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This  book  is  purchased  from 

The  Schofield  Fund 

given  in  memory  of 

William  Henry  Schofield 

Victoria  College,  B.A.  1889 

Harvard  University,  Ph.  D.  1895 

Professor  of  Comparative  Literature 

Harvard  University,  1906'20. 

Harvard  Exchange  Professor  at 

University  of  Berlin,  1907 

Lecturer  at  the  Sorbonne  and 

University  of  Copenhagen,  1910. 

Harvard  Exchange  Professor  at 

Western  Colleges,  1918. 

Series,  LXVIII. 




'      ~->*z^W"\JZ* 

COMPILED   (13S2-1394  A.D.)  BY 







A.  K.  DONALD. 










\\  A  1  *,     ^ 

a  10  51 


Strits,  LXVIII. 



PROEM  ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...  1 

Cap.  I.     How  Melusyue  &  her  two  sustirs  shewid  them  to 

Eaymowdyn  at  the  f ontayne  of  Soyf  or  thurst  /  ...  2 

Cap.  II.    How  the  Erie  of  Poytiers  prayde  the  Erie  of  For- 
ests for  to  comrae  to  the  Feste  that  he  made  of  hys  sone  /         18 

Cap.  III.  How  a  forester  came  to  denounce  to  the  Erie 
Emery  how  there  was  within  the  Forest  of  Coulombyers 
the  moost  meruayllows  wildbore  that  euer  was  sen  byf ore  /  19 

Cap.  IV.  How  the  Erie  went  to  the  chace  and  Eaymondyn 
•with  hyw  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  21 

Cap.  V.  How  Eaymondyn  slew  the  Erie  of  Poyters,  his 
vncle  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  25 

Cap.  VI.  How  Eaymondyn  came  to  the  Fontayne  of  soyf, 
wher  he  founde  Melusyne,  and  two  other  ladyes  with  her  28 

Cap.  VII.  How  Eayinondin,  by  the  counseyl  of  the  lady, 
went  to  Poytiers  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  34 

Cap.  VIII.  How  the  Erie  Emery  was  brought  vnto  Poytiers 
deed  within  a  Ly ttere  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  35 

Cap.  IX.  How  Eaymondyn  retourned  toward  hys  lady,  and 
sawe  a  Chapell  whiche  neuer  he  had  seen  before  /  ...  37 

Cap.  X.  How  Eaymondyn,  after  that  the  barons  had  doon 
theire  homage  vnto  the  yong1  Erie  /  demanded  of  the  Erie 
a  yef te,  the  whiche  he  graunted  to  hym  /  ...  ...  40 

Cap.  XI.  How  Eaymondyn  founde  a  man  that  bare  the 
skynne  or  hyde  of  a  hert  /  and  how  he  bought  it  /  ...  42 

Cap.  XII.  How  they  that  were  ordonned  came  and  delyuered 
to  Eaymondyn  his  yefte  /  ...  ...  ...  ...  44 

Cap.  XIII.  How  Eaymondyn  toke  his  leue  of  the  Erie  of 
Poitiers  &  retourned  toward  his  lady  /  ...  ...  ...  46 

Cap.  XIV.  How  the  Erie  of  Poytiers  camrae  to  the  weddyng 
of  Eaymondyn,  acompayued  of  alle  the  Barons  in  hys  land  51 



Cap.  XV.     How  Raymondyn  and  Melusyne  were  wedded 
togider  /       ...          ...          ...          ...          ...          ...          ...     52 

Cap.  XVI.     How  they  were  worshipfully  serued  at  dyner  /        54 
Cap.  XVII.     How  after  dyner   the   Knightes   &   Squyers 
Jousted         ...         ...          ...          ...          ...          ...          ...     54 

Cap.  XVIII.  How  the  bysshop  halo  wed  the  bed  wheron 
Raymondyn  and  Melusyne  laye  ...  ...  ...  ...  56 

Cap.  XIX.  How  the  Erie  of  Poytiers  and  the  Erie  of 
Forests  /  the  barons  and  ladyes,  toke  theyre  leue  of  Ray- 
mondyn  and  of  Melusyne  /  ...  ...  ...  ...  58 

Cap.  XX.  How  Vryan  &  Guyon  toke  leue  of  bothe  theyre 
fader  &  moder,  and  of  the  help  that  they  had  of  J>em  ...  107 

Cap.  XXI.  How  Uryan  &  Guyon  tooke  leue  of  theire 
moder  Melusyne  and  entred  theire  ship  /  ...  ...  114 

Cap.  XXII.     How  the  Sawdan  was  slayn  by  fore  Famagoce      143 

Cap.  XXIII.  How  Vryan  &  Guyon  came  byfore  the  kinge, 
he  beying  in  his  bed  syke  ...  ...  ...  ...  151 

Cap.  XXIV.  How  Vryan  espoused  Ermyne,  doughter  vnto 
the  kinge  of  Cypre  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  157 

Cap.  XXV.  How  Anthony  &  Regnald  dyscomfyted  the 
kynge  of  Anssay  tofore  lucembourgh  /  and  how  he  was 
take  201 

Cap.  XXVI.  How  the  kyng  of  Anssay  was  lede  byfore  the 
pucelle  Crystyne  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  204 

Cap.  XXVII.  How  the  kinge  of  Anssay  called  to  hym  al 
the  barons  of  Lucembourgh  to  Counseylle  ...  ...  211 

Cap.  XXVIII.  How  Anthony  espoused  Crystyne,  Duchesse 
of  Lucembourgh  /  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  214 

Cap.  XXIX.  How  the  kyng1  of  behayne  sent  a  messager 
toward  the  king*  of  Anssay  his  brother  /  ...  ...  215 

Cap.  XXX.  How  the  due  Anthony  toke  hys  leue  of  the 
Duchesse  Crystyne,  and  went  toward  praghe  with  hys  oost  218 

Cap.  XXXI.  How  the  kinge  of  Craco  dide  do  take  the  body 
of  kynge  Federyke  that  he  had  slayn  and  commanded  it 
to  be  brent  227 

Cap.  XXXII.    How  the  king*  of  Craco  was  slayn  in  bataylle     232 

Cap.  XXXIII.  How  the  kynge  Zelodius  &  the  other  sara- 
cyns  were  brent  and  bruyledf  233 

Cap.  XXXIV.  How  the  two  brethern  were  at  buryeng  and 
obsequye  of  kynge  Federyk  of  behayne 235 



Cap  XXXV.  How  Regnauld  espoused  Eglantyne,  daughter 
to  the  kynge  of  Behayue  /  ...  ...  ...  ...  240 

Cap.  XXXVI.  How  the  knights  &  esquyers  jousted  after 
dyner  241 

Cap.  XXXVII.  Here  aftir  foloweth  how  Raymondin  hy  the 
admounesting  of  hys  brother  beheld  Melusyne  hys  wyf 
wit// in  the  bathe,  uherfor  he  toke  hys  brother  the  Erie  of 
Forest  in  grete  indignacton  ...  ...  ...  ...  296 

Cap.  XXXVIII.  How  geffray  slough  Guedon,  the  geau?it, 

in  garande  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  •••  302 

Cap.  XXXIX.  How  Froymond,  brother  to  Geffray,  was 
professed  monke  at  Mayllezes,  by  consentement  of  hys 
fader  &  moder  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  304 

Cap.  XL.  How  the  two  messangers  of  Baymondin  cam  in 
garande  toward  geffray  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  307 

Cap.  XLI.  How  Geffray  wit//  the  grete  toeth  fyred  thabbey 
of  Mayllezes,  &  brent  bothe  thabbot  &  al  the  inonke*  there  309 

Cap.  XLII.  How  Melusyne  felle  in  a  swoune,  for  this  that 
Raymondyn,  her  lord,  wy ted  her  ...  ...  ...  314 

Cap.  XLIII.  It  is  shewed  herafter,  how  Melusyne  came  to 
her  self  ayen,  and  spake  to  Kaymondyn  ...  ...  ...  315 

Cap.  XLIV.  How  Raymondyn  &  Melusyne  felle  bothe  in 
a  swoune  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  317 

Cap.  XLV.     How  Melusyne  made  her  testament  /  ...     317 

Cap.  XLVI.  How  Melusyne  in  fourme  of  a  Serpent  flough 
out  at  a  wyndowe  . . .  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  319 

Cap.  XLVII.  How  Raymondyn  dide  do  brenne  his  sone 
called  Horryble  321 

Cap.  XLVIII.  How  Melusyne  came  euery  nyght  to  vysyte 
her  two  children  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  322 

Cap.  XLIX.  How  geffray  \vith  the  grete  toeth  rane  ayenst 
the  geaunt  &  ouerthrew  hym  wit/i  hys  spere  /  ...  ...  324 

Cap.  L.     How  the  geaunt  fled  &  Geffray  folowed  hym      ...     326 

Cap.  LI.  How  Geffray  went  &  entred  into  the  hoH  for  to 
fyght  with  the  geatmt  /  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  327 

Cap.  LII.  How  Geffray  fonde  the  sepulture  of  the  king  of 
Albany,  his  granfader  Helynas,  wit/iin  the  mouwtayn  ...  327 

Cap.  LIIL  How  geffray  delyuered  the  prysonners  that  the 
geaunt  kept  in  pryson  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  330 

Cap.  LIV.  How  the  prysonners  led  the  geauwt  deed  vpon  a 
Charyott 330 


Cap.  LV.     How  Geffray  was  the  deth  of  the  Erie  of  Forestz 
hys  vncle    ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...     331 

Cap.  LVI.    How  Geffray  went  to  Lusynen  toward  hys  fader 
and  prayed  hym  of  mercy  ...          ...         ...          ...     332 

Cap.  LVII.     How  Eaymondyn  came  toward  the  pope  of 
Romnie  and  confessed  hys  synnes  to  hym  ...          ...     334 

Cap.  LVIII.    How  Geffray  went  to  Romrne  &  confessed  hys 
synues  tofore  the  Pope      ...          ...          ...          ...          ...     340 

Cap.  LIX.    How  Geffray  reedyffyed  the  monastery  of  Mayl- 



Cap.  LX.    How  the  king  of  Armanye  watched  the  sperhauk     364 

Cap.  LXI.     How  the  kyng  wold  haue  rauysshed  by  force 
the  lady,  but  she  vanysshed  away  ...          ...          ...     366 

Cap.  LXII.     How  the  king  was  bete  &  ouerthrawen  and 
knew  not  of  whom 









[A  Chronicle  of  Melusine  in  olde  Englishe. 

compyled  by  Ihon  of  Arras,  and  dedicated 

to  the  Duke  of  Berry  and  Auuergne,  and 

4      translated   (as   yt   shoulde   seeme)   out   of 

French?  into  Englishe.1] 


the  begynnyng  of  all  werkes  /  men  oughten  first 
of  alle  to  calle  the  name  of  the  creatour  of  aH  May  the  Creator 
8  _•_     Creatures,  whiche  is  very  &  trew  maister  of  alle 
thinges  made  &  to  be  made,  that  oughten  somwhat  to 
eutende  to  perfection  of  \vele.     Therfore  att  the  begyn- 
nynge  of  this  present  history e  /  though  that  I  ne  be  not 
12  worthy  for  to  requyre  hyni  /  beseche  ryght  deuoutly 

his  right  highe  &  worthy  mageste  /  that  this  present  help  me  to  bring 

this  book  to  a 

history  he  wyl  helpe  me  to  bring1  vnto  a  good  ende  /  &  good  end ! 
to  fuldoo  it  att  hys  gloryo  &  praysyng1.     And  to  the 

16  plaisire  of  my  right  high,  mighti,  and  doubtid  lord 
lohan,  sone  to  the  kyng  of  Frauwce,  Due  of  Berry  &  of 
Auuergne.     The  whiche  hystory  I  haue  bygonne  after  This  History  wa« 
the  veray  &  true  Cronykles,  whiche  I  haue  had  of  hy?/i  French) 

20  and  of  the  Erie  of  Salesbury  in  England,  &  many  other 
bokes  that  I  haue  sought  &  ouerredde  for  to  accom- 
plysshe  hit.  And  bycause  that  his  noble  sustir  Marye, 
dougbtir  to  the  kyng1  Iohaii»e  of  Fraunce,  duchesse  of  for  the  Duchess 

24  Bar,  had  requy2red  my  said  lord  for  to  haue  the  said         » foi.  i&. 
historye  /  the  whiche  in  fauour  of  her  hath  doon  as 
moche  to  his  power  as  he  might,  to  serche  the  very 

1  This  title  is  added  in  xviith  cent,  handwriting. 



[CH.  I. 

at  the  command 
of  her  brother 
John,  Duke  of 
Berry  and  Au- 

and  was  com- 
menced on  St. 
Clement's  Day, 
Nov.  23,  1387. 

trouth  &  true  historye  /  and   hath  commanded   me 
for  to  do  drawe  alle  alonge  thy  story  whiche  heraftir 
foloweth  /.     And  I  as  of  herte  dyligent  /  of  my  pouere 
witt  &  connyng,  [do]  as  nygh  as  I  can  the  pure  trouth  4 
of  hys  gracyows  comwandement.     Wherfore  I  humbly 
&  deuoutly  beseche  &  pray  to  my  Creatour,  that  my 
said  lord  wil  take  it  in  gree  /  and  also  all  them  that 
schall  rede  or  here  it  /  that  they  wil  pardonne  me  yf  I  8 
haue  said  eny  thinges  that  ben  not  to  theire  good  gree. 
Whiche  this  present  hystorye  I  byganne  the  Wens- 
day,  saynt  dementis  day  in  Wynter,  the  yere  of  our 
lord  Ml.  ccc.  Ixxx.  vij.  beseching  alle  them  that  shaH  12 
rede,  or  here    it  redde,  that  they  wil  pardonne   me 
my  fawte,  yf  their  be  eny.     ffor  certaynly  I  haue  com- 
posed it  the  moost  justly  that  I  coude  or  haue  mowe, 
aftir  the   Cronykles   whiche   I   suppose   certaynly  to  16 
be  trew. 

1  fol.  2. 

David  said  that 
the  judgments 
of  God  are  un- 

It  is  foolish, 
therefore,  not 
to  believe  that 
things  are  true, 

for  the  Creature 
cannot  compre- 
hend the  designs 
of  God. 

Cap.  I.  How  Melusyne  &  her  two  sustirs 
shewid  them  to  Raymorcdyn  at  the  fontayne 
of  Soyf  or  thurst  /.  20 

DAuid  1the  prophete  saith,that  the  luggements  and 
the  punysshinges  of  god  ben  as  abysmes  without 
bottom  &  without  ryuage.     And  he  is  not  wyse  that 
suche  thinges  supposeth  to  comprehende  in  his  wit  /  &  24 
weneth  that  the  meruaylles  that  ben  thrugh  the  vni- 
uersal  world,  may  nat  be  true,  as  it  is  said  of  the  thinges 
that  men  calle  ffayrees  /  and  as  it  is  of  many  other 
thinges  wherof  we  may  not  haue  the  knowleche  of  alle  28 
them.    Now  thenne  the  Creature  ought  nat  therfore  for 
to  traueille,  by  outrageous  presumyng  to  knowe  &  to 
comprehende  in  his  wit  &  vnderstanding  the  lugements 
of  god  /  but  men  oughten  /  thinkynge  /  to  be  meruaylled  32 
of  hym  /  and  nwuaylling  /  to  considere  /  how  they  may 


worthily  &  deuoutly  prayse  and  glorify  hym  that  lugith   Men  should 

,          .,          .  .  rather  think 

so,  and  ordeynith  suche  thmges  after  liys  plaisure  &  how  worthily  to 

.  praise  ham. 

wule  without  eny  gaynseying*./ 

4  rilhe  creature  of  god  tliat  is  raisonable,  oughte  moche  Reasonable 
JL    besily  to  vnderstande  aftir  the  sayeng  of  Aristote,  c 
that  the  bynges  which  he  hath  made  &  creatid  here 
bynethe,  by  the  presence  bat  they  haue  in  themself,  should  believe 

what  is  seen, 

8  certyfyen  to  be  suche  as  they  are  /  As  saynct  paule 

seyth  in  thepistle  that  he  made  to  the  Rowmains  / 

sayeng  in  this  manere  /  that  the  thinges  that  he  hath 

doon,  shalbe  knowen  &  seen  by  the  Creatures  of  the 

1 2  world  /  that  is  to  wete,  by  the  men  that  can  rede  & 

adiousten  feyth  to  bactowres  whiche  haue  ben  byfore  and  should 

give  credence  to 

V3  /  as  to  wete  &  knowe  the  landes,  the  proumces  &  the  travellers 
straunge  Countrees.  and  to  haue  ouerseen  &  vysyted 

1 6  the  dyuerse  Eoytmmes  /  haue  founde  so  many  of  dyuerse 
meruaylles  aftir   co?»mon  exstimacion,   that  thumayn 
vnderstanding  is  constrayned  of  god  /  that  soo  as  he  is  who  sec  many 
without  ryuage  &  without  bottom  /  soo  are  the  thinges 

20  meniayllous  &  wounderfull  in  many  dyuerse  landes. 
aftir  their  dyuerse  nature  /  that  saaf  theire  luggement. 
I  suppose  that  neu^r  no  man  /  but  only  Adam,  hadd  Adam  alone  had 

perfect  know- 

parfytt  knowlege  of  the  thinges  Inuysible  or  that  may  ledge; 
24  not  be  seen.     Wherfore  I  me  bethink  fro  day  to  day  but  the  author 

,  .    ,.      .  o    ,      ,  P  ...  ,    daily  learns  more 

to  proutytte  in  science,  &  to  here  &  see  many  thinges  /  and  more, 

which  men  suposen  not  to  be  true,  the  which",  yf  they 

be  trew  /  I  putte  them  fourth  into  this  termes  byfore  and  teiis  what 

he  has  seen,  that 

28  you  /  to  thende  that  the  grette  meruaylles  that  ben  his  history  may 

J         '  be  believed. 

conteyned   in   this  present  hystory  may  be  byleued. 
Wherfore  I l  think  to  treato  to  the  playsure  of  god  /        » foi.  2  &. 
and  after  the  comwandement  of  my  said  right  mighty 
32  and  noble  lord./ 

LAte  vs  now  leve  the  Auctoures  wit/i  peas  /  and  Leaving  the 
retourne  we  to  that  we  haue  herde  say  and  telle  let  us  turn  to 

what  has  been 

of  our  auncyent  and  old?  tyme  /  and  that  this  day  we  seen  in  P°itou. 
30  haue  herd!  sey  what  in  the  land*  of  Poitow  was  seen  in 

B  2 

4  OF    GOBLINS   AND   FAIRIES   IN    POITOU.  [cH.  I. 

dede  /  for  to  couloure1  our  hystory  to  be  trew  /  as  we 
hold?  hit  soo  /  and  for  to  shew  &  publysshe  it  thrugh 
the  true  Cronykles  /  as  we  suppose  to  doo  /. 
in  ancient  times          We  haue  thenne  herd*  say  and  telle  of  our  auncyents,  4 

fairies  and  gob- 
lins often  ap-        that  in  many  partes  of  the  sayd?  lande  of  Poytow  haue 


ben  shewed  vnto  many  oon  right  famylerly  many  ma- 
nyeres  of  thinges  /  the  whiche  somme  called  Gobelyns  / 
the  other  ffayrees,  and  the  other  'bonnes  dames'  or  good  8 
ladyes  /  and  they  goo  by  nyght  tyrne  and  entre  wit/mi 
the  houses  without  opnyng  or  brekyng  of  ony  doore  / 

and  played  many  and  take  &  bere  somtyme  with  them  the  children  out  of 

theire  cradell^s.  and  somtyme  they  tourne  them  out  of  1 2 
theyre  wit  /  and  somtyme  they  brenne  &  roste  them 
before  }>e  fyre  /  and  whan  they  departe  fro  them,  they 
leue  hem  as  hoole  as  they  were  byfore  /  and  somme  gyue 
grette  happe  &  ffortune  in  this  world.     And  yet  haue  1 6 

Gervaise  tells  of    I  herd!  say  of  oon  Geruayse,  a  man  worshipfuH:  &  of  cre- 

other  fairies, 

dence,  that  somme  other  fauntasyes  appyeren  by  nyght 
tyme  vnto  many  oon  in  dyuerse  places,  in  lyknes  of 
wymeii  with  old!  face,  of  low  and  lytil  stature  or  body  /  20 
which  performed  whiche  dide  scoure  pannes  &  potts,  and  dide  sucbe 

menial  duties. 

thinges  as  a  mayde  or  sernaunt  oughte  to  doo  /  lyberaly 
&  without  dooyng  of  ony  harme.  And  also  he  saith 
for  certayn,  that  in  his  tyme  he  hadd!  a  frend!  that  was  24 
auncyent  &  old!,  whiche  recounted  for  trouth  /  that  in 
hys  dayes  he  hadd!  seen  many  tymes  suche  thinges. 
He  also  says  and  saith  yet  the  said!  Geruayse,  that  the  sayd  fayrees 

that  the  fairies 

sometimes  took     toke  sorntyme  the  fourme  &  the  fygure  of  fayre  &  28 

the  form  of  beau- 
tiful women,         yonge  wymen  /  of  whiche  many  men  haue  hadd!  soin 

whom  men  have    doughtirs,  and  haue  take  to  theire  wyues  by  meanes  of 

married  on  cer- 
tain conditions ;    som  couencmntes  or  promysses  that  they  made  them  to 

swere  vnto  them  /  the  som  /  that  they  shuld!  neuer  see  32 
eche  other  /  on  the  satirday  /  and  that  by  no  maner 
wyse  they  shuld!  nat  enquyre  where  they  were   by- 
comwe  /  the  other  /  that  yf  they  had  eny  children  / 
1  Fr.  coulourcr. 


that  theire  husbands  shuld  neuer  see  them  in  theyr 

child?  bedd?  /  And  as  long*  as  they  kept  theyre  cove-  and  so  long  as 

the  conditions 

nauntes  they  had  good  fortune  and  were  euer  in  pros-  were  kept,  they 

were  prosperous 

4  pery  te  /  but  assoone  as  they  fay  lied  of  theyr  promysses  *n*  ^PP^J 
or  couenawntes  they  fell  doun  fro1  theyr  good  happ  & 

fortune  /  and  aftir  these  thinges  so  happed  to  haue  pv"v 
broken  theyr  couenazmtes  /  the  other  were  couuerted  &  p"™^  into  KI~ 
8  tourned  into  serpentes.     And  yet  more  sayth  the  2said         *  fol-s- 
Geruayse,  that  he  byleueth  this  to  be  permytted  &  doon  Gervaise  thinks 

this  is  because  of 

for  som  mysdedes  that  were  doon  ayenst  the  playsure  some  misdeeds, 

for  which  God 

of  god  /  wherfore  he  punysshed  them  so  secretly  &  so  ^punished 
12  wounderly  wherof  none  hath  parfytte  knowlege  /  but 
alonely   he  /  and  they  may  be  therefore  called   the 
secrets  of  god,  abysmes  without  ryuage  and  wt't/tout 
bottom  /  For  none  knoweth  nothing  perfyttly  to  the 
16  regarde  of  hym  /  how  be  it  that  sometyme  of  his  pro- 
uysion  ben  many  thinges  kuovven  /  not  only  of  oon  / 
but  of  many  other.      It  is  seen  often  whan  a  man  Travellers  often 

see  marvellous 

hath  yssued  out  of  hys  owntree  /  and  hath  seen  many  things  ; 
20  awounder  &  meruayllo?/s  thynges  whiche  he  neuer  wold 
haue  byleued  hit  by  here  sayeng*,  without  he  had  hadd 

the  sight  of  hit  /  but  as  for  me  that  haue  nat  walked  but  even  i,  who 

have  not  been 

ferre,  I  haue  seen  sonme  thinges  that  many  oon  shuld  far,  have  seen 

some  marvels. 

24  nat  byleue  without  they  sawe  it.  With  this  seyth 
the  said  Geruayse,  &  setteth  fourth  an  ensauraple  of  a 
knyght,  named  Sir  Eobert  du  Chastel  Roussel  of  the  Sir  Robert  du 

Chastel  Roussel 

proumce  of  Asy  /  the  whiche  knight  by  auenture  on  an  found  a  fairy  m 

a  meadow, 

28  euen  founde  oon  of  the  fayree  in  a  medowe  /  and  wold 

haue  had  her  to  his  wyf  /  and  in  dede  she  assentid  to   and  was  married 

to  her  on  condi- 

hit  /  by  suche  couenawnce  that  neuer  he  shuld  see  her  tion  that  he 

should  never  see 

naked  /  and  were  longe  togider  /  and  the  knight  grew  lier  naked. 

32  &  wexed  prosperous  fro  day  to  day.     It  happed  long  he  was0prosper- 
tyme  after  that  /  that  he  wold  haue  seen    the  said 

Nymphe  naked  /  as  he  dede  /  in  so  moche  that  the  but  one  day 

.,  .  .  he  broke  his 

said  uympne  putte  her  heed  in  to  a  watre  and  was  promise, 
1  MS.  has  '  for.' 


and  his  wife  was 
changed  into  a 
serpent,  whilst 
he  himself  grew 

I  have  to  tell 
how  the  Castle 
of  Lusignen  was 
built  by  a  fairy, 

and  how  from 
the  same  woman 
a  noble  race 
which  shall 
reign  for  ever. 

First  I  will  tell 
you  whence  she 

»  fol.  36. 

The  children  of 
Melusine  and 
Raymondiu  were 

ITryan,  King  of 
Cyprus ;  Guyon, 
King  of  Armenia ; 
Raynold,  King 
of  Bohemia ;  An- 
thony, Duke  of 
Luxembourg ; 
Raymond,  Earl 
of  Forest ; 

Geoffrey,  of  Lu- 
signen ;  Theodo- 
ric,  of  Partenay ; 

Fremont,  of 

Once  upon  a 
time,  in  Albany, 
lived  a  brave 

tourned  in  to  a  serpent,  whiche  was  neuer  seen  after 
that  /  And  the  knyght  fro  day  to  day  wexed  pouere 
and  declyned  from  his  prosperyte.     As  for  prouerbes 
&  exemples  I  wil  none  bryng1  more  vnto  you  /  and  4 
that  /  that  I  haue  doon  /  it  was  bycause  fat  I  suppose 
to  treate  how  the  noble  ffortresse  or  Castell  of  Lusyg- 
nen  was  bylded  &  made  of  a  woman  of  the  fayree,  and 
the  manyere  how  /  after  the  juste  &  true  cronykle  /  8 
Wit/i  out  to  applye  ne  adiouste  to  it  no?zething  /  but  that 
it  be  approuued  luste  &  trevv,  and  of  the  propre  or  owne 
matere  /  And  ye  shall  here  me  spek  &  say  of  the  noble 
lynee  whiche  yssued  of  the  said  woman  /  that  shall  12 
regne  for  euer  vnto  thend  of  the  world  /  aftir  that  it 
appiereth  that   it   hath  euer  regned  vnto   this   tyme 
present.     But  bycause  that  I  byganne  first  to  treate  of 
the  fayree  /  I  shall  telle  you  how  &  of  whens  cam  16 
the  said  woman  whiche  bilded  the  noble  1ffortress  of 
Lusygnen,  beforsayd./ 

Herafter  folowen  the  names  of  the  estates  of  the 
children  whiche  yssued  of  Melusyne,  and  were  20 
bygoten  of  Raymondyn  in  wedlok.     And  first  yssued 
kyng   Uryan,  whiche  regned   in   Cypre.     Aftir  hym 
cam  King  Guyon,  which  regned  myghtily  in  Armenye. 
Item,  King1  Regnald,  whiche  regned  right   mightily  24 
in  Behaygne.     Item,  Anthony  that  was  due  of  Lucem- 
bourgh.      Item,  Raymond    that  was    Erie    of   fforest. 
Item,  Geffray  with  the  grette  toth,  that  was  lord  of 
Lusygnen.     Item,  there  yssued  also  theodoryk,  which  28 
was   lord  of   Partenay.     Item,  ffroymonde,   that  was 
monke  into  thabbey  of  Mailleses,2  the  whiche  Geffray 
wit/<  the  grette  toth  brent  the  said  Abbey,  &  thabbot 
also  wi't/i  an  hundred  religyoz/s  or  monkes./  32 

It   is  true  that  there  was  somtyme  in  Albany3  a 
kynge  that  was  moche  worthy  &  valyaunt  /  And 
as  sayth  thystory  /  he  had  of  hys  wyf  many  children  / 
2  Fr.  MallUtrei.  3  Fr.  Albania. 


&  that  Mathas  whiche  was  fader  to  fflorymond  was 

hys  first  sone  /  and  this  kinge  had  to  name  Elynas,  named  Eiynas. 
and  was  right  worthy  &  mighty  knight  of  his  land./ 

4  And  it  happed  that  after  the  decess  of  his  first  wyf  /  as  After  his  first 

wife's  death  lie 

he  chaced  in  a  fforest  nighe  to  the  see,  in  the  which  was  hunting, 

forest  was  a  moche  fayre  fontaym^e  /  that  sodaynly  he 

had  so  grett  athurst  /  that  as  constreyned1  he  tourned  andbeingthirsty, 

went  towards  a 

8  &  yede  toward  the  said  fontaynnc.     And  whan  he  ap-  fountain, 
prouched  to  the  said  fontayne  /  he  herde  a  voyco  that  prouehed,  he 

.  heard  beautiful 

song1  so  melodyeusly  &  so  swetly  /  that  he  suposed  none  singing,  which 

he  thought  must 

other  /  but  it  had  the  voyce  of  an  Angel  /  but  soone  aftir  be  of  someangei; 

12  he  knewe  that  hit  was  the  voyce  of  a  woman.  Thenne 
descendid  he  &  alyghted  fro  hys  hors  to  thendo  he 
shulde  not  make  gret  affray  /  and  walked  fayre  &  softly 
toward  the  fontayn  in  the  most  couered  wyse  that  he 

16  coude.     And  whan  he  camme  nygh  to  the  fontayne  /  but,  walking 
he  sawe  there  the  fayrest  lady  that  euer  he  the  dayes  fountain,  he  sees 

a  beautiful  lady 

of  hys  lyf  had  seen  to  his  aduys  or  semynge.  Thenne  (Pressyne). 
he  stode  styl  al  abasshed  of  the  grett  beaulte  that  he 
20  perceyued  in  the  same  ladye,  which  euer  songe  so 
melodyously  and  so  swetly.  And  thus  he  stood  styl  / 
asmoche  for  the  bewte  of  the  lady  /  as  for  to  here  her 
swette  &  plavsaunt  voyce  /  and  hyd  hym  in  the  best  He  hides  himself 

J  to  listen  to  her, 

24  wyse  that  he  coude  vnder  the  leevis  of  the  trees  /  to 

2thende  that  the  said  lady  shuld  not  perceyue  hym  /  &         »  foi.4. 

forgate  all  the  chasse  and  grett  thurst  that  he  had  afore. 

And  bysanne  to  think  on  the  songe  &  on  the  beanlte  and  to  look  upon 

her  beauty :  by 

28  of  the  lady.     In  so  moche  that  he  was  as  rauysshed  both  he  is  en- 

J  tranced. 

&  knew  nat  yf  it  was  daylight  or  nyght,  ne  yf  he  slept 
or  wakkedl./ 

Thus  as  ye  shall  now  here  was  kyngo  helynas  so  AS  he  stands 
abused  /  aswel  of  the  right  swete  songe  /  as  of 


the  bewte  of  the  said  lady  that  he  ne  wyst  whether  he 

slept  or  waked,  For  euer  styl  she  songe  so  melodyously 

that  it  was  a  swcte  &  melodyows  thing  to  here  /  Thenne 

1  '  honstreyned '  in  MS. 


[CH.  I. 

he  remembers 
nothing ; 

but  two  hounds 
at  last  disturb 

He  goes  to 
the  fountain  to 

and  humbly 
salutes  the  lady, 

who  returns  his 

He  asks  her  who 
she  is. 

He  knows  all  the 

lords  ,-ui'l  ladies 
of  the  neighbour- 

and  is  surprised 
that  she  is  with- 
out retinue. 

He  asks  her 
pardon  for  his 
rudeness  in 
questioning  her. 

the  kynge  Elynas  was  so  rauysshed  &  abused1  that  he 
remembred  of  nothinge  worldly  /  but  alonely  that  he 
herd!  &  sawe  the  said  lady,  and  abode  there  long  tyme. 
Thaime  camme  rannyng  toward  him  two  of  hys  houndis  4 
whiche  made  to  hym  gretfc  feste,2  and  he  lept  &  mevyd 
hym  as  a  man  wakynge  from  slep  /  and  thenne  he 
remembred  of  the   chasse,  and  had  of  new  so  grett 
athurst  /  that  without  hauyng  aduys  ne  mesure  he  yede  8 
fourth  vpon  the  ryuage  of  the  fountaymze,  and  toke  the 
basyn  which  heng1  therby  &  drank  of  the  watre.     And 
thenne  he  beheld  the  said  lady  whiche  had  lefte  her 
songe  &  salued3  her  right  humbly  /  beryng  vnto  her  12 
the  gretest  honour  &  reuerence  that  he  might.    Thanne 
she  that  coude  &  wyst  moche  of  wele  &  of  honour, 
rendred    to    hym    his    salutacion    right    gracyously, 
'Lady,'  said  Elynas,  the  kinge  /  '  of  yo«r  curtoysye  be  16 
nat  you  dyspleased  yf  I  requyre  of  you  to  knowe  of 
yoz^r  estate  /  of  your  beyng  &  what  ye  are  /  For  the 
cause  that  moueth  me  therto  is  suche  /  as  now  I  shall 
reherse  to  you.     Hight  dere  lady  vouche  ye  saaf  to  20 
wete  &  knowe  that  I  can  &  know4  so  moche  of  the 
beyng  of  this   countree,  that  there   nys  w/t/au   this 
foure  or  fyue  myle  neyther  Castel  ne  ffortres,  but  Jjat 
I  knowe  /  except  that  same  fro  whens  I  departed  this  24 
day  by  the  mornyng*,  whiche  is  two  myle  hens  or  ther- 
aboute.     Nor  there  nys  neyther  lord  ne  lady  within 
this  Countrey  but  that  I  knowe  them  wel,  and  therfore 
gretly  I  meruaylle  &  wounderly  am  abasshed,  fro  whens  28 
may  be  suche  a  fayr  and  so  gent  a  lady  as  ye  be  /  so 
exempt  &  vnpurveyed  of  felawship.    and  for  godis  loue 
pardonne  me  /  For  grette  outrage  is  to  me  to  demande 
of  you  therof  /  but  the  grette  desire  &  good  wylle  that  32 
my  herte  bereth  toward  your  gracyous  personne,  hath 
caused  hardynes  wz't/an  me  for  to  doo  it.'  / 

1  Fr.  abuse.  2  Fr.  feste.  8  Yr.sahia. 

4  Fr.  x$ay  et  congnois. 



ire  Knight,'  said  the  lady  / '  there  is  none  outrage  /        »  foi.  *i>. 
but  it  commeth  to  you  of  grette  curtoysye  &  she  replies 


honour.     And  knowe  you,  sire  knight,  that  I  shall  nat 
4  be  longe  alone  whan  it  shal  playse  me  /  but  from  me  Her  servants 

have  retired 

I  haue  sent  niy  seruawnts.  while  bat  I  dysported  me.    whilst  she 

amused  herself. 

Thenne  cam  fourth  to2  that  word?  oon  of  her  seruaunts, 
wel  arayed,  wliiche  rode  on  a  fay  re  Courcer,  and  att  his 
8  light  hand  ledd?  a  palfroy  so  richely  enharnashed3  that  A  servant  then 

brings  a  palfrey, 

the  kyng  Elynas  was  moche  abasshed  of4  the  grette  richly  capari- 

richesse  &  noble  aray  that  was  about  the  said  palfray. 

Thanne  said  the  seruaunt  to  his  lady :  '  Madame,  it  is 

12  tyme  whan  it  shall  playse  you  to  comme.'     And  she 

fourthwith  said  to  the  kinge  :    'Sire  knight,  god  be  and  the  lady, 

bidding  the  King 

with  you,  and  grame>-cy  of  your  curtoisye.     therine  she  farewell, 
went  toward  the  palfray  /  and  the  kinge  hyed  hym, 
1C  &   helped   to   sette   her   on   horsbak  moche   prately.5  mounts  and  rides 


And  she  thanked  hym  moche  of  hit,  and  departid  /. 

And  the  kyng  yede  to  his  hors,  and  lept  on  his  bake.   The  King  also 

mounts,  but  his 

thanne  camwe  hys  meney,  wluche  sought  hym,  and  attendants  ar- 

J  J'  J  rive,  having 

20  sayd  that  they  had  taken  the  herte.     And  the  king1  kmed  the  deer, 
said  to  them  /  '  that  playseth  me.'    Thenne  he  byganne 
to  thinke  on  the  beaulte  of  the  said  lady,  and  so  moche 

he  was  surprysed  of  her  loue,  that  he  ne  wyst  what  Being  enamoured 

of  the  lady,  the 

J*  contemrance  or  manyere  he  shuld  hold  /  and  said  to   King  dismisses 

his  retinue, 

his  meyne  /  '  goo  you  alle  before  /  and  I  shall  folow 
you  soone.'  They  yede  at  hys  commandement  theire 
way  /  and  wel  they  perceyued  &  knew  that  he  hadtl 
28  found  som  thinge  /  And  the  king  hastly  tourned  his  and  rides  after 
hors,  &  toke  the  way  that  the  said  lady  had  ytaken  /  & 
Mowed  her. 

Thystory  recounteth  to  vs,  that  so  long  folowed  the 
kinge  Elynas  the  lady,  that  he  found  her  in  a  He  overtakes  her 
fforest,  where  as  were  many  trees  high  &  strayt  /  and 
[it]  was  in  the  season   that   the  tyme6   is   swete   & 

2  Fr.  a.         3  Fr.  enfiarnacM.         4  Fr.  de. 
6  Fr.  doulcenteitt.         6  Fr.  tempx. 



[CH.  I. 

The  lady,  hear- 
ing the  noise  of 
his  horse, 
waits  for  him ; 

but  when  he 
comes  up, 

King  Elynns  is 
much  abashed. 

»  fol.  5. 

The  lady  asks 
him  why  he 
follows  her, 

tfi  which  he  re- 
plies that  lie  is 
ashamed  to  let 
her  go  unaccom- 
panied through 
his  land. 

She  excuses  him, 
and  begs  him 
not  to  delay  his 
roturn  merely 
for  tliat, 

upon  which  he 
declares  his  love 
for  her, 

gracyows,  &  the  place  wi't/iin  the  forest  was   moche 
delectable.1      And   whan   the   lady   herde   the   noyse 
of  the  hors  of  the  kynge  Elynas,  that  rode  fast,  she 
said  to  her  serucmnt :   '  Stand  we   sty],  and  late  vs  4 
abyde  this  knight,  For  I  byleue  that  he  cometh  vnto 
vs  for  to  telle  to  vs  a  part  of  his  wille,  wherof  he  was 
nat  as  tofore  aduysed,  For  we  sawe  hym  lepe  on  his 
hors  all  thoughtfuH.'     '  Madame,'  said  the  serufmnt  /  8 
'at  yowr  plaisure.'    Thanne  camwe  the  kinge  nigh  vnto 
the  lady  /  and  as  he  had  neuer  seen  her  before,  he 
salewed   her,  moche   affrayenge,  For   he  was   so  sur- 
prysed2  of  her  loue  that  he  coude  nat  holde  conten-  12 
aunce.     Thanne   the  lady,  that  knew  ynoughe  as  it 
was,  and  that  3she  shuld  comme  to  lier  entrepryse  / 
said  to  hym  :  '  Ivynge  Elynas,  what  goost  thou  sechyng1 
aftir  so  hastly  /  haue  I  oughte  borne  away  of  thyn  16 
owne1?'/  And  whan  the  king1  herdo  hym  named,  he 
Avas  moche  abasshed,  For  he  knew  nat  what  she  was 
that  spak  with  hym  /  and  neuertheles  he  ansuerde  to 
her  :  '  My  dere  lady,  nought  of  myn  owne  ye  withbere  /  -0 
but  only  that  ye  passe  &  goo  thrugh  my  land  /  and  it 
is  grett  shame  to  me  /  sith  that  ye  be  astravuzger,4  that 
I  ne  doo  you  to  be  conueyed  worshipfully  thrugh  my 
land  /  whiche  I  wold  moche  gladly  doo  yf  I  were  24 
in  place,  &  had  tyme  &  space  for  to  doo  it.'     Thenne 
ansuerde  the  lady :   '  Kynge  Elynas,  I  hold  you  for 
escused,  &  pray  you  yf  ye  wyl  of  vs  none  other  thinge  / 
that  ye  leue  ne  lette  nat  yor«r  retourne  for  that  cause.'  28 
And   Elynas    ansuerde   /   '  wel   other  thing1   I   seke, 
lady '  /  '  And  what  is  it  ? '  said  she  /  '  telle  it  to  me 
hardyly.'     'My  right  dere  lady,  sith  that  it  is  jour 
wille  &  plaisir  for  to  knowe  it  /  I  shall  telle  it  to  you.  32 
I  desire  moche   more   than   eny  other  thing1  in  the 
world  forto  haue  yowr  good  loue  &  yo?/r  good  grace.' 
'  By  my  feith,'  said  she,  'kyng  Elynas,  to  that  haue  ye 
1  Fr,  delectable.         2  Fr.  turjtrit.         *  Fr.  cstrangiere. 

CH.  I.]          KING   ELYNAS    BREAKS    HIS    PROMISE   TO    PRESSYNE.  11 

not   faylled  /  yf  that  ye   think  theron   but  wele  & 
honour,  For  neuer  man   shal   liaue  my  loue  in  hys 
auauntynge.'     '  Ha,  my  dere  lady,  I  ne  think  on  my  JJ^t  gof  his 
4  lyf  on  none  cas  dyshoneste.'     Thenne  perceyued  the  pnwion. 
lady  fat  he  was  esprised1  of  her  loue,  &  said  to  hym  / 
'  vf  ve  wil  take  me  as  \ouv  wyf  by  mariage,  and  be  She  will  marry 

*      J  him,  if  he  will 

svvorne  vnto  me  that  ye  shal  nat  see  me  duryng  my  £°8l"ei81fe"'j|'ler 
8  cliildbed,  nor  to  peyne  your  self  in  no  manere  of  way  childbed; 
for  to  loke  on  me  att  that  tyme  /  And  yf  this  ye  wil 
doo  &  swere  /  I  am  she  that  shal  obey  to  you  as  a  wyf 
ought  to  obey  her  husband.'     Thanne  J>e  kinge  anoone, 

12  and  w/t/t  good  wille,  sware  &  promysed  to  hold  that  to  which  condi- 
tion he  assents. 

byfore  is  said.     Without  longe  rehercyng  they  wore 

PDOUSed.  &  ledJ  longe  a  good   Ivf   tOgidre.      But  al  the    They  are  married, 

an<l  live  long  to- 

land  of  the  kinge  Elynas  was  moche  abasshed  who  was  gether; 
10  this  lady  /  how  bo  it  that  she  gouerned  her  wel  right 

wvslv  &  valiauntly.     But  Nathas.  that  was  sone  to  the  but  Nathas, 

the  son  of  King 

kvn^e  Elvnas,  hated  her  ouennoche.     and  [it]  happed  Elynas,  dislikes 

J     '  her  (Pressyne) ; 

that  she  was  at  her  childbed  of  tlire  doughtirs  /  the  and  when  she  is 

in  childbed  of 

20  whiche  she  had  bormze  2ryght  gracyously  alle  her  tyme,   three  Daughters, 

*  fol.  5  6. 

&  was  delinked  of  them  thre  at  ende  of  ix.  monethis  / 

the   first   borne   was    named   Melusigne,    the    second  Meiusine, 

Melior,  and  Pala- 

Melyor,  and  the  iijde  Palatyne.     The   kynge  Elynas  tyne, 

2 1  was  nat  thanne  present  at  that  place,  but  kynge  Nathas 
his  sone  was  there,  and  beheld  hys  thre  sustirs,  that 
were  so  fayre  that  it  Avas^  meruaylle.     and  thanne  he 
went  toward  the  kinge  his  fader  /  and  thus  he  said  to 

28  hym  :  '  Sire  /  Madame,  the  queue  Fressyne  your  wyf, 
hath  made  &  is  delyucred  of  thre  doughtirs,  the  most 
fayre  that  euer  were  seen  /  conwie  &  see  them.'  Thenne  persuades  the 

King  to  visit  her. 

kinge  Helynas,  that  remembrcd  nat  of  the  promysse 
32  that  he  had  made  to  Pressyne  his  wyf  /  sayd  /  '  ffayre 

sone  /  so  wvl  I  doo.'     And  yede  apcrtly3  &  entred  He,  forgetting 

his  promise, 

anoon  wz't/an  the  chambre  wheras  Pressyne  bathed  her  enters  her  cham- 

thre  doughtirs.     and  whan  he  saw  them  /  ho  said  in 
1  ei»i»'is.  3  Fr.  apertement. 



and  greets  her 

She  reproaches 
hi  111  for  breaking 
his  promise,  say- 
ing he  has  lost 
her  for  evermore, 

Vmt  that  she 
knows  Nathns 
is  the  cause  of 

whereupon  she 
<lis;ip]>tars  with 
her  three  daugh- 
ters, and  is  never 
seen  again. 

King  Elynas  is 
nmch  afflicted  at 
the  loss  of  his 
wife  Pressyne 
and  his  daugh- 

and  laments  for 
seven  yeurs. 

His  people  think 
him  mad, 
mid  make  Nathas 
their  king, 

whom  they 
marry  to  the 
Lady  of  Ycris ; 

«  fol.  6. 

nnd  from  the 
two  is  born 

with  whom  the 
history  is  not 

Pressyne  goes 
with  her  daugh- 
ters to  Avalon, 
or  the  Isle  Lost, 

this  manere  :  '  god  blesse  the  moder  &  the  doughters,' 
&  toke  of  them  grette  loye.  And  whan  pressyne 
herde  hym,  she  answerde  to  hym,  '  Fals  kinge,  thou 
hast  fay  lied  thy  couena?mt,  wherof  grett  euyl  shal  4 
comme  vnto  the  /  and  hast  lost  me  for  eue?-more. 
And  wel  I  wot  that  thy  sone  Nathas  is  cause  therof, 
&  departe  I  must  fro  the  lightly.1  but  yet  I  shalbe 
auenged  me  on  thy  sone  by  my  sustir  &  felow,  my  8 
lady  of  the  yle  lost.'  And  these  thinges  said  /  [she] 
toke  her  thre  doughtirs  &  had  them  withher  /  and 
neuer  aftir  she  was  seen  in  the  land  / 

Thystotye  saith  to  vs,  that  whan  the  kinge  had  lost  12 
pressyne  his  wyf,  and  his  thre  doughters,  he  was 
so  wofuH  &  so  abasshcd  that  he  wys't  not  what  he 
shuld  doo  or  say.     but  he  was  by  the  space  of  seueii 
yere  that  he  dede  none  other  thinge,  but  compleyned  1G 
&  sighed,  &  made  grette  playntes  &  piteo?^  lamenta- 
cions  for  loue  cf  Pressyne  his  wyf,  which e  he  louyd  of 
lawfull2  loue.     and  the  peuple  in  hys  land  said  that  he 
was  assoted.3     and  in  dede  they  gaue  &  betoke  the  20 
goueniement  ouer  them  &  of  alle  the  lande  to  Nathas 
his  sone.    Which  gouerned  valiauntly,  and  held  hys 
fader  in  grette  chary te.     And  thenne  the  barons  of 
Albanye  gaf  to  hym  vnto  hys  wyf  agentyl  woman,  24 
whiche  was  lady  of  Ycrys.     And  of  these  4two  yssued 
fflorymond,  whiche  afterward  toke  moche  of  peyne  & 
traueyll.     Neuertheles,  oure  hystory  is  not  enterprysed 
ne  begonnc  for  hym  /  and  therfore  we  shall  hold  oure  28 
peas  of  hym,  and  we  shall  retourne  to  oure  hystorye. 

T  history  e   saith,  that   whan   Pressyne   departed  & 
yede  Avith  her   thre    doughtirs,  she   went   in   to 
Aualon,  that  was  named  the  yle  lost,  bycause  that  aH  32 
had  a  man  ben  there  many  tymes5  /  yet  shuld  not  he 
conne  retourne  thither  hymself  alone  /  but  byhapp  & 

1  Fr.  sinidainement.         2  Fr.  leal.         3  Fr.  assott. 
5  Fr.  tant  y  cut  este  defoys. 

CII.  I.]  MELUSINE   AND    HER   TWO   8I8TEP.S.  13 

erett  auenture.     And  there  she  nourysshed-  lier  thre  where  she  brings 

np  her  daughter*. 
doughtirs  vnto  the  tyme  that  they  were  xv.  yere  of 

age   /  and    ledd?    them    euery   mornyng    on   a   high  She  takes  them 

every  morning  to 

4  mountaymze  \vhiche  was  named,  as  thystory  saith  &  a  high  mountain, 
recounteth,  Elyneos,  whiche  is  asmoche  for  to  say  in  called  Elyneos, 
englissh  as  fflorysshed  hyH.1     For  from  thens  she  sawe 
ynough  the  land  of  Albany.2     and  often  said  to  her 

8  thre  doughtirs,  waymentyng  &  sore  wepyng  :  '  See,  my  and  shows  them 

the  land  in  which 

fayre  doughters,  yonder  is  the  land  wher  ye  were  horn  /  they  were  born, 
and  ye  shuld  haue  had  yowr  wele  &  honour,  ne  had  he 
the  dommage  of  yo«r  fader,  that  bothe  you  &  me  hnth 
1 2  putte  in  grett  myserye  wit/iout  ende  vnto  the  day  of 
dome,  whan  god  shal  punysshe  the  euyl  folk  /  and  the 
good  he  shall  enhaunse  in  theire  vertues.' 

Melusyne,   tholdebt    doughtir,   demanded    of    her  Meiusineask* 
what  was  their 
moder  Pressvne :   'What   falshed3   hath   doon  father's  wrong 


cure  fader,  wherby  we  must  endure  so  longe  this  greef 

&  sorow  ? '     Thanne  the  lady,  theyre  moder,  byganne  and  Pressyne 

tells  tliem  the 

to   telle  &  shew  vnto  them  all   the   manere   of  the  whole  story. 

20  faytte,  so  as  ye  haue  herd!  tofore.  And  therme  whan 
Melusyne  had  herde  her  moder,  and  that  she  vnder- 
stode  all  the  faitte  or  dede,  She  tourned  the  talke  of 
her  moder,4  &  demanded  of  her  the  commodytees  of 

24  the  land  /  the  name  of  the  Cites,  tounes,  &  Castels  of 
Albanye  /  and  rehercyng  these  thinges  they  al  descendid 
doun  fro  the  hyH,  &  retourned  to  the  yle  of  Aualon. 
And  thanne  Melusyne  had  &  drew  5apart  her  two  »  foi.  66. 

28  sustirs,  that  is  to  wete  Melyor  &  Palatyne,  &  said  to  Meiusine  then 

conspires  with 

them  in  this  manyere  :  '  My  dere  sustirs,  now  lokc  &  i>er  sister 
byhold  we  the  myserye  wherin  oure  fader  hath  putt 
both  oure  moder  &  vs  all,  that  shuld  haue  be  so  wel  att 
32  ease  &  in  so  grette  worship  in  oure  lyues.     what  think 
you  good  of  yowr  best  aduys  for  to  doo  /  For  as  for 

1  Fr.  montaignc  floric.  -  Fr.  Ybernie. 

3  Fr.  fatilcrf?. 
4  Fr.  rtiiitiat  an  in  ire  en  anltres  jtarolles. 



[CH.  I. 

to  punish  King 
Elynas  for  the 
sorrow  he  has 
brought  upon 
them  and  their 

by  imprisoning 
him  in  a  moun- 
tain of  North- 

This  they  accord- 
ingly do ; 

but  when  they 
tell  their  mother 

she  is  Tery 
grieved  and 
angry  at  their 
uulilial  conduct. 

fol.  7. 

my  parte  I  think  to  auenge  me  therof  /  and  as  lytel 
myrthe  &  solas  that  he  hath  Impetred1  to  oure  moder 
by  hys  falshed  /  as  lytel  joye  I  think  to  purchasse 
vnto  hym  /.'     Thenne  her  two  sustirs  ansuerde  to  her  4 
in  this  manere :  '  Ye  be  OUT  oldest  sustir,   we  shall 
folowe  &  obey  you   in  all  that  ye  wil  doo  &  shall 
ordonne  theirof.'     And  Melusyne  said  to  them  /  '  ye 
shew  good  loue,  &  to  be  good  &  lawi'ull2  to  oure  moder,  8 
For  by  my  feyth  ye  haue  said  right  wel.     and  I  haue 
aduysed  yf  it  semeth  you  good  that  we  shall  close  or 
shett  hym  on  the  high  mountayne  of  Northomberland, 
named  Brombelyoys  /  and  in  myserye  he  shalbe  there  12 
all3  his  lyf.'     '  My  sustir,'  said  either  of  bothe  sustirs  / 
Mette   now  hye  vs  for  to  doo  this   /   For  we   haue 
grette  desyre  to  see  that  oure  moder  be  auenged  of 
the  vnlawfulnes  that  our  fader  dede  shew  vnto  her,'  16 
Thanne   the   thre   doughtirs   dide   so   moch",  that   by 
theyre  false  condycion  they  toke  theyr  fader,  &  closed 
or  shett  hym  on  the  said  mountayne.     And  after  that 
they  had  so  doon,  they  retourned   to   theire  moder,  20 
and  to  her  they  said  in  this  manere  :  '  Moder,  ye  ne 
oughte  to  retche*  ne  care  more  of  the  vnlawfulness5  & 
falshed  of  our  fader  /  For  therof  he  hath  receyued 
hys  payment,  For6  neuer  he  shal  yssue  ne  departe  fro  24 
the  mounteyne  of  Brombelyoys,  wheron  he  is  closed  & 
shett  by  vs  /  and  Jwe  he  shall  waste  hys  lyf  &  his 
tyme  with  grett  dolour  and  woo.'  /  '  Ha  /  ha  /  alas  ! ' 
said  theire  moder  Pressyne  to  them  /  '  how  durst  you  28 
so  doo  /  euyl  herted  doughters,  &  without  pyte  /  ye 
haue  not  doon  wel,  whan  he  that  begat  you  on  my 
body    ye    haue    so    sham  fully    punysshed7    by    •your 
proude  courage.     For  it  was  he  of  whom  I  toke  all  32 
the    playsaunce   that   I   had  in  this   mortaH  world, 

1  Fr.  impctri.         2  Fr.  leal.         3  MS.  has   '  as.' 
4  Fr.  clialloir.         6  Fr.  desleaulte, 
6  MS.  has  'ffro.'      Fr.  car. 

Fr.  toute. 


whiche  ye  haue  taken  fro  me.     therfore,  knowe  ye  wel   For  punishment 

site  condemns 

that  I  shall  punyssh  you  of  the  raeryte  aftir  youre   Meiusine,  the 

('hirst  Jlllu  t  MO 

deserte.     thou,  Melusyne,  that   art   tholdest,  &   that  most  in  fault, 

4  oughtest  to  haue  be  the  moost  knowyng  /  all  this  is 

comme  &  doon  thrughe  thy  counseyH,  For  wel  I  wot 

that  this  pryson  hath  be  gyuen  to  thy  fader  by  the  / 

and    therfore   thou   shalt    be    she    that    shalbe   first 

8  punysshed   therof.     For  notwithstandyng  the  vnlaw- 

fultiess  of  thy  fader  /  bothe  thou  &  thy  sustirs  he 

shuld  haue  drawen  to  hym,  and  ye  shuld  shortly  haue 

ben  out  of  the  handes  of  the  Nym  plies1  &  of  the 

12  fairees,  without  to  retourne  eny  more.     And  fro  hens 

fourthon  I  gyue  to  the  /  the  gyfte  that  thou  shalt  be  to  be  turned  into 

a  serpent  every 

euery  satirday  tourned  vnto  a  serpent  fro  the  nauyll  Saturday,  until 

she  finds  some 

dounward  /  but  yf  thou  fynd  ony  man  bat  wil  take  one  who  win 

marry  her,  and 

1 G  the  to  hys  Avyf  /  and  that  he  wil  promvtte  to  the  that  I?""?  "ever 

J         J     '  '  to  see  her  on 

neuer  on  the  Satirday  he  shall  see  the,  ne  b«t  shall  that  <**>'• 
declare  ne  reherce  thy  faytt  or  dede  to  ne  personne  / 
thou  shalt  lyue  thy  cours  naturell,  and  shall  dey  as  a 
20  naturel  &  humayn  woman  /  and  out  of  thy  body 
shall  yssue  a  fayre  lynee,  whiche  shalbe  grct  &  of 
highe  proesse.  but  yf  by  hap  or  som  auenture  /  thou  if  he  break  his 


shuld est   be   seen   &   deceyued2   of   thyn   husband   / 
24  knowe  thou  for  certayn  that  thou  shuldest  retourne  she  must  return 

.to  her  punish- 
to  the  tourment  &  peyne  wher  as  thou  were  in  afore  /  ment  until  the 

1     DayofJudg- 

and  euer  thou  shalt  abyde  therinne  vnto  the  tyme  that  ment, 
the  right  highe  lugge  shal  hold  his  jugement.     And 
28  thou  shalt  appiere  by  thre  dayes  byfore  the  fortresse  appearing  before 

or  Castel  whiche   thou   shalt  make,  and   thou   shalt  three  days,  when- 
ever it  shall  have 
name  it  aftir  thy  name  /  at  euery  tyme  whan  it  shall  a  new  lord,  or 

when  one  of  her 

haue  a  new  lord,  and  lykwyse  also  whan  a  man  of  thy  descendants  is 

J        J  J     about  to  die. 

32  lynee  shal  dey.     And  thou,  Melyor,  to  the  I  gyue  a  Meiioriscon- 
Castel  in  the  grette  Armenye,  whiche  is  fayre  &  riche,  a  span-owhawk 
wher  thou  shalt  kepe  a  3Sperohak  vnto  the  tyme  that  Armenia,  until 

.  the  judgment 

the  grett  maister  shall  hold  his  lugement.     And  al  day; 
1  Yr.japlies.  2  Fr.  decellec. 



[CH.  i. 

and  all  kniglits 
who  shall  watch 
there  a  certain 
time  without 

shall  have  any 
gift  they  desire, 

except  herself  in 
Those  that  per- 
sist in  this  last 
request  shall  be 
unfortunate  to 
the  ninth  genera- 

Palatyne  is  to 
he  imprisoned  on 
Mount  Guygo, 
with  the  treasure 
of  King  Elynas, 
until  one  of  their 
lineage  shall  de- 
liver her, 
and  obtain  the 

The  sisters  then 
go  their  several 

Be  not  displeased 
that  I  tell  you 
these  things. 

I  will  now  pro- 
ceed to  the 
history  itself, 

but  will  first 
tell  you  how 
King  Elynas 
ended  his  days. 

After  living  a 
long  time  upon 
the  mountain, 
he  died. 

»  fol.  8. 

noble   and   worthy  knightes  descended  &  comwe  of 
noble  lynee,  that  wil  goo  watche  there  the  day  byfore 
the   euen,   and  theuen   also  of   saint  lohan  baptiste, 
whiche  is  on  the  xx.  day  of  lung,1  w^t/iout  eny  slep,  4 
shal  haue  a  yeft  of  the  of  suche  thinges  that  men  may 
haue   corporelly  /   that  is   to  wete,  of  erthly  fringes 
without  to  demande  thy  body  ne  thy  loue  by  maryage 
nor  other  wyse.     And  al  thoo  that  shal  demande  the  8 
wMout  cesse,  and  that  wyl  not  forbere  &  absteymze 
them  ]>eroi  /  shal  be  infortunate  vnto  the  ix.  lynee,  and 
shul  be  putt  from  theire  prosperytees  /.     And  thou 
shalt  be  closed,  palatyne,  &  shette  on  the  mountayn  of  12 
Guygo,  with  al  the  tresoure  of  thy  fader,  vnto  the 
tyme  that  a  knight  shal  comme  of  OUY  lynee  whiche 
shal  haue  al  that  tresoure  to  help  therwith  for  to  gete 
&  conquyre  the  land  of  promyssion  /  &  shal  delyure  16 
the  from  thens  /.'     Thenne  were  the  thre  sustirs  full 
heuy   of   herte   &   sorowfull,    &   departed   fro   theire 
moder.     And  Melusyne  went  &  toke  her  way  al  alone 
thrughe   the  forest   &   thikk   busshes.      Melyor   also  20 
departed,  &  yede  toward  the  Sperhaak  Castel  in  the 
grette   Armenye.      And   Palatyne    also   went   to   the 
numnteyne  of  Guygo,  wher  many  a  man  hath  seen 
her  /.     And  I  myself   herd   it   say  of   the  kinge  of  24 
Arragon  and  of  many  other  of  hys  roya^mle.     And 
be  nat  you  displesed  yf  I  haue  recounted  vnto  you 
this  auenture,  For  it  is  for  to  adiouste  more  of  feyth, 
&  for  to  veryfy  thistory,  And  fro  hens  fourthon  I  28 
wil  entre  into  the  matere  cf  the  very  &  true  hystory. 
but  first  I  shall  telle  to   you  how  the  king  Elynas 
fynysshed  his  dayes  in  this  world  /  and  how  Pressyne 
his  wyf  buryed  hym  -within  the  said  mountayn  in  a  32 
moche  noble  tombe,  as  ye  shal  here  heraftir.  / 

LOnge  tyme  was  the  Kyng  Elynas  on  the  said  rnoun- 
tayne  in  so  moch,  that  deth  which  bringeth  2euery 
1  Fr.juing. 


personne  to  an  ende  toke  hym.     Thanne  camme  ther 

Pressyne  his  wyf  and  buryed  hym  there  /  and  on  hym  and  Pressyne 

buries  him,  and 

made  to  be  sette  oon  so  noble  &  so  riche  a  tombe,  bat  erects  a  rich 

tomb  to  his 

4  neuer  by  fore  ne  syn  that  tynie  was  seen  none  suche  ne  memory, 
so  riche.     For  on  the  tombe  were  riches  wtt/iout  com- 
paracion  as  of  precyows  stones  and  other  Jewellis  /  and 
about  it  were  grett  &  highe  Candelstykes  of  fyn  gold, 

8  and  lampes  &  torches  whiche  brennen  both  day  & 
nyght  continuelly.  And  on  the  said  tombe  stood  vp 
right  a  Statue  or  ymage  of  Alabaster,  kerued  &  made  bearing  a  statue 

of  the  King. 

aftir  the  lengthe,  lyknes,  &  fourrne  of  Kinge  Elynas  / 
12  and  the  said  ymaga  held  in  her  handes  a  table1  of  gold, 
whereon  was  writon  the  forsaid  auenture.     And  there 
the  lady  Pressyne  stablysshed  a  stronge  geaunt  to  the  She  places  a 

giant  to  guard 

sauegarde  of   the   tresoure   byfore   said  /  the  whiche  the  tomb  and 

the  treasure, 

16  Geaunt  was  wounder  fyers   &   horryble,  and  al   the 
Countre  therabout  he  held  vnder  his  subgection.     And 

also  aftir  hym  many  other  geaunts  kept  it  vnto  the  who  was  suc- 
ceeded by  nmny 
tyme  &  conmyng  of  Geffray  vriih  the  grett  toth  /of  others,  until 

J  J    '  '  Geoffrey  with 

20  the  whiche  ye  shall  more  here  heraf ter.     Now  haue  ye  the  Great  Tooth 


herde  of  the  King1  Elynas  and  of  Pressyne  his  wyf. 

And  from  hens  fourthon  I  wil  bigynne  &  shew  the  Nowiwiiiteii 

trouth  of  thystory  of  the  meruaylles  of  the  noble  Castel  Veiious  Castle 

of  Lusignen. 

24  of  Lusignen  in  Poitosv.     And  why  &  by  what  maneve 
hit  was  bilded  &  made./ 

Jhystory  recounteth  to  vs  that  there  was  somtyme 


in  the  Brut  Brytayne2  a  noble  man  whiche  fell  at  A  nobleman 

.  .  of  Brut  Britain, 

28  debate  with  the  nevew  of  the  king1  of  Bretons,    and  in  failing  out  with. 

the  nephew  of 

dede  he  durst  therfore  nomore  dwelle  wit/an  the  land  /  the  King, 

but  toke  vtiih  hym  al  his  fynaunce  &  goodes,  and  went  leaves  the  land ; 
out  of  the  land  by  the  high  mountaynes.     And  as 

32  telleth  thistorye  he  founde  on  a  day  nighe  by  a  fon-  and  meeting  a 

f          ,1  ,  i        .    i  i      i    i  •      TI  P  beautiful  lady 

tayne  a  iayr  lady  to  whom  he  told  al  his  lortune  &  near  a  fountain, 
aduenture  /  so  that  fynally  they  enamoured3  echo  other, 

1  Fr.  tabller.  2  Fr.  la  bnite  Iretaigne. 

3  Fr.  s'amouerent. 



[CH.  n. 

and  the  lady  shewed  to  hyra  grett  loue,  &  dide  vnto 
hym  mocfi.  comfort,     and  he  began  \\ii/dn  her  land, 
that  was  wast  &  deserte  for  to  byld?  &  make  fayre 
tounes  &  strong  Castels.     and  was  the  land  wit//in  4 
1  short  tyme  peupled  raisonably  /  And  they  dede  calle 
the  land  forestz,  bycause  that  they  founds  it  full  of 
grett  wodes  &  thikk  bushes,  And  yet  at  this  day  it  is 
called  Forestz.     It  haped  that  this  knight  &  this  lady  8 
fel  at  debate  togidre.     I  ne  wot  not  goodly  how  ne 
wherfore  /  but  that  right  sodaynly  departed  the  lady 
fro  the  knight,  wherfore  he  was  woful  &  heuy.     and 
notwit/fstandinge  he  grew  &  encreaced  euer  in  worship  12 
and  in  prosperite.    The  noble  men  thanne  of  this  land  / 
seeyng  that  they  were  w/t/tout  a  lady  purveyed  hym  of 
oon  to  hys  wyf,  a  moche  gentil  &  fayre  woman,  sustir 
to  the  Erie  of  Poiters,  which"  regned  at  that  tyme,  &  1G 
he  begate  on  her  many  children  males,    emonge  the 
whiche  was  oon  /  that  is   to  wete   the  iijde  borne, 
whiche  was  named  Eaymondyn,  and  was  fayre,  goodly 
&  gracyous,  moche  subtyl  &  wyty  in  all  thinges.     And  20 
that  same  tyme2  the  said  Raymondin  might  be  xiiij 
yere  of  age./ 

Cap.  II.    How  the  Erie  of  Poy tiers  prayde  the 
Erie  of  Forests  for  to  comwe  to  the  Feste  24 
that  he  made  of3  hys  sone./ 

Ihe  Erie  of  Poyters  held  a  grett  feste  of  a  sone 
that  he  had,  and  wold  haue  made  hym  to  be 
dowbed  a  knight.     And  no  more  children  he  had,  but  28 
only  a  fayre  mayde  that  was  called  Blanche  /  and  the 
sone  had  to  name  Bertrand.    [Thanne  the  Erie  Emery]  6 
in  honour  of  his    mandcd  &  desyred  a  moch"  fayre  company  for  loue  of 

son  Bertrand,  * 

the  knighthode  of  his  sone  /  and  amonges  other  he  bode  32 

2  Fr.  icelluy  temps. 
3  fr.poui-.        5  omitted  by  the  translator. 

he  marries  her, 
and  in  her 
land  builds 
many  towns 
and  castles  ; 

and  the  country 
is  called  Forests. 

The  knight, 
quarrelling  with 
the  lady, 

she  suddenly 

He  afterwards 
marries  the 
sister  of  the  Earl 
of  Poitiers, 

nr.d  has  many 
children  by  her, 
of  whom  the 
third  born  was 
n  nmed  Kaymon- 

«  fol.  9. 
The  Earl  of 
Poitiers  holds 
a  great  feast 


CH.  lit.]  THE   KARL  OP   POITIERS'  FEAST.  19 

&  prayed  the  Erie  of  Forests  to  com/we  to  the  feste,   to  which  the 

Earl  of  Forests 

&  that  ho  shuld  bring*  with  him  thre  of  his  sones,  the  and  his  sons  are 


oldest,  For  he  wold  see  them.     Thanne  the  Erie  of 
4  Forestz  went  at  his  mandement  in  the  moost  honour- 
able wyse  that  he  coude,  and  with  hym  he  led  thre  of 
his  sones.     The  feste  was  grette,  and  there  were  made  At  the  feast 
and  dowbed  many  a  knight  for  loue  of  Bertrand,  sone  knighted. 
8  to  the  Erie  of  Poyters,  that  was  fat  day  preferred  to 
thonourable  &  worshipfurl  ordere  of  knighthod!.     And 
also  was  ther  made  and  dowbed  to  a  knight,  theldest 
sone  of  the  Erie  of  Forestz,  for  he  jousted  moche  wei 
12  &  fayre.     And  was  the  fest  contynued  and  holdeu  the 
space  of  viij  dayes.     And  the  Erie  of  Poyters  made  & 
gaf  many  &  moche  fayre  &  grett  yeftes.     1And  at  the  when  it  is  over, 
departyng  of  the  feste  the  Erie  of  Poyters  demanded  Poitiers  asks 

the  Earl  of 

16  of  the  Erie  of  Forestz,  &  prayed  hym  to  leue  with  hym  Forests  to  leave 

Raymondin  in 

Kaymondin  his  nevew,  and  that  he  shuld  neuer  cave  his  charge, 

for  hym  For  he  wold  puruey  for  him  wel.     And  the 

erle  of  Forestz  graunted  it  /  and  thus  dwelled  the  said  which  is  done. 

20  Raymorcdyn  with  the  Erie  of  Poyters  his  vncle,  that 
loued  hym  wel.  And  after  toke  the  feste  an  ende 
moche  honourably  &  frend/y.  And  as  now  cesseth 
thistory  to  spek  of  the  Erie  of  Forests,  whiche  re- 

24  tourned  with  his  two  sones  &  al  his  fellowship  vnto 
his  Countre.  And  begynneth  oure  hystory  to  pro- 
cede  fourth  /  and  to  spek  of  the  Erie  Emery,  and  of 

28  Cap.  III.  How  a  forester  camme  to  denounce 
to  the  Erie  Emery  how  there  was  within  the 
Eorest  of  Coulombyers  the  moost  meruayl- 
lotts  wildbore  that  euer  was  sen  byfore./ 

32  FTlhystorye   certyffyeth   to   vs    and    also   the   veray  The  grandfather 

.-,  of  Earl  Emery 

JL    Lronykles  that  this  Erie  Emery  was  grauntfader  was  at  William. 

1  la  French  version  Cap.  III.  begins  from  this  point. 

C   2 



[CH.  III. 

The  Earl  was 
worthy,  and 
learned  in 

and  devoted  to 
his  nephew 

»  fol.  10. 

He  had  hounds 
and  hawks, 

and  one  day 
went  to  hunt  a 
wild  boar  in  the 
Forest  of  Cou- 

to  saynt  William  that  was  Erie,  and  left  al  worldly 
pocessyons  for  to  seme  oure  Creatour,  and  toke  on 
hym  the  ordre  &  Religion  of  the  whit  mawntelles,  an 
ordre  or  Religion  so  called.      And  therof  I   wil  not  4 
make  grett  locucion  or  talking1;   But  I  will  precede 
fourth  on  owr  matere,  and  to  spek  of  the  Erie  Emery. 
Thistory  thanne  telleth  to  vs  that  this  Erie  was  moche 
worthy  &  valyaunt  a  knight  /  and  that  loued  euer  8 
noblesse,  And  was  the  most  wyse  in  the  science  of 
Astronomye  that  was  in  hys  dayes,  ne  byfore  syn  that 
Aristotles  regned.     That  tyme  that  the  Erie  Emery 
regned  /  thistory  sheweth  to  vs  that  [he]  coude  many  a  12 
science,1  &  specially  he  was  parfytte  in  the  science  of 
Astromy,  as  I  haue  said  tofore.     And  knowe  ye  that 
he  loued  so  moche  his  nevew  Raymondin  that  he  might 
no  more,    and  so  dide  the  child  his  vncle,  and  peyned  16 
hym  moche  to  playse  &  to  serue  hym  at  gree,  and  to 
doo  hym  playsir  in  all  maners.     It  is  wel  trouth  2that 
this  Erie  had  many  houndes  and  many  haakes  of  al 
maneres.    and  [it]  befell  as  thystory  recounteth  that  20 
oon  of  the  Foresters  camrae  vnto  the  Erlis  Court,  &  de- 
manded3 or  told  that  in  the  Forest  of  Coulombiers  was 
the  moost  meruayllous  wildbore  that  had  be  seen  of 
longe  tyme  byfore,  and  that  at  hym  shuld  be  the  best  24 
&  fayrest  dysport  that  eny  gentylman  shuld  euer  haue. 
'By  my  feyth,'  said  the  Erie,  'these  tydynges  plaise 
me  wel.   late  the  hunters  &  houndes  be  redy  to  morow 
by  tymes.  &  we  shall  goo  to  the  chasse.'     '  My  lord,'  28 
said  the  Forester,  '  at  yowr  playsire.'     And  al  thus  he 
departed  fro  the  Erie  /  and  made  redy  al  that  apar- 
teyned  to  the  chasse  for  to  hunte  at  thoure  that  he  had 
apoynted./  32 

Fr.  que  de  moult  de  sciences  estoit  plain. 
3  Fr.  denoncier. 

X!H.  IV.]  THE   BOAR   HUNT.  21 

Cap.  IV.     How  the  Erie  went  to  the  chace 
and  Raymondyn  wit/t  hym. 

AND  whan  the  day  was  comrae  that  Erie  Emery  Earl  Emery, 
his  nephew 
with  grette  foyson  of  barons  and  knightes  departed  Raymondin,  and 

many  knights 

out  of  the  Cite  of  Poyters  /  and  Raymondyn  rode  euer 
byside  hym  on  a  gret  Courser  the  swerde  girded  about 
hyra  and  the  shelde  Jhehge  ouer  hys  sholder.  And  whan        »  foi.  io&. 
8  tliey  were  com?ne  to  the  Forest  they  byganne  fourthwith  go  to  the  forest, 
to  hunte,  And  the  wildbore  was  founde  that  was  fel  & 
proude,  &  deuoured  &  kyld  many  houndes  and  toke 
his   cours   thrugh   the   Forest,   For   he   was   strongly 
12  chaffed,  and  they  byganne  for  to  folowe  hym  waloping  They  come  upon 

tlis  boar, 

a  good  paas,  but  the  wildbore  doubted  nothinge  /  but 
meuyd  &  wered  hym  in  suche  a  manere  that  there  ne 
was  so  hardy  a  do^ge  ne  hound  that  durst  abyd!  hyrn,  but  the  dogs 

J  '    and  the  knights 

16  ne  so  hardy  a  hunter  that  durst  hold  the  spere  styl  are  afraid  of  him. 
anenst  hym  for  to  hit  &  broche  hym.     And  thanne 
camwze  bothe  knightes  and  esquyers  /  but  neuer  oon  was 
there  so  hardy  that  he  durst  sette  foot  on  the  grounde 

20  for  to  withstands  &  haue  launched  at  hym.     Thenne 

camme  the  Erie  that  cryed  with  a  highe  voyce.  sayeng*.   Earl  Emery 

J  cries,  'Shall  this 

'shal  this  swyne2  abasshe  us  a«.      And  whan  Ray-  swine  abasshe 

J  J      usall?' 

moridyn  herde  thus  spek  hys  vncle,  he  was  in  hymself 
24  vergoynouse3   and   shamed   /  and   alighted   from   his  Raymondin, 


courser  and  sette  feet  on  grounde  /  and  holding  the  dismounts, 

swerde  naked,  yede  courageously  toward  the  said  bore, 

and  gaf  to  hym  a  strok  with  grette  anger  /  And  the  and  attacks  the 


28  bore  dressed  toward  hym  and  made  hym  to  faH  on  hys 
knees,  but  soone  he  stood  up,  And  as  preu4  hardy  and 
valyaunt  wold  haue  broched  and  threst  hys  swyrde 
wit/an  the  booris  heest  /  but  the  bore  fledd,  and  so  which  runs  away; 

32  fast  he  ranne  that  there  was  neyther  man  ne  hound 

but  that  he  lost  the  sight  of  hym,  but  alonely  Ray-  Raymondiu 

follows  on 

mondyn  that  was  on  horsbak,  and  so  fast  he  folowed  horseback, 
2  Fr.  fl:  de  tniyc.         3  Fr.  vergoitgne.         *  Fr.  prevs. 



[CH.  IV. 

leaving  all  the 
hunters  behind. 

His  uncle,  nfra;d, 
gallops  to  him, 
and  bids  him 
give  up  the 

bnt  Raymondin 
heeds  not ; 

*  fol.  11. 

and  the  hunt 

The  horses  fag, 
leaving  Earl 
Emery  and  his 
nephew  alone  on 
the  track. 

They  rest  under 
a  tree, 

from  which  the 
Earl  studies  the 

and  praises  God, 

the  bore  that  he  outranne  al  thoo  that  Avere  at  the 
chace,  &  lefte  them  behinde  and  founde  hym  self  alone. 
Wherof  the  Erie,  his  vncle,  was  aferd!  /  les  that  the 
bore  shuld  distroye  hym.     "Wh  erf  ore  the  Erie  \valoped  4 
aftir  hys  nevew  Raymondin  and  \vith  a  high  voyce 
escryed  hym.  '  Fayre  neve\v}  leve  this  chasse,  and  cursed 
be  he  that  anounced  it  to  vs,  For  yf  this  swyne  hurt 
you  I  shall  neuer  haue  joye  in  my  herte.'     But  Ray-  8 
mondyn,  whiche  was  chaffed,1  doubted  not  of  hys  lyf, 
ne  toke  heede  to  none  euyl  Fortune  that  might  befall 
2to  hym  therof/  but  euer  w/t/toute  cesse  folowed  the 
said  bore,  For  he  was  well  horsed.    And  the  erle  folowed  1 2 
euer  hys  nevew.     What  shuld  auayll  yf  herof  I  shuld 
make  a  longe  tale.     Alle  theire  horses  byganne  to  be 
chaffed  and  wery,  &  abode  fer  behinde,  saaf  only  the 
Erie  and  Raymondyn,  whiche  chaced  the  bore  so  longe  1C 
that  the  nyght  feH  on  them./     Thanne  the  Erie  &  his 
nevew  stode  styl  and  rested  fern  vnder  a  grette  tree. 
And  the  Erie  gan  to  sey  to  Eaymondin,  'Fayre  nevew 
here  shall  we  abyde  tyl  it  be  mone  shyn.'     And  Ray-  20 
moridyn  said  to  hym,  '  Sire,  aftir  your  wille  shall  I 
doo.'     And   soone    aftir   roos   the   moone   fayre   and 
bright./     Thenne  the  Erie  that  knew  moche  of  the 
science  of  Astronomy  dide  loke  &  behelde  the  skye  and  24 
sawe  the  sterres  full  bright  &  clere,  and  the  moone  that 
was  moche  fayre  without  tache  or  spot,  ne  none  ob- 
scurte  or  darknes  was  seen  about  it  /.    he  ganne  sore  to 
wepe.     And  aftir  grette  &  deep  sighynges  said  in  this  28 
manere.     '  Ha  /  ha  /  right  mighty  and  veray  god,  how 
grette  ben  the  mmiaylles  that  thou  haste  lefte  here 
bynethe  /  as  to  knowe  parfytly  bothe  the  vertues  & 
the  nature  of  many  wounder  and  dyuerse  condycions  32 
of  thinges,  and  of  theire  significacions  or  betoknynges. 
This  might  not  be  perfightly  knowen,  yf  thou  shadd 
nat  vpon  the  men  somwhat  of  thy  full  &  deuyne  grace, 
1  Fr.  escJtfiitffe. 

CH.  IV.]     EMERY  AND.  RAYMONDIN  REST  UNDER  A  THEE.         23 

And  specyally  of  this  meruayllous  aduenture,  the 
whiche  I  now  see  by  the  sterres  whiche  thou  hast  cre- 
ated &  sitte  by  ordre  on  the  firmament  or  skye  /  and 
4  that  I  knowe  by  the  high  science  of  astronomye  /  of 
the  whiche  by  thy  grace  J>ou  hast  lente  to  me  oon 
braunche  of  knowlege  wherof  I  oughte  to  preyse  / 
to  thanke  and  to  regracy1  the  hertily  in  thy  highe 
8  mageste,  wher  to  none  may  be  compared.  0  vcray  & 
highe  sire,  how  might  this  be  raisonably  as  to  know- 
lege humayne  wrt/iout  it  were  by  thy  terrible  jugement, 
For  no  man  shuld  not  mowe  haue  &  receyue  wel  for 

12  to  do  evier  euyl.     And  notw/tAstandyng  I  see  &  per- 

ceyue  wcl  by  2  the  highe  science  of  Astronomy  /of        » foi.  n  &. 
whiche  somme  vnderstandyng  I  haue  /  to  me  leued3 
of  thy  pure  grace  what  hit  segnyfyeth  or  betokneth, 

1C  wherof  moche  meruailled  I  am.'     These  word<?s  said  / 

the  Erie  byganne  to  wepe  and  to  sighe  more  strongly  and  weeps, 
than  he  dicle  byfore.    Thanne  Raymondin  whiche  hadd 
kyndled  the  fyre  with  hys  fyreyron  and  that  had  horde  Raymondin 

kindles  a  nre, 

20  the  moost  part  of  all  that  the  Erie  Emery  had  sayd  / 
said  to  hym  in  this  manere  /  '  My  lord,  the  fyre  is  wel 
kyndled, comme  and  warme  you.  and  I  byleue  that  within  nnd  asks  the 

Earl  to  warm 

a  while  we  shall  haue  somme  tydynges  of  you?  meyne,  himself, 
24  For  as  my  thought  ryght  now  I  herd?  barking  of  dogges.'   and  says  he  hears 

the  dogs  barking. 

'  By  my  feith,'  said  the  Erie.  '  of  the  chace  I  gyue 
nomore  force  /  but  of  that  I  see '  /  And  thanne  he  be- 
helde  vpward  vnto  the  sky  and  wept  ful  sore  /  And  The  Earl  being 

still  in  tears, 

28  Raymondyn  J»at  so  moche  loued  hym,  said  to  hym  / 
'  Ha  /  ha  /  my  lord,  for  godis  loue  lette  that  thing1  be. 
For  it  apparteyneth  not  to  so  highe  a  prince  as  ye  be,  Raymondin  tries 

to  divert  his 

lor  to  putte  or  sette  hys  herte  therto  /  ne  for  to  en-  attention, 
32  quyre  of  suche  artes,  ne  of  suche  thynges.   but  wel  it 
behouyth  to  you,  and  that  shalbe  wel  doon  to  regracye, 
and  to  thanke  god  of  that  he  hath  purueyed  you  and 
promoted  vnto  so  highe  and  so  noble  a  lordship  as 
1  Fr.  grader.  3  Fr.  presti. 

24  EAUL   EMERY   READS   THE   HEAVENS.  [oil.  IV. 

youre  is.     And  as  me  semeth  it  is  grette  symplenes  to 

take  ony  sorowe  or  heuynes  of  suche  thinges  that  may 

but  he  says  he      not  helpe  /  hyndre  ne  lette '  /  '  Ha  /  ha  /  fole,'  said  tlie 

adventures  in       Erie,  '  yf  thou  wyst  and  knew  the  grette  me?Tiaylles  &  4 

wounderf ull  auentures  that  I  see,  thou  shuldest  be  al 

abasshed.'   Thanne  Eaymondyn,  that  thought  none  euyl, 

Raymondin  asks  answeryd?  in  this  manere.     '  My  right  dere  &  doubted 

what  they  are. 

lord,  I  pray  you  to  telle  it  to  me  /  yf  it  is  thinge  that  I  8 
may  knowe.'     'By  god,'  said  the  Erie,   'thou  shalt 
knowe  it  /  and  I  wold  that  neyther  god  ne  the  world 
shuld  demande  of  the  nothinge  of  it  /  and  that  thad- 
uenture  shuld  befaH  to  the,  on  myn  owne  self  /  For  12 
from  hens  fourth  I  am  old  and  haue  frende*  ynoughe 
for  to  hold  my  lordshipes.    but  yet  I  loue  the  so  moche 
that  I  would  that  so  grett  a  worship  were  haped  to 
The  Earl  says,      thee  /  And  the  auenture  is  suche  /  that  yf  at  the  same  16 

that  if  a  subject 

i  foi.  12.  ooure  a  subget  dide  1slee  hys  lord  he  shuld  becom?ne  the 
lord,  then*  moost  mighty  and  moost  worshiped  that  euer  camrae  out 
that  subject  of  hys  lynage  or  kynrede,  And  of  hym  shuld  precede 

would  found 

a  noble  line.         and  yssue  so  subtle  a  lynee  /  that   of  it  shuld   be  20 
menc/own  and  remembraunce  made  vnto  thende  of  the 
world.     And  know  thou  for  certayn  that  this  is  trouth 

Raymondin          Avhich  I  telle  to  the.'     Thanne  ansuerde  Raymondyn 

answers,  that  he 

cannot  believe  it,   that  neuer  he  shuld  mo  we  byleue  that  it  were  trouth  /  24 
because  it  is         and  that  it  were  ayenst  al  right  and  reason  /  that  a 

against  right 

and  reason.          man  shuld  haue  wele  for  to  doo  euyl,  and  for  to  doo 
suche  a  mortal  tresou.     '  Now  byleue  thou  it  surely/ 
said  the  Erie  to  Itaymondyn,  '  For  it  is  as  I  teH  to  the.'  28 
'  By  my  feith,'  said  Raymondin  /  '  yet  shall  I  nat  by- 

whiie  they  speak  leue  it.'     And  as  the  Erie  Emerye  and  Raymondin 

they  hear  a  great 

affray;  spak  of  the  said  auenture  togidre,  they  herd  al  alonge 

the  wod?  a  grette  affray  /  and  Raymondyn  toke  thanne  32 
hys  sweriJ  that  lay  on  the  erthe.    and  lyke  wyse  dede 

iisten-op and  ^e  er^e>  ^~n^  abode  longe  thus  thinkinge  for  to  knowe 
what  it  Avas,  and  stode  by  fore  the  fyre  /  on  that  syde 
as  them  semyd  that  the  stryf  was.  And  longe  in  suche  36 


a  state  they  abode  tyl  that  they  sawe  a  wound  er  grette   soon  the  boar 


&  horryble    bore   moche   chaffed    comwynge   toward  them, 
them.    Thanne  gan  sey  Raymondyn,  '  My  lord,  clemme 

4  you  vpon  som  tree  lest  that  this  wyld  bore  hurte  you, 
and  lette  me  dele  with  hym.'  '  By  my  feyth/  said  the 
Erie  /  '  god  forbede  that  I  leue  the  in  suche  auenture 
al  alone.'  And  whan  Raymondyn  herde  this,  he  went 

8  &  stode  byfore  the  bore  hauyng  hys  swerd  on  his  feet,1  Raymond™  goes 

J  to  slay  him. 

and  wilfuH2  for  to  dystroye  &  slee  hym  /  and  the  wild 
bore  tourned  hym  and  went  toward  the  Erie.  Thenne 
byganne  the  dolour  of  Raymondyn  /  and  the  grette 
1 2  hape  that  therof  c&mme  af tirward  to  hym,  As  the  very 
&  trew  history  recounteth  to  vs. 

Cap.  V.     How  Raymondyn  slew  the  Erie  of 
Poyters,  his  vncle. 

1C  3TN  this  part  recounteth  thystory,  that  whan  Ray-       »  M.  i«6. 
JL     mondyn  cam  ayenst  the  said  bore  for  to  kepe 
hym  that  he  shuld  not  hurte  his  lord  /  the  bore  anoone 
hurled  to  hym,  &  ranne  fast  toward  the  Erie,  whiche  The  bonr  comes 

lit* 111*  tllG  EiU'l, 

20  seeyng  the  wyld  bore  corame  /  lefte  his  swerd1,  and  toke 
a  short  spere,  and  stray ght  held  it  dounward  before 
hym.  And  the  Erie,  that  knew  &  wyst  moche  of  the 
chasse,  broched  the  bore  thrughe  the  brest  /  but  the  who  pierces  him. 

24  Erie  feH  doun  on  his  knees.  And  thanne  Raymondyn, 
holdyng  hys  swerde  in  his  hand,  camrae  toward  the  bore, 
and  wold  haue  smytte  hym  betwene  the  foure4  legges, 
For  he  leye  vpsodounwe  the  bely  vpward.  and  suche  Raymondin 

strikes  also, 

28  a  stroke  gaaf  Raymondyn  to  the  bore,  that  the  blade  of  b«t  ins  sword 

breaks  and 

hys  swerde  brake  /  so  that  the  poynte  of  it  sprang  wounds  the  EH ri, 

1     so  that  he  dies. 

ayenst  the  Erlis  stomak,  &  wounded  hym  sore  /  in  so 

moche  that  he  deyed  therof.     And  Raymondyn,  which 

32  was  sore  chaffed  /  seeyng  hys  wepen  broken,  and  not 

1  Fr.  I'espee  an  poing,  mistranslation  for  '  in  his  fist.' 

2  Fr.  par  bonne  vtmlente  de  la  destruirc. 

*  Fr.  quatre. 



[C£T.  V. 

»  fol.  13. 

Rnymondin  kills 
the  boar, 

and  then  sees 
that  his  uncle  is 

He  weeps  and 
laments  pite- 

imd  remembers 
1 1  iiit  such  an 
adventure  would 
make  a  man 

*  fol.  136. 

yet  p6rcey1uyng)  his  mortal  werk  /  toke  the  spere,  & 
so  strongly  broched  it  thrughe  the  bore,  that  he  slew 
hym.     But  whan  he  dide  loke  toward  his  vncle,  and 
that  he  sawe  hym  all  bloody  /  he  went,  and  wold  haue  4 
had  hym  to  stand  vpon  his  feet,  but  it  was  for  nought, 
he  thenne  pulled  out  of  hys  brest  the  piece  of  the 
swerdf,  and  knew   that  it   was   hys   dede  /.      Moche 
meruayllously  thanne  byganne  Eaymondin  to  sighe  &  8 
to  complayne,  &  wept  and  lamented  piteously,  sayeng  in 
this  manure  :  '  Ha  /  ha  /  false  fortune,  how  moche  art 
thou  peruerse  &  euyl,  that  hath  doon  to  be  slayn  by  pie 
hym  that  loued  me  so  moche,  and  that  had  doon  to  me  12 
so  moche  good  ?     Ha  /  god  fader  almighty  /  wher  shal 
now  be  the  land  where  this  harde  &  false  synner  shal 
mowe  abyde  /  For  in  certayn  all  they  that  shall  here 
spek  of  this  grett  mysdede  shal  juge  me  /  &  \rith  good  16 
right,  to  dey  of  a  shamfull  deth,  For  a  more  false  ne 
more  euyl  treson  dide  neuer  no  synner.  /  Ha  /  erthe 
cleue  &  open  the  /  &  deuoure  thou  me  fourthwzt/j,  and 
lete  me  fali  -with  the   moost  obscure  &  derk  angel  20 
wttfan  helle,  fat  somtyme  was  the  fayrest  of  all  other 
in  heuen,  For  wel  I  haue  deserued  it.'     In  this  doloztr 
&  woo  was  Raymondyn  a  longe  space  of  tyme,  &  was 
moche  poughtfull  &  wroth  /  and  bethought  hym  self,  24 
&  said  in  this  manere  /  '  My  lord  &  vncle,  that  lyeth 
deed  yonder,  sayd  to  me  /  that  yf  suche  an  auenture 
shuld  comrae  to  me,  that  I  shuld  be  worshiped  more 
than  ony  man  of  ray  lynage.     but  I  now  see  wel  al  the  28 
contrary  /  For  truly  I  shalbe  J?e  moost  vnhappy  & 
dyshonoured  man  that  e\ier  was  borne  of  woman  /  and 
by  my  feyth  I  haue  wel  deserued  it  /  it  is  wel  raison 
&  right.     But  notwithstanding  2syth  that  now  it  may  32 
none  ojienvyse  be  /  I  shal  dystourne  me  out  of  this 
land,  and   shal  goo  som  wher  for  to  purchasse  myn 
aduenture,  suche  as  god  wil  send*  to  me  in  to  somme 
good  place,  where  as  I  may  take  &  do  penitence  for  my  36 


synne.'     And  thanne  Raymondyn  camme  to  bys  lord  /  Raymondin 

J  '    sadly  kisses  hit 

and  sore  wepyng,  kyssed  hym  with  so  heuy  &  woeful  dead  lord, 
herte  /  that  thenne  he  had  nat  mow  say  one  only  word! 
4  for  all  the  gold  in  the  world  /.     And  soone  aftir  that 
he  had  kyssed  hym,  he  layed  his  foot  on  the  sterop 
and  lepe  vpon  his  hors  /  and  departed,  holding  his  way  leaps  on  his 
thrugh  the  myddel  of  the  Forest,  moche  dyscomforted,  through  the 


8  &  rode  apas  vnknowing  the  way,  ne  whether  he 
went  /  hut  only  by  hap  &  att  auenture,  And  made 
suche  a  sorowe  that  there  nys  no  personne  in  the  world 
that  coude  thinke  ne  sey  the  v1*  part  of  hys  dolour  /. 

12  "WTTThan  Kaymondyn  departed  fro  his  lord,  and  that 

T  T      he  had  lefte  hym  deed  heside  the  fyre,  and 

the  wild   bore  also   /   he  rode  so   longe   thrugh  the 

Forest,  eucr  wepyng  and  complaynyng   so   sore  that 

16  it  was  gret  pite  for  to  see  &  here  hym  /  that  about 

mydnyght  he  aprouched  nygh  to  a  fontayne  of  fayerye,  tin  he  comes 

nigh  to  the  fairy 

named  pe  fontayno  of  soyf  /  And  many  one  of  the  Fountain  of  Soif. 
Countre  per  about  called  hit  the  fontayne  of  fayerye, 

20  bycause  that  many  a  meniaylle  feH  &  happed  there 
many  tymes  in  tyme  passed.  And  was  this  fontaynne 
in  a  woundertull  &  nieruayllows  place  /  and  ouer  it  was 
a  rocft  of  mer\iay\loits  height  /  and  al  alonge  the  said 

24  Fontaynne  was  a  fayre  medowe,  nygh  to  the  high  Forest. 
And  wel  trouth  it  is  that  the  moone  dide  shymze  at  that 
tyme  ryght  clere  &  bright,  And  the  hors  ledd  Ray- 
mowdyn  whiche  way  that  he  wold,  For  no  heede  nor  He  fails  asleep 

on  his  horse, 

28  1aduys   he   had   of    nothing*,   for   cause   of    the   gret         » foi.  u. 
dysplaysaunce   that   he   had  wtt/jin   hym  self.     And 
notwithstanding  that  he  slept,  hys  hors  ledd  hym  in   which  journeys 

"  on  to  the 

this  state  so  longe  that  he  was  comme  wel  nygh  to  the  fountain, 
32  fontayne.     And  at  that  same  tyme  were  there  [thre] 

ladyes,  that  played  &  dysported  them  /  amon>'z's  the  where  three 

J    '  ladies  disport 

whiche  oon  was  auctorised  of  the  other  as  maistresse  &   themselves, 
lady  ouer  them,  Of  the  whiche  lady  I  wil  now  spek 
36  aftir  that  thistory  telleth. 



Unknown  to 
himself  Ray- 
mondin  is 
carried  by  his 

*  fol.  146. 

jinst  the  Fairy 

The  chief  lady 
there  feignedly 
complains  of 
Raymondin  not 
greeting  them, 

she  stops  his 

and  reproves 

Raymondin  does 
iiut  hear, 

Cap.  VI.  How  Raymondyn  cauwie  to  the 
Fontayne  of  soyf,  wher  he  founde  Melusyne, 
and  two  other  ladyes  with  her. 

THystory  saith,.that  so  longe  bare  the  hors  Eay- 4 
mondyn  thus  pensefull1  &  heuy  of  herte  of  the 
myshap  that  was  comrae  to  hym,  that  he  ne  wyst  where 
he  was,  ne  whither  he  went  /  ne  in  no  manere  he  ledd 
hys  hors  /  but  his  hors  ledd  hym  where  that  he  wold,  8 
For  Eaymondin  touched  2not  the  brydett  /  and  herd 
ne  saw  nought  /  so  sore  was  hys  wit  troubled.     And 
thus  he  passed  byfore  the  fontaynwe  where  the  ladyes 
were,  wi't/iout  hauyng  eny  sight  of  them,     but  the  12 
hors  that  sawe  them,  was  sodaynly  af rayed,  and  fledd 
thens,  rannyng  moche  fast.     And  thanne  she  that  was 
the  gretest  lady  of  them  thre,  sayd  in  this  manere : 
'By  my  feyth,  he  that  rode  now  &  passed  byfore  vs,  16 
semyth  to  be  a  moche  gentyl  man  /  and,  neuertheles, 
he  maketh  of  it  no  semblaunt  /  but  he  sheweth  the 
semblaunt   of  a  vylayne   or  kerle,  that  hath  passed 
so  before  ladyes  wz'tftout  to  haue  salewed  them.'     And  20 
all  this  said  she  feynyngly  /  to  thende  that  the  other 
shuld  nat  perceyue  to  what  thinge  she  tended,  For  she 
wyst  &  knew  wel  how  it  was  with  hym,  as  ye  shal 
here  say  in  thystory  herafter.     And  thanne  she  gan  24 
say  to  the  other :  '  I  goo  to  make  hym  spek,  For  he 
semeth   to   be   asleep.'3     She  departed  fro  the  other 
two  ladyes,  and  yede  to  Eaymondyn,  and  toke  the 
hors  by  the  brydell  &  made  hym  to  stand  styl,  and  28 
said  in  this  manere :   '  By  my  feyth,  sire  vassal,  hit 
commeth  to  you  of  grette  pryde  or  of  grette  rudesse  for 
to  passe  byfore  ony  ladyes  w/t/iout  spekyng  or  somwe 
sulutacion  /  how  be  it  that  bothe  rudesse  &  pryde  32 
may  be  in  you.'     And  the  lady  cessed  as  thenne  of  her 
wordes  /  but   Eaymondyn   herde   nor   vnderstod1,  ne 
1  Fr.jaensif.  3  'a  sheep'  in  MS. 


ansuerd?  her  not.     And  she,  as  angry  &  wroth,  sayil   which  enrages 

her ; 

ones  ayen  to  hym  :  '  And  how,  sire  musarde,  are  ye  so 
dyspy tous  that  ye  dayne  nat  ansuere  to  me  ? '    And  yet 

4  he  ansuered  neuer  a  word*.     *  By  my  feith,'  sayd  she 
wit/an  her  self,  '  I  byleue  nonwe  other  /  but  that  this 
yong  man  slepeth  vpon  his  hors  /  or  ellis  he  is  eyther  she  sees  he 
dombe  or  def  /  but  as  I  trow  I  shal  make  hym  wel  to 

8  spek,  yf  he  euer  spak  byfore.'     And  thenne  she  toke 
and  pulled  strongly  hys  hand,  sayeng  in  this  manere :  and  wakes  him 


'Sire    vassal,    ye    slep.'      Thanne    Raymondyn    was 
astonyed  Jand  affrayed,  as  one  is  whan  another  awaketh        *  foi-  is. 
12  hym  fro  slepe  /  and  toke  hys  sward*,  wenyng  to  hym  whereat  he  is 


that  it  had  be  hys  vnclis  meyne,  that  wold  haue  take 
and  slayn  hym.     And  the  lady  thanne  perceyued  wel 
that  he  yet  had  not  seen  her,  and,  al  lawghing,  bygan 
16  to   say   to   hym,  'Sire  vassal,  vrith   whom   wyl   you  buttheiady 

soothes  him. 

bigynne  the   bataille?  /  yowr  enemys  ben  not  here, 
And  knowe  you,  fayre  sire,  that  I  am  of  yo?/.r  party  or 
sycle  ? '     And  whan  Raymondyn  herd  her  spek,  he  be- 
20  held  her,  and  perceyued  the  gret  beaulte  that  was  in  He  admires  her 


her,  and  toke  of  hit  grett  meruaytt,  For  it  semed  to 

hym  that  neuer  byfore  he  had  not  seen  none  so  fayre.   for  he  had  seen 

none  so  fair 

And  thenne  Raymondyn  descendid  from  hys  hors,  and  before. 
24  bowed  hys  knees,  and  made  reuerence  vnto  her,  and 

said  :  '  My  dero  lady,  pardonne  to  me  myn  Ignoraunce  He  asks  panion 

J  J '  ^  J  for  his  neglig- 

&  vylonny  that  I  haue  doo  toward  you,  For  certaynly  ence. 
I  haue  mystaken  ouermoche  anenst  yowr  noble  per- 

28  sonne.  And  neuertheles,  I  ne  sawe  ne  herd  neuer 
what  ye  haue  said  tyl  that  ye  toke  me  by  the  hand, 
and  knowe  ye,  that  I  thoughte  moche  at  that  tyme  on 
a  thinge  that  sore  lyeth  nygh  to  my  herte  /  and  vnto 

32  god  I  pray  deuoutly  that  amendes  I  may  make  vnto 
you  /  and  that  of  hys  grace  I  may  at  myn  honoz^r  be 
out  of  this  peyne,  whiche  hurteth  myn  herte  sore.' 
'  By  my  feyth,'  sayd  the  lady  /  '  it  is  wel  said,  For  as 

36  for  to  bygynne  eny  thinge,  the  name  of  god  most  first 


[CH.  VI. 

The  lady  asks 
where  he  travels 

>  fol.  156. 

he  says  he  has 
lost  his  way, 

but  she  calls  him 
by  his  name, 
and  tells  him 
not  to  deceive 

This  abashes 

The  lady 
recounts  to  him 
his  adventure, 

which  abashes 
him  yet  more. 

He  asks  how  she 
knows  of  it. 

be  called  to  mans  help  /  and  I  byleue  you  wel  /  that 
ye  herd  not  what  I  haue  said  /  but,  fayre  sire,  whither 
goo  you  att  this  tyme  of  nyght  /  telle  hit  hardyly 
to  me  /  yf  goodly  ye  may  dyscouere  it.     And  yf  you  4 
knowe  not  the  way  /  wel  I  shaft  dresse  you  to  it  /  For 
there  nys  neyther  way  ne  path"  but  that  I  knowe  it 
wel,  and  therof  ye  may  trust  on  me  hardyly.'     '  By 
my    feith,'   said    Rayniondyn,    l '  gramercy,   lady,    of  8 
yowr  curtoysye.     And  ye  shal  knowe  it,  my  dere  lady, 
sith  that  youre  desyre  is  for  to  know  it,  I  haue  lost  the 
high  way  syn  almost  yestirday  none  vnto  now  /  and 
I  ne  wot  where  I  am.'     Thanne  pe?-ceyued  she  that  12 
he2  kept  hys  faytte  secret  fro  her  /  and  said  to  hym  : 
'  By  god,  fayre  frend  Raymondyn,  ye  shuld  not  liyde 
nothinge  fro  me,  For  I  wot  wel  how  it  standeth  -with 
you.'     And  thenne  whan  Raymondyn  herd?  that  she  16 
named  hym  by  hys  owne  name,  he  was  so  abasshed 
that  he  wyst  not  what  he  shuld  ansuerc.     And  she  J?at 
sawe  wel  that  he  was  shamfuH  of  that  she  had  named 
hym,  and  that  she  wyst  so  moche  of  hys  secret  &  20 
Counseytt,  sayd  to  hym  in  this  manere :  '  Forsouthe, 
Rayniondyn,  I  am  she  after  god  that  may  best  coun- 
seylle  the  /  and  that  may  furthre  and  enhaunse  the  in 
this  mortal  lyf.     and  all  thin  aduersytees  &  mysdedes  24 
most  be  tourned  in  to  wele  /  nought  auaylleth  to  the 
for  to  hyde  them  from  me.     For  wel  I  wot  that  thou 
hast  slayn  thy  lord  /  as  moche  by  myshap  /  as  wyl- 
fully  /  how  be  it  that  at  that  ooure  thou  supposest  not  28 
to  haue  doon  it.     and  I  wot  wel  all  the  wordes  that  he 
told  vnto  J?e  of  the  arte  of  Astronomye,  wherin  duryng 
bys  lyf   he   was   right   expert.'      Whan   Raymondyn 
herde  this  he  was  more  abasshed  than  he  was  tofore  /  32 
and  said  to  the  lady  :  '  Right  dere  lady,  ye  telle  to  me 
the  trouth  of  alle  thinges  that  ye  say;  but  moche  I 
meruaylle  me  how  ye  may  so  certaynly  knowe  it  /  and 
2  'she 'in  MS. 


who  told  it  so  soone  to  you?'  And  she  ansuerd  to 
hyiu  in  this  manere  :  '  Be  not  thou  abasshed  therof, 
For  I  knowe  the  full  trouth  of  thy  faytte.  And  wene 

4  nor  suppose  thou  nat  that  it  be  fauntesye  or  dyuels   'Not  by  witch- 

craft,' she 
work  of  me  and  of  my  wordes,  For  I  certyfye  the,   replies, 

Raymondyw,  Hhat  I  am  of  god,  and  my  byleue  is  /  as         »  foi.  ie. 
a  Catholiqwe  byleue  oughte  for  to  be.     and  I  lete  the 
8  to  wete  that  wtt/jout  me   and  my  counseyll  /  thou 
mayst  not  comme  to  theude  of  thy  faytte.    but  yf  thou 
wilt  byleue  stedfastly  all  that  thyn  vncle  Emerye  said  and  advises  him 

to  believe  what 

vnto  the,  hit  shalbe  profytable  to  the,  with  the  help  of  E«ri  Emery 
12  god  and  of  me.     And  I  say  so  moche  that  I  shal  make 

the  for  to  be  the  gretest  lord  that  euer  was  of  thy  and  promises  to 

make  him  a  great 

lynage,  and  the  gretest  and  best  lyuelod2  man  of  them  lord. 
aH.'     Whan  Raymondyn  vnderstod?   the  promysse  of 

16  the  lady  /  he  remembred  the  wordes  that  hys  lord 
told  vnto  hym.  And  consyderyng  wit/an  hym  self  the 
grete  parels3  wherin  he  was  as  exilled  and  banysshed 
out  of  hys  Countre  &  fro  his  frendes,  said  [to  hym- 

20  self]4  that  he  shuld  take  thauenture  for  to  byleue  the 
lady  of  all  that  she  shuld  doo  or  say  to  hym,  For  but 
ones  as  he  said  he  shuld  passe  the  cruell  paas  of  the 
deth.  And  to  the  lady  he  ansuerde  full  humbly  in 

24  this  manere  :  '  My  right  dere  lady,  I  thanke  you  moche  He  thanks  her, 
of  the  promysse  that  ye  do  and  proffre  to  me.     For  ye 
shall  see  &  knowe  that  this  shal  not  abyde  or  tarye  by 
me  for  no  traueyll  that  ye  can  aduyse  /  but  that  I 

28  shall  euer  doo  yowr  playsire,  yf  it  be  possible  to  be  and  undertakes 

to  do  her 

doo  /  and  that  a  cristen  man  may,  or  ought  to  doo,  pleasure. 

honowr.'     *  By  my  feyth,  Raymondin,'  said  the 
lady  /  '  that  is  said  of  free  herte,  For  I  shall  not  say 
32  nor  counseille  you  nothing  /  but  that  good  &  wele  shal 

com?ne  therof.     but  first  of  alle,'  said  she  /  '  ye  most  She  asks  Wm  to 

marry  her  ; 

promyse  to  me  that  ye  shall  take  me  to  your  wyf. 

and  make  you  no  doubte  of  mo  /  but  that  I  am  of 

2  Fr.  terrien.  3  Fr.  perch.  *  Fr.  iadaisn. 



[CH.  VI. 

*  fol.  166. 

he  promises. 

She  asks  him 
never  to  try  to 
see  her  on 

Saturdays ; 

this  he  also 

The  lady  bids 
Rayrnondin  go  to 

where  the 

citizens  will  ask 

tidings  of  his 


He  is  to  say  he 

lias  not  seen 


god.'1     And  thanne  Eaymondyn  yede  &  ganrce  say,  & 
sware  in  this  manere,  '  Lady  dere  /  by  my  feith  /  sith 
that  ye  ensure  me  that  it  is  soo  /  I  shal  doo  aftir2  my 
power  all  that  ye  wyl  comwaunde  me  for  to  doo  /  And  4 
indide  I  lawfully3  promytte  you  that  so  shal  I  doo.' 
'  Yet  Eaymondyn,'  sayd  she,  '  ye  most  swere  another 
thinge.'     '  What  it  is,  my  lady,'  said  Eaymondyn,  '  I 
am  redy  /  yf  it  be  thinge  that  goodly  I  may  doo.'  8 
'  ye,'  said  she  /  '  and  it  may  not  tourne  to  you  to  no 
domwage4  /  but  to  all  wele.     Ye  muste  promytte  to 
me,  Eaymondyn,  vpon  all  the  sacrements  &  othes  that 
a  man  very  catholoq?/,e  &  of  good  feith  may  doo  and  12. 
swere,  that  neuer  while  I  shalbe  in  yowr  company,  ye 
shal  not  peyne  ne  force  yowr  self  for  to  see  me  on  the 
Satirday  /  nor  by  no  manere  ye  shal  not  enquyre  that 
day  of  me,  ne  the  place  wher  I  shalbe.'     And  whan  16 
she  had  thus  said  to  Eaymondyn,  he  yet  ageyn  said  to 
her  in  this  manere :  '  On  the  parel  of  my  sowle  I  swere 
to  you  /  that  neuer  on  fat  day  I  ne  shal  doo  nothing 
that  may  hyndre  ne  adommage5  you  in  no  manere  of  20 
wyse '  /  '  and  I,'  said  she,  '  ne  shal  doo  nor  thinke  to 
none  other  thing1  but  in  what  manere  I  shall  mowe 
best  encresse  in  worship  and  honowr,  both  you  and 
yowr  lynee.'    And  Eaymondyn  yede  &  gan  sey  to  her  24 
in  this  manere,  '  Soo  shall  I  doo  it  to  the  playsire  of 
TIlHanne,'  said  the  lady  /  '  I  shal  now  telle  how  ye 

JL    most  doo  /  doubte  you  not  of  nothing*,     but  goo  2& 
fourthwiV*  vnto  Poyters,  And  whan  ye  shal  comme 
there  /  many  one  ye  shal  fynd  com?wyng  fro  the  chasse 
that  shall  axe  to  you  tydynges  of  the  Erie,  your  vncle. 
and  to  them  ye  shall  ansuere  in  this  manere  /  "how  /  32 
is  he  not  yet  cormne  ay  en  1 "   And  they  shal  sey  "  nay." 
and  thanne  ye  shal  say,  "I  neuer  sawe  hym  syn  that 

1  Fr.  de  par  Dicit.         3  Fr.  leaulment. 
*  Ft.  prejudice.         5  Fr.  soit  en  vostre  prejudice. 


the  chasse  was   at   the   strongest,  and  whan   ye   lost 

hym"  /  and  semblaunt  ye  most  mak  to  be  abasshed  and  to  feign  sur- 

prise  at  his  ab- 

more  than  eny  other.    And  soone  after  shul  comwe  the 

4  hunters  and  other  of  hys  meyne,  and  1shal  brynge  with         >  foi.  17. 
them  the  corps  deed  within,  a  litere  /  &  his  woundes  when  Emery's 

body  is  found 

shal  seme  to  euery  man  aduys  to  bo  made  bv  the  wild-  tliey  wi'i  tl)ink 

J  the  boar  killed 

bores  teth.     and  they  shal  say  alle,  that  the  wildboro  him» 
8  hath  slayn  hym,  And  yet  they  shall  say  that  the  Erie 
kyled  the  sayd  bore  /  and  many  one  shal  hold  it  for  a 
hardy  &  valiaunt  dede.     thus  the  dolour  &  woo  shal   and  will  mourn, 
bygynne  to  be  moche  grete.     The  Erie  Bertrand,  his 
12  sonc,  &  hys   doughtir   Blanche,  &  allo   o)?er   of  hys 
meyne,  bothe  lessc  &  greto  togidre,  shal  make  greto 
sorowe  /  and  so  shall  ye  doo  with  them,     and  ye  shall   winch  Rny- 

mondin  must  do 

pntte  on  you  the  blak  gowne  as  they  shall.     And  aftir  too. 
16  this  nobly  doon,  and  the  terme  assigned  &  take  whan 

the  barons  shall  com  we  for  to  doo  theire  obeysaunce  &   After  doing  hom- 

H.-C  to  the  new 

homage  vnto  the  yong1  Erie,  ye  shal  retourne  hither  to   e^1 
me  the  day  byfore  the  lordes  &  barons  make  theire 
20  homage  /  and  that  tyme  att  this  same  place  ye  shaH  he  if»  to  return  to 

the  Fountain. 

fynde  me.'  Thanne  as  Raymonclyn  wold  haue  departed 
from  Melusyne  to  haue  take  hys  leve  of  her  /  she  said 
to  hym  in  this  manere  :  '  Hold,  my  redoubted  frendf  /  Before  Ray- 

'     inondni  lea\'es 

24  for  to  bygynne  &  assemble  our  loue,  I  gyue  you  these   Meiusineshe 

J  oj  oj         j  gives  him  two 

two  ryngft?,  of  whiche  the  stones  ben  of  grette  vertue.   nngs  • 

For  the  one  hath  suche  appropriete,  that  he  to  whomwe 

hit  shal  be  gyuen  by  paramours2  or  loue,  shal  not  tley  one  has  power  to 

keep  him  safe 

28  by  no   stroke  of   no   manere  of  wepen,   ne  by  none  from  hurt, 
armes  /  as  longe  as  he  shal  bere  it  on  hym  /  And  the 
other  is  of  suche  vertue,  that  he  that  bereth  it  on  hym 
shal  haue  victory  of  all  his  euyl  willers  or  enemyes  /  al  *he  other  will 

insure  victory  to 

32  be  it  pletyng  in  Courte,?,  or  fyghtyng1  in  feldes,3  or  ellis   the  wearer. 
whersoeuer  it  be  :   and  thus,  my  frend?,  ye  may  goo 
surely.'     Thanne   toke  Raymondin  leue  of  the  lady,   ThenRaymoTifiip 

leaves  his  lady 

and  embraced  &  kyssed  her  swetly  &  niocli  frendly 

2  Fr.  par  amours.          3  Fr.  en  plaidoirie  ou  mexlee. 



[CH.  VII. 

fol.  176. 

and  rides  fast  to 

*  fol.  18. 

When  he  arrives 
they  ask  for  his 

he  answers  that 
he  has  not  seen 
him  since  the 
great  chase  be- 

Others  arrive, 

Jas  she  on  whom  all  hys  hoop  was  leyd.  For  he  Avas 
as  thenne2  so  moche  esprised3  of  her  loue  /  that  al  that 
she  sayd  /  doubtles  he  held  it  for  trouth.  and  raison 
it  was,4  as  ye  shall  here  herafter  in  thystorye./  4 

Cap.  VII.    How  Raymondin,  by  the  counseyl 
of  the  lady,  went  to  Poytiers. 

T)  Aymondyn   lepte  vpon   his  hors,  and  the  lady 
JL\J    dressed  and  putte  hym  in  to  the  high  way  of  8 
Poytiers,  and  [he]  departed   fro   the   lady.      And   at 
departyng   Raymondyn  was   ful   sory,  For   he  loued 
alredy  so  moche  her  felawship,  that  wel  he  wold  euer 
haue  be   w/t/t   her.     Thenne   thinkynge,  he   byganne  12 
fast  to  ryde  toward  the  Cite  of   Poyters.     And  the 
said  lady  retourned  toward  the  said  Fontayrwe,  where 
the   two  other  ladyes  were,  &  abode  her  there  /  of 
which  ladyes  thystory  leueth  here  to  speke/.  16 

NOw  saith  thystorye,  that  Eaymondyn  rode  so  fast 
that  soone  he  was  comme  into  Poytiers,  where 
he  5founde  many  one  that  were  retourned  fro  the 
chasse,  which"  demanded  of  hym,  'where  is  my  lord?'  20 
'  how/6  said  thanne  Raymondyn  /  '  is  he  not  comme  1'  / 
and  they  ansuerd?  '  nay.'  And  he  said  to  them,  *  I 
sawe  hym  neuer  syn  that  the  grete  chasse  bygan,  and 
that  the  bore  scaped  fro  the  houndes.'  And  while  that  24 
they  spak  of  this  matere  among1  them  alle  /  the  hunters 
&  other  folk  arryued  there  fro  the  chasse,  som  now 
and  thenne,  the  whiche  all  said  as  Eaymondyn  had 
sayd.  And  som  said  that  neuer  they  had  seen  suche  28 
&  so  meruayllo?<s  a  chasse,  ne  so  horryble  a  bore.  And 
many  one  said  that  the  bore  was  comme  fro  somme  other 
land,  For  none  so  grete  /  nor  that  ranne  so  fast  sawe 
they  neuer.  Thanne  was  euery  man  meruaylled  /  how  32 

2  Fr.  dcaja. 

3  Fr.  sitrprins.         4  Fr.  il  avoit  raison. 
6  Fr.  comment. 

CH.  viii.]        EARL  EMERY'S  BODY  ARRIVES  AT  POITIERS.  35 

the  Erie  taryed  so  longe.     and  they  went  to  the  yate  but  still  no  Earl 


for  to  see  if  he  camme,  &  abode  hym  ]>er  a  longe  space, 
and  euer  cam  me  folk  that  said  as  the  other  had  sayd  / 
4  and  that  they  lay  all  that  nyght  in  the  sayd  Forest,  For 
they  had  lost  theyre  way.  Thanne  was  all  the  peuple 
of  Poyters  woofuH  &  heuy  for  loue  of  theyr  lord,  that  whereat  the 

people  mourn. 

taryed  so  longe  /  and  specyally  the  Countesse,  the  said 
8  Erlis   wyf.     but   more   woofull  &   heuyer  they   were 
wt't/an  a  lytel  while  after/. 

Cap.  VIII.    How  the  Erie  Emery  was  brought 
vnto  Poytiers  deed  within  a  Lyttere. 

12  Y I  iHystorye  1telleth  vnto  vs,  that  so  long1  they  abode       » roi.u». 
JL      at  the  gate   with  Raymondyn,  that  they  sawe 
conmynge  toward  the  Cite  a  grete  multitude  of  peuple.   A  crowd  is  seen 

approaching  the 

and  as  they  dide  approucn  &  camme  nygn,  they  herd!   city  gate; 
16  and  vnderstod*  the  piteows  voyces  of  them,  wherof  they  their  piteous 

voices  make  the 

were  all  meruaylled  /  and  bygan  many  one  to  double  townsmen 


lest  that  they  shuld  haue  hadd  som  trouble  or  somme 
empeschement.2     And  so  longe  they  abod?,  that  they 
20  whiche  bare  the  corps  of  theiro  lord  camwe  vnto  them,  They  arrive,  bear- 

ing  their  lord's 

sore  lamentyng*  &  piteously  waylyng*,  sayeng1  to  them  body; 
in  this  manere :  '  wepe  ye,  and  wepe  ayen,  &  clothe 
you  aH  in  blak,  For  the  bore  hath  slayn  our:  good  lord, 

24  the  Erie  Emery e.'     And  after  the  corps  camme  two  two  hunters  fol- 
low, bearing  the 
hunters,  that  bare  the   grette   bore,     and   thus   they  boar. 

cntred  into  the  Cite,  makyng1  grete  sorowe.     And  alle 
the  peuple  of  the  Cite,  seeyng  theyre  lord  deed,  by- 

28  ganne  pyteously  to  crye  /  sayeng  in  this  manere :  '  Ha  /  The  citizens, 
ha,  cursed  be  he  of  god  that  first  anounced  this  chasse.' 
The  sorow  &  doloz^r  was  there  so  grete  that  no  man  sawe 
2neuer  no  greter.     And  making  suche  sorowe  camme        *  foi.  19. 

32  vnto  the  Palleys  /  and  there  was  the  Corps  leyed.    And  arrive  at  the 

palace,  where 

bycause  one  oughte  not  to  kepe  ne  mayntenwe  longe  they  lay  their 

2  Fr.  empcschcment. 

D  2 



[CH.  VIII. 

and  all  the  peo- 
ple sorrow. 

Raymondin  sor- 
rows more  than 
any  other. 

The  Earl's  obse- 
quy  is  done  in 
the  Church, 

afterwards  the 
boar  is  burnt. 

Four  days  after 
the  Barons  try 
to  comfort  the 
Earl's  family. 

Soon  after  the 
Barons  are  sent 
for,  to  do  homage 
to  their  new  lord, 

*  fol.  19  6. 
on  knowledge  of 
which  Ray- 
mondin  returns 
to  his  land. 

sorowe,  I  passe  it  ouer  lyghtly.  The  Countesse  &  her 
children  made  ouergrete  sorow  /  and  so  dide  the  Barons 
and  aft  the  Comynaltee  of  the  land.  And  knowe  ye 
also  /  that  so  dide  Raymondyn,  as  it  foloweth./  4 

Raymondyn  made  grete  sorowe  and  greter  than  eny 
other,  and  sore  repented  hym  of  hys  mysdede, 
And  so  moclie  /  that  yf  it  had  not  be  the  hoop  &  com- 
fort of  his  lady,  he  had  not  mo  we  wMhold  hym  self,  8 
but  fat  he  had  sayd  vnto  them  al  hys  auenture,  for 
cause  of  the  grete  contricion  that  he  had  of  the  deth  of 
hys  vncle  and  lord.     But  I  wil  not  spek  long  of  this 
matere.     Soone  thobsequye  was  doon  moche  nobly  &  12 
richely  within  the  Chirche  of  owr  lady  of  Poytiers, 
after  the  custome  that  was  at  that  tyme,  And  ye  muste 
knowe  that  the  good  folk  of  the  land  that  had  lost  J>eir 
lord  were  full  of  heuynes  and  of  sorow  /  and  they  16 
fourthwttA  toke  the  said   bore,  and  byfore  the  said 
Chirch  of  OUT  lady  they  brent  it  /  And  as  it  is  wel 
trouth  that  there  nys  so  grete  a  sorowe,  but  that  wz't/dn 
foure  dayes1  it  is  somwhat  peased  /  the  barons  of  the  20 
land  thanne  yede  and  swetly  comforted  the  Countesse 
and  her  two  children  aftir  theire  power  /  and  so  moche 
they  dide  that  her  grete  sorowe  was  somwhat  peased. 
But  f>e  sorowe  of  Eaymondyn  grew  &  wexed  more  and  24 
more,  as  wel  by  cause  of  his  grete  mysdede  /  as  for  the 
grete  loue  of  whiche  he  loued  hys  vncle.     It  was  thanne 
ordeyned  &  concluded  by  the  CounseyH  that  alle  the 
Barons  of  the  land  shuld  be  sente  fore,  &  boden  to  28 
comme  at  a  certayn  day  for  to  doo  theire  homage  to 
theyre  gracyows  lord,  the  sone  of  the  said  late  Erie. 
And  assone  2as  Raymondyn  knew  of  it,  he  toke  hys  hors 
and  alone  yssued  out  of  Poytiers  and  entred  wit/an  the  32 
Forest,  for  to  goo  &  hold  hys  couenazmt  vnto  his  lady./ 

1  Fr.  trois  jours. 


Cap.  IX.  How  Raymondyn  retourned  toward 
hys  lady,  and  sawe  a  Chapell  whiche  neuer 
he  had  seen  before./ 

4  r  I  iHystory  telleth  to  vs   that   so   longe   rode   Ray-  Raymondin  rides 
J         J  J      to  Coulombiere, 

JL    mondyn  that  he  camwe  into  the  Forest  of  Cou- 

lombyers,  &  passed  thrugn"  the  lytel  toune,  &  went  vpon 

the  mountayne  and  yede  so  longe  that  he  perceyued 

8  the  medowes  whicho  were  vnder  the  roche,  that  was 

aboue  the  Fontayne  of  Soyf.  and  sawe  a  hous  made  of  where  he  sees  a 

new  chapel, 

stone  in  a  raanere  of  a  Chapett.  And  knowe  ye  that  Ray. 

mondyn  had  be  there  many  [a]  tyme,  but  neuer  tofore 

12  he  had  seen  it  /  and  went  neuer  to  hit ;  And  before  the 

place  he  perceyued  many  ladyes,  knyghtes,  &  Squyers  and  knights  and 


whiche  made  to  hym   grete  feste  and   praysed   hym 
gretly.   Wherfor  he  meruaylled  gretly,  For  one  of  them 
1C  said  to  hymme  :  l'  Sire,  alight  &  come  toward  my  lady         l  fo\.»o. 
that  abydeth  aftir  you  wit/un  her  pauyllon  or  tente.'  He  is  asked  to 


'  By  my  feyth,'  sayd  Raymondyn  /  '  hit  plaiseth  me  wel 
so  for  to  doo.'     Soone  he  descendid  from  hys  hors  & 

20  yede  -with  them,  which"  conueyed  hym  toward  the  lady 
moche  honourably.     And  thanne  the  lady  cam  me  to 
mete  hym,  &  toke  hym  by  the  hand  and  ledd  hym  and  is  led  by  MS 
into  her  tente,  And  satte  both  vpon  a  bed2  of  parement 

24  moche  ryche  /  and  all  the  other  abode  wzMout.  Thanne 
byganne  the  lady  for  to  raisonne3  w/t/i  Raymondyn,  & 
said  to  hym  in  this  manere :  '  My  dere  f rende,  wel  I 
wote  that  wel  ye  haue  hold4  alle  that  I  introduysed,  or 

28  taught  you  of,  And  therfore  fro  hens  fourthon  I  shall  His  lady  ex- 
presses confl- 
trust  you  the  more.'     'Lady  dere,'  sayd  Raymondyn  /  dence  in  Mm, 

'  I  haue  founde  so  good  a  bygynnyng1  in  your  wordes, 
that  nothing  ye  shall  cowmande  to  me  that  humayn 
32  body  may  or  oughte  to  comprehende  or  vndertake  / 
but  that  I  wyl  &  shal  doo   it   after  your  playsire.' 
'Raymondyn,'  said  she  /  'for  me  ye  shall  vndertake  and  he  in  her. 
2  Fr.  coitche.         3  Fr.  a  aresonner.         4  Fr.  tenu. 



[cil.   IX. 

A  knight  an- 

uouuces  dinner  ; 

Raymondin  mar- 

vels  at  the  great 



and  asks  his  lady 

whence  they 


?he  tells  Wm 

they  are  at  his 


After  dinner  MS 

lady  leads  Ray- 


.    . 

of  the  homage 

one  do  homag7 
before  he  does, 

no  tiling1,  but  that  of  it  ye  shal  comme  to  yowr  wor- 
ship/.'  Thenne  camme  there  a  knyght  whiche  kneled 


before  her  /and  alter  his  reuerence  made  /  dressed  hys 
wordes  toward  her,   &  said  :  '  My  lady,   al  thing1  is  4 
redy  /  ye  shal  comme  whan  it  playse  you.'     And  the 
lady  ansuerde  &  said  /  '  Couere  your  heed,  fayre  sire.' 
Thanne  the  lady  &  Kaymondyn  wesshe  theire  handes 
&  sette  them  at  a  moche  ryche  table,     and  \vii7im  the  8 
sayd  pauyllon  were  many  other  tables  dressed,  where 
dido  sette  many  knightes  and  ladyes  /  and  whan  Rav- 


mondyn  saw  this  appareyll,  he  meruaylled  moche  /  and 
demanded  of  hys  lady  fro  whens  so  grete  a  felawship  12 
was  comme  vnto  her.  And  to  hys  demande  the  lady  an- 
suer<J  nothing1.  Wherfore  Raymondyn  asked  of  her  ayen, 
«My  lady,  fro  l  whens  are  comme  vnto  you  so  many 
of  gentyl  men  and  ladyes  T  '  By  my  feyth,  Ravrnondvn  16 

J     ' 

my  frend','  sayd?  the  lady,  '  it  is  no  nede  to  you  for  to 
be  meruaylled  therof,  For  they  be  all  at  your  cnm- 
mandement,  &  redy  for  to  serue  you  /  &  many  other 
also  that  now  ye  see  not.'     Thaune  held  Raymondyn  20 
hys  peas  /  and  so  many  courses  &  of  dyuerse  metes 
were  before  them  brought,  that  me?niayll  it  was  to  see 
it.      And  whan  they  had  dyned,  they  weshe  theire 
handes  /  and  graces  said  &  all  things  doon  /  the  lady  24 
toke  Raymondyn  by  the  hand  &  ledd  hym  beside  the 


heed,  &  euerychon  voyded  the  pauyllon,  and  Avheras 
they  lyst  went,  or  wher  they  oughten  for  to  haue  goo, 
eche  one  aftir  theyre  estate  /.  28 

THanne  said  the  lady  to  Raymondyn  :  '  My  frend?, 
to  morowe  is  the  day  that  the  barons  shal  comme 
for  to  do°  tlieire  homage  vnto  the  yong  Erie  Bertrand. 
And  know  you,  my  frend,  that  there  must  ye  be  /  &  32 
shal  doo  as  I  shal  telle  you,  yf  it  playse  you  so  to  doo  / 
Now  vnderstand  &  reteyne  wel  my  wordes.  Ye  shal 
a^de  >er  vnto  tlie  tyme  that  all  the  Baronwes  shal  haue 
doo  their  nomageSj  and  thenne  ye  shal  putte  your  self  36 


fourth  byfore  the  said  Bertrand,  and  of  hym  ye  shal  and  at  last  he  is 

to  ask  from 

demande  a  yette,  for  the  salary  &  remuneraczoMn  of  Bertrand  a  girt 
alle  the  seniyse  that  ener  ye  dide  vnto  his  fader.     And 

4  telle  to  hyni  wel,  how  that  ye  ne  demande  of  hym 
nothre  toun<?,  ne  Castel,  nor  other  thing  of  no  grete 
value,  and  I  wote  wel  that  he  shal  acorde  or  graunt  it 
to  you.  For  the  baro/zs  shalle  counseylle  hym  for  to 

8  doo  soo,  And  as  soone  as  he  shal  haue  graunted  yowr 
requeste  /  demande  of  hym  to  haue  on  this  roche  &  of  the  rock,  and 

as  much  land  as 

about  it  /  as  moche  of  ground!  as  the  hytfc  or  skynne  of  »  hart's  skin  can 


a  hert  may  comprebeude./    and  freely  he  shal  gyue  it 
12  to  you.     In  so  moche  that  none  shal  now  lette  nor 

empesche  you  therof,  by  reason  of  l  homage,  nother  by        »  foi.  21. 
charge  of   rente  or  other  ordyncwnce,  and   whan  ho 

shall  haue  graunted  it  to  you,  take  berof  his  le^res.  and  to  get  a  char- 
ter for  it,  signed 
1C  vnder  hys  grete   Seele,  and  vnder  the  seelles  of  the  and  sealed. 

peris,2  or  lordes  pryncipal  of  the  land.      And  whan 

that  al  this  ye  shal  haue  doo  /  on  the  morow  next 

folowing*  after  that  /  as  ye  shalbe  comyng  homward 

20  agayn  /  ye  shal  mete  on  yowr  way  a  good  man,  which 

shal  bere  w it/tin  a  sac  the  skynne  of  a  hert  /  and  ye  Raymondin  is  to 

|  buy  a  skin  of  a 

( shall  bye  it  /  and  for  it  ye  shal  pay  asmoch  as  the  said  man  he  will  meet, 
man  shal  aske  you  for  it  /  and  after  ye  shall  make  it 
24  for  to  be  cutte  in  the  smallest  and  narrowest  waye  that 

is  possible  for  to  be  cutte,  after  the  manero  of  a  thonge.  and  have  it  cut 

into  a  thong, 

And  after,  lette  VOUT  place  be  delyuered  vnto  you  /  then  get  the  land 

'     delivered, 

the  whiche  ye  shal  fynd  all  marked  &  kerued,  and  all 

28  the  trees  pulled  to  the  ground,  there  as  it  shal  plaise 

me  for  to  be  /  And  as  for  to  bryng1  the  two  endes  of 

the  say<J  thong13  of  the  hycJ  togidre  about  the  said 

place  /  yf  it  happe  that  greter  ground  may  be  com- 

32  prysed  wt't/an  it  ye  shall  doo  it  to  be  leyd  dounward  and  lay  the  thong 

down,  when  a 

vnto  the  valev  /  &  there,  at  both  thendes  of  the  said  fountain  win 

spring  out  where 

thonge  or  leder  /  shal  spryng  out  of  the  roche  a  fayre  fon-  tllc  ell(ls ineet- 
e,  whiche  in  tyme  to  comrae  shalbe  full  necessary 
2  Fr.  pers.  3  courroie. 



[CH.  X. 

Then  he  is  to 

and  comienable.  Goo  J>enne  fourth,  my  dere  frend  / 
and  doo  hardy  ly  doubtles  all  that  I  haue  said.  For  all 
JOUT  werkes  shalbe  of  good  expediczown,  and  wzt/tout  eny 
trouble  or  lettyrig1  /  and  on  the  mornwe  next  after  that  4 
jour  yefte  shalbe  graunted  and  your  lettres  delyuered 
to  you,  ye  shall  retoume  hither  to  me.'  Raymondyn 
thanne  ansuerde,  '  My  lady,  after  my  power  I  shal 
fulfylle  al  jour  playsire'  /  And  thenne  they  embraced  8 
and  kyssed  eche  other  /  and  toke  leue  one  of  other./ 
Here  cesseth  thystory  of  them  /  and  begynneth  for  to 
Rayrnondin  sets  spek  of  Raymondyn,  whiche  toke  hys  hors,  and  rode 

out  for  Poitiers.  -  _ 

i  foi.  216.       toward  Poiters  as  1hastly  as  he  myght./  I* 


Cap.  X.  How  Raymondyn,  after  that  the 
barons  had  doon  theire  homage  vnto  the 
yong1  Erie  /  demanded  of  the  Erie  a  yefte, 
the  whiche  he  graunted  to  hytn./  16 

THystorye  telleth  to  vs,  that  Raymondyn  rode  so 
longe  that  he  camme  vnto  Poytiers,  wheras  he 
founde  many  a  high  baron,  which"  were  comme  there  for 
to  make  homage  to  the  yong*  Erie  Bertrand  /  and  they  20 
dyde  grete  honowr  and  reuerence  to  Raymondyn,  and 
preysed  hym  right  moche.     And  the  next  morow  they 
yede  all  togidre  vnto  Saynt  Hylary  of  Poyters,  where 
the  deuyne  seruyse  was  doon  right  worshipfully,  And  24 
atte  that  seruyse  was  the  yonge  Erie  reuested  lyke  a 
Chanoyne,  as  theyre  prymat  or  Abbot  /  and  dyde  hys 
deuoyre  as  it  apparteyned  /  and  that  of  custorae  was 
for  to  be  doo.     Thenne  cam  the  baro»s  2tofore  hym  /  28 
•v?ho  render  hom-  and   there  one  after  another,  and  eche  one  after  hys 

age  to  the  young 

Earl-  degre   rendred    to    hym   hys    homage.     And    thenne, 

after  alle  these  thinges  were  doon  /  Raymondin  putte 
hymself  fourth  before  the  barons  /  and  \\ith  meke  &  32 
humble  contenawnce  or  manere,  said  to  them  :  '  Emong1 

Raymondin  rides 
to  Poitiers, 

where  he  finds 
many  barons, 

2  foi.  22. 

CH.  X.]       THE    EARL    OP    POITIERS    GRANTS    RAYMONDIN's    DEMAND.        41 

you,  my  lordes,  nobles,  Barons  of  the  Countre1  or  Erie-   Raymomiin  ten* 

.  tlio  Imrons  he 

dom.  of   Poytvvo,  vouchesaf  ye  to  here  &  knowe  the  intends  to  iimkn 

a  request  to  tliu 

requeste  whiche  I  wyl  putte  &  make  vnto  my  lord  Earl. 

4  the  Erie,     and  yf  it  seme  you2  to  be  lawfull  &  raison- 

nable  /  I  beseche  that  it  playse  you  for  to  pray  hym  to 

graunt  it  to  me.'     And  the  Barons  ansuerd  vfith  right 

a  good  witi, '  we  shall  doo  it.'     Thanne  they  altogidre 

8  went  before   the   Erie,  to  whom   Raymondyn   spake 

first  moche  humbly,  sayeng  in  this  manere :   '  Eight 

dere  sire,  humbly  I  beseche  and  requere  you,  that  in 

remuneracion,  or  reward,  of  alle  the  seruyses  that  ever 

121  dide  vnto  my  lord,  yowr  fader  /  on  whos  sowle  god 
haue  mercy,  ye  vouchesaf  of  yowr  benigne  &  noble 
grace  for  to  gyve  to  me  a  yef to,  the  whiche  shall  cost 
you  but  lityl.  For  knowe  you,  Sire,  that  I  ne  demando 

1 G  of  you  neyther  tounne,  Castel,  nor  fortresse,  ne  nothinge  He  says  he  ask* 

nothing  of  great 

ot   grette  valew.      Thanno  ansuerde  the  Erie,  'yf   it  value, 
playseth  to  my  barons  /  ful  wel  it  playseth  to  me.' 
And  the  Barons  said  to  liym  in  this  manere:  'Sire, 

20  syn  it  is  thyng4  of  so  lytyl  valewe,  as  he  speketh  of, 
ye  oughte  not  to  refuse  it  to  hym  /  For  he  is  wel 
worthy  therof,  and  wel  he  hath  deserued  it.'  And  the 
Erie  said  to  them,  '  Syn  it  pleseth  to  you  for  to  coun- 

24  seylle  me  soo  /  I  graunt  it'  /  'demande  now,'  said  the 
Erles  to  Haymondyn,  '  what  ye  wyl.'  '  Sire,'  said  he, 
'  gramercy.3  Other  yefte  I  ne  axe  of  you,  but  J>at  ye 
wyl  cryue  to  me,  about  the  fontayn«e  of  soif  that  is  only  ns  much 

land  as  a  hart's 

28  nygh  to  the  roches  &  wodes  /  as  moche  of  grounde  as  the  skin  can  com- 
hyde  or  leder  of  a  hert  shall  mow  comprehende  or  4goo        « fd.226. 
aboute,  bothe  of  lengthe  &  brede.'     'Forsouthe,'  said 
fenne  the  Erie  /  '  this  I  ought  not  to  refuse  to  you. 

32  I  gyue  it  to  you,'  said  the  Erie,  'freely,  w/t/iout  rede-  The  Earl  grants 

the  request, 

uaunce   nor  homage  to   be  doon   to  me,  nor   to  my 
successours  for  euennore.'    Thenne  Raymondyn  kneled 

1  Fr.  messeigncttrs,  nobles  barons  de  la  conte. 
2  Fr.  se  il  roits  semble.  3  Fr.  grans  viercit. 

42  THE    BAROXS    HAVE    A    FEAST.  [cil.  XI. 

&  thanked  hym  ryght  liumbly  /  and  requyred  of  hym 
and  gives  letters   lettres  of  hys  gyfte,  the  which",  were  graunted  &  made 

of  gift, 

in   the   best   and  moost   surest   wyse   that   could   be 
deuysed  /  and  were  Seelled  of  the  grette  Seal  of  the  4 
Erie,  by  thassent  and  relacion  of  alle  the  Barons  of 
sealed  by  the        the  land  /  whiche  also  dide  putte  theire  Seelles  therto. 

Earl  and  Barons. 

Thanne  they  departed  fro  the  chirche  of  Saynt  Hylary 
of  Poytiers,  and  yede  fourth  vnto  the  halle,  where  the  8 
feste  was  grete  and  joyous,  and  swete  melody  was  there 
herd?  of  almaner  Instruments  of  Alusyqwe.  and  of  many 

They  hold  a  feast  &  dyuerse  meets  they  were  serued  at  the  table.     And 

after  dyner  the  Erie  gaaf  grette  yef tes  /  And  wel  trouth  1 2 
it  is,  that  it  was  sayd  J>e?*of  many  one,  that  among1  alle 
the  other  Kaymondyn  was  the  moost  curtoys  /  moost 
gracyoMs,    and    of    fayrest    contenawnce.     And    thus 
passed  the  day  tyl  the  nyght  camme  that  euerychon  16 

until  they  go  to     went  to  take  hys  reste.     And  on  the  mornne  next  they 


roos  and  yede  for  to  here  masse  vnto  the  Abbey  of 
At  mass  Ray-       Montiers  /  and  there  Eaymondyn  prayed  god  deuoutly 

inondin  prays  for 

n  good  end  to  his  that  he  wold  help  hym  att  his  nede,  and  to  brynge  hys  20 


enterpryse  to  a  good  ende,  and  to  the  saluacion  of  his 
sowle  &  prouffyt  of  hys  body.  And  he  abode  wit/an 
the  chirche,  inakyng1  hys  prayers  vnto  thoure  of 
Pry  me./  24 

Cap.  XI.  How  Raymondyn  founde  a  man 
that  bare  the  skynne  or  hyde  of  a  hert  / 
and  how  he  bought  it  / 

»foi.2s.        1]VT0w   telleth   thystorye   to   vs,   that   whan   Ray-  28 
-i.  1    mondyn  had  herd  hys  masse,  and  that  he  had 
ended  his  prayere  /  he  went  out  of  the  chirche  /  and 
at  thyssue  of  thabbey  byond  the  Castel  he  found  a 
Rnymondin  finds  man  whiche  bare  wit/iin  a  sac  vpon  hys  bak  the  hvde  32 

a  man  with  a 

hurt's  skin  to        of  an  hert,  which  man  camme  toward  Eaymondyn,  and 
said  to  hym  in  this  manere.     '  Sire,  wyl  ye  bye  this 

C1I.  XI.]  RAYMONDIN    BUYS   A   HARl's   SKIN.  43 

hertis  skynno  that  I  liaue  wit/tin  my  sack,  for  to 
make  good  huntyng  cordes  for  your  hunters.'  '  By  my 
feyth,'  said  Kaymondyn  /  '  ye  /  yf  thou  wilt  selle  it ; 
4  and  at  one  word l  what  shall  I  paye  for  hit  ? '  '  By  my 
feyth,  sire,'  said  the  man,  '  ye  shall  paye  to  me  for  it 
ten  shelynges,  or  ellis  ye  shall  not  haue  it.'  '  Frend,' 
said  thanne  Rayraondyn  to  the  said  man  / '  bryng  it  which  he  buys 

for  ten  shillings, 

8  home  wz't/i  me  and  I  shall  pay  the  there.'     And  he 

answerdf,  '  With  a  good  wille.'     Thanne  he  folowed 

Eaymondyn  vnto  his  hous,  and  there  he  delyuered  hys 

hyde  /  and  Raymondyn  payed  hyiu  for  it.     And  anone 

12  after,  Raymondyn  sent  for  a  Sadelmaker,2  to  whom  he 

said :  '  My  frend,  yf  it  plese  3you,  ye  muste  cutte  this       » ft>i.2s». 

hyde  in  fourme  of  a  thonge,  in  the  narowest  &  smallest 

Avyse  that  is  possible  to  be  doo.'    The  Sadler  dide  cutte  and  has  it  made 

into  a  thong  by  a 

1C  it,  and  after  they  leyd  it  agayn  ws't/an  the  sac  thus  saddiemaker. 
cutte.      What   shuld   I   nowe   prolonge   the   matere.4 
It  is  trouth  that  they  whiche  were  cowmytted  for  to 
delyuere    to    Eamondyn    his    yefte,    rode,    and    Ray-  Raymondin  and 

.  .       .  the  Earl's  men 

20  mondyn  with  them,  toward  the  fontayne  of  soyf,  so  ride  to  the  foun- 
long1  that  they  cam  vnto  the  roche  that  standetli  ouer 

the  said  fontayne,  where  as  grett  tranchis  or  keruyng* 

was  made  within  the  harde  roche  /  and  they  fond?  al  where  they  mar- 
vel to  find  trees 
24  about   it   grete   trees   throwen   doun   to    the   ground1,  cut  and  rocks 

wherof  they  were  gretly  meruaylled,  For  it  was  out  of 
mans  inyndo  that  euer  trees  were  cutte  there  aboute. 
Raymondyn,  that  thanne  wel  knewe  that  his  lady  had 
28  wrought  there,  held  hys  peas.  And  whan  they  were 
vrithin  the  medowe  they  toke  the  thonge  out  of  the 
sac  /. 

1  Fr.  en  ting  mot.         2  Fr.  selller. 
*   Q«c  feroije  ores  jilus  long  prolongation. 



[CH.  XII. 

1  fol.  24. 

The  Earl's  men 
are  abashed  at 
the  length  of  the 

Two  men  appear 
to  help  them ; 

they  set  stakes 
to  hold  the 

tliong ; 

it  compasses  the 
rock  and  part  of 
the  valley. 

At  the  end  of 
the  thong  a 
fountain  springs 

The  men  are 
abashed  at  the 
fountain  anil  the 
great  compass  of 
the  thong. 

5  fol.  21  6. 

Cap.  XII.  How  they  that  were  ordonned  cam-ate 
and  delyuered  to  Raymondyn  his  yefte  ./ 

1"¥"]TT"Han  they  that  shuld  delyuer  the  yefte  saw 

T  T      the  hyde  cutte  so  smalle,  they  were  of  it  alle  4 
abasshed  /  and  said  to  Eaymondyn  fat  they  wyst  not 
what  to  doo/  And  there  incontynent  camme  to  them  two 
men  clothed  with  cours  cloth  /  the  whiche  said  in  this 
manere.  'We  are  comme  hither  for  to  helpe  you.'  Thanne  8 
they  toke  out  of  the  sack  the  hyde  and  bare  it  vnto 
the  bottomme  of  the  valley,  as  nigh  the  roche  as  they 
coude  /  and  there  they  dide  sette  a  stake  in  the  erthe, 
and  to  this  stake  they  fasted  the  one  ende  of  the  hyde  /  12 
and  as  they  went  they  sette  stakes  for  to  hold  with  the 
said  thouge  rounde  aboute  the  roche  /  and  whan  they 
were  comme  ay  en  to  the  first  stake,  there  was  yet  agrete 
reinenant  of  the  thong1 /and  for  to  sette  and  fournysshe  16 
it  they  drew  it  dounward  to  the  valey  /  and  so  fer 
they  went  \\ith  it,  that  they  camme  to  the  ende  of  it. 
And  ye  must  knowe  that  after  that,  it  is  said  in  the 
Cotmtre,  and  as  the  very  and  true  history  witnesseth  /  20 
there  sprange  at  [the]  ende  of  the  said  thong1  a  fayr 
i'outayn,  the  which"  rendred  so  moche  of  watre  that  a 
ryuere  wexed  or  grew  therof.     Wherof  many  a  mylle 
dyde  grynde  corne  /  and  yet  now  grynden.     Thanne  24 
they  that  were  there  sent  for  to  delyuere  to  Raymondyn 
the  place,  were  moche  abasshed  /  aswel  of  the  fontayne 
that  they  see  spryng1  sodaynly  before  them,  as  of  the 
grete  coin  pace  of  the  ledder,  whiche  conteyned  wel  the  28 
space  of  two  mylle*'  of  grounde./ 

THistorye  to  vs  recounteth  that  they  whiche  were 
ordonued  for  to  delyuere  the  said  yefte,  as  byfore 
is  said,  were  moche  abasshed  whan  they  sawe  the  32 
watre  spryng1  sodaynly  &  ranne  al  along12  fourth  by 
the  valey.  And  also  they  were  meruaylled  of  the  grete 
grounde  that  the  thonge  compassed,  but  neuertheles 


C£I.  XII.]  THE    LAND    IS    DELIVERED    TO    RAYMONDIN.  45 

they  delyuered  to  Rnymondyn  the  ground*  that  was  They  deliver  the 

land  to  Bay- 

gyuen  to  hym  after  the  texte  or  tenozu-  of  hys  lettres.  mondin. 
And  as  soone  as  they  had  delyuered  it,  they  wyst  neuer 
4  where  the  said  two  men  that  were  cormne  there  for  to 
helpe  hem  becamrae,  ne  whither  they  were  goon. 

hanne  they  departed  alle  togidre,  for  to  haue  re-  The  Earl's  men 

return  to  Poi- 

tourned  vnto  Poyters,  where  as  whan  they  were  tiers, 
8  conune,  they  dide  telle  and  recounte  vnto  the  Erie  and  and  recount  to 

him  the  adven- 

to  his  moder  this  meruayllows  auenture.     And  thanne  ture. 
the  lady  said  to  her  sonne  in  this  manere  :  '  Byleue  thou 
neuer  of  no  thinge  me  /  of  that  I  shall  say1  /  but  yf 
12  Raymondyn  hath  founde  somwe  auenture  in  the  Forest 

of  Coulombyers,  For  the  same  Forest  is  somtyme  full  The  Earl  and  his 

mother  speak  of 

of  moche  meruaylloi/s  auentures.'     And  the  Erie  an-  the  marvels  thnt 

have  happened 

ansuerd  :   '  by  my  feyth  my  lady  /  I  byleue  well  that  in  the  forest. 

16  ye  say  trouth  /  and  long1  syn  I  haue  herd  say  that 
aboue  the  fontayne  that  is  vnder  the  same  roche, 
men  hath  seen  faH  &  happ  many  a  wounder  and  mer- 
uayllozw  aduentures.  but  as  to  hym,  I  pray  to  god 

20  that  he  may  enjoye  it  to  hys  honour  and  prouffyt.' 
'  Amen,'  said  the  ladye.  As  they  spake  thus  togidre, 
Eaymondin  arryued  /  whiche  kneeled  soone  byfore  the  Raymondin  ar- 

"  rives  and  thanks 

Erie  and  thanked  hym  of  the  worship  &  curtoysy  that  the  Earl  for  his 
24  he  had  doon  to  hym.     '  By  my  feyth,  Kaymondyn,' 
said  the  Erie,  'ye  thanke  me  of  a  lytil  thing1,  but 

betre  I  shall  doo  to  you,  vrith  godis  grace,  in  tyme  to  the  Earl  pro- 
mises him  more 
comwe.      '  .Now,  my  trend  Kaymondyn,  said  the  Erie,   favours. 

28  '  it  is  told  to  me  of  a  grete  and  meruayllo?w  auenture 
whiche  is  happed  as  of  present  in  the  place  that  I 
haue  doon  to  be  delyuered  to  you  by  my  yefte.  Wher- 
fore  I  pray  you  that  ye  wil  telle  to  me  the  pure  &  very 

32  trouth  of  hit.'     '  My  feyth,'  sayd  Raymondyn.     '  My 

right  dere  lord  /  yf  they  that  at  2your  commandement         *  foi.  25. 
haue  delyuered  the  place  to  me  haue  not  told  you 
of  more  than  they  haue  seen  /  they  haue  doo  wel. 
1  Fr.  Ne  me  croy  jamais  de  chose  queje  die. 



Raymondin  tells 
of  the  marvellous 
spring,  and  the 
compass  of  the 

and  says  that  he 
loves  to  dwell  by 
the  fountain ; 

then  bids  adieu 
to  the  Earl, 

and  returns  to 
his  lady. 

*  fol.  256. 

Nevertheless  it  is  trouth  that  the  space  of  grounde 
compassed  aboute  wit/*  the  hyde  conteyneth  two  mylles. 
And  as  for  the  two  men  whiche  c&mme  there  clothed 
wz'th  cours  cloth,  and  hane  holped  for  to  compasse  &  to  4 
mesure   the   place  /  and   also   of   the  ryuere  whiche 
sourdred1  sodaynly  /  of  alle  this,  my  lord,  it  is  pure 
trouth.'      '  By  my  feith,  Raymondyn,'  sayd  the  Erie, 
'ye  telle  to  vs  a  grete  meruaylle /.     In  good  feyth,  8 
Raymondyn,  lyke  as  it  semeth  to  vs  and  supposen,  ye 
most  nedes  haue  founde  som  aduenture,  and  I  pray 
you  that  ye  wyl  declare  it  vnto  vs,  for  to  haue  vs  out 
of  the  melencolye  of  it.'     '  My  lord,'  said  Raymo?*dyn,  1 2 
'  yet  haue  I  not  founde  but  wel  &  honowr  /  but  my 
ryght  dere  lord,  I  loue  my  self  for  to  be  &  there  to 
dwelle  more  than  iu  eny  other  place,  bycause  that  it  is 
commonly  renommed2  auenturows  and  welhappy  coun-  16 
tre  /  and  so  I  hope  that  god  shall  send  to  me  some  good 
auenture  whiche  by  hys  plaisire  shall  be  to  me  worship- 
full  &  prouffytable  bothe  to  my  sowle  and  to  my  body. 
And,  my  ryght  dere  lord,  enquyre  ye  me  nomore  therof  /  20 
For  certaynly,  as  of  present,  I  can  telle  you  nomore  of 
ib/.'     Thanne  the  Erie,  that  moche  loued  hym,  held 
therof  hys  peas,  bycause  that  he  wold  not  angre  hym. 
And  this  doon,  Raymondyn  toke  hys  leue  of  the  Erie  24 
and  of  his  moder.      And  for  as  now  I  shall  say  no 
more   of   them,  And  shall  say   how  Raymondyn   re- 
tourned  toward'  his  lady,  where  as  he  wyst  that  he  had 
lefte  her  /.  28 

Cap.  XIII.  How  Raymondyn  toke  his  leue 
of  the  Erie  of  Poitiers  &  retourned  toward 
his  lady./ 

3T"N  this  party e,  to  vs  telleth  thistorye  that  Ray-  32 
J-  mondyn,  whiche  was   moche   enamoured   of  his 
1  Fr.  cst  sours.  2  Fr.  renomme. 


lady,  departed  at  this  ooure  fro  Poytiers  hastly  al  alone, 
and  rode  tyl  ho  cam  we  vnto  the  high  Forest  of  Coulom- 
biers,  and  descended  fro  fe  hylle  doun  in  to  the  vuley 
4  and  cannne  to  the  fontayne  where  [he  founde]1  his  lady, 
that  moche  joyously  receyued  hyni,  and  said  to  hym  His  lady  joyously 

.  .  receives  him  ; 

in  this  manere :  '  My  irend,  ye  begynne  wel  for  to  kepe 

and  hyde  oure  secretes  :  and  yf  ye  perseuere  thus,  greto 

8  wele  shall  therof  comme  to  you  /  and  soone  ye  shall  see 

and  perceyue  of  it.'     Thanne  spake  Raymondy;?.  and 

sayd  in  this  manere :  '  Dere  lady,  I  am  &  shalbe  euer 

redy  for  to  doo  aftir  my  power  all  yo**r  playsires.' 

12  'In  dede,  Raymondyn,'  said  the  lady  /  'tyl  ye  haue  but  tells  him, 

that  lie  can  know 

wedded  me  /  ye  ne  may  no  ferther  see  ne  know  of  my  no  more  of  her 

secrets  until  1m 

secretes.'     'Lady  dere,'  said  Raymondyn,  'I  am  alredy  '"an-ies  her, 

J     which  he  ]>ro- 

therto. '   '  not  yet,'  said  the  lady  /  '  For  first  ye  must  goo  j^eu8c£°  do 
16  vnto  Poitiers  for  to  pray  the  Erie  and  his  moder  and  alle 

your  other  parentes  and  frendes,2  that  they  wil  comwe         *  r»i.  26. 
and  honoure  you  with  their  persounes  at  youre  wed-  His  lady  tells 

him  to  go  to 

ajmr*.  in  this  place,  on  monday  next  commynff.    to   Putttanodte- 

J  vite  the  Earl  ami 

20  theiide  that  they  see  the  noblesses  that  I  think  and  his  friends  to  the 


purpose  for  to  doo  for  to  enhaunce  you  in  houo?«r  & 
worship  /  and  that  they  take  no  suspecion  but  that  ye 
be  maryed  after  yo?<r  estate  and  degree.     And  wel  ye 
24  may  teH  to  them  that  ye  shall  wedd  the  dough ter  of  a  and  to  tell  them 

that  he  is  to 

kinge  /  but  no  levther  ye  shall  not  dyscouere  of  it.    and  marry  a  king's 

J  daughter. 

therfro  kepe  you  as  dere  as  ye  haue  the  loue  of  me.' 
'  Lady  dere,'  sayd  Raymondyn, '  doubte  you  not  therof.' 

28  '  Freud,'  sayd  the  lady, '  haue  ye  noo  care  that  for  what 
folke  that  ye  can  bryng1  /  but  that  they  all  shalbo 
wel  and  honourably  receyued  &  wel  lodged  and  wel 
festyed  /  bothe  of  delycyoz^s  meetes  and  drynkes,  and 

32  of  allmaner  athing<  acordyng  /  as  wel  to  them  as  to 

theire  horses.     Therfore,  my  frend,  goo  surely  and  be 

not  doubtous  of  nothing1.'     They  thenne  kyssed  eche 

other  /  &  Raymondyn  departed  fro  the  lady  /  of  whiche 

1  omitted  in  MS.     Fr.  ou  il  trouva. 


Raymondin  goes 
to  Poitiers, 

where  he  finds 
the  Earl  with 
many  of  his 

invites  the  Earl 
to  his  wedding 
at  the  Fountain 

I  fol.  S66. 

The  Earl  is 
abashed  at  not 
being  taken  into 

But  Raymondin 
says  that  love 
has  Hone  what  it 
liked  with  him. 

They  ask  his 
lady's  lineage, 

which  he  cannot 

thistory  sylenceth  /  and  bygynneth  to  spek  of  Ray- 
mondyn  which  goth  toward  Poytiers./ 

NOw  telleth  to  vs  thistorye  that   so   longe  rode 
Raymondyn  after  that  he  was  departed  fro  his  4 
lady  that  he  camwe  to  Poiters,  wher  he  fonde  the  Erie 
and  his  moder  &  grete  foyson  of  Barons  wi't//  them, 
whiche  were  right  wel  glad  of  his  commyng1  /  and  de- 
manded of  hym  fro  whens  he  camme.   And  he  ansuerde  8 
to  them  that  he  camme  fro  his  dysporte.    And  after  that 
they  had  spoken  longe  tyme  of  one  thing*  and  of  other, 
Raymondyn  yede  byfore  the  Erie  &  kneled  &  sayd  to 
hym  thus:  'Eight  dere  lord,  I  moche  hnmbly  besech  12 
you,  on  alle  the  seruyses  that  euer  I  shall  mow  doo  to 
you,  J?at  ye  vouchesaaf  for  to  doo  to  me  so  moche  of 
honour  as  to  conune  on  monday  next  to  my  weddyng*, 
to  the  fontayn  of  Soyf.     and  that  it  playse  you  to  16 
bryng  thither  with  1you  my  lady  jour  moder,  and 
alle  yowr  barons  also.'     And  whan  the  Erie  vnderstode 
hym  he  was  moche  abasshed.     '  How,'  said  the  Erie, 
'  fayre  Cousyn  Raymondyn,  are  ye  as  now  so  straunged  20 
of  vs  that  ye  marye  you  without  that  we  know  therof 
tyl  the  day  of  weddyng*?     For  certayn  we  gyue  vs 
thereof  grette  meruaylle,  For  we  wende  yf  your  wylle 
had  be  to  take  a  wyf  /  to  haue  be  they  of  whom  ye  2-t 
shuld   first  haue  taken   counseylL'      Thanne  ansuenJ 
Raymondin,  'My  right  dere  lord,  dysplayse  you  nat 
therfore,  For  loue  is  of  so  grete  puyssaunce  that  she 
maketh  thinges  to  be  graunted  and  doon  as  it  playseth  28 
to  her  /  and  so  ferfourth  I  haue  goo  in  this  matere  that 
I  may  not  flee  it ;  but  neuertheles  all  were  it  soo  that 
I  myght  doo  soo  /  yet  by  myn  assent  I  shuld  not  be 
fro  it.'     '  Xow  thanne,'  said  the  Erie,  '  telle  vs  what  32 
she  is  and  of  what  lynee.'     *  By  my  feyth,'  said  Ray- 
mondyn, '  ye  demande  of  me  a  thing1  /  to  the  whiche  I 
can  not  gyue  none  ansuere,  for  neuer  in  my  lyf  I  ne  dide 
enquyre  me  therof.'     '  Forsouthe,'  sayd  the  Erie, '  it  is  36 


grett  meruaylle.     Raymondyn  taketh  a  wyf  that  he 

knoweth  not,  ne  also  the  lynago  that  she  commeth  of.' 
'  My  lord,'  said  Raymondyn,  '  sith  it  suffyseth  me  as 

4  therof,  ye  oughte  wel  to  be  playsed,  For  I  take  no  wyf 
that  shall  brawle  or  stryue  with  you  /  but  only  vrith 
me  /  and  1  alone  shall  here  eyther  joyo  or  sorowe  for 
it,  after  that  it  shall  please  to  god.'  '  By  my  feyth,' 

8  sayd  the  Erie  to  Raymondin,  *  ye  say  right  wel  /  and 
as  for  me  I  ne  wil  kepe  you  therfro  /  but  sith  it  is  soo, 
I  pray  to  god  deuoutly  that  he  wil  send  you  peas  &  The  Earl  wishes 

,  ..        .         .      .   ,  Raymondin  good 

good  auenture  togidre  /  and  right  gladly  we  shall  goo  luck, 
12  to  yoztr  weddyng1,  and  wt't/i  vs  shall  comme  thither  and  promises  to 

attend  the  wed- 

my  lady  and  many  other  ladyes  and  damoyselles  of  ding; 
OUT  baronye.'     And  Raymondyn  ansuered,  '  My  lord, 
right  gretly  I  thanke  you,  &  as  I  bylcue,  whan  ye 

16  shalbe  there  and  shal  see  the  lady  /  ye  1shalbe  pleased        l  foi.  17. 
of  her.'    And  thenne  they  lefte  to  speke  of  this  matere, 
and  spake  of  one  thing1  and  of  other  so  long,  that  tyme 
of  souper    camwe.     And    notwithstanding,    the    Erie 

20  thought  euer  on  Raymondyn  and  his  lady,  and  said  but  ever  won- 

,  if     -i  T-, 

in  hym  self  that  sornwe  Fortune  he  had  fonde  at  the  mondm  and  his 

lady,  and  their 

fontayne  of  soyf./  fortune. 

IN  this  manere  thoughte  longe  the  Erie,  so  moche 
that   the  sty  ward2  cam  and  said  to  hym:   'My 
lord,  all  is  redy,  yf  it  plese  you  for  to  comme.'     '  For- 
south,'  said  he,  '  it  plaiseth  me  well.'     Thanne  they 
weshe  theyre  handes,  sette  at  the  table  /  and  wel  they 
28  were  serued.      And  aftir  souper  they  spak  of  many 
materes,  &  after  they  went  to  bed.     On  the  morowe 
erly,  the  Erie  aroos  &  herd1  his  masse  and  made  the  After  mass  the 

Earl  bids  his 

barons  to  be  manded  &  boden  for  to  goo  wzt^  hym  to  barons  to  the 


32  the  weddynge  of  Raymondin  /  and  they  cam?n€  incon- 

tinent.    And  the  said  Erie  sent  hys  message  for  the  and  sends  word 

0  to  the  Earl  of 

Erie  of  Forestz,  whiche  was  brother  to  Raymondyn.   Forests. 
In  this  meane  while3  made  the  said  lady  alle  redy  in 

2  Fr.  maistre  d'hostel.  3  Fr.  dcmanticrt. 



T1IE    EARL    GOES    TO    THE    WEDDING. 

[CH.  XIII. 

Melusine  makes 
ready  in  a 
meadow  a  noble 

The  Earl  and  his 
company  set  out 
to  the  wedding ; 

i  fol.  27  6. 

he  inquires  about 
wife,  but  can  find 
out  nothing. 

At  last  they 
come  to  the 

and  then  to  the 

at  which  they 

because  of  the 
many  tents, 

ladies,  cooks, 

and  the  fair 

the  medowe  vnder  the  Fontayne  of  Soyf,  and  suche 
appareill  was  there  made,  so  grete  &  so  noble,  that  for 
to  say  trouth  /  nothing1  acordyng  for  suche  a  Festo 
fawted   ne  waunted   there,  but   honourably  might   a  4 
kinge  \\ith  alle  his  estate  haue  be  receyued  therat.   The 
sonday  camme  that  alle  made  them  self  redy  for  to 
goo  to  the  fontayne  of  Soyf,  at  the  weddynge  of  Ray- 
mondyn.     The  night  passed  &  the  day  camme.     And  8 
thanne  the  Erie  vrith  hys  moder  /  her  ladyes  &  damoy- 
selles  /  and  \viih  alle  the  barons,  ladyes,  &  damoyselles 
of  the  lande  /  toke  hys  way  toward  the  fontayne.    And 
as  they  rode  thither  the  Erie  enquyred  of  Raymondyn  12 
the  estate  of  hys  wyf,  but  nothinge  he  would  telle  Ho 
hym  therof.     Wherof  the  Erie  was  sorowfull,  And  so 
longe  they  yede  talking  togidre  that  they  camme  vpon 
the  hille,  where  they  sawe  the  grete  trenchis  or  keruyng  16 
in  the  harde  roche  that  sodaynly  were  made  /  and  the 
fontayne  also  whiche  sourdred2  &  sprang1  ther  habound- 
auntly.     Thenne  meraaylled  therof  euerychone,  how  so 
sodaynly  that  might  haue  be  doo.      And  they  yede  20 
fourth  and   biheld   doun?ze   toward  the  medowe   and 
sawe  grete  plente  of  fayre  &  riche  pauillons  or  tentes, 
righ[t]   high3  /  so   grete,  so   noble,  and   so  meruayl- 
lously  facyoned  that  euery  man  awondred  therof.     and  24 
namely,4  whan  they  dide  see  &  perceyued   so   grete 
company  of  noble  folke,  as  of  knightes  &  squyers,  that 
went  vp  &  doun  in  the  medowe  and  wt'tAout,  for  to 
goo  fetche  suche  thinges  as  neded  to  the  feste.     And  28 
also  might  they  see  there  right  grete  foyson  of  ladyes 
&   damoyselles  richely   apparayled    &   arayed,   many 
horses,  palfreys,  &  coursers  were  there.     There  might 
they  see  kychons  &  Cookes  within,  dressing  ineetes  of  32 
dyuerse  maneres.     And  ouer  the  fontayne  they  sawe  a 
fayre   cliappel   of   oux  lady   &  ymages   wit/iin   right 
connyngly   kerued   &   entaylled,  and   of   almener   of 
2  Fr.  sourdit.        3  Fr.  si  tresliaultz.        *  Fr.  par  especial. 


ornamentes  so  richely  ordeyned,  that  neuer  so  grete 
richesse  they  had  seen  before  that  tyme  in  no  churche, 
wherof  they  meruaylled  moche,  and  said1  oon  to  other. 
4  '  I  ne  wot  what  it  shall  befaft  of  the  remenawtt,  but  here 
is  a  fayre  bygynnyng1  grete,  <fe  shewyng*  grete  noblesse 
&  worship.'  / 

Cap.  XIV.     How  the  Erie  of  Poytiers  camwe 
8      to  the  weddyng  of  Raymondyn,  acompayned 
of  alle  the  Barons  in  hys  land. 

~0[w]  telleth  to  vs  thystorye,  that  whan  the         i  u>i.  ss. 

Erie  &  hys  folk  were  descended  doun  fro  the 
12    -i-  1       montayne  /  an  auncyent   knyght,  nobly  & 
richely  clothed  and  arayed,  whiche  rode  on  a  fayre 
palfray,  and  had  in  hys  felawship  xxiiij"  men  of  wor- 
ship richely  &  nobly  aourned2  &  wel  horsed  /  c&mme  An  ancient 

knight  comes  to 

1 6  gladly   &   vfiw  mery  contenawnce   toward   the   Erie,   meet  the  com- 

First  he  mete  WffcA  the  Erie  of  Forest  &  -with  Ray- 
mondyn &  theyre  felawship,  for  they  rode  before. 
And  whan  he  perceyued  Raymondyn,  whiche  wel  he 

20  knew  among1  other  /  he  yede  tofore  hym  &  made  to 

hym  honour   &   reuerence,  and   his   brother  Erie  of  and  salutes 


Forest  he  salued  moche  honourably,  &  theyre  felawship 
also.      And   shortly   to   spek,    this   auncyent    knight 
24  recevued  them  worshipfully,  sayeng*  to  Raymondin  in  He  asks  Ray- 

mondin  to  lead 

this  manere  : '  My  lord,  I  pray  you  that  I  may  be  ledde  him  before  the 

*  Earl  of  Poitiers, 

before  the  Erie  of  Poitiers  yf  it  playse  you,  3  for  I       »  w.  23  6. 
desyre  to  spek  -with  hym.'     And  so  Raymondyn  made  whicyrRay- 

28  hym  to  be  ledde  vnto  the  said  Erie.  And  whan 
thauncyent  knight  c&mme  before  the  Eric,  he  salewed 
hym  swetly,  sayeng1,  '  my  lord,  ye  be  welcomme.'  And 
the  Erie  ansuero?  /  '  and  ye  are  wel  mete  wt't/i  me.  nowe 

32  telle  ye  to  me  why  ye  dide  axe  aftir  me.'  Thanne  said 
the  knight  thus  to  the  Erie  :  '  Sire,  My  lady  Melusyne 

2  Fr.  aournt. 

E  2 



[CH.  XV. 

The  ancient 
knight,  on  behalf 
of  Melusine, 
thanks  the  Earl 
of  Poitiers  for 
his  presence. 

The  Earl  is 
lodged  in  the 
richest  pavilion 
he  ever  had  seen, 
i  fol.  29. 

and  the  rest  of 
the  company 
after  their  estate. 

The  Earl  of  Poi- 
tiers' mother  and 
other  ladies 

of  Albany  recommendeth  her  to  you  as  moche  as  she 
may  /  and  thanketh  you  of  the  gret  &  high  honoztr 
that  ye  doo  vnto  Kaymondyn  your  Cousin  &  also  vnto 
her  whan  ye  vouchesauf  of  yowr  grace  to  comrae  hither  4 
for  to  bere  vnto  them  felawship  att  their  wedding1.' 
'  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  Erie,  '  In  this  cas  /  as  ye  may 
telle  to  yowr  lady  /  is  no  thankes  to  be  had,  for  I  am 
holden  for  to  do  vnto  my  Cousyn  all  worship  &  honour  8 
possible  to  me  to   be  doo.'     '  Sire,'  said  thauncieut 
knight,  '  ye  say  full  curtoisly  /  but  my  lady  is  sage  for 
to  knowe  what  she  ought  for  to  doo  /  and  toward  you 
she  hath  sent  both"  me  and  my  felawship  also.'     '  Sire  1 2 
knight,'  said  the  Erie, '  this  playseth  me  wel.  but  knowe 
ye  that  I  wende  nat  to  haue  found  lodged  so  nygh  to 
me  so  noble  a  lady  as  your  is,  ne  that  had  so  many  of 
noble  folk  witJi  her  as  she  hath.'    '  Ha,  sire  ! '  sayd  the  1 6 
knight, '  whan  my  lady  wil  she  may  haue  of  knightes  & 
squyers  more  than  she  hath  now  with  her  /  for  she  ne 
dare  doo  /  but  to  com?nande.'     And  thus  talking  one 
to  other,  they  camme  vnto  the  pauyllon.     And   the  20 
Erie  was  lodged  there  within  the  moost  riche  lodgys 
that  euer  he  had  seen  before.     After  every  man  was 
lodged  honourably  after  his  estate  /  &  they l  said  that 
within  theire  owne  places  at  horn  they  were  not  so  24 
wel  lodged.      Theire  horses  were  lodged  within  the 
grett  tentes  /  so  at  large  &  at  theire  ease  /  that  no 
palfrener  was  there  but  that  he  was  full  wel  playsed. 
And  alle  they  meruailled  fro  whens  so  mocfr  of  goode  28 
and  suche  plente  of  richesses  might  comrae  there  so 
haboundauntly.  / 

Cap.  XV.     How  Raymondyn  and  Melusyne 
were  wedded  togider.  /  32 

AFter  them  camme  the  Contesse  moder  vnto  the 
said  Erie,  and  blanche,  her  doughtir,  and 
with  them  many  ladyes  &  damoiselles.  And 


thanne  Melusyne,  sage  &  wyse,  sent  toward!  her 
Jmuncyent  knight,  that  had  hold1  companye  to  the 
Erie,  and  also  vritJi  hy  m  she  sent  many  lad  yes  l  and  '  foi.  29  6. 

4  damoyselles   of    high   and    noble    Estate    that   moch  and  are  wel- 
comed by  the 
honourably  salued  and  honoured  the  Countesse  and  ancient  knight, 

her  doughter  /  and  ledde  them  to  be  lodged  in  a  fayr 
pauillon  made  of  riche  cloth  of  gold,  richely  set  \viih 
8  perlys  &  wit/i  precyows  stones.     And,  shortly  to  spek, 
they  were  alle  so  wel  &  so  rychely  lodged  that  moche  and  so  richly 

lodged  that  they 

they  meruaylled  of  the  grete  riches  that  they  see  marvel  much, 
wit/an  the  pauyllon.  And  there  was  the  Countesso 
12  receyued  wit/i  mocll  grete  and  melodyous  sowne  of 
almaner  instruments  and  alle  they  in  her  companye 
were  honourably  lodged.  And  whan  the  Countesse 
had  rested  a  lytil  while,  and  that  she  -was  arayed  with  The  Countess 

-„  ,  .      ,          ,  ,         ,,.       T.,        ,         and  her  daught<>r 

16  her    ryche    rayments  /  also    her   doughtir    Blanche,   are  richly 


Knyghtes  &  Squyers  /  ladyes  and  damoyselles  of  her 

companye  went  into  the  chambre  of  the  spouse,  the  and  goto  Mein- 

sine's  chamber, 

whiche  Chambre  was  fayrer  and  passed  of  ryches  alle 
20  the  other  chambres,  but  whan  they  sawe  Melusyne,  & 
perceyued  her  ryche  tyres  /  her  riche  gowne,  alle  set 
wit/i  preciows  stones  &  perlys  /  the  coler  that  she  had 
about  her  nek,  hir  gerdeH  &  her  other  rayinents,  that 

24  she   had   on   her,    they   all   meruaylled   gretly  /  and  where  they  mar- 
vel much  at  her 
specially  the  Countesse,  that   said  /  consideryng  that  rich  array. 

grete  estate  /  Neuer  had  I  wende  ne  supposed  that  no 
queene  ne  Emperesse  had  be  in  alle  the  world,  that 
28  might  haue  founde  suche  jewellis  so  riche  &  so  grete  in 
value.  What  shuld  I  make  long  plee  /  the  Erie  of 
poiters  and  one  of  the  moost  hygh  barons,  that  is  to  The  Earls  of 

Poitiers  and 

wete,  the   Erie   of   Forest,  addressed   and   ledde   the  Forest  lead 


32  spouse  vnto  the  said  Chapelle  of  OUT  lady,  which  was 
so  rychely  aourned,  &  arayed  so  nobly  that  wonder  it 
was  to  see  /  as  of  parements  &  ornaments  of  cloth  2  of        »  foi.  so. 
gold,  purfeld  and  sett  Wit/t  perlys  and  precyous  stones,  to  the  richly 

adorned  chapel, 

3G  so   wel    wrought    and    so   connyngly   browded,   that 

THE   WEDDING   AND   THE   WEDDING    FEAST.       [cfl.  XVI,  XVII. 

where  the  wed- 
ding takes  place. 

After  divine 

the  company 

i  fol.  80  6. 

They  are  served 
by  squires, 

and  eat  off  gold 
and  .silver  plate 

divers  meats. 

meruaylle  it  was  to  loke  on.  fayre  ymages  straungely 
kerued  /  as  of  Crucifixe  &  figure  of  OUT  lady,  all  of 
pure  and  fyn  gold  /  and  bokes  were  there,  so  wel 
writon  and  so  riche  that  in  alle  the  world  rycher  bokes  4 
might  nat  haue  be.  And  there  was  a  bysshop  that 
wedded  them  &  songe  masse  before  them. 

Cap.   XVI.      How    they  were   worshipfully 
serued  at  dyner.  /  8 

AFtir  that  the  deuyne  seruyse  was  doon  they 
rested  them,  and  soone  after  the  dyner  was 
redy  wet/an  a  moche  riche  and  grete  pauyllon 
in  the  myddes  of  the  medowe.     Eche  one  satte  there  12 
aftir  hys  degree,  and  se?*ued  they  were  of  dyuerse  & 
good  meetes,  and   of  many  and  dyuerse  wynes,  and 
haboundaunce  of  ypocras  xwas  there.     There  serued 
the  squyers  richely  clothed  one  lyke  another,  whiche  16 
were  grete  in  nombre.     They  were  serued  alle  in  plat 
of  pure  gold  &  syluer,  wherof  alle  the  companye  was 
meruaylled.     And  assoone  as  one  messe  was  taken  fro 
the   table,  the   othe[r]  messe  was  redy.     And   so  of  20 
dyue?-s  meetes  they  were  serued  many  a  cours  moche 
honourably.  / 

Cap.  XVII.     How  after  dyner  the  Knightes 
&  Squyers  Jousted.  24 

ANd  after  that  they  had  dyned,  and  the  tables 
were  take  vp  &  graces  said,  and  that  they  were 
serued   with   ypocras   &    spyces,   the   Knyghtes    and 
Squyers  went  &  armed  them  and  lept  on  horsback.  28 
And  thenne  the  spouse  &  many  other  ladyes  were  sett 
vpon   the  scaffold  or   stalage.     Thanne   byganne   the 
Jousting  begins,    Joustyng  /  the  Erie   of   Poy  tiers  jousted  moche  wel 

and  so  dide  the  Erie  of  Forest  and  alle  theire  knightes  32 
*  foi.  si.        and  2squyers.   but  the  Knyghtes  of  the   spouse  dide 

After  dinner 

the  knights  and 
squires  arm  and 
leap  on  horse- 

the  ladies  go  to 
the  scaffold. 


meruaiH,  For  they  ouertlirew  bothe  knightes  and  horses  Meiusine's  men 

,  ,          ....  being  victorious. 

vnto  trie  grounde.     lhanne  carmne  there  Raymondyn 
that  satte  on  a  fayre  &  strong  courser,  alle  in  whyte, 
4  &  at  liys  first  cours  he  ouerthrew  the  Erie  of  Forestz,  Raymondinover- 

,.,,,,,  ,  ,1      i         ,  11  »    throws  the  Earl 

ms  brother  /  and  so  valyauntly  lie  demened  hym  self  of  Forest, 

and  demeans 

that  there  ne  was  knight  on  both  partyes  but  that  himself  so  timt 

J  all  are  afraid  of 

he  redoubted  hym.     And  thann  the  Erie  of  Poitiers  him- 
8  seeyng  his   appertyse  of  armes   meruaylled  what   he 
Avas  /  and   dressed   hys   sheld,  &  holding  the  speere  The  Earl  of  Poi- 

.  tiers  runs  against 

alowe  ranne  ayenst  hym  /  but  JKaymondyn  that  knew  him, 

hym  wel  distourned  hys  hors  and  adressed  his  cours  but  Raymondm 

turns  aside  and 

12  toward  a  knight  of  Poitou  and  suche  a  strok  he  goaf  feiis  a  knight  of 


hym,  that  both  man  &  hors  ouerthrew  to  the  ertrl. 
And  shortly  to  spek  Raymondin  dido  that  day  so  wel 
that  ciwy  man  said  that  the  knight  m't/t  the  white  Everyman 

praises  the 

1 6  armes  hud  jousted  right  strongly.     The  night  cawme  prowess  of  Ray- 
aud  the  justyng  ended.     "Wherfore  eche  of  them  went 
agayn   in  to  theire   pauyllons  where  they  toke  alitil 
reste  /  but  soone   after  was   the   souper   redy.     And 

20  thanne  they  yede  in  to  the  grete  tente  /  and  after  they 

had  wasshen  they  set  them  at  table  &  wel  and  richely  They  have  sup- 
per in  the  great 
they  were  sorued  /  and  after  souper  were  the  tables  tent, 

take  vp  /  and  they  wesshed  theyre  handes.  &  graces 
24  were  said.     This  doon  the  ladyes  wente  asyde  pryuely 

and  toke  other  gownes  on  them  &  cam?ne  agayn  for  to  then  theyhavoa 


daunse.     The  feste  was  fayre  /  and  the  worship  was 
there  grete  /  so  that  the  Erie  and  alle  they  that  were 
28  comme   with  hym   meniaylled   gretly   Jof  the  grette       *  foi.  si  6. 
ryches  &  honour  that  they  sawe  there.     And  whan  it 
was  ty  me  they  ledd  the  spouse  to  bed  /  moch"  honour-  They  lead  the 

spouse  to  bed, 

ably  wit/an  a  wonder  meruayllous  &  riche  pauyllo?z. 
32  And  there  the  Erles  of  Potiers  and  of  Forests  betoke 
her  vnto  the  ladyes  handes.  And  thanne  the  Coun- 
tesse  of  Poitiers  and  other  grete  ladyes  had  the  spouse 
to  bed,  and  dide  endoctrvne  her  in  suche  thinges  that  the  Counts 

J  tells  her  what  to 

3G  she  oughte  for  to  doo  /  how  be  it  that  she  was  ynough  <i«. 


tut  finds  she        purueyed   therof.    but  notwitZ/standyng   she  thanked 
thing.  them  moch  humbly  therfore.     And  whan  she  was  abed 

The  ladies  w.-tit     the  ladyes   abode   there  vnto  tyme   that   Eaymondin 

for  Rayinoiidin, 

camme,  whiche  was  yet  talkyng1  of  oon  thing1  and  of  4 
who  is  speaking    other  with  the  Erie  of  Poitiers  &  with  his  brother, 

with  the  Earls. 

whiche  thanked  Eaymondyn  of  bat  he  first  dide  jouste 
•with  hym.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  Erie  of  Poytiers, 
'  fayre  Cousyn  of  Forests,  ye  haue  longe  syn  herd  say  /  8 
how  somtyme  the   loue   of   ladyes  causeth   peyne  & 
traueyll  to  the  amerows   louers,  and  deth  to  horses.' 
'  My  lord,'  ansuerde  the  Erie  of  Forestz,  '  my  brother 
shewed  it  wel  this  day  to  me.'     And  Raymondyn,  that  12 
was  somwhat  ashamed  /  said  in  this  manere  :  '  Fayre 
lordes,  stryk  of  the  flatte1  /  and  gyue  not  to  me  so 
moche  praysing.     For  I  am  not  he  which"  I  mene2  that 
dide  soo  /  For  I  am  not  he  that  bare  the  whyte  armes  /  1C 
but  fayne  I  wold  that  god  had  sent  to  me  the  grace  to 
A  knight  sent  by  doo  so  wel.'    And  at  thoo  wordes  canme  there  a  knight, 

the  ladies 

whiche  by  the  ladyes  was  sent  thither  /  and  said  to 
them  :  '  Faire  lordes,  Jape  not  ouerruoche,  For  knowe  20        you  wel  3that  as  now  on  other  thing  he  most  think.' 
'  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  Erie  of  Poytiers,  '  ye  say  trew  as 
I  byleue.'    And  yet  agayn  said  the  knight  :  '  my  lordes, 
comes  for  Ray-      comme  &  brynge  -with  you  Raymondyn,  For  the  ladyes  24 

n.ondin,  and  tells  J 

him  that  all  is      axen  after  hym  /  for  his  partye  is  al  redy.'     And  berof 

ready,  whereat 

the  company        byganne  they  to  lawghe  /  and  said  that  he  muste  haue 
witnes  therof  /  and  that  they  byleued  it  wel. 

Cap.  XVIII.     How  the  bysshop  halowed  the  28 
bed   wheron    Raymondyn    and    Melusyne 

Raymondin  is          AT  thoo  wordes  they  went  and  ledde  Raymondyn 

led  to  the  bridal 

chamber  and        J_±_     jn  the  pauyllon  and  soone  he  was  brought  to  32 

brought  to  bed  ;  • 

bed.     And  thanne  camme  there  be  Bysshop  that  had 
1  ~Fr.frappez  du  plat.         2  ne  smjs  mie  celluy  que. 


spoused  them  and  dide  halowe  theire  bed.    and  after  then  the  bishop 

hallows  the  bed, 

that  euerychon  toke  his  leue  /  and  the  courteyna  were  the  curtains  are 

draw  D  | 

dravven  aboute  the  bed.    And  of  this  matere  recounteth 
4  no    ferther  thystorye,  but    speketh  of    the  other,  of 
which  som  went  to  bed,  *and  som  went  agayn  to  the       »  foi.  S2&. 
daunse  and  ellis  wher  them  lyste  for  to  goo.     And  »nd  the  company 


after  thystory  I  shaH  speke  of  Eaymondyn  and  of  the 
8  lady,  how  the[y]  gouerned  them  bothe   togidre.    and 
what  wordes  they  had  among1  them  two  as  the[y]  laye 

THYstorye  telleth  to  vs  in  this  partye  that  whan 
they  euerychon  departed  and  goon  out  of  the 

Pauyllou  and  the  stakes  of  hit  joyned  &  shette,  Me-  After  the  tent  is 

i        •  i  i  •  closed 

lusyne  spak  and  said  to  Kaymondyn  in  this  manere : 

'  My  right  dere  lord  and  frend,  I  thanke  you  of  the  Meiusine  timnks 

her  lord  for  his 

1 6  grete  honowr  that  hath  be  doo  to  me  at  this  day  of  friends'  presence 

at  the  wedding, 

your  parents  &  frendes  /  and  of  that  also  /  that  ye  kepe 

so  secretly  that  which"   ye  promysecJ  me  at  oure  first  and  for  him  keep- 
ing his  promise, 
couuenaunte,2  and  ye  moste  know  for  certayn  that  yf 

20  ye  kepe  it  euer  thus  wel,  ye  shalbe  the  moost  mighty  &  and  foretells  hon- 
our to  him  and 

moost  honoured  that  euer  was  of  yo?/r  lynage.     And  ye  his  if  he  remains 

J       faithful,  but  wo« 

doo  the  contrary,  bothe  you  &  yo?/r  heyres  shall  faft  if  he  be  false ; 
litil  &  litil  in  decaye  &  fro  your  estate.     Ne  of  the 

24  land  that  ye  shall  holde  &  possesse,  that  tyme  ye  hold 
not  your  promysse  /  yf  it  be  so  that  ye  doo  it,  whiche 
god  forbede,  hit  shal  neuer  be  aftir  possessed  ne  holden 
alle  hoH  by  you  ne  by  yowrheyrs.'  And  thanne  to  her 

28  ansuerd?  Raymondyn :  '  My  right  dere  lady,  doubte 
you  not  of  hit,  For  yf  it  playseth  to  god  /  that  shall 
neuer  befaH  by  me.'  And  the  lady  ansuerd  to  hym  in 
this  maner :  '  My  right  dere  frend  /  sith  it  is  soo  that 

32  so  ferfourth  I  haue  putte  my  self  I  most  abyde  the 
wylle  of  god,  trusty ng  euer  of  your  promesse.     Kepe 
you   thanne  wel,  my  fayre   frend   &   felawe   that   ye 
3fawte  not  your:  CoMuenaunt.     For  ye  shuld  be  he,        »  foi.  ss. 
2  Fr.  conrenant. 


upon  which  Ray- 
mondin  pledges 
himself  again  to 
keep  the  cove- 


[CH.  XIX. 

They  beget  that 
night  Uryan, 
afterwards  king 
of  Cyprus. 

*  fol.  33  6. 

When  the  sun  is 
high  the  lovers 

dresses  and  goes 
with  the  Earls 
to  mass, 

after  which  the 

feasting  and 

revelling  begins 


The  ladies  dress 

Melusine  and  go 

with  her  to  mass. 

s  fol.  34. 

after  me,  that  moost  shuld  lese  by  it.'     '  Ha  /  Ha,  lady 
dere,'  said  Raymondin,  '  therof  ye  oughte  not  to  be  in 
doubte  /  For  that  day,  faylle  to  me  god,  whan  I  fawte 
of  Couuenant.' 1     '  Now  my  dere  frend,'  said  the  lady,  4 
'  lete  vs  leue  our  talkyng  therof.     For  certaynly  as  for 
my  part  there  shal  be  no  fawte.    but  that  ye  shal  be 
the  moost  fortunat  &  happy  that  ever  was  of  your 
lynee,  and  more  puyssaunt  thanne  any  of  them  shalbe  /  8 
without  it  be  for  fawte  of  yowr  self.'     And  thus  lefte 
they  theyre   talkyng1.      And   as   thystorye   reherceth, 
was  that  nyght  engendred  or  begoten  of   them  both 
the  valyauut  Uryan.  whiche  aftirward?  was  kynge  of  12 
Chipre,  as  ye  shall  here  herafter. 

Cap.  XIX.     How  the  Erie  of  Poytiers  and 
the  Erie  of  Forests  /  the  barons  and  ladyes, 
toke   theyre   leue   of  Raymondyn   and   of  16 
Melusyne.  / 

2  fTlHy story e  telleth  to  vs  in  this  party e  that  so  longe 
JL      abode  these  two  louers,  beyng  abed,  that  the 
sonne  Avas  hye.     Thanne  aroos  Raymondyn  and  made  20 
hym  redy,  and  yssued  out  of  the  Pauillon.     And  as 
thenne  were  alle  redy,  both  therles  of  Poyters  and  of 
Forests  waytyng  aftir  Raymondyn,  whiche  they  ledd  to 
the  Chapell  and  there  they  herde  their  masse  deuoutly  /  24 
and  after  they  retourned  vnto  the  medowe,  where  the 
feste  &  reueH  bygan  of  new,  moche  grete.  but  therof 
we  leue  to  speke.   and  shall  say  of  the  Countesse  & 
other  ladyes,  which  aourned  &  made  redy  Melusyne.  28 
And  after  they  yede  and  ledd  melusine  moche  honour- 
ably vnto  the  Chapel  3forsaid{     And  there  they  herd 
masse,      thoffertory  of  whiche  was  grete   and   ricbe. 
And  after  that   the   deuyne   seruyse  was   doon,  they  32 
retourned  vnto  the  Pauyllon.      What  shuld  I  make 
1  Fr.  convert  ant. 

CH.  xix.]  MELUSINE'S  GIFTS.  59 

long  tale  herof;   the  feste  was  grete  and  noble,  and 

lasted  XV  dayes  complete  &   hole.     And   Melusyne  Meiusinegivo* 

<•  ,.  ,     .  great  girts  to  the 

gaal  many  grete  yeftes  and  jewels  both  to  the  ladyes  company, 
4  &  damoyselles,  also  to  knightes  &  squyers.     And  after 
the  feste  the  Erie,  and  the  Countesse  his  moder,  and 
alle  the  barons,  ladyes,  and  damoiselles  of  theire  felaw- 
ship,  toke  leue  of  Melusyne,  whiche  conueyed  the  said  ami  conveys  tii<> 

0  ~  ,    ,  Countess  and  her 

o  Uountesse  and  her  doughter  vnto  &  byoude  the  litil  daughter  beyond 

Co  ulo  (ii  biers. 

tounwe  of  Coulombiers.  And  at  departyng  Melusyne 
gaf  to  the  Countesse  a  fayre  &  moche  riche  owche  of 
gold,  in  value  vnestymable.  and  to  blanche  her 

1  2  doughter,  a  gerland  all  set  viith  perlys  witii  saphirs  and  gives  them 

rich  jewels. 

rubyes  and  witit  many  other  precyous  stones  in  grete 
nombre.  And  alle  they  that  sawe  the  said  owche  and 
gerland,  meruaylled  gretly  of  the  beaulte  goodnes  & 
1  6  value  of  it.  And  ye  moste  knowe,  that  so  moche  gaf 
Melusyne  bothe  to  more  &  lesse,  that  none  there  was 
at  the  feste  /  but  that  he  preysed  gretly  Melusyne  of 
her  yef  ies.  and  alle  abasshed  &  meruaylled  they  were  AH  the  company 

are  abashed  at 

20  of  her  grete  ryches.  and  they  alle  sayd  that  Raymondyn  the  richness  of 

Melusine's  gifts, 

was  gretly  mightily  and  valiauntly  marryed.   And  after  ftnd  8«y  that 

J  J  Raymondin  has 

that  all  these  thinges  were  doon  and  perfowrmed,  Me-  married  well. 
lusyne  toke  leue  of  Hhe  Erie  and  of  the  Countesse       Ifoi.s46. 
24  moche  honourably,  and  of  alle  the  Baronye.    and  with 
a  fayre  and  noble  compayny  retourned  to  her  pauillon. 
And  Raymondin    conueyed  euer  the    Erie.     And  as 

they  rode  on  theire  way,  the  Erie  of  Poytiers  said  to  AS  Ray 

.  accompanies  the 

28  him  in  this  nianere  :  '  Fayr  Cousyn  telle  me,  yf  ye  Earl  of  Poitiers, 
goodly  may,  of  what  lynee  or  kynred  is  yowr  wyf  /  the  Earl  asks  the 

*  lineage  of  his 

how  be  it  that  thauncyent  knight  dide  thanke  us  of  wife, 
thonoztr  &  worship  that  we  bare  to  you  by  hys  lady 

32  Melusyne  of  Albany  e.  but  yet  I  demande  it  of  you  / 
bycause  that  we  gladly  wold  knowe  the  certaynte  of  it. 
For  of  asmoche  that  we  may  perceyue  by  her  estate  & 
behauyng,  nedes  it  muste  be,  that  she  be  yssued  & 

36  comme  fro  moctl  noble  ryclio  and  mighty  lynee.     And 



[CH.  xix. 

because  he  is 
afraid  he  has  not 
paid  her  due 

Raymondin  is 
wroth  at  the 

but  answers 

'  fol.  35. 

that  he  did  not 
ask  her,  and  so 

only  knows 
that  she  is  a 
king's  daughter; 

which  can  easily 
be  seen  from  her 

He  requests  that 
they  will  not  ask 
him  again  about 
her  lineage, 

the  cause  whiche  moeueth  vs  for  to  desyre  and  be 
willing  to  knowe  it  /  is  bycause  that  we  doubte  to  haue 
mesprysed  anenst  thonowr  that  apparteyneth  to  be  doo 
vnto  her  noble  &  goodly  personne '  /  '  But  my  feyth,'  4 
said  the  Erie  of  Forest,  '  al  thus  was  my  wylle  to  have 
said  soo.' 

Thystorye  saith  that   thanne   Raymondin  was 
gretly  wroth,  whan  he  herd  the  requeste  8 
that  the  Erie  of  Poytiers,  his  lord,  made 
vnto  him  /  and  also  likewyse  the  erle  of 
Forest   hys   brother.     For  he    loued   /  doubted   and 
preysed  so  moche  his  lady  /  that  he  hated  alle  thinges  1 2 
whiche  he  demed  desagreable  to  her.     Not  wz't/^stand- 
ing  he  ansuerd  to  them  full  softe  &  fayr :  '  By  my  feyth, 
my  lord  /  and  you  my  brother,  1playse  it  to  you  to 
knowe  /  that  by  rayson  naturel  fro  whosoever  I  hyd  16 
my  secrete  /  fro  you  I  ought  not  to  hyde  it  /  yf  it  were 
suche  thinge  that  I  knew  of,  or  might  say.  and  ther- 
fore  I  shall  answere  to  you,  to  that  ye  haue  demanded 
of  me  /  after  that  I  knowe  of  it.     Ye  thanne  muste  20 
knowe,  that  neuer  I  ne  demanded  ne  dyde  enquere  me 
so  fer  of  it  /  as  now  redyly  ye  haue  demanded  &  en- 
quyred  of  me,  /  but  so  moche  I  knowe,  and  may  wel 
say  of  her,  that  she  is  a  kyngis  doughter,  mighty  &  24 
high  terryen,  And  by  the  state,  behauyng,  &  gouerne- 
ment   that   ye   haue   seen  in   her,   ye  may   perceyue 
ynough,  that  she  nys  ne  haue  be  norysshed  in  mendy- 
cite  or  pouerte  /  but  in  superfluyte  of  honour  &  largesse,  28 
and  among1  plente  of  goodes.     And  I  requyre  you  as  to 
my   lordes   and  frendes,  that  ye   ne  enquyre  nomore 
therof.      For  none   other  thinge   ye   ne   may   knowe 
therof  by  me.     and  suche  as  she  is,  she  playseth  me  32 
wel,  and  am  right  wel  content  of  her.     And  wel  I 
knowe  that  she  is  the  rote  of  alle  myn  erthly  goodes 
present  &  to  comwe.'     Thenne   ansuerd  the  Erie  of 
Poytiers  :  '  By  my  feyth,  fayr  Cousin,  as  for  my  part  I  36 

CH.  XIX.]  THE    GUESTS    DEPART.  61 

think  not  to  enquere  of  you  nomore  therof,  For  as  ye 
haue  putte  vnto  vs  wysely  the  high  honours,  riches, 
maneres,  and  behauying  of  my  Cousin,  your  wyf,  we 

4  oughte  to  conceyue  of  owrself,  that  she  is  of  noble  birth 
&  extraction,  and  of  right  high  and  mighty  lynee.'   '  By 
my  feyth,  my  lord,'  said  the  Erie  of  Forest,  'ye  say  which  they  pro- 
southe.  and  of  my  part  I  thinke  nat  to  enquyre,  ne 

8  demande  of  hym  eny  l  thing  more  therof  /  how  be  it       >  foi.sso. 
that  he  is  my  broper.     For  certaynly  I  hold  hym  right 
wel  ensuered  perof  aftir  myn  acluys.'     But,  helas !  he  but,  alas,  they 

P  .,,,,._,  do  not  keep  it, 

amrward  faylled  Couenawnt.  wherfore  Raymondvn  lost  8°  Raymondin 

J  loses  his  lady, 

12  his  lady,  and  also  the  Erie  of  Forest  toke  deth  therfore  andtheEariof 

Forest  his  life. 

by  Geffray  with  the  grete  tothe,  Whereof  it  shal  be 
spoken  herafter  more  playnly.  Raymondyn  thenne 
toke  leue  of  the  Erie,  &  of  his  brother,  and  of  the 

16  barons,  and  retourned  to  the  fontayne  of  Soyf.     And 

also  the  Erie  of  Forest  toke  leue  of  the  erle  of  Poytiers,  The  company 
of  hys  moder,  and  of  hys  sustir,  and  of  ali  the  barons 
right  honourably,  and  jjanked  them  alle  of  thonour 

20  that  they  had  doon  to  him  at  hys  brothers  weddyng. 
And  thanne  therle  of  Potyers,  his  moder,  and  hys 
Suster,  wit/*  alle  theire  felawship  &  meyne  retourned 
to  poitiers,  and  euery  one  of  the  Barons  retourned  to  «nd  return  to 

n  .   . ,     .      ~  their  countries, 

J4  their  uountrees.  but  there  ne  was  none  of  them  /  but 

that  he  merueylled  &  gretly  wondred  of  the  grete  riches  and  they  marvel 
that  they  had  seen  at  the  wedding  of  Ravmondyn.  richness  of  the 

J  J         wedding. 

And  here  resteth  thystorye  to  spek  of  them  /  and  shal 
28  spek  of  Raymondyn  &  of  his  lady,  how  they  were 
after  the  departyng*  of  theire  parents  and  frendes.  / 

hystory  recounteth  to  vs  that  whan  Raymondin  Raymondin  re- 
turns to  his  lady, 
was  retourned  toward  his  lady  /  he  founde  the 

32  feste  greter  than  it  was  before  /  and  also  greter  plente  and  finds  the 

•        ,,     ,.,,.,  ,          ...  .,         .  .  ,        feast  still  going 

ol  noble  lolK  than  neuer  was  there  before.    Alle  whiche  on,  and  many 

noble  folk  at  it, 

folke  yede,  &  said  to  hym  with  a  high  voyce :  '  My 
lord  ye  be  welcormne  as  he  to  whom  we  are  seru«?mts,   who  greet  him, 
36  &  whom  we  wyl  obey.'     And  |>is  said  the  ladyes  as 



wel  the  lordes.     And  thanne  Eaymondin  ansuerd  to 

i  foi.  so.         them,  'grainercy  of  the  1hono?a<  that  ye  proffre  to  me.' 

mondi^timnks      And    there    thanne    carmne    Melusyne,   who    moche 

honourably  sayd  to  hym  :  '  welcomme  be  ye '  /  and  had  4 
Meinsine  takes     hyra  apart,  &  reherced  to  hym  word  by  word  alle  the 

him  apart, 

talking  that  was  betwix  the  Erie  and  hym.  and  also 
what  his  brother,  Erie  of  Forest,  had  said,  And  yet 
and  thanks  him     said  the  lady  to  hym  :  '  Dere  frende  Eaymondin  /  as  8 

for  his  demean-  ' 

our  to  his  brother  longe   as   ye  shal   contynue   soo  /  alle   goodes   shall 

and  the  Earl, 

habounde  to  you.     Fayre  frende,  I  shall  to  morowe 
gyue  leue  to  the  moost  partye  of  OUT  folk  that  ben  here 
and  promises  to    comrae   to   our   feste.      For    other  thinges  we  must  12 

make  all  goods 

to  abound.  ordeyne.'     Eaymondyn  ansuered  :  '  ladye,  so  as  it  shall 

playse  you.'     And  whan  the  morowe  camwe  Melusyne 

she  next  day        departed  her  folke  /  grete  quantyte  went  theire  way  / 

sends  away  many  -,-,      t      •,,-,"  j  ,    1.1    i  f 

of  her  people.       and  suche  as  she  wold  abode  there.     And  now  resteta  lo 
thystory  of  the  thinges  byfore  said,  and  begynne  to 
treate  how  the  lady  bygan  to  bylde  the  noble  fortresse 
of  Lusignen.  / 

when  the  feast      T^N"  this  partye  telleth  thenne  thystory  that  whan  the  20 

was  over 

JL     feste  was  ended  and  that  suche  as  she  wold  were 
Meiusine  got  a      goon  /  she  anoone  aftir  made  to  comrae  grete  foyson  of 

great  many 

workmen,  werkmen  /  as  massons,  Carpenters,  and  suche  that  can 

who  felled  the      dygge  &  delue.     Whyche  at  her  conmandement  fylled  24 

trees  and  cleaned 

the  rock,  dounne  the  grete  trees,  and  made  the  roche  fayre  and 

clene.     There  Melusyne  sett  euery  man  to  werk.  eche 

on  which  they      one  dide  his  Crafte.  they  encysed  the  roche  &  made  a 

prepared  a 

foundation,          depe   &  brode   foundement.    and  in   few  dayes   they  28 
where  they  build-  brought  the  werk  so  ferf  ourth  /  that  euery  man  wondred 

ed  so  quickly 

that  every  one      of  suche  a  fayre  and  stronge  byldmg  so  soone  doon. 

wondered ; 

And  euery  Satirday  Melusyne  payed  truly  her  work- 
s' foi.  366.       men  /  and  meet  &  drynk  they  had  2in  haboundazmce.  32 
but  no  one  knew  but  trouth  it  is  /  that  no  body  knew  from  whens  these 

whence  the  work- 
men came.  werkmen  were,  and  wete  it  that  soone  was  the  Fortres 

The  fortress  was  •,  .  ,  .,T  -i      i  t     i 

strongly  built       made  up  /  not  only  vrith  one  warde  /  but  two  strong 
wails  and  wards    wardes,  wi't/i  double  walles  were  there,  or  oon  coude  36 

CII.  XIX.]       THE   FEAST    AT   THE    CASTLE   OF   LUSIGNAN.  63 

have  comrae  to  the  stronge  donjon  of  it.     Round  about  protecting  the 
the  walles  were  gret  tours  machecolyd,  &  strong  pos- 
ternes  /  and  also  barreres  or  waves  gooyng  out  fourth 
4  encysed  and  kerued  wit/an  the  hard  roche.     The  Erie 
of  Poytiers  /  the  barons  and  alle  the  peple  meruavlled  Every  one  mar- 

J  veiled  at  its 

nioche  of  the  said  werke  that  so  soone  was  doon,  so  beauty  and 


grete,  so  stronge,  &  so  fayre.     Then  the  lady  Melusyne 
8  and  her  husband  Raymondyn  lodged  them  wit/tin  it. 
and  anoone  after  Raymondin  made  to  calle  to  a  feste  Raymondin  gives 
there,  alle  the  noble  men  therabout.     There  catmne  the 
erle  of  Poytiers,  both  hys  moder  and  hys  suster  /  the 

1 2  Erie  of  Forestz,  the  Barons  &  noble  men  of  theire 
landes,  also  of  other  countres  and  nacions.  And  also 
there  was  so  many  laydes  &  damoyselles,  that  they 
wel  might  suffyse  att  that  day.  There  was  jousting,  at  which  was 

1C  dauncyng,    and    grete  joye    made   vfiiJi    frendly   and   dancing; 
curtoys  deeling.     And  whan  Melusyne  sawe  tymo  and 
place  conuenable,  she  presented  herself  before  the  two  and  at  a  conve- 

-Y-,  ,          ,   ,  nient  time  Meln- 

ii,rles  /  barons  and   noble   men,  and  humbly  said  to  sine  declares  why 
20  them  in  this  manere  :  '  My  fayre  and  good  lordes,  we  given : 
thanke  you  moche  of  the  high  honoure  that  ye  haue 
doon  to  us  now  at  this  feste — and  the  cause  why  we 
haue  prayed  you  to  comrae  I  shal  declare  it  to  you.'  / 
24  '  T~    Ordes,'  said  the  lady, '  here  I  haue  assembled  yowr 

-LJ     noble   personnes,  for  to  haue  your  CounseiH  it  is  to  name  the 
1how  this  fortresse  shall  be  called,  for  that  it  be  in         »foi.s7. 
mynd  how  that  it  hath  be  happely  bylded  &  made.' 
28  '  By  my  feyth,  fayre  Cousyn,'  said  the  Erie  of  Poiters, 

'  we  as  in  general  sayen  to  you,  as  oure  wylle  is  /  that  The  Earl  of  Poi- 
tiers says  she 
ye  yowr  owneselt  shall  /  as  right  is  /  gyue  name  to  it.   should  name  it, 

because  of  her 

For  emong  we  alle  is  not  so  moch"  wyt  as  in  you  alone  wisdom; 
32  that  haue  bylded  up  &  achyeuyd  so  strong  and  fayre  a 
place    as  thesame  is  /  and  wete  it,  that  none   of   us 
shall  entremete  hym  to  doo  that  ye  spek  of.'     Thanne 
said  Melusyne  :  '  Dere  Sire,  Wylfully  and  for  the  nones  she  answers  that 

they  mock  her, 

36  ye  haue  kept  j>is  ansuere  for  to  jape  with  me,  but  what 


THE   NAMING   OP   THE    CASTLE   OF   LUSIQNAN.       [cH.  XIX. 

but  the  Earl 
rei'lies,  that  as 
she  has  built  the 
best  castle  in  the 
land,  she  must 
name  it. 

Melusine  then 
names  it  Lusig- 

Which  the  Earl 
says  is  a  good 
one,  because  it 
means  'marvel- 
lous '  in  Greek. 

1  fol.  87  6. 

All  the  company 
think  it  a  good 

And  it  was  pub- 
lished abroad, 
and  even  unto 
this  day  the 
castle  is  so 

The  company 
breaks  up, 
taking  with  them 
many  rich  gifts. 

Melusine  has  a 

therof  is,  I  requyre  and  pray  you  that  therof  ye  telle  to 
me  you?  entencz'on.'    '  Certaynly,  dere  Cosyn,'  sayd  the 
Erie  of  Poytiers,  '  none  of  us  alle  shal  medle  vrilh  ail  . 
byfore  you.     For  by  reason  /  sethen  ye  haue  so  moche  4 
doon  as  to  haue  achyeued  &  made  the  moste  strong 
and  fayre  place  that  ever  man  sawe  in  this  Countree  / 
ye  owe  to  gyue  name  to  it  yo?/.r  owne  self  after  jour 
playsire.'    '  Ha  /  ha,  my  lord,'  said  Melusyne,  '  sith  it  ne  8 
may  none  otherwise  be,  /  and  that  I  see  your  playsire 
is  that  I  gyue  name  to  it,  hit  shalbe  called  after  myn 
owne  name,  Lusygneii.'     '  But  my  feyth,'  said  the  Erie, 
'the  name  setteth  full  wel  to  it  for  two  causes,  First  12 
bycause  ye  are  called  Melusyne  of  Albanye,  whiche 
name  in  grek  language  is  as  modi  for  to  say  /  as  thing 
meraayllous  or  conmyng  fro  grete  inerueylle,  and  also 
this  place  is  bylded  and  made  meruayllously.     For  I  16 
byleue  not  other  wyse  /  but  that  as  longe  as  the  world 
shal  laste  l  shall  there  be  founde  &  seen  somme  Wonder 
&  meniayllous  thinge.'     Thanne  they  alle  ansuerd  in 
this  manere  :  '  My  lord,  no  man  in  the  world  might  gyue  20 
betre  name,  that  bettre  shuld  sette  to  it  than  she  hath 
doo  after  manere  of  the  place  /  also  aftir  the  interpretyng 
made  by  you  of  her  owne  name.'  and  on  this  oppynyon 
&   worde  were   alle   of   one   acorde.      Whiche  name  24 
wit/an  few  dayes  was  so  publyed,  that  it  was  knowen 
thrugh  alle  the  land,  and  yet  at  this  day  it  is  called 
soo.     They  soone  aftir  toke  leue,  and  Melusyne  and 
Raymondin  also  gaaf   hem  dyuers  &  riche  yeftes  at  28 
theire  departyng.     And  herafter  sheweth  thystory  how 
Eaymondin  and  Melusyne  /  right  wysly,  mightily  and 
honorably  lyued  togidre.  / 

After  the  feste  was  ended,  Melusyne,  that  was  grete  32 
"with  child,  bare  her  fruyte  unto  fie  tyme  that 
alle  wymen  owen  to  be  delyured  of  their  birthe.  and 
thanne  she  was  delyuered  of  a  man  child,  whiche  was 
moche  fayre,  and  wel  proporcyoned  or  shapen  in  alle  36 

CH.  XrX.]  THE   BIRTH   OF    URIAX.  65 

hys  membres  /  except  his  vysage  that  was  short  and   fair  of  body,  but 

of  short  visage, 

large  /  one  ey  he  had  rede,  and  the  other  blew,     he  »"<>  <>ne  eye  red, 

and  the  other 

was  baptysed,  &  named  was  Uryan,  and  wete  it  that  J>JU«- 

J  He  is  named 

4  he  had  the  gretest  eerys  that  ever  were  seen  on  eny  Urian» 
child  of  hys  age  /  and  whan  they  were  ouergrowen, 
they  were  as  grete  as  the  handlyng  of  a  fan.    Melusyne  and  he  had  ears 

us  large  as  a  fitu 

beune  called  to  hym  Raymondin,  and  to  hym  she  said  handle. 
8  in  this  manere :  '  My  ryght  swete  felawe  &  frend,  I  Meiusine  tells 

Raymondin  of 

wold  not  see  thyn  owne  herytage  to  be  lost  /  which  by  his  patrimony, 
raison  thou  oughtest  to  haue  by  vertue  of  1patrymonye,         i 
for  Guerrende  Penycence  and  all  the  marches  aboute 

12  apparteynen   to   the   &   to    by   brother  /  goo   thanne  and  bid*  Mm  go 

to  the  king  of 

thither,  and  make  the  king  of  Bretons  to  be  sommed  Britain,  to  enter 

into  his  inherit- 
that  he  wyl  receyue  you  in  your  ryght  &  enherytance  /  **<*>' 

shewyng  to  hym  how  yo?*r  fader  slew  his  nevew  in 

16  deffense   &   warde   of   hys   owne   body.     For  which 

encheson  doubting  the  sayd  kyng  /  lefte  the  Countrey, 

and  neuer  durst  retourne  /  and  yf  he  wyl  not  receyue 

you  to  ryght,  be  not  therof  abasshed.     For  afterward 

20  he  shal  be  glad,  &  fayne  whan  he  shal  mow  doo  it.' 

Thenne  ansuerd  Rayrnondyn,  'there  nys  nothing  that  He  promises  to 


ye  conmande  me,  but  that  I  shall  doo  after  my  power. 
For  wel  I  considere  &  see  that  all  your  werkes  ne 

24  tenden  but  to  wele  &  worship.'  '  Frende,'  sayd  the  lady, 
'  it  is  wel  rayson,  sith  that  all  your  trust  ye  putte  on 
me  that  I  hold  to  you  trouth.  It  is  trouth  that  your 
fader,  by  hys  predecessors,  oweth  to  haue  many  grete 

28  thinges  in  bretayne,  the  whiche  shulle  be  declared  unto 
you  whan  ye  be  there.  It  muste  thanne  be  by  you 
understand,  that  Henry  of  Leon,  vour  fader,  that  tynie  Henry  of  Leon, 

J  '  J  Rayinoiidin's 

he  was  in  Bretayn  for  hys  worthynes,  grete  policye  &  father, 
32  valiawntnes,  and  as  he  that  drad  no  man  that  owed  hym 
euyl  wyH,  he  was  moche  loued  wz't/i  the  kinge  there  / 
in   so   moche   that   the   said    kynge   made   hym   hys  was  Seneschal 

and  Captain  - 

Seneschall  &  Captayn  general  ouer  alle  his  men  of  General  to  the 

king  of  Britain, 

36  werre.     This  king  of  Bretons  had  a  nevew  /  but  no 



RAYMONDIN'S  FATHER,  HENRY  OF  LEON.          [CH.  xix. 

•who  had  a 
nephew  as  his 

i  fol.  38  6. 

This  heir  was 
made  jealous  of 

by  mischief- 
makers  telling 
him  that  Henry 
was  to  take  his 
place ; 

and  by  Josselin 

•who  told  him 
that  letters  of 
grant  had  been 
made  secretly  in 
favour  of  Henry. 

2  fol.  39. 

child  begoten  of  his  body  he  had.    "VVhyche  nevew,  by 
the  introduction  of  som,  had  grete  enuye  on  Henry, 
yot<r  fader.     For  to l  hym  they  said  in  this  mane-re  : 
"  Ha  !  Ha  !  right-full  heyre  of  Breytayne.  Woo  is  us  to  4 
see  your  grete  domage  /  that  is  /  you  to  be  putte  doun 
fro  the  noble  enherytaunce  of  Bretayne.     yf  by  fawte 
&  lak  of  courage  ye  suffre  it,  what  &hal  men  say  1 
Jjey   poyntyng   you   wz't/i   the   fynger   shal   sey,  Loo,  8 
yonder  is  the  fole  that  for  his  feynted  herte  hath  be 
putte  out  of  so  noble  enherytawnce  as  is  the  royarae  of 
Bretayne."   And  whan  he  understode  the  said  enjurows 
wordes,  he  said  :  "  Who  is  he  that  dare  vsurpe  &  take  12 
fro  me  my  right,  I  knowe  none  /  but  that  god  wyl 
haue  me  to  be  punysshed.  and  wel   I  wot,  J?ot   the 
kinge,  my  lord  &  oncle,  wyl  not  take  ony  other  to  be 
hys  heyer  than  my  self."     Thenne  sayd  one  of  them  to  16 
hym :  "  By  my  feyth,  ye  are  [not]  enfourmed  in  this 
matere,   For    the    kinge,   yoz<r    oncle,   hath   made   & 
ordeyned   hys   heyre,   Henry   of    Leon,   and   as   now 
lexers  of  graunt  ben  therof  made."   Whan  the  yong  man  20 
herd  these  wordes,  he  as  wood  wroth  ansuerd  to  them, 
"  wete  it  for  certeyn  /  that  if  I  knew  these  wordes  to 
be  trew,  I  shuld  putte  hastly  remedy  thereto  /  in  so 
moche  that  neuer  he  shold  hold  land  ne  no  possession."  24 
And  thenne  ansuerde  to  hym  a  knight  named  Josselyn 
Dupont :  "  certaynly  it  is  soo  /  and  for  we  wold  haue 
none  other  to  be  kynge  in  brytaynne  but  you,  after  the 
decees  of  )?e  kinge,  we  warne  you  therof.     For  this  28 
hath  the  kyng  yowr  oncle  doon  secretly,  for  ye  shuld 
not  knowe  of  it.  and  wete  it  that  alle  we  that  now  are 
here,  were  present  whan  that  couewaunt  was  made, 
aske  my  felawes  yf  I  say  trouth  2  or  not."  he  demanded  32 
of  them  yf  it  was  so,  And  they  ansuerd  "ye." 
*nnhe  yongman  thanne  said,  "Fayre  lordes,  I  thanke 
J_     you  of  jour  good  wylle  whiche  ye  shewe  to  me, 
goo  youre  way.     For  wel  I  shall  kepe  Henry  therfro."  36 

CFT.  XIX.]  AN    AMBUSH   AND    HOW   IT   EXDS.  67 

They  toke  theyre  leue,  For  they  rought  not  for  no 
thing  that  might  fall  tlierof,  so  that  they  might  see 
your  faders  deth.  For  enuyous  and  wroth  they  were 
4  that  the  kinge  louyd  hym  so  wel,  and  for  nought  sette 
they  were  by  hym.  knowe  ye  muste,  that  on  the  The  Sunday  after 

hearing  this, 

sonday  next,  in  the  morning,  the  kingis  nevew  armed  *'««  king's 

nephew  laid  in 

hym  self  /  yedo  in  to  the  wod  of  Leon  Castel,  and  wait  for  Henry, 
8  there  wayted   tyl   your   fader   passed   by,  whiche   he 
perceyued   gooyng   alone   to   hys   dysport  about    hys 
Castel  of  Leon  /  thinkynge  on  none  euyl  ne  harme  / 
and  soclaynly  cryed  on  hym,  "  Now  shalt  thou  dey,  false  surprised  and 

attacked  him, 

12  traytowr,  that  fro  me  woldest  haue  and  vsurpe  myn 
hcrytage  "  /  and  foynyng  at  hym  w/t//  hys  swerd,  wold 
haue  ouerthrawen  youre  fader,  but  he  glanched  asyde  / 
and  so  the  kyngis  nevcw  /  for  he  recountred  ayenst 

16  nothing,  fell  doun  to  the  grounde,  and  the  swerd 
scaped  fro  hys  hand  that  then  your  fader  toke  up,  the 
siiyil  neuew  that  sawe  hys  wepen  lost,  toke  a  lytil  knyf 
that  he  had  and  ramie  ayenst  hym  /  but  yowr  fader, 

20  \\ith  the  pomel  of  the  swerd,  gaaf  to  hym  suche  a 

stroke  on  the  heed  /  that  notwithstanding  hys  yron   imi  was  WIIM 
hat,  he  broke  hys  heed  so  that  he  ferl  doun  deed,  but   Henry  of  Leon, 
1  whan  he  knew  that  it  was  he  /  he  was  sory  and  woo  /        » foi.  «o  t>. 

24  retourned   home  /   toke   all   hys   hauoyr   and   zoodes  who  wns  sorry, 

and  1,'ft  the 

meuable,  and  came  in  to  the  Shyre  that  men  now  call  country  for  the 

Shire  of  Forests, 

Forests,  and  grette  help  &  comfort  he  founde  in  a  lady,  *^J?{}0 
of  whyche  as  now  I  kepe  me  styl  to  spek  ony  ferther. 

28  And  after  the  dep^rtyng  of  her  fro  hym,  he  toke  by 
maryage  the  sustir  of  hym  that  thoo  dayes  gouerned 
the  erledome  of  Poytiers,  on  whyche  he  gate  many 
children  of  the  whyche  ye  are  one.  / 

32  '  TT^rend,'  said  Melusyne,  'now  haue  I  deuysed  and 
J_        reherced  to  you  how  your  fader  departed  fro 
Bretayn,  and  lefto  hys  landes  and  possessyons  voyde, 
w/t/tout  lord,  whiche  owen  to  be  yours.     You  thenne  Meiusine  tells 

Kuymondin  t<> 

36  shal  goo  toward  an  vncle  of  yours  whiche  is  called  go  to  his  uncle, 

F  2 



Alain  of  Quin- 


and  to  tell  him 

the  tale, 

and  get  one  of 
his  sons  to  call 
Josselin  before 
his  king, 

and  there  accuse 
him  of  his  deed. 

Ol'rer  Pnport 

is  to  tight  R«y- 


but  he  is  to  lose, 

and  he  and  his 

father  are  to  be 


i  fol.  40. 

and  Raymondin 
is  to  get  posses- 
sion of  his  land. 

Raymondin  with 
many  men  goes 
to  Brut  Britain, 

where  they  pay 
their  way. 

The  king  sends 
to  learn 

Alayn  of   Quyngant  /  and   ye  shal   make  you  to   be 
knowen  of  hym  /  and  he  shal  byleue  you  ynough  of 
aH  that  ye  shall  sey.     he  hath  two  wrorthy  knightes 
to  hys  sones,  the  whiche  are  grete  men  wft/t  the  kinge,  4 
and  loueth  hem  wel.     by  one  of  them,  yo?/r  Cousyns, 
ye  shall  make  Josselyn  Dupont,  that  as  yet  is  alyue, 
to  be  called  byfore  the  kyng,  and  there  ye  shalle  acuse 
hym  of  the  treson  by  hym  &  other  machyned  /  thrugh  8 
whiche  the  kyngis  nevew,  \villing  to  haue  destroyed 
your  fader,  was  hym  self  slayn.     And  ye  muste  knowe 
that  on  this  quareH  his  sone,  called  Olyuer  Dupont, 
shall  fyght  ayenst  you  therfore.     but  ye  shall  haue  the  12 
vyctory  oner  hym  /  and  bothe  fader  and  sone  shal  be 
condampned   to  hang  and  to  be  strangled.     For  the 
fader  shaH l  vttre  and  knowe  alle  the  treson  /  and  aH 
your  grounde  and  enherytatmce  shalbe  adiuged  to  you.  16 
And  thus  shall  ye  be  putte  in  pacyfyqne  or  peesable 
possessyon  of   it  by  the  Peerys  or  lordes  pryncypal 
of  the  land.     Now  my  ryght  swete  frend  &  felawe, 
douteles  goo  surely.     For  certaynly  god  shal  helpe  you  20 
in  all  yowr  juste  &  true  dedes.' 

Thanne   ansuerd    Eaymondyn :    '  Madame,    I   shall 
endeuoyre  me  to  achyeue  &  fulfill  your  com- 
mandement.'     Kaymondyn   toke   leue  of   Melusyne  /  24 
and  acompanyed  w»'tA  grete  no??ibre  of  knightes  and 
squyers,  rode  fourth  so   long  on   hys  way,  tyl   they 
came  in  Brut  Brytayne,  wher  the  peuple  was  abasshed 
&    moche    wondred    what    suche    grete    nombre    of  28 
straungers   wold   haue.     But  for   they  payed  wel   & 
largely  for  that  they  toke,  they  were  ensured  that  they 
wold  &  sought  but  good.     For  thauncyent  knight  of 
the  meyne  of  Melusyne  rewled  and  gyded  them  alle  32 
in  aH  honour  &  goodnes.     And  for  they  were  not  so 
vnpurueyed  /  but  that  wz't/i  them  they  had  armures, 
with  them  yf  nede  were  to  arme   them  wz'tA  /  the 
kinge  that  knew  of  it,  sent  to  them  to  wete  what  they  36 


sought,  whiche  message  demanded  of  Rayrao>idyn  yf  hee  if  Raymondin 

j  i          11  x      .1      i  intends  evil  to 

owed  euyl  wyft  to  the  kyng  &  to  hys  royame.     In  this  him. 
messagery  or  embassade  were  sent  two  wyse  knighte*, 

4  whiche  wysly  enquered  of  Raymondyn  as  byfore  is 
sayd  what  ho  sought  and  what  he  wold,  to  whome 
Raymondin  full  curtoysly  ansuered  thus.  '  Fayre 
lorde^,  ye  shaft  teft  to  my  liege  that  I  come  but l  for  >  foi.  *o  &. 

8  good  and  wele,  and  for  to  haue  the  lawful  right  in  Raymondin  tciu 

tlie  messengers 

hys  Court  of  suche  thinges  as  belongen  to  me,  For  the  that  he  comes  to 

obtain  his  rights, 

whiche  I  shall  presente  myn  owne  personne  byfore  hys 
mageste,  the  same  requyryng  of  socour  and  help.'  '  For- 
12  south,'  ausuerd  the  two  knyghte*,  'ye  shalbe  welcome  on  which  he  is 


whan  it  shal  playse  you  to  do  soo.  and  wete  it  wel  that 

the  kynge,  our  liege,  is  rightwyse  &  juste  /  and  nothing 

as  fer  as  right  requyreth  shal  not  be  by  hym  denyed 

16  by  ony  wyse.  but  telle  vs  yf  it  lyke  you  whither  ye 

are  now  bounde.'     'Certaynly,'  said  Raymondyn,  'I  Heteiisthem 

lie  is  going*  to 

wold  I  were  at  Quyngant.'  Thanne  answerd  one  of  Quingant 
them,  '  ye  are  wel  on  the  way  toward  it,  and  wete  that 
20  ye  shall  fynd  there  Aleyn  of  Leon,  whiche  shaft  make 
you  good  chere.  and  also  ye  shaft  fynd  there  two 
knightes,  men  of  wele  and  honour,  and  hold  strayte 
this  way  and  ye  shal  not  mys  of  it,  and  vritJt  your  leue  The  messengers 


24  we  retourne  on  our  way  toward  oure  liege.' 

hanne  these  two   knightes  were  fer   fro   Ray- 
mondyn and  hys  felawship  an  halfmyle,  they 
byganne  to  say  one  to  other :  '  By  my  feyth,  yonder  and  on  their  way 

home  praise  Ray- 

28  are  gentyl  and  curtoys  folkes,  worshipfuft  &  honour-  mondiu  and  his 
able.     For  certayn  they  come  not  into  this  land  with- 
out it  is  for  some  grete  matere.'     and  yet  sayd,  'lete 
vs  go  thrugh  Quyngan ;  and  to  aleyn  we  shaft  anounce  and  pass  by 


32  they  re  comwyng.'     they  toke  the  way  toward  it,  and  where  they  an- 

J  nounce  to  Alain 

rode  so  fast  that  soone  they  came  there  where  they  the  coming  of 

*     Raymondin  s 

found  Alayn,  to  whome  they  said  &  announced  the 

cornwyng  of  Raymondyn  2and  of  his  men.     Whiche 

36  Alayn  wondred   moch  of   it.     And  thanne  the  trew 



[en.  xix. 

Alain  sends  his 
sons  to  meet  and 
attend  to  them. 

The  ancient 
knight  gets  a 
stock  of  food, 

and  pitches  the 

and  pays  well  for 

The  brethren 
meet  Raymon- 

and  invite  him 
to  the  cnstle  of 

fol.  41  6. 

The  invitation  is 

rnd  they  ride  on 
to  the  town, 
where  the 
ancient  knight 
comes  to  them ; 

man  dide  calle  to  hym  hys  two  sones,  of  whiche  one 
was  called  Alayn  &  was  eldest,  and  that  other  yongest 
Lad   to  name   Henry,  and   lie  sayd   to  them  in  this 
manere  :  '  My  good  children,  lepe  on  horsbak  and  ryde  4 
on  your  way  to  mete  yonde  straungers  /  receyue  ye 
them   worshipfully,   and   seo   that    they  be  wel   and 
honestly  lodged.     For  it  is  told  to  me,  that  they  Le 
six  houndred  horses  or  theraboute.'    but  for  nought  he  8 
spak.     For  thauncyent  knyght  of  Melusyne  was  come 
before  that  /  and  seeying  the  toun«  was  to  lityl  for  to 
hane  herberowed  so  moche  peple  in  it  /  had  made  to 
be  dressed  tentes  &  pauyllons,  and  sent  aboute  in  the  12 
Countre  for  suche  thinges  that  necessary  were  to  them, 
which"  he  payed  or  mayd  to  be  payd  largely,  in  no  moche 
that  more  vytayti  was  there  brought  than  j?ey  neded  of. 
And  thanne  Alayn  was  aH  abasshed  whan  ho  herd  of  16 
that  grete  hauoyr  &  appareyH  that  they  made  there, 
and  wyst  not  what  therof  he  shuld  thinke  or  say. 

Now   sayth   thystory,  that   so  long   rode  the  two 
brelhern   with    theyre  felawship  togidre,  that  20 
they   mete   wit/t   Raymondin,  &   fuH   curtoysly   wel- 
conutted  hym,  and  prayed  hym  by  byddyng  of  Alayn, 
theyre  fader,  that   he  vouchesauf   to   comme  and   be 
lodged  Avzt//in  the  Fort   or   Castel   of   Qyngant  with  24 
theyre  fader,  that  shuld  make  hym  good  chere.    '  Fay  re 
lordes,'  said  Raymondyn,  '  gramercy  to  your  fader,  and 
thanked  be  you  of  your  curtoysy  that  ye  thus  proffre 
to  me.1     But  at  your  reqneste  I  shall  goo  toward  yowr  28 
fader  for  to  rend  re  to  hym  reuerence.     For  glad  & 
fayn  I  were  to  see  hym,  for  the  wele  &  honour  that  I 
have  herde  say  by  hym.'     Contynuyng  suche  wordes 
&  o]>er  they  rode  tyl  they  came  nygh  the  toun.     And  32 
thann  came  there  thauncyent  knight  to  Raymondyn, 
and  sayd  :   '  Sire,  I  have   made  yowr  pauyllon  to  bo 
dressed  vp,  and  tentes  ynoughe  for  to  lodge  you  &  al 
your  men,  and  thanked  be  god  we  are  wel  pimieyed.'  36 


'  Ye  haue  doo  wel,'  sayd  Eaymondin  /  '  goo  and  make 
ye  mery  and  chore  my  men,  and  loke  not  for  me  this 
nyght,  for  I  goo  to  the  Fortresse  wt'tA  this  two  gentyl-  and  Raymondin 

,  ,     ,  tells  him  that  he 

4  men.     And  thenne  departed  he  fro  thaurccyent  knight  /  win  stay  at  the 
toko  with  hym  a  few  of  hys  moost  famylor  men,  and 
yede  to  the  Fortresse  wher  the  lord  of  the  place  aborde  He  rides  to  the 

Castle,  and 

for  hym  styn  at  the  gate.     Whan  Raymondyn  thanne  makes  reverence 

to  his  uncle. 

8  sawe  hym  as  to  hys  lord  and  vncle  he  made  reuerence 

&  salewed  hym  mekely.     Wherto  shulde  I  vse  prolixe 

or  longe  wordes  of   theyre  acoyntauwce.     but  of  the 

faitt  or  matere  vrhiche  I  owe  to  uttre  and  say,  Lete  vs 

1 2  fonne  say.    "Whan  they  had  souped  /  wesshen  &  graces 

said  /the  lord  of  the  place  toke  Rayraondyn  by  the  After  supping 

J  J          J  his  uncle  takes 

hand  /  had  hym  apart  upon  a  bench"  /  there  to  deuyse  him  aside, 
both  togidre,  whyle  that  the  other  souped  /  the  whiche 
1C  J)e  two  bretheren  chered  &  honestly  seruyd.     The  lord 
Alayn  thanne  wyse  and  subtyl,  and  that  knewe  moche 
of  wel  and  honour,  bygan  to  raissonne  w/t/i  Raymondin 

in  this  manere  :  '  Sir  knight,  grete  ioye  I  haue  of  your  and  tells  how 

J  J  glad  he  is  to  see 

20  comwyng  hither,  For  certaynly  ye  are  full  lyke  to  a  himt 

brother  of  myn  whiche  was  valyaunt,  fuH  wyse  and 
worthy,  he  departed  xfro  this  land  xl.  yere  goon,  for  » fot.  42. 
a  stryf  that  befeH  botwix  the  nevew  of  the  kinge  that 
24  reygned  at  that  tyme  and  hym,  and  wete  it  that  this 
is  the  iiijth  kynge  that  haue  reyued  syn  that  tyme  vnto 
now.  And  by  cause  that,  to  me  seemeth  ye  resemble  because  of  his 

likeness  to  his 

my  brother,  I  am  the  more  glad  &  fayn  to  see  you.    lost  brother. 

28  '  Sire,'  said  Raymondyn,  '  therof  I  mercy  &  thanke 
you  /  and  or  I  departe  from  you  I  shall  make  you  certayn 
wherfore  and  by  what  inconuenience  the  stryf  that  ye 
spek  of  happed  betwixt  the  novew  of  the  kyng  and 

32  youro  brother.     For  wete  it,  that  for  none  other  cause   Riymondin  tells 

his  uncle  he 

I  come  hither,  but  for  to  shewe  publiqwely  the  pure   comes  about  the 

strife  between 

trouth  &  certeyntee  thereof.1 

•  brother  and 

Whan  Alayn  herd  these  wordes  he  was   moche 
abasshed,  and  lokcd  on  Raymondyn  moche 


[CH.  xix. 

who  asks  how  lie 
knows  about  the 

Raymondin  asks 
if  any  counsellor 
of  the  late  king 
yet  lives, 

and  is  told  of  one 

i  fol.  42  b. 

whose  son  was 
lately  dubbed  a 
knight  ; 

whereupon  Rny- 
inondin  tells 
tlieir  names  to 
lie  Josselin 
Dupont  the 
fiither,  and 
Oliver  the  son, 

and  promises  to 
tell  Alain  more 
if  he  will  go  to 

Alain  grants 

ententyfly,  and  after  sayd, '  and  how  shal  that  mowe  be  1 
ye  haue  not  yet  the  age  of  xxx  yere  /  by  you  may  not 
be  recounted  the  faytte,  the  trouth  of  whiche  none 
might   neuer  knowe.     For   whan   the   stroke   of   tlie  4 
mysdede  happed,  my  brother  sodaynly  departed  /  so 
that  I  ne  none  other  herd  neuer  syn  whither  lie  was 
become.'     'Sire,  yf  ye  vouchesaf  /  telle  nice  yf  there 
is  as  now  yet  lyuyng  eny  man  that  had  on  that  tyme  8 
auctorite  or  rewle  aboute  the  kinge  that  regned  whan 
the  stryf  befeH.'     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  Alayn, '  one  and 
no  more  I  knowe,  that  had  gouernau»ce  in  Court  that 
same  tyme,  and  he  hym  self  vsurpeth  &  holdeth  my  12 
brothers  landes  as  his  owne  enherytaunce.     For  the 
kyng  gaaf  it  to  hym,  for  hys  first  begoten  sone  to 
enjoye  it  for  euemiore,  the  which  1hys  sone  is  now  of 
late  dowbed  &  made  knight.'    '  For  southe,'  sayd  thenne  16 
Eaymondyn,  '  wel  I  wote  hys  name.'     '  And  how  know 
ye  hyt  ] '  said  Alayn.     '  By  my  feyth,'  sayd  Eaymondin, 
'  he  is  called  Josselin  Dupont  /  and  hys  sone  hys  named 
Olyuyer.'     f  Sire  knight,'  sayd  Alayn,  '  ye  say  trouth.  20 
But  telle  me  how  ye  this  may  knowe.'     '  Sire,'  sayd 
Eaymondyn,  *  no  ferther  ye  shaH  as  now  know  therof. 
but  ye  vouchesaf  to  come  &  yowr  two  sones  vtith  me, 
unto  the  kinges  Court  /  wete  it  that  I  shall  declare  24 
vnto  you  the  quarrell  &  stryf  so  clerly  that,  yf  ye 
euer  loued  yo?u*  brother,  Henry  of  Leon,  ye  shal  be 
thereof  fayn  &  glad.'     And  thanne  Alayn  heryng  the 
name  of  hys  brother  called,  he  was  more  abasshed  than  28 
before.     For  he  wend  none  other  but  that  hys  brother 
had  be  long  deed.     And  thenne  he  thoughte  longe  in 
hymself  or  he  ansuerd  ony  word. 

Thus,  as  I  haue  sayd  to  you  /  moche  long  thought  32 
Alayne,  -and  aftir  he  ansuerd  :  '  Sire  knight,  I 
graunt  &  acorde  me  to  jour  requeste  /  sethen  that  here 
I  ne  may  knowe  yovr  wyH.     For  therat  I  lang  moche. 
I  gladly  shall   hold  you   company   vnto   the   kynges  36 

CH.  XIX.]        ALAIN    GOES   TO   THE   KINO   OP   BRUT   BRITAIN.  73 

Court.'  'gramercy,'  sayd  Raymondyn, '  and  wel  I  shal 
kepe  you  fro  domwage.'  Wherto  shuld  I  make  long 
proces,  Alayn  manded  or  sent  for  a  grete  foyson  of  liys  Alain  sends  for 

4  frendes,  &  made  hym  redy  in  grete  estate  for  to  goo  to 
the  court.  The  kynge  that  knew  theire  comwyng 
departed  fro  Storyon,  where  he  laye,  &  came  to 
Nantes.  For  the  two  knightor  whiclie  the  kinge  sente 

8  Eaymondyn  were  retourned,  &  had  recounted  to  the 
kinge  the  ansuere  of  Raymondyn,  and  the  inaner  of  his 
estate.  And  therfore  the  kinge  was  come  to  Nantes  the  king  come* 

from  NitnteH  «nd 

and  manded  a  part  of  hys  baronye,  ror  he  wold  not  MMbfcvMM 

of  liis  barony, 

12  that  Raymondyn  shuld  fynd  hym  vnpurueyd  of  men. 

And  amonge  other  he  sent  for  Josselin  Dupont  for  1to         '  w.  «• 
haue  his  CounseyB  on  the  demande  that  Raymondyw  * 
wold  make.     For  ho  was  moche  sage.     What  shuld  I 

1C  saye  more?     thauncyent  knight  came  before  &  made  The  ancient 

knight  prepare* 

to  be  dressed  bothe  pauillons  &  tentes  &  purueyed  for  tents  f..r  R«y- 


aH  things  necessary.  Wherfore  the  folke  of  the 
tonne  were  moche  abasshed  of  the  grete  appareyl  that 
20  he  caused  to  be  made  /  Thenne  came  Raymondyn, 
Alayn,  and  bothe  his  sones,  and  descended  into  the 
chief  Pauillon,  where  they  made  them  redy  and  arayed  in  which  Ainin 

.  ,  and  his  suns 

them  fun  richely,  for  to  goo  toward  the  kinge  /  and  'iress  themwivcs 

to  go  before  t  he 

24  after  they  departed  fro  the  tentes,  acompanyed  w/t/i   kinK- 

xl    knightes    wel    horsed    and    honestly    arayed    that  They  set  out  with 

forty  barons  ; 

wonder  was  to  see  /  and  had  his  barons  WtM  hym.  And 
whan  they  come  to  the  kinges  place  they  descended 
28  fro  theire  horses  /  and  Raymondyn  /  Alayn  and  his 
two  sones  entred  vrithin  the  halle,  there  the  kynge 
was  acompanyed  with  his  barons  /  made  to  the  kinge  arriving,  arc 

welcomed  by  the 

reuerence  /  after  siewyng,  salewed  the  barons  &  lordes,  wig, 
32  the  kinge  welcom?ned  &  receyued  J>em  joyously  /  called 
to  hym  Alayn,  and  said  to  hym  in  this  manere : 
'  Tt  gyueth  me  grete  wonder,'  said  the  kinge  to  Alayn,   who  asks  Alain 

f   ,,  •  i      •    i  i         •  i        i  about  his  friend, 

_•_       01  this  gracyous  straunge  knight,  with  whome  the  strange 
3G  ye  are  so  acoynted  /  What  he  seketh  in  this  land.'  '  Ha/ 

74  AT   THE   COURT   OF   THE   KING.  [cH.  XIX. 

Alain  tells  the       ha,  sire,'  ansuerd  Alayn.     'I  am  an  houndred  tymes 

king  that  he 

marvels  at  the      more   mmiaylled    of    the   womei    that    he    yestirday 

knight's  sayings, 

shewed  vnto  me  /  than  ye  are  of  his  com?wyng,  bnt 
but  believes  that  soone  shuH  be  declared  al  that  \ve  lang  aftir  &  desire  4 

all  will  be  made 

plain  soon.  to  kiiowe.  iheniie  Raymondyn,  dressyng  hys  woxdeg 

to  theldest  sone  of  Alayn,  sayd  softly  in  this  manere, 
'  Sire  knight,  say  me  of  your  Curtoysye,  yf  one  called 
Josselyn  Dupont  be  now  in  this  company  or  nat.'  8 

Raymondin          Thaiine  sayd  Alayn,   '  ye — and  wold   to  god  so  that 

learns  that  Jns- 

selin  is  present,    the  kyng  shuld  not  be  dyspleased  that  I  had  slayn  hym. 
»  foi.  43  4.       For  he  enjoyeth  l  thery tage  that  appartey neth  to  one  our 

oncle  which  we  shuld  haue.'     And  after  these  wordro  12 
Alayn  sayd  to  Eaymondin  /  '  it  is  yond  auncient  knight 
that  sitteth  by  the  kinge.     And  wete  it  for  certayn 
that  he  is  replenysshed  wtt/i  all  falshed  &  malyce  / 

with  his  son         and  yonder  is   his  son   Olyuyer  that  weyeth  not  an  1C 


ownce  lasse  in  aft  wykkednes  &  euyH.'     '  P>y  my  feyth, 
Sire   knight,'  sayd  Raymondin  /  '  ye  soone  shal  be 
auenged   of   hym   yf   god   Avyl.'     And   leuyng   theire 
talkyng,  Raymondin  hadd  hymself  fourth  before  the  20 
Raymondin          kinge,  to  whom  he  said  in  this  manere  :  '  ha,  high  sire 

addresses  the 

king,  and  praises   &  mighty  kinge,  It  is  wel  trouth  that  common  renowmee 

his  justice; 

ranneth   thrughe  alle   landes.    that  yo^r   Court  is  so 
noble  &  so  raysomzable  that  it  may  be  called  fountayne  24 
of  Justice  &  raison  /  and  that  none  ne  com?neth  to 
your  Court  but  that  ye  shew  &  gyue  to  hym  good 
Justice  and  raisonnable  after  the  good  right  that  he 
hath.'     'By  my  feyth,  sire  knight,'  said  the  kinge  /  28 
the  king  asks        '  it  is  trouth.  but  wherfore  say  you  so,  fayn  I  wold  wete 
it.'     *  Forsouthe,  sire,'  said  Raymondin,  '  for  to  vttre  & 
shew  it  vnto  you  /  I  am  come  hither  /  &  for  none  other 
cause,  but,  Sire,  yf  it  plaise  you  /  or  I  telle  it  you  /  32 
ye  shall  promyse  me  that  ye  shaH  susteyne  me  ayenst 
alle  personnes  after  right  &  raison.     For  that  /  that  I 
shal  say  is  in  a  part  yozu-  wele    prouffyt  &  honour. 
For   no  kinge  acompanyed  of   a  traytour  is  not  wel  36 


lodged  no  sure  of  his  personnel     <  By  my  foyth,'  said 
the  king,  '  ye  say  trouth  /  say  on  hardily.    For  I  swere  nnd  promises 
to  you  by  aH  that  I  hold  of  god,  that  I  shal  doo  to  you  R«ymondin, 
4  alle  Justice  &  rayson  after  the  good  right  that  ye  sliaH 
liaue  /  and  that  shal  I  doo  doubteles  /  yf  it  were  ayenst 
my  brother.'     'Sire,'  said  Raymondin,  'an  houndred  for  which  Ray- 
thousand  thankes  &  mercyes  /  ye  say  as  a  valyaunt  kynge  MM, 
8  <fc  l  trew  man.     For  first  were  kynges  stablysshed  for        '  f»i-  **• 
to  rendre  or  yeld  to  euerbody  juste  jugement  in  alle 

'  "T^Toble  mighty  kinge,'  said  Raymondin  /  'it  is  wel 
12    _!_  i      trouth   that   one,    your   predecessour    kynge, 

reyned  somtyme  moche  mightily  &  valyauntly  that  was  Raymondin 

i  s | ii-ak <  to  the 

in  the  tyme  of  Jossehn  Dupont  and  of  Alayn,  whiche  kingof  Josseim, 


l)othe  are  here  now  present  before  yo?/r  majesto  /  this 
10  kyngo  whiche  I  spek  of,  had  a  moche  fay  re  &  noble  yong 
man  to  his  nevew.    that  tyme  was  in  this  Countre  a 
baron  whiche  was  called  Henry  of  Leon,  the  whiche  *nd  of  Henry  of 

Leon ; 

was  brother  to  Alaya  here  present.'   '  By  my  feyth,  sire,' 
20  said  thanne  Josselyn,'he  saith  trouth.  and  ouemiore  whereupon  Jos- 

TT  selin  says  th«t 

the  same  Henry  of  Leon  slew  the  nevew  of  yo«r  prede-  Henry  slew  the 

nephew  of  the 

cessoja-  by  treson  /  fledd  out  of  this  land,  and  neuer  king's  prede- 
cessor, :<inl  fled 

syn  came  hither  ayen.     And  then  the  kinge  seased  th«kuwi; 
24  his  lando?  and  possessyons,  and  anoone  after  gaf  them 
to  me.'     The  kinge  thanne  ansuered,  '  we  haue  herd 
ynoughe  of  this  matere  /  but  suffre  this  knight  fynyshe   but  the  king 

orders  him  to 

lus  raison  which  he  hath  bygoune.  let  Raymondin 

finish  his  story. 

28  rilO  this  ansuerd  Raymondyn,  '  Siro  kinge,  he  hath 
_I_      wel  raison  to  speke  of  hit,  For  ferthermore  he 
shal  be  constrayned  to  say  /  how  be  it  that  as  now  he 
hath  said  amys  &  not  trouth  of   that  he  saith  that   Raymondin 

denies  what  Jos* 

32  Henry  of  leon  slew  the  kinges  nevew  in  treson,  For  he   seiinsaid, 
knew  wel  why  &  wherfore  it  was,  and  there  nys  no 
man  lyuyng  that  can  say  the  trouth  of  it  but  he  alone,   but  asserts  that 

Josselin  alone 

For  they  that  were  of  his  acorde  and  conspiraci'on  ben   knows  the  truth 

of  the  matter, 

36  al  deed.     Therfore  sire  kynge,  vouchesaf  to  command 

76  RAYMOXDIN'S  TALE.  [CH.  xix. 

ami  asks  the  hym  telle  trouth  al  on  hye,  that  eueryone  here  may 

seiin  tell  ail.  l  here  it.'     And  whan  Josselin  vnderstode  that  word, 

» foi.  416.  ke  wexe(j  sore  abasshed ;  neuertheles,  he  ansuered  in 

This  abashes  this  manere :   '  Sire   knight,  are  you  come   into   this  4 

Jnsselin,  who 

asks  if  Ray-         land  forto  vndertake  eny  ttunge  m  dyshonowr  of  me  i 

mondin  has  come 

to  dishonour  And  Eaymondin  ansuerd  appertly  :  '  Fals  traytowr,  he 
fourueyeth  nat  that  saith  the  playn  trouth.'  Thaune 
he  said  agayn  to  the  kynge  :  '  Sire,  it  is  wel  trouth  that  8 

Raymonds  tells    Henry  of  Leon  was  a  moche  valiant  &  hardy  knight. 

the  kingoftlie 

treachery  of  Jos-    curteys  and  wel  condicyoiied,  &  moche  was  beloved 

selin  toward  his 

father,  Henry  of    bothe  Of  the  kinge  and  of  his  nevew  /  and  vsed  the 


kynge  moche  of  his  counseil,  For  he  was  he  on  whom  12 
he  trusted  most.    It  haped  that  dyuerse  traytours  beyng 
that   time  about   the   kinge,  of   which   Josseliu   here 
present  was  one,  as  chef  causer  of  the  mysdede  that 
tyme  perpetred  or  doon  /  came  to  said  kingis  nevew,  16 
&  to  hym  they  said  in  this  manere  :  "  Gentyl  Squyer, 
How  Josselin       alle  we  that  are  here  byfore  your  presence  ben  sory  & 

tulil  the  king's 

nejiiiew  that  he     woo  of  yowr  grete  domwage  and  shamfuH  losse  whan 

WHS  disinherited 

ye  shall  be  dysheryted  of  so  noble  a  land  as  is  the  20 
royanie  of  Brytayne  "  /  and  he  ansuered  to  them  /  "  how 
shuld  that  mowe  be  dool  the  kynge  hath  none  heyre 
but  my  self."    "  On  my  god,"  said  thanne  yond  Josselin 
to  hym,  "  Wete  it  \at  he  hath  made  &  stablisshed  his  24 
because  of  heyre,  Henry  of  Leon,  and  I  byleue  that  this  Henry 

hath  enchaunted  hym  and  the  barons  of  the  land  also, 
For  therof  ben  le^res  passed  &  sealled  w/tA  theire 
sealles  annexed  to  the  kingis  grete  seall  /  and  al  this  28 
they  att  togider  affermed  on  theire  feyth  for  trouth." 
"  By  my  feith,"  said  the  squyer  thanne  /  "  here  is  grete 
» foi.  45.  inconuenyence  yf  that  be  trew  that  ye  telle  me.'*  2And 

thanne  Josselin  with  his  complices  alle  •with  an  acorde  32 
sware  yet  ayen  to  hym  that  it  was  trouth.     Wherfore 
the  said  yonge  squyer  was  sory  and  woo.     Josselin 
thenne  seeyng   that  he   byleued   theire   falsed   to   be 
certayn,  said  yet  agayn  to  the  squyer  in  this  manere  :  36 

CH.  xix.]  RAYMONDIN'S  TALE.  77 

"  Yf  in  you  lycth  so  mocfc  hardynes  that  ye  dare  vnder-  and  urged  him 
take  to  auenge  the  wrong  doon  to  you  by  Henry  of  Si?"11*1 
Leon,  We  alle  shal  helpe  you  therto."     And  the  squyer  *nd  promised  to 

,      ..  aid  him. 

4  ansuerd,  my  courage  and  wylle  ben  agreed  to  do 
soo."  Thenno  said  Josselin,  "  goo  thanne  &  arme  you 
in  a  manner  vnknowen,  and  we  shaH  abyde  you  Avt't/t 
out  the  toune,  and  shaft  ledd  you  in  to  suche  a  place 

8  where  ye  shal  auenge  you  at  your  ease."  O  noble  & 
mighty  kinge,  sethen  I  fynde  now  myself  in  Court  of 
right  &  iustice  /  and  that  I  may  see  niyn  eneniye,  I 
wyl  no  more  be  hyd,  but  lete  euery  man  knowe  that  Raymondin 

declares  tliat  h« 

12  I  am  the  sone  of  Henry  of  Leon.'     Thenne  they  were  is  the  80n  °r 

Henry,  which 

alle  abasshed  of  that  word,  but  they  held  them  styl  /  abashes  them  all. 

and  Raymondyn  spake  fourth  in  this  manere./ 

'  Clire  kinge,  it  is  trouth  that  my  fader  had  take  leue  He  continue*  tin 

l^S         e    •L         •  "tory  of  JOKMU- 

16    K_7     of  the  kmge,  and  was  goon  in  to  hys  Countrey  /  tin's  treachery ; 
and  was  wonnt  euery  mornyng  for  to  goo  in  a  wode 
nygh   by   his   fortesse   to  dysporte  hym,  sayeug  hys 
matyns  alone.    And  this  fals  traykwr  Josselin,  with  his 

20  complices,  ledd  the  said  kingis  nevew  and  embusshed  iww  an  ambush 

was  laid, 

them  there.  My  fader,  that  thoughte  no  hanne,  came 
that  same  ooure  /  and  whan  Josselin  perceyued  hym 
comwyng  he  said  to  the  squyer  /  "now  it  is  tyme  to 

24  auenge  you,  For  he  is  w ft/tout  eny  armure  or  wepen  / 
he  may  not  escape  you  /  and  yf  we  see  that  ye  nede  of 
help l  we  shall  helpe  you."  The  squyer,  thanne  esprysed        »  foi.  45 ». 
with  euyl  desire,  departed  fro  them  and  ranne  toward  and  how  the 

28  my  fader  and  escryed  hym  to  deth  /  and  as  he  wold  tried  to  slay  his 
haue  thrested  the  swerd  thrugh  my  fadera  body,  my 
fader  glanched  asyde  /  and  as  god  wold  he  that  fyersly 
ranne  feH  to  the  ground.     My  fader  J>enne  toke  the 

32  swerde  that  scaped  fro  the  squyers  hand,  and  vfith  the 

pomel   of    it   smote    hym   under   the   eere  by   suche  but  was  slain 
strengthe  that  the  squyer  fell  doun  ded.     And  thenne 
whan  my  fader  saw  hym  lyeng  on  the  ground  deed  he 

36  dy  scouered  his  face,  and  anone  he  knew  hym,  wherfore 



[CH.  XIX. 

How  Henry  fled 
Iroin  the  land  on 
recognizing  his 
enemy,  touring 
the  king's  ire ; 

which  pleased 

who  thought  he 
would  then  lie 
able  to  rule  the 

clinllenges  Jos- 

fol.  46. 

his  son  Oliver, 
and  one  of  h.s 
friends ; 

but  no  one  ac- 
cepts the 

Alain,  under- 
standing now 
who  Raymondin 

embraces  him. 

he  made  grete  sorow  and  was  sory  and  woo  /  and  after 
the  dede  &  euylhap,  doubtyng  the  furowr  &  yre  of  the 
king,  yede  there  hys  hauoir  was  /  toke  it  and  fledd 
w/t/t  aH  from  )>is  land.     And  thanne  Josselin  the  fals  4 
traytowr  sayd  to  hys  complices  and  felawes  :  "  Now  are 
we  come  to  o?<r  cntencion  &  wylle.     For  the  kinges 
nevew  is  deed,  and  yf  Henry  be  take  he  may  not  scape 
fro  deth.     Now  shal  we  goue?Tie  and  doo  \vith  the  king  8 
that  we  lyst  after  our  guyse  /  lete  vs  not  meve  us  tyl 
lie  be  ferre  from  vs  /  and  after  we  shal  take  the  corps 
&  putte  it  in  a  byere  that  we  shal  make  vtith  bratraches 
<fe  leues,  and  so  we  shal  bero  it  toward  the  king,  to  12 
whom  we  shal  say  that  Henry  of  Leon  slew  hym  in 
trcson."  Ha  /  ha,  noble  king,  aH  euen  so  as  I  say,  dide 
that  yonder  fals  traytowr  /  and  yf  he  say  nay  /  here  I 
presente  &  cast  my  gage  of  bataill  agenst  hym.     And  16 
bycause,  sire  kinge,  that  I  wil  lete  euery  man  knowe 
that  I  doo  vndertake  Jns  not  for  auarice  /  but  for  to 
kepe  my  right  and  enherytazmce  /  and  for  to  declare, 
manyfeste,  and  1shewe  the  vylonny  and  euyl  treson  20 
that  this  fals  traytowr  Josselin  and  hys  complices  dyde 
to  Henry  of  Leon,  my  fader,  for  to  haue  hym  out  of 
conceytte,  and   to   be  putte   fro   the   kingis  Court,  I 
besech  your  highnes  that  he  may  take  hys  sone  Olyuer  24= 
and  another  yet  of  his  frendes  /  and  I  shal  fight  ayenst 
them  thre  w/Mout  fawte,  prouyded  alwayes  the  noble 
and  juste  jugement  of  yowr  Court  /  one  after  another'  / 
and  sayeng  these  wordes  he  kyst  his  gage,     but  there  28 
was  none  that  spake  or  ansuerd  ony  word.     And  whan 
Alayn  and  his  two  sones  vnderstode  alle  that  Eaymon- 
dyn  had  said  /  what  for  joye  to  see  theire  faders  nevew 
and  Cousyn  to  them  /  and  what  for  pyte  to  here  telle  32 
the  trayson  so  machyned  ayenst  theyre  faders  brother 
&   vncle   to   them   /   ramie   to    kysse   and   embrased 

OH.  xix.]       JOSSELIN'S  SON  OLIVER  ACCEPTS  THE  CHALLENGE.         79 

Whan  the  king  of  the  Bretons  sawe  that  no  body 
ansuerd  to  these  wordes  so  proferid  in  hys 
presence  /  sayd  al  on  high  that  euery  one  there  might 
4  here  hym, '  how  now,  Josselin,  are  ye  deeH  /  I  now  per-  The  king  orders 

.  Josselin  to  de- 

ceyue  wel  &  see  that  the  protierbe  that  is  said  commonly  fend  himself, 
is  trew  /  that  is  /  "  that  olde  synne  reneweth  shame," 
For  this  knight  straunger  bringeth  you  tydynge*, 
8  nioche  strawnge  and  a  wonder  medecyne  fro  ferre  land  / 
aduyse  you  of  that  ye  slial  ansuere.'  Thanne  ansuerd 
Jovsselyn  to  the  kyng:  'Sire  kinge,  I  am  not  he  b«t  who  says  that 

he  believes  tlmt 

from  hens  fourth  oweth  to  ansuere  such  things.     And   R-wmondin  is 


12  also  wel  I  byleue  that  he  saith  it  but  in  jape  £  sport.' 

Thanne  ansuerd  Raymondin,  '  the  mocke  fals l  traytowr       >  foi. « i>. 
shal  tourne  on  the.     I  now  requyre  you,  noble  king,   Ravin.m.iin 

denies  it, 

that  this  niatere  may  be  discuted  /  lete  him  haue  as  R||<1  lu*ks  the 

king  to  bring 

16  raison  requyreth  for  his  treson  /  and  I  to  be  punysshed   the 'nutter  to 

an  issue. 

yf  in  eny  poynt  forsayd  [I]  haue  myssaid  or  mesprysed.' 
Thenne  said  the  kinge,  'doubt  not  of  it,  For  so  shal 
I  doo.  Josselyn,'  said  the  kinge,  'ye  muste  ansuere  to 
20  this  quareH  &  acusacion.'  Whan  thenne  his  sone 
Olyuyer  herd  what  the  kyng  said  to  his  fader  /  he 
ansuerd  to  his  wordes:  'Sire,  that  knight  is  so  sore  in  answer  to 

the  king,  Josse- 

adrad  that  he  trembleth  for  fere  /  he  weneth  as  me  lin's  son  Oliver 

agrees  to  fight 

24  semeth  to  take  the  cranes  flighing,  by  my  feith   he  Raymondin, 

helped  by 

shall  wel  fayH  &  mysse  of  that  he  hath  said,  For  my  another  of,  w« 
fader  is  a  true  man  in  aH  his  dedes  /  and  I  vouchesauf 
&  graunt  the  batairt  as  he  hath  ordonned  /  and  there 
28  is  my  gage  /  he  shal  be  wel  happy  yf  he  dyscomfyte 
me  and  another  of  my  lynage  suche  as  I  shaft  chese.  / ' 

Whan  the  king  herd  that  word  he  was  nioche 
wroth,  &  ansuerd  in  this  manere  /  '  that  shaH 
32  nat  happe  in  my  Court  as  long  as  I  shaft  lyue  J»at  one  The  king  is 

wroth  at  the 

knight    alone   shal   front   ayenst    two   for   oo   maner  proposal  to  pair 

J  two  knights 

quareH  /  and  grete  shame  is  to  you  /  only  to  haue  against  one, 
thought   it   in   you?  herte  /  and   wete   it  /  that   by 
36  semblaunt  ye  shew  nat  your  fader  to  haue  good  quareti. 



[cn.  xix. 

and  gives  Ray- 
inondin  choice 
of  a  day  of 
battle ; 
desires  to  fight 

'  fol.  47. 

and  is  en- 
couraged by 
.Main  and  his 

The  king,  know- 
ing the  might  of 
the  parties, 

makes  arrange- 
ments to  prevent 

nnd  declares  the 
quarrel  to  be  one 
of  life  and  death 
cm  both  sides. 

And  fro  this  ooure  fourthon  I  gyue  you  journey  of 
batayH  at  the  requeste  of  the  knight  straunger  on  suche 
day  that  he  shaH:  assigne.'    '  By  my  feyth,'  said  thenne 
Raymondin,  'I  am   euen   now  redy  therto,  for  myn  4 
armures  are  not  ferre.     and  thanked  be  yowr  highnesse 
an  hondred  tymes  of  yo?/r  lawfuH  graunt.'     There  had 
ye  herd  grete  rumoure  made  on  aH  sydes,  for  all  said, 
'  yonder  is  the  moste  valyaunt  knight  that  euer  we  sawe  8 
requyryng  his  ryght.'     but  what  so  euer  was  woofull 
therof,  Alayn  of  Quyngant  &  his  two  sones  were  fayn 
&  glad  that  so  shuld  be  doo  /  &  said  to  Eaymondin, 
'Fayre  Cousin,  be  not  Jabasshed  of  nothing  in  the  12 
world,      take  boldly  the  bataiH  for  you,  and  for  us 
both  ayenst  that  same  fals  traytowr  /  For  yf  god  wil 
we  shaH  soone  haue  worship  therof.'     '  Fayre  lorde*,' 
said  Raymondin,  'take  who  wil  bataiH  for  hymself.  16 
For  the  same  I  shal  haue  for  my  part,  and  doubte  you 
not  but  that  I  shal  bring  it  to  a  good  &  worshipful 
ende   god   before  with   the   good   right   that   I   haue 
therto.'  20 

Whilles  the  rumowr  was  among  the  folk,  the 
kinge,  moche  wyse  &  subtyl  /  for  that  the 
parties  were  of  grete  &  high  parentage  &  lynee  / 
doubtyng  of  some  grete  inconuenience  that  might  happe  24 
emong  them  /  commanded  sodaynly  the  gates  to  be 
shette  that  none  might  entre  ne  yssue  /  &  ordonned 
men  armed  to  kepe  euery  man  therfro.  and  aftir  callid 
his  ConseiH  apart  /  shewed  to  them  and  reherced  aH  28 
the  quareH.  and  they  counselled  hyra  of  that  was 
nedefuH  to  be  doo.  Thanne  retourned  the  kinge  vnto 
the  halle,  where  he  made  to  be  commanded  by  hym, 
that  none  there,  on  peyne  of  deth,  should  be  so  hardy  32 
to  spek  ony  word  but  fat  he  were  conmanded.  The 
kinge  thenne  spak  &  said, '  now,  fayre  lordes,  ye  muste 
vnderstand  how  this  quareH  is  now  not  litel,  for  it  is 
for  lyf  or  grete  dyshonowr  for  euermorc  to  the  one  39 

CH.  XIX.]  MASS   AND   PRAYEU.  81 

partye.  and  wete  it  for  cerfcayn  that  I  ne  owe  ne  also 
wyl  not  refuse  ryght  to  be  doo  in  my  Court.  Olyuier,' 
said  the  king,  'wil  you  deffende  yowr  fader  of  this 

4  treson1?'  'Sire.' said  he  /  'ye  certaynly.'  /  .  and  thenne  Oliver  under- 
takes to  fight, 
the  king  ansuerd  /  '  the  lystes  ben  alredy  dressed,  and 

therfore  I  ordeyne  the  bataiH  to  be  to  morow  exploited.  The  king  ap- 

...  .  points  next  dny 

And  wete  it  /  that  yf  ye  be  dyscomnted  &  ouercome,   for  the  battle, 
8  bothe  yowr  fader  and  ye  shul  be  hanged,    and  not  lesse  and  tells  that 

the  loser  shall  he 

snal  haue  yowr  partye  aduerse,  yf  the l  cas  myshappeth  hanged, 
to  hym.  Make  you  thanne  redy  toward  /  and  gyue  in 
oure  hand  hostages  &  pledges  /  and  first  your  fader 
1 2  shaH  abyde.'  and  thenne  the  king  made  Josselin  to  be 
ledde  in  to  pryson  in  a  stronge  toure.  and  thanne  said 
the  king  to  Kaymondin,  'Sire  knight,  whome  shul  yo  Pledges  are 

taken  from  tho 

gyue  vs  for  hostage  i      Alayn  and  his  two  sones  came  combatants, 
1C  thanne  fourth  &  said, '  sire,  we  pledge  hym.'    '  By  my 
feyth,'  said  the  king,  'it  suffyseth  vs  wel.  and  therfore 
ye  shaH  not  hold  pryson.     For  wel  I  wote  that  the 
knight  had  not  emprysed  the  bataiH  without  he  wold 
20  perfourme  it.'    And  thus  departed  bothe  parties  fro  the  and  hoth  parties 

leave  the  king. 

presence  of  the  kinge.  and  Kaymondyn  wtm  hys  folk, 
acompanyed  of  hys  vncle  &  Cousins,  yede  toward  his 
pauillons,  and  aboute  euen  tyme  he  went  in  to  tho 
24  chirch  Cathedral,  and  there  he  watched,  making  hys 
prayers  to  god  vritJi  grete  deuocyon  /  And  Olyuer  also 
came  to  hys  hous  vrith  grete  foyson  of  them  of  hys 
lynee,  and  made  his  hors  &  harneys  redy.  On  the  The  combatants 

pray  and  hear 

28  morowe  they  herd  masse,  and  after  armed  them  /  and  m*88- 
the  king  and  the  Barons  of  the  land  were  sette  on  the 
scafoldes  rounde  aboute  the  listes  /  and  gardes  to  the  On  the  morrow 

the.  lists  are 

champ  or  feld  were  ordeyned,  and  the  Chayers  sette.   guarded, 
32  And  about  the  ooure  of  prvme  came  Eaymondin  w/t/t  and  at  noon  Rny- 

mondin  appears 

fayre  felawship,  armed  moche  goodly  &  richely  /  the 
spere  on  the  rest,  and  on  hym  hys  cote  of  armes, 
browded  with  syluer  &  azure  /  and  entred  the  lystes  enters  the  lists ; 

3G  vpon  a  grete  destrier  wel  harneysed  vnto  the  nayle  of 




[CH.  XIX. 

and  makes  rever- 
ence to  the  king 
and  barons ; 

1  fol.  48. 

dismounts  and 
waits  for  his 

who  at  last 
appears  nobly 
armed  with  his 

swears  the 
justice  of  his 
cause  on  the 

and  likewise 
Josselin  and 
Oliver,  but  very 

A  herald  pro- 
claims that  no 
signs  are  to  be 

the  lists  clear. 

A  herald  shouts 
'  Do  your  duty ' 
to  the  combat- 

2  Fol.  48  6. 

the  foot  /  as  for  gage  of  bataille  /  and  there  he  made 
reuerence  &  salewed  the  king  &  the  Barons.     '  By  my 
feith,'  said  eueryone  /  '  it  is  long  syn  we  sawe  so  fayre 
man  of  armes  ne  of  so  fayr  contenawnce  /  he  hath  not  4 
heste  werke  that  hath  such" l  a  man  in  hand  to  jouste 
or  fyght  with  hym.'     Thenne  descended  Raymondin 
fro  the  destrer  as  appertly  as  he  had  be  vnarmed,  and 
sette  hym  in  the  chayer  abydyng  after  his  aduersary.  8 
It  is  trouth  that  long  after  that  came  Olyuer,  right 
\vel    &   nobly   armed,   and    sett   on   a   moche   ryche 
destrier  /  and  wel  he  semed  man  of  grete  fayttes  /  and 
so  was  he  /  &  before  hym  came  Josselin,  his  fader,  on  12 
a  palfray,  and  made  reucrence   to  the  kinge  &  hys 
barons.     Moche  semed  Josselin  abasshed  as  thanne  / 
For  that  euery  man  said  he  had  euyl  cause.     What 
shuld  I  make  long  tale  /  the  holy  Euaugiles  were  there  16 
brought,  wheron  Raymondin  swore  that  Josselyn  had 
euyl  cause,  and  that  he  had  doon  the  treson  as  he  had 
byfore  declared  /  and  after  he  kneled  &  kyssed  the 
book,  and  sette  hym  self  ayen  on  the  chayere.     And  20 
after  Josselin  sware,  but  he  stakered,  and  so  ttmerous 
he  was  that  he  coude  not  touche  the  boke  /  and  also 
Olyuer,  which"  knew  wel  the  trouth  of  all,  swore  fuH 
feyntly  /  and  that  doon  he  sette  hym  self  agayn  in  his  24 
chayere.   and  fourthwit/i  a  herault  cryded  with  an  high 
voyce  on  the  kingis  byhalfe  /  that  none,  on  peyne  of 
deth,  shuld  be  so  hardy  to  speke  ony  worde  ne  to  make 
eny  signe  or  tokon  that  eny  of  the  Champyons  might  28 
vnderstand  or  perceyue.    And  thenne  eueryman  voyded 
the  place,  saaf  only  they  that  were  stablisshed  to  the 
garde  of  the  champ  &  Josselin.     And  anoone  Raymon- 
dyn  lepte  on   horsbak  moch  appertly  and   toke  hys  32 
spere,  and  on  the  other  syde  Olyuer  had  hys  destrier 
redy,  and  lept  on  lightly,  and  toke  hys  spere  with 
sharp  yron  /  and  thenne  cryded  a  herault  thryes.  '  lete 
ranne  JOKY  horses  &  2  doo  you?  deuoyre.'  36 



ere  saith  the  veray  hystory,  that  whan  the  cry 

was  made  Raymondin  had  leyed  the  ende  of  Raymondin,  his 
hys  spere   to  the  grounde  alonge  the  hors  nek,  and 
4  thryes  lie  made  the  signe  of  the  crosse.  and  while  he  making  the  sign 

of  the  cross,  is 

dede  so  hys  enemy  ranne  at  hym,  and  with  hys  spore  struck  fiercely  on 

J  J  J  the  breast  by 

hytte  Raymondin  on  the  brest  or  he  was  ware  of  hit  Oliver's  spear  ; 
moche  rudely,  For  dooyng  so  he  putte  to  it  alle  his 

8  strengthe   &   myght,   but    Raymondin    bowed   neuer  but  he  does  not 

therfore  /  and  the  spere  of  Olyuer  brak  in  to  piec<?#,  Oliver's  spear 

1-Ti  11  PT->  *  11  shivers,  and 

and  with  that  strok  the  speere  of  Raymondyn  fell  to  Raymondin's 
the  ground.     '  Ha,  traykmr,'  said  then  Raymondyn  / 

1  2  '  thou  folowest  wel  the  right  euyl  lynee  of  whiche  thou 
yssued.  but  that  may  not  auaylle  the.'  and  toke  the 
sterope  that  hynge  at  sadelbowe,  that  had  thre  poyntes 
wel  assured,  eche  of  them  seuen  ench"  long,  and  at 

1  6  retourne  that  Olyuer  supposed  to  haue  doo,  Raymon-  Upon  which 

•L  111  -11  Raymondin 

dyn  smote  hym  on  the  helmet  with  the  steron  that  oo  breaks  Oliver's 

helmet  with  Ins 

poynte  of  it  entred  &  perced  the  helmet  so  that  the  stirrup; 
nayl  of  the  vmbrel  brake,  and  the  vysere  hing  at  oo  his  visnr  failing 

discovers  his 

20  sycle  /  and  the  visage  of  Olyuyer  abode  aH  dyscouered,   face. 
wherfore  he  was  moche  agast  and  abasshed.    Neue?-the- 
les  he  drew  out  hys  swerde  &  wel  shewed  contencmnce 
of  a  knight  that  lytil  redoubteth  hys  enemye.  and  so 

24  they  faught  long  space  togidre  and  gaaf  eche  other  They  continue 

to  fight  fiercely 

grete  strokes  /  and  there  might  men  see  grete  appertyse  with  swords 

of  armes.     At  last  Raymondin  alighted  on  foot  and 

alights  from  his 

toke  vp  hys  spere  that  laye  at  ground  &  came  vriih  horse  and  takes 

*         r  his  spear,  and 

28  grete  paas  toward  his  foo  mortaH,  whiche  the  best  wyse  goes  to  attack  his 

that  he  coude  dystourned  fro  Raymondin  that  he  made  *h°  ™>«  »*»y 

•  from  him. 

io  goo  after  hym  alonge  the  Champ.    For  he  dide  wz't/t 
hys  hors  what  he  wold,1  and  by  that  manere  dooyng         «  foi.  49. 
32  he  supposed  to  haue  made  Raymondyn  wery  that  ned&t 
he  muste  reste  hym,  and  so  the  day  shuld  be  soone 

passed.    But  Raymondin  whiche  that  perceyued,  yede  &  Raymondin  then, 
appertly  to[ke]  2  hys  hors  that  he  ledde  vtith  one  hand,  & 

2  Yr.  pi'ingt. 

Q   3 



[CH.  XIX. 

and  carrying  his 

•who  suddenly 
spurs  his  horse 
against  Ray- 

but  has  it 
stunned  by  a 
blow  from  the 

and  is  dis- 
mounted by  a 
spear  stroke, 
and  wounded  and 
beaten ; 

and  held  by  the 
throat,  Raymon- 
din  kneeling  on 

After  a  time 
Raymondin  asks 
him  to  yield,  or 

*  fol.  49  6. 

He  replies  he 
would  prefer  to 
die  by  Raymon- 
din's  hand ; 

who  pities  him, 
and  asks  if  he 
knew  of  his 
father's  treason. 

He  says  he  did 

toke  the  spere  at  other  hand  /  and  softly  one  pas  after 
another  came  towarde  hys  enemye.    And  whan  Olyuyer 
sawe    hym    come,   perceyuying    his   manere   he   wist 
not  how  ne  in  what  manere  liaymondyn  wold  assayH  4 
hym  /  and  sodaynly  spored  his  horse,  wenyng  to  haue 
come  &  hurted  Eaymondyn  as  he  had  doon  byfore. 
but  Kaymondin  kyst  at  hym  yet  ayen  the  sterop  by 
grete  anger,  and  hitte  Olyuyer  hors  at  foreheed  with  8 
suche  strength  that  the  chaunfreyn  entred  deep  wit/iin 
the  hors  heed,  so  that  it  bowed  the  legges  behind  to 
therthe.     Olyuyer  thanne  sporid  his  destrier,  but  as 
the  hors  redressed  hym,  Eaymondyn  \vii?t  hys  spere  12 
smote  Olyuyer  at  right  syde  of  hym,  so  that  he  ouer- 
threw  hym  to  therthe,  and  so  wonderly  a  strok  he  gaf 
hym  betwix  the  mayH  panser  &  the  Corset  that  the 
spere  heed  entred  deep  in  hys  body  /  and  ar  he  might  16 
be  delyuered  Eaymondyn  cast  on  hym  so  many  strokes 
that  he  might  no  more  meve  hym  self,  and  by  force 
plucked  the  helmet  fro  the  heed  of  hym,  and  putte  hys 
knee  on  his  naueH,  and  the  hand  senester  at  hys  nek,  20 
and  held  hym  in  suche  destresse  that  by  no  manere 
waye  he  might  not  meue  hym. 

Thystory  telleth  in  this   partye   that   Eaymondin 
held  Olyuyer  as  aboue  is  said  long  espace  of  24 
tyme,  and  whan  he  sawe  that  he  had  the  best  ouer 
hym  he  drew  a  knife1  that  heng  2at  his  right  side  and 
said  to  hym, '  False  traytour,  yeld  thyself  vaynquyssed, 
or  ellis  thou  art  but  deed.'  '  By  my  feith,'  said  Olyuyer,  28 
'I  have  leuer  dye  by  the  hand  of  suche  a  valyawnt 
knight  as  ye  be  than  of  another.'     Eaymondyn  thanne 
toke  grete  pite  on  hym  and  demanded  of  hym,  vpon 
parel  of  the  sowle  of  hym  /  yf  he  nothing  knew  of  32 
the  treson  that  Josselin  his  fader  had  doon  /  and  he 
ansuerd  nay,  and  he  was  not  yet  borne  fat  tyme  that 
this  treson  happed,  and  how  be  it  that  it  plaised  to 
1  Knight  in  MS.     Fr.  version  coustel. 


god   that   Fortune  were  as  thenne  contrary  to   hym, 
notwithstanding  yet  he  held  his  fader  for  a  tre\v  man  / 
lawful  and  not  gilty  of  that  same  dede.     And  thanne 
4  whan  Raymondyn,  that  wel  wyst  the  contrary,  herd  but  Raymcmdin. 

,  ,  e   i    o  iit  i        knowing  he  lied, 

hym,  he  was  sorowful  &  woo,  and  bete  hym  so  moche   beats  him  on  the 


on  the  temples  wit//  hys  fust  armed  with  his  gantlet 
that  he  made  hym  so  astonyed  that  he  ne  saw  ne  herd 
8  ne  wyst  what  he  dide  to  hym  /    And  thanne  stode 
vp  Eaymondin  and  toke  hym  by  the  feet  and  drew 
•hym  vnto  the  lystes,  And  syn  he  putte  hym  wit/iout 
fourth  /  and  retourned  &  came  before  the  scafold  of 
12  the  kinge,  the  visere  lyfte  on  hye,  &  said  :  'Sire,  haue   ThcnRnymondm 
I  doo  my  deuoire,  For  yf  I  haue  eny  thing  more  to  doo   he  had  done  his 

duty  i 

I   am    redy  to  it   to   the  rogarde   of   your  Court   & 
ordynaunce?'  '  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  king,  'sire  knight,  who  said  he  had 
1C  ye  haue  quytted  yoztr  self  full  wel.'     And  the  king 

beime  commanded  that  Josselin  and  his  sone  shuld  be  and  commanded 

Josselin  and  his 

oothe  hanged,  and  they  to  whom  the  king  comanded  son  to  be  put  to 


this  execucion  to  be  doo  wente  soone,  &  wit/tout  delay 
20  they  seasid  Josselin,  who  anoone  cryed  to  the  king 

piteously  for  mercy.     And  fen  the  king  yede  and  said 

to  hym  that  he  shulde  Helle  the  trouthe  of  the  quarell,         l  foi.  so. 

and  peradventure  he  night  haue  grace. 
24  T I Ihenne  said  Josselin,  'Sire,  to  hyd  the  trouth  it 
JL      auaylleth  not  /  haue  pite  on  me  yf  it  plaise  you, 

For  certaynly  it  was  doon  in  the  manere  &  fozirme  as  Josselin 

confesses  his 

the  knight  hat  purposed  &  said  /  and  wete  it  fat  my  treachery. 

28  sone  Olyuyer  was  not  yet  borne.'  '  By  my  feith,  Josselin, 
said  the  kinge,  '  here  is  grete  falshed,  and  yf  it  ne  had 
be  goddis  playsire  that  ye  shuld  be  therof  punysshed, 
he  had  not  lefte  you  lyue  so  long  in  this  world,  and 

32  as  to  my  part,  ye  shall  not  fayli  of  the  punycyon.' 
Thanne  he  said  all  on  high  to  them  that  were  ordeyned, 
that  anoone  bothe  fader  &  sone  shuld  be  hanged.  And 
thenne  came  fourth  Eaymondin  &  said  to  the  king  : 

3G  '  Sire,  I  thank  e  you  as  I  may  of  the  good  justice  that  ye 



[CH.  XIX. 

pleads  for  Oli- 
ver's life,  as  he 
is  brave  and 

and  free  from 
the  guilt  of  the 
treason ; 

and  for  Josselin's, 
because  he  is  so 
old,  desiring  only 
that  he  should 
make  restitution 
of  the  estate, 

the  money  to  be 
used  to  found  a 

fol.  50  6. 

But  the  king 
orders  them  to 
be  hanged, 
and  restores 
Raymondin  his 
estates,  and  gives 
him  all  Josselin's 

for  which  Ray- 
mondin does 

Raymondin  is 
feasted  by  the 
king  of  Brut 

haue  Joon  to  me  /  but,  sire,  I  moued  vrith  pite  requyre 
you  of  yo?.4r  mysericorde  to  be  shewed  on  Olyuyer.    For 
seeyng  his  valyauutyse  &  worthynes,  also  consideryng 
that  he  is  not  gilty  of  the  treson  it  were  grete  domtnage  4 
of  hys  deth.    For  yet  shall  he  mow  doo  wel.    And  as  to 
the  fader,  for  this  that  I  see  hym  olde  &  feble  /  of  my 
part,  sire  king,  yf  ye  vouchesauf  to  graunt  hym  grace 
therof  I  shuld  be  fayn  &  glad,  soo  that  I  haue  myn  8 
herytage  to   my   behouf,  and   that  the   prouffytes  & 
fruytes  that  he  hath  leuyed  &  receyued  of  it,  syn  he 
had  therytage  in  hys  handes,  be  by  extimacion  reualued 
in  money,    that  same  payment  to  be  by  you,  sire  king,  12 
ordeyned   to  edefye  or   bigge   a  pryorye,  &   monkes 
therin  to  be  rented  "with  reuenues  &  possessyons  after 
the  quantyte  of  the  said  money  to  fe  regarde  of  you 
and  of  yowr  Counseill.  the  said  monkey  to  pray  for  the  1 6 
sowle  of  the  kinges  nevew  perpetuelly.'     The  kinge 
thanne  said  to  his  barons,  '  Fayr l  Sires,  here  ye  may 
see  the  free  courage  of  a  knight  that  prayeth  to  me  to 
respyte  hys  enemys  fro  deth.  but  by  the  feyth  that  I  20 
owe  to  god  Josselin  nor  his  sone  shal  neuer  doo  treson 
ne  cause  no  man  to  goo  out  of  my  land  as  exiled.'    and 
fourthwit/i  he  made  them  to  be  hanged,  and  rendred  to 
Raymondin  his  enheryta?mce  and  al  Josselyn's  land  24 
with  aH.     Wherof  Raymondin  thanked  hym  moche 
humbly  and  made  to  hym  his  homage.     After  byganne 
the  feste  to  be  moche  grete,  and  held  the  king  grete  & 
noble  Court  open  to  al  men,  &  was  moche  glad  of  that  28 
he  had  recouered  &  goten  so  noble  a  knight  in  his 
land,    but  for  nought  he  made  joye,  For  soone  ynoughe 
he  shall  see  that  Raymondyn  had  no  grete  wylle  to 
abyde  and  dwelle  in  Bretayne,  for  moch"  longed  to  hym  32 
the  sight  of  Melusyne. 

Now  in  this  parte  telleth  thystorye  that  Raymondyn 
was  moche  wel  festyed  of  the  king  of  the  brut 
Bretayne  that  held  grete  &  honourable  Court  for  loue  36 

CH.  XIX.]  THE   SPOILS   OP   THE   VICTOR.  87 

of  Kaymondin,  and  the  barons  of  Bretayne  made  grete   and  made  wel- 

...  ,  ..      ,  .  .  come  by  the 

joye  tor  his  com?nyng,  and  specyally  his  vncle  Alayn  barons. 
and  hys  two  children,  &  they  of  his  lynage.     And 
4  thanne   came   Eaymondin   to   the   king  and   said   to 
hym  thus  :  'Sire  king,  I  pray  you  &  beseche  that  ye   Raymondin  asks 

J  *  *  J       the  king  to  allow 

vouchsaf  to  graunte  &  acorde  that  I  gy  ue  the  Baronye  him  to  give  his 

barony  to  his 

of  Leon  that  was  to  Henry  my  fader,  on  whos  sowle  c°Uf»n  Henry, 
8  god  haue  mercy,  to  Henry  my  Cousyn  /  and  so  the 
laud  shiil  bere  the  name  of  his  ryghtfuH  lord  /  and 
you  the  name  of  your  liege  man,  For  he  is  of  the 
right  lynee.'     'By  my  feyth,'  saycl  J>e  kinge,  'sire,  sith 
12  it  playseth  you  thus  wel  it  plesoth  vs  so  to  be.'   Tlienne  which  request  u 


the  kyng  called  Henry,  For  he  loued  hym  wel  and  said 

to  hym  :  '  Henry,  receyue  the  name  of  the  baronye  of  The  barony  in 

given,  and  Henry 

Leon,  whicn  your  Cousyn  gyue  you,  and  make  homage  does  homage  for 
16  to  me  therof  '  /  and  so  he  dide  •  and  thanked  moche  the 

king   &   Eaymondyn.1      And   this   doon   Eaymondin         l  foi.  51. 
called  to  hym  Alayn  his   Cousyn  :   '  I  gyue  you  the  Raymondin 

gives  the  con- 

land   that   the   king    hath   gyuen   me   that    late    was   "seat 

of  Josselin  to 

20  longyng  to  Josselin  Dupont,  and  make  your  homage  to  ^in«  ew^,°t^a 

the  king'  :  /  and  he  thanked  hym  moche  humbly  •  and  king  for  them. 
knulyng  made  hys  homage  to  the  kinge  that  moche 
joyfully  receyued  hym  to  it.     But  the  Barons  of  the 

24  land  byganne  thanne  to  make  rumour  among  them  and 

said  :  '  By  my  feyth,  this  knight  is  not  come  into  this  The  barons  of 

J       J       J  Britain  wonder 

lande  for  couetyse  ne  auarice.     But  only  he  hath  putte  at  the  riches  of 

Raymondin,  who 

his  lyf  in  grete  auenture  &  parel  for  to  conquere  his  j^8,^^6 

28  heritage.     Whan  so  sooue  he  demysed  hymself  therof. 

it  muste  wel  be  that  grete  ryches  he  hath  some  where  '  / 

Thanne  came  thauncyent  knight  to  Eaymondin.  and 

whan  Eaymondin  sawe  hym  he  said  to  hym  that  he 

32  shuld  delyue?*e  hym  self  of  that  his  lady  had  com- 

?uanded   hym  /  and  he  ansuerd,   'my  lord,  therfore   The  ancient 

knight  brings 

I    am   come   toward   you.'    and   thanne   he    presented  p;fts  from  Meiu- 

•  sine  for  the  king 

fro  hys  lady  to  the  kyng  a  grete  Coupe  of  gold  sette 
36  wz't/i  many  precyo«*  stone,   and  after  gaf  to  ail  the 

in  Raymondin's  Y I  ^hystory  telleth  vs  that  whiles  Raymond  yn  was  in 

absence  Melu- 

sjne  builds  Lu-  _|_      bretavne,  Melusyne  made  to  be  by  Id   up   the 

signan,  and  walls 

88  THE   TOWER   OF   LUSIGNAN.  [oil.  XIX. 

Barons   in   the   forsaid    name    many   ryche   jewelles. 
"Wherof  aH  were   meruaylled   of  whens   might  come 
such  a  riches  /  and   aH   they  said   that   Raymondin 
muste  be  moche  riche  &  mighty  in  some  other  Coun-  4 
who  rejoice          tree.     Wherfore  the  feest  was  greter  than  afore.     And 

much,  and  keep  . 

up  the  feast;        Alayn  and  his  two  sones  demened  suche  joye   that 
but  ail  the  time     none  shuld  mow  think  it.  but  yet  duryng  theire  joye 

much  sorrow 

prevails  among     Avas  on  other  syde  made  grete  sorow  of  the  parents  8 


friends.  &  frendes  of  Josselin  that  had  not  forgeten  )>e  deth  of 

i  foi.  516.       hym  /  as  herafter  ye  shal  here  reherce.      1And  here 
resteth  thystorye  to  speke  of  this  feste  &  folowyng 
the  matere  saith  how  Melusyne  gouerned  her  self  while  1 2 
that  Eaymondyn  was  in  his  vyage. 


11 »  toune  of  Lusynen,  and  walled  it  \vith  strong  walles  &  16 

toures  one  nygh  another,2  and  deep  diches  dide  doo 
also  builds  a        make  about  it.     A  toure  she  dide  to  be  made  betwixt 

high  watch 

tower,  with  wails  the  Fortresse  &  the  tounne  walled  \viih  a  waH  of  xx 

twenty  feet 

thick-  foot  thikk.     This  toure  was  over  hye  /  and  ordeyned  20 

men  that  shuld  be  styl  both  day  &  nyght,  at  leste  one 
vpon  the  vpermost  batelments  of  it  viith  a  trompe  in 
his  hand,  that  shuld  blow  at  euery  tyme  he  perceyued 
&  sawe  men  othre  on  foot  or  on  horsbak  togidre  aboue  24 
the  nombre  of  xx11  co??zmyng  toward  the  said  toune 
or  Castel  /  and  that  same  toure  she  called  the  tromped 
toure.     Now  retourneth  thistory  to  spek  of  the  kyng 
&  of  Raymondin,  and  of  the  feest  &  chere  that  euery  28 
one  made  to  Raymondin. 

The  feast  con-       TN  this  partye  reherceth  thystorye  that  moch"  was 

tinued  at  Nantes, 

-1-  the  feest  grete  at  Nantes  •  and  the  king  honoured 
moche  Raymondin,  and  there  jousted  gentilmen  one  32 
ayenst  other  byfore  the  ladyes  &  gentyl  wemen  wher 
Raymondin  bare  hym  fuli  valiauntly  &  goodly  that 
euery  man  spak  wele  of  hym,  sayeng  that  lie  was 
2  -f-  Fr.  pour  deff entire  a  convert  tons  l>;s  archlers. 


worthy  to  be  lord  of  a  grete  land.  And  moche  were 
they  abasshed  of  the  grete  riches  that  they  sawe  euery 
day  about  Raymondin  /  but  who  someuer  made  feest 
4  for  Raymondyn,  the  Chastelayn  of  AruaH,  that  was 
neuew  to  Josselin  Dupont,  made  aH  the  contrary.  For 
he  sodaynly  sent  to  alle  tlie  parentes  frende*  and  while  Josseiin's 

nephew  advised 

affyns  of  Josselin.  letyng  1them  to  knowe  how  it  was  his  kindred  of 

thetr  luss, 

8  of  theire  frend  Josselyn,  and  that  they  shuld  be  at  a        > 
certayn  day  that  he   assigned  to  them  at  a   certayn 
retretto  that  was  wtt/nn  the  forest  of  Guerrende  that  »nd  summoned 

them  to  a  retreat 

was  of  his  owne.     And  whan   they  vnderstode   the  in  the  forest  of 


12  deth  of  Josselin  Jjey  were  sorowfuH  «fe  woo,  and  assem- 
bled them  togider  about  ii  C  men  of  armes,  and  They  assemble 

two  hundred 

pryuely  yede  &  came  to  the  said  retrette,  where  the  said  strong, 
Chastelayn  had  manded  them  to  come.     And  thanne 

16  the  Chastelayn  in  the  moost  secrete  wyse  that  he  coude, 
departed  fro  the  kinges  court  wit/tout  leue  of  the  king 
ne  of  the  Barons  /but  there  he  lefte  thre  squyers  of 
his  for  to  loke  &  aspye  whiche  waye  Raymondin  shuld 

20  take,  and  that  they  shuld  anounce  it  to  hym  to  the 
retrette  beforsaid.  So  long  rode  the  Castelleyn  that 
he  cam  to  the  retrette  where  he  found  them  of  his 
lynage,  and  he  reherced  to  bem  aH  the  manere  of  »nd  are  informed 

of  the  mishap 

24  thaduenture   /  and  how   Josselin   &   his    sone   were  by  Josselin- s 


hanged  /  and  asked  of  them  what  they  thoughte  & 

proposed   to   doo   /  yf   they  shuld  auenge  them  on  «nd  are  asked  if 

.  they  intend  to 

Raymondin  that  was  causer  of  it  /  and  to  them  grete  avenge  them- 


28  blame  &  shame  for  euermore  was  bycause  of  hym 
imputed  /  or  elles  to  lete  hym  goo  free.  Thenne 
ansuered  for  al  the  lynage  an  vnwyse  &  hasty  knight 
that  was  sone  to  the  Cousyn  of  Josselin.  '  cousyn 

32  castellayne,  we  wol  that  ye  wete  &  knowe  that  thus 
shal  nat  this  oultrageo?ts  werk  be  lefte.  For  we  alle 
of  one  accorde  &  wylle  wil  putte  hym  to  deth  that  They  declare 

they  will  put 

to  vs  hath  doo  suche  vitupere  &  dyshonowr.'     '  By   Raymondin  to 
36  my  feith/  said  thanne  the  Castellayne,  '  I  hold  &  repute 



[CH.  XIX. 

fol.  52  6. 

upon  which  the 
nephew  promises 
to  assist  them, 

by  spying  which 
way  Raymondiii 
leaves  the 

The  feast  con- 
tinued fifteen 
days  longer ; 

then  Raymondin 
took  leave, 

and  accompanied 
with  Alain  rode 
to  Leon, 

where  the 
ancient  knight 
had  already  pre- 
pared for  them. 

1  fol.  53. 

the  \vele  &  honowr  wel  employed  that  Josselin  dide  l  to 
you  in  tyme  passed.     And  anoone  I  shall  putte  you  in 
the  way  and  place  where  we  shal  wel  acomplisshe  our 
wylle  on  hym  that  suche  shame  hath  doon  to  vs.     For  4 
by  what  someuer  side  he  yssueth  out  of  Bretayne  he 
may  not  scape   fro   vs.      For  therto   we   haue   good 
wayters,  &  espyes  that  soone  shaft  anounce  his  way 
to  vs  whan  tyme  shalbe.'     And  they  ansuerd  alle  \viih  8 
an  voys  / — '  Blessed  be  you.  and  wete  it  that  whatsom- 
ener  fatt  therof  /  this  enterpryse  shalbe  brought  to  an 
end,  and  we  shal  slee  that  false  knight  that  hath  im- 
posed to  vs  alle  vylonnye  &  shame.'     And  here  spekej)  12 
no  more  thistorye  of  them,  and  retourneth  to  spek  of 
the  king  &  of  Raymondyn.  and  how  he  departed  fro 
the  king  moch  honorably. 

Thystory  saith  that  the  feest  dured  wel  xv  dayes  &  1C 
more,  the  king  of  Bretons  &  hys  baronye  made 
grete  honour  to  Raymondyn  in  so  moche  that  I  can 
nat  reherce  it.     Raymondin  thanne  toke  leue  of  the 
king  &  of  his  Barons  and  humbly  mercyed  the  king  20 
of  his  good  justice  that  he  had  doon  to  hym  in  his 
noble  Court,  and  departed  fro  them  moche  honour- 
ably.    And  wete  it  that  bothe  the  king  &  many  his 
barons  were  sory  for  his  departing.     And  thus  Ray-  24 
mondyn  acompanyed  of  his  vncle  Alayn  his  two  sones 
&  all  theyre   meyne   rode   toward   Leon.     But   it  is 
trouth   that   fauncyent   knight  was  departed  &  goon 
by  fore  /  and  had  doo  sette  vp  bothe  tentes  &  pauillons  28 
and  att  other  thinges  necessary  he  ordeyned  &  made 
redy.     And  thanne  Raymondin  /  hys  vncle  w/t/i  his 
two  l sones  and  the  moost  nere  of  his  kynne  to  hym 
lodged   them   togidre   in   the    Castel.    and   the   other  32 
herberowed  them  in  the  toune.     Whan  the  peple  of 
the  Countre  knew  the  commyng  of  theyre  owne  lordes 
sone  they  were  joyf  uH  &  glad,  and  made  to  hym  many 
fayr  prescntes  after  the  vse  &  custome  of  the  Countre  /  36 

CII.  XIX.]  DANGER.  91 

as  of  wyn,  of  bothe  flesh  &  fysshe.  hey  &  ootys,  and  of  The  folk  of  the 

J  J  place  bring 

many  other  things*,  and  they  were  fayn  &  glad  sith  it  presents  to  Ray- 

J  mondin, 

playsed  not  Eaymondin  to  abyde  &  hold  the  land,  that 
4  they  were  befaH  in  the  sayd  lynee  of  theire  lord,  and 
that  they  were  quytte  &  exempted  fro  the  subgection  and  are  glad  to 

J  be  freed  of  allegi- 

&   boundage  of  the  lynee  of  Jossellin.     Eaymondin  ancetoJosseiiu; 
thanne  Ranked  them  curtoysly  of   theire  presentes  & 
8  yefte*.  commanded  &  prayed  them  that  they  wold  be 
true  &  feythfuft  subgets  to  Henry  hys  Cousin  to  whom 
he  had   eyue  the   land,    and  they  ansuered  that   bey  and  promise  to 

be  faithful  to 

shuld  doo  soo.     Of  them  resteth  thistorye,  and  speketh  Henry,  the 

cousin  of  Ray- 

12  of  the  spyes  that  wayted  there  /  of  which"  one  went  to  mondin,  their 

new  lord. 

the  retrette  where  the  Castellayue  of  AruaH  •  and  the 

lynee  of  Josselin  were  aH  redy  /  and  the  two  other  spyes  Spies  leave,  and 

tell  the  kindi-ed 

abode  for  to  knowe  what  way  Raymond  yn  shuld  hold  •  /  of  Josselin  of 

'     Rsymondin's 

1G  "TTN  this  partye  telleth  to  vs  thistory  that  Ray  mondin  doings. 
JL     departed  fro  Leon,  and  toke  leue  of  al  hys  parents  Leaving  Leon, 

Rayinoiidin  goes 

<fe  frendtw  there.  &  went  to  Quyugant  where  the  festa  toQuingant, 

where  he  is 

Avas  grete,  and  there  after  the  feeste  was  ended  Ray-  feasted. 

20  mondyn  wold  haue  take  leue  of  hys  vncle  Alayn  &  of 
all  his  lynage  /  but  they  dide  putte  the  moost  remedy 
they  coude  for  to  hold  hym  there  a  seuene  nyght  more. 
Wherfore  Ray  mondyn  obtempering  to  them  /  ye  / 

24  ayenst  his  entent  &  courage  1fullfylled  theire  willes.        'fci.  ss&. 
And  in  the  meane  while  came  to  Henry  hys  Cousyn,  a 
man  that  told  hym  that  as  he  passed  fourth  by  the  said  A  man  advises 

Henry  of  Leon  of 

retrette  where  the  Castellayne  of  AruaH  was  vrith  wel  the  assembling 

of  Josselin's 

28  two  houndred  men  in  armes,  that  they  abode  for  some  kindred  in  the 


folke  to  whom  they  owed  no  good  wylle.  but  he  told 
hym  not  whom  they  aspyed  &  watched  for.  And 
whan  Henry  understode  this  he  toke  a  squyer  of  his 

32  and  bad  hym  goo  thither  &  knowe  what  it  was.  and  he  Henry  des- 
patches 11  spy, 
that  was  moche  dilygent  dyde  so  that  he  knew  the 

moost  parte   of    theyre   purpos   and   entent   &   what 

nombre  fey  were.     Soone  after  he  retourned  to  Henry  who  returns  with 

„ ,,         ,       .  the  information 

oG  and  reherced  to  hym  all  that  he  had  found,  and  that 



[cu.  xix. 

that  five  or  six 
hundred  men  are 

Henry  enjoins 
silence  on  the 


and  tells  his 
brother  what  he 
kits  learnt. 

»  fol.  54. 

The  brothers 
gather  four  hun- 
dred men  of 


and  accompany 
when  he  leaves 

until  they  ap- 
] 'roach  the  forest 
where  Josselin's 
kindred  are  hid. 
nephew,  the 
Chastellain  of 
Arvall,  learns 
from  his  spies 
the  approach  of 
Raymundin ; 

they  were  wel  fyue  or  six  houndred  fighting  men. 
And   this  tydinges  herd  /   Henry   deffendid    to   the 
messanger  moche  expresly  that  to  no  body  he  shuld 
spek  of  it.     And  soone  he  called  his  brother  Alayn  4 
aud  some  other  of  the  moost  noble  of  hys  lynage  and 
reherced  to  them  alle  this  werk.     « By  my  feyth,'  said 
they,  '  we  ne  cannot  thinke  what  they  entende  to  doo, 
but  that  they  wold  auenge  them  on  Eaymondin  otir  8 
Cousyn  or  ell  is  to  meve  werre  ayenst  vs  for  the  said 
quarelle.  but  alwayes  it  is   good  to  be   purueyed  of 
remedye  •  lete  vs  therfore  send  for  alle  o?*r  frendes  and 
kepe  vs  secretly  togidre  tyl  we  see  what  they  haue  12 
purposed  to  doo  /  to  thende  yf  they  come  on  vs  that 
they  fynde  vs  not  discouej-ed  &  vnpurueyed  •  also  yf 
Eaymondin  departeth   that   he  be   not  surprysed   of 
them  /  and  yf  they  entende  to  doo  hym  euyl  /  it  is  1 6 
but  for  to  take  the  lyf  Jfro  hym.'     '  By  my  feyth,'  said 
the  other,  '  that  is  trouth.    Now  lete  vs  hye  &  delyuere 
vs  that  our  mandement  be  doo  of  light  &  secretly.' 
And  so  did  they  /  in  so  moche  that  wit/tin  the  second  20 
day   after  /  they   were    gadred    togidre  about    foure 
houndred  in  nombre  men  of  arnies  what  of  theyre  lynee 
and  what  of  theire  affynyte  &  alyed  /  &  made  them 
to  be  lodged  in  a  wod  so  that  few  men  knew  of  it.     It  24 
happed  thanne  that  Raymondyn  wold  no  lenger  abyde  / 
and  toke  leue  of  Alayn  hys  vncle  fat  abode  styl  at 
Quyngant  moche  woofutt  &  sory  of  hys  departyng  / 
and  hys  two  sones  companyed  hym  &  conueyed  vfitii  28 
grete  foysou  of   theyre  lynee.     And  neue?'  wold  lete 
hym  goo  byfore,  but  made  theyre  men  to  be  on  eche 
side  of  hym,  and  so  long  they  rode  that  they  approched 
the  Forest  where  the   Castellayne  and  his  felawship  32 
were   in   his   retrette  which   Castellayn   knew  by  his 
spyes  the  cornwyng  of  Raymondyn  &  his  men  and 
told  it  to  hys  parents  sayeng  in  this  ruaner  :  '  Xow  shal 
be  seen  &  knowen  who  euer  loued  Josselin  and  Olyuer  36 

CD.  XIX.]  THE   WARNING.  93 

hys  sone.     For  here  we  may  putte  to  deth  alle  the 
lynage  of  hym  self  fat  to  vs  hath  doon  suche  a  shame.' 

And  they  ansuered  to  hym  that  none  shuld  scape,  but   »nd  on  him  tell- 
ing his  men,  they 
4  alle  shuld  be  putte  to  deth.    But  as  the  prouerbe  saith,   promise  to  put 

Raymondin  and 

'  Such  weneth  to  auenge  his  shame  that  encreassith  it '  / l   5eatii.ndred  t0 
and  so  it  was  of  the  Castellayne  &  hys  parents.    In  this 
meane  while   came  )>auncyent  knight  to  Raymondin 
8  and  said  to  hym  in  this  manere  :  *  Sire,  ye2  myster  wel 
for  to  3  be  armed  gooyng  thrugh  the  Forest.     For  the        «foi.  si&. 
lynage  of  Josselin  that  ye  haue  dystroyed  loueth  you   The  ancient 

knight  warns 

not,  and  they  might  here  bothe  to  your  personue  and   Raymondin  of 
12  to  your  felawship  &  meyne  grete  do?nmage  yf  they 
found  you  vnpurueyed  /  and  my  herte  gyueth  me  that 
soone  we  shall  fynd  hem '  /  and  Henry  &  Alayn  his 
brother  and  aH  theire  lynage  were  armed  all  redy,  and 
16  had  sent  aH  theire  meyne  byfore  to  make  embushe 
w/t/nn  half  a  mylle  fro  the  retrette.     Thowie  whan 
Raymondyn  /  had  commanded  hys  men  to  take  theire 
armures  on  hem  &  sawe  them  of  his  lynage  that  were  who,  seeing  his 

cousin's  men  all 

20  alle  armed,  ho  ne  wyst  what  say  but  J>e  two  brethern  armed, 
his  cousyns  told  hym  how  they  had  sent  in  embusshe 
byfore  wel  iiii.  C.  of  their  men  for  to  kepe  hym  fro  hys 
euemyes  /  and  they  reherced  to  hym  aH  the  trouthe. 

24  '  By  my  feyth,'  said  Raymondin, '  curtoyse  oweth  not  to  thanks  them, 

,  anrt  promises 

be  forgeten  /  and  for  it  shal  not  as  to  my  parte  fro  hens  to  help  them 

should  they  ever 

fourthon.     For  yf  in  tyme  to  come  ye  hauo  nede  of  want  him. 
me  /  I  am  he  that  shal  at  al  tymes  be  redy  after  my 
28  power  to  fulfylle  yowr  wille.'     And  so  longe  they  rode 
that  they  entred  the  Forest  /. 

Thystorye   saith   that  the   Castellayne  was  in  his 
retrette  and  abode  for  the  spye   that   last  he 
32  had  sent  to  wete  whan  Raymondyn  shuld  entre  the 
Forest,  the  whiche  exploited   so  that  he  came  nigh 
Raymondin  /  and  thanne  he  lightly  retourned  toward 

1  Fr.  Tel  wide  venger  sa  honte  qui  Vacroit. 
2  Fr.  Et  bien  meatier. 

94  THE   AMBUSH.  [dl.  XIX. 

The chasteiiain,    the  retrette  and  to  the  Castellayn  he  said:  'Sire,  ye 

hearing  from  his  ,        .       ,       ,  ,        ~         ,. 

spy  of  Rayinon-     may  see  hym  come  yonder.     And  whan  the  (.Castellayn 

din's  appenr- 

«nce,  vnderstod  hyra  he  bygan  to  crye  wit/*  a  hye  voys  / 

cries  on  his  men 

to  follow  Mm.       « on  horsbak,  &  who  that  e\\er  loued  Josselin  &  his  sone  4 
ifoi.  55.        lete  hym  ^olowe  me.'     Thanne  styed  euery  man  on 
horsbak  /  &  they  were  so  encressyd  in  nombre  that 
They  mount,  and  they  were  wel  viii  C  &  moo  fighting  men,  and  rode 

are  allowed  to 

pass  by  the  men    fourth  in  ordynaunce  ayenst  Raymondin,  and  passed  8 

of  Henry  of  Leon, 

who  are  hidden     by  the  embusshe  that  Henry  and  his  parents  had  sent. 

in  the  forest, 

Tvhiche  lete  them  passe  fourth  wit/tout  they  discouered 
themself.  and  soone  after  bey  rode   after   them.     So 

«ntn  they  meet     longe  rode  the  Castelayn  &  his   folke  that  they  per-  12 
ceyued   nygh  them   jje  foreward  of   Raymondin.  but 
abasshed  he  was  whan  he  sawe  them  armed  gooyng 
by  ordynawnce  /  though,  they  were  but  a  few  seruaunts 
and  a  C.  men  of  armes  /  they  2escryed  them  to  the  deth  /  1C 
And  whan  they  vnderstode  it  they  yede  apart  &  made 

They  run  upon      to  blowe  theire  trompettes  and  ranne  vpon  Raymondyns 

men;  folke  whiche  were  sore  dormwaged  or  he  coude  come 

to  helpe  them,  the  whiche  rode  as  fast  as  the  hors  20 
might  walope,   and   hauyng    the   spere   on    the    rest 
launched  among  his  enemyes  /  and  the  first  that  he 
encozmtred  he  ouerthrew  hym  doun  to  therthe  &  aftir 
drew  out  high  [his]  swerde  and  smote  trauersing  here  24 
&  there  and  in  a  lytel  tyme  he  moche  dommaged  hys 

and  when  Ray-     enmyes.     But  whan  the  Castellayn  saw  hym  he  was 

mondin  comes  in 

sight,  full  woo  &  sory  /  and  he  shewed  hym  to  thre  hys 

Cousyns  sayeng  /  'loke  yonder   is   the  knyght  that  28 
hath  shamed  aH  our  lynage  /  yf  we  had  OUT  wylle  of 
hym  aH  the  other  shuld  be  soone  ouercome  &  vayn- 

the  chasteiiain     quysshed.'  thanne  bey  spoored  theire  horses,  and  aH: 

and  his  three 

cousins  attack      foure  ranne   ayenst   hym  /   and  \virn   theire   speeris  32 
recountred  hym,  soo  that  they  ouer  threw  bo  the  man 

2  Fr.  et  leur  escrioient :  A  mart  a  mart,  mal  acointastes 
celluy  qui  nous  a  fait  la  hoivte  et  le  dommaige  de  Josselin, 
notre  cousin. 


&  liors  l  to  the  erthe  and  passed  al  foure  fourth.  But  »  foi.  55*. 
whan  Rayniondyn  saw  hyra  oner  thrawen  he  spooryd 
hys  hors,  and  the  hors  that  was  swyft  and  strong 
4  releuyd  h.ym  on  hys  knees  and  soo  fourth  on  his  feet 
so  pertly  J>«t  Raymondyn  neuer  lost  stcvop  fro  tho 
foot  ne  swerd  fro  the  hand.  And  thannc  he  tourned 
toward  the  Chastellayn  &  so  mightily  smote  hym  on 

8  the  helmet  with  hys  swcrd  that  he  so  stakerid  that  he  Caasteiiuin, 
lost  bothe  steropes  /  and   as   Raymondyn  passed  by 
hym  he  hurtelyd  hym  soo  with  the  sholder  that  he  andfeiishira. 
feft  doune  to  the  erthe  /  and  the  pres  came  there  so 
12  grete  that  he  was  sore  tradde  with  hors  feet.     Thenne 
begane  the   bataill  grete  &  feH  and  sore  donunagel 
were    bothe    partes.     And    thanne    came    there    also  Assistance  conW 

in  the  persons  of 

thauncyent  knight  and  Henry  &  Alayn  hys  brother,   Henry,  Alain, 

and  the  aucicnt 

16  and  foughte  strongly  ayenst  theyre  enemyes.     There  knight, 
Raymondin   made   grete   fayttes    of    armes   and   sore 
domHiaged  hys  enemys.   but  the  Chastelayn  was  had 
out  of  the  pres  and  hys  men  toke  hym  another  hors. 

20  Thanne  toke  the  party  aduerse,  herte  &  courage  & 
stoutly  fought  they  ayenst  Raymondyn  &  his  folke. 
and  there  were  many  one  slayn  of  both  syde«<?.  And 
wet<?  it  that  Raymondyn  &  his  folke  susteyned  heuy 

24  weyght.     For  hys  aduerse  party  was  mocfr  strong  & 

moche  wel  they  fought  &  valyauntly.    but   the   em-  and  the  ambush 
busshe  of  Henry  came  by  the  bake  syde  on  them  and 
assaylled   them   on   aH   sydes  so   that   J)ey  wyst  not 

28  what  they  shuld  doo  /  how  they  shuld  defende  them 

self  nor  where   they  shuld   flee  /     Thenne  was   the  and  routs  the 


Chastellayn  taken  &  brought  before  Raymondin  /  and  companions, 

who  are  all  taken 

he  commanded  thauncient  knight  to  kepe  hym.     And  prisoners  or 


32  in  conclusion  aH  the  other  were  soone  after  outhro 
take  or  deed.  And  this  doon  they  came  to  the  retrette 
where  Raymondyn  said  to  hys  parents:  'Now  lord™ 
I  owe  wel2  to  loue  and  thanke  you  of  the  grete  *  foi.  MJ. 

36  socoure   that    ye    haue   doon   to   me    this   day.     For 



[CH.  XIX. 

thanks  his 
kindred  for  their 
help ; 

who  propose 
to  take  the 
Chastellain,  and 
all  others  of 
kindred  to  the 
king  of  Brut 
Britain  for  judg- 

The  prisoners 
who  are  not  Jos- 
selin's kindred 
are  hung, 

and  the  Chas- 
tellain  and  the 
rest  arc  taken 
bound  before  the 

Alain  tells  the 
king  the  treason 

and  says  that 
Raymondin  has 
sent  the  Chastel- 
lain and  his 
kindred  to 
receive  punish- 

i  fol.  56  6. 

The  king  asks 
the  Chastellain 
why  he  has  done 
such  a  shameful 

certaynly  I  wote  that  yf  it  had  not  be  the  help  of 
god  and  of  you  this  traytour  had  putte  me  to  deth  by 
treson,  now   haue  regarde  what  best   is   for  to  doo.' 
'  Sire,'  said  Henry,  '  as  yoztr  wyl  shall  graunte  we  alle  4 
assent  therto.'     'I  shall  saye  yon,'  said  Eaymondin, 
1  what  we  shal  doo.  lete  vs  take  and  assemble  aH  the 
lynee  of  Josselin  to-gidre  /  and  bothe  the  Chastellayn 
and  alle  the  other  his  parents  we  shall  sende  to  the  8 
kinge.     "Whiche  hauyng  regarde  to  theire  grete  falshed 
and  treson  shal  punysshe  aftir  his  good  wylle.'     Alle 
other  thanne  said  /  '  forsouthe,  sire,  ye  say  wel.'  Thenne 
were  chosen  out  aft  the  prysonners  that  were  not  of  12 
the  lynage  of  Josselin.  and  att  yate  of  the  said  retrette 
some  were   hanged  /  some  at  wyndowes  &  some  at 
batelments  of  it.     And  the  Chastellayn  and  alle  his 
parents   there   were   bounde   bothe  hand   &   feet    as  1G 
traytours   and   prysonners.   the   whiche   Alayn   acom- 
panyed  with  thre  houndred  spere  men  lede  them  toard 
the  kinge.  and  first  Alayn  presented  to  J>e  kinge  the 
Chastelayne  of  AruaH   as  he  that  had  conspired  &  20 
machined  that  treson  /  and  al  other  after,  and  to  hym 
reherced  Alayn  aH  how  it  was  happed,  and  how  Kay- 
mondyn  recoinmanded  hym  to  his  good  grace  /  and 
that  he  wold  not  be  dysplaysed  yf  he  had  take  venge-  24 
aunce    on    hys    mortal  enmyes    that  wend  to  haue 
murdred  hym  wit/i  treson,  and  that  he  sent  to  hym  the 
Chastellayn  chief  causer  and  other  his  complices  for  to 
knowe  by  them  the  trouth  of  the  faytte  and  for  to  28 
punysshe  them  at  his  plaisure  and  wylle  /     '  And  how, 
Chastellayn,'  said  the  kinge  'haue  ye  be  so  l  hardy  to  doo 
suche  treson  and  so  shameful}  dede  for  the  raisonnable 
justice  that  late  we  dide  in  our  rea?<me  /  seeing  &  also  32 
considering  the  grete  treson  that  Josselin  jour  vncle 
knowleched  &  confessed  to  haue  doo  ? '     '  By  god,'  said 
the  king, '  ye  were  therof  surquydous,2  &  it  is  wel  right 
2  Fr.  moult  oultre  culde. 

CII.  XIX.]  THE    KING    OF    BRETAIN's   JUSTICE.  97 

yf  euyl  is  comme  to  you  therof.'     '  Ha,  noble  kinge,' 

said  thanne  the  chasteleyn,   'for  yo?*r  pite  lete  falle  The chasteiiain 

begs  for  mercy, 

your  mysericorde  on  me  caytyue  personne.  For  the 
4  grete  sorowe  &  woo  that  I  had  of  the  dyshommr  that 

Raymondin  had  doon  to  our  lynage  hath  caused  me 

to  d»o  soo.' 

'  TVv  ray  feith,'  said  the  king,  'it  is  euyl  companye  of 
8  JJ  a  traytoMi-  /  and  good  it  is  to  shette  the  stable 

before  the  hors  be  lost,  wel  I  wyl  that  ye  knowe  that 

neuer  ye  shall  haue  suche  purpos  as  to  wyl  elee  no 

centylman  vfiUi  treson,  For  neucr  I  shaft  ete  tyl  that  ye  but  the  king  s«ys 

J  he  will  not  eat 

12  be  hanged  \\ith   yo/tr  vncle,  for  ye   shaH  hold  hym  till  they  be  hung; 
felawship,  and  also  aH  them  that  are  of  yowr  cohortaceon.' 
The  kinge  made  to  be  take  aHe  them  of  hys  cohorte  or 
company,  and  were  aH  hanged  /  and  the  Chastelayn  he  which  judgment 

16  sent  to  Nantes,  and  there  he  was  hanged  nyghe  to  his 
vncle  Josselin  &  Olyuyer  hys  Cousyn.  And  thus  kepto 
wel  the  king  of  Bretons  Justice  in  his  time  regnyng  in 

20  T"l"ere  sayth  thistory  that  whan  Alayn  was  retourned 
JLJL  to  Raymondin  unto  the  retrette,  and  that  he 
hadd  to  hym  and  to  the  other  reherced  this  fat  the 
kyng  had  doon  /  they  said  that  the  kyng  had  doo  right  Raymondin 

praises  the  king's 

24  wel  as  a  valyaunt  &  lawfuH  justiser  shuld  doo.  Thenne  justice, 
called  Raymondyn  to  hym  Henry  Alayn  &  other  of  his 
lynee  and  said  to  them  in  this  manere  :  '  Fayre  cousyns 
&  good  frendes,  I  enjoyne  &  charge  you  that  ye  doo  and  asks  his 

J    J  J  cousin  to  build 

28  edef ye  or  bigge  a  pryorye  w»t&  viii  monkes,  and  that  »  Priory for 

eight  monks, 

ye  reueste  them  with  rentes  and  reuenues  such  tint 
honestly  &  goodly  they  may  lyue  on  for  euermore  / 
they  to  pray  there  for  the  sowle  of  amy  fader  /  for  the         » foi.  57. 
32  kingis  nevew  sowle  and  for  the  sowles  of  them  that  are  to  pray  for  the 

souls  of  those 

slayn  &  ded  in  this  quareH.'     And  theyalie  said  •  they  killed  in  the 


shuld   soo   doo.      And   Raymo?zdyn   prayed   them   to 
recomwande   hym   to  the   kingis   good   grace  to  hys 

35  barons  and  to  Alayn  their  fader.     And  thanne  he  tokc 



parts  from  his 
cousins,  who 

return  to  their 

Henry  and  Alain 
tell  their  father 
the  news, 

and  how  they 
have  to  build  a 

The  father  is 
glad  to  hear  of 
the  clearance 
of  Josselin's 

and  advises  his 
sons  to  ask  land 
from  the  king  to 
build  the  priory. 

1  fol.  57  6. 

They  set  out  to 
the  king, 

and  find  him  by 
a  tree  in  the 
forest  of  Sassi- 
nion,  waiting 
for  a  hart ; 
but  hide  them- 
selves till  it  is 

THE   VISIT   OF   HENRY   AND   ALAIN    TO   THE    KING.       [CH.  XIX'. 

leuc   of   them   /  and   they   were   sorowfuH   of   theiro 
departement  /  and  also  of  this  that  he  wold  nat  lete 
them  goo  no  ferther  \vtth  hym.     They  retourned  to 
Qnyngant.     And   Raymondin   yede   on   his  way  and  4 
cam  to  gnerrende  •  and  wel  he  was  there  festyed  and 
worshipfully  cheryed  of  them  of  the  tonne.     And  here 
resteth  thistorye  of  Raymondyri  *  and  shaH  recounte 
how  Henry  &  Alayn  toke  leue  of  theyre  lynee  and  cam  8 
ayen  to  theyre  fader. 

Thistorye  saith  in  this  pans  that  Henry  and  Alayn 
toke  leue  of  theyre  lynage  &  came  to  theire 
fader   and   recounted  to  hym  aH  thaduenture  of   the  12 
Chastellayn,  how  they  were  departed  fro  j?eyr  cousyn, 
and  how   he  hadd  commanded   &   charged   them    to 
fownde  a  pryory.  '  By  my  feith,'  said  j?eire  fader.  '  Alayn, 
now  is  the  land  wel  clene  delyuered  of  the  lynage  of  16 
Josselin  ;  god  on  theyre  sowles  hatie  mercy,  how  he  it 
they  loued  vs  neuer.     Now  fayre  sones  I  shaH  saye 
you  what  ye  shal  doo.     First  ye  shal  goo  to  the  kinge 
&  requyre  hym  that  it  plese  hym  to  gyue  you  a  place  20 
for  to  edefye  the  Pryorye  /  and  telle  hym  the  mane?* 
how  ye  be  commanded  of  yo?tr  Cousyn  to  fownde  it. 
and  I  byleue  he  shal  gyue  you  a  good  ansuer.'     And 
they  said  that  thus  shuld  they  doo.     And  thanne  they  24 
departed  fro  theire  fader,  and  so  long  they  rode  that 
they  camme  to  Vannes  and  founde  the  kinge  departed 
&  was  goon  to  1Sassymon  for   to  dysporte   hym   at 
Chasse.     And  they  mounted  on  horsbak  and  came  to  28 
the  gate  and  parssed  &  entred  the  Forest  and  rode  so 
long  tyl  they  came  to  the  Castel.  and  founde  the  kyng 
goon  to  the  park  to  the  chasse  /  and  the  two  brethren 
yed  after  &  founde  the  king  nyghe  a  grete  tree  by  a  32 
staung  where  he  abode  aftir  the  herte  that  houndes 
chassed.  Thenne  the  two  bretheren  drew  them  self  aparte 
bycause  they  wold  not  lette  the  kyng  to  see  the  dysporte  / 
who  perceyued  them  wel2  &  coude  them  good  thanke  36 
2  Fr.    leur  en  scent  moult  lion  gre. 


therfore.  and  not  long  after  j>e  herte  came  that  ranne 
in  to  the  stating  /  and  there  he  was  take  by  chaas  of 
dogges  /  and  was  hadd  out  of  the  watre  /  and  the 
4  curee  made  &  gyue  to  the  hounds  as  custome  is  to 
doo.  Thenne  Henry  and  Alayn  his  brother  drew  them 
self  byfore  the  king  and  sale  wed  hym  moche  honour-  They  come  out 

...         .  .  .      .     .  and  salute  the 

ably  /  and  made  wel  theire  message  as  theyre  Cousin  king, 

8  had  charged  them.     And  the  king  welcomwed  hem  <fe  are  welcomed, 
moche  enquyred  of  them  thestate  of  Raymondin  and 

they  told  hym  alle  that  they  had  seen  of  hit  /  and  ami  tell  him  of 

Raymondin  and 

after  they  recounted  to  hym  how  he  enjoyned  «k  charged  his  w'ii  about 

12  them  to  edyfye  «fc  make  vp  a  Priorye  of  eyghte  monke*. 

them  to  reueste  &  empossesse  wj't/<  land/V,  reuenues  & 

rents,  they  to  syng  &  pray  therfore  for  the  sowle  of  the 

kiugis  nevew  /  for  Henry  his  faders  sowle,  and  for  the 

16  sowles  of  alle  them  that  had  receyued  deth  in  this 

quarelle.     Also  how  at  hys  instaunce  they  shuld  pray  and  ask  for  land 

to  build  it  on. 

hy??i  for  a  place  where  they  shuld  edefye  the  said 
pryorye.  '  By  my  feith,'  said  the  king.  '  the  requesto 
20  is  wel  lawf ull  &  raysonable.  and  euen  now  1 1  shall  * ful- M- 
lede  you  to  the  place  where  I  wyl  that  it  be  fownded 
and  made  vp.'  Thanne  they  came  out  of  the  wareyno 
and  came  aH  by  the  walle  to  thende  of  the  clos.  and  The  king  leads 

them  to  a  spot, 

24  thenne  said  the  king :  '  Fair  lordes,  make  here  to  be 

edyfyed  a  Pryory  &  take  asmoche  of  grounde  as  ye  where  he  gives 

them  as  much 

lyketh  /  and  I  gyue  hberte  &  habaundonne  you  the  land  as  they 


forest   for   to  cutte   there   the   wode.   and   whan   the 
28  monkes    shal    be    stablysshed    there,    I    enlyberte    & 
habaundonne   it   to   them    for  theire  vse  and  to  alle 
thider  comwiyng  &  dwelling.     And  I  graunte  to  them  and  grants  to  the 

monks  the  right 

the  fysshiiv'  in  the  see  that  is  nygh  to  this  place  a  of  fishing,  hunt- 
ing, shooting, 
32  quarter  of  a  legcre,  and  to  take  in  the  Forest  bthlflfc  &  and  wood  cutting 

in  the  forest ; 

wild  beeste*'  for  theire  lyuyng  &  sustenaunce  of  theire 

houshold  '  and  also  I  gyue  to  them  all  the  landes  erable  and  gives  some 

arable  land,  all 

that  are  her  about  half  a  legge '  /  and  of  alle  this  he  on  good  patents. 
3G  made  &  gaf  to  them  good  &  suffisazwt  patents,  and  of 



[CH.   XIX. 

The  priory  is 
built  for  eight 
white  monks, 

•who  have  «n 
azure  *Jf  on  their 
outside  robe. 

1  fol.  58  6. 

reconciles  two 
barons  of  Guer- 

and  leaves  for 
Poiton,  where 
lie  found  many 
parts  unin- 

having  dis- 
mantled castles 
and  other  ruins, 
caused  by  past 

He  arrives  at 
the  abbey  of 


and  dwells  there 
three  days, 
gives  jewels  to 
the  abbey 

all  these  graunts  &  gestes  the  two  brethern  thanked 
the  king  moche  humbly  whiche  made  massons,  carpen- 
ters, &  other,  to  come,  and  in  short  tyme  they  made 
the  chirche  &  the  priorye.  and  there  they  stablysshed  4 
whyte  monkea.  vnto  the  nombre  of  VIII.  religious 
personnes,  the  which"  bere  on  theire  vtterist  habyte  a 
crosse  of  Azure  /  and  enpossessed  them  wel  for  theire 
sustenawice  &  cotidiane  lyuyng  /  as  now  yet  is.  And  8 
now  resteth  thystorye  to  spek  of  the  king  of  Bretons 
and  of  the  two  bretheren.  and  retourneth  to  recounte 
how  Raymondin  gouerned  hym  self  syn  after. 

Now  telleth  thystorye  that  so  long  abode  Eaymon-  12 
din  in  the  land  of  Guerrende  J  that  he  peased 
and  acorded  togidre  two  barons  of  the  lande  that  long 
by  fore  hated  eche  other  to  deth.     In  so  moche  that  he 
made   them   to  be   good   frendes  togidre,  and   theire  16 
Countrees  in  peas  and  rest.    And  after  he  toke  his  leue 
of  the  barons  &  of  the  peuple,  which  sorowed  moche 
for  his  departing,  and  so  long  he  rode  that  he  came 
into  the  land  of  Poytou,  wher  he  found  many  grete  20 
forests  vnhabyted  /  and  in  some  places  he  sawe  many 
wyld  bestes,  as  hertes,  hynd',  &  roo,  wyld  bores,  and 
other  beestes  ynough.  and  in  other  places  many  fayre 
playnes  &  champaynes.  many  fayre  medowes  &  ryuers.  24 
'  By  my  feyth,'  said  thanne  Raymondin, '  it  is  grete  pyte 
&  domraage  that  suche  a  commodyouse  Countre  is  nat 
enhabyted  with  peuple.'  and  many  a  fayre  manoyr  and 
places  were  on  the  ryueres  there  that  soone  might  be  28 
redressed  as  hym  semed  whiche  had  be  ouerthrawen  in 
tyme  of  warre.     And  thus  rydyng  fourth  he  came  to 
an  auncyent  Abbey  called  Maylleses,  and  therein  were 
comprised  thabbot  and  an  houndred  monkkw,  beside  32 
the  Convers.  and  there  herberowed  Raymondyn  for  the 
grete  playsaunce  that  he  toke  of  it.  and  J>er  he  dwelled 
thre  dayes  and   thre  nightes.  and  gaf   to  the  chircR 
there   many   fayre  jewelles.     After  he  departed   and  36 


came  rydyng  tyl  he  aprouclied  &  came  nygh  Lusy-  and  continues 

his  journey  to 

nen.    and    first    he   perceyued   &   sawe   the   tromped   Lusignan,  but 

does  not  recog- 

toure  and  the  new  tonne,  and  thenne  he  supposed  not   nize  '*»  because 

of  the  new  tower 

4  to  be  there  as  he  was.     For  he  knew  not  the  place  for  ?lld L*°.wn .built 

by  Melusme. 

cause  of  the  said  toure  &  toune  new  made  of  late,  and 
moche  he  meruaylled  whan  ho  herd  l  the  sowne  of  the         i  M.  59. 
trompes  -within  the  toure  /. 

8  "Tn  this  part  saith  to  vs  thystorye  that  whan  Ray- 

JL     mondin  came  aboue  Lusy  nen,  &  he  perceyued 

the  tonne  walled  round  aboute  with  strong  walles  and 

fortifyed  with  deep  dyches  &  grete.     'how,'  said  he  to 

12  tliauncyent   knight,   'What  may   this   be;    mesemed   He  expresses 

J  his  doubts  to  the 

right  now  that  I  was  forwayed  of  my  way  to  come  to  anoient  knight, 
lusygnen  /  and   yet  me  semeth  soo?'     thenne  began 
tliauncyent  knight  to  lawhe.     And  Raymondin  said 

1 G  to  hy m  :  '  How,  sir  knight,  jape  you  vrith  me  /  I  telle 
you  for  certayn  yf  it  were  not  the  toure  and  the  toune 
that  I  see  I  shuld  haue  wend  to  be  this  nyght  in 
Lusygnen.'  'By  my  feyth,'  said  thauncient  knight, 

20  'soone  ye  shal  fynde  yourself  there  yf  god  wyl  wit//   who  tells  him 

J  J  J  J  he'll  soon  be 

grete  joye.'   Now  I  shaH  sey  yon  some  of  Raymondyn's   home, 
senitmnts  were  sent  before  by  tliauncyent  knight  to 
anounce  Melusyne  the  com»iyng  of  Raymondin.  and 
24  how  be  it  she  byleued  them  wel  /  she  made  no  seni- 

blaunt  berof  /  but  soone  she  caused  the  peuple  to  be   Meiusine, 

advised  of  Ray- 

rc'ly  for  to  goo  &  mete  wttA  Raymondyn.  and  she  her  mondin's arrival, 

makes  hei-self 

self,  acompanyed    w/t/t  many   ladyes  &   damoyselles,  and  people  ready 
28  yede  to  mete  &  welcome  hym  wel  horsed  &  arayed 
honorably   and   rychely.      Thenne    Raymondin   loked 
fourth  by  fore  hym  and  sawe  the  peple  commyng  fro   Raymondin  sees 
the  valey  vpward  ayenst  hym  two  &  two  togidre  in 
32  fayre  ordyn<mnce,  wherof  he  moche  meruaylled.  and 
whan  they  aproched  they  bygan  to  crye  with  a  high 
voys,  'ha,  ha,  dero  lord,  welcome  may  you  be.'     And  and  hears  them 

cry  '  Welcome ' ; 

thenne  Raymondin  knew  soin  of  them  that  were  comme 
36  2  ayenst  hym  /  and  demanded  of  them,  'Fayre  lordes,        *  foi.  594. 



[CH.  XIX. 

them,  he  asks 
how  far  Lusig- 
na ii  is. 

They,  seeing  his 

tell  him  of  it, 
and  how  it  is 
caused  by  the 
new  buildings, 

which  abashes 

Melusine  greets 

tells  him  she 
knows  all, 
and  praises  his 

They  enter  Lu- 
signan  together, 
and  hold  a  great 
feast ; 

afterwards  Ray- 
inoudin  visits  the 
Earl  of  Poitiers, 

recounts  the 

fol.  CO. 

aiid  returns 

Melusine  bears 
her  second  sou 
Edon,  who  had  a 
very  great  ear ; 

fro  whcns  come  you  1 '     '  My  lord,'  sayd  they,  '  wo  com 
fro  lusynen.'     '  thenne/  said  Raymondin,  '  is  Lusynen 
ferre  hens  1 '     They  thanne,  seeyng  that  he  iiiysknewe 
the  place  for  cause  of  the  ne\v  toune  &  toure  /  said :  4 
'  My  lord,  ye  be  at   it,  but  ye  my  sk  no  we  the  place 
by  cause  that  my  lady  syn  yowr  depart  yng  hath  doo 
made   and    by  Id    this    toun    &    that   high    toure.  and 
yonder  ye  may  see  her  comrayng  ayenst  you.'     Thenne  8 
was   Raymondin  moche  abasshed  /  and  said  not  all 
that  he  thoughts.  but  when  he  remewbred  how  she 
tlyde  doo  make  the  Castel  of  Lusynen  in  so  short  tyme 
he  gaf  hym  self  no  meruayH  yf  she  had  doon  soo.  12 
Thenne  is  come  to  hym  Melusyne  that  honorably  wel- 
com??«ed  hym,  saye«g  in  this  manere :  '  My  lord,  I  am 
right  fayn  &  glad  of  that  ye  haue  so  wel  wrought 
&  doon  so  honourably  in  youv  vyage.     For  al  things  16 
haue   be   reherced    to   me   alredy.'     And   Raymondia 
ansuerd  to  her :  '  Madame,  it  is  by  the  grace  of  god 
and  of  you.'     And  talking  togidre  of  this  matere  they 
entred   Lusynen   and   alighted.     Ther   was   the   feste  20 
grete  that  lasted  eighte  dayes,  And  was  there  the  Erie 
of  Forest  that  said  to  Raymondin,  'ye  be  welcome.' 
And  after  the  feest  they  departed  fro  Lusynen  and 
came  to  Poytiers  toward  the  Erie  that  receyued  )>em  24 
benygnely,  and  demanded  of  Raymondin  where  he  had 
be  so  long,  and  he  recorded  to  hym  alle  his  auenture. 
And  shortly  to  say,  the  Erie  Bertran  was  therof  joyful 
&  glad.     JAnd  that  doon,  the  brethern  toke  leue  of  28 
hym  /  and  the  one  yede  toward  forests,  and  Raymondin 
toward  his  wyf  &  lady,  which  thenne  was  grete  vrit/t 
child,  and  bare  her  terme  /  the  which"   expired,  she 
made  a  fayre  child  that  was  her  second  sone  /  he  was  32 
soone  baptised  and  imposed  to  name  Edon,2  and  hadd 
an  eere  greter  without   comparyson   than   that  other 
was  /  but  all  hys  other  me??ibres  were  replenysshed 
2  Fr.  Odon. 

Ctf.  XIX.]  THE    BIRTH    OF   GUYON.  103 

beaute,  the  which"  Edon  liad  syn  to  hys  wyf  tlie   he  was  after- 

ward married 
Erie    of    Marcliis   doughtir.      And    of    liym   resteth  to  the  daughter 

J  of  the  Earl  of 

thistorye  /  and  speketh  ferthermore  of  Melusyne  &  of  March, 
4  Itaymo«dyn  her  lord. 

Thistorye  sayth  &  certifyeth  that  whan  the  lady 
had  ended  the  terme  of  her  childbed,  and  that 
she  was  releuyd  /  the  feste  was  made  grete  /  and  many  Meiusine  gives  a 


8  noble  men,  ladyes,  and  damoyselles  were  there,  the 
whiche,  after  the  feest  fuft  honourably  toke  their  leuo 
&  departed.  And  that  same  tyme  the  lady  Melusyne 
bykled  bothe  the  Castel  &  toune  of  Melle.  Also  she  builds  the  castles 

nnd  towns  of 

12dide  doo  make  Vouant   &   Mernant1  and   after  she  Meiie  and  Max- 


made  the  bourgh  &  toure  of  saynt  Maxence,  and  bygan  and  begins  the 

abbey  there. 

the  Abbey  there,  and  moche  good  she  dide  to  poure 

1C  fTlhe  second  yere  after  folowyng  she  hadd  a  sone   Meiusine  has 

her  third  son 


JL      that  was  named  guyon,  &  [he]  was  a  moche  fay  re   Guyon,  who  has 

one  eye  higher 

child  /  but  he  had  an  ey  higher  than  that  other.     And   than  the  other ; 
weto  it  that  Melusyne  had  euer  so  good  nouryces,  and  her  children  are 

so  well  tended, 

20  had  so  grete  care  for  her  children  that  they  mendid   that  they  grow 

so  that  folk 

&  grewe  so  wel  that  euery  one  that  saw  them  iner-  marvel  at  them, 
nay  lied.     2  And  that  tyme  Melusyne  bigged  &  fownd        »foi.eo6. 
many  a  fayre  place  thrughe  the  lande  of  Poytou  unto  She  builds  much 

in  Poitou :  the 

24  the  duchie  of  Guyen//e.     She  bilded  the  Castel  and  be  castle  and  town 

of  Parthenay, 

burgh  of  Partenay  so   strong   and   so   fayre  without 
comparyson.   after  that  she  dide  doo  make  )>e  Toures  of  and  of  Rocheiie. 
Uochelle  &  the  Castel  also,  &  bygan  a  part  of  the 

28  toune,  and  thre  leghes  thens  was  a  grete  toure  &  bigge, 
whiche  Julius  Cesar  dide  doo  make,  and  men  called  it 
the  Egles  toure,  bycause  that  Julius  Cesar  bare  an  Eglo 
in  hys  banere  as  emperoMr.  That  toure  made  the  lady  she  fortifies  the 

32  to   be  walled   &  forty fyed   round  aboute  wt't/i  grete  said  to  have  be'eu 

built  by  Julius 

toures  machecolyd,  and  made  it  to  be  called  the  Castel  c^sar. 
Eglon.     And  afterward  she  edel'yed  Pons  in  Poytou  She  builds  Pons, 

fortifies  Saintes, 

and  fortyfyed  Xamtes3  that  was  called  at  that  tyme 
1   Kr.   \\~uclroHt  i't  Jfi-niKint.  3  Saintes. 

104         THE   BIRTHS   OF   ANTHONY,  RAYNALD,  GEFFREY,  ETC.       [CH.  XIX. 

builds  Talle- 
mounte,  and 
many  oilier 
towns  and 

Melusine  has 
her  fourth  son 
Anthony,  who 

has  a  lion's  claw 
growing  from  his 

Her  fifth  son 
Raynald  has  only 
one  eye,  but  so 

i  fol.  61. 

bright  and  clear 
That  he  can  see 
ships  twenty 
leagues  off  (sixty- 
three  miles). 

Her  jixth  son 
Gelfrey  had  a 
tooth  that  pro- 
truded an  inch 
and  more,  so  he 

•was  called 
Geffrey  with  the 
Great  Tooth; 

'he  was  very 

and  did  many 
wonders  in  his 

Her  seventh  son 
I'Yoimniid  hud  a 

Lynges  /  and  after  she  made  Tallemounte  and  Talle- 
mondois  and  many  other  tounes  &  fortres.  And  gate 
&  acquyred  so  moche  Eaymondin  thrugli  the  polycye 
&  good  gouernawnce  of  Melusyne,  what  in  Bretayne,  4 
what  in  Gascoynwe  &  in  Guyenwe  as  in  Poytou,  that 
no  prynce  was  about  hym  /  but  he  doubted  to  dysplaise 

Soone  after  Melusyne  was  delyuered  of  her  foureth  8 
man  child,  whiche  hight  Anthony,  none  fayrer 
was  seen  before  that  tyme.    but  in  his  birth  he  brought 
a  token  along  his  chyk,  that  was  the  foot  of  a  lyon, 
wherof  they  that  sawe  hym  wondred,  &  moche  were  12 

Here  saith  thistorye,  that  the  vijth  yere  after  Melu- 
syne bare  the  fyfte  child,  of  whiche  at  thende 
of  ix  monethes  she  was  delyuered,  &  was  named  ray-  16 
nald.     none  fayrer  child  might  men  see,  but  he  was 
borne  only  l  \riih  one  eye  /  but  it  was  so  bright  & 
so  clere  that  he  sawe  the  ship  thre  kennynges  ferre  ou 
the  sea,  that  is,  one  &  twenty  leghes  ferre  /  and  lyke-  20 
wyse  on  erthe,  whatsoeuer  it  was.     That  same  Anthony 
was  fuH  gracyous  &  curteys,  as  ye  shal  here  in  thystory 

Ferthermore    saith   thistory,   that    the   eight    yere  24 
Melusyne  childed  the  vi.  child,  that  was  a  sone, 
and  had  to  name  Geffray,  Whiche  at  his  birth  brought 
in   hys   mouthe   a   grete   &   long   toth,  that   apyered 
wit/iout   an  encn"   long  &  more  /  and   therfore   men  28 
added   to  his   propre   name   Geffray   wt'tA   the   grete 
toth.     and  he  was  modi  grete  &  hye,  and  wel  formed 
&  strong,  merueyllously  hardy  &  cruel,  In  so  moche 
that  euery  man  fered  &  dradde  hym  whan  he  was  in  32 
age  /  he  made  in  his  tyme  many  wonders  &  mmieylles, 
as  heraftir  ye  shal  here  in  thystorye. 

Thystorye  sayth  that  the  ixth  yere  after  Melnsyne 
had  a   sone,  that  was   the  vijth,  &  hight  Froy-  36 

CH.  XIX. ]  THE    BIRtH  OF   HOKRIBLE.  105 

nose1  a  top  of  heeris,  and  in  his  tyme  he  was  moche  tuft  of  hair  on 

his  nose, 

deuonte.     and   afterward,  by   thassent   of   bothe   hys 
4  fader  &  moder,  he  was  made  rnonke  in  the  abbey  of  and  became  a 

monk  in  tin 

Maylleses,  of  whom  ye  shall  here  herafter  thystorye.        abbey  of  Mail- 


n  this  part  sayth  to  vs  thistorye  that  Melusyne  was 
two  yere  w/t/iout  birth  of  child,  but  true  it  is  that 

8  in  the  xjth  yere  she  had  her2  xth  sone,  and  was  grete  Her  tenth  son 

.  Horrible  had 

menieyllously  /   and   he    brought   at   hys    birth   thre  three  eyes,  one 

in  the  middle 

eyen,  one  of  the  which"  was  in  the  mydel  of  his  forhed.  of  his  forehead, 
he  was  so  euyl  &  so  3  cruel  that  at  the  foureth  yere  of        »  foi.  eis. 

12  his  age  he  slew  two  of  hys  nourryces.  wueL*8  Very 

THe  veray  hystory  saith   that   so  long   norysshed 
Melusyne  her  children,  that  Vryan,  whiche  was 

theldest  &  first  born,  was  xviij  yere  old.     he  was  grete  Urfaatenow 
16  and  fayre,  &  wonderly  strong,  and  made  grete  appertyse  and  is  fair  and 


in  armes,  so  that  euery  man  &  woman  had  pyte  of  hys 
dyfformytee ;  for  his  vysage  was  short  &  large,  hys  one  though  his  face 

is  strange,  and 

eye  was  red  &  the  other  blew,  and  hys  eerys  were  as  his  ears  large. 
20  grete   as   the   handlyngas'   of   a   Fan.     and   Edon   his  Edon  is  seven- 


brother  was  of  xvij  yere  of  age.     and  Guy  on  had  of  Guyonissix- 
yeres  xvj,  and  loued  Eche  other  wel  Vryan  &  Guyon  /  Huia01na1I0ve  on 
ami  so  pert  &  swyft  they  were,  that  alle  thoo  that  sawe  au<ither  mudu 

24  them  gaf  hem  self  grete  wonder  &  meniayH.  they  were 
beloued  of  all  the  nobles  of  the  land,  &  made  many 
faytes  &  appertyses  of  armes  in  Joustes,  tournoyeng, 
&  in  Lystes. 

28        It  happed  that  same  tyme  that  two  knyghtM  of  TwoPoitevin 

knights  return 

Poytou  came  fro  Jherusalem  agayn  /  and  recounted  from  Jerusalem, 
there  as  they  passed,  how  the  sawdan  of  Damask  had  amiteiiofthe 

Sultan  of  Damas- 

besieged  the  king  of  Cypre  in  hys  Cite  of  Farnagoce,  <fe  cus  besieging  the 

King  of  Cyprus ; 

32  that  he  held  hym  therin    in    grete  dystres.     and  b«t  and  in  wiiat  dis- 
tress the  king  is, 

same  kyng  lie  had  to  hys  heyre  but  only  a  dough ter,  *nd  heir 

whiche  was   moche   fayre.     and   these   tydinges  were 

1  Fr.  line  petite  tache  velliie. 
-  Fr.  huitlesme,  mid  so  in  Harleiiui  MS.  418. 


THE    TALE    OF    THE    KNIGHTS    FROM    JERUSALEM.        [cH.  XIX. 

Urian  hearing 
the  tale,  speaks 
to  Guyoh, 

i  fol.  62. 

and  proposes  to 
luni  to  do  some 
deeds  of  arms. 

The  knights 
from  Jerusalem 
are  sent  for, 

and  are  ques- 
tioned about 
where  they  have 

Urian  expresses 
his  surprise  that 
they  did  not  stay 
and  help  the 
Christian  king. 

They  explain 
that  it  was  im- 
possible to  enter 
the  town, 
as  it  was  be- 
sieged by 
eighty  thousand 

ferfourth  brought  in  the  land,  that  Vryan  knew  of  it. 
and  he  thenne  said  to  his  brother  Guy  on :    'By  my 
feith,  fayre  brother,  it  were  grete  almese  to  socoure  that 
kyng  ayenst  the  Paynemys.     We  ben  al  redy  eyght  4 
bretherne.     the  land  of  our  fader  may  not  remayne 
wz't/tout  heyre,  though  we  were  bothe  deed.     Wherfore 
we  owe  the  more  to  enterprise  1vyages,  and  see  where 
we  may  doo  some  faytes  of  armes,  to  be  therwit/i  en-  8 
haunced  in  worship  &  honour.'     '  By  my  feyth,'  said 
Guyon,  '  ye  said  trouth.     but  what  cause  you  to  say 
soo,  seeyng  that  euer  I  am  redy  to  doo  as  ye  wyl  doo  1 ' 
'  Southly,'  said  Vryan,  'ye  say  full  wel.     Lete  we  send  12 
for  the  two  knightes  that  be  come  fro  the  holy  vyage, 
to  be  ensured  of  them  more  playnly  of  the  trouth.' 
they  sent  to  the  two  knightes  that  they  wold  come  & 
spek    with    them,   the   which   gladly   dyde   so.     And  16 
whan  they  were  come,  the  two  brethern  welcomwed 
&   receyued    them    goodly.      and    aftir    they    bygan 
tenqnyre  of  them  the  manege  of  theire  vyage  /  of  the 
vse  &  maneres  of  the  land  where  they  had  be.     and  20 
they  said  to  them  the  playu  trouth.     '  We  vnderstand,' 
said  Vryan,  '  that  ye  haue  passed  thrugh  an  yle  wher  a 
king  cristen  regneth,  which  is  oppressid  ouennoch  of 
the  paynemys  /  &  wonder  is  vs  that  ye  abode  nat  in  24 
the   wcrre   wit/i   that   Cristen    kyng,   for   to   help   & 
coinforte  hym,  ye  that  are  so  renowmed,  Worthy  and 
valyaunt  knightes,  cOnsyderyng  as  it  semeth  to  vs  that 
alle  good    cristens  are  hold   &  bound   to   helpe   echo  28 
other  ppecyally  ayenst  the  paynemys.'    To  this  ansuered 
the  two  knightes  :  'By  my  feith,  gentil  squyer  &  lord, 
wel  we  wyl  that  ye  knowe  that  yf  by  eny  man<re  we 
myght   haue    entred  the   toime   w it/tout  deth,   &  saf,  32 
gladly  we  had  doo  so  as  ye  say.     but  wel  ye  wote  that 
two  knyghtes   may  not  susteyne   &  bere   the  weight 
ayenst  wel  Lxxx.    or   houndred  thousand   paynemys, 
that  thenne  had   besieged  the  toune  wherin  the  said  3G 

CH.  XX.]     UR1AN    AND    GUYON    RESOLVE   TO    FIGHT   THE    SARACENS.     107 

king  was.     For  ye  oweth  to  wcte  that  Jwel  fole  is  he        '  foi.026. 
tliat  fighteth  ayenst  the  wynd,  wenyng  to  make  hyin 
be  styH.'    '  By  my  feyth,'  said  Vryan,  '  yoz*r  excusac/on 
4  is  good  &  iuste.     but  tell  me  yf  men  myghty  to  reyse   Urianasksifa 

force  of  twenty- 

&  lede  w/t/t  them  a  xxijV  or  xxvV  thousand  men  of  five  thousand 

men  would  be 

arraes,  myght  doo  eny  faytte  there  to  help  &  socoure  courThe^own? 
the  sayd  kyng  1 '    Thenne  ansuerd  one  of  the  knights  : 
8  'By  my  feyth,  sire,  yo  /  seen  &  considered  that  the  the  knights  think 
Cite  is  strong,  and  the  kyng  wtt/an.  valiaunt,  hardy  & 
worthy  fighter  of  his  personne  /  and  he  is  acompanyed 
Avith   many   good    men    of    arincs,    &   the   toun   wel 

12  vytaylled  /  and  yet  ther  be  many  Fortresses  where  they 
of  Itodes  come  to  refresshe  themself,  of  the  whiche 
the  kyng  &  they  in  the  Cite  haue  grete  recomforte  / 
and  wete  it  that  moche  easely  &  wel  they  might  goo 

10  tliidcr  /  and  wold  to  god  suche  a  felawship  as  ye  spek 
of  wer  redy,  and  that  my  fclawe  &  I  shuld  take 
thadue//tuve  w/t/t  them/  '  I>y  my  feyth,'  said  thenne 
Vryan,  'my  brother  &  I  shaH  receyue  you,  &  lede  you  Urian promises 

to  lead  them 

20  thither,  god  before,  and  that  shortly.'     And  whan  they  there, 
vnderstode  hym  say  soo,  they  were  moche  glad,  sayeng 
that  yf  they  soo  dyde,  hit  moued  them  of  valvaunt  for  which  the 

knights  thank 

courage  &  grete  noblesse  of  herte.   Here  resteth  thistorye  hil«*. 
2-4  of  these  two  knighte-s,  and  yet  ferther  speketh  of  Vryan 
&  Guy  on. 

Cap.  XX.     How  Vryan  &  Guy  on  toke  leue 
of  bothe  theyre  fader  &  moder,  and  of  the 
28      help  that  they  had  of  J^em. 

2T~n  this  part}re  sayth  thistorye  that  Vrya;*  and  his         » foi.  63. 
A.     brother  Guyon  cam  to  Melusyne  thoire  moder,   Urian  and  Guyot 

ask  Melusine  to 

and  to  her  said  Vrvan  in  this  manere :  '  Madame,  yf  let  them  go 

abroad  to  seek 

32  ye  vouchesaaf,  it  were  wel  tyme  that  we   shuld   go  their  fortunes, 
fourth  to  our  vyage,  for  to  knowe  the  Countrees  ferre 
&  straunge,  Wherby  Ave  may  acquyre  honour  &  good 



[CH.  XX, 

becaiise  there  are 
eight  sons,  and 

if  the  lands  are 
divided,  the 
estates  would 
not  be  great. 


promises  to  ask 
their  father's 

who  assents 

Melusine  tells 
them  that  their 
father  has 
granted  their 
request,  and  so 
has  she ; 
and  promises  to 
provide  an  outfit 
for  them. 

renommee  in  straunge  marches,  to  thend  that  we  lerne 
&  vnderstand  the  dyuerse  langages  of  the  world.     Also 
yf   Fortune   and   good   auenture   wyl   be    propyce   & 
conuenable  to  vs,  we  haue  wel  the  wyH  &  courage  to  4 
subdue  &  conquere  Countrees  &  landes ;  For  we  con- 
sidere  &  see  that  alredy  we  be  eyghte  bretheren  /  and 
are  lyke,  yf  god  wyl,  to  be  yet  as  many  moo  in  tyme 
cora?»yng.     and  to  say  that  your  landes  &  possessions  8 
were  parted  in  so  many  partes  for  our  sustenaunce  & 
gouernement  /  he  that  shuld  enheryte  the  chyef  lyflod 
shuld  not  be  able  to  kepe  no  grete  houshold,  no  to  be 
of  grete  estate,  to  the  aKegard  of  the  high  blood  &  12 
grete  noblesse  that  we  come  of  /  also  consideryng  as 
now  your  grete  estate.    Wherfore  as  to  my  brother  &  I 
my  self,  we  quytte  our  parte  /  except  alonely  your 
good  grace,  thrugh  thayde  that  ye  now  shaH  doo  to  vs  1 0 
for  our  vyage,  yf  god  wyl  gyue  vs  grace  to  acomplysshe.1 
'  By  my  feyth,  children,'  said  thenne  Melusyne,  '  your 
requeste  is  caused  of  grete  worthynes  and  courageous 
herte,  and  therfore  it  oweth  not  to  be  refused  ne  gayn-  20 
sayd.     and   vpon   this   matere   I  shaH   entreate   your 
faders,  For  without,  hys  counseyH  I  owe  not  to  accorde 
your  requeste.'     Thanne  fourthwit/i  came  Melusyue  to 
Raymondin  /  and  shewed  hym  the  requeste  &  wyH  24 
of  theire  two  sones ;  the  whiche  ansuerd  &  sayd,  '  By 
my  feyth,  madame,  yf  it  lyke  you  good  they  doo  soo,  I 
assent  gladly  therto.'     'Sire,'  said  Melusyne,  'ye  say 
wel ;  and  wete  it  that  they  shal  do  nojnng  in  theire  28 
vyago  but  that  it  shaH  tourne  to  theire  grete  lawde 
&  honozir,  yf  god  wyl.'     Then  came  ayen  Melusyne  to 
her  two  sones,  and  thus  she  said   to  them :   '  Fayre 
children,  thinke  from  hensfourthon  to  doo  wel ;   For  32 
your  fader  hath  grauuted  youre  requeste,  &  so  doo  I. 
and  care  you  not  for  no  )>ing,  For  wzt/iin  short  tyme 
I  shall  ordeyne  &  purveye  for  your  faytte  v?ith  goddis 
grace  &  help  /  in  such  wise  that  ye  shaH  konne  me  3G 

CH.  XX.]  THE    ARMAMENT.  109 

good  gree  &  thanke  therfore.  but  telle  me  whether  & 
to  what  part  of  the  world  ye  wyl  &  purpose  to  goo,  to 
thende  I  purvey  of  suche  thinges  that  shalbe  necessary 
4  to  you  therfore.'  Thanne  ansuerd  Vryan  :  '  Madame, 
wel  it  is  true  &  certayn  that  we  haue  herd  certayn 
tydynges  that  the  kyng  of  Cypre  is  besiged  l  by  the  l  foi.  et. 
Sawdan  within  hys  Cyte  of  Famagoce  /  and  thither,  yf  They  tell  their 

J        J  '  •>       mother  they 

8  it  playse  god,  we  entende  &  purpose  to  go  for  to  ayde  intend  succour- 
ing the  King  of 

&  socoure  hym  ayenst  the  fals  &  mysbyleuers  pay-  Cyprus, 
nemys.'     Thanne  gan  say  Melusyne, '  herto  muste  be 
purueyed  /  As  wel  for  the  see  as  for  the  land ;  and 
12  with  goddis  grace,  my  dere  children,  I  shaH  ordeyne  so  she  promises 

to  provide  what 

therof  in  suche  nianere  that  ye  shal  be  remembred  of  if»  necessary  for 

sea  and  land. 

me :  and  this  shal  I  doo  shortly.'     The  two  bretheren 
thenne  kneled  doun  by  fore  theyre  moder  /  and  thanked  They  thank  her ; 
16  her  moche  humbly  of  her  purveyaunce  &  good  wylle. 

And   the   lady  toko  hem  vp,  and   sore  wepyng   she  and  she, weep- n-, 

J  kisses  them  both, 

kyssed  them  bothe,  For  grete  sorowe  she  had  in  her 
herte  /  though  she  made  wiMoutfourth  chore  of  theire 
20  departyng.     For  she  loued  them  with  moderly  loue,  as  '<«•  she  loves 

J  J  them  with 

she  that  had  nourysshed  them.  motherly  love. 

Thystorye  sayth  that  Melusyne  was   fuH   curyows 
and    besy   to   make   al   thinges   redy   Jjat   were 

24  necessary  to   her  sones  for  theire  vyage.     She  made  Meiusine  pre- 
pares galleys, 
(jrale}Tes,    Carrykes,   and    other    grete    shippes    to    be  carracks,  and 

other  ships,  and 

vytaylled  &  redy  to  saytt  /  and  }>e  nauye  was  so  grete  victuals  them, 
in  nombre  that  it  was  suffysaunt  for  foure  score  thou-  enough  for 

eighty  thousand 

28  sand  men  of  armes  to  sayH  in.     And  in  the  meane  men  of  arms, 
while    the    two    bretheren   sent   for  the   two   forsaid  The  Jerusalem 

knights  are  sent 

kmghtft?,  &  said  to  them  that  they  shuld  be  redy  to  for, 
meve  fourth  shortly,  as  they  had  promysed  to  them. 
32  And  they  ansuered  :    '  Lordes,  we  be   aH  redy.     and  and  tell  the 

brothers  they  (ire 

many  gentylmen  that  we  knowe  ben  shapen  &  redy  to  ready  to  go  with 


go  with  you  in  your  felawship,  and  we  alle  be  desyrows 

to  serue  you  and  to  doo  your  playsir.'     '  By  my  feyth,' 

36  said  Vryan,  '  right  grete  gramercy  to  you.     We  shaH 



[CH.  XX. 

1  fol.  64  b. 

The  armament 
ready,  Melusine 
appoints  four 
barons  to  look 
after  her  two 

The  men  and 
stores  are  put 
on  board  the 

the  banners  are 
waved,  trumpets 
sounded,  and 
every  one  enjoys 
the  scene. 

The  brethren 
bid  their  friends 

and  are  accom- 
panied to  their 
ships  by  their 
Melusine  draws 
them  apart, 

and  gives  them 
each  a  magic 

which,  whilst 
they  wear  it  and 
remain  true, 

they  will  never 
lose  in  a  good 

nor  be  hurt  by 
magical  arts  or 

s  fol.  65. 

The  brothers 
thank  their 

who  advises 
them  always  to 
hear  divine 
service  before 
doing  any  work ; 

alede   them   wel,  yf  god   wyl   and   you   also.'     Now 
thenne,  shortly  to  saye,  Melusyne  dyde  so  nioche  that 
al  was  redy,  and  had  foure  Barons  to  whome  she  be- 
toke  the  kepyng  &  gouernaurcce  of  her  two  sones.  and  4 
had  grete  foyson  of   gentylmen  knightes  &  squyers, 
vnto  the  nombre  of2  two  thousand  Vc  men  of  armes,  & 
fyue  houndred  archers  /  and  as  many  men  with  crosse- 
bowes.     And  thenne  the  vytaylles,  artylery,  harneys  &  8 
horses  were  charged  in  to  the  vesselles,  an  syn  mounted 
the  men  into  the  same.     There  were  seen  baners  & 
standarts  /  and  the  sowne  of  trompes  &  tambours  and 
of  many  other  instruments  was  herd,  that  euery  one  12 
enjoyed  that  sawe  it  /  And  the  two  brethern  toke  leue 
of  j?eire  bretheren  and  frendes,  &  of  the  peple  of  the 
land,  that  moche  tenderly  wept  for  theire  departyng. 
And  Raymondin  &  Melusyne  conueyed  theire  children  1C 
vnto  the  see ;   and  whan  they  come  there  Melu«yne 
drew  hem  apart,  and  said  to  them:   '  Dere  children, 
vnderstand  this  that  I  wil  tett  you  &  commande.'  / 
'/Children,'   sayd   Melusyne,   'here   be   two   ryngft* 20 

V^  that  I  gyne  you  /  of  whiche  the  stones  ben  of 
one  lyke  vertue.     and  wete  it  that  as  long  that  ye 
shaft  vse  of  feythfulnes,  w/t/iout  to  think  eny  euyl,  ne 
doo  trychery  or  hynderawnce  to  other  /  hauyng  alwayes  24 
the  said  rynges  &  stones  vpon  you,  ye  shall  not  be 
dyscomfyted  ne  ouercome  in  no  faytte  of  armes,  yf  ye 
haue  good  quareH.     ne  also  sort  or  enchau??,tment  of 
art  Magiqwe,  ne  poysons  of  whatsomeuer  manere  shul  28 
not  lette  ne  greve  you  /  but  that  assoone  as  ye  shaft  see 
3  them   they   shaft   lese   they  re    strengths.'      and    she 
delyuered  to  eyther  of  hem  one  /  and  they  thanked 
her  moch",  kneelyng  to  therthe.     And  yet  said  Melusyne  32 
to  them  in  this  mane?-e  :  'My  dere  &  beloued  children, 
I  wol  &  charge  you  that  wher  so  euer  ye  be,  ye  here 
the  deuyne  seruyse  or   euer  ye  doo   eny  o\>er  work. 

2  Fr.  qnatre  mille  hommes  d' armes  ;  no  particulars  given.      36 

CH.  xx.]  MELUSINE'S  ADVICE.  Ill 

also  that  in  aH  yo?«r  affayres  &  dedcs  ye  clayine  &  to  cnii  on  God 

for  help,  and  to 

calle  thayde  &  help  of  OUT  Creatcwr,  and  serve  nym   serve  and  fear 

J         Him; 

diligently,  and  loue  &  dredde   hym  as  your  god   & 
4  your  maker,     and  that  all  way  cs  ye  honoure  &  worship  to  honour  and 

sustain  holy 

\viih  an  yo?tr  power  holy  chirch",  heyng  her  champyons,   Church; 

the  same  to  susteyne  &  withstand  ayenst  alle  her  euyl 

wyllers.     Help  ye  &  cowzseylle  the  pouere  wydowes,  to  help  widows, 

orphans,  and 

8  nourysshe  or  doo  to  he  norysshed  the  pouere  orphenyns,   ladies; 
hoth  f.iderlea  and  moderles  /  and  worship  al  ladyes  / 
gyue  ayde  and  comforte  vnto  alle  good  maydens  that 
men  wol  haue  dysheryted  vnlawf  ully.    loue  the  gentyl-  to  frequent  the 

_  11111'  company  of 

12  men,    and    hold   them    good   companye.    /   be    meke,  gentlemen; 

humble,  swete,  curtoys  &  humayne,  both"  vnto  grete  to  be  courteous 
&  lesse.     and  yf  ye  see  a  man  of  armes  pouere,  & 

faH  in  decaye  by  hap  &  fortune  of  juste  werro,  re-  to  help  the  un- 

i  n  t         i       i  f  fortunate ; 

ID  fresshe  hym  of  some  of  yowr  goodes.  be  large  vnto  the 
good  folke  /  and  whan  ye  gyue  eny  thing,  lett  hym 
not  tary  long  for  it;  but  \vel  loke  &  considere  how 
moche  &  why  /  and  yf  the  personne  is  worthy  to 

20  have  it,  and  yf  ye  gyue  for  playsaunce,  loke  &  kepe  to  be  thrifty; 
wel    that    prodigalite    or    folysshe    largenes    surpryse 
you  not  /  so  that  after  men  mocke  not  with  you.     For 
they  that  haue  wel  deserued  to  be  of   you  rewarded 

24  shuld  not  be  wel  apayed  ne  l  content  therof  /  and  the        »  foi.  65  A. 
straungers  shuld  mocke  you  behinde  yo?«-  backe.     and 
kepe   ye  promyse,  or  behighte  no  thing  but  that  ye  to  keep  pro- 
may  fournysshe  &  hold  it.     and  yf  ye  promyse  eny 

28  thing,  tary  not  the  delyueraunce  of  it,  For  long  taryeng 
quenchith  moch  the  vertu  of  the  yefte.  kepe  wel  ye 
rauysshe  no  woman  /  ne  be  coney tows  of  other  mens  to  abstain  from 

.       .  ill-using  women ; 

wyues,  of  whom  yo  wil  be  loued  and  hold  for  your 
32  frendes.     believe  not  the  Counseytt  of  none  /  but  first 
ye   knowe   his   manere,  deeling  &   condycyons.     also 
beleue  not  the  counseyH  of  Flatterers,  and  enuyo?ts,  &  to  beware  of 

flatterers  and 

auarycyo?«s  /  no  suche  putte  not  in  none  office  aboutc  envious  persons ; 
3ti  you,  For  they  cause  rather  to  their  maister  dyshono?<r 



[CH.  xx. 

to  pay  loans ; 

to  govern  well ; 

to  keep  all  their 
privileges  intact; 

never  to  inflict 
tuxes ; 

»  fol.  Gfi. 

to  beware  of  the 
advice  of  exiles  ; 

to  be  just; 

&  sliamc,  than  ony  worship  or  prouffyt.     kepe  wel  ye 
borow  nothing  but  that  ye  may  yeld  it  ayen  /  and  yf 
for  nede  ye  be  constrayned  for  to  borow  /  as  soone  as  ye 
may  /  make  restitucion  of  it  /  And  Jms  ye  shal  moAve  4 
be  without  danger,  &  lede  honourable  lyf.     And  yf 
god  graunte  that  Fortune  be  to  you  good  &  propyce  in 
subduyng  your  enmyes  &  theire  landes,  goueme  wel 
yowr  folke  and  peuple  after  the  nature  &  condycion  8 
that  they  be  of.     and  yf  they  be  rebeH,  kepe  wel  that 
ye  surmounte  &  ouercome  hem  wtt/iout  to  lese  eny 
suche  ryght  that  longith  to  yowr  lordship  &  seignourye  / 
and  that  ye  euer  make  good  watche  vnto  tyme  ye  haue  12 
vayuquysshed  at  yo'wr  wylle.     For  yf  ye  oue/ptredde 
your  self  /  nedes  ye  muste  rule  your  self  after  theire 
wylle.     but  alwayes  kepe  wel,  whether  they  be  euyl  & 
hard,  or  debonnaire,  that  ye  no  hauwce  &  sette  new  1C 
customes  that  be  vnraysonwable  /  and  of  them  take 
only   your  dute   and   ryght,  wit/jout   to   retayH   J?em 
1wzt//out   and   ayenst  raison.     For   yf    the   peple   is 
pouere  /  the  lord  shal  be  vnhappy  /  and  yf  werr  came  20 
he  shuld  not  mowe  be  holpe  of  them  att  hys  nede  / 
wherfore  he  might  farl  into  grete  dazmger  &  seruytude. 
For   wete  it  wel  /  that  a  flyes   of  a  yere   is  more 
prouffytable  /  than  the  flyes  pat  is  shorne   twyes  or  24 
thryes  in  a  yere.     now,  my  children,  yet  I  deffende  & 
forbede  you  that  ye  byleue  not  the  Counseill  of  none 
exilled  and  flenied  fro  his  land,  in  this  that  may  touchc 
the  hynderyng  or  domwage  of  them  that  haue  exilled  28 
hym  /  yf  there  nys  good,  right  &  lawfuH  cause  /  and 
ye  to  haue  good  reason  to  help  hym,  For  that  shuld 
mowe  lette  you  to  come  to  the  degree  of  worship  & 
hono?tr.     And  aboue  aH  thinges  I  forbede  you  pryde  /  32 
and  commande  you  to  doo  &  kepe  justice,  yeldyng 
right  aswel  to  the  leste  as  to  the  moost  /  and  desyre 
not  to  be  auenged  at  vttermost  of  aH  the  wronges  don 
to  you  by  some  other  /  but  take  suffisaunt  &  raysonn-  36 


able  amendes  of  hym  that  offreth  it.     Dyspreyse  not  to  be  watchful 

of  enemies,  no 

your  enmyes  though  they  be  litel,  but  make  euer  good  matter  how 
watche.  and  kepe  wel  as  long  ye  be  conqueryng,  that 
4  atwix  yowr  felawes  ye  mayntene  nat  yourself  as  lord 
&  sire  /  but  be  commyn  &  pryue  bothe  to  more  &  to  be  on  familiar 

terms  with  their 

lesse  /  and  ye  owe  to  hold  them  company  after  the  men; 
qualite  &  vocacyon  that  they  be  of,  now  to  one  &  now 
8  to  other.     For  al  this  causeth  the  hertes  of  creatures  to 
drawe  vnto  the  loue  of  them  that  are  humayn,  meke  & 

curteys   in   theire   dignite   &   seignouryes.     Haue   an  to  have  a  lion- 
heal  t  towards 
herte  as  a  fyers  Lyon  ayenst  your  1enemyes  /  and  shew  their  enemies ; 

1 2  to  them  yowr  puyssaurace  and  valyauntyse.    and  yf  god 

endoweth  you  \vith  some  aoodes,  departe  som  of  it  to  to  share  their 

spoils  with  their 

yowr  felawes  after  he  hath  deserued.     And  as  to  the  men; 
werre,  byleue  the  counseyH  of  the  valyaunt  &  worthy 
16  men  that  haue  haunted  &  vsed  it.     Also  I  defende 

you  that  no  grete  treatee  ye  make  with  your  enmyes,  to  make  no  long 

.  treaties, 

For  in  long  treatee  lyeth  somtyme  grete  falshed.  For 
alwayes  wyse  men  goo  abacke  for  to  lepe  the  ferther ; 
20  and  whan  the  sage  seeth  Jjat  he  is  not  able  to  resyste 
ayenst  the  strengthe  of  his  enemyes,  he  seketh  & 
purchaceth  alwayes  a  treatee,  for  to  dyssymyle  vnto 
tyme  he  seeth  hy mself  mighty  ynough  for  them  /  and  for  they  are 

liable  to  be  nm- 

24  thanne  anoone  of  lyght  they  fynd  waye  &  manere 
wherby  the  treatees  ben  of  none  effect  ne  value. 
Wherfore  loke  ye,  forbere  not  yowr  enemyes  there,  as 
ye  may  putte  them  vnder  yowr  subgection  vrith  honour. 

28  And  thenne  yf  ye  shew  them  fauowr  &  curtoysye,  that 
shal  tourne  to  you?  grete  hono?/r  /  and  leue  ye  to  doo 
for  them  by  treatee  or  appoyntement.  For  though  no 
falshed  or  decepcton  be  founde  in  none  of  bothe  sydes  / 

32  yet  shuld  mow  some  men  say  or  thinke  that  ye 
somwhat  doubted  them  /  how  be  it,  I  say  not  that 
men  owe  to  reff use  good  traytee,  who  that  may  haue 
it '  /  Thus,  as  ye  here,  chastysed  &  endoctryned  Melu- 

36  syne  her  two  sones,  Vryan  &  Guyon,  whiche  thanked 




LCI  i.  XXL 

The  brothers 
thank  their 
mother  for  her 

i  fol.  67. 

Melusine  tells 
them  she  has 
well  stored  their 

ships ; 

and  giving  them 
to  God's  care, 
bids  them  re- 
member her 
advice,  and  act 
on  it. 

her  moclie  humbly,  and  thenne  she  sayd  :  '  Children, 
I  haue  sent  gold  &  syluer  ynoughe  in  to  yowr  ship  for 
to  hold  &  maynten  yoztr  estate,  and  to  pay  therwtt/i 
yowr  men  for  foure  yere.  1And  haue  no  doubte  or  4 
care  for  bred,  byscuyte,  Freshe  watre,  vynaigre,  Flessh 
salted,  fyssh  ynongh,  &  good  wynes  suffysaunt  to  long 
tyme,  For  therof  ben  yowr  shippes  wel  fylled  &  pur- 
ueyed.  goo  thanne  fourth  on  your:  waye,  vnder  the  8 
sauegarde  of  god  /  who  kepe  you  /  lede  &  retourne  you 
agayn  'with  joye.  and  I  pray  you  that  ye  thinke  & 
remembre  what  I  haue  sayd  to  you,  to  fulfyH  it  after 
yoitr  power.' /  12 

The  brothers  bid 
farewell  to  their 

weigh  their 

*  fol.  676. 
and  after  prayer 

they  put  to  sea. 

Their  parents 
leave  for  Eglon 

Urian  and  Guion 

Cap.  XXI.  How  Uryan  &  Guyon  tooke  leue 
of  theire  moder  Melusyne  and  eiitred  theire 
ship.  / 

Thenne  they  toke  leue  of  theyre  fader  and  moder  16 
and    entred    theire    vesseli.     This    doon,   the 
ancres  were  had  in,  &  the  saylles  haled  vp,  the 
patrons  made  theire  recowmendacions  to  god  as  cus- 
tomed  it  is,  to  2that  by  hys  benygne  grace  he  wyl  20 
graunte  to  them  good  ryuage,  and  accomplysshing  of 
theyre  vyage  without  lettyng  or  empeschement.     The 
wyndes  were  for  them  propyce  &  good  /  and  in  short 
tyme  they  were  ferre  cast  on  the  see  so  that  they  were  24 
out  of  sight  /  ' 

Thanno  departed  Eaymondyn  &  Melusyne,  and 
theyre  meyne  w*t/i  them,  and  came  to  the  Castel 
Eglon.  And  here  resteth  thystorye  of  them,  and  re-  28 
tourneth  to  spek  of  Vryan  and  Guyon  hys  brother,  and 
of  theyre  felawship  that  saylled  on  the  see,  holding 
theire  way  toward  Cypre.  / 

Thystory  sayth  that  whan  TJryan  and  Guyon  were  32 
departed  fro  Kochelle  they  saylled  long  on  the 

CH.  XXI.]  A   SEA    FIGHT   WITH   THE  SARACENS.  115 

see,  and  passed  by  many  yles,  &  refresshed  them  in 

many  places ;  and  so  long  they  rowed  bat  they  sawe  till  they  see 

two  galleys  being 

many  vesselles  that  chased  two  galeyes  /  and  thenne  chased. 

4  the  Patron  shewed  them  to  be  two  brethern  /  and  they 
ansuered,  and  demanded  of  them  what  was  best  to  doo. 
' By  my  feyth,'  sayd  the  Patron,  'it  were  good  we  send 
a  galeye  to  wete  what  folke  they  be  /  and  in  the  meane 

8  while  we  shal  make  OUT  men  to  take  theyre  armes  & 
barneys  on  them  at  al  auauntures.'  '  By  my  feith/ 
said  Vryan,  '  that  I  vouchesaf '  /  and  they  dide  soo. 

And  thanne  the  galeye    departed  abrode,  and  saylled   They  send  to 

see  who  are  in 
12  toward  the  straungers  /  and  escryed  bern,  &  demanded  them. 

of  them   what   they  were,  and   they   ansuerd,  '  We  The  messengers 

find  the  galleys 

be  two  galeyes  of  Kodes  that  haue  be  found  of  the  to  be  from 


paynemys  that  foloweth  &  chaceth  vs,  and  we  see  wel 
1C  ye  bo  Cristen,  and  so  are  aH  1they  that  come  after        *  foi.  68. 
you.'     '  By  my  feyth/  sayd  they  of  the  galeye,  '  we 
ben  as  ye  suppose  and  saye.'     'By  my  heed/  said  one 
of  the  patrons  of  Kodes  galeyes  /  '  goo  &  haste  your 
20  felawship,  For  yo  haue  found  fayre  auenture.  yonder  and  that  the 

vessels  that  chase 

be  of  the  sawdans  folke  that  goo  to  the  siege  of  Fama-  them  are  the 

Sultan's  of  Dn- 

gosse  /  and  who  might  dystroye  them,  he  shuld  doo  mascus,  who  is 

on  his  way  to 

grete  socoure  to  the  king  of  Cypre  /  and  to  the  sawdan  jft"^"^!^? 

24  of  Damaske  grete  dowmage.'     Whan  thenne  they  of  of  °>fpruB. 
the   galeye   herd   this  /  they  sodaynly   retourned   & 

announced  it  to  the  two  bretheren  /  and  to  theire  folke  On  hearing  this 

news,  Urian  and 

whiche  anon  yede  vp  to  the  Castels  of  theire  shippes,   Guion  prepare 

their  ships  to 

28  and  clymed  vp  to  the  toppes  of  them,  hauyng  speere  &  feht- 
darts,  stones,  &  wild  fyre  alredy  /  also  bowes  &  arowes 
in  theire  handes  /  gonnes  &  pouldre  to  shote  \rith. 
There  bygan  tompes  to  blowe  vp,  &  rowed  mightilv  ftnfi  row  towards 

the  paynim 

32  toward   the  paynemys.     And  whan   the   Infidel  es   &  Sultan, 
paynemys  perceyued  so  grete  nombre  of  shippes  rowyng 
toward  them  they  ne  wyst  not  what  to  thinke,  For  The  infidels, 

surprised  at  the 

they  had  nencr  supposed  that  so  grete  puyssauwce  &  numbers  of  the 


36  strengthe  of  cristen  men  had  be  so  nygh  them  /  •  but 

I  2 



[CH.  XXI. 

retreat,  but  pre- 
pare for  attack. 

The  Christian 
galleys  open  fire, 

upon  which  the 
paynims  try  to 
send  a  fire-ship 
amongst  them, 

fol.  686. 

but  they  evade 

The  Christians 
are  victorious, 

take  their 
enemies'  ships, 
and  put  the  men 
to  death. 

They  row  to 
Rhodes,  where 
they  refresh 
and  give  the 
captured  ships 
to  the  Rhodians. 

The  Master  of 
Rhodes  invites 
them  to  his  city, 

asks  why  they 

and  of  what 
nation  they  are. 

They  answer, 
and  ask  the 
Master  of  Rhodes 
to  help  them  to 
assist  the  King 
of  Cyprus. 

alwayes   they  putte  hem  self  in  aray  gooyng  abacke, 
but  oure  galeyes  aduyronned  them  round  about  on  al 
sydes,  and  bygan  of  al  partes  to  shutte  theire  gonnes. 
And  whan  the  paynemys  sawe  this  /  and  that  they  4 
myght  not  flee,  they  toke  a  vessel  which  e  they  had 
take  fro  them  of  rodes,  and  had  cast  the  folke  that  was 
in  it  into  the  see  /  and  fylled  it  \viih  wode,  oyle,  & 
talowe,  and  witA  sulphre  &  brymstone.   and  whan  they  8 
sawe   our  folk  approuched  nygh.   them  they  sette  it 
afyre.    and  whan  the  fyre  was  wel  kyndled  Hhey  lefte 
it  behynd  them  to  mete  first  with  OUT  folke  /  but  as 
god  wold  they  were  warned  therof  &  kept  /  themself  12 
wel  therfro  /  and  assaylled  theire  enmyes  at  the  other 
syde  right  vygourously.     There  was  grete  shotyng  of 
crosbowes  &  gonnes  /  and  soone  after  our  folk  entred 
byforce   and   strengthe  of  armes   the   shippes  of  the  16 
paynemys  /  and  fynally  they  were  take  &  dyscomfyted, 
and  putte  to  deth.    and  our  folke  gate  there  grete  good 
whiche  the  two  brethern  departed,  and  gaf  to  theire 
felawes  and  to  them  that  wer  wit/an  the  two  galeyes  of  20 
Eodes  /  and  syn  rowed  &  saylled  both  so  long  that 
they  arryued  in  the  yle  of   Rodes.     And  there  they 
refresshed  them,  &  gaf  to  the  brethern  of  the  religyon 
the  fustes  &  galeyes  that  they  had  taken  vpon  the  24 
paynemys,  and  they  soiurned  there  foure  dayes.     And 
the  maister  of  Rodes  prayd  them  that  they  wold  come 
into  the  Cite  /  and  they  dide  soo  /  and  were  there 
honourably  receyued  /  and  the  said  maister  demanded  28 
them  of  the  cause  of  their  commyng.     And  the  two 
brethern  told  hym  that  they  were  come  forto  socoure 
the  king  of  Cypre  /  And  he  asked  them  fuH  humbly  of 
what  land1  they  were,  and  what  they  were  /  and  the  32 
two  brethern  told  to  hym  aH  the  troutn.    Thenne  made 
the  maister  to  them  greter  chere  than  tofore  /  and  said 
to  them  that  he  shuld  send  for  som  of  his  bretheren  /  & 
that  he  shuld  goo  with  hem  to  helpe  &  socoure  the  36 


king  of  Chipre.     And  the  two  bretheren  thanked  hym 
moche  humbly  therefore.  / 

Now   sayth   thystorye   that  so  long  abode,  &  so- 
iowrned  the  two   brethern   at   Rodes   tyl   the  The  Master  of 

Rhodes  arms  six 

maister  had  assembled  his  folke,  and  vytaylled  &  laden  galley^ 
vrith  good  1men  of  armes,   &  archers  six   galeys,  &         ^oi.  ra. 
saylled  with  Uryan  &  Guyon  so  long  that  they  arryued  and  sails  with 

the  brethren  to 

8  nygh  to  the  yle  of  Coles,  &  apperceyued  grete  lyght.   Coles,  where 

they  see  lights. 

Thenne  the  grete  maister  of  Rodes  that  was  in  Uryan's 

galeye,  said  to  the  two  bretheren  :  '  Sires,  in  good  feyth 

it  were  good  &  wel  doon  to  send  a  CarueH  vnto  yonder 

12  yle,  to  knowe  &  aspye  what  folke  is  there.'     '  I  vouch- 

saf  it,'  said  Vryan.     The  Rampyn   then,  or  CarueH,   Men  are  sent  in 

a  carvell  to  spy, 

saylled  thither,  &  arryued  in  to  the  said  yle,  &  some 

of  bem  descended  &  foundo  many  grete  fyres  &  lodgis.  and  discover  a 

'    camp  of  thirty 

1 6  and  by  thexperience  that  they  sawe,  they  extimed  them  thousand  strong, 
bat  had  lodged  there  to  the  nombre  of  xxx  thousand! 
men  /  and  that  they  myght  wel  haue  dwelled  ber  foure 
or  fyue  dayes.    For  they  found  wit/tout  the  lodgys  grete 

20  foyson  of  oxen  homes  &  of  other  bestes.     And  then 

they  came  ayen  in  to  theire  VesseH,  and  retourned  They  return  with 
toward  OUT  folke  /  &  recounted  to  them  the  trouth  of 
all  that  they  had  found.     '  By  my  feith/  said  thenne 

24  the  maister  of  Rodes,  '  I  wene  they  be  paynemys  that  The  Master  of 

Rhodes  believes 

are  gooyng  toward  the  sawdan  at  the  siege,  and  that  it  to  be  a  camp 

of  paynims, 

they  whiche  ye  haue  dyscomfyted  were  of  theire  felaw-  friends  of  those 

just  defeated  in 

ship,  &  abode  for  them  in  that  same  yle '  /  and  for  the  8ea-fl«ht- 
28  certayn  they  were  soo  /  and  of  them  they  sayled  &  The  company 

continues  their 

rowed  fourth  tyl  they  sawe  an  abbey  on  the  see  coste,  voyage  tm  they 

1    come  to  an 

where  men  sought  &  worshiped  saynt  Andrew  /  and  abbey  on  the 
men  saith  that  there  is  the  potence  or  cros  wheron  the 

32  good  thef  Dysmas  was  crucefyed  whan  oux  lord  was 
nayled  to  the  Cros  for  our  redempc/on.  '  Sire,'  said 
the  maister,  '  it  were  good  that  we  should  entre  that 
lytil  hauen  Vnto  tyme  that  we  had  sent  to  Lymasson 

30  for  to  knowe  tyclinges,  &  for  to  wete   yf  they  wyl 



[CH.  XXI. 

fol.  69  b. 

They  put  into  the 
and  send  a 
message  to  the 

who  is  glad  to 
hear  of  their 

The  Captain  of 
the  place  rows 
to  our  folk, 

sees  Urian, 
Guion,  and  the 
Master  of 

and  is  abashed  at 
Urian's  appear- 

Being  assured 
that  Urian  has 
come  to  help  the 
King  of  Cyprus, 
he  promises  to 
open  the  country 
to  liim,  and 

give  his  vessels 

receyue  vs  for  to  putte  our  nauye  in  Jsurete  wit/an 
theyre  clos.'     '  Maister,'  said  Uryan,  'let  it  be  doon  in 
the  name  of  god  after  yowr  playsire.'     Thenne  they 
arryued,   and   entred   the   port   or  hauen  /  and   sent  4 
Avordes  to  thabbot  ther,  that  they  shuld  not  doubte,  For 
they  were  theire  frendes.     And  the  maister  of  Rodes 
with  other  went  thider.     And  whan  thabbot  &  monkes 
knew  the    tydinges   and    the   commyng   of   the    two  8 
brethern,  they  were  joyows  &  glad,  &  sent  some  of 
theire  bretheren  to  Lymas  to  announce  &  telle  Jse  socours 
that  was   arryued  at   theire   porte.     Thenne   whan   a 
knyght,  Captayn  of  the  place,  herde  these  tydinges  he  12 
was  fayn  &  glad,  and  made  fourthwit/i  a  galyotte  to 
be   shipped   redy,  and   came   toward   ozfr   folke,   and 
demanded  after  the  lord  of  that  armee  /.    and  he  to 
whome  he  asked  it  lede  hym  where  Uryan  /  Guyon  16 
his  brother  /  the  master  of  Kodes,  &  many  other  barons 
were  in  a  ryche  pauyllon,  that  they  had  don  to  be 
dressed  on  the  streyte  of  the  porte  /  and  shewed  to 
hym   Vryan   that   satte   on   a  couche  w/t/t   hym   his  20 
brother,  and  the  maister  of  Eodes.     And  whan  he  saw 
hym  hewasabasshedof  the  valeur  &  of  the  grete  fyerste 
of  hym,  &  neuerjjeles  he  yede  &  salued  hym  honour- 
ably, and  Yryan  receyued   him   goodly  &  benyngly.  24 
'Sire,'  said  the  Knight,   'ye  be  welcome  in  to  this 
land.'     '  Fayre  sirs,'  said  Vryan,  '  moche  grete  thankes 
to  you.'     '  Sire,'  said  the  knight,  '  it   is  don  me  to 
vnderstand   that   ye   departed   fro    yowr   Countrie   to  28 
thentent   to  come  ayde  &  help  the  king  of  Cypre.' 
'  By  my  feyth,'  said  Uryan,  '  it  is  trouth".'    '  Then,  sire,' 
said  the  knight,  '  it  is  reson  that  al  be  open  by  fore  you, 
where  ye  wyl  by  ati  the  royalme  of  Cypre,  thrugh  aH  32 
toumtes,  Cites,  &  Castels  there  as  ye  shal  be  please  to 
goo,  but  as  to  the  same,  which"  is  to  my  ryght  redoubted 
lord  the  king  of  cypre,  hit  shal  be  soone  appareylled  & 
open  to  you,  whan  it  shaH  lyke  you,  &  also  the  porte  36 

Cn.  XXI.J  UUIAX'S    ARMY    LANDED.  119 

to  putte  yowr  vessels  1in  sauete.'     '  By  my  feyth,'  said         J  foi.  70. 
Uryan,  'ye  say  right  \vel,  &  gramercy  to  you.     Sire 
knight,  it  is  tyme  to  meve,  For  my  brother  and  I  haue 

4  grete  langyng  to  approche  nygh  the  paynemys  /  not  for 
theire  prouffyt,  but  for  theire  domraage,  if  it  plaise  god 
that  \ve  so  doo.'  'Sire,'  said  the  knight,  'it  is  good 
ye  doo  to  be  had  out  some  of  yowr  horses  as  many 

8  as  it  lyke  you  /  and  take  som  of  yowr  men  vfith  you, 
and  we  shall  goo  by  land.'  '  By  my  feith,'  sayd  Uryan, 
'  ye  say  right  wel  '  /  and  thus  it  was  doon  /  and  Uryan 
made  some  of  hys  men  to  be  armed,  vnto  the  nombre  Four  hundred 

of  Urian's  barons 

1  2  of  f  oure  hundred  gentylmen  of  the  moost  hye  barons,  go  ashore,  armed 

J  '    and  horsed, 

knightes  &  squyers.  and  he  himself,  &  his  brother 
armed  them  and  mounted  on  horsbak  /  and  the  banere 
dysployed,  rode  fourth  in  modi  fayre  ordynaunce  /  and 
1  6  the  maister  of  Eodes  &  the  other  shipped  them  on  the 
see  &  rowed  toward  the  porte.  And  Vryan  and  his 
felawship  rode  vrith  the  said  knight  that  guyded  hym  and  ride  to  the 


so  long  that  they  came  &  entred  in  to  the  toune,  and 
20  were  rfoht  Avell  lodged.     And  then  came  the  nauye,  the  ships  menn- 

J    '    while  row  to  tlie 

&  arryued  to  the  porte,  and  the  horses  were  aH  had  out  harbour,  and  the 

horses  and  men 

of  the  shippes,  and  the  folke  descendid  to  land,  and  land- 
lodged    them   in   fe   feld   wit/iout   the   toune   w/t/iin 

24  tentes  &  pauyllons  /  and  they  that  had  none,  made 
theire  lodgis  the  best  wyse  they  coude.  and  was  moche 
grete  playsauuce  to  see  thoost  whan  they  were  alle 
lodged.  The  moost  hye  barons  lodgyd  them  w/t/an 

28  the  toune  /  and  the  nauye  was  draw,  &  had  in  to  the 

clos   in  sauete  /  and  they  co?nmytted  good  folke  to   Guards  are  set 

to  defend  the 

deffende  &  kepe  it,   yf   Sarasyns   or  paynemys  came  liay  "gainst  the 
there  for  to  doo  som  euyl.     Now  shal  I  leue  to  speke 

32  of  Uryan,  &  shal  say  of  the  Captayn  of  the  toune 
that  moche  wel  aduysed  thoost  and  the  maynten  of  the 
folke,  &  moche  preysed  it  in  his  herte  /  and  said  wel 
they  were  folke  of  faytte  2and  of  grete  enterpryse,  whan  *  foi.  70  &. 

3G  so  few  peuple  enterprysed  for  to  haue  the  vyctory  ouer 



[CH.  XXI. 

The  Captain  of 
the  town  is  sur- 
prised at  the 
bravery  of  Urian, 
who  thinks  of 
conquering  the 
mighty  host  of 
the  Saracens 
with  so  few  men ; 

but  Urian's  bold 
looks  assure  him, 
and  he  thanks 
God  that  Urian 
has  been  sent  to 
help  the  king. 

The  Captain  of 
the  place  indites 
a  letter  to  the 
King  of  Cyprus, 
telling  of  Urian's 
arrival  and  of  his 

fol.  71. 

the  sawdan,  that  had  with  hym  more  than  houndred 
thousand  paynemys.     And  for   to  say  trouth,  Vryan 
had  not  yet  comprised  the  men  of  the  maister  of  Rodes, 
eyghte   thousand   fyghtyng   men  /   and   therfore   the  4 
knight  meruaylled,  and  held  it  to  grete  audacite  & 
hardynes  of  herte,  and  to  grete  valyaunce.     And  whan 
he  considered  the  grandeur  &  the  facion  of  Vryan,  & 
the   fyerste  of  hys  vysage,  and  also  of  guyon  hys  8 
brother  /  he  said  to  his  folke  /  '  thoo  same  are  worthy 
for  to  subdue  &  conquere  aH  the  world.'     and  he  said 
to  hymself ,  J>at  god  had  sent  hem  thither  of  his  benyng 
grace  for  to  socoure  the  kyng,  and  for  to  enhaunce  the  12 
cristen  feyth,  and  that  he  shuld  lete  it  to  be  knowen  to 
the  kynge  by  certayn  message. 

Thystorye  sayth  that  the  knight  made  a  le/fre,  the 
tenour  of  whiche  conteyned  al  the  matere  of  16 
Uryan,  &  of  his  brother,  of  theire  men,  &  of  theire 
cowmyng,  and  how  the  two  bretheren  had  to  name, 
and  of  what  countre  they  were  /  and  syn  he  called  one 
hys  nevew,  &  said  to  hym  in  this  manere,  '  ye  muste  20 
here  this  lettre  to  Famagosse,  and  gyue  it  to  the  kyng1  / 
and  whatsoeuer  it  happeth  that   god  forbede,  but   al 
good  to  you,  nedes  ye  muste  doo  it.'     '  By  my  feyth, 
sire,'  said  he  /  '  ye  shaH  putte  bothe  the  le^res  &  24 
myself  in  grete  jeopardye  &  auenture,  For  if  by  some 
niyschief,  as  it  happeth  ofte,  wherof  god  preserue  me  I 
were  taken  of  our  enmyes,  of  my  lyf  is  nothing  /  and 
ye  wote  it  wel  /  but  for  the  loue  of  you,  myn  vncle  &  28 
of  the  kyng,  to  doo  hym  comfort,  &  to  gyue  hym  herte 
&  hoop  to  be  putte  &  delyuered  fro  hys  enemyes,  &  fro 
the  mortal  parel  wherin  he  is  now,  I  shall  putte  myself 
in  aduenture  /  and  I  pray  ato  god  deuoutly,  that  it  32 
please  hym  of  his  benigne  grace  to  lede  me  gooyng  & 
commyng  in  sauete.'  /  '  Thus  owe  men  to  serue  theire 
lord,'  said  the  Captayne, '  and  yf  god  wyl  ye  shalbe  wel 
rewarded  therof.'     and  anoone  he  toke  the  le^re,  &  36 

CII.  XXI.]  THE    REASON    OP    THE   WAR.  121 

ddyuered  it  to  his  nevew  /  bat  mounted  on  horsbacke,  nmi  despatches 

his  nephew  on 

&  rode  fourthon  his  way.     But  as  for  now  I  shaH  reste  horseback  to  the 

King  at  Fama- 

of  hym  /  and  I  shal  retowrne  there  I  lefte  to  spek  of  8°88e- 
4  Vryan  /  and  shal  say  howe  he  gouerned  hymself  whiles 
the  messager  yede  toward  the  king1,    how  wel  he  knew 
nat  of  it.  / 

Thystory  saith  that  Vryan  called  to  hym  the  maister 
of  Rodes  and  the  Captayn  of  the  place,  and  de- 
manded of  them  thus  :    '  Fayre  lordes,  is  the  sawdan   Urian  asks  about 

the  Sultan  of 

somewhat  yong,  ne  of  grete  enterpryse  '  /  and  they  an-  Damascus, 
suerd!,  '  that  ye  for  certuyn  '  /  '  and  how,'  said  Vryan, 

1  2  '  was  he  neuer  byfore  this  place  to  make  warre  than 
now  ?  '  /  they  ansuerd?  that,  '  nay  '  /  '  and  what  thenne,' 
said  Vryan,  '  liath  caused  hym  to  passe  the  see  noAV  1 
sith  he  is  man  of  enterpryse,  I  merveyti  that  so  long 

10  he  held  hym  styl,  seeyng  ye  be  his  nigh"  neygbours, 
and  also  lhat  he  hath  so  grete  puissawnce,  as  it  is  told 
me.'  'By  my  feyth,  sire,'  said  the  Captayne,  'it  is  and  ascertains 

that  he  fights  to 

veray  &  trotith  that  our  kyng  hath  a  mocfi  fayr  dough-  get  the  king's 

*  beautiful 

20  tor  of  the  acre  of  .xv.  yere,  the  which"  the  saudan  wok?  daughter,  now 


haue  had  by  force  /  and  our  kyng  wold  not  acorde  her  refused  him 

because  he 

to  hym  Without  he  wold  be  baptysed.     And  wete  it  would  not  be 


that  euer  here  tofore  we  had  trewes  togidre  of  so  long 

24  tyme  that  no  mynde  is  of  be  contrarye.     and  whan  the 

sawdan  hath  seen  that  our  king  wold  not  graunt  to 

hym  his  doughter,  he  sent  ageyn  to  hym  the  trewes 

a  deffyawnce  or  chalengyng,  and  was  redy  on  the  The  Sultan 
28  see  wit/i  a  .C.  &  fyfty  thousand  paynemys,  and  came  &  king,  and  laid 

siege  to  Fui  ii.  -i  - 

made  soone  his  barneys  to  be  had  out  on  erthe,  &  wente  gosse,  which  was 

unprepared  ; 

and  layd  siege  tofore  Famagoce,  where  he  found  l  the        »  foi.  71  &. 
kyng  all  vnpurveyed  of  his  baronye,  that  knew  not  of 

32  his  co?mnyng  /  but  syn  there  be  entred  moche  folke  but  now  rein- 

forcements have 
wit/tin  the  Cite  ayenst  his  euyl  gree,  &  there  is  now  entered  the 

town,  and  there 

fayre  scarmysshing  where  grete  losse  hath  be  on  both  is  fair  skirmish- 
partes  /  and  syn  the  paynemyes  have  refresshed  them- 
36  self  twyes  of  new  folke,  in  so  mocli  that  they  ben  yet 

122  UBIAN'S  HOST  MARCHES.  [CH.  xxi. 

The  Saracens  are  \vel  a  .C"01'  /  but  at  this  last  vyage  they  haue  lost  a 
sand  strong  ;        parte  of  theire  shippes  &  of  theire  f  olke.  whicft  they 

but  they  lost 

some  vessels,        abode  fore  in  the  yle  of  Coles,  For  one  of  owr  galleycs 
ns  was  learnt        of  the  blakke  hylle  that  pursyewed  them  told  it  to  vs,  4 

from  one  of  our 

ships,  who  saw     &  how  they  chaced  two  galleyes  of  the  hospytal  of 

them  pass, 

chasing  two         Rodes  /  and  wete  it  that  bey  ne  wote  not  where  they 

Rhodiuu  galleys, 

bycame  syn,  For  they  taryed  after  wel  by  the  space 
but  saw  no  more  of  six  dayes  in  the  said  yle  /  but  whan  they  sawe  that  8 

of  them. 

they  came  not,  they  departed  thens  &  came  byfore 
famagoce  at  siege.'      '  By   my  feyth,  sire,'   sayd   the 
maister  of  Eodes,  '  this  might  wel  be  veray  trouth.  but 
The  Master  of       see  here  my  lord  Yryan  and  hys  brother,  that  shuld  1  2 

Rhodes  tells 

the  Captain  of      wel  ansuere  therof,  I  or  they  haue  be  all  dyscomfyted 

Urian's  victory, 

which  explains      &  slayn  by  theire  strengths  &  valiauntis.  and  they  haue 

their  non-appear- 

ance-  gyuen  to  vs  theire  fustes  &  their  nauye.'     '  In  good 

feyth,'  sayd  the  knight,   'that  playscth  me  wel,  and  16 
blessid  be  god  therof.'     '  My  lord,'  said  the  Captayn, 
'  now  haue  I  recounted  to  you  why  the  werre  is  meued, 
and  wherefore  the  saudan  of  Damaske  hath  passed  the 

Urian,  learning     see.'     'In  the  name  of  god,'  said  Vryan,  '  loue  hath  20 

that  love  has 

n.ade  the  Sultan    wel  so  mocho  &  more  of  puyssaunce  than  of  suche 


enterpryse  to  doo.     And  wete  that  syn  the  sawdan  is 
says  that  he  is      enterprysed  of  force  of   loue,  the  more  he  is  to   be 

the  more  to  be 

feared,  because     doubted  /  For  veray  soth  it  is  /  that  loue  hath  so  moehe  24 

love  is  so  power- 

ful that  it  makes   Of  niyght  that  it  maketh  coward  to  be  hardy  and  to 

even  cowards 

brave>  doo  right  grete  enterpryse  /  &  that  byfore  he  durst  not 

passe.     And  therfore  thenne  it  is  aH:  certayn  to  this, 
'  foi.  72.        that  the  sawdan  is  hardy  &  enterprenaunt  1the  more  28 
he  doth  hym  to  be  doubted  /  but  alwayes  be  doo  the 

and  states  that     wylle  of  god.    Fcr  we  shaH  departe  hens  to  the  playsire 

next  day,  after 

divine  service,      of  god  to  morow  by  tymes  after  the  deuyne  se?*vyce 

he  will  set  out  in 

quest  of  him.       for  t0  gOO  &  yysyte  them.'     And  then  he  made  to  be  32 

cryed  &  proclamed  with  the  trompette  that  euery  man 
At  the  third         shuld  make  redy  hys  barneys,    and  they  departed  after 

sound  of  the 

niarch.ets  they      ^e  ^n^r(^e  sowne  °f  the  trompette  in  goodly  &  fayre 

ordyncmnce,  euej'one  vnder  his  banere  /  and  bade  them  3G 

CH.  XXI.]  A   SORTIE    FROM    FAMAGOSSE.  123 

to  slew  the  vanward  /  and  so  they  dide.  here  I  shaH 
leue  to  spek  of  them  /  and  shaH  retourne  there  as  I 
lefte  to  speke  of  the  Captayns  nevew  that  moche  The  Captain's 

nephew,  that 

4  strongly  rode  toward  Famagoce  /  and  so  moche  ex-  c»rried  the  letter 

to  the  king, 

ployted  his  way  that  he  came  ahout  midnyght  to  the 
Cornere  of  the  wode,  vpon  a  lytil  mountayn,  &  loked 
doun  into  the  valeye,  and  then  he  bygan  to  perceyue  arrived  at  the 

OP  Ar  *  xi  cityofFama- 

o  <x  see  the  oost  ot  the  paynemys,  where  as  was  grete  eosse,  sees  it 

surrounded  with 

lyght  of  fyres  that  were  made  by  the  lodcys :  and  lie  wnims,  auti 

OOM  not  know 

sawe  the  Cite  so  aduyronned  al  about  w/t/t  paynemys,  how  to  enter  '*• 
that  he  ne  wyst  which"  way  to  draw  for  to  entre  the 
12  toun.  and  there  he  was  long  tyme  in  grete  jioughte. 

It  happed  that  about  the  spryng  of  the  day  foure  score  At  the  spring 

of  day,  eighty 

basynets,  straungers  of  dyuerse  nacyons,  yssued  out  at  towineu  leave 

tll6  City, 

a   posterne  of  the  Cyte,   &  co?nmevyd  al  thoost   by 
1C  manere  of  batayH  /  and  that  same  oouro  the  watche 

departed,  &  the  moost  part  of  them  was  retourned  to  and  when  the 

paynims'  wateh- 

theyre  lodgis  /  and  tliey  entred  in  the  oost  with  some  men  are  in  their 


of  them  that  had  watched  without  they  were  ware  of 
20  hem,  &  supposed  they  had  be  of  theire  companye,  and 

came  nygh  to  the  tente  of  the  sawdan  /  and  thenne  the  basinets 

fall  upon  the 

they  bygan  to  launche  &  smyte  wit/i  speeres  &  \vith  paynims,  cut 

their  tent  ropes, 

swerdes  on   al   the   paynemys  that  they  mete  &  re-  «nd  slay  many 
24  countred  /  and   cutted  cordes  of   pauyllons  to  grete 

desray,  &  made  moche  horryble  occysyon  &  slaghtir 

of  paynemys  after  the  quantite  1that  they  were  of.        »foi.  TS&. 

Thenne  was  al  the  host  afrayd,  and  bygan  to  crye  alarme 
28  &  to  harneys  /  then  bygan  thoost  to  take  on  them  theire   But  on  the  host 

of  the  Saracens 

armures.     And  whan  the  cristen  men  sawe  the  force  &  *m«ng, 

strengthe  of  theire  enemyes  that  bygan  to  ryse,  they 

retourned  with  a  lytel  paas  toward  the  Cite,  fleeyng  &  they  run  back 

J  towards  the  city. 

32  castyng  to  therthe  al  that  they  recountred  on  theire 

waye.     And  whan  the  messazmger  sawe  so  grete  affray e  Tne  messenger 

J  J       seeing  the  ad- 

&  noyse  he  cam  at  al  auenture  &  broched  hys  hors  venture,  spurs 

his  horse,  rides 

with  the  spoorys,  and  passed  without  fourth  the  lodges  to  the  basinets. 
30  thrugh  out  aft  the  oost  of  J>e  paynemys  /  and  he  had 



[CH.  XXI. 

nnd  tells  of  the 
arrival  of  the 
Lusignans  with 
eight  thousand 

which  gladdens 

and  makes  the 
Sultan  sad  and 

The  fight  con- 

but  the  paynims 
are  driven  back, 
and  the  Sultan 
sounds  a  retreat. 

The  messenger 
delivers  his 
letter  to  the 

1  fol.  73. 

•who  thanks  God 
on  reading  it 
that  he  has  not 
been  forgotten. 

The  king  orders 
the  church  bells 
to  be  rung,  pro- 
cessions to  be 

not  goo  long  whan  he  found  hymself  atwix  the  Cite  & 
them  that  so  had  coramoeuyd  thoost,  as  said  is.     And 
then  he  knew  them  soone  ynougfi  that  they  were  of  the 
garnyson  of  the  Cyte,  and  escryed  them,  saying :  '  ha,  4 
ha,  fayre  lordes,  thinke  to  doo  wel,  For  I  bryng  you 
good  tydynges ;  For  the  floure  of  the  noble  cheualrye 
of  Crystyante  cometh  to  socoure  &  helpe  you  /  that  is 
to  wete  the  two  damoyseaulx  of  Lusynen,  that  haue  8 
dyscomfyted  alredy  a  grete  part  of  the  Sodanis  folke 
vpon  the  see  /  and  they  bryng  vrittt,  them  wel  eyght 
thousand  men.      And  thenne  whan  they  understode 
hym  they  made  hym  grete  chere  and  were  ryght  joyfuH,  12 
arid  entred  the  toune  ayen  wit/tout  eny  losse.  wherof 
the  sawdan  was  mocfi  wofuH  &  angry.     And  then  he 
came  &  bygan   the  scarmoushe   before  the  barers  & 
many  paynemys  were  there  slayn  &  dede  /  and  they  16 
of  Cypre  made  theire  enemyes  to  recule  abacke  "with 
strengthe  /  and   the  saudan   made  the   trompette  to 
sowne  &  caB  the  retrette  whan  he  sawe  that  he  myght 
doo  none  other  thing.     And  fen  came  the  said  mes-  20 
sawnger  by  fore  the  kynge,  &  made  the  retwence  on 
hys  vnclis  byhalue,  and  presented  the  lettre.     And  the 
kyng  receyued  hym  moche  benyngly,  &  tok  away  the 
wax  and  opend  the  leftre  &  sawe  the  tenor<r  Jof  hit.  /  24 
and  syn  heued  vp  his  handes  joyntly  toward  heuen,  & 
said  :  '  ha,  a  veray  glory o?ts  god,  Jhesu  Criste,  I  J?ank 
regracye  &  mercye  the  ryght  deuoutly  &  humbly  of 
this,  that  thou  hast  not  forgoten  me  that  am  thy  pouere  28 
creature  and  thy  pouere  serucmnt,  that  haue  long  tyme 
lyued  here  wz't/an  this  Cite  in  grete  double  &  feere,  and 
in  grete  myserye  of  my  poure  lyuyng  and  my  folke  also.' 
And  thenne  he  made  to  be  announced  in  al  the  chirches,  32 
that  they  shuld  ryng  theire  belles,  &  that  processyons 
shuld  be  made  vfiih  crosses  &  baners,  and  w/t/i  torches 
bre?myng,  lawdyng  &  preysyng  the  creator  of  creatures, 
prayeng  hym  moche  humbly  that  he  of  his  me?*cyfuH:  &  36 

CH.  XXI.]  ERMINE.  125 

benynge  grace  wyl  kepe  &  preserue  them  fro  the  handa?  and  God  thanked 

P     ,  and  prayed  to  for 

&  daunger  of  mysbyleuers  paynmys.  And  thanne  by-  help, 
gan  the  ryngyng  to  be  grete,  &  was  the  joye  ryght 
4  grete  whan  the  tydynges  of  the  socowrs  commyng  to 
them  was  knowen  of  aH.  And  whan  the  paynemys 
vnderstode  the  gladnes  &  joye  that  they  of  the  cyte 
made,  they  were  moche  abasshed  why  they  made  &  The  paynims  are 

abashed  at  the 

8  demened  so  grete  feeste.      'By  my  feyth,'   sayd  the  rejoicings  of  thj 


saudan,  '  they  have  herd  some  tydinges  that  we  wote 
not  /  or  ellis  they  doo  so  for  to  gyue  vs  vnderstandyng 
that  they  haue  folke  ynoughe  &  vytaylles  also  for  to 
12  deffende  &  withstande  ayensfc  vs.'  And  here  resteth 
thystorye  of  the  soudan  &  bygynneth  to  speke  of 
Ermyne  the  kingis  doughtir  of  Cypre,  which"  herd  The  King  of 

Cyprus' s 

there  as  she  was  in  her  chawbre  the  tydynges  of  the  daughter,  Er- 

16  socours  that  the  children  of  Lusynen  brought  -with 
them,  and  the  mayde  had  grete  langyng  &  desyre  to 
knowe  the  veray  trouth  of  ail. 

The   hystorye   saith'  to  vs   thus  /  that  whan   the 
damoyselle  knew  of  the  socours  &  help  that  soone 
she  sent  for  hym  that  had  brought  the  tydinges l  therof ,        1  foi.  7s  b. 
and  he  came  to  her  in  hir  chambre  &  made  to  her  on  hearing  of  the 

help,  sends  for 

the  reue?-ence.      '  Frend,'   said   Ermyne,  '•  ye  be  wel-  the  messenger, 

and  questions 

24  come  to  me;  but  now  teti  me  of  your  tydinges.'     and  him- 
he  recounted  to  her  al  that  was  of  it.     '  Frende,'  said 
the  mayde,  '  have  ye  seen  that  folke  that  commeth  to 
socoure  my  fader  1 '     'By  my  feyth,  ye,'  said  the  mes-  The  messenger 

tells  of  the  men 

28  sanger,  'they  are  the  moost  appert  in  armes,  and  the  who  have  come 
J  to  succour  the 

fayrest  men  that  euer  entred  in  to  this  land,  and  the  king: 

best  arayed  &  purueyed  of  aft  things.'  '  Now  teft  us,' 
said  the  damoyselle,  '  of  what  land  they  are,  &  who  is 
32  the  chief  Captayn  &  lord  of  them.'  'By  my  feyth,  my 
damoyselle,  they  be  of  Poytou,  and  lede  them  two 
yong  &  fayre  damoyseaulx  brethren,  that  be  named  of  of  the  captains 

of  them,  Urian 

Lusyneu,  of  whiche  theldest  is  called  Vryan,  &  that  andGuion, 
36  youngest  Guyon,  which  have  not  yet  berde  full  growen.' 

126  ERMINE'S  GIFTS.  [CH.  xxi. 

'  Frende,'  said  the  damoyselle,  '  be  they  so  fayre  damoy- 

seaux  as  ye  say  ?  '     «  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  messager  / 

and  of  their         'the  eldest  is  moche  grete  &  hye,  strong  &  of  fayre 


behauyng  &  maynten,  but  hys  vysage  is  short  &  large  4 
in  trauerse  /  and  hath  one  eye  redde,  &  that  other  ey  is 
perske  &  blew,  and  the  eerys  grete  to  merueyH.     and 
wete  it  wel  that  of  membres  &  of  body  he  is  the  fayrest 
knight  that  euer  I  sawe  /  and  the  yongest  is  not  of  so  8 
hye  stature  /  but  he  is  moche  fayre  &  \vel  shapen  of 
membres,  &  hath  a  face  to  denyse,  except  that  one  of 
his  eyen  is  hyer  sette  than  the  other  is.     and  seye  alle 
that  see  them,  that  they  be  worthy  &  noble  to  conquere  1  2 
&  subdue  vnder  them  aH  the  world.'     «  Frende,'  sayd 
Ermyne,  '  shaH  ye  goo  agayn  soone  toward  them.'    And 
he  ansuerd,  '  my  damoyselle,  assoone  as  I  may  haue  tyme 
&  place  conuenable  &  propyce  for  to  yssue  &  go  out  of  16 
the  Cite,  and  that  I  see  I  may  goodly  escape  fro  the 
paynemys.'     '  Frend,'  said  the  damoyselle,  '  ye  shal  on 
my  behalue  salue  the  yong  brethern,  and  ye  shaH  de- 
i  foi.  74.        lyuere  to  the  eldest  this  oucfi,  aand  telle  hym  bere  it  20 
o«"htouriaf1)an  for  th-e  ]oue  of  me  /  and  this  ryng  of  gold  wttft  this 
Guio^'by  the       dyamond  ye  shal  take  to  J>e  lesse,  and  ye  shaH  salew 
hym  moche  on  my  byhalf.'      And  he  ansuered,  'my 

salute  them  on        ,  ,,      _     .     ,.     , 

her  behalf.  damoyselle,  I  shall  doo  it  nghte  gladly.      He  thanne  24 

The  king  gives      departed  fro  her  &  came  to  the  king  that  had  doon 

the  messenger 

an  answer  to        writ  his  ansuere  in  a  lettre.  and  made  grete  foyson  of 

the  letter  he  J 

brought,  men  of  armes  to  arme  them  redyly,  and  them  made  he 

and  to  divert  the  to  yssue  couertly  out  of  the  cyte  and  entred  in  to  the  28 

attention  of  the 

enemy,  orders       oost  /  an(j  or  the  cost  were  armed  they  adommaged 

iiiiottiicr  sortie. 

them  sore.     And  fen  yssued  paynemys  out  of  theire 

tentes  wit/iout  eny  aray,  that  rechaced  them  vnto  the 

barrers,  where  they  had  grete  scarmusshyng  &  fyers,  32 

and  many  men  slayn  &  wounded  of  bothe  partes.     AH: 

meswiTe^Ves6    *noos^  arryued  where  the  scarmusshing  was  /  and  ther 

gateat  an°ther      wnyles  was  the  said  messanger  putte  out  of  the  Cite 

att  another  gate,  a  bow  shotte  fro  al  the  oost,  so  that  36 

CH.  xxi.]     URIAN'S  COMMISSION  FROM  THE  KING  OP  CYPRUS.         127 

he  was  nat  perceyued.      And  thenne  he  rode  hastly  and  rides  to  his 

toward  hys  vncle.    For  moche  he  langed  that  he  myght 

there  he  arryued  for  to  shew  hym  aH  the  tydyinges. 
4  And  dured  not  long  the  scarmoushe,  For  the  sawdan  The  Sultan  soon 

orders  his  niea 

made  it  to  be  cessed,  For  he  sawo  wel  that  he  shuld  to  retreat, 
more  lese  there  than  wyne.     Now  I  shal  leue  to  speke 
of  this  forsaid  matere  /  and  shaft  retourne  to  speke  of 
8  Vryan  &  of  his  brother. 

In  this  parte  telleth  thistory  that  Uryan  dide  hys  At  the  spring  of 
J  J       the  day,  Urinn 

trompettes  to  be  blowen  at  the  spring  of  the  day,  commands  his 

host  to  prepare 

&  roos  &  commanded  euery  man   to  appareyft  hym,  to  march. 

1 2  and  put  saddelles  on  theire  horses  /  and  soone  after  the 
two  brethern  herd  theire  masse,  &  semblably  dyde  the 
other  prynces  &  barons  /  and  after  the  masse  Vryan 
made  to  crye,  that  who  wold  drynk  ones  shuld  drynk, 

16  and  that  ootis  shuld  be  gyuen  to  the  horses,  and  that 
at  the  other  tyme  that  the  trompette  shuld  be  blowen, 
eueryman  shuld  be  redy  that  was  of  the  1Vanwarde.        '  foi.  71*. 
And  they  beying  in  such"  estate,  the  Capteyns  nevew  At  that  time 

20  arryued  there,  and  delyuered  the  le^re  to  hys  vncle,  returns  from  the 


that  the  kyng  had  taken  to  hym  /  and  the  Captayu 
toke  &  kyssed  it  fourth  wtt/t,  opend!  it,  and  sawe  by  the 
teno?jr  of  it  how  the  kyng  commanded  hym  to  putte  The  Captain 
24  bothe  the  fortresse  and  the  toune  at  the  wyH  &  co?n-  which  commands 

all  the  land  to  be 

mandement  of  the  two  bretheren.     Also  that  he  shuld  given  in  charge 

of  the  brethren, 

co??»mande   to   aH   good    tounwes,    Castels,   Fortresses,  UrianandGuion, 
portes,  hauens,  &  passages  that  they  shuld  gyue  them 
28  entre  &  soiourne,  and  that  they  shuld  obey  to  them. 
And  whan  the  Captayn  sawe  &  vnderstode  aH  fe  sub- 
stance &  matere  of  it,  he  shewed  the  leitre  to  Vryan,  &  to  to  whom  the 

letter  is  shown. 

guy  on  hys  brother,  the  whiche  redde  it ;  &  whan  they 

32  knew  the  teiumr  of  it  they  called  to  them  the  captayn, 

the  maister  of   Eodes,  &  the  two  knightes,  that  had 

anounced  to  them  thauenture  of  the  siege,  and  redde 

to  them  the  \ettre  on  hye.     '  Thenne,'  said  Uryan  to  the 

36  Captayn,  '  we  thanke  moche  the  king  of  the  worship 



[CH.  XXI. 

Urian  thanks 
the  Captain  for 
the  king's  inten- 

and  asks  what 
force  the 
Cyprians  have 
in  all  their 
fortresses ; 

because  he 
wishes  to  tight 
the  Sultan,  and 
cud  the  war. 

The  Captain 
says  that  would 
be  hard  to  do, 
because  the 
payniins  have 
one  hundred 
thousand  men. 

1  fol.  75. 

Urian  replies 
they  have  a  good 

that  victory  lies 
not  on  the  side 
of  numbers, 

and  that  Alex- 
ander fought 
the  world  with 
twenty  thousand 

Which  speech 
cheered  the 

•who  promised 
a  company  of 
eight  thousand 
men ; 

which  Urian  says 
is  cnougli. 

that  he  doth  to  vs  /  but  as  to  vs,  our  entencyon  is  not 
to  entre  in  to  thoos  tounes  ne  castelles,  yf  we   may 
goodly  passe  without  fourth,  For  we  thinke  to  kepe  the 
feldes,  yf  god  wyl,   &   make  good  werre   ayenst  the  4 
sodan,  but  telle  vs  what  nombre  of  men  may  yssue  out 
of  aH  yoz«r  garnysons  the  Fortresses  alwayes  kept  /  and 
wete  it  fat  force  is  to  vs  to  knowe  it  /  and  yf  they  be 
men  of  whom  we  dare  trust  and  be  assured  /  For  god  8 
before  we  tende  &  purpose   to  gyue  bataylle  to  the 
Sawdan,  &  to  putte  to  termynac/own,  &  ende  this  warre. 
For   therfore   are   we   come  hither.'     '  By  my  faith,' 
said  the  Captayn,  'that  shal  be  hard  to  doo,  For  fe  12 
paynemys  are  in  nombre  wel  CML  and  more.'     'Cave 
you  not,  therefore,'  said  Vryan,  'For  we  haue  good 
right  in  oure  caas  /  they  are  come  vpon  vs  without 
cause  /  and  though  we  had  goon  on  them  1vnto  theire  16 
owne  lande,  we  ought  to  doo  soo,  For  they  are  enemycs 
of  god  /  and  doubteles  though  they  be  of  grete  nombre 
to  the  regarde  of   ouv  felawship  /  yet  one  grayne  of 
peper  alone  smertith  more  on  mans  tonge  than  doth  20 
a  sacke  fuH  of  whette  /  ne  victorye  also  lyeth  not  in 
grette  multitude  of  peuple  /  but  in  good  rule  &  ordyn- 
azmce.     And  wel  it  is  trouth  that  Alexander,  that  sub- 
dued so  many  &  dyuerse  landes,  wold  not  haue  \\ith  24 
hym  aboue  the  nombre  of  xxu  thousand  fyghtyng  men 
for  one  journey  ayenst  aH  the  world.     And  thanne 
whan  the  Captayne  herd  hym  speke  so  valyauntly,  he 
held  it  to  grete  wele  &  valeur,  and  thoughte  he  was  28 
wel  able  &  worthy  to  conquere  &  subdue  many  landes, 
and  said  to  hym  in  this  manere  :  '  Sire,  I  shaH  enforce 
yowr  oost  \vitk  foure  thousand  fighting  men,  and  of  two 
thousand  brygandyners  &  crosbowes,  &  other.'     '  By  32 
my  feyth,'  said  Vryan,  'that  is  ynoughe  /  now  doo 
that  we  may  haue  hem  to  half  a  journey  nygh  oure 
enemy es,'  and  he  ansuerd  there  shuld  be  no  fawte  of 
it.     And  then  came  there  the  Captayns   nevew,  and  36 


kueled  byfore  Vryan  &  Guyon,  and  said  to  them  in 
this  manere  :   '  Noble   damoyseaulx  /  the  moost  fay  re 
mayde  /  &  the  moost  nohle  that  I  knowe  salueth  you 
4  bothe,  and  sendeth  you  of  her  jewels  '  /  and  thenno  ho  The  messenger 

,1,1  i          piii  presents  Urinii 

toke  the  ouclie  of  gold  that  was  sette  wtt/i  many  a  rychc  with  the  ouch 

from  Ermine, 

&  precyows  stone  /  and  said  thus  to  Vryan  :  '  Sire,  hold 
&  receyue  this  ouclie  of  Ermynes  byhalf,  doughter  to 
8  my  liege  lord  the  kyng1,  that  requyreth  &  besechej)  you 
to  were  it  on  vou  for  her  sake.'     Vryan  toke  it  ioy-  who  takes  it 

.  J   J     joyfully,  and 

ously,  and  made  it  to  be  attached  &  sette  it  on  his  attaches  it  to  his 

coat  of  arms, 

cotte  of  armes,  and  said  to  hym  :  '  My  frendo,  right 
12  grete  thankes  &  thousand  mercy  s  to   the   damoyselle 

tha  so  moche  honowr  sheweLh  to  me  /  Wete  ait  that  I        l  foi.  75*. 
shaH  kepe  it  moche  dere  for  her  sake  /  and  gramercy  and  says  he  win 

J     keep  it  for  her 

to  you  messanger  &  brynger  of  it.'     And  after  he  pro-  sake. 

16  sented  and   toke  to  Guyon  the  ring   on   the  forsaid  O 

J  sented  with  the 

damoysellis  byhalf  /  and  that  she  prayed  hym  to  bere  rin?.  an<1  Put»  it 

on  his  finger. 

it  for  the  loue  &  sake  of  her  /  And  guyow  ansuerd  that 

so  shuld  he  doo,  and  putte  it  on  his  fynger  /  and 

20  thanked  moche  the  damoyselle  /  and  J)e  messager  also  / 

and  the  brethern  gaf  moche  ryche  yeftw  to  the  same  The  brethren 

(rive  rich  gifts  to 

messager.     And  soone  after  the  trompettc  blew,  and  the  messenger. 

The  trmn]K-ts 

oueryman  putte  hym  self  fourth   on  hys  way.     and  aresonmieti, 

J  and  the  men  get 

24  there  niyght  men  be  seen  in  fayre  &  good  ordynrmnce.   underarms. 
And  the  Captayn  sent  to  aft  the  Fortresses  &  touncs,  The  captain 

assembles  from 

and  made  to  yssue  out  &  asse?rable  togidre  aH  the  men  th«  fortresses 

the  company  he 

of  armes  /  and  wel  were  of  them  aboue  the  nombre  promised, 
28  that  the  Captayn  had  sayd  to  the  two  bretheren  fyue 
hondred  more.     Vryan    thenne  lodged  hym  and   hys 
felawship  on  a  lytil  ryuere  /  and  on  the  morne  erly 
they  departed,  and  went  fourth  tyl  they  came  a  lytil 
32  byfore  mydday,  in  a  fayre  medowe,  nygh  to  a  grete  and  Urian 

marches  his 

ryuere  /  and  there  were  foyson  of  trees  /  also  there  was  army  within 

seven  leagues  of 

a  quarter  of  a  leghe  thens  a  grete  bridge,  where  they  Famagosse, 

nigh  a  great 

muste  passe  /  and  fro  that  bridge  vnto  Famagoce  were  bridge, 
36  but  seuen  leghcs  /  and  there  made  Vryaw  hys  folke  to 




[CH.  XXI. 

where  they 
abide  for  the 

Some  knights  go 
to  the  bridge, 
and  see  fifteen 
armed  men, 

and  on  the  other 
side  of  it  four 

i  fol.  76. 

The  fifteen,  on 
being  asked, 
say  that  they  are 
and  the  other 
company  pay- 
nims,  who  have 
lought  them, 
and  killed  one 
hundred  of  their 

TTrian's  knights 
help  the  small 
company  of 
Christians ; 

be  lodged,  and  said  he  wold  abyd1  J>ere  the  said  Captayn 
and  his  men  that  he  shuld  bring  m't/i  hym.     There 
they  laye  that  nyght,  and  abode  tyl  the  morne  noone. 
but  alwayes  some  knightes  were  goon  for  theire  dys-  4 
porte  vnto  the  said  bridge,  and  aspyed  there  about  xv 
men  of   armes  that  were  descended  therat  /  and  had 
theire  speeris  in  theire  fystes,  and  the  salades  after  the 
guyse  that  they  armed  them  in  that  Countre  /  and  of  8 
anoper   syde  they  sawe   come   about  foure   houndred 
men  1of  armes,  that  peyned  them  self   moche  for  to 
passe  ouer  for  to  greve  them  of  the  other  side  /  thanne 
came  one  of   our  Knightes  that  escryed  them,  &  de-  12 
manded  of  them  what  they  were  /  and  one  of  them 
ansuerd,  '  we  are  Cristen  /  and  they  that  ye  see  at  the 
other  side  of  the  watre  are  paynemys,  that  come  for 
fourrage  about  the  Countre  /  they  haue  mete  &  faught  ]  6 
\fiih  vs,  and  they  haue  slayn  wel  an  C  good  men  that 
were  of  oz«r  felawship.'     '  Now,  fayre  lordes,'  said  oure 
knyght, '  yf  ye  can  hold  you,  ye  shal  soone  haue  socours 
&  ayde.'     And  thenne  the  knight  broched  hys  hors,  20 
and  waloped  toward   hys  felawes,  and   recounted   to 
them  shortly  aH:  thauenture.     And  whan  they  vnder- 
stode  this   they  hastly  came  to   the   oost,  and  mete 
wz't/i   xxtl   crosbowes  men,  to  whom  they  bade  they  24 
shuld  hye  fern  toward  the  bridge  for  to  help  the  xv 
men  of  armes  that  were  there  ayenst  thenmyes.     And 
whan  they  vnderstode  this  they  walked  fast,  &  cam 
nigh"  to  the  bridge,  and  sawe  thre  cristen   that  were  28 
ouerthrawen  on   the   bridge   by   strokkes  of   speerys. 
'Fourth,'  said  then  one  of  them,  'we  tary  to  longe  / 
perceyue  you  not  how  this  Dogges  oppressen  vylaynly 
these  valyaunt  &  worthy  crystensV  /  and  anone  they  32 
bended  feir  crosbowes,  &  shot  aH  at  ones  /  and  ouer- 
threwe  doun  on  the  bridge  fro  theire  horses  with  that 
first  shotte  xxii11  paynemys.     Whan  the  mysbyleuers 
paynemys   sawe   this   they   were   sore   abasshed,   and  36 

CH.  XXI.]  A   BATTLE   BY   THE   BRIDGE.  131 

withdrew  themself  somwhat  backward  fro  the  bridge. 

Thenne   yede  the  cristen  men,  and  releuyd  vp   their  and  rescue  some 

f  i  ,1     ,  ,  of  their  Mends 

leiawes  that  were  ouerthrawen  on    the   bridge  /  and  on  the  bridge 

,   , ,  . .  from  the  pay- 

4  thenne  they  made  grete  joye  &  toke  good  herte  /  and  nilus> 
the  Crosbowe    men  shote   so  ofte  &  so  strong,  that        »foi.766. 
tliere  ne  was  so  bold  a  paynem  that  durst  putte  his  who  retire 
foot  on  the  bridghe  /  but  made  to  come  there  theiro  archers* UI 

8  archers,  &  thenne  bygan  the  scarmusshing  strong  & 

grete   and   moche  mortal,     but   betre  had   bo  to  the 

paynemys  that  they  had  we't/idrawo  them  self  apart, 

For  the  knightes  came  to  the   oost  and  reherced  to  Urian  hears  of 

12  Uryan  the  tydinges  therof,  the  whiche  mocfi  appertly 

armed  hymself,  and  made  hastly  a  thousand  men  of  and  rides  with  a 

.    ,        ...         ,  thousand  raeu  to 

armes  to  take  theire  barneys  on  them,  &  rode  forth  the  bridge, 
toward  the  bridge  /  and  ordeyned  another   thousand 
16  men  of  armes,  &  C  crosbowe  men  to  folowe  hym,  yf  he 
nede  had  of  them  /  aud  commanded  that  all  the  oost 
shuld  be  in  ordyncwnce  of  batayH,  &  betoke  it  to  the  leaving  MS  ho«t 

,  in  charge  of 

kepyng  &  gouemaunce  of  guyon  his  brother,  and  of  Ouion. 

20  the  maister  of  Rodes.  Uryan  thanne  made  the  stand- 
arde  to  passe  fourth  rydyng  in  batayH  moche  ordyn- 
atly  /  and  was  Vryan  before,  hauying  a  staf  on  hys 
fyste,  &  held  them  wel  togidre,  and  so  vnyed,  that 

24  one  marched  nothing  afore  that  other.  But  or  they 

were  come  to  the  bridge  there  were  come  eight  thou-  Eight  thousand 

paynims  come 

sand   paynemys,   that   moche   strongly   oppressed   our  against  him, 

who  at  first  press 

folke,  and  had  putte  them  almost  fro  the  bridge,     but  u*  company, 

28  anoone  came  there  Vryan,  whiche  alyghted  /  toke  hys 

speere,  &  so   dyde   hys  folke  moche   appertly  /  and 

made  hys  banere  to  be  dysployed  abrode  /  and  were 

the  crosbowe  men  on  bothe  sydes  of  hym  vpon  the 

32  bridge  /  and  then  they  marched  fourth,  and  bygan  to 

oppresse   and   rebuke  sore   the  paynemys,  and   made  but  are  at  last 
them   to  wt't/idrawe   bakkwarde.      And   there   Vryan   Urian  crying 
cryed  '  Ivusynen '  vrith  a  hye  voys  &  lowde,  and  yede  rushes  with  his 

men  against  the 

36  &  marched  aycnst  hys  enemy  s,  hys  banere  euer  by  fore  enemy, 

K   2 



[CH.  XXI. 

1  fol.  77. 

drives  them  over 
the  bridge, 

presses  them 

and  gets  his 
horses  over 
the  bridge. 

His  rear  coming 
up  frightens  the 

•who  flee  toward 
their  friends. 

TJrian's  com- 
pany chase  the 

kill  many, 

and  cause  them 

to  leave  their 


The  paynims 

rally  with  their 

friends  upon  a 


»  fol.  77  6. 

hym.  aand  hys  men  after  that  assay  lied  the  fals  dogges 
moche  asprely,  Whiche  of  the  other  syde  bygan  to 
launche  &  to  smyte.     Uryan  smote  a  paynem  on  J>e 
brest  with  hys  speere  so  demesurably,  that  hys  spere  4 
apered   at  back   syde   of    hym.      they   medled   them 
fyersly  togidre.    but  at   last   the  paynemys   lost   the 
bridge,  and  many  of  them  feli  doun  in  to  the  ryuere. 
And  thenne  passed  the  crystens  the  bridge  lyghtly  /  8 
and  there  bygan  the  baytayH  moche  cruel,  For  many 
were  there  sore  hurte  &  slayn  on  both  party es.     but 
ever  the  paynemys  were  putte  abak,  &  lost  moche  of 
ground.     Vryan  made  to  passe  the  horses,  for  wel  he  12 
perceyued   that   his  enemyes  wold  mounte  on  theire 
horses  to  putte  them  self  to  flyght.     Thenne  came  the 
arregarde  that  asprely  passed  oner  the  bridge  /  and 
whan  the  paynemys  perceyued  them   they  were  sore  16 
affrayed  /  and  who  that  myght  flee,  fledd  toward  theire 
folke  that  lede  theyre  proye,  oxen,  kyn  &  shep,  swynes 
&  othre  troussage.     Uryan  than  lepte  on  horsback,  and 
made  hys  folke  to  doo  soo,  &  com??zanded  the  arrer-  20 
garde   that   passed  them  oner  the   bridge,  that  they 
shuld  folowe  hym  in  fayre  ordynawnce  of  bataylle  / 
and  so  they  dyde  /  and  Uryan  &  hys  folke  chaced  the 
paynemys  that  fledd  sore  chaffed  &  aferd,  For  al  they  24 
that  were  by  Uryan,  &  they  of  hys  felawship  atteyned, 
were  putte  to  deth  /  and  endured  the  chasse  with  grete 
occysyon  &  slaghter  }?e  space  of  fyue  ooures  &  more. 
And  thenne  the  paynemys  ouertoke  theyro  folke,  &  28 
made  them  to   leue  behynd  them   alle  theyre    proy, 
&  came  vpon  a  grete  mountayne  toward  Famagoce  / 
and  ]>er  the  paynemys  reassembled,  &  putte  them  self 
in  2ordyncmnce.     but  there  came  Vryan  &  his  folke,  32 
theire  speris  on  theire  fystes  alowe  /  at  that  recount- 
ryng  were  many  one  slayn  &  wounded  sore,  of  one 
syde  &  of  other  /  the  paynemys  susteyned  the  stoure 
strongly,  For  they  were  a  grete  nombre  of  folke.     but  36 

en.  XXL]         TUB  SULTAN'S  SURPRISE  AT  TUB  DEFEAT.  133 

Uryan  assaylle J  them  vygourously  /  and  so  moche  lie  but  Urian  and 
dide  there  of  armes  that  aH  were  abasslied,  and  had 
grete  wonder  of  it.     Then  came  thither  the  arregarde 

4  that  was  of  a  thousand  men  of  armes,  &  C  crosbowe 
men  which"  eutred,  &  marched  sodaynly  vpon  theyre 
encmyes,  &  fauglit  so  strongly  that  the  paynemys  were 
putte  abacke,  &  lost  ground,  and  so  fyersly  was 

8  shewed  there  the  cheualry  &  hardynes  of  Cristen  folke, 
that  soone  they  had  the  vyctory,  and  putte  theyre  again  put  them 

to  flight, 

enmys  to  flight,  of  whiche  lay  dede  on  the  place  foure  and  slay  another 

thousand  &  more,  w/tAout  them  that  were  slayn  at  for-  of  them; 
1 2  sayd  bridge  /  and  the  chasse  endured  vnto  nygh  the 

oost  &  siege  of  the  paynemys.     Thenne  Vryan  made  atter  which 

^  J  J  J  Urian  retires 

bye  folke  to  \vztMruwe  them,  and  ledd  wz't/i  them  the  with  the  booty. 

proye  that  the  paynemys  had  lefte  behynd.  And 
1G  thus  within  a  short  while  they  eslongyd  ferro  one  fro 

other  /  and  OUT  folke  retourned  to  the  bridge  /  and  the 

puyncmys  went  fourth  to  theire  oost  cryeng  alarme. 

Wherfore  euery  man  went  to  barneys,  &  yssued  out  of 
20  theire  tentes  /  and  thenne  one  of  them  recounted  to 

the  sawdan  all  thaduenture  bat  happed  to  them.     And  Tnepaynims 

alarm  the 

whan  the  sawdan  herd  of  it,  he  wondred  mocli  who  Snitan, 

who  is  surprised, 

might  haue  brought  fat  folke,  that  so  grete  harme  &  *nd  h^J"ler*dwho 
24  domwage  had  born  vnto  hyni.    Thanne  was  there  grete  feated  his  mcn ; 
affray  iti  thoost,  &  grete  noyse  of  trompettes.     Wherof  he  sounds  his 

*  trumpets, 

they  of  the  Cite  inerueylled  what  thing  it  might  be,  &  which  alarm  the 

l-rnple  in  Fimm- 

armed  them  self  /  and  eueryone  was  in  his  garde  /  and  »***< uand  *J"ey 

arm  themselves. 

28  there  1camc  to  the  gate  one  of  the  knights  that  were         >  foi.  78. 
at  for.sayd  brydge,  whiche  had  putte  hym  in  auenture  A  knight  of 

J  J    '  Uriahs  arrives 

to  passe  thrugh  aH  thoost,  and  knewe  the  cowvyne2  of   at  the  town, 
one  parte  &  of  other,  also  the  grete  fayttes  of  armes  that 
32  Vryan  had  don  /  he  escryed  bye  vfith  a  lowde  voys  / 

'  open  the  gate !  For  I  bring  you  good  tydynges.'    And  «nd  tells  them 

that  he  brings 

thenne  they  demanded  of  hym  what  he  was  /  and  he  B°°&  tidings ; 
ansuerd,  '  I  am  one  of  the  knightes  of  the  fortres  of  the 
-  Fr.  commune. 



OF    CYPRUS    flEARS    OF    THE    VICTORY.       [CH.  XXI. 

being  led  before 
the  King  of 

he  recounts  the 

The  king  is  glad, 

and  sends  the 
knight  to  his 

fol.  78  6. 

who  asks  about 
the  battle, 
and  Urian. 

The  knight  says 
Urian  is  the 
bravest  and 
strongest  knight 
he  has  ever 

blak  mozmtayne.'     And  thanne  they  opend  the  gate, 
and  he  entred,  and  they  ledd  hym  toward  the  king1, 
that  soone  knew  hym.     For  other  tyme  he  had  seen 
hym.     The   knight  then    enclyned   hym    before    the  4 
king,  and  made  to  hym  the  reuerence  /  and  the  kinge 
receyued  hym  moche  benyngly  /  and  demanded  to  hym 
som  tydynges ;  and  he  reherced  to  hym  worde  by  wore? 
all  the  faytte  /  and  how  Yryan  clyde,  &  had  rescued  8 
the  proye  /  also  of  thauenture  of  the  bridge,  and  alle 
other  thinges,  &  how  hys  entencton  &  wylle  was  for  to 
gyue  batayH  to  the  sawdan,  and  to  reyse  the  siege  /  & 
that  shortly  /  •     'By  my  feyth,'  sayd  the  kyng,  '  that  12 
man  ought  me  god  wyli,  for  to  rescue  my  land  of  the 
fel  &  cruel  dogges  paynemys  /  and  for  the  holy  feyth 
crysten  to  susteyne  &  enhaunse  /  and,  certaynly,  ll 
shaft  to  morne  doo  fele  to  the  sawdan  ]>ai  my  socour  16 
&  help  is  nygh  redy  to  my  behauf  &  playsire,  &  that 
I  doubte  hym  not  of  nothing.'     'My  frende,'  said  the 
kyng  to  the  knyght, '  goo  &  say  these  good  tydynges  to 
my  doughter.'     '  Sire,'  said  the  knight,  '  right  gladly.'  20 
Then   came  he  in  to  the  chambre  where  the  mayde 
was,  and  2 moche  humbly  salued  her,  and  rehersed  to 
her  ali  the  auenture.     '  How,  sire  knight,'  said  she, 
'  were  ye  at  that  bataylle  ] '    '  By  my  feyth,  damoyselle,'  24 
ansuerde  the  knight,  '  ye.'     '  And  how,'  sayd  she, '  that 
knyght  that  hath  so  straunge  a  face,  is  he  such  a  fyghter 
as   men   sayeT     'By   my   feyth,  my   damoyselle.  ye 
more  than  a  houndred  tymes  /  For  he  ne  dreddeth  no  28 
man,  al  be  he  neuer  so  grete  &  so  pusyssaunt.     And 
wete  it  what  that  men  saye  to  you  of  hym  /  he  is  one 
of  the  moost  preu  &  hardy  knightes  that  euer  I  sawe  in 
my  lyf.'     'By  my  feyth,'  sayd  the  damoyselle,  '  yf  he  32 
had  now  hyerid  you  for  to  preyse  &  speke  wel  of  hym, 
he  hath  wel  employed  hys  coste.'     '  By  my  feyth,  my 
damoyselle,  I  spake  neuer  with  hym.  but  yet  he  is  betre 
1  Fr.  Jeferai  demain  sentir. 

CH.  XXI.]  ERMINE   IN   LOVE.  135 

worthy  than  I  telle  you.'  Then  she  ansuered  to  the 
knight, 1(  goodnes  &  bounte  is  betre  than  fayrenes  & 
beaulte.'  And  here  leueth  thystorye  to  speke  of  the 
4  mayde  /  and  retourneth  to  Vryan,  fat  abode  at  the 
bridge,  and  founde  hys  oost  lodged  at  this  syde  of  the 
bridge  /  And  also  the  Captayne  fat  had  brought  the 
men  of  arnies,  that  he  leuyed  fro  the  garnysons  &  for- 
8  tresses  vnto  the  nombre  of  VML  men  of  armes,  wtt/i 
two  thousand  V.  C.  crosbowe  men  /  and  also  there  were 
many  footmen  /  And  fey  were  alle  lodged  in  the 
medowe  at  the  other  syde  of  the  ryuere.  Where 

12  Vryan  found  his  pauyllou  dressed  vp  /  and  the  other  Urian  rest*  that 
that  had  be  at  the  pursyewte  &  chaas  of  the  paynemys, 
they  lodged  fern  that  nyght  the  best  wyse  they  coude, 
&  made  good  watche.     And  here  resteth  thystory  ther- 

1 G  of,  and  bygynneth  to  speke  of  the  kyng  of  Cypre,  that  The  King  of 

Cyprus  was  glad 

was   mocne  joyous  <fc  glad  01    the  socours   that  was  at  the  victory, 
come  to  hym  /  and  regracyed  deuoutely  OUT  lord  of 
it  /  and  in  that  party  passed  the  nyght.     But  who 
20  someuer  was  glad  that  was  Ermyne,  For  she  coude  not  and  his  daughter 

.        ,  .,    ,  ,   .  ,          ,          Ermine  thought 

by  no  manere  in  the  world  naue  out  01  her  thougnte  everofUrian, 
Vryan,  2and  desired   moche  to  see  hym  for  the  well        *  foi.  79. 
that  it  was  said  of  hym  /  in  so  moche  that  she  said  in 

24  herself,  that  yf  he  now  had  the  vysage  more  straunge  &  his  strange 

visage,  and  his 

more  contrefaytte  than  he  had  /  yet  he  is  wcl  shappen  bravery, 
for  his  proesse  &  bounte  to  haue  the  doughtir  of  the 
moost  high  kynge  in  the  world  to  hys  paramour.     And 

28  so  thoughto   the  damoyselle  al  the   nyght  on  Vryan, 

For  loue  by  hys  grete  power  had  broughte  her  therto.  because  love  by 
Here  resteth  thystorye  to  speke  of  her,  &  bygynneth  to  had  hold  of  her. 
speke  of  the  kyng  her  fader. 

32  rrihe  hystorye  recounteth  here,  that  on  the  morne 

1     at  the  spryug  of  the  day,  the  kynge  had  hys  in  the  morning 
folke  aH  redy,  &  yssued  out  of  the  Cyte  with  a  thousand  host 
men  of  arnies,  and  wel  a  thousand  of  Crosbowemen ; 
1  Fr.  Amy,  bonti  vault  mleulx  que  leaulte. 



[CH.  XXI. 

went  out  of  the 
city  and  fought 
the  enemy, 

giving  no 

The  paynims 
come  in  great 

and  the  King  of 
Cyprus  shows 
great  bravery. 

»  fol.  796. 

The  Sultan, 
bearing  a 
poisoned  dart, 
comes  with  a 
great  company, 
and  seeing  the 
king,  strikes  him 
on  the  left  side 
with  it, 

which  causes  the 
king  great 
anguish.     He 
pulls  out  the 
dart,  and  throws 
it  at  the  Sultan, 
but  missing  him 
it  kills  a  paynim 

and    some    brygandyners   were    embusshed    at  bothe 
thendes  of  the  barrers,  for  to  helpe  &  socoure  hym  yf 
he  were  to  moche  oppressyd  by  the  paynemys.     And 
J?en  the  king  entred  in  to  thoost,  &  bare  grete  dom??zage  4 
to  hys  enerays.     For  he  had  commanded  vpon  peyne 
of  deth  that  none  shuld  take  eny  prysoner,  but  that 
they  shuld  putte  aH  to  deth  /  and  this  dide  he  for 
cause  they  shuld  not  tende  to  the  dyspoylle  &  proye,  8 
and  that  at  laste  he  myght  gader  them  ayen  togidre  for 
to  wtt&drawe  them  wat/iout  ony  losse.     And  then  the 
oost  began  to  be  nievyd  /  and  who  best  coude  of  the 
paynemys  came  to  the  medlee.     And  whan  the  king  12 
perceyued  that  they  cam  w/t/i  puyssaiwce,  he  remysed 
hys  folke  togidre,  and  made  to  wz't/tdraw  them  al  the 
lytil  pas,  and  came  behynde,  the  swerd  in  his  fyst. 
And  whan  he  sawe  a  knight  approuche,  he  reto?a'ned  16 
&  made  hym  to  recule  aback  e.    but  yf  he  atteyned 
hym,   he   chastysed    hym   so   that   he   no   more   had 
langyng  to  siew1  hym.     And  there  the  kynge  dide  so 
wel  &  so  valyauntly,  that   euery  one   sayd   he   was  20 
moche  preu  &  worthy  of  his  hand  /  and  there  ne  2\vas 
so  hardy  payneme  that  oo  stroke  durst  abyde.     Then 
came  the   Sawdan  -with   a  grete  route  of  paynemes, 
armed  on  a  grete  hors,  that  held  a  dart  envenymed.  24 
And  thanne  whan  he  aspyed  the  king,  that  so  euyl 
demened  his  folke,  he  cast  at  hym  the  darte  yre,  & 
hytte  hym  at  the  synester  syde,  in  suche  wyse  that  lie 
perced  hym  thrugh  &  thrughe,  For  hys  barneys  coude  28 
neuer  waraunt  hym  /  And  soone  after  the  kyng  felt 
grete  anguysshe,  and  drew  the  dart  out  of  hys  syde, 
and  supposed  to  haue  cast  it  agayn  to  the  Sawdan  /  but 
the  Sawdan  tourned  hys  hors  so  appertly  that  the  dart  32 
flough"  besyde  hym,  &  smote  a  payneme  thrugh"  the 
body  in   suche  Avyse  that  he  feH  doune  dede.     And 
whan  the  sawdan,  that  oue/'moche  had  auaunced  hym 
1  Fr.  suyrir. 


self,  wendo  to  haue  retourned,  the  kynge  smote  hym  Tho  Sultan,  ad- 

., ,     .  .  .  vancing  too  new 

vfiui  his  swerd  vpou  the  heed  of  hym,  that  he  oner-  the  king,  is  over- 

thrown  by  him, 

threw  hym  to  therthe.     Thenne  cam  the   paynemes 
4  there  so  strong  that  they  made  the  kynge  &  hys  folke 
to   withdraw   backe  /  and   thence   was    the    sawdan  but  is  rescued  by 

his  people, 

redressed  &  remou/tted  agayn  vpon  a  grete  hors.     And 
thenne  was   J>e   prees  grete,  and  the  paynemes  were 
8  strong  /  in  so  moche  that  they  made  the  kyng  &  his  who  at  last  drive 

the  Cyprians 

folke  to  \vithdrawe  vnto  theire  barrers.     Thanne  bygan  back; 

the  Cypryens,  that  kept  the  passage  there,  to  sliote  & 

to  launche  on  the  paynemes  so  strong  that  they  dyed  but  these  shoot 

1    J  J      J          so  well  that 

12  the  place  wz't/t  the  blood  of  theire  enemyes.     but  so  """'? ;r«ynims 

are  killed. 

strong  were  the   paynemys,  that  they  gaynstode  the 

crysten  /  and  also  the  king  had  lost  moche  of  hys  The  king  now 

begins  to  be  faint 

blood,   OS  wexed  feble,  and  hys  folke  bygane  to  be  from  loss  of 


1G  abasshed.     And  how  be  it  that  the  king  suffred  moche  His  people  are 

abassheil,  Imt, 

dolour  &  peyne,  neuertheles  he  resioysshed  moche  hys  encouraged  by 

him,  they  flght 

people  &  encouraged  them,  and  so  moche  they  dido   well,  and  siny 

many  more  of 

that  the  fals  paynemes  might  gete  nothing  on  them  /  their  enemies. 
20  but  that  they  lost  twyes  1asmoche  more  /  and  was         »foi.8o. 
the  scarmnsshing  moche  fyers  &  peryllous.     And  thus 
the  kyng  of  Cypre,  by  hys  valyaunce  &  noble  herte, 
recomforted  his  folke.     and  though"  he  felt  grete  peyne 

24  &  woo,  ho  fuH  Avel  remysed  hys  folke  into  the  tonne.   At  last  he  con- 
ducts his  folk  to 
And  it  was  grete  meruayH  how  so  grete  a  lord,  wounded  the  town,  still  on 


to  the  deth,  myght  sytte  on  horsbake  /  but  the  stroke  Though  suffer- 

•  °  ing  from  the 

was  noting  mortaH  but  for  the  venyme,  For  the  dart  P«"o"»ed  wound, 
28  was  envenymed  /  and  wel  it  appered  w/t/nn  a  lytil 
tyme  after,  For  he  deyde  of  that  same  stroke,     but  for 
certayn  he  had  the  herte  so  full  of  valiauntnes,  as  the 
faytte  shewed  it,  that  he  ne  dayned  not  make  signe  he  make*  no  sign 

of  pain,  but  a 

32  of  eny  bewayllyng  before  his  folke,  vnto  tyme  that  one  baron  seeing  the 

J  J     J    •  blood  on  his  side 

of  the  barons  perceyued  att  his  senyster  syde  dyed  vrith  ^ 
bloode  /  the  whiche  Baron  sayd  to  the  king :    '  Sire, 
ye  abyde  to  long  here  /  come  &  make  yowr  folke  to 
3G  withdrawe  them  in  to  the  toune  or  it  be  more  late, 


For  the  nyglit  approucheth  /  to  thende  that  yowr 
enniyes  putte  not  them  self  thrughe  the  medlee  emong* 
vs.'  The  kyng,  whiche  felt  grete  sorowe,  ansuerd  to 
Lym  thus  :  '  Doo  therof  after  you?  wylle.'  This  knyght  4 
therme  made  a  hound  red  men  of  armes,  that  were 
This  baron  with  reffresshed,  to  come  before  the  barryere,  &  made  to 

some  archers 

continues  the        bygynne  ayen  the  scarmusslung  \\iiti  an  C  crosbowe 


men ;  and  so  were  the  paynemes  sette  abacke,  wherof  8 
•which  makes  the  the  sawdan  was  furl  of  grete  anger,,  and  escryed  to 

Sultan  angry, 

who  calls  on  his     hys  folke  :  '  fourth  lordes  &  barons,  peyne  yowr  self 

]  >eople  '  to  do 

well,'  to  doo  wel,  For  the  tonne  shalbe  oures  this  day :  hit 

upon  which          may  not  escape  vs.'     And  thenne  enforced  ayen  the  12 

they  fight 

vigorously.  medlee.  And  there  ye  had  see  wel  assaylled  & 
ryght  wel  deffended,  of  that  one  part  &  of  that  other. 
But  whatt  the  kiuge  of  Cypre  sawe  that  the  paynemes 

The  king,  though  strengthed  them  soo,  he  toke  courage  grete,  &  ranne  16 

in  great  pain, 

comes  to  the         vpon  them  vygourously  /  and  there  he  suffred  so  moche 


peyne  pert  aft  the  synewes1  of  hys  body  were  open, 
2  foi.  so  i.       wherof,  as  some  2sayen,  his  lyf  was  shorted  /  and  by 
and  the  payuims  that  same  enuahissliiwg  were  putte  aback  the  paynemes.  20 

are  driven  back ; 

&  many  of  them  wer  slayn  &  sore  wounded.  The  nyght 
thenne  approuched,  and  was  nygh  /  and  grete  harme 
&  losse  was  there  of  both  partes.  but  alwayes  the 
paynemes  wit/idrew  them  vnto  theire  oost,  For  the  24 
king  encouraged  hys  folk  soo  that  they  ne  doubted  no 
stroke  nomore  than  yf  J>ey  had  be  of  yron  or  of  stele, 
afterwards  the  And  whan  the  payneuis  were  departed,  the  kinge  & 

king  and  his 

people  return       hys  folke  retourncd  in  to  the  toune.     And  whan  they  28 

to  the  town, 

where  they  learn   knew  the  euyl  auenture  of  theire  king,  they  becranne  to 

of  the  kings  J 

reynmouarnwhich  sorowe  &  to  make  grete  dueil-     And  tne  kynge,  that 
sawe  this,  sayd  to  them  :   '  My  good  folke,  make  no 
The  king  en-        suche  waymenting1  ne  sorowe,  but  thinke  wel  to  def-  32 

courages  them, 

fende  you  ayenst  the  Sawdan  /  and  god  our  sauyo?<r 
and  tells  them      shalbe  at  yowr  ayde  &  helpe,  For  yf  it  playse  hym  I 

he  may  soon  be 

healed,  shall  soone  be  heelid.      Ihenne  was  the  peuple  peased 

1  Fr.  values. 


ayen.     but  neue>-J>eles,  the  kyng  that  said  suche  worde« 

for  to  resioysshe  hys  peuple,  felt  in  hyni  self  that  he  but  at  the  same 

1  f        ,    . ,  time  lie  knew 

coucle  not  escape  fro  deth.    And  thenne  he  co?nmanded  he  was  near 
4  to  his  folke  they  shuld  make  good  watche,  and  gaf  The  king  orders 

,  ,  good  watch  to  be 

nem  leue,  «&  came  to  tlie  palleys,  and  there  alyghted  kept; 
£  yede  in  to  hys  chambre  /  And  thenne  came  hys  is  visited  by  his 
doughter,  that  somwhat  had  vnderstand  of  hys  mys- 
8  auenture.     but  whan  she  perceyued  that  hys  harneya 
was  aH  rede  with  bloode,  and  sawe  his  wounde,  she  who  faints  at  the 
feH  doun  in  a  swoune,  &  lay  as  she  had  be  deed,   wounded  the 
Thenne  commanded  the  kynge  that  she  shuld  be  borne  armour. 

12  in  to  her  chambre  /  and  so  it  was  doon.     After  the 
Cyrurgiens  came  to  see  the  kingis  wounde,  and  was 
leyed  on  his  backe  along  his  beed  /  and  they  told  hym  The  surgeons 
that  he  was  saaf  fro  pareH  of  deth,  and  that  he  slmld  is  safe; 

1C  not  be  abasshed.     'By  my  feyth,'  said  the  kynge,  'I  but  the  king  «ay« 

,  ,  ,  ...          .,,  ,  .,  ,,        ,         ,  ,        ,         .    he  knows  well 

wote  wel  how  it  is  wzt/i  me  /  the  wylle  of  god  be  doo  /  how  it  is  with 
hit  may  not  be  kepte  so  secretly  but  that  it  shalbe 
1knowen  thrughe  the  Cyte.'     And  thenne  byganne  fe         »foi.8i. 
20  sorowe  moche  grete  among  the  Cytezeyns  &  peple  of  The  people  of 

,        ~  the  city  mourn 

tlie  Lyte,  and  more  without  comparacton  than  it  was  for  their  king, 
byfore.     But  here  resteth  thystorye  of  the  kynge  &  of 
the  siege  /  and  shal  speke  of  Vryau  and  of  his  brother, 
24  and  how  they  exployted  afterward.  / 

In  this  parte,  saith  thystorye,  that  on  the  morow  in  the  morning 
erly,  that  was  thursday,  was  Vryan  after  hys  masse  mass, 
herde  byfore  hys  teute  /  and  there  he  made   come, 
28  one  aftir  other,  aH  the  Captayns  &  chief tayns  vfiih 
theire  penons  &  standarts,  and  theire  folke  vnder  them 
al  armed  of  aH  pieces,  for  to  behold  &  vysyte  theire  reviews  and 

numbers  his 

harneys,  yf  eny  thing1  wanted  /  as  wel  the  straungers  /  men, 
32  as  hys  owne  folke  /  and  beheld  wel  the  maynte?je  & 
contenawnce   of  them.     And   after  this  was   doo   he 
made  them  to  be  iiombred  /  and  they  were  founde  by  finding  between 

nine  or  ten 

extymaaon  about  ix.  or  ten  thousaund  fyghtmg  men.   thousand  in  all. 
36  Thenne  said  to  them  Vryan  :  '  Lyste,  aH  fay  re  lordes, 



[CH.  XXI. 

'  It  is  their  dnty 
to  maintain  the 
faith  of  Christ, 
who  died  for 

even  at  peril 
of  life, 

though  our 
enemies  are  ten 
to  one  against  us. 

Alone,  Christ 
fought  for  our 

«  fol.  81  6. 

If  you  die, 
salvation  and 
Paradise  awaits 

Soon  I  will 
march ; 

but  if  there  be 
any  whose  heart 
is  not  steadftist, 
let  him  with- 

for  one  coward 
has  often  spoiled 
a  great  under- 

we  are  here  assembled  for  to  susteyne  the  feyth  of  Jeshu 
cryste,  of  the  whiche  he  vs  alle  hath  regenered  and 
saued  /  as  eche  of  vs  knoweth  wel  ynoughe  how  he 
suffred  cruel  deth  for  the  loue  of  vs,  to  thende  he  4 
shuld  bye  vs  ayen  fro  the  peynes  of  helle.     Wherfore 
lordis,  seen  &  considered  in  our  hertes  that  he  hath 
doon  to  vs  suche  a  grace,  we  ought  not  to  reffuse  the 
deth,  or   such  auenture   as   he   shal   gyue  vs,  for  to  8 
deffende  &  susteyne  the  holy  sacrements  that  he  hath 
admynystred   vs   for  the   saluac/on   of    OUT   sowles  / 
though"   that  we  now  haue  adoo  \vith  strong  partye. 
For  OUT  enmys  ben  tene  ayenst  one  to  the  regarde  of  12 
vs  /  but  what  therof  we  haue  good  ryght,  For  they 
are  come  to  assayll  vs  without  cause  vnto  OUT  right 
herytage  /  and  also  we  ought  not  to  resoyngne     ne 
dylaye  therfore.     For  Jhesu  Criste  toke  alone  the  warre  1 6 
for  OUT  redempciOH,  And  by  hys  deth  alle  good  folke 
that  kepen  his  co?Hman2dements  shal  be  saued.     ye 
oughte  themze  to  vnderstand  aft  certaynly,  that  alle 
thoo  that  shuft  dye  in  this  quarelle,  mayiitenyng  &  20 
enhaunsyng  the  feyth,  shal  be  saued,  &  shal  haue  the 
glorye  of  Paradys  /  And  Jjerfore,  fayrc  lordes,  I  tell  you 
in  generaH  that  I  haue  entencyon,  god  byfore,  to  meve 
presently  for  to  approche  OUT  enemys,  and  to  fyght  24 
•with  them  as  soone  as  I  may.     Wherfore,  I  praye  you 
frendly,  that  yf  there  be  ony  man  in  this  place  that 
feleth  not  his  herte  ferme  &  stedfaste  for  to  wz'tAstande 
&  abyde  thauenture,  sucfi  as  it  shal  playse  to  god  to  28 
send  vs  /  that  he  wMdrawe  hym  self  apart  fro  other, 
For  by  one  only  Cowarde  &  feynted  herte  is  sometyme 
lefte  &  loste  al  a  hoole  werke.    and  wete  it  that,  al  thoo 
that  wyl  not  co??*me  with  theire  good  wyft,  as  wel  of  32 
my   folke    as    of    other,3   I   shaH   gyue   them   money 

3  '  Wha  will  be  a  traitor-knave  ? 
Wha  can  fill  a  coward's  grave  ? 
Wha  sae  base  as  be  a  slave  ? 

Let  him  turn  and  flee! '     (Scots  wha  hae.) 

CH.  XXI.]        THE    MARCH   OF    URIAN's    HOST   TO    FAMAOOSSE.  141 

ynouglie  &  syluer  for  theyre  sustencmnce  &  fyndyng 
for  to  passe  ouer  the  see  ayen.'     After  these  wordes  ho 
made  hys  banere  to  be  dressed  a  bowe  shote  fro  the 
4  valey,  vpon  the  mounteyne,  and  ordeyned  hys  brother  Urian  gives 

Guiou  his 

Guyon  for  to  hold  &  here  it  /  and  after  he  said,  al  on  banner, 
hye,  in  hervng  of  hys  folke  /  '  AH  they  that  entenden,  and  calls  on  nil 

'    who  want  to 

&  haue   deuocz'on  for   to   auenge   the  deth  of  Jotlm  avenge  Christ's 


8  criste,  to  thenhaunsyng  of  the  holy  feyth  cristen,  Also 
to  ayde  &  helpe  the  kynge  of  Cypre,  lete  hym  with-   »n<i  to  help  the 

King  of  Cyprus, 

dra\ve  hym  self  vnder  my  banero  /  and  they  that  ben  to  come  under  it, 
of  contrary  wyH,  lete  them  passe  ouer  at  the  ober  syde  and  march  across 

tin;  bridge. 

12  of  the  bridge.'     Thaune  whan  the  noble  hertes  horde 

hym  saye  thoo  wordes.  they  held  it  to  grete  wysedome  The  nobie  hearts 

heard  him, 

of  hym,  &  of  grete  prowesse  &  worthynes,  &  went  alle  and  were  glad, 

and  marched 

in  a  companye  togider  vnder  his  banere,  wepyng  for  ^"I<Jerhis 
16  Joye  &  for  pyte  of  the  wordes  that  Vryaw  had  said  / 
ne  none  delayed  ne  taryed  for  nothing,  but  yede  aH 
vnder  hys   banere,  as   said  is  /  Thenne  was   moche 
gladde  Vryan,  and   ioyozjs,  and  anone   he  made   his  The  trumpets 

are  sounded, 

20  trompettes  to  bo  blowen  vp,  and  all  was  troussed1  &  and  the  march 

begins ; 

putte  them  self  on  theire  way.  And  tlianne  the 
2maister  of  Kodes,  and  the  Captayne  of  Lymasson  2  foi.  sa. 
putte  them  self  assembled  togidre,  and  rode  in  fayre 
24  batayH,  And  said  wel  that  ayenst  Vryan  and  his  folke 
no  man  shal  endure  /  And  thus  they  rode  tyl  they 
came  nygh  to  the  moiwtayne  /  and  as  half  way  to  the  they  come  to  a 


place  where  the  batayH  had  be  the  day  byfore.     *  By 
28  my  feyth,  lordes,'  sayd  Vryan,  '  there  uygh  that  yond 

ryuere  were  good  that  we  went  to  be  there  lodged  tyl  and  halt  for 


we  were  ref  resshed.     And  in  the  meane  while  we  shal  and  to  hold 


see  and  aduyse  how  we  shaft  for  the  moost  surest  way 

32  hyndre  &  ado??image  our  enmyes '  /  And  they  ansuerd 

that  so  was  good  to  doo.     They  went  thenne  aH  togider, 

to  thende  they  were  not  founde  abrode,  &  lodged  bem 

self  there.     Xow  leuctli  here  of  them  thystorye  /  and 

36  bygynneth  to  speke  of  the  Sawdan.  /         l  Fr.  trouss?. 


On  the  Sultan's     T  I  ihystorye  sayth  that  the  Saudan  had  hys  espyes 

spies  telling  him 

the  state  of  the       _i_    -within  the  Cite,  whiche  aspyed  secretly  J>e  Con- 
vyne  of  them  of  the  toune.     Wherby  he  knew  that 
and  of  the  ROC-      socours   &  help   came  to  the  kyng  /  and   also   how  4 

cour  coming, 

and  of  the  illness  the  kyng  was  sore  wounded,  wherof  the  peuple  was 

of  the  king, 

gretly  troubled.     Thanne  had  the  sawdan  cause  to  do 
he  orders  an        assayft  the  toune  /  and  he  made  to  blowe  trompettes 


whan  fe  sonne  was  vp,  and  ordeyned  his  bataylles,  and  8 
his  Crosbowes  &  paueys,1  and  came  vnto  the  dyches  & 
barryers.     There  bygan  the  scarmusshing  outrageously 
fyers  /  they  shotte  wz't/i  Crosbowes  demesurably  of  one 
part  &  of  other.     There  were  many  paynemes  slayn,  12 
The  townspeople  For  they  wz't/iin  the  toune   shotte  many  gonnes  2  & 

defend  them- 

selves by  shoot-     cast  vpon  them  fro   the   batelments  of  theire  walles 

ing  stones,  pitch, 

hot  oil,  grete  stones,  pyche  &  grece  brennyng  hoot,  and  reuersed 

and  overturning     {  J     ' 

the  enemy's         them  fro  the  ladders  vnto  the  botome  of  the  dyches.  16 

scaling  ladders.  • 

Thenne  came  the  Sawdan  fourth,  cryeng  vfith  a  high 
The  Sultan  urges  voys,  '  !N"ow,  lordes,  deffende  yojjrself  worthily,  &  lete 

On  tll6  JlSSllUlt, 

vs  take  toune  or  ony  socours  come  to  OUT  enemyes, 
For  on  my  god  Machomete,  he  that  first  shaH  entre  20 
»  foi.  826.       3the  toune,  I  shaH:  gyue  hym  hys  pesaunnt  or  weyght 

and  promises  the      ./>         i  •  -i  i  -j.  > 

first  man  that       ol    syluer   in    suche    estate    as    he    entre   in   to   it. 

enters  the  city  his    -„,-,        ,,  ,      ,  ,,  n       P       i  .1 

weight  in  silver.     VVho  then?ze  had  see  them  assaylle  &  cleme  vp  to  the 
They  attack         walles,  and  putte  them  self  in  parelloMs  passage,  he  24 


s"lafe  pel^ed      shuld  haue  be  meruaylled.     But  they  that  were  vpon 

with  logs  of 

*ne  wa^es  wit/jin,  fourth  cast  on  them  4  grete  logges  of 
wode,  brenTzyreg  oyle,  lede  molten  /  tonnes  &  barels 
brimstone  on  fire,  fu}}  of  ynquync^ed  iyme)  and  vesselles  futi  of  flaxe  28 

grecyd  with  oyle  and  mixtyouned  w?'t/i  brymstone  and 
sulfer,  al  ardaunt  &  brennyng  /  so  that  magre  them 

toretlre°blieed     ^e^   wer6   ^avn   ^°   re^en(luyssne  *he    place,   and   to 

remounte   at   another   syde   of   the   waH  :    and   there  32 

1  Fr.  pavilllers.         2  Fr.  gros  canons  et  d'esprin  galles. 

4  Fr.  pierres,  pieux  agus,  huilles  ckaiides,  plong  fondu, 
2)oinsons  plains  de  chaulx  vive,  tonneaux  plains  destovppes 
engressees  et  ensovffrees  tous  ardent. 

OH.  XXIF.]  URIAN    IN    SIGHT    OP   THE    BATTLE.  143 

abode  many  paynemys  al  brent  and  sore  hurt.     And  many  burnt 

thanne  the  Sawdan  made  thassawte  to  be  strengthed  TheSuitan 

•with  new  folke  /  but  they  within  forth  deffended  them  assault,  but 

.  the  townsfolk, 

4  ful  vaJyauntly  as  preu  &  hardy.     Also  they  were  more  knowing  of  the 

SOCCOUIS,  fight 

vygourous  of  herte,  for  that '  they  knew  theire  soco?/rs  vigorously, 
comrayyng,  that  was  nygh.     Here  I  shall  leue  of  jns 
matere  /  and  shal  say  how  Vryan  dide,  whiche  had 
8  sent  hys  espyes  to  knowe  how  it  was  of  the  siege  /  And 

they  reported  to  hym  how  the  saudan  gaaf  grete  &  Urian's  spies  tell 

,  i/^,.  of  the  assault  on 

contynuel  sawtes  to  the  Cite  /  and  that  wit/tout  shortly  Famagosse, 

and  the  sore 

it  were  socoured,  they  were  within  in  grete  dannger  /  need  of  the 

'  King  of  Cyprus, 

12  and  how  the  kynge  was  syke  &  sore  wounded.     Whan 

wtt/nn  them  self  wel  angry  and  fylled  with  sorowe  /  at  which  he 

sorrows,  but  dis- 

but  no  grete  semblaunt  they  made  of  it,  to  thende  sembies  his  grief. 
16  theire  folke  shuld  not  be  of  lesse  courage  therfore.  / 

Cap.  XXII.      How   the   Sawdan  was   slayn 
by  fore  Famagoce.1 

2  Tn  this  parte  sayth  thystorye,  that  whan  Vryan  herde        »  foi.  ss. 
20    A.  the  tydynges  forsaid,  he  made  to  sowne  his  trom-  Urian  sounds 

.to  arms, 

pettes,  and  made  thoost  to  be  armed,  and  departed  it  and  marches  his 

host  in  four 

in.  foure  bataylles ;  wherof  of  the  first  batayH  he  hym-  battalions, 
self  was  conductoztr,  hys  brother  lede  the  seconde,  the 
24  maister  of  Eodes  was  Chieftayn  of  the  iiidc;  And  the 
foureth  was   conduyted   &   lede   by   the  Captayn   of 
Lymas.     And  he  made  to  abyde  in  the  valey  aH  the  leaving  the 

baggage  with  a 

sormrcaee,  and  mad  it  to  be  kept  WttA  a  houndred  men  guard  in  the 


28  of  armes  and  fyfty  cros  bowemen.     And  after  they  by- 

gane  to  mounte  the  hille,  And  fro  thens  they  sawe  At  the  wii  they 

see  the  battle, 

how  the  paynemes  assaylled  moche  strongly  the  Cite,  and  the  great 

number  of  the 

And   thewne  Vryara  said  to  his  folke  /  'Lordcs,  that  pagans. 
32  folke  is  of  grete  nornbre  /  but  no  doubte  they  be  oures  / 

1  Famagusta  (named  by  Augustus  after  the  battle  of  Actium, 
Fama  Augusta),  on  the  west  coast  of  Cyprus,  south  of  the 
ancient  Salamis,  the  only  harbour  in  the  island. 





Urian  encourages 
them  to  expect 

fol.  88  6. 

They  march 
forward ;  the 
paynims  at  first 
take  them  for 
friends,  but 
them,  are  sore 

Urian' s  batta- 
lion enters  the 
right ; 

two  other  bat- 
talions march 
forward  between 
the  enemy's 
watch  and  the 

At  last  all  four 
march  together 
against  the 

The  Sultan 
learns  that  his 
camp  is 

and  sees  the 
forces  marching 
against  him ; 

becomes  angry, 
sounds  for  his 
warriors  to 

But  Urian's 
battalion  falls- 
on  them  before 
they  have  time 
to  do  so, 

*  fol.  84. 

and  god  before  they  shalbe  dyscomfyted  by  vs  f  and 
that  right  soone.     goo  we  thenne  ayenst  theire  oost  / 
and  so  fourth  w/t/iout  dylayeng  to  them  that  sawten 
the  Cite.     Jand  I  wene  vriiJi  goddis  grace  that  they  4 
shal  not  endure  long  ayenst  vs.'     And  they  ansuerd, 
'  that  good  it  was  for  to  doo  soo.'     Thenne  he  wold 
descende  the  mountayne  and  haue  passed  at  back  syde 
of  the  oost ;  but  whan  they  supposed  to  haue  passed  8 
fourth,  the  paynemes  perceyued  that  they  were  not  of 
theire  folke  /  they  cryed  alarme  and  were  sore  aferd. 
Thanne  sayd  Vryau  to  the  Captayn,  that  with  aH  his 
bataitt  he  shuld  entre  thoost  to  fight  ayenst  them  that  12 
were  there.     There  bygan  a  mortal  medlee,  And  Vryan 
and  the  other  two  bataylles  yede  ferther,  &  putte  them 
self  atwix  the  watche  &  them  that  assaylled  the  Cite  / 
and  so  long  they  sawted,  that  alle  they  that  kepte  theire  1G 
lodgis  and  of  feire  watche  were  slayn  and  dystroyed, 
and  incontyne?it  aH  the  foure  bataylles  in  fayre  ordyn- 
a?mce  marched  fourth  toward  the  other  that  strongly 
assaylled.     But  one  came  to  the  sawdan,  and  said  to  20 
hym  how  the  tentes  &  pauyllons  were  take,  and  alle 
they  that  kepte  them  slayn  /  '  and  they  that  haue  doon 
Jt/t  faytte,  ye  may  see  them  commyng  hitherward,  the 
moost  strong  and  feH  folke  that  eue/*  I  sawe  ne  herde  24 
speke  of.'     The  saudan  thanne  loked  abacke,  and  sawe 
baners  &  standarts  and  hys  emnyes  co?«myng  in  fayre 
ordynazmce  /  and  so  nygh  togider  that  they  semed  not 
in  nombre  to  be  as  moche  by  the  half  as  they  were.  28 
Thenne  was  the  Saudan  abasshed  and  wood  angry  /  and 
made  to  sowne  hys  trompette  to  withdrawe  &  assemble 
his  folke  togider.     But  or  they  were  half  assembled, 
Vryan  came  first  v?iih  hys  batayH  /  and  with  a  grete  32 
courage  ran  vpon  them  moche  asprely,  And  Iper  began 
thoccysyon  &  slaghter  moche  grete  /  but  for  certayn  the 
gretest  losse  tourned  on  the  paynemes,  For  2they  had 
no  leser  for  to  putte  them  self  in  aray  of  baytaylle,  and  36 


were  sore  wery  of  thassawte  /  &  none  of  them  were 
vnder  his  banere  wharc  Vryaw  and  his  folke  ranne  vpon 
them,  \vhiche  were  aspre  &  hardo  and  fuH  wel  wyst  kills  many  of 

them,  and  pnti 

4  the  crafte  of  armes,  wherfore  many  of  the  paynemes  others  to  flight, 
putte  them  self  to  flight.    But  the  sawdan,  that  was  fill 
of  grete  courage  &  of  grete  vasselage,  realved  his  folke  The  courageous 

Sultan  rallies 

about  hym,  &  delyuered  &  gaf  ryght  a  grete  sawte  to  his  people, 

J  J  Je>  and  assault*  th« 

8  our  folke  moche  proudly.    There  were  many  men  slayn  Christian  folk 

&  sore  wounded  /  and  made  hym  self  to  be  redoubted 

and  dradde,  For  he  held  a  two  hand&t  ax  /  and  smote 

wj'tft  at  lyfte  syde  and  at  the  ryght  syde  that  none 

12  niyght  susteyne   hys   stroke   that   were   about   hym. 

But  whan  Vryan  perceyued  hym  \>ai  so  sore  demencd  Urinn  seeing  th« 
his  folke,  he  was  futt  woo,  and  said  in  hymself,  '  By  my  Sultan, 
feyth,  it  is  greto  pyte  &  dom??zago  that  yonder  Turcke  regrets  he  be- 

'  .  lieves  not  in 

16  byleueth  nat  on  god,  For  he  is  moche  preu  &  valyaunt  God; 

of  his  hand  ;  but  for  the  domraage  that  I  see  he  doeth  but  because  of 

the  damage  he  is 

on  my  folke,  I  ne  haue  cause  to  forbere  hym  ony  more  /  doing, 
and  also  we  be  not  in  place  where  grete  &  many  wordc* 
20  may  be  holden.'     Thenne  he  brau/tdysshed  hys  swerd 

and  vtitli  a  fyers  contenaunce  rane  vpon  the  Saudan  /  rides  against 


And  whan  he  sawe  hym  co7«myng  he  refused  hym  not, 
but  toke  his  ax  and  wende  to  haue  smyten  vryan  w/t/ial 

24  vpon  the  crosse  of  the  heed  /  but  Vryan  eschiewed 
the  stroke ;  the  ax  was  pesaunt  and  heuy,  and  wit/t  that 
vayne  stroke  it  scaped  fro  the  Saudans  hande«.  And 
thanne  Vryan  smote  hym  vpon  the  helmet  a  grete 

28  stroke  wit/*  all  his  might  /  and  was  the  sawdan  so  sore 

charged  w/t/i  that  stroke  that  he  was  so  astonyed  and  stuns  him, 
amased  that  he  neyther  sawo  nor  horde,  and  lost  the 
brydel  and  the  steropes,  and  the  hors  bare  hym  where 

32  he  wold.     And  Vryan  ^ursiewed  hym  nygh,  and  yet        » foi.w*. 
agayn  atteyned  hym  wt't/i  his  trenchaunt  swerde  betwix 
the  heed  &  the  sholders,  For  his  helmet  was  aH  vnlaced 
and  his  hawtepyece  feS  of  wit/i  the  forsaid  stroke, 

36  wherfore  vrith  his  second  stroke  vryan  made  hys  swerde 



nnd  with  a  to  entre  in  the  sawdants  flesshe,  in  so  moch"  that  he 

second  blow 

wounds  him  so      detrenchecl  &  cutte  the  two  maister  vaynes  of  his  nek, 

that  he  falls  from 

his  horse.  and  feii  doune  fro  hys  hors  to  the  erthe.     And  there 

was  so  grete  prees  of  horses  of  one  parte  and  of  other,  4 
that  the  stoure  of  batayH  was  there  so  aspre  and  so 
mortaH  that  hys  folke  might  not  help  hym  /  and  lost 

At  length  the       so  moche  of  hys  hlood  that  he  most  there  deye  in  crrete 

Sultan  dies  from 

io*s  of  blood.        dystres  &  sorowe  /  And  soone  after  that  the  paynemes  8 
knew  that  the  saudan  was  deed  they  were  affrayed  and 
moche  ahasshed,  and  neuer  aftir  they  fought  "with  no 

Urian,  Guion  and  good  herte.      Thanne  Vryan  and  his  brother  Guyon 

their  followers 

fight  so  well         esprouued  themself  there,  &  f aught  so  strongly,  gyuyng  12 
grete  &  pesauwt  strokes,  that  wonder  it  was  to  see. 
And  wete  it  wel  fat  bothe  Cypryens  &  Poytevyns  dide 

that  in  a  short      so  valyauntly  that  in  short  space  of  tyme  they  dystroyed 

time  they  take  . 

or  slay  all  their     theyre  enmyes,  wmche  were  ail  slayn  or  take.     And  16 

enemies.  ' 

After  the  battle     thenwe  Vryan  &  his  folke  lodged  them  self  in  the  pav- 

they  lodge  in  the  l    J 

pagans'  camp,  nems  lodgys  /  and  was  the  sommage  of  the  cristen  sent 
fore  /  and  the  gardes  and  kepers  of  it,  fayne  &  glad  of 
the  vyctory,  came  &  brought  it  in  to  thoost  and  lodged  20 

where  the  there  /  And  the  two  brethern  made  the  Butyn  or  con- 

brethren  fairly 
divide  the  booty,   queste  to  departe  &  deele  so  egaly  after  euery  man  had 

deseruyd  &  was  worthy,  J>at  none  there  was  but  he 
was  fuH  of  Joye  &  content  of  it  /  And  here  resteth  24 
thystorye  of  Vryan  /  and  shal  speke  of  the  capytayne 
of  Lymas,1  that  soone  came  to  Famagoce. 

In  this  parte  telleth"  vs  thistorye  that  after  j>e  dys- 
comfyture  of  the  batayli  the  Captayne  2departed  28 
Lymasandtwrty  fro  tne  two  brethern,  wj't/t  hyni  xxx  knightes  of  grete 

knights  leave  the       rp  i  JT        /^i-i  i  ,1 

brethren  and  go    anayre,  and  came  to  the  Cite,  where  the  yates  were 
where  they  are      opend  to  hym  gladly,  and  entred  and  found  the  folke 

received  gladly, 

by  the  stretes,  of  whiche  some  made  grete  feeste,  for  32 
fat  they  sawe  them  delyuered  of  theire  enemyes,  and 
blessid  the  heure  that  euer  the  children  of  Lusignen 
were  borne,  and  the  heure  also  whan  they  entred  the 
1  Fr.  Lymasson  : — Lirnassol.  on  S.  coast  of  Cyprus. 

OH.  XXII.]          THE    CAPTAIX    OF   LYMAS   VISITS   THE   KIXG.  147 

land.     And  some  folke  made  grcte  sorowe,  grete  wep-  but  find  the  folk 
ynges,   sore  lawrnentyng«,   and  grete   bewaylling«,  for 
theire  kynge  J>at  was  wounded  to  the  deth.     Wherfore 

4  he  wyst  not  what  to  thinke,  For  he  knew  not  yet  the 
kyng  was  hurt.     And  so  moche  he  exployted  that  he  The  Captain  of 
came  to  the  palleys,  and  there  he  alighted,  where  he  to  the  palace, 
found  the  peuple  wel  mate l  /  and  he  demanded  of  th«m 

8  what  they  ayled,  and  yf  they  wanted  of  eny  thing.    '  By 

my  feyth,'  said  one  of  them,  '  ye  /  and  that  ynough" ; 

For  we  lese  the  moost  true  &  valyaunt  man  that  euer 

was  borne  in  this  royalme.'     '  How  thanne,'  said  the 

1 2  Captayn, '  is  the  kynge  syke  ? '    '  Ha  /  a !  sire,'  ansuered 

to  hym  a  knight,  '  knowe  you  no  more  of  it?    We  dide  where  he  learrm 

that  the  King  liu 

yssue  yesterday,  and  enuanysshed  oitr  enmyes  /  and  been  mortally 

wounded  by  a 

at  retourne  of  it  the  sawdan  smote  our  king  wit/i  a  poisoned  dart, 
1C  venymows  darte,  by  so  that  no  remedye  nys  founde 
therto  /  For  we  supposed  euer  that  these  two  damoy- 
seaulx  had   come  to  o«r  ayde  &  help  at  that  day, 
And  wete  it  that  the  kingis  doughtir  demeneth  suche  and  that  the 

King's  daughter 

20  heuynes  &  sorowe,  that  grete  pyte  it  is  to  see,  lor  is  sore  depressed 

and  will  not  eat. 

almost  two  dayes  are  passed  that  she  ete  no  manere  of 
mete  /  woo  &  euylhap  shalbe  to  vs  yf  we  lese  both  our 
king  &  our  damoyselle  &  lady,  For  yf  that  happed  the 

24  land  were  in  grete  orphanite  of  bothe  lord  &  of  lady.' 
'  Fayre  lordes,'  said  the  Captayne,  '  aH  is  not  yet  lost 
that  lyeth  in  pareH.  Haue  lost2  in  OUT  lord  Jhesu  Criste, 
and  he  shall  helpe  you.  I  pray  you  lede  me  toward 

28  the  king.'     'By  my  feyth'  /  said  3the  knight,  'that        »foi.&5&. 
shaft  soone  be  doo,  For  he  lyth  in  the  next  chambre,  next  chamber? 
where  euery  man  may  goo  as  he  had  no  harme  /  He 
hath  alredy  made  hys  testament,  &  hath  ordeyned  & 

32  bequethed  of  hys  owne  good  to  his  seruaunts,  so  that 

euery  one  is  content  /  and  he  is  confessed  &  hath  rc- 

ceyuod  owr  lord,  and   he  is  admynystred  of  att  his 

rights  &  sacrements.'     'By  my  feyth,'  said  the  Cap- 

i  Fr.  mat.  2  Fr.  fiance. 



tayne, '  he  is  thanne  in  good  caas  /  and  he  hath  doon  as 
On  entering,  a  wyse  man  oughte  to  doo '  /  And  thenne  he  entred  in 
makes  his  rever-  to  the  Chambre  &•  enclyned  hym  self  by  fore  the  kyng 

enee,  and  is 

welcomed  by  the  that  leye  on  his  oeed,  and  made  to  hym  the  reuerence.  * 

King,  J  J 

1  Captayne,'  said  the  kinge,  '  ye  be  right  welcome  / 
and  I  thanke  you  of  the  good  diligence  that  ye  haue 
doo  to  haue  accompanyed  these  two  noble  men  by 
whome  my  land  is  out  of  the  subgection  of  the  pay-  8 
nemes,  For  I  had  no  more  puyssauuce  to  gouerne  my 
who  asks  him  to  folke  ne  my  land  /  I  pray  you  that  ye  goo  &  telle 

bring  Urian  and 

Onion,  as  he         them  on  my  behalf  that  bey  vouchesaaf  to  come  & 

desires  to  reward 

them.for  the  help  see  me  or  I  be  deed,  For  grete  wylle  I  haue  to  make  12 

they  have  given 

hilB-  satisfaction  to  them  to  my  power  of  the  loue  &  cur- 

toysye  that  they  haue  shewed  to  me  ;  And  also  I  haue 
grete  desyre  to  see  &  speke  with  them,  for  certayn  caas 
whiche  I  wyl  declare  vuto  them.'  'My  lord,'  said  the  16 

The  Captain         Captayne,  '  gladly  I  shall  doo  yowr  o^mandement.' 

promises  to  , 

bring  them,          « Now  gooth  thenwe,'  said  the  kynge, '  &  lete  hem  be  to 
morne  vriih  me  by  the  houre  of  prynie.'     The  kinge 
and  the  King  has  thanne  commanded  that  the  grete  strete  where  they  20 

the  great  street 

of  the  city  shuld  passe  shuld  be  hanged  richely  vnto  the  paleys, 


and  dyde  doo  make  grete  appareyl  ayenst  theire 
commyng.  And  here  resteth  thistory  to  speke  of  the 
king  /  and  retourneth  to  saye  of  the  Captayne.  24 

\  history e  saith  that  so  fast  rode  the  Captayne  that 
soone  he  came  to  the  oost,  and  alighted  at  the 
i  toi.  86.        Hente  of  the  two  brethern,  that  moche  humbly  receyued 
The  Captain  re-     hym.     And  thewne  he  recounted  to  them  how  the  king  28 

lates  his  news  to  .,      ,  .    . , 

the  brethren,  \vas  sore  hurt  /  and  that  anectuelly  he  prayed  them 
that  they  vouchesaaf  to  come  toward  hym,  so  that  he 
might  thanke  them  of  the  noble  socours  that  they 

and  tells  how  the    had  doon  to  hym,  and  to  make  satisfaction  to  them  of  32 

King  wishes  to  ,  .  -,      i        f 

reward  them.       theyre  peyne  &  dyspens  to  his  power,  and  also  tor  to 

speke  vfith  them  of  other  matere.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said 

Urian  protests      Uryan,  '  we  are  not  come  hither  for  to  take  sawdees2 

2  Fr.  souldoier  pour  argent. 



ne  for  no  syluer  /  but  only  to  susteyne  &  enhaunse  the   that  his  only  <ie- 

,     . .  ,       .  sire  is  to  support 

catnoliqwe  leytn.      And  we  wol  wel   bat  euery  man  theCathoiio 


knowe  that  we  haue  hauoyr  &  syluer  ynouch"  for  to  pay  ">d  that  he  has 

treasure  enough ; 

4  owr  folke  /  but  ahvay  we  right  gladly  shall  goo  toward 

hym.     And  wete  it  that  I  purpose  to  goo  toward  the 

king  in  suche  a  state  as  I  departed  fro  the  batayH ;  For 

yf  he  vouchesaaf  I  wyl  receyue  of  hym  the  ordre  of  he  win  however 

8  knighthode  for  the  valyaunce  &  honour  that  euery  man  to  be  knighted. 

sayth  of  hym.    And  ye,  Captayn,  ye  may  goo  and  telle 

hym  that  to  morne  at  that  houre  he  hath   poyuted 

bothe  my  brother  and  I  and  the  maister  of  Rodes,  god 

12  before,  we  ahal  be  toward  hym,  and  a  houndred  of  our 

moost  high  barons  vrith  vs.'     Thenne  toke  leue  the 

Captayne  and  came  to  the  Cite,  where  he  was  receyued  The  c*ptain  re- 
turns to  the  King, 
mocn  honourably  /  and  soone  he  came  to  the  paleys,  *««  **  stm  alive 

'    and  pleased  to 

1C  where  he  fonde  the  kynge  in  also  good  poynte  as  he  "eeium, 
lefte  hym.     And  there  was  his  doughter  Ermyne,  that 
was  futt  of  sorowe  for  the  euyl  of  her  fader  /  but 

that  notwithstanding  she  recomforted  her  self  inoche  of  as  is  his  daugh- 
ter, when  she 
20  this  that  men  said  to  her,  that  the  two  damoyscaulx  learns  that  the 

brethren  are 

shuld  come  there.    And  wete  it  that  she  moche  desyred  ^mmg  to  the 


to  see  Uryan.  And  thenne  the  Captayne  salued  the  kyng. 
'  Ye  be  right  welcomwe,'  said  the  kinge  / '  what  tydinge* 

24  bryng  you  of  youre  1  message  /  shal  I  not  see  that  two        » foi.  866. 
gentil  damoyseai/Zz  ? '     'Sire,  ye,'  said  the  Captayne  /  The  Captain 
'  they  and  houndred  more  vfith  them  /  and  playse  you  message, 
to  knowe  that  they  wil  haue  no  recompense  of  you  / 

28  For  as  they  saye  they  be  not  sawdyours  for  siluer  /  but 
bey  name  them  self  sawdyours  of  our  lord  Jeshu  criste. 
And  so  moche,  sire,  hath  told  me  Uryan  /  that  to 
morne,  god  before,  or  it  be  fullysshe  pryme,  he  shal 

32  come  toward  you  in  suche  a  poynt  &  state  as  he 
came  fro  the  baytaylle;  For  he- wyl  receyue  thordre 
of  cheualrye  and  to  be  dowbed  knight  of  yowr  hand.' 
'  Bv  mv  fevth,'  said  the  kyns,  '  I  lawde  our  lord  Jeshu-  for  which  the 

J        J        J  King  thanks  his 

36  Criste,  whan  before  my  dayes  be  termynetl,  it  playseth  Saviour. 


hym  that  I  make  &  dowbe  knight  one  so  valyaunt  & 
hye  pry  nee  /  and  wete  it  I  shal  th  erf  ore  deye  betre  at 
ease.'     And  whan  Ermyne  herd  of  these  tydinges  she 
Hermine  rejoices  had  so  grete  joye  therfore  in  her  lierte,  that  she  coulde  4 

at  the  news, 

not  holde  her  coutenawice  ne  mane?-e  /  but  therof  she 
made  no  grete  semblaunt,  but  shewed  to  haue  grete 
sorowe  woo  in  her  lierte.     She  toke  thanne  leue  of 
she  kisses  her       her  fader  /  and  sore  wepjng  kyssed  hym  moche  swetly  /  8 


and  retires  to  her  and  she  went  into  her  chambre  /  and  there  she  bv^au 

room,  where  slie 

for  his        to  be  way  lie  her  self  sore  /  one  houre  for  the  douloar  & 
woo  that  she  had  for  her  fader  /  and  another  heure  for 
and  also  for  the     the  grete  joye  &  desyre  that  she  had  of  the  siyht  of  12 

joy  of  being 

brethren  seethe  VlTan>  wnos  tarvcng  enjoyed  her  moclie  /  &  moche 
long  she  was  in  thoughte  so  argued  and  vexed  therwit/i 
all,  that  aH  that  night  she  coude  not  slepe  / 

In  this  parte  saith  thistory,  that  on  the  morne  erly  1G 
the  king  commanded  that  aH  noble  and  vnnoble 
1  foi.  ST.        shuld  make  theire  houses  to  be  appareylled  l  &  hanged 
mands  theTn?"      w/t/tout  forth  euery  one  after  his  power,  for  to  make  feste 

habitants  of  the       p    ,  ,  „    ,  ,  OA 

city  to  decorate     «  hono?tr  at  the  cowmyng  or  the  two  brethern  and  of  20 

their  houses, 

and  arranges  for    they  re  folke  /  and  tliat  at  euery  corner  of  a  strete  shnld 

iniisic  in  the 

streets.  be  trompettes  and  other  dyuerse  Instruments  of  musyqne 

making  grete  melodye  /  And  for  certayn  the  peup'.e  en- 
deuoyred  them  self  wel  /  ye  /  more  than  the  kynge  had  24 
commanded  to  be  doo.     What  shuld  I  make  long  pro- 

Before  prime        lomie  /  the  two  brethern  wit/an  pryme  came  mounted 

(6  A.M.)  the 

brethren  on  two    moche  nobly  vpon  two  grete  coursers  /  and  Vryan  was 

coursers  arrive 

their  meny°f       a^  armec^>  euen  so  as  wna^  he  came  fro  the  batayH,  28 
tne  svverd  naked  in  his  fyst.    And  Guyon,  hys  brother, 
"ad   on   a   gown   of  fyn    clothe  of   damaske,   rychely 
fourred  /  and  byfore  them  rode  thretty  of  the  moost 
hye  barons  in  noble  aray  /  and  nygh  to  them  was  tlie  32 
maister  of  Rodes  and  the  Captayn  of  Lymas.     And 
after  the  two  bretheren  came  &  folowed  nygh  thre 
score  &  ten  knightes  and  theire  squyers  &  pages  in  her 
companye  /  and  in  fay  re  aray  they  entred  in  to  the  36 


Cyte.      There   had   ye  seen  the  feste  begynne  moch"   Tho  welcome  is 
grete  /  and  the  trompette*-  &  menestrels  dooyng*  theire  music, 
crafte  /  And  thrugh  tlie  stretes  had  ye  sene  folke  of 
4  grete  honour  that  were  moche  wel  and  richely  clothed, 

whiche  cryed  with  a  hye  voys  / '  ha  /  a  welcowrae  be  ye,  shouting,  decor- 
ations, and  the 
prynce  vyctoryozw,  of  whom  we  hold  and  are  aH  sus-  press  of  people. 

cited  of  the  cruel  semytnde  &  boundage  of  thenemyes 
8  of  our  lord  Jeshu  Cryst.'     There  had  ye  see  ladyes  & 
damoyselles  at  wyndowes  in  grete  nombre  /  and  thaun- 
cyent  gentylman  &  burgeys  were  merueylled  of  the  The  townsfolk 

are  surprised  at 

grete  fyerste  of  the  noble  Aryan,  that  was  al  armed,   Urian's fierce- 
12  the  vysage  dyscouered  /  a  grene  garland  on  his  bed, 

an  the  swerd  in  bis  fyst     And  the  captain  bare  by- 
fore  hym  hys  helmet  on  a  tronchon  of  a  spere.     And 
whan  they  perceyued  his  fyers  visage  l  they  said  be-        '  foi.  87  6. 
16  twene  them  self  togidre  / '  that  man  is  able  and  shappen  and  say  he  is 

able  to  subdue 

for  to  subdue  &  putte  vndre  hym  aH  the  world.'     '  By  ail  the  world, 
my  feyth,'  said  the  other,  '  he  sheweth  it  wel,  For  he 
is  entred  into  this  toune  lyke  as  be  had  conquerd  it.' 

20  '  In  name  of  god,'  said  other  /  '  the  rescue  of  the  daun- 
ger  of  whiche  he  hath  kept  vs  fro  is  worth  &  ynougti 
for  a  conqueste.'  '  Certaynly,'  said  other,  '  thaugh  his 
brother  bath  not  so  fyers  a  face,  yet  he  semeth  to  be 

24  man  of  wele  &  of  faytte.'    And  so  talkyng  of  one  thing 

&  of  other  they  conueyed  bem  vnto  the  paleys,  where  At  length  the 

brethren  arrive 

they  alighted.     And  here  resteth  thystorye  to  speke  at  the  palace, 
ony  more  of  the  peuple  /  and  bygynneth  to  speke  how  alight 
28  the  two  brethern  came  byfore  the  king  / 

Cap.   XXIII.     How  Vryan   &  Guyon  came 
byfore  the  kinge,  he  beying  in  his  bed  syke. 

2  rflhystorye  saytb  now  that  the  two  brebern  moche        » foi.  ss. 

32       •      honourably  came  £  made  the  reue?'ens  to  the  They  make  rever- 
ence to  the  King, 

kiu^e  /  and  the  kiuge  receyued  them  joyously  /  and  who  thanks  th.-m 

1     '  for  the  aid  they 

thanked  them  moche  gracyously  of  theire  ayde  &  socours/  **ve  given  him. 


and  said  to  them  /  that  after  god  /  they  were  they  by 

whom  he  &  al  his  readme  was  suscited  fro  the  moost 

and  says  they       cruel  passage,  &  more  fel  ban  eny  deth,  For  yf  they 

have  saved  his  J  J 

people  from         had  not  be.  the  paynemys  had  dystroyed  them  alt  /  4 

being  either  slain 

or  perverted,        or  iiad  constrayned  to  be  conuerted  to  theire  fals  lawe, 
whiche  had  be  to  vs  wers  &  heuyer  than  ony  deth  cor- 
poraH.     For  they  that  to  it  had  consented  -with  herte, 
they  had  had  for  eumnore  dampnacaon  eternel  /  '  And  8 
therefore,'  said  the  kyng,  '  it  is  rayson  that  I  rewarde 

and  so  he  owes      you  to  my  power,  For  I  haue  none  other  wylle  than  to 

them  a  great 

reward.  endeuoyre  me  berto  /  how  be  it  certayn  that  I  may 

not  acomplysshe  to  the  regarde  of  the  grete  honowr  12 
that  ye  haue  me  shewed  /  but  lowly  &  humbly  I  be- 
seche   you  to  take   in  worth e   my  lytil   puyssaunce.' 

Urian  replies        '  By  my  feyth,'  said  Vryan,  '  of  this  ye  ought  not  to 

that  he  wants 

none,  doubte  /  For  we  be  not  come  hither  neyther  to  haue  16 

of  you  gold  nor  syluer  /  ne  of  yowr  tounes,  castels,  ne 
us  he  desires  only  landes  /  but  only  to  seke  honour  and  for  to  dystroye 

lionour,  and  that 

the  Catholic         thenemyes  of  god,  and  to  exalte  the  feyth  catholical  / 

faith  may  be  J  J  I 

unlsfyshewuid  au(*  *  wil>  sire'  that  ^Q  knowe  that  we  hold  out  peyne  20 
w°eTreepraid7fShe    we^  employed,  yf  ye  vouchesaaf  to  doo  vs  so  moche  of 
were^ubbed'6'     honour  that  ye  wyl  dowbe  my  brother  &  me  knighte* 
of  your  hand.'     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  king,  'noble 
darnoyseaulx,  in  asmoche  as  I  am  not  worthy  to  acorn-  24 
The  King  con-       plyssho  youT  requeste,  I  consent  to  it  /  but  first  shaH 

sents  and  orders 

mass  to  be  said;     the  masse  be  said.'    '  Sire,'  said  Vryan, '  tha  me  semyth 
ifoi.  886.        \vel  doon.'     And   thanne  the  chapellayne  awas  soone 

redy.     And  themze  Vryan,  hys  brother,  and  aft  other  28 
deuoutly  herde  the  messe  &  the  semyse  deuyne,  And 
after  the  deuyne  semyse  Vryan  came  tofore  the  king. 

this  done  Urian     And  thenne  he  drew  the  swerde  out  of  the  shede  & 

kneels  before  the 

Kmg>  kneled  doun  byfore  the  kyng,  where  he  laye,  and  sayd  32 

to  hym  in  this  manere :  '  Sire,  I  requyre  you,  for  alle 
asking  as  Ws         the  salary  of  my  seruyce  that  I  haue  doo  or  may  doo 

reward  the  lion-  J 

hoodfor  hlmJeif    in  tyille   to   come>  that  Je  vouchesaf   to   dowbe   me 
and  brother.         knight  wrt/i  this  swerde  /  and  so  shuH  ye  haue  wel  36 


rewarded  me  of  aH  that  ye  say  that  my  brother  &  I 
liaue  doo  for  you  and  for  your  realme  ;  For  of  the  hand 
of  a  more  valyaunt  knyght  and  noble  lord,  I  ne  may 

4  receyue  the  ordre  of  knighthede  /  than  of  yours.'  '  By 
my  fey  tli,'  said  the  kinge  /  '  damoyseau,  ye  shew  me 
more  honour  than  ye  owe  me  /  and  ye  ray  moche  more 
of  me  than  euer  I  deserued.  but  sene  I  considered 

8  that  grete  honour  is  to  me  to  dowbe  you  knight,  I  am 
agreable  therto  /  but  after  that  I  haue  acomplysshed  Before  knighting 

him  the  King 

jour  requeste,   ye   shaH   couuenaunt  with   me  yf  it  geuurianto 

promise  to  give 

piayse  you  to  graunte  me  a  yefte,  the  whicho  shal  not   "im  a  gift,  the 

giving  of  which 

1  2  tourne  you  ney  ther  to  prejudice  ne  dommage,  but  only  ^i11/?0.1  imP°ver- 

to  your  ryght  grete  prouffyt  &  honour.'  '  By  my  feyth,' 
said  Uryan,  '  I  am  redy  therto  to  acomplysshe  your  wille 
&  play  sire.'  Thenne  had  the  kynge  grete  joye,  and 
1C  dressyng  hym  to  sytte  vp,  and  toke  the  swerde  by  the 
pomel  that  Uryan  toke  hym,  and  therwit/t  dowbed  hym 
knyght,  sayejig,  in  this  manere  /  'In  the  name  of  god,  then  in  the  name 

of  God,  the  King 

I  adoube  you  &  admytte  you  into  thordre  of  a  knyght,  dubsUrian 


20  prayeng  god  to  putte  from  you  aH  euyrl.'     And  benne  The  exertion 

opens  the  King's 

gaf  hym  the  swerd  ayen,  and  thus  makyng  his  wounde  woundi 
opeud,  and  out  of  it  ranne  blood  thrugh  'the  wraper,         >  foi.  ». 
wherof  Vryan  was  sory  &  woo,  and  so  were  aH  other 

24  that  sawe  hym  :  but  thenne  the  kyng  layed  hym  self  but  he  is  eased 

by  laying  down  ; 

ayen  along  in  his  bed  sodaynly,  and  said  he  felt  none 

euyH.     And  after  he  commanded  two  kuighte*  that  then  he  sends  for 

J  Hemiine, 

they  shuld  fetche  hys  doughter  /  and  tliey  dide  soo  / 
28  and  brouglit  her  at  mandcment  of  her  fader.     And 
whan  the  kyng  sawe  her,  he  said  thus  /  '  My  doughter 
thank  &  remercye  these  noble  men  of  thayde  and  so-  and  wds  her 

t  li.'in  k  tlie 

coure  that  they  haue  doon  to  me  &  to  you  bothe,  and  brethren; 

32  also  to  aH  our  realme,  For  yf  had  not  be  the  grace  of 
god  &  theire  strengths  &  puyssaujjco  we  had  be  aH 
dystroyed,  or  at  leste  exilled  out  of  our  land  /  or  ell  is 
vs  to  haue  be  conuertid  to  theire  fals  lawe  that  had  be 

36  wers  and  more  importable  to  vs  than  to  suffre  deth 


teiuporaH '  /  And  thenne  she  kneled  byfore  the  two 
which  she  does      bretheren  &  salued  them,  &  thanked  moche  humbly 

much  humbly,  . 

And  \vete  it  that  she  was  in  suche  manege  commouyd- 
and  is  overcome    as  she  had  be  rauysshed,  and  wyst  not  how  to  hold  4 

by  her  feelings  of 

sorrow  for  her      contenawnce.  what  for  the  woo  &  sorowe  that  she  had 

father  and  love 

for  uriau.  at  her  hei'te  of  thanguysshe  that  her  fader  felt  /  as  of 

the  thoughtes  that  she  toke  for  Uryaw,  in  so  moche 
that  she  was  as  a  personne  that  is  awaked  newly  fro  8 

Urian  seeing  her    her  drenie.     But  the/me  vryan,  that  wel  perceyued  that 


raises  her,  she  had  her  spiryte  troubled,  toke  her  vp  ryght  swetely, 

and  bows  to  her.   and    enclyned   hymself   byfore   her,    makyng1  moche 

reuerence  eche  of  them  to  other  /  and  where  as  they  12 
The  people  say      of  the  countre  said  /  '  yf  this  noble  man  had  take 

that  were  Urian 

to  many  their      Oure  damoyselle  to  his  lady  wel  it  shuld  come  to  passe. 

lady,  they  would 

have  no  fear  for     jror  thenwe  we  shuld  drede  neyther  payneme  nor  man 

the  pagans. 

that  Avoid  doo  vs  hurt.'     And  thenne  called  the  kyng  16 
his   doughtir,  and  to  her   said  thus :   '  My  doughtir, 
ifoi.89&.       sette  you  here  xby  me,  For  I  deme  that  ye  shall  not 
The  King  tells  of  long  hold  me  company.'    And  she  thanne  wepyng  satte 
end,  herself  by  hym.     And  thanne  aH  they  that  were  there  20 

bygan  to  sorowe  &  wepe  for  the  pyte  they  had  of  the 
kyng1,  And  also  of  the  sorow  that  they  sawe  the  virgyne, 
his  doughter,  made  so  pitously. 

Thystory  telleth  vs  that  the   kyng  was  sorowfuH  24 
•whan  he  sawe  hys  doughter  take  such"  heuynes, 
tries  to  console     !md  thenne  he  said  amyably  :   '  My  doughtir,  lete  be 


yowr  heuynes  and  jour  grete  doulowr  that  ye  take,  I 
pray  you,  For  that  thing  that  may  not  be  amended  it  28 
is  folye  to  make  therof  grete  sorowe  /  notw/Mstandyng 
it  is  raison  naturel  that  eueryche  creature  be  sorow- 
fuH  for  hys  frend  &  neyghbour  whan  that  he  losith 
by  promising  to  hym.  but,  and  it  playse  god,  I  shal  puruey  for  you  32 

provide  for  her.  . 

so  that  ye  shal  hold  you  content,  or  I  departe  fro  this 
mortal  world1,   and   so  shaH   aH   the   baronye   of  my 
realme '  /  And  jjenne  bygan  the  mayde  to  wepe  more 
Fr.  esmeue. 

('II.  XXIII.J  URIAN    AND    HERMINE    TO    BE    WEDDED.  155 

haboundauntly  than  she  dide  to  fore,  And  also  all  the   Hermine's  sor- 
row causes  her  to 
barons  demened  suche  woo  &  sorowe  that  it  was  pvte-  weep  more, 

and  all  the 

ous  for  to  see  /  but  vrvan  and  guyon  were  sorowfullesi  Barons  sympa- 

thize  with  her. 

4  of  aft.     and  the  kyng  perceyuyng*  theire  doulowr,  he 
said  to  them:   '  Fayre  doughtcr,  and  you,  vryan  and   But  the  Kins 

tells  them  all 

guyon,  this  sorowe  is  not  necessary  to  you,  For  ther- 

with  I  preuaylle  not  nor  you  neyther  in  no  manere  /  that  their  sorrow 

,  .  will  not  avail, 

8  but  it  augmenteth  my  doulowr,  wherfore  I  yon  com-  and  that  it  in- 
creases his  pain, 
maude  that  ye  cesse  of  this  heuynes  yf  ye  loue  me, 

and  to  haue  me  yet  wzt/t  you  here  alyue  a  lytil  space 

of  tyme.'      And  thenwe  they  bygan  to  cesso  theyre  and  so  they 

become  calm. 

12  doukmr  in  theire  best  manere,  for  the  wordes  that  the 
kyng1  to  them  said.  And  ouer  that  spake  the  kynge 
hym  self  dressyng  to  vryan,  and  thus  said  :  '  Sire 

knyght,  thankyng  be  to  you,  ye  couenaunted  w/t/j  me  The  King  re- 
minds Urian  of 
16  a  yefte  whiche  I  purpose  now  to  take  /  and  }>at  shal  thepromisedgift, 

neyther  touche  your  cheuaunce  nor  honoz*r.'     '  I3y  l  my        *  foL  90. 

feyth,'  sayd  Vryan,  '  demande  what  it  playse  you,  For 

yf  it  be  of  that  thing  wherof  I  haue  power  I  shal  fulfyH  who  says  he  is 

J        ready  to  fulfil 

20  it  voluntarily.'     '  Gramercy  sire,'  sayd  the  kynge,  '  wete  his  promise, 
it  that  by  this  that  I  shal  demande  of  you,  shal  retourne 
to  you  a  noble  thing1.     Now,  sire  knight,  I  pray  yon 
that  it  may  playse  you  to  take  my  doughter  in  mary-  The  King  then 

asks  Urian  to 

24  age,  and  ali  my  royalme  with  her  /  And  fro  this  tyme  take  hu  daughter 

in  marriage, 

fourth  I  gyue  you  fuH  possessyon  therof  to  doo  ther-  and  his  kingdom 

in  166. 

w/t/i  your  prouffyt '  /  And  wel  veray  &  booth  it  in  that 
he  had  doo  brought  there  the  crowne  /  and  with  these 

28  worda?  he  took  it,  &  said  /  'hold,  Vryan,  ne  reffuse 
not  my  requeste  that  I  desyre  of  you.'  Theune  were 
the  barons  of  the  land  so  joyous  that  teeris  fel  fro 
theire  eyen  for  pyte  &  joye  that  they  had  therof.  And 

32  whan  Vryan  vnderstode  these  wordts,  he  called  a  lytel 
remembrauwce  /  and  wete  it  wel  he  was  sorowfuH  & 
dolaunt  therof.  For  he  was  wyllyng  to  seke  the  straunge  Urian  wishing  to 

see  more  of  the 

countrees  of  the  world  and  poursiewe  for  honour.     But  world,  hesitates. 
36  alwayes  for  as  rnoche  as  he  was  accorded  w/t/t  the  kynge 




The  Baron  asks 
him  if  he  refuses 
the  gift? 

He  replies,  no ; 

and  takes  the 
crown  and  puts 
it  in  Hermine's 

which  gladdens 
the  King  and 

t  fol.  90  6. 

Henuine  says  she 
will  see  the  end 
of  her  father's 
sickness  before 

but  the  King 
upbraids  her  as 
desiring  his 

upon  which  she 
kneels  at  the 
King's  feet, 
and  promises  to 
obey  him. 

The  King  bids 
her  leave  her 
sorrow  and 
decorate  the  hall 
of  the  palace, 

and  prepare  a 

of  the  yefte,  he  wold  not  gaynsaye  it  /  And  whan  the 
barons  sawe  hym  so  pensefuH  they  cryed  al  with  a  hye 
voyce  ryght  pyteously  /  « ha  /  a  then,  noble  man,  wilt 
thou  refi'use  the  kinges requeste 1 '    'By  my  feyth,  lordes  4 
&  barons,'  said  Uryan,  '  no  more  shal  I  doo.'     Thenne 
enclyned  Uryan  byfore  the  kyng  wher  he  laye,  and 
toke  the  croune  and  putte  it  in  Ermynes  lap,  sayeng  / 
'  Damoyselle,  it  is  yowr,  and  sith  it  hath  fortuned  thus  8 
vfith  me,  I  shaH  you  helpe  to  kepe  it  my  lyf  naturel, 
yf  it  playse  god  ayenst  al  them  that  wold  vsurpe  it  or 
putte  it  in  subgecti'on.'     Thence  was  the  kinge  joyful 
and  glad,  &  so  were  al  the  barons.     And  after  he  dide  12 
make  come  the  archebysshop  of  the  Cite  that  asuryd 
them  togidre.      But  Ermyne  xsaid  she  wold  see  first 
the   termynacz'on  of   her  faders  syknes  or  she  shuld 
procide  ony  ferther.     Thanue  said  Vryan,  '  damoyselle,  16 
sith  that  it  playseth  you  to  doo  so  I  am  agreable  therto.' 
Thenne  was  the  kyng  woofuH  &  dolamit,  and  said  : 
'  Fayre  doughter  Ermyne,  ye  shew  wel  pat  lytel  ye  loue 
me,  whan  that  thinge  which  I  desire  nioost  to  see  afore  20 
myn  ende  ye  ne  wyl  acomplysshe.     N"ow  wel  I  see 
that  ye  desyre  my  deth.'     Whan  )>e  mayde  vnderstode 
hyrn  she  was  ryght  dolaunt  &  sorowfutt  /  and  wepyng 
kneeled  byfore  the  king,  hir  fader,  and  said  in  this  24 
mane?*e  :  '  My  right  redoubted  lord  &  fader  /  there  nys 
thing  in  the  world  that  I  shuld  reffuse  you  vnto  myn 
owne  deth  /  co??imande  you  me  your  playsire.'     '  Ye 
say  now,'  said  the  king,  '  as  a  true  doughtir  ought  to  28 
say,  that  is  wylling  for  to  kepe  her  fader  from  wrathe 
&  fyre.     I  now  thanne  cowzmande  you  that  ye  leue 
yowr  sorowe,  and  lete  this  halle  to  be  dressid  and  with 
ryche  clothes  hanged,  and  make  the  masse  to  be  said  /  32 
and  aftir  the  deuyne  semise  do  make  the  tables  to  be 
couered,  and  after  dyner  make  here  byfore  me  the  feste 
as  that  I  were  now  on  my  feet ;  For  wete  it  wel  /  that 
shal  helpe  &  comforte  me  wel.'     And  theune  they  aH  36 


endeuoyred   them  self  to   fulfyH   this   that   he  com- 
manded.    Thenne  was  the  masse  said,  and  sate  them  After  mnss  the 
self  at  dyner  /  &  Ermyne  was  sette  at  a  table  that  was 
4  layed  by  fore  her  faders  bedd  /  and  Vryan  wit/i  her, 
And  Guyon  serued  Ermyne  of  mete.     Thanne  had  the 
king  grete  joye,  but  ho  made  betre  semblaunt  than  his  which  pleases 
herte  was  of  power,  For  certayn  what  chere  that  he 
8  made  he  felt  grete  peyne  &  grete  dolo?/r,  For  the  venym  though  he  is  in 
that  was  wtt/iin  the  wounde  caused  grete  putrefyeng  &  his  wound, 
rotyng  of  his  flesshe  /  but  for  to  rejoye  the  baronnye 
he  made  no  semblaunt  of  no  sorow  ne  1doulewr  /  and         >  r«.i.9i. 
12  after  dyner  bygan  the  feest,  and  lasted  til  nyght  came. 
The  king  thanne  called  to  hym  vryan,  and  said,  '  Fayrc 
sone,  I  wyl  ye  wedde  my  doughter  to  morne,  and  I  The  feast  over, 
wyl  delyuere  vnto  you  the  Crowne  and  Ceptre  of  this   UrianThathe* 

,  n         i          T-,  ..    T  wishes  him  to 

16  realme,  *or  wete  it  I  may  not  long  be  alyue.     Wher-  marry  Hermine 

"  the  next  day, 

fore  I  wil  that  alle  the  barons  of  bis  land  make  theire  »nd  *°  h»ve  th« 

Barons  make 

homnge  to  you  byfore  my  deth.'     'Sire,'  said  vryan,   homage  to  him. 
'  sith  that  playseth  you  /  your  wylle  &  myne  be  one '  / 
20  And  there  was  Ermyne  present  bat  refussed  not  to 
fulfylle  her  faders  wyB. 

Cap.  XXIV.     How  Vryan  espoused  Ermyne, 
doughter  vnto  the  kinge  of  Cypre. 

24  f\N  the  morne  next,  about  the  hooure  of  tierce,  was  inthemomiug 
\^J  the  spouse  appareylled  &  rychely  arayed,  and  the 
chap  pell  nobly  hanged  wtt/t  riche  cloth  of  gold,  And 
the  Archebysshop  of  Famagoce  espoused  them  there,   the  marriage 

28  And  after  came  Vryan  before  the  kyng  2that  toke  the        >  M.UA, 
Crowne,  and  ther  wzt/tart  crouned  vryan,  that  moche   Urian  is  crowned, 
of  thankes  rendred  to  the  kynge  therfore.      Thenne 
called  the  king  to  hym  aft  the  barons  of  )>e  lande  /  and 

32  commanded  them  to  make  theire  hommage  to  kyng  and  the  Barons 

of  the  land 

Vryan,  his  sone  /  and  they  voluntarily  dide  soo.      And  render  hoi 

'  to  him. 

the  masse  than  bygan,  and  after  it  was  doo  they  satte 



[on.  xxiv. 

A  great  feast  is 

after  which  the 
espoused  retire. 

Urian  and  the 
Barons  from 
Poitou  visit  the 

who  welcomes 

The  King  tells 
his  daughter  that 
he  will  die  more 

1  fol.  92. 

having  married 
her  to  K  valiant 

Mass  is  said, 

at  dyner  /  and  syn  bygan  the  feste  right  grete,  and  en- 
dured tyl  euen  /  and  after  souper  begane  ayen  the 
feste  /  and  whan  tyme  was  the  spouse  was  lede  to 
bed  /  and  anone  aftir  Vryan  layed  Jiym  self  by  her  /  4 
and  the  bysshop  came  &  halowed  the  bed  /  And  so 
themze  aH  departed  /  some  went  to  bed  /  and  some  re- 
tourned  ayen  for  to  daunce.  And  Vryan  laye  wzV*  his 
wyf,  and  her  acqueyntau?«ce  toke  curtoysly  &  wel  /  8 
And  on  the  morne  they  came  ayen  tofore  the  kynge  / 
the  masse  anoone  was  bygone.  And  thither  was  the 
queene  conueyed  &  lede  of  guyott  her  brother,  and  by 
one  of  the  moost  highe  barons  of  the  lancle.  12 

In  this  parte  sheweth  vs  thistorye,  that  on  J>e  next 
morne  after  about  the  hooure  of  pryme,  kyng  vryan 
acompanyed  wz't/i  the  baronnye  of  poytou  and  of  the 
royalme  of  Cipre,  came  byfore  the  king  and  enclyned  16 
hym  self  &  salued  hym  right  humbly.    '  Fayre  sone,  ye 
be  welcome,'  said  the  kyng.     '  I  am  full  joyo?w  of  your 
co??rmyng  /  make  my  doughter  to  come,  so  shul  we 
here  the  deuyne  seyuyse.'     Thenne  came  his  doughtir  20 
Ermyne,   wel   nobly  acompanyed  of   many  ladyes  & 
damoyselles  /  and  she  come  byfore  her  fader  &  salued 
hym  full  humbly.     Thenne  said  he  to  her :   '  My  wel 
beloued  doughter,  ye  be  welcome.     I  am  right  wel  joy-  24 
ous  whan  god  hath  don  to  me  suche  a  grace,  that  I  have 
purueyed  you  of  so  hye  a  prynce  &  worthy  knyght  to 
yowr  lord  /  and  wete  it  that  therfore  I  shal  dey  more 
easely  sith  that  you  and  al  my  land  is  out  1of  the  28 
daunger  of  the  paynemes,  and  no  doubte  ye  haue  to 
yowr  protection  and  wraunt  a  prynce  worthy  &  valyaunt, 
that  right  wel  shal  kepe  and  defende  you  ayenst  aH 
yowr  euyl  willers,  and  in  especial  anenst  thinfideles  &  32 
enemys  of  leshucrist.'    And  \viih  that  worde  the  Chape- 
layn   bygan   the  masse.      And  whan   the  masse  was 
celebred   &  suid,  the  kyng  callid  to  hyw  Vryan   & 
Ernjyne,  &  to  them  said  in  this  manere :  '  My  fayre  36 

cti.  xxiv.]       URIAN'S  PROGRESS  THROUGH  ins  KINGDOM.  159 

children,  ryght  affettuously  I  pray  you  that  ye  thiuko 
to  loue,  kepe,  and  honoure  wel  eche  other  /  and  to  hold 
&  bere  good  feyth  one  to  other,  For  nomore  I  may 
4  hold  you  companye.     Now  thanne  I  recominande  you  the  dying  King 

,1       i  I       ••    ii    i  t   i  gives  his  blessing 

to  the  blysfutt  kyng  of  heuen,  prayeng  hym  deuoutely  to  his  children, 
that  he  gyue  you  peas  &  loue  togidre,  and  honourable 
lyf  &  long.'     And  w»V*  these  or  semblable  worda  he 
8  shette  hys  eyen  and  departed  fro  this  mortal  lyf  so  «nd  then  depart* 

,i       ,  i     ,     ,i  this  mortal  life 

swetly  that  they  supposed   that  he  had  be  aslepe  / 

But  whan  they  were  certayn  of  his  deth  the  doulewr  Great  sorrow  is 

p  1_  1  rrn  'elt  by  all, 

&  sorowe  bygan  to  be  grete.     1  hen/to  was  Ermyne  had  especially  by 

H  ermine. 

12  in  to  her  Cliambre,  For  she  demened  such"  sorowe  that 

grete  pite  it  was  to  see.    The  kynge  then»e  was  buryed  The  King  u 
and  his  obsequyes  doon  ryally,  and  in  the  moost  hon- 
ourable guyse  that  coudo  be  deuysed  after  the  vse  and 

16  custome  of  the  land.     And  wete  it  that  aH  the  peple 

was  sorowfutt  &  dolauwt;   but  they  took  comfort  of  and  the  people 
this,  that  they  had  founde  &  recouped  a  lord  ful  of  so  bnwery  of  their 

„  new  lord,  cease 

grete  prowcsse  as  vryan  was  /  and  lytel  &  lytil  cessed  their  lamenting. 
20  the   lawmenting  &  heuynes.      And  soone  after  yede  Urinn  visits  the 

towns  of  hi! 

Vryan  thrugh  al  Ins  realme  to  see  and  visile  the  places  «*i«n, 
&  forties  /  and  betoke  one  part  of  his  folke  to  Guyon, 
his  brother  /  and  another  part  to  the  maister  of  Kodes, 
24  and  made  them  to  be  shipped  on  the  see,  for  to  wete  &  and  sends  some 
knowe,  for  to  here  &  knowe  yf  they  shuld  here  ony  to  ienm  tidings 

'     of  the  pagans. 

tydyng^s  that  paynemes  were  on  the  see  for  to  lande  in 
his  lande.      'For  wete  it  wel,'  said  the   king1  vryan, 

28  '  that  we  purpose  ne  think  not  to  abyde  l  vnto  tymo        >  foi.  02  a. 
they  fetche  vs,  For  we  shaH  &  god  before  goo  &  vysyte 
them  within  short  tyme,  after  that  we  haue  oue/'seen 
the  rule  &  gouernaMnce  of  OUT  land.'     And  forasmoch" 

32  departed  Guyo/i  &  the  maister  of  Rodes,  &  rowed  on 
the  see  wt't/i  thro  thousand  fyghting  men.  And  here 
leueth  thistorye  of  them  /  and  bygynneth  to  shewe  how 
Vryan  &  Ermyne  went  and  vysited  theire  land. 



Urian  and  his 
wife  are  well 
received  in  their 

and  his  subjects 
marvel  at  his 

He  reajipoints 
honest  officers, 

and  commands 
Justice  to  be 
well  kept. 

Afterwards  the 
King  and  Queen 
return  to 


1  fol.  93. 

Guion  and  the 
Master  of 

searching  on  the 
sea  for  the 

Thystory  saitli  that  king  Vryan,  with  Ermyne  hys 
wyf,  yede  &  vysited  theire  land  al  about,  and 
fuH  gladly  &  honourably  they  were  receyued  in  euery 
burghe,  toune,  &  Cite  where  they  passed  /  and  grete  4 
yeftes  were  presented  to  them  /  And  \vete  it  that  Vryan 
purueyed  ryght  wel  to  aH  hys  fortres,  of   aH  suche 
thinges   that  were   necessary  for   the  werre   yf   some 
thing  befeH  in  tyme  to  come.     And  for  trouth  euery  8 
one  was  meruaylled  of  his  heyght,  of  his  fyersnes,  & 
of  his  puyssau?ice  &  strengthe  of  body.     And  wel  said 
the  men  of  the  Countree,  that  ferdfuH  &  daungercws 
thing  was  to  cause  his  wrath  &  anger.     And  thus  went  12 
Vrian  fro  place  to  place   thrughe  his  royalme.     And 
suche  officers  that  made  rayson  &  kept  justice,  he  lefte 
them  in  their  offices  stil  /  but  to  al  o]>er  that  oferwyse 
dide  than  right  requyreth,  he  purueyed  of  remede  by  16 
good  &  meure  deliberation  of  his  counseiH.     And  com- 
manded euery  one  to  make  raison  &  Justice  in  al  tymes, 
as  wel  to  the  leste  as  to  the  moost,  wt't/iout  to  here  eny 
fauour  to  ony  of  eyther  partye  /  and  yf  they  contrary  20 
did  to  this  hys  wyH,  he  shuld  punyssh  them  so  cruelly 
that  al  other  shuld  take  ensample  therby.     And  thene 
he,  his  lady,  &  his  folke  retourned  to  Famagoce  /  and 
the  quene  was   grete  with   child  /  And   now  resteth  24 
thystorye  of  them,  and  speketh  of  Guyon  and  of  the 
maister  of  Rodes,  that  rowed  on  the  see  by  the  Costes 
of   Surye,  of   Damask,  of   Baruth,  of   Tupple,  &  of 
Danette,  for  to  knowe  yf  paynemes  were  on  the  see  28 
or  not. 

"ow  saith  thistorye,  that  so  long  sailled  &  rowed 
the  Crystens  on  the  see,  that  they  sawe  aprouch" 
as  of  a  leghe  nygh  to  them  a  certayn  quantite  of  shippes,  32 
but  by  liklyhode  they  might  not  be  grete  no?nbre. 
Thenne  they  sent  a  Galleye  toward  our  folke  that  al 
redy  were  in  ordyncmnce  to  wete  what  they  were  /  but 
the  galey  came  so  nygh  that  the  cristens,  our  folke,  36 



toke  it  /  and  by  them  knew  and  vnderstode  almaner  of  take  a  galley  and 
tydynges.     Oure  folke  thanne  halid  vp  saylles  hastly,  whercabLuu?"1' 
and  sa)  lied  anone  toward  theire  enmys.    And  whan  the 
4  paynemes  perceyued  them  they  were  moch"  abasshed, 
and  gretly  aferd,  and  wend  wel  to  haue  wtt/tdraw  them 
self  in  to  the  hauen  of  Baruth  /  but  OUT  galeyes  ad-  They  set  ont  for 

,    .,  ,  the  flght,  and 

uaunced  them,  and  ran  vpon  them  by  al  sydes.     There  gain  a  Tictory, 
8  was  grete  occysion  /  and  shortly  to  say  the  paynemes 
were  dyscomfyted,  and  their  nauye  take  /  and  aH  were 
cast  ouerbord?  or  slayne.     And  the  nauye  was  fuH  of 
grete  goodes.     And  after  owr  barons  putte  them  self  in  «nd  set  sail  for 

Cyprus  j 

12  the  see  ayen  for  to  haue  retourned  in  to  Cypro.    but 

by  fortune  &  strengthe  of  wyndes  they  were  cast  to  but  are  driven 
Cruly1  in  Armanye.  And  whan  the  king  of  Armanye,  uf  Armenia.  ™ 
that  was  brother  vnto  the  kinge  of  Cipre,  knewe  theire 

16  cowmyng,  he  sent  anone  for  to  wete  what  folke  they  The  King  of  the 
were  /  And  the  master  of   Eodes  said  to   them  that  know  who  they 


came  to  wete  what  they  wer :  '  Telle  the  kyng  that  it 

is  the  brother  of  Vryan  of  Lusynen,  kyng  of  Cypre,  and  is  sent  word 

r\r\     111  11  <•  tlwt  it  is  the 

20  that  hath  trauersed  the  see  for  to  wete  &  knowe  yf  brother  of  the 

King  of  Cyprus. 

paynemes  were  on  it  in  armes,  for  to  haue  come  vpon 
the  Cypryens  for  cause  of   the  saudan  that   hath  be 
dycomfy ted  &  slayn,  and  al  his  folke  at  the  grete  batayH 
24  of  Famagoce.'    '  How,'  said  they  of  Armanye,  '  is  there  The  King  of 

Armenia  asks  if 

ony  other  kyng  in  Cypre  than  owr  kmgis  brother  i    '  By  there  is  a  new 
my  feyth,'  said  the  maister  of   Rodes,  '  ye  /  For  the 
king  2was  wounded  vfith   a  dart  em^enymed   by  the        »  6. 
28  sawdans  hand  in  so  mortal   a  wyse  that  he   is   deed 

therof,  and  he  beying  yet  alyue,  he  gaf  his  doughtir  in  and  the  Master 

J      °  J  J  of  Rhodes  relates 

maryage  to  Vrian  of  Lusynen,  that  slew  the  saudan  how  u«*n  be- 

J    <  came  King  there. 

&  dyscomfyted  aH  his  folk.'  Whan  they  thanne  vnder- 
32  stode  hym,  they  yede  &  denounced  it  to  theire  kyng, 
which"  was  sorowfuH  of  the  deth  of  his  brother,  but 
not  w/t/tstandyng,  he  came  toward  the  see  syde  w?'t/t 
a  grete  co???pany,  and  entred  in  to  the  vcssoH  where 

1  Tndt  in  Fr.  ed.     Afterwards  spelt  Crvli. 


THE  KING  OP  ARMENIA'S  HEIR  FLORY.          [CH.  xxiv. 

The  King  of 
Armenia  visits 
the  fleet  of 

and  invites  him 
to  his  palace, 

which  courtesy 
is  accepted. 

The  King  of 
Armenia  is  a 
widower,  whose 
heir  is  Flory. 

1  fol.  91. 

This  lady  was 
joyful  at  the 
visit  of  the 
and  dressed  her- 
self and  maids 
richly  to  receive 

Guy  on  and  the  maister  of  Eodes  were  in.     And  whan 
guyon  wyst  of  his  commyng  he  went  ayenst  hym,  and 
eche  to  olpcr  made  grete  reuerence.     Thenne  said  the 
king  to  the  grete  Pryour  of  Rodes,  '  Maister,  sethen  4 
this  yong  damoyseau  is  brother  vnto  my  nyghtis  lord, 
I  were  vncurteys  whan  he  is  arryued  in  my  land,  yf  I 
receyued  hym  not  honourably  as  to  liym  apparteyneth. 
And  of  this  I  pray  you,  that  ye  vouchesaf  to  pray  hym  8 
on  my  behalf,  that  it  playse  hym  to  come  in  to  OUT 
paleys,  and  we  shal  doo  to  hym  the  best  chere  that  we 
can.'     'By  my  feyth,'  said  the   grete  Pryour/  'that 
shal  I  doo  gladly.'     Thanne  he  spak  therof  to  guyon,  12 
whiche  ansuerd  to  hym  right  gladly,  '  I  wold  doo  a 
greter  thinge  yf  it  lay  in  my  power  for  the  kyngis  sake. 
For  good  feyth  &  rayson  requyreth  it.'     And  thenne 
they  went  togider  /  and  guyon  lede  with  hym  a  fayre  16 
companye  of   knightes  /  but  alwayes  they  had  theire 
cotes  of  stele  on  fern,  and  were  in  right  good  aray,  as 
folke  vsed  to  the  faytte  of  armes.     And  here  speke  I 
no    more   of    fern,   And    shal    speke   of    Florye    the  20 
doughter  of  the  kynge  of  Armanye.  / 

Thistorye  sayth  that  the  kynge  of  Armanye  had  a 
doughter,  and  none  other  children  /  but  here. 
*And  the  qxiene,  his  wyf,  was  deed  /  and  wete  it  fat  24 
this  kyng  and  the  kyng  of  Cypre  had  to  theire  spouses 
the  two  susters  that  were   doughters  to  the  kyng  of 
Malegres  /  and  eche  of  them  gate  a  doughtir  on  their 
wyues  /  of  the  whiche  Ermyne  that  Vryan  spoused  28 
was  one  /  and  that  other  was  the   pucelle   florye   of 
whome  I  haue  bygonne  to  traytte.     She  was  that  tyme 
at  Cruly   ryght   glad   &  joyous  of   the  cojumyng  of 
the  strauregers.     She  appareylled  and  arayed  her  self  32 
moche  richely,  and  so  dide  arl  her  damoyselles.     Soone 
after  came  the  kynge  her  fader  /  guyon  /  the  maister 
of  Rodes,  &   theire  felawship,  and   entred  in  to  the 
toune,  and  came  to  the  palleys  in  to  the  grete  halle.  36 


And  themte  Florye,  that  moch  desyred  theire  co7n- 
myng,  came  there,  and  humbled  herself  moche  ayenst 
her  fader  /  and  the  kyng  said  to  her,  « Cheryssho  and 

4  cloth  feste  to  this  noble  men,  &  receyue  them  honour- 
ably /  and  in  especiall  the  brother  of  my  nyghtis  lord  & 
husband.'  And  whan  the  mayde  vnderstode  that,  sho 
was  fuH  glad  &  joyot^s.  She  thenne  came  to  guyon  / 

8  toke  hym  by  the  hand  swetly,  &  sayd  :  '  Sire  damoy-  She  takes  Guion 

,          .   ,  .          .  .     by  the  hand, 

seau,  ye  be  right  welcome  in  to  my  fadere  royalme.    and  welcomes 

«Vk  n     >  i  /-<  .    him  to  the  land. 

Damoyselle,  sayd  Guyon,  '  gramercy  to  you.     There  / 
bygan  themze  the  feest  right  grete  &  fayre  /  and  wel  A  fair  feast  is 
12  they  were  festyed,  &  seruyd  wit/t   dyuerse  meetes  & 

wynes  /  and  betwix  guyon  &  Florye  were  many  honesto  and  Guion  and 

&,    11  i  ..    »  Floryhave  much 

gracyotts  talkyng.    and  wete  it  for  certayn  yf  guyon  gracious  speech 

had  had  leyser,  he  had  dyscouered  his  thoughte  to 
1G  her.    but  while  they  were  in  that  grete  solace  &  joye,  a 

galeye  arryuod  to  the  port  that  came  fro  Rodes  /  and  News  comes  from 

they  that  were  wtt/iin  were   receyued  honourably  of 

them  of  the  toune  /  and  joyful  &  right  glad  they  were 
20  whan  they  knew  that  theire  maister  was  there.    "\Vher- 
fore  one  of   them   said   to  the  pcuple  there,  '  Sires, 
vouchesauf  to  ledo  one  of  vs  there  1the  lordes  befor,        >foi.  M*. 
to  aduertyse  them  of  paynemes  that  ben  vpon  the  see  that  the  pagans 
24  in  grete  nombre.'     Thanne  was  a  knight  brought  there 
the   maister  of   Rodes  was  /  and  said  to   hym,  that 
paynemes  wz't/i  grete  nauye  were  passed  byfore  the  yle  with  a  great  navy 

sailing  towards 

of  Rodes  /  and  had  taken  the  wind  &  waye  toward  Cyprus. 

28  Cypre  /  and  how  men  said  that  the  Calyphe  of  Bandas 
w/t/t  aH  hys  puyssau/?ce  &  power  was  there.  Whan 
the  maister  of  Rodes  vnderstode  these  tydynges,  he 
went  &  told  Guyon  of  it.  "Wherfore,  guyon  seeyng  Guion,  on  learn- 

32  hym  self  as  constrayned,  humbly  said  to  the  pucelle,  Fiory  farewell, 
'Damoyselle,    right   hertily   I  beseche    you    that    ye 
vouchesaf,  sethen  I  moste  departe  yo?*r  presens,  to  cati  *nd  asks  her  not 

J  to  forget  him. 

me  ofte  in  yo?*r  remembrau^ce  /  For  as  to  my  pa?-t, 
36  you?  vassaH  &  sej'uawnt  shal  I  euer  be  vnder  the 

M     .' 


standart  of  yowr  gouemance.'  Florye  thanne  knowyng 
The  sudden  part-  for  certajn  his  soudayn  departyng,  her  herte  was  fylled 
sad.  with  dueyl  &  sorowe  /  how  wel  she  kept  contenawnce 

in  the  best  maneve  that  she  coude  /  and  louyngly  he-  4 
held  guyon,  whiche  toke  his  leue  of   her  fader,  that 
conueyed   hym  to  the  see  side,  and  grete  peple  vrith 
hym.     There  thenne  entred  guyon  in  to  his  ship,  and 
Guion  sets  sail,     commanded  the  sailles  shuld  be  had  vp  to  the  wynde,  8 

that  was  good  &  propyce  to  them.  And  wete  that 
watched  by  Fiory  Florye  was  mounted  vp  vnto  the  vppermost  wyndowe 

from  a  high 

tower.  of  an  hye  tour,  and  neuer  departed  thens  tyl  she  lost 

the  sight  of  guyons  vessel,  prayeng  god  to  preserue  12 
hym  from  al  daunger.  / 

The  Caliph  of        Y I  ^hystorye  recounteth  &  saith  here  that  the  Caliphe 

Bandas  and  the 


King  of  Brandy-      JL      of  Bandas,  and  the  kinge  of  Brandymount  in 


tharse,  that  was  uncle  to  the  saudan  of  Damaske,  herde  16 
tydynges  how  the  sawdan  was  slayn,  and  al  his  folke 
putte  to  grete  dyscomfyture  in  the  yle  of  Cypre.    Wher- 
resoive  to  avenge  fore  they  beyng  fuH  sory  therof  assembled  anone  theire 

the  slaughter  of  .  .  ,     ,     .       OA 

the  Sultan.          power  /  and  purposyng  to  auenge  his  deth  entred  theire  20 

i  foi.  95.         shippes,  and  toke  theire  way  toward  Cypre  /  and  1they 
Thinking  there      supposyng   the  Cypryens  had  be  wit/iout  king,  hyed 

was  no  King  in 

Cyprus,  them  fast  thitherward  in  suche  manere  that  they  shuld 

they  sail  there, 

not  be  perceyued  where  as  they  shuld  arryue.     but  Jjey  24 
t>nt  are  seen,        of  Rodes  perceyued  them,  and  made  knowleche  \eroi 

and  Urian  is 

•warned,  vnto  kyng  Vryan,  that  alredy  had  assembled  his  peple, 

and  prepares  to 

receive  them.        and  putte  them  in  aray  for  to  receyue  the  batayH.    and 

morouer  had  made  good  ordonnau«ce  and  gardes  for  the  28 
portes,  that  assoone  as  they  shuld  perceyue  them  cora- 
myng  to  the  hauen,  that  they  shuld  make  a  token  of 
fyre,  wherby  the  Countrey  might  perceyue  the  commyng 
of  theire  enmyes,  and  euery  man  to  be  redy  in  armes  32 
thitherward  /   and   so   was   the   kingis   proclamacwn 
vpon  deth.     And  wete  it  that  the  king  kept  the  feldes 
in  the  myddes  of   the  portes  of   his   royalme  for  to 
be  the  sooner  at  the  porte  where  the  sarrasyns  shuld  36 

CH.  XXIV.]  THE   STORM   AT   SEA.  163 

arryue  to  take  theire  landing  /  And  the  king  made  so 

grete  moustre  &  seuiblau/it  that  he  gaf  his  peple  so 

grete  courage,  that  vritii  hym  &  his  enterpryse  they 

4  durst  wel  fight  -with  the  Caliphe,  and  with  his  puys- 

sau?*ce.     It  happned  so,  by  the  grace  of  god,  that  the  A  storm  can** 

see   was   enragid    thrugh    the    stormes    and   horryble  thTsaraceif8 

tempeste,   that    the    sarrasyns   were    al    dysmayed   & 

8  abasshed  /  and  the  tempeste  casted  them  in  suche  wyse 

here  &  there,  that  wt't/un  short  tyme  they  ne  wyst 

where  eyghte  of  theire  galeyes  were  become.     And  on 

the  morowe  about  the  hooure  of  pryme,  thayer  was  al 

12  clere,  and  the  wynd  cessed,  and  the  sonne  shone  fayre 

<fe  clere  /  thenne  the  grete  shippes  of  the  paynemes  but  on  the  mor- 
held  them  togidre,  &  toke  theire  way  vnto  the  port  to  the  port  of 


of  Lymasson.     And  of  them  I  leue  to  speke  /  and  shal 
1 6  shew  you  of  the  viii  vessels  that  were  sparpylled  by  Eight  galleys  MI 

, ,  ,        ,  .of  stores,  belong- 

tne  tempeste,  and  what  way  they  held  /  and  in  thoo  ing  to  the  Sara- 

i  11  j.i.      ,    n  cen8'  •ParpNled 

vessels  was  an  thartyllery  of  the  paynemes,  as  gonnes,  by  the  tempest, 
bowes,  arowes  /  ladders  /  paueys,  &  such  habylements 
20  of  werre  las  they  had  /  and  so  it  fortuned  that  guyon        >  foi.os6. 
and  the  maister  of  Eodes  with  theire  puysaauwce  re- 
countred  them,  and  perceyued  eche  other,     but  whan  were  met  by  the 

Master  of 

oure  peple  knewe  that  they  were  sarasyns  /  and  the  Rhodes, 
24  sarasyns  knew  that  they  were  crysten  peuple  /  they 
bygane   eche   of   them   to   lye   and   bord1   other  vrith 
shotte  of  go/znes  &  crosbowes  /  and  whan  they  were 
chayned  togidre  they  threw  darts  as  tliikk  as  hayle 
28  stones  /  and  the  batayH  was  so  grete,  hard,  &  stronge  / 
but  guyon,  the  maister  of  Rodes,  &  theire  puyssaiwce 
assaylled  so  manfully  the  paynemes  that   they  knew  who  attacked 

them,  and  fought 

not  to  what  part  they  shuld  tourne  them  to  defende,  »°  w«u «« to 

'    defeat  the  pagan 

32  For  our  peuple   that  were   in  the  galeyes  f aught  so  »»>ior». 
mightly  that  the  paynemes  were  as  dycomfyted.    There 
might  men  here  them  crye  on  theire  goddes  /  nat  that 
withstanding  they  were  dyscomfyte  &  slayne.     And 

3G  thanne  whan  theire  adrnyraH,  that  was  maister  of  the 


The  admiral         artylery,  sawe  the  dycomfiture  tourned  vpon  them  /. 
defeated,  he  made  to  be  haused  a  lytel  galyote  out  of  the  grete 

leaves  the  fleet      galeye  with  viii  hores  /  and  so  entred  he  and  eyghte 

in  a  boat  accom- 

panied  with  eight  personnes  w/t/i  hym  of  the  secretest  /  and  toke  thauen-  4 


ture  of  the  wynd  /  &  rowed  so  mightly  that  OUT  peuple 
meruaylled  )>erof  /  but  they  made  neuer  semblaunce  to 
The  Christians      pursiew  them  /  but  entred  into  the  paynemes  vessels, 
ray's  vessels,        &  bygan  to  cast  alle  ouerbord.     but  they  toke  to  the  8. 

and  throw  over- 
board or  take        nombre  of  ij  C  sarasyns  prysonners  /  wherof  guyon  gaf 

Saracens.  oo   hondred  to  the  maister  of  Eodes  to  make  them 

The  spoils  are       cristen,  and   also  two  galeyes  /  and  guyon  toke  the 


other  hondred  sarasyns  and  two  of  the  moost  richest  12 
Guion  sending      vessels  that  they  had  wonne,  and  toke  it  to  a  knyght 

his  share  to  Flory, 

of  Eodes  /  and  thus  said  to  hym,  '  Conduyte  me  this 

two  galeys,  and  J?is  houndred  sarrasyns  to  Cruly,  and 

recommand  me  to  the  kinge  &  his  donghtir  /  and  on  16 

ifoi.  96.        my  byhalue  1prcsente  to  the  pucelle  Florye  this  two 

and  to  her  father    vessels  as  they  are  garnysshed  /  and  to  the  kyng  the 

the  King  of 

Armenia.  houndred   sarasyns.'     Wherof    the   knyght    toke   the 

charge  &  departed,  &  hasted  hym  tyl  he  came  to  the  20 
Cite  of  Cruly  /  and  dide  his  message  as  he  was  youen 
in  cowmandement  /  and  recounted  to  them  the  grete 
dyscomfyture  and   the  valyaunt   conduyte  of   guyon. 

The  King  wei-      'By  my  feyth,'  said  the  kynge,  'ye  be  welcome,  and  24 

comes  Guion's 

knight,  who  con-  thanking1  be  to  that  noble  damoyseau '  /  And  the  pucelle 

veys  the  present, 

and  Fiory  is  very  was  so  icyoM-s  of  these  nouuelles  that  she  had  neuer  in 

joyful,  for  she 

loves  Guion         her  naturel  lyf  so  grete  joye.     For  knowe  ye  wel  she 

loued  so  entierly  guyon  J>«t  aft  her  joye  was  of  hym.  28 
The  king  thanne  &  his  doughter  yaf  to  the  knight  a 
riche  jewel,  wherof  he  thanked  J>em,  and  toke  leue  of 
them,  &  retourned  hastly  to  Eodes.     And  anone,  after 
hys  departyng,  the  kyng  of  Armenye  questyoned  wit/i  32 

The  King  of         the  paynemes  where  the  armee  of  the  Calyphe  was  / 

Armenia  1  earns 

from  his  Saracen   and   they  said  in  Cipre   to  reuenge  the  deth  of  the 

prisoners  that 

their  comrades      sawdan  of  Damaske  that  the  Cipryens  had  slayn  in 

have  gone  to  c  j  j 

Cyprus,  batayli.     '  Par  ma  foy,'  sayd  the  kyng,  '  as  for  you,  ye  36 


haue  faylled  of  yowr  enterpryse '  /  And  thenne  he  com- 
manded that  they  shuld  be  feteryd  vrith  yrons,  and  to 
be  putte  in  to  parfounde  pryson  /  and  the  two  vessels 
4  to  be  descharged,  and  aH  the  goodes  that  were  in  to  be 
borne  into  the  Castel.     It  is  now  tyme  that  I  speke  as  does  Onion, 
of  guyon  and  of  the  maister  of  Kodes,  that  had  ques- 
tyoned  the  sarasyns  wher   the   Calyphe   purposed  to 
8  land  /  and  they  said  in  Cypre.     Guyon  thenne   by 
thauys  and  CounseyH  of  his  barons  for  cause  they  had 
many  vessels  &  lytol  nombre  of  peuple  /  commanded 
that  al  thartylery  that  they  had  wonne  shuld  be  putte  Ouion  shit*  th« 
1 2  into  theire  shippes  /  and  also  al  other  thinges  that  were  victory, 
of  nede  to  them  /  and  the  remanau;it  &  the  vessels  ulso  / 
xhe  gaf  to  the  maister  of  Rodes  that  sent  them  to  Rodes.        »  foi.  96  6. 
And  \vhan  this  was  don  they  saylled,  &  hasted  bem  ^A  set*  sail  for 


1 6  toward  Cypre.  And  here  leueth  thystory  to  spek  of 
them  /  and  retourneth  to  speke  of  the  galyote  where 
thadmyraH  was  in,  where  it  became  or  toke  porte.  /. 

Thystory  sayth  that  the  kyng  brandymount  &  the 
Calyphe  of  Bandas  were  sorowfuU  for  beir  losse 
&  grete  dowmage  /  and  so  longe  rowed  thadmyral  on  The  boat  eontain- 

ing  the  admiral 

the  see  that  he  perceyued  the  port  of  Lymasson,  &  *nu  eight  men  is 

rowed  to  Lyiuas- 

sawe  grete  nauye  byfore  the  toune.   And  whan  he  came  "Wt 
24  somewhat  nygli  he  herd  shotte  of  gonnes  &  sowne  of  where  the  sound 

of  battle  is  heard. 

trompettes,  and  soone   after  he  knew  that  it  was  be 

Calyphe  of  Bandas  and  his  armee,  &  the  puyssawjce  of 

kyng  brandymoiwt  of  tharso,2  that  assaylled  them  of 

28  the  toune  for  to  take  it.     But  there  was  the  Captayne 

of  the  place  &  his  peple3  wel  paueysed,  that  valyauntly  The  Captain  of 

n>  •  i  Lymasson  de- 

deffended   the   porte   in  so  moche   that   the  sarasyns  fends  his  port 

well,  and  the 

eat  there  nought  /  but  lost  many  of  their  men.  and  Saracens  wish  for 

J  their  artillery 

32  wysshed  ofte  aftir  theire  galeyes  wa't/i  theire  gonnes  &  from  the  eight 

artyllery  that  were  sprad  on  the  see  by  the  tempeste  / 

they  wyst  not  where.    Thenne  came  to  them  thadmyral 

that  thus  said  on  hye :  'By  my  feyth,  Calypho,  woo 

2  Fr.  Tarclte.         3  Fr.  n:  j>~\uti»tt  Ions  parart. 



[CH.  XXIV. 

The  admiral 
announces  to  the 
Caliph  the  defeat 
and  loss  of  his 

He  is  grieved, 

and  says  that 
Fortune  sleeps 
for  them, 
bnt  favours  the 

fol.  97. 

The  admiral  ad- 
vises the  Caliph 
not  to  show  his 
grief  for  the 

else  his  army  will 
lose  courage ; 

and  that  he 
should  withdraw 
to  the  port  of  St. 

•where  it  will  be 
easier  to  land. 

The  Caliph  gives 
up  the  attack, 
and  sets  sail  for 
St.  Andrew, 
followed  by  a 
rampin  from 
sent  to  learn  the 
movements  of 
the  Saracens. 

may  be  to  you,  For  your  nauye  that  I  conduyted  is  lost 
&  take,  For  the  Cristen  recountred  vs  vpon  the  see,  and 
haue  dyscomfyted  vs  /  and  none  is  scaped  but  only  we 
that  are  here  /  and  at  oo  word?  al  is  lost  /  for  to  hold  4 
you  long  compte  therof  that  shuld  preuayll  you  nought.' 
Thenwe  whan  the  Calyphe  vnderstode  hyra  he  was  sorow- 
fuH  &  dolawnt.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  he  /  '  lordw,  here 
ben  heuy  tydinges.    For  wel  I  see  that  Fortune  slepeth  8 
as  to  our  help  /  and  so  hath  he  doo  long  /  but  fauour- 
able  &  moche  propice  it  is  as  now  to  crysten  peple,  For 
wel  it  appereth  presently  by  vs  /  and  so  dide  but  of 
1late  by  our  Cousyn  the  saudan,  the  which  &  al  hys  12 
peuple  also  haue  be  slayn  or  dyscoinfyte  in  the  same 
yle  of  Cypre.'    Thenne  said  the  admyral  to  hym  :  '  Sire, 
yf  ye  anounce  or  shew  semblauwce  of  abasshement  by- 
fore  your  folkethat  shal  cause  them  to  be  half  dyscom-  16 
fyte  /  and  ouermore  knowe  ye  to  this  that  I  perceyue 
of  them  of  this  porte  &  toune,  that  they  be  not  shappen 
to  lete  you  arryue  &  entre  theire  land  without  sore 
fyghting  and  grete  sawtes  gyuyng.     For  they  shew  not  20 
to  be  aferd  of  your  puyssau??ce.  therfore  I  wold  aduyse 
&  counseyH:  you,  that  we  shaft  we't/<draw  vs  into  the 
hye  see,  &  lete  coule  them  self  /  and  about  the  spryng 
of  the  day  we  shalbe  at  a  lytel  porte  that  not  ferre  is  24 
hens  called  the  port  of  saynt  Andrew  /  and  there  with- 
out, ony  deffense  or  gaynsayeng  we  may  take  land*.' 
And  this  they  dide.    And  whan  the  Captayn  of  Lymas- 
son sawe  hys  enmyes  departe,  he  made  a  rampyn  or  28 
smal  galeye  to  Mow  them  of  ferre,  J?at  it  coude  not  be 
perceyued  of  them  /  and  aspyed   how  at  euen  they 
ancred  aboute  a  myle  nygh  to  saynt  Andrews  porte. 
Thanne  retourned  the  rampyn  hastly  toward  Lymas-  32 
son  /  and  to  the  captayne  recounted  al  that  he  had 
seen  /  Thenne  made  the  captayn  fyre  to  be  putte  high 
vpon  the  garde  for  manere  of  token  /  and  whan  they 
of  the  nerest  garde  or  watching  place  sawe  the  token  of  3G 

CH.  XXIV.]  THE  ATTACK   ON   ST.  ANDREW.  169 

fyre  /  soone  after  fyre  was  made  fro  garde  to  garde,  The  alarm  <« 
that   knowleche  was   therof  thrugh   ail  the  royalme.  fcyprua,™1 
Thenne  euery  man,  what  on  foot  &  on  horsbake,  drew 

4  them  self  to  the  place  where  kyng  Vryan  was,  that  al 
redy  had  sent  hys  espyes  to  knowe  wher  the  paynemes  and»pie««re 
shuld  land,  and  manded  to  euery  captayne  they  shuld  where  thtTsara- 
kepe  &  defend  wel  theire  fortresses  /  'For,'  said  he, 

8  'yf  it  playse  god  none  of  them  shal  not  repasse  the  see. 
And  here  resteth   the   ^ystorye  to   speke  of  kynge        >foi.«7*. 
Vryun  /  and  bygynneth  to  speke  of  the  Caliphe.  / 

In  this  partye  sheweth  thistorye  /  that  the  sarasyna 
that  were  entred  in  to  the  see  /  as  soone  as  )>ey  The  Saracen*  at 
apperceyued  the  day  spryng,  they  deceueryd,  &  toke  weighThcir 

,     .  anchors  and  land 

vp  theire  ancres,  and  came  al  m  oo  flotte  to  the  porte    their  »>en  and 

'    artillery  at  St. 

&  there  landed.    And  wete  it  wel,  that  they  of  thabbey  Andrew. 
16  of  saynt  andrew  perceyued  them  wel,  the  whiche  im- 
mediatly  made  knowleche  to  Lymasson  /  and  the  Cap- 
tayne of  ]>e  place  gaf  vnto  the  kyng1  knowlecfc  ther-  Word  u  at  once 

f   i  ,1  -L  •  <-    i      i  •  Sl'"'  ' "  Urian  of 

oi  /  the  whicli  had  grete  joye  therof  /  and  fourth w/t/t  their  landing ; 

20  bygan  to  apparayH  hyin  to  go  to  batayrL  And  the 
Calyphe,  hys  enemy,  made  to  be  putte  a  land  his 
artylery  out  of  the  shippes  /  and  dide  make  hys  lodgis 
therby,  as  it  were  half  a  leghe  fro  the  port,  vpon  a 

24  grete  ryuere  at  a  cornere  of  a  lytel  wode,  to  refresshe 
hym  &  his  peple  also ;  and  lofte  foure  thousand  men 
w/tAin  the  shippes,  for  theire  sauegarde  /  and  in  the 
meane  saison  guyon  /  the  maister  of  Rodes,  &  theire 

28  peuple  arryued  to  Lyraasson  /  where  men  said  to  them  and  Onion  icann 

that  their  navy  it 

how  the  sarasyws  had  landed  /  and  how  theire  nauye  unprotected, 
was  a  leghe  fro  saynt  Andrewes  porte.  '  By  my  feytb,' 
sayd  Guyon,  '  we  shal  thanne  goo  &  vysyte  them  /  For 
32  who  that  might  take  them  fro  the  sarasyus,  none  of 
them  shuld  neuer  retourne  foot,  in  sury  nor  in  tharsy '  / 
and  in  these  wordes  sayeng,  they  putte  them  in  to  the  sonetaontto 

capture  the 

see,  &  went  lightly  sayllyng1,  that  they  came  so  nygh  Saracen  fleet, 
36  the  panemes  that  they  sawe  the  porte  of  saynt  Andrew, 


and  the  grete  nombre  of  shippes  that  were  there. 
Themte  they  putte  themself  in  aray  and  in  good  ordyn- 
aunce  /  and  this  done,  they  rane  vpon  theire  enemys 
as  thondre  &  tempeste,  smyttyng*  vpon  the  shippes  of  4 
the  sarasyns  byforce  of  shotte  so  horryblv,  that  yl 
»«-»•  bestade  were  the  sarasyns,  that  wel  happy  was  he  1that 
myght  recourre  the  land.  And  by  that  meane  were 

nd  succeeds,       the  shippes  take  /  and  al  the  sarasyns  that  were  take  8 
were  putte  to  deth.     Thanne  gnyon  sent  to  the  abbey 
foyson  of  them  that  he  had  wonne  of  the  sarasyns  / 
and  brought  to  Lvmasson  witfc  them  as  many  galeves 
&  shippes  as  there  were  laden  witA  the  good«*  of  the  12 
sarasyns,  except  snche  as  they  brent.     And  )*  other 

VMHwcamc    that  escaped,  came  to  thoost  of  theire  lord,  crveng  with 

n  the  Cafiph'i 

«*•»  ^i*!!"**    a  nye  TOJ8  alarnie  /  and  recounted  &  said  how  the 

Of  tflC  QfcHBUy 

Cristen  had  by  force  &  strengthe    discomfited  them.  1C 
Thenne  was  the  oost  gretiy  meryd,  &  came  to  the 
port  who  best  coude,  and  fonde  many  of  theire  penple 
ded,  and  som  were  hyd  in  the  busshes.     And  whan  the 
Calyphe  perceyued  &  sawe  this  grete  dommage,  he  was  20 

;   -;_ 

moche  dolannt.     '  By   macbomete,'  said  he  to  kyng 
Brand vmount,  'these  Cristen  that  are  come  hither  fro 
Fraunce,  ben  ou«nnoche  hardy  &  appert  men  in  armes, 
and  yf  they  noiovrne  long1  here  it  shal  be  to  our  grete  24 
/  'By  machomet,'  said  the  kyng  Brandy- 

mount, '  I  shal  neuer  deporte  fro  this  land  vnto  tyme  I 
be  al  dyscomfyted,  or  jwt  I  haue  put  them  to  flyght,  & 
brought  to  an  euyl  end.'   '  Xo  more  shal  I  doo,'  ansuerd  28 
Caliphe.     Thenne  fey  recouered  there  six   of  theire 
galeyes,  &  eschiewed  fern  fro  the  fyre,  and  lefte  in  it 
good  ward**  for  to  kepe  them ;  and  after  they  retourned 
to  theire  peple.     And  here  cesaeth  thystorye  of  them  /  32 
and  retouraetfi  to  speke  of  Yryan  / 

"ow  sheweth  thistorye  how  the  kyng  Yryan  was 
lodged  in  a  fayre  medow  vpon  a  ryuere,  in  that 
self  place  where  the  iburragers  of  the  sawdan  were  36 


dyscomfyted  at  the  brydge,  as  before  is  said1.     And  had   Urian  sends 
sent  his  espyes  to  haue  knowlege  where  his  enemyes  ti"and  his  ene- 

•,      ,      ,    ,  .  niies'  uainp. 

had    take    theyre    lodgys  /   And    themie   came   1the        ifoi.88&. 
4  inaister  of  Eodes,  whiclie  alighted  byfore  the  kinged  The  Muster  of 

.,  .  .  Rhodes  visits  the 

pauyllon,  whom  he  made  reuerence  moche  honourably.    King, 
And  the  king,  that  was  moche  joyous  of  his  commyng, 
receyued  hym  benyngly,  and  demanded  of  hym  how 
8  guyon  his  brother  dyde.     '  By  my  feyth,  sire,'  said  the 
maister  of  Rodes, '  wel  /  as  the  moost  assurest  man  that  and  tells  him  of 

Onion's  bravery, 

euer  1  knew,     bire,  he  recowmandetli  hym  to  you  as  »nd  i»"ng» 

Ouion's  regards ; 

aifectually  as  he  may.'     '  Nowe  telle  me,'  said  the  king, 
1 2  '  how  ye  haue  doo  syn  that  ye  departed  from  vs  ] '    And 

the  maister  recounted  hym  fro  braujtche  to  brau/iche  and  also  tells  of 

their  adventures. 

aH  thauentures  that  had  happed  to  them.  '  By  my 
feyth,'  said  the  kyng,  'ye  haue  worthyly  vyaged;  I 
1C  thanke  &  lawde  my  Creatour  tlierof  /  and  as  for  myn 
vncle,  J>e  kynge  of  Armanye,  I  am  moche  glad  that  ye 
lefte  hym  iu  good  prosperyte.  but  we  most  haue  uriansayshe 

'  may  have  the 

aduys  of  our  Counseyn,  to  see  how  we  may  dystroye  advice  of  his 

conncil  how  bent 

20  the  Sarasyns  /  and  as  touching  me  &  my  peple,  I  am  to  overcome  the 
redy  to  dep.irte  for  to  approuche  to  them,  For  to  long 
they  haue  sokwrned  in  o?/r  land  wit/tout  to  haue  assayed 
vs.    goo  thanne  toward  my  brother,  and  telle  hym  that  and  sends  back 

the  Master  to 

24  I  dcparte  for  to  goo  ayenst  the  paynemes.'    The  maister  Ouion. 
thanne  toke  leue  of  king  Vryaw,  and  hastly  retourned 
to  Lymasson  /  and  immedyatly  the  king  &  his  peuple  King  Urian 

marches  his  peo- 

marched  fourth,  tyl  they  came  &  lodged  them  a  leghe  i>ie  within  a 

league  of  the 

28  nygh  to  the  Calyphes  oost,  vuknowyng  the  paynemes  Saracen  host, 
of  it.     And  the  maister  of  Ilodes  came  to  guyou,  and  The  master  of 

Rhodes  gives 

told  hvm  how  the  kyng  was  departed  for  to  recountre  Ouion  the  King's 


&  fyght  -with  the  sarasyns ;  wherfore  guyon  conunanded 
32  his  trompettes  to  blow,  and  departed  fro  Lymasson  in  and  then  Onion 

also  marches  his 

fayre  aray;   &  came  vnto  a  ryuere,  and  lodged  hym  ™*"'iear tlie 
therby,  vpon  the   which"    ryuere    were   the   paynemes 
lodged,  &  no  distance  or  space  was  l>etwene  them 
30  &  their  enemyes,  but  a  2high  mountayne.     And  now         »foi.  99. 


resteth  thistorye  of  hym,  and  retourneth  to  speke  of 
Vryan  his  brother. 

Thystorye  sayth  that  kyng  Vryaw  desired  mocR  to 
knowe  where  the  sarasyns  were  lodged  /  also  to  4 
haue  true  knowlege  of  theire  co?auyne;  Avherfore  he 
urian  and  a         called  to  hym  a  knyght,  that  knew  wel  al  the  Countrey, 
and  said  to  hym  :  '  putte  on  yowr  barneys,  and  take  the 
surest  hors  that  ye  haue,  and  come  alone  here  byfore  8 
my  pauyllon  :  and  telle  nobody  of  it  /  &  ye  shal  come 
with  me  there  as  I  shal  lede  you'  /  and  anone  the 
prepare  to  recon-  knisrht  dide  his  commandement  /  and  wel  horsed  & 


armed  retozmied  to  hym  byfore  hys  tente,  wher  he  12 
fonde  king  vryara  redy  on  horsbak,  the  which"  said  to 
Urian  tells  the      some  of  his  barons,  '  Sires,  meue  not  your  self  fro  this 

barons  that  they 

are  to  obey  the      p]ace  tyl  ye  haue  tydin«es  of  me  /  but  yf  I  cam  not 

orders  of  the  j      j  j  J 

who  fchvith  him     n^her  ayen  /  loke  ye  doo  that  I  shal  lete  you  wete  by  16 
wItSitaow11    '    this  knyght.'     And  they  ansuercJ  that  so  shuld  they 
doo /'but  take  good  hede,'  sayd  they  agayn,  'where 
ye  goo'  /  'be  not  in  doubte  therfore,'  said  vryan  to 
them  /  And  thenne  they  departed  ;  and  Vryan  said  to  20 
the  knight,  '  conduyte  me  now  the  surest  waye  that  ye 
can,  tyl  that  I  may  see  the  porte  where  the  sarasyns 
The  knight  leads    landed.'     And  the  knvght  lede  hym  vnto  the  hylle 

the  King  to  a 

high wii,  ryght  high,  &  said  :  'Sire,  yonder  is  the  porte  that  ye  24 

desire  to  see.'     'And  how,'  said  the  kyng1,  'it  hath 
where  he  sees       be  said  to  me  that  theire  nauye  was  al  brent,  and  yet  I 

some  vessels, 

see  yonder  some  grete  vessels  1     Fro  whens  myght  they 
be  come  now  ] '  /  and  thenne  behild  the  king1  /  at  the  28 
synester  syde  in  to  the  fouws1  of  the  valey,  and  sawe 
his  brother's  and  his  brothers  oost,  that  was  lodged  vpon  the  ryuere  / 

the  Saracen  host.  .        ' 

and  at  the  ryght  syde  of  the  hille  he  sawe  )>e  Caliphes 
oost,  that  were  in  grete  nombre.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  32 
*  foi  99  6        the  kyng,  '  yonder  is  grete  multitude  of  peple  pay- 
He  does  not         neme  /  them  I  knowe  wel  ynough" :  but  bey  2of  this 

recognize  his 

brother's  army,     other   syde  I  knowe   not  what  they  be.     abyde   me 

1  Fr.font. 

CH.  XXIV.]  THE   BRETHREN    MEET.  173 

here,  and  I  shaH  goo  wete  what  folke  they  be,  yf  I 

may.'     The  kyng  thanne  rode  tyl  he  came  nygh  his  and  so  rides  to  it 

brokers  cost,  and  founde  a  knight  on  his  way,  which  he  On  the  way  he 

.    i  ,  ,  meets  a  knight 

4  knew  wel  ;  and  anoon  called  hym  by  hys  name,  and  he  knows  well. 
demawnded  of  hym  yf  his  brother  guyon  was  there  /. 
Whan  the  knight  vnderstode   hys  worde*,  he  beheld 
&  knew  hym,  and   soone  kneeled   byfore   hym,  say-  The  knight 

o  ji  •  ,  -.  r      i  .  kneels  to  him, 

8  eng  in  this  manere:  '  My  liege  &  souerayn  lord,  your  and  teiis  him  to 

...  .  J  whom  the  host 

brother  guyon  is  yonder  wit//  al  hys  people,  and  the  belongs. 
maister  of  Rodes  also.'    Thenne  commanded  hym  the 
kyng  that  he  shuld  goo  to  Guyon  hys  brother,  and  King  Urian  sends 
12  telle   hym   that  he  shuld   come  &  speke  wit/t   hym 
vpon  the  said  mountayne.     And  the  knight  went  & 
tolde  these  tydinges  to  guyon  ;   wherfor  he,  and  the  who,  accom- 

panied with  the 

maister  of  Rodes  -with  hym,  mounted  on  horsbak  /  toke  "aster  of  Rho- 

des, comes  to  the 

1  6  the  way  to  the  mountayne  ward,  wher  as  Vryan  retourned  Kin*- 
to  his  knyght,  whome  he  said  :  '  Frend,  wel  it  is  with 
vs,  For  that  is  my  brother   guyon  which  is   lodged 
yonder.'     Thenne  came  fer  guyon  &  the  maister  of 

20  Rodes  where  the  two  bretheren  made  moche,  eche  of 
ofer.  The  kinge  after  shewed  to  them  thoost  of  theire 
enemyes  /  and  whan  they  sawe  it  /  they  said  /  '  we 
wyst  not  them  so  nygh  to  vs.'  'Now,'  said  vryan,  Urian  says  that 

now  the  Saracens 

24  'they  may  not  escape  vs,  yf  it  be  not  by  the  meanes  of  cannot  escape, 

J  '  J  except  by  the 

yonder  galeyes,'  wherof  guyon  was  abasshed  /  'For,'  vessels. 
said  he  /  '  these  deuels  haue  brought  moo  vessels,  For  **ihe  Saracens 

having  vessels, 

wit/an  these  foure  dayes  last  passed  we  toke  &  brent  had^urnt  or*  ''e 
28  al  theyre  nauye.'     '  Thenne,'  said  the  maister  of  Rodes, 
'  I  suppose  wel  what  that  is  /  happely  some  of  them 

were  not  fonde,  which"  haue  eschewed  that  few  shippes  S^. 
fro  the  fyre.'     'By  my  feyth,'  said1  the  kyng,  'thus  it 
32  may  wel  be  /  but  )>erto  1We  most  puruey  of  gardes,        '  foi.  100. 

For   therby  shuld   mowe  escape   the  chief  lordes  of  guards'  to  be  er 

,.     ,    ,          .  -1,1  .•          ready  to  prevent 

theire  oost,  that  happly  might  adowmage  vs  in  time  any  one  embark- 
to  come.'     'How,  sire,'  said  the  maister  of  Rodes,  'it 
36  semeth  that  ye  haue  dycomfyted  them  al  .redy,  and 


that  it  no  rcsteth  more  but  to  kepe  the  Calyphe  and 
brandyrnount,  that  they  scape  not  at  bat  porte.'     '  Cer- 
taynly,'  ansuerd?  the  kynge,  '  yf  they  be  nomore  than  I 
see,  we  nede  not  so  grete  peple  as  god  hab  leued  vs.'  4 
and  sends  Ws       The  kinge  thenne  conmanded  his  knight,  bat  he  shuld 

knight  with 

orders  to  his  men  CTQQ  to  hys  oost  and  make  them  to  be  putte  in  aray, 

to  march  to  the  *  ' 

footoftheinoun-  an(j  that  he  shuld  conduyte  them  vnto  be  foot  of  the 
said!  mountayne.     The  knight  departed,  &  dide  as  it  8 
was  youen  to  hym  in  comwandement  /  and  al  thoost 
obeyed  hym,  and  came  in  fayre  aray  &  good  ordy- 
nawnce  vnto  the  hille.     Also  guyon  went  and  made 

Guion  marches      hys  peple  to  be  armed,  and  brought  bem  at  the  other  12 

liis  men  near  the 

pagans.  syde  of  the  ryue?-e,  so  nygh  the  paynemes  oost  that  he 

might  wel   perceyue   theire   manyere  &  contenmmce. 

The  Master  of       And  the  kyng  commanded  the  maister  of  Eodes,  that 

Rhodes  is  ordered 

to  prevent  the       he  vfith  aH  hys  peuple  shuld  entre  in  to  be  see  /  and  16 

Saracens  with- 

tliat  tnev  shul(1  traumie>  rowyng  nygh  the  porte,  to 
thende  yf  the  sarasyns  shuld  putte  &  Withdraw  them 
self  into  theire  shippes,  that  they  might  not  escape  / 
'And  I  goo,'sayd  vryan,  'putte  my  peple  in  aray,  forto  20 
gyue  batayH  to  these  paynemes.' 
The  King  leads      fT^he  kynge  thenne  came  to  his  oost,  and  made  his 

his  forces  in 

battle  array  JL    archers  &  crosbowe  men  to  marche  &  coo  fourth  ; 

towards  the 

Saracen*,  and  after  folowed  the  wynges.    &  the  arryergarde  came  24 

after  in  fayre  ordonnaurzce  /  and  assoone  as  be  sarasyns 
perceyued  them,  they  bygan  alarme,  and  euery  payneme 
armed  hym  self  /  but  or  they  were  aH  armed,  Vryan 
i  foi.  100  ».      sent  vpon  them  a  thousand!  1good  men  of  armes  wel  28 

can  arm  sets  'a      horsed,  that  moche  adommaged  them,  for  they  fonde 

thousand  men  on- 

to them.  them  vnpurueyed  &  out  of  aray.     But  not\v^t/^standlng, 

At  last  the  Sara-  they  assembled  them  in  batayH  &  aray.    Thanne  bygan 

cens  array  them- 

selves, and  the      the  stoure  fyers  &  cruel.     For  there  had  ye  seen  arowes  32 

fight  becomes 

flerce-  flee  as  thykk  as  motes  in  the  sonne  /  and  after  Vryan 

and  his  auantgarde  assembled  to  his  enemys  ;  and  so 

The  Saracens  are  manfully  they  faught,  that  they  made  the  sarasyns  to 

driven  back, 

withdraw  bakward.     For  vryan  made  there  so  grete  36 


fayttes  of  armes,  and  gaf  so  pesaunt  &  horryble  strokes  Urian  doing  great 

feats  of  uruis. 

both  to  the  lyft  &  right  syde,  that  al  them  that  he 
recountred  he  smote  &  threw  douu  fro  theire  horses  to 

4  the  erthe,  in  so  moch  that  his  enemyes  fled  byfore  hym 
as  the  partrych  doth  byfore  the  sperehauke.  And 
whanne  the  Calyphe  of  Bandas  perceyued  hym,  he 
shewed  hym  to  kyng  Brandymouwt,  sayeng.  '  yf  wo  be 

8  abasshed  and  yl  bestad!  of  this  man  only,  al  the  other 
shal  preyse  &  doubte  vs  nought'  /  and  sayewg  these 
wordes,  he  broched  his  hors  wz't/i  hys  sporys  tliat  blood 
rane  out  of  botho  sydes  /  And  know  it  wel,  that  this  The  Caliph,  a 

strong  man  with 

12  Caliphe  was  one  of  the  moost  fyers  &  strengest  man  sword  and  shield, 
that  was  that  tyme  alyue  /  he  casted  hys  targe  behynd 
his  bakk  /  toke  hys  swerd,  &  rane  vpon  vryan,  the  mns upon  urian. 
which e  he  recountred  /  and  by  grete  yre  gaf  hym  so  and  gives  him  a 

heavy  bluw, 

16  mejTiayllable    a   stroke   vpon   that   one   syde   of    hys 

helmet,  that  hys  swerd?  redounded  vpon  hys  hors  nek  nearly  killing 

his  horse ; 

by  suche   myght  that  nygh"   he  cutte  his  throtte  of. 

Thanne   came   kynge   Brandymount  vpon  vryan,  the  King  Brandy- 
mount  rushes  on 
20  which",  seeynge  his  hors  almost  deed,  stooc?  vpon  hys  him  also, 

feet,  &  lete  goo  hys  swerd?  fro  his  hand,  and  embraced  Urian  dismounts, 

and  pulls  the 

his  enemy  :   and  by  the  strengths  of   his  two  armes,  Saracen  King 

from  his  horse, 

pulled  hym  from  his  hors  doun  to  therthe.     There  was 
24  l  the  prees  grete,  both  of  Sarasyns  that  wold  rescue        »foi.  101. 
theyre  lord  /  and  of  cypryens  also,  that  wold  haue 
holpen  vryan  theire  kynge,  to  bryng*  hys  enterpryse  at 
affect.    The  batayli  was  there  mortaH  fyers  &  doubtous  The  fighting 

becomes  fierce  nt 

28  for  bothe  partyes.     but  vryan  drew  a  short  knyff  out  of  this  point: 
the  shethe  that  hanged  at  his  lyft  syde,  and  threstid  it  but  Urian  rtaba 

his  foe  in  the 

vnder  the  gorgeret  thrugh  brandymontis  nek,  and  thus 
he  slewgh  hym.  Thanne  stodl  vryan  vpon  his  feet 
32  ayen,  and  cryed  vrith  a  high  voys  '  Lusynen,  Lusynen '  / 
and  the  Poyteuyns  that  hen!  that,  putte  them  self  in 
prees  by  suche  vertu,  gyuyng  so  erete  stroke*1  that  the  andhiscom- 

•  paiuons  put  to 

sarrasyns  that   were  about   vryan  lost  &  voyded  the  sj* 
36  place.     Thenne  was  kyng  vryan  remounted  vpon  kyng 



[CH.  XXIV. 

then  Urisn  pur- 
sues the  Caliph. 

Guion  on  his  side 
f«lls  upon  the 

and  seeing  his 
forces  hemmed 
in,  the  Caliph 
with  eleven  men 
flies  in  a  boat  to 
his  vessels, 

weighs  their 


and  puts  to  sea. 

The  Saracens  see- 
ing Brandimount 
dead,  and  the 
Caliph  fled, 

*  fol.  101  6. 

lose  heart,  and 
try  to  escape ; 

but  they  are  all 

and  all  their 
riches  captured. 

The  Caliph 
swears  he  may 
yet  live  to  avenge 
himself  on  the 
Cyprians ; 

brandymontis    hors,   and    pursiewed   the   Caliphe    of 
Bandas  /  and   thus    bygan   ayen   the  batayH  to   be 
reforced,  in  so  moche  that  grete  occysyon  was  don  on 
eyther  partye.     And  in  that  meane  season  came  guyon  4 
with   his   peuple,  and   courageously   rane   vpon   J>eire 
enemyes.     And  whan  the  Caliphe  saw  hym  be  sur- 
prysed  on  eche  syde  by  his  mortal  enemyes  /  he  with 
xi  departed  in  the  secretest  manere  that  he  coude  out  8 
of  the  bataytt,  and  fled  toward  the  see  /  where  the 
admyraH  of  Damask  was,  whiche  made  them  to  entre 
into  a  lytel  galyote,  in  whiche  he  escaped,  as  by  fore  is 
said  /  and  soone  aftir  he  made  the  nauye,  that  he  saued  12 
fro  brennyng,  to  take  vp  theire  awcres,  &  entred  in 
the   see.     And  here   seaceth  thystorye   of   hym,  and 
retourneth"  to  speke  of  the  bataytt.  / 

In  this  partye  sheweth  thystorye,  &  sayth  \at  whan  16 
the  sarasyns  knew  the  deth  of  theyre  kynge  bran- 
dymourct1  /  and  how  the  Caliphe  on  whos  prowes  & 
strengthe  was  al  theire  hope  &  cow?  fort  2was  thus  de- 
parted and  fled,  they  were  aH:  abasshed,  and  bygan  20 
strongly  to  breke  their  aray  and  to  voyde  the  place, 
puttyng  themself  to  flight.3     "What  shuld  I  make  you 
long  compte  /  the  paynemes  were  putt  aH  to  deth, 
what  in  batayli,  what  fleyng  as  drowned  in  the  see.  24 
And  after  the  chaas,  retourned  kyng  vryan  and  hys 
barons  to  the  paynemys  lodgis,  where  they  found  in 
their  tentes  &  pauyllons  grete  riches.     And  here  this- 
torye  cesseth  of  kyng  vryan  /  and  I  shal  shew  vnto  you  28 
how  the  caliphe  of  Bandas  dyde,  the  which  swore  by 
his  machomet  &  his  goddes,  that  yf  he  myght  euer  come 
to  sauete  in  damask  ayen,  yet  shuld  he  doo  grete  hyn- 
deraunce  &  enuye  to  the  Cypryens.     But  as  he  was  32 
rowyng  in  the  see  /  and  supposed  to  haue  escaped  al 

1  Fr.  Brandimont  do  Tarse. 

3  xviis.  \ii\d.  is  noted  in  margin  of  MS.  If  it  is  price  of 
copying  up  to  this  point,  it  would  be  about  the  rate  of  Id.  a 

CI£.  XXIV.]      A   SEA-FIGHT  AND   ANOTHER   ESCAPE.  177 

parels  /  the  maister  of  Rodes  that  kept  the  see  and 

uayted  after  hym,  as  aboue  is  sayd,   perceyued  tlio  but  his  fleet  is 

sarasyns  flote  J>at  wold  haue  retourned  to  Damask  /  by-  Master^r  y 

.  111  Rhodes,  who  is 

4  gam  to  Jye  by  them  and  sayd  to  his  peuple  in  this  on  th«  *»tch. 
manere  :  '  Fayre  and  knight  of  leshu  Criste,  owr 
desyre  and  wysshyng  is  brought  to  effect,  for  know- 
Icge  we  haue  ynough  that  the  valyau«t  &  redoubted 

8  kyng  vryan  hath  obtayned  the  vyctory  vpon  his  ene- 
myes  &  oures  /  yf  we  be  now  men  of  faytte  &  valyaunt, 
none  of  them  shal  neuer  see  Damaske.'     Who  thanne  He  is  attacked, 
had  seen  the  Cristen  putte  them  self  in  aray,  and  theire 
12  meruay  liable  .shottyng  wit/i  gonnes  &  arowes  vpon  the 
sarasyns,  he  shuld  haue  be  meruaylled  /  and  syn  oure 
folke  cheyned  w*t/i  them  &  casted  darts  &  stones  \viUi 
suche  strengthe  &  might,  that  wonder  it  was  to  see. 
16  The  sarasyns  defendid  hem  self  1  manfully  /  but  at  last        » foi.  ios. 
they  were  dyscomfy te.      And  the  admyraH  that  sawo  and  defeated> 
the  grete  myschief  fat  feH  on  them  hallid  vp  saylles  / 
rowed   in   hys   galyote  with  eyght   hores  and   so  ho  but  escaped 

,  ,       .  .  with  the  admiral 

20  escaped.      And  the  maister  of  Rodes  and  hys  pcple  in  an  eight-oared 


toko  the  galeyes  of  theire  enemyes  and  aft  slew  or  The  master  of 

Rhodes  captures 

casted  ouer  bord  /  and  brought  them  ayen  to  saynt  the,navy.  8|;ivs 

J  J          or  drowii.s  nil  tliu 

andrews  porte.     Thanne  the  maister  of  Rodes  acom-  ?*1!1!*C<V{S' "'"'  , 

•*•  UlKcn    tilC   Vl*SRt'JS 

24  panyed  wt't/i  C  knightes,  bretheren  of  his  religyon,  went  dreW-s°PortA" 
toward  king  vryan  &  guyon  his  brother,  and  recounted  He  recount* 

'  his  victory  to 

to  them  aH  theire  good  fortune,     but  sory  was  the  ki«g  Urian,  who  is 

0    uorryatthe 

that  the  Caliphe  and   the  admyral  were  so  escaped,  caliph's  escape. 

28  kyng1  Vryan  thenne  departed  &  dalt  ernong1  his  peuple 
al  the  proye  of  his  enemyes  that  he  had  wonne  /  sauf 
he  reteyned  for  hym  the  artylery  &  some  pauyllons  & 
tentes,  and  gaf  them  leue  to  retourne  in  to  thciro 

32  Couritrees.  These  things  thus  don,  kyng  vryan  in 
grete  tryumphe  &  honoz^r  as  vyctoriows  prynce,  re- 
tourned to  his  cyte  of  Famagoce,  acompayned  of  Guyon  Urianandhis 


his  brother,  of  the  maister  of  Rodes,  and  of  al  the  it-turn  to  Fain*- 


30  barons,  wher  the  queue  Ermyae  rcceyued  them  right 



THE    DEATH    OP   THE    KING    OF   ARMENIA.       [CH.  XXIV. 

Urian's  wife 
Hermine,  being 
with  child,  lie 
prepares  to  give 
a  feast, 


but  a  fair  son  is 
born  three  days 
before  the  feast 
is  ready. 

i  fol.  102  6. 

He  is  named 

honourably,  thankyng  god  of  the  noble  vyctorye  that 
they  obteyned  vpon  his  enemyes.  / 

"ow  saytli  thistorye,  that  Ermyne  was  grete  wi't/t 

child  &  nygh  her  terme  /  and  that  vryan  made  4 
a  feest  to  be  cryed  &  proclaimed ;  For  he  wold  in  tyme 
of  peas  &  rest  haue  festyed  his  barons  of  poytou  and 
al  other   prynces   estraungers   &   other   his   subgects. 
Eyght  dayes  toforne  the  feste,  begane  grete  multitude  8 
of  peuple  to  come  to  the  Cite,  wherof  the  kyng  was 
joyful,  and  made  cryees  vpon  peyne  of  deth  that  none 
shuld  make  derrer  the  vytaylles.     And  trouth  it  was 
that  thre   dayes  tofore  the  feste  the   queno  Ermyne  12 
was  1delyue7ied  of   a  fayre  sone.     Thenne  bygan  the 
feste  to  wex  grete  /  and  the  child  baptised  and  named 
Henry,  bycause  of  hys  auncestre  hight  Henry.     And 
so  encreased  the  feest  in  ryches  &  in  yeftes.      And  16 
there  were  some  of  the  barons  of  poytou  that  toke 
theire  leue  of  the  king*  &  of  his  brother,  and  of  the 
quene,  for  to  departe,  whom  the  kynge  yaf  grete  yeftes 
of  riches.     And  they  were  in  nombre  six  knightes  and  20 
peire  companye,  which  putte  them  in  to  the  see.     Now 
wyl  I  cesse  of  them  that  are  departed  to  the  see  /  & 
shal  shewe  of  the  feste  that  was  ryght  noble  and  sump- 
tuous, but  soone  it  was  turned  to  sorowe,  bycause  of  24 
the  tydingfs  of  the  kingis  deth  of  Armenye  that  came 
to  the  Court.  / 

Thystorye  sheweth  aH  thus,  whan  the  feest  was  at 
best,   there   came   xxi"2  knightes  of  the   moost  28 
noblest  barons  of  the  royalme  of  armanye,  al  clothed  in 
black  /  and  it  shewed  wel  by  theire  contenaunce  that 
they  were  sorowf  ul  in  herte.    And  whan  they  cam  tofore 
the  kyng1  they  elide  theire  obeyssaunce  ryght  nobly  /  32 
and  the  kynge  receyued  them  w/t/i  grete  honour  /  and 
with  news  of  the  they  said  to  him:  'Sire,  the  kynge  of  armenye,  yowr 

death  of  the  King 

of  Armenia,         vncle,  is  passed  out  of  this  world,  on  whos  sowle  god 

2  Fr.  a-ci. 

Twenty-one  Ar- 
menian knights 

come  to  Urian, 


haue  mercy  /  and  hath  lefte  to  vs  a  ryght  fayre  pucello  ami  that  his 

v  f   •>  •      i      i       n        i        1.11  lii-ir  is  a  fair 

begoten  of  his  body  by  lawfuH  maryage  /  and  she  is  maiden, 
alone  hys  heyre.     Now  knovve  ye  thenne,  noble  kynge, 
4  that  in  hys  playn  lyf  he  dide  doo  make  this  lettre,  and  They  bring 

,     ,  Urian  a  letter 

commanded  vs  to  directe  it  to  yowr  noble  grace  /  pray-  from  the  de- 

*      ceased  king, 

eng  the  same  that  the  tenour  of  )>e  Icttro  ye  vouchesaf 
tacomplysshe.'  '  By  my  feith,  fayre  lorde*,'  said  Vryan  / 
8  '  yf  it  be  of  the  thing  that  I  may  goodly  doo,  I  shal 
fulfyH  his  wyH  1  right  gladly.'  Thenne  toke  Vryan  »f»i.  los. 
the  lettre  &  redd  it,  of  the  whiche  the  tenour  was  this  : 
'  Ryght  dere  lord  and  right  wel  beloued  nevew,  I  re-  paying  respect* 

to  UrUn  and  his 

12  coj/zmande  me  to  you  as  ferfourth  as  I  may  /  prayeng*  wife, 
you  right  hertyly  to  haue  me  to  my  ryght  dero  &  be- 
loued1 nyghte   your  wyf   to   be  recoramanded1.     And 
where  by  these  my  lettres  I  make  to  you  the  first  re- 

16  queste  that  euer  I  demanded  of  you  /  also  consideryng1 
that  it  shal  be  the  last  /  For  certaynly  at  the  makyng 
of  thees  my  present  lettres,  I  felt  myself  in  such  poynt  and  intimating 

Ins  ni'ur  eud. 

that  in  me  was  none  hope  of  comialescence  nor  of  lyf. 

20  I  hertyly  beseche  you  that  ye  haue  it  not  in  reffus  nor 

in  dysdayne.     It  is  so  thanne  that  none  heyre  I  no 

haue  of  my  body,  sauf  only  a  doughter,  the  which"   The  king  tells  of 

his  dMntor, 
yow  brother  guyora  sawe  but  of  late  /  whan  he  was  whom  u«iuii  iwi 

24  \vith  me.     Wherfore  I  pray  you  that  ye  vouchsauf  to  and  begs  Urinn 

.  1*1  *°  «"treat  his 

entrette  yo?/r  said  brober  in  manere  that  it  playse  hym,   bmthi-r  t<>  nmny 

'     tlu-  heiress  of 

to  take  the  cepter  of  my  dignite  ryaH  and  my  doughter  Armenia,  nmi  to 

J  J  J  be  king  of  the 

to  hys  lady,  and  thus  to  crowne  hym  self  king  of  country; 

28  armanye.  And  though  she  be  not  worthy  to  haue 
hym  to  her  lord,  yet  is  she  come  of  royal  blootr1.  con- 
sideryng  thanne  her  consanguinite  haue  pite  on  her  / 
and  yf  that  mouyth  not  you  to  cowpassyon  /  yet  re- 

32  membre  that  ye  be  champyon  of  Crist,  exalting  his 
feyth.  My  royalme  is  now  cristen,  and  hath  be  long 
soo  /  Woo  were  to  me  /  yf  for  wantyng  of  a  preu  &  as  the  inmi  re- 

quirrs  a  vnli.-int 

valyaurit  man  it  shuld  retourne  in  to  the  puynemes  nwn  to  protect 

J  it  from  the 

36  hande*.     Wlierfove,  noble  kyng4,  haue  regarde  to  this  Saracens. 

N   2 


that  forsaid  is,'  &c.    Whan  vryan  vnderstode  the  tenowr 

of  fe  le//re  he  was  moche  dolauwt  of  the  kingis  deth  / 

foi.  loss.       &  mouyd  hy  compassion  &  pyte,  ansuerd?  to  the  1Arma- 

iwans^row"868  nyens,  sayeng  in  this  manere  :  *  Lordes  &  barons,  I  shall  4 

to  aidethe°lr-SeS    not  fayH  you  at  your  nede,  For  yf  my  brother  wyl  not 

accorde  therto,  yet  shaH  I  endeuoyre  my  self  to  gyue 

you  helpe,  ayde,  comfort,  &  counseyl,  as  ferre  as  my 

Guion  is  sent  for,  power  shal  rcche.'     Thanne  called  he  to  hym  guyon,  8 

king's  death,        hys  broker,  that  thanne  knew  the  kingis  deth,  wherof 

he  was  sorrowfuH  /  and  vryan  to  hym  sayd  the  wordes 

He  is  offered        that  here  folowen  :   '  Guyon,  receyue  this  yefte,  For  I 

the  hand  of  the 

daughter  of  the     make  you  heyre  of  armenye  and  possessowr  of  the  moost  12 

king  of  Armenia. 

fayrest  pucelle  that  is  in  aft  the  land!  /  that  is  my 
Cousyn  florye,  doughter  to  the  kyng1  of  Armanye,  which 
by  the  wyH  of  god  is  passed  out  of  this  world  /  and  I 
pray  you  that  ye  day  lie  to  take  this  yefte,  For  it  ought  e  1C 
not  to  be  refussed.'  '  By  my  feyth,  fayr  brother  and 
He  accepts  it,  my  lord,'  said  guyow,  '  I  thanke  you  moche  therof,  and 

and  thanks  his 

brother.  hym  also  that  is  causer  of  hit,  on  whos  sowle  god  haue 

The  Armenian      mercy.'     Thenne  were  the  knyghtes  of  armanye  joyfuH  20 

knights  are  joy- 

ful, mid  kneel       &  glad.     And  as  soone  as  guyon  had  consentid  therto, 

before  Guion 

and  kiss  his  they  kneeled  byfore  hym  &  kyssed  hys  handes,  after 
the  custome  of  tbeire  land?  /  And  thanne  bygan  ayen 
the  feest  greter  than  it  was  afore.  And  in  that  meane  24 

The  navy  is          saison  the  king1  dide  doo  make  hys  nauye  redy,  that 

prepared  at  Ly-  . 

masson,  and         was  in  to  the  porte  of  Lymasson,  and  in  the  vessels 

Guion  and  many 

of  his  friends        he  made  to  be  putte  grete  rychesses  /  and  guyon  hys 

sail  to  Armenia,  ' 

brother,  accompanyed  Vfith  the  maister  of  Rodes,  &  with  28 
many  barons  of  poytou  and  of  Cypre,  toke  hys  leue,  & 
entred  in  to  the  see  &  saylled  so  long1  that  they  arryued 
in  Armenye,2  where  they  were  receyued  honourably.3 

2  Fr.  Et  tant  allerent.  tant  de  jour  comme  de  nwjt,  qrflls 
apperce-urent  et  risrent  la  ballet  dn  Crub,  qul  est  la  iitals- 
tresse  ville  dn  royaulme  tVArmanie. 

3  There  is  an  omission  here  ;   the  French  version  opens  a 
new   chapter,    entitled    Comment    Guion   espoiisa    hi  pucelle 
Jflorie-  et  fut  ivy  d'Annanie,  as  follows  :  —  Adonc  Vntitj  des 

CH.  XXIV.      THE   BARONS   RETURN    TO   LUS1GXAN".  181 

There  was  guyon  wedded  with  Floryo  /  and  after  the  where  he  weds 


feste  aH  the  barons  of  the  land1  came  to  Only  &  made  DMMMM do 

,i  v  their  homage  to 

theyre   homage   to  guyon,  whiche   crownned   himself  him,  and  he  is 

•A  ,  .  p  .  crowned,  and 

4  king  &  rogned  honourably.     And  after  these  things  reigns  honorably, 
doon  the  maister  of  Eodes  &  the  barons  of  Poytou  toke 
theire  leuo  of  guyon,  whiche  yaf  to  them  grete  yefttt 
of  ryches,  &  they  entred  in  to  theire  shippes  and  rowed  His  friends  set 
8  tyl  they  ^am  at  Rodes,  where  as  the  said  maister 
festyed  worshipfully  the  estraungers,  and  so  dide  al  the 
knightes  brotheren  of  hys  relygyon.     And  at  thcnde 
of  viii  dayes  the  barons  of  Poytou  entred  agayn  in  to  and  from  tin-...-,- 

12  the  see,  and  in  short  tyme  they  arryued  in  Cipre,  And  ttnrntotot* 
recounted  to  Vryan  al  the  troutli  of  the  fayt,  and  how  adventure, 
his  brother  guyon  was  honourably  receyued  in  arma- 
nye  /  and  how  he  had  wedded  Florye,  and  was  crowned 

16  kyng   of   the   land?   &   loued  of  al   the   peple   there, 

wherof  moche  thankas  rendred  guyon  to  god.     Wtt'/in  Some  knights  or 

,.          .  ,,  I'oitoii,  after 

few  dayes  after  many  of  the  kuightcs  of  poytou  toke  receiving  gifts 

from  Unan,  and 

theire  leue,  and  to  them  yaf  vrya?i   crete   yeftes  of  » letter  for  MS 


20  ryches  /  and  sent  word1  by  them  in  wrytyng  to  his 
fader  &  modor  of  al  thestate  &  prosperous  fortune  of 
hym  &  of  hys  brother.  And  thus  departed  the  barons 
&  entred  in  to  theire  shippes,  whiche  they  fonde  wel 

24  purueyed  of  al  that  was  necessary  to  them,  and  toke  set  sail  for 


theire  way  toward  Rochelle  in  poytou. 

w  sayth  thystorye,  that  the  barons  of  poytou 

sailled  so  long«   that  they  perceyued   &  sawe 

28  Rochelle,  where  they  arryued  -with  grete  joye  /  and  They  arrive, 

barons  d'Armanie  parla  moult  hault  addretsant  ta  parole  a 
Guion,  et  dist :  Sire,  nous  votts  (irons  este  qiterir  pour  ettre 
nostre  seigneur  ct  nogtre  roy ;  si  est  ban  que  nous  rout  deliv- 
rons  tout  ce  que  nous  voits  dei-ons  bailler.  Et  roicz  cy  ma 
damolselle  qui  est  toute  pregte  de  acomjtlir  tout  ce  que  nous 
rous  avons  promts  et  au  roy  Ifi-ian  rotn;  fritre.  Parfoi,  ditt 
Gttion,  ce  ne  denwurera  mie  a  falre pour  mcy  ;  and  continues 
then  as  above. 

2  This  begins  a  new  chapter  in  the  French  version,  en- 
titled, Comment  Ics  mcssagiers  apportirrnt  let  lettres  a  liai- 
mondln  et  a  Melusine  de  ses  deux  enfans  >j[nl  cstoicnt  roix. 

182  THE   MARRIAGE   OF   ODO.  [CH.  XXIV. 

and  three  days      there  they  refresshed  them  self  the  space  of  thre  dayes, 
Lusignan,  and  after  mounted   on  theire  horses  &  rode  toward 

where  Raymon-     Lusynen,  where  they  founde  Raymondyn  and  Melusyne 

din  and  Melusine 

receive  them        an(J  theire  other  children  with  bem,  whiche  receyued  4 

with  great  joy. 

They  deliver  the    them  vfitJi  grete  joy.     And  ben?ie  they  delyuered  to 

letters  from  . 

urianandGuion,   them  the  lettres  of  kyngft?  Vryan  &  guy  on  theire  sones. 
And   whan   they  herde   &   vnderstodl   the   tenowr  of 
which  please        them  they  thanked  god  of  the  good  auenture  that  he  of  8 

their  parents.  .         ,         , 

his  grace  had  youen  to  theire  two  sones  /  and  yaf  grete 

jeweller  &  ryche   yefte*  to  the  "barons  that   brought 

This  year  Meiu-     tydynge's  of  bem.   And  that  same  yere  melusyne  fownded 

sine  builds  the          J    J    ' 

Church  of  our       the   chirch"   of   OUT  lady  in   Lusynen  &  mame  other  12 

Lady  and  many 

other  abbeys,        abbeves  in  be  l  lande,  and  endowed  them  wi't/i  grete  pos- 

lfol.1046.  J  ,& 

and  odo  marries    sessyons.     And  theiine  was  the    trayttee  of  maryage 
of  the  Earl  of  •    made  betwix  Odon  her  sone  and  the  Erie  of  marchis 

doughtir,  And  was  the  feest  grete  &  noble  holden  in  16 

a  medowe  nygh  to  the  Castel  of  Lusynen.  / 


Anthony  and        f  I  Ihystorye  sheweth  here,  that  Anthony  &  Regnald 

Regnald,  hearing 

of  the  brothers'        1     were  right  glad*  whan  they  vnderstode  the  ty- 


dinges  of  the  fortune  &  noble  fayttes  of  armes  of  theire  20 
two  bretheren  /  and  that  in  so  short  space  of  tyme  they 
had  sore  adommaged  the  enemyes  of  god,  and  said  one 
desire  to  follow     to  other,  '  My  ryght  dere  brother,  it  is  now  tyme  that 

their  example  ; 

we  goo  seke  auenture  thrugfr  the  world,  For  here  to  24 
dweH  ony  lenger  we  may  not  acquyre  nor  gete  honowr, 
as  oure  brethern  Vrya«  &  guyon  haue  don.'     Wher- 
fore  they  come  to  theyre  fader  &  moder,  and  to  them 
said  humbly  in  this  manere,  '  My  lord  and  you  my  28 
so  they  ask  per-    lady,  yf  ye  vouchsaf  it  were  tyme  that  we  went  thrugh 

mission  to  go  out 

into  the  world      the   world   at   owr  auenture.   for  to    gete   &   acquere 

to  earn  the  order 

of  knighthood,      thordro    of   knyghthode    as    our    bretheren   vryan    & 

guyow,  haue  don  /  how  wel  we  be  nat  worthy  to  receuye  32 
it  so  nobly  nor  in  so  noble  a  place  as  they  haue  doo  / 
but  yf  it  playseth  god  o«r  entenc^on  is  to  endeuoyre 
vs  berto.'     Thenne  ansuerd!  to  them  Melusyne  theire 
moder, '  Fayre  sones,  yf  that  playseth  wel  yoztr  fader,  36 

CH.  XXIV.]          CHRISTINE   OP   LUXEMBOURG.  183 

I  me  consent  to  you*  requested     'By  my  feyth,  lady,'  Their  parent, 
said   Raymondyn,   'doo  yo?/r  wyH  therof,  For  what 
someuer  ye  wyl  I  me  consent  thei-to.'     «  Sire,'  said 
4  Melusyne, '  it  semeth  to  me  good  that  from  hens  fourth 
they  begynne  to  take  on  them  som  vyage  for  to  knowe 
the  world  &  the  straunge  marches  /  also  to  be  renommed 
&  knowen  /  and  to  knowe  &  discerne  good  from  euyl.' 
8  Thenne  the  two  bretheren  kneeled  byfore  theire  fader 
&  moder,  &  thanked  them  mocn"  humbly  of  the  honour 
that  they  promysed  them  to  Moo.     And  here  ceaseth        >  foi.  105. 
thystory  to  spek  of  them  /  and  speketh  of  another 
12  matere. 

In  this  partye  sayth  thistorye,  that  in  the  marches 
of  Allemayne,  betwene  Lorayne  &  Ardane,  was  a 
noble  Countrey,  the  which  was  somtyme  called  the 
16  Erledome  of  Lucembourgh,  and  now  it  is  named  a 

duchye.     In  that  same  Countree  was  some  tyme  a  lord  At  the  time 
erle  of  the  land,  whiche  after  his  decesse  lefte  a  fayre  of  Luxembourg 

,         ,  .       1-1  /••  Wfts  a  niniden 

uoughter  his  heyre  /  she  was  clepyd  Crystyne,  and  her  named  Christine, 
20  fader  was  named  Asselyn.    Alle  the  barons  of  the  land 
made  theire  homage  to  her  as  to  the  rightfutt  heyre  of 
the  lande.     On   that   tyme  was  in    Anssay  a  kynge  the  wife  of  the 

,  ....  King  of  Anssay 

whos  Avyf  was  deed  in  her  child  bed  at  the  birthe  of  a  died. 

24  dough ter,  whiche  the  fader  made  to  be  baptised  <fc 
named  Melidee.  Whan  this  kynge  thanne  herde  how 
the  Erie  of  Lucembourgh  was  passed  out  of  this  world, 
and  that  none  heyro  he  had  but  a  doughter,  whiche 

28  was  the  fayrest  damoyseH  of  aH  the  land  /  ho  sent  in  He  wished  to 

11  i.i*  110  *    ""UT  again,  and 

ambaxade  to  her  the  moost  noble  &  secretest  men  of  made  proposals 
hys  CounseyH,  to  speko  &  treate  the  maryage  of  hym 
wtt/i  her.     But  the  pucelle  Crystyne  wold  ncuer  con-  but  was  rejected. 
32  sent  therto  /  wherfore  he  wexed  sorowfutt  in  herte  / 

and  swaro  god  that  outhre  by  force  or  by  her  wyH  he  in  revenge  he 

swore  he  would 

shuld  haue  her,  whatsoeutT  it  might  fan  therof.    Ihenne  have  i«-r  in 

f-Ti-f,  and  clml- 

made  he  his  mandement.  &  chalcnged  the  mayde  &  alle  lenged  her  and 

her  land. 

36  her  lande.     Whan  than?*e  the  barons  &  noble  men  of 

CHRISTINE   AND   THE   KING    OF   ANSSAY.       [oil.  XXIV. 

i  fol.  105  &. 

The  people  put 
it  in  a  state  of 

but  they  were 
not  strong 
enough  to  with- 
stand the  King 
of  Anssay, 
who  came  and 
did  them  great 

A  baron,  who 
had  been  with 
Urian  when  he 

takes  the  barons 
of  Luxembourg 

the  laude  &  all  the  commynalte  wyst  it  /  they  said 
&  sware  that  syth  theyre  lady  wold  not  haue  hym  to 
her  lord  /  they  shuld  shewe  to  hym  that  he  dide  wrong 
to  the  pucelle  and  to  them  also.     And  immediatly  they  4 
garnysshed  theire  Cites,  tounes,  &  Fortresses.     *And 
the  moost  part  of  the  barons  drew  themself  to  the 
toune  &  Castel  of  Lucemhourgh  with  Cristyne,  theire 
owne  propre  lady.   What  shuld  I  make  you  long  cowpte  /  8 
they  were  nat  that  tyme  strong  ne  puyssawzt  ynough"  for 
to  fyght  ayenst  the  kyng  of  Anssay.    For  he  came  vpon 
them  with  a  grete  puyssauwce  of  peple  &  moche  adora- 
maged  the  lande  /  and  came  al  brennyng1  vnto  byfore  12 
the  toune  &  Fortresse  of  Lucembourgh",  where  he  layed 
siege.    And  of  faytte  theire  was  grete  scarmysshing1  and 
grcte  losse  of  one  parte  and  of  o]>er.     It  happed  thanne 
that  one  of  the  noblest  barons  of  the  land*,  the  whiche  16 
had  be  with  Vryan  at  the  conqueste  of  the  roya^me  of 
Cipre,  and  cue?'  was  with  hym  at  aH  the  bay  tayHes  that 
he  had  ayenst  the  payneuies  /  the  whiche  was  come 
ayen  with  the  barons  of  Poytou  vnto  Lusynen  /  and  20 
had  receyued  of  Melusyne  riche  jewels  &  grete  yeftes 
of  ryches  /  and  sawe  there  Regnald  and  Anthony,  that 
were  moche   strong   and   grete,  &  of  fyers   &  hardy 
contenazmce  /  and  wel  it  semed   to   hym  that  they  24 
shuld    ensiew    the    condictons   &   maneres    of    theire 
bretheren,  and  theire  high  prowes  &  enterpryse  /  drew 
the  noble  men  of  the  land  apart,  and  said  to  them  in 
this  manere  :  '  Fayre  lordes,  ye  may  conceyue  and  wel  28 
perceyue  that  we  may  not  hold  longe  ayenst  the  puys- 
saunce  of  the  same  kinge.     Wherfore  yf  it  seme  you 
good,  myn  oppynyon  were  to  see  a  remedy  be  had  to  it 
rather  to  fore  than  to  late,  For  good  it  is  to  shette  the  32 
stable  or  euer  the  horses  be  lost.'     And  they  ansuerdf, 
'  that  is  trouth  /  but  we  may  not  perceyue  no  remedy 
therto  without  the  grace  of  god  be.'     '  For  southe,'  said 
the  forsaid  baron,  '  Wit/tout  godis  grace  none  may  but  36 


lytcl  or  nought  doo,  but  with  that  it  is  good  to  take 
ayde  who  that  may  l  hauo  it.'  '  Certaynly,'  said  the  '  foi  io«. 
barons,  '  ye  say  right  wel  ;  yf  ye  thanne  know  some 
:  4  gentylman  worthy  to  haue  our  lady,  and  valyaunt  & 
preu  to  dcffende  vs  ayenst  our  eneuiyes,  leto  vs  knowe 
hym.  For  ye  be  therto  hold  &  bou/iden  bycause  of 
yo?^r  alygeauwce.'  This  gentylman  thanne  rehercod  to  and  tell*  them 

of  the  bravery 

8  them  fro  hed  to  hed  how  vryan  &  hys  brother  departed  of  u«iau  ana 


fro  Lusynen,  and  at}  thauenture  of  theire  vyage  /  also 
thestate  of  theire  fader  and  moder  /  and  ouermore,  he 
shewed  to  them  the  fayro  maynton  &  countenazmce  of 
12  Anthony  &  Regnauld!  /  and  that  he  knew  for  certayn  /  and  of  their  two 

brothers,  An- 

that  who  so  went  to  seke  &  requyro  the  socours  and  thony  and  Beg- 

imlil,  who  would 

helpe  of  the   two  brethercn,  they  shuld   come  -with  come  to  their 

Mristance  with 

grete  puyssaunce,  whan  they  shuld  hauo  knowledge  of  grcnt  fort-e8  •' 
16  the  faytte.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  noblemen,  '  ye  say 
fuH  wel.'     Thenne  they  fourthwith  went  toforo  Crys- 
tyne  theire  lady,  and  worde  to  worde  they  recounted  The  barons  hare 

an  audience  with 

to  her  aft  this  affayre.     And  she  said  to  them,  '  Fayre  Christine. 
20  lordes,  I  recommande  you  my  land  and  yours  /  doo  She  puts  herwif 

in  their  hands 

what  semeth  you  best  to  thonowr  of  me  and  of  you,  for 
the  conmyn  wele  of  all  my  land.  For  wete  it  for 
certayn,  that  for  to  dey  or  to  be  dysheryted,  I  shal  not  and  once  more 

J  refuses  the  King 

24  haue  the  kyng  of  Anssay  to  my  lord  /  how  be  it  he  is  o 
better  than  to  me  apparteyneth,  but  for  asmoche  that 
he  wyl  haue   by  force   me  &  my  land1.'     And  they 
ansuerd1  to  her  /  '  doubte  you  not  therof,  my  lady,  For 

28  yf  it  playse  god,  he  shal  not  haue  so  moche  of  puys- 

sance  as  long  as  we  shaft  mowe  stere  OUT  owne  bod  yes.'  defend  **r. 
'Lordes,'  said  she,  'gramercy.'  And  thenne  they  departed 
thens.     Thenne  said  one  of  the  barons  to  the  forsaid1 

32  gentylman  in  this  manere  :  '  ye  that  hauo  putte  vs  in 
this  quarelle  /  say  now  what  best  is  for  to  doo.'  '  By  my 
feyth,'  said  ho,  '  yf  it  lyke  you  good,  ye  shaft  delyuere 
me  two  of  you  to  goo  \vith  me  to  Lusynen,  to  wete  yf 

36  we  can  fynde  there   2ony  thing*  to  vs  prouffy  table.'       *foi.w«6. 



Two  wise  and 
noble  men  are 
seht  as  messen- 
gers to  Lusignan 
with  Urian's 

During  the  great 
feast,  at  which 
Anthony  and 
Regnald  dis- 
tinguish them- 
selves in 

the  ambassadors 
from  Luxem- 
bourg arrive, 

and  are  wel- 

Urian's  knight 
is  asked  by 
Anthony  if  he 
will  accompany 
him  and  his 
brother  on  a 

1  fol.  107. 

in  search  of 

Thenne  they  anoone  chose  among1  them,  that  is  to  wete, 
two  of  the  wysest  &  noblest  men  for  to  goo  wit/t  hym. 
And  they  departed  about  the  first  slepe,  mounted  vpon 
good  &  lyght  horses,  and  yssued  out  of  a  posterne,  and  4 
passed  by  that  one  side  of  thoost,  so  that  they  were  neuer 
perceyued  /  and  hasted  them  self  on  theire  way  toward 
Lusynen.     And  here  cesseth  thystorye  of  them,  and 
speketh  of  Meluysyne  &  her  children,  that  is  to  wete,  8 
of  Anthony  and  of  Eegnald.  / 

Thystory  sayth  that  the  feste  was  right  grete  in 
the  medowe  byforsaid  /  and  men  jousted  there 
valyauntly.     but  aboue  alle   the  yonge  squyers   that  12 
were  there,  Anthony  and  Regnald  dyde  best  after  the 
sayeng   &   coramendaci'on   of   the   ladyes   and   gentyl 
wymen  that  were  there.     And  there  were  grete  jewels 
gyuen.     but  alwayes  Melusyne  thoughte  to  purueye  to  16 
thestate  of  her  children,  and  made  to  them  fayre  robes 
&  ryche  raymentes,  and  ordeyned  and  purueyed  of  men 
to  goo  vfith  them,  and  in  especial  wyse,  and  noble  men 
to  endoctrine  them,  &  shew  to  tham  the  way  of  good  20 
gouernau?ice.     Duryng  yet  the  feste,  came  there  the 
ambaxatours  of  Lucembourgh  /  fe  whiche  made  theire 
obeyssaunce  to  Raymondyn  &  to  Melusyne  ryght  honour- 
ably, and  also  to  alle  the  companye  /  And  joyously  24 
they  were  receyued  /  &  soone  was  there  knowen  the 
knight  that  had  be  wzt/i  vryan  at   the  Conqueste  of 
Cypre.     and  he  -was  honourably  festyed,  and  of  hym 
demanded  Anthony,  for  the  wele  that  he  herde  saye  of  28 
hym,  yf  it  playsed  hym  to  goo  vfit/t  hym  &  with  hys 
brother  Eegnauld  in  som  vyage  where  he  purposed  to 
goo,  &  to  thayde  of  god,  he  shuld  be  wel  rewarded. 
The  knyght  thanne  demanded  of  Anthony  :  '  My  lord,  32 
&  whither  is   your  entencz'on  for  to  goo  1 '     And  he 
ansuerd! :  1{  At  ont  auenture  there  as  god  shal  conduyt 
vs,  for  to  gete  honour  and  cheualrye.'     '  By  my  feyth,' 
said  the  knyght,  '  I  shal  telle  you  the  fayrest  and  the  36 


moost  honourable  auenture  that  cuer  gentylman  had  The  knight  teiu 

.,      .        ,  .    .  .,  ,  of  the  fuir  ad- 

tnat  aducntured  hym  self,  and  the  moost  honourable  venture, 
enterpryse.'    And  whan  the  two  damoyseaulx  vnderstod 
4  hym,  they  made  moche  of  hym,  &  said  in  this  manere  : 
'Noble   man,  vouchesauf  to  vttre   to  vs   that   noble  and  is  asked  by 

..  .       .        ,  the  brothers  for 

enterpryse  that  ye  speketh  of.      '  By  my  feyth,  lordes,'  full  information. 

said  the  knight,  'in  as  moche  that  I  were  ryght  joyows 
8  you  to  see  onhaunsed  in  hono?<r,  also  for  to  susteyne 

ryght  &  reason,  I  shal  ryght  gladly  shew  to  you  aH  the 

matere  therof. 

'  T)  yght  dere  lordes,  it  is  troutfc  that  aH  thoo  that 
12  JL\J  loue  ryghtwysnes  and  that  be  wylling  to  gete 

honour  /  they  oughte  to  helpe  and  susteyne  the  wydowes 

an  orphenyna.     And  forasmoche,  fay  re  lordes,  it  is  soo  He  relates  that 

that  in  the  marche  of  Lorayue  &  of  Ardane  is  a  moche 
16  ryche  &  noble  Countree  that  clepen  the  duchyeof  Lucem- 

bourgh,  the  whiche  duchye  a  noble  man  gouerned  long*  the  Duke  of 

,  ,  ,  .,          ,  .  ,  Luxembourg 

as  hys  owne  propre  herytage  /  the  whicho  valyaunt  man 
passed  to  god  but  of  late,  and  hath  lefte  a  doughtir  hys  left  his  daughter 
20  heyre  of  the  land!  /  to  the  whiche  right  noble  and  fayre 
pucelle  alle  the  nobles  and  barons  of  the  land  haue  as 
now  don  theyre  homage  &  obeyssaunce.  And  where 
it  is  soo  that  the  kynge  of  Anssay,  knowyng  the  beaute-  and  owing  to 

her  beauty  and 

24  f  ulnes  of  the  mayde,  and  her  grete  &  noble  enheryt-  riches  she  is 

J        sought  us  wife 

aunce,  hath  demanded  her  by  maryage  /  but  that  pucelle  by  **>«  KinR  "f 

J  J   i  Ansaay,  but  b«- 

reffused  hym  bycause  he  had  be  wedded  tofore,  &  of  ^owiprinehmi 
late  he  was  wydower.     Wherforo  this  kynge  of  Anssay  reftued  Wm- 
28  hath  deffyed  her  and  al  her  land,  and  supposeth  to  in  revenge  war 

IMS  been  <le- 

haue  her  by  force  &  ayenst  her  wylle  /  and  he  is  entred  ciami,  an<i  the 

king  is  trying  to 

in  to  the  land  /  and  hath  brent  &  slayn  al  byfore  hym  s«=t  her  by  force, 
vnto  the  toune  &  Castel  Jof  Lucembourgh,  where  as       >foi.  wa. 

32  he  hath  now  besieged  the  said  lady,  and  hath  sworoe  and  now  he  is 
that  he  shaH  neuer  departe  thens  vnto  tyme  he  hath  Luxembourg, 
his  wylle  of  her,  other  by  force  or  by  loue.     Wherfore, 
lordes,  me  semeth  that  in  aH  the  world  nys  more  honour- 

36  able  a  vyage  ne  more  raysonnable  than  that  same  is, 



[CH.  XXIV. 

On  hearing  the 
story  Anthony 
agrees  to  succour 
tlie  maiden, 

and  the  ambas- 
sadors promise 
to  conduct  An- 
thony and  help 
him  all  in  their 

Anthony  and 
Regnald  relate 
the  tidings  to 
their  parents, 
and  ask  for  help. 

thinks  it  a  good 

i  fol.  108. 

and  Melusine 
promises  to  pro- 
vide well  for 
her  sons. 

She  announces 
that  any  man 
prepared  to 
serve  under  the 
should  come  to 

For  alle  thoo  that  loue  honour  &  gentylnesse  ought  to 
draw  them  self  that  part.'    '  In  good  feyth,'  said  thenne 
anthony,  '  ye  say  trouth  /  and  wete  it  I  shaft  shew  this 
matere  to  my  lady  my  moder,  to  see  what  ayde  and  4 
helpe  my  lord  OUT  fader  and  she  wyl  gyue  vs  /  and 
how  so  euer  it  happeth,  by  thayde  of  god  we  shaft  goo 
and  socoure  the  pucelle  that  the  kynge  of  Anssay  wyl 
haue  by  force,  wherof  me  semeth  that  he  is  euyl  conn-  8 
seylled.'     '  On  my  feyth,  my  lord,'  sayd  thenrae  the 
knight,  '  yf  ye  vouchesauf  to  vndertake  that  "vyage  /  I 
&  my  felawes,  two  knightes  that  be  here  come  wit/i 
me,  shal  conduyte  &  helpe  you  of  al  our  power.'     And  12 
J>e  two  bretheren  thanked  them  moche,  &  saide  /  '  no 
doubte  we  shal  goo  thither,  yf  it  be  the  playsire  of 
god '  /  And  thenne  they  retourned  toward  theire  moder  / 
and  the  knight  toward  his  felawes  /  and  reherced  to  16 
them  how  he  had  exployted  /  and  that  no  nede  was 
to  speke  ne  requere  Kaymondyn  ne  Melusyne  therof. 
'  Now,  veryly,'  said  the  two  barons,  '  it  is  ryght  wysly 
don  of  you  /  blessid  be  god  therof.'  /  20 

Here  saith  thistory,  that  Anthony  &  Eegnald 
came  to  theire  fader  &  moder,  and  de- 
nounced to  them  these  tydinges,  and  requyred  them 
of  help  &  ayde  tacomplysshe  this  enterpryse.  Thenne  24 
spake  Eaymondyn  to  Melusyne,  &  said,  'Certainly, 
lady,  herto  they  may  haue  a  fayre  begynnyng1  in  armes. 
Wherfore  I  pray  you  that  ye  purueye  for  1them  in 
suche  wyse  that  we  may  haue  therof  honour  &  prouffyt.'  28 
'For  southe,'  said  Melusyne,  'Sire,  for  tacomplysshe 
yo?/r  wylle,  I  shall  endeuoyre  me  so  diligently  therto, 
that  bo  the  you  &  they  also  shal  be  content.'  And 
thenne  she  made  that  ony  man  that  wold  take  wages  32 
vnder  Anthony  &  Eegnald  of  Lusynen,  that  they  shuld 
come  at  a  certayn  day  to  Lusynen,  and  there  they  shuld 
be  payed  of  J?eir  wages  for  one  yere  /  and  also  she 
made  it  to  be  cryed  al  about  the  marches  of  poytou.  /  36 

CH.  XXIV.]      ANTHONY   AND   REGNALD   RAISE   AN    ARMY.  189 

IN  this  partye  reherceth  tliystorye,  that  wz't/nn  the  On  the  day 
day  that  Melusyne  made  to  be  cryed  and  anounced  the  'meeting"1 
the  said  wages,1  were  assembled1  many  gentylmen  in  a 
4  meddowe  bysyde  Lusynen  ;  and  grete  foyson  men  of 
armes,  to  the  nombre  of  foure  thousand  helmets  and  4000  helmet* 

^i  j      i  and  600  aruhera 

uo  hounureu,  some  archers  &  o]>er  crosbowe  men  /  assemble. 

and  there  were  no  pages,  but  al  strong  men  /  and  were 
8  al  lodged  in  fayre  tentes  &  pauyllons,  and  so  purueyed  They  are  w«u 
of  all  maner  harneys  &  of  al  other  things  necessary  to 
fern,  that  euery  man  was  content.     And  while  Eay- 
mondyn   &   melusyne    payed    them   theire   wages,   & 

1  2  purueyed  for  al  thinges  that  were  nedef  uH  to  theyre 
vyage  /  Anthony  &  Regnald  araysonned  &  demanded 
of  the  said  knight  and  of  his  barons,  hys  felawes,  of 
the  estate  of  the  pucelle  of  the  land1  /  And  they  said  to  The  barons 

,  ,,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,     ,         ,  describe  the  state 

1C  them  the  very  troutn/  and  were  joyfuH  in  theire  hertes  of  tiie  land  to  the 
of  the  grete  apparayH  that  they  sawe  so  soone  redy, 
For  wcl  they  had  take  in  thanke  half  of  the  same  to 
socoure  vfitJt  aft  theire  lady.     Wherfor  J>ey  thanked 

20  god  &  our   lady  his  blessid  moder,  And  sent  fourth  and  send  word  of 

the  aid  coming  to 

Wit/i  a  messager  toward  the  barons  of  Lucembourgh,  Luxembourg, 
for  to  anounce  to  them  the  noble  socowrs  2that  god  sent  *  foi.  toe*. 
to  them.  Wherof  they  were  ioyful  &  glad.  And  af  tir  whereat  the 

iMin.ns.  the  lady 

24  the  barons  went  &  told  to  theire  lady  the  tydynges,  of  Christine,  and 

her  i«opl«  are 

the  whyche  she  was  moch"  rccomforted,  and  bygan  B1**1- 
moche  deuoutely  to  lawde  god  her  creato?<r.  And 
whan  the  peuple  knew  therof,  they  had  grete  joye,  and 
28  thanked  god,  and  made  grete  fyres,  and  cryed  wt't/i  a 
mery  voys,  sayeng  thus  :  '  Joye  &  victory  to  owr 
pucelle.'  And  whan  theire  enemyes  wtt/ioutforth  herd1 
them,  they  wondred  moch",  &  went  &  denounced  it  to  The  king  of  Ans- 

HHV  is  informed 

32  theire   kynge,  wherof   he   was   abasshed  &  pensefuH.   of'  the  rejoicing, 

And  thenne  came  tofore  certayn  personnes,  that  said 

to  hym  :  '  Sire,  doo  make  good  watche,  For  they  of  the 

toune  awaytc  dayly  for  socours.'     '  By  god,'  said  the 

1  waged  in  MS. 



but  believes  he 
will  starve  them 
out,  not  knowing 
of  succour  on 
the  way. 

Melusine  calls 
Anthony  and 
Regnald,  and 
gives  them  part- 
ing advice. 

She  tells  them 
to  love  God 
and  keep  the 
of  holy  Church, 

to  be  courteous 
to  all, 

fol.  109. 

to  be  cautious 
in  believing 

to  be  fair  to  thei1 

stern  with  their 

kinge,  '  I  ne  wot  nor  may  knowe  by  no  manere  fro 
whens  socours  shuld  come  to  them  ;  I  doubte  not  /  but 
that  I  shal  haue  them  at  my  wyH,  other  by  strength 
or  by  honger  and  for  lack  of  meete.'  And  thus  the  4 
kyng  of  Anssay  assured  hym  self,  But  aftinvard  he 
fond?  hym  self  deceyued.  Now  I  shal  leue  of  hym, 
and  shal  retourne  to  speke  of  Melusyne  and  of  her  two 
sones.  8 

Melusyne  thenne  called  to  her  Anthony  and  Keg- 
nald,  her  two  sones  /  and  to  them  she  said  in 
this  manere :  '  Children,  ye  now  wyl  departe  fro  my 
lord  yowr  fader  &  fro  me  /  and  happely  we  shal  neuer  12 
see  you  agayn.     Wherfore  I  wyl  teche  &  introdruyte 
you  for  yo&r  wele  &  honour.     And  I  pray  you  that  ye 
vnderstand  &  reteyne  wel  that  I  shaft  say,  For  that 
shal  be  to  you  nedefuH:  in  tyme  to  come.     First,  ye  16 
shal  loue  /  doubte,  &  preyse  god  our  creatowr ;  ye  shal 
fermely,  iustly,  &  deuoutly  hold  the  commandementes 
of  o?/r  moder  holy  chirche  /  and  stedfast  shal  you  be  in 
our  feyth  catholical.  /  be  yc  humble  &  curteys  to  good  20 
folke  /  fyers  &  sharp  to  the  wicked  &  euyl  folke  /  and 
be  ye  1alwayes  of  fayre  ansueryng,  bothe  to  moost  and 
leste  /  and   hold   talkyng  to  euery  one  whan   tyme 
reqnyreth,   wft/iout   eny   dysdayn   /   promyse   ne   be-   24 
heyghte  nothing1  but  that  ye  may  shortly  acomplysshe 
it   after  yowr   power;    w/t/tdrawe   not  rapporteurs   of 
wordes  toward  you  /  byleue  not  enuyous  /  nor  beleue 
not  to  soone  ne  lyghtly  /  For  that  causeth  somtyme  2$ 
the   frend?  to  wexe   mortal  foo ;   putte   not   in   office 
auarycyows    nor   fel   folke  /  acoywte2   you   not   with 
another  mans  wyf  /  departe  or  deele  to  your  felawes  of 
suche  thinges  that  god  shal  gyue  you ;   be  swete  &  32 
debonnaire  to  yowr  subgects  /  and  to  yowr  enemyes 
fyers  &  cruel  vnto  tyme   they  be   subdued  &  vnder 
yowr  puyssaunce  /  kepe  your  self  fro  auau?ity;?g  &  fro 
2  Fr.  acointez. 


menace  /  but  doo  yo?/r  faytte  vfith  few  vfordes  tliis  that  not  to  be  given 

to  vain  speaking 

may  be  doo.     Despyso  neuer  none  enemy,  thaugh  he  Not  to  despise 

be  lytel  /  but  loke  wel  about  and  make  good  watche  /  ever  to  keep 

'  good  watch. 

4  be  not  emonges  you*  felawes  as  maister,  but  co7«myn 

them  /  and  worship  euerychon  after  his  degre  / 
and  gyuo  to  them  after  your  power,  &  after  that  they 
be  worthy.  *gyue  to  the  good  men  of  armes  hors  &  TO  treat  their 


8  barneys   &   syluer   as    rayson   requyreth.      Now,    my  w«u, 
children,  I  ne  wot  nat  what  I  shuld  more  saye  to  you  / 
but   that   ye  kepe  euer  trouthe  in  al  your  dedea  &  and  above  «n 

to  keep  to  the 

affayres.     Hold  !  I  gyue  eche  of  you  a  ry/tg  of  gold,   J™11 
12  wherof  the  stones  ben  of  one  vertue.     For  wete  it  that  e<V;.h*  ""?• 

which  will  pre- 

as  long  as  ye  haue  good  cause,  ye  shal  neuer  bo  dys- 
comfytcd  in  batayH.'  And  thenne  she  kyssed  them  in 
moderly  wyse,  whiche  thanked  her;  and  toke  leue  of  The  brothers 

'  take  leave  of 

16  theire  fader,  that  ryght  dolawnt  was  of  theire  departyng*.   their  parent*, 
They  made  thenne  theire  troowpettes  to  be  sowned  &  8°"nd  the  trum- 
blowen,  and  putte  them  self  al  by  fore,  &  conduyted  the 
auaiuitgarde  /  and  after  folowed  the  sowmage  &  the 

20  grete  batayli  in  fay  re  2aray  /  and  the  arryergarde  also       *  ft*.  iwa. 
marched  forth  in  fayre  ordyn«?mce.     It  was  a   good 
sight  to  see  the  state  of  the  vantgarde,  whiche  the  two 
bretheren  delyuered  to  be  conduyted  to  a  noble  baron 

24  &  valyazmt  knight  of  poytou  /  and  them  self  toko  & 
conduyted  the  gret  baytayH  /  and  by  them  rode  the 
ambaxadours  of  Lucembourg.  And  of  the  reregardo 
were  captayns  the  two  knightes  of  poytou  that  ledd 

28  vryan  &  guyow  in  to  Cypre,  and  that  first  told  to  them 
that  the  sawdan  had  besieged  the  Cite  of  Famagoce. 
And  to  these  two  knightes  Rayinondyn  &  Mclusyne 
had  recowmanded  the  estate  of  theire  two  sones,  Reg- 

1  Fr.  Donne:  aux  Ions  homines  d'armeg,  cheraljc,  cottet 
d'acier,  bassines,  den  premiers,  et  argent  selon  ration,  et  rout 
se  vans  rolez  nng  Ion  komine  de,  la  main  qui  rirnne  deters 
vous  mal  vestii  on  mal  monte,  si  fiijiju'lle:  moult  humblement 
et  lny  donncs  robes,  cticrmu-  et  liarnois,  selvn  la  talfur  dc  ta 
et  scion  le  pocolr  yue  ronn  tire:  alort. 



and  march  that 
night  to  Mirabel, 

where  they  set 
good  watch. 

Anthony  orders 
everyone  to  ride 
under  his  banner 
in  battle  array. 

This  wearies  the 

and  in  ten  days 
the  knight  com- 
manding the 

»  fol.  110. 

declares  to  the 
brothers  tlmt 
the  people  think 
there  is  no  need 
to  be  so  arrayed 
till  they  are  iu 
the  enemies' 

But  Anthony 
replies  that  it  is 
best  they  should 
leuru  themselves, 

rather  than  that 
their  enemies 
should  teach 


nald  &  Anthony.     And  trouth  it  is,  that  on  the  first 
nyght  they  lodged  them  nygli  to  a  strong  toune  vpon 
a   lytel   ryuere   /   and   was   that    same   toune   named 
Myrabel,  J)e  whiche  Melusyne  founded  /  and  that  same  4 
nyght  bygan  the  two  brethern  to  make  good  watche,  as 
they  had  be  alredy  in  land!  of  enemyes,  wherof  many 
gaf  themself  grete  merueyH ;  but  they  durst  not  reffuse 
it,  For  Anthony  was   so  cruel  that  euery  man  drad1  8 
liyifl.     On  the  morowe  next  after  the  masse  was  doo  / 
the  two  bretheren  made  cryees  vpon  peyne  of  hors  & 
haryneys,  &  to  be  banysshed  out  of  the  felawsbip,  fat 
euery  man  ehuld  ryde  armed  vnder  his  banere,  in  good  12 
aray  of  batayH.    none  durst  not  refuse  it  /  but  thus  was 
it  doo,  Wherof  they  al  merueylled.    And  in  this  manere 
they  rode  by  the  space  of  ten  dayes,  &  so  long  that 
they  cam  in  champayne  /  and  many  one  were  wery  &  16 
ennuyed  of  theire  harneys  /  as  moche  for  Jns  that  it 
was  no  nede  /  as  bycause  they  were  not  acustomed  of 
it  /  and  som  spake  therof,  wherfor  the  knight  that  con- 
duyted  the  vangarde  cam  to  the  two  brethern,  &  thus  20 
said   to  them :   '  My  lordes,  the  moost  part  of  yowr 
peuple  is  euyl  apayed  &  content  bycause  that  ye  1con- 
strayne  them  to  bere  theire  harneys ;  For  them  semeth 
no  nede  to  doo  soo  tyl  that  they  come  nygh  to  the  24 
marches   of   yowr   enemyes.'      'And   how,   sire,'    said 
Anthony,  '  thinke  you  not  that  the  thinge  which"  is 
acustomed  of  long  tyme  be  bettre  knowen  of  them  that 
exercice  it,  &  lesse  greuable  than  that  thing1  which  is  28 
newly  lerned! ? '     'By  my  feyth,  sire,'  said  the  knyght, 
'  ye  say  wel.'     '  morouer,'  said  Anthony,  '  It  is  bettre 
for  J>em   to  lerne   the   peyne  for   to   susteyne   theire 
harneys  in  tyme,  that  surely  they  may  so  doo  at  theire  32 
ease,  &  to  refresshe  them  surely  for  to  essaye  them 
self,   and  knowe   the   manere  how  they  myglit   easy 
susteyn  &  suffre  it  whan  nede  shalbe.     For  yf  they 
muste  be  thaught   of   theire  euemyes  /  theire  peyne  36 

CH.  XXIV.]      A   FALSE   ALARM   IN   THE   CAMP.  193 

shuld  be  greter  &  doubtows  /  and  ye  wote  ynough",  that 
•who  lerneth  not  his  crafte  in  his  yougthe,  vritfi  grete 
peyne  &  hard  it  shal  be  for  hym  to  be  a  good  werke- 

4  man  in  his  old  age.'  '  Certaynly,  my  lord,'  said  the 
knyght,  'ye  saye  the  playne  trouth  of  it,  and  your 
reason  is  fuH  good.'  And  thenne  he  departed  fro 
hym,  and  anounced  to  many  one  this  rayson,  in  so 

8  inoche  that  knowlecli  of  it  they  had  thorugh  al  thoost, 
wherof  euery  man  held  hym  self  wel  apayed  &  content  /  The  answer 
and  al  sayd  that  the  two  bretheren  might  not  faytt  to  host,  and  the 
haue  grete  wele,  yf  god  wold  send  to  them  lone  lyf,  the  brothers  win 

come  to  great 

12  and  that  they  shuld  come  to  grete  perfection  of  honour,  honour. 

Thystorye  sayth  in  this  partye,  that  the  same  nyght  When  the  host 
was  lodged  on 
the   oost  was   lodged  vpon  a  ryuere  that  men  the  Aisne  that 

night  an  alarm 

called  aisne  /  and  about  the  first  slepe,  the  two  bretheren  WM  r»'»«<>  by 

the  brothera. 

1 6  made  to  be  cryed  alarme  thrugh"  the  oost  right  ferfully. 
Thenne  was  there  grete  trouble,  and  in  euery  syde  they 
armed  them,  puttyng1  themself  in  fayre  aray  of  bataytt. 
euery  man  vnder  his  banere  byfore  theire  tentes.  And 

20  wete  it  wel,  that  it1  was  grete  beaute  to  see  the  good 

contenawnce  &  the  noble  2ordynaMnce  &  fayre  aray  of      *  foL  no  ft. 

the  men  of  armes,  and  of  the  two  bretheren,  that  went 

fro   bataiH   to   batayH  /  and  there   as  fawte  was   of  The  forces 

arrayed  them- 

24  ordynawnce,  they  redressid  theire  peple  to   it     And  selves  for  battle, 
the  thre  barons,  ambaxadowrs  of  Lucembourgh,  beheld 
wel  theire  maner  &  contenawnce,  &  said  that  one  to 
that  other :  '  On  my  feyth,  these  two  children  ben  wel 

28  chappen  to  subdue  &  conquere  yet  a  grete  part  of  the 
world  /  now  wel  may  say  the  king*  of  Anssay,  that 
dere  he  shaH  abye  his  folye  &  proude  enterpryse,  and 
the  do?nmage  that  he  hath  borne  to  owr  lady,  &  to 

32  her  land  &  subgets.'     In  suche  party  they  were  long 

tvrae,  tyl  the  esnyes  that  secretly  were  departed  fro  the  and  spies  were 

J        '    J  rj  sent  over  the 

oost  to   dyscouere  &  ouersee  the  Countre   about,  yf  country  to  find 

J  the  enemy. 

enemyes  were  nygh  /  came  agayn,  &  sayd   that  ]>ey 
i  it  in  MS. 



They  returned 
with  the  news 
that  no  enemy 
•was  in  sight. 
At  last  it  was 
known  to  be  a 
false  alarm. 

The  captains  of 
the  van  and  rear 
guards  com- 
plained of  the 

but  Anthony 
told  them  he  did 
it  to  test  the 

»  fol.  111. 

The  next  day 
they  marched  to 
Dam  Castle, 

which  is  twelve 
leagues  from  the 
besieged  town. 

The  ambas- 
sadors advise 
the  brethren 
to  halt  and 
refresh  their 

aspyed  no  personne;   whero[f]  al  gaf  them  self  grete 
wonder  of  that  alarme  &  affray,  but  at  last  it  was  wel 
knowen  that  the  two  bretheren  caused  it.     Thenne 
came  the  two   kuightes,  captayns  of  the  arryergarde,  4 
&  also   the  Captayne   of  the  vantgarde,  to  the   two 
bretheren,  &  said  to  them  in  this  manere  :  '  My  lordes, 
grete  symplenes   it  is  to  you  thus  to  traueylle  yowr 
peuple  for  nought.'     '  How,'  said  Anthony  to  them  /  8 
'  whan  ye  doo  make  a  new  rayment,  be  it  harneys  or 
clothing,  make  ye  not  it  to  be  essayed,  for  to  knowe  yf 
ony  fawte  is  fonde  in  it,  and  to  haue  it  mended  &  sette 
as  it  shuld  be  1 '  /  And  they  al  ansuerd?,  '  For  certayn,  1 2 
sire,  ye  /  and  that  is  ryght.'     Thenne  sayd  Anthony, 
'  yf  I  wold  haue  assayed  my  felawes  to  fore  that  it  had 
be  tyme,  for  to  knowe  how  I  shuld  fynd  them  redy  at 
my  nede  /  sene  &  consydered  that  we  appro uche  OUT  1.6 
enemy es  /  to  thend*,  yf  ony  fawte  we  had  fond1,  to 
haue  purueyed  of   conuenable  remedy  therto,  at  owr 
lesse  domwage  /  than  yf  in  dede  it  had  be.'     Whane 
they  [heard1]  that  word?  /  they  ansuerd',  'my  lord?,  ye  20 
say  but  rayson'  /  and  they  wondred  moche  of  2theire 
gouernement,  and  of   theire  subtylte  &  wyt  /  sayewg 
betwene  them  self  /  that  they  shuld  yet  come  to  grete 
perfection.     Soone  after  the  day  was  come,  the  masse  24 
was  said  and  the  trompettes  sowned ;  at  which"  sowne 
the  vantgarde  marched  fourth,  and  the  sommage  and 
Cartes  folowed  /  and  after  the  grete  oost  deslodged',  & 
went  so  long  by  theire  journeyes  that  they  came  &  28 
lodged  them  vpon  a  ryuere  named  Meuse,  vnder  a  For- 
tresse  named  Damcastel  /  And  fro  thens  vnto  the  siege 
tofore  lucembourgh,  were  not  past  two  days  journey 
for  them.     Theane  came   the  barons  ambaxadours  of  32 
Lucembourgh  to  the  two  bretheren,  &  said  :  '  My  lord, 
we  haue  no  more  but  xij  leghis  vnto  the  siege,  it  were 
good  that  ye  shuld  refresshe  your  peple  here  vpon  this 
1  Word  scraped  out  of  MS. 


fay  re  ryuer  ;  For  here  is  good  soiowrne  &  good  abydyng1/ 
and  also  is  good  to  take  aduys  &  Counseyl  how  ye  wyl 
doo.'  / 
4  fMhanne  ansuerd1   Anthony  ryeht  boldly  :   '  By  my  But  Anthony 

*    ,         declines  to  do 

J_      feyth,  fayre   lordes.  thaduys   is  ouerlong  take,   so,  and  says  he 
_  J  J  '    will  send  to  the 

For  assoone  that  rny  brother  &  I  haue  sent  toward  the  King  of  Annay, 

and  if  he  accept* 

kynge  of  Anssay,  yf  he  wyl  not  doo  after  OUT  wyH,  he 

8  may  hold  hym  sure  to  haue  batayB  /  and  the  vyctory 

shal  send  god  to  whom  it  playse  hym  /  but  what  /  me 

semeth  we  haue   good  quareH,  And   therfor  we  haue 

hope  on  our  lord  that  he  shal  helpe  vs  /  and  also  we 

12  shal,  or  euer  we  fyght,  demande  of  hym  ryght  & 

rayson  /  but  it  muste  be  aduysed  who  shal  goo  on  the 

message.'     '  By  my  feyth,'  sayd  the  Captayne  of  the  The  captain  of 

the  vanguard 

vantgarde,  '  I  shal  be  yowr  messanger,  yf  it  please  you,  volunteers  to  be 


16  and  the  gentylman  that  knoweth  the  Countre  shal  lede 
me  thither.'  'In  the  name  of  god,'  said  anthony  / 
'  that  playseth  me  ryght  wel  /  but  that  shal  not  be  tyl  Anthony  says  he 

will  send  when 

myn  cost  be  but  thre  leghes  ferre  fro  them  /  to  thende,  they  are  as  near 

as  three  leagues 

20  yf  JJG  batayH  muste  be  that  we  may  be  nere  them  for  to  *i»  enemy. 

to   fyght,    and   haue   thayde   of   the   toune   with   vs. 

*For  yf  he  wyl  the  batayH  we  wold   be  alredy  by      ifoLiiu. 

hym.'     And  thus  they  lefte  to  speke  of  this  inatere. 
24  And  on  the  morne  erly,  after  that  the  masse  was  doo,   in  the  morning 

after  mass  the 

thoost  marched,  &  passed  the  ryuere  vnder  Damcastel  wmy  marches 

•  beyond  Virton, 

in  fayre  ordynaunco  /  and  so  long  they  rode  that  they  and  n***  U16™- 
arryued   on   an   euen    betwene   vertone   and    Lucem- 
28  bourgh,  and   there   lodged   them   self.     And   on   the 

morow  erly  Anthony  sent  the  Captayne  of  the  vant-  Next  morning 

Anthony  sends 

garde,  and  the  said  gentylman  toward  the  kynge  of 
Anssay,  to  whom  they  said  the  wordes  that  herafter 
32  folowe.     Thenne  they  hasted  them  so  moche  that  they  of  Anssay 
came   to   the  siege,   and  were   brought  as   messagers 
tofore  the  kyng*.  whome  they  salued,  &  made  reuer-  The  captain, 

niter  niakiiJt; 

ence  as  they  oughte  /  and  aftir  the  knyght  captayn  reverence  to 

36  said  to  bym  in  this  manere  :  '  Sire,  hither  we  be  sent 

O  2 



says  he  has  been 
sent  to  show  the 
outrage  that  has 
been  committed 
on  the  noble 
lady  of  Luxem- 

If  the  king  will 
make  amends  for 
the  wrongs  he 
has  done  and 
depart,  he  can 
do  so ;  if  not  ho 
must  fight. 

The  King  of 
Anssay  mocks 
the  knight, 

1  fol.  112. 

who  now  de- 
mands a  speedy 

The  king  replies 
that  he  cares  not 
a  straw  for  the 
knight's  masters; 
whereupon  the 
knight  defies  the 
king  on  behalf 
of  his  lords. 

from   our  redoubted  lordea,  Anthony  &   Eegnald,  of 
Lusynen  bretheren,  for  to  shew  vnto  you  the  fawte  & 
grete  oultrage  that  ye  doo  to  the  noble  damoyselle  lady 
of   Lucembourgh  /  the  which"   owr  lordes  redoubted  4 
mande,  &  lete  you  knowe  by  vs  that  yf  ye  wyl  restab- 
lysshe  the  domraage,  &  to  make  raysouwable  &  lawful 
amendes  of  the  Iniury  &  vylonnye  that  ye  haue  don 
to  her  /  to  her  subgets  &  to  her  propre  enherytaunce,  8 
and  after  to  departe  out  of  her  land?  ye  shal  doo  wel, 
and  they  make  them  strong*  to  make  your  peas  vriih 
her  /  and  yf  ye  wyl  not  so  deele  witA  her  /  theire 
entencyon  is  for  to  take  reparacion  vpon  you  of  the  12 
domraages  beforsayd  by  strengthe  of  theire  armes  &  by 
batayH.     and  gyue  to  vs  an  ansuere  what  yowr  wyH  is 
to  doo  /  and  after  niorouer  I  shal  telle  you  as  I  am 
commanded  to  doo.'     '  How,  sire   knyght,'  said  the  16 
kyng1,  '  are  ye  come  hither  for  to  preche  vs  /  by  my 
feith  lytel  or  nought  ye  may  gete  here.     For  as  to  yowr 
lettiQS  ne  to  yottr  preening*,  I  shal  not  be  letted  of  myn 
entencyon  /  but  as  long  ye  may  preche  as  ye  wyl,  For  I  20 
vouchesaf.     JFor  I  take  my  dysport  in  your  talkyng  & 
prechement.     And  also  I  trow  that  ye  ne  doo  or  saye 
suche  thinges  but  for  dysport.'     '  By  my  heed,  sire,' 
said  the  Captayne,  that  was  angry  /  '  yf  ye  doo  not  24 
promptly  &  anoone  this  that  owr  lordes  mande  by  vs 
vnto  you  /  the  dysport  that  ye  speke  of  /  shal  hastly 
tourne  you  to  grete  myschief  &  sorowe.'    '  Sire  knight,' 
said  the  kyng1,  '  of  menaces  ye  may  gyue  vs  ynoughe.  28 
For  other  thing1  ye  shal  not  haue  ne  wit/ibere  fro  me, 
For  yowr  maisters,  nor  yowr  menaces  I   preyse  not 
worth  a  strawe.'     '  Thenne,  king*  of  Anssay,  I  deffye 
you  on   my   ryght   redoubted    lordes    byhalf.'     'Wel  32 
thanne,'  said  the  kyng1, '  I  shal  kepe  me  fro  mystakyng 
&  fro  losse  &  dommage,  yf  I  may '  /  '  By  2  my  sowle,' 
answerd?  the  Captayne,  '  grete  nede  ye  shal  haue  to  do 
2  MS.  read  My. 


soo.'    And  wit/tout  ony  moo  worde*  they  departed  /  And  The  captain  and 
whan  they  were  out  of  thoost  or  siege  /  the  gentylman 

...  _     .  The  ^,'fii  t  Irinaii 

toko  leue  of  the  Captayne,  and  secretly  entred  in  to  secretly  enters 

4,  ,  -  the  town  to  give 

tne   toune  tor   to  recounte   the   tvdinge*  of  the   two  tidings  of  the 


brethern  /  and  whan  he  came  to  the  gate  he  was 
anone  knowen,  and  the  yate  was  opened  to  hym,  & 
gladly  he  was  welcornmed  of  eueryone  /  and  they 
8  demanded  tydynge*  of  hym  /  whiche  ansuerd  to  them. 
'  Sires,  make  good  chere,  For  soone  ye  shal  haue  the  He  tells  the 

,  ,  ,  people  that  the 

moost  noblest  socours  that  euer  was  seen  /  and  weto  it  king  of  Anwar 

...  will  be  either 

wel  that  the  king*  of  Anssay  abydeth  so  Icntf.  that  he  "^n  or  uken, 

inn!  hi*  peoplo 

12  shal  be  certaynly  othre  slayn  or  take,  &  his  peuple  al  overcome; 
dyscomfy  ted,  take,  or  putte  to  deth.'     Thenne  byganne  whereat  they 

make  a  joyful 

the  joye  to  be  so  grete  thrugh  the  toune  that  they  with-  ^\K. 
outforth  herd  the  bruyt  therof  ,  and  woundred  moche 
16  what  it  might  be  /  and  announced  it  to  the  kyng«. 

'By  my  feyth,'  said  the  kynge,  'they  recomforte  them-  The  King  of 
self  for  the  commyng1  of  thoo  two  children  by  whome  rejoice  because 

of  the  succour  of 

that   knyght   hath"  deffyed  vs,  For   Jas  I  trow,  they      i 

20  haue  herd?  some  tydynge*  therof,  and  Jjerfor  they  make 

suche  joye.'     'In  the  name  of  god,'  said  an  auncyent  An  ancient 

J   J  J  knight  advises 

knight,  '  al  this  may  be  /  but  good  were  to  take  heede  the  king  to  take 

heed  of  the 

therto  /  For  there  nys  none  litel  enmy,  but  we  ought  "P01*- 

24  to  haue  doubte  therof.     For  I  know  them  wel  ynough 

by  semblaunt.     For  or  euer  they  come   hyther  from 

poytou  we  shold  haue  brought  about  a  parte  of  our 

wyli.'    Now  I  shal  leue  to  spek  of  the  kynge  /  and  shal 

28  retourne  to  speke  of  hym  that  brought  tydynge*  of  the 

two   bretheren   in  to   the  toune.     Whan  the  knyght  The  Luxem- 

bourg knight 
thanne  was  entred  as  byfore  is  said,  he  went  fourth  goes  to  the  castle 

\vhrre  the  maid 

vnto  the  Castel  where  the  pucelle  Cristyne  was  /  and  Christine  dwells, 
32  after  hys  obeyssawice  don  vnto  her,  he  reherced  to  her 
al  the  playn  trouth  of  the  mayntene  &  countenance  of 
the  two  bretheren  /  and  he  said  to  her  /  '  how  Anthony  and  describes 

'  '  Anthony  and 

bare  a  claw  of  a  Lyon  in  his  face  '  /  and  shewed  to  her  Regnaid  to  her. 
36  hys  grete  fyerste  &  his  grete  strengthe  /  Also  how 


The  captain 
arrives  at  the 
two  brethren 
and  their  host, 

and  recounts  the 
king's  proud 
answer,  and  how 
the  knight  left 
him  to  go  to 
i  foL  113. 

The  brethren 
send  word 
through  the  host 
that  those  who 
have  no  will  to 
fight  can  go 

but  the  host 
cries,  '  Let  us 
go  forth  upon 
your  enemies.' 

The  host  marches 
for  ward  to  a  little 

where  they  rest, 
sup,  and  appoint 
a  good  watch. 

At  day-spring 
they  are  ready  ; 
200  men  of  arms 
and  100  cross- 
bowmen  are  left 
to  take  charge  of 
the  camp. 

.  BEFORE  THE   DAT   OP  BATTLE.        [cH.  XXIV. 

Eegnald  had  but  one  eye  /  and  the  beaulte  of  theyre 
bodyes  &  of  theire  membres  /  wherof  she  merueylled 
moche,  &  said  that  it  was  grete  dommage,  Whan  eny 
contreyfayture  was  in  the  membres  of  suche  noble  men.  4 
And  now  cesse  thystory  to  speke  of  them  /  and  re- 
tourneth  to  teH  of  the  captayne  that  retourneth  to 
thoost  toward  Anthony  and  Kegnald?.  / 

Thystorye  sayth   that   so  long  rode   the  Captayne  8 
that  he  came  in  to  thoost  of  the  two  bretheren, 
&  recorded  to  them  how  he  had  fulfylled  hys  message, 
&  recounted  word?  by  word?  the  proude  ansuere  of  the 
king1,  and  how  he  had  deffyed  hym  in  theire  byhalf  /  12 
and  also  how  the  knyght  was  departed  fro  hym,  &  was 
gon  to  Lucembourgh  to  teH  there  1of  theire  comwzyng  / 
And  whan  the  two  bretheren  herd?  hym  they  were  fuH 
joyous  /  and  soone  made  cryees  thrughe  theyre  oost,  16 
that  al  they  that  had  no  wyH  for  to  fyght  &  abyde 
the  batayH  shuld  draw  themself  aparte,  &  gaf  to  them 
leue  to  retourne  agayn  in  theire  Countrey  /  but  they 
escryed  them  self  vfith  an  hye  voys.     '  Ha  /  a,  franc  20 
demoyseaux  make   yowr  trompettes  to  be  sowned,   & 
lete  vs  go  forth  vpon  yowr  enemyes  /  For  we  ben  not 
come  in  your  companye  /  but  for  to  take  thauenture 
•with  you  suche  as  god  shal  send?  vs  /  Ha,  lordes,  goo  we  24 
&  renne  vpon  OUT:  enemyes,  For  wz't/i  goddes  grace,  & 
•with  the  good?  wyH  that  we  be  of,  they  shal  soone  be 
dyscomfyted.'     Whan  thercne  the  two  bretheren  herd? 
the  ansuerd?  of  theire  peple  they  were  joyfuli,  and  made  28 
theire  oost  to  d'eparte,  &  came  &  lodged  vpon  a  lytel 
ryuere  /  and  the  vantgarde  &  the  grete  bataiH  lodged 
togidre,  bycause  they  might  goo  no  ferjjer  /  and  they 
soupped  togidre,  and  after  went  to  reste  them,  &  made  32 
good  watche  /  and  at  day  spryrcg  they  were  al  redy  / 
and  lefte  to  kepe  their  lodgis  two  houndred  men  of 
armes  with  an  (J)  crosbowes  /  and  the/me  the  oost  in 
fay  re   aray  marched   forth.     There   myght   men   see  36 


baners  &  standarts  in  the  wynd»,  and  vnder  them  the 
flo?*r  of  cheualrye  in  good  aray  &  fayre  ordynawnce  / 
there  had  ye  sene  salades  &  helmets  shynyng  clere  / 
4  and  harneys  knokyng  togidre  that  grete  beaute  it  was 
to  see.     They  kept  &  marched  nygh  togidre,  so  that  They  march  forth 
one  passed  not  that  other.    And  Anthony  and  Eegnauld 
rode  at  the  first  frount,  mounted  vpon  two  grete  horses 
8  armed  of  aH  piece*.     And  Mn  that  estate  and  aray  they 
went  tyl  they  came  vpon  a  lytel  mountayne  /  and  They  come  to  » 
sawe  fro  thens  in  the  valey  the  toune  &  Castel  of  SSS  whSSey 
Lucembourgh,  and  the  gret  siege  that  aduyrouned  it  ^tielf  Luxem- 
12  about.     And  wete  it  fat  they  of  the  siege  had  not  yet  «iege  around  ?t 
perceyued  thoost  of  the  two  bretheren  /  but  thev  were  not  K* the 

relieving  host 

all  asured  fat  they  shuld  haue  the  batayH.     Thenne 

sent  anthony  foure  houndred  helmets  for  to  scarmysshe  Anthony 

,  „  ,  v          •  i          ,     .,  „  ,  sends  400  skir- 

10  tne  siege  /  and  the  oost  folowed  vnth  lytel  paas 
in  fayr  aray  of  batayH  /  And  on  the  wynges  of 
thoost  were  knightes  and  Crosbowes  in  fayre  ordy- 
ncmnce.  Now  teH  we  of  the  foure  houndred  fyghting* 

20  men  that  went  for  to  scarmyssfi  with  them  of  the 
siege.  / 

hystory  saith  that  the  foure  houndred  fyghtyng  These  knights 

slay  all  they 

men  entred  vpon  theire  enemyes,  and  slew  &  encounter, 
'24  hew  doune  aH  that  they  recountred  /  And  whan  they 

were  come  nygh  to  the  kingis  tente,  they  of  the  night  and  come  nigh 

the  king's  tent, 

watche  that  were  not  yet  vnarmed  went  ayenst  them,  for  which  was  de- 
fended by  his 
the  cry  that  they  made  that  was  'Lusynen'  /  many  sperys  niui»t  watch. 

28  were  putte  there  aH  to  pieces,  and  many  one  cast  doune 
to  the  ground!  /  and  the  gretest  doomage  tourned  vpon 
them  of  the  siege  /  but  sodaynly  the  kyng  armed  hym  The  king  arms 


self,  and  putte  hym  vnder  his  banere  byfore  his  tente  / 
32  and  whiles  they  held  foot  alle  thoost  was  armed,  & 

drew   them  toward  the  kyng/rf  banere.     And  he  de-  and  asks  his 

m  men  what  affray 

manded  of  them,  '  Fayre  lordes,  what  affray  is  this]'  is  this? 

'By  my  feyth,'  said  a  knight,  'they  are  men  of  annes  A  knight  answers 

J       J       J  that  men  of 

36  that  entred  in  your  oost  ryght  fyersly,  and  they  caH  arms  have 



damaged  them 
sore,  but  the 
night  watch  has 
driven  them 


»  fol.  114. 

Anthony  with  his 
men  comes  up  in 
battle  array, 

and  the  king 
comes  forth  to 
meet  him. 

The  battle 
begins,  and 
much  blood  is 


[CH.  XXIV. 

Anthony  fights 
so  well 

that  the  most 
hardy  dare  not 
abide  him. 

Regnald  also 
does  great  feats 
of  arms. 

a  fol.  114  6. 

Lusynen,  and  they  haue  adowmaged  you  sore  /  and  yf 
it  had  not  be  the  nyght  watche  the  losse  had  be  greter, 
For  they  haue  faught  -with  them  valyauntly  /  and  haue 
made  1them  to  goo  back  by  force.'    '  By  my  feyth,'  said  4 
the  kynge  /  '  these  damoyseaulx,  in  whos  behalf  I  am 
deffyed,  haue  not  taryed  long   to  come  &  bere  dora- 
mage  to  me  /  but  wel  I  think  for  to  auenge  me  therof.' 
Thenne  is  come  Anthony  and  his  batayH,  which  made  8 
his  trompettes  to  be  sowned  clerly.     And  whaw   the 
kyng  perceyued  them   he  came  wWorth  the  lodgis 
in  fayre    aray  &   batayli    renged.     And   thenne   the 
bataylles  recountred   eche  other  /  and  archers  &  cros- 12 
bowemen  approuched  &  bygan  to  shoote,  and  there  were 
slayne  &  hurt  many  one  of  the  king1  of  Anssays  party, 
and  neuertheles  the  grete  batayH  assembled  togidre  / 
and  there  was  grete  occysion   &  fyers  medlee.     And  16 
thewne  anthony  broched  his  hors  wit/j  the  sporys,  the 
spere  alowed,  &  smote  a  knyght  by  such  vertue  that  the 
targe  nor  his  cote  of  stele  might  not  warauwtyse  hym, 
but  that   he   threw   hym  doune  to   therthe  al   deed.  20 
And  thenree  he  drew  out  his  swercF,  and  smote  on  the 
lyfte  -syde  &  on  the  ryght  syde,  gyuyng  grete  &  pesaunt 
strokes,  in  so  moche  that  in  a  short  while  he  was  so 
knowen  thrugh  al  the  batayH  that  the  moost  hardy  24 
of   them   alle  durst   not  abyde  hym.     Thenne  came 
Eegnald  mounted  vpon  a  grete  Courser  callyng  '  Lusyg- 
nen,'  which  made  so  grete  appertyse  of  armes  that  alle 
his  enemyes  redoubted  hym.     Thenne  was  the  baytayH  28 
fyers,  cruel,  and  mortal  on  bothe  partyes  /  but  alwayes 
the  gretest  losse  &  dommage  tourned  vpon  the  kyng  of 
Anssay  &  his  peple,  which"  was  moche  dolaunt  &  sorow- 
fuH,  &  envertued  hym  self  strong,  and  made  with  his  32 
handes  grete  vasselage  /  but  al   that  preuaylled  hym 
nought,  For  the  poytevins  2were  ryght  strong1,  hard,  & 
fel  lyke   lyons  /  and  theire  were  the   two   lordes  so 
puyssaunt  that  none  so  bold*  was  there  that  durst  abyde  36 

CH.  XXV.]  THB   FIGHT.  201 

them.     Thenne  sawe  wel  the  kynge  by  the  puyssaunce  The  King  of 

A  QSftA V  BCAfl  hft 

&  strength  of  the  two  brethern,  that  he  myght  no  longer  cannot  with- 

«.         ,  stand  them. 

suit  re  theire  force. 

4  Cap.  XXV.  How  Anthony  &  Regnald  dys- 
comfyted  the  kynge  of  Anssay  tofore  lucem- 
bourgh  /  and  how  he  was  take. 

The  kyng*  the/me,  which"  was  a  valyaunt  man  &  Heenconragw 
hit  people, 
strong1,  cryed  with  a  hye  voys  '  Anssay,  Anssay, 

lordes  &  barons  be  not  abasshed,  For  the  batayH  is 
oures '  /  and  at  his  callyng*  his  peuple  toke  courage,  & 
assembled  them  self  ayen  togidre  about  theire  kynge,  thev  rally  and 
12  and  made  a  fyers  enuahye1  vpon  the  poyteuyns  /  there 

was  many  man  slayn  /  hewen  &  sore  hurte  with  grete 

doleur.      That   mornyng*  was   fayre  &   clere,  &   the 
soonne  shoone  bright  vpon  the  helmets  /  and  caused 
16  the  gold  &  syluer  ther  on  to  2resplendysshe,  that  fayre       » foL  us. 

it  was  to  see.     And  they  of  the  toune  that  herde  this  The  notae  of  the 

battle  i»  heard 

grete  affray,  toke  theire  armes :  &  echo  of  them  made  by  ***>  towns- 
folk, and  by  the 

good  watche,  For  they  were  ryght  ferdfuil  &  doubtous 

20  of  treson.     And  the  knyght  which"  anounced  to  them 

the  socours  of  the  two  brefern  was  w/t/i  the  pucelle 

Crystyne  in  a  hye  toure,  &  loked  out  at  a  wyndowe  / 

and  he  knew  wel  that  it  was  Anthony  &  Eegnald,  that 

24  were  come  for  to  fight  ayenst  the  king*  and  his  peple, 

&   anon   called  with   an   hye   voys,  'My  lady,  come 

hither  &  see  the  floure  of  knyghthod,  of  prowesse  & 

hardynes  /  come  &  see  honour  in  his  siege  royaH,  & 

28  in  his  mageste  /  come  &  see  the  god  of  armes  in 

propre  figure.'     '  Frend,'  said  the  pucelle  /  '  what  is 

that  ye  say  to  me  ? '     'I  calle  you/  sayd  the  knight,  He  asks  her 

J  J  to  look  at  her 

'  to  come  hither  &  see  the  flour  of  noblesse  &  of  aH  champion*, 
32  curtoysye,  that  fro3  ferre   land  is  come  hither  for  to 
fyght  with  your  enemyes  for  to  kepe  yowr  honour, 
1  Fr.  envaye  =  attack.  8  for  in  MS. 



the  children  of 

When  the  maid 
sees  the  slaughter 

she  is  full  of 
grief  for  being 
the  cause  of 
such  deeds. 

i  fol.  115  6. 

Anthony,  seeing 
the  havoc  made 
on  his  host, 

resolves  to  fight 
the  King  of 

He  rushes  upon 
the  king, 
smites  him, 

and  casts  him 
from  his  horse. 

He  makes  him 
Four  knights  are 
appointed  to 
guard  him. 

yowr  lande,  &  youx  peple  /  this  are  the  two  children  of 
Lusynen,  that  be  come  for  to  defend  you  ayenst  the 
king1  of  Anssay  &  aH  his  puyssauwce,  and  to  putte 
theire  honour  &  lyf  in  auenture  for  to  kepe   your  4 
honour  sauf.'     Thenwe  came   the  niayde  at  the  wyn- 
dowe,  &  beheld  the  mortal  batayH  &  horryble  medlee  / 
sayeng  in  this  manere :  '  0  Veray  god,  what  shaH:  doo 
this  pouere  orp'henym  /  bettre  it  had  be  that  I  had  8 
drowned  myself,  or  that  I  had   be  putte  to  deth  in 
some  other  wyse,  or  elles  that  I  had  be  deed  whan  I 
yssued  out  of  my  moders  wombe  /  than  so   many 
creatures  shuld  be  slayne  &  perysshe  for  myn  owne  12 
synne.'     Moche  dolaunt  &  heuy  was  the  yong1  damoy- 
selle   of  the  grete  myschief  that  she   sawe,   For  in 
certayn  thoccysyon  was  grete  on  both"  partyes,  For  the 
king  recomforted  his  peuple  by  his  wo[r]jjy  conten- 16 
azmce  &  valyauret  maynten ;  For  with  his  propre  swerci 
he  moch"   adoramaged  his  enemys  poyteuyns.     1But 
Anthony,  seeyng  the  grete  doramage  that  the  kynge 
bare  vpon  his  peple  /  he  was  dysplaysed  with,  &  sayd  20 
in  hym  self :  '  By  my  feyth,  thy  lyf  or  myn  shal  not 
be  long1,  For  rather  I  wold  dey  than  to  suffre  &  see  my 
peuple  so  murdryd  before  me.'     Thenne  he  sporyd  hys 
hors  /  and  fyersly  as  a  lyon  rane  vpon  the  king1,     and  24 
with  his  swerd?  of  stele  smote  hym  vpon  the  hyest  part 
of  his  helmet  by  suche  strength"  &  vertue  that  he  made 
hym  to  be  enclyned  vpon  J>e  hors  neck,  so  sore  astonyed 
that  he  ne  wyst  whefer  it  was  nyght  or  day,  nor  he  28 
had  no  force  ne  power  to  helpe  ne  redresse  hymself 
vpward  /  and  Anthony  that  this  sawe,  putte  his  swerd? 
in  the  shethe  ayen ;  &  toke  the  king  by  the  middes  of 
the  body  /  drew  hym  fro  the  hors,  &  so  rudely  cast  32 
hym  to  therthe  that  vnnethe  hys  herte  brake  witJim 
his  bely  /  and  after  toke  hym  to  foure  knightes,  and 
charged  them  on  theire  lyues  that  they  shuld   kepe 
hym,  so  that  fey  rayght  ansuere  hym  of  it.     And  they  36 


said  that  so  shuld  they  doo  /  and  they  thanne  bonde 
hym  &lede  hym  out  of  the  batayli,  and  called  xxv"  They  lead  him 
archers  with  them.     And  after  these  things  thus  doon  ° 
4  Anthony  retourned  in  the  prees,  callyng*  *  Lusynen  ' 
vfith  a  hye  voys,  &  said  :  '  Now  lordes  &  barons,  gyue  Anthony  now 
grete  strokes,  &  spare  none,  For  the  journey  is  ours 

thankyng1  be  to  god:  For  I  haue  take  the  kvnjre  of  spims  none*,  and 

0    .  tells  them  he 

e  Anssay  my  prysonnor,  that  so  grete  vylonny  hab  don  h*8  made  °» 

king  prisoner. 

to  the  gentyl  pucelle  Cristyne.'  Thenne  was  the 
medlee  rude  &  paryllows  /  and  there  dide  the  bretheren 
so  moche  of  arrnes,  that  al  tho  that  saw  them  said  that 

12  they  sawe  neuer  two  so  valyaunt  knyghte*.     What 

shuld  preuayH  you  long  co?npte.     1  Whan  the  Anssays       i  foL  lift, 
peuple  knew  that  theire  kynge  was  take,  they  neuer  The  king's  people 
syn  made  no  deff  ense  /  but  wer  alle  outhre  slayne  or  afteVhe  is  taken. 

16  take.  And  there  gate  the  poytevyrcs  grete  conqueste  & 
noble  proye,  and  lodged  them  self  in  the  pauyllons  & 
tentes  of  the  king  of  Anssay  &  of  hys  peple.  And 
was  the  kinge  brought  in  Anthonys  tente,  which  a 

20  lytel  byfore  was  hys  owne  propre  tente;  wherfore  the  He  is  brought 
king1  myght  not  hold  his  owne  tonge,  but  said  :  '  By  and  confesses 

'    that  'that  god 

my  feyth,  damoyseaulx,  wel  sayth  he  trouth  that  sayth  /  «i°th,  he  doth 
"  that  god  doth  /  he  doth  anoone  "  /  For  this  day,  in 
24  the  mornyng,  men  had  doo  here  wz't/an  but  lytel  for 
yowr   cojnmandement.'     'Sire,'  sayd   Anthony,  'yoz/r 
folyshnes  &  sy;me  is  cause  therof:  For  to  fore  ye  wold  Anthony  t«iis 

the  king  that  he 

rauysshe  by  force  the  pucelle   Crystyne  lady  of  this  is  to  blame  for 

J  J  J     J  desiring  to  seize 

28  toune   /   but   therof    ye   shaH   be    payed   after    your  Christine, 

deserte,  For  I  shal  yeld  yo«r  self  vnder  her  subgec- 
tzon.'  Thenne  whanno  the  kyng1  vnderstode  hym,  he 
was  shamfast  &  woofuH  /  and  as  dysolate  &  dyscomfyte, 
32  full  heuyly  ansuer(J  in  this  manere  :  '  Sith  now  it  is 
thus  vnfortunatly  happed  with  me,  rather  I  wyl  dey 
than  to  lyue.'  '  Nay,'  sayd  Anthony,  '  ye  shal  delyuere  and  annonnc«i 

01  that  he  is  to  be 

your:  self  /  no  doubte  of  /  vnto  J>e  mercy  &  subgecuon  delivered  into 
36  of  the  pucelle.' 



»  foL  116  6. 

Anthony  de- 
spatches the 
King  of  Anssay 
under  guard 
to  Christine, 

*  fol.  117. 

who  gives  great 

and  hopes  God 
will  reward 

She  says  her 
council  will 
consider  how 
to  recompense 
her  deliverers, 

and  binds  the 
king  to  promise 
that  he  will  stay 

Cap.  XXVI.     How  the  kyng  of  Anssay  was 
lede  byfore  the  pucelle  Crystyne. 

irinhewne  called  Anthony  to  hym  the  two  barons, 

JL    ambaxadours  that  were  come  to  Lusynen,  with  4 
the  said  gentylman  fro  Lucembourgh  and  xx*1  other 
knyghtes  of  poytou,  and  to  them  said  in  this  manere  : 
'  Now  lede  me  this  kinge  tofore  J>e  damoyselle  Crystyne, 
and  recommande  vs  moche  vnto  her  /  and  that  we  send?  8 
her  /  her  enemy  prysonwer,  for  to  do  with  hym  her 
wyH.'     And  thewne  they  departed,  &  lede  the  king1  as 
they  were  youen  in  commandement  /  and  came  to  the 
toune,  where  they  were   wel  festyed   &  honourably  12 
receyued.     And  thenne  the  Citezeyns  conduyted  them 
toward?  the  pucelle,  theire  lady  Crystyne,  with  grete 
joye.     '  Noble  lady,'  said  the  messagers, '  the  two  yong 
damoyseaulx  of  Lusynen   recowmande  them  hertyly  16 
vnto    you,   2and  send    you  this  kyng1   yowr   enemy 
prysonner,  to  doo  viiih  hym  after  yowr  dyscrecyon  & 
wylle.'    *  Fayre  lordw,'  ansuerd?  the  damoyselle  /  '  herto 
behoueth  gret   guerdon   /  but   I  am  not  puyssaurct  20 
ynough  for  to  reward?  them  as  they  haue  deseruyd.     I 
pray  to  god  deuoutely  that  of  hys  grace  he  wyl  rewarde 
them  to  whom  I  am  modi  bonden  /  and  I  pray  you, 
fayre  lordes,  that  on  my  behalf  ye  wyl  pray  my  two  24 
yong  lordes  that  they  vouchesauf  to  come  and  lodge 
them  self  here  within,  &  as  many  of  theyre  barons 
vfith  them  as  it  shal  lyke  them  good.     &  in  j?e  meane 
while  men  shal  burye  the  deed  bodyes,  &  the  deed  28 
horses  shal  be  brent  /  and  also  they  of  my  Counseyl 
shal  take  theire  best  aduys  to  see  how  I  shal  reward 
them  of  theire  grete  peyne  &  traueyl,  that  they  haue 
suffred   for  me   vn worthy  perof,  and   to   recompense  32 
them  of  theire  grete  expenses  &  dommages  in  the  best 
wyse  that  we  can  or  shal  mowe.     And  ye,  kynge  of 
Anssay,  ye  swere  vnto  vs  by  yowr  ryalte  that  ye  shal 

CH.  XXVI.]          THE   PROMISE   OP  THE   KINO.  205 

not  departe  from  hens  wit/tout  the  wyH  &  gree  of  the  in  the  town  until 
two  noble  damoyseaulx,  that  here  haue  sent  you  toward  satuaed. 
me.     For  yet  so  mocfc  I  knowe  /  thankyng  to  god  / 

4  that  I  shuld  mysdoo  to  cast  you  in  pry  son  /  not  for 
yowr  sake  /  but  for  loue  of  them  that  hither  haue  sent 
you.'  "Whan  thenne  the  kynge  vnderstode  the  wordes 
of  the  pucelle,  he  ansuerd1  al  ashamed,  '  Noble  damoy- 

8  selle,  I  swere  you  on  my  feyth  that  neuer  hens  I  shal 

departe  without  yowr  leue  &  theirs  also  ;  For  so  rnoch 

of  wele  /  of  honour  &  of  valyauntnes  I  haue  sene  in 

them,  that  moche  I  desyre  to  be  acoynted  wit/j  them  / 

12  how  be  it  that  grete  dommage  they  haue  borne  vnto 

me  &  my  men.'     And  thewne  the  noble  mayde  made  This  done 

he  is  given  a  fair 

hym  to  be  putte  into  a  fayre  chambre  &  riche,  &  with  chamber. 

J  J  Knights  and 

hym  ladyes  &  damoyselles,  1also  knyghtw  &  squyers,       i  foi.  in  6. 

1C  for  to  make  hym  to  ibrgete  his  losse,  &  forto  reioye  & 
haue  hym  out  of  melencolye.  And  thus  don,  the 
messagers  retourned  toward  the  tentes,  &  reported  the  The  guard  of  the 

king  returns  to 

mandement  &  prayer  of  the  pucelle  Cristyne  vnto  the  the  brethren, 
20  two  bretheren,  whiche  were  counseilled  to  goo  thither; 

and  ordevned  the  mareshal  of  the  oost  for  to  goumie  who  leave  their 

army  in  charge 

theire  peple  vnto   tyme  that  they  came  agayn  /  and  of  the  marshal, 
also  he  commanded  hym  to  make  the  deed  bodyes  to 
24  be  buryed,  &  to  make  the  place  clone  where  as  the 

batavH  had  be.     The/me  they  departed,  acompanyed  and  accompanied 

J  .        with  their  baron* 

•with  theire  baro/mye  /  and  ayenst  them  came,  in  theire  *o  towards  the 
best  wyse,   an   houndred   gentylmen  /  and  also   the 

28  barons  of  the  land  mete  with  them,  &  made  theire 
obeyssaunce  fuH  honourably  vnto  the  two  brethern, 
prayeng  them  yet  agayn,  on  theire  ladys  behalf,  that 
they  vouchesauf  to  come  &  lodge  them  in  the  toune  / 

32  And  they  ansuerd  that  gladly  they  wold  doo  soo. 
Anthony  was  mounted  vpon  a  grete  Courser  /  and  he 
had  on  hym  a  jacke  of  Cramesyn  velvet,  aH  brouded  & 
sette  -with  perlis,  and  held  a  grete  vyreton  in  his  hand. 

36  And  in  lyke  &  semblable  manere  went  hys  brother 


The  barons  of       Eegnauld.     And  whan   the  barons   of   Lucembourgh 
who  come  to'        sawe  the  two  brethern,  they  wondred  mocfi  of  theire 

meet  them,  are  '•,,••,•• 

astonished  at  the  fyersnes.  gretnes  &  myght,   and  wel  said  that  there 

appearance  of  * 

the  brethren,        was   no  man  that  might  with  stand  ne   abyde  theire  4 
and  marvel  at       puyssauwce  /  and  moche  they  me?nieylled  of  the  Lyons 
'    claw  that  appiered  in  Anthonys  cheke,  &  said  that  yf 
ne  had  be  that  he  were  the  fayrest  man  in  the  world  / 
and  at  Regnaid's  and  moche  they  playned  Kegnald  of  that  he  had  but  8 

one  eye. 

one  eye,  For  in  al  his  other   membres  he  passed  of 
beaulte  al  ofer  men. 

*  foL  us.       1Tn  this  partye  sayth  thistorye,  that  in  noble  estate  & 
They  enter  the        JL  fayre  aray  entred  the  two  brethern  in  to  the  toune  12 

town  amid  the 

sound  of  of  Lucembourgh  :  &  before  them  sowned  trompetfes  in 


grete  nombre,  with  heraults  &  menestrels  ;  And  Cyte- 
The  houses  are      seyns  had  hanged  theire  houses  wit/ioutforth  toward 

richly  decorated, 

the  stretes,  with  theire  best  &  ry  chest  hangyng  clothes  /  16 
and   the   stretes   where   the   said   lordes   passed  were 
coue?-ed  on  high  with  lynen  clothes,  that  no  rayne  or 
other  fowil  wedryng  myght  lette  J>eire  entree  within,  the 
and  the  windows  toune  /  and  many  noble  &  worshipful  ladyes,  bourgeys  20 

full  of  women. 

wyues  /  damoyselles  and  iayre  maydens,  were  in  theire 
best  rayments,  eche  one  after  the  state  &  degree  that 
she  was  of  /  lokyng  out  at  wyndowes  for  to  behold  & 
see  the  noble  brethern  &  theire  felawship.  24 

Thystorye  thawne  sayth  that  the  two  bretheren  de- 
parted out  of  theire  tentes  with  noble  companye, 
as   barons,  knightes,   squyers,   &   other  gentylmen   / 
and  as  vyctoryows  prynces  rode  fuli  honourably  vnto  28 
AS  the  brethren     Lucembourgh,  and  thrugh"   the    toune,  where  as  they 

ride  through  the 

town,  the  people  were  behold  with  joyo2£s  herte  of   euery  one.  sayeng 

say  that  it  would  J  J 

o0tosVtheein°       that  one  to  other:  See  yonder  be  two  the  fyers  men, 

bretheren  that  are  to  be  redoubted  /  he  is  not  wyse  32 
that  taketh  noyse  or  debat  with  them  /  and  they  had 
grete  wonder  of  Anthonyes  cheke  /  and  also  for  certayn 
it  was  a  straunge  thing1  to  behold  &  see  /  but  the  grete 
beaulte  that  was  in  his  body  caused  that  inconueny-  36 


ence  to  be  forgoten  /  And  thus  they  rode  toward  the 
Castel.     The  ladyes  <fe  damoyselles  behelii  them  out  of  The  ladies  say 
the  wyndowes  /  and  said  that  they  neuer  sawe  two  wen  such  noble 
4  damoyseaulx  of  more  noble  affayre.     And  thewne  they 
came   to  the  Castel,  wher   they  alighted,  and  entred  At  the  castle 
fourth  with  into  the  haii,  where  as  the  noble  Crystyne  Christine  meets 

,       ,,  ,,  them  in  the  hall, 

mete  them  at  the  gate,  wel  acompanyed  of  ladyes  & 
8  damoyselles  in  grete  nombre,  and  of  knightes  &  squyere  / 
and  with  a  joyous  contenawnce  &  gracyows  maynten  andreceiYw 

,  ill  tnem  honour- 

honoujrably   receyued   them   &   gretly  festyed   them.       >foLii8&. 
The  halle  was  hanged  nobly  with  ryche  clothes  after  ^Vtaem?"7 

12  the  vse  of  the  land!,  and  fro  the  halle  they  went  in  to 
another  chambre,  moch"  noble  <fe  ryche,  &  fere  the 
pucelle  Cristyne  bygan  to  say  to  them  in  this  many  ere : 
*  My  right  dere  lordes,  I  thanke  you  mocfi,  as  I  may  She  thanks  the 

16  of  the  noble  socours  &  help  that  ye  haue  don  to  me  /  I  their  help, 
am  not  so  mocfi  worth  as  ye  ought  to  be  rewarded  of  / 
not  that  wit// standing  I  shaH  endeuoyre  me  therto  /  al  and  promises  to 

reward  them. 

shuld  I  laye  of  my  land1  in  pledge  this  tone  yere  day. 

20  And  also,  my  lordes,  of  yowr  noble  grace  ye  haue  sent 
to  me  the  king1  of  anssay,  myn  enemy,  of  the  which 
plaise  it  you  to  knowe  that  I  am  not  she  to  whom 
oughte  be  punysshement  of  hym  /  but  to  you  appar-  she  gyes  back 

24  teyneth  to  doo  therw/t/i  yowr  playsire  &  volente,  that  A^*jy_I^> 
hauo  had  the  parel  <fc  peyne  for  to  ouercome  &  take 
hym  yoi/r  prysonner  /  wherforo  after  that  right  re- 
quyreth  he  is  yours,  &  may  doo  with  hym  whataoeuer  todeaiwiti>a« 

they  wish. 

28  it  plaise  you  /  and  I  remyse  hym  in  JOUT  pocessioft. 
For  as  touching  my  persone  I  gyue  hym  ouer  vnto  you, 
&  loke  not  to  mcdle  ony  more  with  him  tofore  you.' 
1  Noble  damoyselle,'  said  thanwe  anthony,  '  sethen  it  is 

32  yowr  playsire,  we  shal  ordeyne  wel  )>erof,  in  sucho  wyse 
that  it  shal  be  to  your  grete  honour  &  prouffyte  /  and 
to  hym  grete  shame  &  coiif usyon  /  no  doubt  of  /  And  Anthony  «piie» 

-L     -I        f       that  they  came 

wete  it  that  my  brober  and  I  are  not  come  hither  for  not  for  silver. 

but  to  sustain 

36  loue  of  you*  siluer,  but  for  to  susteyne  rayson  «fe  right  /  justice, 



and  because 
they  think  all 
noble  men 
should  aid 
widows  and 
»  foL  119. 

He  declines  all 


save  the.  lady's 

favour  and  good 


Christine  is 

and  wishes  to 
pay  the  soldiers 
of  the  brethren, 

but  her  offer  is 

The  steward  an- 
nounces dinner : 

they  wash, 
and  send  for  the 
King  of  Anssay, 

who  sits  down 
to  dinner  with 

'  foL1195. 

also  considered  that  alle  noble  men  oughte  to  helpe  & 
ayde  the  wydowes,  orphenynis,  and  the  pucelles  also. 
And  forasmoch  also  that  we  were  truly  informed,  that 
the  kinge  of  Anssay  made  grete  werre  1anenst  you  &  4 
yowr  land  wrongfully,  wherfor  no  doubte  of  /  of  aH 
yoz^r  goodes  we  wyl  not  take  the  value  of  one  peny  / 
but  alonly  to  be   receyued  in   yowr  noble  fauowr  & 
good  grace,  aH  vylounye  excepted.'     Whan  the  pucelle  8 
Cristyne  vnderstode  these  wordes,  she  was  abasshed  of 
the  grete  honowr  that  the  two  bretheren  dide  vnto  her  / 
not  that  witAstandyng  she  ansuerd!  in  this  manere: 
'  For  southe,  my  gracyotts  lordes,  at   lest  it  were  no  12 
raison,  but  that  I  payed  wel  yowr  peple  that  be  come 
hither  to  take  yowr  wages  as  sawdoyers.'    '  Damoyselle,' 
said  fewne  Anthony, '  vouchsaf  to  suffre  that  we  haue 
said,  For  my  lord  our  fader,  &  my  lady  owr  moder,  16 
haue  payed  them  alredy  for  a  hole  yere  day,  or  euer 
they  departed  out  of  our  land  /  &  yet  it  is  not  fullyssfc 
a  moneth  complet  syn  that  we  departed  thens;  And 
ouermore  wete  it  that  syluer  &  gold  we  haue  ynoughe.  20 
Wherfore,  noble  demoyselle,  ye  lese  yowr  wordes  to 
speke  therof,  For  certayn  it  shal  none  other  be '  /  and 
she  therene  thanked  them  in  her  best  rnanere  ryght 
humbly.  24 

Thewne  came  the  styward,  &  enclyned  hym  tofore 
the  pucelle,  &  said :  '  My  lady,  ye  may  wesshe 
whan  it  playse  you,  For  al  thing  is  redy  to  dyner '  / 
'  whan,  my  lordes,'  she  said,  '  be  redy  ferto,  I  am  28 
playsed.'  Whom  Anthony  ansuerd! :  *  noble  damoy- 
selle,  we  be  al  redy  whan  ye  vouchesaf  to  go  therat.' 
and  thewne  they  toke  eche  other  by  fe  handes  &  wesshe. 
And  Anthony  desired  the  king  of  Anssay  to  be  sent  32 
for  /  and  made  hym  sette  first  of  aH:  at  the  table  /  and 
after  the  pucelle  and  syn  Regnauld  /  and  anthony  satte 
last.  And  nygh  to  them  satte  foure  of  the  noblest 
barons  of  the  land.  And  along  the  halle  were  l  other  36 

CH.  XXVI.]      THE   KING   OP  AN8SAY   PRAYS   FOR   MERCY.  209 

tables  dressed,  wherat  sette  aH  other  gentylmen,  barons 
&  squyers,  eche  one  after  hys  degree.  Of  the  seruyso 
I  nede  not  to  hold  you  long  compte,  For  they  were  so 
4  nobly  &  haboundauntly  serued,  that  nothing  accordyng 
to  such  a  ryaH  feste  they  wanted  of.  And  whan  they  Dinner  over, 

,  iii  hands  washed, 

had  dyned  they  wesshe  hande#,  and  graces  were  sauf,  and  grace  said, 
and  all  the  tables  voyded.     tharme  said  the  king1  of 
8  Anssay  in  this  many  ere  :  '  Lordes  damoyseaulx,  vouche- 
sauf  to  here  my  wordee.     It  is  trouth  that  the  wyH  of  the  King  of 


god  &  myn  vnfortune  hath  brought  me  to  that  caas,  declare*  himself 

'    discomfited, 

that   by  your  valiauntnes  &  prowea  I  am  <fe  haue  be 

12  bothe  myself  &,  al  my  peple  dyscomfyte,  <fc  ouer  that  ye 

haue  take  me  your  prysonner  /  but  I  ensure  you,  con- 

sideryng   your  high"    prowesse,   your   bounte,   <fe   your 

noble  afFayres,  I  am  glad  &,  joyous  to  fynde  me  now 

16  wtt/1  you,  For  I  shal  be  the  bettre  therfore  al  my  lyf 

naturel ;  and  syth,  fayre  lordes,  J>at  my  presence  <fe  long* 

abydyng*  here  with  you  may  nought  preuaylle  to  you  / 

humbly  I  besech  you,  as  I  best  can,  that  it  playse  you  and  beseeches 

J  J  J        J          thnt  a  reasonable 

20  to  putte  me  to  raisou?&able  raunson  &  payement  port-  ransom  may  be 
able  to  me,  so  that  I  be  not  al  dystroyed  nor  dys- 
heryted  /  thaugh"  it  lyeth  now  in  your  power  /  bui 
haue  py  te  on  me,  &  punysshe  me  not  aftir  the  regarde  and  prays  that 

rj  *  he  b£  not  dealt 

24  of  my  follysshe  enterpryse  /  how  be  it  fat  rygour  of  with  according 

justice  requyreth   it.'     'By  my  hed,'   said   Anthony,  rigour  of  justice. 
'  who  that  shuld  punysshe  you  after  the  regardo  of  the 
grete  iniurye,  vylownye,  <fe  dommage  that  ye  haue  don, 

28  and  yet  had  purposed  to  do  to  this  noble  damoyselle 

without  eny  lawful  cause  /  ye  were  not  puyssant  to  Anthony  answers 

that  he  would  be 

make  amendes  suffysaunt  therof  /  but  for  as  moche  that  unable  to  make 

amends  if  he 

ye  knowleche  your  synne  the  lasse  penytence  shal  ye 
32  haue  /  and  I  wyl  wel  that  ye  knowe  that  my  brother  JJ 
&  I  be  not  come  from  our  cou/?tre  hither  for  hoop  of 
getyng  of  siluer  vpon  you  nor  vpon  other  /  but  for  but 
desire  &  hope  of  getyng  of   honour  <fc  good  fame  or  honour  and  not 
36  renowmee,  wit/tout   to   haue  ony  wyB  or  appetyt   to 




i  foL  120. 

they  give  him 
liberty  on  con- 
dition that  he 
pay  Christine  for 
all  the  cost  his 
attempt  has  put 
her  to, 

and  that  he 
undertakes  never 
again  to  injure 

The  king  agrees 
to  these  terms, 

and  Anthony 

that  the  king 
must  build  and 
endow  a  priory 
for  twelve 

who  shall  pray 
for  the  souls  of 
those  who  have 
been  slain  in  the 

The  king  swears 
on  the  Evangels 
to  keep  these 

haue   mortal  rychesses.     Wherfore,  as  touchyng  our 
part,  we   xnow  remyse  &  putte  you  free  quytte  &  at 
JOUT  lyberte  /  sauf  that  we  taxe  you  to  pay  to  this  noble 
pucelle  aH  such  dommages  that  she  hath  had  at  yowr  4 
cause  /  and  ferof  ye  shal  gyue  good  pledges  or  euer  ye 
departe  hens,  And  yet  morouer  ye  shal  swere  vnto  her 
vpon  the  holy  Euawngiles,  that  neuer  ye  shal  here,  ner 
ye  shal  suffre  to  he  borne  ony  manere  of  doramage  ne  8 
dyshonowr  to  the  forsaid  pucelle  that  is  here  present  / 
but  at  yowr  power  ye  shal  gyue  her  ayde,  help,  & 
comfort  at  al  tymes  anenst  aH  them  that  iniurye  or 
doomage  wold'  doo  to  her.     And  wel  I  wyl  that  ye  12 
knowe  that  yf  ye  wyl  not  swere  &  accorde  to  that  I 
haue  said  with  JOUY  good  wylle,  I  shal  send?  you  in  to 
such  a  place,  wherout  the  dayes  of  yowr  lyf  ye  shal  not 
escape.     And  whan  the  kynge  vnderstode  these  wordes  16 
he  ansuered*  in  this  manyere.     '  Sire,  I  am  wyllyng  & 
redy  to  swere  that  cowuenawnt,  yf  the  noble  mayde  be 
content  of   that  ye  haue  ordeyned  &  said.'     'By  my 
feyth,'  said  she,  '  I  consent  me   therto,  syn  it  is  my  20 
lordes  plaisure '  /  and  yet  morouer  said  Anthony  suche 
or  semblable  wordes  as  folowen  / 

"et,  sire,  I  haue  not  al  said  that  ye  muste  doo,  For 
•  ye   muste   doo   founde   a   Pryoure   of   twelue  24 
monkes  &  the  pryour,  in  suche  place  there  as  my  lady 
shal  ordeyne  /  and  ye  shal  endowe  &  empossesse  them 
•with  rentes  &  reuenue  conuenable  for  theire  lyuyng  & 
for  their  successours  for  euermore  /  the  said  monkes  &  28 
pryour  to  pray  there  for  the  sowles  of  them  that  haue 
be  slayne  of  yowr  part  &  of  myn  in  this  batayH.'     '  By 
my  feyth,'  said  thewne  the  king1,  '  I  promyse  you  fat 
so  shal  I  doo,  and  good  pledges  &  hostages  I  shall  gyue  32 
you,  &  to  my  lady  to  be  asured  therof.'     Thenne  sware 
the  kynge  by  hys  feyth  vpon  the  holy  Eooungilea  that 
he  shuld  hold  &  accomplysshe  al  that  beforesaid  is  /  & 
gaf  &  delyuered  good  hostages  /  &  le^res  patentes  were  36 



therof  made  vnder  hys  seal,  <fe  tho  seales  of  aH  the  and  he  and  his 
1  barons  of  his  lande.     And  that  don,  Anthony  said    °  i  tol  i^,. 
to  the  kynge  /  '  I  now  gyue  you,  and  delyuere  free  aH 
4  the  prysonners  that  we  <fe  our  folke  haue  take,  and  your 
tentes  <fe  pauyllons  also  /  but  the  hauoir  that  is  departed 
amonge$  my  felawes  I  may  not  it  rendre  or  yeld1  to 
you  /  And  thewne  he  made  to  be  delyuered  to  hym  Anthony  then 

0  .  ,  ,  .  delivers  four 

8  toure  tnousaund   prysouners  or   therabout,  al  men  of  thousand 
estate  <fe  faytte  /  And  thenne  the  kynge  enclyned  hym- 

self,  &  thanked   hym  moch"   therof.     What  shuld   I 

make  long1  compte  /  the  feste  bygane  sumptuow*  <fc  There  u  a  great 

feast  in  Luxem- 

12  grete  thrughe  the  toune  of  Lucombourgfi,  <fc  spenally  bourg, 
in  the  Castel  /  and  eueryone  spake  of  the  crete  noblesse  and  ail  men 

praise  the 

and  curtoysye  that  Anthony  <fc  regnald  his  brother  had 
shewed  to  the  king1  of  Anssay  / 

16  Cap.  XXVII.  How  the  kiuge  of  Anssay 
called  to  hym  al  the  barons  of  Lucem- 
bourgh  to  Counseylle. 


henne  called  the  king1  of  Anssay  aH  the  barons  of       l  foi.  121. 

The  King  of 

20     JL    the  land  to  CounseyH,  and  said  to  them  :  '  Fayre  Anssay  calls  the 

lordes,  Whan  the  yron  is  hoot  it  moste  be  wrought  &  embourg  to 

forged;  how  be  it  theraie  that  I  haue  be  yl  wyller 

bothe  to  you  &  to  your  lady  /  the  tyme  is  now  come 

24  that  I  wold  her  honour  and  prouffit  <k  youres  also  / 

lyst  &  here,  For  god  hath  sent  gocnl  auenture  to  you, 

yf  ye  can  take  it  in  gree.'     Thenne  said  the  barons: 

'Now,  sire,  syth  that  ye  hauo  entamed   j>e  matore  / 

28  vouchesauf   to  declare  vnto  vs   the  sentence   therof.' 

'Ye   moste,'   said   the   kyngo,  'fyndo   tho   manere   &  and  advises 

them  to  find 

nieane  that  Anthony  take  yowr  lady  to  his  wyf,  and  means  to  make 

Anthony  marry 
he  to  be  yowr  lord,  For  thenne   ye  shal  mowe  saye  Christine. 

32  surely,  fat  no  node  ye  haue  of  none  other  /  «k  none  so 
hardy  were  to  take  an  henne  from  you  ayenst  yo«r 

wyH.'    And  they  ansuered  thus  :   '  Sire,  yf  Anthonye 

P  2 


They  say  they       wold  do  soo  we  were  therof  fuH  glad?  &  joy  QMS.'     '  Now 
do  so.  thewne,  fayre  lorde*',  lete  me  deele  therwftfc  /  and  I 

hope  to  god  I  shal  brynge  the  matere  to  a  good  ende. 

Abyde  and  tary  here  a  lytel,  &  I  shal  goo  speke  with  4 
The  King  of         hym.'     Thewne   came   the   kynge  tofore   Anthony,  & 
Anthony  and        said  :  '  Noble  man  &  curtoys  damoyseau,  the  barons  of 

asks  him  to  send 

for  his  brother      this  land  desire  &  pray  you,  that  ye,  yowr  brother,  & 

and  his  council. 

your  Counseyii  come  and  entre  in   to   this  chambre.  8 
For  they  desyre  moch"   to  speke  with  you  for  your 
prouffyt   &   honowr.'     '  By  my   feyth,'   said   anthony, 
This  is  done.         '  ryght  gladly.'     And  thewne  he  called   to   hym   hys 
Anthony  and  his  brother  &  them  of  theire  CounseyH  /  &  syn  entred  in  12 

people  come  to 

the  barons  of        to  the  chambre  /  and  the  barons  of  the  land!  that  were 


who  do  them        there  enclyned  themself,  &  made  grete  reuerence  to  the 


two  brethern.     Thewne  spake  the  kynge  of  Anssay,  & 
said:  'Fayre  lordes,  these  two  noble  damoyseaulx  are  16 
come  hither  at   ycmr  requeste  &  prayer  /  declare  now 
to  them  your  wylle.'     And   they  ansuerde   to   hym  : 
'  Noble  kinge,  humbly  we  beseche  you,  that  ye  anouwce 
ifoi.  1216.       &  shewe  to  them  OUT  entencton,  that  ye  knowe  xwel  20 
ynoughe.'     'By  my  feyth,'  said  the   kyng1,  'I  wyl.' 
And  thewne  suche  wordes  as  folowen  he  bygan  to  say  / 

The  King  of         '    A    nthony,  noble  man,  curtoys  &  valyauwt  knight, 

Anssay,  in  the 


name  of  the  JTJL   be  barons  of  this  Countree  haue  had  regarde  to  24 

barons  of  Lux- 
embourg says,       the  grete  honowr  that  ye  haue  borne  &  shewed  to  theire 

seeing  that 

to  ^er  ^an(le»  ^  to  them  /  also  they  haue  con- 
sidered  how  nought  ye  wyl  take  of  theyre  lady  ner  of 
them  /  and  for  asmoche  that  they  desyre  yo^r  wele  &  28 
win  Anthony       honour,  they  humbly  beseche  your  good  grace  that  it 

grant  them  a  gift  ,  . 

of  a  kind  which     rjlavse  the  same  to  graunte  to  them  a  yelte,  the  whicn 

will  not  lessen         * 

his  possessions?    g^aH  not  lasse  yowr  good  nor  hauoyr  /  but  shal  rather 

augmente  yowr  honowr.'     '  By  my  feyth,  noble  kynge,  yf  32 
Anthony  answers  it  be  of  that  thing1  that  I  may  recouere  /  touching  myn 

he  will,  if  it  is 

something  he  can  honour,  I  graunt  it  right  gladly.      '  Certainly,   said  the 

do  honourably. 

king1,   'theire  requeste   is  the?me   fulfilled,  For   they 
desyre  none  other  but  your  honowr.'    '  Now,  sey  the?me,  36 


said  Anthony,  'what  they  desyre  of  me.'     'Damoy- 

seau,'  said  the  kinge  /  '  they  wyl  gyue  you  the  Duchesse  The  king  offers 

t  r  i.          i.     t    •       i  •          i    i  the  Dnchew  of 

oi  JLucembourgn,  peire  liege  lady,  to  yowr  wyf  /  reffuse  Luxembourg  to 

.         ,   ,  ,     .         .  .          ,,     ,   /  Anthony  to  wife. 

4  not  that  noble  yefte  '  / 

Whan  anthony  vnderstode  hym  he  stood  penseful  when  Anthony 
long  tyme  /  and  syn  said  in  this  manere  :  '  By  my  feith, 
fayre   lordes,   I  supposed   neuer  to  come  vnto   this 

8  couwtre  for  that  quarrett  ;  but  sethen  I  haue  accorded 
to  you  I  shal  not  gaynsay  it  /  lete  now  the  pucelle  be  he  ask*  that  the 

if        ff  r      i       i          t  niiiic  I  should  be 

sent  tor,  J?or  yi  she  be  playsed  therwjt/?  I  consent  me  sent  for,  and  uy« 
ferto.'     Thenne  -was  the  damoyselle  fete  thither  by          ' 

12  foure  of  the  noblest  barons  of  the  land,  the  whiche  Christine  is  told 
recounted  to  her  al  the  faytte,  wherof  she  was  rvcht  <So«*««ite 

'  b         right  glad. 

glad  &  joyous  /  how  wel  she  made  of  it  no  semblauw£. 
And  whan  she  entred  in  to  the  Chambre  she  made  her  she  enters  the 
16  obeyssaurzce  tofore  antony,  &  salued  alle   the  barons 

there  /  and  as  she  beheld  Anthony  she  bygan  to  wexe  When  she  sees 

i  j      ii_  /        j    ii_  xi_       Anthony,  her 

in  her  vysage  more  rede  than  a  rose  /  and  thenne  the  face  becomes 

101  redder  than  a 

barons  reherced  &  shewed  vnto  her  an  this  affayre.   rose. 

20  And  whan   the   pucelle   had   herd   them   speke   'she       'foLiM. 
ansuerd?  to  them  in  this  manere  :  '  Fayre  lordes,  I  ren- 
dred  &  yeld  thankes  &  mercys  vnto  almyghty  god,  to 
his  blessed  moder,  and  to  you  also,  of  the  grete  honour 

24  that  now  happeth  to  me,  For  I  pouere  orphenyme  am 
not  worthy  to  be  addressed  in  to  so  highe  a  place  as  to 
haue  to  my  lord  the  flour  of  knighthode  and  the  no- 
blesse of  alle  the  world  /  and  of  that  other  part,  I 

28  wote  &  knowe  wel  that  ye  whiche  are  my  liege  men, 
that  bettre  knowe  myn  own  affayres  than  I  doo  my 
self  /  wold  not  counseylle  me  that  thinee,  but  it  were  She  declares 

'  that  though  un- 

to my  grete  prouffyt  &  honour.     "Wherfor  I  ne  oughte  worthy  she  is 

J  ready  to  do  their 

32  nor  wyl  not  gaynsey  it  /  but  I  am  al  redy  to  do  therof  pleasure. 
yowr  playsire.'  / 


Cap.    XXVIII.      How    Anthony    espoused 
Crystyne,  Duchesse  of  Lucembourgh.  / 

foL  122  6. 

Anthony  and 
Christine  are 
assured  together, 
and  on  the  next 
morning  they 
are  married. 

That  night 
Anthony  begets 
a  valiant  heir, 
who  is  called 

The  King  of 
Anssay  gives 
leave  to  his 
people  to  return 
home,  while  he 
remains  to  fulfil 
his  treaty. 

Anthony,  Reg- 
nald,  and  the 
king  go  through 
the  land  and 
visit  the  towns 
and  fortresses. 

After  his  return 
Anthony  adds 
the  figure  of  a 
lion  to  his  arms. 

»  fol.  123. 
A  messenger 
arrives  from  the 
King  of  Bohemia, 


TTlorsoothe,  noble  lady,'  said  the  Barons,  'ye  say 

right  wel  &  manerly.'     What  shuld  I  bring  4 
forth  prolixe  or  long  talkyng1  1    For  shortly  to  say,  they 
were  assured  togidre  with  gret  joye  /  and  on  the  next 
morne  after  they  were  espoused  &  maryed  togidre,  & 
was  the  feste  holden  right  grete  &  noble,  and  the  peple  8 
of  the  land  was  ryght  joyous  whan  they  vnderstode  & 
knew  therof  /  and  fat  same  nyght  lay  Anthony  -with 
the  noble  mayde  Crystyne,  and  gate  on  her  a  moche 
valyamzt  heyre,  &  was   called   Bertrand.      The  feste  12 
thewne  endured  longe  sumptuows  &  grete,  &  grete  ryalte 
was  seen  there  /  and  anthony  gaf  noble  &  ryche  jewels  / 
and  receuyed  the  homages  of  the  lordes  &  barons  of  the 
laud'.     And  the  king1  of  Anssay  yaf  leue  to  his  peuple  16 
to  retourne  into  theire  Countrees  /  and  abode  with 
authony  with  a  pryuy2  meyne  for  to  fulfyH  &  accom- 
plisshe  that  he  had  promysed  at  traytee   makyng1  of 
the  peas.     And  soone  after  the  due  Anthony  vfith  his  20 
brother   Regnald   and   the   king1   of  Anssay  and   the 
baronnye,  went  thrugh  the  land'  to  vysyte  the  tounes 
&  fortresses  &  putte  al  thing*  in  good  ordonnawnce  /  in 
so  moche  that  euery  man  said,  that  he  was  one  of  the  24 
moost  wysest  prynce  that  euer  they  sawe  /  and  whan 
he  had  vysyted  aft  J>e  land1  he  retourned  to  Lucem- 
bourgh, where   the  duchesse  Cristyne  receyued   hym 
right  joyously  /  And  thanne  by  thaduys  of  his  Coun-  28 
seiH  he  adiousted  to  his  armes  the  shadow  or  fygure  of 
a  Lyon,  for  cause  of  the  duchery,  wherof   the  lady 
Cristyne  had  of tyme  prayed  hym  to  fore.     And  thus 
they  soiourned  at  Lucembourgfi.  with  grete  dy sport  &  32 
joye  /  tyl   that  a  messager   came   fro  the   king1  of 
Behayne  there,  whiche  was  brother  to  the  king1  sof 
2  Fr.  privet  maisgnee. 


Anssay,  and  was  besieged  w/t/iin  his  toune  of  praghe  who  is  besieged 

i      ii  o  by  the  Saraslna 

by  the  paynemes  &  sarrasyns.  at  Prague. 

Cap.   XXIX.     How  the  kyng,  of  behayne 
sent  a  messager  toward  the  king,  of  Anssay 
his  brother.  / 
hystorye   sayth  that  a  messager  came  to  Lucem- 


bourgh  fro  the  kyng*  Federyk  of  behayne,  that  The  raiiant  King 

r>  i  i  Frederick  of 

8  was  moche  valyaunt  &  a  true  man,  whiche  ryght  strong*  Bohemia, 
susteyned  the  feyth  catholicaH  ayenst  the  Sarasyns  / 
It  is  so  that  the  paynemes  entred  in  to  his  land  /  and 
seeyng  hym  self  not    puyssaunt  ynough  for  to  gyue  unable  to  giro 

12  them  iourney  of  batayH,  drew  hym  self  &  his  peple  Payn*ra«,  with- 
drew to  Prague. 
WtW  hym  in  to  hys  tou«e  of  Pragho  /  and  had  this 

kyng*  Federyke  but  one  only  doughtir  to  his  heyre,   His  heir  is  MS 

only  daughter, 

whiche  was  named  Eglantyne  /  &  certayn  it  is  that  he  Eglantine. 
16  was  brother  to  the  king1  of  1Anssuy.    Wherfore  he  sent       >  foL  123  b. 
a  messager  to  Lucernbourgh  there  as  the  kyng  of  Anssav  He  sent  a  letter 

J    '  J    to  hi«  brother, 

his  brother  was  at  that  tyme.     And  shortly  to  speke,  the  King  of 


the  messager  came  &  directed  his  litres  to  the  king1 
20  of  Anssay,  whiche  opened  &  redcJ  it  /  by  the  tenoure  of 

whiche  he  vnderstode  &  knew  the  myschief  where  his  telling  him  how 

m&tterv  flood, 

brother  was  in  /  and  sayd  al  on  high  in  heryng*  of 

eueryone  there  in  this  manere  :  '  Ha  /  a,  Fortune,  how  The  king  after 

reading  it  com* 

24  art  thou  so  peruerse  &  so  crueH,  certaynly2  wel  is  he  plains  against 
deceyued  J>at  trusteth  in  the  nor  in  thy  yeftea  by  no 
manere.     it  hath  not  suffysed  the  to  haue  ouerthrawen 
me  fro  the  vppermost  stepp  of  thy  whele  vnto  the 

28  lowest  /  but  vtterly  wylt  dystroye  me  for  euer,  whan  my 
brother,  whiche  [is]  one  of  the  moost  trewest  &  valiaunt 
kyng*  in  the  world1,  thou  wylt  so  dysempare  &  putte 
out  fro  his  royawme,  yf  god  of  his  grace  purueye  not  of 

32  remedy  therto'  /  and  thenne  he  retourned  hym  self  Anthony  that  it 
toward  anthony,  &  sayd  :  '  Ha  /  right  noble  &  valyaunt  ever  with  him, 

2  Fr.  version  reads :   Certet  Vomme  ett  bien  deceit  que  en 
toy  ne  en  tes  dons  sefie  en  rieru. 



because  now 
that  Anthony 
has  overthrown 
his  chivalry, 

he  is  unable  to 
help  his  noble 
brother  Fre- 
derick against 
the  infidels. 

»  fol.  124. 

Anthony  is 
sorrowful  to 
hear  these 

He  is  given  the 
letter  to  read, 
•whereby  he  un- 
derstands that 
Zelodius,  King 
of  Cracow,  is  be- 
sieging Frederick 
of  Bohemia  at 

Anthony  asks 
the  king  whether 
he  could  be 
soon  ready  to 
accompany  him 
to  succour 

piynce,  it  is  now  with  me  wers  than  euer  was  /  For 
jour  noble  cheualrye  &  puyssauwce  haue  not  only 
mated  me  &  made  lasse  myn  honowr,  but  also  ye  haue 
dyscomfyted  with  me  the  moost  true  &  valiaunt  kyng1  4 
that  euer  was  of  my  lynee,  &  that  more  valyauwtly 
hath"  deffended  the  cristen  feyth  aye?zst  thenemyes  of 
god.  For  Federyke,  my  brother,  noble  kyng1  of  Be- 
hayne,  beywg  sore  oppressed  &  besieged  within  his  8 
toim  of  praghe  by  thinfideles  &  enemyes  of  god, 
writeth1  vnto  me  ful  tenderly  for  help  &  socoure  / 
alas,  now  yo^^r  grete  fayttes  in  armes  haue  kept  me 
therf ro,  so  that  I  may  not  help  hym  /  how  be  it  that  al  1 2 
this  cowmeth  thrugh  myn  owne  fawte  &  folysshe  en- 
terpryse,  For  god  hath  punysshed  me  lasse  ynough 
than  I  haue  deseruyd1.'  And  thercne  he  bygan  to  make 
suche  sorowe  that  grete  pite  it  was  to  see./  16 

2  f  I  ^hystorye   sheweth   in   this   partie   that   the   due 
I     Anthony  was  ryght  dolauwt  &  sorowful  whaw 
he  vnderstode  the  pyteous  bewayllyng1  of  the  ki?zg  of 
Anssay,  and  said  to  hym  in  this  mauere :  '  Sire,  telle  20 
me  why  ye  demene  &  make  such"  dueyl.'     'By  god,' 
sayd  the  kynge,  '  wel  I  have  cause  /  loke  &  see  what 
the  teuoure  of   this   lefre  specyfyeth.'     Thewne   toke 
anthony  the  lettre  and  redde  it  al  ouer,  Wherby  he  24 
vnderstode   &   knew  the   grete   myserye  &   myschief 
wherin  Zelodyus,  kyng1  of  Craco,  held  Federyk1,  kyng1 
of  Behayne,  besieged  within  the  Cite  of  praghe.     And 
thewne  the  noble  due  Anthony  consideryng1  the  grete  28 
myschief  wherinne  the  Cristen  peple  was  hold  by  the 
puyssau?zce  of  the  paynemes,  his  herte  was  al  replenyssed 
with  pite,  and  said  in  hym  self  that  yf  he  might  the 
Sarasyns  shuld  bye  fuli  derly  the  peyne  whiche  they  32 
made  the  Cristen  peple  to  bere  /  and  he  thenne  said 
to  the  kynge  :  '  Sire,  yf  I  wold  helpe  you  for  to  socoure 
your  brother,  wold  ye  not  be  soone  redy  to  goo  thither- 
1  vnriteth  in  MS. 


ward  ?  '    And  whan  the  kyng«  vndcrstod  thoos  worde* 

he  kneled  doune  tofore  the  due,  &  said  :  '  Sire,  yf  ye  The  king  is  gi«d, 

wyl  graunte  me  so  moche  of  your  grace  /  I  swere  &  Anthony  win  go, 

4  promyse  you  feythfully  that  I  shall  make  Regnald  yowr  i.e 
brother  kyng  of  Behayne   after  the  decesse  of  my 
brother,  whiche  is  elder  than  I  almost  xxu  yere.     For  b 
wete  it  that  he  hath  none  heyre  sauf  only  a  ryght  fayre 

8  doughter,  which"  is  cleped  Eglantyne  /  and  she  is  about 
xv  yere  of  age,  &  that  pucelle  shall  I  gyue,  yf  ye  vouche- 
sauf,  to  Eegnauld  youi  brother.'     «  By  my  feyth,'  said 
thewne  Anthony,  '  and  I  accorde  therunto.  /  goo  thanne  Anthony  then 
12  hastly  to  Anssay  and  make  your  mandement,  and  be  go  to  Anssa'y'an.i 

.  ,  .  ..        ,  .  ,  to  retnrn  with  his 

vfii/i  vs  ayen  wit/an  this  thre  vrykes,  and  lodge  yo?*r  people  in  three 
peuple  in  yonder  medowe,  Where  your  tentes  xas  yet      »  foi.  124*. 
ben,  and  in  the  meane  season  I  shal  sende  for  my  men, 

16  whiche  are  \fith  a  kuygftt  of  myn  at  the  Leffe,  where 
men  had  doon  wrong*  to  hym.'  And  the  king1  ansuerde, 
'  Xoble  &  curteys  lord,  he  rewarde  you  therof  ,  that  The  king  thanks 
suffred  deth  for  vs  and  bytter  passyon.'     And  thenne 

20  he  toke  his  leue  of   the  due  and  of  the  duches,  of  and  takes  his 
Eegnauld,  &  of  aH  the  baronnye  there,  &  syn  mou/ited 
on  horsback  /  and  with  his  owne  meyne  rode  tyl  he  He  rides  to 

,  .       .        .       ,  ,    .        .  .  Anssay,  sorrow- 

came  in  to  his  land  of  anssay,  sorowful  for  his  losse  fui  f»r  his  losses, 

but  glad  that 

24  &  joyfuH  for  the  socours  that  the  Due  Anthony  pro-  Anthony  win 

help  his  brother 

mysed  to  hym,  for  to  helpe  his  brother  ayenst  the  »«»instth«» 
panemes  &  enemyes  of  god.  / 

The  veray  hystorye  testyfyeth  that  so  long1  rode  the 
kinge  of  Anssay  that  he  came  in  his  land,  where  The  king  arrives 

in  his  land, 

he  was  welcommed  of  his  baronnye  /  and  soone  went  to  and  visits  his 

_     '  daughter 

vysyte  &  see  his  doughter  Metydee,  that  was  not  yet 

two  year  old  /  and  syn  retourned  wj'tA  his  barons  /  to  He  returns  to 

*  his  barons,  and 

32  whome  he  shewed  al  his  affayro,  and  how   he  moste  explains  ail  his 


go  socoure  his  brother  ;  Also  how  Anthony  &  Eegnald 
his  brother  shuld  helpe  hym  therto  wz't/i  al  theire  pus- 

saunce.     '  Ly  feyth,'  said  thenne  the  barons,  '  syth  it  is  The  barons  think 

36  soo  that  thoo  two  brethern  medle  wit/i  this  enterpryse,  re 


are  going  to  help 
their  king's 
brother,  they  are 
sure  of  success. 

The  king  assem- 
bles a  host  of 
seven  thousand 

He  leaves  his 
land  in  charge 
of  a  noble  baron, 
and  in  three 
weeks  is  back 
in  Luxembourg. 
i  foL  125, 

The  duke  has 
nine  thousand 
five  hundred 

one  thousand  of 
whom  he  leaves 
behind  to  guard 
the  land,  which 
is  left  in  charge 
of  the  lord  of 

Christine  is  sad 
at  Anthony's 
and  begs  him  to 
return  soon. 

»  foL  125  6. 
Anthony  bids 
her  take  care 
of  herself  on 
account  of  her 
unborn  babe, 
and  directs  if  it 
be  a  boy  he  is 
to  be  named 


hit  may  not  fare  but  wel.    For  ayenst  theire  puyssaunce 
&  worthynes  may  none  wtt/tstand  nor  abyde  /  hast  you 
thenne  to  make  yowr  cryees  &  mandement,  For  we  al 
shaH  go  vfiih  you.'     Thewne  made  the  kyng1  his  oost  4 
to  be  boden  &  sent  for,  &  prayd  al  his  frendes  &  alyez  / 
&  wit/an  a  lytel  space  of  tyme  he  assembled  about 
seuene  thousand  fyghtyng  men  /  and  departed  fro  his 
royalme,  whiche  he  lefte  in  good  gouernauwce  vnder  a  8 
noble  baron  of  the  land1.     And  syn  dide  so  moche  by 
his  journeys,  that  at  thende  of  thre  wykps  he  came  & 
lodged  hym  &  his  oost  byfore  Lucembourgh,  Mn  the 
medow  where  his  tentes  were  lefte.     And  theraie  were  12 
also    come   the   dukes   peuple,  that   were   in  nombre 
fyue  thousand  helmets  and  a  thousand  Y.C.  archers  & 
crosbowe  men,  beside  them  of  the  duchery,  that  were 
in  nombre  thre  thousand,  of  fe  whiche  anthony  toke  16 
Vfiih  hym  two  thousand?  and  the  other  he  lefte  behynd? 
for  the  sauegarde  of  the  land?  /  of  J?e  whiche  he  ordeyned 
chief  captayne  and  protectour  a  noble  baron  of  poytou  / 
and  that  was  the  lord  of  Argemount.  /  20 

Cap.  XXX.  How  the  due  Anthony  toke  hys 
leue  of  the  Duchesse  Crystyne,  and  went 
toward  praghe  wz'U  hys  oost. 

Now   sayth   here   thystorye,  that  whan   the   Due  24 
Anthony  toke  his  leue  of  the  Duchesse  hys  wyf, 
she  was  right  dolauwt  &  sory  in  herte,  how  wel  she 
durst  make  no  seinblauwt  /  but  she  prayed   hym  to 
retourne  assoone  as   he   goodly  myght  /  and   he  said  28 
to  her  that  so  shuld  he  doo  /  And,  morouer,  he  said  to 
2her  in  this  manere  /  '  Duchesse,  take  good  heede  of 
yottr  fruyte  that  groweth  in  your  blood?,  and  cheryssh" 
yowr  self  /  and  yf  goddis  grace  gyue  that  it  be  a  sone,  32 
make  hym  to  be  baptysed  &  named  Bertrand,  For  thus 
is  my  playsire.     Thenne  they  embraced  &  kyssed  eche 

CH.  XXX.]      THE   HOST   STARTS   ON   ITS   MARCH   TO   PRAGUE.  219 

other,  takyng  leue  one  of  other  /  and  syn  departed  the 
due  &  came  to  hys  peuple,  and  made  his  trompette* 
to  be  sowned.     Thewne  mounted  spere  men  on  hors-  The  army 
4  back,  and  bygane  euery  man  to  marche  forth  in  fayre  t^he  tm^jlt 

rr<i_  i  sound. 

aray.     The  vantgarde  conduy  ted  &  lede  the  kynge  of  The  vanguard  it 

anssay  and   Eegnald  w't/i   hym,  which"  was  mounted  and  the  sSifl* 

Anaaay ; 

vpon  a  hyo  Courser,  armed  of  al  pyecea  except  his 
8  helmet,  and  held  a  grete  staf  in  hys  fyst,  and  putte 
his  men  in  ordre  ful  wel,  &  semed  wel  to  be  a  prynce 
courageous  &  of  hye  enterpryse  /  and  after  folowed  the  then  comet  the 
Cartes,  Charyots  &  bagage,  &  the  erete  batavH  /  and  middle,  as 

Anthony  was 

12  after  siewed  the  ryergarde,  which"  Anthony  conduyted  t>w  the  country 
in  fayre  ordynawnce  of  batayH,  For  it  was  tolde  hym 
fat  in  that  countre  were  many  theevys  /  but  the  due 
Anthony  manded,  &  sent  word  fro  fortresse  to  fortresse 

1 6  that  yf  they  were  so  bold  to  take  on  hym  or  on  hys 
peuple  ony  thing1,  that  he  shuld  punysshe  them  in 
suche  wyse  that  other  shuld  take  ensample  therof. 
And  so  he  passed  thrugh"  aH  the  Leffe  /  and  no  man 

20  was  so  hardy  that  he  durst  take  ony  thing  on  hys  oost. 
It  is  trouth  that  on  an  euen  he  lodged  hym  tofore  the 
Cite  Aeon1  with  aH  hys  oost  /  and  the  Citezeyns  there 
made  &  presented  to  hym  grete  yef ies  of  ryches,  wherof 

24  he  thanked  them  moche,  and  proffred  to  them  his  ser- 
uyse,  yf  they  myster  of  it.  And  on  the  morns  after 
the  masse  he  deslodged,  &  so  long1  marched  fourth  on 
his  way  with  his  oost,  that  he  came  &  lodged  vpon  At  last  they 

arrive  at  the 

28  the  ryuere  of  Ryne,  which"    is   grete  &  meruayllo?/s.   Rhine. 
And  2they  of   Coloyne  made   grete   daunger   to   lete       »ft>Li2«. 
passe  the  oost  thrughe  the  Cite  at  brydge  /  wherof  cologne  object 

...  ,      to  the  host  paits- 

anthonye  was  angry  &  dolau»t,  and  fyersly  sent  worde  ing  through  the 


32  to  them  how  he  had  entenc/on  to  reyse  the  siege,  that  Anthony  angrily 

tells  them  the 

the  king1  of  Craco  had  layed,  &  sette  with  Ix  thousand  reason  of  the 


Sarasyns  tofore  the  Cite  of  praghe,  wherinne  was  in 

grete   oppression   and   dystres   the   king  of  behayne, 

1  Fr.  Ayt: — Alx  la  Chapelle,  Ger.  Aachen. 



and  asks  if  they 
are  on  the 
Paynims"  side 
or  not 

When  the  men 
of  Cologne  un- 
derstand how 
matters  are, 

they  send  four 

who  tell  Anthony 
they  will  let  him. 
pass  through  on 
condition  that 
the  citizens  are 
protected  from 
all  damage  by 
Anthony's  men. 

Anthony  replies 
that  he  wishes 
them  no  harm, 

and  inquires  if 
any  of  his 
ancestors  had 
at  any  time 
done  them  any 

i  foL  126  6. 

The  burgesses 
return  to  the 
city,  and  tell 
their  story  to 
the  Council, 

who  can  re- 
member no 
quarrel  with 
the  Dukes  of 

and  that  they  shuld  send  hym  word  yf  they  held  with 
the  paynemes  or  nat  /  and  vpon  that  he  shuld  take 
hys  aduys  what  he  shuld  doo  /  and  also  that  magre 
them  he  shuld  fynd?  good  passage,  but  not  so  short  as  4 
by  theire  Cite.     And  whan   they  of  Coloyne  under- 
stode  this  mandement,  &  were  wel  infourmed  of  the 
grete   prowes  &  fyersnes  of   the  two  bretheren,  they 
were  dredfuH  &  doubtows.     And  soone  after  they  sent  8 
toward  Anthony  foure  of  fe  notablest  &  moost  worship- 
fuH  burgeys  of  the  cyte,  whiche  came  &  made  to  hym 
ryght  honourable  and  humble  reuerence  /  and  wondred 
moche  of  hys  fyersnes  and  proude  contenawnce  /  not  12 
that  wit/jstanding1,  they  said  to  hym  in  this  manere : 
'  right  high"  &  myghty  prynce,  the  Citezeyns  and  com- 
mynalte  of  Coloyne  haue  sent  vs  toward   yowr  good 
grace.     And  know  ye  fat  gladly  they  shal  suffre  you  16 
&  al  jour  oost  to  passe  peasibly  thrugfi  the  Cite,  soo 
that   ye  shal  kepe  &  preserue  them  fro  al  dommage 
that   yowr  peple   might   bere   vnto   them.'     '  By  my 
feyth,'  sayd  Anthony,  'yf  I  had  be  wyllyng  to  doo  the  20 
contrary  of  theire  wyH,  they  shuld  haue  had  of  me 
knowlege  therof  /  and  also  I  haue  no  cause  to  doo  soo, 
For  I  knowe  not  that  they  haue  mysdoon  to  me  of  ony 
thing1,  nor  to  the  myn  nother  /  How  wel  they  cause  24 
me  to  thinke  other  wyse  /  goo  and  telle  to  them,  yf 
they  remembre  not  of  old?  some  mysdede  don  to  them 
by  myn  auncestry,  or  of  the  Duka?,  my  predecessours, 
wherof  as  yet  they  be   1not   pacyfyed   &  accorded  /  28 
that  they  wyl  suffre  me  &  myn  oost  passe  surely  /  or 
ellys  to  send  me  wordes  therof.'     Whan  they  vnder- 
stode  hys  wordes  &  knew  his  wyH,  they  retourned  to 
the  Cyte,  &  announced  to  the  Co??imyualtee  the  mande-  32 
ment   of    the   Due   Anthony.     And    they   anone    as- 
sembled theire  counseyH,  &  the  auncyent  men  /  'and 
found?  that  neuer  they  had  no  hate  ne  dyscorde  with 
the  dukes  of   Lucembourgh,  nother  to  theyre  frendes  36 


nor  alyez  /  and  that  sethen  he  was  so  noble  a  man  <fe  so  They  agree  to  let 

i  , ,  1111,1  Anthony  and  hia 

valyaunt,  they  shuld  lete  hym  passe,  and  al  his  oost  host  pass, 
also.     And  they  remanded  to  hym  theire  wylle  wz't/t 
4  grete  yeftes  of  ryches  that  they  made  to  be  presented  and  send  him 

i  /          ,  many  gifts  for 

to  hys  grace  /  and  purveyed  for   hys  oost   mocfc  of  himself  and 

,,          .       „  victuals  for  hit 

vytaytt,  as  bred,  wyne,  and  flesshe  /  <fe  ootys  for  theire  host- 
horses  /  And  whan  the  Due  vnderstode  theire  ansuere  when  the  duke 

OP  J.-L    •  o.         i        .1        i  ,    understands 

o  &  sawe  theire  grete  yeites,  he  thanked  them  moche  /  their  answer,  he 

....  thanks  them, 

and  was  joyows  of  that  they  of  Coloyne  wold  be  hys 

frendes.     Wherfor  he  said  to  them,  that  yf  they  had 

nede  of  hym  & .  of  hys  powere,  he  was  redy  at  theyre 

12  coramaundement    /    and    they  thanked   hym    ryght 

humbly.     And   the  due   Anthony  made   to   gyue  to  «nd  gives  them 

.......  as  rich  gifts  and 

them  that  had  brought  to  hym  the  said  presents  of  presents  as  had 

becu  sent  to  him. 

vytayn,  many  ryche  yeftes,  that  asmocn  were  worth,  or 
1 6  more  than  the  presents  &  yef ies  gyuen  to  hym  by  the 

toune,  For  he  wold  not  that  thabytants  of  the  Cyte 

shuld!  suppose  or  thinke  that  he  wolcJ  haue  ought  of 

them  for  nought. 
20  Tn   this   partye  sheweth  thystorye,  how  that  same 

JL    nyght  soiourned  the  oost  by  fore  Coloyne,  <fc  was  The  host  remains 

ophite  Cologne 

wel  refresshed  of  them  of  the  Cite  &  of  theire  vytayB.   *<*  the  night 
For  as   the  dukes  cowmandement  was  /   they  were 

24  departed  in  suche  wyse  tha[t]  euery  man  there  had 

part  therof.     And  on  the  morne  erly,  Hhe  Due  entred        J  foi.  127. 
into  the  Cite  wit/t  hym,  two  houndred  men  of  armes  / 
and  made  his  cryees,  vpon  peyne  of  deth,  that  none 

28  were  so  hardy  to  take  ony  thing*  of  them  of  the  toun ; 
but  he  payed  wel  for  after  raison.     And  soone  after 
passed  the  vantgarde  in  fayre  aray  ouer  the  bridge,  and   in  the  morning 
so  forth  thrugh"  the  Cyte.     And  so  passed  al  thoost,  %£fi%££J*" 

32  and  lodged  them  at  the  o}>er  syde  of  the  ryuere  of  through  the  city. 
Eyn  /  and  it  was  about   euen  tyme,   or  euer  al   the 
Cartes,  Charyots,  &  bagage  were  past.    And  that  nyght  The  dnke  and 

*  his  barons  stay 

the  Due  &  grete  part  of  his  baro/jnye  lodged  wit/tin  the  »n  «»e  night  in 
36  Cyte,  where  as  grete  honour  was  doon  to  them.     The 



and  give  a  great 
supper,  and  great 
gifts  to  the  ladies 
of  the  town. 

He  leaves  in  the 
morning,  after 
thanking  the 

who  offer  him 

As  the  duke 
comes  from  mass, 

four  knights  and 
five  hundred  men 
arrive  from  the 

i  fol.  127  6. 
The  knights  say 
that  the  com- 
monalty of 
Cologne  wish 
to  be  his  allies, 
and  ask  him  to 
accept  the  help 
of  the  five 
hundred  men 
of  arms. 

One  of  the 
knights  offers  to 
guide  the  army 
to  Cracow. 

due  Anthony  bode  at  souper  with  hym  aH  the  ladyes 
of  the  Cyte,  &  festyed  them  ryght  honorahly,  &  gaf 
grete  yeftes  ar  he  departed  in  so  moche  that  they  of 
the  Cyte  wysshed  hym  to  be  theire  lord.  4 

In  the  morne  the  Due  toke  his  leue  of  them  of  the 
toun  /  and   thanked   them   moche  of  the  grete 
honour  that  they  had  shewed  to  hym  &  to  his  barons. 
And  they  ansuerd  aH  with  one  voyce :  '  Noble  Due  /  8 
the  Cite  /  we  &  aH;  our:  goodes  ben  at  your  commande- 
nient  more  than  to  ony  other  lord  that  marcheth  about 
vs  /  and  spare  vs  not  of  nothing1  that  we  may  doo  for 
you,  For  we  be  now,  &  shal  euer  be,  redy  to  do  you  12 
playsure,  ayde,  &  comfort  at  yowr  mandement  and  first 
callyng* '  /  And  he  departed  fro  them,  and  went  in  to 
his   tente.     And  on  the  morne  as  he  came  from  the 
masse,  &  commanded  the  trompettes  to  be  sowned  for  16 
to   departe  &  meve  /  there   came  fro   the  Cite  foure 
knightes  wel   mounted   on   horsbak,  &   armed  of  aH 
pyeces  sauf   the  helmet,  whiche   alyghted  byfore   the 
duckes  tente  with  foure  houndred  men  of  armes,  and  20 
C  crosbowe  men  in  theire  felawship.     These  knightes 
made  their  obeyssaunce  /  and  syn  sayd  in  this  manere  : 
'  Right  noble  &  puyssauwt  due,  the  Cite  &  commynalte 
of   Coloyne  recommande  them  to   yowr  good  grace  /  24 
and  where  as  fey  haue  sene  so  moche  of  noblesse  & 
curtoysye  in   you  /  1desyryng  right  affectuelly  to  be 
frendes  &  alyez  vnto  you,  they  send!  you  foure  hondred 
men  of  armes  &  an  C  crosbowes,  al  payed  of  theire  28 
wages  for  tene   monethis   day,  for   to   goo  with    you 
where  so  euer  it  playse  you  to  goo.'     '  By  my  feyth,' 
sayd  Anthony,  'thankyng  be  to  them,  whome  I  am 
moche  beholden  to  /  this  curtoysye  is  not  to  be  reffused  /  32 
&  wete  it  I  shal  not  forgete  it  /  but  remembre  in  tyme 
&  place.'     '  Sire,'  said  one  of  the  foure  knightes,  'there 
nys  none  of  vs  foure,  but  he  knowe  wel  al  the  way  fro 
hens  to  Craco  /  and  yf  it  mystier,  we  shal  guyde  &  lede  36 

CH.  XXX.]  DUKE   ODE.  223 

you  wel  &  surely  thrughe  aH  the  passages  &  ouer  al 
the  ryueres  betwix  this  &  that.'  To  that  ansuerd  the 
Due  &  said  /  '  this  that  ye  say  hurteth  not  our  affayre, 
4  and  I  gaynsay  not  yowr  sayeng*,  whan  tyme  shalbe.' 
Thenne  he  putte  them  in  ordynetMnce,  and  receyued  The  duke  accepts 

,  ,       .  .     .  the  company, 

them  vnder  his  banere.     And  benne  desloged  the  vant-  "><!  put*  them 

under  hi*  banner. 

garde,  the  grete  batayH,  &  the  ryeregarde,  and  marched 
8  on  theire  waye  in  fayre  aray  so  long*,  that  they  entred 

in  the  land1  of  Bavyere,  nygh  to  a  grete  Cite  named  The  army 

Nuenmarghe,  where  as  the  Due  of  Ode  was  wt'tA  a  Bavaria,  nigh  to 


grete  companye  of  peuple,  For  ho  doubted  the  kyng 
12  Zelodus  of  Craco,  that  had  besieged  the  kyngo  Fed- 
eryke  of  Behayne,  and  held  hym  in  grete  necessite, 
For  he  had  with  hym  foure  score  paynemes  /  and  the 
Due  Ode  was  doubtous  lest  he  shuld  come  vpon  hym,  where  the  Dnice 
1C  yf  ho  subdued  and  dyscomfyted  the  kyng  Federyke.  council  wtalto 

do  about  the 

And  therfore,  he  had  assembled  hys  Counseyl  to  knowe  «iege. 
&  see  what  best  was  to  doo.  / 

The?zno  cam  to  the  Cite  an  auncyent  knyght  that 
was  of  the  Due  Ode,  to  whom  he  said  after  his 
obeyssaunce  made :    '  My  lord,  by  my  sowle   I   come 
from  the  marches  of  Almayne  /  but  there  is  1commyng       » tot  m 
a  grete  oost  hitherward  of  the  moost  goodlyest  men  of  knighiuen* 

.  .  j    -i  •,  , ,     .  x  .  ,  .    Duke  Ode  of 

24  armes  and  best  arayed  that  euer  I  sawe  in  my  daye«  /  the  approach  of 
but  I  wot  not  where  they  purpose  to  goo  /  but  so 
moche  I  know,  that  they  draw  them  self  hitherward. ' 
'  By  my  fey th,'  said  the  Due,  '  I  gyue  me  grete  wonder 

28  what  folke  they  may  bo,  yf  the  king  of  Anssay  had  not 
bo  of  late  dyscomfyted  tofore  Lucembourgh,  I  shuld 
suppose  that  it  were  he  that  wold  socoure  his  brother 
Federyke  ayenst  the  Sarasyns  /  and  on  my  sowle  yf  it  The  duke  says 

if  it  were  the 

32  were  he  I  shuld  goo  with  hym  for  to  helpe  his  brother.'  King  of  AUSMT 

he  would  go  with 

'  My  lord,'  said  the  knyght, '  it  were  wysely  doo  to  haue  &»«     help 
knowleche  certayn  what  folke  they  be,  ne  yf  they  pur- 

The  dnke  sends 

pose  other  wyse  than  wele.     '  Sire  knyght,  said  thanno  the  knight  to 

ascertain  what 

36  the  Due,  '  ye  muste  yowr  self  goo  to  knowe  &  reporte  host  it  it. 


A  MESSAGE   TO   DUKE   ODE.  [cH.  XXX. 

He  comes  upon 
the  host  in  a 

where  they  are 
taking  exercise. 

1  fol.  128  6. 
The  knight 
thinks  them 
worthy  men  of 

He  enters  the 
host,  and  asks 
for  the  governor. 
He  is  brought 
before  Anthony. 

The  knight  says 
he  is  gent  by 
Duke  Ode  to 
inquire  why  the 
host  had  come 
into  his  land. 

Anthony  an- 
swers that  he 
is  the  Duke  of 
and  with  him  is 
his  brother  and 
the  King  of 
Anssay,  and  that 
they  are  going  to 
raise  the  siege  of 

the  certaynte  of  it,  syn  ye  haue  sene  them '  /  And  he 
ansuerde,  « By  my  feyth,  my  lord,  I  am  redy  therto.' 
And  soone  he  departed,  and  so  long1  he  rode  that  he 
perceyued  thoost  in  a  valey  by  a  ryuere.     There  he  4 
sawe  grete  companyes  of  gentyl  men  here  &  there, 
some  castyng1  the   barre  of   yron  /  other   held  theire 
spere  &  shild  and  esprouued  them  self  that  one  on  fat 
other  /  some  assayed  theire  harneys  wt't/i  shoot,  wt't/i  8 
strokes  of  swerdes,  and  in  many  other  appertyse  of 
armes  they  exercyted  them  self.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said 
thewne  the  knight/  '  there  is  fayre  mayntene  and  noble 
contenazmce  of  men  of  armes  /  suche  folke  is  to  be  12 
doubted  and  dredde.'     Theraie  he  loked  on  the  ryght 
syde  vpon  a  lytel  mouwtaynrce  &  sawe  the  grete  batayft, 
and  sawe  the  watche  and  the  scourers  al  about  the 
oost.    '  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  knight  that  moche  thing  16 
had  sene  in  his  dayes  /  '  this  ben  l  worthy  men  of 
werre  and  able  to  subdue  ony  lande.'     And  themie  he 
entred  in  to  thoost  /  and  demanded  after  hym  that  had 
the  gouernauwce  &  guydyng  of  it  /  And  sooue  he  was  20 
brought  tofore  Anthony.     And  whan  he  saw  the  Due 
he  was  moche  abasshed  of  his  faczon  /  but  alwayes  he 
salued  hym  ryght  curtoysly  /  and  syn  said  to  hym, 
'  My  lord,  the  Due  Ode  hath  sent  me  toward  you  to  24 
wete  of  you  what  ye  seeke  in  hys  land!  /  and  yf  ye  thinke 
or  purpose  other  wyse  than  wele  /  also  what  ye  be  that 
conduyteth  so  fayre  company  of  peuple  that  I  see  here 
assembled.    For  he  woteth  wel  that  ye  come  not  hither  28 
"with  suche  a  felawship  wit/iout  it  be  for  som  grete  af- 
fayre'  /  '  Frend,'  sayd  anthony  / '  teH  yowr  lord  that  we  ne 
demande  ought  of  hym,  nor  suppose  not  to  dommage  his 
land  in  no  wyse.     Also  ye  may  telle  hym  that  it  is  the  32 
kinge  of  Anssay  /  Anthony  of  Lusynen,  Due  of  Lucem- 
bourgh,  and  Eegnald  his  brother,  with  theire  puys- 
saurece  that  supposen  to  goo  reyse  the  siege  of  praghe, 
that  the  Sarasyns  haue  besieged.'     '  Sire,'  said  thaun-  36 

CH.  XXX.]      DUKE   ODE   BECOMES   AN   AUXILIARY.  225 

cyent  knyght,  '  god  graunte  you  good  vyage.'     And  so 
he  departed  aud   retourned  toward  the   Due  Ode  of 
Bauyere,  to  whom  he  reherced  as  aboue  is  said,  and  The  knight  n- 
4  shewed  hym  the  fyersnes  and  facton  of  Anthony,  and  his  mexMM. 

.  ,  .  and  (U'sc-rilx-8 

tJie  contenawnce  ot  his  oost  /  sayeng*  that  they  were  the  host. 

folke  to  be  redoubted  &  dretJ.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said 

thewne  the  due  Ode,  '  It  cowimeth  of  noble  courage  to  The  King  thinkr 

tlie  brethren 

8  that  two  bretheren  to  haue  come  fro  so  ferre  lande  courageous, 
for  to  seke  auenture  of  cheualerye  &  honoi/r,  and  also 
for  to  come  &  gyue  ayde  &  socour  to  kynge  Federyke 
anenst  the  enemyes  of  god  /  and  I  promyse  god  tliat 
12  shal  not  be  wit/tout  me,  For  it  shuld  be  tourned  to  me  and  receives  to 

go  with  them 

to  grete  shame  yf  that  I  went  not  thither  /  seeyng  that 
he  is  my  Cousyn,  &  that  my  land   is   so  nygh  his 
royalme  /  and  that  the  strauugers  come  fro  so  ferre 
16  for  to  ayde  &  helpe  hyni  avenst  the  paynemes.'     And  agninstthe 


thewue  had  the  Due  Ode  l  made  his  mandement  but  of       >  foi.  129. 

late,  aud  had  assembled  al  redy  foure  thousand  fighting 

four  thousand 

men.    What  shold  I  make  long  compte  /  thoost  desloged  wen, 
20  and  passed!  byfore  Murmycfi.     And  thanne  the  Due 
Ode  yssued  out  of  the  toun  with  a  fayre  companye  of 
peuple,  and  came  and  presented  hym  self  and  al  his  and  present* 

himself  with  his 

peple  tofore  the  kinge  of  Anssay,  Anthony  /  and  his  company  to  the 
24  brofer,  whiche   Joyously  receyued   them  /  and  thus  w»dUu»  brethren. 
marched  thoost  forth  in  fayre  aray  and  good  ordynaunce 
by  the  space  of  six  dayes.     And  now  seaceth  thistorye 
to  speke  of  them,  and  speketh  of  the  king*  Federyke 
28  and  of  the  siege.  / 

ere   sheweth   thistorye   how   the   puyssaunce   of  Frederick  f« 

uimble  to  cope 

.  Zelodyus,  kyng  of  Craco,  was  ryght  grete  /  and  *>«*  Zeiodiua, 
the  king  Federyk  durst  not  goodly  haue  yssued  /  but 
32  al  waves  he  scarmousshed  ofte  with  his  enemys  /  and  thongh  he  often 

J  tries  skirmishes. 

almost  dayly  was  at  the  barrers  /  the  medlee  was  grete 

&  stronge  /  and  there  were  wit/tin  the  toune  about 

a  houndred  helmets  of  Hongory,  that  were  valyaunt 

36  knighte*  &  good  men  of  wcrre  /  the  whiche  yssued  / 





Early  one  morn- 
ing the  pagans 
assault  the  town. 

Frederick  drives 
them  back  to 
their  camp ; 

but  the  king  of 
Cracow  comes 
with  fifteen 
thousand  Sara- 

and  forces 
Frederick  to 

Frederick  sees 
1  fol.  129  6. 

cuts  his  way 
up  to  him, 

and  smites  him 
on  his  helmet. 

Zelodins  is  suc- 
coured by  his 
men ; 

and  launches 
a  dart  at 

ofte  &  dido  grete  dommage  to  the  sarasyns.     It  happed 
on  a  mornyng  erly  that  the  paynemes  gaf  a  grete  sawte 
to  the  toun  /  and  the  king  Federyke  with  his  peuple 
yssued  out  vnto  the  barrers  /  and  there  the  scarmyssh-  4 
ing  bygan  grete  &  mortaH  /  and  so  manfully  faught 
the  kyng1,  that  vrith  the  help  of  his  men  he  gretly 
dommaged  his  enemyes  /  and  made  them  to  cesse  of  the 
sawte  /  &  made  them  to  goo  back  vnto  theire  lodgys.  8 
And  that  tyme  was  the  kyng1  of  Craco  mounted  vpon  a 
grete  hors,  his  banere  to  the  wynd!  acompanyed  w*t/i 
xv  M1  sarasyns,  and  came  in  fayre  ordynawnce  to  the 
batayH.     There  was  many  stroke  gyuen  &  receyued  /  12 
and  by  force  of  armes  the  kynge  &  his  peple  was  con- 
strayned   to  wj'tMrawe   hym   back  vnto  the   barrers. 
There  was  grete  occysyon  made,  For  horryble  strokes 
were  gyuen  of  bothe  sydes,  and  the  king  Federyke  re-  16 
comforted  wel  his  peple,  For  he  dide  grete  faytte  of 
armes  of  his  owne  handes.     And  whan  he  perceyued? 
akyng   Zelodyus   that   sore  doramaged   his   peple,   he 
sporyd  his  horse  and  toke  his  swerd!  in  his  fyst  /  and?  20 
rane  smyttyng  on  the  lyft  syde  and  on  the  ryght  syde 
vpon  his   enemyes  tyl  he  made   place,  and  came   & 
smote  Zelodius  vpon  his  helmet,  by  suche  strengthe  & 
vertue  that  he  made  hym  to  enclyne  vpon  his  hors  neck  24 
al  astonyed  /  and  lytel  faylled  that  he  was  not  otier- 
thrawen  to  the  erthe,  For  he  lost  bothe  the  steropes  / 
but  soone  he  was  socoured  of  his  men  whiche  redreced1 
hym.  vp  ryght  /  and  the  king  Federyk  adreced!  hys  28 
swerd?  vpon  a  payneme,  &  suche  a  stroke  he  gaf  hym 
that  he  slew  hym  therwith.     The  king1  of  Craco  was 
thenne  redreced  as  said  is  /  and  he  perceyuyng  the  kyng 
Federyk  /  that  hewed  legges  &  armes,  &  casted?  to  32 
therthe  al  that  he  recountred!  of  the  sarasyns  /  had 
grete  anger  in  his  herte  and  came  nygh  at  hym  /  and 
with  an  archegaye  or  dart  launched  at  hym,  by  suche 
strengthe  that  the  dart  entred  so  depe  into  hys  body  36 

CH.  XXXI.]        FREDERICK    OP    PRAGUE    8LAIX.  227 

that  the  hed!  of  it  was  sene  at  the  back  syde  of  hy m.   which  pierce* 

That  doon  the  kynge  Federyk  that  felt  the  dystresse  of  »nd 

deth  myght  no  more  hold  hym  self  up  ryght,  but  feH  Hefaiittothe 


4  &  reuersed  deed*  fro  his  hors  to  the  ground.     Thenne 
was  his  peple  fuH  heuy  and  dolaunt,  and  withdrew  Hi*  people  with- 

. .  . ,  draw  to  the  town 

them  self  anoon<?,  and  reentred  into  the  tourw  &  shetted  »nd  d°«e  their 

the  gates  after  them.     And  therme  byganne  the  sorowe 

8  to  bo  grete  in  the  town  al  about  / 

Cap.  XXXI.  How  the  kinge  of  Craco  dide  do 
take  the  body  of  kynge  Federyke  that  he 
had  slayn  and  commanded  it  to  be  brent. 

12  1ri^he  king  of  Craco  thewne  glad  &  joyous  for  cause  of       i  foi.  iso. 


kyng1  Federykft*  deth,  commanded  the  corps  to  be  Zciodius  corn- 
brought  byforo  the  gate,  &  there  to  be  brent  for  to  haue  derick't  body 

*  to  be  burnt 

abasshed  the  more  Jjem  of  the  Cite,  seyng  theyre  king 
16  in  a  fyre.     Whan   the  Cyteseyns   &   commynalte  of  The  citiwiw  of 

Prague  are  §or- 

praghe  knew  the  deth  of  theire  kynge  /  and  the  greto  rowfui  for  the 

death  of  their 

tyrannye  of  Z[el]odyus,  they  made  grete  sorowe  /  but  in  king, 
especial  the  pucelle  Eglantyne,  his  doughtir,  was  sorow- 
20  furl  in  herte,  and  so  pytoously  bewaylled  and  lamented, 
that  grete  pyte  it  was  to  here  &  see  /  sayeng  such  or 
semblable  wordes  :  '  Ha  /  god  !  who  might  comforte  me  ni»  dangler, 


whan  I  see  my  faders  deth  byfore  me,  &  the  total  dys-  tine,  piteoiwiy 

mourns  her 

24  comfyture  of  hys  peple,  &  also  the  destruction  of  my   father'!  death, 
self,  For  I  see  no  way  wherby  myght  come  ony  socoure 
vnto  me,  For  I  haue  herd  say  that  myn  vncle,  the 
kynge  of  Anssay,  on  whome  I  trusted  more  than  to 

28  aH  2other  men   in   the  world1,  hath  be   dyscomfyted      «ft>Li306. 
tofore  Lucembourgh.    Ha,  veray  god !  creatowr  of  Crea- 
tures, I  no  wote  other  reffuge  for  me  for  to  escape  the 
tyrau?it  Z[el]odyus  handa*  than  the  mercyfuH  bosom 

32  of  yo?*r  grace  to  hydl  me  therin.     0  ryght  noble,  ryght  and  caiia  on  the 
puyssauwt,,  &   ryght   excellent  pryncesse !   virgyne   & 
moder  of  god !  Marye,  my  lady  &  maistresse  /  haue 




Those  who  see 
her  grief  are 
lull  of  pity. 

The  commonalty 
jiropose  to  yield, 

but  two  true 
knights  upbraid 

and  advise  them 
to  wait  tidings 
from  the  King 
of  Anssay : 

and  bid  them 
trust  in  Christ. 

The  people  are 
comforted,  and 
refuse  to  yield, 

2  fol.  131. 

whereat  Zelodius 
is  angry. 

He  sorely  as- 
saults their  city. 

compassion  on  me !  poure  orphenyre  &  faderles.'     Cer- 
taynly   the   pucelle   Eglantyne   bewayled,    syghed,    & 
cornplayned  so  piteously  that  no  personne  beheld?  her  / 
but  they  were  of  pyte  constrayned  to  wepe  how  hard'  4 
that  theire  hertes  had  be,  For  in  her   anguysshe  & 
sorowe   she   made  none   ende,  but   eue?1   she  wept   & 
rendred  teeris  habundauwtly.    Thercne  the  commynaltee 
of  the  toune,  sore  agast  and  timerous,  were  in  propos  8 
&  wylle  for  to  yeld.'  the  toun  &  themself  ouer  to  the 
kyng  Z[el]odyus,  fat  made  them  to  be  requyred  &  ad- 
mounested1  therof  /  shewing  to  them  how  they  myght 
not  long  endure  nor  wz't/istand!  ayenst  his  grete  puys-  12 
sauwce  /  &  that  theire  CateH  &  goodes  shuld  be  saued 
to  them  /  but  yf  he  toke  theire  Cyte  byforce,  he  shuld 
make  fern  bothe  theire  wyues  &  children  to  be  brent 
al  to  asshis,  as  theire  kynge  was.     Wherfore  the  cyte  16 
henge  in  balaiwce  to  be  delyuered  &  gyuen  ouer  to  the 
Sarasyns.     But   emonge   other   were   there   two   good 
men,   true   &   auncyent   knightes,    that    said   in    this 
mane?'e :  '  False  peuple,  what  wyl  you  now  doo,  yet  is  20 
not  the  messager  come   agayn  that  rode  toward  the 
king1  of   Anssay  for  socowr,  take   courage  &  comfort 
yowr  self,  For  within,  short  space  of  tyme  ye  shal  here 
good  tydynges  /  thinke  that  ye  be  Cristen  /  &  that  24 
Criste  shaft  helpe  vs  or  it  be  long1.'     And  wha/j  they 
herd?    hyw   so    speke    they   were   aii   recomforted,   & 
ansuerd?  to  the  paynemes  ambaxatours  that  they  shuld' 
neuer  yeld'  them  ouer  vnto  the  last  2mans  lyf  of  aH  28 
them.     And  whan  the  kynge  Zelodyus  knewe  theire 
wyll,  he  was   Avood?  angry  &  sorowful,  &  sware  his 
goddes  that  he  shuld  putte  al  on  fyre.  / 
rflhe  kynge3  Zelodyus  was  mouyd  to  yre  &  grete  32 

1     anger  for  thansuere  of  the  com?nynalte  of  Pragh, 
wherfor  he  scarmysshed  them  sore,  &  gaf  grete  sawtes 
to  theire  Cite,  but   the  noble  and  valyaunt  men  that 
1  Fr.  faisoit  remonstrer.  2  kynge  of :  MS. 

CH.  XXXI.]      RELIEF   AT   HAND   FOR   THE   CITY   OF   PRAGUE.  229 

were  wzt7<in  deffended  it  strongly.     I  wjl  now  retourne 
to  speke  of  the  Due  anthony  and  of  hys  brother  Reg- 
nauld,  of  the  kynge  of  Anssay  /  and  also  of  Ode,  Due 
4  of  Bauyere,  whiche  conduyted  theyre  oost,  &  marched  The  relieving 
fourth  hastly,  For  they  had  tydinge*  of  the  mysorye  hwuiy,*" 
that  they  of  the  Cite  were  in  /  but  nothing  they  knew 
of  the  deth  of  king1  Federyko.     And  on  a  thursday  at  ««d  arrives  on 

Q  it.  *  Tliur8(1«y  even- 

CS  euen,  they  lodged  themself  ny<m  to  a  grete  rvuere.  a  in« a league and 

a  li*lf  from 

leghe  &  a  half  fro  the  Cite  of  Praghe  /  and  that  same  Pn8a<>- 
euen  was  a  knight  of  that  same  Countree  that  was  in 
theire  felawship  commanded   that  on   the   morne   he 
1 2  shuld  anounce  theire  co?nmyng  to  them  of  the  Cite  / 

and  he  on  the  morne  crly  mounted  on  hys  hors,  and  A  knight  is  sent 

...  tin-  to  tlie  city  with 

toke  his  way  toward  the  Cite  /  and  after  a  grete  sawte  the  news  of  their 
was  seaced!  for  fawte  of  daylight,  he  cam  vnto  a  lytel 
1 6  posterne  /  and  they  of  the  garde  there  knew  hym  anone, 
and  lete  hym  eutre  the  toun  /  and  as  soone  as  he  was 
entred  he  rode  softly  along1  by  the  gardes,  cryeng  alowde  He  enters,  and 

bids  the  lords 

in  this  manyere  :  '  Lordes,  deflende  you  wel,  For  here  flght  well  be- 

cause  of  the 

20  commeth  the  floure  of  kumhthode  to  yo«r  socowrs  &  succour  that  is 


helpe  with  the  kinge  of  Anssay,  &  anoone  ye  shal  see 
them  bygyune  the  bataylle  /  and  be  a  good1  chere,  For 
on  my  lied  not  one  Sarasyn  shaH  escape,  but  he  be 
24  deed?  or  take.'  Aud  Jwhan  they  vnderstode  hyra,  they  1  foLisik 
bygane  to  make  such  a  Cry,  &  so  lowde,  that  it  was 
wonder  to  here  sayeng  :  '  Lawde  &  thanking1  be  to  god  The  people  thank 

J  Oud  fur  the  good 

almighty  J>erof.'     And  thenne  they  employed  them  self,  »«*•, 
28  &  defended  so  valiauntly,  that  no  sarasyn  durst  no 
lenger  abyde  nygh  the  watt  a  bowe  shotte  /  &  many 
paynemes  were  thewne  slayne,  in  so  moche  that  the  and  slay  many 
dyches  watre  was  as  tourned  &  dyed  vrii/i  theyre  blood. 
32  And   whan   Zelodyus    sawe   the   grete   &   courageous 
deffense  of   them  of   the  toune  he  was   abasshed*,  & 
mmiaylled  moche  of  theire  joyful  contenazmce.  / 

Thenne  whan    Zelodyus   perceyued  that  his  folko 
wit/idrewe    them   self   thus   backward,   he   was 




Zelodius  is 
sorrowful  that 
this  assault  lias 

Anthony  and 
his  host  ap- 

They  see  the 
Saracens'  camp. 

Anthony  calls 
a  halt, 
and  orders 
archers  to  his 

1  fol.  132. 
The  paynims 
perceive  their 
coming,  and  tell 

He  is  wroth, 
and  commands 
his  men  to  as- 
semble in  battle 

Anthony's  host 
advances  against 
the  paynims. 

The  air  is  full 
of  arrows. 

Christians  and 
paynims  fight 

sorowfuH  &  dolaunt,  &  had  grete  mmieylle,  why  & 
wherfore  they  of  the  toun  were  of  so  corageows  defense 
more  then  in  other  sawtes  tofore  gyuen  /  but  soone 
after  hys  doleur  &  sorowe  encreced'  mocrl  more,  For  4 
anthony  approuehed  in  fayre  aray.     He,  &  Eegnald 
hys  brother,  conduyted  the  first  batayH ;  and  the  kyng* 
of  Anssay,  &  his  Cousin  the  due  of  Bauyere,  leddf  the 
aryer  garde.     There  had   ye  seen  fayre  companye  of  8 
gentilmen  in  good  aray  /  the  bauers  &  standarts  dys- 
ployed  /  helmets  &  salades  wel  garnysshed  with  fyn 
gold  &  syluer,  which"  resplendysshed  fuH  clere  /  And  so 
they  cam  &  sawe  the  Cite  that  the  paynemes  assaylled,  12 
&  gaaf  grete  sawte  /  &  sawe  theire  tentes  &  pauyllons, 
where  were  grete  nombre  of  sarasyns.     The/me  made 
Anthony  his  folk  to  tary  and  be  styl  a  while,  tyl  the 
aryergarde  were  nygh  to  them  /  and  ordeyned?  archers  1 6 
&  crosbowes  to  be  vnder  the  wynges  of  hys  batayH. 
and  thewne  they  were  apperceyued?,  1and  seen  of  the 
paynemes,  which  went  &  made   knowlege    therof   to 
theire  kyng1,  sayeug1  in  this  manyere :  '  Sire,  leue  the  20 
sawte,  that  in  an  euyl  heure  was  bygonne  /  wete  it  that 
such  a  multitude  of  Cristen  peple  be  conmyng1  hither- 
ward'   that   arl   the  i'eldes  be   couered?  vrith.'     Whan 
Zelodyus   vnderstode    these    tydynges    he   was    wood'  24 
wroth,  &  gretly  abasshed',  and   lefte  the   sawte,  and 
made  the  trompettes  to  sowne   the   retrayte,  &  that 
euery  man  shuld  assemble  togidre  vnder  hys  banere. 
he  thenne  ordeyned  his  bataylles  as   he  coude   best.  28 
And  Anthony  conmanded  hys  trompettes  to  be  sowned 
for  to  bygynne  the  batayH  /  and  they  approched  the 
paynemes,  keping1  good  ordynawnce.     Thenne  bygan 
the  shotte  to  be  grete  &  thikk  as  snowe  in  the  ayer  /  32 
and  syn  the  men  of  arnies  medled?  togidre,  and  entred 
one  vpon  other,  &  valyauratly  brake  speres,  &  ouerthrew 
eche  other  as  it  happed'.     The  Cristen  fauyht  corage- 
ously  /  and  the  paynemes  wzt/istode  &  susteyned  theire  36 

CH.  XXXI.]          THE   BATTLE   WAXES   FIERCE. 


grete  stroke*  manfully.  There  was  many  sarasyn  re- 
uersed  to  thertfc  &  slayn.  Wei  assayed  the  poyteuyns 
them  self,  &  dyde  grete  faytte  of  armes  vpon  theire 
4  enemyes.  But  the  king1  Zelodyus  putte  his  sheld 
tofore  his  brest,  &  held  his  spere  alowe,  and  broched  Zeiodins  with 
his  hors  with  the  sporys,  &  rane  vpon  the  Crysten :  rushes* onthe 

,„,.,.,  '    Christians, 

and  attir   hym  folowed   xv  Mt  paynemes.     Zelodius 
8  dide  there   grete  merueytte  of  armes,  and  ouerthrew 
many  a  Cristen  to  therthe,  &  gretly  dommaged  them,   and  greatly 
For  his  folke  that  folowed  at  back  sydo  of  hym  faught  h        *"* 
meruayllously.     Thewne  cryed  the  kyng<  Zelodius  his 

12  baner:   'Lordes,  barons,  auaunce,  the  journey  is  oure,  and  cries  «tiw 
For  they  may  not  vs  escape'  /  And  they  of  poytou 
receyued   them  mocfi  hardy  fly,  and  wete  it  wel  that 
there   was    grete    losse   of    peple   of    bothe    partyes. 

16  Thenne  came  due  Anthony  -with  the  swert*  xin  his  »  foi.  1326. 
fyst  /  and  whan  he  perceyued  his  peple  recule  a  lytel,  Anthony  sees 
nygft  he  deyed  for  sorowe  /  and  cryed :  '  Lusynen ! '  trentm* ;  he 

cries  'Lusignan,' 

with  a  high  voys,  and  putte  hym  emong1  the  sarasyns  Rn<1  '•»• "» the 

20  more  hastyfully  than  thundre  falleth  fro   heuen,  and  thunder  from 


faught  &  smote  on  eche  syde  vpon  his  enemyes,  and 
ouerthrew  aH  them  that  he  recountred.  and  his  peuple 
folowed  at  back  syde  of  hym  that  were  al  wondred  of 

21  his  grete  fayttes  &  valyauntnes,  For  there  ne  was  so 

hardy  a  sarasyn  fat  durst  hym  abyde  /  but  fledd  &  The  Saracens 
reculed  vnto  theire  tentes.     And  this  seyng«  the  king* 
Zelodius,   he   cryed :    '  auaunt,  lordcs  &   barons,   and 
28  deffend?  you  /  how  is  that  for  one  man  alone  that  ye  Zelodius  up- 

braids  them, 

flee  /  it  is  to  you  grete  shame.'    And  aftir  these  wordes 

he  retourned,  &  assembled  his  peple  ayen  togidre,  and  they  miiy  and 

flght  again. 

gaaf  grete  batayl  mortal  vnto  anthony  &  the  poytevyns. 
32  Themie   came  thadmyral  vriih  ten  thousand  fighting  The  admiral 

arrives  with  ten 

men  /  and  thenne  enforced  the  batayn  ryght  horryble,   thousand  men. 

For  there  were  many  of  the  sarasyns  slayn  and  sore 



Cap.  XXXII.     How  the  king5  of  Craco  was 
slayn  in  bataylle. 

1  foi.  133.        i  fT^henne  came  the  ryerward?  that  the  kinge  of  Ans- 

The  rearguard, 

under  the  King        JL     say  and  the  Due   Ode   conduyted  bat  entred  4 

of  Anssay,  comes 

up  and  tights        vygourously  into  the  batayn,  -where  was  grete  occysyon. 


1  or  the  batayH  was  mortal  on  bothe  partes.    And  vpon 
that  arryued  Anthony  &  Eegnauld,  that  entred  by  one 
Anthony  and        assent  vpon  the  sarasyns,  making  suche  occysyon  that  8 


give  marvellous     there  ne  was  sarasyn  ne  Cristen.  but  he  meruavlled  of 


be  meruayllous  strokes  that  they  gaf.     And  in  con- 
clusyou  there  was  none  so  hardy  a  sarasyn  that  durst 
and  wherever       wz't/istand?  them,  For  wher  someu<?r  they  sawe  them  12 

they  are  they 

cause  the  Sara-     they  fledd,  and  so  strongly  faught  the  cristen  /  that 

cens  to  run. 

the  sarasyns  tourned  theire  back,  puttyng1  them  self  to 

2  foi.  133  6.       flight  /  but  the  kyng  Zelodyus  valy'2auntly  encouraged 
courages  his" folk,   &  reteyned  them  togidre.    And  wete  it  wel  that  he  dide  16 
damage.  g  grete  dowmage  to  the  Crysten.     But  whan  Eegnauld 

perceyued  the  king1  Zelodius,  that  rendred  so  grete  a 

stoure  &  batayH  rnortaH  to  hys  folke  /  he  sware  that 

he  shuld!  dye  or  he  shuld  delyuere  the  place  fro  the  20 

sarasyns  /    Thenne  tourned  he  the  targe  beliynde  and 

Regnauid  spurs     sporyd  his  hors  by  grete  yre  and  came  vpon  the  king1 

h!m.'°rs  of  Craco.     And  whan  Zelodyus  the  kynge  sawe  hym 

come  he  haunced?  hys  swerd?  and  smote  hym  vpon  his  24 
helmet  /  but  his  swerd?  glenced  doune  by  the  lyfte 
Zelodius  hurts      syde  vnto  his  thye,  &  hurted  hym  in  such"  manere  that 

him  in  the  thigh, 

the  blood  rane  vnto  his  foote  /  And  the/me  Regnauld 
bat  was  fuH  dolaunt,  wit/i  bothe  handes  lyfte  vp  his  28 
but  Regnauid       swerde  and  smote  the  kynge  Zelodyus  vpon  the  helmet 

hits  him  back, 

wttft  so  grete  yre  that  he  was  therwt't/t  astonyed,  in  so 
moche  that  the  swerd?  fell  out  of  his  hand'  and  bowed 
vpon  his  hors  neck,  and  therwit/i  brake  the  taches  of  32 
his  helmet.  And  thewne  Regnauid  retourned  &  smote 
hyrn  ayen,  and  charged  hym  with  so  many  hydouse 
strokes  that  he  moste  nede^  parforce  faH  to  thertfi. 


And  fourthwtt//  was  the  prees  grete  aboute  hym  bothe  and  thongh 
of  horses  &  men  /  but  hys  peple  came  &  socoured  con^to'dSend1" 
hym  fro  the  horses  feet  /  but  in  conclusyon  they  coude 

4  not  obteyne  nor  hym  ayde  /  but  he  was  slayne.     And  R*gnauid  »i»yi 
whan  the  sarasyns  sawe  that  they  went  to  flight  /  And  TI!"  s«mren« 
the  cristen  peple  pursiewed  fern  manfully  and  slough  J 
them  bothe  in  feldl  &  in  wodes.     And  wete  it  wel 

8  that  there  escaped  but  few,  and  thus  waa  the  batayH  and  hut  few 
fynysshed.     And  this  don  the  Cristen  lodged  them  in 
the  tenter  of  the  sarasyns.     And  the  two  brethern  /  The  Christiana 

. ,       ,  .  ,     .  take  the  camp 

the  king1  of  Anssay  and  the  Due  Ode  departed  vrit/t  of  the  Saracen*. 

12  a  C.  1knyghtes  wttA  them  toward  the  Cite,  where  as       ifoim. 
they  were  nobly  receyued,  For  the  Citezeyns  had  so  The  brethren 
grete  Joye  of  the  vyctorye  that  they  had  wonne  vpon 
the  sarasyns.     And  thenne  came  they  &  descended  at 

16  the  palays  ryatt.  Thenne  came  the  pucelle  Eglantyne 
and  recountred  her  vncle  the  king*  of  Anssay  and  aH 
his  barons. 

Cap.  XXXIII.     How  the  kynge  Zelodius  & 
20      the  other  saracyns  were  brent  and  bruyled*. 


he  pucelle  Eglantyne  was  the/me  joyfuH  &  glad  The  maid  Egian 

tine  is  glad  for 

for  the  dyscomfyture  ot  the  paynemes  and  also  of  the  victory, 
the  co/nmyng1  of  her  uncle.  But  not  withstanding  she 
24  had  sorowe  at  herte  for  the  kynge,  her  faders  deth, 
that  she  might  not  forget  it.  And  neuertheles,  whan 
she  cam  byfore  her  vncle  she  enclyned  &  honourably 
made  to  hym  her  obeyssaunce,  sayeng1 :  '  My  right  dere  She  welcome* 

her  uncle,  the 

28  vncle,  ye  be   right  welcowme  /  playsed  god  that  ye  King  of  Anwar, 
were  arryued  two  2dayes  rather,  For  thenne  ye  had      »foLi346. 
found  my  fader  on  lyue,  whiche  Zelodius  hath  slayne 
&  made  to  be  brent  &  bruled  to  the  moost  vytupere  &  an-i  teiis  him 

how  Xelixlinx 

32  shame  of  the  Catholycal  feyth.'     And  whan  the  kyng1  ha« immther 
of  Anssay  vnderstod  it  he  was  wroth  &  dolau/zt,  and 
sware  that  thus  and  in  suche  wyse  shuld  he  do  of  the  He  iweaw 



to  treat  the 
Saracens  the 
same  way. 

Their  bodies  are 
laid  in  a  heap, 

and  are  burnt ; 

but  the  bodies 
of  the  Christians 
receive  Christian 

The  King  of 
Anssay  is  woful 
lor  his  brother's 

He  has  the 
cathedral  pre- 
pared for  his 
brother's  obse- 
quies ; 

1  fol.  135. 

and  goes  toward 
the  Saracens 

where  the  breth- 
ren were  dividing 
the  spoil. 

The  King  of 
Anssay  tells  how 
his  brother  was 
slain  and  his 
body  burnt, 

and  how  he 
burned  the 

kynge  Zelodius  and  of  aH  the  sarasyns,  that  he  coude 
fynde  dec?  or  alyue.      And  anoon  were  cryees  made 
thrugh  the  toun,  that  of  euery  hous  one  man  shuld  goo 
in  to  the  feld?  for  to  assemble  the  deed  bodyes  of  the  4 
sarasyns   togidre   vpon   a   mormtayne,    and   that   men 
shuld  bryng1  thither  wod?  ynough  for  to  brule  &  brene 
the  corps.     And  thus  it  was  don.     And  was  the  corps 
of  Zelodyus  sette  vpon  a  stake  so  that  it  was  seen  aboue  8 
al  other  /And  so  was  the  fyre  grete  about  them  /  and 
so  they  were  al  brent  &  bruled  /  and  aft  the  deed 
bodyes  of  the  cristen  men  that  were  found'  were  buryed 
there  as  cristen  peuple  ought  to  be.     And  pese  thinges  12 
doon,  the  kyng1  of  Anssay  made  al  thing1  to  be  redy 
for  to  make  thobsequye  of  the  king1  his  brother,  and 
that  moche  honourably  as  it  is  shewed  herafter.  / 

In  this  partye,  sayth  thystorye,  that  wooful  &  sory  1C 
was   the   kyng1   of   Anssay   for   the   deth   of   his 
brother  /  but  syth  it  plesecf  god  to  be  so  he  lefte  & 
passed  his  deuel  the  best  wyse  that  he  coude.     Thap- 
pareyl  was  themie  made  for  the  obsequye  whiche  was  20 
don  in  the  Chirche  Cathedral  of  the  Cite.     And  syn 
the  kyng  of  Anssay  and  the  due  of  bauyere  1  mounted 
on  horsback  and  many  barons  of  behayne  -with  them, 
and  al  clothed?  in  black  went  toward?  the  sarasyns  tentes,  24 
where  the  two  bretheren  were  whiche  had  do  come 
per  aH  the  Sommage,  Cartes,  Cliaryotes,  &  bagage,  And 
syn  departed  among1  theire  peuple  aH:  that  they  had? 
wonne  vpon  the  paynemes  /.     Thenne  arryued  there  28 
the  kynge  of  Anssay,  the  due  Ode,  and  all  the  baronnye 
and   nobly   salued    the   two   brethern,   And   the   due 
Anthony,  &  Regnauld  hys  brother  receyued  them  joy- 
fully.    Thenne  reccounted  the  kynge  of  Anssay  to  )>e  32 
two  bretheren  how  the  kynge  ffederyk  was  slayn  in  the 
baytayli.  and  how  Zelodyus  had?  made  hys  body  to  be 
brent  in  despyt  of  aH  cristianyte  /  and  therfore  he  had 
doo  like  wise  of  Zelodyus  body  &  of  aH  the  sarasyns  36 


that  were  founde  alyue  or  deed.  And  Anthonye  J>enne 
ansuerd,  «  Oa  my  fey  th  ye  haue  don  right  wel  /  and 
veryly  kyng1  Zelodius  mysdede  ouermoche  grete  cruelte,  Anthony  thinks 

4  For  syn  a  man  is  deed  /  grete  shame  is  to  hys  enemy  cruel 
to  toucho  hym  ony  more.'     '  By  my  feyth,  sire,'  said 
the  due  of  Bauyere,  'ye  say  trouth,  but  the  kinge  of  The  duke  ode 
Anssay  is  come  hither  to  you  for  to  beseche  you  &  £  the  obJeV™ 

8  yuwr  brother  to  come  to  the  obsequye  of  the  kyng* 
Federyko    his    brother.'      And    thenne    ansuerd    the 
bretherne,  'we  shal  thither  goo  gladly.'     Thenno  they  They  agree  to 
mou7ited  on  hors  back  &  rode  toward  the  Cite,  where 
12  as  the  ladyes  and  damoysellea,  knighfes  &  squyres  /  and  an  wen 

,  0  received  in  the 

cytyzeyns  &  cowmynalte  beheld  them  fayne  and  raer-  city. 
uaylled   moche  of   the  Lyons  clawe  that  shewed   in 
AnUhonyes  cheke  /  and  preysed  mocho  his  fayre  &  wel      1  foL  1Kb. 

16  shappen  body,  and  also  of  Regnauld  hys  brother  /  and 
said  emong  themself,  '  these  two  bretheren  ben  able  for 
to  subdue  al  the  world?.'  And  thus  they  came  to  the 
chirch"  Avhere  thobsequye  shuld  be  made  and  there 

20  alyghted. 

Cap.  XXXIV.  How  the  two  brethern  were 
at  buryeng  and  obsequye  of  kynge  Fe- 
deryk  of  behayne. 

24  TTlglantine  that  was   in   the   Circa"    came    and  re- 

JLJ  couutred  the  two  bretheren,  whom  she  made  hum-  Eglantine  meet* 

111-  lit 

bly  her  obeyssauwce,  thankyng  them  mekely  of  theire  the  church,  ami 

J  J  J    '  J  thnnka  them  fur 

noble  socours  that  they  had  doo  to  her,  For  they  had  «*viug  her. 

28  saued  her  honour,  her  lyf,  and  her  land.     And  thenne 
anthony  ansuerd  humbly  to  her,  sayeng*,  'Damoyselle, 
2  We  haue  nought  doo  but  that  we  ought  to  doo,  For       *  M.  IM. 
euery  good  cristen  is  hold  &  bound  aftir  the  playsire 

32  of  god  toppresse  &  dystroye  thcuemyes  of  God.'  The 
pucelle  was  there  nobly  acowpanyed  of  the  ladyes  & 
daiuoyselle*-  of  the  land,  thobsequye  was  honourably  & 


THE   BARONS   OF    PRAGUE   IN    COUNCIL.       [cH.  XXXIV. 

After  the  service, 
which  is  nobly 

the  brethren 
convey  Eglantine 
to  the  palace, 

where  they  have 

The  King  of 
Anssay  calls 
the  barons  of 
the  land, 

and  tells  them 
they  must  take 
council  how  to 
govern  the 

They  say  that 
in  his  presence 
they  must  not 

fol.  136  6. 

He  advises  them 
to  marry  their 

They  ask  the 
king  to  seek  her 
a  worthy  man. 

nobly  doon  as  it  apparteyned  to  suche  a  noble  kyng1  as 
he  was.      And  after  the  seruyse  fynysshed  the  two 
bretheren  mounted  on  theire  horses,  and  theire  meyne 
also,  and   conueyed   the   pucelle   Eglantyne  vnto   the  4 
paleys  where  they  descended,  &  syn  mounted  in  to  the 
haH  where  the  tables  were  redy  couered.  /  and  the;me 
they  wesshe  theire  handes  &  satte  at  dyner  /  and  syn 
were  nobly  seruyd'  &  festyed  /  and  after  dyner  the  tables  8 
were  voyded  &  take  vp  &  wesshe  handes  /  and  syn  fey 
conueyed  Eglantyne  vnto  her  chambre,  fat  was  euer 
sorowful  for  her  faders  deth.     And  f>e?me  the  kinge  of 
Anssay  called  to  hym  al  the  barownye  of  the  land?,  &  12 
said  to  them  in  this  manyere  : 

'  T   ordes,  barons,  ye  muste  CounseyH  emong1  you,  & 
_L^    take  yoz^r  best  aduys  how  ye  myght  haue  a 
valyaunt  man  for  to  gouerne  the  royawme,  For  the  land'  16 
which"  is  in  the  guydyng  &  gouernawnce  of  a  woman 
only  is  not  surely  kept.     Now,  loke  thenne  what  best 
is  for  the  prouffyt  &  honour  of  my  cousyne  Eglantine, 
&  for  )?e  common  wele  of  this  land?.'     Thewne  ansuerd?  20 
one  for  them  alle  &  sayd :  '  Sire,  we  knowe  none  that 
oughte  to  medle  hymself  therwzt/j  tofore  you,  For  yf 
yoMr  Cousyn  were  passed  out  of  this  mortal  lyf,  that 
god  forbede,  al  the  royalme  of  Eehayne  shuld  appar-  24 
teyne  to  you.    Whe^for  we  al  bes[e]che  you  that  therto 
ye  puruey  after  yowr  playsire.'     The?zne  ansuerd'  the 
king,  &  thus  said :   '  Sire,  as  touching  my  personne,  I 
may  not  long  abyde  \vith  you  to  be  rewler  &  protectozo-  28 
of  this  land!,  For  thanked  be  god  I  haue  land  ynoughe 
to  entreteyne  myn  estate  wt't/i  /  but  in  conclusyon  lete 
my  cousyn  take  some  valiaimt  man  to  her  lurd',  that 
shal  deffende  the  land'  ayenst  the  enemyes  of  god'.'  32 
Thenne  ansuered  the  barons  fourthe  wz't/t,  '  Sire,  yf  it 
plaise  you  J>at  yoz^r  Cousyn  be  rnaryed,  seke  for  her 
some  noble  &  worthy  man  to  be  her  lord'  &  oure,  For 
tofore  you  none  of  vs  oughte  to  medle  wz't/iaH.'    Thenne  36 


ansuerd*  the  kyng  in  this  manere,  '"We  the/me  shal   He  promise,  to 

, .  .         -  Hud  one, 

purueye  tlierto  to  her  honoztr  &  prounyt  &  to  yours  and  leaves  to 

Bjieak  to  his 

also  /  and  that  anoone,  J  or  I  go  to  spoke  wit//  her  for  cousin  on  the 


4  this  cause.'     The  kynge  therane  departed  and  came  in 
to  the  Chambre  where  his  Cousin  was,  that  moche  hum-  Phe  receives  him 
bly  receyued  hym.     And  the  kyng1  said  to  her  in  this 
manere,  '  Fay  re  cousyne,  thankyng*  to  god  yowr  affayres 

8  be  now  in  good  party,  For  your  land  is  delyuered1  fro 
the  paynemes  by  the  puyssaunce  of  god  &  of  the  two 
brethern  of  Lusynen.  Xow  it  muste  be  aduysed  &  HO  toils  her  that 

,  the  way  must  be 

sene  how  best  your  rea?«ne  may  be  guyded  in  good  found  h»w  i*st 

to  govern  the 

12  gouernauwce  to  your  prounyt  &  honour,  and  of  yo?nr  land, 
peuple  also.'     Thenne  ansuerd!  the  mayden,  '  My  right 
dere  vncle,  I  ne  hane  noon  of  CounseyH  &  comfort  but 
you  /  so  I  requyre  you  that  of  good  remedye  ye  pur-  The  maid  asks 

his  advice. 

1C  ueye  therto.     And  conuenable  &  lawful  it  is  that  I 
obey  you  more  than  ony  other  personne  in  the  world1, 
&  so  wyl  I  doo.'     Thewne  had  the  kynge  pite  on  l  her       » foL  137. 
&   said,   '  Fayre   Cousyn,    we    haue    alredy   purueyed 

20  therto  /  ye  muste  be  maryed  to  suche  a  man  that  can   He  says  she  must 

get  married. 

kepe  and  deffende  you  &  your  land  ayenst  alle  enemyes, 
tlie  which  is  fayre,  noble,  &  valyaunt  damoyseau,  & 
not  ferre  hens.'      '  Certaynly,'  ansuerd*  the    pucelle. 
24  'Dere  vncle,  wel  I  knowe  for  certayn  that  ye  wold1  She  answers 

that  Mie  knows 

neuer  CounseyH:  me  fat  thing1  but  it  were  to  my  grete  i»    'v«»  g«»d 
honour  &  proffit,  and  for  the  commyn  wele  of  all  my 
land  /  but  ryght  dere  vncle,  I  to  be  maryed  so  soone 
28  after  my  faclers  decesse  /  shuld  not  shewe  semblaunt  of 

duevH   for   his   deth.      "\Vherfor  me   semeth    I   were  but  she  thinks 

•^  she  should  n<>t 

blamed  to  doo  soo  /  and  suche  shuld  shew  to  me  fayre 
semblaimt  byfore  me,2  that  wold  moke  me  at  a  pryvy 
32  place  /.' 

To  that  ansuerd*  the  king1,  &  said  :  '  My  right  fayre 
Cousyn,  of   two   euylle^  men  ought  to   choose  <££**  f»e  lesser 
the  lasse,  whan  nedes  muste  one  be  had.     But,  fayre 
2  Fr.  qui  en  tendroit  mains  de  comjite  derriere. 



He  would  like  to 
wait  to  be  at  her 

but  he  lives  afar 

Then  the 
brethren  must 
be  rewarded, 

but  half  of  her 
kingdom  would 
not  be  sufficient 
for  this, 

1  fol.  137  6. 
and  she  is  not 
worthy  to  have 
Regnauld  as 
her  lord. 

Then  the  maid 
was  ashamed, 

and  told  her 
uncle  to  do 
with  her  and  her 
kingdom  as  he 
thought  best. 

The  King  bids 
her  cease  weep- 

He  goes  to  the 

Cousyn,  it  is  \vel  trouth,  that  who  rayght  goodly  tary 
the  day  of  yottr  weddyng1  it  were  your  honour  /  but 
what,  fayre  Cousyn,  my  dwelling  place  is  ferre  hens  / 
and  here  I  may  not  make  long1  soiourne,  wtt/iout  my  4 
grete  doomage,  as   wel  of   other   mens  goodes  as  of 
myn.     Also  the  two  bretheren  most  be  recompensed!  & 
rewarded  of  theire  noble  socours,  outhre  of  my  goodes 
or  of  yours  /  and  some  saith  that  bettre  is  to  haue  8 
more  of  prouffyt  &  lasse  honowr.     And  to  say  that  ye 
coude  recompense  them  as  they  oughte  to  be,  by  raison 
of  the  grete  curtoysye  by  them  shewed  vnto  you ;  the 
half  of    your  royame   shuld   not   suffise.     And   oner  12 
more,  fayre  Cousyne,  wete  it  that  ye  be  not  to  suffy- 
saunt  xfor  to  haue  suche  &  so  noble  a  man  to  your  lord 
as  is  Regnauld?  of  Lusynen,  For  in  certayn  he  is  wel 
worthy  to  marye  the  gretest  lady  in  the  work?.     "What  16 
for  his  noble  lynee,  as  for  his  bounte,  beaute,  &  noble 
prowesse.'     Whan  the  noble  pucelle  Eglantyne  vnder- 
stode  the  kyng1  her  vncle,  she  was  shamfuH  &  hontows  / 
and  on  that  other  part,  she  consydery/fg1  the  daunger  20 
where  bothe  she  &  her  peple  had  be  &  myght  be  wyst 
neuer  what  to  say,  and  bygane  to  wepe  /  but  at  last 
she  ansuerd?  in  this  manere  :  '  right  dere  vncle,  aH  my 
trust,  my  hoop  &  comfort  is  in  god  &  in  you,  wherfor  24 
doo  wit/i  me  &  wz'tA  my  reawnie  what  it  playse  you '  / 
1  Fayre  Cousyn,'  said  the  kyng1,  '  ye  say  right  wel  /  and 
I  swere  you  by  my  feyth,  that  nothing  I  shal  say  in 
this  party  ne  doo,  but  that  it  shal  be  for  the  best.  28 
Now  therene,  noble  Cousyne,  seace  your  wepyng1,  & 
delyuere  you  of  this  affayre,  For  the  more  long1  that 
these  baronye  vrith  theire  peple  that  be  in  nombre  xv. 
M1.  be  soiowrnyng1  in  yowr  land?  the  greter  dowmage  32 
shal  ye  haue.'    And  she  that  wel  knewe  he  said  trouth, 
ansuerd4  to  hym  in  this  manere  :  '  Dere  vncle,  doo  ther- 
of  al  you?  playsyre.'     Theraie  came  the  kynge  in  to 
the  grete  halle  where  the  two  brethern  were,  &  the  36 


baronye   vrith   them,    and   said    to   Anthony   in    this 

manyere  :    '  noble   Due,  vouchesaf  to  understand"  my  and  asks  An- 

...  thony  to  make 

wordes,  the  barons  of  this  land1  that  bo  here  present,  w«  brother 

marry  Eglantine 

4  besecfi   yowr   good  grace  /  &  as  touching  my  self,  I 

hertyly  praye  you  that  it  plese  you,  that  Regnauld  yot/r 
brother  be  king1  of  this  royalme,  and  that  he  take 
Eglantyiie  my  Cousyn  to  his  lady  /  prayeng*  hym  that 
8  he  this  wyl  not  refuse,  For  the  barons  of  the  land 
desire  hym  moche  to  be  theire  lord.'  '  Sire,1  ansuerd 
anthony,  'this  requeste  is  worthy  to  be  grauuted,  &  Anthony  agree*. 
also  shal  it  be.  Doo  hither  come  the  noble  da1moy-  *  foi  m 

12  selle.'    And  fourth  wt't/t  the  kynge  &  the  Due  Ode 
yede  &  fette   the  pucelle,  and  despoylled  her  of  her 
dueyl  &  black   clothing*  /  and   syn  was   arayed1   ful  The  maid,  richly 
rychely   of  her  noblest   raymentes,  and   acompanyed 

16  with  her  ladyes  &  damoyselles,  she  was  conueyed  by  is  brought  before 

*     the  lord*  and  U* 

the   forsaid    lordes  vnto    the   presence   of   the   noble  two  brethren. 
bretheren,   whiche    merueylled    moche    of    her    grete 
beaute  /  and  she  humbly  enclyned  byfore  them,  mak- 
20  yng   her  obeyssaunce.      Thenne   bygan   the   king1  of 
Anssay  to  speke,  &  thus  said  / 

oble  Due  of  Lucembourgh,  hold  ye  to  vs  yowr  The  King  a*k§ 

.  Anthony  to  keep 

couuenawntes  ;  this  is  wherof  we  wyl  hold  oure  his  promise. 
24  promesse.'   '  For  sooth,'  said  Anthony,  '  it  is  wel  reason. 

cofne  hither  Eegnauld  brother,  receyue  this  pucelle  to  Anthony  c*n« 

i   i      T-.       i_          i    .LI.  i  *  -L.  \.         i  on  R«fn>«nld  to 

yowr  lady,  For  she  maketh   you  kynge  of  behayne.    take  the  maid 

Thenne  said  Eegnauld,  in   heryng1  of   alle  that  were 
28  there  present  /  '  thankyng1  be  to  god,  to  the  kynge,  & 
to  aH  the  baronye  of  this  lande,  of  the  grete  honowr 
that  they  doo  to  me.     For  yf  thys  noble  pucelle  had  RegnanM  ac- 

cepts  her  for  her 

not  one  foot  of  lamJ,  yet  wold  I  not  reffuse  her  loue  merits,  not  for 

her  lands, 

32  to  haue  her  to  my  lady,  after  the  lawes  of  god  requyren. 

For  with  thayde  of  almighty  god,  I  hoop  to  conquere  and  says  he 

hopes  to  conquer 

ynoughe   to   hold1   &   entreteyne   therw/t/i   her   noble  still  more. 
estate  '  /  '  Fayre  brother,'  said  J)e?zne  anthony  /  '  ye  say 
raison  /  this  roya?*me  ye  haue  wonne  alredy  /  god  yeue 




Anthony  hopes 
that  he  will. 
The  bishop 
comes  and  af- 
fiances Regnauld 
and  Eglantine ; 
after  that  the 
feast  is  great, 
and  the  towns- 
folk make  much 
[i  MS.  the  the] 

2  fol.  138  6. 
Rich  robes  are 
made  for  the 

The  maid  is  led 
to  the  tents, 

good  watch  is 

and  a  good  sup- 
per is  served 

before  bedtime. 

you  grace  to  subdue  &  conquere  other  reames  &  landes 
vpon  her  enemyes.'     And  in  conclusyon,  the  bysshop 
was  sent  for,  &  assured  them  togidre.    And  syn  bygane 
the1  feest  sumptuous  &  grete,  For  soone  it  was  knowen  4 
thrugh  al  the  toun,  wherof  the  peple  made  grete  joye  / 
and  were  the  stretes  hanged  wiih  ryche  clothes,  &  grete 
&  noble  apparayH  was  there  made,  as  to  suche  a  feste 
appeHeyned  /  and  was  ordeyned   that   the  weddyng1  8 
shuld  be  hold?  in  the  feldf  wit/an  the  chief  pauillon. 
Many  riche  rayrnents  &  robes  were  made  what  2for  the 
spouse  /  as  for  the  ladyes  &  damoyselles.     That  nyght 
passed,  and  on  the  morne  on  which  day  they  shuld  J2 
be  espoused  /  the  pucelle  nobly  was  conueyed'  &  ledd 
vnto  the  tentes,  whiche  were  al  of  cloth  of  gold'  /  And 
that  night  was  good  watche  made  as  fe  enemyes  had 
be  nygh  to  them  /  and  there  the  feste  encressed,  &  16 
were  honourably  seruyd  at  souper.     And  whan  tyme 
was,  euery  one  went  to  bed  vnto  the  morow  erly,  when 
Aurora  shone  clere.  / 

At  day  spring 
many  ladies 
accompany  the 
spouse  to  mass. 

3  fol.  139. 

•where  the  bishop 
solemnly  es- 
pouses Regnauld 
and  Eglantine. 
They  return  to 
the  pavilion  to 

Cap.    XXXV.       How    Eegnauld    espoused  20 
Eglantyne,    daughter    to    the    kynge    of 
Behayne.  / 

Here  sheweth  thistorye,  &  sayth  that  whan  the  day 
spryng1  appiered,  &  the  day  was  ful  fay  re  &  clere,  24 
the  spouse  nobly  &  rychely  arayed  in  her  robes  of  cloth" 
of  gold,  &  fourred'  with  Ermynes,  &  purfylled'  aH:  \vith 
precyows   stones,  accompanyed  with   grete   nombre  of 
ladyes  &  damoy3selles,  was  right  honourably  conueyed  28 
vnto  the  place  where  as  the  masse  shuld'  be  sayd? ;  and 
solemply  the  bysshop  espoused  them  here  /  and  aftir 
the  masse,  she  retourned  to  the  pauyllon  with  al  the 
noble  baronye  with  her,  where  they  fond'  al  apparaylled  32 
&  redy  to  dyner.     They  were  ful  wel  &  nobly  seruyd 
of  al  thinges  that  to  suche  a  feste  be  requysite  &  con- 


uenable.     And  after  they  had  dyned,  graces  were  said, 
&   wesshe   theire   handes,   and   syn   were    the    tables  after  which  ther 
voyded1,  thanne  bygane  they  to  dawnce  &  to  make  grete  great  joy? 
4joye.  / 

Cap.  XXXVI.     How  the  knights  &  esquyers 
jousted  after  dyner. 

Thistorye  sayth  that  after  the  daunce  was  seaced  the 
ladyes  &  damoyselles  mounted  vpon  the  scafolde*. 
Thewne  cam  the  knighte*  rychely  armed,  <k  bygan  to  The  knighu  b«- 

gin  to  joust; 

jouste  /  trompettes  sowned,  &  knighte*  reuersed  eche 

other  /  but  none  might  wt't/istand  the  noble  bretheren,   the  two  brethren 

,  cannot  be  over- 

12  but  he  was  ouerthrow,  bothe  hors  &  man  /  so  that  no  thrown. 
man  dide  there  nought  l  to  the  regarde  of  theire  prowes.       i  foi.  139  6. 
Wherfore,  they  seyng  that  the  ioustes  affeblysslrid  for 
cause  of  them,  they  departed  fro  the  lystes  <fc  toke  of 

16  theire  armeures  /  and  syn  dured  the  jousting*  tyl  tyme 


of  souper  came.  And  thenne  the  jousts  seaced,  and 
the  knights  &  squyers  departed,  &  went  &  dysarmed 
them.  Thewne  mynestrels  with  dyuerse  Instruments  Minstrels  puy 

while  it  is  served. 

20  of  musiqwe  sowned  &  played  melodyously  the  first 
cours  of  the  souper  /  &  syn  they  were  nobly  serued  of 
al  maner  wynes  /  and  after  souper  they  daunced.  But 
whan  tyme  was,  the  spouse  was  ledd  to  bed1  with  grate  After  some  daiic- 

*  ing  the  spouse 

24  honour   &  Joye.      And   anone   after   came   Regnauld  j1 
there,  whiche  went  to  bed  with  the  pucelle.     The/me  R*8>»«id. 
voyded  euery  one  the  chambre  /  some  to  theire  rest  / 
some  retourned  to  the  damice  /  some  sang1,  &  other 

28  made  grete  reueyH.  Regnauld,  thenne  that  laye  nigh 
Eglantyne,  swetly  embraced  &  kyssed  her  /  and  she 
to  hym  moche  humbled  her  self,  sayeng  in  this  man«re  : 

'  My  lord  redoubted,  ne  had  be  the  grace  of  god  /  yowr  Eglantine  de- 

clares that  till 
32  curtovsye  &  prowes,  this  poure  orphelym  had  be  /  no  prowess  has 

J   •  saved  her  from 

doubt  of  /  exilled,  desolat,  &  lost.     Wherfor,  my  ryght  exile, 
redoubted  lord,  I  yeld  thankyng*  to  god,  &  to  you  also 



AN   HEIR   BORN    TO   ANTHONY.       [CH.  XXXVI. 

and  thanks  him 
for  making  her 
his  wife. 

Rpgnald  declares 
she  has  done 
more  for  him 
than  he  for  her. 

1  fol.  140. 

He  begets 

who  became 
famous  for  deeds 
of  arms. 

In  the  morning 
before  dinner 
letters  are 
brought  to  An- 
thony from 

whu'h  tell  of  the 
birth  of  a  fair 

that  haue  dayned  to  take  to  yo?/r  wyf  her  that  was 
vnworthy   therto.'     '  By   my   fayth,'    said    Regnauld, 
'dere  herte,  &   my  best  beloued,  ye   haue  do   moche 
more  for  me  than  euer  I  dide  ne  possible  is  to  me  to  4 
doo  for  you  /  sene  &  consydered  the  noble  yefte  youen 
by  you  to  me  /  that  is  yo^r  noble  lady  /  and  yet  besyde 
that  of  yowr  noble  royame  ye  haue  endowed  me  /  and 
with  me  nought  ye  haue  take  /  sauf  only  my  symple  8 
body.'     Therm  e  ansuered  Eglantyne,  &  said  /  '  Ha  / 
noble  lord,  yo?tr  valyaunt  body  is  derer  to  me  &  bettre 
worth  than  ten  other  suche  royames  as  myn  is  /  & 
more  it  is  to  be  preysed.'     Of  Hheire  wordes  1  wyl  12 
seace  /  but  that  nyght  was  begoten  of  them  a  noble 
sone  that  was  named  Olyphart  /  he  made  in  tyme  after- 
ward grete  faytte  of  armes,  and  subdued  &  gate  al  the 
low   niarche  of  holland?   &   Zelandl,  Vtreyght,  &  the  16 
Koyame  of  Danemarche  /  and  al  the  partyes  of  North- 
weghe  also.     On  the  morne  the  day  was  fayre  &  clere. 
Thewne  was  the  noble  lady  Eglantyne  ledd  to  here  the 
masse  /  and  al  the  baronye,  ladyes  &  damoyselles,  acorn-  20 
panyed  her  thitherward.     And  after  the  mass  was  doo, 
they  retourned  to  the  ryche  pauyllon  /  and  as  they  were 
redy  to  sette  fern  at  dyner  /  came  there  two  knightis 
fro  Lucembourgh,  that  brought  letties  to  Due  Anthony  24 
from  the  Duches  Crystyne  his  wyf  /  the  whiche  after 
theire  obeyssaunce  honourably  made,  said  to  hym  in 
this  wise :   '  My  lord,  ye  oughte  to  take  grete  joye  / 
For  my  lady  the  Duches  is  brought  to  bed  of  the  most  28 
fay  rest  sone  that  euer  was  seen  in  no  land?.'     '  Now, 
fayre  lordes,'  said  anthony,  '  blessid  be  god  therof  /  and 
ye  be  right  welcome  to  me '  /  &  syn  toke  the  le^res. 

Thistorye    sayth    that    anthony,    Due    of    Lucem-  32 
bourgh,  was  joyful  &  glad  of   these   tydynge^, 
and  so  was  his  brother  Regnauld'.     Thenne  opened  he 
the  le^res,  wherof  the  tenour  was  acording1  to  that  the 
knightes   had  said.     Thewne  made  anthony  moche  of  36 

en.  xxxvi.]     REGNALD'S  AUXILIARIES  DEPART.  243 

them,  gyuyng  to  them  grete  yeftes  of  ryches.     Thenno  Anthony  give, 

he  satte  hym  at  dyner  nygh  to  Eglantyne  /  and  dured  great  gifu. 

the  feest   eyght   days,  sumptuouso  &  open   houshold1.  The  feast  last. 
4  And  whan  the  feste  was  fynysshed,  they  reentred  in  to 
the  Cite  wit/i  gret  honour  &  joye.     And  on  the  morne 

next  the  kyng<  of  Anssay  /  Anthony  <fc  the  Due  Ode,  &  Anthony,  the 

King  of  Anaiiay, 

al  theire  baronye  toke  theire  leue  of  l  Regnauld1  &  of  * foi.  HO  6. 

8  Eglantyne,  whiche  were  dolaunt  of   theire  departing1,  uke  leave  of  ° 
And   anthony  made   couenaunt   wt't/t    Regnauld1    hys 

brother,  that  yf   the  paynemes  made  ony  moo  werre  Anthony  pro- 

wit/i  hym,  he  shuld1  come  &  aB  his  barownye  wt't/<  hym  him  against  the 


1 2  to  ayde  &  helpo  hym.  And  the  kyng1  Regnauld  thanked 
hym  moch".  And  echo  of  them  thanked  &  kyssed  echo 
other  at  departyng*  /  Soo  long*  marched  thoost  bat  they  They  march  to 

J     Moucliine,  where 

came  to  Mouchyne2  in  Bauyere  /  &  lodged  them  in  a  tll«  Dtik-e  fea»t« 

them,  and 

16  fayre  medowe  nygh  the  toun.  There  the  Due  Ode 
festyed  them  right  honourably  the  space  of  thre  dayes  / 
and  on  the  foureth  day  they  departed  &  toke  theire  on  the  fourth  day 

they  march 

leue  of  the  Due  Ode  /  and  rode  so  long*  tyl  [they]3  again. 
20  came  a  day  journey  nygh  to  Coloyne.     And  there  the  They  arrive  near 


foure  knightes  that  conduyted  the  Coloyners  auawiced 
them  self  byfore  Due  Anthony,  &  to  him  said  in  this 
maiiere :  '  My  lord,  it  is  best  that  we  hast  vs  byfore 
24  you  toward  the  toun,  to  apparayH  &  make  al  thing* 
redy  for  your  passage.'  '  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  Due 
Anthonye,  'that  playseth  me  wel.'  Thenne  departed  The  four  knight* 

go  in  advance  to 

the  foure  knighte^  &  theire  men  with  them,  &  rode  Cologne  and 

28  tyl  they  came  to  the  Cite  of  Coloyne,  where  they  were  are  joyfully  re- 
receyued  vrith  Joye  /  and  the  Cytezeyns  &  gouemours 

of  the  cyte  demanded  of  them  how  they  had  exployted 

in  theire  vya^e  /  And  they  recounted  to  them  ali  the  They  tell  the 

J   °    '  J  new.  of  the  ex- 

32  trouth  of  the  fayte  and  the  valyauntnes  &  noble  prowes  pedition. 

of  the  two  brethern  /  &  how  regnauld  was  made  kyng 

[of]  Behayne.    And  whan  they  of  Coloyne  4understode        «foLui. 

, ,  The  Cologne  rs 

them   they  were   ryght   glad  &  joyous,  sayeng   they  are  glad 

2  Fr.  Muchln.         3  MS.  has  day. 

R  2 



to  have  the 
friendship  of 
such  noble  lords. 

Anthony  and  the 
king  arrive  at 

They  are  nobly 

and  promise  the 
their  succour  if 
it  should  be 

Anthony  arrives 
near  Luxem- 

Christine  is  joy- 
ful at  her  lord's 

«  foL  141  6. 

His  people  re- 
ceive him  with 
shouts  of  wel- 

He  feasts  the 
King  of  Anssay 
and  frees  him 
from  all  his  obli- 
gations except 
the  founding  of 
the  priory. 

were  wel  happy  &  ewrows1  to  haue  acquyred  the  loue 
&  good  wyH  of  two  lordes  of  so  grete  valeur.     And 
thenne  they  made  grete  apparayH  for  to  receyue  the 
Due  Anthony,  and   the   king1  of  Anssay  with  theire  4- 
barony e.     Soo  long*  rode  thoost  that  they  came  to  Co- 
loyne,  where  the  Cytezeyns  cam  &  mete  hem  honour- 
ably /  and  to  the  prynces  they  made  grete  reuerence, 
prayeng  them  that  they  wold  be  lodged  that  nyght  8 
wit/an   the   toun,  where   they  were   nobly  festyed  & 
honourably    seruyd    at    souper.     And    on    the    morn 
Anthony  &  his  oost  passed  ouer  the  Ryn,  and  toke  his 
leue  of  them  of  Coloyne,  whiche  he  thanked  moche,  12 
sayeng  :  '  yf  they  were  in  ony  wyse  oppressed  by  theire 
enemyes  he  wold'  be  euer  redy  for  tayde  &  socoure  them 
after  hys  power.'     Wherof  they  thanked  hym  moche. 
Thewne  the  Due  Anthony  &  the  king  of  Anssay  dyde  16 
so  moche  by  theire  journeys,  that  on  an  euen  they 
came  &  lodged  them  in  the  medow  nygh"  by  Lucem- 
bourgh.  / 

The  duchesse  Cristyne  was  replenysshed  with  joye,  20 
whan  she  knew  the  commyng  of  her  lord  anthony  / 
and  immedyatly  she,  nobly  acompanyed,  yssued  out  of 
the  toun  /  and  aH  the  noble  cyteseyns  folowed  her  to 
mete  with  theire  lord,  the  whiche  they  recountred  a  24 
half  a  myle  fro  the  toun.     What  shal  I  say  /  greter 
joye  was  neuer  sene  than  that  was  made  for  the  retourne 
of  Due  Anthony.     The  Duchesse  made  humbly  her 
obeyssauwce  vnto  hym  /  and2hertyly  welco?wmed  hym.  28 
The    peuple   cryed   on    hye   for   Joye,   sayeng    thus : 
'welcomrae  owr  lord  ryght  redoubted.'     The  joye  was 
grete  thrugh  the  toun  where  the  Due  festyed  the  kynge 
of  Anssay  by  the  space  of  six  dayes  contynuelly,  &  for-  32 
gaf  &  rendred  to  hym  aH  his  obligac/ons,  and  held'  hym 
quytte  /  except  the  Foundacion  of  the  pryore,  where  as 
sowles  shuld  be  prayed  for  /  for  the  loue  of  Eegnault 
1  Fr.  eurenx. 


his  brother.     And  the  kinge  of  Anssay  thanked  hym  Anssay  thank* 
nioche,  &  toke  his  leue  of  hym  /  departed,  &  came  in  wards  return*  to 

his  country. 

Anssay,  where  as  he  was  receyued  wz't/i  joye  /  And  the 
4  Due  anthony  abode  wi't/i  the  Duchesse  Cristyne,  on 
whom  he  gate  a  sone  that  same  yere  which  was  clepid  Anthony  begeti 


Locher,  whiche  afterward  delyuered  the  Countrey  of  who  frees  AT. 

dennes  from 

Ardane  fro  thevys,  murdrers,  &  robbeure  ;  and  in  the  thieves, 
8  wodes  there  he  founded  an  abbeye,  and  endowed  it 
vfith  grete  pocessyons  /  And  he  also  dyde  doo  make 
the  bridge  of  Masyeres  vpon  the  ryuere  of  Meuze,  and 
many  other  fortresses  in  the  basse  marche  of  holland  /  and  build*  for- 

::•    H  -, 

12  and  dyde  many  fayre  fayttes  of  armes  wtt/i  the  king1  and  doe«  feat*  of 

3     arms  along  with 

Olyphart  of  behayne,  that  was  his  Cousyn,  &  sone  to  hih\rtUfiB^>U 
kyng1  Eeguauld.     It  happed  not  long  after  the  kyngo  "ewl^ 
of  Anssay  was  retourned  in  to  his  royame,  that  warre 
16  meuyd  betwix  hym  &  the  Due  of   austeryche  &  the 

[Erie]  of  Fyerbourgh.     wherfor  he  besought  the  Due  The  King  of  Ans- 
Anthony  for   socour,  that   cladly  obtempered  to   his  of  Anthony 

against  his  CO* 

requeste,  in  so  moche  that  he  toke  by  force  of  armcs  «"^«- 
20  the  Erie  of  Fyerbourgh  /  and  syn  passed  in  Austeryche,        >  foL  142. 
where  he  dyscomfyted  the  Due  in  batayH,  and  made   Anthony  as»i»u 


hym  to  be  pacyfyed  with  the  kynge  of  Anssay,  to  the 
grete  proutfyt  &  honozir  of  the  kinge.     And  bertrand 

24  theldest  sone  of  the  Due  Anthony,  was  assured  with  Bertrand  is  as- 

sured to  Melydee, 

Melydee  the  sayd   king*  of  Anssays  doughter  /  the 

whiche  Bertrand  afterward  was  kynge  of  anssay,  and 
hys  brother  Locher  was  Due  of  Lucembourgh,  after 

28  the  decesse  of  the  Due  Anthony  hys  fader.  But  of 
this  matere  I  wyl  no  more  speke  at  this  tyme  /  but  shal 
retourne  to  speke  of  Melusyne  <fe  of  Raymondyn,  and 
of  theire  other  children.  / 

32  TVTow  sayth  thystorye,  that  Raymondyn  by  hys  no-  Raymondin  con- 

X^  quera  great  coun- 

Ll    blenes  &  ejrete  vasselage  conquerc?  grete  coun-  tries,  and  many 

barons  <lo  noin- 

trees  /  and  to  hym  many  barons  dyde  homage  vnto  the  £pB£t££yUn 
land  of  Brytayne.     And  Melusyne  had  two  yere  after  Meiusine  bears 

two  sons,  Froy* 

36  that  two  sones,  the  first  was  named  Froymond,  that  mood, 

246  GEFFRAY   WITH   THE   GREAT   TOOTH.       [CH.  XXXVI. 

entierly  louyd  holy  Chirch",  and  that  was  wel  shewed  in 
who  became  a       his  ende,  For  he  was  prof  essid?  monke  in  to  thabbeye 
of  Maillezes,  wherof  there  befeH  a  grete  &  an  horryble 
myschief,  as  ye  shal  here  heraf ter  by  thystorye  /  and  4 
the  other  child  that  they  had  the  yere  folowyng1  was 
and  Theoderick.    named  Theodoryk,  the  whiche  was  ryght  batayllows. 
Here  I  shal  leue  to  speke  of  the  two  children  /  and  I 
Geffray  with  the    shal  shewe  you  of  Geffray  wi't/i  the  arete  toth",  that  8 

Great  Tooth  was 

the  most  enter-     was  yroz<s  &  hardy  /  &  most  enterpryse  dide  of  aH  hys 

prising  of  all  his  *  J 

brethren.  bretheren.      And  wete   it  wel   that   the   said   geffray 

1  foi.  142  6.       doubted  neuer  man  /  And  thystorye  l  sheweth,  &  the 

true  Cronykle  that  he  f aught  ayenst  a  knight,  that  was  12 
gendred  with  a  spyryte  in  a  medowe  nygh  by  Lusynen, 
as   ye  shal  here  herafter.      It  is  trouth  that  thercne 

He  hears  tidings    Geffray  was  grete  &  ouergrowen  /and  herde  tydynrres 

that  the  people  J    J    ' 

of  Garande  win     that  there  was  in  Garande  peple  that  wold  not  obey  to  16 

not  pay  his  father 

their  tribute.        hys  fader  /  theraie  sware  Geffray  by  the  good  lord 

that  he  shuld*  make  them  to  come  as  reason  requyreth, 

He  goes  to  Gar-    and  to  do  that  he  toke  leue  of  hys  fader,  that  was  right 

ancle  against  his 

father's  will.        wroth  of  hys  departyng  /  and  had  with  hyni  to  the  20 
nombre  of  fyue  houndred  men  of  armes,  and  a  houndred 
balesters,  and  so  went  in  to  Garande  /  and  anoone  en- 
quyred  after  them  that  were  dysobedyent  /  and  they 
that  held  the  party  of  Eaymondyn  shewed  hym  the  24 

Raymondin's        Fortresse  where  they  were,  &  armed  them  to  goo  with 

partizans  there 

offer  to  help  hym  to  helpe  to  dystroye  hys  enemyes.  '  By  my  feyth, 
fayre  lordes,'  sayd  Geffray  with  the  grete  toeth  /  '  ye 

He  thanks  them,   are  ryght  true  &  loyal  peuple  /  &  I  thanke  you  of  28 

but  declines  their  thono?<r  that  ye  proffre  me  /  but  as  for  this  tyme  pre- 
sent I  shall  not  nede  you,  For  I  haue  men  of  armes 
ynough  for  taccomplyssh  myn  enterpryse.'  '  For  soothe, 
sire,  ye  haue  more  to  doo  than  ye  suppose,  For  yowr  32 

They  tell  him  his   enemyes  ben  ryght  strong  &  of  meruayllows  courage,  & 

enemies  are  very  J 

powerful.  they  be  frendes  &  cousyns,  and  of  the  grete  &  moost 

noble  blood'  of  al  the  Countree.'     '  Fayre  sires,'  said 
Geffray,  '  doubte  you  not,  For  thrughe  thayde  of  god  36 


omnipotent  I  shal  the  matere  1wel  redresse.    And  \veto       Uoi.  143. 
it  wel  there  shal  be  none  so  myghty  /  but  I  shal  make  Geffrey  says  he 

.  ,  ,  will  compel  hit 

them  to  obeyo  my  coramandement  or  to  deye  of  an  euyl  enemies  to  obey. 

4  deth.  And  also,  fayre  lordes  &  true  frendes,  yf  I  nede 
you  I  shaH  send1  for  you  '  /  And  they  ansuerd,  '  we  are 
now  al  redy,  and  also  shal  we  be  at  al  tymes  that  it 
playse  you  vs  to  calle.'  '  Fayre  lordes,'  said  Geflray  with 

8  the  grete  toth  /  '  that  ought  to  be  thanked  for.  '   The/me 
toke  Geffray  hys  leue  of  them  /  and  went  forth  on  his  He  goes  against 
way  toward  a  Fortresse  that  was  called  Syon  /  &  wit/tin 
the  same  was  one  of  the  enemyes  of  geffray  that  hicht  one  of  three 

proud  brethren. 

12  Claude  of  Syon,  &  were  thre  bretheren.  Moche  were 
the  thre  brethern  yroz^s  &  proude  /  and  wold!  haue  sub- 
dued and  putte  vnder  theire  subjection  aH  theire  neygh- 
bours.  Themie  sent  geffray  wtt/t  the  grete  toeth  worde*  He  sends  his  <\f- 

16  of  deffyaunce  /  outhre  to  come  &  make  theire  obeys-  them  to  make 

obedience  to  him 

sauwce  to  hvm  for  Eaymondin  his  faders.     And  they  <>"  Rnymondin's 

9  J     beludt 

ansuerd!  to  the  messager,  '  that  for  Raymondyn  ner  for 

no  man  on  his  by  half  they  shuld  nought  doo/and  that  They  refine,  aud 

20  he  shuld  no  more  retourne  to  them  for  this  matcre,  for 
than  he  were  a  fole.'  'By  my  feyth,'  said  the  mes- 
sager, '  I  shal  kepe  mo  wel  therfro  /  but  that  I  bryng* 
with  me  a  maister  in  medecyne,  that  shal  make  suche 

24  a  lectuary  or  drynk  wherof  yo  shal  be  poysonned,  & 
syn  hanged  by  the  neck.'  And  of  these  wordes  were 
the  iij  bretheren  wood  wroth.  And  wete  it  wel  that 
yf  the  messager  had  not  hasted  his  hors  away  he  had 

28  be  take  &  deed  wtt/tout  ony  remedye,  For  2they  were      «  foi  143  ft. 
fuH:  yrous  &  crueH,  and  doubted  not  god  nor  no  man 
lyuym*     The/me  retourned  the  messager  toward  geffray 

J    J    °  J 


and  recounted  hym  the  grete  pryde  &  auauntyng  of  the  their  pride  and 


32  bretheren.     'By  my  heed,'  said  Geffray  w/t/t  the  grete  Geffray  »ay»i  that 
toeth,  '  a  lytel  rayne  leyeth  doun  grete  wynd  /  &  double  i»yeth  down  a 

great  wind." 

you  not  but  I  shal  pay  them  wel  theire  wages. 

Thystorye  sayth,  that  whan  geffray  vnderstode  the 
grete  pryde  &  the  fel  ansuere  of  the  thre  brethern, 



Geffray  ap- 
proaches near 
the  fortress. 

He  arms, 
mounts;  and 
takes  u  squire 
with  him ; 
and  orders  his 
men  to  rest  till 
he  sends  them 

A  knight,  who 
well  knew  his 
boldness,  follows 
With  x  men. 

Geffray  arrives 
at  the  Fortress 
of  Sion. 

He  sees  its 
strength  on  one 

«nd  spies  all 
round  it. 

foL  144. 

He  finds  that  it 
is  weakest  by  the 

and  returns  to- 
ward his  men. 

Philebert  and  his 
fellowship  keep 
out  of  Geffray 's 

He  sees  xiv 
armed  men  in 
Ge (fray's  way, 
and  is  afraid, 

wz't/iout  ony  moo  wordes  he  came  &  lodged  hym  & 
his  peuple  half  a  leghe  fro  the  said  Fortresse.     Thewne 
toke  he  his  armures  &  armed  hym  of  al  pieces ;  toke 
with  hym  a  squyer  that  \vel   knew  the  Countrey  /  4 
mounted  on  horsback  /  commanded  his  men  that  they 
shuld  not  meue  them  thens  vnto  tyme  they  had  word? 
of  hym,  &  departed  with  hys  esquyer  /  but  there  was  a 
knyght  that  wel  knew  hys  noble  &  fyers  courage,  &  8 
that  he  doubted  nothing1  of  the  world  /  which"  toke  x. 
men  of  armes  with  hym  and  went  after  Geffray,  folow- 
yng1  hym  fro  ferre,  For  he  moche  loued  geffray.    Geffray 
rode  so  long1  that  he  sawe  the  Fortresse  of  Syon  vpon  12 
a  hye  roche.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  the/me  geffray,  '  yf 
the  Fortresse  be  so  strong  at  that  other  syde  as  it  is  at 
this  syde,  hit  shal  gyue  me  moche  peyne  or  euer  it  be 
take,  I  must  see  &  know  yf  it  be  also  strong1  at  that  16 
other  parte.'     Thewne  he  &  his  esquyer  aduyronned 
the  Fortresse  about,  al  along1  by  a  lytel  wod',  that  they 
might  not  be   aspyed   ne   sene.     They    came   &   de- 
scended 1in  a  valey  /  and  euer  the  forsaid  knyght  that  20 
was  named  Philibert2  folowed  hym  a  ferre  /  and  so  long 
rode  geffray  tyl  he  had  ouer  sene  the  said  fortres  al 
round'  about  /  and  hym  semed  wel  that  it  might  be 
take  by  the  brydge  syde,  For  it  was  the  feblest  syde  of  24 
it  /  Thenne  entred  geffray  &  hys  esquyer  in  a  lytel 
path,  &  retourned  vpon  the  mountayne  toward?  hys 
lodgis,  where  his  peple  were  hym  abydyng1.     Philebert, 
that  sawe  Geffray  retourne,  thought  he  would*  lete  hym  28 
passe  tofore  hym,  Wherf or  he  and  his  f elawship  reculed 
within  the  wode,  to  thende  thay  shuld  not  be  perceyued 
of  hym  /  but  soone  after  they  sawe  a  companye  of  men 
of  warre  comynge  that  same  way  that  geffray  came  32 
toward?  the  Fortresse,  and  were  to  the  nombre  of  xiiii 
personne  wel  armed.     Wherfore  the  said  knight  phili- 
bert  was  abasshed  &  agast,  lest  they  shuld  mete  with 
2  Fr.  Ver.  Philibert  de  Mommoret. 


geffray,  For  wel  he  wyst  that  geffray  wold  fyght  wttA 
them  /  as  he  dide  /  and  that  shal  ye  here  herafter./ 

In  this  partye,  sayth  thistorye,  that  vpon  the  topp  of 
the  mouwtayne  geffray  recountred  the  said  com- 
panye,  And  who  that  shuld  enquere  of  me  what  folke 
they  were;  I  shuld  say  it  was  one  of  Claude  of  Syon  oeffray  encoun- 
hretheren  that  came  toward  his  brother  at  his  mande-  cEaSZteo. 
8  mewt.     And  wete  it  wel,  that  the  way  was  there  so  oniman***. 
narow  that  vnnethe  one  hors  myght  passe  by  other. 
And  whan  Geffray  with  the  grete  1toeth  recountred 
them,  he  sayd  to  hym  that  rode  first  of  alle  that  he 

12  shuld  tary  and  make  his  company  to  stand  asyde  tyl  m'f.'i" 
he  were  passed  the  mountayne.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  P 
he  j?at  was  proude  &  orgueyllows,  '  Sire  daw  fole,2  wel 
we  muste  first  knowe  what  ye  be,  that  say  that  we  They  uk  who  he 

16  retourne  vs  for  you.'     '  By  god,'  said  Geffray  with  the 
grete  toth  /  '  that  shal  you  knowe  anone,  For  I  shal 
make  you  retourne  ayenst  yowr  wyH.     I  am  Geffray  He  answers, 
of  Lusynen  /  tourne  back  /  or  elle*  I  shal  make  you  to  signan/and  bX 

them  turn,  else 

20  retourne  by  force.'   Whan  Guyon  the  brother  of  Claude  he  wil1  make 


of  Syon  vnderstode  hym  &  knew  that  it  was  geffray 

with  the  grete  toeth  /  he  cryed  to  his  folk,  'auaunt,  Onion  cries  to 

hi«  men  not  to 

lordes  barons,  For  yf  he  escape  grete  shame  shal  be  to  let  Geirny  e»- 


24  vs  /  in  an  euyl  heure  is  he  come  in  to  oure  land  for  to 
demande  seruytude  of  vs.'  Thenne  whan  geffray  vn- 
derstode these  wordes  he  drew  out  his  sword1  &  smote  Bat  Geffray 

...  draw*  his  sword 

the  nethermost  of  alle  vpon  his  hed,  so  grete  a  stroke  and  smites  one 

of  his  company 

28  that  he  ouerthrew  hym  att   astonyed   doune   to   the  *>  >««i  thnt  he 

is  overthrown. 

erthe,  and  syn  passed  forth  by  hys  hors,  &  over  hy;n 
that  laye  along*  the  way,  in  suche  wyse  that  he  al  to 
brusid  the  body  of  hym  /  And  the?me  geffray  atteyned  Hefoinsat 

another  in  the 

32  another  in  the  brest  foynyng  with  hys  sword,  so  that  Breast,  and  lulls 

he  feH  doune  deed  to  therthe  /  and  syn  cryed  aftir 

the  o]?er,  '  False  traytours,  ye  may  not  escape,  ye  shal 

retourne  to  your  euyl  helthe.'    Thenne  he  passed  fourth 

2  Fr.  damp  mvtart. 

250  GEFFIIAY'S  FEATS  OF  ARMS.      [CH.  xxxvi. 

» foi.  145.        to  the  iiide,  which"  was  grete  &  strong1, l  &  smote  Geffray 

vpon  the  helmet  \\ith  al  his  strengthe  /  but  the  helmet 

was  hard?  and  pe  swerd!  glenced  asyde  &  dommaged 

hym  nought  /  but  Geffray  toke  his  swerd?  with  two  4 

He  cuts  open  the  handes  and  smote  hym  vpon  the  coyffe  of  stele  vnto 

head  of  a  third. 

the  brayne,  &  reuersed  hym  deed  to  the  ertn.     And 
Guion  is  wroth     whan  guyon   perceyued  this   myschief  he  was  wode 

because  he  can- 
not get  at  oef-      wroth  &  fuli  of  yre,  For  he  might  not  come  to  geffray,  8 

He  commands      wherfore  he  commanded  euery  man  to  retourne,  that 

his  men  to  re- 
treat, they  might  haue  them  self  at  large  to  cleffende  echo 

other.     Thewne  euery  man  tourned  back  &  fledd,  & 
They  flee  to  a       yssued  out  of  that  narrow  way  in  to  a  playn  f  eld!,  And  1 2 
Geffray  pursues     geffray  with  the  grete  toth  pursiewed  them,  the  swerd! 
in  his  hand?.     Now  shall  1  speke  of  the  knight  phili- 
bert,  whiche  was  approched  nygh  the  said!  way,  and 
herde  the  noyse  /  so   he  called?  to  hym  his  felawes.  16 
And  thenne  guyon  and  his  men  were  in  J>e  playn  & 
Guion's  men  set    assaylled  geffray  on  al  sydes  of  hym  /  but  as  preu  & 

on  Geffray  on  all  i    «•       i    T  i       •<•      a       i.       i         ^ 

sides.  valyaunt  he  dertended  vygourously  his  nesshe  /  and 

He  and  his  squire  A 

light  bravely.        also  hys  esquyer  bare  hym  valyauntly  /  and  was  ryght  20 
strong  the  batayli.     Now  most  I  speke  of  hym  which" 
geffray  first  ouerthrew  to  therthe  in  the  path  forsaid!, 
For  whan  he  perceyued  that  guyon  was  retourned  by 
the  force  of  geffray  /  and  sawe  his  two  felawes  lyeng  24 
*foi.  H56.       deed  by  hym,  he  was  moche  dolaunt,  and  beheld!  2all 
The  knight  that     about  hym  &  fond?  his  hors,  wher  on  he  w?'t/?  grete 
mounted  hastes     peyne  mounted,  for  he  was  al  to  brusyd  in  hys  body,  & 

as  he  best  can  to    *   J 

sion.  hasted  hym  as  he  coude  best  toward  Syon.     And  whan  28 

He  finds  ciaud     he  came  to  the  fortresse  he  fond?  Claude  at  yate  and 

at  the  gate,  . 

some  of  his  men  w<t/i  hym  /  the  whiche  perceyued 
that  he  that  was  commyng  toward  hym  was  al  bloody 
and  knew  hym  wel  /  &  of  hym  demanded  who  so  had  32 
and  tells  Win  of    arayed  hym  /  And  he  recounted  thad venture  how  they 

the  adventure, 

had  recountred?  geffray,  and  how  he  adowimaged  them 
and  that  the         and  had  made  guyon  hys  brother  to  retourne  fro  the 

fighting  is  still 

going  on.  narow  lane  by  force,  &  that  yet  lasted  theyre  bataylle.  36 

CH.  XXXVI.]          GUION    TAKEN    PRISONER.  251 

Thenne  \vhan  Claude  vnderstode  hym  ho  was  sorowfuH 

&  angry,  and  yede  and  armed  hym,  and  made  his  men  ci»nd  orders  hi* 

men  to  aim, 
to  be  armedf. 

4  "1%  /|~oche  dolaunt  was  Claude  whan  he  vnderstod  of 
-L.T-L  the  vylonnye  &  dommage  that  geffroy  had  don 
to  Guyon  his  brother  /  and  how  yet  they  were  fyghtyng 
togidre  /  &  armed  of  al  pieces,  his  men  with  hym  rode  He  rides  to  aid 

his  brother, 

8  thitherward  /  and  were  in  no?nbre  thre  score  bassynets. 

But  for  nought  he  toke  hys  waye,  For  philibert  with  but  i»  too  late  ; 
his  ten  knyghtes  were  come  to  the  batayH,  &  faught  in 

suche  wvse  that  al  guyons  meyne  were  slayne  &  he  a»  the  men  are 

*  slain  and  his 

12  take  /  and  soone  sware   Geffray  that  he  shuld  make  brother  is  Gef- 

flay  s  prisoner. 

hym  to  be  hanged  by  the  neck.     Thenne  cam/3  the  said 

esquyer,  whiche  was  retourned  in  to  the  forsayd*  land, 

to  fette  a  fayre  swerd>,  that  he  tofore  sawe  faH  fro  one 

16  of  Guyons  men  /  &  said  to  Geffray  in  this  manyere, 

'My  lord,  I   haue   herd1   grete  bniyt  of  men  armed  A  Vnight  t*iu 
J  Geffrey  tliat 

hitherward1.'     And  whan  Geffray  vnderstode  more  men  of 

arms  are  «i>- 

hym  he  fourthw/t/t  made  Guyon  to  be  bourn?  at  a  tree  prow-hing. 
20  wit/tin  the  woe?  1nygh  by  them,  &  syn  retourned  wit/t  Guion  is  bound 

to  a  tree. 

hys  men  toward  the  said  path  or  lane  for  to  abyde  Geffray  and  bin 

company  return 

there  his  auenture.     And  philibert  rode  vnto  the  top  to  the  path  to 

wait  the  arriTul 

of  the  hyH,  and  perceyuetf  Claude  &  hys  felawship  ofciaud. 

24  that  entred  the  lane  /  thanne  he  retourned  to  his 
felawes  &  sayd  to  Geffray,  '  Sire,  the  best  that  ye  can 
doo  is  to  kepe  wel  this  pathe,  here  come  your  ene- 
myes.'  And  Geffray  with  the  gret  toeth  ansuertl  / 

28  '  doubte  you  not  /  but  it  shal  be  wel  kept  &  deffended.' 
Thenne  he  called  to  hyw  the  squyer  that  was  come 
vrith  hvm,  £  said1  :  '  renne  hastily  toward1  thoost,  &  Geffray  aen<i»  » 

*  messenger  to  liis 

make  my  folke  to  come  hither."     And  he  anone  de-  host. 

32  parted  toward  thoost,  and  whan  he  was  there  arryued 
he  said  to  )?em,  '  Fayre  lordes,  now  lightly  on  horsback, 
For  geffray  fyghteth  ayenst  his  enemyes.'  And  they 
armed  them  &  soone  mounted  on  theire  horses,  and 

36  hasted  them  to  folowe  the  squyer  that  guyded  them  His  lord,  harte 



to  succour  him. 

Geflray  blocks 
the  path, 

1  fol.  146  b. 

while  the  Knight 
Philibert  and 
three  men  ascend 
the  mountain, 
and  throw  stones 
on  Claud  und  his 

Geffray's  com- 
pany arrives,  and 
is  ordered  to  pre- 
vent Claud  re- 
turning to  his 

ClerevaM,  third 
brother  of  Claud, 
takes  Geffray's 
company  to  be 

the   nerest  way  there  he  supposed   to  fynd?  Geffray, 
fighting1  \vith  his  enmyes. 

Thystorye   sayth   that  geffray,  philibert,  &  theire 
knightes  were   at   thentree  of  the   pathe  /   and  4 
the/me  came  Claude  &  his  men  -with  grete  puyssaunce 
along*  thrugh  the  lane,  &  wel  they  supposed  to  hauo 
mounted  the  montayne.     But  Geffray  was  at  thentro 
of  the  path"  that  vygourously  &  valyauntly  deffended  8 
the  passage  /  and  wete  it  wel  there  was  none  so  hardy 
but  he  made  hym  to  recule.     For  there  were  two  of 
his  knightes  that  descended  fro  theire  horses,  &  stode 
at  eyther  syde  of  geffray,  &  proudly  rebuckyd  Claudes  12 
men  with  theire  speres,  &  many  of  them  were  there 
slayne.      Philibert   xwas   therm  e   descended   from  his 
hors,  and  thre  othre  of  his  companye,  and  recouered 
the  montayne  aboue  the  pathe,  where  as  they  gadred  16 
stones  and  threw  them  vpon  them  that  were    in  the 
lane,  thrugh  suche  yre  &  grete  strength",  that  there  was 
none  so  strong1  bassynets  nor  armure  but  it  was  perced? ; 
and  therwith  they  were  astonyed*  or  elles  ouerthrawen  /  20 
and  wete  it  wel  )>at  there  were  more  than  xxtl.  slayn. 
Thewne  came  there  the  squyer  with  the  batayti  that 
he   brought.     And   whan   geffray   knew  it,   he   com- 
manded thre  houndred  men  of  armes,  that  they  shuld*  24 
draw  at  the  other  ende  of  the  lane  to  kepe  the  passage, 
that  Claude  nor  hys  peple  should  not  retowrne  to  theire 
fortresse.     And  anoue  from  thens  the  squyer  with  his 
companye  departed,  &  came  hastly  to  fore  the  medowe,  28 
&  passed  by  fore  the  Fortresse.     And  whan  Clerevauld?, 
the  iiide  brother  of  Claude,  sawe  them,  he  denied  that  it 
was  some  socours  that  came  to  them  /  For  he  trowed 
not  that  in  the  land?  shuld  haue  be  so  many  enemy es.  32 
The  whiche  esquyer  with  his  companye  came  with  amy- 
able  contenemnce,  shewyng  no  semblamzt  but  as  frendes. 
And   the/me  Clerevauld,  that  byleued  wel  that   they 
were  theyre  frendes  lete  fall  the  bridge,  &  opened  the  36 

CH.  XXXVI.]      THE   CAPTURE   OP   8ION   CASTLE.  253 

yate  where  he  stode  -with  xxu.  men  of  armes.     And 

whan  the  squyer  &  his  companye  perceyued  bat  the  He  allows  them 

,  to  come  near  the 

bridge  was  doun  &  the  gate  open,  they  drew  them  f«rt»m 
4  hastly  in  the  way  to  passe  the  Fortres.     And  passyng* 
by  the  Fortresse,  Clervauld  demanded  what  they  were  /  cierevaid  asks 
and  they  ansuerd? :  lt  We  bo  f render*    and  in  approuch-        » foi.  147. ' 
ing  of  the  said!  bridge  to  the  nombre  xx°  knightea,  they  the/answe"'  *' 
8  enquyred  after  Claude  of  Syon :  '  For  fayn  we  wold1 
speke  -with  hym.'     And  Clereuauld  them  approuched, 
sayeng1 :  '  he  shal  retourne  anoone,  For  he  is  departed  to 
fyght  with  Gcffray  with  the  grete  toeth  our  enemye, 

1 2  that  he  &  Guyon  our  brother  haue  enclosed  in  yonder 
mountayne  that  is  there  byfore  you  /  and  wete  it  wel 
that  Geffray  may  not  escape  them,  though  he  were 
tempred  wit/i  fyne  stele,  but  that  he  shal  be  slayne 

16  or  take.'  'By  my  feyth,'  sayd  the  squyer,  'this  be 
good  tydynges.'  An  thenne  he  approuched  with  his 
xxu  knightes  nerer  &  nerer,  askyng  hym  where  shal 
we  goo  to  helpe  hym.  'By  my  feyth,'  sayd  Clere- 

20  uauld,  '  gramercys  it  shal  not  nede  at  this  tyrne.' 

Thystorye  sheweth   that   the  squyer  approched  to  The  squire  and 
J          J  his  company  by 

Clereuauld  so  nygh  by  his  fayre  wordes,  that  he  Mr  words  get  bn 

tlio  bridge.    He 

&  hys  company  came  vpon  the  bridge  /  &  the/me  he 
24  cryed  to  hys  peple  /  'auauwt.  lorda?,  the  fortresse  is  then  cries,  "The 

fortress  is  ours." 

cure.'     And  whan  Clereuauld   herd1   these  wordeff,  he 

supposed1  to  haue  reculed  &  to  haue  lyft  vp  the  bridge  /  cierevaid  trie* 

to  pull  up  the 

but  the  squyer  &  his  peuple  came  so  rudly  that  it  bridge,  but  is  too 

28  was  not  in  theire  powere  to  haunce  the  bridge  /  but 

bare  it  doune  by  force,  and  anone  alighted  &  entred  in 

at  the  gate  /  and  with  two  speres  vndersette  the  porte- 

collys  /  &  immedyatly  descended  more  than  an  houn- 

32  dred  of  the  squyers  men  on  foot,  &  came  &  entred  into 

the  Fortres.     Thewne  was  clereuauld1  take,  and  al  hys  He  and  his  men 

are  taken  prison- 

peple  that  were  there  wit//  hym,  &  brought  vnto  a  e«. 
chambre  fast  bounden,  where   they  were   surely  kept 
36  with  fourty  men  of  armes  /  2Aud  after  this  don,  they      »««.  n"»- 


assembled   them,  &  toke  CounseyH   how    they  might 
best  send  word?  vnto  geffray  of  this  faytte,  &  how  they 
shuld  kepe  them  wit/un  the  Fortresse  to  thentent  to 
take  Claude  yf  it  happed  hym  to  retourne  /  And  therene  4 
said  the  squyer  that  he  hym  self  shuld  goo  to  gyue  . 
The  squire  re-       Geffray  knowlege  of  this  auenture.     And  thenne  anone 

turns  to  tell  Gef- 

fray of  their          he  departed  and  came  to  Geffray,  to  whom  he  shewed 

aft  the  trouth  of  the  faytte  /  and  whan  geflray  knew  8 
Geffray  is  glad,      thauewture  he  was  joyful,  &  made  hym  knight,  &  gaaf 

and  knights  the 

squire,  and  gives  hym  the  gouernaunce  of  a  houndred  men  of  armes  /  & 

him  a  hundred 

wen  to  prevent     commanded  that  he  shuld  go  anoone  in  to  the  couwtrev, 

the  escape  of  »  • 

Claud.  to  kepe  wei  fl^  ciau(je  shuld  take  none  o]>er  way,  but  12 

the  way  to  the  Fortresse  ;  For  yf  he  escaped  he  might 
do  grete  harme  tofore  he  were  take,  &  that  bettre  it 
were  to  close  hym  in  that  lane,  &  there  by  force  to  take 
hym.     '  Sire,'  said  the  new  knight,  '  doubte  you  not  he  16 
shal  not  escape  you,  but  yf  he  cane  flee,  yf  that  I  may 
come  by  tymes  to  the  lane.'     The?me  he  departed  & 
descended  the  mou?ztayne  -with  hys  men  of  armes.    And 
geffray  taryed  at  the  pathe,  that  mightily  faught  with  20 
his  swerde  vpon  his  enemyes.    And  wel  fourty  knyghtes 
were  alighted  on  foot  vpon  Jje  hylle,  &  threw  stones 

ciaud  is  obliged    vpon  Claude  &  his  peple  in  suche  wyse.  that  by  force 

to  retreat,  J  J 

he  &  hys  peuple  was  constrayned  to  retourne  /  And  24 
Geffray  chases      Geffray  &  his  peple  entred  in  to  the  lane  &  chaced 


fern  /  but  vnnethe  he  might  passe  to  pursiew  men 
for  deed  men  that  were  slayn  vrith  castyng1  of  stones. 
Now  shal  I  shew  you  of  the  new  knight  that  was  com-  28 
The  new  knight     myng1  at  the  other  lanes  ende  with  his  company  /  but 

heai-s-the  noise  of 

the  retreat,  and     whan  he  herd4  the  bruyt  of  the  horses  /  he  thought  wel 
*  foi.  i4s.        that  l  Claude  retourned  /  and  he  toke  the  couert  of  the 
suffers  Claud  to    mouwtayne  &  suffred  Claude  to  take  the  way  toward  32 

return  to  the 

fortress.  the  Fortresse. 

Thystorye  telleth  that  Claude    hasted  hym  fast  to 
come  out  of  the  lane  for  to  saue  hym  self  & 
his  peple  in  the  Fortresse  of  Syon,  but  that  the  fole  35 


thinketh  oftymes  commeth  to  foly.  It  is  veray  trouth 
that  he  spede  hym  so  fast  that  he  was  out  of  the  lane 
&  came  to  his  large  /  and  so  he  ne  taryed  neyther  for 
4  one  nor  for  other  /  but  came  walapyng1  toward  the 
Fortresse.  And  whan  he  was  nygh,  he  cryed  w/t/t  a  Claud  and  his 
high  voyce  /  'open  the  gates'  /  &  so  they  dide  /  and 

thenne  he  passed  the  bridge  and  entred,  &  was  alyghted  g**es." 
8  afore  that  he  perceyued  that  he  had  lost  the  Fortresse  / 
and  fourthwit/i  he  was  seasyd  &  bounde  by  hys  enemyes.  He  is  seized  ami 
Thenne  was  he  gretly  abasshed  ;  For  he  sawo  not  about 
hym  no  man  that  he  knew.     '  What   dyuel  is   this  ? 
12  where  are  my  men  become?'     'By  my  feyth,'  said  a  He  asks  about 

lllS  1111-11. 

knight  /  '  ryght  foorth  shal  ye  knowo,  For  ye  shal  lodge  HO  is  told  that 

ho  will  see  them, 

with  them  '  /  And  so  immedyatly  he  was  brought  to 
the  chambre  where  Clereuauld,  his  brother  &  his  peuple  theuu 
1  6  were  in  pryson.  Thenne  whan  he  perceyued  them  bound 
&  kept  as  they  were,  he  was  ryght  dolaunt.  And  whan 
Clereuauld  sawe  hym,  he  said  :  '  Ha  /  a,  Claude,  fayre  cierevaw  sees 

his  brother,  and 

brother,  we  are  fan  by  your  pryde  into  grete  captiuite  /  upbraids  him. 

20  and  doubte  it  not  we  shal  neuer  escape  from  hens  with- 
out losse  of  our  lyues,  For  to  cruel  is  Geffray.'  And 
Claude  ansuerd  hym  :  '  We  muste  abyde  aH  that  therof 
shal  faH.'  Thenne  came  Geffray  l  ryght  foortfi  to  the  »foLi486. 

24  Fortresse,  &  had  slayn  or  take  aH  the  residu  of  Claudes  Geffrey  arrives 

and  brings  his 

peple  /  saaf  hys  brother  Guyon  whicfi  was  brought  prisoner  Guion, 
with  hym,  &  putte  prysonner  in  the  said  pryson  where 
as  Getl'ray  entred  /  and  emong  al  o]>er  said  to  Claude  : 
28  '  How,'  said  he,  '  thou  fals  traytowr,  durst  thou  be  so 
hardy  to  hurte  or  dommage  my  faders  Countre  &  his 
peuple,  thou  that  owest  to  be  his  subget  /  and  by  the  Gem-ay  tells 

Claud  that  he  in- 

feyth  that  I  owe  to  my  fader  I  shal  punysshe  the,  in  tends  to  han^ 

J  J  him  before  Val- 

32  exemple  of  aH  other,  For  I  shal  doo  the  hang*  by  fore 
Valbruyant,  the  Castel  in  syght  of  thy  Cousyn  Gueryn,  ™huo8i. 
that  is  a  traytonr  as  thou  art,  vnto  my  lord  my  fader.' 
And  whan  Claude  herd?  that  gretyug*,  wete  it  wel  /  he 

36  was  not  therwit/i  playsed.     But  whan  the  peple  of  the 

256  THE  TRAITORS'  DOOM.  [CH.  xxxvi. 

The  people  of  the  Countrey  knew  that  Syon  the  Fortresse,  &  Claude  and 

land  are  glad  that 

Claud  and  his       his  brethern  were  take  &  theire  peple  slayne  /  the/me 

people  are  taken 

or  slain;  came  playntes  of  robberyes  &  other  euyl  caas  vpon 

Claude  &  vpon  his  peuple,  &  wit/an  that  same  Fortresse  4 
were  founde  more  than  a  C  prysonners  of  the  good 
peple  of  the  Couretrey,  as  marchants  &  strau?«gers  that 

because  they        were  robbed  passyng  by  the  way  /  For  tof ore  that  tyme 

robbed  them  and  . 

despoiled  all        none  passed   by  the  said?  Fortresse  vnspoyled?.     And  8 

passers  by  the 

fortress.  whan  geftray  herd?  of  this  tydynges,  he  made  to  be 

Geffray  sets  up  a  sette  vpon  the  syde  of  the  hille  a  payre  of  galowes  /  & 

pair  of  gallows 

and  hangs  all  the  therat  dide  do  be  hanged  al  the  peple  of  Claude  /  and 

people  of  Claud, 

but  spares  his      his  two  brethern  he  spared  for  that  tyme  /  and  gaaf  the  1 2 

two  brothers. 

Geffray  leaves       Castel  in  keping  vnto  a  knight  of  the  Countrey  that 

the  castle  in 

charge  of  a  wise    was  ryght  valyau/zt  &  wyse  /  &  co?wmanded  hym  1vpon 


i  foL  149.        his  lyf  to  kepe  it  wel  /  and  to  gouerne  lawfully  his 

subgets,  &  to  kepe  good  justice  /  And  he   promysed  16 
hym  so  to  doo,  For  he   gouerned  the  couwtre  wel  & 
and  departs  to      rightfully.     And  after  his  commandemewt  he  departed 


on  the  morowe  toward  Valbruyant  /  and  toke  the  thre 
bretheren  vrith   hym,  the   whiche   had   grete  fere  of  20 
deth  /  and  that  was  not  wit7*out  cause  /  as  ye  shal  here 

Thystory  sayth  that  geffray  &  his  peuple  rode  tyl 
they  cam  tofore  Valbruyant  /  wher  as  tentes  were  24 
dressed  &  sett  vp,  and  euery  man  lodged  in  ordre. 
He  erects  gal-       Thewne  made  geffray  ryght  foorth  to  sette  vp  galowes 

lows  in  front  of 

the  castle,  hangs  tofore  the  Castel  gate,  and  there  dide  do  hang  incon- 

Claud  and  his 

br9thert8' and,      tynent  Claude  &  his  two  bretheren  /  and  sent  worde  28 

orders  them  of          • 

%?}£!*iS£?  to  them  of  the  Castel  /  yf  that  they  yelded  not  to  hym 
the  Fortres,  that  he  wold  hang  them  yf  he  had  it  by 
force.     And  whan  Gueryn  of  Valbruyant  herd?  these 
tydynges,  he  sayd  to  his  wyf:    'It  is  so  for  trouth,  32 
madame,  that  ageynst  this  strong  dyueH  I  ne  may  wzt7?- 

Guerin  departs      stand?  ne  kepe  this  Fortresse,  wherfor  I  wyl  departe  & 

from  his  castle 

to  Mountfrain  to  goo  vnto  moufttfrayn  to  Guerard?  my  nevew,  &  to  other 

have  counsel. 

my  frendes  for  to  haue  CounseyH  how  we  may  haue  36 



traytye  of  pais  with  Geffray.'    And  thenne  the  wyf 

that  was  right  sage  &  subtyl  said  to  hym  /  '  go  foorth  /  Hi.  wife  tells 

i       j  i  r         j     o     ,  him  not  to  leave 

by  the  grace  of  god,  &  kepe  you  wel  that  ye  be  nat  there  tin  she 

A   ,    ,       i       ,,  sends  him  tid- 

4  take  by  the  waye,  and  departe  not  from  Mountfrayn  ine»; 
tyl  ye  haue  tydynges  fro  me,  For  by  thayde  of  god  I 
hoop  that  I  shal  purchasse  a  good  traytye  vrith  geff  ray  she  declare*  she 
for  you ;  For  had  ye  don  after  my  CounseyH,  &  byleued  treaty  with  oef- 
8  me,  ye  shuld  not  1haue  medlcd  \vith  the  werke«  of      »foLi496. 
Claude  &  of  his  bretheren  /  not  wit/t  standing  yet  haue 
ye  not  falsed  your  feyth  toward  yoztr  liege  lord  Kay- 
mondyn  of  Lusynen.'     The/me  Gueryn  her  said  :  '  My 
12  dere  sustir  &  spouse,  doo  that  ye  thinke  best,  For  onerin  tells  her 
my  fyaunce  is  in  you  /  and  I  wyl  byleue  aH  that  ye 
may  counseylle.'     And  thewne  departed  he  by  a  pryvy  and  leave*  on  a 

,  ,,    ,  swift  home  by  a 

posterne  vpon  a  swyft  hors,  and  passed  by  the  couerts  privy  door. 
16  of  the  wodes,  so  that  he  was  not  aspyed.     And  whan 

he  was  a  lytel  passed  he  sporyd  his  hors,  and  the  hors  He  rides  fast,  a» 

bare  hym  swyftly,  and  wete  it  that  he  had  so  grete  fere  seen. 

lest  he  shuld  be  aspyed,  that  he  was  almost  out  of  his 
20  wyt  /  &  thanked  god  moche  whan  ho  fond  thentre  of 

the  Forest  J>crt  dured  wel  two  leghes  /  and  toke  the  way 

toward  Mouutfrayn,  as  moche  as  he  coude  ryde. 

Thystory  testyfyeth,  that  so  long  rode  Gueryw  that 
he  came  to  mouwtfrayn,  where  he  found  guerard 
hys  neuew,  &  recounted  to  hym  al  these  werkes ;  and  He  tells  Gemmi 
how  Geffray  wt'th   the   grete   toth   had   take  Claude  Getrmy  ha* 

hanged  Claud 

theire  Cousyn  &  his  two  brethern,  &  brought  tofore  and  his  two 


28  Valbruyaimt,  where  he  dide  al  thre  to  be  hanged  /  and 

how  he  was  departed  thens,  doubtyng  to  be  take  wtt/i-  »nd  how  he  had 

fled  to  escape 

in  the  Fortresse.     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  Guerard,  '  Fayre  c*pture. 
vncle,  ye  haue  do  wysely,  For  after  that  men  speke  of  Gerrard  nays  he 

has  acted  wisely, 

32  Geffray,  he  is  a  valyaunt  knight  of  hye  &  puyssaunt 

enterpryse  /  and  he  is  moche  cruel  &  moche  to   be  and  is  sonr  they 

_,,  had  had  to'do 

doubted.     WOO  is  to  me  that  euer  we  went  to  Claude  !   with  ciaud, 

because  Claud 

For  wel  we  knew  that  he  &  hys  bretheren  were  of  euyl  »"d  his  brethren 

were  of  evil  con- 

36  gouernement,  &   that  none  passed  foreby  theire  For-  duct- 




foL  150. 

Guerin  and  Ger- 
rard  send  to  their 
friends  to  come 
to  Mountfrain  to 
devise  means  of 
excusing  them- 
selves to  Geffray. 

The  lady  of  Val- 

mounts  her  two 
children  on 

and  accompanies 
them  to  the  gate 
of  the  castle, 

where  she  tells 
the  new  knight 
that  she  will  go 
to  Geffrey  her- 

»  fol.  150  6. 

as  her  lord  has 
done  notliing  to 
displease  Geffray 
or  his  father. 

tresse  vnrobbed.     Now  pray  1We  god,  that  he  pre- 
serueth  bothe  OUT  lyues  &  honot^r  in  this  affayre.    Fayre 
vncle,  vpon  this  caas  we  muste  seke  remedy  /  It  is  good 
that  we  lete  haue  knowledge  to  owr  parents  &  frendts  4 
perof,  fat   haue   be  of   this  folyssh"   alyaunce.'     And 
gueryn  ansuerd :   '  that  is  trouth.'     The?me  they  sent 
wordes  to  .theyre  frendes  that  they  shuld  al  come  to 
mountfrayn,  so  that  they  might  haue  Counseitt  togidre  8 
vpon  this  faytte,  &  to  seke  the  meane  to  escuse  them 
toward  geffray.     Now  resteth  thystory  of  them  /  and 
speketh  of  the  lady  of  Valbruyawt  that  was  moche 
subtyl  &  sage  /  and  she  euer  blamed  her  lord  of  that  he  12 
had  consented  to  Claude  &  to  hys  brethern.    This  lady 
had  a  doughter,  whiche  was  of  the  age  of  ix  yere  /  & 
fayre  &  gracyows ;  and  also  a  sone  that  was  ten  yere  of 
age,  whiche  was  fayre  &  wel  endoctryned.    And  thercne  16 
this  lady  as  she  had  of  nothing1  be  abasshed2  /  mounted 
upon  a  palfray  rychely  arayed,  &  dide  do  be  mounted 
her  two  children  vpon  two  horses,  and  ordeyned  two 
auncyent  gentylmen  to  conduyte  theire   horses  /  and  20 
acompanyed  vriih  six  damoyselles,  dide  open  the  gate 
where   she  fond1  the  new   knight  that   brought   the 
mandement  of  geffray,  which"  she  receyued  benyngly, 
and  he  that  coude  moche  of  honour  made  to  her  the  24 
reuerence  /  and  the  lady  seyd  to  hym  temperatly  :  '  Sire 
knight,  my  lord  is  not  wit/an  /  and  therfore  I  wyl  go 
myself  toward  my  lord  joui  maister  to  knowe  3what  is 
his  playsyr,  For  it  semeth  me  that  he  is  come  hither  28 
to  make  werre  /  but  I  byleue  not  that  it  is  for  my  lord 
nor  for  none  wa'tfan  this  fortresse.     For  god  deffende 
that  my  lord  or  ony  of  this  place  had  do  that  thing 
that  shuld  dysplayse  geffray  or  my  lord  his  fader  /  and  32 
by  aduenture  yf  some  of  his  synester  frendes  haue  in- 
formed geffray  otherwyse  than  raison,  I  wold  humbly 
beseche  &  pray  hym  that  he  vouche  sauf  to  here  my 
2  Fr.  Adonc  la  dame  nefut  nefolle  ne  esbahie. 

CH.  xxxvi.]        A  WOMAN'S  DIPLOMACY.  259 

said  lord  &  husband!  in  his  escuses  &  deffenses '  /  and 
thewne  whan  the  knight  herd  her  speke  so  sageously  / 
her  ansuerde :    '  Madame,  this   requeste  is  raisonable, 
4  wherfore  I  shal  conduyte  you  toward!  my  lord  /  and  I  The  new  knight 

undertakes  to 

hope  that  ye  shal  fynd!  hyw  frendly,  &  that  ye  shal  conduct  her  to 

haue  a  good?  traytye  Wi't/i  hym  /  how  be  it,  he  is  in- 

f ourmed  of  gueryw  your  lord  ryght  malycyously  /  but  I 
8  byleue  that  at  your  requeste  he  shal  graunte  a  part  of 
your  petyci'on'  /  And  thewne  they  departed  &  came 
toward  the  lodgys  of  Geffray. 

Thystorye  sayth  that  whan  geffray  saw  the  com- 
myng  of  the  lady  he  yssued  out  of  his  tente  & 
came  ayenst  her  /  and  she  that  was  wel  nourrytured 
held  her  two  children  tofore  geffray,  to  whom  she  made 
humble  reuerence  /  and  thenne  geffray  enclyned  hym  inclines  to  her, 

and  bids  her 

1 6  to  her,  &  toke  her  vp  right  humbly,  &  said  :  '  Madame,  welcome, 
ye  be  right  welcome'  /  and  'my  lord,'  said  she,  'I 
see  fat  I  desyre '  /  and  thewne  her  two  children  dyde 
1theyre  obeyssaunce  in  the  moost  humble  wyse  /  and        »foLm. 

20  he  gaf  to  them  ayen  his  salut.     Thenne  toke  the  lady 

the  wort?  /  and  feynyng  as  though  she  had  knowen  She  feigns  to 

'  J    J    '  know  nothing  of 

nothing  of  hys  euyl  wyli  /  said  vnto  hym  in  this  wyse  :  j^jj)1'1  m' 
'  Mv  lord  /  my  lord  !  myn  husband  as  for  this  tyme  he  she  tells  Geffray 

J  '       *  that  her  lord  is 

24  is  not  present  in  this  Countre.     Wherfore  I  am  come  away  from  home, 
toward  you  to  pray  you  that  it  may  playse  you  to  take  and ta*itaia«r- 
yowr  lodgys  in  jour  Fortresse,  and  take  wt't/t  you  as  the  fortress, 
many  of  your  peple  as  shal  you  playse ;   For,  my  lord, 

28  thanked  be  god,  there  is  ynough  to  plese  you  w»V«  / 
and  wete  it  wel  that  I  &  my  meyne  shal  receyue  you 
gladly,  as  we  owe  to  doo  the  sone  of  our  souerayn 
lorcJ  natural}.'  Whan  geffray  vnderstode  her  requeste 

32  he  was  gretly  abasshed  how  she  durst  desyre  hym  / 
consyderyng  how  he  was  inf ourmed  ageynst  Query n  her 
husband*.  Neuerthele  he  sayd,  '  By  my  feyth,  fayre 
lady,  I  thanke  you  of  your  grete  curtoysye  that  ye  offre 

36  me  /  but  this  requeste  I  ought  not  to  agree,  For  men 

'  S  2 


who  says  that  he   haue  youen  to  me  knowlege  that  yo?«r  husband  hath 
that  her  lord  does  not  deseruyd  it  ayewst  my  lord,  my  fader,  &  me  /  how 

not  deserve  such 

recognition,         ke  it,  my  fayre  lady,  I  wyl  wel  that  ye  knowe  that  I  am 

not  come  for  to  make  warre  ayenst  ladyes  &  damoy-  4 
but  that  in  her     selles  /  and  be  ye  of  this  sure,  that  neyther  to  you  nor 

lord's  absence  .  ,  . 

she  and  those  in    to  none  of  your  fortres  I  wyl  nought  sny  nor  hurt,  yf 

the  fortress  are 

sate.  yowr  husband'  be  not  there    /  And  she  thewne  said : 

i  foi.  151 6.       '  gramercy,  my  1lord.    But  I  requyre  you,  that  it  playse  8 

you  to  shew  me  the  cause  of  yowr  indignacyon  that  ye 
The  lady  answers  haue  vnto  my  lord  myn  husband1,  For  I  am  in  certain 

that  neither  her-  . 

self  nor  her  hus-    nother  he  nor  I  haue  neuer  do  no  thing1  to  oz<r  know- 
band  have  done 
wrong;  leche  that  shuld  be  yo?^r  dysplaysure  /  and  I  byleue  12 

and  hopes  that      that  yf  it  might  plese  you  to  here  my  lord  &  husband 
her  husband's       &  his  escuse,  that  ye  shal  fynd  them  that  thus  haue 
informed  you,  be  not  matere  of  trouth  /  and  my  lord1, 
therupon  I  make  me  strong1  that  in  conclusyon  ye  shal  1 6 
fynde  as  I  say.' 

In  this  partye  sheweth  thistory,  that  whan  geffray 
herd'  the  lady  thus  speke  he  thought  a  lytel,  &  syn 
ansuerd?  &  said :  '  By  my  feyth,  lady,  yf  he  goodly  can  20 
excuse  hym  that  he  haue  not  falsed  hys  feyth,  I  shalbe 
Geffray  promises  glad  therof  /  &  I  shal  receyue  hym  gladly  in  his  excus- 

to  listen  to  them,    c  .  .         , 

acyons  wit/i  his  felawes  &  all  theire  complyces  /  and 
and  gives  him  a     from  this  day  seuen  nyght  I  gyue  hym  saaf  gooyng  &  24 

safe  conduct  for  .,,     i  >      rro. 

a  week.  co?nmyng,  and  fourty  personnes  wit/i  hym.  Inenne 

toke  the  lady  her  leue  &  retowrned  to  Valbruyant, 
where  she  lefte  her  children  /  and  acompanyed  with 
ten  knightes  and  squyers,  &  with  thre  damoy  selles  28 

The  lady  goes  to    departed,  &  rode  so  long  tyl  she  came  to  Mountfrayn, 

Mountfram  ...  ,       ,      p     ,  . 

where  she  was  receyued  joyously  of  her  lord  &  his 
and  tells  her  lord  frendes,  to  whom  she  recounted  how  gueryre  her  lord 

of  her  interview.  0  _ 

had  safconduyte  of  geffray  for  nym,  &  fourty  personnes  32 
with  hym  /  &  yf  he  may  excuse  hym  geffray  shal 
afoi.  152.       here  hyra  gladly,  2and  shal  admynystre  hym  al  rayson. 
An  ancient          '  Bv  mv  fevth,'  said  an  auncyent  knight.  '  thenne  shaH 

knight  says  that  J        J        J 

they  will  have  a     we  haue  a  good  traytye  with  hym  /  For  there  nys  none  ,30 


that  may  say  that  euer  we  mysdyde  in  eny  thing*  ayenst  good  treaty  with 
our  souerayne  lord  natureL     Yf  Claude,  that  was  our 
Cousyn,  had  vs  requyred  of  ayde,  yf  he  neded,  &  we 

4  had  promysed  hym  to  helpe  hym  /  not  for  that  we  ne 
haue  yet  mysdon  /  nother  geffray  nor  none  other  may 
not  say  that  euer  we  had  the  helmet  on  heed,  nor  j>at 

"  we  yssued  euer  out  of  OUT  places  for  to  comforte  or  for  they  AM  not 

011,  help  Claud 

o  ayue  nym  ayenst  gellray  by  no  wyse  /  goo  we  the/me  against  Geflray. 

surely  toward  geffray,  &  lete  me  doo  there  wtt/iatt,  For 

I  doubte  not  but  that  we  shal  haue  good  traytye  w/t/t 

hym.'     The  frendes  &  cousyns  of  gueryn  confermed 

12  this  propos,  &  made  theire  appareyl  for  to  goo  toward 

geffray  on  the  iiide  day  folowyng.     And   thenne  the  Th«  lady  retun» 

to  Valbruiaut 

lady  departed,  &  retourned  to  Valbruyant,  where  she 
sent  for  breed,  wyne,  capons,  chikkons,  conyns,  &  suche  and  sends  vic- 
1G  vytayH,  wit/t  hey  &  ootys,  and  presented  it  to  geffray  / 
but  he  neuer  receyued  of  it  /  but  suffred  that  who 
wold  toke  of  it  for  his  money  /  and  the  said  lady  leto  and  tells  him 

how  her  lord  is 

geffray  haue  knowleche  how  her  lord  &  his  frendes  about  to  come 

before  him. 

20  shuld  come  toward  hys  grace.  / 

Here  sayth  thystory,  that  Gueryn  of  Valbruyant  & 
guerard  hys  neuew,  taryed  for  theire  frende*  at 
mouwtfrayn  /  and  wha?i  they  were  come  they  mounted  Guerin  and  Ger- 

J      '  J  J  rard  arrive  at 

24  on  theire  horses  &  rode  tyl  they  came  to  valbruyant  /  Vaibruiant, 
and  on  the  morne  1they  sent  word1  to  Geffray  of  theire      »foL  152  &. 
cowmyng,  and  that  they  were  al  redy  to  come  toward  ™ 

hys  good!  grace  to  theire  excuse.    And  geffray  ausuerxl  :  who  announce* 

his  readiness  to 

28  J?at  he  was  apparaylled  to  receyue  them.     And  ]>enne  receive  them. 
they  departed  fro  the  Castel  &  came  tofore  the  tente  They  present 

themselves  and 

of  geffray,  to  whom  they  made  theire  obeyssazmce  ryght  "  *«  theirobedi- 
honourably.     And  there  thauncyent  knight  of  whiche 
32  I  spak  tofore  toke  the  word,  &  said1  :  "  Mighty  &  puys-  The  ancient 


sau?it  lord,  we  are  come  hither  toward  your  higlmesse  tells  that  he  ha* 

heard  that  Gcf- 

for  this,  that  we  vnderstand  how  ye  are  infourmed  fray  thinks  they 

consented  to 

ayenst  vs,  that  we  were  consentyng*  to  the  ylnesse  &  Baud's  miscon- 
36  dysobedyence  of   Claude  ayenst  our  souerayne  lord 


nature!,  yowr  fader.     My  lord,  it  is  wel  trouth  that  the 
said  Claude  owr  Cousyn,  tofore  hys  folysshe  enterpryse, 
he  assembled  vs  togidre,  &  thus  said  to  vs :  '  Fayre 
He  relates  how     lordes,  ye  be  all  of  my  lynage  &  kynrede  /  &  I  of  4 

Claud  had  asked 

their  help,  yours  /  wherfore  rayson  requyreth  that  we  loue  eche 

other.'  Thenne  sayd!  we  /  'by  my  feyth,  ye  say 
trouth  /  but  wherfor  say  ye  sooV  And  the/me  he 
ansuerd?  couertly :  '  Fayre  lordes,  I  doubte  me  to  haue  8 
shortly  a  strong*  werre  &  to  haue  a  doo  vtiih  a 
strong  partye ;  Wherfor  I  wyl  wete  yf  ye  wold  helpe 
me'  /  &  we  thenne  asked  of  hym  /  ayenst  whom  / 

but  didnot  give    he  ansuerd* :  'we  shuld  knowe  it  al  in  tyme,  &  that  12 

the  name  of  the 

enemy,  he  was  not  parfytte  frend*,  who  that  relenquysshed 

hys  cousyn  at  hys  nede.'  Thewne  said  we  to  hym, 
'we  wyl  wel  that  ye  knowe  that  there  nys  none  so 
ifoi.  153.  grete  in  this  countrey,  Jne  so  myghty,  yf  he  wyl  16 

promised  toM-  hurt  or  doomage  you,  but  that  we  shal  helpe  you  to 
kepe  &  susteyne  you  in  yowr  ryght.'  and  vpon  that 

They  helped         he  departed  /  and   syn  had  he  many  rancours  ayenst 

Claud  against 

some  of  his  ene-    some  where  we  ayded  hym  /-but  my  lord  wete  it  wel  20 

mies,  J 

but  after  his  dis-  that  fro  the  tyme  of  hys  dysobedyence  to  my  lord  yowr 

obedience  to 

Baymondin  they   fader,  we  ne  doubte  nor  fere  neyber  god  nor  man  that 

had  not  aided  J  ' 

la^a-  we  euer  putte  piece  of  harneys  on  vs  /  nor  that  none  of 

vs  aH  yssued  out  of  his  fortres,  nother  for  hym  nor  for  24 
his  faytte  /  and  the  contrary  shal  be  nother  knowen 
nor  fond1,  For  herof  we  wyl  not  haue  grace  /  but  we 
requyre  only  right  &  justice  /  and  yf  there  be  other 
cause  that  our  euyl  wyllers  might  haue  contryued  vpon  28 

Therefore  he        vs  thrugh  enuye  or  hate  /  I  say  by  right  that  ye  ne 

thinks  Geffray 

should  not  be  in-  Owe  to  be  therfore   indigned  ayenst  vs,  bat  are  very 

dignant  against 

him»  subgets  &  obedyent  to  my  lord,  yo^r  fader  Kaymond- 

yn  of  Lusynen,  For  yf  some  were  wylling*  to  vexe  or  32 
moleste  vs  by  ony  wyse  ye  oughte  to  helpe  &  kepe  vs  / 

because  they  J        J       J       J 

cannot  think        and  herof  I  can  no  more  say.  For  we  can  not  tmnke 

what  they  have 

done  displeasing   that  none  of  vs  dide  euer  that  thing*  that  myght  dys- 
father,  playse  my  lord  yowr  fader.     Wherfor  we  al   present  36 


beseche  &  pray  you  that  ye  be  not  infourmed  but  of  and  beg 

to  be  informed 
rayson.     /  of  their  fault 

Whan  geffray  had  herd!  thexcuse  of  the  old  knyght 
that  spake  for  aH,  he  called  his  Counseytt  to 
hym  /  and  syn  said  to  them :  '  Fayre  lorde*,  what  seme 
yow  of  this  fay te  1  l  me  semoth  that  these  folke  excuse      » foL  iw  b. 
them  self  full  wel.'     '  By  my  feyth,'  sayd  they  att  in  SS31  {£'£' 

ct  e  J.-L    j.    •  LI      i  if   thinks  they  have 

8  commyn,  'that  is   trouth  /  nor   ye   can   not  aske  of  made  a  good  de- 

them,  but  that  ye  make  them  to  swere  vpon  the  holy  The  council  ad- 
vises that  Ouerin 
EuaMngylles,  that  yf   the   siege  had   be  layed  tofore  and  MS  friends 

0  J  J  should  be  malt 

syon  /  they  had  socoured  Claude  or  not  ayenst  you  /  *°  ""ear  that 

J        I          J  '    they  would  not 

12  and  yf  they  swere  ye  /  they  are  yowr  enemyes  /  and  to 
the  contrary,  yf  they  swere  that  noo  /  ye  owe  not  to 
bere  to  them  euyl  wyH.'  To  this  they  ati  accorded  / 
&  therewith  concluded  theire  counseyU.  And  thenne 

1 6  were  gueryn  &  hys  frende*  called  tofore  geffray  /  and 
after  he  had  recorded  to  them  the  sayd  conclusyon  / 
they  said  that  gladly  they  shuld  swere  as  they  dyde.  Gnerin  is  ready 

J  o         J  J  to  BWear ;  so  he 

Wherfore  they  had  peas  vrith  geffray,  and  syn  went 

20  wit/i  hym  al  about  the  Countre  vysytyng*  the  Fortresses 

&  places  by  the  space  of  two  monethes.     And  after 

Geffray  toke  leue  of  the  Barons  there  /  and  lefte  gouern- 

ours  to  kepe  &  rewle  the  Countrey  /  and  syn  departed 

24  &  retourned  to  Lusynen,  where  he  was  gretly  festyed 

of  hys  fader  &  moder,  that  were  glad  of  his  retourne.  i»  greatly  feasted. 

Thenne    was    there    come    a    knyght    of    poytou    fro 

Cypre,  whiche  had  reported  tydynges  how  the  Calyphe  News  comes  from 

v  i  Cyprus  that  the 

28  of  Bandas,  and  the  grete  Carmen  were  arryued  in 
Armenye  /  and  moche  they  had  adommaged  the  kynge 
Guyon.  Also  how  kyngo  vryan  had  tydynge*  how 
they  entended  to  make  werre  ayenst  hym  in  Cypre. 

32  Wherfore  he  made  hys  assemble  of  men  of  armes  &  of 
shippes,  for  to  recountre  &  fyght  wM  them  in  the  see. 
2 For  his  entencton  was  not  to  suffre  them  to  entre  in  his      »  foi.  154. 
land!.    Whan  thenne  Geffray  vnderstode  these  tydynges 

36  he  sware  by  the  good  lord,  that  shuld  not  be  without 



Geffray  resolves 
to  aid  his  breth- 

Geffray  asks  the 
knight  from  Cy- 
prus to  accom- 
pany him. 

He  assembles 
xiiii.  C.  men  of 
arms  and  iii.  C. 
archers,  and 
marches  them  to 
where  Raymond- 
in  had  provided 
and  victualled 
many  vessels. 
»  foL  154  6. 

Geffray  sets  sail. 

The  Saracen 
lords  resolve 

hym,  and  that  to  long  he  had?  kept  his  fyre  /  and  said 
to  Kaymondin  hys  fader,  &  to  Melusyne  his  moder  / 
that  they  wold  make  hym  cheuysauwce  of  help  for  to  • 
goo  ayde  hys  bretheren  ayenst  thenemyes  of  god  /  And  4 
they  accorded  therto  /  so  that  he  promysed?  them  to 
retourne  within  a  yere  day  toward  them. 
F)  yght    joyows   was   geffray   whan    his   fader  had 
JL\J  graunted  hym  his  wyH.     and  thewne  he  prayed  8 
the   knight   that  was  come  fro    Cipre,  that   he   wold 
retourne  witJi  hym,  &  that  he  shuld  reward?  hym  wel 
therof.     « By  my  feyth,'  sayd  the  knight  /  '  men  telleth 
me  as  touching  yowr  prowes  may  none  compare  /  and  112 
shal  go  witJi  you  for  to  see  yf  ye  can  doo  more  than 
Yryan  &  Guyon  yowr  bretheren ;  For  thoo  two  I  knowe 
ryght  wel.'     '  By  my  feyth,  sire  knight,'  said  geffray, 
'  it  is  a  lytel  thing  of  my  faytte  concernyng1  the  puys-  1C 
saunce  of  my  lordes,  my  brethern  /  but  I  thanke  you 
of  this  lyberaH  offre  to  goo  with  me  /  &  I  shall  meryte 
you,  therfore,  yf  it  playse  god.'     The/me  he  made  hys 
mandement  &  dyde  so  moch",  that  he  assembled  xiiii.  C.  20 
men  of  armes,  &  wel  iij.  C.  arbalestres,  and  made  them 
to  drawe  toward'  Eochelle  /  And  raymondyn  &  melu- 
syne    were    there,    whiche    had    don    arryued    many 
vesselles,    &   wel    purueyed    of1    vytaylles    necessary.  24 
And  2thenne  Geffray  toke  leue  of  his  fader  &  of  hys 
moder,  &  entred  into  the  see  with  his  companye,  & 
saylled  so  fat  they  lost  syght  of  land1,  For  they  made 
good1  way.     Here  resteth  thystorye  of  them  to  speke  /  28 
and  begynneth  to  speke  of  the  Calyphe  of  Bandas  &  of 
the  Sawdan  of  Barbarye,  that  was  nevew  to  the  sawdan 
that  was  slayn  in  the  batayH  vpon  the  heed  of  Saynt 
Andrew  aboue  the  black  montayne.  32 

Thystorye  sheweth  vs  that  the  Caliphe  of  Bandas  & 
the  Saudan  of  Barbarye  /  the   kyng1  Anthenor 
of  Anthioche  /  and  the  adrnyral  of  querdes3  had  made 
1  Orig.  of  of.  3  Fr.  Cordet. 


togidre  theire  afiyauwce,  that  neuer  they  shuld  retourne  to  destroy  UrUn 
tyl  they  had  dystroyed  the  kynge  Vryan  of  Cipre,  and  Guion  of  AT- 


guyow  the  kyug1  of  Armanye  his  brother  /  and  had  wel 
4  assembled  to  the  nombro  of  xvi.*11  sarasyns,  &  had 
theire  shippes  aH  prest  to  thentent  to  arryue  first  in 
Aimanye  /  &  first  of  arl  theire  werkes  to  dystroye  They  intend  to 

flnt  destroy  the 

the  yle  of  Rodes,  &  after  the  royalme  of  Armanye  /  &  i*ie  of  Rhode*. 

J     '          afterwards  the 

8  so  passe  in  to  Cypre  to  dystroye  &  putte  to  deth  /  &  kingdom  of 

Armenia,  and 

had  sworne  that  they  shuld  make  kyntf  Vryan  to  dey 

•     Urian  of  Cyprus, 

on  the  crosse  /  &  hys  wyf  &  his  children  they  shuld  ^0'^*  cros 
brenne.     But  as  the  wyse  man  saith  /  'the  fole  pro- 

12  poseth  &  god  dysposeth'  /  and  at  that  season  were 
many  espyes  emong*  them  as  wel  of  armenye  as  of 
rodes  /  and  there  was  cue  of  the  maister  of  Rodes  spyes 
that  was  so  1Lyke  a  Sarasyn  that  no  man  mysdymed  >foLi5& 

1C  hym  for  other  than  a  Sarasyn.  &  had  the  langage  as  a  A  spy  of  the 

Master  of 

man  of  the  same  Countrey:   the  whiche  knewe  the  Rhodes  among 


secretes  of  the  sarasyns  /  and  syn  departed  fro  them  & 
came  to  baruth,  where  he  fond!  a  burke  fat  wold  sayH 

20  to  Turckye  to  fette  marchandyse,  and  entred  in  it.  And 
whan  they  had  good  wynd  they  toke  vp  theire  ancres 
&  saylled  so  long  that  they  sawe  the  yle  of  Rodes, 
where  they  came  to  rcfressh  them  there  /  and  soone 

24  after  the  sayd  espye  went  out  of  the  shipp  and  toke 
hys  way  toward  the  Cite  of  rodes,  where  he  fonde  the 
maister  of  rodes,  that  welcowmed  hym  &  demanded 
what  tydynges.  And  the  spye  recounted  to  hym  al 

28  that  the  Sarasyns  entended  for  to  doo  /  the  whicfi 

tydyn^  the  maister  of  rodes  dyde  doo  knowe  by  Word  u  tent  to 

J    J    <  the  King*  of  Ar- 

wrytyng  to  the  two  bretheren  kynges  of  Armenye  &  of 
Cipre  /  and  that  they  shuld  entre  in  to  the  see  WiU 

32  )>eire  power  /  and  that  he  shuld  mete  w/t/i  them  at  the 
porte  of  Japho  /  and  thenne  whan   guyon  kyng*  of  Jaffa- 
armanye  vnderstode  this  he  entred  in  to  the  see,  &  had 
•with  hym  to  the  nombre  of  six  thousand1  men  of  armes, 

36  &  wel  iii.*u  balesters,  &  came  sayllyng  to  Rodes,  where 


Guion  sails  to 
where  the  prior 
receives  him  joy- 

1  foL  155  6. 

They  set  sail  to 

Urian  gathers  his 
barons  at  Ly- 

takes  leave  of 

and  soon  sails 
out  of  sight. 

Geffray  arrives 
three  days  after 
at  Lymasson,  but 
the  master  of  the 
port  will  not  let 
him  enter. 

as  he  fonde  the  grete  maister  at  the  porte  /  And  -whan 
the  grete  pryowr  of  Eodes  sawe  him  he  had  grete  joye,  & 
forthwith  he  entred  with  hym  &  al  his  puyssauwce  into 
the  see  to  the  nombre  of1  iii.C  bretheren  men  of  armes,  4 
&  vi.C  balesters  or  crosbowmen.  Whan  they  were 
assembled  togidre  fayre  was  the  Flote,  2For  by  very 
estymacz'on  they  were  fonde  to  the  nombre  of  ten 
thousand  men  of  armes  /  &  about  xviii.C  what  balesters  8 
as  Archers.  And  wete  it  wel,  it  was  a  fayre  syght,  For 
the  baners  &  standarts  wayued  with  the  wynd1  /  and 
the  gold  &  azure  vpon  the  helmets  &  armures  resplend- 
ysshed?  brigh  &  clere,  that  it  was  grete  nieruayH  /  and  12 
syn  they  rowed  toward  the  porte  of  Japhe,  wher  the 
Sarasyns  had  made  theire  iiauye  to  dryue.  And  here 
resteth  thystorye  of  them  to  speke,  &  sheweth  of  vryan 
as  ye  may  here  herafter.  /  16 

Thystory  sayth,  that  the  kyng1  Vryan  made  &  sent 
his  mandement  thrugh  al  his  land?  of  Cypre,  for 
to  gadre  his  barony e  togidre  wit/4  theire  puyssauwce,  & 
whan  they  were  assembled?  at  the  porte  of  Lymasson  he  20 
toke  leue  of  the  quene  Ermyne,  his  wyf,  &  entred  into 
the  see.     And  wete  it  they  were  in  nombre,  what  men 
of  armes  as  balesters  &  archers  xiiii.M1,  And  pewne  they 
departed  fro  the  porte,  &  saylled  by  suche  force  of  24 
wynde  that  quene  Ermyne,  which  was  vpon  a  hye 
toure,  lost  soone  the  syght  of  them.     And  wete  it  wel 
that  geffray  with  the  grete  toth,  within,  thre  days  after 
arryued  vnder  Lymasson  /  but  the  maister  of  the  porte  28 
suffred  them  not  to  entre  within  the  porte.     how  be  it 
he  was  abasshed  to  see  the  armes  of  Lusynen  in  theire 
baners  vpon  the  toppes  of  theire  shippes,  &  wyst  not 
what  to  deme  or  say ;  wherfore  he  went  anoone  to  the  32 
Castel  &  anounced  these  tydynges  to  the  quene  /  And 
she  J?at  was  f uH  sage,  said  to  hym  /  '  go  ye  to  know 

2  Fr.  six  mille  hermint  et  bien  trois  mille  arbalest  riers. 
Hermins  =  Armenians, 


what  folke1  they  be,  For  wtt/iout  treson,  they  are  some       »foL  i6«. 
of  my  lordes  lynee  /  speke  therme  wz'tA  them,  hauyng  the*y  m«ynb«*of* 
yowr  men  prest  &  redy  vpon  the  porte  to  thende,  yf  lineage. 

4  they  wold!  arryue  by  force,  that  ye  may  wt't/<  stand 
them '  /  And  ho  anone  f ulfylled  the  quenes  commande- 
ment  &  came  to  the  barryers  of  the  clos  &  demanded 
of  them  what  they  sought.  Thercne  ansuerd  the  knight 

8  whiche  tofore  that  tyme  had  be  in  Cypre  /  '  lete  us  The  maiter  of 

the  port  it  told 

arryue,  For  it  is  ceffray,  kym*  vryans  brother,  that  it  u  Geffrey,  the 

king's  brother, 

commeth  to  socoure  &  ayde  hym  ayenst  the  Sarasyns.'  »J|°  i»  in  the 
And  thenne  whan  the  maister  of  the  porte  vnderstode 
1 2  J>e  knight  he  knew  hym  anone,  &  thus  sayd :  '  Sire, 

the  kym*  is  departed  from  hens  thre  dayes  agoo,  &  Het«ii»the 

J    '  knight  that  the 

hath  take  hys   way  and   hys   puyssauwce  with  hym  king  aaiied  for 

Jaffa  three  days 

toward  the  porte  of  Japhe,  For  he  wyl  not  suff re,  yf  he  before. 

1 6  may,  that  paynemes  entre  in  his  royame  /  but  pray,  my 
lord,  hys  brother,  that  it  playse  hym  to  come  &  see 
the  quene  that  ryght  ioyous  shal  be  of  hys  comyng*.' 
And  he  al  this  said  to  geffray,  whiche  anoone  entred 

20  into  a  lytel  galyote,  &  w/t/t  hym  the  said  knight  and 
other  of  hys  felawship,  &  rowed  to  the  chayno3  that 
anoone  was  open  /  &  so  they  entred  in  to  the  hauen, 
where  as  they  fonde  many  noble  men  that  honourably 

24  receyued  geffray  &  his  felawship,  whiche  meruaylled 
them  gretly  of  hys  grete  courage  &  of  hys  fyersnes,  & 
brought  hym  toward  the  queene  that  abode  for  hym,  GeflVay  YUIU  the 
holdyng  her  sone  Henry  in  her  armes.     And  as  Geffray 

28  approched  to  her  she  enclyned  herself  tofore  him  /  and 
geffray  to  her  made  his  obeyssaunco  &  toke  her  vp  & 
kyssed  her  /  &  3syn  said  to  her, '  Madame,  my  sustir,  god      » foL  \M  b. 
yeue  you  joye  of  al  that  your  herte  desyreth '  /  And 

32  she   welcommed   hym    frendly   &   honourably.     And  and  u  welcomed. 

thewne  geffray  toke  vp  his  neuew  Henry,  that  kneled 

tofore  hym.     What  shuld  I  now  make  long  compte. 

Geffray  was  thenne  glad  /  &  the  port  was  open  &  hys 

8  Fr.  chalnne. 



His  navy  enters 
the  port  and  is 

Geffray  asks  for  a 

The  queen  orders 
the  portmaster 
to  prepare  a  gal- 
ley with  the 
sagest  mariner 
that  can  be 

He  has  a  rampin 
ready,  which 
guides  Getfray, 

who  soon  sails 
out  of  sight. 

i  fol.  157. ' 
TIrian  comes  to 

and  sees  the 
Savacen  fleet 

The  Saracens 


to  sail  against 


nauye  entred,  &  whan  they  were  wel  refresshed  geffray 
said  to  the  quene :  '  Madame,  I  wyl  departe,  lete  me 
haue  a  marcwner  that  wel  knoweth  the  cosies  of  this 
see,  so  that  I  may  fynd?  my  brother.'  4 

To  this  ansuerd?  the  quene,  '  My  right  dere  brother  / 
By  my  feyth,  I  wold  it  had  cost  me  a  thousand 
poundes  that  ye  were  now  wz't/i  my  lord,  yowr  brother, 
For  wel  I  knowe  he  shal  haue  grete  joye  of  yowr  8 
cowmyng1.'     and  themie  she  called  to  her  the  maister 
of  the  porte,  &  sayd  /  '  go  make  a  galyot  to  be  shipped 
redy  with  ten  cores,  &  seke  for  the  sagest  marowner 
&  best  patrorc  that  can  be  fond4,  for  to  conduyte  my  12 
lord  my  brother  toward  my  lord.'     '  Madame,'  ansuerd? 
the  maister  of  the  port,  '  I  haue  wel  a  rampyn  alredy 
shipped  to  rowe,  wel  armed  &  vytaylled',  &  resteth 
no  more  than  to  meve  &  departe.'     Thewne  was  geffray  16 
right  glade  &  toke  hys  leue  of  the  quene  &  of  his 
iievew,  &  entred  in  to  his  shipp  /  and  the  said  rampyn 
or  galley  gyded  hym  /  &  so  departed  wz't/i  hys  note,  & 
rowed  &  made  good,  way,  so  that  in  short  space  they  20 
of  the  porte  lost  the  syght  of  them.     And  the  quene 
Ermyne  prayed  deuoutely  to  god  that  they  ruyght  re- 
tourne  \viih  joye.     Of  hym  I  shal  leue  to  speke.     But 
Yryan  his  broker  rowed  so  long1  tyl  they  perceyued  the  24 
porte  1of  Japhe,  &  the  bygge  &  grete  vesselles  that 
were  there  assembled  /  and  thewne  was  there  comme 
the  Caliphe  /  the  Saudan  of  Barbarye,  the  kyng1  of 
Anthioche,  &  thadmyral  of  querdes,  -with  theire  puys-  28 
sau??ce.    And  was  by  them  concluded  the  king1  anthenor 
&  thadmyraH   shuld   make  vantward,  &   shuld   hold 
the  way  toward  rodes  /  and  yf  that  they  neded  socour 
they  shuld  wryt   to  the  Caliphe  &  to  the   Sawdan,  32 
whiche  alwayes  be  redy  to  helpe  &  ayde  them  /  and 
the  kyng1  antenor  of  Anthyoche  &  thadmyral  of  Cordes 
departed  fro  the  porte  of  Japhe  with  fourty  thousand 
panemes,  &  toke  theire  way  toward  Eodes  by  suche  36 

CH.  XXXVI.]  A   FIGHT   AT   SEA.  269 

wyse  that  Vryan  knew  nothing  of  theire  departyng1  / 

and  had  rowed  but  two  dayes  journey  whan  they  per-  TheymeetOuion, 

and  fight. 

ceyued  kyng  guyon  &  the  nauye  of  rodes,  and  also  the  There  is  much 
4  Cristens   perceyued   them  /  Thenne   was   there   grete 
alarrae  of  bothe  partes,  and  soone  they  borded  togidre. 
There  was  grete  occysyon  &  horryble  medlee  /  and  at 
the  first  recountryng  were  six  galleyes  of  the  sarasyns  »ix  Saracen  mi- 

leys  are  sunk ; 

8  sounken  &  perysshed  in  the  see  /  And  the  noble  crystens 
endeuoyred  them  self  wel  &  faught  valyauntly,  But 
the  force  &  the  quantyte  of  the  Sarasyns  was  grete/  but  because  of 

'     the  multitude  of 

and  the  Crysten  peuple  susteyned1  grete  charge,  &  had  Saracens  the 

Christian!  would 

12  be  dyscomfyted  yf  god1  of  hys  grace  had  not  conduyted  i«»ve  j«en  de- 
geffray  that  part  as  it  shaft  be  recounted  herafter. 

Thy  story  saith,  that  geffray  &  his  peple  say  lied  in 
the  see  by  force  of  wynd  fat  they  had  at  theire 

16  wytt  so  long,  that  they  1approuched  the  place  where       >ft>i.  1576. 
the  batayli  was.     And  first  of  all  the  rampyn  that  con-  come  tothei^afd. 
duyted  them  approuched  so  nygh  that  they  sawe  them 
fyght  /  and  anone  retourned  &  said  to  geffray,  '  Sire, 

20  co?nmande  al  men  to  be  redy,  For  we  haue  perceyued 
the  batayft  /  &  as  we  suppose  they  are  sarasyns  & 
crysten  fyghting  togidre.'  Thercne  rowed  the  galyote  & 
came  so  nygh  the  baytayH  that  they  herde  crye  on  hye, 

24  '  Cordes  &  Anthioche '  /  and  at  the  other  part '  Lusynen 
&  saynt  John  of  Rodes'  /  and  immedyatly  retourned  the 
rampyn  toward  geffray,  &  said  to  him, '  Sire,  at  that  one  Goflray  \»  told 
party  they  ben  sarasyns  /  and  at  the  other  part  theire  between  chm- 

r        J          t  tians  and  oara- 

28  callyng  is  Lusynen  &  Saynt  Johan  of  rodes  /  but  cer- 
taynly  it  is  not  the  kyng*  vryan  /  but  I  byleue,  my 
lord,  that  it  is  the  kyng  guyon  hys  brother  &  the 
maister  of  Eodes  that  thus  fyght  wt't/i  the  Sarasyns.' 

32  <  Ryght  foorth,'  sayd  geffray,  'goo  we  to  them  asprely '  / 
thewne  they  haunced"  saylles  vp  &  say  lied  foorth  by 
such  wyse  that  it  semed  as  it  had  be  the  vyreton  of  a 
Crosbow,  &  stemed  the  shippes  of  the  sarasyns  in  suche 

36  manere  that  they  were  sparpyllecl,  so  that  there  rested 


GEFFRAY   TO   THE   RESCUE.          [CH.  XXXVI. 

He  cries,    '  Lu- 
signan,'   which 
makes  the  Ar- 
menians think 
Urian  has  come 
to  help. 
The  Christians 
take  heart. 
1  foL  158. 

The  Saracens 
rally  and  attack 
their  enemies. 

Geffray  damages 
the  Saracens ; 

boards  the  vessel 
of  Anthenor, 

and  causes  many 
to  enter  the  Ad- 
miral of  Cordes' 

King  Anthenor 
and  the  admiral 
see  that  they 
have  been  dis- 
*  fol.  158  6. 
comfited,  so  set 
sail  to  Jaffa. 

not  foure  of  al  the  flote,  and  cryed  '  Lysynen '  with  a 
high  voys.     "Wherfor  the  Ermayns  &  they  of  Kodes 
byleued  ]?at  it  had  be  the  kyng  Vryan  that  were  come 
fro  cypre.     And  thewne  toke  they  good*  herte  to  them  4 
courageously.     And  the  kyng  of  Anthioche  l&  thad- 
myraH  of  Cordes  gadred  ayen  theire  peple,  and  rane 
vpon  the  crysten  with  grete  force.     But  geffray  &  hys 
peuple,  that  were  fresshe  &  new,   oue?-rane  them  in  8 
suche  manere  that  they  dommaged  gretly  the  sarasyns  / 
and  thewne  the  vessel  where  geffray  was  /  horded  the 
vessel  of  the  kynge  anthenor  &  were  chayned?  togidre. 
And  geffray  entred  into  the  vessel  of  the  kyng1  &  bygan  12 
to  make  grete  occysyon  of  the  sarasyws,  &  his  peuple 
entred  &  faught  so  valyauwtly  with  suche  a  strength" 
that  there  was  no  sarasyn  so  hardy  that  durst  shew 
hym  or  make  deffewse  /  and  many  of  them  for  theyre  16 
relyf  supposed1   to  haue  entred  into  thadmyral  shipp 
&  they  were  drowned  /  the  whiche  admyral,  guyon  & 
his  peuple  assaylled  strongly,  &  drowned  foure  of  the 
sarasyns  shippes.2     The  batayU  was  fyers  &  horryble  20 
&  thoccysyon  hydouse  /  and  briefly  to  say,  the  sara- 
syns were  putte  in   suche  manere  so  low   that   they 
had  noj>ing<  them  to  deffende.  / 

Moche  was  the  batayH  hard  &  strong1,  but  aboue  al  24 
other  faught  geffray  manfully,  &  so  dide  the 
poyteuyns  that  were  come  with  hym  there,  &  so  dyde 
guyon  the  maister  of  Eodes  &  theire  peple  /  but  they 
were  abasshed?  for  this  that  they  cryed  '  Lusynen '  /  28 
but  thennQ  it  was  no  saison  tenquere.     And  therane  the 
kyng1  anthenor  &  thadmyral  perceyued  wel  fat  the 
dyscomfiture  fyH  on  them,  For  they  Jjewne  3had  lost 
more  than  the  two  partes  of  theire  peple,  wherfore  they  32 
made  the  resydu  of  theire  peuple  to  wtt/idraw  them 

2  In  Fr.  et  toutesfois  le  rol  Anthenor  se  saulra  au  raisseau 
de  V admiral  de  Cordes  et  fut  tantost  son  vaisseau  pillie  de  ce 
qiii  y  estoit  de  ban,  et  pity  s  fut  effronde  en  mer. 

'  CH.  XXXVI.J      THE   FLIGHT   OP   THE  SARACENS.  271 

toward  the  port  of  Japhe  to  haue  socour  /  and  the  said 
kyng1  &  admyral  put  them  self  in  a  shipp  of  auauntage 
&  made  grete  saytt  fro  the  batayH,  and  whan  the  sara- 

4  syns  perceyued  they  went  after,  he  that  might  But 
the  Ermayns  &  they  of  Kodes  ouertoke  the  moost  part 
&  putte  them  to  deth  &  threw  fern  ouerbord.  But 
whan  geffray  perceyued  the  departyng*  of  the  kyng* 

8  anthenor  &  the  admyral,  he  dyde  make  suyH  &  went  Ge(r«ych«e« 


after  with  al  hys  nauye,  &  made  so  fast  way  that  anoone 
he  lefte  the  Ermayns  &  the  maister  of  Rodes  at  sterne. 
And  whan  the  rampyn  ship  of  auauntage  perceyued 

1 2  geffray,  the  patron  cryed  to  hys  peuple  wi'tA  a  hye 
voys  /  '  after  /  after  /  fayre  sires,  For  yf  geffray  leseth  his 
way  &  faylleth  to  mete  with  hys  brother,  I  shal  neuer 
dare  retourne  to  my  lady.'  And  thenne  the  kynge 

16  Guyon,  that  knew  the  rampyn,  asked  of  the  patron 
what  was  that  lord  cristen  that  so  had  socoured  them. 
'  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  patron, '  it  is  geffray  wi't/t  the 
greto  toth,  yowr  brother.'  And  whan  the  kyng  guyon 

20  vnderstod?  it  he  cryed  wt't/i  a  hye  voys,  '  make  more 
sayH,  bat  we  were  Wit/i  our  brother,  For  yf  he  were 
pervsshed  I  shuld  neuer  haue  hertly  joye.'  But  be  and  IB  followed 

by  the  rampm 

rampyn  went  tofore  so  fast  that  in  short  tyme  he  ouer-  to  Jaffa. 
24  toke   geffray,  that   was   neer  the   1sarasyns   that  ap-        >foLiM. 
prouched  the  porte  of  Japhe.     Here  I  shall  leue  to 

speke  of  them,  &  shal  shew  of  Vryan  that  tofore  was  Urian  had  be«n 

there,  and  had 

come  to  the  port  and  had  fyred  the  sarasyns  shippes 
28  there  /  but  the  paynemes  rescued  them  in  theire  best  *eet. 
manere  /  not  that  withstanding  there  were  more  than 
ten  vesselles  brent. 

In  this  partye  sheweth  thystorye  that  Geffray  wi'tft 
the  grete  toeth  pursiewed  so  long1  the  king  anthenor 
&  thadmyral  of  Cordes,  that  they  approuched  nygh  to 
the  port  of  Japhe,  where  they  entred  in  /  and  geffray  G«fft»y  enters 

*  the  port  of  Jaffa 

after  them ;  For  by  no  manere  he  wold  leuo  them  / 
36  though  men  shewed  to  hym  the  grete  multitude  of 



He  fights  them ; 
they  take  to  land. 

They  tell  the 
caliph  and  the 
sultan  their  ad- 

i  fol.  159  b. 
The  sultan 
repeats  an  old 
prophecy  that 
says  that  people 
who  believe  in 
Mahomet  cannot 
withstand  the 
Lusignans  on 
the  sea. 

Geffray  mean- 
while drives  the 
Saracens  from 
their  ships. 

They  fly  to  Jaffa. 

Geffray  orders 
the  horses  to  be 

paynemes  that  thenne  were  entred  in  to  the  vesselles  to 
socoure  the  kyng*  anthenor.     But  he  anoone  bygan  the 
batayti  that  was  hard?  &  mortaH,  in  so  moch"  that  the 
kyng  and  thadmyraH  were  constrayned!  to  take  land*,  4 
and  went  to  the  toune  of  Japhe,  where  they  fond!  the 
calyphe  of  Bandas  and  the  Sawdan  of  Barbarye  that 
were  gretly  abasshed?  that  so  soone  they  were  retourned, 
and  demanded!  of  the  cause  wherfore  /  and  they  re-  8 
counted  to  them  al  thaduenture,  And  how  the  kyng 
of  armenye  &  the  maister  of  Rodes  were  dyscomfyted1, 
had  not  a  knyght  araged  or  wodd!  that  came  &  so- 
coured  them  with  a  few  peuple  that  cryed! '  Lusynen'  /  12 
&  there   may  none   withstand!   hym,  whiche   is  now 
yonder  at  the  porte  where  he  fyghteth  ayenst  our  peuple  / 
and  al  that  he  recountreth  is   brought  to  hys  ende. 
And  whan  the  sawdan  vnderstod!  it  he  had  no  wyH  to  16 
1  lawghe  /  but  said,  '  By  machomet,  it  is  tolde  me  of  old! 
that  I,  &  many  other  of  owr   sette   and   lawe,  shall 
susteyne  grete  parels  vpon  the  see,  by  the  heyres  of 
Lusynen  /  but  yf  we  might  haue  them  on  land!,  and  20 
that  our  peuple  were  out  of  f  e  shippes  they  shuld  be 
soone  ail  dyscomfyted.'     '  By  aH  OUT  goddes/  said  the 
Caliphe,  '  ye  say  trouth,  /  and  also  yf  they  were  here 
dystroyed?  we  shuld   subdue  lyghtly  Rodes,  cypre,  &  24 
armanye  /  Lete  vs  thenne  make  owr  peuple  to  come  to 
land1,  and  suffre  the  Cristen  to  take  peasybly  theire 
landing1.'     But  in  certayn  for  nought  they  spake  soo, 
For  they  yssued  out  without  ony  commandemewt,  by  28 
the  vertue  &  strength"  of  Geffray  that  therto  constrayned! 
them  /  and  Geffray  with  his  peuple  pursiewed  them  at 
land',  &  chaced  them  vnto  the  Cite  of  Japhe  /  and  all 
thoo  that  were  ouertake  were  put  to  deth  /  and  they  32 
that  entred  in  the  toun  cryeci? '  treson,  treson  ! '    Thewne 
were  the  gates  shette,  and   euery  man  went  to  hys 
garde  /  and  geffray  retourned  to  his  shippes  /  and  com- 
manded  that  the  horses  shuld  be  had!  out  aland1.     For  36 

CH.  XXXVI.]     A  THREE  DAYS  TRUCE.  273 

he  said  that  neuer  he  shuld  departe  but  he  shuld  dey 
or  he  shuld  make  men  to  say,  that  Geffiray  with  the 
grete  toth  hath  be  here. 

4  rphystorye  telleth  vs  that  whyle  Geffray  was  about 
-A.    to    haue   out    of    the   shippes    hya    horses,   the 
rampyn  perceyued  the  baners  &  penons  of  the  kyng*  Urian  is  wen  by 
vryan,  that  mocfc  strongly  scarmysshed  the  nauye  of  S>pin?°f 
8  the  sarasyns  that  knew  nothing1  that  geffray  had  take 
land,  For  they  had  take  the  deep  of  the  porte.     And 
1  the  kynge  and  thadmyraH  were  arry ued  at  the  narowest        l  toL  i«o. 
syde  to  be  the  sooner  on  land.     Thenne  departed  the 

12  rampyn  shipp  of  auauntage,  and  rowed  toward  vryan.  They  row  to 
And  thenne  they  recountred  guyon,  whiche  asked  of 
the  patron  tydyng<?<?  of  geffray.     « Yonder  he  hath  take 
land,'  said  the  patron, '  &  hath  chaced  the  paynemes 

16  vnto  fe  Cite  /  and  yonder  is  the  kyng  vryan  your 
brojje?',  that  scarmyssheth  theire  nauye,  to  whom  I  goo 
for  to  anounce  hym  yowr  auenture,  and  the  commyng 
of  geffray,  his  brother'  /  And  thenne  the  rampyn 

20  rowed  fast,  and  came   to  vryan   to  whom,  after  his 

obeyssaurace  don,  he  recounted  al  the  faytte.     Wherof  and  tell  of 
Vryan  thanked  god  deuoutely  /  &  cryed  to  hys  peple, 
auaunt,  lordes,  thinke  to  doo  wel,  For  OUT  enemyes 

24  may  not  escape  vs,  but  that  they  be  other  slayn  or 

take.'     Thenne  the  crysten  borded  theire  enemyes,  the  Urian  drives  the 

Saracens  to  land. 

which  were  gretly  abasshed   of   this,  that   they   had 

knowleche  that  the  kyng1  anthenor  &  thadmyraH  were 

28  retourned  to  Japhe.     wherfor  they  toke  land  who  that 

might,  &  fledd  toward  the  toun.     And  thenne  whan   They  fly  to  the 


the  Calyphe  and  the  saudan  sawe  theire  peple  aland, 

they  dyde  send  ambaxades  toward  the  prynces  Cristen  The  caliph  «»ks  a 

J      J  truce  for  three 

32  for  to  haue  trews  the  space  of  thre  dayes,  &  that  they  daya. 
shuld  suffre  theire  landing1,  &  on  the  foureth  day  they 
shuld  gyue  them  journey  of  batayH.      Kinge  Vryan  Unan  agrees  to 
accorded  therto,  and  sent  word  therof  to  his  brethern 

3C  guyon  and  geffray  /  and  thus  they  landed  peasybly,  and 



The  brethren        assembled  theire  peple  togidre.     Thefme  1-\vas  the  Joye 

land  their  hosts, 

i  foi.  160  b.  grete  emong1  the  thre  bretheren,  and  theire  oost  was 
nombred  xxii.M1  what  men  of  armes  /  balesters  & 
archers.  4 

greet  each  other,   f  I  ^hystorve  sayth  that  the  thre  bretheren -and  theire 

and  refresh  them- 


selves.  _|_    peuple  made  moche  eche  of  other,  &  refresshed 

them  during1  the  trews.      But  panne  the  Sawdan  of 
Damaske  that  had  knowleche  of  the  crystens  landing  8 
sent    word!    to    the    Calyphe    &    to    the    sawdan    of 
Barbarye,  that  they  shuld  not  fyght  wa't/i  the  crysten 
tyl  he  were  come  with  them,  &  that  they  shuld?  take 

The  truce  is          othre  thre  days  of  trews  /  &  so  they  dide :  wherto  the  12 


noble    piynces   crysten   accorded.     And    duryng    that 

terme  the  Caliphe  &2  the  sawdan  of  Barbarye  dyde 

The  Saracens        wit/idraw  theyre  peuple  toward  Damaske  to  thentent 

march  inland  to 

prevent  the          that  they  might  have  the  Cristen  more  wz't/an  the  land'   1C 

Christians  escap- 

!n?t(}ftertlie  so  ^na^  none  Alight  flee  to  theyre  nauye;  but  he  were 
ouertake  &  slayne.  For  they  wend?  to  haue  aH  theire 
wyH  vpon  the  Crysten.  For  they  were  after  the  sau- 

The  hosts  are        dan   of   Damaske   was   assembled   wit7i   them   to  the  20 

140,000  Saracens 

against  22,000       no?ttbre  of  VII  score  thousand?  fyghtyng  men  /  and  be 


crysten  were  but  xxii.M1  good  men  /  the  which",  whan 
they  knew  of  the  departyng1  of  the  sarasyns  fro  Japhe, 
The  Christians      they  were  fuH  dolaunt ;  For  they  supposed  they  had  24 

think  the  Sara-  .         _ 

cens  have  fled.  fledd  /  but  for  nought  they  wend  soo  /  for  at  ende  01 
six  dayes  they  came  &  approuched  nygh  them,  &  on 

An  interpreter      the  morne  gaf  them  batayli.    Thenne  came  a  trucheman 

brethren,  mounted  vpon  a  dromadary,  Avhiche  alighted  tofore  the  28 

tentes  of  the  thre  bretheren,  and  humbly  salued  them  / 
8  foi.  lei.        and  they  rendred  hym  3  gretyng1  /  and  he  beheld  them 

He  wonders  at      long  or  he  spake.     For  he  wondred  moche  of  theire 

their  fierceness ;  o  _ 

especially  at  Gef-  noble  maynten  &  fyers  contenawnce  /  and  in  especial  6'1 

fray's  tooth. 

he  me?'uaylled  moche  of  Geffray  that  was  the  hyest  of 
personne,  &  saw  the  toeth  that  passed  oue?-  the  lyppe 
along   hys   cheke  ;    wherof   he  was  so  abasshed   that 
almost  he   coude   not  speke  /  but  at  last  he  said  to  36 
2  MS.  &  and. 

en.  xxxvi.]    GEFFRAY'S  ANSWER  TO  THE  SARACENS.  275 

kynge  Vryan  in  this  wyse.     '  Xoble  kyng  of  Cypre  /  He  delivers  his 

:.  .  -•  m  . 

my  right  redoubted  the  Sawdants  of  Barbarye  & 
of  Damaske  /  the  Calyphe  of  Bandas  /  the  kynge*  of 
4  Anthioche  &  of  Danette  &  thadiuyrati  of  Cordes  send  that  the  Saracen 

lords  are  ready 

word1  by  me  to  you  that  they  be  prest  l  redy  to  lyuero  'or  batue. 
you  batayH,  &  they  tary  after  you  in  a  medowe  vuder 
Uamaske  where  ye,  wt't/i  al  your  puyssaunce  may 
8  come  /  saf  and  peasybly  there  to  make  and  take 
there  yowr  lodgys  tofore  them  wheresomeuer  it  playse 
you  /  and  by  auenture  whan  ye  haue  seno  theire  puys- 
saunce ye  shall  fynd  some  good  &  amyable  traytye  He  nuggesu  a 


12  wi't/i  my  said!  lordes.     For  certaynly  it  is  not  to  your 
power  to    w/t/f  stand!    theire    strength.'      And    whan 

herd*  there  wordes,  he  sayd  to  hym  /  '  goo  thou  Oem-ay  bids  him 

return  to  the 

to  thy  kynges  &  sawdants,  &  to  thy  Caliphe  /  and  say  Caliph 
1C  them  that  yf  there  were  none  only  but  I  &  my  peuple, 
yet  wold  I  fyght  /  &  say  them  fat  of  theire  trews  we 
haue  nought  to  doo  /  and  whan  thou  shalt  come  to 
them  say  that  geffray  with  the  greto  toth  deffyeth  them  /  with  his  defiance. 
20  and  anoone  after  that  thou  art  departed  from  hens  I  andthenew« 

that  Geflray  is 

shal  sawte  the  Cite  of  Japhe,  &  shal  fyre  it  /  and  al  the  »»*>ut  to  awii 

Jatra  and  to  slay 

sarasyus  that  I  shal  fynd>,  I  shal  putte  them  to  deth  /  JJJJj.8^™ 
and  say  to  them,  as  thou  passe  by  2that  they  puruey      *foLi6i6. 
24  them  wel,  For  I  ryght  foorth  shaH  departe  to  asayH 
them.'   And  whan  the  truchemau  or  messager  herd  this 
ansuere,  he  was  al  abasshed  /  and  wit/tout  eny  more 
prooes  he  lept  vpon  his  dromadary,  For  he  had  so  greto  The  interpreter 

leap*  upon  his 

28  feer  of  the  fyersnes  of  geffray  that  alwayes  he  loked  ^*ry*1dd 
behyntf  hym,  for  fere  that  he  had  folowed  hym  /  & 
sayd  in  hym  self  :  '  By  mahon,  yf  al  the  other  were 
suche  as  that  w/t/i  the  grete  toth,  OUT  lordes,  nor  theire 

32  puyssauwce  were  not  able  to  withstand  them.'     And 

thenue  he  came  to  Japhe,  &  said  to  them  that  geffray  He  tells  the  peo- 

ple of  Jaffa  that 
wit//  the  ^reto  toth  wold  come  anoon  tassaytt  theire  Guffray  is  about 

to  assail  them. 

Cyte,  and  that  he  had  sworne  that  he  shuld  putte  in 

1  Fr.pret:. 

T  2 



Many  fly  to 

Geffray  ap- 
proaches Jaffa. 

The  interpreter 

i  fol.  162. 
to  the  Saracen 


and  relates  the 
result  of  his  em- 

subgectzon  of  hys  swerdf  al  them  that  he  fond!.  Theraie 
were  they  aH:  abasshed  /  and  wete  it  wel  that  the  more 
parte  of  the  peple  there  fled  for  fere  toward  Damaske, 
and  toke  with  them  theire  goodes.  And  anoon  geffray  4 
dide  blow  vp  hys  trompettes,  &  armed  hys  peple,  &  went 
incontynent  to  sawte  the  toun,  and  wold?  neuer  cesse 
therof,  For  ony  thing  that  his  brefern  said  /  and  sware 
by  god  that  he  shuld  shewe  them  suche  tokens  that  men  8 
shuld  knowe  that  he  had  ben  in  surye.  But  here  seaceth 
thistorye  of  hym,  &  speketh  of  the  forsaid  messanger 
j?at  rode  so  long  that  he  came  tofore  the  lodgys  of  the 
sarasyns  at  Damaske.  12 

In  this  party,  sayth  thystory,  that  the  messager  rode 
so  fast  vpon  his  dromadary  that   he  cam  /  vnto 
thoost  tofore  Damaske  /  &  fond?  in  the  tente  of  the 
Calyphe  the  two  savvdans, l  the  king1  anthenor  /  thad-  16 
myral  of   Cordes,  the  kyng1  golofryn   of  Danette,  & 
many  other  that  asked  tydynges  of  the  Cristens.     And 
the  messager  them  said  /  '  I  haue  don  your  commande- 
ment  &  message  /  but  whan  I  shewed  vnto   them,  20 
yf  that  they  had  seen  yowr  puyssaunce  it  wold  haue 
be  a  meane  of  traytye  with  you  /  and  thewne  one  of 
them  that  had  oo  grete  toth,  wold  not  suffre  the  kyng 
of  Cypre  to  haue  the  wordes,  but  he  hymself  said  Jms,  24 
"  Goo  thou  to  thy  kynges  and  sawdants,  &  say  them  we 
haue  not  to  doo  with  theire  trews,  /  &  that  yf  there  wer 
but  he  &  his  peple  only,  yet  wold  he  fyght  with  you"  / 
and  morouer  said  to  me  /  that  assooue  as  I  shuld  come  28 
to  you  that  I  shuld  take  you  ayen  J?e  patents  of  yowr 
trews,  &  that  ye  shuld  beware  of  hym  /  and  that  in 
despyte  of  you  aH  he  wold!  assawte  Japhe,  &  putte  the 
fyre  thrugh  al  the  toun  &  destroy e  them  for  euer  /  and  32 
that  thus  I  shuld  say  to  them  whan  I  passed  by  the  Cite  / 
and  so  haue  I  doo  /  and  wete  it  wel  that  the  more2 
part  of  the  Cytezeyns  be  come  after  me,  &  immedy- 
2  MS.  has  more  twice. 


atly  after  my  departyng*  I  here}  hys  trompette*  blowo 
thassawte  of  Japhe  /  &  ye  coude  neuer  thinke  thorryble 
&  fyers  contenawnces  of  the  prynce*  crysten  wz't/t  theire 
4  puyssauwce  /  And  wete  it  wel  after  the  semblaunce  that  He  teiu  the  s»- 

racens  that  he 

they  shew,  ye  be  not  of  power  tabyde  them,  &  in  thinks  they  «  re 

J  J  unable  to  with- 

especial  he  \vith  the  grete  toth  hath  none  other  fere  stand  the  chris- 


but  that  ye  shal  flee  or  they  come  to  you.'     And  whan 
8  the  saudan  of  Damaske  vnderstod*  it,  he  bygan  to  lawgfi,  The  Sultan  of 

Damascus  jeers 

&  said?,  '  By  machomidf,  in  asmoche  as  I  haue  perceyued  *»«!  *»y8  h«  will 

J  *         J  make  the  inter- 

now  yowr  hardyues,  ye  shal  be  the  first  in  bataytt  ayenst 

hym  w/t/i  the  greto  toth.'     Wherto  ansuerd  Hho  ines-      >foi.  1026. 
12  sager  /  '  vnhappy  be  that  heure  or  day  that  I  approche 
hym  /  but  yf  there  lie  a  grete  ryuere  or  the  toures  or 
walles  of  Damaske  or  some  other  Fortres  betwix  hym 
&  me  /  and  yf  I  doo  other,  lete  my  lord  mahomid?  The  interpreter 

declares  he  will 

16  drowne  me,'  /  &  therw/tA  bygane  euery  personne  to  notflghtGeffray. 
luwhe.     But  there  were  suche  that  lawhedf,  that  aftir- 
ward,  yf  they  might  haue  had?  leyser,  they  wolcfc  haue 
wept.     Now  shaft  I  shew  how  geff  ray  assawted  Japhe,  Geffrey  assauiu 

Jaffa,  slays  the 

20  and  toke  it  by  force,  and  putte  to  deth  aft  the  sarasyns  inhabitants,  and 

*         takes  their  roods 

there,  and  toke  their  hauoir  and  good&j  out  of  the  Cyte  /  *°  ^  ve 
&  bare  it  vnto  the  vesselles,  and  after  sette  fyre  on  the 
Cite  /  and  this  don,  retourned  the  crysten  to  theire 
24  lodgys,  where  geffray  requyred  his  bretheren  that  they 
shuld  take  hym,  the  maister  of  Rodes,  &  hys  peuple,  to 
make  the  vantgardo  /  &  they  were  agreed1  /  and  that  The  battle  is 


same  nyght  they  rested  them  tyl  on  the  morowe. 

28  rflhe  next  day,  as  the  hystory  wytnesseth,  after  the 

in  good  order. 


JL    masse  herd!,  desloged  the  van  ward1,  and  after  the  Thehost  marches 
grete  batayll,  &  the  sommage  &  syn  the  ryergarde  / 
and  it  was  a  noble  syght   to  see  thoost  &  the  fayre 
32  ordynawnce    to    departe.      The?me    came    a   spye    to 

" etfrav,  &  hvm  said? :    '  Sire,  about  half  a  leghe  hens  A  spy  t«iis  Gef- 

0  J)  J  fray  of  the  march 

ben  a  thousand  sarasyns,  whiche  drawe  them  toward  of  a  thousand 

S  iT  l''''IiS  t   '  ]>  V- 

baruth  to   kepe  the   hauen  of   the   toune.'     to  whom  routh- 
3G  geffray  asked  /  ' canst  conduyte  me  thither?'  /  'ye,  by 



i  fol.  163. 

Geffray  follows 

and  overthrows 

They  fly  to  Bey- 
routh, chased  by 
the  Christians. 

The  Saracens 
cross  the  bridge, 
followed  by  five 
hundred  of  Gef- 
fray's  men. 

The  Saracens  are 
driven  out  of  the 
other  gate,  and 
fly  to  Tripoli 
and  Damascus. 

Geffray  slays  all 
the  Saracens  he 

and  says  that  he 
will  keep  the 

my  feyth,  sire,'  sayd  the  spye.     Thenne  said  geffray  to 
the  maister  of  rodes,  that  he  shuld  conduyte  the  van- 
warde,  puttyng  fyre  vpon  the  way  where  he  went,  to 
thentent  he  shuld  not  fayli  to  fynd?  hym  by  the  trasse  4 
of  the  fumyer  /  and  the  maister  of  *  Bodes  said  /  '  it  shal 
be  don.'     And  thawne  departed  geffray  with  the  spye, 
and   went  before,  where  he   perceyued  the  sarasyns 
co?wmyng  fro  a  mouwtayn  ;  &  he  shewed  to  geffray  the  8 
sarasyns,  which,  was  joyful  therof,  &  hasted  hys  peuple. 
and  whan  he  had  ouertake  them  /  he  sware  :  '  by  god  / 
ye  gloutons  !  ye  may  not  me  escape '  /  &  so  rane  vpon 
them,  &  ouerthrew  the  first  that  he  recotintred  to  the  12 
erth,  &   syn   drew  hys   swerd!,  &   dyde   meruayllows 
fayttes  of  armes,  &  his  peuple  in  lyke  wyse.     "What 
nede  is  to  speke  more  of  the  sarasyns,  they  were  dys- 
comfyte,  &  fled  toward  Baruth,  &  the  Crysten  in  the  16 
chaas.     And  whan   the  sarasyns  of   baruth  sawe  the 
fleers,  they  anoone  knew  them,  &  lete  faH  the  bridge, 
&  opened  the  gates  &  barryers  /  thewne  the  fleers  entred 
wit7dn   the   toune  /  but   alwayes   geffray  folowed?   so  20 
hastly,  that  he  entred  wi't/i  them  wit/iin  the  town  with 
wel  fyue  C  men  of  armes.     And  whan  Geffray  was 
entred  he   co?nmanded   to   kepe    [the]   gate2   tyl   the 
resydu  of  hys  peuple  were  come  /  And  thenne  bygan  24 
the  batayft  to  be  fyers  &  strong1  /  but  neue?-theles  the 
Sarasyns  might  not  endure,  but  fled  at  another  yate  out 
of  the  toun.     And  he  that  fenne  had  a  good  hors  was 
wel  bestad!,  For  they  sporyd  fast,  som  toward  the  Cite  28 
of  tryple,  &  some  toward  Damaske.      And  geffray  & 
his  peple  slew  al  the  sarasyns  that  they  fond?  in  the 
toun,  and  threw  them  in  the  see  /  and  he  that  sawe 
the  toun  strong  &  the  Castel  nygh  the  see,  fayre  porte  32 
garnysshed  -with  toures  for  the  sauegarde  of  the  nauye  / 
sayd  /  '  that  place  shuld  be  kepe  for  hym  self '  /  and 
there  geffray  lefte  two  houndred  men  of  armes  &  a 
2  Fr.  a  garder.     MS.  has  repegate  =  kepe  [the']  gate. 


C  balesters  of  his  peple  /  and  he  hywself  ^oiourned       ifoi.  im. 

there  ail  that  same  nyght.     And  on  the  morne  he  toke  jJ^d^uS?* 

leue  of  his  men  that  he  lefte  there,  &  rode  after  thoost  guardit> 

4  by  the  trace  of  the  f  umyer  &  smoke  /  but  the  maister  and  by  the  guid- 

of  Eodes  was  afercJ  lest  he  shuld!  haue  grete  empesche-  smoke  ri.ics  to 

/     TT  111  ^C  Christian 

ment  /.  Here  seaceth  the  hystorye  of  hym  /  and  sheweth  n°»t- 
of   the  fleers  out  of  Japhe  toward  Damaske,  whiche 
8  came  to  thoost  at  the  tente  of  the  Sawdan,  where  as  the 
lordes  sarasyns  were  /  and  pyteously  recounted  to  them  The  fugitive* 
the  dystructzon  of  Japhc  /  how  the  Cristen  hadf  putte  count  their  mi»- 

liaji  to  the  sultan. 

to  deth  botne  yong  &  old1,  &  sette  fyre  on  echo  part 

12  of  the  toun.     Whan  the  saudants  &  kyngea  sarasyns 

vnderstodl   it,  they   were   fuft   dolaunt     'By   al   our 

goddes,'  said  the  saudan  of  Damaske,  'Moche  hard! 

ben  the  crysten,  &  they  doubtc  nought  as  it  semeth  / 

16  but  fuH  wel  they  knowe  that  they  are  not  of  power  to 

Wi't/jstand  oz*r  grete  puyssaunce  ;  wherefore  they  make 

semblauwt,  that  nought  they  fere  vs,  &  make  suche 

sawtes  while  that  we  are  ferre  fro  them  /  but  yf  we  TheSuitanof 

Damascus  says 

20  marched  foorth  /  no  doubte  they  wold  recule  &  wit//-  the  Christians 

'  J  would  fall  back 

drawe  them  in  to  theire  shippes.'     'By  mahon,'  said   if  he 

against  them. 

the  sawdan  of  Barbarye  /  '  yf  they  were  here  alle  rested  The  Sultan  of 

Bjirbary  nays 

or  soden,  &  yf  it  were  custome  to  ete  suche  flesshe,  they  there  are  not 

enough  Chris- 

24  were  not  to  the  regarde  of  owr  pepie  suffysaunt  for  a  *{">•  to  raftk« 

the  Saracen  host 

brekfast  /  by  my  la  we,  yf  there  were  but  I  &  my  peuple  »  breakfast.- 
only,  yet  shuld!  none  repasse  of  them  homward!.'     But 
whan  the  trucheman  or  messager  her<J  hym  so  spoke 
28  he  coude  neuer  hold?  hys   tonge,  but  that  he  sayd  / 

'  myghty  sawdan,  yf  now  ye  sawe  the  kyng  Vryan  /  but  the  intrr- 
the  kyng  guyon  hys  brother,  &  he  w/t/i  the  grete  toth,   »uitan  «w  the 

•     °  °    J  brethren  he 

theire  horryble  &  fyers  contenawnce,  shuld  cause  2you        »foLi«4. 

32  to  be  in  peas  &  cesse  yo?*r  grete  menaces.     And  wete 
it  wel,  or  the  werke  be  ful  doo  ye  shal  not  haue  them  p 
fo[r]  so  good  chep  as  ye  say  /  but  oft  he  that  menaceth 
is  somtyme  in  grete  fer  &  drede  hym  self,  &  aftirward 

36  ouerthrawen  '  /  And  thenne  whan  the  saudan  vnder- 


stode  the  messagers  wordes,  he  said  to  hym :  '  By 
Mahomid,  fayre  sire,  I  see  wel  by  the  grete  hardynes 
that  is  in  you,  ye  wold1  fayne  be  ordeyned  at  the  first 
recountre  of  J?e  bataytt  ayenst  Geflfray  wit/i  the  grete  4 
toeth.'  &  he  ansuerd? :  '  By  my  la  we,  sire,  yf  he  be 
not  recovmtred  of  none  other  but  of  me  /  he  may  wel 
come  surely;  For  I  shal  tourne  myn  heelys  toward? 
hym  /  ye  /  one  leghe  or  two  ferre  fro  his  perso/me.'  8 
Thewne  the  lawhing  was  there  grete  /  but  soone  after 
they  herd?  other  tydynges,  wherof  they  had  no  wyH 
The  fugitives  to  lawhe,  For  the  fleers  fro  baruth  forsayd  came  to 

from  Beyrouth 

thoost,  and  to  them  recounted?  the  dommage  &  pyte  of  12 
relate  how  they     the  toune  of  Baruth,  and  how  geffray  with  the  grete 

have  been  chased 

by  Geffray,  toth  had  chaced  Jjem  by  force,  &  al  the  resydu  of  them 

he  had  slayn  /  &  '  by  inahon,'  said  they,  '  wete  it  wel 
he  is  not  of  purpos  to  flee,  For  he  hath  lefte  garnyson  16 

and  that  he  is      at  Baruth,  &  wel  vytaylled  it,  &  commeth  hyberward? 


in  al  haste  to  hym  possible  /  &  men  see  nothing1  thrugh 
al  the  Countre  where  he  passeth  but  fyre  &  flame,  & 
the  wayes  be  aH:  couered  \vith  sarasyns  that  he  &  hys  20 
peple  haue  slayn.'  The?me  whan  the  saudan  of 
Damaske  vnderstode  it  he  was  moch"  dolau?zt  &  angry. 
The  Sultan  of  '  By  mahomid!,'  said  he,  '  I  byleue  fermely  that  he  with 

Damascus  be- 
lieves Geffray  to    the  grete  toth  hath  a  dyuel  in  his  body.'     Thewne  said  24 

have  a  devil  in 

his  body.  the  saudan  of  Barbarye,  '  I  am  in  doubte  of  that  is  told? 

i  foi.  164  5.       me.'  '  What  is  that  1 '  ^aid?  the  saudan  of  Damaske  /  '  it 
saying  about  the    is  said  that  the  heyrs  of  Lusynen  shal  dystroye  me,  and 
destroying  him.     that  owr  lawe  shal  by  theire  strengthe  be  hurt  &  dom-  28 
maged.'     Thewne  was  there  none  so  hardy  a  Sarasyn 
but  that  he  shoke  for  fere.    And  now  cesseth  thystorye 
of  them,  &  retourneth  to  geffray. 

Thystorye  sheweth  in  this  partye,  that  so  long  rode  32 
geffray  wz't/?.  hys  felawship,  that  he  ouertoke  the 

takes  the  Master 

of  Rhodes,  vanwarde  that  the  maister  of  Rodes  conduyted,  whiche 

was  glade  of  his  retourne,  &  asked  how  he  had  ex- 
ployted.  And  geffray  recounted  to  hym  how  he  &  his  36 


peple,  -with  thayde  of  god,  he  had  wonne  the  tonne,  and  relates  how 

he  captured  Bc-y- 

castel,  &  hauen  of  baruth,  and  that  by  force  they  had!  routh. 
chased  a  grete  part  of  them  that  were  wit/iin,  and  the 
4  resydu  they  had  putte  to  deth  /  &  how  he  had  lefto 
certayn  nombre  of  his  peuple  to  kepe  it.  '  By  god,' 
sayd  the  maister  of  Eodes,  '  ye  haue  wel  don,  &  nobly 
&  valyauntly  exployted'  /  and  soone  these  tydynge*  The  news 

8  were  knowen  thrugh  thoost  /  &  Vryan  &  Guyon  were   uri*n  and  uuion 

are  joyful 
joyfuH  therof.     'By  my  feyth,'  said  Vryan  to  Guyon : 

'  Oure  brother  Geffray  is  of  grete  enterpryse  &  ryght  The  brothers 

speak  of  the 

valyaunt  in  armes,  and  yf  god  of  his  grace  yeue  liym  prowess  of  Gef- 
12  long  lyf,  he  shal  do  yet  many  grete  acte*  worthy  to  be 
had  in  mynde.'     'By  my  feyth,'  said  guyon,  'ye  say 
trouth.'    Long  tyme  went  the  two  bretheren  thus  spek- 
yng  of  the  prowes  of  geffray  /  And  so  long  marched  jjeir 

1 6  oost,  that  on  an  euen  they  lodged  them  by  a  ryuere  The  host  anire« 

•toe  to  Damas- 
fyue  niyle  fro  Damask e  /  &  there  came  theire  espyes,  cu». 

that  declared  to  them  aH  the  manyere  &  contenaunce 
of  the  sarasyns.     And  the/me  they  toke  Counseyl  to 

20  wete  what  best  was  to  doo,  &  they  l  concluded  that  on        » foL  iw. 
the  morne  theire  oost  shuld  lodge  a  leghe  nygh  to 
the  Sarasyns  as  they  dide.     And  thus  on  the  morne 
they  departed,  &  was  commu?*ded   that  none   shuld 

24  sette  fyre  on  his  lodgys,  nor  in  none  other  place ;  to 
thende  that  the  Sarasyns  shuld  not  soone  perceyue 
theire  commyng.  And  briefly  to  say,  BO  long  they  Next  d/»y  they 

march  still 

went  tyl  they  came  to  the  place  where  they  lodged  nearer. 
28  them  togidre,  &  made  )>at  nyght  good  watche  toward 
theire  enemyes.    &  after  they  souped  &  lay  al  nyght  in 
theire  harneys.     And  anoone  aftir  middenyght  geffray,   At  midnight  o«f. 

J  fray  ambushes  a 

accompanyed  w/t/i  a  thousand  fyghting   men,  toke  a 

32  guyde  that  wel  knew  the  Countre,  &   went  toward 

thoost  of  the  Sarasyns  al  the  couert.     &  nygh  therby 

was  a  forest  that  dured  a  myle,  and  there  he  embusshed 

&  sent  word  to  thoost  that  they  shuld  be  redy  as  to 

36  receyue  theire  enemys. 



lie  takes  two 
hundred  more 
men,  and  tells 
those  of  the  am- 
bush not  to  fight 
until  he  and  his 
company  fall 
back ;  and  that 
then  they  should 
rush  upon  their 

Geffray  marches 
to  the  Saracen 

i  foL  165  b. 

It  is  asleep. 

When  he  sees  the 
great  multitude 
he  says  that  they 
would  have  to  be 
dreaded  if  they 
were  Christian, 
but  as  they  are, 
they  are  only 

G«ffray  sees  a 
rich  te'nt ; 

he  enters  and 
smites  those 

They  awake ; 

Thystorye  testyfyeth  that  geffray  at  the  day  spryng, 
mounted  on  horsbake,  -with  ij.  C  fyghtyng  men, 
&  commanded  them  of  thembusshe  J>at  for  nothing  that 
they  sawe  they  shuld  not  meue  them  tyl  that  they  sawe  4 
hym  &  hys  company  recule,  and  thercne  vpon  them  of 
the  chaas  they  shuld  renne.     Thewne  departed  geffray, 
&  went  vpon  a  lytel  montayne,  and  sawe  the  sarasyns 
cost   aH   styl,    &  herd1   nothing1,    as   nobody   had?   be  8 
there.     Therane  was  he  dolaunt,  that  sooner  he  had  not 
knowen  theire  contencmnce,  For  yf  hys  bretheren  had 
be  there  with  theire  peple,  they  shuld!  haue  had  good 
chep  of  sarasyns  /  but  not  withstanding,  he  sware  that  12 
syth   he  was   so  nygh,  that  he  shuld   make  them  to 
knowe   his   commyng1.     The?zne   said   geffray   to   hys 
f elawes  :  '  ryde  we  fast,  &  see  that  ye  be  not  aslepe  as 
they  are  /  &  make  no  bruyt  tyl  I  shal  command?  you.'  16 
And  they  said?  Hhat  nomore  shuld  they  doo.     Thewne 
they  rode  al  the  couert  nygh  togidre,  &  and  entred 
into    thoost,  &  wel  perceyued  that  they  were  aslepe 
on  euery  syde  /  geffray  behel  &  sawe  the  grete  multi-  20 
tude  of  peuple  /  and  syn  he  said  in  this  wyse  :  '  By  my 
feyth,  yf  fey  were  crysten,  they  were  to  be  ferd?  & 
dredd  /  but  yet  they  be  not  so  good  as  dogges.'  and  with 
his  feiawship  went  vnto  the  myddes  of  thoost,  or  they  24 
made  eny  stryf.     And  there  geffray  perceyued  a  ryche 
tente,  and  supposyng  that  it  had  be  other  the  Caliphes 
tente  or  one  of  the  saudants  /  said  vnto  hys  peuple  / 
'  auaunt,  lordes  &  good  men,  it  is  now  tynie  to  chere  &  28 
awake  these   houndes,  for   to  long   they  haue  slept.' 
Therane  Geffray,  &  ten  knightes  with  hym,  entred  in  to 
the  sayd  tente,  &  vpon  them  that  were  in  smote  with 
theire  swerdes,  makyng  heedes,  armes,  &  legges  to  leue  32 
the  bodyes.     There  was  the  noyse,  &  the  cry  grete  & 
hydoMS  to  here  /  &  wete  it  that  it  was  pe  tente  of  the 
kyng  Gallafryn  of  Danette ;  whicfi.  anoone  rose  vp  fro 
hys  bed?,  &  wel  he  supposed  to  haue  fled  out  at  the  36 


backsyde  of   hys  tento,  but  gcfTray  perceyued,  &  gaf  Geffray  cuta 


hym  suclie  a  stroke  with  his  swerd1  that  was  pesauwt,  &  i<ead  open. 
cuttyng  sharp  as  a  raser,  that  he  cleft  hys  heed1  vnto 
4  the  brayne  /  &  the  sarasyn  kyng  fell  doun  deed1  /  and 
none  escaped  of  them  that  were  in  the  tente ;  but  they 
•were  aH  slayne.     And  thenne  cryeng  '  Lusynen '  they  The  Christians 

cr>'ing  '  Lusig- 

retourned  thrugh"  thoost,  puttyng  to  deth  al  the  sarosyns  nan/  return 

J    '  thr-.ugh  Uie  host 

8  that  they  recountred.     Thenne  was  thoost  wel  awaked  ««d  »iay  many 


&  made  grete  alarme  /  And  anoone  came  these  tyd- 
ynges  to  the  tente  of  the  sawdan  of  Damaske,  that 
said  :  '  What  noyse  is  that  I  here  yonder  l  without  ? '  '  ft>L  iw. 

...  i  •  v    i      i    Th*  Sultan  of 

12  rhenne  a  sarasyn  that  came  fro  that  part,  whim  hail  Damascus  hM» 

the  tidings, 

a  broken  heed1,  in  such  manere  )>at  hys  one  eere  lay 
vpon  hys  sholder  /  sayd  to  hym :  '  Sire,  that  are  x 
dyuelles,  and  theire  meyne  that  haue  entred  into  yowr 

16  oost,  which"  slee  &  ouerthraw  al  them  that  they  re- 
countre  in  theire  way  /  and  they  haue  slayn  the  kyng 
of  Danette  your  cousyn,  and  theire  cry  is  "  Lusynen  ! " ' 
AVlum  the  saudan  vnderstodl  it  he  made  hys  trompettes 

20  to  blow  vp,  that  euery  man  shul-.F  be  armed1.  And 

thenne  the  saudan  &  x.  M1  sarasyns  wt't/i  h\Tii  went  and  with  x.  MI 


after.  And  geffray  went  \vith  hys  peple  thrugh  thoost 
makyng  grete  occyson  of  sarasyns,  For  they  were 

24  vnarmed,  &  might  not  endure  nor  wa't/istand1.  And 
wete  it  that  or  euer  they  departed  fro  thoost,  they 
slough  &  hurt  more  than  iii  M1  sarasyns  /  and  whan 
they  were  out  of  the  lodgys,  they  went  al  softe  & 

28  fayre  /  And  the  sawdan  of  Damaske  hasted  hym  after. 

Moche  dolaunt  &  angry  was  the  saudan  of  Damaske, 
whan  he  perceyued  the  grete  occyson  that  the 
crysten  had  don  vpon  hys  peuple  /  &  sware  by  hys 
32  goddes  Appolyn  anc¥  mahon,  that  forthwz'tA  he  shuld 
be  auenged  on  them,  &  that  not  a  crysten  shuld  be 
take  to   mercy,  but  shuld   al   be   slayn.     thenne   he 
folowed    geffray   wi't/i    x    thousand    Sarasyns.      And 
36  thenne  geffray  that  perceyued,  &  sent  word!  therof  to 



J  foL  166  6. 

He  is  driven 
back  by  the 
vanguard  of  the 

Then  liis  host  is 
fal  en  upon  by 
the  ambush, 

four  thousand 
Saracens  are 

Some  of  them 
escape  to  their 

and  tell  the  Sara- 
cen leaders  of 
the  mishap. 

The  Sultan  of 
Damascus  fights 

fol.  167. 

hys  bretheren  by  his  peple  feynyng1  to  flee  /  and  he 
entred?  wt't/un  the  busshe  where  his  peple  was,  for  to 
putte  them  in  aray  /  And  the  saudan  folowed  alway, 
&  passed?  byfore  thembussh".     Wete  it  wel  that  the  4 
maister  of   Eodes   that   conduyted   the  vanward?  was 
thewne   in  fayre   JbatayH.     And  whan   he   sawe   the 
saudan  that  folowed  the  crysten  /  he  ranne  ayenst  the 
sarasyns,  the  spere  in  the  rest,  and  there  they  medled?  8 
togidre  &  faught  strongly  /  and  wit/iin  a  lytel  space  of 
tyme  the  Sarasyns  were  dyscomfyte.     For  at  the  first 
recountre  with  the  speerys,  eche  cristen  ouerthrew  a 
sarasyn   to   the  erth".     And   whan   the   sawdan  sawe  12 
that   he   might   no   lenger   wft/istand?  he   reculed,    & 
assembled  his   peple  in  hys  best  wyse,  abydyng  the 
sarasyns  that    came  after.     But  geffray  &   hys  com- 
panye  yssued  out  of  thembusshe  and  ranne  vpon  them  16 
J>«t  went  wzt/^out  orcloncmnce  after  the  saudan.     And 
wit/iin  a  whyle  there  were  slayn  of  the  sarasyns  by  the 
way  more  than  foure  thousand*.     And  themie  many  of 
them  fledd  toward  theire  oost,  and  fond?  the  caliphe  of  20 
bandas,  the  saudan  of  barbarye,  the  king  Anthenor,  & 
thadmyral  of   Cordes,  whiche  asked   them  fro  whens 
J>ey   came  /  And   they   ansuerd? :    '  we   come   fro   the 
batayli  where  the  sawdan  of  Damaske  hath  be  dys-  24 
comfy  ted.'     And  whan   they  vnderstod*  it  they  were 
dyscomforted  &  sorowful,  &  wyst  not  what  they  shuld 
say  or  do.    Now  I  wyl  retourne  to  speke  of  the  batayH. 

The  batayH  was  horrible  &  cruel,  &  the  sawdan  of  28 
Damaske  faught  maufully  fat  day,  after  that  he 
had?  assembled  hys  peple.     The/me  came  geffray,  that 
ranne  vpon  them  at  backsyde  /  and  the  maister  of 
rodes  at  the  other  syde,  In  so  nioche  that  there  was  32 
made  grete  occysyon  of  sarasyns.     What  shuld  I  make 
long  compte  /  the  feled  them  assaylled  on  bothe  sydes, 
wherby  2they  were  dyscomfyted,  &  might  no  lenger 
defende.     And  whan  the  saudan  perceyued  the  dys-  36 

CH.  XXXVI.]      THE   FLIGHT   OP   THE   SULTAN    OP   DAMASCUS.  285 

comfy ture,  he  went  out  of  the  bataytt  &  tourned  the  whendiscom- 
targe  behynd,  and  sporyd  hys  hors,  &  fled  fast  toward  he  flies  to  the 

Saracen  host. 

thoost  of  the  sarasyns  /  and  geffray  was  at  that  syde, 
4  that  wel  perceyued  hym,  &  demed  wel  by  hys  ryche  Geffrey  recog- 

. i     •      •,  i  .        ni/es  him,  and 

armures   that   it  was   he,  or  some  grete  lord  of  the  cries  to  him, 
sarasyns.     Thenne  he  broched  hys  hors  wzt/t  the  sporys 
after  the  saudan,  and  cryed  to  hym, '  retourne,  or  thou  -Return,  orthou 
8  shalt  dey  !  For  I  shuld!  haue  grete  vergoyne  yf  I  smote 
the  behynd  /  but  alwayes,  yf  thou  not  retourne,  nedea 
I  most   do  soo.'     And  whan   the   sawdan  vnderstod 
hym,  he  sporyd  hys  hors,  &  hasted  hym  more  than  he  He  hast**  away 
12  dido  tofore  /  and  geffray,  that  ryght  dolaunt  was  that 
he    might  not  ouertake    hym,  cryed  to  hym  ayen, 
sayeng1:    'Fy  on  the!   recreaunt  coward;  that  art  so  but  Geffray  again 

calls  on  him. 

wel  horsed,  &  so  nobly  &  surely  armed,  and  yet  darest 

16  not  abyde  a  man  alone  /  retourne,  or  I  shal  slee  the 

fleeyng*  /  how  be  it,  that   shal  be  ayenst  my  wyH.' 

And  thenne  the  saudan,  vergoynows  of  geffrays  wordes, 

that  for  fere  of  a  man  alone  he  fledd  /  retourned  at 

20  the  corner  of  be  wode,  nygh  by  thoost  of  the  sarasyns, 

in   that   same   place  where   as   geffray  had  that  day 

embusshed  hys  peuple  /  and  putte  hys  shilcl  tofore  hys 

brest,  and  the  spere  in  the  rest,  &  thus  he  cryed  to 

24  geffray:  'What  art  thou,  bat  so  hastly  folowest  me/  Atustthesnit*n 

turns  round  and 

by  mahon !   that   shal   be   to   thy  grete   dommage.  /  asks  his  name. 
'  and  for  thy  prouffyt  I  am  not  come  thus  ferre,'  said 
geffray  /  'but  syth  that  myn  name  thou  axest,  thou 
28  shalt  *it  knowe.     I  am  Geffray  vrith  the  grete  toeth,       >foi.  i«7&. 
brober  to  the  kinges  Vryan  &  guyon  /  and  what  art  Geffray  replies 

that  he  is  brother 

thou  ? '     '  Bv  mahon,  said  the  saudan,  '  that  shalt  thou  to  yrian  and 

Guinn,  and  de- 

knowe  /  I  am  the  saudan  of  Damaske.     And  knowe  mandshisad- 

'  versary's  name. 

32  thou,  that  I  were  not  so  joy  QMS  who  that  had  gyuen  me 
a  C  thousand!  besans  of  gold,  as  I  am  to  haue  fond  the 
so  at  myn  ease,  For  thou  mayst  me  not  escape  /  I  deffy  The  sultan  ten* 

*  him,  and  defies 

the,   by  machomet   my  god.'      'By   my   feyth,'  said  Geffray. 
36  Geffray,  '  nother  thou   nor   thy   god  I   preyse   not   a 



Geffray  cries  that 
lie  will  uot 

Geffray  and  the 
sultan  go  apart, 
then  run  upon 
each  other. 

Geffray  bears  the 
sultan  to  the 

He  cleaves  his 

nnd  is  about  to 
take  it  from  his 

i  fol.  168. 

when  he  sees 
sixty  Saracens, 
who  cry,  '  Your 
end  is  come. ' 

Geffray  smites 
the  first  dead, 

and  slays  many 

The  sultan  comes 
to  his  senses, 

rotyn  dogge ;  For  soone  thou  shalt  fynd?  me  nerer  the, 
to  thyn  euyl  heltlie  /  and  yf  it  playsej)  to  god,  my 
creatowr,  thou  shalt  not  escape.'  / 

Here  sayth  thystorye,  that  Geffray  &  the  saudan,  4 
that  bothe  were  of'  grete  courage  &  strength", 
reculed  echo  fro  other,  and  syn  ranne  vpon  eche  other  / 
and  the  Saudan  valyauntly  smote  geffray,  &  tronchoned 
his  spere  vpon  his  shild  /  hut  it  is  wel  to  byleue  that  8 
the  noble  &  valyaunt  geffray,  at  this  first  cours,  faylled 
not ;  For  he  smote  the  Saudan  by  suche  radewr,  that  he 
lef te  hym  out  of  hys  arsouws,  &  bare  hym  vnto  therthe. 
and  so  passed  foorth,  and  immedyatly  toke  in  hys  hand?  12 
hys  good  swerd?  /  and  pretendyng  that  men  shuld?  speke 
of  his  fayttes  &  valyaunces,  he  smote  the  saudan  by 
suche  vertu  that  he  perced  hys  helmet,  and  effouwdred 
hys  heed  almost  to  the  brayne,  so  that  the  sawdan  was  16 
sore  astonyed  and  euyl  bestad?,  in  suche  wyse  that  he 
nother   sawe   nor  herd1  /  but   as   geffray  wold?   haue 
alyghted'  to  haue  take  the  saudans  helmet,  to  haue 
brought  it  to  hys  bretheren,  &  to  see  yf  he  1was  deed,  20 
he  perceyued  wel  thre  score  sarasy^s,  that  cryed  after 
hym,  &  said:  'By  my  lawe,  false  crysten,  yowr  ende 
is  come.'     And  whan  geffray  vnderstode  it,  he  sporyd 
hys  hors,  &  brandysshed  the  swerd? ;  and  the  fyrst  that  24 
he  recountred?,  he  smote  doun  to  therthe  al  deed?.     And 
who  that  had  be  there,  he  had  seen  hym  execute  noble 
faytes  &  armes,  as  of  one  man  deffendyng  hys  lyf ;  For 
geffray  cutte  and  smote  of  heedes  &  armes,  and  dyed  28 
the  place  with  grete  effusyon  of  sarasyns  blood?  /  and 
they  casted  at  hym  sperys  &  dartes,  and  made  grete 
peyne  for  to  haue  had  ouerthrawen   hy??z   to   therth". 
And  thewne  the  saudan  was   come  at  hymself  ayen,  32 
and  stode  vp  al  astonyed,  as  he  had  come  fro  slepe  / 
he  loke  at  ryght  syde  of  hym,  and  mounted  on  hys 
hors,  &  sawe   the   bataytt,  where   he   perceyued   wel 
geffray,  that  made  grete  occysyon  of  sarasyns  /  and  was  36 

CH.  XXXVI.]  GEFFRAY   AT   BAY.  287 

geffray  wounded  &  hurt  in  many  places  of  his  body. 

Theraie   cryed  the   saudan,  admonnestyng<  his  peple,  and  incites  his 

sayeng  /  '  auaunt !  worthy  sarasyns  /  by  mahoinitf,  yf  SSfij?5*1 

4  he  vs  escape,  I  shal  neuer  haue  joye ;  For  who  might 
bryng  hym  to  an  euyl  ende,  the  resydu  were  not  to  be 
doubted.'  Thenne  was  geffray  assaylled1  on  an  partes  / 
&  he  deffended  hym  hardyly  &  so  valyauntly,  that  no  who  defend,  him- 

8  sarasyn  durste  hym  abyde  /  but  casted  at  hym  fro  ferre 
sperys,  darts,  stones  &  arowes  /  vyretons  &  quarelles, 
wtt/t  theire  crosbowes  /  but  it  semed  not  that  he  1made      » foi.  IK  t. 
ony  force  therof  /  but  as  a  hongre  wolf  renneth  vpon  «n«i 

10  ,.,  •»•  hungry  wolf 

i4  sheep  /  so  diue  he  renne  vpon  the  enemycs  of  cod.  runs  upon  sii.  .p, 

J  so  runs  Gcrtray 

'By  my  goddes,  Appolyn  &  mahon,'  sayd  thenne  the  9g£t-BII™l- 
saudan  /  '  this  is  not  a  man  /  but  it  is  a  grete  dyueH,  The  sultan  cries 

t   i     ii   i  .-,       /~t   •   .  i        i  •  ».    .  th**  Geffray  Is 

come  out  of  hen  /  or  the  Cristen  god,  whicli  is  come  either  *  kreut 
16  hither  to  distroyo  owr  lawe '  /  And,  For  certayn,  geffray  Christian  uoa. 
was  in  this  auenture  wel  by  the  space  of  two  heures. 

In  this  parel  was  geffray  vnto  tyme  that  the  new 
knight,  which"  had  be  with  hym  in  garende,  which 

20  had  sene  hym  departe  after  the  saudan  /  cam  at  him 
vn'ih  wel  a  C  men  of  armes,  For  he  loued  hym  entierly. 
And  thenne,  whan  he  approched  the  wode,  he  perceyued  Geffraj-'s  new 
the  batayH,  and  sawe  the  sawdan,  that  dyde  his  best  lonfs  danger, 

24  for  to  hurt  &  dommage  Geffray,  that  faught  alone 
ayenst  mahondys  peuple;  wherforo  he  said  /  'cursed 
be  he  of  god,  that  shal  not  helpe  hym  now '  /  and  the 
knightes  peple  ansuerd1,  'to  theire  euyl  helthe  they 

28  haue  recountred  ceffray.'     And  forthwt't/t  they  broched  »nd  rushes  »t 

the  head  of  his 

theire    horses    w/t/i    theire    sporys,    &    came    to    the  people  to  the 

r     *   '  rescue. 

batayH.     but   assoone   as   the   saudan   perceyued   the 
socours,  he   sporyd   hys  hors,  &   hastly  fled  toward  The  snitan  takes 
32  thoost  /  &  left  his  peple  in  that  plyght,  of  the  which 
iieuer  one  escaped,  but  were  al  slayne.     Thenne  whan 
geffray  perceyued  the  new  knight,  that  so  wel  had 

socoured  hym,  he  thanked  hym  moche,  &  sayd  :  '  My  Geifr»y  thanks 

J  J  the  knight, 

36  frend,  suche  rooses  ben  good,  &  of  swete  odour  /  &  the 



» fol.  169. 

who  advises  him 
to  return  to  the 
Christian  host ; 

because  it  is 
often  better  to 
flee  than  to  abide 
a  foolish  enter- 

Geffray  follows 
the  knight's 

On  the  way  back 
they  find  the  field 
covered  with  the 
slain  Saracens, 
who  have  lost 
xxv.  Ml  men. 

*  fol.  169  b. 
Geffrey's  wounds 
are  tended,  but 
they  do  not 
oblige  him  to 
leave  off  his 

lorde  that  hat  about  hym  suche  cheualrye,  may  take 
his  rest  surely.'     '  Sire,"  said  the  knight,  '  I  haue  not 
doo  that  thing1  wherof  I  owe  to  be  l  rewarded,  For 
euery  trew  seruawnt  oweth  to  take  heede  to  thonoz/r  &  4 
prouffyt  of  hys  maister  and  lore?.     And  thewne,  syth  it 
is  soo  /  no  reward  ought  not  to  be  had  therfore  /  but 
departe  we  hens,  For  it  is  tyme  that  ye  take  yo?/r  rest : 
ye  haue  do  this  day  that  wel  may  suffyse.     &  also  we  8 
be  lytel  nombre  of  peuple,  &  nygh  our  enemyes,  that 
haue  grete  puyssaunce  /  and  your  woundes  and  soores 
must  be  vysyted  and  oue?-sene  /  and  also,  it  me  semeth 
best,  that  we  retourne  toward  oure  oost  by  oz/r  owne  12 
wyH  /   than    yf    by   force   we   were   constrayned   to 
retourne ;  For  no  doubte  /  who  that  retourneth  fleeyng, 
&  is  chassed  by  hys  enemyes  /  that  may  be  to  hym  but 
blame  /  how  be  it,  that  of  tyme  it  is  said  /  that  bettre  16 
it  is  to  flee,  fan  to  abyde  a  folyssh"  enterpryse.'    Thewne 
said  geffray  :  '  Fayre  sire,  at  this  tyme  we  shal  byleue 
yowr  counseyH.'     And  they  thewne  departed,  and  went 
toward  theire  oost,  &  fond!  in  theire  way  the  feldes  20 
sowen  vfith   sarasyns   deed.     And  wete   it  wel,  that 
the  same  day,  by/ore  none,  the  sarasyns  lost  wel  xxv" 
thousand?  men,  that  by  fayt  of  armes  were  al   slayne  / 
and  there   escapee?,  fleeyng,  XL.  M1.     And   wete   it  24 
also,  that  the  Caliphe  and  the  two  saudans,  the  king1 
Anthenor  and  thadmyral  of  Cordes  fond*  of  seuen  score 
thousand1  panemes  that  the  euen  tofore  were  in  theire 
oost,  but  foure  score  thousand,  wherof  they  were  gretly  28 
abasshedl.     Now  I   shal   speke   of   Geffray,  that  was 
retourned  to  thoost,  where  he  was  wel  festyed?  of  hys 
bretheren,  and  of   theire  baronye  /  and  his  woundes 
were  vysyted  by  the  Cyrurgyens,  that  2said  that  he  32 
shuld   not   leue   the    harneys   therfor :    and   they   all 
thanked  god.     And  now  I  shal  shew  of  the  sawdan.  / 

Thystorye  sayth,  that  whan  the  saudan  was  departed 
fro  the  batayH,  he  walaped!  tyl  he  came  to  the  36 



sarasyns  oost,  where  as  he  fond  his  peple  al  abasshed,   The  sultan  gmi- 
For  they  wend  he  had  be  slayn.     And  whan  they  sawe  ron  host. 

They  thought 

hym,  they  made  grete  joye.  &  made  to  hym  theire  '»">  to  he  dead, 

so  receive  him 

4  obeyssaunce,  and  asked  how  he  had  exployted.     'By  with  joy. 
mahomid,'  sayd  fe  saudan  /'  '  lytel  or  nought  haue  I 
doo,  For  my  peple  is  al  deed.'     And  incontyneut  he 
was  desarmed,  &  recounted  them  al  thauenture.     And  He  relates  his 

8  the  two  oostes  rested  them  that  night,  wit/tout  ony 
approching  or  cours  don  of  neyther  partye.  / 

ere  sheweth  thystorye,  that  on  the  morow  by  in  the  mom  ing 

,  1.1        /-•  i    xi  p  •  >      .     the  Christians 

tynies,  the  Crysten  armed  them,  &  reugid  &  arm 
12  ordeyned  them  in  bataytt,  and  lefte  good  watche  for  to 
kepe  theire  lodgys  /  and  them  that  were  wounded  <fe 
hurt,  that  myght  bere  no  harneys  /  and  marched  foorth  and  march 

against  the 

in  fayre  ordynamice  toward  thenemyes.     In  the  van-  enemy. 

16  warden  were  geffray,  &  the  maister  of  rodes,  &  theire 
peple ;  &  good!  arblasters  were  vpon  the  wynges,  wel 
rengid.  And  in  the  grete  batayH  was  the  king  Vryan  / 
and  the  king  Guyon  conduyted  the  ryergard1  /  and  so 

20  long  they  marched,  that  they  sawe  thoost  of  the 
sarasyns  /  And  anoone  was  made  thenne,  on  bothe 
sydes,  a  meruaylloMS  cry  /  with  whiche  they  marched 
that  one  ayenst  that  other.  And  bygan  the  batayH  by  The  archers  be- 

J  -         J     gin  the  battle. 

24  the  archers  and  arblasters  so  aspre  Bat  thayer  was 
obscurid  with  the  quarelle£  &  arowes,  that  flewh  so 
thyk1.      aThe   valyauwt   geffray   was    in   the   Formest        ifoLiro. 
frount  of  his  peuple,  and  whan  the  shotte  seaced,  he 

28  toke  his  sheld  &  hys  spcre  in  escryeng  '  Lusyneu '  by  Geffray  shout*. 

'Lusignan,'  and 

thre   tyines,  and  smote  his  hors  wit/i   his  sporys,  &  rushes  njwn  the 

J  f  Saracens. 

thrested  in  to  myddes  of  his  enemys  so  swyftly  tliat 
the  maister  of  Rodes  coude  not  folowe  hym.  Ther  was 

32  thenne  horryble  bruyt  w?t/i  theire  cryes  /  that  one 
cryed  '  Damaske '  /  that  other  /  « barbarye '  /  some 
cryed  '  bandas,'  &  some  '  anthioche,'  and  other  were 
that  cryed  'cordes'  /  and  geffray  &  his  peple  cryed 

3G  '  Lusynen  &  Rodes.'  There  made  the  thre  bretheren 



The  brethren  do 
such  deeds  of 

that  all  are 

The  Sultans  of 
Damascus  and 
Barbary  rush  on 
the  brethren ; 

but  the  Chris- 
tians pluck  up 
heart  and  slay 
many  of  the 

fol.  1TO  ft. 

Geffray  gives  the 
admiral  a  stroke 
so  great  that  he 

Brian  sees  the 
Sultan  of  Bar- 

and  strikes  off  his 
left  arm. 

The  sultan  re- 
treats to  Damas- 
cus, but  the 
Saracens  con- 
tinue the  fight. 

so  meruayllcws  faytes  of  armes  /  that  not  only  the 
sarasyns  were  abasshed  /  but  also  the  crystens  merueylled 
therof.     The  saudans  of  Damaske,  &  of  barbarye,  per- 
ceyued  the  thre  bretheren,  that  so  ouerthrew  &  slew  4 
theire  peple;   wherfore   they,  \fiih   xx.  Ml  sarasyns, 
couched    theire    sperys    &    rane    vpon    them.     There 
reforced  the  batayH  /  and  vriik  that  1cours  the  cristen 
the   lengthe   of   a   spere   ferre.     And  whan  the   thre  8 
bretheren  saw  the  sarasyns,  that  thus  ouerane  theire 
peple  /  bygan  to  crye  '  Lusynen,'  &  said,  admounestyng 
theire   peple  /  '  auauwt,  lordcs  barous !    these   dogges 
may  not  long1  withstand  owr  armes.'     And  the/me  the  12 
Cristen  toke  herte  corageoz/s,  &  vygourously  made  an 
liorryble  cours  vpon  theire  eneinys ;  wherby  the  stowr 
was  strong,  &  the  batayH  mortal,2  For  they  ouerthrew 
&  slough  many  sarasyns.     Therme  was   \er  Geffray,  16 
that  effoundred  heedes  vnto  the  brayne,  &  smote  doun 
to   therthe   al   that   he   recountred   wit/t   his    swerd* ; 
Whiche  perceyued  thadmyral  of  3Cordes,  that  smote  on 
the  Cristen.     Thenne  thrested  geffray  thrugh  the  prees,  20 
&  cam  and  smote  thadmyral  by  suche  vertu,  that  he 
brake  bothe  helmet  &  heed  vnto  the  brayne.     There 
was 'the  prees  grete,  For  ther  came  the  two  saudants 
and   theire    puyssauwce,   that   supposed   wel   to   haue  24 
redressed  thadmyraH  vpon  his  hors  /  but  it  was  for 
nought,  For  he  was  deed.     Thenne  came  there  Yryan, 
and  sawe  the  saudan  of  barbarye,  fat  moche  hated 
hym,  for  cause  that  he  had  slayn  the  saudan  his  vncle  28 
in   Cypre.     Therme   came  Vryan,  &   smote   hym   by 
suche  strengthe,  that  he  made  hys  lyft  arme  to  flee  fro 
the   body.     And  whan   the   saudan   sawe   hym    thus 
arayed,  he  went  out  of  the  batayH,  &  made  ten  knightes  32 
to  conduyte  hym  to  damaske  /  and  neuertheles  faught 
euer  the  sarasyns,  For  the  saudan  of  damaske,  &  the 
caliphe  of  bandas,  &  the  king  anthenor  held  them  in 
1  Fr.  se  recurrent  le  long  d'wie  lance.         2  Fr.  greigneur. 

CH.  XXXVI.]       THE   SARACENS   SUE   FOB   PEACE.  291 

vertu.     There  was   grete   dolcwr,  &  grete  pestylence. 
And  wete  it  wel,  that  the  Cristens  were  sore  dommaged  /  Both  sides  are 
but  as  the  veray  cronykle  sayth,  the  sarasyns  receyued  Re^ut 
4  there  ouergrete  dowmage  &  losse,  For  of  them  were 
slayn  XL.  M1  &  more  /  and  dured  the  batayH  vnto  The  battle  stop* 
euen  tyme,  that  they  withdrew  tliem  eyther  other  part 
to  theire  lodgyses.     And  on  the  morne  the  Caliphe,  &  Nextmoming 

i,   ,  i        i   •  01  tlu'  ^UVMMk 

o  tne  king*  anthenor,  &  the  residu  of  theire  peuple,  \vith-  p«-'»«y  enfeeb- 
led, retire  to 

drew  them  in  to  the  Cite  of  Damaske.     And  whan  the  i*n»*«u»> 
thre  bretheren  vnderstotf  it,  they  went  &  lodged,  with 
theire  puyssaunce,  tofore  Damaske.     And  wete  it  wel, 
12  they  were  gretly  febled,  &  the  more  part  of  them  hurt 

And  there  they  rested  them  by  the  space  of  VIII  They  rest  vim 
1dayes,  wit/tout  sawtyng  ne  scarmysshing.  »  foi.  171. 


hystorye  sheweth  vnto  vs  that  the  kvnjr  Vrvaw  Urianandhu 

J    '  J         brethren 

16  JL  and  hys  bretherun  and  the  maister  of  Rodes  were 
ryght  dolauwt  &  wroth  for  the  grete  losse  of  theire  peple. 
For  wel  they  sawe  that  yf  the  sarasyns  assembled  new  sec  that  if  the 

.  .  i         /•  Saracens  as- 

men,  it  mvght  come  therof  some  euyl  to  them.     For  »embie  new  men 

they  may  lose, 

20  wel  they  had  lost  viiiMl  of  theire  men.     But  at  that  for  they  had  io«t 

viii.  Ml  men. 

other  part  were  the  saudans  al  abasshed.     For  they  But  the  suiuns 

are  abanhed,  and 

knew  not  the  dommage  that  the  Crysten  had  receyued.   a«k  for  a  treaty. 
And  they  had  Counseytt  that  they  shuld  requyre  kyng 

24  Vryan  journey  of  traytye  vpon  fourme  of  peas  /  and  so 
they  dide  /  And  the  kyng  hadd  counseyH  that  ho  shuld 
be  greable  to  it.  And  the  iourney  was  assygned  by 
thaccorde  of  bothe  partes  on  the  iiid*  day  atwix  the 

28  lodgys  &  the  toun  /  and  were  the  trews  graunted  & 
were  delyuered?  good  pledges  &  hostages  of  both  partyes. 
And  thewne  came  they  of  the  toun  to  selle  theire 
marchaunclyse  in  to  the  Crystens  oost.  Thenne  came 

32  to  the  iourney  of  traytye  that  was  assigned  the  saudants 
and  theire  CounseyH.  And  of  the  other  part  came 
Vryan  &  hys  bretheren,  the  maister  of  Rodes  &  theiro 
baronye  wt't/i  them,  and  spake,  &  communyked  togidre  it  is  granted. 

36  of  one  thinge  &  of  other,  /  and  dede  so  moch  of  eyther 

U  2 

292  TERMS  OP  THE  TREATY.     [CH.  XXXVI. 

The  Saracens  are   partye  that  they  were  accorded,  and  pacyfyed  by  con- 
to  pay  the  Chris- 
tians all  the  costs    dycaon   that  the   Sarasyns   shuld  restore  to  the  lorde$ 
of  their  voyage, 

Cristen  aH  theire  expenses  &  costes  made  in  their  vyage, 
and  a  yearly         &  to  paye  yerly  vnto  kyng  Vryan  &  hys  heyres  for  4 

tribute  to  Urian 

and  his  heirs  of     euermore  xxx     besauns  of  gold'  /  and  trews  were  made 

xxx.  Ml  besaunts 

of  gold;  betwene  them   for   (JJ    &   one  yere,  and   therof  were 

lehes    patentee    sealled.     And    this    couuenawut    and 

trayte  the  sawdan  of  Barbarye  that  great  dolewr  felt  in  8 

i  foi.  i"i  b.       hys  sholder  for  hys  arme  that  l  was  of  /  and  the  kyng1 

also  they  promise  of  Authioche  /  ratyfyed,  /  promyttyng  that  neuer  they 

not  to  wage  war 

against  Urian,       shuld  bere  armes  ayewst  king  Vryan.  /  ayenst  Guyon  of 

Guion,  or  the  J  J       >  I     J  J 

Master  of  Armanye  nor  ayewst  the  maister  of  Eodes,  nor  theire  12 


peple  /  and  that  yf  other  kynges  or  prynces  sarasyns 
wold  attempte  ony  werre  anenst  them,  they  shuld  lete 
them  haue  knowleche  therof  assoone  as  they  might 
know  it  /  and  yf  thrugh  that  cause  they  had  werre  16 
ayenst  ony  king1  or  prynce,  Vryan  promysed  them  to 
socoure  and  gyue  them  comfort  wzt/i  aH  hys  power,  /  & 
in  lyke  wyse  kyng1  Guyon  &  the  maister  of  Rodes 
The  brethren  re-  promysed  to  them  /  And  soone  after  the  thre  brefern  20 

turn  to  Jaffa,  ac-  * 

companied  by       and  theire  peple  retourued  to  the  port  of  Japhe.     And 

the  Saracen 

kings.  the  saudan  of  Damaske,  the  Calyphe  of  bandas,  &  the 

The  sultan  makes  kynge   Anthenor   conueyed   hym   thither.      And   the 

much  of  GetTray, 

but  he  will  re-      sawdan  made  mocha  of  Geffray,  and  proffred?  hym  grete  24 

ceive  no  gifts. 

yeftes,  but  he  Avoid  nought  receyue  /  but  that  he  moche 

thanked  hym  of  his  curtoysye. 


Urian  and  Guion   rT^hystorye  sayth  that  Vryan  &  Guyon  entred  in  to 

take  leave  of 

Geffray  and  go  to    JL    the  see,  &  vowed  themself  to  Jherwsalem.    Wher-  28 


fore  they  toke  leue  of  geffray  theire  brof>«r,  and  hym 
moche  thanked  of  hys  noble  ayde  &  socours  /  and  syn 
they  departed  fro  the  porte  of  Japhe,  and  rowed'  toward 
Geffray  sails  to      Jherusalem.     And  Geffray  toke  hys  way  by  the  see  32 

Rochelle,  where 

he  is  honourably    toward  Rochelle,  &  saylled  so  long  that  he  came  there 


where  as  he  was  honourably  receyned  &  gretly  festyed.  / 
On  the  mom  he     And  on  the  morn  he  departed,  and  rode  with  hys  corn- 

rklesto  his  father 

at  Merment.         panye  tyl  he  came  to  Merment,  where  he  fond'  bothe  36 


liis  fader  &  and  his  moder,  that  knew  tofore  how  he  & 
his  brethern  had  wrought  beyond  the  grete  see  & 
fcstyed  hym  gretly  /  raymondyn  hys  fader  kept  a  jrrete  R*ymondJnilfw 

a  great  feast  for 

4  fcste  &  grete  Court  for  joy  that  he  had  of  his  co?/miyng.  J°y  of  hi8  return. 
But   soone   aftir   l  came   there   tydyngea   that   in   the        *  *»!•  "8. 
Countre  of  the  Garende  was  a  grete  geawtt  that  by  hys  from  o«r*nde  of 

ft  0Mt  gimt  who 

grete.  pryde  &  orgueyH,  &  by  his  grete  strength"  held?  aft  keeps  the  coun- 

.  try  in  subjection. 

8  the  Countre  in  subgec^/on.  For  no  man  durst  gaynsay 
his  co??imandement.  Of  these  tydynge*  was  Raymondin 
ryght  dolaunt;  how  be  it  he  made  of  it  no  semblaunt,  Raymondin  hides 

hia  grief  in  fenr 

f eryng1  that  geffray  shuld  knowe  &  here  of  it.     For  he  that  Oeflray  will 

>•  •    . ' . 

1 2  knew  hym  of  so  grete  courage  that  he  wold1  goo  fyght 
wit/*  the  geaunt  yf  he  vnderstoJ  where  he  was.  But 
it  might  not  be  kept  so  secret  but  that  geffray  vn- 
derstode  ]?e  talkyng  of  hym  /  and  that  come  to  hys 

10  knowlege  /  he  sayd  in  this  wyse  /  'how  dyuel  my 
bretheren  and  I  haue  subdued  &  made  trybutary  the 
saudan  of  damask  &  hys  complyctw,  and  that  hound! 
alone  shal  be  suffred  to  hold  my  faders  ryght  enhery- 

°0  taunce  in  subgectzon  /  by  my  sowle,  in  his  euyl  helthe  Gefrray  swear* 

Unit  he  will  iit- 
he  thought  to  vsurpe  it,  For  it  shal  cost  hym  hys  lyf  yf  t«ck  the  giaut 

I  may.'      Therone  came  Geffray  to  hys  fader,  &  thus 

said  to  hvm.     '  My  lord,  I  merueytt  of  you  that  are  a  HeteiigWsfnther 

that  he  marvel* 

24  knight  of  so  noble  enterpryse  how  ye  haue  suffred  so  th»t  he  ha»  auf- 

fered  Ouedon  to 

long1  of  that  hound  Guedon  the  geaunt,  that  hath  putte 
your  countre  of  garande  in  subgecfo'on  /  by  god,  my  lon*- 
lord,  shame  is  therof  to  you.'  Whan  raymondin  vnder- 
28  stod!  hym,  he  said  /  '  Geffray,  fayre  sone,  wete  it  is  not 
long  syn  we  knowe  therof  /  &  that  we  haue  suffred 
vnto  you*  joyful  commyng.  For  we  wold  not  trouble 
the  fest  /  but  doubte  you  not,  guedon  shal  haue  hys  Raymowlin  *ay« 

the  giant  •hall 

32  payment  after  his  deserte.  He  slew  my  granfader  in 
the  Cou?zte  of  pouthieu,  as  it  was  told  me  in  bretayii, 
whan  I  went  thither  for  to  fyght  wttA  Olyuer,  sone  to 
Josselyn,  that  betrayed  my  fader.'  / 



fol.  172  5. 

Geffray  says  he 
is  ready  to  go 
against  him  with 
ten  knights. 

Raymondin  sor- 
rowfully con- 

Geffray  sets  out 
to  find  Guedon, 

and  men  marvel 
why  he  wants 

Geffray  answers 
that  he  brings 
Guedon  his  pay- 
ment for  his 

i  fol.  173. 
They  tell  Geffray 
that  a  hundred 
like  him  could 
not  withstand 
the  giant. 

Geffray  is  con- 
ducted near  the 
giant's  dwelling. 

Thanne  ansuercf  Geffray  :  '  I  ne  wot  nor  \vyl  not  en- 
quyre  of  thinges  past,  syth  that  my  predecessours 
haue  therof  had  thonowr  &  are  come  to  theire  aboue  / 
but  at  this  tyme  present  that  Iniurye  shal  be  soone  4 
mended  yf  it  plese  god  &  I  may  /  and  as  touching  your 
persorcne  ye  ought  not  to  meue  your  self  for  suche  a 
theef  &  palyard  ;    For  I,  \fith  ten  knightes  of  myn 
houshold?  only  for  to  hold  me  companye  /  not  for  ayde  8 
that  I  wyl  haue  of  them  ayenst  hym,  I  shal  goo  fyght 
wi't/i  hym '  /  And  whan  Raymondyn  hys  fader  vnder- 
stod?  hys  wordes  he  was  dolaunt  &  sorowful,  and  thus 
said  to  hym  /  '  sethen  it  may  none  other  wyse  be  /  goo  12 
thou  by  the  grace  of  god.'     And  thewne  geffray  toke 
his  leue  of  his  fader  &  of  hys  moder,  and  putte  hym 
self  on  the  way  toward  garande  accompanyed  \vith  x 
knightes,  and  there  where  he  passed  by  he  enquyred!  16 
after  guedon  where  he  might  fynd'  hym  /  And  wel  it 
is  trouth  that  it  was  told*  hym  where  the  geaurct  was  / 
But  men  were  meruaylled?,  &  asked  of  geffray  why  he 
speryd  after  hym.      '  By  my  feyth,'  ansuerde  geffray,  20 
'  I  bryng  hym  the  trybut  &  payment  that  he  by  his 
foly  &  oultrage  thaketh  vpon  my  faders  lordship  /  but 
it  is  neyther  gold1  ne  sylue?-  /  but  it  is  only  the  poynte 
of  my  spereheed,  For  none  other  payment  he  shal  re-  24 
ceyue  of  me  but  strokes  of  my  swerd?  witftal.'     And 
whan  the  good  peple  herd'  hym  thus  speke,  they  said 
to  hym  in  this  wyse  :  '  By  my  feyth,  geffray,  ye  vnder- 
take  grete  foly,  1For  an  hondred  suche  as  ye  be  shuld'  28 
not  be  able  to  wz't/istand?  hys  cruelte.'     '  doubte  you 
not,'  said  geffray  /  '  but  lete  me  haue  the  feer  alone '  / 
and  they  held  theire  peas,  For  they  durst  not  make  hym 
wroth.     For  moche  they  fered  hys  fyersnes  &  yre,  of  32 
whiche  he  was  replenysshed  /  but  fey  conduyted  hym 
vnto  a  leghe  nygh  to  the  sayd?  geauwtzs  retrette  or 
pryue  dwellyng*  /  and  pene  they  sayd  to  geffray  :  '  Sire, 
ye  may  lightly  fynd'  hym  at  yonder  place  wit/an  the  36 


forest'  /  and  geffray  ansuerd,  '  I  wold  fayne  see  hyra, 
For  to   fynd   hym   I  am   come   hither'  /  And   here 
cesseth  thystorye  to  speke  of  geffray  /  and  sheweth  of 
4  Raymondyn  &  of  Melusyne.  / 

The  veray  and  trew  hystorye  witnesseth  that  Ray-  Raymondin  and 
J         J  J      Melusine  are  at 

mondin  &  Melusyne  were  at  merment  making  Mennent  mnk- 

ing  Joy  over  the 

grete  joye  for  the  prosperous  estate  &  good  Fortune  of  f™*  ilia"6  of 
8  theire  children:   but  this  ioye  was  soone  tourned  to  but  great  sorrow 

"    •  conies. 

grete  sorowe,  For  as  ye  haue  herd  how  thystorye  saith  The  history  ha* 

J  J         J  told  how  Ray- 

tofore   that   Raymondin   promysed  to   Melusyne  that  m»ndin  promised 

tliat  he  wouM 

neuer  on  the  satirday  he  shuld  not  enquere  of  her  nor  n«ver  inquire 

after  Melnaine 

12  desyre  to  see  her  that  day.      It  is  trouth  that  on  a  °n  Saturdays. 
Satirday  a  lytel  byfore  dyner  tyme,  Raymondyn  vnder-  TheEariof 

Kofi-fit  comes 

stode  that  hys  brother  the  Erie  of  Forests  was  come  one  Saturday, 
to   Merment   for    to   see   hym   &  hys   Noble   Court. 

16  wherof  Raymondin  was  ryght  Joyous,  but  sith  grete 
myschief  came  to  hym  therfore  as  herafter  shal  be 
shewed.  Thenne  made  Raymondin  grete  apparayH  & 
ryght  noble  for  to  receyue  his  brother  /  And  shortly  to 

20  shewe,  he  came  &  recountred  hys  brother  l  wit/i  noble      '  foL  ITS  ». 
company  &  welco7?imed  hym  honourably,  &  dide  moche 
that  one  of  that  other.  &  went  to  chircheward  togidre  /  After  attending 

1     rlnirch  they 

And   after   the   deuyne   seruice   was   don    they   came  return  to  the 


24  agayn  to  the  palleys  where  al  thinges  were  redy  to 

dvner  /  they  wesshe  theire  handes  and  syn  sett  them  and  nit  down  to 


at  dyner  and  Jjey  were  worshipfully  serued  /  ha  /  las ! 
thewne  bygan  a  part  of  the  dolewr  &  heuynes.    For  hys 

28  brother  coude  not  kepe  hym,  but  he  asked  after  Melu- 
syne, sayeng  in  this  manere :   '  My  brother,  where  is 
my  sustir  Melusyne  1  lete  her  come,  for  moche  I  desyre  % 
to  see  her.'     And  Raymondyn,  whiche  thought  none  * 

32  euyl.  ansuerd,  ' she  is  not  here  at  this  tyme  /  but  to  swera thathe" 

.      ,          ,    can  see  her  next 

morne  ye  shal  see  her  &  shal  make  you  good  cnere.    day. 
J  iiji        T"6 

But  for  that  ansuere  the  Erie  of  Forests  held  not  hys   B 

'  Yo 

peas  /  but  thus  said  ayen  to  his  brother :  '  Ye  are  my  brot 
36  brother  /  I  owe  not  to  hyde  to  you  your  dyshono«r.  honour. 

296  THE    BROKEN    VOW.  [CH.  XXXVII. 

One  set  of  folk      Now,  fayre  brother,  wete  it  that  the  commyn  talking  of 

says  your  wife  .        ,         _..  .  , 

goes  to  another     the  peple  is,  that  Melusyne  yowr  wyf  euery  satirday  in 

man  every  Satur-  . 

day,  the  yere  is  with  another  man  in  auoultyre  /  &  so  blynd 

ye  are  by  her  sayeng*  that  ye  dare  not  enquere  nor  4 
and  others  that     knoweth  wher  she  becommeth  or  gooth  /  and  also  other 

she  is  a  spirit  of 

the  fairies,  and      sayen,  &  make  them  strong1  that  she  is  a  spyryte  of  the 

goes  on  Satur- 
days to  do  pen-     fayry,  that  on  euery  satirday  maketh  hir  penaunce.     I 


i  know  not          wot  not  to  whiche  of  bothe  I  shal  byleue  /  and  for  8 

which  to  be- 

lieve.'  none  other  cause  I  am  com«  hither  but  to  aduertyse 

you  therof.'    Whan  Kaymondin  thernie  vnderstod?  these 

i  foi.  174.        wordes  that  his  brother  hym  said  he  roos  l  fro  the  table 

fronTthe  table868  and  entred  in  to  his  chambre,  and  anoone  aft  esprysed  12 

he  girds  on  his'    with  yre  &  Jalousy,  wit/mH  toke  hys  swerd?  &  girded 

sword  and  goes 

to  the  place          it  about  hym,  &  syn  went  toward  the  place  where  as 

where  Melnsine 

retires  on  Satur-    Melusyne  went  euery  satirday  in  the  yer  /  and  whan 


He  finds  a  strong  he  cam  there  he  fond*  a  doore  of  yron  thikk  &  strong  /  16 


and  wete  it  wel  he  had  neuer  be  tofore  that  tyme  so 
ferre  thitherward  /  and  whan  he  perceyued  the  doore 
of  yron  he  toke  hys  swerd',  that  was  hard?  &  tempered 
and  pierces  a        with  fyn  stele,  and  with  the  poywte  of  it  dyde  so  moche  20 

hole  in  it  with 

his  sword.  that  he  perced  the  doore,  and  made  a  hoH  in  it,  and 

loked  in  at  that  hoH,  and  sawe  thercne  Melusyne  that 
was  wz't/an  a  grete  bathe  of  marbel  stone,  where  were 
steppis  to  mounte  in  it,  and  was  wel  xv  foot  of  length" ;  24 
and  therin  she  bathed  herself,  makyng  there  her  peny- 
tence  as  ye  shal  here  herafter.  / 

Cap.   XXXVII.      Here  aftir  foloweth  how 
Eaymondin  by  the  admounesting  of  hys  28 
brother  beheld  Melusyne  hys  wyf  \vit/an 
the  bathe,  wherfor  he  toke  hys  brother 
the  Erie  of  Forest  in  grete  indignacz'on. 

foi.  174  6.        T I  ^hystorye   sayth   in   this   partye   that   Eaymondin  32 
_I_    stode  so  long  at  the  yron  doore  that  he  perced  it 
with  the  poynte  of  his  swerd,  wherby  he  might  wel  see 


att  that  was  •wit/tin  the  Chambre  /  and  sawe  melusyno  Raymondin  »ee« 

Mrinsiiif  in  tu- 
•wit/an  the  bathe  vnto  her  naueH,  in  fourme  of  a  woman   bath, 

kymbyng  her  heere,  and  fro  the  nauel  dounward  in  hair  woman,  half 


4  lyknes  of  a  grete  serpent,  the  tayH  as  grete  &  thykk  as 
a  bareH,  and  so  long  it  was  that  she  made  it  to  touche 
oftymes,  while  that  raymondyn  beheld  her,  the  rouf  of 
the  chambre  that  was  ryght  hye.  And  whan  Ray- 

8  mondyn  perceyued  it,  wete  it  wel  that  he  was  rycht  He  become* 

J       i          J  iwrrowftil,  and 

dolaunt  and  sorowful  &  not  wftfovft  cause,  and  coudo  'wm-nu  that 

he  has  betrayed 

neuer  hold  hys  tonge,  but  he  said,  '  My  swete  lone,  now  her- 
haue  I  betrayed1  •'you,  &  haue  falsed  my  couenuwnt  by       'foiiza. 

12  the  ryght  fals  admounestyng  of  my  brother,  and  haue 
forsworne  myself  toward  you.'  Raymondin  the/me  was 
smyten  to  the  herte  with  suche  sorow  &  dystresse  that 
vnnethe  he  coude  speke  /  and  pe?tsefuli  wz't/*  a  heuy 

16  contenaunce  retourned  hastly  toward  hys  chambre,  and  He  returns  has- 

tily  to  his  chain- 

toke  some  wax  wherwitA  he  went  &  stopped  the  hoH 

that  he  had  made  at  the  doore  of  yron,  and  syn  came  Lole  in  the  do"r- 
a<*avn  to  the  haH  where  he  found  hys  brother.     And  This  done  he  rc- 

°  J  turns  to  the  liall, 

20  tho;me  whan  therle  of  Forest  perceyued  hym  and  sawe 
hys  heuy  contenawnce  /  wel  supposed  he  that  ho  hnd 
fond  Melusyne  in  some  shamful  layt,  and  said  to  him 
in  this  wyse  :  '  My  brother,  I  wyst  it  wel  /  haue  ye  not 

24  fond  as  I  said?'  Thewne  cryed  Raymondin  to  hys 

brother  of  Forest  in  this  manyere  :  2  '  Voyde  this  place,  and  order*  w« 

brother  out  of 

fals  tray  to«r,  For  thrugh  your  fals  reports  I  haue  falsed  the  place, 
my  feyth  ayenst  the  moost  feythfullest  &  truest  lady 

28  that  euer  was  borne,  ye  are  cause  of  the  losse  of  al  my 
worldly  joye  &  of  my  totaH  destruction  /  by  god,  yf  I 
byleued  my  courage,  I  shuld  make  you  to  dey  now  of 
an  euyl  deth  /  but  rayson  nature!  kepeth  &  deffendeth 

32  me  therfro,  by  cause  that  ye  are  my  brother  /  goo  yowr 
way  &  voyde  my  syght,  that  al  the  grete  maisters  of 

»  Fr.:  Fuiet  tficy,  faulr  tritte,  car  rout  m'arez  fait,  par 
rotre  tresmaurait  rapport,  ma  f<«j  jui'-jiir^r  contre  la  pint 
Ittyalle  et  la  meilleure  des  dames  qni  vncqnei  naquit,  apret  celle 
qul  porta  mitre  seigneur  Ihesucriit. 



The  earl  and  his 
people  ride  home 
as  fast  as  they 

He  repents  of  his 
foolish  enter- 

i  fol.  175  6. 

Raymondin  cries, 
'Alas,  Melusine, 
I  have  lost  you 
for  ever.' 

He  upbraids 

that  made  him 
slay  his  uncle. 

and  now  will 
make  him  lose 
his  lady. 


heH:   may   conduyte  you   thither'  /     And   whan   the 
Erie  of   Forest  apperceyued  Eaymondyn  his  brother 
that  was  in  so  grete  yre,  he  went  out  of  the  halle  &  all 
his  peple,  &  mounted  on  horsbak  and  rode  as  fast  as  4 
they  might  toward  Forests  ryght  pensefuH  &  heuy, 
repentyng  hym  of  hys  folyssh"  enterpryse ;  for  he  knew 
wel  that  Eaymondin  his  brother  wold  neuer  loue  hyni 
nor  see  hym.     Here  I  leue  to  speke  Jof  hym,  &  shal  8 
shewe  you  of  Raymondin  that  entred  in  to  his  chambre 
wooful  &  angre.  / 

"alas,  Melusyne,'  sayd  Eaymondin,  '  of  whom  all 

the  world  spake  wele,  now  haue  I  lost  you  for  12 
euer.     Now  haue  I  fonde  the  ende  of  my  Joye  /  and 
the  begynnyng  is  to  me  now  present  of  myn  euerlast- 
yng  heuynes  /  Farwel  beaute,  bounte,  swetenes,  ainy- 
ablete  /  Farwel  wyt,  curtoysye,  &  humilite  /  Farwel  al  16 
my  joye,  al  my  comfort  &  myn  hoop  /  Farwel  myn 
herte,  my  prowes,   my  valyaunce,  For  that   lytel   of 
honoztr  whiche  god  had  lent  me,  it  came  thrugh  yoz*r 
noblesse,  my  swete  &  entierly  belouyd  lady.     Ha  /  a,  20 
falsed  &  blynd  Fortune,  aigre,  sharp,  &  byttir  /  wel  hast 
thou  ouerthrawen  me  fro  the  hyest  place  of  thy  whele 
vnto  the  lowest  part  of  thy  mansyon  or  dwellyng1  place, 
there  as  Jupyter  festyeth  \vit7i  sorow  &  heuynes,  the  24 
caytyf  &  vnhappy  creatures  /  be  Ipou  now  cursed  of 
god.     by  the  I  slough  ayenst  my  wyH  my  lord,  myn 
vncle,  the  whiche  deth  thou  sellest  me  to  dere.     helas  ! 
thou  had  putte  and  sette  me  in  high  auctoryte  thrugh  28 
the  wyt  and  valeur  of  the  wysest,  the  fayrest,  &  moost 
noble  lady  of  al  other  /  and  now  by  the  /  fals  blynde 
traytowr  and  ennjous,  I  must  lese  the  sight  of  her  of 
whom  myn  eyen  toke  theire  fetlyng*.    thou  now  hatest  /  32 
thou  now  louest,  thou  now  makest  /  thou  now  vndost  / 
in  the,  nys  no  more  surety  ne  rest  than  is  in  a  fane 
that  tourneth  at  al  windes.     Halas  /  helas  !  my  ryght 
swete  &  tendre  loue  /  by  my  venymows  treson  I  haue  36 



maculate  your  excellent  fygure  /  helas  1  myn  herte  &  al 
my  wele  ye  hadf  heeled  me  clene  of  my  first  soore  /  yl 
I  haue  now  rewarded  you  therfore.     Certaynly  yf  I  He  cries  that  ho 
4  now  lese  you  /  none  other  choys  is  to  me  /  xbut  to  take        i  foi.  n«. 
myn  vtermost  exiH  there  as  ncuer  after  no  man  lyuyng  f°  i^/jJlp" if 
shaH  see  me.' 

ere  sayeth  thistorye,  that  in  suche  dolour  &  be-  »nd  bewails  an 

the  night  long. 

wayHinges  abode  raymondin  al  that  nyght  tyl  it 
was  day  light.  And  as  sone  as  aurora  might  be  per- 
ceyued,  Melusyne  came  &  entred  in  to  the  chambre  /  in  the  morning 

J  J  I    Meluslnere- 

and  whan  Raymondyn  hen?  her  come  he  made  sem-  turn«-    , 


12  blauwt  of  slepe.     She  toke  of  her  clothes,  and  than  al  feign*  sleep, 
naked  layed  herself  by  hyni.     And  thenne  bygan  Ray-  Meiusine  lies  by 

him.     He  sighs. 

mondyn  to  sigho  as  he  that  felt  grete  doleur  at  herte  / 

and  Melusyne  embraced  hym,  &  asked  what  hym  eyled,  Meiusin*  in- 
quire* what  is 
16  sayeng  in  this  wyse  :  '  My  lord,  what  eyleth  you,  be  yo  wrong. 

syke  1 '     And  whan  Raymondin  sawe  that  she  of  none 

other  bine?  spake,  he  supposed  that  she  nothing  had   Raymondin 

thinks  she  does 

knowen  of  this  faytte  /  but  for  nought  he  byleued  soo,  not  know  of  his 
20  For  she  wyst  wel  that  he  had  not  entamed  nor  shewed 

the  matere  to  no  man  /  Wherfor  she  suffred  at  that  She  does,  bnt 

makes  no  show 

tyme  &  made  no  semblaunt  therof  /  wherfore  he  was  °t  her  know- 

f  >  ledge. 

right  Joyo?is,  and  ansuerd*  to  her :  '  Madame,  I  haue  be 
24  somewhat  euyl  at  ease  &  haue  had  an  axez2  in  maner  He  replies  he  has 

of  a  contynue.'    '  My  lord,'  said  Melusyne, '  abasshe  you  Meiusine  says  ho 
J  will  soon  be  well. 

not,  For  yf  it  plese  god  ye  shal  soone  be  hole.'     And 

thenne  he  that  was  right  joyous  said  to  her,  '  By  my 
28  feyth,   swete   loue,  I   fele   me  wel   at   ease   for  your  He  says  he  is 

better  since  her 

commyng'  /  and  she  said,  'I  am  berof  glad'  /  and  return, 
whan  tyme  requyred  they  roos  and  went  to  here  masse  / 
and  soone  after  was  the  dyner  redy  /  and  thus  abode 
32  Melusyne  wit/i  Raymondyn  al  that  day  /  and  on  the  Meinsine  goes  to 

*  Niort  and  builds 

morne  she  toke  leue  of  hym  &  went  to  Xyort,  where  » fortress, 
she  bylded  a  fortresse.     3And  here  seaceth  thistorye  of       »foLi7«6. 
her  /  and  retourneth  to  speke  of  geftray. 

2  Fr.  vng  peu  defievre  en  maniere  de  continue. 


Geffray  is  re-         TTere  sayth  thystorv,  that  Geffray  came  in  garande, 

ceived  with  joy 

in  Garende.          JL JL  where  as  he  was  receyuecl?  \fith  gret  joye  /  and 
He  asks  after       he  asked  where  the  geant  guedon  held?  hym  self  /  and, 


and  is  taken  to      as  before  is  said,  they  conduyted  hym,  and  shewed  to  4: 

his  tower  of 

Mermount.  hym  the  strong  tour  of  Mermount,  where  the  geauwt 
was,  &  said  :  '  Sire,  wete  it  /  that  yf  ye  byleue  vs,  it 
shal  suffyse  you  to  haue  sene  the  toure,  &  shal  retourne 

His  guides  leave.   wz't7i  vs ;  For  as  touching  oz«r  personncs,  we  shal  goo  8 
no  neer  pat  horryble  geauwt,  algaf  you  to  eyther  of  vs 
your  pesaunt  or  weyght  of  fyn  gold.'     'By  my  feyth, 
sires,'  said  geffray, '  I  thanke  you  moche,  that  thus  ferre 
ye  haue  brought  me.'  12 

Geffray  dis-          /^  effray  thewne,  as  thystory  saith,  descendid?  from 

mounts  and  arms     I    -•- 

himself.  \^A    his   hors,   &  armed   hym,  and  syn  girded  hys 

swerd1  about  hym,  &  remounted  on  horsback;  and 
after  toke  hys  sheld',  &  heng  it  tofore  hys  brest ;  &  16 
toke  a  clubbe  of  stele,  &  faste  it  at  tharsons  of  his 
sadeli;  and  syn  toke  a  tro??ipe  of  yuory,  and  heng 
it  at  hys  neck  behynd? ;  and  syn  asked!  hys  spere  / 
and  thewne  said  to  his  tene  knightes,  in  this  manere :  20 

He  tells  his          '  Fayre  lordes,  abyde  me  in  this  valey  /  and  yf  god 

knights  to  vait 

for  him  in  the       graunte  me  the  vyctory  of  the  geaunt,  I  shal  thenne 

valley,  and 

bids  them  come     blowe  this  home  /  and  whan  ye  shal  here  it,  ye  shal 

to  him  when  they 

hear  his  horn.       lyghtly  come  to  me.'     And  they  were  dolaunt  that  he  24 
wold  not  suffre  them  to  go  w«'t/i  hym,  and  bade  hym 
farvveH,  prayeng   god   for  hys   good   spede.      Thenne 

Geffray  mounts     departed  the  valyaunt  &  hardy  geffray,  and  mounted 

to  the  tower. 

the  montayne ;  and  anoone  cam  to  the  first  gate  of  the  28 
toure,  &  found'  it  open  /  thewne  entred  he  in  to  the 
bassecourt,  &  went  toward?  the  dongeon,  that  strong1 
was  to  meniayH.     And  whan  he  was  nygh,  he  beheld 
*foi.  177.        it,  &  moche  2playsed  hym  the  faczon  and  byldyng  of  32 

hit;  but  he  sawe  the  brydge,  that  was  drawen  vp.  For 
He  calls  to  the      the  geante  slepte.     Thewne  he  cryed  w/t/i  a  hye  voys, 

sleeping  giant, 

sayeng  in  this  manere  :   '  hourys   sone  &  fals  geaiuzt, 

hys  siverd  twice  in  MS. 


come  speke  -with  me  !  For  I  bryng  to  the  /  the  syluer 
that  the  pen  pie  of  my  lord,  my  fader,  oweu  to  the.' 
And,  for  certayn,  geffray  cryed  so  long  that  the  goauwt 
4  awackedf,  &  came  at  a  wyndowe,  and  beheld  geffray,   who  come*  to  his 

wmdow  and  asks 

armed  01  al  pyoces,  mounted  vpon  a  courser,  that  held  wimt  he  want*. 
hys  spero  couched  /  and  thus  bygan  to  crye,  with  a 
lowde  voyce,  '  knyght  !  what  wold  thou  haue  ?  '  '  By 
8  my  sowlo,'  said  geffray,  '  I  seke  for  the,  &  for  none 
other  /  and  I  come  hither  to  chalange  the,  and  bring1 
\vith  me  the  trybut  that  thou  hast  ouersette  vpon  the  Geirmy  answer* 

lie  bear*  him  his 

peuple  of  my  lord,  Raymondyn  of  Lusynen,  my  fader,    tribute  for  his 


12  Thewne  whan   the   geant  vnderstode   geffray,  he  was 

iiygh  aragid  &  mad!,  that  of  one  knight  alone  was  so  The  giant  U 

enraged  ; 

bold  to  make  hyw  warre,  &  had  sette  hym  so  nygh  hys 
place,    but,  notwithstanding,  when  he  had!  wel  aduysed 

1C  hym,  he  consydered  in  hym  self  that  he  was  a  man  ot 

grete  valyaunce.     Thewne  the  geauwt  armed  hymself,   he  arms 
and  laced  the  taches  of  hys  helmet;  &  toke  a  grete 
barre  of  yron,  and  a  grete  sythe  of  stele,  &  came  to 

20  the  brydge,  and  lete  it  faH  ;  &  came  in  the  bnssecourt,   and  descend*  to 

J    '  the  basewiurt, 

&  demanded  of  creffray  :  '  \V  hat  art  thou,  knight,  that  and  a^ain  asks 

who  Geffray  is. 

art  so  bold  to  come  hither  1  '     And  geffray  ansuenJ,  in 

this  manere  :  '  I  am  geffray  with  the  grete  toeth,  sone  He  answers  that 

he  is  the  son  of 

24  to  Eaymondyn  of  Lusvnen,  that  cowmeth  hither  to   rUymondin,  ami 

lias  comet"  clii»l- 

chalenge  the  patiz  or  trybut,  that  thou  takest  thrugh  |enp  the 

he  has  heretofore 

thy  grete  pryde,  of  my  lord  my  faders  peple.'     Thenne  exacted. 
whan  Guedon  vnderstod  it,  he  bygan  to  lawhe,  and  to  Gnednn  langhs 

at  him, 

28  hym  thus  said  :  '  By  my  feyth,  pouie  fole,  for  thy  grete 

hardynes  &  the  greto  enterprise  !of  thyn  herte,  I  haue      »foi.  1776. 

pyte  of  the.     Now  wyl  I  shew  to  the  curtoysye  /  that 

is    that  thou  rekwrne  lyghtly  to  make  thy  warre  in  and  win  him  to 

p<i  bark,  because 

32  other  place:  For  wete  thou  wel,  yf  now  wt't/t  the  were  v.  c  like  Geffmy 

*  '  ron  Id  not  over- 

V.  C  suche  foles  as  thyself  art,  yet  coudest  thou  not 

endure  and  wj't/<stand  my  puyssaimce.     but  for  pyte 

that  I  haue  to  putte  to  deth  so  hardy  a  knight,  as  I 

36  suppose   thou   art,   I   gyue  the  lycence  &  congie   to 



He  says  he  will 
remit  the  tribute 
for  a  year. 

Geffray  is  sorrow- 
ful that  the  giant 
appraises  him  at 
so  little. 

He  taunts  Gue- 
don  that  he  is 
afraid ; 

but  the  giant  still 
lauglis  at  him. 

Geffray  there- 
upon spurs  his 
horse  and  rides 
against  Guedon. 

Geffray  knocks 
him  down. 

1  foL  178. 
The  giant  rises, 
and  smites  Gef- 
fray's  horse. 

Geffray  dis- 
mounts and  ap- 
proaches the 
§iant  with  sword 

The  giant  comes 
against  him, 

and  raises  his 
scythe  to  smite 

retourne  to  Raymondyn  tliy  fader  /  goo  thou  lyghtly 
hens  /  and  for  loue  of  the  I  shal  forgyue  to  thy  faders 
peple  the  payement  of  a  holi  yere  of  the  trybut  that 
they  owe  me.'     Therene  whan  geffray  \\ith  the  grete  4 
toth  herd?  that  the  geauwt  made  so  lytel  of  hyra,  &  that 
as  nought  he  preysed  hym,  he  was  of  it  ryght  dolaunt, 
and  said  to  hym  in  this  wyse  :  '  Meschaunt  creature, 
thou  alredy  ferest  me  mocfi  /  I  wyl  wel  thou  wete  that  8 
of  thy  curtoysy  I  sett  nought  by,  For  thus  spekest  thou 
for  the  grete  feer  that  thou  hast  of  my  toeth.    but  wete 
feu,  for  certayn,  that  I  shal  neuer  departe  fro  this  place 
vnto  that  tyrne  I  haue  separed  the  lyf  fro  thy  body  /  1 2 
and  therfor,  haue  pyte  of  thyself,  &  not  of  me,  For  I 
hold  the  for  deed  where  as  thou  art  /  &  ryght  foorth  I 
deffye  ye.'     And  whaw.  the  geauwt  herd?  hym,  he  made 
semblaurct  of  lawghing1,  sayeng  al  this  :  '  Geffray,  fool,  16 
thou  commest  in  to  batayli,  &  thou  mayst  not  endure 
one  stroke  of  me  only,  without  I  felle  the  to  fe  erthe.' 
And  thewne  geffray,  without  ony  more  sayeng1,  smote 
hys  hors  with  hys  sporys,  and  charged  hys  spere,  &  20 
dressed  hym  toward  the  geaunt,  asmoche  as  the  hors 
might  ranne ;  and  strak  hym  thrugh  the  brest  by  suche 
strength  that  he  bare  hym  to  the  ground',  the  bely 
vpward?.     xbut  the  geauwt  stert  vp  lyghtly,  in  grete  24 
yre,  &  as  geffray  passed  by,  he  smote  hys  hors  behynd? 
wz't/i  hys  sythe  of  fyn  stele  /  and  whan  geffray  wyst 
it,  he  descended  lyghtly  from  hys  hors,  &  came  toward' 
the  geauwt,  the  swerd?  drawen.     and  thewne  came  the  28 
geaimt  toward  hym,  holding1  his  sythe  in  his  hand' : 
where  as  was  grete  batayH;. 

Cap.  XXXVIII.     How  geffray  slough  Gue- 
don, the  geaunt,  in  garande.  32 

1  thus,  as  ye  haue  herde,  geffray  was  on  foot 
tofore  the  geauwt,  that  held  his  sy]>e  in  his  fyst, 
&  supposed  to  haue  smyte  geffray  /  but  he  bare 



it  vp  /  &  vfiih  that,  ho  smote  -with  hys  swercJ  vpon  the  who  cuts  it  in 

hafte1  of  the  geantis  sythe,  that  it  feH  in  two  pyece*. 

And  thenne  the  geaunt  toke  hys  flayel  of  yron,  &  eaf  The  giant  takes 

„  .     _  his  flail  IIIK! 

4  genray  a  grete  buffet  vpon  his  bassynet,  wherwit/t  ho  «Mite«  Geffrsy. 
was  almost  astonyed.  Thenne  came  2Geffray  toward  »foi.  178&. 
hys  hors,  that  laye  on  the  erthe,  &  toko  hvs  clubbe  of  Geffray  ukes  its 

iron  club 

yron,  that  hyng  at  tharsons  of  hys  sadeH,  &  lightly 
8  tourned  toward  the  geaunt,  that  haunced  hys  flayel, 
supposyng1  to  dyscharge  it  vpon  geffray  /  but  geffray, 
that  was  pert  in  armes,  smote  with  hys  clubbe  suche  a  and  knock*  the 

.  1/1111  flail  out  of  the 

stroke  vpon  the  flayel,  that  he  made  it  to  flee  out  of  the  giants  hand*. 
12  geantis  handes.     And  thenne  the  geaunt,  fuH  of  yre, 
put  hys  hand  in  hys  bosom,  where  were  thre  hamers  of 
yron ;  of  the  whiche  he  toke  one,  &  casted  it  by  sucho  The  giant  throws 

a  hammer  at 

radewr,  that  yf  genray  had  not  receyued  that  strok  vpon  Geffray 
16  his  clubbe,  he  might  haue  be  myschieuyd  therwit/t  /  by 

the  force  wherof  hys  cluble  flough  out  of  hys  handes:  and  rtriYc*  his 

and  the  geaunt  toke  it  vp  /  but  geffray  drew  lightly  his  band*, 

swerd?.  &  came  to  the  geaunt,  that  supposed  to  hauo  The  giant  thinks 

to  hit  Geffrey, 

20  smyte  geffray  wttn  the  cluble  of  stele  on  the  heed  /  but 

go II ray,  that  was  light  &  strong,  fled  the  stroke,  &  the  but  he  flee*  the 
geaunt  fay  lied  ;  &  the  stroke  feH  to  therth",  by  the  force 
wherof  the  heed  of  the  clubbe  entred  in  to  the  grounde 

24  a  large  foot  deep.  And  thenne  geffray  smote  the  geaunt 
vpon  the  ryght  arme  wt't/i  hys  swerJ,  in  suche  vyolence, 
&  hvs  svverde  was  so  sharp  &  trenchaunt,  that  he  made  Then  Geirmy 

smites  off  the 

it  to  flygh  fro  hys  body  to  the  erthe.     Thenne  was  )>e  giant's  right  arm. 
28  geant  gretly  abasshed,  whan  he  sawe  thus  his  arme 
lost  /  notwithstanding,  he  haunced  his  swerd  witA  hys 
other  hand1,  and  trowed  to  haue  smyte  eeffray  at  herte  /  The  giant  trie*  to 

'     strike  at  GefTray 

but  geffray  kept  hyra  wel  therfro,  &  smote  the  geaunt  n 
32  vpon  the  legge,  vnder  the  knee,  by  suche  strength  that  t 

he  smote  it  in  two.     Thenne  the  geaunt  feH,  &  gaf  The  plant  fails, 

and  utters  a 

suche  an  horryble  crye,  that  al  the  valey  sowned  )»erof,   horrible  cry. 
so  that  they  that  bode  for  geffray,  henl  it  /  but  they 
1  Fr.  manche,  a  haft  or  handle.     Written    'haste'  in  MS. 


GUEDON'S  HEAD  CUT  OFF.       [CH.  xxxix. 

i  fol.  179. 

Geffray  cuts  off 
the  giant's  head. 
He  blows  his 
horn,  and  the 
people  laud  God 
when  they  know 
the  giant  is  dead. 

Geffray  tells 
them  that  the 
giant  will  never 
trouble  them 

knew  not  the  certayn  what  it  was  /  but  1alwayes  they 
had  grete  meruayll  of  that  horryble  sowne.     Thewne 
geffray  cutte  the  taches  of  the  geant  helmet,  and  after 
cutte  of  his  heed  /  and  syn  toke  hys  home,  &  blew  it ;  4 
Wherby  his  peple,  that  were  in  the  valey,  might  here 
it  /  and  so  dide  other  that  were  of  the  countre  /  and 
by  f>«t  they  knew  the  geavmt  was  deed ;  wherof  they 
gaaf  lawdyng1  to  OUT  lord  god  deuoutely.     and  imme-  8 
diatly  they  mounted  the  mouwtayne,  &  came  to  the 
place,  where  they  fonde  geffray,  that  said  to  them  of  the 
Countre  /  '  this  fals  traytowr  geauwt  shal  neue?'  more 
patyse  you,  For  he  as  now  this  tyme  present,  hath  12 
neyther  lust  nor  talent  to  aske  ony  tribut  of  you.'    And 
whan  they  perceyued   the   body  &  the  heed?  of  the 
geaunt,  lyeng  in  two  partes,  they  were  al  abasshed  of 
hys  gretnes,  For  he  was  XV  foot  of  lengthe  /  sayeng  to  16 
geffray,  that  he  had  enterprysed  a  grete  faytte,  to  haue 
putte   hym   self    in   so   grete   parel   tassayU   suche   a 
dyueH  /     '  By  my  feyth,'  said   geffray,  '  the   parel  is 
past.     For,  fayre  lordes,  I  wyl  that  ye  knowe  /  thing1  20 
neuer  bygonne  /  hath  neue?*  ende  /  In  euery  thing1 
most  be  bygynnyng1,  tofore  the  ende  commeth.' 

2Cap.  XXXIX.     How  Froymond,  brother  to 
Geffray,  was   professed  monke  at  Mayl-  24 
lezes,   by  consentement   of  hys  fader  & 

Moche   were    thewne    the    knightes    abasshed1,    as 
thistorye  reherceth,  of  this   that   geffray  had  28 
The  tidings  of       slayn  the  geau/zt,  that  was  so  grete  &  mighty.     And 

Geffray's  'leed  . 

are  spread  in  the  the  tydinges  therof  were  spred!  in  the  Couutre,  &  in  the 


Geffray  sends  the   marches  about.     And  also  geffray  sent,  by  two  of  hys 

giant's  head  to  ii-ini  AIOO 

his  father.  kniglites,  to  hys  fader,  the  heed  ot  the  geaimt.     And  6'J, 

in  the  meane  season  he  went  &  dysported  hym  in  the 
Countre,  where  as  he  was  gretly  festedf,  &  receyued 

*  fol.  179  b. 

CH.  XXXIX.]      FROIMOND   BECOMES   A   MONK.  305 

-with  grete  joye,  &  presented  with  gret  ryches.     Here  I 

shal  leue  to  speke  of  hym  /  &  ehal  shew  you  of  Froy-  Froimond  praj-i 

mond,  hys  brother,  who  that  prayed  so  moche  hys  fader  mother  to 

allow  him  to 

4  and  his  nioder,  that  they  were  greable  that  he  shuld  be  beco>n«  »  "»<«»Jc 

at  Malik-sen. 

professed  monke  at  Maylleses  /  &  so  he  was  shorne,  by        '  fou  iso. 
the   consentement   of  hys   fader,  &   of   lhia   nioder;   KSSST*' 
Wherof    thabbot  &   aH   conuent   was    ryght   joyous.   The  abbot  is 
8  And  wete  it  wel,  there  were  waVdn  the  place  to  the 
nombre   of  an  hondred  monkes.     And  yf  they  had 
the/me  grete  joye  of  -Froymonds  professyon  /  it  was  but  Froimond's 

-  .  ...  profession  causes 

alterwaru  reuersed  m  to  grete  dolour  /  as  ye  shal  here  them  much  pain 

12  herafter  /  but  wete  it  wel,  that  it  was  not  thrughe  the 

faytte  of  Froyraond,  For  he  was  right  deuoute,  &  ledd 

a  relygio?^  lyf  /  but  by  the  rayson  of  hym  came  to 

the  place  a  meraeyllows  auenture.    It  is  trouth  that  the 

16  two  forsaid  knighte*  that  geffray  sent  vnto  hys  fader 

•with  the  heed  of  the  geant,   rode  tyl  they  came  to  Theknipiit* 

bring  Riiyuiondin 

merment,  whet   they  font?   Kaymondm,  &   presented  the  giant's  fcMd. 
hym  with  the  heed  of  the  geauwt,  wherof  he  was  joyful. 
20  And  the  heed  was  moche  loked  on  /  &  euery  man 
meruaylled  how  geffray  durst  assay  H  hym.    And  thewne 
Rayrnondin  sent  a  lettre  to  geffray,  how  Froymond,  his  He  sends  back 

J  J  wonl  to  Gelfrny 

brother,  was  professed  monko  at  thabbey  of  mavlleses.   how  Kn>im..M<i 

was  professed 

24  helas  !  that   message  was  the  cause  of  the  trystefutt  «n°nk. 
dolewr  of  the   departyng   of  his   wyf,    wherof  neuer 
after  he  nor  she  had  hertly  joye,  as  yo  shal  here  her- 

after.    Trouth   it  was   that   Raymomlyn  gaaf  thenne  He  gives  th« 

knight*  gifts, 

28  greto  yefte«  to  the  two  knighta?,  and  delyuered  them 
the  leMre  ;  and  sayd  that  they  shuld1  grete  wel  geffray, 
&  that  they  shuld!  bere  the  hed  of  the  geauwt  to  and  bids  them 

take  the  head  to 

Melusyne,  that  was  at  Nyort  :  For  it  was  not  ferre  out 

32  of  tlieire  way.  Thenne  so  departed  the  two  knightea, 
&  held  on  theire  way  tyl  they  came  to  nyort,  where 
they  fonde  their  lady;  the  whiche  they  salued,  & 
presented  her  -with  the  heed  of  the  geaunt  Wherof 

36  she  was  ryght  joyows,  2and  sent  it  to  Rochelle,  and  was      »foL  iso&. 



She  has  it  set       sette  vpon  a  spere  at  the  gate  toward  jmyenne.     And 

upon  a  spear 

at  a  gate  of          Melusyne  gaf  the  t\vo  knightes  ryche  yeftes ;  and  after 


that  toke  theire  leue,  and  went  toward  the  toure  of 
mouwtyouet,1  where  geffray  was  for  hys  dysport  &  solas.  4 
And  here  cesseth  thystory,  &  sheweth  other  matere.  / 

Thystory  sayth  that  the  tydyng  was  anoone  spred* 
thrughe  the  Countre,  how  geffray  with  the  grete 
tooth  slough  the  geaunt  guedon  in  batayH,  and  aH  they  8 
There  was  a  giant  that  herd!  therof  were  gretly  abasshed.     And  for  that 

in  Northumber- 
land named  Gry-   tymo  regned  in  northomberland*  a  seaunt  that  hvsht 

inault,  •  ° 

Grymault,  &  was  the  moost  cruel  that  euer  man  sawe, 
xvii.  foot  high.      For  he  was  xvii  foot  of  heyght  /  and  that  same  grete  1 2 
He  lived  at          dyueH  held  hym  nygh  a  mountayne  called  Brombelyo  / 

Brombelyo,  J      ' 

Kiui  destroyed       and  wete  it  wel  for  trouth  he  had  dystroyed  aH  the 

the  country  for 

nine  leagues         Countre  about  in  so  moche  that  there  ne  durst  no  per- 


sonne  inhabyte  nygh  hym  by  eyght  or  nene  leghes  /  &  16 
so  all  the  Countre  was  desert  &  wyldernes.     It  befeH 
They  hear  in        that  in  Northomberland?  came  tydynges  how  geffray 


of  Geffrny's  deed,   wit/i  the   grete  toeth  had   slayn   the  geauwt  guedon. 

Wh  erf  ore   they  of  the  same  Countrey  made   a   grete  20 
and  resolve  to      counseyH,  that  they  shuld  sende  to  geffray,  &  profre 

ask  him  to  de- 
liver them  from     hym  so  he  Avoid  delyuere  them  of  the  cruel  murdrer 


grymauld?,  euery  yere  duryng  hys  lyf  he  shuld  haue 
x.  M1  besans  of  gold ;  &  yf  he  hath  yssue  male  of  hys  24 
body  they  to  possesse  the  said  araiuel  rente  of  x.  M1 
besans  /  and  yf  he  hath  a  doughter  to  hys  heyre,  we  to 
be  quytte  after  his  decesse  of  our  sayd  trybute.  Wher- 
Eight  noble  per-  upon  they  choose  eyght  of  be  moost  noble  personnes  28 

sons  are  sent  to 

Geffray;  of  theire  Countre,  &  sent  hem  in  ambaxade  toward 

geffray  /  the  whiche  departed?  &  came  to  Mouwtyouet, 
2foi.  isi.        where  they  fondo  geffray,  to  2whom  they  proposed  the 
and  when  lie        cause  of  theire  co?nmyng.     And  th^ne  whan  geffray  32 


their  message  he    vnderstode  it  /  he  ansuerd!  nobly  :  '  Fayre  lordes.  I  wyl 

promises  to  help 

them.  not  reffuse  yo»,<r  demande,  how  be  it  I  shuld'  haue  goon 

thither  to  fyght  w/t/i  bat  geau?zt,  For  I  herd!  tydynges 
1  Fr.  Monjouet, 

OH.  XL.]  A   FATAL   LETTER.  307 

of  hym  tofore  jour  commynff,  for  the  pyte  that  I  haue 
of  the  destruction  of  the  peple,  &  also  for  to  seko 
honow.  "VVete  it  that  now  foorthwitA  I  wyl  departe 
4  vrith  you  wit/tout  ony  lenger  delay  /  and  by  the  help 
of  god  I  suppose  texille  the  geaimt.'  And  fey  thenne 
gaaf  hym  grete  thankinges. 

Cap.  XL.    How  the  two  mcssangcrs  of  Ray- 
8      mondin  earn  in  garande  toward  geffray. 

Thenne  came  the  two  knyghtes  that  ho  had  sent  Thekny*» 
toward  hys  fader,  and  salued  hym  honourably,  andteiihimof 

,  .11  .-i  the  noble  cheer 

and   recounted   hym  the   noble  chere   that   they  had  they  had  at  hi* 


12  hadd  of  hys  fader  &  of  his  moder,  whiche  Jgreted  hym      » foi  isi  6. 
wel :  '  By  my  feyth,'  said  Geffray,  '  that  playseth  me 
wel.'     and  after  they  delyuered  to  hym  the  lettre  from  They  deliver  the 

•i          ,    ,  ••.«.        of         ,    i        n  -fc.i/^  letter  which  tells 

hys  fader,  whicn  geffray  toko  &  opencJ  it  /  the  teno?*r  how  Froimond 
10  of  whiche  made  mencon  how  Froymond  his  brother  himself  monk, 
was  shorne  monke   at  Mayllezes.     And  whan  geffray 
vnderstod!  it  he  was  wroth,  &  shewed  thenne  so  fel  &  Oeflray  wares 

wroth  at  the 

cruel  semblaunt  that  there  ne  was  so  hardy  that  durst  news. 
20  abyde  the  syght  of  hym ;   but   they  aH  voyded  the 
place  except  the  two  knightes  and  the  ambaxatours  of 
northomberland!.  / 

In  this  party  sheweth  thistory,  that  whan  geffray 
knew  the  tydynges  of  Froymonds  professyon  he 
was  so  dolaunt  that  almost  he  went  fro  his  wyt.     And 
wete  it  wel  that  thewno  he  semed  bettre  to  be  araced  He  seems  to  be 


&  madd?  than  man  wit/i  rayson.     And  he  said  in  this 

28  wyse :    '  how  deueH !  had  not  my  fader  &  my  moder 

ynough"  for  to  entreteyn  &  kepe  thestate  of  Froymond 

my  brother,  &  hym  to  haue  maryed  som  noble  lady  of 

the  lane?  /  and  not  to  haue  made  hym  a  monke  /  by 

32  god  omnipotent  these  flatterers  monkcs   ehal   repente  and  declares  that 

the  monks  shall 

them  berof,  For  they  haue  enchaunted!  my  lord  my  repent  of  their 

•  "     guile  and  their 

fader,  &  haue  drawen  Froymond  w/tA  them  for  to  faro  P**1- 

X   2 



Geffray  tells  the 
embassy  that 
they  will  Lave  to 

With  his  ten 
knights  he  goes 
to  Mailleses, 
i  fol.  182. 

and  finds  the 
monks  in  chap- 

He  upbraids 
them  for  having 
shorn  his  brother 

The  abbot  denies 
having  so  coun- 
selled him. 

Froimond  comes 
and  says  he  be- 
came monk  of 
his  free  will. 

Geffray  says  he 
will  pay  him  with 
the  rest. 

J?e  bettre  by  hym  /  but  by  the  feyth  that  I  owe  to  god 
I  shal  pay  them  so,  therfore,  that  they  shal  neuer  haue 
neyther  lust  ne  talent  to  withdraw  no  noble  man  to  be 
shorne  monke  \?ilh  them.'     And  thewne  he  said  to  the  4 
bassade  of  Northomberland :  '  Sires,  ye  muste  soiourne 
a  while  &  abyde  my  retourn  hither  /  For  I  must  goo 
to  an  affayre  of  myn  that  toucheth  me  moche.'     And 
ihey  that  knewe  hys  wrathe  &  anger  ansuerd! :  '  My  8 
lord,  so  shaH  we  doo  "with  a  good  wyH.'     Thenne  made 
geffray  his  ten  knightes  to  mounte  on  horsback  /  and 
also  he  armed  hym  and  lept  on  hys  hors  /  &  syn  de- 
parted xfro  Mountyoued,  esprysed  vritJi  grete  yre  ayenst  12 
the  abbot  &  Conuent  of  Maylleses  /  and  at  that  tyme 
the  said  abbot  &  hys  monkes  were  in  Chapitre.     And 
geffray  thanwe  come  to  the  place,  entred,  the  swerd? 
gird?  about  hym,  in  to  the  Chapitre.     And  whan  he  16 
perceyued  thabbot  &  hys  monkes,  he  said  al  on  hye  to 
them  :  '  Ye  false  monkes  /  how  haue  ye  had  the  hardy- 
nes  to  haue  enchauwted  my  brother,  in  so  moche  that 
thrughe  yowr  false  &  subtyl  langage  haue  shorne  hym  20 
monke  /  by  the  toeth  of  god  yl  ye  thought  it,  For  ye 
shal  drynk  therfore  of  an  euyl  drynk.'     '  helas !   my 
lord,'  said  thabbot,  '  for  the  loue  of  god  haue  mercy  on 
vs  /  and  suffre  you  to  be  enfourmed  of  the  trouth  &  24 
ray  son,  For  on  my  Creatowr,  I  nor  none  of  vs  aH  coun- 
seylled  hym  neuer  therto.'     Thenne  came  Froymont 
foorth,  that   trowed  wel  to   haue   peased   the   yre   of 
geffray  hys  brother  /  and  J?us  said:  'My2  dere,  dere  28 
brother  /  by  the  body  &  sowle  which  I  haue  gyuen  to  • 
god,  here  is  no  personne,  nor  wttfan  this  place  that  euer 
spake  ony  word  to  me  touching  my  professyon,  For  I 
haue  it  doon  of  myn  owne  free  wylle  &  thrugh  deuo-  32 
c^on.'     '  By  my  sowle,'  said  geffray, '  so  shalt  thou  be 
therfore   payed  wa't/i   the  other,  For  it   shal   not   be 
wytted3  me  to  haue  a  brother  of  myn  a  monke'  /  and 
2  By  in  MS.     (Fr.  Men.)  3  Fr.  reproucU. 


with  these  wordes  he  went  out  of  the  Chapter,  &  Hegoesontof 

the  chapter, 

shotted  the  doores  fast  after  hym,  &  closed  thabbot  &  close*  all  the 

monks  inside, 

the  monkes  therynne  /  and  incontinent  he  made  al  and  ha» wood 

and  straw 

4  the  meyne  of  the  place  to  bryng  there  wode  &  strawe  g^^*'  andu 
ynoughe  al  about  the  Chapter,  and  fyred  it  /  &  sware  bura  them* 
he  shuld  brewne  them  aH  therynne,  &  that  none  shuld 
escape.      Thenne  came  the  ten  knightes  foorth  tofore 

8  geffray,  whiche  blamed  hym  of  )>at  horryble  faytte  /  His  knights  n- 

.  ..     .     —,  .  .      .  ,    monstrate  with 

sayeng  :    '  that   jroymond,   his   broper,  was   in  good  him, 
purpos,  &  that  happly  thrughe  hys  1  prayers  &  good      >foi.  im. 
dedes  the   sowles  of  his   frendes  &  other  myght  bo 
12  asswaged   &   holpen.'     'By  the   toeth   of  god,'   sayd  without  avail, 
thewne  geffray,  'nother  ho  nor  none  monke  in   this 
place  shal  neuer  syng  masse  nor  say  prayer,  but  they 
shal  ati  be  bruled  &  brent.'     Thenne  departed  the  x  and  leave  him 

because  they  will 

1 6  knightes  from  hys  presence  /  sayeng  that  they  wold  not  "pti»eiiiMMii 

be  coulpable  of  that  merueyllous  werke. 

~-^_        . 

Cap.  XLI.     How   Geffray  wet/*   the  grete 
toeth  fyred  thabbey  of  Mayllezes,  &  brent 
20      bothe  thabbot  &  al  the  monke*  there. 

In  this  partye,  sayth  thystorye,  that  Geffray  anoon 
after  that  the  ten  knightes  were  departed  fro  hym, 
ho  toke  f  yre  at  a  lampo  wit/tin  the  chirche,  &  sette  the  Oetfray  takes  flre 

from  a  churrh 

24  f vro  in  the  strawe  all  about  the  Chapter,  where  as  were  i«mpand  lighu 

J  the  straw. 

in  thabbot,  &  al  the  monkes  of  the  place,  &  hys  brother 
Froymond  wit/*  them.  It  was  a  pyteotw  syght,  For 
as  soone  as  2  the  monkes  sawe  the  fyre  they  bygan  to  *  toi  iss. 

28  crye  piteowsly,  &  to  make  bytter  &  doulorous  bewayl-  jrhe^monkscry 
lynges,  but  al  that  preuaylled  them  nought.     What  they  see  the  flre. 
shuld  I  make  long  compte  1     Wei  it  is  trouth,  that  all  ^^ 
the  monkes  were  brent  /  and  wel  the  half  of  the  said  of  the  abbey. 

32  Abbey  or  euer  geffray  departed  thens.  That  don  he 
came  to  hys  hors  &  lepte  vp  /  but  whan  he  cam  in  to 
the  feld&j  he  retourned  hys  hots,  &  beheld  toward 



Geffray  feels  re- 
morse, and  be- 
gins to  sigh 
He  upbraids 

and  is  full  of  de- 
spair, and  like 
to  slay  himself. 

His  knights  ap- 
proach, and  one 
says  that  it  is  too 
late  to  repent. 

Geffray  rides 
swiftly  to  Mount- 

and  gets  ready 
to  go  with  the 

A  messenger 
from  Mailleses 
recounts  to  Ray- 
mondin  the  pite- 
ous tidings 

*  fol.  183  6. 

of  the  burning  of 
the  abbey  and 
the  monks. 

Raymondin  says 
he  cannot  believe 
the  story. 

thabbaye  /  &  perceyuyng  that  grete  myschief  &  the 
dommage  that  he  had  don  there,  &  his  vnkynd?  &  ab- 
homynable  deelyng,  remors  of   conscience  smote   the 
herte  of  hym,  and  bygan  to  syghe  and  bewayli  byttirly  /  4 
sayeng  vnto  him  self  in  this  wyse  :  '  helas!  fals,  wycked, 
&  vntrue  prodytour1  &  enemy  of  god  /  woldest  thou 
that  men  dide  to  the  that  /  whiche  thou  hast  doo  to 
the  true  seruaunies  of  god?  /  nay  certayn.'     And  thus  8 
blamed  &  wytted  hym  self,  so  that  no  man  myght 
thinke  the  dyscomfort  &  grete  dyspaire  that  he  thewne 
toke  /  &  wel  I  byleue  that  he  had  slayn  hym  self  wit/* 
hys  owne  swerde  yf  it  thewne  had  not  fortuned  that  12 
hys  ten  knightes  cam  to  hym  there  /  one  of  the  whiche 
bygan  to  hym  saye  /  '  ha  /  a,  my  lord,  ouer  late  is  this 
repented.'     And  whan   geffray  vnderstode   hym  /  he 
thenne  had  greter  despyte  than  tofore  /  but  he  dayned  16 
not  ansuere  to  the  knyght,  but  rode  so  fast  toward  the 
toure  of  Mountyouet,  that  with  grete  peyne  myght  his 
men  folow   hym  /  &  so   long   rode   he  tyl  he  came 
thither  /  And  therene  made  his  apparayH  for  to  goo  20 
•with  the  ambaxatours  there  as  they  shold'  conduyte 
hym  /  &  toke  vrith  hym  but  his  x  knightes.     And 
here   seaceth   thystorye  of  hym,  &  speketh  of   Eay- 
mondin  his  fader  / 

Here  sayth  thistory,  that  a  messager  came  toward 
.  Eaymondin  at  merment  that  came  fro  mail- 
leses,  2and  after  hys  obeyssauwce  recounted  to  Raymon- 
dyn  ryght  pyteows  tydynges,  sayeng  to  hym  in  this  28 
manere :  '  My  lord,  wel  it  is  trouth,  that  geffray  with 
the  great  toth  your  son  hath  take  so  grete  malencolye 
&  suche  dueyl  of  the  professyon  of  yowr  son  Froyrnond 
that  he  is  com  to  maylleses,  &  there  he  hath  fyred  the  32 
Abbay  /  &  within  the  chapter  brent  &  bruled  aH  the 
monkes,  pry o ur,  &  Abbot.'  'What  sayst  thouT  sayd 
than  Raymondyn  /  '  that  may  not  be  /  I  can  not  beleue 
i  Fr.  prodlteur. 


it.'     '  By  my  feyth,  my  lord,'  said  the  messager,  'it  is  But  the  messen- 

.         ,,      .,         T        ..  ger  says  it  is  the 

troutn  that  1  telle  you :  &,  morouer,  your  son  Froy-  truth,  and  timt 

•       Froitnond  was 

moud  is  brent  &  deed  with  them  /  and  yf  ye  byleue  burnt  with  them. 
4  me  not  make  me  to  be  putte  in  to  pryson,  &  yf  ye 
fynde  otherwyse  than  I  saye,  lete  me  bo  hanged  ther- 

fore.'     Thewne  Raymondyn  sorowfuH  &  heuy  mounted  Rarmondin  ride* 

to  Mailleses, 

fooithwiM  on  horsbak,  &  toke  hys  way  toward  mayl- 
8  leses  as  fast  as  hys  hors  myght  bore  hym  /  and  hys 
men,  who  Jwt  myght  folowed  hym  /  and  ho  neuer 
seaced  tyl  he  cam  thither  /  where  he  fonde,  as  the  mes- 
sager said.  &  sawe  the  creto  dolewr  &  myschief  that  «nd  when  be  MM 

the  mischief 

1 2  geriray  had  don.      Wherof  he  toke  suche  yre  &  anger 
at  herte,  that  almost  he  was  out  of  hys  wyt.     '  ha  /  a,' 

16  of  high  honour  more  than  ony  prynce  son  lyuyng  at 

this  day  /  and  now  thrush  thy  crrete  cruelte  thou  shalt  «nd  how  he  win 

be  hated  for  hi* 

be  reputed  &  holden  vnworthy  of  al  noble  fayttes,  &  cruelty, 
abhomyned  for  cause  of  thys  vnkyndnes  &  horryble 
20  dede  of  al  creatures.     By  the  feyth  that  I  owe  to  god.  Hecricsthnthe 

J  believes  it  it 

I  byleue  it  is  but  fantosme  or  spyryt  werke  of  this  spirit  work, 
woman  /  and  as  I  trowo  she  neuer  bare  no  child  that   HO  complains 

Uwt  Meiusine 

shal   at   thende   haue    perfection,    For   yet   hath   she  never  bore  a 

perfect  child. 

24  brought  none  but  that  it  hath  some  strange  token  /  see  J^bieneM  of 
I  not  the  ^orryblenes  of  her  son  called  Horryble,  that  her  son  Horrible. 

>  foL  184. 

passed  not  yii  yere  of  age  whan  he  slew  two  sqnyers  of 

myn  /  and  or  euer  he  was  thre  yere  old  he  made  dye 

28  two  gentyl  women  his  nourryces,  thrugh  hys  byttyng  of 

theire  pappes  1  /  sawe  I  not  also  thoyre  moder  of  that  He  speaks  of 

seeing  Melnsine 

satirday,  whan  my  brother  of  Forestz  to  me  brought  halt  woman,  half 

serpent,  on  a 

euyl  tydynges  of  her  /  in  fourme  of  a  serpent  fro  the  Saturday, 
32  nauel  dounward!  ?  /  by  god,  ye  /  and  wel  I  wote  certayn  / 

it  is  som  spyryt,  som  fantosme  or  Illnsyon  that  thus  and  «ajrs  he 

believes  her  to 

hath  abused  me  /  For  the  first  tyme  that  I  sawe  her  /  be » spirit, 
she  knew  &  coude  reherce  aH  my  fortune  &  auenture.' 



Raymondin  goes 
to  Merment. 
He  retires  to  his 

and  makes  pite- 
ous lamentation. 

The  barons  are 

and  send  word 
to  Melusine  at 

but  this  aug- 
ments the  grief 
of  Raymondin 
and  Melusine. 

i  fol.  184  6. 
When  Melusine 
reads  the  letter 
she  is  sorrowful, 
more  for  the 
wrath  of  Ray- 
mondin than 
anything  else. 

She  comes  to 
where  she  looks 
so  sad, 

and  sighs  so 
much,  that  it  is 
pitiful  to  see  her. 

In  this   partye,  sayth  thystorye,  that  Raymowdyn, 
pensefuH  and  wroth  oner  meruayllously,  departed 
fro  Mayllezes,  &  rode  agayn  toward  Merment.     And 
whan  he  was  come  thither,  he  alyghted,  &  went  in  to  4 
hys  chambre,  where  as  he  layed  hym  vpon  a  bed?  /  and 
there  he  made  suche  lamentaczon,  &  so  pyteous  bewayl- 
lynges,  that  there  nys  in  the  world  herte  so  harde  /  but 
that  it  had  wepte  to  here  hym.     Thewne  were  al  the  8 
barons  ryght  dolaunt  /  and  whan  they  sawe  that  they 
myght  not  gyue  none  allegeance  to  hys  doloztr,  they 
toke  Counseytt  that  they  shuld  lete  it  wete  to  theire 
lady  Melusyne,  whiche  was  at  Nyort  that  tyme  /  and  12 
thither  they  sent  a  messawger,  to  recounte  to  her  al  the 
matere  of  the  fayt.     Halas !  fuH  euyl  dide  they,  For 
they  augmented  thereby  bothe  Raymondyn  &  Melusyue 
in  theyre  doulez«r  &  myserye.     Now  bygynneth  theire  16 
hard?  &  bytter  departyng1,  eche  fro  other,  whiche  dured 
to  E-aymondyn  his  lyf  natural  /  &  to  Melusyne  shal 
laste   her   penitence   vnto   domysday.      The   messager 
thenne    rode    tyl   he    came    to    Nyort,    &    made    his  20 
obeyssaunce,  &  syn  delyuered  the  letties  to  his  lady  : 
Hhe  whiche  she  toke,  &  opened  it.     And  whan 'she 
vnderstode  the  tenour  of  the  lettres,  she  was  ryght  heuy 
&  dolaunt,  &  more  for  the  yre  &  wrath  of  Eaymondin  24 
than  for  ony  other  thing1 ;  For  she  sawe  wel  that  the 
meschief  that  geffray  had  doon  might  none  otherwyse 
be  as  for  that  tyme  present.     She  theane  made  come 
aH  her  peuple  &  aray,  and  sent  for  many  ladyes  &  28 
damoyselles,  for  to  hold  her  companye  /  and  so  de- 
parted fro  Nyort,  &  came  to  Lusynen  /  and  there  she 
soiourned  by  the  space  of  thre  dayes  /  and  euer  she 
was  of  symple  &  heuy  contenawnce  /  and  went  al  about  32 
in  the  place,  vp  &  doun,  here  &  there  /  gyuyng  ofte 
syghes  so  grete  that  it  was  meruaylle  &  pyteows  to 
here  /  And  the  hystory  &  cronykle,  whiche  I  byleue 
be  trew,  sheweth  to  vs  that  wel  she  knew  the  dolewr  &  36 


sorow  that  was  nygh  her  to  come  /  and  as  to  me,  I  She  knows  of  the 

sorrow  that  is 

byleue  it  fermely  /  but  her  peple  thoughte  nothing  of  coming, 
that  /  but  they  trowed  that  it  had  be  for  cause  of  the  bnt  her  people 

think  she  is  sad 

4  grete  myschief  that  was  befeH  thrugh  the  fayttea  of  on  account  of 

J  J  Geirray's  mis- 

geffray,  to  thabbay  of  maylleses  /  and  also  for  the  chiet 
wratho  &  anger  that  Raymondyn  toke  therof.     Melu- 
syne  thenne,  on  the  IIId0  day,  departed  fro  Lusynen,  & 
8  came  to  merment  wel  acompanyed  of  ladyes  &  damoy-  she  comes  to 
selles,  as  tofore  I  haue  sayd.     And  thenne  the  barona 
of  the  land1,  that  were  there  assembled  for  to  hauo 
recomforted  Raymondin,  that  they  loued  entierly  /  came 

12  ayenst  her,  &  honourably  receyued  her  /  &  sayd  how  where  they  re- 
ceive her  honour- 
they  by  no  wyse  coude  make  Kaymondyn  to  leue  hys  »biy,  and  t<  11  >..  r 

of  Raywondin's 

dolowr.     'Wcli    sayd  sne  /  'double  you  no;  For,  by  gnef. 
the  grace  of  god,  he  shalbe  soone  recomforted.' 

16  It /Felusyne,  the   good   lady,  that  thenne  was   wel 
AJ/JL  acompanyed  of  many  ladyes  &  noble  damoy- 
selles,  &  of  the  barons  of   the  land,  entred  in  to  J?o  Meiu*ine  enter* 
Chambre  where   as  Raymondin  was   in  /  the  whicfi 

20  chambre  had  regarde  toward  the  gardyns,  that  Jwere        >foLi85. 
coramodyotts   &    delectables,   and    also    to   the   feldea 
toward  Lusj'nen.     Thenne  whan  she  sawe  Raymondin, 
humbly  &  ryght  honourably  salued  hym  /  but  thenne  and  salutes  him. 

24  he  was  so  dolaunt  &  replenysshed  with  yre,  that  he  to 

her  ansuerd  neuer  a  word  /  and  thenne  she  toke  the  But  he  answers 

.  not  a  word. 

word,  &  sayd  :  '  My  lord,  grete  symplenes  <fe  foly  it  is 

to  you  that  men  repute  &  hold  so  sage  &  so  wyse  a  Meitwine  chides 

him  for  his  grief, 

28  prynce  /  you  thus  to  maynten  &  make  suche  sorowe  of 

that  thinge  that  may  none  other  wyse  be,  &  whiche  and  s«ys  wh«t  is 

done  cannot  be 

may  not  be  amended  nor  remedyed  /  ye  argue  ayenst  undone, 
the  playsire  &  wyH  of  the  Creatour,  whiche  aH  thinge* 

32  created,  &  shal  vndoo  at  al  tymes  whan  it  playse  hym, 
by  suche  mane?'e  wyse  aftir  his  playsire.  Wete  it  that 
there  nys  so  grete  a  synnar  in  the  world  /  but  that 
is  more  piteable  &  mysericordyows  whan  the  synnar 

36  repenteth  hym,  with  herte  contryte,  of  his  mysdede  & 


and  that  God  had 
allowed  Geffray 
so  to  do  because 
of  the  sins  of  the 

She  says  they 
have  enough  to 
rebuild  the 
abbey,  and  to 
endow  it  richer 
than  it  was 

and  she 

hopes  that  Gef- 
fray will  amend 
his  life. 

i  fol.  185  6. 

Though  Ray- 
inondin  knows 
she  speaks  wise- 
ly, he  is  so  full 
of  anger  that  in 
a  cruel  voice  he 


synne  /  yf  geffray,  your  sone  &  myn,  hath  doon  that 
oultragecws  folye  thrugh  his  me?-uayllo?*s  courage,  "VVete 
it  certaynly  that  suffred  god  for  cause  of  the  monkes 
mysdedes  &  synnes,  whiche  were  of  euyl,  inordinate,  &  4 
vnrelygiows  lyuyng  /  and  wold  OUY  lord  god  haue  them 
to  be  punysshed  in  that  manere  wyse  /  how  be  it,  that 
it  is  vnknowen  to  creature  humayne,  For  the  jugements 
of  god  be  ryght  secret  &  DMTUayllow.     And,  morouer,  8 
my  lord,  thankyng  to  god,  we  haue  ynough  wherof  to 
do  make  ayen  thabbey  of  Maylleses  as  fayre  &  bettre 
than  euer  it  was  tofore,  &  to  empossesse  &  endowe  it 
bettre  &  rychelyer,  and  therin  to  ordeyne  greter  nombre  12 
of  monkes  than  euer  were  there  ordeyned.     Also,  yf  it 
playse  god,  geffray  shal  mende  hys  lyf,  bothe  toward 
OUT  lord  god  &  the  world'.     Wherfore,  my  lord,  leue 
yowr  sorowe,  I  pray  you.'     Whan  thewne  Raymondyn  16 
vnMerstode   Melusyne,  he   knew   wel   that   she   sayd 
trouth  of  that  she  had  sayd  to  hym  /  and  that  it  was 
best,  after  ray  son,  so  to  doo  /  but  he  was  replenysshed 
&  perced  with  yre,  that  al  rayson  natural  was  fled  &  20 
goon  from  hym.    And  thenne,  wa't/i  a  right  cruel  voyce, 
he  said  in  this  manyere  : 

'  Go  hence,  false 
serpent ! 
Thou  and  thy 
children  are  but 

How  can  the 
dead  have  life 

Froimonfl,  your 
only  perfect 
child,  by  devilish 
art  has  suffered 

Cap.  XLII.      How    Melusyne    fell?    in    a 
swoune,   for   this   that   Eaymondyn,   her  24 
lord,  wyted  her. 

°°  thou  hens,  fals   serpente  /  by   god!   nother 
thou   nor   thy   birthe    shalbe   at   thende    but 
fantosme  /  nor  none  child  that  thou  hast  brought  shal  28 
come  at  last  to  perfection  /  how  shal  they  that  are 
brent  &  bruled  haue  theire  lyues  agayn  /  goode  fruyte 
yssued  neuer  of  the,  saaf  only  Froymonde,  that  was 
youen  to  god  &  shorne   monke ;   the  whiche,  thragh  32 
arte  demonyacle,  hath  myserably  suffred?  deth  :  For  ali 


they  that  are  foursenyd1  with  yre  obeye  *the  comande-       *foi.  IM. 
ments  of  the  prynces  of  helle.     And  J>erfor,  thorryble 

&  cruel  gefFray  commanded  of  his  masters,  alle  the  Geffrey  burnt  i.u 

4  deuelles    of    helle,   hath   doon    that    abhomynable   &  maiid'of  his  c°' 

hydouse  forfaytte,  as  to  brenne  hys  owne  propre  brother  devils  of  hell.' 
&  the  inonkes,  that  had  not  deserued  deth.'     The/me 

whan  melusyne  vnderstode  these  wordes,  she  toke  suche  Meinsine  \»  orer- 

8  doulewr  at  herte,  that  foorthwzt/*  slie  fett  in  a  swoune  words,  and 

doun  to  therthe,  &  was  half  an  ooure  long  that  nother 

aspyraczon  nor  breth  was  felt  nor  perceyued  in  her,  but 
as  she  had  be  deed.  And  therme  was  Raymondyn 
1 2  sorowfuller  &  more  wroth  than  eu<r  he  was  tofore,  For 
thenne  he  was  cooled  of  his  yre,  &  bygan  to  make 
grete  dueyH,  &  moche  repented  hym  of  that  he  had  HO  repent*,  b«t 

it  avuils  nought, 

sayd  /  but  it  was  for  nought,  For  )>at  was  to  late  /  And 
1 C  thenne  the  baronnye  of  the  land,  &  the  ladyes  &  damoy- 
selles  were  ryght  sory  &  dolaunt,  and  toko  vp  the  lady, 
&  laved  her  on  a  bed  /  and  so  moche  they  dide,  that  when  Meinsine 

come*  t-i  heraclf 

she  came  ayen  to   her  self.     And  whan   she  myght 
20  spoke,  she  loked  on  Eaymondyn  pyteously,  and  said  / 

Cap.  XLIII.  It  is  shewed  herafter,  how 
Melusyne  cam*?  to  her  self  ayen,  and 
spake  to  Eaymondyn. 

24  'TTa  /  a  Kaymondyn  /  the  day  that  first  tyme  I 

JLJL    sawe   the  was  for  me  ryght  doulourou*  and  •«»  your  flgure. 
vnhappy  /  in  an  euyl  heure  sawe  I  euer  thy  coynted 
body,  thy  facz'on,  &  thy  fayre  fygure  /  euyl  I  dyde  to 

28  desire  &  coueyte  thy  beaute,  whan  thou  so  falsly  hast 

betrayed1  me  /  how  wel  thou  art  forsworn  toward  me,  when  you  flu§eiy 

betrayed  me  I 

whan  thou  puttest  thy  self  in  poyne  to  see  me  /  but  for  forgnveyou  be- 

*  cause  you  ke]>t 

this,  that  thou  haddest  not  yet  dyscouered  nor  shewed  my  secret 
32  to  no  man  nor  woman,  myn  herto  forgafe  8the  /  and  no       *toi  isc*. 
mencion  I  neuer  shuld  haue  had  made  therof  to  the  / 
1  Fr.  enforeenet. 



Our  love  is  now 
turned  to  hate. 

If  you  had  kept 
your  oath,  I  was 
to  be  exempt 
from  torment. 

I  should  have 
been  buried  at 

and  my  anniver- 
sary would  have 
been  devoutly 

But  now  my  fate 
is  altered. 

I  must  suffer 
grievous  peni- 
tence till  dooms- 

Melusine  shows 
such  grief  that  _J 
all  pity  her. 

The  heart  of  Ray- 
mondin  is  nearly 
broken  by  her 

He  kneels  to 
Melusine  and 
beseeches  her 

Melnsine  calls  on 
God  to  forgive 

and  god  shuld  haue  pardoned  the.     Halas,  my  frende  / 
now  is  OUT  loue  tourned  in  hate,  dolewr  &  hardnes  / 
oure  solace,  playsire  &  joye   ben  reuersed   in  byttir 
teerys  &  contynuel  wepynges,  and  owr  good  happ  is  4 
conuerted   in  ryght   hard  &  vnfortunate   pestilence  / 
Halas,  my  frend? !    yf   thou   haddest  not   falsed!   thy 
fey  the  &  thyn  othe,  I  was  putte  &  exempted  horn  a-H 
peyne  &  tourment,  &  shuld  haue  had  al  my  ryghtes,  &  8 
hadd  lyued  the  conrs  natural  as   another  woman ;  & 
shuld  haue  be  buryed,  aftir  my  lyf  naturel  expired, 
•within  the  chirche  of  o^r  lady  of  Lusynen,  where  myn 
obsequye  &  afterward  my  annyuersary  ehuld  haue  be  12 
honourably  &  deuoutely  don  /  but  now  I  am,  thrughe 
thyn  owne  dede,  ouerfchrowen  &  ayen  reuersed  in  the 
greuouse  and  obscure  penytence,  where  long  tyme  I  haue 
be  in,  by  myn  auenture  :  &  thus  I  muste  suffre  &  bere  16 
it,  vnto  the  day  of  domme  /  &  al  through  thy  falsed  / 
but  I  beseche  god  to  pardonne  the.'     Melusyne  began 
theraie  to  make  suche  dolewr,  that  none  was  there  that 
sawe  her  but   he   wept   for   pyte.     And  whan  Ray-  20 
mondyn  sawe  her  douleur  &  heuynes,  almost  hys  herte 
brake  for  sorowe,  in  so  moche  that  he  nother  herd',  nor 
sawe,  nor  coude  hold  contenawnce.  / 

Thystorye  sayth  that  Eaymondyn  was  right  dolauwt ;  24 
and,  for  trouth,  the  true  cronykle  testyfyeth  that 
neuer  no  man  suffred  so  grete  dolowr,  without  of  his 
lyf  expired,      but  whan  he  was  a  lytel  come  to  hys 
mynde,  &  sawe  Melusyne  tofore  hym,  he  kneeled  doun  28 
on  hys  knees,  &  joyntly1  handes,  thus  bygan  he  to, 
saye  :  '  My  dere  lady  &  my  frend',  my  wele,  my  hoop, 
&  myn  honozn-,  I  beseche  &  pray  you  that  it  playse  you 
to  pardonne  me,  &  that  ye  wyl  abyde  with  me.'     '  My  32 
swete  frend!,'  sayd  Melusyne,  that  saw  the  grete  habund- 
aunce  of  teerys  fallyng  fro  hys  eyen  /  '  he  that  is  the 
very  forgyuer,  creatowr  &  omnipotent,  forgyae  you  you? 
1  Fr.  joingnist. 


forfaytte;  For  as  touching  myself ,  I  forgyue  &  pardonne  »s  she  does; 
you  with  al  my  very  herto  /  hut  as  to  myn  ahydynu  but  declare*  that 

«/  •/  •>  O          />„.!     _,].    ..„»    ,_. 

God  will  not  let 

..-I  I     •.       .         -r  .-.,,.  UlKl  Will  1101  l< 

with  you  ony  more  /  it  is  Impossible  /  for  the  veray  her  abide  with 

4jugge  &  almighty  god  wold  neuer  suflfre  me  xto  doo       'foim. 


Cap.  XLIV.     How  Eaymondyn  &  Melusyne 
felle  bothe  in  a  swoune. 


nd  wit/*  thoo  wordes  Melusyne  toke  vp  Eaymon-  Meiusine  raises 

dyn,  her  lord  /  and  thenne,  as  they  wold  haue 
embraced  &  kyssed  eche  other,  they  fell  both"  at  ones  in  They  kiss. 

A.  -  and  iimmtliately 

a  swoune,  so  that  almost  theire  hertea  brake  for  grete  swoon  on  ac- 

count of  their 
1  2  doulez^r  :  Certayn  there  was  a  py  teows  syght.     There  grief. 

wept  &  bewaylled  barons  /  ladyes  &  damoyselles,  sayeng  The  baron*  and 

•  TT       <»  t      T-<  TIT        iii  ladies  weep  at 

in  pts  manere  :  'Ha,  ials  ±01  tune!  We  shal  lese  this  the  thought  of 

losing  their  lady 

day  J>e  best  lady  that  euer  gouerned  ony  land  /  the 
16  moost  sage  /  most  humble  /  moost  chary  table  &  curteys 
of  aH  other  lyuyng  in  erthe.'  And  they  al  lamented  & 
bewaylled  so  pyteowsly,  &  rendred  teerys  in  habund- 
ance,  in  so  moche  that  it  was  a  pyteows  syght  Thenne 

20  retourned  Melusyne  to  her  self  out  of  swounyng,  and  Meiusfnere- 

herd1  the  heuynea  &  dolowr  that  the  baronnye  made  for 

her  depart  vng  /  and  cam  to  Eaymondyn,  that  yet  laye  and  come*  to 

*       Raymond*  and 

on  the  grounde,  &  toke  hym  vp  /  and  thenne  to  hym,   •»>•»— 
24  in  heryng  of  thassistaunce,  she  said  in  this  manere  / 

Cap.  XLV.     How  Melusyne  made  her  testa- 

ment. / 
'  1%  /Tv  lord  &  swete  frend  Raymondyn,  Impossible   'My  sweet 

\l  friend,  it  is  1m- 


28    -L*J_    is   my  lenger   taryeng   with   you;   "VVherfore 
lyst,  &  herke,  &  putte  in  mynde  that  I  shal  saye. 
Wete  it,  Raymondyn,  that  certayn  after  yowr  lyf  naturel  Jfe*  l"Jiife  no 
expired,  no  man  shal  not  empocesse  nor  hold  yowr  land 

32  so  free  in  peas  as  ye  now  hold  it,  &  yowr  heyres  &  p 
successours  shal  haue  moche  to  doo  /  and  wete  it  shal 


Tour  heirs  be  ouerthrawen  &  subdued,  tlirugh  theire  foly,  from 

through  their 

folly  shall  lose      theire  honour  &  from  theire  ryght  enherytaunce  /  but 

their  inheritance. 

doubte  you  not,  For  I  shal  help  you  duryng  the  cours 

of  your  lyf  naturel  /  and  putte  not  geffray,  oure  sone,  4 

i  foi.  IST  b.       fro  yowr  Court  /  he  is  jour  sone,  l  &  he  shal  preue  a 

withPyou,  hewiii  noble  &  valyaunt  man.     Also  we  haue  two  yong  chil- 

man?  I  wffl        dren  male,  Raymond  &  theoderyk  /  of  them  I  shal  take 

take  care  of 

Raymond  and       good  heede  /  how  be  it,  aftir  my  departyng  /  that  ryght  8 


though  after  I  go  soone  shal  be  /  ye  shal  neuer  see  me  in  no  womans 

you  will  never 

see  me  again  in     fourme.     And  I  wyl  &  beqxiethe  to  theodoryk.  yongest 

woman's  form. 

i  bequeath  Par-    of  ajj  our  children,  the  lordshipes  -with  al  thappurten- 

tenay  to  Theo- 

aunces  of  Partenay  /  Vernon  /  Rochelle,  &  the  port  12 
Raymond  shall      there  /  And  Raymond  shal  be  Erie  of  Forestz  /  and  as 

be  Earl  of  Forest; 

Getfray  will  pro-    touching  geffray,  he  shal  wel  purueye  for  hym  self.' 

vide  for  himself.  J  J 

The/me  drew  she  Raymondyn  &  hys  CounseyH  apart, 
&  sayd  to  them  in  this  wyse  :  'As  touching  OUT  sone,  16 
that  men  calle  Horryble,  that  hath  thre  eyen  /  wete  it 
for  certayn,  yf  he  be  lefte  alyue  /  neuer  man  dide,  nor 
neuer  shal  doo,  so  grete  dommage  as  he  shaH.  Wher- 
i  charge  you  to  fore  I  pray  &  also  charge  you  that,  anoone  aft^r  my  20 

put  Horrible  to 

death.'  departyng,  he  be  put  to  deth  ;  For  yf  ye  doo  not  soo  / 

his  lyf  shall  furl  dere  be  bought,  &  neuer  ye  dide  so 
grete  folye.'  '  My  swete  loue,'  sayd  Raymondyn, '  there 

Raymondin  asks    shal  be  no  fawte  of  it  /  but,  for  goddis  loue,  haue  pyte  24 

Melusine  to  stay 

with  him,  on  yoMrself,  &  wyl  abyde  vfith  me.      And  she  said  to 

hym  :  '  My  swete  f rend1,  yf  it  were  possyble  /  soo  wold 

but  she  says  that  I  fayne  doo  /  but  it  may  not  be.     And  wete  it  wel,  that 

it  cannot  be  done. 

my  departyng  fro  you  is  more  gryeuotts  &  doubtows  a  28 
thousand  tymes  to  me  than  to  you  /  but  it  is  the  wyH 
&  playsire  of  hym  that  can  do  &  vndoo  al  thinges.' 
She  then  kisses     and,  wtt/i  these  wordes,  she  embraced  &  kyssed  hym 

him  tenderly  and 

bids  him  adieu,     full  tenderly  /  suyeng :    'Farwel,  myn   owne  lord  &  32 
husbond? ;  Adieu,  myn  herte,  &  al  my  joye  ;  Farwel,  my 
loue,  &  al  myn  wele  /  and  yet  as  long  as  thou  lyuest,  I 
shal  feed'  myn  eyen.  with  the  syght  of  the  /  but  pyte  I 
haue  on  the  of  this,  that  thou  mayst  neuer  see  me  but  36 


in  horryble  figure'  /  and  therw/Ui  she  lept  vpon  the  She  taps  to  the 
windowo  that  was  toward  the  feldes  &  gardyns  ayenst 
Lusynen.  / 

4  Cap.  XLVI.     Ho\v  Melusyne  in  fourme  of  a 
Serpent  flough  out  at  a  wyndowe. 

1Tn  this  partye,  saith  thistorye,  that  whan  Melusyne        >foLiss. 

JL  was  vpon   the  wyndowe   aa  before  is  said,  she 
8  toke  leue  sore  wepyng1,  and  her  commanded  to  aH  the  and  again  t*krs 

leave,  weeping 

barons,  ladyes,  &  damoyselles  that  were  present  /  and  »oreiy. 
after  said  to  Raymondyn  :  '  here  be  two  ryngea  of  gold  She  gtvn  R«y. 

Illl  III'  I  III    tWO 

that  be  bothe  of  one  vertue,  and  wete  it  for  trouth  that  n»««ic  ring*. 

12  as  long  as  ye  haue  them,  or  one  of  them  /  you  /  nor 
yowr  heyres  that  shal  haue  them  after  you,  shal  neuer 
be  dyscojnfyted  in  plee  nor  ia  batayH,  yf  they  haue 
good  cause  /  nor  they  that  haue  them  shal  not  dey  by 

16  no  dede  of  armes,'  and  Immediatly  he  toke  the  rynges. 
And  after  bygan  the  lady  to  make  pyteows  regrets  and 
greuouse  syghynges,  beholdyng  Raymondyn  right  pyte- 
ously  /  And  they  that  were  there  wept  alway  2so  ten-  *  foi.  iw  1>. 

20  derly   that   eueryche   of  them  had   grete   pyte,   they 

syghyng  fuH  pyteously.     Thenne  Melusyne  in  her  la-  v 

mentable   place,  where   she   was  vpon   the  wyndowe 

hauyng  respectzon  toward  Lusynen,  said  in  this  wyse,  She  looiw  from 

J    '  the  window  to- 

24  «  ITa,  thou  swete  Countre  /  in  the  haue  I  had  so  grete  ward.  Lusignwi, 
solas  &  recreaczon,  in  the  was  al  my  felicite  /  yf  god 
had  not  consented  that  I  had  be  so  betrayed  I  had  be 
f  uH  happy  /  alas  !    I  was  wonnt  to  be  called  lady  /  & 

28  men  were  recly  to  fulfylle  my  cornmandements  /  & 

now  not  able  to  be  alowed  a  symple  seruaunt  /  but  »nd  speaks  of  her 

sad  future, 

assygned  to  horryble  peynes  &  tourments  vnto  the  day 

of  fynal  judgement.      And  al  they  that  myght  come 

32  to  my  presence  had  grete  Joye  to  behold  me  /  and  fro 

this  tyme  foorth  they  shal  dysdayne  me  &  be  ferefuH  ••JJg^Jf  Jj.n 
of  myn  abhomynable  figure  /  and  the  luste*  &  playsirs 
that  I  was  wonut  to  haue  shal  be  reuertid  in  tribulacions 



She  tells  that  her 
father  was 

Elinas,  King  of 
Albany,  and  her 
mother  Queen 
Pressine ;  and 
that  she  is  one  of 
three  sisters. 

She  gives  a  sore 
sigh,  and  be- 
comes like  a 
great  serpent ; 
ifol.  189. 

and  to  this  day 
her  serpent's 
footprint  is  on 
the  base-stone  of 
the  window. 

The  grief  of  Ray- 

ii mi H  1 1 n  and  his 
people  increases. 

They  see  Melu- 
sine  fly  three 
times  about  the 
place,  uttering 
horrible  cries ; 

then  she  makes 
her  way  to  Lusig- 
nan,  moaning  so 

&  grienous  penitences.'     And  thewne  she  bygan  to  say 
with  a  hye  voyce  :  '  Adieu,  my  lustis  &  playsirs  /  Far 
wel,  my  lord  /  barons  /  ladyes,  &  damoyselles,  and  I 
beseche  you  in  the  moost  humble  wyse  that  ye  vouche-  4 
sauf  to  pray  to  the  good  lord?  deuoutely  for  me  /  that 
it  playse  hym  to  mynusshe  my  dolorows  peyne  /  not- 
withstanding I  wyl  lete  you  knowe  what  I  am  &  who 
was  my  fader,  to  thentent  that  ye  reproche  not  my  8 
children,  that  th'ey  be  not  borne  but  of  a  mortal  woman, 
and  not  of  a  serpent,  nor  as  a  creature  of  the  fayry  / 
and  that  they  are  the  children  of  the  doughter  of  kynge 
Elynas  of  Albanye  and  of  )>e  queene  Pressyne,  and  that  12 
we  be  thre  sustirs  fat  by  predestin acton  are  predes- 
tynate  to  suffre  &  bere  grieuows  penaunces,  and  of  this 
matere  I  may  no  more  shew,  nor  wyl.'     And  therwith 
she  said  :  '  farwel,  my  lord  Eaymondyn,  and  forgete  not  16 
to  doo  vrith  jour  sone  called  Horryble  this  that  I  haue 
you  said?  /  but  thinke  of  yowr  two  sones  Eaymond  & 
Theodoryk.'     Thewne  she  bygan  to  gyue  a  sore  syghe, 
&  therwzVi  flawgh  in  to  thayer  out  of  the  wyndowe,  20 
trans^gured  lyke  a  serpent  grete  &  long  in  xv  foote  of 
length".     And  wete  it  wel  that  on  the  basse  stone  of 
the  wyndowe  apereth  at  this  day  themprynte  of  her 
foote   serpentows.     The?me   encreaced   the   lamentable  24 
sorowes  of  Eaymondyn,  and  of  the  barons,  ladyes,  & 
damoyselles  /  and  moost  in  especial  Eaymondyns  heuy- 
nes  aboue  al  other  /  And  foorthwtt/i  they  loked  out  of 
the  wyndowe  to  behold  what  way  she  toke  /  And  28 
the  noble  Melusyne  so  transffygured,  as  it  is  aforsaid', 
flyeng  thre  tymes  about  the  place,  passed  foreby  the 
wyndow,  gyuyng  at  euerche  tyme  an  horrible  cry  & 
pyteoMS,  that  caused  them  that  beheld  her  to  wepe  for  32 
pyte.     For  they  perceyued  wel  that  loth"  she  was  to 
departe  fro  the  place,  &  that  it  was  by  constraynte. 
And  thercne  she  toke  her  way  toward  Lusynen,  makyng 
in  thayer  by  her  furyousnes  suche  horryble  crye  &  36 


noyse  that  it  semed  al  thayer  to  be  replete  with  thundre  lend  that  it 

J  ¥  sounded  like 

&  tempeste.  /  thunder. 

Thus,  as  I  haue  shewed,  went  Melusyne,  lyke  a  ser-  She  flies  through 

J  the  air  to  Liuig- 

pent,  flyeng  in  thayer  toward  Lusvnen  /  &  not  so  nan,  making  a 

J  *  great  noise,  and 

hygh  /  but  that  the  men  of  the  Countre  might  see  her  / 

and  she  was  here?  a  myle  in  thayer,  For  she  made  suche  folt  tm» 
noyse  that  al  the  peple  was  abasshed.     And  so  she 
8  flavvgli  to  Lusynen  thre  times  about  the  Fortres,  cry- 
eng  so  pyteously  &  lamentably,  lyke  the  voyce  of  a  lamenting  pite- 
Mermayde.     Wherof  they  of  the  Fortresse  &  of  the  v  iceofamer- 
toun  were  gretly  abasshed,  &  wyst  not  what  they  shuld 
12  thinke,  For  they  sawe  the  fygure  of  a  serpent,  and  the 
voyce  of  a  woman  J>at  cam  fro  the  serpent.    And  whan 
she  had  floughe  about  the  Fortresse  thre  tymes  she 
lv"hted  so  sodaynly  &  horrybly  vpon  the  toure  called  she  alight*  on 

*9  *      J  J      J      r  Postern  Tower  in 

16  poterne,  bryngyng  wit/*  her  such  thundre  &  tempeste,  JjJJSJS.* 

that  it  semed  that  bothe  the  Fortres  &  the  toun  shuld  tre-  wonid  ML 

haue  sonk  and  faH  /  &  therwith  they  lost  the  syght  of  She  disappear*. 
her,  and  wyst  not  where  she  was  become.     But  anoone 

20  after  that  cam  meesagers  fro  Raymondyn,  Hliat  he  sent       lt»L  is»6. 

thither  to  haue  tydynge*  of  her  /  to  whom  was  shewed  sent  by  Bay- 

.     .        ,  ,          moudin  to  get 

how  she  fyl  vpon  the  fortresse  /  &  of  theire  fere  that  tidings  of  her. 
they  had  had  of  her  /  and  the  messagers  retoumed 
24  toward  Raymondyn,  &  shewed  hyw  al  the  caas.     And 
thenne  bygan  Raymondyn  to  entre  into  hys  sorowe. 
And  the  tydynge*  were  knowen  in  the  Countre,  the  Raymond  in  and 

v         «/        O  ^11  til**    J»CoJ»lC 

pouere   peuple  made  grete  lame/itacion  &  sorowe,  &  lament. 

28  wysshed  her  ayen  with  pyteou*  syghes,  For  she  had 
doo  them  grete  good.  And  thenne  bygan  thobsequyes 
of  her  to  be  obseruyd  in  al  abbeyes  &  chirches  that  she 
had  founded  /  and  Raymondin,  her  lord,  dede  to  be 

32  doon  for  her  almesses  &  prayers  thrugh  al  his  lanil. 

Cap.   XL VII.      How  Raymondyn   dide  do 
brenne  his  sone  called  Horryble. 



The  barons  re-      fT^hewne  came   tofore   the   presence  of  Raymondyn 

mind  Raymondin 

of  Meiusme's         JL    the  barons  of  the  land,  and  said  :  '  My  lord,  it 

command  about 

Horrible.  behouyth  that  we  doo  of  jour  sone  horryble  this  that 

his  moder  hath  charged  you  &  vs  to  doo.'     And  Eay-  4 
He  bids  them       mondyn  to  them  ansuerd,  '  doo  you  in  this  that  ye  are 

fulfil  her  order. 

commanded  to  doo.'      And  then  they  went  and  toke 

Horrible  is  led  to  by  fay  re  worderf  this  Horryble  /  &  led?  liym  in  to  a 

caue.      For  yf  he  had  had  warnyng1  of  theire  purpos  8 

they  shuld  not  haue  had  take  hym  wit/iout  grete  peyne. 

and  suffocated.     And  thewne  they  closed  hym  in  smoke  of  wet  hey.   And 

He  is  buried  at     whan  he  was  deed  they  buryed  hym  honnourably  in 


the  Abbey  called  the  -Neufrnoustier.  12 

Cap.  XLVIII.     How  Melusyne  came  every 
nyght  to  vysyte  her  two  children. 

Raymondin          r¥^he?me  departed  Eaymondyn  from  thens  &  came  to 

goes  to  Lusig- 

IIRII,  and  brings      J_    Lusynen,  &  brought  \fiih  hym  his  two  children,  16 

his  children  Ray- 

J"ondjn  «ud         Eaymond  &  theodoryke  /  and  said  that  he  shuld  neuer 

Theodenc.  *        ' 

ifoi.  190.        entre  ayen  in  to  the  place  wher  1he  had  lost  his  wyf. 
Meiusine  visits     And  wete  it  wel  that  Melusyne  came  euery  day  to 

them  every  day. 

vysyte  her  children,  &  held  them  tofore  the  fyre  and  20 
eased  them  as  she  coude  /  and  wel  sawe  the  nourryces 
They  grow  faster  that,  who  durst  no  word?  speke.     And  more  encreced 

than  other 

children.  the  two  children  in  nature  in  a  weke  than  dide  other 

children  in  a  moneth ;   wherof  the  peuple  had  grete  24 
Raymondin          meruayH.     but  whan  Eaymond vn  knew  it  by  the  nour- 

when  he  hears  of 

her  coming,         ryces  that  uielusyne  came  there  euery  nyght  to  vysyte 
hopes  to  have       her  children  /  relessed  his  sorowe  /  trustyng  to  haue  her 

her  back,  but  in  ' 

vain-  ayen  /  but  that  though te  was  for  nought,  For  neuer  28 

after  sawe  he  her  in  fourme  of  a  woman  /  how  be  it 
dyuers  haue  sith  sen  her  in  femenyn  figure.  And  wete 
it  that  how  wel  Eaymondyn  hooped  to  haue  her  ayen  / 

Raymondin  is  so  neuertheles   he   had   alvvay  suche  hertly  sorowe  that  32 

woful  that  he 

never  laughs.        there  is  none  that  can  tell  it  /  And  there  was  neuer 
man  syth  that  sawe  hym  lawgh  nor  make  joye  /  and 


hated  gretly  geffray  with  the  grete  toth  /  and  yf  he  HehatesGeffmy. 
myght  haue  had  hym  in  his  yre,  he  wold  haue  dystroyed 
hym.   But  here  seaceth  the  hystorye  of  him  And  speketh 
4  of  geffray.  / 


hystorye  sayth,  that  geffray  rode  so  long*  that  he  Geffrey  come*  to 


came  in  .Northomberland  WSM  the  ambaxatours 

and  hys  ten  knyghtes  wtt/t  hym  /  And  whan  the  barons 
8  of  the  Countre  vnderstocJ  his  commyng*  they  cam  ayenst 
hym  honourably,  &  receyued  hym  solemply,  sayeng: 
'ha,  sire,  of  yowr  joyful  comyng  we  owe  wel  to  lawde  The  baron*  t«n 

him  they  are  Joy- 

&  prey  so  our  lord  god,  For  wzt/iout  it  be  by  you  &  fui  at  hi*  arrival, 
12  thrugh  yowr  prowes  we  may  not  be  dclyuered  of  the  because  they  wtu 

be  delivered  of 

horryble  geauwt  and  meruayllous  murdrer,  Grymauld,   Orymauid. 
by  whom  aH  this  countre  is  dystroyed.'     The?tne  an- 

suerde  geffray  to  them  :  '  And  how  may  ye  knowe  that  Geffrey  ask*  how 

they  know. 
1  6  by  me  ye  may  be  quy  tte  &  delyuered  of  hym  ?  '  to 

whom  they  ansuered,  '  My  lord,  the  sage  astronomyens 

haue  said  to  vs  that  the  geaunt  gry  mauld  l  may  not  dey      *  foL  iw  &. 

,         ,      .  ,  -        They  answer  that 

but  by  yottr  dede  ot  armes  /  and  also  we  knowe  for  wise  astrono- 

mers have  said 
20  certayn  that  he  knoweth  it  wel.     Wherfore  yf  ye  go  to  that  he  alone  pan 

J  J     J  slay  Grymauld, 

hym,  and  that  yf  ye  telle  hym  yo?/r  name  ye  shall  not  f  n*  the  &*** 

J  J      J  J        J  knows  this  t..... 

kepe  hym,  but    he   shall  you  escape.'     The?me  sayd 

geffray  to  the  barous,  '  Sire,  lede  me  toward  the  place  name- 
24  where  I  may  fini?  hym,  For  grete  desyre  I  haue  to  see 
hym.'     And  Immedyatly  they  toke  hym  two  knyghte* 
of  the  land  that  conduyted  hym  toward  the  place  /  but 
that  one  of  them  said  to  that  other  J>ot  they  shuld  not 
28  approche  al  to  nygh  gry  mauld  /  and  that  they  myght 
not  beleue  that  geffray  shuld  haue  the  vyctory  of  hym. 
And  thewne  geffray  toke  leue  of  the  barons  and  de-  Geffrey  i«  taken 

°  »  to  the  mountain 

parted,  the  two  knyghtes  wc't/i  hym,  and  so  long  they  ofBrombeiyo, 

32  rode  tyl  they  saw  the  montayne  of  Brombelyo.    The/me 

sayd  the  two  knyghtes  to  geffray,  '  My  lord,  yonder  ye 

may  see  the  mountayne  where  he  holdeth  hym  /  &  this 

way  shal  lede  you  thither  wi't/iout  ony  fayH,  For  cer- 

36  taynly  he  is  euer  at  yonder  trees  vpon  that  mountayne 

Y   2 



where  Grymauld 
is  to  be  found. 
Here  they  leave 
him  for  fear  of 

Geffray  tells 
them  that  it  is 
well  he  has  not 
trusted  to  their 

foL  191. 

Geffray  leaves 
the  knights 
and  ascends  the 

He  sees  the 

who  is  astonished 
at  Geffray' s  bold- 
ness in  coming 
against  him 

The  giant  takes 
a  club. 

i  fol.  191  6. 

He  demands 
Geffray's  name, 
and  threatens 
him  with  death. 

Geffray  defies 
the  giant, 

for  to  espye  them  that  passe  by  the  way.     How  may 
ye  goo  thither,  yf  it  playse  you,  For  as  touching  our 
personnes  we  wyl  goo  no  ferj>er  that  Avay.'    And  geffray 
ansuerd?  to  them  in  this  manere,  '  Yf  I  had  come  vpon  4 
thaffyauwce  of  yowr  ayde  I  had  faylled  therof  at  this 
tyme.'      'By  my  feyth,'  sayd  one  of  them,  'ye  say 
trouth.'     Theraie  came  they  to  the  foot  of  the  hyH  / 
and  there  geffray  descended  &  armed  hym,  and  syn  8 
remounted  on  his  hors,  and  layed  the  sheld  tofore  hys 
brest,  and  toke  his  spere,  and  the/me  he  said  to  the 
two  knyghtes  that  they  shuld  abyde  hym  vnder  the 
mountayne,  and  that  they  shuld  soone  see  what  therof  12 
shuld  befarl.     And  they  sayd  that  so  shuld  they  doo. 

Cap.  XLIX.  How  geffray  with,  the  grete 
toeth  rane  ayenst  the  geaunt  &  ouer- 
threw  hym  with  hys  spere./  16 

In  this  partye  sayth  thistorye  that  Geffray  toke  leue 
of  the  two  knyghtes,  &  mounted  the  mountayne, 
so   that   he   approched   nygh  the  trees  where   as   he 
apperceyued  the  geaunt  fat  satte  vndernethe  them,  but  20 
assoone  as  he  sawe  geffray  he  meraaylled  gretly  how 
one   knyght   alone  had   the    hardynes   to    haue   dare 
come  toward  hym,  and  thewne  he  thought  in  hym  self 
that  he  cam  to  treate  w^t/i  hym  for  som  patyse  or  for  24 
som  peas,     but  he  sware  hys  lawe  that  lytel  or  nought 
he  shuld  entrete  hym.     Thewne  rose  vp  the  geauwt  and 
toke  an  horryble  grete  Clubbe  in  hys,  which" 
ony  man   had   ynough  to  doo  to   lyft  it  vp  fro  the  28 
ground.     1And  so  he  came  ayenst  Geffray,  and  cryed 
Av/t/i  a  hye  voys,  '  What  art  thou  that  darest  come  so 
boldly  toward  me  in  armes  /  by  my  lawe  wel  shal  thou 
be  payed  therfor.     For  who  that  sendeth  the  hyther  32 
wold  haue  the  deed.'     And  geffray  cryed  to  hym,  '  I 
deffye  the  /  deffend  thou  thy  self  yf  thou  canst.'     And 


wt't/i  these  worde*  geffray  couched  hys  spere  &  eporyd  and  rushes 

.         ,  ,  forward  and 

hys  hors  and  ranne  &  smote  the  geauwt  in  the  brest  so  overthrows  him. 
myghtily  that  he  ouerthrew  hym,  the  legg<?«  vpward  to 

4  the  ground!  /  and  anoon  geffray  descendid  fro  his  hors,  Geffray  dis- 


feeryng  that  the  geaunt  sliuld!  slee  hym  vndre  hym, 

and  fasted  it  by  fo  brydel  at  a  tree  /  &  pusshed  his  fastens  his  hon« 

sheld?  behynd,  and  toke  his  good  trenchau//t  swerd  :  «>»d  tak«i  his 

1  sword  and  shield. 

8  For  wel  he  sawe  that  it  were  grete  foly  to  hym  to 
abyde  the  stroke  of  the  geauntis  Clubbe.     And  thewne 

cam  the  geaunt  toward  geffray,  but  almost  he  coude  not  The  giant  ap- 

l>n  nich 

perceyue  hym  for  cause  he  was  so  lytel  of  personne  to  Wean  hardly 
12  the  regarde  of  hym.     And  whan  he  was  nygh  hym  he 

said  to  hym,  'Say  me  thou  lytel  body,  who  art  thou  He  asks 

who  he  is. 

that  so  vulyauntly  hast  ouerthrawen  me?  /  by  mahomicl! 
I  shaft  neuer  haue  honour  but   I  auenge  me.'     And 
16  thenne  geffray  ansuerde  to  hym,  'I  am  Geffray  wt't/i  Geffray  answers 

t  .'  -  t  T    !  .  •    .-!,'•• 

the  grete  toeth,  sone  to  Eaymondyn  of  Lusynen.'    And  ™£  of^»3 
whan  the  geaunt  vnderstod!  hyw,  he  was  ryght  dolaunt,   The  giant  is  sad 

J  °  'at  this  news,  be- 

For  wel  he  wyst  that  he  myght  not  be  slayne  but  wtt/i 

20  geff  raye*-  hande«.     not  that  withstanding  he  ansuerd"  to 

hym,  'I  knowe  the  wel  ynough.     thou  slough  that 

other   day   my   Cousin   Guedon   in   Garande,   al   the 

deuelles  of  helle  haue  brought  the  now  hither.'     And 

24  geffray  hym  ansuerd1,  '  no  doubte  /  but  I  shal  slee  the 

yf  I   may.'     And  whan  the  geant  vnderstod1   it,  he  £'"  M™  too. 
haunced  his  Clubbe  &  wold  haue  dyscharged  it  vpon  The  giant  raise* 

his  club,  but 

geffrayes   heed,  but  he   faylled,  And   thenne   Geffray  niis«>«  Geflraj. 

28  smote  hym  -with  his  swerd1  vpon  the  sholder.     JFor  he        '  toL  iw. 
myght  not  reche  to  his  heed,  &  cutte  the  haulte  piece 
of  his  barneys,  and  made  his  swerd  to  entre  in  his  glee"j£lwfound* 
flesshe  wel  a  palme  deep,  and  therane  the  blood  fett 

32  doon  along  his  body  vnto  the  heelys  of  hym.  And 
whan  he  felt  that  stroke  he  cryed  &  said  to  geffray  / 
'cursed  be  that  anno  that  by  suche  strengthe  can  £"££'"••• 

OeOray  s  arm, 

smyte,  &  hanged  be  the  smyth  that  forged  that  sword1. 
36  For  neuer  blood  was  drawen  out  of  my  body  of  no 



[CH.  L. 

and  strikes  back. 

Geffray  avoids 
the  blow. 

The  force  of  the 
giant's  stroke 
drove  his  club 
a  foot  into  the 

Before  it  is 
raised  Geffray 
strikes  it  from 
his  hands. 

The  giant  fears 
to  bend  to  lift 
his  club, 
so  he  strikes 
Geffray  with  his 

Geffray  smites 
the  giant  on  the 

He  flies  to  a  hole 
in  the  mountain. 
Geffray  follows 

i  fol.  192  6. 
and  looks  in, 
but  it  is  so  dark 
that  he  cannot 
see  the  giant. 

Geffray  rides  to 
his  men,  who 
marvel  at  his  safe 

The  two  knights 
ask  if  he  has  seen 
the  giant. 

manere  wepen  al  were  it  neue?*  so  good.'  And  thenne 
-with  his  clubbe  he  wend  to  haue  smyte  geffray  /  but 
geffray  fled  the  stroke.  For  wete  it  for  trouth  that  yf 
he  had  atteyned  hym  he  had  slayn  hym  /  but  god,  on  4 
whom  hys  trust  was,  wold  not  suffre  it.  And  ye  owe 
to  wete  for  certayn  that  with  that  same  stroke  the 
Clubbe  entred  into  the  ground?  wel  a  foot  deep  /  but 
or  euer  the  geaunt  myght  have  haunced  his  Clubbe,  8 
geffray  smote  on  it  with  his  swerd?  by  suche  strengthe 
that  he  made  it  nigh  out  of  the  geauwtes  handes.  and 
therewith  he  cutte  a  grete  piece  of  it. 

Cap.  L.     How  the  geaimt  fled  &  Geffray  12 
Mowed  hym. 

Thewne  was  the  geaunt  ryght  dolaunt  &  abasshed 
whan  he  sawe  his  Clubbe  Jms  cutte  lyeng  on  the 
grounde,  For  he  durst  not  bo  we  hym  self  to  take  it  vp.  16 
Thewne  he  lept  on  geffray  &  strake  hyrn  vrith  his  fyst 
vpon  the  helmet  with  so  grete  myght  &  yre  that  almost 
geffray  was  astonyed  therwit7i  aH.     but  geffray,  cora- 
geows  &  hardy,  smote  the  geant  vpon  the  )>ye,  so  that  20 
he  cutte  a  grete  part   of   it.     And  thenne  whan  the 
geaunt  sawe  hym  thus  hurt  he  wi't/idrew  hym  a  lytel 
backward,  and  syn  bygan  to  flee  /  but  geffray,  holdyng 
his  sword*,  Mowed  hym  /  and  the  geaunt  entred  into  24 
a   hoH   within  the   mouwtayne,   Wherof  geffray    was 
abasshed  /.  Thewne  came  geffray  Ho  the  hoH  and  loked 
in,  but  it  was  so  obscure  &  derk  &  so  deep  that  he 
sawe  nor  wyst  where  the  geaunt  was  become.     And  he  28 
retourned  and  toke  &  mounted  ayen  vpon  his  hors,  and 
descended  into  J?e  valey,  &  came  to  hys  meyne  that 
abode  for  hym  there,  whiche  had  grete  meruayii  whan 
they  sawe  hym  retourne  hole  &  sauf  /  and  in  especial  32 
the  two  knightes  wondred  moche  &  were  abasshed  of 
it  /  and  they  asked  hym  yf  he  had  sene  the  geauwt  / 
and  he  said  to  them,  '  I  haue  faught  wit/i  hym  /  and 

CH.  LI,  LII.]      OEFFRAY   ENTERS   THE   CAVE   TO   SEEK   THE   GIANT.       327 

he  is  fled  &  entred  in  to  an  hoH,  where  as  I  may  not  see  Qettny  tell* 

i  .  ,     . ,  -  .     liow  he  foiixlit 

hyw.      And  they  demanded  of  geffray  yf  he  had  told  him.  and  how  he 

,  ,  entered  a  hole 

hym  nys  name  /  and  he  ansuerd,    ye    /  and  thenne  *"  u»«  mountain. 

4  they  said  that  it  was  for  nought  to  seko  hym,  For  wel  They  say  that 

.  ,1.1      1111  there  '• no  ni«  °' 

he  wyst  that  ho  shuld  dey  by  the  handes  of  eeffray.  i<«oking  for  the 

J       J  J      giant,  becatue 

'  Doubte   you  not,'  said  eeffray,  '  For  wel   I   knowe  o*f»y  "««  told 

his  name. 

where   he  is  entred  in  /  and  to  morne,  with  goddea  Oeffray  «>••  that 

011     T    i    ,   f  with  Ood'8  he)P 

8  help,  I  shal  fyncB  hym  wel.      And  whan  they  vnder-  '«« w'"  «nd  Wm 

next  day. 

stode  Geffray  to  speke  they  had  grete  joye,  and  said 
that  geffray  was  the  moost  valyaunt  knight  of  the 

12  Cap.  LI.     How  Geffray  went  &  entred  into 
the  hott  for  to  fyght  with  the  geaunt./ 

And  thenne  on  the  morowe  by  tymes  Geffray  armed  Qettny  rid**  in 
the  morning  U» 
hym  &  mou/tted  vpon  Ins  hors  &  rode  tyl  he  the  hole  where 

Oriuiold  disap- 

16  came  to  the  said  hoH  vpon  the  mourztayne.     'By  my  peared. 
feyth,'  said  geffray  thewne  /  '  this  geaunt  is  twyes  as 
grete  as  I,  &  sith  he  is  entred  here  in,  wel  I  shal  goo 
thrugh"  it  /  and  so  shal  I  do  whatsomeuer  it  befett 

20  therof.'     And  the?mo  he  toko  hys  swertJ  in  his  hand,   Hejumi*in 

•word  in  hand, 

&  fayre  &  softly  lete  hym  self  fati  into  the  hoH  /  and  »»•<  ««•*» « iig«t 

•  and  a  path. 

as  he  was  in  to  the  botome  of  it,  he  perceyued  some 

li^ht,  &  sawe  a  lytel  path".     And  thenne  he  made  the  He  makes  the 

•ign  of  the  crow 

24  sijme  of  the  cros  &  foorth  l  went  that  way./  "»«*  foll<>w« !t- 

1  foL  103. 

Cap.  LII.  How  Geffray  fonde  the  sepulture 
of  the  king  of  Albany,  his  granfader 
Helynas,  withm  the  mouwtayn. 

28  /~^1  effray  thenne  went  not  ferre  whan  he  fond  a 
\JT  ryche  Chambre,  where  as  were  grete  ryches  and 
grete  Caudstykes  of  fyn  gold,  and  vpon  them  grete 
tapers  white  wax,  brennyng  so  clere  that  it  was 

32meruayH.     And  in  the  mydde«  of  the  Chambre  he  J*«tcontota.t 
fonde  a  noble  &  ryche  tombe  of  fyn  gold,  al  sette  wit  A 


perlys  &  precyo«s  stones,  &  vpon  it  was  figured  the 
fourme  of  a  knyght,  that  had  011  hys  heed  a  ryche 
croune  of  gold'  with  many  precyows  stones  /  and  nygh 
and  an  alabaster    by  that  tombe,  a  grete  ymage  of  Albaster,  kerued  &4 

stjitue  ot  ft 

queen,  made  aftir  the  fourme  of  a  quene,  crouned  with  a  ryche 

crowne  of  gold  /  the  whiche  ymage  held  a  table  of 

with  this  inscrip-  gold*  /  where-as  were  wry  ton  the  wordes  that  folowen 

tion,  'Here  lieth 

'Here  lyetl1  ray  lord  myn  husband  the  noble  kyng  8 
writing  E1ynas  of  Albany  e  '  /  and  also  shewed  al  the  manyere 
how  he  was  buryed  there,  and  for  what  cause.     And 
a^so  spake  of  theire  thro  doughtirs,  that  is  to  wete, 

Melusyne,  Melyor,  and  Palastyne  /  and  how  they  were  12 
punysshed  bycause  that  they  had  closed  theire  fader  / 
as  in  thystory  tofore  is  reherced.     Also  it  shewed  by 
and  how  the         wrytyng  how  the  geau?zt  had  be  there  ordeyned  for  the 

giant  was  put  on 

guard  until          kepyng  &  sauegarde  of  the  place,  vnto  tyme  he  were  16 

the  arrival  of  an 

liau  'hterse°fthe  Putte  therfro  ^7  ^e  prowesse  of  one  of  the  heyres  of 
the  said  thre  doughtirs  /  and  how  there  myght  none 
neuer  entre  w/t&in  yf  he  were  not  of  that  lynage  /  and 
in  these  tables  of  gold!  was  wel  dyuysed  along  as  it  is  20 
wreton  in  the  Chapytre  of  king  Elynas  /  and  thus  geffray 
*foi.  1936.  beholding  &  seeyng,  [pondered]  by  grete  space1  vpon 

a  long  white  at      2  the  tables  as  vpon  the  beaute  of  the  place  /  but  he 

the  inscriptions, 

but  knows  not      kuewe  not  yet  that  the  tables  shewed  that  he  was  of  the  24 

that  he  is  of  the 

lineage  of  Elynas.  lynee  of  kyng  Elynas  &  Presyne  his  wyf.     And  whan 

the  chamber,  and 

a'fieki  whereyt0  a  wave  ol;)SCUre  ty1  ^e  foncf  a  felct,  thewne  loked  he 
tower.8  a  sreat      tof°re  hym»  &  sawe  a  grete  toure,  square,  wel  batel-  28 

mented,  &  went  toward  and  went  about  the  toure  tyl 
He  finds  the  gate,   he  fonde  the  gate  the  whiche  was  open,  &  the  bridge 

and  enters  the 

hail,  where  there  let  fall  doun,  &  entred  in,  &  came  to  the  hall,  where 

are  over  a  hun- 

dred  prisoners.     he  fon(je  a  grete  yron  trayH,3  wherin  were  closed  a  32 
hondred  men  &  more  of  the  Countre  that  the  geaunt 

1  Fr.  Et  a  ce  veoir  et  regarder  advisa  Genffroy  par  grant 

3  Fr.  traillis. 


held    for    hys  prysonners./      And  whan   they  sawe  They  »w  «sto- 
getfray  they  meruaylled  moche,  &  hym  sayd,  '  Sire,  for  G^y!°J!d*.d- 
the  loue  of  god  flee  you,  or  ye  shal  be  deed;  For  the  from  the  giant 

4  geaimt  shaH  come  ryght  foorth  that  shal  dystroye  you 
al,  were  ye  an   C   suche  as  ye  are '  /    And  geffray 
ansuertf  them  al  thus :  '  Fayre  lordes,  I  am  not  here  Geffray  replies 
come  but  only  the  geaunt  to  fyntf  /  &  I  shuld  hauo  to*flndehim;C°u 

8  don  to  grete  foly  to  be  come  fro  so  ferre  hither  to 
retourne  so  hastly.'     And  after  these  wordes  cam  the  and  just  a»  he 
geaunt  fro  slepe.     But  whan  he  sawe  geffray  he  knew  inH'uIe  ^t  " 
hym,  and  sawe  wel  that  his  deth  was  nygh.  and  had  wSu  in- MW 

Oeffrny  he  knew 

12  grete  feer  /  and  thenne  he  fledd  unto  a  chambre,  the  £•»*••* «•«! 


whiche   he  sawe  open,  &  speryd   the  doore  to  hym.   Hefledtoa 

•          rluiiiilM-r,  and 

And  whan  geffray  that  perceyued,  he  was  ryght  sorowful  bttrred  the  Uoor- 
that  he  had  not  mete  with  hym  at  the  entryng  of  the 
16  Chambre./ 

Thystorye  sayth  that  geffray  was  right  dolaunt  whan 
he  sawe  the  geaunt  was  entred  into  the  chambre, 
and  that  he  had  speryd!  the  doore  to  hym.     Thenue 

20  cam  geffray  toward  the  doore,  rennyng  with  a  grete 

radeur,  &  smote  with  his  foot  so  mightyly  that  he  Geffray  bursts  it 

made  the  doore  to  flye  vnto  the  myddes  of  the  chambre. 

1  And  thenne  the  Geaunt  swyftly  went  out  at  the  dooro       i  foL  iw. 

24  by  cause  he  might  none  other  way  passe,  and  held  in 
his  hand!  a  gret  mayllet  wherof  he  gaaf  to  geffray  suche 
a  stroke  vpon  the  bassynet  that  he  made  hyin  al 
ainased.  And  whan  geffray  felt  the  stroke,  that  was 

28  harde  &  heuy,  ho  foyned  wt't/i  his  swertl  at  his  brest,  thenGefflray 

thrusts  his  sword 

with  suche  yre  that  it  entred  in  the  geaunt  thrughe  to  >' 
the  cros  of  the  swertP.     And  thenne  the  geant  made  vp 

right  up  to  the 

The  giant  cries 

2an  horrvble  cry,  sayeng, '  I  am  deed,  I  am  deed.'    And  out,  «r  am  dead, 

•'•'•'  I  am  dead  ! ' 

32  whan  they  that  were  in  the  traylles  of  yron  herd  it  /  The  prisoners  on 

hearing  the  cry 

they  cryed  with  an  hye  voys,  '  Ha,  noble  man,  blessid  biean  the  hour  ..f 

Oeifray's  birth, 

be  the  ooure  that  thou  were  borne  of  a  woman.     We  •»<!  beg  their 


pray  the  for  the  loue  of  god,  that  thou  haue  vs  hens, 
»  MS.  has  «  &.' 

Geffray  finds  the 
keys,  and  re- 
leases them. 

He  tells  how  he 



For  thou  hast  at  this  day  delyuered  this  land?  out  of 
the  gretest  myserye  that  euer  penple  was  in.'/ 

Cap.    LIII.      How    geffray   delyuered    the 
prysonners    that    the    geaunt    kept    in  4 

And  thewne  geffray  cerched  the  keyes  so  longe  tyl 
he  fonde  them,  &  lete  the  prysonners  out;  and 
this  doon,  they  all  kneeled  tofore  hym  /  &  asked  hym  8 
by  what  way  he  was  come.  And  he  said  to  them  the 
trouth.  'By  my  feyth,'  said  they,  'it  is  not  in 
remembraurcce  that  this  foure  hondred?  yere  was  no 
man  so  hardy  to  passe  by  the  Caue,  but  onely  the  geaunt  12 
and  his  antecessours,  that  fro  heyre  to  heyre  haue 
dystroyed  aH  this  Countre  /  but  wel  we  shal  bryng  you 
another  way.'  And  thewne  geffray  gaf  to  them  al  the 
hauoir  of  the  toure./  16 

Cap.  LIV.     How   the   prysonners   led   the 
geaunt   deed    vpon    a   Charyott. 

The  prysonners  tharai  toke  the  Geaunt  deed,  &  putte 
hys  body  in  a  Chary ot,  and  sette  hym  ryght  vp,  20 
&  bound?  hyrn  so  that  he  shuld?  not  faH:,  &  putte  fyre 
all  about  hym.     And  this  don,  they  led  geffray  to  the 
place  where  he  had  left  his  hors,  vpon  the  whiche  he 
mouwted,  &  descended  toward  the  valey  wz't/i  al  the  24  that  they  had.     Wherof  euery  man   had  his 
part  /  and  toke  the  heed  hool  of  the  geau??.t  *wiih  them  / 
and  came  foorth  tyl  they  sawe  geffrayis  knightes  and 
the  more  part  of  the  nobles  &  peple  of  the  Countre,  28 
the  which"  fested  &  dide  to  geffray  grete  honour  /  and 
to  hym  wold*  they  haue  youen  grete  yeftes,  but  he  wold? 
none  take  /  but  toke  his  leue,  &  departed  fro  them. 
And  the  prysonners  bare  the  heed  of  the  geaunt  thrugh  32 
al  good?  tounes  for  euery  man  to  see,  of  the  whiche 

and  presents  the 
prisoners  with 
the  contents  of 
the  tower. 

fol.  194  6. 
The  prisoners 
put  the  giant's 
body  on  a 
chariot,  and 
burn  it. 

Geffray  returns 
to  the  valley 
with  the  prison- 
ers bearing  their 
shares  of  the 
goods  of  the 
tower  and  the 
giant's  head. 

Geffray  is  feast- 
ed ;  he  refuses 
gifts,  and  leaves 
the  country. 

The  prisoners 
take  the  giant's 
head  about  the 


sight  eue?y  man  had  grete  merueyH  that  one  man  alono  country,  and  the 

,,,  i       j  11  *-        j         IT  11  people  iimrvi-l 

durst  bo  so  hardy  to  assaylle  sucn  a  deuen.     And  here  that  one  man 

should  have  teen 

seaccth  this  to  ry  of  that  more  to  speke  /  and  retourneth  i»n»ve  enough  t» 

have  fought  such 

4  to  speko  of  geffray.  •  devil- 

In  this  partye  sayth  thistorye  that  geffray  rode  so  Geffray  is  well 
long  that  he  came  to  mountyoued1  in  garande,   Mountjouet. 
where  they  of  the  countrey  receyued1  hym  nohly.    And 
8  for  theimo  was  come  his  brother  Raymond  to  enfourme  His  brother  Ray- 
hym  of  the  yre  that  thcire  fader  had,  &  of  his  worde*  their  rattler's 

rage,  and  how 

that  he  had  said  of  hym,  And  hym  recounted  fro  the  their  mother  hiw> 

departed  owing 

bygynnyng  vnto  the  fyn.     And  how  theire  moder  was  *°  t'ie  »*hariour 

J&J       J     o  J  of  the  Earl  of 

12  departed  and  al  the  manere  /  And  how  the  first 
bygynnyng  of  her  departyng1  was  thrugh  theire  vncle 
of  Forestz.  And  how  she  had  said  at  her  departyng 
that  she  was  doughter  of  kyng  Elynas  of  Albanye. 

16  And  whan  geffray  her^  this  word1  he  bethought  hym 

of  2the  table  that  he  fondf  vpon  the  tombe  of  kynge  »foi.  i»5. 

....  ,  ,  .     ,       ,,  Geflray  recollect* 

Wynas.   And  by  this  he  knew  that  he  and  his  bretnern  the  inscription 

,  ,        on  tho  tomb  of 

were  come  of   the  same  lynage  :   wherof  he   thought  Eiynas,  and 

understands  that 

20  hvm  self  the  bettre,  but  this  not  with  standing  lie  was  i.emorti.eking-ii 

"  lineage. 

ryght  sorowfuH  of  the  departyng  of  hys  moder,  &  of  j    *«***  for 
the  heuynes  of  hys  fader  /  and  knew  theraie  wel  that 
this   misaduenture  was   come   &  grew    by   therlo   of 
24  Forestz   his  vncle.      Wherfor   he  sware  by  the  holy  *nd  swears  re- 

renge  on  the 

trynyte  that  ho  shuld  quyte  hym.     And  thenne  he  Earl  of  Forest 
made  to  go  to  horsback  hys  brother  and  his  x.  knighte*, 
and  rode  toward  the  Countee  of  Forestz  /  and  had 
28  tydynges  that  the  Erie  his  vncle  was  in  a  Fortresse  u 
that  was  edyfyed  vpon  a  roche  ryght  hye  /  and  was 
the  self  Fortres  named  at  that  tyme  Jalensy,  and  now 
it  is  called  the  Castel  Marcelly. 

32  Cap.  LV.     How  Geffray  was   the   deth   of 
the  Erie  of  Forestz  hys  vncle. 

1  Fr.  Monjouet. 

He  enters  his 
uncle's  hall,  and 
finds  him  among 
his  barons,  and 
calls  out  '  To 
death  traitor,  for 
through  thee  we 
have  lost  our 

Geffray  ap- 
proaches the 
Earl,  with  sword 

The  Earl  runs 
out  of  a  door 
followed  by  Gef- 
fray, who  chases 
him  to  the  top 
of  the  tower. 

1  fol.  195  Z>. 
The  Earl  gets 
out  of  a  window 
to  pass  to  an- 
other tower,  but 
loses  his  hold 
and  falls  dead 
at  the  foot. 
Geffray  looks  out 
of  the  window 
and  upbraids 
him  for  tlie  loss 
of  his  mother. 

Geffray  descends 
to  the  hall,  where 
none  dare  to 
speak  against 

He  orders  his 
uncle  to  be 
buried,  and  ex- 
plains to  the 
barons  his 
uncle's  misdeed. 

Geffray  makes 
his  uncle's  ba- 
rons do  homage 
to  his  brother 


So  long  rode   geffray  that   he  came  to  the  Castel 
and    anoone   he  alighted  &  went   into  the   hali 
where   he   fond?   the   Erie   emong1   his   barons   /  and 
thercne  he  cryed  with  an  hye  voyce  /  '  to  deth  traytour  /  4 
For  thrughe  the  we  haue  lost  our  nioder '  /  and  f oorth 
•with  drew  his  swerd?  &  yede  toward  the  Erie  /  And 
the  Erie  whiche  knew  wel  hys  fyersnes  and  anoone 
fled   toward?   a   doore   open  /  and   that    part   geffray  8 
folowed?  hym  /  and  so  long  chassed  hym  fro  chambre 
to  chambre  to  the  hyest  part  of  the  toure  where  he 
sawe  he  myght  no  ferder  flee  /  he  toke  a  wyndowe  /  and 
supposed  to  haue  passed  vnto  a  tour  1nygh  but  for  12 
to  saue   hym  from  the  yre  of  geffray  /  but  footyng 
faylled  hym,  &  feH:  doun  deed  to  the  grounde.     And 
the/me  geffray  loked  out  of  the  wyndowe,  &  sawe  hym 
al  to  rent  &   brusid?  lyeng1  deed  on  the  erthe  /  but  16 
therof  he  toke  no  pyte  /  but  sayd  '  False  traytour  by 
thyn  euyl  report  I  haue  lost  my  lady  my  moder  /  now 
haue  I  quyted?  the  therfore.'     And  the/ine  he  came 
doun  ayen  to  fe  halle  /  but  none  so  hardy  was  there  20 
that  durst  say  one  word?  ayenst  hym.     And  he  thewne 
commanded  that  his  vncle  shold?  be  buryed?  /  and  so 
he  was  and  his  obsequye  don.     And  after  fat  geffray 
recounted  &  shewed  to  the  barons  of  the  land?  why  24 
he  wold  haue  slayne  his  vncle  /  and  bycause  of  the 
Erles  mysdede  and  false  reporte  they  were  somewhat 
peased.     And  thenne  Geffray  dide  make  them  to  doo 
hommage  to  Eaymond  his  brother,  that  was  aftirwanl'  28 
Erie  of  Forestz.     And  now  seaceth  thistory  of  hym  to 
speke  /  and  retourneth  to  shewe  of  Eaymondyn  his 
fader  / 

Cap.  LVI.     How  Geffray  went  to  Lusynen  32 
toward   hys   fader   and   prayed   hym    of 


Thystorye   sayth  that   soone   aftir  this   delyt  was  Geftray-i  father 
shewed   to   Kaymondyn,  wherof   he  was  ryght 
dolaunt  &  sorowful  /  but  he  forgate  it  lyghtly,  bycauso 
4  that  his   brother  had  announced  hym  the  tydynges 
whereby  he  lost  his  wyf  /  and  said  to  hym  self  /  '  this 
pat  is  doo   may  be  none  other  wyse  /  I   most  pease  He  determine,  to 
geffray  or  he  doo  ony  more  doomage.'     And  l  therefore  aPPi^L  i»«.  * 
8  he  sent  word!  to  hym  by  hys  brother  Theodoryke  that  He  sends  The<v 

dorio  to  ask  Gef- 

he  shuld  come  toward  hym  at  Lusynen.     And  ueff  ray 

*     Lusiguan. 

came  to  his  fader  at  his  mandement  /  and  as  ferre  as  Geffrny  obey*, 

and  on  seeing  Inn 

ho  sawe  hym  he  potto  hym  self  on  his  knees  /  and  father  rails  on  his 

knees  and  asks 

12  prayed  hym  of  pardon  &  mercy,  sayeng  in  this  wyse,  i«rdon,  and 

'  My  ryght  redoubted  lord,  my  dere  fader,  I  besoche 
you  of  forgyfnes  &  pardon  /  and  I  aware  you  that  I 
shal  doo  make  ayen  thabbay  of  Maylleses  fayrer  than 
1  6  euer  it  was  afore  /  and  there  I  shal  found1  ten  monkes 
ouer  the  nombre  of  them  that  were  there  byfore.' 
'By  god,'  said  Eaymondyn,  'al  that  may  be  doo  \\HJi  R«ymon<iin  an- 

J   e  J    '  *  swers  tliat  with 

the  helpe  of  cod  /  but  to  the  deed  ye  may  not  restore  flod>lJjfti? 

'  J  *  may  fiiltll  his 

20  theire  lyf.     But  geffray  it  is  trouth  that  I  muste  go  to  ^''^r^ 
a  pelgrymage  that  I  haue  promysed  god  to  do.     And  H^te 
therfor  I  shal  leue  you  the  gouernaunce  of  my  land  /  Olf  a  t 

and  yf  by  auenture  god  dido  hys  wylle  of  me,  al  the  leaves'  his  'land 

,    T        i    o     i_  ii.  •     ii.  A.   in  lli8  care-  "n<1 

24  land1   is   yours  /  but   I  wyl  &  charge   you  this  that   n,nk«»  him  uu 

moder  hath  ordeyned  by  her  last  wylle  to  be  doo 

be   fulfylled.     She    hath    bequethetf    to    Theodoryke   Ravmondinde- 

•  Clares  that  Theo- 

Partenay,  Merment,  Vouant  &  al  theire  appurtenaunces 

28vnto  EocheH,  with  the  Castel  Eglon  wtt/i  al  that 

therof    dependeth   /   and   fro    this   tyme   fourthon   I 

enpocesse  hym  therof  for  hym  and  for  his  hey  res.' 

The?iiie  said  Geffray  to  him,  'Dere  fader,  wel  it  is 

32  raison  that  it  be  so  don.'    This  doon  Raymondyn  made  R*r»nnndin  then 

starts  on  Ins  pil- 

his   apparayH,    &   with    hym   mounted   on    horsback 
many  lorde«  &  knightes,  and  toke  with  hym  grete 
fynauwce  &  hauoir  and  so  departed1  and  foorth  rode 
3G  on  liis  way.     And  Geffray  &  2Theodoryke  conueyed      »foi.  itw&. 



Geffray  and 
Theodoric  go 
jiart  of  the  way 
with  their  fatlier, 
and  Getl'ray  tells 
how  lie  found 
the  tomb  of  his 
grand  father  Ely- 
nas  at  Brom- 
belyo,  and  what 
was  written  on 
the  golden  tablet 
about  Elyniis' 
three  daughters, 
one  of  whom  was 
Geffray's  mother. 

Kaymondin  is 
glad  to  hear  that 
his  wife  was  the 
daughter  of  Ely- 
mis  and  Pressine. 

He  tells  his  sons 
to  return,  and. 
continues  on  his 
way  to  Rome. 

He  gives  Theo- 
clorie  a  ring, 
Melusine's  part- 
ing gift. 

fol.  197. 

reaches  Rome, 
and  does  rever- 
ence to  Pope 

He  confesses 
his  sins. 

The  Pope  gives 
him  due  penance. 
dines  with  the 
Pope,  and  next 
day  visits  the 
holy  places. 
When  his  affairs 
are  attended  to 
he  takes  leave 
of  the  Pope, 

hym  tyl  lie  bade  them  to  retourne.     And  as  they  rode 
geffray  recounted   hym  how  he  fonde  the   tombo   of 
Helynas    his    granfader    wit/an,    the    mountayne    of 
Brombelyo,  vpon  foure  Coulonnes  of  fyn  gold  and  of  4 
the  ryches  of  }>e  place  /  and  of  the  fygure  of  the  quene 
Pressyne  that  stod?  vp  ryght,  and  held'  a  table  of  gold*, 
and  of  this  that  was  there  writon  /  and  how  theire 
thre   doughters  were   predestyned  /  '  of   the  whiche,'  8 
said  geffray, '  OUT:  moder  was  one  of  them '  /  and  shewed 
hym  al  the  begynnyng  of  the  matere  vnto  thend*  of 
hit.     And  wete  it  wel  that  Eaymondyn  herkned  hym 
gladly,  &  was  wel  pleased  of  that  he  said  that  hys  wyf  12 
Melusyne  was  doughter  of  king  Elynas  &  of  Pressyne 
hys  wyf.     And  thenne  he  gaf  lycens  to  his  children 
to  retourne.     And  so  fey  departed  &  retourned  toward 
Lusynen  /  and  Eaymondyn  held!  on  his  way  toward  16 
Eojwme.     And  to  theodoryke  he  gaf  the  ryng1  whiche 
Melusyne  gaf  hym  at  her  departyng  fro  hym. 

Cap.  LVII.     How  Raymondyn  came  toward 
the  pope  of  Romme  and  confessed  hys  20 
synnes  to  hym. 

Here   sayth   thystorye   that   Eaymondyn  rode   so 
long  that  he  came  to  Eomme  and  his  companye 
with  hym,  where  he  fonde  the  Pope  named  BeneJictus  /  24 
&  drew  hym  toward  hym  to  whome  humbly  he  made 
reue?-ence,  &  syn  kneeled  tofore  hym  &  confessed  his 
mysdedes  &  synnes  in  his  best  wyse  /  and  as  touching 
this  that  he  was  forsworne  ayenst  god  and  Melusyne  28 
hys  wyf,  the  pope  gaf  hym  therfor  such  penazmce  as  it 
playsed  hym.     and  that  same  day  Eaymondyn  dyned 
wt't/i  the  pope  Benedicte  /  and  on  the  morne  he  yede 
&  vysyted  the  holy  places  there.     And  whan  he  had  32 
doon  there  al  that  he  niuste  doo,  he  toke  leue  to  the 
Pope  &  said  to  hyrn  in  this  wyse,  'Eyght  reuerend 
holy  fader,  I  may  not  goodly  considere  in  me  how  cue?' 


I  may  haue  joye.  Wherfore  I  purpose  to  yeld  myself  and  ten*  him 
into  some  hermytage.'  And  thenne  the  Pope  hym  SttSf 
demanded  thus,  '  Raymondyn,  where  is  your  deuocyon  The  Pope  aakH 

4f  I-,  win-re  lie  would 

&  wylle  to  goo?'     'By  my  feyth,  holy  fader,'  said  like  to  Ko. 

Eaymondyn,  '  I  haue  herd  say  that  there  is  to  Mount-  Raymondin  an- 

f         ,1   •  -,  swers  M<>unt- 

ierrat1  in  Aragon  a  deuoute  &  holy  place  /  &  there  woldf  ««rnit  in  Aragon 

I  fayu  be.'     '  My  fayre  sone,'  said  the  pope,  '  soo  it  is 

8  said.'     And  to  hyin  said  Raymondyn,  '  holy  fader,  my 

intencion  is  thither  to  goo  and  to  yeltl  my  self  there 

hermyte,  for  to  pray  god  that  it  playso  hym  to  gyue 

allegeaunce  to  my  lady  my  wyf.'     'Now  fayre  sone,' 

12  said  the  Pope,  'wit/t  the  holy  gost  may  ye  goo  /  <fc  al  The  Pope  be- 

that  ye  shal  doo  WfW  good  wytt  I  remysse  it  to  your  »ng.  "ft*'  Kay- 

ntoixlin  luul 

penaunce.'     And  thenne  Raymondyn  kneeled  &  kyssed  kiMed  bi»  feet- 
the  popes  feet.     And  the  pope  gaf  hym  hys  bcnedic- 
16  tion.  /  And  therzne  departed  Raymondyn  &  came  to 
hys  lodgys  /  &  dide  doo  2  trusse  &  make  aH  redy  for 
to  departe  /  and  as  touchyng  his  meyne  nor  of  hys  way  Raymonds  get* 

T         .  .        ,  on  hia  way.  ami 

1  wyl  not  make  long1  mencyon  /  but  he  rode  so  long  when  he  arrive* 
20  that  he  came  to  Thoulouse  /  and  there  he  gaf  lycence  p»y»offia»men, 
&  leue  to  ali  hys  meyne  to  departe  &  retowrne  /  except 
only  a  Chappellayn  &  a  Clerc  that  he  toko  wtt/t  him  / 
and  wel  &  truly  he  prayed  8  euery  one  so  that  they       »  foL  iw. 
24  were  content  /  but  sory  they  were  aH  of  theire  maister 

that  so  departed  fro  them  /  and  he  sent  lefres  to  geff  ray  and  sendu  them 

home  with  letter* 

&  to  the  MX0M  of  hys  landf  that  they  shuld  doo  theiro  to  Geffrey,  whi.-h 

order  the  burous 

howmage  to  his  sone  geffray,  &  receyue  hym  for  theire  of  w»  Un<1  to 

wt  J  do  homage  to 

28  lord.     And  his  meyne  toke  the  lefres  /  and  soo  they  Oeflray. 
departed  fro  theire  lord!  wit/i  grete  sorow  &  heuynesse,   HJH  men  retnm 

nadir,  without 

For  he  neuer  told  them  what  way  he  shuld  take  /  but  karaMpoC 

wlu-re  their  ina»- 

wete  it  he  had  wtt/t  hym  goodes  ynougfi  /  and  dyde  so  %r  is 

liaymondin  goes 

32  moche  that  he  came  to  Nerbonne  where  he  rested  hym  to 

•         where  be  makes 

a  lytel  space  of  tyme. 

y  story  e    sheweth    in    this    partye    that    whan 
Raymondyn   was   come    to   Nerbonne    he    dide 

1  Montserrat,  the  correct  reading.      2  Fr.  trotter  let  tommiert. 


and  has  hermits'   doo  make  many  hermyte   habytes,   and  also  for   his 

habits  made  for 

himself,  his          Chappellayn  &  Clerk  suche  as  they  owe  to  haue  /  and 

chaplain  and  his 

clerk.  syn  departed  &  went  tyl  he  came  to  l  Parpynen  where 

he  soiourned  one  day  /  and  on  the  morne  2  he  passed  4 
He  continues  his   the  destraytte  &  mounted  the  mountaynes  of  Aragon  / 


and  so  foorth  he  came  to  Barselone  the  Cite  where  he 
toke  hys  lodgys  and  soiourned  there  thre  dayes,  and  on 
till  he  arrives  at    the  foureth  toke  hys  waye  toward  Mountferrat  where  8 


he  came  &  yede  &  vysyted  wel  the  Chirche  &  the  place 
He  attends  di-      there,  whiche  semed  hym  ryght  deuoute  /  and  there  he 

vine  service. 

herd?  the  deuyne  seruyse  deuoutly  /  but  yet  had  he  on 
hys  worldly  gownes  /  And  the?ine  came  to  hym  they  12 
He  is  asked  if       that   were   ordeyned   for   to   lodge   &   herberowe   the 

he  will  stay  the 

night,  and  an-       pelgrymes,  and  demanded  of  hym  yf  it  playsed  hym 

ewers  'yes.'  &  J 

to  abyde  there  for  J>at  nyght  /  and  he  ansuerd!  '  ye.' 
3  foi.  1985.       Thewne  were  his  3horses  stabled  /  and  they  gaf  hym  a  16 
fayre  Chawbre  for  hym  &  for  his  men.     And  in  the 

Raymondin          meane  while  Kaymoudyn  yede  &  vysyted  the  hermy- 
visits  the  hermit- 
ages, and  finds      tages  /  but  he  went  no  f erther  than  to  the  vth  celle,  for 

the  third  cell  ' 

hwniit  imvin        ^at  P*ace  was  °^  so  §rete  ^eyght  that  he  myght  not  20 
died  lately.          goodly  goo  thither  /  and  fonde  the  IIIde  celle  exempt. 
For  the  hermyte  there  was  deed  but  late  tofore  that. 
And  there  was  stablysshed?  of  old*  a  Custom e  that  yf 
"within   a  terme  prefix  none  came  there  to  be  hermyte,  24 
he  of  the  nerest  Celle  gooyng  vpward  muste  entre  into 
that  other  Celle  so  exempted?  /  and  so  al  the  hermytes 
benethe  hym  to  chaunge  theire  places  vpward?.     And 
so  by  that  maner  wyse  was  the  nedermost  Celle  of  al  28 
exempt  &  wz'tAout  hermyt.     And  the   cause  of   this 
permutaczon  was  that  alwayes  the  nedermost  hermyte 
most  serue  hys  brother  hermyte  next  aboue  hym  of 
meet  &  drynk  after  theire  pytau?*ce  &  manere  of  etyng,  32 
and  so  foorth  dide  that  one  to  that  other  vpward  /  and 

1  Fr.  Perpigncn. 

2  Fr.  passa   le  vellon  et   le  pertuys,  et  vint   d  disner   a 
Funeres,  et  augiste  a  Gnomie.     Omitted  above. 

CH.  LVI1.]       RAYMONDIN    18    MADE   A   HERMIT.  337 

thus   one   se?Tiedf   other.     And   so  ferro   enquyred   & 

knew  Raymond  yn  of  theire  maner  of  lyuyng  that  he  quineB,  ukes  a 

greater  liking  to 

toke  grete  deuocz'on  to  it  more  than  tofore  /  that  is  to  the  place  tium 


4  wete  to  be  hennyte  there.     And  thewne  he  toke  leue  He  take*  leave 
of  the  vth  hermy  te  &  so  dide  as  he  descended  of  the  in  the  nnii  ceil 

and  descends. 

other.      And    he    demanded    after    the    pryour    of 
thabbey  /  and  it  was  told   hym  that   he  was   in  the 
8  vyllage  nygh  by  thabbay  that  was  hys,  whiche  vyllage 
was  called  Culbaston  /  and  the;me  he   desyred  them  Raymomlin  asks 

to  be  taken  to 

that  they  wold!  conduyte  hyin  there  as  he  was.     And  the  prior  of  the 


so   Eay1mondyn   left   there    his   Chappellayn   &    his       >  foL  iw. 
12  Clerc,  and  wtt/t  a  aeruauut  of  the  place  went  there  as  )>e 

pryour  was,  whiche  receyued  Raymoudyn  w/it/i  joyful  The  prior  enter- 

Utins  Rnyuiuu- 

chere.    And  there  shewed  Raymondyn  al  hys  wyii  and  d'n, 
deuocyon  and  how  the  place  playsed  hym.    And  then  no 
16  the  pryowr  that  sawe  Raymondyn  of  fayre  coutenaunco 

&  man  of  grete  worship  grauxted  hym  the  exempted  an«uthigre-    • 

quest  gninu  the 

place,  wherof  Raymondyn  had  grete  joye  at  herte.  /         empty  cell. 

The>me   was   Raymondyn   ryght  joyow*  whau  the 
pryowr    had    graunted    hym   the    place    of    the 
nethermost  hermytage  and  moche  panked  god  therof. 
and  so  he  bode  there  w/tA  the  pryowr  al  that  nyght  / 
and  on  the  morow  they  moimted  and  came  ayen  to  The  next  day 

Rayinnndin  is 

24  thabbay  where  as  Raymondy?*  toke  las  habytes  and  made  a  iiermit, 
was  there  made  hermyte.     And  thenue  was  the  deuyne  and  i»ft«r  divine 

service  innkea  a 

st'ruyce  doon,  where  Raymondyn  offred  ryche  jewels  rich  offering. 
as  gold?  and  precyous  stones.     And  after  the  smiyce 
28  they  went  to  dvner  /  and  raymondyn  dyde  doo  send!   Raymondm  tells 

J  hi»  brother  lirr- 

to  hvs  bretheren  hermyte  besyde  theire  pytauwce  other  mitsof  in«pn.- 

•  fesitlon,  and  sup- 

meetes  for  recreacton,  letyng*  them  knowe   hy.s   pro-  e'"t^t^Iltj^ith 
fessvon  &  cowmiync.     "NVherof  al  they  lawded   god,  The  hermits 

"     *  prnise  Ood, 

32  deuoutely  prayeng  hym  that  he  wold  hold  &  encres  " 
Raymondyn    in    good    deuocyon.      And    so    dwelled 
Raymondyn  in  thabbay,  and  on  the  morne  he  entred  He  enters  hi* 

J  J  ci-ll,  niul  begirt 

in  to  his  Celle  wher  he  bygau  to  la?  a  holy  &  stray  t  totead  a  iwTy 
36  lyf.      And    anoone    after   was    the    tydynge*  spredd" 




Tiie  news  that  a    thrugh  aH  Aragon   &  Langgedok   how  that  a  grete 

great  prince  has 

professed  himself  prynce  was  made  hermyte  at  Mounferrat  /  but  they 

a  hermit  be- 

comes known,       knew  not  of    what   Countre    lie   was.     And  l  also    he 
and  many  come     w°ld?  neuer  vttre  it  /  And  many  noble  men  went  to  4 
d^nradtsiThim    see  hym  /  an(l  *n  especial  the  king1  of  aragon  was  there 
wfu'not  t'eint.  e  hym  self,  which"  asked  hym  of  his  estate  &  Countre  / 
but  of  hym  he  coude  neuer  wete  it.     And  here  resteth 
thystorye    of   them  /  and    retourneth    to    shewe    of  8 
Eaymondyns  men  that  departed  fro  Thoulouse.  / 

hystory  recounteth  that   so  long  rode  the   men 
of    Raymondyn    after   they   were    departed   fro 
Raymondin's       Thoulouse  that  they  came  in  Poytou  &  so  foorth  to  12 

men  return  to 

Lusignan,  and      Lusynen,  Where  they  fonde  geffray  and  many  of  the 

letters.  barons  of  the  land?  /  and  after  theire  obeyssaunce  doon 

they  delyuered  theire  lefres  to  geffray  &  to  the  barons 

as  they  were  commanded  by  Kaymondyn  theire  lord?.  16 

Whara  the   baronye   vnderstod?   the   tenowr   of   theire 

The  barons  de-      lettQS  they  said  to  geffray  in  this  manere  /  '  My  lord 

clare  that  they 

are  ready  to  do     svth  it  playseth  not  yottr  fader  vs  more  to  gouerne  / 

Geffray  homage        J  J  J 

father06  °fh's       an<^  ^iat  ^e  wyl  tnat  we  ^00  OUT  hommage  to  you,  we  20 
are  al  redy  thereto.'    '  By  god,'  said  geffray,  '  gramercy, 

He  accepts  it.       Fayre  lordes,  and  I  am  redy  to  receyue  you  to  your 
lygeauws.'     And  J>ewne  they  dyde  to  hym  hommage. 
And  anoone  after  was  knowen  thrugh  al  the  Countre  24 
how  Kaymondyn  had  exilled   hymself   for  the  grete 
sorow  that  he  had  for  his  wyf  Melusyne  that  he  had 

when  the  people  lost.     Who  thewne  had  sene  the  dolewr  &  lamentable 

know  that  Ray-  .  _,  oo 

mondin  has  ex-     heuynes    that    men    dide    thrugh    aii    the    Lountre  .so 

iled  himself,  and 

that  Geflray  is      wysshyng  theire  lord  &  theire  lady,  he  shuld?  haue  had 

lord,  they  begin          J        J    ' 

to  be  afraid.  hertely  pyte.  For  many  one  fered  geffray  for  cause  of 
his  yre  &  fyersnes.  But  for  nought  they  doubted,  For 
he  gouerned?  hym  righfcously  &  wel.  Here  I  sha[l]  32 
*  foi.  200.  leue  of  fern  2to  speke  /  and  shal  shewe  of  geffray  that 
was  ryght  dolaunt  &  sorowful  of  that  he  had  lost  both" 
hys  fader  &  his  moder  thrugh  his  owne  mysdede  & 
synne.  For  they  that  were  retourned  fro  hym  coude  36 


not    say  where    he  was  come.     Thenne    remorse  of  Oeffray  is  full  of 

remorse  when  lie 

conscience  toke  geffray  at  herte  &  remembred  how  he  thinks  of  the  loss 

of  his  father  and 

fyred   thabbayo   of   Maylleses,   &   brent  hys   brother  mother,  and  how 

*  it  was  caused  by 

4  Froymond  and  al  the  rnonke*  \er  wit/tout  hauyng  ony  hi*  ""'"d*"** 
lawfuti  cause  so  to  doo  /  and  that  thrughe  hys  synne 
he  angred  bothe  hys  fader  &  moder,  and  by  that  cause 
he  had  lost  his  moder.    Wherfore  he  toke  suche  sorowe 

8  that  it  was  meruaytt  /  and  also  he  remembred  the  deth 
of  the  Erie  of  Forest  hys  vncle,  which"  thrugh  his  faytte 
fell  doun  fro  the  hyest  toure  of  the  Castel  Marcelly  to 
the  erthe.  And  thus  reme?7ibred  geffray  att  hys 
12  my[s]dedes  and  synues,  and  sore  wepyng  bygan  to  say/ 
that  but  yf  god  had  pyte  on  hym  he  was  lyke  to  be 
lost  &  dampned  for  euer.  And  thenno  ho  hymself  Oeffray  enters  a 

'  chamber  alone, 

alone  ontred  into  a  chambre  /  and  there  he  bycan  to  »«d  i>«ys  with 

a  contrite  heart 

1 6  make  grete  sorowe  &  lamentable  wepyngea  prayeng  god  for  mercy. 
w't/4  herte  contrite  that  he  wold  haue  mercy  on  hym  / 
and  as  god  wold  he  toke  there  deuocion  to  goo  to  He  revives  to 

t       *°  to  Bome  *° 

Romme  for  to  confesse  his  synnes  to  our  holy  fader  the  confess  to  the 


20  pope.     And  thenne  he  sent  for  his  broder  theodoryke  Geffray  sends  for 


that  he  shuld  come  to  speke  wit/4  hym,  For  he  loued 
hym  aboue  al  o)>er.  And  assoone  as  Theodoryke 
vnderstod  the  man  dement  of  hys  brother  geffray,  he 

24  foorthwtt/4  mounted  on  horsback  &  rode  tyl  he  came 
to  Lusynen  where  geffray  was,  that  receyued  hym 
•with  joye,  &  said  to  hym  that  he  wold  leue  al  hys 
land  in  his  gouernaufice,  For  he  1wold  go  to  Romme  to  >  foi.  2006. 

28  confesse  his  synnes  tofore  the  pope  /  &  that  he  wold  he  is  going  t 
neuer  come  ayen  tyl  he  had  found  hys  fader.     Thenne  to  the  Pope,  and 

that  he  leaves 

Theoderyk  prayed  hym  that  he  wold  suftre  hym  to  goo  his  lands  in  Theo- 

J       r     J  doric's  charge. 

wit/4  hym.     And  geffray  shewed  to  hym  that  it  were  Theodoric  wanu 

•  to  go  with  him, 

32  not  good  for  them  bothe  so  to  doo  /  And   thenno 
geffray  with  noble  companye  departed  and  toko  w»t&  Geff 
hym   grete   goodes,  and  toke  wit*   hym  one  of  hys  * 
faders  seniflwnts  that  was  retourned  fro  Thoulouse  for 

36  to  conduyte  hym  aH  that  way  that  hys  fader  yede  / 

z  3 

340  ttWfllAY  OOCTnBBS  TO  THE  POPE.      [CH.  LVUL 

and  he  shuld  eoer  take  hys  lodgys  there  as  hjs  fader 
was  lodged  by  the  way.  And  the  seruannt  hym 
that  gladly  he  shuld  so  doo. 

Cap.  LVIIL     How  Geffray  went  to  Romme  4 
&  confessed  hys  synnes  tofore  the  Pope. 

nrihystorye  sayth  that  whan  geffray  was  departed 
_I_    fro  Losynen  he  rode  so  long  by  hys  journey es 
that  he  came  to  ronane,  and  drew  hym  toward  our  8 

holy  fader  the   Pope,  to  whorac    he   made    humble 
tolkvl  -•-.. 

reuerence  and  syn  deuoutely  confessed  hym  of  hys 

to  synnes.    A*d  the  Pope  charged  hym  to  make  thabbay 
of  Maylleses  to  be  edyfyed  agayn  &  therto  ordeyne  six  12 
score  mtm\f»t  &    many  other   penitences   the    pope 
charged  hym  doo,  the  whiche  as  now  present  I  shal  not 
shewe.     And  thexne  geffray  said  to  our  holy  fader  the 
Pope  how  be  wold  goo  to  seke  hys  fader,  and  the  pope  16 
told  hym  that  be  1shuld  fyn«l  hym  at  Mountferrat  in 
Aragon.     And  thenne  he  toke  lene  of  the  pope  & 
ajauuit  his  feet  /  and  the  pope  gaf  hym  hys  bene- 
diction.    And  so  geffray  departed  fro  Eomme  &  toke  20 
hys  way  toward  toulouse  where  he  cam  &  hys  meyne 
wttA  hym  and  was  lodged  where  as  his  fader  dede 
lodge  tofore.     And  there  the  seruaunt  asked  of  theire 
hoste    yf    he  coude  not  telk  which  way   hys  lord  34 
•       Eaymondyn  toke  /  And  thoste  said  to  hym  that  hys 
lord  had  hold  the  way  toward  Xerbonne  &  that  no 
father  he  knew  of  hys  way.     And  the  senuuoit  told 
it  to  geffray.     '  By  my  f eyth,'  said  geffray,  '  that  is  28 
not  the  next  way  for  to  goo  to  Mountferrat  /  but  syth 
my  fader  went  that  way  so  shal  we  doo.'    And  thus 
on  the  morne  geffray  &  hys  meyne  departed  &  hasted 
them  toward  Xerbonne,  where  they  cam  &  were  lodged  32 

i ..  -.. 

there  as  Eaymondyn  had  tofore  lodged.     For  so  moche 

enqnered  the  cerravnt  that  he  knewe  fat  hys  lord  dide 


lodge  there,  &  how  he  dide  do  make  there  many 
habytro  for  an  hermyte.  And  on  the  morne  geflray 
toke  hys  way  toward  Parpynen,  where  he  cam,  &  fro 

4  Jjens  he  rode  -with  hys  meyne  to  Barselonc,  &  )>e/me  to  At  tat  Geffray 
thabbey  of  mountferrat  where  he  alyghted  &  sent  hys  •errat. 
horses  to  Culbaston  /  and  syn  he  yede  &  entred  in  to 
the  Chirch".     And  anoon  the  smiaitnt  beforsaid1  sawe 

8  the   Chappellayn   of   Eaymondyn   his   lord   mUi'm  a  Hi«  •errwit  n- 

/-ii          11  i     •  i       ,1       i  ports  that  he  him 

Lhapen  And   immedyatly  he  tol<F   of  it   to   geffray.   §«n  hii  father* 


Wherof   ahe    had    grete  joye  and  yede  toward   the       »foL2oi&. 
Chappellayne,   tlie  whiche  whan  he  sawe  getfray  he 
12  kneeled  tofore  hym  and  said,  'My  lord  ye  be  rycht  Thechmnuinwei- 

'  J  Jb        come*  Geirray. 

welcome    /  and  syn  he  recounted  to  geffray  the  good  *n<>  teiu  Mm  of 

'  the  good  life  his 

lyf  that  hys  fader  led  /  and  how  euery  day  he  confessed1  ££«  lewia  • 
hym  &  receyued  his  creatour  /  and  that  he  ete  nothing 
16  that  receyueth  deth.     And  thenne  geffray  asked  hym 
where   he  was.     And  the  Chappellayn  to  hym  said*, 
'  he  is  in  yonder  hermytage  /  but  my  lord  as  for  this  The  ch»pi»fn 

§*y«  Geffray  on- 

day  ye  may  not  speke  vritlt  hym,  but  to  morne  ye  shaH 
20  see  hym.'     '  By  my  fayth,'  said  geffray,  '  fayn  I  wold 
see  hym  today  /  but  sith  it  is  soo  I  must  take  it  in 
patience  ty[lj  tomorowe.'     'My  lord,'  said  thenne  tlie 
Chappellayn,  'yf  it  pluyse  you  ye  may  here  the  hye 
24  masse,  and  thcrwhiles  I  shal  ordeyne  and  shew  yowr 
meyne  where  your  Chambre  shal  be  dressed,  and  also  I 
shal  doo  make  your  dyner  redy  at  your  retourne  fro 
the  masse/ 
28  rilhenne  departed  the  Chappellayn  fro  geffray,  that  Gefrrmyhe*™ 


went  to  here  masse  acompanyed  witA  x  knyght<« 

and  wel  xx  squyers.     And  thewne  cam«  the  monkes  and  when  in-  i» 

out  of  sight  tlie 

of  the  place  to  Raymondins  Chappellayn  and  demanded  mo 
32  of  hym  in  this  wyse.     '  What  is  that  grete  deueH  with 

that  grete  toth?  he  semeth  wel  to  be  a  cruel  man/  ***  toothv 
wherof   knowe   you   hym  /  is  he  of  JOUT  Countre?' 
'  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  Chappellayn,  'ye  /  It  is  He  uu«  them, 
36  geffray  vfiih  the  grete  toeth  of  Lusynen,  one  of  the  best 


&  moost  valyaunt  knightes  of  the  world  &  wete  it  he 

•foi.  202.        1holdeth  grete  possessions  &  grete  landes.'     And  the 

and  they  ask  if     monkes  ansuerd!,  '"Wei  we  haue  herd'  speke  of  hym  / 

it  is  not  the  same 

one  who  killed      is  it  not  he  that  sloughe  the  geaunt  in  garand?  and  that  4 

the  Northumber- 

land giant,  and      other  geavmt  also  of  Northomberland!  /  he  is  also  he 

burnt  the  Abbey 

of  Maiiieses  and    fa^  brent  thabbay  of  Maylleses  w?'t/i  aH:  the  monkes 

all  the  monks  • 

therein.  ferinne  bycause  that   hys   brother  was   there   shorne 

The  chaplain  an-  monke  wt't7iout  hys  leue.'     '  By  my  feyth,'  said  the  8 

Chappellayn,  'certainly  it  is  that  same.'     And  fenne 
The  monks  are      the  monkes  al  abasshed  and  aferd?  sayd  /  he  is  come 

much  afraid.  . 

hither  for  to   doo  vs  some   myschiet   and   dommage. 
Thewne  said  one  of  them,  'wete  it  wel  that  I  shal  hyd  12 
myself  in   suche   place  that  he   shal  not  fynd   me.' 
The  chaplain        '  Noo,'  said   the  Chappellayn,  Torsoothe   I  waraunt 

tells  them  to  be 

at  ease,  because    you  he  shal  doo  you  no  hurt  nor  do?«mage,  but  al  ye 

the  hermitage 

contains  the  per-  shal  soone  be  glad!  of  hys  commyng,  For  suche  one  is  16 

son  Geffray  loves 

most  of  all  in  the  •within  this  place  that  he  loueth  aboue  al  creatures  of 


the  world!.'    And  whan  they  vnderstod!  the  Chappellayn 
The  monks  clean  they  were  somwhat  assured  and  went  &  hanged  the 

and  decorate  the 

church,  chirche,  and  made  al  the  place  fayre  &  clene  to  theire  20 

and  send  word      power  as  god  hymself  had  descended  there  /  and  sent 
the  arrival  of        word  to  the  Pryowr  that  was  at  Culbaston  that  he 


shuld  come  there,  and  that  geffray  with  the  grete  toth 
was  come  in  pelgrymage  in  to  theire  abbaye,  and  noble  24 
companye  with  hym.     Thewne  came  there  fourthwit/i 
The  prior  finds      the   pryour   that   fon<J   geffray  in   the   Chirche,   and 

Geffray  in  the  * 

church,  and  does  honourably  made   hym   reuereuce  and   sayd  that   he 

him  reverence.  . 

hymself  /   the   monkes   &   al   the   place   was   at   his  28 
Geffray  tiianks      commandemeut.     '  Sire,'  said   geffray,  '  gramercy  and 

him,  and  pro- 

mises that  the       wete  it  wel  I  loue   this    place  /  and  yf   god  gyt   me 

place  will  be 

none  the  worse      helthe  it  shal  2not   be  the  wers  for  my  commynq. 

for  his  visit. 

»foL2026.       'My  lord,'  said  the  pryour,  'god  yeld  you.'     Thenne  32 
cam  the  Chapellayn  to  geffray  and   hym   said,   '  My 
lord,  yottr  dyner  is  redy.'     And  therwit/t  geffray  toke 
the  pryour  by  the  hand  and  togidre  went  into  the  haU, 
where  they  wesshed  theire  handes  &  syn  sette  them  at  36 

OH.  LVIII.]       THE   MEETING   OF   FATHER   AND   SON.  343 

dyner;   geffray   and   the  pryowr   deuysed   long  space  Geffray  and  th« 

•  j  ,  I'D/.  j'rior  dine  and 

togiure   of  one  thing  &  of  ober.     And  thus  passed  convene  »  long 
foorth  that  day.  / 

4  Tn   this   partye  sayth  thystorye  that  on   be  morne 

JL  geffray  roos  vp  and  fonde  the  priour  and  his  fadera  Oeffray  bean 

Chapellayn  waytyng  after  hywt  whiche  led*   hym  to  morning,  and 

here  masse  /  and  after  the  masse  they  led1  hym  toward  g°««  with  the 

Q  prior  and  the 

o  the  hermytages.     And  thenne  the  pryour  toke  his  leue  ci»«pi»in  to 

0  , 

of  geffray  &  retourned  to  Chircliward1  supposvne  none  "here  the  prior 

rr     J    '  take*  hit  leave. 

other  but  that  geffray  went  for  to  see  thestate  of  the 
hermytes  and  for  none  other  cause.     For  he  had  neuer 
12  trowed  that  his  fader  had  be  ber.    And  thenne  mounted  Geffray  mount* 

to  the  tint  her- 

geffray  toward  the  first  hermitage  that  was  wel  Ixxx  mJUge, 
stepes  highe  vpon  the  mountayne.     And  wete  it  that 
the  Clorc  was  at  Raymondyns  Celle  doore  waytyng  for 
1  6  the  Chappelayn  that  shuld  say  masse  tofore  Raymondin. 

And  as  the  Clerk  loked  dounward,  he  perceyued  geffray  and  i§  recognised 

by  Rayiuon.lurs 

that  came  upward1  &  wel  knew  hym,  and  forth  wtt/t  clerk. 
entred    in    the    celle    &    said    to    Raymondin,   '  My  He  MI»  hit 

'     master  of  Oef- 

20  lord,   here  commeth  your  sone  geffray.'     And  whan  fr»y'«  presence. 
Raymondin  vnderstod1  it  he  was  ryght  joyows  and  said, 
*  blessed  be  god  /  he   is  welcomme.'     Thewne  entred   Ravmondin  «ay« 

4  He  i*  welcome,' 

first    the    Chappellain    in    to    the    Celle    &    salued 
24  Raymondyn  /  but  he  bade  the  Chappellayn  to  say 
geffray  that  he  myght  not  speke  with  hym  tyl  bat  hys 
masse   were   doon.     And  foorthwith   the   cha1pellayn       l  toi  209. 
dyde  as  Raymondyn  hym  commanded.     And  geffray  watt  tin  hi* 

father  hear*  man 

28  ansuerd1,  '  his  playsire  be  doo.      This  doon  Raymondyn  before  he  can  §ee 
was  confessed  and  herd  his  masse  &  receyued  the  holy 
sacrament.     And  in  the  meane  sayson  geffray  beheld1  He  iook«  about 

while  waiting, 

vpward  the  great  mountaynes  whiche  were  high  &  i 
32  ryght  vp  and  sawe  thermytages  that  were  aboue  hym  /  in  auch  •  place. 
and  sawe  the  CapeB  of  Saynt  Mychel  whiche  was  the 
vth  hermytage,  and  after  loked  dounward  /  and  in  hym 
self   had  grete   memayH   how  man  durst  there  take 
36  habytacyon  /  and  to  hym   appered  the  Chirche   and 

344         GEFFBAY    TELLS    HIS    FATHER    OF    HIS    REPENTANCE.       [CH.  LVIII. 

housyng  of  thabbey  but  as  lytel  Chapelles.     Thenne 
Geffray  enters       cam  the  Chapellayn  &  called   geffray  and   he  entred 

his  father's  cell, 

and  salutes  him.    within  the  Celle  of  his  fader  /  and  anoone  kneeled  on 

takes  him  in  his 
arms  and  kisses 

Geffray  tells  his 
father  how  he 
had  been  at 
Rome,  and  how 
he  confessed, 
and  was  told  by 
the  Pope  that 
his  father  was  at 

Geffray  asks  his 
father  to  return 
to  his  country, 
but  he  answers 
that  he  cannot, 
as  he  intends 
to  stay  at  Mount- 
serrat, and  pray 
for  Geffray's 
mother,  for  him- 
self, and  for 

i  foL  203  6. 
Geffray  takes  his 

His  father  sends 
a  greeting  to  his 
children  and  his 

Geffray  gives 
presents  to  the 
Church ; 

and  at  dinner 
tells  the  prior 
that  Raymondin 
is  his  father,  and 
asks  him  to  take 
care  of  him,  and 
the  Church  will 
lose  nothing 
by  it. 

his  knees  &  dyde  to  hys  fader  reuerent  salutacion  /  4 
And  Raymondyn  toke  hyru  vp  in  his  armes  and  kyssed 
hy?/4  /  and  themie  made  hym  to  sette  vpon  a  stoole 
wit/*  hym  tofore  the  awter.     And  there  bygan  geffray 
to  shewe  to  hys  fader  how  he  was  at  Romme,  and  how  8 
he  was  confessed1  of  the  pope  /  and  the  pope  hym  said 
that  he  shuldf  fynd?  hym  at  Mountferrat.     And  in  this 
communycacion    had    they   many    materes    togidre   / 
geffray    alwayes    prayeng    hys    fader    that    he    wold  12 
retourne  to  his  coimtre.    'Fayre  sone,'  said  Raymondyn, 
'  that  may  I  not  doo.     For  here  I  wyl  spend?  my  lyf, 
always  prayeng  god  for  thy  moder  &  me,  &  for  the, 
that  god  wyl  amende  the,  my  sone  geffray.'     And  soo  16 
geffray  was  there  al  that  day  wit/4  his  fader.     And  the 
next  day  in  the  morowe  herd*  Eaymondyn  his  masse, 
&  receyued  our  lord,  as  hys  customs  was  to  doo  /  and 
after,  said  to  geffray, '  Fayre  sone,  it  behoueth  the  to  20 
parte  from   hens,  &  to   retourne   in  to  thy  Countre ; 
and  grete  wel  al  Jmy  children  &  my  barons.'     And 
themie  geffray  toke  leue  of  hys  fader  al  wepyng ;  and 
loth   he  was  to   departe  from   his  fader.     And   after  24 
came   doun  fro   the    mountayn  vnto  thabbaye,  where 
he  was   honourably  receyued  /  and  the   monkes   had 
grete  meruayli  Avherfore  he  was  so  long  aboue. 

Thystorye  sheweth  that  geffray  gaf  grete  ryches  &  28 
fayre  jewelles  to  the  Chirche,  &  after  toke  leue  of 
the  pryour  &  his  monkes,  but  the  pryowr  hym  conueyed? 
vnto  Culbaston,  wher  geffray  dyned  wit/4  the  pryowr  / 
and  told'   hym   in  secret  wyse  that    Eaymondyn  was  32 
hys  fader,  whom   geffray  besoughte   to  take   hede  to 
hys  fader,  and  that  the  Chirche  shuld  not  lese  nothing 
therby,  For  euery  yere  ones  duryng  hys  lyf  he  Avoid 
come  &  vysyte  hys  fader.     Thewne  ansuerd'  the  pryowr,  36 

CH.  LVIII.]      A   MEETING   OP  THE   FOUR   BROTHERS.  345 

'  doubte  you  not,  my  lord,  there  shal  be  no  deffawte  but 
I  shal  vysyte  &  remembre  yowr  fader.'  And  the7*ne 
toke  geffray  leue  &  went  to  Barselone  to  hys  bed. 
4  And  on  the  morne  he  departed  toward  Lusynen  wher  Geffray  ret 
as  Theodoryk  hys  brother  &  the  barons  receyued  hym 

,  ,  .  fully  received. 

ryght  grete  joye,  and  were  glad  of  his  comwyng. 
And  whan  they  were  at  leyser,  geffray  shewed  to  hys  He  teiii  Theo- 
8  brotlier    theodoryk   the    very   effect    of    euejy   thing4  father? 
touchyng  theyre  fader.     FoorthwttA   Theodoryk   that  Theodoric  weep. 
moche   loued   his  fader   bygan  to  wepe  ful  tenderly. 
And  geffray  seeyng  his  brojjer  make  suche  sorowe  to 
12  hym  said  thus,  'My  ryght  dere  brother,  yet  must  ye 

abyde  here,  For  wete  it  wel  that  I  wyl  coo  see  our  Geftrav 



two    bretheren    in   almayne,    that    is    to    vnderstand*  *nd  Anthony. 

Regnauld  king  of  behayne  and  the  Due  Authouy  of 
16  Lucembourgh  /  but  I  wyl  not  departe  without  aray 

of  men  of   annes,  For  ]>er  be  in  thoo  marches  ryght 

euyl  peple  the  which  gladly  wold  robbe  them  that  passe       »  foi  sw. 

by  the  way.'  '  By  my  sowle,  my  brother,  I  hold  wel 
20  wit/ml  that  ye  doo  as  ye  say  /  but  I  beseche  you  ryght  Theodorir  wishes 

J  J         J  I  J          Jt>        to  go  with  him, 

entierly    brother    that    we    leue    OUT   countre    in    the 
gouernawnce  of  our  barons  &  take  with  vs  v.C.  men  of 
armes,  and  that  it  may  playse  you  I  to  go  vrith  you  ; 
24  For  I  haue  herd1  say  that  there  is  grete  werre  betwix  becan»e  he  hu 

J  heard  there  fa 

them   of   Anssay  &  them   of  Austeryche.'     'By  my  wari.- 

Anasay  and 

feyth,'  said  geffray,  '  Ye  say  wel,  For  perauenture  our  Austria. 
brother  Anthony  is  in  hand1  iciih  them.'     And  whan 
28  they  had  made  theire  ordonnaunce,  Odon  the  Erie  of  They  are  joined 

J  by  Odo,  Earl  of 

Marche  came  and  spake  with  geffray,  and  brought  in   March. 
hys  company  thre  score  men  of   armes,  For  at  that 
tyme  he  had  warre  ayenst  the  Earle  of  Vandosme  / 
32  and  also  .Raymond  their  brother  Earle  of  Forestz  cam 

there  the  same  day.     And  there  the  foure   brctheren  The  brother* 

make  much  of 

made  there  moche  one  of  other  /  and  were  joyf  uH  for  each  other  *nd 

are  glnd  of  the 

the  tydynges  that  they  herd1  of  theire  fader  /  and  said  /  " 
36  ones  they  hoped  to  see  hym  togidrc. 


THE   KING   OF   ANSSAY   AT   WAR.         [cH.  LIX. 

Geffray  arranges 
for  the  rebuilding 
of  the  abbey  of 

He  and  Theodo- 
ric  appoint  good 
governors  for 
their  countries. 

i  fol.  204  6. 

Odo  and  Ray- 
mond propose 
to  go  with  them 
to  Allmain. 

The  Earl  of  Ven- 
dome  makes  his 
peace  with  Odo. 

The  four  breth- 
ren ride  with 
their  company 
to  Castle  Duras, 
near  which  they 

The  King  of  Ans- 
say  was  at  war 
with  the  Dukes 
of  Freibourg  and 

He  was  besieged 
by  them  at  Pour- 

Cap.    LIX.     How   Geffray    reedyffyed    the 
monastery  of  Maylleses. 

Geffray  afore   his  departyng  charged  &  ordeyned 
peuple  for   the   reedyfyeng   of  the  Abbaye   of  4 
Maylleses,  as  hym  was  youen  in  Charge  by  the  pope 
by  way  of  penaunce  /  and  to  them  assygned  where 
they  shuld  take  bothe  gold  &  syluer  therwit/i  to  paye 
the  werkmen.     And  so  lefte  he  a  good  gouernowr  in  8 
hys   countre  /  And   in   lyke  wyse    dyde    his    broper 
theodoryk    in    his    Countre.      And    whan    Odon    & 
Eaymond  sawe  that  they  wold  departe  to  go  Ho  see 
theire  bretheren  in  Allemayne,  they  sayd  in  lyke  wyse  12 
wold*  they  doo.     And  commanded  anoone  theire  peple 
to  mete  with  them  at  Boneuatt.     And  at  that  tyme 
were  the   brethereu    acompanyed  with  two   thousand 
men  of  armes  &  a  thousand  Crosbowes.     And  whan  16 
the  Erie  of  Vandosme  herd?  tydynges  therof  he  supposed! 
certaynly  that  they  came  to  exille  hym,  and  that  Odon 
had  cowplayned  hyw  to  hys  bretheren  of  hym,  and  so 
moche  he  doubted  geffray  that  he  came  to  BoneuaH  20 
and  yelded  hym  to  the  grace  of  Odon  erle  of  Marche. 
And  he  pardorened  hym  of   al  the  mysdedes  that  he 
had  doo  to  hym.     And  the  erle  of   Vandosme  made 
hym  homage  of  the   land?  that  was   in  debat  atwix  24 
them.  / 

Here  sheweth  thystorye  that  the  foure   bretheren 
departed  fro  Bonenal  &  were  in  theire  companye 
many  grete  lordes,  and  rode  in  fayre  aray  tyl  they  cam  28 
vpon  an  euen  and  lodged  them  nygh  a  ryuere  called 
Meuze,  by  a  Fortresse  named  the  Castel  Duras.     But 
as  now  I   shal   cease   of   them  to  speke  /  and  shal 
begynne  to  speke  of  the  kyng  of  anssay,  that  had  grete  32 
warre  ayenst  the  Erie  of  Frebourgh  &  with  the  Due  of 
Austeryche,  the  which   had   besieged   hym  wit/an  a 
Castel  of  hys  that  was  called  Pourrencru.     Wherfor 


he  sent  word*  to  Regnault  kyng  of  Behayne  that  was  He  had  sent  for 

_  help  to  Anthony 

maryec?  vfiih  his  Lousyn  /  and  lyke  wyse  to  the  Due  ««"i 

Anthony  of  Lucembourgh   prayeng  them  of  ayde  & 
4  socour  ayenst  his  enemyes,  at  the  whiche  instauwce  & 
prayer  /  the  two  hretheren  Regnald1  &  Anthony  made 
theire  apparayH.     J  And  Regnaulde  departed  out  of  his       »  foL  205. 
Royalme  of  Behayne  and  came  to  Lucembourgh  with  Regnald  with    . 

fniir  hundred 

8  IIII.  C  men  of  armes  for  to  haue  hys  brother  Anthony  men  goes  to 

J  '      Anthony,  to 

with  hym  toward  the  siege  of  Porroncru,  wher  the  accompany  him 

to  the  siege  of 

kyng  of  anssay  was  besieged  wit/an.     And  bat  meane 
sayson  came  two  knightes  to  Lucembourgh  from  geffray 
1  2  and  his  thre  bretheren  bat  were  vrith  hym,  the  which  Oenv»y  sends 

word  t  li.'it  he 

two    knijjhtes    brought   word*    bothe    to    regnauld    &  and  MS  three 

brothers  are  on 

anthony  of  theire  bretheren  commyng,  and  that  they  L^*^^ 
were  nygh  the  toun  and  cam  for  to  see  them.     And 

1  6  whan  kyng  regnauld1  and  the  Due  Anthony  knew  that 
theire  bretheren  were  commyng  toward  them,  they 
were  full  glad  &  immedyatly  commanded  that  al  the 
stretes  shulcl  be  rychely  hanged,  and  syn  mounted  on 

20  horsbak,  and  with  noble  companye  they  went  to  mete 
them  ;  and  rode  tyl  they  mete  vrith  the  vanwarde  of 
theire  armee  &  asked  where  theire  bretheren  were  / 
and  it  was  shewed  to  them  where  they  were  commyng  Regnald  and 

Anthony  meet 

24  vnder  the  standart.     Geffray  thenne,  that  wel  vnder- 

stod1  that  anthony  &  regnauld  his  bretheren  came  to  town- 
mete  hem,  he  made  euery  man  to  stand1  apart  /  and 
soone  after  the  six  bretheren  mete  togidre  and  embraced 

28  &  made  moche  one  of  other  /  and  after  rode  foorth 
toward  the  toun  /  and  aftir  theire  age  they  rode  two 
&  two  togidre.  Odon  and  Anthony  were  the  formest, 
and  after  them  rode  Regnauld1  &  Geffray  /  and  them 

32  folowed  theodoryk  &  Raymonnet  /  and  al  theire 
oost  came  after  in  fayre  ordynawnce  /  and  in  this 
manere  they  entred  in  to  the  toune,  where  as  the 
Cytezeyns  were  in  theire  best  rayments  al  in  a  rowe 

36  on  bothe   2sydes  of   the    stretes,    that   were   rychely      'foi.*»6 



The  citizens 
marvel  at  their 

The  brethren 
Hre  received  at 
the  castle  by 
the  Queen  of 
Bohemia  and 
the  Duchess  of 

Geffray  tells  of 
his  adventures. 
How  lie  had 
found  the  tomb 
of  King  Elinas 
and  Queen 
Pressine,  from 
whom  they  had 
all  sprung,  and 
how  their  father 
had  become  a 
hermit  at 
Anthony  and 
Regnald  tell 
their  brethren 
that  they  are  to 
help  the  King 
of  Anssay. 
1  fol.  206. 

Geffray  answers 
that  he  and  his 
brethren  are 
ready  to  do  so 
as  well ; 

hanged  /  and  the  ladyes  &  damoyselles  loked  out  of  the 
wyndowes  /  and  so  grete  &  noble  apparayH  was  there 
made  for  theire  co?nmyng  that  it  was  a  fayre  syght. 

Trouth  it  is  that  whan  the  bretheren  entred!  wit/tin  4 
Lucembourgh,  Anthony  &  Geffray  rode  theraie 
the  formest  of  al  theire  bretheren.     And  wete  it  that 
the  notable  Citeseyns,  ladyes,  &  darnoiselles  meruaylled 
moche  of  the  fyersnes  and  grete  height  of  theire  lordis  8 
bretheren,  sayeng*  that  they  six  togidre  wer  able  & 
wel  shapen  to  destroye  a  grete  oost  /  And  thus  they 
rode  thrugh  the  toun  into  the  Castel  and  there  they 
alighted.     There  were  the  six  bretheren  recountred?  of  12 
two   noble   ladyes,  that   is  to  vnderstand'  the  quene 
of    Behayn   and   the   Duches   of    Lucembourgh,  that 
honourably  receyued  theire  lordes  and  brethern.     And 
aftir  they  went  into  the  haH  that  was  al  hanged  with  16 
ryche  cloth  of  gold?  /  and  \&r  were  the  tables  rychely 
couered  &  redy  to  dyner.     And  therane   after   many 
playsau?^t  deuyses   and  joyfuli  wordes,  they  wesshed 
theire  handes  and  sette  them  at  dyner  and  were  nobly  20 
serued.     And  after  dyner  geffray  shewed  &  recounted 
all  hys  auentures  &  fayttes  /  and   how  he  fonde  J?e 
tombe  of  Elynas  /  &  of  the  quene  Pressyne  of  whiche 
lynee  they  were  yssued,  wherof  they  were  al  joyfuli  &  24 
glad  to  meruayli  /  and  how  theire  fader  was  departed 
and  where   he   was.     For  of   ali  other  thinga?  they 
knew    ynough".      And    the/me   Anthony   &    regnauld 
told  to  theire  bretheren  how  the  kyng  of  Anssay  was  28 
besieged    &    that    they    wold    help    hyni.      Thenne 
1  ansuerd?  Geffray,  '  My  lordes,  my  bretheren,  wete  it 
wel  we  are  not  come  hither  to  take  OUT:  rest  /  but  we 
al  are  redy  to  goo  wit h  you  whersomeuer  ye  wyl  /  &  32 
therfor  lete  vs  not  make  long  soiourne  /  but  go  we2 
vpon  OUT:   enemyes  to   helpe  &   socoure  OUT  frendes.' 
And  foortlrvn't/i  Geffray  and  hys  bretheren  that  were 
2  '  we '  repeated  in  MS. 


come  there  w»V*  hym  toke  theire  leue  of  bothe  the  i.e  then  mums 
queene  &  duchesse  theire  sustirs  &  retourned  to  theiro  * 
oost  /  and  the/me  Regnauld  &  Anthony  wold   haue 
4  conueyed  them  /  but   geffray  said,  'Fayre   lorde*  &  Oeffray  refuse. 

I,  i     ,  Anthony  and 

bretheren,  ye  shal  come  no  ferther  /  but  make  al  your  Regnaid's 


apparayti  &  toke  leue  of  your  wyues,  and  to  morne.  cod  and  Mks  them 

to  prepare  to 

before,  we  wyl  departe  toward  the  said  Castel  wherin  •<***«  »u7'""r 

the  King  "' 

8  the  king  of  Anssay  our  frend  is  besieged.'     And  soo  ^^JjJ1  the 
Anthony  and  regnauld  retowrned  sayeng  eche  one  to 
other,  '  Certaynly  this  man  may  not  long  endure  /  but  They  *peak  of 
he  be  other  take  or  slayn.     For  he  fereth  of  nothing  bravery. 

12  in  the  world!  /  &  also  to  counseylle  hym,  it  were  but 
for  nought,  For  he  suffreth  nothing,  but  as  his  wyt  & 
mynde  gyueth  hym.  For  yf  he  had  with  hym  but 
X.  Mt  men,  &  that  he  sawe  his  enemyes  tofore  hym  to 

16  the  nombre  of  IIC.  Mt  yet  wold  he  fyght  &  media 
-with  them,  wherfore  we  must  take  heede  to  hym  that 
he  vaunco  not  hym  self  so  moche  wt't/i  the  enemyes, 
but  that  we  be  nygh  hym  to  socoure  hym  wtt/t  our 

20  peuple  /  but  for  this  haste  that  he  maketh  we  owe 
not  to  weto  hym  euyl  gree  For  cause  that  assoone  as 
oon  may,  he  muste  aduyse  the  wayes  to  hurt  & 
dommage  his  enemys.'  And  thenne  they  lefte  of 

24  geffray  theire  brother  more  to  speke  /  but  bothe  they 

said  that  he  was  ryglit  hardy  &  valyaunt.     And  on  the      ,  foj  ^^ 
morne  they  l  toke  leue  of  theire  wyues  and  left  in  the  in  the  morning 

they  take  leave 

land!   a   good   gouej-nowr.     And  also   ceffray  on    that  of  their  wives 

*  and  appoint  a 

28  other  part  ordeyned  &  purueyed  of  al  thinges  that  were  governor, 
necessary  to  hys  oost.  / 

In  the  next  day  Geffray  made  blowe  vp  hys  trompette*,  Geffray  ord«r» 
every  man  to 
that  menj]  man  shuki  be  armed,  and  after  herd  «rm,  and  nfter 

mass  is  Mid  his 

32  his  masse  and  syn  marched  forth  wt't/j  hys  oost  /  And  host  marches, 
immedyatly  Anthony  &  regnald  came  out  of  the  toun  Anthony  and 

Regnald  join 

w/t/i  theire  peuple  in  fayre  aray.    And  so  they  departed  him  *ith  th«ir 
and   rode   togidre   tyl   they   came    into    the   land   of 
36  Anssay  /  and  on  an  euen  lodged  them  thre  leghes  nygh 

350         A   LETTER   OF   DEFIANCE   IS   SENT   TO   THE   GERMANS.       [CH.  LIX. 

They  arrive  three 
leagues  from 

A  letter  of  de- 
tianee  is  written 
to  the  Duke  of 
Austria  and 
the  Karl  of 

fol.  207. 

and  sent  by  a 
herald  to  the 
Duke  of  Aus- 
tria at  Pour- 
It  is  read  in 
hearing  of  all 
the  nobles  there. 
They  say  that 
the  devil  has 
sent  the  breth- 
ren against  them, 
and  that  only 
the  fame  of  the 
Lusignans  is 
now  spoken  of. 
The  herald  re- 
turns to  the 
brethren's  camp. 

Geffray  takes 
live  hundred 
men,  and  am- 
bushes them  in 
a  wood  near 

the  toune  of  Frebourgh.     Thewne  called  geffray  al  his 
bretheren  and  shewed  to  them  that  it   behoued  not 
them  for  theire  honowr  to  renne  vpon  no  man  but  that 
they  had!  defyed  hym  to  fore  /  And  they  ansuerd  that  4 
he  said  trouth.     Wherfor  they  lete  make  a  lefre  of 
deffyau/ice  of  whiche  the  tenowr  folovveth.     '  Eegnauld 
by  the  grace  of  god  kyng  of  Behayne,  Anthony  Due 
of  Lucembourgh,  Odon  Erie  of  Marche,  Geffray  lord  of  8 
Lusynen,  Raymond?  Erie   of  Forestz,  and  Theodoryk 
lord  of  Partenay.     To  the  due  of  Austeryche  and  to 
the  Erie   of   Frebourgh,  and   to   al   theire   alyaunces 
gretyng1.     And  where  we  haue  vnderstand*  that  with-  12 
out  ony  lawfuH:  quareH  or  raysonnable  cause  ye  haue 
gretly  hurt  &  dowmaged  bothe  the  land  &  peuple  of 
OUT  ryght  welbeloued  vncle  the  king1  of  Anssay,  the 
whiche  as  now  ye  haue  besieged  wit/un  his  Castel  of  16 
Pourrencru,   And   for   as   niocn"    that   we    be    therfor 
meued?,  &  entende  &  purpose  to  entre  in  your  land?  to 
dystroye   you   &   al   yowr  peuple  /  consyderyng   the 
noble  ordre  of  knigh^hode  that  it  shal  not  be  by  vs  20 
mynnsshed.     We   jje/ior   by  OUT   messager  send?   you 
oure  lefres  of  deffyau?«ce,  &c.'     Thenne  was  delyuered 
the  lefre  to  a  herault,  which  rode  tyl  he  came  to  the 
siege  of  Pourrencru  wher  he  presented  the  said  le/tre  24 
to  the  Due  of  Austrych"  .  the  whiche  lefres  were  redd' 
in  heryng  of  al  j?e  lordes  there.     Thenne  said  they  of 
Allemayne  the  Deuell  hath  brought  hem  hyther,  none 
other  renomine  is  now  thrugh  al  the  world  but  of  them  28 
of  Lusynen.     The/me  retourned  the  herault  toward  the 
six  bretheren,  and  to  them  shewed?  the  manere    how 
they  of  theire  enemyes  cost  were  meruaylled.     '  By  my 
feyth  they  haue  herd?  speke  of  vs  from  ferre  /  but  now  32 
they  shal  see  vs  nere  to  them.'  /  It  is  trouth  that 
thenne  geffray  departed  w't/i  fyue   hondred   men  of 
armes  from  his  oost  &  went  and  embusshed  his  peuple 
in  a  lytel  wod?   nygh  the  toun  of  Frebourgh.     This  36 


doon  he  &  ten  knyghtes  vrilh  hyra,  &  a  squyer  of  He  then  takes 
Lucembourgh   that    ryght   wel   coude   speko   Almayn  a  squire,  who 

•peaks  Geriimn, 

tonge   &   knew   al   the  Countre,  went   vpon  a   Ivtel  and  knows  the 

•  country,  and 

4  mountayne  to   behold  &  see  how  he  mycht  entre  in  goes  u>  a  hint.. 

"  »e«  how  he  could 

the  toun  /  but  or  he  departed  he  said  to  them  of  his  enter  the  towu- 
embusshe  in  this  manere  :  '  Sires,  I  entende  &  purpose  He  tells  his 

ambush  that  he 

wit/i  the  help  of  cod  to  haue  the  toun  of  Frebouryh  or  hopes  to  have 

Freibourg  in  the 

8  to  morne  pryme  at  o?*r  playsire.     Wh  erf  ore  this  nyght  m«>n»i'>8. 
I  shall  departe  wt't/i  this  X  knyghtea  and  this  esquyer, 
&  at  the  spryng  of   the   day   I   shal   bygynne    myn 
enterpryse  /  and  but  loke  wel  whan  ye  perceyue  vs  and  that  when 

they  see  that  he 

12  WfttAin  the  gate  that  fourthwitA  ye  marche  toward  vs.*  and  his  knight* 

have  entered  the 

And  thewne  about  thro  of  the  clokk  after  mydny-'ht  K»te  they  are  u> 

*       J  °        march  np  to  him. 

Geffray  /  his  ten  knyghtes  and  his  guyde  toke  1eche       '  foi.  207  A. 
of  them  a  sack  fuH  of  hey  and  bare  it  before  them  knights  take" 

CftcH  ft  suck  of 

16  vpon  tharsons  of  theire  sadels.     In  this  manere  they  hay,  and  ride  to 


went  &  came  tofore  the  gate  of  Frebourgfc,  where  as 

the  said  esquyer  called  the  watche  bat  they  myght  The  squire  asks 

*    J  the  watch  to  let 

cntre,  saven?  that  they  were  f  render  and  that  they  had  them  in,  as  they 

are  friends. 

20  be  aH  that  nyght  in  fourrage.  The«ne  asked  hym  the 
porter  what  they  had  in  thoo  sackes,  the  squyer  ansuerd 
there  ben  in  gownes  &  suche  thinges  and  suche  ware  / 
that  we  haue  take  vpon  ottr  enemyes  and  we  bryng 

24  them    hyther    to    selle    them.      The    porter    the/me  The  porter  oj^-ns 

•  the  gate,  and 

supposyng  they  had  be  of  Allemayne  &  theire  fivnde«  {"J^™  tue 
opend  the  gate  &  lete  faH  the  bridge.     Thenno  entred  Oefl^y  enu-m 

first,  and  shiys 

geff  ray  first  of  alle,  and  foorthwitA  drew  his  swenl  and  the  porter. 
28  slew  the  porter  /  and   in  conclusyon  they  slough  al  At 

the?n   of   the  watche.     The/me  was  there  the   cry  of  The  cry  of  trea- 

son is  raised. 
them  of  the  toun  '  treson  /  treson  '  /  And  immedyatly  The  ambush 

comes  up,  and 

marched  thembusshe  &  came  &  entred  in  the  toun.   many  of  the 


32  There  was  grete  occisyon  of  them  of  the  toun  /  but 
many  of  them  escaped  and  fledd.  And  whan  this  was 
doon  geffray  lefte  there  foure  hondred  men  of  armes  & 
retourned'  with  the  residue  toward  hys  oost  that  he 

36  mete   by  the  way  toward  the  siege.     Of   this  noble 


THE    FIGHT    AT    THE    SIEGE    OF    POURREXCRU.       [CH.  LIX. 

•who  marvel  at 
Ins  valiant  and 
subtle  feat  of 

fol.  208. 

The  Earl  of 
Freibourg  is  sor- 
rowful when  he 
learns  the  news. 

After  mass  the 
brethren  begin 
to  inarch. 

They  are  seen  by 
the  besiegers. 
The  alarm  is 
given,  and  they 

The  hosts  fight  ; 
the  ground  is 
soon  red  with 

»  fol.  208  6. 

enterpryse  &  valyaunt  fayt  the  brethem  of  geffray  and 
al  theire  peple  were  meruaylled  /  sayeng  that  geffray 
was  the  moost  valyaunt  knyght  &  subtyl  in  the  faytte 
of  armes  that  lyued  at  that  day.  And  joyo?^s  &  glad  4 
they  marched  courageously  l  to  ward  theire  enemyes. 
Anoon  after  came  tydynges  to  the  siege  how  Frebourgh 
was  lost,  wherof  the  Due  of  Austeryche  and  in  espedal 
the  Erie  of  Frebourgh  were  sorowful  &  wroth.  '  By  8 
my  feyth/  said  thenne  the  Due  of  Austerych",  'they 
be  subtyl  men  of  Avarre  &  moch"  to  be  doubted.  Yf  we 
loke  not  wel  about  vs  they  myght  wet  gyue  vs  a  grete 
chak.'  "Wherfor  they  called  theire  Counseyli.  12 

In  this  partye  sayth  thystorye  that  on  the  next  day 
by  the  morowe  the  six  bretheren  herd*  masse,  and 
after   ordeyned   J>eire   bataylles  /  geffray   &   his   thre 
bretheren  that  were  come  with  hym  conduyted  the  first  16 
batayU,  Anthony  had  the  second*,  And  regnauld  the 
IIIde.     And  so  marched  forth  in  fayr  ordynaztnce,  and 
so  wel  renged  that  it  was  a  fayre  sight  to  behold*. 
And  whan  the  sonne  bygan  to  shewe  bryght  &  clere  20 
they   came   vpon   a  lytel   mountayn   into   the   valey. 
Thewne  were  they  percyued,  and  they   of   the   siege 
bygan  to  cry  alarme.     The?me  armed  hym  euery  man, 
And  in  theire  best  wyse  came  &  renged  them  before  24 
the    bataylles   of    the   brethern.     Thercne   bygan   the 
bataylles  of  bothe  sydes  to  approche  eche  other  /  and 
wit/i  grete  cryes  of  one  part  &  of  other  medled  &  ramie 
•with  theire  sperys  vpon  eche  other.     The  grounde  was  28 
there  soone  dyed?  rede  vfith  grete  effusyon  of  blood. 
For  Geffray  with  hys  swerd  smote  at  the  lyfte  syde 
&  at  the  ryght  syde  vpon  his  enemyes  &  ouerthrew  or 
sloughe  ail  them  that  he  recountred.     And  2the  six  32 
baners  of  the  bretheren  rengid  them  togidre  in  fayre 
aray.     There  were  the  armes  of  Lusynen  wel  shewed 
and    knowen   in  pycture,   and   also   by   pesaunt   and 
horryble   strokes,  For   the   six  bretheren   perced   the  36 



prees  &   smote,  cuttyng  hcedes,  armes,   &   leghes  of  The  brethren 

theire  enemyes  here  &  there,  and  made  suche  occysyon  the'ir  cncmie*. 

that  it  was  meruaylle  /  Geffrey  recountred  by  aduenture  GeBray  en- 

4  the  Due  of   Austrych",  on  whom  he  deschar^ed  hvs  DukeofAus- 

J      tria,  and  Htrikcs 

swertl?  by  such"  myght  that  he  made  hym  to  stakcr  al  llilM  Wltl1  '"* 


astonyed,  And  thewne  theodoryk  that  was  uygh  by,  Thcodorir,  who 

,      i  f          .  w«s  "t  hand, 

strak   hym   fonnbwttn  and   ouerthrew   hym,  and   so  gives  him 

another  stroke, 

8  incontynent  he  was  take.    And  the  noble  and  valvaunt  aml  overthrows 

J  him.    The  Duke 

Anthony  dyde  ryght  valyauntly,  For  he  toke  the  Erie  *?  ***«"• 
Freburgh  and  made  hym  to  delyuero  his  swert?  to  hym,  *"^i**£ 
and  after  betoke  hym  to  foure  knightex.     What  shuld 
12  I  make   long  compte  .  they  of  Allemayne  were  dys-  The  Germans 
comfyted  and  bygan  to  flee.     The/?ne  came  the  kym*  The  King  of 

J    "     Anssay  comes 

of  Anssav  out  of  the  Fortres  clad  &  ioyo««  of  the  out  of  hu  for- 
tress, and  thanks 
dyscomfyture  of  hys  enemyes,  and  came  to  the  bre them  ,u»e  brethren, 

16  tenter  where  he  thanked  them  mocho  of  theire  noble 

socowr  and  gretly  festyed  them.     And  were  brought  ««d  feasts  them. 

The  Duke  of 

there  tofore  hym  the  Due  of  Austeryche  &  the  Erie  of  Austria  an<i  UK> 


Frebourgh  with  syx  noble  barons  /  and  to  hym  said  «re  *>*><'«»>* 

J  I  J  before  him,  and 

20  the    bretheren,    *  Sire,    here    ben    your    enemyes    as  h^m^dow'iiat11 

prysonners,  doo  of  them  your  playsyr.'     And  the  kyng  ^^^ 
thanked*  them  gretly  &  humbly.    And  this  doon  getfray 
and  hys  bretheren  that  were   come  l  with  hym  toko       *  foi.  a». 

24  leue  of  the  kyng  of  Anssay,  of  theire  brethern  Anthony  The  brethren 

*  return  hoi, 

&  Regnauld,  and  retourned   in  theiro  Countre.     But 

thystorv  sayth  that  aftirward  aH  the  brethercn  fonde  They  afterwards 

J        J  meet  at  Mount 

echo  other  togidre  at  Mountferrat,  whore  they  held  a  «"»* on » vil* 
28  noble  feste  for  loue  of  Kaymondyn  theiro  fader,  whiche  J^^!^'™** 
was  ryght  glad1  and  joyous  to  see  there  his  children, 
but  soone  he  toke  leue  of  them  and  retourned  in  to  hys 
hermvta«e.     And  thenne  the  six  bretheren  gaaf  grette  They  give  rich 

J  gifU  to  the 

52  ryches  &  jewels  to  the  chirche  there,  and  after  departed  church, 
and  toke  leue  echo  one  of  other  &  retourned  to  theire 
Countrees,  some  by  the  see  &  other  by  lam?. 

Here  testyfyeth  thistorye  that  as  long  as  Eaymondyn  Theodonc  go  to 
lyued,  Geffray  &   theodoryk  came  there  euery  every  year; 



but  one  day         yere  ones  to  see  hym  /  but  it  befeH  on  a  day,  as  they 

when  they  were 

about  to  journey  were  bothe  at  Lusvuen  redy  for  to  go  to  Mountferrat, 

to  Mounlserrat, 

a  great  serpent      a  mcruayllous  auewture,  For  there  was  seen  vpon  the 

is  seen  on  the 

battlements  of      batelments  of  the  Castel  a  qrete  &  horryble  serpent  the  4 

Lusignan  castle. 

it  has  a  woman's  which   cryed  wi't/i  a  femenyne  voys,  wherof   aH  the 
The  people  are      peuple  was  abasshed  /  but  wel  they  wyst  that  it  was 

abashed,  and 

know  it  to  be       Melusyne  /  whan  the  two  bretheren  beheld?  it,  teerys 

Melusine ;  tlie 

brothers  weep,      jn  habundaunce  bygan  to  fati  fro  their  eyen  :  For  they  8 

When  the  ser-  J  6 

rent  sees  them     knew  wel  that  it  was  their  moder.     And  whan  the 

she  inclines  her 

aXioroiw'cry™  serPent  sawe  them  wepe,  she  enclyned  the  heed  toward 
them,  casting  suche  an  horryble  cry  &  so  doulorows 
that  it  semed  them  that  herd1  it  that  the  Fortres  shuld  12 

Geffray  and          haue  faH.     And  anoone  aftir  the  two  brebern  geffray 

Theodoric  go  to 

Mountserrat  and  &  theodoryk  departed  toward  Mountferrat  where  they 

find  their  father 

dcad-  came    and    fond!    their    fader    deed,    whereof    they 

»  fol.  209  6. 

They  mourn,  and  lamented  &   made   grete  sorow  Jand  anoone  clothed  16 

dress  themselves    ,-,  •,,.         jiii-  --LIT  j         i  i 

and  their  men      themself  and  al  theire  meyne  in  blak,  and  ordeyned 
arrange  their        for  thobsequye  of  their  fader.     There  came  the  kyng 

father's  obse- 
quies, of  aragon  w*t/i  many  grete  lordes  that  offred  at  the 

The  King  of 

Aragon,  and         masse.     And  whan  the  scruyse  was  doon  &  the  corps  20 

many  lords, 

attend  and  hear    buryed    honourably  /  geffray    went    &    thanked?   the 
After  the  burial    kyng1  and  his  barons  of  thonowr  that  bey  had  doon  to 

Geffray  thanks          •>    ' 

them-  hys  fader  and  to  his  brother  &  hym.  / 

T^hus    as    thystorye    sheweth    was    thobsequye    of  24 
Raymondyn  deuoutly  &  nobly  doon.  and  a  ryche 


sepulture  was  made  &  sette  vpon  his  graue,  &  trouth 
it  is  that  Bernardon  the  neuew  of  Geffray  was  there 
that  ryght  wel  coude  behaue  hym  among  the  ladyes,  28 
in  so  moche  that  the  quene  of  Aragon,  that  was  there, 
desyred  her  lord  to  demande  of  Geffray  what  that  yong 
gentylman   was  /  and   that  /  the   kyng   dide   gladly. 
And  theraie  geffray  ansuerd1,  *  Sire,  he  is  my  neuew,  3 
sone  to  the  Erie  of  Marche  my  brother.'     '  Certaynly, 
Geffray,'  said  the  kyng,  '  Wel  I  byleue  that,  For  he  is 
wel    nourrytured   and    semeth   wel    to    be    of    noble 


CH.   L1X.]         THE    OBSEQUIES   OF   RAYMOND1V. 


extraction  /  and   wete   it  wel   tliat   his   contenawnco 
playseth  vs  ryght  wel  and  so  dooth  lyke  wyse  to  the 
quene  /  and  veryly  yf  it  playsed"  you  to  suffro  hym  The  Queen  of 
4  abyde  with  vs  in  our  Court  we  wold  doo  for  hym  that  oSKSti 
he  &  you  bothe  shuld   be  playsed  therwtt/i.'     «  Sire,'  * 
said   geffray,  'his  fader  hath  another  sone  and  two 
dpughtirs,  &  syth  it  is  yowr  playsir  to  haue  hym  he  is 
8  come  hither  witA  vs  in  a  good  heure  &  that  playseth 
me  wel.'     And  thenne  the  kyng  thanked  hym  moche, 
and  so  clyde  the  quene.     And  wete  it  that  Bernardo/i 
1  Wedded   aftirvvard,  at  thiustaunce  &  prayer  of  the       »  foi.  210. 

12  kyng  of  Aragon,  the  doughtir  of  the  lord"  Cabyeres  that 
had  none  to  hys  heyre  but  her.  And  thenne  the 
kyng1  and  the  quene,  lordes  &  ladyes,  toke  theire  leue 
of  the  two  bretherne,  the  whiche  after  grete  yeftea  of  Oeftrayand 

16  ryches  by  them  youen  to  the  chircli  toke  leue  of  the  great  #fuu>VO 

,      ,  the  church, 

pryoMr    and    hys    monkey    and    after    departed    and 
retourned  to  Lusynen,  where  as  they  called  to  them  aH  «nd  return  to 
the  baronnye  and  there  was  thobsequye  of  Kaymondyn  the^1>semiie«  o™ 

20  honourably  doou.     And   aftir  Geflfray  shewed!  to   his  honourably  done. 
brother  Odon,  Erie  of  Marche,  how  &  wherfore  hys  o«flray  t«iis 
sone  Bernardon  was  lefto  wt't/t  the  kyng  of  Aragon,  don  had  been 
wherof  he  was  glad1.     And  thenne  the  bretheren  and  King  of  Aragon. 

24  the  barons  toke  leue  of  Geffray  and  retourued  to  theire 
countrees.  And  Geffray  abode  at  Lusynen  and  dyde 
aftirward  moche  good  ;  For  he  reedyfyed  the  noble  Geffrey  rebuilds 

.  _  _  the  Abbey  of 

.  _  _      , 

A  bay  ot  Maylleses  and  dyde  grete  almesse  to  the  poure 
28  pen  pie. 

rilhystorye  sayth  that  aH  the  heyres  of  Raymondyn  Th«nineheir« 

of  Raymondin 

J_    and   Melusyue   regned    nobly,   that   is   to   wete  and  Meiunine 

reign  nobly, 

Vryan    in  Cipre,    Guyou   in   Armenye,   Kegnault    in 
32  Behayue,  Anthony  in  Lucembourgh,  Odon  in  Marche, 

Raymonet    in    Forestz,    Geffray    in    Lusynen,    and  and  from  them 

are  issued  the 

Theodoryk   in   Partenay.     And   of  theyre   lynee   are  lords  of  Castle 

J  J  J          J  Regn»ult,of 

yssued  them  of  Castel  Regnault,  They  of  Penbrough  Pembroke, 

A   A   2 


of  Cabyeres,  and  in  England*  /  they  of  Cabyeres  in  Aragon,1  and  they  of 

ofCardillac.  . 

2Cardillak  in  Quercyn.  / 

Geffray  governs  TTere  after  saith  thistory  that  geffray  ten  yere  aftir 

his  land  well, 

and  administers  _I_JL  the   decez   of   Raymondiii   his  fader  gouerned  4 

good  justice. 

For  ten  years  he  ryght  wel  &  kept  good1  justice  in  his  land!  /  but  duryng 

asks  no  ac- 
counts from  his  that  long  space  of  tym  he  asked  of  his  receyuours  none 
receivers,  who 

»  foi.  2106.  acomptes,  but  whan  the  3receyuours  wold?  haue  shewed 

theire  acomptes  he  to  them  ansuerd*  in  this  manere  :  8 

are  told  when  <  What  acomptes  wold?  ye  shew  to  me  1   For  as  touching 

they  wish  him 

to  examine  the  myself  I  wyl  none  other  acompte,  but  that  iustice  be 

accounts,  that 

when  justice  is  wej  &n([  truly  kept  thrugh  al  my  land*  and  my  tonnes 

done,  and  his  * 

castiesTre  well  ^  Castels  wel  entreteyned,  and  gold1  &  syluer  to  hold  12 

Se°iiaspient'yftud  &  kePe  mJn  estate  /  trow  ye  that  I  wyl  make  a  paleys 

fe  ™ntent.he  of  gold?  /  the  stone  that  my  lady  my  moder  me  gaf, 
suffyseth  me  ryght  wel.'  And  thenne  hys  stywardes  & 

But  his  stewards  gouernours  ansuerd?,  '  certaynly,  my  lord,  it  behouetli  10 

ask,  for  their  .      \ 

own  safety,  that  -\vel  to  a  prynce  to  here  and  see  what  he  spendeth,  at 

he  should  give 

them  quittance.  jest  ones  in  a  yere  /  al  were  it  but  for  the  saluacyon 
of  hys  receyuours  in  tyme  to  come  and  for  to  gyue 
them  quytau?zce.' 

Geffray  looks  at  TTere  sayth  thistory  that  geffray  consentid1  to  here 

his  accounts,  J  J 


thacomptes  of  his  receyuours.     And  it  came  to 

or  ten  sous  that 

was  paid  yearly     au  article  where  he  vnderstod*  that  4X.  $  were  payed 

for  the  pommel 

tower  o'ffiig-     eue'T  yere  only  for  the  pommel  of  the  hyest  toure  of  24 
nan  Castle.          ^ys  Fortresse  of  Lusynen  /  he  anone  rested  there  and 
asked  why  it  was  not  made  so  strong  that  it  myght 
He  is  told  that      laste  many  wynter.    '  My  lord,'  ansuerd  the  receyuours  / 

it  is  an  annual  i  ,  T  no 

rent.  '  it  is  rente  awnueH.'     '  What  say  ye  1    said  geffray  /  '  I  28 

Geffray  declares    hold  not  the  fortresse  but  only  of  god  my  Creatonr  / 

he  holds  the 

castle  direct         wei  happy  I  were  vf  he  held  me  quyte  therfor  of  att 

from  God,  *  *J 

Ktewwds        mysynnes/buttellemetowhomyepaye.'  'Certaynly,' 

said  they  /  «  we  wot  not  '  /  '  How  the/me,'  said  Geffray  /  32 
'ye  desyre  of  me  quytauwce  therof  /  so  wyl  I  haue 

1  Fr.  version  gives  in  addition  '  ceulx  du    Ckassenage  du 
Davjrfdne  ;  ceulx  de  la  Roche.' 

2  Fr.  Candillat.  4  Fr.  dlx  soulls. 

ot  know 

ill.  LIX.j  A   MYSTERIOUS   RENT.  357 

quytauwce  of  hym  that  receyueth  it  of  you  /  as  rayson  Geffrey  says  tiwt 

./•,.,,  lie  who  takes  tli« 

is  /  but  by  god  ye  shal  not  begyn  me  soo,  for  yf  I  may  money  must 

'  show  letters 

knowe  \vbo  that  taketh  that  annual  rente  of  me,  he  J*t«nt  proving 

liia  right, 

4  slial  shew  me  good!  Wres  therof  made  /  or  he  or  yo  or  he  win  nave 

to  return  it. 

shaft  yeldf  me  ayen  the  said  a?muel  rente  fro  the  tyme 

that  ye  first  alowed  it  in  yoOr  acomptes  aynto  now.'       »  101.211. 

Thewne  said  the  receyuours  to  Geffray  in  this  manere  : 

tell  how  six  year* 

8  '  My  lord,  trouth  it  is  /  that  six  yerc  agoo  after  the  *"«''  the  depar- 

tureof  Melusinr, 

doulorows  departyng  of  my  lady  your  moder  from  yowr  *"d  t*16  •"t  <**y 
fader  /  enery  yere  vpon  the  last  day  of  August  was  >'*•*• 
sene  a  grete  hand1  that  toke  the  pommel  of  the  said  a  platband 

pulled  down  the 

12  toure  &  pullyd*  it  fro  the  toure  by  so  grete  strength  pommel  of  the 

tower,  which 

that  the  rouf  of  the  tour  brak  therwtt/ml,  and  so  it  cost  twenty  to 

thirty  hvres  to 

costedf  cuery  yere  tp  make  ayen  xxtl  or  xxx2tL     thanne  nftit- 

came  a  man  to  my  lord  your  fader  which  he  nor  no  man  Then  an  un- 

known man  came 
1C  knew  what  he  was.  and  counseylled  liym  that  euery  and  advised  R^- 

inondin  to  put 

yere  vpon  the  last  day  of  August  he  shuld  doo  take  thirty  pieces  of 

*  silver  on  the 

a  purse  of  hertw  Iceder  and  to  be  put  in  it  xxx  piece*  „?  Auput  ewh* 
of  syluer,  echo  piece  worth  3foure  penys,  that  made  in  year» 
30  suwma  ten  sheling1,  And  that  this  purse  shuld  be  putte 

vpon  the  pommel  of  the  said  toure  /  and  by  that  shuld  *»d  the  tower 

would  be  un- 

the  pommel  abyde  styl  and  not  hurt  nor  dommaged  /  injured. 
and  euer  syth  tyl  now  it  hath  thus  be  doon.'     And 
24  whan   geffray  vnderstod1   this   meruayH   he  bygan  to  oeffray  manrei* 

much  at  the 

thinke,  and  long  he  was  or  ho  ansuerd!  or  saw  ony  «tory: 
word?.  / 

Thystorye   witnesseth    that    long   thought   Geffray 
vpon  this  faytte,  and  after  he  said  in  this  manere  : 
'Sires,  how  wel  that  I  byleue  that  it  is  as  ye  say,  ^  ]en^h  ^  for. 
tfeuertheles  I  charge  you  vpon  peyne  of  deth  that  ye  tS^y'he*^ 
no  more  paye  the  said  annuel,  but  at  the  last  day  of  2fu^th; 

,       ,  T          T     ^"t  •*?•  on  th« 

32  Aufnist  brywg  to  me  the  purse  and  the  money,  ror  1  day  the  im.n.  \ 

Is  to  be  piven  to 

wvl  make  the  pavement  myself.      Thenue  sent  gefl  ray  him,  »nd  he  win 

*  ]wy  it  hiinoelf. 

for  hvs  brother  theodoryk  in  Partenay,  and  also  for  (ietrwy  send*  r«r 

J  Rnyiiiondm  and 

hys  brother  Raymond  in  Forestz,  that  they  shuld  be 
2  pr>  Ui-rcg.  3  Fr.  gnat  re  denien. 


GEFFRAY  <30ES   TO   PAY   HIS   TRIBUTE.       [CH.  LIX. 

i  fol.  211  6. 
and  tells  them 
the  story,  and 
that  lw  is  not 
going  to  pay 
again  until  he 
knows  why  the 
fortress  is  so 

On  the  last  of 
August  Geffray 
hears  mass, 
and  arms 
and  takes  the 

He  bids  his 
brethren  fare- 

and  goes  to  the 
top  of  the 

He  waited  from 
noon  till  three 
o'clock,  but  saw 
Then  he  heard  a 
great  noise  that 
shook  the  don- 
jon, and  he  saw 
an  armed  knight 
who  said,  '  Gef- 
fray, wilt  thou 
deny  my  tri- 

Geffray  asks 
for  his  letters, 
and  says,  '  If 
thou  hast  them 
I  will  pay  thee." 
Tiie  knight 
answers  he  has 
none,  but  that 
he  has  always 
been  paid 
Oeffray  tells  the 
knight  that  even 
if  it  were  a  good 
debt  he  would 
find  it  difficult 
to  get, 

with  hym  at  Lusynen  the  xxvi"  day  of  August.     And 
whan  they  were   come   lie   shewed  1to   them   al   the 
matere  of  the  said  amiuel  rente,  and  said  that  he  neuer 
shuld  suffre  it  to  be  payed ;  but  that  he  first  knew  to  4 
whom  and  why  the  fortres  of  Lusyneri  was  bound?  thus 
for  to  doo.     And  whan  the  last  day  of  August  came, 
Geffray  herd?  hys  masse  and  receyued  ryght  deuoutely 
the  holy  sacrement  and  immediately  armed  hym,  and  8 
bad  the  presto  putte  the  stolle  about  his  nek  /  and 
aftir   toke   the   purse  wi't/i  the   money  therin.     And 
pemie   he   bad   his   bretheren  farwel,  sayeng  in   this 
manere  :  'I  wyl  departe  and  serche  for  hym  that  thus  12 
yerly  taketli  trybute  of  my  fortresse  /  but  I  assure  you 
yf  he  be  no  more  of  strength  than  I  am  I  shaft  hastly 
byreue  hy?u  of  hys  trybute.'     And  so  he  yede  vp  to 
the  vpermost  stage  of  the  donjon  /  and  his  bretheren  16 
and  the  barons  taryed  benethe  in  grete  doubte  arid  fere 
that  geffray  shuld  be  perysshed  /  but  geffray  was  therof 
not  agast  /  but  loked  long  yf  he  coude  see  eny  thing. 

AH  thus  as  thystory  sheweth  geffray  rested?  there  20 
fro  none  to  thre  of  the  clok,  that  he  ne  herd?  nor 
sawe  nothing*,     but  anoone  after  he  herd?  a  grete  noyse 
wherwith  att  the   donjon   shook  /  and    as   he   loked 
tofore  hym  he  perceyued  a  grete  knyght  armed  of  al  24 
poynts,  that  said   to   hym  with   a  hye  voys,  '  Thou 
geffray,  wilt  thou  denye  my  trybute  that  of  ryght  I 
ought  to  haue  vpon  the  pommel  of  this  toure  of  the 
which   I   was    seusyd   &   enpocessid?   by   thy   fader  1 '  28 
'  Thenne,'  said  Geffray,  '  where  are  the  le^res  ]  yf  thou 
hast  them,  shew  it  how  my  fader  was  bound',  and  yf  I 
see  thou  hast  good  ryght  /  here  is  the  money  redy  to 
paye  the.'     and  themie  the    knyght  ansuerd!  in  this  32 
manere  :  '  I  had  neuer  lefres  therof  /  but  wel  &  truly 
haue  I  be  payed*  and  neuer  denyed?  tyl  now.'     '  By  my 
feyth,'  said  geffray,  '  al  were  it  good  debte  and  thy 
ryght  to  haue  it  /  yet  shuldest  thou  haue  grete  peyne  36 


to  recouere  it  of  me.     And  on  the  other   part  thou 

holdest   me  for  thy  subget  &  1woldest   hold!   me   in       ifoiau. 

seruitude  and  thou  hast  therof  nothing  to  shew,     but  bntashehaa 

nothing  to  show 

4  what  art  thou  that  thus  by  the  space  of  2XVI.  vere  that  it  is  due, 

'  he  demands  his 

liast  thevely  take  this  trybute  ?  /  I  now  deffye  the  by  £*me' and  deflea 
the  myght  of  my  sauyowr  and  the  I  chalenge  for  myn 

herytage.'     'By  my  feyth,' said  the  kuyght,  '  doubte  The  knight 

8  not  therof  but  that  I  am  a  creature  of  god,  and  myn  is  a  creature  of 

God,  and  that 

name  shalt  thou  knowe  tyme  ynough.  •   And  Wit/tout  Geffray  will 

learn  his  name 

eny  more  questyon  eche  of  them  recountred  other  wt't/i  «x>»>  enough, 
niyghty  &  gret  stroke*.     And  what  with  that  and  w/t/i  They  flght, 

and  make  so 

12  the  stain  pyng  of  theire  feet,  the  noyse  was  so  arete  great  a  noise 

t Imt  t II.IM-  below 

tliat   al    bey  that  were   benethe  were   abasshed,   and  think  the  rton- 

jou  will  tall. 

supposed!  that  the  donjon  shuld!  haue  faH.     "Wherfor 
tliey  wyst  wel  that  geffray  had  somwhat  to  doo.     And 
1C  liis  bretheren  shuld  haue  assysted  hyin,  but  geffray  had   His  brethren 

would  liave  come 

them  denended  so  to  do.     And  wete  it  wel  whan  the  to  MS  help,  but 

Geffray  had  for- 

knyght  of  the  tour  fond*  Getfray  so  fyers  &  so  strong,  bidden  them  to 
ho  putte  his  swerd  vp  in  the  shede  and  thrugh  his  Tiie  knight 

ulifnthes  his 

20  paueys  behind!    hym.     And  whan  Geffray  sawe  hym  swoni,  «n.i  j.uts 

J         his  shield  behind 

that  doo  /  he  dyde  lyke  wyse  \\ttii  his  ahold  /  but  he  him- 

\vtth   bothe   his  handes  smote  the  knyght  ypon  the  Geffray  strikes 

him  on  the 

helmet  wzt/t  his  sword?  so  myghtyly  that  he  stakerd!  ircimet  so  that 

he  staggers. 

24  benntA.     And  thewne  the  knight  toke  geffray  in  his 

iirines  /  and  \vilh  that  geifray  lete  faH  his  swerd  and   He  wrestle*  with 


wrestled  \\ikh  hym  /  and  wete  it  wel  ther  was  lytel 

fauowr    shewed    on    neyther    part.      And    whan    the 

28  knyght   perceyued  the  purse  about  geffrays  neck  he 

supposed  to  haue  had  it  from  hym  /  but  geffray  kept  nnd  tries  to  take 

the  pune  from 

hym  therfro  /  sayeng*  /  '  or  thou  hauo  purse  or  money  him. 
it  shal  cost  the  the  best  blood  in  thy  body  /  but  for 
32  trouth  I  meruayH  how  thou  mayst  so  long  wtV/stand 
me.'     'By  my  feyth,'  said  the  knight,  'I  haue  more 
memaylle  how  thou  mayst  wtt/tstaud  my  strengthe  / 
but  to  morowe  shalt  thou  haue  a  new  day  wit/t  me, 
2  Fr.  quatorze  OH  de  x<:  aits. 

i3GO  GEFFRAY   MEETS    THE    KNIGHT   NEXT    DAY.       [CH.  LIX. 

foi.  212  6.      FQT  now  the  sonne  is  to  his  rest,  l  and  thou  shalt  fynd 
-me  yonder  vpon  that  medowe  beyond!  the  ryuere  al 

struggle  in  a 

meadow  by  the     redy  armed  to  chalenge  the  and  my  rygh't     But  thou 

i.iver  next  morn-  * 

ing  on  condition   slialt  assure  me  bat  no  personne  shal  passe  the  ryuere  £ 

that  Geffray 

.comes  alone.         but  thou.'     'By  my  feyth,'  said  geffray,  '  I  the  assure 

Geffray  agrees, 

3£*  *"*****  no  more  ther  shal  not,'  and  -with  that  lie  departed  that 
geffray.  wyst  not  where  he  became.  'By  nly  feyth,' 
sayd  themio  geffray,  '  here  is  apert  messager,  I  haue  8 

Geffray  comes       grete  meruaylle  what  tliis  may  be,'  and  so  came  he 

dawn  and  brings 

the  shield  lie  had  douii  and  brought  \vith  hym  the  knighto  sheld  that 

won  in  his  right 

hand,  and  the         he  had  WOnne. 

purse  in  his  left. 

Thystorye  witnesseth  whan  Geffray  was  come  doun,  12 
hys   sheld  about   his    neck   and   the    knyghtzs 
paueys  in  his  ryght  hand  that  he  had  wonne  /  and  in 
His  brethren  are  his  other  hand*  the  purse  with  the  money,  hys  bretheren 

abashed,  and 

ask  whom  he        and  the  baromiye   bere  were  abasshed  therwith,  and  16 

had  found.  f       ' 

asked  hym  whom  he  had  fond?.     And  thewne  he  said 
He  answers,  the    he  had  fond  the  moost  valvaunt  knyght  that  eue/1  he 

most  valiant  *  J  ° 

knight  he  had       dyde  dedes  of  armes  vritii&l.     And  to  them  shewed  al 

ever  seen,  and 

!»v«n>antisand       ^ne  maner  °*  h^tayH:  &  of  thejre  couenawnt  /  and  how  20 

departure  orthe    ^ie  wolc*  liaue  ^a(i  tne.  purse,  and  how  he  departed  so 
at       sodaynly.     and  they  bygan  to  lawhe,  sayeng  bat  neuer 

when  they  look     tofore  they  herd  of  suche  a  thing.     But  whan  they 
helmet  they  see     sawe  geffrays  helmet  &  al  hys  harneys  so  perysshed  24 

there  has  been 

a.  great  fight.        with  strokes,  they  had  no  courage  to  law,he,  For  they 
knew  wel  there  was  sore  batayH.     And  on  the  next 
day  erly  geffray  roos,  and  he  &  hys  brethern   herd 
masse  &  drank  ones.     And  themie  armed  hym  at  al  28 
pieces  &  mounted  on  horsbak  /  And  his  bretheren  and 

in-the  morning      be  barons  }red?  to  conueye  hym  to  the  ryue?'e,  wliere  he 

Geffray  goes  to 

the  meadow.         toke  leue  of  them  and  passed  oue>-  on  the  other  syde 
He  calls  to  the     of  the  ryuere.  /  32 

'Be  ye  he  that      T  I  Ihystorye    tolleth    that    anoone    Geffray    fond*    be 

will  take  tribute 

upon  my  for-         JL    kuyght  and  to  hym  said  \vith  a  hye  voys,  '  Sire 


*  foi.  213.        2knyght,  be  ye  he  that  wyl  take  the  trybute  vpon  my 

The  knight  says 

heis-  Fortresse  ]  '     And  lie  ansuerd*,  'ye  by  my  feith.'     And  36 


ryght   forth    said   geffray,    'I   chalenge   the,   wherfor  Geffraychai. 
deifendc  the.'     And  whan  the  knight  vnderstod1  this, 
he  sette  the  spero  in  the  rest  and  geffray  ]yke  wyse  / 
4  and  so  eche  of  them  recountred  other  /  by  force  wherof 
they  brak  thaire  speris  to  the  hard  fyst  in  many  piece*.   They  break  their 
And  whan  they  had  thus  manfully  broken  theire  speris 
they  drew  out  theire  swerde*  and  smote  eche  other  and  draw  their 

swords,  and  give 

8  wit/4  grete  &  inyghty  strokes  that  the  fyre  sprang  out  of  a*0'1  other 

mighty  strokes. 

theire  barneys,  wherof  the  peple  vpon  the  ryuere  syde 
had?  grete  meruayH  &  were  al  abasshed  how  that  euer 
they  might  endure  the  grete  stroke*,  For  they  left  not 
12  one  piece  of  harneys  hool.     And  they  f  aught  fro  the  They  fight  till 

three  o'clock, 

morow  vuto  thre  of  the  Clok  at  aftirnone  and  neuer  ami  no  om- <-mi 

tell  who  li.-i-i  the 

seaced.     And    so    grete   was   the    batayH   that    none  jitter  of  the 
1[wist]  which"  of  tliem  had  the  bettre.     And  themie 
1C  the  knight  bygan  to  say  to  geffray  /  'here  me  now,  I   The  knight  tells 

Jo  J  '  Geffray  that  he 

haue  the  wel  assayd  /  and  as  touching  the  trybute  I   forgives  him  the 


the  quyte.     And  wete  it  wel  that  /  that  I  haue  doo,  wiiat  he  had 
it  hath  be  for  the  prouffyt  of  thy  fader  &  of  his  sowle,   good  of  Geffrey's 

J  '    father's  soul, 

20  For  it  is  trouth  that  the  pope  enioyned  hym  by  way  who  was  to 

J         J     have  founded  * 

of  penaunce  for  the  forsweryng  that  he  had  don  to   monastery  as 

•     '  penance,  but  liad 

thy  moder  to  founde  a  monastery,  the  whiche  penawice  "°t  done  so. 
was   not   by   hym   obsemed.     but   it   is   so   yf   thou   if  Geffray  will 

build  an  hospital 

24  wylt  edyfye  an  hospital,  and  founde  therin  a  preste  to  an.ieudowa 

l>rie»t,  he  will 

syng  dayly  lor  thy  faders  sowle  /thy  fortres  fro  this  quit  him  of  his 

J    °         J   J  J  tribute  alto- 

day  fourthon  shalbe  quyte  of  ony  trybute  /  how  be  K**i'er- 

it  there  shal  be  sene  about  the  towr  more  meruaylles 
28  than  in  ony  other  place  of  bo  world.'     And  geffray  Gcffroy  answers, 

J  tliat  if  he  knew 

ansuord1,  '  yf  I  know  for  certayn  that  thou  were  of  god  the  knight  were 

'     J  of  God  lie  would 

I   wold?   gladly  2fullfuH   thy  wyH   in   this   byhalf.' /  dohtawiu. 

*  fol.  213  6. 

And  he  said  he  was.     And  thewne  geffray  said  /  '  be  He  declares  he 

,    .         .  ,        ,      ,    T    is,  and  Geffray 

32  thou  sure  this  shal  be  doon  yf  it  playse  god.     but  I  promise*  th»t 

...  ,        his  will  stell  be 

pray  the  say  me  what  thou  art.      And  the  knygnt  done. 
ansuercV,  '  Geffray,  enquere  no  ferther,  For  as  for  this 
tyme  thou  mayst  knowe  no  more  /  but  only  that  I  am 
1  whicli  in  MS. 


THE   STORY    OF   MELIOR's    CASTLE.        [dl.  LIX. 

The  knight  dis- 
appears without 
telling  his  name. 

Geflray  crosses 
the  river  to  his 
They  ask  where 
his  enemy  has 

Getfray  says  that 
they  came  to  an 
agreement,  but 
he  cannot  tell 
where  the  knight 
has  gone. 
Geffray  hung  the 
shield  he  wore 
in  his  hall. 
After  Geffray 
had  built  the 
hospital  the 
shield  vanished. 
Here  ends  the 
history  of  the 
heirs  of  Lu- 

Long  after  the 
death  of  Guion 
of  Armenia  there 
was  a  wilful 
young  king, 

who  heard  tell 
of  a  castle  in 
Great  Armenia, 
where  dwelt  the 
fairest  lady  in 
the  world. 
MK'  liad  a 
and  to  any  noble 
knight  who  could 

3  fol.  214. 
watch  it  three 
days  and  nights 
without  sleep, 
she  gave  what- 
ever they  asked, 
save  herself. 

The  young  king 
resolved  to  go, 
and  said  he 
would  take 
nothing  but  the 
lady's  person. 

la  Creature  of  god.'     And  therwtt/j.  he  vanysshed  that 
geffray  wyst  not  where  he  became  /  Avherof  me?-uaylled 
moche  they  that  were  by  J>e  ryuere.     And  thenne  came 
gefTray  ouer  the  ryuer  to  his  brctheren,  whiche  asked  4 
liym  how  he  had  doo  and  where  hys  party  aduerse  was 
become.     And   geffray  to  them  sayd  that  they  were 
acorded  togidre,  but  where  lie  was  become  he  coude 
not   teH.     And   themie    they  retourned    to    Lusynen  8 
where  geffray  dide  doo  hang1  the  paueys,  that  he  had 
wonne  vpon  the  knyght  of  the  toure,  in  the  myddes  of 
his  haH.     Where  as  it  heng  tyl  geffray  had  edyfyed 
the  said  liospytal,  For  thcnn  it  vaiiysshed  away  that  12 
no  man  wyst  where  it  became.     And  here  fynyssheth 
the  hystory  of  the  heyres  of  Lusynen.     but  bycause 
that  the  kynges  of  Armanye  ben  yssued  of  that  lynee, 
I  wyl  shewe  herafter  an  aue^ture  that  befeH  to  a  kyng  16 
of  Armanye. 

Thystorye  sayth  that  long  after  the  deces  of  kyng 
guyon  of  Armanye,  Ther  was  a  kinge  of  that 
land?  yong  and  fayre,  lecherous  and  folowyng  his  wyH.  20 
The  kyng  vnderstcd?  by  the  report  of  som  knightes 
vyageours,  that   there   was   in   the   grete  Armanye  a 
Castel  whereas  was  in  the  most  fayre  lady  that  men 
wyst  at  that  tyme  in  al  the  world  /  the  whiche  lad}-  24 
had  a  2sperhauk  /  and  to  al  kuightesof  noble  extraction 
that  thither  went  &  coude  watche  the  said  sperhauk 
duryng  the   space    of   thre   3dayes   and  thre   nyghtes 
w/t/iout  slepe  /  the  lady  shuld  appiere  tofore  them  and  28 
gyue  them  suche  worldly  yeftes  as  they  wold  wysshe 
and  were  desyryng  to  haue,  except  only  her  self.     This 
kyng  the«ne  that  was  lusty  and  in  his  best  age,  and 
that  vndejstod!  the  reno??imee  of  thexcellent  beaulte  of  32 
the  said*  lady  /  said  he  Avoid  go  thither  /  and  that  of 
the  lady  he  shuld  nothing  take  but  herself.     But  Avete 
it  that  in  the  said  Castel  might  none  entre  but  ones  in 
1  Fr.  de  par  Dieu.  2  Fr.  exj>}-erier. 

CH.  LIX.]       THE    KING    OF    ARMENIA    ENTERS    THE    CASTLE.  363 

a  yere  /  and  that  was  the  day  tofore  the  vygille  of  People  could 
saynt  Johan  /  and  the  next  day  after  saynt  Johans  ™»tie  on'the'6 

day  euery  man  must  departe  tlions.     "Whan  the  said  Johu'°s.  and  the 
!  iii  d*y a|ter  8t- 

4  kyng  was  rcdy  lie  departed  &  rode  with  noble  company  John's  day  all 

r      •*     lind  to  leave. 

so  long  that  he  cam  to  the  forsaid  Castel  at  the  day  The  Kin« with 

•     his  company 

assygned,  tofore  the  which  he  dide  dresse  vp  a  rvche  ""^ed  on  the 

J  right  day,  aud 

pauyllon  and  there  he  souped,  and  aftir  went  to  rest.   £fo1£  thS'SSj 
8  And  on  the  morne  he  roos  and  herd*  masse  /  and  after  'SdEiSdtfir** 
that  the  masse  was  do,  he  drank  ones,  and  syn  armed  i^the  morning 
hym  and  toke  leue  of  them  that  were  come  wt't/t  hym,  drank,  amusTd 
wliicfi   were   sorowfuH   for    his    departing,    For   they 
12  trowed  that  neiwr  he  shuld   haue  come  ayen.     And 

this  doon  the  kyng  yed  toward  the  sperhauk  in  the  and  went  to  the 

'/-.iii  castle. 

•  Castel.  / 

Here  saith  thistory  that  whan  the   king  was  at 
thentree  of  the  Castel,  an  old  man  al  clothed  in  An  old  man 

clothed  in  white 

whyte  cam  ayenst  hym,  &  asked  bym  who  that  had  asked  at  the 

.    .  .  entry  why  he 

brought  hym  thither  /  and  he  ansuerd!  in  this  mauere :  lu«i  ««"»«• 
'  I  am  come  hither  to  seke  thauenture  and  to  haue  the  The  King  said, 

*  To  IIHVC  the 

20  Custome  of  this  Castel.'    And  the  good  old  man  said  to  custom  of  the 


hym  /  'ye  be  ryght  welcome,  folow  ye  me,  and  I  shal  The  old  man  wel- 
comes him,  aud 

shew   you   the   auenture   that   ye  seke  for.'     The/me  ***" hi'"  to,  „ 

•  follow  him  into 

yede  the  king  aftir  the  old  man  /  and  gretly  was  he  ThVicTng^uarveU 
24  meruaylled  of  the  grete  &  inestimable  riches  Uliat  he  £tj" riches  he 
sawe,  wit/nn  the   place.     And  thene  entred  the   old       *  tol-  2146« 
man  into  a  noble  haH  rychely  hanged,  Aud  aftir  hym   They  come  to  a 

J         ]:,.!,!,.  hall,  and 

entred  the  k vug  that  perceyued!  in  the  mydde,?  of  the  there  the  Kim/ 

sees  the  sparruw- 

28  haH  a   long   home  of  a  vnycorne  that  was  fayre  £   hawk  perched 

on  a  unicorn's 

Avhyte  /  aud  therupon  was  spred  a  grete  cloth  of  gold   llom- 

wheron  stod  the  sperhauk  and  a  gloue  of  whyt  sylk 

vnder  his  feet.     Tlie»ne  said  the  old  man  to  the  kynge   The  old  man  • 

tells  the  King 

32  in  this  wyse  :  'Sire,  here  ye  may  see  thaduewture  of  that  if  he  watches 

J  the  sparrow- 

this  Castel  /  and  with  it  sethen  ye  are  so  ferfoorth  hawk  three  days 

•  and  three  nighU 

come  ye  must  watche  this  sperhauk  thre  days  and  thre  Wlthout  8leeP 
nyghtes  without  slcp.     And  yf  Fortune  suffre  you  so 
36  to  doo,  wete  it  wel  )wt  the  noble  lady  of  this  ryaH 



[cn.  LX. 

the  lady  of  the 
castle  will  ap- 
l>ear  on  the 
fourth  day,  and 
grant  what  he 
desires  most  to 
have,  except 
herself;  if  he 
usks  to  have  her 
evil  will  befall 

Castel  shaft  appiere  tofore  you  on  the  foureth  day,  to 
Avhom  ye  shal  aske  that  thing  of  the  world  whiche  ye 
desyre  moost  to  haue  /  except  her  body  /  and  no 
doubte  of  but  ye  shal  haue  it  /  but  wete  it  certaynly  4 
yf  ye  desire  and  aske  to  haue  herself,  euyl  auenture 
sbal  faH  to  you  therof.' 

»  fol.  215. 

The  old  man  left 
the  King  alone 
in  the  hall. 

There  was  a 
table  covered 
with  all  manner 
of  dainties, 

but  the  King 
eat  sparingly, 
so  that  he  might 
be  able  to  keep 

*  fol.  215  6. 
He  spent,  his 
time  looking  at 
the  pictures, 

and  among 
others,  sees 
figured  the 
history  of  King 
Elinas  and  Queen 
Pressine,  and 
their  three 
daughters,  and 
how  they  were 
punished  for 
shutting  their 
father  in  Mount 

The  King 
watches  until 
the  third  day, 

Cap.    LX.      How    the    king    of    Armanye 
watched  the  sperhauk.  8 

if  |^he  forsaid  old?   man  aftir  that   he   had  declared 
1     and  shewed  to  the  kyng  the  manere  of  watching 
of  the  sperhauk,  he  departed  fro  the  halle  /  and  the 
kyng  abode  alone  and  had  grete  meruayH,  what  of  the  12 
grete  ryches  J>at  he  sawe  there,  as  of  a  ryche  table  that 
was  in  the  haH;  covered  nobly  with  al  mauer  deyntes  of 
meetes.     And  that  part  he  drew  hym  self  &  ete  a  lytel 
and  drank  of  that  lyked  best  &  kept  good  dyete  and  16 
made  none  exces,  For  wel   he  knewe  that  to   mocfr 
meet  &  drynk  causeth  the  body  to  be  pesaunt  &  slepy. 
And  to  dryue  fourth  the  tyme  walked  vp  &  doun  the 
haH,  taking1  grete  playsyr  of  the  grete  noblesse  that  20 
he  sawe,  2For  there  were  ryche  pictures  where  as  were 
fygured    many    a    noble    hystory,    and    the   wrytyng 
vndernethe   that    shewed    the    vnderstandyng    of    it. 
And  emong   other   hystory  es  was   there  fygured   the  24 
noble  hystory  of  kyng  Elynas  &  queen  Pressyne  his 
wyf,    and    of   their    thre    doughtirs,    and    how    they 
closed  their  fader  in  the  mouwtayne  of  Brombelyo  in 
Northomberland?   /   and   how   Pressyne   theire   moder  28 
punysshedf  them  therfor  /  and  al  the  circonstauwces  of 
]>eir  faytes  were  there  shewed  in  letres  of  gold  fro  J>e 
bygynnyng  vnto  the  eude. 

Grete  playsir  toke  the  king  to  rede  &  see  the  said  32 
hystory  es.     And  thus   he  watched  lokyng  here 
and  there  vnto  the  thirde  day.     And  thene  he  per- 


ceyued  a  right  noble  chambre,  and  sawe  the  doore  al  when  he  seen 

an  open  door. 

•wyd!  open  /  and  that  part  he  went  and  entred  m  the  He  enters  the 


chambre,  and  beheld  J>er  many  knyghtes  armed  fygured  *nd  8ees  the  wail 
4  and  rychely  paynted  on  the  walles.  and  vnder  their  mK??  *$&>**, 

•  J     r   J  and  reads  their 

feet  were  their  names  writon  in  lefres  of  gold  and  of  ^,*$"  *Pd  Uie 
what  lynee  &  countre  they  were  /  and  aboue  their 
heedes  was  writon  in   this  manere  :   '  Vpon  suche   a 
8  tyme  watched  this   knight   in  this  Castel  the   noble   "This  knight 

watched  the 

sperhauk.  but   lie  wept  /  and  therfore  he  most  hold?  sparrowhawk, 

but  slept, 

company  with  the  lady  of  this  place  as  Ion"  as  he  may  and  so  must 

J     remain  in  the 

lyue,  and  nothing  worldly  shal  ho  wante  of  that  his  castle  all  his 
12  herto  can  desire  saf  only  the  departyng  fro  the  place.' 

And  there  nygh  were  paynted  thre  shelde*  in  a  rowe,  He  also  sees 

three  shields 

and  on  them  were  fygured  the  armcs  of  thre  knyghtes  painted  with  the 

.  arms  of  three 

and  their  names  /  their  lynee  &  their  Contre  that  they 

16  were  of  were  writon  vnderneth  /  and  aboue  the  sheldes  and  a  writing: 

was  shewed  by  wrytyng  this  that  foloweth  :  'In  snche  watched  our 

a  yere  watched  our  sperhauk  this  noble  knight  *wel  8pRrrowiMiwk 

and  duely  and  departed  wtt/i  joye  and  had  his  yeft  of  j^J"^' 

20  vs  w't/i  hym.'     And  so  long  beheld!  the  king  that  he  TifegK?ng  nenriy 

almost  slept  /  but  he  anoon  came  out  of  the  Chambre  ingauhe'ngumi, 

and  sawe  the  sonne  almost  doun  and  passed  fourth  chamber,  and 

,  .  .  ,  kept  awake  all 

that  nyght  without  slepe.  the  night. 
24  rriheraie  was  he  glad  whan  he  perceyued  J>e  day. 

JL    And  foorthwt't/i  at  the  rysyng  of  the  sonne  cam  At  sunrise  the  ' 

lady  of  the  castle 

the  lady  of  the  Castel  in  so  noble  and  so  ryche  aray  comes  to  the 
that  the  kyng  had  grete  meniayH  therof  /  and  what  of 
28  her  ryches  as  of  her  excellent  beaute,  he  was  gretly 
abasshed.     And  thenne  the  lady  dide  her  obeyssaunce, 

sayeng  in  this  manere  :  '  Noble  kyng  of  Armanye,  ye  and  welcomes 

him,  and  asks 

be   ryght   welcome.     Jbor   certaynly   ye   haue   wel   &  him  to  name 

what  gift  he 

32  valyaiwtly  endeuoired   you.     now   aske   of  me  what  would  have. 
yefte  that  so  euer  playse  you  worldly  and  raysounable, 
and  ye  shal  haue  it  wt't/iout  ony  taryeng.'     The/me 

ansuerd  the  king  that  right  sore  was  esprysed  of  the  The  King 

3G  loue  of  her,  '  By  my  feyih,  gracyows  &  noble  lady,  I 


THE    KING   ASKS    HER   TO    BE    HIS    WIFE.       [cH.   LXI. 

'Neither  silver 
nor  gold,  nor 
town  nor  castle, 
but  you,  my 
beloved  lady,  to 
be  my  wife.' 

The  lady  is 
wroth  at  his 

and  replies  that 
he  caunot  have 

The  King  presses 
his  suit, 

but  she  tells  him 
to  ask  n  reason- 
able gift. 

i  foL  216  6. 
The  King  de- 
clares he  will 
have  nothing 
but  herself. 

The  Queen  tells 
him  that  unless 
he  changes  his 
purpose  evil  hap 
will  fall  on  him 
and  his  posterity; 

but  the  King  de- 
clares that  h'.s 
heart  is  ravished 
with  her  beauty, 
and  that  he  will 
have  nothing 
but  her. 

aske  neyther  gold  nor  syluer,  Cyte,  toun,  nor  Caste], 
For  thanked  be  god  I  luuie  of  al  worldly  ryches  ynough  / 
but  yf  it  playse  you,  my  rylit  dere  &  right  entierly 
beloued  lady,  I  wyl  haue  you  to  my  wyf.'     And?  whan  4 
the  lady  vnderstod?  this  she  was  wroth",  and  by  grete 
yre  she  said  to  hym  in  this  wyse  :  '  Ha,  thou  grete  foole, 
For  nought  hast  thou  asked  my  body,  For  thou  mayst 
not  by  no  wyse  haue  it.'     Thenne  said  the  king  to  8 
the  lady,  '  Wei  I  haue,  to  myn  aduys,  endeuoired  me. 
Wherfor,  noble  lady,  be  you  fauourable  to  me  and  haue 
regard!  to  the  custome  of  this  castel.'     '  By  my  feyth,' 
ansuerd?  the  lady,  'as  touching  thaduenture  &  custome  12 
of  this  Castel,  I  wyl  that  it  be  obsmied  &  kept  /  but 
aske  of  me  yeft  raysounable  /  and  no  doubte  Jof  but 
thou  shalt  haue  it.'  '  By  my  feyth,  noble  lady,  I  desyre 
none  other  thing  erthly  nor  none  other  I  shal  not  aske  16 
nor  take  of  you,  but  only  yoz<r  gracyous  body.'     '  Ha, 
fole,  fole,'  said  the?me  the  lady,    '  euyl  myscheaz^nce 
shal  faH   on  the,  yf  thou   soone  chaungest   not  thy 
purpos,  and  so  it  shal  to  al  thin  heyres  &  successours  20 
aftir  pe  /  though  they  be  not  culpable  therof.'     And 
the   kyng   her   ansuerdf,  '  It   is   for  nought,  For  my 
herte  is  rauysshed  of  yowr  beaute,  and  only  fedde  \viih 
joztr  syght.     And  therfore  yowr  body  wyl  I  haue  and  24 
none  other  thing  erthly.'  / 

The  lady  becomes 
right  wroth, 

and  tells  him 
that  he  will  lose 
his  gift, 

Cap.  LXI.  How  the  kyng  wold  haue 
rauysshed  by  force  the  lady,  but  she 
vanysshed  away.  28 

Whan  thenne  the  lady  sawe  that  the  kyng 
chaunged  not  his  purpos,  she  was  ryght  wroth, 
and  to  hym  said1  in  this  manyere  :  '  Thou  folyssh  kyng, 
now  shalt  thou  lese  the  syght  of  me,  &  shalt  fayH  of  32 
thy  yefte,  &  hast  putte  thyself  in  auenture  to  abyde 
wt't/an.  for  cue;*  in  grete  payne  &  tourmewt,  by  cause  that 


thou  art  yssued  of  the  lynee  of  kyng  guyon  that  was  because  she  i» 

the  aunt  of  King 

sone  to  Melusyne  my  sustir,  and  I  am  his  ante  /  and  Guionhia  an- 

cestor, and  that 
thou  art  so  nygh  of  my  blood  and  kynred  that  though  tiiey  are  too  near 

of  kin  to  marry, 

4  I  wold?  be  consentyng  to  thy  wyH  holy  Chircfc  wold 
neuer  suffre  it.'     And  aftir  she  reherced  &  shewed  to 

hym  al  that  is  tofore  said  in  the  Chapter  of  Elynas  Then"she  tells 

and  Pressyne,  and  also  fro  hed  to  heed!  att  the  heyres  EijnasandPres- 

8  of  Lusynen  and  their  fayttes.     And  after  she  said  to  hdrsof  L°U- 

hym  /  '  grete  myschief  shal  happe  to  the  &  vpon  thyn  and  foretell*  of 

the  decay  of  his 

heyres  successors  Jafter  the,  and  that  shal  endure  vnto        »  f0i.  217. 
the  ix  lynee,  For  they  shal  faH  in  decaye,  &  exilled  fro 
12  their   contrees   &    fro   their  honowr,  wherfor  departe  s 

lightly  hens,  For  here  mayst  thou  no  lenger  abyde.'   castle™ 

The  kyng  therme  vnderstod!  wel  the  lady,     but  neyjjer  The  King  per- 

sists and  tries 
lor  her  wordes,  nor  for  fere  that  ought  shuld  hywi  to  take  her  by 

force,  but  Meli-r 

1C  mysfatt,  he  neuer  chaunged  his  folysh  wyH  &  vnhapny  vanishes  h<     .-- 

knows  nov  where. 

purpos,  but  wold  haue  take  the  lady  by  manere  of 
vyolens  and  by  force,  but  soone  Melyor  vanysshed? 
away  that  he  wyst  neuer  where  she  was  become. 

20  Cap.    LXII.     How   the   king   was   bete   & 
ouerthrawen  and  knew  not  of  whom. 


nd    immediatly  after   the  departyng   of  Melyor 

there  feli  vpon  the  kyng  gret  &  pesaunt  strokes,  The  King  is 

thrashed  so  hard 

24  as  thyklc  as  rayn  falleth  fro  the  skye.     Wherof  he  was  ttathetotrehed 

in  every  part  of 

al  to  brusid!  in  euery  part  of  his  body,  and  was  drawen  hi8  b^y.  »nd  >* 

pulled  by  the 

by  the  feet  fro  the  halle  vnto  the  barrers  w«t7tout  the  feet  out  of  the 

•  castle. 

Castel.     And  wete  it  that  he  neuer  saw  none  of  them  He  cannot  see 

who  it  is  that 

28  that   so  cruelly  seruyd   hym.      And   as  soone  as   he  serves  him  so. 
myght   he  stode  vpon   his   feet,  cursyng  a   thousand!   He  rises  and 

curses  the  man 

tymes  hym  that  first  brought  hym  tydynges  of  this  that  brought  inm 

J  J  J          J    J    o  the  news  of  the 

auenture,  and  the  heure  also  that  euer  he  cam  thither,   adventure, 
32  And  the/me  he  went  toward  his  meyne  that  saw  his  and  returns  to 

his  men, 

harneys  al  to  broken  and  perysshed,  and  demanded  of 

1  Cap.  I.  page  6,  et  scy. 


THE    KING    IS    BEATEN    OUT    OF    THE    CASTLE.       [CH.  LX1I. 

who  ask  if  he  has 
been  lighting? 
He  tells  them  he 
is  hurt,  but  that 
he  has  had  no 
fight  because  he 
could  not  see 
who  struck  him. 

2  fol.  217  6. 

The  King  returns 

but  he  had  no 

joy  after  this 


though  he 

reigned  a  long 


His  heirs  were 


This  volume  was 
ended  on  Thurs- 
day, Aug.  7th, 

I  have  told  the 
story  of  Lu- 
signan  Castle, 
and  of  its 
builders,  and 
of  their  issue, 
from  the  true 

hym  in  this  manere  :  '  My  lord,  vs  semeth  that  ye  be 
sore  hurt,  haue  ye  had  batayH:  there  as  ye  haue  be?' 
And  he  ansuerd*,  '  I  am  somwhat  hurt  /  but  no  batayH 
I  haue  not  had  /  but  so  ferre  I  knowe  that  shrewedly  4 
I  haue  be  festyed?1  2how  wel  I  perceyued  no  body  /  but 
I  assure  you  I  felt  wel  the  strokes,  and  wete  it  wel  I  re- 
uewged1  me  not  /  and  thus  haue  I  had  no  batayH  /  For 
he  that  gyueth  the  first  strokes  dooth  not  the  batayH.  8 
but  he  that  reucngeth  hym  bryngeth  it  to  effect.'  / 

Anoone  aftir  the  king  &  his  peuple  departed  and 
entred  in  the  see  and  sailled  toward  his  countre, 
euer  thinking  vpon  this  that  Melyor  had  said  to  hym,  1 2 
and  doubted  moche  to  haue  lost  his  good  fortune  as  he 
had.     For  wete  it  wel  that  neuer  aftir  this  faytte  he 
had  no  hertly  joye  and  regned  long  tyme,  but  fro  day 
to  day  feH  in  decaye  by  dyuerse  maners.     And  wete  it  16 
wel  that  his  hcyres  after  his  decesse  were  not  fortunat, 
but  vnhappe  in  al  their  actes.     Here  shal  I  leue  to 
speke  of   the  king  of  Armanye.      For  ynough  it   is 
knowen  that   they  came  of   the  noble   lynee  of   the  20 
king  Elynas  of  Albanye  &  of   Lusynen.     vnto  this 
thursday  vii   day  of   August   vpon   the    whiche   was 
ended  this  present  volume.     The  yere  of  our  lord  a 
thousand  [ccc]  3lxxx  &  foureteen./  24 

Now  have  I  shewed  to  you  after  the  very  Cronykles 
and  true  history  how  the  noble  Fortresse  of 
Lusynen  in  Poytou  was  edyfyed  &  made  /  and  of  the 
noble  yssue  &  lynee  of  the  foundatours  therof,  on  whos  28 
sowles  god  haue  mercy  /  the  whiche  fortresse  of 
Lusynen  is  a  now  come  but  of  late,  by  manere  of 
Conqueste,  into  the  handes  of  the  ryght  noble  &  myghty 

1  Fr.  batu. 

3  Note  to  C.  Brunei's  Fr.  Ed.,  page  420.  Le  texte  ports  : 
mil  iiij  vingz  ct  xliij.  Ce&t  eci-demment  line  erreur  puisqne 
Jean  d' Arras  dit,  des  les  premieres  pages,  gu'il  a  commence 
cette  histoire  en  1387.  In  the  Harl.  MS.  of  Melusine  the  date 
is  given  as  'le  Vile  jour  d'aoust  Van  de  grace  Mil  Hi  C 
iiiiXX  et  XIli: 

CH.  LXII.]      MELUSINE   IS   AGAIN    SEEN    IN   SERPENT   FORM.  369 

prynce  my  right  redoubted  lord  Johan  sone  to  the  kyng  son  of  tiie 

King  of  France, 

of  Jraimce,  Due  of  Berry,  Auuercrnc,  &c.,  by  whos  co??i-  •twhoMMm- 

'     J  mandlhave 

mandement  I  haue  endeuoired  me  after  my  rude  and  gathered  this 


4  symple  entendement  to  collige  &  gadre  emoug*  many 
gestes  &  true  Cronykles  the  trouth  of  thystory  l  byfore        l  foi.  213. 
specyfyed.     And  wete  it  for  trouth  that  oftentymes  I   i  have  often 

heard  my  lord 

haue   herd?   my  said   lord   say  that   a   knyght  called  ten  a  story  of  a 

knight  named 

8  Scrsueft  that  held  the  said  Fortres  as  lieuftenauwt  &  Senmeii,  who 

was  lieutenant 

Captayne  there  for  the  kyng  of  England!  /  at  that  tyme 
that  my  said  lord  had  besieged  /  said  to  hym  after  the  land- 

reducyon  of  the  Fortres  /  that  thre  dayes  tofore,  tofore  Three  days  be- 

fore he  gave  it 
12  that  he  gaf  it  vp  /  he  lyeng  in  hys  bed*  wt't/i  a  woman  up  he  was  in  bed 

1    '  J  with  his  concu- 

hys   concubine   named   Alexaundryne   /   perceyued   a  bine,  and  saw  a 

great  serpent  m 

grete  &  horryble  serpent  in  the  myddes  of  the  Chambre,   wi^el^frn^t 

wherof  he  was  gretly  abasshed  &  sore  agast  /  and  wold!  He^k  nj8 
16  haue  take  the  swerd?  to  haue  descharged  it  vpon  the  8word  to  slay  jt  ; 
serpent  /  but  Alexaundryne  said  thenne  to  hym  in 
this  manyere  :  '  Ha,  valyaunt  Sersuel,  how  ofte  haue 
I  sene  your  mortal  enemyes  tofore  yowr  presence  that 
20  neuer  ye  were  aferd1,  and  now  for  a  serpent  of  femenyne 

nature  ye  shake  for  fere.     Wete  it  for  trouth  that  this  but  his  lady  said 

that  the  serpent 

serpent  is  the  lady  of  this  place  &  she  that  edyfyed  it  /  was  the  lady  of 

J  '     the  place,  and 

she  shal  by  no  manere  wyse  hurt  nor  doomage  you  /  her  »i'i*-«™npe 

J  J  >     J         i     proved  that  lie 

24  but  so  ferre  I  vnderstand!  by  her  apparysshing  that  ^,°g'i1ve 
nedes  ye  shal  hastly  dclyuere  &  gyue  vp  this  Fortres  castle- 
to  the  Due  of  Berry  '  /     And  morouer  said  the  said 
SersueH  to  my  said   lord  that  hys  Concubyue  fered 

28  nothing1  the  serpent  /  but  that  he  was  neuer  in  his 

dayes  so  aferd1.     And  that  he  sawe  thenne  the  said1  The  serpent  then 

J  turned  into  a 

serpent  tourned  in  to  a  fourme  of  a  woman  clothed  in  woman,  clothed 

f  in  a  coarse  pown. 

a  gowne  of  Cours  cloth"  &  gyrded  wtt/i  a  grete  corde  S 
32  vndernethe  the  pappes  of  her  /  and  soone  after  tourned  S^n™™cai* 
herself  in  the  figure  of  a  serpent  and  so  vanysshed  and  vanished- 

Also  there  was  a  man  named  godart  dwellyng  at 
that   tyme   wt'tAin   the   said   Fortresse,   whiche 




Godart  swore  to 
my  lord  on  the 
gospels  thiit  he 
had  often  seen 
i  fol.  218  6. 
the  serpent  on 
the  walls  of  the 
fortress,  and 
that  he  had 
passed  her  with- 
out harm. 
Ivon  of  Wales 
gwore  that  three 
days  before  the 
surrender  of  the 
castle  by  Ser- 
sufcll,  he  saw  a 
great  serpent  on 
the  donjon  of 
the  castle,  and 
that  many  others 
saw  her. 

I  have  done  my 
utmost  to  know 
the  truth  of 
the  matter, 

and  if  I  have 
written  what 
appears  to  some 
incredible,  I  beg 
for  pardon. 

Some  authors 
hold  this  to  be  a 
true  chronicle  of 

To  those  who 
object,  I  say  the 
judgments  and 

affermed  for  a  troutli  /  and  sware  to  my  forsaid  lord 
vpon  the  holy  euawngilles  that  many  tyme  he  had  sene 
vpon  the  walles  of  the  forties  1the  said  serpent,  and 
that  he  had  passed  oftymes  nygh  her  wit/tout  receyuyng  4 
of  ony  harme.  Then  another  also  called  Yuon  of 
"Walles  sware  his  feyth  vnto  my  said  lord  that  thre 
dayes  tofore  the  reclucyon  of  the  said  Fortresse  made 
by  the  said  SersueH  into  the  hande«  of  my  said  lord,  8 
J>at  he  sawe  an  horryble  grete  serpent  vpon  the  batel- 
ments  of  the  donjon  of  the  said  Castel  of  Lusynen. 
And  many  other  also  had  the  vision  and  syght  of  her./2 

And  where  it  is  soo  that  at  thinstau?zce  requeste  12 
and  prayer  of  my  said  lord  haue  be  examyned 
many  prynces3  and  dyuerse  o^er  for  the  makyng  & 
compilacion   of  this  present   hystorye  vpon  the  said 
matere.      And  also  I    haue   putle  my   self    to   myn  16 
vtermost  power  to  rede  &  loke  ouer  the  Cronykles  & 
many  bokes  of  auncyent  hystoryes,  to  thende  that  I 
might  knowe  the  trouth  of  the  forsaid  matere.     Ther- 
fore  yf  I  haue  wryton  or  shewed'  ony  thing  that  to  som  20 
semeth  neyther  possible  to  be  nor  credible,  I  beseche 
them  to  pardonne  me.     For  as  I  fele  &  vnderstand?  by 
the  Auctowrs  of  gramaire  &  phylosophye  they  repute 
and  hold  this  present  hystorye  for  a  true  Cronykle  &  24 
thinges  of  the  fayry.   And  who  that  saith  the  contrary  / 
I  say  the  secret  jugements  of  god  and  his  punyssh- 

2  Fr.  adds :  Et  encore  plus  arant  y  a  vng  chevalier  pn\te- 
rin,  nomme  -messire  Prrcleval  de  Conlongne,  quifut  cliambel- 
lalii  du  ban  my  de  Chippre,  avec  le  roy,  la  serpent e  s'csfoit 
apparue  a  icelluy  roy,  comme.  celliiy  roy  Iny  avoit  dit  en  ceste 
maniere  parlant  a  Iny  :  PercTieval,je  me  doubt e  trap  !    Pour 
quay,  mtonseignevr?  dint  le  chevalier.     Par  ma  foy,  dist  le 
roy,  pour  <:e  que  fay  veu-  la  serpente  de  Lusigncn  qui  c'est  ap- 
jwrue  a  moy  ;  ftl  me  donbte  qui  ne  me  adviengne  aiilcune  perte 
dedens  brief  temps,  ou  d  Perrin  mon  filz  ;  car  ahmi  appantt- 
elle  quant  avlcitus  des  hoirs  de  Lnslgnen  doibceiit  morir.     Et 
jura  messire  Perchcval  que  dedens  le  tiers  jour  apre:,  la  dure 
adventure  que  chascim  scet  bie-n  adcint. 

3  Harl.  MS.  reads  prouues  =  proofs. 


ments  are  inuysible  &  impossible  to  be  vnderstand  or  punishments  of 

God  are  not  tn 

knowe  by  the  humanyte  of  man./    ior  tbe  vnderstand-  be  understood 

by  man. 

ing  of  humayne  Creature  is  to  rude  to  vnderstande  the 
4  spyce  espirytuel,  &  may  not  wel  comprehend!  what  it 
is  /  but  as  ferre  as  the  wylle  xof  god  wyl  suffre  hym.        i  foi.  219. 
For  there  is  found  in  many  hystoryes  Fayries  that  There  are  many 

histories  of 

haue  be  maryedf  &  had  many  children  /  but  how  this  Fairies  that  have 

111  married,  nml  hud 

8  may  be  the  humayu  creature  may  not  conceyue.     For  children.   NO 

man  can  under- 

these  poynts  and  suche  other  god  hath  reteyned  fern  8tall5|  how  thia 
in  his  secrets.     And  the  more  that  the  personne  is  of 

rude  entendement  the  ferther  is  he  fro  knowlege  of  it.  J^^;nt  reo](le 

12  And  he  that  is  replet  of  scyence  naturel,  the  rather  ™TthiSTe 

shaft  haue  affection  to  byleue  it.     Notw/t//standyng  no  karTeTe^n'moie 

creature  humayn  may  not  obteyne  the  secrets  of  god./  if«t  no  Maen 

,  .  ,        fathom  the 

how  be  it  saint   paule  saith  in    hys  epy  sties  to  the  secret*  of  God. 
16  Rommayns,  'that  al  thinges  ben  knowen  by  humayn 
Creature'  /  but  the  glose  rescrueth  &  excepteth  the 
secrets  of  god.    For  the  kynde  of  man  is  to  vnderstand  The  more  men 

travel  the  more 

the  ferther  that  he  trauaylleth  in  reawmes  and  Countrees/  t^y  learn- 
20  the  greter  knowleche  hath  he  of  euery  thingo  /  than  he 
that  resteth  in  his  owne  Countre  and  neuer  remevyth. 

And  semblable  wyse  this  historye  is  more  credible  for  This  story  is 

made  more 

as  moche  as  it  is  not  auctorised  by  one  man  only  /  but  credible  by  the 

number  of  clerks 

24  also  by  many  noble  Clerkes.    Kow  of  this  proces  I  wyl  who  vouch  for  it. 
make  no  ferther  mencion  /  but  humbly  I  beseche  you  I  ask  forgiveness 

of  my  readers  for 

and  alle  them  bat  shaft  here  or  rede  this  hystorye  /  anything  tire- 

*  '     some  or  displeas- 

that  yf  there  be  ony  thing  that  be  nuyouse  or  desplay-  J^™'*  liavu 
28  sauwt  to  you  /  wyl  pardonne  me  &  hold  me  escusid. 
For  yf  a  man  dooth  as  wel  as  he  can  /  he  ought  to  be 
accepted.     For  in  som  cas  the  good  wylle  of  a  man 

I,  John  of  Arras, 

is  accepted  for  the  dede./     And  here  I,  Johan  of  Aras, 

32  ende  the  hystorye  of  Lusynen  /  2beseching  god  of  his 

hygh  mercy  to  gyue  to  bem  that  be  passed  fro  this 

mortaH  world  hys  eternaH  glorye  /  and  to  them  that  be 

...        .  ,  ,    u        j  /  and  to  the  living 

Jyuyng,  prosperous  and  blessuiiutt  euayng./  a  blessed  ending. 

36     [Here  fvuyssheth  the  noble  hystorye  of  Melusyne.] 

B  B  2 



PAGE  1,  line  19.  In  the  Catalogue  of  the  Duke  of  Berry's  Library, 
published  in  Le  Labourer's  Histoire  de  Charles  VL,  there  is  a  volume 
relating  to  the  subject  of  this  romance,  '  Vn  liure  de  1'Histoire  de  Lezig- 
nem,  escrit  en  Latin,  de  lettre  de  fourme,  bien  historic"  &  au  commence- 
ment du  second  fueillet  apres  la  premiere  Histoire,  a  escrit,  sola  sed 
tantum,  couuert  de  drap  de  damas  rouge,  formant  k  deux  fermoirs  de 
laiton,  &  tixus  de  soye.'  Jean  d'Arras  declares  in  several  places  that 
the  romance  is  founded  on  old  Chronicles ;  see  end  of  Cap.  I. 

p.  2,  1.  11.  Text  should  read:  'the  Wednesday  before  St.  Clement's 
Day.'  The  'before'  has  been  accidentally  omitted  by  the  translator  or 
the  transcriber.  The  French  version  reads :  '  le  uiercredi  devant  la  Saint 
Clement  en  yver.' 

p.  2,  1.  18.     This  heading  seems  out  of  place. 

p.  3,  1.  9.  Is  the  reference  to  Romans,  Cap.  I,  verse  20?: — 'For  the 
invisible  things  of  him  from  the  creation  of  the  world,  are  clearly  seen, 
being  understood  by  the  things  that  are  made:  his  eternal  power  also 
and  divinity:  so  that  they  are  inexcusable.' 

p.  3,  1.  33.  He  appears  to  refer  to  local  traditions,  of  which  he  makes 
some  use ;  see,  for  example,  the  description  of  Melusine's  appearances  in 
his  own  time,  on  pages  369  and  370. 

p.  4,  1.  17.  Probably  Gervaise  of  Tilbury  (fl.  13th  century),  a  nephew 
of  King  Henry  II.  of  England  ;  he  was  appointed  Marshal  of  Aries  by 
the  Emperor  Otto  IV.  He  was  a  voluminous  writer.  Warton  says,  in 
the  History  of  English  Poetry,  §  XXIV,  that  his  Otia  Imperialia  was 
translated  into  French  by  Jean  de  Guerre  between  1412  and  1427.  His 
treatise  is  full  of  the  most  extraordinary  marvels.  In  the  British  Museum 
MS.,  leaf  85,  he  tells  of  men  being  born  without  heads,  having  their  eyes 
and  mouths  in  their  breasts.  He  is  very  full  on  lamia  and  dragons,  and 
all  kinds  of  monstrosities.  He  says  that  there  have  been  cases  in  Italy 
of  men  being  turned  into  beasts  by  eating  cheese  given  them  in  taverns 
by  enchantresses.  Gervaise  dedicated  his  Description  of  the  World  to 
Otto  IV. 

p.  4,  1.  32.  French  text  reads:  'les  ungz  qu'ilz  ne  verroient  jamais 
1'nng  1'aultre ;  que  le  samedi  ilz  ne  les  enquerroient  que  elles  seroient 
devenues  en  aulcunes  manieres ;  les  autres  que  se  elles  avoient  enfans, 
que  leurs  rnaris  ne  les  verroient  jamais  en  leurs  gessines.' 

p.  5, 1.  21.  He  may  be  referring  to  the  tales  of  Marco  Polo,  a  copy 
of  whose  travels  Jean  d'Arras  had  access  to  in  the  Duke  of  Berry's 

p.  5,  1.  24.  The  following  appears  to  be  the  passage  in  Gervaise  of 
Tilbury  referred  to  :  '  Scio  equidem  jampridem  relatum  veridica  narra- 
tiorie,  quod  in  Aquensi  provincia  paucis  ab  Aquis  milliaribus  est  castrum 

374  NOTES   TO   p.  5. 

Russetum,  quod  vallem  Trezensern  sub  se  missam  respicit.  Hujus  castri 
Dominus,  Baimundus  nomine,  cnra  uno  aliquo  die  solus  in  equo  vectaretur 
juxta  decursum  inteiiuentis  Laris  fluvii,  ex  improviso  occurrit  domina 
nulli  decore  secunda,  in  palafredo  phalerato,  vestibus  et  apparatu  pretiosis, 
cumque  salutata  a  milite  ipsum  ex  nomine  resalutasset,  ille  ab  ignota  se 
nominatum  audiens,  miratur  et  nihilominus  illam,  ut  moris  est,  coepit 
verbis  lascivis  interpellare,  ut  ei  consentiat.  Cui  ilia  opponit,  hoc  praeter 
conjngalem  copulam  nulli  licere  verum  si  in  ejus  nuptias  consenting  ipsius 
possit  optatis  frui  complexibus.  Quid  ultra  ?  acquiescet  conditionibus  miles 
in  nuptiis:  at  ilia  replicat,  ilium  summa  temporalium  felicitate  ex  ejus 
commansione  fruiturum,  dum  ipsam  nudam  non  viderit ;  verum  ut  ipsam 
ntidam  conspexerit,  omni  felicitate  spoliandum  assent  et  vix  ei  vitam 
miseram  eervandam  esse  praeponit.  Pendet  dubiusne  timeret  optaretne 
mori?  tandem  in  nuptias  consentit  et  conditionem  admittit.  Inflam- 
matus  et  aestuans  omnem  conditionem  facilem  arbitratur,  qua  cupiturn 
thorum  possit  obtinere.  Consentiunt  in  matrimoniitm  et  contraliunt,  et 
crescente  militis  felicitate,  in  breve  favore  et  hominum  gratia,  temporalium 
copia  et  corporis  strenuitate  in  tantum  excrevit,  quod  pares  excessit  et 
paucis  proceribus  et  illustribus  secundus  invenitur.  Hominibus  amabilis, 
apud  omnes  gratiosus,  liberalitatein  disereta  largitate  atque  urbanitate 
condiebat,  filiis  et  filiabus  surnmae  pulchritudinis  procreatis.  Cum  post 
longa  tempera  uno  die  domina,  ut  assolent,  in  thalamo  balnearet,  Kai- 
inundus  miles,  a  venatu  rediens  et  aucupatu,  perdicibus  aliisque  carnibus 
ferinis  dominam  exeniat,  et  dum  parantur  eibaria,  necio  quo  motu  vel 
epiritu  militi  venit  in  mentem,  quod  nudam  videat  dominam  balneantem, 
constituens  in  animo  siquidem,  quod  ex  inhibita  nuditatis  conspectione 
potuit  ex  fatis  esse  periculum,  temporis  diuturnitate  tamque  diuturnae 
commansionis  longinquitate  evanuisse.  Affectum  maritus  exposuit  uxori, 
quae  diuturnam  felicitatem  ex  conditione  servata  objicit  et  infelicitatem 
minatur  secuturam,  si  contemnatur.  Tandem  paeceps  in  praecipitium 
miles,  non  temperatnr  interminatione  poenae  neque  precibus  fiectitur,  ut 
a  stulto  proposito  desiatens  suae  consulat  utilitate : 

"tangunt  animum  motusque  metusque 
et  timet  eventus  indignaturque  timere." 

Quid  moror?  erepto  linteo,  quo  balneum  operitur,  miles  ut  uxorem  nudam 
videat,  accedit,  statimque  domina  in  serpentem  conversa,  misso  sub  aqua 
balnei  capite,  disparuit,  nunquam  visa  imposterum  nee  audita,nisi  quando- 
que  de  nocte,  cum  ad  infantulos  suos  visitandos  veniebat,  nutricibus 
audientibus,  sed  ab  ejus  aspectu  semper  arctatis.  Sane  miles  pro  maxima 
parte  felicitate  ac  gratia  minoratus,  filiam  illius  dominae  cuidam  nostro 
affini  ex  nobilibus  Provinciae  oriundo  postea  dedit  in  uxorem,  quae  inter 
coaetaneas  et  confines  suas  plurimnm  extitit  gratiosa  et  cujus  jam  suc- 
cessio  ad  nos  usque  pervenit.'  Priina  Decisio  XV  Otia  Imperiulia. 

The  theories  of  Paracelsus  people  rivers,  &c.,  with  Melusinse.  Tliey 
have  no  spiritual  principle,  but  can  obtain  one  by  entering  into  a  union 
with  man:  'Melusinas  &  meliorse  filise  regi«e  quondam  propter  peccata 
desperabundse,  fuerunt  a  Sathana  raptse,  &  in  spectra  transmutatse.  spiritus 
malignos,  lemures  horribiles,  &  in  immania  monstra.  Vivere  putantur 
absque  anima  rationali  &  in  brutali  solum  corpore  pliantastico,  nutriri 
elementis,  atque  una  cum  istis  in  extreme  die  judicii  transiturse,  nisi  cum 
aliquo  homine  forte  fortuna  matrimonium  contraliant,  turn  demum,  ut 
ipse,  naturali  morte  interire  posse,  ut  matrimonio  naturaliter  vivere  virtute 
hujus  unionis.  Ejusdem  status  atque  generis  plura  spectra  haberi  creditur 

NOTES   TO   pp.  5—17.  375 

in  desertis,  in  sylvis,  minis,  monumentis,  arcibus  vacirs,  &  in  extremis 
httonbus  maris.  Vulgo  maledicti  vacantur  homines,  bed  proprio  nomine 
spectra  vocantur,  atque  diabolorum  sancti,  cum  quibus  versantur  caco- 
<1  emones,  suas  illusiones  &  portenta  perficiunt.'— W.  Johnson's  Lexicon 
Chymicum  [to  the  writings  of  Paracelsus],  London  1652. 

p.  5,  1.  24.  The  name  of  Regnald  does  not  occur  in  the  list  of  the 
kings  of  Bohemia. 

p.  5,  1.  25.  The  Lusignans  do  not  appear  to  have  had  any  connection 
with  Luxembourg. 

p.  5,  1.  28.  The  name  Theodoric  does  not  occur  on  the  roll  of  the 
lords  of  Partenay-l'archeveque.  The  house  was  founded,  according  to 

French  genealogists,  by  William,  the  son  of  Gilles  Lusiguan  (fl.  1100 

1130).  Valence,  daughter  of  Geoffray  with  the  Great  Tooth,  married 
Hugh  III.  of  Partenay-l'archeveque. 

p.  7,  1.  15.     cuuered,  Fr.  couvertement. 

p.  11,  1.  3.     Fr.  '  je  ne  pense  en  nul  cas  deshoneste.' 

p.  12,  1.  26.  There  is  a  romance  entitled  '  L'Histoire  du  noble  &  vail- 
lant  Boy,  Florimont  rils  du  noble  Mataquas  due  d'Albanie.'  Florimont  is 
the  son  of  Mataquas,  sire  of  Duras  and  Duke  of  Albany.  His  mother  was 
Edozie  or  Flory,  daughter  of  Fragus,  King  of  Persia.  It  is  bound  up 
with  a  Rouen  edition  of  Melusine.  Warton  notices  u  romance  of  '  Flori- 
mont et  Passeroze,'  History  of  English  Poetry,  §  XII,  note. 

p.  12,  1.  32.  In  Coudrette's  version  of  Melusine,  Aualon  is  called 
fairy  land. 

P.  13,  1.  7.  In  some  editions  of  the  French  version  Ybernie  is  substi- 
tuted for  Albany,  others  have  Albany  as  here. 

p.  14,  1.  8.     Fr.  ver.  adds  '  filles '  after  '  lawful!/ 

p.  15,  1.  11.     They  should  be  allowed  to  leave  Aualon. 

p.  15,  1.  32.     One  of  Melior's  adventures  is  described  at  page  362. 

p.  16,  1.  4.  The  eve  of  St.  John's  Day  comes  on  June  23.  Many 
curious  customs  used  to  be  observed  on  the  vigil  of  St.  John.  In  London 
the  Watch  was  paraded  through  the  city.  In  Paris  a  number  of  cats  and 
a  fox  were  burnt  in  the  Place  de  Greve.  In  Ireland  the  people  used  to 
light  fires  on  the  hill  tops,  and  according  to  Rev.  Donald  McQueen,  they 
danced  round  them,  and  then  made  their  children  and  cattle  walk  through 
the  fires.  McQueen  thinks  the  custom  a  relic  of  sun-worship. — Brand's 

p.  16, 1.  13.  There  is  a  mountain  named  Guygo  in  Lesser  Armenia. 
No  account  of  Palatine  is  given  in  this  romance.  In  Coudrette's  versifi- 
cation of  the  romance  there  is  briefly  narrated  her  story,  1.  5704,  et  seq. 
Palatine's  place  of  abode  is  there  given  as  Arragon. 

p.  17,  1.  3.  Geoff  ray  with  the  Great  Tooth  discovers  the  tomb,  see 
page  327. 

p.  17,  1.  24.  The  Castle  of  Lusignan  was  founded  in  the  tenth  century 
by  Hugues  II.,  known  as  the  Bien  Aimd.  It  had  many  masters,  and 
was  a  formidable  stronghold.  It  was  razed  in  1569,  after  its  capture  from 
the  Hugenots.  Little  trace  of  it  now  remains. 

p.  17,  1.  27.     'fell  at  debate';  translates  eut  riot. 

p.  17,  1.  32.  Fountains  are  usually  made  the  scenes  of  the  fairy  love- 
making.  Elinas  meets  Pressine  at  'a  moche  fayre  fontayne ' ;  Henry  of 

376  NOTES   TO    pp.   18 — 45. 

Leou,  father  of  Raymondin,  meets  the  '  fayr  lady  to  whom  he  told  all  his 
Fortune,'  '  nighe  by  a  fontain,'  &c. 

p.  18,  1.  7.  Jean  d'Arras  was  fond  of  etymology ;  this  appears  a 
reasonable  guess. 

p.  19,  1.  14.  The  1478  edition  makes  the  third  chapter  brgin  here. 
The  edition  published  at  Rouen  by  Pierre  Mulot  begins  Cap.  Ill  at  the 
same  place  as  our  text. 

p.  21,  1.  7.     'h.  .  .  .  s.'J,  in  Fr.  sur  le  col. 

p.  31,  1.  35.  Melusine  protests  throughout  that  'she  is  of  god.'  See 
pages  316  and  320. 

p.  32,  I.  32.  Compare  the  promise  exacted  by  Pressine,  Melusine's 
mother,  page  11. 

p.  33,  1.  12.     '  hys  doughtir,'  i.  e.  Earl  Emery's  daughter. 

p.  33,  1.  25.     Melusine  has  a  store  of  magic  rings : 

1.  Makes  the  holder  proof  against  death  from  wounds. 

2.  Gives  victory  in  war,  in  law,  &c.,  to  the  holder. 

3.  Gives  victory,  and  protects  against  enchantments  and  poison, 

p.  110,  1.  20. 

4.  Gives  victory  so   long  as  the  wearer  fights  in  a  good  cause, 

p.  191,1.  11;  p.  319, 1.  10. 

Magic  rings  appear  to  have  come  from  the  East.  They  figure  in 
many  Arabian  tales.  In  classical  literature  we  have  several  Magic  ring 
stories,  which  probably  have  been  taken  from  Semitic  sources.  Plato's 
story  of  the  ring  of  Gyges,  that  made  the  bearer  invisible,  is  well  known. 
Solomon  had  a  ring  that  gave  him  command  over  the  ^enii.  It  was 
made  of  copper  and  iron,  and  had  the  sacred  name  of  the  deity  engraved 
on  it.  .Solomon  sealed  his  orders  to  the  refractory  genii  with  the  iron 
part,  those  to  the  good  genii  were  sealed  with  the  copper  portion.  Once 
when  Solomon  was  bathing,  and  had  taken  the  ring  from  his  finger,  it 
was  stolen  by  a  wicked  genie.  Solomon  was  so  concerned  about  the 
loss  that  he  was  unable  to  attend  to  affairs  of  state.  It  was  afterwards 
recovered  from  the  stomach  of  a  fish  that  was  caught  for  the  king's  table. 

Petrarch  relates  that  Charlemagne  became  infatuated  with  a  woman  of 
low  degree  to  such  an  extent  that  he  neglected  the  affairs  of  state,  and 
even  the  care  of  his  person.  She  fell  ill  and  died,  but  her  death  did  not 
break  the  charm  :  Charlemagne  would  not  allow  her  corpse  to  be  buried. 
One  day  Archbishop  Turpin  examined  the  body,  and  found  a  ring  in  her 
mouth,  which  he  took  possession  of;  Charlemagne  then  came  under 
the  influence  of  the  Archbishop.  The  prelate,  tired  of  the  king's  special 
attentions,  and  afrnid  that  the  ring  might  fall  into  the  hands  of  some 
unworthy  person,  so  he  threw  it  into  a  lake  near  the  town.  From  that 
time  Charlemngne  refused  to  quit  Aix-la-Chapelle  He  built  a  palace  and 
a  monastery  there,  and  in  his  will  directed  his  successors  to  be  crowned 
at  Aix. — Epistolce  familiares,  Lib.  I,  Cap.  3. 

p.  35,  1.  33.  Jean  d'Arras  was  evidently  of  the  opinion  of  Rabelais, 
that  '  Mieulx  est  de  ris  que  de  larmes  escrire, 

Pour  ce  que  rire  est  le  propre  de  rhomme.' 

p.  42,  1.  4.  Note  that  the  Earl  is  unable  to  give  land  without  the 
consent  of  his  barons. 

p.  42,  1.  19.  Brunei  reads  '  Montiers ' ;  the  Eouen  edition  has  '  1'abbaye 

p.  45,  1.  13.     There  is  an  'onde  limpide '  near  the  Forest  of  Coulom- 

NOTES  TO   pp.  48 — 64.  377 

byers,  known  as  the  '  Fontaine-des-Fees.'— Annales  de  la  Societe'  Royal 
Academique  de  Nantes,  1831,  p.  405. 

p.  48,  ].  26.  The  power  of  love  is  a  favourite  theme  of  John  of  Arms. 
See  Ir2,  135,  164,  &c.  The  book  was  written  for  the  amusement  of  the 
Duchess  of  Bar.  This  may  account  for  the  elaborate  treatment  of  love 
affairs,  dress,  &c.,  in  the  book. 

p.  54,  1.  14.  Coudrette  makes  the  wine-list  an  extensive  affair.  See 
The  Romans  of  Partenay,  E.  E.  T.  S.  ed.,  p.  39  : 

'  With  wine  of  Angoy,  and  als  of  Rochel  tho, 
Which  would  eschawfe  the  braines  appetite, 
Wine  of  Tourain,  And  of  Bewme  also, 
Which  iawne  [yellow]  colour  applied  noght  vnto  ; 
Clarre  Rotnain,  with  doucet  Ypocras 
Thorught  al  the  hal  rynnynge  hye  and  bas. 
Wine  of  Tourisnz,  and  also  of  Digon, 
Wine  of  Aucerre,  of  seint  Jougon  also  ; 
Wyne  of  Seint  Johau  of  Angely  good  won, 
Of  it  fill  many  ther  spnke  and  tolde  tho  ; 
Wine  of  Estables,  of  Uiart  also ; 
After  thaim  cam  the  wyne, 
Wine  of  Seint  Pursain,  and  of  Ris  hys  brood. 
Ouer  all  thes  wines  ther  had  the  prise, 
The  nouel  osey  of  Dingenon.' 

p.  55,  1.  3.  The  magic  ring  that  Melusine  gave  Raymondin  has  made 
him  invincible.  See  p.  33. 

p.  59,  1.  9.  The  custom  of  the  newly-wedded  couple  making  presents 
to  the  wedding  guests,  instead  of  receiving  them,  resembles  what  takes 
place  in  India  in  our  time,  where  the  parents  of  the  bride  make  gifts  to 
those  who  attend  the  marriage  ceremony. 

p.  63, 1.  3.  Fr.  reads :  '  Et  avec  tout  ce  il  y  a  forte  braies  entaille'es  de 
mesmes  la  roche.' 

p.  64,  1.  13.  There  are  a  number  of  suggested  etymologies  of  the 
name  Melusine,  none  of  them  satisfactory. 

Jean  Bonchet  says  it  is  a  combination  of  Melle  and  Lusignan.  She 
was  lady  of  Melle,  and  her  husband  was  lord  of  Lusignan.  Bouchet  says 
that  this  was  the  accepted  etymology  in  his  time  (16th  century).  Baron 
Dupin  adopts  this  etymology.  It  appears,  however,  that  women  did  not 
add  to  their  name  the  name  of  their  husband's  seignory,  nor  was  it  usual 
for  women  to  bear  the  name  of  their  own  manors. 

Bouchet  thought  the  tail  signified  that  Melusine  was  an  adultress. 
N.  Chorier  imagined  that  it  symbolized  her  prudence  ! 

Salverte  says  that  the  name  is  a  combination  of  Mere  and  Lusign:m. 
He  makes  its  signification  to  be  'Mother  of  the  Lusignans.'  The  name  is 
spelt  Merlusine  by  Brantome,  and  the  popular  pronunciation  is  Merlusine. 

Grimm  derives  it  from  Meri  menni,  a  syren,  or  scylla. 

Littre  derives  it  from  Melus,  a  Celtic  word  meaning  agreeable. 

Bullet  says  it  is  made  up  of  Me  =  half,  llysowen  (pronounced  lusen) 
=  serpent :  the  name  thus  signifies  half  serpent. 

A  writer  in  the  Nouvelle  Biographic  Generate,  thinks  that  Melusigne  is 
an  Anagram  of  Leusignem.  I  have  not  observed  any  case  in  which  the 
family  name  is  spelt  in  this  manner,  and  I  am  not  aware  that  the  fashion 
of  Amigram-making  was  much  practiced  in  the  14th  century 

378  NOTES   TO   pp.  65 — 97. 

M.  de  Freminville,  in  Antiq.  de  la  Bretagne,  Cotes  du-Xord,  p.  23, 
derives  Melusine  from  morlusein  =  vapour  or  sea  fog1. 

In  Quaritch's  catalogue,  1887  (vol.  I,  p.  90)  it  is  stated  that  the  name 
comes  from  a  Breton  word  signifying  '  the  woman  with  a  tail,'  mer'  hlostek, 
which  the  writer  believes  was  at  one  time  pronounced  something  like 

Mascurat  surmises  that  Melusine  was  a  lady  who  used  a  seal  engraved 
with  a  syren,  and  from  that  was  at  last  imagined  to  be  a  mermaid  herself. 

p.  65,  1.  3.  The  following  list  of  Melusine's  children  shows  the 
blemishes  that  each  of  them  bore : 

1.  Urian :  A  broad  face,  ears  like  the  handles  of  a  vannus,  and  one 

eye  red  and  the  other  blue. 

2.  Odon  :  One  ear  greater,  without  comparison,  than  the  other. 

3.  Guion  :  One  eye  higher  than  the  other. 

4.  Anthony :   Had  on  the  cheek  a  lion's  foot  (grif  de  lyon). 

5.  Regnald  :  Had  only  one  eye. 

6.  Geoffray :   Had  a  great  tooth,  which  protruded  more  than  an  inch 

out  of  his  mouth. 

7.  Froimond  :  Had  a  mole  (tache  velue)  or  tuft  of  hair  on  his  nose. 

8.  Horrible  :  Had  three  eyes — one  in  his  forehead. 

9.  Raymond :  Blemish  not  recorded. 
10.  Theodoryk  :  Blemish  not  recorded. 

p.  65,  1.  3.     '  handlyng  of  a  fan '  translates  'manilles  d'ung  van.' 

p.  65,1.  11.     Fr.  reads:  'Guerende  et  Penicense.' 

p.  66,  1.  17.     Fr. :  '  mal  enforme.' 

p.  65,  1.  12.  Hugues  IV.  of  Lusignan  had  a  dispute  with  Joscelin,  lord 
of  Parthenay,  about  some  lands  that  the  latter  had  usurped.  The  dispute 
descended  to  the  heirs  of  Joscelin.  Hugues  appealed  to  his  suzerain 
William,  Count  of  Poitiers.  The  count  sided  with  the  lord  of  Parthenay, 
and  Hugues'  stronghold,  the  Castle  of  Lusignan,  was  burnt  down.  B.  Le- 
dain  in  La  Gatine. 

The  Lusignans  possessed  the  domain  of  Porhoet,  in  Brittany,  from  the 
13th  century.  Phillipe  le  Bel  took  it  from  Guy,  Count  of  Marche  and 
Angouleme,  in  the  14th  century. 

Perhaps  these  historical  events  may  have  suggested  the  story  in  the 

p.  79,  1.  24.     'the  cranes  flighing'  translates  '  les  grues  en  vollant.' 
The  cranes  are  said  to  be  the  earliest  birds  to  migrate. 
'E  come  i  gru  van  cantando  lor  lai, 
Facendo  in  aere  di  se  lunga  riga.' 

Dante,  Inferno,  Canto  V. 

p.  84,  1.  15.  The  Rouen  Fr.  ed. :  '  Raimondin  le  frappa  de  la  lance  au 

p.  91,  1.  30.  There  is  an  omission  here  in  the  translation.  The  French 
text  reads  :  c  II  avoit  entendu  par  aulcuns  des  varies  d'icelluy  chastelain 
qne  ilz  actendoient  gens  a  qui  ilz  ne  vouloient  point  de  bien.' — Brunet's 
ed.,  p.  104. 

p.  92,  1.  15.     Fr.  reads  :  'que  ilz  ne  nous  trouvent  a,  descouvert.' 
p.  94,  1.  24.     'high'  seems  to  be  a  mistake  for  'his.'     'traist  1'espee* 
is  the  French  reading. 

p.  97,  1.  28.     There  is  a  legend  current  that  the  convent  of  the  Trim- 

NOTES   TO   pp.  104 — 176.  379 

ta:res  of  Sarzeau  was  founded  by  Melnsine.  John  III.,  Duke  of  Brittany, 
founded  it  in  1341,  forty-six  years  before  John  of  Arras  wrote  this  account 
of  its  origin.  Jehun  de  la  Kaye,  in  Memoires  et  recherches  (1581,),  says 
that  Melusine  and  Raymondin  were  buried  in  this  convent. 

p.  104,  1.  10.  Such  excresences  apparently  do  appear,  as  can  be  seen 
from  the  following  statement,  made  by  a  man  of  recognized  accuracy  of 
observation : — 

'On  the  29th  [of  Feb.  1839],  being  requested  by  some  friends  of  the 
town,  I  visited  a  wonderful  man  there.  It  appears  that  nature,  deviating 
from  the  usual  course,  gave  this  man  a  small  trunk,  like  an  elephant,  on 
the  right  side  of  his  face,  beginning  from  the  forehead  to  his  chin.  With 
liis  left  eye  only  could  he  see,  the  other  being  covered  with  this  super- 
fluous part  of  the  body.  He  was  a  young  man  of  about  twenty,  sound  in 
mind,  as  he  gave  rational  answers  to  the  several  questions  I  put  to  him 
in  the  Sindhi  language.' — Autobiography  of  Lutfullah,  p.  311,  edited  by 
E.  B.  Eastwick,  1858. 

p.  112,  1.  35.  This  advice  to  kings  reads  as  if  it  had  been  specially 
written  for  the  Duke  of  Berry's  edification. 

p.  116, 1.  23.  The  Knights  Hospitallers  of  St.  John  captured  Rhodes 
after  a  siege  of  three  years,  in  1309,  and  made  the  island  their  head- 

p.  117, 1.  32.  In  the  Apocryphal  Book,  known  as  the  Gospel  of  Nico- 
demu?,  the  names  of  the  two  thieves  are  given  as  Dimas  and  Gestas. 
In  the  'Narration  of  Joseph  of  Arimathaea'  it  is  related  that  Demaa 
was  born  in  Galilee.  He  was  an  innkeeper,  and  was  kind  to  the  poor. 
He  followed  the  example  of  Tobias  in  secretly  burying  those  who  died 
in  poverty.  He  robbed  Jews,  even  in  Jerusalem.  He  plundered  the 
daughter  of  Caiaphas.  It  was  for  this  crime  that  he  suffered  death. 

p.  120,  1.  2.  Fr.  reads :  '  Urian  n'avoit  mie  encores,  k  compter  lea 
gens  du  maistre  de  Rodes,  plus  de  quatre  mille  combatans.' 

p.  128, 1.  25.  Alexander  is  said  to  have  had  30,000  foot  soldiers  and 
4,500  horsemen  when  he  crossed  the  Hellespont.  (Plutarch.) 

p.  136,  1.  26.  'he  cast  at  hym  the  dart  [with  great]  yre.'  The  Fr. 
'  par  grant '  is  omitted  by  mistake. 

p.  141, 1.  21.  Fr.  text  reads:  'Adonques  le  maistro  de  Rhodes  et  les 
capitaines  de  Lymasson  se  mirent  tous  ensamble.' 

p.  142,  1.  9.  The  'paueys,'  according  to  Viollet-le-Duc,  were  hinro 
oval  or  square  shields,  chiefly  carried  by  the  crossbowmen.  They  did 
not  come  into  use  until  the  fourteenth  century. 

p.  155, 1.  20.  For  the  true  version  of  the  story  of  how  Cyprus  pxssed 
into  the  hands  of  Guy  of  Lusignan  (not  Urian,  as  the  Romance  says),  see 
the  Introduction.  The  Itiiierary  of  Richard  C&ur  de  Lion,  by  Vinsauf, 
is  the  authority  relied  on. 

p.  159,  1.  24.  The  'for  to  wete  &  know,  for  to  here  &  know,'  is  a 
double  translation  of  the  French  phrase,  'pour  aller  scavoir.' 

p.  159,  1.  22.     'fortres'  is  plural  here  and  on  p.  160,  1.  6. 

p.  169,  1.  13.     'they ancres'  translates  'ilz  desancrerent.' 

p.  169,  1.  32.     'them,'  i.  e.  their  ships, 
p.  171, 1.  1.     See  page  129,  et  seq. 

p.  176,  foot  of  page.  In  John  Stow's  Survey  of  London  (W.  J.  Thorn's 
ed.,  1842,  p.  119),  the  cost  of  writing  out  the  works  of  D.  Nicholas  de 

380  NOTES   TO    pp.  178—180. 

Lira  in  two  volumes  is  given  at  100  marks  =  £66  13s.  4d.  W.  Stevenson, 
in  his  Life  of  William  Caxton  (p.  12),  says  that  this  sum  most  likely 
included  the  cost  of  the  illuminations.  The  volumes  may  have  been 
sumptuously  bound,  in  which  case  comparatively  little  would  be  left  for 
the  copyist's  work. 

It  is  quite  probable  that  the  17/8,  written  on  the  margin  of  the  Melu- 
sine  MS.,  may  be  a  memorandum  having  no  relation  to  the  copyist's  pay. 

p.  178,  1.  10.  Modern  economists  would  not  approve  of  this  sumniaiy 
way  of  treating  forestallers.  Adam  Smith  believed  that  the  dread  of 
witches  and  of  forestallers  were  on  a  par. 

p.  179,  1.  28.  The  Fr.  ver.  has  the  following  sentences  after  'arma- 
nye ' : — '  Et  se  il  vous  samble  qu'elle  n'en  soit  digne,  si  luy  aidez  &  a«sener 
a  quelque  noble  homme  qui  bien  sache  le  pays  gouverner  et  deffendre 
des  ennemis  de  Jhesucrist.  Or  y  vueillez  pourvoir  de  remade  convenable 
car  a  tout  dire,  se  il  vous  plait,  en  la  fin  je  vous  fais  mon  heritier  du 
royaulme  d'Armanie  ;  mais  pour  1'amour  de  Dieu  prenez  en  garde  et  ayez 
pitie"  de  mon  povre  enfant,  qui  est  orpheline  desolde  de  tout  conseil  et  de 
tout  confort,  se  vous  lui  faillez.'  The  nine  succeeding  lines  of  the  English 
version,  28  to  36,  are  not  represented  in  the  French  version  published  by 

p.  180, 1.  8.  After  Guyon's  address  the  Armenian  lords  reply  in  the 
French  version :  '  nostre  seigneur  le  vous  vueille  meriter,  qui  vous  doinct 
bonne  vie  et  longue.' 

p.  180,  1.  31.  The  following  paragraph  is  omitted  in  the  English 
version : 

'  En  ceste  partie  nous  dist  1'histoire  que  ceux  de  Caliz  furent  moult 
joyeulx  quant  ilz  virent  approucher  la  navire,  car  ja  8£avoient  les  nou- 
velles  que  leur  seigneur  venoit,  pour  ce  que  les  barons  qui  estoient  allez 
en  Chippre  pour  porter  les  lettres  dont  je  vous  ay  fait  mention  par  avant, 
leur  avoient  mande  toute  la  verite,  affin  de  ordonner  et  pourveoir  de  le 
recepvoir  honnourablement ;  et  y  estoient  tous  les  haultz  barons  du  pays 
et  les  dames  et  clamoiselles  venues  pour  le  festoier  et  honnourer.  A  celle 
heure  la  pucelle  Florie  estoit  a  la  maistresse  tour,  qui  regretoit  moult  la 
mort  de  son  pere,  et  si  avoit  moult  grant  paour  que  le  roy  Urian  ne  le 
voulsist  pas  accorder  a  son  frere,  et  estoit  une  cause  qui  moult  luy  an- 
goissoit  sa  douleur.  Mais  adoncques  une  damoiselle  luy  vint  dire  en 
ceste  maniere :  Madamoiselle,  on  dist  que  ceulx  qui  estoient  allez  en 
Chippre  arriveront  bien  brief  au  port.  De  ces  nouvelles  fut  Florie  moult 
joyeuse,  et  vint  a  la  fenestre,  et  regarda  en  la  mer,  et  vit  navires,  gallees, 
et  aultres  grans  vaisseaulx  qui  arrivoient  au  port,  et  oyt  trompettes  sonner, 
et  pluiseurs  aultres  instruments  de  divers  sons.  Adonc  fut  la  pucelle 
moult  lie,  et  vindrent  les  barons  du  pays  au  port,  et  recepvoient  moult 
honnourablement  Guion  et  sa  compaignie,  et  le  menerent  a  mont  vers  la 
pucelle,  laquelle  luy  vint  a  1'encontre  de  luy.  Et  Guion  la  salua  moult 
honnourablement  en  ceste  maniere:  Ma  damoiselle,  comment  a-il  este"  a 
vostre  personne  depuis  que  me  partis  d'icy  ?  Et  elle  luy  respondist  moult 
amoureusement  et  dist :  Sire,  il  ne  peut  estre  gaires  bien,  car  monseigneur 
mon  pere  est  nouvellement  trespass^  de  ce  mortel  monde,  dont  je  prie  a 
nostre  Seigneur  Jhesucrist,  par  sa  sainct'e  grace  et  misericorde,  qui  luy 
face  vray  pardon  a-  1'ame,  et  a  tous  aultres ;  mais,  sire,  comme  povre 
orpheline  je  vous  remercie  et  gracie  tant  humbleinent  comme  je  puys  des 
vaisseaulx  que  vous  m'envoiastes,  et  aussi  de  la  grant  richesse  et  avoir 
qui  estoit  dedans.' 

NOTES  TO   pp.  183  —  246.  381 

p.  183,  1.  25.    Afterwards  (p.  217)  called  Metydee. 

p.  190,  1.  11.  This  passage  should  be  compared  with  that  beginning 
on  page  110,  where  Melusine  gives  parting  advice  to  her  two  elder 
children,  Urian  and  Guion. 

p.  190,  1.  34.  Passages  like  this  (see  also  p.  112)  show  that  John  of 
Arras  pleaded  for  a  more  humane  treatment  of  conquered  provinces.  He 
shows  that  even  from  selfish  considerations  a  ruler  should  treat  his  people 
well  (p.  112).  It  is  true  he  does  not  directly  condemn  the  marauding 
expeditions,  which  were  the  curse  of  the  Middle  Ages  ;  but  it  should  be 
noted  that  the  sons  of  his  heroine  were  always  called  to  assist  the  op- 
pressed. They  never  started  out  as  mere  plunderers.  John  of  Arras  was 
a  forerunner  of  Rabelais  in  his  condemnation  of  the  barbarities  of 
warfare.  He  resembled  Rabelais  in  character.  It  required  considerable 
boldness  for  an  officer  of  the  Duke  of  Berry — one  of  the  most  rapacious 
plunderers  of  France — to  make  a  stand  against  injustice. 

p.  192,  1.  20.  Did  the  author  of  Melusine  intend  Anthony  and  Reg- 
nald's  system  of  warfare  to  be  an  example  to  be  followed  by  the  Duke  of 
Berry  ? 

p.  202, 1.  33.  Fr.  reads :  '  le  jeta  si  roidement  encontre  la  terre  que  peu 
faillist  que  il  ne  lui  crevast  son  coeur  ou  son  ventre.' 

p.  211, 1.  2.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  all  the  kings  in  the  Romance 
are  constitutional  kings.  They  are  obliged  to  consult  their  barons  before 
they  enter  into  treaties  or  alienate  land.  (See  pages  42,  211,  263.) 

p.  214, 1. 18.   '  pryuy  meyne,' — a  private  or  select  company  or  following. 

p.  222,  1.  29.     Fr.  reads  :  'paiez  pour  huyt  moys.' 

p.  228, 1.  13.     '  Catell  &  goodes '  translates  '  biens.' 

p.  229,  1.  14,  there  is  an  omission  after  '  city.'  The  Fr.  text  reads  : 
'mais  le  roy  Zelodus  avoit  fait  armer  ses  gens  et  faisoit  fort  assaillir  la 
cite,  car  grand  desir  avoit  de  la  prendre,  et  ceulx  de  dedens  se  detfendoient 
lachement,  et  bien  le  appercevoient  les  Sarrazins  ;  et  pour  ce  ilz  assailloi- 
ent  tant  plus  vigoureusement.  Et  fut  la  besoigne  mal  all^e  quant  1'ancien 
chevalier  vint  qui  bien  apperceut  la  besoinge  et  la  faible  deffense  de  ceulx 
de  dederis'  (Brunet's  ed.,  p.  254).  The  Fr.  text  then  continues  :  'A  donc- 
ques  acheoa  1'assault,'  &c.,  as  in  the  English  version. 

p.  233,  1.  31.     '  the  moost  vytupere '  translates  'pour  plus  vituperer.' 

p.  246,  1.  6.     Fr. 'Thierry.' 

p.  246,  1.  12.     Fr.  '  ung  chevalier  faye  au  maulvais  esperit.' 

p.  246,  1.  13.  The  belief  in  Incubi  and  Succubi  (demons  who  consort 
with  men  and  women  and  engender  children)  was  current  in  the  time  cf 
John  of  Arras,  and  for  long  after.  The  fathers  of  the  Church  taught  the 
doctrine,  as  can  be  seen  from  Augustine :  '  It  is  so  general  a  report,  & 
so  many  auerre  it  either  from  their  owne  tryall  or  from  others,  that  are  of 
indubitable  honesty  &  credit,  that  the  Syluans  and  Fawnes,  commonly 
called  Incubi,  haue  often  iniured  women,  desiring  &  acting  carnally  with 
them  :  and  that  certaine  diuells  whom  the  Frenchmen  [Gauls]  call  Duaies, 
do  continually  practise  this  vncleannesse,  &  tempt  others  to  it ;  which  is 
affirmed  by  such  persons  &  with  such  confidence  that  it  were  impud- 
ence to  deny  it.'—  City  of  God,  Bk.  XV,  Cap.  XXIII,  ed.  1620,  translated 
by  J.  H. 

Lodovico  Vives,  in  commenting  upon  this  passage,  says  :  '  There  are  a 
people  at  this  day  that  glory  that  their  descent  is  from  the  devils,  who 

382  NOTES   TO   p.  246. 

visited  women  in  the  guise  of  men,  and  men  in  the  guise  of  women.  This 
in  my  conceit  is  viler  than  to  draw  a  man's  pedigree  from  pirates,  thieves, 
or  famous  bullies,  as  many  do.  The  Egyptians  say  that  the  devils  can  only 
accompany  carnally  with  women  and  not  with  men.' 

The  following  quotation  from  Michael  Psellus,  a  Byzantine  savant  of 
the  eleventh  century,  explains  the  mediaeval  ideas  on  this  subject.  The 
text  is  from  a  translation  by  Pierre  Moreau  Touranio,  published  in  157G : 
'  Or  me  suis-ie  trouue"  qtielque-fois  auec  vn  moine,  en  la  Cherronese  de 
Mesopotamia,  lequel  apres  auoir  este  spectateur  &  coiurateur  des  pbatos- 
mes  diaboliques,  autant  ou  plus  expert  en  cela,  que  nul  autre,  depuis  il  les 
a  mesprisez  &  abiurez,  comme  vains  &  friuoles,  &  en  ayant  fait  amende 
honorable,  s'est  retire  au  gyron  de  1'Eglise,  &  a  fait  professio  de  nostre  foy 
seule  vraye,  &  Catholique :  laquelle  il  a  soigneusemet  appris  de  moy. 
Ce  moine  done  me  dit  alors  &  declara  plusieurs  choses  absurdes  &  diabo- 
liques. Et  de  fait,  m'estant  quelque-fois  enquis  de  luy,  s'il  y  a  quelques 
diables  patibles :  ouy  vrayement,  dit-il,  comme  on  dit  aussi,  qu'aucuns 
d'iceux  iettent  semence,  &  engendrent  d'icelle  des  verms.  Si  est-ce  chose 
incroyablft,  luy  dis-ie  lors,  que  les  diables  ayent  aucuns  excremes,  ny 
membres  spermatiques,  ny  vitaulx.  Vray  est,  respondit-il,  qu'ils  n'ont 
tels,  membres,  si  est-ce  toutefois  qu'ils  iettent  hors  ie  ne  scay  quel  excre- 
ment &  superfluite,  croyez  hardiment  ce  que  ie  vous  en  dis.  Dea,  luy 
dis-ie  lors,  il  y  auroit  danger  qu'ils  fussent  alimentez  &  nourriz  de  mesme 
nous.  Us  sont  nourriz,  respo?idit  frere  Marc,  les  vns  d'inspiration,  comme 
1' esprit  qui  est  aux  arteres  &  nerfs,  les  autres  d'humidite' :  mais  non  par 
la  bouche,  comme  nous,  ains  comme  esponges  &  huistres  attirent  a  soy 
I'humidit^  adiacente  exterieurement.  Puis  iettent  hors  ceste  latente  & 
secrete  semence.  A  quoy  ils  ne  sont  tous  subiects,  ains  seulement  les 
diables  qui  sont  enclins  a  quelque  matiere,  s§auoir  est,  ou  celuy  qui  hait 
]a  lumiere,  Ie  tenebreux,  1'aquatique,  &  tous  soubsterrains.' — Psellus,  De 
Venergie  ov  operation  des  diables  (leaf  19  b,  et  seq.),  ed.  1576. 

In  Ambroise  Pard's  collection  (died  1590),  livre  xix,  ch.  30,  we  read  : 
'  Or  quant  a  moy  ie  croy  que  ceste  pretendue  cohabitation  est  imaginaire 
procedante  d'une  impression  illusoire  de  Satan  ....  car  a  1'execution  de 
cet  acte,  la  chair  et  Ie  sang  sont  requis,  ce  que  les  esprits  n'ont  pas.' 

Fuller  accounts  of  the  ancient  opinions  on  Incubi  and  Succubi  will  be 
found  in  lohn  Wierus,  De  Prestigiis  dtemonum,  1569  and  1579,  and  in 
Jean  Bodin's  Refutation  of  Wierus,  1593. 

Modern  thought  ascribes  the  belief  in  Incubi  &  Succubi  to  Dreams, 
see  E.  B.  Tylor:  'From  dreams  are  avowedly  formed  the  notions  of 
incubi  and  succubi,  those  nocturnal  demons  who  consort  with  women  nnd 
men  in  their  sleep.  From  the  apparent  distinctness  of  their  evidence  these 
beings  are  of  course  well  known  in  savage  demonology,  and  in  connec- 
tion with  them  there  already  arises  among  uncultured  races  the  idea  tliat 
children  may  he  engendered  between  spirits  and  human  mothers.  (See 
Martin,  Mariners  Tonga  Islands.)  For  an  ancient  example  of  the  general 
belief  in  this  class  of  demons,  no  better  could  be  chosen  than  that  of  the 
early  Assyrians,  whose  name  for  a  succubus,  "  lilit,"  evidently  gave  rise  to 
the  Rabbinical  tale  of  Adam's  demon  wife  Lilith.  (See  Lenormant,  La 
magie  chez  les  Chalde'ens.)  The  literature  of  mediaeval  sorcery  abounds 
in  mentions  of  this  belief,  of  which  the  absurd  pseudo-philosophical  side 
comes  well  into  view  in  the  chapter  of  Delrio  (Lib.  II,  qusesto  15)  :  "An 
sint  unquam  daemones  incubi  et  succubfe,  et  an  ex  tali  congressu  proles 
nasci  queat  ?  "  But  its  serious  side  is  shown  by  the  accusation  of  consort- 
ing with  such  demons  being  one  of  the  main  charges  in  the  infamous  bull 

NOTES  TO  pp.  253—315.  383 

of  Innocent  VIII.,  which  brought  judicial  torture  and  death  upon  so  many 
thousands  of  wretched  so-called  witches.  (See  Roskoff,  Geschichte  dea 
levels.)  It  farther  throws  light  on  deinonology,  that  the  frightful  spectres 
seen  in  such  affections  as  delirium  tremens  have  of  course  been  interpreted 
as  real  demons.' 

p.  253,  1.  19.     « hym,'  i.  e.  Claude  of  Syon. 

p.  264,  1.  16.  <  concernyng '  here  means  '  compared  with.'  Fr.  phrase 
is  '  envers  la  puissance.' 

P-  273>  1-  31«     Jaffa  changed  hands  several  times  in  the  4th  Crusade, 

X  I  t  I  ». 

p.  279,  1.  34.  'ye  shal  not  haue  them  for  so  good  chep/  ie.  'You 
will  not  overcome  them  as  easily  as  you  think.'  Fr.  reads  :  '  Vous  n'nun-y. 
pas  si  bon  marcheV 

p.  281, 1.  33.    Fr.  <  tout  le  couert.' 
p.  282, 1.  18.    Fr.  '  tout  couertement.' 
p.  287,  1.  11:  'Si  cum  li  cerfs  s'en  vait  devant  les  chiens, 
Devant  Rollant  si  s'en  fuient  Pu'ienV 

La,  Chanson  de  Roland,  II.  1874-5. 

p.  290,  1.  7.  'cours'  translates  'se  recurrent.'  'There  reforced  the 
batayll  [et  souffrirent  cristiens  moidt  grant  affaire],  and  with  that  cours 
[retires]  the  cristen,'  &c. 

p.  291,  1.  3.     '  sarasyns '  in  Fr.  text  is  '  Turcs.' 

p.  295,  1.  9,  page  32. 

p.  296,  1.  6.     'esperitfae.' 

p.  297,  1.  5.     '  quaque  ;i  harenc  *  =  a  herring  barrel. 

p.  303,  1.  3.  '  ung  flayal  de  plomp  k  trois  chainnes.'  The  flail  was 
rarely  used  in  France.  The  MSS.  of  the  12th  and  14th  centuries  show  it 
very  seldom  (Viollet-le-Duc). 

p.  309,  1.  19.  The  date  of  the  ravaging  of  the  Abbey  of  Mailleres  by 
Geoff  ray  with  the  Great  Tooth  was  1232. 

p.  312,  1.  8.  Coudrette  makes  the  Castle  of  Vouvant  the  scene  of  the 
catastrophe.  The  Romans  of  Partenay,  E.  E.  T.  S.  ed.,  line  3453. 

p.  314,  1.  26.  '  Si  quelqu'un  aussi  se  fondoit  sur  la  non  verisimilitude 
de  tant  d'aventures,  enchantements,  de  la  flute  d'un  roi  Oberon,  tant  de 
somptueux  palais  soudainement  se  perdant  et  eVanouissant,  et  du  cheval 
de  Pacolet,  qui  est  encore  plus  en  ca,  d'une  MeMusine,  de  Merlin;  je  lui 
re"pondrai  que  le  christianisme  e'tant  pour  lore  bieu  pen  avance1  aux 
contrees  de  par  defo,  le  diable  avoit  beau  jeu  a  faire  ses  besognes,  essay- 
ant,  en  tant  qu'est  en  lui,  nous  empecher  et  divertir  du  vrai  service  do 
Dieu,  par  ses  moqueries  et  illusions;  et,  gagnant  toujours  pays,  allant  de 
pii-d  en  pied,  a  si  bien  fait  cet  esprit  calomnintenr,  que  d'eteindre,  en  ce 
qu'il  a  pu,  le  nom  de  notre  Seigneur  J^sus-Christ,  et  icelui  obscurcir  et 
cacher  aux  homines.' — Contes  d'Eutrapel,  by  Noel  du  Fail,  1548. 

p.  315,  1.  2.  The  theory  that  anger  is  the  work  of  demons  is  hinted 
at  by  the  Byzantine  Psellus.  This  writer  declares  that  there  are  six 
varieties  of  demons :  Leliurium,  or  fiery,  haunting  the  upper  atmosphere, 
Aerial  the  lower  atmosphere,  Earthy,  Aqueous,  Subterranean,  and  Luci- 
fngns,  the  lowest  class  of  all.  The  aerial  and  earthy  enter  into  the  soul 
of  man,  and  urge  him  to  all  kinds  of  lawless  thoughts  and  deeds.  If  a 
Lucifugus  obtain  an  entrance  into  man  it  makes  him  ungovernable.  The 

384  NOTES   TO   pp.  318 — 336. 

Lucifugus  is  devoid  of  intellect,  is  ruled  by  whim,  and  is  regardless  of 
reproof.     The  possessed  person  can  only  be  saved  by  divine  assistance. 

There  is  an  old  saying  :  '  via  furor  brevis  est.' 

p.  318,  1.  12.     '  Vernon  ';  Fr.  'Warnont,' 

p.  318,  1.  23.  French  text  adds:  'car  certainement  il  destruiroit  tout 
ce  que  j'ay  ediffie,  ne  jainais  guerrcs  ne  fauldroient  au  pays  de  Poetou  ne 

p.  319,  1.  27 :  '  nessun  maggior  dolore, 

Che  ricordarsi  del  tempo  felice 
Nella  miseria.' — Dante,  Inferno,  Canto  V. 

p.  321,  1.  19.  There  is  a  legend  that  Melusine  flew  to  the  caves  of 
Sassennge  in  Dauphiny,  natural  hollows  in  the  mountain  which  lie  at  the 
back  of  Grenoble,  and  made  her  abode  there.  -N.  Chorier,  in  his  Histoire 
Generate  de  Dauphine1,  describes  these  caverns  :  '  Les  grotte  de  Sassenage 
ne  font  pas  moins  digne  d'estre  contempl^e.  L'vne  est  d'vne  grandeur 
incroyable,  &  elle  gette  de  Phorreur  dans  les  arnes  les  plus  ferine.  En 
1'autre  ces  cuves  si  ce"lebres,  &  dans  la  troisieme  est  vne  table  de  pierre, 
que  1'on  appelle  communement  la  table  de  Melusine.  C'est  1'opinion  d'vn 
grand  personnage  que  les  nymphes  y  estoient  reverses  autrefois  d'vn  culte 
particulier.'  '  Estienne  Barlet  fait  passer  pour  vne  verite'  ce  qu'il  raconte 
d'vne  autre.  II  dit  qu'apres  que  Ton  y  est  entre  par  vn  long  &  difficile  chemin, 
on  y  voit  distinctement  des  choses  estranges.  Vn  roy  y  paroist  assis  dans 
vn  throne,  la  couronne  a  la  teste  &  des  thresors  inh'nis  a  ses  pieds.  II 
adjoUte  que  Ton  croit  que  les  f6es,  ou  ces  nymphes  que  les  Grecs  nomment 
les  Oreadep,  y  ont  habit£,  &  qu'ayant  eu  longtemps  de  la  peine  a  le  croire, 
il  en  a  este"  a  fin  persuade".  Cette  caverne  n'est  pas  fort  41oigne'e  de  Mont- 
cluz,  mais  ce  que  1'on  en  dit  1'est  beaucoup  de  la  ve>iteY — Lib.  I,  Cap  X. 

p.  336, 1.  8.  Montserrat  (mons  serratus)  rises  abruptly  from  the  plain  of 
Catalonia.  The  ridge  of  peaks  makes  it  look  from  a  distance  like  an  enor- 
mous saw.  There  are  a  number  of  natural  caverns  in  the  rock.  A  monas- 
tery was  founded  at  Montserrat  in  the  tenth  century.  The  legend  tells 
that  one  evening  the  shepherds  of  Olea  heard  celestial  music  as  they  tended 
their  sheep.  While  they  listened  they  saw  a  bright  light  among  the 
rocks.  The  Bishop  of  Manresa  hearing  of  their  vision,  resolved  to  ascend 
the  mountain.  He  found  there  an  image  of  the  Virgin,  made  of  black 
wood.  It  was  recognized  as  the  statue  that  had  been  sculptured  by 
St.  Luke,  and  brought  to  Spain  by  St.  Peter.  He  erected  a  chapel  near 
where  he  found  the  image.  A  few  years  afterwards  the  Count  of  Barce- 
lona built  a  convent  on  the  spot,  and  appointed  his  daughter  Abbess. 
Later  the  building  passed  into  the  hands  of  the  Benedictines.  The 
Virgin's  image  worked  miracles,  and  an  immense  number  of  pilgrims 
were  drawn  to  the  shrine.  The  ascent  to  the  chapel  was  very  difficult, 
and  it  was  regarded  as  a  very  meritorious  task.  The  kings  of  Aragon, 
Castile,  and  Navarre  enriched  the  foundation.  New  buildings  were  added 
from  time  to  time.  At  the  wars  at  the  end  of  last  century  the  Spaniards 
turned  the  monastery  into  a  fortress.  The  French  captured  it,  and  when 
they  blew  up  the  fortifications  much  damage  was  done  to  ancient  portions 
of  the  buildings. 

The  hermitages  are  now  in  ruins,  and  the  ascent  to  them  is  very 
difficult.  They  were  all  built  on  the  same  plan.  Each  had  an  ante- 
chamber, a  cell  with  a  recess,  a  study,  a  kitchen,  and  a  plot  of  garden 
with  a  chapel.  The  hermits  took  a  vow  to  die  on  the  mountain.  They 
followed  an  austere  rule,  and  lived  on  vegetables  and  a  little  salt  fish. 

NOTES   TO   pp.  337—308. 

Their  only  amusement  was  carving  little  wooden  crosses  for  the  piljrrims 
who  visited  their  cells. 

It  was  at  Montserrat,  in  the  Church  of  the  Virgin,  that  Ignatius  Loyola 
vowed  constant  obedience  to  God  and  the  Church,  on  the  Vigil  of  the 
Annunciation,  1522.—  Fisite  an  Montaeirat,  by  G.  de  Lavigne. 

p.  337,  1.  9.  Fr.  '  Cul baton.1  The  village  of  Collbato  is  the  starting, 
point  now-a-days  for  Montserrat. 

p.  340,  1.  8.     Geoffray  visited  Pope  Gregory  IX.  in  1233.     Before  he 
left  France  he  made  restitution  to  Home  of  those  he  had  wronged  as  the 
letter  dated  1232,  still  extant,  proves :  'To  all  who  shall  see  those  letters 
Geoffroi   de   Lezimem,  Vicomte  of  Chattellerault,  lord  of  Voluent  and 
Mayreuent,  salut  eternel. 

'  You  know  that  I  am  about  to  journey  to  the  court  of  Rome,  to  put 
an  end  to  my  differences  with  the  church  of  Maillezais.  I  wished  to 
satisfy  to  the  best  of  my  ability,  before  my  departure,  all  who  have  claims 
against  me,  especially  such  as  are  in  holy  orders. 

'  Geoffroi,  Abbot  of  Absie,  having  heard  of  my  will,  has  demanded 
restitution  for  damages  done,  and  losses  and  injuries  that  I  and  my  father 
have  caused  to  the  Abbey  of  Absie. 

'  I  have  learnt,  from  the  testimony  of  men  worthy  of  belief,  that  these 
claims  are  just;  and  for  the  salvation  of  my  soul,  and  of  my  father's 
soul,  I  have  satisfied  the  said  abbot,  1232.'— From  Thibaudeau's  Histoire 
de  Poitou. 

p.  368,  1.  18.  Coudrette's  versification  of  the  Romance  carries  the 
fortunes  of  the  Armenian  kings  to  Leo  VI.,  the  last  of  the  line,  who  died 
at  Paris  in  1393.  This  king  was  driven  from  his  throne  by  the  successful 
arms  of  the  Egyptians.  He  was  taken  prisoner,  and  obtained  his  release 
through  the  good  offices  of  John  of  Castile.  Leo  VI.  visited  Spain,  where 
he  was  received  as  a  champion  of  the  Christian  faith,  and  the  King  of  Castile 
allowed  him  a  pension  of  150,000  maravedis.  He  afterwards  travelled  to 
France,  where  he  was  kindly  received  by  Charles  VI.  A  pension  of 
6,000  francs  was  granted  to  him  there.  Leo  came  over  to  England,  where 
his  reception  was  as  warm  as  in  Spain  and  Portugal.  He  obtained  an 
English  pension  in  addition  to  those  from  Spain  and  France.  Leo  VI.  was 
a  far-sighted  man.  He  wanted  to  bring  about  a  permanent  peace  between 
France  and  England,  and  he  told  the  rulers  of  both  countries  that  the  only 
way  that  the  Mahomedan  arms  could  be  checked  in  the  East  was  by  the 
aid  of  a  united  West.  Unfortunately,  his  wise  policy  was  rejected,  and 
the  rivalries  of  the  kings  of  Christendom  lost  some  of  the  fairest  lands  of 
Europe  to  the  followers  of  Mahomet.  Leo  VI.  told  the  King  of  France 
that  Amurath  aimed  at  being  crowned  at  Rome,  and  that  he  had  sent  an 
expedition  out  with  that  purpose,  which  was  annihilated  by  a  stratagem 
of  the  King  of  Hungary. 

'  Thay  lost  ther  lande  and  all  ther  honour, 

Inclinyng  and  comyng  vnto  mischaunce. 

On  of  thes  kynges  cam  to  Fraunce  f>at  houre, 

So  fro  hermeny  chaced  into  Fraunce. 

Full  long  the  kyng  ther  gaf  hym  sustinance. 

At  Parys  died  as  happned  the  cas, 

At  the  Celestines  entered  he  was.' — 1.  5685. 

After  the  death  (29th  Nov.  1393)  of  Leo  VI.  the  title  of  King  of 
Armenia  was  assumed  by  James  I.  of  Cyprus.  Neither  James  I.  nor  any 
of  his  successors  ever  reconquered  the  country. 


386  NOTES   TO   p.  370. 

p.  370, 1.  5.  Yuon,  Yvain,  Owen,  or  Evan  of  Wales  claimed  to  he  the 
rightful  heir  of  the  kingdom  of  Wales,  and  the  French  king  treated  him 
as  such.  Yuon  was  a  favourite  of  John  the  Good,  King  of  France,  and 
took  a  part  along  with  the  French  in  the  battle  of  Poitiers.  When  peace 
was  made  between  England  and  France,  Yuon  went  to  Lombardy,  where 
he  remained  until  the  war  was  renewed.  In  the  reign  of  Charles  V.  he 
held  a  number  of  commands.  He  led  an  expedition  of  Welsh  knights 
against  Guernsey.  His  hope  was  that  he  would  be  able  to  reconquer 
Wales.  Charles  V.  assisted  him  with  money  and  supplies,  but  he  was 
unable  to  land  in  Wales.  He  took  part  in  the  expedition  of  Bertand  du 
Guesclin  in  Spain.  On  his  return  to  France  he  won  some  victories  over 
the  English.  Froissart  says  that  he  was  greatly  hated  in  England  on 
account  of  his  claims  to  the  Welsh  crown,  and  for  his  treatment  of  his 
English  prisoners,  some  of  whom  he  would  not  allow  to  be  ransomed. 
Yuon  fell  a  victim  to  treason.  He  took  into  his  service  a  James  Lambe,  a 
knight  who  represented  himself  to  be  a  Welsh  exile.  He  appointed  this 
man  his  chamberlain.  When  Yuon  was  before  Mortagne  (1378),  directing 
the  siege  against  the  English  garrison,  he  was  assassinated  by  James 
Lambe,  who  fled  to  the  English  camp,  where  he  received  protection. 
Yuon  was  buried  at  the  church  of  St.  Leger  with  great  pomp. 



The  loue  of  ladyes  causeth  peyne  &  traueyll  to  the  amerous  louers, 
and  deth  to  horses,  56. 

Old  synne  renewetli  shame,  79. 

Such  weneth  to  auenge  his  shame  that  encreassith  it,  93. 

It  is  eiiyl  companye  of  a  traytour,  97. 

Good  it  is  to  shette  the  stable  before  the  hors  be  lost,  97  and  184. 

Wei  fole  is  he  that  fighteth  nyenst  the  wynd  wenyng  to  make  hym  be 
styll,  107. 

Long  taryeng  quenchith  moch  the  vertu  of  the  yefte,  111. 

Yf  the  peple  is  pouere,  the  lord  shall  be  vnhappy,  112. 

A  flyes  of  a  yere  is  more  prouffytable  than  a  flyes  that  is  shorne  twyes 
or  thryes  a  yere,  112. 

In  long  treatee  lyeth  sometyme  grete  falshed,  113. 

Wyse  men  goo  abacke  for  to  lepe  the  ferther,  113. 

One  grayne  of  peper  alone  smertith  more  on  mans  tonge,  than  doth  a 
sacke  futt  of  whete,  128. 

Victorye  also  lyeth  not  in  grette  multitude  of  peuple,  but  in  good  rule 
&  ordynaunce,  128. 

Goodnes  &  bounte  is  betre  than  fayrenes  &  beaulte,  138. 

All  is  not  yet  lost  that  lyelh  in  parell,  147. 

Who  lerneth  not  his  crafte  in  his  yougthe,  with  grete  peyne  &  hard  it 
sluil  be  for  him  to  be  a  good  werkeman  in  his  old  age,  193. 

That  God  doth,  he  done  anone,  203. 

Whan  the  yron  is  hoot  it  moste  be  wrought  &  forged,  211. 

Of  two  euylles  men  ought  to  choose  the  lasse,  whan  nedes  musto  one 
be  had,  237. 

Bettre  is  to  haue  more  of  prouffyt  &  lasse  honour,  238. 

A  lytel  rayne  leyeth  doun  grete  wynd,  247. 

That  the  fole  thinketh  oftymes  cometh  to  foly,  255. 

The  fole  proposeth  &  god  dysposeth,  265. 

He  that  menaceth  is  sometyme  in  grete  fer  &  dredo  hymself,  &  aftir- 
ward  ouerthrawen,  279. 

Bettre  it  is  to  flee,  than  to  abyde  a  folyssh  enterpryse,  288. 

Thing  neuer  bygonne  hath  neuer  ende,  304. 

In  euery  thing  most  be  bygynnyng  tofore  the  ende  cometh,  304. 

He  that  gyueth  the  first  strokes  dooth  not  the  bataytt,  but  he  that 
reuengeth  hym  bryngeth  it  to  effect,  368. 

c  c  -J 



Words  in  Italics  are  tJte  corresponding  words  of  the  French  version,  Ch.  Brunei' i 
Edition  1854.     Cot.  =  Cotgrave's  French  Dictionary. 

Abhomyned,  page  311,  abominated. 

aborde,  71,  waited. 

absteyn,  16,  abstain. 

abused,  7,  beguiled. 

abysmes,  5,  abysses. 

accorded,  213,  agreed. 

acompte,  356,  account 

acoyntaunce,  71,  acquaintance. 

acoynte,  190,  become  familiar ; 
acoynted,  205. 

adiouste,  16,  adjust 

admounested,  228,  warned ;  ad- 
mounestyng,  287. 

adommage,  32,  harm  ;  adommaged, 

adrecyd,  226,  directed. 

uduyronned,  123,  surrounded. 

aduys,  71  (avis),  opinion. 

affeblysshid,  241,  became  depressed, 
lost  spirit. 

affectuelly,  148  (humblcment),  earn- 

affettuously,  159,  affectionately. 

aft'yaunce,  324  (fance),  assurance, 

affyns,  89  (proesmes),  near  relatives. 

affrayenge,  10,  fearing. 

afrayed,  28,  frightened. 

agree,  259,  accept. 

uigre,  298,  harsh. 

albaster,  328,  alabaster. 

ulez,  218,  allies  ;  alyed,  92. 

algaf,  300,  although  (lit.  al  if). 

allegeaunce,  335,  relief. 

almese,  10G  ;  almesses,  321,  charity. 

alowed,  200,  lowered. 

altogidre,  41,  altogether. 

ambuxade,  183,  embassy. 

amerous,  56,  amorous. 

amongis,  27,  amongst. 

amyable,  275,  friendly. 

an,  90,  one. 

ancres,  114,  anchors. 

anenst,  21.  against 

ansuerde,  10,  answered. 

ante,  367,  aunt. 

antecessours,  330  (antecesseurs),  pre- 

aourned,  51,  53  (aourne),  attired. 

aparteyned,  20,  belonged. 

apas,  27,  apace. 

apayed,  111,  192,  pleased. 

appureylled,  118,  made  ready. 

apparysshing,  369,  appearing. 

apperceytied,  230,  324,  observed. 

appert,  125,  expert 

appertly,  131,  promptly  (Cot.). 

appertyse,  83,  deeds. 

appiere,  15  ;  appyeren,  4,  appear. 

arblaster,  289,  men  who  worked 
the  arblastes,  machines  for  throw- 
ing missiles. 

archegaye,  226  (arcJiegaie),  dart. 

ardaunt,  142,  burning. 

argued,  150  (argue),  perplexed. 

arregarde,  132,  rearguard. 

arsouns,  286,  saddle-bows. 

aspre,  145,  fierce. 

asprely,  132,  fiercely. 

aspye,  117,  spy. 

aspyracion,  315,  respiration. 

assayed,  171,  attested. 

assoted,  12,  infatuated. 

assurest,  171,  boldest 

astonyed,  202,  astonished. 

astromy,  20,  astronomy. 



astronomyens,  323,  astronomers, 
asuryd,  156  (fiance),  betrothed, 
auantgarde,  174,  vanguard, 
auauntynge,  11,  boasting, 
auctoures,  3,  authors, 
uuncyeut,  4,  ancient, 
iiuoultyre,  296,  adultery, 
awondred,  50,  wondered, 
awter,  344,  alter, 
axe,  41,  ask. 

axez,  299,  attack  of  fever, 
ayen,  180,  again. 

Bake,  9,  back. 

bare,  351,  bore. 

barers,  124 ;  barreres,  63  (braies), 

bassade,  308,  embassy. 

bassecourt,  300,  inner  court  of  a 

basyn,  8,  mug. 

basynets,  123,  helmetted  men. 

batayll,  289,  battalion. 

batayllous,  246  (batattlereux),  given 
to  fighting. 

beaulte,  7,  beauty. 

beed,  148,  bed. 

begonne,  12,  begun. 

behauf,  17,  use. 

behel,  282,  beheld. 

behighte,  111,  190,  promise,  pro- 

beryng,  8,  bearing. 

besily,  3,  busily. 

betoke,  110,  committed. 

bewte,  7,  beauty. 

bigge,  86.  build. 

bigynne,  17,  begin. 

bilded,  17  ;  bylded,  6,  builded. 

bode,  18,  bid. 

bourgeys,  206;  burgeys,  151, 

braunche,  23,  branch. 

braundysshed,  145,  brandished. 

brede,  41,  breadth. 

brenne,  17  ;  brenne,  4  ;  brennyng, 
184, to  burn. 

brigh,  266,  bright. 

broche,  21,  pierce. 

broched,  130,  spurred. 

broded,  53;  browded,  81,  embroi- 

bailed,  234,  burnt. 

bruyt,  251,  noise. 

brygandyners,  128,  men  wearing 
brigandines,  canvas  coats  cover- 
ed with  iron  plates  or  iron  rings. 

buffet,  303,  blow. 

busshe,  284,  ambush. 

butyn,  146,  booty. 

bycomme,  4,  gone  to. 

bye,  39,  buy. 

bygoten,  6,  begotten. 

bynethe,  22,  beneath. 

Caas,  128,  cause. 

candelstykes,  17,  candlesticks. 

carrykes,  10y,  cargo  ships. 

caruell,  117,  a  light  ship. 

cas,  11,  case. 

castel,  15,  castle. 

castellayne,  92,  castellan. 

catholicatt,  215,  catholic. 

causer,  89,  originator. 

cepter,  179,  scepter. 

cerched,  330,  searched. 

certyfyen,  3,  to  certify. 

cesse,  155,  cease. 

chafled,  22,  excited,  vexed. 

champaynes,  100,  open  Melds. 

chanoyne,  40,  canon. 

chappen,  193,  shapen. 

chary te,  12,  charit}'. 

chasse,  20,  chace. 

chaunfreyn,  84  (gauffrain  d'acier), 
the  headpiece  of  a  barbed  horse 

chayere,  82,  chair. 

cheryed,  98,  treated. 

cheuaunce,  155  (chevance),  achieve- 

cheuysaunce,  264,  promise. 

cheyned,  177,  chained. 

childed,  104,  gave  birth  to. 

chirch,  chirche,  36,  church. 

cleme,  142,  climb. 

clemme,  25,  climb. 

clepen,  187,  called ;  clepid,  245, 

cleue,  26,  cleave. 

clos,  118  (clou),  enclosure,  267. 

cluble,  303,  club. 

cohortacion,  97,  company. 

cohorte,  97,  company. 

coler,  53,  collar. 

collige,  369,  collect. 

commevyd,  123  ;  commouyd,  154, 



communyked,  291,  talked. 

commynalte,  184  (commune*),  com- 

companioion,  17,  comparison. 

compleyned,  12,  complained. 

complices,  96,  accomplices. 

condampned,  68,  condemned. 

condycion,  14,  condition. 

congie,  301,  leave. 

conne,  12,  to  be  able. 

connyng,  2,  cunning,  knowledge. 

conspiracion,  75,  conspiracy. 

constreyned,  7,  constrained. 

contrefaytte,  135,  deformed. 

contynue,  299  (continue),  prolonged 

conuenable,  40,  convenient. 

convers,  100,  menials. 

convyne,  133,  142,  172  (commune)  ? 

assembly,  militia,  soldiery, 
conyns,  261,  rabbits, 
corset,  84,  a  clolb  coat  worn  over 

the  cuirass. 

coste,  134,  disbursement, 
costes,  268,  coasts,  shores, 
cotidiane,  100,  daily, 
cotte,  129,  coat. 

coude,  7,  could,  was  able  ;  20,  knew, 
couenaunce,  5,  covenant, 
couert,  254,  257,  281,  282,  covert, 

concealed  way. 

couertly,  262,  obscurely,  secretly, 
couetyse,  87.  covetous, 
coule,  168,  cool, 
couloure,  4,  colour, 
courcer,  9,  courser, 
cours,  15,  course ;  cours,  290,  rush, 
courteyns,  57,  curtains, 
coyft'e,  250  (coeffe),  liead-dress. 
coynted.  315,  comely, 
cradelles,  4,  cradles, 
cramesyn,  205,  crimson, 
cronykle,  6,  chronicle, 
cryded,  82,  cried,  shouted, 
curee,  99,  entrails,  quarry, 
curtoysye,  curtoisye,  9,  courtesy, 
cyrurgyens,  288,  surgeons. 

Dalt,  177,  divided. 

damoyseau,  163  ;  damoyseaulx  (pL), 

125,  youth. 

dampned,  339,  damned, 
daw  fole  (damp   miisart).     French 

text     means     Sir    Fool     or    Sir 

Thoughtless,      "  damp "      being 
equivalent  to  the  O.K.  Dan,  as: 
"  Dan  "  Chaucer,    daw  fole  may 
mean    "  melancholy "    fool ;    se« 
Bradley'a  Stratmann's  M.  E.  Dic- 
tionary, under  "dau." 
debonnaire,  190,  gentle, 
deceneryd,    169,    ?    unfurled    their 


decez,  356,  decease, 
dede,  321,  caused  ;  dede,  323,  deed  ; 

dede,  12,  did. 
deele,  190,  divide, 
deeling,  111,  bearing, 
def,  29,  deaf, 
deffawte,  345,  default 
delyt,  333,  misdemeanour, 
demanded,  20,  related, 
demened,  80,  126,  136,  depressed ; 

demeneth,  147,  conducted, 
demesurably,  132,  greatly,  immeas- 
demysed,  87  (sen  tst  dtffait),  got 

rid  of. 

denounced,  188,  declared, 
departed,  116,  divided, 
departement,  98,  departure, 
despyt,  234,  contempt, 
desray,  123,  disorder, 
destraytte,  336  (le  vellon  etle  pert  itj/«), 

?  district,  or  territory, 
destrier,  81 ;  destrer,  82,  horse, 
detrenched,  146,  hacked, 
deuel,   234    (docul) ;     dueytt,   237, 

detioyre,  82,  duty, 
deuysed,  67,  told, 
deuyses,  348,  talks, 
dey,  15,  die. 
diches,  88,  ditches, 
listoumcd,  55,  turned  aside, 
do,  321;  doo,  239;    doon,    13,  2G, 

cause  to. 
dogge,  21,  dog. 
dolaunt,  312,  doleful, 
doleur,  305,  dolor, 
dombe,  29,  dumb, 
dome,  13,  doom. 

dommage,  145  (dommaige),  harm. 
dun,  118  (donne),  given, 
dongeon,    300,   main    tower    of   a 

castlo,  donjon, 
doubtid,  1,  feared, 
doubtous,  193,  fearful. 



doughtir,  11,  daughter. 

doun,  13,  down. 

dowbed,  18,  dubbed. 

dresse,  30 ;  dressed,  21,  direct, 

dressyng,  155  (adressant),  address- 

due,  6,  duke. 

duchery,  214,  duchy. 

dueil,  138;  dueyl,  '216,  mourning. 

dyseinpare,  215,  dethrone. 

dyspens,  148,  outlay. 

dysployed,  119,  230,  unfurled,  dis- 

dysporte,  77,  98,  sport ;  dysported, 
304,  enjoyed. 

dyspoylle,  136,  pillage. 

dyspreyse,  113,  contemn. 

dyspytous,  29  (despiteux),  angry, 

dyssymyle,  113,  dissimulate. 

dystourne,  26  (destourneray),  turn 
away ;  distourned,  83. 

Eche,  17,  each. 

etfoundred,  286,  cut  into. 

egaly,  146,  equally. 

emonge,  118,  among. 

empeche,  39,  prevent. 

empechement,  279,  hindrance. 

empossesse,  99  ;  enpocesse,  333,  put 

in  possession, 
emprysed,  81,  undertaken, 
ench,  83,  inch, 
encheson,  65,  motive, 
encres,  337  ;  encresse,  32,  increase, 
encysed,  62,  cut. 
endeuoyre,    152,    endeavour;     en- 

deuoyred,  157. 
endoctryne,  55,  instruct, 
enfourmed,  308,  informed. 
enharnashed,  9,  accoutred, 
enjurous,  66,  injurious, 
enlyberte,  99,  liberate, 
ensicw,  184,  follow, 
ensured,  68  (asseuroit),  assured, 
entamed,  211,  299,  broached, 
eritaylled,  50,  carved, 
entende,  1,  to  give  heed, 
eritendement,  369,  understanding, 
cntent,  91,  intent,  purpose, 
ententyfly,  70,  attentively, 
enterprenaunt,  122,  enterprising, 
enterprysed,  12,  undertaken. 

entremete,  63  (se  tnedera),  inter- 

entreteyne,  239,  keep  up. 

emmhisshing,  138  (euvaye) ;  enim- 
hysshed,  147  ;  enuahye,  201,  as- 

envertued,  200  (se  envertuoit), 

eny,  16,  any. 

erable,  99,  arable. 

erle,  6,  earl. 

eschiewed,  145,  avoided ;  170, 

escryed,  77,  115,  p.p.  of  escrien,  to 
call  to. 

escuse,  258,  excuse  ;  10,  excused. 

eslongyd,  133  (se  esloiigerent),  separ- 

espirytuel,  371,  spiritual. 

esprised,  11,  34  (surpris),  overtaken. 

esprouued,  224  (esprouvoient),  trieck 

esprysed,  77  (espris),  smitten. 

espyes,  193,  spies. 

esquyer,  248,  squire. 

essaye,  192,  try. 

estimed,  117,  estimated. 

estraungers,  178,  strangers. 

estymacion,  266,  estimate. 

euerche,  320;  eueryche,  154,  every. 

euerychon,  38,  every  one. 

ewrous,  244  (e»rei/x),  lucky,  happy. 

excusacion,  107,  excuse. 

exercyted,  224,  exercised. 

exployted,  123  (exploita),  worked  ; 
81,  fought;  289,  acted. 

eyled,  299,  ailed. 

Facion,  225,  build,  make. 

fader,  7,  father. 

fuicte,  13;  faitt,  71;  faytte,  119; 
f.iyr,  312,  deed. 

falshed,  13  ;  falsed,  315,  falsehood  ; 
fals,  12. 

fan,  65  (Latin  vannns),  a  corn  win- 
nowing fan  or  sieve. 

fantosme,  311,  phantom. 

fasted,  44,  fastened. 

fauntesye,  4,  31,  fantasy. 

fawte,  57  (verb),  fail  ;  196,  wrong; 
58  (noun),  failure. 

feith,  24,  faith. 

fel,  134,  200,  fierce,  cruel. 

felawship,  8,  fellowship. 

fer,  60,  far  ;  ferre,  327. 



ferder,  332,  further. 

ferfourth,  106,  widely. 

feet,  19,  feast ;  festyed,  98,  feasted  ; 
feste,  8,  rejoicing. 

festyed,  368  (batu),  thrashed. 

fette,  251 ;  fete,  213,  fetch. 

feynted,  66,  faint. 

feynyngly,  28,  pretending. 

flayel,  303  (flayel\  a  baton  carrying 
a  lump  of  iron  attached  by  a 

flawgh,  321,  flew  ;  floiighe,  321. 

flemed,  112,  fled. 

florysshed,  13  (Jlorie),  flowered. 

flote,  268,  fleet. 

flyes,  112,  fleece. 

fole,  24,  fool. 

fore,  184,  early. 

foreby,  251,  past 

forfaytte,  315  (fourfait),  crime. 

forgate,  7,  forgot. 

forwayed,  101,  wandered,  lost, 

foundatours,  368,  founders. 

foundement,  62  (foiulainent),  found- 

founs,  172  (font),  bed. 

fourme,  17,  form. 

foursenyd,  315  (enforcciwz),  furious, 

fourueyetli,  76,  wanders. 

fowel,  206,  foul. 

fownd,  103,  founded. 

foynyng,  67,  thrusting. 

foyson,  21  (/oistw),  abundance. 

fro.  3,  from. 

fuldoo,  1,  accomplish. 

fullyssh,  149,  208,  fully. 

fumyer,  278,  smoke. 

fust,  85,  tist. 

fuste,  116,  a  rowing  and  sailing  ship. 

fyaunce,  257,  trust. 

fyers,  17,  fierce. 

fyerste,  118,  boldness. 

fyl,  321,  fell. 

fyn,  331,  end. 

fynaunce,  17  (finance),  ready  money. 

fyreyron,  23,  Hint  and  steel. 

Gad  re,  266,  gather. 

gaf,  19,  gave. 

galyote,  167,"  little  galley  ;  galyotte, 


gan,  22,  began, 
garnysons,  135,  garrisons. 

garnysshed,    184,    230,    furnished, 


gate,  203,  got,  obtained, 
gaynstode,  137,  withstood, 
geaunt,  17,  giant, 
gendred,  246,  begotten, 
gent,  8,  gentle, 
gerdell,  53,  girdle, 
gerland,  59,  garland,  wreath, 
gestes,  369,  histories, 
glanched,  77,  glanced, 
gobelyns,  4,  goblins, 
gonnes,  115,  ^uns. 
good  chep,  279,  282  (bon  marche), 

easy  mastery, 
gorge  ret,  176,  a  piece  of  armour  to 

protect  the  throat, 
gramaire,  370,  grammar, 
gramercy,  9,  great  thankn. 
grauntfader,  19,  grandfather, 
gree,  109, 121,  favour,  will,  pleasure, 
gree,  take  in,  2,  agree  to. 
greef,  13,  grief, 
gret,  grett,  7,  great, 
greve,  130,  injure, 
guerdon,  204,  reward, 
gyfte,  15,  gift. 

Haake,  20,  hawk. 

haboundonne,  99,  give  up. 

habimdauntly,  228,  abundantly. 

halid,  161,  hauled. 

halowed,  158,  blessed. 

handlyng,  65  (manilles),  handles. 

hap,  15 ;  happ,  5,  12  (noun),  luck, 

happe,  4;  happed,  5;  haped,  118 
(verb),  to  hapj>en. 

hardyly,  10;  Imrdyily,  231,  boldly. 

barneys,  115,  armour. 

hauen,  118  (dog),  haven. 

haimce,  112  ;  enhance,  325,  rained. 

haunted,  113,  practised. 

hauoyr,  67, 

haiised,  166  (getter),  lowered  over- 

hawtepyece,  145 ;  haulte  piece,  325, 

heest,  21, 

hehge,  21,  hang. 

helmets,  199,251  (txurines),  fighting 

henne,  211,  hen. 

hens  fourthon,  17,  henceforth. 



herberowed,  70,  harboured. 

herde,  7,  heard. 

here,  2,  hear. 

herke,  317,  harken. 

herte,  9,  hart;  hert,  39. 

heued  vp,  24,  raised. 

heure,  146,  hour. 

heuyer,  35,  heavier. 

lieyer,  66,  heir. 

hit,  7,  it. 

hold,  190,  keep. 

hott,  302,  whole. 

liolped,  46,  helped. 

honestly,  73,  worthily. 

hontous,  238,  ashamed. 

hool,  361,  whole. 

hoop,  36,  hope. 

hores,  177,  oars. 

liors,  10,  horse. 

liourys  son,  300,  whore's  son. 

hurted,  25,  p.p.  of  hurten,  to  rush 


hurtelyd,  95  (hvrla),  pushed. 
Jiydouse,  315,  hideous, 
hye,  76  (haulf),  aloud  ;  94,  high, 
hyerid,  134,  hired, 
hyndre,  24,  hynder. 

Iinpetred,  14,  procured  (Cot.), 
importable,  153,  unbearable, 
incontynent,  276,  immedi;itely. 
indigned,  262,  made  indignant, 
infortunate,  16,  unfortunate, 
iugge,  15,  judge. 

iuggement,  3  ;   jugement,  15,  judg- 
lung,  16,  June. 

Jacke,  205  (Jaques),  coat. 

jape,  79,  jest. 

journey,  iourney,  291,  a  fixed  date. 

jugge,  317,  judge. 

justiser,  97,  justiciary. 

Kennyng,  104  (Feites),  far  sight, 
extent  of  vision.  Cotgrave  trans- 
lates "kenne":  veoir  de  loin. 
Motteux  (Rabelais,  Bk.  IV,  cap. 
22)  translates  "ne  sommes  pas 
loing  de  port"  by  "  within  a  ken- 

kepe,  112,  guard. 

keile,  28,  churl. 

kerued,  17,  carved. 

keruyng,     43,     carving,     cutting ; 

kerued,  50. 
knowleche,   2,   knowledge ;    know- 

leched,  96. 
konne,  108,  show, 
kychons,  50,  kitchens, 
kymbyng,  297,  combing, 
kynge,  6,  king, 
kynne,  90,  kin. 
kynrede.  24,  kindred, 
kyst,  78  (jetta),  cast. 

Langing,  136,  longing. 

large,  111,  liberal. 

largenes,  111,  liberality. 

launche,   123,   hurl ;    launchid,   94, 


lawghe,  272  ;  lawhe,  101,  laugh, 
htwmentyng,  147,  lamenting, 
lectuary,  247  (electuaire),  electuary, 
leder,  39  ;  leeder,  357,  leather, 
lefte,  286,  lifted, 
legge,  99;  leghe,  129  ;  leghis  (pi.), 

194,  league. 

leghe,  294  (iiette),  place, 
leghes,  353,  legs, 
lepe,  10,  leap, 
les,  22,  lest. 

leser,  144  (loisir),  leisure. 
lette,  10,  delay  ;   late  (imp.)  let,  20  ; 

letted,  196. 

leued,  23,  left ;  leve,  33,  leave, 
leuyed,  135,  levied, 
leyd,  34,  laid, 
leyser,  277,  leisure, 
locucion,  20,  circumlocution, 
lodgis,  119,  lodgings, 
lost,  147,  faith, 
lustis,  320,  pleasures, 
lyf,  7,  life, 
lyflod,   108;   lyuelod,    31    (terrien), 


lygeauns,  338,  allegiance, 
lyghtly,  300,  qnickly. 
lykwyse,  15,  likewise, 
lynee,  6,  line, 
lyuere,  275,  give. 

Machecolyd,  63,.  103,  parapetted, 
holes  are  left  in  the  parapets  to 
pour  out  molten  lead,  &c. 

machined,  96  ;  machyned,  68,  ma- 

maculate,  299.  blemished. 



rnageste,  1,  majesty. 

magre,  142,  inaugre. 

rnaister,  1,  master. 

manded,  73  (inanda),  sent  for. 

mandement,    153,     183,    mandate, 

manoyr,  100,  mansion, 
marches,  183.  districts, 
mnronner,  268,  mariner, 
maryage,  16,  marriage, 
mate,    147,    dull   (mat),    dejected ; 

mated,  216. 
mayllet,  329,  mallet, 
maynten,  126,  bearing, 
medled,  132,  mingled, 
inedowe,  5,  meadow, 
meney,  9,  retinue, 
mercy,  71,  thank;  mercyed,  90. 
meniaylle,  11,  marvel, 
meryte,  15,  merit, 
meschaunt,  302,  wicked, 
mesprysed,  79,  calumniated, 
messagery,  69,  corps  of  messengers, 

messe,  54,  dish, 
metes,  38,  meats, 
meued,  122  ;  mevyd,  8  ;  meuyd,  21 

(mite),  stirred  up. 
meure,  160,  mature, 
meyne,  23,  men ;  meney,  9,  280, 

moche,  6,  much, 
moder,  14,  mother, 
mone  shyn,  22,  moonshine, 
monetli,  208,  month, 
niorow,  361,  morning, 
most,  29,  must, 
moustre,  165,  muster, 
inowe,  23,  be  able. 
mu  sard  e,  29  (musart  from  muser,-  to 

loiter),  dawdler, 
myddes,  54,  midst, 
mynnsslied,  350,  lessened ;  my- 

nusshe,  820. 

inyscheaunce,   366,   ill    luck,    mis- 

mysdori,  261,  done  amis---. 
mysdymed,  265,  mistook, 
mysericordoim,  313,  forgiving, 
myserye,  13,  misery, 
mysknewe,  102,  mistook, 
myster,  219,  need;  mystier,  222. 

Nat,  2,  not 

naturell,  15,  natural. 

nauye,  109,  navy. 

nauyll,  15,  navel. 

nayle,  81,  hoof. 

ne,  1,  nor. 

nedermost,  336,  nethermost 

ner,  212,  nor. 

nevew,  17,  nephew. 

none,  358,  noon. 

nones,  63,  nonce. 

nothre,  39,  neither. 

nourrytured,  354,  nurtured. 

nouryces,  103,  nurses. 

nuyouse,  371,  tiresome. 

nyghte,  179,  niece;   nyghtis  (pi.), 

nys,  8,  is  not. 

Obscurte,  22,  obscurity. 

obsequye,  235,  funeral  ceremony. 

obtempering,  9,  submitting. 

occysyon,  132,  slaughter. 

on,  131,  233,  in. 

ones,  360,  once. 

oo,  79 ;  oon,  4,  one. 

oost,  193,  host 

ootys,  91,  oats. 

ordonne,  14,  order;  ordonned,  79. 

orgueytt,  293,  haughtiness. 

orgueyllous,  249,  huughty. 

orphanite,  147,  state  of  orphanage. 

orphelym,   241;    orphenyme,   213; 

orphenyns  (pi.),  187,  orphan, 
ou^h,  126  ;  owche,  59,  jewel. 
ouergrowen,  65,  full  grown, 
ouerredde,  1,  read  over, 
ouertredde,  1 12,  overstep, 
ought,  134,  owes, 
oultrage,  196,  outrage, 
oultrageous,  89,  outrageous, 
outhre,  95,  either. 

Paas,  21,  pace. 

pais,  257,  peace. 

palfrener,  62  (variet),  page. 

palfroy,  9,  palfrey. 

palleys,  147,  palace. 

palyard,  294  (ribault),  rascal. 

pannes,  4,  pans. 

panser,  84,  a  steel  plate  covering 
that  part  of  the  body  between  the 
breast  and  the  waist.  ViollctJc- 
Due,  the  front  part  of  the  cuirass. 

pappes,  311,  breasts. 



parels,  31,  perils. 

parement,  37,  ornament. 

parfounde,  167,  deepest. 

parfytt,  3,  perfect. 

partrych,  175,  partridge. 

pas,  136,.  pass,  passage. 

patron,  Il5,  master. 

patyse,  304,  824,  tribute  ;  patiz,  301  ; 
patise  (verb),  304,  tax,  exact  tri- 

paueys,  142,  359,  shield. 

paueysed,  167,  shielded. 

paynemys,  106,  pagans. 

peas,  12,  peace ;  peased,  100,  paci- 

pensefull,  28  (pensif),  thoughtful. 

perfightly,  22 ;  perfyttly,  5,  per- 

peris,  39 ;  peers. 

perpetred,  76,  perpetrated. 

perske,  126  (pers.),  blue,  sky  colour- 
ed (Cot.). 

pert,  105,  expert. 

pesaunnt,  142,  weight. 

pesaunt,  145,  heavy. 

peupled,  118,  peopled. 

peyne,  12,  322,  pain,  painstaking. 

pluisir,  10,  pleasure. 

playntes,  12,  plaints. 

playsaurice,  14,  pleasure. 

playsaunt,  7,  pleasant. 

plee,  53  (plait),  story. 

plee,  319  (plet),  plaj'. 

pletyng,  33,  pr.  part,  of  plete,  ^to 

portable,  209,  bearable. 

portecollys,  253,  portcullis. 

potence,  117,  cross,  gibbet. 

pouere,  6,  poor. 

pouldre,  115,  powder. 

poursiewe,  155,  seek. 

poynted,  149,  appointed. 

prately,  9  (doidcement),  prettily-. 

precheinent,  196,  preaching. 

prees,  137  (presse),  throng. 

prest,  265,  275,  ready,  now. 

preste,  358,  priest 

preu,  21  (preus),  valiant. 

preyse,  23,  praise. 

preysed,  302,  apprised. 

proclytour,  310  (p-roditeur),  traitor. 

proesse,  15,  prowess. 

promyssion,  16,  promise. 

promytte,  15,  promise. 

promyttyng,  292,  promising. 

propice,  168;  propyce,  108,  pro- 

propos,  261,  proposal. 

propre,  196,  own. 

propriete,  133,  property. 

proufytte,  3,  profit. 

proy,  132,  prey. 

prymat,  40,  primate. 

pryme,  148,  six  A.M. 

pryuy,  214,  select,  intimate. 

publyed,  64,  published. 

pucelle,  179,  maid. 

punysshe,  13,  punish. 

purchasse,  257,  procure. 

purfeld,53;  purfylled,  240,  trimmed. 
j  puruey,  19,  purvey. 

purveyaunce,  109,  provender. 

purueyed,  109,  purveyed,  provided. 

pytaunce,  336,  allowance. 
I  pyte,  14,  pity. 

Quarell,  287,  a  kind  of  arrow. 

Radeur,329(rade«r),  swiftness;  386, 

raisonably,  18,  reasonably ;  raisson, 
260,  justice. 

rarnpyn,  117  (rampm),  a  light  ship. 

rannyng,  8,  running. 

raser,  283,  razor. 

rauysshed,  7,  ravished. 

realyed,  145,  rallied. 

reaume,  238 ;  reame,  240,  realm. 

rebuckyd,  252,  struck,  attacked. 

rechaced,  126,  chased  back. 

reche,  325,  reach. 

recomforte,  107,  comfort  again. 

recorded,  263,  related. 

recountred,  168,  encountered. 

recule,  124,  231,  fall  back,  retreat. 

rede,  2,  read. 

redeuaunce,  4  (redevance),  rent,  ser- 

redressid,  193,  rearranged. 

reforced,  176  (se  renforcha),  290 
(reforcha),  increased,  reinforced. 

regard e,  209,  desert. 

regenered,  140,  regenerated. 

regne,  6,  reign. 

regracy,  23;  regracye,  124,  thank. 

rejoye,  157,  gladden. 

relucion,  42,  reference. 

relessed,  322,  relaxed,  diminished. 



releuyd,  95  (se  remit),  103, 131,  rose, 
relygyon,  181,  order, 
remenant,  44,  remnant 
remevyth,  371,  removeth. 
remyse,  207,  210,  restore  ;  remysed, 

renommee,  108 ;  renoumee,  74  (re- 

nomm&j,  renown, 
resoyngne,  140  (ressongner),  to  fear 


respection,  319,  outlook, 
restublysshe,  196,  establish  again, 
retche,  14  (clialloir),  reck,  regard, 
reuertid,  319,  turned, 
reueste,  97,  endow, 
reuested,  40,  clothed, 
reueytt,  241,  revelry, 
rewled,  68,  ruled, 
rightwyse,  69,  righteous, 
roche,  248, rock, 
roos,  22,  rose, 
roste,  4,  roast, 
rote,  60,  root, 
rotyn,  286,  rotten, 
rought,  67,  recked, 
route,  136,  squadron  (Cot.), 
royalme,  118;  royame,  245,  realm, 
rudesse,  28,  rudeness, 
ryall,  363,  royal, 
ryalte,  214,  royalty. 
ryuage,2, 114  (ripve),  shore,  landing. 

Saaf,  3,  except. 

sac,  39,  sack. 

salades,  130,  helmets. 

saluacyon,  356,  safety. 

salue,  126,  salute ;  salued,  8 ;  sa- 
lewed,  10. 

Satirday,  15,  Saturday. 

saudant,  291,  sultan. 

sauegarde,  17,  safeguard. 

sauf,  177,  except. 

sawdees,  148,  soldiers'  pay. 

sawdoyers,  208;  sawdyours,  149, 

sawdan,  105,  sultan. 

sawte,  229;  sawtyng,  291,  assault, 

saynct,  3,  saint. 

Bcafoldes,  241  (eschafauds),  grand- 

scaped,  34,  escaped. 

scarmusshing,  131,  skirmishing. 

schall,  2,  shall. 

scourers,  224  (couretw),  runners. 

seaced,  311,  ceased. 

seale,  39,  seal. 

seased,  75,  seasyd,  358  (aaisir,  con- 
nected with  seisin),  seized  from. 

scchyng,  10,  seeking. 

see,  7,  sea. 

semblable,  210,  similar. 

semblaunt,  33,  150,  show. 

semynge,  7,  seeming. 

sene,  153  (cf.  syn)  since. 

senester,  84  ;  senyster,  137,  left. 

separed,  302,  separated. 

sepulture,  354,  tomb. 

sere  lie,  1,  search. 

seruytude,  249,  feudal  dues. 

sethen.  163,  since. 

sette,  17,  set,  placed;  272  (noun), 

seuene  nyght,  91,  week. 

shadd,  22,  shed. 

shede,  359,  sheath. 

shelynges,  43,  shillings. 

shett,  14,  shut. 

slml,  16,  shall. 

siege,  133,  seat,  camp. 

siew,  123,  follow;  siowed,  219; 
siewyng,  73. 

sith,  10,  since. 

silt-'.  23\  set. 

slee,  24,  slay. 

slough,  306,  slew. 

sodan,  128,  sultan. 

soden,  279,  boiled. 

solas,  306,  amusement. 

solemply,  323,  solemnly. 

sommage,  143,  baggage. 

sommed,  65,  summoned. 

songe,  7,  sang. 

sonne,  174,  sun. 

sorow,  13,  sorrow. 

sonne,  360,  sun. 

sort,  110,  spell,  sorcery. 

souped,  363,  supped. 

sourdred,  46  (est  sours),  60  (sour- 
dit),  sprung  forth, 

sowle,  41,  soul. 

sowne,  101,  sound. 

sparpylled,  165  (esgarez),  scattered. 

spek,  6,  19,  speak. 

sperhaak,  16;  sperohak,  sparrow 

speryd,  294,  asked. 

spoused,  11,  espoused. 



spyce,  371  (espece),  element. 

stablysshed,  17,  stablished. 

stalage,  54,  stands. 

stert  vp,  302  (saillist),  jumped  up. 

straunged  of,  48,  estranged  from. 

stake,  234,  a  pile  of  wood. 

stakered,  82  ;  staker,  353,  staggered. 

staung,  98,  pool. 

stere,  185,  stir,  move. 

sterop,  27  ;  sterope,  83,  stirrup. 

stode,  7,  stood. 

stoure,  132,  146,  tumult,  battle. 

straunge,  183,  foreign. 

straunger,  10,  stranger. 

strengest,  33,  strongest. 

streyte,  118,  street. 

styed,  94,  mounted. 

.sty],  7.  still. 

siibget,  24,  subject 

subgection,  17,  subjection. 

suposen,  3,  suppose. 

supposest,  30,  intendest. 

surprysed,  10,  overcome  by. 

surquydous,  96,  arrogant. 

suscited,  151  (resuciter),  raised  from. 

sustir,  118,  sister. 

swette,  7,  sweet 

Byke,  147,  sick. 

sylenceth,  48,  becomes  silent. 

symplenes,  194,  ignorance. 

syn,  17,  71,  116,  since,  then. 

synester,  258,  evil. 

synewes,  138  (vaines),  veins. 

synnar,  313,  sinner. 

Bynne,  339,  sin. 

syth,  26,  since. 

sythe,  301,  scyth. 

Tache,  22  (tache),  spot ;  tache,  232, 

buckle,  clasp, 
tambours,  110,   drums,    a  kind   of 

targe,  175,  shield, 
tennyned,  149,  terminated, 
terryen,  60,  landholder, 
thaketh,  294  (pris),  taketh. 
;  the,  284,  they, 
thenne,  7,  then, 
thevely,  359,  thieflike. 
thikk,  18,  thick, 
thoo,  16,  those, 
thrested,  77,  thrusted. 
thrugh,  359,  threw, 
thurst,  7,  thirst. 

thye,  232,  thigh. 

tierce,  157,  In  summer  eight  of  the 

clock,  in  winter  ten  (Cot), 
tonrd,  96,  towards, 
to  fore,  20 ;  to  forne,  178,  before, 
togidre,  11,  together, 
toke,  4,  took, 
top,  105,  tuft, 
tourment,  15,  torment, 
tourned,  9, turned, 
tranchis,  43  (trenche'e) ;  trenchis,  50, 

carvings,  hewings. 
trasse,  278,  trace, 
trauerse,  126,  across, 
traytt,  320  (traillis) ;  traylles  (pi.), 

329,  cage. 

trayttee,  182,  treaty, 
trenchaunt,  145,  sharp, 
trew,  1,  true, 
trews,  276,  truce, 
tronchoned,  286,  truncheoned, 
troussnge,   132  (troussages),  goods, 


troussed,  141,  prepared  to  leave, 
trouth,  17,  truth, 
trucheman,  274,  interpreter, 
trusse,  335,  pack, 
trychery,  110,  treachery, 
trystefull,  305,  sad. 
tyres,  53,  attire. 

Valew,  valewe,  41,  value. 

valiauntis,  122,  valiantness. 

vasselage,  145  (vaisselage),  fealty ; 
200  (vaisselages),  feats  of  arms 

vergoyne,  285  (vergoingiie),  shame. 

vergoynouse,  21,  ashamed. 

vertu,  291 :  vertue,  200,  strength. 

very,  1,  25,  veracious. 

vitupere,  89  (blasme),  reproach. 

vmbrel,  83  (maisselle),  the  shade  for 
the  eyes  placed  immediately  over 
the  sight  of  a  helmet,  and  some- 
times attached  to  the  vizor  (Halli- 

vnfortune,  209,  misfortune. 

vnnethe,  202,  249,  scarcely,  nearly. 

vnpurveyed,  121  (despourveu),  un- 

vnyed,  131,  united. 

volente,  207,  will. 

voyded,  209  (ostees),  removed. 

vpso-dounne,  25,  upside  down. 



vyageours,  362,  travellers, 
vylayrie,  28,  bondman, 
vylonnye,  251,  disgrace, 
vynaigre,  114,  vinegar, 
vyreton,  269,  arrow  or  bolt, 
vysyted,  288,  examined, 
vytupere,  233  (vituperer),  shame. 

Wakked,  7,  was  awake. 

waloped,  130 ;  waloping,  21,  gal- 

warauntyse,  200 ;  waraunt,  136,  pro- 

warde,  62,  wall  of  defence. 

wardes,  170,  guards. 

wareyne,  99,  preserve,  enclosure. 

wast,  18,  waste. 

waymentyng,  13,  lamenting. 

wedryng,  206,  weather. 

wele,  11,  weal. 

wend,  72  ;  weneth,  2 ;  wenyng,  29, 
weened,  thought. 

weride,  137,  turned. 

wepen,  25,  weapon. 

wered,  21,  fought,  warred,  worried. 

were,  129,  wear. 

wcrre,  65,  war. 

were,  216,  worse. 

wery,  145,  weary. 

wete,    115;    wof,    12;    wote,   120, 


whom,  52,  home, 
wodd,  272,  mad. 
wode,  285,  wood, 
woo,  85,  woful. 

wood  wroth,  247,  madly  angry, 
worship,  111,  respect, 
worshipfully,  10,  honorably, 
wounderly,  5,  wonderfully, 
wraunt,  158,  guarantee, 
writon,  17,  written, 
wrorthy,  68,  worthy, 
wysshyng,  177,  wish, 
wytted,  310,  blamed. 

Yaf,  181,  gave. 

yede,  7,  21,  went. 

yeft,  16,  gift. 

yl  wyller,  211,  ill-wisher. 

ymage,  17,  image. 

ynough,  13,  enough. 

yonde,  70,  yonder. 

yonge,  4,  young. 

ypocras,  54,  a  spiced  and  sweetened 


yrous,  246  (Jier),  angry,  fierce, 
ytaken,  9,  taken. 




Adam,  page  3. 

Alayii  of  Quyngant,  68,  Raymondin's 

Alexaundryne,  369,  concubine  of 

Anthenor,  King  of  Antioch,  264; 
helps  to  form  a  league  to  fight 
Urian  of  Cyprus ;  is  defeated, 
makes  a  treaty  with  Urian,  and 
agrees  to  pay  tribute,  292. 

Anthony,  6,  fourth  son  of  Kaymondin 
and  Melusine  ;  birth,  104  ;  leaves 
home  to  succour  Christine  of  Lux- 
embourg, 190  ;  conquers  the  King 
of  Anssay,  308 ;  marries  Chris- 
tine, 214  ;  goes  to  the  siege  of 
Pourrencru,  347 ;  captures  the 
Duke  of  Freiburg,  353. 

Appolyn,  283. 

Aragon,  King  of,  visits  Raymondin 
at  Montserrat,  338  ;  is  present  at 
Raymondin's  burial,  355. 

Argemount,  Lord  of,  218,  a  baron 
of  Poitou,  appointed  by  the  Duke 
Anthony  as  captain  of  Luxem- 
bourg in  his  absence  at  the  siege 
of  Prague. 

Aristote,  3  ;  Aristotles,  20,  quoted. 

Asselyn,  183,  Earl  of  Luxembourg, 
father  of  Christine. 

Austeryche,  Duke  of,  fights  against 
the  King  of  Anssay,  is  defeated, 

Bandas,    Caliph    of,   goes    against 

Cyprus  with  the  King  of  Brandi- 

mount,  164;  attacks   Lymasson, 

167 ;    he  retreats  on   hearing  of 


the  damage  to  the  fleet  by  the 
storm,  168;  his  fleet  captured, 
170;  fights  Urian,  175;  makes 
his  escape,  176;  defeated  at  sea 
by  the  Master  of  Rhodes,  177; 
escapes  in  a  small  boat,  177; 
forms  a  league  against  the  kings 
of  Cyprus  and  Armenia,  264  ; 
defeated  by  the  Christian  forces, 
and  is  compelled  to  make  a  treaty, 

Bar,  Duchesse  of,  Marie,  1,  daughter 
of  John  le  Bon,  King  of  France ; 
born  Sept.  12,  1344 ;  married 
1364  to  Robert,  Duke  of  Bar; 
died  1404. 

Barbary,  Sultan  of,  nephew  of  King 
Brandimount,  one  of  the  league 
against  Urian,  King  of  Cyprus, 
264 ;  believes  the  league  will  be 
successful  against  the  Lusignans 
on  land,  272 ;  loses  his  arm  in  a 
fight  with  Urian,  290 ;  makes  a 
treaty,  292. 

Benedictus,  Pope,  334  ;  Benedicte ; 
visited  by  Raymondin. 

Bernadon,  354,  son  of  Odon,  Earl  of 
Marche,  marries  the  heiress  of  the 
lord  of  Cabyeres. 

Berry,  Duke  of,  John,  1,  son  of  John 
le  Bon,  King  of  France;  born 
Nov.  30,  1340;  died  June  15, 
1416 ;  commands  John  of  Arras 
to  compile  the  history  of  Melu- 
sine, 2 ;  captures  Lusignan  Castle, 

Bertrand,  18,  102,  son  of  Emery, 
Earl  of  Poitiers  ;  succeeds  to  tlie 

D   D 



earldom,  40  :  grants  Raymondin 
a  piece  of  land,  41 ;  goes  to  Ray- 
mondin's  wedding,  49. 

Bertrand,  214,  son  of  Anthony  and 
Cristine  of  Luxembourg. 

Blanche,  18,  daughter  of  Emery, 
Earl  of  Poitiers,  goes  to  Ray- 
mondin's  marriage,  52. 

Brandimount  in  Tharse,  King  of, 
uncle  of  the  Sultan  of  Damascus, 
164;  goes  against  Cyprus  to 
avenge  his  nephew's  death,  164; 
his  fleet  damaged  by  a  storm,  165 ; 
swears  to  obtain  victory  or  death, 
170;  fights  Urian,  175;  slain,  175. 

Claude  of  • Syon,  247,  refuses  to  pay 
Rayrnondin  his  tribute,  246 ;  is 
attacked  by  Geffray  with  the 
great  Tooth,  247  ;  captured,  254  ; 
is  hung  before  Valbrnyant  Castle 
by  Geffray's  orders,  256. 

Clerevauld,  252,  third  brother  of 
Guyon  of  Syon  Castle  ;  rebels 
against  Raymondin,  246  ;  is  cap- 
tured by  Geffray's  squire,  253, 
and  is  hung  before  Valbruyant 
Castle,  256. 

Cordes,  Admiral  of,  268 ;  Querdes, 
246;  joins  the  Caliph  of  Bandus 
to  fight  the  King  of  Cyprus,  264  ; 
defeated  at  sea  by  Geffray,  270 ; 
slain  by  Geffray,  290. 

Crystyne,  183,  d-i lighter  and  heiress 
of  the  Duke  of  Luxembourg ;  the 
King  of  Anssay  sues  for  her  hand, 
183 ;  she  refuses  because  he  is  a 
widower,  183  ;  her  land  attacked, 
185  ;  Anthony  rescues  her,  203  ; 
marries  Anthony,  214. 

Damascus,  Sultan  of,  wants  to  marry 
the  daughter  of  the  King  of  Cy- 
prus, 121  ;  is  refused  because  he 
will  not  be  baptised,  121  ;  goes 
to  fight  the  king,  115;  besieges 
Famagosse,  121 ;  hears  of  the 
arrival  of  the  Lusignans,  124; 
defeated  by  Urian,  133  ;  throws 
a  poisoned  dart  at  the  King  of 

i      Cyprus,  136  ;  slain  by  Urian,  145. 

Damascus,  Sultan    of,  jeers  at  the 

-  Christians'  power,  277 ;  gets 
frightened  at  Geffray,  280 ;  at- 

tacks Geffray,  283;  has  to  fly, 
285  ;  makes  a  treaty,  292. 

Dauid,  King  of  Israel,  2,  quoted. 

Dtipont,  Josselyn,  makes  the  heir  of 
the  King  of  Bretayne  jealous  of 
Henry  of  Leon,  66  ;  is  denounced 
by  Raymondin,  72  ;  summoned  to 
appear  before  the  King  of  Bret- 
ayne, 73  ;  his  treachery  exposed, 
75 ;  confesses,  85 ;  ordered  to 
make  restitution,  88  ;  hung,  86. 

Dysmas,  117,  the  good  thief  who 
was  crucified  with  Jesus. 

Earle  of  Vandosme  at  war  with  the 
Erie  of  Marche,  345 ;  he  has  to 
make  peace,  and  do  homage  for 
some  of  his  land,  346. 

Eglantyne,  daughter  and  heiress  of 
Frederick,  King  of  Bohemia,  215  ; 
left  an  orphan,  227  ;  marries  Reg- 
nauld,  fourth  son  of  Raymondin 
and  Melusine,  240 ;  becomes  the 
mother  of  Olyphart,  242. 

Elynas,  King  of  Albany,  a  widower  ; 
when  hunting  he  ineets  Prossine, 
a  beautiful  lady,  7  ;  becomes  en- 
amoured of  her,  9  ;  proposes  to 
marry  her,  10 ;  is  accepted  on 
condition  that  he  promises  to  ab- 
stain from  seeing  her  while  in 
childbed,  11  ;  has  three  daughters 
by  her,  Melusine,  Melior.  and  Pala- 
tine, 11  ;  breaks  his  promise,  11  ; 
his  wife  and  daughters  disappear. 
12;  his  daughters  shut  him  up 
in  Brombelyoys,  a  Northumbrian 
mountain,  14  ;  his  death,  burial, 
and  tomb,  17. 

Emery,  Earl  of  Poitiers,  18,  slain  by 
accident  at  a  boar  hunt  by  his 
nephew  Raymondin,  25. 

Florye,  daughter  and  heiress  of  the 
King  of  Little  Armenia,  falls  in 
love  with  Guyon,  second  son  of 
Raymondin  and  Melusine,  162; 
left  an  orphan,  178;  her  father's 
dying  wish  is  that  she  should 
marry  Guyon,  179  ;  Guyon 
marries  her,  181. 

Florymond,  son  of  Nathas,  King  of 
Albany,  7  ;  he  has  much  troable, 



Forests,  Erie  of,  jokes  his  brother 
Raymondin  about  his  marriage  to 
Melusine,  56  ;  makes  him  jealous 
of  Melusine,  295 ;  is  slain  by 
Geffrny,  332. 

Frederyk,  King  of  Behayne,  brother 
of  the  King  of  Ansaay,  215  ;  be- 
sieged by  the  Saracens  at  Prague, 
215  ;  slain  by  the  King  of  Craco, 

Froymond,  245;  Froymonde,  6; 
Froymont,  308,  seventh  son  of 
Raymondin  and  Melusine,  104 ; 
the  only  perfectly  formed  child 
Melusine  bears,  314 ;  shorn,  a 
monk  at  Mailleses,  305  ;  burnt  in 
the  Abbey  of  Mailleses  by  Geffray 
with  the  great  Tooth,  309. 

Gullafryn,  King  of  Danetto  (Darni- 
etta)  has  his  head  cut  open  by 
Geffray,  283. 

Geffray  with  the  great  Tooth,  sixth 
son  of  Raymondin  and  Melusine ; 
birth,  104  ;  goes  against  Claud  of 
Syon  and  his  brethren,  247;  hangs 
them  before  Valbruyant  Castle, 
256;  pardons  Guerin  and  Gerrard, 
263 ;  resolves  to  fight  the  Sara- 
cens, 264 ;  arrives  at  Lymasson, 
267 ;  defeats  the  Saracens  at 
sea,  270;  plunders  Jaffa,  277; 
captures  Beyrout,  278  ;  kills  Gal- 
lafryn  of  Damietta  before  Da- 

,  mascus,  283;  fights  the  Sultan 
of  Damascus,  287 ;  kills  the  Ad- 
miral of  Cordes,  290  ;  the  Sara- 
cens agree  to  pay  tribute,  292  ; 
tights  the  giant  Guedon,  302 ; 
slays  him,  304;  enraged  at  his 
brother  Froyrnond  becoming  a 
monk,  307 ;  burns  the  Abbey  of 
Mailleses,  his  brother  Froymond 
and  all  the  monks,  304 ;  repents, 
310 ;  goes  to  Brombelyo,  323 ; 
fights  the  giant  Grimold,  324; 
follows  him  into  a  cave,  327  ;  sees 
there  thetombof  Elynashisgrand- 
fiither,  326  ;  slays  Grimold,  329  ; 
learns  his  mother's  fate,  331  ; 
slays  the  Earl  of  Forest,  332  ;  be- 
comes lord  of  Lusignan,  338  ; 
repents  his  many  misdeeds,  329  ; 
goes  to  Rome  and  confesses  to  the 

Pope,  340 ;  visits  his  father,  343  ; 
visits  Regnald  and  Antbony,  345  ; 
rebuilds  the  Abbey  of  Mailleses, 
346 ;  captures  Freiburg,  351  ; 
fights  the  Duke  of  Austria,  353; 
attends  his  father's  burial,  353  ; 
fights  with  a  mysterious  knight, 
359;  promises  to  build  an  hospital, 

Geruayse,  4  (?  Gervaise  of  Tilbury) 

Godart,  369,  declares  he  has  often 
seen  a  serpent  on  the  walls  of 
Lusignan  Castle. 

Great  Carmen,  263. 

Great  Prior  of  Rhodes  invites  Urian 
and  Guion  to  Rhodes,  116;  goes 
to  search  for  the  Saracens,  117  ; 
cuts  off  the  Saracen  retreat,  174  ; 
defeats  the  Calaph  of  Bandns  at 
sea,  177 ;  sails  to  the  Saracen 
fleet  at  Jaffa,  266. 

Grymault,  306;  Gryroauld,  323,  a 
Northumbrian  giant;  Geffray  with 
the  great  Tooth  fights  him,  324  ; 
and  on  the  second  day  slays  him, 

Guedon,  293,  a  giant  in  Garende ; 
fights  Geffray,  301 ;  is  slain, 

Guerard  of  Mountfrayn,  nephew  of 
Gueryn  of  Valbruyant  Castle,  256; 
makes  peace  with  Geffray,  263. 

Gueryn  of  Valbruyant  Castle,  255 ; 
submits  to  Geffray,  261,  and  is 
forgiven,  263. 

Guion,  third  son  of  Raymondin  and 
Melusine,  103 ;  goes  with  his 
brother  Urian  to  help  the  King  of 
Cyprus  against  the  Saracens,  109 ; 
receives  a  ring  from  Ermin,  126 ; 
visits  the  King  of  Cyprus,  150 ; 
goes  once  more  against  the  Sara- 
cens, 160;  driven  on  the  coast  of 
Armenia,  161 ;  falls  in  love  with 
Flory,  the  heiress  of  the  King  of 
Armenia,  163;  defeats  the  Sara- 
cens, 166  ;  is  offered  the  crown  of 
Armenia,  179;  marries  Flory,  180; 
has  to  defend  himself  against  a 
Saracen  league,  265. 

Guyon,  brother  of  Claud  of  Syon 
Castle,  fights  Geffray  with   the 
great   Tooth,  249;    is   overcome 
D  D  8 



and  bound  to  a  tree,  251 ;  hung 
before  Valbruyant  Castle,  256. 

Henry  of  Leon,  father  of  Raymondin, 
seneschal  of  the  King  of  Bretayn, 
65  ;  slain  by  Josselin  Dupont,  67. 

Henry,  son  of  Alayn  of  Qnyngan, 
and  cousin  of  Raymondin,  70 ; 
obtains  from  Raymondin  the 
Barony  of  Henry  of  Leon,  87. 

Henry,  178,  257,  son  of  Urian  and 
Hermin  of  Cyprus. 

Horrible,  eighth  son  of  Raymondin 
and  Melusiner  birth,  105 ;  has 
three  eyes,  and  is  of  a  brutal  dis- 
position, 105 ;  suffocated,  322. 

Locher,  245,  son   of  Anthony  and 

Christine  of  Luxembourg. 
Lymas,     Captain     of,     visits     the 

wounded  King  of  Cyprus,  146 ; 

takes    a    message   from   him    to 

Urian,  148. 

Machomid,  277 ;  Mahon,  275,  Ma- 

Melidee,  183;  Metydee,  217, 
daughter  of  the  King  of  Ans- 
say ;  betrothed  to  Bertrand, 
Anthony's  son,  245. 

Melior,  second  daughter  of  Elinas 
and  Pressine,  11 ;  helps  Melusine 
to  shut  her  father  up  in  the 
Mountain  of  Brombelyoys,  14 ; 
as  punishment  if»  sent  by  her 
mother  to  keep  a  Sperohak  in  a 
castle  in  Armenia  until  the  day 
of  judgment,  15 ;  she  gives  gifts 
to  knights  who  can  watch  the 
Sperohak  three  days  and  nights 
without  sleep,  362  ;  has  an  ad- 
venture with  a  King  of  Armenia, 
365  ;  tells  her  history,  366. 

Melusyne,  6  ;  Melusigne,  11 ;  Melu- 
sine of  Albany,  52 ;  eldest  d  aughter 
of  Elinas,  Kingof  Albany,  and  Pres- 
Bine,  11 ;  taken  to  Aualon,  12;  told 
of  her  father's  broken  promise,  13 ; 
shuts  up  her  father  in  Brombe- 
lyoys Mountain,  14;  condemned 
to  turn  into  a  serpent  every  Satur- 
day till  she  finds  a  man  who  will 
marry  her  and  who  promises  to 
keep  away  from  her  on  those 

days,  15;  meets  Raymondin  at 
the  Fountain  of  Soif,  27  ;  wakens 
him,  29 ;  tells  his  history,  31  ; 
asks  him  to  marry  her,  31 ;  ob- 
tains a  promise  that  he  will  not 
try  to  see  her  on  Saturdays,  32  ; 
gives  Raymondin  advice,  33 ;  her 
wedding,  53  ;  thanks  Raymondin 
for  his  friends'  presence  and  urges 
him  to  keep  his  promise,  57  ;  she 
presents  rich  jewels  to  her  guests, 
59 ;  builds  Lusignan  Castle,  62  ; 
gives  birth  to  Urian,  65 ;  ad- 
vises Raymondin  to  go  to  Breta3-n 
to  obtain  justice  from  Josselin 
Dupont,  65  ;  prepares  a  welcome 
for  her  lord,  101 ;  gives  birth  to 
Odon  and  Guyon,  103 ;  builds 
Partenay  and  many  towns  and 
castles  in  Poitou  and  Guyenne, 
103 ;  gives  birth  to  Anthony, 
Geffray,  Froymond,  104,  245, 
and  Horrible,  105 ;  gives  per- 
mission to  Urian  and  Guion  to 
seek  their  fortunes  abroad,  107 ; 
organizes  their  forces,  109  ;  gives 
them  parting  advice,  110;  raises 
an  army  for  Anthony  and  Reg- 
nald,  188 ;  gives  them  advice, 
190 ;  gives  birth  to  Theodoric, 
245  ;  Raymondin  is  made  jealous 
of  her  by  his  brother,  295  ;  breaks 
his  promise  and  visits  her  on  a 
Saturday,  296  :  sees  her  bathing 
in  the  form  of  a  serpent  woman, 
297 ;  she  forgives  him  and  con- 
soles him,  299  ;  she  hears  of  the 
burning  of  the  Abbey  of  Mailleses 
by  her  son  Geffray,  312  ;  her  sor- 
row, 312  ;  she  goes  to  Raymondin 
and  chides  him  for  his  over  great 
grief,  313 :  he  upbraids  her,  and 
calls  her  a  false  serpent,  314  ;  she 
faints,  and  on  reviving  laments 
her  fate,  316 ;  she  makes  her 
testament,  318 ;  bids  Raymon- 
din farewell,  319  ;  is  transformed 
into  a  serpent  and  disappears, 
321 ;  her  obsequies,  321 ;  visits 
her  infant  children,  322  ;  her  voice 
is  heard  lamenting  Raymondin's 
death,  354 ;  is  seen  by  Sersuell, 
Godart,  369,  and  Yuon  of  Wales, 



Nathas,  11,  Mathas,  17,  son  of 
Elynas,  King  of  Albany,  by  his 
first  wife  ;  he  persuades  Elynas  to 
break  his  promise  to  Pressine,  11; 
succeeds  his  father,  12  ;  marries 
Ycrys,  12. 

Ode,  Duke  of  Bavaria,  223;  goes 
with  Regnald  and  Anthony  to 
the  siege  of  Prague,  225. 

Odon,  Edon,  second  son  of  Ray- 
mondin  and  Melusine,  birth,  102  ; 
marries  the  daughter  of  the  Earl 
of  Marche,  182 ;  visits  Kegnald 
and  Anthony,  345 ;  the  Earl  of 
Vandosme  does  homage  to  him, 

Olyphart,  242,  son  of  Regnald  and 
Eglantine  of  Bohemia. 

Olyuyer,  son  of  Josselin  Dupont,  72; 
rights  Raymondin,  79  ;  yields,  84; 
condemned  to  be  hanged,  86. 

Palatyne,  youngest  daughter  of 
Elynas  and  Pressine,  sent  to  the 
Mountain  of  Guygo  to  watch  the 
treasure  of  Elinas  until  she  was 
released  by  a  knight  of  her  own 
lineage,  6. 

Philibert  de  Mommoret  assists  Gef- 
fray  in  his  fight  against  the  rebel 
Guion,  248,  252. 

Pressine,  meets  Elynas,  King  of 
Albany,  7  ;  he  is  struck  with  her 
beauty  and  declares  his  love,  10 ; 
she  consents  to  marry  him  on  con- 
dition that  he  promises  not  to  look 
at  her  when  she  is  in  childbed,  11 ; 
her  marriage,  11 ;  hated  by  her 
step-son  Nathas,  11 ;  has  triplets, 
Melusine,  Melior,and  Palatine,  11; 
King  Elynas  breaks  his  promise, 
11 ;  she  leaves  him,  taking  her 
daughters  with  her  to  Aualon, 
12 ;  she  shows  them  the  land  of 
their  birth  from  Mount  Elyneos, 
13  ;  she  tells  them  of  their  father's 
broken  promise,  13  ;  she  punishes 
her  daughters  for  ill-treating  their 
father,  \b ;  she  buries  Elynas,  and 
builds  him  a  noble  tomb,  17. 

Raymondin,  son  of  Henry  of  Leon, 
67,  and  nephew  of  the  Earl  of 

Poytere,  19 ;  goes  on  a  boar-hunt 
with  his  uncle,  21,  whom  he  acci- 
dentally kills,  25  ;  he  laments  his 
fortune  and  resolves  to  fly,  27; 
at  the  Fountain  of  Soif  he  meets 
three  fairies,  27,  and  becomes 
enamoured  of  the  eldest,  Melu- 
sine, 29 ;  he  is  surprised  that 
she  knows  his  history,  30;  she 
asks  him  to  marry  her,  and 
promises  to  make  him  a  great 
lord,  31,  on  condition  that  he 
will  never  ask  to  see  her  on  a 
Saturday,  32 ;  she  counsels  him 
to  return  to  Poitiers,  and  advises 
him  what  to  do  there,  34  ;  he  fol- 
lows her  advice,  and  all  goes  well, 
36;  she  sends  him  back  to  Poitiers 
to  demand  of  the  new  Earl  a  gift 
of  as  much  land  as  he  can  en- 
circle with  a  hart's  hide,  39 ;  he 
obtains  his  land  grant,  41 ;  he  in- 
vites his  friends  to  his  wedding, 
48 ;  they  are  surprised  at  the 
riches  of  his  wife,  59 ;  Lnsignan 
Castle  built,  62 ;  named,  64 ; 
Melusine  bears  him  a  son  named 
Urian,  65  ;  he  goes  to  Brut  Britain 
to  avenge  an  injury  to  his  father, 
Henry  of  Leon,  69;  he  fights 
Oliver,  son  of  Josselin  Dupont,  83  ; 
conquers,  84;  obtains  a  decision 
in  his  favour  from  the  King  of 
Brut  Britain,  88  ;  on  his  return 
home  he  is  attacked  by  the  friends 
of  Josselin  Dupont,  94  ;  he  repels 
the  attack,  and  sends  his  enemies 
to  the  King  of  Brut  Britain,  who 
hangs  them,  97  ;  he  finds  a  grand 
castle  on  his  return  home,  100 ;  is 
met  by  Melusine,  101 ;  she  bears 
him  more  sons,  Odon,  Guion,  1U4, 
Anthony,  Regnald,  Geffray,  104, 
Froimond,  Horrible,  104,  Theo- 
doric,  246 ;  a  rebellion,  in  Gar- 
aude,  246  ;  he  is  made  jealous  by 
his  brother  the  Earl  of  Forest, 
and  breaks  his  promise  to  Melu- 
sine by  looking  at  her  in  her  bath 
on  a  Saturday,  296 ;  he  sees  her 
to  be  half  woman  and  half  ser- 
pent, 297,  and  laments  that  he 
has  betrayed  her,  297  ;  he  drives 
his  brother  away  for  tempting 



him,  297,  and  keeps  secret  what 
lie  lias  seen,  298 ;  he  is  forgiven 
by  Melusine,  as  he  has  been  dis- 
creet, 299  ;  he  hears  that  Geffray 
has  burnt  the  Abbey  of  Mailleses 
and  all  the  monks,  310  ;  he  visits 
the  Abbey,  where  he  is  overcome 
with  anger  and  denounces  Melu- 
sine as  a  spirit,  311 ;  he  upbraids 
her  and  calls  her  "  a  false  ser- 
pent," 314  ;  he  repents  and  is  for- 
given, 315 ;  Melusine  changes 
into  a  serpent  and  disappears  from 
him,  321  ;  he  has  his  son  Horrible 
burnt,  321  ;  he  is  full  of  sorrow 
at  the  loss  of  his  wife,  321 ;  he 
gives  his  lands  to  Geffray,  333, 
and  goes  on  a  pilgrimage  to 
Rome,  334,  where  he  confesses  to 
the  Pope  and  visits  the  'Holy 
Places,  334  ;  he  then  journeys  to 
Montserrat  in  Aragon,  336,  where 
he  becomes  a  hermit,  337 ;  his 
death,  354,  ard  burial,  355. 

Raymond,  Earl  of  Forest,  ninth  son 
of  Raymondin  and  Melusine,  6 ; 
suckled  by  Melusine  after  her  dis- 
appearance from  Raymondin,  322; 
is  made  Earl  of  Forest  by  Geffray, 

Regnald,  fifth  son  of  Raymondin  and 
Melusine,  6 ;  birth,  104 ;  goes 
with  Anthony  to  the  siege  of 
Luxembourg,  111  ;  goes  to  the 
siege  of  Prague,  219  ;  slays  King 
Zelodyus  ;  marries  Eglantine  of 
Bohemia,  240  ;  Oliphart,  his  son, 
242 ;  goes  to  the  siege  of  Pour- 
rencru,  347. 

St.  lohan  Baptiste,  16. 

St.  Paul.  3,  371,  quoted. 

Saint  William,  Erie  of  Poitiers, 
grandson  of  Erie  Emery  of  Poi- 
tiers, 20  ;  becomes  a  monk  of  the 
Order  of  the  White  Mauntelles,  20. 

Sersuell,  Lieutenant,  in  charge  of 
Lusignan  Castle  on  behalf  of  the 
King  of  England,  369. 

Sir  Robert  du  Chastel  Roussel  in 
Asy,  marries  a  fairy,  to  whom  he 
gives  a  promise  that  he  will  never 
look  at  her  when  she  is  naked,  5  ; 
he  breaks  his  promise,  5 ;  his  wife 

plunges  her  head  into  water,  and 
changes  into  a  serpent  and  dis- 
appears, 5. 

Theodoryk,  youngest  son  of  Ray- 
mondin and  Melusine,  6  ;  birth, 
246;  nursed  by  his  mother  after 
she  had  left  Raymondin,  322 ; 
becomes  lord  of  Partenay,  333 ; 
left  in  charge  of  Geffray's  lands, 
339  ;  marches  against  Freiburg, 
347,  353 ;  visits  his  father  at 
Montserrat,  353. 

Urian,  eldest  son  of  Raymondin  and 
Melusine,  6  ;  birth,  65 ;  wishes  to 
assist  the  King  of  Cyprus  against 
the  Sultan  of  Damascus,  109  ; 
Melusine  provides  an  army  trans- 
port and  victuals,  109 ;  sails 
from  Rochelle,  115;  fights  the 
Sultan  of  Damascus  at  sea,  115; 
lands  his  army  at  Cyprus,  119; 
receives  a  jewel  from  Ermine,  the 
heiress  of  the  King  of  Cyprus, 
126  ;  defeats  the  Saracens,  132, 
138  ;  kills  the  Sultan  of  Damascus 
at  Famagosse,  146  ;  knighted  by 
the  King  of  Cyprus,  153;  is  offered 
the  heiress  of  Cyprus  to  wife,  155 ; 
accepts  her,  156 ;  his  marriage, 
157;  becomes  king,  158;  kills 
King  Brandemount,  175  ;  defeats 
the  Saracen  invaders,  176 ;  his 
son  Henry  born,  178 ;  defends 
himself  against  a  new  Saracen 

Yen's,  12,  wife  of  Nnthas,  King  of 
Albany,  and  mother  of  Flory- 

Yuon  of  Wales,  370,  sees  Melusine 
in  the  form  of  a  serpent, 

Zelodyus,  Zodyus,  King  of  Craoo, 
227  ;  besieges  Frederick  of  Bo- 
hemia at  Pnigue,  216  ;  kills  Fred- 
erick, 226,  and  ill-treats  and  burns 
his  body,  227  ;  Regnauld  slays 
him,  233 ;  the  King  of  Anssay 
burns  his  body,  234. 



Aeon,  page  219,  Aix-la-Chapelle. 

Aisne,  River,  193. 

Albany,  6,  12. 

Allemayne,  183  ;  Almayn,  351. 

Anssay,  183,  may  be  read  Aussay ; 

Aragon,  336. 
Ardane,  245,  Ardennes. 
Arrnanye,  Grete,  362,  Armenia. 
Annanye,  161 ;  Armeuye,  6,  Little 

Aruall,  89. 

Asy,  5,  ?  Aisy  in  dept.  of  Aisne. 
Aualon,  12. 
Austeryche,  345. 
Auuergne,  1. 

Bandas,  163,  may  be  read  Baudas, 

Bar,  Duchy  of,  1. 

Barselone,  336. 

Baruth,  160,  V  Beyrout. 

Behayne,  6,  214,  Bohemia. 

Berry,  1. 

Bonenall,   346,    ?  Bonneval,    dept. 

Eure  et  Loire. 
Bretons;  17,  97,  Brittany. 
Brombelyoys,      14  ;       Brombelyo, 

Mount,  32. 
Brut  Brytayne,  17,  Brittany. 

Cabyeres,  355. 

Cardillak,  356. 

Coles,  122. 

Coloyne,  219. 

Coulombyers,  Forest  of,  19,  37,  59, 

in  dept.  of  Vienne. 
Craco,  216. 

Cruly,  161,  Little  Armenia. 
Culbaston,  337,  Colbato. 
Cypre,  105,  Cyprus. 

Damaske,  164. 

Danette,  276,  Damietta. 

Denmark,  242. 

Duras,  Castel,  346,  on  the  Meuse. 

Eglon,  Castle,  103. 
Elyneos,  Mount,  13. 
England,  356. 

Famagoce,  105,  146;  Famagousta, 

Fontayne  of  Soyf,  2,  or  Fontayne  of 

Fayerye,  27. 

Forest,  6  ;  Foreatz,  18,  earldom. 
Fraunce,  1. 
Frebourgh,  350,  Freiburg. 

Garande,  246;  garende,  287;  guor- 
rende,  89,  country  of  the  River 

Gascoynne,  104. 

Guyenne,  104. 

Guygo,  Mount,  16,  a  mountain  in 

Holland,  The  low  march  of,  242. 
Hongery,  225. 
Hospytal  of  Rodes,  122. 

Jalensy,  331. 
Japhe,  265,  Jaffa. 
Jherusalem,  292. 

Langgedok,  338,  Languedoc. 
Leffe,  217. 
Leon,  Castel,  67. 
Lorayne,  183. 
Lucembourgh,  6,  183. 
Lusygnen,  6;  Lusi^nen,  17. 
Lymas,  146  ;  Limasson,  117,  Limas- 

sol,  Cyprus. 
Lynges,  103. 

Mailleses,  Abbey  of,  6 ;  Maillezes, 

Malegres,  162. 

Marcelly,  Castel,  331. 

Masyeres,  Bridge  of,  245,  ?  Mdzieres, 

Maxence,  103,  Abbey  of  ?  Maxent 

Melle,  103. 

Mennent,  292;  Mernant,  103. 

Mermount,  300,  Tower  of  the  giant 

Meuse,  River,  194  ;  Meuze,  245,  346. 

Montferrat,  335,  Montserrat  in  Ara- 

Montiers,  Abbey  of,  42. 

Mouchyne,  243  (Muchin),  ?  Munich. 

Mountfrayn,  257. 



Mountyoued,  331 ;  Mountyouet,  306. 
Murmycli,  225. 
Myrabel,  192. 

Nantes,  73. 
Nerbonne,  335. 
Neufmoustier,  Abbey  of,  322. 
Northomberland,  14,  306. 
Northweghe,  242,  Norway. 
Nuemnartrhe,  223  (?  Nurenbnrg). 
Nyort,  299. 

Parpynen,  336,  Perpignan. 

Partenay,  6,  103. 

Penbrough,  355,  Pembroke. 

Penycence,  65. 

Poitere,  118  ;  Poyters,  19  ;  Poytiers. 

Pons,  103. 

Poterne  Tower,  321. 

Pourrencru,  346,  (V)  Porentruy,  near 

Poytow,  4;    Poitow,  17;    Poytwo, 

41 ;  Pouthieu,  293  (Ponthieiit). 
Praghe,  215,  Prague. 

Quercyn,  356. 

Quyngant,  68,  ?  Guingamp. 

Regnault,  Castel,  355. 
Rochelle,  103. 
Roussel,  Chastel,  in  Asy,  5. 
Ryne,  River,  219,  Rhine. 

Saint  Hylary  of  Poyters,  church,  40. 

Salesbury,  1. 

Saynt  Andrew,  Port  of,  168. 

Saynt  Mychel,  Capell  of,  343. 

St.  John  of  Rhodes,  269. 

Sassymon,  98. 

Soyf,  Fontayne  of,  37. 

Sperhaak  Castle,  16  ;  Sperohak,  15. 

Storyon,  73. 

Surye,  160,  ?  Syria. 

Syon  Castle,  247. 

Tallemoridois,  104. 

Tallemounte,  104. 

Tharse,  164,  in  Asia  Minor. 

Thoulouse,  335. 

Tryple,  278,  ?  Tripoli  in  Syria. 

Tupple,    160    (Tupple),    '(  Tripoli, 

Turcke,  145  ;  Turckye,  265. 

Valbruyant  Castle,  255. 
Vannes,  98. 
Vernon,  318. 
Vertone,  195. 
Vouant,  103. 
Vtreyght,  242,  Utrecht. 

Xaintes,  103. 

Ycrys,  12. 

Zeland,  242,  Zealand.