1950  to  1953. 

Although  there  has  been  some  published  scholarly 
vvork  on  Marjorie  Kinnan  Ra'-/lings,  m.ost  of  the  tneses  and 
articles  that  have  been  written  tend  to  investigate  her 
work  in  a  purely  literary  or  biographical  sense.   Indeed, 
even  the  Collection  itself  has  been  only  slightly  employed 
for  these  purposes.   The  first,  and  only,  extensive  study 
of  her  v;ork  v/as  publislied  by  Gordon  Sigclow  in  1966. 
Tills  volume.  Frontier  Hden,  "though  scholarlv  in  the  sense 
I  [Sigelov/I  tried  to  gather  ail  the  facts  I  rBlgelov:] 


could  find,"  is  considered  more  a  riography  t'nan  a  research 
or  scholarly  docunent  since  it  lacks  documentation  through 
either  fcctnotes  cr  bibliography.     I-Iowever,  the  Eigelow 
book  was  not  just  the  first  extensive  study  of  both  her 
work  and  life  but  also  the  only  study.   The  Bigelow  book 
employed  the  Collection,  yet  the  recent  minor  study  of 
v/orks  by  Sanuel  Bellman  did  not.   Through  the  Twayne 
Authors  Series,  Samuel  Bellman  published  in  1974  a  bock 
entitled,  Ma  r  i  or  i  e  K  innan  Ra  wl ing  s ,  which  dealt  mainly 
with  her  writings.   Bellman  described  her  motivation  for 
creativity  as  "bliglited  motherhood  ...  a  basically  un- 
fulfilled .  .  .  deep  need  ...  of  having  and  nurturing 
a  young  male  child."    Bellman  in  no  way  utilized  the 
Collection  and  acknowledges  his  one  visit  with  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings'  three  paternal  aunts  as,  in  his  own 
v/ords,  his  "major  source  of  inspiration." 

Other  research  studies  on  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
are  housed  within  the  University  of  Florida  Libraries. 
The  doctoral  dissertation  of  Ambolena   Robillard,  Nla^v e  1 1_ 
Evarts  Perkins:   The  Author's  Editor,  contains  original 

Bigelow,  Hjontier,  p.  xiv. 

^ ^Samuel  Bell.nan,   Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlinj^s  (New 
York:   Twayn*:'  Publisheri.,  I'v-^' .  '''^''-r),    pp.  .:)o,  >  . 

^"tbid.  ,  Preface. 

correspondence  between  Marjorie  Kinnai'.  Rav/lings  and  Max- 

iv'ell  Perkins,  her  editor,  and  i.s  catalogued  in  the  Rare 

'5  5   _ 
Book  Room.     ihe  other  four  manuscript  studies  were 

written  as  partial  fulfillment  of  graduate  degrees  in 

the  Engli5-h  Departm.ent  of  the  University  of  Florida. 

The  earliest  stud/  was  the  Master's  thesis  by  William  J. 

Mc G u i r e ,  A  Study  of  Flo rida  Cracker  Diale ct  Based  Chiefly 

on  the  Prose  Vvorks  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  which  was 

published  m  1939.^''   During  the  19S0's,  two  Master's 

theses  from  the  English  Department  were  published: 

Joseph  Peck,  The  Fiction- V/iltirg  A rt  of  Marjorie  Kinnan 

Rawlings ,  1954;  Mary  Louise  Slagel,  The  Artistic  Use  of 

rr-       6  5 

.Nat Lire  i 

n  the  Fiction  of  Mariorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  1953 

The  most  current  manuscript  study  seems  to  be  the  Master 
thesis  of  Car]  Purlcv.',  Folklore  Elements  in  the  Florida 

^'Ambclena  H.  Rob il lard,  Maxwell  Evarts  Perkins : 
Authors'  Editor,  Doctoral  Dissertation,  University  of 
FlorTda  '(Gainesville,  1954). 

^'William  J.  McGuire,  A  Study  of  Florida  Cracker 
Dialect  Based  Chieflv  on  the  Prose  IVorks  of  Mariorie 

Kinnan  Rawl  in  g  s  ..  "  Mas  t  e  r  '  s"""TTi."e  s  i  s",  ■Jniversity  ot  Floiida 
(Gainesville," 19  39) . 

^  ^Joseph  R.  Peck,  The  Fiction  V;ri  ting  Art  of 
Ma r i  o r i e  K innan  Raw  1  ing s  ,  Master  '  s  TTie'sis  ,  University  of 
Florldxi  (Gainesville,  1954). 

Mary  Louise  Slagel,  The  Artistic  Use  of  Nature 
in  the  Fiction  of  i^larjorie  Ki nnan  Raw!  mgs ,  Master  ''s 
Thesis,  University  of  Florida  "(Gainesville,  1953). 


Writings  of  Marjorie  Kinnar.  R;;w].  ings  ,  19  6  3.    . A i t h o ;j g h 
these  investigators  dealt  raaiiily  with  such  aspects  as 
the  listings  of  flora  and  fauna,  the  main  focus  of  their 
studies  was  the  literary  element  of  writings.   Beyond 
these,  only  a  few  other  prof  c^'s  lonal  articles  have  been 
written  that  were  piiiriariry  concerned  with  her.   Margaret 
Figh's  article  in  the  19^'7  Souther.;.  Quarterly  and  Lloyd 
.Morris'  article  in  the  1953  North  /merican  Review  were 
the  main  and  only  liteiary  studies  until  Bigelow's  article 
on  "Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav/lings'  Wildern^s.,"  in  1965  in 
the  Sewanee  Review  and  Bellman's  article  in  1970  in  the 
Kansas  Quarterly.     Thus,  scholarly  investigation  into 
intentional  symbol  manipulation  for  predetermined  effect- 
or investigation  even  tangentially  related— has  not  been 

Carl  Furlow,  Folklore  Elements  in  the  Florida 
Writings  of_M arjorie  Kinnan~Rawlings ,  Mast e r 's  Thes is,  " 
University  oF  Florida  (Gainesville,  1965). 


Margaret  Gill  is  Figh,  "Folklore  and  Folk  Speech 

in  the  Works  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,"  Southern  Folk- 
lore Quarterly,  11  (September,  1947),  201-2^T,  ' 

Lloyd  Morris,  "A  .New  Classicist,"  The  North 
American  Review,  246  (September,  1938),  179-1X4"! 

R  igeiow,  "Wi Idcrncss . " 

Samuel  I.  BelJman,  "Marjoi'ie  Kinnan  Rawlin.^.?: 
A  Solitary  Sojourner  in  the  Florida  Backwoods,"  Kansas 
QiiarT.fcrly ,  .:  ( 1 9 7 0 'i  ,  7 8  - ;^ 7  . 


All  published  works  have  been  concerned  either  in 
a  biographical  sense  with  ?Marjcrie  Kinnan  Rawlings  or  with 
her  works  in  a  purely  literary  sense.   Moreover,  some  of 
these  autliors.  such  as  Bigelov/  and  Bellman,  have  dealt 
with  the  themes  o£  The  Yearling  as  well  as  their  sources. 
None  have  focused  upon  the  rhetorical  function  of  language 
manipulation  to  achieve  her  predeterinined  effect.   Conse- 
quently, this  investigation  shall  be  into  effects  of 
language  manipulation  and  not  into  tnci.ies  and  sources  of 
the  novel  itself. 

Because  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  was  a  writer  in 
response  to  a  need  or  exigence.  Chapter  Two  will  investi- 
gate the  limits  or  constraints  under  which  she  operated. 
Chapters  Three  an':^  Four  will  investigate  the  two  segments 
of  her  audience  and  the  ways  in  which  they  responded. 
These  chapters  will  establish  the  causal  relationship, 
if  any,  between  technique  and  effect.   Finally,  Chapter 
Five  will  illustrate  the  various  language  techniques  in 
her  novel,  summarising  their  effect  upon  readers  and 
suggesting  further  perspectives  on  the  novelist  as  rhetor. 
By  investigation  of  The  Yearling  and  'varjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  m  tliis  way,  we  cone    to  a  fuller  understanding 
of  the  suasory  fvinction  of  language  in  her  novel  as  well 
as  the  particular  coi:ipositional  m.eans  by  which  she  achievec  iritended  goal. 


^ ^  The  Rhetcric  ox_   Fj.ct.ion ,  '.V a >•  n e  Booth  stated 
that  "the  author  cannot  choose  to  avoid  rhetoric  .  .  . 
cannot  choose  -.diether  or  not  to  affect  hi.?  readers  .  .  . 
can  onl)'  choose  whether  to  do  it  well  or  poorly."^   In 
so  doing,  Booth  •./as  arguing  that  the  achiev-enent  of  effect 
is,  in  part,  determined  by  the  author's  ai/areness  of  the 
necessity  for  audience  adaptation.   Since  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  effect-oriented  theory  of  composition  ha?  as 
an  integral  element  awareness  of  the  reader,  her 
theory  would  be  congruent  likewise  with  the  Henry  Janijs' 
quotation  upon  which  the  Booth  book  is  based:   "The  author 
makes  his  readers,  just  as  he   makes  his  characters." 
Booth  elaborates  upon  this  quotation,  adding  that  "every 
stroke  [of  the  author's  pen]  will  help  moid  tlic  reader 
into  the  kind  of  per<;on  'auited  to  ai)preciate  .such  a 
character  and  the  book  he  is  .vriting."    Drawing  upon  tl\e 

Kayne-  bootii,  _i_^f  kt  m  .■)r .'>.  o i  i- i.c^i :  -.u!  i^' 
The  University  of  Chichi gc~"Pre.ssr"T96TT,  p.  Hr9. 

'■^IbKl.,  p.  S3. 



lecture  notes  cf  I'larjorit!  Kini^.r/n  Ra;v'l  iri'js ,  her  aucobio- 
graphical  arcicle-,  Uer   correspondence,  her  speeches, 
and  reported  mterviex'.'s .  her  personal  theory  of  ccinposi- 
rion  V'.'ill  be  articulated  and  frciri  it  ivill  be  derived  a 
theory  of  audience  adaptation  by  vrhich  the  novelist  at- 
tained her  rhetorical  objectives. 

^i '^ graph ical  Sketch 

As  3.n   added  insipht  into  the  author  and  her 
theory,  it  is  perhaps  appropriate  at  this  point  to  consider 
briefly  the  background  from  which  the  novelist  e^ierged. 
In  1928,  Marjorie  Kinuan  Railings  found  her  Yoknapa tawphaw 
County,  her  unturned  stone,  on  72  acres  betiveen  two  lakes 
in  central  Florida,  in  a  small,  isolated,  Florida- style 
clapboard  house  in  an  orange  grove  at  Cross  Creek,  Florida. 
Here,  after  thirty- tv/o  years  of  northern  cities,  journa- 
listic professionals,  and  abortive  literary  attempts, 
she  found  the  source  from  v/hich  her  creativity  was  to 
flow  and  through  which  she  was  to  receive  international 

Before  her  v.iove    to  Florida,  Ms.  Rawlings  had  sold 
stories  and  i-ad  published  types  of  material;  in 
fact,  at  eleven,  she  wlmi  a  tViO  dollar  prize  for  a  story 
thai:  was  published  in  the  IV a s h i n g t o n  Post.   At  the  uni- 
versity of  ■v'isconGin,  sne  served  on  the  editorial  staff 

of  both  the  yearboolc  and  the  Lit  [literary)  F.agazin.e. 
Her  playwright  credits  inciuded  the  conposition  of  a  panto- 
mime  fantasy,  '■'Into  Nowhere,"  that  was  perforriCd  by  her 
classnates.   After  graduation  iron  th.e  University  in  191S, 
she  soiight  ''tlie  best  of  everything"  in   York  City.   She 
relates  the  episode  wherein  all  her  money  and  valuables 
were  stolen,  but  ironically,  the  thief  left  her  manuscripts 
intact.   In  New  York  City,  she  worked  as  an  editor  of  the 
National  Board  of  the  YWCA  until  in  19ir  she  married 
Charles  A.  Fiawlings,  her  college  sweetheart,  and  moved  to 
his  home  in  Rochester,  Net/  York. 

During  the  next  decade,  she  v/rote  for  both  the 
Louisville   Courier  and  Journal  and  the  Rochester  Journal 
American.   Her  daily  syndicated  feature,  "Songs  of  a 
Housewife,"  promoted  such  joys  as: 

Baby  Sue's  Bath 

I  vow,  Sue  no  more  needs  a  bath 
Ihan  any  sweet  Killarney  rose! 

But  rub  the  foamy  lather  on 

From  golden  head  to  sea-shell  toes 

She  stretches  out  her  dimpled  hands 
To  catch  the  bubbles  as  the/  rise. 

Each  ripple  is  a  miracle, 

Bach  soap  splash  a  gay  surprise. 

Yes,  let  Aunt  Annie  watch  the  run 
Before  we  tuck  Sue  up  in  bed. 

See  how  the  sunlight  blues  her  eyes 
And  gilds  her  water- towsled  l\eadl 

Now  wrap  her  snugly  for  her  nap, 

In  her  all.  lovelaness  erinieshed. 
Her  bath  does  me  ir.ore  good  than  Sue 

It  always  leaves  me  so  refreshed! 

June  18,  19  26 
Roc h_e s ter  Times  Un i o n 

Even  though  she  attempted  to  publisli  short  fiction 
she  vvas  unable  to  break  into  the  literary  market.   At  this 
poinc  in  1928,  she  and  Charles  purchased  the  72-acre  prop- 
erty at  Cross  Creek,  Florida,  and  here  the  literary  chron- 
icle of  Marioric  Kinnan  Rawlings  begins. 

Less  than  tv;o  brief  years  after  her  move  to  Cross 
Creek,  Scribner's  Magazine  purchased  "Cracker  Chidlings" 
and  "Jacob's  Ladder."   Maxwell  Perkins,  the  great  editor 
of  Scribner's  and  the  editor  of  the  great  —  Hemingway, 
Fitzgerald,  Vv'olfe  —  begari  a  correspondence  with  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  that  admitted  her  to  the  small  circle  of 
creative  literary  giants  of  the  1950 's  v/hom  Perkins  nur- 
tured.  In  1933,  she  won  first  prize  in  the  0.  Henry 
Memorial  Awards  for  "Ga]  Young  Un,"  and  her  first  novel. 
South  Moon  Under,  was  published  as  a  Book-of - the-Montri 
Club  selection.   She  v.'c^s  to  have  other  novels  chosen  as 
Book-of -the-Month  Club  and  Literary  Guild  selections, 
she  was  to  win  the  0.  Henry  Award  again  ("Black  Secret," 
1945),  and  she  was  to  publish  three  other-  novels  before 
her  death  from  a  cerebral  hemorrhage  in  1933;  however, 
1953  through  1939  were  hex   years  of  greatest  literary 
achievement,  for  with  the  puolication  ot  The  Yearling  came 
zhc    recognition  and  success  she    had  sought  for  42  vears. 


wareness  oi 

Critical  to  the  formulation  of  her  theory  of  com- 
position v/as  M'ariorie  Kinnan  Rav/lings'  awareness  of  and 
concern  with  the  reader  and  the  process  of  audience 
adaptation.   From  a  thorough  reading  of  her  personal  doc- 
uments, which  are  housed  in  tlie  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
Collection  of  the  University  of  Florida  Library,  it  became 
evident  that  her  theory  was  predicated  upon  basic  assump- 
tions pertaining  to  the  reader  as  a  vital  part  of  the 
creative  process;  as  she  wrote,  "The  honest  author  writes 
to  meet  his  own  preferably  severe  standards,  true,  but  lie 
must  have  an  audience  if  he  is  to  communicate.""^   Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  attempted  to  adjust  and  modify  her  writing 
not  only  to  her  own  standard,  but  to  t'nose  of  her  audience 
as  well.   The  importance  she  placed  upon  the  audience  was 
paramount:  "Let  dilletantes  prate  as  they  will  of  the 
'ivory  tower'  of  writing  for  himself,  a  book  is  not  a 
book  until  it  is  read,  just  as  there  is  not  sound  v.'ithout 
an  ear  to  hea  r  it." 

•^Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  "Autobiographical 
Sketch."   (flereafter,  unless  otherwise  stipulated,  all 
references  (cited  with  the  initials  M.  K.  R.)  are  from 
documents  in  the  Marjorie  Xinnan  Rawlings  Collection, 
University  of  Florida  Library.) 



Another  cf  the  several  quota r ions  found  in  her 
papers  indicating  av/areness  cf  the  reader  as  audience  was 
the  following:   "Just  as  music  is  only  music  when  it  is 
heard,  so  characters  ia  a  book  only  come  to  life  xvhen  the 
reader  takes  them  to  his  heart  "    Ker  a;vareness  of  the 
effect-oriented  nature  of  composition  was  consonant  with 
that  of  Francois  ^lauriac,  upon  v;hom.  Vvayne  Booth  also 
relies  in  The  Rhetoric  of  Fiction:   "An  author  who  assures 
you  that  he  writes  for  himself  alone,  and  tiiat  he  does  not 
care  whether  he  is  heard  or  not,  is  a  boaster  and  is  de- 
ceiving either  himself  or  you." 

A  major  element  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
literary  focus  was  involvemiont  with  the  readers  and  ai'/are- 
ness  of  the  rhetorical  process  of  "adjusting  ideas  to 
people  and  people  to  ideas,"  as  defined  by  Bryant  [see 
Chapter  One).   For  example,  she  felt  that  specific  revision; 
should  be  based  upon  reader  reaction  (prepublication)  at 
Scribner's.   When  Max\;ell  Perkins,  her  editor,  suggested 
eliminating  some  of  the  hunting  scenes  in  The  Yearling, 
she  replied,  "Their  inclusion  or  elimination  should  be 
determiiaed  solely  by  the  answer  to  the  question:   'Does 
the  reader  recognize  the  beginning  of  another  hunting 

I.  X.  R. ,  "Lecture  Notes  on  Characterization, 

^Sooth,  p.  88 


episode  v/ith  pleasurable  anticipa  t  ion,  or  is  \\e    bored  at 
the  thought  of   another  and  impacient  to  be  en  with  the 
narrative?'"    Vvriting,  re'.;riring,  and  editing  were  all 
dependent  upon  their  effect  en  the  reader,  for  neither  the 
book,  nor  the  writer,  nor  the  reader  exist  in  isolation; 
each  CiTi.ents  and- completes  the  other. 

As  Majorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  wrote  to  Maxwell  Per- 
kins, in  May  of  1958,  "Readers  thei-iselves ,  I  think,  con- 
tribute to  a  book.   They  add  their  own  imaginations  and 
it  is  as  though  the  writer  only  gave  them  something  to 
work  on  and  they  did  the  rest."   This  mutually  advantageous 
association  of  reader  and  author  was  dependent  upon  both's 
fulfilling  an  obligation,  for  the  reader's  duty  was  "to 
open  his  mind  to  what  the  author  was  trying  to  say,  if  it 
was  plain  that  the  author's  intention  was  sincere  and 


earnest."    In  a  1938  letter  to  Nornan  Berg,  an  Atlanta 
editor,  she  expanded  on  this  audience  concept:   "By  that 
[reader's  duty]  I  mean  the  obligation  of  the  reader  to 
give  hLmself,  mind  and  soul,  to  the  honest  writer  so  that 
he  should  be  open  to  receive  everything  offered."   Though 
referred  to  her  as  "reader's  duty,"  she  also  called  it 


To   Maxwell    Evai  t    Perkins    iron   M.    K ,    R.,    Deceniber 
29,    19.^7. 


M.  v..    K.  ,  "Lecture  Notes  on  Characterization." 


"tlie  reader's  delight  to    give   hiiiiself  to  a  book,  to  exer- 
cise his  own  iTnaginaticn  on  the  unliving  material." 

Her  concern  '.vith  the  reader's  imaginative  partici- 
pation xvas  a  critical  element  of  her  effect-oriented  theory 
of  composition,  since  achievement  of  effect  was,  in  a  large 
part,  dependent  upon' the  awareness  of  the  audience.   In 
The  Rhetoric  of  Fiction,  Booth  quotes  the  author  and  critic 
Ford  Maddox  Ford,  as  saying,  "You  must  have  your  eyes  for- 
ever on  your  Reader.   That  alone  constitutes  Technique."  ^ 

Comm.unication  of  Beauty  Through  Reality 

As  a  thorough  investigation  of  her  papers  revealed, 
beauty  was  the  effect  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  attempted 
to  comiffiLinicate  to  her  audience.  However,  in  writing  of  her 
ov/n  personal  concept  of  beauty,  she  v,'as  aware  that  her  con- 
cept might  differ  from  that  of  her  readers;  consequently, 
she  was  concerned  about  tlie  difficulty  in  transmitting  her 
concept  of  beauty  to  her  readers.   Her  lecture  notes  on 
"Tiie  Relativity  of  Beauty"  address  this  concern:   "I  do 
not  know  whac  is  beautiful  o-'-  what  is  ugly,  I  only  know 
what  seems  beautiful  to  m.e .   As  a  writer  I  can  only  try 



to  3:ocus  ia.''   Nev'erti.eJ.esi ,  sh-'i    knew  she  had  the  ability 
to  "focus  in,"  to  make  visible  the  invisible,  to  irake 
others  see  the  natural  Florida  with  the  "inner  eye,"  for 
she  stated  in  her  lecture,  "I  seen  to  have  the  gift  for 
i?,aking  others  see.  ..." 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rau'lings  may  have  called  her  ability 
to  share  what  she  perceived  as  beautiful  v.'ith  others  a 
gift,  but  it  was  not  by  so  amorphous  a  trait  as  a  gift 
that  she  w.-s  able  to  convey  beauty  to  her  audience. 
Within  her  definition  of  the  artist  lay  the  means  whereby 
she  achieved  the  results:   "No  one  is  immune  to  beauty. 
The  artist  is  one  -v/ho  tries  to  share,  by  giving  it  con- 
crete expression,  the  particular  form  of  beauty  that  has 

,  ■  •   ,,12 
stirred  mm." 

In  order  for  tJie  reader  to  be  stirred  as  she  had 
been  stirred,  in  order  for  the  reader  to  see  beauty  as  she 
had  seen  it,  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  felt  she  must  formu- 
late a  reality  for  those  forms  of  beauty  wliich  have 
stirred  her  and  through  tlii.s  reality  share  that  beauty  with 
tho  I'eader.   Reality  was  no  simple  fidelity  to  actuality, 
however,  for  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  attempted  to  create 
for  the  reader  a  sense  of  reality  into  which  the  reader 
might:  oring  the  imagination  to  play.   This,  then,  is  not 

M.  K.  R.  ,  "Notes  for  Lecture  on  Creature  Writing." 

^^M.  K.  R.,  "Le.-r.,r.^  v,.rM<  ,..,  i^.l,rivMv  Ml-  K,^;M,fv." 


mere  factuaiitv,  but  ver  is  irp  Llit.-de .   As  she  defined  it, 
"the  sense  is  only  the  imaginative  awareness  of  actuality," 
which  is  both  vivid  and  natural.   Here,  then,  was  total 
reader  participation,  for  the  reader  brought  into  play 
the  imagination  which  finalized  and  actualized  the  reality 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  attempted  to  formulate. 
Through  this  perceived  sense  of  reality  she  was  able  to 
transmit  to  the  reader  the  beauty  evoked  in  her  by  the 
Florida  Crscker. 

Without  this  vividness,  the  communication  of  beauty 
can  be  difficult  to  achieve.   Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  ad- 
dressed this  point:   "Perhaps  that  is  the  secret  of  fic- 
tion.  When  people  written  about  miove  in  reality  before 
our  eyes,  touch  us,  then  anything  they  do  becomes  vivid 
and  important."  "^   In  her  lecture,  "Facts,  Verses,  in 
Fiction,"  she  also  stated,  "it  is  difficult  to  be  stirred 
by  something  w^e  have  never  seen  or  that  is  not  recreated 
for  us  with  great  vividness."  ^   So  then  does  she  attempt 
to  share  her  concept  of  beauty  with  the  reader  through 
the  creation  of  a  vivid  sense  of  reality. 

M.  K.  R.,  "Facts,  Verses,  in  Fiction." 

"'''To  Maxwell  Evart  Perkins  from  H.  K.  R.,  undated^ 
Lpproxim.ately  January,  1937. 


M.  K.  R. ,  "Facts,  Verses,  in  Fiction." 


Def  init  ioT!  o  f  .  B e  a u  ty 

The  predetei-ir.ined  effect  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
sought  in  her  writing  was  the  communication  of  beauty  to 
her  readers.   In  this  study,  beauty  is  defined  through 
the  perception  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings.   To  her,  the 
designation  of  the  title  "artist"  was  predicated  upon  the 
ability  to  communicate  the  effect  of  beauty;  for  the  artist 
was  one  who  shared  with  the  audience  as  the  writer  was 
one  who  shared  with  the  reader.   Since,  for  the  writer, 
beauty  was  always  in  terms  of  reader  or  audience  percep- 
tion, then  the  definition  of  the  artist  v.'as  consonant  with 
her  earlier  assumptions  that  the  creative  product  did  not 
exist  until  it  was  received.   To  her,  all  people  were 
susceptible  to  beauty;  however,  the  true  artistic  impulse 
was  in  the  sharing.   To  illustrate  this  sliaring,  this 
communication  of  beauty,  she  related  to  her  lecture  class 
the  following  incident. 

I  took  some  negio  boys  into  my 
orange  grove  to  pick  up  the  dropped 
fruit.   One  ragged  dirty  little  darky 
found  an  orange- tree  snail,  no  bigger 
than  a  pea.   He  brought  it  to  me  and 
said,  'Lady  this  here  is  purt)-.   Do 
you  want  it?  '  ^^ 

Upon  recitation  of  this  anecdote,  she  stated,  "Incidentally, 

that  is  probably  an  example  of  the  true  artistic  impulse. 

"•^M.  K.  R.,  "Relativity  of  Tieautv, 


The  artist  is  one  who  tries  to  share  ..."  for  the  crea- 
tive iinpulss  does  not  exist  in  isclatlon,  but  in  conjunc- 
tion v/ith  an  audience."'' 

The  beauty  u-hich  she,  as  an  artist,  atterapted  to 
ccmnunicate  to  the  reader  was  more  important  to  her  tJian 
truth,  for  truth  may- not  be  validated  aesthetically.   When 
beauty  has  been  commiinicated ,  the  result  can  be  authenti- 
cated,  for  as  she  stated,  "beauty  is  more  valid,  more 
important,  more  trustworthy  than  truth,  because  whJ.le  we 
cannot  be  sure  of  truth,  we  know  w^ith  our  own  minds  and 
senses  when  we  are  aesthetically  or  spiritually  stirred 
and  by  what."'^   In  a  1935  speech  delivered  at  Florida 
Southern  College,  she  expressed  her  feelings  of  inadequacy 
as  an  artist  ivhenever  she  was  unable  to  communicate  the 
sense  of  beauty  to  her  readers:   "I  always  feel  that  I've 

failed  completely  as  an  artist  when  I've  left  anyone  with 

a  sense  or  ugimess. 

Although  .''!arjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  goal  as  an 

artist  was  to  share  with  the  reader  that  in  which  she 

found  beauty,  she  asked  the  folloviu'-  question  in  a 

18 p         „,  

i-i.    K.    R.  ,    "':^reative    isriciag.  • 


M-    K.    R.  ,    "Flor  j  c' ian.:       Tbe    Invisible    i-'lorid3 

Tyr-ed    scrint   of-  soeech.     1955. 


lecture:   "n'hat  hope  :.?  there  :--;r  ?n;-  writer  to  pass  on 
the  particular  beauty  that  happens  to  stir  him?"   In  reply 
to  her  own  query,  she  stater.,  'It  is  in  his  fierce  de- 
termination to  make  inrangible  beauty  tangible";  there- 
fore, comsriunication  to  the  reader  of  the  sense  of  beauty 
lies  for  Mariorie  Kinnan  Rav\rlings  In  the  adherence  to  her 
personal  theory  of  composition." 

In  dealing  v/ith  the  concept  of  beauty,  usually 
the  aesthetic  and  not  the  rhetorical  dimension  has  been 
inv'olved;  however,  Marjorie  Kinnan  Ravvlings'  concern  was 
with  the  communication  of  beauty,  and  it  is  therefore  her 
concept  and  her  definition  of  the  term  that  this  study 
uses.   As  the  author  herself  stated,  "I  do  not  know  what 
is  beautiful  or  what  is  ugly,  I  only  know  what  seems 
beautiful  to  me.   As  a  writer  I  can  only  try  to  focus  in."" 
And  it  was  through  the  formulation  and  utilization  of  her 
effect -oriented  and  personal  theory  of  composition  that 
sfie  attempted  to  "focus  in,"  and  communicate  to  her  read- 
ing audience  that  sense  of  beauty  she  felt  was  essential 
to  art. 

Respc)nse.s  to  Beauty 

The  existence  of  beauty  for  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  was  defined  not  only  by  her  own  reaction,  but 

M.  K.  R.,  "Relativity  of  Beauty." 




also  by  the  reaction  of  her    readers.   Since  Marjorie 

Kinnan  Raivlings  i-ecognized  ''the  obligation  of  the  reader 

to  open  his  mind  to  what  the  author  was  trying  to  say," 

then  reader  reaction  was  in  part  dependent  on    the  artist's 

intention,  which  at  that  point  was  the  communication  of 


Marjorie  Kinnan  Raw! ings  perceived  beauty  in  the 

interaction  of  tlie  Florida  Cracker  with  the  natural  environ- 

p.ent;  however,  in  order  to  share  this  beauty,  she  had  to 

communicate  it  to  the  reader.   Since  to  her  beauty  existed 

not  in  isolation  but  in  reaction,  it  was  by  this  reaction 

that  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  defined  it. 

Beauty  is  anything  that  stirs  an 
emotional  reaction  to  an  extent  that  we 
are  conscious  of  a  spiritual  excitement 
over  and  above  the  sensory  perception . 22 

Stressing  once  more  the  resultant  effect,  she  views  beauty 

as  that  which  "stirs  the  imagination  of  the  beholder."'"^ 

In  her  1935  speech  delivered  at  Florida  Southern  College, 

she  again  addressed  the  resultant  "spiritual  excitement" 

to  beauty  that  occurs  in  those  to  wliom  the  invisible  is 

raade  visible,  for  "beauty  must  be  seen  with  spiritual 

as  well  as  physical  eye.       It  is  invisible  to  those 

unfortunate  folks  who  ...  do  not  have  the  inner  eve  with 


""M.    K.    R.  ,    "Creative   IVriting." 


which  to  see."   By  these  emotions,  then,  shall  beauty  be 
known  to  have  been  efcected.   Mien  the  reader  has  experi- 
enced or  has  expressed  the  experience  so  then  shall  the 
reader  have  seen  with  "the  inner  eye." 

Basically,  though,  this  effect  is  ach.ieved  through 
techniques  that  are  a  part  of  her  personal  theory  of  coinpo- 
sitiw.i.   Thus,  when  a  reader  has  experienced  beauty,  tlie 
resultant  effect  will  manifest  itself  through  a  stirring 
of  the  iraagination  as  well  as  an  emotional  and  spiritual 
excitation.   And  what  are  the  sources  of  beauty  which  the 
author  communicates?   To  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  the 
interaction  of  a  small  group  of  people  In  a  specific 
locale  provided  a  wealth  of  such  beauty. 

Sources  of  Beauty  Particularly  in  The  Yearling 

Although  her  avowed  objective  was  the  achievement 

of  the  effect  of  beauty  on  the  reader,  Marjorie  Kinnan 

Rawlings  realized  that  beauty  was  a  relative  quality. 

for  her  personally,  the  beauty  ihe  sought  to  share  was 

explicit  within  the  Florida  Scrub. 

I  find  them  [the  people  of  the 
Florida  backwoods]  beautiful  because 
they  are  an  integral  part  of  their 
background,  buautiful  in  cheir  repose, 
their  dignity,  their  self-respect  .  .  . 
They  joke  about  hunger  and  death.   But 
they  are  distinctly  conscious  of  their 
harmony  with  their  .surroundings.   Many 

,of  then  are  deifiniteiy  conscious  of 
the  nat;j7-a.l  beauty  ai'Qund  them  and  of 
t. h e  ]\ a r m o n y  of  L h e i r  11  v e s  .  - 4 

Hov/ever,  her  concept  of  beauty  might  be  dissinilar  to  that 

of  hei'  readers.   She  v;rote  in  her  notes  on  Creative  Writing 

"It  means  that  beauty  is  not  absolute,  but  is  distinctly  . 

relative,  and,  that  what  fails  to  stir  rr.o ,  may  constitute 

beauty  for  you.""    She  v/as  ,  ho\v-ever^  quick  to  point  out 

some  particular  benefits  to  the  relativity  of  beauty  as 

far  as  her  personal  focus  ivas  concerned. 

Peihaps  it's  just  as  well  that 
everyone  doesn't  see  beauty  as  we  do, 
for  it"  everyone  was  stirred  deeply  as 
some  of  us  by  the  hammocks  and  the 
rivers  and  the  marshes ,  the  state 
would  be  overpopulated. -'6 

Although  recognizing  the  possibility  of  differing  perspec- 
tives between  the  reader  and  the  writer,  Marjorie.  Kinnan 
Rawlings  had  three  main  parameters  within  which  she,  her- 
self, found  beauty;  and  as  revealed  in  her  papers,  these 
areas  may  be  designated  to  the  following  categories:   (a) 
the  simplicity  of  the  Cracker  people,  (b)  the  natural 
Florida  setting,  and  (c)  the  harmonv  of  the  people  v;ith 
this  setting  or  background. 

K.  R. ,  "Relativity  of  Beautv 

'^M.  K.  R.,  "Creative  Writing." 



The  < ircplicitv  cf  the  Florida  Cracker  was  one    of 
the  main  foci  o£  beauty  as  perceived  by  Marjorie  Kinn^'^n 
Rav/lings.   When  asked,  in  a  radio  interviev;  in  19-il,  her 
reasons  for  remaining  in  Florida,  she  praised  "the  natural 
beauties  and  a  certain  sirriplici  t>-  of  life  m  the  rural 
sections.""'   Con-^inualiy  sac    both  v.'rote  and  spoke  about 
the  beauty  of  these  people:   "I  see  the  simplicity  and 
courage  and  natural  fight  behind  these  people.   Other 
writers  see  ot}\er  things.""''   Vvhen  as;:ed  why  she  wrote  of 
these  people,  she  answered,  "They  were  a  part  of  something 
that  I  found  entirely  beautiful;  I  '.vrote  of  the  people 
and  the  background  I  found  stirring  and  admirable."" 

For  all  her  interest  in  the  simplicity  of  the 

Florida  Cracker,  she  had  been  chastised  by  the  Florida 

Commerce  Department  which  apparently  failed  to  see  this 


When  I  began  to  write  of  the 
simpler  people  more  and  their  simpler 
life,  I  was  condemned  for  emphasizing 
a  side  of  life  tiiat  was  not  believed 
to  be  helpful  to  the  state's  develop- 
ment. 30 

^^M.  K.  R.,  "Radio  Interview."   Typed  Script,  li'41 

2  8 

M.  K,  R.  ,  "Lecture  Notes  on  Charac  uci' izar  i  on  .  " 

29,,   .,  .,  ,,,,■■    r 

M.  K.  .'!  .  ,  "u;)'.::o  '  i:r  r  rv  i  (V;  .  ' 



It  riar.tered  little  tc  Marjorie  Kinnan  Ra'ivlings.   She  knev: 
siie  liad  fv'^'and.  beaury  when  she  saw  the  people,  and  decided 
"I  n\ust  v.Tite  o£  this  land  and  these  people  as  I  saw  them, 
stirred  by  ny  nevv  love."'"'   According  to  a  personal  inter- 
viev.  by  Harry  Evans,  "'The  things  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
wanted  to  write  about  were  so  simple  she  doubted  her  ability 
to  make  them,  interesting.""'"'"   That  this  fear  was  ill-founded 
is  evident  in  the  interest -holding  qualities  of  the  fol- 
lowing speech,  in  which,  she  described  the  sense  of  beauty 
she  found  in  the  simplicity  oc    the  people. 

You  must  have  seen  some  v\'ithered 
old  woman  in  a  gray  and  white  percale 
dress  standing  in  the  doorv/ay  of  an 
unpainted  pine  shack  under  a  live  oak 
or  a  magnolia,  and  felt  that  she  was 
a  strong  and  lovely  part  of  a  sturdv_ 
and  admirable  and  a  difficult  life.^-^ 

It  was  of  this  beauty  that  she  attempted  to  write  and  to 

preserve  before  it  vanished  into  time. 

The  true  Florida  Crackers  are  al- 
most gone  and  I  regret  it,  because  they 
are  an  integral  part  of  their  background, 
and  beautiful  in  their  repose,  their  dig- 
nity, their  self  respect. -"'4 

l\.    K.  R.,  "Autobiographical  Sketch." 

"Harry  tvans ,  "^uariorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,"  Th; 
j3mn.lj^_Circ_:L_e ,  1  (May  14,  1943),  unnumbered  scrapbooK 
:opy  . 

"■f!.  K.  R.,  "The  f-'loridian." 



Thus,  it  was  in  the  vanishing  Florida  backwoods  people  she 
fourxd  a  major  element  of  lier  concept  of  beauty. 

The  beauty  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  sav«;  v;as  also 
within  the  natural  setting  of  the  Florida  Scrub,  for  as 
she  stated  in  one   of  her  speeches,  "To  those  of  us  who 
find  the  natural  Florida  so  lovely,  everything  about  it  is 
beautiful,  its  v;ild  life  and  even  its  few  remaining  back- 
woods inhabitants."    Enveloped  by  the  beauty  of  the  land, 
the  fJora  and  the  fauna  of  her  environment  pervaded  her 
literary  approachi.   As  a  personal  interviewer  remarked, 
■'Siie  wanted  to  write  about  flowers,  ferns,  frogs,  and  the 
people  who  lived  close  to  them..""^" 

As  cited  previously,  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  v/as 
aware  that  there  were  some  wlio  could  not  see  the  beauty 
she  saw:   "those  unfortunate  folks  who  are  blind  or  blunted 
to  many  forms  of  beauty  because  they  do  not  have  the  inner 
eye  with  which  to  see."'    It  is  ciitirely  possible  that 
her  work  in  The  Yearling  reflects  an  attempt  to  make  what 
■■may  have  been  invisible  beauty  to  some,  visible  to  others. 

To  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  beauty  also  existed 
in  the  harmony  of  the  Fiorida  Cracker  v/ith  the  Florida 


"    Evans,    "!Iarjorie    Kinnan   Raivlings,    Family  Circle 

•^''m.    K.    n.  .    "The    rioridim." 

Scrub    She  stated  ^his  ijhilosonhv  m  a  1941  radio  ir,tov 

1    have  a  tiieory  that  t!;ere  is  an 
affinity  betv/een  people  and  places. 
Each  of  us  is  entitled  to  live  in  a 
place  aeamst  a  pnvsical  background 
tliat  is  h.arrionious  v;itl:  our  own  nature. -^"^ 

This  Iiarmcny  of  people  and  environment,  this  balance  and 

affinity,  vas  the  beauty  she  saw  and  of  v;hich  she  v/rote. 

I  was  struck  at  once  b}-  a  harmony 
between  the  people  and  their  backaround. 
The  poorest  Cracker?  had  a  sense  of  one- 
ness with  the  country  itself,  the  scrub, 
the  piney  woods,  the  haniriocks,  the  prair- 
ies.  TJK'y  '.vere  a  part  of  _^somet hi  ng  I 
fouTid  entirely  beaut  if  ul . -^9 

What  she  saw  in  the  people  and  their  background  she  believed 

was  shared  by  the  people  theraselves,  for  she  felt  they 

were  aware  both  of  this  beauty  and  of  their  harmony  with 

It.   To  her,  one  aspect  of  beauty  was  this  very  awareness, 

"the  feeling  of  those  people  for  a  natural  and  liarmonious 

a  0 

background . " ' " 

Ker  rendering  of  the  closed  svsten  of  The  Yearling 

-s  discussed  previously  in  Chapter  One,  elaborated  on  her 
oncept  of  beauty  of  the  individual  interacting  with 
he  environ;:ien  :.   ft  is  this  harmony  of  the  Flo'-ida  Cracker 

'^l-  k.  R.  ,  "Radio  Interview 

Ibid . 

To  Norma 7:  S.  '^''.'vo    from  id.  1 

v/ith  the  Florida  Scrub  whijh  Mariorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  sougi-it 
to  share  and  nhich  is  the  beauty  that  personally  "stirs 

an  er.otional  reaction  [and  brings  about]  a  spiritual  ex- 

citement  over  and  above  the  sensory  perception.'' 




Compos  it ■ 

ion  > 









,'  ini 


i  Lre. 


1  01 

:  Real It V 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  theory  of  composition 
was  the  raeans  whereby  she,  as  an  artist,  was  able  to 
create  a  sense  of  actuality  by  which  beauty  was  comn-iuni- 
cated  to  the  reader.   The  salient  facets  of  that  theory  cf 
composition  are  the  process  of  characterization,  the  use 
of  facts  and  details,  and  the  use  of  objectivity,  simplicity, 
and  dialect.   To  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  these  elements 
of  language  manipulation  helped  achieve  rhetorical  effec- 
tiveness by  creating  a  reality  for  the  reader  whicli  conveved 
her  concept  of  beauty. 

Through  the  Pro c  o  s  s  o  f  Characterization 

Concerned  witii  a  ''sense  of   actuality,"  specific- 
ally reality  in  characterization,  Mariorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
adhered  to  the  definition  of  characterization  proffered 
by  Kclman  that  characterization  i.3  "the  creation  of  images 

'^^U.    K.  H.,  "Creative  V/riting." 


by  imaginary  persons  5o  credible  that:  they  exist  for  the 
reader  as  real  within  the  linits  of  the  fiction.   The 
ability  to  characterize  the  people  of  his  imagination 

successfully  is  one  of  the  primary  attributes  of  a  good 

.  ■  ^  ,,42 
novelist . " 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  attempted  to  achieve 
reality  through  the  process  of  characterization.   She 
viewed  this  element  as  of  primary  importance:   "In  the 
novel  of  people,  of  life  and  living,  nothing  is  m.ore  im- 
portant than  charactorizar.ion. ''"^^   Her  approach  to  the 
novel  mirrored  this  statement.   Elsewhere,  she  compared 
the  characters  in  her  novel  to  piano  keys,  for  tlie  charac- 
ters ivere  the  instruments  by  ivhich  the  story  vvas  brought 
forward.  '   Ultimately,  "the  success  of  the  novel  of  ideas 
depends  on  whether  the  characters  are  sufficiently  alive 

.1  c 

to  carry  tnose  ideas  .  .  .  ho\;  real,' 

Characters,  to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  "are 
like  people  in  a  long  friendship  or  in  a  m.arriage;  if 
the  author's  job  is  well  done,  they  become  a  part  of  you, 
so  that  you  never  forget  them."    Various  lectures  of 

"'.villiam  F.  Thrall,  Addison  Hubbard,  and  Hugh' 
Holnan,  A  Handbook  to  Liiierature  (New  York:   The  Odvssey 
Press,  19o0j  ,  p.  /  9  ., 

4  3 
'  M.  K.  R. ,  "Characterization." 

4  4.  T  1  -  1 

hers  and  letters  were  addressed  to  the  process  of  charac- 
ter i2:ation.   It  was  of  major  concern,  since  by  this 
process,  she  attempted  to  achieve  the  sense  of  reality 
fron;  which  caiTie  the  effect  of  beauty.   Investigation  of 
primarily  four  of  her  lectures  ("Characterization,"  "Facts 
Verses,  in.  Fiction,  "■  "The  Mechanics  of  V/riting,"  and 
"Creative  Writing") ,  as  well  as  several  pieces  of  her 
correspondence,  yielded  tliree  broad  principles  of  charac- 
terization to  which  she  adhered: 

(1)  The  characters  are  "true- to- life" : 
although  the  characters  may  have  so:r:e 
basis  in  reality,  it  is  by  the  infusion 
of  the  author's  artistic  imagination 
that  the  character  achieves  "a  sense 

of  actuality." 

(2)  The  major  characters  function  not 
only  as  particular  but  also  as  the 
universal,  acting  in  ways  identifi- 
able as  Every  Person. 

(3)  The  characters  are  used  as  cohesive 
units  encompassing  v\-ithin  their  per- 
sonalities the  individual  limits  of 
their  thoughts  and  actions. 

True- to- 1 ife  c haracteri tat  ion 

Characters  may  have  some  basis  in  rrutli,  but  it 
is  through  the  infusion  of  the  artist's  creative  imagina- 
tion that  the  characters  begin  to  "move  in  reality." 
Except  for  the  doctor,  the  characters  in  The  Yearl ing  are 
all  fictitious,  more  fictitious  than  any  she  had  used 
previously,  ■•ihc  to\d    ar,  i :,  r  r  r\  i  tnvor  ;  iio.vcver,  Jody  did 


have  some  basis  in  truth,  lor  he  embodied  the  memory  of 
two  old  men,  one   of  whom  had  told  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
about  his  youth  arid  of  the  destruction  of  his  pet  deer 
which  threatened  the  family's  meager  crop  of  corn;  and  as 
she  stated:   "I  ciystalliied  their  tales  into  the  story  of 

a  boy  who  m.ight  have. lived  that  uncomplicated  life  in  the 

4  7 
scrub."     This  was  the  basis  of  her  story.   The  situation 

involved  in  the  creation  of  characters  for  The  Yearling 

was  the  subject  of  one  of  her  lectures. 

Sometimes  an  idea  or  an  emotion  or 
a  situation  or  a  set  of  dramatic  incidents 
cries  out  to  be  written  about.   In  that 
case,  the  writer  creates  the  characters 
to  express  the  idea,  the  emotion,  the 
situation  or  the  set  of  dramatic  inci- 
dents .  ^^ 

Through  the  addition  of  artistic  details  by  the  author, 

through  the  infusion  of  the  creative  imagination  of  the 

author,  these  characters  take  on  a  reality.   The  reality 

stems,  not  from,  a  j ourna 1 istic- like  reportage,  but  from 

an  artistic  rendering.   Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  stated, 

there  is  "more  activity  required  in  making  truth  artistic 

4  9 
than  starting  f^-om  scratch."'    She  would  begin  with 


Aut.tior   unknown,    "Author   Tells    of   Hot    Trip 

from  Bimini,"  undated  scrapbook  copy. 

Author  unknown,  "Today's  Woman/'  Christian 
Science  Monitor,  September  4,  1940.        " 


M.  K.  R.,  "Facts,  Verses,  in  Fiction." 

^"'m.  K.  R.  ,  "The  Mechanics  of  Writing." 


an  idea  or  perhaps  with  the  seiublance  of  a  character  from 
reality  and  then  create  the  personage  her  narrative  required 
Addressing  rhis  matter,  she  stated  in  a  lecture:   "V/hat 
often  happens  is  tiiat  he  [the  artist]  adds  his  own  thoughts, 
for  his  own  purposes,  to  characters  he  has  knovvn." 

Out  of  her  own  imagination  she  then  "fertilizes  by 
the  creative  germ"  the  character  she  has  created.   The 
artist  hopes  "then  in  actual  writing  to  transfuse  your  vvork 
v/ith  your  own  personality  ...  a  process  of   osmosis,  to 
filter  vshat  you  have  to  say  through  your  characters."' 
The  resulting  character,  then,  is  mainly  fictitious  —  the 
creation  of  the  artist,  who  "may  begin  with  an  actual 
living  person,  but  his  imagination  takes  him  further  to 
adapt  the  character  to  his  own  creative  needs  so  that 
the  final  character,  even  though  dozens  of  people  claim 
to  recognize  him  or  her,  is  fiction."  " 

Though  she  has  often  denied  it,  many  have  assumed 
to  recognize  characters  as  being  copied  from  life,  but, 
in  fact,  none  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  characters  is 
a  "life  copy,"  nor  does  she  feel  that  otlier  authors  have 
copied  characters.   "i  think  no  writer  has  ever  com[)letcly 

■"m.  K.  R.,  "Facts,  Verses,  in  Fiction 
"  .M.  K.  (I.,  "Creative  Writing." 
■^  fi.  K.  R.  ,  "Autobio.p.i-.'.iphical  Sketch." 


copied  a  true  character-  .  .  .   Many  of  ny  own  characters 
are  based  on  people  I  knov;,  but  not  a  single  one  is  a  life 
copy."  "^   Ihe  created  character  has  been  supplemented  by 
the  author's  point  of  view,  infused  by  the  creative  imagina 
tion,  and  placed  in  "an  abode  in  tine  and  space."     Like- 
wise, charactei'S  are.  changed  and  adapted  for  coherence 
to  the  author's  intention. 

Univers ality  in  characteriza t ion 

Another  general  principle  of  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  was  the  portrayal  of  the  major  characters  as 
representative  of  a  fusion  wlierein  the  individual  func- 
tions both  as  the  particular  and  the  universal,  or  as  the 
literary  term  states,  the  concrete  universal.   Her  defini- 
tion of  the  role  of  the  ivriter  embodies  the  concept  of 
universality  of  characterization  to  which  she  adhered. 

For  the  producer  of  literature  is 
not  a  reporter  but  a  creator.   His  con- 
cern is  not  with  presenting  superficial 
and  external  aspects,  however  engaging, 
of  an  actual  people;  it  is  ivith  the  inner 
revelation  of  mankind,  thinking  and  moving 
against  a  backdrnp  of  life  itself  v/ith  as 
much  dramatic  or  pointed  effect  as  the 
artistry  of  the  writer  can  command. 55 


"M.  K.  R.,  "Characterization." 

Maricrie  Kinnan  R.awlings,  "Regional  Literature  of 
.h,"  College  English,  1  (February,  1940),  3S1-389. 


The  individual  J  iiiteracting  v/ith  the  environment, 
reflects  the  macrocosm  of  total  humanity ^  interacting  v/ith 
the  ur.  iversi..   The  closed  S'/stem  of  the  novel.  The  Yearlins^ 

detailed  in  Chapter  One,  existed  as  an  attempt  to  order 

the  Ciiacs  of  life.   As  she  stated  in  her  address  to  the 

National  Council  of  Teachers  of  English, 

The  creative  v;riter  filters  men  and 
women  real  and  fancied  through  his  imagina- 
tion as  through  a  catnlytic  agent  to  re- 
solve the  confusion  of  life  into  an  ordered 
pattern,  the  coordinated  meaningful  design 
colored  with  the  creator's  personality, 
keyed  to  his  own  philosophy  that  we  call 
art. "56 

Characters  may  function  on  several  levels  either 

as  the  specific  individual  or  as  the  universal.   In  an 

early  lecture,  Marjorie  Kinnan  Ra\\/lings  states, 

Character  can  be  strictly  an  indi- 
vidual or  as  a  character  can  typify 
kind  in  various  situations  of  defeat  or 
success,  tragedy  or  joy,  love  or  hate, 
or  any  aspect  of  human  conflict  within 
itself  or  in  relation  to  other  people  or 
to  life. 5^ 

The  major  characters  in  The  Yearling  function  on  the  uni 

versal  level,  whereas  the  minor  characters  function  more 

on  the  specific  factual  level.   In  a  19  1?  interview  she 

stated  specifically  the  universal  function  within  t)\e 

closed  system  of  The  Yenrlinq: 


^^M.  K.  R  ,  "  ion." 


.     .     .    life  (is  represented  by  his 
pet,  the  deer),  love  (the  real  signifi- 
cance of  i'.is  father's  love  and  his  o\\m 
love  of  the  deer],  death  of  Iiis  father, 
and  loneliness . 5o 

Expressed  througn  Jody  is  the  universal  premonition  of 

maturity  that  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav,lings  first  experienced 

on  her  father's  farm. long  years  before.   The  youth  and 

adolescence  of  Jody  function  to  reflect  the  remembered 

common  emotion. 

At  the  beginning  Jody  is  twelve  years 
old.   In  the  year  covered  by  the  book  he 
experienced  the  thing  I  remembered  exper- 
iencing that  April  day  back  in  Brookland 
.  .  .  that  definite  premonition  of  matur- 
ity ...  I  referred  to  it  a  while  ago  as 
ecstacy  tinged  with  sadness. 59 

Her  youth  and  her  father  were,  as  she  stated,  the  basis 

of  her  feeling  of  universality,  for  "from,  him  I  learned  my 

love  of  nature  .  .  .  and  a  sense  of  kinship  with  men  and 

women  everywhere  who  live  close  to  the  soil."'    Thus, 

through  the  generalization  of  the  particular,  Marjorie 

Kinnan  Rawlings  attempted  to  achieve  in  The  Yearling  the 

universal,  typifyiag  those  human  emotions  common  to  all 

people  in  all  ages  witliin  a  chosen  character. 

Evans,  "Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,"  Family  Circle. 
"M.  K.  R.  ,  "Autobiographical  Sketch.'' 


Up. i ty  in  characteri  :.a  tion 

The  third  aspect  of  characterization  to  which 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Ravlings  adiiered  was  the  functioning  of 
the  characters  as  cohesive  units.   The  concept  of  unity 
of  characterization  in  a  novel  is  the  organizing  principle 
that  the  characters  are  integrated  and  liave,  as  stated 
by  Holrian,  "a  necessary  relationship  to  each  other  and  an 
essential  relationship  to  the  whole  of  which  they  are 
parts."     The  totality  of  character  is  achieved  by  the 
cohesiveness  of  action  and  plausibility  of  motivation. 
Credibility  is  resultant  from  coherence;  in  other  words, 
the  characters  do  nothing  in  contradiction  of  their 
roles,  thereby  achieving  a  reality  of  harmony  and  unity. 

The  Yearling  was  told  tlirough  the  perspective  of 
a  tv/elve-year-old  boy,  and  in  order  to  achieve  unity, 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Raw] ings  is  constantly  cautious  of  using 
too  mature  a  vocabulary  or  too  complex  a  perspective  for 
a  twelve-year-old.   She  felt  her  previous  work.  Golden 
Apples ,  had  failed  because  of  a  disharmony  and  a  lack  of 
unity,  for  as  she  wrote  Maxwell  Perkins  on  July  11,  1956, 
"1  am  sure  you  are  wrong  about  the  reason  for  Golden 
Apples  not  doinjj  better.   People  recognized  unconsciously 
in  it  d  i  sharinony  — and  every  one  is  hungry  for  harmony  and 

^Mhr.-il],  Hibbard,  and  Holman,  p.  54  S 


unity."   She  worked  to  nake  sure  this  v/ould  not  be  the 
case  with  The  Yearling.   On  July  3,  1956,  when  she  wrote 
Maxwell  Perkins  of  her  plans  for  her  nevv'  book,  she  stated: 
"It  will  be  absolutely  all  told  through  the  boy's  eyes. 
I  want  it  through  his  eyes  before  the  age  of  puberty 
brings  in  any  other  factors  to  confuse  the  simplicity 
of  viewpoint."    Although  she  later  considered  changing 
her  approach,  she  realized  the  possible  disharmony  and 
loss  of  unity  that  could  result.   "But  I  dare  not  sv/itch 
the  interest  that  way;  that  is,  begin  from  the  father's 
point  of  \'iew,  then  take  it  up  from  the  boy's;  for  the 
father  continues  throughout  the  narrative,  but  it  m.ust 
be  as  the  boy's  father,  not  as  the  chief  protagonist. 
.  .  . "  "^   A  change  could  be  inconsistent  with  the  reality 
of  the  novel. 

For  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  harmony  and  unity 
result  from  adequate  reinforcement  of  character  with  de- 
tails, since  as  she  expressed  it,  in  a  novel,  "character 
doesn't  stand  alone;  character  mast  be  backed  up." 
Though  she  had  the  background,  and  basically  the  idea  for 
The  Yearling,  she  had  to  work  hard  to  achieve  unity.   In 
1935,  she  was  aware  of  the  hard  work  that  would  be  involved 


f-i.  fv  .  K.  ,   '^naracter.i  zaticn 


Its  success  v/ill  dep«".d,  I  should  say, 
almost  altogethei"  or  how  real,  how  vivjd, 
I  am  able  to  niake  individuals  whose  lives 
move  along  .  .  .  [.-^nd  it  involves]  treraen- 
dously  hard  work    in  delineating  anything 
like  a  reality. 61 

Two  years  later,  she  felt  the  characters  were  not  adequately 

created  and  she  had  not  achieved  unity  of  characterization, 

so  she  rewrote  much  of  the  novel. 

I  had  to  discard  everything  of  The 
Yearling  ...  to  give  it  cohesion.   My 
first  thoughts  had  been  to  plunge  into 
more  or  less  exciting  events.   Then  I 
realized  that  they  were  not  exciting  un- 
less the  boy  and  his  father  and  his 
surroundings  were  so  real,  so  familiar 
that  the  things  that  happened  to  him  took 
on  color  because  it  ail  came  closer  home 
in  its  very  f  amiliarit/.  *^^ 

One  of  the  basic  precepts  of  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  writing  was  the  value  of  characterization:   "In 
a  novel  you  can't  get  away  from  the  importance  of  charac- 
terization."    The  careful  delineation  of  character  to 
achieve  unity  was  a  major  factor  in  characterization, 
and  to  accomplisii  it,  often,  "infinitely  apparently  snnall 
details  require  rewriting  to  give  a  final  harmony  of  char- 
acterization."   The  character  functions  as  an  integral 


To  Maxwell  Perkins  from  M.  K.  R. ,  undated,  approx 

imately  December,  19.35 

■^To  Maxwull  Perkins  from  M,  K.  R..  undated,  approx- 

imatelv  January,  1947. 

.M.  K.  R.,  "Characterization." 
M.  K.  R.  ,  ".^utobio^jraphical  Sketch." 


and  cohesive  unit,  supplementing  and  complementing  the 
total  novel.   In  an  autobiographical  sketch,  she  stated, 
"None  of  my  novels  has  satisfied  me,  [however]  The  Yearling 
is  probably  the  most  coordinated  of  my  books." 

Through  Use  of  Facts  and  Details 

The  use  of  facts  and  details  to  achieve  a  sense  of 
reality  by  which  the  effect  of  beauty  is  accomplished  was 
another  major  element  of  her  theory  of  composition.   The 
place  of  fact  or  scientific  details  in  fiction  was  manifest 
throughout  her  papers;  for  example,  the  title  of  one  of 
her  lectures  was  "Facts,  Verses,  in  Fiction,"  which,  as 
indicated  on  the  folder  in  the  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
Collection,  she  had  filed  originally  under  'Facts  vs. 
Fiction.'   To  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  all  the  facts  that 
surround  the  writer  are  source  material;  but  those  facts 
may  be  "fertilized  by  the  creative  germ"  and  "transfused 
with  your  own  [author's]  personality."     "Even  the  still- 

life  painting  is  transformed  with  the  personality  of  the 
painter."     These  facts  were  a  part  of  the  adjustments 
made  to  actuality  so  that,  as  stated  by  Marjorie  Kinnan 

68,,  .  , 


M.  K.  R. ,  "Facts,  Verses,  in  Fiction." 

M.  K.  R.  ,  "Creative  IVriting." 

Rawlirxgs,  ''it  better  fitted  the  quality  of  mind  I  wanted 

catch  .  .  .  yet  that  quality  of  mind  is  true.  .  .  ." 

Writers  are  like  great  teachers,  who  have  transfused  facts 

with  their  own  creative  personality  and  "have  found  beauty 

in  ideas,  in  what  pass  for  facts."'" 

The  botanical  details  of  the  Florida  Scrub,  the 

agricultural  information  pertinent  to  farming,  the  data 

important  to  day-to-day  existence,  and  the  folklore  that 

pervaded  the  lives  of  the  Florida  Cracker  were,  to  the 

surprise  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  that  which  greatly 

interested  her  readers.   Her  surprise  was  in  part  due  to 

the  pleasure  she  also  received  from  this  type  of  factual 

information . 

It  is  only  since  Golden  Apples  that 
I  realize  what  it  is  about  my  writing 
that  people  like.   I  don't  m.ean  that  I 
am  writing  for  anyone,  but  now  I  feel 
free  to  luxuriate  in  the  simple  details 
that  interest  me  and  that  I  have  been  so 
amazed  to  find  interest  other  people. ^3 

These  botanical,  agricultural,  and  social  details  were 

those  she  fully  utilized  to  infuse  her  writing  with  a 

sense  of  reality. 

M.  K.  R.,  "Facts,  Verses,  in  Fiction." 
^^M.  K.  R.,  "Relativity  of  Beauty." 
^•^To  Maxwell  Perkins  from  M.  K.  R.  ,  July  51,  1936. 


Her  concern  vvith  the  problems  of  accuracy  in  the 
details  and  facts  continued  to  pervade  many  of  her  per- 
sonal papers.   Once  when  questioned  on  the  authenticity 
of  a  dance  ot  whooping  cranes  she  had  written  about  in 
The  Yearling,  she  defended  herself  to  an  interviewer  by 
stating,  "she  could  not  prove  the  story,  but  believed  it 

because  it  was  told  her  by  a  man  whose  memory  she  found  to 

be  unfailingly  clear  and  accurate."     In  her  continuing 

desire  for  authenticity,  she  drew  a  geological  map  of  the 

region  used  in  The  Yearling  and  a  "month-by-month  chart 

of  events  for  the  year  that  is  covered  in  the  book."'' 

Much  of  her  energies  had  been  spent  in  gathering  factual 

data;  for  example,  living  with  different  families  for 

weeks  in  the  Florida  Scrub,  keeping  journals  on  folklore 

and  pharmacopoeia  and  botany,  informally  interviexv'ing 

people  at  the  Creek.   All  this  was  part  of  her  concern 

with  factual  information,  which  was  most  apparent  in  her 

letter  to  Maxwell  Perkins  one  month  after  the  publication 

of  The  Yearling. 

My  secret  fear  about  The  Yearling 
has  just  been  allayed.   I  was  so  afraid 
that  the  old-guard  hunters  and  woodsmen 
would  find  flaws.   I  know  you  think  I 
put  too  much  emphasis  on  the  importance 

'Author  unknown,  "Author  Tells  of  Hot  Trip  .  .  ." 
To  Maxwell  Perkins  from  M.  K,  R. ,  March  26,  193' 


of  fact  in  fiction,  but  it  seems  to  me 
that  this  type  of  work  is  net  valid  if 
the  nature  lore  behind  it  is  not  scien- 
tifically true  in  every  detail.  76 

And  finally,  in  one  of  her  lectures,  she  replies  to  her 

O'.vm  rhetorical  question,  "U'hat  makes  characters  real?" 

by  stating  simply,  "Details. 
Methods  of  Expression 


Marjorie  Kinnan  Railings'  attempt  to  achieve  a 
verisimilitude  which  could  bring  the  reader's  imagination 
into  play  encompassed  the  use  not  only  of  facts  and  de- 
tails, but  also  of  various  methods  of  expression  in  her 
audience-oriented  style.   For  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings, 
style  was  the  adaptation  of  her  language  in  order  to 
achieve  mutual  understanding  between  the  author  and  the 
reader.   No  effect,  especially  the  effect  of  beauty, 
would  be  possible  if  the  style  were  inappropriate.   In  a 
1940  paper  written  for  the  National  Council  of  Teachers 
of  English,  she  discussed  style  as  it  related  to  a  volume 
by  Margaret  Mitchell. 

Yet  we  ask  of  style  principally 
that  it  be  an  effective  medium  of  ex- 
pression for  the  material  itself,  and 
it  seems  to  me  that  no  narrative,  no 
set  of  characters,  could  carry  the 


To  Maxwell  Perkins  from  M.  K.  R.,  May  14,  1937 


M.  K.  R.,  "Charjcter ization, 


excitement  and  the  living  conviction  of 
this  book_unless  the  style  were  at  least 
adequate . "^ 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav/lings'  style  was  a  combination  of  both 
the  idei  to  be  expressed  and  the  individual  language 
manipulation  necessary  to  achieve  a  close  transmission  of 
the  idea.   Beauty  vvas  the  idea  to  be  expressed,  and  certain 
personal  methods  were  necessary  in  order  to  create  a  vivid 
and  natural  reality  from  which  to  obtain  the  effect  of 
beauty  in  the  reader.   What  the  reader  receives  from  the 
language  manipulations  of  the  author  may  not  only  be  what 
explicitly  was  stated,  but  also  what  subtlely  was  connoted. 

Evidence  within  her  papers  indicated  specific 
facets  of  her  concept  of  style  to  achieve  a  predetermined 
effect.   These  included  evincing  a  quality  of  objectivity, 
as  well  as  utilizing  simplicity  of  construction,  and  dia- 
lect.  Fully  realizing  that  the  goal  of  all  narrative  is 
understanding,  she  stressed  the  advantage  she  had  received 
from  her  earlier  career  as  a  iournalist:   "In  newspaper 

work,  one  has  to  write  so  that  one  is  understood  clearly. 

Only  a  great  genius  is  privileged  not  to  be  understood." 

In  her  lecture  to  a  class  in  Creative  Writing  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Florida,  she  succinctly  summed  up  the  goals  of 

7  R 

M.  K.  R.,  "Regional  Literature." 


M.  K.  R.,  "Writing  as  a  Career,"  Bock  of  Knowledge 

Annual.  194S,  Typed  Scriut. 


style  as  follows:   '"The  desire  to  write  is  the  desire  to 

say  something,  to  say  that  something  well,  to  make  that 

8  0 
something  understood." 

Obi ect ivity 

Objectivity  is  a  major  quality  used  to  create  a 
sense  of  actuality  with  v;hich  to  communicate  beauty  to  the 
reader.   Objectivity  may  be  defined  as  that  effect  evinced 
by  a  literary  work  when  that  v/riting  is  understood  by  the 
readers  as  being  independent  from  the  emotional  or  personal 
sentiments  of  the  author.   Personal  detachment  was  for 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  an  important  technique  that  she 

described  in  her  lectures  as  tJie  ability  of  "being  able 

8 1 
to  view  it  all  from  the  outside."    This  type  of  objec- 
tivity, once  more,  was  gleaned  from  her  newspaper  work, 

for  in  journalism,  "one  learns  human  nature  in  the  raw. 

8  2 
One  learns  to  see  human  beings  objectively." 

As  she  wrote  in  a  letter  to  Maxwell  Perkins, 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  aspired  to  sharing  this  aesthetic 

distancing  with  another  literary  figure  of  her  day,  F. 

Scott  Fitzgerald,  for  she  hoped  to  emulate  his  ability  to 

8  0 

M.  K.  R. ,  "Mechanics  of  Writing." 

^^M.  K.  R.,  "Creating  Writing." 

'^^M.  K.  R.,  "Writing  as  a  Career." 

"visualize  people  not  m  their  immediate  setting  from  the  point  of  view  —  but  in  tine  and  space  —  almost  you 
might  say  vrith  divine  detachment,"'"    Her  aesthetic  dis- 
tancing was  in  no   way  accidental.   In  a  letter  to  Maxwell 
Perkins  in  1936,  three  years  before  The  Yearling's  com- 
pletion, she  explicitly  stated  her  goal  of  objectivity: 
".  .  .  it  ma>  sound  sentimental  or  too  symbolic  to  make 
a  good  story  ...  I  have  no  fear  of  it  at  all,  and  I 
shall  be  careful  never  to  sentimentalize." 


Another  m.ethod  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  employed 
was  that  of  dialect.   By  stressing  dialectical  differences 
in  vocabulary,  grammatical  habits,  and  pronunciation,  the 
isolation  and  separation  of  the  Florida  Cracker  by  both 
natural  and  social  barriers  ;vere  ever  made  evident.   The 
resultant  dialect  used  in  The  Yearling  to  convey  the  realis- 
tic elem.ent  of  the  Florida  Cracker  emerged  over  a  period  of 
time,  after  her  first  attempts  at  dialect  proved  inadequate, 
In  a  letter  to  Norman  Berg  she  stated  her  awareness  that 

q  c 

"dialect  is  a  dangerous  business.  ..."     Marjorie  Kinnan 

■^To  Maxwell  Perkins  from  M.  K.  R.,  February  11, 


To  Maxwell  Pericins  from  M.  K.  R.  ,  undated,  approx 
imately  October,  1936. 

q  C 

'"To  Norman  S.  Berg  from  M.  K.  R. ,  November  27,  194: 

Rawlings  also  indicated  her  avvareness  of  the  effect  of 
incorrectly  written  dialect  when,  in  her  correspondence, 
she  criticizes  another  author  for  giving  not  only  the 
dialogue  but  also  the  narrative  in  dialect:   "The  Llewellyn 
book  .  .  .  was  indeed  sorry  stuff  .  .  .  what  invalidated 
it  was  the  use  of  dialect  to  convey  thoughts  as  well  as 
speech."     Likewise,  in  a  talk  to  the  National  Council 
of  Teachers  of  English,  slie  stated  that  too  deep  an 
involvement  with  dialect  moves  the  work  into  a  technical 
or  National  Geographic  type  of  study:   "Elizabeth  Madox 
Roberts  evinces  such  a  scholarly  preoccupation  with  dia- 
lect speech  as  to  force  her  work  into  the  class  of  tech- 

8  7 
nical  or  erudite  writings.  ..." 

Her  use  of  Cracker  speech  functions  not  only  as 

part  of  her  attempted  creation  of  actuality,  but  also  as 

a  symbol.   As  she  stated,  "Cracker  speech  is  a  certain 

sign  of  the  isolation  of  the  Florida  interiors.  .  .  ." 

The  importance  of  the  use  of  dialect  to  create  the  real- 
istic sense  of  the  Florida  land  and  the  isolation  of  the 
frontier  is  evinced  in  her  statement:   "The  Cracker  speech 
of  long  isolation  is  in  my  opinion  one  of  the  assurances 

86,.  .  , 


M.  K.  11.,  "Regional  Literature." 

8  P 

M.  K.  R.,  "Cracker  Florida."  Early  Autobioj^raphi - 

cai  Writin.'is. 


of  the  entrenchn'ent  of  this  frontier.   Your  true  frontier 

is  resistant."  "   Within  this  isolation,  both  the  Cracker 

people  and  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  find  beauty. 

Dialect,  even  though  "a  dangerous  business,"  seemed 

to  be  a  necessity  to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  if  she  Vv-ere 

to  create  a  sense  of ■ actual ity,  but  she  was  aware  that 

dialect  must  be  used  carefully:   "I  have  suffered  over  my 

own  necessary  (or  so  I  thought)  use  of  it  [dialect]  for 

dialogue.   A  writer  can  JUST  get  by  on  using  it  for  dia- 

logue  .  .  .  but  to  carry  it  further  is  fatal."     In  The 

Yearling,  dialect  was  used  only  for  dialogue. 

Simpl icity 

With  her  audience-centered  theory  of  composition, 
simplicity  of  style  was  of  major  importance  to  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings.   To  complicate  the  text  with  superfluous 
elements  would  result  in  a  mockery  of  reality,  and  not  the 
sense  of  actuality  she  wished  to  achieve.   Syntax  was 
determined  by  the  goal  of  reality.   For  example,  as  she 
stated  in  one  of  her  lectures,  it  is  necessary  to  use 

"short,  almost  blunt  sentences  j.f  I  am  not  to  lose  real- 

ity."    Hov;ever,  she  also  stated  that  her  natural  tendency 

89.,  -  , 

90to  Norman  S.  Berg  from  M.  K.  R. ,  November  27, 

-^M.  K.  R.,  "Creative  Writing." 


seemed  to  be  toward' a  cluttering  of  the  text  and  oniy 
through  self -discipline  was  she  able  to  accomplish  the 
simplicity  of  style  she  desired.   In  a  1939  article  about 
her  winning  the  Pulitzer  Prize,  she  xs  quoted  as  address- 
ing the  concern  of  simplicity  in  a  letter  vvritten  several 
years  previously. 

Now  I  think  I  have  discovered  my 
weakness  ...  It  is  a  tendency  to 
clutter  the  text  with  gaudy  colors  that 
somehow  mock  reality,  like  a  Maxfield 
Parrish  print.   I  must  work  under  my 
own  mental  thumb  screws,  hold  myself  in 
check  when  I  want  to  gallop. 92 

The  various  tricks  of  style  were  anathema  to  her  simplis- 
tic approach,  for  she  felt,  "tricks  of  technique  annoy 

rather  than  please."     Her  admonition  was  against  the 

artificial  and  for  personal  integrity  and  honesty  in 

writing.   Use  "integrity  in  fiction  ...  be  yourself," 

she  warned. 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  stressed  neither  the  use 

of  new  words  singly  or  in  new  combinations,  nor  the  use 

of  old  words  in  old  combinations.   She  admonished  against 

the  latter,  saying,  "The  most  hopeless  sign  in  beginning 

9  5 
writers  is  the  use  of  trite  phrases."  "   However,  she  did 

Author  Unknown,  "Pulitzer  Winner, '=  Independent 
Woman,  January,  1939,  in  scrapbook. 

^■^M.  K.  R.,  "Mechanics  of  Writing." 


advocate  the  use  of  old  simple  words  m  nev;  combinations. 

The  words    themselves  do  not  seem 
stale  to  us  and  we  do  not  tire  of  them 
anymore  than  we  do  of  water  to  drink; 
[however],  certain  often-used  combina- 
tions of  words  are  stale.  9*^ 

Subsumed  under  the  heading  "Choosing  a  Style"  in  her  lec- 
ture on  the  "Mechanics  of  Writing,"  she  labels  saying  the 
obvious  as  "burbling."   Even  symbols  and  metaphors  are 
to  be  simplistic,  but  not  obvious:   "In  my  stories,  not 
the  red  of  Chinese  lacquer  but  the  red  [of  a  cardinal]." 

Underplaying  vv'as  another  aspect  of  this  simplistic 
approach.   Once  again,  she  cites  the  contribution  her 
early  journalistic  career  made  to  her  literary  style, 
for  the  style  she  learned  as  a  journalist  is  the  style 
she  advocates  as  a  creative  artist:   "There  was  no  place 

for  the  purple  prose  to  which  all  young  writers  are  so 

jj-  .  J  ,,98 

In  the  type  of  uncluttered,  simple  writing  to 

which  she  often  referred,  "the  story  must  be  told  v\fith 

no  waste  of  words  and  the  superfluous  adjectives  and  ad- 

verbs  dropped  by  the  wayside."    Understatement  forces 




M.  K.  R.,  "Autobiographical  Sketch." 

Ibid . 

the  reader  to  bring  into  play  the  imagination,  whereas 
overstatement  leads  to  surfeit.   Since  to  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  effective  writing  was  often  dependent  upon  this 
interplay  of  reader's  imagination  with  artistic  creatioD, 
then  to  her  "most  bad  writing  is  overwriting;  understate- 
ment in  the  hands  of  anyone  who  is  basically  a  writer  is 
always  more  effective  than  overstatement."     Her  pref- 
erence for  understatement  is  just  another  facet  of  her  con- 
tinued awareness  of  the  reader  and  the  writer's  effect 
upon  the  reader.   As  she  told  her  class,  the  writer  uses 
understatement  "for  the  simple  reason  that  you  have  to 
leave  some  play  for  the  reader's  own  imagination.   The 
reader  himself  fills  the  gap." 

The  expressive  technique  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
utilized  to  achieve  a  sense  of  reality  was  basically 
direct  and  simple.   The  process  of  narrative  that  best 
created  a  sense  of  reality  was  that  which  she  had  learned 
through  experience,  for  she  felt  tliat  the  complex  narra- 
tive used  earlier  had  diminished  tl^e  effect  and  so  was 
responsible  for  "the  fatally  divided  interest  that  we  got 
in  Golden  Apples ."   '"   Fo'-  The  Yearling  :-he  did  not  make 
that  mistake. 

^°°M.  K.  R.,  "Creative  Writing 


^°"To  Maxwell  Perkins  from  M.  K.  R. ,  October  10 



With  a  predilection  for  wanting  to  bring  the 
audience's  imagination  into  play,  her  natural  tendency, 
as  far  as  narrative  was  concerned,  was  toward  generaliza- 
tion and  implicitness,  leading  at  times  to  a  type  of 
vagueness;  however,  from  Maxwell  Perkins  she  learned  that 
reality  is  gained  otherwise. 

I  had  to  learn  what  I  learned  from 
Maxwell  Perkins,  the  book  editor  at 
Scribner's,  is  the  value,  no,  the  neces- 
sity, of  direct  narrative,  direct,  not 
implicit,  not  generalized.   It  is  much 
better  to  make  one  direct  incident  of 
such  intensity  and  let  the  one  incident 
speak  for  ail. 103 

So,  then,  does  she  attempt  not  to  generalize  in  her  narra- 
tion in  order  that  once  mere  the  reader  can  bring  into 
play  the  imagination.   Thus,  the  reader  through  imagination 
extends  the  explicit  incident  to  a  larger  content. 

Another  pitfall  to  this  type  of  direct,  simple 
narrative  was  the  episodic  narrative.   She  wrote  Maxwell 
Perkins  of  this  concern  on  May  10,  1937:   "The  principal 
difficulty  at  present  is  in  keeping  a  steady  flow  of 
narrative  rather  than  falling  into  the  disjointed  abyss 
of  mere  episodes."   However,  the  narrative  method  of  events 
in  their  time  sequence  seem^ed  to  fit  with  the  total  harm.ony 
and  simplicity  of  the  novel  and  evolved  naturally  to  create 
a  sense  of  reality.   "Once  I  have  decided  on  the  people 


M.  K.  R. ,  "Creative  Writing 


who  will  be  in  the  book,  I  think  the  narrative  will  flow 
naturally  of  its  own  accord,"  she  wrote  in  1956.   ' 

In  order  to  create  a  sense  of  reality  from  which 
to  obtain  the  effect  of  beauty  she  sought  expression  that 
utilized  dialect  for  appropriate  purposes  and  was  basically 
simple  and  objective.   These  stylistic  and  narrative  goals 
were  set  long  before  she  began  writing  The  Yearling,  for 
she  wrote  in  an  October,  1936,  letter  to  Maxwell  Perkins: 
"The  style  [for  The  Yearling]  will  be  very  simple  and 
direct."   For  the  next  two  years  she  sought  to  accomplish 
that  goal. 


The  objective  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  personal 
theory  of  composition  was  to  communicate  beauty  to  her 
readers.   Since,  to  her,  the  artist  was  "one  who  shares 
.  .  ,  the  particular  form  of  beauty  that  has  stirred  him," 
she  therefore  attempted  to  communicate  to  her  readers  that 
form  of  beauty  which  had  stirred  her  and  to  wliich  she  had 
responded— the  Florida  Cracker  interacting  with  the  Florida 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rjwlings  had  defined  beauty  as  a 
soaring  of  the  imagination  as  well  as  an  emotional  and 

1  04 

To  Maxwell  Perkins  from  M.  K.    R.,    July  31,  193  6 

spii'itual  excitation,  and  this  defined  also  her  reaction 
to  the  Florida  Cracker.   Her  personal  definition  of 
beauty  placed  the  emphasi?  on  the  resultant  effect  on 
the  reader  and  by  this  effect  was  beauty  known  to  have 
been  achieved.   Yet,  for  the  reader  to  experience  beauty 
as  she  had  experienced  it,  a  sense  of  actuality  must  be 
formulated  for  that  form  v/hich  had  stirred  her.   Her 
theory  of  composition  was  the  means  by  which  she  created 
a  sense  of  actuality  for  the  reader,  first  through  the 
process  of  characterisation,  specifically  focusing  on  the 
use  of  true-to-life  characters,  universality,  and  unity. 
Secondly,  she  attempted  to  achieve  reality  through  the 
use  of  scientifically  accurate  facts  and  details.   And 
finally,  she  used  objectivity,  dialect  and  simplicity. 
As  it  functioned  within  these  three  broad  principles, 
The  Yearling  evinced  an  audience  adaptation  to  attain 
specific  rhetorical  goals,  working  through  the  reader's 
imagination  to  communicate  the  beauty  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Raw] ings  recognized  around  her. 


Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  audience-oriented  theory 
of  ccmposition  had  as  its  goal  the  accomplishnient  of  a 
predetermined  effect.   In  the  preceding  chapter,  her 
personal  theory  of  composition  was  articulated  to  isolate 
those  characteristic  language  usages  by  which  she  sought 
CO  communicate  the  effect  of  beauty.   In  order  to  determine 
the  extent  of  that  possible  effectiveness,  the  responses 
of  her  readers  must  be  studied,   operating  from  the  per- 
spective advanced  by  Tompkins,  in  liis  work,  "The  Rhetorical 
Criticism  of  Non-Oratorical  Works,"  as  well  as  the  model 
provided  by  Carpenter  in  "Alfred  Thayer  Mahan's  Style  in 
Sea  Power:   A  Paramessage  Conducing  to  Ethos,"  who  stated 
that  effectiveness  is  "most  accurately  discernible  in  the 
responses  of  people  for  whom  the  discourse  was  intended."^ 
Thus  the  methodological  focus  of  this  chapter  is  not  on 
her  discourse  itself  but  rather  on   debriefing  the  readership, 

'Phillip  lompkins,  "The  Rhetoricil  Criticism  of 
Non-Oratorical  Works,"  Quarterly  Journal  of  Speech,  55 
(December,  1969),  AZl-'i1>T. 

Ronald  Carpenter,  "Alfred  Thayer  Mahan's  Stvle 
on  Sea  Power:   A  Paranessage  Conducing  to  Ethos,"  Speech 
Monoj^raL)hi_s ,  4  2  (August,  197  5),  li)  2. 


Hoased  in  the  L'niversity  of  Florida  Library,  the 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  CoJ.lection  contains  within  the 
substantial  correspondence  from  her  general  readership 
comprehensive  documentation  of  effects.   The  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  Collection  also  is  complemented  by  the 
papers  of  Phillip  May,  her  lawyer,  in  which  there  are 
additional  letters  she  had  forv/arded  to  him.   In  both 
collections,  all  correspondence  specifically  related  to 
The  Yearling  was  examined  since  the  novel  was  currently 
in  publication;  however,  the  main  body  of  correspondence 
utilized  covered  the  period  from  1938  until  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings'  death  in  1953.   Reactions  of  her  general 
readership  to  the  novel  were  the  basic  area  of  investiga- 
tion for  this  chapter. 

The  Collection  yielded  substantial  responses; 
though,  in  som.e  respects,  it  may  have  been  culled.   For 
example,  after  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  death  and  prior 
to  some  of  the  m.emorabilia  being  transported  from  tlie  Cross 
Creek  house  to  the  University  of  F],orida  Library,  one  box 
of  papers,  now  a  valuable  part  of  the  Collection,  had  to 
be  rescued  from  a  garbage  pile.   Also,  coiimenting  on  the 
relative  paucity  of  negative  comments  among  the  response 
to  her  work,  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  in  the  1940 's  provided 
reason  that  the  proportion  of  unfavorable  letters  from  her 
general  readership  v/as  : 

In  inf irit?s imal  portion,  and  the 
reascii  is  that  the  person  who  troubles 
to  sit  down  and  write  a  letter  to  an 
author  is  almost  invariably  a  kindly 
person.   I  mean  that  is  simple  human 
narure;  people  go  out  of  their  way  to 
do  a  kindly  thing,  and  verv  few  go  out 
of  their  way  tc  be  unkind . - 

However,  since  the  thrust  of  tliis  study  was  focused  upon 
responses  that  suggested  effectiveness  and  the  crucial 
point  Av'as  that  for  some  people  these  techniques  did  work, 
the  letters  in  tlie  Collection  from  her  general  readership 
proved  adequate. 

All  letters  from  the  general  readership  were  read; 
however,  only  those  comments  dealing  specifically  with 
areas  of  composition  or  which  indicated  or  implied  relation- 
ship to  language  manipulation  were  utilized.   These  letters 
were  then  cataloged  to  indicate  recurring  patterns.   Let- 
ters with  vague,  general  or  nonspecific  comments  were  not 
included  in  this  investigation;  such  as  letters  that  stated 
the  novel  was  "enjoyable"  or  "entertaining"  or  "interest- 
ing" but  in  no  way  suggested  the  reason.   Nonspecific 
evaluations  with  comments  of  this  ilk  were  a  type  of 
general  reaction  common  to  any  novel.   Thus,  through 
analysis  of  tliose  responses  applicalile  to  audience  reaction, 
both  this  and  the  subsequent  chapter  attempt  to  establish 
the  causal  relationship  between  technique  and  effect. 

"Proceedings  of  Second  Trial  of  Cason  versus 
Bask  in  ,  Alachua  County  Florida ,  1946,  inTTiTTl  ip~TTa/ 
CoTlectior.,  University  of  Florida  Library,  Volume  III, 
p.  357. 


Readership  Response  to  Effect  of  Beauty 

Study  or  the  responses  from  Mariorie  Kinnan  Rav;l- 

ings'  general  readership  revealed  their  focus  on  the  effect 

of  beauty.   Perhaps  one  of  the  most  explicit  was  from 

Betty  Odgers  who  indicated  her  awareness  of  the  com.muni- 

cated  effect:   "In  some  strange  way  the  shared  loveliness 

of  your  book  was  an  important  bond  in  the  adjustment  of 

my  life.""^   To  several  of  her  readers  the  effect  of  beauty 

was  intense  yet  inexpressible.   Hamilton  Holt  ivrote  on 

July  29,  1947,  "it  is  impossible  to  express  in  words," 

and  Bea  H.  also  wrote  in  her  April  2S,  1939  letter  to 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  "I  haven't  words  to  describe 

the  way  I  feel  about  your  beautiful   appealing  book." 

Though  a  wounded  young  English  flyer  repeated  the  inability 

to  express  his  appreciation  of  the  beauty,  he  did  elaborate 

on  the  effect. 

Of  The  Yearling  I  can  say  nothing 
except  thank  you.   To  try  and  tell  you 
of  its  beauty  would  be  useless  ...  I 
read  it  while  being  bombed.   It  brought 
a  light  to  that  siielter  that  made  a 
warm  glovi   for  us  all,  for  ^  read  it 
aloud.   One  little  cockney  bey  said,, 
'I  wish  I  was  him,  oh  I  wish  I  was. ' 

The  EnglisJ-i  flyer  expressed  appreciation  of  the  effect  of 

To  "lariorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  (hereafter  cited  as 
M.  K.  R.)  from  Betty  Odgers,  August  3C,  1945. 

■^Tc  M.  K.  R.  from  Perry  Potter,  undated. 

8  5 

beauty  as  did  man\  ether  respondents,  so  many  in  fact  that 
the  letters  became  a  type  of  "thank-yoii"  note  for  beauty 
received.   One  typical  of  these  comments  cane  from  a  Uni- 
versity of  Wisconsin  classmate  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
who  gratefully  wrote,  "I  finished  The  Yearling  in  a  flood 
of  tears  .  .  .   You've  done  a  perfectly  beautiful  job  .  .  . 
ny  thanks  for  so  much  pleasure." 

Publication  of  foreign  editions  brought  similar 
response  to  the  effect  of  beauty  from  distant  lands. 
Sigrid  Undset  from  Norway  wrote  January  19,  1942,  that 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav.'lings'  book  "makes  us  Europeans  marvel 
that  America  is   so  rich  in  natural  beauties  .  .  .  the 
loveliness  of  America  .  .  .  and  beautiful  wilderness.  .  .  ." 
From  Australia  in  1943  came  another  note  of  appreciation 
for  the  beauty  of  the  book. 

I  have  just  read  your  magnificent 
book  The  Yearling  and  feel  compelled  to 
write  and  tell  you  the  joy  it  gave  me 
from  beginning  to  end  ...  so  very  un- 
usual it  is,  and  so  beautiful  in  theme 
and  language. 6 

Thus,  not  only  America,   but  also  other  countries,  responded 

to  the  effect  of  beauty  in  her  book. 

One  reader  did,  in  fact,  offer  to  share  the  beauty 

in  a  section  of  land  that  he  possessed  in  return  for  the 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  Esther  Forbes  Hoskins,  July  14 

^To  M.  ^'.  P.  from  Laura  Dix,  May  17,  1945. 


beauty  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  given  to  him  through 
her  book,  for  as  he  stated:   '"We  too  know  the  beauty,  the 
birds,  the  orange  trees,  the  ducks." 

Perhaps  the  letter  written  to  her  on  August  29, 
1938  by  Marjorie  Douglas  can  serve  as  a  summation  of  those 
letters  received  that  so  intensely  had  felt  the  effect  of 
beauty:   ".  .  .  add  my  voice  to  the  chorus.   It  is  so 
lovely,  so  finely  felt.  ..."   Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
had  defined  the  artist  as  one  who  shares  beauty  and  as 
such  so  was  she  defined,  as  indicated  in  a  copy  of  a  letter 
Lafarge  had  written  about  her  and  that  had  been  forwarded 
to  her:   "This  book  is  an  exquisitely  beautiful  thing;  it 
seems  to  me  a  flawless  v/ork  of  art  .  .  .  She  is  a  great 


artist."    In  1945,  Neil  Phillips  \\'as  to  write  Marjorie 

Kinnan  Rawlings  and  once  again  define  her  as  an  artist. 

Obviously  from  these  responses,  the  effect  of  beauty  had 

been  communicated  to  her  readers. 

Response  Based  Upon  Perception  of  Reality  as 
Produced  by  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 

Beauty  was  felt  because  the  audience  perceived  the 
reality  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  produced.   As  addressed 

'To  M.  K.  R.  from  Henry  Dozier,  M.D.,  June  19,  1942, 

To  Rudolf  'veaver  from  Grant  Lefarge,  May  24,  1938, 
forwarded  to  M.  K.  R.  and  in  Rav/lings  Collection. 

^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Neil  Phillips,  April  29,  1945. 

earlier  in  Chapter  II,  in  order  for  the  reader  to  see 
beauty  as  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav/lings  had  seen  it,  she  must 
formulate  a  reality  for  those  forms  of  beauty  which  had 
stirred  her  and  through  this  reality  share  that  beauty 
with  her  reader.   From  rhis  created  sense  of  reality,  she 
was  then  able  to  effect  in  the  reader  the  sense  of  beauty. 
The  response  indicative  of  having  perceived  this  creative 
reality  was  ample. 

Reality  was  so  pervasive  to  some  of  her  readers 
that  they  literally  sought  the  specific  geographic  loca- 
tion of  episodes  depicted  in  The  Yearling.   The  President 
of  a  Florida  hunting  club  wrote  of  one  such  attempt. 

We  have  tried  to  locate  the  exact 
spot  you  had  in  mind  that  'Old  Slew 
Foot'  crossed  Juniper,  also  the  point  • 
that  you  had  in  mind  where  he  crossed 
Salt  Spring  Run. 10 

The  tendency  to  seek  a  geographic  reality  on  the  part  of 

her  readers  took  on  such  force  that  the  Cross  Creek  Big 

Scrub  became  known  as  Yearling  Country,  Cracker  Country, 

etc.   One  reader  v/rote  requesting  exact  directions: 

"Would  you  be  kind  enough  to  tell  me  liow,  by  train,  I 

would  get  to  the  enchanting  Cracker  Country?"    Another 

reader  located  the  Cross  Creek  area  not  by  the  characters 

in  The  Yearling,  but  by  the  animals:   "To  Mrs.  Rawlings  a 


^°To  M.  K.    R.  from  H.  L.  Nevin,  May  26,  I9.?8. 
To  M.  K.  R.  fro.Ti  Robert  Corlis,  Scplembov  50 


welcome  to  the  land  of  Slewfoct  which  The  Yearling  has 

inimortalized  in  our  hearts."  "   One  service  person  wrote 

in  1944: 

I  have  enjoy  [sic]  oh  so  very  much 
your  book  on  the  Yearling  Country.   Most 
of  us  boys  away  from  home  feel  the  same. 
Give  us  more,  we  do  appreciate  them,  its 
like  a  peek  at  the  real  thing. ^^ 

The  reality  perceived  was  sustained  in  part  by 
the  readers'  ability  to  locate  literally  the  geographic 
parameters.   Anne  Brennon  in  a  June  14,  1941  letter  com- 
mented on  this  geographic  reality:   "The  story  took  us 
to  Florida  ...  it  made  us  feel  that  we  were  right  there 
with  Flag  and  Jody  and  Penny  Baxter."   Other  readers  ex- 
tended this  reality  and  commented  upon  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  ability  "to  immortalize  the  Florida  Country."" 
These,  then,  were  a  sampling  of  the  responses  from  her 
readers  indicative  of  their  having  perceived  the  reality 
which  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  created. 

Other  readers  expressed  an  awareness  that  they 
had  not  only  shared  the  reality  as  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
had  perceived  it,  but  also  that  her  perception  was  correct 

"To  M.  K.  R.  from  C.  L.  Alder son,  January  3,  1939 

■'•■^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Errol  Hunt,  October  12,  1.944. 

''To  M.  K.  R.  from  Eugenia  Pilkington,  July  13, 
1942,  in  Phillip  May  Collection,  file  number  175. 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  C.  L.  Alderson,  January  3,  1939 

8  9 

acccrdiTig  to  their  evaluation.   A  letter  to  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  from  Betty  Odgers  tended  to  confirrn  this  sharing 
even  to  the  point  that  there  was  confusion  on  Ms.  Odgers' 
part  over  the  author  and  the  omniscient  narrator  of  The 
Yearl ing:   "I  love  your  right  v;ay  of  living.   Your  atten- 
tion  to  the  real  and  important  things."'^    This  letter 
did  not  indicate  Ms.  Odgers  had  knowledge  of  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings'  habits  beyond  having  read  The  Yearling. 
Joseph  Grace  assumed  also  that  his  perception  of  reality 
was  correct  and  that  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  concurred 
with  him;  however,  he  assumed  also  her  ability  must  have 
been  attained  through  "some  girlish  great  sorrow  in  [her] 
young  life  in  order  [for  her]  to  be  able  to  see  at  a 
glance  how  other  folks  live  both  internally  and  exter- 
nally."   Finally,  another  reader  in  a  1946  letter  praised 
the  author's  "talent  for  making  reality  translucent." 

These,  then,  were  several  of  the  letters  from  her 
readers  that  indicated  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  indeed 
formulated  a  reality  through  which  beauty  had  been  communi- 


194  b 

^  To  M.  K.  R.  from  Betty  Odgers,  August  50; 

^''Tg  M.  K.  R.  from  Joseph  Grace,  May  21,  1944. 
To  M.  K.  R.  from  Mrs.  Eugene  Meyers,  July  14, 


Response  lo  Individual  Elements  of  Marjorie  Kinuaii  Rawlin; 
Theory  of  Co ni pasTti^ 

Although  the  audience  appeared  to  be  responding  to 
the  created  reality,  it  was  in  actuality  responding  to  trie 
elements  which  constituted  that  reality.   Reality  v;as  the 
result  of  the  individual  elements  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawl- 
ings '  theory  of  composition,  and  each  elem.ent  contributed 
to  the  total  reality  through  which  beauty  was  achieved. 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Ra^^/lings'  theory  of  composition  has  been 
defined  in  Chapter  II  as  the  means  whereby  the  artist  was 
able  to  create  a  sense  of  actuality  by  which  to  communicate 
beauty  to  the  reader.   Investigation  of  her  papers  revealed 
a  pattern  of  responses  to  the  various  elements  of  her 
theory  of  composition. 

Response  to  the  process  of  characterization 

The  process  of  characterization  was  one  element 
of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  theory  of  composition  by 
which  she  attempted  to  create  a  reality  for  the  reader 
through  which  to  convey  her  concept  of  beauty.   Her  readers 
tended  to  respond  as  though  the  characters  were  real, 
true -to -life  people.   For  example,  H.  L.  Nevin,  a  native 
of  the  area,  attempted  to  display  his  powers  of  observa- 
tion Dy  identifying  those  individuals  whom  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Ra'wlings  had  supposedly  copied: 


Penny  Baxter  can  only  be  one  person 
.  .  , ,  that  person  happens  to  be  Mel  Lans 
who  has  hunted  with  us  these  many  years. l8 

Not  only  are  the  humans  identified  by  her  readers,  but 

also  the  animals: 

The  dog  Julia,  in  our  minds,  must  be 
'Old  Bess'  who  had  her  side  torn  somewhere 
on  Juniper  Creek  and  a  patch  of  skin  the 
size  of  one's  hand  was  hanc^ing  loose  when 
Mel  carried  her  into  camp.^- 

Written  in  the  m.argin  of  this  letter  was  a  brief  denial 
by  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings. 

Several  other  readers  responded  to  the  realistic 
portrayal  of  Jody,  both  expressing  an  awareness  of  the 
difficulty  in  recreating  a  real  boy  and  citing  amazement 
at  a  woman's  ability  to  do  so.   In  a  copy  of  a  letter  that 
had  been  forwarded  to  her  by  the  recipient  was  the  follow- 
ing reaction: 

It  is  one  of  the  most  difficult  tasks 
that  she  sets  herself  [Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings]  to  take  you  inside  the  very  heart 
of  that  perfectly  real  little  boy  .  .  .-^ 

Another  reader  in  the  same  vein  added,  "How  any  woman  could 

depict  a  boy's  mind  and  emotions  as  perfectly  as  you  do  is 

0  1 

beyond  me."~    A  January  28,  1940,  letter  mirrored  tlie 
response  of  both: 

^^To  M.  K.  R.  from  H.  L.  Nevin,  May  26,  1938. 

■^To  Rudolf  Weaver  from  Grant  Lafarge,  May  24, 
1933,  foi^wavded  to  M.  K.  R.  and  in  Rawlini^s  Collection. 

^^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Ihubcrt  Clark,  October  21,  1958 


Anyone  can  write  about  a  child;  few 
can  do  it  with  such  depth  and  strength; 
few  can  capture  the  evanescent  moment 
that  you  chose. ^^ 

If  some  readers  did  not  try  to  explicitly  name 
the  person  who  had  been  copied  for  portrayal  in  The 
Yearling,  they  then  felt  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had 
created  a  recognizable  type  of  flesh  and  blood  person, 
for  as  Laura  Dix  wrote  to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  on 
May  17,  1945,  "I  feel  I  know  each  of  those  wonderfully 
drawn  characters,  especially  the  lovable  splendid  Penny 
and  his  equally  lovable  son."   Other  correspondents 
praised  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  "understanding  of  young 
people"  and  her  ability  to  "live  their  lives  with  them.""" 

Several  of  her  readers  reacted  to  the  emotion 

which,  as  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  wrote  in  "Facts,  Verses 

in  Fiction,"  "the  ivriter  creates  the  characters  to  express 

Several  viewed  Ma  Baxter  in  this  light.   Neil  Phillips 


^^  The  Yearling  in  a  few  unrestrained 
strokes  you  give  one  of  literature's  great 
examples  of  pathetic  frustration— the  mother 
groping  to  share  the  intim.acy  of  the  father 
and  the  boy  and  telling  the  pointless  tale 
about  refusing  a  dog  because  'a  hound  dog 
sure  will  suck  eggs. '24 

'To  M.  K.  R.  from  Donald  Peattie ,■  January  2S,  1950 


o  M.  K.  R.  from  Lorretta  Ryhill,  March  26,  1956 
To  M.  K.  R.  from  Joseph  Grace,  May  21,  1944. 

^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Neil  Phillips,  April  29,  194S. 


Another  reader  also  responded  to  the  emotion  Ma  Baxter 
represen.ted :   ''Somehow  so  many  of  us  are  'Ma  Baxters,' 
Vie'd    like  to  be  in  on  the  big  brave  things,  but  actually 
the  black  calico  warms  us  just  as  much."" 

And  finally  to  some  of  her  readers  the  characters 
were  so  real,  so  true- to-life  that  they  reacted  to  them  as 
though  they  were  living  human  beings.   Some  w-ept  over  the 

T  6 

death  of  Fodderwing  and  later  the  killing  of  Flag." 
Others  felt  so  strongly  about  the  father  and  son  that  they 
wrote,  "I  can't  decide  whether  I  love  Penny  or  Jody  more," 
or  "it  was  impossible  to  decide  whether  I  liked  father  or 
son  best.  .  .  ." 

A  second  pattern  within  the  process  of  charac- 
terization that  emerged  was  the  tendency  on  the  part  of 
the  readers  to  respond  to  the  function  of  the  characters 
both  as  the  particular  and  as  the  universal.   For  Felix 
Schelling,  the  parameters  of  The  Yearling  were  extended 
because  of  this  universality,  ".  .  .  for  it  is  so  much 
more  than  a  story  in  its  insight  into  common  human  nature." 

imately  1945 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  Perry  Potter,   undated,  approx- 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  Laura  Dix,  May  17,  1945. 

"^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Bea  H. ,  April  28,  1939. 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  Ralph  Prouty,  August  9.  19  11. 

^^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Felix  Schelling,  May  27,  ig-iS. 


A  letter  from  N.  C.  IVyeth  suggested  that  the  basis  of  The 
L~JLlliM!A  ^'i^s  appeal  was  the  functioning  of  the  charac- 
ters as  not  only  the  individual  but  also  the  universal. 

It  is  happy  augury,  I  think,  that  we 
have  all  as  a  family  enjoyed  vour  sto-^-y 
deeply  and  mostly  I  think  because  the 
larger  contours  of  romance  so  imnressively 
transcend  locality  and  become  superblv 
universal  in  appeal. 29 

Others  reacted  as  did  Wyeth,  for  The  Y8arling_  through  its 

universality  had  appealed  to  all  ages.   Donald  Peattie 

wrote  of  the  reaction  of  his  two  sons  as  he  had  read  the 
novel  to  them: 

Congratulations!   I  was  interested 
in  the  way  the  younger  one  was  able  to 
endure  the  death  of  Flag  and  the  v^av  the 
elder  listened  to  Penny's  last  words  to 
Jody.   Your  success  was  complete  with 
all  three  of  us. 30 

Esther  Forbes  commented  also  on  the  universal  element  in 

her  August  13,  195S,  letter:  "I  think  one  of  the  reasons 

it  is  so  beloved  is  that  it  is  one  of  the  few  recent  books 

that  appeals  to  the  entire  family." 

Another  respondent  referred  to  The  Yearling  as 

"truly  great  literature  ...  a  minor  American  classic.  "^^ 

Agnes  Hclmquest  categorized  the  novel  as  ".  .  .in  the 


To  M.  K.  R.  from  N.  C.  Wyeth,  January  13,  1939. 

...,.,,       '°  '■^-  ^-  ^-  f-'''-'^^  Donald  C.  Peattie,  January  ^8 

-""To  M.  K.  R.  from  Ralph  Prouty,  August  9,  1944. 


characters  the  most  famous  in  literature. 

I  keep  my  own  sacred  'hall  of  fame' 
of  my  favorite  literary  characters.   I 
include  Jean  Valjean,  Huck  Finn,  etc. 
Among  my  favorites  are  your ^ two  charac- 
ters Penny  and  Jody  Baxter. ^^ 

Tiie  ability  to  transcend  time  limitations,  to  affect  and 

appeal  to  people  in  a  later  time,  was  the  focus  of  a  1943 


It  must  make  you  happy  to  realize 
that  all  over  the  world,  perhaps  for 
centuries  of  time,   you  may  be  affecting 
people's  lives. 34 

So,  then,  did  readers  react  to  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  attempt  to  achieve  the  universal  through  general- 
ization of  the  particular  by  typifying  those  human  emotions 
common  to  all  people  in  all  ages  within  a  chosen  character. 
A  final  letter  from  a  thirteen-year-old  boy  who  related 
directly  to  the  story  was  indicative  of  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  degree  of  success. 

I  always  thought  that  Daddy  liked 
the  girls  better  than  I.   I  suppose  I 
didn't  pay  as  much  attention  to  Dad  as 
the  girls.   When  I  began  to  read  this 
book  The  Yearling  of  deep  love  between 
Penny  and' Jody,  father  and  son  [sic]. 

■^"To  .M.  K.  R.  from  Agnes  Ilolmquest,  July  22,  1958, 
^■^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Ralph  Prouty,  August  9,  1944. 
■^''to  M.  K.  R.  from  Letty  Odgcrs,  Auv.ust  30,  1943. 


He  worked  with  his  father  and  made  over 
him.   I  think  this  book  will  start  a^_ 
better  love  betv/een  my  father  and  I.^^ 

A  third  pattern  of  responses  within  the  process 
of  characterization  tliat  emerged  was  reaction  to  the 
characters  functioning  as  cohesive  units.   As  explained 
in  Chapter  II,  the  totality  of  character  is  achieved  by 
the  cohesiveness  of  action  and  plausibility  of  motivation; 
in  other  words,  the  characters  do  nothing  in  contradiction 
of  their  roles. 

Several  letters  addressed  the  unity  of  the  novel 
by  stressing  the  "perfection"  they  found  ^^fithin  it.   Two 
readers  responded  to  the  author's  ability  in  depicting 
"the  mind  and  emotions  as  perfectly"  as  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  had  accomplished  and  also  to  her  ability  in  taking 
"you  inside  the  very  heart  of  that  perfectly  real  little 
boy."    Another  addressed  the  total  harmony,  for  she  wrote, 
"The  whole  thing  seems  quite  perfect  and  I  think  you  must 
be  happy  about  it  yourself.""^'   Perhaps,  though,  the  letter 

To  }[.    K.  R.  from  Frank  Kelly,  January  29,  1939. 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  Hubert  Clark,  October  21,  1938. 

To  Rudolf  iveaver  from  Grant  Lafarge,  May  24, 
1938,  forwarded  to  M.  K.  R.  and  in  Rawlings  Collection. 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  Esther  Forbes  Hoskins,  July  14, 


^^To   M.    K.    R.    frovTi    Bea   H.,    April    28,    1939 


from  ilariorie  Douglas  more  succinctly  expressed  the  unity 

she  found  within  the  novel:   "It  is  ...  so  beautifully 

unified  and  sustained .  "■^'"   This  harmony  and  unity  resulted 

from  adequate  delineation  of  and  reinforcement  of  character 

and  it  was  to  these  that  Hamilton  Holt  addressed  his  letter 

of  1958. 

.  .  .  moved  me  so  .  .  .  I  have  never 
read  such  art  in  character  delineation. 
You  have  made  the  characters  speak  for 
themselves  and  have  never  acted  the  part 
of  the  Greek  Chorus  in  explaining  them. 
How  you  entered  into  the  heart  of  those 
people  whose  exteriors  must  be  alien  to 
you  is  .  .  .  evidence  of  your  genius. -^^ 

Perhaps  the  unity  and  the  totality  of  the  whole 

was  best  expressed  by  Robert  Herrick,  for  he  perceived 

The  Yearling  as  "all  of  a  piece  —  people,  background, 

animals,  woods,  flowers,  everything"  all  functioning  as 

a  cohesive  unit.     Thus  did  her  readers  respond  not  only 

to  universality  and  true-to-life  depiction,  but  also  to 

unity  within  the  process  of  characterization. 

Response  to  facts  and  details 

A  second  element  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Fvawlings' 
theory  of  composition  to  which  her  readers  responded  was 


To  M.  K.  R.  from  Marjorie  Douglas,  August  29, 

•^^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Hamilton  Holt,  May  14,  1938. 

"^'Ho  M.  ;(.  R.  from  Robert  Herrick,  May  14,  193S 


the  use  of  facrs  and  details  to  achieve  a  sense  of  reality 
by  which  the  effect  of  beauty  was  accomplished.   A  letter 
from  the  president  of  a  local  hunt  club  was  attested  to 
her  accuracy  of  detail:   "I  congratulate  you  on  your 
splendid  descriptions  of  not  only  the  Juniper  County  but 
your  marvelous  descriptive  power  of  bear  and  deer  hunt- 
ing."    Her  pleasure  in  receiving  this  letter  ^^fas  mani- 
fest in  her  reply: 

I  trembled  in  my  boots  for  fear  the 
old  guard  hunters  would  find  too  many  flaws. 
I'd  rather  please  the  people  who  kno^v  that 
life  and  section  than  all  NY  Cities  rolled 
together. 42 

Not  only  did  the  old  guard  respond  to  this  accuracy,  but 

also  a  zoologist  from  the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  in 

Cam>bridge,  Massachusetts,  as  well  as  a  nationally  known 

naturalist.   Hubert  Clark,  the  zoologist,  wrote: 

As  a  former  boy  and  as  a  zoologist 
I  take  off  my  hat  to  you  ...  I  am  amazed 
at  the  accuracy  of  your  natural  history 
.  .  .   Not  once  in  reading  The  Yearling 
have  I  detected  a  careless  or  inaccurate 
statem.ent.   Yet  your  descriptions  of 
scenery,  vegetation,  animal  life  and  a 
boy's  reactions  to  them  are  simply  de- 
lightful. 43 

"^■"■To  M.  K.  R.  from  H.  L.  Nevin,  May  26,  193S. 

"To  H.  L.  Nevin  from  M,  K.  R.,  May  30,  1958, 
copy  in  Rawlings  Collection. 

'^^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Hubert  Clark,  October  21, 


The  naturalist  too  added  his  ccngratLilations  for  accuracy 

of  fact  and  detail: 

I  might  add,  since  it  is  in  my  line 
.  .  .  few  can  stand  up  to  Nature  as  you  do. 
Fevv  can  look  at  it  as  it  is.   People  play 
with  its  prettiness;  they  paint  its  colors, 
they  read  in  it  something  that  is  not  writ- 
ten there.   You  are  a  minute  observer  of 
Nature.  .  .  . '•  "^ 

Several  other  readers  com.mented  on    the  pleasure  received 

from,  "such  a  wealth  of  intimate  detail"  and  the  knowledge 

gained,  for  as  one  reader  wrote,  "I  never  had  an  idea  what 

flowering  Dogwood  or  Hemlock  pines  were  like  until  reading 

The  Yearling." 

Thus  did  readers  respond  to  the  botanical  details 
of  the  Florida  Scrub,  the  agricultural  information  perti- 
nent to  farming,  the  data  important  to  the  day-to-day 
existence,  and  the  folklore  that  pervaded  the  lives  of 
Florida  Crackers;  in  other  words,  those  facts  and  details 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  utilized  to  infuse  her  writing 
with  a  sense  of  reality. 

Response  to  objectivity;; 

A  third  element  of  Marjoris  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
theory  of  composition  t:>  which  her  readers  responded  was 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  Donald  Per.ttie,  January  2S, 

^^To  Rufolf  Weaver  from  Grant  Lafarge,  May  24, 
l9^'/i,    forwarded  to  .M,  K.  R.  and  in  Rawlings  Collection. 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  Sigrid  Undset,  Jinuary  19,  1942 


the  techniqii?  of  objectivity.   Earliex",  objectivity  was 
defined  as  that  quality  within  a  literary  work  that  may 
be  understood  as  being  independent  from  the  emotional 
or  personal  sentiments  of  the  author.   Perhaps  the  letter 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  received  in  1938  most  parallels 

the  reader  reaction  with  the  definition  when  it  praised 

the  author  for  never  becoming  '"sappy." 

However,  in  a  wore    literary  fashion,  Hamilton 
Holt,  the  President  of  Rollins  College  in  Florida,  com.pli- 
mented  Marjorie  Kinnan  Raivlings  for  "the  art  of  creating 
subjective  characters  by  objective  descriptions."'^''   One 
reader  wrote  of  her  as  "a  conscientious  reporter,  under- 
standing, wise,  and  brave"  i\[hom,  another  reader,  found, 
gave  a  wealth  of  essentials  but  was  never  "obstrusive . "  ^ 
So  then  did  readers  respond  to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
attempt  to  achieve  objectivity  in  order  to  create  a  sense 
of  actuality  with  which  to  communicate  beauty  to  the 



^^To  ^[.  K.  R.  from  Esther  Forbes  Hoskins,  July  14 

'"  To  M.  K.  R.  from  Hamilton  Holt,  July  1,  1938 


To  M.  K.  R.  from  Donald  Peattie,  January  28, 

To  Rudolf  Weaver  from  Grant  Lafarge,  May  24, 
1938,  forwarded  to  M.  K.  R.  and  in  Rawlings^Collect ion 


Response  to  simplicity 

A  fourth  eleiTient  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 

theory  of  composition  to  which  her  readers  reacted  was 

simplicity,  for  she  attempted  an  uncluttered,  simple, 

writing  style  \v'hich  v\ras  determined  by  her  goal  of  reality. 

To  this  simple  style  her  readers  responded,  some  in  an 

explicit  manner,  others  more  subtlely.   A  service  person 

in  a  Quebec  hospital  sometime  during  World  Ivar  II  addressed 

the  simplicity  of  language  directly  in  his  undated  letter. 

People  like  you  who  write  so  simply, 
so  close  to  the  little  people  mean  a  great 
deal  to  people  like  us  who  live  so  close 
to  the  edge  —  we  never  know  just  what's 
over  the  edge. 49 

However,  others  were  less  explicit  and  a  pattern  of  lan- 
guage emerged  in  which  a  number  of  letters  referred  to 
the  simple  people,  the  simple  life,  the  simple  background. 
This  letter  from  Ralph  Prouty  exemplified  the  response: 

The  grand  thing  is  they  are  not  spec- 
tacular persons  who  flash  across  the  pages 
of  literature  like  a  comet,  but  plain, 
simple  people.   Simple  they  may  be,  but 
they  are  undoubtedly  great. 50 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  advocated  use  of  short, 

almost  blunt  sentences  if  she  were  not  to  lose  reality. 

On  reader  remarked  that  her  language  in  The  Yearling  had 

'^^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Perry  Potter,  undated. 

^^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Ralph  Prouty,  August  9,  194. 


the  attributes  of  a  prov'erb  —  that  is,  a  short  pithy  saying 
express  irjg  a  truth  or  fact  —  for,  as  he  wrote,  "many  words 
and  sentences  have  become  proverbial  in  our  daily  conver- 
sations."    Such  was  typical  of  the  response  of  her  reader- 
ship to  the  simplicity  that  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had 
utilized  in  her  attempt  to  communicate  reality. 


Thus,  the  response  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
readers  focused  on  the  effect  of  beauty.   However,  beauty 
was  communicated  to  the  audience  because  they  had  perceived 
the  reality  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  produced,  and  it 
;vas  from  this  created  sense  of  reality  that  she  was  then 
able  to  effect  in  the  reader  the  sense  of  beauty.   The 
audience  reaction  to  the  created  reality  was  reaction  to 
the  individual  elements  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  theory 
of  composition.   Therefore,  the  response  of  her  general 
readership  to  these  individual  elements  of  characterization, 
facts  and  details,  and  methodology,   each  contributed  to 
the  total  response  of  the  audience  to  the  composition, 
that  is,  a  response  of  beauty  as  perceived  through  these 
elements . 


Another  source  of  information  about  reader  response 

was  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  professional  readership. 

Just  as  the  letters  of  individuals  served  as  an  index  of 

effectiveness,  so  likewise  did  the  reviews  by  professional 

critics,  who,  through  their  experience  with  the  craft  and 

their  knowledge  of  the  genre,  functioned  as  a  valuable 

body  of  receivers.   Tompkins,  who  also  found  this  segment 

of  the  audience  vital  to  rhetorical  analysis,  argued  that 

though  this  "sizable  important  body  of  receivers  who 

debrief  themselves  voluntarily"  are 

.  .  .  atypical  of  the  average  man 
audience  .  .  . ,  on  the  basis  of  the  two- 
step  flow  of  communication  and  influence, 
their  very  eminence,  their  atypicality, 
makes  them  even  more  useful  in  rhetorical 

some  ei 

is  .  .  .   They  do,  after  all,  have 
ffect  on  other  receivers.^ 

Carpenter,  in  his  study  on  the  effectiveness  of  style, 

utilized  fully  the  file  o['   newspaper  and  periodical  reaction 

Phillip  Tompkins,  "The  Rhetorical  Criticism  of 
Non-Oratorical  Works,"  Quarterly  Journal  of  Si)eech,  5S 
(December,  1969),  438. 



in  the  Alfred  Thayer  Mahan  Collection  in  the  Library  o£ 


Congress  as  a  part  of  his  investigation."   In  "The  Rhetor- 
ical Criticism  of  Non-Oratorical  Works ,"  Tompkins  cited 
several  other  investigations  of  non-oratorical  art  forms 
in  which  the  approach  of  debriefing  critics  was  both  valid 
and  fruitful  .  "^ 

The  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  Collection  contains 
a  substantial  number  of  clippings  housed  in  six  large 
scrapbooks.   These  newspaper  and  periodical  clippings  \vere 
acquired  from  three  sources:   (1)  the  estate  of  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings,  (2)  a  compilation  of  clippings  by  Grace 
I.  Kinnan  and  V/ilmer  Kinnan,  and  (3)  a  compilation  of 
reviews  by  Pat  Smith,  Director  of  Public  Information  at 
the  University  of  Mississippi  [although  the  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  Collection  provided  no  reason  for  this 
compilation  or  for  tPie  forwarding  of  these  reviews  by 

"Ronald  Carpenter,  "Alfred  Thayer  Mahan 's  Style  on 
Sea  Power:   A  Paramessage  Conducing  to  Ethos,"  Speech 

Monographs ,  4  2  (August,  197  5),  192. 

William  Jordan,  "A  Study  of  Rhetorical  Criticism 
in  the  Modern  Novel,"  Debut  Paper,  SAA  Convention,  1967. 

Phillip  Tomokins,  "In  Cold  Fact,"  Esquire,  65 
(June,  1966),  125-127,  166-171. 

Patricia  Weygandt,  "A  Rhetorical  Criticism  of 
of  Sgt.  Pepper's  Lonely  Hearts  Club  Band."  'Jnpublished 
paper,  1969,  Kent  State  University. 

Pat  Sir.ith).   The  reviev;s  and  clippings  from  the  Marjorie 
Kinnan  FlaKlJags  estate  arc,  in  themselves,  quite  compre- 
hensive, for  Sci ibner ' 5  had  forwarded  to  her  from  its 
clipping  services  reviews  pertaining  to  the  publication  of 
The  Yearling.   A  survey  of  other  periodicals  of  the  period 
revealed  that  the  Collection  contained  most  of  the  reviews 
which  the  book  provoked. 

All  reviews  and  critical  articles  in  the  Collection 
related  to  The  Yearling  were  examined;  but  the  primary  area 
of  investigation  covered  the  year  of  publication,  1938. 
Since  few  reviews  extended  beyond  the  fev\r  months  following 
publication,  and  successive  reviews  were  often  merely  re- 
issues of  previous  ones,  this  period  was  considered  most 
crucial.   The  newspaper  and  periodical  files  proved  to  be 
a  generous  sample  of  that  important  body  of  receivers  who 
[according  to  Tompkins]  "reveal  their  perceptions  and  value 
judgments  of  the  art  form  under  analysis."    In  the  main 
these  responses  were  positive,  and  although  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  had  provided  an  explanation  of  the  paucity  of 

Scrapbooks;  two  leatherbound  volumes  compiled  by 
Grace  I.  Kinnan  and  Wilmer  Kinnan  in  the  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  F-'lorida  Library. 

Scrapbooks;  four  volumes  compiled  by  Pat  Smith, 
Director  of  Public  Information  at  University  of  Mississippi 
Rawlinys  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 

Clippings  and  newspaper  materials,  Rawlings  Col- 
lection, University  of  Florida  Library. 

Tompl'.ins.  "The  Rhetorical  Criticism,"  p.  •l.'S8. 


negative  response  on  the  part  of  her  general  readership, 
no  such  explanation  v,as  either  offered  or  suggested  for 
the  dearth  of  negative  criticism  from  her  professional 
readers.   Perhaps  the  prepublication  announcement  of  a 
volume  having  been  chosen  the  Book -of -the -Month  Club 
selection  was,  in  the  late  1930' s,  a  type  of  literary 
intimidation.   Nevertheless,  the  extensiveness  of  the 
newspaper  and  clipping  file  including  not  only  the  col- 
lection of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  her  publisher  and 
relatives,  but  also  a  voluminous  compilation  by  the 
information  officer  at  the  University  of  Mississippi 
argued  against  the  possibility  of  the  deletion  of  negative 

Using  the  same  criteria  previously  applied  to  the 
letters  of  the  general  readership,  only  those  articles 
dealing  specifically  with  areas  of  composition,  or  which 
indicated  or  implied  relationship  to  language  manipula- 
tion were  utilized.   Articles  meeting  these  criteria  were 
then  catalogued  to  indicate  recurring  patterns.   Thus,  by 
analysis  of  the  response  of  her  professional  readership 
through  their  reviev/s  of  The  Yearling,  as  by  the  analysis 
of  the  response  of  her  general  readership  in  the  preceding 
chapter,  this  chapter  will  attempt  to  establish  other 
dimensions  of  the  causal  relationship  between  technique 
and  effect. 


Professional  Readership  Response  to 
Effect  of  Beautv 

In  the  summer  of  193S,  a  reviewer  wrote  this  of 
The  Yearling:   "The  greatness  of  the  book  lies  in  its 
striking  evocation  of  beauty."    A  thorough  investigation 
of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav.-lings'  papers  (as  accomplished  in 
Chapter  Two)  had  revealed  that  her  concept  of  beauty  was 
the  effect  she  attempted  to  comiaunicate  to  her  audience. 
This  review  vvras  just  one  of  a  number  of  professional 
articles  that  acknowledged  that  effect,  thereby  cor- 
roborating the  responses  of  the  general  readership. 
Though  the  quality  of  beauty  is  both  nebulous  and  subjec- 
tive, the  utilization  of  the  term  by  this  and  other  pro- 
fessional readers  seemed  consistent.   One  professional 
reviewer  was  most  articulate  in  expressing  the  resultant 
effect  of  beauty.   In  a  newspaper  article  entitled,  "Novel 
is  Characterized  by  Beauty  and  Reality,"  Carl  Roberts 
elaborated : 

One  other  thing  incessantly  forced 
its  way  into  our  minds  —  beauty.   The  word 
as  applied  to  this  story  is  not  a  static 
or  une.xplainable  thing,  for  you  will  find 
it  wherever  you  go  with  Penny  and  Jody. 
It  is  alive  ...  It  shows  itself  in 
tranquility  in  Jody's  favorite  haunts  and 

Halfcrd  Luccock,  "Through  the  Novelist's  Window," 
Yale  Divinity  School,  Christendom,  Summer,  193S,  in  scrap- 
books,  Marjorie  Kinnan"Rawlings  Collection,  University  of 
Florida  Librarv. 


the  ver>-  life  of  Jody '  s  little  friend  .  .  . 
There  is  quiet  beauty  in  Penny's  philosophy, 
spiritual  beauty  ...  in  Penny's  prayers 
.  .  .  beautiful  things. 7 

This  was  among  the  first  reviews,  for  it  was  written  only 

a  few  days  after  the  novel's  publication  date  of  April 

1,  1938.   This  reviewer's  involvement  with  the  beauty 

communicated  through  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  novel  was 

by  no  m.eans  unique,  however,  for  other  reviewers  also 

immediately  focused  on  this  effect. 

Richard  Daniel  used  a  vocabulary  similar  so  that 

by  which  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  defined  beauty. 

It  is  Mrs.  Rawlings'  spiritual 
mystic  insight  into  the  unseen  life  in 
the  forests  and  streams  that  lifts  her 
book  to  new  heights  .  .  .  She  has  found 
beauty  in  our  backwoods  and  has  preserved 
it  for  future  generations  to  enjoy. ^ 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  included  the  spiritual 

heightening  as  a  response  to  beauty,  "an  emotional  reaction 

to  an  extent  that  we  are  conscious  of  a  spiritual  excite- 

ment."    Also  focusing  heavily  on  the  spiritual  quality  of 

beauty,  another  reviewer  in  Vermont  reacted  to  The  Yearling 

as  capturing  a  "spiritual  quality,"  for. 

' Dayton  Ohio  News ,  April  3,  1938.   (Hereafter, 
unless  otherwise  stipulated,  all  references  are  from  newspaper 
clippings  from  unnumbered  scrapbooks  in  the  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library.] 

Jacksonville  Florida  Times  Union,  April  3,  1938. 

-'M.  K.  P.,  ''Lecture  Notes  on  Creative  Writing," 
Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 


above  and  beyond  the  breathless  beauty 
of  its  physical  background  and  the  stir- 
ring scenes  m  which  the  tale  abounds, 
there  is  a  spiritual  meaning  which  gives 
the  v\:hole  narrative  a  special  quality      » 
and  makes  reading  it  a  unique  experience. 

So  although  they  may  have  been  using  terminology  with  con- 
siderable potential  for  ambiguity,  several  reviewers  even 
used  some  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  own  adjectives. 

Eleanor  Follin  praised  both  the  spiritual  and 
dramatic  qualities  in  her  1958  newspaper  article:   "In 
The  Year] ing  one  finds  a  spiritual  quality  which  can  never 
be  forgotten,  drama,  conflict,  tragedy,  humor,  and  beauty."'^''" 
Follin  was  not  the  only  critic  to  react  to  the  dramatic 
aspect  of  beauty.   Paul  Oehser  granted  the  novel  "great 
beauty  and  dramatic  process";  and  Govan  repeated  the  re- 
action of  several  of  the  general  readership,  stating  that 
it  was  "a  picture  so  dramatic,  so  utterly  beautiful  and 
sympathetic  as  to  move  one  to  tears."     Continuing  to 
address  the  dramatic  quality  of  beauty,  Wagner  envisioned 
the  book  "mounting  to  its  height  of  tragic  beauty";  how- 
ever, Hoult  best  expressed  the  dramatic  quality  of  beauty 
in  the  April  1,  1938  review. 

Eurlington  Vermont  Xews ,  April  9 ,  1 9 5 S . 

Winston  Salem  North  Carolina  Journal  and  Sentinel 

April  10,  1TI5T 

•Was  hi 
Source  unknown,  April  10,  1958. 

^^Washington,  D.C.  Post,  April  17,  1938 


But  she  has  done  more;  she  has  taken 
us  into  a  Floi'ida  swamp,  created  human 
beings,  made  the  struggle  of  the  Baxters 
for  a  bare  living  as  dramatic  as  good 
theater  and  invested  the  whole  drama  with 
a  sense  of  true  values  and  beauty  which 
is  rare  for  drama  to  give. 13 

Thus  did  several  critics  react  to  the  dramatic  quality  of 
beauty  within  her  novel. 

While  citing  beauty  as  the  major  effect,  other  pro- 
fessional readers  liberally  utilized  the  term  throughout 
their  reviev/s.   Groverman  Blake  found  the  story  "movingly 
[sic]  v/ith  freshness  and  beauty";  whereas  another  found  The 
Yearling  "recaptures  the  beauty  which  marked  her  first 
story";  while  others  reviewed  the  novel  as  "filled  ^'/ith  the 
wonder  and  beauty  of  nature."    Additional  examples  of 
this  reaction  were  Gladys  Solomon  who  wrote  of  the  novel 
as  "tender  and  beautiful"  or  the  Atlanta  Journal^  reviewer 
xvho  claimed  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  "discovered 
beauty"  or  as  several  wrote  quite  simply,  the  novel  was 
"beautiful."     From  these  responses  and  reactions  of  her 

-'••^New  York  Mirror,  April  3,  1938. 

New  York  Sun,  approxim.ately  April  1,  1938. 


Cincinnati  Ohio  Times  Star,  April  6,  1938. 

Star  tVashington,  D.C.  ,  April  3,  1938. 
IVinston-Salem  North  Carolina  Journal  and  Sentinel 

April  10,  1933 


xNew  Haven  Connecticut  Register,  April  10,  1958, 
Atlanta  Georgia  Journal,  April  10,  1938. 
Source  vsnknown,  April  10,  1933. 
Yale  Divinity  School,  Christendom,  Summer,  193i 


professional  readership,  as  well  as  those  from  her  general 
readership  as  documented  in  Chapter  Three,  it  is  obvious 
that  beauty  had  been  corp.niunicated  to  these  readers,  for 
beauty,  though  an  omnibus  term,  had  been  discussed  by 
both  sets  of  readers  in  a  manner  consonant  with  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rowlings'  formulated  goal. 

Responses  Based  Upon  Perception  of  Reality 

As  a  reviewer  in  the  Chicago  Journal  Commerce 
wrote,  "There  is  a  beauty  of  absolute  truth  in  this  fine 
story  .  .  .  This  idyll  of  the  wilderness  is  completely 
beautiful  and  real."     In  so  writing  this  critic  had 
addressed  that  which  was  expressed  earlier  in  Chapter 
Two,  for  in  order  that  the  reader  see  beauty  as  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  had  seen  it,  the  author  must  formulate 
a  reality  for  those  forms  of  beauty  which  had  stirred 
her  and  through  this  reality  share  that  beauty  with  her 
reader.   Through  this  created  reality,  she  was  then  able 
to  transmit  to  the  reader  a  sense  of  beauty;  i.e.,  beauty 
is  the  communicated  effect  and  perception  of  reality  a 
moans  to  express  it.   This  reality  was  not  simple  fidelity 
to  actuality  as  in  newspaper  reporting,  but  verisimilitude, 
or  as  she  defined  it,  "the  sense  is  the  imaginative 

Chicago  Journal  Commerc e,  ^prii  9,  195 'J 


av/areness  of  actu;.l  ir^.  "^  '   Like  those  previously  noted 
from  the  general  readership,  the  response  from  critics 
and  reviewers  indicative  of  their  having  perceived  this 
created  reality  was  ample. 

Critics  reacted  immediately  to  the  "quality  of 
verisimilitude,"  that  is,  the  sense,  of  actuality.   In 
reviewing  The  Yearling  as  "a  real  piece  of  life,""^^  a 
Washington,  B.C.  critic's  response  was  quite  similar  to 
the  reviewer  who  wrote,  "the  problems  they  face  are  real 
.  .  .  [for]  The  Yearling  emerges  as  an  impressively  true 
picture  of  a  life  that  is  hard."^^   Others  wrote  with  an 
indication  of  their  awareness  of  the  use  of  verisimili- 
tude; Carl  Robers  wrote  that  the  novel 

takes  the  reader  to  the  'Hammock' 
country  of  inland  Florida.   And  that 
expression  is  not  an  idle  one  .  .  . 
you  will  actually  live  with  them  in  the 
year  of  their  lives  which  the  story 
describes  .  ^0 

Butcher  addressed  also  the  sense  of  reality  for  she  wrote 

^'-  K.  R.  ,  "Facts,  Verses,  in  Fiction."   Notes 
-n  Rawlmgs  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 


New  York  Sun,  April  1,  19  53. 

19e.    ,.   ,  - 

b.-ar  'vasnmgton,  Dj^^ ,  April  3 ,  1938. 

Ne^-vv  Orleans  Times  Picayune,  April  10,  1958. 
Djrv-ton  Ohio  News,  April  5,  1958. 

]  13 

"one  rarely  meets  people  as  simple  and  real  as  those  on 

the  primitive  pine  island  vvhere  its  cliaracters  live  their 

lives.""    These  critics,  as  did  the  general  readership, 

indicated  by  their  response  an  awareness  of  the  sense  of 

reality  that  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  was  trying  to 

create . 

Another  group  of  critics,  in  a  manner  similar  to 
that  of  the  general  readership,  addressed  not  only  the 
reality,  but  also  the  truth  or  honesty  of  her  novel  as 
a  part  of  that  reality,  thereby  seeming  to  equate  and 
define  the  two  conditions  as  one,   Marjorie  Kinnan  Ravv'lings 
was  defined  as  an  "honest  writer,"  for  she  "invested  the 
whole  drama  with  a  sense  of  true  values. "-"   To  others, 
the  reality  was  heightened  because  the  volume  had  "veracity' 
and  "rings  true  at  every  point. """^ 

Two  other  critics  viewed  the  created  reality  as 
a  realistic  study,  perhaps  perceiving  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  writings  almost  as  anthropological,  like  Margaret 

"^Chicago  Tribune,   April  9,  1938. 

^^New  York  Post,  Juno  10,  1938. 
New  York  Sun,  April  1,  1958. 

^•^Ncw  York  World  Telegram,  April  1,  1938. 

Horschel  Brickell,  "Books  on  Our  Tabic,  Marjorie 
mnan  Rawlinjis'  Fine  Novel,"  source  unknown,  undated. 


Mead's  works  on  Samoa.   Gladys  Solomon  cited  the  volume 
as  "an  excellent  study  of  those  people";  likewise,  another 
critic  conimented  that  "what  results  is  a  superbly  realis- 
tic study  .  .  .""    Though  these  professional  reviewers 
did  not  seek  the  literal  geographic  location  of  the  novel 
as  had  several  of  the  general  readership,  both  groups 
were  parallel  in  their  reactions.   Such  opinion  on  the 
part  of  her  reviewers  that  the  novel  was  in  part  nonfic- 
tion  attested  further  to  her  success  in  achieving  her 
goal,  for  they  had  indeed  responded  to  the  reality  she 
had  created.   Altogether,  these  responses  and  reactions 
from  both  the  critics  and  the  general  readership  indicated 
that  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  formulated  a  reality 
through  which  beauty  had  been  communicated. 

Response  to  Individual  Elements  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawling: 
Compos ition 

Although  these  professional  readers  appeared  to 
be  responding  to  the  created  reality,  they  were  reacting 
as  well  to  the  elements  of  composition  by  which  it  was 
achieved.   A  thorough  investigation  of  professional  reader 
ship  responses  within  the  Collection  revealed  a  pattern  of 
reactions  to  the  various  elements  of  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  theory  of  composition. 


New  Haven  Connecticut  Register ,  April  10,  1938. 

Toledo  Ohio  Blade,  April  14,  1938. 

Response  to  the  process  of  characteviza t i o n 

The  process  of  characterization  was  one  element 
of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  theory  of  composition  by 
which  she  attempted  to  create  a  reality  for  the  reader  by 
;vhich  beauty  might  be  conveyed.   A  principle  of  character- 
ization to  which  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  adhered  was  that 
the  characters  were  "true- to- life . "   Although  the  characters 
in  the  novel  may  have  som.e  basis  in  observed  reality,  she 
felt  that  only  by  the  infusion  of  the  author's  imagination 
could  the  characters  achieve  a  sense  of  actuality,  or 
verisimilitude,  for  the  reader. 

Just  as  her  general  readership  had  attempted  to 
identify  those  whom  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  sup- 
posedly copied,  some  of  her  professional  readers  similarly 
decided  the  resultant  "true- to-1 ife"  characters  were 

"neighbors  and  friends  she  had  studied  with  care  and 

^  5 
affection.""    Several  critics  labeled  the  character  por- 
trayals "valid,"  "convincing,"  "accurate,"  or  "true"; 
and  Charles  Poor's  column  in  the  New  York  Times  best 
summarized  the  "true- to- 1 ife"  effect  of  the  characteriza- 
tions : 

All  the  people  come  vigorously  to 
life.   Her  sensitively  written  accounts 
of  his  inner  life,  his  private  forays  in 

^Record  Philadelphia,  April  2,    1938 


the  country,  his  feelings  of  despondency 
or  elation  when  things  go  right  or  wrong 
are  beautifully  done  .  .  .  All  her  char- 
acters are  true. 26 

Poor's  final  statement  was  reflected  in  a  substantial 

number  of  professional  responses;  two  of  these  expressed 

the  idea  that  "the  people  are  real,"  and  especially  that 

1 7 
"his  father  and  mother  are  real  people."" 

Another  pattern  of  professional  response  indicated 

that  portrayals  of  "true- to-life"  characters  stemmed  from 

the  author's  insight  into  human  nature.   Marjorie  Kinnan 

Rawlings  was  reported  as  an  author  "who  sees  deeply  into 

human  hearts,"  thereby  writing  "a  story  everyone  will 

2  8 
enjoy  for  its  people  are  human.  ..."     In  a  review  en- 
titled, "Graphic  Characterization  of  People,"  another 
critic  also  addressed  the  ability  of  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  to  describe  characters  with  accuracy  and  insight: 

1958  . 

Madison  Wisconsin  Journal,  April  17,  1938. 
San  Diego  Sun,  April  17,  1958. 
Toledo  Ohio  Blade,  April  14,  1958. 

'■)  n 

'' '  New  Orleans  Times  Picayune ,  April  10,  1958. 
Co_ld  S prings  New  York  News  Re corder,  April  14 


^    >'ew  York  Post,  June  10,  1958. 

Fairfield  California  Republican,  April  7,  1958 


Mrs.  Rav;l  ings  has  described  them 
with  the  art  of  a  great  writer.   She  has 
sworn  vvhen  they  swore,  cried  vs'hen  they 
cried,  laughed  and  talked  only  as  these 
people  could.  ^^9 

Where  her  general  readership  had  reacted  on  a  inore  personal 
level  (identifying  a  local  person,  Mel  Lang,  as  the  charac- 
ter from  whom  she  had  copied  Pa  Baxter)  and  had  established 
a  more  emotional  relationship  with  the  characters  (being 
unable  to  decide  whether  they  loved  Penny  or  Jody  more  as 
well  as  weeping  over  the  death  of  both  Fodderwing  and  Flag) 
her  professional  readership  had  to  a  degree  maintained  a 
m.ore  objective  response  to  the  characters.   But  to  both 
these  groups  of  readers,  the  characters  in  The  Yearling 
were  true- to-life . 

Another  principle  of  characterization  to  which 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  adhered  was  the  portrayal  of  the 
major  characters  as  representative  of  a  fusion  whereby  the 
individual  could  function  both  as  the  particular  and  as 
the  universal.   A  substantial  number  of  her  critics  re- 
sponded to  the  universality  of  the  characters.   Though 
all  re\;iewers  were  quite  explicit  in  their  reactions, 
Ruth  Carter  was  most  articulate: 

When  a  writer  succeeds  in  making 
a  sectional  novel  so  universal  that  the 
people  become  man  and  women  and  young 
folks  of  all  time,  anywhere  in  the  world 


San  Diego  Sun,  April  17,  1958. 


yet  retain  the  flavoi-  of  their  country, 
she  has  indeed  transmuted  words  into 
art.   This  is  what  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  has  accomplished  in  The  Yearling, 
a  novel  of  the  backwoods  FloriHa  region. oO 

Samuel  Tupper  found  "almost  every  page  sounds  quite  another 
note  of  universal  recognition  as  Mrs.  Rawlings  touches  the 
depths  that  lie  below  ordinary  things." 

Extension  of  the  time  dimension  as  an  element  of 
universality  was  the  focus  of  several  critics.   As  men- 
tioned in  Chapter  One,  iMarjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  saw  herself 
as  more  than  a  regionalist  writer.   Halford  Luccock  de- 
scribed her  novel  as  a  "regional  story  .  .  .   yet   almost 
tim.eless  and  universal";  and  affirming  this  critic, 
llerschel  Brickell  cited  that  "every  line  .  .  .  lifts  it  out 
of  the  limitations  of  time  and  space  into  the  higher 
realm  of  universal  experience."  "   With  reaction  to  the 
extension  of  the  time  param.eters,  "t imelessness"  became 
a  common  word  in  the  reviews  of  The  Yearling.   The  Toledo 
Blade  called  the  novel  "as  timeless  as  the  forests  and 

Atlanta  Georgia  Georgian ,  April  10,  1938. 

•^^Atlanta  Georgia  Journal,  April  10,  1938. 


Yale  Divinity  School,  Christendom,  Summer,  1938 

Brickell,  "Books  on  Our  Table." 


swamps  it  describes,"  whereas  the  Nevv  York  Herald  Tribune 
called  it  simply,  "the  old  timeless  story .  """'■^ 

To  many  of  the  professional  critics  as  to  many  of 
the  general  readership,  Jody  was  the  generative  source  of 
universality,  "for  he  is  Everyboy  and  so  touches  in  Every- 
man those  lost  portals  of  recall  through  which  reality 

lingers  but  a  moment  and  is  gone  forever."     Several  cited 

the  novel  as  "a  delicate  picture  of  youth  finding  itself," 
"typical  of  all  boys  .  .  .  [in]  a  universal  springtime"; 
however,  not  just  a  joyous  story,  but  also  "the  old  time- 
less and  oftimes  tragic  story  of  youth  grown  to  m^aturity." 
That  this  was  found  to  be  the  story  of  youth,  personified 
through  the  character  of  Jody,  vvas  evidenced  not  only  in 
the  response  of  the  general  readers,  but  also  in  revieivs 
such  as  the  following,  which  advised  the  public  to  "add 
Jody  Baxter  to  your  gallery  of  immortals,  for  he  belongs 
with  Huck  Finn  and  all  other  real  bovs."     Another  critic. 

•^•^Tolcdo  Ohio  Blade,  April  14,  1938. 

New  York  Herald  Tribune,  April  5,  1938. 

•^^New  York  Mirror.  April  3,  1938. 

Source  unknown,  April  10,  1938. 

Milwaukee  Wisconsin  Journal,  April  10,  19  38. 

Cincinnati  Times  Star,  April  0,  1938. 

New  Haven  Connecticut  Register ,  April  10,  1938 


Eleanor  Foilin,  also  invested  Jody  with  the  universal 
qualities  usually  associated  with  other  literary  immor- 
tals, writing  that  he  would  "live  forever  in  the  hearts 
of  all,  as  did  Tom  Sawyer  and  Huckleberry  Finn.""^    A 
Connecticut  critic  added,  "We  are  reminded  at  once  of  the 
Mark  Twain  boys,  though  the  treatment  is  quieter  and 
subtler  at  once."-^'^   The  term,  "classic,"  linking  The 
Yearling  with  Kim,  Green  Mansions,  Huckleberry  Finn,  and 
Tom  Sawyer,  uas    a  continuous  thread  throughout  the  reviews. 
Lois  Bennett  Davis'  review  in  the  Macon  Georgia  Telegraph 
summarized  the  reaction  of  the  critics  to  the  principle 
of  universality  for  Jody  functioned  in  the  novel  not  only 
as  a  twelve-year-old  Cracker  boy,  but  also  as  a  symbol 
of  youth  undergoing  the  rites  of  passage. 

The  author  has  plumbed  the  depth 
of  human  misery  and  human  need,  but 
just  as  a  Greek  play  leaves  no  place 
for  wishful  imagining  so  does  this 
novel  affirm  the  truth  that  life  is 

Winston-Salem  North  Carolina  Journal  and  Regis- 
ter, April  10,  1958.  " — 


New  Haven  Connecticut  Journal  Couri e r ,  April  7 , 

Providence  Rhode  Island  Journal,  April  3,  1958 
New  York  World  Telegram,  April  1,  1958. 
Chicago  Daily  Tribune,  December  3,  1938. 
New-  York  Herald  Tribune  Books,  April  3,  1958. 
Book- of- the -Month  Club  News,  March,  1938. 


irrefutable,  inexorable.  Far  more  than 
a  picture  of  life  in  inland  Florida,  ~ 
Jody's  story  touches  the  universal. 4o 

Thus,  the  reactions  of  the  general  readers  and  professional 
readers  confirmed  that  the  characters  in  The  Yearling  func- 
tioned on  both  the  particular  and  universal  levels. 

The  final  principles  of  characterization  to  vvhich 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  adhered  was  unity  as  achieved  by 
the  cohesiveness  of  action,  integration  of  characters, 
relationship  to  background,  and  plausibility  of  motivation. 
Thus,  the  characters  functioned  in  no  v^/ay  contradictory  to 
their  roles.   Various  critics  addressed  the  cohesiveness 
of  the  total  novel  and  suggested  several  reasons  that  the 
novel  had  been  as  one  stated,  "given  unity."     For  ex- 
ample, Samuel  Tupper  suggested  that  although  "one  waits 
intensely  for  the  destroying  false  note,  this  note  is 
never  sounded  ..."  for  there  is  "no  artificiality, 
nor  self-conscious  folklore."  "   Several  critics  affirmed 
that  which  her  general  readership  had  stated;  for  these 
cited  unity  as  a  function  of  the  cohesive  interaction  of 
character  with  the  environment,  since  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  "created  characters  who  wero  .  .  .  living  men  and 


Macon  Gcorsia  Telegraph  ,  Ai:» r  i  1  1  ,  1 9 3 S  . 


Charlotte  North  Carolina  News,  April  17,  1P3S 


Atlanta  Georgia  Journal,  April  10,  1938. 


women  whose  relationship  to  their  particular  environment 

was  credible  and  natural."  "^   The  Tampa  Morning  Tribune 

called  this  harmony  "a  vivid  perfect  picture  of  the  people 

and  the  pine  xvoods." 

Frarces  IVcodward  mirrored  the  response  of  the 

general  readers  in  this  review  which  addresses  the  total 

unity  depicted  in  the  character  of  Jody  through  cohesive- 

ness  of  action  and  plausibility  of  motivation. 

Her  Jody  Baxter  lives,  a  person 
within  the  boundaries  of  his  own  years 
and  his  oivn  world  .  .  .  Even  a  Thoreau 
cannot  report  on  the  world  outdoors  as 
a  child  might.   The  naturalist  sees  only 
those  things  which  concern  his  informed 
eye.   To  a  child  the  barn  and  the  wood- 
shed are  as  much  a  part  of  the  natural 
workable  landscape  as  the  lizard  under 
the  log.   Mrs.  Rawlings  has  done  a  small 
miracle  in  that  she  knows  this  .  .  .  she 
never  once  steps  out  of  Jody's  person- 
ality .  .  .   She  has  captured  a  child's 
time  sense  in  which  everything  lasts 
forever  and  the  change  of  season  takes 
him  always  unaware.  "^^ 

Another  reviewer  confirmed  Vvoodward's  review  of  the  total 

unity  and  harmony  in  characterization,  for  to  this  critic 

the  people,  the  problems  they  face  and  the  background 

"all  are  naturally  intertwined  .  .  .,  the  denouement  is 

^•^Star  V;ashington,  D.C.,  April  3,  1938 
'Tampa  Morning  Tribune,  May  20,  1938. 

The  Atlantic,  undated, 


fitting,  his  return  is  as  natuial  as  his  running  a'-vay. 
There  is  nothing  iir.plausible  about  the  whole  bock." 
By  these  patterns  of  response,  the  professional  readership 
reflected  agreement  with  the  general  readership  that  Mar- 
jorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  communicated  not  only  true-to- 
life  depiction  and  universality,  but  also  unity  within 
the  process  of  characterization. 

Response  to  facts  and  details 

A  second  element  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
theory  of  composition  was  her  use  of  facts  and  details 
within  the  novel  to  communicate  a  sense  of  reality.   Like 
her  general  readership,  Rawlings'  professional  readers 
also  responded  favorably  and  commented  on  the  accuracy 
of  her  descriptive  powers.   To  her  critics,  the  wealth 
of  facts  and  detail,  though  substantial,  never  bogged 
down  the  novel  but  instead  was  an  aspect  of  sustaining 
it.   As  one  critic  put  it,  "Mrs.  Rawlings  has  written  a 
fine  poignant  story  .  .  .  grounded  on  uncncyclopediac 
[sic]  yet  never  merely  academic  knowledge  of  their  way 
of  life."    Similarly  emphasizing  how  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  details  maintain  the  story,  another  critic  wrote 

New  Orleans  umes  ticayunc,  April  10,  195S. 
New  Haven  Connecticut  Journal  Courier,  April  7 



that,  "It  gets  effects  without  [the  details  seeming  to 

become  mere]  documentation";  for  as  still  another  critic 

explained : 

.  .  ,  detail  is  piled  upon  detail 
and  incident  upon  incident  with  such 
cumulative  purpose,  that  the  reader 
knows  the  feel  and  sound  of  the  country 
and  identifies  his  experience  with  that 
of  the  Baxters.  .  .  .^^ 

In  his  article  entitled,  "The  Yearling  is  Refreshingly 

Pungent  and  Detailed,"  Charles  Niles  summarized  several 

critics'  perceptions  concerning  the  heightened  qualities 

accomplished  by  use  of  details: 

Nothing  has  escaped  the  author  in 
her  endlessly  detailed  picture,  whether 
it  be  the  whirring  of  frightened  birds 
or  the  picturesque  fluttermill.   The 
same  detail  might  seem  wearisome  reading 
at  first,  like  tramping  down  tall  grass 
to  find  clover,  but  The  Yearling  grows 
on  one  and  the  pungency  .  .  .  creates  an 
impression  that  will  not  soon  be  erased 
from  the  memory.  ^^^ 

To  the  majority  of  her  critics,  then,  Marjorie  Kinnan 

Rawlings'  facts  and  details  were  not  merely  a  parade  of 

inf  orm.ation ,  but  a  vital  aspect  of  the  novel. 

The  range  of  both  the  professional  and  general 

readers'  reaction  to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  use  of 

facts  and  details  was  similar.   Like  one  segment  of  her 

''  8 

The _ A_ t If |Jilic__ _g o okshelf  ,  undated. 

Macon  Georgia  Telegram,  April  1,  19  38. 
^^Hartford  Connecticut  Times,  Auril  9,  1958 


general  readership,  several  critics  seenied  almost  surprised 
by  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  ability  to  use  facts  and  de- 
tails.  For  example,  "Mrs.  Rawlings  seems  to  knov;  the 
country  with  amazing  thoroughness,"  and  she  has  "a  rare 
gift  for  picturing  animal  life."     One  critic  referred 
to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  ability  as  "a  natural  gift," 
adding  that  she  had  knowledge  of  "the  intimate  affairs 
of  Florida  wildlife."^"   Just  as  within  the  general 
readership  wherein  both  a  zoologist  and  a  naturalist  re- 
acted to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  as  a  skilled,  scientific 
professional  observer  of  her  environment,  so  too  did  a 
segment  of  her  professional  readership.   That  which  had 
been  referred  to  by  some  as  "feeling"  was  to  others  "skill,' 
and  that  which  had  to  some  seemed  "a  gift"   was  seen  by 
those  critics  as  "result  of  keen  observations . "~'''   Within 
this  scientific  framework  the  novel  was  praised  for  the 
"obvious  accuracy  of  its  detail"  from  an  author  who 
"observes  meticulously"  and  therefore,  "the  background  is 

^^New  York  Times,  April  1,  1938. 

Yale  Divinity  School,  Christendom,  Summer,  195S. 

Source  unknown,  April  10,  1938. 

Chicago  Journal  Commerce,  April  9,  19  38. 
Cincinnati  Enquirer,  April  7,  1938. 


faithfully  recreated."  '^      Much  of  the  focus  on  this  metiiod 
of  observation  v.'as  concerned  with  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav/lings' 
emphasis  on  precise  detail.   One  critic  referred  to  the 
"close  observation"  or  "candid  camera"  focus  on  "detail"; 

this  critic  also  noted  the  "intimate  description  of  Pa 

Baxter's  snakebite."" 

Response  to  objectivity 

A  third  element  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
theory  of  composition  to  which  her  professional  readers 
responded  was  the  technique  of  objectivity.   In  Chapter 
Two,  objectivity  had  been  defined  as  that  effect  evinced 
by  a  literary  work  when  the  writing  is  understood  as 
being  independent  from  the  emotional  or  personal  senti- 
ments of  the  author.   A  large  segment  of  her  professional 
readers  responded  to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  objectivity. 
That  her  novel  "never  slips  into  sentimentality"  ^<as 
echoed  in  tlie  comments  of  critic  after  critic,  one  of  whom 
stressed  that  "no  sentimental  bathos  tarnishes"  the  novel, 
or  as  another  stated,  she  was  neither  "pretentious  nor 

•^Record  Philadelphia  Pennsylvania,  April  2,  1938 
New  York  Post,  June  10,  1938. 

New  Orleans  Times  Picayune,  April  10,  1938. 
See  also  Herschel  Brickell. 

'^Bocks  and  Bookmen,  undated. 


sentimental  .  .  .  the  story  she  tells  clutches  at  your 
heart  witl;out  ever  playing  with  banal  seatinentalities . " 
Several  other  critics  extended  to  include  tliat  "Mrs. 
Rawlings  brought  to  it  .  .  .  her  sympathetic  understanding 
and  as  one  critic  described,  "unhysterical  judgment." 
These  critics  reacted  to  the  author's  "unflinching  sincer- 
ity" and  "fine  sense  of  detachment"  for  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  was  an  author  who,  as  one  critic  commented, 
"never  moralizes  in  the  footnotes,"  or,  as  another  wrote, 
"never  stops  to  interpret." 

Both  her  professional  and  general  readership  re- 
acted similarly  to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  use  of  ob- 
jectivity; there  was,  however,  a  discrepancy  in  the  per- 
centage of  reaction.   A  substantial  number  of  the  profes- 
sional readers  responded  to  her  use  of  objectivity; 

"Brickell,  "Books  on  Our  Table." 
Cincinnati  Times  Star,  April  6,  193S. 
Toledo  Ohio  Blade,  April  14,  1938. 
Los  Angeles  Times,  April  3,  1938. 

^^Source  unknown,  April  10,  1938. 
The  Atlantic  Bookshelf,  undated. 

Atlanta  Georgia  Journal,  April  10,  1938. 
New  York  Herald  Tribune  books,  April  5,  19  38 
New  York  Post,  June  10,  1938. 
The  Atlantic  Bookshelf,  undated. 


whereas  the  response  from  the  general  readership  was  less 
marked.  Obviously,  the  professional  readership,  in  their 
concern  with  the  art  form  and  their  involvement  in  quali- 
tative evaluation,  would  be  more  likely  to  examine  such  a 
technique  as  objectivity.  However,  based  upon  both  sets 
of  responses,  to  these  readers,  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
use  of  objectivity  xvas  noticeably  effective. 

Response  to  dialect 

A  fourth  element  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
theory  of  composition  to  ivhich  her  professional  readers 
responded  was  the  use  of  dialect  to  create  a  sense  of 
actuality.   Critics  point  out  the  novel  was  "couched  in 
the  rhythmic,  homey  accents  of  these  woodland  people," 

or  quite  simply  stated  without  explanation  or  qualifica- 

tion  that  tlie  novel  was  in  dialect.     Some  critics,  how- 
ever, carefully  explained  that  the  novel  was  "told  in  the 
racy  idiom  of  the  Florida  Scrub,"  in,  as  Henry  Canby 
added,  "a  racy  dialeci;  not  overstressed  and  easy  to 

follow,"  or  according  to  Fanny  Butcher,  "written  in  dialect 

a  racy,  uncouth  speech,  full  of  vividness."     Though  some 



New  Haven  Connecticut  Journal  Courier ,  Ap r i 1  7 , 

Star   Vv'ashingtpn,    D.C.,    April    5,    19  58. 

Yale  Divinity  School,  Christendom,  Summer,  1958 

Chicago  Illinois  News,  April  6,  1958. 
Book-of- the -Month  Club  News,  March,  1958. 


critics,  as  noted,  pi-ovided  a  simple  description  of  the 
characters'  dialect,  others  \vaxed  poetical,  for  to  another 
critic,  "there  is  far  more  than  convincing  dialect  to  the 
things  they  say.   The  dialect  of  the  soul  is  there." 

The  colloquial  speech  of  the  people  of  the  Florida 
Scrub  was  thus  an  effective  means  for  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  to  create  a  vehicle  of  realism.   More  specific 
were  critics  like  Hansen,  who  observed  that  "Its  people 
speak  arriusing  dialect,  but  Mrs.  Rawlings  stops  short  of 
caricature."    Another  critic  added,  "The  dialect  does 
not  degenerate  into  'local  color'  language."  ""   Such  state- 
ments may  be  seen  as  evidence  that  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawl- 
ings' desire  to  avoid  caricature  in  the  use  of  dialect 
was  accomplished. 

Providing  reasons  for  their  approval  of  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings'  use  of  dialect,  several  commented  on  the 
facility  with  which  they  were  able  to  read  it,  for  pre- 
viously, to  many,  literary  dialect  had  been  burdensome. 
For  example,  to  the  Chicago  Journal  Commerce  critic,  "even 
the  dialect  which  is  often  so  difficult  to  follow  in 
ijovels  made  up  entirely  of  dialect  is  so  simple,  here  it 
becomes  the  only  natural  means  of  expression."  "^   The 

Milwaukee  Wisconsin  Journal ,  April  10,  1938, 
^^New  York  World  Telegram,  April  1,  197.8. 

Atlanta  Georgia  Georgian,  April  10,  191^8. 
^^Ncw   York  Times,  Anril  1,  1958. 


New  York  Tines  critic  was  in  agreement  and  also  used  the 

term  "natural"  to  describe  the  dialect. 

Although  ^v^e  dislike  dialect  novels, 
the  dialect  in  The  Yearling  is  easy  to 
understand  and  has  its  function.   It  is 
not  hurled  at  the  reader,  rather  it 
creeps  over  him  so  that  he  takes  it  in 
as  naturally  as  he  does  the  air  of  the 
Florida  swamp. 65 

Mary  Sheridan  affirmed  that  the  "dialect  [was]  easy  to 
follow  and  .  .  .  colorful  and  piquant  as  well."     Edith 
Walton  decided  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  "a  marvelous 
ear  for  the  flavor  of  some  cracker  dialect  [for  it]  m.akes 
one  see  and  smell  the  lonely  arid  scrub."     Charles  Poore 
agreed,  for  as  he  observed,  "the  talk  is  well  done.   It 
begins  by  sounding  like  the  stage's  hillbilly  dialect. 
And  yet  page  after  page  or  two  it  is  natural."  '   Perhaps 
these  reactions  to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  use  of  dia- 
lect were  best  summarized  by  Pauline  Corley  who  wrote, 
"The  dialect  is  absolutely  right." 

Though  the  professional  readership  responded  to 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  use  of  dialect,  investigation  of 


Cold  Springs  New  York  News  Recorder ,  April  14 

Madison  iVisconsin  Journal,  April  17,  1938. 
Nev;  York  Herald  Tribune  ,  Ap r i  1  3  ,  1 9 3 S  . 
^'"^Miami  Herald,  April  24,  1938. 


rhe  general  readership  in  the  prev"ious  chapter  found  no 
response  to  this  facet  of  her  concept  of  style.   Hovv-ever, 
the  reviews  from  the  professional  readership  may  provide 
insight  into  the  lack  of  response  from  the  other  segment 
of  readers,  for  the  very  "naturalness,"  "simplicity," 
"facility,"  and  "readability"  upon  which  these  critics 
commented  and  to  which  they  reacted  would  offer  explana- 
tion for  the  dearth  of  comment  from  the  general  readership 
Apparently  the  dialect  blended  and  melded  so  well  into  the 
perceived  reality  of  the  novel  that  it  passed  unnoticed. 
Although  one  can  only  speculate  upon  the  reason  for  the 
omission  of  direct  reaction  to  dialect  on  the  part  of  the 
general  readership,  the  reviews  from  the  professional 
readership  indicated  that  to  them  reality  had  been  created 
in  part  by  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  through  the  use  of 

Response  to  simplicity 

The  fourth  element  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
theory  of  composition  to  which  her  professional  readers 
responded  was  her  use  of  simplicit)-,  for  according  to  an 
interview,  she  felt  that  to  complicate  tlie  text  with 
superfluous  elements  would  result  in  a  mockery  of  reality. 
Several  of  the  critics  addressed  the  general  simplicity 
of  the  novel.   Por  example,  the  Tampa  Tribune  stated, 
"the  novel  is  simply  great  and  greatly  simple,"  or  as  the 


Wisconsin  State  Journal  put  it,  The  Yearling  is  "presented 

without  artificiality." 

Other  critics  were  quite  explicit  in  their  comments. 

Addressing  specifically  the  simplicity  of  content  in  The 

Yearling,  some  critics  focused  on  the  background.   Norah 

Hoult  indicated  the  effect  of  the  novel  stemmed  from  the 

simplicity  of  the  background  for  the  quality  and  beauty 

of  the  novel  came  "out  of  the  simplest  and  most  fundamental 

material."     Similarly,  Groverman  Blake  wrote  in  the 

Cincinnati  Ohio  Times  that  the  quality  of  the  novel  was 

evoked  from  "her  use  of  simple  homey  things": 

the  hoeing  of  cow  peas,  the  excitement  of 
the  hunt,  the  feel  of  spring  in  the  air, 
a  sudden  never  to  be  forgotten  glimpse 
of  cranes  dancing  in  the  forest.  .  .  .^^ 

In  a  review  that  attempted  to  explain  the  characters  in 

the  novel,  Henry  Canby  called  The  Yearling  "a  simple  story 

of  simple,  but  by  no  means  incomplex  people."  "   Continuing 

in  the  area  of  simplicity  of  context.  The  New  York  News 

Recorder ' s  critic  reacted  to  "the  narrative  with  no  involved 

plot"  which  the  reviewer  in  the  Ohio  Blade  cited  as  a  major 

reason  for  the  simplicity  of  the  novel,  for  "no  formal 


Tampa  Morning  Tribune,  May  2  0,  1938. 

Milwaukee  Wisconsin  Journal,  April  10,  19  38 

Nev/  York  Sun,  April  1,  1938. 

7  1 

Cincinnati  Times  Star,  April  6,  193  8. 

'^"Bock-of-the-Month  Club  News,  March,  1933. 


plot  disturbs  the  magnificent  simplicity  of  this  novel."  "^ 
One  reviewer  stated  flatly  and  briefly,  "The  plot  is  very 
simple."'    A  Chicago  Journal  Commerce  critic  responded 
to  the  simplicity  of  dialect  (an  aspect  of  her  theory  of 
composition  addressed  earlier  in  this  chapter):   "the 
dialect  is  so  simple  here,  it  becomes  the  only  natural 
means  of  expression."     TJius  a  substantial  number  of  her 
professional  critics  responded  to  the  element  of  simplicity 

In  contrast  to  the  perceived  simplicity  of  the 
plot  and  content,  another  group  of  professional  readers 
focused  on  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  simplicity  of  vv'riting 
technique.   One  critic  in  1938  perceived  the  inherent 
restraint  of  style  (of  vv^hich  Mariorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  was 
later  to  speak  to  her  class  in  her  1940  lecture),  stating, 
"no  trite  cliche  mars  her  perfect  prose  ...  no  garish 
touches  spoil  her  flawless  sense  of  color."    Another 
reviev/  which  seemed  to  parallel  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
intent  was  that  of  Ernest  Meyer,  who  wrote  that  she  was 
"a  writer  who  observes  meticulously,  yet  never  weights 


Cold  Springs  New  York  News  Recorder,  April  14 
Toledo  Ohio  Blade,  April  14,  19  38. 
^  Book-of-the-Month  Club  News,  March,  1938. 
Chicago  Journa]  Commerce ,  April  9 ,  19  5  8. 
Cincinnati  Ohio  Times  Star,  April  6,  1938. 


the  text  with  wooden  details."'    Another  critic  wrote 
"The  effect  [of  The  Yearling]  is  achieved  not  so  much  by 

the  plot  of  the  book  as  by  the  author's  simple  but  beauti- 

ful  prose.  .  .  ."     While  Lois  Bennett  Davis  complimented 

the  simplicity  of  comiposition  in  that  "the  narrative  un- 
folds so  quietly  and  easily,"  other  critics  narrowed  the 
narrative  effect  to  "the  utmost  simplicity  of  style  and 

structure"  or  to  "the  grace  and  clarit)'  of  the  style  and 

the  simplicity  of  the  story."     Specifically,  in  this 

area  of  technique,  one  reviewer  responded  to  the  sentences 

in  a  manner  affirming  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav;lings'  previously 

stated  intent;  for  the  critic  observed,  "It  is  written 

in  deMaupassant  sentences  —  short,  simple,  clear,  many 

8  0 
less  than  a  line  long."    As  indicated  in  Chapter  Two, 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Raivlings  had  stated  in  a  lecture,  "it  is 

necessary  to  use  short,  alm.ost  blunt  sentences  if  I  am 

8 1 
not  to  lose  reality."     Margaret  Mitchell  forwarded  to 

^^New  York  Post,  June  10,  1938. 

7  8 

Source  unkncv;n,  April  3,  1938. 


Macon  Georgia  Telegraph,  April  1,  1938, 

Author  unknown,  "Pulitzer  Prize  Novel  to  be  Pre- 
sented in  Post , "  New  York  Post,  June  1,  1938. 

Cincinnati  Encaiir e r  ,  Ap r i  1  7  ,  193  8. 

8  0 

Jacksonville  Florida  Times  Union,  April  3,  1938. 

M.  K.  R.,  "Creative  Writing."   In  Rawlings  Col- 
lection, University  of  Florida  Library. 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  an  undated  reviev;  by  Virginia 
Pohil  Purvis,  and  though  the  origin  of  this  newspaper 
clipping  is  not  known,  perhaps  it  best  summarizes  the 
reactions  of  many  of  the  professional  critics:   "I  think 
I  never  read  a  book  tl^at  seemed  more  simple  and  yet  indi- 
cated so  much." 

The  reactions  of  her  professional  readership  thus 
were  in  harmony  with  the  response  of  her  general  readership 
for  according  to  the  reactions  of  both,  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rav/lings  had  created  a  reality,  using  simplicity  as  one 
aspect  of  her  concept  of  style,  in  order  to  communicate 
to  her  audience  that  sense  of  beauty  she  felt  v\:as  the  hall- 
mark of  an  artistic  work. 


Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  professional  readership 
reacted  to  the  individual  elements  of  her  theory  of  compo- 
sition, with  fevv-  exceptions,  in  a  manner  quite  in  accord 
with  her  general  readersliip.   Similarities  between  both 
sets  of  readers  were  found.   In  dealing  with  the  elements 
of  characterization— inc luding  true-to-lifc  depiction, 
unity,  and  universality  —  as  well  as  with  the  element  of 
facts  and  details,  her  general  readership  tended  to  re- 
spond in  a  more  personalized  or  subjective  manner,  as 
opposed  to  the  more  objective  manner  of  her  professional 
readers.   With  elements  involved  in  her  concept  of  style— 


simplicity,  objectivity,  and  dialect  —  the  reactions  of 
the  professional  readers  indicated  a  greater  involvement 
with  the  genre  and  the  techniques  of  the  craft,  especially 
in  the  area  of  dialect,  than  her  general  readership. 

Thus  the  response  of  the  professional  receivers 
to  the  elements  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  used  to  create  a 
reality,  as  v;ell  as  their  positive  response  to  the  communi- 
cated beauty  for  which  that  reality  was  the  literary 
vehicle,  are  both  indicative  of  her  success  in  achieving 
her  predetermined  goal.   T?ie  ambiguity  of  such  a  concept 
as  beauty  notwithstanding,  the  debriefing  of  the  profes- 
sional readership  reveals  that  this  audience  —  as  did  the 
general  readership— perceived  the  created  reality  in  a 
manner  colinear  vvith  the  author's  intent  and  their  response: 
revealed  that  beauty  corresponding  to  that  definition  set 
forth  in  Chapter  One  was  the  communicated  effect. 



In  summary,  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  wrote  The 
Yearling  with  a  preset  concept  of  effectiveness.   As 
evinced  by. her  personal  papers,  a  theory  of  effectiveness 
vi^as  basic  to  her  attempt  to  communicate  the  effect  of 
beauty  to  her  readers.   This  theory  of  composition,  based 
upon  the  creation  of  a  sense  of  reality  which  she  believed 
necessary  in  order  to  communicate  beauty,  incorporated  the 
process  of  characterization  which  included  true-to-life 
depiction,  universality,  and  unity;  use  of  facts  and  de- 
tails; and  the  use  of  objectivity,  simplicity,  and  dialect 

Her  general  readership  vv-as  apparently  influenced. 
As  they  addressed  the  individual  elements  of  her  theory 
of  composition,  their  letters  indicated  many  responded 
as  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  had  intended.   For  example, 
in  seeking  the  geographic  reality  of  the  novel,  readers 
wrote  not  only  asking  specific  directions  to  the  land  now 
identified  as  "The  Yearling  Country,"  but  also  locating 
points  within  it,  like,  "the  exact  spot  .  .  .  that  'Die 



Slew  Foot'  crossed  Jur.iper."    The  specific  passage  to 

which  this  reader  referred  described  the  attempt  of  th' 

besr  to  escape  Jody  and  Penny. 

The  bear  moved  '.vith  incredible  speed. 
He  crashed  through  thickets  that  slowed 
the  dogs.   He  was  like  a  steamboat  on  the 
river,  and  the  dense  tangle  of  briers  and 
thorny  vines  and  fallen  logs  was  no  more 
than  a  fluid- current  under  him.   Penny 
and  Jody  were  sweating.   Julia  gave  tongue 
vvith  a  new  note  of  desperation.   She  could 
not  gain.   The  swamp  became  so  wet  and  so 
dense  that  they  sank  in  muck  to  their  boot- 
tops  and  must  pull  out  inch  by  inch,  with 
no  more  support  perhaps  than  a  bull-brier 
vine.   Cypress  grew  here,  and  the  sharp 
knees  v/ere  slippery  and  treacherous.   Jody 
bogged  down  to  his  hips.   Penny  turned  back 
to  give  him  a  hand.   Flag  had  made  a  circle 
to  the  left,  seeking  higher  ground.   Penny 
stopped  to  get  his  wind.   He  was  breathing 

He  panted,  "He's  like  to  give  us  the 

When  his  breath  came  more  easily,  he 
set  out  again.   Jody  dropped  behind,  but 
across  a  patch  of  low  hammock  found  better 
going  and  was  abie  to  catch  up.   The  growth 
was  of  bay  and  ash  and  palmetto.   Hummocks 
of  land  could  be  used  for  stepping  stones. 
The  water  between  was  clear  and  brown. 
Ahead,  Jjlia  bayed  on   a  high  long  note. 

"Hold  him,  gal!   Hold  him!" 

The  growth  dissolved  ahead  into  grasses. 
Through  the  opening  old  Slewfoot  loomed 
into  sight.   He  was  going  like  a  black 
'whirlwind.   Julia  flashed  into  sight,  a 
yard  behind  him.   The  bright  swift  waters 

To  M.    K.  R.  froia  H.  L.  Nevin,  March  26,  19 j8, 
.awlines  Collection,  Universitv  of  Florida  Library, 


of  Salt  Springs  Run  shone  beyond.   The  bear 
splashed  into  the  current  and  struck  out 
for  the  far  bank.   Penny  lifted  his  gun  and 
shot  twice.   Julia  slid  to  a  stop.   She  sat 
on  her  haunches  and  lifted  her  nose  high  in 
the  air.   She  wailed  dismally,  in  misery 
.and  frustration.   Slevvfoot  was  clambering 
out  on  the  opposite  shore.   Penny  and  Jody 
broke  through  to  the  lovv'  wet  bank.   The 
black  rounded  rump  was  all  that  was  visible. 
Penny  seized  Jody's  muzzle-loader  and  fired 
after  it.   The  bear  gave  a  leap. 

Penny  shouted,  "I  teched  him!" 

From  this  passage,  one  reader  was  motivated  to  seek  the 

specific  geographic  location. 

Responding  to  true-to-life  depiction,  some  of  her 

readers  wept  over  the  characters  as  though  they  were 

human  beings.   One  reader  who  cried  over  the  death  of 

Fodderwing  was  perhaps  reacting  to  this  segment  from  the 

novel : 

Fodder-wing  lay  with  closed  eyes,  small 
and  lost  in  the  center  of  the  great  bed. 
He  was  smaller  than  when  he  had  lain  sleep- 
ing on  his  pallet.   He  was  covered  with  a 
sheet,  turned  back  beneath  his  chin.   His 
arms  were  outside  the  sheet,  folded  across 
his  chest,  the  palms  of  the  hands  falling 
outward,  twisted  and  clumsy,  as  in  life. 
Jody  was  frightened.   Ma  Forrester  sat  by 
the  side  of  the  bed.   She  held  her  apron 
over  her  head  and  rocked  herself  back  and 
forth.   She  flung  down  the  apron. 

She  said,  "I've  lost  my  boy.   My  pore 
crookedy  boy." 

Charles  Sc 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  The  Yearling  (New  York: 
cribner's  Sons,  195«) ,  p.  TTCT 


She   co\'ered   herself   again   and    swayed 
froifi   side    ro    side. 

She   moaned,    "Tlie    Lord's    hard.      Oh,    the 
Lord ' s    hard ." 

Jody  wanted  to  run  away.   The  bony  face 

on  the  pillow  terrified  him.   It  was  Fodder- 
wing  and  it  was  not  Fodder -wing.   Buck  drew 
him  to  the  edge  of  the  bed. 

"He'll  not  hear,  but  speak  to  him." 

Jody's  throat  worked.   No  words  came. 
Fodder-wing  seemed  made  of  tallow,    like  a 
candle.   Suddenly  he  v.'as  familiar. 

Jody  whispered,  "Hey." 

The  paralysis  broke,  having  spoken. 
His  throat  tightened  as  though  a  rope 
choked  it'.   Fodder-wing's  silence  was  in- 
tolerable.  Now  he  understood.   Tliis  was 
death. 2 

Other  readers  were  aware  of  the  universality,  for  they 
wrote  that  the  novel  was  "so  much  more  than  a  story  for 
its  insight  into  common  human  nature."    The  third  aspect 
in  the  process  of  characterization  by  which  they  were  in- 
fluenced was  that  of  unity,  and  several  comm.ents  of  the 
general  readers  were  to  the  perfection  and  harmony  of  The 
Yearling  for  the  novel  was  "all  of  a  piece  —  people,  back- 
ground, animals,  woods,  flowers,  everything." 

^Ibid.  ,  p.  2  03. 

■''to  M.  K.  R.   from  Felix  Schnelling,  May  27,  193; 
in  Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 

^To  M.  K.  R.   from  Robert  Herrick,  May  14,  1938, 
in  Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 


The  letter  citing  ?!a.r;  orie  Kinn:in  Rawlings  as  a 
"minute  observer  of  Nature"  but  one  sample  of  how  her 
readers  perceived  her  use  of  facts  and  details.    Those 
responses  provided  no  indication,  however,  that  the  general 
readership  was  influenced  by  the  element  of  dialect  so 
basic  to  her  theory  of  composition.   One  possible  explana- 
tion for  the  silence  on  the  part  of  the  general  readers 
was  found  in  the  continual  reference  by  the  professional 
readers  to  the  "naturalness"  of  the  dialect  or  to  the 
facility  with  which  it  was  read.   Thus,  in  not  reacting, 
the  general  readership  may  have  overlooked  this  element  of 
her  theory  of  composition  because  another  element  was 
functioning  even  stronger;  and  this  second  element,  sim- 
plicity, perhaps  negated  the  recognition  of  dialect  for 
some  of  her  readers. 

Her  use  of  objectivity  as  an  element  of  composi- 
tion to  create  a  specific  effect  seemed  to  be  successful, 
for  as  one  reader  wrote,  she  vv-as  "never  obtrusive." 
And  finally,  dealing  with  her  use  of  simplicity,  this  let- 
ter from  a  service  person  in  a  Quebec  hospital  was  an 
example  of  her  success:   "People  like  you  wlio  write  so 
simply,  so  close  to  the  little  people  mean  a  great  deal 

^To  M.  K.  R.  from  Donald  Peattie,  January  2S,  llUO, 
in  Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 

^To  Rudolf  Weaver  from  Grant  Lafarge,  May  24,  1938, 
forwarded  to  M.  K.  R.  and  in  Rawlings  Collection,  University 
of  Florida  Library. 



to  people  like  us  who  live  so  close  to  the  edge."    Thus, 

the  respon.'ses  from  her  general  readership  tended  to  con- 
firm that  for  these  readers,  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
accoraplished  her  predetermined  goal. 

Her  professional  readership  also  was  influenced 
positively,  for  their  reviews  also  responded  to  the  vari- 
ous elements  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rav;lings'  theory  of  compo- 
sition as  she  had  intended.   Though  the  range  and  degree 
of  reaction  to  these  elements  was  similar  to  the  general 
readership's,  the  professional  readership  was,  in  general, 
more  explicit,  articulate,  and  judgmental,  perhaps  reflect- 
ing their  greater  experience  with  and  deeper  perception  of 
the  art  form  under  analysis.   One  reviewer  indicated  a 
sensitivity  not  only  to  the  general  effect  of  beauty  but 
also  to  the  perception  of  reality  which  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  had  utilized  as  a  means  of  attaining  tliat  effect: 
"There  is  a  beauty  of  absolute  truth  in  this  fine  story 

.  .  .   This  idyll  of  the  wilderness  is  com.pletely  beauti- 

ful  and  real."'   Another,  addressing  true-to-life  depic- 
tion in  the  process  of  charac cerization ,  complimented 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  as  a  great  writer  for  "She  has 
sworn  v/hen  they  swore,  cried  Vv,rhen  they  cried,  laughed  and 

To  M.  K.  R.  from  Perry  Potter,  undated,  in  Rawlings 
Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 

Chicago  Journal  Commerce,  April  9,  1938,  m 
Railings  Collection. 

talked  only  as  these  people  could.""'"    Reacting  to  the 
second  aspect  of  characterization,  universality,  many 
critics  responded  as  one  did,  labeling  the  novel  "time- 
less"; or  as  another  pointed  out,  more  poetically,  "every 
line  .  .  .  lifts  it  out  of  the  limitations  of  time  and 
space  into  the  higher  realms  of  universal  experience." 
Indicative  of  the  professional  leadership's  awareness  of 
unity  within  the  novel  was  the  reviewer  who  noted  that 
the  people,  the  world  they  inhabit,  the  problems  they 
face,  "all  are  naturally  interti^ined  .  .  .  there  is  nothing 
implausible  about  the  whole  book."  "■   Another  cited  Jody's 
decision  to  return  home  as  an  element  of  unity. 

A  memory  stirred  him.   He  had  come  here 
a  year  ago,  on  a  bland  and  tender  day.   He 
had  splashed  in  the  creek  water  and  lain, 
as  now,  among  the  ferns  and  grasses.   Some- 
thing had  been  fine  and  lovely.   He  had 
built  himself  a  flutter-mill.   He  rose  and 
moved  with  a  quickening  of  his  pulse  to 
the  location.   It  seemed  to  liim  that  if  he 
found  it,  he  would  discover  with  it  all 
the  other  things  that  had  vanished.   The 
flutter-mill  was  gone.   The  flood  had 
washed  it  away,  and  all  its  merry  turning. 

San  Diego  Sun,  April  17,  1938,  in  Rawlings 
Col  lect  Lon'. 

Yale  Divinity  School,  Christendom,  Summer,  1938, 
in  Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 

Herschel  Brickell,  "Books  on  Our  Table,  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings'  Fine  Novel,"  source  unknown,  undated,  in 
Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 

New  Orleans  Tiine^  Picayune,  April  10,  1938, 
in  Rawl  ing"s  Col  l  o '■•"< 'T '  "  ,''^i  *  v":  "f- ^-' '>  v  of  Florida  Library. 


He  thou;jht  stubbornly,  "I'll  build  me 
another. " 

He  cut  t\/igs  for  the  supports,  and  the 
roller  tc  turn  across  them,  from  the  wild 
cherry  tree.   He  whittled  feverishly.   He 
cut  strips  from  a  palmetto  frond  and  made 
his  paddles.   He  sunk  the  up-rights  in  the 
stream  bed  and  set  the  paddles  turning. 
Up,  ov-er,  dovm.   The  flutter-mill  was  turn- 
ing.  The  silver  v/ater  dripped.   But  it 
was  only  palmetto  strips  brushing  the  water. 
There  was  no  magic  in  the  motion.   The 
flutter-mill  had  lost  its  comfort. 

He  said,  "Play-dolly " 

He  kicked  it  apart  with  one  foot.   The 
broken  bits  floated  down  the  creek.   He 
threw  liimself  on  the  ground  and  sobbed 
bitterly.   There  vr^as  no  comfort  anyxvhere. 

There  was  Penny.   A  wave  of  homesickness 
washed  over  him  so  that  it  was  suddenly  in- 
tolerable not  to  see  him.   The  sound  of  his 
father's  voice  was  a  necessity.   He  longed 
for  the  sight  of  his  stooped  shoulders  as 
he  had  never,  in  the  sharpest  of  his 
hunger,  longed  for  food.   He  clambered  to 
his  feet  and  up  the  bank  and  began  to  run 
down  the  road  to  the  clearing,  crying  as  he 
ran.   His  father  might  not  be  there.   He 
might  be  dead.   With  the  crops  ruined,  and 
his  son  gone,  he  might  have  packed  up  in 
despair  and  moved  away  and  he  would  never 
find  him. 

He  sobbed,  "Pa—  Wait  for  me." 

The  comments  of  this  reviewer  concerning  unity  were,  in 

part,  based  upon  the  above  passage. 

Another  compositional  element  by  v;hich  Marjorie 

Kinnan  Raw! ings  influenced  her  readership  was  that  of  facts 

"^Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  The  Yearlin; 


and  details;  for  as  one  critic  noted,  "Nothing  has  escaped 

the  author  in  her  endlessly  detailed  picture.  .  .  ." 

One  re\^ie'.%'er  wrote  how  he  was  influenced  by  the  use  of 

facts  and  details  in  the  narration  of  Penny's  snakebite. 

Penny  stopped  short.   There  was  a  stir- 
ring ahead.   A  doe-deer  leaped  to  her  feet. 
Penny  drevsr  a  deep  breath,  as  though  breath- 
ing were  for  some  reason  easier.   He  lifted 
his  shotgun  and  leveled  it  at  the  head.   It 
flashed  over  Jody's  mind  that  his  father 
had  gone  mad.   This  was  no  moment  to  stop 
for  game.   Penny  fired.   The  doe  turned 
a  somersault  and  dropped  to  the  sand  and 
kicked  a  little  and  lay  still.   Penny  ran 
to  the  body  and  drew  his  knife  from  its 
scabbard.   Now  Jody  knew  his  father  was 
insane.   Penny  did  not  cut  the  throat,  but 
flashed  into  the  belly.   He  laid  the  car- 
cass wide  open.   The  pulse  still  throbbed 
in  the  heart.   Penny  slashed  out  the  liver. 
Kneeling,  he  changed  his  knife  to  his  left 
hand.   He  turned  his  right  arm  and  stared 
against  the  twin  punctures.   They  v/ere  now 
closed.   The  forearm  was  thick-swollen  and 
blackening.   The  sweat  stood  out  on  his 
forehead.   He  cut  quickly  across  the  wound. 
A  dark  blood  gushed  and  he  pressed  the  warm 
liver  against  the  incision. 

He  said  in  a  hushed  voice,  "I  kin  feel 
it  draw " 

He  pressed  harder.   He  took  the  meat  away 
and  looked  at  it.   It  was  a  venomous  green. 
He  turned  it  and  applied  the  fresh  side. 

He  said,  "Cut  mc  out  a  piece  o'  the 
heart . " 

Jody  jumped  from  his  paralysis.  He  fum- 
bled with  the  knife.  He  hacked  away  a  por- 
t  ion. 


Hartford  Connecticut   Times,    April    9,    1938, 

in   Rawliagi~ir6TIectxon,  Trrriversity  of   Florida   Library 


Pennv  said,  "Another." 

He  changed  the  application  again  and 

He  said,  "Hand  me  the  knife." 

He  cut  a  higher  gash  in  his  arm  where 
the  dark  swelling  rose  the  thickest.   Jody 
cried  out. 

"Pa!   You'll  bleed  to  death!" 

"I'd  ruther  bleed  to  death  than  swell. 
I  seed  a  man  die " 

•  The  sweat  poured  down  his  cheeks. 

"Do  it  hurt  bad,  Pa?" 

"Like  a  hot  knife  was  buried  to  the 
shoulder . "15 

It  was  the  above-cited  passage  to  which  the  reviewer  re- 
ferred when  complimenting  and  reacting  to  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  use  of  facts  and  details. 

As  previously  explained,  perhaps  the  concern  of 
the  critics  with  facets  of  style  was  a  function  of  their 
professional  involvement  with  the  craft,  for  they  responded 
incisively  to  her  use  of  objectivity,  dialect,  and  sim- 
plicity.  V/hile  working  on  The  Yearling,  in  1956,  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  had  v/ritten  to  her  editor  at  Scribner's, 
Maxwell  Evart  Perkins,  that  though  the  story  of  the  novel 
"may  sound  sentimental  ...  I  shall  be  careful  never  to 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  The  Yearling,  pp.  146- 


sentimentalize."     In  a  later  letter  to  Maxwell  Perkins, 
continuing  to  refine  her  concept  of  objectivity,  she  added 

that  she  hoped  to  "visualir.e  people  .  .  .  almost  you  might 

1 7 
say  v^ith  divine  detachment."     The  reaction  of  her  critics 

to  this  objectivity  attested  to  her  achievement  of  this 
goal,  for  they  addressed  not  only  "iier  fine  sense  of  de- 
tachment," but  also  the  fact  that  she  "never  slips  into 

1 8 

As  an  example  of  the  reaction  to  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings'  use  of  dialect,  one  critic  wrote  "the  dialect 
.  .  .  is  so  simple  here  it  becomes  the  only  natural  means 
of  expression."     Simplicity,  the  third  facet  of  her  con- 
cept of  style  and  last  element  of  her  theory  of  composi- 
tion, proved  successful,  for  as  one  critic  wrote,  the 
quality  and  beauty  of  the  novel  come  "out  of  the  simplest 

To  Maxwell  Evart  Perkins  from  M.  K.  R.,  undated, 
approximately  October,  1936,  in  Rawlings  Collection,  Uni- 
versity of  Florida  Library. 

^  To  Maxwell  Evart  Perkins  from  M.  K.  R. ,  Febru- 
ary 11,  1934,  in  Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida 
Library , 

^^Xew  York  Herald  Tribune  Books,  April  3,  193S, 
in  Rawl  ings  CoTTection,~lJnivers  ity  of  Florida  Library. 

Herschel  Brickell,  "Books  on  Our  Table,  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings'  Fine  Novel,"  source  unknown,  undated,  in 
Rawlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 

1 9 

Chicago  Journal  Commerce,  April  9,  1938,  in 

Rawlings  Collection,  UnTverslty  ot  Florida  Library. 


and  most  fundamental  material,''  or  as  another  explicitly 
stated,  "the  hoeing  of  cow  pea5,  the  excitement  of  the 
hunt,  the  feel  of  spring  in  the  air.""    Similarly,  several 
reactions  emphasized  "the  utmost  simplicity  of  style  and 
structure,"  for  as  one  critic  observed ,  "The  effect  is 

achieved  not  so  much  by  the  plot  of  the  book  as  by  the 

author's  simple  but  beautiful  prose.  .  .  ."     Thus  did 

these  professional  critics  substantiate  the  success  of 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  implementation  of  her  theory 
of  composition. 

Precisely  v\'hich  passages  in  The  Yearling  did  the 
professional  and  general  readers  have  in  mind  when  respond- 
ing to  the  various  elements  of  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
theory  of  composition?   Perhaps  a  passage  which  had  been 
referred  to  by  some  readers  can  be  illustrative  of  several 
of  these  elements,  especially  the  modes  of  expression: 
objectivity,  simplicity,  and  dialect.   In  the  following 
selection  from  a  closing  chapter  of  the  novel,  a  year  has 
passed  since  the  boy,  Jody,  built  his  flutter-mill  at  the 

New  York  Sun,  approximately  April  1,  1938,  in 
Ra\vlings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 

Cincinnati  Ohio  Times  Star,  April  6,  19  38,  in 
Rav;lings  Collection,  University  of  Florida  Library. 

New  York  Post,  June  1,  1938,  in  Rawlings  Col- 
lection, University  ot  "Florida  Library. 

Untitled  nev;spaper  article.  April  3,  1938,  in 
Rawlings  Collection,  Universitv  of  Florida  Library. 


sprirxg.   His  pet  deer,  Flag,  has  grown  to  be  a  yearling 

and  has,  no  matter  what  desperate  measures  Jody  has  taken 

to  the  contrary,  partially  destroyed  the  Baxters'  young 

crop.   To  save  the  family  from  the  threat  of  starvation, 

Ma  Baxter  has  been  forced  to  shoot  the  deer;  but  she  has 

only  wounded  it  and  Jody  now  must  complete  the  task. 

He  turned  on  his  father. 

"You  went  back  on  me.   You  told  her  to 
do  it." 

He  screeched  so  that  his  throat  felt 

"I  hate  you.   I  hope  you  die.   I  hope 
I  never  see  you  again." 

He  ran  after  Flag,  whimpering  as  he 

Penny  called,  "He'p  me,  Ory.   I  cain't 
git  up " 

Flag  ran  on  three  legs  in  pain  and  ter- 
ror.  Twice  he  fell  and  Jody  caught  up 
to  him. 

He  shrieked,  "Hit's  me!   Hit's  me! 

Flag  thrashed  to  his  feet  and  was  off 
again.   Blood  flowed  in  a  steady  stream. 
The  yearling  made  the  edge  of  the  sink- 
hole.  He  wavered  an  instant  and  toppled. 
He  rolled  down  the  side.   Jody  ran  after 
him.   Flag  lay  beside  the  pool.   Fie  opened 
great  liquid  eyes  and  turned  them  on  the 
boy  with  a  glazed  look  of  wonder.   Jody 
pressed  the  muzzle  of  the  gun  barrel  at 
the  back  of  the  smootli  neck  and  pulled 
the  trigger.   Flag  quivered  a  moment  and 
then  lay  still. 

Jody  threw  the  gun  aside  and  dropped 
flat  on  his  stomach.   He  retched  and  vom- 
ited and  retched  again.   He  clawed  into 


the  earth  with  his  f  ir.ger-nails .   He  beat 
it  with  his  fists.   The  sinkhole  rocked 
around  him.   A  far  rcr.ring  became  a  thin 
humming.   He  sank  into  blackness  as  into 
a  dark  pool . 22 

This  was  one  excerpt  froi.i  The  Yearling,  typical  of  the  work 
to  v;hich  the  readers  responded.   Thus,  according  to  those 
responses  investigated,  both  her  general  and  professional 
readers  corroborated  that  Marjorie  Rinnan  Rawlings  accom- 
plished her  purpose  as  intended. 

Regionalism  v;as  the  literary  vehicle  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  chose  for  her  novel,  and  in  so  doing,  she 
responded  rhetorically  to  what  Bitzer  would  call  an 
exigence,  in  accordance  with  the  constraints  of  her  per- 
sonal theory  of  communication.   Regionalism,  at  that  point 
in  history,  served  as  a  response  to  a  crisis;  that  is,  the 
untenable  situation  of  a  population  in  the  midst  of 
society's  ills  during  the  Depression-— with  the  city  as  a 
symbol  of  those  ills.   Her  writing  had  as  its  purpose  the 
com.munication  of  the  beauty  which  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
found  in  the  Big  Scrub  country  and  its  people,  and  by 
extension,  of  humanity  in  harmony  with  the  environment. 
That  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  purpose  v.-as  effectively 
achieved  has  been  borne  out  in  this  and  previous  chapters; 
that  this  purpose  vvas  rhetorical  in  nature  is  evidenced 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings,  The  Yearling,  p.  410 


by  the  successful  accomplis'nment  of  the  author's  predeter 
nined  goal. 


In  achieving  such  effectiveness  with  language, 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  seems  to  fulfill  Kenneth  Burke's 
concept  of  the  rhetor  as  one  \\?ho  "used  language  in  such 
a  way,"  based  upon  her  preset  concept  of  effectiveness, 

"as  to  produce  a  desired  impression,"  that  being  the 

effect  of  beauty,  "upon  the  hearer  or  reader.""    For  as 

Wayne  Booth  argued  in  The  Rhetoric  of  Fiction,  a  novelist, 
whether  realizing  it  or  not,  and  therefore  with  suasory 
intent  or  not,  performs  a  rhetorical  function."    Another 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  scholar  addressed  the  merging  of 
these  two  great  modes  of  discourse,  for  to  Bigelow,  all 
attempts  to  discriminate  between  the  literary  and  the 
rhetorical  have  been  unsatisfactory.     So,  too,  has  Barnet 
Baskerville,  speaking  to  the  direction  of  rhetorical  criti- 
cism, noted  that: 

2  ^ 
'Kenneth  Burke,  C 0 un t e r - S t a t eme n t  (New  York: 

Harcourt,  Brace,  1931),  p~.~2  6  5  . 

^"^iv'ayne  Booth,  The  Rhetoric  oF  Fiction  (Chicago: 
University  of  Chicago  Press,  19G1J  ,  p.  14y . 

Gordon  Bigelow,  "Distinguishing  Rhetoric  from 
.f'oetic  Discourse,"  in  Contemporary  Rhetoric,  cd .  Douglas 
.f-hninger  (G)envicv/,  111  inois :   Scott,  Fb'resman  and  Co., 
1972)  ,  pp.  87-88. 


This  blurring  o£  old  distinctions, 
this  extension  of  the  terms  'rhetoric'  and 
'rhetorical,'  has  obvious  iinplications  for 
criticism.   Where  Wichelns  once  protested 
against  the  literary  criticism  of  oratory, 
we  now  enthusiastically  advocate  the  rhe- 
torical criticism  of  literature . 26 

The  present  study  into  the  rhetorical  effectiveness  of  a 

novel,  operating  from  the  perspective  advanced  by  Tompkins, 

pursued  the  functional  as  opposed  to  the  structural  approach, 

for  it  has  been  asking  the  functional  question,  "How  do 

sender,  message,  and  receiver  interact  in  concrete,  veri- 


fiable  ways?""    With  few  exceptions,  according  to  Tomp- 
kins, rhetorical  studies  have  tended  to  deal  with  the 

structural  school  of  criticism,  being  interested  mainly 

7  8 
in  the  text  or  message  variables."    However,  this  study, 

though  concerned  with  the  structure,  x-zent  beyond  it  and 

sought,  "in  addition,  the  im.pact  of  that  structure  upon 

receivers."     Only  by  accomplishing  this  can  "we  explicate 

a  specific  attempt  to  adjust  ideas  to  people  and  people  to 

Barnet  Baskerville,  "Rhetorical  Criticism  1971: 
Retrospect,  Prospect,  Introspect,"  Quarterly  Journal  of 
Speech,  37  (Winter,  1971),  115. 


Phillip  Tompkins,  "The  Rhetorical  Criticism  of 

Non-Oratorical  Works,"  Quarterly  Journal  of  Speech,  55 

(December,  1969),  438,  tW.  '' 

"^Ibid. ,  p.  438. 


-■'Ibid.  ,  p.  439. 


ideas.  ""^'   The  very  title  of  the  Tonpkins  article,  "The 
Rhetorical  Criticism  of  Non-Oratorical  U'orks,"  was  sug- 
gestive of  the  emerging  body  of  research  that  advocated 
a  rhetorical  approach  to  literature.   As  Baskerville  noted, 
this  emerging  rhetorical  approach  places  "an  emphasis  upon 
the  persuasive  element  in  poetry  [and  other  types  of  liter- 
ature] and  upon  the  part  played  by  the  'audience.'"'^ 

Earlier  discussion  elaborated  upon  the  discourse 
of  literary  authors  fitting  the  rhetorical  paradigm  of 
"a  mode  of  altering  reality,"  since  literature  often  func- 
tions either  as  a  reflection  of  or  a  reaction  to  a  situa- 
tion, thereby  providing  the  audience  with  the  means  to 
escape  from  or  modify  the  exigence  which  generated  the 
discourse,  or  to  accept  the  influence  of  the  exigence.  " 
Ernest  Bormann,  in  "Fantasy  and  Rhetoric  Vision:   The 
Rhetorical  Criticism  of  Social  Reality,"  provides  insight 
into  such  rhetorical  effectiveness  of  a  novel.     Though 
for  the  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  novel  studied,  the 
ultimate  effect  the  author  intended  to  communicate  to 

^"^Ibid.  ,  p.  439 


Baskerville,  p.  115, 

^^Lloyd  Bitzer,  "The  Rhetorical  Situation,"  in 
Contemporary  Theories  of  Rhetoric:   Selected  Readings , 
edited  by  Richard  Johanncsen  (Tiow  YorF:   Harper  and  Row , 
1971)  ,  pp.  385-386. 

33Ernest  Bormann,  "Fantasy  and  Rhetorical  Vision 
The  Rhetorical  Criticism  of  Social  Reality,"  Quarterly 
Journal  of  Speech   (December,  1972),  396-407. 


the  audience  was  beauty,  her  "cheor;/  of  composition  dictated 
that  only  by  creation  of  a  reality  perceivable  to  the 
audience  could  this  effect  be  attained.   In  speculating 
about  this  type  of  created  reality,  Bormann  provided  an 
account  of  how  dramatizing  communication  or  fantasy  chains 
created  social  reality  for  groups  of  people.   These  fantasy 
chains  consisted  of  characters-real  or  fictitious -play- 
ing out  a  dramatic  situation  in  time  and  space,  a  situa- 
tion analogous  to  the  characters  in  The  Yearling.   So,  then, 
according  to  Bormann,  through  the  novel  or  fantasy  "one 
has  entered  a  new  realm  of  reality-a  world  of  heroes, 
villains,  saints,  and  enemies-a  drama,  a  work  of  art."^^ 
Whether  as  individual  reactions  to  works  of  art,  small 
group  reaction,  or  larger  group  reaction,  these  dramati- 
zations "serve  to  sustain  the  members'  sense  of  community, 
to  impel  them  strongly  into  action  ...  and  to  provide 
them  with  heroes,  villains,  emotions,  and  attitudes . "^^ 
As  had  been  suggested,  the  novel  to  a  degree  provided  its 
own  reality  for  its  audience  and  in  so  doing,  a  mode  of 
altering  reality,  for  as  Bormann  added,  fantasy  themes  and 
rhetorical  visions  "help  people  transcend  the  everyday  and 
provide  meaning  for  an  audience. "^^ 

Ibid. ,  p .  598 

3  c 

"Ibid. ,  p.  3  98, 

^^Ibid.,  p.  402, 


Unfortunately,  the  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  Collec- 
tion was  not  a  place  in  which  to  find  extensive  evidence 
of  the  extent  to  which  people  did  alter  their  realit>-. 
To  be  sure,  the  Collection  offers  some  indices  of  how  the 
readers  projected  the  themes  of  The  Yearling  to  their  own 
lives.   In  an  August  1943  letter  to  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings,  Betty  Odgers  related  how  "the  shared  loveli- 
ness of  your  book  was  an  important  bond  in  the  adjustment 
of  my  life."   Ms.  Odgers  added  this  was  in  part  due  to 
Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  having  written  of  the  "right 
way  of  living  [and  of  her]  attention  to  the  real  and  im- 
portant things."   Another  letter,  undated,  from  one  of 
her  readers.  Perry  Potter,  told  of  a  young  boy  who,  upon 
having  the  book  read  to  him  and  yearning  to  exchange  his 
world  for  that  of  Jody,  said,  "I  wish  I  was  him,  oh  I 
wish  I  was."   Among  readers  who  responded  with  emotion 
to  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  work,  Laura  Dix  wrote  on 
May  17,  1945,  "I  wept  over  the  passing  of  Jody's  little 
Fodderwing  and  later  Flag,"   One  of  those  who  found  the 
simple  way  of  life  purported  by  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings' 
novel  admirable  or  worthy  of  emulation  was  Ralph  Prouty 
who  wrote  August  9,  1944.   His  praise  of  her  "plain 
simple  people"  included  the  comment,  "simple  they  may 
be,  but  they  are  undoubtedly  great."   These  examples  sug- 
gest how  the  novel  well  may  have  provided  "heroes,  emotions 
and  attitudes  [which]  help  people  transcend  the  everyday 


and  provide  meaning  for  an  audience.""    But  the  Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  Collection  could  not  be  the  most  appropri- 
ate place  to  explicate  Bormann's  concept  of  the  altering 
of  reality,  for  that  examination  would  have  to  investigate 
"how  people  who  participated  in  this  rhetorical  vision 
related  to  one  another,"  and  correspondence  in  the  Col- 
lection gave  very  little  indication  of  such  possible  inter- 

3  8 
action.     Moreover,  for  the  reviewers,  the  solitary  nature 

of  their  craft  and  the  time  element  of  their  having  written 

almost  immediately  preceding  or  following  the  publication 

of  the  book  limited  the  interaction  between  them.   However, 

Gordon  Bigelov;,  her  biographer,  did  directly  address  the 

novel's  effectiveness  in  altering  reality  and  positing  an 

alternate  world  view  to  the  existing  Depression. 

In  a  time  of  great  social  and  economic 
stress,  of  moral  confusion  and  uncertainty, 
her  stories  quietly  reasserted  a  familiar 
American  ethic  .  .  .  The  pastoral  vision  in 
her  books  is  of  a  world  of  natural  beauty 
free  from  the  stench  and  ugliness  of  modern 
cities.  .  .  .  -^^ 

On  December  3,  1938,  an  article  in  the  Chicago  Daily 

Tribune  stated  that  The  Yearling  as  well  as  several  other 

^'  Ibid.  ,  pp.  398,  402. 

Ibid. ,  p.  401. 

Gordon  E.  Bige 

University  of  Florida  Press,  1964)  ,  pp.  156,  157. 

"Gordon  E.  Bigelo^v,  Frontier  Eden  (Gainesville 


novels  from  1938,   " 

.  .  .  have  a  certain  staunch  reality 
about  them  and  at  the  same  time  'have  been 
escape  literature  in  the  sense  they  have 
lifted  the  reader  out  of  his  own  life  into 
scenes  so  exigent  that  they  make  him  for- 
get his  surroundings  and  their  demands. 

Anotlier  suggested  that  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  presented 

a  more  simple  ivorld,  a  world  that  we  had  lost,  for, 

.  .  .  by  choosing  this  locale,  the 
author  is  abie  to  awaken  the  reader  to 
the  realization  that  American  boys  lost 
something  charming  and  real  when  movies, 
cars,  radios,  and  electricity  replaced 
the  crude  pleasure  giving  contrivances 
of  the  pioneers. ^0 

These  were  some  of  the  responses  that  did  offer  some  indi- 
cation of  how  readers  accepted  the  world  vieiNT  of  The 
Yearling  as  an  alternate  to  the  reality  of  their  own 
existence . 

Thus,  the  characters  in  The  Yearling  did  seem  to 
have  an  impact  for  readers.   Indeed,  Marjorie  Kinnan 
Rawlings  may  well  have  typified  the  Flenry  James  quotation 
upon  which  the  Wayne  Booth  book.  The  Rhetoric  of  Fiction, 
was  based:   "The  author  makes  his  readers  just  as  he 
makes  his  characters."   Moreover,  she  illustrates  the 
rhetorical  function  of  what  Edwin  Black  has  called  a 
"Second  Persona";  for  in  the  auditor  or  respondent  implied 

'^^Portland  Maine  Express,  April  2,  1938 


by  a  discourse  such  as  TPie  Yearling,  there  is  "a  model  of 
what  the  rhetor  would  have  his  real  auditor  become.""^ 
Just  as  the  author  makes  her  readers,  so  too,  according 
to  Black,  can  the  language  of  an  ideology  imply  an  auditor 
who  might  share  that  ideology;  for  "actual  auditors  look 
to  the  discourse  they  are  attempting  for  cues  that  tell 
them  hovv'  they  are  to  view  the  world,  even  beyond  the  ex- 
pressed concerns,  the  overt  propositional  sense  of  the 

4  "* 
discourse."  "   So,  then,  may  a  discourse  not  only  alter 

both  the  reader's  perception  and  manner  of  apprehending 
the  world,  it  may  also  provide,  through  implication,  an 
image  or  character  to  be  im.itated.   This  would  be  espe- 
cially valid  for  a  discourse  with  a  structure  determined 
by  a  preset  concept  of  effectiveness.   Thus,  we  have  seen 
how  this  investigation  into  the  rhetorical  effectiveness 
of  a  novel  fits  into  the  context  of  a  broader  scheme  of 
rhetorical  perspective  that  people  such  as  Booth,  Black, 
Bormann,  and  others  are  speculating  about  today. 

This  study  has  attempted  to  illumine  the  rhetorical 
interaction  of  sender,  message,  and  receiver,  in  which  the 
author  of  a  novel  determined  a  method  or  theory  of 


Ed'.vin  Black,  "The  Second  Persona,"  Quarterly 

Journal  of  Speech,  56  (April,  1S7C),  113.  '~ 

'^"Ibid.  ,  p.  113. 


composition  predicated  upon  the  effect  she  v.'ished  to 
achieve.   For  purposes  of  this  study,  investigation  was 
made  into  the  individual  theory  and  approach  that  v;as 
particular  not  only  to  this  one  author,  but  also  this  one 
work.   The  approach  selected  here  will,  therefore,  not 
be  universally  applicable  to  all  authors  wishing  to  com- 
municate beauty.   But,  as  indicated  by  this  study,  an 
author  can  and  does  formulate  a  theory  of  language  effec- 
tiveness dependent  not  upon  arbitrary  choice  but  instead 
designated  by  the  particular  reaction  desired.   Marjorie 
Kinnan  Rawlings  is  the  epitome  of  such  a  user  of  language. 

On  February  21,  ]958,  after  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings 
had  submitted  the  final  manuscript  of  The  Yearling  to 
Scribner's,  one  month  before  publication  date,  she  wrote 
to  her  friend  and  editor.  Maxwell  Evart  Perkins. 

The  things  all  of  you  write  me  about 
The  Yearl ing  and  the  Book  of  the  Month 
Club  choice,  make  me  very  happy  and  very 
humble.   The  only  reason  I  can  accept  it 
as  even  remotely  deserved,  is  that  I  all 
but  sweated  blood  in  doing  it.   I  do  not 
see  how  any  writer  could  work  in  greater 
agony  and  effort  than  I  did  on  it  and 
this  is  strange  to  me,  for  no  writer 
could  ever  have  a  clearer  conception  than 
I  did  of  Vrhat  I  wanted  to  do  and  where  I 
was  going. 

In  rJ.'59  she  was  awarded  the  Pulitzer  Prize  in  Letters  for 

a  Novel  and  elected  to  the  Academy  of  Arts  and  Letters. 


Prinarv  Sources 

The  voluminous  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  Collection 
housed  in  the  University  of  Florida  Library,  Gainesville, 
has  been  the  principal  source  on  ivliich  this  study  was  based 
Therefore  a  description  of  the  Collection  indicating  the 
nature  and  type  of  material  may  be  useful.   The  Collection 
was  established  by  Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  at  the  Univer- 
sity where  she  had  lectured  and  had  received  an  honorary 
degree.   The  form  of  the  Collection  is  in  part  transcripts 
(typewritten) ,  photo  copies  (positive) ,  and  microfilm 
(negative) .   Additional  material  has  been  received  since 
her  death  in  1955  from  her  estate,  friends,  and  relatives; 
however,  the  bulk  of  the  Collection  covers  the  period  from 

Housed  in  twelve  archival  boxes  are  manuscripts  of 
her  books,  short  stories  and  unpublished  poems,  as  well 
as  newspaper  articles  she  authored.   Her  personal,  unpub- 
lished papers  include  journal  entries  of  her  first  impres- 
sions of  Florida,  notes  concerning  local  customs,  informa- 
tion for  her  books,  lecture  notes,  speech  manuscripts  and 
short  stories. 

Her  vast  correspondence  is  stored  in  nine  file 
drav;ers.   These  letters  include  a  large  number  of  responses 
from  readers  as  well  as  a  personal  correspondence  with 
friends  and  relatives.   Among  the  letters  addressed  to  her 
are  forty-eight  from  James  Branch  Cabell,  twenty- five  from 
A.  J.  Cronin,  thir-ty- three  from  Sigfrid  Undset,  and  letters 
from  Maxwell  Perkins,  F.  Scott  Fitzgerald,  Robert  Herrick, 
Edith  Pope,  Eleanor  Roosevelt,  John  Steinbeck,  Zora  Neale 
Hurston,  James  Still,  Hudson  Stroke,  Carl  Van  Vechton,  Mrs. 
Ernest  Hemingway,  Thornton  Wilder,  and  many  others  equally 
important.   Microfilm  copies  of  her  letters  to  her  editor, 
Maxv;ell  Perkins,  supplement  the  correspondence.   Additional 
correspondence,  records,  and  transcripts  are  to  be  found 
in  the  papers  of  her  lawyer,  Phillip  May,  also  housed  in 



the  University  Library.   Several  other  file  drawers  con- 
tain information  Mariorie  Kinnan  Rawlings  gathered  for  the 
purpose  of  writing  a  biography  of  Ellen  Glasgow. 

Five  large  scrapbooks  from  several  sources  are  a 
part  of  this  Collection.   Though  four  of  these  scrapbooks 
contain  mainly  newspaper  and  periodical  clippings  about  the 
author  and  her  work,  one  scrapbook  contains  mainly  family 
photographs  and  information.   There  are,  of  course,  included 
in  this  large,  approximately  three  thousand  piece  collection, 
various  memorabilia  as  well  as  one  large  box  of  artifacts. 

Secondary  Sources 

Baskerville,  Barnet.   "Rhetorical  Criticism,  1971: 

Rhetrospect,  Prospect,  Introspect,"  Southern 
Speech  Communication  Journal,  27  (Winter,  1971), 

Beath,  Paul  R.   "Regionalism:   Pro  and  Con,  Four  Fallacies 
of  Regionalism,"  Saturday  Review  of  Literature, 
15  (November  28,  1936)  ,  4-14. 

Bellman,  Samuel.  "Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings:   A  Solitary 
Sojourner  in  the  Florida  Backwoods,"  Kansas 
Quarterly,  2  (1970),  78-87. 

Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings   (New  York:   Twayne 

Pub  1 i shers,  Inc. ,  1974)  . 

igelow,  Gordon  E.   "Marjorie  Kinnan  Rawlings'  Wilderness," 
The  Sewanee  Review,  72  (April-June,  1965),  299- 

.   Frontier  F.den   (Gainesville:   University  of 

FToriar  Press,  196'6)  . 

_.   "Distinguishing  Rhetoric  from  Poetic  Discourse 
Tn  Contemporary  Rhetoric,  Douglas  Ehninger,  ed. 

1  tzer 

(Glenview,  Illinois:   Scott,  Foresman  and  Co.,  1972). 

Lloyd.   "The  Rhetorical  Situation,"  in  Contemporary 
Theories  of  Rhetor ic:   Selected  Readings,  Richard 
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Edna  Louise  Saffy  was  born  March  8,  1935  in 
Jacksonville,  Florida,   She  attended  West  Riverside 
Grammar  School,  John  Gorrie  Junior  High,  and  Robert  E. 
Lee  Senior  High.   She  attended  the  University  of  Florida 
and  received  her  Bachelor's  degree  in  1967  and  her  Master's 
degree  in  1968.   She  is  married  to  Grady  Earl  Johnson, 
Junior,  of  Virden,  Manitoba ,  Canada. 

While  at  the  University  of  Florida,  Ms.  Saffy  was 
a  member  of  the  President's  Committee  on  the  Status  of 
Women,  the  Student  Senate,  Savant  Leadership  Organization, 
and  Alpha  Chi  Onega  Sorority. 

Ms.  Saffy  is  an  officer  of  the  South  Atlantic 
Modern  Language  Association  and  a  founder  of  its  Women's 
Studies  Section,   She  is  a  member  of  the  Speech  Communica- 
tion Association,  the  Southern  Speech  Communication  .Associ- 
ation, and  the  College  English  Association. 

Ms.  Saffy's  political  affiliations  include  the 
Presidency  of  both  the  Gainesville  and  Jacksonville 
chapters  of  the  National  Organization  for  Women,  State 
of  Florida  Strategist   for  the  Equal  Rights  Amendment, 
and  membership  in  the  Women's  Political  Caucus. 



Among  the  honors  she  has  received  are  membership 
in  Lambda  Iota  Tau,  Who's  Who  in  American  Colleges  and 
Universities,  and  the  University  of  Florida  Hall  of  Fame, 

I  certify  that  I  have  read  tnis  study  and  tha 
my  opinion  it  conforms  to  acceptable  standards  of  sch 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  qual 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philoso 


t  in 

Ronald  H.  Carpenter,  Chairpe 
Associate  Professor  of  Speec 


I  certify  that  I  have  read  this  study  and  that  in 
my  opinion  it  conforms  to  acceptable  standards  of  scholarly 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  quality, 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy. 

V'incent  McGuire 
Professor  of  Education 

I  certify  that  I  have  read  this  study  and  that  in 
my  opinion  it  conforms  to  acceptable  standards  of  scholarly 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  quality, 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy. 

/^^-Z^-C-C^w   /-  .   ■St-t^A^^Z.-f^-C 

Patricia  L.  Schmidt 
Assistant  Professor  of  Speech  and 
Behavioral  Studies 

I  certify  that  I  have  read  this  study  and  that  in 
my  opinion  it  conforms  to  acceptable  standards  of  scholarly 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  quality 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosot 



Donald  E.  Williams 
Professor  of  Soeech 

I  certify  that  I  have  read  this  studv  and  that  in 
my  opinion  it  conforms  to  acceptable  standards  of  scholarly 
presentation  and  is  fully  adequate,  in  scope  and  quality 
as  a  dissertation  for  the  degree  of  Doctor  of  Philosophy' 

Professor  of  Theater 

This  dissertation  was  submitted  to  the  Graduate  Faculty  of 
the  Department  of  Speech  in  the  College  of  Arts  and  Sciences 
and  to  the  Graduate  Council,  and  was  accented  as  partial 
fulfillment  of  the  requirements  for  the  degree  of  Doctor 

of  Philosophy. 
March,  1976 

Gr  A  c]/^]iool 

B^     B.