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By Simon Ramo and John R. Whinnery. 502 
pagi-s. 214 figures. 5J by S?J. Cloth. 


Edited by J. F. Young. 628 pages. 410 figures. 
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By L. R. Newman, A. Keller, J. M. Lyom, 
L. B. Wales. KcliU-fl by L. R. Neuman. ' 175 
pages. 93 figures. 5JSby8?a. Cloth. 


Volume I by Edith Clarke. 540 pages. 167 fig- 
ures. SJSby 8%. Cloth. 


By D. R. Shoults anil C. J. Rife. Edited by 
T. C. Johnson. 389 pages. 2 19 figures. 6 by 9. 


By Gabriel Kron. 250 pages. 146 figures. 6 by 
9. Cloth. 


By Gabriel Kron. 635 pages. 330 figures. 6 by 
9. Cloth. 


By L. F. Blwnc, G. Caimlli, A. ftoyajian, and 
V. M. Montsinger. Eiliti-d by L. F. Blumc. 496 
pages. 348 fl^uieb. 6 by 9. Cloth. 


Volume I by Robert E. Doherly and Ernest G. 
Keller. 314 pages. 83 figures. 6 by 9. Cloth 
Volume II by Ernest G. Keller. 309 pagrs. 91 
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By L. V. Bewley. 334 pages. 133 figures. 6 by 
9. Cloth. 


By Arthur L. KimbalL 145 pages. 82 figures. 
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(Mathematical Engineering) 


M 5., I'k I) (I'ntvemty ol 
Consulting Mathematician, O/r/m-M r/g/// Corporation 

One of a Series written in the interest 

of the General Electric Advanced 

Engineering Program 






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The two purposes of this hook are implied in its title and subtitle. 

Its first purpose (along with that of the first volume and a third, 
which is in preparation) is to present those aspects of mathematics 
which the experience of a large manufacturing organization, in dealing 
with electrical and mechanical investigations, has found to be of most 
value to engineers. The mathematical material treated is not the 
selection of one or two individuals of what they consider mathe- 
matically useful in the engineering work of a large engineering organi- 
zation, but the composite opinion based on extensive experience of 
engineers and physicists who apply themselves to the abstract prin- 
ciples of engineering in daily engineering research and practice. 

The second purpose, which is even more important, is to present 
an introduction to the methods of mathematical engineering by the 
analysis of discrete physical systems. There developed during 
the last two decades a phase of engineering which may properly be 
called mathematical engineering. Its analogue in phxsics is mathe- 
matical physics. Many similarities exist in the two fields. The sub- 
ject materials of mathematical physics and mathematical engineering 
are respectively physics and physics and engineering; the tool of both 
fields is mathematics, regardless of how simple or advanced the mathe- 
matics may be. Mathematical physics is not restricted to one branch 
of physics. Neither is mathematical engineering confined to one branch 
of engineering, because the fundamental method of analysis in mathe- 
matical engineering remains the same regardless of which branch of 
engineering is practiced. The similarities of the two subjects are 
pointed out in the introduction. 

The material and methods of this book have evolved during the 
last decade out of the research engineering work and the Advanced 
Course in Engineering * of the General Electric Company. Although 
prepared for that course, the book should be just as useful in graduate 
engineering work at universities since the material has been tempered 
by use in the instruction of students not only in the course of the 

* A. R. Stevenson, Jr., and Alan Howard, "An Advanced Course in Engineering," 
Trans. A.I.E.K., March, 1935. A. K. Stevenson, Jr., and Simon Ramo, "A New 
Postgraduate Course in Industry in High- Frequency Engineering," Electrical Engi- 
neering, July, 1940. 



General Electric Company but also in the courses for graduate students 
in more than one university. It is thus a joint product of the engi- 
neering office and the university classroom. 

I am indebted to all whose publications have been used or cited, 
but, in particular, to nine friends it is a pleasure to express my 

Without the encouragement of Dr. A. R. Stevenson, Jr., Staff 
Assistant to the Vice President of Engineering of the General Electric 
Company, Volumes II and III would not have been written. As one of 
the two originators of the Advanced Course he has continually guided, 
directly and indirectly, the preparation of the manuscript in order 
that it mi^ht be adapted to the needs and methods of the course. 

I am grateful to Dr. Stevenson, to Dr. Saul Dushman, Assistant 
Director of the Research Laboratory, and to Mr. P. L. Alger, Staff 
Assistant to the Vice President of Engineering, of the General Electric 
Company, for their generous aid in numerous projects of which this 
text is one. 

In Chapter II much use has been made of certain papers of Mr. 
Gabriel K-on, consulting engineer of the company. His generosity is 
deeply appreciated. 

Valuable suggestions regarding both form and content (for Vol- 
umes I. II, and III) have been made by Messrs. Alan Howard, B. R. 
Prentice, and T. C. Johnson, who, during the preparation of the manu- 
script, have been in succession in charge of the Advanced Course in 
Engineering of the General Electric Company. 

I thank Mr. A. B. Chafetx for his aid in checking numerical calcu- 
lations and drafting and Mr. Dclbtrt Zilmer for his careful reading of 
the galley proofs. 


Burbank, California 
Apnl, 194Z 


Mathematical engineering consists of those parts of all branches 
of engineering which can be formulated mathematically. 

The fundamental method of mathematical engineering consists of 
the two processes- (a) reduction of the physical phenomena involved 
to a mathematical system, (b) solution of the system. The two 
processes in this text are called, for brevity, set-up and solve. The first 
process requires, in addition to a knowledge of mathematical physics 
and engineering, originality and inventive ability in thought. The 
second process requires mathematical knowledge. In general, the 
first process is a difficult one. 

Mathematical engineering naturally resolves itself into two divi- 
sions. The first division may be called the analysis of discrete engi- 
neering systems. It consists of those problems which involve a finite 
number of variables or a finite number of degrees of freedom. Fre- 
quently, these problems reduce mathematically to systems of a finite 
number of ordinary linear or non-linear, differential or integral equa- 
tions. Examples of problems of the first division are the analyses of 
linear and non-linear networks, rotating electrical machines, airplane 
motions, locomotive oscillations, and vibrations of motors and 
machines. Problems in probability, statistics, and applications of 
number theory to machine windings also belong to this division. The 
second division may be entitled the analysis of continuous engineering 
systems. Field problems in aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, electro- 
dynamics, and elasticity belong to this division. Frequently, such 
problems reduce mathematically to systems of partial differential 

This volume is concerned with the analyses of discrete engineering 
systems. An attempt has been made throughout to place equal 
emphasis on the two processes, set-up and solve. 



PREFACE. ... . vii 




1. Calculus of Variations . . 1 

2. Hamilton's Principle. . IS 

3. Lagrange's liquations. . 25 

4. Lagrangc's Equations and the Theory of Vibrations 58 

5. Lagrange's Equations and Ilolonomic S> stems 79 

6. Non-holonomir Systems 82 

7. Energy Method and Kayleigh's Principle 83 

8. Additional Methods and References . 93 




1. Preliminary Description . 95 

2. Matrices and Linear Transformations 103 

3. Preliminary Concepts of Tensor Analysis 114 

4. Stationary Networks . .124 

PART (/*) 

5. Non-mathematical Outline of the Nature of the Theory of Rotating Electrical 

Machinery .. 153 

6. Primitive Machine with Stationary Reference Axes . 156 

7. Derived Machines with Stationary Reference Axes (Constant Rotor Speed) 168 

8. Primitive Machine with Rotating Reference Axes 180 

9. Derived Machines with Rotating Reference Axes 185 

10. Machines Under Acceleration . 190 

11. Tensorial Method of Attack of Engineering Problems. 197 

12. References.. .. . 198 





1. Differential Equations Analytic in Parameters 201 

2. Non-linear Systems by Variation of Parameters. ... 221 

3. Solutions of Systems by Method of Successive Integrations 232 

4. Solutions of Systems by Matrix Methods 234 

5. Elliptic Functions 246 

6. Hyperelliptic Functions 264 

7. Method of Collocation 284 

8. Galerkin's Method 288 

9. Method of Lalesco's Non-linear Integral Equations 294 

10. Solutions by the Differential Analyzer . . . 301 

1 1. Additional Methods and References 303 

INDEX 305 



(1) Calculus of Variations, (2) Hamilton's Principle, (3) La- 
grange's Equations, (4) Lagrange's Equations and the Theory 
of Vibrations, (5) Lagrange's Equations and Holonomic Sys- 
tems, (6) Non-holonomic Systems, (7) Energy Method and 
Rayleigh's Principle, (8) Additional Methods and References. 

All engineering problems in Volume I were reduced to mathematical 
systems by means of (a) Newton's laws of motion, (b) Kirchhoff* s laws of 
electric circuits, and (c) the laws of vector analysis. There exist more 
general principles which include the above principles as special cases. 

Mathematical physicists have long sought a single principle from 
which all other physical principles can be drawn. The most funda- 
mental single principle of mathematical physics is Hamilton's principle. 
The fundamental equations of dynamics as well as the Maxwell field 
equations, equations of elasticity, and other basic systems are derivable 
from Hamilton's principle. The fundamental equations of dynamics 
and Rayleigh's principle yield, as a special field, the theory of vibrations. 

Hamilton's principle is most easily understood and derived in the 
notation of the calculus of variations. The calculus of variations itself 
has many applications in engineering aside from its use in establishing 
Hamilton's principle, but the proof of Hamilton's principle for the field 
of dynamics is sufficient justification for the study of this branch of 


Calculus of Variations 

The calculus of variations deals with problems in maxima and 
minima. It is recalled from the calculus that in the elementary theory 
of maxima and minima the problem is to determine those values of the 
independent variables (x\, x 2t ,#n) for which the function y = 



f(x\, Of2, , x n ) takes on cither maximum or minimum values. In the 
elementary calculus of variations a definite integral, whose integiand is 
a function of one or more unknown functions and their derivatives, is 
given. The problem then is to find the unknown function (or func- 
tions) which will render the definite integral a maximum or minimum. 
Because the easiest problems in the calculus of variations are con- 
cerned with geometrical properties this section begins with a simple 
geometrical problem. 

1-1. Introductory Problem. Let it be required to find, by the 
calculus of variations, the equation of the shortest curve joining two 
points PI and P%. It is not necessary to consider a curve existing in 
three-space and joining P\ and P%, since the projection of such a curve 
onto a plane containing P\ and P% is shorter than the curve itself. 
Thus the shortest curve is sought only among curves which lie wholly 
in a plane containing P\ and P< 2 . Moreover, as possible shortest curves, 
only single- valued curves (functions) and curves which are continuous 
and on which the tangent turns continuously need be considered. Such 
curves in the calculus of variations are said to be of class C prime. Any 
single-valued function which is continuous and possesses a continuous 
first derivative is defined to be of class C'. The curves, among which 
the curve is sought which minimi/es the given integral, are called ad- 
missible arcs or curves. For engineering purposes the properties so far 
specified for the admissible arcs may be viewed as assumptions under 
which the solution is sought. The assumptions may be changed. In 
the calculus of variations this actually happens; the curves admissible 
for one problem may not be admissible for another. In general, more 
restrictions put on the admissible arcs render the analysis easier, but 
the results are accordingly restricted in value. 

When a function is said to be of class C f it is understood to be of 
class C in the interval xi ^ x ^ x>>. To find an extremum (minimum or 
maximum) means in this chapter to find only Euler's necessary condi- 
tion. No sufficiency condition is implied. 

The analytical statement of the problem now is: Let it be required 
to find among the admissible arcs joining P\ and P-2 that one, y = y(x), 
which minimizes the integral 

where x\ and x 2 are the abscissas of PI and P 2 , respectively, and 
y = dy/dx. The admissible curves joining PI and P 2 (Fig. 1 I) may 
then be represented analytically by the equation 

y = y(x) + *(*), [1] 


where a is a parameter independent of x and y(x) is an arbitrary func- 
tion which vanishes at x\ and x%. If the value of y from Eq. (1) is 
substituted in the integral of the problem, there results 

/() = Al + [/(*) + ar,'( X )T}*d X , 


where the primes denote derivatives with respect to x. Since the limits 
of the integral are constants, I(a) is a function of the single parameter 

FIG. 1-1 

a. If /(a) is to be a minimum for a = 0, it is necessary that dl(ci)/da, 
denoted by /'(a), vanish for a = 0. Since the limits x\ and oc 2 are 
constants, it follows, by the rule for differentiation of an integral with 
respect to a parameter, that 


{1 + [/GO + <*r,'( X )]*}"d X 



Integration by parts and use of the fact that /'(O) must vanish yield 

* 2 f* 2 d ( 

I J 

xi Jxi dx [ [1 H 


By the definition of vj(x) it follows that 17(^2) = *?(#i) = 0. Conse- 

It can be shown without much difficulty (see Ex. 7) that, since rj(x) ia 
an arbitrary function, the last integral can vanish only if 

d\ y 9 


The first integral of this equation is *-.-=== = C\. A second inte- 
gration gives 


When the arbitrary constants C\ and C 2 have been determined so 
that (3) passes through the points PI and P^ the required minimizing 
curve has been found. 

1-2. Euler's Equations: First Necessary Condition for Simplest 
General Case. The integral which was minimized in 1 - 1 is a special 
form of the more general integral 

F(x, y, y')dx. [4] 

Let it be required to find among the admissible arcs joining P\P% 
(Fig. 1-1) that one, y y(x), which minimizes /. An admissible arc, 
in this more complicated theory, has precisely the properties l pre- 
scribed in 1-1. If y = y(x) be the minimizing curve and Eq. (1) 
be substituted in (4), evidently 


J 1 


/(a) = / F\x, y + ary(jc), / + aif(x)]dx. [5] 

In order that /(a) take on a minimum (or maximum) value for a = 

it is necessary that 


- 0, [6] 

1 Usually the admissible arcs are taken to be curves which are continuous and 
consist of a finite number of arcs on each of which the tangent turns continuously, 
i.e., the curve may have corners. The results, however, are sufficiently general for 
the present purpose. 


where F y and F u > denote respectively the partial derivatives of 
F(x, y, /) with respect to y and /. If the formula for integration by 

parts, / u dv = uv / vdu, is applied to (6), where 
u = F y , v = i7(*) 

du = - y - dv 

there results 

-f'(O) = / F v ri(x)dx + Fy'rify 

J Xl 

rjfe) = 17(3*1) = 0, 


the reasoning following Eq. (2), or Ex. 7, yields 

!>.-*, -0. [7] 

Now /''y (*, y, y') is a function of the three variables x, y, y', and y and 
y' are in turn functions of *. By the formula for total derivative 

dy' dy 

~~dx Fv ' v ' 

Thus Eq. (7) may be written 




FV " ~ 

Equation (7), or (8), is known in the calculus of variations as Euler's 
equation. This equation is the first necessary condition which y = 
y(x) must satisfy in order that this function may render / a minimum, 


There is the theorem: Every function y = y(x) which minimizes or 
maximizes the integral 

/ = / Ffa y y y')dx 

must satisfy Eq. (7). It is recalled from the calculus that /'(a) = is 
not sufficient to insure the existence of a minimum of f(x) at x = a. It 
is necessary also that f"(a) > 0. The two conditions are both neces- 
sary and sufficient to insure a minimum. Hence in the calculus of 
variations, it is natural to expect that v = y(x) must satisfy further 
conditions in order thai it maximize or minimize (4). These conditions 
are more complicated than Euler's equation and are not essential for 
our purpose. In many practical problems these additional conditions 
may be waived, at least in a first treatment. Equation (8) is a differ- 
ential equation of the second order. Its general solution contains two 
arbitrary constants and hence represents a two parameter family of 
curves. These solutions arc called extremals and the curves of the 
family extremal arcs. 

EXAMPLE. Plane curves of constant density join the points PI 
and P-2 which subtend an angle of less than 60 at the origin. Find 
the equation of the curve of class c v which has the least moment of 
inertia with respect to the origin. 

Let the two points be P\(r\, { ) ami P(r*, 0o) and the polar equa- 
tions of the curves joining these points be r = r(Q). The integral to 
be minimized evidently is 

= f r 2 ds = ( 'V [I + r0' 2 ] 1 * dr. 

That particular r = r(0) which minimizes / must satisfy Euler's 

Fe - -f F 9 , = 0, 


F = r 2 [l + r 2 e' 2 ]*, 
and thus 

F e = 0, 

r 4 6' 

Euler's equation then reduces to 

The first integral of this equation is 


Tlie last equation may be written 

The integral on the right ib easily evaluated by means of the substitu- 
tion r* = c sec z. The relation between and r then is 

= tan" 1 ------ h o, 

$ c 

r* = c see 3(0 - fi). 

By proper choice of r and Ci the graph of the last equation passes 
through PI and /V This function of is a .solution of Miller's equation 
and moreover, the last equation is the equation of the minimi/ing 
curve required. 


1. Show that the minimum surf tire of revolution generated by revolving about 
the x a\ih a curve of cldbs C' joining PI and P% is a catenary. The integral to be 
minimized is 


Remembering that both > and / are functions of x and differentiating out, there is 
obtained for Euler'b equation 

yy - (/)2 -1=0. Set / = p. 

and the differential equation is 

_/> dp_ __ dy 

- 27T (! + / 2 ) H dx 


F w -(\+ y*)* ?* 


/*' 2 

2. Minimize the integral / (w 2 *' 2 + n~x~)dt 
<J 'i 

3. Show that the minimum line upon a sphere joining two points of the surface is 
the arc of a great circle. First show that the integral to be minimized is 

/* 2 

remembering that the spherical surface coordinates R, 0, *? are related to x, y, z by 
the relations 

x R cos tf> cos 

y = R cos <p sin 
s = I? sin *>. 

4. Show that the minimum line upon a circular cylinder is a helix. 

5. A particle of mass m falls from rest on a curve joining the points P\(x\, y\) and 
^2(^2, yz)- It is assumed that the particle moves without friction on the curve. Find 
the equation of the curve for which the time of descent is a minimum. The integral 
to be minimized is 

where a 

yi and g is the acceleration of gravity. 

6. Find the minimum line on a cone 
of revolution. 

7. If M is a function of x which is 
continuous in the interval JCi ^ x ^ *2 
and if 


J * 

Mri(x)dx - 

for all functions 17 which vanish at Xi and 
xz and which are of class C', then show 
that M = in .ri ^ x ^ 

FIG. 1-2 


1-3. Euler's Equation by 
Means of Variations. Equation 

x (7) will now be obtained by the 

so-called method of variations. In 
Fig. 1-2 let C be the arc, whose 
equation is y = ^(.v), minimizing (or maximizing) the integral (4). Let 
6 V , a neighboring curve, be given by y = y(x) + T?(JC), where ri(x) is the 
increment in y on passing from C to C", x being fixed. Then 

(a) y' becomes y' + ?/(.Y) on passing from C to C ; , 

(b) ij(x) is called the variation of y and is denoted by 8y, 


(c) v'(x) = ty, and 

(d) ri'(x) = change in the slope of y on passing from C to C' (x 


being fixed) = 8 

Thus (c) and (d) gi\e the very important relation 

1 8y = 5 J! or ddy = 5dy. [9] 

ff.V GJC 

That is, the derivative of the variation is the variation of the derivative. 
It is remembered from the calculus that the symbol d applies to changes 
taking place along a particular curve. From (</), (6), (c), and (d) it 
is evident that 5 applies to changes which occur on passing from the 
curve C to a curve 6 V . It is natural to expect that 8F(y), 8F(y,y') t 
etc., are computed by the same formulas as dF(y) t dF(y t y'), etc. In 
fact the proof of the variation formulas follows the proof for the dif- 
ferential formulas. 

It is easy to establish the formulas: 

F(y, y) = -^ Sy + , y = F y 8y + Fy, y, [10] 
3;y 9y 

5F(#, y, y) = 5v H ; 5v' = F 63; + /?' 6y. 

3^ 33^ 

Now 8F(y) is defined by the equation 

8F(y) = F(y + dy) - F(y). 

By Taylor's series F(y + 8y) = F(y) H 6y + higher powers 2 

in 5y. Thus 

8F(y) = /''(y) H 8y + F(y) 

= dy + higher powers in dy which are 

neglected as in the case of the differential d F(y). 

2 The neglect of the higher powers in dy restricts the nature of the admissible curves. 
However, the results are sufficiently general for the purpose at hand. See Calculus 
of Variations by G. A. Bliss and Lectures on the Calculus of Variations by Oskar 



dF(y, /) = F(y + dy, y' + by'} - F(y, /) 

= F y dy + F y . dy'. 

*F(x, y, y') = F(x + dx, y + 5y, y' + /) - F(x, y, y') 

= F x dx + F y dy + F u > 5y'. 

In F(x, y, y') it is understood that y and y' are functions of x and that 
when the variation of F(x t y, y') is taken x is held constant. Conse- 
quently dx and 

By comparing formulas (10) with the formulas for total differen- 
tials, it is seen that 6 operates like the symbol d. Euler's equation can 
now he expressed in a different form. It is recalled from the calculus 

~ rV[*. y(a), y'(a)]dx = C*- [F(x, y(a), y'(a))]dx, 
aaj xi J X1 da 

where x\ and x% are constants. Likewise 

5 / V(.v, y f y')dx = / * *F(x, y, yf)dx. 

J*l Jxi 

It is now easily seen that the equation 

5 f V(*. y, y')dx = r\F y Sy + F v , Sy']dx = [11] 

AI Tri 

yields Eulcr's equation. Since 

/ 2 



an integration by parts applied to the last integral yields 

/** d ** f x * d 

(F y , - dy) dx = F y . dy - dy-F yf dx. 
ax Xl J Xl dx 

Thus Eq. (11) becomes 

8 rV(.r, y, y')dx = f*\F v - - FJiy = 0. 

m/Xl */X\ UK 



But dy = rj(x) is an arbitrary function of .v and by the same reason- 
ing employed following Eq. (2) it follows that 

This is Euler's equation. Beginning with this equation and tracing 
backward the steps displayed, we obtain Eq. (11). Thus Eqs. (7) 

and (11) are equivalent, i.e., each implies the other. 

If 67 = / dJ f (x 9 y,y')dx = 0, then the integral / is said to be 


stationary. Stationary integrals play a very important role in mathe- 
matical physics. 

EXAMPLE. Let it be required to find, by the method of variations, 
the equation in polar coordinates of the shortest arc connecting 
Pi Ol i Oi) and P*(r2, #2)- The integral to be minimized is 

VS + , 

/ = vV + 

The first necessary condition to be satisfied is 81 = 0. Accordingly 

= f 'V 2 


r \ 
"^ \.(i* 

r 2 + r > 2) H + (r a + ^Kj *' 
In the formula ludv = uvl v dn, let 

d0, v = dr. 




The variation dr is an arbitrary function of 6 and by the usual reason- 
ing it follows that 

_*_ *\ *' 

or performing the indicated differentiation, there results 
rr" - 2r' 2 - r 2 

V + 


The negative of the left side of the last equation is the formula for 
curvature in polar coordinates. The extremals of the problem, then, 
are arcs of zero curvature and that one which passes through P\ and P<2 
is the minimizing arc required. 


1. Obtain the required differential equations for cadi of the first six problems of 
problem set I by means of setting the first variation equal to zero. 

1-4. Generalization of Simplest Case : More than One Independ- 
ent Variable. Let there be given in the xy plane the curve C:f(x, v) 

= 0. Let it be required to find 
the surface z = g(x, y), Fig. 1-3, 
passing through f(x, y) = which 
shall minimize the integral 


u ^ j c- 

where p = , q = , and o is 

e 9' v 3y 

the area in the jry-plane bounded 
by C. 

The partial differential equation defining z = g(x, y) is obtainable 
either by substituting in I 

z = g(x, y) + arj(x t y) 

and proceeding as in 1-2 or by setting 67 = as in 1 -3. By the 
second method, remembering that both x and y are independent varia- 
bles and employing Eqs. (10), we have 

67= / / F(x,y,z,p,q)dxdy= I I (F z 5z+ F p dp + F q dg)dxdy = 0. 
J Js J Js 



Since by Eq. (9), Sp = Ss and 8q - - Sz, it follows that 

dp dx dy = 
The last integral is converted by an integration by parts into 

/ F f Ss dy - I f 4- FP dx dy te, 
*/ i J j $ dx 

where A and B are points on /(.v, v) = whose ordi nates are equal. 
Since 5s = at these points it follows that 

/ / F p dpdx dy = - I I ~ Fp dx dy 8z. 
J Js J Js dx 

In an identical manner 

/ / F q 8q dx dy =- I I ^- F q dx dy dz, 
J Jg J Js dy 

and thus Eq. (12) becomes 

It can be shown (see Ex. 2) that, since dz is an arbitrary function of 
x and 3/, the last integral vanishes only in case 

F--F --F = [13] 

1 dx p dy Q L J 

Equation (13) is the first necessary condition which z = g(x, y) must 
satisfy in order that this surface render the integral / a minimum. 
The integral / is said to be stationary for z = g(x, y) when Eq. (13) 

1-5. Generalization of the Simplest Case: More than One De- 
pendent Variable. Of great importance in the calculus of variations 
from the viewpoint of applied mathematics is the minimi/ing of an 
integral whose integrand is a function of more than one dependent 
variable and their derivatives. Accordingly, let it be required to 
minimize the integral 

/= (*,?,*, *',/, 



where x t y, z are functions of /. The number of dependent varia- 
bles is finite. We proceed as in 1*2 by letting 


where T;I(/) = S.Y, 772(0 = 5v, and Xi(t), .Y 2 (/), are minimizing 
functions. When the values of .r, v, z - from Kqs. (15) are substi- 
tuted in Kq. (14) the integral / is evidently a function of a\, 2 , ;j 
-. From the elementary theory of maxima and minima it follows 
that for /(ai, c*2 :* ' ' ') to possess an extremum (i.e., maximum or 
minimum) at i = a 2 = a = a tl = 0, it is necessary that 

Accordingly we have 

= o, 

= 0. 



= ()(* = 1,2, --,). 

Integrating by parts and applying the familiar reasoning of 1 1-1-3 
we have 








Equations (16) are the Euler equations of the problem. These 
equations can be derived more quickly by the variation method, i.e., 
by setting 51 = 0. 


51 = / (F t dx + /v tot + F y 5y + /v / + )< = 0. 


The usual integration by parts yields 

Since 8x, 6v, are arbitrary, it follows that 57 = only in case 
Kqs. (16) are valid. 


1. By means of Eq. (13) show the partial differential equation of a minimum 
surface is (1 + q 2 )r -f (1 + fr)t - 2 pq\ - 0, \\hm 

dp dq tfz 

r -, / = f , and 5 = 

dx ay 3y fix 

The integral to be minimi/ed is 

A =ff(* + I> 2 + f^dydx. 

2. The difference of the kinetic and potential energies of a dynamical system 
(two-dimensional automobile, 1-10) is 

w - (s' 2 -f- k*0' 2 ) - - (z 2 + 

) J, 

where m, g, /, and pare constants. Find the curve z z(i) and 0(t) whi( h renders 
the integral 

/ = f F( Zt o, z', O')dt 

J 'i 

Hamilton's Principle 

An understanding of the three simplest problems (1-2-1 -5) 
in the calculus of variations leads naturally to Hamilton's principle. 
As previously noted, this principle is the most important single one 
in mathematical physics, since it holds not only for nearly 3 all clynami- 

3 Appell has shown that the < onstraints, if any, of the motion considered must be 
independent of the velocities. 



cal systems, but is also valid in its applications to electrical phenomena, 
theory of elasticity, wave mechanics, and other divisions of engineering 
and physics. 

1-6. Statement of Hamilton's Principle. One form of Hamilton's 
principle, stated in the language of the calculus of variations, is 



(T - V)dt = 0, 


where T and V are respectively the kinetic and potential energies of a 
physical system and t\ and / 2 are two instants of time during the mo- 
tion of the system. In this form V is the 
negative of a function U such that the partial 
derivatives of U\r\ any direction give the force 
in that direction. Equation (17) is the usual 
form in which Hamilton's principle is encoun- 
tered. However, a more general statement of 
this principle is 


V, [18] 

FK. 1 -4. Simple Pemlu 

where T is the kinetic energy of the physical 
system; A',, Y^ Z, l are forces acting during the 

I motion of the system and dx t , dy t , 6c t are varia- 

tions of coordinates of the system. 
y Before proving this principle for dynamical 

systems we employ it in the solution of an 
elementary problem. Let it be required to 
write the differential equations of motion of 

the simple pendulum of Fig. 1-4. The kinetic energy of the system 
is T = 2/M k?6'~ where m is the mass and k is the radius of gyration. 
From the figure the potential energy evidently is 

V = mgh(\ - cos 0). [19] 

By Hamilton's principle we have 

5 r\%m k 2 6' 2 - mgh(l - cos *)]< = 0, 





[m k 2 0' 56' - mgh sin 6 dB]dt = 0, 

[m k 2 B' - dd - mgh sin 6 bB]dt 



By application of the usual integration by parts and the familiar rea- 
soning of 1-2 the last equation becomes 



m[gh sin 6 + k 2 0"]BOdt = 0, 


k *0 

- gh sin S. 

This is the required equation. 

To understand more fully Hamilton's principle, let a system of n 
particles experience a change of position according to Newton's laws 


. Hypothetical 
^ Paths i 

FIG. 1-5 

of motion. Let the particles wi, w 2 '" w have the coordinates 
(xu y t , z t ), (i = 1, 2, , ). Let the forces acting on the particles be 
F g and their components along the coordinate axes be X lt Y t , and Z t 
(i = 1,2, -,#). In nature the motion will take place according to 
Newton's laws of motion, i.e., 






m l z 

To fix the ideas let the Uh particle m* be at PI at time t\ and at P 2 at 
time fe and let the path described in the interval /2 h be P\ A P 2 in 
Fig. 1-5. Among all the mathematically possible paths which iw t - 
might have described, is the actual one the most economical one in the 
sense that the integral 




m, Vi ds, = action 



was a minimum? In the integrand i\ is the velocity of mi and r/s t an 
element of distance. (The statement that the action as given by (21) 
is a minimum for the actual motion of a particle or system is known as 
the principle of least action.) It was the above question asked by 
Maupertius (1698-1 759) which led eventually (150 years later) through 
the works of Lagrange, Jacobi, and Hamilton (1805-1865) to Hamil- 
ton's principle. Lagrange in 1788 and Jacobi later answered this 
question in the affirmative for certain types of motion. Hamilton 
encountered difficulty in understanding Lagrangc's proof that the 
action is a minimum for the actual motion and derived instead the 
related principle which bears his name. It can be shown from Hamil- 
ton's principle that the actual motion, i.e , motion according to 
Newton's laws, which takes place between two points (positions) in 
the time /o t\ is such as to render the integral 



a minimum when compared with any other infinitely near motion 
between the same two points provided the time interval is the same in 
both motions. Hamilton's principle does not stale so much. It states 
that the actual motion renders the above integral stationary, i.e., that 
the first variation vanishes. 

1 - 7. Proof of Hamilton's Principle. To see that Kq. (18) holds for 
the actual motion of the particle (or system), it is necessary to consider 
a field of paths near PI A I> 2 (Kig. 1 -5) in which the actual path or 
Newtonian path is imbedded. Motion according to Norton's laws 
can follow only the actual path. Consequently, all other paths are 
fictitious or hypothetical. Let .v t = *,(/), v, = J't(0 z i = Z M denote 
the Newtonian path and 

x, = *,(/) + *,(/), 

y> = yM + **(0. [22] 

*, = *.(/) + MO 

be the neighboring hypothetical paths of the particle m l where 6x t , 6v l? 
8z t are arbitrary and independent but small variations of x l9 y it z t . 
Hamilton's principle is now easily established. 

The kinetic energy of the system is T = \/2^,m l (^ + $ + 2") 
where the summation is taken over the u particles. 4 Multiply Eqs. 
(20) respectively by dx lt dy lt and 5z t and add. The result is 

SifLfo dXi + yi 8 yi + *, 8 Zi ) = Z(.Y< tot + Y l 5 yi + Z, te,). [23] 

4 The notation x is frequently used for 



It is easily verified by means of Eqs. (9-10) that 

Xi to, = to to,)' - *,(to,)' = to **,)' - *? [24] 

Equation (23) may be written 
S{iff.[*5-Ge? + J? + 2") - (*. ^ + y t By. + z t &0'] 

+ (JY, to, + 7, ty. + Z t as,)} = 0. [25] 
If Eq. (25) is integrated from t\ to A> we have 



[5T + 2(A', 5.v, + Y, 5y t + Z, 5s,)] dt 

- S(., 8.v, + jf t 5.v, + 5, 53,) 

The last term of the left member is xero since to, = 6v t = 5s, = at 
/ = /i and / = / L >. Finally then 


S(-Y, to, + K, 5j'. + ^, &,)>// = 0. [26] 

Equation (26) is the general form of Hamilton's principle, Eq. 
If instead of a system of particles we have a continuous body, then 

It should be noted that ^(X f dx t + Y t by l + Z t dz,) is the work done 
in an infinitesimal displacement of the system by the forces X t , Y lt Z t . 
It is not difficult to obtain Eq. (17) from Eq. (26). 

1 8. Potential Energy of Dynamical Systems. A discussion of po- 
tential energy is of value before deriving Eq. (17) from Eq. (26). 

The value of Fin Eq. (19) is the potential energy of the pendulum 
in configuration B with respect to configuration A (Fig. 1 -4). Poten- 
tial energy is the amount of work done against gravity in bringing the 
pendulum from A to B. Likewise the potential energy of a system of 
bodies in a configuration B with respect to A is the work which must 
be done against the forces acting on the system of bodies to bring the 
system from A to B. 

Let W be the work required to move a system of bodies from con- 
figuration A to configuration B against a system (or field) of forces F. 
Next let the system return to configuration A. If the work done by 
the forces Fon the bodies during this return is also Wthen the system 
of forces and also the dynamical system are said to be conservative. If 
a system is not conservative it is called dissipative. If a system is con- 


servative a function called the potential always exists and is defined to 
be the negative of the potential energy. It easily follows from the 
definition of a conservative field of force that the potential energy 
is independent of the path by which the system attained a given 

An equivalent definition of the potential function is the following. 
If X, F, Z are single- valued functions of x, y, z which do not contain / 
explicitly and if there exists a function U(x t y, z) such that 

, z _ f [27] 

3* dy 3* 

then U is called the potential function. To see that this definition is 
equivalent to the definition of the potential function as the negative of 
the potential energy, multiply Kqs. (27) respectively by dx, dy, dz, and 
add. We then obtain 

Xdx+ Ydy + Zdz = - 

d y 

The left member of this equation is the work done by the forces in an 
elementary displacement. The right member is an exact differential 
dU. Consequently, the value of dU integrated along all paths from 
#o yoi Z Q to x, y, z is the same and is the total work done. Thus 

W = U(x, y, z) U(x Q , y (} , z ) = U(x, y, z) - constant. 

U is thus the work done by the forces and U the work done against 
the forces or the potential energy. 

1-9. Derivation of First Form of Hamilton's Principle. Equation 
(17) is now obtained from Kq. (18). The work done by the forces 
X, Y, Z in an infinitesimal displacement in the general form of Hamil- 
ton's principle is 

X 8x + Y8y + Z dz. 

If a potential function U exists, this same work is dV or 6V. 
Consequently, substituting this value for the elementary work in (18) 
we obtain 

5 / 


(T - V)dt = 0. 

1 10. Engineering Applications of Hamilton's Principle. Hamil- 
ton's principle is useful in deriving the differential equations of motion 
of holonomic 5 dynamical systems. 

' Holonomic systems are defined in Sec. 3. 


EXAMPLE 1. Two-dimensional automobile. A uniform beam of 
mass m and length 21 is supported on two equal springs as shown 
in Fig. 1-6, and such that the beam has but two degrees of freedom: 
one a small oscillation of the center of gravity in a vertical line, and 
the other a small rotation about a line through the center of gravity 
and perpendicular to the plane of the figure. Write the differential 
equations of motion. 

Evidently, by Koenig's theorem, 6 the kinetic energy is T = (ni/2) 
(z 2 + k 2 6 2 ), where /;/ is the mass of the beam and k is its radius of 
gyration about the i enter of gravity 
of the beam. The potential energy 
consists of two parts, V\ and V% . 

Vi = work done against the 

springs and by gravity in 

a vertical displacement. 
2 = work done by an angular 

displacement about the 

center of gravity. 


FIG. 1 -6. Two-climcnsionul Automo- 

Let X and e be respectively the 
spring constant and displacement of 
an end of the spring in equilibrium position under the force of gravity. 


If the beam 
is given a vertical displacement, the elementary work done is 

Then since each spring bears half of the weight - = Xe?. 


\ r i = -mgdz + 2\(e + z)dz t 
V l = 

Taking FI to be xero in equilibrium position, i.e., z = 0, we find 
C\ = \e 2 . Remembering that 2\e = mg, we have 

The work done in an infinitesimal rotation is 

dV 2 = \(e + x)dx - \(e - x)dx 

6 See 1 17 for Koenig's theorem. 


If V 2 = for x = 0, then 

The total potential energy V is 

v = v, + v 2 

n f e 

By applying Hamilton's principle we have 

--(z8z + 1' 2 50) dt 

/ *wz (s te - ~ 
.//, L 


L/ = 0. 

By the procedure of 1.5 the last equation becomes 

By the usual reasoning the differential equations are 


KXAMPLE 2. Simple acceleromcter. A simple accelerometer is 
constructed of a mass M, a spring S, and two identical carbon-piles 


/~~:XT- M 


r i 




FIG. 1-7. Accelerometer. 

A and J5 as shown in Fig. 1-7. The combined spring-constant of one 
carbon-pile and the spring 5 is X. The mass M possesses one degree of 
freedom and the compression of each carbon-pile is e when M is in 
equilibrium position. Obtain the natural period of the instrument. 

The elementary work done in displacing AI is 
dV = \(e + x)<lx - \(e - x)dx, 


V = 2 ( + *) 8 + \ (' - *) a + C. 


7=0 for x = 0, C = -\e 2 

V = \x 2 . 
The kinetic eneigy is Afx 2 /2. Hamilton's principle, 

(Mx 2 /l - \x 2 )dt -= 0, 

yields the difTerential equation 

MX + 2\x = 
whose general solution is 

x = A sin Vl\/Mt + K cos V~1\/ML 

The period of oscillation is 2jr V.I//2X. 

KXAMPLK 3. Simple scibmognipli. A ^ate hun^ on an inclined 
sui)port together \\ith a recoirling device is a simple seismograph. Let 

= b sm i 

]/ A COS ^ 


FIG. 1-8. Simple Seismograph. 

the mass, length, width, and inclination be respectively, m, 2a, 2b, 
and a. Obtain the natural period of a small oscillation of the instru- 

The kinetic energy is /^? 2 /2 = 2w& 2 2 /3. The potential energy V 
for an angular displacement ^ from equilibrium configuration is 

V = mg(b sin a. BC) 

sin a -/1J3 tan a) = mg(b sin a y cos a tan a). 


From the equation of the circle y = b cos <p, x = b sin <p, the potential 
energy reduces to 

V = mgb sin a(\ cos <p). 

Hamilton's principle yields the differential equation 

V? + -.7 sin a sin <p = 0. 

For a small oscillation the last equation becomes 

f*K \ 

<p + 1 sin a ] v = 0. 

The period of oscillation is 4?r v , 

* 3g sin a 

large majority of the exercises and problems of the remaining 
eleven problem sets of this chapter reduces to systems of ordinary differen- 
tial equations with constant coefficients. If it is desirable on the part of 
the instructor and students to solve completely each problem as soon as the 
differential equations are derived, then 1-26 and 1-31 can be studied 
simultaneously with the material of / 11-1-26 and the solutions of the 
systems of differential equations obtained. The mathematical technique 
for solving many systems of differential equations which are non-linear 
or otherwise difficult is found in Chap. III. 


Solve the following exercises by means of Hamilton's principle. 

1. Neglecting air resistance, obtain the differential equations of the motion of a 
projectile. Assume the projectile to be a particle of mass m. 

2. A weight 4U r is attached to a string which passes over a fixed pulley. The 
other end of the string is attached to a pulley of weight IT. A second string, to which 
weights \V and 2W have been fastened, parses over a second pulley as shown in 
Fig. 1 -9. Wiite the differential equation of motion of the weight 4W. 

3. Obtain the differential equations of the oscillations of the double pendulum 
shown in Fig. 1-10. The bobs have masses /HI and mz and the strings have lengths 
a and b. Assume there is no damping. 

4. Three circular discs can oscillate only in horizontal planes as shown in Fig. 1-11. 
Their masses and radii are respectively m\ t m^, MS; r\, r^ rs. The torque coefficients 
of the rods are k\ t 2. k%. Obtain the differential equations of motion. Assume no 

5. Three uniform steel discs are mounted on a horizontal shaft as shown in 
Fig 1 12. The radii and \veights of the discs are respectively r\ = 40 in., r$ = 10 in., 
rj = 40 in.; W\ = 4000 lb., W z = 1000 lb. f H r 3 = 4000 Ib. The torque coefficients 
are fci = fa = 30 X 10 6 . Wiite the differential equations of the free torsional oscil- 
lations of the discs. 


Fll.. 1-10 

FlO. Ml 

FIG. M2 


Lagrange's Equations 

Lagrange's equations are readily derived from Hamilton's principle. 
These equations are a system of n simultaneous differential equations 
whose dependent variables are Jie n coordinates r/ lf </ 2 ; , t/ n specify- 
ing the configuration of a dynamical system at any time. 

1-11. Generalized Coordinates ; Holonomic Systems. If the con- 
stitution of a dynamical system is given, its configuration can be speci- 
fied by means of a definite number of quantities which vary when its 
configuration is r hanged. These quantities (denoted q\, q 2 , , <7n) 
are called generalized coordinates because of their general nature. In 
example 1, 1-10, the configuration of the beam is specified, subject 
to the restricted motion designated, by the two generalized coordinates 


z and 0. The first coordinate is a linear displacement, the second an 
angular displacement. In exercise 4, 1-10, the coordinates arc the 
three angles lt 2 , ;} . Generalized coordinates may also be volumes, 
charges, currents, etc. A system is said to possess n degrees of freedom 
if the least number of generali/ed coordinates necessary to specify a 
general position of the system is n. 

Dynamical systems are divided, for analytical treatment, into two 
classes, holonomic and non-holonomic. If a configuration of a system 
is specified by the n generali/ed coordinates </i, r/ 2 , -,</ and an 
adjacent configuration is specified by q + 5r/i, q 2 + &/ 2 , ',</ + &/ 
where 5(/i, 5(/>>, , bq n are arbitrarily independent infinitesimal quanti- 
ties then the system is said to be holonomic. For the holonomic sys- 
tems of the present section, n denotes the number of degrees of freedom. 
As a simple example of a holonomic system consider a sphere to move 
on a smooth plane. The sphere, since the plane is smooth, can both 
roll and slide. The quantities giving the position and orientation of 
the sphere are .Y, y, the coordinates of the point of contact with the 
plane and 0, ^>, ^, the orientation of the sphere about its center. In an 
adjacent position the coordinates are x + dx, y + 5v, + 50, tp + 
5^, ^ + 5^, and the increments 5x, 5v, 60, 5<^>, 5^ of the coordinate?, 
are all mutually independent. 

In the case of a non-holonomic system the increments Sr/j, 5q 2 , , 
dq n of the n generali/ed coordinates </!, </ 2 , -, q n are not independent. 
There exist constraints on the system which are expressible in the form* 
of the m < n equations 

Cmi dqi f C m2 dq 2 + + C mn dq n + T m dt = 0, 

where the C's and 7"'s are, in general, functions of q\, q 2 , , q n , t 
and where (28) are non-integrable equations. As an example, suppose a 
sphere, resident on a rough plane, to move so that x and .y change si- 
multaneously. Since sliding is impossible, non-integrable relations 
must hold between the two increments 5x, dy and the increments 
50, 8(f> t 6\l/. 

1 12. Lagrange's Equations. A rigid body is an aggregation of 
particles connected in such a way tluit their mutual distances are 
invariable. A dynamical system is regarded as a number of particles or 
bodies subject to connections and constraints. 


Let a system consist of // particles. Suppose the coordinates of the 
/th particle, whose mass is w/, f of the system to be related to the ;/ 
coordinates (/ lf e/ 2l , </ by the relations 

*t = /*(</!, </2f ' ' 'f (7/4 1 Of 

3'. = K.(<;i,<r-2, -,</,.;0, [29] 

* = Ai((/it </j '. Vul 0- 
The kinetic energy 7' of the system is, by definition, 

where the summation extends over all particles of the system. The 
total derivatives with respect to the time of Kqs. (2 ( )) are 

3^* - , 3?' - , , 3^'- . , 3J?- 

~ ffi + ^ V2 + + v/t + - 

dt/i 3^2 3'7/i dt 

3** . , 3*i . , , 3/'i . , 3/'. 

and hence 


9*. . , 
~q n + 

Thus the kinetic energy is a function of the coordinates, their deriva- 
tives, and the time. 

The expression ^(.V, Bx % + Y, dy t + Z t 8z t ) in Hamilton's principle 
(see Kq. 26) is the total work done on the particles of the system by 
the forces acting on the system. It is required to express this work as a 
function of the generalized coordinates and their increments. The 
variations of Eqs. (29) are 





i . 
8q n . 


(The variation dt = 0; sec 1-3.) Substituting 8x lt dy t , dz t in the 
expression for the total work we have 

J. 7 l ^ 

Finally, substituting T(q\,q^ , f/ /M qit Q'a. -^ 
expression for the total work in Eq. (26) we obtain 

and the above 

By taking the variation of T with respect to </i, go, 
$ n the last equation becomes 

8q n 

, q nt qi, q 2 , 

Performing the usual integration by parts and applying the reasoning 
following Eq. (11), since Sqi, Sq->, , Sq n are arbitrary, we obtain 







The Qi, Q 2 , - - - , Q n are called generalized forces. liquations (31) are 
the equations of Lagrange for holonomic systems. The above deriva- 
tion is both for systems and for a single particle. 

If the motion of a system is described by s equations 

3^ ^ / 4 \ 

plus the m(m <" s) Eo,s. (28), where (28) are integrahle, tluMi the system is 
holonomic and possesses 5 wi = n degrees () f freedom. In all systems 
of Sec. 3, Kqs. (28) are supi^essc^l (i.e., m 0) by choi(xi of coordi- 
nate systems such that the number of <y's introduced equals the num- 
ber of degrees of freedom. 

Equations (28) are employed in both Sees. 5 and 6. 

The ()'s are not necessarily forces, but are quantities such that 
Q r 8q r is the work done by the forces acting on the system during the 
displacement 8(/ r while all other displacements of the system arc zero. 
For example, if bq r is 

(a) a linear displacement, Q T is a force, 

(/;) an angular displacement, Q, is a moment, 

(c) an increase in volume, Q r is pressure. 

If all of the forces acting on the system possess a potential function 
U, which is the negative of the potential energy V (see 1-8), then 

Q r = -- , r = 1, 2, , H. If some of the forces acting on the sys- 


tern (for example the forces due to springs on which the system is 
mounted) possess a potential then 

where (? r (0) are those independent additional forces which arc not con- 

* A- d V 
tamed in -- 



1 13. Illustrative Examples. The kinetic and potential energies 
and generali/cd forces in the following problems are computed by 
means of elementary principles of mechanics. 

KXAMPLK 1. A particle of mass m moves 
without friction on a straight line inclined at 
an angle a with the vertical. The line rotates 
about the vertical line with constant angular 
\elocity w. Find the equation of motion. 

The position of the particle m is given at 
time / by 
>( '**) x = r sin a. cos ?/, 

y = r sin a sin wt, 
I K.. 1 13 z = r cos a, 

where r is the variable distance of m from O. The kinetic and poten- 
tial energies are respectively 

T = \m(x 2 + f + z 2 ) = \m(r 2 + w 2 r sin 2 ), 

V = constant mgz = constant wgr cos a. 

- = wr, - - = mw 2 r sin 2 a, = mg cos a. 
substitution of these quantities in Lagrange's equation 

gi\es the differential ecjuation 

/' (?; sin a) 2 r = ^ cos a 
whose solution is 

r = Ae wtsina + Be-* 1 * - - 

- -. 
w sin" a 

P3XAMPLE 2. A particle moving in free space is subject to a force 
F(r, 0, ^>), where r, 0, ^> are spherical coordinates of its position. The 
coordinates r, 0, # are related to rectangular coordinates A", >', 2 by the 

x = r cos ^? cos 0, 

y = r cos ^> sin 0, 
z = r sin ^>. 

The kinetic energy is 

Substituting in Eqs. (31) we obtain 

m[r r(v 2 + 6 2 cos 2 v?)] = Q\, 
ml(r 2 <p)' -\- 6 2 r sin ^ cos ^>1 = 

Let F be resoKcd into the perpen- 
dicular eoniponiMits: 

F,(r, 0, v?) along /-, 

/*Vf r ^ ^) p^ipendimlar to r and 
in the meridian pi, me, 

I\)(r, 0, vO perpendicular to r and 


!'!<.. 1-M 

KXAMI'LK 3. A uniform rod of length 11 and mass m is free to slide 
without friction in a holder of negligible mass. The axis A li of the 
holder is inclined at an angle to the vertical. The rod is turned until 
it is nearly hori/oiual and released. Assuming no friction obtain the 
differential equations of motion of the rod up to the time it leaves the 

Koenig's theorem 7 is useful in computing the kinetic energy of a 
rigid body. This theorem is: the total kinetic energy of a rigid body of 
mass M ionsi\h of two parts: (a) the kinetic energy of a /wrtide of mass M 
moving with the center of gravity of the body; (b) the kinetic energy oj 
motion relative to the center of gravity, considered as fixed. 

Let the angular displacement of the holder from equilibrium posi- 
tion be (Fig. 1 IS.) The first and second parts of the kinetic energy, 
as described in Koenig's theorem, are respectively 

7> = \ 
T, = J 

7 See 1*17 for proof of KuenigS theorem. 



where k is the radius of gyration of the rod about the line A'B'. (The 
angular rotation of the rod about A'B' is the same as the rotation 
about AB.) The total kinetic energy is 

T = ] m [r 2 + (r* + 

The potential energy of the rod is 

V = mgr(l cos 0) sin a. (See example 3, 1 10.) 

FIG. 1-IS 
Substituting T and V in Eqs. (31) we have the 1 differential equations 

r rff 2 + g(l cos 6) sin a = 0, 
(r 2 + k*)8 + 2rf6 + rg sin sin a = 0. 


1. Solve, by means of Lagrange's equations, the five exercises of 1 10. 

1 14. Systems Subject to Dissipation Forces Proportional to Ve- 
locities. Suppose that there act on a system external resisting forces 
opposing the motion of the system and that each force is proportional 
to the first power of the velocity of its point of application. Then there 
exists a function, 

F = *S(a,*? 


called the Rayleigh dissipation function, such that Lagrange's equa- 
tions become 

jr + 8?_ ft (,-,,2...,.,. P 2] 

dq r dq r 

Equations (32) are established as follows. Let the relations be- 
tween .v,, v,, z, and (/i, </j, - t q n be given by Eqs. (20). Let the work 
done against tlie motion of the system, i.e., the energy lost be written 
w(a t .v z 5.v t + (3, v, 5y, + 7,:;, 5s,), where the summation is over all parti- 
cles of the system. Then Hamilton's principle for the system is 

/ [8T + 2(X t 5x t + Y t 8y t + Z, 8z t - a,.v, dx t 


- frv, 8y t - 7 A &;,)>// = 0, [33] 

where A",, Y t , Z t are the components of .ill forces other than the dissi- 
pation forces. In view of (31) it is necessary to examine only the 
expression ^(aj.Yj 6.x, + /3,v, &y; + 7,2, 8z,). Recalling from 1-12 
the expressions for x n y t , z n 5.v,, dy lt and dz t we have 

-2(a t x t dx t + p t y t dy t + y,z t dz t ) 

. ' - . < ' , , . ' * 

+ ^ - ^ + ^ J U d(/i ^ + -/ 8(/n 

E/9A, . . j_ 3A, . , 9/iA /DA, , , , OA. 4 \1 
7. 1 ; - 4t + + - - 1* + - -7 ) I 9i + + - f/ ) , 
Vtyi 3tf a/ / \97i (3^/t /J 

, UKi . , 
1 ' + ' (In + 

\oqi oq 

/^/;. Ttf 

+ 7* 

_!_ . K ' -L ' X 

+ 7* I 31+ + q n + ) -' &<J 
oq n ot / o 



To justify the last equal sign in (34) substitute the values of x t , y lt and 
Zi in F and compute the partial derivative of F with respect to q r 

" dfi . dfi 

Substituting in (33) the value of IS (a A Bxi + &;y t 63; t - + y t Zi 5z t ) 

obtained in Eqs. (34) and proceeding as in 1 12 we obtain Eqs. (32). 

EXAMPLE. It is desired to obtain 
uniform rotational motion by means 
of three heavy discs DQ, D\, and D% 
suspended as indicated in Fig. 1-16. 
Disc DQ is driven by means of a 
worm gear at as near uniform speed 
as possible. It is desired that D% 
rotate at a more uniform angular 
velocity than DQ. The discs are 
connected by thin rods of torque 
constants Xi and X 2 . Damping is 
effected between D\ and D% by vanes 
immersed in fluid. Find the differ- 
ential equations of motion of D\ 
and Z>2 

Let the angular displacement of 
^2 -^i> and DQ be 2 , ^i> and OQ 
= COQ/ H~ S (ci n cos /Q?O 4" b n sin wcooO , 
where the Fourier series represents 
the variation in velocity due to im- 
perfections of the gear, and WQ is the 

average angular velocity. If I\ and /2 are the moments of inertia of 

D\ and Z?2 the kinetic energy is 

The potential energy is 

FIG. 1-16 

X,(0i - 

The dissipation function for the relative velocities is 

F = i(*i - * 2 ) 2 . 
Substitution in Eqs. (32) gives 

Ii&i + otdi + (Xi + X 2 )0i - a6 2 - X 2 2 




1. (Dynamic Vibration Absorber) A synchronous generator is driven by an engine 
which produces a component of pulsating torque Tsin co/. The distribution of mass 
of the rotating parts and the torque constant of the coupling shaft are such that there 

Generator Engine Absorber 

FIG. 1 17. Dynamic Vibration Absorber. 

exist forced torsional vibrations of the rotor of the generator and the flywheel of the 
engine. These undesirable forced vibrations can be eliminated (or at least greatly 
diminished in amplitude) by what is known as a dynamic vibration absorber. In 
the present system this consists of extending a shaft in line with the coupling shaft 
and attaching thereto a disc /i as indicated in Fig. 1*17. If k\, the torque constant, 
and /i, the moment of inertia of the absorber, po&sess the proper values relative to 
the torque constant of the coupling shaft and the moments of inertia of the rotating 
parts of the generator and engine, the undesirable vibrations are eliminated. 

Obtain the three differential equations of motion of the free torsional vibrations 
of the system shown in Fig. 1-17. The solution of these equations is reserved for 
problem set XI. 

2. (Relative Damping) If the resisting forces acting on two particles mi (xi, yi, 21) 
and W2 (*2, ?2, 22) are 

-fcitei - * 2 ), -k 2 (yi - yz) t -* 3 (si -22) 

then the dissipation function is 

tti - 2 2 ) 2 ]. 

Deduce Lagrange's equations corresponding to Eqs. (32) for relative damping, i.e., 
for the case where the dissipation forces are proportional to the differences of the 
velocities of the points of application. 



3. (Damped Dynamic Vibration Absorber) For machines which operate at one 
speed only, such as the synchronous generator of problem 1, the dynamic vibration 
absorber can be tuned sharply to operate at one frequency. In machines in which 
broad tuning is necessary, damping may be required in the system. Accordingly, 
let a damping device be introduced which acts on the coupling shaft between the 
engine and absorber. (Fig. 1*17.) Let the damping be relative damping and pro- 
portional to the difference between angular velocities of engine and absorber. 

Write the differential equations of motion of the free torsional vibrations of the 
system. (Solution is required in problem set XI.) 

1 IS. Energies of Systems Possessing Several Degrees of Free- 
dom. The kinetic energies of the systems thus far analyzed in this 
chapter have been easily obtained because the motions have been, for 
the most part, either motions of particles or the rotations of rigid 
bodies about fixed axes. Likewise, the potential energies of these 
systems have been found with little effort by the simple principle of 
elementary work. If, however, a rigid body possesses six degrees of 
freedom (three of translation and three of rotation) and if in addition 
the body is in any way connected to similar bodies, the calculation of 
the energies is difficult by the elementary methods employed thus far. 
For these more complicated motions recourse is had to vectors. This 
use of vectors eliminates all difficult visualization of relative motions 
and confusing projections of velocities. In 1-16 sufficient formal 
theory of vectors is developed to render the calculation of energies a 
routine process. 

1 16. Addition 9 Multiplication, Line Integrals, and Differentiation 
of Vectors. A vector is a quantity which possesses direction as well as 
magnitude; a scalar is a quantity which possesses magnitude only. 

Vector algebra is similar to scalar 
algebra. Zero and unit vectors are 
those whose magnitudes are respec- 
tively zero and one. Two vectors 
are equal, if and only if, they have 
the same magnitude and direction. 
By che negative vector A, we 
mean A with its direction reversed 
but its magnitude unchanged. A 
vector A can always be considered as A a, where a is a unit vector and 
A is the magnitude of A. 

(a) Addition and subtraction. C, the sum of A and B, is defined as 
the vector obtained by placing the initial point of B in coincidence with 
the terminal of A and taking C with its initial point coinciding with 
that of A, and its terminal point with that of B. From Fig. 1*18, evi- 
dently A + B - B + A. The sum of three vectors E = A + B + D 

FIG. 1 


= C + D, where A + B = C. The subtraction of A is defined as the 
addition of A. 

(b) Vector components. A vector is uniquely determined by giving 
its projections on the three coordinate axes. These projections are 
A x = A cos (Ax), A v = A cos (Ay) and A z = A cos (Az) t where (Ax) 
denotes the angle between the positive x-axis and A. If A + B = C, it 
is apparent geometrically that 

A x + B x = C xt 
A v + By = C y , 
A Z + B Z = C z . 

Let i, j, and k be unit vectors coinciding with the x, y, and z axes 
respectively. By the definition of addition 

A = A x i + A y j + A z k. 

(c) Scalar and vector products. The scalar product of A by B (or B 
by A) is a scalar defined by the equation A-B = AB cos B, where is 
the angle between the positive directions of A and B. The scalar 
product is thus the product of one vector by the projection of the other 
vector upon it. Hence A-B = B-A. Also 

i-i = j-j = k-k = 1, and i-j - j-k - k-i - 0. 
It can be shown that A- (B + C) = A-B + A-C; thus we may write 
A-B = (Li, + jAy + *A z ).(iB x + ]B V + kB z ) 
= i-i A X B X + i-j A X B V + i-k A X B Z 

+ j-i AyB X + j-j AyBy + j'k AyB, 

+ k-i A Z B X + k- j A Z B V + k-k A Z B Z 
- A X B X + AyBy + A Z B Z . [35] 

The vector product of A by B (not B by A) is a vector defined by 
the equation 

A XB = 45 sin 0, 

where B is the angle between the positive directions of A and B and is a 
unit vector perpendicular to the plane of A and B. The positive direc- 
tion of A X B is defined to be perpendicular to the plane of A and B 
in the sense of advance of a right-handed screw from the first to the 
second of these vectors through the smaller angle between their posi- 



tive directions. (See Fig. 1 - 19a.) Consequently, i X i = j X j = 
k X k = and i X j = k, j X k = i, k X i = j. Also, A X B = 
B X A. It is evident that the vector product of A and B can be con- 
sidered as a vector with magnitude equal to the area of the parallelo- 
gram having A and B as sides and with the direction of the normal to 
the plane of A and B. 

It can be proved that the distributive law of multiplication, namely 
(A + B) X C = (A X C) + (B X C), holds for vector products as 
well as for scalar products. In view of this and the above relations be- 



FIG. 1-19 

tween i, 
nents as 

j, and k, we can express A X B in terms of its i, j, k compo- 

A X B = (iA x + jA y + k^) X (iB x + jB y + kB,) 
= i X iA x B x + i X JA X B V + i X kA f B z 
+ j X iAB x + j X \A V B V + j X *A y B, 
+ k X iA,B x + k X JA Z B U + k X *A t B, 
= i(A v B t - A t B v ) + j(A,B x - A x B t ) 

The vector product can be written as the determinant 

i J 

AXB = 



(d) Triple scalar product. The product A (B X C) is a scalar called 
the triple scalar product. Inspection of Fig. 1-196 shows that this 
product is equal to the volume of a parallelepiped with edges A, B, 
and C. 



Since interchanging the terms in a scalar product does not change 
the sign of the product whereas interchanging the terms in a vector 
product does change the sign of the product, it follows that 

A-(BXC) = (B XC)-A = -(C XB)-A =- A-(CXB). 

Since the volume of the parallelepiped remains the same, no matter 
which face is considered as base, it follows that 

A-(B X C) = (A X B)-C = B-(C X A) = C-(A X B), etc. [37] 


FIG. 1-20 

Thus the dot and cross may be interchanged at will and the sign of the 
product remains unchanged so long as the cyclic order of the vectors 
remains the same. The triple scalar product can be written as 

A z 
A-(BXC) = (BXC)-A 

B X 



B z 


(e) Triple vector product. The product A X (B X C) is defined as 
the triple vector product. The vector product of B X C should be 
formed first, and then the product of A with this result. The final 
result is 

A X (B X C) = B(A-C) - C(A-B). [39] 

(See example 5, problem set VII.) 


(/) Line integrals involving vectors. The integral / F- dr is a line 


integral. The vector dr is taken along the tangent to the curve AB as 
in Fig. 1 20, and the vector F may vary in both magnitude and direc- 
tion along the curve. 


Alternative forms are 

r* r* 

I f-dr = / FcosOdr, 


* = r 


(iF x + }F y + kF z )-(idx + jdy + kdz) 


(F x dx+ F y dy + F z dz). 

f B 

If F represents a force on a body, then / F dr is the work done by 


the force as the body moves over the specified path from A to B. 
EXAMPLE 1. To fix the ideas more clearly, let F be the force of 

gravity. Let the curve AB (Fig. 1-21) be one-quarter of the circum- 

ference of a circle. Determine the 
work W done in moving a mass m 
against the force of gravity from 
A to B along the curve AB in the 
yz-plane. Consider no friction. 
Then F = mgk. (The minus sign 
indicates that the force is in the 
direction of negative k). Then 


FIG. 1-21 


dr = j dy + k dz, 

z = r cos 0, 

dz = rsmSde, 


'- / 

- (*(- 


sin dO = mgr, 


This is, of course, the work done in raising the mass m a vertical dis- 
tance r. If F varied both in magnitude and direction and AB were a 
complicated curve, the integrations would be more complicated but no 
additional principles would be involved. 



(g) Derivatives of vectors. Let r = \x + jy + kz, where x = 
y ~ y(0 ^ = z(t), and / is any real parameter, usually the time. If the 
initial point of r is fixed at the origin, the terminal point of r varies and 
describes a space curve as t varies. Let A and B be two near-by points 
on this curve. (Fig. 1 22.) Then 

Ar = AB = TI r fa is not a unit vector.) 
= i*i + jyi + kzi - \x - jy - kz 

= iA* + jAy + 

Dividing by A/ and taking the limit as A/ approaches zero, we have 
dr = .<to .<ty rfa 
itt *(// J rf/ <#' 

It is evident that, as B approaches A (Fig. 1 22), the vector represent- 
ing Ar approaches the position of the tangent to the curve at A. Hence, 
dr/dt is a vector tangent to the space 
curve described by the terminus of r. 
Thus, it follows that the derivative of 
a vector having constant magnitude 
but variable direction is a vector per- 
pendicular to the differentiated vector. 
By procedure similar to the above. 

FIG. 1-22 

Formulas for differentiating P Q and 

P X Q can be obtained by expressing 

each product in its expanded form (Eqs. 35-36) and taking derivatives 

of these forms. Thus, 








Both products are differentiated by differentiating the factors just as in 
the case of scalar products, paying no attention to the dot or cross. It 
is important to notice, however, that in taking the derivative of the 
vector product that the order of the vectors must not be changed unless 
the sign is changed. 


1. Compute both the scalar and vector products of the pairs of vectors 

A - 3i + 0.4J + 6k, 

B = 0.4i + Oj + 8k. 
JC - 0.6i - 7j - 8k, 
ID - i - j - k. 

2. Find the projection of the vector A = - i + 2j - 3k on the line passing 
through (a) the origin and the point (-2, 3, 7), (b) the points (-2, 3, 7) and (1, 2, 3). 

3. Compute by vector methods the area of the triangle whose vertices are (3, 4, 2), 
(1,0, 5), and (-1, -2,3). 

4. If TI = x\i + yij + 2ik and = B\i + 2 j -f 0sk compute the projection of 
X TI on the line passing through the points (* 2 , ?2t 22) and (#3, ?3t 23). 

5. Let A = oil + a 2 j + ask, B = bii + 6 2 j + &sk, C = c\i + c 2 j -f csk. Per- 
form the expansions A-C, A-B, and A X (B X C), and show that 


A X (B X C) = B(A-C) - C(A-B), 
(A X B) X C = (C-A)B - (C-B)A. 

6. Let the curve joining the points A and B in Fig. 1-21 be the hypocycloid 
jpH .f yK = r K 9 Compute, by vector methods, the work done against gravity in 
moving the mass m from A to B along this curve. 

7. If the length of the tangent to the 
curve x = a sin J, y = b cos J, 2 = cfl is a 
at the point / = w/4 find the projection of 
this tangent on the line through the origin 
and the point (a, b, c). 

1-17. Kinetic Energy of a Rigid 
Body. Consider a rigid body B 
which has angular speed of rotation 
co about a point which in turn has 
velocity v with respect to the fixed 
axes X, Y, Z. If the body is rotat- 
ing about the instantaneous axis 
OA with angular speed co then the 
linear speed of rotation of P is pco. 

The angular speed becomes a vector if it is assigned a direction. Ac- 
cordingly, let the vector to coincide with OA as shown in Fig. 1 23. The 

FIG. 1-23 


linear velocity of P with respect to the axis of rotation is co X P and the 
total velocity V of P with respect to the fixed axesJf, Y, Z is 

V = t o + X p 

= * o + X (r - a) [40] 

= f o + X r. 

Let axes #, y, z fixed in the body (and rotating with the body) be so 
taken that the origin of coordinates is at the point which is not neces- 
sarily the center of gravity of the body. The vectors r and , expressed 
in components along the #, y, z axes, are r = xi + yi + zk and = 
coi + o>jj + o>sk. The kinetic energy !T of a particle of mass mi at P is 

T = \nn V 2 = f w,(f + X r;). (f + X r) 
and the kinetic energy T of the rigid body is 

T = Sm,(f + X rO - (f + X r,-), [41] 

where fo is the velocity of the point with respect to-Y, F, Z and the 
summation is over all particles of the body. 

Carrying out the vector operations indicated in Eq. (41) we have 

T = \rnrl +Swrf -(> X r t ) + %2m t (< X rj^o) X r), 

where m is the mass of B. The last summation in the expression for T 
is simplified as follows. 

}Zm<( X !;)( X rO = ^2m l o>.[r l - X (o> X r<)] 

= |Sw t o>- [(r t -rO - r l (r l -o>)] (see Eq. 39) 

+ (4 + 3^ ) w * 
ZPwxWy - 2E 
where the constants A, B, C, D, E, and ^, for a continuous body, are 

D =* I xycrdv, E = I xzadv, F = I yzedv, 

/ / / 

and <r is the volume density. 


Finally, the total kinetic energy of a rigid body, when the point 
is chosen at random in the body, is 

(a>Xr i ). [42] 

This general expression for T is simplified if the point is properly 
located in the body. For example, if (a) any point of the body is fixed 
relative to X, Y, Z and if the origin of the axes x, y, and z is taken at 
this fixed point the 1 = and 

T - \(A< + B<*1 + C<*\ - 2Du** w - 2&M*. - 27^,), [43] 

(b) no point of the body is fixed relative to X, Y, Z, but the origin of 
the axes x, y, and z is taken at the center of gravity of the body then 


This value for T is Koenig's theorem. 

The constants A, B, C and D, E, F in Eq. (42) are respectively the 
three principal moments of inertia and the three products of inertia. If 
the axes x, y, and z are taken along axes of symmetry of the body then 
D = E - F = 0. 

1 18. Work Done on a Rigid Body. Let the external force acting 
on the ith particle of a rigid body be denoted by F t \ Let the displace- 
ment relative to fixed axes X, Y, and Z (Fig. 1 23) and due to the 
force F t - be dRf. Then the work done on the body by the forces F,- 
(i = 1, 2, ) in the displacements dRi(i = 1, 2, ) is 

&W - ZFj-dR, - 2F< **, [45] 

where V- is the velocity of the ith particle during the time dt and the 
summation is taken over all points of the body. (The symbol 5W, 
instead of dW, indicates that the work is not necessarily an exact dif- 
ferential of the coordinates of the system.) In view of Eq. (40) the 
work is 

SW = 2F r (f +XrO* 

- (2F,)-* dt + -S(r< X F t -)<tt [46] 

where F = SF- is the resultant of the external forces and L = S(r t - X F.) 
is the resultant external torque acting on the body. The nature of the 
computation of F and L in the general Eq. (46) obviously depends upon 
the system. 


1 19. Potential Energy of Spring-mounted Systems. In certain 
cases d W is an exact differential in the coordinates of the system or is 
sufficiently close to an exact differential that a useful approximation 
which is an exact differential can be obtained. Such an approximation 
to dW is obtainable in the important engineering case of spring- 
mounted systems. 

In Fig. 1 24 let X , Y , Z be the coordinates of the center of 
gravity of the cylinder (or any rigid body). Take axes x, y> and z fixed 

FIG. 1 24. Mounting of Refrigerator Unit. 

in the body and with origin at the center of gravity. Let r be the 
vector from O to a general point P of the body. It is desired to obtain 
a formula for the general displacement S of P during a small translation 
and rotation of the body such as occurs in vibratory motion. Let the 
unit vectors along x, y, z be denoted by I, J, K. 

Suppose the body is in equilibrium (dotted) configuration at / = 0. 
At time t the displacement of P is 

S =fvdt -/Vo + * X r)<8 (see Eq. 40) 

= S + / [(ay, - ry)I + (w*r* - ^.)J + (! - <a v r x )K]dt, 

where S is the displacement of the center of gravity from its equilib- 
rium position. Now r x , r v , r z are the projections on the x, y, z axes and 
consequently are constants. The unit vectors I, J, K are along the 
axes x, y, and z and they do change in direction with the time. Sup- 


pose these unit vectors are assumed constant by replacing them by the 
unit vectors i, j, k along the axes X, Y, and Z. The error made in this 
assumption involves the cosines of the angles between I and i, J and j, 
etc., and in vibratory motion these cosines are approximately unity 
since the changes in the cosines of the small angles are much smaller 
than the variation in the small angles themselves. The total displace- 
ment of P at any time is 

S G I (Q <* ___ /) n \\ I f Q M __ /) /* \ I //) iff __ A nm \\f 
DO T \yy* z """ "z~yj* ~t~ \"z*x ~~" "x'zjj i~ v"x~i/ v y rx)K 

i J 1 

Q a a 
"x "y "z 


r* r y r z 

where the positive directions of X , 8 y , and 6 Z are indicated in the figure. 
Evidently the X, Y, and Z components of S are respectively i- S, j S, 

X = X + (O y r z O z r y ), 

Y = FO + (O z r x O x r z ), 
Z = Z + (B x r y - y r x ). 

Suppose that Hooke's law holds in compressing a spring; then the 
force in a compression in the z direction is 

F\ r 7 i fn n \"11- 

= ALZ/O -f~ (y x r y "y^x)}* 

and the work done (Eq. 45) against the spring at P is 

Wp * = *^ dt = x[z 

J[ /x 

- \ fa + (O x r y - 6 y r x )] 2 , [48] 

where X is the spring constant. The total potential energy is the 
work done against all the springs in a displacement from equilibrium 

1-20. Differential Equations of Oscillations of Spring-mounted 
Motor. A motor of mass m is mounted on four identical springs as 
shown in Fig. 1 25. The spring constants of a single spring in a vertical 
displacement is k and in any horizontal displacement is k Q . The dis- 
tances between the springs SiS^ and 5 2 5a are respectively 2a and 2b. 
The center of gravity of the motor is located at its geometrical center 
and at a distance R above the upper end of the springs. The moments 
of inertia of the system about the shaft of the motor and about any 



line perpendicular to the shaft and through the center of gravity are 
respectively / and IQ. Under the assumption that the gyroscopic 
effect of the rotor on small oscillations of the motor is negligible, write 
the differential equations of these small oscillations. 

Take the origin of the axes x, y, and z at the center of gravity of the 
motor and their direction at time t as shown in the figure. Denote the 
coordinates of the center of gravity relative to the fixed axes X, 7, 
and Z by XQ, F , Z . Let the generalized coordinates defining the posi- 
tion of the motor at any time be X Q , F , Z , = 0*, i? = & y , and = 0, 


FIG. 1 -25. Spring-mounting of Electric Motor. 

and let the positive directions of the small rotations be as indicated in 
the figure. 

From the figure the values of the position vectors are 

ri = al + bj - RK = a \ + b j - Kk, 
r 2 - - al + b J - RK = - ai + bj - Kk, 
r 3 =-aI-6J- RK-ai-bj - JRk, 
r 4 = al - bj - KK = ai - b\ - k. 
By Eq. (47) the vertical displacements of the upper ends of the springs 


Si. = k-S 

s t . 

i j k =Z 

v w 

S V S 

fl &- 

Z + (b$ + ari), 
Zo + (-& - a< n)- 


Similarly, the two X and F horizontal displacements of the tops of the 
springs are 

Si* - * + (-** - *f)t s *y = F O + (*6 + Of). 

, 5s, - Fo + (Rt - of), 

By Eq. (48) the potential energy due to the vertical compression 
of Sig is 

(Z + 6{ 
and the total potential energy of all four springs, or of the system, is 

V = \ Mo + - on) 2 + (Z + $ + o 

+ (Z - ft* - a,) 2 ] 
+ 1 [(X - Rn - if) 1 + (*o - -Rn 

+ (JT - Rri + ftf J 1 ] 
+ j K^o + ** + af) 2 + (Ko + *6 - of) 2 + (Fo + ^ -of) 2 

+ (F + Rt + of) 2 ]. 

The kinetic energy by Eq. (44) is 

T = J[Jf(*g + F + Zj) + (7| 2 + 7 , 2 + /of 2 )]- 
The axes in the motor arc taken so that the products of inertia vanish. 

Equations (31), where Q r = , 31 = ^o. <b ^bi 2s = ^01 


ff4 = { ffs = fl. S = f yield the differential equations of motion 
M X + 4k (X - Rri) = 0, 
MY + 4k (Y + R$ =0, 
MZ + 4feZ = 0, 

/of + 4* (o 2 + ft 2 )? = 0. 



Obviously, not all of these equations are independent. Suitable 
methods of solving equations of this type are given in Sec. 4 (Theory of 
Vibrations) and Sec. 7 (Rayleigh's principle) of this chapter. 

1-21. Potential Energy of Electric Locomotives. The forces acting 
on an electric locomotive fall into four groups (a) spring forces, (b) 
creepage forces, (c) flange forces, and (d) damping forces. The first 

FIG. 1 26. Electric Locomotive, Type 2 - B 2. 

set is easily found by the method of 1 -19. Figure 1-26 shows the 
spring arrangement of one of the mechanically simplest types of high- 
speed electric locomotives, denoted as type 2 B 2. One guiding 
truck is independent of the driving truck while the other is articulated 
with the driving truck in such a way that the entire spring system 
(four nests of springs) is equivalent to three-point support on three 

FIG. 1 -27. Schematic Three-point Support of Electric Locomotive. 

springs as indicated in Fig. 1.27. The journal construction is such 
that the springs are subject to compression only. The locomotive is 
equipped with a quill drive so that practically all the weight of the 
locomotive is spring-mounted. The mass of the locomotive is M and 
its dimensions are shown in Fig. 1-27. Let it be required to find the 
potential energy stored in the springs. 

Let the height of the center of gravity of the spring-borne mass 
above the upper ends of the front and rear springs in equilibrium be 
respectively, h\ and A 2 - The distance measured, parallel to the track 
from the center of gravity to a point above the front spring is 61 and 
from the center of gravity to a point above and midway between the 



rear springs is 62- The distance between the two rear springs is 2c. 
Let the origin of the coordinate system XYZ be taken (Fig. 1-27) at 
the center of gravity of the spring-mounted mass. Let the angular 
displacements about the x, y, and z axes be respectively , if, f and the 
spring constant of the front spring be \i and of each of the two rear 
springs be \2- By Eq. (47) the vertical components of the displace- 
ments of the upper ends of the three equivalent springs are 


i J 

61 - 

= Z - M, 
= ZQ + c% + 

= ZQ Cf + 

By Eq. (48) the total potential energy V of the cab is 
V = (Z - 

y (Z + cl- 

y (Z - 

The differential equations of motion for a locomotive arc set up in 

1-22. Differential Equations of Motion of a Gyroscope. The mo- 
tion of a gyroscope is an example of the motion of a rigid body about a 
point which is both fixed in the body and in space. Let the origin O 
of the system of axes X, Y, and Z fixed in space be taken at the fixed 
point of the rigid body. Let the origin of the axes x, y, and z fixed in 
the body but moving with respect to X YZ be taken also at the fixed 
point. If the position of the axes x, y, and z with respect to XYZ can 
be found at time / then obviously the position of the rigid body is 
known. A coordinate system is desired which relates, in a simple way, 
a general position of the moving axes #, y, and z to the fixed axes X, Y, 
and Z. One such system is Euler's angles (Fig. 1 28). A selected point 
of the rigid body can be brought from any initial to a given final posi- 
tion by means of three angular displacements. To fix the ideas sup- 
pose that the two sets of axes initially coincide. Beginning with the 
axes coincident (a) rotate the axis ox through the angle ^ to the posi- 
tion OXi ; (6) next, rotate the x, y, and z axes (and the rigid body) 
through the angle about the line OXi or Ox; (c) finally, rotate the 
x, y t and z axes through the angle <p about the line (axis) Oz. These 


three angular displacements give the final position of the axes x, y, and 
z with respect to the axes X, Y t and Z. 

In computing by means of Eq. (43) the kinetic energy of the body, 
it is necessary to know the projections *, a yv and co z of the angular 
velocity about the moving axes x, 
y, and z as functions of ^, 9, <p and 
their derivatives with respect to 
the time. To obtain these projec- 
tions, first resolve the vector GO 
onto the lines OZ, OXi, and Oz. 
The vector sum of these projec- 
tions is, of course, w. These com- 
ponents are 

^ about OZ, 6 about OX it 
and about Oz, 

where the dots indicate deriva- FIG. 1-28. Euler's Angles and Gyroscope, 
tives with respect to the time. 

From Fig. 1-28 the projections of these angular velocities onto the x, y, 
and z moving axes are easily seen to be 

. = \l/ sin sin <p + 6 cos ^>, 
= \l/ sin cos <p 6 sin <p, 


COS + 

The kinetic energy of a rigid body rotating about a point of the 
body fixed with respect to the axes X, Y, and Z and having moments 
and products of inertia A, B, C\ D, E, and F is given by the substitu- 
tion of (50) in (43). 

The derivation of the differential equations of motion of a gyroscope 
is now merely routine computation. The instantaneous angular veloc- 
ity o& does not necessarily coincide with the axis of spin of the gyroscope. 
In fact w may be entirely outside the rotating body. Let Oz be the 
axis of spin of the gyroscope. Let the x and y axes be taken parallel 
to the plane AB of the gyroscope (Fig. 1-28) and let the moments of 
inertia about these axes be A, and about the z axis be C. Then by 
Eqs. (43) and (50) the kinetic energy T is 


Co 2 ,) 
0) + 

cos 6) 2 ]. 

The only external force acting on the gyroscope is the force of gravity 
mg acting at the center of gravity (Fig. 1-28). 



- A$ sin 2 + (Ccos 0)( + J> cos 0), 


= A$ 2 sin cos C(<p + $ cos 0)^ sin 0, 

and the torque Q e about 0-X"i is Q 9 = wga sin 0, it follows that Eqs. (31) 
yield by routine substitutions the following differential equations of 
motion of the gyroscope 

4 [A^ sin 2 + (C cos 0)(^ cos + )] = 0, 

-45 A^ 2 sin cos + C(^ cos + )^ sin = mga sin 0, [51] 

CyMcos0+] =0. 

1-23. Euler's Equations for a Rigid Body Containing a Fixed 
Point. Euler developed three important differential equations of the 
motion of a rigid body containing a fixed point. These equations give 
for every instant the time variation of the angular velocity components 
a?*, a> y , a*, about the principal axes of the body (axes x, y, and z, 1 - 22) 
in terms of the external moments L 9 M, N acting respectively about 
the axes x, y, and z and products of the same velocity components. 
Consequently, if the moments about the principal axes of a rigid body 
are known, then w x , a> y , and co can be expressed in terms of these 
moments. Thus <0, the instantaneous angular velocity at any time, 
can be found. Conversely, if co is known then the moments L, M, N 
can be found. 


The kinetic energy T of the body by Eqs. (43) and (50) is 
T = %(A<& + BJ U + C<) 

sin sin <p + 6 cos <p) 2 + B($ sin cos p 6 sin <p) 2 

where A, B, and C are the three principal moments of inertia. Now 

|? - C(j> + $ cos 0) = Co>,, 


= Aa)y(\ls sin 9 sin p + cos 0>) -Bo)* (^ sin cos p 


6 sin p) 

Substituting in Eqs. (31) we obtain the Euler equation 

dt y 

The remaining two equations are obtained in a similar manner. Thus 
the three Euler equations of the motion of a rigid body containing a 
fixed point are 


B + (A - Q UtUx - M, [52] 


C*^ + (B - A^&y = N. 

1-24. Summary of Section 3. The systems under consideration 
consist of single particles or of a rigid body. Once the kinetic energy, 
potential energy, if it exists, and the external generalized forces have 
been computed the derivation of the differential equations of motions 
by means of formulas (31) is merely a routine matter. The following 
summary relates to the computation of the above three quantities. 

(a) Single particle. If there are no constraints a single particle pos- 
sesses three degrees of freedom and consequently requires three coordi- 
nates to define its position. The rectangular coordinates of the posi- 
tion of the particle are related to other coordinates (spherical, cylindri- 
cal, toroidal, etc.) by means of three equations such as those of example 


2, 1-13. The kinetic energy is given by T - (m/2)(x 2 + jr 2 + z 2 ). 
If the particle has gravitational potential energy this energy is equal to 
the work done in moving the particle against gravity from some refer- 
ence position (equilibrium position if it exists) to its current or general 
position. In finding expressions for the generalized forces Q r (r =1,2 
, n) care must be taken to make sure that the product of Q r by the 
corresponding displacement 6q r is work done on the system. 

If constraints exist then the particle possesses less than three 
degrees of freedom. The rectangular coordinates x t y, z then are 
expressible in terms of less than three generalized coordinates such as 
in the equation of example 1, 1-13. The statements regarding the 
energies and generalized forces made for three degrees of freedom hold 
also for one or two degrees of freedom. 

(b) Rigid body. If the constraints are such that the body has few 
degrees of freedom such as in example 3, 1-13 the kinetic energy 
can be obtained by the application of Kocnig's theorem 1-13. The 
gravitational potential energy of a rigid body is the work done against 
gravity in bringing the body from a reference position to a current 

If the body has six degrees of freedom, then the kinetic energy is 
given by either Eqs. (42) or (44). The latter is preferable. If x t y t 
and z are taken along axes of symmetry in the body, then D = E = 
F = 0. If the body possesses potential energy V and if the only ex- 

ternal forces acting on the body are , (r 1, 2, , n) then 


dW = dV in (46) and the potential energy is found at once. In the 
important engineering case of spring-mounted bodies the potential 
energy is obtained with sufficient accuracy by the routine method of 
Eqs. (47-48). In the use of this method one vector is drawn from the 
center of gravity of the rigid body to the upper end of each spring. 
If external forces, other than the forces of gravity and of springs, act 
on the system these forces are (? ( ? of 1-12. If dissipation forces, 
proportional to the velocities of their points of application, act on the 
body then Lagrange's equations for the body are Eqs. (32). 

If the body contains one fixed point then its kinetic energy is given 
by the substitution of (50) in (43). The external torques are taken 
about the lines OZ, OX\, and Oz. The position of the body is then 
given by the solution of the Lagrangian equations for the angles ^, 0, 
and <p as functions of the time. An alternative method of studying the 
motion is by means of Euler's equations. The solution of (52) for the 
components o> x , w y , and o>* give the direction of the instantaneous axis 
of rotation and the magnitude of the instantaneous velocity as func- 



tions of the time. When these components are substituted in Eqs. (SO) 
the angular position is given by the solution of the resulting system of 
differential equations. The torques L t Af, and N in Euler's equation 
are taken about the moving axes .r, y, and z. 


1. Two particles m\ and w*, connected by a rod of negligible we : t$ht, move on a 
smooth vertical circle. Kind the differential equation of motion. 

2. A triangular lamina ABC of Miles a, b, c is suspended by the vertex A. The 
lamina swings in its own plane under the influence of gravity. Find the length of the 
equivalent simple |>endulum. 

3. A rough uniform circular cylinder of radius r and moment of inertia / has coiled 
around its middle section a flexible inextcnsiblc string. The string is rolled up until 
the cylinder in a horizontal position touches a fixed point P to which the string is 
attached. The cylinder is made to revolve in a horizontal plane with angular veloc- 
ity <> and then released. Find the differential equations of motion. 

4. Two masses mi and mi are connected and susjrcnded by inextensiblc strings of 
lengths a and b as shown in Fig 1 -29. The masses m\ and mi are pulled aside in 
opiwsite directions from the plane A BCD 

and released. Write the differential equa- 
tions of motion. 

5. A heavy uniform rod is mounted in 
a frame such that one end of the rod is 
constrained to move without friction in a 
horizontal plane, the other end without 
friction in a vertical groove of the frame. 
The frame is rotating with constant angular 
velocity about the vertical groove as an axis. 
Write the differential equation of motion 
of the rod. 

6. The foot of a ladder is resting on a smooth horizontal plane and its top leans 
against a lamp post. The top of the ladder slides down the post while the foot of the 
ladder is free to move in any horizontal direction. Write the differential equations of 
motion of the ladder. 

7. Show that the expression J^2m, ( X r,)-( X r t ), obtained in the reduction 
of Eq. (41), can be written w4-/2, where o> = | Wj + jw v -f- fcw and 

FIG. 1-29 

- ji D + jj B - jk F 

where i-(ii) = i-i(i) = i, i-(ji) = i-j(i) = 0, etc. The quantity * is known as a 
dyadic in nonion form. 

8. Two masses m\ and mi (mi > m\) are suspended from a wheel and axle of radii 
r i and n ('2 < 'i)- The moment of inertia of the combined wheel and axle is /. Find 
the acceleration of mj. 




1. A mass m\ is supported by a wheel and elastic tire, and a mass m* is supported 
above mi by a spring. (Fig. 1 -30.) Constraints permit vertical motion only and the 

FIG. 1 -30. Spring, 
Tire, and Shock- 

FIG. 1*31. Compound Seismograph . 

wheel is not allowed to rotate. A shock-absorber, which acts equally for either direc- 
tion of motion of its piston is placed in parallel with the spring. The force exerted by 

FIG. 1-32 

the shock-absorber is always proportional to the difference of the velocities of mi and 
f2. The system is set in motion. Write the differential equations of motion of mi 
and W2. 

2. Obtain the differential equations of motion of the seismograph shown in 
Fig. 1-31. The dimensions, inclination, and masses are shown in the figure. Assume 
there is no damping. 



3. Solve problem 2 with the additional condi- 
tions that there is relative damping in the system 
such that the motion of the second plate is damped 
relative to the first, and the third (lowest) plate is 
damped relative to the second. Let the damping 
be proportional to the differences of the first powers 
of the velocity. 

4. Given that the angular displacements from 
equilibrium position of a spring-mounted mass do 
not exceed 5, show by examination of the inte- 
gral leading to Eq. (47) that the maximum error 
in the potential energy as given by use of Eq. (47) 
is less than 2 per cent. 

5. The four coiled springs of an automobile are 
alike in pairs and all obey Hooke's law. Let the 
spring constant of a rear spring be \2 and that of 
a front spring be \\. The distances, measured 
parallel to the length of the car, from the center 
of gravity of the car to a point above and midway 
between the front and rear spring supports are re- 
spectively &i and 62- The lateral distances between 
the springs is c. The height of the center of gravity 
above the tops of all four springs is h. Compute 
the potential energy stored in the springs under 
the assumption that the angular motions are small, 

6. Suppose the forward component of the ve- 
locity of the center of gravity of the car in problem 
5 is V, a constant. Let the car travel over an 
undulatory road and each undulation be a sine wave 
of length L and amplitude ?o. Let the principal 
moments of inertia about axes through the center 
of gravity be A, B, and C. Neglecting the effect 
of the tires and assuming the angular displace- 
ments small, write the differential equations of 
motion of the car. 

7. Electric locomotives of the type 2 -CdbC-2 
possess six driving axles and two guiding trucks. 
Each half of the spring-borne weight of the loco- 
motive rests on three driving axles and on one 
guiding truck by means of three-point support as 
shown in Fig. 1-33. The locomotive cab rests on 
two king-pins shown. Very slight lateral rolling 
motion of the cab is possible before the springs 
are appreciably acted upon. Let the equivalent 
spring constants of each of the guiding-truck 
springs be Xi and the spring constants of each of 
the other equivalent springs be X 2 . Neglecting the 
small lateral rolling motion described above, com- 
pute the potential energy of the spring-borne mass 










of the locomotive. No angular displacement exceeds 3. (The differential equations 
of motion are required in problem set XII.) 

8. Solve Ex. 4 of set VIII when the inextensible strings have been replaced by 
elastic bands which obey Hooke's law. Let the modulus of the elastic bands be X. 

9. Suppose the motor of Fig. 1-25 to be mounted on three springs, the two rear 
springs as shown, and a third front spring under the shaft of the motor. Obtain the 
differential equations of motion. 

10. Obtain from Eqs. (51) the single equation in 

.. (L - Ca cos 0) (L cos - Cot) 

Ae . . - mga sin 9 = 0, 

A sin 3 

where a and L are constants of integration. 


Lagrange's Equations and the Theory of Vibrations 
(Normal Coordinates) 

Lagrange's equations are of use in writing the differential equations 
of motion of small oscillations or vibrations of a rigid body about either 
equilibrium position or about steady motion. Motion about equi- 
librium configuration is the more important in engineering applications. 

1 25. Potential and Kinetic Energies of Oscillating Systems. Let 
01 02 ' > On be the n generalized coordinates of a holonomic dynamical 
system. Let 0[ 0) , 0) , , 0i 0) be the values of 0i, 2 , , fti when the 
system is in equilibrium position. Make the change of variables of 

0,- = 0* (0) +<Zi (t- 1,2, -,*), 

where now all <? vanish in equilibrium position. Denote by VQ the 
potential energy of the system in equilibrium configuration. Then the 
potential energy V in a general position can be written, by aid of 
Taylor's theorem, as 


3 V 

where the coefficients , 2", , are evaluated at 

oai 30i 302301 

that is, in equilibrium position. The forces acting on a system in equi- 
librium position are zero. From 1 8 the forces acting in the directions 


9 V 

of possible displacements of the system are - (* 1, 2, ,). 


Consequently, 9I = . 

301 902 90n 

If the zero of potential energy is taken at equilibrium position, then 
VQ = and if all motions are small (vibrations or small oscillations) 
then terms in powers of the q's higher than the second can be omitted 
and Eq. (53) becomes 

V - ifaifl? + 2b 12 q iq2 + + b nn &), [54] 

where &(i f j = 1,2, -,#) are constants. 

Suppose Eqs. (29) do not contain the time explicitly. Then remem- 
bering that a general position of the system is denoted by 0i, 2 , , n , 
the kinetic energy T, by the reasoning following Eqs. (29), is 

+^*' + 

In general, the coefficients of #1, 32* > 5n are functions of q\ 9 q%, , 
<7n but since the motions are small we may regard their values at q\ = q% 
= ... = q n = o as being their values at any time. Consequently, 

T = J(an# + 2a 12 hq 2 + + a nn &), [55] 

where the a# are constants. 


If no forces act on the system other than , (i = 1, 2, , n) % 


then Lagrange's equations are obtained by the substitution of Eqs, 


(54-55) in Eqs. (31). Equations (49) are an example of the systems 
in question. 

1 26. Solution of Differential Equations of Vibrations with Damp- 
ing. The method of solution of a system of homogeneous linear differ- 
ential equations with constant coefficients is made clear by the solution 
of three equations in three unknowns. (A review of determinants and 
simultaneous linear homogeneous algebraic equations may be advisa- 
ble.) 8 Let the equations be 

- 0, 


Z 32 (p)q 2 
+ b ijt and 


The substitution of 



in Eqs. (561 and the division of each of the resulting equations by 
e mi yield 

2n(w)Ci + z l2 (m)C[ + s 13 (w)C'; = 0, 

z 2 i(m)d + z 22 (m)Ci + z 23 (m)Cl = 0, [58] 

231 WCi + z Z2 (m)C[ + 2 3 s(w)Ci = 0. 

In order that Eqs. (58) have a solution in Ci, Ci, C\ other than the 
trivial solution C\ = Cj = C\ = 0, it is necessary and sufficient that 
the determinant 

A = 

z 2 i(ni) z 22 (m) z 23 (m) 
231 W 2 32 (w) 233 (w) 

vanish. Let the s roots (s = 6) of the characteristic equation A 
be iwi, m 2 , , We. Then 



8 L. E. Dickson, Elementary Theory of Equations, pp. 138-149; also Vol. I, pp. 



where C,-, Cj, C" are arbitrary constants in a solution of Eqs. (56) 
for j equal to any one of the integers from 1 to 6. Moreover, 

C 6 

22 = 

C' 2 


is a solution of Eqs. (56). 

The number of arbitrary constants contained in the solution of 
Eqs. (56) is equal to the order of the system of the differential equa- 
tions, or what is the same thing, equal to the degree of the characteris- 
tic equation A = 0. Thus in Eqs. (60) only six of the eighteen C's 
are independent. It is necessary to eliminate twelve of the C's. The 
unprimed C's will be retained and all the primed and double-primed 
C's will be eliminated. Since Eqs. (59) satisfy Eqs. (56) we have, 
on substituting the former in the latter and dividing by e m i* 

= 0, 

" = 0, 

= 0, 


where j = 1, 2, , 6. To solve Eqs. (61) for the primed C's in 
terms of the unprimed C's, rewrite the equations with the unprimed 
C's on the right side of the equations and re-order the equations, if 
necessary, so that a non-vanishing determinant of order 2 appears in 
the upper left-hand corner of A, i.e., 


The first two equations of Eqs. (62) can be solved for Cj and C" 
by Cramer's rule in terms of C/. By a well-known algebraic theorem 
the values so obtained will satisfy the remaining equation. Thus 





D - 

In view of Eqs. (63), Eqs. (60) now become 
ffl = df* + C*f* + + 
q 2 - */ C^ + k 2 C 2 e"* + - - - + fc' C 6 ^ f [64] 

which contains only six arbitrary constants and is the general solution 
of Eqs. (56). 

If all of the roots of A = are real then all the quantities in Eqs. 
(64) are real and the solution of the system as given by Eqs. (64) is 

If, on the other hand, A = has complex roots, then not all 
k'j and k" are real. In this case it remains to remove the apparent 
complex quantities from Eqs. (64). In vibration problems the roots 
of the characteristic equation A = are, in general, all complex. Let 
these roots be mj = ry /*, (j = 1, 2, 3). Here, since the roots 
are complex the arbitrary constants in Eqs. (64) must be complex in 
order that qi, g 2 , 93 be real quantities. The method of eliminating 
imaginary quantities from Eqs. (64) is made clear by the consideration 
of one pair of complex roots. Accordingly, let m\ = r\ + u\i and 
m 2 = r\ wii. Equations (64) then, by use of the relations 

r fl '(cos Wl j + i s ; n Wl j), 


qi = e~ rit [(Ci + C 2 ) cos w^ + (Ci - C 2 )i sin i/] + C 3 e mt H 

q 2 = e' rit [(k\Ci + k' 2 C 2 ) cos coi/ + (fcid - k' 2 C 2 )i sin o>i/] 

+C 6 fe^, [65] 

cos !/ + (tJCi r 

If Ci - l ~ 2 , C 2 ll then Ci + C 2 = 4 t and (Ci - C 2 )i 

- BI, where AI and J5i are real numbers. The number k\ (Eqs. 63) 
is a complex number a\ + p(i and it is evident from (63) that k' 2 is k\ 
with i replaced by i. Consequently, if k\ = d\ + ff\i then )fe 2 


= oli 0i*- Substituting these values for k\ and k 2 and the above 
values for C\ and 2 we obtain the real quantities 

+ k' 2 C 2 = 

- k' 2 C 2 ) 

If &" = i + f[[i then 2 ' = i 0T*- In the same manner the real 

*7Ci + *JC a = aMi + tfS lf 

f(*ICi - *5C a ) = d(B - /&*!. 
are obtained. 

When the values given by Eqs. (66-67) are substituted in Eqs. (65), 
then qi, q 2 , <? 3 are real quantities as far as the roots r\ it u\i are 
concerned. If r\ = 0, the above procedure yields the correct result, 
but for this a simpler procedure is given in the second illustrative 
example of 1-27. 

To evaluate the six arbitrary constants of the solution it is neces- 
sary to know the values of </ lf q 2 , </ 3 and q\, q 2 , fa for some value of the 

In engineering work the frequencies of the oscillations are more 
often required, because of possible resonance with applied forces, than 
the solution of the differential equations. To obtain the frequencies 
of the oscillations only the solution of the characteristic equation is 
required since <o,/27r computed from m; = TJ fyi, (j = 1, 2, 3) 
gives the frequencies of the oscillations. If the characteristic equation 
is factorable, the roots are, of course, found by elementary methods. 
At all times GraeftVs method 9 yields all the roots. If there is no 
damping then YJ = and the roots are pure imaginaries wyi. In this 
case substitute m = wyi in A(m) = and all the roots of the resulting 
equation are real. If the roots are real they can be found graphically, 
by guessing, or by Gracffe's or Horner's method. 10 

1-27. Illustrative Examples. Two illustrative examples are now 
solved; one is numerical, the other literal. 

EXAMPLE 1. Obtain the general solution, by the method of 1 26, 
of the system 

(P 2 - 9)<Z! + (p - 1)(Z 2 + 0-33 - 0, 

(P + 3)ffi + 0-02 + (P 2 + 16) 33 - 0, 

0-ffi+ 32 + (P 2 + 9) 5 3 = 0. 

9 J. B. Scarbough, Numerical Mathematical Analysis, p. 198; E. J. Berg, Heavi- 
side's Operational Calculus, p. 140; also Vol. I, p. 105. 

10 L. E. Dickson, Elementary Theory of Equations, p. 115. 

The characteristic equation is 

A = -2(p + 0.101 + 3.59i)(p + 0.101- 3.59i)(p - 2.202)(/ + 3) = 0. 
The roots of the characteristic equations are 

mi = - 0.101 - 3.59, m 2 = - 0.101 + 3.59, 
m a = 3, j 4 - 2.202. 

The general solution is 

ffi = Cje" 1 ' + C 2 <?* + W + C^, 

It remains to eliminate complex quantities and the primed and double- 
primed constants from this solution. 

Equations (62), for this example, are 

(p - 1)C; + 0- C" = -(/>- 3)(p + 3)Q, 

0-C; + (p* + 16)C? = -(p + 3)C,, 


(p - 3)( + 3) 

(P + 3) (p 2 + 16) 

C" = 
c * 


(p-l) (p- 3)(p + 3) 
(/> + 3) 

-(/> + 3) 

1 1 


1 (p-3) 

(p - l)(/> 2 + 16) 



In the expressions for Cj and C^ let j = 1, i.e., * mi = 0.101 
- 3.59*. Then 

Ci - (-1.53 + 5.66*)^ = 
C? - (-0.626 + 1.29534 

1 + ffif)d, 
(? + 


Next let j = 2, i.e., p = w 2 = -0.101 + 3.59i in C' and C". Then 

C 2 = (-1.S3 - 5.66*)C 2 - k' 2 C 2 = (cl 2 + &i)C 2 

C' 2 - (-0.626 - 1.295i)C 2 = AgC, - (o4' + &i)C 2 - (a? - 

For j = 3, i.e., p = w 3 3 in Cj and Cj 

C 3 = 0-C 3 = AgCa - 0, Cg - 0-C 3 - %C 3 - 0. 
For j = 4, i.e., # = m 4 = 2.202 

C' 4 = 3.45 C 4 = ^C 4f Cl = -0.25 C 4 
Equations (66) and (67) are 

i ^i + /3i 5i - -1.53.4! + 5.66J9 lf 
i ^i - ]8i 4i = -1.53 B l - 5.66 -4i, 


<*iAi + & B l = -0.626^! + 1.295 J5 lf 

ai^! - & A l = -0.626^ - 1.295 ^ 
The final substitution in Eqs. (65) gives 
qi = e"' i0lt (A l cos 3.S9/ + #1 sin 3.590 + C 3 *~ 3 ' + C 4 e 2 ' 202/ , 
fl2 = e-' m '[(-153Ai + 5.66^0 cos 3.S9/ 

+ (-5.66^! - 1.53Bi) sin 3.S9/] + 3.45 C 4 e 2 ' 202 ', 
fia . e- aio "[(-0.626^i + 1.29550 cos 3.59/ 

+ (-1.295^! - 0.626^0 sin 3.59/]-0.25C 4 ^ 202< . 

EXAMPLE 2. Let it be required to find the general solution of 
Eqs. (49) by the method of 1-26. The third and sixth equations of 
Eqs. (49) are independent of the remaining four and can be solved at 
once. The four remaining equations form two independent systems of 
two each, that is 

(Mp 2 + 4* )*o ~ 4/Wfy - 0, 

- 0, 

(Mp 2 + 4Jfe ) Y + 4*o^ = 0, 

+ 4 (* j2 + *o* 2 )]* - 0. 

These systems are solved independently of each other. By the substi- 
tution of 

C\e , 

in the first system above its characteristic equation is found to be 
Mm 2 + 4 k Q - 4 k R 

/ O w 2 + 4(fcz 2 + k<>R 2 ) 
4(Mka? + Mk R 2 + IMm 2 + 16k Q ka? - 0. 

The four imaginary roots m\, w 2 , ma, and w 4 of A (w) = are =bio>i, 
dbio> 2 , where 



Mk R* + I k , TI = (165? - 
The solution of the first system is 

X ^_ 



or what is the same thing (see Eqs. 65) 


XQ = 2 (Aj cos j/ + Bj sin Wj/), 

17 = 2* (Aj cos ,/ + Bj sin WjO- 

Among the eight constants of this solution only four are independent. 
The substitution of 

XQ = Aj COS 0>j/ 

17 = A^ cos o?j/ 
in the system in question and division of the results by cos w^/ yield 

-4koRAj + [4(ka 2 + k Q R 2 ) - I<p>*]A'. - 0. 
Applying the theory of Eqs. (61) to the last equations we have 


In precisely the same manner the substitution of 

XQ = Bj sin Wjt 
i\ = B*. sin Wjt 
in the same system yields eventually 

Finally, die solution of the first system is 

XQ = A i cos wi/ + B\ sin coi/ + A 2 cos w 2 / + B 2 sin 2 J, 

^i cos o>i/ 1 sin 

(-4 2 cos w 2 / + B 2 sin co 2 /). 

The solution of the second system is found in an identical manner 
and the general solution of Eqs. (49) is 

XQ = AI cos wi/ + B\ sin u\t + A 2 cos co 2 / + B 2 sin co 2 J, 
YQ = Ci cos co 3 / + DI sin wa/ + C 2 cos o>4/ + Z) 2 sin o>4/, 
Z = 1 cos co 5 / + E 2 sin o> 5 /, 

cos -3/ + Asm 0,30+ 

(C 2 cos o> 4 ^ + D 2 sin 

, . J . 

^i cos Wl/ + Bl sin Wl/ ) 

(A 2 cos w 2 / + 5 2 sin 
f = FI cos co 6 / + F 2 sin we/, 

where there are twelve arbitrary constants since the system was of 
order twelve and of six degrees of freedom. 


1. In the differential equations derived in Ex. 3, problem set IV, 1-10, let both 
the angular displacements and velocities be small. In this case the approximations 
sin 0i = 0i, cos 0i = 1, sin (0i 02) = 0i 02, 0f = 0102 = 0, etc., can be made and 
the differential equations become linear with constant coefficients. Obtain the gen- 
eral solution of this linear system. Evaluate the arbitrary constants for the initial 
conditions 0i (0) - (small), 02 (0) - 0i (0) = 02 (0) - 0. 


2. Obtain the general solution of the system of differential equations derived in 
Ex. 5, problem set IV, 1-10. 

3. Obtain the general solution of the system of differential equations derived in 
problem 1, problem set IX, 1-24. 

4. Obtain the general solution of the system of differential equations derived in 
problem 9, problem set IX, 1-24. 

1-28. Forced Vibrations. The vibrations thus far considered are 
free vibrations. In contrast there exist forced vibrations, which are 
caused by application to the system of external forces which are func- 
tions of the time. Let the work done, in an infinitesimal displacement, 
by these applied forces be 

Then Lagrange's equations are 

+^w (r = 1 - 2 ' -"> C68] 

where V and T are given by Eqs. (54-55). In engineering work Q r (f) 
are developable in Fourier series 


(MO = /\ (a cos 5w r / + b r8 sin 

1 29. Solution of Differential Equations of Forced Vibrations. The 
solution of Eqs. (68) consists of two parts. The first part is called the 
transient solution. It is obtained by solving Eqs. (68) with all Q r (t) 
= 0. The transient solution is obtained by the method of 1 26. 

It remains to obtain only the steady-state solution. First consider 
Q r (f) = for (r = 2, 3, n) and Qi(t) = E sin /. Write Eqs. (68) 


H ---- + *nn(p)q n = 0, 


atj p 2 + dij p + bij. 

In solving Eqs. (69) we sh^ll first solve 
*ii(/>)2i H ---- + *m(P)q n 
......... [70] 

*nl(/>)2l H ---- + *nn(/>)2n = 0. 


The substitution of qj - Qj e"* (j = 1, 2, - , ) in Eqs. (69) yields 



+ id t ,<a + bij, 


= 0, 

The solution, by determinants, of Eqs. (71) for any Q (say (?*) is 

ft. lk ^ **' [791 

Vk 2*A(w) ' L J 

where A(tw) is the determinant of the coefficients of Qj in the system 
(71) and Aik(iw) is the cofactor of Xi^ in A(z'co). If A(*'co)/4ifc(iw) is 
denoted by Zifc(fco) then 

T? _tot 


To obtain the solution of Eqs. (70) with - replaced by H 


t is necessary only to replace i by * in Eq. (73). Then the steady- 
state solution of Eqs. (69) is the sum of (73) and (73) with i replaced 
by i, or 

" e* e- 

L J 

2iLZ lk (iu) Zu(-f 

Since A(iw) and -4ifc(ico) are both polynomials in io>, both are complex 
numbers. Hence Zi k (iw) is a complex number (say a + W). The 
complex number a + bi can be written re w where r is its modulus and 
<p its argument. But since Z^( iw) is obtained from Zi&(iw) by 
replacing i by i, it follows that Zik(-iw) and Z\k(i<*>) are conjugate 
complex numbers. Thus if 

Z u (fco) = re**, 
Zik(-io) = re"^*. 
When these values for Zifc(t')and Z\k{iu) are substituted in Eqs. (74) 


EXAMPLE. Obtain the complete solution of the system of differ- 
ential equations 

(p 2 9)gi + (p 1)^2 + 0'<Z3 3 sin 5/, 

(P + 3)0! + 0-02 + (P 2 + 16)03 = 0, 
n /7 i n \ ( j$ i o\/7 n 

The complementary function or transient solution is given in 1-27. 
It remains to find the particular integral or steady-state solution. 
From Eq. 75 

3 sin (5/ #2) 

3 sin (5/ <pi) 

3 sin (5/ 


|z u (so| ' q 

2 1- 

Z 12 (5t) | ' 

(Si) 2 - 9 

S- 1 

it (5*) s= 

(50 +3 

(SO* + 16 


(S0*+ 9 

'- 754 + 160*, 

A n (5i) = 9, A l2 (Si) = 16(3 + 5i), A 13 = (Si + 3), 
Zu(Si) = -83.8 + 17.W, Z w (5) = -2.69 + 7.8 f 

Zis(Sf) - -43 + 125*, 
17.8 __ _, 7.8 


-i . 


168 C 

= tan 

i . 





= tan 


132 ' 




= 108. 


sin (St - 109), 

Let the above values of q\, q^ ffa be denoted by qi 8 , q 28 , qz, and those 
of 1 26 be denoted by qu, q%t, q^t- Then the complete solution of the 
illustrative example is 

Si = 2i< + ^i ffi = Q2t + ff2. 3s = fls< + fl3- 

1*30. More General Q 8 (t) and Resonance. If Q 8 (t) = sin 5wl 
and all other Q f s are zero then the steady-state solution of 1 29 is 
given by replacing co throughout by sw. If Q 8 (t) = cos w/, then the 
solution is given by Eqs. (75) but with sin (w/ p*) replaced by cos 
(w/ ^). If Q r (f) is a Fourier series the steady-state solution is the 


sum of the separate solutions obtained by employing sequentially the 
terms of the Fourier series. 

Suppose next that no Q r (f) is zero. The procedure is as follows: 
First solve Eqs. (68) under the restriction that Q r (f) = 0, (r = 2, 3, 
, n) and Qi(t) 5* 0. Next let Q r (t) = 0, (r = 1, 3, , n) and Q 2 (t) 
7* 0. Carry on this process, finally solving Eqs. (68), for all Q r (f) = 
except Q n (f). The n values obtained for q k are then added giving the 
complete steady-state solution for q k . 

If the number of dependent variables is large it is more convenient 
to abandon the classical method of solution of 1-26-1 -29 and to 
resort to operational methods. 11 

If, in computing the steady-state solution, A(*o>) = then resonance 
is said to exist between the applied force or voltage E sin wt and the 
system on which the force or voltage acts. In this case Eq. (75) does 
not give the steady-state solution. In fact the resonance solution will 
contain / at least linearly. 

1-31. Normal Coordinates. The potential and kinetic energies of 
a vibrational system are both definite quadratic forms in g lf g 2 (Zn 
and gi, $2 ' ' ' <Z respectively. By a well-known algebraic theorem 12 
there exists a real linear transformation of coordinates and velocities 
ffit ff2t > ffn and Ji, 2 , <In which changes Eqs. (54-55) to the forms 

--- + Mn*), [76] 

.+g), [77] 

where /*i, /*2 Mn are real constants. The coordinates 1, & ' > fn 
are called normal or principal coordinates of the vibrating system. In 
these new coordinates Lagrange's equations are 


l+nt = (Jb- 1,2, ..-, n). [79] 

The solutions of the n independent differential equations are 

& = A k sin V^(/ - a k ) (* - 1, 2, - - -, ). [80] 

The solutions (80) are simple. However, the linear transformation 
reducing V and T to the forms (76) and (77) is tedious and involves a 
knowledge of the roots of the characteristic equation. The natural 
frequencies of the vibrations are the same as already obtained in 1 -26. 

Vol. I, Chap. IV. 

12 L. . Dickson, Modern Algebraic Theories, p. 74; E. T. Whittaker, Analytical 
Dynamics, p. 181. 



1. Obtain the steady-state solution of the illustrative example of 1*29 with 
3 sin 5/ replaced by 5 sin 3f. 

2. Obtain the complete solution of the system 

vT3ga = 5 sin 2t, 
(p + I) = 0. 

3. Obtain the complete solution of Ex. 1, set VI, Chap. I. 

4. Obtain the complete solution of Ex. 3, set VI, Chap. I. 

5. Write the differential equations of motion and obtain the complete solution of 
problem 5, set IX, Chap. I. 

6. Obtain the complete solution of problem 6, set IX, Chap. I. 

1-32. Electric Locomotive Oscillations. As a general example il- 
lustrating both the dynamical principles thus far developed and the 
method of engineering analysis described in the introduction of this 
textbook, the motions of an electric locomotive are analyzed. 18 

(a) Factual information. Experience classifies the five oscillatory 
motions of an electric locomotive as pitch, roll, plunge, nose, and rear- 
end lash. The last two are especially important because their pro- 
nounced existence in a locomotive signifies a tendency to derail. Con- 
sidered superficially, characteristic oscillations of an electric locomotive 
would seem to be very similar to those of an ordinary vehicle such as an 
automobile, but experimental data and observation indicate the exist- 
ence of dangerous nose and rear-end lash which are not oscillations 
common to an automobile. If the tendency to nose exists in an electric 
locomotive and if the locomotive noses for a given speed VQ then it will 
nose more violently for all speeds greater than VQ. Consequently, 
nosing is not a resonance phenomenon and cannot be avoided by run- 
ning at a slightly different speed. It might be supposed that nosing is 
due to the coning of the wheels or to the staggering of the rails or to a 
combination of these two possible causes. However, such causes would 
produce resonance frequencies for definite discrete values of V instead 
of instability for all values of V exceeding VQ. Rails on European rail- 
roads are not staggered and yet locomotive nosing persists. The tend- 
ency to nose and the violence of the oscillation increase with the 
weight and power of the locomotive. Nosing usually starts as a roll 
induced by the locomotive rounding a curve onto straight track, but 
unlike the oscillations of roll, pitch, and plunge, once it is set up it is 
not damped until the speed of the locomotive is reduced. The pulling 
of a train has only a second order effect on the nosing of a locomotive. 

19 From unpublished work of B. S. Cain and E. G. Keller. 


This dangerous oscillation of a locomotive occurs most frequently on 
straight track at high constant speed. When rounding a curve the 
flanges of the wheels remain in contact with the outside rail and nosing 
is not pronounced. 

(b) Theory of performance. The postulated theory of performance 
is that the energy of nosing oscillation is transferred from the motors of 
the locomotive to the mass of the locomotive through the creepage 
action of the driving wheels. 

(c) Assumptions. It is assumed that (1) impacts can be replaced by 
continuous forces acting through finite intervals of time ; (2) the driv- 
ing wheels roll and creep, but do not slide; (3) the creepage forces are 
functions of the velocities and displacements. 

(d) Choice of principles. The derivation of the differential equa- 
tions is based on Lagrange's equations of dynamics. 

(e) Derivation of the equations of motion. Although the method can 
be extended to locomotives of any type, we shall for simplicity set up 
the differential equations of motion for locomotives of type 2 C 2. 
(Two-axle guiding truck three driving axles two-axle rear truck.) 
The three groups of forces acting on the spring-borne mass of a loco- 
motive are (1) spring, (2) creepage, (3) flange, and (4) damping 

(1) Spring forces. The spring arrangement of the 2 C 2 type is 
the same as that of the 2 B 2 locomotive described in 1 -21 and its 
potential energy is given by the last equation of the same article. 

(2) Creepage forces. The action of a locomotive driving wheel, 
because of the creep of metal at the region of contact of wheel and rail, 
is not one of simple rolling. Instead, forces exist at the treads of the 
two wheels of a driving axle, which, if referred to the center of the 
driving axle, constitute a torque about a line through the center of the 
axle and perpendicular to the plane of the track and lateral and longi- 
tudinal forces acting at the same point. A creepage force F is defined 
by the equation 

F - -/<*, [81] 


_ displacement rolling displacement - - 

rolling displacement 
and /is the coefficient of creepage which is calculated by the formula 

In this formula r is the radius of a driving wheel in millimeters, W is 
the weight expressed in kilograms borne by one wheel, and A is an 
empirical constant equal to 800. 


Let the following symbols have the significance indicated: 

2b track gage, 

2 61 = lateral play between flanges of the driving wheels and rails, 
25 2 = lateral play between flanges of guiding trucks and the rails, 
r =s radius of driving wheel, 
A = tangent of the angle of coning of tire, 
6 = angle through which a wheel has turned in a rolling displace- 


<p = angle the driving axles make at any time with the horizontal 
perpendicular to the track or the angle the frame makes 
with the center line of the track (Fig. 1-34), 
(re, y) = coordinates of center of driving axle (Fig. 1-34). 

The meaning of h\, h%, b\, &2> and 
2c is given in 1-21. 

To obtain the force F it is 
necessary only to compute d by 
the substitution of the various dis- 
placements in Eq. (82). Let fixed 
axes be taken as indicated in Fig. 
1-34. Let A and B denote the 
points of contact of the driving 
wheels with the rails. The coordi- 
nates of A and B are 

FIG. 1-34. Creepage Displacements for M) ( x _ W y + b), 

Driving Wheels of Electric Locomotive. 

(B) (x + b<p,y- b). 

The rolling displacements, to the accuracy required, are 

(A) [(r + y)dB t r 9 ddl 

(B) [(r-y)d0,r<f>d0]. 


(B) [(r-y)d0,r<f>d 
The components of creepage at A and B are 

(A\\ dx 1 ( bd <f>i^y 

w - 1 - + x 

The component forces are 


The component forces acting at A and B are equivalent to the torque 
GI and forces X\ and FI acting at the center of the driving axle 

If V is the constant forward velocity of progression then V dt == rdB 
since / is extremely large in comparison with X\. The last equations, 
in view of this approximation, are 

= a constant, [83] 

The second of Eqs. (83) implies constant forward velocity which is the 
only case of interest. All driving axles are attached rigidly to the 
frame of the locomotive with the exception that vertical motion of the 
frame with respect to the axles is possible. Equations (83) are to be 
summed over all driving axles. 

(3) Flange forces. The flange forces FI, F 2 , /i, and /2, which act 
at the points NI, N 2 , NQ, and N^ shown in Fig. 1-35, are non-linear 
functions of the displacements of the points of application. To the 
accuracy required 

F l = //i hr 

where y\ 9 y^ ?3, and 3> 4 are displacements of the center points of the 
driving axles and guiding trucks from a vertical plane passing through 
the center line of the track. The flange forces on the middle driver can 
be neglected. The constants //i, /i, /i, *i, *i, j\ are determined from 
force curves. 


Inspection of Figs. 1-35-1 -36 and use of Eqs. (83-84) yield the 
following table of creepage and flange forces. The locomotive is sup- 
posed displaced in the direction of positive <p and the Roman numerals 
refer to the parts, shown in Fig. 1 -36, of the locomotive on which the 
forces and torques act. 

FIG. 1-35. Dimensions for Electric 
Locomotive of Type 2-C=fc2. 


FIG. 1 36. Driving Truck for 

Electric Locomotive of Type 


Ill IV 





2ft - 



Let the origin of coordinates X YZ be a point in the vertical plane 
passing through the center line of the track. This point is at the 
height of the center of gravity and has the same forward velocity as 
the locomotive. When the locomotive is in equilibrium position the 
center of gravity coincides with the origin and # , yo *o & ^ anc ^ ? 
all vanish. It should be noted that, because of the constraints of the 
journals, f of Fig. 1-27 is identical to <p of Fig. 1-34. Moreover, 
XQ, yo so of 1 32 are identical to X Q , F 0f Z of 1 21. 

Lagrange's equations are 

._ + (r=12 ... 6) 

a<zr as, a ( ' ' ' }> 


* 2i = *o, 22 = yo, & = so, 24 = , 2s - i?, 26 = fi 

and Cr^ are the forces given in the preceding table, and T and V are 
given in 1-20-1-21. The complete differential equations of the 
problem are 

Mx Q = 0, 

My = - F 2 -/, - 2/? - * - 2/ - 

= 0, 

\%C(ZQ + Cl; + &2 1 ?) ~~ ^2 C ( 2 "~ c H~ ^2 7 ?) H~ ^2s ^ rorl 


- 26, 

+ X2&2(20 + 4 + 



The number of dependent variables in the differential equations 
is 11, but y\, y2, yz, yt, and y are expressible in terms of y$, and f 
by means of the relations 

i J 



Thus the number of dependent variables of Eqs. (85) is reduced to six 
which is the number of differential equations of the system. The points 
of application of F it F 2 ,/i, and/ 2 are taken with sufficient accuracy to 
be points in the plane of the track and directly beneath either the mid* 
points of the driving axles or the center points of the guiding trucks. 

(4) Damping Forces. In an electric locomotive there are two kinds 
of mechanical damping forces, structural and creepage. The latter are 
functions of the speed; the former are not. Motion is stable or 
unstable according as the total damping is positive or negative. 

(/) Solution of the system of differential equations. Equations of the 
form of Eqs. (85) are solvable by the methods of Chap. Ill and in par- 
ticular by Cotton's method indicated in Ref. 1 1 of Chap. III. The only 
purpose of the solution of the differential equations is a check on the 
theory of performance because a useful and simpler criterion of the sta- 
bility of the locomotive is obtainable by very little labor. 

The differential equations (85) are non-linear equations, the non- 
linearity being introduced by the flange forces. Derailment of the 
locomotive is, of course, prevented only by the flanges. Yet the motion 
defined by the linear terms of Eqs. (85) may be either stable or unsta- 
ble. If any roots of the characteristic equation of Eqs. (85) with 
FI = F 2 = /i = /2 = possess positive real parts the motion is unsta- 
ble and the locomotive is said to be unstable. The roots of the charac- 
teristic equation are a function of V. The problem is thus reduced to so 
specifying the constants of the locomotive (particularly spring con- 
stants) that the roots in question do not possess positive real parts 
except for excessively large values of V. 

It is unnecessary to solve the characteristic equation since there 
exists a criterion by which it is possible to determine the number of 
roots of a characteristic equation which have positive real parts without 
obtaining these roots. 14 

14 E. J. Routh, Advanced Rigid Dynamics, p. 170; or Vol. I, p. 129. 


It is beyond the present purpose to solve Eqs. (85). The calculation 
of the characteristic equation for the motipn described by the linear 
terms is left as Ex. 1. 

(g) Experimental checks. The periods of oscillations calculated from 
the solutions of Eqs. (85) were approximately checked experimentally 
by test runs on the Erie test tracks of the General Electric Company. 
Confidence was gained in the theory of performance which was 


1. Compute the characteristic equation for Eqs. (85) with FI = F* =/i =/2 = 0. 

2. Is the variation in the height of the center of gravity during motion taken into 
account in computing the potential energy of the locomotive in 1-21? 

3. Derive the differential equations of motion for the more complicated loco- 
motive of Fig. 1-33. 

4. Develop another mathematical theory of locomotive oscillations which takes 
into account impacts between wheel flanges and rails. (Consult Ref. 6 at end of 
chapter for Lagrange's equations and impulsive motion). 

Lagrange's Equations and Holonomic Systems 

The dynamical systems analyzed thus far possessed precisely the 
same number of degrees of freedom as there were dependent variables 
in Lagrange's equations. That is, the system possessed n degrees 
of freedom. In a more general situation m relations exist between 
Si i #2 "'Sn in addition to the differential equations of Lagrange. 
These relations are expressed by Eqs. (28). If Eqs. (28) are integrable 
then the dynamical system is said to be holonomic, if not, it is said to 
be non-holonomic. 

1-33. Modification of Lagrange's Equations for Holonomic Sys- 
tems. Let the m constraints be expressed by the equations 

C M 8ji + C M asa+ +Cfa,8s-0 (* - 1, 2, -, m) [86] 

where the C's are functions of q it q 2 , - , q n . In this section (86) are 
integrable. Thus the dynamical system possesses exactly n-m degrees 
of freedom. From Eqs. (30) we have 

.a [87] 

Multiplying the first, second, etc., of (86) respectively by the undeter- 


mined multipliers Xi, \2, , \m and adding the results to (87) we 

The m Eqs. (86) contain the n unknowns 8q\ t $<? 2 , 8q n . From 
the theory l6 of such equations the values of n-m unknowns (say 
&7m+i Stfn) can be assigned arbitrary values and the equations 
then solved for 8qi, , bq m . Next let the m undetermined multipliers 
Xi, -, Xw be chosen so that the m equations 

(r-1,2, ...,m) [89] 
are satisfied. Then Eq. (88) reduces to 

., <Zr = 0. [90] 

If 5^ m+ i = constant 9* and 8q m+2 = $g m + 3 = ' ' ' = *0* = 
then (90) becomes 

0. [91] 

dq m +i 

2 = constant ^ Oand 6g w+ i = 6g m+3 = = dq n = Othen (91) 
is obtained with m + 1 replaced by m + 2. Continuing this process 
n-m equations similar to (91) are obtained. These n-m equations, 
along with (89), form the system of n equations 

(r-l,2 f ... f fi.) [92] 

When the n-m multipliers Xi, X2, , X OT have been eliminated from 
(92) n-m equations in q\, q 2 , , q r remain. These equations along 
with the m Eqs. (86) furnish n equations for the determination of 

<Zli <?2 ' ' ' (Zn- 

EXAMPLE 1. A homogeneous and perfectly rough sphere of mass 
m and radius r rolls on a fixed sphere of radius R. The only external 
force is gravity. Obtain the differential equation of motion. 

"Vol. I, p. 64. 


Let the coordinates and dimensions be represented in Fig. 1-37. 

V = mg(r + R) cos q 2 . 

Since the contact is rough, 8qi and dq 2 are not independent. To obtain 
the relation between bq\ and 8q 2 it is necessary only to note that, at 
the point of contact of the two spheres, 

rqi - Rq* 

from which, by integration 
rqi - Rq 2 . 

From the last equation, by taking varia- 
tions, the equation corresponding to Eqs. 
(86) is 

r dqi = R dq 2 , 

where Cn = r and C 12 = -R. The 
equations corresponding to Eqs. (89) 
and (91) are respectively 

FIG. 1-37 


_ R _ 

9ft l 

These equations correspond to Eqs. (92). 

Eliminating Xi between the last two equations and substituting 
the values of T and V we obtain 

+ (r + R) 2 q 2 - (r + R)g sin q 2 = 0. 
has been eliminated, by means of the relation rqi = Rq 2 , the 


final equation is 

[(2/5)R 2 

-R) 2 ]& - (' + Rh sin q 2 - 0. 


1. A hemisphere rocks on a rough plane. Obtain the differential equation of 
motion using the coordinates & and #o shown in Fig. l*38a. 

2. The flywheel, rods, and horizontal piston represented in Fig. 1 -386 assume an 
equilibrium position when there is no steam in the cylinder. Taking q\ and qi as 



generalized coordinates, obtain the differential equation of motion of the system 
when displaced from equilibrium position. (NOTE: dqi and dq% are not independent 
and the problem has one equation of constraint.) Show that if the engine is statically 
balanced it is not dynamically balanced. 

3. Obtain Lagrange's equations of motion for the governor represented in Fig. 
l38c. Employ as coordinates the angles 6 and <p shown, (NOTE: the problem 
involves no constraints.) Hint: 

T = CP/2 + Ij?/2, 

where C and 7 are functions of 6 and / includes the moment of inertia of both the 
engine and the machinery driven. Denote the potential energy of the governor by 


V and let $ be the generalized force representing the excess driving torque over 

Non-holonomic Systems 

The dynamical systems of this section differ from those of Sec. 5 only 
in the nature of the constraints. The m equations of constraint 

C k2 


are w0n-integrable and thus the system considered retains n degrees of 
freedom corresponding to the w-coordinates g lf q 2t ,g n . Non- 
holonomic systems can be regarded as holonomic systems by taking into 
consideration certain reactions of the constraints. 

1-34. Reduction to Holonomic Form. To the generalized forces 
Git (?2. Qn of Eqs. (31) let there be added n additional generalized 
forces (/i, 62. , Q' n - The latter are forces exerted by the constraints 
which compel the system to fulfil the kinematical conditions of the 
dynamical system. The constraints may now be considered removed 


and replaced by the forces @i, <, , (&. Consequently, the system is 
now holonomic and the equations of motion are 

It remains to describe the generalized forces ( r . The equation 

Ci 5<zi + & *& + ' ' ' + & to - [95] 

and the m equations 

C k i dqi + C k2 dq 2 + + Cfcn$<Z = (* - 1, 2, -, m) [96] 

state that the work done (left member of Eq. 95) by the additional 
forces of constraint in displacements permissible by the constraints 
(Eq. 95) is zero. Multiplying the first, second, etc., of Eqs. (96) 
respectively by the undetermined multipliers Xi, \2, , X TO and adding 
the results to (87) where Q r has been replaced by Q r + Qf r we obtain 

By means of (95) Eq. (97) reduces to (88). The reasoning from (88) 
to (92) of Sec. 5 is repeated. 

When the m multipliers Xi, Xa, , X m have been eliminated 
from Eq. (92) then n~m equations in qi, q^ , q n remain. These equa- 
tions along with the m equations 

Cfclil + Cfc2<?2 + ' ' ' + CknAm + ^fc 0, 

furnish n equations for the determination of q\ 9 q%, , q n . 

Energy Method and Rayleigh's Principle 

In Sec. 4, 1 26 and 1 31 , two methods are given for obtaining the 
natural periods of vibration of an elastic system with a finite number of 
degrees of freedom. The labor involved by either method is considera- 
ble; in the first it is necessary to solve the characteristic equation 
A = ; in the second the successive transformations introducing normal 
coordinates are required. Rayleigh's principle is frequently not only 
more easily applied, but it is also applicable to continuous systems with 
infinitely many degrees of freedom. 

1 35. General and Normal Modes of Vibration. The simultaneous 
Eqs. (80), 1 -31, describe in normal coordinates the most general vibra- 
tion of an elastic system possessing n degrees of freedom. Seldom are 


the most general vibrations of interest. Instead there exist natural or 
normal modes of vibration characterized by the fact that the motion of 
each particle is simply periodic and given by one of Eqs. (80) ; the other 
Ak being zero. There are thus, in general, n distinct norme! modes. 
The mode of lowest (smallest) frequency is called the fundamental 
mode. The frequencies of the normal modes are called natural fre- 
quencies. The smallest of these is the fundamental frequency. A 
frequency when multiplied by 2w is called a pulsatance. By the intro- 
duction of frictionless constraints (consider one side of the motor 
analyzed in 1-20 to be constrained by a hinge) each particle of an 
elastic system can be compelled to vibrate with frequency w/2ir or 
pulsatance a> according to the equation # = Bi sin w/, where w is not 
necessarily a natural pulsatance of the system. 

1-36. Energy Method for Systems with a Finite Number of De- 
grees of Freedom. This method gives the n natural frequencies. Let 
the holonomic conservative elastic system be specified by the coordi- 
nates ji f g 2 , , <Zn and the potential and kinetic energies be given by 
Eqs. (54-55) respectively. Let the system describe, by introduction 
of frictionless constraints, simply periodic motion according to the 

qt = Xi cos (at (i = 1, 2, , n) [98] 

where w is, in general, not a natural pulsatance. If Eqs. (98) are sub- 
stituted in Eqs. (54-55) then 

V = (&ll*l + 2&i2*l* 2 + ' ' + b nn X 2 n ) COS 2 *, 

T = 5 (an*? + 2ai 2 xix 2 + + a nn xl)o) 2 sin 2 10*. 

Since the system is conservative it is evident, from the last two equa- 
tions, that the coefficients of cos 2 co/ and sin 2 w/ are equal. Equating 
these coefficients and solving for w 2 we obtain 

' y/. + * nr j - = P9] 

Obviously, w 2 is a function of the amplitudes #1, x%, , * n ofjthe 

motion. A necessary condition, from the calculus, for w 2 = = = 

/(*i> * *n) to be maximum or minimum is that 

t 2 ^v j i^ i^ ol/ f\ Pirtnl 

3*1 x a* n Xn "" ' 


of _ 9/ ^ 9/ _ * noil 

9i ~ tea ~ " ' ~ ~ ~ ' 



When Eqs. (100-101) are satisfied then w 2 is stationary. (See 1 -6.) 
From (99-101) 

or since 

co 2 F 

^E _ 2 9T - n r 

dXi Qxi 

Equations (102) when rearranged are 

(&12 &12CO )#2 "T" " " 


(bin - 


, [103] 

*2 + ' ' ' + (bnn - 0nn 2 )*n = 0. 

A necessary and sufficient condition that (103) possess a non-trivial 
solution for x\, x& , x n is that the determinant A of the coefficients 
vanish, but this A is identical to that of 1-26. Thus A(w) = Ois 
the characteristic equation for Lagrange's equations and its roots 
i 2t 't divided by 2v are the natural frequencies of the system. 

Although the energy method displays no advantage, in determining 
the natural frequencies, over the method of 1 -26 yet it furnishes the 
very important result that the amplitudes characteristic of the normal 
modes, i.e., the values of x% satisfying (103) render w 2 = V /T stationary. 

1-37. Statement of Rayleigh's Principle. Rayleigh's principle is 
sometimes stated: The distribution of the potential and kinetic energies, 
in the fundamental mode of vibra- 
tion of an elastic system, is such 
as to render the frequency a)/2ir a 

It may be of aid to interpret this 
principle with reference to a par- 
ticular problem. Let the problem 
be to find the frequency of the 
fundamental mode of vibration of 
three . equal masses attached to a 

light elastic string as shown in Fig. 1 39. The string is under tension 
S. If the system vibrates in its fundamental mode the form of the 
string is represented by the continuous line of the figure and B\, B%, 
and J5 3 are the displacements characterizing the fundamental mode. 
It is supposed that the fundamental mode is unknown. Instead, it is 
known by observation that the mode resembles a parabola or a sine 
curve as represented by the broken curve. The displacements charac- 

FIG. 1-39. Actual and Approximate 

Displacements in an Application of 

Rayleigh's Principle. 


terizing these curves are xi, x 2t and #3 and these values specify a dis- 
tribution of energy of the system. The quantities x\, x 2 , and #3 also 
specify a constrained motion of the system. Applying the methods of 
energy we obtain the two formulas 

and Wa 

The frequency wi/27r is the minimum frequency since BI, B 2 , and B% 
characterize the fundamental mode. The frequency w tt /27r is a con- 
strained frequency characterized by x\, x 2 , and #3 and since the curve 
*ii x 2t x 3 is almost the curve BI, B 2 , Ba the values xi, x 2 , and x$ will 
almost minimize o>J. Rayleigh's principle states that wi < o> . There 
are as many values of w a as there are curves resembling the continuous 
curve in Fig. 1-39. The only restrictions on #1, x 2t #3 are that they 
must satisfy a possible initial displacement of the system. Rayleigh's 
principle is important not only because coi < w a but because w a is a 
good approximation to coi. 

EXAMPLE 1. Obtain approximate values for the fundamental 
pulsatance of the problem pertaining to Fig. 1 39. If q\, q 2t q$ are the 
coordinates of the system then 

V = ~ l<& + (22 - i) + (23 - 22) 2 + 2], 
2 a 

If j,- = xt cos cat is substituted in V and T the energy method yields 

2 (X 2 - 

If the three masses are estimated (guessed) to be on a parabola during 
the fundamental mode then #1 = #3 = 3#2/4 and 

<4 = 0.5882- 

If the three masses are estimated to lie on the sine curve x = h sin 
ir//(4a) then *i = # 3 = -\/2 h/2 and x 2 = h and 

w^ = 0.5970 - 

The exact value for cof is 

? = 0.5858 -- 


EXAMPLE 2. Two heavy discs, whose moments of inertia are 
/i and 7 2 are supported vertically as indicated in Fig. 1 40. The con- 
stants of the mechanism are: I\ = 4 slug-ft. 2 , /2 = 6 slug-ft. 2 , k\ = 
1 Ib. ft./radian, k 2 = 2 Ib. ft./radian. Find the 
pulsatance of the fundamental mode of angular 

The energies of the system are 

V - 

If the system vibrates with frequency co/27r, i.e., 

according to the equation 0,- = Xi sin wt then, by 

the energy method, w will be a natural pulsatance for those values 

of x\ and # 2 which render 

2 *1^1 T" K2\%2 ~"~ #l) #1 i 2(#2 #j) 

Wa = /i? + / 2 *1 4*? + 6*1 

stationary. If a fairly accurate estimate of the ratio of x\ to x 2 in the 
fundamental mode of vibration can be made, these values will render 
w 2 a minimum. By observation of the system it seems that # 2 = 4^/3. 
Substituting these values in w 2 we obtain w 2 = 1/12. This is a good 
estimate since the exact value of wf = 1/12. 

1-38. Proof of Rayleigh's Principle for Systems with a Finite 
Number of Degrees of Freedom. For systems with a finite number of 
degrees of freedom Rayleigh's principle is also stated: The distribution 
of the potential and kinetic energies, in the fundamental mode of vibration 
of an elastic system, is such as to render the frequency a minimum and 
moreover the frequency of any simply periodic vibration lies between the 
greatest and least natural frequencies of the system. The first part 
of this theorem, as stated in 1-37 has already been established in 
1-36, i.e., the distribution of energies as represented by Eq. (99) 
is such as to render w 2 a minimum for w = <*>i the fundamental 

The second part of the theorem is best established by the use of 
normal coordinates. Of course the natural (normal) modes of vibration 
of an elastic system are independent of the coordinate system employed 
in its analysis and consequently the use of normal coordinates does not 
impair the generality of the second part of the proof. 

It is recalled from 1-31 that in normal coordinates 

+ + b n q%), T i(aii + + 


and the solutions of Lagrange's equations are 

qt - Ai sin eo t * (i = 1, 2, - , w), 

where w? = bi/at. A general pulsatance w of a simply harmonic vibra- 
tion, given by the energy method, is 

j> _ 61*1 + 62*2 + + b n xl 
ai#i + 02*2 + + a n xl ' 

where the amplitudes #1, #2, , x n may or may not belong to a natural 

Since & = a t a>f the last equation reduces to 


If wi and co n are the least and greatest of the natural pulsatances a>i, co 2 , 
-, w n then it follows from the last equation that 

2 _ 2 


2 _ 2 

^ " 

Since all the terms in parentheses in the last two equations are positive 
it follows that wf < w 2 < ov 

1-39. Rayleigh's Principle and Continuous Systems. Rayleigh's 
principle as stated in 1-37 is true for continuously distributed sys- 
tems. 16 ' 17 

EXAMPLE. Obtain, by means of Rayleigh's principle, approxima- 
tions to the fundamental pulsatance of vibration of a uniform string 
of length /, linear density p, and under tension r. The potential and 
kinetic energies are 

If the manner of vibration is given by y = z(x) sin wt then, by the 
energy method, 

- v -Ml 




16 G. Temple and W. G. Bickley, Rayleigh's Principle. 

17 D. Prescott, Applied Elasticity. 


(a) If the string is assumed to vibrate as a sine curve then z = sin 
vx/l and 

2 / cos 2 vx/l dx o 
Tir 2 ./> 7 Tir 2 

./> _ 7 Tir 2 9.87r 

Wl " ^ T. 2 /;,, " i? " 7T' 

/ sm 2 ir#// dx 

This is the exact value of the fundamental pulsatance given by the solu- 
tion of the partial differential equation of the vibrating string. 

(b) If the string is assumed to vibrate in the form of the parabola 
z = (1 - 4* 2 // 2 ) then 

. M ~ -.- / w (LX 

W a = = 

64x 2 // 4 

^ 9 r (l - s^+16^- /2 > 

/ x ]& ' n ' 

*/0 II 

(c) If the string is assumed to vibrate as two sides of a triangle, the 
equation of one side being z = (1 2x/l) then 

2 J* 

, 12r 

^ = 

1*40. Orthogonality Condition. Rayleigh's principle gives the 
pulsatance of the fundamental mode. The second natural pulsatance 
can be found with but little additional labor by means of the so-called 
orthogonality relations. Let x\, x' 2 , , x n and x", x%, , a denote 
the amplitudes characterizing respectively the fundamental and second 
smallest pulsatance of the elastic system. Then x( , *, -,* satisfy 
(103) and the equations 

^ = and > >i'^ = 0, [105] 

where V and T are given by (99). 

Equations (105) are established for a system ofjhree degrees of 
freedom as follows. For this case V - constant and T = constant are 
equations of ellipsoids whose centers are at x\ = #2 = *3 ^ _On 
any line ^i = C& x% = c 2 t, x 3 = c 3 t (t a parameter), the ratio V/T is 
a constant. In one particular direction this ratio is a minimum. 


The equation of the plane tangent to w 2 = V/T at the general 
point *io, *20, *ao is 

/ \ . / N . / N A 

- - (*i - #10) + r- -- (*2 - *2o) + r (*3 - *so) - 0. 
o# 10 0*20 C* 30 

It is recalled from analytic geometry that the partial derivatives are 
proportional to the direction cosines of the normal from the origin to 
the plane. If r" = jc/oi + JC 2 oJ + x-^k is any direction perpendicular 
to the normal to the plane then 

. , Sco 2 \ A 
, + ^ kj = 

or, in view of the equation preceding Eq. (102) 

The last equation is true for infinitely many values of w 2 . 

* , " /i n/^T 

and >.^ - =0. [106] 

Now *i, .Y2t -v-i and .v'/, .\o, .vj lie on perpendicular axes. Letting .v l( , == 
x( and XM = JT* Kqs. (106) reduce to (^05) for n = 3. Moreover, since 

<~\ -tr "\nr 

for a natural frequency -- == w'f (see Eq. 102), Eqs. (106) are 

9-v O^'i 

dependent. Thus either the first or second of Eqs. (105) is the orthogo- 
nality condition. 

KXAMIM.K 1. Obtain the second lowest pulsatance of illustrative 
example 2, 1.37. Equations (105) for this example become 

k\x\x\ + *a(jr a - JfOCva x\) = and I\xix\ + /o^.vi = 0, 
(The primes have been diminished by one.) By the energy method 

Substituting ,r 2 = 4^i/3 in the second orthogonality relation we obtain 
#2 ** -vi/2. When this relation is substituted in the expression for 
o2 we obtain w 2 = 1. This is the exact value for the second pulsatance. 


EXAMPLE 2. Obtain wo for the illustrative example of 1.39. 
Referring to the expression for V and 7" and (105) we have for the 
orthogonality conditions 


The latter is 

/ - 9C dx = and p / zz' dx 0. 
9.v Ov J 

p I (sin wx/l)(sT)dx = 0. 

A value of s' satisfying this equation and the conditions of a possible 
initial displacement is z' = sin //TT.Y//, (// = 2,4, ). This \alue of 
z' is now to be used in the first expression for a> 2 in 1 '.W. Letting 
n = 2 and making this substitution, \\e have 

cos 2 2?r.v// dx 2 

27T.Y// dx P 

I sin 2 2?r.Y, 

1-41. Summary. The procedure in the application of Rayleigh's 
principle is: 

(a) Obtain expressions for the potential and kinetic energies of the 
system relative to its equilibrium position. 

(b) If the system has a finite number of degrees of freedom substi- 
tute </ t = x t sin /; if a continuous system let y = z(x) sin at. 

(c) Solve for or = 7/7'. 

(d) Endeavor to minimize co 2 by the substitution x l = ( t x or 
z = z(x), where c t x or z = z(x) characterizes either the fundamental 
mode of vibration or what is thought to be the fundamental. For this 
estimate of the fundamental mode the engineer is dependent upon 
knowledge of physical principles, intuition, experiment, and experience. 

(e) If the system is one of a finite number of degrees of freedom the 
value of m obtained is an approximate or exact root of A(w) = 0. (In 
general, it is easier to verify the solution of an algebraic or transcenden- 
tal equation than to solve it.) 

(/) The orthogonality conditions, leading to the second lowest fre- 
quency, are written by reference to Eqs. (105) or by analogy with the 
illustrative example of 1 40. 

(g) If T and V denote the mean values of T and V taken over a 
cycle, the results of Sec. 7 are unchanged. 



1. Obtain, by Rayleigh's principle, approximations to lowest and second lowest 
frequencies of vibration of the double pendulum of Ex. 3, I 10, under the assump- 
tion that 0i and 02 are small. 

2. Find, by Rayleigh's principle, an approximation to the fundamental frequency 
of vibration of the accelerometer of illustrative example 2, 1 10. 

3. Obtain, by Rayleigh's principle,* approximation to the fundamental frequency 
for the transverse vibration of a stretched uniform string having a mass M attached 
at the mid-point of the string. The mass (>er unit length of the string is p and the 
tension of the string is S. Show first that 

4. Show that the orthogonality conditions for Ex. 3 are 

S f~ d *~ dx - and f W dx + Mz\z\ - 0, 

J a* a* J 

and obtain the second lowest frequency. 

5. A revolving shaft is subject to transverse forces owing to its loading and 
impressed torque. When the shaft is deflected from its position at rest its motion 
consists of (a) revolution about it* axis and (b) rotation about its un del lee ted axis at 
rest. The frequency of revolution dei>ends u|K>n the impressed torque. The fre- 
quency of rotation depends upon the distribution of kinetic and potential energies 
of the distorted shaft. If the^e frequencies coincide undesirable resonance exists. 
If the lateral displacement of the axis of the shaft is y at a distance x from one end 
then the potential energy 1M due to bending is 

where / is the length of the shaft, E is Young's modulus, and / is the moment of 
inertia of the area of a cross-section. 

If an element of shaft has mass m dx and its velocity of rotation is 2*wy then the 
kinetic energy of the shaft is 



Part of the bending of the shaft may be due to end thrust />. The shaft possesses 
potential energy due to this distortion, but it is not available for translation into 
kinetic energy. The expression for this energy is 

The total potential energy is V - T 6 - V p . 

11 A. L. Kimball, Vibration Prevention in Engineering. 


Obtain the frequency of the fundamental mode of lateral vibration (i. c., the 
fundamental rotational frequency) in case the shaft is mounted: 

(a) in short bearings at both ends, [y =* El <Py/dx l = at the ends of the shaft 
* 1/2. The origin is taken at a point midway between the bearings. Assume 
y - c(P/4 - **) (5/2/4 - r 8 ).] 

(6) in long bearings at both ends, [y = </y/</x at x =b //2, and y - 
c (/V4 - r 5 ) 2 .] 

(c) in one long and one bhort bearing at each end. 

(d) in one long bearing at one end, other end free. 

Additional Methods and References 

A brief description of additional methods and a list of references to theory and 
applications follow. 

1 -42. Equations of Appell and Bghin. The equations of Appell arc a generali- 
zation of the equations of Lagrangc. The treatment of both holonomic and non- 
holonomic physical systems arc reduced to a single system of equations of dynamics. 
(Kef. 8.) The equations of Beghin are an extension of the equations of both Lagrange 
and Appell. The extension is important with reference to service mechanisms ("aux 
mecanismes comportant un asservissement"), in particular to gyrostat ic compasses 
of Anschiitz and Sperry. (Rcf. 9.) 

1-43. References. Only a very limited number of names and references are 
given in this article because most of the pa|>crs and l)ooks cited contain bibliographies 
covering a portion of the field. References are arranged according to topics. 
In the final section of each chapter the elements of a reference to a paper are: 
name of author, title of paper, journal, scries number [ ] if it exists, volume, page 

1. Calculus of Variations. For results in parameter representation and additional 
conditions for an extremum see G. A. Bliss, Cal(ulus of Variations, Carus Mathe- 
matical Monographs, University of Chicago Press, 1925. Oscar Holza, Lectures on 
the Calculus of Variations, University of Chicago Press, 1904; reprint G. E. Stechert 
and Company, New York, 1931. For Eulcr's equations and extremals of multiple 
integrals see A. R. Forsythe, Calculus of Variations, Cambridge University Press, 
London, 1927. 

2. Purely Theoretical Treatment of Dynamics. G. D. Birkhoft, Dynamical Sys- 
tems, American Mathematical Society, New York, 1927. 

3. Limitations of Hamilton's Principle in Dynamics. In the use of Hamilton's 
principle in the analysis of dynamical systems the contraints, if any, need not be inde- 
pendent of the time, but the contraints must not depend upon the velocities. See 
Paul E. Appell, Mecanique Rationale, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1918. 

4. Gauss' Principle. Gauss' principle in dynamics is applicable under still more 
general conditions than Hamilton's principle. W. D. MacMillan, Statics and Dynam- 
ics of a Particle, p. 419, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1927. 

5. Constraints in Dynamical Systems. W. D. MacMillan, op. cit. t p. 306. 
N. W. Akfmoff, Elementary Course in Lagrange's Equations, Chaps. I, II, III, Phila- 
delphia Book Company, 1917. Horace Lamb, Dynamics, p. 301, Cambridge Uni- 
versity Press, London, 1914. 


6. Impulsive Motion. Lagrange's equations were modified by Lagrange for 
impulsive motion. E. T. Whittaker, Analytical Dynamics, Third Ed., p. 50, Cam- 
bridge University Press, 1927. J. H. Jeans, Theoretical Mechanics, p. 344, Ginn and 
Company, Boston, 1907. 

7. Equations of Impact E. T. Whittaker, op. cit. t p. 234. 

8. Appell's Equations. Paul E. Appell, op. cit. 

9. Bgghin's Equations. M. II. Bcghin, "tude Theoiique des Compas g\ro- 
statiques," Ann. llydr., p. 259 (1921). 

10. Velocities as Coordinates, Quasi-Holonomic Systems. Chap. II. 1C. T. 
Whittaker, op. cit., pp. 4^, 215. 

11. Vibration Theory of W. Ritz, Ref. U, Chap. III. 

12. Solutions of Non-linear Equations in Dynamics. Chap. III. 

13. Suddenly Impressed Velocities. Harold Jeffreys, Operational Method* in 
Mathematiial ]'hy\us, Cambridge University Press, 1927. 

14. Damping Proportional to Square of the Velocity. Lord Raylei^h, Theory of 
Sound, Second Kd., Vol. I, p, 77, MacMillan and Company, London, 1.X94. M. V. 
Ostrogradsky, Memoirei de I'Atad. des Sciences de St. Peter^boiirg [6], 3 (1840). 

15. Books on Vibrations. \Vilheltn Hort, Tethnisrhe Sihmn^un^lchre, Julius 
Springer, Berlin, 1922. A. L. Kimball, Vibration Prevention in Engineering, John 
Wiley and Sons, 1932. J. P. IVn I faring, Me(haniil Vibration*, McGraw-Hill 
Book Company, 1934. S. Timoshenko, Vibration rroblems in Engineering D. Van 
Nostrand Company, 1937. Karl Klottcr, Einfuhrung in Die Technisihe Silnvtn- 
gun^lehre, Julius Springer, Berlin, 1938. 

16. Vibration Measuring Instalments. J. Ormondroul, "The l r se of Vibration 
Instrument son Machinery," Tran\. A.I.E.E., 45, 443 (1926). II. Steud- 
ing, "The Measurement of Mechanical Vibrations," V.I) /., 71, 605 (1927). 

17. Balancing Machines. K. L. Thcarle, "A New Txpe of Balancing Machine," 
A.SM.E., Applied Afafaniti, 54, 131 (1932). O. K. Ksval and C. A. Frischc, 
"Dynamic Balancing of Small G\ row-ope Rotors," Tnn\. A.I.E E., 56, 729 (1937). 
J. G. Baker and K. C. Rushing, "Balancing Rotors by Means of Klcctricil Networks," 
Franklin /WA/., 222, 186-196 (1936). 

18. Electric Motor Pulsations. A. L. Kuuball and P. L. Alger, "Single Phase 
Motor Torque Pulsations," Tram. A.I.E E., 43, 730 (1924). F. H. Bro\\n, "Lateral 
Vibrations of Ring-Shaped Frames," Franklin /wv/., 218,41 (1934). 

19. Flywheel Calculations. A. R. Stevenson, Jr., "Short Method of Calculating 
Flywheels," Central Eleitru Review, 28, 580, 731 (1925). 

20. Aeronautical Dynamics. J. K. Younger and B. M. Woods, Dynamics of Air- 
planes and Airplane Strmtures, John Wiley and Sons, 1931. For sudden action of 
elevator and gun recoil on airplane see N. W. McLachlan, Complex Variable and 
Operational Calculus, Cambridge University Press, 1939. W. F. Durancl, Aero- 
dynamic Theory, V, Julius Springer, Berlin, 1935. 

21. Noise Measurements. P. L. Alger, "Progress in Noise Measurements," 
Elcc. EUR. 52, 781 (1933). 

22. Airplane Flutter Analysis. Theodore Thcodorsen, "General Theory of Aero- 
dynamic Instability ami the Mechanism of Flutter," National Advisory Committee 
for Aeronautics, Rejwrt 496 (1935). (The alxive analysis is a two-dimensional one.) 
William M. Blcaknev, "Three-Dimensional Flutter Analysis," Journal of the Aero- 
nautical Sciences, (1942). 




(1) Preliminary Description, (2) Matrices and Linear Trans- 
formations, (3) Preliminary Concepts of Tensor Analysis, (4) 
Stationary Networks; (a) General Theory, (b) All-Mesh Net- 
works, (c) Mesh Networks, (d) Interconnection of Networks, 
(5) Non-mathematical Outline of the Nature of the Theory of 
Rotating Electrical Machinery, (6) Primitive Machine with 
Stationary Reference Axes, (7) Derived Machines with Sta- 
tionary Reference Axes, (8) Primitive Machine with Rotating 
Reference Axes, (9) Derived Machines with Rotating Ref- 
erence Axes, (10) Machines Under Acceleration, (11) Ten- 
sorial Method of Attack of Engineering Problems, (12) 


This chapter is an introduction to methods of reducing electrical 
engineering problems to mathematical form by means of tensor analy- 
sis and the theories of Kron. 


Part A, consisting of Sees. (1-4), is concerned with the elementary 
theory of matrices, tensors, and the development of stationary network 

Preliminary Description 

This section is a brief non-mathematical description of the theories 
of the whole chapter. No mathematical knowledge is presupposed. 



2-1. Historical Note on Tensors. Although the applications of 
tensors in engineering is of very recent date, 1 tensor analysis itself is by 
no means new. The study of tensors was begun by Christoffel in 1869 
after the foundations of the subject were laid by Gauss and Riemann 
two or three decades earlier. The study was greatly advanced by Ricci 
and Levi-Civita in 1901 by the paper, "Methodes de Calcul Differen- 
tiel Absolu." In 1916 Einstein called attention to the usefulness of the 
work of Ricci and Levi-Civita and since that date tensor analysis is 
often referred to as the "Mathematics of Relativity." The body of 
theory of tensor analysis is extensive and its applications in other 
branches of mathematics and physics are exceedingly numerous. 
Among the most important are the applications in differential geome- 
try, calculus of variations, quantum mechanics, dynamics, elasticity, 
and thermodynamics. 

2 2. Scope of Kron's Theories. The applications of Kron's theo- 
ries are so numerous as to be bewildering. The methods of thought 
and analysis seem destined to extend to mechanical engineering as well. 
So many fields are already opened up that a generation may be required 
for their complete exploration. Some fields to which the methods have 
been applied are (a) all linear (stationary or moving) networks with 
lumped parameters, (b) every type of rotating electrical machine, \c) 
communication and transmission systems, (d) magnetic and electro- 
static networks, (e) multi-electrode vacuum tube circuits, (/) intercon- 
nected systems of similar and dissimilar apparatus and machines, (g) 
generalizations of Maxwell's field equations, and (h) mechanical engi- 
neering 2 problems. It is not here feasible to catalogue exhaustively the 
multitudinous applications of the theory. It is preferable to obtain an 
impression of its partial scope and its various branches and their mutual 
relations from the outline of the table in Fig. 2-1. 

2-3. Nature of the Theories. A non-mathematical description of 
the nature of selected portions of Kron's work may be of value before 
engaging in the detailed mathematical analysis of the theory. 

Just as the theory of relativity is a physical theory distinct from ten- 
sor analysis and from any single or group of principles of advanced 

1 Gabriel Kron, Tensor Analysis of Rotating Machinery, I, 1932; II & III, 1933, 
mimeographed; "Non-Kiemannian Dynamics of Rotating Electrical Machinery/' 
Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 1934, pp. 103-194; "Analyse Tensor idle Appli- 
qu6e a 1' Art de I'lngenieur," Bulletin de f Association des Ingenieurs Eleetrititns, 
Liege, Belgium, Sept., Oct., 1936; Feb., 1937. (Prize paper of Fondation George 

* C. Concordia, "The Use of Tensors in Mechanical Engineering Problems," 
General Electric Review, July, 1936. 



Equs of voltage torqut 
Won- invariant transformations 
Mined reference frames 

Transient operation 
Balanced polyphase operation 

Law of transf of Z 
Maxwellian equs 
Christeffel voltage 

Slip -ring machines 
Non -sinusoidal currents 
Interconnected systems 

Fquation of motion 

Holonomic ft non - holon frames 

Quasi - holonomic frames 

Christoffel symbol 

Non -holonomic object 

Torsion tensor 

Non - Rtemanman spaces 

Solvable cases 

Step -by -step solutions 

Equ of small oscillations 
Motional - impedance object Z 
Law ol transf of Z 
Riemanman - Christoffel tensor 

Individual machines 
Control systems, etc 
Combined mechanical systems 

Uniformly moving frames 
Accelerated frames 
Generalized field equs. 
Equ of motion of electrons 
Small oscillation of electrons 

Ultra -high frequency tubes 
Field problems 


Types of energy transformations 
Equations of constraint as C 
Invarianct of power input i. 
Laws of transformation 
Geometric obtects and tensors 
Theory of groups 

Interconnection of coils as C i 
Symmetrical components as C* 
Neglecting magn currents as C 3 
Successive transf CC ( Cj C 3 C 
Multiwindtng transformers 
Reactance calc of windings 
Voltages in dc windings 
Star -mesh transformations 
Interconnection of networks as C 

Twotypesofvanablesl &C 
Dual tensors of equations 
Power- series development 

General junction networks 
N- electrode tubes 
Amplifier ft oscillator circuits 
Dielectric networks 
Small, non - linear oscillations 

+ EZ<i+I> ft it's dual eqv 
Dual equations ol Lagrange 
Non -singularity of all C 
Dual metric tensors 
Raising and lowering indices 
Topological concepts 

Networks with impressed &! 
Magnetic networks 
Interlinked networks 
Transmission lints 
Generalized per -unit systems 

Sub -division of tensor equations 
Compound tensors 
Multiple tensors 
Reduction formulas 
Criterion* of performance 

Three -phase networks 
Compound networks 
Generalization of networks theorems 
Analysis of networks 
Synthesis of networks 

FIG. 2-1 


physics so the epoch-making researches of Kron are much more than 
tensor analysis and advanced electrical engineering. 

This achievement is such a discovery, generalization, and organization 
of those intrinsic physical entities common to a wide variety of similar and 
often seemingly totally dissimilar electrical and mechanical systems as to 
disclose the frequently multiple parallelism between the performances of 
these systems and to describe the behavior and relations between the entities 
of a system or systems by means of general mathematical equations whose 
forms are independent of the reference frames employed. The mathemat- 
ical language of this work is tensor analysis. 

Certain general features characterize this newest development. 

(a) Derivation. It is primarily a systematic method of setting up 
and manipulating systems of differential and integral equations of per- 
formance of those problems in electrical and mechanical engineering 
which are expressible in terms of systems of differential and integral 
equations. 3 

(b) Discovery and organization. It has discovered and so organized 
the concepts of advanced electrical engineering that the derivation of 
the equations of performance of an unlimited number of physical sys- 
tems and their general analysis and synthesis are reduced to routine 
manipulations and errors are largely precluded by extensive mathe- 
matical symmetry. 

(c) Power. It is a method of great power. Its power consists in its : 

(1) (Generalization) It unifies electrical engineering by substituting for a 
great multiplicity of separate and distinct theories of electrical devices certain 
broad general principles which supersede a patchwork of theories. 

(2) (Routine operations) The quick reduction by routine methods of intricate 
problems to mathematical form which otherwise, if they can be reduced at all, 
are so reduced by the expenditure of great thought, waste of time, and toilsome 

(3) (Analogies) The generalization reveals analogies leading to the develop- 
ment of new machines and disclosing new relations between engineering and pure 

(4) (Notation and generalized reference system) Throughout the analysis of 
any system only one equation of performance is required. The reference system 
is generalized in the sense that the equation of performance and other equations 
are valid without change for an infinite variety of coordinate systems. Thus, 
after the general equation has been derived for a simple coordinate system that 
special coordinate system can be selected which is most suitable for the solution 
of the problem at hand. 

(5) (Modern algebraic theories) The analysis itself and the resulting equa- 
tions of performance make available in engineering the power of modern algebra : 

3 If the system is linear and has constant coefficients the system is immediately 
solvable by tensor methods. It is solvable in numerous other cases. 


matrices, group transformations, substitutions, elementary divisors, invariants, 

(6) (Modern analysis) The equations of performance are capable of physical 
interpretation and are of forms adapted to the methods of modern analysis and 
newly developed integrating machines. 

It is impossible to give, in a few paragraphs, a clear, detailed, and 
comprehensive description of this achievement. It is, however, 
possible to sketch the construction and modus operandi of the new 
methods as restricted to the material of sections (3) and (4) of this 

(a) Stationary networks. The differential equations of performance 
of a passive network of k meshes are 

- f , d, 3 = 1, 2, , *) [1] 


Gwti* = Lf P i + <> ^ + 

4 0) i 4\ 4 0> are properly chosen mesh currents, and e ( , e 2 (0) , , 
4 0) are mesh voltages. 

The differential equations of performance of the same network can 
also be written 

Kj} -* 1 ", (i,j= 1,2, .-.,*) [2] 


ti 1 *, 4 !) 4 1 * are k branch currents, not necessarily identical with 

4 0) ,4V--,e 

Equations (1) and (2) are equations of performance of the same 
identical network. Equations (1) and (2) are similar in/orw, but are 
not identical. The quantities (if, if, - , 4 0) ) and (4 1} , 4. , 4) 
are two different sets of dependent variables. This raises the question 
as to whether there is anything intrinsic or invariant regarding the net- 
work and its behavior, i.e., anything which remains unchanged under 
change of variables not only from (if, 4\ -, 4 0) ) to (4 1} , 4. , 
4 1J ) but under all possible changes of sets of variables. 

The following questions are suggested: May there exist a hypo- 



thetical current i (a vector quantity 4 ) which can be expressed by many 
sets of components; one set of which is (4 0) , 4 0) ,4 > ) another 
(*i 1} i 4 i -i 4 l) )? May there exist a hypothetical voltage e (a vector 
quantity 4 ) which can be expressed by many sets of components; one 
set of which is (ei 0) , e$\ - , 4 0) ), another (#>, \ -, #>). May 
there exist a quantity z, labeled the impedance quantity of the net- 
work, which can be expressed in many sets of k 2 quantities; one set of 
which is zf (i,j = 1, 2, ,&), another $(i,j = 1, 2, ,*)? Does 
the scalar product P = e-i yield the power consumed in the circuit 
independently of the reference axes of e and i ? The answer to all these 
questions is in the affirmative. 

It is of course obvious that any network can be disconnected or 
broken up into n (n finite) distinct coils, where a coil is defined to be a 


<b e 

, FIG. 2-2. Primitive Mesh Network. 

portion of a circuit possessing an impedance which is independent of 
any component of i or e. We imagine any mesh network of physics or 
engineering so disconnected and the n component coils of the given 
network arranged in a linear configuration or sequence as in Fig. 2 2. 
The self-impedances of the n coils are denoted by z l i (i = 1, 2, , n). 
Whatever mutual impedances exist between the coils of the given net- 
work are indicated on the coils of the linear configuration. The mutual 
impedances are 0,7 (i, j = 1, 2, , n), (i j& j) which in the general case 
are asymmetrical. The n coils are each short-circuited. It is further 
supposed that there exists a voltage in series with each coil as indicated 
in Fig. 2 '2. These n voltages are e (i = 1, 2, , n). This linear 
sequence of n coils just described is called the primitive network for 
all-mesh network systems. 

It is clear that a very large number of different prescribed stationary 
networks of engineering can be built by the proper connection of n 
coils, the only restriction on n being that it is finite. This raises the 
fundamental question of the entire matter: Does there exist a mathemat- 

4 The definition of vector in this case is not the definition of 1 16, but is that 
given in 2*17. 


ical transformation or process, representable as a simple operator or sym- 
bol, which corresponds to the physical connection of n coils into any 
prescribed mesh network and does the application of this process to the 
proper function of the parameters of the primitive network (and also, of 
course, parameters of the prescribed network) yield the differential equa- 
tions of performance of the prescribed network into which the n coils of the 
primitive network are connected? The answer is in the affirmative. The 
operator or symbol is Kron's connection tensor. 

The full significance of this question and its answer must be under- 
stood. The primitive network for the given network and its differential 
equations are at once written down. The connection tensor is set up. 
The application of this tensor yields the differential equations of per- 

FIG. 2*3. Primitive Junction-pair Network. 

formance of the given network. Three concepts stand out: (1) primi- 
tive network and its differential equations that are easy to establish; (2) 
interconnection of coils and its mathematical representation as a trans- 
formation; (3) given (or derived) network and its differential equations 
of performance which are to be found. The simplicity of the rules for 
these steps and the symmetry of the notation preclude the necessity of 
difficult thought and largely preclude the possibility of errors in alge- 
braic sign or symbolism. 

It is necessary, or at least convenient, to view certain given net- 
works as junction-pair networks. This is true, for instance, with 
vacuum-tube and dielectric networks. Here the elements of the primi- 
tive network are not n short-circuited but n open-circuited coils. The 
variables in this case are not currents, but the n differences of potential 
existing across the n junction-pairs; the admittance tensor 'Y* is the 
dual of the impedance tensor Z v - of mesh networks. The coils are 
arranged in a linear sequence as represented in Fig. 2-3. A connection 
tensor exists which is the dual of that of the mesh network and the pro- 
cedure is similar to that for mesh networks. 

The most general possible stationary networks are orthogonal net- 
works. These are a combination of coils in which both currents and 
voltages are impressed. This generalization is effective also to provide 
a most general basis for the interconnection of electrical and mechanical 
networks into larger or super-networks. 


Finally, it may be necessary to connect together, in an arbitrarily 
prescribed fashion, m such networks as described above. Each of the 
m networks may be separately analyzed. Next a connection tensor can 
be found which corresponds to the physical connection prescribed. The 
original work on the m individual networks is preserved. The final 
result is the differential equations of performance of the entire network, 
composed of the m smaller networks. 

The theory finds its greatest usefulness when hypothetical reference 
frames (such as symmetrical components, magnetizing and load cur- 
rents) and hypothetical design constants (bucking reactances) also are 
introduced. It should be mentioned that, in the analysis of a given 
network, just one equation of performance results. This is a tensor 
equation and it is the equivalent of a system of n differential equations. 
Thus the results are sometimes referred to as the equation or equations 
of performance. 

(b) Rotating electrical machinery. The objective in this theory may 
be partially characterized by a comparison with the work of Lagrange 
in dynamics, 5 although the latter is comprised by the former in its 
broader aspects. Lagrangc's equations, when adapted for constraints 
and holonomic and non-holonomic coordinates render the derivation of 
the system of differential equations of motion of dynamical systems 
largely a matter of routine. The equations of Lagrange formulate the 
dynamical problem as a system of equations to be solved; the method 
of Lagrange does not solve the differential equations. Kron's re- 
searches perform this same function for electrical networks, stationary 
or in motion; for vacuum-tube circuits; for every kind of rotating elec- 
trical machine under every kind of operating condition ; and finally for 
all such systems interconnected. His work also establishes a routine 
procedure for the formulation of the equations of complicated physical 
systems by the aid of equations established first for simpler systems, 
the so-called primitive systems. 

Hitherto a large portion of electrical engineering was given over to 
multitudinous diverse and independent theories of many machines. 
From previous points of view these machines were all different. Kron's 
work shows that all types of electrical rotating machines (whether di- 
rect current or alternating current) are mathematically identical except 
for interconnection of the windings and reference frames assumed. 
The primitive machine (there are in fact two, depending upon whether 
the reference axes are stationary or rotating), startling in its simplicity, 
is (discovered and) defined which includes, when the proper connections 

5 See Sees. 5 and 6, Chap. I. 


have been made, all types of rotating machines as special cases. The 
primitive machine possesses all the fundamental physical and geomet- 
rical entities possessed by each individual type of machine, such as 
induction motor, compound direct-current motor, synchronous alter- 
nator, Schrage motor. The mathematical entity corresponding to the 
winding connections of the machine is the connection tensor. The 
application of the proper connection tensor (easily set up) with refer- 
ence to the physical constants of the primitive machine produces, by a 
mathematical process no more difficult than matrix multiplication, the 
differential equations of performance of the specific machine under 
analysis. The analysis is complete for alternating-current or direct- 
current, symmetrical or asymmetrical machines under balanced or 
unbalanced loads, for steady-state or transient solutions, and with 
constant or accelerated rotor speed. 

In addition to all this, the theory then passes on to the interconnec- 
tion of rotating machines both with other machines and with other 
electrical and mechanical apparatus. 

The work of Kron, because of its generalizations, power, synthesis 
of apparently diverse phenomena, symmetry and beauty of notation, 
and its interrelations with other branches of advanced mathematics 
and modern physics should be most pleasing to mathematicians and 

The results and analysis of this new development are also expressi- 
ble in the general language of multidimensional geometries. 

2-4. Nature of the Present Approach. The approach to the oper- 
ational calculus of Heaviside in Vol. I, Chap. IV, was a mathematical 
one, i.e., by means of ordinary linear differential equations and the. 
theory of functions of a complex variable. This approach was rapid 
and necessitated no knowledge of engineering. It has been justified by 
the response from readers of the first volume. 

The method of approach to the material of this chapter is likewise a 
mathematical one in the sense that the prerequisite pure mathematics 
employed is explained prior to entry upon the theories of the chapter. 
It is a mathematical approach also in the sense that the minimum engi- 
neering knowledge is presupposed. 

Matrices and Linear Transformations 

A knowledge of matrices and linear transformations is prerequisite 
for an introduction to tensor theory. 


2 5. Definitions. The rectangular array 


011 012 
021 022 


' ' 02n 

\ 0ml 0m2 

' ' a mn l 


011 012 ' ' ' 01n 
021 022 " * " 02n 


a n 




a 2 i 







composed ofmXn numbers or functions a,-/ is called a matrix. Abbre- 
viated notations for the above matrix are A or (fl t -y). The w X n num- 
bers are the elements of the matrix. As a special case m may equal n. 
In this special case the matrix is not a determinant, although the matrix 
and the symbol of a determinant may be identical. 

Two matrices, (a#) and (&#), each with m rows and n columns are 
equal only in case all corresponding elements are equal, i.e., <z# = &#. 
A zero matrix is one, all of whose elements are zero. A unit matrix is a 
square matrix such that 0,7 = 1, i = j and ay = 0, i ^ j. A square 
matrix (a#) such that a t j = 0, i ^ j and a# 5^ for i = j is called a 
diagonal matrix. A diagonal matrix each of whose diagonal terms is / 
is a scalar matrix. The determinant of the square matrix 

011 012 ' 01n 
021 022 ' ' ' 02n 
0nl 0n2 ' ' ' 0nn 

is the determinant 

011 012 0i 

021 022 ' ' ' 02n 



The matrix (a,-,-) is said to be singular or non-singular according as the 
determinant \ a^ \ does or does not vanish. 

2-6. Rank, Adjoint, Transpose, Inverse, Sum. From the matrix 
(0*v)> possessing more than one element, other matrices may be formed 
by striking out of (a#) certain rows and columns. The determinants 
of the square matrices so formed, are called the determinants of (&;,) 
A matrix is defined to be of rank r if there exists at least one r-rowed 
determinant of (a^) which is not zero while every determinant of 
order (r + 1) of (a#) is zero. 

The adjoint of the matrix A is defined as the matrix 

Adj. A 


12 - 




where Ay is the cof actor of the element ay in the determinant 
The cofactor Ay = (- I)'" 1 "' Af#, where Af t -y is the minor of the element 
ay. The minor Mij is the ( 1) rowed determinant formed from 
| &ij | by deleting the ith row and jth column. 

The matrix A, formed from A by employing the successive rows of 
A as the successive columns of A/, is called the transpose of A. 

The inverse A" 1 of the square matrix A is defined by the equation 

A- 1 - 




where AIJ are the cof actors defined above and a is the determinant of 
The inverse of a non-square matrix is not defined. 

A rule for rapid computation of A"" 1 is: 

1. Write down the transpose A of A. 

2. Replace each element of A by its minor. 

3. Divide each element of the matrix in (2) by the determinant 
a of A. 

4. Give to each element of the final matrix in (3) an algebraic sign 
according to the checkerboard array 

The sum of two matrices (each m X n) is defined to be an m X n 
matrix each of whose elements is the sum of the corresponding elements 
of the two given matrices. Likewise, the difference of two m X n 
matrices is an m X n matrix each of whose elements is the difference 
of the elements of the two original matrices. For example, 




021 =b 




1. Determine the rank of the matrix 









sin x 

















2. Compute the adjoint of each of the matrices 


1 3 -1 

J 7 9 

3. Compute the inverse of each of the above matrices. 

4. Compute the inverse of the diagonal matrix 
























5. A matrix A is symmetrical if a,, = a,,. A matrix A is said to be skew-sym- 
metric if a t j = dji, i T& j and a t ; = 0. Show that a general matrix A can be expressed 
as B -f- C where B is a symmetric matrix and C is a skew-symmetric matrix. 

2 7. Linear Forms, Linear Transformations. Matrices are impor- 
tant in the expansion of functions, the solution of systems of ordinary 
differential equations (Sec. 4, Chap. Ill), and in making transforma- 
tions of variables. We begin with the simplest cases. The equations 


a m \i\ 

define m linear forms in the n variables i\, , i n . Suppose that the 
n variables ii, , i n are linearly expressible in terms of $ new variables 
*i4 "** that is, 

4 tf-i,2, 


Substituting these values of ij in Eqs. (3) we have 



n s 3 

2D Z^ aij bjk * 

4** (- 1,2, ,) [S] 
(- 1,2, ..,; *- 1,2, -,) [6] 

Since i ranges from 1 to m and k ranges from 1 to 5 the elements c& 
may be written out in the form of an m by s matrix C which is 

It is evident that this expression can be obtained from the matrices 
A and B by a routine manioulation. By inspection of matrix C and 
the two matrices 

a i2 


and B 

bn biz 61, 

it is evident that the element in the first row and column of C can be 
obtained from A and B by multiplying the successive elements of the 
first row of A by the successive elements of the first column of B and 
adding the resulting n products. Likewise, the element in the ith row 
and Jfeth column of C is obtained by multiplying the successive elements 
of the ith row of A by the successive elements of the kth column of B 
and adding the n products. 

The matrix C is defined to be the product of A and B. This product 
will be written A-B. 

Finally, we have the important theorem that a linear transforma- 
tion (Eqs. 4) with matrix B replaces a set of linear forms (Eqs. 3) 
with matrix A by a set of linear forms (Eqs. S) with matrix A-B. 

This theorem is as useful in change of reference axes both in linear 
network analysis and in the theory of vibrations as in the study of 
projective geometry. 


1. If 

Li - 2*2 + 3* 2 - 4*3 + 7*4, 
2 - -2*i + 7*2 - *3 + 3*4, 
3 = 7*1 + 5*2 - 9*3 + *4, 

4 = 11*1 + *2 *3 + 3*4, 


*2 yi 3^ + 7^3 + 3^4, 
*s = 2yi 3^2 + 5ys + 7y4, 
*4 3yi -|- 5^2 + ya + 5^4, 

express, by means of the theorem of 2 7; LI, 2, 3, 4 as functions of yi, yi, yz, yi- 

2-8. Multiplication of Matrices. The product A-B of two matrices 
A and B was defined in 2-7. If the positions of A and B are inter- 
changed above and the multiplication indicated by the product B- A 
is performed, then it is evident that A-B 7* B-A. Thus the multipli- 
cation of matrices is, in general, not commutative. 

The multiplication of matrices is associative. Let A = (0#), B = 
(by), C = ($ be any m Xn, n X s, s X t matrices respectively. To 
see that multiplication is associative it is sufficient to show that a 
general element of (A B) C is identical to the same element of A (B C) . 
By the rule for the product of two matrices (Eq. 6) the element il of 

(A-B) -C is 

* / \ 

VM V 1 * ir m 

/ J \ /. a>ij ojk ] CM- 17 J 

tt\7=* I 
The element fl of B C is 

and the element il of A- (B-C) is 

Since the finite sums (7) and (8) are identical (A-B)-C = A- (B-C). 
The arrangements of the rows and columns, i.e., m X n, n X s, s X t 
should be noted. (See Ex. 4, problem set III.) 

The reasoning above can be applied to any finite number of ma- 
trices, as long as the order of the matrices is preserved. 



The ik element of A-B + B-C is 

The multiplication of matrices is distributive. To show that 
A-(B + C) = A-B + A-C it is sufficient to show that a general ele- 
ment of the matrix A-(B + C) is equal to the corresponding element 
of the matrix A-B + AC. (The sum of matrices is defined in 2-6. 
The i& element of A- (B + C) is 


+ a>ij Cjk). 

In the same manner it is shown that 

(B + C)-A = B-A + C-A 

and the proofs are extensible to any number of matrices. 

2-9. Division. Division by a non-singular (two 6 ) matrix A is de- 
fined to be multiplication by A" 1 . The product of A"" 1 -A and A- A"" 1 
is the unit matrix I. 

2 10. Differentiation and Integration. The derivative and integral 
of a matrix are defined as follows. The derivative with respect to a 
single variable t of a matrix is found by differentiating each component 
separately. For example, 



' t 2 sin /" 

f t cos t 

sin t 4 cos 

" 1 cos/" 

2/ 1 -sin / 

cos/ sin / 

The derivative of a matrix is, of course, a matrix. 

A matrix is integrated with respect to a single variable by integrat- 
ing each of its components separately. The integral of a matrix is a 

1. Compute the product A-B-C, where 


11 9 7 3 

B = 

' 6 -1 
2 4 

-3 3 

3 9 11 
2 1 -1 

6 Division for more general matrices is not defined. 


2. Verify that: 

(a) (A-B), = (B,)-(A,), 

(*) (A-B)- - (B-'HA-*), 

(c) (A-B-C), = (C<)-(B,)-(A). 

(d) (A-B C)- 1 = (C- 1 ) (B- 1 ) (A- 1 ). 

3. Prove that scalar matrices are the only matrices commutative with every 
n X n matrix. 

4. The proof given in 2-8 for the validity of the associative law in matrix 
multiplication was for the three matrices A, B, and C of dimensions respectively 
m X n, n X s, s X /. Show that 

if A and B are n X n and e is I X n matrix. 
5. Prove that, for m a scalar, 


6. The equation 

_jna 9 i 

,(X) = I \I - [a] | - 0; 

where [a] is an w-rowed square matrix whose elements a tj - are constant, 7 is a unit 
matrix, X is a parameter, and | A/ [a] | is a determinant, is called the character- 
istic equation of [a]. If [a] is a square matrix and <f>(\) = is its characteristic 
equation then ^>([o]) = 0. Verify this theorem for [a] a square matrix of order 

7. Compute the derivative of the matrix 

"1 2 sin x ' 

2 2e sin 2x 

_sin x sin 2x 3e 

8. Compute the derivative of the determinant 

1 2 

2 2e 

sin x sin 2x 

sin x 

sin 2x 


9. Compute the reciprocal, in terms of the determinant, of the determinant itself 
in Ex. 8. 

2-11. Three-matrices. The matrices of 2-5-2-10 are 2- or 1- 
matrices, i.e., the number of elements in such matrices is m X n or 
1 X n and the elements are arranged in either a rectangle or line. In 
the applications which follow the elements of a matrix are parameters 



belonging to some circuit or physical system. It is necessary to iden- 
tify these elements with the physical system. For example, if i is the 
current written 

a b c k 

then i a may signify the component of i or the current associated with 
the a component or a mesh of the circuit. Likewise, if z is a matrix of 
impedances and is written 

a b c n 



Z a b 















then z^ may denote the mutual impedance between mesh b and mesn c. 

A 3-matrix possesses m X n X r elements. These may be arranged 

in a box. The symbol A a bc, for example, denotes a specific component 

b ' c 





















FIG. 2-4. Two-matrix. 

FIG. 2 5. Three-matrix. 

or element of A, namely, that component located in the shaded volume 
of Fig. 2-5. 

2 12. Index Notation. Evidently, for higher dimensional matrices 
a more convenient notation is imperative. Accordingly, the symbol 



Aap will denote a 2-matrix such as shown in Fig. 2-4. The Greek 
letters a and arc known as variable indices. It is understood that 
they assume all values a,b,c t . Thus A^ denotes all the m X n 
components of a 2-matrix and these are arranged in a rectangle, i.e., 
the matrix itself. On the other hand, A^ denotes one definite element 
of Aafi, namely, the element shaded in Fig. 2-4. The Roman letters 
a,b,c, are fixed indices. The symbol A a i> contains one variable 
and one fixed index. This symbol denotes the m elements of the b 
column of the matrix of Fig. 2-4. 

The symbol A^y denotes the 3-matrix of Fig. 2S. The symbol 
Aafta denotes the 2-matrix forming the face, nearest the reader, of the 
cube in Fig. 2-5. A 3-matrix can be represented on paper as a set 
of 2-matrices. For example, the 3-matrix of Fig. 2-5 can be repre- 
sented as the set of r matrices 

Actpat -^-aftbt ' * " 


1. Represent, geometrically, i.e., by drawing rectangles and labeling with proper 
notations, the 4-matrix A a ^ y (a = a,b, c, , m; |3 = a, b, c, , n\ d = a, b, c, -, 
r; 7 = a, b, c, ,$) as a set of (s X r) 2-matrices. 

2. Represent, geometrically, i.e., by drawing cubes and labeling with proper 
notations, the 5-matrix Aapyh (a = a, b, c, , m\ = a, b, c, ,; y = a, &, 
c, , r; 5 = a, b, c, , s; e = a, b, c, -, /) as a set of (/ X s) 3-matrices. 

3. Represent, geometrically, i.e., by drawing rectangles and labeling with proper 
notations, the 5-matrix of Ex. 2 as a set of (t X s X r) 2-matrices. 

2 13. Applications of Matrix Notation, (a) Solution of linear, 
non-homogeneous, algebraic equations. The system of equations 


= e n , 

can be written 



, e 

e 2 


Multiplying both sides of Eqs. (10) by A"" 1 we have 

which is the complete solution of Eqs. (9) for the variables ii, i%, , i n . 

(b) Stationary circuit equations. Equations (1) can be written 

Z-i = e. [11] 

This equation is of the form of Eq. (10). 

(c) Differential equations of vibrations. The potential and kinetic 
energies of a discrete dynamical system are given by Eqs. (54-55) 
Chap. I. Lagrange's equations (1 12) for such a system are 



(r = 1, 2, , n). [12] 

These equations are written as the single matrix equation 

WBfl + MM - 0. [12a] 


1. Solve, by the method of this article, the equations 

*i + 2*2 + 3*3 + 4*4 - 34, 
-*i + 3*2 + 7*3 + 2*4 - 36, 
4*i + 8*2 + 5*3 + 6*4 - 69, 
4*i + 7*2 + 3*3 + 4*4 = 39. 

2. Express Eq. (49) Chap. I in the form of Eqs. (12) of this chapter. 

2 14. Solutions by Matrices. Sec. 4, Chap. Ill is devoted to the 
solution of systems of linear differential equations by means of matrices. 
Further theory of matrices such as raising of matrices to high powers 
and the expansion of analytic real functions in matrix form is found 
in the above section. 

The solution, by Cramer's rule, of many linear equations in equally 
many unknowns is often cumbersome. A method of Kron, employing 
compound tensors, 7 reduces both the complexity and the probability of 

7 Gabriel Kron, Tensor Analysis of Networks, Chap. IX. John Wiley and Sons, 


Preliminary Concepts of Tensor Analysis 

We shall need in Sec. 4 a preliminary knowledge of: (a) Definitions 
of tensors, (b) algebra of tensors, (c) inner multiplication and contrac- 
tion, and (d) quotient law of tensors. 

2 15. The Summation Convention. In sums, such as 


*P7- * 

^T 7^T 

the summation signs may be omitted and the expressions written 

if it is understood that whenever an index (subscript or superscript) 
appears twice in a term that term is to be summed for certain definite 
values (usually n) of the index. Thus 

+ e n i n , 
+ Z an i n . 

The index which appears twice is called a dummy index. A dummy 
index may be denoted by a different letter even in the same equation, 
e.g., Z a pip = Z ay iy. The remaining indices of the equation are called 
free indices. In Z a 0ip, is the dummy index and a is a free index. 

The convention is not a mere abbreviation, but a valuable tool 
indicating and performing automatically certain operations in the 

2 16. Definitions. Matrices of dimensions 1,2, , n have been 
defined in Sec. 2 of this chapter. Suppose henceforth that the elements 
of the matrices are functions of general independent coordinates 8 
X 1 1 x 2 t ,#". Let there be a change from the coordinate system 
x l t x 2 , , x n to the system x 1 ', # 2/ , , x n ' 9 where the re*' are defined 
by the equations 

x if = * V, x 2 , - , x n ) (i = 1, 2, , n) [13] 

and where the n functions tf are independent real functions of jc 1 , x 2 , 
, x n . Equations (13) define a transformation of coordinates of an 

8 The superscript n in x n is not to be confused with an exponent. The symbol # w 
is an abbreviation for x (n) . 


w-dimensional space. Since the n functions <?* are independent, the 
x's are expressible in terms of x l ''s as 

a'-fV',* 2 ', ,**') (t-1,2, ..- f n). [14] 

A tensor is sometimes defined as a matrix A plus a definite law of 
transformation for the components of the matrix when the coordinate 
system or reference frame is subjected to very general transformations. 
We shall see presently these definite laws of transformation whereby 
the components A a , of the matrix A are changed to the components 
A a> of a new matrix when the independent variables are changed from 
x 1 , x 2 , , x n to x 1 ', x 2 ' j , of 1 ' by means of Eqs. (14). In the follow- 
ing, the change of coordinates from x 1 , x 2 , , x n to x l ' 9 # 2 ', , x n ' 
is understood to be by the general transformation of Eqs. (14). 

2-17. Tensors of Valence One. If under change of coordinates 
from x 1 , x 2 , , x n to x 1 ' ', x 2 ', ,x n ' the components of the 1-matrix 
A m (m = 1, 2, , n) are changed from A m to A m ' according to the 
law 9 

m ' 

m , ('- 1,2, ,) [IS] 

then the 1-matrix is called a contravariant tensor of valence one, or a 
contravariant vector. 

If under change of coordinates from x 1 , x 2 , ,#" to x l ' t # 2 ', , x n ' 
the components of a 1-matrix A m (m = 1, 2, , n) are changed from 
A m to A m ' according to the law 

m , (m- 1,2, .-.,) [16] 

then the 1-matrix is called a covariant tensor of valence one, or a 
covariant vector. The definitions of vectors just given are those re- 
ferred to in 2 3. From these definitions it is to be noted that a vector 
does not necessarily possess either magnitude or direction. A vector is 
merely a matrix whose components obey, under change of reference 
system, one of the laws of transformation (15) or (16). Vectors of 
vector analysis possess physical significance, but their components are 
fictitious quantities. The vectors now considered are, in general, fic- 
titious quantities but their components possess physical significance. 
However, the vectors of conventional vector analysis satisfy Eqs. (15) 
and (16) and occur as exceptional and special cases of the more general 
definitions of vectors here given. The restriction that a vector possess 
magnitude and direction is no longer imposed. 

9 For a clearer and more useful expression of this law see Sec. 4, 2*25. 



EXAMPLE 1. The components of the vector A are A 1 and A 2 or 
A 1 ' and A 2 ' according as the reference axes are (x l 9 x?) or (x v , # 2 '). 
(See Fig. 2-60.) It is shown in this example that the new components 
A v ', A 2 ' of A, under a particular change of coordinates, are computed 
from the components A 1 9 A 2 of A by Eqs. (IS). The equations of the 

FIG. 2-6 

particular transformation of coordinates under consideration are, from 
Fig. 2-66, 

x l = Oc be = x 1 ' cos 6 x 2 ' sin 0, 


x v = 
# 2 ' = 

From Eqs. (15) 

A = a A 

1 cos + x 2 sin 0, 
x 1 sin + # 2 cos 

Jl I A2 

* + ^ 

By inspection of Fig. 2-66 it is evident that the components of A m ' of 
the vector A in terms of the components A m are given by the last 

If the new components of A 1 ', A 2 ' can be computed, by means of 
Eqs. (15), from A 1 , A 2 , not merely for the particular transformation 

x v = x 1 cos 6 + i? sin 0, 

but for all changes of coordinates x*' = <? (x l 9 x 2 9 , x n ) possible rela- 
tive to A then the vector A is a tensor of valence one. 

EXAMPLE 2. The concept of covariant vector does not lend itself 
so easily to graphical illustration. Let F(x l , *?, , x n ) be a scalar 


function of position such that its value remains unchanged at a fixed 
point of space regardless of the coordinate system employed. Then 
the n quantities 

9F 9F 9F 

a* 1 ' a* 2 '*"' a**' 

under transformation (14), are transformed according to Eqs. (16) and 
constitute the n components of a covariant vector or tensor of valence 
one. (See example 2 2 18 for an illustration possessing more obvious 
physical significance.) 

2-18. Tensors of Valence Two. If under change of coordinates 
from x 1 , y? t -, x n to x 1 ', x 2 ', , x n> the components of a 2-matrix 
are changed from Y& to Y*'? according to the law 

n 71 
L J 

then the set F^ is a contravariant tensor of valence two. The varia- 
bles in YP on the right side of Eqs. (17) are changed from x 1 , x 2 , , x n 
to x 1 ', # 2 ', -, x n ' by means of Eqs. (14). 

If under change of coordinates from x 1 , x?, , x n to x v ,x 2 ', , x n ' 
the components of a 2-matrix are changed from Z^ to Z a >p according 
to the law 

then the set Z a $ is a covariant tensor of valence two. 

EXAMPLE 1. Covariant tensor, valence 2. A rereading of the par- 
agraph on stationary networks in 2-3 will be of aid in the following 

Consider the circuit of Fig. 2-7. If i l and i 2 are the mesh currents 
of the network shown in Fig. 2 7a, then by Kirchhoff 's second law the 
differential equations of performance are 

Z n i l 

or Z mn i n = e m or Z-i - e, [19] 



L 2 ip, Z 22 = (L 22 + Li 2 )p + R 22 + TTT* 

C 22 p 


Let us again write the differential equations of performance by using 
branch currents i 1 ', i 2 ' where, from Fig. 2-76 



_ in #u _. LnCuX* 

Hgywr WM, i @^nrrH! 

(a) (6) 

FIG. 2 - 7. Two Reference Frames. 

The differential equations, by KirchhofTs second law are 


Z'l ; i ^ *2' 
2'!'^ "T ^2'2'^ == 


= -( 

) ' ^2'2' 
(^22 + 



Consider the matrices 

* 1 Z 12 ; 2 1 
i 1 Z 22 i 2 J 



Equations (20) are a special case of Eqs. (14). The quantities Z n 
and Zi/i>, for example, correspond to Z\\ and 7,\'\> of Eqs. (18). We 



shall compute Z vv by means of Eqs. (18) and compare the values 
obtained with those of Eqs. (21-22). We have 

R 22 


L 22 )p 

R 22 

C 22 p 

This is the same value for Z r i/ as that obtained from Eqs. (21-22). 

By the same procedure it is easily shown that Z^i, Zi^, and Z^i 
for the particular equations of transformation given by Eqs. (20), are 
computed by Eqs. (18). 

It must be pointed out that Eqs. (20) are only one special case of 
Eqs. (14) relative to Figs. 2-7. In Figs. 2 7 only two reference frames 
are shown. Many others exist. Twelve of these are shown in Fig. 2 8. 





FIG. 2-8. Additional Reference Frames. 

The remaining twelve are obtained by interchanging i l and i 2 on the 
diagrams of Fig. 2-8. 

EXAMPLE 2. Co/variant tensor, valence one. It is evident from 
Eqs. (21-22) that the 1-matrices [e\, e 2 ] and [0r, e 2 '] can be viewed as 
functions of i 1 , i 2 , i 1 ', and i 2 '. Let the components of e\> and ey be 


computed by Eqs. (16) where the equations of transformation of 
coordinates are Eqs. (20). We have 

9* 1 _L. 9*' 2 

e l' = Z^p 01 + T^p 02 = 01+ 02, 


02' T^/- 01 + -& 02 = 02- 

o* o* 

These values agree precisely with the values of e\ t and e y given by the 
last of Eqs. (22). 

2 19. Mixed Tensors and Tensors of Higher Valence. If under 
change of coordinates from x l ,x 2 , , x n to x l ',x 2 ', , x n> the com- 
ponents A of A are changed to A$ by the law 

"- [23] 

then A% is a mixed tensor of valence two. 

The concept of tensor is generalized to those of higher valence. For 

9*" 9*" a*' i 

is the law of transformation for a tensor, contravariant of valence one 
and covariant of valence three. 

2 20. Collection of Laws of Transformation. The classification of 
the formulas of 2 17-2 19 are as follows : 

/ 9# m/ 
Contravariant tensor, valence one A m = A m 

dx m 
Covariant tensor, valence one A m - 

Contravariant tensor, valence two 7*'*' = Y mn -^ [27] 

Covariant tensor, valence two Z a *p = Z 
Mixed tensor, valence two Aa* A 

Mixed tensor, valence four A^ = A^ ^^"^P ~^T ' 



In formulas (25-30) x l , x 2 , , x n are old coordinates, whereas 
x l ' t jc 2 ', , x n ' always denote new coordinates. By inspection of the 
above formulas we have 

f below 
When the indices are \ on the left side of the equation of trans- 

formation of components the new coordinates (#*') are \ on the right 


side of the equation. 


1. Write down the 24 matrices referred to in example 1, 2-18. Show that: 

(a) If A and B are any two of the 24 matrices then A-B always yields a third 
matrix of the set. 

(b) If A, B, and D are any three of the 24 matrices then (A-B) -D * A-(B-D). 

(c) One C matrix is unit matrix, which belongs to the set. 

(d) Each matrix of the set has an inverse which belongs to the set. 

2. The components of the matrix Amnr form a mixed tensor contravariant of 
valence 2 and covariant of valence 3. By analogy with the law of transformation of 
Eq. (30) write the law of transformation for the above tensor. If m, n, r, s t / each 
range over the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, how many components has the above tensor? 

3. Express the rule for the multiplication of two 2-matrices in index notation. 

4. A 3-matrix A a ^ can be split up into 2-matrices A a p\, A a pi, -, one for each 
fixed value of y. The product of A a fo times A * e is a 3-matrix. This product can be 
formed by multiplying <4 a 0i A a ^ sequentially by A fa and arranging the result- 
ing product in a cube. Indicate these operations in index notation. 

5. In example 1 of 2 17 let A be a vector (sense of conventional vector analysis) 
in 3-dimensional space. Let the transformation be from rectangular coordinates 
x, y, z to polar coordinates r, 0, <p, where the equations of transformation of coordi- 
nates are 

x l - * 1 ' sin 9? cos T f *' - [(.r 1 ) 2 + (* 2 ) 2 + 

2 I' - * - ^ 2' , -1 R* 1 ) 2 *^ 2 ) 2 "]* 

* 2 = x l sin y? sin *% y? = tan l - 5 - , 

x 3 = x 1 ' cos x* t **' = tan"" 1 -j , 

where x l - *, x 2 = y, x 3 s, x l> '- r, x* = 0, * 3 '= *>. Obtain the components A*' 
of A in the new system geometrically and by means of Eqs. (25) and establish their 

6. Compute, by means of transformation formula (28) the components Z\v, Zv\, 
Zw, (Zi'i* was computed in 2*18) for the circuit shown in Fig. 2*7. 

7. Matrix Y is the inverse of matrix Z. Solve Eqs. (19) and (21) for i anrf ' 
obtaining i = Ye and 1' = Y'e'. Compute F 1 ' 1 ' by means of the value F 11 , 
formula (27), and the equations of transformation e[ = e\ + e%, e% = e%. Show 
that this value of Y 1 ' 1 ' is identical to that obtained in the equations i' Y'-e'. 

8. Compute, as in Ex. 7, F 1 ' 2 ', F 2 ' 1 ', and F 2 ' 2 '. 

2*21. Addition and Subtraction of Tensors. Two tensors are of 
the same valence if they possess the same number of indices. They are 


of the same kind if they possess the same covariant and contravariant 

The sum or difference of two tensors of the same kind is a tensor 
of the same kind. It will suffice to display the proof for two tensors 
each of valence four. Let the two tensors be 


9**' 9* 7 ' 9* mi 9*** 

Adding and subtracting these equations we have 

AW 4- 

-fla'0' T 

^ , ^/ ^ 

Since this equation is identical in form to the equation of transforma- 
tion of each member of the sum, the sum itself is a tensor of valence 
four, covariant of valence two and contravariant of valence two. 

2*22. Inner Product and Contraction. It is recalled from 1-16 
that the scalar product 

A-B = A X B X + AyB y + AgBg, 

where A = i A x + j A y + k A z and B = i B x + j B y + k B z . It is 
pointed out that here the product of two vectors turns out to be a 
function of lower valence than either of the multipliers, i.e., turns out 
to be a scalar. 

An analogous product exists in tensor analysis. In the last of Eqs 
(29)if/3 7 - a' or/ = t' then 

where k is a dummy index. This simplification is due to the relation 

^1'^j.^^ij. o.^ 

a** a* 1 ' + a** a* 2 ' + " ' + a** 

3*' | if ^ 

' a** " 1 1 if / 


since x l and of are independent coordinates. If a function A(x 1 ', of', 
,#*') is obtainable from a function A(x l , a; 2 , , x n ) by means of 
the equations of transformation Eqs. (14) without employment of par- 


tial derivatives, the A is a scalar. Evidently, in Eq. (32) A\ is a 
scalar. Since no derivatives appear in the transformation formula of 
a scalar, a scalar is also called a tensor of valence zero. 

The product of two vectors represented in Eq. (32) is called the 
inner product. This product is called also contraction because a tensor 
of valence zero is obtained from a tensor A] of valence two. The 
process of contraction is applicable not only to tensors of valence two, 
which are built as the product of two tensors of valence one, but to all 
mixed tensors of valence two. Moreover, it is applicable to all mixed 
tensors. Before establishing this fact it is convenient to introduce 
the concept of Kronecker deltas. 

From Eqs. (13) the #*''s are functions of the #*'s and from Eqs. (14) 
the x l 's are functions of the x l ''s. It is recalled that the x % '*s and x l 's 
each form a set of n independent coordinates. Thus 

9^ = 9^9^ = k = fl if k = j 
8**' a* l 'a*>' ' JO lik^j 

and [34] 

3*^ do^_dx^ (l if k' = f 
dx>'' ~ Qx* &?' '" 10 if k'*j'. 

The deltas defined above are called Kronecker deltas. 

In the mixed tensor Ai m the expression Af k is the sum of n compo- 
nents of A\ m . That this sum is a tensor of valence one is shown as 
follows. From Eqs. (18) 

* for m = *' 

In the two examples above it is evident that contraction has pro- 
duced in each a tensor which is two valences lower than the original 
tensor. This result is true regardless of the valence of the original 
mixed tensor. 

2-23. Quotient Rule. The physical dimensions of an unknown 
quantity occurring in a physical equation can be determined by the 
conditions that each term of the equation possess the same dimensions. 
In like manner the contravariant and covariant valence of an unknown 


quantity entering a tensor equation can be inferred. For example, if 

then (A) must be a tensor of the form A". 

In fact there exists the theorem: A quantity which, when subjected 
to inner multiplication by an arbitrary covariant (or any arbitrary 
contravariant) vector, always yields a tensor is itself a tensor. 

2 24. Summary. The results of 2 15-2 23 are sufficient formal 
theory for the study of stationary networks. Additional formal parts of 
tensor analysis are developed as required in later sections. 

An important aspect of tensor analysis is the fact that if a tensor 
equation holds in one system of coordinates, it continues to hold under 
any possible change of coordinate system. Example 1, 2-18 illus- 
trates this important fact and anticipates, with a very simple and 
special example, the more general results of 2-40, Sec. 4. 

New tensors are recognized by investigating directly their trans- 
formation laws, by the fact that the sum, difference, and product of two 
tensors is a tensor and by applications of the quotient law. Use is made 
of the second generalization postulate (2-28) in establishing the 
tensor character of a mathematical entity. 


1. Show that if the Kronecker deltas are taken as the components of a mixed 
tensor of valence two in one set of coordinates then they are the components of a 
tensor in any set of coordinates. 

2. Show that, by multiplication and contraction, the tensor A^ B jst of valence 
three can be obtained from AIJ and B rst . 

3. Note that it is possible to have an inner product of two non-zero tensors equal 
to zero. 

4. Represent on paper, by means of cube and rectangle, the processes carried out 
in example 2. 

5. Show that, by multiplication and contraction, the scalar A^ can be obtained 
from the tensors A* and A y &. 

6. Show that the order of the factors in Exs. 2 and 5 is immaterial. 

Stationary Networks 

Sections 2 and 3 contain those elements of the classical theory of 
matrices and tensors prerequisite for the study of stationary networks. 

Section 4 is an introduction to the study, by means of tensor analy- 
sis, of stationary networks. 



2-25. Kron's Form of the Transformation Formulas. Kron ex- 
presses the transformation formulas (Eqs. 25-30) in a very convenient 
form. Let us re-examine formulas (25-30). Equations (13) and (14), 

#*' = v*(x l , of, -, x n ) (New in terms of old variables) [35] 
x i = ^(x 1 ' , *'i , * n/ ) (Old in terms of new variables) [36] 

with the conditions imposed in 2 16, remain the equations of trans- 
formation of variables. In Eqs. (25) and (26), if the indices m and a 

both range from 1 to n then both sets of quantities - and 


may be defined in matrix form. The defining matrices are 

a* 1 " 


r m' _ p-l 

<^a ^ 


La* 1 "' 

.a* 1 a* 2 

'a* 1 a* 1 
a* 1 ' a* 2 ' 

a* 2 ax 2 
a* 1 ' a* 2 ' 



a* 2 

.a* 1 ' 



The matrix of Eq. (37) is denoted by Q* (or C" 1 ) and that of Eq. (38) 
by C%' (or C). The inverse of C is not, in general, calculated as the 
inverse of other matrices. (See Ex. 2.) 

In view of the notations above, transformation formulas (15-16) 
become respectively 



A*-A*Cf, or A' 

A m 

or A' 

C *-A (Components of A being con- [39] 

= A C (Components of A being co- [40] 

where the matrices [A a ] and [A a ] are components of contravariant and 
covariant vectors. 

In the classical theory the attention is focused on Eq. (13). In this 
theory formulas (39-40) are the formulas for transformation of vector 
components. In Kron's work the attention is directed on Rqs. (14) and 
the equivalent 10 of (39-40) which are 

*m r 


A a 

C m .A m 
C? A m > 

or i" 
or e a 

^m' * 
?' *m' 

or i 
or e 

e'-C- 1 , 


where A" = i a and A a = e a and i a and e a are usually components of cur- 
rent and voltage respectively. If there is a most fundamental equation, it 
is Eq. (39a). 

In the defining of Eqs. (37-38) for C"" 1 and C the arrangement of 
old and new variables is displayed in the partial derivatives them- 
selves. It is much more convenient to display the reference frames 
or old and new variables by labeling the rows and columns of the 
tensors, i.e., 

a' b'-.-n' a b n 












A" = 


A b \--- 

A n 



10 Attention must be given Eqs. (37, 38, 39, 40). The symbol C is a more gen- 

3jc a 
eral symbol than - The variables in Eqs. (35, 36) denote holonomic coordinates. 


The corresponding electrical variables are charges. Since many electrical net- 
works and machines are non-holonomic dynamical systems (See Sec. 6, Chap. I and 
2-47.), in the general case no such relations can be established between the charges. 

3t a 
However, in linear stationary networks, the C tensor can be found formally by , 


where the i and '' are currents (velocities). (For quasi-coordinates see Ref. 10 at 
end of Chap. I.) 

The n Eqs. (390) are now written as the single equation 

a' b' . n' 


i a 








i b 


c" a - 


c b > 

Lr W ' 


i b> 








i n 






The computation of the entire set of new components (new vector) is 
accomplished by the formal process of mere matrix multiplication. 
It is emphasized that thc/orwaJ manipulation is matrix multiplication, 
but the analysis is not matrix analysis. The analysis is tensor analysis. 
In the same manner formulas (27-30) are expressed 

- Y mn 


= Cj'Z'C 

_ At 

-m /~-n /~-s /-TJ 
^t I C, Cj . 


I below 
The rule of 2-20 is transcribed to read: When the indices are } 

[ above 

on the left side of the equation of transformation of components, the same 

| below \ below 

indices are \ , on the C's. Whenever a dummy index appears } . 

[above {above 

on the components of the old tensor it appears \ on the C's. 

[fix old 1 
new I i Which 

is given by Eq. (37). The fundamental equation of transformation 
to keep in mind is (39a) which corresponds to Eqs. (14) of 2- 16. 
Equations (13) and (14) are the equations of transformation of the 
.classical theory. The advantages of (39a) will appear in the applica- 
tions which follow. 


Equations (45) written explicitly are 

a' b' -.. n' a b n 



z a . a , 

z, b . 

z tt , n . 






z b . a . 

Zb'b f 









z n . b , 


z n , n . 


c a , 

L, n * 



a' b' 


Z a b 




z bn 

z na 


z nn 

c a , 



C a i 

U w ' 

c b . 



C 6 , 

C w ' 

C n , 
< a' 


r n , 

tx w ' 



1. Write one C^ for each of the illustrative examples of 2-17-2-18, Sec. 3. 
Compute the corresponding Cj 1 '. 

2. If the equations of transformation are linear, x i = fl/* 7/ (*', ;' = 1,2, ',) 
show that C' the inverse of Cm' can be computetl by the rule for computing the 
inverse of a matrix given in 2-6, Sec. 2. 

2-26. Geometric Objects. A mathematical concept called a geo- 
metric object is now introduced which is more general than the con- 
cepts of matrix or tensor. Following Eqs. (22) appear the two matrices 

i 2 

i 2 ' 



i 1 ' 

i 2 ' 

The first results from a choice of Maxwell currents, while the second 
obtains from a choice of branch currents. 



If reference frames different from the two introduced in Figs. 2-7 are 
chosen, additional matrices appear such as 

i : 

Each of these matrices is a different representation of a single under- 
lying entity. 

Analogous matrices exist for a general linear network. The totality 
of all possible matrices (one for each possible reference frame) indicate 
the existence of a quantity called a geometric object. 

A geometric object is defined if: 

(a) A particular w-matrix is given along one reference frame. 

(6) All axes of this particular reference frame are specified. 

(c) All possible reference frames are defined. 

(d) The formula, that is, the "law of transformation" for finding the 
n-matrices along any possible reference frame is given. 

Henceforth Z( a )<0) (or any other letter, say -4 ()(#) will denote a 
2-matrix. The symbol Z^ will stand for a geometric object having 
components in a large or possibly infinite number of reference frames. 
For example, with reference to 2-18, example, %# denotes the geo- 
metric object whose representations are 24 matrices. 

In contrast then: (a) A matrix is an array of ordered components. 
(6) A tensor is a geometric object whose transformation formula, re- 
ferred to in (d) above, is one of Eqs. (25-30). (c) A geometric object is 
characterized by the four defining specifications above and its transfor- 
mation formula may be more general than those given in 2-25. The 
formula of transformation of a geometric object may be, but is not 
restricted to one of Eqs. (39, 40, 44-47). Thus a tensor is always a 
geometric object; a geometric object may, as a special case, be a tensor. 
In the study of stationary networks all geometric objects are tensors, 
but such is not true in the study of rotating machines. 

Obviously, in the mathematical representation of a geometric 
object it is usually not possible to display all the matrix representations 
of the object. Instead there is given: 

(a) An w-matrix showing the components of the geometric object in 
one specific reference frame. 

(b) The specific reference frame is given. 

(c) All possible reference frames are defined. 



(d) The formula of transformation is expressed. 
The number of dimensions of the w-matrix is the same as the valence of 
the geometric object. 

In the example above Z mn is a matrix showing the components of 
Z0 in one specific reference frame such as 

i 1 i 2 

i 2 

or Z n 

A symbol Z aa , say, represents one component of Z mn . 

2-27. First Generalization Postulate. In Sec. 2, Chap. I, Hamil- 
ton's principle was proved for dynamical systems. It can be estab- 
lished by separate individual proofs for certain other systems. There 
exists no single general proof establishing simultaneously its validity for 
all physical systems. In new situations it is assumed to hold and its 
validity checked by experiment. When used in this manner, Hamil- 
ton's principle is employed as a postulate. 

In the remainder of this chapter two ll important postulates are 
employed, which are called generalization postulates. The first gen- 
eralization postulate as stated by Kron is: "The method of analysis and 

the final equations describing the performance 
of a complex physical system (with n degrees 
of freedom) may be obtained by following step 
by step those of the simplest but most general 
unit of the system, provided each quantity is 
replaced by an appropriate n-dimensional 
matrix. The simplest unit of the system may 

j \/^ r h ave one or more degrees of freedom" 

I U^ EXAMPLE 1. Vibrating meclianical sys- 

tem. As an illustration of the first pos- 
tulate consider vibrating mechanical dis- 
crete systems. By inspection of Fig. 2-9 
the differential equation of the motion of mass M is seen to be 

aq + cQ + bq = 0, [49] 

where a, 6, and c are respectively the mass, spring, and damping con- 
stants and q is the displacement, at time /, of M from equilibrium posi- 

I Equilibrium 
L Position 

FIG. 2 9. One Degree of Free- 

11 In all, four exist. 



Lagrange's equations of motion (1-12, 1-14, 1-25, Chap. I) of a 
vibrating dynamical system are 

d O^ ) 9* 9-*^ ov , * * i---. 

T . r- =-~-, (r = 1, 2, , n) [50] 

where T and V are respectively the kinetic and potential energies and 
F is the Rayleigh dissipation function. The expressions for 7\ V, and 

h---+6.S) f [51] 

On substituting Eqs. (51) in Eqs. (50) Lagrange's equations can be 

a-0 + c-q + b-q = or a mn q n + c mn q n + b mn q n = 0, 

(m = 1,2, ...,w) [52] 


' ' ' a 2n 

J>nlb rt 2 ' ' 

, c 

C\\C\2 * * ' C\n 
c 2 1^22 * ' ' C 2n 

The system of Fig. 2 -9 is characterized by the constants a, b, and c 
whereas the system of Eqs. (52) is characterized by the matrices a, b, 
and c. Equation (52) is obtained from Eq. (49) by replacing a, 6, c, 
and q by a, b, c, and q. 


1 . Reduce the differential equations of problems 5 and 7, problem set IX, Chap. I, 
to the form of Eqs. (52) of this chapter. 

2. The partial differential equations for a single- wire (ground return) transmis 
sion line are 




d* a* 

- m 2 i = 0, 2 - m 2 e 0, 
- + L/, F - C + C/>, m 2 - ZY. 

Consider a transmission system with n parallel conductors, electrostatic and elec- 
tromagnetic coupling existing bet \veen the conductors. Arrange the resistances and 



self- and mutual inductances in the matrix Z shown below. Likewise arrange the 
leakage conductances and self- and mutual capacitances in the matrix Y. 












z nn 

Y M 

Y at 


Y an 




Y bn 

Y na 



Y nn 

The i and e matrices are 
a b 

e = 

(a) Show that the partial differential equations for the current and voltage on the 
n wire system are 


and =- 


(b) By differentiation and substitution obtain the equations m?e = and 

= m?i = from the equations = Z-i and = Y-e. 

a* 2 * dx dx 

(c) In a manner identical to that in (b) obtain the equations 

3 2 e 


and j ~" Y-Z'i = from the equations 

-Z-iand - -Y-e. 

(The results in this problem arc given by G. Kron in "The Application of Tensors 
to the Analysis of Rotating Klcotncal Machinery," General Electric Review, April, 

2 28. Second Generalization Postulate. The second postulate is a 
statement regarding the permanence of form of the tensor equations of 
physical systems. Its statement, as formulated by Kron, is: (a) "The 
new system (under change of coordinates or reference frame) has the same 
number and types of n-matrices as the old system (namely y e, z, and i) 
but they now Itave different components, (b) The equation of the new sys- 
tem in terms of n-matrices is exactly the same as the equation of the old 
system, e.g., e = z -i. (c) The n-matrices of the new system may be estab- 
lished from those of the old system by a routine transformation." That 
is, the matrix equation of a physical system is valid for an infinite 
number of analogous systems of the same type if each n-matrix is 
replaced by an appropriate geometric object having a permanent law 


of transformation. The C's, transforming the various systems into 
each other, must be known. 

EXAMPLE 1. Network. The differential equations of the two- 
mesh network of Fig. 2-7 is a very simple illustration of the second 
postulate. The equations, for two reference frames, are 

Z-i = e and Z'-i' - e'. 

The equations are identical in form. The matrices Z', i', and e' are 
established from Z, i, and e respectively by the routine transformation 
formulas of Eqs. (39, 40, 45). 

EXAMPLE 2. Dynamical system. In example 1, 2-27, let Eqs. (51) 
be subject to a change of variable from q\, q 2 , *i <Z to q\ 9 q 2t , 
q n by means of the equations of transformation 

' ' + d 2n qn , [S3] 

q n = dniq'i + d n2 q 2 + - + d nn q n > 

whose matrix is d. 

Evidently, V = -2(61191 + 2b V2 qiq 2 + + b nn ql), although a 
quadratic form, can be viewed as a special case of a bilinear form. 
Accordingly, the bilinear form V with matrix b is replaced by a bilinear 
(quadratic) form V with matrix drb-d when the q's are subject to the 
linear transformation (53). 

The forms T and F can be transformed in a similar manner. Thus 
Eq. (52) becomes 

a'.q'+c'-q' + b'.q' = 0, [54] 


a' = dra-d, c ; = d r c-d, b' = d r b-d [55] 

and q is the column matrix (qi, q 2t , q n )* Equations (52) and (54) 
are identical in form and Eqs. (55) furnish the routine formulas of 

2-29. Stationary Network. The equation of performance of the 
network of Fig. 2 10 is 

Z mn (p)i n = e m (m-1,2, -,*), [56] 

where Z mn (p)i n - L mn (p)F + R^r + -- f i n dt, 

^mn J 

i 1 , i 2 , ,!* are k properly chosen mesh currents and c\, e^ , to 
arc mesh voltages. 



If the network is extremely simple and k very small and the ele- 
ments of the network merely wound coils, resistances, and capacitances 
the equation of performance can be easily written down by the direct 
application of Kirchhoff's laws. On the other hand if k is large, the 
network complex, and the elements are, in addition to the above ele- 
ments, vacuum tubes, rotating machines, or if hypothetical currents 


FIG. 2 10. Network, Sub-network, Junction-pair, Mesh. 

(symmetrical components, magnetizing and load currents, etc.) are in- 
troduced, no such simple procedure will suffice. In such a simple net- 
work as that shown in Fig. 2 10 it may be difficult to determine even 
the minimum number of meshes or variables to be used. 

2 30. Component Parts of Networks. In the networks considered 
the parameters are lumped. A network consists of two kinds of compo- 
nent parts: coils and junctions. No limitation is imposed on the 
physical nature of a coil. A coil may be a wound coil, a capacitance, 
vacuum tube, rotating machine winding, saturated reactor, etc. Elec- 
tromagnetic and electrostatic couplings may exist between some or all 
the coils of the network. With each coil is associated certain numbers 
Zaa, Y ab , etc. No limitation is imposed upon the nature of the numbers 


%aa, Y ab , etc. These numbers associated with the coils (most fre- 
quently an impedance or admittance) may be real or complex numbers, 
functions of the time, or operators. 

The two ends of a coil where it is joined to other coils are called 
junctions. When two or more junctions arc joined with an impedance- 
less wire they are considered to be one junction. In Fig. 2-10, a$ and 
an are one junction. The number of coils in the network of Fig. 2 10 
is 31. There are 14 junctions. 

A complete network may consist of a number of sub-networks. If 
between the pieces of a network there exist no physical connection* 
(electrical connection) then each such piece is called a sub-network. 
However, magnetic or dielectric couplings may exist between the sub- 
networks. The network of Fig. 2-10 consists of 3 sub-networks. 

2-31. Analytical Units of Network. Any closed circuit in a network 
is called a mesh. The path a^a 6 a 7 is a mesh. The path a7e3 is a 
mesh and it is the negative of the mesh a^a^aj. 

Any two junctions located on the same sub-network are called a 
junction-pair. In Fig. 2* 10 the junctions <* 3 , a Q or a a , 9 constitute a 
junction-pair. The junction-pair 63 is the negative of the junction- 
pair a36 

Meshes and junction-pairs constitute the analytic units of a net- 
work. There exists an important theorem by which the least number 
of meshes, and the least number of junction-pairs required in the 
analysis of a network, are obtained by the mere process of counting. 

2-32. Mesh, Junction-pair Theorem. From 2-30-2-31 we 
have the concepts of coil, sub-network, junction; mesh and junction- 
pair. The number of each of these entities is not independent of the 
number of the others. Denote by 5, /, Af, P, and N the number of 
sub-networks, junctions, meshes, junction-pairs, and coils respectively 
of a given network. There exist the following theorems. 12 

/. The least number of junction-pairs of a network is equal to the 
number of junctions minus the number of sub-networks. In symbols 

P = J - S. [57] 

II. The least number of meshes (required in the solution of a network) 
is equal to the number of coils minus the number of junction-pairs. In 

M = N - P. [58] 


M=N-(J-S) = N+S-J. [59] 

"O. Veblen: "Analysis Situs," American Mathematical Society, 1931, pp. 15-18. 


The determination of the least number of meshes is reduced by Eq. 
(59) to the process of mere counting. 

EXAMPLE. In the network of Fig. 2.10 

M = 31 + 3 - 14 = 20 meshes. 

2-33. Types of Stationary Networks; Variables in Networks. It 

has been pointed out in 2-3 and also in Table I that the most general 
type of stationary networks, subject to the most general operating 
conditions, are orthogonal networks. However, a large class of elec- 
trical networks, subject to very general operating conditions, can be 
analyzed as mesh networks. The analyses of mesh, junction, 13 and 
orthogonal 14 networks are not unrelated. If the analysis of either of 
the first two is understood, a knowledge of the other is acquired without 

In example 1, 2-18, the variables of the simple network were 
taken first as mesh currents. Next branch currents were taken as vari- 
ables. This is partially indicative of the choice of variables in complex 
networks. Hither mesh currents, branch currents, or a combination of 
mesh and currents or hypothetical currents or differences of potential 
existing across coils of the network, or a combination of all of these 
quantities, may be taken as variables or coordinates in a network. 

A network may be viewed as a configuration or arrangement of 
meshes. A network may be viewed also as a collection of junction- 
pairs. In the last case the variables are the differences of potential 
existing between the two junctions of the junction-pair. 

In the most general network operating under the most general con- 
ditions a network must be viewed as both a collection of meshes and 
junction-pairs. The variables thence consist of the currents flowing in 
the meshes and the differences of potential existing across the junction- 

Simple passive networks, multi-winding transformers, transmission 
lines, and rotating machines are primarily mesh networks. Multi- 
electrode vacuum tubes 15 are primarily junction -pair networks. A 
combination of vacuum-tube and transformer networks would produce 
a complete or orthogonal network. 

2-34. Sign Conventions for Mutual Inductance. Two coils, with 
mutual inductance between them, can be connected in series in two dif- 
ferent ways. If the connection is such that the flux coming from the 

18 Gabriel Kron, Tensor Analysis of Networks, Chap. XIV. 
" Ibid., Chap. XVI. 

11 Gabriel Kron, "Tensor Analysis of Multielectrode-Tube Circuits," Electrical 
Engineering, November, 1936. Also Tensor Analysis of Networks, Chap. XV. 



first coil links the second in the same direction, then the connection is 
called series aiding. In going around a closed circuit in any direction 
the ends of the two coils are numbered 1-2 and 1-2 or 2-1 and 2-1 if 
the connection of the two coils is series aiding as shown in Fig. 2 1 la. 
If the connection is such that the flux coming from the first coil 
links the second in a direction opposite to the linkage in the first coil, 
then the connection is called series opposing. In going around a closed 
circuit in any direction the ends of the two coils are numbered 1-2 and 

(a) (6) 

FIG. 2*11. Series-aiding and Series-opposing Connections. 

2-1 or 2-1 and 1-2 if their connection is series opposing as shown in 
Fig. 2-116. (See 2 -39.) 



An all-mesh network is one having the same number of coils as 

2-35. Interconnection of Coils in All-mesh Networks. The net- 
work of Fig. 2 13a, 2-39, is an all-mesh network. Each coil of an all- 
mesh network is short-circuited upon itself, the ends of the coils being 
joined through a source of impressed voltage with the remainder of 
the network by means of impedanceless wires. With each coil is joined 
in series an impressed voltage. There are n coils, n impressed volt- 
ages, and n meshes. Some of the impressed voltages may be zero. 

Imagine the all-mesh network broken up into n individual circuits, 
there being no electrical connections between the n simple circuits. 
Each simple circuit consists of a coil and an impressed voltage. (See 
Fig. 2 136, 2 39.) A fact of great importance in the theory following 
is: The same currents flow through each of the n coils whether existing 
as a set of n individual coils or whether connected into an all-mesh net- 
work. The reason for this is that in either case the same voltage is in 
series with the coil and the circuit is then short-circuited upon itself 
by means of an impedanceless conductor. For example, the current 
through the coil Z^ (Fig. 2 130) is identical to the current through 
the coil Z aa (Fig, 2*136). Moreover, since the same value of current 



flows, since the same voltage is impressed, and since the same imped- 
ance exists in both, the total instantaneous power input is identical. 

All-mesh networks are not the practical networks of engineering. 
Practical networks, in general, contain more coils than meshes. Such 
networks are called mesh networks. However, the theory of the all- 
mesh network is first developed. This theory is then modified and ex- 
tended so as to be applicable to mesh networks. 

2-36. Primitive System of Mesh Networks. To establish the 
equation of performance of a given network the following procedure is 

(a) Establish first the equations of another network, whose analysis 
is simple. 

(b) Next change these equations into the equations of the given 
(hereafter called the derived) network by a routine transformation. 

FIG. 2 12. Primitive Mesh Network. 

The network, whose equations are the simplest to establish and 
which serves as a standard reference network, is called the primitive 
network. A given network, whose equation of performance is required, 
will be called the derived network. The derived network will consist of 
n coils and k meshes where, in general, n j* k. Figures 2-13a and 
2 '140 represent derived networks. 

The primitive network consists of the following objects and rela- 
tions: (a) n physically separate coils, each short-circuited upon itself. 
Figures 2 13b and 2 14& represent primitive networks, (b) In series 
with each coil is an applied voltage. Some of these voltages may be 
zero, (c) Each of the n coils is labeled (an ordered set) so that it may 
be identified in the new network, (d) The ends of each coil of the 
primitive network are numbered 1 or 2. The positive direction of cur- 
rent and the positive direction of voltage in the primitive network is 
taken to be from 1 to 2. (e) If mutual impedances exist between k ^ n 
of the n coils of the new network this fact is indicated by arrows on 
the diagram of the primitive network. In the general case Zy 5* Z/,-. 

By virtue of the first generalization postulate 2-27 the definition 
of the primitive network is a natural one. The simplest unit of a k mesh 



network is one isolated mesh with impedance and impressed voltage. 
The equation of performance of this simplest unit is Z(p)i = e. In view 
of the first generalization postulate the equation of performance of the 
primitive network is Z-i = e or Z mn i n = e m , where i, e, and Z are 
properly chosen matrices. 

The properly chosen geometric objects of the primitive network are 
as follows. The n real currents i a , i b , , i n in the coils of the primi- 
tive network will be considered the real components of a fictitious le 
current vector i. Its mathematical expression is 

i = 





The n impressed voltages e a , e^ , e n in series with the coils repre- 
sented in Fig. 2-12 will be considered the real components of the 
fictitious vector e. Its mathematical expression is 

e = 


The geometric object 

Z =- 



Z a b 


z ba 



z bn 

Z na 

Z n b 

z nn 


The equation of performance is 

Z-i = e or Z mn i n = e m . 


2-37. Derivation of the Differential Equations of All-mesh and 
Mesh Networks. In 2-41 it will be shown that e, i, Z; e', i', Z', the 
geometric objects of the primitive and new networks respectively, are 
tensors. However, in this section we shall assume the tensor character 

16 More advanced concepts of tensor analysis show that the vector i is not fictitious 
but it represents the instantaneous stored magnetic energy in the whole system. 


of the above objects and explain the procedure for the setup of the dif- 
ferentia! equations of performance of the systems. Moreover, since the 
mere rules for obtaining the equations of performance of all-mesh and 
mesh networks differ in only a few details we shall reduce the procedure 
to one set of rules applicable to both types of networks. 

The setting up of the differential equations of the derived network 
consists of three steps: (a) Establish correctly labeled diagrams of the 
derived network and its primitive. This is a purely descriptive step. 
(b) Obtain the transformation matrix C showing the difference between 
the two networks. This is the only analytical step involved. The step 
employs Kirchhoff s laws, (c) Establish the equations of the derived 
network from that of the primitive network with the aid of C. This 
step involves only routine calculations. 

Step (a). Before the analysis may begin it is necessary to draw a 
correctly labeled diagram of the given network. This step is necessary 
in any method of analysis. The rules for this step are as follows: 

(1) Draw a diagram of the derived network and label the separate 
coils Z aa , Zbb , , Z nn . (See Figs. 2 13a-2 14a.) 

(2) Examine the derived network for mutual impedances. Number 
the ends of a coil, selected at random, in the derived network with the 
numerals 1-2. If the next coil, in tracing out a closed circuit in the 
derived network, is connected series aiding (see 2-34), number its 
ends 1-2. If it is connected series opposing, label it 2-1. If no mutual 
inductance exists between the two coils they may be labeled arbitrarily 
1-2 or 2-1. Label the ends of all coils. 

(3) Indicate one impressed voltage in series with each of the n coils. 
Some of these voltages e a , et, - t e n may be zero. Indicate by means 
of arrows the direction in which these impressed voltages (battery, gen- 
erator, etc.) act. If these arrows are from 1 to 2 of the respective coils, 
the numerical voltage is positive, otherwise negative. (See examples 

(4) Count the junctions, coils, and sub-networks and apply Eq. 
(59). By means of Eq. (59) the least number of meshes in the networks 
of Figs. 2- 13a-2- 14a are respectively 5 and 3. 

(5) New variables. Introduce as many new variables i a ' 9 i b ', , i n ' 
as there are least number of meshes by drawing as many arrows. These 
arrows may be drawn along a coil or along an impedanceless branch. 
The direction of each arrow is arbitrary. Label the arrows i a> , i b ' , 
, * w/ . The only restriction on the assignment of i', i 6 ', , f 1 ' is 
that they be independent, i.e., they must be sufficient to determine 
all the currents flowing in the remaining branches. In a mesh network 
n 1 k ? n. 


(6) Old variables. It is helpful (though not necessary) to draw a 
diagram of the primitive mesh network having n coils Z 00 , Z&&, , Z nn 
with mutual impedances between some of them, n currents i a , i b , , i n 
and n impressed voltages e a , e b , , e n . The positive direction of the 
voltages is always from 1 to 2. 

When in the derived network no impedance appears in series with 
an impressed voltage, the primitive network assumes an impedance Z 
with zero value in series with it. Similarly when in the derived net- 
work no voltage appears in scries with an impedance, the primitive 
network assumes a voltage e with zero value in series with it. 

Step (b). To establish the connection tensor C the steps are as 
follows : 

(1) On the diagram of the derived network write along each coil the 
new current that flows in it. To do this apply Kirchhoff s first law, 
which states that the sum of all currents entering a junction is zero. 
(SeeEqs. 64a, 2-39.) 

(2) Relations between the old and new variables. On the two dia- 
grams there now exist two expressions in terms of different variables 
for the current through each coil. Equate the two expressions (that is, 
the two currents flowing in each coil) giving n equations in k unknowns, 
* /(*') It must be remembered that the positive old currents 
i a , i b , , i n flow from 1 to 2. For the all-mesh network of Fig. 2-130 
examine Eqs. (64a-64), 2-39. For the mesh network of Fig. 2-14a 
examine Eqs. (64A), 2 '40. 

(3) The C matrix. The matrix composed of the coefficients of the 
new variables is called the connection matrix or the C matrix or C- 
matrix. The C matrix for the networks of Figs. 2 13a-2 14a are given 
by Eqs. (64c) and (64i), 2-39 and 2-40 respectively. 

With the establishment of the C matrix the set of equations t" 1 = 
f(f n ') may be written as 

i = C-i' or * w = C.?"' 

representing the relations between the old components i and the new 
components i' of the current vector. These relations for the networks 
of Figs. 2 13a-2 14a are given respectively by Eqs. (646) and (64h). 

Step (c). To establish the equations of the given system the steps 
are as follows: 

(1) Geometric objects of the primitive network. The three geometric 
objects e, Z, and i of the general primitive mesh network are given in 
2-36. For illustrative examples represented in Figs. 2-13a-2-14a 
the geometric objects of the primitive network are given by Eqs. (64d) 


and (64j), 2-39 and 2-40 respectively. The equations of the primi- 
tive network are 

Z-i = e or Z mn F = e m . 

(2) The impedance tensor Z' or Z m n > of the derived network is 
found by the formula 

Z' = CfZ'C or Z TO / n / = Z mn CriC"t. 

These relations for the networks of Figs. 2 -130-2 -140 are given by 
Eqs. (64*) and (64Jfe). 

(3) The impressed voltage vector e' or e m * of the derived network is 

e' = C r e or e m , = C%e m . 

These relations for Figs. 2-13a-2-14a are Eqs. (64/) and (64/). 

(4) The equation of voltage or equation of performance or differ- 
ential equations of the derived system are 

Z'-i' = e' or Z*^ f '-*,'- 

This set of differential equations may be subjected to various manipu- 
lations depending on the problem at hand. 

2 38. Solution of Equations of Performance. If the components of 
e' are known, the unknown currents are found by i' = (Z')"" 1 ^'. 
Once the components of i' have been found then : (a) The currents in 
each coil are found by i c = C-i'. (b) The differences of potential 
appearing across each coil are e c = Z-C'i', where Z-C has already 
been calculated as a step in finding Z'. 

2 39. Illustrative Example : All-mesh Network. Obtain the equa- 
tion of performance of the network represented and described in Figs. 
2 '13. The explanation of the solution is given in the rules of pro- 
cedure in 2*37. The mutual inductances are: Z aa and Z&& series 
aiding, Z bb and Z cc series opposing, Z aa and Zdd series aiding. The 
absolute values of the impressed voltages e a , e bj e e , *, e/ are 3, 4, 7, 
sin /, cos /. Their directions are indicated on Fig. 2*13a. e a = 3, 
6b = 4, e c = 7, ed = sin /,/= cos /. 

In three of the coils of Fig. 2 13a new variables have been assumed. 
Kirchhoff's first law applied to Fig. 2-13a yields Fig. 2-13c. From 
Fig. 2 13s the current in coil 

oa s 

Z// is i f ' - i c ' - i*', [64a] 

Z bb is i b ' + i* + i*'. 



Remembering that i a , i b , i c , i d , and i f flow from 1 to 2 and equating 
the currents flowing in each coil (compare Figs. 2 13ft and 2-13cand 
use Eqs. 640), we find that the current in coil 

Z aa is i a - i a ' - i b ' + +0 - *'', 

Z bb is i b = - i b ' - i c ' - i* + 0, 

Z ce is i c = +0 + i c ' +0+0, 

Z dd is i* = + + - i d ' + 0, 

Z fff is f' = + - i c/ - i d ' + i ft . 


FIG. 2 13. All-mesh Network. 

The C-transformation tensor is found by taking the coefficients of the 
new currents. It is 

a' b' c ; d' f 

C = c 
















The current, voltage, and impedance tensors of the primitive net- 
work are 

a b c d f 




i e 



a b c d f 






a b c d f 


Z = c 






Z cc 



z dd 


The impedance tensor Z' = C< Z C = Z 
work is 

of the new net- 





~"Z a 


X a d 

X a b 

z bb 

"T X ab 

Zbb + Z cc 

+ z ff 

Zbb + 

Xab Zff 

X a b 

X ad 



^ ab "i ^ ad 


Xab Zff 


Zaa + 


The voltage vector of the new network is 


e' = C t -e 















3 + 4 

4 + 7 - cos t 

4 + sin t cos t 

3 + cos J 


The differential equations of performance are 
Z'-i' = e' or Z^f"' 



2 40. Constraints. In 2 35 it was mentioned that most practical 
networks contain more coils than meshes. A network possessing more 
coils than meshes is called a mesh network. Mesh networks can be 
viewed as special cases of all-mesh networks. A mesh network can be 
considered as an all-mesh network with certain meshes open-circuited 
(frictionless constraints). The theory is introduced by means of an 
example. Obtain the equation of performance of the mesh network 
represented and described in Fig. 2 14. The explanation of the solu- 
tion is given in the rules of procedure in 2-37. The coils Z mm and 
Z nn are wound such that f 1 and i n produce additive values of the 



flux. The absolute values of the impressed voltages e m , e n , e p , e q are 
7, 1, 2, 4. Their directions are indicated on the figure. 
By Kirchhoff 's first law and Fig. 2 14a we have 

"-"' + + 0, 
i? = o + "' + 0, 

_ o + o - ', 

where it is remembered that *"*, i", i p , i 9 flow from 1 to 2. 



(a) (6) 

FIG. 2 14. Mesh Network with Sub-network. 

The C tensor is 

m' p' q' 








The current, voltage, and impedance tensors of the primitive net- 
work are respectively 

m n 


e = 

e m 


m n p 



<X mn 

X n rn 

z nn 


z qq 


The impedance tensor Z' = C<-Z-C or Z a >p - Z mn C" % of the 
new network is 





z mm 

x nn 

x mn 

x nm 

Znn + Z, p 

z nn 

x mn 

Z nn 

z nn + z gq 

The voltage vector e' = C^e or ^ a / = C%e a of the new network is 

e m 



e n + e p 


e n - e q 



The differential equation of performance or the equation of per- 
formance is 

Z'-i / = e' or 


1. Obtain the differential equations of performance of the network shown in 
Fig. 2-15. 

The mutual inductances are: 

Z aa and bb series aiding, 
Zib and Zee series opposing, 
Zaa and Zdd series aiding. 

The absolute values of the impressed voltages are e a =* 1, ^6= /(Of *c = Esint, 
c* 0, / = 4. Their directions are indicated on the figure. 



2. In the example of 2-40 let the values of the coil impedances be 

Zmn - L nm p = p, 

- R 


FIG. 2-15. All-mesh Network. 

Zbb Lbb P 

= 0.4/>, 

'0.2, X mn = M m 


Obtain the matrix solution for i' of 
Z'-i' = e, i.e., Eqs. (64m). 

3. The voltages induced in the indi- 
vidual coils of the network are given 
by Z-i = Z-C-i'. This matrix giving 
these voltages is denoted by e. Com- 
pute e for the network of 2-40. 

4. In the illustrative example of 
2-39 let the values of the coil imped- 
ances be 

Z// = Lf f p 

X a b = M a b P ' 
Xbc = Mbc P 
Xad Mad P 

Obtain the values of the voltages induced in each coil of the network. 

5. Set up the differential equations of performance for the network of Fig. 2- 16. 

6. Obtain the differential equations of performance of the network of Fig. 2-17. 


T j 


FIG. 2 16. Mesh Network. 

FIG. 2 17. Mesh Network. 

The mutual impedance relations are as follows: The pairs of coils Zaa 
Zee Zddt Zdd Zhh, Zhh Zn, Zkk Z gg are connected series opposing. The 
coils Z/f Z gg are connected series aiding. The absolute value of e a is unity. All 
other voltages are zero. 

7. If no mutual impedance exists between any of the coils of the network of Ex. 6, 
write the differential equations of performance. The direction of the impressed 
voltages are shown in the figure. The absolute values of the voltages are e a = 1. 
The remaining voltages are zero. 

2 41. Transformation Formulas for i, e, Z. The geometric objects 
i, e, Z are now shown to be tensors. In 2 35 it has been pointed out 
that the instantaneous power input P of the primitive network has 
(he same value as the instantaneous power input P' of the new all- 


mesh network. This fact gives the relation e-i = e'-i' or e m f* = 


To prove that i, e and Z are tensors we have the following relations: 

1. i = C-i' or $*- CSri"', [65] 

2. e-i = e'-i' or e m f n = e m *f n ', [66] 

3. Second generalization postulate. 

We now readily obtain : 

(a) Current transformation formula. Equation (65) is the transfor- 
mation formula for the current. For an all-mesh network C is non- 
singular and we have 

i = C-i' or t" = O m '. [67] 

(6) Voltage transformation formula. Substituting the value of i 
from Eq. (65) in Eq. (66) we have 

e-C-i' = e'-i' or e m CZ,f" = e m ,i m ', 

e-C = e' or e m C, - e m ,. [68] 

(c) Transformation formula of Z mn . The equation of performance 
of the primitive network is 

e - Z-i'. 

Substitution of the values of i and e from Eqs. (67) and (68) in the 
above equation yields 

Cr 1 e' = Z C-i. 

Multiplying the equation by C* we have 

e' - CrZ-C-i'. 

By the second generalization postulate e' = Z'-i'. From this equation 
and the expression for e' above it follows that 

Z' = C ( -Z-C or Z.v-CSCfrZ*,. [69] 

This is the transformation formula for Z mn .- 


The methods, thus far developed, are of outstanding value in the 
interconnection of networks. If a large network is composed of a finite 
number of simple or complicated networks each of the smaller networks 
may be analyzed separately and use of these analyses made after the 



smaller networks are interconnected into the super-network. This is 
especially advantageous if the network can be'divided up functionally, 
i.e., in such a manner that all circuits performing similar functions can 
be grouped together. 

It is emphasized that if each of the smaller networks have been 
analyzed it is not necessary, by the present methods, to start ab initio 



FIG. 2 17a. Interconnected Networks. 

in the analysis of the super-network. All analyses of the smaller net- 
works can be employed without change. 

The procedure is evident from the solution of an example. 

2-42. Description of Illustrative Example. It is required to set up 
the equation of performance of the network of Fig. 2 1 7a. The compo- 
nent parts of this network are the two networks shown in Figs. 2- 13a- 









ii c 

r* i 




* i 


r i 


FIG. 2-176. Primitive Network for Interconnected Networks. 

2-14a. The interconnections are as shown in the figure. The mutual 
impedances in Fig. 2-17a are the same as in the networks of Figs. 
2 13a-2 14a. The same statement holds regarding the voltages. 

The primitive network of Fig. 2-17a is shown in Fig. 2-176 con- 
sisting of the two original networks (Figs. 2-13a-2-14a) placed side 
by side. 



2-43. Geometric Objects of Primitive Network. The impedance 
tensor of the network of Fig. 2 - 13a is given by Eq. (640). The imped- 
ance tensor of the network of Fig. 2-14a is given by Eq. (64k). 
Denote these two tensors by Zi and Z' 2 respectively. The impedance 
tensor of the primitive network (Fig. 2-176) is the sum of these two 

a' b' c 7 d' f m' p' q 7 


a 7 
b 7 
d 7 







t a t 


Xfw Xf, c , 

X C fdt 


Z C fft 







The value of the components of Z' in terms of the components of the 
individual networks is found by comparison of Eq. (70) with Eqs. 
(64e-64&). For example 

Z aa X ab and 

= Z n 

The voltage vectors of networks (2-13a-2-14a) are given by Eqs. 
(64/-64/). Denote these by ei and e 2 respectively. The voltage vector 
of their primitive is their sum, 


el + e' 2 

a 7 b' c' d' f m' p' q' 


e c > 


e f , 


e q , 


where, for example, e' t is identified by means of Eq. (641) to be e n + e p . 
Likewise the current vector is 

a' b' c' d' f m' p' q' 


i v 










2-44. The Transformation Tensor. We are now ready to inter- 
connect the two networks as indicated in Fig. 2 1 7a. Introduce five 
new currents i b " , i c " , i r " t i 8 ", i 1 " shown in the figure as there are only 
five meshes. From the figure it is clear that 

in coils where formerly i 5 ' and i qt flowed, now i r " flows, 

in coils where formerly i a ' and F 1 ' flowed, now i 8 " flows, [73] 

in coils where formerly i d ' and i p ' flowed, now i l " flows. 

It is evident from Eq. (73) that the nine currents i a> ', i b ' ', i c ', i d/ , i e ', i f ', 
f^ 9 i n ', $ can be expressed in terms of five new currents. Relations (73) 
and the figure yield the relations of Eq. (74) from which the C trans- 
formation tensor is found 

b" c" r" s" t" 
' . o + + + **" + 
p = p' + o + + + 
' = + i e " + 0+0 +0 

r" s" t" 

i d ' =0+0+0 +0+ i 1 " 

i f> - + + i r " +0+0 
"' = + + - i'" + 
,T' =0+0+0+0- *'" 
,v = o + + * r " + 0+0 

[74] C" = 

c ; 










2-45. Geometric Objects of New Network. The voltage vector 
of the new network is 

| "6 f 

where * and e a are given respectively by Eqs. (75-71). (See Ex. 1.) 
The impedance tensor Z a p is given by 

Z a "0" = Zm'n' CH Cpu = C| -Z'^C". [76] 

The equation of performance is 


The solution of Eq. (76a) yields i b ", i c ", i r " ', i* n ', 2". These values 
substituted in Eq. (74) give i a ', i b ', i e ', i* ', *'', i" f , i p ', i qt . Finally, these 
currents when substituted in Eq. (646) and Eq. (64A) yield the currents 
passing through the individual coils of the network. 


1. Compute e a " by carrying out the multiplications indicated in e a = C%" e a f > 

2. Compute Z a "0" by carrying out the operations indicated in Eq. (76). 

3. Solve Eq. (76o) for *". 




Sections (1-4) of the present chapter consist of an introduction to 
certain parts of tensor analysis of general linear networks where the 
nature of the coils has not been considered. They may have been sta- 
tionary or rotating coils. Sections (5-10) of this chapter are devoted 
to a brief introduction to certain portions of tensor analysis of rotating 
electrical machinery. 


Non-mathematical Outline of the Nature of the Theory of 
Rotating Electrical Machinery 

Physically, a rotating electrical machine is but two electromag- 
netic-mechanical configurations composed of non-magnetic and mag- 
netic materials and mesh networks (with their coexisting magnetic 
fields) such that relative rotary motion of various velocities is possible 
between the configurations. The configurations differ in many details 
and consequently there are many different types of machines. Exam- 
ples of types of machines are: shunt direct-current motors, synchronous 
generators, induction motors, repulsion motors, etc. However, when 
analyzed from the proper point of view (tensor viewpoint) the many 
different types of machines (called derived machines in this chapter) 
are strikingly similar and may be considered mere aspects of one primi- 
tive machine. 


2-46. Scope. Tensor analysis of rotating electrical machinery is a 
large field. The published work in this field is very extensive. In Sees. 
(5-9) the motion of the rotor is assumed to be known and the analysis 
is for purely electrodynamic systems. The amount of tensor analysis 
required in these sections is restricted to definitions, tensor transforma- 
tion formulas, certain properties of transformations, tensor addition, 
subtraction, inner product. The theory is applied to a number of 
derived machines. 

The theory in Sec. 10 is more condensed than the work in the pre- 
ceding sections, but many references to the original papers of Kron are 
given. In this section the motion of the rotor is, in general, unknown. 
The system (or systems) is an electrodynamic-mechanical one and ad- 
vanced tensor analysis and advanced geometrical concepts are em- 
ployed. The most general equation of performance of rotating elec- 
trical machinery is developed. This equation is valid for the most 
general situation possible in the analysis of one or a system of rotating 
electrical machines. One of the purposes of the development of the 
general equation of motion is the study of acceleration in all types of 
rotating electrical machines. Another use of the general equation is the 
analysis of hunting of machines. Closely associated with the last 
analysis is the study of stability of machine systems. 

2 47. Preliminary Description of Primitive Machines. It has been 
noted in Sec. 4 that every mesh network consists of n coils intercon- 
nected. The connections may be electromagnetic or conductive. No 
matter how complex the mesh network, it has been made to depend 
upon the primitive network of 2 36 consisting of n distinct coils pos- 
sessing no electrical connections between them. They may have mag- 
netic or dielectric connections between them. Any particular network 
(called a derived network) can be built physically from the n coils of 
the primitive network and the equation of performance of the derived 
network can be obtained from the tensor concepts and the C connection 
or transformation tensor. The number of types of mesh networks is 
very large. A classification of such according to function, characteris- 
tics, or application would be a tedious task. Examples are: bridge cir- 
cuits, two- and multiple-winding transformers, auto-transformers, 
transmission and filter networks, and armature windings. From a ten- 
sor viewpoint all these are but aspects of one primitive network. 

It is then anticipated that Kron's tensor analysis of rotating ma- 
chines will proceed along similar lines. As reasonably expected the 
analysis is much more complicated than that of stationary mesh net- 
works because there enters the complexities introduced by various 
relative motions between magnetically coupled circuits. There are two 


sets of axes: one pertaining to the stator of the machine, the other be- 
longing to the rotor. At least one primitive machine is expected. In 
fact because of computational exigencies there are two primitive ma- 
chines. The distinction between them is one of difference of preferred 
reference frames and the consequences resulting therefrom. 

The first primitive machine is called the primitive machine with 
stationary reference axes. The reference axes on both stator and rotor 
of this machine are stationary in space, i.e., fixed relative to the base 
of the machine. For reasons later evident, this machine will be called 
also the non-holonomic (or rather quasi-holonomic) machine. (See 
Chap. I, Sec. 6, for non-holonomic dynamical systems and coordinates.) 
There are associated with this primitive machine, as for the primitive 
mesh network, certain fundamental tensors called the resistance, in- 
ductance, and torque tensors. The components of these tensors for the 
quasi-holonomic machine are constants. This fact reduces many analyses 
of many rotating machines to the simplicity of linear stationary net- 
work analyses. It is possible to base the derivation of the equations of 
performance of the non-holonomic machine on Maxwell's field equa- 
tions. It is also possible to establish its equations of performance by 
means of ingenious physical concepts of Kron. The latter method will 
be followed here. 

The holonomic primitive machine or second primitive machine dif- 
fers from the non-holonomic machine in the following respects: The 
reference axes on the stator remain fixed, but the reference axes on the 
rotor are rotating axes. The speed of rotation of the rotor and axes are 
identical. The components of the fundamental tensors associated with 
this machine are, in general, no longer constants but functions of 0, 
the angular displacement of the rotor. The equations of performance 
of the holonomic machine can be derived directly from the equations of 
Lagrange, provided the rotating axes move at the same speed as the 

The equations of performance of either primitive machine are de- 
rivable from the equations of performance of the other primitive 
machine by change of reference systems. 

2-48. Derived Machines. Derived rotating electrical machines 
are classes or types of rotating machines such as: salient-pole synchro- 
nous motors or generators, direct-current motors or generators, repul- 
sion motors, squirrel-cage motors, and Schrage motors. Derived ma- 
chines are analogous to derived stationary linear mesh networks of 
Sec. 4. The equations of performance of a derived machine are ob- 
tained from the equations of performance of one or the other (some- 
times both) of the primitive machines by routine manipulations (ma- 


trix multiplications) involving the use of a transformation or connection 
tensor, called the C tensor. The C tensor is determined by an inspec- 
tion of and a comparison of the windings of the derived machine with 
the windings of a primitive machine. There are at least as many C 
tensors as there are derived machines. When the derived machine is 
obtainable from both the non-holonomic and holonomic machines, then 
there are two C tensors for each derived machine. For each machine 
also as many additional C tensors may be introduced as there are types 
of artificial or hypothetical reference frames employed. Hypothetical 
reference frames appear with the use of symmetrical components, 
magnetizing and load currents, and with other labor-saving con- 

The old theory or theories of rotating electrical machinery consists 
of a large number of individual and largely mutually independent theo- 
ries of each machine based on some original physical picture invented 
by a specialist in the theory of one derived machine. In general, more 
than one theory exists for each derived machine, so that the total num- 
ber of theories closely approximates the total number of specialists. 
All these piecemeal theories are replaceable by Kron's tensor theory of 
rotating electrical machinery. Clearly, only a brief introduction to 
this theory and its application to but few machines can be attained in a 
single chapter. 

Primitive Machine with Stationary Reference Axes 

In this section the general equations of performance of the non- 
holonomic or quasi-holonomic machine are derived from the physical 
pictures of Kron. The material is analogous to that of 2-36 on the 
primitive system of mesh networks. 

2-49. The Primitive Machine with Stationary Reference Axes. 
The first primitive machine has the following characteristics: 

(a) The stator has two salient-poles. (See Figs. 2 18a and 2 186.) 

(ft) The rotor is smooth. 

(c) All slip-rings, commutators, and electrical connections between 
any windings of the machine are considered removed. (Compare primi- 
tive network 2-36.) 

(d) The rotor windings are symmetrically distributed around the 
circumference. There may be any number of them arranged in layers 
and each winding may have different constants. 

(e) On the stator, windings exist in the axes of the salient poles and 
in axes midway between the salient poles. There may be any number 



of windings in each of these axes and each winding may have different 

(/) Along each winding of the stator and of the rotor are two refer- 
ence axes. One is called the direct axis, denoted by d; the other the 
quadrature axis, denoted by q. (A description of direct and quadrature 
axes as applied to the special case of a synchronous machine is given in 
2-50. The d and q axes on both rotor and stator are fixed in space, 
i.e., their origin and directions are fixed relative to the base of the 

(g) Associated with each winding of the rotor are two unit vectors 
d t and q,. These unit vectors on the stator windings are denoted by 


com row 

(a) (6) 

FIG. 2 18. Generalized Rotating Machine. 

dtii d2, ', dn and q,i, q, 2 , , q, where d al and q sl belong to the 
stator winding nearest the air gap of the machine. The unit vectors 
on the rotor windings are denoted by d r i, d r2 , , d rn and q r i, q r 2, , 
q rn , where d r i and q r i belong to the rotor winding nearest the stator. 
(See Fig. 2-186.) 

(h) In the theory saturation and iron losses are neglected. It is 
assumed that the inductance between a stator and rotor coil is a sinus- 
oidal function of the position of the rotor. However, all formulas 
developed are valid for any number of harmonics provided only that the 
tensors and geometric objects are enlarged by the addition of proper com- 
ponents, i.e., by the addition of rows and columns. 

2 - 50. Two-reaction Coordinates. (A Digression from the Tensor 
Theory to Direct and Quadrature Quantities Relative to Synchronous 
Machine Analysis.) The reason for the choice of direct and quadrature 
coordinates is evident from their application to a salient-pole synchro- 
nous machine. Various m.m.f.'s of armature and exciting windings of a 
machine can be combined vectorially only in case they act upon the 
same magnetic circuits. It is obvious (Fig. 2-190) that the magnetic 
circuit formed by armature phase A and by the rotor when it is in posi- 


tion 6 = is much different from that formed by the same circuit and 
by the rotor when it is in position = ir/2. For vectorial addition 
(and for other reasons) it is advantageous to choose a reference axis 
pointing from the center of the rotor along the central line of a field 
pole. This is called the direct axis d. At right angles (90 electrical 
degrees) ahead of the direct axis is the quadrature axis q. In the holo- 
nomic approach to synchronous machine theory these axes are moving 
axes, they being attached or fixed to the field or moving rotor. Of 
course, due to symmetry existing in all machines it is sufficient to con- 
sider the machine to be a two-pole machine. The armature windings of 

phase B 




A j 

a i 






"7 c 


i ] 
i i 


' S 



"? 1 





FIG. 2-181. Direct and Quadrature Quantities. 

a three-phase winding arc represented in Fig. 2-181a. Denote the 
three-phase currents and the three-phase voltages of the machine by 
iaj ib, i c and e at e^ e c respectively. Denote the magnetic linkages (self- 
and mutual) in phases A , B, and C by \l/ H , \l/ b , and &.. The nine variables 
i*, ibt i c , a, e& e c , $a, ^61 ^ c arc not fictitious quantities, but actual 
physical quantities existing in the machine. However, for the reason 
already stated and for greater mathematical simplicity, which is a 
consequence of the previous reason, it is convenient to employ nine new 

id* tfa fa direct-axis current, voltage, linkage 

* *fl $q quadrature-axis current, voltage, linkage 
io eo, ^o zero-axis current, voltage, linkage. 

These nine new variables are defined in terms of the old by the equa- 

id = f [ia cos <f> + i h cos (? - 120) + i c cos (y> + 120)]. 

*' - - |[H sin ? + i b sin (*> - 120) + i c sin (^ + 120)]. [77] 


*0 = Ilia + ib +*"e]. 

e d = [>a cos <p + e b cos (<p - 120) + e c cos (<p + 120)]. 

* = - f lea sin p + * 6 sin (p - 120) + e c sin (*> + 120)]. [78] 

*o = -3-fo + e b + e c ]. 

td = f [*. cos *> + *& cos (? - 120) + f cos (> + 120)]. 

* = ~ f I>a s^ ^ + ^ 6 sin (? - 120) + f . sin fo + 120)]. [79] 

The values ^, ^ in Eqs. (77, 78, 79) need not concern us here. 

Equations (77) can be solved for i a , ib, i c in terms of i^ i q , to. Like- 
wise Eqs. (78) and (79) can be solved respectively for e at e^ e c and 

^a, tb, tc> 

The performance of the machine can be described by means of a 
system n of differential equations some of whose dependent variables 
are id, i q , ea, e qj eo, io. When these differential equations can be solved 
for the direct-, quadrature-, and zero-axis quantities, then the actual 
physical quantities, phase voltages, currents, and linkages, are imme- 
diately obtained from the inverses of Eqs. (77, 78, 79). 

In general, the direct and quadrature quantities are not actual 
physical quantities. Yet under certain modes of operation and in ma- 
chines of certain design they may be physical quantities. For example, 
if the only winding in the field of a synchronous machine is the main 
field winding then Id = 1, the field current of the machine. 

2-51. (Tensor Theory Resumed) Equations of a Moving Winding. 
Let an instantaneous voltage e be impressed on a closed winding moving 
with instantaneous velocity pB in a magnetic field which is produced by 
an outside current flowing in a stationary winding. At time / all cur- 
rents vary and the moving winding is accelerated. 

It is desired to obtain a differential equation relating to the physical 
phenomena present in the moving winding. It is necessary to select 
a space- time reference frame in order to specify the quantities which 
are to be measured. In the reference frame chosen the observer (meas- 
urer) is electrically stationary relative to the moving coil. If a volt- 
meter is connected to a moving coil through slip-rings RI and R% then 

17 R. H. Park, "Definition of an Ideal Synchronous Machine and Formula for the 
Armature Flux Linkages," General Electric Review, 31 (1928); R. H. Park, "Two- 
Reaction Theory of Synchronous Machines, Part I, Generalized Method of Analysis," 
Trans. A.I.E.E.,4& (1929); B. R. Prentice, "Fundamental Concepts of Synchronous 
Machine Reactances," Trans. A.I.E.E., 56 (1937); P. L. Alger, "Calculation of 
Armature Reactances of Synchronous Machines," Trans. A.I.E.E., 47 (1928). 


the observer reading the meter is electrically stationary relative to the 
winding or moving coil. 

Consider the difference of potential measured between two points 
PI and P 2 fixed in space and such that PI and P% are in contact with R\ 
and R 2 respectively. At any instant four voltages are measurable be- 
tween PI and P 2 - These are the (a) impressed voltage e, (b) resistance 


drop Ri, (c) voltage , induced in the winding due to change of flux 

linkages ^>, (d) voltage ^ p0, generated by the moving winding, as if all 
currents were steady and the winding moving with velocity pO. 

The differential equation expressing the relation between these four 
voltages is 

e = Ri + + (pff)t. [80] 


Equation (80) is the equation of voltage of a moving winding. If Eq. 
(80) is multiplied by i, the resulting equation 

ei = Ri? + ^i + (peWi [81] 


is the equation of power flow, where, 

d<p . ... 

ei = instantaneous power input, i = rate of increase of 


stored magnetic energy, 

Ri 2 = power heat loss, (pff)^ i = mechanical power output 
(torque X velocity). 

The torque upon the coil is i\l/. 

By the first generalization postulate 2-27 it has been shown that 
the equation of performance, Z -i = e, of a network of n meshes can be 
obtained as a generalization of the equation of performance, Zi = e, of a 
single mesh. In an analogous manner, the method of procedure is to 
modify Eqs. (80-81) (equations of voltage and power flow) for a moving 
winding so that these equations become the equation of voltage and 
equation of power-flow of a rotating machine. The final equations, 
which will be developed in 2 52-2 56, for the performance of the 
first primitive machine are 

e = R-i + ^ + />0 (Equation of voltage) [82] 


e - R-i + Lp-l + p6G-i - (R + Lp + pOG)-i 

(Equation of voltage) [83] 


i-e = i-R-i + i-Lp-i + pOi-G-i (Equation of power) [84] 

/ = i . * = i . G i (Equation of torque) , [85] 

or in index notation 

= Rnn? + L mn ^ + pe 9 m [86] 

^ =***" + L mn + pe G mn *, [87] 

t-V, [88] 


The tensors to be developed for the primitive machine are: e, R, i, 
*, , L, and G or in index notation e m , R mn , A <? m , tm, L mn , and G mn . 
The constructions of these tensors are based on Kron's physical con- 
cepts and pictures explained in 2-52-2-56, although they can be 
derived from purely dynamical considerations. 

2-52. Replacement of Rotor (Armature) by Two Sets of Coils at 
Right Angles. A stationary reference axis on a rotor winding can be 
replaced by a set of stationary brushes, which may be real or fictitious. 
The line joining the brushes (Fig. 2 19c) is a brush axis. Since the cur- 
rent flows in through one brush and out through the other the current 
flows in only one direction AB on one side of the brush axis and in 
the opposite direction CD on the other side of the same axis (Figs. 
2-19a, a'). Evidently, the flux produced by the q axis current extends 
in the direction of the q axis. Thus a set of brushes and consequently 
a set of reference axes may be considered as a coil (Fig. 2 19&). Figure 
2- 19c represents the brush axis. Since each rotor layer has both a d 
and q axis the two reference axes are replaced by two sets of 
brushes and these in turn by two coils at right angles. (Figs. 2 19a', 
&', c'.) 

A final diagram of a primitive machine having two layers of wind- 
ings on both the stator and rotor is represented in Fig. 2-186. A four- 
layer primitive machine thus consists of four sets of coils. The first two 
sets belong to the stator and these two sets are arranged at right angles 
as shown in the figure. As many coils exist in each set as there are 
separate layers of winding on the stator. The stator coils are stationary 
in space. The second two sets of coils belong to the rotor and they also 
are arranged at right angles shown in the figure. As many coils be- 


long to each rotor set as there are layers of windings on the rotor. The 
rotor windings have instantaneous velocity pO relative to the stator coils. 
It may be pointed out that although the physical windings of the rotor 
have velocity relative to the stator the rotor reference axes remain 
fixed in space since it is evident from Figs. 2 19a, a! that the flux of the 
rotor remains constant in direction. Again it is stated that the brushes 
may be real or they may be fictitious, depending upon the derived ma- 
chine. There may be no brushes on the derived machine. The con- 
cept of a brush merely furnishes a reference axis. 




(a') < 6 '> (c') 

FIG. 2 19. Representations of a Rotor Axis and a Rotor Winding. 

2 53. Current, Voltage, Resistance, and Inductance Tensors of the 
First Primitive Machine. In the theory of stationary networks (Sec. 4) 
there was only one current and it possessed n components. In the 
primitive rotating machine there is only one current and it possesses 
2m + 2n components, where m is the number of layers of winding on 
the stator and n is the number of layers of windings on the rotor. For 
simplicity in writing tensors it is assumed in 2-53-2-58 that m = 
n = 1. 

The generalized current is the contravariant vector 


i dr 

i gr 



The generalized voltage is the covariant vector 
e a = e = e ds d 8 + e<i r d r 

d s d r q r 


e,i a 


e qr 

e qa 


whose four components are the terminal voltages of the machine, some 
of which may be /cro. 

The resistance and inductance tensors representing respectively the 
resistances and the self- and mutual inductances of the four windings 

a d r q r 

8 d r q r q. 

d r 


r r 

r r 

r q * 



L d 

M d 

M d 

L dr 

L v 

M q 

M q 

L q . 


The resistance drop is R-i. Each rotor winding is symmetrical and 
consequently r& r = r qr = r r for each rotor layer. 

2-54. Induced Voltages; Flux Linkage Vector $. The linkage 
vector $ is given by the equation 

d, d r q r q 






+ 0, 
+ 0, 




+ i*>L g .. 

The component $d is the numerical value of the linkages in the d a 
axis due to currents in all axes except those at right angles to d*. The 
unit vectors in the column at the left of L indicate the axis in which the 


linkages are taken. Of the four components of $ two are linkages in 
the stator and two are linkages in the rotor axe3. Consequently * can 
be written 

* = L-i = L,-i + L r -i, [96] 

* = L-i= (L. + L r )-i, [97] 

d, d r q r q, d d r q r q. 


L r = 


The construction of the tensors for the first three terms of each of 
Eqs. (82-84) or (86-88) are now complete. It remains only to obtain 
the tensors for the last term of these equations. 

2-55. Generated Voltages; Rotor Flux-Density Vector . The 
vector represents the resultant (due to all currents of the machine) 
flux density cut by the rotor conductors. In 2 -54 the linkage vector 
represents the resultant flux linkages of all windings of the machine. 

First it is desired to derive relations between and $ r . In this 
derivation, by means of physical concepts, it is assumed that the flux- 
density waves are sinusoidally distributed around the circumference in 
each rotor layer. In order to specify vector directions it is assumed 
that: (a) the primitive machine is a motor; (#) the rotor rotates clock- 
wise ; (c) negative values of the induced and generated voltages appear 
in Eqs. (82-85). Suppose (Fig. 2-20a) that the rotor is stationary and 
that the resultant flux due to all windings alternates in time. Consider 
first the direction of % in a single layer winding of the winding of the rotor. 
Now a two-pole sinusoidal wave in a winding can be represented by a 
vector drawn from the axis of the rotor to the positive maximum value 
of the wave. The maximum induced voltage results in coil AB since 
this loop links the maximum number of lines. Consequently, the vector 

OL (Fig. 2 20a) represents $. The directions of $ and are the same. 


The direction of in a single layer winding of the rotor is next con- 
sidered. Suppose that the rotor moves at speed pQ and that the flux 
is stationary and constant in time. The maximum voltage is generated 
in the coil CD (Fig. 2-206). The vector OF represents . The indi- 



cated relations (Fig. 2 206) between the direction of and the direc- 
tion of the generated voltages in the rotor conductors arc correct be- 
cause the negative of the generated voltages are required for Eqs. 

It is evident (Figs. 2 20) that the vectors and $ r in a single layer 
winding are perpendicular. Moreover, their magnitudes are equal. 
From these two relations W is obtainable from $ r . It is evident from 
Figs. (2 20) that to obtain from r it is necessary only to replace the 

(a) (6) 

FIG. 2-20. Direction of Waves Inside Machine. 

(a) Direction of * and d&/dt. 

(b) Direction of and V pO. 

q axis of $ r by d and the d axis of $ r by q. For comparison, in a 
single layer, 

$ r = (i d *M d + i dr L dr )d r + (i qr L qr + i qa M q ^ rj [100] 

* = (i**M d + i dr L dr )(-q) + (i*L qr + i*M q )d. [101] 

The orthogonality of $ r and ^ is verified by $ r -^ = 0. 

2-56. Torque Tensor. The vector $ is expressible as the product 
L-i. It is desirable to express ^ as a similar product. Accordingly, 
define G, the torque tensor, by the relation 

d d r q r q 


L qr 

M q 

-M d 

-L dr 



The above tensor represents the mutual inductances between windings 
on axis d and those on axis q due to the existence of rotation. The 
extension (scarcely a generalization) of this definition to a machine 
with any number of layers is obvious. (See Ex. 2, problem set XII.) 
From Eq. (101) it is clear that 



In the general case, when the flux-density wave is not sinusoidal in 
space, the components of G differ from those of L. The derivation of 
Eqs. (82-85) or (86-89) is thus concluded. 

2-57. Transient Impedance Tensor. Equation (83) has been 

e = (R + Lp + pOG)-L [104] 

Denote R + Lp + p6G by Z. The matrix Z is called the transient 
impedance tensor of the first primitive machine. It is of central im- 
portance in the sections which follow. For a two-layer machine it is 

d r 


d r 

Z = 

'da + L da p 

M d p 

M d p 

r r + L dr p 

L gr pe 



-L drP 

r r + L vr p 

M q p 

M q p 

r <l* + L <l>p 


2 S8. Direction of Rotation. Since only the relative rotation of the 
stator and rotor members determine the equation of voltage, all the 

above tensors are valid without any 
change if the salient pole rotates 
in the opposite direction and the 
smooth member is stationary, as 
shown in Fig. 2*201. The reference 
frames now rotate together with the 
salient poles, as in a synchronous 
machine. Instead of stator and rotor 
subscripts s and r the members may 

be called field and armature (subscripts /and a). When the direction 
of rotation of the armature or field changes, then pB in Z changes sign. 
Otherwise all tensors remain the same. 

FIG. 2-201. Direction of Rotation. 



2-59. Zero-phase-sequence Quantities. When there are zero- 
phase currents i* and i n in both stator and rotor windings, as in case 
of unbalanced three-phase machines, two additional rows and columns 
exist in Z, also in R, L, and G. 

Z = 

d r 


O r 





M d p 

M d p 

r r +LdrP 

L qr pe 

M q pB 

-M d pe 

-L dr pO 

r r +L qr p 

M q p 

M q p 

r qa +L qa p 

r 8 o+L*oP 

r ro +L ro p 


1. The notation in Eqs. (90-93) is easily extended to machines having any number 
of windings on both rotor and stator. For m = n = 2 the unit vectors are d,2 f di, 
dri, dr2, q/2t 4ri> qi q2- Write out in detail the tensors e, i, R, L, L r , L for a machine 
for which m = n = 2. See Ex. 2 for G. 

2. For m = w = 2 write out the equations corresponding to Eqs. (94-95). For 
m = n = 2, obtain 

G = 

d r2 





M qn 


L q * 

M qr 





-M dr 

-L dr2 

-M d i2 

-M d n 

-L dr i 

-M dr 



Derived Machines with Stationary Reference Axes 
(Constant Rotor Speed) 

The equations of performance of most derived rotating machines 
running at constant rotor speed can be set up using stationary reference 
axes. Exceptions are pointed out in Sec. 9. The equations of per- 
formance and their solution for a few derived machines are given in this 

2 60. Equations of Performance of Derived Machines. In 2 36 
the method of obtaining, from the primitive network, the equations of 
performance of any derived mesh network was explained. It consisted 
in obtaining necessary relations between n old and s new currents or 
between m primitive and 5 derived currents. From these relations the 
C-transformation tensor was written down. 

The procedure in obtaining, from the primitive machine with sta- 
tionary reference axes, the equations of performance of a derived 
machine with stationary reference axes is similar. It is necessary to 
obtain relations between the m + n old currents of the primitive ma- 
chine and s = m' + n' new currents of the derived machine. From 
these relations the C transformation is obtained. Definite rules for the 
procedure are given in 2-62. 

The tensors of the primitive machine with stationary reference 
axes and constant rotor speed are i, e, R, L, G, and Z. The correspond- 
ing tensors for the derived machines will be denoted by i', e 7 , R', I/, G', 
and Z'. By means of the second generalization postulate 228 it 
easily follows that 

i = C-i', e' = C r e, R' = C r R C, L' = C r L-C, 

G' = C r G-C, Z' = C r Z-C. 

The currents are found by i' = Z^-e'; the torque by/' = i'-G'-i'. 

Before stating general rules 2-62 for the determination of C for 
derived machines the equations of performance of the repulsion motor 
will be derived in detail. 

2-61. Introductory Example ; Single-phase Repulsion Motor. Both 
the derivation and solution (for stationary axes) of the equation of per- 
formance are routine processes. Moreover, these routine processes are 
the same for all derived machines with stationary reference axes. The 
analyses of types of machines which differ as much among themselves 
as a compound direct-current motor, an alternator, a double squirrel- 



Repulsion Motor. 

cage induction motor, or a repulsion motor is substantially one analy- 
sis. For this reason a general idea of the routine process of obtaining 
and solving the equations of performance of derived machines can be 
obtained by the application of the tensor theory to a specific example. 
We shall employ a single-phase repulsion motor. 

It may be stated to the mathematics student that a single-phase 
repulsion motor is one of the simplest alternating-current motors. The 
field or stator winding consists of a single layer which is supplied 
by single phase alternating-current 
voltage. The rotor winding is also a 
single layer winding. It is a corn- 
mutated drum-armature winding 
similar to that of a direct-current 
motor. In Fig. 2-21a, CD' repre- 
sents the plane of the stator coil; CD 
is the line of the brush axis inclined 
at an angle to CD'. The brushes at C 
and-Dare externally short-circuited. 
That a torque is exerted on the rotor for < a. < 90 can be seen as 
follows. If a = so that the brush axis is in line with the field poles, 
then currents are induced in the coil C'eD'. The torques exerted in 
both directions of possible rotation are numerically equal but oppo- 
sitely directed and the resultant torque is zero. If a = 90 no currents 
are induced in C'eD". Finally, if a has any intermediate value be- 
tween and 90 then the planes of the stator and short-circuited rotor 
coil intersect in the rotor axis. A force of repulsion acting in the 
direction of the displacement exists between the two coils. This is in 
accordance with the experimental fact that conductors carrying cur- 
rents in opposite directions repel each other. This repulsion furnishes 
the operating torque. 

(a) The C transformation. To obtain C for the repulsion motor it is 
necessary only to compare the windings described above (Fig. 2-216) 
with the windings of the first primitive machine (Fig. 2-186). Evi- 
dently, the relations between the primitive currents i and the derived 
currents i' are (from Fig. 2-216) 

- i d> + 0- 


0- * + (cos a) * whence C - d r 

+ (sin a) t 



cos a 

sin a 



(6) Primitive and derived tensors. By comparison of the winding 
layers of the derived machine (Fig. 2-216) with those of the primitive 
machine (Fig. 2-186) the Z transient matrix (Eq. 105) is found to be 



d r 


r, + L d ,p 

M d p 

M d p 

r r + LdrP 


-M d pO 

-L dr pO 

r r +L gr p 





r r +L r p 

L r pO 


-L r pB 

r r +L r p 


The equality sign in (108) is justified by the fact that the machine has a 
smooth air gap resulting in L dr = L qr = L T . 

The transient impedance matrix of the derived machine is 


Z' = C-Z-C 


r, + L.p 

M (cos a)p 

M[(cos a)p (sin ct)p8] 

r r + L r p 


The induced metric tensor of the derived machine is 

d. a 


If - C t L-C 



M cos a 

M cos a 

L r 


The voltage vector of the primitive machine is 

d d r q r 

e - 


The voltage vector of the derived machine is 

d, a 
e 7 = CfQ = 



The admittance matrix of the derived machine is 

d. a 


(r r + L T p)\/D 



- Jl/[(cos a)p - (sin a)pe]l/D 

(r, + L t p)l/D 


D = (L 8 L r - M 2 cos 2 a)p 2 + (r r L 8 + r 8 L r + M 2 sin a cos a pff)p + r r r 9 . 
(c) Equation of performance. The equation of performance is 

Z'-i' = e' or i' = Y'-e'. 
The symbolic solution of the last equation for i' is 


D = (L 8 L r - M 2 cos 2 a)p 2 + (r r L 8 + r 8 L r + M 2 sin a cos a pO)p + r r r 8 . 

(d) Transient current solution. Equation (114) is the symbolic cur- 
rent solution under all conditions. The transient solution due to 
suddenly impressed constant voltage can be obtained by the Heaviside 
operational calculus as if the network were a stationary linear network. 
This startling fact is true not only for the repulsion motor, but for all 
rotating machines with stationary reference axes and constant rotor speed. 

Under constant rotor speed pQ = vu where w is constant synchro- 
nous speed and v is a proper fraction. To obtain the transient currents 
replace, in Eq. (114), ea by lea where i is the Heaviside unit function, 
and substitute the symbolic expression for the current in the Bromwich 
line integral. 18 The substitution yields 

' - ! H C gX ' JX -u *L C 

1 " 2* bo d Vo (X + a) 2 + f + A) *Vo X 

X[(X+ a) 2 + ft 2 ] 

where A, B, C, E, D , a, and ft are constants. 

(e) Steady-state current solution. The steady-state solution for 
terminal voltage (e sin o>0d a is obtained as in the case of linear sta- 
tionary networks. 

18 Volume I, p. 262. 


As a general procedure convenient for all rotating machines it is 
systematic to write the steady-state equation of performance for the 
machine in question. This equation is Z 8 -i a = e where Z 8 is the 
steady-state impedance tensor of the derived machine obtained from 
Z by the substitution p = jw, pB = z>, coZ, = X, and wM = X m . The 
impedance matrix Z' s for the repulsion motor is 


jX m cos a 

X m (j cos a 

v sin a) 

r r + jX r 


The steady-state admittance Y ( of the repulsion motor is 

d. a 



(r r +jX r )l/D. 

-jX m cosal/D 8 

^Y m (sin a v j cos a)\/D 8 

(r a +jX 8 )l/D 8 


D 8 = (r r r t + X 2 m cos 2 a - X 8 X r ) + j(r r X s + r 8 X r + vX* m sin a cos a). 
The steady-state currents are 

" __ v' / " Ov+.7^r)d . * v (sin av j cos a)a ri101 
i a i a 'C = tf r A m [lloj 

(/) Transient and steady-state currents. If the suddenly impressed 
voltage is (ej sin w/)d, then both the transient and steady-state currents 
are obtainable by the substitution of the results of Eq. (115) in Du- 
hamel's superposition formula. 19 

(g) Transient torque. The torque tensor G' for the derived ma- 
chine is 

G' = Ci-G-C. [119] 

The transient torque ft is given by 

ft = i'-G'-i ; 
where the instantaneous current i' is given in Eq. (115). 


19 E. J. Berg, Heaviside's Operational Calculus, p. 67; V. Bush, Operational Circuit 
Analysis , p. 56. 


The torque tensor for the repulsion motor is 


G' = CrO-C = 

M sin 



(A) Transient and steady-state torque. The total torque is given by 
/,. = i'-G'-i' [122] 

where i' is the current of heading (/) above. The result will contain 
(1) transient torque, (2) steady part of the steady-state torque, (3) 
oscillating component of steady-state torque. Important torque cal- 
culations are, however, more easily carried out as shown in headings 
(i) and (j) following. 

(*) Steady part of steady-state torque. The steady part of the 
steady-state torque is given by taking the real part of 

/. p -i'*-G'-i' [123] 

where i'* is the complex conjugate of i'as given in Eq. (118). The quan- 
tity fsp for the repulsion motor is 

X m (sin a v + j cos a) . e(r r + jX r ) 
fsp = e ^r* ( X m sin a) 

When the torque is computed in synchronous watts the torque tensor 
is to be multiplied by co. The co has already been multiplied into G' in 
the expression above since coM has been replaced by X m . The real 
part of f ap is easily written out. 

(j) Oscillating component of steady-state torque. The oscillating 
component of the steady-state torque is the non-transient and non- 
steady part of the torque in heading (h). 


1. The winding diagram of a single-phase induction 
motor is shown in Fig. 2-22. It will be shown in 2-62 on 
the C tensor that the C tensor for a single-phase induction 
motor with stationary reference axes is 

d, d, q r 

C = d r 





FIG. 2-22. Single-phase 
Induction Motor. 


Compare the windings indicated in Fig. 2 22 with those of the primitive machine 
in Fig. 2*186 and by inspection fill in the transient impedance matrix, Eq. (105). 
Compute Z' = C r Z-C. Carry out headings (b) and (c) of 2-61 and obtain the 
equation of performance corresponding to Eq. (114). 

2. The winding diagram of a compound direct-current motor is shown in Fig. 2 23. 
As shown later the C-transformation tensor (or 
transformation matrix which is one manifestation 
of the transformation tensor) is 






FIG. 2-23. Compound Direct- Compare the windings indicated in Fig. 2 23 with 

current Motor. those of the primitive machine of Fig. 2 18& and by 

inspection fill in the transient impedance matrix, 

Eq. (105). Compute Z' = CrZ-C. Carry out headings (b) and (c) of 2-61 and 
obtain the equation of performance corresponding to Eq. (114). 

2 62. The C-Transformation Tensor for Machines with Stationary 
Reference Axes. The construction of the C-transformation matrix 
(one manifestation of the C tensor) can be broken up into three steps. 

(a) Winding diagram. The first step is a sketch of the winding 
diagram of the derived machine in question. Such a diagram for a 
single-phase induction motor occurs in Fig. 2-22. The diagram must 
show the (1) number of layers of windings on the stator and their rela- 
tive positions, (2) number of layers of windings on the rotor and their 
relative positions, (3) electrical connections between the different rotor 
windings and between the rotor and stator windings, (4) physical or 
fictitious brushes. (See 2-52.) 

(b) Comparison of winding diagrams. The second step is a com- 
parison of the winding diagram of the particular derived machine with 
the winding diagram of the primitive machine shown in Fig. 2-186. 
The currents of the primitive machine are denoted by unprimed letters, 
i d * 2 , i dal , i drl , i dr2 , etc. The currents (really components of the current 
vector) of the derived machine are denoted by primed letters, i', i 6 ', i c ' , 
etc. (See Eq. 107.) 

(c) Current relations: equations. The third step consists in express- 
ing the old or primitive currents in terms of the new or derived currents 


of the derived machine. In general, the number of derived currents is 
smaller than the number of primitive currents. The primitive currents 
are written on the left-hand side of the equal signs; the derived cur- 
rents on the right. The C matrix is the matrix of the coefficients of the 
derived currents. (See Eq. 107 and the C matrix for the single-phase 
repulsion motor.) In writing the current equations four important 
principles are employed. 

(1) If a winding of the derived machine is in the same position as in 
the primitive machine, then i d = i d ' (see Fig. 2-22 and the C matrix). 
Let the magnetomotive force of some winding whose current is, say i d ', 
be taken as standard. If the number of turns in the winding i d is n 
times that of i d ', then i d = n i d ' . (See Fig. 2-23 and the adjacent C 

(2) If two windings are connected in series their currents are re- 
placed by one current and the number of columns in C diminishes. 
The second half of principle (1) may necessarily be employed. (See 
Fig. 2-23.) 

(3) If a set of brushes on a rotor winding is shifted through an angle 
a the winding in the brush axis can be considered to lie on the original 
layer of winding before the shift took place. This is because the rotor 
windings are symmetrically distributed. If i f ' is the current in the 
brush axis the relations between i f ' and the primitive currents i dr and 
i qr are 

dr = /' 

i r = i fl sin a. 

If there are two sets of brushes and the first is shifted through the angle 
a, the second through the angle 0, then the relations between the primi- 
tive and derived rotor currents are 

i dr = if cos a i g ' sin j8 

For examples of single and double sets of brushes, see Eq. (106) and the 
C matrix belonging to Fig. 2-27 respectively. 

(4) If a winding on the stator is shifted through an angle a then it 
is assumed in the analysis that it lies on a different layer from the other 
stator windings. (See Fig. 2 26 and the C matrix.) 

The four principles above pertain to the machines with stationary 
reference axes. Additional principles for machines with moving refer- 
ence axes are given in Sees. 8-9. 


FIG. 2-231. 

Sign Conventions. 

2-63. Performance Calculations for Machines with Stationary 
Axes. In 2-61 are the performance calculations of the single-phase 
repulsion motor. They consist of the ten steps (a), (6), , 0) of 

The performance calculations for each type of derived machine, 
possessing stationary reference axes and constant rotor speed, are 
identical; only the tensors and the C-transformation matrix differ. 
Most machines can be analyzed by means of stationary reference axes 
under the conditions given in the last sentence. (See Sec. 8 for moving 
axes.) The equation of performance is linear with constant coefficients 
and can be solved in terms of time functions either by means of the 
Heaviside operational calculus or by the principles of 1 - 26-1 29. 
These two characteristics of only a very small part of Kron's analysis of 

rotating electrical machinery are alone 
sufficient to rank it as an important 

2-64. Sign Conventions and Ma- 
chine Constants. In analyzing the syn- 
chronous generator, Park assumed a 
sign convention which differs from 
that used here. In this chapter the sign 

conventions are the same as those used by induction motor engineers 
and which also follow, from the dynamical equations of Lagrange. 
Park's sign convention differs in two respects: (a) Assuming that the 
salient pole of the primitive machine rotates (2-50) and the armature 
is stationary, in this chapter the salient pole rotates from d to q 
though with Park it rotates from d to q. Hence, to check Park's 
results all pO of the present chapter should be replaced by pQ. (V) 
In this chapter every term in the equation of voltage represents an 
impressed voltage, although Park uses generated voltages which are 
the negative of the impressed voltages. 

(Kron) e imp = Z-i, (Park) e gen = -Z-i, 
i.e., assuming zero speed for a single coil 

(Kron) e lmp - Ri + L j , (Park) e gen - - - L % 
at at 

The convention of Park differs also from that universally used in sta- 
tionary network analysis. 



In addition to sign conventions, Park also differs in symbolism from 
that of this chapter in two respects: (a) Park uses a per unit system, 
hence among others he denotes inductances L by X (since numerically 
a reactance is equal to an inductance in the per unit system). (6) 
Park assumes the field winding and the amortisseur winding to be 
permanently short-circuited, so that the remaining equations contain 
short-circuited inductances X(p) instead of open-circuited induc- 

Of course, by eliminating the variables of the same two windings by 
the method of problem 3, problem set XVII, the equations of this chap- 
ter are reducible to Park's results. 


The following exercises pertain to machines 
having stationary reference axes and constant 
rotor speed. 

1. Show that the winding diagram for the 
salient-pole synchronous machine is that shown 
in Fig. 2-24. Show that 

d*2 di d r q r Q 







FIG. 2-24. Salient-pole Synchro- 
nous Machine. 

2. Show that in a synchronous motor running at synchronous speed and under 
balanced conditions the applied voltages are all constant. 

3. Obtain the equation of performance (Eq. 114) for the synchronous machine of 

4. Obtain, from the equation of performance, the symbolic solution for i dr and 
t* r in Ex. 1. 

5. Express i dr and i qr in Ex. 4 as functions of the time by Heaviside's operational 

6. Compute G' = Cr G C for the salient-pole synchronous machine. 

7. Compute the steady-state torque of the salient-pole synchronous machine. 
Obtain expressions for the transient torque, under three-phase short-circuit, of a 
synchronous machine. Compare with R. E. Doherty and C. A. Nickle, "Three-Phase 
Short-Circuit of Synchronous Machines/' Trans. A.I.E.E., 49, April, 1930. 


8. Show that the winding diagram for the double squirrel-cage induction motor is 
that shown in Fig. 2-25. Show that 

d d r i dr2 Qr2 Qrl Q 








FIG. 2*25. Double Squirrel-cage Induction Motor. 

9. Show that for the double squirrel-cage induction motor running in steady-state 
operation all applied voltages are sinusoidal. 

10. Obtain the equation of performance (Eq. 114) for the double squirrel-cage 

11. Solve Exs. 7, 8, 9 for the asymmetrical squirrel-cage induction motor. 

12. Obtain the symbolic solution for i dr and i qr of the asymmetrical induction 

13. By means of the Heaviside operational calculus solve for i dr and i qr in Ex. 12. 
The applied voltages are sinusoidal. 

14. Solve for steady-state i dr and i qr in Ex. 12. The applied voltages are sinus- 

15. Obtain the torque tensor for the asymmetrical induction motor. 

16. Compute the steady-state torque of the machine in Ex. 11. 

17. Obtain the symbolic solution for i f and i da * for the machine of Ex. 2, problem 
set XIII. 



18. Obtain by means of the Heaviside operational calculus transient i f and t d *a. 
19 Show that the winding diagram for a shaded-pole motor is that shown in 
Fig. 2-26. Show that 

C = 





cos a 



sin a 

FIG. 2 26. Shaded-pole Motor. 

20. Show that the winding diagram for the shunt polyphase commutator motor 
is that shown in Fig. 2-27. Show that 

FIG. 2-27. Shunt-poly- 
phase Commutator 

d r 



cos a 

sin a 

sin a 

cos a 



1 . Derive the equations of performance of the single-phase induction motor. 

2. Sketch the winding diagram and obtain the C matrix for the Schrage motor. 
Engineering reference for description of winding layers of the machine, A. S. Langs- 
dorf, Theory of Alternating- Current Machinery, p. 752. 

3. Sketch the winding diagram and obtain the C matrix for the Deri motor. 

4. Sketch the winding diagram and obtain the C matrix for the phase advancer. 

5. Sketch the winding diagram and obtain the C matrix for a frequency converter. 


Primitive Machine with Rotating Reference Axes 

In this section the equations of performance of machines with rotat- 
ing rotor axes are derived. Rotating reference axes are necessary for 
machines possessing only one slip-ring (such as a single-phase alterna- 
tor) and for machines possessing slip-rings across which the load is 
unbalanced (for example, the single-phase short circuit of an alternator 


FIG. 2-28. Rotor Reference Axes FIG. 2-29. Rotor Reference Axes Ro- 
Rotating at Same Instantaneous tat ing at Instantaneous Velocity Dif- 
Velocity as the Rotor. ferent from that of the Rotor. 

and for balanced polyphase machines where axes may be assumed ro- 
tating with the revolving field, thereby reducing the analysis to that 
of a direct-current machine (important in hunting studies). For these 
cases stationary reference axes on the rotor cannot be employed. 

2-65. Second Primitive Machine. The second primitive machine 
can be described by contrast and comparison with the first primitive 

In the first primitive machine all reference axes are stationary in 
space. In the second primitive machine the stator reference axes are 
stationary axes, but the reference axes on the rotor move with the rotor 
conductors. (See Fig. 2 28.) 

The components of the metric tensor L for the first primitive ma- 
chine are constants. The components of the metric tensor for the 
second primitive machine are functions of rotor position, i.e., of the 
time. (For example, see Eq. 126.) 

Items (a), (6), (c), (d), (e), and (h) of 2-49 are identical for both 


2-66. Starting Points in Deriving the Voltage Equation of the 
Second Primitive Machine. The voltage equation of the second primi- 
tive machine can be derived in at least three different ways. These are 
characterized by the starting points or fundamental underlying equa- 
tions. The underlying equations are: (a) holonomic equations of La- 
grange, (b) Maxwell's voltage and torque equations, (c) equations of 
the non-holonomic machine, 2-53. Although only the last method is 
employed in this chapter, it is instructive to sketch briefly the first two 

(a) Lagrange's equations. (See Sec. 3, Chap. I.) The holonomic 
equations of Lagrange can be used as a starting point for the equations 
of the second primitive machine if the rotor reference axes move with 
the rotor conductors. The instantaneous stored kinetic energy, the 
dissipation function, and the potential energy are respectively T = 
1/2 L mn t n i n , F = 1/2 R mn ?"i n , and zero. Let x k denote the total num- 
ber of charges that have passed through any winding and the angle 
described by the rotor during some definite time interval. Then 
dx k /dt = i k . The voltages applied to any winding and the instantane- 
ous applied shaft torque arc denoted by e k . By substitution in the 

<B\a*V 3** 3**~ 

and the performance of certain simplifications, the equation of motion 
of the second primitive machine is 

e k = R mk i m + L mk + [mn, k]^i n [124] 

where [mn, k] = - (-~ + -^ - ~^)' The geometric object of 

rank 3, [mn, k] is the holonomic Christoffel symbol of the first kind. 
The manipulations described above in obtaining Eq. (124) from 
Lagrange's equations are left as an exercise. 

Much analysis remains in constructing the forms of L mn and R mn 
adaptable to rotating electrical machines and in deriving C transfor- 
mations for winding connections. 

(6) Maxwell's voltage and torque equations. Maxwell's equation of 
voltage for a system of conductors is 

e = R-i + or e m = R mn i n + ~> [125] 


where * = L*i is the flux-linkage vector. When L as a function of 
angular position of the rotor and R are known, the voltage equation of a 
machine can be established. Its equation of torque is 

97;^!. 3L . 
1 36 2 1 'a0' 1 

As an example consider the two-phase salient-pole alternator. The 
components of the inductance tensor L are found by test by measuring 
the self- and mutual inductances of the field and armature as a function 
of the angular position of the rotor relative to the stator. For this 
machine L explicitly is 

d a b q, 




L d . 

Md cos 6 

Ala sin 6 

Aft cos 

LS + LD cos 26 

LD sin 26 

Mq sin 6 

Md sin 6 

Li)Sin 26 

LS - LU cos 26 

M q cos 6 

M q sin 6 

Afq COS 6 

L v , 


where L s = (L dr + L qr )/2 and L D = (L dr - L qr )/2. The tensor R 
has the same form as in the first primitive machine. 

It is possible to start with either of the equations of voltage (124) 
or (125) and to obtain Eq. (83) which is the equation of voltage of the 
first primitive machine. This is accomplished by changes of variables 
by means of quasi-holonomic relations between the currents of the 
second and the currents of the first primitive machine. 

Since Eq. (83) can be derived * from Eq. (124) or (125), it is rea- 
sonable to suppose that the equation of voltage for the second primitive 
machine can be obtained from Eq. (83). This supposition is correct. 
We shall follow this method in 2-67. 

2 67. Equation of Voltage of Machines with Axes Rotating at Any 
Speed. Let the reference axes on the stator or rotor of the first primi- 
tive machine (Fig. 2 29) be rotating with any instantaneous velocity 

" See Ex. 1, problem set XVI. 


pBi different from the instantaneous velocity of the rotor p0 2 . The 
equation of voltage for the first primitive machine is 

e = R-i + Lp-i + p0 2 G-i or e m - tf mn i n + L mn + p8 2 G n i n . [127] 


Let the currents of the new primitive machine be denoted by i' and let 
the relation between i and i' be given by i = C -i' where C is a function 
of 62 and where C is such that the power input i-e is invariant. The 
substitution of i = C-i' in Eq. (127) yields 

e = R C-i' + L-/>(C-i') + p0 2 G-C i' 

e = R-C-i' + L-~i' + L-C-^-' + p0 2 G-C-i'. 

at at 

The multiplication of the last equation by C t gives 

C r e - C r R-C-i' + C r L- -i' + C r L-C- 

O"l Ot (it 


e' = R'-i ; + L'-^-- + p0 2 G'-i' + pOi V'-i' [128] 



e' = C,-e 

R' = CrR-C 

L' = CrL-C [129] 

G' = CrG-C 

Equation (128) is the voltage equation for machines with axes rotating 
with a velocity different from that of the rotor. The matrix V is called 
the Christoffel object. 

To obtain the transformation formula for V, let Eq. (127) be written 

e - R-i + Lp-i + pd 2 G-i + ft l V-i 
where V = O. Making the substitution i = C !' in this equation, mul- 

tiplying through by C/ f and using Eqs. (129), we have 

e' - R'-i' + L'-pi' + p0 2 G'.i' + pe l crV-C + C r L- 


e' - R'-i' + !//>!' + />0 2 G'-i' + /^V'-i' [130] 


V'-CrV.C + CrL.|. [131] 


Equation (131) is the transformation formula for V. Evidently V is 
not a tensor. 

If pdi and p6 2 are constants, then Eq. (130) can be written 

e' = (R' + Up + pd 2 G' + p6 l V) -i' = Z'-i' 

Z' = R' + Up + p0 2 G' + pOi V. 

2-68. Equation of Voltage for the Second Primitive Machine (or 
for the Machine with Reference Axes Attached to the Rotor). If the 
reference axes rotate at the same velocity as the rotor then pdi = p0 2 
and Eq. (130) reduces to 

e' - R'-i' + L'p-i' + peTX'-i' [132] 

where N ; = G'+ V and the subscript of 6 has been deleted. Evidently, 
the transformation formula of N is the same as that of V. 

IT - CrN-C + CrL- - 


If p0 = a constant, then Eq. (132) can be written 

e' - Z'-i ; [133] 


Z' - (R' + L'p + p8W). 

SIS 3L' 

It can be proved that N 7 = ^ Since ^ p$ = pL' t Eq. (132) for 

90 90 

the second primitive machine reduces to 

e' = R-i f + p(L'-i'). [134] 


2 69. The Transformation Formula of Z' for Machines with Rotat- 
ing Axes. To find the transformation formula for Z we have 

Z' - R 7 + L'p + p0 2 G' + pe l V 

= (CrR-C + CfL-Cp + p0 2 CrG-C) 


= CfZ-C + C|-L -- pQ\ since V = for stationary axes. 

Since the transformation formula for Z is 

Z' = (c t 'Z'C + Crl'^ t*i) [135] 

\ D0i / 

evidently Z, for machines with rotating axes, is not a tensor. 
The torque tensor for machines with rotating reference axes is 

G' = CrG-C [136] 

and the torque is 

/' = i'-G'-i'. [137] 


1. Derive the voltage equation (Eq. 83) of the first primitive machine from 
Maxwell's equation 

e =R-i + p(L-i) 
where L is given by Eq. (126). ' 

Hint: Take the C transformation to be the inverse of the C given by Eq. (138). 
Replace i in Maxwell's equation by C-i' and carry out operations somewhat similar 
to those of Eq. (127-134). 

Derived Machines with Rotating Reference Axes 

The equations of performance of derived machines are obtained in 
much the same manner as explained in Sec. 7. 

2 70. The C Matrix for Rotating Axes. If slip-rings exist on the 
machine instead of brushes, the C matrix is the same as in 2-62, with 
the important difference that the constant angle must be replaced by the 
variable angle 0, where 6 defines the position of the rotor at time I. 
The steps in 2-62 apply in the order enumerated. 


2-71. Representative Example: Two-phase Synchronous Ma- 
chine. The winding diagram and the C matrix for the two-phase syn- 
chronous machine are respectively 

FIG. 2-30. Two-phase 
Synchronous Machine. 




sin 6 




The metric tensor L and the transient impedance matrix both of 
the first primitive machine are given by Eq. (93) and (105) respectively. 
(The subscripts in Kq. 93 may be omitted.) The transient impedance 
matrix for the two-phase synchronous machine with moving axes is com- 
puted by Eq. (135). (Subscripts on 6 will now be omitted.) The C ma- 
trix for the computations is given by Eq. (138). The computations yield 

d a a b q. 


r d , + L da p 

A/d(cos 6p 
sin BpB) 

A/d(sin Op 
+ cos OpO) 

A/ d (cos Op 
sin OpO) 

[r r +(L dr co$?0 
+L qr sm 2 0)p 
+ 2(L qr 

-L dr ) 

sin 6 cos BpB] 

(L qr - L dr ) 
[sin B cos Bp 
+ (cos 2 0- 
sin 2 0)pO] 

M q (sinOp 
+ cos OpO) 

M d (sin Op 
+ cos OpO) 

(L qr - L dr ) 
[sin B cos Op 
+ (cos 2 
- sin 2 B)p6] 

[r r +(L dr sm 2 
+L qr cos?0)p 
+ 2(L dr 

sin cos OpO] 

M q (cos Op 
sin OpO) 

M q (sin Bp 
+ cos OpO) 

M q (cos Op 
- sin OpO) 

r qa + L q ,p 



where p refers only to i. (See Ex. 1, problem set XVII for simplifica- 

The voltage vector e' is given by the first of Eqs. (129). 

The voltage equation is given by Eq. (133). 

The torque tensor G' is found by G' = <VG-C or by selecting all 
terms in Z' containing p6. 

The instantaneous torque / is given by 

/- i'-G'-i'. [140] 

2-72. Transient Current Solution. In general, the voltage equa- 
tions are linear differential equations with periodic coefficients. Such 
equations cannot be solved directly by the operational methods of 
Heaviside. Two cases obtain relative to the transient solution. 

(a) Rotating axes unessential. If in the derivation of the equation of 
voltage stationary axes could have been used instead of rotating axes, 
then by changes of variables or by Heaviside shifting formulas the dif- 
ferential equations can be reduced to forms to which Heaviside's 
methods are applicable. In this case it is preferable to derive ab initio 
the equations of performance employing stationary axes. 

(b) Rotating axes essential. If rotating axes are necessary in the 
derivation of the voltage equations, again two cases obtain relative to 
the transient solution. 

(1) A sufficiently accurate transient solution may be obtained by 
simplifying assumptions based on physical principles. One specific tool 
relative to such simplifying assumptions is the constant linkage the- 
orem. 21 An application of this theorem has been made to the set of 
differential equations defining (subject to certain assumptions) the 
transient currents of a single-phase short circuit of a synchronous gen- 
erator with moving reference axes. 22 

(2) For an accurate mathematical solution recourse may be had to 
the advanced methods for solving analytic differential equations in 
Chap. III. 

2-73. Steady-state Current Solution. With the exception of item 
(ft) (1), the statements of 2.72 are true relative to the steady-state 
current solution. 

For the steady-state current solution item (b) (1) should be replaced 
by the statement that it is possible under many practical conditions to 

R. E. Doherty, "A Simplified Method of Analyzing Short-Circuit Problems," 
Trans. A.I.E.E., 42, 849 (1923). 

" R. E. Doherty and C. A. Nickle, "Synchronous Machines IV; Single-Phase 
Phenomena in Three- Phase Machines/' Trans. A.I.E.E., 47, 457-492. 


derive the steady-state impedance matrix from the transient impedance 
matrix. For this derivation the reader is referred elsewhere. 28 


1. In the impedance matrix of Eq. (139) make the following obvious replace- 

Md cos $ pi by M<t(p cos i + sin $ pOi) t 

(cos pi sin pOi) by Mdp cos i 
and reduce Z' to the simpler form 

d. a b 

Td + Ldsp 

pMd cos 


pMd cos e 

r r + P(L a + L D cos 20) 

pLo sin 20 



pLo sin 20 

r r + />(s - D cos 20) 

pM q cos 

/> Jlfg sin 9 

pAfg cos 

r fl . + L q9 p 

where LS = (Ldr + L qr )/2, L/> = (Ldr L qr )/2, and p refers to both cos and *". 

2. Write the torque tensor for the two-phase synchronous machine. 

3. The winding diagram of the three-phase synchronous machine is shown in 
Figs. 2 -31 and 2 -32. 

The C matrix is 

df ft b c q 





cos(0 + 120) 

cos(0 - 120) 

sin(0 - 120) 

sin(0 + 120) 



M G. Kron, The Application of Tensors to the Analysis of Rotating Electrical 
Machinery, pp. 73-74. General Electric Review, 1938. 



The inductance tensor L is given by Eq. (93) where L is enlarged to eight rows 
and eight columns. The elements of L are constants. 

FIG. 2-31. Generalized Machine. 

FIG. 2-32. Three-phase 
Synchronous Machine. 

4. Compute I/ by means of the third equation of Eqs. (129). 

5. In L' of Ex. 4 make the substitutions 

Ldr cos 2 -f L qr sin 2 - A + B cos 20 
M dr cos e cos(0 + 120) + M qr sin 9 sin(0 + 120) - -~ ^SlJ!fe 


M dr - 

: cos(20- 120) 

and replace 

L r byJdr + Zo/2) 
Jlfrbyf(L,-L ) 
Jlf by fJlf. 

Check the linkages given by L'-i' with those given by Park. 24 

6. Derive, by the method of Sec. 9, the voltage equations of single-phase short 
circuits and compare with the Doherty-Nickle equations. 26 

7. Derive, by the method of Sec. 9, the voltage equations of three-phase short 
circuits and compare with the Doherty-Nickle equations. 20 

24 R. H. Park, "Definition of an Ideal Synchronous Machine and Formula for the 
Armature Flux Linkages/' General Electric Review, 31 (1928); "Two- React ion Theory 
of Synchronous Machines/' Part I, Generalized Method of Analysis, Trans. A.I.E.E., 
42 (1929). 

R. E. Doherty and C. A. Nickle, op. tit., 2-72. 

* Ft. E. Doherty and C. A. Nickle, "Three-Phase Short Circuit/ 1 Trans. A.I.E.E., 
49 (1930). 


Machines Under Acceleration 

In Sec. 5-9 inclusive it has been assumed that the rotor runs at 
constant speed. In Sec. 10 accelerated motion of the rotor is taken into 

2 74. Equations of Voltage and Torque. When electrical machines 
run at a constant speed p6 2 = v 2 , two invariant equations are used in 
their analysis; namely, the equation of voltage 

e m - R mn f l + L mn + pe 2 G mn F + pe l V mn F [HI] 

(where pB\ is the speed of the reference frame, if rotating) and the 
equation of torque (impressed) 

f=-G mn f n i n . [142] 

Each of these equations has been established separately. 

When machines have an accelerated motion (during starting or 
during small oscillations, etc.), the friction R and moment of inertia L 
also play a part in the analysis and the above equation of torque be- 
comes (for a single machine) 

f = Rv + L - - G mn i m i n . [143] 


In order to study accelerated motions more conveniently, it is neces- 
sary to replace the two invariant Eqs. (141) and (142) by a single in- 
variant equation, the so-called equation of motion, which splits up 
conveniently into its component equations of voltage and torque. The 
establishment of a single invariant equation also facilitates the analysis 
of rotating machines with complex structure, also the analysis of any 
number of interconnected machines with any type of actual or hypo- 
thetical reference frame. 

2 75. The Equation of Motion. In order to establish the equation 
of motion, new types of geometric objects will have to be introduced 
whose components contain both electrical and mechanical quantities. 
(In Eqs. 141 and 142 each tensor contains either electrical or mechanical 
quantities.) For instance, for the primitive machine, the quan- 



titles that are not due to motion are arranged in the following four 

a d r q r q s 

a d r q r q, 



o\ d a d r q r q a s 




r r 






a \ 

Oaf = 9r 



i dr 





d r q r 

q. s 


M d 


7/ f 




The tensor a a p is called the metric tensor. 

In general there are as many geometrical axes 5 as there are me- 
chanical degrees of freedom in the system. Since the shafts of the 
various machines may also be interconnected by couplings, the trans- 
formation tensor C/, also contains geometrical axes. For the repulsion 
motor (Fig. 2-33) 


rf a a s 


cos a 

cos a 



The quantities which are due to the existence of motion, namely, the 
torque tensor G mn (that occurs twice in the equations, once giving 
generated voltages, the second time torques) and V mn are arranged into 
a geometric object of valence three, r a p, y called the affine connection 
as shown in Fig. 2-34. 



In terms of the five geometric objects e a , i", Raft t a a ft, and Taft, y the 
equation of motion of all electrical machines (and in general all electro- 
mechanical or electrical systems) is 

, * * + a ^+r fff F1461 

^a == -*Hr/9 * i Q(xft ~~\ T *-fty,a * * L^^"J 

The equation of power is 

( O/V . ja . vv 

e a a 



FIG. 2-33. Repulsion Motor. FIG. 2-34. Affine Connection, T a 0,y. 

2 76. The Metric Tensor a a/J . The equation of motion introduces 
three geometric objects T a ft, y , a a p, and Raft (in addition to the vectors 
e a , i a and the scalar /) which play a basic part in the study of dynamics 
and geometry. The metric tensor a a p plays a part in the definition of 
the magnitude of a vector, while the affine connection and resistance 
tensor Raft play a part in the definition of its direction. (In the invari- 
ant equations of stationary mesh networks e a = z^ the vectors i a , 
and e a have neither magnitude nor direction. They have only compo- 
nents, that is, an existence.) 

One of the most important concepts is the metric tensor a a ft repre- 
senting the self- and mutual inductances and moments of inertia. 
When a vector A a is given, its magnitude is defined as 



If the vector is the generalized current vector i a , then its magnitude is 
equal to \/2T where T is the total kinetic energy stored instantane- 
ously in the system. 


With the aid of the metric tensor a a $ it is possible to raise or lower 
the indices of tensors. If the inverse of a^ is a^, then 

^ =.* a 7 or R ft a ay - R0 y . [149] 

The indices of F a/ 3 t7 (not being a tensor) cannot be moved. An excep- 
tion is the last index, so that 

IVM^ 1 -!*,. [150] 

The flux-linkage vector <p a is also the covariant form of i a and vice 
versa, since 

i" a a p = <f>p = ifi and <? a a a& = <f = fi. [151] 


2T - a+Ft = *;<* = i a i = <t>a<p = | v>| 2 - |* | 2 . 

That is, the current vector i a and the flux-linkage vector <p a are the con- 
travariant and the covariant representation ("extcnsity" and "inten- 
sity" factors) of the same physical entity, the "stored kinetic energy" 


Tensors having the same base letters but having indices in different 
positions, as R a p or R? ft or R* or R"? arc called associated tensors. 
The components of R"p, however, do not represent resistances but 
"decrement factors" 5, and the components of rj y do not represent 
self- and mutual inductances but "leakage coefficients" where 

r resistance , self-inductance 

and X 

L inductance mutual inductance 

The use of ratios (generalized per unit quantities) in place of actual 
design constants facilitates the comparison of machines of different 
sizes, supplies a ready-made method to find the locus-diagrams graphi- 
cally, and in general simplifies the algebraic and numerical calculations 

In terms of associated tensors, another form of the equations o/ 
motion is 

> [1S3] 


f - *1 
1 " dt 

2 77. The Component Parts of the Affine Connection r a 0. 7 . The 
affine connection r^^ appears in the equation of electrical machines 
because of the existence of mechanical motion and it contains all the 
additional self- and mutual inductances that appear between the ter- 


minals by the presence of these motions. (In general these inductances 
are independent of those of the components of a^, that appear because 
of the motion of electric charges.) 

In general there are at least three different types of motion in a 
system of rotating electrical machines (besides the motion of the elec- 
trical charges) : (1) Conductors rotate. (2) The magnetic paths rotate. 
(3) The reference frames (real or hypothetical) rotate. 

Each of these motions introduces a different set of self- and mutual 
inductances that are arranged in each reference frame into a cube, 
forming part of r/3, v Kach of these component parts forms a separate 
geometric object, so that r0, 7 is itself a sum of three different types of 
geometric objects. In particular: 

(a) The inductances due to rotation of the conductors may be ar- 
ranged into the "torsion tensor" S a p y . It is a tensor of valence three 
skew-symmetric in its first two indices 

since it contains only G mn and G mn . 

In machines in which the flux-density waves in the rotor are not 
sinusoidal in space (such as in direct-current and alternating-current 
commutator machines), the components of S a $ y are independent of the 
components of a aft and there is no relation between S tt 7 and a a/ j. How- 
ever, ia machines with sinusoidal rotor-flux densities (such as synchro- 
nous and induction machines), the components of S a p y may be found 
(for the primitive machine only) from those of a by the formula 

where " changes the slip-ring axes to direct and quadrature axes and 
C*' is a function only of the displacement #" of the rotor or rotors. 

(b) The inductances due to the rotation of the magnetic paths 
(salient poles) may be arranged into a cube da a $/dx y . This quantity can- 
not be denoted by one symbol since it is not a geometric object in 

When the flux due to the rotating magnetic paths is non-sinusoidal 
in space, the inductances due to the additional non-sinusoidal portions 
may be arranged into a tensor of rank three, Q a p y . This tensor has no 
special name. It is symmetrical in its last two indices. 

Hence the magnetic paths contribute dttap/dx" 1 and 


(c) The inductances due to the rotation of the reference frames are 
arranged into a geometric object, the non-holonomic object. It is 
defined by a formula analogous to Eq. (155), namely, 


where now the components of C> are functions of the displacements .r* 
that differ from those of the rotors. 

2-78. Definition of the Affine Connection T afjtj . The affine con- 
nection is built up from four sets of inductances: 

(a) The motion of the conductors introduces S a p y . 

(b) The motion of the magnetic paths introduces da a p/dx y and 

(c) The motion of the reference frames introduces 8 a 0, 7 . 

In the definition of r tt 0, 7 each of the above four quantities occurs 
three times, with their indices arranged in the same even permutation 
a0y, Pya, and yap. That is, 

This is the most general form of r a f7 that is used in tensor analysis 
(in affine differential geometry). Its formula of transformation is 

The expression in parenthesis is called the Christoffel symbol. It is 
also a geometric object of valence three 

Its transformation formula is the same as that of r a/ j f7 of Eq. (159). 
It is customary to include the non-holonomic object ft a /3,7 in the defini- 
tion of [afry] and call it the non-holonomic form of the Christoffel 
symbol as 

Its law of transformation is still the same as that of 

In special cases F a 0, 7 assumes simpler forms. In all problems of 
classical mechanics 5^ 7 and 0*y ar e zero and in most problems 


is also zero, so that fl/3, 7 is identical with the holonomic Christoffel 
symbol [a0,y] Eq. (160). In most standard electrical machines with 
stationary axes [afi,y], Q a y and Qa0 iT are /cro, but not Sa0 y . 

2 79. Permanent Magnets. When permanent magnets are present 
in the system (as in the case of the numerous types of subsynchronous 
motors), they introduce an additional flux-linkage vector <p a that is not 
a function of the currents i a . Their presence introduces a skew- 
symmetric tensor of valence two: 

which may be combined with the symmetrical resistance tensor Rap to 
form a general tensor of valence two: 


In any reference frame the symmetrical part of B a p gives R^ and its 
skew-symmetric part gives Af a p- 

2-80. The Most General Form of the Equation of Motion. Al- 
though in the definition of F a/ g, 7 each of the four quantities da a p/dx y , 
S a 0y, Qapy and 12 tt 0, 7 occurs three times, in the equation of motion r o/ 3, 7 
appears multiplied by i a twice as r a/ 3, 7 i a $ and consequently some of 
the quantities disappear or simplify. That is, the equation of motion 
of rotating electrical machinery may be written as 

+ ([oft?] - 23*. + ft* - I ft*,) f t, [163] 


where i a = d(f/dt and [a/9,7] is the non-holonomic Christoffel symbol of 
Eq. (160a) simplified to 


This is the most general form of the equation of motion that is used 
in affine differential geometry where it represents (when / is replaced 
by the arc length s and e y = 0) the equation of the shortest lines 
between two points (paths) in a curved affine space. 

It is emphasized that the physical interpretation given above 
(namely, that each term in the equation represents the voltages and 
torques due to the motion of some particular medium) is valid only if 
the first primitive machine is used as the primary reference machine 
to find the equations of some particular machine. However, if some 
other machine, say one whose reference axes are connected to the mov- 
ing conductors, is assumed as the primary reference machine (which is, 


of course, allowable), then the above equation is still valid, but the 
physical interpretation of each term is far more complicated. Each 
term then represents the voltages and torques due to several of the 
moving materials instead of one. 

Sections 1-10 of this chapter are but an introduction to the tensor 
theory of networks and rotating electrical machinery. The literature of 
the field is extensive. A number of references are given in Sec. 12. 

Tensorial Method of Attack of Engineering Problems 

The question arises as to how the engineer can put tensor equations 
to practical use. This question has already been answered by engineers 
having put them to use. However, it may be helpful to summarize 
briefly the process. 

2-81. Derivation. Only the derivation of equations of performance 
is here considered. Suppose the engineer is called upon to analyze a 
complicated engineering structure such as the hunting of a turbine gov- 
erning system or an electric drive. The steps in the tensorial method of 
establishing the equations are as follows. 


1. Do not attempt to analyze immediately the given system, since 
it is too complex. 

2. Instead, subdivide the complex system into smaller component 
parts, the primitive system (for a simple example, see 2-42) where 
(a) the equations of each component have already been established 
before (see 2-39, 2-40), or if not previously analyzed, then (b) it is 
comparatively easy to establish the equations of each part either by 
further subdivision or by assuming more convenient reference frames, 
or by any other means. The subdivision may be accomplished in one or 
more steps depending upon the complexity of the resultant and the 
component structures. In addition to subdividing the system, new 
and more easily analyzable reference frames can be assumed. 

There is no necessity to assume the existence of reaction forces 
acting at the points or planes where the original structure was broken 
up. That is, each component system is analyzed as if the other com- 
ponent systems are non-existent. (See 2 39, 2 40.) 

3. Establish the tensor equations of the primitive system consisting 
of several isolated structures. (See Eqs. 70, 71, 72.) 



Set up the connection tensor (transformation tensor) showing how 
the component parts are interconnected into the actual system and also 
how the actual reference frames differ from the simplified ones. (Eqs. 


Transform each tensor of the primitive system with the aid of the 
connection tensor. (Eq. 75, for example.) Since the tensor equation 
of the original complex system is the same as that of the simpler primi- 
tive system, the equations of the given engineering structure have been 

The material of 2-39-2-42 illustrates, in a simple case, the pro- 
cedure described. For a complex illustration the reader is referred to 
Kef. 2 of 2- 82. 


The following bibliography is short because most of the references contain bibliog- 
raphies relating to their resjx^ctivc fields. 

2-87. Applications in Physical Problems. The ph>sical applications are most 
numerous in physics, electrical and mechanical engineering. 

1. Matrices. A. I*. Sah, "Dyadic Algebra Applied to Three-Phases Circuits," 
Elec. /?//., 55, 872 (1936). Louis A. Pijxjs, "Matrices in Engineering," Elec. Fng., 
56, 1177 (1937). R. S. Hurington, "A Matric Theory Development of Symmetrical 
Components," Phil. AhiR. [7], 27, 605 (1939). M. B. Reed, "Properties of Three- 
Phase Systems Reduced with Aid of Matrices," Elec. /iwg., 57, 74 (1938). Louis A. 
Pipes, "Transient Anal) sis of Symmetrical Networks by the Method of Symmetrical 
Components," Trans. A.I.K.E., 59, 457 (1940). I. H. Summers, "Vector Theory of 
Circuits Involving Synchronous Machines," Trans. A.I.E.E., 51, 318 (1932). See 
particularly G. Kron's discussion in Trans. A.I.E.E., 51, 325 (1932) of the Sum- 
mers' paper. 

2. Tensors in Mechanical Engineering. C. Con cord in, "The Use of Tensors in 
Mechanical Engineering Problems," General Elettric Review, 39, 335 (1936). J. L. 
Synge, "Applications of the Absolute Differential Calculus to the Theory of Elas- 
ticity, 11 Proc. Land. Math. Soc. [2], 24, 103 (1925). W. K. Boice, S. B. Crary, G. 
Kron, and L. XV. Thompson, "Direct- Act ing Generator Voltage Regulator," Trans. 
A.I.E.E., 59, 149 (1940). This reference is to an electromechanical system. 

3. Tensors and Stationary Networks. G. Kron, Tensor Analysis of Networks, 
John Wiley andTSons, 1939. This book is a comprehensive encyclopedia and synthesis 
of work on the subject of stationary networks. Vacuum tube networks are included 
and an entirely general theory of networks is developed. L. V. Bewley, "Tensor 
Algebra 10 Transformer Circuits," Elec. Eng. t 55, 1214 (1936). S. A Stigant, "A-c 


Circuits, Symmetrical Components, Determinants, Tensors, and Matrices," Elec- 
trician ,119, 433 (1937). 

The solution of the characteristic equation of a high order system of differential 
equations with constant coefficients is lalwrinus. Fur the method of relaxation of 
constraints, see R. V. Southwell, Relaxation Methods in Engineering Science, Oxford 
University Press, 1940. For solution of such equations by machines, see S. L. Brown 
and L. L. Wheeler, "A Mechanical Method for Graphical Solution of Polynomials," 
/. Franklin Institute, 231, (1941). 

4. Tensors and Rotating Electrical Machinery. G. Kron, "The Application of 
Tensors to the Anal>sis of Rotating Electrical Machinery," General Electric Review, 
a serial beginning in April, 1935, and running in 38, 39, 40. Sixteen parts of the above 
serial have been published in book form, The Application of Tensors to the Analysis 
of Rotating Electrical Machinery, Parts I-XVI, General Electric Review, Schenec- 
tady, 1938. Norbert Wiener, "Notes on the Kron Theory of Tensors in Electrical 
Machinery," J. Elec. Eng., Nos. 3 and 4, China. A. H. Lander, "Salient Pole Motors 
Out of S>nchronism," Elec. Eng., 55, 636 (1936). G. Kron, "Non-Kiemannian Dy- 
namics of Rotating Electrical Machinery, 11 J. Math, and Phys., 13, 103 (1934). 

5. Physics. G. Kron, ' 'Quasi- Holonomic Dynamical Systems," Physics, 7, 143 
(1936). G. Kron, "Invariant Form of the Maxwell-Lorentx Field Equations," /. 
Applied Physics, 9, 196 (1938). Applications of the Absolute Differential Calculus, 
Blackie and .Son, London, 1936. F. D. Murnaghan, "On the Application of Tensor 
Analysis to Physical Problems," Phil. Mag., [7], 6, 779 (1928). H. Van Dijl, "The 
Application of Ricci-Calculus to the Solution of Vibration Equations of Pie/o-clcctric 
Quartz," Physica, 3, 317 (1936). G. Birkhoff, Relativity and Modern Phytits, Harvard 
University Press, 1923. A. S. Eddington, The Mathematical Theory of Relativity, 
Cambridge University Press, 1924. R. Becker, Theorie der Elektrizitat, Teubner, 
Leipzig, 1933. R. C. Tolman, Relativity, Thermodynamics, and Co\nwlogy, Clarendon 
Press, 1934. E. T. Whittaker, Analytical Dynamics, p. 47, Cambridge University 
Press, 1927. F. D. Murnaghan, Vector Analysis and the Theory of Relativity, Johns 
Hopkins Press, 1922. 

2-83. Theory. The following are references to tensor analysis books and papers 
and the applications of tensors to geometry. 

6. Tensor Analysis. T. Y. Thomas, The Elementary Theory of Tensors, McGraw- 
Hill Book Co., 1931. T. Levi-Civita, Tlte Absolute Differential Calculus, Blackie and 
Son, Toronto, 1927. Weatherburn, An Introduction to Riemannian Geometry and the 
Tensor Calculus, Macmillan, 1938. 

7. Tensor Analysis and Differential Geometry. J. A. Schoutcn and D. J. Struik, 
Einfuhrung in die Neueren Methoden der Differentialgeomelrie, I*. Noordhoff, Gro- 
ningen, 1935, 1938. D. J. Struik, Grundzuge der Mehrdimensionalen Differentialgeome- 
trie in Directer Darstellung, Springer, Berlin, 1922. O. Veblcn and A. N. Whitehead, 
Foundations of Differential Geometry, Cambridge Tracts in Math, and Math. Phys. t 
Cambridge Press (1932). L. P. Eisenhart, Riemannian Geometry, Princeton University 
Press, 1926. N. Coburn, "A New Approach to Kron's Work," J. Math, and Phys., 
17, 112 (1938). 


(1) Differential Equations Analytic in Parameters, (2) Non- 
linear Systems by Variations of Parameters, (3) Solutions of 
Systems by Method of Successive Integrations, (4) Matrix 
Methods, (5) Elliptic Functions, (6) Hyperelliptic Functions, 
(7) Method of Collocation, (8) Galerkin's Method, (9) Method 
of Lalesco's Non-linear Integral Equations, (10) Solutions by the 
Differential Analyzer, (11) Additional Methods and References. 

The first two chapters of this text were concerned with the analyti- 
cal development of certain fundamental principles of mathematical 
engineering and the reduction of engineering problems to mathematical 
systems by means of these fundamental principles. Solutions of the 
resulting discrete systems may or may not depend upon advanced 
mathematics. If the solutions required no mathematics beyond the 
domain of elementary differential equations, Heaviside's operational 
calculus, or the elementary theory of matrices the solutions were com- 
pleted in Chaps. I and II. 

Kngiiieering problems of considerable difficulty may lead to mathe- 
matically discrete systems whose solutions depend upon advanced 
mathematics. Such problems frequently reduce to systems of non- 
linear differential or non-linear integral equations. 

In general, a non-linear problem is one which, when formulated 
mathematically, reduces to (one or) a system of differential, integral, or 
integro-differential equations such that at least one of the three quanti- 
tives, a derivative, an integral, or a dependent variable, is involved tran- 
scendentally or in some manner to a power higher than the first in at 
least one equation of the system. From Part I it is evident that analy- 
ses of investigations in circuits, electrical machines, heat-flow, elas- 
ticity, and dynamical systems lead more and more to systems of 
differential and integral equations whose dependent variables and (or) 
their derivatives are involved to a power higher than the first. The dif- 
ferential equations present such a variety of types that the so-called 
standard forms of differential equations studied in a first course in dif- 



ferential equations are of slight use for the simple reason that they fail 
to arise in difficult problems in engineering practice. Engineering non- 
linear problems are most often reducible mathematically to the solution 
of systems of non-linear differential equations and non-linear integral 
equations. It is the purpose of this chapter to explain briefly the theory 
of these systems and, what is more important from an engineering point 
of view, to apply them in the solution of practical problems in engi- 

Differential Equations Analytic in Parameters 

The general theory of differential equations analytic in parameters 
is, in general, conveniently applicable to equations in the so-called 
normal form. 

3-1. Reduction of Systems of Differential Equations to Normal 
Form. The normal form consists of a system of simultaneous differ- 
ential equations, the left members containing a single first derivative, 
while the right members contain no derivative. The number of 
equations in the normal form of the system equals the order of the sys- 
tem, i.e., the number of constants in the solution. Reduction to the 
normal form is merely a routine process. One new dependent variable 
must be introduced for each derivative of order higher than the first 
which occurs. The process is illustrated in the example following. 

EXAMPLE. The differential equations of motion of a projectile, 
under proper conditions, are 

dt* ~ dt 

where x, y are the coordinates of the projectile, t is the time, and 

The constant C is the ballistic coefficient dependent upon the shape of 
the projectile, H(y) is a function of the height of the shell above ground 
and G(v) is a function of the velocity. 

Reduce these equations to the normal form. Let 
x = *i, y = #3, . 

dx _ dy 


dt "~ * 2 ' dt " **' 

2 __ ,, *4 _ _ , 2 _ 

A " 2> * " 4 fr 

The last four equations are the normal form of the two second-order 
differential equations of the motion of a projectile. 

3-2. Equations of Type II. Let the system of differential equations, 
as given by the physical problem, be reduced to the normal form 

*', = ft(*ii *2, , *; = Fi(*j\ ) (ij = 1, 2, - , ri) 

i. ^ [1] 

^(/o) = fl< where * f = 

In Eqs. (1) the second system of n equations, namely, Xi(to) = ai are, of 
course, the n initial conditions. If (1) contain a parameter r or if a 
parameter r can be introduced by change of variables in such a way 
that (1) are reducible to the form 

x t = fi(xj\ /) + r gi(x jt r; f) (i,j = 1, 2, - , w) 


OCi(to) = fli 

then the system is said to be of type II. The properties of the func- 
tions fi and gj are described presently. 
First consider the system of equations 

* = /.(*r. 0. (*. 3 = 1, 2, , n) 

where the f unctions / are analytic in Xj and / for all x$ and / which sat- 
isfy the relations 

|*,-o,|Sr* |/-fc|S7o. [4] 

Equations (4) state merely that the n functions / are analytic in the 
interior and on the boundary of some (n + 1) dimensional region. 
This condition is usually satisfied in engineering problems. A function 
f(xi,x 2 , x n \t) is analytic in the region specified by (4) if it is 
uniquely expansible in a power series in the (n + 1) variables (x$ a ; -) 


and (/ /o) and if the series is convergent in the region defined by 
(4). The method of obtaining this expansion is given in 3-5. 

It is provable * that (3) possess a unique continuous solution 
Xi = *- 0) (/). If, in (2), the ,(# r\f) are analytic in Xj #J 0) and r 
uniformly with respect to t and are continuous in / for all #y, r, and t 
in the region 

| X j - *< 0) | g r, f r g p, to^t^T^ T [5] 

then there exists a formal solution 2 of (2) of the form 

*i = . TO (0 + i l) (Or + *, (2) > 2 + ,(- 1, 2, ...,) [6] 

where ^ 0) , x[ l \ are determined in 3-5. 

The notation in (6) may require explanation. The functions 
fi(xj\f) are functions of (n + 1) variables of which n of them are 
x\i %2> #n- Each Xj, by (6), is the sum of infinitely many explicit 
functions of /. Hence either an additional subscript or some other 
device must be employed to arrange in order the set of functions for 
each Xj. It is convenient and customary to use superscripts. 

3-3. Nature of the Solution of Type II. Systems of type II are 
useful especially in solving engineering problems in which rg*(ry,r;/) are 
less in absolute value then/ 4 (#y,r;/). Series (6) is then usually rapidly 
convergent and the terms linear and quadratic in r furnish sufficient 
accuracy. If the system contains no parameter r, one can frequently 
be introduced by change of dependent or independent variables. If 
it is evident that the solution Xi = # t (0) (/) f which is called the generating 
solution of (2), is not even an approximate solution of (2), then the 
method may yield such complicated results that they may be of little 
engineering value. It is then necessary to resolve F t into/ t and g in a 
different manner or resort to methods of the sections which follow. 
The guide in resolving Fi into the sum of two functions is the physics 
of the problem. 

During transient performance of rotating synchronous machines 8 
the effect of field and armature resistance on fluxes is small if the time 
is sufficiently small. In this case the constant leakage theorem 4 may 

1 E. L. Ince, Ordinary Differential Equations, Chap. III. 

2 A formal solution is one which merely satisfies the differential equations when 
substituted therein. The solution may be a divergent series of such a nature that it 
does not define a function. A formal solution may be worthless. 

8 R. E. Doherty and C. A. Nickle, "Synchronous Machines IV," Trans. A.I.E.E., 
47 (April, 1928). 

4 R. E. Doherty, "A Simplified Method of Analyzing Short-Circuit Problems/ 1 
Trans. A.I.E.E., 42 (1923); "Short-Circuit Current of Induction Motors and Gen- 
erators," ibid., 40 (1921). 


furnish the generating solution Xi = #| 0) (/), i.e., the solution of (3). 
Steinmetz has given the rate of build-up of field flux 6 of a compound or 
shunt generator running at constant speed. This solution can be used 
as the generating solution for the more general case of a machine run- 
ning at variable speed. In the differential equations of dynamic brak- 
ing of a synchronous machine the most complicated term in the 
differential equations contributes only ten per cent of the solution. 
(That is, a solution computed without the complicated term gives a 
result which is 90 per cent accurate when an oscillogram is used as an 
answer book.) The equations in this case are reducible to type II. 

Non-linear problems are problems of great difficulty. In problems 
of this type, solutions in closed form (a closed solution is a non-series 
analytical solution) are not to be expected. Indeed it is sometimes 
provable that no solutions in closed form exist. Series solutions may 
not possess the elegance of form that solutions of differential equations 
with constant coefficients possess, but if the solution contains the 
parameters of the problem in such a way that performance of the 
physical system can be predicted, then it is sufficient. 

3-4. Introductory Example. Obtain the solution, as far as the 
terms linear in r, of the system of differential equations 

x\ = # 2 f 


' I 2 L J 

* 2 = *i + r *2, 
with the initial conditions 

*i(0) = 0, 

*a(0) = -1. 

There exists a solution of (7) of the form of (6). The substitution 
of (6) in (7) yields 

or equating coefficients of like powers of r 

4 o> , 
& C8] 

UP" = 4 + (*?')', 

* C. P. Steinmetz, Transient Phenomena, p. 32. 



The first pair of (8) is equivalent to *( 0) " + *i 0) = whose general 
solution is 

*i } = A Q sin / + BQ cos /. 

there follows 

AQ COS t + BQ sin t 

90 180 270 

FIG. 3-1. Solution and Generating Solution. 


The initial conditions, when substituted in the general solution, give 
*F> - sin /, 
4 0) = - cos /. 

Substituting x^ in the second pair of Eqs. (8) and solving the result- 
ing equations, we have 

x[ l} 

AI sin / + BI cos t - | + | cos 2/, 
-^i cos / + BI sin t + \ sin 2t. 

Since the initial conditions of the problem have been satisfied by 
^ (0) (0) = 0, and *f(0) = -1, it follows that ^"(O) - ^(O) - 0. 
Applying these conditions to the general solution for x[ l) and x^, we 

5 (sin t + sin 2f). 

The required solution of (7) is 

xi = sin / - |(3 - 2 cos / - cos 2/)r + . 

# 2 = cos / + 3( s * n 1 + sin 2t)r + 

The graphs of both the generating and complete solution for r = J 
are plotted in Fig. 3-1. 


1 . Reduce the equation x" -f (a + rbx)x' + ex = to the normal form. Obtain 
a formal solution, by the method of 3-4, of the resulting normal system under the 
assumption that a and c are very large relative to r and b. The motion is oscillatory 
in the physical problem. (The equation is a simplified equation of hunting.) Take 
as initial conditions that the displacement x\ = at / = and the velocity #2 = k, 
a small quantity, at / = 0. Two terms of each of the two series are sufficient. 

2. Obtain, by the method of 3-4, a formal solution of the system 

x{ = #2 ,+ r #1*2, 

where r is less than unity. Choose the initial conditions such that the solution is 
simple. Two terms of each of the series are sufficient. Find a physical system of 
which the above differential equations are the equations of performance. 

3. Obtain a formal solution, subject to the initial conditions *(0) =* k t t'(0) = 
and for the interval ^ / ^ m < 1, of the differential equation 

" + i + rf + rVT^T* i 5 - 0, 

where < r < %. Three terms of the series in r are sufficient. Find a mechanical 
system of which this differential equation is the equation of motion. Find an elec- 
trical system of which this is the equation of performance. 

3 5. General Theory of Equations of Type II. The success of the 
method of integration in powers of a parameter depends upon the 
resolution of FI of (1) into f t and gi such that (3) are integrable in 
suitable form. It is supposed then that the solution of system (3) has 
been obtained. This solution xt = ^ (0) (/) is the generating solution 
of (2). 

In complicated problems it is necessary to expand /i and gi as power 
series in (x$ # ; (0> ) and r. A proof of Taylor's expansion of a function 
of several variables is recalled in order to emphasize the distinction 
between the expansion of a function in powers of (x 3 oy) where aj are 
constants and in powers of (xj xf } ) where x^ are functions of /. 
A function of two independent variables and one parameter is suf- 
ficient to display the reasoning. 


First let/(*i, x 2 , r) be expanded in powers of Xj ay and r. Sup- 
pose that /(*i, x 2 , r) and its first n partial derivatives are continuous 
in the region | Xj ay | ^ hj, and < r : U. Let 

*y = ay + kjS 

and [10] 

r = ps 

where ay, Ay, and p are constants and 5 is a variable which lies in the 
interval 0^5^ 1. Define a new function 

The expansion of ^(s) in a Maclaurin series is 

F(s) = F(0) + F'(Q)s + F" ^- + F'" ^ f- + [11] 
The total derivatives of F'(s), F"(s), are 

ds ds ds 

. x 2 , r) + h 2 f xtxi (xi, x 2 , r) + pf rxi (x\, x 2 , r)] 

r \\lff \ \_ f f M ""^2 

xi, x 2 , r) -f- ntfxyc^xi, x 2 , r) -r pj rxt (xi t x 2 , r)\ 

** r ds 

\ i Y 2 1* / \ i 2_r / \ 

X 2 i *) T" n 2 f X 2Xz\Xli X 2t T) + p J rr (Xi, X 2j T) 

:i/X2\^l X 2 , T) + 2hipf rxi (Xi 1 X 2t T) 
\\ x lt X 2 , ^)J, 

where ** ^ ^ 

The values of F(0), ^'(0), F"(0) are 
= y(ai, a 2 , 0) 

= hifxixifoi, &2, 0) + h 2 f xtxt (di t a 2 , 0) 
+ P 2 /rr(i, 02, 0) + 2hih 2 f xix ,(ai, a 2 , 0) 
+ 2hipf, Xl (ai, o 2 , 0) + 2A 2 P/r*(oii <*2 0) 

When these values are substituted in (11) 

F(s) -/( fllf a 2 , 0) + [hif X} (a lt a 2 , 0) + h 2 f x ,(a it a 2 , 0) 

r (ai,a 2 , 0)]5 + [h 2 J riXl (ai, a 2 , 0) 

/M(I. 2, 0) + p*/ rr (0i, a 2 , 0) 

/Wi. 02, 0) + 2h 1P f rXl (ai, a 2 , 0) 

1 , 2 , 0)> 2 + - - 
The last equation may be written 

(3 8 3V 

**i + sh 2 + SP ) /(*i, ^2, r) 
O%1 OX 2 Off 

(3 3 

shi --- h sh 2 
3^i Qx 2 

+ sp I has been raised to the power indicated and the partial 

derivatives taken, then the variables x\ 9 x 2l r in/are replaced by a\, a 2 , 

From (10) shj = Xj fly and 5p = r. If these substitutions are 
made in the value for F(s), there results 

2 , r) = /(a lf a 2 , 0) + [ 2 fo ~ /) ^. + r 

If the independent variables are JCi, x 2 , , x n then the sum- 
mations in (12) range fromj = 1 toj = n. 

The development (12) is valid in the vicinity of the point (ai, a 2 , 0) 
and holds for all points within the parallelepiped \ Xj a } \ g Ay, 
< r g -R. The solution X{ = ^, (0) (/) of (3) defines a curve in space. 
If in (12) ay is replaced by x*(t) and the function /and its derivatives 
satisfy continuity conditions then the expansion becomes 




where (xi, x 2l r) in /are replaced by (#} 0) , 0) after the indicated opera- 
tions have been carried out. 

Upon expanding /(x,;0 and g,(*y,r;0 of (2) in powers of (xj xf*) 
and r by (13); replacing (x y - xf*) t in these expansions, by x^ l) (f)r + 
*} 2) (0^ + from (6); substituting these results and (6) in (2) and 
finally equating corresponding powers of r on the two sides of the 
equations, it is found that 


where Xj and r in fa and g t are replaced by xf* and after the differentia 
tions have been performed. 

Criteria for the convergence of the series of (6) arc given in 3 7. 

The ff, (0) in (13) is a function of t in the interval fo ^ * ^ *i If the 
series (13) converges for all values of r and for every value of / in 
/ g / g /! then (13) is uniformly analytic in the interval /o ^ t g /i. 


1. Expand the function 

x sin x + s 2 + r cos * + (r 2 -f- r 8 ) sin 2 x 

as a power series in x # (0) and r where # (0) = sin t. The third powers of x * <0) 
and r are sufficient to illustrate the process. 

2. In the functions 

- x d .)[x 2 q + 

+ x dXq f 5 4 [(r */* 

E 1 

let J = 5oc~* and / = + !&"*, where 5, /, 2, and y are variables and all other 

letters represent constants. Expand /i, gi, and ft in power series in */ 2/ 0) and 
y - y (0) where s, (0) = ai/ + aa/ 2 and y (0) - &i/ + brf*. Two terms for each function 
are sufficient. 


Instead of the single parameter r the system (2) may contain m 
parameters r\,r^ , r m in which an expansion is possible. In this 
situation Taylor's expansion formula, (13), can be extended to the 
n + m variables x$ xf* and r\ 9 r%, , r m . It is, however, preferable 
to write r,- = c t r and obtain the expansions in Xj xf* and r alone. 
In the final answer c % r is then replaced by n, i = 1,2, ,*. 

The parameter r may occur in gi in two ways. In some terms (or 
expressions) it may occur simply, whereas in others it may occur in a 
highly complicated manner. When this is the situation, the parameter 
r can be set equal to r Q in those terms in which it appears in a com- 
plicated way. The expansions can then be carried out in powers of 
Xj #J 0) and r, whereas r Q is being treated as a mere constant. After 
the mathematical solution is completed, it must be remembered that 
the mathematical solution belongs to the physical or engineering prob- 
lem only if r = r . Physics is a guide in the designation of the param- 
eter as r or as r in the expressions of the system. Understanding of 
the behavior of a physical system frequently diminishes its mathe- 
matical difficulties. 

3-6. Synchronous Motor Operating Below Synchronous Speed 
with Field Unexcited. We shall now illustrate the method of analysis 
set forth in 3 '1-3 -6 by the integration of the differential equations 
of performance of a synchronous machine operating as a reluctance- 
induction motor. The differential equation 6 of hunting of a synchro- 
nous motor of design such that the electrical transients, due to switching- 
on of the field voltage, do not appreciably affect the steady-state elec- 
trical torques, is 

^| + k(l - b cos 26) + r sin 26 + sin = T, [15] 

a-r ar 


T = P L /P mt a 2 =Pj/P mt r = P r /P m , k = P d /VRf^ 

and where PL, Pm Pj, Pn and Pd are constants defined elsewhere. The 
independent variable r is given by T = \/a where X is time in seconds. 
Before the field voltage is switched on the motor may operate below 
synchronous speed as a reluctance-induction motor. The equation of 
performance 7 of such a motor is Eq. (15) with the term sin deleted. 

8 For the derivation of Eq. (15) see H. E. Edgerton and P. Fourmarier, "The 
Pulling into Step of a Salient Pole Synchronous Motor," Trans. A.I.E.E., 50 (June, 
1931). For a more general differential system see D. R. Shoults, S. B. Crary, and 
A. H. Lauder "Pull-in-Characteristics of Synchronous Motors/' Elec. Eng., 54 
(December, 1935). 

7 H. E. Edgerton and P. Fourmarier, loc. tit. 


If change of dependent variable in (15) is made by the relation 26 = x 
then the required equation is 


2 + k(l - b cos x) + 2r sin x - 2T [16] 


2 - 

dr* dr 

or, in normal form, 

dr "' 


- = 2T &# 2 2r sin #1 + kcir x 2 cos #1, 

where c\r = b and x\ = #. 

Representative values of the parameters are 

< b < 0.5, 0.028 < k < 0.11 (k for electrical degrees), 
0.3 < T < 0.8, 0.25 < c < 0.50. 

From physical considerations it is known that the solution of (17) 
consists of an oscillatory component superimposed upon a constant 
component of slip. Both the period and magnitude of the oscillatory 
component are unknown. However, it is known that both the period 
and magnitude of the oscillatory component are affected by and affect 
the constant component of slip. This physical situation frequently 
arises in certain types of engineering problems. Accordingly, the 
desired solution of (16) will illustrate, in addition to the principles of 
3- 1-3-5, a method of solving this type of problem. 

The procedure is as follows. First in (16) make the change of 
independent variable 

T - (1 + )< f 6 - tir + b^ + ^ + -, [18] 

where 5i, $2, ^3, - are determined by subsequently imposed periodic- 
ity conditions. Next, (a) write the equation in / in the normal form, 
(b) expand sin x\ and cos x\ in power series in *i 4 0) > W substitute 

(*' - 1, 2) [19] 

in the differential equations resulting from steps (a), (i), and (c). 
Finally, in each of the two differential equations obtained thus far 
equate to zero the coefficients of each power of r. The final equations 
corresponding to Eqs. (14) are 

* r = * f 

L J 


I* 1 " 2 ' [196] 

I ~W 1(* ~() _L ~0) r -v ( ) ,^o V<0)\ O : ~(0) I J^ * L J 

(#2 = ' K\Q\X2 ~T #2 Cl%2 COS *j ^ * Sin 5Ci -f- *-/ GI, 

f*i e) ' - 4", 

h 5 1(^2 ^1^2 cos 5fi ) -f- #2 ~h #1 ^2 ^i sin #f 
. cos *1 0) ] - 2*i cos 4 0) - 4i sin 4 } + 2r(8? + 2 2 ), 

The above sets of equations are now integrated sequentially. The 
general solution of (19a) is 


(0) >i kt i 

#2 = -4o e + e> 

where e = 2T/k. Only a steady-state solution is desired. Conse- 
quently, the initial conditions are chosen such that A = C = 0. Thus 
*i 0) (0) - 0,* 0) (0) - eand 

(0) /j\ ^_ _j A(0) / /\ * r9O/rl 

The substitution of (20a) in (196) yields the differential equations 

x^ 1 ' = k(die + X2 l) c\e cos et) 2 sin et + 47" 61, 
whose general solution is 

e(kci + 2) sin et k(c\e 2 2) cos ei\ A\e~~ ht 

e(e 2 + k 2 ) J ife 

" Jk^i - 2) sin l + e(Jfe 2 d + 2) cos et] ^06] 

Choose ^4i = Ci = 0. Then 

The value of 61 is now to be determined by the periodicity conditions. 
If (206), with AI = Ci = are substituted in (19c) and if the solution 
of the resulting differential equations carried out with BI 9* then 
terms of the form / sin et, t cos et appear. From physical considerations 
guch terms cannot appear. Consequently, 6j must vanish. 

Write (20t) in the form 

*> = DI sin et + D 2 cos et, 4 = ^i sin et + E 2 cos et. 

Substituting these values of x^ and x in (19c) and integrating the 
resulting differential equations we have for the general solution 

(feg - 2ea) sin 2e* - (fea + 2fte) cos 2ef 

@ - 2eo) cos let + (kg + 2$e) sin 2et 



- 2) - (k 2 Cl + 2) ^ fe^^fe 2 ^ + 2) + k( Cl e 2 - 2) 

The linear term in t in #i 2> must vanish and consequently 

2 cje 2 
52 = e 2 (c 2 + * 2 )' 

If A 2 = C 2 = 0, the initial conditions are 

The entire solution as far as terms in r 2 , when the relation x = 26 is 
employed, is 

_ et r [(k 2 Ci + 2)g sin et k(e 2 Ci 2) cos et\ 

f 2 [ (fej3 2ea) sin 2et (ka + 2pe) cos 2e/1 , P/%/% _ 

I ^ ^ I -r 1 22 

2 L 2*( 2 + 4* 2 ) J L J 

c r T 

62 = 2 + 2 L 

- 2) sin */ + efak 2 + 2) cos e/1 

^f f (feg 2gg) cos 2et + (ka + 20e) sin 2et\ 
2L * 2 + 4e 2 J '"' 

where ' = ^/. . x - ~:rT^ . * 2 . N x b 6111 ^ in seconds. 


The periodic component of the slip is periodic of period 2?ra(l + d\r + 
+ ) in X. The graphs of the angular displacement B\ and the 

-0 t (angular 


r t (sl.p> 

"0 1 2 3 4 v 5 6 7 8 

M not in seconds) 

FIG. 3 2a. Slip and Angular Displacement for Rotor of Induction-reluctance Motor. 

slip 2 are shown in Fig. 3-2a. The graph of the slip plotted against 
the displacement is shown in Fig. 3 2b. 

T-0.8 b>05 











Ot (angular disolacement) 

FIG. 3*26. Slip Plotted Against Angular Displacement for Induction-reluctance 


It is needless to state that the solutions for 0i and 02 can be con* 
tinued to as high a power in r as is desired. 



1. Carry out the solution (22) of 3 -6 as far as the terms in r 3 and compute $3. 

2. The differential equations of the field current / and speed s of a synchronous 
machine during dynamic braking are 

dl_ (RI - E)[(rso/s)* + Xd x q ] 
dt L[(f5 A) 2 + x d ,x q ] 

ds KPrI* 

'dt ~Jsll [(rso/s)* + x d x q ]* 

The range of the constants for a typically small and typically large 
machine are 

P = Rating of the machine kva = 15 or 400, 

/ = Moment of inertia, pounds 2 feet = 0.330 or 7.215, 
SQ = Initial speed, radians per second = 125.8 or 9.93, 

t = Time in seconds, 
K = Constant = 735.5, 

5 = Speed at any time, radians per second, 
Xd = Direct synchronous reactance, per unit = 1.104 or 0.64, 
x q = Quadrature synchronous reactance, per unit = 0.767 or 0.46, 
x^ = Direct transient reactance, per unit = 0.654 or 0.29, 

r = Shorting resistance plus armature resistance, per unit = 0.682 

or 0.277, 

= Field voltage, volts = 25 or 76.67, 
/o = No load field current, amperes = 6.5 or 57.5, 
/i = Jump in field current on short circuit, amperes = 5.82 or 32, 

/ = Field current at time /, amperes, 
R = Field resistance, ohms = 3.54 or 0.802, 
L = Field inductance, henrys = 0.512 or 0.67. 

Inspection of speed curves and oscillograms of the field currents of 
typical machines suggests the change of dependent variables 


where s(0) = $ and 7(0) =- + /!. 


(a) Obtain the resulting differential equations in z and y. 

(b) Note that the solution of 

dt ~ L' 

dt Jllsle-** [x d x q + (re*) 2 ] 2 

can be used as a generating solution. Obtain this solution y 

2KPr 2 
(c) Note that #d# g #d'# g and 2T~ #(*<* ~~ #<*') * n the equa- 

tions obtained in (a) are small. Call the first r\ and the second r 2 . 
Let r i = Ci/i and r 2 = CM. 

(d) Expand, by Eqs. (13), the right members of the equations 
obtained in (a) in powers of (y ;y (0) ), (z s (0) ) and /*. 

(e) To illustrate the method of this section (Type II) compute the 
solution, as far as and including the terms y (1) and z (l \ (A better 
method of handling this particular problem is given in Sec. 9 of the 
present chapter.) 

3 7. Convergence of the Solution (6). Thus far the solution (6) of 
(2) may be merely a formal solution and of no value. It remains to in- 
vestigate the convergence of the series (6). It will be shown, in this 
article, by means of the well-known method of dominant functions that 
the series (6) converges for certain domains of r, (xj * ; (0) ), and /. 

The gist of the method of dominant functions in establishing the 
existence of solutions of differential systems in normal form now fol- 
lows. Some details in the method are left as exercises in problem set IV. 
The right members of the differential equations in question are ex- 
panded by (13) in series of the required type. Next, the right members 
of the differential equations are replaced by functions which, if ex- 
panded in series, are greater term by term (i.e., dominant) than the series 
of the right members of the given differential equations. Moreover, the 
dominant series must be such that the dominant system can be integrated. 
In general, certain restrictions will be imposed on the parameters of 
the dominant system in order that the solution of the dominant system 
converge. Since the solution of the dominant system converges, the 
solution (6) also converges because the solution (6) is less term by term 
than the dominant solution. 


Explicitly, then suppose that the solution #, *P(fl of (3) has 
been found. If (3) are subtracted from (2) there results 

7,(*;-*} 0) ) -/<fe;0 -/<(^sfl + ri<<wrs0, (w - 1, ,). 
* [23] 

* - *< 0) = for / = /o- 

Suppose that the right members of (23) are expanded by (13) as power 
series in x$ #y 0) and r and then make the change of variables Xi 
#, (0) = Xi(t). The initial conditions for the new system in Xi are 
Xi(to) = 0. The right members of (23) are expansible in powers of 
Xj xf } and r within the region | Xj xf* \ g py, | r \ ^ <r, and 
k^ t ^ T provided /,- and gi are analytic within this region. In 
engineering problems these conditions are always satisfied, if not 
over the complete interval / ^ ' 2i T , then at least over each 
of a finite number of subintervals into which (Q, T) can be 

Let Mi be an upper bound of !/(*>;/) -/i(^ 0) ;/) + ffoft(*y;';fl| 
in the region specified above. The quantity O-Q satisfies the relation 
< | r | < (T < <r. Let Af be as large as any M-. It is not difficult to 
see that (Ex. 1) the right members of (23), when expanded by (13), 
are dominated by the expansion of the right members of the equations 

M p. + -+*. + j: I + *L 

^i + JL] 

P 0"oJ 

* f, *i.+ ^ll*. r| '[24] 

= 0, 

[y , 


where p < p/. Since the right members in the n Eqs. (24) are all 
identical and since Xi(t ) = for = 1,2, , it follows that 

^ = jf 2 . . . . . X n . Set Xi - - (^ - -) in (24). Then AT must 


satisfy the differential equation 

dX _ nM X(l + X) 

dt ~ p 1-X ' [25] 

The solution of (25), subject to the initial conditions, is 

. Qd + rM 

where [26] 

(See Ex. 2, problem set IV.) 

The right member of (26) is expansible as a power series in r. Since 
the solution of (24) as a power series in r is unique, this solution is 
identical to the expansion of (26) as a power series in r. 

It is next necessary to examine the region of convergence of the 
series resulting from (26). By the theory of functions the series in 
question converges interior to a circle whose center is zero and whose 
radius is the distance from the origin to the nearest singular point 
of the function X. The only finite singularities of X are the branch- 
points 8 defined by the equation 

O)/P _ o. 

The two roots of this equation are 
r ^[-i + 2*""-/' 

the smaller of which is the one with the negative radical. From the 
smaller root 

(See Ex. 3.) 

By the reasoning of the preceding paragraph the region of conver- 
gence in r of the solution of (24) as a power series in r is given by (26a). 

The steps necessary to complete the proof of the existence of a solu- 
tion of (2) in the form of (6) are as follows. (The details of the steps are 
left as Ex. 4.) Expand the right members of (23) as power series in 
Xj #J 0) and r. Substitute in these expansions 

xj - *< 0) - r*< !) + r 2 *f + . [26ft] 

Equate corresponding powers of r, obtaining a sequence of differential 
equations. Next, expand the right members of (24) as power series 
in Xj and r . Substitute in these expansions 

8 See Vol. I, Chap. IV, or J, Pierpont, Functions of a Compkx Variable, pp. 95, 


Equate corresponding powers of r, obtaining a sequence of differential 
equations. Show, by expressing the integrals of the two sequences of 
differential equations, that the series in the right member of (26c) 
is greater term by term than the series in the right member of (266). 
The radius of convergence of (26c) is, however, given by inequality 
(26a) and consequently (26V) converges in the same domain. In fact, 
(26&) will usually converge for a larger value of r than indicated by 

It is unfortunate that there exists no method in all mathematics 
of determining the true radius of convergence of (6) without first finding 
the series. By true radius is meant a value of r, say, r such that for 
T ^ r the series converges and for r > r o the series diverges. This fact 
brings out an important engineering observation. In engineering inves- 
tigations the value of r as given by (26a) is usually smaller than the 
value required in the problem under solution, but in important elec- 
trical problems there exist oscillograms and in important mechanical 
problems there exist very frequently differential analyzer solutions 
which may serve as answers or checks on analytical solutions and by 
these an idea of the convergence of (6) can frequently be ascertained. 
Often such electrical or analyzer solutions are of aid in the choice of the 
Mi and in the choice of dominant functions, Eqs. (24). 

3 8. Differential Equations of Type I. The system of differential 

x'i = rMxj'Sfi, (ij =!,-,) 

Xi(h) = a>i 

is known as a system of type I. Although systems of type II are of 
much wider applicability in engineering and applied science than are 
those of type I the latter are of considerable industrial importance. 
It is sufficient for our purpose if the functions fi(xj\r\t) are analytic in 
Xj and r and continuous in / within the domain | Xj a/ 1 ^ ry, | r \ <r 
for fo ^ * ^ T. For if these properties of the f unctions /(#y;r;/) do not 
exist for the entire interval of t for which the solution of (27) is desired 
they will exist at least over each of a finite number of subintervals into 
which (/o, T) can be resolved. 

Under a criterion subsequently stated (Eq. 29a) there exists a solu- 
tion of (27) of the form 

*(/) - <* + x?\t)r + aPW + ' '. (*' - 1, -,*), [28] 

where the aj(/) are determined by solutions of Eqs. (29). To obtain 
(29) letfi(xj;r;t) be expanded as power series in Xj 0y and r. Sub- 
stitute the values of Xj ay from (28) in Eqs. (27) after the right mem- 


bers of (27) have been expanded. Equate like powers of r of the right- 
and left-hand members of the equations and obtain 



Equations (29), like (14), can be integrated sequentially. 

EXAMPLE. In the theory of the series non-linear circuit (335) 
there is the following system of differential equations: 

% - -r(l + 3b 3 yt + 5b 6 y\)u cos 2 (/ + *) f 

^ = r(l + 3^1 + S6 6 yJ) sin (t + v) cos (t + ), 

with the initial conditions u(0) = CQ, v(0) = 0, where r, 63, and 65 are 
constants ; r is of the order of 0. 1 ; u and v are dependent variables ; 
and y\ = u sin (J + v). From physical considerations in non-linear 
circuits and (28) there exists a solution of the form 

u = e + u\r + U2* 2 + i v = v\r + v&* + . 

The quantities -, are determined in 3-35. 

Of course, series (28) do not converge for all values of r. Existence 
proofs, by means of dominant functions, yield theorems which specify 
conditions under which (28) is a solution of (27). One of the most 
useful of these theorems is: Let T\ be an arbitrary value of t such that 
/o < TI ^ T. It is possible to determine a value of\r\, say, <T O such that 
(28) will converge for all values of r and tfor which \r\<v^t^^t^T\. 
The above theorem follows as a consequence of inequality (29a). 
Inequality (29a) is established by means of dominant functions in much 
the same way that inequality (26a) was established. Let the functions 
be analytic in Xj and r in the region | Xj a, \ ^ pj < p 9 
r | g <r. In choosing Mj the inequality | r \ < <TO < <r is satisfied. The 
common upper bound offi(xj ; r ;/) is denoted by M. The inequality cor- 
responding to (260) is 

[29 a] 


1 + 2nM (t - to) 

The details of establishing (29c) are left as a problem for the student. 



1. Show that the right members of (24), when expanded in powers of Xj and r, 
dominate the right members of (23) when expanded in series. 

2. By separation of variables, solve (25) subject to the initial conditions X(t$) 
r/<r . 

3. Obtain inequality (26a) from the equation which precedes it. 

4. Fill in the analytical steps in the reasoning employed from inequality (26a) to 
the end of 3-7. 

5. By the method of Sec. (1) obtain a formal solution of the differential equation 

with the initial condition y(0) - yo < 1. The ranges of variables in the physical 
problem are 0^#^l,02y^jl. 

6. Obtain a solution by the method of isoclines 9 of the differential equation of 
problem 5. Let the initial conditions and the ranges on the variables be the same as 
in problem 5. Determine the largest value of r for which the analytical and isocline 
solutions are in good agreement. 

7. By the method of dominant functions obtain a value of r (say <TO) in problem 5 
such that a solution in the form of (6) converges for all r in the interval r ^ <TO 

Non-linear Systems by Variation of Parameters 

The solutions of systems of non-linear equations are most conven- 
iently carried out when the systems are expressed in normal-form. 

3-9. Generating Solution. Suppose the system reduced to the 
form given by (1). If any of the F % consist of more than one term then 
(1) can be written in the form 

In general, the resolution of Eqs. (1) into the form (30) is not unique. 
The first part of the construction of a solution is to break up the Fi so 
that (a) x'i = /,(x/;0 represents the greater part of the system and (b) 
at the same time is solvable by either the elementary theory 10 or by 
the methods of 3-1-3-8 or of 3-13. Suppose then that a solu- 


For method of isoclines, see Vol. I, p. 170. 

10 Any text on a first course in differential equations. 

has been obtained and let it be denoted by 

Xi = <f>i(a it a 2 , , a n ;/) (i = 1, 2, , n) [32] 

We may think of a as constants, since they are the n arbitrary con- 
stants of the solution, or as variables which in turn have constant 
values for some specified values. Suppose we consider them as vari- 
able parameters 3> and write the solution of (31) as 

Xi = <f>i(yi t y2, , y n \i). [33] 

Equation (33) may be used as equations for change of variables in 
system (30). By the formula for total derivative, 

_ . _ ^ d<t>i dx n 9g?,- 

dt ~~ 9*1 dt " " dx n dt 9/ ' 

equations (31) become 

9*>i dyi d<t> n dyi d<pi r , 

^ + " <+ i7^~ + ~a7 = /lC ^ (y *'' ) :/] + gl[Vi(yklt) ' 
................ [34] 

3*n dyi 3<pn dy n . dvn , r , .. .-, . r / A <i 

^"^ t '" + ^;^" + ^" = ^^^^ :/] + gnMk>t} :/]t 

where ft, j = 1, 2, -, n. 


Now indicates the derivative of <p % (yi> y^ , yn ;0 with respect 

to / where / occurs explicitly, the yy being considered as constants. 
Thus the functions Xi = <f> t (yi t y%, , y n m fy satisfy the equations 

and Eqs. (34) reduce to 

dy n 


Equations (35) can be solved for y\, y' 2 , , y n under the same condi- 
tions that a set of n linear non-homogeneous equations in n unknowns 
can be solved. By Cramer's rule the solution is 






yi 3y 

and A ra is the cofactor of the element in the rth row and 5th column 
of A(/). 

Before discussing the nature of the solution of (36) it may be helpful 
to employ the method in the solution of an illustrative example. 

3 10. Solution of Equation of Hunting. To illustrate the method 
of variation of parameters we shall solve Eq. (15). The normal form 
of (15) is 

<P2 = T f sin 2^i sin <p\ k(\ b cos 2<pj)<p2 


where primes denote derivatives with respect to T and where, upon 
correlation with Eq. (30), 


/ 2 = T r sin 2^i sin ?i, 

The initial conditions at the time of switching-on the exciter are given 
by Eqs. (22). Let these conditions be written ^i(/o) = #01 and 

The change of variables vi = ^i + 0o ^2 = #2 in (37) and sub- 
sequent division of the second by the first of the resulting equations 

d02 _ T - r sin 2(0! + ) - sin (0 t + 0p) 

*/01 02 

- k[i - b cos 2(0! + )]. 

The solution, which satisfies 

<% T - r sin 2(0 t + ) - sin (0i + 0p) 

and the boundary conditions 0i(/o) = 0> ^2(^0) =: 3S is 
(0 2 ) 2 = 2r0i + r cos 2(0! + 0o) + 2 cos (0i + ) - r 

cos 20 - 2 cos + y 2 , [38] 
where y is an arbitrary constant or a new variable. Equation (38) 

corresponds to (33) of the theory. The equation corresponding to (34) is 
302 d)P , 202 T - r sin 2(Bi + ) -.sin (e l - ) 



- b cos 

- k[l - b cos 2(0! + )], 
)]0 2 , [39] 

where 02 is given by (38). To obtain 2 from (38) it is necessary to 
extract the square root of the right member of (38). To do this expand 
the right member of (38) as a power series in BI obtaining 

where the , are known constants. Set 

where the/* are determined by squaring the right member and equating 
like powers of BI on the two sides of the equation. Equation (39) now is 

frr 4+r 

b cos 2(0i + )][/o +/i#i +/20? + ] [40] 

By reference to 3 -6 evidently* < 1. 
The above differential equation is of 
type I (3-8) and there thus exists a 
solution as a power series in k. 

Since the derivative in (40) is 
always negative the quantity y 2 is 
always a decreasing function until 
the slip 02 is zero. The graph of 
(38) for y 2 a constant is shown in 
Fig. 3 3. The curve labeled S is the 
FIG. 3-3. Pulling-into-step of Syn- complete solution of (37) up to the 

* v 

chronous Machine. 

first time that 02 = 0. 


1. By the method of variation of parameters, solve the following differential 

(a) x' - ax + e', (d) x' - ax + c mt , 

(W ^- 

- 1, 

W (/> 2 -2 

(/) *' - (sin /) + cos /. 


2. Solve, by the method of variation of parameters, the differential equation 
x' + P(t)x = <?(*), where P(t) and Q(t) are functions of t. 

3. Solve, by the method of variation of parameters, the differential equation 
(P 2 + ap + b)x = /(/), where a and b are constants and /(/) is a function of /. 

4. Solve the differential equation j" + k*s = g, where k and g are constants. 

5. Obtain, by the method of variation of parameters, the solution of the system 

where z r (p) - Lr./* 2 + # ra p + C ra and L ra , r ,, C r , are constants. 

6. Solve Eq. (40) as a power series in k inclusive of the term in ft 2 . 

7. The equation of a simple pendulum, where the damping force is proportional 
to the square of angular speed, is 

The algebraic sign depends upon the direction of motion. By the method of variation 
of parameters, solve the differential equation for 0'. 

8. The elastic law for a certain non-linear spring is / = kx + rx 3 , where x is the 
elongation and r is small relative to k. The differential equation of motion of a mass 
m attached to the spring is 

If x(0) = 0, x'(O) = a, find a periodic solution of the differential equation and deter- 
mine approximately the period of the solution. 

HINT: The solution is by the method of 3-6. Let / = (1 + 5)r and write the 
differential equation 

m jZ + (1 + d)*kx + r(l + )V = 0, 

where * = 8ir + fa* + . Substitution of x - x co) + * (1) r + - in the differ- 
ential equation and the equating of like powers of r yields a sequence of linear differ- 
ential equations. The imposed condition of periodicity determines sequentially 

*i, *2, - - 

9. Solve problem (8) when a periodic force F =* E sin nt acts on the mass m and 
the differential equation becomes 


m TT + kx + rx* = E sin nt. 

10. The differential equation 

du b sin at 

* ; 

arises in the study of muffle chamber discharge. The variable u is a measure of the 
pressure within the muffler. Figure 3-46 shows the nature of the variation of u in 
the operation of the muffler. At the point in the cycle when at = wfo 125 there 
is a discharge into the cylinder at the intake port A. The pressure then builds up to 


the value i* at / = 180 and then decreases, by exhaust through the port B, to the 


value o according to the equation -7- = a. 


The problem is to determine vo the minimum positive pressure, so that v\ = 02 in 
the steady-state operation of the muffle chamber. The unknowns are i>o, vi, ife. The 


FIG. 3-4. Pressure in Muffler. 

constants of the differential equation for a typical machine are w = 1 77.8, a = 1009, 
b - 1.89 X 10 3 . 

HINT: If the independent variable is changed from t to B by the equation / = kO 
where k = 1/6, then the differential equation becomes 

du sin &cod a sin i 
dO u b u 



This equation holds for wfo ^ k8u ^180 and the equation = r is valid for 


kOw ^ OJ/G. Since r is small, set 

w = MO + Mir -f 2f 2 + 
in ' = sin kuQ r and get, by equating like powers of r, 

2 - - 

The solution of the first equation of this sequence, subject to the condition o 
for = 0o is the generating function 

fo 2 J* 

MO = o + 7~ (cos * w ^o cos kuO) 

I k<* J 

A simple function approximating the generating function is 

where a\ is so determined that the values of MO as given by the last two equations are 
identical at kuO = 180. 


Continue the solution as far as the term in r and find the value of t>o, subject to 
the condition v\ = tfe. 

11. With this value of t>o integrate the differential equation by means of the 
method of isoclines until a value of VQ is obtained which yields v\ = ife to two decimal 

12. Obtain a better analytical solution of problem 10 than the one suggested 

3-11. General Theory Resumed. If in Eqs. (36) A(/) vanishes for 
values of / for which the solution of the system is desired, then difficul- 
ties are introduced into the solution and other methods may then be 

In some problems the gtfo(y*;0] f (35) may vary either rapidly or 
slowly due to the presence of / explicitly, but slowly due to slowly 
changing y& In this case the yk can be replaced by constant values 
yk(to) in the gi[<f>j(yk',t)] without modifying appreciably the solution. 
The right members of (35) are then explicit functions of the time, and 
the difficulty of the problem is greatly reduced. 

This naturally raises the need for a criterion for the possibility of 
setting yk = y*(/i) in the g. (a) Frequently, from engineering knowl- 
edge and Eqs. (33) the range of yk is known. The yk may then be set 
first equal to their least values and then to their greatest values in their 
domain and (35) solved for both sets. If the two solutions are approxi- 
mately equal then either solution is satisfactory, (b) Recourse may 
be had to the differential analyzer or numerical integration for repre- 
sentative values of the parameters involved. These numerical solutions 
will serve as a check on the substitution in question. 

3 12. Analytic Implicit Function Theory. When the generating 
functions are implicit functions of the dependent variables it may be 
possible to express the dependent variables as explicit functions of the 
independent variables. When the generating functions are implicit 
functions of both dependent and independent variables it may be pos- 
sible to express the dependent variables as explicit functions of the 
independent variables or as an explicit function of some parameter r. 

The reversion of series is the simplest case of the theory desired. 
Suppose that the generating function F(x, /) = is of the form t = /(#), 
where f(x) is an analytic function of x in the interval | x a \ p. 
Then f(x) is expansible in the convergent Taylor's series 

t - do + ai(x - a) + a 2 (x - a) 2 + . [41] 

It is supposed further that a\ j* 0. Then (x a) can be developed as a 
power series in (t OQ) which is convergent for t a sufficiently 


small. If (/ flo)/0i x a, and a/ai are replaced respectively by 
r, X, and A the series is 

T - X + 4 2 * 2 + 4 3 * 3 + . [42] 

Assume that 

X - T + 6 2 2T 2 + 6 3 ^ 3 + [43] 

and substitute this value of X in the series for T. If the resulting series 
is rearranged according to powers of T and if coefficients of correspond- 
ing powers of T on both sides of the series are equated, the following 
relations are obtained. 

7, A a * 

02 = A% = -- , 

A z = 2 4--, [44] 


5 I I 

. 04 

H -- g --- 


&2 ft 0Q 
dl \ fli , 

The coefficients 6 2 ^s> &4 have been computed to the thirteenth 
term. 11 The series (45) can be tested by the usual methods. If a\ =0 
it is still possible, under certain conditions, to reverse the given series. 
Suppose next that the n generating functions are 

^i(*i, ,*n;r) = 0, 


Fn(x\, ,^;r) - 0, 

where the functions Fi are analytic in the region | Xj oy | g p ; - and 
< r g r - The functions Fi are expansible in powers of Xi a t - by 
(13). It is further supposed that Xi = a, and r = satisfy Eqs. (46), 
i.e., that the curve defined by (46) passes through the point (0i, a 2 , 
a n , 0). There is no loss in generality in choosing the origin of coordi- 
nates so that ai = 02 = = a n = 0. The Fj are then analytic 
for | Xj | ^ pj and < r r . 

C. E. van Orstrand, "Reversion of Power Series," Phil. Mag. [6], 19 (1910). 


The Maclaurin expansions of (46) by (13) are 

+ + amXn = cir + PI(XI, , x n \ r), 

+ a nn x n = c n r + p n (xi, , x n \ r), 

where 0,7 and Ci are constants and pi are power series in x, containing 
no terms lower than the second degree in Xj and r . 
If the determinant 

does not vanish, Eqs. (47) can be solved for x\, , ff n in terms of the 
right members of these equations. Let the solution be 

Xi = ap + w(xf,r) (ij = 1, 2, ,) [48] 

where the w are power series in Xj and r of degree two or greater. 
To obtain a formal solution of (47) in powers of r substitute 

*,-o?>r + a? ) r 2 +... (t - 1, 2, .--,*) [49] 

in (48) and equate coefficients of corresponding powers of r on both 
sides of each equation. These equalities determine uniquely the coeffi- 
cients a?>, ai 2) , in (49). 

It can be shown, 12 by means of dominant functions 3-7, that the 
series (49) converge for all values of r for which 


where r' Q < r , p < p/, n = the number of equations, and M is a 
constant upper bound of | w(x/;r)| for | Xj \ ^ PJ and | r \ g r . However, 
the domain of convergence of (48) is usually greater than that given 
by inequality (SO). 

Those cases for which the determinant in a*y vanishes are discussed 
elsewhere. 18 

11 F. R. Moulton, Differential Equations, p. 81. 

11 F. R. Moulton, Periodic Orbits, Carnegie Publication 161, Chap. I; W. D. 
MacMillan, Mathematische Annalen, 72, 157-202. 



1. Reverse the following series so that the results contain terms in the fifth power 

(c) t = 2x + 3* 2 + 4s 3 + 5x 4 + 
2. Obtain the solution of 

for * as a power series in r to terms in r 3 . 

3. Solve the equation 

= 2x - r + 'a 2 + *r + Jr 2 + * 

for ac as a power series in r to terms in r*. 

4. Solve the equations 

*i -f *2 = 0, 

X2 + 3r _|_ ^r^a-2 -2=0 

as a power series in r as far as the terms in r 2 . 

3 13. Generating Functions in Series Form; Additional Observa- 
tions on Convergence. It may be impossible to resolve (1) into the 
system of (2) such that the solution of system (3) shall resemble the solu- 
tion of Eqs. (2) and at the same time be integrable by the elementary 
methods explained in a first course in differential equations. More- 
over, it may be impossible to introduce into (3) a suitable parameter in 
powers of which a series solution can be obtained. Under these circum- 
stances and as a last resort a solution as a power series in the independ- 
ent variable may be attempted. For the technique of power series 
solutions in the independent variable, the reader is referred elsewhere. 14 
In engineering work, power series solutions in the independent variables 
very frequently fail due to lack of convergence or due to complexity. In 
both cases the evident properties of the solution are lost. 

The methods of Sec. 1-2 are methods of great power. Even more 
difficult problems are solvable when both methods are used sequen- 
tially in either order and with any number of repeated applications of 
the methods. 

Additional observations on the question of convergence may be of 
value. If, in (26a), / / is sufficiently small then a value of r always 

14 Any text on a first course in differential equations. 


exists for which the solution given by (6) converges. In many engi- 
neering problems a solution is necessary for all values of the time and 
not for the time in a restricted interval. If / /o = oo in (26a), then 
r = 0. This is no cause for alarm, because (26a) does not give the true 
radius of convergence. In fact, the value of r can be much larger than 
zero and the series converge in the infinite interval t / - 

Another observation is important. It may be known from the 
physics of a problem that a periodic solution exists. An example is 
problem 8, set V. If the substitution / = (1 + 6)r is not made but if x 
is replaced by x = x (0) (f) + x (l \f)r + and if the solution of the 
differential equation is reduced, in the usual manner, to the solution of 
a sequence of linear differential equations, then it will be found that 
powers of / will appear in the solution. This solution is valid for r and T 
sufficiently small in the interval / < * ^ T. This solution resulted 
from an attempt to force on the differential equation a solution whose 

period is the period of the solution of the equation m z + kx = 0. 


In the application of the methods of Sec. 1-2, skill must frequently be 
employed if suitable solutions are to be found. The physics underlying 
the problem is the guide in finding suitable solutions. 


1. Solve the differential equation (16) or (17) by substituting x = * (0) (r) + 

+ # <2) (T)r (2) + directly in the differential equation. The computation 
of * (0) (r), * (I) (T), and a (2) (r) are sufficient. 

2. The differential equation of the free torsional vibrations of a flywheel with 
variable moment of inertia is 

j (id) + ko = o, 


where k is the torque constant of the shaft on which the flywheel is mounted. Let 
/ be represented by / = /o (1 + rsin ut), where r is small relative to unity. The 
differential equation then is 

/orw cos tat B k0 _ 

1 + r sin col 1 + r sin wt 

or, if damping be neglected and obvious approximations made, 


Obtain a solution of the differential equation by the following steps: 
(a) Use as a generating function = A cos nt + B sin nt t n 2 = k/I, which is the 
general solution of 

e[ - 2f d = - kei. 


(6) Employ the method of variation of parameters. 

(c) Express A and B by the equations 

A - A Q (t) + Ai(t)r + , B = 5 + J?i(/)r + 

and complete the solution for A and B as power series in r. 

(d) Note that the solution is for the interval to < t ^ T and that it contains 
powers of /. 

(e) Try to obtain, by the methods already explained, a periodic solution for all 
finite values of t. 

Solutions of Systems by Method of Successive Integrations 

The method of successive integrations is frequently of value in ob- 
taining an approximate solution of a system of differential equations. 
Moreover, it is basic in the development of the matrix methods of Sec. 4 
and in the integral equation method of Sec. 9 of this chapter. 

3 14. Approximating Sequences. Let the system of differential 
equations be reduced to the normal form 

*'* = MX;',*), (ij = 1, 2, , n) 

where the properties of the f unctions fa are specified in a closed region 
-n Xi -a,^n, ^ / - /o ^ P, (* = t, 2, ..-,). [52] 

The f unctions / of this section may be more general functions than the 
fi of Sec. 1. However, engineering functions possess, at least in a finite 
interval, the properties specified for the/i of Sec. 1. An, engineering 
problem can be solved for each of the finite intervals over which the / 
are analytic. It will be sufficient for the validity o'f the method of this 
section to assign to the / here employed, the properties of the / of 
Sec. 1. 

The method consists formally in determining sequences of func- 
tions Jc, (1) , ff, (2) , , (i = 1, 2, , n) the limit of which constitutes 
the solution of (51). The sequences are defined by the equations 

(* " ^ 2 ' ' ' ")' 


The proof 16 exists that the sequences defined by (53) possess limits 
and that these limits constitute the solution of (51). 

EXAMPLE. Solve by the method of successive approximations the 

x' 2 = *i + x 2 , 
subject to the initial conditions #(()) = a,. 

Let / ( )dt be denoted by Q and xl k) by #?. Then the sequences 
corresponding to (53) are 




oci = fli + 200*1 + 2Qa,) = a x (l + 2t + 2/ 2 ), 

*2 = a 2 + Q[(d! + a 2 ) + (3ai + a 2 )f] + 2a^ 2 , 

x\ = a x + 2Q ai (l 4- 2/ + 2/ 2 ) = Ol (l + 2t + 2t 2 + -J * 3 ), [54] 

1 + i + f/ 2 + i^ 3 + M 
2/ + 2/ 2 + / 3 

The solution by inspection is x\ aie 2 ', ^ 2 = &&* + i( 2 0- 
3 15. Use of Approximate Solution. The principal weakness of the 
method of this section is the slow convergence, in many engineering 
problems, of the sequences defined by (53). The successive approxima- 
tions, after the second or third step, may become too cumbersome. 
This difficulty is sometimes avoided if an approximate solution #* a 
+ w(f) is known. It can be rigorously shown that the limit of the 
sequences (53), where the first Eqs. in (53) are taken to be 

*P } = ^ + P/ifa + <pj(t) \f\dt (i - 1, 2, - - - , n) [S4a] 


15 E. L. Ince, Ordinary Differential Equations, p. 63; F. R. Moulton, Differential 
Equations, p. 189. 


and where dj + <pj(t) are continuous functions of / in the region defined 
by (52), is the solution of (51). This device is employed in Sec. 9 of 
this chapter. 


Solve by the method of successive integrations: 

1. x{ = "Xi - 2X2, Xz - Xi - * 2 . 

) -I- *?y = 0, subject to initial conditions y(0) = 1, y'(0) = 0. 

3. x' - ax. 


4. Ry = 5, where R and 5 are functions of x. 


5. *" + ax' + bx - e where a 2 - 4a6 < 0. 

6. #" + R*' = S where R and 5 are functions of /. 

Solutions of Systems by Matrix Methods 

The method of solution by matrices is largely the method of suc- 
cessive integrations recast in matrix notation. However, it differs in 
the following respects. The matrix method is more convenient than the 
method of successive integrations. The method of successive integra- 
tions is applicable to both linear and non-linear systems. The method 
of matrices is, at present, adapted only to linear equations. When the 
matrix method is applied to systems of equations possessing coefficients 
which are functions of the independent variable it yields a convenient 
method of numerical integration superior to the method explained in 
Chap. I, Vol. I. The method of this section does not pertain to non- 
linear systems. Before explaining the method it is necessary to state 
and illustrate certain theorems regarding matrices in addition to those 
theorems of Chap. II. 

3-16. Certain Definitions and Theorems on Matrices. The 

= \\I [a] = 0; 

where [a] is an n-rowed square matrix whose elements a# are constants, 
/ is unit matrix, X is a parameter, and | X/ [a] \ is a determinant, is 
called the characteristic equation of [a]. The n roots of the character- 
istic equation are called the latent roots of [a]. 


The following theorem is an important theorem of matrix theory. 
If [a] is a square matrix and <f>(\) = is its characteristic equation then 

*(M) = o. 

In the theory of functions of a complex variable the definitions of 
the calculus were extended to the case where the independent variable 
was the complex variable z = x + iy. It is here desirable to extend the 
definitions of functions so that the independent variable is the matrix 
[u]. The following theorem is basic in these definitions. If P(\u\) is 
any polynomial of the square matrix [u], whose latent roots are Xi, 
^2 "i ^ then 


where the matrix [Z r ] is 

n (A./ - []) 

For a proof of this theorem see Ex. 7. 
EXAMPLE. By means of Eq. (55) express 

u] = [ j J ' 

P(W) = [u] 2 + 3[w] + 7, where [u] = I I , as a matrix. 

In this case the characteristic equation reduces to (X 1) (X 2) 
= and the latent roots are Xi = 1, X 2 = 2. Then 


-[! 3 , <>'-[; 3 

2-1 ' L JJ 1 - 2 

This result is easily checked by squaring [u] and adding to the square 
3[] + I. 

3 17. Functions of a Matrix. Since a polynomial P(x) can be used 
to approximate a function /(*) of elementary mathematics, Eq. (55) 
with P([u]) replaced by /([>]) can be used as the definition of a function 
of a matrix. 

EXAMPLE. Express /([>]) = e [u] , where [u] =^ Q J, as a matrix. 
The characteristic equation is (X - 1)(X - 2) = and the latent roots 


i = 1, \2 = 2. The expressions for [Z r ] are 

ri o]_ri oi [2 <n_ri oi 
.._.. to iJ Lo 2] Lo 2\ Lo 2] fi ol 

[Zi] -- xT^ rn Lo o! 


o I = 


o i 

o 2 

I" 1 ]-\ l 

Lo iJ Lo 2 

- X 2 


fo ol 

1 I 

LO 1 J 

Equation (55) gives 

3 18. Derivative and Integral of a Matrix. The derivative and in- 
tegral of a matrix are defined by the equations 






_ dt dt 

where Quij = / (uq) dt. 


1. By means of Eq. (55), express as a matrix sin [], where 

Qu nn . 


i o o 


2. Evaluate e [u] , approximately where [] 


by means of the series 

[an 012 1 

21 022 J 

4. Prove the first theorem of 3- 16 for [o] an w-rowed square matrix. 

5. By means of Eq. (55), express as a matrix tan" 1 [w], where 



6. Express log [u] as a matrix, where [u] has the same value as in Ex. 5. 

7. Establish Eq. (55) by filling in the details in the following outline of a proof. 


Let />([]) be any polynomial of degree m in the square matrix []. Let ^(X) 
X n + ai\ n ~ l + + o n = be the characteristic equation of []. From ?(A) 
we have 

X n - -fliX"- 1 - 02X W - 2 ----- a n , 

-ai\ n - 02X"- 1 ---- - a n X. 
Substituting the value of X n from the first equation in the last we have 

By a continuation of this process it is possible to express p(\), a polynomial of degree 
m, as a polynomial P(X) = PiX"" 1 + P 2 X n ~ 2 + + P n . But [u] satisfies its 
own characteristic equation and thus all the relations written for X are valid when X 
is replaced by [u]. 

Lagrange's interpolation formula 18 for the n points [01, P(ai)], [^2, 
[a nt P(a n )] is 

- 02) (ai - a 3 ) (ai - a n ) 

(X - fll ) (X - a,) (X - m) (X - 

(a n ai) (a n - a 2 ) (o n - 

where a\ t 02 , a n are arbitrary. If a n X rf where X r (r = 1, 2, , n) are the 
latent roots of [11], then 


where [Z r ] is given in Eq. (55). 

8. Evaluate e [v] , where the latent roots of [u] are a pi. 

3 - 19. High Power of a Matrix. An approximate value of a matrix 
raised to a high power is easily obtained from Eq. (55). By Eq. (55) 

II (\J - [a]) 

Let the latent roots of [a] be Xi > X 2 > > Xn- If m is very large 

II (X.J - [a]) 


n (x, Xi) 


[1 Ol 238 
EXAMPLE. Find an approximate value of I I . By Eq. (56) 

M J. B. Scarborough, Numerical Mathematical Methods, p. 72. 


3-20. Matrizant. Tl solution of systems of simultaneous linear 
differential equations is based on a function called the matrizant. The 
matrizant is defined by the equation 

rf'M - I + GM + G 2 M + Q'M + -, 

where Q= /( )*, Q 2 =/{()/( )dt}dt, . Useful properties 

Jl* JtQ JtQ 

of the matrizant are displayed in the following theorems. 

Theorem I: J2' 0/0 [V] = /. Proof is mere inspection of the definition. 

Theorem II: -- Q tQt [u] = [u]Q M [u]. This result is evident by dif- 

ferentiation of the defining equation. 

Theorem III: tf'[a] = I e {a](t ~~ to \ where [a] is a constant matrix. 
This result is established directly from the definition, i.e., 

= / + I[a](t - / ) + I[a] 2 (t - / ) 2 /2 + 

3-21. Solution by Matrices. The system of differential equations 
is first reduced to the normal form of 3-1. The general method of 
solving simultaneous systems is easily understood from the solution of 
a simple system. Let it be required to solve the system 

* = 011*1 + <*12*2, d . . . .. . 

or [*] = [a][>], 

022*2, dt 

where the initial conditions are #i(/ ) = *? and x 2 (to) = x%. From the 
method of Sec. 3 and the definition of the matrizant the solution of 

I M = MM 

evidently is r -, 

and by theorem III of 3-20, 

[*] = Ie [a]T [x Q ], where T = / - / . 

It remains to compute e la]T . The characteristic equation and latent 
roots of [a] are respectively 

X QH &i2 

a 2 i X a 22 

Xi = I { (011 + 022) + V(an - 022) 2 + 4a 12 a 2i } = a + A 
*2 - 2 { (011 + 022) - V(a n - o 22 ) 2 + 4a 12 a 21 } = a - A 


The values of [Z t ] and [Z 2 ] (sec Eq. 55) f e 1 ' 1 are 


e "" r = ^ r( M - ( - 0J) - -*[(W - (a + 
Finally, the solution is 

[*] = Ie aT j/cosh 0r + J ([a] - a/) sinh /*r} 
or, in non-matrix notation, 
. *! = ^j*? cosh 0F + [^ (a n a? + a la *3) - ?] sin 07 j - 0, 

* 2 = <j r jsg cosh /57 1 + I ^ (a 21 .r? + fl 22 .v2) - a.tS J sin jSrf = 0. 


1. Solve, by the matrix method, the system x{ = 2i, *J = xi + x* subject to 
the initial conditions *,(0) = a,. 

2. Solve, by the matrix method, the system x{ = x\ 2^2, *2 = ^i #2 sub- 
ject to the initial conditions # t (0) = a,. 

3. Solve, by the matrix method, the equation 

dx , d n ~ l x , d n ~*x 

^F + ai d^ + ^^ + ''' +anXss0t 

subject to the initial conditions x (0) - x, x' (0) -= scj, -, ^"-U (0) *(-. 

3 22. Vibrations by Means of Matrices. A good approximation to 
the frequency of the fundamental mode of vibration of a conservative 
dynamical system with n degrees of freedom can be found by Ray- 
leigh's principle (see 1-39). It is possible to obtain an equally good 
approximation by means of matrices. 

The potential and kinetic energies of a discrete dynamical system 
are given by Eqs. (54-55) Chap. I. 17 Lagrange's equations (sec 1-12) 
for such a system are 

r.3. - - a r &(r - 1, 2, -,) 
*-i *-i 

[b](q] = - 
" Or, see E. T. Whittaker, Analytical Dynamics, Chap. VII. 


which reduces to 

M - -[DM, 


where [D] = [6] -1 [o]. 

If g, = x, cos ut (see 1 -37) is substituted in Eqs. (57) we obtain 



The determinant A ( -% J of the system (58), homogeneous in xi, x 2 , 
x n is 



~~2 DH 


" " " 2 *^ln 





The determinant is also the characteristic determinant of the system of 
differential equations (57). If, in Eqs. (59), l/o> 2 is replaced by X then 
the resulting A (A) is the characteristic determinant of the matrix [D], 
and Xi > Xg > > X n are the latent roots of [D]. Evidently l/v'Xi 
= MI, where wi is the smallest root of Eq. (59) and i/2ir is the fre- 
quency of the fundamental mode of vibration. (See 1 '36.) 

It remains only to obtain a simple method of finding Xi. It is 
possible to obtain a close approximation to Xi from the formula for a 
high power of a matrix. Equation (56), 3-19, becomes 

II (X.7 - [D]) 

n (x. - xo 


where the significance of x is given later. Obviously, 

ra-vi * x 

Dividing the last equation by its predecessor we obtain 

X l * rmr.J>i ' C 60 1 


The elements of the matrix [#] are the values of the coordinates in 
the estimated fundamental mode. Equation (60), with [x] deleted, 
will ultimately give the value of Xi. However, reasonable values of 
[*] decrease the value of m which must be employed in Eq. (60). In 
evaluating [D] m formula (56) is not used, but the value of [D] m is 
obtained by m multiplications. 

EXAMPLE. Obtain the period of the fundamental mode of vibra- 
tion of the double pendulum of Ex. 3 (see 1-10), where <* b 10 
ft, mi = 1 slug, m 2 = 2 slugs, and Q\ and 2 are small. 

The differential equations are 

= 0, 


a0j + 602 + #02 = 0, 

which become, on substituting numerical quantities, 
300i' + 2002 + 96.6 0! = 0, 
1001' + 1002 + 32.2 2 = 0, 

_30^ 20 " 
96.6 96.6 

32.2 32.2. 

Let us estimate that the displacements in the fundamental mode are 
o& = 10 sin 10 - 1.73 and xl = 20 sin 10 = 3.46. We then have 

"30 20 " 

[*] = 

96.6 96.6 
10 10 

_32.2 32.2_ 

0.3105 0.2070 

0.3105 0.3105 





[0.3105 0.2070 

[0.3105 0.3105 

3105 0.2070 

3105 0.3105 



] ri.253"| _ ["0.7229"! 

J [l.61lj ~ [0.8903 J ' 

1 ro.7229"| _ |"0.4086~| 

J [0.8903J " [o.5004j 

From [>]V] and 




We shall carry the process an additional step. 

I" 0.3105 0.2070] fO.4086] [0.23051 
[0.3105 0.3105] [O.S004J [0.2822J 

From [>] V] and [D]*[x*] 

Evidently, the process has been carried sufficiently far. The approxi- 
mate value of wi = l/\/Xi = 1.332. The accurate value of i is 1.34. 


1. Three equal weights each of mass m are attached to a light elastic string which 
is then under tension S. In equilibrium position the length of the string is 4a and the 
three weights are respectively a, 2a, and 3a units from one end of the string. If the 
coordinates of the three masses are qi, qz ,43. which denote the perpendicular dis- 
placements of the three masses from equilibrium position, then the kinetic and poten- 
tial energies are 

T = " (ql + & + 1), 

V - [ql + (qz - fil) 2 + (23 " 22) 2 + ! 

Find by the method of 3*22 the period of the fundamental mode of vibration. 

2. Two heavy discs, whose moments of inertia are I\ 4 slug-ft. 2 and /2 
6 slug-ft. 2 are supported on a vertical shaft which is attached to a horizontal plane. 
The constants of the shaft from the horizontal plane to the first disc and of the shaft 
between the two discs are respectively k\ = 1 Ib. ft./radian and fe = 2 Ib. ft./radian. 
The energies are 

T - (/i$ + '201), V - J[*i0? 

Find by the method of 3-22 the period of the fundamental mode of vibration. 

3. Two pendula, formed by equal masses m and by two rods attached to a hori- 
zontal plane, execute vibrations. The two rods are connected by a spring which is 
attached to the rods a distance h below the two points of support of the rods. The 
spring constant is k. The length of each bar is /. 

Neglecting the weight of each rod and of the spring, calculate, by the method of 
3*22, the period of the fundamental mode of vibration of the system. 

3 -23. Solution by Matrices of Linear Equations with Coefficients 
Which Are Functions of the Time. From 3- 14 it is evident that the 
solution of the linear system of differential equations 

#1 - UllXl + ' + UinX n , 

........ or 

X n = U n iXi + + U nn X n , 

where Xifo) = #?, is given by 

fl*M - / + Qu + C[V| + Q*M + . [61] 

The cumbersomeness, in general, of this formula has been pointed out 
in 3-15. However, Eq. (61) can be modified as a useful method of 
numerical integration greatly superior to the method of 65, Vol. I, 
provided the system of equations is linear. 

Let the interval / ^ t ^ t n be divided into n lengths t a / a _i 
= h 9 (s = 1, 2, , n). For simplicity all lengths will be taken equal. 
Over each interval h s we shall suppose the matrix [w] to be a constant 
matrix [a a ] or [a], the elements a lj of which are the average values with 
respect to / of w# over the interval h 8 whose right end point is s. 

The initial conditions for the differential equations at the beginning 
of the first interval hi are # t (/ ) = #? At the beginning of the 5th 
interval they will be xl" 1 , these values being computed by integrating 
over the interval whose right end point is 5 1. Over the 5th interval, 
since u is assumed constant, Eq. (61) reduces, in view of 3-20 to 

tf-*[] = JW r , [62] 

where [a 8 ] is a constant and T = /, / 8 _i. 

EXAMPLE. Integrate, by the method of this article, Legendre's 


<Px 2t dx , m(m + 1) 

dt 2 " 1 - / 2 dt + l-P * " ' 

subject to the initial conditions x (0) = -H. *'() = - Lct w = 2. 
If x = 3Ci and ^i = #2 the normal form of the equation is 

6X1 2t or [*'J= _ 6 21 

M = MM- [63] 

For the interval ^ t g 0.1, Eq. (63) is replaced by 

M = f l ] M 

I #21 #22 J 

where L J 



The solution of Eq. (64) is 

M = e [a] V; [65] 

where #? = -J^ and & = 0. 

The latent roots of [ai] are complex. The value of e^ T where the 
latent roots of [a] are a (li is found, by the theory of 3-21 to be 

e *r 

e [a]T - { 08 cos PT - sin 0r)7 + sin pT[a\}. 

The values of x\ and rc 2 at / = 0.1 (i.e., x\ and x\) are 

where T = 0.1, a db j9t = 0.05 db 5.95i, jc? = - Ji, ^ = 0, 

fl 0] f 1 ] 

7- , and [m] = 

[0 ij [-5.95 0.1J 

Numerical substitution yields ac} = 0.42 and x\ = 0.28. 
For the interval 0.1 g t g 0.2 Eq. (63) is replaced by 


W = 

022 J 

021 = 

= r* tdt = n7 
=[ i ] 

"* ~ [-7.5 1.1?J 
The values of xf and a| are 

r*n <!*< ,r*n 

, = { (ft cos 0r a sin 0r)J + sin 0r[a 2 ]} , 

L*sJ ^ L*2j 

where T - 0.1, a (8* - 0.15 + 4.91, ai = -0.42, ^ = 0.28. 
The numerical values are *? 0.37 and a^ = 0.49. 

Continuing the process we complete the table of values 
























'a~' 2 


FIG. 3-5 

The curves in Fig. 3.5 show both the approximate numerical and 
also the exact solution P 2 = 3(/ 2 - J^)/2 over the interval ^ / g 
0.5. The approximating solution 
would have been closer to the exact 
solution if h = 0.05 instead of 0.1. 

This naturally raises the ques- 
tion as to the magnitude of h if no 
exact solution is known and, of 
course, in general in practical prob- 
lems no exact solution is known. If 
two numerical solutions are carried 

out and in one of these the interval h is half its value in the other and 
if in addition no appreciable difference exists between the two result- 
ing solutions then h is sufficiently small. 

The interval h need not be constant throughout the range of the 
solution. If, in some regions, it is evident that the dependent variable 
is changing very rapidly as / increases it may be necessary to reduce the 
value assigned h until a region is reached in which the solution changes 
more slowly. 

It has been emphasized previously that recourse to numerical inte- 
gration is a last resort. The answers so obtained are merely curves and 
the parameters of the problem are lost from the solution. If the system 
contains many parameters and the system is integrated for a series of 
values of each parameter, either by the method of this section or by 
means of a mechanical or electrical differential analyzer 18 the solutions 
will be a book of curves. To express the data thus obtained it is usually 
necessary to integrate the system of differential equations in an analyti- 
cal solution. 

The most common systems of differential equations whose coeffi- 
cients are functions of the independent variable and which arise in engi- 
neering are those whose coefficients are periodic. (See Ex. 3.) Such 
equations, even when very simple, may present most formidable diffi- 
culties. For certain analytical methods of treating equations of this 
type see Ref. 14, 3-47. 

"See Sec. 10. 



1. Solve the illustrative example of 3-23 employing h = 0.05. 

2. Integrate, by the method of this article, the differential equation 

^ + 06,rV 2 ' - D* = 0, 

subject to the initial conditions *(0) - 1, x(0) = 0.5. Take the range of / to be 
t 2. Let h = 0.2. It is easily verified by substitution that x = e e/2 cos (4ire~') 
is the exact solution for the boundary conditions imposed. Use this solution as a 
check on the accuracy of the matrix method. 

3. Mathieu's equation 

is of use in two-dimensional wave motion, vibrations of elliptical membranes, 
astronomy, and free vibratory motion in which there occurs either variable moment 
of inertia or periodic spring stiffness. The equation possesses periodic or non- 
periodic solutions dependent upon the values of a and q. 

Integrate, by the method of 3-23, Mathieu's equation where q = 0.1 and 0=1 + 
Sq 8g 2 Sg 3 TJ<? 4 + insignificant higher degree terms in q. Let the initial con- 
ditions and interval of integration be respectively (0) = 0, w'(0) = 0.5 and 
^ / ^ 2r. 

It may be advantageous to change the independent variable in the differential 
equation from t to T by the relation 2t = r. 

4. The differential equation 

x + 2mx + (k* - 2n sin 2t)x = 

is the equation of the free vibrations of a system possessing one degree of freedom, 
variable spring stiffness, and damping proportional to the first power of the velocity. 
Integrate, by the method of 3-23, the above equation for m = 1 and n =0.1. 
Let the initial conditions and interval of integration be respectively x(Q) = 0, 
x'(0) = 0.5 and ^ * g 2r. 


The matrix method of 3-23 is applicable to linear differential equations only. 
Originate a matrix method which is valid for systems of non-linear differential equa- 

Elliptic Functions 

Elliptic and hyperelliptic functions are of increasing importance in 
engineering investigations. Problems involving non-linear forces and 
oscillations whose periods are functions of the initial conditions lead to 
elliptic functions. Integrals whose integrands contain the square root 


of a polynomial of the third or fourth power of the variable of integra- 
tion are reducible to elliptic integrals. A few of the many elementary 
applications of elliptic integrals are the length of an ellipse or hyperbola, 
area of a right elliptic cone, determination of the field intensity at a 
general point within a circular loop of wire carrying a current, 19 equa- 
tion of the elastica, 20 equation of a jumping rope, 21 path of a particle 
moving subject to a central force which is proportional to the inverse 
fifth power of the distance. 22 

Theories of non-linear springs, non-linear circuits, advanced 
Schwarzian transformations, and synchronous machines employ ellip- 
tic and hyperelliptic functions. (See 
3-31 and 3-35.) An introduction to 
elliptic functions is necessary for the 
study of hyperelliptic functions. 

3-24. Introductory Problem. El- 
liptic functions are introduced by the 
study of the simple pendulum. Let ra 
be the mass of the spherical bob, h the 
pendulum's length measured from 0, 
the point of suspension, to the center 
of gravity of m, and (Fig. 3-6) the 
angular displacement of the pendulum FIG. 3-6 

at time /. If damping is neglected, 
the differential equation of motion of the pendulum is 

i + a 2 sin = 0, [66] 

where a 2 = g/h and g = the acceleration of gravity. Integration of 
(66), after first multiplying the equation through by 20', yields 

tf* = 2a 2 (cos B - cos )i 

where the constant of integration has been so chosen that 0' = for 
6 = 0o- The maximum angular displacement OQ is supposed less than 
IT. By the identity cos 8 = 1 2 sin 2 0/2 the last equation can be 

0' - 2a Vsin 2 /2 - sin 2 0/2. 

11 1. S. and E. S. Sokolnikoff, Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists, 
p. 13. 

20 W. D. MacMillan, Theoretical Mechanics, p. 195. 

" E. B. Wilson, Advanced Calculus, p. 511. 

W. D. MacMillan, Theoretical Mechanics, p. 297. 


Change of dependent variable from to y in the above equation, by 
means of the relation sin 8/2 = (sin /2) sin <p = k sin ^, yields 

- a Vl - k 2 sn 

*> - 2 


A- d * 

aVl-fe 2 sin 2 v> 

If / = /o when the pendulum is at its low point, integration of the last 
equation gives 

a(t /o) : 

The integral, which is the right member of the last equation, is called an 
elliptic integral of the first kind. It cannot be evaluated in terms of a 
finite number of elementary functions. 

3-25. Definitions and Derivatives of the Jacob! Elliptic Functions 
of a Real Variable. The above equation expresses / / as a function 
of (p. It is desirable to express <? as an explicit function of a(t / )- 
In so doing we are led to the definitions of elliptic functions. For sim- 
plicity in writing, denote a(t /o) by u. In the equation 



C ] 

the upper limit <p is defined to be the amplitude of , or in symbols 
<p = am u. The elliptic functions, sine amplitude, cosine amplitude, 
and delta amplitude of #, are denoted respectively by sn u, en u, and 
dn u and arc defined by the equations 

sn u 5 sin am u = sin <?, 

en u s cos am u s cos ^, [68] 

dn M s A ow M s A^> == Vl - * 2 sin 2 *> = VI - * 2 sw 2 . 

It may be pointed out that the definitions of sn u and en u are very 
similar to the definitions of sin u and cos 2* if the latter definitions are 
expressed in terms of an integral. That is, if 

Jo Vl - 

then u = sin l x or w = cos l x and, consequently, x = sin M or x 
cos M. 


The derivatives of sn u, en u, and dn u are easily obtained. Evidently, 

d d . dtp dtp 

sn u = sm 9 = cos <p = en u 
du du du du 

The value of = Vl k 2 sin 2 v = dn u is obtained by differenti- 

ating Eq. (67). 

- sn u = en u dn u. 

In a similar manner 

en u = sw u dn u, [69] 


d ; L2 

dn u = k* snucnu. 

3-26. Elementary Properties of Elliptic Functions of a Real Vari- 
able. It is evident, from Eq. (67), that am = 0, and consequently 
sn = 0, en = 1, and dn = 1. If in Eq. (67) <p is replaced by <p 
then u changes sign. Thus am ( u) am u, and from this fact 
and the definition of sn u, en u, and dn u it follows that 

sw( u) = snu, cn(u) = cnu, dn( u) = rfww. 

The functions am u and src u are odd functions; in u and #*# w are even 

The introductory problem of 3-24 can now be completed. From 
the equation sin 0/2 = k sin <p and Eqs. (68) 

6 = 2 sin- 1 ^ sw w) = 2 sin"-^ k sn a(t - *>)] [70] 

If damping is neglected in the pendulum's motion then the motion will 
be purely periodic. Equation (66) contains no damping term and 
consequently 6 as given by Eq. (70) is purely periodic. We can study 
the periodicity of elliptic functions in obtaining the period of the 

When the pendulum is at its highest point <p = ir/2 and the quarter 
period is 

. i r 12 d * 

4 * a Jo Vl - * 2 sin 2 . 


If * < 1 then 

l2 do 




The value of the above integral is denoted by K . Thus the period of 
the pendulum is 4K(h/g)**. If k is very small, then an approximate 
value of K is ir/2. 

To obtain the real periods of sn u, en u, dn u, it is necessary to 
examine the integral 

r*dv r 7 *^ , /** 

I T" = / T~ + / 

^0 A^) ^0 Afp y,/ 2 

for w a positive integer. Each integral in the above series is of the form 

,... -/2) ^^ 


,... - 

where m is a positive integer. If in the first integral <p = mv and 
in the second ^ = mv + 6, then each integral becomes 

/ 2 ja 


and, from the definition of the amplitude function, 

Consider next the integral 


am(nK) = = n am K. 


From the definition of the amplitude function 
am(2nK + u) = WIT + 0. 

But me + ft = 2(T/2) + - 2n am K + am u. Thus the important 

am(2nK + u) = 2n am K + am u [71] 

is obtained. Similarly, the examination of the integral 

r-'fe, r 

Jo &<f> JQ &<f> 
yields the formula 

am(2nK u) = 2n am K am u. [72] 

Taking the sine of both sides of Eq. (71) we have 

sin [am(2nK + u)] = sin [2n am K + am u} 

sn(2nK + u) = sin (nw + am u) 

= sin HIT cos(am u) + cos rnr sin(am u) 
= cos nif sn u. 
From the last equation, if n = 2, 

sn(u + 4K) = sn u. 

Thus the period of sn u is 4K. 

In a similar manner Eqs. (71-72) give the relations 

sn(u + 2K) = -sn u, sn(u + 4K) = sn u, 
cn(u + 2K) = -en u, cn(u + 4K) - en u, 

dn(u + 2K) = Vl - k 2 sn 2 (u + 2K) - Vl - 

From the last equation the real period of dn u evidently is 2K. 

The values of the elliptic 
integral of Eq. (67) were tabu- 
lated by Legendre for values of 
k less than unity. A five-place 
table appears in Pierce's Short 

Table of Integrals. From such FIG. 3-7 

a table u is given as a function 

of <p. To obtain the graph of sn u it is necessary only to plot sin ^ 

against u as the independent variable. Figure 3-7 shows the graphs 

of sn u, en u, and dn u. 



1. A pendulum beats seconds when swinging through an angle of 6. How many 
seconds a day will the pendulum lose if it swings through 10? 

2. The period of a pendulum when swinging through an arc of 72 is two seconds. 
Find the time required for the same pendulum to swing from 72 down to 52. 

3. In the first integral of the differential equation of a pendulum let the constant 

of integration be + & 2 , where b 2 > 0. In this case the angular speed of the pendu- 

lum never vanishes. Find the period of revolution. 

4. The defining equations for tn u, ctn v, nc u, and ns u are 

snu cnu 1 1 

tn u = ..... , ctn u = , nc u = - - - , ns u = - 
cnu snu cnu snu 

Obtain the derivatives with respect to u of these four functions. 

5. Differentiate 

dn u 

(a) log sn u, (d) ---- , 

sn u 

, 2 

J (en u sn ur 

6. The functions u sn~ l x, u = en" 1 x, u = tn" 1 x, and u = ctn~ l x, are 
defined to be the inverse of x - sn , x en u, x = tn u, and x = ctn u. Obtain the 
derivatives with respect to x of the inverse functions. 

7. Show that 




3-27. Elliptic Integrals. Applications of elliptic functions fre- 
quently arise in the form of elliptic integrals. 

From the integral calculus it is known that any integral of the type 

R(t, V// 2 + gt + h) dt, 

where -R is a rational function of / and of the radical V// 2 + gt + h, 
is expressible in terms of elementary functions. 
It can be shown that integrals of the forms 

+ bi? + cit + d,) dt 
and [73] 

R(t, a V/ 4 + be* + cP + dt + e) dt, 


where J? is a rational function of / and of the radicals can be evaluated 
in terms of elementary functions and elliptic functions at most. It is 
supposed that the radicands do not contain multiple factors. The 
integrals (73) can be reduced to integrals of the elementary calculus 
and three elliptic integrals: 



r dx 

Legendre's three elliptic integrals, expressed in canonical form, arc: 
(a) Elliptic integral of the first kind : 


(6) Elliptic integral of the second kind : 

E(k, x) or / &<p dp = E(k, <p), [74] 

-k 2 x 2 
-x 2 l ./o 

(c) Elliptic integral of the third kind: 

/* dx . _ . r d^ 

I . =n(n,fe,jc) or I n 

JQ (1 + WJC 2 )V(1 x 2 )(lk 2 x 2 ) /<> (1+wsm" 

where A^ = Vl k 2 sin 2 ^, < & < 1 , and n is a real number. 

The coefficients in the polynomials / 3 + b\t 2 + c\t + d\ and 
/ 4 + &J 3 + c/ 2 + dt + e are real, / is real, and each polynomial is 
assumed positive for some value of / within the interval of integration. 

The second forms of Eqs. (74) are obtained from the first by the 
change of variable of integration x = sin <p. Integrals (74) have been 
evaluated, by numerical integration and other methods, for all values 
of k in the interval < k < 1 and for < <p < 7r/2. 

In the introductory problem of 3-24 the elliptic integral was 
readily reduced to the canonical form of the first kind. This was 
unusual. In non-linear circuits and Schwarzian transformations the 
reduction is often tedious. The general reduction is now given. 


Let the roots, real or complex, of J 4 + bfi + cf* + dt + e be a, j3, 7, 
and 5. The real transformation / = (p + qy)/(l + y) transforms 
the second integral of Eqs. (73) into 

fRi[y,aV~Y](<l-p)dy, [75] 


Y =[-+ (q - a)y][p - + (q - &)y] 

[p - T + (q - 7)y][(/> - 5) + fe a);y]. 

If the first two factors in Y are multiplied together and the coefficient 
of the linear term in y set equal to zero there results 

(P - <*)(q - ft + (p - fi(q - a) = 0. [76] 

Treating the last two factors in Y in the same manner we obtain 

(P - 7)fe -*) + (- )(ff - 7) = 0. [77] 

If real values of p and q can be so determined that (76-77) are satisfied 
then integral (75) will reduce to 

, a V( m 2 

where the real quantities m z , 2 , r 2 , / 2 are 
m* = (/> - ct)(j> - ft), r 2 
2 = (j - a)(g - |8), ^ = (q - y)(q - 5). 

(Explicitly, in numerical calculation if (/> )(/> |9) = 7 then 
m 2 = 7 and the symbols db m 2 is written - 7. If (p a)(p ft) = 7, 
then w 2 is written +7.) From (76-77) 


M + y* - y (7 + ) 
From the last two equations 

+ g <3-7g . |8(y + g) - -y8(a + fl) 

-^- = a + ^_ 7 _ 5 - ^ -- + /J- 7 -d ' [78] 

which in turn yield 

q-p (a ~ >)( - g)(^ ~ 7)03 - 

2 * a + j8 - 7 - 


From Eqs. (78-79) the real values of p and q are 

- 6) 

The case of most frequent occurrence is 

" VY ' 

where Ro(y) is a rational function of y. The rational function Ro(y) is 
the sum of an odd function Ra(y) and an even function J^GO- Thus the 
integral is expressed as the sum of two integrals. The integral 

is integrable, by means of the substitution y 2 = u, by the methods of 
the calculus. The integration of the integral 



leads to elliptic integrals. The function R%(y 2 ) can be resolved into an 
integral and a fractional part. The fractional part can be broken up 
into simple fractions, and by integration by parts, the integration is 
made to depend upon the terms 

dy y 2 dy dy 

7= t 7=^ t and 

VY ' VY f (i +n y 2 )Vv 

We shall carry out in detail the evaluation of the integral 

where T = J 4 + o>& + bt 2 + ct + d and the value of F is given above. 
The denominator of the integrand in (80) can be written 



where g = n/m and h = l/r. If g < h, then the substitution hy 
reduces the right member of (80) to 



where c 2 - (g/Kf < 1 and N - ( - 

The eight combinations of sign in the radical of (81) result in eight 
cases, but the combination of signs + + need not be considered 
because the polynomial / 4 + a* 3 + bt 2 + ct + d, which is by hypothe- 
sis positive for some range of / within the interval of integration, can- 
not be transformed by real transformations into a function which is 
always negative. There exist real transformations which transform the 
integral in (81) into the integral 


MJ vn 


k 2 sin 2 

where both Mand k are real and < k < 1. The following table indi- 
cates the transformation for each combination of sign and gives the 
corresponding values of k 2 and M. 



Value of k* 

Value of M 

+ - - 

x = sin <p 



+ - + 

X = COS <p 

cVd+c 2 ) 

-Nk' = -N(l -k*) 

+ + - 

x = (cos *)/c 

1/tt + c*) 


+ + + 

x = tan <p 

1 -c 2 



x = sec <t> 

1/0 H-c 2 ) 


- + - 

x - (sec <p)/c 

c 2 /(l + c 2 ) 


# = sin 2 v + (cos 2 v )/c 2 

1 -c 2 


If in (74) the upper limit <f> is w/2, then F(k, ir/2), E(k t v/2), and 
H (n> *, ir/2) are called complete elliptic integrals of the first, second, 
and third kinds respectively. In the integrals F(k, x), E(k, x), and 
II(n, *, x) the upper limit may be any real value. Consequently, these 
integrals may be complex quantities. The explanation of complex 
values for these integrals is reserved for 3-28. 



1. Evaluate by the method of 3-27 the integrals 
/* i 

- 2)<* - 3)<* - 4) ' 

2. If T is of the third degree and if its roots a, 0, 7 are real and a > > 7, show 
that the transformation / = 7 + (ft 7) sin 2 ^> transforms 

dt . 2 d< 

,-- into 

y --- ^ y 

Va -7 VI -sn <f> 

and 7 < / < ft. 

a - 7 

3. (Reciprocal modulus transformation.) Show that the transformation sin ^ =* 
(sin 0)/c, where c > 1, transforms 

d<f> . \ d6 

t^= into - 

, -- - - 

Vl-8ln* v 
4. Plot the integrands of the integrals 

/* rf^ /* . 

-7====lf=rT= , (W / V 1 - 
- V 1 ~ jfe 2 sin 2 > ^o 

sin 2 

for k = 1/2. Let ?> be taken as abscissa. The areas under the curves give the values 
of F(l/2, ?) and (1/2, ^). 
5. Express the integral 

/ fl sin 2 ^dd 
/ 9 . . 
- V I - k 2 sin 2 

as the sum of elliptic integrals. 

6. Express as elliptic integrals, by proper changes of the variable of integration, 
the integrals 

/* dO r*/ 2 dO f*/ 2 dO 

. ,(>!), ( / 7T-^Z, W / 7 - 7712- 

- Vc - cos ^o (sm fl Jo (cos 0) 

7. If the four roots of T = are a > ft > 7 > 5. show that -T= is transformed 




-(- 7 )(U-a)' T "'" 

by the substitution 

j _ 7(0 - a) - a(0 - 7 ) sin 2 e 

(ft 5) (ft 7) sin 2 

8. Establish the Maclaurin developments 

(a) sn u - * - (1 + * 2 ) Jj + (1 + I** 2 + * 4 ) ^ 

w 2 w^ 4/ 

en M - ~~ 2~! 4! 

(c) dn u * 1 ^ 2 -h fe 2 (4 + & 2 ) 

2! ^: u: 

9. Given that the addition formula for sn(u + v) is sn(u + v) - - (JH ucnvdnv 
+ snvcnudnu), where Z? = 1 ^ 2 sn 2 w 5W 2 , show that 

en (u + v) *= ~-(cn u cnv snudnusnvdn r), 

dn ( -f v) = (dw u dn w Jfe 2 5n u en u sn v en v). 

3 * 28. Elliptic Functions of a Complex Variable. Let it be required 
to examine the integral 

/!/* fi 

~777=====T^7 P2] 


where k < 1. Evidently 

u = / / + 


To transform the last integral write 


where V (called the complementary modulus) is denned by the equa- 
tion k' a + * 2 = 1. The above transformation changes 

rdx f 1 dz 

- V(i - (i - ftV) int *-( V(i - O(i - A'V) 


or, if z = sin 6, then into 

/* de = 

Jo Vl - k' 2 sin 2 

where K 1 is given by the series preceding Eq. (71) if k is replaced by V, 
Equation (82) can now be written 

n "/* dip 

===*=== = K + iK'. 
VI - k 2 sin 2 <p 

From the definitions of the elliptic functions 3-25 

am (K + iK 1 ) = sin- 1 I/A 

sn (K + iK 1 ) = I/A. 

In this particular example the sn function of a complex argument yields 
a real value. We now proceed to the study of elliptic functions of a 

general argument. In the integral / <W/A(0, k) make the substitution 

cos 6 cos <p = 1. [83] 

Then sin = i tan v and 


so that 

C'__de_ = . 
Jo A(,*) * 


Jo W,k) 

f-^-r- = u [84] 

JQ A(<>, R ) 

p de . 

Jo A(,*) *" 

(itt, k). [85] 

From relation (83) there follows immediately 

sin 6 = i tan p, 
cos = I/ cos ^ f 
tan = i sin ?. 



Substituting the values of <p and 6 from (84-85) in the last equations 
we have, from sin 6 = i tan <f>, the relation 


sin am(iu, k) = i tan am(u, k') 9 
sn(iu, k) = i tn(u, k'). 
cn(iu, k) = l/cn(u, k') 9 

, ,. ,. dn(u,k') 
dn(tu, k) 



If in (86) u is replaced by v + 4K' then the last equations yield 
sn[i(v + 4X ; ), *] = i tn [(v + 4X'), k'] = i tn (v, k') - sn(iv, k). 

cn\i(v + 4X0, k] - cn(iv t k), [87] 

] =dn(iv,k). 

If in (87) v is replaced by iv (and this is a possible substitution by in- 
spection of the definitions of u and v) there results 

sn(v + 4iK' t k) = sn(v, k), 
cn(v + 4iK', k) = cn(v, k), 
k) =dn(v,k). 






V oo 

f 1 



K 2K 3K 4K 

FIG. 3 - 8. Rectangl^ of Elliptic Function sn u. 

It can now be shown that the periods of sn u 9 en u and dn u are re- 
spectively (4K and 2iK'), (4K and 2K + 2iK') and (2K and UK'). 
Thus all values of y = sn u are given in the rectangle shown in Fig. 3 8. 



1. Fill in a rectangle, similar to that shown in Fig. 3-8, for the function y = en u, 

2. Show that 

3K iK'\ (1+tVF') 


3. Show that 

. 3K 1 ... 3K VF . . 3K 

4. Show that 


5. Express 


as a complex number A + Bi. 

3-29. Integration of Elliptic Functions. The methods of evaluation 
of integrals whose integrands contain elliptic functions are very similar 
to the methods of the elementary calculus. From 

it follows that 

du = d<p/A<p, or dp = dnu du t or t/(am u) = dnu du. 

From the last equations, 

d(sn u) = cnudnu du 9 
d(cn u) = snudnu du, 
d(dnu) = k 2 snucnudu. 

Some methods of integration are illustrated by the following examples. 
1. Evaluate the integral / snudu. (Omit the arbitrary con- 

stant.) The integral 


= , 
- V 2 

/I C k 2 snucnu , 1 C 

sn u du = - 75 I du = - 7 / - 
k 2 J cnu k J - 


where v = dnu. The value of the last integral is 

2. The evaluation of / dto/sn u is as follows: 

/d _ C sn u cnu dnu _ 1 C 
sn u J sn 2 ucnu dnu 2 J 

v V(l v)(l 

where v = sn 2 u. Evaluating the last integral by the methods of the 
calculus and expressing the result in terms of u it is found that 

/du_ _ j [ en u "I 
snu Lcnu + dn u] 

3. Evaluate the integral / sn~ l u du. In the integrand make the 
substitution sn" 1 u = v or u = sn v. Then 

/ sn" 1 udu = I v en v dn v dv. 
Integration by parts yields 

/sn" 1 udu = / v en v dn v dv = v snv + 7 cosh"" 1 1 77 ) 
J k \k / 

-i , * ,.-iA"" 1 A 
= $ *M + -cosh M 7; ) 

4. Evaluate the integral / dn 2 u du. By definition E(k, tp) 

= / AV? (2^. We have p = am u and d(am u) = d<p = dnu du. Recall- 

ing that A^ = dn u, and substituting for A^> and rf^ in the last integral 
we have 



dn 2 u du = (Jfe, aw w). 

5. Evaluate the integrals / sn 2 u du and / en 2 u du. From the 


d dn u the relations 
sn 2 u + en 2 u = 1, 


definitions of sn u, en u, and dn u the relations 


obtain. By means of these relations the evaluation of the two inte- 
grals in question is made to depend upon the integral of example 4. 
The results are 

/ sn? u du = Tg l u -E(<M u, k)], 
f*cn 2 udu = ^ [E(am u, k) - k'* 

/* dx 



If the substitution x = tn(u, k') is made then 

' cn\u, k 1 ) 

1 + * 2 - 

(, k') ' cn\u, k') 

= dn*(u, k') 
~ cn\u, k') ' 
and the integral becomes 

dx dn(u, k')cn z (u, k') 



_ _ 
o V(l + * 2 )(1 + *V) J cn 2 (u,k')dn(u,k') 


sn~ l ( . * , k') = F(k', tan' 1 *). 
\V 1 + x 2 ' 

A rather extensive table of integrals for elliptic functions is found 
in Elements de la Thtorie des Fonctions Elliptiques IV, Tannery and 

Establish the following formulas: 

du E(u) tfsnucnu 

' ~ 

fc' 2 fc' 2 dtt ' 

o /" ^ ! i <fa + y 

2. I tnudu ~ - log , 

/o * cw i* 



3. / ctn udu = log - 

r snudu 1 dnu 

J l^T --JS^' 

5. I dnu i log (en u * sn u), 

_ f cnudnu 

6. / dtt = log sn ft, 

J snu 

r dnudu 

. I = - /n M 
y cn 2 

t ' dn u du 
J c 

r du r en u _ , r sn u , 

8. I I du+ I du. 

J snucnu J snu J en u 

Evaluate, by substitution of elliptic functions (see 3-29), the integrals 
dX (0 < k < 1). Let x 


V( - a) [(x - r) 2 + s 2 ] 

Let y = and obtain under the radical sign an expression having 

x a 

,hree real factors. Then use Ex. 2, problem set XV. 

Hyperelliptic Functions 

Some of the uses of hyperelliptic functions have been given in the 
introductory paragraph of Sec. 5. It is the purpose of this section to 
develop the theory, sufficient for the applications considered, of 
hyperelliptic functions. Integrals of the form 


where T is a polynomial of degree higher than four and R is a rational 
function of / and VT, lead in general to hyperelliptic functions. 
It is not easy to generalize the classical theory of elliptic functions as 
given in Sec. 5 so as to obtain a theory of hyperelliptic functions. A 
theory of elliptic functions is now developed which is based on the 
solution of differential equations by the methods of Sec. 1 of this 
chapter. This theory will then be extended so as to include hyperellip- 
tic functions. 

3 30. Elliptic Functions in Series Form. Consider the differential 

=--(1+^ + 2^*3, 0<* 2 <1. [89] 


If Eq. (89) is multiplied through by 2 dx/dt and the integration per- 
formed there results 

-k 2 x 2 ) [90] 

provided *'(0) = 1, and *(0) = 0. The solution of Eq. (90), satisfying 
these initial conditions, is 

x = sn(t, k). 

In view of the theory of Sec. 1 it seems reasonable to suppose that 
the solution of Eq. (89), subject to the initial conditions #'(0) = 1 and 
ar(O) = 0, is obtainable as a power series in k 2 . Accordingly, let 

Substituting this value of x in Eq. (89) and equating the coefficients of 
like powers of k 2 we have the sequence of equations 

*6 + *o = 0, 

*4 + #4 

The solution, subject to the initial conditions, of the first of (91) is 

X Q = sin /. 
The substitution of XQ in the second equation above yields 

+ ** - I s" 1 * - \ sin 3t - 
The solution, subject to the initial conditions # 2 (0) - # 2 (0) = 0, is 

X 2 - 77 sin / - - cos / + sin 3/. 

JO 4 10 


The solution of Eq. (89), as far as the terms in k 2 , is 

k 2 
x = sin / + (sin t - 4* cos / + sin 30 + -. [92] 

Evidently, the solution (92) is not satisfactory. The term (/ cos t) /4 
is not periodic. Moreover, the remaining terms of (92) are periodic of 
period 2w, whereas the solution x = sn(t, k) is known to be periodic of 
period 4K in /. 

A solution must be devised that displays the period of 4K in /. 
Accordingly, let a change of independent variable from / to r be made 
in Eq. (89) by the relation / = (1 + 5)r, where 5 is a constant later 
determined. Since 

^ _ ^L^L _ * dx d?x _ 1 d?x 

dt " dr ~dt " (1 + ) dr an di? "~ (1 + d) 2 d^ ' 
Eq. (89) becomes 


J* _ _(1 + j)>[(i + fe 2 )^c - 2k 2 * 3 ]. [93] 

From 3-26 the value of 4K is 

If the solution of Eq. (93) can be expressed in a form which is periodic 
of period 2ir then by the relation /==(! + 5)r, the solution in / will 
be periodic of period 2?r(l + 5). 

Since 5 is a function of k 2 it is reasonable to write 5 = S 2 k 2 + S 4 fc 4 + 
, where 621 ^4, are constants to be determined. The substitution 
of this value for $ and x = * M + x 2 (r)k 2 + * 4 (r)* 4 in Eq. (93) 

k*[x 4 + (28 4 + a + 2S 2 )* 

By equating coefficients of like powers of k 2 we obtain the infinite 
sequence of linear differential equations 

S + *o - 0, 

4 + *8 - - (1 + 25 2 )* 

2)* a + 6^*2 + 42 

where the derivatives are with respect to r. 


The solution of the first of (94), subject to the initial conditions 
*o(0) = 0, *o(0) = 1, is #o = sin r. When sin r is substituted for XQ 
in the second equation above, there results 

x 2 + #2 = ( 2 2$ 2 ) sin r ^ sin 3r. 

In order that no term of the form r cos r appears in the solution, it is 
necessary that | 25 2 = or d 2 = . 

Before integrating the next differential equation and the remaining 
equations of (94), it is necessary to determine the initial conditions 
for #2, x*t From / = (1 + 5)r it follows that 

dx dx dt dx 2 4 o* 

= j- = (1 + 6) = (1 + 6 2 k + 6 4 fc + ) 
or a/ or a/ a/ 


From Eq. (90) it is evident that = 1 for x = 0, t = 0. Thus 


~ 1 + 5 2 ^ 2 + 5 4 fe 4 + -, for r = 0. 

From ^ = XQ + x 2 (r)k 2 + # 4 (r)& 4 + , a second value for is 


dr dr dr dr 

Since these two values are identical for all values of k when r = 0, it 
follows that, at r = 0, 

dxQ dx 2 dx 2n 

dr dr dr 

The solution of x 2 + x 2 = J^ sin 3r, subject to the initial condi- 
tions x 2 (Q) = and x' 2 (G) = d 2 is 

x 2 = ipg' (sin r -f- sin 3r). 

By substituting X Q and x 2 in the third equation of (94) and imposing 
the condition that all sin r terms vanish from the right member of the 

equation, 5 4 is found to be ( ) . Moreover, it is evident that in 

each successive equation just one additional 5 2n enters. Thus the 8 2n 
can be determined. The integration of the equation in * 4 gives 

# 4 = 2 (7 sin r + 8 sin 3r + sin Sr). 

Finally, the value of sn(t, K) as far as the terms containing k* is 

sn(t, k) = XQ + x 2 k 2 + x 4 k* + , [95] 



The solution of (89) given by (95) is periodic of period 4K and is 
of a form satisfactory for computational purposes. 


1. Solve, by the method of 3-30, the differential equation 

subject to the initial conditions g(0) = 1, g'(0) = and thus obtain a series expan- 
sion, similar in form to (95), for en t. 

2. Obtain the differential equation whose solution is dn t. Show that the solution, 
satisfying the initial conditions #(0) = 1, x'(0) = is 

3-31. Non-linear Spring. Let it be required to find the period of 
oscillation of the mass m supported by a non-linear spring as illustrated 
in Fig. 3-9. The displacement from equilibrium position at time / is 
denoted by x. Let the restoring force of the spring be given by 

where b\ and 63 are positive empirical constants. 
The differential equation of motion is 



The first integral of the differential equation is 

Denote the maximum displacement of the spring from equilibrium posi- 
tion by c. Since the velocity vanishes at maximum displacement 
Ci = a\<? + a^c 4 /2. The differential equation becomes 

FIG. 3 9. Non-linear Spring. 
The substitution x = cy reduces the last equation to 


2 3 . .. 

k = - - - < 1. 

When y ranges from 1 to +1 the mass has executed a half -period 
P/2. Thus 

p = ( I - i dy 

A 2 /) 
4fe/2\ /' 1 (l + *V)- M jf 

C Vffls/ ^A Vl y 2 




The trigonometric substitution y = sin 6 and Wallis' integration for 
mulas yield 

It should be noted that the period, unlike the period of a linear spring, 
is a function of the maximum displacement of the mass. 

1. Solve by the method of 3-31 the differential equation 

subject to the initial conditions y(0) = 0, y'(0) = aa/4& 2 . Show that the action of 
the spring is rougher than a linear spring. 

3-32. Hyperelliptic Functions. Hyperelliptic functions may be 
introduced by the equation 

d 2 z 

2 = b o + biz + b 2 sr + + &n-i 2 , [96] 

where &o b\, b 2 , &n-i are real constants and the right member is a 
polynomial of degree greater than four or a convergent infinite series. 
(Ref. 4, end of chapter.) A first integral of Eq. (96) is 



FIG. 3-10 

where a Q , a\, -, a n are all real. Let the 
n roots, real or complex, of f(z) be ori, 
2. * <*n- In any physical problem the 
variation of z will lie between fixed values 
Zi and Z 2 where Z\ and Z 2 are real or com- 
plex. Let ai, cx2, , a r be those roots of 
f(z) which lie within the ring (Fig. 4-10) 
LI ^ z ^ L 2 . Let /() be written 

/(*) - (z - aO(2 - a,)(s - en) (i - r )foW, [98] 

where /o() is finite and does not vanish within the ring. 


3-33. Period of the Solution. If n = 4, it is evident from 3*28 
that the periods of the solution of (96) will be one real and one imag- 
inary. Thus in the general equation n > 4, both real and imaginary 
periods are expected, but in the problems of this section, only real 
periods need be considered. 

The real periods in the general case are obtained in much the same 
way that the period of the non-linear spring was obtained in 3-31. 
Let us suppose that during the motion or variation of current z varies 
from a* to a,-+i where z, -, and a + i are real and that /(*) > for 
oti^z ^ a,+i. If the change of variable 

(<Xj + Qf t -+j) , (Ctj+l - Ctj) 

Z = 2 + 2 * 

is made in/(2), then 


- **> n 



< 1 

because a,-+i and a f - are consecutive roots of f(x). If bj I 1 + x ) is 

f * 

complex root, then its complex conjugate (say) fy+i 11+ 7 

\ bj+i 


is also a root. The coefficients dj and e$ in the product 

are real numbers and B 2 is a positive quantity. Finally, 

(I + <rp*)(l + d t x + !**) (l+d l x + eix*)g(x), 

where the number of real roots of /(z) in the ring L\ <\x\ < L 2 is p, 
the number of complex roots is 21 and A 2 is such that g(0) = 1. The 
change of variable from z to x reduces (97) to 



AV(l-x 2 )(l+<r lX )- (l+v p x)'-'(l+d 1 x+e l x 2 )---(l+d,x+eix 2 )g(x) 
The period T(cti+i, ,-) is 

(1 +!*) 

(1 + d,x + 

Since g(jc) does not vanish within the interval of integration [g(x)]~^ is 
expansible in this interval as a convergent power series in x. Since 
<TI, (r 2 , , <r p are less than unity (1 + <r\x) (!+ <vO i s a ' so expansi- 
ble as a power series in x for the interval in question. 
Two cases now obtain : 

Case (a). If \x\ < l/VJVl (J = 1, 2, -,/) then each factor 
V(l + djX + e 3 x 2 ) can be expanded as a power series in x. Thus 
) becomes 

. 2 

where Z>i, Z^2, are constants. By the trigonometic substitution 
# = sin the integral is easily evaluated and the period obtained. 

Case (ft). If any or all of the | Cj \ are greater than unity the pro- 
cedure is more complicated. Consider first that one of the | j \ > 1 
and the absolute value of each of the others is less than unity. Let the 
corresponding factor be written 

e,[x - (a + #)][* - (a - 


where a and are real. Let the integral r(a,+i t a,) be computed from 
1 to a and then from a to + 1. Over the first range make the change 
of variable 

- 1 + 1 

2 2 y ' 


[ej[x- (a- 

The last factor is expansible in a convergent power series in y as long as 

I < V 

H -- " Since ^is inequality is satisfied for the inter- 

val 1 < y < a 

r(a, f a)-/ 
*/ i 

where the (? are constants. 

For the interval a g x ^ 1 the transformation is 

+ 1 ( - o v 

* 2 2 y 

and the integral is 


where the P< are constants. 
The total period T is 

rrnt \ I rp/ \ 

= T(oti, a) + T(a, ai+i). 

If the absolute values of two of the e, are greater than unity then 
the interval 1 g x g + I can be broken into three intervals and the 
above process applied. The method is extensible to / such factors. 

3-34. Solution of the Differential Equation. Equation (96), by 
means of a first integration, the change of variable from z to x, and the 
reductions of 3-33 becomes 

- A[(l - *)(! + *!*)(! + *>*) 

(1 + <r p *)(l + d lX + *!* 2 ) - (1 + dix + e l ^)g(x)]^. [98a] 
In Eq. (98a) make the substitutions 

<ri = a(k, di dfik, i = e' t k 2 , gi 



where the & are the coefficients in the expansion of g(x). The periods 
of Eq. (98a) can be obtained by the method of 3-33 and are of the 

Q(K) = 


To set in evidence the period in question of the solution of (96) and 
(98a) change the independent variable from t to r by the substitution 
t ** Q(k)r/A. Equation (98a) then becomes 


- <?(*)[! - **)(! 

(! + 

(1 + fox + J*V)(1 + gikx + 

)(! + fox + c', 

+ iff if + )]*. [100] 

This equation is of the form of Eq. (2) of this chapter. Consequently 
there exists a solution of the form 

which is convergent for k sufficiently small or what is the same thing for 
k = t and cr',, (/*,, /,, g', sufficiently small. This solution is periodic of 

period 2?r in r and of period T = Q(*) in /. The method is employed 


in non-linear circuit analysis in 3-35. 

E tin cut 




40 60 80 

RMS. Volts 

100 120 

FIG. 3*11. Non-linear Series 

FIG. 3 12. Volt-ampere Characteristic 
of Non-linear Series Circuit. 

3*35. Resonance in Series Non-linear Circuits. The resonance 
theory of series non-linear control circuits illustrates the principles of 
Sec. 6. The theory here developed is applicable to series circuits pos- 
sessing variable inductance, capacitance, and resistance. 

Many experimental facts regarding these circuits appear in the 
literature. The three most pertinent are the following. 

(a) Volt-ampere characteristic. The volt-ampere characteristic of 
the circuit in Fig. 3 1 1 is shown in Fig. 3-12. The values of current and 


voltage displayed are root-mean-square values. In the regions ab and 
cd the current response is approximately linear with the voltage whereas 
in the region be the current is critical with respect to the voltage, i.e., 
a slight increase in voltage produces a large increase in current. The 
value of the applied voltage for which this increase in current is greatest 
is called resonant voltage. 

(b) Resistance limited. The maximum value of the current in the 
region be is resistance limited, i.e., the peak of the current is piven by 
i - E/R. 

(c) Phase agreement. At resonant voltage, the voltage and current 
are nearly in phase. 

The B-H function is of course many-valued, hut this function tends 
to become single- valued at large magnetizing forces for nicalloy, perm- 
alloy, and low-loss steels. Moreover, the numerical integration of 
the differential equations by means of the integraph shows that the 
graph obtained for the current in circuits of variable inductance is not 
changed by employing a single-valued B-II function. Accordingly the 
equation of the magnetization curve is taken to be 

7/-M-*- as* 3 + a fi x 6 , [101] 

where // = magnetizing force in gilberts per square centimeter, 
i = current in amperes, 

x = B/BQ where B is the flux density in gausses per square 

and B is the slope of the magnetization curve at the origin. The 
quantities k, <z 3 , and a f , are positive constants. More terms may be 
added to Eq. (101) if necessary. 

The differential equation for the current in the circuit shown in 
Fig. 3-11 is 

- E cos co(r - T O ), [102] 

uhich, by means of Eq. (101) and the substitution = wr, Ixicomes 

dx r 

M + R(x aa* 3 + a&x 6 ) + x e I (x a&? + a^de 
ad J 

- -Ek cos (0 - ), [103] 

where M kuNAB 10"^ f C capacitance in micro-farads, 

x e 1/C, /? resistance in ohms, 

w = 377, A = area of cross-section of coil in 

square centimeters, 
r time in seconds, N number of turns. 


Differentiating Eq. (103) we obtain 

M T* + * (1 " 

- Ek sin (8 - ). [104] 

To investigate the resonance between the applied voltage and the cir- 
cuit it is necessary to determine the natural period of the circuit, i.e., 
it is necessary to integrate Eq. (104) for E = 0. This integration is ac- 
complished in two steps. First Eq. (104) is integrated for E = R = 
and then the solution is modified to take care of the resistance. Accord- 
ingly, the first equation to be integrated is 

M*-z + x c (x - a^x 3 + a 6 ar) = 0. [105] 

Performing a first integration of (105) we have 

_ _ \S Q M.\Jl *\t ~~ \J 


The integral of Eq. (106) is hyperelliptic and we obtain first the period 
of the solution. The period of the solution is dependent, as in the 
elliptic case, on the amplitude of the flux. 

The right side of Eq. (106) vanishes for only one real value of #, 
i.e., at the maximum value of c of the flux density. Accordingly, let 
(106) be written 

= 0> [107] 

^r 2 i 

where (a 2 + 6 2 ) 2 = \ , (a 2 + 6 2 ) 2 - 2(6 2 - a 2 )* 2 . - 

as,c o 5 



If x = cy, a/c = |8, and b/c = 7, Eq. (107) becomes 

Y . Al c*(\ - ;y 2 )[G5 2 + 7 2 ) 2 + 2( 7 2 - 0V + y 4 ], [109] 

where A* = a& c /ZM. 

The solution of Eq. (109) possesses but one real period T e which is 

T _ _- / +1 * 

* c o .. 

c .2^ / J ( t _ y 2 )[(p 2 + 7 2 ) 2 + 2(7 2 - /3 2 )/ 

- 7*2 + TS), 


V (1 - /) 

-|_ fl^ 2 4_ ^, 2 ll~H 

- dy, 

V(l - y 2 ) 
rs = ^ >L (y - g) 2 + ^+ ft . . ., ^ 

Evidently, TI = T 3 . By the substitution 
7"i is reduced to 




[(1 + 3 2 + 4r 2 ] H " ' ~ [(1 + 3/S) 2 + 
(1 - fl* 1-1? 

Since <Jn<l, < x f < 1 

*?)- - 1 + h i P 1 (x i ) 


where P\,Pz, -,?* are Legendre polynomials. The expression 
(1 o<w)~^ is expansible in a rapidly convergent series. Substitution 
of these expressions in Eq. (110) and the carrying out of the integra- 
tions yield TI + T 3 = 2irQ Q S Q , where 

" ,{[(1 + 30) 2 + 4 7 2 ][(1- 
So - 1 

4 - A1 . 

By means of the substitution y = jSr; and the method employed in 
evaluating T\ and T 3 , the value of T 2 is T 2 = vQ\S\ where 

Si - 1 + $(2a* - 03 

Qr9 =SS . _ T> 

3 03 2 + 7 2 )* 

The series 5 and S\ are so rapidly convergent that two terms are suf- 
ficient in all computations. Finally, 

rp __ "f xxx r* . ** r* *. *>^ n t -.O Ov ^^ 

* c "T" 

The equation is now integrated for zero resistance. Differentiating 

Eq. (109) with respect to 6, canceling out -~, changing the independent 


variable from 6 to / by means of the substitution 6 = -~ = /, 

A A 


and writing -- y", we have 

y" + (1 + ) 2 { [C8 2 + 7 2 ) 2 - 2(> 2 - ft]y 

+ 2[2( T 2 - ft 2 ) - I]/ + 3/} - 0. [Ill] 

Equation (111) by the aid of the identities (108) can be written 
y" + (1 + *) 2 {[l + aw* 8 + ai4M 4 ]y 

+ [a 3 2M 8 + OJ4M 4 ]/ + 064MV} = [112] 



- p cJ k* 9 a 52 = 0, 

032 = 4*2, a 34 = - -|a 5 -2 * 4 54 = 

and /i is a parameter to guide the integration. The parameter /z is 
subsequently set equal to unity. If the core of the reactor is any kind of 
magnetic material with a moderately sharp 72-77 curve the ranges of the 
constants employed either directly or indirectly turn out to he 

2 < c < 5, 2000 < BQ < 5000, 0.4 < ft < 0.7, 
0.4 < 7 < 0.8, 0.3 < a 3 < 3, 0.01 < a 5 < 0.5, 
0<* <1, 0<&<1, -1 <$< + !. 

Now the solution of Eq. (112) is periodic of period T in and of period 
2ir in /. This solution is now obtained. By 3 2 there exists a solution 
of (112) of the form 

y = yo + 72M 2 + y*n 4 + , [114] 

which converges for /x 2 sufficiently small, or which converges for /u 2 = 1 , 
provided both k% and k 2 are sufficiently small. Write 

5 = 6 2M 2 + 6 4 M 4 + -. [US] 

Substituting Eqs. (114-115) in Eq. (112) and equating like powers of 
M 2 we obtain 

^0+^0 = 0, 

y 2 + y* + 2d' 2 y + a i2 yo + a 32 yo = 0, 

y"* + y* + (62 + 25t)y Q + a 14 :yo + 03470 + fl64>5 


for the determination of yo, y 2 , yi 

To determine the initial conditions in /, substitute - - in 
Eq. (109) and let y = 0. Then 

/(O) - (1 + d)(p* + 7 2 ) = (1 + 2M 2 + 4M 4 + -Mil [H7] 
from which ^o(O) = AH. The solution of the first of Eqs. (116) is 

yo = An sin /. 


When this value of y is substituted in the second of Eqs. (116) it 
follows that the solution for y 2 cannot be periodic unless 6 2 is so chosen 
that the linear terms in y vanish. From this condition 

The initial condition for y 2 is j4(0) * $2-4 n- Thus the solution for y 2 is 

y% = AZI sin / + A 23 sin 3/, 

A 2l - 4 n *8(l - ^11). ^23 = I*o4ii. 

When y and y 2 are substituted in the third equation of (116) the coef- 
ficient of the linear terms in yo must vanish in order that y\ be periodic 
in /. Thus the 5's and y's may be found sequentially as far as desired. 

Owing to the arrangement of the problem the maximum value of y 
is unity and the maximum value of the instantaneous flux is B c. The 
flux B is given by the relation B = B$cy. Substitution in Eq. (101) 
gives the instantaneous value of i. 

The solution can now be extended so as to include resistance. The 
solution of Eq. (104) for K = is, of course, not periodic. The solution 
decays; its periodjncreasing and its amplitude decreasing as c dimin- 
ishes until the circuit has become linear. The solution after the circuit 
has become linear is, of course, a damped sinusoid of fixed period. But 
we are interested eventually in those cases where the applied voltage 
E sin (0 ) maintains in the steady-state the maximum value of B 
at BQC. From physical considerations it is obvious that the time of 
oscillation is increased by resistance. From Eq. (104) it is evident that 
the effect of resistance on the flux is a non-linear one. 

It is now desired to obtain the natural period of the circuit with 
resistance when the circuit is operated at maximum flux B c. By means 

of Eqs. (108) and the relation = -j (1 + 6)/, Eq. (104) can be trans- 


formed to 

y" + r(l + a&ay 2 + 5ftyV+ (1 + 8) 2 (6' iy + 6^ + W) = 0, [118] 


r - -AQ(\ + o, 2M 2 + a, 4M 4 ) - - 



03 "* 77 


Equation (118), written in the normal form, is 

The solution of system (119) for r = is 

y = C^ii + 4 2 i) sin / + A 23 sin 3/ + 

On passing to numerical results y is observed to be practically sinusoi- 
dal. Thus let the solution of Eqs. (119) for r = be 

- sin (/ + ,), [j2o] 

y2 = w cos (/ + v). 

In completing the solution of Eq. (119) we shall employ the method of 
differential variation of parameters. (See Sec. 2, this chapter.) Evi- 

dently, , , 

dyi du dyi dv dyi ^ 

du dt dv dt dt y *' 

9^2 du dyz dv dy? = / 

Qu dt dv (It Qt y * 
Equations (121) yield 

bu co* 2 (t + *), 

t) sin (t + v) cos (/ + v). 

By substituting Eqs. (120) in (122) and carrying out the expansions we 

u' = r(>o + *2 cos (/ + v) + e 4 cos 4(/ + v) + e^ cos 6(/ + )], 

+ |ft 3 3 + AM 5 , /2 - ^ + f W + 

A - 

/6 - 

By 3-8 there exists a solution of Eqs. (123) as a power series in r. 
It is clear that u = (An + A^i) = e and v = for r = 0. Accordingly, 

write , , 

-* + t r 



Now r, for control circuits, is very small. Consequently, v is small. 
Expanding cos n(t + v)(n = 2, 4, 6) in Eqs. (123) as a power series in 
v t substituting Eqs. (124) in (123), and equating, in the resulting equa- 
tions, the coefficients of like powers of r we obtain 

b - 0, 

v\ = /2 sin 2/ + / 4 sin 4/ + /o sin 6/, 

w'l = - fco + *2 cos 2/ + e 4 cos 4/ + e 6 cos 60, [125] 

t4 = (#2 sin 2/ + 4 sin 4/ + go sin 6f)n 

+ 2t/i (/ 2 cos 2t + 2/4 cos 4/ + 4/ cos 60, 


- (2* 


Equations (125) are solved sequentially subject to the initial conditions 
o = c, u t = v, = for / = 0, / = 1, 2, . The solutions are 

- cos 20 + 5/i(l - cos 40 + J/ 6 (l ~ cos 60], 

MI = (c^t + 2^2 sin 2t + \e\ sin 4/ + \e$ sin 60, 

i i t l26 3 

[2 COS 2/ + 2 #4 COS 4/ + 3/frj COS 60 

4" 2 r 4 + 3ti<*o) + 2(/2 +/I +/eVi 

where the/'s, f's, and ^'s of Eqs. (126) are the same symbols previously 
defined, excrpt // is replaced by ?. 

Substituting Eqs. (126) in (124) and (124) in turn in (120) the solu- 
tion of Eqs. (118) as far as the terms in r 2 is obtained. The immediate 
objective is to find the period of a half-cycle when the applied voltage 
maintains the circuit in operation with maximum flux B^c. It is then 
necessary to solve Vi(/) = for /. Evidently Vi vanishes for / + v\(t)r 
+ 1*2 (')r 3 +=*. A solution of this equation by Newton's method 
(an approximate root is IT) is 

/-(! + g S ), [127] 

$ = i -f 2.24& 3 e 2 + (2.086 5 + 1.4&)<? 4 + 0.366 3 & 3 e 6 + 1.44J* 8 . [128] 



Finally, by means of the transformation = - / and equations 


T c = -7- Q and (127) the period, taking into account resistance, is 

T __ 

* cr , 


The period in 6 of the applied voltage, Eq. (104), is 2w. The condition 
for the circuit to be in resonance with the applied voltage is 7' = 2ar. 
Substituting this value in Kq. (129), neglecting the term containing r 4 , 
and solving for x e we obtain 

' The final results are: (a) proof of the physical principle that the 
sudden increase in current in the region /;<* (Kig. S-12) is due to the 
circuit being in resonance with the applied voltages (/>) formula (I.W) 
giving the amount of capacitative reactance required to pnxluce reso- 
nance at a prescribed voltage. The theory checks accurately experi- 
mental results. 23 


1. Prove that the equation 

has two fundamental real periods and one imaginary period Taking the initial con- 
ditions to be x(0) = 0, x'(0) = 1, and < It 1 < kl < 1, obtain the^c |>eriodh. 

2. If a hemisphere rocks so that its motion re- 
mains in a plane, the differential equation of 
motion is 

(r 2 -f- n* 2rw cos 0)6 -f gn sin = 0, 

where g is the acceleration of gravity, and the re- 
maining quantities are shown on I ; ig. 3-13. Intc 
grate the differential equation subject to the initial 
conditions 0(0) = 0o, 0'(0) = 0. 

3. Solve the non-linear spring problem of 3-31, FIG. 3-13. Rocking Hcmi- 
taking as the expression for the force F sphere. 

Let 63 and 65 be large compared with b\. 

"E. G. Keller, "Re.sonance Theory of .Series Non-linear Control Circuits, 1 
J. Franklin Institute, 225, 561-577 (1938;. 


4. Let the non-linear spring of 3-31 be subject to a periodic force a cos w* such 
that the differential equation of motion of m is 

* . 

m i ( *i* i ^s* ) ~ cos CM. 

Deduce the condition for resonance between the applied force and the natural period. 


1. In Ex. 4 above let u have a value such that neither resonance nor beats occur 
in the motion of m. Under these conditions obtain a solution of the differential equa- 
tion of Ex. 4 which will give the amplitude of the motion. There is an electrical 
analogue. 24 

2. Set up the differential equations for the primary and secondary currents of a 
transformer where the saturation curve is ki = x a&? 4- a&x 6 and x = B/BQ. 
The primary impressed voltage is E sin / and there is a condenser in Ixrth the primary 
and secondary circuits. 

3. The differential equation of a simple series circuit with sinusoidal impressed 
voltage, constant inductance, and thyrite resistance is 

M * + R(i)i = Esinfl, 

where R(i) K i~ 7l/1 l and K is a constant. Solve this equation. 

4. Read 2S the paper listed below and then by means of a non-linear inductive 
circuit with thyrite resistance, design a lightning arrester such that when the current 
reaches its peak in the inductance the resistance of the thyrite element is near zero. 

3-36. Advanced Schwarzian Transformations. The theory of 
elliptic functions is employed in the study of two-dimensional field 
problems 26 by means of the Schwarzian transformation. More ad- 
vanced Schwarzian transformations become hyperelliptic. Even these 
can be carried out if the hyperelliptic functions are expressed in the 
form of those of 3-32. 

Method of Collocation 

The method of collocation is primarily one of solving systems of 
linear differential equations. However, it is extensible by means of 

14 E. G. Keller, "Beat Theory of Non-Linear Circuits," J. Franklin Institute, 
228 (September, 1939). 

11 K. B. McEachron, *Th>rite: A New Material for Lightning Arresters," 
General Electric Review, February, 1030, p. 92. 

I. A. Terry and E. G. Keller, "Field-Pole Leakage Flux in Salient-Pole Dynamo- 
Electric Machines," Journal of tlic Institution of Electrical Engineers, 83, 845-854 


implicit function theory (3-12) to non-linear systems. Essentially, 
the method consists in setting up a sequence of functions which satisfy 
precisely the boundary conditions of a system of differential equations 
and which satisfy the differential equations to a prescribed decree of 
approximation. The prescribed degree of approximation is specified in 
the next article. The success of the application of the method is deter- 
mined largely by the skillful choice of the functions which form the 
sequence. The guide in the choice of the functions is a thorough 
knowledge of the physical problem. 

3-37. Theory of Method of Collocation. In 3- 1 it waj indicated 
that any system of differential equations can be reduced to the normal 
form of Kqs. (I). It is evident also that any system of differential 
equations may be reduced, by repeated differentiations and elimina- 
tion of variables, to a single differential equation of the same order as 
the order of the system. Accordingly, in the method of collocation, we 
shkll take as the normal form of a system of linear differential equations 
the single wth order differential equation 

/oW + /lW 'I--' + " ' +/a(x)y ~ * w = 0> 


f(P)y - *(*) = o, 


Let the interval of the solution, i.e., the range of tin- independent 
variable be a ^ x ^ b. The boundary conditions arc expressed in a 
form different from that used in the classical solution of 3-2, 3-9, 
and 3-14. In the present method the boundary conditions consist of 
the n equations 

fo(* Q )p n y |x-x + + /(*oM*o) - , (t - 1 , 2, - , ), [132] 

where /j(jc ) and B f are constants and not all B t are /cro. The n values 
of #o satisfy the relation a g JT O ^ b. The n values of XQ are not neces- 
sarily identical for the n equations (132). 

The first part of the construction of the solution consists in setting 
up 5 + 1 linearly independent functions F , Y\, , F. of x such that 
y - Y (x) satisfies Eqs. (132) where the,- have definite values not all 
of which are zero and each of the functions Y\, Y 2 , , Y 9 satisfies 
(132) with every B> replaced by /ero. Evidently then the function 

Y,, [133] 


where the Cj arc arbitrary constants, will satisfy the boundary condi- 
tions (132). In a physical problem the Y 3 (j = 0, 1, 2, , s) are deter- 
mined by principles of physics and engineering. The functions must 
be such that a linear combination of them will permit the behavior of 
the dependent variable anticipated. Experience with the system, or 
oscillographic or differential analyzer solutions of the equations may 
serve as a guide in the choice of the Fy. 

The second part of the construction of the solution consists in deter- 
mining the Cj such that Eq. (133) will satisfy (131) at least approxi- 
mately. Denote by t(x) the result of substituting Y of (133) for y in 
(131). The result of the substitution is 

(*) =f(P)Y(x) - v>(*) 



Zt-SWY, (7-1,2, .,*). 

In the method of collocation the condition is imposed that the 
Cj shall be such that e(jc) shall be zero at s different values of x. [That 
is, the exact solution of (132) and the approximate solution (133) shall 
have identical locations at 5 points.] From this condition Eq. (134) 
becomes the s equations 

2, ,*). [135] 

Since Eqs. (135) are linear in c. 3 the 5 equations are readily solvable for 
Cj. When the values of r, so determined are substituted in Eq. (133) 
the value of F there defined is the approximate solution desired. It 
is frequently convenient to solve for r, by matrices. 

EXAMPLE. The method of collocation is illustrated by the solu- 


tion of -T- y = subject to the initial conditions y = 1 for x = 0. 

Let the interval of the solution beO^#gl. If the choices are made 

F = 1, F,=*> (j= 1,2,3,4) 
then 4 

F = Fo + r,F, - 1 + c lX + c 2 x 2 + c 3 * 3 + c 4 x 4 , 


Z - - 1, Zi - - i *> = jx*- 1 - *>', *,(*) = 0. 


Since there are four unknown <r's it is necessary to use four values of 
x k . Let these be xi = 0, .v 2 = J 3 ', *3 = % and x\ = 1. Equations (135) 
now become, in matrix notation, 

"10 0" 



1 A U 



I * -If 3? 



_0 1 2 3 



The solution of thcsr equations is c\ = l,r a = 0.5078, r 3 - 0.1406, 
4 = 0.0703. The approximate solution of the* differential filiation is 

Y = 1 + x + 0.5078.V 2 + 0.1406.x*' 1 + 0.0703.V 4 . 


1. Solve by the method of collocation (/> 2 -f l)v - T subject to the initial condi- 
tions y(0) SB 0, /(()) = 1. Let the, in which the solution is desired, be 
IF 2g x TT. The functions 1 o and F ; are .sunK^ st ed by 

. czYz x(ir 2 X 2 )(l/ir 2 H- CiX 2 + <"2* 4 )- 

2. Solve exercise 1 by employing Fo = sin x, KI = cos x so that Y sin * -f* 
c\ cos x. 

3. Solve, by the method of collocation, Lcuendrc's c( ion 

d z y 2x dv m(m -f \)y 

",; ., "- -f- ~ -- =" 

</x 2 1 x 2 dx 1 x* 

subject to the initial conditions >-(0) =* - ! 2, y'(0) = 0. Let m 2 anrl let the inter- 
val for the solution l>e ^ x fC 0.5 Compare the ac curacy and the total labor done 
in obtaining the solution with that done for the matrix solution of 3-23. 

3-38. Method of Collocation for a Non-linear Problem. The 

method of collocation is applicable to non-linear problems. Let it be 
required to solve dy/dx = y 2 /2 subject to the initial condition y(0) = 1. 
[The exact solution is y = (1 - x/2)~~ l .\ Let 


Y " F O + J^ CjYj - 1 + cix + c 2 x 2 + - + c.x'. 
a- 1 

Substituting Y in the differential equation we have 
c\ + 2c^Xk + + 5 c t x* k ~ l = |(1 - 


where k = 1,2, , s. If s = 3 and x\ = 0, # 2 = 0.5, * 3 =* 1, the last 
equations become 

Ci - 0.5, 

- + 2c 2 + 3c 3 = 

One solution of the above equations is c\ = 0.5, c 2 = 0.0207, 3 = 
0.5004. A closely approximate solution of the differential equation is 

y = 1 + 0.5* - 0.0207* 2 + 0.5004* 3 . 


1. Solve, by the method of collocation, the differential equation - = y L % subject 


to the initial conditions ?(0) - /(O) y'(0) - 1. 

Galerkin's Method ' 

Galcrkin's method is of s[>ecial value in the solution of problems in 
dynamics and elasticity. The method differs from the method of 
collocation only in the conditions imposed on *(#). [See Eq. (134) 
for definition of e(.v).] 

3-39. The Galerkin Equations. Galerkin's theory is identical to 
the theory explained in ^-37 as far as Eq. (134). The interval for 
which the solution of the differential equation is sought is a g x ^ ft. 
Either or both a and 6 can be infinite. The condition imposed on t(x) is 

shall be a minimum. A necessary condition for J to be a minimum is 
=0, (k = 1,2, ,5). 

We shall show that the 5 equations above reduce to 5 equations of 

the form 


(*) Fjk (x)dx = 0, (k - 1, 2, , 5). [136] 




97 o r ** * 

= 2 I dx, 

&k Jo 90fc 




(.v) = Z () - 
Since ZA(JC) arc expansible in the form 

Z k (x) 

where the gkj are constants and 77^ are remainders in the expansions, 

O t (* = 1,2,...,j) [137] 

Since the / 6^ dx are negligible for properly chosen F* for the 

physical problem in question and since the F* arc linearly independent 
the last equations yield 

/(*) F! dx - 0, , / t(x) Y. dx - 0. [138] 


Equations (138) are the required Galerkin equations. 

EXAMPLE. Solve, by Galerkin's method, the differential equation 
dy/dx y = subject to the initial condition ;y(0) ** * Let the 
interval for the solution be 3 x g 1. 

If Fo - 1, Fi - Jtr, F 2 - * 2 , F 3 - Jt 3 then 



c(jc) " ~ Y " (ci ~ !) 

The Galerkin equations, for the present problem, are 

/tx dx = / X 2 dx = I e* 3 r/jc = 0. 
/o /o 

The substitution of the value of e(jc) and the carrying out of the in- 
dicated integrations yield 

25c 2 + 33c 3 = 30, 
5Ci + 18^ 2 + 26a = 20, 
21f, + 98c 2 + lSOf 3 = 105. 

The values of c\, r 2 , and c a are respectively 1.03,0.388,0.301 and the 
approximate solution is 

y K - 1 + 1.034* + 0.388* 2 + O.JO I* 3 . 

3 40. Torsional Oscillations of a Uniform Cantilever by Galerkin* s 
Method. The partial differential equation governing the torsional mo- 
tion of a uniform cantilever is 


where = angle of twist per unit length, 

C torsional stiffness per unit length, 
/ = moment of inertia per unit length, 
/ = time. 

Suppose C and / are constant throughout the length of the shaft. 
If is set equal to X- T, where A' is a function of .v alone and T is a 
function of / alone, and = A r T is substituted in Eq. (139) then 

CTd*X #T 

~i d* " A ~d 


C\_d 2 X ^^d^T 

!X"dx 2 ' ~ T d?* 

The left-hand member of the last equation is a function of x alone and 
the right-hand member is a function of / alone. This equality holds for 


infinitely many values of .v and /. Consequently, each member of the 
equation is equal to a constant and we have 

C \ = < a 

IX~dx* T dt* " 

d i + k *T = 0, [140] 

where k 2 is a constant yet to be determined. 

The partial differential equation (139) has thus been reduced to the 
two ordinary differential equations (140) and (141). The general 
solution of (140) is 

T = A sin kt + B cos fe/, 

where A and B are arbitrary constants. Likewise the general solution 
of Eq. (141) can be written down at once. However, we shall solve it 

Ik 2 !' 2 
by Galerkin's method. By the substitution x = / and = w 2 


Eq. (141) and the boundary conditions become respectively 

+ ' 2 -V - 0, ,Y(0) = 0, = forf - 1. 

First it is necessary to choose functions which satisfy the boundary 
conditions. A binomial in scums a reasonable approximation to the 
possible displacement in X. Accordingly, set 

Evidently, X r satisfies the boundary conditions for all r. For r 1,2, 
X = Cl Xi + c 2 X 2 

The Galerkin ccjuations (Eqs. 138) for the problem under consider- 
ation are 



which, on substitution of the binomials above and subsequent integra- 
tion, become 

= 0. 

c 2 (-f + fm 2 ) = 0. 

The necessary and sufficient condition that the above homogeneous 
system possess a non-trivial solution is that the determinant 

shall vanish. The roots of A = are m 2 = 2.4680 and 23.5625. From 
the homogeneous linear system we have 

(+1.33 - ^ftm 2 ) _ 

From this relation c 2 = 0.0281ci for m 2 = 2.4680 and c 2 = - 0.77ci 
for w 2 = 23.5625. 

Two particular solutions or natural modes of vibration satisfying 
the partial differential equation are 

= T-X = ci\A sin Jk/][(2{ - 2 ) + 0.0281(3| 2 - 2{ 3 )], 
B _ r-^T - ^[4 sin tt][(2J - $ 2 ) - 0.7700(3{ 2 - 

Cw 2 
where * 2 = -z^p and in the first solution w 2 = 2.4680 and in the second 

solution m 2 = 23.5625. 

If more than two X functions are employed, additional natural 
modes of vibration can be obtained. (Compare Rayleigh's method 
Sec. 7, Chap. I.) 


1. In the application of Galerkin's method it is sometimes possible to add addi- 
tional boundary conditions in addition to the necessary and sufficient conditions of 
the problem. These additional boundary conditions are called secondary boundary 
conditions, whereas the necessary and sufficient boundary conditions are then called 
primary boundary conditions. The aid of the secondary conditions is that they 
insure a more accurate solution with the choice of fewer X functions and thus reduce 
the labor required to solve the problem in question. To illustrate the principle let 
it be required to solve the illustrative example in 3-39. Obviously, there must be 
no contradiction between the primary and secondary conditions. 


Solve, by Galerkin's method, - -- y = subject to the primary condition y 1 

for x = and subject to the secondary condition 1 for x 0. Then 



The numerical work in carrying out this solution consists in solving four linear equa- 
tions in Ci, C2, 3, 4. This is the same work involved in the solution of the illustrative 
example, but in the present problem greater accuracy is possible since a term in ** is 
available in the approximate solution. 


2. Solve, by Galerkin's method, --- - y - subject to the conditions y(0) - 



and = 1 for x = 0. 

3. Solve, by Galerkin's method, the uniform cantilever problem of 3 40 employ- 
ing three functions X\ t Xz, and ^3. 

4. The partial differential equation governing the flexural oscillations of a uni- 
form cantilever is 

where E = Young's modulus, 

/ = moment of inertia of normal cross-section, 
m = mass per unit length, 

y = lateral displacement of point whose distance from the end of the beam is x, 
x distance from the fixed end, which is taken as the origin of coordinates, 
i = time. 

Take the boundary conditions to be 

y . Q = for x = 0, -? - ^ - for x - /. 
dx dx* dxr 

By Galerkin's method, obtain the periods of the two lowest modes of vibration. 
Hint: Set x = l and take for the appropriate functions 

Y r - | (r + 2) (r + 3) f* 1 - |r (r + 3) f+* + \r (r + 1) r** (f - 1, 2). 

3*41. Galerkin's Method Extended to Non-linear Problems. The 

method of Galerkin is extensible to at least simple non-linear prob- 


lems. Let it be required to solve = ry 2 subject to the initial condi- 


tion y(0) = 1. Suppose r g 1/2 and let the interval of the solution be 
* 1. 

If Y - 1, F! - x, and F 2 - * 2 then 


The result of substituting y = F in the differential equation is e. 
The conditions 


2 dx = 0, (i = 1, 2) 




When the indicated integrations are performed the last equations are 
evidently of the form of Eqs. (47) with x\ and x 2 replaced by c\ and c 2 . 
They may be solved for ci and c 2 as a power series in r by the method 
of 3 -12. 


1. Carry out in detail the solution indicated in 3-41. 

Method of Lalesco's Non-linear Integral Equations 

The solution of non-linear problems by means of non-linear differ- 
ential equations requires a knowledge of the theory of linear differen- 
tial equations. On the other hand the use of the non-linear integral 
equations of Lalcsco does not require any knowledge of linear integral 

3-42. Lalesco's Equation. Lalesco's non-linear integral equation is 

*>(*) = /(*) + f K[x t *;*({)]#, [142] 


where <p(x) is the unknown function or solution which is to be found 
and/(#) and K(x, #>) are explicit known functions of their arguments. 
The functions and quantities involved are subject to the following 

(a) The variables x and f and the function <p are real. 

(b) K[x, f #>({)] is a function of the real variables x, f, and the 
unknown real function <p. 

(c) I *(*,<*>) I <M [143] 
and | K [x, {;*>,] - K[x, ;?,] |<tf|w-tt|forO<(<c<aand 
A 6<v><.4 + ii where M, N, a, and b are positive constants. 


It can be shown 27 that the limit of the infinite sequence of functions 

(*)-/(*) + 

(*) = /(*) + /"**[*,*! 

*.(*) = /(*) + 


is the solution of Eq. (142). 
EXAMPLE 1. The equation 


h r(i + b i ) = E cos o/ 


is the equation of an inductive series circuit possessing a non-linear 
resistance. Let the initial condition be i($i) = 0. 

Integrating, with respect to /, both sides of the differential equation 
we have 


^ ^ 

i = - sin at-r I (i + b i*)dt, 
a JQ 

which is an integral equation of the form of Eq. (142). Consequently, 
there exists a solution given by the limit of the sequence defined by 
Eqs. (144). Identifying the quantities of the illustrative example with 
those of Eqs. (144) we have 


<t>o = - sin a/, K = - r(i + b i 3 ), 

E C l f E /Z\ 3 1 

<Pi = sin at r I sin at + b I ) sin 3 at dt, 
a Jo La \a/ J 

E rE rb /E\ 3 

= sin at -- o" (1 cos at) I I 
a a 2 ' 4 \a/ 

- (1 - COB at) - ;r (1 - cos3a/) , 
La 3a J 

27 V. Volterra, Leqons sur les Equations Integrates, p. 90; E. Picard, Traitt 
<f Analyse, H, p. 340. 


If b is small in the problem in question v?i above is an approximate 
solution for a finite interval of time /. 

It should be noted that, by conditions (143), the interval of the 
independent variable t (or x) is finite. It should be pointed out that it 
is the limit of the sequence that is the solution. Hence <p n for n suffi- 
ciently large is an approximation to the solution desired. If b is very 
small in the present problem then <p\ above is an approximate solution. 

EXAMPLE 2. A different approach, which is extensible to other 
circuit problems, is possible in example 1. Write the differential 
equation in the form 

7 + ri = E cos at -rW 3 . 

The indicial admittance A(f) for the linear circuit whose differential 
equation is (p + r)i = 1 is 


By Duhamel's superposition theorem the total current is 

_ - (1 _ 


- - [ (1 - e - r(t -) (aE sin a\ + 3rb? ^ ) d\. 
r J Q \ at t -\/ 

This equation is of the form of Eq. (142). Identifying the quantities 
involved with those of Eqs. (144), we have 

sina\d\+ e" n 

- (1 ~ O, K = - - (1 - <T r( '- x) ) (aE sin a\ + Srbi 2 ^ 
r r \ at 

E aE C* 

-(l-O -- / si 


( r cos 

36 (1 - - x ) 2 e-** dX + 36 


2 i g 
- * 

Obviously, the values for <pi as given in examples 1 and 2 are differ- 
ent. Neither is a solution of the differential equation since only the 
limit of the sequence is the solution. Both <p\ are merely approxima- 


tions. The weakness of the method is due to the rapidly increasing 
complexity of the & as i increases. In certain problems the conver- 
gence of the sequence to a very approximate solution is greatly hastened 
by the following fact. It can be shown that the sequence (144) will 
converge in the limit to the same value if ?o(g) /(#) in the problem is 
replaced by a function which is known from physical considerations to 
resemble the final solution of the problem. (See 3 -15, this chapter.) 



1. Solve, by the method of this article, the differential equation 7-5 + r (# 4- fa 8 ) 


J5 cos 0, subject to the initial conditions x(0) = C, #'(0) = 0. 

3-43. Systems of Non-linear Integral Equations. If a problem is 
reducible to the system of non-linear integral equations 

i() - *i() + f *i[*. ; Witt), -, "ntt)]#, 


then there exists a solution which is the limit of the infinite sequences 



"* [146] 

S )) (*) = ,(*), 




In general, the carrying out of the sequences (146) leads to too great 
a complexity. However, if sufficient physical insight into a problem 
has been attained by means of engineering principles, oscillograms, 
speed curves, etc., then devices may be employed which insure suffi- 
ciently rapid convergence of the sequences (146) that two or three 
members of each sequence are ample for the accuracy required. Fre- 
quently, mathematical expressions of the dependent variables as func- 
tions of independent variables are not required in an engineering 
problem, but instead only an upper or lower limit to the range of certain 
quantities must be known. The present method is of value in such 
cases. To illustrate the principles and facts set forth in this paragraph 
we shall apply Eqs. (145) to the problem of dynamic braking of a 
synchronous machine. 

EXAMPLE. The differential equations of dynamic braking (see 
problem 2, set III, this chapter) 

dl (E - IR)[(rs Q /s) 2 

dt L[(rs Q /s) 2 

* - 2 a 

L J 

L J 

under change of dependent variables s = s Q e *,/ = + /ia" w (sug- 


gcsted by an oscillogram of the field current and by a speed curve) are 
reducible to the non-linear integral equations 

' L J 


The integral equations (149) and (150) are of the form of Eqs. (145). 

The problem in dynamic braking is to find an accurate expression 
for the number of revolutions before the rotor, running at full speed 
when the braking is applied, comes to rest. It will suffice if we find an 
upper limit to the number of revolutions provided this upper limit is 
within a few per cent by test of the actual stopping time. This upper 
limit is obtained with little labor by the method of this section although 
the complete integration of the differential equations by the method of 
3-5 is indeed laborious. By this reduced method we shall also illus- 
trate the principles stated in the paragraph immediately preceding the 
illustrative example. 

It is necessary in that which follows to keep in mind that it is 
known from an oscillogram of the field current and from the speed curve 
of that rotor that both / and 5 arc decreasing functions of the time. 
Consequently, both y and z are increasing functions of the time. 

Identifying the notation of Eqs. (149-150) with Eqs. (146) we have 

2(*) = 1fc(*) = 0. 

Write Eq. (150) 

(KPr\R _ 

==0+ jJ ~ 

The value of z satisfying 

A1 fKPrfE , , _W /A*-*?\] dt .... 

=0+ l jm-R +Iie V \[ I -(A^)\A*T? [1S2] 

is smaller than the value of z satisfying (151) because the two values in 
question are identical at t = and z from (152) is smaller than the 
exact value from (151) for all values of t greater than zero. This is 
satisfactory since an upper limit of the solution is desired. The silbsti- 


tution of u\(x) = for y in (152) yields 

KPr( + r 2 ) 


; 2R (e 



For R/L large this value of z is approximately z = A\t where 

Preparatory for a similar treatment of Eq. (149) it is noted that 
(Al + r 2 ) <?* \A\ + (re*) 2 ], 
(A 2 + r 2 ) P * [A 2 + (re*) 2 ], [154] 

(A 2 + r 2 ) 3 * 6 * ^ [A 2 + (r**) 2 ] 3 
for all z > 0. 

If the values z = Ait and those from Eqs. (154) are substituted in 
Eq. (149) an approximate value for y is obtained which is less than the 
true value in the differential equation. This approximate value for y is 


r"), [155] 

2KPr a E 3 y* 

ce a = *- 

+ r 2 )^ 8 + r 2 ) 3 
The integral in Eq. (150) is rewritten as 


The integral in Eq. (156) is 

r 2 * + (1 - <r 2 *) - A 2 log [1 - X,(l - e~**)] 



The integral of the right member of Eq. (157) is evaluated by 
numerical integration for any particular machine giving z as a function 
of /. The quantity y is determined from Eq. (155) for use in (157). 

The answer is 

N = number of revolutions = / e * dt. 


The integration in the last equation is performed numerically. The 
test results indicate that the value of N is sufficiently accurate. 

In the above example all parameters are carried nearly to the end 
of the solution. Thus the expressions carry information for improve- 
ment of design. 

The process just completed is frequently representative of a certain 
type of engineering solutions. The solution of a system defining an en- 
gineering problem may fail because (a) its mathematical processes 
cannot be carried out, (b) if carried out they may be so complicated for 
computational purposes as to be practically worthless. The above 
method may, as in the present problem, furnish a simple answer suffi- 
ciently accurate and greatly superior to a completely accurate and 
complicated solution. 


1. Rework the illustrative example of 3-43 obtaining greater accuracy by 
choosing less liberal inequalities than those employed in Eqs. (154). 

Solutions by the Differential Analyzer 

Only very fragmentary ideas of the nature of the differential 
analyzer and its solutions can be given in a page. References to the 
literature are given in 3-44. 


3-44. Differential Analyzer. The relations expressed between the 
independent and dependent variables in a system of ordinary differen- 
tial equations may be viewed as merely constraints imposed upon the 
behavior of the variables. A machine possessing parts whose motions 
or electrical variations represent the behavior of the variables and 
whose interconnections (mechanical or electrical) represent mathemat- 
ical operations and relations is a differential analyzer. 

The invention and design of such a machine calls forth the highest 
ingenuity and inventive skill. 

One of the very first, if not the first, differential analyzer was in- 
vented and built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by V. 
Bush and H. Hazen. Since 1927 new and ever improved machines have 
been continually under development by the staff M of the Institute and 
others. 29 The latest differential analyzer of the Massachusetts Insti- 
tute of Technology is nearing completion. This machine will integrate 
eighteenth order systems of differential equations. The integrator 
units are mechanical but most of the interconnections are electrical. 
Even the system of differential equations and their initial conditions 
are impressed electrically upon the machine. Although earlier ma- 
chines were approximately one hundred times more rapid than analyti- 
cal processes the new machine is still much more rapid. Complete de- 
scriptions of the new machine will appear presently in the literature. 30 

3-45. Solutions. A differential analyzer solution of a system of 
ordinary differential equations is a graph of the solution. The graph 
(or graphs) may actually be drawn by the machine or it may print a 
table of values from which the graphs may be drawn. Before the 
equation or system can be set up on the machine all parameters (letters) 
are replaced by numerical quantities. Initial conditions are introduced 
by the initial settings of the entities which represent the variables. 

28 V. Bush, F. D. Gage, and H. R. Stewart, "A Continuous Integraph," /. Frank- 
lin Institute, 203, 63 (1927); V. Bush and H. L. Hazen, "Integraph Solution of Differ- 
ential Equations," /. Franklin Institute, 204, 575 (1927); K. E. Gould, "A New 
Machine for Integrating a Functional Product," /. Math. Phys., 17, 305 (1929); 
H. L. Hazen, O. R. Schurig, and M. F. Gardner, "The Massachusetts Institute of 
Technology Network Analyzer Design and Application to Power System Problems" 
(not the differential analyzer), Trans. A.I.E.E., 49, 872 (1930); V. Bush, "The Differ- 
ential Analyzer. A New Machine for Solving Differential Equations," /. Franklin 
Institute, 212, 447 (1931); T. S. Gray, "A Photo-Electric Integraph," J. Franklin 
Institute, 212, 77 (1931). 

"D. R. Hartree, "Differential Analyzer," Nature, 135, 940 (1935); I. Travis, 
"Differential Analyzer Eliminates Brain Fag," Machine Design, 7, 15 (July, 1935). 

10 S. H. Caldwell and Staff, forthcoming articles in J. Applied Physics and J. 
Franklin Institute. 


Additional Methods and References 

Descriptions of additional methods and a list of references follow. 

3 46. Systems of Differential Equations with Periodic Coefficients. 
Systems of ordinary linear differential equations with periodic coeffi- 
cients frequently arise in engineering problems. An example is the 
system of differential equations of the armature and field currents of a 
synchronous machine under short circuit when all resistances are taken 
into account. Reference to an approximate solution is given in 3-3. 
Other examples are the equation of Ex. 4, problem set XII and the 
equation of problem 2, set VII. The last two equations have analogues 
in electrical engineering. Often such equations are solvable by the 
methods of Sec. I. However, this is not always the case. Equations 
with periodic coefficients have long been of astronomical importance 
and consequently a large body of theory has been developed for the 
integration of such systems. See Ref. 14 of this article. 

3 47. Non-linearity in Continuous Systems. Non-linear problems 
in continuous fields usually lead to non-linear partial differential equa- 
tions. The methods of Poritsky and Ritz attack such problems. See 
Ref. 13. 

3-48. References. The titles of papers are not always given in the following list 
when the topic heading amply identifies the subject matter. 

1. Systems of Differential Equations Solved as Power Series in Parameters. 
F. F. Tisserand, Mecanigue Celeste, Vol. Ill, Chap. 6, Gauthier-Villars et fils, Paris, 
1889. E. Picard, Traite d' Analyse, Vol. II, pp. 255-260, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1883. 
F. R. Moult on, Introduction to Celestial Mechanics, pp. 264-265, Macmillan Com- 
pany, New York, 1923. 

2. Variation of Parameters. J. Lagrange, Nouv. Mem. Acad. Berlin, 5 (1774), 
6 (1775), p. 190. John Bernoulli, Acta Erud. (1697), p. 113. 

3. Differential Variations. H. Poincare, Les Mcthodes Nouvelles de la Mecanique 
Celeste, Vol. I, Chap. 4, E. Flammarion, Paris, 1908. F. R. Moulton, New Methods in 
Exterior Ballistics, Chap. IV, University of Chicago Press, 1926. 

4. Hyperelliptic Functions. F. R. Moulton, Am. J. Math., 34, pp. 177-202. The 
hyperelliptic functions in this publication are in a form suitable for applications in 

5. Method of Successive Approximations. E. Picard, Traite d' Analyse, Vol. II, 
p. 340, Gauthier-Villars (1905). E. Picard, Journal de Mathtmatiques [4], 6, 197- 
210 (1890). 

6. Series Solutions in Independent Variables of Non-linear Equations. E. T. 
Whittaker, A Treatise on Analytical Dynamics, Chap. XVI, Cambridge University 
Press, 1927. W. O. Pennell, J. Math. Phys., 7, 24 (1927). The method given by 
Pennell is an operational one and is similar to the methods of E. J. Berg which are to 
appear presently in book form. 


7. Method of Collocation. R. A. Frazer, W. B. Jones, and S. W. Skan, R. and M. 
No. 1799 (2913), A.R.C. Technical Report (1937), Air Ministry, London: His Maj- 
esty's Stationary Office. 

8. Galerkin's Method. W. J. Duncan, R. and-M. 1798 (3287), A.R.C. Technical 
Report (1937), Air Ministry, London: His Majesty's Stationary Office. 

9. Operational Method. "An Operational Treatment of Nonlinear Dynamical 
Systems," L. A. Pipes, Journal of tlie Acoustical Society of America t 10, 29 (1938). 

10. Existence Theorems. E. L. I nee, Ordinary Differential Equations, Chap. 
XIII, Longmans, Green and Co., London, 1927. 

11. Non-linear Integral Equations. M. Lalesco, in the text, Lemons sur les Equa- 
tions Integrates by V. Volterra, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1913. E. Cotton, "Quasi- 
non-linear Differential Equations," Bull. Soc. Math. Fr., 38, 144 (1910). H. Galajikian, 
Amer. Math. Soc. Bull. 19, 342 (1913); also Ann. of Math., 2, 16 (1915). E. Schmidt, 
Math. Ann., 65, 370 (1908). Lewi Tonks and I. Langmuir, "General Theory of the 
Plasma of an Arc," Physical Review, 6 (1929). 

12. Mechanics. S. J. Mikina and J. P. Den Hartog, "Forced Vibrations with 
Non-linear Spring Constants," Trans. A.S.M.E., 54, A. P.M. 157 (1932). E. 
Trefftz, "Stability of Non-linear Systems," Math. Ann., 95, 307 (1925). J. G. Baker, 
"Subharmonic Resonance," Trans. A.S.M.E., 54, 162 (1932). 

13. Non-linearity in Continuous Systems. Th. von Karman, "The Engineer 
Grapples with Non-linear Problems," Bulletin Am. Math. Soc., 46 (1940). Hillel 
Poritsky, "The Reduction of the Solution of Certain Partial Differential Equations to 
Ordinary Differential Equations," Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress of 
Applied Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, 1939. W. Ritz, "Uber eine neue Methode 
zur Losung gewisser Variationsprobleme de mathematischen Physik," Journ.f. reine 
u. angew. Mathematik, 135, 1 (1908). Also "Theorie der Transversalschwingen einer 
quadnitischen Platte mit freien Rander," Ann. Physik, 28, 737 (1909). A. F. Steven- 
son, "On the Theoretical Determination of Earth Resistance from Surface Potential 
Measurement," Physics, 5 (1934). 

14. Linear Equations with Periodic Coefficients. F. R. Moulton, Periodic Orbits, 
Publication 161, Carnegie Institution of Washington. F. R. Moulton, Differential 
Equations, Macmillan Co., 1930. For infinite determinants see H. Poincare, Bulletin 
de la Socicte de France, 14, 77. Also E. T. Whittaker and G. W. Watson, A Course in 
Modern Analysis, Cambridge University Press. 

15. Non-linear Circuits. B. van der Pol, "On Relaxation Oscillations," Phil. 
Mag., 2, 978 (1926). B. van der Pol, "Frequency Demultiplication," Nature, Sep- 
tember, 1926. B. van der Pol, Phil. Mag., 3, 65 (1927). A. Boyajian, General Electric 
Review, 34 (1931). O. Martienssen, Phys. Zeitschr., 11, 448 (1910). P. H. Odessey 
and E. Weber, "Critical Conditions in Ferroresonance," Trans. A.I.E.E., 57, 444 
(1938). J. R. Carson, "Theory and Calculation of Variable Electrical Systems," 
Physical Review, 17 (1921). E. G. Keller, "Resonance Theory of Series Non-Linear 
Control Circuits," /. Franklin Institute, 225, 561. Also "Beat Theory of Non-Linear 
Circuits," 7. Franklin Institute, 228, 319. 

16. Electrical Machines. T. M. Linville, "Starting Performance of Synchronous 
Motors," Trans. A.I.E.E., 49, 531 (1930). W. V. Lyon and H. E. Edgerton, 
"Transient Angular Oscillations of Synchronous Machines," Trans. A.I.E.E., 49, 
686 (1930). H. V. Putnam, "Starting Performance of Synchronous Motors," Trans. 
A.I.E.E., 46, 39 (1927). 

17. Discrete Systems. E. G. Keller, "Analytical Methods of Solving Discrete 
Non-Linear Problems in Electrical Engineering," Trans. A.I.E.E., 60 (1941). (Con- 
tains bibliography of a hundred entries.) 


Acceleration, machines under, 190 
Accelerometer, equation of motion, 22 
Action, principle of least, 18 
Affine connection, component parts of, 


definition of, 195 
Approximations, method of successive, 


Arcs, admissible, 2 
Automobile, equations of motion of, 21, 


resonance in, 57, 71 
spring and tire, 56 
Axes, reference, 129 
rotating, 180, 185 
stationary, 174 
Axis quantities, direct, 157 
current, 158, 162 
flux, 158, 162, 163, 164 
voltage, 158, 162 
quadrature, 157 
current, 158, 162 
flux, 158, 162 
voltage, 158, 162, 163, 164 

Braking, dynamic, 215, 298 
Brushes, fictitious or real, 161, 162 

Calculus, of variations, 1 

n dependent variables, 13 
n independent variables, 12 
simplest general case, 4 
operational, 171 
Christoffel object, 183 
Circuits, derived, definition of, 138 

kinds of, 145, 146, 150 
electric, 136, 137, 145, 149 
elements of, 134, 135 
non-linear, 274, 304 
Class C prime, 2 
Cofactor, 105 
Coil, generalization of, 134 


Collocation, method of, 285 

for linear systems, 286 

for non-linear systems, 287 
Conditions, initial, 238, 246, 247, 267 
Connections, scries aiding, 137 

series opposing, 137 

Constants, arbitrary, 61, 63, 67, 269, 276 
Constraints, 26, 79, 82, 84, 86, 145 

linear, 145 

Convergence, of scries, 216, 219, 227, 229, 
230, 2J3, 274 

true radius of, 219 
Coordinates, generalization of, 25 

normal, 71 

Cosine-amplitude function, 248 
C-tensor, definition of, 125 

for various systems, 143, 146, 152, 169, 
173, 174, 177, 178, 179, 186 

rules for deriving, 141, 169, 174, 175 
Creepage, coefficient of, 73 

forces of, 73 

Current, generalization of, 139 
Current vector, 127, 132, 139, 141 
Currents, branch, 118, 128 

Damping, coefficient of, 32 

proportional to nth power of velocity, 

proportional to relative velocities, 35 

proportional to velocity, 32 
Derivative, of determinant, 110 

of matrix, 109 

of vector, 41 

Differential analyzer, 301 
Differential equations, see Equations 
Dissipation function, 32 

Electric motors, 169, 173, 177, 178, 179, 

Energy, kinetic, 27, 31, 42, 84, 181 

method of, 83 

of rigid body, 42 



Energy, potential, 19, 45, 49, 59 
Equations, ballistic, 201 
characteristic, 60, 234 
differential, analytic, 201 

approximate solutions of systems, 
233, 301 

for minimum surface, 15 

homogeneous, 60 

linear, 60 

non-homogeneous, 68 

normal form of, 202 

of type I, 219 

of type II, 206 

ordinary, 60, 68, 201 

solution of, numerical, 242 
Euler's, definition of, 5, 11 

for n dependent variables, 15 

for n independent variables, 13 

for simplest general case, 5 
holonomic systems, 26, 79, 126 
Hunting, 223 

invariant, of rotating machines, 190 
Lagrangc's, proved by Hamilton's 

principle, 26, 32 
Lalesco's non-linear, 294 
Lcgendrc's, 243 
linear, 60 
Mathieu's, 246 
Maxwell's, 181 
non-linear, quasi-, 304 
of motion, accelcrometers, 22 

automobiles, 21, 57 

compound and simple pendulums, 

dynamical systems, 26 

electric locomotives, 77 

generalization, 28, 196 

gyroscopes, 50 

particle in free space, 31 

projectiles, 201 

refrigerator units, 45 

rigid body in free space, 52 

seismographs, 23, 56 

uniform circular motion, 34 

vibration absorbers, 35 

vibrating shafts, 92 

wheels and shafts, 34 
of performance of electric motors, 
commutator, 179 

compound, direct current, 1 74 

Equations, of performance of electric 
motors, salient-pole synchronous, 

shaded pole, 179 
single-phase induction, 173 
single-phase repulsion, 169 
squirrel-cage induction, 178 
of performance of electric networks, 

all-mesh, 142 
interconnected, 149 
mesh, 145 

multiple transmission, 131 
stationary, 124 

Existence proofs, 216, 220, 229 
Extremals, definition of, 6 

Factors, decrement, 193 
Flange forces, 75 
Flux, 164, 165 
Flux density, rotor, 165 
Flux linkages, 160, 163, 165 
Forces, generalization of, 29 
Forms, linear, 106 
Frequency, constrained, 86 
definition of, 63, 84 
fundamental, 84 
of shafts, 92 
critical, 92 
torsional, 34 

Functions, analytic, 202, 209 
cosine-amplitude, 248 
dissipation, 32, 33 
dominant, 216, 220, 229 
elliptic, 246 
addition of, 258 
definitions, 248 
differentiation of, 249 
integration of, 261 
Jacobi's, 248 
of complex variable, 258 
of real variable, 249 
expansion of, in matrices, 235 

in power series, 207, 228 
generating, 203, 205, 221 
hyperelliptic, 264 
construction of, 273 
periods of, 271 
implicit, 227, 228 
of a matrix, 235, 236, 237 
power series of, 203 



Galerkin's method, description of, 288 

for linear systems, 289 

for non-linear systems, 293 

for primary and secondary boundary 

conditions, 292 

Geometric objects, definition of, 128 
Gyroscope, description of, 50 

equation of motion of, 52 

Hamilton's principle, for dynamical 

systems, 18 
proof of Lagrange's equations by, 26, 


statement of, 16 
Hooke's law, 46 

Induction motor, 173, 178 
Induction-reluctance motor, 210 
Inertia, curve of least moment of, 6 

moments of, 44 

variable moment of, 231 
Instability, criterion for, 78 
Integrals, elliptic, 252 

hyperelliptic, 272 

line, 39 

Integrations, successive, method of, 232 
Interpolation formula, of Lagrange, 237 

Jacobi's elliptic functions, 248 
Junction-pair, 135 
Junction-pair theorem, 135 

Kocnig's theorem, proof of, 44 

statement of, 31 
Kronecker deltas, 123 

Lagrange's equations, 25, 26, 32, 33, 181 
Lagrange's interpolation formula, 237 
Lalesco's non-linear integral equation, 


Legendre's equation, 243 
Locomotives, creepage forces for, 73 

differential equations of motion of, 77 

electric, 72 

oscillations of, 72 

potential energy of, 49 

stability of, 78 

Machines, balancing, 94 
derived, 168, 169, 173, 174, 177, 179 
definition of, 155 

Machines, primitive, 156, 180 

rotating, electric, 153 
generalization of, 157 
invariant equation of, 190 

synchronous, dynamic braking of, 215, 

under acceleration. 190 

waves in, 165 

Maclaurin's expansion, 207 
Magnets, permanent, 196 
Mathieu's equation, 246 
Matrices, addition of, 105, 112, 151 

division of, 109 

three, 110 
Matrix, adjoint of, 104 

derivative of, 236 

diagonal, 106 

functions of, 235, 236, 237 

high power of, 237 

integral of, 236 

inverse of, 105 

rank of, 104 

scalar, 104 

skew-symmetric, 106 

transpose of, 105 

zero, 104 

Matrix determinant, 109 
Matrix unit, 104 
Matri/ant, 238 
Maxwell's equations for voltage and 

torque, 181 
Modulus, Young's, 92 
Modulus transformation, reciprocal, 257 
Motor, compound direct-current, 174 

electric, 169, 173, 177, 178, 179, 186 
equations, see Equations, for electric 

induction, 173, 178 

induction-reluctance, 210 

squirrel-cage, 178 

synchronous, below synchronous speed, 

Muffler, equation for pressure in, 225 

Networks, all-mesh, 137 

equation of performance, 142 
rules for C-tensor of, 139 

component parts of, 134 

definition of, 99 

derived, 138 



Networks, interconnection of, 149 

junction, 101 

mesh, 145 

primitive, 100 

stationary, 99, 124 

sub-, 134 
Nosing of electric locomotives, 72 

Orthogonality condition, 89 
Oscillation, torsional, 25, 34 

Parameters, method of variation of, 221 

of dynamical systems, 131 

of networks, 139 

of rotating machines, 163 

power series in, 206, 229 
Postulates, generalization of, 130, 132 

of Kron, 130, 132 
Power, equation of, 149, 161 
Product, inner, 122 
Products, of inertia, 44 

of matrices, 107 

of tensors, 122 

of vectors, 37, 38, 39 

scalar, 37, 38 

Projectiles, equations of motion, 201 
Pulling-into-step, 223 
Pulsatance, 84 

Quotient rule, 123 

Rayleigh's dissipation function, 33 
Rayleigh's principle, critical speeds, 92 

orthogonality condition, 89 

statement of, 85 
Resistance tensor, 163 
Resonance, definition of, 71 

in linear systems, 71 

in non-linear systems, 274 
Reversion of series, 227 
Revolution, minimum surface of, 7 
Roots, latent, 234 
Rotor, generalization of, 157 
Rotor flux density, 165 

Seismograph, 23, 56 

Sequences, 232 

Series, dominant functions for, 216, 220, 

reversion of, 227 

Shafts, critical speeds of, 92, 93 

frequencies of, critical, 92 

rotating, 34 

torsional, 34 
Solutions, estimates to, 233, 301 

generating, 203, 205, 221 
Spring constant, 46 
Spring-mounted systems, 46 
Spring stiffness, variable, 246 
Stator, generalization of, 157 
Springs, linear, 45 

non-linear, 268 

with shock-absorber and tire, 56 
Summation convention, 114 
Superposition theorem, 296 
Systems, conservative, 19 

holonomic, 26 
equations of, 26, 79, 126 

non-holonomic, 82 

non-linear, 200 

of equations, 61 

oscillating, 58 

primitive, 138, 154, 156, 180 

transmission, 131 

Taylor's expansion, 207 

Tensor unit, 123 

Tensors, addition of, 122, 151, 166 

admittance, 117, 121, 132 

associated, 193 

C t see C-tensor 

contraction of, 122 

contra variant, 115 

covariant, 115 

historical note on, 96 

impedance, 166 - 

inductance, 163 

in mechanical engineering, 198 

metric, 191, 192 

mixed, 120 

of resistance, 163 

torque, 165 
Transformation formulas, for i, c, z t 149 

for interconnected networks, 152 

for rotating machines, 168, 1 72, 183, 185 
Transmission systems, equation of, 131 

Unit, matrix, 104 
tensor, 123 
vector, 157 



Valence, definition of, 115 
Vector unit, 157 
Vectors, addition of, 36, 151 
definitions of, 36, 115 
differentiation of, 41 
line integral of, 39 
of current, 127, 132, 139, 141 
of displacement, 45 
products of, 37, 38, 39 
Vibration absorber, dynamic, 35, 36 
Vibrations, by means of matrices, 239 
free, damped, 60 
definition of, 59 
general theory of, 58 
non-linear, 268, 275 
forced, damped, 68 
definition of, 68 

Vibrations, forced, general theory of, 68 
non-linear, 275 

linear, 58 

normal modes of, 83 

resonance in, 70 
Voltage, generalization of, 139 

generated, 160, 164, 176 

induced, 160 

Waves in machines, 165 
Winding, moving, 159 
Winding diagrams, 169, 174 

Young's modulus, 92 

Zero matrix, 104 
Zero-phase-scquence quantities, 167