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Full text of "Memorial addresses on the life and character of William M. Lowe, (a representative from Alabama), delivered in the House of Representatives and in the Senate, Forty-seventh Congress, second session .."

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4-TH  CoNttirEss.  I        IKinsE  Ol'^  REPRF.SKNTATn'ES.         ^  Mis.  Doc. 
•■id  Scssiuii.        s  (     No.  30. 



William  M.  Lowe, 









01  7L' 



[Priii.ic  I>i;s()LUTiox — No.  11.] 

JOIXT  KESOLUTION  to  i)rint  certain  eiilogicM  delivered  in  uphn  the  Lite  Will- 
iam M.  Lowe. 

Ii'csolved  by  the  Seiiaie.  and  House  of  lieprescntativcs  of  the  Viiilcd  Slnfes  of 
Jiiicricii  ill  Congress  assembled,  That  there  be  jirinted  of  the  eulogies  delivered 
in  t'ongress  upon  the  late  William  M.  Lowe,  a  iiieniber  of  the  I'orty-seveuth  from  the  State  of  Alabama,  twelve  thousand  eopie.?,  of  which 
three  thousand  .shall  be  for  the  use  of  the  Senate  and  nine  thousand  for  the 
use  of  the  House  of  Representatives  ;  and  the  Secretary  of  the  Treasury  be, 
and  he  is  hereby,  directed  to  have  printed  a  portrait  of  the  said  William  M. 
Lowe,  to  accompany  said  eulogies;  aud  for  the  purpose  of  engraving  or 
printing  said  portrait  the  sura  of  five  hundred  dollars,  or  so  much  thereof  as 
may  be  necessary,  be,  and  the  same  is  hereby,  appropriated  out  of  any 
moneys  in  the  Treasury  not  otherwise  appropriated. 

Approved,  P'ebruary  23,  1883. 



Death  oi"  Wilciam  M.  Lowe. 


In  the  House  of  RErRESEXXATivES, 

Dcrembcr  4,  1S82. 

Mr.  Herbert.  Mr.  Spwikcr,  I  rise  t<>  amiuunce  that  siiico  the 
adimimnuMit  of  tliis  House  in  August  my  eolleague,  Hon.  Wile- 
lAM  M.  Lowe,  died  at  iiis  resideneo  in  Hnntsville,  Alabama  ; 
and  making  to-day  simjiiy  this  sad  aunouneement  tliat  he  lias 
gone  from  among  us  forever,  I  give  notice  that  on  some  future 
occasion  a  motion  will  he  made  to  tix  a  day  upon  which  this 
House  shall  pay  appropriate  honors  to  liis  memory. 

I  now  yield  to  the  gentleman  from  Ohio,  who  has  a  similar  an- 
nonucemeut  to  make. 

Mr.  Taylor.  Mr.  Speaker,  with  feelings  of  the  deepest  per- 
sonal sornjw  I  liave  to  announce  the  death  of  mv  iiouoral)le  col- 
league, Jonathan  T.  Ui'DE(;raff,  late  a  member  of  this  House 
from  the  State  of  Ohiov  Tiie  experience  of  Mr.  Updeoraff  in 
this  Hall,  his  fidelity  to  the  pui)lic  service,  liis  integritv,  and  his 
ai)ility  cause  his  loss  to  be  deplored  i)y  this  body  and  by  the 
country.  His  private  character  and  social  (pialities  give  to  his 
death  ground  for  peculiar  grief  to  those  who  knew  him  best. 

I  ask  the  action  of  the  House  on  tlie  following  resolution. 

The  Clerk  read  as  follows  : 

Eesohed,  That  the  House  has  heard  with  sincere  regret  the  aunouneeiiient 
of  the  death  duriug  tlie  hite  recess  of  H  n.  Wii.i.iAM   M.  Lowe,  hite  a  Rep- 


reseutative  f  om  tlic  State  of  Alaliama,  and  of  Hon.  Jonathan  T.  UpijK- 
GliAFF,  a  Eeiireseutative  tVoui  the  State  of  Ohio.  ' 

Resolved,  That  tho  Clerk  coiuiiuiiiicate  the  fmegoiiig  resolutiou  to  the  Sen- 

Resolfcd,  That  as  a  mark  of  respect  to  the  deceased  the  House  do  now  ad- 

The  resolution  was  uiianiiiiouslv  a(lo|)tecl  ;  and  accordinolv  tlic 

House  adjourned. 

In  the  of  Repeesentatives, 
,  Fchmary  3,  1883. 

Mr.  Oates.  The  liour  having  arrive<l,  aeeording-  to  the  order  of 
the  House,  for  eulogies  on  the  late  Hon.  AViLLiAUt  M.  Lowe,  of 
Alabama,  I  submit  the  rcsolnlions  wliidi  1  send  to  the  C'lerk's 

The  Clerk  I'ead  as  follow.s : 

Resolved,  That  the  House  of  Representatives  has  received  with  profound 
sensibility  the  announcement  of  the  death  of  Hon.  William  M.  Lowe,  hite 
a  Kepresentative  from  the  State  of  Alabama. 

Resolved,  Tliat  tlie  business  of  tliis  House  bo  now  suspended,  in  order  to 
afford  an  opportunity  for  the  expression  of  proper  tributes  to  the  memory  of 
the  deceased. 

Resolved,  That  as  a  further  mark  of  respect  the  House,  .at  the  conclusion  of 
such  memorial  services,  adjourn,  .and  tliat  these  resolutions  be  transmitted 
to  the  Senate  for  its  action  thereon. 

The  resolutions  were  adopted  unanimously. 

Address  of  Mr.  Oates,  of  Alabama. 

Mr.  Speakeu:  "Paint  me  as  I  am,"  .sai<l  Oliver  Cromwell  to 
young  Lely;  "if  you  leave  out  .the  scars  and  wrinkles  I  will  iKjt 
pay  you  a  .shilling." 

One  of  Shakespeare's  great  creations,  in  contemplation  of  imme- 
diate death,  exclaims,  "Speak  of  me  as  I  am;  notiiing  extenuate, 
nor  .set  down  aught  in  malice;"  and  so  shall  I  sjieak  in  ])aying  the  sad  tribute  to  my  late  colleague  and  I'riend.  In  the  plainest 
language  and  witliout  the  employment  of  figures  of  speech  J  shall 


endeavor  to  paint  him  as  lio  was,  altliongli  I  am  conscions  of  my 
inability  to  do  so  according  to  his  merits. 

William  Manning  Lowe  was  Lorn  in  Huntsville,  Madison 
County,  Alabama,  on  the  16th  day  of  January,  1842,  and  died  in 
tliat  town  on  the  12th  day  of  (October,  1882,  in  the  fort^y-lirst  year 
of  liis  age.  His  ancestry  was  of  the  highest  respectability.  On 
the  paternal  side  he  descended  from  a  family  of  Marylandei's  who 
came  over  from  England  with  I^ord  Baltimore.  His  father,  Gen- 
eral Bartley  j\I.  Lowe,  was  born  in  Edgefield  District,  South  Car- 
olina, in  the  year  1797,  but  soon  thereafter  his  father,  who  had  been 
a  captain  of  volunteers  in  the  Rcvulutionary  war,  removed  to 
Flwida  and  accepted  service  under  the  Spanish  Government,  for 
which  he  received  large  grants  of  land.  General  Lowe  upon  reach- 
ing manhood  located  in  Huntsville,  and  engaged  in  merchandising 
with  such  success  that  he  soon  became  the  "merchant  prince"  of 
that  town. 

He  married  a  Miss  jManning,  who  was  of  a  wealthy  and  intelli- 
gent family.  He  was  for  many  years  president  of  the  State  bank 
at  Huntsville.  He  took  an  active  part  in  politics,  and  was  at  one 
time  a  Presidential  elector  and  supporter  of  General  Jackson.  In 
the  later  years  of  his  life  he  was  engaged  in  the  commission  busi- 
ness in  New  Orleans,  ^^•here  he  became  well  known,  as  he  was  at 
home,  for  his  ability  as  a  financier,  his  high  integrity,  and  public 
spirit.  He  died  at  his  home  in  Huntsville  in  1867  at  the  age  of  70 
years,  respected  and  honored  by  all  who  knew  him.  He  left  six 
children,  three  sons  and  three  daughters.  Dr.  John  T.  Lowe,  who 
was  chief  surgeon  of  General  Loring's  division  of  the  Confederate 
army  during  the  late  war,  is  an  eminent  physicijin.  Robert  J.  Lowe, 
the  next  oldest,  was  a  lawyer,  and  represented  Madison  Countv  in 
the  State  legislature  in  1859  with  signal  al)ilitv  for  one  so  vonna;. 
He  attended  the  Baltimore  convention,  and  was  a  warm  supporter 
of  Breckinridge  for  the  Presidency  in  I860.  "When  Mr.  Lincoln 
was  elec^ted  he  was  fired  with  the  spirit  of  secession,  volunteered  in 
the  first  company  that  left  his  county  in  1861,  and  from  the  fatigjLie 
and  exposure  incident  to  camp  life  and  the  forced  mai-ch  of  General 
Johnston  to  reach  the  first  battle  of  IManassas,  contracted  typhoid 
fever,  of  which  he  died. 


Mv  liitr  (•(illcaguc,  till'  yoiiiiiicst  son, 'was  the  liriji'litost  and  most 
iiitelk'ctiial  oftlie  inmates  of  that  grand  ol  1  lioiiicstcad  situated  oil 
one  of  the  picturesque  hills  of  the  classic  town  of  Huntsville.  The 
father,  justly  proud  of  his  fair-haired,  bright-eyed  hoy,  was  so  in- 
dulgent that  the  latter  scarcely  knew  restraint.  This  too  great  l)ut 
perhaps  pardonahle  indulgence  made  its  impression  on  the  youthful 
mind,  and,  cou|)led  witii  his  native  independence,  so  shaped  the 
character  of  the  man  that  he  never  could  gracefully  submit  to  a 
line  of  discipline  opposed  to  his  conviction  or  inclination. 

His  father  gave  him  the  best  opportunities  for  mental  training. 
He  attended  school  at  Florence,  Alabama,  the  Uni\crsity  of  Ten- 
nessee, and  the  University  of  Virginia,  and  acquired  a  classical 

In  1860,  long  before  he  attained  his  majority,  he  was  a  strong 
advocate  of  the  election  of  Douglas,  notwithstanding  his  father  and 
brothers  were  active  supporters  of  Breckinridge  for  the  Presidency. 
And,  on  the  election  of  Mr.  Lincoln,  when  they  were  for  secession, 
he,  with  eijual  firmness,  opposed  this  doctrine,  contending  that 
tliei-e  was  no  suttieient  cause  for  a  dissolution  of  the  l^nion.  liut 
when  the  tocsin  of  war  was  sounded  and  his  State  called  for  troops, 
he  volunteered  as  a  private  in  the  same  company  with  his  brother, 
in  the  Fourth  Alabama  Kegiment  of  infantry, -with  which  he  jiartiei- 
pated  in  the  first  battle  of  Manassas,  and  in  the  midst  of  that  con- 
flict fell  severely,  and  it  was  thought  at  the  time  mortally,  wounded. 
He  was  left  upon  the  field  amongthe  dead  until  tin'  battle  wasovcr 
before  he  was  removed  and  cared  fi)r. 

After  several  months  of  suffering  he  recovered,  but  a  deep  sc;u- 
on  his  forclK^id  ever  n'maincd  an  infallible  testimony  of  his  gal- 
lantrv  upon  that  momentous  occasion.  He  was  afterward  promoted 
to  a  captaincy  and  served  for  a  time  on  the  staff  of  (ieneral  With- 
ers, and  wasaiiain  wounded  near  Murfreesborough, Tennessee.  He 
was  sni)sc(juently,  at  ids  own  re(piest,  transferred  to  Ctencral  Clan- 
t(m's  stalf  in  the  cavalry  arm  of  the  service,  and  was  soon  after 
promoted  to  the  rank  of  lieutenant-coloMei,  serving  with  Ciauloii 
through  his  canqiaigns  in  .Vlabama,  Georgia,  and  Tennessee  until 
captured  a(  the  battle  of  Franklin.     Thence  he  was  taken  to  Camp 


C'luisc  iiiid  Fort  Dclawan',  wheiT  lir  was  confined  as  a  prisoner  of 
\var  until  three  niontlis  after  the  surrendi^r.  He  was  ottered  his 
parole  much  earlier  upon  taking  the  oatii  of'allegianee  to  the  United 
States,  but  this  he  persistently  refused,  and  remained  in  prison  till 
President  Johnson,  who  knew  something  of  his  antecedents,  caused 
him  to  be  released  without  taking  any  oath  at  all. 

In  the  fail  of  the  year  ISO")  Colonel  LoWR  was  elected  solicitor 
of  the  Huntsville  circuit,  which  ofiii'c  lie  iichl  and  discharged  the 
duties  thereof  witii  great  crctlit  to  himself  and  satisfaction  to  the 
people  until  displaced  by  the  reconstruction  measures  of  Congress  in 
18GS.  During  his  official  term  he  developed  such  strength  of 
character  and  so  much  political  tact  in  reorganizing  the  Democratic 
party  that  he  at  once  became  a  leader  in  the  politics  of  the  State. 
He  was  a  delegate  from  liis  district  to  the  national  Democrati*^  con- 
vention, held  in  New  York  in  1868,  which  nominated  Mr.  Sey- 
mour for  the  Presidency.  I  met  him  for  the  first  time  in  that 
convention.  I  favored  the  nomination  <if  General  Hancock  upon 
a  platform  accepting  as  accomplished  fiuts  the  reconstruction  of  the 
Southern  States,  recognizing  them  as  acts  of  the  conquering  ]K)wer, 
and  ]n-etermitting  the  constitutionality,  wisdom,  and  injustice  of 
the  reconsti-uction  measures  to  be  dealt  with  by  the  people  under 
the  mellowing  influences  of  time.  When  T  made  my  views  known 
to  Colonc'l  Lowe  I  found  a  happy  concurrence  of  opinion.  But  we 
were  the  voungest  niembers  of  the  delegation  from  our  State  and 
unable  to  c<introl  its  action.  Some  lively  di.scussions,  however, 
were  had  in  the  connnittce-room.  Perhaps  the  liveliest  of  these 
occurred  when  our  chairman,  who  was  one  of  the  four  ex-governors 
(ju  the  delegation,  dclibd'atrly  proposed  a  resolution  recommending 
the  Democrats  of  Alabama  to  hold  the  Presidential  election  inde- 
pendent and  in  defiance  of  the  then  existing  State  government. 
I  trust  that  I  commit  no  breach  of  propriety  in  mentioning  this  cir- 
cumstance, since  that  distinguished  chairman's  loyalty  has  long 
since  been  assured  beyond  cpiestion  by  a  change  in  his  party  rela- 
tions. , 

Standing  together  njum  every  question  under  consideration,  at 
our  first  acquaintance,  a  strong  personal  attachment  sprang  np  be- 


tween  Culoiicl  LiiWE  aiul  myself, wliicli  (■(intimiod  iin;ili;it('il  to  tlic 
close  of  his  life,  althouali  \ve  diftfTed — intensely,  rudieally  diifered — 
politically  dnring  the  last  four  years. 

In  November,  1870,  he  was  elected  ti-om  his  county  to  the  lower 
house  of  the  general  assembly, a  house  composed  largely  of  such  men 
as  Hons.  G.  W.  Hewitt,  B.  B.  Lewis, Taul  Bradfoi-d,  N.  N.  Clements, 
subsecpiently  members  of  Congress,  and  J.  P.  Hubbard,  H.  T.  Taul- 
Miin,  Oliver  Semmes,  R.  K.  Boyd,  J.  M.  Cannichael,  and  others, 
whose  names  I  cannot  at  this  moment  recall,  who  have  since  risen 
to  distinction,  and  proven  tiiemselves  men  of  first-class  ability.  At 
the  organization  Colonel  IjOWE  received  several  votes  for  speaker, 
but  was  not  a  candidate.  I  was  also  a  member  of  that  house, 
which  brought  me  in  close  persoual  contact,  and  gave  me  the  best 
opportunities  for  observing  his  character,  habits,  and  mental  en- 

He  was  abstemious  and  never  indulged  in  strong  drink,  al- 
though cheerful,  sportive,  and  fond  of  the  gay  world. 

It  cannot  be  said  that  he  was  either  a  hard  worker  or  a  great 
student.  He  was  a  tiiinker;  He  read  much,  and  was  quite 
familiar  vith  a  large  munber  of  books,  but  he  thought  more.  His 
mind  was  broad  and  comprehensive,  yet  critically  exacting  and 
accurate  in  controversy,  except  when  disposed  to  indulge  in  irony 
or  ridicule,  in  which  iiis  wit  claimed  tiie  privilege  of  exaggera- 
tion. He  possessed  a  splendid  legal  mind,  yet  lie  was  not  a 
great  or  profound  lawyer.  No  man  ever  did  or  ever  will  attain 
eminence  in  tiiis  the  greatest  of  professions  except  through  long 
years  of  laborious  and  unremitting  study  and  ap])lication,  whicii 
the  world  calls  genius. 

While  my  departed  tricnd  esteemed  the  law  a  great  science,  it 
had  no  sncli  enchantment  for  him.  His  tastes  were  political.  They 
were  in  acconl  with  his  aml)ition,  to  which  he  subordinated  all  other 
considerations  consistent  with  honor  an<l  integrity.  He  was  an  ac- 
coni])lisiied  scholar,  j)rofound  tiiinker,  strong,  terse,  and  elegant  in 
diction  ;  lie  was  a  convincing  writei',  and,  with  a  keen  a|i]>reciatioii 
of  the  ridiculous  and  his  unsurpassed  conversational  ])owers,hewas 
one  of  the  most  comjianionable  and  entertaining  men  T  ever  knew. 


His  litiTarv  taste  was  of  a  liigli  m-dci-  and  liis  mind  nvcU 
.stored  with  the  most  select  and  useful  information  which  could  be 
made  available  as  the  basis  of  a  statesman's  character.  He  pos- 
sessed ijoetic  genius  and  wrote  some  beautiful  fugitive  verses. 
One  of  these  little  poems  was  reproduced  some  years  ago  in  the 
Saturday  Evening  Post  of  New  York,  and  pronounced  by  that 
paper  to  be  quite  equal  to  some  of  the  best  stanzas  of  Lord  Byron ; 
vet  he  never  esteemed  himself  a  poet  nor  sought  reputation  as 
such.  He  had  a  purpose  in  life,  a  destiny  chosen  l)y  himself 
Keenly  alive  to  either  praise  or  censure,  yet  reputation  won  in 
other  fields  than  such  as  tended  to  political  preferment  was  l)y  that 
fact,  in  his  estimation,  shorn  of  half  its  value. 

His  thoughts  and  methods  were  peculiarly  his  own.  They  were 
original  and  eccentric.  He  never  imitated.  His  respect  for  pre- 
cedent was  marked  by  expediency.  His  reverence  for  anticpiities 
was  moderate  and  he  refused  to  adhere  to  a  practice  or  princi{)le 
merelv  because  it  was  hoary  with  age.  He  cared  little  for  what 
men  had  done  or  were  inclined  to  do.  He  adopted  the  line  of 
policv  wliich  suited  him  l)est,  and  like  a  railroad  bridged  streams, 
tunneled  mountains,  and  took  his  own  independent  course. 

Original  in  thought,  he  was  yet  more  original  in  the  skillful 
utilization  of  ideas  which  he  extracted  from  others  and  dressed  in 
his  own  peculiar  garb  with  such  consummate  art  that  all  the  world 
acknowledged  them  his  iiwn.  Hence  during  his  service  in  the 
State  legislature  I  feel  assured  that  the  surviving  members  of 
that  l)ody  will  bear  me  out  in  asserting  that  Colonel  Lowe,  legiti- 
mately I  concede,  made  more  rejiutation  out  of  the  work  he  did 
than  any  other  member  of  that  unusually  able  house  of  rcpresenta- 

In  1875  I  served  witli  him  in  the  convention  of  one  hundred 
delegates  which  framed  the  j)resent  excellent  constitution  of  A  la- 
V)ama.  These  delegates  were  chosen  not  on  account  of  personal  ])op- 
ulai'ity  so  much  as  for  their  knowledge  and  experience  in  matters 
of  statecraft,  legislative,  judicial,  and  executive.  In  that  conven- 
tion of  distinguished  men  Colonel  Lowe  not  only  sustained  the 
high  reputation  he  had  previously  won,  but  added  fresh  laurels 
to  it. 


Ill  1870  ln'  was  a  candidate  for  tlic  Democratic  nomination  for 
( 'oiigress  in  tiie  eighth  district.  The  convention  assemliled  at  De- 
catur, and  in  its  oruanizatioii  adopted  that  foolish  and  niischievoiis 
two-thirds  rule,  which  has  no  place  in  any  code  of  parliamentary 
law  and  shonld  never  have  found  one  in  any  State  or  district  nomi- 
nating convention.  Other  candidates  were  before  the  convention, 
hut  Colonel  Lowe  was  the  choice  of  the  majority.  He  never  could, 
however,  R'ceive  the  two-thirds  of  the  votes  which  the  rule  rei|uired 
to  secure  his  uoiuination.  Hence,  after  between  one  and  two  hun- 
dred fruitless  ballotings,  the  names  of  all  the  candidates  were 
withdi'awn,  and  Hon.  W.  W.  Garth,  who  had  not  been  a  candi- 
date, Init  was  a  IjOWE  delegate  in  the  convention,  was  then  nomi- 
nated, an(lsubsef|nently  elected. 

Although  disappointed,  if  not  mortified  at  tlie  action  of  the  con- 
vention, Colonel  LiiAVE  siqiported  Mr.  Garth  as  he  was  in  honor 
bound  to  do. 

In  1878  Mr.  Garth  was  again  nominated  by  the  Democrats. 
Colonel  LoWK  refused  to  go  before  the  convention,  infereutiallv, 
I  would  say,  because  he  saw  that  he  could  not  be  nominated  on  ac- 
count of  another  old  party  custom  of  giving  a  member  a  second 
nomination  if  he  beha\'ed  himself  during  his  first  term.  But  be 
this  as  it  niay.  Colonel  Lowe  announced  himself  an  independent 
Democratic-Greenback  ('andidate  against  Mr.  Garth. 

Up  to  this  time  he  had  been  a  prominent  and  consistent  Demo- 
crat. It  was  claimed  by  many,  and  I  believe  denied  by  no  one, 
that  he  had  done  more  for  the  success  of  that  jiarty  since  the  late 
war  than  any  <ither  man  in  North  Alabama.  He  was  constitution- 
ally and  l)v  education  a  Democrat;  not  a  |i(ilitical  martinet,  or  what 
he  styled  "Ijourl)t)n,"  but  a  Democrat  of  liberal,  enlarged, and  cou- 
servative  views  on  (|uestions  of  e<'onoiny  and  jiolicy. 

But  ii-s  to  the  cjiaracter,  powers,  and  puiposes  of  the  funda- 
mental law  of  our  Government,  he  was  as  sound  a  Democrat  as  I 
ever  heard  discourse  upon  that  subject.  He  felt  that  his  jjurty  had 
not  recognize<l  his  services  nor  rewarded  him  a-s  he  was  entitled, 
that  lie  hail  liceii  set  aside  unjustly,  and  his  proud  and  ambitious 
xiul   relicllcd   against  it.      He   seized    upon   the  (ireenback  policy, 


wliirli  as  a  Democrat  he  was  iuelinrd  iKincstly  to  believe  the  best 
iinaiieial  policy  in  the  administration  of  the  (iovernment,  and  ad- 
vocated it  with  such  signal  ability  that  he  won  to  his  standard 
many  supporters. 

A  cousidei-able  number  of  Democrats,  from  personal  admiration 
and  attachment,  believing  that"  his  merits  entitled  him  to  higher 
consideration  than  the  Democratic  conventions  had  accorded  iiim, 
gave  him  their  su]tport  with  alacrity.  While  on  the  other  hand 
many  ci|uallv  warm  personal  friends,  standing  tirmly  by  the  action 
of  their  party  in  convention,  liecame  alienated  and  put  forth  stren- 
uous ettbrts  to  defeat  him.  The  contest  was  an  exciting  one. 
Two-thirds  of  the  wealth  and  intelligence  and  all  the  newspapers 
but  one  in  the  district  supported  Mr.  (Jarth. 

The  opposing  candidates  met  in  joint  discussion  and  were  greeted 
everywhere  by  large  and  enthusiastic  audiences.  Tiie  Kepubiicans 
of  the  district  being  in  a  hopeless  minority,  so  that  they  could  not 
electa  candidate  of  their  own,  flocked  to  Lowe's  .standard  as  birds 
'Ax  to  cover  in  a  tempest.  His  supporters,  composed  of  incongru- 
ous elements,  were  united  alone  upon  the  question  of  his  election. 
They  constituted,  therefore,  a  great  personal  following — in  fact  a 
"Lowe  party."  He  was  successful.  He  defeated  ]Mr.  (Jartli  by 
over  2,()()0  majority. 

Colonel  Lo^VE  at  the  time  he  broke  from  his  old  party  repudi- 
ated none  of  its  fundamental  principles,  Init  only  its  methods ; 
and,  while  doubtless  he  felt  that  his  grievances  fully  justified  his 
course,  I  am  constrained  to  believe  that  it  was  the  great  mis- 
take of  his  life.  The  sense  of  justice  in  men  of  any  party,  how- 
ever tardy  in  action,  will  eventually  assert  itself  and  reward  true 
merit  within  tlieir  own  ranks  if  he  who  possesses  it  uncomplainingly 
exercises  the  virtue  of  })atience.  Had  he  adhered  to  his  party  and 
retained  his  health  he  would  most  likely  have  held  a  seat  in  the 
other  end  of  this  Capitol  to-day.  His  prospects  were  more 
promising  than  those  of  any  man  in  the  State  of  his  age.  But  of 
splendid  physique,  manly  form, -a  mind  well  stored  witii  th<>  choic- 
est literature  and  politeal  information,  his  countenance  radiant  with 
intelligence,  a  voice  as  clear  and  musical  as  the  lute  of  Orpheus,  his 


sublime  courage  and  confidence  in  his  own  ability  to  make  his  fame 
so  brilliant  as  to  obliterate  forever  any  dark  spots  of  inconsistency 
ui)on  it  consiiirod  to  lead  him  resistlessly  forward.  He  could  not 
possess  his  ambitious  soul  in  patience. 

In  the  Forty-sixth  Congress  he  was  not  cons])icnous  and  added 
but  little  to  his  former  reputation.  Like  every  ol)serving  and  sen- 
sible man  who  becomes  a  member  of  tliis  House  of  Representatives, 
he  saw  that  here  he  became  a  student  for  a  time,  instead  of  a 
teacher,  and  that  it  was  best  for  his  reputation  that  he  should  wait 
and  learn  from  more  experienced  members  before  he  undertook  to 
apply  the  metewand  of  legislation  to  the  most  important  and  com- 
plicated proceedings. 

In  1880  he  was  a  candidate  for  re-election.  The  Democrats 
nominated  General  Joseph  Wheeler,  who  was  personally  very  popu- 
lar, jjarticnlarly  on  account  of  his  brilliant  career  in  the  late  war. 
As  in  the  previous  election,  except  with  greater  energy,  every  effort, 
was  made  by  the  Democracy  to  defeat  Colonel  Lowe.  Nearly 
every  newspaper  in  the  district  and  throughout  the  State  opposed 
him  and  advocated  Wheeler's  election.  The  best  speakers  and 
campaigners  were  sent  into  the  district  from  different  parts  of  the 
State  to  canvass  and  speak  against  him.  He  met  upon  the  stump 
any  who  wished  a  joint  discussion  witli  him. 

He  possessed  the  courage  of  his  (-onvictions,  was  aggressive  and 
bold,  with  a  sarcasm  that  was  withering  and  a  power  to  ridicule 
which  was  unique  and  unrivaled.  At  times  he  was  pathetic  and 
eloiiucnt;  not  a  great  orator  in  the  popular  sense  of  that  word,  but 
;ui  earnest,  impressive,  effective,  and  captivating  sj)eaker.  Always 
cool,  courageous,  and  self-possessed,  he  was  a  fearful  antagonist  in 

General  Ia  V.  AValkcr,  an  ciniiient  lawyer,  statesman,  and  p<iliinic, 

at  the  bar  meeting  held  in  lluntsville  on  the  death  of  Colonel  LoWK, 

amons  other  things  gave  utterance  to  the  following  high  estimate 

of  his  deceaseil  townsman's  ability  : 

lion.  Wii.i.iAM  M.  Lowe  -was  a  man  of  ox(  cptionally  rare  aliilities.  As  a 
political  fleliater  ho  was  the  only  peer  of  William  L.  Yancey.  Had  his  con- 
vci-sations  been  rodnced  to  writing  they  wonltl  have  been  as  readable  as  those 
of  Dr.  .Johnson.     Two  years  ago  when  I  was  assigned  to  meet  him  in  political 

ADDKESS  OF  MR.  OATES,  OF  A  LAB  A  iT  A  13 

deliate  at  Tuscnmbia  I  folt  tliat  my  position  was  iufallible.     I  nnnle  my  siicecli 
and  tliouglit  it  nnauswcvable ;  but  wbeu  Colonel  LoWE  bad  eoiicludod  bis 
reply  I  bad  very  grave  doubts  as  to  wbetlier  I  bad  been  rigbt. 
His  speecb  in  his  own  behalf — 

Said  General  Walker — 
in  the  late  remarkaVile  contest  between  himself  and  General  Wheeler  for  the 
seat  in  Congress  was  the  most  exhaustive  argument  in  defense  of  the  justness 
of  his  side  of  the  case  that  could  have  been  made;  and  if  posterity  will  do  it- 
self the  credit  to  read  it  carefully  it  will  certainly  be  benefited  thereby. 

The  election  was  close,  but.  General  Wheeler  was  awarded  tlie 
certificate  hv  a  majority  of  43  votes  on  the  face  of  the  returns. 
Colonel  Lowe  contel^ted,  and  was  seated  by  this  House  in  June 
last.  The  speech  to  wliieh  General  ^^'alker  alluded  was  not  de- 
livered before  the  House,  but  merely  printed  in  the  Record. 

Prior  to  the  assembling  of  the  present  Congress  Colouel  Lowe 
had  lost  his  mao-nificent  voice  and  could  only  converse  in  a  whisper. 
Before  that  affliction  he  was  one  of  the  finest  singers  lever  heard. 
Often  have  I. been  enraptured  by  hearing  him  play  upon  thcguitar 
and  sing  with  deep,  melodious  voice  that  beautiful  song,  "  I  am 
dying,  Egypt,  dying,"  composed  by  the  brave,  the  heroic  (icneral 
W.  H.  Lytle,  the  night  before  he  fell,  September  20,  18(33,  in  front 
of  my  regiment  at  the  battle  of  Chickamauga.  But  now  the  voice 
of  the  singer,  like  that  of  the  composer.  Federal  and  Confederate, 
brethren  of  a  common  country,  alike  honored  and  lamented,  is 
silent  in  death. 

Colonel  Lowe  left  Washington  in  July  last,  while  Congress  was 
still  in  session,  and  went  to  Colorado  in  quest  of  health,  and  re- 
mained there  until  September  tuider  the  impression  tliat  tiie  pure 
and  rarefied  air  of  that  elevated  country  was  greatly  Vtenefiting 
him.  lu  the  latter  part  of  August  the  Democrats  of  his  district 
met  in  convention  and  nominated  for  Congress  Hon.  Luke  Pryor, 
a  man  of  high  character  and  acknowledged  ability.  Colonel  Lowe 
saw  in  tliis  that  if  he  would  be  his  own  successor  in  Congress  an- 
otiier  teri-ilile  intellectual  battle  had  to  be  fought  and  won. 

Disease  could  not  repress  his  ambition  nor  curb  his  plucky  spirit. 
He  came  home  and  entered  the  field  as  a  candidate  for  the  Forty- 
eio-lith  Congress.  He  and  his  friends  tiiought  his  health  somewhat 
improved.     He  engaged  actively  in  the  canvass,  but  on  the  Sth  of 


October  he  retunied  home  from  the  western  part  of  his  distriet  very 
much  exhausted  and  took  to  liis  bed.  Growing  worse,  lie  was  re- 
moved to  the  honse  of  his  widowed  sister,  Mrs.  Nicholas  Davis, 
wliere  he  received  his  friends,  was  very  cheerful,  and  seemed  to 
have  no  a})prciicnsion  of  aj)proachino-  dissolution.  F^ven  on  the 
11th  he  discussed  his  campaign,  with  givat  confidence  in  the  cer- 
tainty of  his  election.  His  diiticulty  in  breathing-  increased  as  the 
evening  wore  away,  the  family  became  alai-med,  and  his  phv- 
sicians  were  snmmoned,  but  their  skill  was  nnavailing.  That  de- 
ceptive and  dreadful  destroyer  of  human  life,  consumption,  had 
found  a  permanent  lodgment  within  the  breast  of  that  once  robust 
and  powerful  man.  No  human  agency  could  arrest  it,  and  at  7 
o'clock  on  the  morning  of  the  l'2th  day  of  October  last  that  fierv 
and  ambitious  soul  took  leave  of  its  earthly  tenement,  and  Wii.i,- 
lAM  Mannin<!  Lowe  was  dead.  The  next  day,  at  a  meeting  of 
the  members  of  the  bar,  the  following  resolution  was  adopted: 

Besolred,  In  the  deatb  of  Hon.  Wii.i.i\M  M.  Lowe  tbe  Hniit.svilk'  bar  feels 
itself  bereaved  of  oue  of  its  bouoreil  and  distinguished  members.  He  was  a 
man  of  rare  abilities,  superior  literary  attaiunients,  unusual  powers  of  dis- 
crimination, and  cogent,  powerful,  and  deductive  eloquence.  He  possessed 
a  judicial  mind,  and  his  legal  arguments  were  always  clear  and  lucid,  and  liad 
he  confined  himself  to  the  profession  of  the  law  be  would  have  naclied  high 
eminence  as  a  lawyer. 

Captain  Humes,  who  presided  at  the  meeting,  said  : 

Colonel  Lowk's  conspicuous  and  distinguisbed  career,  bis  pre-eminent  tal- 
ent and  peisonal  virtues  deserve  the  highest  eulogy,  and  I  cannot,  feeling  as 
I  do  upon  this  subject,  mar  the  solemnity  of  the  occasion  by  any  ill-timed 
impromptu  remarks. 

George  S.  Gordon,  esq.,  said : 

Colonel  Lowe's  mind  was,  I  have  often  thought,  like  a  conservatory  tilled 
with  exotics,  bis  diligent  gleanings  from  the  lield  of  letters;  and  no  florist 
could  uiilize  and  arrange  more  effectually  or  skillfully  than  be  the  cuttings 
from  bis  mental  treasures;  and  if  amid  its  beauties  were  found  the  flowers  of 
fragrance  too  overpowering,  flowers  with  danger-petals  springing  from  golden 
calyxes,  plants  with  luxuriance  of  bloom  and  growth  toonnrestrained,  lotus 
remember  that  the  same  God  who  Trade  the  perfect  flowers  made  also  these, 
and  made  ourselves  and  our  departed  brother.  »  »  «  j  recall  the  rich 
melody  of  bis  voice  in  song  as  itoftcn  thrilled  me.  »  •  «  I  hc^ar  distinctly 
now  bis  whispered  tones,  produced  by  disease,  which  by  the  very  contrast 
bring  to  mind  flu-  clai'ion  notes  of  one  of  his  tinest  songs. 


Mr.  Speaker,  such  were  the  sentiments  expressed  uimu  that  sad 
occasion  by  those  who  knew  liim  well.  These  show  the  estimate 
placed  upon  him  bv  his  professional  Ijrethrcn  and  fellow-townsmen 
who  had  opposed  him  jxilitieally  since  liis  defection  from  the  Demo- 
cratic partv.  The  newspapers  of  the  country  generally  paid  liigh 
editorial  tributes  to  his  memory,  while  a  deep  sorrow  was  felt  by 
his  constituents  for  the  death  of  one  so  courageous,  so  brilliant,  and 
of  such  rare  attainments.  At  Cholet,  wlien  young  Bouchamps  fell 
before  the  unerring  fire  of  Kleber's  intrepid  battalions,  the  sorrow 
felt  Lv  the  Yendeans  was  no  less  poignant  and  the  demoralizatiou 
not  much  greater  than  that  which  prevailed  among  Colonel  Lowe's 
immediate  supporters  when  their  intrepid  leader  fell  before  the 
scvthe  of  Time.  He  had  faults,  for  he  was  human.  Perhaps  the 
greatest  was  his  impatient  and  lofty  ambition.  But  he  sought  its 
gratification  by  the  boldest  and  most  defiant  methods,  and  never 
would  stoop  to  conquer.  He  was  altogether  heroic,  and  sought 
ratlier  than  shrank  from  controversy  and  responsibility,  and  was  a 
born  leader  of  men. 

He  never  married,  and,  after  the  war  had  swept  away  the  tiimily 
patrimony,  resided  with  and  aided  in  the  maintenance  of  his  sis- 
ters. The  Huntsvillc  Iude])eu(h'nt  speaks  of  his  attachment  ti.i  his 
sisters  in  the  following  Ijeautiful  language: 

Through  his  stormy  aud  eventful  life  his  strong  ;iu(l  unselfish  fraternal 
devotion  to  a  household  widowed  and  orphaned  shone  out  as  a  star  on  a 
dark  aud  tempestuous  sea. 

He  has  crossed  over  the  turbident  I'iver  of  death,  aud  in  Christ- 
ian faith,  let  us  hope,  rests  under  the  shade  of  the  trees  on  the 
other  side.  He  has  finished  the  laliors  of  this  life  and  passed  be- 
yond human  vision  into  "  the  undiscovered  country,  from  whose 
bourn  no  traveler  returns." 

Between  two  worlds  life  hovers  like  a  star, 
'Twixt  night  and  morn,  upon  the  horizon's  verge. 
How  little  do  we  know  that  whi<^h  wo  are! 
How  less  what  we  may  be !     The  eternal  surge 
Of  time  aud  tide  rolls  on,  aud  bears  afar 
Our  bubbles;  as  the  old  burst,  new  emerge. 
Lashed  from  the  foam  of  ages;  while  the  graves 
Of  emjiires  heave  but  like  some  passing  waves. 


Address  of  Mr.  Herbert,  of  Alabama. 

Mr.  Speaker  :  Tlic  biography  ami  character  of  Wilijaji  j\I. 
TjOWE  have  been  so  fully  and  so  ably  portrayed  by  his  intimate 
friend,  my  colleague,  that  little  is  left  for  uie  to  say.  I  come  sim- 
ply to  lay  a  flower  on  tlie  grave  of  my  dead  friend. 

I  remember  well  when  I  first  lu  ard  his  name.  It  was  in  the 
winter  of  1867— '68.  That  political  revolution  Icnown  as  recon- 
struction was  in  progress  in  Alabama.     The  future  was  as  dai'k 

and  uncertain   as   the  past  had  l)ccn  lil ly  and  disastrous.     The 

deepest  anxiety  pervaded  every  heart,  and  men  who  had  not  lost 
hope  were  taking  counsel  together  for  the  welfare  of  the  State. 

I  remember  well  a  letter  written  during  that  winter  to  General 
Clanton  from  North  Alabama.  It  was  from  Colonel  Lowe.  Liv- 
ing in  different  portions  of  the  State  and  having  served  in  different 
portions  of  the  Confederate  army,  he  and  I  had  never  met ;  but  thixt 
letter,  written  in  confidence  to  a  trusted  friend  and  leader,  im- 
pressed me  so  that  I  shall  never  forget  it.  It  was  conservative  in 
tone,  wise  in  its  counsels,  statesmanlike,  patriotic,  and  there  was  a 
brave,  cheery  ring  about  it  that  sounded  like  the  distant  notes  of 
the  bugle  that  betokens  help  in  the  coming  battle. 

We  met  afterward,  and  the  admiration  I  had  for  the  writer  of  that 
letter  increased  when  I  knew  the  man.  And  I  watched  his 
long  afterward  with  sincere  admiration.  He  M'as,  as  my  colleague 
has  said,  a  born  leader  of  men,  and  as  such,  though  but  a  young 
man,  he  took  and  held  his  place  during  that  never-to-be-forgotten 
conflict  fiir  supremacy  that  wagci!  with  varying  success  between  the 
two  great  ])olitical  ))arties  in  Alabama  from  1868  to  1874.  By  his 
courage,  his  fidelity,  his  activity,  and  unsurpassed  services  in  that 
memorable  .struggle  he  won  for  himself  all  (i\cr  the  .State  hosts  ol 
friends,  who,  though  when  he  had  felt  himself  impelled  to  change 
his  political  relations  wished  him  defi'at,  could  never  yet  (piite  for- 
get to  love  him  and  never  ceased  to  admire  him. 


He  was  born  to  be  adiiiired.     Stately  in  figure,  dignified  in  liis 

carriage,  he  was  ever  fearless  in  his  purjiose. 

Yet  of  maiiuers  mild 

And  -svinning  every  heart  he  knew  to  please, 
Nobly  to  please  ;  while  ecinally  he  scoriieil 
Of  adulation  to  receive  or  give. 

He  was  from  his  youth  ambitious  of  political  preferment.  He 
aspired  to  become  a  j)illar  of  state.  He  was  and  avowed  himself 
to  be  a  politician,  for  he  declared  that  statesmanship,  the  science  of 
governing  men  ^visely  and  well,  was  the  noblest  of  all  sciences. 

His  \vas  not  the  comnKjn  ambition  hit  off  by  the  satirist : 

All  would  he  deemed,  e'en  from  the  cradle,  fit 
To  rnle  in  politics,  as  well  as  wit ; 
The  grave,  the  gay,  the  fopling,  and  the  dunce 
Start  lip  (God  bless  us)  statesmen  all  at  once. 

Colonel  Lowe's  ambition  was  not  only  to  occupy  but  to  fill  and 
adorn  the  place  of  a  statesman.  He  well  knew  he  could  not  reach 
the  oDal  of  his  amliition  bv  his  talents  alone  ;  that  broad  culture, 
liberal  and  polite  learning,  were  necessary  ;  and  so  ambition  and 
inclination  hand  in  hand  led  him  to  ex])lore  the  domain  of  litera- 
ture, philosophy,  biography,  and  history. 

Neglecting  in  great  part  the  law,  which  to  him  was  but  a  step- 
ping-stone, he  reveled  in  these  fields  of  thought  and  amassed  a  fund 
of  information  on  political  topics  greater  than  was  possessed  by 
any  man  of  his  age  in  his  State.  Fertile  in  i-esources,  dexterous  in 
debate,  magnetic  in  his  influence,  he  Mas  a  powerful  clrampion  of 
whatever  cause  he  espoused,  and  the  impress  of  his  opinions, 
whetlier  those  opinions  were  right  or  wrong,  will  long  be  felt  in 
the  distriet  he  represented  on  this  floor  at  the  time  of  his  death. 

I  will  not  attempt  further  to  portray  his  character,  IMr.  Speaker  ; 
but  I  cannot  refrain  quoting  one  remark  of  which  I  am  reminded 
bv  the  saying  which  has  just  fallen  from  the  lips  of  my  colleague 
that  Colonel  Lowe  never  knew  restraint.  Diu-ing  last  summer 
C(jlonel  Lowe  was  talking  to  a  lady  about  her  four-year-old  child. 
He  said  :  "  Madam,  your  boy  is  bright  and  promising.  I  hope  he 
has  a  great  future  before  him  ;  Init  let  me  impress  upon  you  one 
thing — teach  him  to  oltev.  This  is  a  lesson  I  never  could  learn. 
0172 2 


The  fliilure  to  Icaro  it  lias  been  the  bane  of  my  life."  The  re- 
mark imjiros.sed  me.  I'erhaps  he  felt  that  the  maiiiiificent  strenoth 
and  s])len(li(l  self-confidence  that  had  cnal)led  him  like  a  strong 
swimmer  to  swim  against  tide  might,  if  it  had  lieen  disciplined, 
have  enabled  him  to  achieve  even  greatcn-  resnlts. 

He  was  indeed  a  strong  man.  Of  this  the  devotion  of  his  fol- 
lowers was  a  splendid  testimonial.  Bnt,  alas!  sir,  strength,  what 
is  it?     Ambition,  what  does  it  avail? 

Two  years  ago,  when  in  the  splendid  prime  of  his  yonng  man- 
hood, disease  came  like  a  cloud  on  his  horizon.  The  clond  grew 
and  grew  ever  and  ever  more  ominous,  until  at  last  the  "dark 
Plutonian  shadows"  of  death  gathered  about  him  when  in  the 
midst  of  one  of  life's  bitterest  conflicts  ;  the  In-ight  weapons  he 
had  forged  fir  the  l>attle  of  life  dropped  from  him,  and  he  sank 
into  the  dark  and  silent  grave.  His  conflicts  are  over  ;  his  battles 
are  ended ;  his  bright  ambition  has  gone  down,  even  as  a  star  that 
sinks  to  rest.     Peace  be  to  his  memory. 

Address  of  Mr.  Ford,  of  Missouri. 

]\Ir.  Speaker:  As  one  of  the  fifteen  Greenback  mcndicrs  of  the 
Forty-sixth  Congress  I  very  soon  became  well  ac(juainted  with 
Mr.  Lowe.  Our  relations  and  intercourse  were  pleasant — indeed 
I  may  say  confidential — and  in  him  I  found  elements  of  true  worth 
that  im])ressc(l  me  most  fiworably.  To-day,  dedicated  to  his  mem- 
ory, I  add  my  word  of  regret  that  his  country  and  friends  lun-e 
suffered  an  irreparable  loss  in  his  early  demise. 

As  will  be  remembered,  the  first  or  extra  session  of  the  Forty- 
sixth  Congress  was  somewhat  disturbed  and  excited  ;  political  dis- 
cussion was  indulged  in  with  much  vigor,  occasionally  bitter  if  not 
violent.  To  all  of  this  Mr.  LowK  was  opposed,  regretted  the 
acerbities  and  spirit  evoked,  and  in  our  conferences,  which  were 
frecjuent,  deprecuteil  a  policy  that  coulil  only  tend  to  arouse  an- 
tagonisms and  sectional  animosities. 

He  was  thoroughlv   devoted   to   his  Government,  attached    to 

ADDRESS  OF  ill!.  JONES,  OF  TEXAS.  19 

Amerioan  institutions,  and  nncompromising  in  his  fealty  to  tiiat 
cardinal  Republican  principle  that  a  man's  worth  should  he  the 
true  touchstone  of  merit ;  hence,  the  accidents  of  birth  and  wealth 
were  of  little  consequeuce  in  liis  estimate  of  character. 

I  have  never  known  a  man  who  was  impelled  to  serve  his  people 
and  country  by  loftier  motives,  purer  instincts.  He  believed  his 
mission  was  to  do  good,  and  with  all  the  enthusiasm  of  the  poet 
and  i)rophet,  his  hopes  wafted  him  into  that  better  future  where 
the  unhappy  past  of  his  country  might  be  forgotten. 

Colonel  Lowe  had  been  identified  with  the  effort  to  establish 
the  Southern  Confederacy,  had  accepted  the  dangers  and  responsi- 
bilities of  war  ardently,  honestly,  but  his  great  soul  abhorred  a 
feeling  of  estrangement,  and  he  recognized  the  solidarity  of  the 
nation,  the  unity  and  affection  that  should  and  must  characterize 
the  whole  people  within  the  limits  of  the  Republic.  Profoundly 
erudite  and  philosophic,  he  had  evolved  a  system  of  ethics  for  his 
own  government.  To  that  system  he  loyally  adhered,  and  he 
loved  to  revel  in  the  beautiful  as  portrayed  l>y  eminent  thinkers 
of  the  past  and  present. 

He  has  gone  from  our  midst,  a  brave,  true,  gentle  si)irit,  ad- 
mired l)y  all  familiar  with  his  virtues,  mourned  liy  a  large  <'irclc 
of  friends  and  acquaintances.  Integrity  wi-eaths  his  character, 
his  life  the  verification  of  the  poet's  truism  : 

The  rank  is  but  tlie  gniiipa's  staiiii), 
The  man  's  the  gow<l  for  a'  that. 

Address  of  Mr.  JONES,  of  Texas. 

Mr.  Speaker  :  Our  late  colleague,  ^\'IEL1AM  ]\I.  Loave,  wa.s 
born  in  Huntsville,  Alabama,  January  Kj,  1842,  and  died  in  his 
native  city  October  12,  1882. 

The  affluent  and  social  circumstances  of  his  family  offered  every 
advantage  for  literary  and  social  culture.  Of  a  philosophic  turn 
of  mind,  with  an  ardent  thirst  for  knowledge,  he  embraced  with 
alacritv  and  inqiroved  with  as>iduity  his  advantages.     Besides  the 


schools  at  home,  he  attended  successively  a  school  at  Florence, 
Alabama,  the  University  of  Tennessee,  and  the  University  of 
A^irginia.  In  1860,  though  just  turned  into  the  nineteenth  year 
of  age,  profoundly  impressed  with  the  magnitude  of  the  issues  in- 
volved, he  entered  the  political  arena  in  support  of  Steplien  A. 
Douglas,  the  exponent,  in  his  judgment,  of  Union  and  Lilierty  ; 
an  ardent  disciple  of  Jeiferson,  local  self-government  and  the 
maintenance  of  the  Union  had  taken  deep  root  in  his  generous 
and  heroic  soul. 

Interference  by  the  Government  witli  the  local  affairs  of  any 
part  of  the  people,  whether  in  State  or  Territory,  in  whatever  pre- 
tense disguised,  was  to  his  mind  the  same  tyranny  attempted  by 
J]nglan(l  upon  the  colonies.  Besides,  he  foresaw  that  such  inter- 
ference would  provoke  a  sectional  conflict,  imperiling  institutional 
liliertv  on  the  western  continent  and  ending  in  disunion  or  the 
humiliation  of  the  South.  His  father  and  twobrotlicrs,  older  than 
himself,  supported  Breckinridge.  They  also  favored  secession, 
but,  true  to  his  convictions,  he  opposed  it.  His  confidence  in  the 
virtue  and  intelligence  of  the  masses  of  the  people  was  too  great 
to  be  shaken  by  the  election  of  a  President  in  accordance  with  the 
Constitution  and  laws  of  his  country.  He  believed  that  whatever 
of  error  or  danger  involved  in  it  would  be  overcome  and  cor- 
rected by  the  sober  second  thought  of  tlie  people. 

Profoundly  imbued  witli  Americanism  and  the  genius  and  ))lii- 
loso])hv  of  our  constitutional  Government,  he  <'on]d  see  but  little 
to  fear  witiiin  and  but  little  to  lioi)e  without  the  Union.  He 
loved  tlie  Constitution  and  Union  for  blessings  and  future 
capabilities.  Beneath  the  Star-Spangled  Banner  our  people  had 
increased  from  three  to  thirty  millions,  and  throughout  our  vast 
domain,  extending  from  oc^an  to  ocean,  were  the  freest,  happiest, 
and  most  prosperous  of  any  age  or  country. 

In  his  own  native  State  such  were  the  conditions  of  ])rosperity 
as  to  leave  but  little  to  desire.  For  the  sake  of  kindred,  friends, 
State,  connlry,  and  Inunnnity  he  deprecated  separation,  and  op- 
posed it  witli  all  tlic  earnestness  of  a  patriotic  lieart.  The  evil 
hour  came  ;  the  die  was  cast ;  the  ])co])le  of  Alabama  declared  for 


secession.  He  recognized  the  riglit  of  the  peo])le  "to  change, 
alter,  or  abolish  their  governnieut  "  and  to  form  new  government, 
laying  its  foundation  on  such  principles  and  organizing  its  powers 
iu  such  form  as,  in  their  judgment,  best  calculated  to  secure  life, 
liberty,  and  property. 

He  accepted  as  truth  "The  voice  of  the  people  is  the  voice  of 
God;"  that  in  the  nature  of  things  and  of  necessity  there  is  a 
supreme  authority,  inalienable  and  indestructible,  residing  in  the 
people  to  fix  the  allegiance  of  all  citizens  who  elect  to  remain 
within  the  actual  jurisdiction  of  organized  go^'ernnleIlt.  Besides, 
he  felt  that  the  Union  he  loved  was  gone,  and  could  not  be  re- 
stored by  force  ;  and  all  that  was  left  to  him  was  to  take  his  life 
in  his  hand  and  obey  the  voice  of  his  people,  leaving  the  conse- 
(jucnces  to  (xod.  He  was  a  volunteer  private  in  the  first  company 
that  left  Huntsville,  and  was  severely  wounded  in  the  first  battle 
at  Manassas  and  left  on  the  field  as  dead.  His  fortitude  and 
physical  resources  sustained  him,  and  after  a  severe  and  protracted 
illness,  relieved  by  the  most  attentive  nursing,  he  was  so  tar  re- 
covered as  to  enable  him  to  serve  as  captain  (jn  General  J.  M. 
Withers's  staff  in  Smith's  Kentucky  campaign,  and  was  again 
wounded  near  Murfreesborough,  Tennessea  Subsequently  he 
served  with  the  rank  of  lieutenant-colonel  on  General  James  H. 
Clantou's  staff  until  captured  at  the  battle  of  Franjvlin,  Tennessee. 
Refusing  to  take  the  oath,  he  remained  in  prison  for  three  months 
after  the  war,  when  he  was  released  by  order  of  President  John- 

His  fitther.  General  B.  M.  Lowe,  a  man  of  superior  ability  and 
great  force  of  character,  died  soon  after  the  war.  At  its  close  his 
large  fortune  had  been  swejit  away,  reducing  his  family  to  poverty 
and  devolving  on  Colonel  Lowe  the  charge  and  maintenance  of 
two  single  sisters,  to  whom  he  seems  to  have  devoted  his  life.  On 
his  return  home  after  his  release  he  applied  himself  assiduously  to 
the  study  and  practice  of  law.  He  rose  rapidly  in  the  profcssiim 
and  soon  attained  the  first  rank  at  the  Huntsville  bar.  From 
1865  to  1868  he  was  solicitor  of  the  fifth  Alal)ama  circuit.  He 
was  displaced  by  reconstruction.     He  served  in  the  house  of  repre- 


scntative.s  of  Alabama  in  the  .se.«t^ioiis  of  1871  and  1872.  Ainonj;; 
liis  colleague.'^  were  (1.  W.  Hewitt,  B.  13.  Lewis,  N.  V.  Clements, 
Tanl.  Bradford,  and  W.  C.  Oates.  He  was  a  prominent  and 
leading  member,  es])eeially  in  the  session  of  1872.  He  framed 
an  election  law  remarkable  for  perspicuity  and  fairness,  which 
passed  the  house  with  great  unanimity,  but  foiled  in  the  senate. 
His  eulogv  ujion  tlie  diatli  of  General  Clanton  delivered  in  the 
session  of  1872,  as  characterized  by  a  colleague  there  and  here 
[Mr.  Oates],  "is  unsurpassed  in  the  English  language."  In 
1875  he  was  a  prominent  member  of  the  constitutional  convention, 
and  contributed  largely  to  the  present  excellent  constitution  of 

He  was  from  boyhood  a  Democrat,  and  acted  witli  that  party 
until  1878,  when,  disapproving  the  position  of  the  party  on  the 
financial  questions  then  agitating  the  public  mind,  and  in  his  judg- 
ment presenting  the  paramcjuut  issue  of  the  day,  with  characteristic 
independence  of  thought  and  courage  of  conviction,  he  avowed 
himself  a  Greenbackcr.  His  eminent  abilities  and  distinguishe<l 
moral  courage  rendered  him  at  once  the  hope  of  his  party  and  the 
dread  of  tiie  opposition  in  the  State  of  Alabama.  By  acclamation 
he  became  the  candidate  of  his  party  for  the  Forty-sixth  Congress. 
The  opposition  was  alarmed  and  exerted  its  utmost  endeavors  to 
defeat  him.  The  ablest  and  most  popular  speakers  from  ail  parts 
of  the  State  hastened  to  the  help  of  tiie  opposition  in  the  district. 
The  contest  was  active  and  earnest,  and  on  the  part  of  his  political 
oi)i)oneuts  often  vituperative  and  vindictive.  But  bold  in  the 
ri"-ht  and  sti-oug  in  the  love  and  confidence  of  the  good  jleople  of 
North  Alal)ania,  the  district,  largely  Democratic,  rallied  to  the 
support  of  North  Alabama's  favorite  son,  and  he  was  triumph- 
antly elected. 

Entering  Congress  at  the  extra  session  on  the  18th  of  March, 
1871),  he  was  a  leading  and  influential  member  of  his  party  in 
Congress.  He  participated  in  the  memorable  debate  ou  "  jx.litical 
riders,"  and  delivered  a  speech  cogent  in  logic,  earnest,  and  elo- 
quent. His  eulogy  on  the  death  of  Senator  Houston,  delivereil  in 
the  second  session  of  that  Congress,  in  ap])ropriateness,  diction, 
and  patlios,  is  rarely  e(|ualed  and  never  excelled  on   like  occasions. 


Mr.  IjOWE  wa<  a  eamlidate  for  re-election.  His  political  oppo- 
nents again  rallied  and  concentrated  all  their  forces  against  liim. 
Tlie  storm  burst  upon  his  head  with  I'edoubled  furv  ;  but,  sus- 
tained bv  the  devotion  of  his  constituents  and  inspired  with  fervid 
patriotism,  his  personal  resources  of  intellect  and  courage  were 
ecjual  to  the  occasion,  and  he  was  again  triumphantly  elected. 

Soon  after  the  election  a  painful  and  alarming  malady  devel- 
oped in  his  throat.  During  the  winter  of  1881  he  gradually  grew 
worse,  so  much  so  that  he  was  unable  to  attend  the  House.  At 
New  York  he  submitted  to  a  surgical  operation,  and  under  the  ad- 
vice of  his  phvsician  visited  the  State  of  Colorado.  His  health  so 
improved  that  he  returned  home  and  engaged  in  the  canvass  of 
'82,  and  in  the  heat  and  burden  of  the  strife  died  suddenl_y  from 
constriction  of  the  throat,  and  thus  closed  the  career  of  one  who 
died  too  soon.  The  day  after  his  death,  at  a  meeting  of  the 
Huutsville  bar,  to  pay  ti'ibute  to  the  memory  of  their  deceased 
brother,  the  speakers.  Democrats,  Republicans,  and  Greenbackers, 
sjjoke  in  the  highest  terms  of  him  as  a  gentleman,  lawyer,  patriot, 
and  statesman.  General  Pope  Walker,  speaking  of  his  pre-emi- 
nent powers  in  political  debate,  said  "  He  alone  of  all  of  Alabama's 
gifted  and  illustrious  sons  was  the  peer  of  Yancey." 

Though  born  in  afHueuce  and  of  the  highest  social  iiink,  his 
philosophy  was  too  comprehensive  and  his  sympathies  too  univer- 
sal for  the  narrow  training  of  class.  In  all  the  elements  of 
humanity,  its  hopes,  fears,  and  liabilities,  he  tclt  and  appreciated 
common  lot  and  universal  bmtherhood.  Incapable  of  envv,^he 
valued  wt'alth  for  its  bcnetits  and  deplored  poverty  as  misfortune. 
To  kindred  atfectionate  and  devoted,  to  friends  faithful  and  unfal- 
tering, to  opponents  generous,  and  to  enemies  placable,  he  illus- 
trated without  ostentation  the  virtues  of  a  Christian. 

By  nature  and  culture  fitted  for  the  highest  rank  in  his  profes- 
sion and  for  any  jjlace  in  the  councils  of  state,  it  was  natural  and 
laudable  that  he  should  be  ambitious.  Self-poised  without  ego- 
tism, and  self-reliant  without  vanity,  he  devoted  his  rare  powers 
of  intellect  to  truth  and  progress. 

In  the  ascent  of  the  hill  of  life,  ere  he  attained  its  summit,  he 
fainted  and  fell.     Peace  to  liis  ashes  ;  blessings  on  his  memory. 


Address  of  Mr.  Burrows,  of  Missouri. 

Mr.  Speaker  :  I  would  he  fal.-<c  t(j  mv  kimllier  and  lifttor  emo- 
tious  if  I  failed  to  briug  my  tribute,  small  as  it  is,  and  lay  it  down 
upon  the  newly-made  grave  of  my  political  colleague,  Hon.  William 
M.  Lowe,  of  Alabama,  to  whose  memory  we  have  set  apart  and 
dedicated  this  hour;  and  I  am  pleased  to  listen  to  the  high  en- 
comiums from  those  who  knew  him  far  better  than  I,  his  colleagues 
upon  tills  floor;  and  although  they  differed  from  him  politically, 
it  affords  me  uo  small  degree  of  pleasure  to  hear  them  speak  of  him 
a.s  a  man,  neighbor,  and  friend,  as  a  citizen  and  soldier ;  for  it  is  in 
these  relations  of  life  that  we  know  and  prove  men  and  learn  to 
place  a  proper  estimate  upon  tlreir  real  worth  to  society  and  man- 

The  vicissitudes  and  circuiustances  surrounding  human  life  in  the 
transit  through  this  eartlily  pilgrimage  is  sure  to  bring  out  and  de- 
velop our  ("iiJabilities  and  |)owers,  and  by  them  we  are  known  and 
read  of  men;  and  we  are  told  that  the  good  that  men  do  lives 
after  them.  It  is  a  strange  comedy,  however,  upon  human  action 
that  we  rarely  find  and  speak  of  this  good  until  tlie  person  is  dead 
and  the  ear  into  which  it  was  our  privilege  to  have  spoken  many 
M'ords  of  cheer  is  forever  closed  and  they  who  might  have  been 
animated  and  encouraged  to  still  loftier  deeds  or  noble  endeavors 
have  i)assed  from  the  theater  of  action. 

Still  may  we  trust  that  the  tributes  of  thought,  whether  couched 
in  poetry,  in  beautiful  and  well-rounded  sentences,  or  iu  broken  and 
homely  phrases,  as  are  mine,  that  have,  may,  or  shall  be  spoken 
witliin  these  walls  will  not  be  entirely  lost,  whether  they  be  spoken 
iu  memory  <if  a  martyred  President,  a  dead  Senator,  or  deceased 
Representative.  l>ut  may  tiic  lives  which  are  here  briefly  carica- 
tured, as  they  shall  be  read  in  after  years  and  l)y  other  genera- 
tions, inspire  with  lofty  tiiought  and  jnire  and  ennoliiing  piu-- 
poses  and  spirit  the  sons  and  daughters  of  oiu'  race. 

It  is  with  this  incentive  before  me  and  a  profound   respect   tor 


the  deceased  that  I  rise  in  my  place  to  say  tiiat  when  I  received 
the  mournful  iutelligence  last  October  that  "William  M.  Lowe 
was  dead  I  felt  then,  as  I  do  to-day,  that  the  people  of  this  coun- 
try, and  especially  those  upon  whose  shoulders  the  industries  and 
burdens  of  the  nation  rest,  had  lost  an  advocate,  a  defender,  a 
friend  indeed;  for  in  him  every  power  of  his  being  throbbed  with 
keenest  sympathy  for  tlie  '•  sons  of  toil,"  let  them  be  under  a  SoutJi- 
ern  sun,  a  Xorthern  sky,  or  on  a  Western  plain. 

Mr.  Speaker,  it  was  not  my  good  fortune  (hiring  the  months  of 
the  first  session  of  tliis  Congress  to  become  as  intimately  acquainted 
with  the  deceased  as  I  wished,  from  the  fact  that  when  he  came 
here  from  the  closely-contested  election  from  tlie  eigiith  district  of 
his  State  in  the  campaign  of  1880,  he  did  so  with  In-oken  consti- 
tution and  an  impaired  voice,  scarcely  able  to  sjieak  above  a  hoarse 
whisper,  and  conversed  with  great  pain  and  effort  to  himself;  and 
although  the  embodiment  of  sociability  and  mirth  and  blessed  with 
a  most  genial  nature  and  possessing  the  rare  faculty  of  interesting 
anil  attracting  others  to  himself  when  in  the  enjoyment  of  health, 
durino-  the  wearv  weeks  of  his  waiting  for  the  tardv  action  of  this 
body  in  the  contested-election  cases,  of  wliicli  his  was  one,  and 
after  his  admission  as  a  raeml)er  upon  this  floor,  his  caged  si)irit, 
as  he  moved  iu  and  out  among  us,  ever  seemed  chafing  under  its 
physical  restraints  and  chagrined  tliat  it  cmdd  not  burst  tlie  bars 
of  its  environment  and  once  more  be  free. 

Mr.  Speaker,  William  M.  Lowe  was  a  lover  of  triitli  and 
justice — yea, and  of  lilierty;  and  for  the  maintenance  and  advance- 
ment of  these  fuiidamcntal  principles  he  was  willing  to  do  and 
dare  all  things  in  the  measure  of  his  power.  His  premature  death 
and  earlv  grave,  "  For  his  sun  went  down  at  noon,"  are  the  best 
evidences  of  his  ardor,  convictions, and  zeal;  of  his  ardent  atta<'li- 
ment  to  measures  for  relief  and  the  correction  of  abuses  that  lie 
believed  were  pernicious  of  the  best  interests  of  the  jieople,  and 
destructive  to  the  prosperity  of  and  general  good  of  the  whole 

In  proof  of  this  we  point  with  [irideto  his  acts  and  votes  iu  tiie 
Record  of  the  Forty -sixth  Congress. 

26  i.//<'£  AXU  CHAHACTEll  UF  WILIAAM  M.  LOWE. 

But  M-e  are  not  here  to  speak  of  liim  as  a  partisan,  but  as  a  citi- 
zen, soldier,  and  statesman,  for  in  all  these  relations  he  acquitted 
himself  as  a  man.  His  bearing  was  noble,  brave,  manly,  chival- 
rous, his  reputation  untarnished.  His  character  stands  out  to  be 
read  and  admired  of  all  men.  His  precepts  and  examples  will  not 
perish  ^^•ith  tlie  body,  but  the  nuixiins  of  his  life,  charity,  patience, 
justice,  honor,  gratitude,  and  friendship,  shall  tea(!h  others,  when  my 
feeble  words  of  praise  sJiall  have  passed  away.  Rest,  noble  fellow  ! 
Thy  name  shall  not  soon  perish  from  the  earth,  but  will  be  for  long, 
long  years  embalmed  in  the  hearts  and  aifections  of  those  whom 
th(;U  loved  and  served  so  nobly.  IMourued,  beloved,  respected,  and 
cherished  be  thy  name  and  character  forever. 

The  8i'EAKj:r.  In  jnirsuance  of  resolutions  already  adopted,  the 
Chair  now  declares  this  House  adjourned  until  Monday  next,  at 
eleven  o'clock  a.  m. 


In  the  Sj:xate  of  tiik  United  States, 

Jhccmbcr  5,  1S82. 

A  message  fruiu  the  House  uf  Representatives,  by  Mr.  jNIcPlier- 
son,  it«  Clerk,  comniuuieated  to  the  Senate  tlie  intelligence  of  the 
death  of  Mr.  William  M.  Luwe,  late  a  member  of  the  House 
from  the  State  of  Alabama,  and  of  Mr.  Joxathan  T.  Updegraff, 
late  a  member  of  the  House  from  the  State  of  Ohio,  and  transmitted 
the  resolutions  of  the  Honse  thereon. 

Mr.  Pendleton.  Mr.  President,  I  ask  the  Chair  to  lay  befu-e 
the  Senate  the  resolutions  just  communicated  from  the  House  of 

The  Pi!Esii)iN(;  (^ffkek.  Tiie  Chair  lays  Ix-forcthe  Senate  res- 
olutions from  the  House  of  Re[)resentatives,  which  will  be  read. 

The  Actina;  Secretary  read  as  follows: 

Uiimlred,  That  tUe  House  Lcard  with  .sincere  regret  the  aiiiioiiueeiueut 
of  the  death,  uuriug  the  hite  recess,  of  Hon.  \ViLLiAM  II.  LoWE,  ti  Kepreseut- 
ative  frimi  the  State  uf  Ahibama,  and  of  Hon.  Jonathan  T.  Ui'dkgraff,  a 
Representative  from  the  State  of  Ohio. 

liesolvtd,  That  the  Clerk  coniuiuuicate  tlie  foregoing  resolntion  to  tlie 

lUsolrctl.  That  as  a  mark  of  respect  to  the  memory  of  the  deceased  llie 
Honse  do  now  adjonrn. 

Mr.  Pendleton.  Mr.  President,  as  a  mark  of  respect  to  the 
mcniorv  of  these  deceased  Representatives,  1  move  that  the  Senate 
do  now  adjourn. 

The  motion  was  agreed  to;  and  (at  one  o'clock  and  fifty-eight 
minutes  p.  m.)  the  Senate  adjourned. 


28  life  anv  cbaracter  of  william  m.  lowe. 

In  the  Senate  of  the  United  States, 

February  3,  1883. 

A  message  from  the  House  of  Rejjreseutatives,  by  Mr.  William 
K.  Mehaffev,  one  of  its  clerks,  transmitted  to  the  Senate  the  res- 
olutions adopted  by  that  IkhIj  concerning  the  death  of  William 
M.  Lowe,  late  a  member  of  the  House  from  the  State  of  Alabama. 

Mr.  MoRCiAN.  Mr.  President,  I  ask  that  the  resolutions  just  re- 
ceived from  the  House  be  laid  before  the  Senate. 

The  Presiding  Officer.  The  Chair  lays  before  the  Senate  the 
resolutions  of  the  House,  which  will  be  read. 

The  Actiue;  Secretary  read  as  follows : 

liesolced,  That  the  House  of  RepresentativeH  has  received  with  profound 
seusil)ility  the  aunounoenient  of  the  death  of  Hon.  William  M.  Lowe,  late  a 
Eepreseutative  from  the  State  of  Alabama. 

Resolved,  That  the  business  of  this  House  be  now  suspended  in  order  to  af- 
ford opportunity  for  the  expression  of  proper  tributes  to  the  memory  of  the 

Resolved,  That  as  a  further  mark  of  respect  this  House,  at  the  conclusion  of 
such  memorial  service,  adjourn  ;  and  that  these  resolutions  be  transmitted  to 
the  Senate  for  its  action  thereon. 

Mr.  Mouf^AN.  Mr.  President,  I  present  resolutions  on  the  sub- 
ject of  the  resolutions  just  sent  to  us  by  the  House  of  Kepresenta- 

The  Presiding  Officer.  The  resolutions  offered  l)y  tlie  Sena- 
tor from  Alabama  will  now  be  read. 

The  Acting  Secretary  read  as  follows: 

Resolvid,  That  the  commnnicatiim  from  the  House  of  Representatives  an- 
nouncing the  death  of  Hon.  William  JI.  Lowe,  of  Alabama,  while  a  mem- 
ber of  that  body,  is  received  by  the  Senate  with  sym|)athy  in  the  expressions 
of  sorrow  in  the  resolution  of  the  House  and  with  regret. 

2.  That  the  Secretary  of  the  Senate  transmit  a  copy  of  the  proceedings  of 
the  Senate  on  this  occasion  to  the  family  of  the  deceased. 

3.  That  as  a  mark  of  respect  to  the  memory  of  "Mr.  Lowe  the  Senate  do  now 


Address  of  Mr.  MoRGAN,  of  Alabama. 

Mr.  President:  William  Manning  Lowe  was  a  native  of 
Alabama.  He  was  boiii  iii  Huutsville,  near  the  place  where  he 
died.  His  family  were  uf  the  best  class.  His  fother  was  eminent 
for  his  ability  and  high  clianicter  in  the  mercantile  circles  of  the 
South,  and  was  greatly  esteemed  by  a  large  and  most  res|)ectabk' 
class  of  acquaintances. 

In  his  youth  Colonel  IjOWE  had  advantages  which  he  indus- 
triously improved  to  acquire  learning  and  to  accomplish  himself 
by  the  study  of  the  best  authors  in  literature.  His  attainments 
were  rich  and  varied  and  gave  him  a  power  of  expression  that  was 
singularly  strong  and  eloquent.  He  was  educated  at  Florence, 
Alabama,  and  in  the  University  of  Tennessee,  and  afterward  took 
a  law  course  at  the  University  of  Virginia.  His  knowledge  of 
the  law  was  put  to  good  account  for  the  public  in  the  office  of 
solicitor  to  jn-osecute  the  pleas  of  the  State,  which  he  held  from 
1865*to  1868. 

The  public  career  of  C^olonel  I^owe  began  in  the  army  of  tiie 
Confederate  States,  and  in  a  time  that  extinguished  in  death  so 
many  splendid  lives  and  developed  so  many  men  of  great  powez's 
who  otherwise  would  have  had  no  opportunity  to  impress  the 
world  with  their  genius  or  strength. 

Wars  have  been  the  subjects  of  lamentation  by  all  Ciiristian 
nations  through  every  generation,  but  they  come  nevertheless,  and 
seeui  to  increase  in  frequency  as  the  enginery  of  destruction  and 
death  becomes  more  efficient. 

It  seems  to  be  true  that  every  generation  has  its  time  of  warfare, 
and  will  incur  any  risk  to  identify  itself  witii  the  history  of  some 
great  military  struggle.  It  is  not  merely  the  fame  that  men  win 
in  such  conflicts  that  induces  them  to  engage  in  war,  but  there  is 
in  the  breast  of  every  spirited  man  a  love  of  martial  exercises,  a 
conrting  of  danger,  a  love  of  adventure,  a  (juadium  ccrtaminis, 
that  urges  him  to  engage  in  arms  upon  almost  any  otvasioii  that  is 
"justified  by  honor." 

One  luindred  niillioiis  of  animal  taxation  t(>  give  pensions  to 
those  wlio  were  disabled  in  the  late  civil  war  is  jnstified,  even  in  the 
minds  of  those  who  were  the  enemies  in  arms  of  the  pensioners, 
by  a  sense  of  grateful  appreeiation  of  the  services  the^s  rendered  to 
their  country,  and  of  the  gallant  manner  in  which  they  demeaned 
themselves  in  the  theater  of  war  where  the  people  were  such  anx- 
ions  and  often  such  delighted  spectators.  And  so,  when  any  gal- 
lant soldier  dies,  whatever  may  have  been  his  social  character,  the 
people  pass  by  his  delinquencies,  if  lie  had  any,  not  in  mere  chari- 
table forgctfnlness,  but  as  matters  of  little  moment,  while  they  can 
recall  with  ])ride  and  satisfaction  the  honoi-s  lie  has  won  in  the 
l)loody  fields  of  battle. 

It  is  also  rarely  the  case  that  civic  honors  of  the  highest  class 
arc  wilhlicld  from  men  who  have  earned  a  reputation  for  courage, 
devotion,  and  skill  in  the  fields  of  battle.  Six  times  in  our  com- 
paratively short  history  men  have  been  chosen  to  the  Presidency 
wild  had  evinced  great  skill  in  military  command  but  had  not  been 
c(ins])icnous  for  statesmanship  until  after  tliey  iiad  been  elect("d  and 
inanourated  in  office. 

Mr.  IjOWE  laid  the  foundations  of  his  political  career  in  his 
gallant  conduct  in  the  raidvs  of  the  Confederate  army*  and  so  strong 
was  his  hold  upon  the  affection  of  the  people  from  this  cause  that 
many  of  them  supported  him  who  believed  that  Ids  course  as  a 
politician  was  not  the  best  for  those  he  represented. 

The  first  battle  of  Manassas  was  the  most  striking  incident  in 
American  iiistorv.  All  that  had  preceded  it  in  the  history  of  the 
war  was  mere  preliminary  skirmishing.  'Jliat  was  the  first  gen- 
eral engagement  between  the  oj)posing  armies.  The  field  was  ojien, 
gently  undulating,  wide  in  extent,  and  without  natural  or  artificial 
obstacles  to  obstruct  any  great  military  maneuver ;  either  army 
coidd  have  marched  for  four  or  five  miles  on  that  field  in  line  of 
battle.  Xeither  army  had  its  flanks  covered  by  any  natural  pro- 
tection or  military  works.  The  forests  that  onee  covered  the  field 
had  long  ago  disappeared;  a  lew  low  stone  fences  ;uid  patches  of 
youna-  pine  and  a  few  scattering  houses  were  the  only  shelter  that 
even  small  bodies  of  men  coulil  find.     On  such  a  field  neithcrarmy 


could  possess  any  considerable  advantage  even  in  the  positions  of 
field  artillery.  The  members  of  the  o])posing  hosts  were  niucli  tlie 
same.  The  infantry  arms  tiien  in  use  were  all  of  old  patterns  and 
were  of  short  range.  Neither  army  liad  been  long  in  the  field, 
and  the  greaf  body  of  the  officers  were  without  military  training 
such  as  is  found  in  well-organized  standing  armies. 

Each  armv  was  made  u|)  for  the  greater  part  (if  citizen  soldiery. 
They  were  armies  of  militia,  many  of  tiie  soldiers  scarcely  accus- 
tomed to  the  cumbrous  harness  and  heavy  liaggage  that  tliey  were 
then  required  to  carry  until  they  were  weaiy  and  discouraged. 

The  men  were  in  all  essential  respects  the  same  in  eacli  army 
except  the  difference  in  political  opinions  which  divided  them. 
Tlie  l)attle  in  which  they  were  about  to  engage  was  the  first  great 
act  in  a  tragedy  of  warfare  that  has  never  been  e(pialed  in  all  that 
makes  war  grand,  destructive,  and  terrible  in  the  liistory  of 
Christian  nations. 

The  scene  they  were  about  to  open  was  nothing  more  than  po- 
litical controversy  intensified  into  war  by  a  universal  appeal  to 
arms.  It  is  no  disparagement  to  later  and  l)etter  trained  and  bet- 
ter equipped  armies  to  say  that  no  armies  that  were  ever  marshaled 
were  composed  of  better  material.  They  were  volunteer  armies 
.such  as  it  i.s  likely  no  other  country  could  produce,  and  their  fight- 
iuff  on  that  field  has  demonstrated  that  in  three  months'  time,  or 
less,  we  can  improvise  an  army  of  citizen  soldiery  that  are  equal 
to  the  defense  of  our  counti-v  against  any  possible  comlMnation  of 
military  power. 

If  there  is  a  uenius  of  American  liberty,  which  we  represent  on 
the  dome  of  our  Cajjitol  in  the  bronze  image  there  as  a  goddess, 
.she  looked  with  sad  eyes  on  the  field  of  Manassas  on  that  SabbatJi 
mornino-,  wlu'U  tlie  dun  cloud  of  war  oiiscureil  the  risiuij  sun  and 
left  the  earth  to  be  lit  up  with  the  fierce  flashes  of  artillery  and 
musketry,  when,  under  the  light  of  a  July  sun,  for  hours  together 
the  contending  ranks  could  only  discern  the  lines  of  their  antag- 
onists by  the  lines  of  fire  which  rolled  without  ceasing  from  the 
muzzles  of  their  guns.  It  was  not  the  sudden  charge  and  as  sud- 
den  retreat  tliat  usually  characterizes  the  action   of  raw  troops 



which  (leseribos  the  tactics  of  that  field;  it  was  tlic  obstinate  and 
death-defying  conflict  of  men  who  had  no  thought  but  victory  and 
no  sentiment  but  duty  to  hold  them  steady  in  their  dreadful  work. 

Strategic  changes  in  the  positions  of  the  forces  were  made  on  thai 
field  in  accordance  with  settled  ])lans  of  military  operations  care- 
fully prepared  beforehand  on  both  sides,  and  during  all  of  tiiat 
long  and  sultry  day  these  plans  were  executed  until  the  shattered 
columns  could  no  longer  be  nuistered  in  proper  military  organiza- 
tions, the  one  army  retiring,  the  other  not  being  able  to  pursue. 
The  troops  were  steady  and  firm,  and  were  moved  with  the  pre- 
cision and  celerity  of  trained  soldiery.  The  staff  of  both  armies 
was  incomplete,  and  sometimes  brigades  and  divisions  were  in  com- 
mand of  officers  who  had  never  before  seen  their  regimental  and 
company  officers  under  their  control.  The  losses  on  both  sides 
were  heavy,  the  field  was  almost  without  supplies  of  water,  the 
ambulance  corps  were  imperfectly  organized  and  were  poorly  sup- 
plied with  vehicles  or  stretchers,  and  the  wounded  lay  upon  the 
field  almost  without  attention. 

Mr.  Lowe  entered  the  Confederate  army  in  the  Fourth  Kegiment 
of  Alabama  Infantry  as  a  private  soldier,  and  in  tliat  capacity  was 
fighting  in  that  battle.  Then  the  post  of  a  2>i"ivate  in  the  ranks 
Mas  the  post  of  honor.  Personal  preferment  was  almost  unknown 
among  those  who  took  up  arms  on  either  side.  They  understood 
the  questions  involved  in  the  contest,  and  were  fighting  to  main- 
tain theii'-  convictions.  No  man  in  the  ranks  of  either  army  prob- 
ably understood  those  questions  more  perfectly  than  this  accom- 
plished yiiung  sclidlar  and  lawyer.  I  doubt  if  lu^  could  have  been 
induced  to  fiy-ht  in  defense  of  a  cause  that  did  not  command  the 
honest  suffrages  of  his  sedate  judgment.  His  heart  did  not  I'ule 
his  judgment  where  the  issues  to  be  decided  affected  the  welfare 
of  the  country. 

The  Fourth  .Alabama  Kegiment  has  become  renowned  in  South- 
ern history  for  the  gallantry  of  its  men  on  that  field.  Its  gallant 
colonel,  Egbert  Jones,  and  its  major,  Charles  S.  Scott,  fell  on  the 
field,  the  first  to  die  and  the  other  to  survive  dangerous  wounds 
and  to  render  to  his  eonntrvmen  the  duty  and  advantage  of  a  true 


heart,  and  a  superior  intellect.  That  rewinient  was  ahnost  cut  to 
pieces  after  a  long  and  tierce  struggle  with  a  gallant  foe.  When 
its  field-officers  fell,  the  scattered  companies  attached  themselves, 
with  decimated  ranks,  to  other  commands,  and  continued  the 
arduous  conflict  until  the  field  was  Mon. 

As  the  day  receded,  the  liody  of  Private  William  ^I.  I^()^\■E 
w:as  borne  from  the  field  in  the  arms  of  his  comrades,  to  die,  as 
was  then  believed.  He  was  wounded  with  a  nuisket-ball  in  his 
forehead.  The  deadly  missile  sjiared  his  life  oidy  by  the  breadth 
of  a  hair.  His  vigorous  constitution  trium])hed  over  death,  and 
he  struggled  back  into  life  to  enjoy  the  honors  he  had  nobly  won 
in  the  hearts  of  a  people  who  will  never  cease  to  honor  his  mem- 
ory as  a  faithful  and  brave  soldier. 

Later  in  the  war  he  rejoined  the  army  and  held  the  ranks  suc- 
cessively of  lieutenant,  captain,  and  lieutenant-colonel,  command- 
ing troops  in  the  field  and  acting  on  stafl:\luty  with  distinction  and 
with  the  approval  of  his  superior  officers  and  his  comrades. 

When  the  war  had  I'losed  ^Ir.  Lowe  again  t(jok  up  his  jtrofes- 
sion,  in  which  he  accpiircd  a  good  reputation  for  ability.  During 
the  period  of  reconstruction  he  was  very  intense  in  his  opposition 
to  that  policy,  and  took  a  leading  and  influential  place  in  the  op- 
position. His  high  intelligence  and  courage  soon  gave  to  him  a 
prominent  position,  and  he  found  in  the  public  service  his  most 
congenial  employment.  He  was  elected  to  the  legislature  from  his 
native  county  in  1870,  and  his  service  there  disclosed  an  enter- 
prising sjjirit  which  indicated  his  mental  independence  of  the 
thraldom  of  fixed  opiuiims  and  methods  of  government  sanctified 
by  time.  He  was  incisive  and  aggressive  in  the  enforcement  of 
his  convictions. 

He  was  next  elected  to  the  constitutional  convention  of  Ala- 
bama, in  1875,  and  exhibited  in  that  Ixxly  th<'  ability  to  deal  with 
the  gravest  questions  of  constitutional  law. 

He  then  became,  in  1879,  a  candidate  for  Congress  as  a  Green- 
back-Democrat, and  had  the  support  of  the  Republican  party  in 
his  district.  He  was  elected  over  a  gentleman  of  nuich  ability 
after  a  heated  "canvass  of  the  district. 

0172 .3 


That  <'ontest  gave  rise  to  nuuli  ill-feeling  between  Mr.  LoWE 
and  liis  former  Democratic  associates.  This  feeling  wa.s  much  in- 
tensified in  the  next  campaign,  in  which  his  opponent,  Hon.  Joseph 
Wheeler,  got  the  certificate  and  was  seated,  but  afterward,  on  a 
contest,  was  held  not  to  be  entitled  to  the  office. 

In  the  midst  of  all  these  contests  before  the  people  Mr.  Lowe 
was  distinguished  for  remarkable  ability  as  a  popular  leader. 
Great  numbers  of  men  who  apologized  to  themselves  for  a  depart- 
ure fi'om  their  political  convictions  followed  him  and  became  his 
personal  partisans  because  they  admired  and  k^ved  him.  As  a 
friend  he  was  worthy  of  their  aifection,  for  he  -was  true  to  his 
friends.  I  opposed  his  political  course  with  inflexible  determina- 
tion, but  I  admired  his  genius  and  courage  in  leadership,  and  re- 
membering how  his  public  life  had  lieen  gallantly  prefaced  with  a 
glorious  devotion  to  his  convictions,  I  never  spoke  of  him  except 
in  terms  of  resj^ect. 

I  now  express  with  pride  the  voice  of  the  people  of  Alabama, 
who  esteem  him  for  the  tender  care  which  he  has  ever  bestowed  so 
freely  and  generously  upon  those  dear  to  him  by  kindred  ties; 
they  admire  him  for  his  distinguished  abilities  as  an  orator  and 
scholar,  and  honor  him  in  his  grave  for  his  patriotism. 

Address  of  Mr.  Lapham,  of  New  York. 

Mr.  Pkesident:  It  was  not  until  a  short  time  since  that  I 
was  asked  by  the  Senatoi's  from  Alabama  to  take  part  in  the  me- 
morial services  in  memory  of  their  late  colleague  in  the  House.  I 
come,  therefore,  without  time  for  |)rcparatiou  to  the  consideration 
of  those  topics  suggested  by  the  occasion. 

Mr.  President,  my  acquaintance  with  Mr.  Lowe  began  with 
his  entrance  into  the  Forty-sixth  Congress  as  a  member  of  the 
House  of  Representatives,  where  I  had  the  honor  of  a  seat.  He 
bore  by  nature  the  marks  of  being  more  than  a  contmon  man,  of 
being  a  man  designed,  if  he  had  lived  and  carried  out  his  aspira- 
tions, to  have  iiiatle  liis   mark    in   the  world.      .Vlthough   he  was 


comp.iratively  young,  lie  had  already  achieved  what  may  l)e  re- 
garded as  an  unusual  distinction.  He  i-ose  from  the  ranks  of  a  pri- 
vate to  the  position  of  lieutenant-colonel  in  the  army  of  the  Con- 
federacy during  his  service  there.  He  acted  as  the  solicitor  of 
the  fifth  judicial  district  of  his  State  from  the  year  1865  to  1868, 
inclusive,  a  period  of  four  years.  He  was  then  chosen  to  the  leg- 
islature of  liis  State,  as  has  been  said,  in  the  year  1870,  and  so 
marked  were  his  abilities  in  that  body  that  in  the  year  1875  he 
was  elected  as  one  of  the  members  of  the  convention  to  frame  a 
constitution  for  that  State.  That  constitution,  as  I  remember  the 
reading  of  it,  bears  evideuce  that  it  was  the  work  of  men  of 
genius  and  of  iiigh  character. 

But  little  occurred  to  indicate  nmch  witli  respect  to  the  temper- 
ament, character,  and  sentiments  of  Mi-.  Lowe  during  the  first 
sessions  of  the  Forty-sixth  Congress,  but  in  the  third  session  of 
said  Congress,  and  soon  after  the  opening  of  that  session,  he  intro- 
duced into  the  House  and  had  referred  to.  the  Committee  on  the 
Judiciarv  a  series  of  resolutions  relating  to  the  laws  of  the  several 
States  of  the  Union  with  reference  to  the  right  of  suffrage.  Those 
resolutions  went,  if  I  rememlier  right,  to  the  Judiciary  Committee 
of  the  House.  Whether  they  were  acted  upon  by  the  conunittee 
or  became  the  subject  of  further  action  by  the  House  I  am  not  ad- 
vised.    These  are  the  resolutions  : 

Whereas  the  laws  of  several  of  the  States  of  this  Union  regulate  within 
their  respective  jurisdictions  the  exercise  of  the  elective  franchise  by  pre- 
scribing certain  conditions,  taxes,  or  requirements  which  are  claimed  by 
citizens  of  those  States  and  by  a  report  of  a  committee  of  the  United  States 
Senate  in  this  Congress  to  be  a  violation  of  the  Constitution  of  the  United 
States  and  of  the  rights  of  citizens  thereunder  ;  and 

Wliereas  such  regulations  of  the  elective  franchise  in  such  States,  espe- 
cially in  the  States  of  Rhode  Island,  Massachusetts,  Pennsylvania,  Dela- 
ware, Virginia,  and  Georgia,  are  claimed  to  be  restrictions  upon  the  elective 
franchise  whereby  certain  citizens  are  excluded  from  participation  in  the 
right  to  vote  ;  and 

Whereas  it  is  made  the  duty  of  Congress  to  secure  to  each  State  a  repub- 
lican form  of  government,  and  once  in  ten  years  to  apportion  among  the 
States  their  shares  of  representation  in  Congress  pursuant  to  the  Constitu- 
tion :  Therefore, 

Be  it  resolved,  That  a  committee  of  this  House,  consisting  of  five  members, 
be  appointed  by  the  Speaker  to  examine  into  the  matters  relating  to  the  ex- 

36  XZ/''^?  Ayi)  CHARACTER  OF  IIIUJA.U  M.   LOHE. 

ercise  of  the  elective  franchise  in  the  several  States  so  far  as  the  same  may 
be  in  violation  of  the  Coustitntion  of  the  United  States  or  atfected  thereliy  ; 
and  to  report  to  this  House  whether  such  regulations  or  restrictions  of  suf- 
frage should  diminish  the  representation  of  such  State  or  States  in  Congress 
pursuant  to  the  fourteeutli  article  of  the  Constitution,  and  to  wliat  extent 
such  representatiou  should  be  diminished  under  the  apportionment  to  be 
made  pursuant  to  the  census  of  1880. 

And  he  it  further  resolved,  Tliat  said  committee  shall  have  power  to  sit  dur- 
ing the  sessions  of  the  House,  or  otherwise,  and  shall  have  power  to  send 
for  persons  and  papers,  administer  oaths,  and  to  employ  a  stenographer, 
clerk,  and  two  messengers ;  and  that  the  sum  of  $3,000  be,  and  hereby  is,  ap- 
propriated for  the  expenses  of  said  committee  from  the  House  contingent 
fund,  to  be  paid  on  drafts  of  the  chairman  of  said  committee. 

Mr.  Lowe  was  elected  to  rejiresent  his  district  in  the  j)rcsoiit 
Congress,  but  the  certificate  of  election  was  given  to  his  competi- 
tor, and  he  was  able  to  obtain  his  seat  only  after  a  long  and  pro- 
tract(!d  controversy,  and  at  tlieend  of  tliat  controversy  we  find  hini 
repeating  tiie  same  sentiments  with  M'hich  he  entered  the  third 
session  of  the  Forty-sixth  Congress.  I  quote  fiom  the  remarks 
submitted  by  him  to  the  House  at  the  conclusion  of  that  contest: 

Mr.  Speaker,  I  am  glad  that  the  time  has  come  at  last  wlieu  I  may  si)eak 
for  myseli',  and  not  only  for  myself,  but  for  the  disfranchised  jieople  of  my 
district.  I  am  glad,  sir,  that  I  have  an  opportunity  to  be  heard  before  a 
body  which  is  the  sole  ,indge  of  the  elections,  returns,  and  qualifications  of 
its  meml)ors,  and  which  is  bound  by  puljlic  interest  a-nd  jirivate  conscience 
to  do  justice  in  the  canse.  • 

->f  *  if  *  #  -ff  « 

The  prevalent  idea  of  a  strong  government  in  other  countries  is  the 
weakest  of  all  governments  with  us.  What  is  the  power  of  standing  armies 
and  the  menace  of  great  navies  to  the  desperate  purjiose  of  au  outraged 
people?  Sir,  our  ancestors  were  right.  That  government  is  the  strongest 
which  rests  upon  the  consent  of  the  governed,  which  enlists  the  respect  and 
affection  of  the  largest  proportion  of  its  people.  The  iron  despotism  of  the 
Czar  or  llie  military  empire  of  the  Kaiser  is  the  weakest  government  in  the 
world,  becanse  it  lacks  this  vital  principle  upon  which  strong  and  free  gov- 
ernments are  founded.  It  lacks  this  princi)dp,  which  all  exi)crieuci'  teaches 
us  caniu)t  be  destroyed  by  force  or  denied  by  fraud  without  assailing  the 
social  compact  itself.  It  stands  pre-eminent  in  government  and  society  like 
the  chiefe-st  of  all  the  virtues;  "whether  there  \m'  )irophecies  they  shall 
fail ;  whether  there  be  tongues  they  shall  cease ;  whether  there  be  knowl- 
edge it  shall  vanish  away,"  but  the  right  preservative  of  all  rights  will  re- 
main. I  shall  not  despair,  Mr.  Speaker,  of  free  suffrage  until  I  despair 
of  free  govennnent  itself.     It  is  the  sanction  by  which  the  House  now  sits 


ill  judgment  upon  iiie  and  the  basis  of  tlie  confidence  with  which  I  now  ad- 
dress yon.  It  is  the  glovy  and  saCety  of  oiir  system,  as  we  believe  onr  sys- 
tem is,  by  the  blessing  of  God,  the  hope  and  refuge  of  the  world. 

It  will  lie  seen,  Mr.  President,  from  these  sentiments  that  Mr. 
Lowe  had  marked  ont  for  himself  a  career  in  Congi-ess  npoii  one 
of  the  great  issues  which  are  now  before  the  country  ;  and  his  hav- 
ing been  providentially  called  away  illustrates,  whatever  may  be 
our  opinions  with  respect  to  ourselves  or  others,  how  little  in 
truth  we  are  ;  "  what  shadows  we  are  and  what  shadows  we  pur- 
sue." The  sentiment  \A'as  well  exjiressed  by  that  great  and  good 
man,  Abraham  Tjincoln,  in  the  memorable  debate  between  himself 
and  the  late  Senator  r)()Uglas,  in  which,  after  speaking  of  the  princi- 
])les  embodied  in  the  Declaration  of  Independence  and  the  neces- 
sity of  preserving  them,  he  used  substantially  these  words  : 

In  a  great  contest  like  this  I  am  nothing;  Judge  Douglas  is  nothing ;  no 
man  is  anything;  the  preservation  of  these  great  principles  is  paramount  to 
all  personal  considerations. 

From  this  scene  of  activity  and  of  apparent  and  ])rospective 
usefulness  Mr.  Lowe  has  been  suddenly  summoned  away,  and  we 
may  say  in  conclusion  what  has  been  written  by  one  of  the  best  of 
our  poets  with  regard  to  such  an  event : 

When  we  are  gone, 
The  generation  that  comes  after  us 
Will  have  far  other  thoughts  than  ours.     Our  ruins 
Will  serve  to  build  their  palaces  or  tombs. 
They  will  possess  the  world  that  we  think  ours, 
And  fashion  it  far  otherwise. 
Men  die  and  are  forgotten.      The  great  world 
Goes  on  the  same.     Among  the  myriads 
Of  men  that  live,  or  have  lived,  or  shall  live. 
What  is  a  single  life,  or  thine  or  mine? 
We  must  make  room  for  otlier.s. 

The  Presiding  Officer.  The  ipiestion  is  on  the  adoption  of 
the  resolutions  offi'red  by  the  Senator  from  .Vlabama  [Mr.  Mor- 

The  resolutions  were  unanimously  agreed  to  ;  and  the  Senate 







