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Full text of "Diaries of William Brewster, 1865-1919 (inclusive)"

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My Name...4%. 44 

stg Resitenog LS? Haat, Soh a codea ear 


web eTETIYS . eedewceeccceenets 

My Home Telephone. AU, 7. 
My Office Telephone ..reecesseescceccseces 

In case of accident or serious illness please notify i 

Aller e, IS. Ae M, Sig 

_ its number..... 
| Number on case of my Watch 
Number of the works 
Number of my Bank Book 

My Welghe was. LSU 

and my Height, ST. . feet. Jil fy... inches / 

Size of Hat...... pcb nauk acadked Gloves 
e i Collar 

ior oon | Wedt| 

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7 oO 

So w» | Thur. 


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In most States when the holiday falls on Sunday 
the Monday following is observed, 

Legal sioldays in some States are observed as such 
only by common consent, or when appointed by 
the Governor, and not by legislative enactment. 

ALAB/ AMA—Jan. 1 and 19, Feb. 22, Mardi-Gras, Good 
and. 26, June 3, ‘July 4, Labor Day, 

AL: \SK —Jan. 1, Feb. 22, ina 4, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25. 

ARIZONA—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Arbor Day, May 30, guys 
Labor Day, election day, Thanksgiving, Dec. 

ARKANSAS—Jan. i and 19, Feb, 22, Arbor Day, July 4, 
Labor Day, Oct. Hs ‘Thanksg ving. Dec.. 2. 

CALIFORNIA—Jan. Feb. 12 and 22, one nae May 
30, July 4, Labor ots 9,.Oct. £2, Thanksgiving, 
Dec. 25, gen. election. 

COLORA DO—Jan, 1, Feb. 12 and 22, Arbor Day, May 30, 
July +, Ang. 1, 1st. Mon. in Se pt, Oct. 12, Thanks: 
giving, Dec. 25, general election. 

CONNECTICUT as 1, Feb. 12and 22, Fast Day, Good 
Friday, May 30, July 4, Labor Day, Oct. 12, 1 hanks- 
giving, Dec. 25. 

DELAWARE—Jan. 1, Feb. 12and 22, Good Friday, May 
30, July 4, Ist Mon. in Se pt., Oct. 12, Thanksgiving, 
Dec. 25, lection ds Ly. 

DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA—Jan., 1, Feb. 22, Inaugu- 
ration Day, May 380, July 4, 1st Mon. in Sept. +, Thanks- 
giving, De s 

FLORIDA- An 19, Arbor Day, Feb. 22, Good 

J July 4, Ist, Mon. in Sept., 
general election 

GEORGI A Tate land 19. Feb, ees 2, April 26, June 

July 4, 1st Monday in Sept., any “Thanksgiving, Ist 
Friday in December, Dec 

HAWAII pat 1, ‘Feb. 22; May 30, June 11, July 4, 
Labor Day, Regatta I Thanksgiving, Dee 

IDAHO— i. Feb. 22, Arbor Day, July 4, Labor Day, 
Oct. 13. my day of Thanksg’g, Dec. 25, gen. election. 

ILLINOIS—Jan. 1, Feb. 12 and 22, uly 4, Labor 
Day, Oct. 12, Thanksg , Dec. 

INDIANA—Jan. 1, Feb. 12 sia 22, ee fast, May 3 
July 4, Ist Menday in Sept., Oct. , @hankepr sing: 
Dec. 25, general election, 

IOWA~—Jan. 1, Feb. 12 and 22, May 80, July 4, 1st Mon- 
day in Sept., T’ hanksgiving, Dec. 25, general election, 
KANSAS—Feb. 12 and 22, May 30, public fast, July 4, 
1st Monday in Septeniber, Oct. 12, Thanksgiving, 
Dec. 25, general election, 
KEN TUCK Y—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May. 30. July 4, public 
fast, Labor Day, Oct. 12, Th’Ksg’g, Dec. 25, gen. elec. 
LOUISIANA—Jan. 1 and 8, Feb, 22, Mardi-Gras in New 
Orleans, Good Friday, ‘June Su uly 4, All Saints 
Day, Labor Day (Or leans Parish), Thanksziving, Dec, 
25, general ean tion. 
MAINE—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Arbor Day, April 19, May 380, 
July 4, Ist aoe in Sept., Thanksg’g, Dec. 25, gen. elec: 
MARYLAND—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Arbor Day, Good eta: 
May 30, July 4, 1st Monday in Septémber, Sept. 12 
Oct. 12, Tan eager? Dec. 25, general election. 
MASSA CHUSETTS—Feb. 22, April 19, May 30, July 4s 
Ist Monday in Sept., Oct. 12, Thanksgiving, Dec. 
MICHIGAN—Jan. 1, Feb 12 and 22, May 30, July 4, as 
Monday in Se ptember, Oct. 12, Fasting and ‘Thanks- 
giving Day, Dec. 25, election days. 
MINNESOTA—Jan, 1, Feb. 12 and 22, Good Friday, 
May 30, July | 4, 1st Monday in September, Thanks- 
giving, Dec. 25, Arbor Day, general elec tion. 
MISSISSIP PI—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, es 26, June 3, July 4, 
Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25. 
MISSOURI—Jan. 1, Feb. € 30. July 4, Labor Day, 
Oct. 12, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, election days. 
MONTANA—Jan, 1, Feb. 12 and 22, Arbor Day, May #01 
public fast, July 4, Ist Monday in Sept., Oct. 
Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, general election. 
NEBRASKA—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, April 22, May 30, Ju 
ist Mon. in Sept., public fas i Thanksgiving, Dec 
NEVADA—Jan. 1, Feb. 12 and 22, May 30, July a 
Oct. 31, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, general election, 
NEW HAMPSHIRE—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Fast Day, May 30, 
July 4, Ist Monday in September, Thanksgiving, 
Dec. 25, general election. 
NEW sok Jan. 1, Feb. 12 and 22, Good Friday, 
), July 4, Labor Day, Oct. 12, Thanksgiving, 
Dec , every Saturday P ai a , general election. 
NEW MEXICO—Jan. 1, Arbor Days Feb, 22, May 30, 
Flag Day, July ss Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, gen. elec. 
NEW YORK—Jan. Feb. 12 and 22, May 30, July 4, 
1st Monday in sents Oct. 12, Thanksgivi ing, ‘Dee. 25; 
general election, every Saturday P.M. 

NORTH CAROLIN A—Jan. 1 and 19, Feb. 22, April 12, 
May 10 and 20, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving 
Dec, 25, general election. 

NORTH DAKOTA—Jan. 1, Feb. 12 and 22, May 30, elec. 
last Thursday in June, July 4, Arbor Day, Thanksgiv- 
ing, public fast, Dec. 25, general election. 

OHIO—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, 1st Monday in 
September, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, general election. 

OKLAHOMA—Jan. 1, Feb, 22, Arbor Day, May 30, July 
4, Labor Day, Oct. 12, Thanksg’g, Dec. 25, elec. day. 

OREGON—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, July 4, ist Monday 
in September, public fast, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, 
general election. 

PENNSYLYV ANIA—Jan. 1, Feb. 12, spring election, Feb. 
22, Good Friday, May 30, July 4, Ist Monday in Sept., 
Oct. 12, Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, general election, every 
Saturday P.M. 

RHODE ISLA ND—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Arbor Day, May 30, 
July 4, Ist Monday in Sept., Oct. 12, Thanksgiving; 
Dee. 25, State election, general election, Flag Day. 

SOUTH CAROLIN A—Jan. 1 and 19, Feb. 22, May 10, 
June 3, July 4, Ist Monday in Sept., Thanksgiving, 
Dec. 25, general election. 

soutTH DA KOTA—Jan. 1, Feb. 12 and 22, May 
Arbor Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Dec. 
general election. 

iK—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Good Friday, 2d Friday 
3, July 4, Ist Monday in Sept., Thanks- 
» gen. election, every Sat. P.M. 

TEXAS—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, March 2, April 21, June 8, July 
4, Ist Mon. in September .Oct. 12, days of Fasting and 
Thanksgiving, Dec. 25, election day. 

UTAH—Jan. 1, Feb. 12 and 22, A pril 15, May 30, July 4, 
July 24, Ist Monday in Sept., Thanksgiving, Dec . 

VERMONT—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, Fast Day, May 30, Ju 
Aug. 16, Labor Day, Oct. 12, Thanksgiving, Dee 



GIN IA—Jan.1, Feb. 12 and 22, May 30, July 
4, Labor Day, any day of National Thanksgiving, 
Dec. 25, general election. 

WISCONSIN—Jan. 1, Feb. 22, May 30, Arbor Day, July 
4, Ist Monday in September, election 1st Tuesday in 
Sept., Thanksgiving, Dee >, general election. 

W YOMING—Jan. 1, Feb. 12 and 22, Arbor Day, May 
30, July 4, July 10, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Dec. 
25, gen. election. ° 




Alabama.........5. seven eee 2,138,093 
Arizona 204,354. 
Arkansas 1,574,449 
California. ...... 2,377,549 
Colorado... 799,024 
Connecticut . -.-1,114,756 
Dist. of Columbia 
Florida .. 


bs owe dyO0R, LAL 
Indiana. . 2,700,876 
Iowa -2,224,771 
. 1,690,949 

. 2,075,708 
Mississippi 1,797,114 
Missouri 3,293,335 
Montana... .- . +» 876,053 


Kansas .... 
Maryland .... 
Massachusetts. ...- 

Nebraska. 1 
Nevada... .. 



New Hampshire 
New Jersey 
New Mexico 
New York. .... 

North Carolina... 
North Dakota ... 

Rhode Island 

Tennessee ... 
Pexaseti ct 
West Virginia 

Wyoming,..... 00.000. 


. 9,118,614 

. 2,206,287 

.. 577,056 



a 145,965 









Akron, O 
Albany, N.Y... 
Allentown, Pa. ... 
Altoona, Pa. 
BPlanta Ga, Fi ses uage's 
Atlantic City, N. J nee 
Baltimore, Md... 
Bay City, Mich. 
Bayonne, N. J. Ne 
Binghamton, N.Y. 
Birmingham, Ala. 
Boston, Mass. 
Bridgeport, Conn. .. 
Brockton, Mass. . 
Brooklyn, N.Y. . 
Buffalo, N.Y 7 
Cambridge, Mass. 
Camden, N. J. . 
Canton, O. 
Charleston, s. ae 
Chattanooga, Tenn. ne ; L 
Chicago, III. Pry ' 1,698 B75 
Cincinnati, 0. A 34,466 "325, 902 
Cleveland, O 
Columbus, O........ 
Covington, Ky. ..... 
Dallas, Tex 
Dayton, O 

Werver,, Gol. - sseces 
Des Moines, Ia..... 

Detroit, Mich. 

Duluth, Minn, .. 

East St.Louis, Ill. 

Elizabeth, N. J. 

Erie, Pa. 

Byansville,, Ind. 

Fall River, Mass. 

Fort Wayne, I 

Fort Worth, ‘Le 

Grand Rapids, NCH: 
Harrisburg, Pa. . 
Hartford, “Conn 98 "915 


Hawephill, Mass. iss$.-....- 
Hoboken, N ‘ 
Holyoke, Mass. 
Houston, Tex. . 
Indianapolis, Ind.. 
Jacksonville, Ila.. 
Jersey City, N. J.. 
Johnstown, Pa. . 
Kansas City, Kan... 
Kansas City, Mo.. 
Lancaster, Pa. . 
Lawrence, M 
Lincoln, Neb 

Little Rock, Ark. . 
Los Angeles, Calc 
Louisville, Ky. 
Lowell, Mass 

Lynn, Mass 

Malden, Mass.. ... 
Manchester, N. H.. 
Memphis, ‘Tenn. 
Milwaukee, Wis 
Minneapolis, Minn, . 
Mobile, Ala 
Nashville, Tenn 

New Bedford, “Mass. 
New Britain, Conn. . 
New Haven, Conn, 
New Orleans, La...... 
New York, N. Y. 
Norfolk, Va. .. 
Oakland, Cal. . . 
Oklahoma C: ity, Oka. 4 
Omaha, Neb. . 

Passaic, N.J. 

Paterson, N. uf 
Pawtucket, R. IT. 

Philadelphia, Paces ere srs cess aT ,549,, 008 

Pittsburg and Allegheny, Pa. 533; 905 

Portland, Me 58,571 



Providence, R. I. 224,326 
Pueblo, Col -.. 44,395 
Reading, Pa.... 
Richmond, Va.... 
Rochester, N. Y.. 
Rockford, Ill. ..- 
Sacramento, Cal. 
Saginaw, Mich 
Saint Joseph, Mo.. 
Saint Louis, Mo.. 
Saint Paul, Minn. 
Salem, Mass.....-- 
Salt Lake City, Utah. . 
San Antonio, Tex.. 
San Francisco, Cal. 
Savannah, Ga 
Schenectady, N. Y 
Scranton, Pa 
Seattle, Wash 
Sioux City, Ia. 
Somerville, Ma 
South Bend, Ind. 
Spokane, Wash. . 
Springfield, Il. 
Springfield, Mass. . 
Springfield, Oe 
Syracuse, N. 
‘Tacoma, Wash. 
Terre Haute, Ind. 
Toledo, O... 
Topeka, Kan... 
Trenton, N. J. 
Troy, N. Y. 
Uticas N.Y. 
Washington, 10s Ore 
Waterbury, Conn ... 
Wichita, Kan 
Wilkesbarre, Pa. 
Wilmington, Del. . 
Worcester, Mass. 
Yonkers, N. Y 
Vork,Pa, eui-soe 
Youngstown, O 



In the year 1913 there will be five Eclipses, three of 
the Sun and two of the Moon. 

_ I. A Tovar Ecuresz or THE Moon, March 22. 
Visible more or less to North America, the western por- 
tions of South America, eastern and central Asia 
Australia, and the Pacific Ocean. Occurring as follows ? 

Standard.. yi tern./Central.| Mount.| Pacific. 
Wb. ms > <| hiamyy Othe me | eens 
Moon enters shadow|5 12 M.|4 12 M.|3 12 M. 2.12 M. 
ie a pacts de 611 M./§ 11 M./4 1x M.|3 rn M, 
Mind e of eclipse.... \6 57 M.|4 57 M./3 57 M. 
otal eclipse ends.. Is M.| 

5 44M. /4 44 M. 

Moon leaves shadow | |5 42 M. 

First contact of shadow, 52 degrees from the south point of the Moon’s limb 
toward the ea‘st. 
Magnitude of Eclipse, 1.575 (Moon’s diameter, 1.0). 

_ JT. A Partiar Ecuipsr or THE Sun, April 6, 
Visible to the northwestern portion of North America 
the extreme eastern part of Siberia, and the Arctic Ocean. 
Occurring as a slight partial eclipse as follows : 


San Francisco, Cal. 8 33M. 
Portland, Ore. 8 33 M. 
Victoria, B. C. 8 35 M. 
Virginia City, Nev. 8 50 M. 

JIT. A Partiar Ecriese oF THE Sun, August 31. 
Invisible. Visible to Greenland and the eastern portions 
of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. 

IV. A Torat Eciipsz of THE Moon, Septem- 
ber 15. Visible more or less to the greater part of North 

America, the western portions of South America, Asia, 
Australia, and the Pacific Ocean. Occurring as follows: 


Standard ++++| astern Central.| Mount.| Pacific. 

\h he m. 
Moon enters shadow|5 52 M.|4 52 M./3 52 M.|2 52 M. 
Total eclipse begins. 6 1M./5 1M./4 2M. 
Middle of eclipse ... 5 48M./4 48 M. 
Total eclipse ends... 5 35 M. 
First contact of shadow, 49 degrees from the north point of the Moon's 

limb toward the cast. ; 
Magnitude of eclipse, 1.485 (Moon’s diameter, 1.0). 

V. A Partiat Ecripse oF THE Sun, Septem- 
ber 30. Invisible. Visible to the southern end of Africa 
and the South Indian Ocean, 


It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 

A note given by a minor is void. 

Ignorance of the law excuses no one. 

A contract made with a lunatic is void, 

A contract made with a minor is invalid, 

The acts of one partner bind all the others. 

An agreement without consideration is void. 

The law compels no one to do impossibilities. 

Contracts made on Sunday cannot be enforced. . 

Signatures made in lead pencil are good in law. 

A receipt for money paid is not legally conclusive. 

Principals are responsible for the acts of their agents. 

It is not legally necessary to say on a note ‘‘ for value 

Each individual in a partnership is responsible for the 
whole amount of the debts of the firm. 

Checks or drafts must be presented for payment without 
unreasonable delay. 

If the time of payment of a note is not inserted, it is held 
payable on demand. 

A note obtained by fraud, or from a person ina state of 
intoxication, cannot be collected. 


Hand. ard. 

Link. c¥ Rodor Pole 

Cubit. 4 i 1 Furlong 

Foot. BO 1 Mile. 


60 > Geographic ul. Miles 

1760 Yards | _ 
5280 Feet 

144 Square Inches = Square Foot. 
Square Feet Square Yard. 
30} Square Yards Sq. Rod, Perch or Pole 
4o Square Rods Square Rood. 
4 Square Roods Acre. 
Gunter’s Chain Yards or 100 Links. 
10 Square Chains 1 Ac 
640. Acres c Square Mile. 
2724 Square Feet pupa Rod. 
43,500 Square Feet ‘=1 Acre 

1728 Cubic Inches = 1 Cubic Foot. 
27 Cubic Feet =x Cubic Yard. 

2734 Grains =1 Drachm(dr,)or 2754 Grains 
16 Drachms=1 Ounce (0z.) or 4374 
16 Ounces =1 Pound (lb.) or 7000 
28 Pounds =—1 Seacaeat Ty 
4 Quarter 1 Hundred-Weight (cwt) 
20 Cwts. 1 Ton. 
2240 Pounds =1 Ton. 

=1 Degree. 

=1 Mile. 


24 Grains =x Pennyweight, or 24 Grains. 
20 Pennywts =1 Ounce, or 480 
12 Ounces =1 Pound, or 5760 


=1 Scruple. 8 Drachms 
-1 Drachm. 


20 Grains 1 Ounce. 

3 Scruples 

69 1-6 Miles= 1 Degree. 

12 Ounces =r Pound. 




Georgia . 
Hawaiian Isl'’d 

Kentucky . 
Louisiana . 
Maryland . 
Michigan.. . 



New Hampshire. 
New Jersey . 
New Mexico. 
New. York..... 
North Carolina 
Nee Dakota . 


a D 
Philippine Isl’de 

Porto Rico. 
Rhode Island - 
South Carolina - 
South Dakota.. 
Tennessee ..... 
Texas .. 


Virginia . 
West Virginia. 
Wisconsin ...... 
Wyoming .. 

poate ef Grace Interest Rates 
=) Sproian a 

| N 

Beery OF 

z| R 
§ | Contract. 

3) 8 penne Forit. of all int 

$| No limit 
6| No limit 
| 6) 6 per P 

. of entire int... 
t.| Forft. of entire it 

t. . 
“| Fft nt, &l0p.ct. prine 
.| Forft. of entire int... 
| Forft. int. over 6p. ct. 
“Rt, int., cos 
| Ffttwiceexover 10pet 
orft. excess of int.. 
orft. of interest..... 

3/10 per ct.| Forft. of interest.. 
3} 8 per ct.| Forfeiture 10 per cent 
No limit.) N 
10 per ct.) F 
No inate 
3} 6 per it it. 
6 per 
3/12 per ct. abl. amt. fint 
6] 6 per et. ft. of prin. & int.. 
6 per Fft. dbl. amt. of int.. 
7|12 per ct. ase excess of int... 
3) 8 per 
3110 per 
3} 10 per 

12 per ct 
No limit. |} 
8 per ct.| Forfeit o Z 7 
12 per ct./Forft. int., tine. imp’t 
y . excess of int .. 
. entire inter 

ne ,.- 
ct. | 10 orft. 
ct.| Forft. entire interest. 
ct.| Dbl. aint, int. & costs 
ct.| Forfeit. of excess int. 
r et. ap “ft. ris 

HELP! In Case of Accidents. 

Drowning. 1. Loosenclothing,ifany. 2. Empty, 
lungs of water by laying body on its stomach and lifting 
by the middle so that the head hangs down. Jerk the 
body a few times. 3. Pull tongue forward, using hand- 
kerchief, or pin with string, if necessary. 4. Imitate 
motion of res pragan by alternately compressing and ex- 
panding the lower ribs, about twenty times a minute. 
Alternately raising and lowering the arms from the sides 
up above the head will stimulate the action of the lungs. 
Let it be done gently but persistently. 5. Apply warmth 
and friction to extremities. 6. By holding tongue for- 
ward, closing the nostrils and pressing the ‘‘Adam’s 
apple” back (so as to close entrance to stomach) direct 
inflation may be tried. Take a deep breath and breathe 
it forcibly into the mouth of patient, compress the chest 
to expel the air, and repeat the operation. 7. DON’T 
GIVE UP! People have been saved after Hours of 
patient, vigorous effort. 8. When breathing begins get 
patient into a warm bed, give warm drinks, or spirits in 
teaspoonfuls, fresh air and quiet. 

Burns and Scalds. Cover with cooking soda and lay 
wet cloths overit. Whites of eggs and olive oil. Olive 
or linseed oil, plain or mixed with chalk or whiting. 

Lightning. Dash cold water over a person struck. 

Sunstroke. Loosen clothing. Get patient into shade 
and apply ice-cold water to head. 

_ [ad Dog or Snake Bite. Tie cord tight above the 

wound. Suck the wound and cauterize with caustic or 
| white-hot iron at once, or cut out adjoining parts with a 
_ sharp knife. 

Venomous Insects’ Stings, etc. Apply weak am- 
monia, oil, salt water or iodine. 

Fainting. Place flat on back; allow fresh air and 
sprinkle with water. 

Electricity. Release from current—not touching 
body or wire with hands, metal or a wet stick. Handle 
body by its clothing, with rubber gloves and shoes if 
possible ; if not, cover hands with dry woolen cloth and 
stand on dry boards. Then induce artificial respiration 
As in a case of drowning. Rub limbs and massage body. 


First. Send for a Physician. 

Second. Inpuce vomrr1nG, by tickling throat with 
feather or finger, drinking hot water or strong Mustard 
and water. Swallow Sweet Oil or whites of Eggs. 

Acids are antidotes for ALKALIES, and vice versa. 


Acids. Murratic. Oxa vic] Soap suds.-Mag- 

Acetic. SutpHuric (Oil of V: nesia, Lime-water. 

riol). Nirric (Aqua Fortis). 
Prussic Acid. Ammoniain water. Dash water in face. 
Carbolic Acid. Flour and‘water, mucilaginous drinks, 
Alkalies. Porasu. Lye. | Vinegar or Lemon juice in 
HARTSHORN. yeriesra water. 

Arsenic. Milk, raw Eggs, Sweet Oil, Lime- 

Rat, Poison. water, Flour and water. 

Paris Green. 

Bug Poison. 

Saltpetre. : 
Corrosive Sublimate. 
Sugar of Lead. 
Blue Vitriol. 
Chloroform. Dash cold water on head and chest. 

Whites of Eggs, or Milk 
in large doses. 

Artificial respiration. Piece of ice 
Ether. in rectum. 
Carbonate of Soda. iy Soap-suds and muci- 
Copperas. Cobalt. § laginous drinks. 
lodine. Starch and water. Astrin- 
Antimony. gent infusions. Strong 
Tartar Emetic. tea. = 3 
Whites of Eggs. Milk, 

Mercury anv 17s saurs.} Mucilages. 
Nitrate of Silver. 
Lunar Caustic. 

Mustard and water, Sul- 

Strychnine. Ti 
5 phate of Zinc. Absolute 
Tinct. of Nux Vomica. quiet. Plug the ears. 

\ Salt and water. 


in § 

In this Almanac the risings and settings of the Sun 
are given 

and Moon are given in local mean time, as. heretofore. 

The Tides 

To change to STANDARD Time add or subtract the 

tes as given below, according as they are marked lus | 



go° Longitude. 
Minutes. | 

Central Standard, 

Columbus, Ohio...- 




Cincinnati, Ohio... 

Dayton, Oh 

Indianapolis, Ind... 



Memphis, Tenn.. 
ock Island, 
Dubuque, Iowa...-.. 

St. Lou: 


sea ta 


120° Longitude. 

Pacific Standard. 

Des Moines, Iowa.. 
Kansas City, Mo. .. 

Sacramento, Cal.... 

0, Cal. 

Y ranci 

San F 

Correction for the following Cities. 

— 19| Detroit, Mich...... 

«s+. — 25 | Cleveland, Ohio.... 

one 21 


Eastern Standard. 
Bangor, Me.... 
Augusta, Me... 
Portland, Me 

— 16 | Toledo, Ohio...... 

Boston, Ma: 

— 14| Louisville, Ky. ...- 

Newport, R. I. .ss606 — 15 
Leas we Teta, 

Elid es 

New London, Conn 

Providence, R. 
Concord, N. 

— 10} Chicago, Ill... 

rege 8 

gfield, Mass... 

pelier, Vt..... 


— 10| Milwaukee, Wis. 
— 9| Springfield, Ill....... 



— 5] New Orleans, La 

Ne a 
ork, N. Y 



ica, N. 



Hartford, Conn. 

Montreal, P. 


Philadelphia, P: 

5| Burlington, Iowa..... 

Syracuse, N. Y. 

+ 16] Galveston, Texa 

++. + 20} Omaha 

ve ag 

Bae otc 

105° Longitude. 

ington, D. C.. 
Denver, Col. 


\timore, Md....... + 6| St. Paul, Minn... «. 
1 8 
Mountain Standard. 


Rochester, N. Y. 

Buffalo, } 

Pittsburg, Pa. . 




Salt Lake City, Utah. + 28 

| Dn 
| & 

‘Kasiof MON, 
m3! (@) 
*Kasiaf MON 

‘dureyy *N 
“10K MON 
“vupoLeD “Ni 
“eur sata 


goor ‘ve suet 

gee f 
9ggt ‘ 

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Jo aye 


“eyo Jo Wey, 




ok EDEL 


To Find High Water (Standard Time) Add to, or 
Subtract from, High Water at New York. 


Eastport, Me 
Bar Harbor, Me 
Rockland, Me 
Portland, Me 
Portsmouth, N. 
Isle of Shoals, 


FLOCK POIs MaSSyee sees evaiees veewe core 
Gloucester; Madss.cegiveel ¢ wp oo eens 
Salem, Mass 

Marblehead IMaSsS. cscs dete we wee 
BNabante Wass sey. i. cats Ache yep 'ese'ay 
Hull, Mass 

Plymouth, Mass.. 

Provincetown, Mas: 


b&wWwWDn OU 

‘Vineyard ‘Haven; Mass.-~......5..05%. 
Wood’s Hole (North Side), Mass...... | sub. 
Wood’s Hole (South Side), Mass...... add 
New Bedford Entrance 

(Dumpling Rock), Mass,...... sub. 
Newport, R. I stale ae 
Bristol, R. I 
Providence, R. I.. 
Point Judith, R. I - 
New Shoreham, Block Island, R. I.... 
Watch Hill, R. I 




Stonington, Conn..... 
New London, Conn. 
Norwich, Conn 

New Haven, Conn.. 
Bridgeport, Conn... 
Throg’s Neck, N. Y 
Montauk Point, L. I 
Coney Island, L. I 

West Point, N.Y. 

Long Branch, N. J 
Ocean Grove, N. J 

Cape May Landing, N. J. 
Newcastle, Del.......- 
League Island, Pa. 
Philadelphia, Pa. ....-eeeeceeseeeeeees 
Annapolis, Md.. 
Baltimore, Md 

Old Point Comfort, Va 
Richmond, Va 

Hatteras Inlet, N.C... 
Beaufort, N.C 
Charleston (C. H. Wharf), S. C.. 


Fort Pulaski (Savannah Ent.), Ga 
Savannah (Dry Dock Wharf), Ga 
Jacksonville, Fla. 

St. Augustine, Fla. 

Key West, Fla 

Tampa Bay (Egmont Key), Fla.. 
Cedar Keys (Depot Key), Fla... 





The following estimate, by the Director 
of the Mint, of the values of Foreign Coins, 
is proclaimed by the Secretary of the Treas- 
ury, in pursuance of the provisions of section 

25 of the Act of August 28, 1894, to be the 
values of such coins in terms of the money 
of account of the United States, to be fol- 
lowed in estimating the value of ‘all foreign 
merchandise exported to the United States 
on or after January 1, 1912, expressed in 

any of such metallic currencies : 

CounTRY. | SranDanp, MoNeErTarRY Unir. 


Argentine Rep.. |Gota 

Austria-Hungary | Gold.. 



German Empire. 
Great Britain.... 


Shanghai. “| 
(C sepa. 


COW WW 00 



Monerarny UN rr. | 

Netherlands .... 
Newfoundland .. -|Dollar... 
Panama .. -|Balboa. 
Persia . . : .|Kran.. 
Peru |G soe | bibras 
Philippine Islds.|G Peso. 
Portugal. x -|Milre 
Russia Ruble 
Spain. Peseta. 
Sweden. . .|Crown. 
Switzerland Franc -. 
Turkey.. -|Piaster . 
ia ¢ sal Rye os ot OBO 

: Bolivar . 

Gas Te AND 


Septuagesima Sunday 
Quinquagesima — Shrove Sunday 
Ash Wednesday . 

First Sunday in Lent 

Palm Sunday 

St. Patrick 

Good Friday 

Faster Sunday . 

Low Sunday . . 

Rogation Sunday % 
Ascension Day— Holy Thursday 
Pentecost— Whit Sunday 
Trinity Sunday . 

Corpus Christi . 

St. John Baptist* 

Michaelmas Day 

St. Andrew { 

First Sunday in Advent ‘ 
Christmas Day . 



lu nrnw own 00n00HhN 


Multiply the principal by as many hundredths as there 
are days, and 
Divide by 
of G 
“ f « « 
« if « « 
« « « 
« « « 
aed F f Etiee. a a ee « 

a2..." “ 

EXAMPLE—Interest on $s0 for 30 days at 4%. 
5° X .30 = 15.00, which divided by 90 = 163 cents —the 
required result. 

——-0$9$ 00--_ 


Eastern Standard. Central Standard. 

Vernal Equinox. 21, oh. M. Mar. 20,17h, As 
Summer Solstice J 21, 8h, a. June 2r, 7h. 
Autumnal Equinox. .Sept. 23, oh. m. Sept. 23, gh. 

Winter Solstice BC. 22, 5h. M. Dec. 23, 4h... 

Mountain Standard. Pacific Standard. 

Vernal Equinox. ....Mar. 20, roh. A. Mar. 20, gh. a. 

Summer Solstice. June 21, 6h. June 21, sh. a. 

Autumnal Equinox. .Sept. 23, 8h. m. Sept.23, 7h. m. 

Winter Solstice......Dec. 22, 3h. Dec. 22, 2h. m. 



At any time of the year add 12 hours to the time of 
the sun’s setting, and from the sum subtract the time of 
rising for the length of the day. Subtract the time of 
setting from 12 hours, and to the remainder add the time 
of rising next morning for the length of the night. These 
rules are equally true for apparent time. 


Explanation of Flag Signals, 

No. 1. 
White Flag. 



Fair Weather. 

No. 2, 
Blue Flag. 

Rain or Snow. 

No. 3. 
White and Blue 

Local Rain or 

gular Flag. 


No. 5. 
White Flag, 
Black Center. 

Cold Wave. 

No. 1, alone, indicates fair weather, 
stationary temperature. 

No. 2, alone, indicates rain or snow, 
stationary temperature. 

No. 38, alone, indicates local rain or 
snow, stationary temperature, 

No. 1, with No. 4 above it, indicates 
fair weather, warmer. 

No. 1, with No. 4 below it, indicates 
fair weather, colder. 

No. 2, with No. 4 above it, indicates 
rain or snow, warmer. 

No. 2, with No. 4 below it, indicates 
rain or snow, colder. 

No. 38, with No. 4 above it, indicates 
local rain or snow, warmer. 

No. 3, with No, 4 below it, indicates 
local rain or snow, colder. 

No. 1, with No. 5 above it, indicates 
fair weather, cold wave. 

No. 2, with No. 5 above it, indicates 
wet weather, cold wave. 

Forecasts made at 10.00 A. M., 
and displayed between 12.00 and 
1.00 P.M., forcasts the weather for 
the following day until 8.00 P.M 

("In this Almanac the risings and settings of the Sun 
and Moon are given in local mean time, as heretofore, 
The Tides are given in Standard ‘Time. 

The Calendars for the Latitude of 
Boston and Chicago 
May be used for Central and Southern New England, 
Central New York, Southern Michigan, Southern 

Wisconsin, Northern Iowa, Northern Nebraska, 
South Dakota, and Wyoming. 

The Calendars for the Latitude of 
New York and Philadelphia 

May be used for Southern New York, New Jersey, Penn- 
sylvania, Northern Ohio, Northern Indiana, Northern 
Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Southern Nebraska. 

The Calendars for the Latitude of 
Washington, Cincinnati, etc. 

May be used for Delaware, Maryland, the Virginias, 
Southern Ohio, Southern Indiana, Southern Illinois, 
Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, and Colorado. 


Red .... 
Black . 



Pacific anate 70,000,000 
Atlantic . 35,000,000 
Indian .. : 4 23 7000 "000 
Souther aly 7000; ,000 
Arctic oR ES ra peers 4,000,000 


(In Standard Time.) 

New Moon... . 7d. Sh. 28m. a.m. 
First Quarter . . . 1d. Wh. 8m. avm. 
Full Mon . . . 22d. 10h. 40m. a.m, | 
Last Quarter... 29a. 2h. 34m. a.m. 

and Chicago. 
Moon | Bost. 

¢8./R.4&8.| Tide. RAS 
he m. | Morn?g! | he 

¥ 48 5 55)\r7 24 
3 6 53) s4 44 
7 61) r? 25 
8 48) s4 46 
9 42) r7 25 
10 34) 's4 48 




6]10 231 2 4/|s 
11 37] 2 49]\r7 15/11 34 

Latitude of Boston | atitude of New York ||Lat. of Wash. 
i and Philadelphia. 

iN. Y., | els pidon 

11 ay ir? 2 sets | 
+ eee fiS4 5 

A A SLSNG~nws 

morn} 3 35|\s5 13;morn| 0 34/|s morn 
0 49) 4 26)\r7 13) 0 45) 1 25) 
s 2 116° 231185-15 1 56) 2 21 
r7 15] 3 11) 6 25llr7 12) 3 5) 


7d. 4h. 28m. a.m. 
1éd. 10h, 2m, a.m. 
22a. 9h. 40m. a.m. 
29d. Ih. 34m. a.m. 

\Cin. & Bt. Louis 

hide. | 
Morn’g}| #. m. 



= an Hw 

net y Y tH tH nAtn 

10 22 
11 33 

3 22) 



(In Standard Time.) 

New Moon 44 «+ « bd. Oh. , 5d. 11h. 22m. p.m, aa an Ge : 

First Quarters . + 4d. 8h. c 14d. 2h. 34m. a.m, Fina; Quester s _wi:ts EA ch Saat ns 

i Of 20d. Sh. 3m. p.m. HRaMond! ci. kes EE Sl 
a. 8h, 16m, p.m. _Tast Quarter... goa. Th. 58m. a.m. 

2d. 5h. 56m. a.m. 
+ Gh. 68m, a.m. 

ude of New Yor Lat. of Wash, 3: Latitude of-Boston | | Latitude of New York . of Wash. 
i Philadelph |Cin. & St. Louis ‘l9t and Chicago. | _and Philadelphia. _& Bt. Louis 

Sun Tattooed. hapeate || Sun, | oon | NX | Sun, a, | toon 
R.&8.|R.&8.| Tide. | R. & 8./R.&8.} Tid R.&8.)R. & 8. 
hem. | hem. | Morn’ gi | hem. | hem. | he 73 m. 

16 36 v6 33| 2 56 
$B 51 $5 53] 3 48 
r6 30| 4 32 

35 56|5 7 
#6 28 5 36 
58] 6 2 
8) sets 
s6 0] 6 47 

Day of 

hem. |} 

4 1h 2 7 



oag, | FF 
A Prog 


eee leuegloloin7s 

LomnrPwo |? 

$ OPP E Fs 
POR DO w wD 
ee ae c 

ta Oe 

Connor | D-ofM. 


7 PRE 

ist 54 
jr6 57/10 55 
\s6 34/11 57 
ir6 55 morn 
\s5 36| 1 



POND Lr} noS 

ido aKed 
DO a 
BS penre 



> o 




5 10 50)|s5 47,10 26 
76 4111 42/11 37) \r6 39 11 38 


16 43/11 47 rf 56/10 35 10 24 

‘e|s5 46) morn| 

r6 40! 1 1 
5 48] 2 10) 

FE ae ae ren titiadinactn 


s5 48 morn} 0 2 
r6 38) 0 55} 0 56 
s5 50} 2 3/1 ay 

s65 49 morn 
r6 36) 0.49 
fe et 1 66 

Ps 45 

i) +5 53)morn 
s6 20) 0 54| 0 34 
r5 49) 1 50 ; 34 
s6 22) 2 37 

s6 18/11 48 11 10)\s 

r5 53|}morn 
s6 19] 0 46 
rS 50) 1 43 
s6 21 30 

‘ir 46) 315, 3 38.15 47 9 


(In Standard Time.) 

First Quarter. . . a. -m. 13d. 1h. 39m. p.m. First Quarter. . « 13d. Gh. 45m. a.m. 
Full Moon 20a. 4h. 33m. p.m. 3h. 33m. p.m. Full Mon... 20d. 2h. 18m. a.m. 
_Last Quarter... + 284. . 9m. a.m. 28d. Oh. 9m. a.m. Last Quarter... g7a. Th. 4m. p.m. 

ah as Fa are Peay Vek te Fd apc Bor int eetigel Gil. Bh. 2im. am. | Gd, 2h. 24m. a.m. 
* Th. 18m. a.m. 
7a. Gh. 4m. p.m. 

| Latitude of New York || Lat. of Wash. s pati 7 : Latitude of New York |/Lat. of Wash. 
and Philadelphia. Cin, & St. Louis feotnatd and Philadelphia. | |Cin. & Bt. Louis 


Moon | Bost. || Sun | Moon | N. Y. || Sun_ | Moon 2) 331 sun | Moor Tag Ls Moon |.N.¥. |{ Sun. | Moon 
3./R.&8.| Tide. ||R.& 8.|R.& 8.] Tide, ||R.& 8. 3| mS Ire s.[R.&s ; IR. & 8.[R. & 8. 

S. 8 

+ | ken. |Morn'g| | am. | ke om. | Morn’g|| a.m. | a.m, =| Ge Morn’gl| hem. | he m. |Morn’g]| 2. iT 

}175 44) 3 45 i Ph |r 7 43}|r4 59] 2 58) 4 40 | 
9}/s6 25) 4 10 s ‘r ds 8 28||s6 56| 3 14| 5 25)|\s6 53 
}.r5 41) 4 31 ifr |\Sa 9 10)/r4 57| 3 34 6 7\rb 0} 3 35 
|86 27) 4 51) 6 51)|s s 9 50\/s6 58] 3 53) 6 48)\s6 55) 3 56 
15 38) 5 10 i : 10 30)|r4 54| 4 15) 7 26|\r4 58) 4 20 
s6 29) sets is sets \q 3 sets |11 10! sais Si Bl ls6 57| sets 
r5 35] 7 45 i |r 4 52| 9 0} 8 48)\r4 56) 8 53 
86 32) 8 52 sl Th |s 0 14\|s7 3/10 7| 9 37||s6 58) 9 59 
}'5 31/10 0} 9 53)}r tr |r 1 3ilr4 49/11 810 25||r4 54/11 0 
s6 34/11 8 s Sa |s morn] 1 55|/s7 5/11 5911 17|/s7 0/11 52 
\5 28/morn r fi | ‘ 0 2 49) \r4 52|morn 
s6 36) 0 14 s6 34) 2} 0 s 047| 347) 0 36 
\"5 25) 113 ‘i oT shoal 
s6 38) 2 1 |S 4 lWels 1 45 
nS 22) 2 40 ; Th |r 28 
7 18)\s6 40) 3 13 s ‘r Is 231 2 32 
8 20)/r5 19) 3 41] 5 r 1 Sa |r 2 54 2 58 
9 12\\s6 42) 4 5 s 3| S |s 3 18| 9 34||s7 12) 3 21) 6 32|s7_8| 3 25 
4.2910 215 16) 4 30 "5 19) | : 3 45/10 23|/r4 40| 3 50) 7 20)\r4 44) 3 55 
rises |10 48)|s6 44/ rises s rises /Tu |s7 19| rises |11 12||s7 14]rises | 8 _5||s? _ 9jrises 
11 32/5 13) 8 7 5 16,8 3 {14 33) 9 80/11 59)/r4 38) 9 23) 8 57)|r4 43) 9 15 
ent \s6 46| 9 25 6 43) Th |s7 21/10 27| 0 24/|s7 16/10 20) 9 47\|s7 11/10 12 
0 41/r5 10/10 35 ; 4 {Fr |r4 32/11 13) 1 14\\r4 36/11 6 10 33)\r4 41/10 59 
s6 51/11 45] 1 31/|s6 48/11 37] s6 45/11 30 Sa |s7 23/11 49| 2 3||s7 18/11 43 11 2i|/s7 13/11 37 
15 4/morn} 2 21/15 _7/morn) r5 10 morn | : morn| 2 51/|r4 35|morn \|r4 40|morn 
s6 53] 0 37| 3 14/|s6 5 Mo|s 0 18] 3 37\\s7 19] 0 13| 0 36\s7 14) 0 9 
r5 1/118 5 4] 1 12 Tu |r 4 25llr4 34| 0 38] 1 231r4 39 
s6 55) 1 51 IIs s6 49, Tels? 26 \s7 2 2 11\|s7 16 
r4 69 217 ; ‘ | : : 3 Olr4 38 
s6 58) 2 38) s ‘r |s ls? 23| 1 37| 3 46)|s7 17 
; Es esl: Be del 00 dh 31Sa |r4 26 ir4 31] 1.57] 4 331ir4 37 

WorMmAwror | D. of M. 

New Moon 

Full Moon 


DAIS, | Day of 
ae ei Week 


(in Standard Time.) _ 

First Quarter. . . . | lid. 

30) Mo 

galt delete 

~ 4a. 


last Quarter. he ighas 26d. 

Latitude of Boston | 
and Chicago. 


lh. 87m. a.m. 


2h, 57m. p.m. 4a. Uh. 57m, p.m, 
11d. 10h. 37m. a.m. 
18d. 1h. 54m. a.m. 
| 26d. 12h. 41m. asm. 

work || Lat. of Wash. 
| |Cin. & St. Louis 

Oh. 54m. p.m. 
Oh. 41m. p. 

] Latitude of New 
__ ‘and Philadelphia. 

ne, ; Moon | Bost. ie 
-|R. & S.| Tide, 
| a. m. |Morn’g! | 

ts 26) 2 15] 8 23 

87 30) 2 38) 9 11): 
r4 25] 3. 6| 9 59) 

s7 32) sets |10 48)|s7 26) sets 
ji1 37) r4 29) 9 

r4. 23/10 46) 0 55) 
s7 34/11 22) 1 i 
r4 23/11 50) 2 4 

s7 36 morn 

r4 22, 0 57 6 19) 
s7 38) 1 20) 7 17) 
r4 22] 1 46) 8 14| 
s7 38] 217; 9 91) 
r4 22} 255/10 4 
s7 39 rises |10 57 
r4 23) 9 6/11 45 
s7 40) 9 46] 0 

r4 23.10 17) 0 55 
s7 40 10 43] 1 39 
r4 23.11 5} 2 20 
s7 40 11 24) 2 59 
r4 24 11 42, 3 39 
s7 40 11 59) 4 21 
r4 25 morn| 5 6 
s7 40, 0 17| 5 54 
r4 25) 0 38) 6 47 
s7 in] oy 4 nm 

\74 28) 0 12 

a4 oe shledes 

Sun, | oon al Bun, | Moon 
R.& &8. : & 8. 

r4 31| 2 18| 5 
s7 25| 2.42 
ir4 30] 3.11 

Ee m. | 

S7 28) 9 55 
\r4 29/10 40 

is? 29/11 17 9\s7 23/11 13 

H\r4 28)11 47|.....]| r4 34/11 45 

s7 30,morn| 0 ia a morn 
s7 31] 0 36) 2 
ir4 28] 0 58] 3 
s7 32] 1 23) 4 
r4 28) 1 50) 5 
s7 33] 2 22) 6 
r4 233 1/7 214 341 3 8 
s7 33 rises | 7-61 \s7 27| rises 
r4 28 8 59} 8 41) |r4. 34 8 52 
s7 34| 9 40) 9 30 |\s7 28) ay 
r4 29/10 12/10 14/|r4 34/10 
s7 34,10 39/10 54 \s7 29/10 3% 
r4 2911 2/11 Bile ro) Miea 
is? 35/11 23]. ..../|s7 29/11 22 
r4 30:11 42) 0 38 r4 35/11 43 
s7 35 morn| 1 20) |s7 29 morn 
4 30, 0 0} 4 lr4 36) 0 
s7 35) 0 19) \s | 
r4 31) 0 42) 3 44 jr4 37) 0 46 
s7 35) 1 ale ic B 7 AN: 115 



(In Standard Time.) 

‘NewMoon. . .. | 

First Quarter. . . 
Full Mon. 2. 

Last Quarter . 

Sun 13 Moon 
.&8.1R. & 8. 
em. | he ms storie | 

14 26| 1 37) 8 38 


Bone + 


r4 29) 9 20 

s7 39} 9 51 
r4 29/10 17 
s7 38/10 40 
eir4 31/11 2 
s7 38)11 24 
r4 33/11 49 
s7 37|morn 
r4 34) 0 18 
s7 36] 0 53 
r4 36) 1 36 
2|s7 34) 2 28 
r4 38) 3 29:10 44 
s7 33] rises 

AAMAS wows 

s7 26)11 3} 
r4 47\11 32) 
s7 24) morn| 
r4. 49,0 9 
els7 22) 0.57 
r4 51) 1 59) 



H7\ | 

7 \r4 51/11 37| 2 

\\s7 18) 1 4 


Lat. of Wash. 
Cin. & Bt. Louis 

Sun_ | Moon 
IR. & S.|R.& 8. 

&S. ‘x 
emis | te Me 

i. m. | Morn’ g| 

r4 32) 1 43) 6 35||r4 38] 1 50 

Pate t 

s7 40) 2 19] 9 36||s7 35| 2 26) 6 34||s7 29) 2 34 
r4 27) 3 1410 33 |r4 33 3 21 
87 40) sets |11 27)|s7 34) sets 

7 29) \r4 39| 3 30 
8 23||s7 29) sets 

\\r4. 34) 9 15) 9 17||r4 40| 9 10 

0 45) s? 34] 9 47\10 7\|s7 28) 9 45 

5/10 15/10 53) \r4 41/10 14 
10 39/11 41/|s7 28\10 40 

3} 0 6/r4 42/41 5 

6| 0 56)|s7 27/11 30 

183 1 47) \r4 43/11 57 
\s7 32 2 mom| 2 45)|s7 26)morn 
r4 3 9) 0 23) 3 47\\r4 45 0 29 
|s7 31 0 59) 4 49)/s7 25) 1 6 
Ir4 41) 1 43) 5 51/|r4 46) 1 52 
s7 29) 2 35] 6 49)/ s7 24) 2 44 
14.42) 3 36| 7 39)|r4 48 3 44 
||7 28 rises | 8 231/87 23 


r4 49/10 43] 
s? 2211 9| 

32) |r4 54/10 47 
16||s7 17)11 13 
674 56/11 44 
1|\s7 15;morn 
5/4 57} 0 23 
5 12\|s7 13) 1 13 
6 18\r4 59] 2 15 

s7 2)|}morn 
r4 83) 0 15) 4 

r4 55) 2. 6| 

First, Quarter « 

Latitude of MB betan 
and C hie LEO. 

r4 54! 8 18 
s7 16] 8 43 
r4 56) 9 6 
s7 14] 9 28 
r4 58) 9 52) 
"5010 8 k 

Sun | Moon | Bost. 
R.& 3.) R.& 8.] Tide. 
hem. | he m. | Morn’g 

|r4 62} 3 13/10 21 
s7 19| seis {11 16 

titude of New York 
_and Philadelphia. 
Sun | Sas N.Y, 
R.€8.|R.&8.| Tide. 
hem. Iie m. Morn’gy 

s7 15) sets | 8 10 
Lelie ah 



10? G1 


i\s6 45/10 10 

"5 19)10 54) 1 31) 
|s6 42|11 49) 2 34 
46 |r5 21;}morn}| 3 44 

15 171047 4 32) 
s6 45 11 41 ; Pv 
/e|r5 19 morn 

s6 38) 3 27,10 4//s6 36] 3 3117 1 

15 23! sets |10 55||r5 25| sets | 7 50 





Lat. of W: 4 
Cin. & St. Louis 

8un_ | Moon 
R.£8./R.& 8. 
| he m.| hem 

r4 66| 3 19| 7 17\|r5 0| 3 27 

s7 11} sets 

r5 20) 9 42 
86 43/10 18 
5 22/11 3 
s6 40/11 57 
r5 24 morn 
s6 38) 1 2 
r5 26] 217 
s6 34) 3 37 

T5 27| sets 

(In Standard Time.) 

First Quarter... 

Full Mon . . . . 
Last Quarter... 
New Moon . . 


20a. Mh, dim. Bia: 

CENTBAL Division, 

6m. a.m. 

coer | D.of M.| 

HS Nas 
Se ee 

424 Z 



and Chica augO. 

Latitude of Boston == of New York 

Sun_ | Moon | Bi 
R.&8./R.& 8. | 1 

15 24} 7 nm 40)\r5 26 
86 33) 7 30) 0 1)'s6 31 
r5 26) 7 54) 0 45''r5 28 
86 30] 8 21) 1 29)/s6 28 
r5 29) 8 53} 2 16)/r5 30 
86 26] 9 32] 3 5j/s6 25 
r5 31/10 19) 4 2}\r5 32) 
s6 23/11 14) 5 7/\s6 22 
rb 33|morn} 6 15)/r5 34 
0 16] 7 21) 36 18 
1 22) 8 20||r5 36 
6] 2 28) 9 10)/s6 15 
3 33] 9 54) ir5 38 





0 58 
2 19 
3 40 

and PI 

4 36/10 35) \s6 12) 4 38) 7 30) |s6 11 

2 6 Ba 9 12\\r5 42 

jmorn| 3 

sets |11 13) s5 45); 

t. L. of W Pali: 

hiladelphia. & Bt. Louis 

y. || Sun_ | Moon 
IR. & 8.|R.& 8. 

“wm. |Morn’g|| fm. | fe mee 
7 6| 8 36\|r5 28) 7 

7 31| 9 21)'s6 29 
75710 4\|r5 30 

8 25 10 47)|\s6 26 

8 59 11 36)/r5 32/9 5 
9 39) 0 3)|s6 23) 9 46 

10 26) 1 1)/r5 34/10 35 
11 21) 2 5)|s6 20)11 30 

morn| 3 13//r5 35)morn 
0 23 4 18)|s6 17| 0 31 
1 28) 5 16)/r5 37 
2 33) 6 8|s6 14 
3 36| 6 52 \r5 39 

i 75 41) rises 
8 37 \s6 8 

2 23 

3 42) S| 

5 1| 7 24 15 635 3 
sets | 8 er 45) sets 

Teasdale) | «| CENTRAL DIVISION. (In Standard Time.) CENTRAL DIVISION, 
“First Quarter... .| Gl 2, p.m. “Gd. Th. 46m. pam. First Quarter». da. Th. 8 | Sd, Ob. 34m. p.m 
Full Moon dd. . a.m. 5 Full Moon 2. oe 8d. 6 . pam. 8d. 5h. 1m, p.m. 
‘ 5h. 22 Last Quarter... 21d. 2h. 66m. a.m. 21d. 1h. 56m. a.m. 
New Moon. ss + 9h. fm. : _New Moon. 27a. 8h. 41m. pan. Th, 41m, p.m. 

7 t. of Wash. | ‘19 13 3 | Latitude of New York ||Lat. of Wash. 
| Gin. St, Louis | ____and Chicago, “and Philadelphia. —_||Cin. & Bt. Louie 

| oan | foo Bost. || M 
ale Tide. ||R. & S.|R. 

ni ae “fr oes Mera'g i hem. | heme hem. | hem. Mor’ | a. mm 

Day of 
| Week. 

hem. | ome |3orn’g]| 

r5 56. 6 18 11 56 r5 56 6 21| 8 53ir5 55) 6 26 Sa r6 33] 6 52 0 48'|\r6 30 
s5 41) 6 49; 0 18 s5 41! 6 54) 9 41\\s5 42| 7 0 
r5 59) 7 26 1 6\r5 58) 7 82]10 27||r5 57) 7 40 
s5 37) 8 11) 1 56)/s5 38) 8 18/11 17) 8 I ; 27 ri 
r6 1) 9 6) 2 49)\r6 0) 9 14 22 Ve |r6 38/11 13 
s5 34/10 8] 3 46)/s5 35/10 15) 0 iB iB 38 0 23 Uh {84 48)morn 
r6 31114] 4 49)rG 2/11 20) 1 47\r6 1/11 27 fr |r6 40| 0 18 
2 sb 31 morn) 5 52) s5 32/morn} 2 50)/s5 33)morn : s4 46) 1 20 
| 6 526 4) 0 25) 3 49)\r6 3] 0 31 r6 43] 2 21 
45 9 9) 4 42/85 30) HH mere 44 $ 22 
34) |r r 
15)|s aa eed s4 41] 5 28 
31) 9 54 2\r6 7| 4 32 3 16 48) 6 34) 
38 21) 5 33,10 31)\s5 22) & \s r {84 40) rises 
16 13) rises |11 6)|r6 11) rises Eas r6 9| oo Sa |r6 51) 6 25/1. 
s6 17| 6 39 11 41/|s5 19) 6 43) 8 37 \s6 21) 6 49 s4 53 6 16 
He ghee eae 
s5 16] Ss: 
os 2116 5B| 9 45 
s4 35/11 1 
16 58) morn 



5| S 


6 |\s4 4 
7 26 10 30)| [6 45 
|s4 40| 8 36 11 21\|s4 45 
9 50 Ir6 47 
11 4) 0 45)|s4 43 
}morn 1 42) r6 49 
019 2 40)/s4 42 
1 32 3 38)/r6 51 
s5 8 M 247) 4 36\|s4 41 
r6 22 r , 7 3 | 4 3) 5 32//r6 54 
s5 5) 2 34! s ‘ 26|We |s4 31 | 5 21 6 27||s4 40 
r6 24/351) 6 4)[r6 21 ‘7 5| : 

s5 2 



r6 22 11 57, 
s5 eek 

r6 24) 1 15 




sr OoOUooONn 

PoP Bee 


sei 0 

16 32] 6 Oj. 29| 6 28 9 20\Ir6 26] 

Pees te 

(In 8te Sat 

eS WA e 


= ‘Pime.) 

First Quarter « 

Full Moon 

|| Latitude o 

ide. | 
hem. | he m. |Morn’g 

> {7 9} 7 49) 1 24l)r 

s4 28) 8 69) 2 13) 
171110 5} 2.59 
s4 2811 8) 3 44) 
T7313 morn| 4 30) 
s4 28| 0 10) 5 16 
r7,15} 1.11) 6 3)\r 
s4 28) 2 12) 6 51 
17 17) 3.15] 7 38) 

> |s4 28) 4 20) 8 28 

r7 19) 5 27| 9 16)\r 
s4 28) 6 37/10 6 
r7 21 rises |10 56}|r' 
s4 28) 5 10/11 45)\s 
r7 22 6 21/09 
s4 29 7 36| 0 59 
r7 23) 8 52) 1 50) 
s4 2910 7| 238 
r7 25 11 22) 3 26 
s4 30 morn 

31; We 

r? 30) 

\s4 33) 2 10 

. Om. a.m. “ 
. 16m. a.m. 

cand Philudely 

5 Morag 
r7 4) 7 5510 44| 
s4 34) 9 4 
r? 6110 8 
\s4 33/11 10 
|r? 8 morn 
s4 33) 0 11 
7 10} 1 11 

r7 12) 3.12 
84 33) 4 16 
r7 14| 5 22 
s4 33} 6 31 
Ye 16) rises 
s4° 34) 5 17 
r7 17| 6 27 
s4 34) 7 41 



r7 18 8 56/11 8 ir 

s4 35/10 10|11 59): 
r7 20/11 23| 0 24 

3| 84. 36)morn} 1 15 

x7 21) 0 36) 


8h. 59m. a.m, 
9h. Om. a.m. 

20d. 10h. 16m. a.m. 

St. Louis 

Sun = Moon 

e. ||R.& 8./R. & 8. 

hem. yf m. 

r6 -59| 8 2 
s4 39} 9 9 
r7. 1/10 13 
84 38.11 13 

r7 3\morn 


Soxrog Pp Do-eow 
Pwo e 


Y 14 i 24 
s4 41)morm 
r7 15) 0 36 
s4 42) 1 48 
r7 16} 2 59 
s4 43) 4 13 
r7 17) 5 28 
s4 44) 6 38 
r? 18) sets 
s4 46| 5 43 
r7 18) 6 50 
34 47| 7 57 

"7 1919 0 


Clea are 

WED. JAN. 1, 1913 

Cahn. 01h,» Ire drains | 

Ca, ees dn tty S 

. th. ay: bay QA thiteads. 
ie frmes, 3 Pree Shamma, Alexa 
a Tide de 

ny] Roh plead sk la 7° ‘eich 
Ad, Baie, Ax Mora front. | 

Barre has aly, BGarnbrxAdys. 
Ther THuRS. JAN. 2,1913 Wea | Ther Fri. JAN. 3, 1913 _ Wea 
ae ta ©0° Slory : 
Clean, Calyx, aes va eee ROT 4 taleeicades = . Cromny 
law Corl, Varney. leat aul feory orn BR tethaah, - 
GG LAr Seas: Anrth bsrth, A fw gon 

Pn. Pr. AO a. iS Chace Ka da, 

4. “Drias Spromeas, 3 Junery a pees — 
 Preemy My anak 0. prine ! 7a T, pan bias’ Gren 
' gt f 
fi (arreory ¥ Haan SY, atinne bra 

tactd & chesmn, Haanne, A fr, Tas, | 

Fins, o th. poe cereal béc,, 

ered 3) Celgrn, 200; a = 

Ie frad. [hn fount % esas. (Ow 
vet, By 6h) Une freraeh, Steers, | 
Gud bere 06 Kemer 00 TERE @ Yann Com Ax horn Cormmaniven ? 
He aon Spmtins forty roan Hy oon +t ; hry on darter 
« AI ap rel, eo SG Gees, GAL 

Then IWant feren Mn Fiteataren dmorolrn | 
beatin Gen Grd tne > Tn parm ; 
) ¥ : N Afb, Lomek 


Ther Sar. JAN. 4, 1913 Wet 1 wer Sun, JAN. 5, 1918 Ww 
Lo" Wheel . nS Feed Axles aa Be ing 

blaring ot 4 Gn Mak, Hea dle, ERS. Fitts rm Kot tha daws a 

Obsen rk hruny Crh Tintbeds 

I derrnet To blow hander Kim — ' 

Chisrnweny Coor ee ee. tha coe 

6) TR bead creda ory Pract Ch 

pepe Yon. Od. Linc dds ; 

bu ho danny bara or ferrets | Wow dAiona (S34) logptton arc IO AWA 
hx Gar dirw $aus Q Chekadon 

able bij peste RL alin, ise Lhe pols, 

Mennd a De 

/ bom. Gry Can. 2 fp 
Orpen on Zhe. Myeloma 

Vv ws bey, . 

Dar bri hgh. i 
po hades delight JAN. 6, res ell 

fae wings teal ps Sea. 
eer a TVET 
bent p eerins a dng pry: 
Co bent Hohe forranen 1 
ng yes Hh, Avant ig oe 
Chadds Jaren, {ih 
inn fied Ghitosch cB: sheet Bani | 
Foie amt, fe ee Hortyerak ) 
oy Husa 
to: Lbvnte tn rae 
P3>furbanaicist J emths Gps Blsihline, | 


Ther TurEs. JAN. 7, 19138 ate 

eas Vo tae Tam RaR ee 

hilaes phe: Testes > 

S pst dong dine ddd cated Boring 
CeapebarG r Howdy Stan 

M4 Guenah terhay ZS fops, 
Ae, habe Ks Lenard Hla, hand 
rw l Ga i ac akde bye ndoeran 

ae = 
fay Olan an steak fort on 
ennai J TAL Arve Jhwt | 
Honea Shee? eet 

ae denn wf torr 

Ther WED. JAN. 8, 1913 ea 

OD aire Ohicus tothe tread ginatt 

tan pcan we | 
7 a ES 8 Seseetesinfe Th 


burcarcd a a ae 
Te Wea Se daeeatlty arn treet” 

eh dengpnccotty Nhe) 

bb-eghk \y Os Cheeteadan’y a, Otrrny wn 
ae ee Nee a Semndle Sfartent Sm 

Speccn: champ wie Teg nei 
bit ere. ha. Sa Gyok,, 
aie meen Trent ty > 
Nie Ak, tre Corus, G 
En tou AX, 

THURS. JAN. 9, 19138 Wea 

12P Pita. 

Ubon y Carte pon tk LGhk hogtat 

glib pict bays dite basing 
Aa ay sce SL wrns c 

nt pork day oe ny g, eer billy 

om, hacieeiage amare bm. 

pe jiduial NY nk “ier 

¢ eve Bana trip eets 

nnd tos Alay OF 7 ar donk 

Ua, Cees , dnp mslnn OX (0.20: 
g. fren gutcrn han Cheores hog, 

ee Co Gnrghanra Pattn hy pag 

Oye Cala Li em OO 

ban budge. 

Ther Fri. JAN. 10, 1918 _ Wea | phar Sar. JAN. 11, 1918 Wea 
——— f Tac, 

Cleas V Vineh bron, Wz ans Foxdh, Stemny | Carga clan dy | byt 
Lapnddy relies Te Yn. Aaa. Winn uw, Leceee ah Rite : Tiny Yeo gan 
a jet Pay tex A denen) Ha barn 

BK Chekods a bested Un, S ator Di Charon Yo ora OTy Cassehy A Gren SA Ora, 

cD bin nd Matha, Nowas 

Stam bret. Un. mye 462i. yas Use Gan dan hatte a a J”) y adowry 

enn Aveta 24 \ Pines oh Xin : Oy bar a Chckadan, ab Ga deat 

; Worked hace dy on Mrerdrrnr | 
Shunk at don tn Hitmen or Gk bterol Corte Meet 7 eget’, | 
eS a Daehiens al Shh, 

I tlabatny vendo fe: S. Crmmnpntamy 

Cog oy aby arn Parr, Cy Armd abared 
apn 1 gen Fos, & has a cot brurvnp | 

barcbudy. | 6 anbuclge ~ ott, 

Ther SuN. JAN. 12, 1913 wee | Ther Mon. JAN. 18, 1913; Wea 
Ss° Sones, i [6° koe 

In corr tases J bans Cg tn, gaat 3 due th Gairdex Jawa Ah Fa 

cre Sera PTE ayer a 

Lav claenen Chaska chn , Q \ Canad 

Whately als Bra ow Ay ER Oe en 
rely Bay & Ort Vd Gusts fly sw, ie 
evn ak Pamh <a betannny, “pss. Jungs AE powrsel tan 
Abe 13 ~#A~ 4, SAnrranms | ben Gass 00 A Og IS” tethien tor Tallent Grn 

» fener anh pranees onl tak. io dade, 
WT, CI ew Mosom 7. 10;20 

ett Po kde IST ORGS, aH feos 

AX 16. ¥%o. Dem Aesiges 

He bass. 0 Lrrmnn tlesarg % Iremy 6, > 
a Rolo Arogbay trom 

Ham Abn ow 3. So. ERS. 
bedi ow mgs bedinn bor ear 
Bt bidbidasrrs, pa zene phnd han ‘cq al. 4 

 Barnkwdge. | Cambrider, 
Turs. JAN. 14, 1913 i: Ther . WED, JAN. 15, 1918 Wea 

OS tne 

Elian, Cabin pth 

Mead a& Chu eleaden, a Phd Gale 
Ho ~ Sfeammeert oy hinds? naleak th Fee stn, pehate: tit Soman ih Jaw @ 

me Hiroe Sapir Pays Hwy 
terol tony Taku 

wa Co, Sor OT, Ue haya 

wt lo. Preta fenren Chanprrncs Sarin | 

Cotta OX FG Hot 1s a tar ® Brain Tha ber, (Gan bode ore 
iroksy bei difer Wrndolrrn | ww tind, TY reales Hie tor harm 
on Commas a fw hy coming a Mowry 

| Larmbruraer 
Ther THURS. JAN. 16, 1913 QWea nya Fri. JAN. 17, 1918 Wea 
ae (eZ 2F AL.) Daw, 

Densety Miracle ' Cote , rai archi, Glovdy Cashews Lore huoldint oe Feud, 
asaans | baneg Uhcctag dba tauex Sh: oy Esk: duo Cook tegteh 
Ur. beh - Frag ~ porrnna deny Gy ees Gite i he fewer by rae forcnt 
Vranin % ferrmdy wrth a0 J tym leks | Qawielrlie Plisisene frarlecsh on Cement’ 
Ss side trainee © Th ov ee ee a ee 
Cai the ST Taty ta, Gand bree a Dorm, ‘ 
| Sew a Blue Joy a WALA Lesage Aeths) 
A Tieton Cand. a Dey Colley ae Pa 
beh Unneoberl Sfmranes 5 sy (Ly 
di dAre. Gordun, 

Ta van tom dae aplral Lrarrn ory | 
Wa tone Hage ve 

Ya Suan G an dad sons | 
ba plete ayo ie 

Ther Sat. JAN. 18, 1918 Wea Ther. SUN. JAN. 19, 1913 | Wea 
se » Jun, lpo® Supt , 

Chow chy Cala 7 Hanes wreck Purasia Ve tebe ash arreeee hx 
fawn habits Ad Parco a Darter, Cr Lhoanlly Chor 
wrth Crrah cry curr farot felertnly Cmrt 
Pid Ih Mania tins hadinebs Xhaedialelacs — 3 ec act Caray tabrebeaeld Pest, Willan 
ac The buat by itor beer low Y Keach | 
an eran $ Ud ba. abet bir chapraded Lexaalt Strebig ob teliisely 

2 call than, ers ode ty HE 
Wie, atk» bahay a waa Cepek, pordrveliteg we leallany ow. Sac Ot ats Sued 

Tata Le Meaduira® di benyda ruddy fet Clos fn Cem, Ahan 
fay ad bret bly orn AL Peetaal, | ew V Jos fara a Rrey to Gastirne 
Comprtmny au Fa healun Pe s s 
tad! Posenah ooo 
ose Sasa episnoen Sh 
here fone eal Tne Cle ty 
Chan, danny Le be Rast, bros, . 

a Pe a 


Mon. JAN. 20, 1913 

Clean, Cater, Prk, Cher cbay 00% to 
Mak Ran, Wh pret EA try Fugen, 

fie Wea 

hernias Mpanltoicncseneihca.t MbawilBe, 
S panes Be § andar, fan 9 Summ 
Corie davuab OL tet n Cit sa Ge 

ea ae ae 


fapieeys ec. ~te bodes: LTA narn Con tout iG 
C4) Lam adnens hone atte bs bag by 
hens, Qiccnddnr, bean ine Wear, ri 
teh tasbepyot dia Ahtpan, | 
6 Virsa Chine Ta, teen, Ebro 20, 

Ther TUES. JAN. 21, 1918 


Resoneday Tt. 
1 ten hava, 5 afiamen Dorarerys., Yehie 

+ msi 3 Fsin. . 

Hea Miaddberson Gi 6h Seu 6 ty torcatior | 
ax 11.30 QO. 4k, Whe - TIT Se mandy 
Pe Bapens Un, A Cm 3 Gorn 
bern fhoyy ons Oba har 

Shu, Lorleeg Aras guls devemoha 
bane Q- dey, J Aa wip Lio 
¥ Byam Poon da Sandpiper, eae 
Cradaless by Fadia le Aha. 

Viper LG b.S6 FN, 

Civ. eed alee Qe ten he Ove, 

Oren ben gy mY}. Sw pal 

WED. JAN. 22, 1913 Wea 

Chics : Cahir bfu ght fer 56 


a A a 

Cee = re ee 
Sian hatina) 2 Garey t4 
Haansh hes egos + & 
Mitatte & Dita Spores Cothony Nha 

hans, Joye MKS. om Aaxd Soap, ‘ 
Defer adam h tiny Le Ax, ae 
Cemg— Wi en Fdq thom J Ad Gor 
Ah 44 {~ on wa Bssites at Iofpia? 
Weta J rec nt beg Hons 
Bete bey Chm, Dek sepa Fle my ba > 
Barter, je Jan 64 dort 75% 

Aba, Waitha , PotbyyS Con OA 

par a& oye Sa So a ey 4 | 


racaplewns to thn tris borer, ay 

Lath, a Spat paloc. Cevity Benne 



THURS. JAN. 28, 1918 Wea 

Chores V Wield bs darn fables 
TE q ga AA, 

Sil Paclhceihete adcinrintiom ste Dei | 
Htaita, Urea. than ds Ox Ua Geathen. | 
Grey Sppmannla feorn Offpecrsih \ Lrer 

prthain t fn fi ty ¥ A 

pute) Dahon sheet b~nahShivedh sel 

tn der; Dtdea wry leith, gy ea 

Sy Oe ASN JSD Vv Shoprre 
rere bona Presee lly 5 ym honky 
fortan Vi frsntly frrfarnainy - | 

a. esfeyey oN frurmenn, D.. Zig BA | 
on Monte Soxubpapon rfrarsn 0.6 om > | 
D2 RAK, taeda Ch Soff | 
Ci Tee Me Cluscs ans ao 

ondary vi Shaw €4 Tama 
TERS Carsten, 


force? ‘(Oteowen: fog 




Ther FRI. JAN. 24, 1913 Wea 
419 Disct. 

Lore cly Cabin, Frrd, 

Te ere Shr-eaiy, Lut G vane) 

lan~ dena ts Cibrwere 35 Prawn of SA. | 

spe bapber. Me’, J howd Carns Lille 
ChveM ashen YY or wn Ln 
Garde. Ahr Ibo Ureh omens 
acs re AX rhanereha Somme Grae 
bpemnd a Cnry Coney bre Cmady hurtin 

iS to. Lrrelaey PSs pa de neal Rater 
rea & Shdened <> J Aan U4. 
Bion Rea, bots Sastpope, do om 
Songs Santprpon, Cornett Agel: 

stmt nonleoty | QE Pm. 

Sate fm hn Fimccn ev A eae 

Cx bomen Or Pe Adm 6.6 bon 

Ca, BE ag J formnnnes Taw G 
pram Afi Aion cans Olen oy 



Sav: JAN. 25, 1913 

3) feet abd Sadi Tah Srcthi de 
dow me | OPE fMsancrd, ow 


ee hb der nar, mys i On Aer oe 

alarm. Drisenostbinath ESL Se Henke dleean | 



st oy be 

é Aceh Aan. 

Ther Sun. JAN. 26, 1913 Wea 


blhcar, Calm, birth, 

AoA Oe 1°74 

¥ fan telistyhe, 
vow Mik. es ewan. Silat. 
Gee Faden A. Hi dss on Lit 
DD nts “Ch ye Y-Or AX: 

Shaw f Prime, ee ae we 
Vortry Cetin « Mrss A 
for rnaiir Iron. Tete ane Ae 
Cordon | WMS be Aver d boat, 
tA le Ore M fan. Edn 
Phang Hey iC Colt. 

- De Hrerrelb. Can. ob Y. 3a 


Ta $B eK 6. Hp det 
Ly anes sane Bicep. le 
Vitus 1 We Parts ; 
epee OO OTs A — aidiae, 

Ge: ré. Cees Bfican fea LN, .tasep 

Cam bd gn / 

Ther Mon. JAN. 27, 1913 Wea 

Dente ty Clare cha isp bata (tte. 
furs » Barns. aaah Tmo clos Carty, 

ose Cuts free, afer chou 

a IS Gents Biorend lic Jong Ona. 
Prim a Comey. Toren nen Sy S potiok, 
fotiny ren PAAR nya elt prendre 
ae oh UK phew. Dy sx hig baa 

—— Load si 3 fan sales ued 

a Vth identualTs) dk BZA yas y 

Cie an ¢ 
ee : 
¥ Rano Co hy wef: 
ae PE 
£9 fothon Othn. 

. [ oh (oti 

pe TUES. JAN. 28, 1913 Z mas 

Clrar Calm, Es hoeas ws 9 A 

om hana Lash Pry ayo ae eee 

Sin Vig Mi airirdsin os. $. Fouad -Geldisst 
Hate abd. tetthicb Waheed fern On frre 
Haas han "Bee Cat abolis brag MAH ? 

Alay & 4 Gey Tam He laws 

Heard = Yitht,. Cieete: Spresinsr, . | 

col por Baers dew: 

Wrttemy air deny ak, Uowakapy Ta 
Dik fren drow olan Oruur, LL =| 
YoU clean. va jen Corrtand) tn 4 Lb, ! 
Awk be on a fyi $ potion Semel pedo 
: albums Arwin pmge | 
Tciah f Cathe en Weuinx ey 
¥ Pow, ben Sifters Eri fans 
CNG EES Pesos Sf) ie, conte 

G6 Areebre hon. (Saglorr 

Ther WED. JAN. 29, 19138 bog 
200 ere 

ViCoteh ew pore) explo, 

ern ok Braprrds flores 9 Seven 

7 Tia batted 

Ju Bn Diasps Jaw £ 

Unin ow len TH Meare Ural 

Hfe- sn yz, i cea, Camonh Corey oh dumard> 

Wrorkksh en Spertink Sond pagan Sy pre 
to ML Grtk, and & 30 & 6 Bo (CMe 

ee a 
oN n 

Ther THURS. JAN. 30, 1913 Wea 


ima Gab nace dbioncnll e 
Bowery Ya Pde, 

GC oe prapenee| 

Bey a Se ae 

Ther Fri. JAN. 81, 1918 
Sb (ax 1m.) 

ee | 
a fodder: Poems en 
Ca» Wii 2 fy ion Vln Gat | 
Places el on, Getta, Phen om EM, | 

Charts K. haw Comm on HE 

: Garber dgn 
Ther SAG. Paps dy} 1983 
30° re) 

Partly burn 4 

loots. With ar a 

i _— 

oe eee 

A aN boo Galo Seles 
Paten wibiydtetda de, hnendeiir. Popa 
Jagd - Taek t Pers e Jory on Um 
© alra tones 

y Kapa Pos & jo bu 7: Can, fede 
Atusdiag 4 be in, Gtidinn Fel 

Lat dopa dhsdy:, 
ba x 

Ther SUN. FEB. 2, 1913 


Chadr i Ds tontistotty Legh Ishictimd, | 

hPa Tihs os btin 
Wath alen (ax Sanat),  bebal - Piwadan 
Speman é Hew, Mors puttin & 2) 
spiantlin,...teaSeddon: A wililblinie 
Hesry Mrrotfesdon, Oona ty: 
Gx di tea ba attin Gi Bo ow Mopars 
wen A So a 
fins bere SA FAS Rn gona. 
had paraded ma TT Offratensiitin | 
hy Tay hr Yous, | 

Lo Chaiolkoay, 

Tad0 pe phadinlotl hn, Wo mrher foo | 
Ere day Sect Hessen te do dang Neon. 

porta ds, - 

Mon. FEB. 8, 1918 cx 

Madey ivan Jan fobsies- Barond” Yatton, 

b Qnnbu a os: 

Ther s TuES. FEB. 4, 1913 Wea 

Chea 1 mete Moai 

grin On Jean, party: dtd sold 

je Rstihoctpas a: — 
aE neon 

Aart gidsn le, ben 

G8 Iyob at Agi Oherrndr oe 
oa Sprevus hee Caras 


| fore, my eck), Sf py ow J 

Sots HA AM OE fb agen Men 

| Thea Cf oot Sramnalin ffs Ok 

bearany iy hea (ahens bas %” rae Geta 
tpn ow ti RY OAM 
“Flmeage SOx, Gee 
Sa eh 

Ther WED. Fess. 5, 1913 Wea 


bo bed v- baba Cotel mie 
blicshrins Vir tgnrivhe}. Garon’ 

Bes Ges BS fa yes H wochon, 

baw bn dgn,, 

THURS. FEB. 6, 1913 

\ Oa Has tA orvenece Ja (eee foun Baars (A 

Auk 0 IHS Gay B45, Hy Geof, 

lee Advagaiife oe oe Owen WL? Ll aal dette 
bros haw pe WELLL to ton ay Cle 
alae qawe tha ersttnety: Hens, oles. 

«& Borstrosh HK od UY dea 

(anes — us hrinnaii bate Grr ewagla fey 

(tem ee Sh anres Tas a Aine 

Fri. Fes. 7, 1913 wre Sat. Fes. 8, 1913 Wea 
Clears + Cath motifs. lorotaty 
ee eda. 6b Gat, dein , 

af sfihrin ay, Oboe VY IRs ne ve Spree Saka lie, oad os me di oot, hayren, pa 
fy Secck” tan laos Than. tap. erasers bs 9 Wirt eu A bork Cos 
i QO G0 20,9,28), 740, J1-20,/4 99 

Bik, 14S Bat, Brcsay fa 

Cash Ulead Boe! Levasryedh: — 

4 oer iit Tw Berk s ands, aoa drto~hy oy) Tp bos 
ket frre, Sra Ad seeer, OU, An mae do J dy me 

te Ce mp CL den Lod tne) Re By reo, Kear 
Wistiea 7 te Mirage, Pui fren a. Cnwral See ow, Pond. rrr, 

Te ee 
ton tons ap + FX. Wolka Dm 

bth tA ota. finales 

K. 87, Cathe ge 

6H 08! 

VCoW tuner y fing oy Sun 

Sertmnans Cogy Gory toy ery 2 de 
as aetna 

CN Betas Qlank Gh, ZY) eva, 

Orn brrdgn, 

Ther Sun. Fes. 9, 1913 Wea Ther Mon. Fes. 10, 1913 Wea 
102 Pak O*. or Gir 
Clear Y Coot tocth oa femnabesnts, trom | Bretilar Char V fe bing Oxi bruh, 
, : leapt. mS ho broke 
Pee A \ 2 , 
(2) Cie, sy (3) Lom? tink VL Poe 
Aree Xo Sst Ade 2B bball PRONE US SE Oe Pee ae ne | 
Vethatn cr, bbows ot t,20 Pm, fa Abs IMO. hin he Comm dgorm an’ | 

BS fa Cabtid Seorrmaok Gilina pt Cypor. 
tye Cy a8 Sy paws at: 10.49, Veosting Y Often Gm a, He frrrers 
Wie toners bork Bplton 1 (215, | meth abe a dea uNene Sores flonshn'y 
(sends Sy Rha orn, Hor Mea, 

Stun gs ~* Fs oui Minrashe 
tdethy..totr ‘ar. t- Sex De Loew 

{= Pris Ow Sed for On Os gree, 

thek a i pers! 

6 pa doy he Matern bara ny FG 
Lagrrnn ox ln Lavette Pari tun ith 
dimey Co bypn rh Pann Siw dot | 
Gri, O. Duy Ga (eed 0173, $07 

Cfirane Go al CS 
ONG ime. hed, Te tenn oe 

Thre BA, 


Tugs. Fes. 11, 1913 Wea 

thak Gram tags 08 6.30 \ Santa pn 
feriwemcah by bisteny cann ey JIC, 

&. ne hela. ont Alanna Morogh hy, 

Lop ~ sh as A. Bron gesar Herta 
Be lake ko ancy t cetkclens: Koja Vie 

fom tenho, ran trate Mo 

cull, Gms Canine Cmeny Lree: An 

bape au Ee etuetS Srey 

Stier « varie clin Som Sieraamais 

alt, & 

bambwler, Boston, 

Ther WED. Frs. 12, 1913 

ian v 


Gobedhe. Al Crt tA bree HM 


Mbiwobebe nade Se Cann LB Sees oo 
G. th U4 Ai fifrwrstoch aw 
bok: Vales! Cathi.d fse- pte prec 

—- Ge 

\ road stoke a 

frre SL tnt 

ar rear: 

mm Bown & An dab, Seay 
ak bor, Jann Un, Jo Goud || 
On pa bY I het aren Sah hres | 
ELT. Bato td Ty tory 
Srtroatin Aemmyrems ly crop 

pH Aanbrdgs., bamtuid 
2 ie Paty - lanky Be a pee 

THURS. FEB. 18, 1913 | Wea Ther Fri. Fes. 14, 1913 Wea 
eee 20° J fentoh Wadsrsy ty,  [eree. 
: eons | an 6 Baal brea Ce eee 
Cheon pom Seadenahl, Cenl Uh 

lage forgtat, bres. 

Mewar aq. Tet lien v Gums [24> Senna |} (Cpe Caco ae a, pawn, Ploeg — 
Acdabieontar SEE sts port oh, cof. has dihardiel st tty Lig [exe her 
pus YA Gat? Ae. Praca bed on bereieel, Ahern 210. GAGS Biber {ony Seton | 
fig OL [Ana cde” b fetes Coiftsup ao a ee ee jedee- psec; we 7 
acta pee stdeer net pte. te: des hw pen He Say bees Gen cn Cemetary Set 
epee jae ~ fae ben, i i oe $e Pe ee rar 
Ges Chg Mek, fof ¥ Seek, 
Lega Sfreal tenphems Sa 
aaa TEL OK, Sim a fwd, = 
Werkig od chey tm Herntaren me ere ES ph 
Dragoon Setusn Sendton Hon, ¥ | 
olla. Hann Jy. cy 4 kn terran ok 
pe aes tet J Ads der ' 

ae ape S epee 1 flew” ens a Urn 
PA crc be top cal 

Oar bh ga. refroadlen . 

Ther Sat. FEB. 15, 1913 

Bane Cex a g 

S B57 Cee 

Cle xx ; Cali~, tal Simp > 

rofrdt, Y tanks Ory 

omer, Og cane 

Ourars Cdurix, laws Ctl IR, 
Heard Fihats len Sarre har pang 
CL Prrrraek | Qe tt A Preecasn A: Dy doy 
tector nl mee OA kes Fath: Wirginkn 


Je Voxslow at 10 &@ Ah, Sfar 
ray é Raed peer Re 
Selo Mratkng wu Galler. ¥ “ 
Wri frgne ($189 BY te. SRR 
Sepcy awl male UES Se Sees 

Sled + Fond CO Katy JO AG 

esate BOG ia Fea lita Bad 
v. Saw WPA A tet dierictosl Aah on Ru 

% (RIE: 9S Corp RL) A othe Orel 

ye fies. rk 

‘ ss = 
én Goth Sp Hn ths 

Ther Sun. Fes. 16, 1913 


S renee , Rory , Catn. , Warm, pitt 

Paras Ker dberiens tn Clann tan 9 bevel 

at Rady Dewy newas api Cans wl Sloe 

Wathen Sa enced. st Sranahihennihteukrl 
F'slae Tag. t'slee US lee C5 bee tee 


Ther Mon. Frs..17, 1913 
Cahier et 

7 Wea ay [8 

TurEs. FEB. 18, 1913 


Fang Sumy, partly Clow | Cobon, Meat Re hgh pera orca ie 
Gx athe 0 tren drvenp aan Yar CoA try hr 

} 1S Gunman <o “4 oxy Saas few CEs 
ital Semaisg AS rack, Sept for Cen tm Tae Gorton fy wthoon borate 
BAK cop Chrtgohe chia Oren, Med Cldnn op eps Heras Spiomans es GAS. Chrealy 

Rae enies “ND Spsadish «ex < pase 

hdtng ennty hows papy, Fo en 
Os feria, ae ¢ A. 44, Ne Gos Korn 
& OA rrrettedr tom Lely 

fon & he se Lh pentt Y omnpls 
Cotton Fm \fucpion) Orb en hen bs Aak Mik tewoih 
ae jee iste. Paap amrnarcrnsh Sena H 

G. Sank 
Hat tng bonne Gorn anki Derry 
Spork eee A de, erases So Sanson 
Co Oph A snafecrannrinle cl oh 

Garmbrer a a Cambhuidss 
THURS. FEB. 20, 1913 © am 

Ther Web. Frs. 19, 1913 Wea Ther 
4? T'biehn 4 can iste 

Lhe VO bream Lotte dyer 
toch lanky tewencls - 

Nisibis Oheetiheah dias: eG 
Sexy claw? 2c Betis Cpa Aaron 

toms staat: S aus a Joqe¥ doen, 
Dh SAS Ta peg VBR Freer ot Gum den, 
dence HN 7 Se adhnns J hep woky 
9G Cites gavradag G- hon, 

Nensitke s oak dey oes Cpr Cs RS oy 
Simms, (od haere a ma 8. fe. 

Oy te I SO Pails nat Cline. 

Dart, degen US aston E avwbinsl oh 

‘her 2B, 21, 1913 Ther SAT. FEB. 22, 1913 Wea 
se Fri. Fes. 21, amen ta eer een STovieey ‘ 

Pan Stmta, Sago) Sire epcee 
pe agaieY Wor. , Spans ten 

rts beset, evs ajeun. 

le Flectin Short 

Chow hey) Colon bres LATO Rani Heccrmg AU : 
vos bat Ks Nort a9 (its |) 

Aire ey il | 

ead pomrnsh Ak tea 1/07 oth, Shay ay wty | 
posse Keegndh') Memnsl han Seng soy Fier OL | 
OL (AKS, [Ws Qtes > Hh. Fur Sfertornae 

Tome rela bgaatas sath i} 
Pedvabenila Waa Banner Oia, ke — paar ae if 

powctoreh Fn Grete Nea yo oenithon 

BA wi. 
Wu wo ben 0d 7. $0 G tomn 
At  Thrndyh..on &, on Un 
Hselen Adenia Chick. Sarin evn ley» 

Be Coddash era Hhenn +. iS Sac =a 

Fats diner) } Perpyaadfallrny CAdbhngh sion Ty | 
a ne ég8eiaes J Shh rfs nie 

Ko pra HY. ee 
ay RTE im 2 

Spann Posy TR Ey Bye 

Ci tioks oY hr ok tit Fbspicdnctey 

Lam butge, 
Ther SUN. FEB. 23, 1913 Wea 


ma et a 

Vv ton cy ov Ti ghhfew 

a haste ali a Cows eCony 

Mak. ei yet Sen 

oe ot £818 Ife Mn Shoe 
pe sea heures Tererhey Stens tary Tange tenlechony 
FR Be Hotton on Bo tthe foctal & 
Yarres Garr, Verpptanrr 
| Ses Gasket, Carrs ai, + erage 
Orth 1 OO S9 tay Mra, erry , 
Tapas sk Aor Che a am tine 
Arm teth On ox ~, S0.uMun 
I de Ge some ENE TRO 
a G-3n. aa, Lam abank fe 

ASO Bea bss 
Ther Mon. FEB. 24, 1913 Wea, 


Eleawrs  % Cael wh fruek A.W bce. 

bbeceltuitnam Die i) sont phe Taeiaiad we | 
Slay wy Tsay Ody & fin oornia, I Gaptens | 
y & WN horisics Brae vbik Sf aermctofin det 
~~ barmJp OA eed Penn, Graded , 

Be fageresl Singey Coden’ bape piconets | 

Shoo ag as re. ep nes tenon, 
oN S pons Can bn hyn SEHK Re 

rete one Ale Cet, Son 
Leet thon a x Gemy fabdy 


b arrvebinelgs. 

Tubs. Beps25, 1913 


brow; & 7¢ ae 

Ther WED. FEB. 26, 1913 

J ree teeny | bef Earomens Chew oa 



Re ie ere | 
aw Pan Hho Vawr VA Btn Jo | 

ide a ee ae eith rion 
Sharh Raine ane Yi. sd, Powe: ‘Sener 

ar aun sth lhe agp Cds Sate 
Ws may awk Sh oe g a 
» psrecta ay, by 6 (sez ipa Pipl Alceiey 
Cotta on The After nee VV fons 

ae ra fires Pike chic 

BS re Dr a0 Lelenrelen Moca q 
toring, Srcqenn one Kerpir Shanjtn» Ul 
Ryrdanheesat SA Gerson 

are zeal Galan 

Ther THuRS. FEB. 27, 1913 Fv 


™m Thetft Garis dbety torts 
—, jee sete Co dissin WwW Los emanen 
Copy Any preg é Vouk id 
Cai, gg ST ee OF Oy ad 

He» Head oben hush oom Aan. 
Wie As ROW tn Kowr Thread 
dares; Mary icererrnph Sis7’ 
Beeuy Oe pale Le 
fim 2 teens Bower rghnnn Sank 


Ther Fri. Fes. 28, 1913 Wea 

Shaw Hay Pe PR tan bry 

K Wasn 


0 arrebrs Age, Darcbudgr 
Ther Sun. Mar. 2, 1913 

Ther Sat. Mar. 1, 1918 Wea 


Li dank Plows tans Sy aT ebeconlit | 

£944 doy moi geet fonts Tony | | 

| Siew Ve Oth gare ganna | Fo gpa eedidinty desks, tend Potnot || 

seiy tt WS | an aim Hin lane alan || 

co aaa posbteen? Tin cote $ leans Ht \} 

Chrvetosediie pbibebenay Pbk tn Hendon) Clearing tole, Srumt feed om 

Cuevas Caubteny ete arity tendon Loa dany Wenls anh tons bran, Kaliya © \ 

duties Son Hots. Searnren otal a 
agen Boers. : 

Arrretiene. Ltn Ue. Mess fonetdy Clearsil 

Meir 4 doy Colo eck Wik lit 
Cerclenem  Sered karen, Le ae Sudo te 

a ‘ Te 4 ae | os wk chap Uy 


| erent ay Moth tunis Mary G. Tes q 
beet Morasy Meany dna 86 May MA I. Be, Than | 
Cefritans [bey bot acted, he 00h belay x nd “Prank taming rhs 

| Ph gaa De Rh, T5908 tok Leen 04 

EGanck caren Bard L gn. 
Mon. Mar. 38, 1913 Wea Ther TUES. . 4, 191 
bes P Qtr. 
Cab, ey: Anichds,, Malas Saerighinns 
Corin Mains Olagtaich-rp 20s 
Ano. hore. a lee may hee, 

LQ Blasts - 5 PPP 
m Crm ftp Urrign, Laredo F Secon nt 
bust Un ted Gere rated Avent, 

i niin seams 2 

Tran Sugtdtdens bert ran Lite bey Pony 
ey enti wens: ee Méchesen 
Larewdbnere an Tantrs dy Haro Hat, 
‘hes msn v einen Y orhe 
ENG ra nae 
| AES Rides Wat A | eM 
A Hem tb Oa oben Sandon 
Conte oe FUE Carin baw . 

huspiess Chor: $10: iets Ne sthacy om 
Seen Vv peasy fey>- 

M 5, ONS a: 
Ther We 2. AR. Cag 

Dbeor, Cotn, Re 
ras brrces Bra: brads Frew) 

a, Ione ms, La, KS, Ase HD. 

Hi He ey gia her Te, 

Were CALs bn Friemebs . J efertos 

mas & lacey Sicud dana chon. haa 
~ tttmen J 6 

Ther THURS. MAR. 6, 1913 Wea ~ 
nae Shwe A 1h ex ih fon A 
Beet boil HW, ein, 

Chee Poh crthhe Aen NE sn CBU» Cf Chest 
Ce QO UN Set Bhar toma ql 
Hania. V9 A ove Nowtdn ton “loren | 
as th ca, i Pst Tae 1] 
Sra" qtenniladhs fbi ieelinn Wee a \ 
FCA CAR on Ga don tliwen. Ae Vf 

Canvbid an - 00 oslo 
Ther Fri. Mar, 7, 1918 Wea 
je 18° Terms, 

Prettiaete CAe at ¥ Gethin, Co teh 
bn bas We We Wreck, 

Bed ag 4 a eae me ae 

a fein ctrl, Heal han horde OA 
x. J dowel Ger. horn 

BoP apnea * 


“ye Sat. Mar. 8, 1913 Wea 



bbe din Wixi Few dan oberny ons 
bukit. Cease aananey i 

Gard neon obwg Gy fun 
EB ie Fn ant: a. <x 
om Senct Cest Oy 

Chace LAN me AAR dynrrrtat 


geteeithe ID Aeeinnsittd why 

atte. |. 
Ue wail 

D gh 5i Che a6 ily AONE. X:€ faaarin' bre 
Gen Ce Char. Ger. £9: gees peglaceegas 7.30 
ted (oc Uanin ns Cheah Fir taal d Tells) honors | 

me F bore a Herp ede Tics, F Grivran, 

Ther Sun. Mar. 9, 1913 , Wea Ther Mon. Mar. 10, 1918 Wea 
Go, Pr ; : 

Fe hie 
Chiwr, Calin | hing born, 9 Vom eves ao a 8 Bo ae Colin Madan: | i 
: es | mel 7 Spans ck, 
Mth, Got a (in fay Sus 
| (oy peed) abe Um fee. Godny, A wth reg h Corrpelaenda % Orne j 
Hoe ' phoweny Sesed g banct berenn tan Oh Gorden 
Trex Cae Sy fans An, 1 0; LY: | feb PA, 90-8 Ms i extnsshwe te 
Tikes. Gillen posed Baw Of Md 
etrncd I hnty” eypeetor 2 hann 
Bluw- Orth & Sow Creo nd rite aus atts “Thay shiolian Badsindt aba oh bad 
th teeny len rnin Cran RS FE ON a ea 
bra Wertaah oby anne yea 

«Wa, ¥ trent. Taahen Canans G Ootd 

bar bud 
Ther Tugs. Mar. 11, 1913 oWea 
ig dy 4 Coebard,*y- $1 bel dead oN 
Picatinny { ft fan, 

a tlslihs naans Boon, 

3 es Lary rege 

H ruathr. o NBL OA RATT arees 
DB 4iictied Ghee tend) pith na oder bs 

beaehed Prodan , 

baie elon W oben, J orth 
BEARS tes end Biden h SiloAE habia 

Rar LA raethony fn Or Fam prod, 

\ Cay Be Bicat Bld, te feoting natok, 

B Cvrebrr dhgy Chs0 Ow 
Ther Wep. MAR. 12, 1913 Wea 

Sremn, Gx Remy Cotin Pts. 
Heavy Arce free er Conky Mrornery , 

Lae Shanti Plrtinn.,  bercoreny 
{oa re cepa Chdandy oO heh 


: {ree ow fea tntdy 
sony , Urls L py- | 

Jo Goole at 190, AE open frm 
LovBe By Artie! Slrasnen Tey dnp Sea, 
te ottek Prtna diner Arend Sot, 
Preis Hab, Supprrttal: Raghlbe 
fertsgrbtnenn Gallerie, Mier % 
Jett Mos bat hers bnatrorn’ Grom, 
Rio He Reeigrrd sfmn O ii 
J rafter d ram © Pentanpt Pow odes. | 
Newr eX 6.45> Coy & Meet } 
a Wary Om - 

B at Gn. 

Ther THURS. Mar. 18, 1913 GQ Wea Ther Fri. Mar, 14, 1913 
sae aA, Se = Crs carrsa ¥ Sopra pyres BY 


Clow Ly 1 Cotnn, hres 

hn to. at het, 3 drwy 

Wow Mutions ha a “Tas Gn ding , 

lang, CK (ER (ee t£ OM Arne. 

Spremano factor hunch eer Morn 


dW alré Chay Cog me Ons | ‘Slain Cian aa 
aay, frebl-cetty frvebeny Pad what dean & & Unfit | 
“Tienes! wm Coninidy Slay On Bodh, 
t NO lsat Haasadey & fife i 

Bp fel “eB arent 9G of ens sebnns Rak. ttn J alte teen G 
Comte by tee es Se 30 | Cte Hes. fn = gon ber cot | 
Sha vy Gi Gad ated TA, bonny Sa Cad Rirkoemcle: pomtyane Dtneth§ | 
fom Herannk” j Arbon Coonan noLnenaath, CuN i Rem pps G 

Many are So Sas « ‘ | aise ee LPR aad 9 Then Arse 

Phtee Ly ‘- (BSE Cornemnd, 

Ther SAT. Mar. 15, 1918 Wea Ther SuN. Mar. 16, 19138 Wea 
G42 of 7. %0 Bw Dus ' ah, 
Put us Koutbnpey ~ 0 bane Re | 

3 Aer dly ¥ aie Wa ee Sin Clon ely P bevatel taut fear fecha 

i iasaleh Rac amp h Cane Carafe irS.3 us. Seer 

i Glee VI Ca 7.50 ben Dru | hs forte farwaak 
kina ta, Aa Gum Yer bay cs: 

Sa Yn obed Brlnnn Gromlifiak doar | 
Sb cnnl net di ucathes gy. Ad Leimelnniieg We 
Tepcabs Olaf om SEI, Vemdh, Pare bons Pmrtirin Strnkr, 2 Pecks (ov ern) 

Ny fe Sede. Cus otek Ie Gre Me Spee wa eee 

ark We 6 Mae pasiclaaciSies pss, Sax, pthct ¥ ung 9 ie 

ax Fern, pihay Garner on (bots hy Fades Desens’ Sreceg:-ek 
byet rer ok Men fy bern Reger tn Orn Posters EG 
ete Baty Spl Bowel odin ‘ 
a ; ptr > Ammen Set 2S Gen Bure 
aes, Phemdind fom nde. apy. Weemes Ping pron, on Cotta hank tony 
SB Te oath Me apc cleans «learned Py Teena, ee wey cope Dey, os 
PE fmm bee, Yan ey Hata. Lu tee Nk em Maen 1p | 
PS Hecad Cheett eden Sens Jerrten A) PBR HR Gay Dirrty hey | 

Pham tends. (D sty Bak omeyt teanwen Cerrar Warttnd To Barren ~~ 6 Luar: 

Op orveprrk 
Ther Mon. Mar. 17, 1913 Wea 
Ala» i nCorteels det, Cbs Oe 
WOW. tered , Prawn Pomed Pitre 
TR IO IO Te VS nranddy Oh Tare, 
Bus Sern SLA Af rade: the 
dasa eng Lstol nen, hentond Onn 
Arn iehei« Sancti. banda wd) deunanss 
hia Sfromena ore pie 1 oy 
mk how eo. deisel p04 
Vien baba fp Sdn 209 Chetan, 
\ sagan, a CG semsrih ace bn 
Pete! lama V Sprrdn ea fr To 

bernatirry Pawn, SN 
Cememaalati Siesiioliink inicio Kans 

Seta ae laser 

Leads | jaa Hmph " An 


TuEs. Mar. 18, 1913 

Aha Pempeoy Kee onal iB amas 

2 Chirkadury , QDR, Bek tongr | 
¥-« Mag dsnn beget (s hovmsrann-ss fonts ), 
A fitscbrr bnpny UAL oA tomng. || 

Hhrnn orn an Gy. ShAnrwre% 9 

CA ha Nerbe Pras hiern brn 
S per ruck am dts 
Ratan rp tres Sport Neer 


Ther Web. Mar. 19, 1913 Wea 

| Sw Spams, OO Prades bom 
ra Polak TEES itp 04d, hattony 
: ES PEPE er Awa wn ohana 

Gy be. bree Spnonat oad’, seedy 

ph fem a A Tekh sath 

Io Meyer eh Pings alloy 
(Sm Hem poate tenn CtarfionY Or 

OP Ae Pe Ow L& Cupar Sy 

Br cumin bret gad — Net. 

. Crvnere a 
Ther THURS. MAR. 20, 1913 

SHS Pome Hora bop. 

Fin «UL des, Oe Copia Pramly, 
Calin boone | Manmtedy foo on remen 
Bren Dowy Armmnp Donan (olan, | 
Cus Sev “= tdioncthdee 12 fomna | 
* Clete oy Wu, 2 Tsao 
S ares ; ban, Sutty | 
| hawash. Clow - fees tiles Gol) te 
omer ob fl Can AS hasnt foot pn | 
awe Ver @ 

Fone + Been anol mm Som. 


spe Mar. 21, 1913 

ry Me Stweny 
Badal Pawn Ti anh teen 
Ffn both, Beale ol bieseh toi 
ft af hina on a hduddaas a 
qe Bn iOS Phits i2 
FI haach ~ ree raw VNeckan 
{3 tn Cp rrr, Sure Ds 
Azan N feces: Aaw a. 
den beeen Sica ergs 
ecient Y aba: Ph silane vy 
> tannn Coy } eo a Pyle ow 
| ae ara eee 
\ j Sfox emp beh hun, 
Peaks 4 tonal fines yop talon 
eM Go dete SMa Mogy, 
1 ise, 2 eae sac 
_ Fees tubes NV hop 

‘satin JS 

oe te 

Bonestk = Caekudp, 

Sat. Mar. 22, 1918 
ony Lerredicn. eam tebe: 

Fuad “4 Clear tt Wats Jest Het 
La Raber Song ecy Sata pl thy ic -iehdaatees 
OQ Nether daclenp By Seek on. VATE 
TF beaiheie eure ren Stee le Vere. fi Pastenichy 
Sin Vacepe wry fateh, wot Toren ar ¥.¥ 
ae Ge Baw) Mon, Pesan Y 6 tas 
fc cliondciapeeae oe a 

town Ye Ah Ca Mi 

Ther Wea 


Vo tested Rake Leow | 

pies. Sonate a ang 
Prac Cnt & New choy CLaurinr . Own 


Baul bey hottom boom Koa Opens 

Ther ae 23) 1913 Wea 

45-4 46 Cw psa pte re 

Chater Tat bythe OI ti bo. 
lide’ Prior ad fra logn rig bar 
t ‘ =e 1 RD 

. dat 

Her co  Chrut eden fang tn. 
the Gordinn s Sian Ge Aerhec’y & 

oy bation dhl Ute ons, Rah 
ab. Sarnia, 

Seth O10 & Pharancity Sobor vy; 
LOH On Chek wid finde Afar 
bbistinit pate eatiake weer sS 42c. 
ste ow Jawk Qnsaly , Sas Sore 
y Chetdreni tan, Hon by IDs, 
bie p Recieved! Doe Worl , 
Gol. ie 
eh On GX (30.4% eK 

q Ctra ret Cotten Y Pood tron nhy. 

fd nro 

Te Mon. Mar. 24, 1913 | Wea 


Serersy bos frarey, Very roan Coan 
a fosh Gal (Gomick Bin Han) Lwerny 
fom SM 

Tar de gee PES 4b Tab, 
a Heel wan Woh Un, Shin mres ed). 


Ther . TUES. “MAR. 25, 1918 Wea 
Be Barba db ptiony tarsi, __ To 
Mende wih fryl Southey bade, 

i V hunwd 6 dey, Vegetation how 

Oba. a doanend, Pai vawtns PALA, 
Das On ern rath a aa become a4 
Grrock a4 oven » fre ghe hank » reresi& oon, 
Carel: ah Gere | rom bude tpfate, 
Bones Mera %,. fru Higseun * ‘fy a Baothy 
foassury regret, sn ist haem ghd 
ee Chanter Vines a) Gartiurh, deadms 
I tank Mere’ ‘ 

Poe Ate bARos) Joe, Left AXS00, 
bak (Coiceren he A qian ses Safe $7, 
Bienes oun ‘wr 8. om pbuh decal 

Ther WED. MAR. 26, 1913 


Gee us UR Caden by berth 5 

“a Chi sks oa DIR (hn, ze 
An Mrbrir Lax Gon dros jor 

Speck wee nas Vi sveousa: 
on Weer’ aie = Misra 

Shay ln peed: fra por tame is | 
fie Cor bow, Cova Geek Cale. i 


’ eran [oi waar 

ae Ili 0 

; bea nbd gn ‘ 
Tours. MAR. 27, 1918 Wea 




Vegt Lee ac Jb ror 

; fn 

j fo muy 4. orn born, 

Doi tastes Noten 
ap brmest 

Soe ee ee BES ea oe 

Oks tran Us Qruty wn Baris 

Call at 2 Rade Te ®£5 ny Aad 
Ale besa ADOnbs A Hee Mernn, Foran 

aes “Chaar Tox Mors (Confer tal | 

= . g Wh 
CE pe Chatty Lo BT 

G actin hors : 
Ther Fri. MAR. 28, 1913/4. _ Wea 
Boe F vst 
LX YY Copel bike lesb ‘ 
Speetonnpes den A : ; 

MEE alter Gandim § a Chute o danky 

CG. fey Cmfaeh pow 
wi tiie Cogn Fise~renbt , ‘ 5 
Jo Pins, Comenps: Yonder EARS 
Jatitnd, Lrotin Serre Merah, Orne | 
R Nu SE So mewn | 
eo $8N'+ gh aeed POR AN . Jotun i 
pray eo khe de quewed. GS — 

banbrdy. + Mb xo hen 
Ther Mon, Mar. 37, 1913 . Wea 

3 Bal Yetta Ge. Nom Goya 


Ther SUN. ‘Mar. 30, Aas Wea 

‘nS Spares Seangey = 
GO KA 9 OW Ratu, ali b fm. | Taabin, 
a wubrsol Thar, Lan , oe 
a Aen 1m oe san, Ads 
a Chowtteds. YC (om 6 abn hoaili 

Garr, Chews Un Celle map 

ee Neqeattas 

wi lp dk tn | 
8 apd wns. Agia UBS I Yon 
Cay Weems SB Meg Pikes 
coed ees (8S 1)" sme are 

Eamber dye 

Ther Sak MaRr.29, 1913 


Chea, Cahn) Prete, Ging pAb 
hay dee 

ns tt froy 7 Cn ed 

ws Ae Yartthurse “ 

SS pow from d M-dows tate Lee) 

ee brendney 

OC (Aer, A pe tn Satay 
data PC tek Gruglin ann fo 

pase in bier Tis, 


» Caarndes Mnde 

ec ie. es Neila cesT 

ire ey Ne ee 

Earns Lge - Oonent. 

Ther Turs. APRIL 1, 1918 Wea 

S but Han Sty edd uc, oad 
how bs on Bark har Coot ieth 
Dagens Wi By cisch- 

1 pend heard & Cons) % 

’ gic La FGA wr fy, O Dovemg, Low 

Ararat bra @, Q ftom org i Utley | 
pene = pam Le a 
Sern tothe thowecesd J, Sav eheot 
6 Orn MeKbirr. 

Cy bps fein on ll So bk, 
4 CP. Drei fo hog men Comm, 
¢ ete ehten hiktods, teased 
Ge 1a st Os Spr Proxy ee 
va igen ea a 
Jem St (8° Goaake fie Crdime bron oa 
haageer VY botllay cor Moran Gs Me 
uk Gnd anan Qebte ol hay 
Radin Mrsedlnwes LO f badd ee 

bt, Copper Leon 

(pecs. a. 
Ther WED. APRIL 2, 1913 Wea 
Mba Us vehly Chi greta Dt lageny 
he, Ww. herrdiaoh : Fhe lp hk Preadsws Ahk Colpas. 
U pane fee oro GL (Ss 1, Maw 

a ens Pay ae Ae 2 Line fp 6 re eens 

yy ¢ gies Scata shee thes Cah wses 
ro ee fm ome rw, 
Bestia then piston ea bent Cahn 
{Lee va mis bans: Sarimsshs 

Jo Faun 1. GAsb» baoVwume 
power Sas on grad A Moknna, 
Se Blasters VIS Pos Habur Gu 
ets on (rah Jord . 
Maton Y donot Moi oa 
Tek fSotn, fadummy dcnpay bane 
Be Zesna ah) Surman 
lem Fringe. at bons Sax Soreliyn 
NG 625 AE eat # Qatrn, bas 

2.6 ee 

ane encay 

(blecte prior 
£5 Pee Dees WG nhlack . dary 

Seige er & 

: Goresrd&, 
Ther THURS. APRIL 8, 1918 Wea 

Clerrdy Cabin Vv bret of bok Che ; 
won wn en praddans, lirol meoftes 
es nm ifecelaeds btervn! Log leven a fs joalricna | 

Oe hemerry Jatin, blygiora. Akos A cbr claha 

Spex” 27} ak ot tum Blous ase 
Po ee, Lams 
(CX 7] 

jet vereva, 

(ead EK} D4 ofRrmotevn 
poe Gta, ONartecleb is 
gba. oh ase 1 Mornd TeclnA sSertbrtna | 
BK Hp hoo W Aphn Graney enon q 
beds 5 lene, siehgen® pooskon wfacee Byer 
of Sates Ae fdenn’ wennsheles St rahe tideesl 
bacatihes sree bt «ed alps met Contentea : | 
Yo Meh, 


bests se A (eee 
y Phamaesa 


brenten ch. 
Ther WED. APRIL 2, 1913 Wea 
boeudes or — Char Lemtty, Cageny : 
h. Vin berrdicah : F bevel d-fneadlsw AhK Coys. 
U pane ferns: ~ Gh Ss te, weave 

a ey ened 2 Lhney fp 6 tere Bins 

> =< “4 baste stn i Cube 
233. Mhebasa peer ona yw, 
Cie Bessng lotr ohn bert, Cahn A 
{Lee v4 je Alanyte Arima + 

le shaxic, pee iA Ald Be YBntsnne 
[pooee Saw on feed RQ Wokvna, 
os Wlastrone: VS Poy AferhenriGr 
Posecktde ds ark nich . mer . 2.6 fe farina 
wad Panay Heater yy Ccmapt. Han or 
eRe: finn. fadumy dnpay ane 
SSR, SON ome an, Summa. 
ls Time. G Lea dons Sing Henintah? 
et Gin LO CNET went f fiaktty baw 

MGs Be 

<5 fiw Hc b 

: ie ores, 

Ther THURS. APRIL 8, 1913 Wea 

a Chibanx VN Ineld rene Chee 

oP - sae 
so a ew proteus . Back Wrote 

ries jes Gbavvir n Log Cevinen wa hs afatoses 

Oemerry gann Elratorno, Atos A cbr cla 

Spd” cow lets Hie A oiblig, Hava 
Tamra planting (ads ca) br ofernain 
ee) ion Oatinli dors yl 
babte wore, 2h obs Cohen haya Qohrine, | 
Bei up Aso a Granny ON 
(rod be see. jiu frssinn afore Pileve.. 
1 Sates te pian Alestdnalans boron’ 
Laweth:! fame bn, , Wes dies hamnh Corben » 
ra on ae 
dam nig a Pappa, Oonin | 
Maigers Oe PAP y Ay m Seon WA Lees, | 

F Blase Dok by > berry V 2 Felden 
IN i teh we Sale Hessen ow 4, 

atm Heap din Sovp oy on lA. 
Daek Ghenun oF o Uw 

Soran) Grey brn of 

Sens Sprondeest i God lrg 

GB oreo 

Fri. APRIL 4, 1913 

Choris c Stems, Cha ie. &, 
feed Ashrnotl do. 



[tech - ogra arson prise and 

= PR Eee fe Wa 

“a gy Cab Sno I he 

YVitar eho) ee ‘ ly & rod. 
Aecmrct, re ow Y¥ L100! be. 
— eee ES caer ore 
acta , Ht tiaahcnel, dork op 
Qo Uso. Keaton of. at begents 
AS Neincb- Orn | Serer | LN Unt 
don 6 Stone Meret ay, 
ey) orem Sane pareg eee — 
Pied beertor yoo Betty hia e 
re) CEN AS, PUR Om 

he oe 

Wea | Ther 
d up 4 


6 creme 

5, 1913 Wea 


Forsnern clench | finns Chas f | 
v Coden « Tne Cot Me Wh toxins | 
LPB. pose bomen tomer, 
~Bircda — ah orn Gy 
Pa hao ch xrrexy Tena 
Heer. Aadetherr) feasts Sof ph 
Jumte WT shades > Orso bo, in. Coben. 
CoMonp Behe. Hixon ocd Tent Yo) 
Stee I seen Chor bare (2S ES ~f. 
Chai saischndy sf os syile (889), a 
. a Fibiisinws., S Pane de eclyan 
3 Sesied Of xd eercr a Barna ol, 
wed, £5 harWorstne Oh ie 
STA ies Tok § fmmaraney . TAnii 
Cam shines Kerppimats Lewy EH 
sf fpentinieny mi Dyed | 
\ — Myr Urrssrn ol Gd, Un - ai 
ater ashes = oe Germ oy * 

friar q, bres Deon 
S. Fixon Sa Paved Cuban 


Ther SUN. APRIL 6, 1913 Pos | Ther Mon. APRIL 7, 1918 Sag 
(heir?! oXvebasinrns, Cor Bit toll Clr dy tenet, eich ans Ma Me tort 
Aen diel snew © gpntha ont | Gods loins brasy bet Aarti. dregs 
tenes SA Ne GATE teri orcas 
a sediledas both ‘5 Cut, leckesal i: choy bropry, beak, ro Canaan 

oe ties eae, Look sine 

eas bus Cnn Lonn Corsinig + Gade CL 2M, 
bake eo $e helene ferme | 
| me Ta botox Siig Paddinn 
ian wend ‘ a eery ¥ Pate d FER 0 ARAL Rain tos 
fervidnsit are ae Px 8 Kroow, ‘ Prsss\h frog, eomtn [ grt) 

es IE GX? bai oe ace | Gx & FAX. bans a dle 

be~ 7 Co Tor oe 
RF Som ogy dette | Map eg eer ter Fe 


Ther Tugs. APRIL 8, 1913 

Weeatsl \ mopk-lat 


* —s je s a 
— Brzttioy Chay berth Coo WM rt 

G Ro fran ¥ fret teu oar dng homey, 

S fos prints cata, fo 
Cash ; Camda torn Tan > Ups 
mies! on tie q big thn » 

a Mee net 

aw ies Piro, 

a, ene Sous a Weant ov by > 

ad oy co [a dat Sqismtanl fon atta 1-9 

og fan ram Grtt Oo ) ue tepid eshur 
fae coed, cy ae Rak 
“teed Qa Tow, Deakba 

Cat 2 Bho 1 el Shs TBO festa 
at > ah ree Y frosyet, 

OE od 

5; = fers” = 2 rerlyalh4 
bx boon 
Sous H 
DS Pony 


4 Cie 

An toe Ned 

§ . 
Bm he oth Cal 

Co ae 


Gwecized - Cawtrihy.. Cxeln - 

WED. APRIL 9, 1913 

CP ¥ Cot Lncvin ra b, R. Ww . 

Cath Pn Sartre Ls ay tant 
¥ deed ney on bank fogh na Hein | 

Ramm bud Frm oy 9, wea Albers Y | 

yiwese., Udder 

r DestO Lion de 

4 Prog OT psanews I Kho - Gamr 
$o+ Shwe « Tbsttn ae 
Stade, ‘ey ik thrnn Sperm 6m 
on hey. Sacddanr ¥ fad a 
Anyi td GEM 5 on hams Sent hen 

r barn bnrtyn BON i ea a NEE A 

Ther TuHuRS. APRIL 10, 19138 Wea 

7 On 

EL . Cabnx 3 Lrorrr2 , 

De Ch. Ganon Tey 

Sh wrrnnd Ie y 

Sonny fot l, CL smntedihiis & Ja® | 

Rete 89 , Phatin ly, Dovey 2, 

Fy Vhmet ax (0.80. Yui on 
fated. bs thee Coes lle 
Ake oh Ve Fite ¥ Moottens , 
yore Tye oe ae SQ Eennkdiy: 
acy Loam O Gach, . Covete oh Ayrd 

Trek fA WM. Qt hed. Shem 
Wak To. tana doe 
tnx bo fos [efaait>, Stand 
fe Getomen Fat. Pretor, Ass 
| Fiat, Heme , Pan hast heey : 

ep aihowe'4 i tet forresh 

va ae 



(A om ctaid. 

‘Ther . Fri. APRIL 11, 1913 _ Wea 

- = meen 
Rasscvats QALh Ao tn Corns fiz av~hy 

Warrs (teth Ought Soil eat) tet alu. 

Spek ate. oY Ae dea Calis 
rearrorns np Pda tacit Goltants hai, 
Wottir @ Pm Hath Wak ts forme. 
Pee frtiny ch See PES = 
fron Dow Karn trtten Bey. GalCiunr. 
pce pe ar aa RID FA 
Coe J BURMA sou» Rend’ How 

Cbs MeSH SAAN RS Sifngins 


5 2 Hk ‘ 

' Ther Sat. APRIL 12, 1918 _ Wea 


tet onts serie , Rarvay ot frrmnan, 
ae eye Teta Spearrrn Ye 
Ps Goan shee sees 5 aasp? Jrsty oP flared 
ty extn GMA ee Conny Vinny 

ae any Pons Ourniyn Gat 
Ry aati J inthrcatvx nal 
a : or « Chante odn, viz ate borrbine, 

Note NIG, Wien. ar &, say 
lsh Wea ms dn Creer [eoedn'y 

Base’ Yo bKh ee hap oe pinwe - 


Re og fa Cy Lone Geser. 

JrrrPeanion oni si oasea FT ow. 
Samaroo a J 

a Z 

or eee 

fren, Sor paves ky - 

" ae Oper ee ae 

Samy ES. oe ssldicolatied 


Ther SuN. APRIL 13, 1913 Wea 

Recseaiirs oA han eh) Coase hand 
Cootir crue Zyl KG. wood, 

CMa Fe Cf Aan oer OAD ea deer. 
Alvett Sy abe rae ok L0G yrs 
ee te arate “Pash Coe, M4 
| SRS ge ARTO Ee ER Vv podnny £43 

> Cet oa. Ge, 

Be Compnns Mane 

Omke mn ae Re 

spn Then p Gomer eh bith AL. 
f Nad 

aS ae 

Haaeas say ripen 

Tugs. APRIL 15, 1918 

es paccowvl: 

Mon. Aprit 14, 1913 Wea ber Wea 




ED. tly Litaenh; Cais) Clana : 

Cowl. berth Oo ohk Cattle Lowel, 453 

oS PR MEP Pre bux ol 
Llawkng Vie earn colds Ang hoe 
nawet Arts, LA Lok and eae ok 
BR. 0) Statens brn tnd £ hes an” 
Mes, ole eisCicdipe Ri; 

atic he Lebo pie ditowerto’, 
tamed, fran Pushes, ad wy otog : 

( pls fraprrrnn ) Vv Fut Lrmony 

Fader) Chui, odin y Choos bor) 
Peanden fark Corr may a 

Peck: ay,/ ti, Absa Cramecey Ps CP 

Best Pb digie” aS wows 

Mt Ween 

di KR See 

fot. oearer 
gett pterpoe Pave Ma 
fevk ht Visa ae (aan ae Se 
Dace ard Z RIES eK 
teseitntane dha)  Karpe a1 Cermedes 

ef leah Prods phanel gh airrt oe Dating 
v fh» frm , We olgas an © freak 

‘t) — — > e 
gh ae (hee toredbrowt Lor lye dtude 

4 eacteh! TT jones prt Flavors 
Ly ceaky -aatet BO diniohi a ifeeaben 
Onn teas forme foal or 
Hants noe bork com don Uh 
q hx Yoon rents ec hale diel oie 

Ther Web. APRIL 16, mee omg 

Het: —— para 

— be la 

lias Clfaskt. ‘a be mnodnporn Uisx 

G4 aad Ara, None a al bos 
Fides did ©[ a tea Sh Sar, 
niet. Gate 49 UE 

tae 352N. eo ee GQ tees 

TE ihr P 
Venn, ee ce ast aa 

Ther . THuRS. APRIL 17, 19138 Faas 

Bx caste, Chi nd ae 
Eee Sad EB enolrly | pe ee A, 

Begun Sse 

(eet aod, 

AX sy 6 akong 
wee Ex 8 C EUee tl Arrant a: 
Sery oa (2p “ Eye ? 
Bie CRISIS teat dite grt Sf Laser ype Ne A 08 

hima Kao, UAadmbegdn Cantey 
me fs UL, dus snes hve goery 

I~ Che Tene ae hots deep ak nrg 


PRADA SO “- i 

Dorenrd, Gotteark. 

Ther Fri. APRIL 18, 1913 Wea | Ther Sat. APRIL 19, 1913 Wea 
° ee | Ward treDrres Grek boy , Vow 

Olas eae. Ctra So. &% ia | tow) teeth a PC, vxeasrah 
Leesan | Hee wba” Cask He ghh, 

mom Key Hoses 45 Sangam 3 
ae a: oat Sen int ws Oe 

Ratt aa, aR Ginn apo Coker as A, sig ot oledagdb lat, bas 

J tured lan ne Eales | 

AE Pax totwn MnrforX 

ES G onda arenes bmg CaN, Sha WupX 

lan be aed Ths Per’, dhe | Tebsaten , Maman Henk, LbMans Glo 
a aa fly my A.B, orm Kuk Wfeotdery tum. \ boo Sree Marry Akama 
Kuda Su blab les thd 
Tha Fitae 8] rantanarnecp fowtnn ‘Ra 

Taps Thawte, ps oth, tata Nh om | 

br~~-\ 4 ve Conner Hey si Cy eh > ee 

feredbd Surat Gn, berchaed 0) 
bien, ab Wares. tahiidensds than) ny Bamberg geotctroy Gaubes 

Don Bn Hog V2 Sup ifemnonr Sew Reyes hom Lilery 

eee os Aha Wry On 
Re ie i 

QO orrteach 

Ther SUN. APRIL 20, 1913 

Cleon ¥ Cotbeh tails Be. Weesak, 
Grend frstnan AL besmnnens Vir 
ZeGile. Opp arma d leornnth : Arn 
Gerrit gde Essen OR Timm. Vlas ley 
hon dh Aenstalend tong beboaly: 

Ce eos fora be Pract, bean} 
TP epic. 4) then Coltud lo der 

het hee Spray coy Rye Pedeaaltes 
Wirathiak. To eel Auk VY Coek. 
MM, (L- 420), Retros, 
helt. VA! hue Abaea, 
[ratte Fuca Hants 6 forces 
Awe Babes Si. Sumetbeedny ptr 

a ee Walk bene pt Pras 





ae eae, Sm. 

che ; aes eee 


LA Ore et dk. 

Ther Mon. Aprit 21, 19138 Wea 

foascbs tagcat 9 
Tank be Ua Same (ou! fj, beat 
Spank far Aree LaK SLotewy 
outs. CAR stun tee Ween, Con 
eabaclory fojecbsiee Yr fale Loar cil 
Solio, Vodeg deary cys a 
Pomp Tash x Blue 
Depan Conn Aer, Gdn: Weak 
ae ee farm te hase 
Cer, ptestenbehinnbi uk hong 
oP Diath Sperm 5 dh terror 
aN os a 
dumrnn ox Owetlinl @ Bak 
Trend. Ha Gardin Gann Reborn © 

b ones eh, 

TUES. APRIL 22, ,1913 
‘vaL MWe rd Gee Les bony 

— NV Lets ici Cts, 
Arerta thie role hepraglt: 
eee nSLdaa gs Fens betiut Grate 
EDi-afol heti| (ons oma ty ) Etasrk woot 
. ies pum V Rawk Diet - 
Dann enfrar ce terna 



J px UE Wrst QA 

le mrdg 

iu Maen A onn Leynvtn ger. Lasecin 

PO oa ge Ge ton fed 

PrasAamy Cr cay a 

Beals 7p Raedeads Bet) a x fron brad. 
SG h~ Bath fia oy eee 


Ther WED. APRIL 23, 1913 Wea 

Reams ta Carty Norm. S eemny fra’ So, 
Lrncemfnd bh, retin wea Gyht Scot 

Ge ents Peas . Qldo Base Wdvdhe he dy, 
el Yann - Sagan Pear BNA 


pees PS Ne Oe ait & GQ. AA, 


Wien ol de Bueri(2 28 | yp denadln: 

Tit — Sho papi pe 1 

| din Bight 


Ther THuRS. APRIL 24, 1913 | Wea 

om are 

Cliar Colne, co berks 

Pouce Dendrcen buvea( 29D) > 

GS aprusrnn (P/ 

Slant o¥ a, Wer S$ Ome 
I, teehKhnd Diet An Vtrug, 

GC orwesteakis 

Ther Fri. APRIL 25, 1913 Wea 

Wri San bfarat -fsructinon 
@ Ceo ag UTS nite 4 
rhe fearon Messacel Ln Csr Bb 
J seentads GQ Beatle Mae ¥beur- 
Mvp bane « Fok; Saday 

ac A.) Sunt wir Fry be? 

Ther Sav. APRIL 26, 491% | Wea 
Tae 4 in, larva hob Ty 


T Uh tere 

— , 

Ther SuN. APRIL 27, 1913 _y, Wea 

S ny Cae ce ee 

J egak Peck omits Ms2 OR)\ emer 
Jovatne | $4) herent, FGM: | 

—- be frers Cera lfrn Amt otonny 

Ce, BONES: Brody § polio 

Bova Bndpse dni! by bewrepe is bpp Ofals | 

bmy pe Gk 10. 30 Gi ins ES : 

6 orresrck., 

5 orem dE 
Ther Mon. APRIL 28, 1913 Wea 

TOES. APRIL 29, 1918 

CES | 
Lites frord havens Sorrdney os svfor 9) 
ran Senses iftsinitatah ern iGenad Aarne | 
Lethe Hi tk Gu, 

§ cobain Ti 08t eebes Pree 1 )/R) Meeny oe 


de FAA \ A ck Levee 
Bi abr Dey He, ne 

fer Ge WR Oe Teme | 

re Ure Varree bon aif aw 
Crepe tebe fore Grats 

HK ben an Len) ont of 
$5 Mh a < 

2 Web. APRIL 30, 1913 Wea 
LY, 0 Ter 

Gere Cha tera, 

Gass a Fiat. Hane of Ly 
Wie S Gann frsdtnsh Lap w 

Phat aos han’ § peal 
I eT fe OO 
Gon Certh. Chamtarct Seren oR hrm 
Ni Beste Soe d re a, ee 
hear S bern Ofs wlio Ban 
Ca fate Mali Sei neem 
a Hirer ra Opin tinly ey 
el xy 

fifteen sor® i na * 

Vegdbe bin ~~ 


Tuurs. May 1, 1918 

Ther Wea 

on Loan, Lortkaea 
Praeny Ftrttnt  Cfren Sitersh benal 
Ceise ne [toons futads Sorte atte go 
alco Ca feiedy On Garon Ss atrenly 
ark: <i ee aero Ae = 
m arey KearwiN Cues ghlariis. 


_ Fri. May, 2, 1913 
Pax Bw wv Uw- 

Grave scid: (Tietei-ldpatle Matt ) 
Ther Sat. May 3, 1913 Wea 
Sun RaSh Bag nese Po 

Cleon Calin, Lreten Th Coed 
esa ocd CAG Se itdes 
Put Pool Sobek Warbt, 2% Tom 

Paes ee em ee 

3 Chetes raph tte Say toh. 

Uresthirn + Cok bak w fer sory, 

Q Fora on Absa 05- EoNaes 
Prouk quene katehery Gypry Inne: Conoas 
(Cammy Coe & Txong ard 
Trae Pernt, Food hon (Bean 1-6 Am | 

me: Seas ‘ x nr ; 
Pow d GCG or, Hath foo 
Spe mpennen pontiny Goran 

ares eae ten Wer> | 
ane eg Page wy 


Ther Sun. May 4, 1918 ge 

bhex NX bsowun, hainstis Cope g. Umer m 
Sfrrok fare, A Ye 
Bat. Huan phen dedkady ‘ 
fen prw mab pote Ag: jon Ww 

tcnecilcnic As; pram bot 

heen tar feory eae 

prawn ag 

C~. nes a a ont a had, bxae S HAs 
Thon Sion an Sf ‘ 
x Heed: booed Saber by sn de a 

Be | 


wr Gan wae Clascorneg Suef ae 
Bf jKuny Gor, pak. Chara dace baste: 
[omettin Home Yet boro gin. 
3 MN tlatdemd Wenn My dartoy 
= eons ho dott rin . 
wp = Chae 

| Corte | Carebrr alge , hath, Walpbcra 

Ther Mon. May 5, 1913 

Gb. Yo sou oa dypek fos 

~ 2 Petmelioet does: ti iyi Beh 
S fied eteh® oni fame tien hang. 

Sy ae Chawla din a. 
Ta Sanden. MNextartin ~fetten Corn, 
Le Phat OF 1. BPSR gory hear 
Birk an tYnareh Sypemen, B ceratnl 
Bsper 20 1,38 6 Y tarrdan 

Hrespben o> S30, Ueplain 
a sa aa 

§ alae og 

Wolfs ; ‘ Het{abers -~ Marlon - Cambrids. 

TUES. May 6, 1913 7 Ther Web. May 7, 1913 Wea 



oe oe eS eee Micoyanp “krdn Ss 

Ther THURS. May 2B AEST utag 
fy obec eek. Lepr (RE 

Cleon untie fisst? tort cask — ‘ 
Spi ON area ides Ritetlonin bored bin. 
39 Mebane Y reek, Che tp, se, Oust, 
]P Grerute 2 dope Ve Seats den 
gets AEN, OS Guanehrensy le N, Boesch 
by 208 Prawn, Orig, Baksteot, Chabon, 
Sy Re inter Gaciiyeee Ube Nin 
devs boot hanes were Buln, we Teseed, 
tess hop hy is es teh spline 
Corapmtimds doa fed breng oN bey 
a cer Vranas coi : me Tam. 
YG 6 CAA, Cunt Ply codehns, 
Larmehn ms fea LALA, (Saiidlheery bist Ais. 
Watts Stirs Ai adnaks 2: 

Bane ba AO Pig, Cray dang Tenbax, 
otk tee tes teed Grok 

Chay ftasfmrr hrm 

te Boe os 



C }fko 


Fri. May se 1913 

{5 vickindcd? 
Sat. May 10, 1913 Wea | Ther SUN. May 11, 1918 
AG? Peot. en 33% 92° 
Sraing Bctenth enthsttery cots | BéagN y Orth WR Bags, 
Has tna date, BUY oe esladeend diy Trt ben Hilo Gann Moy, 
SG fe fr ren hee nes 
bg. Gtk DY or doen 


To decdan, We wtih & Bette’ phe 

aie ee 
AP pm. Ori ort) ' 
L AGAR UR +e es Shy Pra, GH | 
Jog t Heme & 3s eect 7 Tok | S otinn, 4 Vrerctea he far Ons Ch ren, 
actA 5-4 een KO Oe ' ome 0 Th tA RK nenntoh ; 
ae ‘ ’ 
PT aa ty A treln | Oy Pte Crea oe bed 29 frag) 

Bisisd ihe Mien yey hig dann fs, 
Pte aes aS a aR VATE YS. 

Senta, Won Raa, 

Mon. May 12, 1918 Wea 


Chews wiieit fu by. lisenh fatto 

ES SNe, 

dapiety: Harn. lester vp oy, brah 


ers, Prot led Sabloe barn Soi, 
Jn haige (bind © wp me Slitrgen Lowe 
feradn Gran lors dans Ge Sn Wr, 
i bepfon (7% Par), Kemah Gow 

Gores (Tare 
Ther S TUES. MAy 138, 1918 Wea 
Praag phn Cas Dew. 
ASS. Clan ANAL GCI § wi 
Pezile 7 a a ey 
fisesdy ON fen Drea Arp.) Lol a 
toy YB, 

Saha sec th ioe 

Peni { 9 jhe Corton asthand but trea ex 
Shi 5 Stat OB ton la (x 
ye dan Ni a ee fen ern 
prtose tin Neply torr, Gr. Buds ae 
Papp tel fonny Ba Bott 
ent Mime 2 O hrmtbon', (Hawrtnns § 
Z Orman a Mote As J Mites 
Ta tot Casa & Hosen: Mraney , Gor 


Ther WED. May 14, 1913 Wea 

Brteavitly Claes bth foh 1. 
pereesh 5 Comet 0 Murer V tun, oy Rnarm 
ow CON Acme oe bam ot TOM, 
Marten Lrrse ; Ths y,, Somepen., 
Grmotnmit | Ormta, Chahne, Le. born pong 
et sees een hw a Io 
Pe he AR od. Ragle Tamm > dnt of 
ge emote afore teeta 
Spat oo, dey bets Dovrsn j 
yep tem Nete ee ve 
Gr ll CAA SI tom ts Gwe 


cet netng fart Uy IMO ORO | 


& ontevedk (Pare 
Ther THuRS, May 15, 1913 Loa 


S muy Y plenderr phy LO erney 
ber BD, Pog ht Urorn ably) rnd, 
rm Yeti: h. Varn V—- 

Ther Fri. May 16, 1913 t f SAT. May 17, 19138 
Bontun oy j 

lL re Wimen Best Mon (t0- lu. go) | 
Nay. co Ue tan) NGI) AE 07 Onn, 

> fa Come lon dy , Urx fwix 6 

ies. PRMCATS Lo boners S in 

Wea |) Ther Mon. May 19, 1913 Wea 
‘aan ' m 

Ther Tugs. May 20, 19138 a 
Cbeien. PY trek sere 
Conte’ Gen Ba tithe Si eisiihes 

But 7 Gide? deer ohana 

ty. urna Coane Dan Aan base, 
oT 2k Ey ore ee Ae expe tat 2 
Phrhrn eas stihl Lefont tht ot 
Gay tor Cprbnan Samy oA 
beg tnph Pick hat, indi 
Cod 60d Se Sf sitters, Bokisrrete , 
pag Rave | ¥ Testenn 

| Magn Poon soft 4. 
| 46 aay nee VE Ca 

+ Gh, Het raer,| Commi BE Seren Goma 8 

Bevert(Torm y- Zot yer \N 

Ther WED. May 21, 1913 Wea | 

“T wikcoadons Lemmy Cran YO. 

Bn x. C oni Cha MA £2 uh: 
Rang om F RUA, : Hy 
Pot events breton , Maske bro, || 
5 harper hank Praia ody Forbin q 
Torrtin, Gaon ee 
Ge £ aun, hasnt’ deat Javits W, 

GAO pay Rap. BED bn Urb « | 

GIR pred oo been Pron Oy! Wibuns | 
-aserionate Sm Gorsh fe tee | 
ha. pe se ge Cakicandes | 
tlan Can ON 0 OMY Krgalobad | 
QB Brews» or een e 4 

6 orem (Pam) 
THurRS. May 22, 1913 



FRI, MAy 23, 1913 

Dernresd (form) 

Ther Sat. May 24, 1913 9 Wea Pin. 
“uA, abad 

Powe Comer Sere Tomy | Aww. 
Cos Gad Sony ; 

eee Yn, ' A 
Maran eunee 

Camb da, - (omaes. 

| y Ther. MON. May 26, 1913 , Wea 


AW. tend - 

3 befe- Natl by § the hast as, Thane 
So at (Bled. Joek Gage Croan 

| Pine OS €.20. [ounk Drei oh ho? 
< ~_s 

We att 6p © hej Laccan leptons» 7 orm. 

ae PoE Oar 

pprowckad ten hey Ws: 



TuES. May 27, 1918 


Chandy ¥ Orst Lethe lye S$. oma J | 
| Spur er q farina. Domeanny shel = | 

Saget on oe S09 baat. AS ~ 
- Coreen SY. . ban 

' Sop wg | 
a at aes a Agee a : he | 
ity Were wes 

Pagel ¢ Hanah A 


, RH tek - ay ae 9 Coren ah i. boo tileuedes: ak“ ¥ Meaty Hou) 
Ther Wep. May 28, eee = Ther THURS. May 29, 1913 Wea 


[ fos ocr ns fy ag 

a MB ON FGA. V Heh 
(Giiess, ax 11.$3%-Gun, laos 

wr he ti Se at Gn abnshiPeal 

pat CX Snes lle awsmaat y prthopus Chr Coad, 
St? icvay iar | Be. headarr, } 

Aes cha a GRAD drestlécna hen Fan nnn 
wn dy Merino ayer = ny ir 


fewit—. Bashy Bod toby & mo 4- 
Torti toh nian ¥ Gotoh ty ety fred SEP Mn dfn ke 
$1 Canin fn V an a OBAGI a POE Rapes 

¥ Cbaghte caw TW, (Bayer the, Car, a ee 

ete soma a 


Ther Fri. May 30, 19138 Wea 
Morwrnemes Warhter, = (Oe 

(Tarun ere 
oe hee ) 

Hen dre tb (“tremens 2! Clie) nest 72s 
be a 47 ee Ae: 
Be D gaat uaF ean 47 
epee tom hen, boy brie 
aor a Ir irnnreniy Washi 

: Re wore aru 

Dorrerrh(] Brn Roakty beat, \ 
Ther Wea 
Quam me Ge 
Stoney bah frre RW, tothe 
Legon Charny, Plemacrrtly rh. 
Lek pau Bere sg Pde igi? 
tare Siamese | i Jhmmopes, Cis Cah yn 
tomy brn, Uew J hind anididn 
TE, cotton rw) Masry oD opron os 6- Soom 
Soe Stl Ct on Pipe Rue Row +) 
Spook iin dey Aprey dpibeuts 
Dratiesentsy! Mn bes arm PT Now 
Peon dems dt > pwns kk, 
(Beg om om Pulp R, 
teehee [damtaF eh eh” fo V beet 

Chae. ean, ij aee \ Beads Cegany ; 

beet Ua i 

Con-cemnad «Connben dn - outteon Airy | ‘ 
Ther Mon. JUNE 2, 1913 Wea 

Chinn Y Yemen veh Gyn Wl uecads | 

kf Durmnid. 

hua tormhe, 

< brown Wostors 
aa thE ates an 6. %o. 


Ther TUES. JUNE 3, 1913 Wea 

AoC hig i ser eal Laps § pawe 
VWlek alt, bomstpngx ton Hiren 

| 4k dee at 7.15~- J ee ne 

Was hur : 
Ther WED. JUNE 4, 1918 Wea 3 | 

F aw 

Ehsa de Aeregnny: farcty Lan carety entterrny) | 
fg RS ttieckey te hed 

Lprh Abs A Clete Geinny tre 0 
eee cn Sey Sara a Ba Rms 
ha team Leen Thrcrrnee , B “¢ | 
& Cod Gad) Gordie, Latins Prin | 

BDA, Gerdes, ,Ardnigy Gnd 
Beecka~m, Pepe dL lon Y 
AE, Cheng, Jaw, Gan Ont, $ i 
a § Sa. Coo Varsnmo why | 
| pen. Drag 9m Mr. Rites 2444 Som, 

Mr Latlaek, won nant $ ow ny 

fea.d0 GI. da. Hoang wn a 

Washun i ‘ Wathewels- ~ Fenthrsford« 

Ther THURS. JUNE 5, 1913 et Ther Fri. JUNE 6, 1918 Wea 

o 8 = i ae Bus 
Tata awa ll. usr boon bee G 
Aepde tetra. V fete 2. he Ladies 
hes fans ens Borwhish oni 2 tatcnicheiy 

G gewk det an beng aot ayn 
wagers Virawkanr hashes ¥ snae 

Aa tnfora ke Carnhrn de. 
Ther Sav. JUNE 7, 1918 Wea 
eo ee 
i Sremeey GX domps, pay Pe Colney Aimer: 
J Matty abe Alan. be rail 
i abn, Vbeclen, 1 Pema, Herne , Yrs Ihe 

P “a. el ott 

| 40 

BE Gag Sy fuvel ts Petpeah, treme: ldo Si 
PF fpnty OR RR IT tons fot Yfrrpery 
BEY Sort Gaatecel, Gohoery 0b 
Crrptann. Frooke.s 

1 ek brat: 
Det lo.ct nt Ar 

a Saggy dome besy 
ere ene 

Carbidgr > Lertarcdk. \ 
Crsw 2 * SR AE ae ll plans) M 
SUN. JUNE 8, 1913 Wea 

ne Coe 

fa I vgs Hrtenny at 7.30 9 bay 
ihe Ch ed OM. An dynry Texture , | 

' fay seine ltt Cake I fener orndn 

D ddcst sl, Vian thai Ay Saye 
: Chap tte. 


re x 
; . 

~ KK, 

Mon. JUNE 9, 1918 Wea 
Sj , 

lees. Chreing frwe ty an tony oven. 
Setters. beblewd Ty eatin 00 ony fagce 
be tal Seren, CO Cor ent Feede 
Ske Heed ove Gen. pePenctng on: 
Jiarnn form, Wook Mos om fina 
Racgahns Tistin We wren Smory m9 oA cla 
aa Chey elm. Go Ana, 
Tian, 1nd Y trang Coenen andy 

| Petes 7 4 E a. tn,  Gyrrn Yorrgny 


ok MOK HA, Yelaect Lebel, en 

prety POET Tinmetn Cama , Wee term rnak Cobaor 
hindi naa tbkesite 2 Samp Yarra 
Le & Qe 

FreBeaae (fran te 8p [bats Meg / 
TUES. JUNE 10, 1913 Wea 


Char mie gb A. ly, tosis 


WED. JUNE 11, 1913 Wea 
io a 


fran mp parte, Ran 7 rem 
lewnttd aay Gq, AX, ox Roth Yr i 

| Ye began on Tat, cK 2M Homng 
See 4 oh 

Bus Ay trpeseh Ry wow bctetrw 



Dp Se 
DO onrerek ~ (aerrtins 

Ther THURS. JUNE 12, 1913 

Che ba Soy rccd 

ST Roba exe Med, (LQ beck 
Lappin on Pray oe 
ateah Sy Chel vy dencly 
Inu -(rerer S Charm ot Aorih Ky, 
Gey ri al 9.15, Mma 
GhLorsi ) opp, AL, Cathey 
WOU) Creda dS Or. dle, Ob 
Weep rs tated’ OY, Wolny a on 
femme Tham. as dent Gomig dre ta 
Beisadats) one Oni, ok Lad 

eee : | eee AN y 
[Pare S i pm a gs Sones 

Ther FRI. JUNE_ 225 — Wea Ther — iter juxe 1a 1! 
Enh Yaeger te 58. | 
| Chas YO Leon ody sesh S.% 6 a ee sn a _ 
| oe Youd Codun iain Carrty Tenney , 

ip Tito St CTsap nies 

| J oe Be OE ee a Le ? : 
elite AT rane foniter come (Pw Bad Coren” Gerry Oe 
1 | 
Hex: baw LC hind re hen 
IL ejlenjenhy oy bm Ov 
REY Oy ee aay og Fore 
Me. Lees np Ooty ae Poorh. 

| Vament hae oy G are Tas Ln, Ny; 
\ et da ty ninty ot dry - 

Ther Sun. JUNE 15, 1913 .¥ 

bn were GS Gates G coh 

1. Corie co Wee GQ Ca . 

Bowcared = Carn budgs, 
Ther Mon. JUNE 16, 1913 bn 


Inia Heathcctthts®Micei Sea abet 

ann fai Olaf up d . Mak 
cu, ow Spars Tew 


TuES. JUNE 17, 1918 Wea 


| G liar Y tearm wrth final. torshely 
| lowers a . Very Cart 2K Comm 
| hyn Oowatns GI 10 GAR. tre 
Gation Glen, Rental Yer on 

(4k apr ey 

eS seed cian Trsmplora 

sean pate ye 

mp tirana w Cen 

ee C0) Seafplcnaty gest. Ceajuan.-d ,| 

Jo- (2 

\ my, pe TS heck Slee fan tn 6 flict Be ary ES 



Ther WED. JUNE 18, 1913 Wea 

Aer ¥ Garl sonth highs teeth lay eascody 
Dragic. \\Zicahins Lyx wshag & 9. BS 

«PASS tidings Aico Roebeua Pasion 
eur, Grins Soak. ews 
lagpting ve fren 9 Hobegekamne. Utne J 
a a aver asd, 4% | 
na a LP Br Oran a 

fa Pe OE PT Iie? | 
to hats sb a 
wre Pr (edororntty Uhr vom) ou | 

Reena Shndiivies aoa] 

a - 
; =e 

Merman Ean 


, THURS. JUNE 19, 1913 | ,We¢a 
nye oh Boag Mod tow 

Chico) th: Sinskidls ere 
Cots yas _ SRR EES: 
hucsr fra, — — 

& by. (0 Gen : 

(2,10 9 baw a rape 8 3 
a ow ae 
Run Of . 
pees Preto Th 
CetOalb Yr Wr . 

oe } 


Vw. tssatlsh h 
b hadetn 

VO ned 4 VW eee 

C hs 

Taper \ re Bren 
area an) age, vague 
pale "arth! 



Sparen AM 
Ba ac fal dongs 

FRI. JUNE 20, 1913 Wea 

a ut, 

Clan. de “Gasp ¥ nade: Lag he Soesacn sane 
TOY Fe sy RR 
helo 6-304 & Oa On Pee WY] 
Pekerte © deters Cuinfrall ) Sting Dray (27 
Petten Urvehivn (Uy Soy Spasrens (d/ 
Bad tomry (2) Thm ry boosh Stirs Uru Be) | 
Scares Prnyn (I/ dinar (/ Crdbond 

(4) ha. ep ee a Sarees 

Gomesr( ihe Pech poVannd J 

Sar, Jyne 21, 1913 Wea 8S SuN. JUNE 22, 1913 Wea 
yn COANE Pipean. 7 


& "Chava vy 1a. Reakinteciale Cog 

aR - ie Ow me CAr~ tay , 

Lp pth ate ante ete IR ase 
pe aoe v Se a a Ahrwa_ pooh 
Chom. Peters be ty Sapo OG 
Presper a, GG aden 4Q ere: Sa 
4 vo a Orem, Yan + aa 
Libt, en fog Luosin tad teh per A . 
Ce al Wht Bron yon ve Downs Sal vi 
arr llann = Prove Ruy Su Gs | 
rater (Can hats A stom wl de mop 
+ Gack . Hite (Tomy ava bud ff 

de aint Chom oD 14S be, 
Ate d ous hep hurry GL ray ortnahn 4s 

hiss, -F’ ate eS 
a hey nd festa ee Mundy dh 

Coren (atl) Heir > Corns Conenrd (thatts elines 

Ther Mon. JUNE 28, 1913 Wea Ther TUES. JUNE 24, 1913 3 : 
files) Y ace, Leb, SFr ha Clian ofp d1 toby Doorn eve | 
been in J tnt) Osh 5M drm og Sorthoty dsr. ; : 

1 ONE Sie ba Ww faite fo yng BOT Rh x ier Cab teth | 
ern eins. lade Yoooe fra, | ow NS Eger elas + fariesecl Abies 
(both, hier ,) te fete beasts ( 30) ra metol F 3 

¢ busca dh & 
aan toy Cug — ae, 
apis Tren ¢ tees my, We 
eh Manip a ze: tides CUA Deny Co 

bot tae cx aca Cmnrtnt, Tp AOR. Selnr ye Ch sxeh Lorkarorn 

Geen se tot Cnn Trae hao , x 
= Qed Peete Y Ge Cor Grub | ‘ Win 3s Bn tn ods = 

a, dh. Y. ty Piranha ae | cy =penely oe eee Qn 

Mer fe aN ae hos Seory Callen eg ae We, Ch gles 4g 
Area t eshanth_! rk TIN ad 17 Glicgton (tem tiah bere. 

fatacpporennnsd\ Oe eps ease oh BY Pes aaa NT rat 
Oo 7 hs Oat elegy fe Porn. toy my Emre Pe, 13, 
Tacks TA pay ects & ee ae WED and 

ih mM <——d oe o ona : os \ 
brn OY Peay 5 le ES aa a ect a ie. oak 

fae, be a! oak (. > 
4 Cran bee Bey Paes ‘ Feo ots ; fap SS Hse a"e ey 

Oorncoik Bats Nev AS FAA ) | O owes 7a Tor / 
Ther WED. JUNE 25, 1913 3 Wea Ther THURS. JUNE 26, 1913 bi sve 
° ease | 
Clery ¥ Col sith, Mrmr, | Horealy V Calm, (Mothny, Carl. 
es eae eee Cee Ya vee 
Bian oy Just, Heard omy) 08 Ay 
re farcs stan | Tenhiromn.) Scents 
Pra. Lowy, Lamy UNS fit Cacti ae 
Xs Aeros in: dn) Goon, s Phe Chukar ( Con, chen G brnte J Thvther, A] 
Laid CL doahinny s Vong I Foam, | 
6< Nom bow | Cum Leese 1 
Gar bard, TE  aaeee ae, 
Ab 0 Cin Prete by Sten 
Thy Pama tor hariee. I han 

qq toy gr 


eX) £4104 ay 

putt > Areas Gf stoy barrie 
hem af daddy SSig gkelinn 
ane Se OI eo 

tha Dur for fod Nor giccza ba.- 

E cmewek (Frarne] Coren (far-~) 

Ther Fri. JUNE 27, 1913 Wea | Ther SAT. JUNE 28, 1918 Wea 
Li Cee: 

be, tee pe,? 

Ther Sun. JUNE 29, 1913 Wea 

Clear Yo lomus bt AA 
tevcernof Rababl da, Vr Coed 
| Ppa ee , 
Thx Comba terolin 4.0 bode 9 


= Oe ak 1 Toran Fy 
fo hemmed &@ Bru boc, erage, 
Earthen, a Ce ed, Tare 
he. ae Aurthyr belrarck by 

panier dead Ss Senn wn 

Soo tee Clete, Lom 

Eb prcatdon) HG stl. 

Ther Mon. JUNE 30, 1913 Wea 

Cleor T Seri chop! 

| ae beprrsborns F. 1 Groak. 

§ lhox Tan lk Bd OG Agee 

Gh, % 06 Grote % i a 
Wham Deine by Koy (Vu 
So sicsese qe, sh > mG 

Gla fastinny nA hark Crim food 
Pinney SN etn beheld Bastion oy 
/8.20 y Vesna Orrok bicaidtenk, 

om Spee Sans AKA, er 
det Sak ber . cer Pest 

: 4d Up Ossie 

Borer (Pern v ata i) 

vat TuES. JULY 1, 1913 np.Wea | 

tan, f 

al Tee Fo ty 
hast Hee wt, GQ dette, 
soa haw © ay nN) dann 

de. > Aud... 4 
deta, Bo atedonete Ke OY 

a i 

np en ty ole 

fron (MU YY on Le ". 
she, NA ON 

woth, Bee been drop 

Ther WED. JULY 2, 19138 

Fasy, theory rply strerey. fly 
hat, Hr Zypx” bear torr, 2K th 3 KA | 
bestinsnp Gare erent Chae Ons Hanah 
Spr ferwearn oF Bou, Haw 
toolineny An tortd, rea. by Seon 
fooeh ber AG bs, Zap ‘ (ok, 
fd © fra dk edrtliare V finer bud, 
a hes houwth hedad 
Pe theak tabs Hai ly Tighe a0 
L.3e Pw Yoke A ha 
Tan plang hig ty conta pri” 
y hs! aa hind Terereh 
AS. 9 fom | Postben\ booed | 
Coren yO Hawn Ann rnfart deg. 

teow GL Moth Hor 

Gortird,. Bxslan ~ Combi'ly, Carmtrudgs 
Ther  THuRS. JULY 3, 1913 Wea | "her -FRri. JULY 4, 1913 
Clear Y bre. Renal 


Ther Sun. JULY 6, 1913 

Cleer Y- 

biciiarsdencs OASeet Ty leek ot iad 
(Le Er eg 
ChesanalsoT uf. a Soncetienctrse Sneed 

At NV.&.R.S. tegen tne a (RST. | 
Wy, heck, oF 6 BL Scot, 

Pl za oe 
s My Whence C. NS Le @ Ak: loa} 
aE eer ee le Fe ce Ed Bae | 

Mon. JULY 7, 1913 

| on. faring of bey Celebi 

Cotbed. ay jee ¥ Ms, 

aac? tnd =e Sars Fn (0. ate™ | 

seed cost Sst bat 

tho 4 >. Bighaia pnenes Uerseel &, 2 oe 
\ qhaieo™ Sa vane ¥ 2 San mre “4 
x p eG a AE 

Ther TUES. JULY 8, 1913 

Qruitiiert, thor | 
ay Hn deo taken sheng 
lcok ch Yum Y¥ lee, 

OL Mees Sil 
S ph Wey 5 fey ge 

eye lines 9 Sspiern q 
tease Ce, De~detra., etek tinal. 
ins Dee i asendd betncn badd 

Te, Sersen Seert Se 
Gangs a Sy Leon bent A & 
ae SN So Bn Sher 
a ae i“ S Hn, eorbsberg J 

hag alls emmy 04 Yat sh 

v Wise 

Laer. heed Pane eel 2... Dis. 

qt: Laem in fon 

eae OF 

Ther WED. JULY 9,.1913 Wea 

A. Eta V4 arna Var wit EAL 


Pliehe 9 082s Gla, acy tn 
aecp net GR. & Dan 

et Reet. Soe ones ire Ae Te" 
D ee hint eS nae sh 
fa DG Rad Sen. Geraty V0 Bary 


Fa fated Me des Coe, 
x | eeey cae Od To earn, 

Ther. THURS. JuLY 10, 1913 


Part, Semrg Chast Claws dy Maser 


Cicnsiihen -bdentans, Leah engl Ooh a 

lag hx ohn hae Us free: 
: S por thé temp se Qthnn 

~ to” Lemar beta Cri dia Bin 


ae ae, bow 

ha oA nm mS + 


uw dans G Ronan 

Birt Io vwe0Nedk 

nin Ce - CBP oe Daten tah, 
Senn aan fun tn Presley | 
t f . is j | 
yn a ay [thes Ut wil Aan 
FS ee 
c Sarm befarn On Gat” 
Ma f* an FO be ANw Va ON oO - 
rT On i oe ey ee a af 
n ‘ c te - js i 
(Ve. Aol &, prwoton V Fem OO Seek, 


. O38 
f j ghbnapnegi heh Wan Om, | 
en chy se rT ak Ren 2 | 

We bso 

bl, Hrashicak , nm = troy Qa 


Gated he shes ZX Hal Wadi, 

Ther Fri. JULY 11, 1913. 


Chien y Cwwd tonlin frngh 
Wh. We tem dd, 

Phen ta shen garetipity as 
bes Numa Chan fers 

eats eeeernek bondi 

day OGh Puan York Lema cha 

Sar. JULY 12, 1913 Wea 

T toan 
Cheam Lenton beatin Ste, 


S. $y. tonnad- fram, Chrwrgrad Krtin 
a Bea ba dmyGe. may 


f ie 4 Cer. da jeremy nas Rae. 

S fsck Prot GE 

| Wnacticnn bork, . ts odoke OM | 1 
| tarhen AL ‘Dan J Gat istiodinw 

bata Sida. iF ET 
Siete, 1S Man. Senetese vow 
| Kaen Steet test fly ing : soy Ay Corbin. | 
) fart. We Hawt Wen ott baa 
| fas Jory om ang fact dey en 
| creme: nw, Gar ror 7 tw 
fesse trans Aon | 


Inelg Qrea Crronrl elag ree re 
| A mabey Cam . weaned Disa Borrd 

wee Ceand ofemg an: Ke cacdiinaes se 

‘4 ae y ? 5 
le we A ahy.—» hO iver 


Lge on oer 
tte Hen tr 


4 ae (lw, Almaz ES for boemey wrth 

* ‘Ther Sun. JULY 18, 1913 

eae? han & ha Sherk Qhmy, 
\, Ym Amman Terted ohare oor (a 

‘hat. Serax. 

| 3 flees 

IS Tin Clanteas 
4 Seas of Gases ly 

— Narincl, hewin, 

fra. Pome 
Som ¥ dey 

f Demy bane, Tinea He in Kone 

fnaned YY Cecametecliad 

h a 2 ie 5) Vthee | 
on a sagioas A, caste! & a 

< y) ih b cage Seehiges « FLA few Weave 

Ther Mon. Juuy 14, 1913 Wea 

>a tann ce Ty, tomauky ua 
CBx ~ $2 6430 RAL, Pts nse 


ERR aL. 4.46 famines Ang 

— Bi bin. Saad 

TUES. JULY 15, 1913 Wea 

(drotaaen tts” Clean ‘e phaaorety 

CSAS om dh, Pott hh. beoty~sb: 


{— BERS helo 

Si heer pins Dn TEs tymrindihoeeds 

= Meme bag YUN often 

qpspecct. th, tte J Aol 9 bry 
sptst hotih dy te 

5 lardsdes 

WED. JULY 16, 1913 
Bard Orghs , 

Heatpprmracsesd pare bgt dow 
C banc y sy (eR AR 
Emenee NAN tes Woon Hronde 

Ther Wea 


Spent teeta hoy ta Aang . 
Ookoerr % Crnenn fp Berk hs 
Ga ob Man, PINE I VAY AB OY a 
oy Che, ee CME ee Amsan. oe 
had don lo tebiann BS berm Ge 
bee Nhe ial 9. hOE yay ow Hew nor, hoy atayed 
OR Leet SE ite ie. fotng Mio *hrnen 2 

&= A Ar ‘rm a Mawr Calva, = 




=e Stun 
> Gr & C0 x) dp Le Leta Oia 


Ther TuHuRS. JuLY 17, 1913 | Wea 

bse chlny 

bshr. Dow ¥ Prog hond Lynan, 

vanes toa dur oh Yislg Irn 
3 % Poenrcved Haren (2.00 Ho 

oom ie Arg foxading a) hann hot 

€ s 
hol sn df “y, saan Fo PaO, 2 
I REY a Mnkhy Sprsely. LF or 

chow oO oa Aghhy 

NX FR, Sh agen (OA ays 

ae ae 

Ther FRI. JULY 18, 1918 

Forman Clerady ton sear Varrnornd: 
Abin rim Clow V barn 

S huh eet a ang she USE 
bareradithsrpol tats 4 Crbeispanlln-: ip ltbbandinnd Bg 
Gbtiiccton jenni taaidbotte tht doe 
rs huis g il | ee ohh 


Ss fariclate, Fa farmny, 
Sat, JuLy 19, 1913 

Gan plan” 05 robin % 

$ Wetene te ey a Se 

Thess syiatn gi doers, UR tA todo dst Lesdt 
fireu. Fined, ob ee Tkeay Lescn I SlomArge 
erfen hedaysie ota bateiiivery. He Weiss 
el ae freac. tether Neriparnr 
a Fong tse Tebisticc ache 
tle tv (Lash et Hage tag set 
BID any fan Aer Ga Prana Teton tens, 

a ry, Us ierrc 5, 

to ee Hemme 97 Rad 
eye trl am hare ty howe Fors. 

ne Ware Horwohen. brgey, abarener 
% Bee a hha Bred, Ce. Mophe, 

Pet en ny wv, ecg logink eGigad - 


es Gt ri era, Afi IK Use ade tad “% 


Ther SuN. JULY 20, 1913 Wea 


to OE ‘de Dyawtivoars ate 
[Biexsivchyn Actes ORs b-0-~fo ikon A 
b, Share paisa Lerrnin okviy IES 0 
ere brinch nf Gansh o/ Seek be 
—— Uranus fe C8 iar pe NE Welaeth 

~~ Jv atire awe Gx 3- 30 
fos ma tang 
SHAG Ay, inna, aa 

pram jan | eS 

7 3 Badalona, Karn 
mm Va gory 
A nn Gar ; 
Ce Fasloibndy VN Ge Rantn ine ann, 
Darleannre ! Sx. Leesa ~) tid On 
[nents terban, Cl trey Smart Gel arworndly 
bo USS UEN hart han 4 tome 
foecertyen Cae fon Retbay Bon 
ti Deh chanted. eles wn 9 Gy. 
thorn OO 6. Ga Woe VUarratn ew anak 
mw A Th Ge. 

Ther Mon. Jury 21, 19138 Wea Ther TuEsS, JULY 22, 1913 (Wea 
ee r nee 
Ch, chhap ots Lghn Pi lijrteesesoeay Cheer N bomen: br b sha Wy. 
Jee epaty tose, Dey Qotinn. | in ad ph dea 
a Hertsort; Chip frase y Baba ALEK | 
Vite ———- Qy : D | Dots shat, cpopl Amn EIT ER S41 | 
Won. Tred huss enid) yi. eae | ey Pee ee FS 
fa fepeg Le allied Harton 2) | fis bewets posk balinel Un dh 
| Wo Gena Chie a Gn Je | 
di ; ob bn ore, bettie Bog | F Leesa Cada Sciteiesdicen beta 


fessokts win, lus Tn. Adoni Vy pettus CR ferar feos deny bib | 
Lonny Mosier dy, Arofin woah on (hate, tran hid Raila at [baiieamcel Ee ir po. 
spurte CS) Ce Ba ww Oh MN i) heres | Fae "Che Uoarb hang Gre eeu 
Tr AG fred APL rscbry Y bers 0 Roan UR USHA, Retent Oy 
robrn X SLA entiann, 8) Detpberancn J P heen De Tr mea he Qdirncbreoree 
i Jaren ; ent Bree Wiser Hn ROA tania frat ch eres 


Ther Wen. JULY 28, 1918 Wea Ther THURS. JULY 24, 1918 Wea 

(Sey Vy tren tee Agee Cervad tei Sly SW te 
SW eter Heder Homma HM form Aes oot oR etre bai ta 
Pars geen Aeg me ton D Sengfarnne tly Ce ton nannn Uwe Ge dovtrn 
meres Bh ge adhd * Une Dramigh i= forbid grrnct An 
ct aK tA Aaa a) GudleidA- Protrcy! tecewnniig, font teenie 
ae ee eee ee ee ee Wd J carn Ami CE Ornirfnsn oo” 
bik. freredsss Ora erin tong Patton epmggece meer geory Howe 
Se i oe pee ee ee ery rr Tn rth (Chey bob Cate 
owen te fra terme on bewitn docs CET Oo) hn ie fora, Qt | 
SL a Fowe Tatts Shem Y derma | Anat Ue MOD dha nheae Sor lhe 
Sey Spmarernn an ft boy. Medaliiedse | Cosine sates! Ome Bid ben dy tomar fide’) Feam || 
gabe A an dts Coico nia ap CR ae, SRE WEE TO 
tigi di sinlrsinealichs Meh A. zi 
bade roth au. Kn 

Ther FRI. JULY 25,1913 Wea Ther Sat. JULY 26, 1913 

oeteant 9 bey teen h Craven, 

: ws Patosead Guach ahaa Proven Povey Pyedenf 
Ft Merona nn bn WA. ore wf Rene ERA AY ORK ee | 
st J. ees | ee eee er eee 
Jun Grcbehnc S parang | 
“a. Prag, Teme ne 
tonnp mth Kg. i 
faa Bese Kane: sory“ aaaggorr 

=, as 
\ (a. raed py J Bx —wwty acy raga why 
N Boa Urs GG, a 


Ther SUN. JULY 27, 1913 

Ve & 

| Ce ters, HMhwn 

wre oA 
Rurbune 4 he) 

. e Wun 
a t i 
tne oa fu sy, ben wet: Parra « 
| vn breoly 
ae Sebiion, 

le t jor 

Gras mh 

bx. Z 


—e Sanda OA 49 a. 

s: AS Haw An. 4 


f banka 

Kot) & | Ota - ‘ 

aL er ae “pe haan > 
R nr Us fekee on a ie ee 


y) 4 
} Wr 



Ron a Sin a nol 
A Loa. MWA, War 




dite, 4 


Ghenclat ’ 


_Mon. pg 28, 1913 
ton ob ines beyarns 

NB bret Shey below 
Reg Pe ETS. Pu, toh ta ila 


Sf Low 



fad sha See 
ks eee thc, 
oe ay afb cach ithe 

m3 (en Pte po Gontiog 


Conway Ua. Ure. id a Cath cin 

at, tak & Prive tei % 
Daw ae So PE S- * 

Z{ lucas, 

TuES. JULY 29, 1918 Wea 

fork e A, 

x “ye aA, g ean. 

e ) 
Bot, «et SE Laan, “Un Uryed 
i ssboedy ex yy Rak - ary 




3 (836s lt D Nat A ons 

5 lendc oh 

Ther WED. JULY 30, 1918 jis 

NSN Geer, Geni, 

f 4! 
Cc AN 

Orbe Wear pains anda 

\ Je. oe 





S press (ORS 

Pete asi, haga he 
oan | Wor 

Chewy a4 4 Bovey 
3 Sale AA Om Jrown 


é Uy 

| te. ax 


» 2 
oa oy Se RIE ETO OF 
Cine fon. oy A hay 
Cx a Parapet 

x | 
Lay ame) | 

re: Gaepn, v 
tnwiactl F Ny Sfnvwe at har), 

Ci ¢€ { alk. 


= sé 

id Ther Tuurs. JULY 31, 1913 Wea Ther Fri. Aua. 1, 1913 
ie fen 

Aira tm Vv Col 




Ta Sony, St fren oy apres 4 to fall: 

VAC Mae San Ba Sepa Legry A, 

freee ‘om 4 el eereeaine ton 

BK Datei sie 8A D bres 
Qeady & AS 


O lawclake 

§ Lave als - Lane. 
Sat. AuG. 2, 1918 | ‘Thies 

Sun. AuG:i3, 1913 

Clean y Comfrtcbe, ete * 
SS Dalicen tants A ratkin Ornate Chon fA Cont 

r La ts y, ane a vy Gen Hee alan cane Pres ee 
Afiwnicd toil fur. fl bihers , fer , % ; Anes 


as Tak ee Cecdiect ae © -  hatnn : Py 

ax 430 My, F Denvd nxten | ¥ | 

ae bonne 

A Fen Sa_oJ e 


Alin dots 
Ther Mon. Aue. 4, 1913 Wea t Ther Tugs. Aue: 5, 1918 

Actas. ag Sot Aa; brn — kK... bona 44 Lapty \ 
Tad = npr > eps topk ah a Him, 
Sonne Dpatinnny ebabecsh, BERR, Selah . 
GT hd Sperber fen Ohenmt Porta r 

Valle finger Senet Late 2m. 

_—— v Pa 
om an UV msmwtn . to-day’ bemalt dr, 

pat ies Ded 
a pe araay 

te bree tm GN 
WeanliemEoties Som, Chay om Cos, Ca § 
Bn Aevsneg Lan Corny, te Pe toed! 

Glan doh, 

Tours. AuG. 7, 1913 

Ther § WED. AuG. 6, 1918 Wea | Ther 

eee Y tule, ers Leghi 

— eno eae 


Barn Srwmttewy ree donee 
- d 4 z fee as pach y Lady 
, : 5 tate Fi PA ee OY: dn Sean 

Je =<} = 

Lervmmen « AC AKA RG banm eeodl. 
Spas ae we peers aati Daw’ apples eax" eadnsry ovrhy Tnx donde: 
tes Ue fralican tA hs hay D060 brava € am ¥ Beat Pichia 4-7 
Toren frxasiny , len yee ee ee: y a CLES Me bru An, Santana npn hive Weer 

Tm Mune bn oe deaT Ln hes vt Lin bag bey aa 

Haw. dot, A cfrrore a Aorwin, Shon 5 RAR any uy Warm 

Shiite Laie, sth; pSawses''y AD Cod GK ee by Lina /, o& On 
ane sty T.$73 lox hestenak frooee an Gornanl Grane. Aa room: 
Sirk tes Hg Pied, Gem 9 fanctrh Gow fhanence hes iatiie fw 
ta Sad OB Aen stan ae Ya enidy, | ( linnan ace 

| Dawn, TERA lanl % 

Cosa de é ore eres ee PP Looney : 
¢ ’ 

a fneeh 


syrah ri AD rdnry- 

Sar. Aua. 9, 1913 

CR. OLLI Orem frm Bon Org resronny 
Leginnsbsh Mn GB pred farm Comey toni, 

| fan lion omurh So J than erat id |” 

| Se ae fon, Onn Sond oy. Henny 

| Cegene forrpas obvins fon dapoabe 5 hy 

omen trees Qh en boat towns. 

mami Yen Cairn beste, Loew erry 

Pusan fiteamen ¥ basin San 
wl Gicdkag WS J yew puted: 
fom Pan fipere X Paglag Llaeweh Te 

Ther Sun. Aue. 10, 1913 Pies 

“J Leetnm herinaih. Howl 
bass He. font et 
bmn Y Smeg Soha Oey. 
Ma ED. eee bau. 
An WLSD NR atidiss SV tater 
Lnrmen Oh HO | GA ou 
let Karteeh Ge kL, ho jam 

ree “rapes 

Jaan a Fiadrbleh 7 Mba Tabhola ey 
PVE a To Te ae ree 
He OK tain ALA anratenm on 
fw ates Crna Lerma bow TA, 
Derinigestins AAG Vv tre pea a A wk 

] og Daag » 

(Ain Roadie 

botan Afri al os Kw, 

Yn Osf, Ayam ¥ Vo tien 
G Gon fesmwlrwens he AO TRS 

a. Fiche aes arbor em Lay 
6.4 S~ 

Mon. Aua@. 11, 1913 

(OT | Lorie Ie. Ks. fecal a: 
hee hurd Sownyt harrct, 

Aan Met MeL fry rar Cy torr 

Pia tons we a tens Aa Kodny | 

Tp harden teensy Oe spatial) 

2 Ot Agee 7 thy 

I fang tarth 



bs h 
Q si sane gee 
Toes Saas Aa bade Cite | 
fe Toke Leetited. Amur Uhr Pron & 
COM en ianiek ay ice era 
fy ot tan fry book, 
freshen ee 

peteack * D ereemeadecegn Canmectengs 

a On rs 

a nee 


Glndak - Carmben ds, , 

Ther Tugs. ‘Aua. 12, 1918 

Che dct bpsg Cum anki é 
~y anh teming WEG WY. 
Sewn 04 TR Crmntrlene Went VOid%, > 
Masta lig Poem» 
Hari fev FAG fast rel Srnhenm 

ti mewy Hn. Fiielgy, Con, Oban babe 

ae trek Sefton Soe re GR WO 

: |] aired i Abn grtiok . Fmcbory, One 

hth nl tm Trek Re loo hk 

Ads Saks 

Brum Gn» koersh a Lb, re 


Ther WED. Aua. 138, 19138 

orn fot pranrn wn C, Sk | 
bee Wash Cn Dn Gardin Gfoa ohthal | 
do fas Henn fliers biases G@ hn 
As barn Like 2) ke, 
alee a & id. 1) ea A. mn eka med ered sh: 4 
woe de, 2 otuns , QA Taslatent, & 
Wotan, Harseln , % Durr breads, 4 
Jost frntr , 2 Pbastin, A fey, dor 
9 elle ak ee eae 
Sari Ramee kt. ne Semon Vo Sap 
Prtwche oom va hort or aaa Shs cide 

a Scruk Act he an An dang, 

y/ c 


C. tanh Co Mrmertasgi” ty dan | 
tomy Ww as hash a Smad by *y Folle, 

+ brid, (Boos, Coren, Barmbidgn 

THurs. Aue. 14, 1918 _Wea Ther , Fri. AuG. 15, 1913 Wea 
Uphand Flava. Ti Kn, Al Alton i hea fu ¥ 


bas Y Cort et bays & town 
tems wa fad. ty Guan be Darlin . 
inlAdinsts y Lagi” Fiamnts Gone, 

ty (aeglan a 10 at, Heal oa 

beoes takk tod SOT One ES TERY EY 
heailas Wotfetwrs. Peak 14.39 
Tras & Codinaty Vetiarn fovea, Jom. 
fete tut ne at Slalen ¥ Aye nn 
1 fT Cotes at tohinan fy hal Aun . 5 ighane gird mp DO Omtty owe, 
F Sgr apn a Jam Ae Oo Migs aoe  Goiliontnn lig Res Kander, 
J Slap Netna trea Aa stitial On Te Ne ae Mee ene 
mee bay see the! tric sheoelint ty 





+ Hears ff 

gi he a Obey 

 & ME, dehero 
ete ata? FORT aie PRES 
ey Pens deas 8 | Po cy peo y 

Cae, yew Nfete 

Barnbrily « Berdlon - Cobak | Cate 

Ther , SAT. AuG. 16, 19138 - ,Wea Ther Sun. Auc. 17, 19138 Wea 
< rr 

at "SW Chear VY bem, ton, fartty 


hey ey 

a ei i omy & Uhvtinins | S per Ades we vy CA, abe ‘ila 
Z24.h GG Aim ry a t > Cotes thers beturmed fier PA acnd broiyey] 
7 aa wwe a (ovbaers. ay Mei - Pe oa Hh — t sith a nA, 

z f 

her Pek, ’ bofrr, Se 

Y 7 Aaetdnn Se Wrord = fas. We 

ry pK hin 

VDA v6 hap 

Ther Mon. Aua. 18, 1913 

a aS Chyeudy beet. 
GIA Sictist Virrrn TO 
TA, oa eS hoe me tp War : 
dusting An chen Antipas, Many SW -tp- ck. 
Hows. Plan » Finin Wan, dorsgurg feng Ye \ 
Aati'gh AL fatty nn ae Per Cote ole fetey tommclan 

at: al, Tistn He polar Saks. 

nf. ~*~ fe Agen Srainr, 
pratt mA Way fr 2.4 Cauca? 
ttm J Jans On mr hnaln fay, veh ane 

~ s pauls foes Pls ie Av Bonn, 
Lcphiies ‘ a Cz < 

Pranaen Soot 4 

Abra Y Vv twos tes Eh wragi, bowed loads 
— . = y) 

Vhramduct 9 prtch fur bo Sag fend, a 

in S prin 


bom mere An = 

Ther Tues. Aue. 19,. 1993 

Ver. Corel lear 

but hare 
gh Ye. We rane ; : 
Jyauat G bar Tm Orthoyn 
leant ar 10.80. Hod Ahesrny 

Stats Te trot, Ar, ae 
I TRE ALF Y deme 
furrmardt Y Roe i [bm tabs ovina D tro 
repre tv iat a pneaveill H han 

Tine Qe ow he: Una, Garg. 
¥ od JOALAL 


CWm vee 

Ze. trang low OP ay Ss 

firs s 

cul, | 
: Lang *~ 
old_4s J itenrs ~ has d Lerner 
a . 
bowen wa On, 
rehons 5 
VWeuy Ben 

hems ery a4 
were Wa On tere 

on) ee aban,” + 4 ~al 

UW, firenllow V Lee haw: 

Aug. 20,1913 | Wea 


Ther TuHurs. AUG. 

Ther WED. 

oss es 
Wiantl Cheon. trth Shy Z 
1 ae, aw & 
disor . 
oR Ane Aarnyhtyn. Bates , 


= ery {oe een il |e Tam 
Lean “nr Ren > ~ 
5 TA prem (Maoh fron.) 

5 10 6.4. Aon. 
ve eed SA eyes LO Lwelith, Boke nu. Moder , /2 : 
totality be, Dee Chk Liam . clanam oreul Looks 
Chis ety! uh Lelbnn . 3 Kong ost j AM Ht Sadeet tng. Shee, buna, 
Hin, Per dny. | rand Lar Boy heed Lhe, bo ban ten ow 
hes Proeih . : arpblnn Osx fervesh Ot qm 
4 — dercren tot nie Lb~ran. We Cwatt me. 
Wu len, 0, SOR ¥ Wide, Fas feat nd fh Thad deified oy berks 
iadiains ia a nO ben Daal, Ahn ten 

Be Drone sata Mls 

4 ‘ 
A Lo tes ~y ait Oke 

Hs... q ¢ 5, 



Watton arr Crrria, tort Kenn hen 
AL ¥ Am dng 7 
= HA g phan 

Moan Semetinn , a S ¥ 
ay On Conny Hert by inn bury 
c a 
tere Auan pom Oy Shwe 1 few Chan, 
Joo tt Qua bras (a ‘pe, ats had) 9 

Be a Ahan Yo« weston Fas bran 
= T~ gQ ~ 
Us J Law A- KO mA 

z ~~, “tp. 4 ae 

Ther Fri. Aue. 22, 1913 p: - Ther Sam. AuG. 23, 1943 Wea 


met y 4+. O 

Lh aa yy tomime Knrh 64 ~y S Ww 
caps eimmen sac ee ome cL, Waren vorlk. Wry S. He sord| 
oom Pen tr £40 Tro a eal ‘y J pr =. le one Len. 
¢ Pron era =< Lesa ern =f oS a ta” ; As ee 
O pr net a L t 2 hry ry, A . a c 
Sy eP bas Canilnny We hechis ston Lurk and OF dum, 
are bany bath. nd, Jaw A %& berm Keten V < Show wm Nek | Swf Ssen Powe 

Bitinnn fey ary omer marek ¥ « Arryrchon ee wt “4 ah Missle as 4%, 

fre PY ee SHaw had he fez mig ¥ Sey v gto 2 Wi «foreemsl «FE ais ur Ayre Sire fay 

an oC 4, twat Me Slevin Kamien . rs Law 4 paca pee fpteayary ibe ha 
Oui ney Tictan found stem yn tnobrny lms Ale. at asl my tract ad Aayhfen, 
Sere, * Le Lou 4, A. AL nes wy | ee * 

Ou. Ariathen ¥ by linn do Low, — 

sie lana WY ‘oo Mg en Teoh Vir ins 


we, Vamy aha 2 New Ames 


By geo hanry i oe mrad Tdtin i:  aicdeties bento 
nS ton, Oh Corny | t,. wk ES 

Ther SUN, AUGi24, 51913 



Cheer F Lepr LAURA Oya ~ Garmin 

AL i DQ 

6. 39 {* 

A a 9 . oa 
Vanny & Whe aA a AIG, on Om 

* . 2 . s 

Gat Ut Paty on Tudduscmnn a 

Ther Mon. AuG. 25,. 1913 Wea 

bleak ritorel torte frre 0 Wi tered, 

Lougt An Slavs’ cut GF, 1g- Gh. wy 



‘ ; 
We mal brogen Outh had a, 
See : ~ ~~ 4 z 
dtlfrwn "ala Asie Malin , 

3 e 
resn Qu rns foo rub Ara, Any 

o Ons ory Dk bsdrmia han, Comm 
s reacts oy Sh 
forcerutin Chunedwe pot A Seale Wien 
BF, ke ES de 
be (taped Un Lrrvala, agar J om, Pug 
b 5 “ae = 
Chet. ¥ Aa SF frrenrgeh - (oration 

Y od » 
é . 

ries \ dad 

Selhpnh terbn Poet hen ah Savth 
7 se = ae 
looms “. ¥ Arve “J beeen, 
Thane fu oa J ay ftrrth, Lal, re vow Be 
OGRE or eS re 
hutwk Mop Sah Yonik Ww erm Panny 
< n (7 4, , 
Bin. Mmren wy! fA Od rthorcd. Aan 

ee ae P 
Utememen & sth, O° retry “SY: Lean 

a Shon trhnry  v LM cotln, Gardin z 
f Lee), Page ch an 4 f AL . Rad * Coy” 
{ 26: Bion CGS Liiins dink, bom Larcomy 

an Setilnn ..rony ae = 

Gan Be aon - Corcesreh_, borvcordA 

Ther Tuns. AuG. 26, 1913 Wea ee Se he 27, 1913 
Jinn Guha Colon. & is At 

Ghar Ve ep Aan rave fab cast Foxtl, bes, Carpsty Cla. io | 
Wrabaty oe a aaa ae XG wy Uimndhen Ohare sca fon 
(On. 9 in Hed Veaccicd: Be rn rw Selig Cokie 

Pans brant. Uy mre Ur, 
Arey oh} boda ehy a 
derron, Oss MA Lonny, hE 
SaTiex Ears ea frtoly frowns 
Gril a fo a, qiooeng Gem 
Wer orn Sern § Oy Col 
Sooo aa ery Ahn Gm lr, 
Spek PIER tom Ji prareluny 

eee G Gea wn ory 
tele Breck Aim 
eu le frarete ia 25 Cbbars 
eae hetnnd ox 2.0 € oy eCGeh- 
Guanebm— ge Wve 4 Panage-d.. Baye 

t bn ee? betas 0 

lav! Bf fama 
bei Fakes . tx = Bk. df 

Borer ~Canshradan Me eles b ; 

Ther THuRS. AUG, 28, 1913 Wea | ‘Ther Has: ose woes 1986 = 
AAA. mek rk ) | 

Enfeculion Coma. 
ee Os a j ene 
Yate Ua Walirma Wet, Belin 

| § Gy Gn Cotereanhs ak § Oud. ¥ 
ge "hes \ fora G a shan 
pf fcnrs Settes fun form frvn 
| Gt ine eth knot de Sterende, 
Sgn Sreeemeg spun 
Decinn 08 bs sy TO tae 
i alk ta eth, tr Be, lw. 
ya Eyertin Com BF-8, 
po, V pp Auth vice eo 
Leo Schaal tat og. AA Tate, 
| Les net Zaoy, On dis AS 0, ro 
A bok cand Sten efit, oppewnasR Aesthes | 


D uth 

Sat. AuG, 30, 1913 

Ther ) 
anaw v CL Chan 

eee ogy Bate tee 
unth Jenn Pteban whe tart 
grea free te Le Hroprlat. tohoan 
Loe 2 Gtr ythanns | 
lo a, TT orn bxxtuns Low Son 
Fae cores t io, Petes Pugs es Cea, 3B | 
Shit Ab os x Cla prrtonrks 
Spank ferirmrn > fiortin 

Ef belirw ¥ bad. datlan " 

“sabia § 

C} cred 
SUN. AUG. 8t, 19138 

Ther Wea 

Fb atic 
Ae srihen Sis. de eteterine [brite Esha, 
Zeant en 
Thad - doh Vins + In dar ga bak 
danny ~p hebteny aut, 
Nash, Ct rtherd 



aud (KA. 

Coty Lares Pits al ID Au, bortan 

Jb San) Gr b Gi eis ka ert: 2 
Geen Tey, brates Gamtbnn Ale, 
(Slacke WY ULAR, 
Vo a, Cheohrert - ida Haku, 
Gtr TW isarhanag. 9 Somy Sfasreasts 
aow et pee OF ne Chfppr, 

wr Gar CAn, | 

Crasfirn.y oo Rehab | 

boned. | Eouemd, 
Mon. Sept. 1, 1913 Wea \ Ther TUES. SEPT. 2, 1913 Wea 
Fem EBS ingisenes. mgt “Pea 
EON eRe hgh Si wnt} 
Plintanthy Ck ch reson T tse, | 
} J ured Awarttrd OL) Om fer bey 


i op Spann 1 & Fone hin 
Pa GY Ga ober GH fle~ 

Ther WED. SEPT. 3, 1913 Wea Ther, THURS. Sepp. 4, 1913 Wea 
Ths r Bey Gad “trong, pole  diithn Deed, 
Clary bel Ureth Som, 8. Clotaby tet fusin tary at” 
bein, Ber Ary y heer rot (bonigely, Meck Cots fram A 8. 
j om = Giaity oy - Se. Ak Ever So 
we Kor Wontiia wo bop aban lorena 

fete en 

Aico joeee 

Wee adn ey me 
trie ¥ tes Sara Fe 

Ther Fri. Sepr. 5, 1913 e % Ther Sav, Sepr. 6, 1913 Wea 


Me 2 8 Dew of Bote Fk A one 

LO YY Cowl Piers Ayia 8 psbesssl 
A Spr Avy Bh 20S Bhi hb Loh 
4 Zp» Sow isnry aarksy Stork 


IS, Weed nn Cents Jd crear tir 

OS Marte fate op Gal? dibrrm « 
f faethe ak VW @~ adh o Voom 

dy sige Enqrtshe thy Semnyeisroiy, 


1913 Wea | 

SUN. SEPT. 7, 

A i re 
oe os ‘ afar pelt 


{ Cody TUK wicked Gar HMM, AC | 

ss Lett) ne <j 

ee a a oe ow | 
bay baw RC Th. Thain heh Bay | 
S| Feagk, ee tebenh airy daliiniekadiaas, .\| 
: bak S 

Kear’ Om eee pos oy, 

Ci 4, we Pari, Maddern 

Phisrcty YShade Youu doy. Gendae 

ag” Oa fg A eoxrtyrursl , 
E Of Geeefa x he 

4 Gi tend, | 
q Q f, Sn 


ie Pe. Pictensct lo bexyporra hrm | 

: Msn. & & ta hoyh { 
3 Rurkeonk Pa) 4 
& treie see af ee 7 | 

rt fem “a 
Corfhads, 5 Ee Sy | 


Mon. SEPT. 8, 1913 Wea 

bog ti: doanky Fon. bestow Ch biclig | 
ge Oak for a Cased harm clan thaw, 

ey eee 
Woe Oy ng dang ew hen hy 4 On 
eeterts Gen, 

LE ran Aenich q brRcta? hice 
Wea pans) SAS OV Prive: hag hated 
Ts A eT a 
bow & andre SON A paw 

ancl sie Tang hei de fesdeny dont 


3 ramet” hg frets 



Fastin a balan a 

| a Srey pp bu . diucca at 
St brad horde fier i 

RE a5 
Turns. SEPT. 9, 1913 
JARO Ves Vroakhts . 

Clear Ct tor ty hag BW. 

Nee mH bAdy abhor, Ot 

Ther Wea, 



N Qhinw4 , WER OOO CO 

eel atts as mory ® 


rasa 420 beac Ly.) Donen uan Ushah 
f= iene Prrrreseling tn 

bf fen frosts hss ching Crain y aes 
Ahn fa bicerd heen pretty Yen @ 

Shh } tender Aa: Sa ia 
fx Crnbety haa, A AM caterer 
Coxe top fe ed De 

Pripeierl-dhegs beet lan, 
bewid., Vreset cn lows lite belt, | 
GetGark histisisk We Gi Grmak | 
tate J Tom &, 6 Cronrinnfer Berolan 
Yipee past Bd ey SeOrh, 
techie VY hewn ee | 
ow dan, Cl eAbern Gn Ax apes & | 
CEES Le ee ParahanIr Lohan 

Cari dannercash {~ bevthong Gh hos 
re Ay Lardy) 

Ther Web. Sept. 10, 19138 

borer (Porn) 

THURS. SEPT. 11, 1913 

- Ther 

4 m) 

, tmethinly Mak 1. Genet: t bndh, 

| = Sete fom Boks og Than Y on 

Po Monee Warten, Most 9 lin 297 

in So eUhonns bran mre breaking 
en A eri, a, hn 

. Cu Greta Sed 
= Sd Dyk « 
) vtna Zex 
ey eg = 

6 erred (Trormny 

Ther Fri: SEPTY £2, 1913 

eo Semath, (Orth oon Bidng Catlin, Oa | 

Goresrel- Dyesttrn-= Ca br Ag, 


Sat. Sepr-13, a 

Becctti,, Cetth, Coidittron. «Sabla: 
Li J Teme pren Cael rn Th may 
pepe Sipe dete Eon 
on Sd, ar A, Grr OA 
f v lakiiy GO 6.06 Kom & Bray 
I, toh “bor Sd Peet 


S Fork S7Seabr Corn, iu, 
pi Gre 4 for @ SR He G 

deere tasils sie: 

Cape tas dane chu. xf 
Ns ah teak (Ge 

25 3 
Gh Yo deemerbisbr arvond 

an sae — 
terda Go Queer ne SS nis oly. 
16 Pa Re Ss. 

4h x, ALY Lr | 



Ther Sun. Serr. 14,1913 Wea 

L hor Tr sot tpt fant Me Hs touts | 
Cina TIE 

ff" [0 rernohoa « . 
temeenth, Arery Gebeeal Y Copy: phareolonndt 

may Xx Orr, Cina he Lash OL Seem 

ri Gorresrd_ | Farn) a borer (Prarr/ 
— © os oms ose 15; p28 Z hang » Ther TUES. SEPT. 16, 1913 aS 
Det den. ; ‘ ; 
QB 6. ands, Paths dshin th nd. Hea foor fem ot sem 
eile bata hand ian ¢ Aaah RoThax, Herds Grids oben ee 
X fereke urhsa ¥ Cw Cinna, 

ory, HD Sew oth fend dt (dbo Gfrr 
Sgewrry vc on fork Cow a 
Re Prmndande Q frre trrntlordony 
grad dom Green, How Bin 
Cam fam dy Usb Wo hegdtany "1. 
S pK rene Ofna eh Zyp, 
Y ten tha torn Ue, a tok 
oi Neen al cated doer, Gc Nale | 
Ware Targa Ram, for, of Serr, 

6 ovvemral [Frans / | Beortceat Lh (Jari / 
WED. Sept. 17, 1913, Wea | Ther THURS. SEPT. 18, 1913 Wea 

Oa Pe rere ee ee 

feboralr puma © a, 2. DAM, Senet 

fe P 
bina, On MASE SO a: 

Foxe | 
Sew tudans Pa \ bot | 

ul Citra « (farw/) 
Ther Fri. Supr, 19, 1913. Wea | ‘Ther, Sart. Supp. oo 913 .,_W 
Coif Isang Wyaodan Slory 

—_ Clam by» both Cag hs h.&, 
bowtedt °F a fom hristrls 3) ee 
ree Canidahasth an AOFM frr Geog 

Ge nr dypeshd rr “i frth, 30 Wastes 
Z clots Chere feman “Feho ~ Faw, Hey 

4h se aa ee ee om, ate, if tae hd ae CLrrxyW 
ia Jers GQ Merk zs Lr = mee Chute 2 
Fe Qs: pmsl Orvetlana_ Wotan lhe 



ores —_ be A ; 
{ piilors i Tan ayn mad bea Brivdes Paix Case wa 0 A Gr 
a b-phot ny ftom ho. Hyarthry , 3 pow. Pivot, 
heen tr 600. nr [HY an aR « Beasts fod pCoja In — 

4 Fis Cask nanud J Sait iS 

Jy pack ALS Qa btn hist. a 
SUN. Supr. 21, 1913 Tee ; nef -PMon. Sepr 22, 1918 , Wea 

SR Fa 

foXK , | TERT A Aa SS aed 20K Cos eee 

3 10 62 Meter Amity, % Rtasie Tih. bres, forse jut bras kony co brmreboy fe 

wy TY Z, Charla o.dowy aun » ef pater bre, Y fo 

CGoncrrk - Car brx can | 
Ther TuES. SEPT. 23,1913 

THURS. SEPT. 25, 1913 Wea | 
\ Hosholly Workbur. Yiu [ 

Chertolhse , Coton, Uy SUSAR. 208s 

Ther FRI. SEPT. 26, 1913 Wea 

o7 oe 

! pian a trac (bert Rearing | trittee Tey 5. 
Secrecras Blin, Corrale 9 olivicg OA trem | rd. dha poermeeat dey for tral wrar, 
Aya flood South ber Tre gp eile Bak da “Heemntiquy bX stl T heads 
Cwrckincasts Con G - “hen BX ny ton, To bate COtat, Recorns ternan dag 

Acasa ry saa wip ae SAA) yates, 21 ditee hy TYbeste - Uy en creed 
pettace ee Qheux Uy Tenn Ww 

ren gr fin ee A Mente, ha 


Bah ek I Aavo 

has | 

Dov: feltwela, dupa. ide Wh Cae, | 
Se a Mm atlhe, Aan Merwe. We, 
Bn acluat Pony Fring Cetin Arany 
Gans 7 bang hen Ch~ Waser Pd eranflirer tty J 
ey On ttn Gfoviad D. ee type. Saf rerabion Chartrny 

fetaasessir ( Mast TALS pear a) cet Rete He Gn bebend Bern tf Coe 
Henne rien A RTamg A Lona file 6 honk 

Su at as Erste hen 

bemrtc on Gan, Bre th. alicftd G Lyte 
eitial afk sual rare oh ae 

ae. Qerar Grpm9Q 1075 a¢ 
~ ay" UN. SEPT, 28, 1913 Wea . 
) Ther SUN. SE g 

hua Arey oe a Pe f 
f Belle mnihy Clagr ¥ perat Ceornfod By 
do wrens Tay faefinicin BeoAd 
g WU. wal - / 
[f Aactaen eatny 9 th Aaah, Sot 
Capote w tay abe ok a heir 6x 
Se faa I sone Shaahaty ma barf fob, 
Jamanny tidal a note. (¢ netie ) Gabe 91s th A meres beatin 
Se, a Fa, ADEN 3 on Chr fons etdly 1 ao 
Thedands W Genet whey J cotmy NM Ledinny lee, GQ foes Sacer Coben we 
Comoth T Sen Aas rota 2 “He dy 
Ayre 4 bu, 
7. Jo. 

“4 thw, 

- to. & a. Qa, ow 
pipe ais sea sties ee 
wo bsrta dk | 

oreo eh — Garnbrrils, , 

Ther Mon. SEPT. 29, 1918 Wea 


Chet Leen stool bona Sm 
Pe Ee, OS ee tye hy 

Covcemrd 2 F GAL UW ome 

Car, V aren Cy Cambrn dys tol, 
Th Haters tan Uaioe , brn 

EM OT Dsasin : tn 

Sots ame ‘ 
Yom. B fanny Cla xen ath usm 

Fete om Rhy? oe: FLO VFA 
Color GL R.S, | Ton: redrrmnal 


Gowerwmd (farnn 

Ther TUES. SEPT. 30, 1918 Wea 

Const, torte Cant & tornd , Ox be, 
Chemtnny ne ky. pe bypr Sew. 
pet Grids egeyr Mthtr thal | 
» eet mt yous Bang Compre Gamny emai | 
Ai Seeman » Ga 7a. cr, bass 4s, a 
Pteadttmnda {ty n baa S— Fil Souk, | 
Peay Cates Men Vee ita S Sewn, l an i 
The, Ops v4 en Neng Az SR, 
an g — 
a jer 6 Sopassion wm Au OfMn Oar 

GO wrecked: (army 

Web. Oct. 
MWh hig Cewn 

Qrekanh ¥ natty 



latins ah. 
tho: - Waste , 


Ther THURS. Oct. { 

» fem Gas gai XH Lear || 

Arr his thio UA. iy 
- eR ze fairly HEEL RS 

ted tess Y Vw deny Can Lae He & 
ethan frteers lo fiapinrr, UR, Geant 
afm= Gente," orencposnay Saco) 
hiawrancae Poy: Cet AAR peek quk 
a apr “in| ate Fone LI 
Caen Sawn, Bf) ~ ni 

Aibidods ol (Farn) | Bower A Fran] 


Ther Prt. Ocr3, 1918 Wea L Ther ie OcTS 4; 1918 



t ws car ae 
Cole fp Ad Hatdens Bodie 
dorrenceey + Gaokr, ¥ Seeln J dea” 
AB Chetan t Mth occ sty Carma 
chin. Us simovamanan V Shark on 
fee He fonse tasrthony Enaravrce 
bu ont Tp. oth. blaclela Cram hla 


b omteerd | Liana § Borla C4) 6 anew dt_ Fare/ 

Sun. Oc, 19138 Wea Ther Mon. Oct. 6, 1918 
S howto J~ 
= Glow oy ¥ Cee beth Cghi eontinky 

Lr Y far here fotny eS 


Che ppris \ peers 

mA remit hme on fete Fo grape Oran To 
Mretcad G Iorn Darina Gr 9 Ge — Lavber on rat D bray. Merl bomen 
Lip BR G Bek Yin Cus ho cannste cosy Ran, F pais Sppeatoe| 
dS ager Vahey ewig TARA ffl. Gan. 

Lien pradeedity Bn Spon , fy wy food hr, 
Ly ae 4 0.1, ok Ext Go Otrtoade 

vk mien D ohre So bay rah, 
dn, h, berth & hen, 

Prornord (Fares) 
Tuns. Oct: 7, 1918 au Bgmer Web. Oct. 8, 1913 a 
| a steal dei) ao 
Chere og my Vero Ane ee oe proses, maG (ba Ha tan) 
ce bran Be tar, Ro Lan, = 

aaunined A Pie seines Dcod Coben oA dey, 

Gvctenates Clap fas, 

yy eS Vy we lak onl 
Ye a ofre Onn rye ro ae 
ina T Car ote, Beste Frio 


Tuurs. Oct. 9, 1913 
'  blermphod 

Gorcetel . Barn bao - Boiled) 
Ther Fri. Oct. 10, 1913 Wea 


Clondy , Prigey ey, Leo Cahn. 
San pr aA. Anoh 3 baw ain ehty tetas 
1 Shand Gung 0) drmgphrn ten MA | 
afcaramn Lo dey hey bmn (party bln | 
pees, Satta iy EAs ste 
Spool dey Hx Carmen dy Boeatrrn, | 
| G her rrvteted te TK Grrrad ot 56.1 

Ther Sun. Ocr. 12, 1913 ea 

amt eu Cok raphe ¥ Maygh | 

Gorcst el re, Lean : Bower 
SAn Ocrr lh; 1013 

Josh fare , OA hnint wy 
? te GRO BA Sth, Chorin boos 

Vang fair Gran tx abaeas eters AUPE Semsiohe 

Mitan Warmers, Jureer > LMory Arnedes j 

sits | Te Bal Mer bea fr Per 
Der bmrtane teorkrd | Gai ren Weld Metts | 

fb} Bom .¢ Hers Cte 2h, SV Anodarchnnriee :| 

+ fei. Tanned mayer) han tony | 
Ose hme 0] Aptos Gamal OU 

PrteaoniZie at Oe We Rather Gntrn 

B CIR OD tein Hee Hin | 

Ther Mon. Oct. 13, 1913 Wea | ‘Ther ‘UES. Oct, 14 1913 Wea * 
JS 4 7 Ly ear (3 B bucikes Re utes 


(0 lear ¥ liraree alee Lghx blernwoly SeeE ba gb Vv cor hela, 
bes een 46 = ot Ne eerlinatiny Matte feted that g 

ois Wh Fen, p ALeermppamscd for fens 6 oF ! 
eat oF Peis: Sejeadors (S04) w | alin ay Sawn aud Sow, Optearh 
Sea Picker of FAM. Hrr)ethy - y / lech, Shao 
U frthepe Th keeps fheasis Piet | 
ALG fii: Aha. Plate ata. — 42a : 
taeda, AS = Kote 8 | Ble neof 
ily omc bn ere Bier es ‘dct cid i Gan bas 
| Hespeey one te Bate hnen tame dened Os °F 

Becdiben cis go lana” bod [ 
ns 5 tf toa os ee "falas. eae Lea 5 peas 
Y, Ons Neary < xe tis Dani tatdery | Tix Cakindeoe eens, a Gott Phswarers 2 

QM hA div ea flon r Pid acing Min 
wSFS trctradens Heo. LM AAA hfe: ti ia 
Spa forse poetenty } . f ¥3 
| Anew 7 Leed, cg ep Ga 
bac fonsg nee xi Juats leo, X-w Ty i fob its Soha 
rele Cont rel Thi _| Fes coud Maen 
“ Te that ae mA 
ch eine p® & ietiig Ge Laeay | 

brietex dike (far) 3 Bovertd Aina y ArT Het.) ‘ 
Ther Web. Oct. 15, eae le: (20° Ther THURS. Oct. 16, 1913 _,_ Wea 

riled rane sea me 
iret . CL any Cle detail ; ae 

Chathens , | axe Ft —— i 
wprmmrds » Sa ue dich-isnt 

Gettrd tomrnpa Y 4 ttt Mabe Wantin, 

nie Te pee J a 

EA ne 
biwry WP teedthd G vatmend Bot 
badsidea Q.. 2h, Ester foo Cw. 

B orvrcesee [Tarm/ 

Ther Fri. Oct. 17, 1913 



Petia Gholi tener: Cleindey ton 
Afar neers deem Dern Cry 
irs Che cl bis Syacailsa Lewrm, Ant 
faith geses be ay Rui Tied 
pxtane Lp , for Serpe terrlin om» 
: | Pa ey, ew ba en Ham of & 
Geek poor. Hom 19 tyenetinl 
ofan ty Westen & fro fee. dn hy 
Z eiciss) bs Meets jeter tefier 
ahdandn. “eniraly Aon enn Fh ln 18" 

Coin fonda | a Ruy Come Ky piik | 

@ Cher Oh finrrte benas 
SL Hebe ~ iat , & for Feabreng Ye 

bB orest a4 oarncosbn,. 

SAT: Ocr. 18} 1918 
HW. Nexrghorg As) A 

hen, - | 

be fares Pasbvws 7 Ya timer derofy 6 Choelee-tsg 
Ta geek tomy (wes tran fleleng 
Bebbey Pe eS ha btne, ett Ce 
gic GREET (Gerry Phan ttern AAdrigh 
ou a Prsern( bX ten “Tee ie J srs 
Pesci on) wih serene shadem ing 
SC Ee GG dha SO tcc bella 
holed Go Lj oreesn bshinn tow 
fermd mn fon On Ga has. Lesth, 

Cur oS, Speen: Mbely Ll 

yo) te potty : A prsinefark Cette Chaar. 

ie ah 
tia Gevschy Ses aw 

BAN i = Sr voy neon 

AAD ~ 

G preees f (Farmy 
Sun. Oct. 19, 1913 ‘ Ther Mon. Ocr. 20, 1918 _ Wea 
sg Conder Chepny ae Sees 
He miry Sau dletin, beguniucy Conky 
Cagic rg ht 7 Con Len iitng teerokatal, drwpe 
Te how, Worth. 5.6. SW ep hiemen 
| tithe OO beg Te take, Pla Ge 

| GR Leen Chrarnny tp. ae bake 
| Fear * Oe fr bce sa 
Tx ote bon L. Copan anaes, SPAN 
Cain, Aes Lo Otiner Leth baa ak 

a Am sarts OS ie ce te, Geb ei 
teu Cole» Pmahih Sp Aime dy teeth: 
4S ows a fern Gand Be 

eae anG a. &. Ser | 
tamer Wo... Har Lng TRonn tonne 29 

Bb ornenrh. (Yaren/ Gorend (army 

Ther Tugs. Oct. 21, 1913 7, Se. 

Ther Wane Oont2221918 p Wea_ 

Hire site Cake “eutke Leagues Ww Brsthante, Clirun>%ecs5d LeaZ2C &, ving 
Slated bednan twhotty Livers Chynh ~pbtaerdey A otds fort Core Fem, Worn 
atta Tran Orvemdrrmedhy Otten A Za \ Ces te al Bons Aci tn: 
Bode focal ag Le ae 
aA fir Ol Pew ak Chee aa Wve ENS, OL. A thewty ; yS Crs, ntact 
ee Blimey C1 thang hast, srhbaak ak On Taam Mary Pets - Wires 
¥ Soe G CArp paw oy or, Hotedy 
peletotl Ah Crroda % a dhe bet, 
Vaal, ean &, SNE Or. Charng, 

ot Reacts ha ; 5 
: terewchs tots o £a Meegsiie aaa Da 
|} & pracy Clann YY xn 

| bal Ln @ Iarmrvnd xy Lath Cara,- : 

Fhe en been Jerri Brey 
Tiveren fot ape semach 0 haan 
Un terbrathory formed bona Lae 
hors & Cony. NM Wreww A Caate. fom 

Ln nr Nofcla, 

apes le Fe Ogee GB brah, & 


porntor Ah ~ fhodtor Prabbrek thea 
The IURS. Oct. .23, 1913 Vee Ther FRI. Oct. 24, 1913 Wea 
as THI RS. OcT. 2 ; 1913 rg L nel g Wea 
Te Pt ee bphat Sxtrrnd.| Choral levthe Cote eadtat, hinds 
| (he ane tin Bs eve high a 
Oh Ehsan, Fexbrg, An gunk 

rim a co Delite. Lrrofeg 

celrrnrk hate Ihedn ainy heron bem | 
fen pny Gots The gaat a 

ls itty CCrsemn er dnd deat, 

' Botheniin a 

{ fasme teen. gestn day Ct 3 

y Bortorcd. Fiarny) th ore (Farin YS TAY Nag, 
a Ther Sat. OcT:) 25, 1918 Ther SUN. Oct. 26, 1913 

ye loam on Om ] 
4 Gan det MAL agi, ¥- as som, ] 
Lemrnrghhy bw trom fon aly dudrsl , 

en aldara wins brn facie | 

Le. chixdeon or gus, ig trary hot} 
Crathen Ishak ; oe, 2 ty Bite Slip Mimhg. “Chap 
5 ee Ad. ey re btwn G) 
PREY Fecymp mp Senacl Coat lows Prout TR Moths Md Len Trash 
| ig Grew Sor on prowl, ree own, IN bs Rake bray 
i sige i nes Sy AEN phen (RAMERAID. Be 
| 84 Chai oa ¥ al, — hikers VG Mew, Kime on On 

a bP SIGLATS Vitae (RAO) 
earners no brad eae beg Tekan 

v5 Oren 2a B inaietited (Tarn 7! 

Wu Stew wees her ar 8 Garrnedb. | 
Mher  , MON s/Ocr.527, 1918 Wea Ther TUES, Oct. 28, 1913 Wea 
3) Hacdhorunan STH at Hare, Tinga | @ Hi onan LE Agaaw Pour 

Det thy Chon aly contateipeadieched tc, © 

ble hear Crean legit tm lay 8 om by hen, 
© frewen (Go fr fory otf, Sram Glo Kh af o2k fom alan bvrde = 
poe, (arusny Sem, oti Wah orn go Len, hesade. Cape WM 

Spastic Sacer pis sowiocant Tatlin | falc, Abe pln. Aatielata 

ae 4 @. uw, bani fone Gol. Oma | Te ee OWS Dai hte ery ae) je 7 fy 

Pars : Prax dderese sen Remy nr = hanmtry « | wet baa Gee hi dew fercdoog Anan 
uw od: tre Letowks Cala U Ge Vi, te | Qo Onn Cesninptgs ek Cres Pbinens. 

F ated cL lo 3 ag, Llyn tro _| ab NARS isk oa) en ee ft 

Fy GGntteed Le Sp nancd bi rr 

eet: on, oe 380 Bc Lr ae eee Ww 
& Vi has pes SNE, EM We gg ECS Cf Vea Cok nay 

Cu} Tmt Pet SPORT gn Om 
tosratink on 1 oxges Saf And |, Athen frou: 

Heaney hea Crany * 9 Eta hibnrdr 
Ther ED. OcT.,29,:1918 _ Wea 
Vou tus v Nesteneley x a 
; herdtas , Lynn ol Lepiy Vv rig) boarm, 
iN cis. G dumbr ,@ iuoddecli 

ee a ads dary , 
fist 4 bn da abot Ge flaw > 
gy heey Ape ebay tpt 
x% Crrana Ann Mark beds fovany 
5 A Saheaned m ratha $i Ww. 

BH PGF tee Mts Arag pom Orolin 

fatrny Sac bong “ini ions 

Te pene 
OC oat OAL 


Cocalo Corrnkaralys » (oad tne. 


Ther Tuurs. Oct. 30, 1918 
Shavreny ak Sencnaien _ fama 4 Lary 
Sicany Lou Heng cael A.M bro 
bhnng en Finewn Gh 75” Ge bhand V- 
J rest @& Comibanab ga Urtan, J 
Massa: forme te Mager ¥ Youn. 

ref Ahrsed OX brwrng emp sfontonfmn 
Gphing ~~ oun Lerner. ied, 

Laat Sans Tinthe Goare mn Go Sa. 
as bd ERS CLK, I pretation 


grep - Wr 
dead dfn Gahnahnd © fonek, Lis § 
fares te Geasdan GO Meare | Zan rates, 

- e fa > a Set 
Clheca¥zpd—s % SLon) Lanerpe 1Z 6 teen dO any 
% x eT ae 

Raine < bby iad hens Corceced.. { fewest & ( Tati nt L nits ik 

Ther Fri. Oct. 31, 1913 Wea { Ther Sat. Nov. 1 1918 “Wee 
; Downs bE 246 eee 

Fitn grr Cot oF ton fm fats bonne 5 Grew firm fora ot de utn. 
Tan Anti, | S pet” foremnns is eer ee 

S penx Cag ks pe, es bits BineBeaee oat istuan (Gvaterk , Left , Garay 1 certarn 
QT os COR, weil Cnexeionn 7, Fok | beens Contemp Curchia hah Ovrabylprd 
Gripen Th So, Mot CC. wn 
Sewn SO ere Bs yi ee 4n 
Parte’ oF; 26 Cran 3S I ae OR 
bstra ler Cotah a, CLd: tel ot 

AS ° 


eae. Danm Comma 
ea cea eS S Roa, Stn Ae | 
‘dt Rus beamed pict Gu mselaeaed 


(oe Dae seer ee ne 

6 otuesreek PPhinden’ Tots tH. on. Lid. | | LAN (Farm / 

Ther | SuN. Nov. 2, 1918 Wea Ther Mon. Nov. 3, 1918 Wea 
Shake hos voy Hrontin eS | Pen.» 
Teed ~ Cosh (2) front, 

Choon (is A eae Lin thy bbs We eats “ Torte, Seth Cong s th 3 
0 es terreno 2 Aarne dy MOA \ Nias $ oS anh Cogn Pex an F485 ae 
re fr» Loramng here on” Ge thn tng Bond G Gunns | 
10.99 br lLsotouk Bamady ye J Sheer Himen” 5 dan, Frinns r 

¥ Anoemrd furry omy Dow Minh fettherin Oak 1 den Bory TAehmnan 

(Seam Maw y Cam ba Muldn Aon Urbans ABixplenne| Dap re Leonsign staan § 
des Ytrhon Cam, ay 1. 3y¥ trots Lobe rises Leh % Opes, Gy 

Perr ey Susp, Any by oy brn * Stameecpa on a tearm twadotny Merk 
Duk, A (aR bb bemey hophns NL alias ‘ if 

ear Ad otha sy | ne AO ors: a oe 

hen oy, J ftp a Tren vas 

Ther Tugs. Nov. 4, 1913 We: ED. Nov. 5, 1913 WwW 
er P e Baal Ther W N 5} a ee 
Af AAs arian AL a ow . | 

kaa! 2 sae see 
Ae, Chane Yi Cw Lstth Lagu ides 2 afstroty vn Stand Morte, | 
: S fest” CrAbjcr Ae fe decrsbXS np fe Silane t 
Burhans, Df, Kom rtdearn Along 
bar dananp nO Barn, Mecnt a& 

Oo Cane, Ga oe Heater, honbt 

oe “fs Pate; et. Sug. bop 

Sthre. Powers [7 4 

Ther _ THURS. Nov. 6, 1913 Wea 
“nen Fen Dr ntbralt + x dp ol., Vif. 

H tadd waion 2 


db pietspegatiet! Catv. egal ie 

os a, 

jp SfenS eet ay on Si nid Foutik 
peed * Rcwpn, tre OWery 
py jSeseae 7 Burtt CY Soon hamtory 
agdaae Te pte har tinne ton teesh. 

Ploltan, baanny brrsiay Osan. Grtalbaau’ 

cen mak UR. reencfintin hate 

fouosh pn Bran ob BLAM, 

boven A (fran) 

Ther Fri. Nov. 7, 1913 Wea 

Jy pres fl Ap hliindalaemendie Local , 
prod na Conky 
bgmehoe res Juss ay), lyr 

og an Ou tau pirhesetartech, Chand bud oe 

ol Lott dowthurts tsisedis. 
spies) | 
Oyehan Billede ns aa las igen 

ical Confers moderns a 
oun Shoe bh haan hereon 

Ware Kvery enntg bow alrmy Om ofpina 
ne Bhd. Gorn, rome: lawl, 3 Sls 
Ce Caveman Y Cho Frode Af 
a bso ee G —— | 
Thana taht oe bprnnte " © bres 

Cpl boo; hs Celok rx} Ted 
bor fcr Soy NAW Tones ig 

Defon COR Fac pee teeny Ge tuphn Y 

Set analy 
a Tolle ece 

Tea Ah creat 

5G basa Ghee ge) Joe 

fovemtr Pann) | Gorerrd (Tarn) ; 

Ther. SAT. Nov;8) 1913 Wea Ther Sun. Nov. 9, 19138 Wea 
Huddmudn LO agour Desh Rye 

fark gots y Corte 

ra as Sf. drs Bi rok Caviiek 
Ty Sherrer , Kw Orch ys Chen, 
Paka frergns , 3 Gocbelnn Chnale den 
a kh ramen ned ataa Ne eecbaninntedershsrn.. 
Pt Toes, Grom Ganprr rm | Sed. parler nee he 
Fanpy” Reet, Sera Chie tae Photo : 

: SS fore d” r tha 

» Cie i. pene vee peadent Qh ee 


asa Duc. k the 
SOM loge = 

Cpiceaial Paruy brvrtso bil Coser: K/-<4k, ii 
aga Wea Ther Tums. Nov. 11, 1918 Wea 
Ly , Bt ba By oer 

aay Armra On, 

Or On heen. fete 
t R | Pith te) Pedeaes; URN FS Y File é C Lom 
Hs eas a age | Ce ee | 
i penser & J Toy Sirmrns | Dade ins Se bined Ne Jookorny ~~ 
I Are, ee eee fos Chora © teen p Fak Ly Crvhots 

* Ar Lord s Anorak adn brimt cingg . Appr “em Ch, ORL ERS GA, , 

(lke, HOB obra for hd a | 

fou, Gn BOK stay OT RER ns 0 

(on dan Chard dos, nin Cex on 

: fas oe pio. Lor SJ. tose | 
Pee Oe COA Se ee ie 

1 wa 2 me ete Qj.+1he fowl tam wy 

faorws A oe Ce & Sao; 
orden, A fo ee) UH) y «4 

be Sary Sand for ehec 

6 ondeich Parnny 

Aa te Fur, q day 

. fiewtorte, Lemrrrn. Sefost howrin. 

Nel Maw bur ela : band @ Beta 
foros Accra ord & a Tex K. 
oy Fog Pa Fares pode 
| fewer tt, aby beast ope. 

Ag Thay Cure. fly ewcy taky from 
[eos 5 obres On &re @ 
Beemrmfiownd Han bugle 
rT Bubhurlk Pyle 

| peers " 
Wet pistsT Ary 

J Yur oles 



(io o-ecatil' > Cambri hgr 2 


THurs. Nov. 18, 1918 



Ler. hy 1 COtm , hth . 
3k Rebrina fey ony lees Lisp trek Ae FGM. | 

T Aberk Dyprmd Sernntn boyy oon JS. GA Hoon, 

Cr flew foment, ferent tosis anal, 
Sd. fe Pnrnern “ Y obet feme | 

a Stn Sd ralph Qa” 

Cos 7 
Comennd 1.13-/.5/ ferme Cmarch G Gordbrdin, 

Merwc ¥ 3 than -Anety, Fue fiom) 
ae te. Pee. ee a 
$l SoM ee Sef Cire y 

Fri. Nov. 14, 1913. Wea 

AL) uta, 
rth fesse Lert, ben 
prods ¥ CL A Whe ted | 
asd Perens Ph rmmshy , 7 ‘etoh Samorevo Y 
4 (obey bBibitie. 20: 
i ¥ é Regn ¥ Harton 
alloy frapar atin fox aig OE 
theta W- neenens, Seatn xy 
Kewl Aten heen, Yak 3 hems 
SR Tae Comper dlenr tev, OrMhoon, 
Coleg tba TF rete 

Aneta a Wotgbura n An clot Lien’ 

SAN ha 

att Driushef At Ci cccshs 0! Graton” 
Pixie Metheia, Go e Irenrebinrr rodhotiy 
. Pracctebres pon. Hee, % orm 
Gus 8 G8 tl Domne hte 
afiex hanes todaihpad Ar Causa Mid 
OS pa pel 
40 Codady! bd AT i pod hres 
Lt Sax 1 

Mtefrepemop 4 

A F 
Wm FOtdnry 

a bwthow Sin Seon as - 

c eae 

Babin day ~ tia, 
Ther Sat. Nov. 15, 1913 

Sity ociaty rate os <é 
to RoR by 8,59 lain fom (Beotnr, 
Agi mn fet al KIS nn Prerereneyflenster, 
eT | ~ Lagi Texrenh Deireae | 
re a a rae | 
Usa Fray thes Kb deen, Mae | 
Prelered a Fad | 
4 Ai: tan See settee 24 Etten ten 
Th, nar, Sith Hirmeten Gesrthrvn. Lact, | 
Dinanutho wide 4 tia 5 Ghee Me Galle Lorin, 
Winns iwlaals A020 fibarahasp {ts bnertheg 

v Herkih. Sore Ar asl Fad. MomAdoad 

Heouwk frrabnd se Lamy/brd cheno qoahda , 
pray foe 7 Ls Beek S gence 

Sensi fame Oh Chock tasks Hak hetane }, 

ae ee 

grin Seng 


yp Wea bo 


Ther Sun. Nov. 16, 1913 


Lex Slt OS LT aii tomer 

ere hen’ 

purine ay jt 40 

? hond dey 

veyron . oy oho 


Wieser Nan Aumete—l, Gog oo, thay 

ey oe Ld One theren 

/ : : 
Cairns AA Yorten a4 te Paes Anhaerrs , 

Eines gescnsa Hermrried, 

Vis fiaike neta Arakel Binet, soitiase baa 

mee il, 45, 


Lehin, tet Bi frrnmsnd , JT, 
| MEE Fl iaens Pm Fanthna 2: 
a diya Shake, Y sous a dian 
Sprceraned Y a fences, 
Crmse 2M Arameb in Bt. deers, One Tantin,, | 
She feriinisine: Cx DQ magn Samson Try 
ins Phir phty funny Many tmeneny Saces. | 
[eg 2628 Prenamos, eat teet tnt 
seat Fvctes. Y Amals niuctoneele dhowk, 

doy haart Coin 

Ee Sw Oe Oe Coren Ae bin, 9.9 nrste 

hu, hee rn. on Se ee 
a "P, - bent 

eS ear ee 

fs nA, Z 

Mon. Nov. 17, 1913 Wea 

ee theddibonds 1 Aeradinn Hy 

Lae fey Aa vtec fn tiberens 
ee a Ca al ey | 
DTP ORs ore OPTS A dot on re | 
Amico Sars rm afertt ates da oak 
Teafortls haan Cabling AF fiend vient 
bt nen 64m » Gusto-dara haya, akbe , 
Woattins Ca After bremterlos le 
peas Collen. Prgttin...sfoord prarahieina oie 
Cig bem Rees tstnran U gehTites hanory 
Lefont feekiks Mstengnnd Le Mahnane 
inet, Geli. fy, Dinchune, 
au bh ve Shani, ina ot Re. 
J ternk @ Shoute Yoes te Segal 
ao fs fr ret Hcy ¥ Beck tn 
A pearl and man. AL Gorn Ter 
a Aa fork, rn ke A Fare? CAEN LY cova un 
Orman} oe loerrnse Cathy toa 

fig Y jovi 


aa oY ON 

(3 chet. 
TuES. Nov. 18, 1913 

if é Ther 

ly 5°2? 

<a Clea, prcke, | don ALed6. 

Yhoe rr eeveae eee om 
li Crit Chex Ki haent ab 6 OM 



ae ae Yo ne Lams m7 
Sonya eta. Crnpla Vo Cornyn, Merah 
ogee 9) Cech] 0 0 om Bde. Saws 
% Tot BG nts beth, Setuun. Aish Taek 0 
ad : a ey Cees = Hea c i 
Oy, FO 3 in 
dab atoun. st ed thn Set 

A offeik. 

Ther WED. Nov. 19, 1913 


miestaly- Sy free etek Deron Si Reg Seat, 
a eee Sor ee paige. 
Sir Rape Se eee ee ee, 7 *) te 
Sct, fptbeiris tienle eg Ss 
Vea Lty at his” & Docha yd Bene, 
a Tn Hn. terende , 

lest hite, 

heeR Same ees 
Perak, oa lisbon vowed ¢ 

FRI, Noy. 21, 1918 


Ther TuHuRS. Nov. 20, 1918 Wea 

62° rox, Sire ghlh bouton “Ten 
Paes tere bh chy trihy retin 
P Preoree Cocbrwey  Yorrrng lle, oH rem 

Orn - Conte Aube Otenpetlann tnok Y Aaais 

ead bth <limwt b Uy Shouts J Hunt 


(o0dw Mgrs & Jaw RH Sottain, No htraan, a 
AG ya Tot Spek, J ont Homan | 
if uh TR Seuh fatten V Ahny ty 

Oy eTHk — Combrnity Ganhrdpy 

Ther Sar. Nov. 22, 1913 Wea Ther Sun. Nov, 23, — 

S rin bux harry, Dead Cole. Id 
Soupa- ie ee Crasn, oor 


re bn Hn EPO 
2 ee ‘ps Bein 
Grane feakda LUA. Green os we Jesh 
Cali. pihenp + hawran Grarganry - Mo Aon 
f fharens 2 eo tony telenn... Tiras any 
r See, the thy Chara, bn 
beradlit roth eee heats he brads 
| ban mn Jay ¥ 2 —, deat Ae 

ZR ote 

G Arhre ola, GDekcttl 

Mon, Noy. 24, 1913 Wea 

1 Pie, 
been 7m otro bg Git. Dest 
PPhatel, J tethin forth & fod o 
Jo arma (OO Gee To. 4 (| i Fa 
Ss ; wy Maat a ra) aoe frrthonl 
iM Hearn Ww, Ws iro Age gnelet Soeenrnd 7 

Be Food, Gtk Tex Denny vocbncbrny 
[Baton Come Lern ee a C4 toy 


6 orccen ch, 
Ther Tugs. Nov. 25, 1913 Wea 
Beccte mepr-cuarkel Speci nied atieslil 
@ meu. agai ah CNR, 
nhhu Yi shen To Tas Cheng 
ita fon x Coy a aie 
4 ise: Joenirvg farm hin ot TOM 

tend Me barbere Toph 9 tfang7 rest 
op feieeen Oo Tend Heh Sigh haan, 
2 Bhuctaorlics > 2 Gebdim Ones i 
fi teats) a. Aodeatidinctincn’ Td | tory vee ag 
fa dil er a Puc. Grmabaole, Ie (ashe 
Jind, pete tr Lewrtth ws. LAMhn , 
Jas 4 Tirabdortty (YF fmnc, brrreboh ) © 4 
(rex Fouuol f abe begllren ee Prank, 
3 Fartnidgis, 0 

Hear heavy daw % Cw 

6 rreed. Cauwh. Aga, 

Ther WED. Nov. 26, 1913 Wea 

= Cherm ely / Aflnnmanm Somny . 
| Wrorman wet Bit toil, trode % 
Pn Prrebrote tehily rene fant om 
Becta. Oar funn «Pita forbs 
a sa sas Sak Yeas OE Sor. 
Spas eo tan Pa 
fate te Sie hath finolerie BHM 

tosode Oxe 

aa ae 
fosarny ee OO a A OME Ae 
GMs jrurtete Hn Ty Crtgnd than 
Y Bans Scie aed bekg gen tee here 


Ther TuHuRS. Nqv. 27,1913 Wea 

Hh tach bdaaners any Yn 
Es Test tye on Mtoe ell, 
wry ir Tetorty Leh. | 
% Chathedss , a Hh. Kiba fares, |] 
a 14 Ya Finn My An You dann, 
am S p we C, ax /a.¥5> 
Que Denn teetled of tothe 4g! 
ate tg, So.ddn i dlosoan Ttllin, & 

Sf itdy (Beton). (betas 

We duh AT |.30 bth, rfountan 
Hr, Clamepemonms , dorrrdy Vr tha's fits, Gan, 
Wen Carden y Hon Alon, Tom Seng, 
; SL Mss Hetemen, Moor 



Ther Fri. Nov. 28, 1918 Wea Ther 

: . 

uh Sat. Nov. 29, 1913 : Miat 
vera ¥ drama broth — boedaly ; a 
Chit. Y cxeetiennl un 

QA Pun ya fhe 
ohn bre Halal uh ch a | 

Sores af braiGfnir 
inn in, Wwrha Aorta wills Jun 
a Wictlen. tele; fon. Gite Im Bt 
te than, Mn. i saiathi Sntonastild hyn 
deeeninan, Mrs, Me, Melon Jord 
es Basle. Phahiny © Gereie Ay ctli econ stile 

Uri & thal Cphliy shoe 1 ken 

ae a” Crain hans ae a 

S prot aan manne dor m) dg day 
eu fetta aa 



es (nM, i gos Vin : OMS 
= ~ Fos 

A Crid Cate, C, tomb obent Cats, 

Ther Sun. Nov. 30, 1918 ike 

! rumen C, herd {a o hic. 

ten Dh! Sees is daandy, Mame 
. cS es. YU 

» y Hine Attn Arvind, List ny ze 

Protx ¥ I bent S SUGBA on 

are WOO {* Bun bri om be abn 

y aufans Herntn Spomenty cflaticrs abd 

A pach da, 

Ther Mon. Dec. 1, 19138 Wea 

bien BoE dehomed nx ban hes dan. 
A sigh Cheetsdn ad Ode” 

Py. Hasarlohe ne , cae | 
1 ~ Ta omy bn heb 


S pax do, Pe a oenloory 

ow Goel Sista Trresika ow 


Ther TuES. Dkc. 2, 1918 hier 

Chane eb theilly , Calon. 8 free 

adgy * S, joeaghs Lstrnn A 
au Us, I lieth Dash oA 
Gaines. ruts, bland. oO heb Chea, ako 

| ii. pode g Poanchihe, an 
i a Gn dict, oy, ¢ 

ee ? 
| fo Chntnelns, a 8 Bhat Vif dno 
| Wovelpooon ¥ a fan dba Bin. Fes 

Neer 9 Wax Dorriny borne logan 




Ther _ WED. DEc. 3, 1913 
Vote Cup, RK Wa ent Cabesod 

Chad, Toke diaettie fags fe. aise 
A totter, Cha shadu ¥ a yLn) 
thom Shomem AVA Oy, Sonitih: 



tar, hind (1908) drerenben . AX on 
Tee ria Clanhly ¥ 4 ted gin 
Qe 2,15 Fa. C,, bun. Son vg. 
Hacks fe a ma uh 

OMY <n od Vir tien Hp tnaencph 
Wosrob Lbapiaaine TR 1 tprenom Abeta 0 
Qarcy tx Proprta end  hente ie, 

Ther THuRS. DeEc. 4, 19138 yori 

Calan, mild, 


la fycy oe i 

a awh, 12. Chiatiades InoTary See” 

pe COLL ef OL vn Cirients Trrayn Sry, 

Cay Teppecy Bt oformsteoie ttm by Aaron : 
Shen Corpus trey ted @ thy Shey’ terhosh 

Rerihy Pintindlds Adie tormery, Shani 

Lowtt CN Oban STeons ew yh a etn 

Lida born Gor funchen, Shs 

dante hat ge Dioner al Fe Oa 

We) Pease” Crisaten Tou Gn Meath” teoul 

betes Tce ud Ue finned, 
boRiS nd tom 

2) ar bx chan, : 

Ther Fri. Dec. 5, 1913 

Clear , Cate , Seieiel®: Grate On Teh, 
mene hiss aD a 

_ > 

DeTanlly deamndn ony : ray Hak have 
putes Oar Lon Ebi rat bn, 

Y t fibag GQ Bele 
Dake a fom 

barnbu'clge, bawhidg., 
Ther Sat. Dec. 6, 1913 Wea Ther Sun. Drc. 7, 1913 Wea 
(OU. poet. nsf eh Pes d Tims JS; Tovey 

Clary Cont vik Aoki AW. poral. ts rei > Palkia tn C24 oul wr or Lise my 
Dag Wis Bandner joao S~ Chal aden , Pade Mi oe giny ait ey y ne Ue Might, Chair 
a Joy Auonel Alene Yona jhenns. a Aare } TR = tanh rtrd. 
¥ @ Hare. bland Meal Secunak Chuttedes oc Ort, 
In Finck Pond Sacy man Tnddh Abi ak 0, a SE, Jott ai 10. Ho Ri. Hoag | 
100 Stamps, 3G Gorreanidiy , 2007 Gasste 2 | 4 Sie at ing bern cower ont ints Set mton, 
| ie Camntatdg, Fak 38 Blots Deaton —§anhapy Mm brat I ham toma Ortord Ge | 
aided ehas Tay, em BneK Home Peam 357 Ae a & feast Matha Of Send, tarmac, | 
Phdoet Dette ¥ / Tat . haa d(y Tbe, © tri ge rena prin , tetenthey wt, 
Gibbens need hoy, SGI ree ote — fern Recreation 4 tony fornd¥ Chactiar 
| Fasc Powd a0 9 4.u, forG 0) Hen fore whiscal bibs meas fill trots db Ty by fares 


Atlas) 14 DR pow iil 30 44. ¥ doy We bred eli clesinizs Paw Alls, Re 


(2a 4.20) te Felts Teas yw bre OW 
Cc. 9 Samatin Aa, Cmeenty Suse Hn Lm fasphey , 2a 

}. Tres. . 
pare aoe ST Qt Sete 2 Y. erm, ote) | Spmrng Tren, ¥ Feu, teamed 

stra Leh bbb 

Ther Mon. Dac. 8, 1913 Wea 
Gye iter “fos ‘: Stem, 
idodeins eh de brn ey 
1 P thio Lerinna frasicrby by trae, | 
rally as we Shek becouse, 0 
doh, a Ui Shien. Mandahsfald bron—nr 

i shonin apt hlena ny | 

Spon oftiinge! Kear cc Haitinya 
he. bow dacs 

ae. ee ee 

Gam buidgn., 
Ther TuxEs. Dc, 9, 1913 Wea 
26°, 329 Westin Cradetion, — Foran 
blar, Vi Cold teri fash Priel, 
bri , beth Le farn abnin % tomnd, Mertaraly 
jes ink ter one 
Oust Catlin OL femmen ov Seton, 
Whiv- Taek S. Chon fom th. “needs dhe 
Any. Chentle, a has a iS 
Sper fag pe Mechecr 
om MP Haw eas, Hoa Le 

Cu. Te a FA : 
Thy teresrony ~ 


Gan ber'algn — (hstlow 

Ther _ WED. DEc. 10, 1913 


taante Dn 

on Monge Sb cochil dts, Flersaich Me 
yack cla hoon Yoh 
nba tonen ‘ 
Litse sid a tree 
Tan Ay Vewietns. 

bersal he op sate dieas 

rer ~Cop. wok Obvien gy 

mmhh, Ten 


ophak Sa ns i 

N GQaahid Chea: Soe. aL .od. 
C owe Bred 
ig Niner haw! tv reninny a Pte 
Sre. dnt abfir dasterintho 4.18 - 6) Bec 

7 ny eee oe at sn bien 

“@ Draraitr toy, 
ais, 7 ow 8 a feeb 4 
Champs, obeweg UR Or flre AT Oma cs” 

11 HOLS Wea 

, ‘ 


Chawrisr COLMA ten Ts fg T, Witrends 
Oe Hadinte 
head, tmoghls, 
b° Chutzadun ob Set, pz See 

am farm ghns Covet Cavey akibtiriaes® 

Spank clog bine Mica’ tare iney Urrm 

| Sr ar Me ie xe.) on. Frisseh Mente 

Darnbr~ dar: Earbridgn ~Boncerd, 
FRI. Dec. 12, 1918 Ther Sam, DEcod3, 1913 Wea 
Sata elastin Dyin | Olarwicllias Ota Grstle dinaT eer bern, 
TY, OG aan ft oy petul T. a 
Cbg” Cea a BA eran, deere) Carnnbrk holy A Ladd, Ppt dey, 
i Flog enn Cath as 
a fees Khorte S pemrense HORS ey | tray Wee 8. Grsrvrnnoa * fbi re tect enatenn: Hh, 
Bac beta nes beedipmenes 
GE M83 Gothen YT Slarind sly Cometh 

Thy pe ddd ee EP At ctil. 

Sn Nain poe a 
beds le tied Sicctanrdavd hvarny ony 


Jretinpas “Klar Keres Bhar, Perey Lephn - | 

Ther Sun. Dxc. 14, 1918 Wea 
Broun Hnashia ii Gardin foguzz a 

A Aupcale Hear dan doi bray ba gi 

Tomweibtnadunns (Qin. Calin ad, ~ 

Pestpate Dds ptt 4 Oita 

D paw A Wrannn Anadin ne debi Go bnd 
farm oy New iy, Reeponce bang WILT peattay 
a Seppe brrghe Clot B hii oler, Sovrng 
Hinwme ok Uae fan US beng: Mate bay 5- 
Chante ideas Corer Te Wer hikes GR WRK. 

Aon Sprarrma KK Cheah bee, 0 Galery bration, 
to SE fosone as trod Brim erwen 6D Hedy’ 

fone teetltal Prommy, Copetlnen, . Sha Tr COlod. rn 
rn, AS ppm oon, Dann battle Arann, 

Bugidag Ines 
Dest, Dawa tok bebe bos rep, V baby hes 
besten - Pray a defowd 6653. Ager 

han d. Terr tld. o~m Shang . bLns Wanany dry 
gies. tore ost Goi hie 

tm heal Ov demmal 1,0) 

Ther Mon. Dec. 15, 1918 Dae 

Chong tot. bgux h. Ww. Poe Oy 

hair ig Je- Arama a 

ad done Tease Pent omsey Pett, Ceoun 

To hear afrnthode Vic. tekken. bray ater, 
Cp ppeStatiak aig eed: Sestnctgs 

dé Wespereme Oy fray from tony WW. 


eld Gar LA hue Brne Sea oo 

ne, en deet. , Look, Shakey Neortin 
Comm Sy Wollas tuntelam, J Aenat Cy hers 
Cormrend holy teh, termed G } 

‘ : 1 
SoZ bdwas 
q oe ERS. tas Heetey OE na Te homey CGR quenel vs ak ve nhug Off rnm- 

Ra Wet ee 

are Ahan Do be try 
chiro, Caley oe taller Meld br Ale, 

a WeeThath (WhitnbreatTar), a fan 

VY decenel Clnstldsatalang te Te Gardin: 
Ales Une WAR - Writ Yarns wh 

Wentian = Lin Chang, 5 Por devel, rermuds 
wre Ee | Heber dod 
otLrarnelios tee Farther ente Ie fora a 
Omni, Ss Mra litans feppalein a lng bony 9 | 
Th NeBhan~ Lharct. 

Qerrteh Whe toni ery 24 Shang OLom | 
Heron. J Agfine vmmen buymrn Come tisien Worl, | 


| Hnry PM rll 2H, 2 trisew Grtab han 
> ms ‘onc to ait: Prater - Bz, ins Ab 


Ther Web. Dec. 17, 1913 fs 


Cheon Cobre, Pesce 

Saenal uit oding joka eudicte, Badal 
Piee. Pray fast, neh Cov a4 wk & 4 
brmabin fren na fame 5 my tidy | 
“bigenn plot’ y e.- Pey Serarnnrny , & Derony 
chong ya HAE blind thal bi 
enteay , me feast Joins |g 

deme Herat emery 

Ucebwaberdinnny Caled Wrntrner - i | 

bam olae, 
Ther Fri. Dec. 19, 1913 

Cleary nil, Cutd rit Ligh 
Vette, tornd, 

Gust bifern (Fat, J bat ne My 
Godin, ai x dg. o TH frmnph, 

a rm Hasan, 28 Morty Wordpulie 
fords S Shits, opt Phann Loren alin Senta 
Bila. Caen On bub, 

fy Drann far Sette fone Ton “Tani 

Gv ERS eT NL ee 
Cte Res ag ens, onan PA now soe Macs Usdin ined | 
Simm, Fin Cheat roty , fact ty Iria edu = 4S Hoey, FF ORE 

Bam bridge. 
Ther SuN. Dec. 21, 1913 = 
b, dew T ‘oe ldo Oy cree bud, 

heat, ee 

aie : ee ae 
esate Cobleal. on. k icapans Li tet Tepe at Cdk thes A tan 
Me Aout fen River vs trong Oh, | ofr Matte Damn SERA tolls harm slog 
a aig Lagi os Ge SEAS Pisin Pats etolf, i an 
Ant Spark Oforwen fy An fmm > s 
Aaa oe Nes clas ka Hak 

Khcgpltens heed ra . a 

te, £2 A. oo facet eZ Viet, 

Du hatr Be aclong Dhennal 


 Canbidy- Bette 
7 ae 


4 Clow bsth. Creche ol fant pay-tur 
bunwy Cathe hale, 

Mon. Dec. 22, 1913 Wea 


OO wate 

q a ine sneer fi. fos ro Wtardurcn 

fan 4 

on. naslly & 
0h: Lan 

Q ‘ 
vi) obs. Slider. 
Khoa ni Colla, eas: Las Uuave., w ag end. Tse 

F os dnsghly, at tet hende perp Saha Ws Chrgove 

Gi Pong I~ 
_ Shetthoes oN Le ae 7a fnrhe Hm 6, Ary 
mA Cato v 
e peruroenont, Cee ”. 
' “wks 

A, Fe nhthey aa legg 

Abba. brent four bauy & MPa Authors 

tare, O'S bopyy 

avabtn day (berdlon 

Ther TUES. DEc. 23, 1913 

Dirsc Chern obey © iciat: bur natty med 
Lass §. roma. Hern Tourn Ofix Aank | 

dn G ar clin (Atont 7 O.K,) G Chestaduss , 
Th. Prwrer Thr oahon, rr Yap tnt Iho 

Fone Seamwd | 2 Hod (Petammmy Jy deratah 

A wate Sf aatam . 


pokactttn rae Miecpinn, tentimy 
Gord fosiss ee y frmfeon alam ‘ 
a RN cc a 2 
dpltt | xed —_ 2. Veer dl ame ocd ¥ dae” 



Aaw. qa” 

lw aa Se Akg ingly 
Wex stack, feuaaeg eas al 

a | 

\ Gat 

Gevght Sef; | fnabin ‘Yn amy Bail eat 
Eee ret Sarteag brent, daoed Arthion ox ye” 
Cc 5 RS. 5 J mea Bay Ching barren 

ee Wa ck 
Tr hat Pre 

Ther WED. Dec. 24, 1913 Wea 

t i 5. 
ASN A “rot oe 

Array acd : 

bean bin Aare hnttnea Abpea, = 
v hete 10.63 

Casatenin Abdenaly Lk 

ree SOR FIR Of gT pe Beh OG 

deeb wa 4.27 Gu GR | 

fanny ton Low Uirenghn  Conriny tx thy 

frites: frames brome Ben, I tery 

fesecnss Cole benny trod se Yorily | 

tapenatrad Unerm 9) sent Chums J 
lewd 2 forth Aunt 4 Can Commas + 
aeons re Charron + Stig on OCHA, 
Hux a Penang Rth oy dened, 
VO bowen em Or tah tev, 
Miasroy Absorphewt frr-rel tg Hissin: 
apie 57, MO het a fory Gk un 


be notelnvey Lem Shins as 

THurRS. Dc, 25, Wea 


Chars dg tov Wray Chath, h. 6. 
ese’ stork bree coir Poeming Soon: 
Sag ee 

Legalnon ax £90 C4 Leterrannny Akers’ 
Om Gi fom torte Chnnthe 
ffir foelow gussh RiaTi ohne brenndiory Aagrevon 
Hurry FI bays for on ernie, 

Or a Lue Hay mm IM ee, Cary bi LEAS 
Costinwmlanny ty Paxbhy rq » AN” Prnrnsh Core, 
Hal vr, Connchum ¥ tly, fb ack 

be ihasay 4 awn, Rfon Cpenriedparign! tiaisiys. 
regis Zn Mh ctrsed 2 tng OLR nabirrNey 

. _ ‘. ed . 
isernhich torn he. Canal Snow ne 

Ther 1913 

Lo ou, & Frm FLGIL Jorn “4 ot 4 
(C11. tea: sy <etdch 9 Ge Ie Niaieee 
frerten © V1K Huh 6 by, ArmA 6. 30- 

Nes Yoru, 

Ther Fri. DEg. 26, 1913 
Me Sonn i 


W Arve Prrey Stray, 
Di padi Ceirrobig> eth Mie Md zea. 
Ok Cri tara Cdcbengooy a. 
pes i nD 
We ah brokbatr (¥.3a- 9), 
AYER Hewk” Howry J bo ik deni itn 
fou an hen © Min Down. Vitra, 
Fis cnchony Tat. Obnm® 10,36 lr Colle 
faa tat R. Alan sha deen Ie bs 

foes pout < Aue. J sags Sreren attra 

Va een het &. Lg ervits, 


Chafrren Semrn on oe ¥ &, WY, Adin 

i ‘ — ~ 
| jason, a [esewry yore, Alfa, Saded ok 
| b had beoke legy Poee ~ enn, Zak Say ~ Offa, 
na fe tom Ly, 

a SL grmre aks 
TI ipo lasts eherevi 

Am Ex ) Webley ary , 
a QO ba re es Oe 

Coehrgent enters 6 Sows Basle Ss Teena, | 

Naw York - barnbudy, 

Ther Sat: DEc.227; 1918 

Cliar Cot tort, fur He We tombs 


° 470 

o. ER. S, cipal: 0D cakes 

ai” fa, 08 tne ae [ost fing SloLE 
a ISTH. Hic roren, Etagishenen Aeiiene : i 

sathaniiiiaiaanad cy Fan fovsinn 
ae { 


v “TI. talaatn pooren amy Curmparrmnsh 7 4 Anne, 7 
We reaak, lapis Y Calta tes tuak: wha ba 


Vinss Salaude tether tor ferred a 

fanten Con, sy, berMima Prirscech ~ yah 

Clamp cofne Sernetar” ests lovrley Bom | 

f wir 

oe Sis | 
Cid so inaye om 4 fog ee aH 
Gos fee, ac 6.1/0. Chane Re freak Call | 


al a Hninaas Any & ] 
ee Srey i oer 

hs Sdn din framed. # ob fan irvess Poon ny 
Righter ttah a pete lain.ob-aahs ibn Loin, 



Hass ne fhess ioe 

te Retermmlndic gowh” Llsiydenn, 
a V ae 

a Poms Lacie besan tua ly Diss 

q Pi rat, Ltt hung bem” a bemtafok berte | 
| i drtnons , Onethen I Beau ah en, 

Gartundas PS) od Came. 

Ther Mon. Dec. 29, 1913 Wea 


| Saree 
y Porras podnrns Sernthowry BL aA Ap gas 
C. Tifa. tore a. Graken ee 
Se (Avtiin 20 2.3n Le bons, oe | 
Sta te ¥ bn, Bet ort Srergs | 
abet Wi Batis ean Gita. Madea 

( ne Gab don. 

her TuES. Drc. 30, 1913 Wea 
<4 Firs 



Minin ei 2 

- Spasits nae 

eae é Wau ‘cs fg 
Gant bot fafons —e 


Dam brn dae 
Web. Dec. 31, 1913 Bh: 

fe habe Saisa. Dyn Pranmabeillag: dist ve tov, hao) ; 

Tees a Mrmr ina, Be dels 0 Toes 
y flecn for @ tn tented 3 orgs, 2Fballng | 

x “f anne ah <7 7 rate, 

View toyobt jp OES: 


Soa ¢ aia nota foe ove) 

“CM 42720), 1 C59eIY), | 
hala 637) 

bo dtu. Flew £57. Tee y Soh, 

LS Sen 6 60), 10 om CG F658), 

2 « C.05% ), Jae (24% &2), 
3« (AV 452) 5. ea nsg) 
Bu i Qu 22247), 

“ (asx27), 2 B15 9 ) 
2 sald d 7), 

‘aag Fas ae 


Pitt dfs Ld 6 4A 

BAY 83 ' 


oo ae 

how COyeh Se, Sa 


264 Ons. Py ord tow Mharf Corrfony 
Qi shan bo 2852, 25 hs 668, /2 ts ¥03 
Sate 536,S tn 546, 6 eo SHG 

bh + 1209 Se 4% 2o%gZ, 2@v 23S, 
R68 2TGY, Tue ATES 

SQ Edisenr 6bchie Ju. Co, 

4 bha s i 8 


43982 he /072/, 
$331, Sno £353,3 n 176 00 

Bako, 6 « 22475, 

(MRE BIS SARI b beluce 
10 dha. Hae 2 42S 02 ha $293, / ~ 2658; 

So Beard Kade Outcry 

Ghee S77 
(ST PAwanfrath TSE | 

t t« 


Qo Ux». Teg. Thon Cy, 

be Mmankatan Grapeary Va abeglGh coke 2: 

Pan tet. fo / 

a wae ONT es eee, wre ag 

SS dan. % 19072 

BSS Res, v Prov RR. ie ai 

lo « « Lowes + O 346% 
Sw Albany hy 4867S 
foo Jl bong RRP. 15 ters 23% 0 
JS~ (QbA Cotory « « 

(3 un F2470K 
o & ISYE 
37 Wut dna « 

2 fy 53° Z tice: 

bien, 16,17, 18,19, 24 

3 the Merrinatk hat Bank ¥ 5% 

, Jon. fu G Pees a3 

719652 |? 

be Ty, (Sotadatien) = Sea} * 7/83 
f (Mote) "Seo, Ae 95-5 (Rabd) - 
4 1 owe! % Bl Beconitens laos * Fo7 
| Ordas) -9 tooo. 
Ire Snooth hes. Jat 
Chg Gm Monon 

A 30173 
A bossy 
fra D,1224, | 

te Reolon, hake Yr 

2 Cz, i arama 

“Dead Cals 


Beciet id. E Received. 

i. fe 2 13a OTS antl te \Jo%4 
= Z| Huds oncau Ccrteact le 19. a ‘and x ayhr- 24s ok ine 
3. Tuneo J! I | | a e | deen 
: if Side Se amen. TK ee ee ae 
| Tbe tian 1 ae ae aya Cy al 
Sc Q TF | At. 7g) : IS 1719292 a@agrriegt 
2 Darke We 184458) 51g Wn? 915 Loe TOME ME 
¥ Wha Sparen ou 4\ ‘ & IAN ee 16 IT Ie tQo* Bil 
¢ | ERS ae a % 497, ; Fy r @) 12° [S231 622 BI ES 
(0) Raa bela ata abe £3 | notes 263,05 999 Shed 
iL Crews 1207 OY uy, | | 

(2 ee Quue ae aan 12% 


0 es = Ss = 4 

i te: x | Bastia |). Pugs Date. Received || Paid 
 Cheed ' t | healt | 

sal hed 
Pi eenven 1st Sighs HO? 74" oly ear ibs IT 2M LH | 

4 White Ur. penn Fee Sa MISS ABA TG 24 IST Lb ' 287 
4 Ble. carmel 3@ q6 lo“/2. My ; in 14° Zohs24¢ AEG aby Ds" 

4) ) Kedbe, Yet otek cA qaery" | | I | 
bi) Harry Wendin fm | ot SAY 
72 Hora YX. 24. ra eg = gra i, i 116 14,202, 22,28 24% 2s 25 
& 2 Ww: ances rnd ioe 2a Ill 

brews ete ae 4 i. © | legthicppedd “9 au 
way 1S nav 
rece } | 
Heat nf ab ts Uy 224. 265 2 Hie 

Birds netih on ort Garden 


rte 2 Received. 



Chick neler | jy 31 Mlb bbe MOLY OY 25 Wenn BF 24! 304 Sif 
Fbctin, Ue 67 VOR UE AR VAS DENS LH AF 4, SOy FIL 
POM ee Onn i. 
Desi aie bs 10% J OG 19% 29H 
Yai, TE § parr 214! 

ayer! AER 246 2b 26% 2 

bt 6-90 

Rot [28st] dy a tyne ah 29% Boaeen, § 
| Cnn Bienend (2% / pH 2S! age goitag et 
a S hammo 30% 

Buds notid on our — 


ipnce TI Paid. _ i 

1 | H 




ball [ Received. TA be 

beeseaies /S Sat a 
Kae 6 TASER AIH Mae l7h tic ted 
hed Rs | 
fade! CM ited | 
Do bow ae ise (7 Py 
Crmy blak bro ore 


Received. i 

Rut ab lino U7, ei 
| Cuna We ae 
| Rectatanr 25° Fgh wv 
Ae ee hee 

| Getlpcah 2s icon 
Nips haart as' & 


Buids notin a Du Gan clon... 



ee || Received. || Paid. 

Teco 5 i 
| Rl Jor yh pias 
| Bet, fife we ra a 1¥,8) 
Yetlms Harbin 0% 5. tic koa 
Rad ag.d Urine HL Ihe DIK 
S ogre ye ye [bo igh 

Cerys Shared oan 
| Flirt & ‘ tby at ea) | 

| Received. || Paid. 

E ) 
tn Fr S cat,tlim,. 

ii Received. Paid. Date. | 7 Summ 6 RG. Soldeadl Received. || Pi 
§ “7 Aw beet Poe (NEC IS TIT © TU 24 

10 =/22718 29/72/97? HR 2R 
1 OSs a4 9174 ES TPZ IIE IG 


sold 2X IS% V7 14! 24 
oe pye 6 rE 


(7 Bards neti m or G ar clan. 


|| Received. Le Paid. 
fy 12 1310 aaa as 

4 ledsagt pha (DH 13. 4h [OK (i) AYd, 
8.) Wada Shrr4, (2' 13" IAL? | | 

| Own bra 73@) 
$3] | Rada tant ' 2/3, 

sioraee [Seed fib [ie 298 va 

| Many bad /3! 

i bate, 13 15/84 222 238 gs! 
A Rabon 43 ‘fie. (4 ® J (8t Rag 23% 
10, Samah Duet 125 “An MSH, 

I, Spas hawk 13¢ kph of 

14, Cras ren 14 Bs 134 1 hte] rt lo 

ta) Seger LS [det fob 
NH, Raat (Yt IS 1S 
i$ Whlamek Plows Ut fee de tae 

16 Dev vig WV yk eae 

‘7 fal blid Coecktog ga! pdt beg oy 


Fy 8 3% aS” Sod 


Received. a 

° — D 
EBay Noleh rr TA Legon lees 

H were meron 
| Received. | _ Paid. | | Received. a 
TiS ha | 
| | 

eet 13» 37 agat | 

Sp artnet 139 333 2g) Be Sele 
ee 43) [29 | || | | 

( Chea ces ake | 
Black - fk 2.38 292) 
Wat Thur A 29" 

; | J tuxta 

| Rict- bettod ak hee Ra ke | 
| Yetlew - Yeap Warten, 29! 
| es 

[Buds volid m mar Garche. 



Received. id, ate. | Received. | 

- Ps a Cihisthatles 302 on 
2, Horned Stargh - 3o ~~ 


| Received. || _ 


Bato | ‘isk T Benietadal 
‘| Chadds 13 Kt 2 yt 175 
a Gokdun Crest /3” 1g* 2.32) 249 
3 Juan Cossprn 13" | | 
4 Horrert . A, /3 Ty! eal 
! "| Hthatc Ua. Sharm news 1369 142 23 | sat nee waar 
4 i quake Shams 13" 1qi' 7a 
7 Rie is jy 23% pling 
6) Joho Hag 27° 2° 


13 Ib thet Spomc, FUNC Jo” 
Mp Cerys 23th 

Brads Voted 1 Te Gan din, 
ali oe | Received. || _ Paid. Date \ gio: 6 a9" 30! ‘3pee {| Received. 

| Chaccbnslen A et 2@o4 SE, Tae 9 do pose i (4 8 
; ’ Is rg 17 Lod asd 43) p> 

31 rT haan - 

hi, A. Guth Tee) | 

Eon ghee" oF 111g. 1718 [as nite 238) 29% 29 
TA Spartoe Sie viata ta Joo | Ha ode. /7 da. 2) W283 

= pe Si 22° Paar See | 

Prrown Couper 6 6 | | 

(Whar bh Melo 6) | 

th Mens Pe SoM 3 31 tm 

13 Btn. rrshar IH a . ; ae Qaf ae 1 car 

&| Ww 

















NamgE. | Dolls. _ Cts. es Nance ] Cts. 
1] | | ——————— 
















Ouida net ax On, Marne, 
MEMORANDA hw. /b6-2% 

Pal | 
j Cha ehadar Ib'* 7 4¢®/9gQD gah 
Be eee eT 


Names. “Date 


S Babuhar, 16* /7* 
6 | herthinn Shree Io 
7 | Poe Srasbonk Mle gy he 
q) TRaifon 16 (7! 18 oe | 


fe! Fre Shasana 16‘ 1§' 
cas — 

tL Basa OSL yes 2 
12, Herase Grane [615655 
‘j (Boss. Ney tees St 
14, Dore, Werbfetin 2158 | 
is Panto dn o° 20% 21% | 



trod Uiarifors Dane ox 
Se eee 

ia. 2 wane bots Be | 

PSs AC heaiteg WY: $ hse 


Srrezet, No. 


TeverHone No. 


Srrest, -No. 

Street, No. 


Terzepnone No. 


Street, No. 
TeLepHone No. 

Street, No. 

Triernonr No. 



Name, Pande Mm, CéAa4 ae 

Street, No. Y Ci t+~»\trenn Legare, 

Crry, frncrg at, Cy loraban, Age bon. 

Name. a ec 
Srrzet, No. h. be Fr bareee lng enh Cy 
City. i Se 
olusen Meter, Jiemes. 
_Txixrnonr No. omnasen ‘S44. 4% 

Namr, & 2. Orboresr 

Street, No. cc Eiactaag Se 
Ciry, . en. } hy 

_ TrimrHonr No, 
NAMEs Wer Qa. eo 
Street, No. $73 a bn Sy sc 
Crry. y owen) ‘Jone, (Daws fod) 




Name. mw. Testes ue $= 

Street, No. mr Lar t eed —— 
City. 5 er Peer | teu 
en, é wet, Otis. 

TriepHone No 
Street, No. 


TerepHone No. 

Srreet, No. 



Srrest, No. 


TevePHoONE No. 

Srrert, No. 


Treirrnone No. 




Street, No. 

Street, No, 

Street, No. 

Strert, No. 

Street, No. 


Street No. 

Street, No. 
TeLepHongs No 

Srrest, No. 
TetepHonr No. 
Names. : 
Srrgeet, No. 
TeiepHonge No. 
Srrest, No. 


TeL_erHone No. 

Bids nits K Smit, Yormnch ~ 
ADDRESSES. Ars, 19.25 

Broke nth of Smith Sarma 


Nama, Rotem 14.7 205223 
Srreet, No. ce! wy. 19% 
14 '8* Ro 3ee 9) 27° 299 
TELEPHONE NoBarn $9. do’ Zi Rat 2,33 : | 
Seegr 2a’ 2A! ZY! | 
Street, No. By 4, (ey ots Lo ASg 24 
Tegni” Here 20 iioek 
Pa € 29.) 43) ¢ 

202 2‘ 22* 239tguy 
Srrzet, No, Heng hoa 19.849 20° al’ 9:9! 

y Z 20 ¢ toned Y Eres p 
TELEPHONE No. Qeagt rm 20 aw, : rE: " ; aes) 

z 7 

Prides” Ne 438 
Street, No. Mewk ts, [oa Ws 2p sera? 
Crry, A Ty Zo “ss Seton gat 

Ciry. C1 

ak Pn 

‘TELEPHONE IG: leas ee 

. x 

Namg, y foes 



‘TELEPHONE No. Woes- a 2K ‘ ‘ 

Fah hawk 2ar P 
Strexr, Nock (Btn Arn 22-4483 / 
Ons. 20/278 22.6) 23 > 
(Shan Joy 2; poke: AME 
TELEPHONE No, Lad , Ars ase be 
Torsten alt aa 



NAME, io RE 
STREET, No Spat eal: a5 1s 

Crry. L Sua 2 4% 
_ TELEPHONE gets 14° ay 

woe 9. Scammell fas 

Street, No. 

Workin , Mep- 

aS ta oo Te EF 

2 (10) 


Trurenons No. 2,30 

Street, No. 49 ri! 
a a 

Srrest, No. 


TeLePHone No. 




TriePHonE No. 



Srrest, No. 
_TeuspHonr No 

Street, No. 

Street No. 
Tereruonr No. 

Srrert, No. 

Street, No, 

TELerPsiong No, 

“} Rec'd. | 

Piste hata On Gnas, reeves - 

| ieahaeane 

| Bate 1%, 105 IU'n (3! 

(TS [55 RS a rere 

; Lae ere s% aah Pa 

21 Nour, vert. Tip Ds 1 Myebbbel 3% 1 

KM Ae Tg lg oy 2 2) © 974948 

Lhe Db LG bane ES ( KLZLL94 
3.|eany 9 (416 A 

4 Herwar 4 ore 29% 2h 

Us (Ss Ib 
a S 
ee LHe, ASS. 

» Wy. 103 Alb 

pe whic 24% 

—s — / > 
| Blew BaP. 10 We ye LIM glag 
estes ae 2ee-a Th 2 

16| VRtenr. lhs.. Tn 16. 
| Pec aan a 

it uae "ye 

Lj | ybanthecran en iy nptherae 
Ay ES Ab, BB ARS: 
La ee 2a Bi BREE 
273 264292 Jo % % 

: ~ 4. CALLS. je4. 9- rT CALLS. guy 7-Sl- 
Rec'd. Name. TF Returned. Recta Names, Ji | eobianss 
| Setter K 105 My 12g 11275, 2s|-7 Tiss Su 10 Ue 16% I$}, 13% Ad 
= | 304 
VS canter T Mly 2. lose Tartan 24 Mad, rer OAS fin 13H te [tet 

) | alree we yee 

. Risa. bn. fun. 10x (7.4lgh rw) | 251 Bam Steele a “14 titi 
264g VRe 2g MI 9 GO! Fatale tga 

to ORE ea “bone Sumting (Dobler AD) 
1b | Gdn Goa : es | : bases Cen Son cua be 2/o= 

| z ao 

NA Vetpon yo. loss 375 oe. | 7 Ad. ets a Ib ia dG 25. 
ee BOR Aang 

BB Don bith 782 Ha. TOES 219 

16) Sag Gy Lo Mg ltig Bi 48S 5 
me | Dol Aad 23RLuy 



27 eee oy 247 Sarsh | 

gy 1 i fy IBZ Es ISS 

19% oust: LN nL, ya 
at ay TEAR ¥ ay Be A Soy & | 

| ome 
291 Foushin Oy 

ve bate 10 Ng Ie Co ie 2 iho Pa 

| aay" say" d we Soca . re 

Aj Sargx 4:3\/ ¢ 1 1814.20. ma) 3 Woe’ oat 1S 4 1b! 1k! do2a¢6 
| 26™ a7gS Sarvs 2940.91 Lago Sat 

Dds tirmnecm 10% (14 1aty, ayes ie jg eae 
(Gs (6% 1923s 24a 26278 “laa aay Next wigan 
ae 2.2.5 Samo 2 7+ 

i bs fuentes Necerts, 235 

Glenidaly , Teas 

CALLS, Sent, q-3!. 

= =| os 
Returned. | Rec'd. k | Returned. 

a wk 

ee [pod IS x Ss QI! yer3ac 0. plik Ag — 
eet i bth | 



. " | 

PNliess aa tek) 1or3I ca 
-| Vt 

‘ | 






We io Oe 13 bee hale iat re 

36) ae IS“ 19! 2b 93ap ee 44] Hes: re 21g 

on l {1 ve man ket 
ss ae Sy, Mate Tes » 13 x Rab bhaort d. Hark B04 on GAA. 

Kt totes Aun Craton, es 18 eket REM 

hE al 28 ne tia Aes ee 
AL brit H. Bist.” 18 5 aes 

H9| Car baal TE Me | 

Birds Woledk ac Ctx whaler Mew 
= CALLS. 3. An yuh | | x8 CALLS Avgeet J 44, 

‘Nama, al Seca ? Rec'd, | "Wawnk ae 

3% 4a S76" 19 940% Howell. 
me | 23 Los! 

PSRAE TR OS Ty ity Meu wo 
~ hm | | 25: Weeal 
| 3 78 Fy | 2g Tepes 
rvs a | 26. Rx Le 
bot il gen Hie Seb Ti Bo. Hem 
2 3y- 4x Sx Jt. Muad, 
ee sd Epo gs, as 32. Thal 
du 3, 6 108 33 Ab 
{at 4s LOS” L® 75,40 1® 34 Corben | : 
36 (Bob Sas, bt 7G a7 
fae AR Tragesna NM be. 
(BT Abts Wt ry ov yg 
| "gy Tedatene? dot 
p07. Son al 3@ x Seng 4 7 * ye Bi0e J? Chita 5 9 Me (OSs 
i Me eat 2 Vi 4' by Ty 

Bids nglid oX ete, Mann. : Bide noted a ems, Wrasee, 
_CALLS, Tray 2 - 18. 2@ LETTERS, Ita, Rb. 1¥* 

Rec'd. “Name, Returned, if ~ Rec’ a. é Answ nore) 

Robi. 26.275. Was 2) | 21 | Orem brad 26% 273% 15% 
Witronts dist a7nte 25% aear Woks Hrmpte. 27 
Haruo 274 i 23 bind Linc al, RTS 
SP ma aaE ly F Lm i dy | Werk Van 264 27% 245 
Brenme Wreeten 2.75 i 28} Rad syed « 27% 283. 
Cox Gnd 27% | 24) Seartt Josrengan 27% 
Hema Waser 2.75, | | 2.9| Bass § tretina 27. 
Weide. + UT | Ue) Panplr Freer 26%. 27 js 
Wrveatits. 207%, ae | 29 Set bares, 27% 
Usream Nanking ee SL Go| Savemenn Senter V1 
32) Whe he 
34\ We 
= 262 2.7; F 36) 
IT hosted bnrmnon » DoF 278 Lg Comes “2.78 
Ix) Mae foe » 2:73 By | Blane fag 27" 
14) Comedia, « 267273 | $4 Crees Fire 269 27° 
2d Redatak 27855 12 é Kd | hatin Oruot Me'x 



Burs hela oX Buhl, Duan 
7 _LETTERS. Pay 26- ar 

Name. Aabewssd. 
Fame, Gan, 27% Dt 
Oras. F4y cothy, 27 & 
| Ot bad ATL eget 
Ghidle sss oc08 BFS OY, 
b doe ec 26° 27y 
Chesney Spx” 24* 28 
47 Herreneap tod 27¢ 
45) Plastoe, 27' 
Vradnn freak. 2.6 5% 
Beotebit. 26% | : 

Sellers bet.. 4. 29 
Phen ZT 2G! 
| Sfmt Somat. 27 GR OM 


I Rabon, 34 Mbp Sh by: 
1. Mews toe OEMS 

3. Janatten 4 @ 5% 
4 CR bad 3x SS 
$i Can. We-~ Sy | 
4] Yoaced Wea, > | 
ya ee a ~ | 
Rao 4 3 ¥| 

9. Sot 

40 Jadip tds 3n4hs 
Me, Can Arnot pare 
42, Ce asbosen Th, ENS. 
13, Crmnnt Ap had f-Os 
It Teh Gm 4h 

is Farr pls Gomi 3 fe ee: 
16, Sens Sfmmneed Sx BS 
17, Chex SY | 2b 


1¥ ete an ein sy Lat 

14, Fcc Bimtnony Siwy | PRansd 
20 Fe ROE eee Pes bi aed 

i dee. Mew Jf, 


ay jae ‘ << Q C R : ae , “ ae : h. > 
aries baa eV. 4 noha pad Vor Feedineaprd, io 
LETTERS. Aite. J. 6 LETTERS. rom 74 7 16y 

~ | 7 
Answered. : NameE. Answered. 

| Can Dangse Sapte 

t | PIER 

Binds net at Co back ’ REX 
LETTERS. Ang . 16- 

| Answered. 

| Names, 

[| Robo 142 | 
2.) Pine Wor. 1o®/76 1K, 
4 Wore Puen Shy 173, 18% 
Me) Fite have 1b 17! 

S| Teng haber 10617. | 
be | Corman rr th 17% /9O 
Z| Lo dcaghng Gua 16 *17* 

& | Cog Hero. 193 

4.| Suir, 183 

fo} Seri Ls 
U,) Parm Serettenss 18% _ 
14-| Cowfusnr Hoar 18) © aed 

18! Cyne 16,!7,18, 19G 


Hot{sboa, 2. 
LETTERS. tay 5-7 

- \~Answered, 
a f @Leo 
x | 

fe Wek ls 

Hartly Vere bby Zig blag, ame 
ee ~aee Peeee 
Perfo Wain Soe 76 
-44@ 72 

<p Spams Sh 6% Pi 

iy iad Bs 

PTS fo FG cathe SHOR Thy, 

8p Mtoatens hrre. 6 5 eens 
pt Paspte Tract | 
[6 | Yicores Hanks 

| ATR Rol, Dron 


CE | Pha pparanfl 

me ORS 

A : 
a Offer dlecti, buybk 
gt = Lee, 
(Wel RO TENT TT Fee 

lo Coffan Rong, “A SY: 5 ¥0 
Flew 20 cethe ee 3Y¥- iS. yo 
te ce sche 3 3 y 3 3 C4] = 

BiG LL. GAO fe Me, 1 0 2. Fon 
¥4 af. Oe a «74 3 7 Yo. 

Utah Crvtvbteld LT = WP O 6 
Reale Destin. 8. BOR! 7 Set 


Rec'd. Nang. ’ Answered. 
W, Rapee ar iy 4 cui katy th 
pw dy is ARTIF pars “ aon 
Dean Hera. Sen Can't ole Kari 

Yortng prs Lesa rrate na aiEn®? fom.) ee 

: A [ lorsho pro} 
prank 1S~ 22, { Gl os 5 a 

he Crams Clavie borol LG Ea 52+ poo, 
P / Blaha, 153316 NT IS ore . 
vr Cha teadan’ 1s" 16 17" 94 1192 242) U5: Pe 

’ ® [ers so no 248) a 
SS ten isi ie d a5 a ae 

uv sess Span IS Sine Veg! ru! (4% 20x ‘ ee 228 
p Thad tomy 15 lo‘ ie fre Qik ans eee 
es sane is A sald Naina Ae y 1 10 2.720 

V be Ba ane 145,208 ts . 

BE Phicsans is, 76 Ubi Uh 2° re ae 
Y“ He, Gurk. ofS nae ene 2. s 
H tanya 8h igh a V Corpor 

Teh 16%, as Wied ge PANS Bas v nt tier 
— aaa ®: 

Sx 17, Zs. 

Ph ce” Palit FE 
akan Petia 153. aR 
Setds car WK 

SRE rat