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Full text of "Memoirs of the Duc de Saint-Simon on the times of Louis XIV. and the regency. Translated and abridged by Katharine Prescott Wormeley, from the ed. collated with the original manuscript by M. Chéruel. Illustrated with ports. From the original"

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Volume  IV. 

(t1)t  (tout  He  iFrance  IStrition 

Limited  to  Twelve  Hundred  and 
Fifty  Numbered  Sets,  of  which  this  is 

iv.  969 


rt'iimra!  .  'IT' 






i;ranslatcti  anU  ^britiget) 




BY   M.   CH^RUEL. 






■  ::::i 












Vol.  IV. 







Copyright,  1899, 
By  Hardy,  Pratt  &  Company. 

All  rights  reserved. 






Hntijcrsttg  \$xtss: 
John  Wilson  and  Son,  Cambridge,  U.  S.  A. 



The  Due  d'Orleans  unprepared  for  the  king's  death.  —  Session  of 
Parliament  for  the  regency.  —  The  Due  du  Maine  arrives.  —  Read- 
ing of  the  king's  will  and  codicil.  —  Speech  of  the  regent. — The 
will  abrogated  as  to  the  administration  of  the  State.  —  Dispute,  first 
public,  then  private,  between  the  regent  and  the  Due  du  Maine. — 
The  regent  declares  M.  le  Due  chief  of  the  Council  of  Regency. — 
The  session  closes  with  great  applause.  —  Brief  joy  of  the  Mare'chal 
de  Villeroy,  — The  afternoon  session  ;  speech  of  the  Due  d'Orleans. 

—  The  codicil  abrogated  wholly. — The  regent  invested  with  all 
power.  —  Speech  of  the  regent,  indicating  his  course.  —  Madame 
asks  one  sole  favour  of  the  regent.  —  The  king's  heart  taken  to  the 
Grands-Je'suites ;  marvellous  ingratitude.  —  Visit  of  the  regent  to 
Mme.  de  Maintenon.  —  Removal  of  Louis  XV.  from  Versailles  to 
Viucennes.  —  Obsequies  of  the  late  king.  —  The  prisons  opened; 
horrors.  —  Cardinal  de  Noailles  made  chief  of  the  council  on  eccle- 
siastical affairs.  —  Reception  and  result  of  this  news  in  Paris. — 
Reflections.  —  Formation  of  the  Council  of  Regency.  —  Outbreak  of 
the  princes  of  the  blood  against  the  claims  of  the  Due  du  Maine. 

—  The  Duchesse  de  Berry  lodged  at  the  Luxembourg.  —  First 
Council  of  Regency.  —  Novelties  at  Court 1 


The  Scotch  project.  —  The  Earl  of  Stair.  —  Stair  urges  the  regent  to 
arrest  the  Pretender.  —  The  Pretender  escapes  the  assassins  of 
Stair.  —  Balls  at  the  Opera.  —  Reasons  for  keeping  the  Court  at 
Versailles;  it  is  kcjit  in  Paris.  —  I  wish  to  retire  from  Court  after 
the  death  of  the  king.  —  The  regent  deceived  about  the  I'arliameut. 



—  yi.  du  Maine  makes  me  a  visit  without  a  cause.  —  I  return  it,  and 
hear  very  singular,  but  very  polite,  remarks.  —  The  Abbe  Dubois, 
Counsellor  of  State  for  the  Church.  —  The  Duchesse  de  Berry 
usurps  honours  that  she  does  not  keep. — Abandons  herself  to 
Rion;  who  and  what  he  was.  —  Daily  life  and  personal  conduct  of 
the  regent.  —  Religious  enormities.  —  Cabal  which  commits  the 
regent  to  England.  —  The  Due  d'Orle'ans  never  desired  the  crown. 

—  I  urge  upon  the  regent  a  union  with  Spain.  —  Rascality  of  Stair 
and  Beutivoglio.  —  The  party  of  the  Uuigenitus  make  me  an  odious 
proposition.  —  The  Duchesse  de  Berry  walls  up  the  garden  of  the 
Luxembourg 34 

CHAPTER   in. 

Parliament  opposes  the  edicts  of  the  regent.  —  Law,  called  Lass ;  his 
bank.  —  The  regent  puts  me  in  communication  with  Law  against 
my  will.  —  Arouet,  poet  uuder  the  name  of  Voltaire,  exiled.  — 
Death  of  Mme.  Guyon.  —  The  king  taken  to  visit  the  Chancellor 
Pontchartrain.  —  Assemblies  of  Huguenots ;  the  regent  inclined  to 
recall  them.  —  I  persuade  him  not  to  do  so.  —  Louville  sent  on  a 
confidential  mission  to  the  King  of  Spain.  —  The  result  of  it. — 
Gibraltar  lost  to  Spain.  —  Death  of  IMontrevel  from  fear  of  spilt 
salt.  —  Marriage  of  the  Duchesse  d'Alba.  —  Bitterness  between 
the  princes  of  the  blood  and  the  bastards.  —  Paris  the  sink  of 
all  Europe.  —  D'Aguesseau,  procureur-gen€ral,  made  chancellor. — 
Career  and  character  of  Chancellor  d'Aguesseau.  —  I  prevent  the 
destruction  of  Marly.  —  Illness  of  Mme.  de  Maintenon 65 


My  prediction  at  the  Council  of  Regency.  — D'Aguesseau  sends  Cardinal 
de  Noailles  and  me  a  memorial  against  the  bull.  —  The  regent 
delivered  over  to  the  bull  Unigenitus.  —  Cardinal  de  Noailles  misses 
another  grand  stroke. —  Tete-a-tete  between  the  regent  and  me  in 
his  opera-box. — The  regent  puts  me,  against  my  will,  on  a  com- 
mittee of  finance. — I  cause  the  purchase  of  the  diamond  after- 
wards called  "the  Regent."  —  The  czar,  Peter  I.,  comes  to  France. 

—  Motives  of  the  czar  for  wi.*hing  to  be  a  Catholic.  —  His  arrival 
in  Paris.  —  Great  qualities  of  the  czar.  —  His  face,  clothes,  and  food. 
— .Tournal  of  the  czar's  visit.  —  Goes  to  Versailles,  and  sees  Trianon 
and  Marly.  —  Makes  an  insulting  visit  to  Mme.  de  Maintenon.  —  I 



go  to  see  the  czar  at  d'Antin's  house.  —  His  departure ;  his  pain  at 
the  luxury  of  France;  his  prediction.  —  His  passionate  desire  to 
unite  himself  to  France.  —  Why  he  did  not  become  a  Catholic. — 
Choice  lesson  of  Mare'chal  de  Villeroy  to  the  king.  —  Quarrel  about 
the  medals.  —  Hatred  of  the  King  of  England  to  the  Prince  of 
Wales 97 


The  committee  on  finance;  my  proposal  of  reform.  —  Resolutions  of 
the  committee  made  an  edict.  —  Mauceuvres  of  the  Due  de  Noailles 
in  regard  to  Law.  —  Intimacy  between  Dubois  and  Law ;  its  cause. 

—  Edict  in  favour  of  the  "  Company  of  the  West."  —  Defeat  of 
Noailles  .  and  the  chancellor.  —  Project  about  the  taille  tax.  — 
All  good  impossible  in  Prance.  —  Manoeuvres  against  Law  by 
Noailles  and  the  chancellor.  —  Law's  faith  in  his  system.  —  My 
conduct  in  this  matter.  —  D'Argensou  chosen  for  tlie  finance  and 
Seals.  —  I  prepare  d'Argeuson;  why.  —  The  chancellor  loses  the 
Seals  and  is  exiled.  —  Trifles  between  the  Due  d'Orleans  and  me.  — 
Death  of  Fagon,  the  late  king's  physician.  —  The  Abbe  de  Saint- 
Pierre  publishes  a  book.  —  Burning  of  a  bridge  in  Paris.  —  Death 
of  the  Queen  of  England. — Audacious  action  of  Parliament. — 
Extraordinary  commission  given  to  the  king's  law-officers.  —  The 
regent  is  drawn  from  his  lethargy.  —  He  forces  me  to  speak  to  him 
about  the  Parliament.  —  Measures  of  Parliament  to  cajjture  and 
hang  Law.  —  I  propose  a  lit  de  justice  at  the  Tuileries.  —  The 
regent  sends  for  me.  —  He  proposes  to  attack  Parliament  and  the 
Due  du  Maine. — I  oppose  his  attacking  the  Due  du  Maine;  why. 

—  Plans  laid  at  a  conference 127 


I  settle  with  Fontanieu  the  secret  arrangements  of  the  lit  de  justice. — 
M.  le  Due  writes  to  me  and  asks  an  interview.  —  Long  conversa- 
tion between  M.  le  Due  and  me.  —  I  oppose  the  deposition  of  the 
Due  du  Maine.  —  Al.  Ic  Due  declares  that  his  attachment  to  the 
regent  depends  upon  it.  —  I  render  an  account  to  the  regent  of  my 
conversation  with  M.  le  Due.  —  The  regent  promises  to  hold  firm  removing  the  Due  du  Maine.  —  He  tells  me  that  M.  le  Due 
insi.sts  on  having  tiie  king's  education.  —  Conversation  between  the 
Comte   do   Toulouse   and   the   regent.  —  Fontanieu    remedies   the 



raised  seats.  —  Meeting  between  M.  le  Due  and  me  in  the  garden 
of  the  Tuilerics.  —  I  make  a  hist  effort  to  prevent  the  attack  on  the 
Due  du  Maine.  —  M.  le  Due's  reply.  —  M.  le  Due  gives  nie  his  word 
that  the  bastards  shall  be  reduced  to  their  rank  in  tlie  peerage.  — 
I  propose  to  keep  the  rank  of  the  Comte  de  Toulouse  unchanged. — 
All  things  foreseen  and  provided  for  the  lit  de  justice.  —  I  confide 
the  coining  event  to  the  Due  de  Chaulnes.  —  Notice  given  of  the 
lit  de  justice  at  six  in  the  morning  of  August  26.  —  I  notify  the 
Comte  de  Toulouse  of  his  safety.  —  I  arrive  at  the  Tuileries.  —  The 
lit  de  justice  promptly  and  secretly  arranged.  —  Tranquillity  of 
the  Keeper  of  the  Seals.  —  The  regent  arrives  at  the  Tuileries.  — 
Appearance  of  the  Council.  —  Entrance  of  the  Due  du  Maine. — 
Entrance  of  the  Comte  de  Toulouse.  —  Colloquies  of  the  Due  du 
Maine  with  others.  —  Colloquy  of  the  regent  with  the  Comte  de 
Toulouse.  —  The  bastards  retire  from  the  Council  chamber. — The 
Council  take  their  seats 100 


Speech  of  the  regent.  —  Tableau  of  the  Council.  —  Speech  of  the  regent 
and  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals.  —  Opinions  given.  —  Speech  of  the 
regent  on  the  reduction  of  the  bastards.  —  Effect  of  the  regent's 
speech. — Beading  of  the  declaration;  effect  upon  the  council. — 
Votes  taken ;  I  abstain  from  voting.  —  Speech  of  the  regent  on  the 
reinstatement  of  the  Comte  de  Toulouse.  —  Effect;  the  vote  taken. 

—  M.  le  Due  demands  the  education  of  the  king.  —  Agitation  of 
the  council.  —  The  regent  takes  the  votes.  —  Marechal  de  Villeroy 
complains ;  the  regent  launches  a  thunderbolt.  —  Parliament  at- 
tempts to  refuse  to  obey  the  summons.  —  The  regent  undisturbed ; 
vote  and  steps  taken.  —  Parliament  arrives  at  the  Tuileries  on  foot. 

—  We  go  to  fetch  the  king.  —  The  march  to  the  lit  de  justice.  — 
I  enter,  and  confide  the  reduction  of  the  bastards  to  certain  peers. 

—  The  spectacle  of  the  lit  de  justice.  —  Entrance  of  the  king; 
calm  and  majestic  bearing  of  the  regent. — The  bearing  of  the 
Keeper  of  the  Seals.  —  He  opens  this  great  scene  with  a  speech  to 
parliament  on  its  duties.  —  Consternation  of  the  parliament ;  en- 
venomed speech  of  the  president.  —  Reduction  of  the  bastards  to 
their  rank  in  the  peerage.  —  I  decline  in  a  marked  manner  to  vote. 

—  Speech  of  M.  le  Due  demanding  the  education  of  the  king.  — 
He  obtains  his  demand.  —  Registration  of  all  the  decrees  by  the 
lit  de  justice — The  king's  behaviour;  his  indifference  about  M.  du 
Maine.  —  The  lit  de  justice  ends ,    ,    ,    ,     1 93 



The  regent  forces  me  to  tell  the  Duchesse  d'Orle'ans  of  the  fall  of  her 
brothers.  — I  break  the  news  to  the  Duchesse  d'Orle'aus.  —  She  dic- 
tates to  me  a  singularly  noble  letter.  —  Conduct  of  the  Comte  de 
Toulouse.  —  Clandestine  use  of  secret  registers  by  parliament.  — 
M.  le  Due  takes  charge  of  the  education  of  the  king.  —  My  rela- 
tions with  Flenry,  Bishop  of  Frejus.  —  I  propose  to  Frcjus  an 
easy,  novel,  agreeable,  and  useful  way  of  instructing  the  king.  — 
Cellamare's  plot  against  the  regent.  —  His  despatches  captured  at 
Poitiers.  —  Cellamare  arrested;  his  conduct.  —  The  other  foreign 
ministers  make  no  remonstrance.  —  The  regent  confides  to  me  and 
others  that  M.  and  Mme.  du  Maine  are  in  the  conspiracy.  —  We  all 
advise  their  arrest.  —  The  Due  du  Maine  arrested  at  Sceaux. — 
The  Duchesse  du  Maine  arrested  in  Paris.  —  Excellent,  straight- 
forward conduct  of  the  Comte  de  Toulouse.  —  Forged  papers  pur- 
porting to  issue  from  the  King  of  Spain. — Distress  of  the  regent 
at  the  "  Philippiques."  —  Pere  Tellier ;  I  try  to  help  him ;  is  con- 
fined at  La  Fleche.  —  Ingratitude  of  the  Jesuits.  —  Strange  conduct 
of  the  Duchesse  de  Berry.  —  The  sacraments  refused  to  her  by  the 
rector  and  Cardinal  de  Noailles. — Death  of  Mme.  de  Maintenon  ; 
her  life  at  Saint-Cyr.  —  Curious  but  unintelligible  statement  of 
Fleury's  power  over  the  king 226 


The  wonders  of  "The  Mississippi."  —  Law  and  the  regent  urge  me  in 
vain  to  accept  some.  —  I  refuse,  but  accept  payment  of  an  old  debt, 
—  Absurd  but  persistent  theories  of  parliament  as  to  its  power.—' 
Law  proposes  a  scheme  to  hold  parliament  in  check.  —  I  prevent 
the  regent  from  adopting  it.  —  The  Mississippi  madness  ;  all  heads 
turned.  —  Diminution  of  specie,  and  recoinage.  —  Law  desires  to  be- 
come a  Catholic ;  his  converters.  —  Determination  of  the  Duchesse 
de  Berry  to  declare  her  marriage  to  Rion.  —  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon 
goes  to  her  in  her  last  illness.  —  Brief  sketch  of  the  Duchesse  de 
Berry;  grief  of  the  regent.  —  Mme.  do  Saint-Simon  sends  for 
me  to  be  with  him.  — Death  of  the  Duchesse  de  Berry ;  illness  of 
Mme.  de  Saint-Simon. — La  Muette  given  to  the  king  for  hia 
amusements.  —  The  regent  wishes  to  make  me  governor  of  the 
king.  —  I  dissuade  him.  —  Confusion  in  the  finances;  Law  made 
controller-general.  —  Insecurity  of  Law's  system  and  bank  is  becom- 



ing  apparent.  —  Inconceivable  prodigality  of  the  regent.  —  Grievous 
and  iuliiiite  results.  —  Forced  levies  to  people  the  Mississippi;  disas- 
trous results.  —  Marriage  coutract  produced  by  Law's  system.  — 
How  the  Abbe  Dubois  made  himseK  .tVrchbishop  of  Cambrai. — 
The  Prince  de  Conti  attacks  Dubois ;  his  consecration.  —  Edict  of 
the  Council  of  State,  which  reveals  the  condition  of  the  finances. 

—  Is  revoked,  and  leads  to  the  ruin  of  Law.  —  The  "  Company  of 
the  Indies  "  made  a  commercial  company.  —  Fatal  results  of  that 
expedient.  —  Law  leaves  the  kingdom ;  his  end;  his  family    .    .    .    2.59 


Declaration  for  receiving  the  bull  Unigenitus  read  at  the  Council.  —  Par- 
liament refuses  to  enregister  it.  —  The  regent  carries  the  matter  to 
the  Grand  Council.  —  Nullity  of  that  registration.  —  Death,  fortune, 
character,  family,  and  memoirs  of  Dangeau.  —  The  regent  confides 
to  me  the  marriage  of  the  king  to  the  infanta. — I  obtain  the  em- 
bassy to  Spain.  —  Dubois  made  cardinal  at  last ;  his  conduct  on  the 
occasion.  —  His  pectoral  cross;  embarrassment  of  M.  de  Frejus. — 
Conduct  of  Frejus  toward  the  king,  the  regent,  Villeroy,  and  the 
world. — My  embassy  announced;  the  Due  de  Lauzun's  advice. — 
My  suite;  I  leave  Paris  for  Madrid.  —  Passage  of  the  Pyrenees;  I 
go  to  see  Loyola.  —  Arrived  in  Madrid,  I  make  my  first  bow  to 
their  Catholic  Majesties.  —  Sketch  of  the  King  of  Spain.  —  Sketch 
of  the  Queen  of  Spain.  —  Hunting  the  daily  pleasure  of  the  king. 

—  Illumination  of  the  Place  Major  wonderful  and  surprising. — 
Departure  of  their  Catholic  Majesties  for  Lerma. — I  am  lodged 
in  the  village  of  Villahalmanza,  near  Lerma.  —  On  my  arrival  I 

fall  ill  with  the  small-pox 292 


Exchange  of  the  princesses,  January  9,  1 722.  —  The  king,  queen,  and 
Prince  of  the  Asturias  go  to  meet  the  princess.  —  I  go  to  make  my 
bow  to  the  princess.  —  Amusing  ignorance  of  Cardinal  Borgia,  who 
celebrates  the  marriage.  —  I  am  made  grandee  of  Spain  of  the  first 
class.  —  My  eldest  son  is  made  Knight  of  the  Golden  Fleece. — 
The  Princess  of  the  Asturias  becomes  unwell.  —  Extraordinary 
conduct  of  the  princess  to  the  king  and  queen. — The  "Peregrine," 
an  incomparable  pearl.  —  Lent  very  grievous  in  the  Castiles. — 
I  take  my  audience  of  leave  of  the  king  and  queen,  March  22.  — 



Extraordinary  leave-taking  of  the  Princess  of  the  Asturias.  —  I 
leave  Madrid,  and  meet  Mme.  de  Saint- Simon.  —  Long  interview 
between  me,  the  regent,  and  Cardinal  Dubois.  —  Marriage  of  my 
daughter  to  the  Prince  de  Chimay. — The  Court  returns  perma- 
nently to  Versailles.  —  Death  of  the  Duke  of  Marlborough.  — 
Mare'chal  de  ViUeroy  refuses  to  obey  the  regent.  —  He  is  arrested, 
and  taken  to  Villeroy.  —  The  king  much  distressed.  —  Extraor- 
dinary disappearance  of  Frejus.  —  The  king  consoled  by  the  return 
of  Frejus.  —  Singular  conversation  between  the  Due  d'Orle'ans  and 
me.  —  Dubois  well  known  to  his  master;  incredible  weakness  of 
the  regent.  —  Another  strange  conversation  between  the  regent  and 
me.  —  Death  of  the  Princesse  des  Ui-sins.  —  Death  of  Dacier ;  his 
wife.  —  Death  of  Madame ;  her  character 323 


1723 ;  sterilit}'-  of  the  records  of  this  year ;  its  cause.  —  The  king  attains 
his  majority.  —  The  Council  of  Regency  ends;  the  Council  of  State 
takes  its  place.  —  Marriage  of  the  Comte  de  Toulouse.  —  The  king 
goes  to  Meudon  —  for  the  convenience  of  Cardinal  Dubois.  —  Illness 
and  death  of  Dubois ;  his  wealth ;  his  obsequies.  —  Sketch  of 
Cardinal  Dubois. — His  crazy  capers;  his  marriage.  —  The  Due 
d'Orleans  greatly  relieved  by  his  death.  —  The  king  appoints  the 
Due  d'Orle'ans  prime  minister. — Death  of  Mesmes,  president  of 
parliament. — I  find  the  Due  d'Orle'ans,  and  go  bade  to  him,  the 
same  as  ever. — Sad  condition  of  bis  health.  —  I  warn  Frejus  of 
the  state  of  the  Due  d'Orle'ans  health.  —  I  exhort  him  to  take  meas- 
ures in  consequence.  —  Falseness  and  policy  of  that  prelate.  — 
Death  of  the  Ducde  Lauzuii.  —  Sudden  death  of  the  Due  d'Orleans. 

—  M.  le  Due  made  prime  minister.  —  Gross  blunder  of  the  Due 
de  Chartres.  —  I  go  to  see  the  Duchesse  d'Orle'ans.  —  Conversa- 
tion between  me  and  M.  le  Due.  —  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon  goes  to 
Versailles  to  pay  her  court  to  the  king.  —  Intimations  given  to  her. 

—  I  am  confirmed  in  the  resolution,  long  taken,  to  retire  to   Paris. 

—  Effect  of  the  death  of  the  Due  d'Orleans  on  foreign  countries. — 
On  the  king,  the  Court,  the  Church,  Paris,  the  provinces,  and  the 
people. — Conclusion:  truth,  self-restraint,  impartiality      ....    354 

INDEX 391 



Philippe,  Due  d'Orl^ans,  Regent  of  France Frontispiece 

By  Monnet  (Carl)  ;  from  an  old  engraving  by  T.  Voyer. 

ViLLARS,  Cladde-Locis-Hector,  Duc  and  Marechal  db      ...      28 
By  Largilli6re  (Nicolas  de)  ;  at  Versailles. 

Mabie-Louise-Elisabeth  d'Orleans,  Duchesse  de  Berry   ...       50 
By  Largilli^re ;  in  possession  of  the  Duchesse  de  Bajano,  Paris. 

Peter  the  Great,  Czar  of  Eussia 110 

By  Casanova  (Francesco) ;  in  the  gallery  of  Prince  Lichtenstein, 

Toulouse,  Louis-Alexandre  de  Bourbon,  Comte  de 170 

By  Trinquesse  ;  belonged  to  the  late  Duc  d'Aumale  ;  at  Chantilly. 

Maine,  Louis-Auguste  de  Bourbon,  Duc  du 202 

From  an  old  engraving  by  Desrochers. 

Fleurt,  Andre-Hercule,  Bishop  of  Frejus,  and  Cardinal    .     .     234 
By  Rigaud  ;  in  the  National  Gallery,  London. 

ViLLEROv,  Francois  de  Neufville,  Duc  and  Marechal  de    .     .     272 
From  an  old  engraving  b}'  N.  de  I'Armessin. 


Ddbois,  Guillaume,  Archbishop  of  Cambkai,  and  Cardinal  .    .    300 

By  Rigaud  ;  painted  in  1723,  the  year  he  died ;  from  an  engrav- 
ing by  P.  Drevet. 

LoniS    XV.,    IN    HIS    FIRST    ROBES    OF    STATE  ...  35fi 

B3'  Rigaud  ;  painted  in  1723  ;  at  Versailles. 





The  king's  death  overtook  the  indolence  of  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  as  if  it  were  unexpected;  he  was  still  precisely 
The  Due  where,  as  we  have  seen,  I  left  him.     He  had 

d'Orle'ans  unpre-  t  •  j?     j.i  i     j_- 

pared  for  the  uiade  uo  progrcss  m  any  oi  tlie  resolutions 
king's  death.  j^g  ought  to  have  taken,  either  on  matters  of 

business  or  in  the  choice  of  persons.  He  was  now  over- 
whelmed with  orders  to  give  and  matters  to  regulate ;  each 
more  petty  or  more  commonplace  than  the  others,  but  all  so 
immediately  necessary  that  the  very  case  I  had  predicted 
to  him  happened,  —  he  had  no  time  to  think  of  anything 

I  heard  of  the  king's  death  on  waking,  and  went  at  once 
to  make  my  bow  to  the  new  monarch.  The  first  wave  had 
passed ;  I  found  myself  almost  alone.  From  there  I  went  to 
the  Due  d'Orleans,  who  was  surrounded  in  his  apartments, 
where  there  was  not  room  for  a  pin  to  drop  to  the  ground.  I 
took  him  aside  into  his  cabinet  to  make  a  last  effort,  which 
proved  absolutely  useless,  for  the  convocation  of  the  States- 
general.  I  saw  him  again  later  durmg  the  dinner-hour,  when 
he  was  less  overwhelmed  with  people,  and  he  then  acknowl- 
edged to  me  that  he  had  made  no  lists,  nor  any  choice  except 

VOL.  IV.  —  1 

2  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUC   ])E  SAINT-SIMON.       [chap.  i. 

those  of  which  I  have  spolcen,  nor  had  he  decided  upon  his 
course  about  anything.  It  was  no  time  then  to  blame  or 
scold  him.  I  merely  shrugged  my  shoulders  and  exhorted 
him  to,  at  least,  be  on  his  guard  against  solicitations  and 
the  ministers.  Then  I  put  him  on  the  will  and  tlie  codicil, 
and  asked  how  he  meant  to  conduct  himself  about  them 
before  parliament,  where  we  were  to  go  the  next  day  for 
the  reading  of  the  two  documents.  He  was  the  firmest 
man  in  the  world  in  his  cabinet,  and  the  least  so  elsewhere. 
He  promised  marvels ;  I  again  pointed  out  to  him  the  im- 
portance of  the  occasion  and  all  that  would  result  for  him. 
I  was  with  him  almost  two  hours. 

The  next  day,  at  seven  in  the  morning,  we,  the  peers, 

went  together  to  the  parliament  with  all  our  carriages  and 

cort^se  and  suites.     Less  than  half  a  quarter 

The  session  of  o 

Parliament  for       of  an  liour  after   we  were   in   our   seats   the 

:        the  regency.  .T-nrn-nr-  i  i  • 

\     The  Due  du  bastards  arrived.     M.  du  Mame  was  burstmg 

Maine  arrives.  with  joy.  That  cxprcssion  seems  strange,  but 
his  bearing  cannot  otherwise  be  rendered.  A  smiling,  satis- 
fied air  covered  an  air  of  confidence  and  audacity,  which  was 
visible  nevertheless,  m  spite  of  the  politeness  that  seemed 
endeavouring  to  repress  it.  He  bowed  to  right  and  left  and 
darted  his  glance  at  every  one.  After  advancing  a  few  steps 
he  bowed  to  the  presidents  with  a  jubilant  manner,  which 
the  bow  of  the  chief-president,  Mesmes,  reflected  openly.  To 
the  peers,  the  gravity,  not  to  say  the  respect,  slowness,  and 
depth  of  his  bow  on  all  three  sides,  was  indeed  speaking.  His 
head  remained  bent  even  after  he  had  raised  himself  up  — 
so  heavy  is  the  weight  of  crimes,  even  at  a  moment  when 
triumph  is  no  longer  doubtful.  My  eyes  followed  him 
closely,  and  I  remarked  that  on  all  three  sides  the  bows 
that  were  returned  to  him  were  stiff  and  short.  As  for  his 
brother,  nothing  appeared  in  him  but  his  usual  coldness. 



They  were  scarcely  seated  before  M,  le  Due  arrived,  and, 
an  instant  after,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans.  After  a  short  silence 
I  saw  the  chief-president  say  a  few  words  in  a  low  voice  to 
the  Due  d'Orleans,  and  then,  in  a  loud  tone,  send  the  deputa- 
tion of  parliament  to  fetch  the  king's  will  and  its  codicil, 
which  had  both  been  deposited  in  the  same  place.  Silence 
continued  during  this  great  but  short  expectation ;  each  man 
looked  at  the  rest,  but  without  stirring.  We,  the  peers,  were 
on  the  lower  seats ;  the  doors  were  supposed  to  be  shut,  but 
the  audience  chamber  was  crowded  with  inquisitive  persons 
of  all  qualities  and  stations,  and  the  numerous  suites  of  those 
who  took  part  in  the  session. 

The  deputation  was  not  long  in  returning.     The  will  and 

the  codicil  were  placed  in  the  hands  of  the  chief-president, 

who  presented  them,  without  yielding  his  hold 

Reading  of  the  ^  , 

king's  will  and  upou  tlicm,  to  the  Duc  d'Orleans,  after  which 
he  passed  them  from  hand  to  hand  along 
the  judges  to  Dreux,  counsellor  of  parliament,  saying  that 
Dreux  read  well  and  in  a  loud  voice  which  would  be  heard 
by  all  from  his  seat,  which  was  above  that  of  the  presi- 
dents and  near  the  window  of  the  robiug-room.  It  can 
be  imagined  in  what  silence  we  listened,  and  how  all  eyes 
and  ears  were  fastened  on  the  reader.  Amid  his  joy  the  Duc 
du  Maine  betrayed  a  troubled  soul;  he  felt  himself  at  the 
moment  of  a  great  operation  which  he  had  to  undergo. 
The  Duc  d'Orleans  showed  nothing  but  tranquil  attention. 

I  shall  not  pause  upon  the  two  documents,  which  related 
exclusively  to  the  grandeur  and  power  of  the  bastards, 
to  Mme.  de  Maintenon  and  Saint-Cyr,  to  the  choice  of 
education  for  the  king,  and  to  that  of  the  Council  of  Ee- 
gency,  which  delivered  the  Duc  d'Orldans,  robbed  of  all  au- 
thority, to  the  unlimited  power  bestowed  upon  the  Duc  du 
Maine.     I  observed  a  gloom  and  a  sort  of  indignation  over- 

4  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON.      [chap.  i. 

spread  all  faces  as  the  reading  went  on,  which  turned  to  a 
species  of  voiceless  ferment  when  the  codicil  was  read. 
The  Due  du  Maine  felt  it,  and  turned  pale;  for  his  whole 
attention  was  given  to  the  faces  of  those  present ;  and  my 
eyes  followed  his  while  I  hstened,  turning  them  now  and 
then  to  the  countenance  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans. 

The  reading  over,  the  prince  prepared  to  speak.  Pass- 
ing his  eyes  around  the  whole  assembly,  he  took  off  his 
Speech  of  the  ^^^t,  replaced  it,  and  said  a  few  words  of  eulogy 
Due  d'Orieans.  ^jj^  gj-^gf  about  the  late  king.  Then,  raising  his 
voice,  he  declared  that  he  had  nothmg  but  approval  for  all 
that  related  to  the  education  of  the  young  king,  and  to  an 
establishment  so  fine  and  so  useful  as  that  of  Saint-Cyr,  the 
arrangements  for  which  had  just  been  listened  to.  But  with 
regard  to  the  dispositions  that  concerned  the  government  of 
the  State,  he  must  speak  differently  of  those  contained  in 
the  will  and  the  codicil.  He  found  it  difficult,  he  said,  to 
reconcile  them  with  what  the  king  had  said  to  him  during 
the  last  days  of  his  life,  and  with  the  assurances  he  had 
publicly  given  him  that  nothing  would  be  found  in  those 
arrangements  with  which  he  w^ould  not  be  content ;  in  con- 
sequence of  which  the  king  had  subsequently  referred  all 
orders  and  the  ministers  themselves  to  him.  The  king  could 
therefore  not  have  fully  understood  the  force  of  what  he  had 
been  made  to  do  (here  the  Due  d'Orieans  looked  in  the 
direction  of  the  Due  du  Maine),  inasmuch  as  the  Council  of 
Eegency  was  chosen,  and  his,  the  regent's,  authority  so  fixed 
by  the  terms  of  the  will  that  no  real  authority  was  left  to 
him.  Such  derogation,  he  went  on  to  say,  ofi'ered  to  his  right 
of  birth,  to  his  attachment  to  the  person  of  the  king,  to  his 
love  and  his  fidelity  to  the  State,  was  of  a  nature  not  to  be 
endured  with  preservation  of  his  honour;  and  he  trusted 
sufficiently  in  the  esteem  of  those  there  present  to  feel  con- 

1715]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  5 

fident  that  his  regency  would  be  declared  by  them  such  as 
it  ought  to  be,  namely :  complete,  independent,  with  the 
right  to  choose  its  own  Council  (to  which  he  should  not  deny 
the  deliberative  voice) ;  because  he  could  only  discuss  public 
business  with  those  persons  who,  being  approved  by  the 
public,  possessed  also  his  own  confidence.  This  short  ad- 
dress seemed  to  make  a  great  impression. 

The  Due  du  Maine  apparently  wished  to  speak.  As  he 
took  off  his  hat,  the  Due  d'Orldans  advanced  his  head  beyond 
The  will  abro-  M.  Ic  Duc  and  Said  to  him  in  a  curt  tone  : 
gated  as  to  the      «  Monsicur,  you  will  speak  in  your  turn."     In 

administration  '  «'  ^  •^ 

of  the  State.  a  moment  the  affair  turned  in  accordance  with 

the  wishes  of  the  Duc  d'Orl^ans.  The  composition  of  the 
Council  of  Regency  and  its  power  were  overthrown.  The 
choice  of  the  Council  was  given  to  the  regent  of  the  king- 
dom, with  the  full  authority  of  regency,  and  the  decision  on 
matters  of  business  only  to  a  plurahty  of  the  votes  of  the 
Council,  the  vote  of  the  regent  counting  as  two  in  case  of  an 
equal  division.  In  this  way  all  favours  and  penalties  were 
put  into  the  sole  hands  of  the  regent.  The  acclamations 
were  such  that  the  Duc  du  Maine  dared  not  say  a  word. 
He  reserved  himself  to  maintain  the  codicil,  which  would 
neutralize  all  that  the  regent  had  now  obtamed. 

After  a  few  moments'  silence  the  Duc  d'Orl^ans  spoke 
again.  He  expressed  surprise  that  the  dispositions  of  the 
will  had  not  sufficed  the  persons  who  had  suggested  them ; 
and  he  pointed  out  that,  not  content  with  being  there  made 
masters  of  the  State,  they  had  themselves  discovered  certain 
clauses  so  peculiar  that,  in  order  to  secure  themselves,  they 
needed  something  more  to  make  them  masters  of  the  king's 
person,  of  his  own  person,  of  the  Court  and  of  Paris.  He 
added  that  if  his  honour  was  wounded  by  the  will  to  an 
extent  which,  it  seemed  to  liim,  the  assembly  felt  as  he  did 

6  MEMOmS  OF  THE  DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.       [chap.  i. 

himself,  it  was  still  more  violated  by  the  dispositions  of  the 
codicil,  which  left  him  neither  liberty  nor  life  in  safety,  and 
placed  the  person  of  the  king  under  the  absolute  control  of 
those  who  had  dared  to  profit  by  tbe  weakness  of  a  dying 
monarch  to  wring  from  him  that  which  he  could  never  have 
intended.  He  concluded  by  declaring  that  it  was  impossible 
to  exercise  the  regency  under  such  conditions,  and  he  doubted 
not  that  the  wisdom  of  the  assembly  would  annul  a  codicil 
which  could  not  be  maintained,  because  its  dispositions  would 
fling  all  France  into  the  greatest  and  most  inevitable  misfor- 
tunes. While  the  prince  was  speaking  a  grave  and  deep 
silence  applauded  him  witliout  other  expression. 

The  Due  du  Maine,  who  had  turned  all  colours,  began  to 
speak,  and  this  time  he  was  allowed  to  do  so.  He  said  that 
Dispute,  first         the  cducatiou  of  the  king,  and   consequently 

public  then  pri-  ,   .  ,      .  r>  i     i  i   •  • 

vate,  between  his  pcrsou,  Dcmg  coulided  to  him,  it  was  quite 
the  regent  and       natural  that  he  should  have,  to  the  exclusion 

the  Due  du  ' 

Maine.  of   all    othcrs,   Complete    authority   over    the 

king's  household,  civil  and  military,  without  which  he  could 
not  undertake  to  serve  him  or  make  himself  responsible  for 
his  person.  After  which  he  vaunted  his  attachment,  so  well- 
known  to  the  late  king,  who  had  placed  his  sole  confidence 
in  it.  The  Due  d'Orldans  interrupted  him  at  these  words,  to 
which  he  demurred.  M.  du  Maine  tried  to  temper  them  by 
praises  of  the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  who  was  associated  with 
him,  but  always  under  him,  in  the  same  duties  and  the  same 
confidence.  The  Due  d'Orl^ans  replied  that  it  would  be  a 
strange  state  of  things  if  the  first  and  most  entire  confidence 
were  not  placed  in  him ;  and  further  that  he  could  not  live 
near  the  young  king  under  the  authority  and  protection  of 
those  who  had  made  themselves  absolute  masters  both 
within  and  without  the  household,  and  of  Paris  itself,  by 
the  command  of  the  regiments  of  the  guards. 


The  dispute  grew  hot,  and  was  carried  on  in  short  phrases 
each  interrupting  the  other,  until,  fearing  the  end  of  an 
altercation  that  was  growing  indecent,  I  yielded  to  the 
persuasion  of  the  Due  de  La  Force  (who  leaned  over  to  me 
across  the  Due  de  La  Eochefoucauld,  who  was  seated  be- 
tween us),  and  made  a  sign  with  my  hand  to  the  Due 
d'OrMans  to  go  out  and  finish  the  discussion  in  the  chamber 
of  inquests,  which  has  a  door  of  communication  into  the 
audience  chamber.  I  was  led  to  do  this  because  I  saw  that 
M.  du  Maine  was  getting  stronger  and  muttering  something 
about  division  of  authority,  wliile  the  Due  d'Orldans  was 
not  maintaining  his  rightful  position,  inasmuch  as  he  was 
condescendmg  to  plead  his  cause  against  the  Due  du  Maine. 
He  was  short-sighted,  and  his  mind  was  so  wholly  bent  on 
attacking  and  answering  that  he  did  not  see  my  sign.  A 
few  moments  later  I  made  it  again,  equally  without  success ; 
then  I  rose,  advanced  a  few  steps,  and  said,  though  still  at 
quite  a  distance :  "  Monsieur,  if  you  were  to  go  with  M.  du 
Maine  into  the  chamber  of  inquests  you  could  talk  more 
comfortably  there."  As  I  spoke  I  went  nearer  and  made 
him  a  sign  with  my  hand  and  eyes  which  he  was  able  to 
distinguish.  He  returned  it  with  a  nod,  and  I  was  hardly 
reseated  before  I  saw  him  pass  in  front  of  M.  le  Due  and 
the  Due  du  Maine,  who  both  rose  and  followed  him  into  the 
chamber  of  inquests.  I  could  not  see  who  else  followed 
them,  for  the  whole  assembly  rose  as  they  passed  out,  and 
then  reseated  itself  in  the  deepest  silence  and  did  not  stir 
again.  Some  time  later  the  Comte  de  Toulouse  rose  and 
went  into  the  inquest-chamber ;  and  shortly  after  the  Due 
de  La  Force  did  the  same. 

The  latter  was  gone  but  a  short  time.  Eeturning  to  the 
asseml)ly  he  passed  the  Due  de  La  Rochefoucauld  and  me 
and  put  his  hend  between  that  of  the  Due  de  Sully  and 

8  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON.       [chap.  i. 

mine  (because  he  did  not  want  to  be  overheard  by  La 
Euchefoucauld),  and  said  to  me :  "  In  God's  name  go  in 
there ;  things  are  going  very  badly.  The  Due  d'Orl^ans  is 
weakening ;  stop  the  dispute,  bring  him  back,  and  make 
liim  say,  as  soon  as  he  is  seated,  that  it  is  too  late  to  end 
the  session  before  dinner,  but  it  will  be  renewed  in  the  after- 
noon. Then,  in  the  interval,"  added  La  Force,  "  summon  all 
the  king's  lawyers  to  the  Palais-Eoyal,  talk  with  the  doubt- 
ful peers  and  wdth  the  leaders  of  the  pack  among  the 

The  advice  seemed  to  me  good  and  important.  I  left  the 
hall  and  went  to  the  chamber  of  inquests.  I  found  a  large 
circle,  well  suppHed  with  spectators.  The  Comte  de  Tou- 
louse was  near  the  entrance,  a  little  in  advance,  but  still  in 
the  circle.  M.  le  Due  was  about  the  middle  of  it,  also  in 
advance,  and  both  were  at  some  distance  from  the  fireplace, 
before  which  the  Due  d'OrMans  and  the  Due  du  Maine  were 
standing  alone,  disputing  with  gestures  but  in  low  tones, 
each  of  them  with  an  inflamed  air.  I  considered  the  scene 
for  a  few  moments ;  then  I  walked  towards  the  fireplace 
with  the  air  of  a  man  who  has  something  to  say.  "  What 
is  it,  monsieur?"  said  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  with  sharp  im- 
patience. "  A  hurried  word,  monsieur,"  I  replied,  "  that  I 
want  to  say  to  you."  He  continued  to  talk  to  the  Due  du 
Maine,  I  making  almost  a  third  in  their  conversation.  I 
renewed  my  appeal.  "He  turned  his  ear  to  me.  "  Not  here," 
I  said,  taking  his  hand,  "  come  over  there ; "  and  with  that  I 
drew  him  to  a  corner.  The  Comte  de  Toulouse,  who  was 
near  by,  drew  back,  and  so  did  the  whole  circle  on  that  side, 
and  the  Due  du  Maine  behind  them. 

I  whispered  to  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  that  there  was  no  hope 
of  gaining  anything  from  M.  du  Maine,  who  would  never 
sacrifice  the  codicil  to  any  reasons ;  that  the  length  of  the 


conference  was  becoming  indecent,  as  well  as  useless  and 
dangerous  ;  that  he  was  bemg  made  a  spectacle  to  all  who  en- 
tered, and  who  were  lookuig  at  him  and  watching ;  and  that 
the  only  thing  to  do  was  to  return  to  the  audience-chamber 
and  adjourn  the  session  mstantly.  "  You  are  right,"  he  said, 
"  and  I  will  do  it."  "  But,"  I  said,  "  do  it  at  once ;  don't  let 
them  entice  you  out  of  it.  It  is  M.  de  La  Force  who  sends 
you  this  advice  by  me."  He  left  me  without  another  word 
and  went  to  M.  du  Maine,  to  whom  he  merely  said  that  it 
was  late,  and  the  matter  would  be  concluded  after  dinner. 

I  still  stood  where  he  had  left  me.  I  saw  the  Due  du 
Maine  make  him  a  bow  and  retire ;  at  the  same  time  M.  le 
Due  advanced  to  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  and  they  talked  together. 
The  colloquy  lasted  but  a  short  time  and  was  very  amicable, 
though  M.  le  Due  had  an  eager  air.  As  it  was  necessary 
to  pass  close  by  me  to  re-enter  the  audience-chamber,  they 
both  came  up  to  me.  At  that  moment  I  became  aware  that 
M.  le  Due  had  asked  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  to  appoint  him  to 
the  Council  as  its  chief,  inasmuch  as  the  will  was  now 
abrogated.  I  thmk,  though  he  had  not  dared  to  tell  me  of 
it,  that  the  Due  d'Orldans  had  already  bound  himself  to  give 
the  place,  for  M.  le  Due  seemed  to  summon  him  to  do  so, 
rather  than  ask  it  of  him.  At  any  rate,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans 
now  told  me  that  he  should  speak  of  the  matter  to  parlia- 
ment before  adjourning  the  session.  I  bowed  with  an  air 
of  congratulation  and  approval  to  M.  le  Due,  and  we  re- 
entered the  audience-chamber.^ 

The  noise  accompanying  such  entrance  having  quieted 
down,  the  Due  d'OrMans  said  it  was  too  late  to  impose  longer 

^  Louis-IIcnri,  son  of  Louis  TIT.,  Due  de  Bourbon  (Conde),  and  Louise, 
daughter  of  Louis  XIV.  and  Mme.  de  Montespan  ;  born  in  1092 ;  prime 
minister  of  Louis  XV.  after  the  death  of  the  regent,  from  1723  to  172G. 
He  was  the  last  to  bear  the  distinctive  title  of  "  M.  le  Due."  —  Tit. 

10  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  i. 

Oil  the  assembly;  that  we  must  now  go  to  dinner,  and 
return  afterwards  to  finish  the  session;  adding  immedi- 
The  regent  de-  atelj  that  he  thought  it  proper  M.  le  Due 
Clares  M- le  Due       j^^^j^j  gj^^cr  the  Council  of  Regency  and  take 

chief  of  the  Coun-  ^  " 

cii  of  Regency.  ^fg  position  as  chief  of  it ;  and  as  the  assembly 
had  now  done  him  the  justice  due  to  his  birth  and  his 
office  of  regent,  he  should  explain  to  it  what  he  thought 
as  to  the  form  that  should  be  given  to  the  government, 
expecting  to  profit  by  the  lights  and  the  wisdom  of  the 
assembly,  to  which  he  should  henceforth  grant  its  former 
right  of  remonstrance.  These  words  were  followed  by  loud 
and  general  applause,  and  the  session  adjourned  immediately. 

I  approached  the  Due  d'Orldans  as  he  left  the  hall  and 
whispered  in  his  ear :  "  The  moments  are  precious ;  I  follow 
you  to  the  Palais-Royal."  When  I  reached  there  I  found 
that  curiosity  had  gathered  a  great  crowd,  to  which  were 
added  some  who  had  been  spectators  at  the  parliament. 
All  those  with  whom  I  was  acquainted  asked  me  eagerly 
for  news.  I  contented  myself  with  replying  that  everything 
was  going  well  and  in  due  form,  but  was  not  yet  finished. 
The  Due  d'Orleans  had  passed  into  his  cabinet,  where  I  found 
him  alone  with  Canillac,  who  had  waited  for  him.  We  took 
our  measures  at  once.  The  Due  d'0rl4ans  sent  for  d'Agues- 
seau,  procureur-general  (afterwards  chancellor),  and  Joly  de 
Fleury,  first  avocat-general.  It  was  then  two  o'clock. 
Dinner  was  served  on  a  small  table  with  four  covers,  where 
Canillac,  Conflans,  first  gentleman  of  the  bedchamber  to  the 
Due  d'Orleans,  and  I  sat  down  with  the  prince.  I  may  men- 
tion in  passing  that  this  was  the  last  meal  I  ever  took 
with  him,  except  one  at  the  Duchesse  d'Orldans'  house  at 

The   Mar^chal   de   Villeroy   had   stayed   behind  at  Ver- 
sailles.    He  had  charged  Groesbriant   to  go  to  the  parlia- 

1715]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE  DUO   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  11 

ment-cliamber  and  send  the  news  to  him  frequently.  He  re- 
ceived three  couriers  following  closely  upon  one  another,  all 
Brief  o  of  the  hearing  news  that  filled  him  with  such  joy  and 
Marechai  de  hopc  —  Mm  and  liis  former  love,  the  Duchesse 


de  Ventadour  —  that  they  felt  no  doubt  of 
the  codicil  being  maintained  and  of  the  will  being  vir- 
tually re-estabhshed.  Unable  to  contain  themselves,  they 
spread  the  news  of  a  complete  victory  of  M.  du  Maine 
over  the  Due  d'Orldans  all  about  Versailles.  Paris  was 
also  misled  in  the  same  way  by  emissaries  of  the  Due  du 
Maine,  who  were  despatched  on  all  sides.  But  their 
triumph  was  not  of  long  duration. 

We  returned  to  parliament  soon  after  four  o'clock.  I  went 
alone  in  my  coach  before  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  and  found  every 
The  afternoon  onc  already  in  his  seat.  I  was  looked  at,  so  it 
ofThe  Duc^"''^  seemed  to  me,  with  great  curiosity ;  I  don't 
d'Orieans.  kuow  whether  they  had  learned  where  I  came 

from.  I  was  careful  that  my  behaviour  should  show  noth- 
ing. In  passing  the  Due  de  La  Force  I  merely  said  that  his 
advice  was  salutary,  that  there  was  reason  to  hope  for  all 
success,  and  that  I  had  told  the  Due  d'Orieans  the  thought 
was  his  and  he  had  sent  me.  After  the  arrival  of  the  regent, 
and  the  tumult  inseparable  from  a  numerous  suite  had 
quieted  down,  the  prince  said  that  matters  must  be  taken 
up  where  they  were  left  in  the  mornmg ;  that  he  must  in- 
form the  assembly  he  had  come  to  no  agreement  with  M. 
du  Maine,  and  he  must  therefore  bring  before  it  once  more 
the  monstrous  clauses  of  a  codicil  wrung  from  the  dying 
king, —  clauses  more  strange  than  those  of  the  will  itself, 
which  the  court  of  parliament  had  already  adjudged  should 
not  be  executed ;  and  if  so,  neither  should  the  person  of  the 
king,  the  Court,  Paris,  consequently  the  State,  be  handed  over 
to  the  Due  du  Maine ;  nor  yet  the  person,  liberty,  and  life 

1 2  MEMOIRS  OF   THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  i. 

of  the  regent,  wliich  the  Due  du  Maine  would  be  in  a  posi- 
tion to  rule  the  moment  he  was  absolute  master  of  the  king's 
household,  civil  and  military.  The  court  of  parliament  must 
surely  see  all  that  would  necessarily  result  from  such  an 
unheard-of  innovation,  and  he  therefore  rehed  upon  its  in- 
telhgence,  its  prudence,  wisdom,  equity,  and  love  for  the 
State  to  declare  what  it  thought. 

M.  du  Maine  now  seemed  as  contemptible  on  the  field  of 
battle  as  he  had  been  formidable  in  the  obscurity  of  cabi- 
The  codicil  wholly  ^cts.  Hc  had  the  air  of  a  condemned  con- 
abrogated.  ^^^^^ .  ^^^|  j^jg  usually  ruddy  face  was  as  pale 

as  death.  He  replied  in  a  low  voice  that  was  scarcely 
inteUigible,  and  with  an  air  as  humble  and  respectful  as  it 
was  audacious  earlier  in  the  day.  The  vote  was  taken  with- 
out Hstening  to  him,  and  the  complete  abrogation  of  the 
codicil  was  passed  as  it  were  with  one  voice.  This  was  done 
as  hastily  as  the  abrogation  of  the  will  in  the  morning ;  both 
acts  being  the  result  of  sudden  indignation.  The  king's 
lawyers  ought  to  have  spoken  before  the  vote  was  taken, 
and  they  were  there  before  any  one  voted.  Moreover,  the 
president  did  not  call  for  the  votes ;  they  anticipated  the 
order  of  proceedings.  D'Aguesseau,  though  procureur-gen- 
eral,  and  Fleury,  avocat-general,  then  spoke,  —  the  first  in 
few  words ;  the  latter  more  at  length  and  making  a  fine 
speech.  As  it  exists  in  the  libraries  I  shall  only  say  that 
it  was  in  all  ways  and  throughout  favourable  to  the  Due 

After  they  had  spoken,  the  Due  du  Maine,  seeing  himself 
shorn  of  everything,  tried  a  last  resource.  He  represented, 
„.  , .  with  more  vigour  than  might  have  been  ex- 

The  regent  in-  o  o 

vested  with  all      pectcd  from  the  appearance  he  presented   at 


the  second  session,  but  still  cautiously,  that  if 
he  were  robbed  of  the  authority  given  him  by  the  codicil  he 

1715]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  13 

should  ask  to  be  discharged  from  the  guardianship  of  the 
king  and  from  all  responsibihty  for  his  person,  retaining  only 
the  superintendence  of  his  education.  The  Due  d'Orl^ans  at 
once  replied,  "  Very  willingly,  monsieur ;  that  is  all-sufh- 
cient."  Whereupon  Mesmes,  the  president,  as  completely 
crushed  as  the  Due  du  Maine,  called  for  the  votes.  Each 
person  answered  by  agreeing  to  that  conclusion,  and  the 
decree  was  made  in  such  shape  that  no  sort  of  power  re- 
mamed  to  the  Due  du  Maine,  who  was  placed  entirely  in 
the  hands  of  the  regent,  with  the  right  of  the  latter  to  put 
into  the  Council  of  Eegency  whom  he  pleased,  and  to  re- 
move any  as  he  thought  best ;  also  of  doing  whatever  he 
judged  proper  as  to  the  form  to  be  given  to  the  govern- 
ment ;  authority  in  matters  of  business  only  being  vested  in 
the  Council  of  Eegency  by  plurality  of  votes,  that  of  the 
regent  counting  as  two  in  case  of  an  equal  division.  M.  le 
Due  was  declared  chief  of  the  Council  of  Eegency  under 
the  regent. 

While  the  votes  were  being  taken  and  judgment  delivered 
the  Due  du  Maine  sat  with  his  eyes  lowered,  seemingly  more 
dead  than  alive,  and  quite  motionless.  His  son  and  his 
brother  gave  no  sign  of  taking  part  in  anything.  The  judg- 
ment was  received  with  loud  acclamations  from  the  crowd 
around  the  audience-chamber,  which  soon  filled  the  rest  of 
the  building,  as  the  news  spread  of  what  had  been  decided. 

As  soon  as  this  noise,  which  was  rather  prolonged,  had 
quieted,  the  regent  made  a  short,  courteous,  and  dignified 
speech  of  thanks  to  the  assembly ;  protesting 
regent,  indicating   thc  carc  with  wliich  he  should  employ  the  au- 
is  course.  thority  thus  given  to  him  for  the  good  of  the 

State.  After  which  he  said  it  was  now  time  to  inform  the 
assembly  of  the  forms  that  he  thought  necessary  to  establish 
to  aid  him  in  the  administration  of  the  State.     He  added 

14  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  i. 

that  he  did  this  with  all  the  more  confidence  because  what 
he  proposed  to  do  was  only  the  execution  of  plans  which 
M.  le  Due  de  Bourgogne  (it  was  so  he  called  him)  had  re- 
solved upon,  and  which  were  found  among  his  papers.  He 
made  a  short  and  beautiful  eulogy  of  the  ideas  and  intentions 
of  that  prince  ;  and  then  announced  that,  besides  the  Council 
of  Regency,  which  would  be  supreme,  and  from  which  all  the 
decisions  of  the  government  would  emanate,  he  proposed  to 
establish  other  councils :  one  for  foreign  affairs,  one  for  war, 
one  for  the  navy,  one  for  financial  matters,  one  for  ecclesias- 
tical affairs,  and  one  for  the  internal  affairs  of  the  kingdom. 
He  proposed  to  select  certain  magistrates  from  the  assembly 
before  him  to  enter  the  two  latter  councils  and  assist  them 
with  their  ideas  on  the  police  of  the  kingdom,  on  questions 
of  jurisprudence,  and  on  all  that  related  to  the  liberties  of  the 
Gallican  Church.  The  applause  of  the  magistrates  hereupon 
burst  forth,  and  the  crowd  responded.  The  president  closed 
the  session  with  a  very  brief  compliment  to  the  regent,  who 
rose,  as  did  the  rest  of  the  assembly,  and  all  departed. 

We  must  remember  here  the  very  singular  coincidence  in 
the  same  thought  about  these  councils  between  the  Due  de 
Chevreuse  and  me,  which  I  have  related  elsewhere ;  councils 
adopted  and  determined  upon  by  M.  le  Due  de  Bourgogne, 
and  found,  as  the  regent  had  stated,  among  his  papers.  It 
is  difficult  to  render  the  impression  made  by  the  mention  of 
that  august  name,  or  to  what  point  the  memory  of  that 
prince  seemed  precious,  and  his  person  regretted  and  re- 
spected with  sincere  veneration. 

The  regent  went  straight  from  the  parliament  to  Versailles, 
for  it  was  very  late ;  and  he  wanted  to  see  the  king  before  he 
,,  ^         ,  went  to  bed,  as  if  to  render  him  an  accoimt  of 

Madame  asks  one 

sole  favour  of        wliat  had  talvCu  place.     From  there  he  went  to 

the  regent.  -« «-     i  m  ^  • 

see  Madame,     bhe  ran  to  meet  mm,  and  em- 

1(715]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  15 

braced  liim  in  a  transport  of  joy.  After  the  first  questions 
and  congratulations  were  over  she  told  him  she  desired  noth- 
ing but  the  happiness  of  the  State  through  a  good  and  wise 
government,  and  his  own  good  fame  ;  that  she  should  never  ask 
liim  for  any  favour  save  one,  and  that  one  was  solely  for  his 
own  good  and  his  honour ;  but  she  wanted  his  pledged  word 
upon  it,  —  namely,  never  to  employ  in  anything,  however 
triflmg,  the  Abb^  Dubois,  who  was  the  greatest  knave  and 
the  most  utter  scoundrel  that  there  was  in  the  world,  of 
which  she  had  ten  thousand  proofs ;  a  scoundrel  who,  by  dint 
of  creeping,  meant  to  thrust  himself  everywhere,  and  would 
sell  him,  and  the  State,  too,  for  his  own  interests.  She  said 
various  other  things  about  him,  and  pressed  her  son  so  much 
that  she  finally  drew  a  positive  promise  from  him  never  to 
employ  the  Abbd  Dubois  in  any  way. 

I  reached  Versailles  an  hour  later,  and  went  to  see  Mme. 
la  Duchesse  d'Orldans,  who  appeared  to  me  to  be  trying  to 
seem  glad.  I  avoided  giving  her  details,  on  the  ground  that 
I  must  go  and  rest ;  in  fact,  it  was  really  necessary.  I 
learned  the  next  day  of  the  promise  exacted  and  given,  of 
the  total  exclusion  of  the  Abb^  Dubois.  We  shall  see  but 
too  soon  that  the  promises  of  the  Due  d'Orldans  were  only 
words,  or  rather  sounds  that  beat  the  air. 

Friday,  Sept.  6,  Cardinal  de  Eohan  carried  the  late  king's 

heart  to  the  Grands-Jesuites  with  very  little  pomp  or  cortege. 

Except  such  as  were  actually  on  duty,  not  six 

The  king's  heart  ^  J  j  ' 

taken  to  the  pcrsous  belonging  to  the  Court  went   to   the 

MTrlenous"'  ^^  Grauds-J^suitcs  for  the  ceremony.  It  is  not  for 
ingratitude.  j^g^  who,  foUowiug  the  cxamplc  of  my  father, 

never  in  my  life  missed  attending  the  anniversary  of  the 
death  of  Louis  XIII.  at  Saint-Denis  (where  I  have  now  gone 
for  fifty-two  years,  without  ever  seeing  another  person  pres- 
ent) to  call  attention  to  this  quid-  ingratitude. 

16  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  i. 

On  the  same  day  the  regent  did  an  action  of  the  rarest 
merit  if  the  thought  of  God  had  led  him  to  do  it,  but  reaUy 
Visit  of  the  of  great  unworthiness,  because  religion  had  no 

regent  to  Mme.      p^rt  in  it,  and  he  ought  to  have  had  too  much 

de  Maintenon. 

respect  for  himself  to  have  shown  to  the  world 
so  hastily  what  safety  there  was  in  persecuting  and  reviling 
him  in  the  most  persistent  and  cruel  way.  He  went  at  eight 
o'clock  in  the  morning  to  see  Mme.  de  Maintenon  at  Saint- 
Cyr.  He  was  nearly  an  hour  with  that  enemy  who  had 
wanted  to  make  him  lose  his  head  and  had  so  recently 
delivered  him  over,  bound  hand  and  foot,  to  the  Due  du 
Maine  by  the  monstrous  terms  of  the  king's  will  and  codicil. 
The  regent  promised  her  during  this  visit  that  the  four  thou- 
sand francs  which  the  late  king  had  given  her  every  month 
should  be  continued.  He  also  told  her  that  if  she  wanted 
more  she  had  only  to  ask  for  it ;  and  he  assured  her  of  his 
protection  for  Saint-Cyr,  —  where  all  the  classes  of  young 
ladies  were  assembled  for  his  inspection  as  he  left. 

It  is  well  to  know  that  besides  the  estate  of  Maintenon 
and  other  property  belonging  to  this  famous  and  fatal  witch, 
the  estabhshment  of  Saint-Cyr,  which  had  an  income  of  more 
than  four  hundred  thousand  francs  and  much  money  laid  by, 
was  bound  by  the  terms  of  its  foundation  to  receive  Mme.  de 
Maintenon  if  she  wished  to  retire  there ;  to  obey  her  in  all 
things  as  the  sole  and  absolute  superior ;  to  maintain  her 
and  all  whom  she  brought  with  her  —  servants,  carriages,  and 
equipments  —  in  the  manner  she  desired ;  her  own  table  and 
other  food  to  be  supplied  in  the  same  way  ;  and  all  this  at  the 
cost  of  the  establishment,  which  engagement  was  punctually 
fulfilled  until  her  death.  Thus  she  had  no  need  of  the  liber- 
ality of  forty-eight  thousand  francs  a  year.  It  would  have 
been  enough  if  the  Due  d'Orldans  had  simply  forgotten  her 
existence  and  left  her  in  peace  at  Saint-Cyr. 


The  regent  was  careful  not  to  tell  me  of  this  visit,  either 
before  or  after ;  neither  did  I  take  the  trouble  to  reproach 
him  and  make  him  feel  ashamed  of  it.  It  made  a  great  talk 
in  the  world  and  was  not  approved.  The  Spanish  affair  was 
not  forgotten,  and  the  story  of  the  will  and  the  codicil  was 
the  topic  of  all  conversations.  i 

Saturday,  September  7,  was  the  day  fixed  for  the  first  lit 
de  justice  of  the  young  king  ;  but  as  he  had  taken  cold  dur- 
Removai  of  the  iug  the  night  it  was  postponed,  and  parliament, 
slafes  t^  ^^'^'  which  was  about  to  rise  for  its  hoHday,  was 
vincennes.  coutinued  a  wcck  longer.     The  next  day  the 

regent,  who  was  hampered  by  the  hfe  at  Versailles  because 
he  liked  to  live  in  Paris  and  have  his  pleasures  close  beside 
him,  proposed  to  remove  the  king  to  Vincennes  ;  but  finding 
great  opposition  in  the  Court  physicians  (all  of  them  conven- 
iently lodged  at  Versailles)  to  the  removal  of  the  king's  per- 
son, making  his  little  cold  their  pretext,  he  sent  for  the  Paris 
physicians  who  had  been  summoned  to  attend  the  late  king. 
They,  having  nothing  to  gain  by  the  Court's  residence  at 
Versailles,  laughed  at  the  other  doctors,  and  on  their  advice 
the  king  was  taken,  Monday,  19th,  to  Vincennes,  where  all 
was  ready  to  receive  him. 

On  the  same  day  the  body  of  the  late  king  was  taken  to 
Saint-Denis.  I  have  already  said  that  nothing  was  either 
Obsequies  of  the  Ordered  Or  forbidden  about  his  obsequies ;  it 
late  king.  ^g^g  arranged  to  follow  the   last  example,  in 

order  to  avoid  expense,  embarrassment,  and  tedious  ceremo- 
nies. Louis  XIII.,  in  his  modesty  and  humility,  had  himself 
ordered  his  own  funeral  to  be  as  plain  as  possible.  Those 
virtues,  together  with  many  others  that  were  Christian  and 
heroic,  he  had  not  transmitted  to  his  son.  But  the  prece- 
dent of  his  example  as  to  the  funeral  was  used,  and  no  one 
criticised  the  action  or  thought  it  wrong ;  so  true  is  it  that 

VOL.  IV.  —  2 

18  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  i. 

personal  attachment  and  gratitude  are  virtues  that  have 
flown  to  heaven  with  Astrsea ;  as  had  been  amply  shown  at 
the  Grands-J^suites  a  few  days  earlier  when  the  king's  heart 
was  taken  there,  —  that  heart  that  had  never  loved  any  one, 
and  had  been  so  little  loved  itself.  M.  le  Due,  instead  of  the 
Due  d'Orldans,  who  did  not  feel  himself  obliged  to  go,  headed 
tlie  procession. 

The  day  after  the  arrival  of  the  king  at  Vincennes,  the 
regent  worked  in  the  morning  with  the  different  secretaries 
The  prisons  °^  State,  wliom  he  had  ordered  to  bring  him 

opened.  Horrors,  j^g^g  pf  a,ll  the  Uttres  dc  cachct  in  their  offices, 
with  the  reasons  for  each,  many  of  which  proved  to  be  very 
short.  Most  of  the  Uttres  de  cachet  for  exile  or  imprison- 
ment had  been  issued  for  Jansenism  and  in  consequence  of 
the  bull  Unigenitus  ;  many  of  them  for  reasons  known  to  the 
king  alone  and  those  who  had  caused  them  to  be  issued; 
others  came  down  from  the  time  of  preceding  ministries, 
among  them  many  now  wholly  unknown  and  long  forgotten. 
The  regent  set  all  these  persons  at  liberty,  both  exiles  and 
prisoners,  except  such  as  were  condemned  for  actual  crimes, 
bringins  endless  benedictions  on  his  head  for  an  act  of  ius- 
tice  and  humanity.  Very  singular  tales  were  told  in  con- 
sequence ;  some  of  them  very  strange,  making  the  public 
deplore  the  misery  of  the  victims  and  the  tyranny  of  the  last 
reign  and  its  ministers.  Among  those  who  were  found  in 
the  Bastille  was  a  man  arrested  thirty-five  years  earlier  on 
the  day  he  arrived  in  Paris  from  Italy,  where  he  belonged 
and  whence  he  came  to  travel.  It  was  not  known  why  he 
was  arrested  or  whether  he  had  ever  been  interrogated ;  as, 
in  fact,  was  the  case  with  many  others.  He  was  thought  to 
have  been  imprisoned  by  mistake.  "V\^ien  told  that  he  had 
his  liberty,  he  asked  sadly  what  he  should  do  with  it.  He 
said  he  had  not  a  sou,  that  he  knew  no  one  in  Paris,  not 


even  a  single  street,  nor  a  soul  in  France  ;  that  his  relations 
in  Italy  were  apparently  dead  since  he  left  them,  and  his 
property  had  probably  been  divided  up  during  the  many 
years  when  they  had  heard  nothing  of  him ;  in  short,  he 
knew  not  what  to  do  with  himself.  He  asked  to  be  allowed 
to  remain  in  the  Bastille  for  the  rest  of  his  days  with  food 
and  lodging.  This  was  granted  him,  with  all  the  liberty  he 
chose  to  take.  As  for  those  who  were  taken  from  dungeons 
where  the  hatred  of  the  ministers,  the  Jesuits,  and  the  pro- 
moters of  the  bull  had  consigned  them,  the  horror  of  the 
state  in  which  they  were  found  dismayed  every  one  and  made 
credible  all  the  cruelties  which  they  related  as  soon  as  they 
were  fully  at  liberty. 

During  the  first  days  after  we  took  up  our  residence  in 
Paris,  that  is  to  say,  as  soon  as  the  king  was  at  Vincennes, 
the  councils  were  discussed  between  the  Due  d'Orldans  and 
me.  It  was  not  without  some  reproach  on  my  part  that 
these  selections  had  still  to  be  made.  He  began  to  talk 
doubtfully  about  the  place  of  president  of  the  finances,  though 
he  had  promised  it  to  the  Due  de  Noailles,  as  I  have  already 
said,  before  the  death  of  the  king.  Although  by  this  time  I 
had  reason  to  know  what  to  expect  personally  from  that 
gallant  man,  I  felt  I  owed  more  to  the  State  and  to  our  origi- 
nal plan  than  to  myself.  I  still  thought  him  capable  of  good 
work,  trained  as  he  was  for  two  years  by  Desmarets.  Plis 
v/ealth  and  his  great  resources  assured  me  of  liis  having 
clean  hands ;  also  his  ambition  and  his  great  efforts  to  do 
well  made  him,  as  I  thought,  fit  for  so  important  a  place, 
where  I  wanted  a  seigneur,  and  for  which  I  saw  none  to 
equal  him.  I  therefore  confirmed  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  in  his 
intention  to  give  it  to  him. 

At  the  same  time  I  managed  to  fortify  the  regent  against 
the   efforts   that  were  being  made   to  destroy   Cardinal  de 

20  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAiNT-SlMON.      [chap.i. 

Noailles.  Cardinals  cle  Rohan  and  de  Bissy,  the  Nuncio 
Bentivoglio,  and  the  other  promoters  of  the  bull,  were  in  the 
Cardinal  de  deepest  auxiety  as  to  the  treatment  Cardinal 

Noailles  made        (Je  Noailles  might  receive  after  the  death  of 

chief  of  the  coun- 
cil on  ecclesiasti-     the  king.     They   were  dying  of   fear  lest    he 

cai  affairs.  should  be  placed  at  the  head  of  ecclesiastical 

affairs  ;  they  moved  heaven  and  earth  to  prevent  it ;  they 
called  for  help  from  every  one ;  they  asked  of  the  principal 
personages  protection  for  religion  and  "  the  good  cause." 
Bissy  came  to  me,  quite  distracted,  before  we  left  Ver- 
sailles, and  I  answered  him  with  frigid  modesty.  One 
evening,  when  there  was  a  large  but  select  company  at  the 
Due  d'Orl^ans'  soon  after  our  settlement  in  Paris,  I  saw  the 
Due  de  Noailles  talking  to  Canillac,  and  both  of  them 
glancing  at  me.  Immediately  after,  Canillac  came  to  me 
and  took  me  aside  to  represent  the  danger  of  delay  in  de- 
claring Cardinal  de  Noailles  head  of  the  council  of  con- 
science, or  ecclesiastical  affairs  (the  council  bore  both  names), 
the  movements  and  intrigues  of  the  opposing  party,  and  the 
embarrassing  position  of  the  Due  d'Orldans  if  he  gave  time 
for  the  pope  to  write  him  a  friendly  brief,  asking  as  a  favour 
that  Cardinal  de  Noailles  should  not  be  placed  at  the  head 
of  that  council.  This  argument  struck  me  forcibly  ;  I  agreed 
with  Canillac  that  there  was  no  time  to  lose.  He  proposed 
to  me  to  speak  on  the  instant  to  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  and  I 
did  so  a  moment  later.  I  made  him  afraid  of  the  predica- 
ment of  either  disobliging  the  pope  or  of  giving  him  a  footing 
on  which  to  meddle  in  the  internal  affairs  of  the  govern- 
ment, —  a  precedent  which  would  certainly  result  in  danger- 
ous consequences.  He  felt  this,  but  seemed  reluctant  to  end 
the  matter.  I  then  proposed  to  him  (to  avoid  all  other  in- 
fluence) to  declare  at  once  the  offices  of  the  Due  and  Car- 
duial   de  Noailles ;   to  call  the  duke   up   then   and   there. 

1715]  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  21 

announce  the  appointments  aloud  before  the  assembled 
company,  and  tell  the  duke  to  go  and  tell  his  uncle.  The 
regent  still  hesitated;  I  urged  him,  and  carried  the  point. 
He  called  to  the  Due  de  Noailles,  and,  going  nearer  to  the 
company,  he  made  the  announcement. 

The  news  resounded  immediately  in  the  Palais-Eoyal,  and 
by  evening  throughout  all  Paris.  The  next  day  every  one 
Reception  and  kuew  it,  and  the  joy  and  plaudits  seemed  to 
result  of  the  news    j^g  universal;  but  the  grief  and  wrath  of  the 

of  this  appoint- 

ment.  oppositc  party,   once  so  large   and   so    trium- 

phant, now  reduced  in  numbers  and  credit,  were  extreme. 
The  thanks  of  the  cardinal,  which  he  offered  to  the  regent  on 
the  following  day,  concluded  the  matter.  It  was  high  time. 
The  request  of  the  pope  was  already  determined  upon.  He 
changed  his  letter  to  complaints,  but  they  were  mild.  The 
regent  replied  more  mildly  still,  but  with  firmness  as  to  the 
matter  itself,  mmgled  with  many  compliments  and  much 
respect.  The  power  of  temporal  interests  over  matters 
ecclesiastical  was  then  seen  plainly;  and  very  transparent 
was  the  thin  gauze  of  that  mantle  of  religion  wliich  covers 
so  much  ambition,  so  many  cabals,  intrigues,  and  infamies. 
The  "  good  cause  "  on  which  under  the  late  king  faith  and 
religion  itself  seemed  to  depend,  —  that  of  the  bull  which  had 
obscured  the  gospel  and  made  it  of  little  account  in  com- 
parison with  itself  (and  what  I  say  is  not  exaggerated),  ^  that 
"  cause  "  changed  all  of  a  sudden  in  its  relation  to  the  party 
of  unbelievers,  rebels,  schismatics,  proscribed  and  exiled 
heretics,  whose  noblest  heads  were  dispersed  and  banished 
or  cast  into  prisons  and  dungeons  without  any  tribunal 
taking  cognizance  of  their  cases,  or  any  relief  such  as  justice 
and  humanity  vainly  demanded  for  them.  This  one  great 
stroke  of  the  return  of  Cardinal  de  Noailles  and  his  friends 
to  power  on  the  death  of  the  king  cast  down  their  enemies, 

22  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  i. 

sufficed  to  wi'ite  upon  their  foreheads  the  ignominy  of  their 
ambition,  their  plots,  their  violence  ;  it  revealed  their  bull  as 
the  opprobrium  of  religion,  the  enemy  of  true  doctrine,  of 
Holy  Writ,  of  the  Fathers,  and  their  "  cause  "  as  odious  and 
dangerous  to  religion  and  the  State. 

Twenty-four  hours  sufficed  for  this  great  change ;  fifteen 
days  completed  it.  Grass  had  grown  in  the  archbishop's 
courtyard ;  no  one  ventured  there,  save  a  few  trembhng 
Nicodemuses  in  terror  of  the  synagogue.  In  a  moment, 
men  turned  that  way  ;  in  the  next  they  rushed  there.  All 
the  bishops  who  had  prostituted  themselves  to  the  king,  all 
the  priests  of  the  second  class,  who  had  tlirust  themselves 
forward  to  make  their  way,  all  the  people  of  the  world  who 
had  been  most  eager  to  ingratiate  themselves  by  supporting 
the  ecclesiastical  dictators,  were  not  ashamed  to  swell  the 
court  of  Cardinal  de  Xoailles;  and  there  were  even  some 
who  were  impudent  enough  to  endeavour  to  make  him 
believe  they  had  always  loved  and  respected  him,  and  that 
their  conduct  was  innocent.  He  himself  was  ashamed  for 
them.  He  received  them  all  like  a  true  father ;  showed  no 
coldness  to  any  but  those  whose  duplicity  was  manifest; 
and  even  to  them  no  bitterness  or  complaint.  He  was  little 
moved,  in  fact,  by  the  sudden  change,  which  he  regarded 
as  the  pledge  of  another  should  the  favour  now  shown  to 
him  cease. 

The  complete  prostration  of  his  enemies  was  incredible. 

It  showed  that  they  had  nothing  to  rely  on  but  an  arm  of 

flesh;  of  which  they  were  so  well  convinced 


that  after  their  first  bewilderment  the  most 
rabid  of  them  gathered  together  once  more,  trying  to  con- 
jure the  storm  and  to  return  in  time  to  the  place  whence 
they  had  fallen,  by  the  same  intrigues  which  had  put  them 
there  in  the  first  instance.     God,  who  tests  his  people,  whose 

1715]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  23 

reign  is  not  of  this  world,  for  which  our  Lord  declared  he 
did  not  pray,  was  pleased  to  bring  the  plots  of  that  same 
world  to  an  end,  although  the  smihng  prospect  had  but  short 

All  the  other  councils  being  chosen,  it  was  necessary  to  come 

to  that  of  the  Kegency,  the  formation  of  which  was  far  more 

difficult.     It  ought  to  have  been  composed  of 

Formation  of  the 

Council  of  few  members,  to  make  it  the  more  august,  but 

egency.  there  were  several  personages  openly  inimical 

to  the  Due  d'Orldans,  or  suspected  of  being  so,  whose  station 
did  not  allow  of  their  being  excluded.  These  were  the  Due 
du  Maine,  the  Comte  de  Toulouse,  Mar^chal  Villeroy,  Mar^- 
chal  d'Harcourt  (who  had  refused  the  place  offered  to  him  as 
head  of  the  council  of  the  interior),  and  Chancellor  Voysin, 
to  whom  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  had  made  the  enormous  mistake 
of  promising  that  he  should  keep  the  Seals.  Toulouse  and 
Harcourt  were  only  suspected,  but  very  much  so,  —  the 
former  from  his  position  and  through  his  brother,  different 
as  he  was  from  him ;  the  latter  because  of  his  former  inti- 
macy with  Mme.  de  Maintenon  and  the  Princesse  des 
Ursins.  The  others  were  open  enemies.  It  was  therefore 
necessary  to  counterbalance  them  by  persons  who  were  sure 
for  the  regent  and  also  of  a  character  and  station  to  make 
them  listened  to  in  the  Council,  to  which  all  matters  within 
and  without  the  kingdom  were  reported  by  the  other  councils 
and  decided,  in  the  last  resort,  by  plurality  of  votes.  It  was 
necessary  also  to  take  into  consideration  that  the  opinion  of 
M.  le  Due,  thougli  at  present  it  had  little  weight,  would 
grow  weightier  with  age,  and  might,  through  self-interest 
and  cabals,  be  readily  turned  against  the  regent. 

The  fatal  pliancy  of  the  Due  d'Orleans  was  such  in  this 
matter  of  great  importance  that  he  yielded  to  the  persuasions 
of  Mar^chal  de  Besons  to  change  him  from  the  council  of 

24  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  i. 

war,  where  the  good-nature  of  the  regent  had  placed  him,  to 
the  Council  of  Eegency.     Besons  was  a  rough  boor,  who  had 
run  away  from  his  father  when  he  wanted  to  put  him  in 
the  Church,  to  enlist  among  the  troops  sent  clandestinely  to 
Portugal,  where  he  carried  a  musket.     Being  recognized  by 
emissaries  from  his  father,  he  was  soon  made  an  officer  and 
served  with  diligence.     This,  with  the  Latin  he  knew  before 
he  enlisted,  was  all  the  education  he  ever  had.     He  was  a 
good  general  officer ;  knew  very  well  how  to  lead  a  cavalry 
wing,  and  understood  certain  details  ;  though  his  boorishness 
and  high  temper  hindered  him  quite  often  from  seeing  and 
comprehending  as   he  should   have   done.     Anything   more 
than  this  was  beyond  his  capacity,  as  was  proved  more  than 
once  when,  by  chance,  he  had  an  army  to  command.     With 
a  temper  that  was  intolerable  and  very  little  intelligence,  he 
was  personally  brave  and  knew  what  honour  was ;  but  he 
was  also  awkward  in  every  way,  extremely  cautious  towards 
every  one,  with  a  great  passion  for  being  and  having ;  very 
coarse  and  very  dull,  though  not  lacking  in  a  certain  petty 
spirit  of  short  intrigue,  in  which  he  showed  judgment.     He 
had  the  head  of  a  lion,  very  large  with  flopping  lips,  in- 
cased in  a  huge  wig  that  would  have  made  a  good  study  for 
Rembrandt ;  and  this  head,  seeming  to  be  of  one  piece  with 
his  body,  was  thought  by  fools  to  be  a  sound  one.     He  was 
not  a  personage  to  pit  against  any  one  in  a  Council  of  Re- 
gency.    The  Due  d'Orl^ans  let  me  see  he  was  ashamed  of  the 
promise  he  had  given ;  as  for  me,  I  was  much  annoyed  to 
find  myself  harnessed  with  such  a  man. 

Another  man  whom  the  regent  put  into  the  Council  of 
Regency,  about  whom  he  was  much  embarrassed  to  inform  me 
and  only  let  me  know  it  by  degrees,  was  Torcy,  to  the  amaze- 
ment of  all  France.  He  had  always  been  allied  with  those 
who  were  most  opposed  to  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  if  we  except 

1715]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  25 

the  latter's  two  worst  enemies,  Mme.  de  Maintenon  and  the 
Due  du  Maine.  The  Due  d'Orl^ans  had  had  many  reasons 
to  complain  of  him,  and  imtil  after  the  death  of  the  king 
neither  he  nor  his  wife  had  held  any  intercourse  with  him. 
I  myself  was  strongly  persuaded  of  Torcy's  opposition  to  the 
Due  d'Orl^ans.  I  was  prejudiced  against  him,  I  admit  it 
frankly,  by  the  sentiments  the  Dues  de  Chevreuse  and  de 
BeauvilKers  cherished  against  him,  although  their  reasons  for 
this  aversion  related  only  to  the  affairs  of  Eome.  I  had  never 
had  with  Torcy  and  his  wife  anything  more  than  a  shght 
acquaintance,  far  less  any  intimacy ;  and  (if  truth  requires 
that  nothing  should  be  hidden),  as  they  had  only  the  best 
and  most  select  company  at  their  house,  my  vanity  was  not 
pleased  at  never  receiving  the  slightest  advance  on  their  part. 
Torcy  was,  moreover,  a  man  of  the  old  ministry,  and,  in  my 
desire  to  do  away  with  the  secretaries  of  State  and  their  power, 
he  was  not,  of  course,  to  my  mind.  I  had  often  urged  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  to  exclude  him,  and  though  he  would  never  answer 
me  on  that  point  as  clearly  as  I  wished,  I  still  hoped  for  his 
exclusion,  and  was  working  for  it  when  the  regent  let  me 
see  I  need  not  count  upon  him.  I  redoubled  my  efforts, 
until  at  last  he  owned  to  me,  with  great  embarrassment,  that 
he  thought  him  necessary,  in  order  to  obtain  the  secrets  of 
foreign  affairs  during  the  many  years  Torcy  had  been  the 
minister  of  them,  and  also  the  secrets  of  the  post-office,  which 
he  could  not  do  without.  This  was  reaUy  what  led  him  to 
retaining  Torcy.  It  will  be  seen  in  the  end  how  fully  I 
recognized  my  error,  and  the  close  intimacy  which  esteem, 
that  I  shall  venture  to  call  mutual,  produced  between  Torcy 
and  myself,  which  has  lasted  until  this  present  time,  namely, 
March,  1746. 

The  Due  d'Orlf^ans  had  always  intended  to  put  a  bisliop 
into  the   Council   of    Eegency.     I   thought  myself  that   he 

26  ALEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  i. 

could  do  without  one.  My  opinion  was  that  of  the  late  king, 
and,  I  believe,  that  of  every  sensible  man,  especially  during 
the  tire  of  the  Unigenitus.  The  interests  of  the  late  Arch- 
bishop of  Cambrai,  urged  upon  me  by  the  immense  influence 
of  the  Due  de  Beauvilliers,  had  kept  me  from  opposing  that 
desire,  so  that  after  the  death  of  those  two  personages  I  had 
no  time  to  do  so  siiccessfuUy.  I  sought  therefore  for  the 
least  bad  and  most  hopeful  choice  that  could  be  made  ;  and 
I  proposed  to  the  Due  d'Orleans  the  former  Bishop  of  Troyes. 

We  have  seen  who  and  what  he  was  at  the  beginning  of 
these  Memoirs,  where  I  enlarged  upon  him  on  the  occasion 
of  his  retirement  from  the  world.  At  the  age  I  then  was,  I 
had  scarcely  more  than  seen  his  face  and  had  never  known 
him  personally  ;  but  from  what  I  heard  then  he  now  seemed 
to  me  expressly  made  for  the  Council  of  Eegency ;  I  felt  that 
here  was  a  prelate  profoundly  wise  as  to  the  temporal  affairs 
of  the  clergy,  versed  in  those  of  Eome,  withal  a  Frenchman, 
and  possessing  enough  ecclesiastical  learning.  This  was  his 
reputation.  He  had  moreover  spent  his  life  until  his  retire- 
ment in  the  great  world  of  the  Court  and  city ;  welcomed 
in  the  best  and  most  important  circles ;  a  friend  of  most  of 
the  great  personages  and  of  the  principal  women  of  his  time, 
with  whom  he  had  mingled  in  many  matters.  This  great 
knowledge  of  the  world  was  a  great  point.  He  was  a  bishop 
without  a  diocese,  who  thought  of  nothing  so  little  as  of 
coming  back  to  the  surface.  At  Troyes  he  saw  no  one  and 
lived  with  his  nephew ;  when  the  nephew  visited  Paris 
he  moved  to  a  room  in  the  monastery  of  Troyes,  where  he 
also  saw  no  one  but  the  monks  and  was  assiduous  at  their 
services.     He  also  passed  all  Lents  and  Advents  with  them. 

Such  a  life,  grafted  on  one  of  the  great  world  solely  by 
choice,  and  so  well  sustained,  seemed  to  me  calculated  to 
have  much  weight   in   restraining   the   license   of  the   life 


of  the  regent.  He  had,  moreover,  no  connection  whatever 
with  any  cabal.  All  these  things  led  me  to  beheve  he 
was  expressly  fitted  for  the  place,  inasmuch  as  a  bishop  was 
thought  to  be  needful.  The  Due  d'Orleans  approved  the 
choice  and  made  it.  Nothing  was  ever  more  applauded. 
The  bishop  was  sent  for ;  he  arrived,  and  he  accepted,  with- 
out affectation.  The  world,  wliich  nearly  always  expects 
more  of  good  people  than  is  fair,  would  have  liked  him  to 
hold  back,  or  even  to  refuse  altogether.  The  beginnmgs 
were  admirable.  He  attended  only  to  his  necessary  duties. 
I  congratulated  myself  on  having  thought  of  him.  But  all 
these  marvels  were  of  short  duration ;  I  was  as  much  mis- 
taken about  him  as  I  was  about  Torcy,  but  in  the  opposite 
direction.     It  is  not  yet  time,  however,  to  talk  of  that. 

The  Council  of  Eegency  was,  when  completed,  composed 
of  the  following  members,  in  their  order  of  precedence :  M. 
le  Due  d'Orl^ans,  M.  le  Due,  the  Due  du  Maine,  the  Comte 
de  Toulouse,  Voysin,  chancellor,  myself,  since  I  must  name 
myself,  the  Mar^chals  de  Villeroy,  d'Harcourt,  and  de  Besons, 
the  former  Bishop  of  Troyes,  and  Torcy ;  with  La  Vrilhfere 
to  keep  the  records,  and  Pontchartrain,  —  the  two  latter 
without  votes.  Those  who  came  to  report  from  the  other 
councils  were :  the  Archbishop  of  Bordeaux  from  the  council 
of  conscience,  a  man  who  had  never  been  subjected  by  the 
promoters  of  the  bull;  the  Mardchals  de  Villars,  d'Estr^es, 
and  d'Huxelles,  from  the  councils  of  war,  navy,  and  foreign 
affairs ;  the  Dues  de  Noailles  and  d'Antin  from  those  of  the 
finances  and  the  interior.  We  can  now  see  on  whom  and  on 
how  much  the  regent  could  count  as  friends,  enemies,  and 
neutrals.  It  resulted,  however,  in  the  Council  being  almost 
always  tranquil,  and  the  regent  left  master  of  everything. 

Villars,  second  mardchal  of  France,  the  most  completely 
lucky  of  all  the  millions  of  men  born  under  the  long  reign 

28  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [cuap.  i. 

of  Louis  XIV.,  was  made  chief  of  the  council  of  war,  because 
in  his  brilliant  position  it  could  not  be  otherwise  as  soon  as 
Villeroy,  the  senior  mar^chal,  left  the  way  open  to  him  by 
his  own  selection  as  head  of  the  council  of  finance,  besides 
his  other  employments  named  in  the  king's  will.  We  have 
seen  his  character  already,  and  the  reasons  why  Mme.  ScaiTon, 
on  becoming  Mme.  de  Maintenon,  never  failed  to  protect  him. 
His  mother,  a  tiny,  shrivelled  old  woman,  all  mind  and  no 
body,  who  had  lately  died  at  eighty-six  years  of  age,  was  the 
most  surprised  person  of  all  at  the  amazing  good  fortune  of 
her  son.  She  was  spicy,  amusing,  and  malicious,  with  a  fund 
of  incomparably  pithy  sayings,  lightly  as  they  seemed  to 
touch.  Although  she  tried  to  conceal  it,  the  little  that  she 
thought  of  her  son  was  quite  apparent ;  she  always  advised 
him  to  talk  much  of  liimself  to  the  king  only,  never  to 
others.  But  none  of  the  heads  of  the  councils  who  reported 
to  the  Council  of  Eegeucy  (except  d'Antin,  who  excelled  in 
doing  so),  were  more  iit  for  the  work  than  Villars.  I  will 
give  an  instance  concerning  the  mardclial  liimself,  which 
will  show  how  much  the  public  business  suffered  in  con- 

Villars,  who  wrote  such  a  villanous  hand  that  no  one 
could  read  it,  came  to  the  Council  of  Eegency  with  a  ruling 
of  the  council  of  war  in  forty  or  fifty  articles,  relating  to 
rations,  forage,  magazines,  the  marching  of  troops  about  the 
kingdom,  with  other  details.  He  read  the  document  article 
by  article,  on  wliich  each  member  of  the  Council  gave  liis 
opinion,  making  changes  in  several,  which  Villars  wrote 
down  on  the  margin.  When  the  reading  was  finished,  the 
regent  told  the  mardchal  to  read  over  each  article  with  the 
notes  he  had  just  appended,  to  see  if  all  was  clear,  and 
whether  it  was  necessary  to  add  or  to  change.  A''illars,  who 
was  next  to  me,  read  out  the  first  article,  but  when  it  came 


to  his  notes  he  looked  at  them  this  way  and  that,  turning  in 
vain  to  the  light,  and  finally  asked  me  to  look  and  see  if  I 
could  make  out  what  they  meant.  I  laughed,  and  asked 
him  if  he  thought  I  could  do  better  than  himself  at  his  own 
writing,  which  he  had  just  that  moment  written.  Everybody 
laughed  ;  at  which  he  was  not  in  the  least  embarrassed.  He 
proposed  to  send  for  his  secretary,  who  was,  he  said,  in  the 
antechamber,  and  knew  how  to  read  his  writing,  because  he 
was  accustomed  to  it.  The  regent  said  that  that  could  not 
be  allowed ;  and  we  all  looked  at  each  other,  laughing,  and 
not  knowing  how  to  get  out  of  the  difficulty.  Finally,  the 
regent  said  there  was  nothing  to  do  but  begin  all  over  again  ; 
and  he  ordered  me  to  take  a  pen  and  write  the  notes  and 
opinions  as  each  one  gave  them ;  which  doubled,  of  course, 
the  length  of  the  affair.  It  is  true  it  was  only  time  ridicu- 
lously lost ;  but  the  evil  was  much  greater  when  the  reports 
themselves  came  in,  so  long  and  so  badly  prepared  that  none 
of  us  could  fully  understand  them,  and,  consequently,  we 
could  not  wisely  decide  the  matters  they  concerned. 

The  Due    d'0rl6ans   was   scarcely  through   the   first  em- 
barrassments in  which  he  had  allowed  himself  to  be  placed 
when   another,  of   importance,  arose.     I  shall 

Outbreak  of  the  '■ 

princes  of  the        merely  note  here  the  epoch  of   its  beginning, 

blood  against  the     ,  . ,  i       p  j_i  ^ 

claims  of  the  Due  bccausc  its  consequeuccs  are  not  ot  the  present 
du  Maine.  momcnt.     The  suit  as   to  the   inheritance  of 

M.  le  Prince  was  still  going  on.  In  an  affidavit  which  the 
Due  du  Maine  was  called  upon  to  make  he  assumed  the 
quality  of  prince  of  the  blood,  as  he  was  authorized  to  do  by 
the  declaration  of  the  late  king,  registered  by  parliament, 
which  gave  it  to  him,  and  permitted  him  to  use  it  in  all 
deeds  and  otherwise,  both  him  and  his  children,  and  also  the 
Comte  de  Toulouse.  IVIme.  la  Duchesse  and  M.  le  Due, 
who  had   never  dared  breathe  a  word  while  the  late  king 

30  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUC  DE  SAINT-SIMON.       [chap.  i. 

lived,  made  a  great  disturbance  and  declared  that,  whatever 
protection  the  Due  du  Maine  assumed  to  draw  from  that 
declaration,  it  gave  him  no  right  to  qualify  as  prince  of  the 
blood  with  the  true  princes  of  the  blood,  or  to  take  any- 
judicial  or  legal  action  as  such  in  a  suit  with  them.  They 
drew  in  the  Princesse  de  Conti  and  her  son  to  make  common 
cause  with  them  in  this  question,  although  the  latter  were 
united  with  M.  and  Mme.  du  Maine  by  community  of  interest 
in  the  suit  against  M.  le  Due  for  the  inheritance  of  M.  le 
Prince.  The  uproar  was  great ;  the  regent  tried  to  pacify  it ; 
we  shall  see  the  results  hereafter. 

The  Duchesse  de  Berry  now  established  herself  in  the 
Luxembourg  with  her  little  Court.  An  effort  was  made  to 
^^  ^   ^       ^      lodge  us  there  conveniently,  Mme.  de  Saint- 

The  Duchesse  de  »  •' 

Berry  lodged  at  Simou,  and  mysclf  ;  but  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon, 
who  had  never  been  able  honourably  to  quit 
the  Duchesse  de  Berry,  seized  this  occasion  to  live  as  much 
apart  from  her  as  was  possible.  No  place  was  found  in  the 
Luxembourg  where  we  could  be  comfortably  lodged  to- 
gether and  we  therefore  continued  to  live  in  our  own  house 
in  Paris.  The  Duchesse  de  Berry  insisted,  however,  that 
Mme.  de  Saint-Simon  shoidd  have  a  lodging  at  the  Luxem- 
bourg ;  but  she  did  not  furnish  it  or  even  set  foot  in  it.  She 
never  went  to  the  Duchesse  de  Berry  in  the  mornings,  unless 
there  were  audiences  or  some  ceremony,  but  usually  in  the 
evenings,  at  the  hour  for  cards,  when  ladies  were  not  re- 
quired to  present  themselves  in  full  dress,  and  were  often 
retained  to  sup  with  the  Duchesse  de  Berry.  Mme.  de  Saint- 
Simon  almost  never  supped  there.  "We  had  company  every 
day  to  dinner  and  supper,  as  for  years  we  had  usually  had. 
Very  rarely  she  attended  the  duchess  on  her  drives  and  visits, 
unless  when  she  went  to  the  king  or  to  the  theatre.  Mme.  de 
Saint-Simon  was  firm  in  maintaining  this  freedom,  and  with 

1715]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  31 

great  and  just  reason,  but  she  was  treated  invariably  with  the 
utmost  consideration.  When  the  duchess  was  at  Saint-Cloud 
she  always  stayed  with  her,  because  she  could  not  do  other- 
wise. As  for  me,  I  behaved  as  usual.  I  never  went  more 
than  twice  a  year  to  the  Duchesse  de  Berry,  for  a  moment 
each  time,  being  always  extremely  well  received.  The  mo- 
tives for  this  conduct  have  been  seen  elsewhere. 

On  Monday,  September  28,  the  first  Coimcil  of  Eegency 
was  held  after  dinner  at  Vincennes  in  the  grand  cabinet  of 
First  Council  of  the  king ;  and  on  this  occasion  the  heads 
Regency.  ^^^  prcsidcuts  of  all  tlic  othcr  councils  were 

allowed  to  be  present.  It  was  ruled  that  the  Council 
should  have  four  sittings  a  week,  namely:  Saturday,  after 
dinner ;  Sunday  morning ;  Tuesday,  after  dinner ;  and 
Wednesday  morning;  that  the  members  should  consider 
themselves  notified  once  for  all  of  those  four  meetings  ;  but 
notice  should  be  given  of  all  extra  meetings  if  the  regent 
called  them.  It  was  also  ruled  on  what  days  the  head  or 
president  of  each  of  the  other  councils  should  report  its 
affairs ;  that  he  should  leave  as  soon  as  he  had  finished, 
whether  the  Council  rose  or  not;  and  that  all  heads  and 
presidents  of  councils  should  be  summoned  for  extraordinary 
business  whenever  the  regent  thought  proper.  This  first 
Council  was  chiefly  passed  in  balloting  ;  it  was  not  until  the 
next  meeting  that  it  took  up  serious  work,  which  then  related 
to  affairs  of  State. 

The  council  of  finances  had  found  its  matters  in  a  strange 
state.  For  one  thing,  there  were  due  over  sixteen  hundred 
thousand  francs  to  our  ambassadors  and  those  whom  the  late 
king  had  kept  at  foreign  Courts ;  most  of  whom  had  literally 
not  enough  money  to  pay  the  postage  on  their  letters,  having 
spent  all  they  had ;  this  was  a  cruel  discredit  to  us  through- 
out all  Europe.     The  financiers,  however,  had   made   their 

32  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.       [chap.  i. 

profit  out  of  them  to  get  all  they  wanted.  Noailles  and 
Eouill^  of  the  council  of  finances  proposed  to  scrutinize  their 
proceedings,  which  so  terrified  them  that  Pl(^noeuf,  for  one, 
disappeared  and  escaped  into  Italy.  It  would  require  a  great 
knowledge  of  finances,  a  vast  and  correct  memory,  and  whole 
volumes  devoted  solely  to  this  matter  to  explain  what  was 
tried,  abandoned,  and  accomplished  in  relation  to  it.  This  is 
a  work  beyond  my  powers  and  my  tastes.  I  shall  content 
myself  with  noting  down  the  principal  events  in  this  line, 
leaving  others  more  capable  than  myself  to  treat  them 

Singular  novelties  were  now  seen  at  Court,  which  soon 
produced  others  that  were  still  more  strange.  Nothing  could 
Novelties  at  equal  the  pride  of  the  Duchesse  de  Berry,  as 

c°"rt-  I  have   said  and  shown   elsewhere,   and   her 

empire  over  the  mmd  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  continued  the 
same,  however  undeserved.  She  took  it  into  her  head  to 
want  a  captain  of  the  guards.  No  daughter  of  France  had 
ever  had  one.  It  was  an  honour  unknown  even  to  queen- 
mothers  and  queen-regents,  until  the  last,  the  mother  of 
Louis  XIV.,  who  had  one.  Madame  had  never  dreamed  of 
one.  At  first  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  resisted  this  fancy,  but  he 
soon  yielded,  though  he  ruled  that  Madame  should  have  one 
too,  as  her  rank  was  the  same  as  that  of  the  Duchesse  de 
Berry.  He  engaged  to  pay  the  cost  of  the  latter  because 
Madame,  whose  household  was  large  and  her  revenues  not  at 
all  so,  did  not  wish  for  such  expense  ;  in  fact  she  would  not 
have  a  company  of  guards,  but  continued  to  use  those  of  the 
Due  d'Orl^ans.  The  Duchesse  de  Berry  had  very  few  guards, 
but  she  now  set  up  a  company,  the  lieutenancy  of  which  she 
gave  to  Rion.  I  mention  this  trifling  detail,  because  there 
will  be  some  mention  of  Rion  later  on,  and  this  was  the  first 
time  anybody  ever  heard  of  him. 

1715]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  33 

The  perpetual  jaunts  and  parties  of  the  Duchesse  de  Berry, 
either  alone  or  with  the  Duchesse  de  Bourgogne  at  the  be- 
ginning of  her  marriage,  had  obhged  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon 
to  ask  for  some  rehef  in  attending  her,  and  the  king  had 
allowed  her  to  propose  to  the  duchess  four  ladies-in-waitmg. 
In  France  vanity  is  contagious  and  spreads  rapidly.  The 
Duchesse  d'Orl^ans,  now  wife  of  the  regent,  profited  by  that 
position  to  amalgamate  herself  (at  least  in  this  respect)  with 
tlie  daughters  of  France,  and  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  was  not  a 
man  to  refuse  her,  though  he  cared  nothing  himself  for  the 
distinction.     So  she,  too,  obtained  four  ladies. 

Mme.  la  Duchesse,  who  had  never  been  reconciled  to 
seeing  her  younger  sister  raised  so  much  above  herself, 
could  not  long  endure  that  the  Duchesse  d'Orleans  should 
have  ladies-in-waiting  without  having  them  herself.  She 
found  her  commodities  of  this  kind  rather  mixed,  but 
among  them  were  women  who  for  their  bread  and  their 
amusement  desired  nothing  better.  The  phancy  of  the  Due 
d'Orleans  made  him  permit  it,  as  he  did  other  things  ;  after 
which,  the  remaining  princesses  of  the  blood  had  what  they 

VOL.  IV. 


The  late  king  had  returned  to  his  natural  inclinations 
and  his  former  principles  about  England  after  the  death  of 
The  Scotch  Queen  Anne   and   the   overthrow   of   all   the 

project.  persons  who  had  her  confidence  and  formed 

her  council.  The  king,  her  successor,  had  replaced  those  in 
office  whom  she  had  displaced;  the  Whigs  were  in  power 
and  the  Tories  dismissed.  Such  changes  cannot  be  exe- 
cuted, either  in  a  government  or  in  a  nation  naturally  in- 
clined to  factions,  without  producing  a  great  number  of 
malcontents  of  all  kinds ;  and  all  the  more  in  this  case 
because  the  new  ministers  and  favourites  breathed  vengeance 
against  those  who  had  driven  them  out  and  taken  their 
places  during  the  last  reign,  and  were  determined  to  pursue 
and  bring  to  trial  those  who  had  been  most  instrumental  in 
making  the  peace,  —  to  whom,  therefore,  France  was  under 
much  obhgation.  Scotland  could  not  console  itself  for  be- 
coming a  mere  province  of  England.  The  Duke  of  Ormond 
was  hiding  in  Paris,  while  awaiting  what  the  Earl  of  Mar 
could  do  in  Scotland,  where  the  party  were  stirring ;  and 
the  Pretender  (to  use  the  received  term)  was  at  Bar,  waiting 
for  some,  not  apparent,  conjunction  to  cross  the  channel, 
certain  of  the  protection  of  Louis  XIV.,  and  probably  of  that 
of  the  King  of  Spain. 

The  death  of  the  king,  who  entered  secretly  but  with  all 
his  heart  into  this  project,  which  might  soon  have  been 
favoured  by  Sweden  and  Eussia,  who  were  both  anxious  to 
end  their  war  by  a  treaty  of  peace  in  this  direction,  discon- 


certed  the  Pretender's  plan.  The  minority  of  the  young 
king,  with  the  interior  of  France  left  in  the  condition  it 
was  on  the  death  of  Louis  XIV.,  was  not  the  time  for 
France  to  risk  a  rupture  with  England  without  being  well 
assured  of  that  which  it  was  difficult  to  make  sure  of ;  I 
mean  a  sudden  and  complete  revolution,  such  as  that  which 
placed  King  William  on  the  throne  of  his  uncle  and  father- 
in-law.  The  late  king  had,  as  we  have  seen,  left  the  throne 
of  Philippe  V.  firmly  secured,  the  union  of  the  two  crowns 
perfect,  and  both  countries  enjoying  a  peace  with  all  Europe 
by  the  treaties  of  Utrecht  and  Baden.  The  regent  was  abso- 
lutely determined  to  preserve  so  necessary  a  blessing. 

Other  circumstances  kept  him  from  lending  himself  to 
the  project  of  the  late  king  in  favour  of  the  Pretender.  The 
The  Earl  of  Earl  of  Stair  had  been  sent  to  France  by  King 

^^^"^'  George  about  a  year  before  the  death  of  the 

king,  but  without  using  his  commission  as  ambassador,  which 
he  kept  in  his  pocket.  He  was  a  very  simple  Scottish  gentle- 
man, tall,  well-made,  slender,  still  quite  young,  holding  his 
head  high  with  a  proud  air.  He  had  intellect,  cleverness 
and  craft ;  active  withal,  well-informed,  secretive,  master  of 
himself  and  his  face,  speaking  readily  in  all  characters  as 
he  judged  them  suitable.  Under  pretext  of  loving  society, 
good  living,  and  debauchery  (which  he  never  pushed  far), 
he  made  acquaintances  and  procured  intimacies  which  he 
put  to  use  in  serving  his  master  and  his  own  party  also. 
His  party  was  that  of  the  Whigs  and  of  all  those  whom 
King  George  had  restored  to  power,  and  also  of  the  family 
and  friends  of  the  Duke  of  Marlborough,  w^hose  creature  he 
was,  under  whom  he  had  served  and  who  had  procured  him 
a  regiment  and  the  Scottish  Order. 

Stair  had  seen  from  afar  the  threatening  failure  of  the 
king's  health.     He  perceived  plainly  that  he  had  nothing  to 

36  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ii. 

hope  from  the  authority  of  the  Due  du  Maine,  which,  if  it 
prevailed,  would  follow  the  maxims  and  intentions  of  the 
king.  He  therefore  felt  very  early  that  the  only  part  to 
take  was  that  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  who  had  the  riu'ht  on 
his  side,  to  flatter  him  with  assurances  of  his  master's 
support  if  there  were  need  to  recognize  his  regency  and  the 
authority  it  conveyed,  to  enroll  him,  so  to  speak,  early  with 
King  George  by  offers  made  in  a  period  of  doubt,  by  persuad- 
ing him  that  their  interests  were  the  same,  and  (to  tell  it 
frankly,  for  Stair  was  not  afraid  to  let  the  actual  phrase 
escape  him)  by  suggesting  the  thought  that  two  usurpers, 
such  close  neighbours,  were  bound  to  support  each  other 
mutually,  through  and  against  all ;  for  both  were  in  the  same 
case.  King  George  with  regard  to  the  Pretender,  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  under  the  renunciations  of  the  Kmg  of  Spain,  if 
so  weak  and  young  a  child  as  the  successor  of  Louis  XIV., 
should  fail. 

The  troubles  of  England  w^ere  increasing,  and  the  Earl  of 

Mar  had  successes  in  Scotland.     Stair  was  wholly  occupied 

in  preventing  France  fi'om  giving  anv  help  to 

Stair  urges  the  -^^  °  O  O  ^  r 

regent  to  arrest       the   Pretender   and    in   stopping   his   passage 

the  Preterider< 

across  the  kingdom  if  he  tried  to  gain  the 
shores  of  the  channel.  He  had  good  spies ;  and  before  long 
he  heard  that  the  prince  was  preparing  to  leave  Bar,  on 
wliich  he  rushed  to  the  regent,  demanding  to  have  him 
arrested.  Having  reason  to  think  that  the  regent  was  try- 
ing to  gain  time  to  see  what  would  happen  in  England,  he 
let  his  Eoyal  Highness  know  that  if  he  looked  at  these 
troubles  with  indifference  England  would  do  the  same  for 
whatever  might  come  in  France.  These  were  the  terms 
on  which  they  were  wdien,  suddenly,  the  Pretender  disap- 
peared from  Bar,  and  Stair  again  came  crying  to  the  Due 
d'Orldans  to  stop  his  way  through  France  and  arrest  him. 

1715]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  37 

The  regent,  who  was  cleverly  swimming  between  two  cur- 
rents, had  promised  the  Pretender  to  shut  his  eyes,  and  so 
far  favour  the  project,  provided  the  move  was  made  in  the 
utmost  secrecy.  At  the  same  time,  he  granted  Stair's  re- 
quest, and  immediately  despatched  Contade,  w^ho  was  devoted 
to  him  and  very  intelligent,  the  major  of  a  regiment  of 
guards,  with  orders  to  take  his  brother,  a  lieutenant  in  the 
same  regiment  and  two  sergeants  of  his  own  choice,  and  go 
to  Chateau-Thierry,  where  Stair  had  positive  knowledge  the 
Pretender  was  to  pass.  Contade  started  on  the  night  of  the 
9th  of  November,  fully  determined,  and  instructed,  to  miss 
finding  his  man.  Stair,  who  was  only  outwardly  trustful, 
took  other  measures,  which  came  very  near  succeeding ;  and 
this  is  what  happened. 

The  Pretender  started  disguised  from  Bar,  accompanied  by 
three  or  four  persons  only,  and  came  to  Chaillot,  where  the 
The  Pretender  ^^^^G  dc  Lauzuu  had  a  little  old  house  that  he 
escapes  the  as-       jfj  qq^  occupy.     It  was  thcrc  the  Pretender 

sassins  of  Stair. 

slept  and  saw  his  mother,  the  queen,  who  was 
staying  as  she  often  did  with  the  Filles  de  Sainte-Marie  at 
Chaillot.  From  there  he  started,  in  Torcy's  post-chaise, 
along  the  road  to  Alengon  to  embark  from  Bretagne. 

Stair  discovered  this  proceeding,  and  resolved  to  neglect 
nothing  to  deliver  his  party  once  for  all  from  this  last  rem- 
nant of  the  Stuarts.  He  despatched  men  silently  along  the 
different  routes,  giving  that  from  Paris  to  Alen^on  to  Colonel 
Douglas,  a  half-pay  officer  in  an  Irish  regiment  in  the  French 
service,  who,  by  reason  of  his  name,  his  intelligence,  his 
energy,  and  his  intrigue,  had  insinuated  himself  in  Paris. 
He  was  on  a  footing  of  consideration  and  familiarity  with 
the  regent  and  often  came  to  my  house ;  he  lived  in  the  best 
company,  had  married  on  the  frontier  of  Metz,  was  very  poor, 
with  much  politeness,  knowledge  of  the  world,  a  reputation  of 

38  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ii. 

great  valour,  and  nothing  about  him  to  make  any  one  sus- 
pect that  he  was  capable  of  crime. 

Douglas  put  himself  into  a  post-chaise  with  two  valets 
and  another  man  on  horseback,  all  four  armed  to  the  teetli, 
and  started  slowly  along  the  route  to  Alengon.  Nonancourt 
is  a  little  town  about  nineteen  leagues  from  Paris  on  that 
road.  Here  he  stopped,  asked  for  something  to  eat  at  the 
post-inn,  and  inquired  with  great  care  about  a  post-chaise, 
which  he  described,  together  with  those  who  escorted  it, 
expressmg  fears  lest  it  had  passed  and  that  the  people  of  the 
inn  were  deceiving  him.  The  master  of  the  post-inn  was 
named  Lospital.  He  was  absent ;  but  his  wife  was  there,  who 
was,  luckily,  a  very  worthy  woman,  of  intelligence,  good  sense, 
brains,  and  courage.  Nonancourt  is  only  five  leagues  from 
La  Fert^ ;  I  therefore  knew  this  post-mistress  very  well,  and 
she  has  herself  told  me  this  whole  adventure  more  than 
once.  She  tried  in  vain  to  get  some  light  on  the  matter, 
which  made  her  uneasy.  All  she  could  discover  was  that 
they  were  Enghsh  and  concerned  in  some  violent  action ; 
that  their  object,  v/hatever  it  was,  was  important,  and  that 
they  were  planning  some  evil  deed.  She  imagined  that  it 
related  to  the  Pretender,  and  she  resolved  to  save  him ; 
arranging  a  plan  in  her  head,  which  she  was  happily  able 
to  execute. 

In  order  to  succeed  she  did  all  the  two  gentlemen  wanted, 
and  made  them  feel  so  secure  of  being  duly  warned  that 
Douglas  went  off  somewhere  along  the  road,  taking  one  valet 
with  him.  The  other  remained  with  the  second  gentleman 
on  watch  at  the  inn.  She  then  made  her  plan.  She  asked 
the  gentleman  to  drink,  and  gave  him  her  best  wine  and 
kept  him  at  table  as  long  as  she  could,  sending  meantime 
a  faithful  servant  to  watch  for  the  post-chaise  ;  her  intention 
being  to  keep  the  man  and  the  valet  shut  in,  and  to  relay 

1715]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  39 

the  chaise  at  the  back  of  the  house,  where  she  kept  her 
horses  ready.  But  the  chaise  did  not  come,  and  the  man 
got  tired  of  sitting  at  table.  She  then  persuaded  him  to  lie 
down  in  one  of  the  chambers  and  rely  upon  her  and  his 
valet  to  call  him  as  soon  as  the  chaise  appeared.  After 
which  she  slipped  off  to  a  fiiend  in  a  side  street,  told  her 
her  adventure  and  suspicions,  and  made  her  promise  to  re- 
ceive the  person  she  wanted  to  hide.  She  then  sent  for  a 
priest,  her  relation,  told  him  the  story,  and  borrowed  an 
abbd's  suit  and  a  priest's  wig.  That  done,  she  went  home, 
found  the  English  valet  watching  on  the  steps,  pitied  his 
ennui,  told  him  how  good  he  was  to  be  so  faithful,  gave  him 
something  to  drink,  and  then  by  the  help  of  a  trusty  hostler 
made  him  so  drunk  that  he  went  to  sleep  under  the  table. 
Meantime  she  had  turned  the  key  gently  on  the  English 
gentleman  who  was  sleeping  upstairs. 

Half  an  hour  later  the  faithful  man  she  had  on  the  watch 
announced  that  the  chaise  was  coming.  Mme.  Lospital 
went  to  meet  it ;  in  it  was  King  James ;  she  told  him  he 
was  expected  and  would  be  lost  if  he  did  not  take  care  ;  but 
he  must  trust  to  her  and  follow  her ;  and  in  a  minute  she 
had  him  at  her  friend's  house.  There  he  heard  what  had 
happened,  and  they  hid  him  as  best  they  could  with  his 
three  companions.  After  which  Mme.  Lospital  returned 
home  and  sent  for  the  officers  of  the  law,  to  whom  she  told 
her  suspicions  of  evil-dealing,  and  made  them  arrest  the 
drunken  valet  and  the  gentleman  who  was  asleep  in  the 
chamber.  Then  she  despatched  one  of  the  postilions  back 
to  Torcy.  Meantime  the  law  proceeded,  and  a  copy  of  the 
jjroces-verhal  was  sent  to  Court.  Nothing  can  describe  the 
rage  of  the  English  gentleman  and  his  fury  against  the  valet 
for  getting  druid^.  As  for  Mme.  Lospital,  he  would  liave 
strangled  her  if  he  could,  and  she  was  long  in  terror  of  some 

40  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ii. 

ill-turn.  King  James  remained  three  days  at  Nonancourt 
to  let  the  noise  die  out,  and  then,  dressed  as  an  abb^,  he 
continued  his  journey  in  another  post-chaise  and  embarked 
in  Bretagne  for  Scotland. 

Douglas  returned  to  Paris,  where  the  Earl  of  Stair  made  a 
great  to-do  about  the  Nonancourt  adventure,  which  he  treated 
with  extreme  audacity  and  impudence,  as  an  attack  against 
the  rights  of  individuals.  Douglas,  who  could  not  be  igno- 
rant of  what  was  said  of  him,  had  the  equal  audacity  to  go 
wherever  he  was  accustomed,  to  the  theatres,  and  even  to 
present  himself  before  the  regent.  Many  persons  closed 
their  doors  to  him.  He  tried  in  vain  to  force  mine,  and  even 
dared  to  complain  to  me  about  it.  Soon  after  he  disappeared 
from  Paris,  and  I  never  knew  what  became  of  him. 

The  Queen  of  England  sent  for  Mme.  Lospital  to  come  to 
Saint-Germain,  where  she  thanked  her,  caressed  her  as  she 
deserved,  gave  her  her  portrait,  and  that  was  all.  The  regent 
did  nothing  for  her.  Long  afterwards  King  James  wrote  to 
her,  and  sent  her  his  portrait.  Such  is  the  indigence  of  de- 
throned kings,  and  their  perfect  forgetfulness  of  great  perils 
and  signal  services. 

The  Chevalier  de  Bouillon,  who,  since  the  death  of  the  son 
of  the  Comte  d'Auvergne,  had  taken  the  title  of  Prince 
Balls  at  the  d'Auvcrgnc,  proposcd  to  the  regent  to  establish 

'^P"^-  public    balls   at    the   Opera,   masked    or  not 

masked,  where  the  boxes  would  give  every  convenience  to 
see  the  ball  to  those  who  did  not  wish  to  go  upon  the  floor. 
It  was  thought  that  a  public  ball,  guarded  as  the  (_)pera  is 
whenever  open,  would  be  safe  from  adventures,  and  would 
put  a  stop  to  the  discreditable  little  balls  all  over  Paris, 
wliere  so  many  scandals  happened.  Those  at  the  Opera 
were  therefore  established,  with  a  grand  concourse  of  people, 
and  all  the  effect  that  had  been  proposed.     The  master  of 

1715]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  41 

ceremonies  had  a  salary  of  over  six  thousand  francs,  and  a 
mechanism  was  admirably  invented  and  very  easily  and 
rapidly  worked  to  cover  the  orchestra,  and  floor  the  stage 
and  the  parterre  at  the  same  level.  Unfortunately,  the 
Opera  was  at  the  Polais-Eoyal,  and  the  Due  d'Orldans  had 
only  a  step  to  go  on  leaving  his  suppers,  so  that  he  often 
showed  himself  at  these  balls  in  a  very  unsuitable  condition. 
The  Due  de  Is  oailles,  who  was  forever  trying  to  pay  court 
to  him,  was  among  the  first  to  go  so  drunk  that  there  was 
no  indecency  he  did  not  commit  there. 

The  Due  d'Orl^ans  was  very  much  bored  at  Vincennes ;  he 
wanted  to  have  the  king  in  Paris.  I  had  done  what  I  could 
„  ,  to  induce  a  return  to  Versailles.      We   were 

Reasons  for 

keeping  the  Court  there,  alouc  witli  thc  Court,  away  from  the 
sort  of  world  that  never  sleeps  out  of  Paris, 
unless  it  goes  to  the  country.  Those  who  had  business  to 
attend  to  could  find  in  an  hour  the  persons  they  had  to  see  ; 
whereas  in  Paris  one  had  to  go  ten  times  and  into  all  quar- 
ters of  the  city.  Moreover,  no  one  could  have  at  Versailles 
the  dissipation  and  loss  of  time  to  be  found  in  Paris.  But 
what  I  considered  as  more  important  still  was  the  distance 
from  the  tumult  of  parliament,  the  markets,  the  vulgar  life, 
and  the  adventures  of  a  minority,  such  as  Louis  XIV.  had 
met  with,  and  which  drove  him  furtively  out  of  Paris  on  that 
eve  of  the  Epiphany.  I  was  spurred  also  to  get  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  away  from  the  pernicious  company  with  whom  he 
supped  every  evening,  and  from  the  state  in  which  he  showed 
himself  at  the  Opera-balls,  and  his  fatal  loss  of  time  at  the 
theatres.  But  all  this  was  precisely  what  attached  him  to  a 
residence  in  Paris,  from  which  I  soon  saw  there  was  no  way 
to  drag  him.  He  even  made  the  doctors  have  a  grand  con- 
sultation about  bringing  the  king  to  Paris  from  Vincennes ; 
but  the  Court  doctors  and  those  of  Paris  were  agreed  in  this 

42  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [cuap.  ii. 

case,  and  declared  that  he  ought  not  to  be  brought  there  till 
the  first  frosts  had  purified  the  air  and  extinguislied  a  great 
deal  of  sniall-pox  of  very  dangerous  type,  which  then  pre- 
vailed in  the  city. 

It  was,  therefore,  not  until  Monday,  December  30,  that 
the  king  left  Vincennes,  after  his  dinner,  to  come  to  Paris. 
The  men  charged  with  his  education  had  already  begun  at 
Vincennes,  where  they  had  lodgings,  to  take  care  of  them- 
selves. At  the  Tuileries  the  Marechal  de  Villeroy  had  a 
fine  apartment,  and  presently  took  that  of  the  queen  ad- 
joining those  of  the  king,  and  the  Due  du  Maine  had 
the  beautiful  rooms  of  the  dauphins  on  the  lower  floor. 
M.  de  Frdjus  had  one  above ;  the  sub-governors  also.  The 
city  harangued  the  king  on  his  arrival,  and  he  found  a 
great  crowd  in  his  apartment.  Thus  ended  the  year 

I  had  felt  the  supineness  of  the  Due  d'Orldans  at  the  death 

of  the  king,  not  only  in  what  concerned  himself  personally, 

1716.  T'^^^t  i'l  many  other  matters,  and  I  wanted  to 

I  wish  to  retire      retire  oucc  for  all     I  had  therefore  withdrawn 

from  Court  after  .  _      . .  .  ,  . 

the  death  of  the  to  my  own  house  and  did  not  leave  it.  llie 
^^^-  Due  d'Orldans  was  troubled  by  this  ;  he  wanted 

me  not  to  be  vexed,  but  without  intending  himself  to  do 
better.  He  sent  the  Abbd  Dubois  to  me  again  and  again,  to 
conjure  me  to  return  to  him,  and  not  abandon  him  in  this 
first  crisis,  to  trust  entirely  to  his  friendship,  his  confidence, 
his  gratitude,  —  in  short,  the  finest  messages  in  the  world.  I 
had  great  difficulty  in  lettmg  myself  —  not  be  persuaded,  but 
simply  —  yield  to  what  was  proper.  He  himself  said  stronger 
things  to  me  personally,  so  that,  in  spite  of  myself,  I  was 
pledged  again.  This  was  before  the  formation  of  the  coun- 
cils. I  was  not  long  in  perceiving  something  worse  than 


Parliament,  led  by  d'Effiat  and  Canillac,  prompted  by  the 

Due  de  Noailles  and  supported  by  the  Due  du  Maine  and 

the  numerous  group  he  had  united  with  him 

The  regent  °         ^ 

deceived  about       Under   the   respectablc    name    of    "noblesse," 
e  par  lamen  .       -^ggr^jj  j^q^  ^q  ghow  its  teeth  to  the  regent,  to 

fail  to  answer  him,  or  even  to  obey  him.  It  was  not  afraid 
to  show  scorn  of  a  prince  who  treated  it  with  timid  caution 
produced  by  fears  which  it  readily  perceived.  These  magis- 
trates, guided  by  such  hands,  soon  understood  that  they 
could  do  all  they  wished  and  risk  nothing;  that  the 
regent,  who  coaxed  them  cautiously  to  get  them  to  pass  the 
edicts  and  declarations  he  wanted  to  make  on  matters  of 
finance  and  government,  would  never  compromise  himself 
with  them  on  any  matter  which  did  not  bear  upon  his  per- 
sonal wishes.  It  was  in  vain  that  I  represented  to  his  Eoyal 
Highness  the  public  derision  which  the  parliament  made  of 
his  authority,  and  the  danger  of  its  resisting  him  hereafter 
about  matters  that  would  greatly  embarrass  him  in  carrying 
on  the  government,  —  and  resisting  him,  too,  whenever  it 
pleased  them  so  to  do.  What  I  told  him  was  evident,  and 
he  was  not  long  in  meeting  with  a  shameful  experience  of 
it ;  but  now  I  talked  in  vain ;  I  only  made  him  despair  at 
the  excellence  of  my  reasons,  to  which  he  could  make  no 
reply.  His  distrust  persuaded  him  that  I  argued  as  a  duke 
and  peer,  with  that  interest  alone  in  view;  his  love  for 
division,  which  he  thought  it  well  to  keep  up  between  the 
dukes  and  parliament  and  among  the  dukes  themselves,  and 
his  weakness,  increased  by  the  pernicious  counsels  of  Noailles, 
Besons,  d'Effiat,  Canillac,  and  others,  all  induced  him  to  think 
he  must  manoeuvre  cautiously  if  he  wanted  parliament  to  be 
favourable  to  his  measures.  People  were  not  long  in  per- 
ceiving that  he  made  it  his  policy,  as  much  in  general 
things  as  in  special  things,  to  excit(3  disputes ;  and  soon  a 

44  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  n. 

favourite  saying  frequently  escaped  him  as  an  admirable 
maxim  of  jDractice :  Divide  et  regna. 

I  was  much  surprised  soon  after  the  return  from  Vincennes 
to  see  the  Due  du  Maine  enter  my  room.  He  covered  his 
M.  du  Maine  embarrassment  by  an  easy  air,  and,  with  great 

makes  me  a  visit  ^■,  j_    ^^       t   i.  •  s^  ^       -\  ti 

without  any  politeuess,  talked  to  me  as  it  we  had  never  had 

cause  for  it.  anything   between   us,   but   without   saying  a 

word  about  the  past.  No  man  knew  better  than  he  how  to 
lead  a  conversation  and  all  sorts  of  talk.  He  used  that 
talent  now  with  all  his  graces,  and  neglected  nothing  that 
could  please  me,  but  without  touching  for  a  moment  on 
anything  that  interested  either  of  us.  I  was  forced,  on  my 
part,  to  try  to  pay  him  in  the  same  coin.  Though  the  game 
was  not  equal,  I  got  myself  fairly  well  out  of  it,  with  enough 
fine  language  and  politeness  to  score  nothing  against  me. 
This  lasted  more  than  half  an  hour  tete-a-tete.  It  was  the 
morning  for  the  Council  of  Eegency,  and  not  at  all  an  hour  for 
visits.  This  in  itself  seemed  to  me  suspicious ;  and  after  he 
had  gone  I  felt  myself  doubly  reheved  in  being  delivered, 
and  in  finding  his  action  was  simply  a  visit.  I  told  the 
regent  of  it  a  moment  before  the  council  began,  and  we 
laughed  together  over  the  fears  of  a  man  who  had  counted 
him  for  so  little  but  a  short  time  ago,  and  me,  as  was  natural, 
for  infinitely  less.  The  regent,  however,  exhorted  me  to 
return  the  visit,  as  M.  du  Maine  had  made  the  first  advance, 
and  to  show  less  stiffness  and  avoidance  in  my  manner  in 
those  places  where  it  was  necessary  we  should  meet.  How- 
ever reasonable  that  counsel  was,  it  cost  me  dear  to  follow  it 
after  all  that  had  happened.  I  have  never  been  false ;  and 
it  seemed  to  me  falseness  to  live  with  the  Due  du  Maine  as  I 
would  with  a  man  to  whom  I  was  indifferent.  Nevertheless 
I  yielded  as  much  as  I  could  to  the  demands  of  propriety 
■ —  with   rather  bad   grace,   I   believe,   always   avoiding   as 


mucli  as  I  could  getting  within  reach  of  his  conversation, 
and  greatly  annoyed  by  the  prostitution  of  his  bows  and 
allurements,  by  which  he  constantly  tried  to  please  and 
win  me. 

I  chose  the  end  of  a  morning  to  return  his  visit,  in  order 
to  have  a  safe  pretext  not  to  see  Mme.  du  Maine.  I  gained 
I  return  it  and  nothing  by  that.  I  was  received  with  eager- 
\^ThJt7e^"^^'  ^6ss  and  even  with  thanks.  As  I  prepared  to 
polite  remarks.  ^^j^g  leave  after  making  a  very  short  visit,  he 
said  that  Mme.  la  Duchesse  du  Maine  would  never  forgive 
him  if  he  let  me  go  without  seeing  her.  No  matter  what  I 
said  and  did,  he  took  me  to  her  in  spite  of  myself,  and  put 
me  in  a  chair  by  her  bedside.  Her  greeting  was  the  same 
as  his ;  for  the  wife  could  do  with  herself  and  her  tongue 
exactly  what  she  pleased,  and  with  no  less  grace  and  polite- 
ness, when  she  chose,  than  her  husband.  I  rose  to  take 
leave;  they  both  cried  out  that  it  was  such  a  pleasure  to 
them  to  see  me  that  I  must  stay  longer.  And  then,  im- 
mediately, as  if  they  feared  to  miss  their  chance,  she  began 
to  speak  of  the  quarrel  between  M.  le  Due  and  themselves. 
I  tried  to  avoid  entering  on  the  matter,  but  she  forced  me 
to  do  so  by  questions,  gently  pushed  on  by  the  Due  du 
Maine,  so  that  I  presently  found  myself  on  the  witness 
stand,  attentively  looked  at  and  listened  to  by  a  little  group 
of  men  who  were  present.  I  finally  got  out  of  it  by  saying 
that  M.  du  Maine  (and  consequently  she  herself)  was  well 
aware  of  what  T  thought  on  the  subject,  for  I  had  more  than 
once  told  him  of  it. 

T  hoped  to  cut  her  short  with  this  answer,  which  told  all 
and  explained  nothing.  But  Mme.  du  Maine  was  not  satis- 
fied. After  joking  M.  du  Maine  for  not  telling  her  ever}^- 
thing,  she  asked  me  to  speak  more  plainly.  This  made  me 
inwardly  angry.     T  then  said  that  if  she  absolutely  insisted 

46  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  ii. 

on  again  hearing  what  I  thought,  I  would  obey  her,  pro- 
vided she  would  be  good  enough  to  remember  that  she  com- 
manded me  to  do  so.  And  thereupon  I  told  her  that  I  was 
quite  content  they  should  be  princes  of  the  blood  with  suc- 
cession to  the  throne,  because  with  that  the  peers  had  no 
dispute;  that  as  long  as  they  held  that  position  we  had 
nothing  to  say  against  it ;  but  they  must  be  careful  to  main- 
tain it ;  because  if  they  lost  it  we,  the  peers,  would  never 
permit  an  intermediary  rank ;  we  should  then  do  all  that  was 
possible  to  prevent  them  from  standing  between  the  princes 
of  the  blood  and  ourselves.  They  both,  not  seeing  farther 
than  their  own  thoughts,  said  I  was  right,  and  they  had  no 
reason  to  complain  if  we  were  satisfied  with  their  present 
position.  "But,"  added  Mme.  du  Maine,  "will  you  not 
excite  the  princes  of  the  blood  against  us  ? "  "  Madame," 
I  replied,  "  it  is  not  our  affair ;  it  is  that  of  the  princes  of 
the  blood,  who  do  not  want  our  advice,  and  have  never  asked 
for  it."  I  rung  the  changes  thus  on  this  delicate  question. 
They  were  satisfied  with  what  I  said,  because  they  wanted 
to  be,  and  I  was  still  more  satisfied  at  having  got  out  of  the 
matter  without  being  tripped  up  either  way. 

After  that  wherever  I  met  him  the  Due  du  Maine  was  sur- 
passingly polite,  and  I  put  the  best  face  forward  that  I  could, 
which,  to  tell  the  truth,  was  not  too  good  a  one,  and  always 
with  great  reserve,  —  never  addressing,  almost  never  ap- 
proaching him,  and  avoiding,  as  much  as  I  decently  could, 
allowing  him  to  join  me. 

I  was  not  upon  this  tone  with  the  Comte  de  Toulouse.  He, 
as  I  have  said  elsewhere,  was  a  very  true  and  very  worthy 
man.  He  had  taken  no  part  in  the  grandeurs  which  his 
brother  had  piled  one  upon  another,  like  a  Titan,  to  scale 
the  skies.  His  manner  of  giving  his  opinion  in  Council,  of 
seeking  the  good  for  good's  sake,  and  right  for  the  right's  sake, 

171G]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  47 

had  won  me.  I  often  saw  him  at  the  Duchesse  d'Orl^ans', 
and  I  hved  with  him  in  perfect  openness,  and  he  with  me ; 
which  had  come  about  reciprocally  on  both  sides,  without, 
however,  leading  to  the  confidences  of  intimate  friendship, 
and  without  meeting  at  each  other's  houses ;  but  elsewhere 
every  day,  and  always  speaking  very  freely.  My  seat  was 
next  to  his  at  the  Council,  where  we  talked  freely,  and  some- 
times tete-cL-tete  before  and  after  the  session. 

The  Abb^  Dubois  was  very  anxious  to  be  counsellor  of 
State  for  the  Church,  and  he  came  to  ask  me  to  break  the 
The  Abbe  Dubois  ice  for  Mm  with  the  regent.  My  frankness 
State  fo°the  could  not  be  silent.     I  replied  that  I  wished 

Church.  iiini  all  sorts  of  good,  but  as  for  that  place  I 

begged  him  to  look  behind  him  and  see  if  it  suited  him ;  also 
to  remember  the  vexation  the  other  counsellors  of  State 
would  feel ;  and  to  see  whether  his  attachment  to  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  would  allow  him  to  bring  down  upon  the  regent 
the  hatred  of  the  whole  Council  and  all  the  aspirants,  and 
the  spiteful  offices  which  would  certainly  grow  out  of  such  a 
choice.  He  was  rather  surprised,  but  he  had  no  real  reply ; 
and  we  did  not  fail  to  separate  on  very  good  terms.  Four 
days  later  he  returned.  "  I  have  come,"  he  said,  trans- 
ported with  joy,  "to  tell  you  I  am  counsellor  of  State." 
"My  dear  abbd,"  I  rephed,  "I  am  delighted,  and  all  the 
more  that  I  have  had  no  part  in  it ;  you  are  content  and 
so  am  I.  But  take  care  of  the  consequences  ;  since  the  thing 
is  done,  hold  yourself  steady,  and  watch,  but  without  being 
afraid."  I  embraced  him  and  he  went  off  quite  satisfied 
with  me.  I  did  not  say  a  word  to  the  regent,  nor  he  to 
me.  My  custom  was  never  to  speak  to  him  of  things  done 
that  I  disapproved;  his  never  to  tell  me  of  those  he  had 
done  when  he  knew  they  were  done  unwisely.  The  conse- 
quences were  such  as  I  foresaw.     There  was  no  one,  from 

48  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ii. 

the  cliancellor  to  the  lowest  master  of  petitions,  who  did  not 
feel  himself  personally  affronted,  and  who  did  not  show  it. 
Neither  they  nor  the  other  aspii-ants  restrained  their  com- 
plaints or  their  remarks.  The  Abb^  Dubois,  who  thought 
only  of  himself,  had  what  he  wanted,  and  cared  nothing  for 
the  uproar,  nor  for  his  master. 

The  Duchesse  de  Berry  profited  by  her  position  to  usurp 
all  the  honours  of  a  queen,  in  spite  of  the  remonstrances  of 
The  Duchesse  de  Mmc.  dc  Saiut-Simou,  wlio  assured  her  of  the 
Berry  "suips         clishkc  that  would  f oUow  such  a  course.     She 

honours  that  she 

does  not  keep.  drove  about  Paris  with  drums  beating,  and 
along  the  whole  length  of  the  quay  of  the  Tuileries  where 
the  king  was  living.  The  next  day  the  Mardchal  de  Villeroy 
carried  his  complaints  to  the  regent,  who  promised  him  that 
so  long  as  the  king  was  in  Paris  no  other  drums  should  be 
heard  but  his,  and  ever  after  the  Duchesse  de  Berry  had 
none.  After  that  she  went  to  the  theatre  with  a  dais  over 
her  box,  four  of  her  guards  on  the  stage,  others  in  the  pit, 
the  hall  more  lighted  than  usual,  and  received  an  harangue 
before  the  play  from  the  comedians.  This  made  a  great  up- 
roar in  Paris ;  so  much  so  that  she  dared  not  go  to  the  the- 
atre again  in  the  same  way ;  but  in  order  not  to  back  down, 
she  renounced  going  to  the  play  at  all,  and  took  a  little  box 
at  the  Opera,  where  she  was  scarcely  seen  and  as  if  incognito. 
After  many  passing  love-affairs,  she  became  infatuated  for 
good  and  all  with  Eion,  a  cadet  of  the  house  of  Aydie,  son 
of  a  sister  of  Mme.  de  Biron,  who  had  neither 

Abandons  herself 

to  Rion ;  who  and  figure  uor  miud.  Hc  was  a  short,  stout,  pale, 
w  at  e  was.  ^^^  puffy  lad,  with  many  pimples  on  his  face, 
which  made  it  look  like  an  abscess.  He  had  fine  teeth,  but 
never  imagined  he  could  cause  a  passion  which,  in  very  little 
time,  became  frantic  and  lasted  ever  after, —  without,  how- 
ever, hindering  a  few  passing  distractions  and  contrary  loves. 


He  had  not  a  sou,  but  a  great  many  brothers  and  sisters,  who 
had  none  either.  M.  and  Mme.  de  Pons  (lady-in-waiting  to 
the  Duchesse  de  Berry)  were  related  to  him ;  they  brought 
him  from  the  provinces,  he  being  a  lieutenant  of  dragoons, 
to  try  to  make  something  of  him.  He  had  hardly  arrived 
before  the  passion  declared  itself  and  he  became  the  master 
of  the  Luxembourg.  M.  de  Lauzun,  whose  great-nephew  he 
was,  laughed  in  his  sleeve  ;  he  was  enchanted,  and  fancied 
himself  back  in  the  Luxembourg  in  the  days  of  Mademoiselle ; 
and  he  gave  his  successor  instructions. 

Eion  was  gentle  and  naturally  polite  and  respectful,  a  good 
and  honest  lad.  He  felt  that  the  power  of  his  charms  could 
only  captivate  the  incomprehensible,  depraved  fancy  of  a 
princess.  He  did  not  abuse  his  position  with  any  one,  and 
made  everybody  like  him,  but  Mme.  la  Duchesse  de  Berry 
he  treated  as  Lauzun  had  treated  Mademoiselle.  He  was 
soon  adorned  with  the  finest  laces  and  the  richest  clothes, 
and  heaped  with  money,  boxes,  jewels,  and  precious  stones. 
He  made  himself  desired;  he  amused  himself  by  exciting 
the  jealousy  of  his  princess,  and  seeming  himself  still  more 
jealous,  so  that  he  often  made  her  weep.  Little  by  little  he 
put  her  on  the  footing  of  never  daring  to  do  anything  with- 
out his  permission,  not  even  the  most  indifferent  things. 
Sometimes,  when  she  was  ready  to  go  to  the  Opera,  he 
made  her  stay  at  home ;  at  other  times  he  forced  her  to  go 
where  she  did  not  wish,  and  to  do  kindnesses  to  ladies 
whom  she  hated  and  was  jealous  of,  and  incivilities  to 
those  she  liked  and  of  whom  he  pretended  jealousy. 
Even  in  her  dress  she  had  no  Hberty.  He  diverted  him- 
self by  making  her  pull  down  her  hair  or  change  her 
gown  when  she  was  all  ready ;  and  this  so  often,  and 
sometimes  so  publicly,  that  he  brought  her  at  last  to  take 
his  orders  over  night  for  her  dress  and  her  occupations  the 

VOL.  IV.  — 4 

50  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUC   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  ii. 

next  day ;  but  the  next  day  he  often  changed  everything, 
and  the  princess  wept  more  than  ever.  !Finally,  she  had 
come  to  sending  him  messages  by  trusty  valets  (for  he  lodged 
at  the  gate  of  the  Luxembourg),  and  her  messengers  went 
several  times  during  her  toilet  to  ask  what  ribbon,  or  gown,  or 
ornaments  he  wished  her  to  wear,  and  he  usually  made  her 
take  those  that  she  did  not  wish  herself.  If  sometimes  she 
dared  to  assert  her  freedom  in  a  trifling  way,  he  treated  her 
like  a  servant,  and  the  tears  lasted  several  days.  This  haughty 
princess,  who  took  such  pleasure  in  showing  and  exercising 
her  excessive  pride,  degraded  herself  by  taking  her  meals  with 
him  and  with  other  obscure  men  like  liimself ;  she,  with  whom 
no  man  but  a  prince  of  the  blood  had  a  right  to  eat ! 

A  Jesuit,  named  P^re  Riglet,  whom  she  had  known  as  a 
child,  and  who  ever  since  had  cultivated  her,  was  admitted 
to  these  private  meals  without  being  ashamed  of  it.  Mme. 
de  Mouchy  was  the  confidant  of  these  strange  proceedings ; 
she  and  Pdon  invited  the  guests  and  chose  the  days.  La 
Mouchy  frequently  patched  up  the  quarrels  of  the  princess 
and  her  lover,  who  was  also  hers,  though  the  princess  did 
not  dare  to  take  notice  of  it  for  fear  of  losing  a  man  so  dear 
and  a  confidant  so  useful.  The  sinoular  thing  is  that  in  the 
midst  of  this  life  she  took  an  apartment  at  the  Carmelite 
convent  in  the  faubourg  Saint-Germain,  where  she  went 
sometimes  in  the  afternoons,  and  always  to  sleep  on  festivals, 
sometimes  remaining  there  several  days.  She  took  with 
her  only  two  ladies ;  never  any  serv^ants ;  she  ate  with  her 
ladies  what  the  convent  served  to  her,  attended  all  the  daily 
services  in  the  choir,  and  often  those  at  night ;  and  besides 
these  services  she  continued  long  in  prayer  and  fasted 
rigidly  on  the  days  of  obhgation. 

Two  CarmeHte  nuns,  women  of  much  intelHgence  who 
knew  the  world,  were  appointed  to  receive  her  and  be  con- 

■S/^^y /'f/r/f/',itdeyycce^ 



1710]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  51 

stantly  near  her.  One  was  very  beautiful,  the  other  had 
been.  They  were  both  quite  young,  especially  the  handsome 
one,  but  excellent  nuns  and  saintly  women,  who  performed 
this  duty  very  reluctantly.  When  they  became  more  familiar, 
they  spoke  frankly  to  the  princess,  telling  her  that  if  they 
knew  nothing  but  what  they  saw  they  should  admire  her  as 
a  saint ;  but  they  knew  in  other  ways  that  she  led  a  strange 
life,  and  so  publicly  that  they  could  not  understand  why  she 
wanted  to  come  and  stay  in  their  convent.  The  Duchesse 
de  Beny  laughed  and  was  not  displeased.  Sometimes  they 
lectured  her,  talked  to  her  of  people  and  things  by  their 
names,  and  exhorted  her  to  change  so  scandalous  a  life ;  all 
of  which  she  repeated  afterwards  among  her  ladies. 

The  Duchesse  de  Berry  paid  over  to  her  father  with  usury 
the  rough  treatment  and  tyranny  she  bore  from  Eion,  with- 
out his  weakness  allowing  him  to  have  less  devotion,  less 
compliance,  or,  it  must  be  said,  less  submission  and  fear  of 
her.  He  was  miserable  at  the  public  reign  of  Eion  and  the 
scandal  of  his  daughter's  life,  but  he  dared  not  say  a  word, 
and  when  at  times  some  scene,  both  ridiculous  and  violent, 
between  the  princess  and  her  lover  came  to  the  ears  of  the 
public,  if  the  regent  ventured  to  make  some  remonstrance 
he  was  treated  like  a  negro,  sulked  at  for  several  days,  and 
not  allowed  to  make  his  peace.  There  w^as  never  a  day, 
however,  that  father  and  daughter  did  not  see  each  other, 
and  chiefly  at  the  Luxembourg.  It  is  time  now  to  speak  of 
the  public  and  private  occupations  of  the  regent,  of  his 
conduct,  his  parties,  and  his  daily  life. 

All  his  mornings  were  given  up  to  public  business,  and 

each   division   of   it  had  its  regular  days    and  hours.     He 

becjan   work  alone,  before  dressing :    received 

Daily  life  and  ^  _  _  ®  ' 

personal  conduct     pcoplc  at  liis  Icver,  which  was  short,  and  was 
followed   by  audiences   on   which   he  wasted 

52  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.ii. 

time.  After  that  he  received  successively  until  two  o'clock 
those  who  were  more  directly  charged  with  the  various 
matters  of  business,  such  as  the  heads  of  councils ;  Le 
Blanc  (whom  lie  used  frequently  for  espionage) ;  those 
with  whom  he  worked  on  the  Unigenitus  affairs ;  those  of 
the  parliament ;  often  Torcy  about  the  post ;  sometimes 
Villeroy  to  paw  the  ground  and  make  a  show ;  once  a  week 
the  foreign  mmisters ;  besides  all  this,  he  attended  the 
councils,  and  mass  in  his  chapel  privately  on  feast-days  and 
Sundays.  At  first  he  rose  early,  a  habit  which  slackened, 
little  by  little,  and  grew  tardy  and  uncertain,  according  to 
the  hour  when  he  went  to  bed.  At  half-past  two  he  took 
his  chocolate  in  public  and  talked  with  the  company.  He 
then  returned  to  his  cabinet  and  gave  audiences  to  men  and 
women ;  after  which  he  went  to  the  Duchesse  d'Orl^ans,  or 
the  Council  of  Regency,  and  always  to  the  king,  whom  he 
approached  and  addressed  and  quitted  with  hows  and  an  air 
of  respect,  which  pleased  the  little  king  and  taught  manners 
to  those  about  him.  After  the  Council,  that  is,  about  five 
o'clock,  there  was  no  further  question  of  business.  He  went 
either  to  the  Opera  or  the  Luxembourg,  or  to  the  Duchesse 
d'Orl(^ans,  or  out  by  the  back  way ;  or  else  he  received  his 
company  by  the  same  way.  In  summer  he  drove  to  Saint- 
Cloud  and  other  country-places ;  if  Madame  was  in  Paris  he 
saw  her  a  moment  before  his  mass,  and  when  she  was  at 
Saint-Cloud  he  went  to  see  her  and  always  paid  her  great 
attention  and  respect. 

His  suppers  were  in  very  strange  company,  —  that  of  his 
mistresses,  sometimes  an  opera-girl,  often  the  Duchesse  de 
Berry  and  a  dozen  men,  first  one  set,  then  others,  whom  he 
never  called  otherwise  than  his  roues,  together  with  certain 
ladies  of  medium  virtue  but  belonging  to  the  great  world, 
and  a  few  obscure  persons,  obscure  as  to  name,  but  brilHant 


for  their  mind  or  their  debauchery.  The  exquisite  food 
served  was  cooked  in  places  arranged  for  the  purpose  ex- 
pressly on  the  same  floor,  and  always  with  silver  utensils ; 
the  company  lending  a  hand  quite  often  to  the  cooks.  At 
these  suppers  everything  and  everybody  was  reviewed  —  min- 
isters and  favourites  as  much  as  the  rest  —  with  a  freedom 
which  was  really  unbridled  license.  Gallantries  past  and 
present  of  the  Court,  old  gossip,  disputes,  jokes,  sarcasms  — 
no  person  and  no  thing  was  spared.  The  Due  d'Orleans  held 
up  his  corner  with  the  rest ;  but  it  is  also  true  that  it  was 
very  seldom  indeed  that  any  of  these  tales  made  the  slightest 
impression  upon  him.  The  company  drank,  grew  heated,  and 
said  vile  things  at  the  tops  of  their  voices,  rivalhng  one 
another  in  impious  remarks,  and  when  they  had  made  a  vast 
deal  of  noise  and  were  dead  drunk  they  went  to  bed  and 
began  it  all  over  again  the  next  day.  The  moment  the  hour 
came  for  these  suppers  to  begin,  all  was  so  barricaded  against 
the  outside  world  that  no  affair  could  enter,  and  it  was  use- 
less to  try  to  reach  the  regent.  I  am  not  speaking  only  of 
private  matters,  but  of  those  most  vitally  important  to  the 
State  and  his  own  person ;  and  this  embargo  lasted  till  the 
next  morning. 

One  thing  was  very  extraordinary  about  the  regent: 
neither  his  mistresses,  nor  the  Duchesse  de  Beny,  nor  his 
roues,  even  in  his  drunken  moments,  ever  learned  anything 
from  him,  whether  of  much  or  of  little  importance,  about 
the  government  and  public  matters.  He  hved  openly  with 
Mme.  de  Parab^re,  and  was  living  at  the  same  time  with 
others  ;  he  amused  himself  with  the  jealousy  and  spite  of 
these  women ;  but  he  was  none  the  less  on  good  terms  with 
all  of  them,  and  the  scandal  of  this  public  harem,  and  that 
of  the  filth  and  impiety  of  his  nightly  suppers  was  extreme, 
and  spread  everywhere, 

54  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  ii. 

Lent  had  begun,  and  I  foresaw  a  dreadful  stigma  or  else  a  hor- 
rible sacrilege  at  Easter  which  would  only  increase  the  already 
Religious  enor-  terrible  scandal.  It  was  this  that  made  me 
™'*'"-  resolve  to  speak  to  the  Due  d'0rl(5ans,  though 

I  had  long  kept  silence  as  to  his  debaucheries,  having  lost  all 
hope  about  them.  I  told  him,  therefore,  that  the  straits 
where  Easter  would  place  him  seemed  to  me  so  terrible  as 
regarded  God,  so  grievous  in  regard  to  the  world,  which  likes 
to  do  evil  itself  but  thinks  it  bad  in  others,  especially  in  its 
masters,  tliat,  against  my  resolutions,  I  could  not  abstain 
from  representing  to  him  the  consequences.  He  listened 
patiently,  and  asked  what  I  wished  to  propose  to  him.  I 
told  him  it  was  only  an  expedient,  which  would  not  remove 
the  scandal,  but  lessen  it  and  prevent  an  excess  of  indigna- 
tion which  he  must  otherwise  expect.  It  was  simply  to  go 
and  pass  at  his  country-house  at  Villers-Cotterets  the  five 
last  days  of  Holy  Week,  and  Easter  Sunday  and  Monday ; 
to  take  with  him  no  ladies  or  roues,  but  half  a  dozen  persons 
whom  he  liked,  of  good  reputation,  with  whom  to  talk  and 
amuse  himself ;  to  eat  maigre,  in  which  he  could  have  just 
as  good  eating  as  in  gras ;  not  to  talk  loosely  at  table,  or 
sit  there  too  long ;  to  go  to  service  on  Good  Friday  and  to 
high-mass  on  Easter-Sunday ;  and  that  was  all  I  asked  of 
him.  He  took  the  advice  in  good  part ;  in  fact,  it  comforted 
him,  for  he  did  not  know  what  I  might  propose  ;  he  thanked 
me  for  having  thought  of  the  expedient,  and  was  really  per- 
suaded that  the  trip  was  wise  and  that  he  ought  to  make  it. 
The  misery  was  that  the  good  he  resolved  upon  was  so 
seldom  executed,  because  of  the  scoundrels  with  whom  he 
surrounded  himself.  This  was  just  what  happened  now. 
At  the  first  word  he  uttered  about  it  his  mistresses  and 
roues  took  alarm,  and  the  worthy  group  so  worked  on  his 
facile  nature  that  the  trip  was  abandoned.     When  I  took 


leave  of  him  to  go  to  my  own  estate  I  conjured  him  to 
restrain  himself  on  the  four  holy  days,  namely,  Thursday, 
Friday,  Saturday,  and  Sunday ;  and  above  all  things,  not  to 
commit  the  gratmtous  sacrilege  of  taking  the  sacrament, 
which  would  injure  him  more  with  the  world  which  he  ex- 
pected to  conciliate  than  his  abstention,  because  his  life  would 
soon  and  very  publicly  give  the  lie  to  it. 

Thereupon  I  went  off  to  La  Fertd,  hoping  to  have,  at  least, 
warded  off  the  worst.  I  had  the  grief  to  learn  that  after 
passing  the  last  days  of  Holy  Week  worse  than  equivocally, 
though  with  more  concealment  than  usual,  he  had  been  to 
nearly  all  the  frmctions  of  those  days,  and  on  Easter-Sunday 
had  heard  high  mass  at  Sainte-Eustache,  his  parish  church 
where  with  great  pomp  and  ceremony  he  had  taken  the 
sacrament.  Alas  !  it  was  the  last  communion  of  this  un- 
happy prince ;  and  it  resulted,  as  regards  the  world,  precisely 
as  I  had  warned  him.  Let  us  leave  so  sad  a  matter  and 
turn  to  those  that  were  happening  elsewhere. 

We  have  seen  the  beginning  of  the  Scotch  project,  the 
secret  journey  of  the  Pretender  to  embark  in  Bretagne  and. 
Cabal  which  ^^  Bscapc  from  the  assassins  of  Stair.     This 

reTe^t'lo  Eng!  projcct  had  bccu  rcsolvcd  upon  with  the  late 
'and.  king  and  with  the  King  of  Spain,  who  agreed 

between  them  to  pay  the  costs.  The  death  of  Louis  XIV. 
was  therefore,  from  this  point  of  view,  one  of  the  greatest 
misfortunes  of  James  III.  The  memory  of  the  king  was 
still  too  recent  at  the  time  of  this  secret  journey  for  France 
to  seem  to  have  changed  in  sentiment.  He  was  therefore 
allowed  to  go  on,  but  without  the  intention  of  giviner  him 

O  ^  Oft 

any  help,  unless  encouraged  to  do  so  by  a  sudden  revolution 
in  Great  Britain.  I,  myself,  was  thoroughly  Jacobite,  and 
fully  persuaded  that  the  interest  of  France  was  to  give 
England  a  long-protracted  domestic  occupation,  wliich  should 

66  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ii. 

put  her  out  of  condition  to  think  of  foreign  affairs  and  of 
encroaching  upon  the  commerce  of  S]3ain  and  our  own. 
Nor  had  we  a  less  interest  in  keeping  out  of  relations  with 
the  King  of  England,  who  by  his  States  and  his  interests  in 
Germany  was  more  German  than  English,  and  always  in 
fear  and  in  leading  strings  and,  as  much  as  he  could  be,  in 
union  with  the  emperor. 

Thinking  as  I  did  about  England,  I  could  not  like  an 
alHance  with  his  ambassador,  which  a  triumvirate  formed  of 
Noailles,  Canillac,  and  the  Abbd  Dubois,  seeking  to  turn  the 
regent  toward  King  George,  pressed  upon  the  former  by  an 
arugment  that  was  purely  selfish,  consequently  detestable, 
namely:  that  King  George  was  a  usurper  of  the  crown  of 
Great  Britain,  and,  if  any  misfortune  happened  to  the  young 
king,  the  Due  d'Orldans  would  be  the  usurper  of  the  crown 
of  France ;  consequently,  the  same  interest  was  in  both,  and 
this  was  a  reason  to  cultivate  each  other,  and  so  guarantee 
their  mutual  crowns  and  avoid  any  step  which  should  part 
them  from  this  one  grand  object ;  whereby,  they  added,  the 
French  prince  gained  all  that  could  insure  his  hopes,  while 
the  Enghsh  king,  being  in  possession,  gained  almost  nothing. 
Moreover,  they  added,  the  latter  had  to  do  with  a  Pretender 
without  friends  or  help,  while  the  Due  d'Orldans,  should  the 
case  occur,  would  have  as  competitor  the  powerful  King  of 
Spain,  a  country  conjoined  to  the  coasts  of  France  by  sea 
and  land. 

The  Due  d'OrMans  swallowed  this  poison,  offered  with 
great  adroitness  by  persons  on  whose  intelhgence,  capacity. 
The  Due  and  personal  attachment  he  believed  he  ought 

d'Orleans  never        ^^    ^^^^^    ^^^^    ^j^^    prOVCd    tO    Hm    iu    the    Cud 
desired  the  '  ■•■ 

crown.  that  their  mtelKgence  was  unsound,  their  capa- 

city nought,  their  attachment  worthless  and  solely  concerned 
with  themselves.     The  prince  had  too  much  penetration  not 

1716]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  57 

to  perceive  the  trap ;  but  the  wonder  is  the  thing  that 
seduced  him,  namely :  the  tortuous  course  of  such  policy, 
and  not  in  the  least  the  desire  to  reign.  I  fully  expect  that 
if  these  Memoirs  ever  see  the  light,  this  statement  will 
create  a  laugh  and  discredit  my  other  statements,  and  make 
me  pass  for  a  great  fool,  if  I  expect  my  readers  to  beheve 
it ;  or  for  an  imbecile  if  I  beheve  it  myself.  Yet  such  is  the 
simple  truth ;  to  which  I  sacrifice  what  may  be  thought  of 
me.  However  incredible  it  may  appear,  it  is  true.  I  dare  to 
advance  the  opinion  that  there  are  many  such  truths  ignored 
in  histories,  which  would  amaze  the  world  could  they  only 
be  known,  and  which  are  unknown  solely  because  so  few 
histories  are  written  at  first  hand. 

I  repeat  it,  and  I  owe  it  to  the  truth  which  reigns  in  these 
Memoirs,  that  never  did  the  Due  d'Orldans  desii'e  the  crown ; 
he  desired  most  sincerely  the  king's  hfe ;  he  did  more,  he 
desired  that  he  should  reign  for  himself,  as  we  shall  see  in 
the  sequel.  Never  of  himself  did  he  think  of  the  king's  life 
failing,  nor  of  the  things  that  might  follow  that  misfortune, 
which  he  regarded  most  honestly  as  such,  and  as  a  misfor- 
tune for  himself  should  it  ever  occur.  The  most  that  he 
did  was  to  lend  an  ear  to  reflections  about  it  which  others 
presented ;  he  was  utterly  incapable  of  thinking  of  it  him- 
self or  of  the  measures  to  be  taken  should  that  contingency 
arrive.  I  do  not  say  that  if  it  an-ived  he  would  have 
abandoned  the  right  given  to  him  by  the  mutual  renun- 
ciations and  guaranteed  by  all  Europe  ;  but  I  do  say 
that  possession  of  the  crown  was  to  him  the  smallest  con- 
sideration in  that  phase  of  the  matter;  and  that  honour, 
courage,  and  his  own  safety  would  have  had  by  far  the 
largest  share.  I  say  again :  these  are  truths  which  my 
perfect  knowledge,  my  conscience,  and  my  honour  oblige 
me  to  report. 

58  MEMOIIIS  OF   THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  ii. 

The  regent  could  not  long  hide  from  me  the  strong  in- 
clination he  had  taken  towards  England.     1  approved  of  it 
np  to  a  certain   point,  to  preserve   the   peace 

I  urge  upon  the  ^  -,  ■  o     -r^  i  i 

regent  a  union       wliich  thc    cxhaustion    of   Jb  rancc  and  a  long 
with  Spain.  mmority  needed  so  sorely,  and  also  to  restrain 

the  too  dangerous  leaning  of  King  George  to  the  emperor. 
But  I  could  not  approve  of  any  dispositions  going  farther 
than  that.     I  repeated  to  the  regent  what  I  had  often  said 
to  him,  and  had  also  stated  more  than  once  before  the  Coun- 
cil of  Eegency,  namely,  that  the  essential  interest   of   the 
State  was  in  a  solid  and  unalterable  union  with  Spam.     I 
also  urged,  when  the  regent  and  I  were  tUc-tt-tUe  (as  we 
usually  were),  that  after  the  attack  upon  him  in  Spam,  and 
his  reconciliation  with  the  king,  together  with  his  personal 
position   in    relation   to   the    renunciations,   nothing   could 
turn   personally  more   to   his   good   or   more   to   his   harm 
in  France  and  throughout  all  Europe  than  to  treat  Spain  m 
the  manner  I  proposed  or  the  reverse.     I  dwelt  on  the  fact 
that   to   Eome  (which   in  those  days  was    still  the  centre 
of  affairs)  and  to  all  the  other  Courts  as  well,  the  inter- 
ests of  the  two  branches  of  the  house  of  Austria  had  never 
ceased  to  be  equally  strong,  even  to  the  domestic  and  inter- 
nal  affairs  of   the  empire;   that   nothing   could  touch   the 
one  that  the  other  did  not  incontinently  intervene,  as  was 
shown  in  aU  the  general  and  special  treaties,  so  that  the  rest 
of  Europe  had  long  given  up  wishing  to  disunite  them  and 
only  thought  now  of  protection  against  them.     I  told  him 
that  this  was  the  model  we  ought  to  follow  if  we  wished  to 
prosper  both  within  and  without  the  kmgdom,  and  so  raise 
ourselves  to  the  point  of  becommg  the  dictators  of  Europe, 
as  the  house  of  Austria  had  so  long  been,  — even  after  it  had 
tacitly  renounced  universal  sovereignty,  to  which  it  felt,  at 
last,  it  could  never  attain. 

1716]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  59 

I  entreated  the  regent  to  remember  that  the  true  enemies 
of  France  were  the  house  of  Austria  and  the  English ;  that 
the  knowledge  he  had  of  history  did  not  show  him  anything 
else  than  their  hatred  and  jealousy  of  the  sole  crown  that 
could  arrest  their  ambition ;  that  these  passions  had  taken 
a  fresh  increase  through  the  rivalry  of  Charles  V.  and 
FranQois  I.,  and  from  the  vain  efforts  of  Phihppe  II.,  in  the 
days  of  the  League;  and  since  then,  as  regarded  England, 
by  the  irreconcilable  hatred  of  the  late  king  for  the  Prince 
of  Orange,  the  effects  of  which  had  been  felt  throughout  all 
Europe,  and  by  the  protection  given  to  James  II.  and  his 
family,  and  the  recognition  of  James  III.,  in  spite  of  the 
solemn  engagements  of  the  Peace  of  Eyswick,  which  King 
Wilham,  dying  as  he  was,  had  made  use  of  to  unite  all 
Europe  against  France,  and  to  rouse  the  hatred  of  Enghsh- 
men  into  fury.  I  begged  him  to  consider  that  although  a 
cabal  of  women  at  the  Court  of  Queen  Anne  had  saved 
France  from  fatal  disaster  by  separating  England  from  her 
allies,  he  ought  to  see  that  the  treaties  of  peace  that  foUowed 
were  only  the  work  of  a  Court  cabal,  which  found  them  for 
its  own  interests,  in  spite  of  the  nation  and  even  against  the 
majority  of  the  Court. 

The  regent,  who  Ustened  to  me  with  great  attention,  had 
nothing  to. oppose  to  the  force  of  these  natural  arguments. 
He  agreed  to  the  principles  and  the  facts.  He  assured  me 
that  his  intention  was  to  ally  himself  as  much  as  he  could 
with  Spain ;  but  that  this  resolution  ought  not  to  be  allowed 
to  penetrate  the  mind  of  Spahi,  governed  as  it  was  by  an 
ambitious  queen  and  a  very  dangerous  minister  [Alberoni], 
who  could  turn  the  King  of  Spain  to  act  as  they  pleased, 
and  were  very  capable  of   abusing   this   knowledge.^     Still 

1  Saint-Simon's  record  of  the  Ilcgency  is  largely  made  up  of  the  history 
and  intrigues  of  the  Court  of  Spain ;  it  would  be  impossible  to  make  a 

60  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  ii. 

less  was  it  desii-able  to  show  this  resokition  to  England 
and  the  other  powers,  as  it  would  only  produce  a  coohiess 
towards  us,  redouble  their  jealousy  and  their  efforts  to  divide 
us  from  Spain,  and  convince  them  that  we  were  always 
considering  them  as  enemies.  He  went  on  to  say  that  such 
cautious  management  was  all  the  more  necessary  because, 
as  I  knew  very  well,  the  great  maxim  of  the  Court  of  Vienna, 
especially  since  the  Peace  of  Eyswick,  was  an  indissoluble 
alliance  with  the  maritime  powers,  like  that  already  formed 
by  King  William  between  England  and  Holland,  which  com- 
mercial jealousy  had  never  been  able  to  shake,  —  an  alliance 
which  the  emperor,  being  master  of  the  empire,  could  force 
to  take  up  arms  without  other  cause  than  his  will  and 
personal  interests. 

I  agreed  with  the  regent  as  to  the  solid  value  of  the 
precaution  he  proposed,  provided  it  was  only  a  precau- 
tion, and  that  he  would  agree  to  hold  to  the  maxims  I 
had  just  suggested.  He  assured  me  that  that  was  his  firm 
intention ;  and  the  conversation  finished  thus,  —  turning 
finally  on  the  mystery  and  caution  with  which  he  ought  to 
aid  the  Pretender,  now  landed  in  Scotland,  concealing  the 
help  he  gave  him  in  thickest  darkness,  unless  he  met  with 
some  unhoped-for  and  rapid  success.  Nevertheless,  the 
regent  had  not  the  strength  to  shake  off  that  pernicious 
idea  of  two  usurpers  which  had  been  inculcated  in  him,  nor 
to  resist  the  continual  talk  of  those  three  men,  who  in 
concert  with  one  another  —  sometimes  together,  sometimes 
separately  —  kept  always  at  him  and  put  constant  obstacles 
in  the  way  of  everything  that  did  not  suit  their  views  with 
regard  to  Stair  and  England.  I  often  had  bouts  with  the 
regent  about  it.     If  I  had  not  known  his  feebleness,  I  might 

clear  and  comprehensible  abridgment  of  them,  and  therefore  that  part  of 
the  Memoir  is  chiefly  omitted.  —  Tr. 

1716]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  61 

often  have  hoped  to  make  him  change  his  course ;  but  I 
was  only  one  against  three,  whose  successive  assiduity  easily 
knocked  over  all  that  I  said,  demonstrated,  and  even  con- 
vinced him  of ;  so  that  the  regent  was  invariably  hooked 
in  by  them  as  he  floated,  against  his  inclination.  He  in- 
demnified himself  for  this  by  jests  and  taunts  upon  them, 
to  which  Dubois  was  accustomed,  and  ISToailles  only  shook 
his  ears ;  but  Canillac's  pride  was  often  wounded.  The 
regent  let  him  sulk,  laughed,  and  presently  coaxed  him,  so 
much  had  that  man's  pompous  jargon  accustomed  the  regent 
to  consider  him. 

Stair  and  the  Nuncio  Bentivoglio  were  two  rascals,  who 

to   advance   their   own   fortunes  held  nothing    sacred,   and 

were    now    working    for    the    overthrow    of 

Rascality  of  " 

Stair  and  Francc ;  and  if  either   of  the  two   was   more 

Bentivoglio.  i  i       i 

corrupt,  blacker,  and  a  greater  scoundrel  than 
the  other,  it  was  Bentivoglio.  Both  were  public  impostors 
taken  almost  in  the  act,  and  so  well-known  and  dishonoured 
even  in  their  own  Courts  that  their  recall  could  not  have 
been  refused  if  asked  for  vigorously.  But  the  regent  kept 
these  firebrands  near  him  under  the  name  and  character  of 
Pope's  nuncio  and  English  ambassador,  —  the  two  greatest 
enemies  that  France  and  his  person  could  have  had.  We 
shall  see  a  few  traits  of  that  infamous  nuncio,  who  was  not 
ashamed  to  keep  an  opera  girl,  by  whom  he  had  two 
daughters,  so  publicly  known  as  such  that  they  went  by 
the  names  of  Unigenitus  and  Legend.  If  I  were  to  swell 
these  memoirs  with  the  details  of  what  passed  concerning 
the  bull  during  the  regency  and  the  nunciature  of  Bentivoglio 
it  is  not  employing  too  strong  a  term  to  say  —  and  say 
to  its  fullest  extent  —  that  the  reader's  hair  would  stand  on 
end  at  the  recital  of  the  daily  conduct  of  Bentivoglio.  He 
was  sustained  by  the  former  Bishop   of   Troyes,  who  had 

62  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  ii. 

thought  very  differently  in  other  days,  though  now  his 
friends  the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  the  Eohans,  and  others  of 
the  cabal  had  turned  him  round,  he  supposing  it  made  him 
more  in  the  fashion  on  one  side,  and  more  important  on  the 

This  party,  immediately  after  the  death  of  the  king,  had 
endeavoured  to  win  me  over,  or  at  any  rate  not  to  have  me 
The  party  of  the  agaiust  them.  They  were  not  ignorant  of  my 
unigenitus  make    ge^timonts  through  Pfere  Tellier,  from  whom  I 

me  an  odious  " 

proposition.  had  never  hidden  them.     Cardinal   de  Bissy, 

and,  some  time  after,  the  Prmce  and  the  Cardinal  de  Eohan, 
both  together,  talked  to  me.  I  replied,  civilly  and  modestly, 
that  I  was  not  a  bishop,  neither  was  I  learned  or  a  theo- 
logian ;  and  on  that  line  I  beat  a  retreat.  It  did  not  satisfy 
them.  The  Due  de  La  Force,  who  was  devoted  to  the  Jesuits 
from  the  time  of  his  conversion,  was  despatched  to  me  to 
make  a  last  effort.  For  myself,  I  should  have  raised  no 
standard  in  this  affair.  I  restrained  myself  within  the  bounds 
that  were  proper  to  a  man  who  could  speak  and  give  his  opin- 
ion in  the  Council  of  Eegency,  or  in  private  to  the  regent ; 
but  they  knew,  from  the  days  of  the  late  king,  what  they 
could  count  on  as  to  me,  and  they  were  alarmed  by  my  in- 
timacy with  Cardinal  de  Noailles.  La  Force  argued  with  me 
on  the  grounds  of  the  matter.  He  knew,  and  expressed  very 
well  what  he  knew ;  but  as  policy  was  his  religion,  and  in 
order  to  convince  me  he  had  to  be  convinced  himself,  it 
is  no  wonder  that  he  did  not  succeed. 

At  an  end,  finally,  of  his  reasons  and  reasonings,  he  began 
upon  the  regent's  interest,  present  and  future,  implicating 
Eome,  the  Jesuits,  and  most  of  the  bishops,  and  spread  him- 
self upon  that.  But  as  politics  and  self-interest  can  never 
take  the  place  of  religion  and  truth,  his  policy  was  as  vain 
with  me  as  his  doctrine.     Not  knowing  what  to  do  further, 

1716]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  63 

lie  came  at  last  to  the  argument  ad  hominem,  from  which,  as 
I  heard  afterwards,  he  and  those  whom  he  served  hoped 
much.  He  said  he  must  own  to  me  that  he  did  not  under- 
stand me,  and  that  he  could  not  reconcile  my  opinions  with 
my  conduct;  that  I  was  openly  the  enemy  of  the  Due  de 
JSToailles,  never  sparing  him  and  never  being  moved  by  all  he 
did  to  soften  me  ;  that  I  even  piqued  myself  upon  this ;  that 
I  ran  a  tilt  against  him  at  every  meeting  of  the  Council  of 
Eegency  and  wherever  else  I  met  him  ;  but  that  while  I  did 
not  hide  my  desire  to  ruin  him  I  neglected  the  sure  and  cer- 
tain means  I  had  in  hand,  and  contmued  to  be  the  friend  and 
supporter  of  the  Cardinal  de  Noailles.  I  asked  La  Force 
what  was  this  sure  and  certain  means  that  I  had  of  destroy- 
ing the  Due  de  Noailles,  and  assured  him  that  he  would  do 
me  the  greatest  pleasure  if  he  would  tell  me.  "  Destroy  his 
uncle,"  he  repKed.  "  You  can  do  it  by  simply  supporting  the 
other  side.  The  uncle  lost,  the  nephew  necessarily  falls  with 
him,  and  you  are  avenged."  Horror  made  the  blood  rush  into 
my  face.  "  Monsieur,"  I  said  angrily,  "  is  that  how  matters 
of  religion  are  treated  ?  Convince  yourself  once  for  all,  and 
tell  it  flatly  to  your  friends,  that  however  certain  I  might  be 
of  causins;  the  total  and  irrevocable  fall  of  the  Due  de  Noailles 
by  pulhng  a  single  hair  from  the  head  of  his  uncle,  he  would 
Hve  in  safety  from  me.  No,  monsieur,"  I  added  with  mdig- 
nation,  "I  admit  that  there  is  nothing  honourable  that  I 
would  not  do  to  crush  the  Due  de  Noailles,  but  he  may 
live  and  reign  two  thousand  years  before  I  would  kill  him 
through  the  body  of  the  cardinal."  La  Force  seemed  con- 
founded, and  after  that  answer  he  never  tried  to  persuade 
me  again.  I  never  told  this  to  the  Cardinal  de  Noailles,  or 
to  any  one  who  might  repeat  it  to  him. 

The  Duchesse  de  Berry,  who  lived  in  the  manner  I  have 
already  explained,  chose  apparently  to  spend  the  summer 

64  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  n. 

nights  in  the  garden  of  the  Luxembourg  in  perfect  liberty. 
Accordingly  she  had  all  the  gates  walled  up,  and  kept  none 
The  Duchesse  de  opcu,  except  that  of  the  iron  railing  at  the 
Berry  walls  up       ^  ^^   ^^   ^j^^   stalrcase  in   the   middle   of   the 

the  garden  of  the 

Luxembourg.  palacc.  This  garden,  public  at  all  times,  was 
the  resort  of  the  entire  faubourg  of  Saint-Germain,  which  was 
thus  deprived  of  it.  M.  le  Due  immediately  threw  open  the 
gardens  of  the  hotel  de  Cond(5  and  made  them  public,  for  a 
contrast.  The  uproar  was  great,  and  the  remarks  unreserved 
as  to  the  reasons  for  this  closure.  The  princess  was  also 
much  annoyed  at  having  to  wear  mourning.  The  merchants 
of  stuffs  seized  the  moment  to  induce  her  to  ask  the  regent 
to  shorten  the  regulated  periods  of  mourning,  which  he  did 
with  his  usual  persuadability,  so  that  now  such  garments  are 
scarcely  worn  for  the  nearest  relatives,  and  may  be  worn  for 
those  who  are  not  relations  at  all,  with  the  utmost  inde- 
cency. But,  as  the  bad  always  lasts  longer  than  good,  this 
shorteninfT  of  mourning  is  the  one  sole  regulation  of  the 
regency  which  exists  in  the  present  day. 


Pakliament  persisted  in  opposing  two  of  the  regent's 
edicts :  namely,  those  of  erecting  the  two  offices  of  grand- 
„   ,.  master  of  posts  and  superintendent  of  build- 

Parliament  -^  •*■ 

opposes  the  edicts   ings.     They  pretended  that,  these  offices  hav- 

of  the  regent.  .  ,  t  t         i 

mg  been  suppressed,  and  the  suppression 
enregistered  with  a  clause  that  they  should  not  be  re-estab- 
lished, they  were  forced  to  reject  them.  It  was  not  that  the 
matter  was  of  interest  to  themselves  or  to  the  people,  nor  yet 
to  the  State ;  but  this  assembly  wanted  to  figure,  to  make 
itself  of  importance,  to  be  reckoned  with ;  and  it  could  only 
do  this  by  fighting  and  by  dehberate  opposition,  for  which 
it  lost  no  occasion.  It  had  sounded  the  regent  and  then 
fathomed  him ;  his  weakness  assured  it  of  success.  He  was 
surrounded  by  enemies  who  kept  him,  in  a  way,  in  awe  of 
them,  and  who,  with  far  less  muid  and  knowledge  than  him- 
self, deceived  and  fooled  him,  they  being  allied  with  the  par- 
liament, which,  in  turn,  had  the  bastards  with  it,  and  held 
the  princes  of  the  blood  in  check.  These  enemies  were :  the 
Mardchal  de  Villeroy,  whose  head  had  been  turned  by  hear- 
ing conversations  about  the  Memoirs  of  Cardinal  de  Eetz 
and  Joly,  which  were  then  extremely  in  vogue,  and  who 
wanted  to  be  another  Due  de  Beaufort,  leader  of  the  Fronde, 
king  of  the  hcdles  and  of  Paris,  the  supporter  of  parliament ; 
d'Effiat,  friend  of  Villeroy  and  the  Due  du  Maine,  who  had 
long  ago  sold  his  master  and  found  it  profitable  to  negotiate 
between  liim  and  parhament;  P>esons,  a  dull  fool,  though 
marslial   of    France,   who  had  put  himself  under  d'Effiat's 

VOL.  IV. 5 

66  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  in. 

tutelage ;  Canillac ;  Noailles,  of  whom  the  regent  was  in 
mortal  terror  as  to  his  management  of  the  finances,  and  who 
was  delighted  to  take  part  in  the  negotiations  with  parlia- 
ment, and  see  troubles  arise  that  would  make  him  necessaiy ; 
Huxelles,  the  intimate  friend  of  the  president,  whose  theme 
with  the  regent  was  the  necessity  of  a  good  understanding 
with  parUament  in  order  to  restrain  it  in  ail  matters  relating 
to  the  bull  and  Eome ;  and  finally,  Broghe,  Noc^,  and  other 
little  fellows,  taught  by  the  rest,  or  by  their  own  intimates, 
to  shp  in  their  word  d,  propos.  Thus,  first  on  one  matter,  then 
on  another,  the  struggle  increased,  strengthened  itself,  grew 
heated,  and  finally  brought  things,  as  we  shall  see,  to  the 
edge  of  the  precipice. 

I  had  talked  against  all  this  with  an  infinite  number  of 
arguments  ;  the  weakness  and  fears  of  the  regent  set  them- 
selves up  against  all  that  I  could  say  to  him.  In  the  end,  I 
declared  to  him  that  I  washed  my  hands  of  what  would 
happen  to  him  through  the  misery  of  his  conduct  with  par- 
liament, the  audacity  of  the  performances  of  that  body,  the 
rascality  of  the  men  who  surroimded  him,  who  had  flung 
their  grapnel  on  him,  and  whom  he  was  loading  with  kind- 
ness, confidence,  and  favours,  while  they  were  selling  him  to 
their  own  interests  and  views,  and  to  the  parhament.  I 
added  that  I  would  never  again,  in  all  my  hfe,  speak  to  him 
of  anything  relating  to  the  parliament ;  but  I  predicted,  and 
begged  him  to  remember  it,  that  he  would  not  go  far  before 
matters  reached  a  point  between  him  and  that  body  at  which 
he  would  find  himself  forced  either  to  yield  all  authority  to 
it,  and  all  exercise  of  the  regency,  or  have  recourse  to  violent 
measures  that  were  dangerous.  I  kept  my  word;  and  we 
shall  see  by  and  by  what  happened. 

He  had  at  that  time  a  matter  to  bring  forward  which  all 
these  men  were  using  to  make  him  docile  towards  parliament. 

1716]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  67 

A  Scotchman,  of  I  know  not  what  station,  a  great  gamester 

and  a  great  combiner,  who  had  won  immensely  in  all  the 

Law,  called  Lass ;  countries  hc  had  visited,  came  to  France  in 
his  bank.  ^i^Q  j,^g|.  jjjQ^ti^s  ()f  ^i^g  lo^^Q  kmg's  rclgn.     His 

name  was  Law ;  but  after  he  became  well  known  people  were 
so  accustomed  to  call  him  Lass  that  his  real  name  of  Law 
disappeared.  Some  one  spoke  of  him  to  the  Due  d'Orldans  as  a 
man  profoundly  versed  in  matters  of  banking,  commerce,  the 
movement  of  money,  currency,  and  finances.  This  gave  the 
prince  a  desire  to  see  him.  He  received  him  several  times, 
and  was  so  pleased  that  he  spoke  of  him  to  Desmarets  (then 
minister  of  finance)  as  a  man  from  whom  he  could  get  ideas  ; 
and  I  remember  that  he  often  talked  of  him  to  me  at  that 
time.  Desmarets  sent  for  Law,  who  was  with  him  a  long 
while  on  various  occasions ;  but  I  never  knew  what  passed 
between  them  or  what  resulted  from  these  interviews,  ex- 
cept that  Desmarets  was  pleased  and  felt  some  esteem  for 

At  that  time  the  Due  d'Orleans  only  saw  him  now  and 
then ;  but  after  the  first  opening  of  affairs  on  the  death  of  the 
king  was  over.  Law,  who  had  made  acquaintance  with  the  sub- 
ordinates of  the  Palais-Eoyal  and  some  alliance  with  the  Abb^ 
Dubois,  presented  himself  again  before  the  Due  d'Orldans, 
and  soon  after  saw  him  in  private  and  proposed  to  him  his 
financial  scheme.  The  regent  made  him  work  with  the  Due 
de  Noailles,  Ilouilld,  and  Amelot,  the  latter  on  the  question 
of  commerce.  The  first  two  were  afraid  of  an  intruder  put 
by  the  hand  of  the  regent  into  their  administration,  so  that 
he  was  long  bandied  from  pillar  to  post,  though  always  sup- 
ported by  the  regent.  In  the  end,  the  idea  of  the  bank 
project  became  so  pleasing  to  the  prince  that  he  resolved  to 
carry  it  out.  He  spoke  privately  to  all  the  leading  men  of 
finance,  in  whom  he  found  great  opposition.     He  had  often 

68  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  in, 

talked  to  me  about  it,  and  I  had  contented  myself  with 
simj)ly  listening  to  a  matter  that  I  have  never  hked  and  con- 
sequently never  understood;  the  accomphshment  of  which, 
moreover,  seemed  to  me  very  far  off.  When  the  regent  had 
fully  made  up  his  mind,  he  called  an  assembly  of  financial 
and  commercial  leaders,  at  which  Law  explained  the  whole 
plan  of  the  bank  which  he  proposed  to  estabhsh.  He  was 
listened  to  as  much  as  he  wished.  Some,  who  saw  that  the 
regent  had  almost  determined  on  the  scheme  acquiesced; 
but  the  greater  number  opposed  it.^ 

1  Extract  from  the  minutes  of  this  meeting,  held  Oct.  24,  1715,  for  tlie 
institution  of  the  Bank  of  Law :  "  The  idea  of  this  bank  is  to  transfer 
all  the  revenues  of  the  king  to  the  bank ;  to  give  the  receivers  and  farm- 
ers-general notes  of  ten  crowns,  a  hundred  crowns,  a  thousand  crowns  of 
the  weight  and  standard  coin  of  the  present  day ;  which  shall  be  called 
hank-hills;  the  said  bills  shall  be  conveyed  by  the  said  receivers  and 
farmers-general  to  the  royal  treasury,  winch  shall  return  to  them  nego- 
tiable receipts  [quittances  comptables].  All  those  to  whom  payments  are 
due  by  the  king  will  receive  at  the  royal  treasury  only  bank  bills,  the 
value  of  which  they  can  immediately  go  to  the  bank  and  receive,  no  one 
being  forced  to  keep  them  or  to  receive  them  in  commerce ;  but  the  Sieur 
Lass  asserts  that  tlie  convenience  will  be  such  that  every  one  will  be 
charmed  to  have  these  bank  bills  rather  than  money,  because  of  the  facil- 
ity of  making  payments  in  paper,  and  the  certainty  of  receiving  the  value 
whenever  they  wish.  He  adds  that  it  will  be  impossible  ever  to  have 
more  bills  than  money,  because  the  bills  will  only  be  made  pro  rata  to 
coin ;  and  by  tliis  means  all  costs  of  remittance,  the  danger  of  convey- 
ances, the  multiplicity  of  clerks,  etc.,  will  be  avoided." 

After  opinions  had  been  given  by  all  present  the  regent  said  that 
"  he  liad  come  there  persuaded  that  the  bank  ought  to  be  established ; 
but,  after  the  opinions  he  had  just  heard,  he  agreed  wliolly  with  that 
of  M.  le  Due  de  Noailles  ;  and  it  would  be  announced  to  every  one  that 
same  day  that  the  bank  would  not  be  carried  out." 

John  Law  was  born  in  Edinburgh  in  April,  1671.  Through  his, 
Jane  Campbell,  he  belonged  to  the  family  of  the  Dukes  of  Argyll.  His 
father  was  a  rich  banker  in  Edinburgh  and  possessed  the  manorial  estates 
of  Lauriston  and  Randlestone.  The  above  statement  of  tlie  banking  sys- 
tem does  not  fully  set  forth  John  Law's  theory,  winch  was  "  to  base  paper 
money  on  some  other  article  of  value  tlian  specie,  and  not  redeemable  in 
specie,  but  which  shnll  maintain  an  equality  in  value  with  specie;"  and 
also  "  that  a  commodity  may  be  purchased  and  its  price   be  retained." 

1716]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  69 

Law  was  not  disheartened.  People  talked  a  little  French 
under  their  breaths ;  the  same  assembly  was  called  again, 
and,  in  presence  of  the  regent,  Law  again  explained  his  proj- 
ect. This  time  there  were  few  to  oppose  him,  and  those  few 
feebly.  The  Due  de  Noailles  dared  not  hold  to  his  opinion, 
as  he  was  urged  to  do  by  the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  who 
always  wanted  to  thwart  the  regent  and  had  no  other  reason, 
for  he  knew  nothing  about  finances  or  anything  else ;  in 
consequence  of  which  he  usually  gave  his  vote  in  council  in 
two  words,  or  if,  very  rarely,  he  had  to  say  more  he  brought 
his  opinion  on  a  little  sheet  of  paper,  and  when  it  was  his 
turn  to  speak  he  would  put  on  his  spectacles  and  read  off 
hastily  the  five  or  six  lines  he  had  written.  I  never  saw 
him  explain  his  opinion  in  any  other  way ;  and  in  this  way 
not  more  than  four  or  five  times  at  most.  The  bank  was 
thus  approved,  and  it  now  became  necessary  to  propose  it  to 
the  Coimcil  of  Eegency. 

The  regent  took  the  trouble  to  explain  the  matter  in  pri- 
vate to  every  member  of  the  Council  and  to  let  him  gently 
understand  that  he  wished  the  bank  to  pass  without  opposi- 
tion. He  talked  it  out  with  me  fully ;  and  I  was  forced  to 
reply.  I  told  him  that  I  did  not  conceal  my  ignorance  or 
my  distaste  for  financial  matters ;  yet  all  that  he  had  now 
explained  seemed  to  me  good  in  itself,  in  so  far  that  without 
levy,  without  costs,  and  without  causing  harm  or  embarrass- 
ment to  any  one,  money  could  suddenly  be  doubled  by  the 
bills  of  this  bank,  and  become  portable  with  great  ease  ;  but 
that  I  saw  two  drawbacks  to  that  advantage :  first,  to  govern 

This  theory  had  already  been  rejected  by  the  Scotch  parliament.  The 
speculation  of  tlie  Mississippi,  by  which  he  ruined  himself  and  France  was 
only  an  incidental  circumstance  in  his  career,  at  the  close  of  it.  See 
"  Kechcrclies  Ilistoriquos  sur  lo  S^'steme  de  Law,"  par  M.  Lovassour;  and 
"  Histoire  du  systeme  de  finances  pendant  les  annc'cs  1719  et  1720,"  par 
Duhautchamp.  —  Tu. 

70  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  m. 

the  bank  with  enough  foresight  and  wisdom  not  to  make 
more  bills  than  they  ought,  in  order  to  be  always  above  their 
resources  and  so  be  able  to  boldly  face  all  contingencies  and 
pay  coin  to  every  one  who  might  ask  it  for  the  bills  they 
brought ;  second,  that  what  was  excellent  in  a  republic,  or 
in  a  monarchy  where  finance  is  wholly  popular  as  it  is  in 
England,  became  dangerous  in  an  absolute  monarchy  like 
that  of  France,  where  the  necessities  of  war  ill-undertaken 
and  ill-sustained,  the  rapacity  of  ministers,  favourites,  mis- 
tresses, the  luxury,  extravagant  expenditure,  and  prodigahty 
of  a  king  might  soon  exhaust  a  bank,  ruin  the  holders  of 
bills,  and  overthrow  the  kingdom.  The  Due  d'Orldans  agreed 
to  all  this  but  insisted  that  a  king  would  have  so  great  and 
essential  an  interest  in  never  injuring,  or  letting  minister, 
favourite,  or  mistress  injure  the  bank  that  this  great  danger 
need  never  be  feared.  On  that  point  we  disputed  long  with- 
out in  the  least  convincing  each  other,  so  that  when,  a  few 
days  later,  he  proposed  the  bank  to  the  Council  of  Regency, 
I  gave  my  opinion  as  I  have  now  explained  it,  but  with  more 
force  and  at  greater  length ;  and  I  concluded  by  voting  to 
reject  the  bank  as  a  fatal  temptation  in  an  absolute  mon- 
archy, although  in  a  free  country  it  might  be  a  very  good  and 
wise  establishment. 

Few  present  dared  to  be  of  that  opinion ;  the  bank  was 
adopted.  The  Due  d'Orleans  made  me  some  few  reproaches, 
but  gently,  for  having  said  so  much.  I  excused  myself  on 
the  duty  that  I  owed  to  my  honour  and  conscience  to  give 
my  opinion  according  to  my  conviction,  after  having  thought 
it  over  thoroughly ;  and  also  to  explain  myself  sufficiently 
to  make  my  opinion  clear,  as  well  as  my  reasons  for  hold- 
ing it.  Immediately  after,  the  edict  was  enregistered  by 
parliament  without  difficulty  [May  2,  1716]  ;  that  assem- 
bly being  willing  occasionalh^  to  oblige  the  regent  with  a 

1716]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  71 

good  grace,  in  order  to  stiffen  itself  against  him  later  more 

Some  time  later  (to  relate  the  matter  consecutively),  the 
Due  d'Orldans  wished  me  to  see  Law  and  let  him  explain  to 
The  regent  puts  me  liis  plaus  ;  lie  asked  it  as  a  kindness.  I 
me  m  communi-     excuscd  mvself  as  best  I  could ;   but   several 

cation  with  Law,  '' 

against  my  will,  timcs  tlic  rcgcut  rctumcd  to  the  charge,  and 
finally  exacted  it.  Accordingly,  Law  came  to  see  me.  With 
much  that  was  foreign  in  his  behaviour,  his  expressions  and 
his  accent,  he  explained  himself  in  very  good  terms,  with 
great  clearness  and  precision.  He  talked  to  me  long  about 
his  bank,  which  was  really  an  excellent  thing  in  itself,  but 
for  another  country  than  France,  and  with  a  prince  less  facile 
than  the  regent.  Law  had  no  other  solution  to  give  me  of 
my  two  objections  than  those  the  regent  had  already  given, 
which  did  not  satisfy  me.  But  as  the  thing  was  done,  and 
the  question  now  was  how  to  govern  it,  it  was  principally  on 
that  point  that  our  conversation  turned.  I  made  him  feel,  as 
much  as  I  could,  the  importance  of  not  showing  too  much 
accommodation,  lest  it  be  taken  advantage  of  with  a  regent 
so  kind,  facile,  open  to  influence,  and  so  environed.  I 
masked  as  best  I  could  what  I  wanted  him  to  understand  as 
to  that,  and  I  dwelt  on  the  necessity  of  his  holding  himself 
ever  ready  to  face,  instantly,  every  holder  of  bank-bills  who 
might  ask  for  payment;  on  which  readiness  depended  the 
credit  or  the  overthrow  of  the  bank.  On  taking  leave  Law 
begged  me  to  be  willing  to  receive  him  occasionally,  and  we 
parted  well  satisfied  with  each  other,  at  which  the  regent  was 
more  satisfied  still. 

Law  came  several  times  to  see  me,  and  showed  a  strong 
desire  to  ally  himself  with  me.  I  kept  to  mere  civilities  ; 
because  finance  cannot  enter  my  head,  and  I  regarded  our 
conversations  as  so  much  lost  time.     Some  time  later,  the 

72  MEMOIKS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  hi. 

regent,  who  often  spoke  to  me  of  Law  with  very  great  hkincr, 
said  that  he  had  a  kindness  to  ask,  and  even  to  exact  of  me ; 
it  was  that  I  would  receive  a  visit  from  Law  regularly  once 
a  week.  I  represented  to  him  the  perfect  uselessness  of  such 
interviews,  in  which  I  was  incapable  of  learning  anything, 
and  still  more  of  enhghtening  Law  about  matters  of  which 
he  knew  all  and  I  knew  nothing.  1  excused  myself  in  vain ; 
the  regent  was  determined,  and  I  had  to  obey.  Law,  in- 
formed by  him,  came  to  me,  and  owned  with  good  grace 
that  he  had  asked  this  favour  of  the  regent,  not  venturing 
to  ask  it  of  me.  This  visit  was  prehminary.  The  following 
Tuesday  he  came,  and  continued  to  do  so  punctually  on  that 
day  until  his  insolvency.  One  hour  and  a  haK,  often  two 
hours  was  the  usual  length  of  our  conversations.  He  always 
took  care  to  inform  me  of  the  favour  his  bank  received  in 
France,  and  in  foreign  countries,  of  his  proceeds,  his  pros- 
pects and  his  conduct,  of  the  counteraction  he  met  with  from 
leaders  in  finance  and  in  the  magistracy,  of  his  motives, 
and,  above  all,  of  his  balance-sheet,  in  order  to  con\ince  me 
that  he  was  more  than  in  a  condition  to  meet  all  holders  of 
bills,  no  matter  what  sums  they  might  demand. 

I  soon  knew  that  if  Law  desired  these  regular  interviews 
it  was  not  that  he  expected  to  make  me  an  able  financier ; 
but  as  a  man  of  intelligence,  and  he  had  plenty  of  it,  he 
wanted  access  to  a  servdtor  of  the  regent  who  was  more 
than  all  others  truly  in  his  confidence,  and  one  who  had  long 
been  accustomed  to  speak  to  him  of  everything  with  the  ut- 
most frankness  and  the  most  entire  liberty  ;  he  was  seeking 
by  this  frequent  intercourse  to  win  my  friendship,  and  learn 
from  me  the  intrinsic  quality  of  those  surrounding  the  regent, 
whom  he  could  only  judge  by  the  outside ;  and  httle  by 
little  get  counsel  from  me  on  the  obstacles  he  met  with 
and  the  persons  with  whom  he  had  to  do.     The  bank  being 

1710]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUC   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  73 

under  way  and  flourishing,  I  thought  it  necessary  to  sustain 
it.  I  therefore  lent  myself  to  giviag  the  information  that 
Law  desired,  and  we  soon  began  to  talk  with  a  confidence 
which  I  never  had  reason  to  regret.  I  shall  not  enter  into 
the  details  of  this  bank,  or  of  the  other  schemes  that  followed 
it,  and  the  operations  that  were  done  in  consequence.  It  is 
a  matter  of  finance  which  might  well  fill  volumes.  I  shall 
only  speak  of  it  as  it  relates  to  the  history  of  the  time,  or  to 
something  that  concerns  me  personally.  I  might  add  here 
who  and  what  was  Law ;  but  I  postpone  that  to  a  time  when 
the  satisfaction  of  such  curiosity  will  come  better  in  place. 

Arouet,  son  of  a  man  who  was  my  father's  notary  and 
mme  until  his  death,  was  exiled  and  sent  to  Tulle  for  very 
Arouet,  poet  Satirical  and  very  impudent  verses.     I  should 

of  voVaire"'^'"^  ^^^  amusc  uiysclf  by  noting  such  a  trifle  if 
e^^^^<i-  this  same  Arouet,  becoming  a  great  poet  and 

academician  under  the  name  of  Voltaire,  had  not  also  be- 
come, through  many  tragical  adventures,  a  sort  of  personage 
in  the  republic  of  letters,  and  even  an  important  one  among 
certain  persons.  His  father  never  knew  what  to  do  with 
this  unbelieving  son,  whose  irreligion  afterwards  made  his 
fortune  as  Voltaire,  a  name  he  took  to  disguise  his  own. 

Another  person  illustrious  for  the  efl'ects  she  had  pro- 
duced, but  of  very  different  stuff,  died  at  this  time,  and  her 
Death  of  Mme.  death  did  not  make  the  noise  it  would  have 
Guyon.  made   earlier.      This   was   the    famous    Mme. 

Guy  on.  She  had  been  exiled  to  Anjou  about  the  time  of  the 
disturbance  and  end  of  the  affair  of  Quietism.  There  she 
had  lived  virtuously  and  obscurely,  without  making  herself 
talked  of.  About  eight  or  ten  years  previous  to  her  death 
she  obtained  permission  to  live  at  Blois,  where  she  conducted 
herself  in  the  same  manner,  and  where  she  died  without  any 
singularity,  having  shown  none  since  her  last  exile,  —  always 

74  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMOX.     [chap.  in. 

very  devout  and  very  retiring,  approaching  the  sacraments 
frequently.  She  had  survived  her  most  illustrious  protectors 
and  her  nearest  friends. 

The  Mardchal  de  Villeroy  took  the  king  to  see  the  Observa- 

toire.     He  was  at  all  times  a  friend  of  the  Chancellor  Pont- 

chartrain,    now   living   in    retirement   at   the 

StThTchan-^"    Institution  [house  of  the  Oratorians]  or  rather 

ceiior  Pontchar-     ^  ^-^^  adioinino;  buildiug,  to  which  he  had  an 

train.  j  o  o 

entrance  of  his  own,  though  he  never  used  it. 
On  the  way  from  the  Tuileries  to  the  Observatoire  it  was 
necessary  to  pass  his  door.  The  Mardchal  remembered  that 
when  the  late  king's  grandsons  went  to  Paris,  the  king 
ordered  the  Due  de  Beauvilhers  to  take  them  to  see  old 
Berinsfhen,  m  order  to  show  them  a  man  he  loved,  who  had 
had  a  fine  career,  and  then  had  done  justice  to  his  years 
by  never  leaving  his  home  in  Paris  among  his  friends  and 
family.  Villeroy,  for  once,  thought  very  rightly  that  it  was 
good  to  let  the  king  see  a  man  still  sound  and  vigorous  and 
in  a  state  of  body  and  mind  to  figure  long  in  the  ministry 
and  as  chancellor  and  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  who,  without  dis- 
appointment and  without  fear,  had  left  all  to  put  a  calm  and 
saintly  interval  between  life  and  death,  in  a  perfect  retreat 
where  he  saw  no  one,  and  was  wholly  occupied  by  his 
religious  duties,  yet  without  abasement.  This,  the  Mar^chal 
thought,  would  accustom  the  king  to  honour  virtue.  He 
therefore  sent  word  from  the  Observatoire  to  the  late  chan- 
cellor that  on  his  way  back  the  king  would  enter  his  house 
and  pay  him  a  visit.  Nothing  could  be  more  simple  than  to 
receive  this  unusual  honour,  of  which  he  little  dreamed ;  but 
Pontchartrain,  consistently  modest  and  detached  from  the 
world,  gave  orders  to  be  warned  in  time,  and  was  at  his  street 
door  when  the  king  arrived.  He  did  vainly  what  he  could 
to  prevent  the  king  from  getting  out  of  his  carriage,  but  he 


succeeded,  by  force  of  mind,  obstinacy,  and  respect,  in  having 
the  visit  paid  in  the  street;  it  lasted  a  quarter  of  an  hour, 
after  which  the  king  re-entered  his  carriage.  Pontchartrain 
watched  him  depart,  and  then  returned  to  his  dear  modesty, 
where  his  perfect  renunciation  made  him  at  once  forget  the 
honour  of  the  visit  and  the  pious  adroitness  with  which  he 
had  avoided  as  much  as  he  could  of  it.  All  those  who  knew 
him  admired  this,  and  praised  Mar^chal  de  Yilleroy  for  a 
thought  so  honourable  and  so  becomingly  executed. 

The  Huguenots,  of  whom  many  had  remained  in  France,  or 
had  returned  here,  most  of  them  under  feigned  abjurations. 
Assemblies  of  profitcd  by  a  period  which  might  pass  for  one 
Huguenots.  The    ^f   liberty   iu   comparisou  to  that  of  the  late 

regent  inclined  to 

recall  them.  king.     They  assembled,  clandestinely  at  first 

and  in  small  numbers ;  then  they  took  courage  from  the 
scant  notice  taken  of  them,  and  soon  they  had  large  assem- 
bhes  in  Poitou,  Saintonge,  Guyenne,  and  Languedoc.  They 
even  marched  about  Guyenne,  where  one  of  their  preachers 
made  vehement  exhortations  in  the  open  country.  These 
men  were  not  armed,  and  soon  dispersed ;  but  close  to  the 
place  where  they  had  assembled  two  carts  laden  with  guns, 
bayonets,  and  pistols  were  found.  There  were  also  little 
nocturnal  assemblages  in  Paris  toward  the  end  of  the  fau- 
bourg Saint-Antoine. 

The  regent  spoke  to  me  of  this,  and  in  connection  with  it 
about  the  contradictions  and  difficulties  with  which  the  edicts 
I  persuade  him  ^^^  declarations  of  the  late  king  concerning 
not  to  do  so.  ^i^g  Huguenots  were  full,  so  that  they  could 

neither  be  enacted  because  of  the  impossibihty  of  recon- 
cilincc  them  with  one  another,  nor  executed  in  the  matter 
of  marriages  and  wills,  etc.  I  was  often  the  witness  of 
this  truth  at  the  Council  of  PiCgency,  partly  in  suits  there 
referred  because  tlicrc  was  no  one  but  the  late  king  who 

76  MEMOIRS   OF   THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  hi. 

could  interpret  his  own  meaning  in  these  diverse  contra- 
dictions ;  partly  in  reports  of  consultations  between  the 
various  tribunals  and  the  chancellor  which  he  brought  to 
the  Council.  From  complaining  of  these  embarrassments, 
the  regent  came  to  that  of  the  cruelty  with  which  the 
late  king  had  treated  the  Huguenots ;  the  harm  done  by 
the  revocation  of  the  edict  of  Nantes ;  the  immense  injury 
the  State  had  suffered  and  would  suffer  still  in  its  depopu- 
lation, in  its  commerce,  in  the  hatred  this  treatment  had 
awakened  in  all  the  Protestants  of  Europe.  I  abridge  a 
long  conversation  in  which,  up  to  this  point,  I  found 
nothing  to  gainsay.  After  much  solid  argument  that  was 
perfectly  true,  the  regent  began  to  make  reflections  about  the 
ruined  state  in  which  the  king  had  left  France ;  and  then 
about  the  gain  of  the  people,  the  arts,  finances,  and  com- 
merce that  might  be  made  in  a  moment  by  the  recall  of  the 
Huguenots  to  the  country ;  and  finally  he  proposed  to  me  that 
measure.  I  do  not  wish  to  accuse  any  one  of  having  sug- 
gested this  thought  to  the  regent,  because  I  never  knew  from 
him  the  quarter  whence  it  came ;  but  in  the  extreme  desire 
he  had  never  ceased  to  indulge  to  ally  himself  closely  with 
Holland,  and  above  all  with  England,  ever  since  he  had  been 
possessed  by  IsToailles,  Canillac,  and  the  Abbe  Dubois,  sus- 
picion is  not  very  difficult.  He  hoped  by  this  recall  to  flatter 
the  maritime  powers,  give  them  the  greatest  possible  mark 
of  esteem,  friendship,  and  condescension,  and  all  this  masked 
by  the  apparent  hope  of  reviving,  enriching,  and  restoring  the 
kingdom  in  a  moment. 

I  was  glad  for  the  Huguenots.  But  I  felt  by  the  preface 
he  employed,  as  here  stated,  that  although  his  desire  might 
be  great,  he  saw  and  comprehended  the  full  weight  and 
results  of  such  a  resolution,  for  which  he  was  seeking  ap- 
proval, I  dare  not  say  support.     I  profited  instantly  by  this 


fortunate  and  wise  timidity,  and  I  told  him  that,  ahstract- 
ing  from  the  matter  all  that  religion  dictated  upon  it,  I 
should  content  myself  by  speaking  a  language  which  was 
certainly  more  becoming  in  me.  I  represented  to  him  the 
disorders  and  civil  wars  which  the  Huguenots  had  caused  in 
France  from  the  reign  of  Henri  II.  to  that  of  Louis  XIII., 
what  ruin  and  bloodshed ;  I  reminded  him  that  under  their 
shadow  the  League  had  been  formed  which  had  so  nearly 
torn  the  crown  from  the  head  of  Henri  IV. ;  and  all  that 
this  had  cost  our  kings  and  the  State  against  both  Huguenots 
and  leaguers ;  each  of  them  supported,  as  they  were,  by 
foreign  powers,  from  whom  we  had  to  bear  everything,  while 
they  despised  us,  and  profited  by  our  internal  troubles ;  so 
that  actually  Henri  IV.  owed  his  crown  to  the  number  who 
endeavoured  to  carry  it  off,  each  for  himself.  I  begged  the 
regent  to  reflect  that  he  was  now  enjoying  the  benefit  of  a 
great  domestic  repose,  which  he  ought  to  compare  with  what 
I  had  now  represented ;  that  it  was  from  this  quiet  and 
peaceful  position  that  he  ought  to  reason  in  the  matter,  or 
rather  be  convinced  that  it  needed  no  reasoning,  at  a  time 
when  no  power  demanded  such  a  step ;  which  the  late  king 
had  had  the  courage  and  strength  to  reject  when,  exhausted 
in  supplies,  money,  resources,  and  almost  in  troops,  his 
frontiers  captured  and  open  and  on  the  eve  of  calamitous 
disasters,  his  enemies  demanded  of  him  the  return  of  the 
Huguenots  as  one  of  the  conditions  without  which  they 
would  put  no  limits  to  their  conquests  or  end  a  war  the 
king  had  no  longer  the  means  to  sustain. 

I  likewise  made  the  regent  feel  another  danger  from  this 
recall.  It  was  that,  after  the  sad  and  cruel  experience  the 
Huguenots  had  liad  of  the  prostration  of  their  power  under 
Louis  XIIL,  of  the  revocation  of  the  edict  of  Nantes  by  the 
late  king,  and  the  rigorous   treatment  that  followed  it  and 

78  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iil. 

still  continued,  it  was  not  to  be  expected  that  they  would 
return  to  France  without  the  strongest  and  most  assured 
safeguards,  which  could  only  be  the  same  as  those  under 
which  they  had  already  made  five  kings  groan.  I  ended  by 
entreating  the  regent  to  weigh  the  advantages  he  expected 
to  gain  by  this  return  with  the  disadvantages  and  manifold 
dangers  which  would  inevitably  accompany  it ;  I  assured 
him  that  these  men,  this  commerce,  this  wealth,  which  he 
beheved  would  accrue  to  the  kingdom,  were  men,  wealth, 
and  commerce  inimical  to  the  kingdom  ;  and  that  the  pleas- 
ure and  satisfaction  the  maritime  and  other  Protestant 
powers  would  show  in  the  event  would  be  solely  at  the 
incomparable  and  irreparable  blunder  which  would  make 
them  arbiters  and  masters  of  the  fate  and  conduct  of  France 
both  within  and  without  our  borders.  To  these  and  many 
other  strong  reasons  the  regent  had  nothing  to  oppose  that 
could  balance  them  in  any  way.  The  conversation  lasted 
a  long  time ;  but  after  that  day  there  was  no  further  ques- 
tion of  recalling  the  Huguenots,  or  of  departing  from  the 
system  estabhshed  by  the  late  king,  except  where  the  con- 
tradictions and  effective  impossibihties  in  the  letter  of  these 
divers  ordinances  made  their  execution  impossible. 

The  negotiations  between  France  and  England  occasion- 
ally took  a  smiling  turn.  Both  were  anxious,  from  different 
Louviiie  sent  on  poiuts  of  vicw,  to  draw  Spain  into  their  con- 
a  confidential         fereuccs.     The    regent    profited    by    this    to 

mission  to  the  o  j.  ^J 

King  of  Spain.  eudcavour  to  obtain  for  Spain  the  restitution 
of  Gibraltar,  which  was  the  one  thing  in  the  world  which 
interested  her  most.  Gibraltar  was  really  a  burden  on  the 
King  of  England,  standing  well  as  he  did  with  the  Barbary 
States  and  much  superior  in  his  navy  to  Spain.  Possessing 
Port-Mahon,  Gibraltar  was  very  inferior  in  usefulness  and  in 
importance  to  the  outlay  and  consumption  that  it  cost  him. 

1716]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  79 

He  consented,  therefore,  to  return  it  to  Spain,  for  a  few 
trifles  that  are  not  worth  remembering ;  but  as  he  did  not 
wish  to  expose  himself  to  the  outcries  of  the  political  party 
against  him,  he  exacted  the  strictest  secrecy  and  a  formal 
agreement.  He  requested  that  nothing  should  go  through 
Alberoni,  nor  through  any  minister,  Spanish  or  English,  but 
directly  from  the  regent  to  the  King  of  Spain  through  some 
confidential  agent  chosen  by  the  regent,  and  on  condition 
that  this  agent  should  be  admitted  to  speak  to  the  King  of 
Spain  tUe-ti-tUe.  This  confidential  envoy  was  to  carry  creden- 
tials from  the  regent ;  namely,  a  letter  relating  to  the  terms 
of  the  treaty,  that  is  to  say,  a  document  specifymg  the  trifles 
demanded  by  the  King  of  England,  ready  for  signature,  and 
a  positive  order  from  the  King  of  England,  written  and 
signed  by  his  own  hand,  to  the  Governor  of  Gibraltar,  to 
turn  over  that  place  to  the  King  of  Spain  the  moment  that 
order  was  handed  to  him,  and  to  retire  with  the  garrison, 
etc.,  to  Tangier.  At  the  time  of  execution  a  Spanish  general 
was  to  march  quickly  to  Gibraltar,  on  pretence  of  exercising 
his  men ;  he  was  then  to  present  the  order  of  the  King  of 
England,  be  received  in  consequence,  and  put  at  once  into 
possession  of  the  place.  The  pretence  was  weak,  but  that 
was  the  affair  of  the  King  of  England. 

The  Due  de  Noailles  was  then  in  great  favour  and  wanted 
to  be  the  sole  doer  of  all  this.  It  is  best  not  to  be  vain- 
glorious. I  knew  nothing  of  it  until  its  second  stage,  and 
then  through  Louville  before  the  regent  spoke  to  me,  as  he 
did  soon  after.  Without  being  shrewd,  I  should  have  dis- 
trusted the  King  of  England  in  such  a  manoeuvre.  He  was 
certainly  not  ignorant  with  what  care  and  jealousy  the  queen 
and  Alberoni  kept  the  King  of  Spain  apart  and  inaccessible 
to  every  one  ;  he  must  have  known  that  the  surest  way  to 
fail  was  to  attempt  to  hold  intercourse  with  the  king  with- 

80  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  hi. 

out  their  knowledge,  or  in  spite  of  them  and  without  their 
co-operation.  As  for  the  choice  of  agent,  of  all  the  men  in 
France,  Louville  was,  in  my  opinion,  the  very  last  on  whom 
it  should  have  fallen.  The  better  he  had  formerly  stood 
with  the  King  of  Spain,  and  the  closer  he  had  been  in  his 
confidence,  the  more  his  arrival  would  alarm  the  queen  and 
Alberoni,  and  the  more  they  would  use  all  means  not  to  let 
a  man  so  dangerous  to  their  influence  and  authority  approach 
the  king.  I  said  so  to  Louville,  who  did  not  disagree  with 
me  and  only  replied  that  in  his  surprise  at  the  mission  he 
had  not  dared  to  refuse  it ;  and  moreover,  if  he  succeeded  in 
reaching  the  king,  the  rendition  of  Gibraltar  was  so  impor- 
tant a  matter  that  he  should  be  unlucky  indeed  if  it  did 
not  secure  to  him  the  payment  of  what  was  due  on  his 
Spanish  pensions,  a  very  serious  object  to  him.  To  be  chosen 
and  to  depart  was  one  and  the  same  thing.  He  had  time, 
however,  to  come  and  talk  the  matter  over  with  me ;  and 
the  night  before  he  left  he  again  came  to  me,  and  told  me 
with  what  kindness  and  confidence  the  Due  d'Orleans  had 
spoken  to  him  of  himself  and  the  mission  on  which  he  sent 
him.  The  plan  was  that  Louville,  taking  a  circuitous  route 
by  way  of  Foix  and  Arragon,  should  arrive  in  Madrid  before 
any  one  got  wind  of  his  journey.  But  in  spite  of  all  his 
precautions  the  secret  was  not  well  kept. 

The  suspicions  of  the  King  of  Spain  against  Alberoni  were 
strengthening  daily.  The  queen  exhorted  the  latter  to  suffer 
in  patience  ;  while  the  minister  blamed  her  for  her  supineness, 
her  compUance  to  the  king  when  she  ought  to  control  the 
perpetual  distrust  of  his  feeble  and  irresolute  mind,  which 
was  capable  of  yielding  to  any  one  who  chose  to  lay  hold  of 
it  for  e\'il  purposes.  He  found  the  queen  indolent,  hating 
trouble  and  business,  and  seeking  only  her  own  repose.  He 
iirired  her  not  to  allow  either  of  them  to  be  excluded  from 


the  government  of  affairs,  and  to  be  on  her  guard,  amid  the 
confusion  of  nations  and  languages  which  flooded  the  Court 
of  Spain,  against  the  secret  and  determined  cabal  of  certain 
Spaniards  who  were  seeking  to  recall  their  former  govern- 
ment. Alberoni  warned  her  that  if  she  ceased  to  uphold  her 
authority  in  jjublic  affairs  she  need  not  count  on  any  influ- 
ence or  consideration  in  the  world,  nor  on  the  respect  of  her 
subjects.  Troubles  were  at  their  very  worst  in  Spain ;  the 
peoples  overwhelmed  with  taxation ;  the  seigneurs  m  fear 
and  degradation ;  the  nobles  reduced  to  mendicity ;  neither 
troops,  nor  finances,  nor  navy,  nor  commerce,  and  no  one 
capable  of  remedying  such  evils,  while  the  house  of  Austria 
was  always  on  watch  with  her  partisans.  Alberoni  vaunted 
his  own  projects  and  assured  the  queen  he  could  still  mend 
all,  provided  he  were  sustained  in  them. 

Things  were  at  this  point  when  Louville  arrived  at  Madrid, 
and  went  to  lodge  with  the  Due  de  Saint-Aignan  [ambassador 
Gibraltar  lost  to  to  Spain],  wlio  was  greatly  surprised,  having 
^P^*"-  received  no  warning.     But  a  chance   courier, 

who  had  met  Louville  at  some  distance  from  Madrid,  brought 
word  to  Alberoni.  A¥e  can  imagine  the  jealous  suspicions 
that  tormented  him,  and  his  prompt  alarm.  He  well  knew 
the  influence  Louville  had  formerly  had  on  the  King  of  Spain  ; 
and  the  violent  manner  in  which  tlie  Princesse  des  Ursins 
and  the  late  queen  had  torn  the  king  away  from  him.  His 
alarm  at  this  wholly  unexpected  arrival  was  so  great  that 
he  used  no  decency  in  getting  rid  of  him.  He  despatched  an 
order  by  a  courier  instantly,  forbidding  Louville  to  come 
nearer  to  Madrid.  The  courier  missed  the  envoy,  but  fifteen 
minutes  after  his  arrival  at  Saint-Aignan's  the  latter  received 
a  note  from  Grimaldo  [Alberoni's  secretary],  bearing  an  order 
from  the  King  of  Spain  for  his  immediate  departure.  Louville 
replied  that  he  was  the  bearer  of  credentials  to  the  king,  also 

VOL.  IV.  — 0 

82  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [ciiai-.  in. 

of  a  letter  from  the  regent  to  the  king,  and  a  commission  to 
his  Cathohc  Majesty  which  did  not  permit  him  to  depart 
until  it  was  executed.  On  receiving  this  answer,  a  courier 
was  instantly  despatched  to  Prince  Cellamare  [Spanish 
ambassador  to  France],  with  orders  to  ask  for  Louville's 
recall,  and  declaring  that  he  was  personally  so  disagreeable 
to  the  King  of  Spain  that  he  would  not  see  him,  nor  allow 
him  to  treat  with  any  of  his  ministers.  The  fatigue  of  the 
journey  followed  by  such  a  reception  gave  Louville  a  ne- 
phritic attack,  to  which  he  was  subject,  so  that  he  ordered 
a  bath  to  be  prepared,  into  which  he  put  himself  in  the 
course  of  the  morning.  Alberoni  went  in  person  to  see  him 
and  induce  him  to  leave  at  once.  The  state  in  which  they 
told  him  Lomolle  was  did  not  stop  him  ;  he  insisted  on  seeing 
him,  against  his  will,  in  his  bath.  Xothiug  could  be  more 
civil  than  his  words,  nor  more  curt,  negative,  and  determined 
than  their  meaning.  Louville  insisted  that  his  credentials 
gave  him  a  public  character,  namely  :  to  execute  an  important 
commission  from  the  King  of  Trance,  nephew  to  the  King  of 
Spain  ;  so  that  his  Catholic  Majesty  could  not  refuse  to  hear 
it  from  his  lips,  and  if  he  did  not  do  so  he  would  have  reason 
to  regret  it.  The  dispute  was  sharp  and  long,  in  spite  of 
Louville's  condition,  but  he  gained  nothing. 

Louville  dared  not  go  to  see  any  one  for  fear  of  committing 
himself,  and  no  one  dared  to  go  and  see  him.  He  made  one 
attempt  to  see  the  King  of  Spain  in  the  street,  to  try  whether, 
if  the  latter  saw  him,  he  might  not  be  induced  to  speak 
to  him,  in  case,  as  was  very  probable,  he  had  not  been 
told  of  his  arrival.  But  Alberoni  had  foreseen  everything. 
Louville  did  really  see  the  king  pass,  but  it  was  impossible  to 
make  the  king  see  him.  Grimaldo  came  immediately  after 
with  a  positive  order  for  him  to  depart,  and  a  warniug  to  the 
Due  de  Saint- Aignan  that  the  King  of  Spain  was  very  angry 

1716]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  83 

at  this  obstinate  delay,  and  that  he  would  not  answer  for 
what  might  happen  if  Louville's  stay  was  prolonged.  They 
both  saw  that  it  was  useless  to  hope  for  an  audience,  and, 
consequently,  that  a  longer  stay  could  do  no  good,  and  might 
lead  to  violence,  which,  by  its  scandal,  would  embroil  Trance ; 
so  Louville  departed  at  the  end  of  a  week  and  returned  as  he 
came.  Alberoni  breathed  again  after  his  fright,  and  consoled 
himself  by  having  shown  his  power  in  a  way  that  would  save 
him  in  future  from  the  approach  of  any  person  to  the  King 
of  Spain  without  his  sanction.  But  he  cost  Spain  Gibraltar, 
which  she  has  not  since  then  recovered.  Such  is  the  useful- 
ness of  prime  ministers. 

Louville  having  returned,  it  became  necessary  to  send  back 
to  the  King  of  England  the  documents,  etc.,  that  he  had 
taken  with  him  to  Spain ;  and  thus  the  affair  of  Gibraltar 
came  to  naught,  except  that  it  irritated  Alberoni  against  the 
regent  for  having  sent  a  secret  commission  to  the  King  of 
Spain  without  his  knowledge,  and  the  regent  against  Alberoni 
for  having  made  the  project  miscarry  with  such  notoriety. 

The  Mart^chal  de  Montrevel,  whose  name  will  not  be 
found  in  history,  the  pet  of  silly  women,  of  fashion  and  the 
Death  of  »^y  world,  of  the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  and 

Montrevel  from      almost  of   tlic  latc  kiug,  from  whom  he  had 

fear  of  spilt  salt.         - 

drawn  more  than  a  hundred  thousand  francs 
a  year  in  benefits  which  he  still  received,  a  man  noted  for 
notliing  but  that  in  which  he  had  the  smallest  part,  namely, 
a  face  which  made  him  all  his  life  the  idol  of  women,  a 
great  birth,  and  brilliant  valour,  died  about  this  time,  cheat- 
ing his  creditors  by  leaving  nothing  but  three  thousand 
louis,  and  much  plate  and  porcelain,  and  fearing  nothing  so 
much  as  an  overturned  salt-cellar.  He  was  just  preparing 
to  go  to  Alsace.  Dining  with  Biron  (afterwards  duke,  peer, 
and  marshal  of  France),  a  salt-cellar  was  overturned  and  the 


84  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iu. 

salt  scattered  over  him.  He  turned  pale,  felt  ill,  and  said 
he  was  a  dead  man ;  they  were  obhged  to  leave  the  table 
and  take  him  home.  There  was  no  restoring  the  small 
amount  of  brains  he  had.  Fever  seized  him  that  night  and 
he  died  four  days  later,  leaving  no  regrets  but  those  of  his 

The  Duchesse  d'Alba  married  about  this  time  the  Abbd 
de  Castiglione,  whom  she  had  brought  with  her  to  Paris 
Marriage  of  the  ^^  returning  from  Madrid.  I  have  already 
Duchesse  d'Alba.  gpoken  of  them  and  shall  only  say  here  that 
the  pope  allowed  him  to  keep  the  quite  considerable 
revenues  he  received  from  his  benefices,  and  that,  in  favour 
of  this  marriage,  the  King  of  Spain  made  him  a  grandee  of 
the  first  class  and  gave  him  a  place  as  gentleman  of  his 
bedchamber,  an  office  which  had  long  had  no  functions. 
He  took  the  name  of  Due  de  Solferino. 

The   year    ended   with    great    bitterness    openly   shown 

between   the   princes    of    the   blood   and   the   legitimatized 

princes.     This  struggle  of  the  bastard  against 

Bitterness  be-        ^-^    legitimate  son,  this  equality  of  condition 

tween  the  princes     "^  O  '  I  J 

of  the  blood  and      |j^  ^j^g  issuc  from  a  double  and  pubhc  adultery 

the  bastards.  ,  ... 

and  from  a  royal  wife,  this  identity,  so  com- 
plete, between  children  born  of  the  sacrament  and  of  crime, 
revolted  nature  and  affected  the  son  and  the  posterity  of  the 
Due  d'Orl^ans  no  less  than  they  did  the  Bourbon  branch. 
Therefore  justice,  truth,  reason,  religion,  nature,  claims  of 
birth,  claims  of  power,  claims  of  honour,  interests  of  safety 
(shall  I  dishonour  so  many  sacred  reasons  by  adding  a 
motive  far  less  pure,  but  dear  and  keen  in  all  men  ? ),  the 
powerful  interests  of  vengeance,  all  concurred  in  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  to  make  him  rejoice  to  find  himself  at  last  in  a 
position  to  strike  down  the  colossus  beneath  which  he  had 
so  nearly  been  crushed,  and  to  shiver  it  easily  but  surely 

1717]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAEST-SIMON.  85 

into  fragments,  with  the  blessing  of  God  and  the  acclama- 
tion of  all  orders  of  the  kingdom  and  everybody  else  except 
a  mere  handful  of  henchmen  and  valets.  Who,  in  his  place, 
would  not  have  dearly  bought  the  happiness  of  such  a  posi- 
tion ?  It  did  not  cause  the  very  slightest  sensation  to  the 
Due  d'Oii^ans !  And  yet  this  incredible  indifference,  this 
amazing  detachment  from  himself  under  an  opportunity 
which  might  have  made  the  greatest  saints  on  earth  tremble 
for  their  own  conduct,  was  no  merit  in  him,  either  as  regards 
this  world  about  which  he  blhided  himself  so  foohshly,  or 
as  regards  the  other  on  which  he  never  made  the  sUghtest 
reflection.  Alas  !  the  hand  of  God  was  upon  him  and  upon 
the  kingdom.  In  this  affair  he  was  simply  the  prey  and  the 
plaything  of  d'Efhat  and  other  men  of  that  stamp  whom  the 
Due  du  Maine  kept  near  him,  and  whom  the  regent  never 
distrusted,  all  the  while  keeping  on  his  guard  against  his 
well-tried  servitors.  I  had  made  it  a  rule,  as  I  did  about 
the  parliament,  never  to  open  my  lips  to  him  about  the 
bastards.  After  all  that  we  had  said  to  each  other  in  former 
days  about  them  he  was  ashamed  and  embarrassed  before 
me,  and  I  had  nothing  further  to  add. 

The  inclinations,  example,  and  favour  of  the  late  king  had 

made  Paris  the  sink  of  the  licentiousness  of  all  Europe ;  and 

it  continued  to  be  so  long  after  him.     Besides 

^717-  the  mistresses  of   the  late  king,  his  bastards, 

of  all  Europe.         tliose  of  Charlcs  IX.  (for  I  have  seen  one  of 

them,  a  widow,  and  her  daughter-in-law),  those 

of  Henri  IV.,  those  of  M.  le  Due  d'Orldans,  to  whom   his 

regency  brought  immense  fortunes,  those  of  the  two  branches 

of   the   two    Bourbon   brothers,    Malause   and   Busset,   the 

Vertus  ]>astai(ls    of  the  last   Due  de  Bretacfne,   the  bastard 

daughters  of  the  last  three  Condds  down  to  tlie  Eothelins, 

bastards  of  bastards,  —  besides  this  population  of  French  bas- 

86  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  iu, 

tarcls,  Paris  has,  I  say,  gathered  in  the  mistresses  of  the 
kings  of  England  and  Sardinia,  two  of  the  Elector  of  Bavaria, 
and  the  numerous  bastards  of  England,  Bavaria,  Savoie, 
Denmark,  Saxony,  and  even  those  of  Lorraine,  who  have  all 
made,  in  Paris,  great  and  rapid  fortunes,  pihng  one  upon  an- 
other wealth,  orders,  promotions  that  were  more  than  pre- 
mature, an  infinite  number  of  favours  and  distinctions  of 
all  kinds,  with  rank  and  the  most  distinguished  honours; 
all  being  persons  who  would  not  even  have  been  looked  at 
in  any  other  country  of  Europe ;  down  to  the  infamous 
fruits  of  public  incests,  such  as  the  little  Due  de  Montb^Hard, 
declared  solenmly  to  be  such  by  the  Aulic  council  of  Vienna, 
and  rejected  as  such  by  the  empire  and  the  whole  house  of 
Wiirtemberg.  Such  scum  it  was  that  Erance  alone  was 
capable  of  receiving  and,  sole  among  the  nations  of  Europe, 
of  honouring  above  her  own  highest  nobility,  who  had  the 
foUy  to  concur  and  be  the  first  to  approve.  It  must,  how- 
ever, be  admitted  that  a  bastard  of  England  and  another  of 
Saxony  have  rendered  grand  serv^ices  to  their  States  by 
gloriously  commanding  their  armies. 

On  the  eve  of  the  Epiphany  several  of  us  were  supping  at 

our  ease  with  Louville.     A  moment  after  the  fruit  was  served 

some  one  entered  and  whispered  in  the  ear  of 

D'Agfuesseau,  pro- 

cureur-ge'nerai,        Saint-Coutest,  couuscllor  of  State,  who  left  the 

made  chancellor.       j.-ii-  tj^i  tt-  i  i, 

table  immediately.  His  absence  was  short; 
but  he  returned  so  preoccupied,  and  promising  to  tell  us  why, 
that  we  thought  only  of  leaving  the  table.  As  soon  as  we 
were  alone  and  had  gathered  round  the  fire,  he  told  us  the 
news,  which  was  that  Chancellor  Voysin,  supping  at  home  with 
his  family  and  apparently  weU,  had  been  suddenly  stricken 
with  apoplexy  and  had  fallen  over,  as  if  dead,  on  Mme.  de 
Lamoignon,  and  would  not  live,  it  was  thought,  two  hours. 
In  fact,  he  did  not  live  so  long,  and  never  regained  conscious- 


ness.  The  Due  de  Noailles,  notified  of  this  event  that  even- 
ing, or  during  the  night,  went  early  to  the  regent,  as  he  left 
his  bed  with  his  stomach  undigested  and  his  head  very 
heavy  with  sleep  and  the  supper  of  the  night  before,  as  he 
was  every  mornmg  on  rising  and  for  some  time  after. 
Noailles  sent  away  the  few  valets  who  were  present,  told 
the  Due  d'Orleans  of  the  chancellor's  death,  and  immediately 
bombarded  him  for  d'Aguesseau.  The  latter  was  summoned 
to  the  Palais-Eoyal  at  once,  where  Noailles  waited  for  him 
as  a  matter  of  precaution.  D'Aguesseau  found  him  with  the 
Due  d'Orleans  in  the  cabinet  of  the  latter,  who,  with  the  flat- 
tering compliments  that  always  accompany  the  bestowal 
of  favours,  told  him  his  intentions.  Soon  after,  the  regent 
left  the  cabinet  and,  taking  d'Aguesseau  by  the  arm,  said  to 
the  assembled  company  that  they  saw  before  them  a  new 
and  very  worthy  chancellor.  Then,  getting  into  his  car- 
riage, with  the  casket  containing  the  Seals  before  him  and 
accompanied  by  d'Aguesseau,  he  went  to  the  Tuileries, 
spoke  in  praise  of  the  latter  to  the  king,  and  presented  to  him 
the  casket  of  the  Seals,  on  which  the  king  laid  his  hand  to 
signify  that  he  gave  it  to  d'Aguesseau,  the  regent  still  hold- 
ing it. 

D'Aguesseau,  having  received  the  Seals  in  this  way,  was 
modest  under  a  flux  of  compliments ;  and,  escaping  as  soon 
as  he  could,  went  home  with  the  precious  casket.  The 
house  was  full  of  relatives  and  friends,  all  in  a  flutter  about 
the  summons  from  the  regent.  D'Aguesseau,  his  mind 
floundering  in  surprise,  went  up  to  see  his  brother,  a  sort 
of  voluptuous  philosopher,  with  much  mind  and  much  learn- 
ing, but  most  of  it  veiy  singular.  He  found  him  smoking 
before  the  fire  in  his  dressing-gown.  "  Brother,"  he  said,  on 
entering,  "  I  have  come  to  tell  you  that  I  am  chancellor." 
The  brother  turned  round.     "  Chancellor  ! "    said  he,  "  what 

88  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [ceiap.  hi. 

have  you  done  with  the  other  one  ? "  "  He  died  suddenly 
last  night."  "  Oh !  well,  brother,  I  am  very  glad  ;  I  would 
rather  it  were  you  than  I ; "  and  that  was  all  the  congratula- 
tion he  got  from  him. 

A  chancellor  ought  to  be  a  personage,  and  in  a  regency 
he  cannot  help  being  one.  This  one  has  been  a  personage 
so  long,  for  he  still  hves,  and  has  been  so  battered  by  fortime 
in  that  great  office,  which  seems  as  if  it  ought  to  be  a  haven 
of  rest,  that  many  reasons  combine  to  make  me  break  the 
rule  I  made  never  to  speak  at  length  about  those  who  are 
still  in  the  world  at  the  time  I  write. 

He  was  born  November  26,  1668  ;  made  avocat-general 
January  12,  1691,  at  twenty-two  and  a  half  years  old ;  pro- 
career  and  cureur-genSrctl  November  19,  1700,  at  thirty- 

character  of  ^^^^     chaucellor  and  Keeper  of  the  Seals  of 

Chancellor  '  ^ 

d'Aguesseau.  France  February  2,  1717,  when  forty-six  years 
of  age.  He  was  under  middle  height  and  stout,  with  an 
agreeable  and  very  full  face  until  his  last  trials,  and  always  a 
countenance  that  was  virtuous  and  intellectual ;  one  eye,  how- 
ever, very  much  smaller  than  the  other.  It  is  remarkable 
that  he  never  had  a  deliberating  influence  until  he  was  chan- 
cellor ;  m  parhament  they  made  it  a  point  not  to  follow  his 
conclusions,  out  of  jealousy  at  the  reputation  he  had  acquired, 
which  prevailed  over  friendship  and  esteem.  Much  intelli- 
gence, industry,  penetration,  knowledge  of  all  kinds,  magis- 
terial gravity,  equity,  piety,  and  innocence  of  life,  formed  the 
basis  of  his  character.  It  may  be  said  that  here  was  a  noble 
spirit  and  an  incorruptible  man  (if  we  except  the  one  affair 
of  the  Bouillons),  and  with  it  all,  gentle,  kind,  humane,  easy 
of  access,  and  agreeable ;  with  gayety  and  spicy  pleasantry  in 
private,  though  never  wounding  any  one ;  extremely  sober, 
polite  without  assumption,  noble,  without  the  least  avaricious- 
ness ;  naturally  lazy,  which  at  last  made  him  slow.     Who 

1717]  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  89 

would  not  suppose  tliat  a  magistrate  adorned  with  such 
virtues  and  talents,  with  memory,  vast  reading,  eloquence 
in  speaking  and  in  writing,  correctness  even  to  the  sUghtest 
expressions  in  ordinary  conversation,  and  all  the  graces  of 
fluency,  would  have  made  the  greatest  chancellor  seen  for 
centuries  ?  It  is  true  that  he  would  have  made  a  splendid 
president  of  the  parUament ;  it  is  none  the  less  true  that, 
as  chancellor,  he  made  such  men  as  Aligre  and  even  Bou- 
cherat  regretted.  This  paradox  seems  hard  to  imderstand ; 
it  is  plain  to  the  naked  eye,  however,  during  the  thirty  years 
that  he  has  been  chancellor,  and  on  such  evidence  that  I 
might  well  rest  on  that ;  but  so  strange  a  fact  deserves  to  be 

This  fortunate  assemblage  of  qualities  was  spoiled  in 
various  ways  that  were  hidden  in  his  first  life,  but  revealed 
at  once  as  soon  as  he  entered  the  second.  The  long  and  sole 
nourishment  that  he  had  taken  from  the  breast  of  parhament 
had  so  moulded  into  him  its  maxims  and  its  pretensions  that 
he  regarded  it  with  more  love,  respect,  and  veneration  than 
the  English  feel  for  their  parhaments,  which  have  nothing 
but  the  name  in  common  with  ours.  I  shall  not  say  too 
much  if  I  assert  that  he  looked  upon  all  that  emanated  from 
that  assembly  as  a  behever  well  trained  in  his  religion  re- 
gards the  decisions  on  faith  of  the  oecumenical  councils. 
From  this  species  of  worship  came  three  defects,  which 
appeared  very  frequently  throughout  his  career. 

First,  he  was  always  for  the  parliament,  whatever  it 
might  undertake  against  the  royal  authority;  whereas  his 
office,  which  made  him  tlie  superior  and  the  moderator 
of  the  parliaments  and  of  the  words  of  the  king  to  them, 
obliged  him  to  restrain  them  when  they  passed  their 
proper  limits,  and  al)ove  all  to  repress  them  firmly  when 
they   attacked   the    king's   autliority.     His   equity   and   liis 

90  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  m 

intelligence  showed  him  plainly  enough  the  aberrations  of 
parliament  in  this  respect ;  hut  to  repress  them  was  more 
than  he  could  do.  His  softness,  seconded  by  the  sort  of 
worship  with  which  he  honoured  the  parhament,  was  pained 
and  grieved  to  see  it  in  error ;  but  to  let  it  be  known  that  it 
was  in  error  was  a  crime  in  his  eyes  which  he  groaned  to  see 
committed  by  others,  and  which  he  could  not  commit  him- 
self. He  therefore  put  all  his  talents  to  palhating,  excus- 
ing, covering-up,  and  making  specious  interpretations  of  its 
faults,  negotiating  with  it  on  one  side,  and  with  the  regent 
on  the  other ;  profiting  by  the  latter's  timidity,  supineness, 
and  levity  to  blunt  and  enervate  all  resistance  on  his  part ; 
so  that  instead  of  having  in  this  highest  magistrate  a  firm 
supporter  of  the  royal  authority,  and  a  true  judge  of  jus- 
tice, all  that  could  be  got  from  him  was  a  few  stammermg 
words  which  enfeebled  the  little  that  he  really  meant  to 
say,  and  gave  courage,  strength,  and  haughtiness  to  the 

A  second  defect  was  the  extension  of  this  worship  of  par- 
liament to  every  man  who  wore  the  legal  robe,  down,  I  may 
say,  to  the  officers  of  royal  baihwicks.  Every  man  who  wore 
the  robe  ought,  according  to  him,  to  be  regarded  with  awe, 
whatever  he  did ;  and  must  not  be  complained  of,  unless 
with  the  greatest  circumspection.  Complaints  were  not 
listened  to  if  they  were  not  supported  by  the  plainest  legal 
proof ;  and  even  then  they  seemed  to  him  deplorable.  He 
would  turn  himself  every  way  to  save  the  honour  of  the 
robe,  —  as  if  the  robe  in  general  were  dishonoured  because 
one  rascal  had  clothed  himself  in  it  for  money.  He  proposed 
compromises ;  and,  if  the  complainants  were  of  a  certain 
sort,  discontinuance  for  the  purpose  of  reporting  to  him ;  and 
then  he  had  recourse  to  those  ruinous  delays  which  are 
equivalent  to  the  denial  of  justice,  and  from  which  the  man 

1717]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUC   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  91 

in  the  robe  came  out  cheaply,  always  as  white  as  he  could 
be  made,  and  as  lightly  reprimanded.  In  this  spirit  he  could 
not  understand  how  any  one  should  bring  himself  to  attack 
a  decree  of  parhament.  He  employed  the  same  manceuvres 
to  avoid  it,  and  it  was  only  after  a  long  defence  that  he  would 
let  the  matter  be  carried  to  the  court  of  appeals.  That  court, 
composed  by  him,  hke  all  the  others  of  the  Council,  was 
well  aware  of  this  repugnance  on  his  part.  We  may  believe 
he  knew  how  to  manage  it,  and  very  clear  reasons  indeed 
were  needed  to  oblige  the  court  to  carry  the  appeal  to  the 
Council.  If,  in  spite  of  all,  the  evidence  dragged  it  there, 
the  chancellor,  who  could  not  bring  himself  to  pronounce 
the  blasphemy  of  quashing  a  decree,  was  the  first  to  invent 
a  formula  which  enabled  him  to  pronounce  that  the  decree 
was  non  avenu  ;  and  even  then,  it  was  not  done  without  a 
peroration  of  defence  and  moans.  All  this  was  plainly  sub- 
versive of  the  distribution  of  justice. 

A  third  evil,  derived  from  the  same  source,  was  an  attach- 
ment to  forms,  even  the  most  insignificant,  so  literal,  so  pre- 
cise, so  servile  that  all  other  considerations,  even  the  most 
evident  justice,  disappeared  to  his  eyes  before  some  petty 
formality.  Long  service  at  the  bar  had  injured  his  mind.  It 
was  naturally  extended  and  luminous,  and  endowed  with 
much  reading  and  profound  knowledge.  The  duty  of  the 
bar  is  to  gather,  examine,  weigh,  compare  the  reasons  of  two 
or  more  parties,  and  to  spread  out  that  schedule,  if  I  may  so 
express  it,  with  all  the  graces  and  flowers  of  eloquence  before 
the  judges,  and  with  the  greatest  exactitude,  that  no  point  be 
overlooked,  and  that  none  of  the  numerous  auditors  shall  be 
able  to  guess  of  what  opinion  the  avocat-general  is  before  he 
begins  to  sum  up.  This  continual  habit  for  twenty-four 
years,  acting  on  a  mind  that  was  scrupulous  on  equity  and 
on  form,  fruitful  in  ideas,  learned  in  law  and  customs,  had 

92  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  in. 

broiiglit  him  to  a  pitch  of  indecision  from  which  he  could 
not  escape ;  so  that  if  some  limit  of  time  were  not  absolutely 
lixed,  affairs  were  prolonged  mdefinitely.  He  was  the  first  to 
suffer  from  this  ;  it  was  to  him  a  sort  of  parturition  to  make 
up  his  mind ;  but  woe  to  those  who  had  to  wait  for  it. 

To  such  essential  defects,  which,  nevertheless,  came  chiefly 
from  too  much  understanding  and  knowledge  and  too  long  a 
habit  at  the  bar,  and  were  far  indeed  from  detracting  from 
an  honour  and  an  uprightness  which  were  only  mcreased  by 
this  delicacy  of  conscience,  were  joined  others  that  came  only 
from  his  natural  slowness  and  a  too  great  desire  to  do  well ; 
he  could  not  finish  turning  the  plirase  of  a  declaration,  a 
decree,  or  even  a  business  letter,  however  unimportant.  He 
touched  and  retouched  them  incessantly.  He  was  the  slave 
of  the  most  exact  purity  of  diction,  and  never  perceived  that 
this  servitude  made  him  often  obscure,  and  sometimes  unin- 
telligible. His  taste  for  the  sciences  crowned  all  these  dis- 
abihties.  He  loved  languages,  especially  the  classic  ones  ; 
he  took  infinite  pleasure  in  all  phases  of  physics  and  mathe- 
matics. Nor  was  he  less  of  a  metaphysician.  For  all  those 
sciences  he  had  breadth  and  talent ;  he  loved  to  dig  into 
them,  to  make  experiments  behind  closed  doors  in  all  the 
different  sciences,  with  his  children  and  a  few  obscure  savants, 
who  each  took  points  of  research  for  the  next  meeting.  In 
this  sort  of  study  he  lost  a  vast  deal  of  time  and  irritated 
those  who  were  depending  on  him  and  who  sometimes  had  to 
go  to  his  house  a  dozen  times  before  they  could  reach  him, 
through  the  functions  of  his  office  and  the  amusements  of 
his  taste.  He  was  born  for  the  sciences.  It  is  true  that  he 
would  have  made  an  excellent  president  of  the  parliament ; 
but  that  for  which  he  was  best  fitted  was  to  be  at  the  head 
of  all  literature,  —  of  the  Academies,  the  Obsei'vatory,  the 
Eoyal  College  and  Library;  there  he  would  certainly  have 


excelled.  His  slowness  would  have  troubled  no  one ;  his 
ready  difficulties  would  have  helped  to  clear  up  questions, 
and  his  indecision,  mdependent  then  of  conscience,  would 
have  tended  to  the  same  end.  He  would  have  had  to  do 
only  with  men  of  letters  and  not  with  the  world,  which  he 
never  knew,  and,  save  for  politeness,  had  no  usage  in. 

Enough  said,  but  still  one  other  touch  of  the  brush.     The 
elder  Due  de  Grammont,  who  was  very  shrewd,  related  to 
me  how,  one  morning,  finding  himself  in  the  king's  cabinet 
while  the  king  was  at  mass,  tUe-ct-tetc  with  the  chancellor, 
he  asked  him,  in  the  course  of  conversation,  if,  since  he  had 
been  chancellor,  the  great  knowledge  he  must  have  of  chican- 
ery and  of  long  protracted  suits,  had  not  made  him  think  of 
regulating  the  matter,  stopping  such  rascality,  and  shorten- 
ing cases.     The  chancellor  replied  that  he  had  thought  so 
much  about  it  that  he  had  begun  to  draw  up  a  regulation  on 
paper;  but  as  he  advanced,  he  retiected  on  the  great  number 
of  avocats,  procureurs,  sheriffs,  etc.,  which  such  a  regulation 
would  ruin,  and  the  compassion  he  had  felt  made  him  drop 
the  pen  from  his  hand.     For  the  same  reason  archers  and 
provosts  ought  not  to  arrest  thieves  or  put  them  in  the  way 
of  their  heads  being  cut  off,  which  is   certamly  a  greater 
reason  for  compassion.     In  other  words,  the  duration   and 
number  of  suits  make  the  wealth  and  the  power  of  lawyers ; 
consequently  they  should  be  left  to  increase  and  multiply. 
Here  is  a  long  disquisition ;  but  I  think  it  the  more  useful 
because  it  makes  plain  how  a  man  of  so  much  integrity, 
talents,  and  reputation  is,  little  by  little,  brought,  through 
issuing  from  his  true  centre,  to  make  his  integrity  equivocal 
and  his  talents  worse  than  useless,  and  thus  lose  his  reputa- 
tion and  become  at  last  the  plaything  of  fortune. 

It  occurs  to  me  that  I  have  forgotten  a  thing  which  de- 
serves to  be  noted  for  the  singularity  of  tlie  fact,  and  I  shall 

94  AiEMOlKS  OF  THE  DUC  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  hi. 

now  record  it  for  fear  it  may  escape  me  again.     One  after- 
noon, as  we  were  about  to  take  our  places  at  the  Council  of 
Regency,  Mar^chal  de  Villars  drew  me  aside  and 

I  prevent  the  de- 
struction of  asked  if  I  knew  that  Marly  was  about  to  be  de- 

^^^^^y-  stroyed.    I  told  him  no,  for  in  fact  I  had  never 

heard  it  mentioned,  and  I  added  that  I  could  not  believe  it. 
"  Then  you  do  not  approve  it  ? "  said  the  mardchal.  I  as- 
sured him  that  I.  was  far  from  doing  so.  He  repeated  that 
the  destruction  was  resolved  upon ;  that  he  knew  it  in  a  way 
that  left  no  doubt  whatever,  and  that  if  I  wished  to  prevent 
it  I  had  not  a  moment  to  lose.  I  answered,  as  we  were  tak- 
ing our  seats,  that  I  would  speak  of  it  presently  to  M.  le  Due 
d'Orldans.  "  Presently  ! "  exclaimed  the  mardchal,  hastily  ; 
"  speak  to  him  at  once,  this  very  moment,  for  the  order  may 
already  have  been  given." 

As  the  whole  Council  was  now  seated,  I  passed  behind 
them  to  the  Due  d'Orldans,  to  whom  I  whispered  what  I  had 
just  heard,  without  saying  from  whom  it  came.  I  said  I 
implored  him,  if  the  news  were  true,  to  suspend  the  order 
until  I  could  speak  with  him,  and  I  would  go  to  the  Palais- 
Royal  as  soon  as  the  Council  rose.  He  stammered  some- 
thing as  if  annoyed  at  being  found  out,  but  agreed  to  wait. 
"When  I  reached  the  Palais-Royal  he  did  not  deny  the  matter. 
I  told  him  I  should  not  ask  who  had  given  him  such  perni- 
cious advice.  He  wanted  to  prove  to  me  that  it  was  good  by 
saving  the  expense  of  keeping  the  place  up,  and  by  the  pro- 
duct of  the  aqueducts,  materials,  furniture,  and  other  things 
that  could  be  sold ;  he  also  mentioned  the  unsuitableness  of 
the  site  where  the  king,  at  his  early  age,  could  not  be  taken 
for  a  number  of  years.  I  answered  that  the  reasons  pre- 
sented to  him  were  those  of  the  guardian  of  a  private  indi- 
vidual whose  conduct  should  not  resemble  in  any  way  that 
of  a  guardian  of  a  King  of  France  ;  that  he  ought  to  accept 

1717]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  95 

the  necessity  of  the  expense  of  keeping  up  Marly,  and  con- 
sider that  it  was  but  an  item  in  those  of  the  king,  and  put 
out  of  his  head  the  proceeds  of  the  materials,  because  they 
would  certainly  disappear  in  gifts  and  pillage  ;  moreover,  that 
he  ought  not  to  view  the  matter  in  this  petty  way,  but  con- 
sider how  many  millions  had  been  cast  into  that  old  sewer  to 
make  it  a  fairy  palace,  unique  in  Europe  as  to  form,  still 
more  unique  for  the  beauty  of  its  fountains,  unique  in  the 
character  and  reputation  that  the  late  king  had  given  to  it, 
making  it  an  object  of  curiosity  to  foreigners  of  all  stations 
who  visited  France.  I  told  him  that  this  destruction  would 
echo  throughout  Europe,  with  such  blame  that  France  would 
be  openly  insulted  for  the  removal  of  so  remarkable  an  orna- 
ment. Besides  which,  though  neither  he  nor  I  was  very 
sensitive  as  to  what  had  been  the  taste  and  occupation  of  the 
late  king,  still  he  ought  to  avoid  shocking  his  memory  after 
so  long  a  reign,  so  many  brilliant  years,  and  such  great 
reverses  heroically  Ijorne.  And  finally  that  he  ought  to 
remember  that  all  the  malcontents  would  cry  murder ;  that 
the  Due  du  Maine,  Mme.  de  Ventadour,  and  Mar^chal  de 
Villeroy  would  not  refrain  from  making  a  crime  of  it  to  the 
little  king.  I  saw  plainly  that  he  had  never  made  the  slight- 
est reflection  on  all  this.  He  agreed  that  I  was  right,  prom- 
ised that  nothing  should  be  touched  at  Marly,  and  thanked 
me  for  having  saved  him  from  that  blunder.  When  I  was 
quite  sure  of  this  result  I  said  to  him:  "You  must  admit 
that  the  king  would  be  much  astonished  if  he  could  know 
in  the  other  world  that  the  Due  de  ISToailles  had  urged  you 
to  destroy  Marly,  and  that  I  was  the  one  to  prevent  it." 
"  Oh !  as  for  that,"  he  replied  quickly,  "  he  would  never 
believe  it."  Marly  was  preserved  and  maintained,  and  it 
was  Cardinal  Fleury  who,  with  the  miserliness  of  a  college 
bursar,  robbed  it  of  its  river,  its  greatest  charm. 

96  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUC  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  hi. 

I  hastened  to  give  the  good  news  to  Mar^chal  de  Villars. 
The  Due  de  Noailles  was  furious  at  having  this  economy 
wrenched  from  him.  In  order  not  to  seem  totally  defeated, 
he  obtained  permission  (very  secretly,  for  fear  that  here  too 
he  might  fail),  to  sell  the  furniture  and  linen,  etc.  He  per- 
suaded the  regent,  who  was  shy  with  him  about  the  retrac- 
tation of  the  destruction,  that  all  such  things  would  be  spoilt 
and  worthless  before  the  king  was  of  an  age  to  go  to  Marly ; 
that  in  selling  them  quite  a  relief  would  stiU  be  obtained  to 
the  condition  of  the  finances,  and  that  later  the  king  could 
refurnish  the  place  as  he  fancied.  There  were  several  fine 
pieces  of  furniture,  and  as  all  the  lodgings  of  the  courtiers, 
the  officers,  great  and  small,  and  the  wardrobe  people,  were 
supplied  with  furniture  and  linen  that  were  the  property  of 
the  king,  there  was  an  immensity  to  sell ;  but  the  sale  was 
small  in  its  results,  through  favours  and  pillage,  and  the 
replacement  of  what  was  sold  has  since  cost  several  millions. 
I  knew  nothing  of  the  sale  until  after  it  was  begun ;  therefore 
I  could  not  prevent  this  very  injurious  meanness.  Every- 
thing was  sold  at  an  extremely  low  price. 

Mme.  de  Maintenon,  forgotten  and  as  though  dead,  in  her 
beautiful  and  opulent  retreat  at  Saint-C}T,  was  seriously  ill 
Illness  of  Mme.  at  tliis  time,  almost  without  its  being  knowTi, 
de  Maintenon.  r^jj^j  wholly  without  its  making  any  sensation 
among  those  who  heard  of  it. 


Though  the  affair  of  the  bull  Unigenitus  does  not  enter 

into  these  Memoirs,  for  reasons  already  given,  there  are  certain 

facts  about  it,  which  either  concern  me  person- 

My  prediction  at 

the  Council  of  ally  or  are  well-known  to  me,  which  ought  to 
Regency.  g^^  ^  placc  hcrc,  bccausc   I   have  reason  to 

doubt  whether  they  will  find  one  in  the  histories  of  this 
famous  affair,  the  authors  of  which  may  well  desire  to  ignore 
them.  On  one  of  the  earlier  days  of  the  month  of  January  the 
matter  came  up  before  the  Council  of  Eegency.  I  shall  not 
enlarge  on  what  took  place,  for  I  have  no  intention  of  dwell- 
ing on  the  subject.  I  saw  a  strong  incHnation  to  exact  a 
blind  submission  without  explanation  or  chance  to  reply  ;  and 
also  that  the  party  now  inclinmg  to  absolute  obedience  was 
increasmg  steadily.  M.  de  Troyes  put  himself  forward  in 
favour  of  the  bull  and  the  pretensions  of  Eome,  repenting, 
apparently,  that  he  had  hitherto,  throughout  his  hfe,  opposed 

I  was  not  of  his  opinion ;  he  grew  warm ;  we  both  disputed 
hotly,  and  he  let  out  his  ideas  so  freely  that  I  remarked  that 
before  long  that  bull  would  have  made  its  way  amazingly,  for 
I  saw  now  that  it  was  getting  nearer  and  nearer  to  being 
made  an  article  of  faith  ;  whereupon  up  gets  M.  de  Troyes  to 
declaim  against  the  calumny,  declaring  that  I  always  went 
beyond  the  facts ;  and  from  that  to  showing  that  the  buU 
could  never  become  either  dogma,  rule,  or  article  of  faith ; 
that  even  in  Eome  such  a  thing  had  never  entered  the  mind 
of  any  one,  and  that  Cardmal  Tolomeo,  who  was  all  his  life  a 

VOL.  IV.  7 

98  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  iv. 

Jesuit,  and  as  a  Jesuit  was  made  cardinal,  had  laughed  in 
derision  whenever  that  string  was  touched.  Wlien  he  had 
made  his  outcry,  I  looked  round  at  the  council  and  said: 
"  Messieurs,  pray  allow  me  to  take  you,  one  and  all,  to  wit- 
ness as  to  what  I  have  now  predicted  about  the  future  of  the 
bull,  and  all  that  M.  de  Troyes  has  said  to  prove  that  it  is 
impossible  it  can  ever  be  made  an  article,  dogma,  or  rule  of 
faith,  and  that  Eome  herself  laughs  at  the  idea;  and  per- 
mit me  also  to  remind  you  of  all  this  hereafter,  when  the 
bull  shall  have  reached  the  future  which,  I  repeat,  will  not 
be  long  in  coming."  M.  de  Troyes  cried  out  again  at  my 
absurdity.  At  the  end  of  six  months,  and  even  less,  it  was 
shown  I  was  a  prophet. 

Cardinal  de  Noailles  proposed  to  me  a  meeting  in  his 
cabinet  w^ith  d'Aguesseau  (still  'pi'ocureur-general),  in  order 
D'Aguesseau  ^^^^^  "^^  might  listcu  to  a  memorial  which  the 
reads  to  Cardinal    latter  had  drawn  up  against  the  bull.     I  went 

de  Noailles  and 

me  a  memorial  there,  the  door  was  closed,  we  were  all  three 
agains     e  u  .      j^jq^q^  ^^^^  ^q  reading  lasted  two  hours.     The 

object  of  the  paper  was  to  show  that  there  was  no  means  of 
receiving  a  bull  so  contrary  to  all  the  laws  of  the  Church,  to 
the  maxims  and  usages  of  the  kinodom  founded  on  the  liber- 
ties  of  the  Galilean  Church  as  the  Unigenitus ;  that  those 
liberties  themselves  are  only  the  observance  of  canons  and 
rules  established  from  all  time  in  the  Church  universal; 
canons  which  have  been  maintained  in  their  integrity 
against  the  encroachments  of  the  Court  of  Eome  by  the 
Galilean  Church  alone.  Besides  the  erudition  which,  without 
any  affectation,  was  displayed  throughout  the  document,  and 
the  beauty  of  the  diction  without  an  effort  at  eloquence,  it 
was  admirable  for  its  tissue  of  a  chain  of  proofs,  the  links  of 
which  seemed  to  spring  naturally  from  one  another,  and 
carried  along  the  proofs  of  the  whole  memorial  in  an  orderly 


manner  which  made  them  clear,  and  formed  an  evidence 
which  it  was  impossible  not  to  accept.  It  was  also  restraiaed 
within  the  limits  which  the  primacy  of  Eome  over  all  other 
churches  could  justly  require;  and  was  expressed  with  the 
proper  respect  due  to  the  person  and  dignity  of  the  pope. 
The  conclusion  arrived  at  was  to  send  back  to  him  his  bull, 
having  vainly  sought  and  endeavoured  to  find  some  way  of 
receiving  it,  solely  induced  thereto  by  the  desire  to  show 
good-will  and  respect  for  the  Holy  See  and  the  pope.  I  was 
charmed  with  the  document,  and  I  showed  d'Aguesseau  to 
its  fullest  extent  the  impression  made  upon  me.  Cardinal 
de  Noailles  was  no  less  satisfied.  We  reasoned  it  over  to- 
gether before  separating.  But  the  misery  was  that  religion 
and  truth  were  not  the  rudder  of  this  unhappy  affair ;  just 
as  neither  had  been  the  source  of  it  in  Eome  or  in  those 
who  had  been  employed  in  demanding  it,  supporting  it,  and 
bringing  it,  for  their  ambition,  to  the  point  where  it  now 
was,  at  the  cost  of  truth,  justice,  the  Church  and  State, 
many  learned  colleges,  many  illustrious  ecclesiastical  bodies, 
—  in  short,  at  the  cost  of  a  whole  people  of  saints  and  learned 

I  knew  the  weakness  of  the  regent,  and  (though  he  was 

really  a  believer,  in  spite  of  himself)  the  little  account  he 

piqued  himself  on  making  of  religion.     I  saw 

The  regent  deliv-       ^    ^  .... 

ered  over  to  the  him  givcu  ovcr  to  his  cnemics  in  this  affair,  as 
in  so  many  others :  to  the  Jesuits,  whom  he 
feared  ;  to  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  who  had  impressed  him 
from  his  earliest  youth,  and  who,  in  the  most  profound  igno- 
rance of  the  real  matter,  piqued  himself  on  supporting  the 
bull,  to  make  parade  of  his  gratitude  to  the  late  king  and 
Mme.  de  Maintenon  ;  to  the  Abbd  Dubois,  who,  in  his  under- 
ground darkness,  was  already  groping  towards  the  cardinalate, 
and  seeking  to  smooth  his  way  with  Eome ;  to  the  manoeu- 

100  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

vres  of  Cardiual  de  Eolian,  the  tantrums  of  Cardinal  de  Bissy, 
the  rascality  of  sundry  prelates  who  nursed  a  soft  chimera  of 
attaining  to  the  hat ;  and,  finally,  to  that  fallen  cedar,  to  that 
unhappy  Bishop  of  Troyes,  whose  return  to  the  world  had 
gangrened  his  very  vitals,  without  object,  without  reason,  and 
against  all  the  notions  and  lights  he  had  had  and  maintained 
throughout  his  life  until  he  entered  the  Council  of  Regency. 
As  for  counter-weight,  there  was  none. 

The  pope,  stiffening  himself  (unlike  the  usage  of  his 
greatest  and  most  saintly  predecessors)  in  the  resolve  not 
to  give  any  explanation  of  his  bull,  nor  suffer  the  bishops  to 
give  any,  for  fear  of  undermining  his  pretended  infallibility, 
but  more  because  he  was  puzzled  how  to  give  any  reasonable 
explanation,  or  admit  any,  would  only  hear  of  blind  obedi- 
ence ;  and  his  nuncio,  Bentivoglio,  at  the  head  of  the  Jesuits 
and  Sulpicians,  thought  the  chance  too  good  to  abrogate  the 
liberties  of  the  GaUican  Church  and  subject  it  to  the  slavery 
of  Rome  (Kke  the  churches  of  Italy,  Spain,  Portugal,  and  the 
Indies),  to  miss  the  occasion.  He  began  therefore  to  doff 
his  cap,  and  those  of  the  Jesuits  and  Sulpicians,  to  the 
bishops,  to  get  them  to  declare  the  bull  an  article  of  faith. 

In  this  extremity  —  of  the  imposition  of  a  new  article  of 
faith,  destitute  of  aU  legitimate  authority,  because  such  au- 
thority can  only  be  given  by  the  free  and  general  assembly 
of  the  Church,  to  wliich  alone  the  promise  of  Jesus  Christ 
to  be  with  it  throughout  all  ages  is  addressed  —  the  Sorbonne 
and  four  bishops  thought  it  was  time  to  have  recourse  to 
the  last  remedy  which  the  Church  has  provided  and  ap- 
proves of  her  children  making  use  of,  in  order  to  suspend 
proceedings  and  await  times  when  the  truth  would  be  more 
readily  listened  to;  namely,  an  appeal  to  a  future  free 
Council-general.  Bentivoglio  and  all  the  promoters  of  the 
bull  uttered  loud   outcries.      They   felt  the  importance   in 


itself  of  this  great  step  ;  they  groaned  under  the  weight  of 
suspended  proceedings  ;  they  felt  the  terrible  effect  upon 
their  enterprise  from  the  consequences  of  this  example,  and 
they  stirred  up  hell  to  arrest  it.  The  regent,  ever  ready  to 
be  alarmed,  easily  dragged  along  by  his  treacherous  con- 
fidants, yielded  to  their  demands,  and  proceeded  cruelly 
against  the  Sorbonne,  and  against  the  four  bishops,  whom 
he  exiled,  and  dismissed  to  their  dioceses. 

It  was  then  that  Cardinal  de   Noailles  missed  a   grand 

stroke  —  as  he  had  already  missed  others,     I  saw  him  fi'e- 

quently  at  his  own  house  and  at  mine.     He 

Cardinal  de 

Noailles  misses  cauic  On  tliis  occasiou  to  talk  the  matter  over 
stroke!'^  ^"^^  with  mc.  I  cxliortcd  him  to  appeal.  He  was 
sure  of  the  Chapters  and  of  the  rectors  of 
Paris,  of  all  the  principal  ecclesiastics,  and  the  most  noted 
and  numerous  communities,  both  secular  and  regular.  He 
was  also  sure  of  several  bishops  who  were  only  waiting  his 
example,  and  pressed  him  to  give  it.  I  represented  to  him 
that  he  ought  by  this  time  to  be  convinced  of  the  treachery, 
the  craftiness,  and  the  real  object  of  the  party  which,  under 
a  show  of  obedience  to  Eome,  was  forcing  the  hand  of  the 
pope  in  order  to  triumph  in  France,  and  would  never  consent 
to  anything  but  blind  obedience.  I  told  him  he  had  shown 
enough  patience,  gentleness,  moderation,  and  desire  to  com- 
bine obedience  with  the  truth  and  liberties  of  the  Gallican 
Church,  and  that  it  was  now  time  to  open  his  eyes,  and  put 
a  stop  to  this  fury  and  craft. 

I  shook  him.  He  confided  to  me  that  his  appeal  was  all 
written  and  ready ;  but  he  thought  he  ought  still  to  delay 
the  crash  in  order  not  to  reproach  himself  with  having  failed 
in  patience.  I  could  not  get  him  out  of  that ;  nor  could  he 
allege  any  better  reason  than  this  vague  scruple.  After  a 
long  discussion,  I  predicted  to  him  that  his  patience  would 

102  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

prove  fatal ;  that  in  the  end  he  would  come  to  the  appeal, 
but  —  too  late  ! 

The  regent  avoided  the  subject  with  me,  —  all  the  more 
easily  because  I  never  touched  upon  it,  and,  with  the  excep- 
tion of  a  few  mercies  I  obtained  from  him  in 
Tete-a-tete  be-       cascs  of  private  pcrsons  against  whom  violence 

tween  the  regent  j:  r  o 

and  me  in  his        had  been  cxtortcd  from  him,  I  never  entered 

opera-box.  .  i      i   • 

upon  the  topic  with  him.  But  when  he  was 
troubled  and  pressed  upon  some  special  point  he  never  could 
prevent  himself  from  returning  to  me  with  perfect  openness ; 
and  this  about  matters  and  things  on  which  his  own  con- 
sciousness and  the  influence  of  the  people  about  him  made 
me  most  open  to  suspicion  in  his  eyes.  So,  being  pressed 
and  harassed  by  these  appeals  and  contending  furies,  he 
stopped  me  one  afternoon  as  I  was  preparing  to  leave  after 
working  with  him  Utc-h-Ute,  as  I  usually  did  about  twice  a 
week.  He  said  he  was  going  to  the  Opera,  and  wanted  me 
to  go  with  him  to  talk  over  important  matters.  "  The  Opera, 
monsieur  ! "  I  exclaimed  ;  "  what  a  place  to  talk  over  busi- 
ness !  Talk  here  as  much  as  you  please ;  or,  if  you  must  go 
to  the  Opera,  very  good ;  and,  if  you  like,  I  will  come  back 
to-morrow."  He  persisted,  and  said  we  could  shut  ourselves 
up  in  his  little  box,  where  he  went  under  cover  from  his  own 
apartment,  and  where  we  should  be  quite  as  well  off,  and 
better  too  than  in  his  cabinet.  In  vain  I  objected  ;  he  only 
laughed,  and  finally,  taking  his  hat  and  cane  from  a  sofa 
with  one  hand,  and  me  by  the  arm  with  the  other,  he 
marched  me  along.  On  entering  his  box,  he  sat  down  where 
he  told  me  he  usually  sat,  facing  the  stage,  to  which  he  told 
me  to  turn  my  back  that  I  might  sit  opposite  to  him.  In 
this  position  we  were  in  full  view  from  the  stage,  the  neigh- 
bouring boxes,  and  part  of  the  pit.  The  opera  was  just  be- 
ginning ;  we  only  looked  a  moment  into  the  theatre,  which 


was  very  full ;  after  which  we  neither  heard  nor  saw  any- 
thing until  the  play  was  over,  so  much  did  our  conversation 
occupy  us. 

The  regent  began  at  once  to  explain  the  embarrassment 
he  was  in  about  the  appeal  urged  upon  him  by  parhament, 
who  wanted  to  make  it,  also  several  bishops  and  the  whole 
second  order  of  the  clergy,  following  the  example  of  the 
Sorbonue.  I  listened  without  interrupting  until  he  had 
ended,  and  then  I  began  to  reason.  Soon  after  I  had  begun, 
he  stopped  me  to  observe  that  the  largest  number  were  on 
the  side  of  the  bull,  and  the  smallest  for  the  appeals ;  that 
the  bull  had  the  pope,  most  of  the  bishops,  the  Jesuits,  most 
of  the  members  of  Saint-Sulpice  and  Saint-Lazare,  conse- 
quently, an  infinite  number  of  confessors,  rectors,  vicars, 
scattered  through  the  towns  and  provinces  of  the  kingdom, 
who  led  the  people  through  their  consciences ;  besides  the 
capuchins  and  a  small  number  of  other  mendicant  friars  ; 
and  the  danger  was  that  all  these  Unigenitarians  might 
join  the  King  of  Spain  agamst  him,  and,  what  with  intrigues, 
and  Rome  behind  them,  become  a  great  embarrassment.  I 
hstened  without  interrupting,  and  then  I  asked  him  to  hear 
me  in  turn  uninterruptedly.  I  began  by  saying  that  with 
him  I  should  not  argue  on  religious  grounds,  though  I  could 
not  avoid  telling  him  how  strange  it  was  to  treat  of  an 
affair  of  doctrine  and  religion  with  views  and  means  that 
were  purely  political,  and  could  only  serve  to  attract  God's 
wrath  upon  the  issue  ;  neither  could  I  avoid  reminding  him 
of  all  that  he  had  thought  about  the  iniquity  of  the  whole 
thing  and  the  violence  of  the  means  used  in  the  days  of  the 
late  king,  and  of  all  tliat  he  and  I  had  confided  to  each 
other  at  the  time  we  thought  the  king  would  carry  the 
matter  to  parliament.  [After  a  very  long  argument,  in  which 
the  case  was  laid  before  the  regent]  I  stopped  and  said  no 

104  MEMOmS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  iv. 

more,  to  judge  of  the  impression  I  had  made.  It  surpassed 
my  expectations,  but  did  not  reassure  me.  I  saw  a  man  con- 
vinced by  the  evidence  of  my  argument  (he  made  no  diffi- 
culty in  owning  this),  at  the  same  time  in  bonds  and  unable 
to  free  himself.  He  reasoned  on  the  present  state  of  the 
matter  and  the  equal  objections  on  both  sides ;  acknowledg- 
ing, however,  the  force  of  what  I  told  him.  Here  was  a 
man  who  was  truly  convinced,  and,  by  his  own  admission, 
without  reply  to  any  one  of  the  reasons  I  gave  him,  and  yet 
in  the  travail,  as  it  were,  of  cliildbirth.  We  had  reached  that 
point  when  the  curtain  fell ;  each  of  us  was  surprised  and 
sorry  that  the  play  was  over.  In  spite  of  the  hurly-burly 
produced  by  the  haste  of  every  one  to  leave  the  theatre,  we 
still  sat  on  a  few  moments  longer,  unable  to  finish  the  con- 
versation. I  ended  by  telling  him  that  the  nuncio  knew 
him  only  too  well  when  he  said  that  the  last  man  who 
spoke  to  him  was  the  one  who  spoke  the  truth ;  and  I 
warned  him  he  was  being  watched  by  persons  whom  he 
thought  faithful,  but  who  were  only  faithful  to  themselves, 
their  views,  their  interests,  their  intrigues ;  and  watched  as 
by  birds  of  prey,  whose  victim  he  would  be  if  he  did  not 
take  care. 

To  return,  however,  to  the  appeals  ;  I  said  but  too  true 
to  the  regent  as  we  left  the  theatre.  He  was  so  watched, 
by  relays  of  watchers,  that  they  boxed  him  up.  He  stopped 
the  appeals  and  put  all  his  authority  into  preventing  that 
of  the  parliament.  I  contented  myself  with  having  con- 
vinced him,  and  I  let  him  alone,  without  arguing  again 
with  a  prince  whom  I  knew  to  be  environed  in  such  a  way 
that  his  pliancy  and  weakness  made  him  literally  incapable 
of  resistance.  He  became  at  last  all  that  they  wanted, 
dragged  along  by  their  torrent ;  and  that  which  I  predicted 
happened  to  him.     If  he  had  listened  to  me  —  or  rather,  if 


he  had  had  any  force  of  character  —  the  bull  would  have 
fallen,  with  all  its  machinery  and  its  turmoils,  the  Church 
of  France  would  have  lived  in  peace,  and  Eome  would  have 
learned  from  so  strong  a  lesson  not  to  trouble  it  again  with 
its  schemes  and  its  ambitious  pretensions. 

The  Due  de  Noailles  was  seeking  every  expedient  in  the 

management   of    the   finances,   but    more    especially    some 

means  to  put  his  own  administration  of  them 

me^against^my      uudcr  cover.     Hc  workcd  at  a  long  memorial 

will,  on  a  com-       ^q  -jqq  j.qq^^  \yj  j^j^^  a,t  tlic  Couucil  of  Eeo'cncy, 

mittee  of  finance.  _  o         ./ 

where  it  was  previously  announced.  I  have 
already  remarked,  and  given  examples,  that  in  spite  of  his 
intellect,  the  multitude  and  mobihty  of  his  ideas  and  views, 
which  successively  chased  each  other  off  either  wholly  or 
in  part,  made  him  incapable  of  concluding  any  work  of  his 
own ;  neither  was  he  ever  satisfied  with  work  done  for  him, 
which  he  would  order  done  over  again  or  (to  use  his  own 
term)  recast.  This  is  why  we  waited  so  long  for  the  docu- 
ment after  it  had  been  announced  and  he  had  prepared  us, 
as  much  as  he  could,  to  admire  it.  Eight  or  ten  days  before 
it  appeared  at  the  Council  of  Regency  the  regent  spoke  to 
me  of  it  and  praised  it,  having  seen  certain  parts  of  it. 
Then  he  told  me  that  he  should  form  a  committee  (in  those 
days  people  talked  nothing  but  English)  of  certain  members 
of  the  Council  of  Eegency,  before  whom  the  Due  de  Noailles 
wished  to  explain  his  administration  of  the  finances  at 
greater  length  and  with  more  leisure ;  and  also  he  was 
desirous  of  consulting  the  committee  on  certain  measures 
that  he  intended  to  propose.  To  all  this  the  regent  added 
that  the  committee  would  assemble  at  the  chancellor's  house, 
and  he  wished  me  to  be  a  member  of  it. 

I  expressed  my  surprise  and  repugnance ;  I  reminded  the 
regent  of  my  incapacity  about  finances,  my  disgust  for  such 

106  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

matters,  and  my  relations  to  the  Due  de  Noailles ;  I  assured 
him  I  should  be  a  person  absolutely  null  on  such  a  com- 
mittee ;  one  who  would  understand  nothing ;  whom  the 
others  could  make  believe  what  they  pleased ;  that  I  should 
be  perfectly  useless  and  only  waste  my  time  ;  and  I  implored 
him  to  release  me.  "  But,"  he  said,  "  it  is  the  Due  de  Noailles 
himself  who  wants  you  there ;  he  not  only  asked  it,  but  he 
urged  it."  "  Monsieur,"  I  replied,  "  this  is  folly  indeed ! 
Has  he  forgotten,  and  vou  too,  how  I  have  ill-treated  and 
abused  him,  I  can't  tell  how  many  times,  before  you  in  pri- 
vate, and  also  before  the  Council  of  Eegency  ?  What  fancy 
can  he  have  for  scenes  in  which  he  always  bends  his  back 
and  plays  a  miserable  part  ?  And  why  should  you  want  to 
multiply  them  ? "  I  spoke  so  much,  and  so  well,  or  at  any 
rate  so  strongly,  that  the  regent  made  no  reply  and  talked  of 
other  thmgs.     I  thought  myself  quit  of  the  danger. 

Three  or  four  days  after  this  conversation  the  Due  de 
Noailles  began  the  reading  of  his  memorial  before  the  Coun- 
cil of  Eegency.  When  he  had  finished,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans, 
and  nearly  all  present,  including  the  presidents  or  heads  of 
the  various  councils,  praised  it  highly.  After  which  the 
regent,  passing  his  eyes  over  the  assembly,  said  it  only  re- 
mained to  appoint  the  committee,  and  then,  almost  imme- 
diately, I  heard  myself  named  first.  In  my  surprise  I 
interrupted  the  regent,  and  begged  him  to  remember  all  that 
I  had  had  the  honour  to  say  to  him.  He  answered  that  he 
had  not  forgotten  it,  but  that  I  should  do  him  a  pleasure  by 
belonging  to  it.  I  replied  that  I  should  be  entirely  useless, 
because  I  positively  could  not  understand  finances,  and  I 
begged  him  to  excuse  me.  "  Monsieur,"  he  replied  in  a 
kindly  tone,  but  the  tone  of  a  regent  —  it  was  the  only  time 
he  ever  took  it  to  me,  —  "I  beg  you  to  belong  to  it,  and,  since 
I  am  forced  to  say  it,  I  command  you  to  do  so."     I  bowed 

1717]  MEMOIRS  OF   THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  107 

low  over  the  table,  inwardly  very  angry,  and  replied,  "  Mon- 
sieur, you  are  the  master ;  I  can  only  obey  you ;  but  at  least 
you  will  allow  me  to  declare  before  these  gentlemen  my  re- 
pugnance, and  make  a  public  admission  of  my  incapacity  as 
to  finances,  and  my  consequent  uselessness  on  this  com- 
mittee." The  regent  let  me  finish,  then,  without  saying 
more  he  proceeded  to  name  the  Due  de  La  Force,  Mardchal 
de  Villeroy,  the  Due  de  NoaiUes,  Marechal  de  Besons, 
Pelletier-Sousy,  the  Archbishop  of  Bordeaux,  and  the  Marquis 

Not  being  able  to  avoid  this  bomb-shell,  in  spite  of  all  that 
I  had  done,  I  thought  I  had  better  not  show  annoyance  and 
give  that  pleasure  to  the  Due  de  NoaiUes,  nor  get  my  ears 
pulled  for  lack  of  assiduity  at  the  committee  and  punctuality 
to  the  hours.  We  assembled  tliree  or  four  times  a  week 
between  three  and  four  o'clock,  and  the  session  rarely  lasted 
less  than  three  hours.  As  the  committee  continued  for  over 
three  months  I  shall  not  say  more  here,  but  wiU  return  to 
it  later. 

By  an  extremely  rare  chance  a  man  employed  in  the  dia- 
mond mines  of  the  Great  Mogul  found  means  to  insert  one 
of  enormous  size  into  his  rectum  ;  and  what  is 

I  cause  the  pur-  ' 

chase  of  the  dia-     more  remarkable  still,  he  reached  the  coast  and 

mond  afterwards  i  •   i 

called  "  the  was  allowed  to  embark  without  the  precaution 

^^^"*'  invariably   taken   with  all   passengers   whose 

name  and  place  of  employment  are  not  known,  namely,  that 
of  giving  them  a  purgative  and  an  injection,  to  recover  what- 
ever they  might  have  swallowed  or  hidden.  Apparently  he 
was  not  suspected  of  having  been  to  the  mines,  or  of  having 
any  dealings  in  precious  stones.  As  a  crown  of  good  luck,  he 
reached  Europe  safely  with  his  diamond.  He  showed  it  to 
several  princes,  whose  wealth  was  not  sufficient  for  the  pur- 
chase.    Then  he  took  it  to  England,  where  the  king  admired 

108  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

it,  but  could  not  resolve  to  buy  it.  A  crystal  model  of  it  was 
made  in  England ;  and  the  man,  the  model,  and  the  diamond 
were  despatched  to  Law,  who  proposed  to  the  regent  to  buy 
the  stone.     The  price  alarmed  the  regent,  and  he  refused. 

Law,  who  thought  on  a  large  scale  about  many  things, 
came  to  me  quite  disturbed,  and  brought  the  model  I 
thought,  as  he  did,  that  it  did  not  become  the  grandeur  of  the 
King  of  France  to  be  deterred  by  the  cost  from  purchasing  a 
thing  unique  in  the  world  and  quite  inestimable ;  and  the 
more  other  potentates  had  not  dared  to  think  of  it,  the  more 
we  should  be  careful  not  to  let  it  escape  us.  Law,  dehghted 
that  I  should  think  in  that  way,  begged  me  to  speak  to  the 
Due  d'Orl^ans.  The  state  of  the  finances  was  an  obstacle  on 
which  the  regent  insisted  strongly.  He  feared  blame  for 
making  so  large  a  purchase  wliile  there  was  so  much  diffi- 
culty in  meeting  pressing  necessities,  and  such  numbers  of 
people  were  suffering.  I  praised  that  sentiment ;  but  I  told 
him  he  ought  not  to  use  it  for  the  greatest  king  in  Europe 
as  he  would  for  a  private  individual,  who  would  be  very 
reprehensible  indeed  to  give  a  hundred  thousand  francs  for 
his  own  adornment  if  he  owed  debts  and  had  not  the  where- 
withal to  pay  them.  I  said  he  ought  to  consider  the  honour 
of  the  crown,  and  not  throw  away  this  unique  opportunity  of 
obtainuig  a  priceless  stone,  w^hich  eclipsed  all  others  in 
Europe ;  I  also  said  it  would  be  a  glory  for  his  regency 
which  would  always  last ;  and  that  no  matter  what  was  the 
state  of  the  finances,  this  amount  of  saving  would  not  help 
them  much.  In  short,  I  did  not  leave  the  Due  d'Orl^ans 
until  I  had  obtained  from  him  a  promise  to  purchase  the 

Law,  before  speaking  to  me,  had  said  so  much  to  the 
merchant  about  the  impossibihty  of  selhng  the  stone  for  the 
price  he  asked,  and  the  injury  and  loss  in  cutting  it   up, 


that  he  brought  him  down  at  last  to  two  millions  of  francs, 
with  the  parings  that  would  come  from  cutting.  The  bargain 
was  concluded  on  those  terms.  The  man  was  paid  the 
interest  on  two  millions  until  they  could  give  him  the 
principal,  with  possession  of  two  millions  of  precious  stones 
as  security ;  which  he  was  to  keep  until  payment  in  full  of 
the  two  millions  in  money  was  made  to  him. 

The  Due  d'Orleans  was  agreeably  disappointed  by  the 
applause  which  the  pubhc  gave  to  this  fine  and  unique  ac- 
quisition. The  diamond  was  called  "  the  Eegent."  It  is 
the  size  of  a  Eeine  Claude  plum,  almost  round  in  shape,  of  a 
thickness  equal  to  its  width,  perfectly  white,  free  from  all 
blemish,  cloud,  or  speck,  of  admirable  water,  and  weighing 
more  than  five  hundred  grains.  I  congratulated  myself 
much  on  having  induced  the  regent  to  make  so  illustrious 
a  purchase.-^ 

Peter   I.,  Czar  of  Moscovy,  has  justly  made  himself   so 

great  a  name  in  his  own  land  and  throughout  all  Europe 

and  Asia  that  I  shall  not  undertake  to  make 

The  czar,  Peter 

I.,  comes  to  kuowu   a  princc  so  great,  so  illustrious,  com- 

parable only  to  the  greatest  men  of  antiquity, 
who  has  made  himself  the  admiration  of  the  age,  and  will 
be  that  of  centuries  still  to  come.  The  singularity  of  a 
journey  to  France  by  a  prince  so  extraordinary  seems  to  me 
an  event  that  deserves  to  be  unforgotten,  the  narration  of 
which  should  not  be  interrupted.  For  this  reason  I  place 
it  here,  a  little  later  than  it  ought  to  be  in  the  order  of 
time,  but  the  dates  will  rectify  this  error. 

We  have  seen  that  he  wished  to  come  to  France  in  the 
last  years  of  the  late  king,  who  civilly  evaded  his  visit. 
That  obstacle  no  longer  existing,  he  again  wished  to  gratify 
his  curiosity,  and  sent  word  to  the  regent  through  Prince 

1  It  is  now  improperly  called  the  "Pitt  diamond."  —  Tb. 

110  MEM.OIES  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

Kurakin,  his  ambassador  here,  that  he  was  about  to  leave 
Holland  to  come  and  see  the  king.  There  was  nothing  to  do 
but  to  seem  pleased,  though  the  regent  would  wilhngly  have 
been  spared  the  visit.  The  expense  of  it  was  great;  the 
awkwardness  not  less  so,  with  a  prince  so  powerful  and  so 
clear-sighted,  but  so  full  of  fancies,  with  the  remains  of  bar- 
barism about  him,  and  accompanied  by  an  immense  suite  of 
persons  whose  behaviour  was  very  different  from  that  of  our 
own  people,  and  who  were  full  of  caprices  and  strange  habits, 
• —  and  their  master  and  themselves  very  sensitive  and  very 
exacting  about  what  they  thought  their  due  and  their 
rights.  Moreover,  the  czar  was  at  open  enmity  with  the 
King  of  England,  —  an  enmity  that  went  to  the  verge  of  in- 
decency, and  was  all  the  more  bitter  because  it  was  personal. 
This  was  a  thing  that  harassed  the  regent  not  a  Httle,  because 
his  own  intimacy  with  the  King  of  England  was  pubhc,  and 
had  been  brought  about  by  the  personal  interests  of  the 
Abbd  Dubois,  also  to  the  verge  of  indecency.  The  dominant 
passion  of  the  czar  was  to  make  his  country"  flourishing 
through  commerce.  He  had  made  a  great  number  of  canals 
to  facihtate  this.  There  was  one  for  which  he  needed  the 
concurrence  of  the  King  of  England,  because  it  had  to  cross 
a  little  corner  of  his  German  States.  Commercial  jealousy 
kept  George  from  consenting.  Peter,  engaged  in  the  war 
with  Poland,  then  in  that  of  the  North,  in  which  George 
also  took  part,  requested  this  compliance  in  vain.  That  was 
the  source  of  their  hatred,  which  lasted  all  their  Hves  with 
the  utmost  bitterness. 

Tills  great  monarch,  who  wanted  to  draw  both  himself 
and  his  country  out  of  barbarism,  and  extend  his  power  by 
Motives  of  the  couqucsts  and  treaties,  had  seen  the  necessity 
trbec°o'^i^'^a  ""^  °^  marriages  to  ally  him  with  the  first  potentates 
Catholic.  of    Europe.     This   reason   made   the   Catholic 

>/>/      //      6       / 



religion  necessary  to  him,  —  that  religion  being  so  little 
separated  from  the  Greek  faith  that  he  thought  there  would 
be  no  difficulty  in  gettmg  it  received  among  his  people,  leav- 
ing them,  however,  entire  hberty  of  conscience.  But  this 
intelligent  prince  was  sufficiently  intelligent  to  desire  to  be 
fully  enhghtened  beforehand  as  to  Roman  pretensions.  For 
this  purpose  he  sent  to  Rome  an  obscure  man,  though  one 
who  was  capable  of  informing  himself,  who,  after  passing  six 
months  in  that  city,  brought  back  to  him  nothing  satisfactory. 
The  czar  unbosomed  himself  on  the  matter  in  Holland  to 
King  Wilham,  who  dissuaded  him  from  his  purpose  and 
advised  him  to  imitate  England  and  make  himself  the  head 
of  the  religion  of  his  own  country,  without  which  he  would 
never  be  really  master  of  it.  This  advice  pleased  the  czar, 
all  the  more  because  it  was  through  the  wealth  and  au- 
thority of  the  patriarchs  of  Moscow,  his  grandfather  and 
his  great-grandfather,  that  his  father  had  obtained  the 
crown,  although  of  ordinary  condition  among  the  Russian 

Nevertheless,  the  passion  to  open  to  his  posterity  the 
means  of  making  marriages  with  CathoHc  princes,  above  all, 
the  honour  of  allying  it  to  the  houses  of  France  and  Austria, 
made  him  return  after  a  while  to  his  first  project.  He 
persuaded  himself  that  the  man  he  had  sent  secretly  to 
Rome  was  not  well-informed,  or  had  not  understood  the 
matter ;  he  resolved  to  fathom  his  doubts,  so  that  none  might 
remain  as  to  the  course  he  ought  to  take.  With  this  design 
he  fixed  on  Prince  Kurakin,  whose  inteUigence  and  insight 
were  well  known  to  him,  to  go  to  Rome  under  pretence  of 
travelling  for  curiosity,  —  believing  that  a  seigneur  of  his 
quality  would  obtain  an  entrance  to  all  that  was  best,  most 
important,  and  most  distinguished  in  Rome  ;  and  also  that 
by  living  there  under  pretext  of  loving  the  life,  wishing  to 

112  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

see  all  at  his  ease,  and  to  admire  the  marvels  of  all  kinds 
there  collected,  he  would  have  leisure  and  opportunity  to 
become  well  informed  on  all  that  the  czar  was  desirous  of 
knowing.  Kurakin  stayed  in  Eome  tliree  years,  mingling 
with  learned  men  on  the  one  hand  and  the  very  best  society 
on  the  other,  from  whom,  little  by  little,  he  drew  all  that 
he  wanted  to  know,  with  the  more  facility  because  that 
Court  openly  triumphs  in  its  temporal  pretensions  and  its 
conquests  in  that  Hne,  instead  of  holding  them  secretly. 
At  the  long  and  faithful  report  which  Kurakin  made  to 
his  master  the  czar  heaved  a  sigh,  saying  that  he  must  be 
master  in  his  own  land  and  could  not  put  it  in  the  power 
of  any  one  who  was  greater;  after  that  he  never  thought 
a^ain  of  making  himself  a  Catholic. 

That  is  the  good  that  popes  and  their  Court  do  to  the 
Church,  tlie  good  that  these  vicars  of  Jesus  Christ  procure 
for  the  souls  whom  He  redeemed,  and  of  whom  they  ought 
to  be  tbe  great  pastors  ;  souls  for  which  they  have  to  answer 
to  the  Sovereign  Pastor,  who  declared  to  Saint  Peter  and  the 
other  apostles  that  his  kingdom  was  not  of  this  world ;  and 
who  asked  those  two  brothers,  when  they  wanted  him  to 
judge  of  their  quarrel  about  their  heritage,  "  "VYho  made  me  a 
judge  in  such  matters  over  you  ?  "  —  and  would  do  no  good 
work  for  them  except  to  reconcile  those  brothers,  in  order  to 
teach  pastors  and  priests  by  so  great  and  clear  an  example 
that  they  not  only  have  no  power  and  no  rights  over  the 
temporal  for  any  reasons  whatsoever,  but  that  they  are 
especially  excluded  from  them. 

This  fact  about  the  czar  and  Eome,  Prince  Kurakin  did  not 
conceal.  All  who  knew  it  heard  it  from  him  ;  I  often  dined 
with  him  and  he  with  me,  and  have  talked  with  him  and 
heard  him,  with  pleasure,  discourse  of  this  and  many  other 


The  regent,  informed  by  Kurakin  of  the  czar's  approaching 
arrival  in  France  by  the  maritime  coast,  sent  the  king's 
His  arrival  in  cquipagcs,  horscs.  Carriages,  coaches,  f  ourgons, 
P^"s-  tables,  and  beds,  with   du  Libois,  one  of  the 

king's  gentlemen-in-ordmary,  to  await  the  czar  at  Dunkerque, 
pay  all  expenses  to  Paris  for  himself  and  suite,  and  to  show  him 
the  same  honours  as  to  the  king  himself.  The  czar  proposed 
to  give  a  hundred  days  to  the  trip.  The  apartment  of  the 
queen-mother  at  the  Louvre  was  furnished  for  him.  The 
reo-ent  discussing  with  me  the  man  of  rank  he  had  better 
choose  to  attend  the  czar  during  the  time  of  his  visit,  I 
suggested  Mar^chal  de  Tess^  as  a  man  who  had  nothing 
to  do,  was  well  versed  in  the  language  and  usages  of  the 
world,  knew  much  of  foreigners  through  his  travels  in  Spain 
and  Italy,  and  was  very  gentle  and  polite.  The  regent 
thought  I  was  right,  sent  for  him  the  next  day,  and  gave 
him  his  orders.  The  hotel  de  Lesdiguieres  was  also  prepared 
for  the  czar  and  his  suite,  under  the  supposition  that  he 
might  prefer  a  private  house,  with  all  his  people  around  him, 
to  the  Louvre. 

The  czar  arrived  on  Friday,  May  7,  and  reached  the  Louvre 
at  nine  in  the  evening.  He  went  all  over  the  apartment 
of  the  queen-mother,  thought  it  too  magnificently  fur- 
nished and  too  light,  and  immediately  got  back  into  the 
carriage  and  drove  to  the  hotel  de  Lesdiguiferes,  where  he 
preferred  to  lodge.  He  thought  the  apartment  prepared 
for  him  also  too  fine,  and  ordered  his  camp-bed  to  be  set 
up  in  a  dressing-room.  Mar(5chal  de  Tess^,  who  was  to  do 
the  honours  of  the  house  and  table  and  accompany  him 
wherever  he  went,  had  much  ado  to  follow  him,  and  even 
to  rush  after  him. 

The  monarch  excited  wonder  by  his  extreme  curiosity, 
which  always  related  to  his  ideas  of  government,  commerce, 

VOL.  IV.  —  8 

114  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

education,  police ;  and  this  curiosity  looked  into  everything 
and  despised  nothing,  however  slight,  that  had  consistent, 
Great  qualities  evident,  and  wise  utility;  he  esteemed  only 
of  the  czar.  ^j^^^   wliich    dcscrvcd    esteem;   in   which    he 

showed  the  intelligence,  discrimination,  and  quick  apprehen- 
sion of  his  mind.     Everything  about  him  proved  the  wide 
extent  of  his  ideas  and  something  that  was  unfailingly  con- 
sistent.    He  alhed,  in  a  manner  altogether  surprising,  the 
loftiest,  proudest,  most  sensitive,  sustained,  and  at  the  same 
time  least  embarrassing  majesty  with  a  politeness  that  made 
itself  felt  at  all  times,  though  still  as  the  master.     He  had  a 
sort  of  familiarity  which  came  from  liberty ;  but  he  was  not 
exempt  from  a  strong  tincture  of  the  ancient  barbarism  of 
(        his  country,  which  made  his  manners  quick,  even  precipitate, 
I        his    whims   uncertain,   and  himself  incapable    of   enduring 
i       restraint  or  contradiction  to  any  of  them.     His  meals  were 
\       often  scarcely  decent;  still  less  what  followed  them,  often 
I       with  a  betrayal  of  the  audacity  of  a  king  who  felt  himself 
I       everywhere  at  home.     What  he  desired  to  see  or  do  was 
always   in   perfect   independence  of   the   means   of   accom- 
1         plishment,  which   had   to   be   forced   to   his   pleasure  at   a 
I     word.      The    desire   to   see   at   his   ease,   the  annoyance  of 
being  made  a  spectacle,  the  habit  of  hberty  in  all  things, 
made  him  often  prefer  a  hired  carriage,  even  a  fiacre.     He 
would  jump  into  the  first  vehicle  that  came  in  his  way, 
belonging   often   to    people   who    had    come   to    his   house, 
and  order  the  coachman  to  drive  him  about  town  or  into  the 
country.     This  happened  to  Mme.   de  Matignon,  who  had 
gone  to  gape  at  him,  and  was  much  astonished  to  find  her- 
self obliged  to  go  home  on  foot;  for  he  took  her  carriage 
to  Boulogne  and  other  places  in  the  country.     At  such  times 
Mar^chal  de  Tess^  and  his  suite,  from  whom  he  was  often 
escaping,  had  to  fly  after  him,  often  not  finding  him. 

1717]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  115 

He  was  a  very  tall  man,  very  well  made,  rather  thin,  the 
face  somewhat  round ;  a  grand  forehead ;  beautiful  eyebrows ; 
His  face,  clothes,  ^^^^  ^^se  a  little  shoit,  but  not  too  much  so, 
and  food.  thick  at  the  end ;  lips  rather  thick ;  complexion 

brown  and  ruddy  ;  very  fine  black  eyes,  large,  vivid,  piercing, 
and  well-shaped ;  his  glance  majestic,  and  gracious  when  he 
meant  it  to  be  so,  otherwise  stern  and  fierce ;  and  with  all 
this  a  tic,  which  was  not  frequent  but  convulsed  his  eyes  and 
his  whole  face  and  was  very  alarming.  It  lasted  a  moment, 
with  a  wandering,  terrible  look,  and  then  he  recovered 
immediately.  His  whole  air  showed  his  mind,  his  reflection, 
his  grandeur,  and  was  not  without  a  certain  grace.  He  never 
wore  any  but  a  linen  collar,  a  round,  brown  wig,  without 
powder,  which  did  not  touch  his  shoulders,  a  brown  coat 
tight  to  the  body,  plain,  with  gold  buttons,  waistcoat,  breeches 
and  stockings,  no  gloves  and  no  cuffs ;  the  star  of  his  order 
on  his  coat  and  the  ribbon  across  it,  the  coat  itself  often 
unbuttoned;  his  hat  on  a  table,  never  on  his  head,  even 
out  of  doors.  In  this  simphcity,  however  ill-attended  or 
ill-vehicled  he  might  be,  it  was  impossible  to  mistake  the 
air  of  grandeur  that  was  natural  to  him. 

"What  he  ate  and  drank  at  two  regular  meals  is  inconceiv- 
able, —  not  counting  all  the  beer  he  swallowed,  and  the  lemon- 
ade and  other  kinds  of  drink  between  meals  ;  and  all  his  suite 
much  more.  A  bottle  or  two  of  beer,  as  much  and  some- 
times more  of  wine,  liqueur-wines  on  that,  and,  at  the  end  of 
the  meal,  prepared  brandy,  half  a  pint,  sometimes  a  whole 
pint ;  this  was  about  the  ordinary  amount  he  drank  at  each 
meal,  but  his  suite  while  at  table  swallowed  more,  and  were 
eating  besides  from  eleven  in  the  morning  till  eight  at  night. 
There  was  a  priest-almoner  who  dined  at  the  table  of  the 
czar  and  ate  half  as  much  again  as  any  of  them ;  which 
amused  the  czar,  who  was  fond  of  him,  very  much.      Prince 

116  MEMOIRS  OF  THP:   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

Kurakin  went  every  day  to  the  hotel  de  Lesdiguiferes,  but  he 
lodged  at  home. 

The  czar  understood  French  very  well,  and  could,  I  think, 
have  spoken  it  had  he  chosen ;  but,  out  of  grandeur,  he  had 
au  interpreter.  As  for  Latin  and  other  languages,  he  spoke 
them  very  well.  He  had  a  guard-room  and  a  company  of 
the  king's  guards,  but  he  would  never  let  them  follow  him 
out  of  doors.  He  would  not  leave  the  house,  no  matter  how 
great  his  curiosity  was,  or  give  any  sign  of  life,  until  he  had 
received  a  visit  from  the  king. 

Saturday  morning,  the  day  after  his  arrival,  the  regent 
went  to  see  him.  The  monarch  came  out  of  his  cabinet. 
Journal  of  the  made  a  fcw  steps  towards  him,  embraced  him 
czar's  visit.  ^j^j^  ^  great  air  of  superiority,  pointed  to  the 

door  of  his  cabinet,  and  turning  instantly,  without  any  civil- 
ity, entered  it  first  himself.  The  regent  followed,  and  Prince 
Kurakin  after  him.  The  conversation  lasted  an  hour,  with- 
out a  word  on  public  affairs ;  then  the  czar  left  his  cabinet, 
the  regent  after  him,  and  then  the  latter,  with  a  profound 
bow,  only  half  returned,  took  leave. 

The  following  Monday,  May  10,  the  king  went  to  see  the 
czar,  who  received  him  at  the  carriage  door,  saw  him  get  out, 
and  walked  before  him,  on  the  king's  left  side,  to  his  room, 
where  there  were  two  armchah-s.  The  king  sat  down  in  the 
one  to  the  right,  the  czar  in  the  one  to  the  left.  Prince 
Kurakin  served  as  interpreter.  Every  one  had  been  aston- 
ished to  see  the  czar  pick  up  the  king  under  his  two  arms, 
lift  him  to  the  level  of  his  face,  and  kiss  him,  as  it  were,  in 
the  air,  while  the  king,  young  as  he  was,  who  could  not  have 
been  prepared  for  this,  was  not  the  least  frightened.  People 
were  also  struck  with  the  graces  he  showed  before  the  king, 
the  air  of  tenderness  he  had  for  him,  and  a  politeness  that 
seemed  to  come  from  liis  heart,  though  always  mingled  with 


grandeur,  claims  of  equal  rank,  and,  slightly,  of  superiority  of 
rank;  all  of  which  he  made  distinctly  felt.  He  praised  the 
king  and  seemed  charmed  with  him.  He  kissed  him  several 
times.  The  king  made  his  short  little  comphment  very 
prettily ;  and  the  Due  du  Maine  and  the  Mardchal  de  Ville- 
roy  and  other  distinguished  persons  who  were  present  sup- 
plied the  conversation. 

Tuesday,  May  11,  the  czar  returned  the  king's  visit,  with 
the  same  ceremonial,  between  four  and  five  o'clock.  He 
had  already  gone  as  early  as  eight  m  the  morning  to  see 
the  Places  Koyale,  des  Victoires,  and  Vendome,  and  the 
next  day  he  went  to  the  Observatoire,  the  manufactory  of 
the  Gobelins,  and  the  Jardin  du  Eoi  for  simples.  Wher- 
ever he  went,  he  examined  everything  and  asked  many 

Friday,  14th,  he  went  at  six  o'clock  in  the  morning  to  the 
great  gallery  of  the  Louvre  to  see  the  plans  in  rehef  of  all 
the  king's  fortresses.  The  Mar^chal  de  Villars  was  there 
with  several  lieutenant-generals  to  explain  them.  He  ex- 
amined the  plans  a  long  time ;  then  he  visited  many  parts 
of  the  Louvre,  and  descended  afterwards  mto  the  gardens  of 
the  Tuileries,  which  the  pubhc  had  been  made  to  leave.  They 
were  working  then  on  the  Pont  Tournant.  He  examined 
that  work  minutely  and  stayed  there  a  long  time.  In  the 
evening  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  came  to  take  him  to  the  Opera  in 
the  state  box  ;  the  two  alone  in  the  front  seats.  After  a  time 
the  czar  asked  if  there  would  be  no  beer.  It  was  immedi- 
ately brought  in  a  great  goblet  in  a  saucer.  The  regent  rose, 
took  it,  and  presented  it  to  the  czar,  who  with  a  smile  and  a 
bow  of  politeness,  took  the  goblet,  drank  it  off,  and  then 
without  any  ceremony  put  it  back  on  the  saucer  which  the 
regent  still  held.  At  the  fourth  act  he  went  away  to  supper, 
but  would  not  let  the  regent  follow.     The  next  day  he  threw 

118  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [crap.  iv. 

himself  into  a  hired  coach  and  went  to  see  matters  of  inter- 
est among  workmen. 

May  16,  Whitsunday,  he  went  to  the  Invalides  where 
he  wanted  to  see  and  examine  everything.  In  the  refectory 
he  tasted  the  soldiers'  soup  and  their  wine,  drank  to  their 
health,  slapping  them  on  the  shoulder  and  caUing  them  com- 
rades. He  admired  the  church,  the  dispensary,  the  infirmary, 
and  seemed  charmed  with  the  order  of  the  establishment. 
Mardchal  de  Villars  did  the  honours. 

Wednesday,  19th,  he  busied  himself  with  workmen,  and 
various  work.  The  Duchesse  de  Berry  and  the  Duchesse 
d'Orl^ans  sent  their  equerries  to  compliment  him.  They 
had  both  hoped  for  a  compHment  themselves,  or  even  a 
visit.  The  czar  rephed  that  he  w^ould  go  and  thank  them. 
He  was  displeased  that  the  princes  of  the  blood  made  a 
difficulty  of  going  to  see  him  unless  they  were  assured  that 
he  would  pay  a  visit  to  the  pruicesses  of  the  blood.  This  he 
rejected  with  great  haughtiness,  so  that  none  of  them  saw 
him  except,  to  gratify  their  curiosity,  in  the  streets. 

Monday,  24th,  he  went  to  the  Tuileries  early  before 
the  king  was  up.  Mardchal  de  Villeroy  showed  him  the 
crown  jewels.  He  thought  them  very  fine  and  many  more 
than  he  expected,  but  said  he  kuew^  nothing  about  such 
things.  He  made  rather  a  point  of  not  caring  for  beauty 
that  was  purely  of  wealth  and  imagination ;  especially  such 
as  he  could  not  himself  attain.  Then  he  went  to  see  the  king, 
who  met  him  half-way,  in  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy's  apartment. 
This  was  arranged  so  as  to  seem  an  accidental  visit  without 
ceremony.  The  king  held  a  roll  of  paper  in  his  hand  and 
gave  it  to  the  czar,  telling  him  it  was  a  map  of  his  States. 
This  little  gallantry  pleased  the  czar  immensely.  His  poHte- 
ness  and  air  of  affection  and  friendship  were  the  same  as 
before,  but  always  with  majesty  and  equahty. 


After  dinner  he  went  to  Versailles,  where  Mar^chal  de 
Tess^  left  him  to  the  Due  d'Antin,  chargmg  him  to  do  the 
GoestoVer-  honours.     Tiicsday,  25th,  he  roamed  all  over 

sauies  and  sees       ^-^^  crardens  and  sailed   on  the  grand  canal, 

Trianon  and  ^  ^ 

Marly.  very  early  in  the  morning  before  dAntin  came 

to  him.  He  saw  all  Versailles,  Trianon,  and  the  Menagerie. 
His  principal  suite  were  lodged  in  the  chateau.  They 
brought  with  them  ladies,  who  slept  in  the  apartment  of 
Mme.  de  Maintenon.  Bloin,  governor  of  the  chateau,  was 
extremely  scandahzed  at  such  a  profanation  of  that  temple 
of  prudery,  of  which  the  goddess  and  he,  now  aged,  would 
have  thought  much  less  in  former  days. 

Sunday,  May  30,  he  went  to  Fontainebleau,  where  he  slept ; 
the  next  day  to  hunt  the  stag,  with  the  Comte  de  Toulouse 
to  do  the  honours.  The  place  did  not  please  him  much,  and 
the  hunt  not  at  all,  for  he  nearly  fell  from  his  horse ;  he 
thought  the  exercise  too  violent,  and  he  really  knew  nothing 
of  hunting.  He  chose  to  dine  alone  with  his  own  people  on 
the  lie  de  I'Etang,  where  they  made  amends  to  themselves 
for  their  fatigues.  He  returned  alone  in  a  carriage  with 
three  of  his  people.  It  appeared  in  that  carriage  that  they 
had  eaten  largely  and  drunk  much. 

Friday,  June  11,  he  went  from  Versailles  to  Saint-Cyr, 

where  he  saw  the  whole  establishment  and  the  young  ladies 

in   their   classes.     He   was   received   like  the 

Makes  Mme.  de 

Maintenon  an  in-    king.     Hc  wishcd  to  scc  Mmc.  de  Maiutcnon, 
mg  visi .  ^^\yQ^  apprehensive  of  this   curiosity,  went  to 

bed,  with  all  her  curtains  closed  except  one  that  was  only 
half  open.  The  czar  entered  her  room,  went  to  the  windows 
and  pulled  back  the  curtains  on  arriving,  and  immediately 
after  those  of  the  bed ;  gazed  at  Mme.  de  Maintenon  at  his 
ease,  said  not  a  word  to  her,  nor  she  to  him,  and  without 
making  her  any  sort  of  bow  went  away.     I  heard  afterwards 

120  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SALNT-SBION.    [chap.  iv. 

that  she  was  much  astonished  and  still  more  mortified ;  but 
Louis  XIV.  was  no  longer  living.  The  czar  returned  to 
Paris  Saturday,  June  12. 

Tuesday,  June  15,  he  went  early  to  d'Antin's  house  in 
Paris.  Working  that  day  with  the  regent,  I  finished  in  half 
I  go  to  see  the  ^^  ^°^^  5  he  was  Surprised  and  wanted  to  de- 
czar  at  d'Antin's     tain  me.     I  told  him  that  I  could  always  have 


the  honour  of  seeing  him,  but  not  the  czar,  who 
was  going  away  and  whom  I  had  not  yet  seen,  and  there- 
fore I  was  going  to  d'Antin's  house  to  gape  at  my  ease.  No 
one  was  to  be  there  but  invited  guests  and  a  few  ladies  with 
Mme.  la  Duchesse  and  her  daughters,  who  were  also  going 
to  gape.  I  entered  the  garden  where  the  czar  was  walking 
about.  Mar^chal  de  Tess^  saw  me  from  afar  and  came  to 
me,  expectmg  to  present  me.  I  begged  him  not  to  do  so, 
and  not  to  seem  even  to  notice  me  in  the  czar's  presence, 
because  I  wanted  to  look  at  him  wholly  at  my  ease,  to  hover 
about  him  and  wait  as  long  as  I  liked  to  contemplate  him, 
which  I  could  not  do  if  I  was  known.  I  begged  him  to  tell 
d'Antin  the  same  thing ;  and,  with  that  precaution,  I  satis- 
fied my  curiosity  as  I  pleased.  I  found  him  rather  talkative, 
but  always  as  being  in  everything  the  master.  He  entered  a 
cabinet,  where  d'Antin  showed  him  various  plans  and  curi- 
osities, about  which  he  asked  many  questions.  It  was  there 
that  I  saw  the  tic  I  mentioned.  I  asked  Tess^  if  it  happened 
often ;  he  said  yes,  several  times  a  day,  especially  when  he 
was  not  on  the  watch  to  control  himself.  Eeturning  to 
the  garden,  d'Antin  had  the  windows  of  the  ground-floor 
apartment  thrown  open,  and  told  him  that  Mme.  la  Duchesse 
and  other  ladies  were  there  and  had  a  great  desire  to  see 
him.  He  made  no  answer,  but  allowed  himself  to  be  con- 
ducted past  the  house.  He  walked  slower,  turned  his  head 
to  the  apartment,  where  they  were  all  standing  and  under 

1717]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  121 

arms,  but  as  sight-seers.  He  looked  at  them  well,  made  a 
very  slight  inclination  of  the  head  to  the  whole  party  and 
passed  haughtily  on.  I  think  from  the  way  he  received 
other  ladies  he  would  have  shown  more  politeness  to  these  if 
Mme.  la  Duchesse  had  not  been  there ;  he  was  displeased  by 
the  pretension  of  the  princesses  of  the  blood  about  his  visit. 
I  was  there  about  an  hour  and  did  not  cease  looking  at  him. 
In  the  end  I  saw  that  he  noticed  it,  and  that  made  me  more 
cautious  in  the  fear  that  he  would  ask  who  I  was. 

The  king  gave  him  two  magnificent  Gobelins  tapestries. 
He  wanted  also  to  give  him  a  beautiful  sword  with  diamonds, 
which  the  czar  excused  himself  from  accepting.  On  his  side, 
he  distributed  about  sixty  thousand  francs  to  the  king's  ser- 
vants who  had  waited  on  him,  and  gave  d'Antin  and  the 
Marechals  de  Tess^  and  d'Estr^es  each  his  portrait  set  in 
diamonds,  five  gold  medals,  and  eleven  silver  ones,  relating 
to  the  principal  actions  of  his  life. 

Wednesday,  June  16,  he  was  on  horseback  at  a  review  of 
the  two  regiments  of  the  guards,  the  gendarmes,  the  light- 
horse  cavalry,  and  the  mousquetaires.  No  one  was  with 
him  but  the  Due  d'Orl^ans.  He  scarcely  looked  at  the 
troops,  and  they  perceived  it. 

Friday,  June  18,  the  regent  went  early  to  the  hotel  de 
Lesdigui^res  to  take  leave  of  the  czar,  and  was  some  time 
His  departure ;  with  Mm.  After  tliis  visit,  the  czar  went  to 
iuxury"of France;  ^^^  Tuilerics  to  bid  adicu  to  the  king;  by 
his  prophecy.  agreement  there  was  no  ceremony.  It  would 
have  been  impossible  to  show  more  intelligence,  grace,  and 
tenderness  for  the  king  than  the  czar  displayed  on  all  these 
occasions.  The  luxury  he  saw  surprised  him  much ;  he 
was  much  moved  on  parting  with  the  king  and  with  France, 
and  said  he  saw  with  grief  that  luxury  would  prove  her 
destruction.     He  went  away,  charmed  with  the  manner  in 

122  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

which  he  had  been  received,  with  all  that  he  had  seen,  the 
liberty  he  had  enjoyed,  and  showing  a  great  desire  to  unite 
himself  closely  with  the  king,  to  which  the  interests  of  the 
Abb6  Dubois  and  England  proved  a  fatal  obstacle,  for  which 
the  country  has  often  had,  and  still  has,  great  reason  to 

One  can  never  finish  about  this  czar,  so  essentially  and 

truly   great;   whose   siagularity   and   rare   variety  of   great 

talents  and  many  grandeurs  will  always  make 

His  passionate  ,  .  ,  ,-i  p       t      ■        • 

desire  to  unite  him  a  mouarch  worthy  ot  admiration  to  even 
fI'^cI*^'^'^''  remote  posterity,  in  spite  of  the  great  defects 

of  barbarism  in  his  origin,  his  native  country, 
and  education.  This  is  the  reputation  he  left  behind  him 
in  France,  which  regarded  him  as  a  wonder,  with  whom  she 
has  ever  since  remained  fascinated.  The  czar  had  a  pas- 
sionate desire  to  unite  himself  with  France.  Nothino-  could 
have  been  better  for  our  commerce,  and  for  our  considera- 
tion in  the  North,  in  Germany,  and  indeed  throughout 
Europe.  This  prince  held  England  in  a  leash  through  her 
commerce,  and  King  George  in  fear  for  his  German  States. 
He  also  held  Holland  to  great  respect,  and  the  emperor  to 
circumspection.  It  cannot  be  denied  that  his  was  a  great 
figure  in  Europe  and  Asia,  and  that  France  would  have 
profited  infinitely  by  a  closer  alliance  with  him.  He  did  not 
like  the  emperor ;  he  wished  to  loosen  little  by  little  our 
dependence  on  England ;  and  it  was  England  which  made 
us  deaf  to  his  invitations,  even  to  incivility.  In  vain  I 
pressed  the  regent  on  this  point,  and  gave  him  reasons,  of 
which  he  felt  the  full  force,  and  to  which  he  could  make  no 
reply.  But  by  this  time  his  bewitchment  with  the  Abbd 
Dubois,  aided  by  d'Eflfiat,  Canillac,  and  the  Due  de  NoaiHes, 
was  stronger  than  reasons.  Since  then  we  have  indeed 
had  cause   for  long   repentance  over   the  fatal   charms   of 

1717]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  123 

England,  and  the  foolish  contempt  with  which  we  treated 
Eussia.  The  evils  that  resulted  have  never  ceased  ;  and  we 
have  now  opened  our  eyes  only  to  see  clearly  the  irreparable 
ruin  sealed  by  the  ministry  of  M.  le  Due,  followed  by  that 
of  Cardinal  Fleury. 

When  Prince  Kurakin  was  in  Eome  (for  reasons  already 
explained),  he  had  led  the  pope  to  hope  that  the  czar  would 
grant  free  exercise  to  the  Catholic  religion  in  Russia.  The 
pope  believed  that  Bentivoglio  could  obtain  this  by  speaking 
to  the  czar,  but  thinking  that  the  latter's  stay  in  Paris  would 
be  too  short  to  consummate  an  agreement,  he  told  Bentivoglio 
to  induce  him  to  receive  a  nuncio  at  the  Russian  Court, 
with  or  without  that  character.  The  pope,  however,  did  not 
wish  the  negotiation  to  be  carried  on  in  Paris  under  the  re- 
gent's eye  without  informing  the  latter  of  what  was  going  on. 
He  therefore  directed  Bentivoglio  to  tell  the  regent,  but  to  say 
nothing  of  certain  secret  orders  he  had  sent  him  to  induce 
the  czar  to  join  with  the  emperor  in  a  war  against  the  Turks. 

The  czar  meantime  had  told  Mar^chal  de  Tess^  that  he 

was  not  averse  to  recognizing  the  pope,  as  the  head  orthodox 

patriarch ;  but  that  he  would   never   consent 

Why  he  did  ^  ' 

rot  become  a  to  a  Certain  subjection  which  the  Court  of 
Rome  assumed  to  impose  on  princes  to  the 
prejudice  of  their  sovereignty ;  that  he  was  very  willing  to 
believe  the  pope  infallible,  but  only  as  the  head  of  the 
Council-general.  The  fact  is,  truth  and  reason  are  of  all 
lands,  and  this  monarch,  still  almost  a  barbarian,  was  teach- 
ing us  an  excellent  lesson. 

During  the  fete  of  Saint  Louis,  the  orchestra  of  the  Opera 

is  accustomed  to  give  the  gratuitous  entertainment  of  a  fine 

concert  in  the  Garden  of  the  Tuileries.     The 

Choice  lesson  of 

Marechaide  Villa-    prcscncc  of  the  king   ill  that  palace    drew  a 
roy  o    e  ing.      gj-gater  crowd  than  usual  this  year,  in  the  hope 

124  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

of  seeing  him  appear  on  the  terraces,  which  are  on  a  level 
with  the  royal  apartments.  A  marked  increase  of  zeal 
and  loyalty  was  visible,  shown  by  the  number  of  those 
who  flocked  mto  the  gardens,  and  also  into  the  courtyards 
on  the  other  side  of  the  palace.  They  did  not  leave  one 
vacant  space,  either  on  the  ground  and  at  the  windows, 
or  on  all  the  roofs  that  commanded  a  view  of  the  Tuileries. 
The  Mardchal  de  Villeroy  had  the  greatest  difficulty  in  per- 
suading the  king  to  show  himself,  first  on  the  garden  side 
and  then  towards  the  courtyard,  where,  as  soon  as  he  ap- 
peared, the  cries  of  "  Vive  le  roi ! "  resounded  on  all  sides. 
The  marechal,  making  the  king  take  notice  of  this  enormous 
multitude,  said  to  him  sententiously :  "  See,  my  master,  see 
this  people,  this  influx,  this  vast  number  of  persons,  —  all 
are  yours,  you  are  their  master ; "  and  this  lesson  he  repeated 
again  and  again  to  impress  it  well  upon  him.  He  was 
afraid,  apparently,  lest  he  should  grow  up  ignorant  of  his 
power.  The  admirable  dauphin,  his  father,  had  received 
very  different  lessons,  by  which  he  profited.  He  was  deeply 
convinced  that  while  power  is  given  to  kings  to  command 
and  govern,  the  peoples  do  not  belong  to  kings,  but  kings  to 
their  people,  to  do  them  justice,  to  make  them  live  accord- 
ing to  laws,  to  render  them  happy  by  the  equity,  wisdom, 
gentleness,  and  moderation  of  their  government.  That  is 
what  I  have  often  heard  him  say  with  effusion  of  heart  and 
inward  conviction,  in  the  desire  and  firm  resolution  to  con- 
duct himself  accordingly,  not  only  in  private  when  I  was 
working  with  him  for  the  future  of  such  principles,  but 
openly  in  the  salon  at  Marly,  to  the  admiration  and  delight 
of  those  who  heard  him. 

An  amusement  suited  to  the  king's  age  made  a  serious 
quarrel  about  this  time.  A  tent  had  been  set  up  for  him  on 
the  terrace  of  the  Tuileries,  before  his  apartment  and  on  a 


level  with  it.  The  games  of  kings  have  always  some  dis- 
tinction attached  to  them.  He  took  it  into  his  head  to 
Quarrel  about  the  havc  mcdals,  and  give  them  to  the  courtiers  of 
™^'^^^-  his  own  age  whom  lie  wished  to  favour;  and 

these  medals,  when  possessed,  gave  the  right  to  enter  the 
tent  without  being  otherwise  invited.  This  was  called  the 
"  Order  of  the  Pavihon."  The  Marechal  de  Villeroy  gave 
directions  to  Leffevre  to  make  the  medals.  He  obeyed  and 
brought  them  to  the  mardchal,  who  presented  them  to  the 
king.  Leffevre  was  silversmith  to  the  king's  household,  and, 
as  such,  under  the  orders  of  the  gentlemen  of  the  Bed- 
chamber. The  Due  de  Mortemart,  who  was  one  of  the 
latter,  was  on  duty.  He  had  had  several  squabbles  already 
with  Marechal  de  Villeroy.  He  now  declared  that  it  was 
for  himself  to  order  the  medals,  and  present  them  to  the 
king.  He  was  very  angry  that  all  was  done  without  his 
knowledge,  and  he  carried  his  complaint  to  the  regent.  It 
was  the  merest  trifle  and  not  worth  notice ;  not  one  of  the 
three  other  gentlemen  of  the  Bedchamber  took  any  part  in 
the  matter.  The  Due  d'Orl^ans,  with  his  customary  niezzo- 
termine,  said  that  Lef^vre  had  not  made  and  carried  the 
medals  to  the  marechal  as  silversmith  to  the  king's  house- 
hold, but  as  having  received  through  the  mardchal  an  order 
from  the  king,  and  that  no  one  was  to  say  anything  more 
about  it.  The  Due  de  Mortemart  was  incensed,  and  did 
not  restrain  his  tongue  about  the  marechal. 

The  Abb^  Dubois,  on  a  recent  visit  to  England,  had  found 
the  Prince  of  Wales  arrested  and  confined  to  his  own  apart- 
Hatredofthe  uicnt,  without  bciug  allowed  to  see  any  one 
tothe°Princl^of  ^^^^  ^^^  ncccssary  attendant.  He  wrote  two 
Wales.  letters  to  the  king,  his  father,  which  irritated 

the  latter  still  more,  so  that  he  sent  an  order  to  the  prince, 
on  receiving  the  second,  to  leave  the  palace.     He  was  .lodged 

126  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  iv. 

by  Lord  Lumley  in  London,  and  soon  after  established  him- 
self a  few  miles  from  London  in  the  little  village  of  Eich- 
mond.  All  Europe  had  known  of  the  homble  catastrophe 
of  Count  Konigsmarck,  whom  George,  at  that  time  Duke  of 
Hanover,  had  caused  to  be  flung  iato  a  hot  oven,  at  the  same 
time  puttmg  the  duchess,  his  wife,  into  a  castle  carefully 
guarded,  where  she  had  little  or  no  liberty  until  George  was 
made  King  of  England.  This  prince  could  not  endure  his 
son,  under  the  conviction  that  he  was  not  his  own ;  and  the 
son  could  not  endure  the  father,  from  anger  and  vexation  at 
this  conviction,  continually  and  openly  marked,  and  from 
indignation  at  the  cruel  treatment  shown  to  his  mother. 
His  wife,  Charlotte  of  Braudebourg-Anspach,  was  a  princess 
of  spirit,  affable,  virtuous,  and  extremely  liked  in  England, 
standing  very  well  with  her  husband  and  also  with  her 
father-in-law,  between  whom  she  constantly  put  herself. 
The  King  of  England  offered  to  let  her  continue  to  live  in 
the  palace  with  her  children,  but  she  preferred  to  follow  her 

The  finance  committee,  which  met  several  times  a  week, 

kept  on  its  way.      The  Due  de  Noailles  presented,  as  he 

wished,   the    present    state    of    the    finances. 

Committee  on 

finance ;  my  pro-    showcd  theiT  embarrassmcnts,  offered  expedi- 

posal  for  reform.  ,  ,  i  x  ^i 

ents,  and  read  memoranda,  i  was  there,  as 
I  have  said,  against  my  will;  and  this  financial  language, 
of  which  they  have  managed  to  make  a  science  that  is 
Greek  to  others,  invented  to  hide  knowledge  from  those 
who  are  not  initiated  into  it,  and  whom  magistrates,  ne- 
gotiators, and  bankers  wish  to  keep  in  the  dark,  —  this 
language,  I  say,  was  totally  unknown  to  me.  Neverthe- 
less, as  my  constant  maxim  has  ever  been  that  personal 
inclination  should  be  banished  from  pubUc  affairs,  together 
with  over-respect  for  persons  and  things  and  prejudice,  I 
listened  with  all  my  ears,  in  spite  of  my  dislike  of  the  sub- 
ject ;  and  what  I  did  not  understand  I  was  not  ashamed  to 
acknowledge  and  ask  to  have  explained  to  me.  This  was 
the  result  of  my  avowal  of  ignorance  in  finance,  which  I  had 
made  so  plain  at  the  Council  of  Regency  when  trying  to 
excuse  myself  from  being  on  this  committee. 

It  happened  quite  often  that,  there  being  diversity  of 
opinions  and  sometimes  rather  sharp  ones,  I  found  myself  on 
the  side  of  the  Due  de  Noailles,  and  that  I  argued  hotly  in 
support  of  him.  The  chancellor  afterwards  complimented 
me  on  this.  The  Due  d'Orldans,  to  whom  they  both  told  it, 
assured  them  he  was  not  at  all  surprised,  but  he  did  not  fail 
to  let  me  know  his  satisfaction.     I  said  to  him,  and  also  to 

128  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUO  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  v. 

the  chancellor,  that  the  opinion  of  the  Due  de  NoaiUes, 
good  or  bad,  and  Iris  individual  person,  were  to  me  two 
things  absolutely  distinct  and  separate  ;  that  I  sought  for 
the  good  and  the  true,  and  attached  myself  to  them  wherever 
I  thought  I  found  them,  just  as  I  stiffened  myself  against 
whatever  I  thought  o]3posed  to  them ;  that  in  this  latter  case 
it  might  be  that  I  should  speak  harder  and  firmer  if  it  were 
the  opinion  of  the  Due  de  Noailles  that  I  was  fighting ;  but 
also  I  could  be  of  his  opinion  witliout  repugnance  when  I 
thought  it  good,  and  at  such  times  I  rose  to  support  him 
strongly  for  the  good  and  the  true  when  I  saw  him  attacked, 
without,  for  all  that,  changing  my  feelings  as  to  him 

The  work  of  the  committee  coming  to  an  end,  and  nearly 
aU  the  opinions  agreeing  on  each  point,  I  went  to  see  the 
chancellor  in  private,  and  told  him  I  came  to  communicate 
an  idea  I  liad  not  Uked  to  risk  in  the  committee,  and  to 
reason  about  it  with  him,  and,  if  he  thought  it  good,  to  pro- 
pose it,  he  and  I,  to  the  regent ;  if  not,  to  forget  all  about  it. 
I  told  him  that,  worried  to  see  the  difficulty  which  there  was, 
even  in  these  times  of  peace,  in  making  the  king's  receipts 
equal  his  expenses,  I  thought  it  would  be  weU  to  reduce  the 
gendarmerie,  the  light-horse  of  the  guard,  and  the  two  com- 
panies of  mousquetaires,  increasing  by  two  brigades  each 
the  four  companies  of  the  body-guard. 

The  chancellor  hked  all  the  reasons  that  I  gave  him  ex- 
ceedingly. But  when  we  came  to  discuss,  not  the  means  of 
convincing  the  regent,  because  the  evidence  was  palpable,  but 
the  execution  of  this  reform,  we  both  agreed  that  we  should 
never  succeed  in  inspiring  him  with  sufficient  resolution ;  or, 
if  he  did,  against  our  expectation,  undertake  it,  the  outcries 
and  factions  of  interested  parties  would  never  let  him  exe- 
cute it.     This  amazing  weakness,  which  constantly  ruined  a 


regency  that  miglit  have  been  so  fine,  so  useful  to  the  king- 
dom, so  glorious  for  the  regent,  the  results  of  which  could 
have  been  in  all  ways  of  such  great  advantage  to  the  nation, 
was  the  continual  obstacle  to  all  good,  and  a  perpetual  cause 
of  sorrow  to  those  who  sincerely  desired  the  well-being  of  the 
State  and  the  glory  of  the  regent.  We  finally  admitted,  the 
chancellor  and  I,  that  if  we  proposed  to  the  regent  so  useful 
a  reform  it  would  never  be  accomplished,  and  that  all  the 
results  we  should  get  for  our  zeal  would  be  the  hatred  of 
interested  parties.  This  consideration  closed  our  lips,  and  the 
matter  was  known  only  to  ourselves. 

The  long  and  wearisome  work  of  the  committee  was  over ; 
it  assembled  several  times  in  the  regent's  cabinet,  where  the 
Resolutions  of  final  rcsolutious  were  passed  unanimously. 
mldeTi^oaT  The  principal  ones  were:  that  the  rentes  of 
^'^^^^-  the  Hotel   de   Ville    [government   securities] 

should  not  be  meddled  with ;  that  the  tithe  tax  should  be 
taken  off,  as  much  to  keep  the  promise,  solemnly  made  at  the 
time  it  was  imposed,  to  suppress  it  in  times  of  peace,  as 
because,  in  point  of  fact,  very  httle  was  really  derived  from 
it.  The  grant  of  one  million  and  two  hundred  thousand 
francs  a  year  to  the  building  account  was  reduced  to  one- 
half;  several  withdrawals  of  pensions  uselessly  given,  and 
reduction  of  others  were  made ;  the  king's  private  money,  of 
ten  thousand  francs  a  month,  and  his  wardrobe,  of  thirty-six 
thousand,  were  reduced,  the  first  to  half,  the  second  to  twenty- 
four  thousand  francs.  At  the  king's  present  age  the  latter 
went  chiefly  in  pillage.  There  were  several  other  things  cut 
down,  and  a  diminution  of  interest  decreed  on  the  sums 
borrowed  at  four  per  cent.  The  chiefs  and  presidents  of  all 
the  councils  were  summoned  to  a  special  meeting,  at  which 
the  Due  de  Noailles  rendered  an  account  of  what  had  been 
agreed  to  in  the  committee.     It  was  voted  that  an  edict  in 

VOL.  IV.  —  9 

130  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  v. 

conformity  thereto  should  be  drawn  up  and  sent  to  parlia- 
ment to  be  enregistered. 

This  seemed  to  the  parliament  too  fine  an  opportunity  to 
be  lost.  Messieurs  declared  that  they  must  see  a  detailed 
account  of  the  revenues  and  expenses  of  the  king  before  they 
could  decide  to  enregister  the  edict.  The  president  went  to 
report  this  difficulty  to  the  regent,  who,  the  next  day,  received 
a  deputation  from  the  parliament,  to  whom  he  said  that  he 
should  allow  no  attack  on  the  royal  authority  as  long  as  he 
was  the  guardian  of  it.  Parliament  assembled  soon  after  and 
registered  the  suppression  of  the  tithe,  of  various  extortions, 
and  some  of  the  other  articles.  As  for  those  that  remained, 
the  Due  d'Orl^ans  had  the  weakness,  instigated  by  the  fright 
of  the  Due  de  Noailles  and  his  own  desire  to  court  the 
parliament,  to  have  them  discussed  between  the  duke  and 
the  fourteen  members  of  the  deputation  in  his  presence. 
This  took  place  on  Sunday,  September  5,  on  whicli  occasion 
the  regent  brought  in  the  Sieur  Law,  that  he  might  explain 
the  advantages  that  could  be  derived  from  the  Company 
of  the  Mississippi.  Of  all  this,  not  a  word  to  the  Council 
of  Kegency,  still  less  to  me  privately ;  therefore  I,  on  my 
side,  said  not  a  word  to  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  as,  indeed,  my 
custom  was  in  relation  to  parliament. 

The  Due  de  Noailles,  jealous  of  the  confidence  the  regent 

felt  in  Law  and  of  the  great  success  of  his  bank,  did  all  he 

could  to  trouble  it.     Law  went  quietly  on,  but 

Manoeuvre  of  the 

Due  de  Noailles  hc  somctimcs  complaincd  of  this,  modestly, 
in  regar  to   aw.    •j^j-^^-'^-^gg^  ^j^^  wautcd  to  be  rid  of  him,  so  as 

to  be  fully  master  of  all  the  finances  himself,  set  all  machines 
at  work  to  overthrow  him.  The  bank  was  by  this  time  one 
of  the  chief  means  to  keep  matters  going.  The  regent  there- 
fore wanted  the  pair  reconciled.  Law  was  ready  in  all  good 
faith,  and  as  the  Due  de  NoaiUes  could  not  well  draw  back 


he  made  the  finest  pretence  of  reconciliation  externally. 
Precisely  at  this  lucky  moment  Mornay  died,  very  suddenly. 
He  was  lieutenant-general,  and  also  governor  and  captain  of 
Saint-Germain.  NoaiUes,  alert  to  all  things,  heard  of  this 
death  on  waking,  and  rushed  instantly  to  the  Due  d'Orldans 
to  ask  for  the  post,  which  was  given  to  him  immediately. 
My  father  had  had  it.  I  did  not  hear  of  Mornay's  death  till 
the  afternoon,  and,  at  the  same  time,  of  Noailles'  activity.  It 
was  not  easy  to  get  up  earher  than  he. 

Nevertheless,  NoaiUes,  always  jealous  of  Law,  went  on 
troubling  his  bank  and  his  schemes.  Not  only  did  he  bar 
Law's  way  by  the  manoeuvres  and  authority  of  his  office  in 
the  finances,  but  he  stirred  up  against  him  in  the  councils 
and  in  parliament  all  the  opponents  that  he  could,  and  among 
them  they  often  stopped  and  even  frustrated  plans  that  were 
perfectly  reasonable.  Law,  who,  as  I  have  explained,  came  to 
see  me  every  Tuesday  morning,  was  continually  complaining 
of  this,  and  showing  me  the  injury  that  this  perpetual  thwart- 
ing was  doing  to  the  business  of  the  bank.  I  have  often 
owned  my  incapacity  in  the  matter  of  finances ;  but  there  are 
things  that  sometimes  depend  on  good  sense  more  than  on 
knowledge ;  and  Law,  with  his  strong  Scotch  accent,  had  the 
rare  gift  of  explaining  himself  in  so  plain,  and  clear,  and  in- 
telligible a  way  that  he  could  not  fail  to  be  perfectly  under- 
stood and  comprehended.  The  Due  d'Orleans  liked  him  and 
enjoyed  him.  He  looked  upon  him  and  all  that  he  did  as 
the  work  of  his  own  creation.  Moreover,  he  loved  unusual 
and  indirect  ways,  and  he  clung  to  him  the  more  eagerly 
because  he  saw  the  necessary  resources  of  the  State  and  the 
ordinary  operations  of  finances  failing  him.  Law  was  an 
independent  side,  and  this  side  pleased  the  regent;  but 
Noailles,  who  wanted  to  govern  him  and  so  reach  the  post  of 
prime  minister  (of  which  he  never  lost  sight  or  hope),  found 

132  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  v. 

iu  Law  a  serious  obstacle  on  his  own  ground  —  he,  who  en- 
croached as  much  as  he  could  on  the  ground  of  others. 

The  Abb^  Dubois,  always  seeking  to  recover  himself  in 
the  mind  of  the  Due  d'OrMans,  needed  outside  support,  and 
Intimacy  be-  had  no  sooucr  obtained  it  by  his  negotiations 
and  Law"  hs^  with  England  and  Holland  than  the  persons 
^^^^^-  he  had  used  became  suspected  by  him  as  soon 

as  his  influence  no  longer  needed  theirs.  His  aim  also  was 
the  post  of  prime  minister ;  and  he  did  not  want  opponents 
or  competitors.  The  one  he  feared  most  was  the  Due  de 
Noailles ;  and  he  resolved  to  get  rid  of  him  early,  without 
showing  anything  personally  against  him.  He  therefore  allied 
himself  with  Law  ;  their  interests  in  forming  this  union  were 
the  same.  Wliat  passed  in  this  respect  was  in  a  darkness 
that  all  Xoailles'  art  could  not  penetrate. 

Law  did  not  conceal  from  me  this  budding  intimacy,  or 
the  use  he  expected  to  make  of  it ;  but  he  did  not  tell  me 
what  it  cost  him  to  make  it  solid.  By  this  time  he  was 
beginning  to  get  money  to  expend  from  that  dawning  specu- 
lation, so  well  known  since  and  so  fatal  through  the  abuse 
that  was  made  of  it,  which  went  by  the  name  of  "  The  Missis- 
sippi." It  was  sweet  to  the  Abbe  Dubois  to  discover  a  secret 
resource  for  which  he  was  under  no  obligation  to  any  one 
but  a  man  whose  interest  it  was,  in  self-defence,  to  buy  his 
protection.  Such  was  the  chain  which  bound  the  friendship 
between  these  two  men,  and  carried  them  iu  the  end  so  high, 
or  so  far,  from  each  other.  The  rest  of  the  year  1717  went 
by  in  perpetual  squabbles  between  Law  and  the  finances, 
—  that  is  to  say,  the  Due  de  Noailles,  —  and  in  appeals 
which  Law  was  forced  to  make  to  the  chief  councils  and  to 

The  year  1718  opened,  on  the  first  day,  with  the  pubhca- 
tion  of  the  edict  in   favour  of  the  Company  of  the  West. 


Its  capital  was  fixed  at  one  hundred  millions,  and  it  was  de- 
clared unattachable,  except  in  case  of  bankruptcy  or  decease 

of  shareholders.    This  name  was  substituted  for 

Edict  in  favour  of  ^^^^^  °^  "  '^^^^  Mississippi "  (which  did  not  cease 
the "  Company  of  ^o  bc  uscd),  that  enterprise  which  enriched 
and  ruined  so  many  persons,  and  in  which 
the  princes  and  princesses  of  the  blood,  especially  Mme.  la 
Duchesse,  M.  le  Due,  and  the  Prince  de  Conti,  found  the 
mines  of  Potosi;  the  continuance  of  the  scheme  in  their 
hands  being  the  mamstay  of  this  Company,  so  fatal  to 
France,  whose  commerce  it  destroyed.  The  protection  they 
gave  to  it  all  their  Hves,  and  gave  pubhcly,  through  and 
against  all,  equal  to  the  immense  profits  they  derived  with- 
out sharing  any  loss,  maintained  the  Company  under  all 
risks  and  perils ;  and  after  them  came  powerful  magnates 
of  finance,  who  have  kept  the  management  and  the  fatness 
to  the  present  day. 

The  regent,  being  more  and  more  goaded  and  provoked  by 
the  perpetual  shackles  laid  on  Law's  operations  by  the  Duo 
Defeat  of  Noaiiies  ^^  NoaiUcs  and  by  the  dots  on  the  i's  added 
and  the  chan-        jjy  j^jg  frien^l  the  chancellor,  who  increased  the 


oppression  on  Law  by  the  weight  of  his  office 
and  his  own  personality,  the  reputation  of  which  was  at 
that  time  great,  —  the  regent,  I  say,  irritated  by  the  two  oppo- 
nents who  stood  in  the  way,  but  determined  in  spite  of  all 
obstacles  to  uphold  the  views  and  ways  of  the  Scotchman, 
determined  to  make  a  last  effort  to  unite  them  with  Law, 
and  also  to  find  out  for  himself  what  there  was  of  good  and 
true  on  both  sides.  In  order  to  do  this  without  interruption, 
and  quietly  at  leisure,  he  passed  a  whole  afternoon  with  them 
at  La  Paquette,  a  pretty  little  house  which  the  Due  de 
Noaiiies  had  hired,  and  where  he  gave  them  a  supper  after- 
wards.    This  was  on  the  Gtli  of  January. 

134  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  v. 

The  chancellor  and  Law  went  early  to  La  Eaquette.  The 
session  was  long  and  earnest  on  both  sides,  but  it  proved  to 
be  the  extreme  unction  of  the  two  friends.  The  regent  de- 
clared that  he  found  bad  faith  in  the  Due  de  Noailles,  and 
blind  obstinacy  in  the  chancellor,  the  slave  of  forms,  against 
the  all-powerful  arguments  and  evident  resources  of  Law. 
As  I  have  said  before,  the  Scotchman,  without  a  fluent  enun- 
ciation, had  such  clearness  in  argument  and  was  so  seductive 
in  ideas,  with  a  great  deal  of  natural  shrewdness  under  a 
surface  of  simplicity,  that  he  often  put  his  hearers  off  their 
guard.  He  asserted  that  the  obstacles  wliich  stopped  Mm 
at  every  step  made  him  lose  all  the  fruits  of  his  system,  and 
he  knew  so  well  how  to  convince  the  regent  that  finally,  as 
we  shall  presently  see,  the  latter  forced  all,  and  abandoned 
himself  wholly  to  Law. 

The  disorders  in  France,  inevitable  from  the  system  of 
raising  the  taille  tax,  disturbed  the  regent  all  the  more  be- 
Project  about  the  causc  the  fermentation  was  beginning  to  be 
"taiiie"tax.  palpable  in  parliament  and  in  certain  of  the 
provinces.  They  had  tried  to  establish  a  proportional  taille 
in  the  generaliU  of  Paris.  ^  Several  persons  had  been  work- 
ing at  it  for  more  than  a  year  without  other  success  than  the 
expenditure  of  eight  hundred  thousand  francs.  They  be- 
thought themselves  next  of  the  royal  tithe  of  Mardchal 
Vauban,  which  they  employed  the  Abbd  Bignon  and  little 
Eenault  to  improve;  the  latter  offering  to  go  at  his  own 
expense  and  make  attempts  in  its  favour  at  several  elec- 
tions, as  he  did  in  the  end.  But  all  these  efforts  did  harm 
by  the  expense  they  caused,  without  producing  any  success. 
Either  the  plans  were  vicious  in  themselves,  or  they  became 
so  by  the  manner  of  carrying  them  out,  possibly  by  the 

1  Tlie  taille  was  a  poll-tax  levied  on  all  persons  who  were  neither  nobles 
nor  ecclesiastics.  — Littke. 


obstacles  put  in  their  way  by  the  interest  and  jealousy  of 
that  cruel  financial  phalanx  that  was  always  supported  by 
the  magistracy  of  finance.  However  this  may  be,  it  is  certain 
that  the  good  intentions  of  the  regent,  who  in  the  present 
case  was  seeking  only  the  relief  of  the  people,  were  com- 
pletely frustrated,  and  it  became  necessary  to  return  to  the 
usual  method  of  levying  the  taille. 

Though  I  had  never  been  willing  to  meddle  in  the  finances, 
I  was  not  without  personal  experience  of  what  I  have  just 
said  about  financiers  and  the  magistracy  of  finance.  I  had 
been  struck  with  what  President  Maisons  had  once  explained 
and  shown  to  me  about  the  gahelle  [salt-tax] ;  the  enormity 
of  eighty  thousand  men  being  employed  to  collect  it,  and  the 
horrors  that  were  practised  in  doing  so,  to  the  injury  of  the 
people.  I  was  also  struck  with  the  difference  in  provinces 
equally  subject  to  the  king,  in  some  of  which  the  gahelle 
is  rigorously  enforced,  whereas  in  others  the  salt  is  free ;  yet 
the  king  does  not  derive  less  from  the  latter,  who  enjoy  a 
liberty  in  this  respect  that  makes  one  regard  the  others  as 
being  in  abject  servitude  to  those  scoundrels  of  gahcletcrs 
[salt-tax  collectors]  who  live  and  enrich  themselves  on 
rapbie.  I  conceived,  therefore,  the  idea  of  doing  away  with 
the  gahelle  and  making  salt  free  and  merchantable  ;  and  for 
this  purpose  letting  the  king  buy  up,  at  a  third  more  than 
their  value,  the  few  salt  marshes  that  belonged  to  private 
individuals,  —  the  king  to  own  them  all,  and  sell  the  salt  to 
his  subjects  at  the  rate  put  upon  it ;  not  obliging  any  one 
to  buy  more  than  he  wanted.  In  point  of  fact  there  were 
only  the  marshes  of  Brouage  to  buy.  The  king  would 
profit  by  release  from  the  costs  of  this  odious  tax ;  the 
people  would  profit  by  their  liberty  and  freedom  from 
endless  pillage  which  they  endured  under  that  monstrous 
horde   of  employes,  who  would   die   with   hunger   if   they 

136  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [cuap.  v. 

depended  only  on  tlieir  wages ;  the  State  would  also  profit 
considerably  in  the  matter  of  cattle,  as  any  one  can  see 
at  a  glance  by  comparing  the  different  appearance  of  those 
that  get  salt  in  the  provinces  where  there  is  no  gahcllc 
with  those  where  the  dearness  and  restrictions  upon  salt 
prevent  the  animals  from  getting  any. 

I  proposed  this  to  the  regent,  who  entered  into  it  with 
joy.  The  affair  was  brought  forward  and  about  to  pass, 
when  Fagon  and  other  financial  magistrates,  who  did  not 
venture  to  oppose  it  in  the  beginning,  were  found  to  have 
taken  their  measures  so  well  that  the  plan  was  defeated. 
Some  time  later  I  endeavoured  to  return  to  it,  and  had  every 
reason  to  believe  the  thing  certain  and  that  it  would  be 
accomplished  within  a  week.  Again  the  same  persons  got 
wind  of  it  and  were  able  to  make  it  miscarry.  Besides  the 
advantages  that  I  have  just  explained,  it  would  have  been 
a  most  essential  benefit  to  have  forced  that  army  of  gahehurs, 
living  on  the  blood  of  the  people,  to  become  soldiers,  arti- 
sans, or  labourers. 

This  occasion  drags  from  me  a  truth  that  I  recognized 
during  the  time  that  I  was  in  the  Council,  and  which  I 
All  good  impos-  would  uot  havc  believed  if  sad  experience  had 
sibie  in  France.  ^^^  taught  it  to  mc  ;  and  that  is,  that  to  do 
good  is  impossible.  So  few  persons  want  it  in  good  faith ; 
so  many  others  have  interests  contrary  to  each  kind  of  good 
that  is  proposed.  Those  who  desire  it  are  ignorant  of  that 
which  hedges  it  round,  and  without  that  knowledge  they 
cannot  succeed,  they  cannot  ward  off  the  adroitness  and  the 
influence  opposed  to  them  ;  and  this  adroitness,  being  sup- 
ported by  the  power  of  persons  of  superior  authority  and  art 
of  management,  becomes  so  complicated  and  underground 
that  the  good  which  might  be  done  is  necessarily  defeated. 
This  grievous  truth,  which  will  always  be  true  in  a  govern- 


ment  such  as  ours  has  been  since  the  days  of  Cardinal- 
Mazarin,  becomes  eminently  consoling  to  those  who  feel  and 
who  think,  but  no  longer  take  part  in  anything. 

The  more  harassed  the  regent  was,  the  more  he  turned  to 
me  in  regard  to  the  men  and  matters  about  which  he  was 

Manoeuvres  ^°^  ^P°^  ^^^^  guard.     Hc  had  spokcn  to  me 

against  Law  by     morc  than  oucc  of  tlic  Due  de  Noailles  and  the 

the  Due  de 

rioaiiies  and  the  chanccUor  bcforc  the  session  at  La  Eaquette, 
c  ance  or.  ^^  ^j^^  jealousy  of  the  former  against  Law,  of 

the  ineptitude  of  the  latter  in  State  affairs,  in  finance,  in  the 
usages  of  the  world.  He  did  not  hide  from  me  his  disgust 
at  both  of  them  and  at  their  intimate  union,  which  made  the 
chancellor,  in  all  and  for  all,  the  volimtary  slave  of  the  Due 
de  Noailles.  The  language  of  the  latter  pleased  him ;  his 
easy  grace  of  manner  and  his  habits,  always  in  the  fashion 
of  the  day,  whatever  it  was,  put  him  at  his  ease  with 
him.  NoaiQes'  intellect  and  his  well-estabhshed  junto  made 
the  regent  afraid  of  him.  On  the  other  hand,  he  could  not 
part  with  Law  and  his  system,  because  of  his  natural  love 
of  indirect  ways,  and  the  attraction  of  those  mines  of  gold 
which  Law  made  him  foresee  all  opened  and  worked  by 
his  operations.  Hopeless  of  making  Noailles  and  Law  agree 
together,  after  all  that  he  had  done  to  bring  it  about,  his 
uneasiness  became  extreme  when  he  saw  himself  at  last 
compelled  to  choose  between  the  two.  He  often  spoke  of 
this  to  me ;  and  I  heard  also  from  Law  of  all  that  went  on. 

Whatever  Law's  system  may  have  been,  he  himself  had 
the  best  faith  in  the  world  in  it.  His  personal  interests 
Law's  faith  in  his  Dcvcr  mastered  him  ;  he  was  true  and  simple  ; 
system.  j^g  -^^^  integrity  ;  he  wished  to  walk  openly 

and  frankly.  He  was  therefore  doubly  irritated  by  the 
obstacles  raised  against  him  at  every  step  by  the  Due  de 
Noailles,  and  by  the  duplicity  of  the  latter's  conduct  towards 

138  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chai-.  v. 

him.  He  was  not  less  irritated  by  the  chancellor's  slowness, 
which,  concerted  with  NoaiUes,  checked  and  made  abortive 
aU  Law's  operations.  He  was  often  forced  to  go  and  per- 
suade the  principal  men  in  parliament  and  its  president  and 
that  of  the  Cour  des  Comptes,  whom  Noailles  stirred  up 
against  him ;  and,  after  he  had  fully  convinced  them,  Noailles' 
tricks  and  the  chancellor's  delays  still  continued  and  made 
useless  operations  which  had  seemed  determined  upon  and 
without  any  difficulty.  Law  told  me  all  his  troubles  and 
vexations  ;  often  he  was  very  near  to  throwing  up  the  whole 
thing ;  and  would  go  and  complain  to  the  regent,  whom  he 
kept  informed  of  all  these  manoeuvres.  Then  the  regent 
would  speak  of  them  to  me  with  great  bitterness ;  but  he 
never  got  more  out  of  me  than  pity  for  such  annoyances,  and 
assurances  that  my  ignorance  of  finance  prevented  me  from 
giving  him  any  advice. 

Before  the  departure  of  the  Abb^  Dubois  for  London, 
being  urged  by  Law  and  his  own  interests,  he  had  worked 
upon  the  regent's  mind  against  Noailles  and  the  chancellor. 
His  interest  in  doing  so  was  double.  He  was  beginning  to 
draw  hugely  from  Law ;  how  much  he  drew  was  shrouded 
in  darkness;  he  thought  already  of  the  Cardinal's  hat  and 
the  need  he  should  have  for  money  in  Eome.  He  had  also 
another  purpose,  that  of  governing  the  regent  all  alone.  To 
do  this,  it  was  necessary  to  part  him,  little  by  little,  from 
those  who,  in  one  way  or  another,  had  his  confidence.  A 
man  like  the  Due  de  Noailles  was  formidable  to  Dubois, 
and  he  seized  this  occasion  to  get  rid  of  him,  convinced  that 
after  the  notoriety  of  being  sacrificed  to  Law  Noailles  would 
not  recover  confidence  or  be  once  more  a  man  to  fear. 

I  knew  from  Law  that  Dubois'  blows  had  struck  home, 
and  for  this  reason  he  was  grieved  at  his  absence.  Law 
would  fam  have  had  me  fill  his  place ;  but  I  knew  the  re- 

1718]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  139 

gent's   suspicious   feelings  too  well;  lie  regarded   me,  and 

with  reason,  as  the  declared  enemy  of  the  Due  de  Xoailles ; 

my  remarks  against  him  would  therefore  have 

My  conduct  in        miscarricd.      Besides,  I  found  myself  unable 

this  matter.  _  _ 

to  decide  in  my  own  mind  which  was  the 
better  side  to  take  on  the  finances ;  and  I  was  not  willmg, 
whatever  hatred  I  felt  to  Noailles,  to  take  upon  myself  to 
throw  the  State  and  the  regent  into  the  arms  of  Law  and 
his  novel  system.  I  therefore  let  things  go  their  way, — 
careful,  however,  to  be  well-informed,  and  to  hold  myself 
neutral  in  regard  to  the  regent ;  not  to  chill  him  from  speak- 
ing to  me  in  confidence,  but,  above  all,  not  to  put  myself 
forward  or  commit  myself  in  any  way.  This  conduct  on  my 
part  lasted  until  the  meeting  at  La  Eaquette,  after  which  I 
saw  that  the  regent  had  decided  on  his  course,  which  was 
only  retarded  by  the  feebleness  which  always  checked  him 
at  the  moment  of  execution. 

After  a  while  the  Due  d'OrMans  expressed  himself  openly 
to  me,  and  discussed  the  question  as  to  whom  he  should 

intrust  with  the  finances  and  the  Seals.  His 
chosen  for  the  objcct  was  to  givc  the  fiuanccs  to  some  one 
finances  and  the     ^^  whom  Law  shouM  find  uo  furthcr  obstacle 


to  his  operations.  Law  and  I  had  often  talked 
this  matter  over.  He  had  frequently  had  recourse  to 
d'Argenson,  who  entered  into  all  his  ideas,  and  it  was 
d'Argenson  whom  he  wanted  in  the  finances,  because  he 
counted  on  being  fully  at  liberty  under  him. 

DArgenson  was  a  man  of  much  mind,  and  a  supple 
mind,  which,  for  his  fortune's  sake,  accommodated  itself  to 
everything.  His  birth  was  better  than  that  of  most  men  of 
his  calhng.  He  had  long  managed  the  police,  and  with  it 
a  species  of  inquisition,  with  transcendent  judgment.  He 
was   wholly   without   fear   of   parliament,   which   he   often 

140  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  v. 

attacked ;  he  was  very  obliging  to  people  of  qualitj^,  —  hiding 
from  the  king  and  Pontchartrain  the  adventures  of  their 
children  and  relations,  which  were  really  only  youthful 
peccadilloes,  but  would  have  ruined  them  irretrievably  had 
he  not  drawn  a  curtain  before  them.  With  a  terrifying 
face,  which  recalled  that  of  the  three  judges  of  hell,  he 
made  merry  at  all  things  with  excellent  wdt,  and  had 
brought  such  order  into  that  innumerable  multitude  of 
Paris  that  there  was  no  inhabitant  whose  daily  conduct  and 
habits  he  did  not  know,  with  rare  discernment  as  to  when 
to  bear  down,  and  when  to  lighten  his  hand  in  each  affair 
that  came  before  him,  —  leaning  always  tow^ards  lenity,  but 
with  the  art  of  making  even  innocent  persons  tremble  be- 
fore him ;  courageous,  bold,  audacious  in  riots,  and  in  that 
way,  master  of  the  populace.  His  morals  were  very  much 
the  same  as  those  that  were  constantly  brought  before  him ; 
and  I  don't  know  whether  he  recognized  any  other  divinity 
than  that  of  fortune.  In  the  midst  of  painful  functions,  aU 
apparently  rigorous,  human  nature  found  mercy  before  him 
readily ;  and  when  he  was  at  liberty  with  his  friends  of  low 
estate  (in  whom  he  trusted  more  than  he  did  in  persons  of 
higher  rank),  he  abandoned  himself  to  gayety  and  was 
charming  as  a  companion.  He  had  some  knowledge  of 
letters,  but  little  or  no  acquirement  in  other  studies ;  his 
natural  intelligence  supplied  the  want,  also  his  great  knowl- 
edge of  the  world,  a  very  rare  thing  in  a  man  of  his  station. 

I  begged  the  regent  to  let  me  inform  and  prepare 
d'Argenson ;  not  that  I  doubted  his  acceptance  of  such  dis- 
I  prepare  d'Ar-  tiuctiou,  but  I  Wanted  to  profit  by  the  mo- 
genson ;  why.  mcnt  to  couciHate  the  future  Keeper  of  the 
Seals  for  the  Cardinal  de  Noailles,  so  that  the  prelate  should 
lose  as  little  as  possible  in  losing  d'Aguesseau.  The  regent 
approved;    and   I   sent    a   note    to    d'Argenson    Thursday 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  141 

morning  to  come  to  me  that  evening  between  seven  and 
eight  for  urgent  and  important  business.  D'Argenson  came 
at  the  appointed  time.  I  did  not  keep  him  in  suspense. 
Before  me  I  then  beheld  a  man  terrified  at  the  burden 
of  the  finances,  but  much  flattered  by  the  sauce  of  the 
Seals,  and  sufficiently  himself,  even  m  this  moment  of 
great  surprise,  to  make  many  difficulties  as  to  the  finances, 
though  careful  at  the  same  time  not  to  risk  the  loss  of 
the  Seals.  I  explained  to  him  at  full  length  the  wishes 
of  the  regent  in  relation  to  Law,  and  not  less  clearly 
with  regard  to  parhament  and  all  that  the  regent  desired 
to  find  in  him  in  that  respect.  Law  and  the  finances, 
I  told  him,  were  conditions  sine  qua  non,  which  he  must 
accept.  As  for  parhament  he  thought  as  I  did,  and  as  the 
regent  did;  in  that  respect,  therefore,  he  was  the  man  for 
the  place.  His  ideas,  the  movement  of  the  cabal,  his  personal 
interests,  all  led  him  to  accept  it.  It  can  be  imagined  what 
he  said  to  me  on  the  honour  of  receiving  the  Seals,  which 
he  felt,  and  with  reason,  that  he  owed  to  me,  and  about 
which  I  was  modest,  though  at  the  same  time  allowing  him 
to  feel  the  part  I  had  taken  in  the  matter. 

On  the   28th  of   January  La  Vrilhfere  [secretary  to  the 

Council  of  Eegency],  who  had  been  summoned  to  the  Palais- 

Eoyal   late   the   night   before,   went   at   eight 

The  chancellor  i       i      •  i 

loses  the  Seals  o'clock  lu  tlic  moming  to  demand  the  rendi- 
and  is  exiled.         ^-^^^  ^^  ^j^^  g^^^jg  ^^  ^j^^  chauccllor,  and  to  tell 

him  from  the  regent  to  retire,  until  further  orders,  to  his 
country-house  at  Fresnes,  on  the  road  from  Paris  to  Meaux. 
The  chancellor  asked  firmly  but  modestly  if  he  could  see  the 
recent ;  being  refused,  whether  he  could  write  to  him.  La 
Vrillifere  said  he  would  take  the  letter.  The  chancellor 
wrote  it,  read  it  to  La  Vrillifere,  sealed  it  and  gave  it  to  him. 
He  then  wrote  a  note  to  the  Due  de  Noailles,  and  went  to 

142  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  v. 

inform  his  wife,  who  was  just  confined,  of  his  fall,  and  the 
next  day  he  went  to  Fresnes. 

Noailles,  warned  of  the  bomb  by  the  chancellor's  note,  did 
not  doubt  what  would  happen  to  him  as  to  the  finances. 
He  determined  to  be  beforehand  with  the  regent  and  to  put 
himself  in  a  position  to  get  some  good  out  of  it.  He  went  to 
the  regent  at  once,  and  had  the  duphcity  to  ask  him  why  the 
Seals  were  lying  on  his  table.  The  regent  had  the  kmdness 
to  tell  him  why.  Noailles,  with  the  easiest  manner  he  could 
manage  to  assume,  asked  to  whom  he  meant  to  give  them. 
The  resrent  told  liim  that.  Whereunon  Noailles  remarked 
that  he  saw  the  cabal  had  got  the  upper  hand  and  he  could 
not  do  better  than  yield  to  it  and  resign  his  commission  on  the 
finances.  The  regent  instantly  said, "  Do  you  ask  for  nothing 
in  place  of  it  ? "  "  Nothiug,"  rephed  Noailles.  "I  give  you," 
added  the  regent,  "  a  place  in  the  Council  of  Regency."  "  I 
shall  make  little  use  of  it,"  replied  Noailles  arrogantly,  pre- 
suming on  the  regent's  weakness.  He  lied  shamefully,  for  he 
came  to  the  next  Council  and  never  missed  one  afterwards. 

Thus  the  chancellor  was  the  victim  of  the  Due  de  Noailles, 
and  the  scapegoat  that  expiated  the  sins  of  liis  friend. 
Noailles  had  used  him  as  a  shield,  making  him  see  and  do 
whatever  suited  him,  without  concealment.  He  abused  the 
friendship,  gratitude,  and  confidence  of  a  man  of  worth  and 
honour,  who,  in  his  total  ignorance  of  finances  and  of  the 
world,  and  in  the  dimness  of  his  new  and  unaccustomed  life, 
had  trusted  him  as  his  only  sure  guide.  He  was  exiled 
and  lost  the  Seals  solely  because  he  was  Noailles'  slave. 

I  will  not  omit  relating  a  mere  trifle,  because  it  helps  to 

show  more  plainly  the  character  of  the  Due  d' Orleans.     One 

Trifles  between      ^^J  ^heu  thc  Duchessc  d'Orl^aus  had  gone  to 

theDucd'Orieans    Moutmartrc,  and  I  was  walking  alone  with  the 

regent  in  the  little  garden  of  the  Palais-Eoyal 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  143 

talking  over  affairs,  he  suddenly  interrupted  himself  and 
turning  to  me  said :  "  I  am  going  to  tell  you  something 
which  will  give  you  pleasure."  Whereupon  he  told  me  how 
tired  he  was  of  the  life  he  led ;  that  neither  his  age  nor  his 
desires  required  it  any  longer,  —  with  other  remarks  of  the 
same  nature.  He  said  he  had  resolved  to  give  up  his 
suppers,  and  spend  his  evenings  soberly  and  decently  either 
in  his  own  apartments  or  with  the  Duchesse  d'Orl^ans ;  that 
his  health  would  gain  by  it,  and  also  he  should  get  more 
time  for  business ;  but  he  added  that  he  could  not  make  the 
change  until  after  the  departure  of  M.  and  Mme.  de  Lorraine, 
for  he  should  die  of  ennui  if  he  supped  every  evening  at  the 
Duchesse  d'Orldans'  with  them  and  a  troop  of  women.  But 
as  soon  as  they  were  gone,  I  might  rely  upon  it,  there  would 
be  no  more  suppers  of  roues  and  wantons  (those  were  his 
words) ;  that  he  meant  to  lead  a  reasonable  and  decent  life, 
and  one  more  suitable  to  his  present  age. 

I  own  I  felt  enchanted,  because  of  the  deep  interest  that  I 
took  in  him.  I  showed  my  feelings  to  him  with  heartfelt 
warmth,  thanking  him  for  this  confidence.  I  said  he  knew 
well  how  long  it  was  since  I  had  spoken  to  him  of  the  in- 
decency of  his  life  and  the  time  he  wasted,  because  I  saw 
that  I  was  wasting  mine,  and  had  given  up  all  hope  of 
changing  him  ;  he  could  therefore  well  believe  the  surprise 
and  joy  he  gave  me.  He  assured  me  his  resolution  was 
taken ;  and  thereupon  I  took  leave  of  him,  as  the  hour  for 
his  supper  had  come. 

The  next  day  I  heard,  from  persons  to  whom  the  roues 
related  it,  that  the  Due  d' Orleans  was  no  sooner  at  table  than 
he  began  to  laugh  and  to  tell  them  how  he  had  played  a 
fine  trick  upon  me,  into  which  I  had  tumbled  headlong.  He 
related  our  conversation,  and  the  laughter  and  applause  were 
great.     That  was  the  only  time  he  amused  himself  at  my 

144  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON.      [chap.  v. 

expense  —  I  should  rather  say  at  his  own ;  and  I  certainly 
had  the  folly  to  gobble  it  down  in  a  sudden  joy  that  deprived 
me  of  reflection,  and  did  me  honour  and  him  none.  I  would 
not  give  him  the  pleasure  of  telling  him  I  knew  of  his  joke, 
nor  did  I  ever  remind  him  of  what  he  had  said  to  me ;  and 
he  himself  dared  not  speak  of  it. 

I  never  could  discover  what  fancy  took  him  to  tell  me 
that  tale,  —  me,  who  for  years  had  never  opened  my  hps  to 
him  on  the  hfe  he  led,  nor  he  to  me.  Sometimes,  when 
alone  with  his  confidential  valets,  never  before  others,  a  com- 
plaint would  escape  him,  though  rarely,  that  I  ill-used  him, 
and  treated  him  roughly  ;  but  only  in  two  words,  and  nothing 
bitter  or  as  if  he  were  angry  with  me.  Besides,  lie  told  the 
truth ;  occasionally,  when  I  was  pushed  to  extremes  by  his 
unreasonableness  or  his  vital  blunders  in  important  matters 
relating  to  himself  or  to  the  State,  especially  when  he  had 
agreed  and  firmly  resolved  from  sound  reasoning  to  do  or 
not  to  do  a  thing,  and  his  fatal  pliancy  turned  him  in  my 
very  hand  and  made  him  do  the  contrary,  I  own  I  was 
cruelly  exercised  by  him.  But  the  trick  he  liked  to  play 
me  when  we  were  tete-a-tete,  never  before  others,  and  one  of 
which  my  vivacity  was  always  the  dupe,  was  to  suddenly 
interrupt  some  important  chain  of  reasoning  by  a  buffoonery. 
I  could  not  bear  it ;  and  I  was  sometimes  so  angry  that  I 
attempted  to  go  away.  I  would  tell  him  that  if  he  wanted 
to  joke  I  would  joke  as  much  as  he  Hked,  but  to  mix 
buffoonery  with  serious  matters  was  intolerable.  Then  he 
would  laugh  with  all  his  heart,  and  all  the  more  because, 
the  thing  not  being  rare,  I  ought  to  have  been  upon  my 
guard,  and  never  was,  and  therefore  I  was  vexed  both  at  the 
thing  itself  and  at  being  fooled  by  it.  After  this,  he  would 
resume  the  subject  of  which  we  were  treating.  Princes 
miist  have  some  ways  of  relaxing  themselves,  and  jesting 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  145 

occasionally  with  those   they  regard   as   friends  is  one  of 

Chance  showed  me  one  day  what  he  really  thought  of  me. 
I  shall  tell  it  here  and  then  be  done  with  these  trifles.  The 
Due  d'Orldans,  returning  one  afternoon  from  the  Council  of 
Eegency  to  the  Tuileries,  with  the  Due  de  Chartres  and  the 
Bailli  de  Conflans  alone  in  the  carriage  with  him,  began  to 
talk  of  me,  and  made  such  a  eulogy  upon  me  that  I  dare 
not  repeat  it.  I  don't  know  what  had  happened  at  the 
Council  to  give  rise  to  this.  I  shall  only  say  that  he  dwelt 
upon  his  happiness  in  having  a  friend  so  faithful,  so  constant 
at  all  times,  so  useful  as  I  was  and  had  been  to  him,  so  sure, 
true,  disinterested,  firm ;  such  as  he  had  never  foimd  the  hke 
of ;  on  whom  he  could  count  on  all  occasions ;  one  who  had 
rendered  him  the  greatest  services,  and  who  told  him  the 
truth,  straightforward  and  frank  in  all  things  and  without 
self-mterest.  This  praise  lasted  till  they  reached  the  Palais- 
Eoyal,  the  regent  teUing  his  son  that  he  wanted  to  teach 
him  to  know  me,  and  to  remember  the  happiness  and  support 
—  honheur  et  appui,  those  were  his  words  —  that  he  had 
always  found  in  my  friendship  and  my  advice.  The  Bailli 
de  Conflans,  surprised  himself  at  this  outpouring,  told  me  of 
it  the  next  day  under  secrecy,  and  I  own  I  could  never  forget 
it.  It  is  also  true  that,  no  matter  what  was  done  against  me, 
or  I  myself  did  in  vexation  and  disgust  at  what  went  on,  he 
always  came  back  to  me  (nearly  always  being  the  first  to 
make  the  advance)  with  shame,  friendship,  confidence;  and 
he  never  found  himself  in  any  trouble  that  he  did  not  seek 
me,  open  his  lieart  to  me,  and  consult  me  in  all  things  — 
without,  however,  always  believing  what  I  told  him,  being 
led  away  by  others. 

Fagon,  after  losing  his  office  of  chief-physician,  (the  only 
one  that  is  lost  on  the  death  of  a  king)  retired  to  the  Fau- 

VOL.  IV.  — 10 

146  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  v. 

bourg  Saint- Victoire  in  Paris,  where  he  had  a  fine  apartment 

in  the  Jardin  dii  Roi,  a  garden  where  simples  were  grown 

and  rare  and  medicinal  plants,  the  management 

Death  of  Fagon,  .  . 

the  late  king's  of  wliich  was  left  to  Mm.  He  lived  there, 
p  ysician.  always   very   solitary,   in   constant   enjoyment 

of  science  and  beUes-lettres  and  the  things  of  his  calling, 
which  he  greatly  loved.  I  have  said  so  much  about  him 
heretofore  that  there  is  nothing  left  to  add,  except  that  he 
died  in  much  piety,  at  a  great  age  for  so  deformed  and  caco- 
chymical  a  machinery  as  his,  which  his  knowledge  and  his 
incredible  sobriety  had  preserved  so  long,  always  working 
and  studying.  It  was  surprising  that  after  the  close  intimacy 
and  perfect  confidence  always  existing  between  himself  and 
Mme.  de  Maintenon,  who  had  made  him  the  king's  physician 
and  maintained  him  in  favour,  they  never  saw  each  other 
again  after  the  death  of  the  king. 

A  very  stupid  thing  made  a  monstrous  noise  about  this 
time.  The  Abb^  de  Saint-Pierre  was  a  man  of  intelhgence. 
The  Abbe  de  letters,  and  chimeras.  He  had  long  been  a 
Saint-Pierre  pub-   member  of  the  Academic  Fran^aise  and  was 

lishes  a  book. 

always  rather  full  of  himself  ;  a  good  man  and 
an  honest  man  withal,  great  maker  of  books,  projects,  and 
reformations  in  politics  and  government  in  favour  of  the  public 
good.  He  thought  himself  at  liberty  by  the  change  of  govern- 
ment to  give  wings  to  his  imagination,  —  always  in  behalf  of 
the  public  good.  He  therefore  "s\Tote  a  book  which  he 
entitled  "  La  Polysinodie,"  in  which  he  painted  to  the  life 
the  despotic  and  often  tyrannical  power  that  the  secreta- 
ries of  State  and  the  controller-general  had  exercised  under 
the  late  reign;  he  called  them  vizirs,  and  their  depart- 
ments vizirates,  and  expatiated  thereon  with  more  truth  than 

As  soon  as  the  book  appeared  it  caused  a  general  uprising 


of  all  the  former  government  and  those  who  were  hoping  to 
get  back  to  it  after  the  regency.  The  former  courtiers  of  the 
late  king  vied  with  one  another  in  a  grateful  loyalty  that  cost 
them  nothing.  The  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy  signalized  himself 
by  a  fearful  uproar,  and  stirred  up,  willing  or  not  willing,  the 
whole  of  the  former  Court.  Outside  of  these  persons  nobody 
was  scandalized  by  a  work  which  might  lack  prudence,  but  was 
certainly  not  wanting  in  respect  to  the  king ;  and  which  ex- 
posed only  truths  which  all  then  living  had  witnessed  and  the 
evidence  of  which  no  one  could  deny.  The  academies  and 
men  of  letters,  and  the  rest  of  the  world  were  indignant  and 
showed  it,  that  these  gentlemen  of  the  old  Court  could  not 
bear  truth  and  freedom,  so  accustomed  were  they  to  servitude. 
But  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy  made  such  declamation  and  clamour 
and  hubbub  that,  dragged  on  by  his  violence,  people  were 
afraid  not  to  shout  in  echo ;  so  that  finally  the  regent,  who 
had  long  dishked  all  the  Saint-Pierres,  and  whom  Villeroy 
had  rather  awed  from  his  youth  up,  did  not  resist  the  tumult. 
The  Abb^  de  Saint-Pierre  was  dismissed  from  the  Academy 
against  the  will  of  the  Academy,  which,  however,  did  not 
venture  to  resist  to  the  end.  The  book  was  suppressed,  but 
the  Academy,  profiting  by  the  taste  of  the  regent  for  mezzo- 
termine,  obtained  that  there  should  be  no  election,  and  that 
the  seat  of  the  Abb^  de  Saint-Pierre  should  not  be  filled; 
which  was  adhered  to  in  spite  of  the  cries  of  his  persecutors 
until  his  death. 

The  Petit-Pont  took  fire  April  1 7.  An  imprudent  fellow, 
looking  for  something  with  a  candle  in  a  hay-boat,  started  it. 
Burning  of  a  Afraid  Icst  the  fire  should   be  communicated 

bridge  in  Pans.  ^q  other  boats  in  the  midst  of  which  he  was, 
he  shoved  out  hastily  into  the  current  and  was  carried  against 
a  pillar  of  the  arches  of  the  Petit-Pont.  The  flames  rose 
and  caught  the  houses  of  the  bridge,  making  a  great  confla- 

148  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  v. 

gration.  The  Due  de  Tresmes,  governor  of  Paris,  the  magis- 
trates of  police,  and  many  persons  flocked  there.  Cardinal 
de  Noailles  passed  the  night  in  having  the  patients  of  the 
Hotel-Dieu  carried  to  his  house,  and  in  succouring  them 
when  there,  like  a  true  pastor  and  father ;  his  house  was  full 
and  his  rooms  not  spared.  There  was  a  moment  when  it 
was  supposed  the  whole  Hotel-Dieu  would  burn  down.  But 
only  a  part  was  destroyed,  with  some  thirty  other  houses 
either  burned  or  pulled  down.  The  Capuchins  distinguished 
themselves  very  usefully,  and  so  did  the  Franciscans.  The 
Due  de  Guiche  sent  for  a  regiment  of  guards,  which  did  great 
service,  and  the  Due  de  Chaulnes  with  his  hght-horse  cavalry 
guarded  the  furniture  and  other  property  in  the  street. 
People  laughed  a  good  deal  at  Mar^chal  de  Villars,  who 
brought  up  cannon  to  batter  down  houses ;  as  they  were  all 
of  wood  and  huddled  together,  the  remedy  would  have 
been  worse  than  the  disease.  The  master  of  firemen  gained 
no  honour  on  this  occasion. 

The  Queen  of  England  died  at  Saint-Germain  May  7,  after 
an  illness  of  ten  or  twelve  days.  Her  life  since  she  came  to 
Death  of  the  Prancc  at  the  close  of  1688,  had  been  one  long 

Queen  of  England,  geries  of  misfortunes,  heroicallv  borne  to  the 
end  as  an  oblation  to  God,  in  detachment,  penitence,  prayer, 
and  continual  good  works,  with  all  the  virtues  that  perfect 
a  saint.  With  much  natural  sensitiveness,  much  intelligence, 
and  innate  haurfhtiness,  which  she  had  learned  to  brinof  under 
and  humiliate,  with  the  grandest  air  in  the  world,  the  most 
majestic,  the  most  imposing,  she  was,  withal,  gentle  and 
modest.  Her  death  was  as  saintly  as  her  life.  She  saved 
enough  from  the  six  hundred  thousand  francs  a  year  which 
the  king  allowed  her,  to  support  poor  English  people,  of 
whom  Saint-Germain  was  full.  Her  body  was  taken  to  the 
Filles    de   Sainte-Marie   at   Chaillot,  where    she    frequently 

1718]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  149 

retreated  in  her  lifetime.  The  Court  took  no  part  in  her 
obsequies.  The  Due  de  Noailles  went  to  Saint-Germain 
merely  to  see  that  all  was  conducted  decently. 

The  regent  granted  the  Duchess  of  Portsmouth  eight 
thousand  francs'  increase  of  the  pension  of  twelve  thousand 
francs  she  already  enjoyed.  She  was  very  old,  quite  con- 
verted, and  penitent,  much  involved  in  her  affairs,  and  re- 
duced to  live  m  the  country. '  It  was  just,  and  a  proper 
example,  to  remember  the  important  and  continual  services 
she  had  rendered  with  such  good  grace  to  France  in  the 
days  when  she  lived  in  England,  the  all-powerful  mistress 
of  Charles  II. 

Parliament  assembled  on  the  11th  and  12th  of  August, 
and  vomited  all  its  venom  in  the  celebrated  decree,  of 
Audacious  action  ^hlch  the  following  was  the  main  clause: 
of  parliament.  "  ^his  court  ordaius  that  ordinances  and  edicts 
bearing  creation  of  offices  of  finance  and  letters-patent  con- 
cerning the  Bank  registered  in  this  court,  shall  be  executed. 
That  being  so,  that  the  Bank  shaU  be  reduced  to  the  limits 
and  to  the  operations  established  by  the  letters  of  May  2d 
and  20th,  1716  ;  and,  in  consequence,  it  is  forbidden  to  keep 
or  retain,  directly  or  indirectly,  any  of  the  royal  funds  in  the 
coffers  of  the  Bank,  or  to  make  any  usage  or  employment 
of  them  for  the  account  of  the  Bank  or  the  profit  of  those 
who  keep  it,  under  the  pains  and  penalties  named  in  the 
ordinances :  it  also  ordains  that  the  said  royal  funds  shall 
be  remitted  and  conveyed  directly  to  all  the  responsible 
officials,  to  be  by  them  employed  in  the  business  of  their 
offices,  and  that  all  such  officers  and  others  handling  funds 
shall  be  sureties  and  responsible,  m  their  proper  and  private 
names,  each  for  himself,  for  all  the  said  royal  funds  which 
shall  be  remitted  and  conveyed  to  them  through  the  medium 
of  the  Bank  :  it  is  likewise  forbidden  to  all  foreigners,  even 

150  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  v. 

naturalized,  to  meddle  directly  or  indirectly,  or  to  participate 
under  assumed  names,  in  the  handling  or  the  administration 
of  the  royal  funds,  imder  the  pains  and  penalties  enjoined  by 
the  ordinances  and  declarations  registered  in  this  court." 

It  can  weU  be  imagined  what  a  noise  this  decree  produced. 
It  was  nothing  less  than  seizing  by  sole  authority  of  parha- 
ment  the  whole  administration  of  the  finances,  putting  them 
under  the  axe  of  that  assembly,  rendering  accountable  to  its 
will  all  those  employed  by  the  regent  and  the  regent  himself, 
interdicting  Law  personally,  and  putting  him  at  the  mercy 
of  parliament,  which  would  certainly  have  been  more  than 
unfavourable  to  him.  After  this  trial  of  strength,  there  was 
but  one  step  for  the  parliament  to  make,  to  become  in  fact, 
as  it  assumed  to  be  in  this  crazy  pretension,  guardian  of  the 
king  and  master  of  the  kingdom,  with  the  regent  still  more 
under  its  tutelage  than,  and  perhaps  as  much  exposed  as, 
King  Charles  I.  of  England. 

Parliament  assembled  again  on  the  20th  of  August  and 
ordered  the  law  officers  of  the  king  to  ascertain  "  what  had 
Extraordinary  bccomc  of  the  uotcs  of  State  wMch  had  passed 
toThTk^g"s^i'Jw"  through  the  chamber  of  justice ;  those  which 
officers.  \j.^([  been  given  for  lotteries  held  once  a  month  ; 

those  that  were  given  for  the  Mississippi  or  Company  of  the 
West;  those  which  had  been  to  the  mint  for  change  into 
specie."  The  king's  lawj^ers  went  at  once  to  the  regent  to 
tell  him  of  the  duty  laid  upon  them.  He  answered  coldly 
that  it  was  for  them  to  execute  their  commission.  They 
asked  him  to  give  them  some  instructions  about  it.  The 
regent,  for  all  answer,  turned  liis  back  upon  them  and 
went  to  his  own  room,  wliich  bewildered  them  a  good 
deal.  I  must  now  relate  how  the  regent  put  back  the  curb 
on  these  horses  that  had  taken  the  bit  in  their  teeth  and 
were  preparing  so  boldly  to  excite  great  tumults. 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  151 

Immediately  after  this  commission  was  given  by  parlia- 
ment to  the  king's  law  officers  the  rumour  began  to  get 
about  of  an  approaching  lit  de  justice.  It  was  not  that  the 
regent  had  as  yet  thought  of  it ;  the  idea  was  founded  solely 
on  the  monstrous  attacks  of  parliament  against  the  royal 
authority,  on  the  necessity  that  some  persons  saw  of  using 
the  only  means  of  repressing  them,  and  on  the  fears  of  others. 
But  the  grand  support  of  the  audacity  of  parliament  had 
been  the  just  and  general  belief  in  the  regent's  weakness 
founded  on  his  whole  conduct,  and  this  gave  factious  persons 
confidence  that  a  lit  de  justice  was  an  action  to  which  the 
regent  would  never  dare  commit  himself,  at  the  point,  to 
which  he  had  now  allowed  cabals  and  interferences  to 
attain.  The  reading  of  the  Memoirs  of  Cardinal  de  Ketz, 
Joly,  and  Mme.  de  Motteville  had  turned  all  heads.  Those 
books  were  so  the  rage  that  there  was  neither  man  nor 
woman  of  any  condition  who  did  not  have  them  continually 
in  their  hands.  Ambition,  the  desire  for  novelty,  the  adroit- 
ness of  those  who  gave  them  this  vogue,  made  many  of  their 
readers  hope  for  the  pleasure  and  honour  of  figuring  and 
reaching  the  summit,  hke  the  personages  of  the  former 
minority.  Some  persons  fancied  they  had  found  another 
Cardinal  Mazarin  in  Law,  a  foreigner  like  himself,  and 
another  Fronde  in  the  party  of  the  Due  and  Duchesse  du 
Maine.  The  feebleness  of  the  Due  d'Orli^ans  was  compared 
to  that  of  the  queen-mother,  with  the  disadvantage  to  boot 
between  the  position  of  a  mother  and  that  of  being  nephew 
to  the  king's  grandfather. 

To  teU  the  truth,  all  was  tending  to  some  extreme,  and  it 
was  high  time  that  the  regent  should  wake  up  from  a 
The  regent  is  supineucss  which  made  him  despised,  and  em- 
drawn  from  his      boldened  his  enemies  and  those  of   the  State 


to  dare  all,  and  undertake  all.     This  lethargy 

152  MEMOIRS  or  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  v. 

of  his  held  down  his  true  servitors  in  a  state  of  depression 
at  the  utter  impossibility  of  doing  any  good.  It  had  led 
him  at  last  to  the  verge  of  a  precipice,  and  the  kingdom  he 
governed  to  the  eve  of  a  great  confusion. 

The  return  of  the  Abb(^  Dubois  from  England,  his  fortunes 
threatened  by  the  diminution  of  his  master's  power,  the 
alarm  that  Law  had  good  reason  to  feel  lest  parhament 
should  take  him  by  the  collar  and  that  others  would  then 
abandon  him,  the  fear  of  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  (so  hated  by 
parliament  whilst  ruling  the  pohce)  lest  he  should  lose  his 
present  office,  made,  all  together,  a  combmation,  into  which 
Law  managed  to  bring  M.  le  Due,  so  largely  interested  in 
his  system,  under  the  inducement  of  seizing  this  occasion  to 
overthrow  the  Due  du  Maine,  his  bastard  uncle,  gratify  his 
hatred  to  him,  and  step  into  his  place  beside  the  king.  This 
conjunction  of  separate  interests,  all  tending  to  one  purpose, 
formed  an  influence  which  acted  on  the  regent,  made  him 
see,  all  of  a  sudden,  his  danger  and  his  only  remedy,  and 
convinced  him,  moreover,  that  he  had  not  a  single  moment 
to  lose.  Dubois  and  Law  roused  him  acrainst  those  whom, 
hitherto,  he  had  only  too  well  liked  and  whose  dangerous 
advice  he  had  followed ;  and  this  was  done  so  rapidly  that 
no  one  had  any  suspicion  of  it.  I  must  now  explain  the 

Under  these  circumstances,  of  which  I  was  ignorant,  work- 
ing one  afternoon  as  usual  with  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  I  was 
The  regent  surpriscd  by  his   suddenly  interrupting   what 

forces  me  to  -^e   wcrc   doiug   by   speaking  bitterly   of   the 

about  the  par-  actious  of  parliament.  I  answered  with  my 
usual  coldness  and  indifference  on  that  matter, 
and  continued  what  we  were  about.  He  stopped  me,  and 
said  he  saw  plainly  I  did  not  choose  to  answer  him  about  the 
parliament.     I  owned  that  was  true,  and  that  he  must  have 


observed  it  for  some  time.  Pressed  further,  and  then  very 
urgently,  I  answered  coldly  that  he  surely  remembered  all 
I  had  said  and  advised  before  and  after  his  regency  as  to 
parliament ;  that  I  was  not  willing  to  open  the  matter 
again,  though  I  saw  advancing  with  great  strides  the  fulfil- 
ment of  the  prophecy  I  had  made  to  him  ;  for,  master  as  he 
had  long  been  to  repress  and  control  parhament  by  a  single 
frown,  his  sluggish  compliance  had  let  that  body  do  so  much 
and  undertake  so  much  that  it  had  brought  him  by  degrees 
to  his  present  strait  and  to  the  borders  of  an  abyss.  A 
speech  so  strong  and  rare  on  this  subject  from  my  lips,  and 
dragged  from  me  by  him,  made  him  feel  how  little  I  thought 
him  capable  of  good  and  of  sustaining  it  to  the  end,  and  also 
how  little  trouble  I  would  take  to  induce  him  to  do  so.  He 
was  inwardly  nettled,  and  as  this  came  to  clinch  the  impres- 
sion Dubois,  Law,  and  d'Argenson  had  made  upon  him  (of 
which  I  was  wholly  ignorant)  it  had  a  wonderful  effect. 

The  decree  of  parliament  which  I  have  transcribed  had 
not  been  published ;  it  transpired  and  was  followed  by  that 
Measures  of  commissiou  to  the  king's  law  officers,  which 

ca^pVurTInVhang  ^^^  ^^^  strokc  that  prccipitatcd  things  and 
^^^-  brought  the   regent   to   a   determination.      It 

became  known  that  parliament,  in  defiance  of  the  procureur- 
general,  had  appointed  commissioners  of  its  own  to  obtain 
information  ;  that  it  was  judicially  acting  very  secretly  ;  had 
taken  the  testimony  of  many  witnesses ;  and  was  surrep- 
titiously putting  matters  in  a  condition  to  send  bailiffs  some 
morning  with  a  warrant  to  arrest  Law  and  hang  him  within 
three  hours  in  the  prison-yard.  On  this  intelligence,  which 
followed  closely  on  the  publication  of  the  above-named 
decree,  the  Due  de  La  Force  and  Fagon,  counsellor  of  State, 
went  to  see  the  regent,  and  urged  him  so  much  that  he 
ordered  them  to  go  to  my  house  in  the  course  of  the  day 

154  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  v. 

with  Law,  and  consult  as  to  what  should  be  done.  They 
came,  and  this  was  my  first  intimation  that  the  Due  d'Orl^ans 
was  beginning  to  really  feel  his  danger  and  would  consent 
to  take  some  step.  At  this  conference  I  saw  the  hitherto 
"reat  firmness  of  Law  shaken  even  to  tears.  Our  discussions 
did  not  satisfy  us  at  first,  because  it  was  a  question  of  force, 
and  we  could  not  count  on  that  of  the  regent.  The  safe- 
conduct  with  which  Law  was  furnished  would  not  have 
arrested  parliament  for  a  moment ;  to  break  its  decrees  was 
hopeless  ;  to  talk  of  appeals  was  a  weakness  that  parhament 
would  only  despise,  and  regard  as  an  encouragement  to  go 
on.  Difficulty,  therefore,  on  all  sides.  Law,  more  dead  than 
alive,  knew  not  what  to  say,  still  less  what  to  do.  His  safety 
seemed  to  us  the  most  pressing  thing  to  secure.  Had  he 
been  arrested  his  affair  would  have  been  over  before  any 
action  could  have  taken  place,  even  if  the  regent  could  have 
resolved  to  enter  the  prison  with  a  regiment  of  guards, — 
a  critical  means  in  such  a  case,  always  a  sorry  one  even  if 
successful,  and  shocking  if,  instead  of  Law,  they  had  found 
a  hempen  cord  and  a  corpse.  I  therefore  advised  Law  to  go 
at  once  to  the  room  of  his  friend  Nancr^  at  the  Palais-Eoyal, 
Nancr^  being  then  in  Spain.  He  could  have  been  in  safety 
by  lodging  at  the  Bank,  but  I  thought  a  refuge  in  the  Palais- 
Eoyal  would  make  more  noise  and  bind  the  regent  more, 
and  would  also  be  a  means  by  which  Law  could  talk  with 
him  at  all  hours  and  urge  him  up  to  the  mark.  The  Due  de 
La  Force  and  Fagon  approved  and  Law  went  to  the  Palais- 
Royal  on  leaving  my  house. 

This   settled,    I    proposed    a    lit   de   justice,   which    was 

eagerly  seized  upon  by  the  other  three  as  the  only  means 

which  remained  to  break  the  decrees  of  parlia- 

I  propose  a  "  lit 

de  justice  "  at  the   meut.     But  whilc  the  discussion  was  going  on 
a  thought  occurred  to  me ;  I  told  the  others 

1718]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  155 

that  the  Due  dii  Maine,  the  real  motive  power  of  all  the 
enterprises  of  parliament,  and  the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  as 
much  alhed  with  it  as  he,  though  he  concealed  it  more  care- 
fully, would  never  allow,  if  they  could  help  it,  a  lit  de 
justice  so  contrary  to  their  views,  their  proceedings,  their 
projects  ;  that  in  order  to  defeat  it  they  would  allege  the 
heat  (which  was  great),  the  fear  of  a  crowd,  of  fatigue,  of  bad 
air ;  they  would  take  a  pathetic  tone  about  the  king's  health, 
well  calculated  to  embarrass  the  regent ;  and  if  he  persisted, 
they  would  protest  against  what  might  happen  to  the  king 
and  possibly  refuse  to  accompany  him,  and  the  kmg,  frightened 
by  them,  might  refuse  to  go  without  them ;  in  which  case 
the  whole  thing  would  fall  through  and  the  impotence  of 
the  regent  be  made  manifest.  These  reflections  stopped  us 
short.  But  a  remedy  occurred  to  my  mind  which  I  instantly 
proposed,  namely,  to  hold  the  lit  de  justice  in  the  Tuileries, 
a  precedent  for  which  existed  in  the  time  of  the  late  king. 
By  this  expedient  there  was  no  necessity  to  give  out  notices 
tni  the  morning  of  the  day,  and  in  this  way  all  concerned 
would  be  taken  off  their  guard ;  no  pretext  could  arise 
about  the  king,  and  at  the  same  time  full  liberty  was 
given  to  every  one.  On  this  we  settled.  Law  departed; 
and  I  dictated  a  memorandum  to  Fagon  of  all  that  I 
thought  necessary  in  order  to  carry  out  this  project  se- 
cretly, insure  its  execution,  and  prevent  all  obstacles.  It 
was  nine  o'clock  at  night  when  we  finished  it. 

The  next  day,  Saturday,  August  20,  towards  the  end  of  the 
morning,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  sent  me  word  to  be  with  him 
The  regent  sends  ^^  ^^^^^  o'clock  the  samc  aftcmoon.  I  reached 
^°^  ^^-  the  Palais-Eoyal  at  that  hour,  and  a  moment 

after  La  Vrilli^re  came  in  and  solaced  me  for  the  company 
of  Grancey  and  Broglio,  two  of  the  roues,  whom  I  found  sit- 
ting familiarly  m  the  grand  cabinet,  without  their  wigs.     I 

156  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  v. 

was  soon  told  to  enter  the  new  gallery,  painted  by  Coypel, 
where  I  found  a  quantity  of  maps  and  plans  of  the  Pyrenees, 
which  Asfeld  was  showing  the  regent  and  Mar^chal  de 
Villeroy.  The  Due  d'Orleans  received  me  heartily  and  as 
if  he  had  need  of  me.  A  moment  later  he  said  in  a  low 
voice  that  he  had  much  to  say  to  me  before  we  "  assembled," 
but  he  must  first  get  the  marechal  away.  This  was  the  first 
I  had  heard  of  any  assembly,  and  I  did  not  know  of  whom 
it  might  be  composed.  At  last  the  marechal,  after  his  usual 
chatter,  went  away ;  the  Due  d'Orleans  drew  a  long  breath 
and  led  me  into  the  cabinet  behind  the  great  salon  on  the 
rue  de  Eichelieu. 

On  entering,  he  took  me  by  the  arm  and  said  that  he  was 
at  the  crisis  of  his  regency,  and  every  thmg  was  at  stake  for 
He  proposes  to  him  ou  this  occasion.  I  rephed  that  I  saw 
and  thi'Du'r^"'  that  only  too  well ;  but  that  all  depended  upon 
du  Maine.  liimsclf  at  this  Critical  moment.     He  then  said 

that  he  was  resolved  to  strike  a  great  blow  at  the  parliament ; 
that  he  approved  of  the  lit  de  justice  at  the  Tuileries  for 
the  reasons  that  had  made  me  propose  it ;  that  he  was  sure 
of  M.  le  Due  by  means  of  his  new  pension  of  one  hundred 
and  fifty  thousand  francs  as  head  of  the  Council  of  Eegency ; 
that  he  had,  that  morning,  obtained  the  pledged  support  of 
the  Prince  de  Conti ;  and  that  M.  le  Due  wanted  the  educa- 
tion of  the  king  taken  from  the  Due  du  Maine,  a  thing  that 
was  equally  to  his,  the  regent's,  interest,  because  the  king 
was  increasing  in  years  and  knowledge,  and  it  was  impor- 
tant to  take  him  out  of  the  hands  of  his  enemy.  He  added 
that  he  was  inclined  to  hold  the  lit  de  justice,  if  he  could, 
on  the  following  Tuesday,  and  to  take  the  education  from 
the  Due  du  Maine. 

I  inten-upted  him  there,  saying  that  that  was  not  at  all 
my  advice.      "  Eh !   and  why  is   it  not   your   advice  ? "   he 


demanded.     "  Because,"   I   replied,   "  it   is   undertaking   too 

much  at  a   time.     What  is  now  yovir  most  urgent  matter 

which  admits  of  no  delay  ?    The  parliament,  of 

I  oppose  his  at- 
tacking the  Due      course.     That  is  the  grand  point;  be  satisfied 

du  Maine;   why.      ^^.^^^  ^j^^^_       g^^..^^  ^^^  ^^,^^^  ^^^^  ^-^^^^  .    ^^^ 

how  to  maintain  it  afterwards ;  and  you  will  regain  in  a 
moment  all  your  authority  ;  after  which  you  will  have  time 
enough  to  think  of  the  Due  du  Maine.  Don't  confound  him 
with  the  parliament ;  don't  identify  him  with  it ;  if  you  do 
you  will  join  their  interests  by  a  mutual  disaster.  See  first 
what  the  public  will  think,  and  do,  about  the  blow  that  you 
level  against  parliament.  You  did  not  strike  down  M.  du 
Maine  when  you  could  have  done  it,  and  should  have  done 
it,  when  the  public  and  the  parliament  expected  it  and 
desired  it ;  you  have  let  them  be  manipulated  by  the  Due 
du  Maine,  and  now  you  want  to  degrade  him  at  the  wrong 
moment.  Besides,  will  M.  le  Due  be  content  with  tak- 
ing the  education  from  M.  du  Maine  ?  Does  he  not  want 
it  for  himself  ?  "  "  He  docs  not  care  about  it,"  replied  the 
regent.  "  That  is  well,"  I  replied,  "  but  try  to  make  him 
hear  reason  about  your  wisest  course  now.  Remember, 
monsieur,"  I  added,  "  that  when  I  oppose  the  overthrow  of 
M.  du  Maine  I  go  against  my  dearest  interests ;  from  the 
education  to  the  rank  is  only  a  step ;  you  know  the  ardour 
of  my  desires  on  that  point,  and  you  know,  moreover,  that  I 
hate  M.  du  Maine,  who  has  done  us  such  wrongs ;  but  the 
good  of  the  State  and  yours  is  dearer  to  me  than  my  rank 
or  my  vengeance,  and  I  conjure  you  to  reflect  upon  this." 

The  regent  was  surprised,  perhaps  as  much  at  my  control 
over  myself  as  at  my  reasons.  He  embraced  me,  yielded 
instantly,  and  said  I  spoke  to  liini  as  a  friend,  and  not  as 
a  duke  and  peer.  I  took  occasion  to  make  him  a  few  light 
reproaches   for  his   suspicions   on    that  head.     We   agreed. 

158  MEMOIRS  OF   THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  v. 

therefore,  that  the  Due  du  Maine  should  be  left  for  another 
and  less  complicated  time.  The  regent  then  returned  to 
the  question  of  parliament,  and  spoke  of  dismissing  its 
president,  Mesmes.  I  opposed  this  also,  and  told  him  the 
man  was  too  bound  up  with  the  Due  du  Maine  to  strike  at 
the  one  and  leave  the  other.  That  in  this,  too,  I  spoke  as 
a  friend,  because  my  keenest  pleasure  would  be  to  ruin  that 
scoundrel,  the  author  and  instrument  of  all  the  hoiTors  that 
had  happened  to  the  peers.  After  a  full  discussion  of  all 
points  we  came  to  that  of.  the  actual  machinery  in  detail 
of  a  lit  de  justice.  I  explained  to  him  what  I  supposed 
it  ought  to  be,  and  I  undertook  at  his  request  to  manage  it, 
with  Fontanieu,  master  of  crown  properties,  without  the 
knowledge  of  any  one. 

All  this  being  arranged,  the  regent  entered  the  salon  into 
which  the  cabinet  opened,  from  the  door  of  which  he  called 
.  in  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  La  Vrillifere,  and 
conference.^  ^  tlic  Abb^  Dubois,  wlio  wcrc  Waiting  in  the 
salon  beyond  it,  in  which  there  was  no  one 
else.  This  was  where  the  regent  worked  in  summer.  He 
took  his  usual  seat,  I  next  him,  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  and 
La  Vrilli^re  opposite.  After  a  short  conversation  on  the 
subject,  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  read  the  draft  of  an  edict 
of  the  Council  of  Eegency  and  of  letters-patent  breaking  the 
decrees  of  the  parliament;  these  documents  were  those 
that  were  afterwards  printed.  Just  as  the  reading  ended, 
M.  le  Due  was  announced.  The  Due  d'0rl(5ans  put  on  his 
wig  and  went  to  meet  him  in  the  next  room,  but  soon 
returned  with  M.  le  Due  behind  him.  As  I  knew  the 
meaning  of  their  friendliness  I  asked  the  regent,  laughing, 
why  he  had  brought  in  M.  le  Due  to  disturb  our  meeting. 
"  You  see  him  now,"  he  replied,  taking  M.  le  Due  by  the 
arm,  "  and  you  will  see  him  here  again."     The  other  three 


men,  who  stood  at  some  distance,  seemed  much  surprised  at 
this  entrance;  they  approached  us,  however,  and  we  sat 
down,  M.  le  Due  between  the  regent  and  me.  His  Eoyal 
Highness  then  requested  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  to  read 
the  docviments  over  again,  which  he  did  without  any  in- 
terruption. M.  le  Due  approved  them  strongly,  speaking 
to  me  in  a  low  voice  now  and  then.  When  the  reading 
was  over  the  regent  rose  and  took  M.  le  Due  to  the  end  of 
the  salon,  where  he  called  me  up  to  him  a  few  moments 
later,  and  said  that  the  most  pressing  thing  of  all  now  was 
the  lit  de  justice  and  the  arrangements  for  it,  and  he  begged 
me  to  see  Fontanieu  at  once  about  them. 

As  I  was  getting  into  my  carriage  one  of  Law's  lacqueys, 
who  was  on  the  watch,  begged  me  earnestly  to  enter  his 
master's  room,  which  was  near  by.  I  found  him  alone  with 
his  wife.  I  told  him  that  aU  went  well ;  and  that  M.  le 
Due  had  been  and  was  still  with  the  regent;  for  I  knew 
that  Law  was  the  instrument  of  their  union.  I  added  that 
I  was  m  a  hurry,  and  he  would  hear  more  from  his  Royal 
Highness  as  soon  as  possible.  He  seemed  to  breathe  again ; 
and  I  went  off  at  once  to  Fontanieu  in  the  Place  Vendome. 


When  Fontanieu  and  I  were  aloue  in  his  cabinet,  I  talked 
on  other  matters  to  give  the  valets  who  had  opened  the  doors 
I  settle  with  ^^^®  ^°  retire,  and  then,  to  his  great  astonish- 

Fontanieu  the        ment,  I  Went  outside  to  see  if  they  were  gone, 

secret  arrange- 

ments  of  the  "  lit   and  closed  the  doors  myself.     I  then  told  Fon- 
e  justice.  tanieu  that  the  matter  was  a  very  secret  one, 

which  the  regent  had  charged  me  to  communicate  to  him 
myself ;  but  before  explaining  it,  I  must  know  if  his  Eoyal 
Highness  could  count  absolutely  upon  him.  Fontanieu  trem- 
bled through  his  whole  body,  and  turned  whiter  than  his 
linen ;  he  stammered  a  few  words,  and  said  his  Eoyal  High- 
ness could  count  on  him  so  far  as  his  conscience  permitted. 
I  smiled  and  looked  at  him  fixedly,  and  that  smile  seemed  to 
show  him  that  he  owed  me  excuses  not  to  feel  secure  when 
the  matter  came  through  my  hands,  for  he  made  them  at 
once.  I  then  told  him  that  the  matter  in  question  was  a 
lit  de  justice,  for  the  detailed  arrangements  for  which  we 
had  need  of  him.  I  had  scarcely  explained  the  matter  be- 
fore the  poor  man  drew  a  loud  breath,  as  if  I  had  lifted  a 
stone  from  his  stomach,  and  asked  me  many  times  if  that 
was  all  we  wanted  of  him.  He  promised  everything  in  his 
joy  at  being  let  off  so  cheaply,  and  truly  kept  his  word,  both 
as  to  the  work  and  as  to  the  secrecy.  He  had  never  seen  a 
lit  de  justice,  and  had  not  the  slightest  notion  of  one.  I 
sat  down  at  his  desk  and  drew  out  the  plan ;  I  discussed  it 
with  him  a  full  hour,  and  when  I  thought  I  had  sufficiently 
explained  it,  I  returned  to  the  Palais-Eoyal,  on  pretence  of 
having  forgotten  something,  to  deceive  my  servants. 


Ibagnet,  the  concierge  of  the  Palais-Eoyal,  was  waiting  for 
me  at  the  door  of  the  Due  d'Orldans'  apartments,  with  an 
order  to  beg  me  to  write  to  him.  It  was  the  sacred  hour  of 
the  roues  and  the  supper,  against  which  no  business  could 
prevail.  I  sat  down  in  the  regent's  winter  cabinet  and  wrote 
him  an  account  of  what  I  had  done,  not  without  indignation 
that  he  could  not  defer  his  pleasures  for  an  affair  of  this 

The  next  morning,  Sunday,  21st,  on  leaving  my  bed  at  half- 
past  seven,  a  valet  de  chamhre  of  M.  le  Due  was  announced 

.  _        .        to  me,  with  a  letter  he  was  to  give  into  my 

M.  le  Due  wntes  "  '' 

to  me  to  ask  an      qwu  liauds.     Tlic  man  had  come  much  earlier. 


and  had  gone  to  hear  mass  at  the  Jacobins, 
while  waiting  until  I  woke  up.  M.  le  Due's  letter  was  as 
follows :  — 

"  I  think,  monsieur,  that  it  is  absolutely  necessary  I  should 
have  a  conversation  with  you  on  the  affair  you  know  of ;  I 
think  also  the  sooner  the  better.  Therefore,  I  should  wish, 
if  it  could  be,  that  it  were  to-morrow,  Sunday,  in  the  morn- 
ing. See  at  what  hour  you  could  come  to  me  or  that  I 
should  go  to  you ;  choose  which  you  think  will  excite  least 
notice,  because  it  is  useless  to  give  the  pubhc  cause  to  think. 
I  shall  await  your  reply  to-morrow  morning  ;  and  beg  you, 
meantime,  to  count  on  my  friendship,  and  continue  to  me 
yours.  H.  de  Boukbon." 

I  went  at  once  to  the  hotel  de  Cond^,  where  I  found  M.  le 

Due  in  the  act  of  dressing  himself  and  quite  alone,  as  his 

valet  told  me  he  would  be  at  that  hour.     He 

Long  interview 

between  M.  le        finished  drcssiug,  and  begged  me  to  pass  into 

me.  j^.^   cabinet,  where  he   shut   the  door,  offered 

me  an  armchair,  took  one  himself,  and  we  sat  down  facing 

each  other.     He  began  by  excuses  for  taking  such  a  liberty 

VOL.  IV. 11 

162  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SLMON.     [chap.  vi. 

with  me,  and,  after  a  few  compliments,  entered  upon  his 
subject.  He  said  he  thought  it  best  to  lose  no  time  in  speak- 
ing to  me  on  the  matter  broached  the  night  before  ;  and  first, 
he  should  ask  in  confidence  whether  I  did  not  think,  as  he 
did,  that  it  was  doing  notliing  to  strike  at  parliament,  if 
at  the  same  time  the  blow  did  not  fall  on  its  principal  motor 
power ;  and  whether  the  Due  d'Orldans  did  not  think  so  too. 
Without  allowing  him  to  think  me  stupid,  I  was  not  sorry  to 
force  him  to  be  the  first  to  name  the  Due  du  Maine,  which 
he  did  in  a  few  moments,  on  which  I  asked  him  in  what 
way  he  proposed  to  strike  at  the  Due  du  Maine.  "  By  taking 
from  him  the  education,"  he  replied.  I  said  that  the  educa- 
tion could  be  taken  from  him  independently  of  a  lit  de 
justice,  and  the  two  things  done  at  different  times.  He 
replied  that  the  regent  was  convinced  that,  this  appointment 
having  been  conferred  or  confirmed  at  a  lit  de  justice,  it 
could  not  be  taken  from  the  Due  du  Maine  in  any  other 
way.  I  contested  this  a  little,  but  he  cut  me  short  by  re- 
peating that  such  was  the  opinion  of  the  regent,  that  he  had 
told  him  so,  on  which  it  had  become  a  question  between 
them  of  using  the  natural  occasion  of  the  lit  de  justice 
now  about  to  be  held,  and  it  was  on  that  they  wished  to 
know  what  I  thought. 

I  tried  to  ramble  round  the  field,  but  was  incontinently 
recalled  by  M.  le  Due,  and  forced  to  enter  the  lists  seriously. 
I  confess  that  the  more  I  had  thought  the  matter  over,  the 
less  wise  I  thought  it  would  be  to  attack  the  Due  du  Maine. 
I  was  on  my  guard  against  my  inclination  to  do  so,  and  per- 
haps the  sternness  with  which  I  held  myself  in  increased  my 
sense  of  its  injudiciousness.  I  had  a  horror  of  bringing 
dangerous  results  to  the  State  by  a  thing,  however  just  in 
itself,  in  which  my  private  interests  were  mingled ;  and  the 
more  those  interests  were  dear  to  me,  the  more  I  turned  my- 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  163 

self  forcibly  away,  that  I  might  do  nothing  unworthy  of  an 
honourable  man.  I  therefore  stopped  all  verbiage,  urged  as 
I  was,  and  answered  plainly  that  the  two  points  he  proposed 
to  discuss  were  radically  different ;  that  no  impartial  mind 
could  deny  that  it  was  expedient  for  the  State,  the  king,  and 
the  regent  to  take  the  education  from  M.  du  Maine ;  but  I 
also  thought  that  no  one  could  be  found  who  did  not  con- 
sider that  step  extremely  dangerous.  After  which  I  detailed 
to  him  at  full  length  the  reasons  I  had  already  given  to  the 
Due  d'Orldans. 

M.  le  Due  listened  to  me  very  attentively,  and  answered 
that  for  his  part  he  considered  that  to  attack  the  Due  du 
Maine  was  the  only  remedy  against  civil  war.  I  asked  him  to 
explain  to  me  that  proposition,  so  much  the  reverse  of  mine, 
but  to  tell  me  first,  frankly,  what  he  should  think  of  civil 
war  in  the  present  state  of  the  kingdom.  He  said  it  would 
be  ruin.  Then  returning  to  his  idea,  he  repeated,  what  I 
had  owned,  that  it  would  be  wise  to  take  the  king  from  the 
hands  of  the  Due  du  Maine ;  that  settled,  we  should  see  if 
there  were  any  certain  hope  of  doing  it  at  a  later  time,  and 
with  less  danger;  that  the  longer  the  Due  du  Maine  was 
left  with  the  king,  the  more  the  king  would  get  accustomed 
to  him,  and  that  the  king  himself  might  prove  an  obstacle 
that  did  not  yet  exist ;  also  that  M.  du  Maine  had  gained 
ground  during  the  regency  through  the  mere  fact  of  his 
having  the  education,  which  made  him  regard  himself  as  the 
future  master  of  the  State  at  the  king's  majority. 

All  this   was  said  more  diffusely   than    I  report.     M.  le 

Due  then  begged  me  to  answer  him  straightforwardly.     I 

could  not  deny  the  truths  tliat  he  advanced. 

I  oppose  the 

deposition  of  the     "  But,  monsicur,"  I  Said,  "  will  that  prevent  a 

civil   war?     It   proves   the    enormity   of    the 

blunder  of  having  left  the  bastards  in  their  position  at  the 

164  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

death  of  the  king  and  after  it.  Every  one  expected  their 
fall  then  and  desired  it ;  but  at  present,  when  the  face  of 
things  has  changed  by  habit,  and  still  more  by  the  judgment 
rendered  between  the  princes  of  the  blood  and  the  bastards, 
that  which  it  was  wise  to  do  on  the  death  of  the  king  will, 
if  done  now,  precipitate  us  into  trouble."  [After  a  long 
statement  of  the  grounds  of  this  opinion]  M.  le  Due,  who 
had  listened  to  me  with  extreme  attention,  seemed  really 
M.  le  Due  de-  struck  and  remained  silent  for  a  few  moments ; 
Clares  that  his        ^Yieu   in   a   gentle  but   firm   tone,  such   as   I 

attachment  to  '-'  ' 

the  regent  de-        always  drcad  in  public  matters,  because  it  in- 

pends  on  the  , .  , 

removal  of  M.  dicatcs  that  a  course  is  determined  on,  he 
du  Maine.  ^^^^  .  «  Mousicur,  I  cau  vcry  well  conceive  all 

the  difficulties  that  you  make ;  I  agree  that  they  are  great ; 
but  there  are  two  others  which  appear  to  me  incomparably 
greater  on  the  other  side:  one  is  that  the  Due  d'OrMans 
and  I  are  lost  at  the  king's  majority,  if  the  education  is  left 
to  M.  du  Maine  till  then  ;  the  other  is  that  it  will  assuredly 
be  left  to  him  if  on  this  present  occasion  it  is  not  taken  from 
him.  Look  at  it  how  you  please,  that  is  the  fact;  as  to 
trusting  to  anything  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  may  promise  me  for 
the  future,  that  is  a  snare  into  which  I  shall  not  fall,  and 
to  let  myself  be  fooled  now  only  to  be  lost  four  years  hence 
is  what  I  will  never  do."  [A  long  argument  followed  and 
then]  M.  le  Due  declared  that  his  only  demand  was  that 
M.  du  Maine  should  be  removed  from  the  king ;  and  he 
begged  me  to  see  the  Due  d'Orleans  that  very  morning 
and  say  that  he  would  consent  to  either  one  of  three  edicts, 
the  drafts  of  which  he  had  carried  to  the  regent,  which 
the  latter  preferred.  After  which  M.  le  Due  declared  to  me 
plainly  that  his  attachment  to  the  Due  d'Orleans  depended 
wholly  on  the  removal  of  the  Due  du  Maine ;  without  which 
he  would  not  take  one  step  either  for  or  against  him. 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  165 

I  returned  home,  and  went  to  mass  at  the  Jacobins,  a 
church  wliich  I  could  enter  from  my  garden.  It  was  not 
without  wandering  of  mind.  But  God  gave  me  grace  to 
pray  with  a  good  and  honest  heart,  asking  that  I  might 
conduct  myself  for  His  glory  and  the  good  of  the  State  with- 
out personal  self-seekmg.  I  may  even  say  that  I  received 
the  grace  of  interesting  right-mmded  people  m  this  affair 
without  their  formmg  any  idea  of  what  it  was,  so  that  I 
obtained  rectitude  and  hght  and  strength  from  them  against 
my  own  inclinations ;  and,  to  say  it  once  for  all,  my  prayer 
was  granted,  and  I  had  nothing  to  reproach  myself  with  in 
the  whole  after-course  of  this  affair,  in  which  I  followed 
solely  my  ideas  of  what  was  best  for  the  State,  without  turn- 
ing aside  either  to  the  right  hand  or  to  the  left. 

Fontanieu  was  awaiting  me  on  my  return  from  mass.  I 
had  to  stand  his  questions  about  the  details  of  his  machinery 
and  behave  as  if  I  had  nothing  else  upon  my  mind.  I 
arranged  my  chamber  for  a  lit  de  justice  and  made  him  see 
and  understand  various  local  points  of  the  ceremonial  which 
he  had  not  understood,  but  which  it  was  very  important 
not  to  omit.  I  had  requested  him  to  see  the  regent  that 
morning;  but  as  it  was  necessary  to  enHghten  the  latter 
beforehand,  I  told  Fontanieu  to  receive  his  orders  in  the 

It  was  half-past  eleven  when  I  reached  the  Palais-Koyal, 
and,  as  contretcmjjs  always  happen  in  all  great  affairs,  I 
I  render  an  ac-  fouud  thc  rcgcut  closctcd  with  Mar^chal 
count  to  the  d'Huxclles  and  the  Cardinals  de  Eohan  and  de 

regent  of  my  in- 
terview with  M.     Bissy,  who    were    each   reading   him    a    long 

rigmarole    of   their  writing,  or  said   to   be  so, 

under  the  specious  title   of   brmging   Cardinal  de  Noailles 

to  their  way  of  thinking.     I  was  on  thorns  ;  and  presently 

I  took  the  liberty  of  drawing  the  regent  to  a  window,  where 

166  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  vi. 

I  told  him  that  while  he  was  amusing  himself  with  those 
two  cardinals,  who  were  making  him  lose  liis  precious  time 
about  a  reconciliation  they  did  not  wish  to  make,  I  had  to 
give  him  a  long  account  of  a  very  important  conversation 
I  had  had  with  M.  le  Due  before  he  could  see  the  latter 
again.  On  this  he  returned  to  the  others,  told  them  he  was 
tired  and  that  their  affair  could  be  better  understood  if  heard 
twice,  and  in  less  than  a  quarter  of  an  hour  they  departed 
with  their  portfohos  under  their  arms.  I  took  their  place, 
and  closing  the  doors,  we  walked  up  and  down  the  long 
gallery,  the  Due  d'OrMans  and  I,  till  three  o'clock,  that  is 
to  say,  more  than  two  good  hours. 

Long  as  my  conversation  with  M.  le  Due  had  been,  I 
repeated  it  in  full  to  the  Due  d'Orldans,  adding  my  reflec- 
tions as  I  went  along.  He  was  surprised  at  the  strength  of 
my  reasons  not  to  fall  upon  M.  du  Maine,  and  much  alarmed 
at  the  tenacity  of  M.  le  Due  on  that  point.  He  said  it  was 
true  that  he  had  asked  him  for  the  three  proposals  of  different 
edicts  and  that  M.  le  Due  had  given  them  to  him,  saying  he 
did  not  care  which  was  taken,  provided  it  ensured  the  dis- 
missal of  the  Due  du  Maine.  I  felt  then  that  the  regent  had 
pledged  himself  again.  He  dared  not  tell  me  so,  but  he  did 
not  escape  my  reproaches.  "  Well,  monsieur,"  I  cried  too 
roughly,  "there  you  are  in  the  mud-hole  I  have  predicted 
to  you  so  many  times  !  You  would  not  overthrow  the  bas- 
tards when  the  princes  of  the  blood,  the  parliament,  the 
entire  public  cried  out  for  it  and  the  whole  world  expected  it. 
What  did  I  tell  you  then  ?  and  what  have  I  repeated  ever 
since  ?  That  sooner  or  later  you  would  be  forced  to  it  by  the 
princes  of  the  blood,  at  a  time  when  it  would  not  suit  you  to 
do  it,  and  you  might  be  forced  to  abet  them  at  all  risks. 
How  are  you  going  to  get  out  of  this  ?  Beheve  me,  evil  for 
evil,  this  is  the  most  dangerous." 


The  regent  groaned ;  but  he  promised  he  would  hold  firm 
against  M.  le  Due,  and  added  that  he  wished  I  would  see  the 
The  regent  prom-  latter  after  their  interview  and  report  to  him 
Iginst^'remolrg  ^he  ncxt  day  what  effect  it  had  upon  him.  He 
M.  du  Maine.  ^^en  Said  that  he  doubted  whether  the  lit  de 
justice  could  be  held  the  day  after  the  morrow  (Tuesday) 
because  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  doubted  if  he  could  be  ready 
with  the  documents  in  time.  This  delay  annoyed  me ;  I 
feared  it  was  the  prelude  to  a  longer  delay,  and  then  a  change. 
I  asked  him  to  what  day  he  postponed  it,  remarking  that 
such  strokes  determined  upon  and  then  delayed  were  sure 
to  become  known,  and  with  dangerous  results.  "  To  Friday," 
he  replied.  "  Wednesday  and  Thursday  are  fgte-days,  and  it 
can't  be  earlier."  "  Very  good,"  I  said,  "  provided,  in  any 
event,  it  is  Friday."  He  seemed  determined.  As  we  parted 
he  said :  "  We  must  avoid  taking  away  the  education  at  this 
time.  It  is  my  interest  to  do  so  later,  all  in  good  time,  but 
this  is  not  the  proper  time,  and  you  are  perfectly  right.  This 
M.  le  Due  frightens  me ;  he  wants  it,  and  wants  it  so  stoutly." 
"  What  do  you  mean  by  that  ? "  I  said.  "  Did  you  not  tell  me 
yesterday  that  M.  le  Due  did  not  want  the  education  himself, 
and  would  not  have  it  ? "  "  Yes,"  replied  the  regent,  "  I 
understood  him  to  say  so ;  but  you  see  he  has  his  say  and  his 
unsay.  He  does  not  care  for  it,  but  he  makes  it  a  condition, 
and  that  does  not  suit  me."  "  Monsieur,"  I  said,  in  a  firm 
tone,  "  indeed  it  does  not.  Make  up  your  mind  that  he  shall 
not  have  it ;  for  I  declare  to  you  that  if  he  has  it  you,  with 
your  nature,  will  distrust  him,  he  will  perceive  it,  worthy 
people  will  thrust  themselves  in  for  the  purpose  of  parting 
you,  and  then  there  will  be  the  devil  between  you,  which 
will  operate  upon  the  State,  the  present,  and  the  future.  With 
these  reflections  I  leave  you  to  get  my  dinner."  "  There 's 
my  gourmand ! "  he  said ;  "  fine  reflections,  but  dinner  at  the 

168  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  vi. 

end."  "  Yes,"  I  said,  laughing,  "  dinner  and  not  so  much 
supper ;  but  since  it  pleases  you  not  to  dine  at  all,  ruminate 
over  this  wliile  awaiting  M.  le  Due,  and  be  prepared  for  the 

Let  us  return  for  a  moment  to  the  origin  of  this  affair ; 
that  is  to  say,  to  the  original  cause  that  set  it  in  motion.  I 
have  said  that  this  was  the  private  interests  of  Law,  d'Argen- 
son,  and  the  Abbd  Dubois.  To  those  interests  must  be 
added  that  of  the  Due  de  La  Force,  who,  in  order  that  he 
might  enter  the  Council  of  Eegency,  stirred  up  Law,  who 
was  napping,  and  through  him  M.  le  Due.  So  true  is  it  that 
in  matters  that  seem  to  rise  up  and  speak  for  themselves 
(and,  generally  speaking,  in  all  great  affairs)  we  shall  find, 
if  we  search  carefully,  that  their  original  cause  is  some  light 
thing,  some  personal  interest,  very  incapable,  one  would 
think,  of  causing  such  effects. 

I  saw  the  Due  d'Orleans  again  in  the  evening,  and  asked 
him  where  he  now  was  with  M.  le  Due.  He  answered,  stop- 
The  regent  tells  P^^g  ^hort  and  tuming  towards  me,  for  we 
me  that  M.  le         ^erc  Walking  down  the  great  gallery,  that  he 

Due  insists  on  t     i  •       ^  j   j.i      i.  t, 

having  the  educa-  had  ucvcr  SBCU  a  man  so  obstmate  and  that  he 
tionoftheking.  fj-^^i^tened  him.  "But  the  result?"  I  said. 
"  The  result,"  he  answered,  "  is  that  he  wants  the  education 
of  the  king,  and  will  not  yield  the  point."  I  did  not  conceal 
from  him  that  the  accumulated  number  of  his  broken  prom- 
ises to  M.  le  Due  was  the  cause  of  the  latter's  obstinacy  at 
the  present  time.  The  Due  d'Orleans  contested  this,  and 
said  he  did  not  tell  the  truth  ;  but  he  let  it  be  seen  that  there 
was  no  denying  the  just  complaints  of  M.  le  Due  in  this 

Then,  passing  to  the  mechanical  arrangements  for  the 
lit  de  justice  (for  this  conversation  was  very  skippy),  I 
said  to  him,  and  I  don't  know  how  I  came  to  think  of  it. 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  169 

that  the  high  seats  could  be  raised  only  one  step  on  account 
of  the  want  of  height  at  the  Tuileries ;  but  I  thought  that 
would  be  quite  sufficient  to  mark  the  difference.  Thereupon 
he  grew  excited ;  told  me  that  things  could  not  be  done  in 
that  way,  and  that  the  high  seats  in  parliament  were  always 
raised  five  steps.  In  vain  I  represented  the  mechanical 
difficulty ;  I  told  liim  that  if  I,  whom  he  thought  so  set 
upon  rank,  was  satisfied,  he  ought  to  be.  Not  at  all.  He 
ended  by  charging  me  to  tell  Fontanieu  he  must  find  some 
means  to  remedy  this  impropriety.  This  nearly  drove  me 
distracted ;  for,  to  cut  the  matter  short,  as  the  Due  d' Orleans 
had  no  dignity  and  cared  for  none  either  for  himself  or 
others,  I  strongly  suspected  that,  feeling  himself  worsted 
by  M.  le  Due,  and  brought  up  before  the  wall  of  a  lit  de 
justice,  he  was  seeking  some  way  to  break  out  of  it.  I 
feared  that,  not  venturing  to  openly  give  up  a  project  of  this 
kind,  he  had  seized  on  what  he  could  find  to  make  a  delay, 
in  the  hope  that  the  affair  would  be  noised  about  and  thus 
be  defeated.  This  made  me  very  uneasy ;  I  tried  during 
the  rest  of  the  conversation  to  clear  up  the  point,  but  if  the 
regent  ever  had  the  thought  he  hid  it  from  me  with  the 
utmost  caution. 

From  that  he  passed  to  a  very  interesting  topic.     "  Did  I 

tell  you,"  he  said,  "  of  a  conversation  I  had  Tuesday  last  with 

the   Comte  de  Toulouse  ? "     On    my  replying 

Conversation  be- 
tween the  regent    that  he  had  not,  he  told  me  that,  when  they 

ioiio'Tsf ""'  ^^'^^®  ^^0^6  together,  the  Comte  de  Toulouse 
had  inquired  if  he  might  ask  him  a  question, 
and  this  question  was,  whether  he  was  satisfied  with  him 
and  his  conduct.  On  the  most  satisfactory  assurances 
being  given  to  him,  followed  by  most  suitable  replies  on 
his  part,  he  said  that  he  had  still  another  inquiry  to  make, 
about  his  brother,  who  was  very  uneasy  at  a  rumour  going 

170  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

about  that  he  and  the  Mardchal  de  Villeroy  were  about  tc 
be  arrested.  At  this  the  regent  laughed  as  if  there  were 
nothing  in  it ;  but,  on  being  pressed,  he  replied  that  he  had 
never  thought  of  it.  The  conite  asked  if  he  might  reassure 
his  brother ;  on  receiving  a  yes,  he  asked  if  the  regent  was 
content  with  him,  and  whence  could  the  rumour  have  come. 
The  regent  replied  that  as  to  the  rumour  he  was  ignorant 
of  the  cause  of  it,  but  as  for  being  content  with  M.  du 
Maine,  that  he  could  not  be.  The  comte  then  desired  to 
know  more ;  on  which  the  Due  d'Orleans  asked  him  what 
he  thought  of  intriguing  with  parliament.  The  comte  re- 
plied frankly  that  it  would  seem  to  him  very  criminal ;  and 
he  asked  if  anything  of  that  kind  were  laid  to  the  charge 
of  his  brother.  The  regent  replied  that  he  could  not  doubt 
it,  from  very  sure  proofs,  and  immediately  asked  him  what 
he  should  think  of  dealings  in  Spain  with  Cardinal  Alberoni. 
"  Worse,"  rephed  the  comte,  plainly,  "  I  should  regard  that 
as  nothing  different  from  a  State  crime."  And  on  the 
resent  teUins  him  that  he  knew  the  Due  du  Maine  to  be 
guilty  of  it,  the  comte  said  he  could  not  suspect  his  brother 
to  that  extreme ;  and  he  begged  the  regent  to  be  very  sure 
of  the  truth  of  it ;  as  for  himself,  he  considered  the  State 
and  his  Eoyal  Highness  as  one  and  the  same  thing ;  there- 
fore he  could  answer  for  himself,  though  he  could  not  answer 
for  his  brother.  I  thought  this  conversation  very  important, 
and  the  reflections  we  made  upon  it  prolonged  our  own. 

After  this  the  regent  reverted  to  M.  le  Due.  He  talked 
feebly,  and  I  again  conjured  him  to  think  well  of  the  con- 
sequences of  attacking  M.  du  Maine  and  of  giving  the 
education  to  a  prince  of  the  obstinate  temper  of  M.  le  Due. 
After  renewing  those  arguments  once  more  I  entreated  him 
to  feel  sure  that  if  he  did  take  the  education  from  M.  du 
Maine  the  latter  would  not  be  more  furious  or  irreconcilable 


if  reduced  to  his  proper  rank  in  the  peerage.  The  regent 
rephed  that  he  had  wished  to  do  that,  but  that  M.  le  Due 
was  opposed  to  it,  from  the  idea  of  separating  us  from  the 
princes  of  the  blood  by  an  intermediate  rank ;  and  he  was 
very  glad  to  tell  me  this  plainly,  that  I  might  not  let  myself 
be  fooled  by  the  talk  of  M.  le  Due ;  with  whom  the  point 
must  be  settled  if  he  gave  him  the  education  of  the  king. 
On  this  I  went  away,  with  a  beginning  of  hope,  —  always 
supposing  that  the  education  changed  hands. 

I  had  those  high  seats  on  the  brain,  and  being  resolved 

to  take  from  the  regent  a  pretext  that  I  dreaded,  I  sent 

word  to  Fontanieu  to  expect  me  at  his  house. 

Fontanieu  -^ 

remedies  the  Togctlicr  we  fouud  a  Way  to  give  those  high 

seats  three  good  steps ;  but  Fontanieu  was 
miserable  at  the  delay,  fearing  that  his  workmen  might 
understand  what  he  was  making  them  do.  Leaving  his 
house  I  said  to  my  servants,  "  Home ! "  but  as  we  passed 
the  Pont  Tournant  I  pulled  the  cord,  and  got  out  at  the 
garden  of  the  Tuileries  as  if  to  enjoy  the  fine  weather,  and 
sent  my  carriage  to  wait  for  me  at  the  end  of  the  Pont 

I  soon  found  M.  le  Due  in  the  alley  which  runs  along 

the  base  of  the  terrace   over  the  river.  ^     As  this  was   the 

second  time   we  had  met   in  the  same  place 

M.ieDucinthe     I    fcared  uncxpectcd   accidents    and   remarks. 

garden  of  the  j     ^^^^^    j^-^^    ^^|.g    ^^    j^jg     ^j^^^    ribbou,    wMch 


he  put  in  his  pocket.  He  had  seen  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  since  I  had  done  so,  and  I  soon  perceived  that 

1  These  conversations  and  negotiations,  preliminary  to,  and  quite  essen- 
tial for  an  understanding  of,  the  famous  lit  de  jnatire,  are  given  at 
great  length  in  the  Memoir,  witii  mucli  repetition  and  detail.  Tlicy  are 
abridged  here  from  nearly  one  hundred  pages ;  but  all  the  important 
points,  as  to  historical  facts  and  as  to  Saint-Simon's  personal  conduct, 
are  given.  — Tr. 

172  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

he  had  found  him  more  pliant.  That  angered  me,  for  I 
felt  the  consequences,  and  knew  that  I  could  never  get 
the  better  of  so  determined  a  man  after  he  had  once  seen 
the  hope  of  obtaining  what  he  wanted. 

[After  a  very  long  recapitulation  of  all  the  arguments] 
"  Monsieur,"  replied  M.  le  Due,  hastily,  and  like  a  man  who 
I  make  a  last  '^^^  determined  on  his  course,  "  pardon  me  if 
effort  to  prevent    J  gpcak  to  you  frccly.     Your  reasoning  leads 

an  attack  on  the  .  . 

Due  du  Maine.      Only  to  our  letting  these   Messieurs  the  bas- 
ucsrepy.  ^.-^^,^^  ^^^^  ^^^j.  ^i;^j.oats  at  their  own  good  time 

and  pleasure.  Now,  if  the  Due  d'Orleans  is  of  that  humour 
for  his  part,  I  am  not  so  peaceable  for  mine.  He  is  so  great 
that  he  apparently  expects  to  escape  them  one  way  or  an- 
other, by  force,  or  by  gratitude  for  not  having  crushed  them, 
in  which,  as  I  beheve,  he  will  find  himself  their  dupe.  I 
have  not  the  same  resources  nor  the  same  grandeur ;  in  a 
word,  monsieur,  all  depends  on  the  education  being  given 
on  Friday.  If  that  is  done  I  am  one  forever  with  the 
Due  d'Orleans ;  and  we  shall  see,  the  princes  of  the  blood 
being  united,  what  the  bastards  can  do.  Otherwise  my 
resentment  will  be  too  strong  for  me.  It  wOl  never  leave 
my  heart.  I  know  the  difference  between  the  regent  and 
myself,  but  after  all  it  is  for  him  to  say  whether  he  wants 
me  or  whether  he  does  not  care  if  he  loses  me.  He  is  regent 
and  ought  to  be  master  enough  to  do  things  that  are  just, 
reasonable,  and  for  his  own  personal  interest.  It  is  for  him 
to  will  them,  and  to  know  how  to  do  them;  if  not,  it  is 
not  worth  while  to  be  for  him." 

This  was  cutting  through  the  difficulties,  not  removing 
them.  I  was  about  to  answer  after  a  moment's  silence, 
when  he  added  with  a  gentle,  subdued,  and  flattering  air, 
"  Monsieur,  I  beg  your  pardon  for  speaking  so  firmly,  and 
I  feel  that  I   must  seem  to  you  very  headstrong  and  very 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  173 

obstinate.  I  shall  be  very  sorry  if  you  should  take  a  bad 
opinion  of  me,  but  I  ask  you  to  put  yourself  in  my  place ; 
to  weigh  the  position  in  which  I  find  myself,  and  all  the 
broken  promises  that  have  brought  me  to  where  we  now  are. 
I  count  upon  your  friendship ;  could  you  advise  me  to  let 
myself  be  ruined  ?  And  do  you  not  see  that  the  end  of  this 
would  be  the  firm  establishment  of  M.  du  Maine  over  the 
king  ?  That  is  the  thing  that  makes  me  so  firm ;  if  you 
will  weigh  it  well,  what  now  seems  to  you  obstinacy  you 
will  find  to  be  necessity." 

These  words  embarrassed  me  greatly,  not  for  their  polite- 
ness, which  I  could  have  paid  off  in  compliments,  but  for 
their  too  solid  determination,  which  was  all  the  more  griev- 
ous because  it  put  us  between  two  reefs.  His  alienation 
might  lead  to  anything  in  France  and  in  Spain  on  the  one 
hand,  on  the  other  were  all  the  troubles  that  would  grow  out 
of  the  course  proposed.  I  collected  myself  as  much  as  so 
important  and  keen  a  conversation  would  allow ;  I  saw 
plainly  that  this  decision  of  M.  le  Due,  coming  at  the  end 
of  all  the  arguments  brought  against  him,  left  nothing  to 
hope  for  from  him.  With  this  conviction  I  ceased  to  at- 
tempt the  impossible  and,  content  within  myself  with  the 
testimony  of  my  conscience  as  to  the  efforts  I  had  made 
to  defeat  or  elude  his  designs  against  the  Due  du  Maine, 
I  thought  myself  at  liberty  to  profit  for  our  Order  by  that 
which  I  could  not  prevent  for  the  good  of  the  State. 

I  therefore  said  to  M.  le  Due  that  after  having  repre- 
sented to  him  what  I  believed  to  be  the  danger  in  itself 
and  the  difficulties  of  this  great  affair,  I  should 

M.  le  Due  gives  . 

me  his  word  on  wastc  his  time  m  vain  if,  having  nothing 
IhebattardTtf  ^^rthcr  to  bring  forward  I  repeated  the  same 
their  rank  in  the    things;  that  I  saw  with  pain  that  although  he 


felt  the  infinite  embarrassment  of   the  whole 

174  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

thing,  his  mind  was  made  up ;  and  that  being  so,  and  there 
being  no  remedy  for  it,  I  passionately  desired  its  success. 
But  before  leaving  him,  I  must  entreat  him  to  explain  him- 
self clearly  with  me  as  to  the  reduction  of  the  bastards  to 
their  proper  place  in  the  peerage. 

He  replied  that  he  consented  willingly  that  they  should 
have  no  other,  and  that  I  ought  to  have  known  that  this 
was  in  one  of  the  three  edicts  he  had  proposed  and  given 
to  the  Due  d'Orleans.  "  I  understand  you,"  I  replied,  "  but 
it  is  one  thing  to  allow  it  to  be  done,  and  another  to  will 
it.  I  entreat  you  not  to  forget  that  the  intermediate  rank 
is  what  has  alienated  the  dukes  from  you,  —  I  mean  all 
those  who  have  blood  to  the  nails ;  I  am  not  speaking  of 
poor  creatures  like  a  Due  d'Estr^es,  a  M.  Mazarin,  a  M. 
d'Aumont,  but  of  all  those  peers  who  feel  themselves  and 
hold  themselves  up,  —  dukes  who  were  most  at  the  hotel 
de  Cond^  throuirh  the  ancient  chrism  of  father  to  son  in 
the  civil  wars.  We  do  not  now  appear  what  we  are,  because 
we  are  a  hundred  times  worse  off  than  imder  past  tyranny  ; 
but  we  feel  ourselves  no  less,  and  we  hold  no  less  together, 
as  you  must  have  remarked  on  all  occasions.  Here  is  an 
occasion  to  devote  us  to  you.  Do  not  miss  it ;  repair  the 
past,  and  reduce  the  bastards  to  their  proper  rank  in  the 
peerage."  M.  le  Due  did  not  answer  for  a  moment,  and 
then  he  said  he  wished  I  had  seen  the  three  edicts  he 
had  ordered  drawn  up  and  given  to  the  Due  d'Orleans ; 
that  it  was  Millain  who  drew  them  up  (I  knew  him  well 
as  the  secretary  of  the  chancellor,  Pontchartrain),  that  he 
was  a  very  capable  and  very  honest  man  and  I  could  trust 
him.  We  agreed  that  Millain  should  come  to  me  the  next 
morning  with  copies  of  the  three  edicts,  and  this  readiness 
on  my  part  seemed  to  give  M.  le  Due  great  pleasure.  "  Mon- 
sieur," he  said,  "  I  will  do  for  this  matter  as  I  shall  for  the 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  175 

education ;  but  give  me  your  promise  that  you  will  do 
your  best  for  that."  "  Gently,  monsieur,"  I  replied  ;  "  with 
your  word  you  have  mine,  and,  I  dare  to  tell  you,  that  of 
all  the  dukes,  to  be  with  you  in  all  things,  the  king,  the 
State,  and  the  regent  excepted,  against  whom,  however,  you 
will  never  desire  anything ;  but  as  for  M.  du  Maine,  I  can 
promise  you  no  more  than  I  have  already  promised,  namely, 
to  put  the  reasons  for  and  against  your  wishes  before  the 
Due  d'Oii^ans,  and  if  he  decides  as  you  wish,  to  put  myself 
in,  up  to  the  neck,  for  your  success." 

After  this  I  told  him  I  thought  a  distinction  ought  to 
be  made  between  the  two  brothers,  and  that  we  ought  for 
I  propose  to  keep  the  good  of  the  State  to  yield  the  rank  he 
'r^  ?"^  °l'^^      now  held  to  the  Comte  de  Toulouse.    "  With 

Comte  de  Tou- 
louse unchanged,    all  my  heart,"  cried  M.   le   Due ;   "  you  know 

that  I  love  the  Comte  de  Toulouse,  and,  since  you  are 
wilhng,  with  all  my  heart  I  will  contribute  to  leave  him 
where  he  is.  But  how  can  it  be  done  ? "  "  Monsieur,"  I 
said,  "  I  desire  that  one  and  the  same  decree  should  reduce 
the  bastards  to  their  rank  in  the  peerage,  and  that  another, 
made  at  the  same  moment,  should  restore  to  the  Comte  de 
Toulouse,  for  him  alone,  the  full  rank  that  he  enjoys  to-day, 
—  no  continuation  of  that  rank  in  itself ;  the  children 
excluded  should  he  marry  and  have  them.  He  will  then 
have  two  courses  to  follow,  and  follow  instantly :  accept  or 
refuse.  Refuse  ?  he  will  think  twice  before  he  sacrifices  all 
that  he  is  to  a  brother  he  neither  likes  nor  respects,  who, 
against  his  advice,  has  exposed  himself  to  all  this  by  un- 
bridled ambition,  which  he  lias  openly  blamed  in  public  and 
in  private ;  nor  will  he  sacrifice  himself  in  this  way  to  the 
caprices,  follies,  and  furies  of  a  sister-in-law,  whom  he  abhors 
as  a  crazy  woman,  a  mad  woman,  who  has  pushed  his  brother 
on  to  enterprises  of  which  this  is  the  issue.     He  would  be 

176  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

mad  himself  to  refuse,  and  he  has  men  about  him  who 
will  neglect  nothing  to  force  him  to  accept."  "  Monsieur," 
repUed  M.  le  Due,  "  I  am  charmed  to  hear  you  say  so.  I 
will  tell  Millaiu  to  draw  up  a  declaration  for  that  purpose." 
"  And  I,  monsieur,"  I  continued,  "  will  draw  one  up  myself  ; 
so  that  it  may  be  known  that,  for  the  good  of  the  State,  the 
peers  did  this  act  themselves  against  themselves." 

All  things  having  been  foreseen,  remedies  provided  in  case 
of  mishaps,  secrecy  absolutely  maintained,  and  nothing  for- 
Aii  things  fore-  gottcu,  I  took  Icave  of  the  Due  d'Orleans  at 
seen  and  provided   ^^^  o'clock  of  the  uight  bcforc  [the  lit  dejus- 

for  the  "  lit  de  r>  i.  >i 

justice."  tice'\,  exhorting   him  to   rest  as   much  as  he 

could,  to  achieve  the  salvation  of  his  regency  by  the  acts 
of  the  morrow,  and  the  triumph  of  those  acts  by  his  resolu- 
tion, firmness,  presence  of  mind,  attention  to  little  things, 
and  above  all  by  his  self-possession.  On  leaving  him,  I  asked 
permission  to  tell  the  secret  to  the  Due  de  Chaulnes,  inas- 
much as  he  must  learn  the  shell  of  it  in  the  course  of  the 
night  by  the  order  to  bring  out  the  hght-horse,  of  which  he 
was  the  captain  ;  and  he  consented. 

On  my  way  home,  I  stopped  at  the  hotel  de  Luynes,  which 
is  close  to  my  house,  and  sent  in  to  ask  the  Due  de  Chaulnes 
I  confide  the  to  comc  and  speak  to  me  in  my  carriage.  He 
IhTouc^dr^  ^°  c^i^®  without  his  hat,  got  in,  and  immediately 
Chaulnes.  ^}^q  coachman,  who  had  his  orders,  drove  off 

to  my  own  door,  without  my  saying  a  word  till  I  reached 
my  cabmet  to  the  Due  de  Chaulnes,  who  was  much  surprised 
to  be  abducted  in  this  way.  He  was  still  more  so  when, 
after  closing  my  doors,  I  told  him  of  the  great  spectacle  pre- 
pared for  the  next  day.  We  gave  ourselves  up,  he  and  I,  to 
the  rapture  of  a  re-establishment  that  was  so  unexpected,  so 
sudden,  so  secret ;  the  mere  hope  of  which,  founded  on  so 
little,  had  alone  sustained  us  under  the  horrid  hammer  of 


the  late  king.  The  dispersion,  the  melting  away  of  those 
mountains,  piled  one  after  another  by  countless  degrees  upon 
our  dignity  by  those  giants  of  bastards,  those  Titans  of 
France,  their  coming  fall,  the  general  surprise,  but  so  differ- 
ent, so  intense,  both  for  them  and  for  the  peers  ;  our  renas- 
cence, our  re-existence  from  past  annihilation,  —  a  hundred 
thoughts  at  a  time  dilated  our  hearts  in  a  manner  I  cannot 
express.  M.  le  Due  was  not  forgotten,  nor  Millain  either, 
in  this  tete-cc-tete.  We  parted  at  last  under  this  great 

About  five  o'clock  the  next  morning  [Friday,  August  26], 
drums  were  heard  throughout  the  city,  and  presently  the 
„  ^.      .       ,      soldiers  were  seen  in  motion.      At  six  o'clock 

Notice  given  of 

the  "  lit  de  jus-       La  Grange  was  at  the   parliament  delivering 

tice  "  at  six  in 

the  morning  of  his  SUmUlOUS.  McSSlCUrS  (tO  USC  their  Ian- 
August  25.  guage)  were  just  assembling.  They  sent  for 
the  president,  who  called  the  Chambers  together.  All  this 
took  half  an  hour  ;  after  which  they  replied  that  they  would 
obey.  Then  they  debated  in  what  way  they  should  go  to 
the  Tuileries,  whether  in  carriages  or  on  foot.  The  latter 
was  chosen  as  the  ordinary  form,  and  in  the  hope  of  exciting 
the  people  and  arriving  at  the  Tuileries  attended  by  a  howl- 
ing mob.  The  rest  will  be  related  in  its  place  farther  on. 
The  French  guards  and  the  Suisses  were  under  arms  in 
quarters,  the  cavalry  patrol  and  two  companies  of  mous- 
quetaires  each  ready  in  their  guard-house,  and  only  the 
ordinary  guard  of  the  regiments  of  the  French  and  Suisse 
guards  on  duty  at  the  Tuileries. 

If  I  had  slept  little  for  the  last  week  I  slept  still  less  on 
this  last  night,  on  the  eve  of  events  so  important.  I  rose 
before  six  and  soon  after  received  my  notification  to  attend 
a  lit  de  justice.  At  seven  o'clock  an  usher  of  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  brought  me  a  notice  of  a  meeting  of  the  Council 

VOL.  IV.  —  12 

178  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

of  llegency  at  eight  o'clock,  with  an  order  to  come  iii 
mantle.  I  dressed  myself  in  black,  because  I  had  no  other 
suit  with  mantle,  except  one  of  magnificent  gold  cloth, 
which  I  would  not  wear,  —  to  give  no  ground  for  saying, 
though  most  untruly,  that  I  intended  to  insult  parhament 
and  the  Due  du  Maine.  I  took  with  me  two  gentlemen ; 
and  I  went  to  be  a  witness  of  all  that  was  about  to  be 
done.  I  was  full,  at  one  and  the  same  time,  of  fear,  hope, 
joy,  reflection,  distrust  of  the  regent's  weakness,  and  of  all 
that  might  result.  I  was  also  firmly  resolved  to  serve  my 
best  in  every  way  that  might  present  itself,  but  without 
appearing  to  know  anything,  without  eagerness ;  and  I 
anchored  myself  on  presence  of  mind,  attention,  circum- 
spection, modesty,  and  an  air  of  moderation. 

Leaving  my  own  door,  I  went  to  that  of  Yalincourt,  who 

lived  opposite  to  the  back  door  of   the  hotel  de  Toulouse. 

He  was  a  man  of  honour,  great  intelligence, 

I  notify  the  Comte  '    o  o  > 

de  Toulouse  of  mingling  in  the  best  company,  secretary -gen- 
eral  of  the  navy,  who  had  been  with  the  Comte 
de  Toulouse  from  his  earliest  youth.  I  wished  to  let  no  per- 
sonal fears  assail  the  Comte  de  Toulouse,  or  expose  him  to 
be  led  by  his  brother.  I  sent,  therefore,  to  ask  Valincourt 
to  come  and  speak  to  me.  He  came,  half-dresssed,  alarmed 
by  the  noises  in  the  streets,  and  asked  me  what  it  meant.  I 
took  him  by  the  head,  and  said :  "  Listen  to  me  well,  and  do 
not  lose  a  word.  Go  at  once  to  M.  le  Comte  de  Toulouse, 
and  tell  him  from  me  to  trust  my  word ;  to  be  wise.  Things 
are  about  to  happen  which  may  displease  him  in  regard  to 
others,  but  he  may  rely  on  the  assurance  that  not  a  hair 
of  his  head  will  be  touched.  I  wish  him  not  to  have  one 
moment's  uneasiness.  Go,  and  lose  no  time."  Valincourt 
embraced  me  as  well  as  he  could.  "  Ah !  monsieur,"  he  said, 
"  we  have  long  foreseen  that  the  storm  would  come.     It  is 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  179 

well  deserved ;  but  not  by  M.  le  Comte,  who  will  be  eternally 
obliged  to  you."  He  warned  liim  instantly,  and  the  Comte 
de  Toulouse,  who  knew  later  that  I  had  saved  liim  from  a 
fall  like  that  of  his  brother,  never  forgot  it. 

At  eight  o'clock  I  arrived  in  the  grand  courtyard  of  the 

Tuileries,  without  having  remarked  anything  extraordinary 

on  the  way.     The   carriages    of   the  Due   de 

I  arrive  at  the  "^  ° 

Tuileries.  The  Noailles  and  the  Mar^chaux  de  Villars  and 
promptly  and  d'Huxellcs  and  some  others  were  already  there, 
secretly  arranged,    j  ^^gj^^  ^^p  ^yithout  meeting  many  pcrsous,  and 

I  had  the  doors  of  entry  and  the  issue  through  the  guard- 
room opened  for  me.  The  grand  antechamber  where  the 
king  took  his  meals  was  prepared  for  the  lit  de  justice. 
I  stopped  there  a  moment  to  consider  carefully  if  all  was 
in  proper  order,  and  I  congratulated  Fontanieu  in  a  whisper. 
He  told  me  that  he  did  not  arrive  at  the  Tuileries  with  his 
workmen  and  his  materials  till  six  o'clock  in  the  morning ; 
that  all  had  been  so  luckily  put  up  and  handled  that  the 
king  had  heard  nothing  of  it ;  that  the  head  valet  de  chamhre 
coming  out  of  the  king's  bedroom  about  seven  o'clock,  had 
been  amazed ;  that  the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy  had  only  heard 
of  it  through  him;  there  had  been  so  little  noise  made  in 
putting  up  the  materials  that  no  one  had  discovered  any- 
thing. After  examining  everything  carefully  with  my  eye, 
I  advanced  to  the  throne,  which  they  were  just  finishing, 
intending  to  go  into  the  second  antechamber ;  but  attendants 
came  after  me  and  said  I  could  not  pass  that  way  for  it  was 
closed.  I  asked  where  we  were  to  gather  while  awaiting  the 
meeting  of  the  Council,  and  where  those  persons  were  whose 
carriages  I  had  seen  in  the  courtyard.  Several  attendants 
offered  to  show  me  the  way  upstairs,  and  ushered  me  through 
a  door  which  was  guarded,  but  was  opened  to  admit  me 
when  I  appeared.    There  I  found  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  and 

180  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUC   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

La  Vrillifere,  with  all  their  array  of  papers  and  things.  We 
were  very  glad  to  be  once  more  alone  together  for  a  last  con- 
sultation before  the  operations.  But  it  was  not  what  I  had 
proposed  to  myself.  I  had  seen  no  carriages  but  those  of 
dangerous  persons  in  the  courtyard ;  under  pretence  of  being 
ignorant  of  everything,  and  without  affectation  of  any  kind, 
I  wanted  to  go  where  they  were,  to  upset  their  conference 
and  learn  from  their  behaviour  all  that  I  could.  But  as  I 
had  tumbled  by  chance  into  the  room  of  the  Keeper  of  the 
Seals  I  thought  it  would  seem  a  forced  thing  to  ask  to  be 
taken  elsewhere,  so  I  gave  up  my  first  intendon. 

The  Keeper  of  the  Seals  was  standing,  holding  a  crust 

of  bread,  as  much  himself  as  if  it  were  only  a  matter  of  the 

Tisual  Council,  —  without   perplexity  as  to  all 

Tranquillity  of  r      r  j 

the  Keeper  of  that  was  about  to  dcvolvc  upon  him,  or  em- 
barrassment at  having  to  speak  in  public  on 
matters  so  unusual,  so  important,  and  so  susceptible  of  mis- 
carriage. He  seemed  to  me  anxious  only  as  to  the  firmness 
of  the  regent ;  filled,  and  justly  so,  with  the  thought  that  this 
was  no  time  to  weaken,  still  less  to  recede  one  inch.  I  re- 
assured him  as  to  that,  far  more  than  I  could  reassure  myself. 
I  asked  them  if  their  measures  were  taken  to  be  informed 
from  moment  to  moment  of  what  was  going  on  in  parhament. 
They  answered  yes,  and  they  were,  in  fact,  very  well  served. 
I  then  washed,  not  to  read,  for  that  was  useless,  but  to  see 
all  the  documents  to  be  enregistered.  They  showed  them 
to  me  in  their  order.  I  wished  also  to  look  more  closely  at 
the  one  relating  to  the  reduction  of  the  bastards  to  their 
rank  of  seniority  in  the  peerage.  "Here,"  said  the  Keeper 
of  the  Seals,  showing  it  to  me,  "  Here  is  your  affair."  I  men- 
tion this  because  it  was  told  afterwards  as  a  proof  that  I  was 
in  the  secret ;  it  was  apparently  overheard  by  some  listener 
with  his  ear  at  the  door ;  for  we  were  all  three  alone  with 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  181 

the  door  closed.  I  wished  to  look  over  the  principal  clauses ; 
they  assured  me  nothing  had  been  changed,  and  I  saw  that 
later  when  I  hstened  to  the  reading  of  the  document.  I 
had  the  same  curiosity  about  the  declaration  in  favour  of 
the  Comte  de  Toulouse  with  the  same  answer  and  the  same 
assurance.  Then  I  made  them  show  me  the  Seals  uncovered 
in  their  velvet  bag  and  the  instruments  de  precaution,  signed 
and  sealed,  and  all  ready  in  case  of  need.  There  were 
two  large  velvet  bags  filled  with  these  things  which  the 
Keeper  of  the  Seals  never  left  out  of  his  sight  and  which 
were  carried  under  his  eyes  and  placed  at  his  feet,  both 
at  the  Council  and  at  the  lit  de  justice,  because  the  Seals 
were  in  them.  Not  a  soul  knew  of  all  this  but  the  regent, 
M.  le  Due,  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  La  Vrilhere  [secretary 
to  the  Council  of  Eegency]  and  myself.  The  wax  heater 
with  the  sealing  implements  was  in  the  adjoining  room,  with 
water  and  fire  lighted,  all  ready  without  any  one  observing  it. 
As  we  were  finishing  our  survey,  still  planning  for  what 
might  happen,  they  came  to  tell  us  that  the  regent  was 
coming.     We  finished   in  a   second  what   we 

The  regent  ar- 

rives  at  the  Still  had  to  look  at  and  to  say,  and  while  he 

■was  taking  his  robe  from  the  lit  de  justice 
SO  as  not  to  have  to  change  it  after  the  Council,  I  went 
down  in  order  not  to  appear  to  have  come  with  him ;  and  I 
made  La  Vrillifere  wait  awhile  that  we  might  not  enter  the 
Council-chamber  together. 

Since  the  great  heat  had  begun,  the  Council  had  been 
held  in  the  last  room  of  the  suite,  because  the  king,  being 
uncomfortable  in  his  very  small  bedroom,  had  come  to  sleep 
in  the  Council-chamber;  but,  on  this  great  day,  as  soon  as 
the  king  was  out  of  bed  he  was  taken  to  be  dressed  in  his 
little  room,  and  thence  into  his  cabinet.  The  bed-clothes 
were  then  taken  from  his  bed  and  from  that  of  the  Mar^chal 

182  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUC   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

de  Villeroy,  at  the  feet  of  wliicli  they  placed  the  table  for 
the  Council,  which  was  there  held.  Entering  the  preceding 
room  I  found  it  full  of  people  whom  the  first  rumour  of 
these  unexpected  events  had  doubtless  brought  there,  among 
them  some  of  the  Council.  The  Due  d'Orleans  was  in  a 
knot  of  persons  at  the  farther  end  of  the  room,  and,  as  I 
heard  later,  had  just  left  the  king,  with  whom  he  had  found 
the  Due  du  Maine  in  mantle,  who  had  followed  him  to  the 
door  when  he  left  the  room,  though  neither  of  them  said  a 
word  to  the  other. 

After  a  slight  glance  at  this  crowd  I  entered  the  Council- 
chamber,  where  I  found  most  of  those  who  composed  the 
Council  scattered  about  with  serious  looks  and 

Appearance  of 

theCouncu-  an  air  of  great  concentration  of  mind,  which 

increased  my  own.  Almost  no  one  spoke  to 
his  neighbour ;  and  each,  standing  or  sitting  here  and  there, 
remained  where  he  was.  I  joined  no  one,  in  order  to  ex- 
amine all.  A  moment  later  the  Due  d'Orleans  entered,  with 
a  gay,  free  manner,  without  any  emotion,  looking  round 
upon  the  assembly  with  a  smiling  air,  which  seemed  to  me 
of  good  augury.  A  moment  later  I  asked  him  how  he  was. 
He  answered  aloud  that  he  was  pretty  well,  and  then  he 
added  in  my  ear  that,  except  for  being  waked  to  give  orders, 
he  had  slept  well  and  had  now  come  determined  not  to  give 
way.  This  pleased  me  infinitely,  for  it  seemed  to  me,  from 
his  whole  bearincj,  that  he  told  the  truth,  and  I  exhorted 
him  in  two  words  to  keep  to  it. 

Next  came  M.  le  Due,  who  was  not  long  in  coming  up 
to  me  to  ask  if  I  augured  well  of  the  regent  and  whether 
he  held  firm.  The  prince  had  an  air  of  high-strung  gayety 
which  made  itself  felt  by  those  who  were  in  the  secret. 
The  Prince  de  Conti,  morose,  absent-minded,  jealous  of  his 
brother-in-law,  seemed  preoccupied,  but  about  nothing.     The 


Due  de  Noailles  devoured  all  with  liis  eyes,  which  sparkled 
with  anger  at  seeing  himself  left  out  on  so  great  a  day  — 
for  he  knew  absolutely  nothing.  I  had  earnestly  requested 
this  of  M.  le  Due,  thinking  their  intimacy  greater  than  I 
found  it  to  be.  He  regarded  him  with  distrust,  without 
esteem,  still  less  friendship,  —  independently  of  what  he 
now  had  to  fear  from  him  in  connection  with  the  Due 
du  Maine. 

The  latter  appeared  in  mantle,  entering  by  the  little  door 
from  the  king's  room.  Never  did  he  make  so  many,  nor 
Entrance  of  the  such  profouud  bows,  of  which  at  uo  time  was 
Due  du  Maine.  j^^  stiugy.  He  stood  alone,  leaning  on  his  stick, 
near  to  the  Council  table  on  the  side  of  the  beds,  observ- 
ing every  one.  It  was  there,  directly  opposite  to  him,  the 
table  between  us,  that  I  made  him  the  most  smiling  bow 
I  ever  made  him  in  my  life,  and  with  the  most  deep-felt  de- 
light. He  returned  it  in  kind,  and  continued  to  watch  every 
one,  with  eyes  that  were  almost  staring,  and  an  agitated 
face,  talking  the  while  to  himself  almost  continually. 

No  one  seemed  to  ask  himself  what  all  this  might  mean ; 
each  member  of  the  Council  knew  of  the  resolution  to  break 
the  edicts  of  the  parliament,  having  been  present  at  that 
deliberation.  The  present  Council  was  the  special  Council 
then  appointed,  afterwards  postponed,  to  receive  the  judg- 
ment of  the  committee  on  annulhng  the  edicts.  It  seemed 
clear  to  all  that  this  was  now  to  be  done  and  the  decree 
enregistered  at  once ;  not  perhaps  without  some  vexation  at 
the  surprise  of  a  lit  de  justice,  especially  among  those  who 
thought  themselves  the  privileged  confidants  of  the  regent. 
M.  le  Due  came  to  me  again  to  express  his  regret  at  seeing 
the  Due  du  Maine  in  mantle,  and  to  urge  me  to  strengthen 
the  regent.  The  Keeper  of  the  Seals  came  to  me  for  the 
same  purpose.     A  moment  later  the  regent  himself  came  up, 

184  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  vl 

much  annoyed  at  the  mantle,  but  not  showing  any  weak- 
ness. I  told  him  that  he  might  have  expected  it,  and  to 
show  any  softening  now  would  be  his  ruin,  for  the  Rubicon 
was  passed.  I  added  what  I  could  that  was  strong  and  con- 
cise to  sustain  him,  and  not  seem  too  long  in  conference  with 
him.  As  soon  as  he  left  me  M.  le  Due,  uneasy  and  im- 
patient, came  to  inquire  in  what  disposition  of  mind  I  found 
him.  I  answered,  "  Good,"  in  a  monosyllable,  and  sent  him 
to  talk  with  him. 

I  do  not  know  if  these  movements,  on  which  all  present 
began  to  fix  their  eyes,  alarmed  the  Due  du  Maine,  but  no 
sooner  had  M.  le  Due  left  me  than  the  Due  du  Maine  went 
to  speak  to  the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy  and  to  d'Effiat,  who 
were  seated  next  to  each  other  near  the  little  door  to  the 
king's  room,  with  their  backs  to  the  wall.  They  did  not 
rise  for  the  Due  du  Maine,  who  stood  opposite  and  very 
close  to  them,  while  they  all  three  conferred  in  a  low  tone 
for  some  time,  hke  men  who  were  deliberating  with  em- 
barrassment and  surprise ;  so  it  seemed  to  me  from  the  faces 
of  the  two  who  were  seated,  which  I  tried  not  to  lose  from 
sight.  During  this  time  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  and  M.  le  Due 
were  talking  together  at  the  window  near  the  entrance,  where 
the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  who  was  rather  near  to  them,  joined 
them.  M.  le  Due  at  one  moment  turned  slightly,  which 
enabled  me  to  make  him  a  sign  to  look  at  the  other  con- 
ference, which  he  saw  instantly.  I  was  alone,  near  the 
table,  very  observant  of  everything,  and  the  others,  scattered 
about,  were  beginning  to  be  so.  Soon  after,  the  Due  du 
Maiae  came  back  to  the  place  he  had  quitted,  the  other 
two  remaining  where  they  were.  M.  du  Maine  was  there- 
fore again  opposite  to  me,  the  table  between  us.  I  observ^ed 
his  distracted  air,  and  that  he  talked  to  himself  even  more 
than  before. 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  185 

The  Comte  de  Toulouse  arrived  in  mantle  and  bowed  to 
the  company  with  a  grave  and  concentrated  manner ;  he 
was  neither  approached  by  nor  approaching 
the  Comte  de  any  ouc.  The  Due  d'Orldans  was  opposite  to 
him  and  turned  to  me,  although  at  some  dis- 
tance, to  show  me  his  regret.  I  lowered  my  head  and  looked 
at  him  fixedly  as  if  to  say,  "  Well,  what  of  it  ? "  He  then 
advanced  to  the  Comte  de  Toulouse  and  said  aloud,  in  the 
hearing  of  those  who  were  nearest,  that  he  was  surprised  to 
see  him  in  mantle ;  that  he  had  not  had  him  notified  of  the 
lit  de  justice  because  he  knew  that  since  the  last  decision 
against  them  he  had  not  liked  to  attend  the  parliament. 
The  Comte  de  Toulouse  replied  that  that  was  true ;  but  when 
the  good  of  the  State  was  concerned  he  put  all  such  con- 
siderations aside.  The  Due  d'Orl^ans  turned  round  instantly 
without  replying,  and  came  to  me,  and  said  in  a  low  voice, 
pushing  me  farther  away :  "  That  man  cuts  me  to  the  heart. 
Do  you  know  what  he  said  to  me  ? "  —  and  he  repeated  it. 
I  praised  the  act  of  the  one  and  the  feeling  of  the  other ;  and 
reminded  the  regent  that  the  Comte's  reinstatement  being 
certain,  and  at  the  same  session,  he  need  not  feel  troubled 
about  him,  and  I  gently  set  to  work  to  comfort  him.  He 
interrupted  me  to  say  that  he  had  a  great  desire  to  tell  him 
all.  I  represented  that  that  would  be  a  very  delicate  thing 
to  do,  and  before  resolving  upon  it  it  was  better  to  wait  for 
emergencies.  I  turned,  immediately,  to  bring  him  among 
the  others,  so  as  to  shorten  this  private  colloquy,  which  I 
feared  might  be  remarked.  The  Comte  de  Toulouse  noticed 
us,  and  remained  where  he  was ;  and  others  saw  us,  too, 
standing  apart. 

The  Due  du  Maine  had  returned  to  the  Mar^chal  de 
Villeroy  and  d'Effiat,  the  two  still  seated,  and  he  in  front  of 
them,  as  before.     I  saw  that  the  little  conclave  was  greatly 

186  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

excited.     It  lasted  some  time,  during  which  M.  le  Due  came 

to  speak  to  me  and  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  joined  us,  both 

.     ,  ^      uneasy  at  the  effect  produced  by  the  entrance 

Colloquies  of  the  ''  r  j 

Due  du  Maine  of  the  Comtc  de  Toulouse,  and  the  regent's 
private  talk  with  me.  I  told  them  what  had 
occurred,  and  got  away  from  them  as  fast  as  possible.  What 
hastened  me  the  more  was  that  I  perceived  that  the  Due 
de  Noailles  never  took  his  eyes  off  me,  and  followed  by  sight 
every  movement  that  I  made,  even  changing  his  place  or 
posture  to  see  me  better.  The  Due  de  La  Force  tried  to 
join  me,  but  I  evaded  him ;  then  La  A^rillifere,  to  whom  I 
said  a  word  and  sent  him  to  tell  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals 
to  fortify  the  regent.  The  Due  du  Maine  now  quitted  his 
two  men  and  made  a  sign  to  his  brother  to  come  and  speak 
to  liim  at  the  foot  of  Mardchal  de  Villeroy's  bed,  where 
he  posted  himself.  He  spoke  briefly,  with  agitation ;  the 
other  replied  in  the  same  way,  apparently  not  agreeing. 
The  Due  du  Maine  spoke  again;  then  the  Comte  de  Tou- 
louse passed  between  the  foot  of  the  two  beds  and  the  table 
to  the  fireplace,  where  the  Due  d'Orleans  stood  with  M.  le 
Due,  and  stopped  at  a  little  distance,  like  a  man  who  is 
waiting  to  speak.  The  Due  d'Orldans,  as  soon  as  he  per- 
ceived him,  left  M.  le  Due  and  went  to  the  Comte  de  Tou- 
louse. They  turned  their  noses  to  the  wall,  and  this  lasted 
some  time  without  any  one  being  able  to  judge,  because 
nothing  was  seen  but  their  backs,  and  there  seemed  no 
emotion  and  scarcely  any  gesture. 

The  Due  du  Maine  still  stood  where  he  had  spoken  to 
his  brother.  His  face  looked  half-dead ;  he  glanced  fur- 
tively at  the  colloquy  to  which  he  had' sent  his  brother; 
then  he  passed  his  haggard  eyes  over  the  company  with  the 
anxiety  of  a  guilty  man  and  the  agitation  of  a  condemned 
one.     At  that  moment  the  Mar^chal  d'Huxelles  called  me. 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  187 

He  was  opposite  the  Due  du  Maine,  the  table  between 
them,  but  his  back  was  towards  it,  consequently  towards 
the  Due  du  Maine.  The  mar^chal  was  in  a  group  with 
the  Mar^chaux  de  Tallard  and  d'Estr^es  and  the  former 
Bishop  of  Troyes.  The  Due  de  Noailles  joined  this  group 
at  the  same  time  that  I  did.  Huxelles  asked  me  what 
all  these  comings  and  goings  meant,  and  on  my  replying 
by  asking  him  the  same  question,  he  inquired  if  there 
would  be  any  difficulty  at  the  lit  de  justice  about  these 
princes  or  the  children  of  the  Due  du  Maine.  I  repHed 
that  with  regard  to  MM.  du  Maine  and  de  Toulouse  there 
could  be  none,  because  the  judgment  given  between  the 
princes  of  the  blood  and  themselves  left  them  in  the  en- 
joyment of  their  honours ;  but  that  as  for  the  children  of 
the  Due  du  Maine,  the  peers  would  certainly  not  allow  it. 

We  remained  for  some  little  time  thus  grouped,  —  I  oc- 
cupied in  looking  at  M.  du  Maine,  and  turning  sometimes 
Colloquy  of  the  to  look  at  the  coUoquy  between  the  regent 
cTrn'tedT  *  *  ^^^  ^^®  Comte  de  Toulouse,  which  still  went 
Toulouse.  on.     They  separated  at  last,  and  I  had  time 

to  observe  the  two  brothers  well,  because  the  Comte  de 
Toulouse  came  past  us  along  the  foot  of  the  beds,  on  the 
other  side  of  the  table,  to  his  brother  who  still  stood  alone, 
leaning  on  his  stick,  at  the  foot  of  Mardchal  de  Ville- 
roy's  bed.  The  Comte  de  Toulouse  had  a  pained,  even  an 
angry  air.  The  Due  du  Maine,  seeing  him  come  to  him 
in  that  way,  changed  colour. 

I  was  standing  there,  very  attentive,  watching  them  meet 
(the  Due  du  Maine  not  stirring  from  his  place),  in  order  to 
penetrate  their  conversation  with  my  eyes,  when  I  heard 
myself  called.  It  was  the  Due  d'Orleans,  who,  after  making 
a  few  steps  alone  past  the  fireplace,  wanted  to  speak  to  me. 
I  joined  him  and  found  him  in  trouble  of  heart.     "  I  have 

188  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  vl 

just  told  him  all,"  he  said,  instantly;  "I  could  not  keep  it 
back.  That  is  the  most  honourable  man  in  the  world,  and 
it  wrings  my  heart."  "  How,  monsieur  ? "  I  asked  ;  "  what 
have  you  said  to  him  ? "  "  He  came  to  me  from  his  brother, 
who  had  spoken  to  him,  to  tell  me  of  the  embarrassment 
in  which  he  found  himself ;  he  said  he  felt  that  something 
was  prepared  against  him ;  that  he  saw  that  he  was  not 
standing  well  with  me,  and  he  had  requested  his  brother 
to  ask  me  if  I  wished  him  to  remain,  or  if  he  should  not 
do  better  to  retire.  I  own  to  you  that  I  thought  I  did  best 
to  reply  that  he  would  do  well  to  retire,  inasmuch  as  he 
asked  me.  Thereupon,  the  Comte  de  Toulouse  wanted  to 
enter  upon  explanations  ;  but  I  cut  him  short,  and  told  him 
that,  for  himself,  he  might  rest  in  peace,  because  he  would 
remain  what  he  was  without  any  alteration ;  but  that  pain- 
ful things  might  occur  for  M.  du  Maine,  which  he  would 
do  well  not  to  witness.  The  Comte  de  Toulouse  asked  me 
how  it  was  possible  for  him  to  remain  as  he  was  when  his 
brother  was  attacked ;  adding  that  they  were  one,  because 
they  were  brothers  and  from  honour.  I  answered  that  I 
was  very  sorry  for  that;  all  I  could  do  was  to  recognize 
merit  and  virtue  and  keep  them  separate ;  then,  after  a  few 
friendly  remarks  which  he  received  coldly,  he  returned  to 
his  brother.  Do  you  think  I  did  wrong  ? "  "  No,"  I  said, 
for  it  was  no  longer  a  question  to  discuss,  and  still  less  did 
I  want  to  dishearten  a  man  we  were  trying  to  strengthen. 
"  I  am  very  glad  of  it,"  I  added.  "  It  was  speaking  plainly, 
as  a  man  who  has  all  his  measures  taken  and  fears  nothing. 
Therefore,  monsieur,  you  must  show  the  more  firmness 
after  taking  that  engagement."  He  seemed  verv  resolute, 
but  at  the  same  time  most  desirous  that  the  bastards  should 
go  away,  which  was  (as  I  thought  I  saw)  the  true  motive 
for  what  he  had  just  done. 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  189 

The  Due  du  Maine,  pale  and  deathlike,  seemed  to  me  about 

to  be  taken  ill ;  he  moved  with  difficulty  to  the  lower  end 

of  the  table,  which  was  near  him,  while  the 

The  bastards 

retire  from  the  Comte  de  Toulousc  Came  round  to  say  a  word 
to  the  regent  and  then  walked  the  length  of 
the  cabinet.  All  these  movements  were  made  in  the  twink- 
ling of  an  eye.  The  regent,  who  stood  close  to  the  king's 
armchair,  said  aloud,  "Come,  messieurs,  let  us  take  our 
places."  Every  man  approached  his  own,  and  as  I  stood 
behind  mine  I  saw  the  two  brothers  close  to  the  door  of 
entry  as  if  they  were  going  away.  I  sprang,  so  to  speak, 
between  the  king's  armchah  and  the  regent  to  prevent  the 
Prince  de  Conti  from  overhearing  me,  and  I  said,  with 
emotion,  in  the  regent's  ear,  "  Monsieur,  they  are  going ! " 
"  I  know  it,"  he  said  tranquilly.  "  But,"  I  replied  excitedly, 
"  do  you  know  what  they  will  do  when  they  are  once  out- 
side ? "  "  Nothing  at  all,"  he  said ;  "  the  Comte  de  Toulouse 
came  to  ask  my  permission  for  his  brother  and  himself  to 
leave.  He  assured  me  they  would  act  properly."  "But 
suppose  they  do  not  ? "  I  urged.  "  But  they  wiU,  and  if 
not,  sure  orders  are  given  to  watch  them."  "  But  suppose 
they  commit  some  folly  or  leave  Paris  ? "  "  They  will  be 
arrested ;  there  are  sure  orders,  I  assure  you."  Thereupon, 
feeling  more  tranquil,  I  took  my  seat.  I  was  hardly  in  it 
before  he  recalled  me  and  said  that,  as  the  brothers  had 
gone  away,  he  was  changing  his  mind  and  now  thought 
he  had  better  tell  all  that  concerned  them  to  the  Council. 
I  replied  that  as  the  sole  obstacle  to  this  was  removed  by 
their  departure,  I  thought  it  would  be  a  great  mistake  not 
to  tell  it  to  the  Council.  He  communicated  this  intention 
to  M.  le  Due  in  a  low  voice  across  the  table  and  the  king's 
armchair,  then  he  called  up  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  and 
they  both  approved,  after  which  we  all  took  our  places. 

190  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

All  these  movements  had  increased  the  trouble  and 
curiosity  of  every  one.  The  eyes  of  all,  occupied  with  the 
The  Council  regent,  were   turned   away  from   the  door   of 

take  their  seats,  entry,  SO  that  most  persons  did  not  see  the 
departure  of  the  bastards.  As  each  person  noticed  that 
they  were  not  in  their  places  he  looked  round  in  search 
of  them,  and  waited  for  them,  standing.  I  put  myself  in 
the  seat  of  the  Comte  de  Toulouse.  The  Due  de  Guiche, 
who  sat  on  the  other  side  of  me,  left  a  vacant  space  be- 
tween us,  with  his  nose  in  the  air,  stdl  awaiting  the 
bastards.  He  told  me  to  move  next  to  him,  and  said  I 
had  mistaken  my  seat.  I  made  no  answer,  and  watched 
the  assembly,  for  it  was  truly  a  spectacle.  At  the  second 
or  third  summons,  I  answered  that,  on  the  contrary,  he 
ought  to  come  to  me.  "  But  M.  le  Comte  de  Toulouse  ? " 
he  persisted.  "  Come  here,"  I  said,  seeing  him  lost  in  aston- 
ishment and  looking  for  the  Due  du  Maine,  whose  seat  the 
Keeper  of  the  Seals  had  now  taken.  I  pulled  him  by  his 
coat,  I  being  seated,  saying  to  him,  "  Come  here  and  sit 
down."  I  pulled  him  so  hard  that  he  sat  down  next  to 
me,  comprehending  nothing.  "  But  what  is  all  this  ? "  he 
said  to  me,  as  soon  as  he  was  seated ;  "  where  are  those 
messieurs  ? "  "  I  don't  know,"  I  said  impatiently,  "  but 
they  are  not  here."  Meantime  the  Due  de  Noailles,  who 
sat  next  the  Due  de  Guiche,  furious  at  being  no  one  in  the 
grand  preparation  of  the  day,  had  apparently  comprehended, 
by  dint  of  gazing  at  me  and  examining  me,  that  I  was  in 
the  game,  and,  vanquished  by  curiosity,  he  leaned  over  the 
table  in  front  of  the  Due  de  Guiche  and  said  to  me :  "  In 
God's  name,  monsieur,  do  me  the  favour  to  tell  me  what 
all  this  means  ! "  I  was  not  on  any  terms  with  him,  as 
I  have  often  shown,  but  was  much  accustomed  to  treat 
him   very  badly.     I  therefore  looked  at  him  with  a   cold, 


disdainful  air,  and  after  having  heard  him,  and  looked  at 
him,  I  turned  away  my  head.  That  was  my  only  answer. 
The  Due  de  Guiche  pressed  me  to  tell  him  something; 
he  even  said  that  I  knew  all.  I  denied  it  steadily.  Every 
one  present  took  his  seat  very  slowly,  because  each  was 
so  occupied  in  looking  and  divining  what  all  this  could 
mean,  and  was  long  in  comprehending  that  we  were  ex- 
pected to  take  our  places  without  the  bastards,  though  no 
one  opened  his  Hps  upon  the  subject. 

But  before  entering  on  what  passed  at  the  Council,  it 
is  best  to  give  a  sketch  of  the  session  of  that  day  and  the 
Tableau  of  the  arrangement  of  the  room  in  which  it  was 
Council.  held,   to   make  what  I  have   already  related 

more  intelligible,  and  to  throw  a  better  light  on  what 









His  Royal  Highness, 

M.  le  Due, 


The  Prince  de  Conti, 

Keeper  of  the  Seals, 

Due  de  Saint-Simon, 

Due  de  La  Force, 


Due  de  Guiche, 

Mareehal  de  Villeroy, 


Due  de  Noailles, 

de  Villars, 


Due  d'Antin, 

de  Tallard, 

Mareehal  d'Huxelles, 


ifcveque  de  Troyes, 

"         de  Besons, 



Marquis  de  la  Vrillie're, 

M.  le  Pelletier-Sousy, 


Marquis  d'Effiat. 

Marquis  de  Torcy. 





Entrance  door. 


I  should  remark,  as  to  these  sessions,  that  the  Mareehal 
d'Huxelles  always  sat  on  the  right,  to  read  the  despatches 
with   light  from   the   window,  and   the   Bishop   of   Troyes 

192  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vi. 

always  sat  next  him  to  help  him  with  his  reading.  On 
this  occasion,  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  had,  on  the  ground 
at  his  feet,  the  black  velvet  bag  in  which  were  the  Seals, 
with  the  instruments  de  precaution,  signed  and  sealed ;  the 
other  bag  was  before  him  on  the  table,  where  he  had 
arranged  all  the  documents  he  was  to  read  to  the  Council, 
in  the  order  in  which  each  was  to  be  read,  and  those  that 
were  also  to  be  enregistered ;  all  these  papers  and  docu- 
ments were  also  to  be  read  at  the  lit  de  justice.  The  king, 
meantime,  was  in  his  cabinet,  and  did  not  appear  at  all  in 
the  room  where  the  Council  was  held. 


When  all  present  were  seated,  and  the  regent  had  ob- 
served for  a  moment  the  whole  assembly,  whose  eyes  were 
Speech  of  the  ^^ed  upon  him,  he  said  that  he  had  called 
■^^g^"^-  together   this    Council   of  Kegency   to    listen 

to  the  reading  of  what  had  been  resolved  upon  at  the  last 
session.  He  thought  there  was  no  way  to  enregister  the 
edict  of  the  Council  which  they  were  about  to  hear,  except 
that  of  a  lit  de  justice;  and  as  the  great  heat  did  not 
permit  of  risking  the  health  of  the  king  in  a  crowd  at  the 
Palace  of  the  parliament,  he  had  thought  best  to  follow 
the  example  of  the  late  king,  who  had  sometimes  made 
his  parliament  come  to  the  Tuileries.  Also,  inasmuch  as 
it  was  necessary  to  hold  this  lit  de  justice,  he  judged  it 
advisable  to  profit  by  the  occasion  to  cause  to  be  enreg- 
istered  the  lettres  de  provision  of  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals, 
and  to  begin  the  session  by  so  doing;  and  he  ordered  the 
Keeper  of  the  Seals  to  read  them. 

During  this  reading,  which  had  no  other  importance 
than  that  of  seizing  an  occasion  to  force  parliament  to 
Tableau  of  the  rccoguize  thc  Kccpcr  of  the  Seals,  whose 
Council.  person    and    commission   it   hated,   I    busied 

myself  in  studying  the  faces  of  those  present.  I  saw  in 
the  Due  d'Orl^ans  an  air  of  authority  and  attention,  which 
was  so  new  to  me  that  I  was  struck  by  it.  M.  le  Duc^ 
gay  and  brilliant,  seemed  to  have  no  misgivings.  The 
Prince  de  Conti,  dazed,  absorbed  and  self-contained,  seemed 
to   see   nothing   and   to   take   no   part  in   anything.      The 

VOL.  IV.  — 13 

194  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap  vh. 

Keeper  of  the  Seals,  grave  and  thoughtful,  appeared  to 
have  too  many  thmgs  in  his  head ;  and,  indeed,  he  had 
much  to  do  for  a  first  essay.  Nevertheless,  he  displayed 
himself,  with  his  bag,  as  a  very  firm,  very  decided,  and 
very  clear-headed  man.  The  Due  de  La  Force,  with  furtive 
eyes,  examined  everybody.  The  Mar^chaux  de  Villeroy 
and  de  Villars  spoke  to  each  other  now  and  then;  both 
had  irritated  eyes  and  crestfallen  faces.  No  one  com- 
posed himself  better  than  Mar^chal  de  Tallard,  but  even  he 
could  not  stifle  an  inward  excitement  which  frequently 
gleamed  externally.  Mar^chal  d'Estrees  looked  stupefied, 
and  as  if  he  saw  a  gulf  before  him.  Mar^chal  de  Besons, 
enveloped  more  than  usual  in  a  monstrous  wig,  seemed  to 
be  nursing  his  wrath  with  an  angry  eye.  Pelletier,  his 
manner  easy  and  simply  curious,  looked  about  him  at 
everything.  Torcy,  thrice  as  stiff  as  usual,  seemed  consid- 
ering all  things  stealthily.  D'Effiat,  fiery,  nettled,  incensed, 
ready  to  fly  at  any  one,  frowned  at  everybody,  with  hag- 
gard eyes,  which  he  cast  precipitately  and  by  dashes  on  all 
sides.  Those  on  my  own  side  I  could  not  well  examine; 
I  only  saw  them  at  moments,  through  changes  of  posture 
of  one  or  another;  and  if  curiosity  made  me  advance  my 
head  over  the  table  and  turn  it,  to  give  a  glance  at  them 
obliquely,  it  was  rarely  and  very  briefly.  I  have  already 
spoken  of  the  astonishment  of  the  Due  de  Guiche,  and  the 
curiosity  and  vexation  of  the  Due  de  Noailles.  D'Antin, 
always  so  free  in  his  bearing,  seemed  to  me  awkward,  em- 
barrassed, almost  terrified.  Mar^chal  d'Huxelles  tried  to 
look  at  his  ease,  but  failed  to  cover  the  despair  that  stung 
him.  Old  Troyes,  quite  bewildered,  showed  nothing  but 
surprise,  embarrassment,  and  not  knowing  properly  where 
he  was. 

From  the  moment  of  this  first  reading,  coupled  with  the 

1718]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  195 

departure  of  the  Due  du  Maine  and  the  Comte  de  Toulouse, 
every  one  saw,  after  what  had  passed  in  the  Council  chamber 
before  the  sitting  began,  that  something  was  preparing  against 
the  bastards.  The  more  or  the  less  of  that  something  and 
its  nature  held  the  minds  of  all  present  in  suspense,  and 
this,  joined  to  a  lit  de  justice  no  sooner  announced  than 
ready  to  be  carried  out,  showed  a  great  resolution  taken 
against  parliament,  and  also  revealed  such  firmness  and 
decision  in  a  prince  considered  to  be  incapable  of  either 
that  the  ground  fell  away  from  the  feet  of  the  cabal.  Each, 
according  to  his  bias  for  the  bastards  or  for  parliament, 
seemed  expectant  with  terror  of  what  was  to  happen.  Others 
appeared  deeply  wounded  at  having  no  part  in  the  affair  and 
being  left  to  the  general  surprise,  as  if  the  regent  were  escap- 
ing them.  No  faces  were  ever  so  elongated,  no  perplexity 
more  general  or  more  marked.  In  this  first  trouble  of 
mind  I  think  that  few  gave  ear  to  the  letters  which  the 
Keeper  of  the  Seals  was  reading.  Wlien  that  was  over, 
the  Due  d'Orl^ans  said  that  he  thought  it  was  not  worth 
while  to  take  the  votes  one  by  one,  either  on  the  contents 
of  those  documents  or  their  registration  ;  and  he  likewise 
thought  that  all  would  agree  to  begin  the  session  of  the  lit 
de  justice  in  the  same  way. 

After  a  short,  though  marked  pause,  the  regent  stated  in 
few  words  the  reason  that  had  led  the  last  Council  of  Ee- 
speechesofthe  geucy  to  dccidc  upou  annulling  the  decrees  of 
regent  and  the       parliament  which  had  been  read  before  it,  and 

Keeper  of  ^  ' 

the  Seals.  to  do  tliis   by  an  edict  of   the  Council  itself. 

He  said  that  under  the  present  behaviour  of  parhament,  to 
send  that  edict  to  be  registered  by  parliament  would  only 
compromise  anew  the  king's  authority ;  for  that  body  would 
make  public  its  formal  disobedience  by  refusing  to  enregister 
it ;    that,  as  there  was  no  other  way  than  a  lit  de  justice 

196  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vit. 

to  obtain  the  registration,  he  had  thought  it  wise  to  keep  the 
summons  secret  to  the  last  moment,  in  order  to  give  no 
opening  for  cabals  and  no  time  for  evil-intentioned  persons 
to  prepare  for  disobedience ;  that  he  thought,  together  with 
the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  that  the  frequency  and  the  manner 
of  the  remonstrances  of  parhament  required  that  that  As- 
sembly should  be  brought  back  within  the  Limits  of  its  duty, 
which,  for  some  time  past,  it  had  lost  sight  of ;  that  the 
Keeper  of  the  Seals  would  now  read  to  the  Council  an  edict 
which  contained  the  annulment  of  the  decrees,  and  the  rules 
to  be  observed  by  parliament  in  future.  Then,  looking  at 
the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  "  Monsieur,"  he  said,  "  you  can 
explain  this  better  than  I  to  these  gentlemen ;  have  the 
goodness  to  do  so  before  reading  the  edict." 

The  Keeper  of  the  Seals  then  spoke,  paraphrasing  what 
his  Koyal  Highness  had  said  more  briefly ;  he  explained 
what  was  the  usage  of  parliamentary  remonstrance  ;  whence 
it  came,  its  utihty,  its  inconveniences,  its  limits,  the  abuse 
that  had  been  made  of  it,  the  distinction  of  the  royal  au- 
thority from  the  authority  of  parliament  emanating  from 
the  king,  the  incompetence  of  the  tribunals  in  matters  of 
State  and  finance,  and  the  necessity  of  counteracting  their 
assumption  of  power  by  some  sort  of  code  (that  was  the 
term  he  used),  which  should  be  in  future  the  invariable  rule 
for  the  form  and  substance  of  the  said  remonstrance.  All 
that  explained,  without  prohxity  and  with  precision  and 
grace,  he  read  the  edict  as  it  is  printed  and  in  everybody's 
hands,  with  a  few  trifling  exceptions,  but  so  slight  that  they 
escape  my  mind. 

The  reading  over,  the  regent,  against  his  custom,  showed 

his  own  opinion  by  the  praises  he  gave  to  the  document. 

Then,  taking  an  air  and  tone  of  regent  which 

Opinions  given.  •       i  •  i        i  •    i 

no  one  had  ever  yet  seen  m  mm,  and  which 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  197 

completed  the  amazement  of  the  company,  he  added :  "  For 
to-day,  messieurs,  I  shall  depart  from  the  usual  method  of 
taking  the  votes,  and  I  think  it  will  be  well  that  I  should 
do  so  throughout  this  Council."  Then,  after  a  shght  glance 
down  each  side  of  the  table,  during  which  you  might  have 
heard  a  worm  creep,  he  turned  to  M.  le  Due  and  asked  his 
opinion.  M.  le  Due  gave  it  for  the  edict,  adducing  a  few 
short  but  strong  reasons.  The  Prince  de  Conti  answered  in 
the  same  direction ;  I  next,  for  the  opinion  of  the  Keeper  of 
the  Seals  was  given  on  reading  the  document.  I  gave  the 
same,  more  generally  (though  quite  as  strongly),  in  order  not 
to  fall  uselessly  on  parliament,  and  also  not  to  arrogate  to 
myself  to  support  his  Eoyal  Highness  in  the  manner  of  the 
princes  of  the  blood.  Every  one  spoke,  most  of  them  very 
little ;  some,  such  as  the  Mardchaux  de  Villeroy,  Villars, 
Estr^es,  Besons,  M.  de  Troyes,  and  d'Effiat  showed  their  sor- 
row at  not  daring  to  resist  the  resolution  taken,  which  it 
was  clear  they  had  no  hope  of  modifying.  Dejection  was 
painted  on  all  their  faces  ;  and  he  could  see  who  chose  that 
the  blow  to  parliament  was  neither  what  they  desired  nor 
what  they  had  expected  to  happen.  Tallard  was  the  only 
one  of  them  in  which  this  did  not  show ;  but  the  choking 
monosyllable  of  Marechal  d'Huxelles  made  the  last  vestige 
of  his  mask  disappear.  The  Due  de  Noailles  controlled 
himself  with  such  difficulty  that  he  said  more  than  he  meant 
to  say.  The  Due  d'Orl^ans  spoke  last,  but  with  very  unusual 
force;  after  which  he  made  another  pause,  and  passed  his 
eyes  slowly  over  the  whole  Council. 

At  this  moment  the  Marechal  de  Villeroy,  full  of  his  own 
thoughts,  said  between  his  teeth,  "  But  will  they  come  ? " 
The  regent  gently  took  up  the  remark,  and  said  that  the 
parliament  had  assured  Des  Granges  they  would  do  so; 
remarking  that  he  did  not  doubt  they  would  obey ;  adding 

198  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vii. 

immediately  that  notice  must  be  given  to  him  when  parlia- 
ment had  begun  their  march.  The  Keeper  of  the  Seals 
replied  that  this  would  be  done.  The  regent  went  on  to  say- 
that  it  would  be  better  to  give  an  order  at  the  door,  and  in- 
stantly there  was  M.  de  Troyes  upon  his  feet.  Fear  seized 
me  that  he  would  go  and  gabble  at  the  door,  and  I  ran  to 
it  quicker  than  he.  As  I  returned,  d'Antin,  v/ho  had  turned 
to  catch  me  on  my  way  back,  begged  me  in  mercy  to  tell 
him  what  all  this  meant.  I  slipped  past,  saying  that  I  knew 
nothing  about  it.  "  Pooh ! "  he  said,  "  tell  that  to  others." 
As  I  sat  down,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  said  something,  I  don't 
know  what,  and  again  M.  de  Troyes  was  in  the  air,  and 
I  too,  as  before.  Passing  La  Vrilh^re,  I  whispered  to  him 
to  seize  upon  all  errands  to  the  door,  for  fear  of  M.  de 
Troyes'  chatter,  or  that  of  others,  because,  from  the  distance 
I  was  from  the  door,  my  going  was  too  marked.  This 
proved  to  be  essential,  and  La  Vrilli^re  did  it  well.  As  I 
returned  to  my  place,  d'Antin,  again  in  ambush,  implored 
me  in  God's  name  ;  but  I  held  firm,  and  said  to  him,  "  You 
will  see."  The  Due  de  Gruiche  also  pressed  me  uselessly, 
even  to  saying  that  he  knew  I  was  in  the  bottle ;  to  which 
I  turned  a  deaf  ear. 

These  little  movements  over,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  sat  up 
erect  by  half  a  foot  on  his  seat,  and  said  to  the  assembly, 
Speech  of  the  in  a  toue  that  was  still  more  firm  and  more 
[eduction  of ^  mastcrful  than  before,  that  he  had  another 
the  bastards.  affair  to  proposc,  more  important  than  the 
one  they  had  just  listened  to.  This  prelude  revived  the 
astonishment  on  all  faces,  and  made  all  hearers  motionless. 
After  a  moment's  silence,  the  regent  said  that  when  he  had 
decided  the  suit  which  had  lately  arisen  between  the  princes 
of  the  blood  and  the  legitimatized  —  legitimes  (that  was  the 
term    he   used,  without   adding  the  word  "  princes  ")  —  he 


had  reasons  for  not  going  farther ;  but  he  was  none  the 
less  bound  to  do  justice  to  the  peers  of  France,  who  had 
demanded  more  at  that  time  of  the  king,  in  a  petition  of 
their  whule  body  which  his  Majesty  had  received  and  which 
he  himself,  the  regent,  had  communicated  to  the  legitimes  : 
that  this  justice  due  to  so  illustrious  a  body,  composed 
of  the  grandees  of  the  kingdom,  the  first  seigneurs  of  the 
State,  all  persons  most  highly  endowed,  most  of  whom  were 
distinguished  for  services  they  had  rendered  to  the  king, 
could  no  longer  be  delayed:  that  at  the  time  their  petition 
was  made  he  thought  it  best  for  certain  reasons  not  to  take 
action  upon  it ;  he  therefore  felt  it  the  more  urgent  not  to 
defer  an  act  of  justice  which  ought  no  longer  to  be  held  in 
abeyance,  and  which  the  peers  desired  above  everything  else  : 
that  it  was  with  pain  that  he  saw  persons — gens  (that  was 
the  word  he  used)  —  who  were  so  nearly  related  to  him, 
raised  to  a  rank  of  which  they  were  the  first  examples ;  a 
rank  continually  being  magnified  in  defiance  of  all  laws: 
that  he  could  not  close  his  eyes  to  the  fact  that  the  favour 
of  certam  princes,  and  this  quite  recently,  had  inverted  the 
order  of  the  rank  of  the  peerage :  that  such  detriment  done  to 
that  dignity  had  never  lasted  longer  than  the  authority  which 
had  forced  the  laws,  —  as  in  the  cases  of  the  Dues  de  Joyeuse 
and  d'Epernon  and  the  MM.  de  Vendome,  who  had  been 
reduced  to  their  seniority  of  rank  in  the  peerage  on  the 
deaths  of  Henri  III.  and  Henri  IV. :  that  equity,  good  order, 
the  just  cause  of  so  many  persons  of  the  first  dignity  and 
consideration  in  the  State  did  not  allow  him  any  further 
denial  of  justice :  that  the  legitimes  had  had  ample  time 
to  reply,  but  they  had  failed  to  allege  any  valid  reason 
against  the  force  of  the  laws  and  past  examples  :  that  the 
question  now  was  simply  to  do  justice  on  a  petition  existing 
and  pending,  of  which  it  could  not  be  alleged  that  any  one 

200  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vii. 

was  uninformed  :  and  in  order  to  pronounce  that  judgment 
he  had  caused  to  be  drawn  up  the  declaration  that  the 
Keeper  of  the  Seals  would  now  read  to  them,  in  order  that 
it  might  be  enregistered  at  the  lit  clc  justice  which  the 
king  was  about  to  hold. 

A  deep  silence  followed  a  speech  so  little  expected,  and 
which  began  to  unfold  the  enigma  of  the  departure  of  the 
Effect  of  the  bastards.  A  sombre  brown  overspread  the 
regent's  speech.      ^^^^^    ^^   many    present.     Anger   sparkled   on 

those  of  the  Mar^chaux  de  Villars,  de  Besons,  d'Eftiat,  and 
even  d'Estrdes.  Tallard  became  stupid  for  several  moments ; 
the  Mardchal  de  Villeroy  lost  countenance.  I  could  not 
see  d'Huxelles,  which  I  regretted  much,  nor  the  Due  de 
Noailles  except  obliquely,  now  and  then.  I  had  my  own 
face  to  compose,  for  the  eyes  of  all  were  turned  to  me  suc- 
cessively. Upon  it  I  had  laid  a  veneer  of  additional  gravity 
and  modesty.  I  ruled  my  eyes  to  slowness,  and  only  looked 
out  horizontally  at  a  level.  As  soon  as  the  regent  opened 
his  lips  in  the  matter,  M.  le  Due  had  cast  a  triumphant 
glance  to  me,  which  nearly  upset  my  composure  and  warned 
me  to  double  my  gravity  and  not  expose  my  eyes  to  contact 
with  his.  Eestrained  in  this  manner,  attentively  devouring 
the  air  of  all,  conscious  of  all,  and  of  myself  too,  motionless, 
glued  to  my  seat,  rigid  in  body,  filled  with  all  that  joy  can 
give  most  keen,  most  vivid,  —  agitation  that  was  charming, 
enjoyment  immoderately  and  most  persistently  longed  for, 
—  I  sweated  with  the  anguish  of  controlling  my  transports  ; 
but  that  anguish  was  a  delight  which  I  never  felt  before, 
nor  since,  that  glorious  day.  How  inferior  are  the  pleasures 
of  the  senses  to  those  of  the  mind  !  How  true  it  is  that  the 
measure  of  our  woes  is  that  of  the  joys  that  end  them ! 

A  moment  after  the  regent  had  finished  speaking  he  told 
the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  to  read  the  declaration.     He  read 

1718]  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  201 

it  immediately,  without  preliminary  remarks  such  as  he 
had  made  on  the  preceding  matter.  During  this  reading, 
Reading  of  the  wliicli  HO  music  could  equal  to  my  ears,  my  at- 
deciaration.  teution  was  divided  between  iudging  whether 

Effect  upon  the  JOG 

Council.  it  was  precisely  the  same  as  that  which  Millain 

had  drawn  up  and  shown  to  me  (I  had  the  satisfaction  to 
find  it  was)  and  observing  the  impression  made  on  those 
present.  A  very  few  moments  showed  me,  by  the  new 
alteration  of  their  faces,  what  was  passing  in  their  souls, 
and  a  few  more  warned  me,  by  the  despair  that  seized  on 
Marechal  de  Villeroy  and  the  fury  which  overtook  Villars, 
that  some  remedy  must  be  instantly  appHed,  lest  the  excite- 
ment of  which  they  were  no  longer  masters  might  drive 
them  to  some  positive  act.  I  had  that  remedy  in  my  pocket, 
and  I  drew  it  forth.  It  was  our  petition  against  the  bastards, 
and  I  laid  it  before  me  on  the  table,  open  at  the  last  page, 
which  contained  all  our  signatures  printed  in  huge  capitals. 
They  were  incontinently  seen  and,  no  doubt,  recognized  by 
the  two  marshals,  as  I  judged  by  the  sullen  depression  of 
their  eyes,  which  immediately  succeeded  and  extinguished 
a  certain  look  of  menace,  especially  in  Marechal  de  Villars. 
My  two  neighbours  asked  me  what  that  paper  was.  I  told 
them  and  showed  them  the  signatures.  Everybody  looked 
at  that  queer  document,  but  nobody  asked  about  a  thing 
so  instantly  recognized ;  the  fact  of  neighbourhood  alone 
made  the  Prince  de  Conti  and  the  Due  de  Guiche  ask  the 
question;  though  they  were  two  men  who,  while  very  dif- 
ferent from  each  other,  never  saw  what  they  did  see.  I 
had  hesitated  a  moment  in  making  this  demonstration 
between  the  fear  of  showing  too  plainly  that  I  was  in  the 
secret,  and  the  risk  of  the  outbreak.  I  saw  the  two  marshals 
so  near  to  making  one,  and  I  feared  the  success  that  outbreak 
miij'ht  have.     Nothing,  I  knew,  could  control  them  so  much 

202  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  vii 

as  the  sight  of  their  own  signatures.  But  to  show  that 
document  after  they  had  spoken  would  only  have  served  to 
cover  them  with  shame  and  would  not  have  stopped  the 
harm  their  outbreak  would  have  excited.  I  therefore  did 
what  I  thought  surest,  and  I  had  reason  to  think  it  was 

The  whole  reading  was  listened  to  with  the  deepest  at- 
tention, joined  to  the  deepest  emotion.     Wlien  it  was  over, 
the   regent   said   that  he  was  very  sorry  for 

Votes  taken ;  I  °  J  J 

abstain  from         tMs  ncccssity,  wMcli  affcctcd  his  brothers-in- 


law,  but  that  he  owed  as  much  justice  to  the 
peers  as  to  the  princes  of  the  blood.  Then,  turning  to  the 
Keeper  of  the  Seals  he  ordered  him  to  give  his  vote.  This 
he  did  briefly  and  worthily  in  good  language,  but  like  a 
dog  that  runs  on  embers ;  and  he  voted  for  the  registration. 
After  that,  his  Eoyal  Highness,  looking  round  on  every 
one,  said  he  should  continue  to  take  the  votes  by  heads, 
and  he  called  on  M.  le  Due  to  give  his.  The  latter  was 
short,  but  vigorous  and  courteous  to  the  peers  ;  the  Prince 
de  Conti,  of  the  same  opinion,  but  shorter.  Then  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  asked  for  mine.  I  made,  against  my  custom,  a 
profound  bow,  but  without  rising,  and  said  that,  having  the 
honour  to  be  the  senior  peer  of  the  Council,  I  offered  his 
Eoyal  Highness  my  most  humble  thanks,  together  with 
those  of  all  the  peers  of  France,  for  the  justice  so  ardently 
desired,  which  he  had  now  resolved  to  grant  to  us  on  a 
matter  that  imported  so  essentially  to  our  dignity  and 
touched  us  personally  so  keenly.  I  begged  him  to  be  con- 
vinced of  our  gratitude,  and  to  rely  on  all  the  attachment  pos- 
sible to  his  person  for  an  act  of  equity  long  desired  and  now 
so  complete  ;  adding  that  in  this  sincere  expression  of  our 
sentiments  he  would  find  our  opinion,  which,  being  parties 
to  the  case,  it  was  not  permissible  for  us  to  give  otherwise. 


Tbttjoitr'j  on  x/0xt-p<ir^9* lafoiuxre.  eu/art-f^LoroMfe  . 


///r^  ^J-/,/r  ///^y.    /y^/////' 


I  ended  these  few  words  with  a  deep  bow,  without  rising, 
and  the  Due  de  La  Force  did  as  1  did  immediately.  I 
then  gave  all  my  attention  to  see  whom  the  regent  would 
ask  for  votes,  intending,  if  he  asked  a  peer,  to  interrupt,  so 
as  to  take  from  the  bastards  the  faintest  pretext  to  object 
to  forms  ;  but  I  did  not  need  to  do  so.  The  Due  d'Orldans 
had  perfectly  understood  me,  and  he  skipped  to  Mar(5chal 
d'Estrdes,  who,  with  the  rest,  voted  almost  without  speak- 
ing, approving  that  which  most  of  them  did  not  like  at 
all.  I  had  tried  to  manage  my  tone  of  voice  to  make  it 
barely  sufficient  to  be  heard  by  all;  I  even  preferred  that 
those  at  a  distance  should  not  hear  me  to  the  impropriety 
of  speaking  too  loud ;  and  I  composed  my  whole  person 
to  as  much  gravity,  modesty,  and  simple  gratitude  as  was 
possible  to  me.  M.  le  Due  made  me  a  mischievous  sign, 
with  a  smile,  that  I  had  spoken  well;  but  I  kept  my 
gravity  and  turned  to  watch  the  others.  It  would  be  im- 
possible to  render  the  expression  of  their  countenances. 
They  were  men  oppressed  by  a  surprise  that  overwhelmed 
them,  unable  to  speak,  agitated,  some  irritated,  a  few  glad 
like  La  Force  and  Guiche,  who  presently  told  me  so 

The  opinions  taken  almost  as  soon  as  asked,  the  regent 
said :  "  Messieurs,  this  is  passed ;  justice  is  done ;  the  rights 
Speech  of  regent  of  the  pccrs  securcd  to  them.  I  have  now  an 
the'^comude^  ^^^  °^  favour  to  proposc  to  you ;  and  I  do  it 
Toulouse.  with  the  more  confidence  because  I  have  taken 

pains  to  consult  the  parties  interested,  who  have  wilhngly 
put  their  hands  to  it;  so  that  I  am  able  to  present  this 
declaration  without  offending  any  one.  It  concerns  the 
person  of  the  Comte  de  Toulouse.  No  one  is  ignorant  how 
much  he  has  disapproved  of  all  that  has  been  done  in  their 
favour,  and  that  he  has  only  supported  it  since  the  regency, 

204  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUO  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vii. 

out  of  respect  for  the  will  of  the  late  king.  All  the  world 
also  knows  his  virtue,  his  merit,  his  industry,  his  integrity 
his  disinterestedness.  Nevertheless,  I  was  not  able  to  avoid 
including  him  in  the  declaration  you  have  just  listened  to. 
Justice  could  make  no  exception  in  his  favour,  and  it  was 
necessary  to  secure  positively  the  rights  of  the  peers.  Xow 
that  those  rights  can  fear  no  infringement,  I  think  we  may 
return  by  favour  that  which  I  took  from  equity,  and  make 
a  personal  exception  of  the  Comte  de  Toulouse,  leaving  him 
in  all  the  honours  he  has  enjoyed,  to  the  exclusion  of  all 
others,  and  without  passing  those  honours  to  his  children 
should  he  marry  and  have  them,  and  without  making  a 
precedent  for  any  other  person  whatever.  I  have  the 
pleasure  to  know  that  the  princes  of  the  blood  consent 
to  this,  and  that  such  of  the  peers  as  I  have  been  able  to 
consult  not  only  enter  into  my  feelings,  but  have  even 
bested  me  to  do  this  thincr.  I  do  not  doubt  that  the 
esteem  he  has  won  here  will  make  this  proposition  agree- 
able to  you."  Then,  turning  to  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals, 
"  Monsieur,"  he  continued,  "  will  you  be  kind  enough  to 
read  the  declaration  ? "  which  was  done  instantly. 

The  declaration  read,  the  regent  praised  it  in  a  few  words 
and  then  told  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  to  vote.  This  he 
Effect ;  the  vote  cli^  briefly  in  praise  of  the  Comte  de  Tou- 
taken.  lousc.     M.  Ic  Duc,  after  a  few  praises  of  the 

same  sort,  testified  his  satisfaction  out  of  esteem  and  friend- 
ship. The  Prince  de  Conti  said  but  two  words.  After 
him,  I  expressed  to  his  Royal  Highness  my  joy  at  seeing 
him  combine  justice  and  the  safety  of  the  rights  of  the 
peerage  with  the  unusual  favour  he  did  to  the  virtue  of 
the  Comte  de  Toulouse,  who  deserved  it  for  his  modera- 
tion, his  truth,  and  his  attachment  to  the  good  of  the 
State;  I  therefore  voted  with   joy   for   registration   of  the 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  205 

declaration,  saying  that  I  did  not  fear  to  add  the  very 
humble  thanks  of  the  peers,  inasmuch  as  I  had  the  honour 
to  be  the  senior  of  those  here  present.  As  I  closed  my 
lips,  I  looked  round  upon  them,  and  easily  perceived  that 
my  approval  did  not  please,  and,  probably,  my  thanks  still 
less.  The  rest  voted,  bending  their  heads  to  so  sharp  a 
blow;  a  few  murmured  somethmg,  I  know  not  what,  be- 
tween their  teeth,  but  the  blow  to  their  cabal  was  not  less 
felt ;  and  the  more  reflection  succeeded  to  the  first  surprise, 
the  more  a  bitter  and  angry  pain  showed  itself  on  their 
faces  in  a  manner  so  marked  that  it  was  easy  to  see  it 
was  high  time  to  strike. 

The  opinions  given,  M.  le  Due,  casting  a  brilliant  glance 
on  me,  was  about  to  speak,  when  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals, 
M.  le  Due  not  perceiving  this,  began  at  the  same  moment 

edratfoVof  the  ^0  Say  Something.  The  regent  told  him  that 
king.  M.  le  Due  wished  to  speak  ;  and  immediately, 

without  giving  the  latter  time  to  do  so,  he  straightened 
himself  with  majesty  m  his  chair  and  said:  "Messieurs, 
M.  le  Due  has  a  proposition  to  make  to  you ;  I  think  it 
just  and  reasonable  ;  and  I  do  not  doubt  that  you  will  judge 
of  it  as  I  do."  Then  turning  to  the  prince,  he  said  :  "  Mon- 
sieur, will  you  be  good  enough  to  explain  it  ? "  The  stir  that 
these  few  words  created  in  that  assembly  is  inexpressible. 
I  seemed  to  see  hunted  creatures,  pursued  on  all  sides,  and 
surprised  by  some  new  enemy  rising  among  them  in  a  ref- 
uge which  they  had  reached  breathless.  "  Monsieur,"  said 
M.  le  Due,  addressing  the  regent,  "  inasmuch  as  you  have 
now  done  justice  to  the  peers,  I  think  I  have  a  right  to 
ask  it  of  you  for  myself.  The  late  king  gave  the  education 
of  his  Majesty  to  the  Due  du  Maine.  I  was  then  a  minor ; 
and,  in  the  opinion  of  the  late  king,  the  Due  du  Maine  was 
a  prince  of  the  Ijlood  and  capable  of  succeeding  to  the  crown. 

206  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [ctiap.  vii. 

Since  then  I  have  attained  my  majority,  and  not  only  is 
M.  du  Maine  not  a  prince  of  the  blood,  but  he  is  now- 
reduced  to  his  rank  in  the  peerage.  M.  le  Mar^chal 
de  Villeroy  is  to-day  his  senior  in  rank  and  precedes  him 
everywhere.  He  cannot,  therefore,  remain  governor  of  the 
king  under  the  superintendence  of  the  Due  du  Maine.  I 
ask  of  you  this  place,  which  I  think  ought  not  to  be  refused 
to  my  age,  my  quality,  and  my  attacliment  to  the  person 
of  tlie  king  and  to  the  State.  I  hope,"  he  added,  turning 
to  his  left,  "that  I  shall  profit  by  the  lessons  of  M.  le 
Marechal  de  Villeroy,  to  acquit  myself  well  and  deserve  Ms 

As  he  heard  the  words  "  superintendence  of  the  education," 
Marechal  de  Villeroy  almost  pitched  forward ;  he  rested 
Agitation  of  the  his  forehead  on  his  stick,  and  continued  some 
councu.  moments   in   that   posture.     It   seemed   as  if 

he  did  not  hear  the  remainder  of  the  speech.  Villars,  Besons, 
and  Eflfiat  bent  their  shoulders,  like  men  who  have  received 
their  last  blow.  I  could  see  no  one  on  my  side  but  the 
Due  de  Guiche,  who  approved  in  the  midst  of  his  prodigious 
amazement.  Estr^es  was  the  first  to  come  to ;  he  shook 
himself,  snorted,  and  looked  at  the  company  hke  a  man 
returning  from  the  other  world. 

As  soon  as  M.  le  Due  had  ended,  the  regent  passed  his 
eyes  in  review  over  the  whole  company,  and  said  that  the 
The  regent  takes  demand  of  M.  Ic  Duc  was  just ;  he  did  not 
the  vote.  think   it  could   be   refused :    that   the   wrong 

could  not  be  done  to  Marechal  de  Villeroy  of  leaving  him 
under  the  Duc  du  Maine,  inasmuch  as  he  henceforth  pre- 
ceded him  :  that  the  superintendence  of  the  king's  education 
could  not  be  more  worthily  fulfilled  than  by  M.  le  Duc; 
and  that  he  felt  persuaded  the  vote  would  be  unanimous. 
Whereupon  he  immediately  asked  the  opinion  of  the  Prince 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  207 

de  Conti,  who  gave  it  in  two  words  ;  then  that  of  the  Keeper 
of  the  Seals,  which  was  not  long ;  then  mine.  I  merely  said, 
looking  at  M.  le  Due,  that  I  voted  for  it  with  all  my  heart. 
All  the  others,  except  M.  de  La  Force,  who  said  a  word, 
voted  without  speaking,  simply  bowing,  the  marshals  scarcely 
at  all,  and  d'Effiat  the  same,  his  eyes  and  those  of  Villars 
sparkling  with  fury. 

The  votes  taken,  the  regent,  turning  to  M.  le  Due,  said : 
"  Monsieur,  I  believe  you  wish  to  read  what  you  intend  to 
Marechai  de  ^^^  ^°  ^^®  king  at  the  lit  de  justice."     Where- 

viiieroy  com-        upou  M.  le  Duc  read   his  speech,  such  as  it 

plains ;  the  .  •tap 

regent  launches  a  IS  uow  printed.  A  fcw  momcuts  of  deep  and 
thunderbolt.  gloomy  silcucc  succecdcd  this  reading,  during 

which  Mardchal  de  Villeroy,  pale  and  agitated,  muttered  to 
himself.  At  last,  hke  a  man  who  decides  on  a  course,  he 
turned  to  the  regent,  with  lowered  head  and  ghastly  eyes, 
and  said,  in  a  faint  voice :  "  I  shall  say  but  two  words : 
all  the  dispositions  of  the  king  are  overthrown  ;  I  cannot 
see  it  without  pain ;  M.  du  Maine  is  very  unfortunate." 
"Monsieur,"  replied  the  regent,  in  a  sharp  but  loud  tone, 
"M.  du  Maine  is  my  brother-in-law;  but  I  prefer  an  open 
enemy  to  a  secret  one."  At  that  grand  saying  several  of 
those  present  lowered  their  heads.  Effiat  shook  his  from 
side  to  side.  The  Marechai  de  Villeroy  seemed  near  faint- 
ing ;  sighs  began  before  me  and  around  me,  here  and  there,  but 
furtively  ;  all  present  felt  from  this  stroke  that  the  scabbard 
was  flung  away,  and  no  one  knew  where  the  line  would  be 
drawn.  In  order  to  create  a  diversion,  the  Keeper  of  the 
Seals  proposed  to  read  the  speech  he  had  prepared  as  a 
preface  to  the  edict  for  annulling  the  decrees  of  parhameut, 
which  he  intended  to  dehver  before  the  lit  de  justice.  As 
he  finished,  some  one  entered  to  tell  him  that  he  was  wanted 
at  the  door. 

208  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vii. 

He  went  out,  and  returned  immediately,  not  to  liis  place, 
but  to  the  regent,  whom  he  drew  to  a  window,  the  minds 
Parliament  of   all   concentratiiig   on    them.     The    regent, 

reful^^to^obey  returning  to  his  place,  informed  the  Council 
the  summons.        ^j^g^^  j^g  ^^^^  received  word  that,  the  Cliambers 

of  parliament  being  assembled,  the  president  (in  spite  of 
what  he  had  said  to  Des  Granges)  advised  them  not  to  come 
to  the  Tuileries,  asking  them  why  they  should  go  to  a  place 
where  they  would  have  no  liberty,  and  proposing  that  the 
king  should  be  informed  that  his  parliament  would  listen 
to  his  will  in  its  usual  place  of  session  whenever  it  pleased 
him  to  do  it  the  honour  of  coming  or  sending  there.  The 
Council  seemed  bewildered  by  this  news ;  but  his  Royal 
Highness  said  with  an  easy  air  that  he  had  expected  a 
refusal,  and  had  ordered  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  to  propose 
what  he  thought  should  be  done  in  case  the  advice  of  the 
president  should  prevail. 

The  Keeper  of  the  Seals  declared  that  he  could  not  be- 
Keve  that  parliament  would  go  to  the  length  of  such  dis- 
The  regent  un-  obcdicnce  ;  if  it  did,  it  would  be  formal  and 
vote'^lnd^silps  coutraij  to  kw  and  usage.  He  enlarged  a 
^^^^^-  little  to  show  that  nothing  could  be  so  dan- 

gerous as  to  place  the  king's  authority  in  a  position  to  be 
disobeyed ;  and  gave  it  as  his  opinion  that  in  case  parliament 
were  led  into  such  an  error  it  ought  to  be  immediately  sus- 
pended. The  regent  added  that  there  must  be  no  hesitation 
about  that,  and  took  the  opinion  of  M.  le  Due,  who  gave  it 
strongly,  the  Prince  de  Conti  the  same,  I  the  same,  and 
MM.  de  La  Force  and  de  Guiche  even  more  so.  The  Mar^- 
chal  de  Yilleroy,  in  a  broken  voice,  seeking  vainly  for  grand 
words  which  would  not  come  in  time,  deplored  this  extrem- 
ity, and  did  all  he  could  to  avoid  giving  a  precise  opinion, 
Forced  at  last  by  the  regent  to  explain  himself,  he  dared  not 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  209 

oppose,  but  added  that  it  was  with  regret,  and  made  an 
attempt  to  set  forth  the  evil  results.  But  the  regent  inter- 
rupted him  again,  said  he  was  not  disturbed  by  that,  he 
was  prepared  for  all ;  the  results  would  be  far  worse  if  the 
refusal  were  allowed.  Then  he  asked  immediately  for  the 
opinion  of  the  Due  de  Noailles,  who  answered  shortly,  in  a 
deprecating  tone,  that  it  would  be  very  sad,  but  he  thought 
it  should  be  done.  Villars  wanted  to  paraphrase,  but  re- 
strained himself,  and  said  he  hoped  that  parliament  would 
obey.  Pressed  by  the  regent,  he  proposed  to  wait  for  further 
information  before  voting ;  but  pressed  still  further,  he  voted 
for  suspension,  with  an  air  of  angry  vexation,  which  was  ex- 
tremely marked.  No  one  after  that  dared  to  stir,  and  most 
of  them  voted  with  their  heads. 

Presently  Des  Granges  returned,  and  came  up  to  tell  the 
regent  that  parliament  was  on  the  march  on  foot  and  was 
then  just  debouching  from  the  Palais.  This  news  refreshed 
the  spirits  of  the  Council,  especially  that  of  the  Due  d'Or- 
Mans.  Des  Granges  having  retired,  with  an  order  to  give 
notice  the  moment  that  parliament  arrived,  the  regent  told 
the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  to  be  careful,  when  he  proposed  the 
affair  of  the  legitimes  at  the  lit  de  justice,  that  not  a  moment 
of  suspense  should  occur  as  to  the  position  of  the  Comte  de 
Toulouse,  because,  as  the  intention  was  to  reinstate  him, 
not  even  a  momentary  stigma  should  rest  upon  him.  This 
marked  attention,  given  in  such  terms,  struck  another  blow 
at  the  elder  of  the  two  brothers,  and  I  noticed  that  his 
partisans  seemed  still  further  overwhelmed  by  it.  The 
regent  then  reminded  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  not  to  fail 
to  make  the  registrations  at  the  lit  de  justice  during  the 
session,  and  before  the  eyes  of  all.  The  importance  of 
this  final  consummation,  in  presence  of  the  king,  was  very 

VOL.  IV.  — 14 

210  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [cuap.  vii. 

At  last  parliament  arrived,  and,  like  children,  we  went  to 

the  windows.     They  came  in  their  red  robes,  two  and  two, 

through  the  great  gate  of  the  courtyard,  which 

Parliament  o  o  o  ^  ' 

arrives  at  the         they  crosscd  to  cutcr  the  Hall  of  the  Ambas- 
ui  enes  on  oo  .     g^j^Qj-g^  whcre  the  president,  who  had  come  in 

a  carriage  with  the  vice-president  Ahgre,  awaited  them. 
They  had  come  by  the  little  courtyard  beyond,  in  order  to 
have  less  distance  to  walk.  As  soon  as  parliament  was  in 
place,  the  peers  also,  and  the  presidents  had  taken  their  furs 
from  behind  the  screens  arranged  in  the  room  adjoining, 
Des  Granges  returned  to  notify  the  regent  that  aU  was  ready. 
There  had  been  a  discussion  as  to  whether  the  king  should 
dine  while  waiting,  and  I  had  obtained  that  he  should  not  do 
so,  for  fear  that  entering  the  lit  de  justice  immediately  after  eat- 
ing so  much  earlier  than  his  usual  hour,  he  might  be  taken 
ill,  which  would  be  a  great  annoyance.  As  soon  as  Des 
Granges  had  announced  to  the  regent  that  he  could  start, 
his  Eoyal  Highness  told  him  to  notify  the  parhament  to 
send  a  deputation  to  receive  the  king  at  the  farther  end  of 
the  guard-room  of  the  Suisse  body-guard  ;  and  then,  turning 
to  the  Council,  he  said  aloud  that  we  must  now  go  and  fetch 
the  king. 

At  these  words  I  felt  a  trouble  of  joy  at  the  great  spectacle 
about  to  take  place  in  my  presence,  which  warned  me  to  re- 
we  go  to  fetch  doublc  my  attention  to  my  own  conduct.  I 
the  king.  ^^^  notified  Villars  to  walk  with  us,  and  Tal- 

lard  to  accompany  the  marshals  of  France,  and  to  yield 
precedence  to  his  seniors,  because,  on  occasions  hke  these, 
the  "  dues  v^rifi^s  "  do  not  exist.  I  tried  to  supply  myself 
with  the  strongest  dose  I  could  of  composure,  gravity,  and 
modesty.  I  followed  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  who  entered  the 
king's  apartment  by  the  little  door,  and  found  the  king  in 
his  cabinet.     On  the  way,  the  Due  dAlbret  and  others  made 


me  very  marked  civilities  with  a  great  desire  to  discover 
something.  I  paid  them  in  politeness,  in  complaints  of  the 
crowd  and  the  annoyance  of  my  mantle,  and  so  reached  the 
cabinet  of  the  king. 

He  wore  neither  mantle  nor  neck -bands,  but  was  dressed 
as  usual.  After  the  regent  had  been  with  him  a  few  mo- 
The  march  to  the  msuts,  lie  asked  if  it  plcascd  him  to  start,  and 
"htde  justice."  immediately  the  way  was  cleared.  The  few 
courtiers  who  were  there,  for  w^ant  of  finding  a  place  to  poke 
themselves  in  the  audience-chamber,  stood  aside,  and  T  made 
a  sign  to  Mar^chal  de  Villars,  who  slowly  started  for  the 
door,  the  Due  de  La  Force  after  him,  and  I  behind  them, 
taking  care  to  w^alk  immediately  in  front  of  the  Prince  de 
Conti ;  M.  le  Due  followed  the  latter,  and  the  regent  after 
him.  Behind  the  regent  came  the  ushers  of  the  king's 
chamber  with  their  maces,  then  the  king,  svirrounded  by 
four  captains  of  the  body-guard,  the  Due  d'Albret,  grand 
chamberlain,  and  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  his  governor.  Be- 
hind came  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  then  the  Mardchaux 
d'Estr^es,  d'Huxelles,  de  Tallard,  and  de  Besons.  These  were 
followed  by  the  chevaliers  of  the  Order,  and  such  of  the  gov- 
ernors and  heutenant-generals  of  the  provinces  as  could  be 
notified  to  attend  the  king ;  the  latter  were  to  sit  below, 
uncovered,  and  without  votes.  This  was  the  order  of  march 
from  the  terrace  to  the  hall  of  the  Suisse  guards,  at  the 
lower  door  of  which  was  the  deputation  sent  by  parliament 
to  receive  the  king,  with  four  judges  and  four  counsellors 
as  usual. 

While  the  latter  were  approaching  the  king,  I  said  to  the 
Due  de  La  Force  and  the  Mar^chal  de  Villars  that  we  should 
I  enter ;  and  con-  tlo  better  to  go  and  take  our  seats  and  so  avoid 
fide  the  reduction    ^|^^  coufusiou  at  the  kiug's  eutrancc.     They 

of  the  bastards  to  o  ^ 

certain  peers.         f  ollowcd  me  accordingly,  one  by  one,  in  order  of 

212  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vn. 

precedence,  marching  in  ceremony.  There  were  but  we  three 
who  could  walk  in  this  way,  because  d'Antin  did  not  come, 
the  Due  de  Guiche  had  vacated  his  seat,  Tallard  was  not  a 
peer,  and  the  four  captains  of  the  guard  surrounded  the  king, 
bearing  the  hdton,  at  these  great  ceremonies. 

But  before  saying  more,  it  is  well  to  give  a  drawing,  show- 
ing the  arrangement  of  the  lit  de  justice,  a  glance  at  which 
will  assist  in  making  clear  what  follows.  I  think  it  will 
be  useless  to  enter  into  a  more  detailed  description  of  the 
session ;  this  will  doubtless  suffice  to  make  it  understood 
and  to  illustrate  the  local  scene  about  to  be  recounted.  I 
shall  only  observe  that  I  have  named  the  peers  by  the  names 
of  their  peerages  (which  is  done  in  taking  their  votes),  and 
not  by  the  names  they  bear  usually  and  by  which  they  are 
known  in  society. 

As  parliament  was  in  place,  and  the  king  about  to  arrive, 
I  entered  by  the  same  door.  The  way  was  partly  open ; 
the  officers  of  the  body-guard  cleared  a  passage  for  me  and 
also  for  the  Due  de  La  Force  and  Mar^chal  de  Villars, 
who  followed  me,  the  one  after  the  other.  I  stopped  a 
moment  at  the  entrance  of  the  parquet,  overcome  with  joy 
at  the  sight  of  this  great  spectacle,  and  the  thought  of  the 
precious  moments  now  approaching.  I  had  need  to  do  so, 
in  order  to  recover  myself  sufficiently  to  see  clearly  all  that 
I  wished  to  observe,  and  to  put  on  a  fresh  veneer  of  gravity 
and  modesty.  I  was  well  aware  that  I  should  be  attentively 
exammed  by  an  Assembly  which  had  been  carefully  trained 
not  to  like  me,  and  by  inquisitive  spectators  convinced  that 
some  great  secret  was  about  to  be  revealed  in  this  important 
assemblage  called  together  so  hastily.  Moreover,  no  one 
could  be  ignorant  that  I  knew  it,  if  only  in  the  Council  of 
Regency,  from  which  I  came. 

I  was  not  mistaken.    The  moment  that  I  appeared  all  eyes 







Bishops  of  Laou  &  Noyon. 


M»  d'Estr^es,  Huxelles,  Tallard,  Basons 


Mesmes,  Pres. :  Novion.   Aligre,  Lamoi<7iion,  Amelot, 
Portail,  Pelletier,  Maupeou. 


The  Regent 
M.  le  Duo      a 
Pee  de  Conti 
Dues  : 
de  SuUy 

St.  Simon         D 
La  Rochefou- 
La  Force 

Roannais         |  y 














**H  t 


























O    93 


o  o 
O  I. 

3  » 

TO     ^ 

S  sol 







<    < 



a  VS. 



a>  o  <D 

P  B 




p^  Q    1-^ 


the  Holy  Spirit. 
3,  accompanying 
not  voting. 







h- ( 
















Oq   P 

















Secty  of  State  Secty  of  Pt. 
Counsellors  of  the  Parliament 
King's  lawyers.  idem  of  Pt. 

Clerk  of  Pt. 






Entrance  to 

Door  by  which  only 
the  peers  entered  and  left. 

Spectators  of  mark. 

Spectators  of  consideration. 

Crowd  of  spectators. 

Door  by  which 
the  king  entered  and  left. 

Guard  Room. 

A.  The  king  on  his  throne. 

B.  Steps  of  tlie  throne. 

C.  Grand  chamborlaiu  seated  on  hassock, 

covered  and  voting. 

D.  Raised  seats  to  right  and  left. 

E.  King's  short  stairway.' 

F.  Provost  of  Paris,  •■vith  his  baton,  seated 

on  stairs. 

G.  Ushers  of  the  king's  chamber  on  their 

H.  Keeper  of  the  Seals  in  his  chair  with 

arms  and  no  back. 
I.    Small  desk  before  him. 
K.  Steps  to  reach  high  seats. 
Jj.   Doorway,   from   wliich  the  Bishops  of 

Troyes  and  Fri^jus,  and  M.  de  Torcy 

viewed  the  scene. 

M.  Windows,  with  scaffoldings  for  spectators. 
N.  Mart'^chal  de  Villeroy,   on  a  stool,  covered 

and  voting. 
O.  Due  de  Villeroy,  captain  of  tlie  guard, 

seated,  covered  and  voting. 
P.  Beringhen,  first  equerry,  uncovered,  not 

Q.  Her.alds  at  arms. 
R.  Grand  master  of   ceremonies  seated,  but 

not  covered  and  not  voting. 
S.  Passage  from   tlie   high   seats  for  the 

bishops,  bishop-peers,  and  marshals. 
T.  The  parquet  or  open  space. 
V.  Passage  on  a  level  with  the  high  seats. 
T.  Folded  seat  in  case  of  need  for  lay  peers. 

214  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAESfT-SIMON.     [chap.  vii. 

were  turned  upon  me.  I  advanced  slowly  towards  the  table 
of  the  chief-clerk  of  the  parliament ;  there  I  turned  between 
the  two  benches  and  crossed  the  whole  width  of  the  hall, 
passing  in  front  of  the  king's  law  officers,  who  bowed  to  me, 
smiling,  and  then  I  mounted  the  three  steps  to  the  raised 
seats,  where  all  the  peers  whose  names  I  have  marked  down 
were  in  their  places,  but  rising  as  soon  as  I  approached  the 
steps ;  I  bowed  to  them  respectfully  from  the  top  of  the  third 
step.  Advancing  slowly  I  took  La  FeuiUade  [Eoannais]  by 
the  shoulder,  although  I  had  no  intimacy  with  him,  and  I 
told  him  to  listen  attentively  and  take  good  care  to  show 
no  signs  of  life ;  for  he  was  about  to  hear  a  declaration  re- 
garding parliament,  and  after  that  two  others ;  adding  that 
we  were  now  approaching  the  happiest  and  most  unlooked- 
for  moment,  when  the  bastards  would  be  reduced  to  their 
rank  of  precedence  in  the  peerage,  the  Comte  de  Toulouse 
alone  being  reinstated,  but  not  his  children  if  he  had  them. 
La  Feuillade  was  a  moment  without  understanding  me,  and 
then  so  filled  with  joy  he  could  not  speak.  He  pressed 
against  me,  and  as  I  left  him  he  said,  "  But  how  —  the 
Comte  de  Toulouse  ? "  "  You  wiU  see,"  I  said,  and  passed  on. 
As  I  passed  the  Due  d'Aumont  I  remembered  the  fine  ren- 
dezvous he  had  made  with  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  for  the  next 
day  to  reconcile  him  to  the  parliament ;  and  I  could  not  re- 
sist looking  fixedly  at  him  with  a  mocking  smile.  I  stopped 
between  M.  de  Metz  [Coislin]  and  the  Due  de  Tresmes 
[Gesvres]  to  whom  I  said  the  same.  The  first  sniffed,  the 
second  was  enchanted,  and  made  me  repeat  it  to  his  joy 
and  surprise.  I  said  as  much  to  the  Due  de  Louvigny 
[Grammont],  who  was  not  so  much  surprised  as  the  others, 
but  equally  transported  with  joy.  At  last  I  reached  my 
place  between  the  Dues  de  Sully  and  de  La  Eochefoucauld. 
I  bowed  to  them,  and  we  aU  sat  down  at  once.    I  gavQ  one, 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  215 

glance  to  the  scene,  and  then  I  drew  the  heads  of  my  two 
neighbours  to  mine  and  told  them  the  same  thing.  Sully  was 
deeply  touched ;  the  other  asked  me  harshly  why  the  Comte 
de  Toulouse  was  excepted.  I  had  several  reasons  in  reserve  to 
give  him,  but  I  contented  myself  with  answering  that  I  knew 
nothing  about  that ;  and  as  to  the  fact  itself  I  tried  to  make 
him  like  it.  But  he  had  never  forgiven  the  Comte  de  Toulouse 
for  taking  his  place  as  Master  of  the  Hunt.  His  coldness 
was  such  that  I  could  not  refrain  from  asking  him  the 
cause,  and  reminding  him  of  the  ardour  with  which  he 
had  pressed  our  petition  against  the  bastards,  the  conse- 
quences of  which,  so  fax  beyond  our  hopes,  he  was  now 
to  see  enregistered.  He  rephed  as  he  could,  still  gloomy 
and  cold ;  after  which  I  did  not  take  the  trouble  to  speak 
to  him  again. 

Seated  in  my  place  in  an  elevated  position,  no  one  being 

before  me,  because  the  bench  for  those  peers  who  could  find 

no  room  on  ours  did  not  reach  farther   than 

The  spectacle 

ofthe"iitde  in  front  of  the  Due  de  La  Force,  I  was  able 
justice.  ^^     observe    all   present.     This   I   did   to   the 

fullest  extent  and  with  all  the  keenness  of  my  eyes.  One 
thing  alone  constrained  me ;  this  was  that  I  dared  not  fix 
my  eyes  as  long  as  I  wished  on  certain  persons  ;  I  feared 
the  fire  and  the  vivid  signification  of  my  glances  ;  and  the 
more  I  encountered  those  of  others  turned  upon  me,  the 
more  I  felt  warned  to  balk  their  curiosity  by  my  reserve. 
But  I  did  cast  a  glittering  eye  at  the  president  of  the 
parliament  and  along  the  "grand  bench,"  in  relation  to 
which  I  was  finely  seated.  I  cast  it  over  all  the  parliament, 
and  I  saw  an  amazement,  a  silence,  a  consternation  for 
which  I  was  not  prepared,  and  which  seemed  to  me  of 
good  augury.  The  president  insolently  depressed,  the  vice- 
presidents  disconcerted,   anxiously   attentive    to    what  was 

21G  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vii. 

happening,  furnished  me  with  a  most  agreeable  sight.  Those 
who  were  simply  curious,  among  whom  I  class  all  those 
who  had  no  vote,  seemed  to  be  not  less  surprised  than  the 
others,  but  without  their  trouble  of  mind,  calmly  surprised 
in  fact.  AU  were  conscious  of  some  great  expectation,  and 
were  seeking  to  forestall  knowledge  by  divining  the  faces  of 
those  who  came  from  the  Council. 

But  I  had  little  time  for  this  examination.  The  king 
arrived.  The  bustle  of  this  entrance  lasted  until  his  Majesty 
Entrance  of  the  and  all  who  accompauied  him  had  taken  their 
blarin^ofthT  placcs,  and  presented  another  species  of  sin- 
regent,  gularity.  Every  one  tried  to  penetrate  the 
mind  of  the  regent,  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  and  the  other 
great  personages.  The  departure  of  the  bastards  from  the 
Council-chamber  redoubled  attention,  and  those  who  did 
not  already  know  of  it  now  perceived  their  absence.  The 
consternation  of  the  marshals,  and  of  their  senior,  alone  in 
his  place  as  governor  to  the  king,  was  evident.  It  increased 
the  dismay  of  the  president,  who,  not  seeing  his  master 
the  Due  du  Maine,  cast  a  withering  glance  on  the  Due  de 
Sully  and  on  me,  who  occupied  the  places  the  two  brothers 
would  have  filled.  In  an  mstant  the  eyes  of  the  whole  as- 
sembly fastened  upon  us  ;  and  I  remarked  that  the  air  of 
concentration  and  expectancy  of  something  extraordinary 
was  doubled  on  all  faces.  The  regent  wore  an  air  of  quiet 
majesty  and  determination,  which  was  quite  new  to  him ; 
his  eyes  were  attentive,  his  bearing  grave,  but  easy.  M.  le 
Due  was  discreet,  cautious,  though  environed  with  an  in- 
describable air  of  brilliancy  that  shone  from  his  whole 
person,  and  which  one  felt  to  be  restramed.  The  Prince 
de  Conti  seemed  sad,  pensive,  wandering  perhaps  in  distant 
spaces.  I  could  scarcely  see  them  during  the  session,  un- 
less under  pretext  of  looking  at  the  king,  who  was  serious, 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  217 

majestic,  and  at  the  same  time  as  pretty  as  possible,  —  grave 
but  graceful  in  all  his  behaviour,  attentive  in  manner  and 
not  at  all  bored,  maintaining  his  dignity  well,  and  without 

When  all  were   placed  and  reseated,  the  Keeper  of  the 

Seals  remained  a  few  moments  motionless,  looking  around 

him,  and  the  fire  of  the  spirit  that  issued  from 

The  bearing 

of  the  Keeper  his  eyes  sccmcd  to  enter  the  breasts  of  all 
before  him.  Profound  silence  eloquently  an- 
nounced the  fear,  attention,  trouble,  and  curiosity  of  those 
various  expectancies.  When  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  had, 
after  the  manner  of  great  preachers,  accustomed  himself 
to  the  sight  of  this  august  audience,  he  uncovered  his  head, 
rose,  advanced  to  the  king,  and  knelt  upon  the  steps  of  the 
throne  about  the  middle  of  the  same  step  on  which  the 
grand  chamberlain  was  seated  on  a  cushion.  There  he  took 
the  orders  of  the  king,  rose,  descended,  seated  himself  again 
upon  his  chair,  and  replaced  his  hat.  I  will  say,  once  for 
all,  that  he  performed  the  same  ceremony  at  the  beginning 
of  each  declaration  and  also  before  and  after  taking  the  votes 
on  each  of  them. 

After  a  silence  of   a  few  moments  he  opened  this  great 
„  ^  scene  by  a  speech.     The  report  of  this  lit  de 

He  opens  the  j  i.  j. 

great  scene  with    justice  made  and  printed  by  parliament   dis- 

a  speech  to  par-  pi  •  c 

liamentonits  pcuscs  mc  from  the  ueccssity  of  reportmg 
'^"^'^^'  here  the  speeches  of  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals, 

the  president  of  parliament,  the  king's  lawyers,  and  the 
various  documents  read  and  enregistered.  This  first  speech, 
the  reading  of  formal  papers,  the  order  to  open  and 
keep  open  the  two  double  doors,  surprised  no  one ;  they 
only  served  as  a  preface  to  the  rest  and  whetted  the 
curiosity  more  and  more  as  the  moment  approached  to 
satisfy  it. 

218  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [cuap.  vil 

This  first  act  over,  the  second,  that  of  annulling  the 
decree  of  parliament,  was  announced  by  the  speech  of  the 
Consternation;  Keeper  of  the  Scals,  the  force  of  wliich  pen- 
envenomed  etratcd  the  miuds  of  the  parliament.     General 

speech  of  the  •*- 

president.  constcrnation  overspread  their  faces.     Scarcely 

any  of  the  members  dared  to  speak  to  his  neighbour.  I 
remarked  that  the  Abb^  Pucelle,  who,  being  a  counsellor- 
clerk,  was  on  the  benches  opposite  to  me,  stood  up  when 
the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  was  speaking,  to  hear  him  better. 
Bitter  pain,  that  was  plainly  full  of  spite,  darkened  the  face 
of  the  president;  shame  and  confusion  was  also  upon  it. 
What  the  jargon  of  the  Palais  calls  the  "grand  bench" 
lowered  its  head  all  at  once  as  if  at  a  signal ;  and  these 
proud  magistrates,  whose  arrogant  "  remonstrances  "  did  not 
yet  satisfy  their  pride  and  their  ambition,  struck  down  by 
a  punishment  so  great  and  so  pubHc,  found  themselves 
brought  back  to  their  true  position  with  ignominy,  and  with- 
out being  pitied  by  any  except  their  own  paltry  cabal. 

After  the  vote  was  taken,  and  wliile  the  Keeper  of  the 
Seals  was  announcing  it,  I  saw  this  "  grand  bench  "  rousing 
itself.  The  president  wished  to  speak  ;  and  he  made  the 
remonstrance  which  is  printed,  full  of  the  most  refined 
mahgnity  and  impudence  towards  the  regent,  and  insolence 
towards  the  king.  But  the  scoundrel  trembled  as  he  uttered 
it.  His  broken  voice,  the  constraint  of  his  eyes,  the  shock 
and  trouble  visible  in  his  whole  person  counteracted  this 
last  drop  of  venom,  the  libation  of  which  he  could  not  deny 
to  himself  and  his  Assembly.  It  was  then  that  I  tasted, 
with  delight  that  can  never  be  expressed,  the  spectacle  of 
those  proud  civiUans,  who  dared  to  refuse  to  bow  to  us, 
prostrate  on  their  knees,  rendering  at  our  feet  their  homage 
to  the  throne ;  while  we,  seated  and  covered  in  our  high 
places   beside   that   throne,  were,  veritably  and   effectively, 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SLVION.  219 

laterales  Begis  against  this  vas  electum  of  the  tiers-etat. 
My  eyes,  fixed,  glued  on  those  arrogant  bourgeois,  ran  over 
that  whole  grand  bench  on  its  knees  or  standing,  the  ample 
folds  of  its  fur  robes  undulating  at  each  genuflection,  pro- 
longed and  redoubled,  and  not  ending  until  by  command 
of  the  king  given  by  the  mouth  of  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals. 
The  president's  remonstrance  over,  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals 
mounted  to  the  king ;  then,  without  taking  any  vote,  he 
returned  to  his  place,  cast  his  eyes  on  the  president,  and  said, 
"  The  kiiig  cJwoses  to  he  obeyed,  and  obeyed  upon  the  spot." 
That  great  saying  fell  like  a  thunderbolt,  striking  down  the 
presidents  and  coimsellors  in  a  visible  manner.  They  all 
bowed  their  heads,  and  most  of  them  were  long  before  they 
raised  them.  The  rest  of  the  spectators,  except  the  mar- 
shals of  France,  seemed  little  affected  by  their  disconsolate 

After  an  interval  of  a  few  moments  succeeding  the  pro- 
nunciation upon  the  parliament,  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals 
Reduction  of  the     again  mouutcd  to  the  king,  and  returning  to 

bastards  to  their       i   •  i  •  •        i        -i       j^     j?  i   -i 

rank  in  the  ^^^  place   again  remained  silent  tor  a  while, 

peerage.  Then  all  present  perceived  that,  the  affair  of 

the  parliament  being  over,  still  another  was  to  come.  Each 
man,  in  suspense,  endeavoured  to  foresee  it  by  thought.  Some, 
warned  by  their  eyes  of  the  absence  of  the  bastards,  judged 
rightly  that  something  was  to  happen  concerning  them  ;  but 
no  one  guessed  what,  and  much  less  the  extent  of  it. 

At  last  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  opened  his  lips,  and,  with 
his  first  words,  he  announced  the  fall  of  one  brother  and  the 
preservation  of  the  other.  The  effect  of  this  on  all  faces  is 
not  to  be  expressed.  However  occupied  I  might  be  in  con- 
trolling mine,  I  did  not  lose  a  single  thing.  Astonishment 
prevailed  over  all  the  other  passions.  Many  seemed  glad, 
either  from  equity  or  from  hatred  to  the  Due  du  Maine  or 

220  MEMOIRS   or   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.     [ciiAr.  vii, 

affection  for  the  Comte  de  Toulouse ;  others  showed  con- 
steruation.  The  president  lost  all  countenance ;  his  face,  so 
consequential  and  audacious,  was  seized  with  a  convulsive 
twitching ;  the  excess  of  his  rage  alone  kept  him  from 
swooning.  This  was  much  worse  to  him  than  the  reading 
of  the  declaration  about  the  parhament.  Each  word  was 
legislative  and  carried  with  it  a  fall.  The  attention  was 
general,  holding  each  person  motionless  so  as  not  to  lose  a 
word ;  all  eyes  were  on  the  clerk  who  was  reading.  Towards 
the  middle  of  the  lecture,  the  president,  apparently  grinding 
his  remaining  teeth,  dropped  his  forehead  on  his  stick,  which 
he  held  by  both  hands,  and,  in  this  singular  and  very  marked 
posture,  he  listened  to  the  rest  of  the  reading,  so  crushing  to 
him,  so  resurrecting  to  us. 

I,  meantime,  was  fainting  with  joy.  I  even  feared  I  might 
give  way ;  my  heart,  dilated  to  excess,  could  find  no  space  to 
expand  in.  The  violence  that  I  did  to  myself  in  order  to  let 
nothmg  escape  me  was  great,  and  yet  this  torture  was  deli- 
cious. I  compared  the  years  of  our  servitude,  the  melan- 
choly days  when,  dragged  into  parliament  as  victims,  we  had 
many  a  time  swelled  the  triumph  of  the  bastards  ;  I  recalled 
the  divers  degrees  by  which  they  had  mounted  to  their  zenith 
on  our  heads ;  I  compared  these  things,  I  say,  with  this  day 
of  law  and  justice,  with  this  awful  fall  which  was  also  the 
lever  that  once  more  raised  us.  I  thanked  myself  that  it 
had  been  through  me  it  was  effected.  I  considered  the  radi- 
ant splendour  of  this  hour  in  presence  of  the  kmg  and  that 
august  assembly.  I  triumphed  ;  I  was  avenged ;  I  swam  in 
my  vengeance  ;  I  rejoiced  in  the  full  accomplishment  of  the 
most  vehement  and  continued  desire  of  my  whole  life.  I 
was  tempted  to  feel  that  I  would  never  care  for  anything 
again.  All  the  while,  however,  I  never  ceased  to  listen  to 
that  vivifying  reading,  —  every  word  of  which  resounded  on 

1118]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  221 

my  heart  like  the  bow  upon  an  instrument,  —  examining  at 
the  same  time  the  difierent  impressions  that  it  made  on  all 

At  the  first  word  which  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  said  of 
this  affair  the  eyes  of  the  two  bishop-peers  met  mine.  Never 
did  I  see  surprise  to  equal  theirs,  nor  a  transport  of  joy  so 
marked.  I  had  not  been  able  to  prepare  them,  on  account  of 
the  distance  between  our  seats,  and  they  seemed  unable  to 
check  the  emotion  that  seized  them  suddenly.  I  swallowed 
by  my  eyes  one  delicious  draught  of  their  joy,  and  then  I 
turned  away  my  head,  fearing  to  succumb  to  this  excess  of 
mine,  not  daring  to  look  at  them  again. 

That  reading  ended,  the  other  declaration,  in  favour  of  the 
Comte  de  Toulouse,  was  begun  immediately.  It  seemed  to 
complete  the  despair  of  the  president  and  the  friends  of  the 
Due  du  Maine  by  the  contrast  between  the  two  brothers. 
The  friends  of  the  Comte  de  Toulouse  rejoiced;  indifferent 
persons  were  very  glad  of  his  exception,  but  they  thought 
it  without  grounds,  and  without  legahty.  I  remarked  very 
divers  movements,  and  more  ease  in  speaking  to  one  another 
during  this  reading  ;  to  which,  nevertheless,  all  present  were 

The  Keeper  of  the  Seals  mounted  as  before  to  the  king 
and  then  took  the  votes,  beginning  with  the  princes  of  the 
, ,   ,.    .  blood,  after  which  he  came  to  the  Due  de  Sully 

I  decline  ma  '' 

marked  manner      and  to  mc.     Happily  I  had  a  better  memory 

to  vote 

than  he,  or  perhaps  than  he  chose  to  have  ;  be- 
sides, it  was  my  affair.  I  held  towards  him  my  hat  with  its 
bunch  of  plumes  in  front  in  a  very  marked  manner,  saying  in 
a  loud  tone :  "  No,  monsieur,  we  cannot  be  judges ;  we  are 
parties  to  this  affair,  and  we  can  only  render  thanks  to  the 
king  for  the  justice  he  is  kind  enough  to  do  us."  He  smiled 
and  made  me  an  excuse.     I  pushed  him  off  before  the  Due  de 

222  MEMOIRS  OP  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMOX.     [chap.  vir. 

Sully  had  time  to  open  his  mouth ;  and  looking  about  me 
I  saw  with  pleasure  that  every  one  had  noticed  this  refusal 
to  vote.  The  Keeper  of  the  Seals  now  turned  short  round 
upon  his  steps,  and  without  asking  the  votes  of  any  of  the 
peers,  or  of  the  two  bishop-peers,  he  went  to  the  marshals  of 
France ;  then  he  descended  to  the  president  and  judges,  and 
so  to  the  lower  seats  ;  after  which  he  remounted  to  the  king, 
returned  to  his  place,  pronounced  the  order  for  registration, 
and  so  put  the  final  crown  to  my  joy. 

Immediately  after  this  M.  le  Due  rose,  and  bowing  low  to 
the  king  he  forgot  to  sit  down  again  and  put  on  his  hat  to 
Speech  of  M.  le       spcak,  which  is  the  right  and  usage  of  the  peers 

Due  demanding  p  tt"  t       i  i.  e  xt 

the  education  of  ^^  Fiauce ;  accordmgly  not  one  of  us  rose.  He 
the  king.  therefore  dehvered  uncovered  and  standing  the 

speech  which  is  printed  at  the  end  of  the  other  proceedings ; 
he  read  it  rather  unintelligibly,  because  his  voice  was  not 
favourable.  As  soon  as  he  had  finished,  the  Due  d'Orleans 
rose,  and  committed  the  same  blunder.  He  said,  standing 
with  his  head  uncovered,  that  the  demand  of  M.  le  Due 
seemed  to  him  just ;  and  after  a  few  laudations  of  him,  added 
that  as  M.  du  Maine  was  now  reduced  to  his  place  in  the 
seniority  of  the  peerage,  M.  le  Mar^chal  de  Yilleroy  could 
no  longer  remain  under  him,  which  was  a  new  and  strong 
reason,  besides  those  that  M.  le  Due  had  adduced.  This 
demand  had  brought  the  amazement  of  the  assembly  to  the 
highest  pitch,  and  the  president  and  the  few  persons  who  by 
their  disconcerted  looks  seemed  interested  in  the  Due  du 
Maine,  to  despair.  The  Mar^chal  de  Yilleroy,  without  mov- 
ing a  muscle,  looked  furious,  and  the  eyes  of  M.  le  Grand 
filled  with  tears.  I  could  not  well  distinfruish  the  beha\'iour 
of  his  cousin  and  intimate  friend,  the  Mar^chal  d'Huxelles. 
who  sheltered  himself  under  the  huge  brim  of  his  hat  pulled 
down  over  his  eyes,  but  the  hat  never  quivered.     The  presi- 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  223 

dent,  crushed  by  this  last  thunderbolt,  lost  countenance  al- 
together, and  I  thought  for  a  moment  that  his  chin  would 
drop  down  upon  his  knees. 

Presently,  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  having  told  the  king's 
law  officers  to  speak,  they  answered  that  they  had  not  heard 
He  obtains  his  ^hc  proposal  of  M.  Ic  Duc  ;  whereupon,  the 
demand.  paper  was  passed  down  to  them  from  hand  to 

hand,  during  which  time  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  repeated  in 
loud  tones  what  the  regent  had  added  about  the  seniority  of 
rank  in  the  peerage  of  the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy  over  the 
Duc  du  Maine.  The  avocat-general  merely  cast  his  eyes 
upon  the  paper  of  M.  le  Duc,  and  made  his  speech ;  after 
which  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  went  to  take  the  votes.  I 
gave  mine  quite  loud,  saying,  "  For  this  affair,  monsieur,  I 
vote  very  willingly  to  give  the  superintendence  of  the  king's 
education  to  M.  le  Duc." 

The  result  announced,  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals  called 
upon  the  clerk  of  the  parliament  to  bring  his  papers  and 
Registration  of  liis  little  dcsk  closc  to  his  own,  and  make  im- 
by  the  "Tit  dT  mediately,  in  presence  of  the  king,  all  the 
justice."  registrations  of  what  had  now  been  read  and 

decreed,  and  to  sign  and  seal  them.  This  was  done  without 
any  difficulty,  under  the  eyes  of  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals, 
who  never  lifted  them  from  the  process  ;  but  as  there  were 
five  or  six  decrees  to  enregister,  it  took  a  long  time  to  do  so. 

I  had  closely  observed  the  king  when  the  question  of  his 

education  came  up,  and  I  did  not  remark  m  him  any  sort  of 

The  king's  be-  cmotiou,  or  chaugc,  uot  even  constraint.  It 
haviour ;  his         ^^,^j.,  ^|^g  ^^^^  ^^^  q£  ^j^g  spcctaclc,  and  he  was 

indifference  about  ■*• 

M.  du  Maine.  gtiU  quite  frcsh  while  the  registrations  were 
being  written.  During  that  time,  as  there  were  no  more 
speeches  to  occupy  his  attention,  he  began  to  laugh  with 
those  who  were  nearest  to  him,  and  to  amuse  himself  with 

224  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG  DE   SAES^T-SIMON.     [chap.  vii. 

what  he  saw,  even  to  remarking  that  the  Due  de  Louvigny, 
though  at  quite  a  distance  from  the  throne,  wore  a  velvet 
coat,  and  he  joked  about  the  heat  he  must  be  in ;  but  all  this 
gracefully.  This  indifference  to  M.  du  Maine  struck  every 
one,  and  publicly  contradicted  what  the  partisans  of  the  lat- 
ter endeavoured  to  spread  about ;  namely,  that  the  king's  eyes 
had  reddened,  though  neither  at  the  lit  de  justice  nor  after- 
wards had  he  dared  to  show  his  feelings.  The  truth  was, 
his  eyes  were  dry  and  serene,  and  he  never  uttered  the  name 
of  the  Due  du  Maine  but  once  afterwards,  and  that  was  on 
the  evening  of  the  same  day,  when  he  asked  where  he  was 
going,  with  a  very  indifferent  air,  without  saying  more  either 
then,  or  later,  or  even  naming  his  children.  The  latter  had 
seldom  taken  the  trouble  to  go  and  see  the  king ;  and  when 
they  did  go  it  was  only  to  hold  their  own  little  court  apart 
in  his  presence  and  amuse  themselves  together. 

While  the  registration  was  going  on,  I  turned  my  eyes 
gently  on  all  sides  of  me,  and  though  I  steadily  controlled 
them,  I  could  not  resist  the  temptation  to  compensate  myself 
for  the  past  on  the  president ;  I  crushed  him  with  a  hundred 
glances  prolonged  and  vehement.  Insult,  contempt,  disdain, 
triumph,  darted  from  my  eyes  to  the  marrow  of  his  bones ; 
often  he  lowered  his  own  glance  when  he  caught  mine  ;  once 
or  twice  he  fixed  his  eyes  upon  me,  and  I  gratified  myself 
by  spurning  him  with  stealthy  but  vindictive  smiles,  which 
utterly  confounded  him.  I  bathed  myself  in  his  rage,  I  took 
delight  in  making  him  feel  it ;  I  joked  about  him  sometimes 
with  my  two  neighbours,  making  them,  with  a  wink,  look  at 
him  when  I  knew  that  he  would  see  it ;  in  a  word,  I  gave 
myself  free  rein  upon  him  as  much  as  I  possibly  could. 

The  registrations  being  at  last  completed,  the  king  de- 
scended from  the  throne  to  the  lower  seats  by  his  little  steps, 
and  passed  behind  the  chair  of  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals, 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  225 

followed  by  the  regent,  the  two  princes  of  the  blood,  and  the 
necessary  seigneurs  of  his  suite.  At  the  same  moment  the 
The  "  lit  de  marshals  of  France  descended  by  the  end  steps 

justice  •■  ends.  from  their  raised  seats,  and  while  the  king 
crossed  the  parquet  accompanied  by  the  deputation  which 
had  received  him,  they  passed  between  the  benches  of  the 
counsellors,  directly  opposite  to  us,  and  put  themselves  in 
the  suite  of  the  king  at  the  door  of  the  hall,  by  which  the 
king  went  out  as  he  had  come.  At  the  same  time  the  two 
bishop-peers,  passing  before  the  throne,  came  to  put  them- 
selves at  our  head,  in  front  of  me,  all  of  us  keenly  re- 
joicing. We  followed  them,  two  and  two,  along  our  benches, 
in  order  of  precedence,  descending  the  three  steps  at  the  end 
and  continuing  straight  to  the  door  in  front  of  us,  through 
which  we  issued.  The  parhament  then  began  its  march,  and 
issued  by  the  other  door,  which  was  the  one  through  which 
we  had  entered,  and  by  which  the  king  had  entered  and 
issued.  Way  was  made  for  us  to  the  steps.  The  crowd, 
the  company,  the  spectacle  restrained  our  talk  and  our  joy. 
I  was  choking  with  it.  I  entered  my  carriage  at  once,  for  it 
was  there  at  hand,  and  it  got  me  very  easily  out  of  the  court- 
yard, so  that  I  had  no  detention,  and  from  the  session  to  my 
own  house  took  me  less  than  a  quarter  of  an  hour. 

VOL.  IV.  —  V) 


Enteking  my  own  house  about  half-past  two  o'clock,  I 
found  at  the  foot  of  the  staircase  Humi^res,  Louville,  and 
The  regent  forces  ^^  "^7  family,  mcludiug  my  mother,  curiosity 
me  to  tell  the        haviug  dragged  her  from  her  room,  which  she 

Duchesse  d'Or- 

leans  of  the  fall  of  had  uot  left  siucc  the  beginning  of  the  winter. 
We  remained  down  stairs  in  my  apartment, 
where,  while  changing  my  suit  and  shirt,  I  was  answering 
their  eager  questions,  when  M.  de  Biron  was  announced, 
he  having  forced  an  entrance,  which  I  had  forbidden  in 
order  to  rest  a  little  in  freedom.  Biron  put  his  head  mto 
my  cabinet  and  begged  to  be  allowed  to  say  a  word  to  me. 
I  went,  half-dressed,  into  my  chamber  with  him.  He  told 
me  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  had  expected  me  to  go  straight  to 
the  Palais-Eoyal  from  the  Tuileries,  as  I  had  promised  him. 
I  asked  Biron  if  he  knew  what  the  regent  wanted  me  for. 
He  replied  it  was  to  go  to  Saint-Cloud  and  inform  the 
Duchesse  d'Orldans  from  him  of  what  had  taken  place. 
This  was  to  me  a  thunderbolt.  Biron  agreed  with  me  as 
to  the  painfulness  of  such  an  errand,  but  exhorted  me  to 
go  at  once  to  the  Palais-Eoyal,  where  I  was  impatiently 
awaited.  I  returned  to  my  cabinet  so  changed  that  Mme. 
de  Saint-Simon  cried  out,  supposing  that  some  alarming 
thing  had  happened.  I  told  them  what  I  had  just  heard, 
and  after  Biron  had  talked  with  them  a  moment  and  ex- 
horted me  to  lose  no  time  in  obeying,  he  went  off  to  dinner. 
Ours  was  just  served.  I  waited  a  while  to  recover  from 
my  first  agitation,  then  I  concluded  not  to  annoy  the  Due 


d'Orleans  by  my  slowness  if  he  was  absolutely  deter- 
mined on  this  matter,  at  the  same  time  to  do  my  best  to 
avoid  an  errand  so  hard  and  painful.  I  therefore  swallowed 
some  soup  and  an  egg,  and  went  off  to  the  Palais-Royal. 

There  the  Due  d'Orleans  told  me  he  knew  the  pain  it 
would  be  to  me  to  announce  to  the  Duchesse  d'Orleans  an 
event  so  distressing  to  her  in  her  way  of  thinking,  but  he 
must  own  that  he  could  not  write  it  to  her ;  they  were 
not  on  terms  of  tenderness  ;  that  she  would  keep  and  show 
his  letter;  that  I  had  always  been  the  make-peace  between 
them,  and  this,  joined  to  my  friendship  for  each  of  them, 
made  him  beg  me,  for  love  of  both,  to  undertake  this  com- 
mission. I  answered,  after  the  proper  compliments  and 
respects,  that  of  all  men  in  the  world  I  was  the  one  least 
suitable  for  this  errand ;  that  I  was  known  to  be  extremely 
sensitive  about  the  rights  of  my  rank ;  that  the  rank  of 
the  bastards  had  always  been  intolerable  to  me ;  that  I 
had  never  ceased  to  ardently  desire  what  had  now  hap- 
pened ;  that  I  had  said  so  a  hundred  times  to  the  Duchesse 
d'Orleans  and  once  to  the  Due  du  Maine ;  and  for  me  to 
go  and  announce  to  her  this  new^s,  which  put  me  at  the 
summit  of  joy,  was  not  only  a  want  of  respect  but  would 
be  insulting  to  her,  to  whom  it  would  cause  the  deepest 
grief.  "  You  are  wrong,"  replied  the  Due  d'Orleans  ;  "  that 
is  not  reasoning.  It  is  just  because  you  have  always 
spoken  so  frankly  about  the  bastards  to  Mme.  d'Orlt^ans, 
and  have  always  behaved  head  up  in  this  matter,  that  I 
ask  you  to  go.  Don't  refuse  me  this  mark  of  friendship ; 
I  know  perfectly  well  how  distasteful  the  errand  is  ;  but 
in  such  an  important  matter  you  ought  not  to  refuse  a 
friend."  I  protested,  I  contested ;  great  verbiage  on  both 
sides,  —  in  short,  no  way  of  getting  out  of  it ;  in  vain  I 
said  it  would  embroil  me  with  her  forever,  that  the  world 

228  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vin. 

would  think  it  very  strange  I  took  such  an  embassy ;  no 
ears  for  all  that,  but  such  redoubled  eagerness  that  I  had 
to  yield. 

When  I  reached  Saint-Cloud  they  told  me  the  Duchesse 
d'Orlf^ans  was  at  vespers.  I  waited  in  the  apartment  of 
I  break  the  news  ^^^®  Mar^chalc  de  Eochefort,  which  opens  on 
to  the  Duchesse     the  vestibulc  to  the  chapel.     A  moment  later 


they  came  to  tell  me  that  the  Duchesse 
d'Orleans,  hearing  of  my  arrival,  had  returned  to  her  apart- 
ment; and  presently  the  Mar^chale  de  Eochefort  arrived, 
limping  along  on  her  stick,  and  sent  by  the  Duchesse 
d'Orleans  to  bring  me  to  her.  On  entering  the  bedroom 
the  marechale  left  me.  I  was  told  that  her  Eoyal  High- 
ness was  in  the  marble  salon  that  adjoins  it,  though  lower 
by  three  steps.  I  turned  and  saw  her,  and  then  bowed 
with  an  air  that  was  wholly  different  from  my  usual  man- 
ner. At  first  she  did  not  perceive  the  change,  and  called 
to  me  to  come  down  to  her,  in  a  gay  and  natural  manner ; 
then,  observing  that  I  stopped  at  the  foot  of  the  steps,  she 
cried  out,  "  Good  God,  monsieur !  how  you  look !  What 
news  do  you  bring  me  ? "  Seeing  that  I  did  not  move  or 
answer,  she  asked  again.  I  slowly  made  a  few  steps  for- 
ward, and  then,  after  her  third  question,  I  said,  "  Madame, 
have  you  heard  nothing  ? "  "  ISTo,  monsieur ;  I  only  know 
there  has  been  a  lit  de  justice,  but  nothing  of  what  hap- 
pened there."  "  All !  madame,"  I  said,  "  then  I  am  more 
unfortunate  than  I  thought."  "  What  is  it,  monsieur  ? " 
she  asked ;  "  tell  me  quickly  what  has  happened."  So  say- 
ing, she  sat  up  on  the  sofa  on  which  she  had  been  lying. 
"  Come  here ;  sit  down,"  she  added.  I  approached  and  told 
her  I  was  in  despair.  She,  more  and  more  agitated,  said, 
"  Speak,  speak !  it  is  better  to  hear  bad  news  from  friends 
than   from   others."      Those   words   wrung    my   heart   and 


made  me  feel  the  pain  I  was  going  to  give.  I  went  up  to 
her  and  told  her  that  the  regent  had  reduced  M.  le  Due 
du  Maine  to  his  rank  of  seniority  in  the  peerage,  reinstat- 
ing the  Comte  de  Toulouse  in  all  the  honours  he  enjoyed. 
Here  I  paused  for  a  moment ;  then  I  added  that  he  had  given 
the  superintendence  of  the  king's  education  to  M.  le  Due. 

Her  tears  began  to  tiow  in  abundance.  She  did  not 
answer,  did  not  cry  out,  but  wept  bitterly.  She  pointed 
to  a  seat,  and  I  sat  down,  —  my  eyes  fixed  on  the  ground 
for  some  time.  Then  I  told  her  that  M.  le  Due  d'Orl^ans, 
who  had  forced  upon  me  rather  than  given  me  so  sad  an 
errand,  had  expressly  ordered  me  to  say  to  her  that  he  had 
very  strong  proofs  in  hand  against  M.  du  Maine ;  that  his 
consideration  for  her  had  long  withheld  him,  but  that  now 
it  had  been  impossible  to  delay  any  longer.  She  repHed 
gently  that  her  brother  was  very  unfortunate ;  and  soon 
after  she  asked  me  if  I  knew  his  crime,  and  of  what  nature 
it  was.  I  told  her  that  the  regent  had  never  spoken  of  it 
to  me,  and  that  I  had  not  ventured  to  question  him,  seeing 
that  he  said  no  more.  A  moment  later  I  expressed  my  own 
grief  in  knowing  hers,  the  repugnance  I  felt  at  this  painful 
errand,  and  the  resistance  I  had  made  to  it ;  to  all  of  which 
she  rephed  by  signs  and  a  few  kind  words  broken  by  sobs. 
She  asked  me  if  I  knew  what  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  wished 
her  to  do  about  her  brothers ;  adding  that  she  Would  not 
see  them  if  he  did  not  wish  it.  I  replied  that  the  fact  of 
his  giving  me  no  orders  on  that  point  was  a  proof  he  would 
think  well  of  her  seeing  them ;  that  as  for  the  Comte  de 
Toulouse  there  could  be  no  difficulty ;  and  for  the  Due  du 
Maine  I  saw  none  either,  and  would  answer  for  it  if  need 
were.  She  spoke  of  the  latter,  saying  that  he  must  have 
been  very  criminal  ;  that  she  was  reduced  to  wish  he 
were.     Here  a  fresh  flow  of  tears  interrupted  her  words. 

230  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [ciiap.viil 

I  sat  still  on  my  chair  for  a  time,  not  venturing  to  raise 
my  eyes,  in  a  most  painful  uncertainty  as  to  whether  I 
ought  to  go  or  stay.  At  last  I  told  her  of  my  embar- 
rassment, saying  that  I  thought  perhaps  she  might  like  to 
be  alone  for  a  while  before  giving  me  her  orders.  After  a 
short  silence  she  said  she  wished  for  her  women.  I  rose 
and  sent  them  to  her,  telling  them  where  to  find  me  if  her 
Eoyal  Highness  desired  to  see  me  again.  After  a  time  the 
Mar^chale  de  Kochefort  came  to  say  that  she  wished  to 
speak  to  me.  I  found  her  on  the  same  sofa  where  I  had 
left  her,  a  writing-desk  on  her  knees  and  a  pen  in  her  hand. 
As  soon  as  she  saw  me  she  said  she  was  going  to  Mont- 
martre,  and  was  writing  to  the  Due  d'Orlt^ans  to  ask  his 
permission ;  and  she  read  me  her  letter,  which 

She  dictates  to 

me  a  singularly  was  bcguu  by  six  Or  scvcu  luics  iu  a  large 
handwriting  on  a  small  sheet  of  paper ;  then, 
looking  at  me  with  an  air  of  gentleness  and  friendship,  she 
said :  "  The  tears  blind  me ;  I  have  sent  for  you  to  do  me 
a  kindness ;  my  hand  shakes  ;  wiU  you  write  it  for  me  ? " 
so  saying  she  held  out  the  writing-case  with  the  paper  upon 
it.  I  took  it,  and  she  dictated  the  rest.  I  was  struck  with 
the  greatest  astonishment  at  a  letter  so  concise,  so  expres- 
sive, with  sentiments  so  becoming,  in  words  so  well  chosen ; 
and  all  in  an  order  and  precision  that  the  most  tranquil 
reflection  could  scarcely  have  produced  in  the  best  of  writers, 
and  issuing  spontaneously  amid  violent  distress,  sudden 
agitation,  the  tumult  of  many  passions  broken  by  sobs  and 
torrents  of  tears.  I  shall  always  regret  that  I  could  not 
copy  it.  It  was  so  dignified,  so  just,  so  restrained,  that  it 
was  equally  loyal  to  truth  and  to  duty,  —  a  letter  so  per- 
fectly beautiful  that,  although  I  remember  in  the  main 
what  was  in  it,  I  dare  not  write  it  down  for  fear  of  degrad- 
ing it.     A\Tiat  a  sad  pity  that  so  much  sense,  intelligence, 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  231 

right-mindedness  in  a  spirit  so  capable  of  controlling  itself 
in  moments  usually  uncontrollable,  should  be  spent  on  this 
mania  of  bastardy,  which  ruined  and  devastated  everything. 
The  letter  written,  I  read  it  to  her.  She  would  not  close 
it,  and  asked  me  to  give  it  back  to  her. 

The  Due  du  Maine  and  the  Comte  de  Toulouse,  on  leav- 
ing  the  Council  chamber,  went  down  to  the  apartment  of 
the   Due   du  Maine,  where   they  shut   them- 

Conductofthe  _  '' 

Comte  de  Tou-  sclvcs  up  with  their  most  confidential  friends. 
They  chose  them  well,  for  no  one  ever  knew 
what  passed.  The  Comte  de  Toulouse  did  not  leave  to  go 
to  his  own  house  till  five  o'clock,  when  he  seemed  inclined 
to  follow  the  fortunes  of  his  brother ;  but  d'O,  who  had 
retained  over  his  mind,  as  he  had  over  his  household,  the 
sort  of  control  of  a  former  governor,  dissuaded  him,  —  not 
that  d'O  was  unfriendly  to  the  Due  du  Maine,  but  he 
was  more  attached  to  his  own  interests,  and  those  were 
certainly  not  to  allow  his  master  to  annihilate  himself 
by  going  into  exile  in  the  country.  We  heard  afterwards 
that  the  frankness  with  which  the  Chevalier  d'Hautefort, 
his  equerry,  and  lieutenant-general  of  the  navy,  spoke  to 
him,  determined  the  Comte  de  Toulouse  to  take  the  wiser 
course.  He  thought  of  himself  alone  at  Eambouillet,  out 
of  all  condition  or  power  to  undertake  anything ;  in  danger 
of  a  degradation  like  that  of  his  brother  for  refusing  to 
accept  the  declaration  in  his  favour;  dependent  on  the 
fortunes  and  caprices  of  a  crazy  woman  whom  he  abhorred 
and  a  brother  whom  he  neither  loved  nor  respected.  The 
consequences  made  him  tremble,  and  he  determined  to 
keep  his  rank  and  his  present  position.  The  next  day 
but  one,  Sunday,  he  held  the  council  of  the  navy  as  usual 
and  came  in  the  afternoon  to  the  Council  of  Eegency 
with  a   cold,  reserved,  and  serious  manner.     Some   persons 

232  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vm. 

were  surprised  and  sorry  to  see  him  there.  Few  approached 
him,  and  shortly  after  his  arrival  we  took  our  places.  As 
soon  as  I  was  seated  I  whispered  to  him  that  I  should  only> 
venture  to  say  one  word,  which  I  could  not  help  saying 
namely:  that  this  was  the  first  time  I  had  ever  seated 
myself  below  him  with  pleasure.  His  thanks  were  of  his 
nature,  cold.  I  did  not  speak  to  him  again  during  this 
Council.  His  coldness  lasted  some  time.  I  think  he 
thought  it  was  decorous,  and  I  did  not  try  to  warm  him ; 
but  little  by  Uttle  we  returned  to  our  old  relations ;  and  I 
heard  afterwards  from  the  Duchesse  Sforza  that  he  blamed 
the  Duchesse  d'Orleans  very  much  for  her  hard  feelings 
towards  me  and  for  refusing  to  see  me ;  and  had  even  made 
her  cry  about  it  more  than  once. 

The  parliament  returned  from   the  lit  de  justice  on  foot, 

with  very  little  satisfaction  from  the  people  in  the  streets, 

none   of   whom  followed   them,   or  from   the 

Clandestine  use 

of  secret  registers  sliops,  from  whicli  tlicy  heard  remarks  very 
y  par  lamen  .  different  f rom  those  they  expected.  Wlien 
they  reached  their  own  Chamber  they  breathed  freer  from 
the  fear  and  shame  they  had  endured,  and  tried  to  avenge 
themselves,  clandestinely,  by  causing  to  be  entered  on  a  fly- 
sheet  of  a  secret  register  that  they  had  not  been  able  or 
permitted  to  vote  at  the  lit  de  justice,  and  they  therefore 
protested  against  all  that  was  done  there. 

Thus  ended  this  great  affair,  so  important  to  the  peace  of 
the  State,  by  consolidating  the  royal  authority  in  the  hands  of 
the  regent,  and  preventing  a  division  of  it  which  would  soon 
have  left  him  a  vain  and  empty  show  of  power ;  a  compli- 
cated affair,  the  success  of  wliich  was  due  equally  to  dihgence 
and  to  secrecy,  to  want  of  preparation  in  the  cabal  already 
formed,  and  to  the  weakness  of  its  priacipal  leaders.  The 
honour  that  this  action  won  for  the  regent  in  foreign  nations 


is  inconceivable.  They  began  to  recover  from  the  fear  of 
not  being  able  to  treat  securely  with  a  prince  who  allowed 
his  power  to  be  wrested  from  him  by  legists;  this  is  how 
the  King  of  Sicily  expressed  himself  freely  in  so  many 
words  at  Turin ;  and  the  other  powers  made  it  as  distinctly 

The  day  after  the  lit  de  justice  M.  le  Due  assumed  pos- 
session of  the  education  of  the  king  and  began  his  functions. 
M.  le  Due  takes  Hc  cstabhshcd  himself  a  few  days  later  in  the 
education  o/the  apartment  occupied  by  the  Due  du  Maine  at 
J^g-  the   Tuileries.     On   the   afternoon  of  the  day 

of  the  lit  de  justice  Mardchal  de  Villeroy,  accompanied  by 
M.  de  Frdjus  and  the  rest  of  the  education,  went  ostenta- 
tiously, though  inwardly  raging,  to  the  hotel  de  Condd, 
where  the  supple  respects  on  one  side,  and  the  false  compli- 
ments on  the  other  made  quite  a  spectacle.  The  next  day 
the  king  went  to  drive  in  the  Cours,  and  M.  le  Due  accom- 
panied him  in  place  of  the  Due  du  Maine,  thus  making 
pubHc  his  function. 

It  is  well  known  that  Mme.  de  L^vi  had  a  great  deal  to 

do  with  making  M.  de  Frdjus  the  king's  preceptor.     She 

,   .  was  a  woman  of  much  mind,  Hvely  to  excess. 

My  relations  '  -^  ' 

with  Fieury,  always  ardcut,  seeing  persons  and  things  only 

Bishop  of  Frejus.        i  i  .  i  t       t  -« «- 

through  passion ;  she  was  possessed  about  M. 
de  Frejus  to  folly,  if  the  truth  be  told,  but  also  in  all 
propriety  and  honour ;  for  this  woman,  with  her  transports 
of  affection  and  the  reverse,  was  deeply  imbued  with  virtue, 
honour,  rehgion,  and  decorum.  She  was  the  daughter  of 
the  Due  de  Chevreuse  and  therefore  intimately  my  friend, 
and  always  in  the  closest  union  with  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon. 
Talking  with  us  one  evening,  she  began  upon  the  subject 
of  M.  de  Frdjus  and  blamed  me  for  not  liking  him.  I 
showed  my  surprise,  for  I  really  had  no  reason  to  like  or 

234  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  viii. 

dislike  him.  That  did  not  satisfy  her,  and  she  returned 
to  the  charge  again  and  again.  I  concluded  therefore  that 
this  was  done  by  agreement  with  M.  de  Fr<5jus,  who,  look- 
ing afar,  desired  to  smooth  his  way.  I  always  answered 
civilly  about  him,  for  I  had  no  reason  to  do  otherwise ;  so 
that  finally  he  addressed  me  one  day  in  the  king's  cabinet, 
and  soon  after  came  to  my  house  and  asked  himself  to 
dinner.  After  that  he  came  quite  often,  frequently  to 
dinner,  and  I  used  sometimes  to  go  and  see  him  in  the 
evenings.  He  was  always  a  good  talker  and  good  company, 
and  had  passed  his  life  in  choice  society.  Many  subjects 
therefore  came  up  in  our  conversations. 

One  evening  when  I  was  with  him,  soon  after  he  began 

his  functions  as  preceptor,  they  brought  him  a  package.     As 

it  was  late,  and  he  was  hi  his  dressing-gown 

an  easy,  novel,       and  uight-cap  at  the  corner  of  his  tire,  I  made 

agreeable,  and       ^^  ^£  ^^        away  and  Ict  hiiu  opcu  his  packet. 

useful  form  of  in-  o  »/  i  jr 

structionfor  He  prevented  me,  and  said  it  was  only  some 

themes  of  the  king  which  he  made  the  Jesuits 
correct,  and  they  had  sent  them  back.  He  had  good  reason 
to  use  this  help,  for  he  himself  knew  nothing  but  the  great 
world,  Tuellc,  and  gallantry.  Apropos  of  the  king's  themes 
I  asked  him,  as  if  not  approving  it,  whether  he  intended 
to  put  much  Latin  into  his  head.  He  said  no,  only  enough 
to  keep  him  from  being  entirely  ignorant  of  it ;  and  we  soon 
agreed  that  history,  especially  that  of  France,  general  and 
special,  was  what  he  ought  to  study  most.  Thereupon  a 
thought  came  into  my  head,  wliich  I  imparted  to  him  at 
once,  of  a  means  whereby  to  teach  the  king  a  thousand  very 
instructive  and  special  things  that  would  be  useful  to  him 
all  his  life,  and  yet  amusing,  things  which  he  could  scarcely 
learn  in  any  other  way.  I  told  him  that  Gaigniferes,  a 
learned  and  judicious  virtuoso,  had  spent  his  life  in  all  sorts 


of  historical  researches,  and  had,  with  much  trouble  and 
expensive  journeys,  collected  a  great  number  of  portraits  of 
men  and  women  of  all  kinds  who  had  figured  in  France, 
especially  at  Court,  in  pubhc  affairs,  and  in  the  army,  from 
the  time  of  Louis  XI. ;  and  m  the  same  way,  but  in  less 
quantity,  those  of  foreign  nations.  I  said  I  had  often  seen 
these  portraits,  though  only  in  part,  because  he  had  no  room 
to  hang  them,  although  he  had  lived  in  a  vast  house,  opposite 
the  Incurables ;  and  that  Gaigniferes  before  his  death  had 
given  this  vast  accumulation  to  the  king.-^ 

Now  the  cabinet  of  the  king  at  the  Tuileries  had  a  door 
which  opened  into  a  very  long  and  handsome  gallery  which 
was  entirely  bare.  This  door  had  been  walled  up ;  and  a  few 
plank  partitions  had  been  put  in  the  gallery  to  accommodate 
the  valets  of  the  Marechal  de  Villeroy ;  and  I  proposed  to 
M.  de  Frdjus  to  hire  rooms  for  the  latter  elsewhere,  open 
the  door  of  communication  with  the  king,  cover  the  walls 
with  Gaigniferes'  portraits  (which  were  probably  rotting  in 
some  storage  room),  and  tell  the  preceptors  of  the  little  boys 
who  came  to  pay  their  court  to  the  king  to  teach  their  pupils 
to  know  these  personages  from  histories  and  memoirs,  so  that 
they  could  talk  about  them  while  following  the  king  in  this 
gallery,  while  he,  M.  de  Frdjus,  could  tell  the  king  about 
them  fundamentally ;  in  this  way  the  king  would  get  a 
sketch  of  consecutive  history  into  his  mind,  and  a  thousand 
anecdotes  very  useful  to  a  king  which  he  could  not  obtain 
elsewhere.  I  said  he  would  be  struck  in  the  first  place  with 
the  singularity  of  the  figures  and  clothes,  and  this  would 
help  him  to  remember  the  facts  and  dates  of  these  personages ; 
that  neither   Christianity  nor  policy    forbade    his    knowing 

1  The  Bibliotheque  Nationale  still  possesses  a  part  of  the  portraits  and 
manuscripts  collected  by  Gaignicres.  Much  curious  information  can  be 
found  there  on  the  ancient  institutions  of  France.  (Note  by  the  French 

236  MEMOIRS  OP  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  tiil 

about  the  birth,  fortunes,  actions,  and  behaviour  of  persons 
dead  themselves  and  all  who  belonged  to  them ;  and  in  that 
way,  little  by  little,  the  king  would  learn  what  were  good 
services  and  ill  services,  how  fortunes  are  made  and  ruined, 
the  rascalities,  the  scoundrehsms,  the  arts  and  shifts  by 
which  persons  gain  their  ends,  deceive,  govern,  and  muzzle 
kings,  set  up  cabals  and  minions,  thrust  out  merit,  mind, 
capacity,  virtue,  —  in  a  word,  the  manoeuvres  of  Courts,  of 
which  the  lives  of  these  personages  furnished  examples  of 
all  kinds.  I  advised  him  to  bring  this  amusement  down 
to  the  time  of  Henri  IV. ;  for  it  would  put  historically  into 
the  head  of  the  king  most  important  things  without  his 
perceiving  the  instruction,  which  would  remain,  perhaps  to 
the  end  of  his  life,  one  of  the  most  useful  he  ever  received ; 
for  the  portraits  would  always  remind  him  of  it  and  give 
him  great  facihty  for  more  serious  and  connected  study ; 
and  all  this  while  running  about  and  amusing  himself.  M. 
de  Fr^jus  expressed  himself  as  charmed  with  the  idea  and 
extremely  glad  of  it.  But  he  did  nothing,  and  henceforth 
I  saw  what  would  come  of  the  education  of  the  king,  and 
said  no  more  to  M.  de  Frdjus  of  either  the  portraits  or  the 
gallery,  where  the  valets  of  Mardchal  de  Villeroy  were  left 
in  peace. 

Cellamare,  the  Spanish  ambassador,  a  man  of  much  sense 
and  ability,  had  busied  himself  for  a  long  time  in  secretly 
ceiiamare's  plot  Stirring  up  strifcs.  His  object  was  nothing 
against  the  jgss  than  to  bring  the  whole  kingdom  to  rebel 

regent.  ^  ® 

against  the  government  of  the  Due  d'Orldans, 
and,  without  seeing  clearly  what  could  be  done  with  the 
regent,  to  put  the  King  of  Spain  at  the  head  of  affairs  in 
France,  with  a  Council  and  ministers  appointed  by  him,  and 
a  lieutenant  under  him,  who  should  be  in  fact  regent,  and 
was  no  other  than  the  Due  du  Maine.     These  plotters  reck- 


oned  on  the  parKaments  of  Paris  and  the  provinces,  on  the 
leaders  and  promoters  of  the  Unigenitus,  on  the  whole  of 
Bretagne,  on  the  late  king's  Court,  so  accustomed  to  the  rule 
of  the  bastards  and  Mme.  de  Maintenon;  and  they  had 
never,  for  a  long  time,  ceased  to  attach  whomsoever  they 
could  to  Spain  by  all  sorts  of  promises  and  hopes.  They 
were  discovered  just  as  they  were  taking  their  very  last 
measures ;  but  the  regent  and  the  State  were  strangely 
betrayed,  and  the  former  showed  an  almost  incredible 

Things  having  reached  this  point  on  the  part  of  Spain  and 
of  those  who  were  conspiring  with  it  for  their  own  hopes  or 
„.   J         ^         vengeance,  it  became  necessary  to   reveal  in 

His  despatches  °  "^ 

captured  at  Madrid  the  exact  state  of  things  in  France, 

and  all  the  names  of  those  concerned.  Cella- 
mare,  too  wary  to  confide  to  any  of  his  own  people  a  despatch 
of  such  consequence,  wished  the  messenger  to  be  chosen  in 
Madrid,  saymg  that  he  must  be  somewhat  above  a  courier, 
but  not  of  such  quahty  as  to  excite  suspicion.  Accordingly 
they  chose  in  Madrid  a  young  ecclesiastic,  who  called  him- 
self, or  others  called  him,  the  Abb^  Portocarrero,  and  they 
gave  him  as  an  assistant  the  son  of  Monteleone.  Nothing 
could  be  better  planned  than  for  two  young  men  to  meet 
casually  in  Paris,  one  arriving  from  Madrid,  the  other  from 
the  Hague,  and  to  subsequently  join  each  other  to  return  to 
Madrid.  AMiether  it  was  that  the  arrival  of  the  abb^  and 
his  short  stay  before  returning  to  Madrid  excited  the  sus- 
picions of  the  Abb^  Dubois  and  his  emissaries,  or  whether 
Dubois  had  con-upted  some  official  of  the  Spanish  embassy  by 
whom  he  was  warned  that  these  young  men  were  carrying  an 
important  package,  or  whether  there  was  some  other  mystery, 
I  cannot  say.  However  that  may  be,  the  Abbd  Dubois  sent 
in  pursuit   of  them ;  they  were  arrested  at  Poitiers,  their 

238  MEMOIRS  or  the  dug  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [cii.vr.  viii. 

papers  taken  from   them   and   brought   to   Dubois   by  the 
courier  despatched  to  convey  the  news. 

Chance  does  great  thmgs  sometimes.  The  courier  from 
Poitiers  reached  the  Abbd  Dubois  just  as  the  Due  d'Orl^ans 
was  going  to  the  Opera.  Dubois  looked  over  the  papers  and 
told  the  news  of  the  capture  to  the  regent  as  he  came  from 
his  box.  The  prince,  who  always  went  at  that  hour  to  his 
roues,  did  so  as  usual,  under  pretext  that  the  Abbd  Dubois  had 
not  had  time  to  examine  the  papers,  with  a  careless  indiffer- 
ence to  which  everything  succumbed.  The  first  hours  of  his 
morning  were  never  clear;  his  head,  bewildered  still  with 
the  fumes  of  wine  and  the  digestion  of  the  \dands  at  his 
supper,  was  not  in  a  state  to  understand ;  but  this  was  the 
time  chosen  by  Dubois  to  give  liim  such  an  account  of  the 
papers  seized  at  Poitiers  as  he  thought  proper.  He  said  and 
showed  only  what  he  chose,  and  never  let  any  one  of  the 
documents  go  into  the  hands  of  the  regent,  much  less  into 
those  of  others.  The  bhnd  confidence  and  careless  neo-h- 
gence  of  the  prince  on  this  occasion  are  incomprehensible ; 
and  what  is  still  more  so,  the  same  conduct  reimed  throu'^-h- 
out  the  whole  of  this  affair  in  all  its  phases,  and  thus  ren- 
dered the  Abbd  Dubois  sole  master  of  proofs,  suspicions, 
convictions,  absolutions,  and  punishments. 

But  whether  it  was  that  the  regent  knew  more  than  he 
chose  to  show,  and  that  fear  of  the  number,  names,  position, 
and  consideration  of  those  who  were  mixed  up  in  this  affair 
made  him  take  the  course  he  did,  or  whether,  as  I  beheve, 
his  continual  negligence  and  his  subjection  under  the  yoke 
that  Dubois  put  upon  him  left  him  in  ignorance  of  the  real 
depth  and  importance  of  the  conspiracy  and  of  the  names  of 
the  chief  persons  concerned  in  it,  certain  it  is  that  out  of 
this  curious  obscurity  there  appeared  a  plot  of  M.  and  Mme. 
du  Maine,  at  which  they  had  been  working  long  before  the 

1718]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  239 

lit  de  justice,  and  immediately  after  the  beginning  of  the 
regency,  —  a  plot  to  stir  into  rebellion  the  so-called  nobility, 
the  parliament,  Bretagne,  and  all  who  could  be  set  to  work 
to  carry  out  what  Mme.  du  Maine  had  once  declared  so  dis- 
tinctly to  the  Due  de  La  Force :  "  When  persons  have  once 
acquired  the  rank  of  princes  of  the  blood  and  the  right  of 
succession  to  the  throne,  the  State  may  be  overthrown  and 
set  ablaze  before  they  will  allow  it  to  be  wrested  from 

The  day  after  the  arrival  of  the  courier  from  Poitiers  the 
Prince  de  Cellamare,  warned  on  his  side  of  the  untoward 
event,  but  flattering  himself  that  the  presence 
arrested; his  of  a  bankrupt  banker  [who  was  with  them] 
was  the  cause  of  the  arrest  of  the  two  young 
men  and  the  seizure  of  their  papers,  concealed  his  uneasiness 
under  a  very  tranquil  exterior,  and  went  at  one  o'clock  to 
M.  Le  Blanc,  secretary  of  war,  to  ask  for  a  packet  of  letters 
he  had  intrusted  to  those  young  travellers  on  their  return  to 
Spain,  furnished  as  they  were  with  a  passport  from  the  king. 
Le  Blanc,  who  had  had  his  lesson,  replied  that  the  packet 
had  been  seen,  and  found  to  contain  important  matters,  and, 
so  far  from  being  returned  to  him,  he,  Le  Blanc,  had  orders 
to  take  Cellamare  back  to  his  own  house  with  the  Abb(5 
Dubois  —  for  the  abb^,  being  notified  of  Cellamare's  arrival, 
had  followed  him  promptly.  They  made  the  prince  get  into 
Le  Blanc's  coach  and  got  in  with  him.  The  ambassador, 
who  felt  that  such  a  compliment  was  not  risked  without 
due  precautions  for  its  execution,  made  no  difficulty,  and 
did  not  lose  for  a  moment  his  coolness  and  tranquillity 
during  the  three  hours  they  spent  in  rummaging  all  liis 
desks  and  boxes  and  in  selecting  the  papers  they  wanted. 
He  behaved  like  a  man  who  fears  nothing  and  is  perfectly 
assured  as  to  his  own  conduct.     He  treated  Le  Blanc  very 

240  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  vni. 

civilly ;  as  for  Dubois,  with  whom  he  felt  he  need  keep  no 
terms,  for  the  whole  plot  was  evidently  discovered,  he  treated 
him  with  such  contempt  that  when  Le  Blanc  laid  hands  on 
a  httle  casket  he  called  out,  "  Monsieur  Le  Blanc,  Monsieur 
Le  Blanc,  let  that  alone ;  it  is  not  for  you ;  it  is  only  fit  for 
the  Abb^  Dubois;"  adding,  as  he  looked  at  Dubois,  "he  has 
been  a  pimp  all  his  hf e ;  those  are  nothing  but  women's 
letters."  The  abbe  laughed,  not  daring  to  be  angry.  Ap- 
parently it  was  a  piece  of  maHce  Cellamare  wanted  to  get 
off,  for  he  was  aheady  old  and  looked  older  than  he  was. 
He  had  a  great  deal  of  wit,  knowledge,  and  capacity,  all 
turned  in  solid  directions,  no  sort  of  debauchery,  and  all 
his  gallantry  was  merely  for  commerce  with  the  great  world, 
to  discover  what  he  wanted  to  know,  to  make  and  hold  par- 
tisans to  the  King  of  Spain  and  sow,  without  imprudence, 
ill-will  to  the  regent.  In  other  respects  he  lived  retired  in 
his  own  house,  readmg  and  working.  As  soon  as  he  and 
his  two  acolytes  reached  his  house,  a  detachment  of  mous- 
quetaires  guarded  the  building  and  doors. 

I  heard  in  the  morning  of  the  seizure  at  Poitiers,  but 
not  of  this  arrest.  While  I  was  at  dinner  a  servant  came 
from  the  Due  d'Orleans  to  tell  me  to  be  at  the  Tuileries 
for  a  Council  of  Eegency.  As  this  was  not  the  regular  day 
for  it  I  asked  if  anything  new  had  happened.  The  man 
seemed  surprised  at  my  ignorance  and  told  us  that  the 
Spanish  ambassador  had  been  arrested. 

Tuesday  is  the  day  on  which  all  the  foreign   ministers 

go  to  the  Palais-Eoyal,  and  December  the  13th  was  the  first 

Tuesday  after  Cellamare's  detention :  they  were 

The  other  foreign  "^  '  '' 

ministers  make       all  there,  ambassadors   and   others.     None  of 
them  made  the  slightest  complaint  as  to  what 
had  occurred,  and  they  each   received  a  copy   of  two  let- 
ters [captured  at  Poitiers  and]  read  to  the  Council,  which 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  241 

left  no  doubt  that  Cellamare  was  at  the  head  of  the 
affair,  and  that  Alberoni  was  equally  involved  in  it.  In 
the  afternoon  the  Spanish  ambassador  was  made  to  get  into 
a  carriage  with  du  Libois,  a  captain  of  cavalry,  and  a  captain 
of  dragoons,  selected  to  accompany  him  to  Blois  and  remain 
there  with  him  until  news  was  received  of  the  Due  de  Saint- 
Aignan's  return  to  France. 

Sunday,  December  25,  Christmas  Day,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans 

summoned   me   to   go  to  him  at  the  Palais-Eoyal  at  four 

o'clock.     I  found  myself  alone  with  him  and 

The  regent  con-         -m  r      i        t^  it 

fides  to  me  and  M.  Ic  Duc.  Wc  sat  dowu.  It  was  in  his 
°'^rM^^^\^'        little  winter  cabinet  at  the  end  of  the  short 

ana  IVlme.  du 

Maine  are  in  the  gallcry.  After  a  momeut's  silence,  he  told 
me  to  look  and  see  if  any  one  was  in  that 
little  gallery,  and  if  the  door  at  the  end  of  it  was  closed. 
I  went  to  see ;  it  was  closed  and  there  was  no  one  in  the 
gallery.  That  settled,  the  regent  told  us  that  we  should 
certainly  be  surprised  to  hear  that  M.  and  Mme.  du  Maine 
were  up  to  their  necks  in  this  affair  of  the  Spanish  am- 
bassador, and  that  he  held  the  written  proofs  of  it.  He 
added  that  he  had  forbidden  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  the 
Abb^  Dubois,  and  Le  Blanc,  the  only  ones  who  knew  of  it, 
to  let  their  knowledge  transpire,  and  he  requested  the  same 
secrecy  and  caution  from  us,  adding  that  he  had  wished  to 
consult  M.  le  Duc  and  myself  before  deciding  what  course 
to  take.  I  thought  to  myself  that  as  those  other  three  men 
knew  of  it,  he  must  have  discussed  the  matter  with  them, 
and  probably  had  already  decided  on  his  course  with  the 
Abb^  Dubois,  and  was  only  wishing  to  flatter  M.  le  Duc  and 
me  by  asking  our  advice.  M.  le  Duc  went  straight  to  the 
point,  and  said  he  ought  to  arrest  both  of  them  and  put 
them  in  a  place  where  they  could  do  no  further  harm.  I 
supported  that  opinion,  and  dwelt   on   the   danger   of  not 

VOL.  IV.  —  IG 

242  MEMOIES  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  viii. 

doing  this  at  once,  partly  to  stun  and  throw  into  confusion 
the  whole  plot  by  removing  its  leaders. 

The  Due  d'Orl^ans  agreed  that  this  was  the  best  course, 
but  he  dwelt  on  the  rank  of  Lime,  du  Maine,  less  I  think 
We  all  advise  from  conviction  than  to  make  the  son  of  her 
their  arrest.  -brother  talk.     M.  le  Due  rephed  that  that  was 

an  objection  which  it  was  for  Mm  to  make  ;  but  so  far  from 
thinking  it  ought  to  be  made,  it  was,  in  his  opinion,  a  reason 
the  more  for  taking  that  course.  I  insisted  on  the  courage 
and  firmness  the  regent  ought  to  show  at  so  critical  a 
moment,  and  on  the  necessity  for  terrifying  this  dangerous 
cabal  and  taking  from  it  its  cliief  supporters  in  name,  intrigue, 
and  means.     The  regent  then  gave  in,  without  reluctance. 

Thursday  the  29th,  at  ten  in  the  morning.  La  Billarderic, 

lieutenant  of  the  body-guard,  after  surrounding   the   house 

at  Sceaux  without  being  seen  or  heard,  went 

The  Due  du  _® 

Maine  arrested  up  to  the  Duc  du  Maine  as  lie  w^as  leaving 
the  house  to  hear  mass  m  the  chapel,  and 
asked  him,  very  respectfully,  not  to  re-enter  the  house,  but 
to  get  into  a  carriage  he  had  brought  for  him.  M.  du  Maine, 
who  was  alone  at  Sceaux  with  the  servants,  and  had  had 
time  to  put  his  papers  in  safe  order,  made  no  resistance ; 
he  merely  said  that  he  had  expected  this  compHment  for 
some  days,  and  got  immediately  into  the  carriage.  La 
Billarderie  sat  beside  him,  and  on  the  front  seat  was  Favan- 
court,  hrigadicr  of  the  first  company  of  mousquetaires,  who 
was  to  guard  him  when  in  prison.  The  Duc  du  Maine 
seemed  surprised  and  agitated  on  seeing  Favancourt,  but 
when  they  reached  the  end  of  the  avenue  of  Sceaux,  where 
the  body-guard  came  in  sight,  he  turned  pale.  The  silence 
in  the  carriage  was  scarcely  broken.  Now  and  then  M.  du 
Maine  said  that  he  was  perfectly  ignorant  of  the  suspicions 
against  him ;  that  he  was  greatly  attached  to  the  king,  and 

1718]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAIXT-SIMON.  243 

not  less  so  to  the  Due  d'Oiie^ans,  who  would  certainly  not 
fail  to  admit  it ;  that  it  was  very  unfortunate  his  Koyal  High- 
ness gave  ear  to  his  enemies,  but  he  did  not  name  them. 
All  this  was  said  spasmodically  and  with  many  sighs  ;  now 
and  then  there  were  signs  of  the  cross,  low  mutterings  like 
prayers,  and  divings  down  of  the  body  at  each  church  or 
each  crucifix  they  passed.  He  did  not  know  until  the  next 
day  that  he  was  going  to  Dourlens.  I  heard  all  these  cir- 
cumstances and  those  of  his  imprisonment  from  Favancourt, 
whom  I  knew  well;  he  taught  me  the  exercise  and  was 
corporal  of  the  first  company  of  mousquetaires  when  I  was 
in  the  same  brigade,  and  since  then  had  always  courted  me. 

The  same  day  Ancenis,  who  had  just  received  the  place  of 
his  father  the  Due  de  Charost  as  captain  of  the  body-guard, 
^^   ^   ,       ^     arrested  the  Duchesse  du  Maine  at  her  own 

The  Duchesse  du 

Maine  arrested  in  housc  in  the  ruc  Saiut-Honord.  Whcu  she 
found  she  was  being  taken  to  Dijon  she  de- 
claimed vehemently,  but  worse  when  she  entered  the  chateau 
and  found  herself  a  prisoner  under  the  key  of  M.  le  Due. 
She  was  furious  against  her  nephew  and  the  horror  of  the 
choice  of  that  place.  Nevertheless,  after  these  first  transports, 
she  came  to  herself  and  saw  that  she  was  not  in  a  situation 
to  show  passion.  She  then  shut  up  her  wrath  within  her, 
affecting  indifference  to  everything  and  disdainful  secur- 
ity. Her  sons,  the  Prince  de  Dombes  and  the  Comte  d'Eu, 
were  exiled  to  Eu,  where  they  had  a  gentleman  in  ordinary 
always  near  them.  Mile,  du  Maine  was  sent  to  Maubuisson. 
The  Comte  de  Toulouse,  ever  the  same,  went  immediately 
on  the  arrest  of  M.  and  Mme.  du  Maine  to  see  the  Due 
Excellent,  d'Orldaus.     Hc  told  him  distinctly  that  he  re- 

straightforward      gardcd  thc  king,  the  regent,  and  the  State  as 

conduct  of  the  o         ' 

Comte  de  ouc  and  the  same  thing  ;  he  assured  him  with- 

Toulouse.  ,  -IT,-.  , 

out  reserve  or  evasion,  that  he  would  never  be 

244  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  viii. 

found  in  any  way  contrary  to  the  duty  or  the  fidelity  he 
owed  to  them,  nor  in  any  cabal  or  intrigue  ;  that  he  was 
very  sorry  for  what  had  happened  to  his  brother,  adding, 
immediately,  that  he  did  not  answer  for  him.  The  regent 
repeated  this  to  me  the  same  day,  and  seemed,  with  good 
reason,  charmed  by  this  straightforward  frankness.  The 
blow  thus  struck  upon  M.  and  Mme.  du  Maine  completed 
the  scattering  of  their  followers,  whom  they  had  used  and 
fooled  with  so  much  art,  success,  and  subtlety ;  the  bulk  of 
them  opened  their  eyes  without  assistance  from  others  ;  the 
small  number  of  confidants  who  had  led  and  blinded  the  rest 
subsided  into  consternation  and  terror. 

Parliament  rendered,   February  4,   a   decree  which   con- 
tented itself  with  merely  suppressing  four  very  strange  docu- 
I7IQ  ments  and  forbidding  all  persons  to  print,  sell, 

Forged  papers ;  or  discuss  them,  uudcr  pain  of  being  prose- 
come°fro"m  the  cutcd  as  disturbcrs  of  the  public  peace  and 
King  of  Spain.  guilty  of  leze-majcsty.  The  first  was  entitled 
"  Copy  of  a  letter  from  the  Cathohc  king,  written  by  his 
hand,  which  Prince  Cellamare,  ambassador,  had  orders  to 
present  to  the  Very  Christian  King  on  September  3,  1718 ;" 
the  second  was  entitled  "  Copy  of  a  circular  letter  from  the 
King  of  Spain  to  all  the  parliaments  of  France,  dated  Sep- 
tember 4, 1718  ;  "  the  third  was  a  "  Manifesto  of  the  Catholic 
king  addressed  to  the  Three  Estates  of  Fra,nce;"  and  the 
fourth  was  a  "  Petition  presented  to  the  Catholic  king  by  the 
Three  Estates  of  France."  One  did  not  need  to  be  very  well 
informed  to  know  that  none  of  these  papers  ever  came  from 
Spain.  They  certainly  were  not  found  in  the  valises  of  the 
Abbd  Portocarrero  and  his  companion,  nor  among  the  papers 
of  Cellamare.  They  made  some  noise  for  a  time,  but  were 
soon  forgotten.  The  regent  despised  them,  and  they  did  not 
disturb  him  in  the  least.     But  it  was  otherwise  with  certain 

1719]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  245 

verses  that  appeared  about  the  same  time  under  the  name  of 
"  Philippiques  "  which  were  distributed  with  great  rapidity 
and  in  extraordinary  quantity.  La  Grange,  formerly  page  of 
the  Princesse  de  Conti,  the  king's  daughter,  was  the  author, 
and  never  denied  it.  All  that  hell  could  vomit  of  false  and 
true  was  there  expressed  in  very  beautiful  verse,  a  most 
poetic  style,  and  with  all  the  art  and  wit  imaginable.  The 
Due  d'Orl^ans  knew  of  the  poem,  which  was  long,  and  wanted 
to  see  it,  but  was  never  able  to  do  so  because  no  one  dared 
show  it  to  him. 

He  spoke  to  me  several  times  about  it,  and  at  last  exacted 

so  decidedly  that  I  should  bring  it  to  him  that  there  w^as  no 

way  to  avoid  doing  so.     I  therefore  brought 

Distress  of  the  J  b  o 

regent  at  the         it ;  but  as  f  or  reading  it  to  him,  I  declared  that 

"  Philippiques."  ^-,  -,.  __,  i-,  i  i 

1  would  never  do  it.  He  then  took  it  and  read 
it  to  himself,  standing  by  the  window  of  his  little  winter 
cabinet  where  we  were.  At  first  he  stopped  now  and  then  to 
speak  of  it,  without  seeming  very  much  moved.  But  sud- 
denly I  saw  his  face  change ;  he  turned  to  me  with  tears  in 
his  eyes,  looking  as  though  he  were  about  to  faint.  "  Ah  !  " 
he  said,  "  this  is  too  much ;  this  horror  is  more  than  I  can 
bear."  He  had  reached  the  part  where  the  villain  exhibits 
him  as  resolving  to  murder  the  king,  and  just  ready  to  com- 
mit the  crime.  Here  the  author  redoubles  his  energy,  poesy, 
invocations,  beauties,  terrible  and  terrifying  invectives,  hid- 
eous descriptions,  pathetic  pictures  of  the  youth  and  innocence 
of  the  king,  and  of  the  hopes  he  gave,  adjurations  to  the 
nation  to  save  so  dear  a  victim  from  the  barbarity  of  his 
murderer,  —  in  a  word,  all  that  art  could  supply  most  delicate, 
tender,  strong,  and  damnable,  imposing  and  affecting.  I  tried 
to  profit  by  the  gloomy  silence  into  whicli  he  fell  to  take 
away  from  him  that  execrable  paper,  but  I  could  not  manage 
it ;  he  expended  himself  in  just  complaints  of  such  horrible 

246  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  viii. 

wickedness,  in  tender  words  about  the  king,  and  then  he 
chose  to  finish  the  reading,  interrupting  it  now  and  again 
with  comments.  Never  did  I  see  a  man  so  grieved  to  the 
soul,  so  deeply  moved  and  overwhelmed  by  an  injustice  so 
monstrous  and  persistent.  I  myself  was  almost  beside  my- 
self. Had  any  one  then  seen  liim,  even  the  most  prejudiced 
(provided  they  were  so  in  good  faith)  would  have  yielded  to 
that  glow  of  innocence,  that  horror  of  the  crime  that  was 
apparent  in  him.  I  had  great  difficulty  in  recovering  my- 
self, and  all  the  pains  in  the  world  to  recover  him  by  even  a 

This  La  Grange,  who  in  himself  was  worth  nothing  in  any 
way  whatever,  was  a  good  poet,  though  nothing  else  and 
never  anything  else ;  he  had  insinuated  himself  in  that 
capacity  at  Sceaux,  where  he  soon  became  one  of  the  chief 
favourites  of  Mme.  du  Maine.  She  and  her  husband  both 
knew  of  his  life,  conduct,  morals,  and  mercenary  rascality ; 
they  also  knew  how  to  employ  him.     He  was  arrested  soon 


after  and  sent  to  the  lies  Sainte-Marguerite,  wlience  he  ob- 
tained a  release  toward  the  close  of  the  regency,  and  had  the 
audacity  to  show  himself  everywhere  in  Paris. 

We  have  seen  elsewhere.,  the  advice  I  gave  the  Due 
d'Orldans  as  to  the  treatment  of  Pfere  Tellier ;  namely, 
PereTemer;itry  that  he  should  be  scut  at  oucc  to  La  Flfeche, 
fined'at"Ll'  '^°"'  ^^^  cxpressly  forbidden  to  sleep  away  from 
^•^«='^^-  it  or  to  receive  or  write  letters  unless  read  by 

the  person  in  charge  of  that  duty ;  that  the  king  should 
grant  him  a  pension  of  six  thousand  francs,  besides  food, 
lodging,  furniture,  wood,  books,  and  all  that  could  conduce 
to  his  health,  comfort,  and  amusement,  with  two  valets  and 
a  friar  to  attend  him,  perfect  independence  of  the  Jesuits 
and  the  college,  and  freedom  to  dine  out  and  visit  in  the 
neighbourhood.     I  wished  to  combine  a  recognition  of   his 


past  services  with  public  tranquillity.  The  Due  d'OrMans 
strongly  approved  of  that  advice,  given  before  the  king's 
death,  but  he  acted  very  differently.  The  pension  was 
lessened,  but  the  liberty  was  greater.  Tellier  wanted  to  go 
and  live  with  his  intimate  friend,  the  Bishop  of  Amiens, 
and  was  allowed  to  do  so.  He  abused  the  permission  like 
a  firebrand,  furious  and  enraged  at  no  longer  being  master. 
His  machinations  in  France,  his  intrigues  in  the  Low- 
Countries,  his  cabals  everywhere,  could  not  remain  secret. 
He  slipped  away  to  Flanders,  and  went  himself  to  rouse 
up  his  party,  which  w^as  far  too  languid  for  his  fiery  spirit. 
He  did  so  much  that  the  Bishop  of  Amiens  was  strongly 
reprimanded  and  Pfere  Tellier  was  finally  confined  at  La 
Flfeche.  This  tyrant  of  the  Church,  indignant  at  being  no 
longer  able  to  cabal  (his  only  consolation  for  the  end  of 
his  reign  and  his  terrible  tyranny),  found  himself  in  a  state 
of  subjection  at  La  Flfeche  both  new  and  intolerable. 

The  Jesuits,  spies  upon  one  another,  jealous  of  those 
who  have  the  secret  authority  and  the  consideration  that 
Ingratitude  of  authority  givcs  them  over  the  heads  of  the 
the  Jesuits.  mouastic  ordcrs  and  other  superiors,  are  also 

amazingly  ungrateful  towards  those  who,  having  occupied 
the  highest  places  and  served  their  Company  with  the 
utmost  labour  and  great  success,  become,  through  old  age 
or  infirmities,  useless  to  it.  They  then  regard  them  with 
contempt,  and  far  from  respecting  their  age,  their  services, 
or  their  merits,  they  leave  them  in  the  saddest  solitude 
and  grudge  them  even  their  food.  I  have  seen  with  my 
own  eyes  three  examples  of  this  in  three  Jesuits,  men  of 
honour  and  true  piety,  who  had  held  positions  of  con- 
fidence requiring  great  talents,  with  whom  I  had  been 
intimately  acquainted.  The  first  was  the  rector  of  their 
postulant  house  in  Paris,  superior  of  the  same  in  the  prov- 

248  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  viii. 

inces,  the  writer  of  several  excellent  books  of  piety,  and 
for  some  years  assistant  to  the  general  in  Kome,  on  whose 
death  he  returned  to  Paris,  because  it  is  the  Jesuit  custom 
that  each  new  general  of  the  Order  should  have  new  assist- 
ants. Eeturning  to  the  postulant  house  in  Paris,  aged 
eighty  or  more,  he  was  lodged  under  the  tiles  on  the 
top  floor,  in  soHtude,  contempt,  and  the  lack  of  everything. 
The  second  was  a  confessor ;  he  was  long  ill,  and  finally 
died.  They  scarcely  fed  him,  and  I  sent  him  his  dinner 
daily  for  five  months  because  I  had  seen  his  pittance  and 
his  remedies,  and  he  could  not  help  owning  to  me  how 
much  he  suffered  from  the  treatment  he  received.  The 
third,  very  old  and  very  infirm,  had  no  better  fate.  In  the 
end,  being  unable  to  bear  it,  he  let  me  know  of  it,  and 
asked  to  be  given  an  asylum  in  my  house  at  Versailles, 
on  pretext  of  change  of  air.  Such  is  the  fate  of  all  Jes- 
uits, without  excepting  the  most  famous,  unless  it  may  be 
a  very  few  who  have  shone  at  Court  and  before  the  world 
by  their  sermons  and  merits,  and  have  made  important 
friends,  —  such  as  P^res  Bourdaloue,  La  Eue,  Gaillard. 

It  was  therefore  to  this  neglect,  contempt,  and  tacit 
reproach  that  Pfere  Tellier  was  reduced  at  La  Plfeche, 
although  it  is  true  he  had  a  pension  of  four  thousand 
francs.  He  had  always  ill-treated  even  the  Jesuits.  Those 
who  approached  him  when  confessor  to  the  king  did  so  in 
trembling.  The  chief  superiors,  whom  he  governed  with  a 
rod,  felt  his  harshness  and  tyranny  without  the  slightest 
relief.  Even  the  general  was  forced  to  yield  to  Tellier 
that  absolute  despotism  which  he  exercises  over  the  Com- 
pany in  general  and  all  Jesuits  in  particular.  All  —  and 
they  themselves  told  me  this  in  those  days  many  a  time  — 
disapproved  of  the  violence  of  his  conduct,  and  felt  alarmed 
for  the  sake  of  the  Company  ;  they  all  hated  him  as  a  brutal 


master,  hard,  inaccessible,  full  of  himself,  hking  to  make 
his  scorn  and  his  power  felt.  His  exile  and  the  behaviour 
that  drew  it  down  upon  him  was  another  motive  of  their 
spite.  All  these  things  together  did  not  render  Pere  Tel- 
lier's  enforced  retreat  at  La  Flfeche  agreeable  to  him.  He 
foimd  there  superiors  and  Brethren  much  embittered,  who, 
instead  of  feeling  the  terror  he  had  formerly  imposed,  now 
felt  only  contempt  for  him  and  took  pleasure  in  letting  him 
know  it.  This  king  of  the  Church,  and,  in  part,  of  the 
State,  became  once  more  a  Jesuit  Hke  the  rest,  beneath 
superiors ;  and  we  can  well  imagine  what  a  hell  that  was 
to  a  man  so  impetuous  and  so  accustomed  to  command 
without  reply,  and  to  abuse  that  power  in  every  direction. 
Consequently  it  was  not  for  long.  No  one  heard  of  him 
again,  and  he  died  m  six  months  from  the  day  he  was 
taken  to  La  Fl^che. 

The  Duchesse  de  Berry  was  living  after  her  usual  fashion, 

in  a  mixture  of  the  loftiest  pride  and  the  basest  and  most 

shameful  servitude,  with  austere  and  frequent 

strange  conduct  ^ 

of  the  Duchesse     rctrcats  to  the  Carmelites,  suppers  with  vile 

de  Berry.  . 

company,  profaned  by  mdecent  and  impious 
jests,  the  most  shameless  debauchery  mingled  with  horri- 
ble fears  of  death  and  the  devil,  when  all  of  a  sudden  she 
fell  ill  at  the  Luxembourg.  It  is  necessary  to  tell  all,  for 
this  is  useful  to  history ;  moreover,  there  will  not  be  found 
in  these  Memoirs  the  relation  of  any  other  gallantries  than 
those  which  are  necessary  to  an  understanding  of  important 
and  interesting  events.  The  Duchesse  de  Berry  would  not 
restrain  herself  in  any  way,  but  she  was  indignant  that  the 
world  dared  to  speak  of  that  which  she  did  not  take  the 
pains  to  conceal.  She  was  pregnant  by  Rion.  Mme.  de 
Mouchy  was  their  convenience  in  tlie  matter,  though  all 
things   went  on  openly  to  beat  of  drum.     Mme.  de  Saint- 

250  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  viii. 

Simon,  sheltered  from  much  of  this,  greatly  respected  and 
beloved  by  the  whole  household,  and  seeing  the  Duchesse 
de  Berry  only  at  such  times  as  she  attended  on  formal  duty 
at  the  Luxembourg,  which  she  left  the  moment  that  duty 
was  over,  was  able  to  ignore  what  was  happening,  although 
she  was  thoroughly  informed  about  it. 

The  pregnancy  reached  its  end,  and  this  end,  ill-prepared 
for  by  suppers  washed  down  with  wines  and  the  strongest 
The  sacraments  hquors,  bccamc  cxtrcmely  dangerous.  Mme. 
refused  to  her  by     ^q  Saiut-Simou  could  uot  avoid  being  assidu- 

the  rector  and 

Cardinal  de  ous  whcu  danger  threatened,  but  she   would 

not  yield  to  tlie  entreaties  of  the  Due  and 
Duchesse  d'Orleans  to  sleep  at  the  Luxembourg.  The  dan- 
ger becoming  imminent,  Languet,  the  celebrated  rector  of 
Saint-Sulpice,  spoke  to  the  regent  of  the  sacraments.  The 
first  difficulty  was  that  no  one  could  enter  the  room  to  pro- 
pose them  to  the  duchess.  But  a  far  greater  difficulty  now 
presented  itself.  The  rector,  a  man  who  knew  his  duty, 
declared  that  he  would  not  administer  the  sacraments,  nor 
permit  them  to  be  administered,  so  long  as  Eion  and  Mme. 
de  Mouchy  were  in  the  chamber,  or  even  in  the  Luxem- 
bourg. He  said  this  aloud,  in  the  hearing  of  every  one,  to 
the  Due  d'Orldans,  who  was  less  shocked  than  embarrassed. 
Taking  the  rector  aside  he  tried  to  make  him  yield  to 
arguments.  Finding  him  inflexible,  he  proposed  at  last  to 
refer  the  matter  to  Cardinal  de  jSToailles  [Archbishop  of 
Paris].  The  rector  accepted  instantly  and  promised  to  defer 
to  his  orders  as  his  diocesan,  provided  he  was  allowed  to 
explain  to  him  his  reasons.  The  matter  was  pressing ;  the 
Duchesse  de  Berry  had  meanwhile  confessed,  during  this 
dispute,  to  a  Franciscan,  her  confessor.  The  Due  d'Orleans 
flattered  himself  no  doubt  that  the  diocesan  would  prove 
more  amenable  than   the  rector,  to  whom  he  was  totally 

1719]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  251 

opposed  in  opinion  about  the  Unigenitus,  a  matter  on  which 
the  cardinal  was  so  wholly  dependent  on  himseli.  But  if 
he  really  hoped  this,  he  was  greatly  deceived. 

Cardinal  de  Noailles  arrived;  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  took 
him  aside  with  the  rector,  and  the  conversation  lasted  more 
than  half  an  hour.  As  the  declaration  of  the  rector  had 
been  pubhc  the  cardinal-archbishop  judged  it  proper  that 
his  own  should  be  so  also,  and  when  all  three  returned  to 
the  company  and  to  the  door  of  the  chamber  he  said  aloud 
to  the  rector  that  he  liad  very  worthily  done  his  duty ;  that 
he  should  not  have  expected  anything  else  from  a  man  of 
his  discernment  and  experience ;  he  exhorted  him  not  to  let 
himself  be  deceived  in  a  matter  of  such  importance,  and,  if 
he  needed  anything  further  to  authorize  him,  he  forbade 
him,  as  his  diocesan,  to  administer  the  sacraments  to  the 
Duchesse  de  Berry  so  long  as  M.  de  Eion  and  Mme.  de 
Mouchy  were  in  the  chamber,  or  even  in  the  Luxembourg 
and  not  dismissed.  The  excitement  over  so  necessary  a 
scandal,  the  effect  in  that  crowded  room,  the  embarrassment 
of  the  Due  d'Orldans,  and  the  noise  it  made  in  the  world 
can  be  imagined.  Nevertheless,  no  one,  not  even  the  pro- 
moters of  the  bull,  the  most  violent  enemies  of  Cardinal  de 
Noailles,  the  fashionable  bishops,  the  women  of  the  great 
world,  nor  libertines  themselves  blamed  either  the  rector 
or  the  archbishop;  some  because  they  knew  the  rules  and 
dared  not  impugn  them,  but  the  greater  number  from  horror 
at  the  conduct  of  the  Duchesse  de  Berry,  and  the  hatred 
that  her  haughtiness  drew  upon  her. 

The  (|uestion  arising  between  the  regent,  the  cardinal, 
and  the  rector,  all  three  standing  by  the  doorway,  which  of 
them  should  announce  this  resolution  to  the  Duchesse  de 
Berry,  who  had  meantime  confessed  and  expected  every 
moment  to  see  the  holy  sacrament  arrive  and  to  receive  it, 

252         MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  viii. 

the  cardinal  assumed  the  duty  of  speakmg  himself  to  the 
duchess,  and  was  moving  into  the  room  with  the  rector, 
when  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  fearing  some  sudden  and  dangerous 
convulsion  in  his  daughter,  implored  him  to  wait  until  he 
could  himself  prepare  her,  and  went  to  the  door,  which  he 
held  half  open  for  a  colloquy.  The  Duchesse  de  Berry  put 
herself  in  a  passion,  answered  with  fury  against  canting 
hypocrites  who  took  advantage  of  her  state  to  dishonour 
her  before  the  world,  and  did  not  spare  her  father  for  his 
folly  and  weakness  in  permitting  it.  Who  could  have 
believed  it  ?  she  said ;  the  cardinal  and  the  rector  ought  to 
have  been  kicked  downstairs  !  The  Due  d'Orleans  returned 
to  them  very  small  and  greatly  troubled,  not  knowing  v/hat 
to  do  between  his  daughter  and  the  Church.  The  attention 
and  curiosity  of  the  large  company  who  filled  the  room 
were,  naturally,  extreme.  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon,  with  several 
of  the  Duchesse  de  Berry's  ladies,  was  seated  in  the  recess 
of  a  wmdow  at  a  little  distance  and  saw  the  whole  perform- 
ance, being  informed  from  time  to  time  of  other  particulars. 

Cardinal  de  NoaHles  was  there  more  than  two  hours,  and 
then,  seeing  that  he  could  not  enter  the  room  without  a  sort 
of  violence  quite  the  contrary  of  persuasion,  he  thought  it 
indecent  to  stay  longer.  He  therefore  reiterated  his  orders 
to  the  rector,  and  told  him  to  watch  and  not  allow  the  sacra- 
ments to  be  administered  clandestinely.  He  then  went  up 
to  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon,  took  her  aside,  and  told  her  what 
had  passed,  regretted  it  with  her,  but  said  he  could  not 
avoid  the  scandal.  The  Due  d'Orleans  hastened  to  tell  his 
daughter  of  the  departure  of  the  cardmal,  which  was  a  great 
relief  to  him.  But  on  leaving  her  room  he  was  much  aston- 
ished  to  find  the  rector  established  close  to  the  door,  and  to 
be  informed  that  he  had  taken  that  post  and  there  he  should 
stay  in  order  not  to  be  deceived  about  the  sacraments.     In 

1719]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  253 

fact,  he  did  stay  there  firmly  four  days  and  nights,  except  for 
short  intervals,  when  he  went  to  his  house  near  the  Luxem- 
bourg for  food  and  rest,  leaving  two  priests  on  guard  till  his 
return.     Finally,  the  danger  being  past,  he  raised  the  siege. 

The  Duchesse  de  Berry,  safely  delivered  of  a  girl,  thought 
only  of  recovery.  She  was  infinitely  pained  at  the  manner 
in  which  every  one,  even  the  populace,  had  taken  her  illness 
and  all  that  had  happened  concerning  it.  She  fancied  she 
should  regain  something  by  opening  the  gates  of  the  gardens 
of  the  Luxembourg,  which  she  had  long  since  closed  to  the 
public.  People  were  very  glad  of  this,  and  profited  by  it, 
Irat  that  was  all.  The  duchess  vowed  herself  to  white  for 
six  months ;  at  which  vow  the  world  only  laughed. 

Saturday,  April  15,  the   vigil   of   the   first  Sunday  after 

Easter,  died   at   Saint-Cyr,  in   the   evening,  the   celebrated 

and  fatal  Mme.  de  Maintenon.     What  a  noise 

Maintenon.    Her   tliis  cvcut  would  havc  made  in  Europe  had 

life  at  Saint-Cyr.       .       ,  i  c  T        i         Ti. 

it  happened  a  tew  years  earlier !  It  was 
little  known  at  Versailles,  which  is  so  near  Saint-Cyr,  and 
scarcely  mentioned  in  Paris.  I  have  said  so  much  of  this 
too  famous,  unhappily  famous,  woman  at  the  time  of  the 
king's  death  that  little  is  left  to  say  at  the  present  time ; 
though,  having  figured  so  powerfully  and  banefully  for 
thirty-five  years  without  a  break,  everything,  even  to  her 
last  years  of  seclusion,  is  of  interest.  She  retired  to  Saint- 
Cyr  at  the  moment  of  the  king's  death,  and  had  the  good 
sense  to  assume  the  reputation  of  being  dead  to  the  world, 
and  never  again  to  set  foot  outside  the  enclosure  of  that 
establishment.  She  would  see  no  one  from  the  outside 
(except  the  very  few  persons  I  shall  presently  mention), 
nor  would  she  ask  for  anything,  nor  recommend  any  one, 
nor  meddle  in  any  matter  whatsoever  in  which  her  name 
could   be   mixed   up.     Cardinal   de   l\ohan    saw   her   every 

254  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  vin. 

week ;  the  Duo  clu  Maine  also,  who  remamed  with  her 
three  or  four  hours  tete-d,-tUe.  All  things  beamed  upon 
her  when  he  was  announced ;  she  kissed  her  "  mignon " 
(for  she  always  called  him  so)  with  the  utmost  tenderness. 
Mme.  de  Caylus,  Mme.  de  Dangeau,  and  Mme.  de  Levi 
were  admitted ;  also  the  Due  de  Noailles,  for  whom  she 
seemed  to  care  but  little ;  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  when  he 
could  ilnd  the  time,  was  always  very  warmly  welcomed; 
Cardinal  de  Bissy  hardly  ever  went  there ;  a  few  obscure 
and  fanatical  bishops  occasionally ;  Bloin  now  and  then ; 
and  the  Bishop  of  Chartres  (Merinville),  the  diocesan  and 
superior  of  the  establishment  constantly. 

Once  a  week  when  the  Queen  of  England  was  at  Saint- 
Germain  she  came  to  dine  with  Mme.  de  Maintenon ;  but 
never  from  Chaillot,  where  she  spent  much  time.  Both 
had  their  armchairs  in  which  they  faced  each  other.  At 
the  dinner -hour  a  table  was  placed  betw^een  them  with 
their  covers,  the  first  dishes,  and  a  bell.  The  young  ladies 
of  the  house  waited  on  them,  served  them  with  drink, 
plates,  and  other  dishes  when  the  bell  rang;  the  queen 
was  always  very  kind  to  them.  The  meal  over,  they  re- 
moved everything  from  the  room,  and  brought  in  coffee. 
The  queen  stayed  two  or  three  hours  tUe-ci-tUe  with  Mme 
de  Maintenon,  after  which  they  embraced  and  parted. 
Mme.  de  Maintenon  made  three  or  four  steps  in  receiving 
the  queen  and  at  parting  from  her.  The  young  ladies, 
who  were  in  the  antechamber,  accompanied  the  queen  to 
her  carriage ;  they  were  very  fond  of  her,  for  she  was 
always  very  gracious  to  them.  They  were  also  charmed 
with  Cardinal  de  Eohan,  who  never  came  with  empty  hands, 
bringing  them  bonbons  and  confectionery  enough  to  regale 
them  for  several  days.  Mme.  de  Maintenon  was  pleased 
with  these  trifles.     Her  mornings   were  occupied  with  the 


letters  she  received  and  answered,  chiefly  from  superiors 
of  communities  of  priests,  and  seminaries,  from  abbesses 
and  even  simple  nuns,  for  the  taste  for  ruling  had  survived 
all  else,  and  as  she  wrote  singularly  well  and  easily  she 
enjoyed  her  letter  writing.  All  these  details  I  obtained 
from  Mme.  de  Tibouville,  a  Eochechouart,  without  prop- 
erty, who  had  lived  from  childhood  at  Saint-Cyr. 

Mme.  de  Maintenon  rose  early  and  went  to  bed  early, 
as  she  had  always  done  at  Court.  Her  prayers  lasted  long ; 
she  read  to  herself  books  of  devotion,  and  sometimes  she 
made  the  young  girls  read  to  her  a  little  history  and  took 
pleasure  in  making  them  discuss  it,  and  in  giving  them 
instruction  on  such  subjects.  She  heard  mass  from  a 
gallery  that  was  close  to  the  door  of  her  room ;  very  rarely 
from  the  choir.  She  received  the  sacrament  twice  a  week, 
usually  between  seven  and  eight  o'clock  in  the  morning, 
after  which  she  returned  to  her  gallery,  where  on  those 
days  she  stayed  a  long  time.  Her  dinner  was  simple,  but 
dehcate  and  very  choice  in  its  simplicity,  always  abun- 
dant. The  Due  de  Noailles,  Mornay,  and  Bloin  never  let 
her  want  for  game  from  Saint-Germain  and  Versailles,  or 
for  fruit  from  the  buildings.     She  took  nothincr  in  the  even- 

o  o 

ings.  Sometimes,  on  very  fine  days  without  wind,  she 
walked  for  a  while  in  the  garden. 

She  appointed  all  the  superiors,  chief  and  subaltern,  and 
all  the  officers.  A  succinct  report  of  the  routine  of  the 
house  was  made  to  her  daily,  and  for  all  else,  the  superior 
took  her  orders.  She  was  "  Madame,"  to  the  household, 
who  were  under  her  control,  and  though  her  manners  were 
civil  and  gentle  to  the  ladies  of  Saint-Cyr  and  kind  to  the 
young  girls,  they  all  trembled  before  her.  No  abbess, 
daughter  of  France,  such  as  tliere  used  to  be  in  former 
days,  was  ever  so  despotic,  so  punctually  obeyed,  so  feared, 

256  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUC  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  viii. 

SO  respected  ;  but  with  it  all,  she  was  loved  by  almost  every 
one  at  Saint-Cyr.  The  priests  were  under  the  same  sub- 
jection, the  same  dependence.  Never  did  she  speak  of 
anything  relating  to  the  government  or  to  the  Court  before 
the  young  ladies;  often  of  the  late  king  with  praise,  but 
not  earnestly  in  any  way,  and  never  alluding  to  intrigues, 
cabals,  or  public  business. 

I  often  wondered  why  the  mar^chals,  d'Harcourt  so  inti- 
mately bound  to  her  Tallard,  Villars  who  owed  her  so  much, 
Mme.  du  Maine  and  her  children,  for  whom  she  had  trodden 
under  foot  all  human  and  divine  laws,  the  Prince  de  Eohan, 
and  many  others,  never  went  to  see  her.  The  fall  of  the 
Due  du  Maine  at  the  lit  de  justice  at  the  Tuileries  gave 
her  the  first  mortal  blow.  It  is  not  presuming  too  much  to 
suppose  that  she  was  well  informed  of  the  schemes  and 
measures  of  her  "  darling,"  and  was  sustained  by  that  hope  ; 
but  when  she  heard  of  his  arrest  she  succumbed ;  a  contin- 
ued fever  seized  her,  and  she  died  at  the  age  of  eighty-three, 
in  full  possession  of  her  mind  and  faculties. 

I  have  spoken  elsewhere  of  the  Abbd  de  Vittement,  whose 
merit,  and  that  alone,  had  made  him  sub-preceptor  to  the 
Curious  butun-  ^^^^y  —  ^  "^^ry  rare  thing  at  Court,  and  without 
intelligible  state-     j^jg  gygy  thinking  of  it,  or  any  one  for  him. 

ment  of  Fleury's 

power  over  the       He  livcd  at  the  Court  in  solitude,  though  never 
^^'  sulky  or  singular,  but  making  himself  gener- 

ally liked  and  much  esteemed.  An  abbey  with  a  revenue 
of  tw^elve  thousand  francs  a  year  became  vacant  about  this 
time,  and  the  regent  proposed  to  the  king  to  give  it  to  his 
sub-preceptor  and  to  tell  him  so  himself.  The  king  was  de- 
lighted, sent  for  him  at  once,  and  told  him.  Vittement  ex- 
pressed his  gratitude,  but  modestly  asked  to  be  excused  from 
accepting  it.  He  was  urged  by  the  king,  the  regent,  and 
Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  who  was  present     He  answered  that 


he  had  sufficient  means  on  which  to  live.  The  Marechal 
insisted,  and  told  him  he  could  use  the  income  for  giving 
alms.  Vittement  replied  humbly  that  it  was  not  worth 
while  to  receive  charity  in  order  to  give  it,  held  firm,  and 
retired.  This  action,  which  has  but  few  examples,  done  with 
such  perfect  simphcity,  made  quite  a  noise  and  increased  the 
esteem  and  respect  his  virtues  had  already  acquired.  But  it 
vexed  M.  de  Frdjus,  who  saw  the  king's  affection  for  the 
abb^  increased  by  it.  As  soon  as  the  latter  perceived  this  he 
considered  his  vocation  at  an  end,  —  all  the  more  because  he 
felt  that  if  he  were  really  loved  and  liked,  he  could  hope 
nothing  for  the  true  end  he  had  in  view.  Soon  after  M.  de 
Frdjus  advised  him  very  gently  to  retire.  He  did  so  with 
joy,  and  went  to  the  "  Christian  Doctrine,"  which  he  never 
left  again,  and  where  he  received  scarcely  any  one. 

Vittement  made  a  prophecy  as  celebrated  as  it  is  surpris- 
ing, the  key  of  which  was  sought  in  vain.  Bidault  related 
it  to  me.  Bidault  was  one  of  the  valets  de  chamhre  whom 
the  Due  de  Beauvilliers  selected  for  the  service  of  Mgr.  le 
Due  de  Bourgogne.  He  had  intelhgence,  education,  and 
sense,  and,  what  is  more,  a  true  and  solid  piety.  M.  de 
BeauvilHers  loved  him,  and  the  Due  de  Bourgogne  was  very 
kind  to  him  and  gave  him  the  care  of  his  books.  This  had 
made  me  know  him  well  and  the  more  familiarly  because 
he  took  charge  of  all  the  affairs  of  La  Trappe  in  Paris.  He 
was  placed  with  the  king  in  the  latter's  childhood,  and  when 
he  began  to  collect  a  few  books,  Bidault  took  charge  of  them. 
This  brought  him  into  relations  with  the  Abb^  de  Vittement, 
and  presently  allied  them  in  friendship  and  confidence. 
Bidault  sometimes  came  to  see  me,  and  he  also  went  to  see 
Vittement  in  his  retirement.  Becoming  alarmed  at  the  first 
rays  of  the  omnipotence  of  Frejus,  lately  made  cardinal,  he 
spoke  of  it  to  Vittement,  who  showed  no  surprise  and  let 

VOL.  IV. 17 

258         MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON.    [ciiAP.vni. 

him  talk.  Bidault,  amazed  at  the  cold  and  silent  tranquillity 
with  which  he  was  listened  to,  urged  Vittement  to  tell  him 
the  reason.  "  His  omnipotence,"  rephed  the  abb^,  quietly, 
"  will  last  as  long  as  his  life,  and  his  reign  will  be  unbounded 
and  without  trouble.  He  has  known  how  to  bind  the  king 
by  such  strong  fetters  that  the  king  can  never  break  them. 
"\\Tiat  I  tell  you  now  is  what  I  knoiv.  I  cannot  tell  you 
more ;  but  if  the  cardinal  dies  before  me,  I  wiU  explain  to 
you  what  I  cannot  explain  during  his  lifetime."  Bidault  told 
me  this  a  few  days  later,  and  I  have  heard  since  that  Vitte- 
ment said  the  same  thing  to  others.  Unfortunately,  he  died 
before  the  cardinal,  and  carried  off  with  him  this  interesting 
secret.  Events  proved  but  too  weU  that  Vittement  spoke 
the  truth.  ^ 

Never,  after  his  retirement,  did  he  dream  of  going  to  see 
the  king  or  of  visiting  any  one.  He  lived  at  the  "  Christian 
Doctrine,"  in  penitence  and  frugal  mediocrity,  in  complete 
aloofness,  in  constant  preparation  for  the  better  life,  and  he 
died  a  saintly  death  at  the  end  of  some  years.  Mardchal  de 
Vnieroy  went  to  see  him  sometimes,  in  spite  of  his  own 
wishes,  and  always  came  away  charmed,  though  he  some- 
times met  with  short  but  well-placed  moral  observations, 
which  perhaps  he  was  not  in  search  of. 

1  The  Marquis  d'Argenson  [son  of  the  Keeper  of  the  Seals]  reports  the 
same  fact  in  his  manuscript  Memoirs  :  "  I  forgot  to  say  that  the  Abbe  de 
Vittement  said  to  his  friends  to  whom  he  confided  this  secret,  that  if  he 
survived  the  cardinal  he  would  tell  what  was  that  indissoluble  bond  be- 
tween the  king  and  Cardinal  Fleury."     (Note  by  the  French  editor.) 


Law  was  doing  wonders  with  his  Mississippi.  They  had 
made  a  sort  of  language  to  suit  their  manipulations  and 
The  wonders  of  facilitate  their  management,  which  I  shall  not 
ississippi.  undertake  to  explain  any  more  than  his  other 
financial  operations.  It  was  who  should  have  Mississippi. 
Immense  fortunes  were  made  by  it,  almost  at  a  stroke.  Law, 
besieged  by  supphants  and  aspirants,  saw  his  door  forced,  his 
windows  entered  from  the  garden,  while  some  of  them  came 
tumbhng  down  the  chimney  of  his  cabinet.  People  talked 
in  millions.  Law,  who,  as  I  have  said,  came  to  me  every 
Tuesday  between  eleven  and  twelve  o'clock,  had  often  urged 
me  to  accept  some  shares  in  it  without  their  costing  me 
anything;  offering  to  manage  the  matter  without  my  med- 
dling in  it,  and  to  make  it  bring  me  m  several  millions. 
So  many  persons  of  all  conditions  had  made  fortunes  by 
their  own  management,  that  there  was  no  doubt  Law  could 
have  made  me  gain  more,  and  even  more  rapidly;  but  I 
would  never  lend  myself  to  the  scheme.  Law  then  ad- 
dressed Mme.  de  Saint-Simon,  who  was  equally  inflexible. 
Enriching  for  enriching,  he  would  rather  have  enriched  me 
than  many  others,  and  by  that  interest  have  bound  to  him 
a  man  in  my  situation  with  the  regent.  He  spoke  to  the 
latter,  asking  him  to  try  and  overcome  me  by  his  authority. 
The  regent  began  to  speak  of  it  more  than  once,  but  I 
evaded  him. 

At  last,  one  day  when  he  had  given  me  a  rendezvous  at 
Saint-Cloud,  where  he  went  to  work  and  to  walk  afterwards. 

260  MEMOmS  or   the   dug  DE  SAINT-SIMON.     [chap.  IX. 

being  both  of  us  seated  on  the  bahistrade  of  the  orangery 
which  overlooks  the  descent  into  the  Goulotte  woods,  he 
Law  and  the  spokc  to  me  again  of  the  Mississippi,  and 
Z^^^L'^J^L'^IL^     urged  me  to  receive  some  from  Law  :  the  more 

m  vain  to  accept  o  ' 

s°™^-  I  resisted,  the  more  he  urged,  and  the  more  he 

branched  out  into  arguments.  At  last  he  grew  angry ;  and 
said  it  was  too  vainglorious  to  refuse  what  the  king  wanted 
to  give  me,  for  he  was  acting  for  him,  and  that  other  people 
of  my  rank  and  dignity  would  run  after  it.  I  told  him  that 
such  feehngs  would  be  those  of  a  fool  and  an  impudent  per- 
son, instead  of  a  vainglorious  one,  as  he  said,  and  they  were 
not  mine ;  and  since  he  pressed  me  so  much  I  would  tell 
him  my  reasons,  which  were :  that  since  the  days  of  King 
]\Iidas  I  had  never  heard  of  and  still  less  seen  any  one  who 
had  the  faculty  of  turning  into  gold  whatever  he  touched ; 
that  I  did  not  beHeve  that  virtue  was  given  to  Law,  but  I 
thought  his  scheme  was  a  clever  game,  a  skilful  and  novel 
trick  of  legerdemain,  which  put  the  property  of  Peter  into 
the  pocket  of  John,  which  enriched  some  at  the  cost  of 
others ;  and  that  sooner  or  later  the  thing  would  dry  up,  the 
game  would  be  exposed,  an  infinite  number  of  persons  ruined, 
restitutions  would  be  difficult  if  not  impossible,  especially 
restitution  of  gains  of  this  kind ;  and,  finally,  that  I  abhorred 
having  to  do  with  the  property  of  others,  and  for  nothing  on 
earth  would  I  burden  myself  with  it,  even  indirectly. 

The  Due  d'OrMans  did  not  know  how  to  answer  that,  but 
still,  displeased  and  persistent,  he  came  back  to  his  idea  of 
I  refuse ;  but  rcfusing  the  benefits  of  the  king.  Impatience 
accept  payment      happily  laid  hoM  of  me  ;  I  told  him  I  was  so 

ofan  old  debt.  ^^    ■^  ' 

far  from  any  such  folly  that  I  would  make 
him  a  proposal,  which  I  should  never  have  mentioned  but 
for  what  he  had  said,  and  which,  in  fact,  only  came  into  my 
head  at  the  moment.     I  explained  to  him  the  expenses  that 


had  ruined  my  father  for  the  defence  of  Blaye  against  the 
forces  of  the  Prince  de  Cond^,  who  had  besieged  the  place 
eighteen  months.  My  father  had  paid  the  gamson,  fur- 
nished the  rations,  ammunitioned  the  place,  cast  cannon, 
and  supported  five  hundred  gentlemen  whom  he  had  col- 
lected ;  besides  other  expenses  incurred  to  save  the  place  to 
the  king,  —  all  drawn  from  his  own  means  and  not  from  the 
country.  After  the  troubles  were  over,  five  hundred  thou- 
sand francs  of  written  orders  for  payment  were  sent  to  him, 
on  which  he  never  received  a  sou,  for  M.  Fouquet  was  ar- 
rested just  before  he  was  about  to  begin  to  pay  them  off".  I 
told  the  Due  d'OrMans  that  if  he  chose  to  make  up  the  loss 
of  that  sum,  a  loss  my  father  and  I  had  borne  so  long  a 
time  for  services  so  essential  rendered  to  the  king  (not  to 
speak  of  the  interest  due  for  so  many  years),  it  would  be  a 
justice  which  I  could  take  with  a  good  grace,  and  would 
accept  with  much  gratitude ;  returning  to  him  the  written 
orders  as  they  were  paid  off,  to  be  burned  in  his  presence. 
The  Due  d'0rl(5ans  was  very  willing,  and  spoke  of  it  the 
next  day  to  Law,  My  notes  and  orders  were,  little  by  little, 
burned  up  in  the  regent's  cabinet ;  and  that  is  what  has  paid 
for  the  improvements  I  have  made  at  La  Fertd. 

Parliament,  more  irritated  than  subdued  by  the  lit  de  jus- 
tice at  the  Tuileries,  had  now  recovered  from  its  first  bewil- 
Absurd  but  per-      dcrmeut ;   it  was  very  natural   and   perfectly 

sistdit  theories 

of  parliament  as  consistcut  that  it  should  uot  Only  think  itsclf 
to  its  power.  j^q^  bouud  to  regard  what  had  been  done  at 

the  lit  de  justice  in  spite  of  its  remonstrances,  but  that  it 
should  claim  the  right  to  act  in  a  manner  diametrically 
opposed  to  the  tenor  of  the  decrees  then  passed.  This  is 
what  parliament  now  did,  step  by  step,  with  all  possible 
firmness  and  continuity,  and  as  much  circumspection  as 
would  insure  the  carrying  out  of  its  intentions,  by  opposing 

262  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  ix. 

all  the  registrations  necessary  to  the  various  operations  of 
Law.  The  Due  d'Orleans  was  accurately  informed  and 
greatly  annoyed  at  this  conduct,  and  Law  was  extremely 
embarrassed ;  he  had  many  manoeuvres  and  operations  on 
hand  which  required  a  submissive  parliament,  and  he  had 
to  do  with  a  regent  who  disliked  strong  measures  and  who 
seemed  quite  exhausted  with  the  one  to  which  he  had  lately 
been  compelled  to  have  recourse.  In  tliis  perplexity  Law 
Law  proposes  a  imagined  a  way  to  cut  the  Gordian  knot.  His 
scheme  to  hold  ^^g  ^j^^^^  ^^  -^.^  i^^j^ggt  mark :  the  ardour 

parhament  in  ■■■     ■'^  °  ' 

check.  of  Frenchmen  was  for  it ;  there  were  few  per- 

sons, in  comparison  with  the  many,  who  did  not  prefer  the 
paper  to  specie.  He  therefore  proposed  to  the  regent  to 
refund  with  this  paper,  by  agreement  or  force,  all  the  costs 
of  parliament,  and  defend  the  step  towards  the  public  on 
the  ground  of  removing  the  venality  of  the  offices,  which  led 
to  such  great  abuses,  by  putting  them  all  in  the  hands  of 
the  king  to  dispose  of  gratuitously  (as  they  were  before  they 
became  venal) ;  thus  making  him  master  of  parhament  by 
granting  simple  commissions  to  hold  the  offices  from  one 
vacation  to  another,  to  be  continued  or  changed  at  each  term 
of  parhament  at  the  king's  good  pleasure. 

A  scheme  so  advantageous,  without  drawing  a  purse- 
string,  dazzled  the  regent.  The  Due  de  La  Force  sup- 
ported the  idea  in  concert  w4th  Dubois,  who  did  not  wish 
to  appear  too  much,  but  was  making  others  act,  and,  in 
fear  of  reverses,  was  keeping  beliind  the  tapestry,  whence 
he  directed  his  emissaries.  Dubois  saw  his  own  benefit 
in  this  reimbursement,  full  as  he  was  of  being  master  of 
the  kingdom  under  the  regent's  name.  Nevertheless,  he 
felt  the  risks  of  the  transition,  and  did  not  choose  to 
commit  himself.  Law  had  never  opened  his  hps  to  me 
in   any   way   that   could    make   me   surmise    this   project; 

1719]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  263 

and  I  have  reason  to  think,  though  nothing  of  the  kind 
was  evident,  that  they  dared  not  risk  an  examination  on 
my  part,  but  hoped  to  take  me  unawares,  in  what  they 
imagined  to  be  my  hatred  and  my  interests,  by  the  prop- 
osition which  the  regent  was  to  make  to  me,  and  thus 
inveigle  me  into  an  approbation  to  which  impetus  could 
afterwards  be  imparted.  I  have  always  leaned  to  the  be- 
lief that  it  was  this  idea  that  led  the  Due  d'Orldans  to 
consult  me  on  the  matter.  They  knew  me  to  be  the  man 
of  all  the  world  who  bore  most  impatiently  all  pretensions 
and  enterprises  against  the  royal  authority,  and  who,  from 
attachment  to  my  rank  and  dignity,  was  always  most 
openly  and  pubhcly  exasperated  by  the  usurpations  of 

However  that  may  be,  one  afternoon  when  I  was  work- 

incr  as  usual,  tete-a-tete  with  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  he  began 

to   talk   about    parliament   without   anything 

I  prevent  the  ^  . 

regent  from  giviug  rise  to  it,  explaining  the   shackles  it 

a  opting  It.  ^^^   upon   him,   the   small   account   it   made, 

publicly,  of  the  lit  de  justice  of  the  Tuileries,  the  little  fruit 
he  had  gained  from  that  step ;  and  then,  all  of  a  sudden, 
he  proposed  the  above  expedient,  pullmg  from  his  pocket 
a  well-reasoned  paper  on  the  scheme,  of  which  I  had  never 
heard  one  word  till  that  moment.  I  entered  into  all  Ids 
complaints  of  the  conduct  of  parliament  and  agreed  with 
his  reasons  for  compelling  it  to  its  duty  in  regard  to  the 
royal  authority ;  but  T  added  at  once  that,  as  for  the  proj- 
ect, it  seemed  to  me,  at  a  first  view  of  it,  very  unjust  on 
one  side  and  very  daring  on  the  other;  and  it  was  not,  I 
thought,  a  matter  to  be  decided  on  without  mature  dehb- 
eration,  and  after  considering  and  weighing  the  important 
and  wide-spreading  consequences.  He  would  not  let  me 
say  more,   and  insisted  on  reading   the  document  straight 

264  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [cuap.  ix. 

through  without  interruption,  in  spite  of  his  bad  eyesight, 
and  then  a  second  time,  stopping  and  arguing  upon  it. 

This  second  reading  confirmed  me  in  the  aversion  I  felt 
to  the  scheme,  and  I  said  so  and  argued  against  it;  but 
the  regent,  delighted  and  already  earned  away  with  it,  was 
not  pleased  with  my  resistance.  Seeing  him  so  biased  and 
refolding  the  paper  to  put  it  m  his  pocket,  I  felt  all  the 
danger  into  which  they  were  going  to  plunge  him.  I 
begcred  him  to  let  me  have  the  memorandum  and  take  it 
home  to  consider  it  at  my  ease.  He  consented  on  condi- 
tion that  no  one  should  see  it  but  myself,  and  he  exacted 
a  promise  that  I  would  bring  it  back  the  day  but  one 
following,  and  refused  to  allow  me  a  longer  time.  I  kept 
my  word,  and  more  too ;  for  I  wrote  with  my  own  hand 
so  strong  an  answ^er  (which  I  read  to  the  Due  d'Orleans) 
that  he  became  convinced  the  project  was  a  dangerous 
chimera.  Those  who  had  made  and  counselled  it  found 
him  so  armed  against  their  reasons  that  they  had  nothing 
to  reply,  and  kept  silence,  —  but  not  for  long.  The  scheme 
was  too  dear  to  Law  and  to  Dubois  to  be  abandoned :  to 
Dubois,  as  removing  all  sorts  of  present  and  future  ob- 
stacles to  the  establishment  and  preservation  of  his  omni- 
potence ;  to  Law  for  his  own  support  in  liis  tremendous 
output  of  paper,  of  which  he  felt  from  afar  all  the  burden 
in  spite  of  the  great  vogue  in  which  he  then  was.  We 
shall  see  that  the  following  year  was  spent  in  struggles 
between  the  government  and  the  parliament.  Those  strug- 
gles gave  the  promoters  of  the  abandoned  scheme  a  chance 
to  resuscitate  it ;  none  of  them  ever  mentioned  it  to  me, 
except  Law,  who  once  or  twice  expressed  a  few  regrets  for 
such  a  fine  stroke  wasted. 

Money  was  in  such  abundance  —  that  is  to  say,  Law's 
bank-notes,  which   people  then   preferred    to   specie  —  that 

1719]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  265 

four   millious   were*  paid   to   the   Elector   of   Bavaria,   and 

three  millions  to  Sweden,  mostly  old  debts.     Soon  after,  the 

recjent  gave  eighty  thousand  francs  to  Meuse, 

The  madness  of  o  o  a      J  > 

the  Mississippi ;      and  eight  hundred  thousand  francs  to  Mme. 

Chateauthiers,  lady  of  the  Bedchamber  to 
the  Duchesse  d'Orldans,  who  had  loved  him  for  many  years. 
The  business  of  the  shares  in  the  Company  of  the  Indies 
[or  West]  commonly  called  "  The  Mississippi,"  established 
for  the  last  few  months  in  the  rue  Quincampoix,  from  which 
horses  and  carriages  were  excluded,  had  now  increased  so 
enormously  that  persons  rushed  there  all  day  long,  and  it 
was  necessary  to  place  guards  at  each  end  of  the  street, 
with  drums  and  bells  to  give  warning  when  business 
opened  at  seven  o'clock  in  the  morning  and  when  it  closed 
at  night ;  and  also  to  prevent  a  crowd  from  assembling 
there  on  Sundays  and  fete-days.  Never  was  folly  and  mad- 
ness like  it.  The  regent  made  a  great  distribution  of  these 
shares  amc.;^.  ^he   general  and  staff  officers,   according   to 

grades,  who  were  employed  in  the  war  against 

Diminution  of  °        _  -^      "^  '^ 

specie,  and  Spain.     Shortly  after,  the   treasury   began   to 

recomage.  diminish  specie  month  by  month  at  three  reg- 

ular intervals,  and  next  came  a  general  recoinage  of  it. 

Law's  bank  as  well  as  his  Mississippi  were  now  at  their 
highest  point.  Confidence  was  unbounded.  People  rushed 
Law  desires  to  to  change  houses  and  lands  for  paper,  and 
iic!^°Hls^ron^-^°'  ^^is  paper  caused  the  commonest  articles  to 
verters.  become  of  cuormous   price.     All  heads  were 

turned.  Foreigners  envied  our  luck  and  tried  in  every  way 
to  obtain  a  share  of  it.  The  English,  so  able  and  consum- 
mate in  banks,  companies,  and  commerce,  were  taken  in  by 
the  prospect,  and  repented  themselves  later.  Law,  though 
cool  and  prudent,  felt  his  modesty  fail  him.  He  was  tired 
of  being  a  subaltern.     He  now  aimed  to  be  great  amid  this 

206  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ix. 

splendour ;  and  so  did  Dubois  and  the  regent  for  Mm ;  but 
for  this  elevation  two  obstacles  would  have  to  be  overcome 
in  the  case  of  Law:  the  condition  of  foreigner,  and  that  of 
heretic.  The  first  could  be  changed  only  by  naturahzation 
preceded  by  abjuration.  For  this  a  converter  was  needed 
who  would  not  look  too  closely  into  things,  and  of  whom 
they  could  feel  perfectly  sure  before  committing  themselves. 
The  Abb^  Dubois  found  him  as  it  were  in  his  pocket.  This 
was  the  Abbe  Tencin,  whom  the  devil  afterwards  helped  to 
a  most  astoundmg  fortune ;  for  true  it  is  that  he  sometimes 
departs  from  his  usual  rule  and  rewards  his  own ;  by  which 
examples  he  dazzles  others  and  inveigles  them.  This  Abb^ 
Tencin  was  a  priest  and  a  rascal,  whose  real  name  was 
Gudrin ;  his  sister  was  the  mistress  of  the  Abb^  Dubois, 
soon  his  confidante,  and  then  the  directress  of  many  of  his 
schemes  and  secrets.  This  connection  was  long  concealed ; 
at  any  rate  while  Dubois'  career  had  need  of  caution ;  after 
he  became  archbishop  (still  more  when  he  was  cardinal)  she 
was  known  pubhcly  as  his  mistress,  ruled  his  household 
openly,  and  held  a  sort  of  Court,  as  if  she  were  the  channel 
of  all  favours  and  fortune.  Meantime  she  had  begun  to 
make  the  fortune  of  her  beloved  brother.  She  presented  him 
to  her  lover,  who  soon  found  him  a  man  expressly  made  to 
second  him  in  all  things  and  to  be  singularly  useful  to  him. 

Such  were  the  apostles  of  a  proselyte  like  Law,  provided 
for  him  by  the  Abb4  Dubois.  They  already  knew  each 
other;  and  this  was  the  state  of  things  when  it  became  a 
question  of  bringing  back  into  the  bosom  of  the  Church  a 
Protestant,  or  an  Anglican,  —  for  he  scarcely  knew  what  he 
really  was.  The  work  was  not  difficult ;  but  they  had  the 
sense  to  do  it  and  consummate  it  secretly,  so  that  for  some 
time  it  was  a  problem ;  and  thus  they  saved  appearances  while 
the  instruction  was  going  on,  and  some  part,  at  least,  of  the 

1719]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  267 

scandal  and  ridicule  of  such  a  conversion  performed  by  such 

The  Due  d'Orldans  had  informed  me  about  this  time  of 

the  fixed  intention  of  the  Duchesse  de  Berry  to  declare  her 

secret  marriage  to  Eion.     I  was  not  surprised 

Determination  of  ° 

the  Duchesse  de  at  the  marriage,  knowing  that  mixture  of 
her  marriage  ^"^^  passion  and  fcar  of  the  devil,  but  I  was  ex- 
toRion.  tremely  astonished  at  this  fury  for  declaring 

it  in  a  person  so  superbly  haughty  and  vainglorious.  She 
had  gone  to  Meudon,  and  thence  to  La  Muette,  lying  in  a 
carriage  between  two  sheets.  She  grew  no  better ;  the  pain 
increased  at  shorter  intervals  ;  fever  was  always  marked  and 
sometimes  very  strong.  The  fluctuations  of  hope  and  fear 
supported  her  till  the  beginning  of  July,  but  then  her 
malady  increased  so  much  that  on  the  14th  they  began  to 
feel  serious  alarm  about  her.  The  night  was  so  restless 
that  they  sent  to  rouse  the  regent  at  the  Palais-Eoyal ;  and 
at  the  same  time  Mme.  de  Pons  wrote  to  Mme.  de  Saint- 
Simon,  urging  her  to  come  at  once  and  establish  herself  at 
Mme.  de  Saint-      La  Muettc.     Slic  yielded  to  this  request  and 

Simon  goes  to  ^  ^^^^^.^    ^^  ^^^^     ^^^^    ^-^  ^^^    ^^r^^^  j^  ^^^^ 

her  in  her  last  '  " 

illness.  while  the  duchess  lived.     She  found  the  dan- 

ger great ;  one  bleeding  had  been  done  in  the  arm  on  that 
day,  July  15,  and  another  in  the  foot;  her  confessor,  a 
Franciscan,  had  been  sent  for.  I  shall  here  interrupt  the 
course  of  this  illness,  which  lasted  seven  days,  to  give  a 
brief  coup  d'ceil  to  that  princess  as  a  whole,  at  the  risk  of 
some  slight  repetition. 

Mme.  la  Duchesse  de  Berry  made  so  much  noise  in  the 

brief  space  of  a  very  short  life  that,  sad  as  the  matter  is,  it 

is   curious   and    deserves   to   be   dwelt   upon. 

Brief  sketch  of 

the  Duchesse         Bom  with  a  supcrior  mind,  and  being,  when 
^"^'  she  chose,  equally  agreeable  and  amiable,  with 

268  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ix. 

a  figure  that  was  imposing  and  on  which  the  eye  rested 
with  pleasure  (though  injured  at  the  last  by  too  much  flesh), 
she  talked  with  singular  grace  and  a  natural  eloquence  which 
was  all  her  own  and  flowed  spontaneously  and  easily,  with 
an  appropriateness  of  language  that  surprised  and  charmed. 
What  might  she  not  have  made  of  these  talents  with  the 
king  and  Mme.  de  Maintenon,  who  only  wished  to  love  her ; 
with  the  Duchesse  de  Bourgogne,  who  had  made  her  marriage 
and  regarded  her  as  her  very  own ;  with  her  father,  regent 
of  the  kingdom,  who  had  eyes  for  her  alone,  —  if  the  vices  of 
her  heart  and  mind  and  soul  had  not  turned  so  many  noble 
gifts  into  dangerous  poisons.  The  most  inordinate  pride, 
the  most  persistent  falsehood  she  took  for  virtues  and  piqued 
herself  upon  them ;  while  irreligion,  which  she  thought 
adorned  her  mind,  made  the  chmax  of  all  the  rest.  What 
seemed  extraordinary  was  the  amazing  contrast  between  a 
pride  that  lifted  her  to  the  skies  and  a  debauchery  which 
led  her  to  sup,  not  only  with  people  of  quahty,  but  with  such 
a  man  as  Pfere  Eiglet,  Jesuit,  a  teller  of  loose  stories,  and 
other  canailles  who  would  never  have  been  admitted  into 
decent  houses,  together  with  the  roues  of  the  Due  d'Orldans, 
with  him  or  without  him,  she  herself  taking  pleasure  in 
exciting  their  indecency  and  impiety. 

In  spite  of  a  depravity  so  universal  and  so  pubhc,  she  was 
mdignant  that  any  one  dared  to  speak  of  it.  She  declared 
boldly  that  it  was  not  permitted  to  talk  of  persons  of  her 
rank,  not  even  to  blame  their  pubhc  actions,  still  less  what 
they  did  in  private.  It  was  this  that  irritated  her  against 
every  one,  as  violating  the  sacred  rights  of  her  person, 
criminally  wanting  in  respect,  and  undeserving  of  pardon. 
Her  death  was  a  singular  spectacle.  The  long  suffering  she 
had  endured  had  neither  induced  her  to  care  for  this  life  by 
following  a  regimen  necessary  to  her  condition,  nor  to  think 

1719]  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  269 

of  the  life  to  come,  until  at  last  her  relations  and  physi- 
cians were  compelled  to  speak  a  language  to  her  such  as 
princes  never  hear  except  in  some  great  extremity.  She  then 
submitted  to  remedies  both  for  this  world  and  the  next.  She 
received  the  sacraments  with  open  doors  and  talked  to  those 
present  on  her  life  and  state,  but  as  a  queen  in  each.  After 
the  scene  was  over,  and  she  was  again  shut  up  with  her 
intimates,  she  applauded  herself  for  the  firmness  she  had 
shown  and  asked  them  if  she  had  not  spoken  well,  and 
whether  she  was  not  dying  with  grandeur  and  courage. 

Mme.  de  Saint-Simon,  seemg  that  the  end  approached 
and  that  there  was  no  one  at  La  Muette  with  whom  the 
Mme.  de  Saint-  Duc  d'Orlcaus  could  fccl  at  liberty,  sent  me 
Simon  sends  for      ^^^^^^^   ^j^^^  ^j^^   advlscd   mc   to  comc  and  be 

me.    Gnefofthe 

"gent.  with  him  in  these  sad  hours.     It  seemed  to 

me  that  my  arrival  did  give  him  pleasure,  and  that  I  was 
not  useless  by  reason  of  the  comfort  it  gave  him  to  pour 
himself  freely  out  to  me.  He  wished  me  to  take  entire 
charge  of  what  would  have  to  be  done  after  the  Duchesse 
de  Berry's  death,  such  as  the  opening  of  her  body,  and  all 
the  other  details  which  demanded  his  orders  and  his  decision, 
so  that  he  himself  might  not  be  importuned  by  such  agitat- 
ing things  ;  he  wished  me  not  to  ask  his  orders  about  any- 
thing ;  moreover  he  told  the  household  of  the  princess  that 
he  had  given  nie  those  orders,  and  that  it  was  to  me  that 
they  must  go  for  theirs. 

As  the  evening  advanced  and  the  Duchesse  de  Berry 
became  worse,  being  now  without  consciousness,  her  father 
returned  to  the  chamber  and  stood  by  the  pillow  of  her  bed, 
the  curtains  of  which  were  open.  I  did  not  leave  him  there 
long,  but  pushed  him  gently  into  the  cabinet,  where  there 
was  no  one.  The  windows  were  open  ;  he  leaned  on  the  iron 
baluster  and  his  sobs  redoubled  so  much  that  I  feared  he 

270  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  ix 

would  suffocate.  Wlien  this  violent  attack  was  over  he 
began  to  talk  to  me  of  the  miseries  of  this  world  and  the 
little  duration  of  what  is  most  pleasurable.  I  took  occasion 
to  say  to  him  what  God  gave  me  to  say,  with  all  the  gentle- 
ness, unction,  and  tenderness  that  was  possible  to  me.  Not 
only  did  he  receive  well  what  I  said,  but  he  answered  it  and 
continued  the  conversation.  After  we  had  been  there  about 
an  hour  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon  sent  me  softly  word  that  it 
was  time  that  I  should  try  to  send  the  Due  d'Orleans  away, 
as  the  only  way  to  leave  the  cabinet  was  through  the 
chamber.  His  carriage  was  ready,  for  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon 
had  been  thoughtful  enough  to  send  for  it.  It  was  not  with- 
out difficulty  that  I  could  tear  him  away,  plunged  as  he 
was  in  the  bitterest  grief.  I  made  him  cross  the  chamber 
swiftly,  and  entreated  him  to  return  to  Paris.  That  was 
another  difficulty  to  overcome ;  but  in  the  end  he  yielded. 

The  Duchesse  de  Berry  died  at  midnight  on  the  21st  of 
July.  Afflicted  as  the  Due  d'Orldans  was,  comfort  was  not 
Death  ofthe  loug  in  comiug.  The  yoke  under  which  she 
Duchesse  de         j^^d  licld  him,  and  which  he  had  often  found  so 


hea"v^,  was  broken.  Especially  was  he  relieved 
of  the  horror  of  declaring  her  marriage  to  Rion  and  all  its 
consequences,  —  an  embarrassment  all  the  greater  because  on 
opening  her  body  the  poor  princess  was  found  to  be  pregnant ; 
a  derangement  was  also  found  in  the  brain.  All  this  prom- 
ised great  future  troubles,  which  were  smothered  by  her 

Mme.  de  Saint-Simon,  who,  as  we  have  seen  in  its  place, 
was  forced,  and  I  too,  to  consent  that  she  should  be  lady  of 
lUnessofMme  houour  to  the  Duchesse  de  Berry,  had  not  been 
de  Saint-Simon,  ^ijie  at  any  time  to  find  the  moment  when 
she  could  properly  quit  that  office.  Every  sort  of  considera- 
tion was   shown   her,  every   liberty   accorded   to  her;  but 


nothing  could  console  her  for  occupying  that  post,  so  that 
she  felt  the  relief,  not  to  say  the  satisfaction,  of  a  deliverance 
she  had  little  expected  from  a  princess  only  twenty-four 
years  old.  But  the  extreme  fatigue  of  the  last  days  of  the 
illness  and  of  those  which  succeeded  the  death,  caused  her 
a  malignant  fever,  of  which  she  was  six  weeks  at  the  point 
of  death  in  a  country-house  which  Fontanieu  had  lent  her 
at  Passy  to  take  the  waters  at  Forges  and  to  rest.  She  was 
two  months  in  recovering.  This  accident,  which  almost 
drove  me  out  of  my  mind,  kept  me  from  the  knowledge  of 
everything  for  two  months,  during  which  I  never  left  that 
house,  scarcely  her  chamber,  hearing  nothing  and  seeing 
none  but  a  few  indispensable  friends.  When  she  began 
to  recover  I  asked  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  for  lodgings  in  the 
new  chateau  at  Meudon.  He  lent  me  the  whole  chateau 
all  furnished.  We  passed  the  rest  of  the  summer  there, 
and  several  other  summers.  It  is  a  charming  spot  for  walks 
and  drives.  We  expected  to  see  only  our  intimate  friends ; 
but  its  proximity  to  Paris  overwhelmed  us  with  company, 
so  that  the  new  chateau  was  often  full  of  lodgers,  not  to 
speak  of  passing  visitors. 

The  Due  d'0rl4ans  paid  the  king  a  charming  compliment, 

well-suited  to  his  years,  by  proposing  that  he  should  use 

La  Muette  for   his   amusements,  and   go   out 

La  Muette  given  . 

to  the  king  for  thcrc  and  have  collations.  The  kmg  was  en- 
his  amusements.     ^-^^^^^^     jj^  thought   he  was   rcaUy  having 

something  of  his  own;  and  he  took  deliglit  in  going  there 
and  eating  bread  and  milk  and  fruit  and  vegetables,  and 
amusing  himself  with  all  that  diverts  a  boy  of  his  age.  The 
place  in  changing  masters  changed  also  its  governor.  The 
Due  d'Humi^res  spoke  to  me  in  behalf  of  Pez(5.  I  obtained 
the  post  for  him,  and  he  knew  how  to  manage  the  place  in 
a  way  to  make  it  more  and  more  agreeable  to  the  king. 

272  MEMOIKS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ix. 

We  have  now  readied  a  very  curious  and  interesting 
epoch.  What  a  pity  that  the  ever-imposing  and  exacting 
influence  of  the  Abb^  Dubois  over  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  did 
not  permit  the  latter  to  place  his  usual  confidence  in  those 
who  were  most  faithfully  attached  to  him  i  This  misfortune 
will  deprive  these  ]\Iemoirs  of  a  great  deal  of  curious 
information.  I  will  not  and  I  cannot  write  down  anything 
that  did  not  either  pass  before  my  own  eyes,  or  that  I  did 
not  hear  from  those  who  were  concerned  in  it.  I  prefer  to 
frankly  own  my  ignorance  rather  than  risk  conjectures 
which  are  often  little  other  than  romances  ;  I  shall  often 
be  reduced  to  that  dilemma,  and  I  would  rather  have  the 
shame  of  owning  it  in  the  remainder  of  these  Memoirs  than 
create  fictions  and  mislead  my  readers,  —  should  these 
Memoirs  ever  see  the  h^ht. 

Working  one  day  as  usual  with  the  regent  towards  the 
close  of  this  year,  he  interrupted  me  soon  after  we  had  be- 
The  regent  guu   by  making  complaints  of   the   Mardchal 

me'golem^r^of  ^^  Villcroy.  Hc  oftcu  did  so,  but  on  this 
the  king.  occasiou,  getting  more  and  more  excited,  he 

suddenly  rose  and  said  it  was  not  to  be  endured  any  longer, 
—  that  was  his  expression,  —  and  he  wished  to  turn  him  out 
at  once  and  make  me  governor  to  the  king.  My  surprise 
was  great,  but  I  did  not  lose  my  judgment.  I  smiled  and 
rephed  gently  that  he  could  not  really  think  of  it.  "I 
think  of  it  very  much,"  he  replied ;  "  so  much  that  I  intend 
it  shall  be  done,  and  I  shall  not  delay  doing  what  ought  to 
have  been  done  long  ago.  What  have  you  to  say  against 
it  ? "  With  that  he  began  to  walk,  or  rather  to  twirl,  about 
the  room.  I  asked  him  if  he  had  maturely  reflected  on  it. 
Thereupon  he  dehvered  himself  of  all  his  reasons  for  remov- 
ing the  mar^chal  and  those  for  putting  me  in  his  place, 
which  latter  were  too  flattering  to  repeat  here.     I  let  him 

i^tlie  ae  l^  ciu  Payj-   J^tannour  , — 
jd'St^,  ^t  /ait  JWarecncti  r/c  /"'rarir/'  /»/;  //>y 

otjj,  Goiiue**nt'ui'  /jott*'  le  I^oy.  c/a  let 

',/.  'LK 


1719]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  273 

say  as  much  as  he  wished,  and  then  I  talked  in  my  turn, 
without  allowing  him  to  interrupt  me.  I  agreed  to  all  he 
said  of  the  Mar^chal  de  Yilleroy,  because  there  was  no  dis- 
agreeing with  any  of  his  complaints,  his  reasons,  and  his 
deductions  ;  but  I  stoutly  opposed  his  removing  him.  I  re- 
minded the  regent  of  all  the  reasons  I  had  formerly  given 
him  against  taking  the  superintendence  of  the  king's  educa- 
tion from  the  Due  du  Maine,  which  he  himself  had  thought 
sound  and  good,  and  was  only  prevented  from  following  by 
the  persistent  persecution  of  M.  le  Due.  I  told  him  that 
the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy  was  only  what  he  himself  made 
him,  and  what  any  one  else  with  so  much  gas  and  self-con- 
ceit and  so  little  mind  and  common-sense  would  inevitably 
be ;  that  he  had  spoiled  him,  and  the  mardchal  was  simply 
taking  advantage  of  it ;  that  every  one  in  public  and  in  pri- 
vate was  astonished  to  see  how  he  awed  him  with  that  air 
of  martial  superiority,  as  if  he  were  still  a  youth  in  the  days 
of  Monsieur ;  and  he  ought  therefore  not  to  be  surprised  at 
the  advantage  the  mardchal  took  of  it.  I  told  him  he  had 
only  to  change  this  singular  and  dangerous  conduct  and 
keep  firmly  to  the  change,  and  he  would  see  that  Villeroy 
would  fancy  himself  lost,  and  tremble,  cringe,  and  grow  sup- 
ple and  respectful ;  whereas,  if  he  turned  him  out,  he  would 
make  him  a  public  martyr,  the  idol  of  parliament,  the  peo- 
ple, and  the  provinces,  to  a  point  that  would  make  him,  if 
not  dangerous,  at  least  embarrassing. 

Shaken,  but  not  driven  from  his  intention,  the  regent  tried 

to  weaken  me  by  increasing  the  temptation  of  the  post  of 

governor,  and  by  overwhelming  me  with  what 

I  dissuade  him.  .  . 

he  said  about  it.  I  expressed  my  gratitude, 
like  a  man  who  felt  very  deeply  the  value  of  the  appoint- 
ment and  the  seasoning  he  gave  to  it,  but  whom  it  did  not 
dazzle.     I  reminded  him  that  he  ought  never  to  appouit  as 

VOL.  IV. 18 

274  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [ciiai-.  ix. 

governor,  or  to  any  other  post  about  the  king,  any  person 
who  was  particularly  attached  to  himself,  lest  the  monarch 
should  die  young  without  posterity,  —  in  view  of  his  having 
been  so  cruelly,  iniquitously,  and  universally  accused  of 
many  recent  horrors ;  and  this  .  argument,  so  strong  and 
real,  resulting  from  the  perverse  nature  of  things,  made  me 
the  last  man  in  the  world  on  whom  the  choice  ought  to 
fall,  as  well  as  the  most  radically  excluded  by  nature ;  so  that 
I  believed  I  should  be  doing  him  a  bad  and  most  dangerous 
service  by  accepting  his  offer.  We  argued  the  same  things 
over  and  over ;  and  the  conversation  ended  by  the  regent 
saying  that  we  would  talk  of  the  matter  again.  To  which 
I  replied  that,  as  for  me,  it  was  settled  now,  and  that  very 
certainly  I  would  not  be  governor  to  the  king ;  and  as  for 
Mar^chal  de  Villeroy,  he  ought  to  be  careful  against  the 
influence  of  others  and  his  own  inclinations,  and  not  be  led 
into  such  a  blunder.  We  said  no  more  then ;  he  spoke  of 
it  two  or  three  times  later,  but  always  more  feebly,  until  he 
ended  by  agreeing  with  me  not  to  think  of  it  again,  and  to 
treat  the  mardchal  as  I  advised  him  to  do.  But  this  he 
never  had  the  strength  to  attempt.  He  treated  him  as  usual, 
and  the  mar^chal,  consequently,  went  on  assuming  an  inso- 
lent air  to  him.  I  was  provoked,  but  I  did  not  dare  to  say 
anything,  lest  I  should  bring  the  regent  back  to  the  desire 
to  get  rid  of  him. 

The  disorder  of  the  finances  was  increasing  daily,  also  the 
squabbles  between  d'Argenson  and  Law,  each  of  whom  was 

now  complaining  of  the  other.      Matters  had 
1720.  ^  ^ 

Confusion  in  the  finally  comc  to  such  a  pass  that  it  was  neces- 
irTadTcontrourr-  sary  that  one  of  the  two  should  yield  to  the 
general.  othcr  an  administration  in  which  their  rivalry 

was  creating  the  utmost  confusion.  Whatever  intimacy  might 
exist  between  d'Argenson  and  Dubois,  who  had  so  far  failed 


to  make  Law  and  d'Argenson  agree,  the  prospect  of  his  car- 
dinalate,  and  the  necessity  of  having  plenty  of  money  to 
spend  upon  it,  did  not  allow  Dubois  to  hesitate  in  this  ex- 
tremity as  to  whose  side  he  should  take.  Law's  conversion 
had  an  object  which  it  was  now  high  time  to  attain.  D'Ar- 
genson, seeing  the  storm  approach,  felt  he  was  in  a  fragile 
place,  and  determined  to  save  himself.  He  had  too  much 
sense  and  knowledge  of  the  world  and  of  those  with  whom 
he  had  to  do  not  to  feel  that  if  he  clung  to  the  finances  they 
would  drag  from  him  the  office  of  Keeper  of  the  Seals.  He 
therefore  yielded  to  Law,  who  was  immediately  appointed 
controller-general  of  the  finances,  and  who,  in  that  position 
of  singular  elevation  for  him,  continued  to  come  and  see  me 
every  Tuesday  morning,  endeavouring  always  to  convince  me 
about  his  miracles,  past  and  to  come.  D'Argenson  contin- 
ued to  be  Keeper  of  the  Seals.  The  pubhc  murmured 
greatly  on  seeing  a  foreigner  controller-general,  and  all 
France  delivered  over  to  a  system  wliich  was  now  begia- 
nincr  to  be  distrusted.  But  Frenchmen  accustom  themselves 
to  everythiQg,  and  many  were  consoled  by  getting  rid  of 
d'Argenson's  fantastic  hours  of  work  and  crabbed  temper. 
The  Due  d'Orldans  had  told  me  in  advance  what  he  was 
about  to  do,  but  he  did  not  consult  me.  The  Ahh6  Dubois 
had  by  this  time  completely  invaded  him;  and  I  avoided 
putting  myself  forward  about  anything. 

But  Law's  system  was  drawing  to  an  end.  If  they  had 
been  content  with  his  bank,  and  his  bank  reduced  to  wise 
Insecurity  of  and  equitable  limits,  the  money  of  the  king- 
Law's  system       ^^^^  micrlit  have  been  doubled  and  great  f acil- 

and  bank ;  it  be-  *  " 

comes  apparent,  ity  introduced  into  the  country's  commerce 
and  into  that  of  private  persons  with  one  another ;  because, 
if  the  bank  were  able  always  to  face  its  liabiUties,  its  notes, 
being  continually  payable  at  their  full  value,  would  have 

276  MEMOIRS  OF  TPIE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ix. 

been  ready  money,  and  often  preferable  to  coin  through  con- 
venience of  transportation.  But  it  must  be  admitted,  as 
I  maintained  to  the  regent  in  his  cabinet,  and  said  boldly 
to  the  Council  of  Eegency,  when  the  bank  project  passed, 
that,  good  as  this  system  might  be  in  itself,  it  could  only 
be  good  in  a  republic,  or  a  monarchy  like  that  of  England, 
where  the  finances  are  arbitrarily  governed  solely  by  those 
who  furnish  them  and  who  furnish  only  so  much  and  as 
it  pleases  them.  But  in  a  State  so  volatile  and  changeable 
rather  than  arbitrary  as  that  of  France,  stability  is,  neces- 
sarily, lacking ;  consequently  also  a  firm  and  judicious  con- 
fidence, —  inasmuch  as  a  king,  and  under  him  a  mistress,  a 
minister,  favourites,  or  extreme  necessity  (such  as  that  the 
late  king  met  with  in  the  years  from  1707  to  1710),  a 
hundred  things,  in  short,  might  bankrupt  the  bank,  the 
temptations  of  which  would  be  too  great  and  at  the  same 
time  too  easy.  But  when  to  what  was  real  in  this  bank- 
ing system  they  added  the  chimera  of  the  Mississippi,  its 
shares,  its  lingo,  its  science,  that  is  to  say,  its  hocus-pocus 
for  taking  money  from  some  and  giving  it  to  others,  it 
would  surely  result  —  inasmuch  as  they  had  neither  mines 
nor  the  philosopher's  stone  —  in  those  shares  proving  worth- 
less, and  in  a  very  few  persons  being  enriched  by  the  ruin 
of  the  greater  number.  And  this  is  what  actually  happened. 
The  overthrow  of  the  bank  and  the  system  was  hastened 
by  the  inconceivable  prodigality  of  the  regent,  who,  with- 
.    ^,  out  limit,  and  even,  if  that   could   be,  without 


prodigality  of  selectiou,  was  uuable  to  resist  importunity,  but 
gave  with  both  hands,  and  often  to  persons 
who  scoffed  at  his  act  and  gave  thanks  only  to  their  own 
effrontery.  It  is  difficult  to  believe  what  one  actually  saw ; 
posterity  will  consider  as  a  fable  what  we  ourselves  re- 
member now  as  a  dream.     So  much  was  given  away  to  a 

1720]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  277 

greedy  and  prodigal  community,  always  grasping,  always 
necessitous  through  its  luxury,  its  licentiousness,  its  con- 
fusion of  positions,  that  paper  lacked,  the  mills  could  not 
furnish  enough.  From  that  fact  may  be  inferred  the  un- 
imaginable abuse  of  what  was  established  originally  as  a 
resource  always  ready,  but  which  could  only  exist  as  such 
by  balancing  the  two  ends,  and  reserving  enough  coin  to 
answer  instantly  to  all  demands.  This  is  what  I  questioned 
Law  about  every  Tuesday  morning.  He  put  me  of!"  with 
specious  words  for  a  long  time  before  he  owned  to  me  his 
embarrassments,  and  modestly  and  timidly  complained  that 
the  regent  was  throwing  everything  out  of  windows.  I 
knew  from  the  outside  more  than  he  thought,  and  it  was 
that  knowledge  that  made  me  press  him  so  insistently  on 
the  state  of  his  schedule.  When  admitting  at  last,  though 
faintly,  what  he  could  not  conceal,  he  assured  me  that, 
provided  the  regent  left  him  free  to  act,  he  was  not  lacking 
in  resources.     That  did  not  convince  me. 

The  bank-notes  were  already  beginning  to  depreciate, 
soon  after  to  lose  credit,  and  then  their  discredit  became 
Grievous  and  general.  Hence  the  necessity  of  forcibly  main- 
mfinite  results,  taiuing  tlicm,  iuasmuch  as  this  could  no  longer 
be  done  by  their  own  value  ;  and  the  moment  force  was 
shown,  every  man  despaired  of  his  safety.  They  came  at 
last  to  coercive  authority ;  they  suppressed  the  use  of 
gold,  silver  (I  mean  coined  money),  and  precious  stones ; 
and  they  tried  to  convince  the  nation  that  from  the  days 
when  Abraham  paid  four  hundred  shekels  of  silver,  cur- 
rent coin,  for  Sarah's  sepulchre  to  the  present  day,  the 
wisest  nations  of  the  earth  had  been  under  the  grossest 
error  and  delusion  as  to  money  and  the  metals  of  which  it 
was  made ;  that  paper  was  the  only  profitable  and  necessary 
medium,  and  that  we  could  not  do  a  greater  harm  to  for- 

278  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ix. 

eign  nations,  jealous  of  our  grandeur  and  our  advantages, 
than  to  pass  over  all  our  silver  and  gold  and  precious  stones 
to  them.  But  no  one  was  convinced  of  this,  for  the  reason 
that  permission  was  given  to  the  Company  of  the  Indies 
to  inspect  all  houses,  even  those  of  royalty,  and  confiscate 
the  louis  d'ors  and  ecus  that  were  found  there,  leaving 
only  twenty-sous  pieces  and  under;  and  of  those  only 
enough  to  make  change  for  notes  and  purchase  the  smallest 
commodities.  All  this  with  heavy  pains  and  penalties  if 
more  were  kept  back,  so  that  all  such  property  had  to  be 
taken  to  the  bank,  lest  the  valets  of  the  households  should 
denounce  its  retention.  Hence  a  recourse  to  more  and  more 
authority,  which  opened  all  houses  to  visits  and  inquisitions, 
to  make  svire  that  no  money  was  concealed,  while  severe 
punishments  were  given  to  those  who  reserved  any.  Never 
was  sovereign  power  so  violently  attempted ;  never  did  it 
meddle  with  any  matter  so  sensitively  felt  or  so  vitally 
connected  with  the  temporal  well-being  of  the  community. 
It  was  a  marvel,  and  not  the  effect  of  any  care  or  conduct 
on  the  part  of  the  government,  that  not  only  ordinances  so 
terribly  novel  did  not  produce  the  saddest  and  most  com- 
plete revolution,  but  that  there  was  never  any  question 
of  one,  and  that  so  many  millions  of  people,  absolutely 
ruined  or  dying  of  hunger  or  want  beside  their  own  prop- 
erty without  any  means  of  obtaining  it  for  their  daily 
subsistence,  should  have  uttered  nothing  but  plaints  and 

Such  violence,  however,  was  too  excessive,  too  indefensible 
in  various  ways,  to  continue  long ;  it  was  necessary  to  issue 
new  paper  and  to  invent  fresh  tricks  of  legerdemain,  which 
were  known  to  be  such  and  felt  to  be  such,  but  to  which 
people  submitted  rather  than  not  have  twenty  crowns  in 
safety  in  their  own  homes.    Hence  came  endless  manceuvres^ 


endless  different  aspects  given  to  the  finances,  all  aiming 
to  take  up  one  kind  of  paper  by  another,  —  in  other  words 
making  the  holders  of  these  different  papers  lose  in  turn, 
they  bemg  holders  by  force  and  the  bulk  of  the  people. 
This  is  what,  in  the  matter  of  finance,  occupied  all  the  rest 
of  the  regent's  hfe  and  government,  drove  Law  from  the 
kingdom,  increased  the  cost  of  all  merchandise,  all  pro- 
visions, even  the  commonest,  sixfold,  caused  a  ruinous 
increase  of  all  kinds  of  salaries,  destroyed  commerce,  both 
general  and  private,  made,  at  the  cost  of  the  public,  the  sud- 
den wealth  of  a  few  seigneurs,  who  wasted  it  and  were  all 
the  poorer  in  a  very  short  time,  gave  monstrous  fortimes 
to  the  employes  and  middlemen  and  clerks  of  the  finan- 
ciers who  got  their  profit  quickly  and  shrewdly  out  of  the 
Mississippi.  This  is  what  still  occupies  the  government 
long  after  the  death  of  the  Due  d'Orldans ;  from  it  France 
will  never  entirely  rise,  though  it  is  true  that  landed  prop- 
erty has  considerably  increased  in  value. 

Meantime,  by  dint  of  turning  and  twisting  the  Mississippi 

in  every  direction,  that  is  to  say,  juggling  the  balls  under 

,.    .  that  name,  the  idea  came  to  them  to  follow 

Forced  levies 

to  people  the  the  cxamplc  of  Englishmen  and  make  actual 

settlements  in  those  vast  regions.  To  people 
them  they  made  forced  levies  in  Paris  and  all  over  the 
country  of  vagrants  and  able-bodied  beggars,  both  men  and 
women,  and  quantities  of  public  creatures.  If  this  had  been 
done  with  wisdom,  discernment,  and  necessary  caution,  the 
object  they  proposed  would  have  been  accomplished,  and 
Paris  and  the  provinces  relieved  of  a  heavy,  useless,  and 
sometimes  dangerous  burthen ;  but  they  undertook  it  in 
Paris  with  such  violence  and  so  much  trickery  in  seizing 
whom  they  chose,  that  great  disapprobation  was  excited. 
Not  the  slightest  pains  was  taken  to  provide  for  the  subsist- 

280  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ix. 

ence  of  these  unfortunates  on  their  journey,  or  at  the  places 
where  they  disembarked ;  they  were  shut  up  at  night  in 
barns  without  food,  or  in  cellars  from  which  they  could  not 
issue.  Their  cries  excited  both  pity  and  indignation;  but 
charity  could  not  suffice  to  eke  out  the  little  their  conductors 
allowed  them,  so  that  a  frightful  number  of  them  died  on 
the  way.  This  inhumanity,  added  to  the  cruelty  of  the  con- 
ductors, and  the  violent  and  rascally  abduction  of  persons 
who  were  not  of  the  class  prescribed,  but  whom  certain  per- 
sons had  an  interest  in  getting  rid  of  by  saying  a  word  in 
the  ear  and  putting  money  in  the  hand  of  those  who  made 
the  levies,  caused  so  much  indignation,  expressed  in  terms 
and  tones  so  forcible,  that  it  was  plainly  seen  the  thing  could 
not  be  carried  on.  Some  companies  had  embarked ;  others, 
who  had  not  yet  started,  were  set  free  and  allowed  to  go 
where  they  pleased,  and  the  levies  were  abandoned.  Law, 
regarded  as  the  author  of  these  abductions,  became  odious, 
and  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  had  reason  to  repent  that  he  allowed 
himself  to  be  dragged  into  permitting  them. 

Extreme  folly  on  one  side,  and  immense  cupidity  on  the 

other  led,  about  this  time,  to  the  strangest  marriage-contract 

that  perhaps  was  ever  seen.     As  a  specimen 

A  marriage  con-  ^  ^  ^ 

tract  produced  by    of  much  that  Law's  systcm  produced  in  France, 

Law's  system.  .        ^  ,  •  i     i  * 

it  deserves  to  be  mentioned  here.  Any  one 
who  could  and  who  would  relate  the  incredible  bargains,  the 
transmutation  of  paper,  the  construction  of  fortunes,  their 
immensity,  still  more  their  inconceivable  rapidity,  and  the 
sudden  fall  of  most  of  them  through  luxury  and  mad  ex- 
travagance, the  ruin  of  the  rest  of  the  kingdom,  the  deep 
wounds  it  received  from  which  it  will  never  recover,  —  any 
one,  I  say,  who  could  relate  all  this  would  make  a  most  curi- 
ous and  amusing  history,  but  at  the  same  time  the  most 
horrible  and   monstrous  ever   known.     Here,   then,   among 


other  extraordinary  things,  is  the  marriage  of  which  I  speak. 
The  contract  was  drawn  and  signed  between  the  Marquis 
d'Oyse,  thirty-three  years  old,  son  and  younger  brother  of 
the  Dues  de  Villars-Brancas,  and  the  daughter  of  d'Andrfes, 
a  famous  Mississippian,  who  had  made  mounds  of  gold  out 
of  that  affair;  the  giii  was  only  three  years  old,  and  the 
agreement  was  to  celebrate  the  marriage  when  she  was 
twelve.  The  terms  of  the  contract  were  six  hundred  thou- 
sand francs  paid  at  once,  twenty  thousand  francs  a  year 
till  the  day  of  the  marriage,  an  enormous  property  of  mil- 
lions when  that  day  came,  with  profuse  presentations  mean- 
while to  the  Dues  de  Brancas,  father  and  son.  Eemarks 
were  not  wanting  on  this  fine  marriage.  What  will  not 
auri  sacra  fames  lead  men  to  do  ?  But  the  whole  scheme 
miscarried  before  the  cooking  of  the  future  wife,  by  Law's 
overthrow.  The  Brancas,  who  expected  it,  had  got  their 
pay  well  in  advance,  though  the  affair  produced  a  lawsuit 
about  fifteen  years  later,  which  they  defended  without  shame, 
—  but  the  Brancas  were  not  subject  to  that. 

The  archbishopric  of  Cambrai  became  vacant  through  the 

death  in  Kome  of  Cardinal  de  la  Trdmoille,  that  is  to  say,  the 

richest  see  and  one  of  the  grandest  posts  in 

How  the  Abbe  _       °  ^ 

Dubois  made  Fraucc.  The  Abb^  Dubois  was  only  tonsured  ; 
bishop  of  one  hundred  and  fifty  thousand  francs  a  year 

Cambrai.  tcmptcd  him,  and  perhaps  this  rise  might  lift 

him  more  easily  to  the  cardinalate.  Impudent  as  he  was, 
and  great  as  was  the  empire  he  had  assumed  over  his  master, 
he  was  much  embarrassed  how  to  make  his  request.  So, 
masking  his  effrontery  slyly,  he  said  to  the  regent  that  he 
had  dreamed  a  pleasant  dream,  namely,  that  he  had  just 
been  made  the  Archbishop  of  Cambrai.  The  regent,  who  felt 
to  what  this  tended,  turned  on  his  heel  and  made  no  answer. 
Dubois,  more  and  more   embarrassed,   stuttered   and   para- 

282  MEMOIRS  OF   THE  DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ix. 

phrased  his  dream;  then,  rousing  himself  to  the  efibrt,  he 
abruptly  asked  why  he  could  not  have  it,  as  his  Eoyal 
Highness  had  only  to  will  it  to  make  his  fortune.  The  Due 
d'Orleans  was  indignant,  even  shocked,  little  scrupulous  as 
he  was  in  the  making  of  bishops,  and  he  answered,  in  a  tone 
of  contempt,  "  What !  you  [^oi].  Archbishop  of  Cambrai  ? " 
—  making  him  feel  his  baseness  and  the  scandal  of  his  hfe. 
Dubois  had  gone  too  far  to  stop  on  so  fine  a  road,  and  cited 
him  various  examples.  Unfortunately  there  were  but  too 
many,  in  baseness,  ignorance,  and  low  morality,  —  thanks  to 
P^re  TeUier  and  the  Unigenitus. 

The  Due  d'Orleans,  less  moved  by  such  bad  reasons  than 
embarrassed  how  to  escape  the  importunity  of  a  man  to 
whom  he  was  now  accustomed  to  deny  nothing,  tried  to  get 
out  of  the  affair  by  saying :  "  But  you  are  damnable ;  and 
where  is  the  other  damned  fellow  who  would  consecrate 
you  ?  "  "  Oh  !  if  that  is  all,"  said  the  abb^,  hastily,  "  the 
thing  is  done.  I  know  very  well  who  will  consecrate  me ; 
he  is  not  far  from  here."  "  Who  the  devil  is  he  ?  "  asked  the 
regent.  "  Who  would  dare  to  consecrate  you  ? "  "  Do  you 
want  to  know  ? "  replied  the  abb^ ;  "  does  it  only  depend 
on  that  ? "  "  Who  is  it  ?  "  said  the  regent.  "  Your  chief  al- 
moner,"  repHed  Dubois.  "  He  is  outside,  and  he  will  ask 
nothing  better ;  I  '11  go  and  tell  liim ; "  and  with  that  he 
clasped  the  knees  of  the  regent,  who  stood  thunderstruck 
without  strength  to  refuse.  Whereupon  the  abbd  went  out, 
pulled  the  Bishop  of  Xantes  aside,  told  him  he  had  Cambrai, 
asked  him  to  consecrate  him,  obtained  an  instant  promise, 
returned  caracoling,  told  the  regent  he  had  arranged  with  his 
almoner  for  the  consecration,  thanked  him,  lauded  him,  ad- 
mired him,  and  sealed  the  affair  by  assuming  it  as  settled  and 
forcing  the  regent,  who  dared  not  say  no,  —  that  is  how  Dubois 
made  himself  Archbishop  of  Cambrai.     The  extreme  scandal 


of  this  appointment  made  a  very  great  talk.  Impudent  as 
Dubois  was,  he  was  much  embarrassed  by  it ;  and  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  was  so  ashamed  that  scarcely  any  one  ever  men- 
tioned the  matter  in  his  presence. 

On  the  day  when  Dubois  took  all  the  orders  at  once  the 
Council  of  Kegency  was  held  in  the  old  Louvre,  because  the 
The  Prince  de  mcaslcs  wcre  raging  in  the  Palais-Eoyal,  and 
conti  attacks        ^j^g  rcgcut  would  uot  go  to  the  Tuileries.     The 

Dubois.    His  '-'  ° 

consecration.         mcmbcrs  had  all  arrived,  the  regent  also,  and 
were  standing  scattered  about  the  council-room.     I  was  in  a 
corner  at  the  lower  end,  talking  with  the  Prince  de  Conti, 
Mar^chal  Tallard,  and  another,  whose  name  I  forget,  when  I 
saw  the  Abbe  .Dubois  enter,  in  a  short  coat  and  with  his 
usual  manner.     We  did  not  expect  him  on  such  a  day,  so 
that  we  naturally  exclaimed  on  seeing  him.     This  made  him 
turn  his  head  ;  on  which  the  Prince  de  Conti  went  up  to  him 
with  his  father's  own  sneer  (though  it  was  far  from  having 
his  father's  grace,  and  was  in  fact  cynical),  spoke  of  his  sur- 
prise at  seeing  the  abb^  there,  after  taking  so  abruptly  all 
the  orders  at  once,  and  proceeded  to  make  him  a  ranting 
speech  full  of  wit  and  malignancy  in  the  form  of  a  sermon, 
which  would  certainly  have  disconcerted  any  other.     Dubois, 
unable  to  get  in   a  single  word,  let  him  talk,  and  then  an- 
swered coldly  that  if  he  were  better  informed  about  anti- 
quity he  would  not  find  what  seemed  to  surprise  him  so 
very  strange,  because  he,  the  abb^,  had  only  followed  the 
example  of  Saint  Ambroise,  whose  ordination  he  began  to 
relate.     I  did  not  hear  the  tale,  for  as  soon  as  I  heard  Saint 
Ambroise  mentioned  I  fled  to  the  other  end  of  the  room,  in 
horror  at  the  comparison  and  in  fear  lest  I  should  tell  him 
to  be  silent.     His  impious  citation  of  Saint  Ambroise  went 
the   rounds  of  society,  with   the   effect  that  can  easily  be 
imagined.   The  Val-de-Grace  was  chosen  for  the  consecration, 

284  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [cn.vp.  ix. 

as  being  a  royal  monastery,  the  most  magnificent  in  Paris, 
and  its  church  the  most  remarkable.  The  building  was 
superbly  decorated;  all  France  was  imdted;  no  one  dared 
risk  not  appearing  and  remaining  throughout  the  whole 
ceremony.  Galleries  with  screens  were  put  up  for  the  for- 
eign ambassadors  and  Protestant  ministers.  There  was  a 
gallery  of  great  magnificence  for  the  Due  d'OrMans  and  the 
Due  de  Chartres,  whom  he  took  with  him.  The  Due  d'Or- 
l^ans  entered  from  the  monastery,  and  his  gallery  was  open 
to  every  one  and  was  filled  with  refreshments  of  every  kind, 
which  were  distributed  by  the  officers  in  profusion.  The 
Due  d'Orl^ans  gave  the  new  archbishop  a  diamond  of  great 
value  for  his  ring.  The  whole  day  was  given  up  to  a  sort  of 
triumph  which  drew  upon  it  neither  the  approbation  of  man 
nor  the  blessing  of  God.  I  saw  nothing  of  it ;  and  never 
did  the  Due  d'Orldans  and  I  speak  of  it. 

The  22nd  of  May  of  this  year  became  celebrated  by  the 
issuing  of  an  edict  from  the  council  of  State  concerning  the 
Edict  of  the  shares  of   the   Company   of   the   Indies    (the 

council  of  state ;     Mississippi)    and    the   notes    of   Law's   bank. 

which  reveals  the 

condition  of  the      This  cdict  diminished  by  degrees,  and  month 
nances.  -^^^  mouth,  the  value  of  the  shares  and  notes, 

so  that  by  the  end  of  the  year  they  would  be  found  to  have 
depreciated  to  half  their  value.  This  is  called,  in  affairs  of 
finance  and  bankruptcy,  showing  tail ;  and  this  decree  showed 
it  so  openly  that  the  public  thought  all  was  lost  more  utterly 
than  it  really  was,  because  it  was  not  even  a  remedy  for  im- 
pending misfortunes.  The  uproar  was  general  and  frightful. 
Every  rich  man  thought  he  was  ruined  beyond  redemption ; 
every  poor  one  believed  himself  reduced  to  mendicity.  The 
parliament,  inimical  to  the  system  by  its  o^\^l  system,  was 
careful  not  to  lose  so  fine  an  occasion.  It  made  itself  the 
protector  of  the  pubhc  by  refusing  to  enregister  the  edict 


and  by  prompt  and  strong  remonstrance.  The  public  believed 
it  owed  to  the  parliament  the  sudden  revocation  of  the 
edict,  whereas  it  was  really  made  in  consequence  of  the  uni- 
versal groans  and  the  tardy  discovery  of  the  fault  committed. 
But  this  revocation  merely  showed  a  vain  repentance  for 
having  made  manifest  the  internal  condition  of  Law's  opera- 
tions without  producing  a  cure.  The  little  confidence  that 
remained  was  before  long  radically  extinguished,  and  could 
never  afterwards  be  revived. 

In  this  state  of  things  it  was  necessary  to  make  Law  a 

scapegoat.     The   regent   played   the   comedy  of   not   seeing 

him   when  he   came  by  the   usual   door,  and 

Edict  revoked ; 

which  leads  to       sccing   him    the   following    morning    by   the 

the  ruin  of  Law.       ,,  -r\i'  ^  t      ^    •       i   •  ^       • 

back  way.  Dubois,  absorbed  m  his  ecclesias- 
tical fortune,  which  was  now  advancing  towards  him  with 
rapid  strides,  had  been  duped  by  the  edict  and  dared  not 
support  Law  against  all  the  world.  He  contented  himself 
by  remaining  a  neutral  and  useless  friend,  of  whom  Law 
did  not  dare  to  complain.  Dubois  himself  was  careful  not 
to  quarrel  with  a  man  from  whom  he  had  drawn  such 
enormous  sums,  and  who,  if  rendered  hopeless,  might  tell 
of  it;  but  also  he  was  cautious  not  to  protect  him  openly 
against  a  whole  public  at  bay  and  exasperated.  AU  this 
kept  Law  suspended,  as  it  w^ere,  by  the  hair,  having  his 
footing  nowhere,  without  credit  or  dependence,  until,  as 
we  shall  presently  see,  he  was  forced  to  yield  and  again 
seek  other  lands.  ]\Ieantime  the  agency  of  the  company 
was  removed  from  the  rue  Quincampoix  to  the  Place 
VendCme,  where  it  had  more  space  and  did  not  obstruct 
the  streets.  Those  who  lived  in  the  Place  Vendome  did 
not  find  it  so  agreeable.  The  king  abandoned  to  the  bank 
the  shares  for  one  hundred  millions  that  he  held. 

The  above-named  decree  was  given  and  retracted  during  a 

286  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ix. 

short  vacation  of  the  Council  of  Eegency  wliich  I  spent  at 
La  Fertd.  The  evening  before  my  departure  I  went  to  take 
leave  of  the  Due  d'Orleans,  whom  I  found  in  the  little  gal- 
lery with  very  few  persons  present.  He  took  me  aside  with 
the  Mar^chal  d'Estr^es  and  one  or  two  others,  and  told  us  of 
the  decree  on  which  he  had  determined.  I  told  him  that, 
although  I  knew  little  of  finance,  this  step  seemed  to  me 
Yery  hazardous ;  that  the  public  would  never  quietly  see 
itself  mulcted  of  half  its  property,  more  especially  as  it 
would  feel  no  safety  for  the  rest;  that  there  was  no  sort 
of  bad  remedy  that  was  not  better  tlian  this,  of  which  he 
would  surely  repent.  It  has  been  seen,  in  various  places 
in  these  Memoirs,  that  I  often  spoke  the  truth  and  was 
not  beheved ;  and  also  that  when  results  I  had  predicted 
happened  they  were  no  correction  for  another  time.  The 
regent  rephed  serenely  and  in  all  security.  The  others 
present  seemed  to  be  of  my  opinion,  though  without  saying 
much.  I  went  away  the  next  day,  and  the  affair  took 
place  as  T  have  just  related. 

Meantime  another  edict  was  proposed,  to  turn  the  Com- 
pany of  the  Indies  into  a  commercial  company,  which 
The  "Company  obliged  itsclf,  by  that  means,  to  redeem  within 
of  the  Indies"        ^     ^^^   ^^   hundred   milhons   of    bank-notes, 

made  a  commer-  «' 

ciai  company.  "j^y  paying  off  fifty  miUious  per  month.  This 
was  the  last  resource  of  Law  and  his  system.  He  was 
forced  to  substitute  for  the  legerdemain  of  the  Mississippi 
something  real,  especially  since  the  result  of  the  edict  of 
May  22,  so  celebrated  and  so  fatal  to  his  paper.  The 
scheme  now  was  to  substitute  a  real  Company  of  the  Indies 
for  past  chimeras,  and  it  was  that  name  and  that  thing 
which  took  the  place  of  what  had  been  known  previously 
as  the  Mississippi.  But  in  vain  did  they  give  the  new 
company  the  monopoly  of  tobacco  and  a  great  many  other 


sources  of  immense  revenues ;  they  were  all  as  nothing 
towards  meeting  the  paper  shed  broadcast  among  the  people, 
no  matter  what  pains  were  taken  to  diminish  it  at  all  risks 
and  at  all  costs. 

Other  expedients  had  to  be  found.  This  of  rendering 
the  company  a  commercial  company  was  of  no  use  what- 
Fatai  results  of  Gver ;  it  was  Only  conferring  upon  it,  under 
that  expedient.  q^  specious,  but  obscurc  and  vague  name,  the 
right  of  exclusive  commerce.  "We  can  imagine  how  such 
a  resolution  would  be  received  by  the  public,  driven  to 
extremities  by  the  stern  prohibition,  under  heavy  penalties, 
of  keeping  more  than  five  hundred  francs  in  specie  in  their 
homes,  which  were  liable  to  visitation  and  ransacking; 
while  they  themselves  were  forbidden  to  pay  for  the  com- 
monest necessaries  of  daily  life  in  anything  but  bank-bills. 
This  new  scheme  worked  two  results :  first,  a  bitterness 
which  grew  more  bitter  still  from  the  difficulty  each  man 
had  of  getting  at  his  own  money  day  by  day  for  the  daily 
needs  of  life,  —  and  the  wonder  is  that  the  disturbance 
calmed  down  and  that  all  Paris  did  not  revolt  as  one  man,  — 
and,  secondly,  that  parliament,  making  a  foothold  of  this 
public  agitation,  held  firmly  to  the  end  against  registering 
the  edict,  which  was  sent  to  it  July  17. 

On  that  same  day,  17th,  there  was  such  a  crowd  about 
the  bank  and  the  adjacent  streets  to  obtain,  each  man,  the 
wherewithal  to  go  to  market,  that  ten  or  a  dozen  persons 
were  smothered.  Three  of  the  dead  bodies  were  tumultu- 
ously  borne  to  the  gate  of  the  Palais-Royal,  where  the  popu- 
lace demanded  an  entrance  with  loud  cries.  A  detachment 
of  the  king's  guards  was  hurriedly  brought  up.  The  lieuten- 
ant of  police  arrived  and  harangued  the  people,  whom  by 
gentleness  and  cajolery  he  managed  to  disperse,  getting  the 
bodies  out  of  the  way  meantime,  so  that  by  ten  o'clock  in 

288  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  ix. 

the  morning  the  affair  was  over.  Law  took  it  into  his 
head  to  go  to  the  Palais-Eoyal,  and  was  followed  through 
the  streets  with  imprecations,  so  that  the  regent  kept  him 
there  and  gave  him  a  lodging.  He  sent  away  his  carriage, 
the  glass  of  which  was  broken  by  stones ;  his  house  was 
attacked,  and  the  windows  of  it  broken  in  the  same  way. 
The  next  day  an  ordinance  of  the  king  was  issued  forbid- 
ding the  people  to  assemble,  under  heavy  penalties,  and 
declaring  that  in  consequence  of  the  trouble  of  the  day 
before  at  the  bank,  it  would  remain  closed  and  no  coin 
would  be  issued  until  order  was  restored.  How  were  people 
to  live  in  the  meantime  ?  Yet  no  disturbance  occurred, 
which  only  proved  the  goodness  and  obedience  of  the  people 
when  put  to  such  strange  trials.  Nevertheless,  troops  were 
brought  in  from  Charenton,  several  regiments  of  cavalry 
and  the  dragoons  from  Saint-Denis,  also  the  king's  regiment 
from  the  heights  of  Chaillot.  Specie  was  sent  to  Gonesse 
to  bring  in  the  bakers  as  usual,  fearing  that  they  would 
refuse,  as  did  nearly  all  the  shop-keepers  and  work-people 
in  Paris,  to  take  paper  money. 

The  year  ended  by  the  sudden  and  secret  departure  of 

Law,   who   had   no   resources  left,  and   whom  it  was   now 

necessary  to  sacrifice  to  the  public  resentment. 

Law  leaves  the  •'  ^ 

kingdom;  his        jjis    SOU   was   witli   him,  and   they   went   to 

end ;  his  family.  v  i     /^ 

Brussels,  thence  to  Liege  and  Germany,  where 
he  offered  his  talents  to  several  princes,  who  declined  them 
with  thanks.  After  rambling  about  for  some  time,  he  passed 
through  Tyrol,  saw  several  of  the  Italian  Courts,  none  of 
which  detained  him,  and  finally  retired  to  Venice,  where  that 
republic  made  no  use  of  him.  His  wife  and  daughter  fol- 
lowed him  some  time  later.  Law  was  a  Scotchman  of 
doubtful  nobility,  tall  and  very  well  made,  with  an  agree- 
able face  and  countenance,  very  gallant,  and  standing  well 


1720]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  289 

with  the  women  of  all  countries  where  he  travelled.  His 
wife  was  not  his  wife ;  she  belonged  to  a  good  family  in 
England  and  had  followed  Law  for  love ;  she  had  a  son  and 
a  daughter  by  him  and  passed  for  his  wife,  though  never 
married  to  him.  This  was  suspected  towards  the  end  of 
their  life  in  Paris,  and  after  their  departure  it  became  certain. 
I  don't  know  whether  her  influence  was  great  over  Law,  but 
he  always  seemed  full  of  respect  and  attentions  to  her. 
They  were  both,  at  the  time  they  left  France,  between  forty- 
five  and  fifty  years  old.  Law  left  a  power  of  attorney  to 
settle  his  affairs  with  the  grand  prior  of  Vendome  and  with 
Bully,  who  had  made  a  great  deal  out  of  him.  He  had  many 
possessions  of  all  kinds,  but,  more  than  all,  debts ;  so  that 
the  chaos  of  his  affairs  is  not  yet  disentangled  by  a  committee 
of  the  council  appointed  to  settle  with  his  creditors.  I  have 
said  elsewhere,  and  I  here  repeat  it,  that  there  was  no  avarice 
and  no  knavery  in  his  make-up.  He  was  a  gentle,  kind, 
respectful  man,  whom  inordinate  influence  and  fortune  had 
never  spoiled,  and  whose  behaviour,  equipments,  table,  and 
furniture  could  never  shock  any  one.  He  endured  with 
patience  and  singular  consistency  the  obstacles  placed  in  his 
way  to  thwart  his  operations,  until  quite  the  end,  when, 
finding  himself  cut  short  of  means  while  striving  and  desir- 
ing to  meet  his  obligations,  he  became  irritable,  ill-humour 
seized  him,  and  his  answers  were  often  incautious.  He  was  a 
man  of  system,  calculation,  comparison,  thoroughly  and  deeply 
informed  on  that  line.  Without  ever  cheating,  he  had  won 
enormously  at  play,  by  dmt  of  possessing,  to  a  degree  that 
seems  to  me  incredible,  the  faculty  of  combination  of  cards. 

His  bank,  as  I  have  said  elsewhere,  would  have  been  an 
excellent  thing  in  a  repul)lic,  or  in  a  country  like  England, 
where  finance  is  essentially  in  a  republic.  As  for  his  Missis- 
sippi, he  was  the  dupe  of  it ;  he  believed  in  good  faith  that 

VOL.  IV.  — 19 

290  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  ix. 

he  could  really  make  great  and  rich  settlements  in  America. 
He  reasoned  like  an  Englishman,  and  ignored  how  contrary 
to  commerce  and  such  enterprises  is  the  volatility  of  this 
nation,  its  inexperience,  its  eagerness  to  get  rich  of  a  sudden, 
the  impediments  of  a  despotic  government  which  lays  its 
hand  on  everything  and  has  little  or  no  continuity  —  for 
what  is  done  by  one  minister  is  destroyed  or  changed  by  his 
successor.  Law's  proscription  of  specie,  then  of  jewels,  in 
order  to  have  none  but  paper  money  in  France  is  a  system 
that  I  have  never  understood,  nor  any  one  else,  as  I  think, 
from  the  days  of  Abraham  down.  But  Law  was  a  man  of 
systems,  and  so  profound  that  one  did  not  understand  him ; 
though  he  was  by  nature  clear,  with  a  fluent  elocution,  which 
had,  however,  a  good  deal  of  English  in  its  French.  He 
resided  several  years  in  Venice  on  very  small  means,  and 
died  there,  a  Catholic,  —  having  lived  honestly,  soberly,  and 
modestly,  though  poorly,  receiving  piously  the  sacraments  of 
the  Church. 

After  these  changes  in  the  ministry  of  finance,  everything 
remained  for  a  time  inactive,  and  this,  joined  to  a  total  want 
of  confidence,  destroyed  completely  the  credit  of  the  king, 
and  left  the  fortunes  of  individuals  in  a  state  of  extreme 
uncertainty.  All  business  of  this  kind  went  on  between  the 
regent  and  La  Houssaye,  the  new  controller-general,  who,  in 
addition  to  the  general  chaos  of  the  finances,  found  no 
registers,  no  sources  of  knowledge  of  any  kind,  nor  any 
person  to  give  any,  because  with  Law  fell  those  he  had 
employed.  Circulation  was  paralyzed ;  exhaustion  and  con- 
fusion reigned  to  a  degree  that  is  difficult  to  imagine.  No 
one  was  ignorant  in  the  main  of  the  disorder  of  the  finances, 
but  when  [after  a  report  made  to  a  Council  of  Regency  at 
which  the  facts  were  clearly  stated]  the  details  of  fictitious 
millions  became  known,  bringing  ruin  to  the  king  and  to 

1720]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  291 

private  individuals,  the  nation  was  terrified.  It  was  then 
seen  plainly  to  what  this  jugglery,  by  which  all  France  had 
been  seduced,  had  led,  and  what  had  been  the  prodigality 
of  the  regent,  led  on  by  the  facihty  of  coining  money  with 
paper  and  thus  misleading  the  public  greed.  A  remedy  had 
to  be  found ;  for  things  had  now  arrived  at  their  worst ;  and 
this  remedy,  which  must  result  in  fatal  detriment  to  the 
holders  of  shares  in  the  company  and  bank-notes,  could  only 
be  found  by  exposing  the  whole  evil,  so  long  concealed  as  far 
as  it  was  possible  to  do  so,  in  order  that  each  man  should  see 
where  he  really  stood.  Added  to  this  pressuig  necessity  was 
the  difficulty  of  finding  any  remedy  at  all. 

After  the  edict  of  the  22nd  of  May,  which  was  the  epoch 
of  the  fall  of  what  had  been  known  as  the  Mississippi  and 
the  Bank,  and  the  loss  of  pubhc  confidence  by  the  sad  rev- 
elation that  there  was  not  real  money  enough  to  meet  the 
notes,  because  of  the  enormous  output  of  the  latter  beyond 
the  amount  of  coin,  every  step  had  been  a  stumble,  every 
operation  a  paUiative,  and  a  feeble  one.  They  had  only 
sought  to  gain  days  and  weeks,  in  the  darkness  they  inten- 
tionally tliickened  from  the  dread  they  had  of  letting  the 
light  in  upon  so  much  seduction  and  such  horrors  of  pubhc 
ruin.  Law  could  not  cleanse  himself  before  the  world  of 
having  been  its  inventor  and  its  instrument,  and  he  would 
have  run  great  risk  had  he  still  been  here  at  the  final  moment 
of  this  terrible  unveiling.  The  regent,  to  gratify  his  natural 
pliancy  and  prodigahty  and  to  satisfy  the  inordinate  greed 
of  those  about  him,  had  forced  Law's  hand  and  stripped  him 
of  milHons  of  notes  far  beyond  all  means  of  ever  meeting 
them.  He  now  found  himself  brought  to  a  stand  and  com- 
pelled to  show  in  the  light  of  day  the  state  of  the  finances, 
and  the  management  of  that  enormous  enterprise  which  was 
all  deception. 

The  Abh^  Dubois,  who  thought  of  nothing  but  how  to 
facilitate  his  promotion  to  the  cardinalate,  and  who  sacrificed 
Declaration  for  to  that  object  the  State,  the  regent,  and  every- 
Sn£Su?r?ad"  ^hiug  clse,  did  it  SO  surely  that  we  were  taken 
at  the  councu.  Iqj  surprise  at  a  Council  of  Regency  when  the 
chancellor,  pulling  out  of  his  pocket  the  letters-patent  for 
the  acceptance  of  the  bull  Unigenitus,  read  them  by  order  of 
the  regent,  who  did  not  take  the  votes,  for  which  I  was  as 
glad  as  I  was  astonished.  This  novel  method  of  dispensing 
with  votes  struck  everybody,  and  marked  very  plainly  that 
they  would  not  have  been  in  favour  of  the  declaration,  and 
also  the  trickery  and  violence  of  boldly  assuming  approval 
under  the  certainty  that  no  one  would  venture  to  object. 
This  was  a  grand  merit  which  Dubois  acquired  with  the 
Jesuits  and  the  whole  cabal  of  the  bull. 

Parliament,  however,  would  not  enregister  the  king's  dec- 
laration for  this  acceptance,  and  Dubois,  anxious  about  the 
interests  of  his  hat  and  desirous  of  giving  bril- 

Parliament  °  ^ 

refuses  to  liaut  proofs  of  his  zeal  to  Eome  and  the  Jesuits, 

enregis  er  i .  made  the  rcgcnt  resolve  to  have  the  document 

enregistered  by  the  Grand  Council,  to  wliich,  in  order  to 
avoid  the  obstacles  he  feared,  the  regent  was  to  go  himself, 
'and  take  with  him  all  the  princes  of  the  blood,  the  peers,  and 
the  marshals  of  France ;  because  at  this  tribunal  all  the 
officers  of  the  crown  have  a  seat  and  a  deliberating  voice; 
which  is  different  from  the  parliaments,  where  they  have  no 
vote  unless  the  king  is  present  and  takes  them  with  him. 


Arriving  at  the  Palais-Eoyal  from  Meudon  one  morning,  I 
found  the  Due  d'0rl4ans  alone  in  his  great  apartment,  giv- 
ing orders  to  the  red  waiters  to  go  round  and  notify  all 
these  gentlemen  for  the  next  morning.  I  had  been  kept  in 
ignorance  of  what  was  going  on,  for  Dubois  was  afraid  that  I 
should  make  the  thing  miss  fire  by  convincing  the  regent  of 
the  weakness  and  indecency  of  such  a  solemn  step,  so  novel 
and  so  useless.  I  therefore  asked  the  Due  d'Orldans  what  it 
was  all  about.  He  told  me,  and  then  stretching  his  arms 
towards  me  and  smiling,  he  begged  me  not  to  go  to  the 
Council.  I  began  to  laugh,  and  told  him  he  could  not  give 
me  a  more  agreeable  order  or  one  that  I  should  execute  more 
willingly,  because  it  spared  me  the  pain  of  rising  publicly 
against  his  wishes  and  arguing  with  all  my  strength  against 
them.  He  said  he  knew  that  very  well,  and  that  was  why 
he  begged  me  not  to  be  present.  Though  the  thing  was 
done,  I  did  not  refrain  from  telling  him  in  two  words  that 
he  was  being  made  to  commit  a  great  blunder,  by  advertising 
his  perfect  powerlessness  to  make  a  valid  registration  in  loco 
maiorum  before  that  tribunal :  for  the  Grand  Council  and 
all  tribunals  non-parhamentary  have  only  powers  within 
their  own  jurisdiction,  and  none  at  all  over  public  matters 
in  general.  I  contented  myself  with  these  few  words,  for 
there  was  no  hope  of  breaking  a  plan  so  far  advanced  and 
about  to  be  executed  the  next  morning ;  above  all,  one  that 
Dubois  regarded  as  his  own  most  vital  affair.  I  finished 
the  work  I  had  to  do  with  the  regent  and  went  back  to 
Meudon,  grieved  at  what  they  were  making  him  do,  but 
much  comforted  at  being  released,  without  having  asked  it, 
from  the  necessity  of  attending  the  Council. 

The  affair  did  not  take  place  without  creating  a  stir.  Sev- 
eral magistrates  at  the  Grand  Council  gave  their  opinion 
against  the  declaration  witli  intelHgence,  force,  and  breadth, 

294  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  x. 

and  were  not  discomfited  by  sundry  interruptions  made  by 

the   regent,    whom   they   answered    respectfully,  but    with 

arcjuments   and  nerve ;  and  it  was  shown  on 

The  regent  carnes  °  ' 

the  matter  to  the    the  couut  of  votes  that  the  matter  was  carried 

Grand  Council.  tit, 

by  the  votes  oi  the  peers  and  marshals,  who, 
with  very  few  of  the  magistrates  of  the  Grand  Council,  made 
a  majority.  I  heard  that  my  absence  was  much  remarked 
upon,  and  some  persons  sent  to  the  courtyard  to  see  if  my 
carriage  was  there.  I  dare  not  say  that  people  applauded 
my  absence  and  that  Dubois  was  very  angry,  for  he  never 
spoke  to  me  about  it,  but  I  think  he  was  much  surprised 
when  he  heard  from  the  Dvic  d'Orl^ans  that  it  was  he  himself 
who  asked  me  to  stay  away.  The  result  was  just  what  I  pre- 
dicted. People  scoffed  at  the  proceeding  and  the  show ;  re- 
Nuiiity  of  that  garding  it  as  a  useless  piece  of  cowardice,  an 
registration.  avowal  of  wcakuess,  a  cringing  to  Eome.     No 

one  mistook  the  selfish  motive  of  Dubois,  nor  did  any  one, 
beginning  with  the  Grand  Council  itself,  regard  the  regis- 
tration as  having  the  slightest  force  or  authority  in  the 

Philippe  de  Courcillon,  called  the  Marquis  de  Dangeau, 
died  in  Paris,  at  eighty-four  years  of  age,  September  7,  —  a 
Death,  fortune,  liarmlcss  sort  of  persouagc,  about  whom  curi- 
and  M^mofrof '  ^sity  apropos  of  his  singular  Memoirs  may 
Dangeau.  require  me  to  say  a  few  words  here.     He  was 

a  tall  man,  very  well  made,  grown  stout  with  age,  having  an 
always  pleasant  face,  which  gave  a  promise,  and  kept  it,  of  an 
insipidity  that  turned  one's  stomach.  He  had  no  means,  or 
very  little ;  he  applied  himself  to  learn  perfectly  all  the 
games  that  were  played  in  those  days,  —  piquet,  bete,  hombre, 
great  and  little  prime,  hoc,  reversis,  brelan,  —  and  to  study 
the  combinations  of  games  and  cards,  until  he  possessed 
them  so  thoroughly  as  scarcely  ever  to  be  mistaken  even  at 


lansquenet  and  bassette,  judging  them  accurately  and  staking 
on  those  he  believed  would  win.  Such  knowledge  won  him 
much  ;  and  his  gains  put  him  in  the  way  of  introducing  him- 
self into  good  houses  and,  little  by  little,  at  Court.  He  was 
soft,  obhging,  flattering,  with  the  air  and  tone  and  manners  of 
society,  prompt  and  excellent  at  cards,  where,  no  matter  how 
great  his  gains  (and  they  certainly  were  the  basis  and  the 
means  of  his  fortune),  he  was  never  suspected,  and  his  repu- 
tation was  always  clean  and  intact.  The  necessity  of  finding 
heavy  players  for  the  game  of  the  king  and  Mme.  de  Montes- 
pan  admitted  him  to  their  table ;  and  it  was  of  him,  when 
fully  initiated,  that  Mme.  de  Montespan  said  merrily  that  no 
one  could  help  hking  him  and  laughing  at  him ;  which 
was  perfectly  true.  People  liked  him  because  nothing  ever 
escaped  him  against  any  one  ;  he  was  kindly,  accommodating, 
reliable  in  his  dealings,  a  very  honest  man,  obliging,  honour- 
able, but  otherwise  so  flat,  so  insipid,  such  an  admirer  of 
nothings,  —  provided  such  nothings  related  to  the  king  or  to 
persons  in  place  and  favour,  —  so  grovelling  an  adulator  of 
the  same,  and,  after  his  rise,  so  puffed-up  with  pride  and  silli- 
ness and  so  occupied  with  exhibiting  and  making  the  most 
of  his  pretended  distinctions,  that  no  one  could  keep  himself 
from  laughing  at  him. 

With  little  wit,  but  what  he  had  of  the  great  world,  the 
result  of  being  always  in  good  society,  he  allowed  himself  at 
times  to  scribble  verses.  The  king  had  a  fancy  at  one  time 
for  'bout-rimes.  Daugeau  was  ardently  desirous  of  a  lodg- 
ing at  Versailles,  when  lodgings  were  scarce,  in  the  early 
times  when  the  king  went  to  live  there.  One  day,  when  he 
was  playing  at  cards  with  Mme.  de  Montespan,  Dangeau 
sighed  pathetically  in  speaking  to  some  one  of  this  de- 
sire, but  loud  enough  for  the  king  and  Mme.  de  Montespan 
to   overhear  him.     They  did   so,  and   diverted   themselves 

296  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  x. 

accordingly ;  then,  finding  it  very  amusing  to  keep  Dan- 
geau  on  the  gridiron,  they  invented  the  strangest  rhymes 
they  could  imagine  and  gave  them  to  him,  feeling  quite 
sure  he  could  do  nothing  with  them,  but  promising  him  a 
lodging  if  he  managed  to  compose  them  without  leaving  the 
game,  and  before  it  ended.  It  turned  out  that  the  parties 
duped  were  the  king  and  Mme.  de  Montespan.  The  muses 
favoured  Dangeau ;  he  won  his  lodging  and  received  it 

He  had  married  in  1632  a  rich  girl,  daughter  of  a  collec- 
tor of  taxes  called  Morui  the  Jew.  Being  left  a  widower, 
he  found  himself  rich  enough  to  remarry  with  a  Comtesse 
Loevenstein,  maid-of-honour  to  Mme.  la  Dauphine,  and  niece 
of  Cardinal  de  Fiirstemberg,  who  had  several  sisters  very 
grandly  married  in  Germany,  and  brothers  in  high  posi- 
tions. We  have  seen  elsewhere  who  the  Loevensteins  were, 
and  what  a  fuss  Madame  made  on  seeing  the  arms  palatine 
quartered  with  those  of  Courcillon  on  Mme.  Dangeau's  sedan- 
chair.  'T  was  a  pleasure  to  see  with  what  delight  Dangeau 
strutted  about  in  deep  mourning  for  his  wife's  relations,  and 
told  of  their  grandeur.  At  last,  by  dint  of  veneering  himself 
with  this  one  and  that  one,  behold  a  seigneur,  affecting  all 
the  manners  of  the  same  enough  to  make  one  die  of  laugh- 
ing ;  for  did  not  Bruyfere  say,  in  his  excellent  "  Characters  of 
Theophrastus,"  that  Dangeau  was  not  a  seigneur,  but  after 
a  seigneur  ? 

From  the  time  he  first  came  to  Court,  that  is,  about  the 
period  of  the  death  of  the  queen-mother,  he  began  to  write 
in  a  journal  the  news  of  the  day,  and  he  was  faithful  to  the 
work  until  he  died.  He  wrote  them  like  a  gazette,  without 
any  comments,  so  that  one  reads  of  events  with  exact  dates 
and  not  one  word  of  their  causes,  still  less  of  any  intrigues 
or  any  sort  of  emotion,  either  at  Court  or  among  private  per- 


sons.  The  servility  of  a  humble  courtier,  the  worship  of  a 
master,  and  of  all  that  is  or  smells  of  favour,  the  silliest 
and  most  miserable  praise,  eternal  and  suffocating  incense, 
even  about  the  most  indifferent  actions  of  the  king,  of  Mme. 
de  Maintenon,  of  the  ministers,  all  that  the  king  did  each 
day,  often  the  actions  of  the  princes  and  the  most  influen- 
tial ministers,  are  there  written  down  dryly  as  to  facts,  but 
as  much  as  possible  with  servile  flattery,  and  for  things  that 
no  other  than  himself  would  have  dreamed  of  lauding.  It 
is  difficult  to  understand  how  a  man  could  have  had  the 
patience  and  perseverance  to  write  such  a  work  every  day 
of  his  life  for  fifty  years,  —  so  meagre,  so  dry,  so  constrained, 
so  cautious,  so  hteral;  writing  nothing  but  a  mere  shell,  of 
repulsive  aridity.  It  must  be  owned,  however,  that  it  would 
have  been  difficult  for  Dangeau  to  have  written  real  memoirs 
requiring  insight  into  the  various  machinations  of  a  Court. 
Dangeau  had  a  mind  below  mediocrity,  very  frivolous,  very 
incapable  in  every  way,  taking  readily  the  shadow  for  the 
substance,  living  on  gas,  and  perfectly  contented  with  it. 
All  his  capacities  went  solely  to  behave  himself  properly, 
to  hurt  no  one,  to  acquire,  preserve,  and  enjoy  a  sort  of 
consideration ;  without  ever  perceiving  that,  beginning  from 
the  king  down,  his  silliness  and  conceit  diverted  the  com- 
pany, and  that  traps  were  laid  for  him  in  those  directions, 
into  which  he  tumbled  headlong.  But  with  all  that,  his 
memoirs  are  full  of  facts  about  which  the  gazettes  are 
silent ;  they  will  gain  much  by  age,  and  will  greatly  help 
those  who  wish  to  write  correctly,  through  the  accuracy  of 
their  chronology,  and  the  confusion  that  this  will  assist  such 
writers  to  avoid. 

For  a  long  time  past  the  Abb^  Dubois  had  shut  the  mouth 
of  his  master  towards  me,  especially  on  the  matter  of  foreign 
affairs.     This  did  not  prevent  a  few  scraps  escaping  the  Due 

298  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUC  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  x. 

d'OrMans  when  we  were  alone  together,  but  with  very  little 
detail  and  connection ;  and  I  was  always,  for  my  part,  ex- 
tremely reserved.     But  one  day,  early  in  June, 


The  regent  con-     I  found  him  alouc.  Walking  up  and  down  the 
fides  to  me  the      j      ^  apartment.     As  soon  as  he  saw  me  he 

marriage  ol  the  "-'         ^ 

king  with  the        graspcd  me  by  the  hand,  exclaiming  :  "  Ho  cli  ! 

infanta.  t  >      i  i  i  t  ^ 

1  cant  keep  the  thing  I  most  desired  in  the 
world  a  secret  from  you,  —  a  most  important  thing  for  me, 
and  one  you  will  equally  rejoice  in  ;  but  you  must  keep  it  the 
greatest  secret."  And  then  he  added,  laughing :  "  If  M.  de 
Cambrai  knew  that  I  told  you  he  would  never  forgive  me." 
After  which  he  informed  me  of  his  reconciliation  with  the 
King  and  Queen  of  Spain,  the  marriage  of  the  king  to  the  in- 
fanta as  soon  as  she  was  marriageable,  and  that  of  the  Prince 
of  the  Asturias  to  his  own  daughter.  Mile,  de  Montpensier. 

Though  my  joy  was  great,  my  astonishment  surpassed  it. 
The  Due  d'Orldans  embraced  me,  and  after  the  first  reflec- 
tions on  the  personal  advantages  to  him  in  so  great  an  affair, 
I  asked  him  how  he  had  managed  to  bring  it  about,  espe- 
cially as  to  the  marriage  of  his  daughter.  He  said  it  was 
done  in  a  twinkling,  for  the  Abb^  Dubois  was  the  devil  and 
all  if  he  really  wanted  a  thing ;  that  the  King  of  Spain  had 
been  so  enchanted  at  the  request  of  the  king,  his  nephew,  for 
the  infanta,  that  they  had  made  the  marriage  of  the  Prince  of 
the  Asturias  a  sine  qua  non  condition  of  that  of  the  infanta, 
which  forced  the  hand  of  the  King  of  Spain  in  spite  of  him- 
self. After  we  had  talked  it  well  over  and  greatly  rejoiced, 
I  told  him  that  the  marriage  of  his  daughter  ought  to  be 
kept  secret  till  the  very  moment  of  her  departure,  and  that 
of  the  king  until  years  would  permit  of  its  celebration,  so 
as  to  prevent  the  jealousy  of  all  Europe  at  this  close  union 
of  the  two  branches  of  the  Eoyal  House, — a  union  which 
had  always  been  its  terror,  as  disunion  was  its  hope,  and  the 

1721]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  299 

constant  object  of  its  policy ;  for  whicli  reason  it  was  best 
to  leave  the  world  ignorant  as  long  as  possible,  as  the 
infanta  was  only  three  years  old,  being  born  in  Madrid  on 
March  30th,  1718 ;  the  Prince  of  the  Asturias,  born  in 
August,  1707,  was  fourteen,  and  Mile,  de  Montpensier 
twelve.  "  You  are  quite  right,"  replied  the  Due  d'Orldans, 
"  but  it  can't  be  done,  because  in  Spain  they  wish  the  decla- 
ration made  at  once,  and  the  infanta  sent  here  the  mo- 
ment the  proposal  is  made  and  the  marriage-contract  signed." 
"  What  folly  !  "  I  cried  ;  "  why  sound  such  a  tocsin  to  set  all 
Europe  in  a  ferment  ?  You  ought  to  make  them  understand 
that,  and  be  firm  about  it ;  nothing  is  more  important." 
"  That  is  true,"  said  the  Due  d'Orldans.  "  I  think  just  as 
you  do,  but  they  are  so  headstrong  in  Spain  they  would 
have  it  so,  and  I  had  to  agree.  The  thing  is  settled,  done, 
decided ;  the  affair  is  so  important  for  me,  in  every  respect, 
that  you  never  could  advise  me  to  break  it  off  for  such  a 
whim."  I  agreed,  shrugging  my  shoulders  with  impatience 
at  such  perverse  ill-luck. 

While  we  had  been  talking  the  matter  over,  I  had  thought 
about  my  own  affairs  and  the  occasion  so  naturally  present- 
ing itself  of  making  the  future  of  my  second 

I  obtain  the  . 

embassy  to  SOU.     I  Said  therefore  to  the  regent  that,  inas- 

^^'""  much  as  matters  had  necessarily  come  to  the 

point  he  mentioned,  it  became  important  to  send  at  once 
and  make  a  solemn  demand  for  the  infanta  and  sign  the 
marriage-contract ;  that  for  such  a  purpose  a  seigneur  of 
mark  and  high  rank  was  needed,  and  I  begged  him  to  give 
that  embassy  to  me,  with  his  protection  and  recommendation 
to  the  King  of  Spain  to  make  my  second  son,  the  Marquis 
de  Ruffec,  a  grandee  of  Spain.  I  said:  "  I  ask  for  him  a  thing 
that  does  not  interfere  with  any  one,  that  gives  him  the 
rank  and  honours  of  a  duke,  and  is  the  natural  result  of  an 

300  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON.       [chap.  x. 

embassy  sent  to  make  a  marriage  for  the  king.  No  one  could 
fail  to  approve  of  your  giving  me  the  mission  with  a  view  to 
the  grandeeship."  The  Due  d'Orl^ans  would  hardly  let  me 
finish ;  he  granted  my  request  at  once,  promised  to  do  all 
in  his  power  to  obtain  the  rank  for  the  Marquis  de  Ruffec, 
seasoned  his  promise  with  much  friendship,  and  asked  me 
for  absolute  secrecy,  and  to  let  none  of  my  preparations  be 
visible  until  he  should  tell  me  to  make  them.  I  understood 
very  well  that,  besides  the  secrecy  of  the  affair,  he  wanted 
time  to  coax  his  Dubois  and  make  him  swallow  the  pill. 
My  thanks  being  made,  I  asked  him  two  favours :  one  was,  not 
to  give  me  any  salary  as  an  ambassador,  but  enough  in  bulk 
for  an  outfit  to  save  me  from  being  ruined ;  and  the  other 
was,  not  to  charge  me  with  any  other  affairs,  because  I  did 
not  wish  to  cj[uit  him  or  take  root  in  Spain,  where  I  wished 
to  go  solely  for  my  second  son  and  to  return  immediately. 
The  fact  was  I  feared  that  Dubois  would  keep  me  there  in 
exile  in  order  to  be  rid  of  me  here,  and  I  saw  later  as  things 
turned  out  that  my  precaution  was  not  useless.  The  Due 
d'Orleans  granted  both  requests,  with  many  obliging  assur- 
ances that  he  hoped  my  absence  would  not  be  long.  I 
thought  I  had  done  a  great  affair  for  my  family,  and  I  went 
home  very  content ;  but,  good  God !  what  are  the  plans  and 
successes  of  men  ? 

As  time  went  by  after  the  accession  of  the  new  pope, 
Dubois'  impatience  gave  him  no  rest.  He  was  stunned 
Dubois  a  car-  whcu  he  heard  that  the  pope  had  made  one 
dinaiatiast.  cardinal  all  alone  on  the  16th  of  June,  —  his 

His  conduct  on 

the  occasion.  brothcr,  the  Bishop  of  Terracina,  a  Benedictine 
monk  of  Monte  Cassini.  Dubois,  expecting  that  no  promo- 
tion would  be  made  unless  he  were  of  it,  breathed  fire  and 
slaughter.  But  he  did  not  wait  long.  A  month  later,  July 
16,  saw  him  cardinal,  together  with  Don  xilessandro  Albano, 

y    /    /  ^  /  / 

1721]  MEMOIKS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  301 

nephew  of  the  late  pope  and  brother  of  the  cardinal-camer- 
Imgo.  Dubois  received  the  news  and  the  comphments  with 
infinite  joy  ;  but  he  knew  enough  to  contain  himself  with 
some  decency  and  to  give  all  the  honour  of  his  elevation  to 
the  Due  d'Orleans,  who  had  little  or  no  part  in  it.  But  he 
could  not  help  telluig  everybody  that  what  honoured  him 
more  than  even  the  Eoman  purple  itself  was  the  unanimous 
desire  and  eagerness  of  all  the  powers  to  procure  it  for  him. 
He  exhaled  himself  on  that,  and  never  stopped  talking  of  it, 
but  no  one  was  duped  in  that  way. 

Though  he  and  I  were  on  the  terms  I  have  shown,  I 
thought  I  ought  to  put  the  regent  at  his  ease  between  Dubois 
and  me,  as  I  was  forced  to  have  a  certain  necessary  inter- 
course with  him  during  my  embassy.  I  therefore  went  to 
call  upon  him ;  whereupon  he  overwhelmed  me  with  respects, 
compliments,  protestations  of  gratitude  for  the  honour  I  did 
him,  with  no  word  of  the  past.  Though  the  visit  was  one 
of  ceremony  and  there  was  much  company,  he  used  his  red 
hat  (which  he  had  just  received  from  the  hands  of  the  king) 
as  if  it  were  a  black  one,  tossed  it  aside  like  dirt  to  offer  me 
his  hand,  and  conducted  me  at  partmg  to  the  very  end  of 
his  apartment  and  even  to  the  courtyard  on  wliich  it  opened. 
The  Due  d'Orleans  expressed  to  me  his  pleasure  at  this  act 
on  my  part,  and  after  that  I  never  met  the  new  cardinal  m 
the  regent's  apartments  that  he  did  not  come  to  me  and, 
stepping  backward  from  the  door,  perform  marvels ;  in 
which  I  took  good  care  to  put  no  confidence.  On  receiving 
his  hat  from  the  king  he  took  off  from  his  neck  his  episcopal 
His  pectoral  cross  and  prescutcd  it  to  the  Bishop  of  Frdjus 

rlslmenrom.  "^lio  was  Standing  near,  telling  him  that  it 
deFrejus.  brought   good   luck,   and   for   that   reason  he 

begged  him  to  wear  it  for  his  sake.  Frdjus  reddened  and 
received  it  with  much  embarrassment.     This  cross,  though 

302  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  x. 

shaped  like  all  others,  was  very  peculiar  in  workmanship, 
which  made  it  perfectly  distinguishable;  but  Frdjus,  liable 
to  meet  the  cardinal  continually  in  the  kmg's  presence,  dared 
not  avoid  wearing  it.  He  was  dining  one  day,  with  the  cross 
on  his  neck,  at  the  Duchesse  du  Lude's,  with  M.  and  Mme. 
de  Torcy  and  a  large  company,  when  Mme.  de  Torcy,  who 
did  not  hke  Dubois  and  was  much  displeased  with  Frejus' 
conduct  about  the  bull  and  whatever  was  charged  with 
Jansenism,  accustomed,  moreover,  to  see  him  in  earlier  years 
a  parasite  and  hanger-on  of  her  family,  attacked  his  cross 
at  table  with  a  good  deal  of  wit,  freedom,  and  bitterness, 
falling  foul  of  the  pair  with  stinging  sharpness,  and  putting 
Fr^jus  so  beside  himself  that  he  did  not  know  where  he 
was ;  while  the  company,  who  saw  and  regretted  such  a 
scene  at  table,  tried  in  vain  to  call  the  dogs  off  the  hunt, 
which  lasted  a  long  time  and  was  never  forgiven  by  Fleury, 
either  to  Mme.  de  Torcy  or  her  husband,  who  really  had 
nothmg  to  do  with  it.  Torcy  himself  was  much  too  wise 
and  cautious,  and  truly  it  was  a  great  imprudence  in  his 

Fr^jus,  intent  on  the  future,  but  the  future  of  this  world, 
thought  of  nothing  so  much  as  attaching  the  king  to  him- 
conductofFrejus  sclf,  in  wliicli  lic  was  making  great  and  very 
rege^nVvnieroy,  visible  progrcss.  Although  in  his  heart  op- 
and  the  world.  poscd  to  the  rcgcut,  hc  behaved  to  him  always 
with  the  utmost  circumspection,  and  in  cultivating  the 
opposite  party  he  did  it  with  caution.  Mar^chal  de  Ville- 
roy  was  the  coryphee  of  that  party.  He  was  the  object 
of  Fleury's  most  jealous  attention.  The  latter  dreaded  his 
grandeur,  which  he  regarded  as  fatal  to  his  own  project  of 
gaining  possession  of  the  king  with  an  authority  to  be 
shared  by  no  one;  he  felt  the  disproportion  of  the  mar^- 
chal  to  himself,  and  he   was  personally   hampered  by   all 

1721]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  303 

that  he  owed  him  of  attachment  and  gratitude.  It  was 
not  yet  time  to  relieve  himself  of  those  bonds,  but  he  was 
careful  not  to  increase  them  by  serving,  or  by  encouraging 
against  the  government  and  person  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans, 
a  party  timid  at  heart,  badly  organized  for  action,  depressed 
by  the  blows  it  had  received,  but  full  of  an  ardent  will ; 
a  party  which,  if  it  could  only  have  counted  on  the  king 
through  Frdjus,  would  soon  have  recovered  strength  and 
courage.  But  in  that  case  the  principal  fruit  would  have 
been  gathered  by  Villeroy,  from  his  place  beside  the  king, 
which  was  far  from  the  interest  or  the  intention  of  Fr^jus, 
who  was  toiling  from  afar  to  become  sole  master,  and  re- 
garded the  ruin  of  the  mar^chal  in  the  king's  mind  as 
essential  to  the  great  position  which  he  meditated  gaining 
for  himself. 

His  progress  in  the  king's  affections  was  so  visible  that 
he  was  rapidly  becoming  a  personage  whom  every  one 
thought  it  was  well  to  conciliate.  If  he  felt  the  superiority 
of  rank  and  position  which  Villeroy  held  over  him,  much 
more  did  he  feel  that  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  the  weight  of 
his  birth,  place,  talents,  age,  aU  of  which  would  naturally 
continue  his  authority  for  thirty  years  after  the  close  of 
his  regency.  Moreover,  the  regent,  having  removed  the 
Due  du  Maine  from  his  duties  to  the  king,  might  also  re- 
move him,  without  the  slightest  fear  of  exciting  opposition, 
and  thus  destroy  his  hopes  and  plans  forever.  It  was  this 
that  restrained  him  towards  the  regent  within  proper 
bounds ;  it  was  this  that  led  him  to  cultivate  me  with  so 
much  care  and  the  outside  husk  of  confidence,  —  because  I 
was  the  only  person  in  close  relations  with  the  regent 
whom  a  bishop,  anxious  to  exhibit  the  virtues  and  behav- 
iour of  his  calling  (from  which  he  drew  great  benefit  event- 
ually), could   frequent  on  a  footing   of   personal   intimacy. 

304  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [cuap.  x. 

It  was  this  also  that  redoubled  his  sedulous  care  and 
activity  in  attaching  the  king  to  him  more  and  more,  so 
as  to  make,  if  possible,  a  sure  buckler  of  the  king's  affec- 
tion should  the  regent  at  any  future  time  take  a  fancy  to 
dismiss  him.  I  saw  clearly  the  whole  manoeuvre,  and  I 
tried  to  rouse  the  neghgent  indifference  of  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans.  I  told  him  how  important  it  was  to  keep  on 
good  terms  and  treat  wisely  the  only  man  for  whom  the 
king  showed  friendliness  and  confidence,  for  he  was  in- 
wardly more  than  alienated  from  the  Mar^chal  de  ViUeroy. 
I  must  here  admit  that  Fr^jus  was  never  self-interested. 
After  all  things  were  in  his  power,  he  took  no  benefice 
whatever  for  himself,  and  it  has  never  appeared  that  he 
made  himself  any  other  form  of  compensation.  At  the 
very  height  of  his  omnipotence  and  his  cardinalate,  his 
household,  his  equipments,  his  table,  his  furniture,  were 
always  inferior  to  those  of  the  middle-class  prelates. 

As  soon  as  the  maniages  were  declared  I  urged  that  my 
embassy  should  be  announced,  in  order  that  I  might  work 
My  embassy         at  my  outfit.     Tliis   had   been   expressly   for- 

announced.  i  •  i  i  j.  £  ^  '^.i  ^ 

The  Due  de  bidden  to  me   so   tar,  and  with   good  reason, 

Lauzun's  advice,  ^q  excitc  110  commcut ;  but  that  reason  ceas- 
ing with  the  declaration  of  the  marriages,  and  time  press- 
ing, I  wanted  to  begin  my  preparations.  The  Due  de 
Lauzun  urged  me  very  strongly  to  ask  for  the  cordon  hleu 
[Order  of  the  Holy  Spirit]  as  a  proper  decoration  to  wear 
in  Spain,  and  wliich,  beiag  a  favour  here,  would  not  stand 
in  the  way  of  my  obtaining  in  Spain  what  I  desired  for 
my  children.  But  I  would  not  do  so.  This  impatience  to 
wear  the  Order,  which  must  in  time  be  mine,  was  repug- 
nant to  me.  I  had  only  desired  this  embassy  for  the  sake 
of  making  my  second  son  a  grandee  of  Spain,  and,  if 
occasion  offered,  to  obtain  the  Order  of  the  Golden  Fleece 

1721]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  305 

for  the  eldest.  To  succeed  in  that  and  to  get  the  cordon 
lieu  at  the  same  time  seemed  to  me  too  greedy  a  piling 
up  of  favours  ;  and  I  did  not  allow  myself  to  be  tempted. 
Whoever  had  told  me  then  that  I  should  not  be  included 
in  the  next  promotion  would  have  surprised  me  very  much  ; 
but  whoso  had  added  that  I  should  find  myself  one  of 
eight  with  Cellamare,  two  sons  of  the  Due  du  Maine,  and 
the  Due  de  Eicheheu,  in  the  following  promotion  woidd 
have  amazed  me  far  more. 

Cardinal  Dubois  hastened  my  departure  eagerly,  and,  in 
truth,  there  was  no  time  to  lose.  He  even  sent  constantly 
My  suite ;  I  leave  to  hastcu  tlic  workmcu  engaged  in  prepar- 
Paris  for  Madrid,  '^-^g  j^y  Qutfit ;  he  wautcd  to  see  the  liveries 
of  every  sort  of  servant,  and  insisted  on  making  them  very 
magnificent ;  he  also  had  aU  the  suits  made  for  myself  and 
my  sons  taken  to  him  to  see.  He  asked  for  the  names  of 
my  suite,  and  exhorted  me  to  make  it  a  large  one.  I  took 
with  me  the  Comte  de  Lorges,  the  Comte  de  Cdreste,  my 
two  sons,  the  Abb^  de  Saint-Simon,  his  brother,  the  major 
of  a  regiment  that  had  served  in  Spaia  and  was  well-known 
there,  an  officer  of  great  distinction  who  was  infinitely  use- 
ful to  me,  the  Abb^  de  Mathan,  a  friend  of  the  Abb^  de 
Saint-Simon,  whom  I  took  for  his  health,  and  who  has  since 
continued  to  be  my  friend  also.  The  Comte  de  C^reste 
was  a  friend  of  my  sons.  He  wanted  to  make  the  journey, 
and  I  felt  in  honour  bound  to  him.  He  and  I  made  great 
acquaintance  on  the  way.  I  found  him  a  young  man  who 
was  fully  a  man,  and  one  who  was  equally  agreeable  and 
solid.  Esteem  formed  a  friendship  between  us  which  has 
lasted  intimately  ever  since.  On  the  eve  of  my  departure 
T  received  my  letters  from  the  king  and  the  regent  to  their 
Catholic  Majesties,  the  dowager  queen  at  Bayonne,  and 
the  Prince  of  the  Asturias. 

VOL.  IV.  — 20 

306  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  x. 

I  left  Paris  with  post-horses,  Oct.  23,  1721,  with  part  of 

my   suite,  the   rest  of   the  company  joining  me  at  Blaye. 

As  I  crossed  the  Pyrenees  and  quitted  France 

Passage  of  the  ''  '■ 

Pyrenees.  I  go  I  also  quitted  the  rain  and  the  rough  weather 
which  had  followed  us  till  then,  and  found  a 
cloudless  sky  and  a  charming  temperature,  with  points  of 
view  and  perspectives,  changing  continually,  that  were  no 
less  charming.  We  were  all  mounted  on  mules,  the  pace  of 
which  is  long  and  easy.  I  turned  aside  in  crossing  the  high- 
est mountain  to  visit  Loyola,  the  famous  birthplace  of  Samt 
Ignatius.  It  stands  alone,  beside  a  rather  wide  brook  in  a 
narrow  valley,  squeezed  on  both  sides  by  rocky  mountains, 
which  must  make  it  a  glacier  when  covered  with  snow,  and 
a  pudding  dish  in  summer.  "VVe  found  there  four  or  five 
Jesuits,  very  polite  and  intelHgent  men,  who  are  in  charge 
of  a  monstrous  building  they  are  erecting  for  over  a  hundred 
Jesuits  and  an  infinite  number  of  scholars,  with  the  intention 
of  making  this  house  a  novitiate,  a  college,  and  a  house  for 
postulants,  to  serve,  in  short,  for  all  the  purposes  to  wliich 
they  put  their  various  houses,  and  to  be,  as  it  were,  the 
capital  of  their  Company.  They  showed  us  the  primitive 
little  home  of  the  father  of  Saint  Ignatius,  a  small  house 
with  five  or  six  windows,  which  has  only  a  ground-floor  for 
the  housework,  a  floor  above,  and  over  that  a  garret.  It 
would  be,  at  most,  the  lodging  of  a  curate,  and  has  nothing 
resembling  a  chateau  about  it.  We  saw  the  chamber  where 
Saint  Ignatius,  wounded  in  war,  lay  for  a  long  time  and  had 
his  famous  revelation  about  the  Company  of  which  he  was 
to  be  the  founder ;  also  the  stable  where  his  mother  chose  to 
give  birth  to  him  out  of  devotion  to  the  stable  in  Bethlehem ; 
this  stable  is  under  the  house.  Nothing  could  be  lower, 
narrower,  more  confined  than  these  two  places ;  nothing 
more  dazzling   than  the  gold  that  shines  everywhere  about 


tliem.  In  each  there  is  an  altar  bearing  the  Holy  Sacrament, 
and  both  altars  are  of  the  utmost  magnificence. 

The  Jesuits'  own  house,  which  they  are  going  to  pull 
down  for  their  enormous  building,  is  a  very  small  affair,  only 
fit  to  lodge  about  a  dozen  of  them.  The  new  church  is 
nearly  finished.  It  is  a  rotunda,  of  surprising  size  and 
height,  with  lofty  altars  all  around  it  placed  symmetrically. 
Gold,  painting,  sculpture,  ornaments  of  all  sorts  and  the  very 
richest,  are  spread  about  everywhere  with  amazing  but 
judicious  art.  The  architecture  is  correct  and  wonderful, 
the  marbles  exquisite, —  ja.sper,  porphyry,  lapis-lazuli,  —  the 
columns  are  plain,  twisted,  fluted,  with  capitals  and  decora- 
tions in  gilded  bronze.  A  row  of  balconies  are  between  each 
altar,  with  little  stairways  of  marble  leading  to  them,  and 
the  inlaid  lattices,  the  altars,  and  all  that  accompanies  them 
are  wonderful.  In  a  word,  this  is  one  of  the  most  superb 
edifices  in  Europe,  the  best  arranged  and  the  most  gorgeously 
decorated.  We  drank  the  best  chocolate  I  ever  tasted  in 
this  place,  and  after  several  hours  of  curiosity  and  admiration 
we  regained  our  route  and  our  night's  lodgmg,  very  late,  and 
with  much  difficulty. 

I  started  from  Burgos  on  the  19th,  finding  few  relays  and 
those  very  poor  ones,  and  travelled  night  and  day  without 
sleeping  anywhere,  and  chiefly  in  the  carriages  of  the  magis- 
trates of  the  towns,  until  we  reached  Madrid ;  the  last  dozen 
leagues  we  were  forced  to  make  on  horseback.  We  arrived 
in  this  way  at  Madrid  Friday,  21st,  at  eleven  at  night,  and 
found  at  the  entrance  of  the  city,  which  has  neither  walls 
nor  gates  nor  barriers  nor  suburbs,  a  number  of  men  on 
guard,  who  asked  us  who  we  were  and  whence  we  came-, 
they  were  posted  there  to  watch  for  my  arrival  and  give 
notice  of  it.  As  I  was  very  tired,  having  travelled  from 
Burgos  without  stopping,  and  it  was  very  late,  I  answered 

308  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  x. 

that  we  were  the  people  of  the  French  ambassador,  who 
would  arrive  the  next  day. 

The  next  day,  Saturday,  22nd,  very  early,  I  sent  my  secre- 
tary to  the  Marquis  de  Grimaldo,  secretary  of  the  king,  also 
Arrival  in  the  othcr  customary  messages  on  arrival  to  the 

Madrid.  ministers   of   foreign   courts.      Grimaldo,   sur- 

prised and  very  glad  at  my  arrival,  which  he  did  not  expect 
until  the  evening  of  this  day,  hurried  to  the  palace  to  tell 
their  Catholic  Majesties,  who,  disliking  their  residence  in 
Madrid,  were  impatiently  awaiting  my  coming  in  order  to 
start  for  Lerma.  From  the  palace  Grimaldo  came  to  me, 
instead  of  waiting  for  my  first  visit,  and  found  me  with 
Maulevrier  [French  ambassador  at  the  court  of  Spain],  the 
Due  de  Liria,  and  some  others.  Grimaldo  expressed  to  me 
the  joy  of  their  Catholic  Majesties  at  my  arrival,  and  after 
making  me  the  most  graceful  compliments  on  his  own  behalf, 
he  gave  me  my  choice  whether  to  go  and  make  my  bow 
to  them  that  same  morning  or  wait  till  the  afternoon.  I 
thought  eagerness  was  more  becoming ;  and  I  went  with 
him  at  once  in  Maulevrier's  carriage.  In  this  way  all  the 
difficulties  of  a  first  visit  were  avoided  in  regard  to  those  to 
whom  it  was  due  on  my  part,  which  relieved  me  very  much. 

We  arrived  at  the  palace  as  the  king  was  returning  from 
mass,  and  we  awaited  him  in  the  little  salon  between  the 
I  make  my  first  Salou  of  the  Graudccs  and  the  Salon  of  Mirrors, 
bow  to  their  In  a  few  moments  the  king  entered  and  came 

CathoUc  Majes-  " 

ties.  to  me  at  once,  preceded  and  followed  by  a  good 

many  courtiers,  but  nothing  like  the  crowd  of  ours.  I  made 
a  profound  bow ;  he  expressed  his  joy  at  my  arrival,  asked 
news  of  the  king,  the  Due  d'Orleans,  and  about  my  journey  ; 
after  which  he  went  alone  into  the  Salon  of  Mirrors.  In  a 
moment  I  was  surrounded  by  the  whole  Court,  with  compli- 
ments and  assurances  of  joy  at  the  marriages  and  the  union 

1721]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  309 

of  the  two  crowns.  Grimaldo  and  the  Due  de  Liria  named 
the  seigneurs,  who  all  spoke  French,  and  I  endeavoured  to 
reply  to  their  civilities  by  mine. 

In  half  a  quarter  of  an  hour  after  the  king  had  retired  he 
sent  for  me.  I  entered  alone  into  the  Salon  of  Mirrors,  which 
is  very  vast,  but  much  less  wide  than  long.  The  king,  and 
the  queen  on  his  left,  were  standing  at  the  other  end,  almost 
touching  each  other.  I  approached,  with  three  profound 
bows.  My  audience  lasted  half  an  hour,  during  which  they 
expressed  their  joy,  their  desires,  their  impatience,  with  great 
effusion  about  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  and  their  desire  to  make 
Mile,  de  Montpensier  happy.  At  the  close  of  the  conver- 
sation, in  which  the  queen  talked  a  great  deal  more  than  the 
king,  though  he  showed  his  joy  as  plainly,  they  did  me  the 
honour  to  say  that  they  wished  to  show  me  the  infants,  and 
ordered  me  to  follow  them.  I  have  never  seen  prettier  chil- 
dren nor  better  made  than  Don  Ferdinand  and  Don  Carlos, 
uor  a  finer  babe  than  Don  Philippe.  The  king  and  queen 
took  pleasure  in  making  them  turn  about  and  walk  before 
me  with  very  good  grace.  After  which  we  entered  the  room 
of  the  infanta,  where  I  endeavoured  to  display  all  the  gal- 
lantry that  I  could.  She  was  really  charming,  with  a  sen- 
sible little  air,  and  not  at  all  embarrassed.  The  queen 
remarked  that  the  infanta  was  beginning  to  speak  French 
pretty  well ;  to  which  the  king  added  that  she  would  soon 
forget  Spain.  "  Oh  !  "  cried  the  queen,  "  not  only  Spain,  but 
the  king  and  me,  to  attach  herself  the  more  to  the  king,  her 
husband  ;  "  on  which  I  did  my  best  not  to  be  mute.  A  few 
moments  later  the  king  called  me  to  see  the  Prince  of  the 
Asturias,  who  was  still  in  the  Salon  of  Mirrors.  I  found  him 
tall,  and  truly  a  picture  ;  fair,  with  beautiful  blond  hair,  a 
white  skin  with  much  colour,  a  long  but  agreeable  face,  fine 
eyes,  though  rather  too  near  the  nose,  and  with  plenty  of 

310  MEMOIRS   OV  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  x, 

grace  and  politeness.  He  asked  with  interest  for  news  of  the 
king,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  and  MUe.  de  Montpensier  and  the 
time  of  her  arrival. 

The  first  sight  of  the  King  of  Spain,  after  I  had  made  my 
bow  to  him,  astonished  me  so  much  that  I  had  need  to 
Sketch  of  the  gather  myself  together  to  recover  from  it. 
King  of  Spain.        j   ^^^^^   ^^^   ^^   vcstigc    of   the    former   Due 

d'Anjou  in  that  changed  and  elongated  face,  which  told 
even  less  than  it  did  when  he  left  France.  He  was  much 
bent,  and  sliortened;  his  chin  was  thrust  forward  very  far 
from  his  chest ;  the  feet  straight,  touching  each  other  and 
interfering  as  he  walked,  thougli  he  walked  quickly  with  his 
knees  a  foot  apart.  Wliat  he  did  me  the  honour  to  say  was 
well  said,  but  the  words  were  so  drawling,  Ms  air  so  silly, 
that  I  was  quite  confounded.  A  tight  body  coat,  without 
any  kind  of  gold  lace,  and  made  of  a  sort  of  brown  drugget 
because  he  was  intending  to  hunt,  did  not  improve  either  his 
looks  or  his  bearing.  He  wore  a  tied  wig,  thrown  behind 
his  head,  the  cordon  hleu  over  his  coat,  —  this  at  all  times 
and  everywhere,  —  so  that  the  Golden  Fleece,  which  he  wore 
round  his  throat  on  a  red  ribbon,  could  scarcely  be  seen,  be- 
cause his  cravat  and  chin  and  the  cordon  bleu  concealed  it. 

But  though  I  was  surprised  at  this  first  sight  of  the  King 
of  Spain,  I  must  say,  with  the  most  exact  and  literal  truth, 
that  later,  on  my  formal  demand  for  the  infanta  in  marriage, 
his  answers  surprised  me  equally.  They  were  made  to 
each  point  of  my  discourse  in  their  proper  order,  with  dig- 
nity, grace,  and  even  majesty,  and  especially  with  a  sur- 
prising choice  of  expressions,  and  words  so  appropriate  and 
so  judiciously  and  accurately  measured  out  that  I  seemed  to 
hear  the  late  king,  that  master  of  such  replies  and  so  well 
versed  in  making  them.  Philippe  V.  was  not  born  with 
superior  intellect,  nor  \vith  anything  of  what  is  called  imagi- 


nation.  He  was  cold,  silent,  sad,  sober,  open  to  no  pleasure 
but  that  of  hunting,  fearing  society,  fearing  himself,  solitary 
and  secluded  by  choice  and  habit,  rarely  touched  by  others ; 
with  good  sense,  nevertheless,  and  an  upright  nature,  com- 
prehending things  fairly  well,  obstinate  when  he  set  himself 
to  will  a  thing,  and  at  such  times  impossible  to  change,  but 
otherwise  perfectly  easy  to  lead  and  govern. 

He  felt  little.  In  his  campaigns  he  stayed  where  they 
put  him ;  if  it  was  under  fire  he  was  not  the  least  shaken, 
and  amused  himself  with  watching  if  others  were  afraid. 
Under  cover  and  far  from  danger  he  was  just  the  same, 
without  considering  whether  or  not  his  fame  would  suffer. 
On  the  whole  he  liked  to  make  war,  though  still  with  the 
same  indifference  as  to  whether  he  went  or  not,  whether 
he  was  present  or  absent,  leaving  to  his  generals  the  whole 
command,  without  ever  putting  in  a  word  of  his  own.  He 
was  extremely  conceited,  and  would  not  tolerate  the  slightest 
resistance  to  any  of  his  enterprises ;  and  what  made  me 
think  that  he  loved  praise  was  that  the  queen  praised  liim 
incessantly,  even  about  his  face ;  asking  me  one  day  before 
him  if  I  did  not  thiak  him  very  handsome,  handsomer  than 
any  man  I  knew.  His  piety  was  only  custom,  scruples,  ter- 
rors, small  observances,  without  knowing  anything  whatever 
of  religion  ;  the  pope  was  a  divinity  when  he  did  not  oppose 
him  ;  in  that,  a  shallow  imitation  of  the  Jesuits,  whom  he 
passionately  admired.  Though  his  health  was  good,  he  was 
always  feehng  himself  over,  and  uneasy  about  it.  A  phy- 
sician like  the  one  whom  Louis  XI.  enriched  at  the  close 
of  his  life,  another  Maitre  Coyctier,  would  soon  have  become 
a  rich  and  powerful  personage;  happily,  the  one  whom 
Philippe  V.  employed  was  a  man  of  worth  and  honour,  and 
his  successor  was  whoUy  devoted  to  the  queen  and  kept 
in  order  by  her. 

312  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  x. 

It  "was  not  so  much  the  difficulty  of  speaking  well  as 
laziness  and  distrust  of  himself  that  made  the  king  silent. 
He  rarely  took  part  in  the  conversation,  which  he  let  the 
queen  hold  with  those  who  followed  them  on  the  Mall  or 
saw  them  in  private  audiences  ;  he  also  left  her  to  talk  with 
this  one  and  that  one  in  passing,  scarcely  ever  saying  any- 
thing himself.  Yet  he  was  the  man  of  all  others  who 
took  most  note  of  defects  and  absurdities,  and  would  make 
the  best  and  most  amusing  story  of  them.  I  have  said 
with  what  dignity  and  appropriateness  he  replied  to  my 
speech  at  the  formal  audience,  and  what  discriminating 
words  lie  used  about  the  marriages,  which  shows  that  he 
could  express  himself  perfectly  when  he  chose,  though  he 
seldom  took  the  pains  to  do  so.  Towards  the  end  of  my 
stay,  after  I  had  made  him  famihar  with  me  at  my  private 
audiences,  which  always  turned  into  conversations,  I  heard 
him  talk  and  reason  well  on  several  occasions ;  but  whenever 
there  were  people  present  he  usually  said  a  mere  word  to 
me,  a  short  question  or  something  of  the  kind,  and  never 
entered  into  any  conversation. 

He  was  kind,  easy  to  serve,  familiar  with  liis  interior 
household,  and  sometimes  with  certain  seigneurs.  Love  of 
France  issued  from  every  pore  of  him.  He  retained  great 
reverence  and  gratitude  for  the  late  king,  and  tenderness 
for  the  late  Monseigneur,  and,  above  all,  for  ]Mgr.  the  Dau- 
phin, his  brother,  for  whose  loss  he  was  never  consoled.  I 
did  not  remark  an  interest  in  any  other  of  the  royal  family 
except  the  present  king,  and  he  made  no  inquiry  about  any 
one  belonging  to  the  Court  with  the  sole  exception  of  the 
Duchesse  de  Beauvilliers,  and  as  to  her  witli  friendship. 

The  queen  alarmed  me  with  a  face  that  was  scarred, 
seamed,  and  excessively  disfigured  by  the  smaU-pox.  The 
garments  then  in  fashion  for  the  Spanish  ladies,  invented 

1721]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  313 

by  the  Princesse  des  Ursins  and  totally  different  from  their 
former  style,  is  as  favourable  to  young  and  well-made  women 
Sketch  of  the  ^s  it  is  distressing  in  those  whose  defects  of 
Queen  of  Spain,  ^gg  ^^^^  figure  it  reveals.  The  queen  was  ex- 
tremely well-made,  though  slender  ;  her  neck  and  shoulders 
beautiful,  rather  full  and  very  white,  as  were  the  hands  and 
arms ;  her  figure  easy,  the  waist  long  and  extremely  tapering. 
She  spoke  French  very  well  with  a  sHght  Itahan  accent,  in 
good  language,  choice  but  not  studied,  her  voice  and  enuncia- 
tion most  agreeable.  A  charming,  continual,  and  natural 
grace  without  the  slightest  affectation  accompanied  her  words 
and  her  coimtenance,  varying  as  they  varied.  She  united  an 
air  of  kindness,  even  courtesy  and  amiable  familiarity,  with 
one  of  grandeur  and  majesty  which  never  left  her.  From 
this  mixture  it  resulted  that  when  one  had  the  honour  of 
seemg  her  in  some  privacy  (though  always  with  the  king), 
one  was  readily  at  ease  with  her,  without  forgetting  who 
she  was,  and  quickly  accustomed  to  her  face.  In  fact,  after 
seeing  her  for  a  while,  one  could  easily  distinguish  that  she 
must  have  had  beauty  and  charm,  the  idea  of  which  that 
cruel  small-pox  had  not  wholly  effaced.  I  must  add  here 
that  night  and  day,  in  work,  audiences,  amusements,  devo- 
tions, she  and  the  king  were  never  parted  for  a  single  instant, 
except  for  formal  audiences  which  they  gave  separately. 

The  queen  [Elizabeth  Farnese}  was  brought  up  very 
harshly  in  a  garret  of  the  palace  in  Parma  by  the  duchess 
her  mother,  who  had  never  let  her  see  life  until  after  the 
proposal  of  her  amazing  marriage ;  and  then  as  little  as  she 
could,  and  always  under  her  own  eyes.  The  princess  was 
born  with  a  good  mind  and  all  the  natural  graces  that  the 
mind  knows  how  to  govern.  Sense,  reflection,  behaviour 
made  use  of  her  intelligence  and  employed  it  pertinently, 
drawing  from  its  graces  all  that  it  liad  to  give.     She  felt  her 

314  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUC   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  x. 

talents  and  her  forces,  but  without  that  pride  and  vanity  of 
display  which  would  have  weakened  them  or  made  them 
ridiculous.  Her  ways  were  simple,  unaffected ;  sometimes  a 
natural  gayety  sparkled  across  and  through  the  everlasting 
tedium  of  her  life ;  and  though  she  had  temper  and  some- 
times sharpness,  which  this  uurelaxed  constraint  had  given 
her,  she  was  really  a  woman  who  pretended  to  nothing  in 
the  ordinary  current  of  her  Kfe,  where  she  was  truly 

On  arriving  in  Spain,  sure  of  dismissing  the  Princesse  des 
TJrsins  and  fully  intending  to  take  her  place  in  the  govern- 
ment, she  grasped  the  reins  at  once  and  did  it  so  well,  seiz- 
ing at  the  same  time  the  mind  of  the  king,  that  she  soon 
ruled  the  one  and  the  other.  In  public  matters  nothing 
could  be  hidden  from  her.  The  king  never  worked  except  in 
her  presence.  All  that  reached  him  she  read  and  reasoned 
over  with  him.  She  was  present  at  all  private  audiences, 
whether  of  his  subjects  or  of  foreign  ministers,  so  that 
nothing  escaped  her  with  regard  to  business  or  favours. 
With  regard  to  the  king,  this  eternal  tete-a-tete  which  day 
and  night  she  had  with  him  gave  her  every  means  of  know- 
ing him,  and  knowing  him,  as  one  might  say,  by  heart. 
Nothing  could  equal  the  shrewd  and  clever  turns  she  knew 
well  how  to  give  to  things,  and  the  wily  way  she  could  make 
the  king  take  them,  and,  little  by  little,  assume  her  likings 
and  aversions.  Earely  did  she  go  to  her  point;  her  way 
was  by  long  preparations,  turns  and  counter-turns,  compass 
in  hand,  and  feeling  the  wind  of  the  king's  humour,  which 
she  had  long  had  time  to  know  and  could  not  mistake.  Her 
praises,  flatteries,  compliances  were  perpetual ;  never  was 
the  ennui,  the  terrible  weight  of  the  burden  allowed  to  be 

And  yet  her  life  was  cramped  and  agitated  beyond  what 


any  one  could  imagme ;  and  however  great  her  power  was, 
she  owed  it  to  such  art,  suppleness,  patience,  strategy,  that  it 
is  not  too  much  to  say  that,  great  as  it  was,  she  paid  too 
dearly  for  it.  But  she  was  so  lively,  so  active,  so  decided,  so 
resolute,  so  vehement  in  her  desires,  her  interests  were  so 
dear  to  her  and  seemed  to  her  so  great,  that  nothing  cost  her 
anything  to  attain  her  ends.  Sometimes  the  chain  was 
drawn  so  tightly  that  she  could  never,  for  one  instant,  leave 
the  left  side  of  the  king.  I  have  seen  her  several  times 
when  walking  on  the  Mall  and  excited  and  interested  by 
some  tale  or  conversation,  walk  a  little  slower  than  the  king 
and  so  lag  four  or  five  steps  behind  him ;  the  king  would 
then  look  back,  and  instantly  she  would  regain  his  side  in 
two  jumps,  and  there  continue  the  conversation  with  the 
seigneurs  who  followed  her,  and  I  with  them,  regaining  in 
the  same  hasty  way  the  ground  we  had  lost. 

Hunting  was  the  daily  pleasure  of  the  king,  and  therefore 
it  was  forced  to  be  that  of  the  queen.  But  it  was  always 
„  ^  invariably  the  same.     Then-  Catholic  Maiesties 

Hunting  the  •'  •• 

daily  pleasure  of     ^[^  me  the  houour,  a  vcry  unusual  one,  of  com- 

the  king. 

mandmg  me  to  be  present  at  one  or  these 
hunts ;  and  I  went  in  my  carriage.  So  I  saw  it  well ;  and 
whoso  sees  one  sees  all.  The  beasts,  black  and  red,  are  not 
met  with  in  the  plains ;  it  was  necessary  to  find  them  in  the 
mountains  ;  but  the  ground  there  is  too  steep  to  hunt  the  stag, 
the  boar  and  the  other  animals  as  we  do  here.  In  fact  the 
plains  themselves  are  so  parched,  and  hard,  and  full  of  deep 
fissures,  which  can  only  be  seen  when  right  upon  the  edge 
of  them,  that  the  best  hounds  would  have  tlieir  feet  torn 
and  even  crippled  for  a  long  time.  Besides,  the  plains  are  so 
covered  with  coarse  grass  that  the  dogs  would  get  no  help 
from  their  noses.  As  for  shooting  on  the  wing,  the  king  had 
long  given  up  that  sort  of  hunting  because  he  no  longer  rode 

316  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  x. 

on  horseback.  Consequently,  his  hunts  were  confined  to 

The  Due  del  Arco,  who,  by  his  office  of  grand  equerry,  was 
master  of  the  hunt,  selected  the  spot  to  which  the  king  and 
queen  went.  There  they  erected  two  large  arbours,  adjoining 
each  other,  almost  entirely  closed  in  except  for  a  sort  of  large 
open  window,  breast-high  from  the  ground.  The  king  and 
queen,  the  captain  of  the  guards  in  quarters,  and  four  loaders 
of  gains,  were  the  only  persons  in  the  first  arbour,  with  a  score 
of  guns  and  the  wherewithal  to  load  them.  In  the  other  ar- 
bour, on  the  day  that  I  was  at  the  himt,  was  the  Prince  of  the 
Asturias,  with  the  Due  de  Popoli,  the  Marquis  del  Surco,  the 
Marquis  de  Santa-Crux  and  the  Due  de  Giovenazzo,  major- 
domo  and  grand  equerry  to  the  queen,  two  or  three  officers  of 
the  body-guard,  and  myself,  with  a  great  many  guns,  and  men 
to  load  them.  A  single  lady-of-honour  attended  the  queen ; 
coming  alone  in  a  carriage,  which  she  did  not  leave,  having 
brought  for  her  consolation  a  book  and  some  work,  for  none 
of  the  suite  went  up  to  her.  Their  Majesties  made  the  trip 
at  full  speed  with  relays  of  guards  and  horses  ;  the  moment 
they  arrived  at  the  arbours  the  carriages  were  driven  away, 
with  the  poor  lady-of-honour  and  the  riding  horses,  very  far 
out  of  sight,  for  fear  they  should  frighten  the  animals. 

Two,  three,  four  hundred  peasants  under  orders  had  made 
a  great  circuit  during  the  night  to  form  an  inclosure ;  and 
very  early  in  the  morning  they  shouted  from  a  distance  to 
frighten  the  animals  and  make  them  rise,  collect  them  to- 
gether as  much  as  possible,  and  then  drive  them  gently  in 
the  direction  of  the  arbours.  Within  the  arbours  no  one  was 
allowed  to  speak  or  move  the  least  in  the  world  or  let  a  coat 
be  seen  ;  aU  had  to  stand  there,  silent.  This  lasted  an  hour 
and  a  half,  and  did  not  seem  to  me  very  amusing.  At  last 
we  heard  in  the  distance  the  sound  of  shouts,  and  soon  after 

1721]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  317 

came  troops  of  animals  passing  at  intervals  within  gunshot, 
and  immediately  the  king  and  queen  began  to  fire.  This 
pleasure,  or  this  species  of  butchery,  lasted  more  than  half  an 
hour,  during  which  we  saw  killed,  crippled,  or  escaping,  stags, 
does,  roedeer,  wild  boars,  hares,  wolves,  badgers,  foxes,  and 
weasels  without  number.  It  was  necessary  to  let  the  king 
and  queen  fire  first,  who  sometimes  allowed  the  grand  equerry 
and  the  captain  of  the  guards  to  fire;  and  as  we  did  not 
know  from  which  hand  the  shot  came,  we  had  to  wait  till 
the  king's  arbour  stopped  firing,  and  then  let  the  Prince  of 
the  Asturias  fire,  who  often  had  nothing  to  fire  upon,  and  we 
even  less.  I  did,  however,  shoot  a  fox,  rather  too  soon  if  the 
truth  be  told,  of  which  I  was  ashamed  and  made  my  excuses 
to  the  Prince  of  the  Asturias,  who  laughed,  and  the  com- 
pany also ;  so  I  followed  their  example,  and  all  this  very 
politely.  According  as  the  peasants  drew  nearer  and  closer, 
the  hunt  came  on ;  and  it  ended  when  the  men  approached 
the  arbours,  shouting  still,  because  there  was  nothing  be- 
hind them.  Then  the  carriages  were  brought  back,  the  per- 
sons in  both  arbours  came  out  and  met  together,  and  the 
dead  game  was  laid  before  the  king.  It  was  packed  behind 
each  of  the  carriages.  Meanwhile  the  conversation  turned 
on  the  hunt.  We  carried  back  on  this  occasion  about  a 
dozen  head  and  more  of  large  game,  and  several  hares,  foxes, 
and  weasels.  This  is  the  pleasure  of  their  Catholic  Majesties 
on  all  working  days.  The  peasants  employed  are  paid,  and 
the  king  often  gives  them  something  besides  as  he  gets  into 
his  carriage. 

On  returning  home  after  the  ceremony  of  signing  the 
marriage  contracts,  which,  owing  to  the  length  of  the  docu- 
niumination  of  mcuts  to  be  read,  lasted  a  very  long  time, 
wonSi'^nd''  T^«n  Gaspard  Giron  [the  king's  majordomo] 
surprising.  invitcd  mc  to  go  and  see  the  illumination  of 

318  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,      [chap.  x. 

the  Place  Major.  We  got  iiito  his  carriage,  and  the  princi- 
pal personages  of  my  suite  into  carriages  of  my  own,  and 
were  driven  through  by-streets  to  prevent  our  seeing  the 
brilliancy  of  the  illumination  as  we  approached  it.  We 
arrived  thus  at  a  fine  house  with  windows  opening  on  the 
centre  of  the  Place,  where  the  king  and  queen  always  go  to 
see  the  fetes  that  are  held  there.  We  saw  no  hght  what- 
ever on  getting  out  of  the  carriages  or  in  mounting  the 
stairs  ;  every  part  of  the  house  had  been  carefully  closed ; 
but  on  entering  the  room  which  looked  upon  the  Place, 
we  were  dazzled,  and  immediately  went  out  upon  the 
balcony,  where  speech  failed  me  for  five  or  six  minutes 
from  surprise. 

The  area  of  this  Place  is  far  more  vast  than  that  of  any 
I  have  seen  in  Paris  or  elsewhere,  and  is  longer  than  its 
width.  The  five-storev  houses  which  surround  it  are  of  the 
same  height,  having  all  their  windows  at  equal  distances, 
each  with  a  balcony  of  the  same  size  and  projection  as  the 
rest,  with  iron  raihngs  also  alike,  and  all  perfectly  similar 
on  each  of  tlie  five  storeys.  On  these  balconies  were  two 
huge  torches  of  white  w^ax,  one  at  each  end  of  each  balcony, 
simply  resting  against  the  balustrade,  slightly  tipping  for- 
ward, without  being  fastened  to  anything.  It  is  incredible 
the  light  these  torches  gave ;  the  splendour  was  amazing,  and 
a  sense  of  majesty  I  cannot  express  laid  hold  of  me.  One 
could  read  with  ease  the  finest  print  in  every  corner  of  the 
square,  though  the  ground-floor  rooms  were  not  lighted  at 

As  soon  as  I  appeared  upon  the  balcony  the  people 
crowded  beneath  it,  crying  out :  Sefior  !  Toro  !  toro  !  This 
was  their  way  of  requesting  that  I  would  obtain  a  bull- 
fight for  them,  which  is  the  thing  in  the  world  for  which 
they  have  the  greatest  passion,  and  which  the  king  had  for 


some  years  refused  to  permit,  from  scruples  of  conscience.  I 
therefore  contented  myself  on  the  following  day  with  simply 
telling  him  of  these  cries  of  the  people,  without  asking  him 
to  grant  the  request,  while  expressing  my  astonishment  at 
so  surpassing  and  wonderful  an  illumination.  Don  Gaspard 
Giron  and  the  Spaniards  who  were  in  the  house  where  I 
was,  charmed  with  the  astonishment  I  showed  at  the  sight, 
made  it  publicly  known,  with  all  the  more  complacency 
because  they  were  not  accustomed  to  the  admiration  of 
Frenchmen,  and  many  of  the  seigneurs  spoke  to  me  about  it 
with  pleasure.  I  had  hardly  time  to  sup,  on  my  return  from 
this  beautiful  illumination,  before  it  was  necessary  to  go  to 
the  palace,  for  the  ball  which  the  king  was  giving  in  the 
Salon  of  the  Grandees,  which  lasted  until  two  hours  after 

Thursday,  November  27,  was  the  day  appointed  for  the 

departure  of  the  king  and  queen  for  Lerma;   I  went  after 

dinner  to  the  palace   to  see  them   start,  and 

Departure  of  the  -^ 

king  and  queen       again  I  rcccived  a  thousand  marks  of   their 
erma.  kiuduess.     Botli,  cspccially  the  queen,  insisted 

two  or  three  times  that  I  must  not  delay  my  coming  to 
Lerma,  on  which  I  assured  them  that  I  should  be  there  on 
their  arrival,  to  assist  them  from  their  carriage.  The  Court 
of  Spain  moves  like  a  tortoise,  and  was  not  expected  to  reach 
Lerma  until  the  11th  of  December.  The  king  and  queen  al- 
ways travel  in  a  large  coach  belonging  to  the  queen,  with 
seven  windows,  so  that  on  passing  along  the  narrow  mountain 
road  to  Balsaim  there  were  not  two  inches  of  margin  between 
their  w^heels  and  the  precipice,  and  in  several  places  the 
wheels  ran  in  air  sometimes  for  one  hundred,  sometimes  for 
two  hundred  feet,  and  even  more.  The  peasants  of  the 
neighbourhood  in  great  numbers  are  ordered  to  hold  the 
carriage  up  with  long  leather  straps,  frequently  renewed  :  and 

320  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAIXT-SIMON.     [chap.  x. 

these  men  are  changed  iu  relays,  walking  over  the  rocke 
with  the  utmost  difficulty  and  danger  both  to  the  carriage 
and  themselves.  Xothing  was  done  to  this  road  to  make  it 
more  passable,  yet  the  king  and  queen  were  not  the  least 
afraid.  The  women  who  followed  the  queen  were  half-dead 
with  terror,  though  they  were  in  narrower  carriages.  As 
for  the  men  of  the  suite,  they  rode  on  mules.  I  shall  add 
no  reflections  on  this  surprising  custom. 

The    small   amount   of   lodging   room   that  Lerma  could 

furnish  to  the  Court  allowed  of  no  one  being  billeted  there 

except  those  on  duty  in  the  necessary  offices. 

I  am  lodged  at  .... 

viiiahaimanzo  The  adjoining  villages  were  taken  for  the  Court, 
the  grandees,  and  the  foreign  ambassadors.  I 
had  the  choice  given  me  of  several,  and  I  chose  Viiiahaimanzo, 
on  the  account  I  received  of  it.  It  is  a  short  half-league 
from  Lerma  and  immediately  opposite,  —  a  little  valley  be- 
tween the  two,  which  is  crossed  by  a  paved  road  with  a 
stone  bridge  spanning  the  little  river.  They  arranged,  for 
me  alone,  the  rector's  house,  small,  airy,  pretty,  with  chim- 
neys built  on  purpose,  and  all  the  other  houses  in  the 
village  were  arranged  for  my  suite  and  others  w^ho  were  with 
me.  The  village  is  rather  extensive,  well-built,  well-situated, 
and  very  agreeable ;  and  there  was  no  one  there  but  our- 
selves, the  rector,  and  the  inhabitants.  During  the  whole 
of  our  stay  we  did  not  have  the  slightest  difficulty  with  any 
of  them.  Their  houses  were  much  improved  by  the  conven- 
iences added  to  them,  and  they  were  perfectly  content  with 
us  and  friendly  with  our  servants.  We  did  not  do  the 
least  wrong  in  any  way,  but  gave  them  certain  presents  on 
leaving,  so  that  they  felt  an  affection  for  us,  and  really 
regretted  us,  — some  of  them  with  tears.  This  journey  was 
for  me  a  very  ruinous  transplantation  of  my  provisions 
and  household. 


I  left  Madrid  for  Lerma  December  2iid,  and  reached  our 

village  of  Villahalmanzo  [after  passing  three  days   at  the 

Escurial]   on  the    9th,  where  I  found  myself 

On  my  arrival  I 

fall  ill  with  the       most  comfortably  settled,  and  so  did  all  who 
small-pox.  ^^^^g  ^^^j^  ^g^     y{q  suppcd  vcry  gayly,  and  I 

expected  the  next  day  to  walk  about  and  amuse  myself  by 
reconnoitring  the  village  and  its  neighbourhood ;  but  in  the 
night  a  fever  seized  me,  increasing  the  next  day  and  becom- 
ing violent  the  following  night ;  so  much  so  that  there  was 
no  question  of  my  going  on  the  11th  to  be  present  at  the 
arrival  of  the  king  and  queen  at  Lerma.  The  malady  in- 
creased with  such  rapidity  that  I  was  thought  to  be  in  great 
danger,  and  finally  at  death's  door.  I  was  bled,  and  shortly 
after  the  small-pox,  which  was  very  prevalent  in  the  neigh- 
bourhood, appeared.  The  climate  was  such  this  year  that 
the  ground  was  frozen  hard  for  twelve  or  fourteen  hours  of 
each  twenty-four,  while  from  eleven  in  the  morning  till  nearly 
four  the  sun  shone  brightly,  and  the  heat  was  too  great 
after  mid-day  to  walk  about ;  although  where  the  sun  did 
not  shine,  on  account  of  a  wall  or  some  obstacle,  the 
ground  never  thawed  for  a  moment.  The  cold  was  all 
the  more  stinging  because  the  air  is  pure  and  keen  and 
the  sky  of  unbroken  serenity. 

The  King  of  Spain,  who  feared  the  small-pox  extremely, 
and  had  confidence  in  none  but  his  own  physician,  sent  him 
to  me  with  orders  not  to  leave  me  a  moment  until  I  was  well. 
I  had,  therefore,  five  or  six  persons  continually  with  me,  be- 
sides my  servants,  and  one  of  the  wisest  and  best  physicians 
in  Europe ;  who  was,  moreover,  very  good  company,  and  who 
did  not  leave  me  day  or  night.  Also  I  had  three  good  sur- 
geons, one  of  whom  La  Fare  had  brought  with  him.  I  had 
a  great  abundance  of  sinall-pox  pustules  of  a  good  type,  and 
without  any  dangerous  crisis  after  they  once  appeared.     All 

VOL.  IV.  —  21 

322  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAIXT-SIMON.      [chap.  x. 

those  who  saw  me,  and  the  valets  who  served  me,  and  even 
my  kitchen,  were  separated  from  the  rest.  The  chief  physi- 
cian provided  himself  nearly  every  day  with  fresh  remedies 
in  case  of  need,  but  gave  me  none,  beyond  making  me  drink 
nothing  but  water,  into  which  were  thrown  oranges  cut  in 
two  and  allowed  to  simmer  slowly  before  my  fire ;  with  an 
occasional  spoonful  of  a  sweet  and  agreeable  cordial  at  the 
height  of  the  suppuration ;  after  which  a  little  wme  of  Eota, 
with  broths  made  of  beef,  and  a  partridge.  Nothing  was  lack- 
ing in  the  care  these  people  bestowed  upon  me,  their  only 
patient,  and  nothmg  was  lacking  to  my  amusement  when 
I  was  able  to  take  it,  because  of  the  good  company  I  had 
about  me  at  a  time  when  convalescence  from  this  particular 
malady  is  so  wearisome  and  forlorn.  Quite  at  the  end  I  was 
bled  and  purged  once ;  after  which  I  lived  as  usual,  though 
still  in  a  species  of  isolation. 


The  year  1722  began  with  the  exchange  of  the  princesses, 

the  future  wives  of  the  King  of  France  and  the  Prince  of 

1722.  the   Asturias,  which   took   place   on   the   Isle 

Exchange  of  ^   Pheasauts,  in  the  little  river  of   Bidassoa 

the  princesses  ' 

January  9.  wliich  separates  the  two  kingdoms,  and  where 

a  small  wooden  house  had  been  built  for  the  purpose. 
The  exchange  was  made  on  the  9th  of  January ;  and  after 
reciprocal  compliments  and  presents  from  the  king  to 
the  Spaniards,  each  princess,  with  her  suite,  continued 
her  journey.  While  Mile,  de  Montpensier  continued  hers 
the  fortieth  day  of  my  quarantine  approached,  and  came 
exactly  two  days  before  her  arrival  at  Lerma.  The  king 
and  queen  had  had  the  kindness  to  send  me  several  mes- 
sages that  they  wished  to  see  me  the  very  day  after  my 
quarantine  ended ;  but  knowing  the  king's  dread  of  small- 
pox I  waited  until  they  sent  me  an  absolute  command, 
which  I  had  to  obey,  though  still  quite  red  (to  which  per- 
haps the  cold  contributed),  in  spite  of  certain  drugs  I  had 
been  made  to  use  to  unredden  me.  I  went  for  the  first  time 
to  Lerma  to  make  my  bow  and  thanks  to  their  Catholic 
Majesties  on  the  19th  of  January.  After  compliments  and 
remarks  about  the  small-pox,  the  care  and  capacity  of 
M.  Hyghens,  the  king's  physician,  they  did  me  the  honour 
to  speak  of  Cardinal  Borgia,  who  had  arrived  at  Lerma  from 
Eome  within  a  few  days  to  celebrate  the  marriage.  The 
audience  ended  with  all  possible  expressions  of  kindness  on 
the  part  of  the  king  and  queen,  and  I  had  good  reason  to 

324  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xi. 

congratulate  myself  extremely  at  the  eagerness  of  the  whole 
Court  to  express  their  joy  at  my  recovery  from  so  dangerous 
an  illness. 

Having  returned  to  dinner  at  my  own  quarters,  I  learned 
that  their  Catholic  Majesties,  with  the  Prince  of  the  Astu- 
The  king,  queen,  rias,  all  iu  common  clothes  and  without  any 
and  Prince  of  the    attendants,   had    got   into   a   carriage   in   the 

Astunas  go  to  '  o  o 

meet  the  princess,  suitc  of  tlic  Duc  del  Arco,  and  had  driven 
out  to  meet  the  princess  at  Cogollos,  a  poor  sort  of  place 
about  four  leagues  from  Lerma,  where  she  was  expected  to 
arrive  that  evening.  The  Duc  del  Arco  found  her  already 
there.  He  said  a  few  words  in  the  ear  of  the  Marquis  de 
Santa  Crux  to  warn  the  Duchesse  de  Monteillano  and  the 
other  ladies  to  restrain  all  notice  of  their  Majesties'  pres- 
ence ;  after  which,  entering  the  princess's  room,  he  made  her 
his  compliment,  prolonging  it  as  much  as  possible  to  give 
his  royal  suite  sufficient  time  to  examine  her  well.  He  then 
asked  permission  to  present  to  her  a  lady  and  two  gentlemen 
who  were  very  eager  to  pay  their  respects  to  her.  A  lady 
coming  with  two  men,  in  the  suite  of  a  third  man,  spoilt  the 
mystery.  The  princess  suspected  the  quahty  of  these  attend- 
ants and  caught  their  hands  to  kiss  them  and  was  instantly 
embraced.  The  visit  passed  off  with  much  friendliness  on 
one  side  and  respect  and  gratitude  on  the  other ;  and  at  the 
end  of  a  quarter  of  an  hour  their  Majesties  got  into  the 
carriage  and  returned  to  Lerma. 

I  had  arranged  with  Maule\Tier  that  we  should  start 
between  six  and  seven  o'clock  the  next  morning,  with  all 
.     ^       ,  my  carriages  and  both  our  suites,  to  drive  out 

I  go  to  make  *'  o 

my  bow  to  the       aud  make  our  bow  to  the  princess  at  Cogollos. 

It  was  eight  leagues  there  and  back,  and  we 

had  barely  time  to  do  this  and  return  before  her  own  arrival 

at   Lerma.     We   left   together   at  seven   precisely,  and   the 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  325 

mules  went  fast.  We  were  presented  to  the  princess,  who 
had  just  finished  dressing,  and  I  then  presented  to  her  the 
Comte  de  Cdreste,  my  sons,  and  the  Comte  de  Lorges  and 
M.  de  Saint-Simon.  The  Duchesse  de  Monteillano,  the  other 
ladies,  and  Santa-Crux  also,  did  their  best  to  induce  the 
princess  to  say  a  word  to  us,  but  did  not  succeed.  They 
endeavoured  to  make  up  for  this  by  every  possible  civihty. 
We  had  no  time  to  lose,  and  returned  to  my  quarters  to  eat 
a  morsel  in  haste,  which  was  served  to  us  instantly,  and 
then  we  started  for  Lerma ;  and  well  we  did,  for  the  princess 
arrived  within  half  an  hour. 

The  moment  I  reached  the  house  I  went  up  at  once  to 
the  Marquis  de  Grimaldo's  apartment,  where  I  had  been  the 
day  before.  His  room  was  opposite  the  end  of  a  very  large 
hall,  at  one  end  of  which  a  space  had  been  taken  off  to 
serve  as  a  chapel.  I  knew  I  had  again  to  deal  w^ith  the 
nuncio ;  I  feared  he  would  remember  what  had  passed  at 
the  signature  of  the  contract  [a  silent  dispute  as  to  pre- 
cedence], and  I  wished  to  avoid  all  difficulty.  I  therefore 
saw  very  imperfectly  the  reception  of  the  princess  by  the 
king  and  queen,  who  lodged  on  the  lower  floor,  and  by  the 
prince,  all  three  precipitating  themselves,  so  to  speak,  almost 
to  the  door  of  her  carriage.  I,  meanwhile,  went  quickly  in 
to  the  chapel,  which  I  had  already  taken  note  of  on  my 
previous  visit  to  Grimaldo. 

The  prie-dieu  of  the  king  was  directly  in  front  of  the 
altar,  at  a  little  distance  from  the  steps,  precisely  like  the 
Amusing  igno-  prie-cUeu  of  the  late  king  at  Versailles,  but 
ranee  of  Cardinal    nearer  tlic   altar;   two   hassocks   were   before 

Borgia  who 

celebrates  the        it,  sidc   by  sidc.     The   chapel   was   empty  of 

courtiers.        I   stationed    myself    beside    the 

king's  hassock  on   the  right,  standing  just   outside   of   the 

edge  of  his  carpet,  and  there  I  amused  myself  much  better 

326  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.     Lchap.  xi. 

than  I  expected.  Cardinal  Borgia,  pontifically  garbed,  was 
standing  at  the  right-hand  side  of  the  altar,  his  face  turned 
towards  me,  learniag  his  lesson  between  two  chaplains  in 
their  surplices,  who  were  holding  a  large  book  open  before 
him.  The  worthy  prelate  could  not  read  it ;  he  tried  hard, 
reading  aloud  and  blundering.  The  chaplains  corrected 
him;  he  got  angry  and  scolded,  began  again,  was  corrected 
again,  and  grew  angrier  than  ever;  so  much  so  that  he 
turned  upon  them  and  shook  them  by  their  surplices.  I 
laughed  all  I  could,  for  he  noticed  nothing,  beiug  so  engaged 
with  his  lesson.  Marriages  in  Spain  take  place  in  the  after- 
noon, and  begin,  like  baptisms,  at  the  door  of  the  church. 
The  king,  the  queen,  the  prince,  and  the  princess  arrived 
at  the  door  with  all  the  Court,  and  the  king  was  annoimced 
in  a  loud  voice.  "  Let  them  wait,"  cried  the  cardinal,  very 
angry ;  "  I  am  not  ready."  They  stopped  where  they  were, 
and  the  cardinal  continued  his  lesson,  redder  than  his  red 
hat  and  perfectly  furious.  At  last  he  went  to  the  door, 
where  something  lasted  for  quite  a  time.  Curiosity  would 
have  made  me  follow,  were  it  not  for  my  object  in  keeping 
my  post.^  I  must  have  lost  some  diversion,  for  I  saw  the 
king  and  queen  at  their  prie-dieu  laughing  and  talking, 
and  the  whole  Court  laughing  also.  At  this  moment  the 
nuncio  came  up  to  me  and  showed  his  surprise  at  my 
position  by  gestures,  repeating,  "  Signor,  signer ! "  and  I, 
being  determined  not  to  understand  him,  kept  showing  him 
the  cardinal  and  laughing,  telling  him  he  ought  to  have 
taught  him  better,  for  the  honour  of  the  Sacred  College. 
The  nuncio  could  understand  French,  but  murdered  it  in 
speaking.  This  joke  and  the  ingenuous  air  with  which  I 
made  it,  without  seeming  to  be  aware  of  the  nuncio's  dem- 

1  His   object  being   to  prevent   the  nuncio   from   taking   the   post  of 
honour.  —  Tk. 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  327 

onstrations,  made  so  happy  a  diversion  that  the  question 
dropped;  and  all  the  more  because  the  cardinal,  continuing 
the  ceremony,  neither  knew  where  he  was  nor  what  he  was 
about,  being  corrected  every  minute  by  his  chaplains,  and 
puffing  at  them  angrily,  so  that  the  king  and  queen  could 
not  contaiu  themselves,  nor  any  one  else  who  witnessed 
the  scene.  I  could  only  see  the  backs  of  the  prince  and 
princess  on  their  knees,  each  on  a  hassock  between  the  pric- 
dieu  and  altar,  and  the  cardinal  in  front  of  them  making 
grimaces  of  utter  confusion. 

Amid  the  amusement  that  the  poor  cardinal  was  giving 

to  all  who  saw  him,  I  remarked  the  extreme  satisfaction  of 

the  kmg  and  queen  in  seeiag  the  accomplish- 

I  am  made  a  o  J.  o  r 

grandee  of  Spain     mcut  of  tliis  marriage.     The  ceremony   over, 

of  the  first  class.  ■,  ■    ^  i  i      -i       •  i  •    t 

which  was  not  very  long  and  durmg  which 
no  one  knelt  down  but  the  king  and  queen,  and,  where 
necessary,  the  bridal  couple,  their  Catholic  Majesties  rose 
and  retired  to  the  left-hand  lower  corner  of  their  carpet, 
where  they  whispered  together  for  the  space  of,  perhaps,  a 
good  credo  ;  after  which  che  queen  remained  where  she  was, 
and  the  king  came  up  to  me,  who  was  still  standing  where 
I  had  been  throughout  the  ceremony.  The  king  said,  as  he 
reached  me :  "  Monsieur,  I  am  so  content  with  you  in  every 
respect,  but  particularly  in  the  manner  with  which  you  have 
acquitted  yourself  of  your  embassy  to  me,  that  I  wish  to 
give  you  marks  of  my  satisfaction,  my  esteem,  and  my 
friendship.  I  make  you  grandee  of  Spain  of  the  first  class, 
you  and  at  the  same  time  whichever  of  your  two  sons  you 
may  choose  to  be  grandee  of  Spain  and  to  enjoy  that  dig- 
My  eldest  son  nity  with  you  ;  and  I  make  your  eldest  son  a 
ofThe'Jow"^'''  Knight  of  the  Golden  Fleece."  I  immediately 
Fleece.  embraced  his  knees,  and  tried  to  express  my 

gratitude  and  my  extreme  desire  to  render  myself  worthy  of 

328  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  xl 

the  favours  bestowed  upon  me  by  my  attachment,  my  very 
humble  services,  and  profound  respect.  I  then  kissed  his 
hand,  and  turned  to  call  my  children,  who  immediately 
came  up  to  me.  As  soon  as  they  approached  I  told  the 
youngest  to  embrace  the  knees  of  the  king,  who  loaded  us 
with  favours  by  making  him  a  grandee  of  Spain  with  me. 
He  kissed  the  king's  hand,  who  said,  as  he  raised  him  up, 
that  he  was  very  glad  indeed  for  w^hat  he  had  done.  I  then 
presented  the  eldest  to  thank  him  for  the  Fleece ;  for  this 
he  merely  bent  very  low  indeed  and  kissed  the  king's  hand. 
After  that  was  over  the  king  returned  to  the  queen,  where 
I  followed  him  with  my  children.  I  bowed  low  before  the 
queen,  offering  her  my  personal  thanks ;  then  I  presented 
my  children,  the  youngest  first,  the  eldest  after.  The  queen 
received  us  with  great  kindness,  saying  many  agreeable 
things ;  after  which  she  went  away  with  the  king,  followed 
by  the  prince  and  princess,  who  held  each  other  by  the 
hand  and  to  whom  we  bowed  as  they  passed.  I  wished  to 
accompany  them,  but  I  was,  as  it  were,  carried  away  by  the 
crowd  which  pressed  around  me  to  make  us  compliments, 
I  paid  great  attention  to  answering  each  in  a  suitable 
manner,  and  to  all  as  politely  as  I  possibly  could ;  and 
although  I  had  not  expected  to  receive  these  favours  at  this 
time,  it  seemed  to  me  on  reflection  that  this  numerous  com- 
pany were  satisfied  with  me.  I  was  anxious  to  testify  to 
the  grandees  of  Spain  that  all  my  life  I  had  had  so  high  an 
idea  of  their  dignity  that  although  I  had  the  honour  to  be 
invested  with  the  highest  rank  in  the  Kingdom  of  France, 
I  thought  myself  greatly  honoured  in  belonging  to  theirs. 

The  Princess  of  the  Asturias  became  unwell  during  the 
return  of  the  Court  to  Madrid,  at  the  latter  part  of  the 
journey.  Eed  blotches  appeared  on  her  face  which  turned 
to  erysipelas,  and  caused  some  fever.     I  went  to  the  palace 


as  soon  as  the  Court  arrived,  where  I  found  their  Majesties 

much  alarmed.     I  tried  to  reassvire  them  on  the  ground  that 

the  princess  had  akeady  had  both  measles  and 

The  Princess  of  -^ 

the  Asturias  be-     suiall-pox,  and  that  it  was  not  surprising  she 

comes  unwell.  iiipiii  i-j.-  j;  t 

should  reel  the  latigue  oi  such  a  journey, 
and  the  total  change  of  life  that  had  happened  to  her.  My 
arguments  did  not  convince  them,  and  the  next  day  I  found 
their  uneasiness  still  greater.  Besides  which,  the  contretemps 
annoyed  them  greatly.  All  the  prepared  fetes  had  to  be 
postponed.  The  Salon  of  the  Grandees  was  already  decorated 
for  the  grand  ball,  and  it  long  remamed  in  that  condition, 
for  when  the  princess's  convalescence  began,  and  as  it  pro- 
ceeded, her  temper  showed  itself.  I  knew  from  those  who 
were  with  her  in  private  that  she  obstinately  refused  to  go 
to  the  queen,  after  all  the  care  and  the  marks  of  extreme 
kindness  and  constant  visits  she  had  received  from  her  dur- 
ing her  illness,  and  still  received  daily.  She  would  not  even 
leave  her  bedroom,  but  amused  herself  looking  out  of  the 
window,  where  she  appeared  in  good  health.  The  queen  her- 
self spoke  to  me  about  it,  and  ordered  me  to  see  her  and 
make  her  more  tractable. 

I  had  already  seen  the  princess  several  times  during  her 
illness,  even  in  her  bed ;  and  I  now  went  again  once  or 
Extraordinary  twicc,  without  getting  morc  than  a  yes  or  a  no 
conduct  of  the       ^q  ^iUj  qucstiou  I  askcd,  and  sometimes  not 

princess  towards 

the  king  and  that.     I  tlicn  took  tlic  tum  of  sayiug  to  her 

'^"^^"'  ladies  before  her  what  I  wished  to  say  to  her- 

self ;  the  ladies  assisted  me  and  added  their  word.  The 
conversation  thus  went  on  before  the  princess,  and  was,  in 
fact,  a  regular  lesson,  in  which '  she  took  no  part  whatever. 
She  did,  however,  go  to  see  the  queen  once  or  twice,  but  in 
dishabille  and  with  rather  a  bad  grace. 

The  grand  ball   was   still  prepared   in   the  Salon  of  the 

330  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xi. 

Grandees  and  only  waited  for  the  princess  to  consent  to  go 
to  it.  The  king  and  queen  liked  balls ;  they  made  a  great 
pleasure  of  this  one,  the  Prince  of  the  Asturias  also ;  in  fact 
the  whole  Court  awaited  it  impatiently.  The  conduct  of  the 
princess  was  beginning  to  transpire,  and  had  a  most  injurious 
effect  upon  society.  I  was  privately  warned  that  the  king 
and  queen  were  very  much  provoked,  and  the  princess's 
ladies  urged  me  to  speak  to  her.  I  went  and  held  a  conver- 
sation with  her  ladies  about  her  health,  which  no  longer 
retarded  the  pleasures  and  amusements  that  awaited  her. 
I  brought  the  ball  on  the  tapis ;  praised  the  arrangements, 
the  scene,  the  magnificence,  saying  that  this  pleasure  was 
particularly  suited  to  the  age  of  the  princess,  and  how  the 
king  and  queen  loved  her  and  were  waiting  with  impatience 
until  she  could  go.  Suddenly  she  spoke,  although  I  had  not 
addressed  her,  and  said,  like  a  fretful  child :  "  I,  go  to  it !  I 
shall  not  go."  "  Well,  madame,"  I  said,  "  if  you  do  not  go 
you  will  be  sorry ;  you  will  deprive  yourself  of  a  pleasure,  at 
which  the  whole  Court  expects  to  see  you,  and  you  have  too 
many  reasons  to  wish  to  please  the  king  and  queen  to  fail  to 
do  so  on  this  occasion." 

She  was  seated,  and  had  not  looked  at  me.  She  now 
turned  her  head  towards  me,  and  said,  in  the  most  deter- 
mined tone  of  voice  I  ever  heard :  "  No,  monsieur,  I  repeat 
it,  I  shall  not  go  to  that  ball ;  the  king  and  queen  can  go  if 
they  choose  ;  they  like  balls  ;  I  do  not  like  them  ;  they  like 
to  get  up  late  and  go  to  bed  late  ;  I  like  to  go  to  bed  early. 
They  can  follow  their  tastes,  and  I  shall  follow  mine."  I 
began  to  laugh,  and  told  her  she  wanted  to  amuse  herself  by 
making  me  uneasy,  but  that  I  was  not  so  silly  as  to  take 
such  jesting  seriously :  at  her  age  [thirteen],  I  said,  nobody 
gave  up  a  ball  willingly ;  and  she  had  too  much  sense  to 
deprive  the  Court  of  a  pleasure,  and  above  all,  show  a  taste  so 

1722]  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  331 

little  in  conformity  with  that  of  the  king  and  queeu.  I 
added  that  after  this  joke  was  over  it  would  be  best  not  to 
prolong  the  delay,  which  was  now  becoming  indecent.  The 
ladies  supported  me,  and  the  conversation  went  on  between 
us  in  the  same  tone,  without  the  princess  giving  any  sign 
that  she  heard  us.  On  leaving,  the  Duchesse  de  Monteillano 
followed  me,  with  the  Duchesse  de  Liria  and  Mme.  de  Eiscal- 
dalgro.  They  surrounded  me  outside  the  door  of  the  cham- 
ber, and  expressed  their  alarm  at  so  stubborn  a  will  against 
duty  and  pleasure  in  a  girl  of  her  age,  in  a  country  where 
she  had  just  arrived,  and  all  were  strangers  to  her.  I  was 
just  as  much  alarmed  as  they,  foreseeing  consequences  capa- 
ble of  producing  great  disasters.  But  I  tried  to  reassure 
them  on  the  ground  of  remaining  illness  and  nervousness, 
that  might  produce  this  effect,  which  would  cease  with  the 
return  of  perfect  health.  But  I  went  away  very  far  from 
expecting  it. 

The  next  day  I  took  the  liberty  of  representing  to  their 
Majesties  that  they  were  spoiling  the  princess  ;  to  which  I 
added  that  they  would  some  day  repent  of  it,  and  try  to 
remedy  the  evil  when  it  was  too  late.  I  told  them  the  Due 
d'Orl^ans  would  be  in  despair,  and  would  speak  to  them  in 
the  same  manner  that  I  did,  only  more  strongly,  as  became 
him ;  that  the  princess  was  a  mere  child,  who  ought  to  be 
made  without  delay  to  submit  to  her  duties ;  and  I  would 
not  only  take  upon  myself  to  explain  the  matter  to  the  Due 
d'OrMans,  but  I  would  answer  for  it  to  their  Majesties  that 
he  would  be  extremely  obliged  to  them  for  taking  that 
course.  I  did  not  go  again  to  see  the  princess,  because  I  felt 
the  inutility.  The  next  day  the  queen  told  me  there  would 
be  no  grand  ball,  and  that  orders  had  been  given  to  remove 
the  decorations.  But  a  small  ball  was  given  in  the  little 
interior  gallery,  at  which  no  one  was  present  but  the  sei- 

332  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAIXT-SIMON.     [chap.  xi. 

gueurs  on  duty,  the  chief  equerry,  the  majordomos  of  the 
week,  the  earner ara-may or,  the  ladies  of  the  palace,  the 
young  senoras-of-honour,  and  the  cameristas.  The  king, 
queen,  and  Prince  of  the  Asturias  amused  themselves  very 
much,  everybody  danced  minuets,  and  still  more  quadrilles, 
until  three  hours  after  midnight,  when  their  Majesties  and 
the  prince  retired. 

It  was  then  that  I  saw  and  fingered  at  my  ease  the  famous 

"  Peregrine,"   which   the   king    wore   that    evening   on   the 

turned-up  brim  of  his  hat,  as  a  pendant  to  a 

The  "  Peregrine "  ^  ^ 

an  incomparable  splendid  diamond  clasp.  This  pearl,  of  the 
finest  water  ever  seen,  is  shaped  and  dented 
exactly  like  those  little  muscat  pears  which  are  called  "  seven- 
in-the-mouth,"  and  come  to  maturity  about  the  end  of  the 
strawberry  season.  That  name  indicates  their  size,  though 
there  is  no  mouth  that  could  hold  more  than  four  without 
danger  of  choking.  The  pearl  is  the  size  of  the  smallest  of 
those  pears,  is  thick  and  long,  and  beyond  comparison  the 
finest  in  existence.  It  is  unique.  They  say  its  mate  was 
the  one  in  Cleopatra's  earring  which  a  folly  of  love  and 
magnificence  induced  Mark  Antony  to  dissolve  in  vinegar 
and  give  to  the  queen  to  drink.  Though  the  apartment  of 
the  Princess  of  the  Asturias  was  at  one  end  of  the  little 
gallery  where  the  ball  was  given,  she  did  not  appear  for  an 
instant.  I  predicted  only  too  truly  to  their  Catholic  Majes- 
ties. The  princess  behaved  in  aU  respects,  except  gallantry, 
in  the  strangest  fashion.  After  her  return  to  France  we 
had  time  to  see  what  she  was,  during  the  years  she  lived 
there  as  a  widow  without  children.^ 

1  In  1724  Philippe  "V.  resigned  his  government  of  Spain  in  favour  of  his 
son,  Luis,  Pj-ince  of  the  Asturias.  But  the  latter  dying  in  the  same  year, 
he  resumed  it.  The  Princess  of  the  Asturias,  then  called  Queen  of 
Spain,  returned  to  France  as  a  widow  the  following  year,  when  the 
infanta   was   sent  back   to  Spain  on  the  treaty  being  signed  at  Vienna 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  333 

Lent  put  an  end  to  what  fetes  there  were ;  and  their  Cath- 
olic Majesties  left  the  palace  and  went  to  that  of  the  Buen- 
Eetiro.     Lent  is  very  grievous  in  the  Castiles. 

Lent  ;  very  "^    ^ 

grievous  in  the  Incrtness  and  distance  from  the  sea  result  in 
a  fish-market  being  unknown.  The  largest 
rivers  have  scarcely  any  fish ;  the  small  ones  still  less,  because 
they  are  torrents.  There  are  few  or  no  vegetables,  except 
garlic,  onions,  cardoons,  and  a  few  herbs ;  neither  milk  nor 
butter.  They  have  salt-fish,  which  might  be  good  if  the  oil 
were  sweet ;  but  it  is  usually  so  rancid  that  the  stench  in- 
fects the  streets  of  Madrid  through  Lent,  which  is  kept  by 
every  one,  young  and  old,  men,  women,  seigneurs,  bourgeois, 
and  populace.  One  is  therefore  reduced  to  eggs  cooked  in 
every  possible  way,  and  chocolate,  which  is  their  great 
resource.  But  I  tasted  some  buffalo  milk  at  Aranjuez,  which 
is  most  excellent,  and  by  far  the  best  of  any.  It  is  smooth, 
sweet,  but  not  insipid  ;  thicker  than  the  best  cream,  without 
any  taste  of  the  animal,  or  of  cheese  or  butter.  I  am  sur- 
prised that  they  make  no  use  in  Madrid  of  such  a  delicious 
milk  product.  Spaniards,  though  always  very  moderate,  eat 
as  much  as  we  do,  with  taste,  selection,  and  pleasure ;  but  as 
for  drink  they  are  very  abstemious. 

I  chose  the  22nd  of  March  for  my  audience  to  take  leave 
of  the  king  and  queen ;  and  I  was  again  struck  with  the 
,,  ,  dimity,   precision,    and    arrangement   of    the 

I  take  my  au-  o        j  '     jr  '  o 

dience  of  leave        king's  cxpressious.      I  rcccivcd   many  marks 

March  22.  i    i   •      i 

of  personal  kindness  and  regret  at  my  depart- 
ure from  the  king  and  queen,  especially  from  the  queen,  and 
also  very  many  from  the  Prince  of  the  Asturias.  The  attach- 
ment full  of  respect  and  gratitude  which  I  felt  for  the  king 
and  queen  led  me  to  do  myself  the  honour  of  writing  to  them 

between  Spain  and  Austria,  wliilc  England,  France,  and  Prussia  formed 
the  "Hanover  Treaty."  — Tr. 

334  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  xi. 

on  several  occasions,  more  especially  to  express  my  extreme 
grief  at  the  sending  back  of  the  infanta.^  They  often  did 
me  the  honour  to  reply  with  every  sort  of  kindness,  and  they 
always  charged  their  new  ministers  in  France,  and  persons  of 
consideration  who  came  to  travel  there,  to  renew  the  expres- 
sion of  their  kindness  to  me. 

But  before  starting  I  took  another  leave  of  a  very  different 
nature,  and  one  so  surprising  that  I  cannot  help  writing 
Extraordinary  it  dowu,  howevcr  ridiculous  it  may  seem.  I 
thTpri^c^s  of  "^ent,  with  my  whole  suite,  to  an  audience  of 
the  Asturias.  tlic  Priuccss  of  the  Asturias,  who  was  standing 
under  a  dais,  with  her  ladies  on  one  side  and  the  grandees 
on  the  other.  I  made  my  three  bows,  and  then  my  compli- 
ment. After  which  I  was  silent,  but  ui  vain,  for  she  an- 
swered not  a  word.  After  a  few  moments'  silence  I  thought 
I  would  furnish  her  with  something  to  answer ;  so  I  asked 
for  her  orders  for  the  king,  the  infanta,  Madame,  the  regent, 
and  the  Duchesse  d'Orleans.  She  looked  at  me,  and  then 
gave  vent  to  a  hiccough  that  resounded  through  the  room. 
My  surprise  was  such  that  I  stood  confounded.  A  second, 
noisier  than  the  first,  went  off.  I  lost  countenance ;  impos- 
sible to  help  laughing  ;  and  casting  my  eyes  right  and  left  I 
saw  the  whole  company  with  their  hands  on  their  mouths 
and  their  shoulders  going.  Fmally,  a  third,  louder  than  the 
other  two,  put  all  present  into  disorder  and  me  to  flight 
with  my  whole  suite  amid  peals  of  laughter,  all  the  more 
incontinent  because  they  forced  the  barriers  by  which  each 
had  tried  to  suppress  them.  Spanish  gravity  was  wholly 
upset ;  confusion  reigned ;  every  one,  choking  with  laughter, 
fled  as  he  could,  while  the  princess  never  lost  her  stohdity  or 

1  April  5,  1725,  M.  le  Due,  then  prime  minister,  sent  back  to  Spain 
the  youncj  infanta,  who  was  being  educated  in  Paris  to  be  the  wife  of 
Louis  XV.  since  her  arrival  in  1722.  —  Te. 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  335 

expressed  herself  in  any  other  fashion.    We  all  stopped  in  the 
next  room  to  laugh  at  our  ease  and  to  talk  of  it  freelj. 

I  left  Madrid  on  the  24th  of  March,  taking  the  route  by 

Pampeluna,  and  arrived  at  Loches  on  the  13th  of  April  at 

.,  .  ..       five  in  the  evening:  and  on  the  15th  at  ten  in 

I  leave  Madnd ;  "-^ 

and  meet  Mme.  the  moming  I  reached  Chastres,  where  Mme. 
de  Saint-Simon  was  to  meet  me  to  dine  and 
sleep,  that  we  might  enjoy  the  happiness  of  being  once  more 
together  and  mutually  put  each  other  au  fait  of  everything 
in  solitude  and  freedom,  which  we  could  not  hope  for 
in  Paris  during  the  first  days  after  my  return.  The  Due 
d'Humicres  and  Louville  came  with  her.  She  arrived  an 
hour  after  I  did  at  the  little  chateau  of  the  Marquis  d'Arpajon, 
which  he  had  lent  her,  where  the  day  seemed  short  indeed. 

On  my  arrival  in  Paris  I  merely  changed  carriages  at  my 
house  and  drove  to  the  Palais-Eoyal  and  went  straight  to 
Long  interview  Cardinal  Dubois.  He  rushed  to  meet  me,  all 
theTrenTanT'^  flattery,  and  without  pausing  took  me  at  once 
Cardinal  Dubois,  ^o  tlic  regent,  whosc  rcccptiou  was  just  as 
warm  and  more  sincere.  He  was  in  his  little  cabinet  at 
the  end  of  the  short  gallery.  We  sat  down,  I  opposite  to 
him,  his  desk  between  us,  the  cardinal  beside  it.  I  rendered 
them  an  account  of  many  things,  and  answered  many  ques- 
tions. I  told  the  Due  d'Orldans  of  the  conduct  of  the  Prin- 
cess of  the  Asturias  to  their  Catholic  Majesties,  of  their 
patience  and  kindness  towards  her;  after  which  grave  mat- 
ters, I  amused  him  with  an  account  of  my  parting  with  her, 
at  which  he  laughed  much. 

I  had  scarcely  arrived  at  home  before  it  became  neces- 
sary to  conclude  a  marriage  which  had  been  proposed  to 
Marriage  of  my  me  for  my  daughter  before  I  went  to  Spain. 
pn"nce^de*°  ^^^  There  are  some  women  so  made  that  they  are 
chimay.  happier  to  remain  unmarried  with  the  income 

336  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  xi. 

of  the  dot  that  would  have  been  given  to  them.  Mnie.  de 
Saint-Simon  and  I  had  reason  to  believe  that  our  daughter 
was  one  of  these  women,  and  we  wished  to  treat  her  in  that 
way,  but  my  mother  thought  otherwise,  and  she  was  accus- 
tomed to  decide.  The  Prince  de  Chimay,  in  wishing  to  marry 
my  daughter,  misled  himself  by  chimeras  as  to  the  position  in 
which  he  saw  me.  Before  going  to  Spain  I  disguised  noth- 
ing from  him  either  of  what  I  thought,  or  of  the  very  small 
foundation  of  that  which  had  induced  him  to  seek  this  mar- 
riage. I  did  not  wish  to  settle  it  until  after  my  return,  in 
order  to  leave  him  time  for  reflection  and  for  cooling  his  ardour 
during  my  absence ;  but  he  did  not  cease  to  urge  his  suit  on 
Mme.  de  Saint-Simon,  nor  she  to  discourage  it.  As  soon  as 
I  returned  his  urgency  increased,  so  that  it  was  necessar}^  at 
last  to  conclude  the  marriage,  which  took  place  at  Meudon 
with  as  little  ceremony  and  company  as  was  possible.  His 
name  was  Hennin-Li^tard,  and  his  father  and  mother  were 
known,  under  the  name  of  Comte  and  Comtesse  de  Bossut, 
by  their  alliances,  their  immense  property  in  the  Low- 
Countries,  and  by  the  high  offices  which  they  held  under 
Charles  V.  and  since  that  time.  Their  hobby  was  to  think 
they  belonged  to  the  ancient  house  of  Alsace,  although  their 
own  was  of  sufficiently  illustrious  antiquity  not  to  need 
being  plastered  with  fables.  He  was  a  very  well-made  man 
with  a  very  agreeable  face,  and  an  air  and  manner  that 
breathed  the  great  seigneur,  which  he  was,  in  the  possession 
of  large  and  very  fine  estates,  though  most  of  them  had 
long  been  under  control  of  assignees.  He  was,  moreover,  a 
man  without  system,  who  with  a  good  mind  and  the  best 
sentiments,  governed  himself  and  his  affairs  very  badly  and 
was  full  of  fancies  and  chimeras.  The  Duchesse  Sforza, 
with  whom  he  was  very  intimate  at  the  time  of  his  first 
marriage,  predicted  to  me  all  that  I  found  him  in  the  end. 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OP  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  337 

It  was  determined  about  this  time  that  the  king  should 
abandon  his  residence  in  Paris  forever,  and  that  the  Court 
The  Court  should  in  future  be  held  at  Versailles.     The 

returns  per-  j^-        ^j^jyg^j   there   in   state   on  the   15th  of 

manently  to  o 

Versailles.  June,  and  the  infanta   on  the  following  day. 

They  occupied  the  apartments  of  the  late  king  and  the  late 
queen,  and  the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy  established  himself  in 
one  of  the  former  cabinets  of  Louis  XIV.  Cardinal  Dubois 
had  the  entire  and  sole  charge  of  everything,  as  M.  Colbert 
had  had  it,  and  after  him  M.  Louvois.  He  was  following 
with  great  strides  his  settled  project  of  becoming  prime- 
minister,  for  which  purpose  he  isolated  the  Due  d'Orl^ans 
as  much  as  he  could. 

The  famous  Marlborough  died  in  London  June  27,  at 
nearly  seventy-four  years  of  age,  —  the  richest  private  in- 
Deathofthe  dividual  in  Europe,  but  without   male  heirs. 

Duke  of  Marl-  His  sistcr  was  mother  to  the  Duke  of  Ber- 
wick and  had  made  him  Earl  of  Marlborough 
and  captain  of  the  guards  of  James  II.  He  belonged  to 
the  inferior  nobility  and  was  very  poor.  His  name  was 
John  Churchill,  and  he  became  the  Duke  of  Marlborough, 
peer  of  England,  captain-general  of  the  armies,  grand- 
master of  artillery,  colonel  of  the  first  regiment  of  the 
guards,  knight  of  the  Order  of  the  Garter,  and  the  most 
successful  captain  of  his  era.  His  life,  his  actions,  his  for- 
tunes are  too  well  known  to  need  mention  here.  His 
victory  at  Hochstedt  made  him  Prince  of  the  Empire  and 
of  Mindelheim,  —  an  estate  of  which  the  emperor  made  him 
a  present.  To  perpetuate  the  memory  of  it,  he  caused  to 
be  built  in  England  a  superb  castle,  to  which  he  gave  the 
name  of  Plentheim  [Blenheim],  a  village  where  thirty-six 
battalions  surrendered  to  him  without  waiting  to  be  at- 
tacked. The  honours  of  his  obsequies  and  their  magnifi- 
VOL.  IV.  — 22 

338  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xi. 

cence  equalled,  or  very  nearly  so,  those  of  the  kings  of 
England.  He  was  buried  at  Westminster  in  the  chapel  of 
Henry  VII. ;  but  this  honour  is  not  rare  in  England.  About 
three  years  earlier  an  attack  of  apojjlexy  had  so  enfeebled 
him  that  he  wept  almost  without  ceasing  and  was  no  longer 
capable  of  anything. 

Sunday,  August  11,  the  regent  went  towards  the  end  of  the 
afternoon  to  work  with  the  king,  as  he  was  accustomed  to 
Mare'chai  de  do  ou  Certain  fixcd  days  of  the  week,  and  now, 

to'obey  the"^^^  as  it  was  summcr,  on  the  king's  return  from 
regent.  jjjg  (Jrivc,  wMch  was  always  early.     This  work 

consisted  of  showing  the  king  the  distribution  of  vacant 
offices,  benefices,  certain  magistracies,  superintendencies,  and 
rewards  of  all  kinds ;  in  explaining  to  him  in  a  few  words 
the  reasons  for  these  selections,  preferences,  and,  sometimes, 
distributions  of  money  ;  and,  lastly,  in  telling  him  the  earli- 
est foreign  news  when  there  was  any  suited  to  his  capacity, 
before  it  became  public.  At  the  end  of  this  work,  at  which 
the  Mar^chal  de  Villeroy  was  always  present,  and  M.  de 
Frejus  occasionally  ventured  to  remain,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans 
entreated  the  king  to  be  so  good  as  to  go  with  him  into  his 
little  back-cabinet,  as  he  had  a  word  to  say  to  him  tUe-h- 
tete.  Mardchal  de  Villeroy  instantly  opposed  it.  The  Due 
d'Orl^ans  replied  civilly  that  the  king  was  entering  an  age 
so  near  to  that  in  which  he  would  govern  for  himself  that 
it  was  time  for  him,  who  meantime  was  the  trustee  of  the 
king's  authority,  to  render  him  an  account  of  matters  which 
he  was  now  able  to  understand,  and  which  could  only  be 
explained  to  him  alone  without  the  presence  of  a  third 
party,  however  deserving  of  confidence  that  party  might 
be ;  and  he  requested  the  marechal  to  cease  putting  ob- 
stacles in  the  way  of  a  thing  so  necessary,  which  he,  the 
regent,  blamed  himself  for  having  postponed,  solely  out  of 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SALNT-SEVION.  339 

consideration  for  him.  The  mardchal,  getting  fiery  and  f 
shaking  his  wig,  replied  that  he  knew  the  respect  he  owed  ( 
to  the  regent  quite  as  well  as  he  knew  what  he  owed 
to  the  king  and  to  his  own  office,  whereby  he  was  made 
responsible  for  the  king's  person ;  and  he  protested  that 
he  would  not  allow  his  Koyal  Highness  to  see  the  kmg 
alone,  because  it  was  his  place  to  know  all  that  was  said 
to  him ;  and  especially  he  would  not  allow  it  alone  in  a 
room  out  of  his  sight,  because  his  duty  required  him  not 
to  lose  sight  of  the  king  for  a  moment,  and  in  all  ways 
to  be  answerable  for  his  person.  At  these  words  the  Due 
d'Orlt^ans  looked  at  him  fixedly,  and  said,  m  the  tone  of 
a  master,  that  he  forgot  himself;  he  ought  to  consider 
to  whom  he  was  speaking  and  the  force  of  his  words, 
which  he  was  willing  to  beheve  he  did  not  mean ;  adding 
that  respect  for  the  presence  of  the  king  prevented  him,  the 
regent,  from  replying  as  he  deserved  or  carrying  the  conver- 
sation any  farther.  With  that  he  made  the  king  a  profound 
bow  and  went  away.  The  mar^chal,  very  angry,  accompan- 
ied him  a  few  steps,  muttering  and  gesticulating,  without  the 
regent  seeming  to  see  or  hear  him,  leaving  the  king  aston- 
ished and  Fr^jus  chuckhng  under  his  breath. 

Less  than  two  hours  later  it  was  known  that  the  mar^chal,  ] 
bragging  of  what  he  had  done,  declared  that  he  should  es- 
teem himself  very  unfortunate  if  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  thought 
he  was  wanting  in  respect  when  he  was  only  seeking  to  ful- 
fil his  most  precious  duty,  and  he  should  go  to  the  regent 
the  next  morning  and  come  to  an  understanding  with  him, 
which  he  flattered  himself  would  satisfy  that  prince.  Mean- 
time all  necessary  steps  were  being  taken  to  arrest  him  ;  and 
the  last  form  was  given  to  them  when  it  became  known  the 
next  morning  that  the  mar^chal  intended  to  run  straight 
into  the  net. 

340  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xi. 

Beyond  the  regent's  bedroom  at  Versailles  was  a  large 
and  handsome  cabinet,  with  four  windows  looking  on  the 
garden  and  at  the  same  level  with  it,  —  two  facing  you  as 
you  enter,  and  two  at  the  side,  and  all  these  opening  like 
doors  from  the  ceiling  to  the  floor.  This  cabinet  formed  a 
corner  room,  where  the  people  of  the  Court  always  waited, 
and  adjoining  it  was  another  cabinet  where  the  regent 
worked,  and  where  he  received,  from  the  waiting-room,  the 
most  distinguished  or  favoured  persons  who  wished  to  speak 
to  him.  Orders  were  given.  D'Artagnan,  captain  of  the 
gray  mousquetaires,  was  in  this  room,  knowing  well  what 
was  now  to  be  done,  with  many  trusty  officers  of  his  com- 
pany whom  he  had  brought  there,  together  with  certain 
former  mousquetaires  in  case  of  need ;  they  all  saw  by  these 
preparations  that  something  was  about  to  happen,  though 
no  one  suspected  what  it  was.  There  were  also  a  number 
of  light-horse  cavalry  scattered  around  under  the  windows, 
all  in  the  same  ignorance,  and  many  principal  officers  and 
others  in  the  regent's  bedroom  and  in  this  large  cabinet. 

All  being  thus  arranged,  Mardchal  de  Villeroy  arrived 
about  mid-day  with  his  usual  bustle,  but  alone ;  his  sedan- 
is  arrested  and  chair  and  servants  were  left  at  a  distance 
taken  to  Villeroy.  Qutsidc  of  the  guardroom.  He  entered  the- 
atrically, paused,  gazed  about  him,  and  made  a  few  steps 
forward.  Under  pretence  of  civility  d'Artagnan  and  the 
others  grouped  themselves  about  him,  and  surrounded  him. 
He  asked  in  a  tone  of  authority  what  the  regent  was 
doing.  They  replied  that  he  was  busy  and  his  door  was 
shut.  The  mar^chal  raised  his  voice,  said  he  must  see  him, 
and  should  go  in ;  and  with  that  he  advanced.  La  Fare, 
captain  of  tlie  guards  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  came  forward 
in  front  of  him,  stopped  him  and  asked  for  his  sword.  The 
mardchal  became  furious,  and  all  present  were  excited.     At 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  341 

that  instant  Le  Blanc  presented  himself.  A  sedan-chair 
which  had  been  kept  hidden  was  placed  before  the  marechal. 
He  shouted,  tottered,  was  thrown  into  the  chair,  which  was 
closed  upon  him  and  carried  off  in  a  twinkling  through  one 
of  the  windows  into  the  garden.  La  Fare  and  d'Artagnan 
on  either  side  of  the  chair,  the  mousquetaires  and  cavalry 
falling  in  behind,  and  only  knowing  by  results  what  had 
happened.  The  pace  was  rapid ;  they  descended  the  steps  of 
the  orangery  on  the  side  of  the  grove,  found  the  great  gates 
open  and  a  carriage  with  six  horses  outside.  The  chair  was 
set  down  beside  it ;  in  vain  the  marechal  cursed  and  swore  ; 
they  put  him  into  it,  dArtagnan  jumped  in  beside  him,  an 
officer  of  mousquetaires  was  on  the  front  seat,  du  Libois, 
gentleman-in-ordinary  to  the  king,  beside  him,  twenty 
mousquetaires  with  their  officers  on  horseback  surrounded 
the  carriage,  and  —  whip  up,  cocker  ! 

It  is  surprising  that  an  affair  of  this  nature  remained  un- 
known for  more  than  two  hours  in  the  chateau  of  Versailles, 
The  servants  of  the  marechal,  to  whom  no  one  had  said  a 
word  on  leaving,  I  scarcely  know  why,  waited  with  his 
chair  near  the  guardroom ;  and  those  who  were  in  his  apart- 
ment behind  the  king's  cabinet  only  heard  of  his  arrest 
after  the  regent  had  seen  the  king,  when  he  sent  them  word 
that  the  marechal  had  gone  to  Villeroy,  where  they  could 
follow  and  take  him  all  that  was  necessary. 

It  was  no  small  embarrassment  to  the  Due  d'Orl^ans 
to  carry  the  news  to  the  king.  He  entered  his  cabinet, 
sent  away  the  courtiers  who  were  there,  leaving  no  one 
present  but  those  on  duty.  At  his  first  words  the  king 
flushed,  his  eyes  filled  with  tears,  he  turned  his  face  to  the 
back  of  his  chair  and  did  not  say  a  word,  neither  would  he 
leave  the  room  or  play.  He  scarcely  ate  a  mouthful  at 
supper,  and  wept  and  could  not  sleep  all  night.     The  morn- 

342  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xi. 

iiig  and  dinner  of  the  next  day,  14th,  were  no  better.  That 
day,  as  I  was  finishmg  dinner  at  Meudon,  having  a  great 
many  guests,  I  received  a  courier  from  Cardinal  Dubois, 
with  a  letter  conjuring  me  to  come  at  once  to  him  at 
Versailles  and  bring  some  trusty  person  who  could  be  sent 
post  haste  to  La  Trappe ;  and  not  to  crack  my  brains  in 
guessing  what  that  meant,  because  it  was  impossible  to 
guess  it,  and  he  was  waiting  with  the  utmost  impatience  to 
tell  me.  I  sent  for  my  carriage  at  once  and  thought  it  very 
long  in  coming  from  the  stables. 

When  I  reached  the  cardinal's  quarters  I  saw  him  watch- 
ing for  me  at  the  window  and  making  signs  to  me,  and  I 
The  king  much  fouud  him  at  the  foot  of  the  stairs  ready  to 
distressed.   Ex-     meet  me.     He  told  me,  as  we  went  up,  about 

traordinary  dis- 
appearance the     king's    tears,   greatly    increased    by    the 

^^^^^'  unaccountable  absence  of   M.  de  Frdjus,  who 

had  disappeared,  and  had  not  slept  at  Versailles,  and  no 
one  knew  what  had  become  of  him,  except  that  he  was  not 
at  Villeroy  nor  on  the  road,  because  messengers  had  just 
brought  news  from  there.  He  went  on  to  say  that  this 
disappearance  had  put  the  king  in  despair  and  themselves 
into  cruel  perplexity ;  they  did  not  know  what  to  think  of 
this  sudden  withdrawal,  unless  it  was  that  Fr^jus  had  gone 
to  hide  himself  at  La  Trappe ;  and  for  that  reason  he  wanted 
me  to  send  and  see  if  he  was  there.  Dubois  took  me 
straight  to  the  regent.  We  found  him  alone,  in  great  dis- 
tress, walking  up  and  down  his  cabinet.  He  told  me  at 
once  that  he  did  not  know  what  to  do  with  the  king,  who 
cried  for  M.  de  Fr^jus  and  would  not  listen  to  a  single 
word  ;  and  with  that  the  regent  declaimed  against  so  strange 
a  flight. 

Dubois  urged  me  to  write  to  La  Trappe.  Everything  was 
so  in  confusion  in  the  regent's  apartments ;  all  were  talking 


at  once  in  his  cabinet ;  impossible  in  such  a  racket  to  write 
at  his  desk,  as  I  usually  did  when  alone  with  him  ;  my  o\vn 
apartment  was  away  in  the  new  wing,  and  probably  closed, 
as  I  was  not  expected  on  that  day.  The  quickest  thing  was 
to  go  up  to  Pezd's  room,  which  was  directly  above  the  queen's 
apartment,  and  there  I  began  to  write.  My  letter  was  just 
finished  when  Pez^  rushed  in,  exclaimmg,  "  He  is  found ! 
he  is  found  !  Your  letter  is  useless  ;  come  back  to  the  Due 
d'Orldans  at  once."  Then  he  told  me  that  some  one  who 
knew  that  Frdjus  was  a  friend  of  the  Lamoignons  had  met 
Courson  [son  of  President  Lamoignon]  in  the  great  court- 
yard, and  asked  him  if  he  had  any  idea  what  had  become 
of  Fr^jus ;  Courson  replied  he  did  not  know  why  they 
should  trouble  about  that,  for  Fr^jus  had  only  gone  out  to 
sleep  at  Baville,  where  President  Lamoignon  was  staying. 

Serenity  had  returned  to  the  regent's  cabinet  by  the  time 
we  reached  it ;  Fr^jus  was  well  mauled,  and  after  discussing 
his  prank  for  a  time,  the  regent  went  to  tell  the  good  news 
to  the  king,  while  I  awaited  his  return  with  Cardinal  Dubois, 
who  then  told  me  they  had  news  of  Villeroy.  He  had 
never  ceased  shouting  about  the  assault  committed  on  his 
person,  the  audacity  of  the  regent,  the  insolence  of  him, 
Dubois ;  nor  did  he  stop  abusing  d'Artagnan  the  whole  way 
for  lending  himself  to  such  criminal  violence.  After  which 
he  invoked  the  manes  of  the  late  king,  exalting  the  con- 
fidence he  had  placed  in  him,  the  importance  of  the  office 
for  which  he  had  preferred  him,  Villeroy,  to  all  the  world, 
the  uprising  this  bold  step  would  cause  in  Paris  and  the 
kingdom,  the  scandal  created  in  foreign  countries ;  after 
which  came  deplorings  of  the  fate  of  the  king  and  the 
kingdom,  outbursts,  invectives,  self-applause  for  his  services, 
his  fidehty,  his  firmness,  his  unvarying  devotion  to  duty. 
In  short,  he  was  a  man  so  astonished,  confounded,  and  full 

344  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SALNT-SBION.     [chap.  xi. 

of  spite  and  wrath  that  he  did  not  possess  himself  for  a 

The  Due  d'OrMans,  on  his  return  from  the  king,  told  us 
that  the  news  had  greatly  pacitied  him ;  on  which  we  con- 
cluded   that    when   Frejus    returned    in    the 

The  king  consoled  i       i     i  •  i  • 

by  the  return  of  moming  the  regcut  had  better  receive  hirn 
^^^j"^-  well,  take  his   escapade   in   good  part,  cajole 

him,  and  tell  him  it  was  only  to  spare  liim  that  the  secret 
of  Villeroy's  arrest  was  not  imparted  to  him;  and  explain 
the  necessity  of  the  step,  which  was  all  the  more  easy  be- 
cause Frejus  hated  the  mar^chal,  his  insolence,  his  jealousy, 
his  caprices,  and  rejoiced  in  soul  at  his  banishment  and  the 
opportunity  of  himself  possessing  the  king  at  his  ease.  The 
mardchal  was  left  some  five  or  six  days  at  Villeroy,  to  exhale 
and  calm  down,  after  which,  as  he  had  no  dangerous  talents 
away  from  the  king,  he  was  sent  to  Lyon  and  allowed  to  ex- 
ercise his  limited  functions  as  governor  of  the  town  and 
province,  measures  being  taken  of  course  to  watch  him 
closely,  leaving  du  Libois  near  him  to  blunt  his  author- 
ity with  an  air  of  supervision  which  took  away  from  it  all 
influence.  But  his  first  fury  was  spent ;  this  total  removal 
from  Paris  and  the  Court,  where  not  only  was  there  no  stir 
in  his  behalf,  but  there  was  even  terror  and  stupor  at  an  act 
of  this  importance,  left  him  without  hope,  subdued  his  pas- 
sion, and  induced  him  to  behave  with  wisdom  in  order  to 
avoid  more  grievous  treatment. 

Such  was  the  fall  of  a  man  who  was  far  below  the  sta- 
tions he  had  filled ;  who  showed  his  clay  in  all  of  them ; 
who  put  audacity  and  vain  imagmations  in  the  place  of 
prudence  and  sound  judgment;  who  behaved  everywhere 
like  a  frivolous  comedian,  and  whose  profound  and  univer- 
sal ignorance  (except  of  the  low  arts  of  a  courtier)  was 
always  allowing  the  thin  crust  of  virtue  and  integrity  with 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON.  345 

which  he  plastered  his  ingratitude,  his  mad  ambition,  his 
thirst  for  making  himself  a  leader  in  spite  of  his  weakness 
and  terrors,  for  holding  the  helm  of  which  he  was  radically 
incapable,  to  crack  and  show  the  man.  It  is  enough  to 
say  here  that  he  never  raised  himself  after  this  fall,  and 
that  the  rest  of  his  hfe  was  only  bitterness,  regrets,  and 
contempt.  He  had  persuaded  the  king  —  and  I  shall  give 
proofs  of  this  if  I  have  the  time  to  complete  these  Memoirs 
as  I  propose  —  he  had,  I  say,  persuaded  the  king  that  he 
alone,  by  his  vigilance  and  his  precautions,  preserved  the 
king's  Hfe,  which  others  were  seeking  to  destroy  by  poison. 
This  was  the  reason  of  the  king's  tears  when  he  was  taken 
from  him,  and  of  his  well-nigh  despair  when  Fr^jus 

Fr^jus'  prompt  return  dissipated  half  these  fears,  and  the 
continuance  of  his  own  good  health  delivered  the  king,  httle 
by  little,  of  the  rest.  Fr^jus,  who  had  so  great  an  interest  in 
preserving  it,  neglected  nothing  to  remove  from  his  mind 
such  fatal  ideas,  and  to  let  the  venom  fall  on  those  who 
invented  or  inspired  them.  In  this  way  he  vised  the  best 
means  to  protect  himself  agamst  a  return  of  the  mar^chal 
and  to  attach  the  king  to  himself  without  reserve  ;  of  which 
we  have  since  felt  but  too  well  the  tremendous  success. 

On  one  of  my  ordinary  days  with  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  I 

went  from  Meudon  to  Versailles  at  four  o'clock,  the  hour 

when  the  regent  had  no  one  with  him.     After 

Singular  conver-  „  .  £  i  .•         t  ^    •  ^ 

sation  between  a  icw  momcuts  01  general  conversation  I  laid 
Indm^e"'^  °'''^^  upou  his  dcsk  the  papers  about  which  I  had 
to  report.  He  sat  at  the  desk  and  I  opposite 
to  him,  as  usual.  I  found  him  preoccupied,  absent-minded, 
making  me  repeat  things,  —  he,  who  usually  understood 
them  before  they  were  half  explained.  Tliis  wandering  of 
his   mind   was   so   unusual   that   I   linalLy   asked   him  the 

346  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  xi 

cause.  He  hesitated,  stammered,  and  would  not  explain 
it.  I  smiled,  and  asked  if  it  was  something  I  had  heard 
whispered  about  his  thinking  of  making  Cardinal  Dubois 
prime  minister.  The  question  appeared  to  me  to  reheve 
him ;  his  air  seemed  freer  and  more  serene ;  and  he  told 
me  it  was  true  that  Cardinal  Dubois  was  dying  of  a  de- 
sire to  get  that  place ;  that  as  for  him,  he  was  tired  to 
death  of  business  and  the  constraint  he  was  under  to 
spend  all  his  evenings  at  Versailles ;  that  in  Paris  he  could 
at  least  amuse  himself  with  his  suppers  and  his  com- 
pany, who  were  always  at  hand ;  but  to  have  his  brains 
cracking  all  day  long  with  business  only  to  spend  his  eve- 
nings in  being  bored  was  more  than  he  could  stand ;  and  he 
was  inclined  to  throw  the  burden  on  a  prime  minister,  who 
would  give  him  some  rest  in  the  daytime  and  liberty  to 
amuse  himself  in  Paris.  I  laughed  and  assured  him  I 
thought  that  a  most  excellent  reason  to  which  there  was 
no  reply.  He  saw  that  I  was  twitting  him,  and  said  I  did 
not  feel  the  burden  of  his  days,  nor  the  dreadful  void  of  his 
evenings,  and  the  horrible  ennui  of  spending  them  with  the 
Duchesse  d'OrMans,  where  he  did  not  know  what  to  do  with 

He  had  the  patience  to  listen  to  what  I  said  to  him  and  I 
thought  I  had  produced  an  effect.  After  a  short  silence  he 
sat  bolt  upright  on  his  chair  and  exclaimed:  "I'll  go  and 
plant  cabbages  at  Villers-Cotterets ; "  and  with  that  he  got 
up  and  began  to  walk  up  and  down  the  cabinet,  and  I  with 
him.  I  asked  him  what  assurance  he  had  that  he  would  be 
allov/ed  to  plant  them  in  peace,  or  even  safety  ;  I  told  him 
every  one  would  pick  quarrels  with  his  administration, 
scheme  dangerous  plots  and  alarm  the  king,  if  a  prince  of 
his  mind,  value,  and  capacity,  who  could  not  be  removed 
by  any  hand,  removed  himself  because  he  was  irritated  and 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  347 

disgusted  with  his  present  state.  He  made  a  few  turns 
more  in  silence  ;  after  which  he  owned  it  required  reflec- 
tion;  and  then  he  began  to  walk  again. 

Presently,  finding  himself  against  the  wall,  at  the  corner 

of  his  desk,  where  there  happened  to  be  two  stools,  —  I  see 

the  place  still,  —  he   pulled   me  by  the   arm 

Dubois  well-  •*■ 

known  to  his         upon  ouc    and   sat   down   himself   upon   the 

master;  incred-  _  -,      ,  •  ,  e  i  i      j 

ib!e  weakness  of  othcr,  and  tummg  to  face  me,  he  asked 
the  regent.  vehemently  if  I  did  not  remember  the  time 

when  Dubois  was  valet  to  Saint-Laurent,  and  thankful  to 
be  so ;  and  from  that  he  went  over  all  the  steps  and  divers 
degrees  of  Dubois'  rise  till  he  came  to  the  present  day,  and 
then  he  cried  out :  "  And  he  is  not  content ;  he  persecutes 
me  to  make  him  prime  minister ;  and  I  am  very  sure  that 
when  he  is  that  he  won't  be  satisfied,  and  what  can  he  be 
higher  than  that  ? "  adding,  as  if  replying  to  himself,  "  God 
the  Father  if  he  could."  "  Most  assuredly,"  I  replied,  "  you 
can  count  on  that ;  and  it  is  for  you,  monsieur,  who  know 
him  so  well,  to  see  whether  you  want  to  be  his  stepping- 
stone  to  mount  above  your  head."  "  Oh !  I  should  prevent 
that,"  he  replied,  and  again  he  walked  about,  without  saying 
more  ;  neither  did  I,  so  occupied  was  I  with  that  "  I  should 
prevent  that,"  at  the  end  of  a  conversation  so  earnest  and 
his  passionate  recital  of  the  life  of  Cardinal  Dubois  ah  in- 
cunahulis,  which  up  to  this  time  I  had  given  no  occasion 
for.  This  last  promenade  lasted  some  time,  still  in  silence, 
he,  with  his  head  lowered,  as  was  usual  with  him  when 
embarrassed  and  pained,  I,  as  having  said  all  and  waiting 
until  he  should  break  the  silence.  At  last  he  sat  down 
again  at  his  desk,  I  seated  opposite  as  before ;  he  with  his 
elbows  on  the  desk  and  his  head  between  his  two  hands. 
He  remained  thus  half  a  quarter  of  an  hour,  without  stir- 
ring, without  opening  his  lips,  and  I  the  same,  though  I  did 

348  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [cuap.  xi. 

not  take  my  eyes  off  him.  It  ended  by  his  raising  his 
head,  without  otherwise  moving,  advancing  it  towards  me, 
and  saying  in  a  low,  weak,  ashamed  voice :  "  Why  wait 
and  not  declare  it  at  once  ? "  Such  was  the  fruit  of  the 
conversation !  I  cried  out :  "  Oh  !  monsieur,  what  a  thing 
to  say !  What  is  urging  you  so  hard  ?  There  is  time 
enough.  Take  time  for  reflection  on  what  we  have  just 
said.  Let  me  explain  to  you  what  a  prime  minister  is, 
and  the  prmce  who  makes  him  one."  He  gently  put  his 
head  back  into  his  hands  and  said  nothing.  I  felt  then 
that  the  salvation  of  the  matter,  if  indeed  it  could  be  hoped, 
lay  not  in  reasons,  which  were  all  exhausted,  but  solely  in 
delay.  Presently,  after  a  short  silence,  he  rose  and  said : 
"  Ho,  then !  come  back  to-morrow  at  three  o'clock  precisely 
and  argue  the  thing  over  once  more ;  we  shall  have  time." 
I  took  the  papers  I  was  to  cany  away  and  went  out ;  he 
ran  after  me  and  called  me  back  to  say :  "  To-morrow  at 
three  o'clock ;  I  entreat  you,  don't  fail,"  and  shut  the  door. 
The  next  day,  August  22,  I  kept  the  appointment.  I 
found  him  alone  in  his  cabinet,  walking  about  with  an 
Another  strange     casicr  air  than   the   day  before.     "  Well,"   he 

conversation  .  ,  t  .  j         i   •  ^^       i      j_ 

between  the  ^^^^^     ^^    ^°°^^    ^^     -'-    Weut    Up     tO     llim,         Wliat 

regent  and  me.  morc  Can  wc  Say  about  tlic  affair  of  yester- 
day ?  It  seems  to  me  that  all  is  said,  and  there  is  nothing 
to  do  but  to  declare  the  prime  minister  at  once."  I  recoiled 
two  steps,  saying  that  for  a  step  of  such  importance  it  was 
hasty  action.  He  answered  that  he  had  thought  it  over 
well ;  that  all  that  I  had  said  to  him  was  in  his  mind ; 
but  the  end  was  that  he  was  worn-out  with  business  every 
day,  with  ennui  every  evening,  with  the  persecutions  of 
Cardinal  Dubois  every  instant.  His  walk  continued  for 
seven  or  eight  turns  more,  and  then  he  seated  himself  at 
his  desk  in  the  same  attitude   as  the   night  before,  and  I 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  349 

opposite,  the  desk  between  us.  [Again  the  arguments  were 
gone  over.]  A  rather  long  silence  succeeded  this  strong 
statement.  The  regent's  head,  still  between  his  hands 
had  dropped  almost  to  the  desk.  He  raised  it  at  last  and 
looked  at  me  with  a  dreary,  gloomy  air ;  then  he  lowered 
his  eyes,  it  seemed  to  me  in  shame,  and  remained  for  some 
time  longer  in  that  position.  At  last  he  rose  and  made 
several  turns  about  the  room,  still  saying  nothing.  What 
was  my  horror  and  confusion  when  he  broke  that  silence ! 
He  stopped,  turned  half  towards  me  without  raising  his 
eyes,  and  said,  suddenly,  in  a  low,  sad  voice :  "  There  must 
be  an  end  to  this ;  nothing  can  be  done  but  declare  it 
instantly."  "  Monsieur,"  I  said,  "  you  are  good  and  wise, 
and,  above  all,  the  master.  Have  you  any  commands  for 
Meudon  ? "  I  made  him  a  bow,  and  left  the  room  instantly, 
as  he  cried  out :  "  But  shall  I  not  see  you  again  soon  ? "  I 
made  him  no  answer  and  shut  the  door.  Then  I  fled  to 
Meudon  to  exhale  at  my  ease. 

Towards  the  close  of  this  year  the  famous  Princesse  des 

Ursins  died  in    Kome,  where  she  had  settled  for    the   last 

six  vears,  preferring  to  govern  there  the  little 

Death  of  the  J  '    r  o  o 

Princesse  des  Court  of  England  than  not  to  govern  at  all. 
ursms.  gj^^  ^^^  eighty-five  years  old,  still  fresh,  erect, 

with  grace  and  charm;  her  health  perfect  until  the  rather 
long  illness  of  which  she  died;  her  head  and  intellect  as 
good  as  at  sixty,  and  she  herself  much  honoured  in  Eome. 
She  had  the  satisfaction  of  seeing  Mme.  de  Maintenon  for- 
gotten and  become  a  mere  nobody  at  Saint-Cyr,  and  then  to 
survive  her.  Her  own  death,  which,  had  it  happened  a 
few  years  earlier,  would  have  echoed  throughout  all  Europe, 
made  no  sensation.  The  little  Court  of  England  regretted 
her,  also  a  few  private  friends,  of  whom  I  was  one  without 
concealment,  although,  on  account  of  the  Due  d'0rl(5ans,  I 

350  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xi. 

did  not  keep  up  my  correspondence  with  her ;  as  for  other 
persons,  they  did  not  seem  to  be  aware  that  she  was  gone. 
She  was,  however,  a  person  so  extraordinary  throughout 
the  whole  course  of  her  long  Hfe,  and  one  who  figured  so 
grandly  and  strangely,  though  in  diverse  manners,  whose 
spirit,  courage,  industry,  and  resources  were  so  rare,  and 
her  reign  so  absolute  and  so  undisguised  in  Spain,  her 
character  so  sustained  and  so  unique,  that  her  life  deserves 
to  be  written  and  would  hold  a  place  among  the  most 
curious  records  of  the  history  of  our  times. 

The  world  of  letters  lost  Dacier  about  the  same  time,  who 
had  made  himself  notable  by  his  works  and  his  erudition. 
Death  of  Dacier ;  He  was  scventy-onc  ycars  old,  an  author  and 
his  wife.  translator  in  charge  of  the  king's  books,  which 

made  him  well-known  and  esteemed  by  the  whole  Court. 
His  wife,  who  was  far  more  solidly  learned  than  himself, 
had  been  most  useful  to  him,  and  was  frequently  consulted 
by  savants  in  Greek  and  Latin  belles-lettres,  in  antiquities, 
and  in  criticism.  She  left  behind  her  a  number  of  fine 
works.  But  she  was  only  learned  in  her  cabinet  with 
learned  people  ;  elsewhere  she  was  simple,  unaffected,  agree- 
able and  witty  in  conversation,  but  no  one  would  have 
guessed  that  she  knew  more  than  ordinary  women,  with 
whom  she  could  talk  fashions  and  all  the  other  trifles  of 
common  intercourse  with  simphcity  and  naturalness,  as 
though  she  were  not  capable  of  better  things.  She  died  in 
the  deepest  sentiments  of  piety  in  1720,  aged  sixty-eight; 
her  husband  two  years  later. 

Madame,  whose  health  had  all  her  life  been  extremely 

strong  and  unvarying,  had  not  felt  well  for  some  time  past 

and  of  late  had  been  so  ill  as  to  be  convinced 

Death  of  Ma- 
dame ;  her  she  was  about  to  fall  into  some  malady  from 

which   she   should   never  recover.     We   have 

1722]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  351 

seen  hovv^,  on  the  death  of  Monsieur,  she  had  taken  as  her 
ladies  the  Mar^chale  de  Cldrembault  and  the  Comtesse  de 
Beuvron,  whom  she  had  always  loved,  and  whom  Monsieur 
had  driven  out  of  the  house  because  he  hated  them.  The 
Mardchale  de  Cldrembault  believed  she  had  a  great  knowl- 
edge of  the  future  through  the  science  of  little  dots,  but  as, 
thank  God,  I  do  not  know  what  that  is,  I  shall  not  explain 
the  operation,  in  which,  however,  Madame  had  implicit 
faith.  She  consulted  the  mar^chale  therefore  about  her 
going  to  Eeims  for  the  king's  coronation ;  the  mar^chale 
answered  firmly :  "Go,  madame,  in  all  security  ;  I  am  per- 
fectly welL"  This  meant  that  she  had  learned  from  the 
little  dots  that  she  should  die  before  Madame ;  strong  in 
that  confidence  Madame  went  to  Eeims.  But  on  her 
return  from  the  coronation,  she  lost  the  Mar^chale  de 
Cl^rembault,  who  died  in  Paris,  November  27,  in  her 
eighty-ninth  year,  having  up  to  that  time  had  perfect 
health,  her  mind,  faculties,  and  the  use  of  all  her  senses 
as  at  forty. 

Madame  was  all  the  more  grieved  at  the  loss  of  her  old 
and  intimate  friend  because  she  knew  that  though  the  httle 
dots  had  always  predicted  she  should  survive  her,  it  would 
be  only  for  a  very  short  time.  And  in  point  of  fact,  she 
followed  her  very  closely.  Dropsy  set  in,  and  made  in  a 
very  few  days  such  progress  that  she  prepared  for  death, 
with  great  firmness  and  piety.  She  desired  to  have  the 
former  Bishop  of  Troyes,  brother  of  the  Mar^chale  de  Cl^- 
rerabault,  constantly  near  her,  and  said  to  him :  "  M.  de 
Troyes,  this  is  a  very  strange  game  the  mar^chale  and  I 
have  played."  The  king  went  to  see  her,  and  she  received 
all  the  sacraments.  She  died  at  Saint-Cloud  on  the  8th  of 
December,  at  four  in  the  morning,  aged  seventy-one  years. 

Madame  was  a  princess  of  the  olden  time,  —  attached  to 

352  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xi. 

honour,  virtue,  rank,  grandeur,  and  inexorable  as  to  their 
observances.  She  was  not  without  intellect ;  and  what  she 
saw  she  saw  very  clearly.  A  good  and  faithful  friend,  safe, 
true,  upright ;  easy  to  shock  and  prejudice,  difficult  to  recall 
from  a  prejudice ;  coarse ;  dangerous  in  her  public  attacks ; 
very  German  in  her  manners  and  customs,  frank,  ignorant 
of  all  deUcacy  for  herself  or  others,  sober,  sohtary,  and  full 
of  notions.  She  loved  dogs  and  horses,  hunting  and  theatres 
passionately ;  she  was  never  seen  except  in  full  dress,  or  in 
a  man's  wig  and  riding-habit,  and  was  more  than  sixty  years 
old  before,  well  or  ill  (but  she  never  was  the  latter),  she 
had  a  wrapper.  She  loved  the  regent  passionately,  also  her 
own  nation  and  all  her  relatives,  though  she  had  never  seen 
them.  She  spent  her  life  after  Monsieur's  death  in  writing 
to  them.  She  esteemed,  pitied,  and  almost  loved  the  Du- 
chesse  d'Orl^ans,  whom  she  treated  very  well  both  before  and 
after  the  dismissal  of  Mme.  d'Argenton.  She  blamed  the 
disorderly  hfe  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  and  was  supremely  in- 
dignant at  that  of  the  Duchesse  de  Berry ;  about  which  she 
sometimes  unbosomed  herself  with  the  utmost  bitterness 
and  perfect  confidence  to  Madame  de  Saint-Simon,  who, 
from  the  first  of  her  coming  to  Court,  had  found  grace  in 
her  esteem  and  friendship,  which  never  varied.  Madame 
was,  in  all  respects,  more  of  a  man  than  a  woman.  She 
was  strong,  courageous,  German  to  the  last  degree,  frank, 
upright,  good,  and  benevolent,  noble  and  grand  in  her 
manners,  but  petty  to  excess  in  all  that  related  to  what 
was  due  to  her.  She  was  very  unsociable,  constantly  shut 
up  in  her  room  and  writing,  save  for  the  short  hours  of 
her  Court;  the  rest  of  her  time  she  spent  alone  with  her 
ladies.  She  was  hard,  rude,  ready  to  take  dishkes  ;  terrible 
for  the  tirades  she  would  sometimes  make,  and  to  any  one, 
no  matter  who.     She  had  no  pliancy,  no  readiness  of  mind, 


though,  as  I  have  said,  she  was  not  without  intellect.  She 
was  jealous  to  the  utmost  pettiness  of  all  that  she  consid- 
ered her  rights ;  her  face  and  figure  were  those  of  a  rustic. 
Yet  she  was  withal  capable  of  a  tender  and  inviolable  afi'ec- 
tion.  The  Due  d'Orleans  loved  her  and  respected  her  much, 
and  did  not  leave  her  during  her  illness  ;  he  had  always  paid 
her  great  attentions,  but  was  never  influenced  by  her.  He 
was  greatly  afflicted.  I  passed  several  hours  with  him  at 
Versailles  on  the  day  after  her  death,  and  I  saw  him  weep 

1  The  letters  of  Elizabeth-Charlotte  of  Bavaria,  Princess  Palatine  and 
Duchesse  d'Orleans,  addressed  chiefly  to  her  relations,  have  been  pub- 
lished and  are  among  tJie  most  valuable  records  of  that  time  ;  a  selection 
from  them  will  be  found  in  the  7th  volume  of  this  series  of  Historical 
Memoirs.  —  Tr. 

VOL.  IV.  —  23 


This  year,  1723,  the  end  of  which  is  the  limit  I  have 

prescribed  for  these  Memoirs,  will  not  have  the  amphtude 

or  the  details  of  its  predecessors.     My  heart 
„    ...      ^  ^        was  wrung  to  see  the  regent  under  the  lash 

Sterility  of  the  °  ° 

narrative  of  this     of  his   uuworthy   minister,  not   daring  to  do 

year ;   its  cause.  ,   .  .   ,  ,   .  .  ....,, 

anything  without  liim  or  against  his  vmi ;  tne 
State  a  prey  to  the  selfish  interests,  the  greed,  the  madness 
of  that  unfortunate  man,  and  without  a  remedy.  What- 
ever experience  I  had  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans'  amazing  weak- 
ness, it  seemed  to  me  monstrous  that  he  should  have  made 
that  man  prime  minister  after  what  I  had  said  to  him, 
after  what  he  had  said  to  me,  and  after  his  o^vn  statement 
that  he  viewed  the  matter  himself  as  I  did,  all  of  which  I 
have  related  in  its  place  with  the  most  exact  veracity.  I 
no  longer  approached  that  poor  prince,  of  so  many  great 
and  useful  talents  buried,  without  repugnance  ;  I  could  not 
help  feeling  about  him  as  the  wicked  Israehtes  said  to 
each  other  in  the  desert  about  the  manna :  Nauseat  anima 
mea  super  cihum  istum  levissimum.  I  no  longer  deigned 
to  speak  to  him.  He  saw  it  and  I  felt  that  he  was  pained 
by  it ;  he  tried  to  bring  me  back  to  him  though  never 
daring  to  speak  to  me  of  public  affairs  except  lightly  and 
always  with  constraint,  and  yet  not  able  to  keep  himself 
entirely  from  doing  so.  I  scarcely  took  pains  to  answer  him, 
and  I  ended  such  topics  as  soon  as  I  could ;  I  shortened  and 
delayed  my  audiences ;  I  listened  coldly  to  his  reproaches. 
And  truly,  what  could  I  have  to  say  or  to  discuss  with  a 


regent  who  was  not  one  at  all,  not  even  of  himself,  far  less 
of  the  kingdom,  which  was  now  in  disorder  ? 

Whenever  Cardinal  Dubois  met  me  he  almost  paid  court 
to  me.  The  ties  of  all  times  and  without  interruption  were 
so  strong  between  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  and  myself  that  the 
prime  minister,  having  tested  them  more  than  once,  dared 
not  flatter  himself  that  he  could  break  them.  His  resource 
was  to  disgust  me  by  impelling  his  master  to  a  reserve  with 
me  that  was  wholly  new  between  us.  But  it  cost  the  regent 
more  than  it  did  me,  because  of  the  habit,  I  shall  even  ven- 
ture to  say  the  utility,  this  confidence  had  been  to  him  ; 
whilst  I  could  more  readily  give  it  up,  from  the  vexation  I 
felt  at  seeing  no  fruit  of  it  for  the  good  of  the  State,  or  for 
the  honour  and  welfare  of  the  regent,  now  wholly  delivered 
up  to  his  pleasures  in  Paris  and  abandoned  to  his  minister. 
The  conviction  of  my  perfect  uselessness  made  me  retire 
more  and  more,  without  ever  having  the  faintest  suspicion 
that  a  contrary  course  would  be  dangerous  to  me,  or  that, 
weak  and  abandoned  as  the  regent  was  to  Cardinal  Dubois, 
the  latter  could  ever  succeed  in  getting  me  exiled  like  the 
Due  de  Noailles  and  Canillac,  or  that  he  could  ever  make 
me  feel  such  disgust  that  I  should  exile  myself.  I  contin- 
ued, therefore,  my  customary  life  ;  that  is  to  say,  I  never  saw 
the  Due  d'Orleans  except  tete-li-tete  ;  but  I  saw  him  less  and 
less,  and  always  coldly,  briefly,  without  giving  an  opening 
for  the  mention  of  public  affairs,  turning  them  aside  if  he 
broached  them,  or  replying  in  a  manner  that  quickly  dropped 
them.  With  such  conduct  and  such  strong  feeliDgs,  it  will 
readily  be  seen  that  I  could  be  and  do  nothing ;  and  there- 
fore what  I  have  to  relate  of  this  year  will  have  less  of  the 
curious  and  instructive  interest  of  good  and  faithful  memoirs, 
and  more  of  the  dryness  and  sterility  of  the  facts  of  a 

356  MEMOIRS   OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  xii. 

February  the  19th  the  king  received  at  Versailles  the  re- 
spects of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  and  all  the  Court  on  his  majority,^ 
The  king  attains     and  he  then  declared  the  choice  of  three  new 

his  majority.  ^^^^^  ^^^  ^^^^^  .    ;g- ^.^^^  ^^^-^  ^^^^  ^^  VaUierC, 

cousin  of  the  Princesse  de  Conti.  The  next  day  the  king 
went  in  state  to  Paris,  to  the  Tuileries  ;  and  on  the  22nd  he 
went  to  parliament  and  held  his  lit  de  justice  for  the  declara- 
tion of  his  majority  and  the  reception  of  the  three  new  dukes 
and  peers.  The  session  ended  by  the  registration  of  a  new 
edict  against  duels,  which  were  again  becoming  frequent. 
On  the  23rd  the  king  received  at  the  Tuileries  the  harangues 
of  the  great  societies,  and  those  of  all  other  bodies  that  are 
accustomed  to  harangue. 

The  Council  of  Eegency  came  to  an  end.  The  new  Coun- 
cil of  State  was  composed  of  only  the  Due  d'Orlt^ans, 
The  Council  of  ^^^®  "^^^  ^^  Chartrcs,  M.  le  Due,  Cardinal 
Regency  ends ;       Dubois,  and  MorviUe,  secretary  of  State,  until 

the  Council  of 

State  takes  its        thcu   without   fuuctions,    to    whom   Cardinal 
^^'^^'  Dubois  turned  over  his  office  of  secretary  of 

State  and  the  department  of  foreign  affairs. 

It  was  now  some  time  since  the  Comte  de  Toulouse  had' 
taken  a  fancy  to  the  Marquise  de  Gondrin  at  the  Baths  of 
Bourbon,  where  they  had  met  and  seen  much  of  each  other. 
She  was  the  sister  of  the  Due  de  Noailles,  whom  he  neither 
liked  nor  esteemed,  and  widow,  with  two  sons,  of  the  eldest 
son  of  the  Due  d' Antra,  with  whom  the  Comte  de  Toulouse 
had  always  had  much  intercourse  of  a  proper  and  becoming 
kind  because  they  were  both  sons  of  Mme.  de  Montespan. 
Mme.  de  Gondrin  had  been  lady  of  the  palace  during  the 
last  months  of  the  dauphine's  life ;  she  was  young,  gay, 
and  thoroughly  Noailles,  her  bust  very  beautiful,  her   face 

1  Louis  XV.  was  born  Feb.  10,  1710,  and  was  therefore  thirteen  years 
old  ;  Rigaud's  portrait  of  him  was  painted  at  this  time  — Tii. 

1723]  RIEMOIRS   OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  357 

agreeable,  and  she  had  never  made  any  one  talk  of  her.     The 
affair  led  on,  ua  the  greatest  secrecy,  to  marriage.     The  bet- 
ter to  conceal  that  event  the  Comte  de  Tou- 

Marnage  of 

the  Comte  de         lousc  took  the  occasion  of  the  lit  de  justice  on 

Toulouse.  .       , 

the  king's  majority,  from  which  he  was  ex- 
cluded, because  the  bastards  could  no  longer  cross  the  floor, 
and  for  that  reason  they  would  not  go  to  parliament.  Neither 
did  the  Cardinal  de  Koailles,  because  his  purple  would  have 
had  to  yield  precedence  to  the  peers-ecclesiastical.  The 
Mar^chale  de  Noailles  went  alone  with  her  daughter  to  the 
archbishop's  palace,  where  the  Comte  de  Toulouse  went  also, 
alone  with  d'O.  The  cardinal  said  mass  and  married  them 
in  his  chapel,  on  leaving  which  they  all  returned  as  they 
came.  Nothing  transpired  about  this  wedding,  and  people 
were  long  without  even  suspecting  it,  all  the  more  because 
the  Comte  de  Toulouse  was  supposed  to  be  very  far  indeed 
from  marrying. 

About  this  time  the  plague,  which  had  so  long  devastated 
Provence,  stopped  entirely,  so  that  the  barriers  were  raised, 
commerce  re-established,  thanksgivings  were  offered  publicly 
in  all  the  churches  of  the  kingdom,  and  at  the  end  of  a  few 
months  trade  was  again  renewed  with  foreign  nations. 

On  the  11th  of  June  the  king  went  to  live  at  Meudon. 
The  pretext  was  to  clean  the  chateau  of  Versailles ;  the  real 
The  king  at  Meu-  rcasou,  the  Convenience  of  Cardinal  Dubois. 
convTn^°nce*of  Flattered  to  the  last  degree  by  being  called  to 
Cardinal  Dubois,  preside  ovcr  an  assembly  of  clergy,  he  wished 
to  enjoy  that  honour.  He  also  wished  to  be  present  from 
time  to  time  at  the  meetings  of  the  Company  of  the 
West ;  Meudon  brought  him  nearer  to  Paris  by  half  way 
than  Versailles,  and  spared  him  the  paved  road.  His  de- 
baucheries had  given  him  very  painful  and  continual  suffer- 
ings  which   the   motion   of  a   carriage  aggravated,  though 

358  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

he  concealed  them  with  great  care.  The  kmg  held  a  review 
of  his  household  troops  at  Meudon,  at  which  the  pride  of  the 
prime  minister  led  him  to  appear,  but  it  cost  him  dear.  He 
appeared  on  horseback,  the  better  to  enjoy  his  triumph ;  he 
suffered  cruelly,  and  liis  ailment  increased  with  such  vio- 
lence that  he  was  forced  to  call  in  help.  He  saw,  in  the 
deepest  secrecy,  the  most  celebrated  surgeons  and  physi- 
cians, who  all  thought  ill  of  his  case;  and  through  their 
reiterated  visits  and  a  few  indiscreet  remarks  the  matter 
began  to  transpire.  He  could  no  longer  go  to  Paris  except 
occasionally,  and  then  with  the  greatest  suffering,  and  solely 
to  hide  his  malady,  which  gave  him  now  no  rest.  And  yet, 
no  matter  what  his  condition  was,  his  ruhng  passions  oc- 
cupied his  thoughts  and  time  as  if  his  age  and  health  still 
promised  him  forty  years  of  life ;  the  desire  to  enrich  him- 
self and  to  perpetuate  the  sole  and  sovereign  power  in  his 
own  hands  tormented  him  with  the  same  intensity. 

But  on  the  8th  of  August,  Saturday,  he  became  so  ill  that 

the  surgeons  and  doctors  assured  him  that  he  must  submit 

to  a  very  urgent  operation,  without  which  ho 

Illness  and  death  J         a  r 

of  Cardinal  could  not  hopc  to  livc  for  morc  than  a  few 

days,  because  the  abscess  which  had  broken 
when  he  rode  to  the  review  would  end  in  gangrene,  if  it 
had  not  already  done  so,  by  the  suffusion  of  pus ;  and  they 
told  him  he  must  be  taken  at  once  to  A^ersailles  to  undergo 
the  operation.  The  shock  of  this  terrible  announcement 
was  so  great  that  he  could  not  be  moved,  even  in  a  Utter, 
till  Monday,  the  10th,  when  he  started  at  five  in  the 

After  leaving  him  for  a  time  to  rest,  the  physicians  and 
surgeons  proposed  to  him  to  receive  the  sacraments  first, 
after  which  they  would  perform  the  operation.  This  was 
not  accepted  peacefully.     He  had  scarcely  ceased  to  be  in  a 

1723]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  359 

state  that  was  well-nigh  madness  since  the  day  of  the  re- 
view, and  his  excitement  had  been  much  increased  by  the 
proposal  of  the  operation.  However,  he  sent  for  a  Franciscan 
friar  of  Versailles,  with  whom  he  was  alone  for  fifteen 
minutes  —  so  great  and  good  a  man  and  so  well  prepared 
could  not  need  more ;  besides,  the  last  confessions  of  prime 
ministers  are  privileged.  When  the  surgeons  re-entered  his 
room  they  proposed  to  him  to  receive  the  viaticum ;  on 
which  he  cried  out  that  that  was  easy  to  say,  but  there 
was  a  special  ceremonial  for  cardinals  which  he  did  not 
know,  and  they  must  send  to  Cardinal  de  Bissy  in  Paris 
and  inquire  about  it.  The  surgeons  looked  at  each  other, 
seeing  plainly  that  he  was  only  wantmg  to  gain  time; 
but  as  the  operation  was  pressing  they  prepared  to  per- 
form it  without  waiting  any  longer.  On  this  he  drove  them 
away  furiously,  and  would  not  hear  of  it  again. 

The  Faculty,  knowing  the  imminent  danger  of  further  de- 
lay, sent  word  of  it  to  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  who  was  at 
Meudon,  but  went  immediately  to  Versailles  in  the  first 
carriage  that  came  to  hand.  He  exhorted  the  cardinal  to 
submit  to  the  operation,  and  asked  the  Faculty  if  they  were 
sure  of  the  result.  The  surgeons  replied  that  they  could 
promise  nothing,  but  that  the  cardinal  had  not  two  hours 
to  live  if  it  was  not  done  at  once.  The  Due  d'Orl^ans 
then  returned  to  the  patient's  bed,  and  begged  him  so  earn- 
estly that  he  consented.  The  operation  was  performed  in 
five  minutes  at  five  o'clock  by  La  Peyronie,  first  surgeon  to 
the  king,  succeeding  Mar^chal,  who  was  present  with  Chirac 
and  other  celebrated  surgeons  and  physicians.  The  cardinal 
screamed  and  stormed  terribly.  The  Due  d'OrMans  returned 
to  the  room  immediately  after,  when  the  Faculty  told  him 
that  from  the  nature  of  the  sore  and  the  discharge  from  it 
the  patient   had  not  long   to   live.     In   fact,   he   died   just 

360  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  xii 

twenty-four  hours  later,  Tuesday,  August  11,  at  five  in  the 
afternoon,  grinding  his  teeth  at  the  surgeons,  especially 
Chirac,  whom  he  had  never  ceased  abusing. 

They  brought  him  the  extreme  unction,  however.  As  to 
communion,  nothing  more  was  said  about  that,  and  no  priest 
was  near  him  ;  he  finished  his  life  in  despair  and  wrath  at 
being  forced  to  quit  it.  Fortune  had  tricked  him  ;  he  had 
bought  her  dearly  and  slowly,  with  all  sorts  of  troubles, 
cares,  projects,  schemes,  anxieties,  toils,  and  torments  of 
mind ;  at  last  she  had  poured  upon  him,  in  torrents,  gran- 
deur, power,  riches  incalculable,  to  let  him  enjoy  them  four 
years  only,  and  then  to  tear  them  from  him  at  the  most 
smiling  moment  of  his  joy.  He  died  at  sixty-six,  the  mas- 
ter of  his  master,  less  a  prime  minister  than  possessing 
royal  power  in  all  its  plenitude  and  independence,  cardi- 
nal, Archbishop  of  Cambrai,  controller  of  the  posts,  enjoying 
the  revenues  of  seven  abbeys,  and  receivmg,  so  it  was  stated, 
a   pension   from   England   of   forty  thousand 

His  wealth.  o  J 

pounds  sterling.  I  have  had  the  curiosity  to 
look  up  his  revenues,  and  I  think  it  interesting  to  write 
down  here  what  I  have  discovered  about  them,  —  diminish- 
ing somewhat  those  from  his  benefices  to  avoid  all  danger  of 
over-statement.     They  were  as  follows  :  — 

Church  benefices frs.     324,000 

Prime  minister 150,000 

Posts 100,000 

Pension  from  England 960.000 

Total 1,534,000 

Add  to  this  that  he  had,  as  I  believe,  twenty  thousand 
francs  a  year  from  the  clergy  as  cardinal;  but  this  I  do  not 
know  with  certainty.  What  he  had  obtained  from  and 
through  Law  was  something  enormous ;  he  used  a  great 
deal  of   it  in   Rome  to  obtain   his  cardinalate,  but  a  vast 

1723]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  361 

amount  of  ready  money  still  remained  to  him.  He  had 
an  immense  quantity  of  the  choicest  gilt  and  silver  plate  of 
admirable  workmanship,  the  richest  furniture,  the  rarest 
jewels  of  all  kinds,  the  finest  horses  in  any  country,  the 
most  sumptuous  equipages.  His  table  was  exquisite  and 
splendid  in  every  way,  and  he  did  the  honours  of  it  well, 
though  extremely  sober  himself  by  nature  and  by  regimen. 

What  a  monster  of  fortune,  when  we  think  whence  he 
came  and  how  rapidly  he  fell !  It  is  very  literally  to  him 
that  we  may  apply  this  passage  in  the  Psalms  :  — 

"  I  myself  have  seen  the  wicked  in  great  power  and  flour- 
ishing like  a  cedar  of  Lebanon ;  I  went  by  and  lo  !  he  was 
gone  ;  I  sought  him  but  his  place  could  nowhere  be  found. " 
Vidi  impium  superexaltum  et  elevatum  sicut  cedros  Libani  ; 
et  transivi,  et  ecce  non  erat,  et  non  inventus  locus  ejus. 

There  was  no  funeral  oration  at  his  obsequies,  for  no  one 

dared  make  one.     His  brother,  older  than  himself,  a  worthy 

man,  had  left  but  one  son,  a  canon  of  Saint- 

His  obsequies. 

Honord,  who  had  never  wanted  places  or  ben- 
efices and  lived  a  saintly  life.  He  received  an  enormous 
inheritance,  but  would  scarcely  touch  any  of  it.  He  em- 
ployed part  in  putting  up  a  species  of  mausoleum  to  his 
uncle,  —  handsome,  but  modest,  built  against  the  wall  at  the 
foot  of  the  church  where  the  cardinal  is  buried,  with  a  very 
Christian  inscription  upon  it.  The  rest  of  the  money  he  dis- 
tributed among  the  poor,  for  fear  it  might  bring  him  a  curse 
if  he  kept  it. 

There   is  many  an  example  of  amazing  fortune,  even  in 
men  who  rise  from  nothing,  but  there  is  none  in  a  person 

so  destitute   of  all  talent  (if   we  except  that 

Sketch  of  him.  _    ^    _  ^ 

of  base  and  underhand  intrigue)  as  Cardinal 
Dubois.  His  mind  was  very  ordinary,  his  knowledge  most 
common,  his  capacity  nil ;   his  appearance  that  of   a  ferret 

362  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  xii. 

and  a  blackguard ;  his  utterance  disagreeable,  jerky,  always 
hesitating ;  his  falseness  was  written  on  his  forehead ;  his 
morals,  unrestrained,  could  not  be  hidden.  Add  to  these 
points  furies  that  might  pass  for  fits  of  madness ;  a  head 
incapable  of  containing  more  than  one  thing  at  a  time,  or  of 
following  anything  that  was  not  for  his  personal  interest. 
Nothing  was  sacred  to  him,  no  tie  respected ;  open  contempt 
for  faith,  promises,  honour,  truth,  integrity ;  great  dehght 
and  continual  practice  in  making  game  of  all  such  things ; 
voluptuous  as  well  as  ambitious ;  wanting  all  things  ;  count- 
ing himself  as  everything  and  whatever  was  not  for  him  as 
nothing,  and  considering  it  as  total  idiocy  to  think  or  act 
otherwise.  With  that,  soft,  servile,  supple,  flattering,  admir- 
ing ;  taking  all  sorts  of  forms  with  the  utmost  facility,  and 
playing  any  kind  of  part,  often  contradictory,  to  attain  his 
ends ;  but,  nevertheless,  very  little  capable  of  persuadmg. 
His  arguments  were  always  impulsive  and  fitful,  involved,  per- 
haps unconsciously  so,  and  devoid  of  logic  and  precision ;  im- 
pleasantness  followed  him  everywhere.  Nevertheless,  he  had 
moments  of  amusing  vivacity  when  he  chose,  and  could  tell 
diverting  stories  ;  though  these  were  disfigured  by  his  elocu- 
tion, which  might  have  been  good  were  it  not  for  a  stutter 
which  his  natural  duphcity  had  turned  into  a  habit,  from  a 
desire  to  be  uncertain  in  what  he  said  and  replied.  With 
such  defects,  it  is  hardly  conceivable  that  the  only  man  he 
was  ever  able  to  attract  was  the  Due  d'Orleans,  who  had  so 
fine  a  mind,  such  clear-sighted  intelligence,  and  who  could 
seize  so  quickly  on  all  that  exhibits  the  real  man.  But 
Dubois  won  him  when  a  child,  in  his  functions  as  tutor  ;  he 
took  possession  of  him  as  young  man  by  encouraging  his 
Hking  for  liberty,  for  a  false  air  of  knowledge  of  the  world, 
for  the  allurements  of  debauchery,  and  his  impatience  of  all 
restraint ;   he   spoilt  liis  heart,  his  mind,  his  conduct  with 

1723]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  363 

those  fine  theories  of  learned  libertines  from  which  the 
poor  prince  could  never  free  himself,  any  more  than  he  could 
free  himself  from  the  contrary  sentiments  of  reason,  truth, 
and  conscience,  which  he  took  such  pains  to  smother. 

Dubois  insinuated  himself  in  this  way,  and  had  no  study 
more  at  heart  than  to  retain  by  every  sort  of  means  his  mas- 
ter's favour,  on  which  depended  his  own  advantages,  which 
at  first  were  not  so  much ;  though  even  then  they  were  con- 
siderable for  the  valet  of  the  rector  of  Saint-Eustache,  and 
later  of  Saint-Laurent.  He  therefore  never  lost  sight  of  his 
prince,  whose  great  gifts  he  perceived,  and  whose  great  de- 
fects he  knew  so  well  how  to  put  to  profit ;  it  was  the  only 
talent  of  which  he  was  master. 

The   public  frenzies  of   Cardinal  Dubois,  especially  after 

he  became  master  and  no   longer   restrained   them,  w^ould 

fill  a  volume.     I  shall  only  mention  a  few  as 

His  crazy  capers.  .  tx-       n  it  .•  t 

specimens.  His  lury  would  sometimes  make 
him  rush  round  and  round  the  room,  flying  from  chairs  to 
tables  without  setting  foot  to  the  ground.  The  Due 
d'Orldans  told  me  several  times  that  he  had  often  been 
witness  of  these  occasions.  On  the  Easter-Sunday  after 
he  was  made  cardinal,  he  woke  at  eight  o'clock  and  rang 
till  he  pulled  down  the  bell-rope,  blaspheming  horribly  at 
his  servants,  spluttering  filth  and  insults,  and  shoutmg  to 
know  why  they  had  not  waked  him  earher,  for  he  wanted 
to  say  mass,  and  he  did  not  know  how  he  should  ever  get 
time  with  all  the  rest  that  he  had  to  do.  The  best  thing  he 
ever  did  was  not  to  say  it  at  all  after  this  fine  preparation, 
and  I  do  not  know  that  he  ever  said  it  after  his  consecration. 
Cardinal  Dubois  had  long  been  married,  and  tlierefore 
very  obscurely.  He  paid  his  wife  well  to  hold  her  tongue 
after    he    got    liis    benefices ;    but   when    lie 

His  marriage.  ,     ^ 

dawned  into  grandeur  he  found  her  extremely 

364  MEMOIKS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

embarrassing ;  he  was  always  in  terror  lest  she  should  make 
him  miss  his  great  ecclesiastical  dignities.  His  marriage 
had  taken  place  in  the  Limousin.  As  soon  as  he  was  Arch- 
bishop of  Cambrai  he  confided  the  matter  to  Breteuil,  con- 
juring him  to  get  rid  of  every  proof  of  his  marriage  cautiously 
and  without  scandal.  The  wife  never  dared  to  say  a  word. 
After  her  husband's  death  she  came  to  Paris  and  received 
a  large  sum  out  of  his  immense  property,  on  which  slie 
lived  obscurely  but  much  at  her  ease,  dying  in  Paris  about 
twenty  years  after  Dubois,  by  whom  she  had  no  children. 

I  shall  say  no  more,  because,  as  I  before  remarked,  it 
would  make  a  volume.  I  have  said  enough  to  show  this 
The  Due  d'Or-  moustrous  pcrsonagc,  whose  death  was  a  com- 
rXleTby  his  ^^^t  to  great  and  small,  and,  in  truth,  through- 
'^'=^^^-  out  Europe.     But  the  most  comforted  person 

of  all  vras  the  Due  d'OrMans.  He  had  long  groaned  in 
secret  under  the  weight  of  so  hard  a  tyranny  and  the 
trammels  of  a  chain  he  had  forged  for  himself.  Not  only 
could  he  no  longer  direct  or  decide  anything,  but  he  was 
forced  to  explain,  uselessly,  to  the  cardinal  what  he  desired, 
whether  in  great  matters  or  in  small  ones.  He  was  com- 
pelled to  submit  them  all  to  the  will  of  the  cardinal,  who 
would  fly  into  fury,  reproaching  and  insulting  him  as  though 
he  were  a  private  person  if  he  chanced  to  contradict  him. 
The  poor  prince  also  felt  the  isolation  in  which  he  found 
himself,  and  through  this  very  isolation  and  abandonment, 
the  power  of  the  cardinal  and  the  eclipse  of  his  own.  He 
feared  him  ;  the  man  became  intolerable  to  him  ;  he  longed 
to  get  rid  of  him.  Tliis  was  shown  in  a  thousand  ways,  but 
he  did  not  dare  to  do  it;  in  fact  he  knew  not  how.  Iso- 
lated and  perpetually  watched  as  he  was,  he  had  no  one  in 
whom  he  could  confide,  and  if  he  had  attempted  to  do  so, 
the  cardinal,  warned  of  it,  would  have  doubled  his  capers  to 


hold  by  fear  what  he  knew  he  could  not  hope  to  keep  in 
any  other  way. 

A.s  soon  as  he  was  dead  the  Due  d' Orleans  returned  to 
Meudon  to  inform  the  king,  who  immediately  begged  him 
The  king  ap-         to  take  charge  of  affairs,  declared  him  prime 

points  the  Due  •     •    ,  t  •        i   ^  •  j.t         c       cc  j.i 

^■r»,i»,„o  ^,;,^»      mmister,  and  received  his  oath  oi  omce  on  the 

a  Orleans  prime  ' 

minister.  following  day ;  the  letters-patent  for  which  were 

at  once  drawn  up  and  certified  by  parliament.  This  declara- 
tion, so  prompt  that  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  was  unprepared  for  it, 
was  wholly  due  to  the  fear  of  the  Bishop  of  Fr^jus  that  some 
private  person  might  become  prime  minister.  The  king 
liked  the  Due  d'()rl(5ans,  as  I  have  said  already,  for  the 
respect  he  received  from  him,  and  the  manner  in  which  he 
worked  with  him,  making  him  always  the  apparent  master  of 
the  favours  bestowed  by  the  choice  of  the  persons  he  proposed 
to  him ;  besides  which,  he  never  bored  him,  or  thwarted  his 
amusements  by  his  hours  of  work.  Whatever  care,  whatever 
suppleness  Cardinal  Dubois  had  employed  to  win  the  king's 
mind  and  coax  him  to  himself,  he  never  succeeded  in  doing 
so ;  and  it  was  easy  to  see,  without  having  very  good  eyes,  a 
dislike  on  the  part  of  the  king  to  the  minister.  The  cardinal 
was  in  despair,  but  he  kept  his  legs  going,  always  in  hopes  of 
succeeding  in  the  end. 

A  still  more  corrupt  man,  if  that  be  possible,  than  Cardinal 
Dubois,  followed  him  twelve  days  later ;  this  was  the  presi- 
Death  of  dcut  de  Mcsmcs  who,  already  weighted  by  a 

dlnnfpariia-'"  ^®^^  slight  apoplcxics,  suffcrcd  one  which 
'"^"^^  carried  him  off  in  twenty-four  hours  at  sixty- 

one  years  of  age,  without  giving  a  sign  of  life  in  that  short 
interval.  I  mean  more  corrupt  than  Dubois  through  his 
profound  and  notorious  treachery,  and  because,  being  born  to 
a  rich  and  honourable  position,  he  had  no  need  to  build  up 
his    fortunes   like   Dubois,  who  came   of   the   dregs  of   the 

366  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,    [chap.  xn. 

people;  not  that  this  is  an  excuse  for  the  latter,  but  it  was 
a  temptation  the  less  to  the  former,  who  had  only  to  enjoy 
what  he  was,  with  honour.  I  have  had  so  many  occasions 
to  make  known  this  magistrate,  who  was  equally  odious  and 
contemptible,  that  I  think  I  may  dispense  with  soiling  my 
pages  any  further  with  him.  I  was  peaceably  living  at  La 
Fert^  with  excellent  company  for  more  than  two  months 
without  choosing  to  leave  it,  iu  spite  of  the  couriers  which 
Belle-Ile  and  others  despatched  to  me  on  the  death  of 
Cardinal  Dubois,  urging  my  return.  Vanity  and  greed  for  a 
pension  brought  me  another  courier  on  the  death  of  the 
president,  from  his  daughters  [one  of  whom  was  married  to 
the  Due  de  Lorges],  entreating  me  to  return  and  obtain  it  for 
them  from  the  Due  d'Orl^ans. 

I  yielded  on  this  occasion  to  the  virtue  and  piety  of 
Mme.  de  Saint-Simon,  who  was  absolutely  determined  that 
I  should  not  refuse  to  do  them  this  kindness ;  I  therefore 
started,  and  she  herself  returned  to  Paris  a  few  days  after 
me.  The  Court  had  returned  from  Meudon  to  Versailles  on 
the  13th  of  August,  that  is,  some  ten  days  earlier,  and  it  was 
there  that  I  found  the  Due  d'Orl^ans. 

As  soon  as  he  saw  me  enter  his  cabinet  he  ran  to  me,  and 
asked  me  eagerly  if  I  meant  to  abandon  him.  I  replied 
I  find  the  Due  that  as  loug  as  his  cardinal  had  lived,  I  felt 
d'Orieansandgo  ^^^f  usclcss    bcsldc  him,   and   that   I   had 

back  to  him,  the  •' 

same  as  ever.  profited  by  it  for  my  freedom  and  for  my  re- 
pose ;  but  now  that  that  obstacle  to  all  good  was  removed, 
I  should  always  be  very  humbly  at  his  service.  He  made 
me  promise  to  live  with  him  as  before,  and,  without  making 
any  reference  to  the  cardinal,  he  began  to  talk  about  pres- 
ent affairs,  domestic  and  foreign,  explaming  to  me  how  he 
stood,  relating  to  me  the  flutter  of  England  and  Holland 
regarding   the   new   company   of    Ostende   formed   by   the 

1723]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  367 

emperor,  which  he  wished  to  maintain  and  the  two  powers 
wished  to  prevent,  for  the  sake  of  their  commerce ;  and 
how  France  was  affected,  both  for  and  against,  together  with 
his  own  views  of  conduct  in  the  matter.  I  found  him  con- 
tent, gay,  and  resuming  work  with  pleasure.  AVhen  we 
had  talked  over  everything  foreign  and  domestic,  and  about 
the  king,  with  whom  he  was  much  pleased,  I  spoke  to  him 
of  the  pension  for  which  the  daughters  of  Mesmes,  the 
late  president,  requested  me  to  ask  him.  He  began  to 
laugh  and  scotf  at  them  for  sending  to  him  again  after  the 
quantities  of  money  he  had  given  to  their  father,  or  rather 
that  their  father  had  so  often  filched  from  him;  and  he 
laughed  at  me  for  being  their  solicitor  in  a  thing  so  absurd, 
after  all  that  had  passed  between  me  and  the  president, 
whose  funeral  oration  he  then  and  there  made  in  few  but 
telhng  words.  I  acknowledge  frankly  that  I  did  not  in- 
sist upon  a  thing  that  I  myself  thought  unbecoming,  and 
about  which  I  cared  nothing  at  all.  From  this  time  forth 
I  lived  with  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  as  I  had  always  done  be- 
fore Cardinal  Dubois  was  made  prime  minister;  and  he 
with  me  in  all  his  former  confidence.  I  must  admit,  how- 
ever, that  I  did  not  seek  to  make  great  use  of  it. 

The  new  chateau  de  Meudon  had  been  restored  to  me 
after  the  return  of  the  Court  to  Versailles,  furnished  as 
Sad  condition  of  it  had  bccn  before  the  king  went  there.  The 
his  health.  j)^Q  J^^(J  Duchesse  d'Humieres  shared  it  with 

us,  and  good  company  they  were.  The  Due  d'Humieres 
asked  me  to  drive  him  to  Versailles  early  one  morning,  that 
he  might  thank  the  Due  d'Orldans  for  his  lodging.  We 
found  him  not  dressed,  still  m  the  lower  room  he  had  made 
into  a  wardrobe,  seated  among  his  valets  and  two  or  three 
of  his  principal  officers.  I  was  frightened.  I  saw  before 
me  a  man  with  his  head  hanging,  his  face  of  a  purplish  red, 

368  MEMOIRS  OF   THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

and  so  stupefied  that  he  did  not  even  see  me  as  I  ap- 
proached him.  His  servants  told  him  I  was  there.  He 
turned  his  head  slowly  towards  me,  almost  without  raising 
it,  and  asked  in  a  thick  voice  what  brought  me  there. 
I  had  gone  there  to  hasten  his  coming  up  to  his  dressing- 
room  in  order  not  to  keep  the  Due  d'Humiferes  waiting 
too  long ;  but  I  was  so  astonished  that  I  stopped  short.  I 
took  Simian  e,  first  gentleman  of  his  Bedchamber,  aside  to 
a  window,  where  I  expressed  my  surprise  and  alarm  at  the 
state  in  which  I  saw  his  master.  Simiane  told  me  that  he 
had  been  so  for  some  time  past  in  the  mornings  ;  there  was 
nothing  extraordinary  in  his  state  that  day,  and  I  was  only 
surprised  because  I  never  saw  him  at  those  hours;  he 
assured  me  that  nothing  would  show  of  it  as  soon  as  the 
prince  had  shaken  himself  together  and  was  dressed.  This 
condition  did,  however,  appear  a  good  deal  when  he  came 
up  to  dress.  He  received  the  Due  d'Humiferes'  thanks  with 
a  puzzled,  heavj^  look  ;  and  he,  always  so  gracious  and  polite 
to  every  one,  and  knowing  so  well  how  to  say  the  right  thing 
at  the  right  time,  scarcely  answered  at  all.  A  moment  later 
we  retired,  M.  d'Humiferes  and  I.  We  dined  mth  the  Due  de 
Gesvres,  who  took  d'Humiferes  to  make  his  thanks  to  the  king. 
This  condition  of  the  Due  d'Orldans  caused  me  to  make 
many  reflections.  For  some  time  past  the  secretaries  of 
State  had  told  me  that  during  the  early  morning  hours 
they  could  make  him  agree  to  whatever  they  wished,  and 
could  have  made  him  sign  anything,  even  to  his  own  injury. 
This  was  the  fruit  of  his  suppers.  I  was  not  mute  to  him 
on  that  subject,  but  all  representations  were  perfectly  use- 
less. I  knew,  moreover,  that  Chirac  had  plainly  told  him 
that  the  continuation  of  these  suppers  would  lead  either  to 
sudden  apoplexy  or  to  dropsy  of  the  chest,  because  his 
respiration  would   sooner   or   later  be   affected ;  on   which. 


he  rebelled  against  the  latter  evil,  as  being  slow,  suffocating, 
interfering  with  everything,  and  always  threatening  death ; 
he  declared  that  he  much  preferred  apoplexy,  which  took 
you  unawares  and  killed  you  suddenly  without  your  having 
time  to  think  about  it. 

Any  other  man,  instead  of  exclaiming  against  the  man- 
ner of  the  death  that  threatened  him,  and  preferring  one 
I  warn  Frejus  of  SO  terrible  to  another  that  gave  him  time  to 
the  state  of  the       ^j  ^   himsclf,   would    havc    thought   about 

Due  d  Orleans'  '  " 

health.  living,  and   doing  what   he  could  to  promote 

it  by  a  sober,  healthy,  and  decent  hfe,  which,  with  his  con- 
stitution, might  have  given  him  a  great  many  years  and  very 
agreeable  ones.  But  such  was  the  bUndness  of  this  unhappy 
priace  !  At  this  time  I  was  living  in  much  intimacy  with 
M.  de  Frejus ;  and,  inasmuch  as  the  king,  m  default  of  the 
Due  d'Orl(^ans,  would  need  some  other  master  until  he  was 
of  age  and  ability  to  be  one  to  himself,  I  preferred  it  should 
be  this  prelate  rather  than  any  one  else.  I  therefore  went 
to  see  him,  and  told  him  what  I  had  seen  that  morning  of 
the  Due  d'Orl^ans'  condition;  I  predicted  that  his  death 
could  not  long  be  deferred,  and  that  it  would  probably 
happen  suddenly  without  any  warning.  I  therefore  ad- 
vised the  bishop  to  take  measures  with  the  king  at  once, 
without  losing  a  moment,  to  fill  his  place,  which  was  all 
the  more  easy  because  he  could  not  doubt  of  the  king's 
affection  for  him,  Frdjus.  I  reminded  him  that  no  one  ap- 
proached him  in  that  respect ;  he  had  daily  long  tete-ci-tetes 
with  the  king,  which  gave  him  every  means  and  all  facilities 
to  secure  his  immediate  succession  to  the  office  of  prime 
minister  the  moment  it  became  vacant.  I  found  a  man 
apparently  very  grateful  for  this  advice  and  desire,  but 
modest,  cautious,  and  considering  the  office  above  his  con- 
dition and  attainment. 

TOL.  IV.  — 24 

370  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

This   was  not  the  first  time  that  our  conversations  had 

turned  on  this  subject  in  general,  but  I  had  never   before 

spoken  of  it  as  an  immediate  thing.     He  told 

to  take  his  mc  that  he  had  thought  much  about   it,  but 


that  he  could  not  see  any  one  except  a  prince 
of  the  blood  who  could  be  appointed  prime  minister  w^ith- 
out  exciting  envy,  jealousy,  and   public  outcry ;   in  fact  he 
saw  no  one  but  M.  le  Due.     I  exclaimed  against  the  danger 
of  a  prince  of  the  blood,  who  would  put  every  one  under  his 
feet,  whom  no   one  could  resist,  and   whose   relations  and 
connections    would   pillage   the    country;  and   I   reminded 
him  that  the  late  king  had  never  been  willing  to  put  one 
of  the  princes  of  the  blood  into  the  Council,  in  order  not 
to  let  them    aggrandize  themselves   and  assume   authority. 
And   what   comparison   was   there    between    simply   being 
of  the  Council  of  a  king  who  governed  and  was  so  jealous 
of  governing,  and  being  the  prime  minister  of  a  child-king, 
without  experience,  whose  majority  was  only  nominal,  and 
under   whom  a  prime  minister  prince  of  the  blood   would 
be  the  actual   king  ?     I  added   that  Fr^jus  had  had  time 
since  the  death  of  the  king   to  see  with  what  avidity  the 
princes  of  the  blood  had  pillaged  the  finances,  with  what 
obstinacy  they  had   protected  Law  and   all   that  favoured 
their  pillage,  with  what  audacity  they  had  encroached  in 
every  way  ;  and  he  ought  to  be  able  to  judge  from  that  what 
would  be  the  rule  of  a  prime  minister  prince  of  the  blood ; 
and  more  especially  of  M.  le  Due,  who  added  to  all  that  I 
had  just  represented  a  silliness  that  was  almost   stupidity, 
unconquerable  obstinacy,  inflexible  firmness,  insatiable  self- 
interest,  with  which  all  France  and  himself  would  have  to 
reckon;  or  rather  he  and  they  would  have  to  submit  to  a 
will  that  was  solely  selfish. 

rr(^jus  listened  to  these  reflections  with  profound  placidity, 

1723]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON.  371 

and  rewarded  them  with  the  amenity  of  a  tranquil,  gentle 

smile.     He  did  not  answer  a  single  one  of  the  objections 

.1  had  raised,  except  by  telhng  me  that  there 

Falseness  and  '  i  ./  o 

policy  of  that  was  truth  in  what  I  said,  but  that  M.  le  Due 
had  some  good  in  him ;  lie  had  honour,  integ- 
rity, and  friendship  for  him ;  that  he  ought  to  prefer  him  out 
of  gratitude  for  the  friendship  his  father,  the  late  M.  le 
Due,  had  always  shown  him ;  and  finally,  that  to  let  the 
office  of  prime  minister  decline  upon  a  private  individual 
would  be  too  great  a  fall,  and  would  crush  the  shoulders 
of  any  such  person  who  accepted  it ;  that  M.  le  Due  was 
the  only  one  of  the  princes  of  the  blood  who  was  fit  to  'fill 
that  important  place  ;  that  he  was  not  really  well-known 
to  the  king  or  familiar  with  him,  though  the  place  of 
superintendent  of  the  education  which  he  had  wrested  from 
the  Due  du  Maine  might,  and  ought  to  have  produced  it; 
he  would  therefore  have  need  of  those  who  were  closest  to 
the  king  in  his  liking  and  privacy ;  and  with  this  help  and 
the  relations  that  M.  le  Due  would  be  obliged  to  hold  with 
them,  all  would  go  right:  in  short,  the  more  he  thought, 
and  he  had  thought  a  great  deal  about  it,  the  more  he  was 
convinced  that  there  was  no  other  way  practicable. 

His  last  words  stopped  me  short.  I  told  him  he  was 
more  in  the  way  of  seeing  things  clearly  than  any  one ; 
that  I  contented  myself  with  having  warned  him  and  told 
him  what  I  thought  ought  to  be  done ;  that  I  could  not 
help  regretting  he  should  let  the  office  of  prime  minister 
escape  him ;  but  that,  after  all,  I  yielded,  though  agamst 
my  own  feeling  and  wish,  to  one  who  was  more  clear- 
sighted than  I.  It  is  easy  to  imagine  with  what  assur- 
ances of  gratitude,  friendship,  and  confidence  he  seasoned 
his  remarks.  I  returned  to  Aleudon  with  the  Due  d'Hu- 
miferes   fully  persuaded  that   Frejus  was    only  hindered  by 

372  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

his  timidity ;  that  he  was  none  the  less  eager  for  sove- 
reign power;  that  in  order  to  combine  his  ambition  with 
his  fear  of  the  envy  and  jealousy  that  might  upset  him,  his 
reflections  had  made  this  scheme  of  putting  a  prince  of  the 
blood  m  that  place,  expecting  to  find  him  inept  and  a  mere 
semblance  and  shell  of  a  prime  minister,  while  he,  Fr^jus, 
would  be  the  real  one,  through  his  power  with  the  king, 
of  whose  heart  and  mind  he  knew  himself  to  be  the  sole 
and  complete  possessor,  —  a  fact  wliich  would  render  him  so 
essential  to  M.  le  Due  that  the  latter  would  never  dare  to 
do  the  least  thing  without  his  sanction,  and  thus,  without 
exciting  envy  or  jealousy,  and  preserving  always  his  ex- 
ternal modesty,  everything,  in  point  of  fact,  would  be  in  his 
hands.  To  butt  against  a  project  thus  thought  out,  and 
a  project  of  this  nature,  would  have  been  to  break  my  nose 
against  a  wall.  So  I  spoked  my  wheel  as  soon  as  I  felt 
his  mind,  and  I  refrained  from  telling  him  that  Mme.  de 
Prie  [M.  le  Due's  mistress]  and  the  other  environers  of 
M.  le  Due  would  certainly  defeat  him,  because  they  would 
choose  to  govern  and  profit,  and  would  consequently  make 
the  prime  minister  shake  off  very  quickly  the  yoke  that 
Fr^jus  proposed  to  put  upon  him.  I  said  this  that  same 
evening  to  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon,  from  whom  I  have  never 
kept  any  secrets,  and  whose  great  good  sense  has  been  of 
such  benefit  to  me  all  my  life.  She  thought  in  this  matter 
as  I  did. 

The  Due  de  Lauzun  died  on  the  19th  of  November,  aged 
ninety  years  and  six  months ;  he  was,  as  I  have  said  already. 
Death  of  the  extraordinary  in  all  ways  by  nature,  and  he 

Due  de  Lauzun.  ^^^^  pleasure  in  making  himself  appear  more 
so.  He  forbade,  with  good  reason,  all  ceremonies  at  his 
funeral,  and  he  was  buried  at  the  Petits-Augustins.  He 
had  no  offices  from  the  king  but  liis  old  company  of  the 

1723]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  373 

"  Bees  de  Corbins,"  which  was  suppressed  two  days  later. 
A  month  before  his  death  he  had  sent  for  Dillon,  charge 
d'affaires  in  Paris  of  King  James,  and  a  very  distinguished 
general  officer,  to  whom  he  returned  his  collar  of  the  Order 
of  the  Garter,  and  a  George  in  onyx  surrounded  by  very 
large  and  beautiful  diamonds,  requesting  him  to  send  them 
to  the  prince. 

We  have  seen  recently  that  the  Due  d'0rl4ans  dreaded 
a  slow  death  which  he  could  long  foresee,  —  the  sort  of  death 
Sudden  death  which  bccomes  a  very  precious  mercy  when 
of  the  Due  that  of  understanding  how  to   profit  bv  it  is 

d'Orleans.  °  r  J 

added,  —  a  sudden  death  was  the  kind  he 
preferred.  Alas !  he  obtamed  it ;  and  it  was  even  more 
sudden  than  that  of  his  father,  the  late  Monsieur,  whose 
frame  struggled  longer  against  it.  I  went  on  the  21st  of 
December,  immediately  after  dinner,  from  Meudon  to  Ver- 
sailles to  see  the  Due  d'Orleans.  I  was  alone  with  him 
for  three  quarters  of  an  hour  in  his  cabinet,  where  I 
had  found  him  by  himself.  We  walked  up  and  down  the 
room,  talking  over  certain  matters  about  which  he  was  to 
render  an  account  to  the  king  that  very  afternoon.  I  saw 
no  difference  in  him  from  his  usual  condition,  which  of  late 
had  grown  heavier  and  more  massive,  but  his  mind  was  as 
clear  and  his  reasoning  as  sound  as  ever.  I  returned  im- 
mediately to  Meudon,  where  I  talked  for  a  time,  on  arriving, 
with  Mme.  de  Saint-Simon.  The  season  was  such  that  we 
had  but  two  guests  ;  I  left  her  in  her  cabinet,  and  went  to 
my  own  room. 

At  the  end  of  an  hour,  at  the  most,  I  heard  cries  and  a 
sudden  confusion.  I  left  my  room,  and  met  Mme.  de  Saint- 
Simon,  bringing  to  me  in  much  alarm  a  groom  of  my 
son,  the  Marquis  de  Euffec,  who  had  sent  him  to  tell  me 
that  the  Due  d'Orleans  was  seized  with  apoplexy.     I  was 

374  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

keenly  shocked,  but  not  surprised ;  I  had  expected  it,  as  I 
have  shown,  for  a  long  time.  I  fretted  for  my  carriage, 
which  kept  me  waiting  on  account  of  the  distance  of  the 
new  chateau  from  the  stables.  When  it  came,  I  flung  my- 
self into  it  and  started  as  fast  as  I  could  go.  At  the  gate  of 
the  park  another  courier  from  the  Marquis  de  Euffec  stopped 
me  and  told  me  that  all  was  over.  I  stayed  there  more  than 
half  an  hour,  absorbed  in  grief  and  in  my  reflections.  After 
a  while  I  decided  to  go  on  to  Versailles,  where  I  shut  myself 
up  at  once  in  my  apartments.  Xangis  had  succeeded  me 
with  the  Due  d'Orl^ans ;  he  was  soon  dismissed  and  was 
followed  by  Mme.  Falari,  a  pretty  adventuress  who  had  mar- 
ried an  adventurer,  a  brother  of  the  Duchesse  de  Bethune. 
She  was  one  of  the  mistresses  of  this  unhappy  prince.  His 
bag  was  all  prepared  to  go  and  work  with  the  king,  and  he 
had  been  talking  nearly  an  hour  with  Mme.  Falari  while 
awaiting  the  time  to  go.  She  was  very  near  him,  each  sit- 
ting beside  the  other  in  their  armchairs,  when  he  fell  over, 
sideways,  upon  her,  and  from  that  moment  showed  not  a 
ray  of  consciousness,  nor  the  shghtest  appearance  of  life. 

La  Falari,  terrified  to  the  extent  we  can  imagiQe,  screamed 
for  help  with  all  her  strength  and  redoubled  her  cries.  Find- 
ing that  no  one  answered,  she  rested  the  poor  prince  as  best 
she  could  upon  the  two  contiguous  arms  of  the  two  chairs, 
and  ran  into  the  grand  cabinet,  into  the  chamber,  into  the 
antechambers,  finding  no  one,  and  finally  into  the  courtyard 
and  the  lower  gallery.  It  was  so  near  the  prince's  hour  for 
working  with  the  king  that  the  servants  were  sure  no  one 
would  visit  him,  and  he  himself  had  only  to  go  up  his  own 
little  staircase  which  opened  into  the  king's  last  antechamber, 
where  he  always  found  a  serv^ant  in  waiting  to  take  his  bag. 
At  last  La  Falari  found  persons,  but  no  help,  for  which  she 
despatched  the  first  of  them  who  came  to  hand.     Chance,  or 


to  speak  more  properly,  Providence  had  arranged  this  fatal 
event  at  an  hour  when  every  one  had  gone  about  his  busi- 
ness or  was  paying  visits,  so  that  a  good  half-hour  went  by 
before  either  a  physician  or  a  surgeon  came,  and  nearly  as 
much  before  the  servants  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans  could  be 

As  soon  as  the  Faculty  looked  at  him  they  saw  there  was 
no  hope.  He  was  hastily  laid  on  the  floor  and  bled ;  but  he 
gave  not  the  slightest  sign  of  life,  do  what  they  would. 
The  moment  the  news  was  given,  everybody,  of  all  species, 
flocked  in ;  the  great  and  the  small  cabinet  were  crammed 
with  people.  In  less  than  two  hours  all  was  over,  and,  Httle 
by  little,  the  solitude  was  as  great  as  the  crowd  had  been. 
As  soon  as  help  arrived  La  Falari  fled,  and  went  to  Paris  as 
fast  as  she  could. 

La  Vrillifere  was  the  first  to  be  informed  of  the  seizure. 
He  instantly  rushed  to  teU  the  king  and  the  Bishop  of  Pr^- 
jus ;  next,  M.  le  Due,  —  like  a  true  courtier  who  knows  that 
every  moment  is  precious.  Believing  that  the  latter  would 
surely  be  prime  minister,  he  then  hurried  home  and  wrote 
out,  on  the  chance  of  it,  the  letters-patent,  which  he  copied 
from  those  of  the  Due  d'Orl^ans.  Notified  of  the  death  the 
moment  it  occurred,  he  sent  word  of  it  to  M.  le  Due,  and 
went  back  to  the  king's  apartments,  where  imminent  danger 
had  already  collected  the  most  important  persons  belonging 
to  the  Court. 

Prdjus,  at  the  first  news  of  the  apoplexy,  had  settled 
the  affair  of  M.  le  Due  with  the  king,  whom  he  had,  no 
M.ieDucismade  ^oubt,  prepared  in  advance  (prompted  by  the 
prime  minister.  state,  SO  visiblc,  of  the  Duc  d'Orldaus,  espe- 
cially after  what  I  had  said  to  him),  for  when  M.  le  Duc 
went  to  the  king  at  the  moment  that  the  death  was  an- 
nounced, the  most  distinguished  persons  who  were  gathered 

376  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMOX.     [chap.  xii. 

about  the  door  of  the  cabinet  were  shown  into  the  room  at 
the  same  time,  and  then,  the  doors  being  closed,  Fr^jus  said 
aloud  to  the  king,  who  was  seen  to  be  very  sad,  with  his 
eyes  red  and  tearful,  that  under  the  great  loss  he  had  just 
met  with  in  the  Due  d'Orldans  (to  whose  praise  Fr^jus 
gave  scarcely  two  words),  he  could  not  do  better  than  ask 
M.  le  Due  to  be  so  good  as  to  take  the  whole  burden  of 
affairs  upon  Mm  and  accept  the  office  of  prime  mmister. 
The  kmg,  without  saying  a  word,  looked  at  Frejus  and 
consented  with  a  nod  of  his  head;  whereupon  M.  le  Due 
instantly  offered  Ms  thanks.  La  Vrillifere,  transported  with 
joy  at  his  owti  prompt  action,  had  the  oath  of  the  prime 
minister,  copied  from  that  of  the  Due  d'Orldans,  all  ready  in 
his  pocket,  and  he  proposed  aloud  to  Frejus  that  M.  le  Due 
should  take  it  on  the  spot.  Frejus  told  the  king  it  was  the 
proper  thing  to  do,  and  M.  le  Due  took  it  immediately. 
Soon  after,  M.  le  Due  went  away ;  all  who  were  in  the  cabi- 
net followed  him  ;  the  crowd  in  the  adjoining  rooms  swelled 
his  train,  and  presently  there  was  but  one  thing  spoken  of, 
namely,  M.  le  Due  in  his  new  office. 

The  Due  de  Chartres,  a  clumsy  rake,  was  in  Paris  with  an 

opera   girl,  whom   he  was   keeping.     There   it   was  that   a 

courier  found  him  with  the  news  of  his  father's 

Gross  blunder  of 

the  Due  de  scizurc  ;  on  Ms  way  to  Versailles  a  second  met 

Mm  and  told  him  of  the  death.  He  found  no 
crowd  when  he  got  out  of  his  carriage  at  Versailles,  only  the 
Dues  de  Noailles  and  de  Gruiche,  who  offered  Mm,  very 
civilly,  their  services  and  all  that  could  possibly  depend 
upon  them.  He  received  them  as  importunate  persons  of 
whom  he  was  in  haste  to  be  rid,  and  going  up  to  his  mother 
the  Duchesse  d'Orldans'  apartment,  he  told  her  he  had  met 
two  men  who  wanted  to  inveigle  him  finely,  but  he  knew 
better  than  to  fall  into  that  trap  and  had  soon  got  rid  of 

1723]  MEMOIKS   OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  377 

them.  This  grand  stroke  of  judgment,  intelligence,  and 
policy  promised  all  that  the  prince  has  since  then  proved 
himself  to  be.  They  had  great  difficulty  in  making  him 
understand  that  he  had  committed  a  gross  blunder,  and, 
even  so,  he  continued  to  do  the  same  sort  of  thing. 

As  for  myself,  after  passing  a  cruel  night,  I  went  to  the 
king's  lever,  —  not  to  show  myself,  but  to  say  a  word  more 
securely  and  promptly  to  M.  le  Due,  with  whom  I  had  been 
in  constant  intercourse  since  the  lit  de  justice  at  the  Tui- 
leries.  He  always  stood  at  these  levers  in  the  recess  of  the 
middle  window,  and  as  he  was  very  tall  he  could  easily  be 
seen  from  behind  the  thick  hedge  that  surrounded  the  room. 
On  this  occasion  it  was  immense.  I  signed  to  M.  le  Due  to 
come  and  speak  to  me.  He  instantly  pushed  through  the 
crowd  and  came  to  me.  I  led  him  to  the  recess  of  the  win- 
dow nearest  the  cabinet,  and  told  him  that  in  the  bag  which 
the  Due  d'Orldans  had  prepared  to  go  and  work  with  the 
king  was  something  which  it  was  necessary  I  should  speak 
about  immediately  to  whoever  succeeded  him ;  that  I  was 
not  in  a  condition  to  bear  seeing  people,  and  I  begged  him  to 
send  me  word,  as  soon  as  he  had  a  free  moment,  that  I  might 
go  to  him,  and  also  that  he  would  let  me  enter  by  the  small 
door  of  his  cabinet,  which  opened  on  the  gallery,  to  spare  me 
the  crowd  which  would  fill  his  apartments.  He  promised 
this  in  the  course  of  the  day,  most  graciously,  adding  ex- 
cuses about  the  confusions  of  the  first  day  of  his  new  posi- 
tion, which  did  not  enable  him  to  fix  a  certain  hour  or  one 
that  was  sure  to  suit  me. 

From  there  I  went  to  the  Duchesse  Sforza  and  told  her 

that  in  this  great  misfortune  I  felt  obliged,  from  respect  and 

attachment  to  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  to  mingle 

I  go  to  see  the  '  o 

Duchesse  j^y  sorrow  witli  that  of  all  who  were  nearest 

d'Orleans.  .  .      - 

to  him,  and  that  it  seemed  to  me  indecent  to 

378  MEMOIKS   OF  THE   DUG   DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

omit  the  Duchesse  d'Orl^ans.  She,  Mme.  Sforza,  knew  the 
position  I  was  iu  with  the  princess,  which  I  had  no  desire  to 
change,  but  on  so  sad  an  occasion  it  seemed  to  me  that  1 
oucrht  to  render  to  the  widow  of  the  Due  d'Orleans  the 
respect  of  calhug  upon  her,  and  I  asked  Mme.  Sforza  to 
ascertain  whether  she  would  receive  me  or  not ;  saying  that 
I  should  be  equally  content  with  a  yes  or  a  no ;  feehng  that 
I  had  done  what  I  thought  I  ought  to  do  in  this  respect. 
She  assured  me  that  the  Duchesse  d'Orldaus  would  be  glad 
to  see  me  and  would  receive  me  well.  As  her  lodging  was 
close  to  that  of  the  duchess  I  waited  her  return.  She 
brought  me  word  that  the  Duchesse  d'Orldans  would  be 
pleased  to  see  me,  and  would  receive  me  in  a  manner  to 
satisfy  me.     I  therefore  went  immediately. 

I  found  her  in  bed,  a  few  of  her  ladies,  her  principal 
officers,  and  the  Due  de  Chartres  in  the  room,  with  all  the 
decency  and  propriety  that  could  supply  the  place  of  grief. 
As  soon  as  I  approached  she  spoke  of  our  common  sorrow, 
but  not  a  word  of  what  had  passed  between  her  and  me ; 
in  fact,  I  had  so  stipulated.  The  Due  de  Chartres  went 
away,  and  I  shortened  the  languishing  conversation  as  much 
as  I  could.  From  there  I  went  to  the  Due  de  Chartres,  who 
lodged  in  the  apartment  formerly  occupied  by  his  father 
before  he  was  regent.  I  was  told  he  was  locked  in.  I 
returned  three  times  in  the  course  of  the  morning.  The 
last  time,  his  valet  de  chanibre  was  ashamed,  and  went  to  call 
him.  He  came  to  the  threshold  of  the  door  of  his  cabinet, 
where  he  was  sitting  with  companions  indescribably  com- 
mon. I  saw  a  man  full  of  his  new  position,  bristling  with 
it,  not  afflicted,  but  so  embarrassed  as  scarcely  to  know 
where  he  was.  I  made  him  the  strongest,  clearest,  most 
energetic  compliment  that  I  could,  in  a  loud  voice.  He  took 
me  apparently  for  some  henchman  of  the  Dues  de  Guiche 

1723]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  379 

and  de  Noailles,  for  he  did  not  do  me  the  honour  to  answer 
a  word.  I  waited  some  moments,  and  seeing  that  he  did 
not  intend  to  issue,  from  that  ghost-like  state,  I  made  my 
bow  and  retired,  without  his  taking  a  single  step  to  accom- 
pany me,  as  he  was  bound  to  do,  the  length  of  his  apartment ; 
after  which  he  intrenched  himself  again  in  his  cabinet.  It  is 
true  that  as  I  retired  I  cast  my  eyes  right  and  left  upon  the 
company,  who  seemed  to  me  much  surprised.  I  then  went 
back  to  my  own  rooms,  sick  of  running  about  the  chateau. 

As  I  left  the  dinner-table  a  valet  de  chamhre  of  M.  le  Due 

came  to  tell  me  that  he  awaited  me,  and  took  me  through 

the  little  door  direct  to  his  cabinet.     He  met 


between  me  and  me  at  the  door,  closcd  it,  drew  an  arm-chair 
for  me,  and  one  for  himself.  I  informed  him 
about  the  matter  I  had  spoken  of  in  the  morning,  and  after 
discussing  it  we  began  to  talk  of  the  event  of  the  day.  He 
told  me  that  on  leavmg  the  king  he  had  gone  to  the  Due 
de  Chartres,  to  whom,  after  the  compliments  of  condolence, 
he  had  offered  all  that  depended  upon  him  to  win  his  friend- 
ship and  testify  his  true  attachment  to  the  memory  of  the 
Due  d'OrMans  ;  after  that,  as  the  Due  de  Chartres  continued 
silent,  he  had  redoubled  the  protestations  of  his  desire  to 
serve  him  in  all  things ;  on  which  he  received  a  curt  mono- 
syllable of  thanks,  given  with  a  forbidding  air  which  induced 
M.  le  Due  to  withdraw.  I  told  him  what  had  happened  to 
me  in  the  morning  with  the  same  prince,  about  whom  we 
made  our  complaints  to  each  other.  M.  le  Due  was  very 
friendly  and  polite,  and  asked  me,  or  rather  urged  me  to 
come  and  see  him  quite  often.  I  replied  that,  busy  as  I 
knew  he  would  be  with  public  matters  and  social  affairs, 
I  should  feel  a  scruple  in  troubling  him  and  those  who  had 
business  with  him  ;  I  should  therefore  only  present  myself 
when   I    had  something  to  say  to  him ;   and  as  I  was  not 

380  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

accustomed  to  attendance  in  antechambers,  I  begged  him 
to  order  his  servants  to  let  him  know  when  I  came  and  to 
admit  me  to  his  cabinet  as  soon  as  he  conveniently  could. 
Many  compliments,  much  friendliness,  and  urgent  invitations, 
etc. ;  the  interview  lasted  nearly  three  quarters  of  an  hour, 
after  which  I  fled  away  to  Meudon. 

Mme.  de  Saint-Simon  went  the  next  day  to  Versailles  to 

pay   her   court  to  the  king   on  this  event,  and  to  see  the 

Duchesse  d'Orleans  and  her  son.     M.  de  Fr^ius 

Mme.  de  Samt- 

simongoesto  paid  a  visit  to  Mme.  de  Saint- Simon  as  soon 
her  court  to°th?'  as  he  heard  slie  was  at  Versailles,  where  she 
'^s-  ciitj   not   sleep.     Through   all   the   fine   things 

that  he  said  to  her  of  me,  and  about  me,  she  thought  she 
was  made  to  understand  that  he  w^ould  rather  have  me 
Intimations  given  ^^  ^^ris  than  at  Versailles.  La  A'riUifere  also 
*°  he*"-  went  to   see   her   for  the   same   purpose ;   he 

was  more  afraid  of  me  than  even  Fr^jus,  but  concealed  his 
meaning  less  because  he  had  less  craftiness,  and  he  scandal- 
ized Mme.  de  Saint-Simon  the  more  because  of  his  ingrat- 
itude for  all  that  I  had  done  for  him.  The  fellow  thought 
that  he  had  so  ingratiated  himself  with  M.  le  Due  by  his 
haste  in  serving  him  and  in  swearing  him  in  that  he  should 
get  the  duchy  that  he  longed  for  without  difficulty.  When 
he  had  talked  to  me  about  it  ia  the  Due  d'Orleans'  time,  the 
vagueness  of  my  replies  did  not  put  him  at  his  ease  in 
regard  to  me.  He  wanted  to  throw  powder  in  the  eyes  of 
M.  le  Due  and  deceive  him  with  false  precedents,  and  feared 
I  would  expose  them. 

I  did  not  need  as  much  as  this  to  confirm  me  in  the 
course  I  had  previously  resolved  to  take,  as  soon  as  I  became 
I  am  confirmed  in  awarc  of  the  threatening  condition  of  the  Due 
the  resolution,        d'Orli^ans.     I  weut  to  Paris,  fully  resolved  not 

long  taken,  to  •' 

retire  to  Paris.       to   appear  before   these   new   masters  of  the 

1723]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  381 

kingdom,  except  from  rare  necessity  or  for  indispensable 
decorum;  and  then  only  for  brief  moments,  with  the  dig- 
nity of  a  man  of  my  sort  and  that  of  the  position  I  had  per- 
sonally held.  Happily  for  me,  I  had  never  at  any  time  lost 
sight  of  this  total  change  in  my  position ;  and,  to  tell  the 
truth,  the  loss  of  Mgr.  le  Due  de  Bourgogne,  and  all  that  I 
had  hoped  for  in  his  government,  had  blunted  my  feelings 
to  any  other  loss  of  the  same  nature.  I  had  seen  that  dear 
prince  taken  from  me  at  the  same  age  my  father  was  when 
he  lost  Louis  XIII. ;  that  is,  my  father  was  thirty-six  and 
the  king  forty-one ;  I  was  thirty -seven  when  the  prince,  not 
quite  thirty  and  about  to  ascend  the  throne  and  bring  back 
justice,  order,  and  truth  into  the  world,  was  taken  from  me  ; 
and  now,  after  him,  I  had  lost  a  master  of  the  kingdom, 
framed  to  live  a  century,  who  was  six  months  older  than  I, 
and  such  as  I  have  shown  we  had  always  been,  he  and  I,  to 
one  another.  All  these  things  had  prepared  me  to  survive 
myself,  and  I  had  tried  to  profit  by  the  teaching. 

The  death  of  the  Due  d'Orldans  made  much  noise  both 

within  and  without  the  kingdom,  but  foreign  countries  did 

him  incomparably  more  justice  and  regretted 

^  ^,u  T?K°  A  ^     him  far  more  than  Frenchmen.      Though  for- 

death  of  the  Due  O 

d'Orie'ans  on         eigucrs  kncw  his  weakness,  of  which  England 

foreign  countries. 

had  taken  singular  advantage,  they  were  none 
the  less  convinced,  by  their  own  experience,  of  the  breadth 
and  accuracy  of  his  mind,  the  grandeur  of  his  genius  and  his 
ideas,  the  singular  penetration,  wisdom,  and  shrewdness  of 
his  policy,  the  fertility  of  his  expedients  and  of  his  resources, 
the  dexteritv  of  his  conduct  under  changes  of  events  and 
circumstances,  his  clearness  in  perceiving  aims  and  combin- 
ing means,  his  superiority  over  his  ministers  and  those  whom 
other  powers  sent  to  him,  his  exquisite  discernment  in  un- 
ravelling and  interpreting  affairs,  his  easy  knowledge  of  how 

382  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap,  xil 

to  answer  instantly  on  all  things,  when  he  chose.  Such 
grand,  such  rare  gifts  for  governing  made  them  fear  him  and 
treat  him  prudently  ;  but  the  gracious  manner  he  gave  to 
all  things,  which  charmed  in  the  midst  of  opposition,  made 
him  seem  to  them  always  amiable.  They  respected,  more- 
over, his  grand  and  naive  valour.  The  short  period  of  the 
spell  by  which  that  wretched  Dubois  had,  as  it  were,  ex- 
tinguished this  prince,  had  only  served  to  raise  him  in  their 
eyes  by  comparison  of  his  conduct  when  it  was  truly  his 
own,  with  his  apparent  conduct,  which  only  bore  his  name 
and  was  really  that  of  his  minister.  They  saw  that  minister 
die  and  the  prince  take  back  the  helm  with  the  same  talents 
they  had  formerly  admired ;  moreover,  his  weakness,  which 
was  indeed  his  great  defect,  was  felt  much  less  outside  the 
kingdom  than  within  it. 

The  king,  touched  by  his  unalterable  respect,  his  attention 
to  please  him,  his  manner  of  speaking  to  him,  his  way  of 
working  with  him,  mourned  him,  and  was 
truly  grieved  at  his  loss  ;  so  much  so  that  he 
never  spoke  of  him  afterwards,  and  he  did  so  often,  without 
affection,  esteem,  and  regret ;  so  surely  does  truth  make  itself 
known,  in  spite  of  craft,  and  all  the  industry  of  lies  and 
wicked  calumny,  as  I  shall  have  occasion  to  show  in  the 
additions  that  I  propose  to  make  to  these  Memoirs,  should 
God  give  me  time  to  do  so. 

M.  le  Due,  who  mounted  so  high  on  this  death,  showed 
an  honourable  and  a  becoming  countenance  about  it.  Mme. 
la  Duchesse  restrained  herself  very  properly.  The  bas- 
tards, who  gained  nothing  by  the  change,  could  scarcely 
rejoice.  Fr^jus  kept  on  all  fours ;  one  could  see  him  sweat- 
ing under  the  constraint,  but  his  mute  hopes  escaped  at 
every  moment,  —  his  whole  countenance  sparkled  in  spite 
of  himself. 

1723]  MEMOIRS   OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  383 

The  Court  was  little  divided,  because  the  sense  of  Courts  is 
corrupted  by  passions.  There  were  some  men  with  sound 
eyes  who  saw  him  as  foreigners  did ;  and  they, 
being  also  continual  witnesses  of  the  charm  of 
his  mind,  the  facility  of  their  access  to  him,  his  patience,  his 
gentleness  in  listening,  which  never  varied,  his  kindness, 
which  came  to  him  so  naturally  (though  sometimes  it  might 
be  only  a  mask),  the  pleasant  wit  with  which  he  could 
evade  or  reject  without  ever  wounding,  —  these  men  felt  the 
whole  weight  of  his  loss.  Others,  in  greater  number,  felt 
sorry  also,  but  less  in  regret  for  him  than  from  knowledge  of 
the  character  of  his  successor  and  of  those  wlio  surrounded 
him.  But  the  bulk  of  the  Court  regretted  him  not  at  all ; 
some  because  they  belonged  to  opposing  cabals,  others  from 
indignation  at  the  indecency  of  his  Hfe,  or  at  the  game  he 
had  played  of  promismg  and  not  performing ;  others,  again, 
who  were  pure  malcontents,  with  little  ground  to  be  so,  a 
crowd  of  ungrateful  beings,  of  whom  the  world  is  full  and 
who  in  Courts  make  up  the  greater  number,  with  those  who 
fancy  they  have  more  to  hope  from  a  successor,  and,  lastly, 
the  mass  of  idlers,  stupidly  eager  after  novelty. 

In  the  Church  the  saints  and  the  pious  people  rejoiced  at 

their  dehverance  from  the  scandal  of  his  life  and  the  force  of 

his  example  to  libertines ;  while  the  Jansenists 

On  the  Church,  ^ 

Paris,  and  the  and  the  buUists,  either  from  ambition  or  fool- 
provinces.  ishucss,  agreed  for  once  in  being  all  consoled. 

Paris  and  the  provinces,  that  is,  the  body  of  the  people,  des- 
perate at  the  cruel  operation  of  the  finances  and  the  per- 
petual juggling  to  draw  money  out  of  them,  which  made  all 
fortunes  uncertain  and  ruined  families,  —  incensed,  moreover, 
by  the  monstrous  dearness  of  everything,  whether  luxuries 
or  the  commonest  necessaries,  produced  by  these  very  opera- 
tions, —  had  long  groaned  heavily  for  relief  and  dehverance. 

384  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

Who  is  there  that  does  not  desire  to  count  on  something 


certain  ?  Who  does  not  dread  the  schemes  of  financial 
legerdemain  lest  he  fall,  in  spite  of  all  precautions,  a  prey  to 
unavoidable  snares,  until  his  patrimony  or  his  fortune  slips 
through  his  fingers,  and  he  finds  himself  without  protection 
in  his  rights  or  in  the  laws,  not  knowing  how  to  live  and 
maintain  his  family? 

A  situation  so  harsh  and  so  general,  emanating  necessarily 
from  so  many  contradictory  phases  given  successively  to  the 
finances  under  the  false  idea  of  repairing  the 
chaos  and  ruin  in  which  they  were  found  on 
the  death  of  Louis  XIV.,  did  not  allow  the  public  to  regret 
the  man  whom  it  considered  to  be  its  author.  This  was  just 
what  I  foresaw  would  happen  in  the  arrangement  or  rather 
the  derangement  of  the  finances,  the  onus  of  which  I 
earnestly  desired  to  take  from  the  Due  d'Orleans  by  the 
assembling  of  the  States-general  which  I  proposed  to  him, 
and  to  which  he  agreed  until  the  Due  de  Noailles,  for  his 
own  selfish  interests,  prevented  it,  as  I  have  said  elsewhere, 
on  the  death  of  the  king.  Little  by  little  as  the  years  have 
rolled  on,  the  scales  have  fallen  from  many  eyes,  the  Due 
d'Orleans  is  regretted  with  keen  regret,  and  that  justice  is 
now  rendered  to  him  which  was  always  his  due. 

The  day  after  the  death  of  the  Due  d'Orleans  the  Comte 
de  Toulouse  declared  his  marriage  with  the  sister  of  the 
Due  de  Noailles,  widow  of  the  Marquis  de  Gondrin,  eldest 
son  of  the  Due  d'Antin.  She  was  formerly  lady  of  the 
palace  to  the  late  dauphine.  Society,  which  abounds  in 
fools  and  jealous  souls,  did  not  see  her  assume  the  rank  of 
her  new  position  without  some  envious  mutterings.  I  had 
no  reason,  as  I  have  shown  elsewhere,  to  like  the  Due  de 
iSToailles,  and  I  had  never  restrained  myself  towards  him, 
but  truth  compels  me  to  say  that  the  birth  of  a  Noailles 

1723]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG  DE   SAINT-SIMON.  385 

is  such  that  there  could  have  been  no  cause  for  gamsaying 
if  one  of  them  had  wedded  a  prince  of  the  blood. 

I  have  now  reached  the  period  at  which  I  have  all  along 
mtended  to  close  these  Memoirs.^  There  can  be  no  good 
Conclusion :  mcmoirs  uulcss  they  are  perfectly  true,  and 

restraint  im-  ^^  ^^'^^^  °^^®®  uulcss  Written  by  One  who  has 
partiality.  either  seen  and  managed  himself  the  thmgs 

of  which  he  writes,  or  who  gathers  them  from  persons 
worthy  of  the  utmost  confidence  who  have  themselves  seen 
and  managed  them ;  moreover,  he  who  writes  must  love 
the  truth  to  the  point  of  sacrificing  all  things  to  it.  On  this 
last  point  I  shall  venture  to  give  testimony  to  myself,  con- 
vinced that  none  of  all  those  who  have  known  me  will  deny 
it.  This  love  of  the  truth  has  even  been  an  injury  to  my 
career.  I  have  often  felt  this,  but  I  have  preferred  truth 
to  all  thiags  else,  and  I  have  never  bent  myself  to  any 
concealment ;  I  can  honestly  say  that  I  have  cherished 
truth  against  my  own  interests.  Any  one  can  easily  see 
the  traps  and  deceptions,  sometimes  very  coarse  ones,  into 
which  I  fell,  seduced  by  friendship  or  by  love  of  the  State, 
which  I  have  never  ceased  to  prefer  to  all  other  considera- 
tions without  reserve,  and  always  to  any  personal  interest ; 
in  fact,  I  have  refrained  from  writing  of  many  occasions 
because  they  concerned  myself  chiefly  and  were  without 
enhghtenment  or  interest  as  to  public  affairs,  or  the  course 
of  events.  It  has  been  seen  that  I  persevered  in  obtaining 
the  finances  for  the  Due  de  Noailles  because  I  believed  him, 

^  Saint-Simon  alludes  in  several  places  to  a  continuation  of  his 
Memoirs.  Can  it  be  that  he  really  wrote  tlieir  sequel  clown  to  the  year 
1743,  the  period  of  Fleury's  death  ?  The  doubt  can  only  be  cleared  up 
by  obtaining  permission  to  study  the  papers  of  the  duke  which  are  pre- 
served at  the  ministry  of  Foreign  Affairs.  We  have  tried  in  vain  to  do 
this,  and  can  only  recommend  the  search  to  others  who  may  be  more 
fortunate  than  ourselves.     (Note  by  the  French  editor.) 

TOL.  IV.  —  25 

386  MEMOIES  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

very  improperly,  the  most  capable,  richest,  and  best-provided 
seioneur  among  all  those  from  whom  we  had  to  choose,  and 
this  at  the  very  time  when  his  great  rascahty  to  me  first 
came  to  my  knowledge.  Also  the  Memoirs  show  all  that 
I  did  to  save  the  Due  du  Maine  against  my  dearest  and 
most  vital  interests,  because  I  thought  it  dangerous  to  at- 
tack both  him  and  the  parliament  at  the  same  time,  when 
the  parhament  affair  was  the  most  pressing  and  could  not 
be  deferred.  I  content  myself  with  those  two  facts,  without 
dwelling  on  many  others  which  are  scattered  along  these 
Memoirs  as  they  happened  in  the  course  of  events,  or  were 
connected  with  the  affairs  of  the  Court  and  society. 

It  remains  to  say  something  on  the  matter  of  impartiality; 
that  inherent  point,  held  to  be  so  difficult,  I  do  not  fear  to 
say  so  impossible  to  him  who  writes  and  who  has  seen  and 
handled  that  of  which  he  writes ;  for  such  a  man  is  charmed 
with  those  who  are  true  and  upright ;  he  is  irritated  against 
the  scoundrels  who  swarm  in  Courts.  The  stoic  is  a  noble, 
grand  chimera.  I  do  not,  therefore,  pique  myself  on  my 
impartiality ;  I  should  do  so  vainly ;  it  will  too  plamly  be 
seen  in  these  Memoirs  that  praise  and  blame  flow  out 
spontaneously  as  I  myself  am  affected  towards  others ;  that 
both  are  lukewarm  about  persons  who  are  indifferent  to 
me,  but  always  warm  for  virtue  and  against  dishonourable 
persons  accordmg  to  their  degree  of  vice  or  virtue.  ISTever- 
theless,  I  may  give  myself  this  further  testimony  —  and  I 
flatter  myself  that  the  tissue  of  these  Memoirs  will  not 
disprove  it:  I  have  been  infinitely  on  my  guard  against 
my  affections  and  my  aversions,  especially  against  the 
latter,  endeavouring  not  to  speak  of  either  without  scales 
in  hand,  not  merely  that  I  might  not  exaggerate  but  even 
overestimate  anythmg;  I  have  tried  to  forget  myself,  to 
beware  of  myself  as  of  an  enemy;  to  do  exact  justice,  and 


to  make  pure  truth  stand  high  over  all.  It  is  in  this  man- 
ner that  I  claim  to  have  been  entirely  impartial,  and  I 
beheve  that  there  is  no  other  way  of  being  so. 

As  for  the  truth  and  accuracy  of  what  I  have  related,  it 
will  be  seen  by  the  Memoirs  themselves  that  nearly  all  is 
drawn  from  what  has  passed  through  my  own  hands,  and  the 
rest  from  what  I  knew  from  others  who  had  acted  in  the 
matters  I  relate.  I  name  those  persons,  and  their  names,  as 
well  as  my  intimate  relations  with  them,  are  beyond  sus- 
picion. What  I  have  learned  from  less  sure  sources  I 
point  out ;  where  I  was  ignorant  I  have  not  been  ashamed 
to  avow  it.  In  this  way,  these  Memoirs  are  from  the  foun- 
tain-head and  at  first  hand.  Their  truth,  their  authenticity 
cannot  be  called  in  question ;  and  I  believe  I  may  say  that 
until  now  there  have  been  no  others  which  have  comprised 
more  varied,  more  discriminated,  and  more  detailed  topics, 
nor  any  that  form  a  more  instructive  and  curious  group. 

As  I  shall  know  nothing  of  it,  little  will  it  matter  to  me, 
but  if  these  Memoirs  ever  see  the  light  I  do  not  doubt 
they  will  excite  a  prodigious  rebellion.  Every  one  is  attached 
to  his  own,  to  his  family,  his  interests,  his  pretensions,  his 
chimeras,  not  one  of  which  will  submit  to  the  shghtest 
contradiction.  People  are  friends  of  Truth  only  so  far  as  she 
favours  them,  and  she  is  apt  not  to  favour  them  in  all 
things.  Those  of  whom  we  say  good  are  not  obliged  to  us, 
because  truth  required  it.  Those,  and  they  are  far  the  greater 
number,  of  whom  we  say  the  reverse,  are  furious  because 
this  harm  is  proved  by  facts ;  and  as  in  the  period  of  which 
I  have  written,  especially  towards  its  close,  all  things 
tended  to  decadence,  confusion,  chaos  (which  has  since 
grown  worse),  and  these  Memoirs  stand  for  order,  law,  truth, 
fixed  principles,  and  strive  to  show  plainly  what  was  contrary 
to  them,  the  convulsion  against  this  mirror  of  truth  will  be 

388  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG   DE   SAINT-SIilON.     [chap.  xii. 

general  But  they  are  not  written  for  those  hanes  of  the 
State  who  poison  it,  who  are  bringing  it  to  perdition  by  their 
madness,  their  selfishness;  they  are  written  for  those  who 
wish  to  be  enlightened  in  order  to  prevent  that  perdition, 
but  who,  unfortunately,  are  carefully  set  aside  by  men  in 
power  and  influence,  who  fear  nothing  so  much  as  the  light ; 
they  are  written  for  men  who  are  not  susceptible  of  any 
interests  but  those  of  justice,  truth,  reason,  law,  and  sound 
policy,  aiming  solely  for  the  public  good. 

I  have  an  observation  to  make  on  the  conversations  I  have 
had  with  many  persons,  especially  with  the  Due  de  Bour- 
gogne,  the  Due  d'Orl^ans,  M.  de  Beauvilliers,  the  ministers, 
the  Due  du  Maine  once,  three  or  four  times  with  the  late 
king,  and  finally  with  M.  le  Due  and  other  considerable 
persons,  and  the  opinions  I  have  formed,  given,  and  argued. 
They  are  such,  and  in  such  number,  that  I  can  well  believe 
that  a  reader  who  has  never  known  me  will  be  tempted  to 
class  them  with  those  fictitious  speeches  which  historians 
often  put  into  the  mouths  of  generals,  ambassadors,  senators, 
or  conspirators,  to  adom  their  pages.  But  I  can  protest,  with 
the  same  truth  that  has  so  far  led  my  pen,  that  there  is  not 
a  single  conversation  or  discourse  of  all  those  that  I  have 
held  and  reported  which  is  not  related  in  these  Memoirs 
with  the  most  scrupulous  fidehty  to  truth.  If  there  be 
anything  in  this  respect  with  which  I  can  reproach  myself, 
it  is  that  I  have  weakened  rather  than  strengthened  my 
own  remarks ;  for  memory  sometimes  drops  the  point,  and 
we  speak  more  vividly  and  with  greater  force  when  animated 
by  scenes  and  persons  than  we  can  render  in  a  report.  I 
will  add,  with  the  same  confidence  I  have  sho^vn  above,  that 
no  one  of  aU  those  who  have  known  me  and  lived  with  me, 
would  conceive  the  least  suspicion  as  to  the  fidelity  of  the 
recital  I  give  of  those  conversations,  vehement  as  they  may 

1723]  MEMOIRS  OF  THE   DUG   DE   SAINT-SIMON.  389 

seem ;  there  is  not  a  person  among  them  all  who  would  not 
recognize  me  word  by  word. 

One  defect,  among  others,  has  always  displeased  me  in 
memoirs  ;  and  that  is  that  when  the  reader  has  finished  them 
he  loses  sight  of  the  principal  personages  and  the  interest  he 
feels  in  the  rest  of  their  lives  remains  vmsatisfied.  He  wants 
to  know  immediately  what  became  of  them,  without  seeking 
elsewhere  for  knowledge  which  his  laziness  will  not  take  the 
trouble  to  get.  This  is  something  that  I  would  like  to 
prevent  if  God  will  give  me  time ;  though  I  cannot  do  it 
with  the  same  accuracy  as  when  I  was  a  part  of  everything. 
In  later  years,  it  is  true.  Cardinal  Fleury  never  hid  from  me 
anything  that  I  wished  to  know  about  foreign  affairs  (being 
himself  almost  always  the  first  to  speak  of  them),  or  about 
certain  affairs  of  the  Court ;  still,  all  this  was  so  little  fol- 
lowed up  on  my  part  and  even  then  with  such  great  indiffer- 
ence, and  with  great  gaps  occurring  in  my  knowledge,  that 
I  have  every  reason  to  fear  this  supplement,  or  sequel  to  my 
Memoirs  may  be  very  languid,  badly  elucidated,  and  wholly 
different  from  all  that  I  have  hitherto  written.  But  at  any 
rate,  the  reader  will  see  what  becomes  of  the  personages 
who  have  appeared  in  these  Memoirs  down  to  the  death 
of  Cardinal  Fleury,  which  is  all  that  I  propose  to  myself 
to  do. 

Shall  I  say  a  word  about  my  style,  its  negligence,  the 
repetition  of  the  same  words  close  together,  the  synonyms 
often  too  profuse,  above  all  the  obscurity  arising  from  the 
length  of  sentences  and  perhaps  their  repetition  ?  I  have 
felt  these  defects ;  I  could  not  avoid  them,  carried  away  as  I 
was  by  the  subject  and  little  attentive  to  the  manner  of 
conveying  it,  except  that  I  might  make  it  understood.  I 
was  never  academical;  I  never  could  prevent  myself  from 
writing  rapidly.     To  make  my  style  more  correct  and  more 

390  MEMOIRS  OF  THE  DUG  DE  SAINT-SIMON,     [chap.  xii. 

agreeable  by  correcting  it  would,  have  been  to  recast  the 
whole  work,  and  toil  like  that  was  beyond  my  strength  and  ran 
the  risk  of  failure.  To  properly  correct  what  one  has  written 
requires  the  knowledge  of  how  to  write ;  it  will  readily  be 
seen  here  that  I  have  nothing  to  boast  of  in  that  respect.  I 
have  thought  only  of  truth  and  accuracy,  I  dare  to  say  that 
both  will  be  found  in  my  Memoir's ;  that  they  are,  in  fact,  the 
soul  and  the  law  of  them ;  and  that  for  their  sake  the  style 
deserves  a  benevolent  indulgence.  It  has  all  the  more  need 
of  it  as  I  cannot  promise  to  do  better  in  the  sequel  I  propose 
to  write. 


Aguesseau  (Henri-Frau(;'ois  d'),  made 
chancellor  of  France,  87  ;  his  charac- 
ter, its  virtues  and  defects,  88-93 , 
reads  to  Saint-Simon  a  memorial 
against  the  bull  Uuigenitus,  98,  99 ; 
becomes  the  victim  of  his  obedience 
to  the  Due  de  Noailles,  142. 

Alba  (Duchesse  d'),  marries  the  Abbe' 
de  Castiglione,  84. 

Alberoni  (Giulio,  Cardinal),  his  power 
in  Spain,  how  he  defeated  George  tlie 
First's  proposal  to  return  Gibraltar  to 
Spain,  79-8-3. 

Argenson  (Marc-Rene  Voyer,  Mar- 
quis d'),  appointed  head  of  finances 
and  Keeper  of  the  Seals,  141. 

Arouet  (Francois-Marie),  son  of  Saint- 
Simon's  notary,  takes  the  name  of 
Voltaire,  his  early  career,  73. 

Bentivoglio  (Guido,  Cardinal),  papal 
nuncio,  his  infamous  character,  61, 
62  ;  his  intrigues  with  the  Earl  of 
Stair,  61-63. 

Berry  (Duchesse  de),  takes  possession 
of  the  Palace  of  the  Luxembourg,  30- 
33  ;  attempts  to  usurp  the  honours  of 
a  (jueen,  48 ;  infatuated  with  llion, 
her  slavery  to  him,  48-50  ;  retreat  at 
the  Carmelites,  .51  ;  closes  gardens  of 
the  Luxembourg,  63,  64 ;  the  inde- 
cency of  her  life,  249-253  ;  wishes  to 
declare  her  marriage  to  Rion,  267  ; 
her  portrait  and  character,  267-269 ; 
her  last  illness  and  death,  270. 

Besons  (Marechal  de),  a])pointed  to 
Council  of  Regency,  his  character, 

Borgia  (Cardinal),  his  comical  be- 
havior at  the  marriage  of  the  Prince 
of  the  Asturias,  326,  327. 

Bourbon-Conde  (Due  de),  called  M.  le 
Due,  appointed  by  regent  chief  of  the 
Council  of  Regency,  9 ;  enormous 
profits  obtained  by  him,  and  other 
princes  of  the  blood,  from  "  The  Mis- 
sissippi," 133 ;  insists  on  the  over- 
throw of  the  Due  du  Maine,  156-175 ; 
his  appearance  and  conduct  at  the 
Council  of  Regency,  182-201 ;  made 
superintendent  of  the  king's  educa- 
tion, 204-207,  222,  223,  233;  made 
prime  minister  by  Fleury  on  death  of 
Due  d'Orleans,  375,  376 ;  interview 
with  Saint-Simon,  379,380. 

Cellamare  (Prince),  Spanish  ambassa- 
dor in  Paris,  his  conspiracy,  236-241. 

Chartres  (Philippe,  Due  de),  a  clumsy 
rake,  his  behaviour  on  the  death  of 
his  fatlier,  tlie  regent,  376,  378,  379. 

Court  (The),  novelties  introduced  at 
beginning  of  regency,  32,  33 ;  tlie 
Opera  masked-ball  first  established, 
40,  41. 

Dacier  (Andre'),  translator  of  Homer, 
Ills  death,  liis  wife,  350. 

Dangeau  (Philippe  de  Courcillon,  I\Iar- 
quis  de),  death,  character,  family,  for- 
tune, and  Memoirs,  294-297. 

DiBois  (Guillaunie,  Abbe',  then  Cardi- 
nal), Madame  exacts  a  promise  from 
the  regent  about  him,  15  ;  made  coun- 
sellor of  State  for  the  Church,  47, 48  ; 
intimacy  with  Law,  enormous  gains 



from  him,  132;  works  for  the  over- 
throw of  the  Due  du  Maine,  152; 
forces  the  regeut  to  make  him  arcii- 
bishop  of  Cambrai,  281-283 ;  his  couse- 
cration,  284  ;  made  cardinal,  300, 301 ; 
incomplete  possession  of  regent, 337  ; 
forces  him  to  make  him  prime  minis- 
ter, 345-349  ;  his  illness,  death,  wealtli, 
character,  private  history,  and  fatal 
power  over  the  Due  d'Orle'ans,  357- 

England  (Mary  of  Modena,  Queen  of), 
conduct  and  death,  148. 

Pagon  (physician),  his  life,  after  death 
of  Louis  XIV.,  and  death,  145,  146. 

Finances  (The),  condition  in  which 
they  were  found  at  beginning  of  re- 
gency, 31,32  ;  public  disorders  result- 
ing, the  taiUe-tayi,  134  ;  Saint-Simon's 
proposal  about  the  gabelle,  134. 

Fleury  (Bishop  of  Fre'jus,  afterwards 
Cardinal),  seeks  an  intimacy  with 
Saint-Simon,  233-236 ;  anecdote  of, 
301 ;  his  general  conduct,  302-304 ; 
his  odd  disappearance  on  the  arrest 
of  Villeroy,  despair  of  the  king,  342- 
345  ;  his  reasons  for  not  wishing  to 
be  prime  minister,  371,  372;  makes 
the  king  appoint  M.  le  Due  to  that 
office,  375,  376  ;  gives  Mme.  de  Saint- 
Simon  a  hint  that  her  husband  is  not 
desired  at  Versailles,  380. 

Force  (Due  de  La),  conversation  with, 
and  shameful  proposal  to  Saint- 
SimoD,  62,  63. 

George  I.  (King  of  England),  pro- 
poses to  regent  to  return  Gibraltar  to 
Spain,  how  the  negotiation  failed, 

GoTON  (Jeanne-Marie  Bouvier  de  la 
Mothe,  Mme.),  her  death,  73,  74. 

Huguenots  (The),  their  conduct  after 
the  death  of  Louis  XIV.,  75 ;  regeut 
inclined  to  recall  them  to  France,  75, 
76  ;  Saint-Simon  dissuades  him,  why, 
77,  78. 

Jesuits  (The),  their  ingratitude  and 
cruelty  to  each  other,  247,  248. 

Lauzun  (Due  de),  his  death,  372. 

Law  (John),  who  he  was,  and  what  his 
bauk  and  theories  were,  68,  69 ;  de- 
sires to  be  in  constant  communication 
with  Saint-Simon,  71 ;  his  motives  for 
tiiis,  72,  73 ;  opposition  from  the  Due 
de  NoaiUes,  130,  131 ;  seeks  intimacy 
with  Dubois  to  counteract  it,  132 ; 
edict  published  in  favour  of  Company 
of  the  \Vest,  132;  thwarted  in  his 
scheme,  133, 134 ;  works  for  the  over- 
throw of  the  Due  du  Maine,  152; 
"  The  Mississippi,"  259 ;  his  scheme  to 
check  parliament,  262-265 ;  his  con- 
version aud  converters,  266,  267 ; 
made  controller  of  finances,  274 ;  dan- 
gers thickeu,  276-280,  284;  made  a 
scapegoat,  286 ;  leaves  France  se- 
cretly, 288 ;  his  end,  family,  and 
character,  289,  290. 

Lent,  its  observance  and  discomforts  in 
Spain,  333. 

Lit  de  Justice  (The),  public  talk  of 
it,  151 ;  proposed  by  Saint-Simon,  154, 
155  ;  the  lil  de  justice  at  the  Tuileries, 
177;  Saint-Simon's  description  of  it 
and  of  the  preceding  Council  of  Re- 
gency, 182-225. 

LospiTAL  (Mme.),  how  she  saved  the 
Pretender,  37-40. 

Louis  XIV.,  quick  ingratitude  shown 
to  his  memory,  15;  his  obsequies 
almost  unattended,  17,  18. 

Louis  XV.,  removed  to  Vincennes,  17  ; 
his  reception  of  the  czar,  Peter  the 
Great,  116;  unworthy  teaching  of 
Marechal  de  Villeroy,  123, 124  ;  quar- 
rel over  his  medals,  125;  his  be- 
haviour at  the  lit  de  justice,  223,  224  ^ 
his  alarm  at  the  removal  of  Villeroy 
and  the  disappearance  of  Fleury,  341- 
345 ;  attains  his  majority,  his  portrait 
by  Rigaud,  356. 

LouviLLE  (Marquis  de),  how  his  mis- 
sion to  return  Gibraltar  to  Spain 
failed,  79-83. 



"Madame"  (ifclisabeth-Charlotte,  Du- 
chesse  d'Orleaus,  wife  of  "  Monsieur  "), 
tiie  promise  she  exacts  from  her  sou, 
the  regent,  about  the  Abbe  Dubois, 
15  ;  her  health  fails,  350;  the  science 
of  little  dots,  351 ;  her  death,  351  ; 
portrait  and  character,  352,  353  ;  her 
letters,  353. 

Maine  (Due  du),  triumphant  arrival  in 
parliament  for  reception  of  king's 
will,  2 ;  endeavours  to  uphold  the 
codicil,  5 ;  his  speech,  6 ;  his  con- 
temptible appearance  after  abroga- 
tion of  will  and  codicil,  12;  declares 
he  cannot  be  responsible  for  king's 
person,  is  taken  at  his  word,  13  ;  Du- 
bois, Law,  and  d'Argenson  work  for 
his  overthrow,  152,  160-171 ;  his  con- 
duct and  appearance  at  Council  of 
Regency  preceding  lit  de  justice,  182- 
189  ;  his  overthrow,  203-224;  he  and 
his  wife  concerned  in  the  conspiracy 
of  Cellamare,  241  ;  his  arrest  and 
that  of  his  wife,  242-244. 

Maintenon  (Mme.  de),  illness  of,  96 ; 
her  death,  253  ;  her  life  at  Saiut-Cyr, 

Marlborough  (Duke  of),  his  death, 
and  slight  sketch  of  him,  337. 

Mesmes  (Prc'sident  de),  his  death, 
365  ;  his  daughters  apply  to  Saint- 
Simon  to  obtain  a  pension  for  them, 

"  Mississippi,  The,"  its  capital  fixed 
and  name  changed,  133 ;  at  the 
height  of  its  mania,  265 ;  disasters 
threaten,  its  amazing  history,  275- 
281 ;  edict  respecting  its  shares  which 
reveals  the  state  of  the  finances, 
284-286  ;  is  made  into  a  commercial 
company,  286 ;  general  ruin,  287- 

Monsieur  le  Dec.  See  Bourbon- 

MoNTPENSiER  (Louisc-Elisabetli,  Mile, 
de)  arrives  in  Spain  for  her  marriage 
to  Prince  of  the  Asturias,  323-327 ; 
her  wilful  behaviour,  328-331  ;  her 
future,  332 ;  droll  scene  at  lier  fare- 
well audience  to  Saint-Simon,  334. 

NoAiLLES  (Cardinal de), appointed  head 
of  council  of  conscience,  20,  21  ;  ab- 
ject truckling  of  his  opponents,  21- 
23  ;  misses  a  great  opportunity,  101 ; 
refuses  the  last  sacraments  to  the 
Duchesse  de  Berry  unless  Kion  is 
dismissed,  250-253. 

NoAiLLES  (Due  de),  his  opposition  to 
John  Law,  130,  132,  136,  138 ;  is  re- 
moved from  the  council  of  finance 
and  enters  the  Council  of  Regency, 

Orleans  (Due  d').     See  Regent. 

Orleans  (Duchesse  d'),  her  dignified 
reception  of  the  news  of  her  brother's 
overthrow,  228-231  ;  turns  against 
Saint-Simon,  232. 

Paris,  the  sink  of  all  Europe,  85,  86. 

Parliament  (The),  opposes  regent  for 
opposition's  sake,  65,  66  ;  determined 
to  oppose  regent,  130;  decrees  its 
right  to  control  the  finances  and 
openly  threatens  Law,  149,  150;  ag- 
gressive action  towards  regent,  151 ; 
continued  opposition  to  regent,  261, 
264,  292. 

Peregrine  (The),  a  famous  pearl,  de- 
scription of,  332. 

Peter  the  Great  (Czar  of  Russia),  ar- 
rival in  France ;  journal  and  inci- 
dents of  his  stay  there,  109-123. 

Pontchartrain  (tiie  late  chancellor), 
Mare'chal  de  Villeroy  takes  the  young 
king  to  see  him,  74,  75. 

Portsmouth  (Duchess  of),  her  pension 
increased  by  regent,  149. 

Pretender  (The),  his  adventure  in 
crossing  France  to  embark  for  Scot- 
land, 37-40. 

Princes  of  the  blood  (The),  their 
struggle  against  the  bastards,  84, 

Regency  (Council  of),  names  of  its 
meml)ers,  27  ;  names  of  heads  of  otiier 
councils  reporting  to  it,  27 ;  days 
of  meeting,  31  ;  scene  of  Council  of 
Regency  preceding  lit  de  justice   of 



the  Tuileries,  182-209  ;  gives  place 
to  Council  of  State,  356. 
Kegent  (Philippe  d'Urle'ans,  The),  un- 
prepared for  kiug's  death,  1 ;  presides 
at  session  of  parliament  for  reading 
kiug's  will  and  codicil,  2,  3;  his 
speech  ou  the  will,  4-6;  unbecom- 
iug  dispute  with  Due  du  Maiue,  7-9 ; 
his  speech  on  codicil,  11,  12;  parlia- 
raeut  sustains  his  authority  as  regent, 
12 ;  annouuces  the  establishment  of 
councils,  14;  makes  an  unwise  visit 
to  Mme.  de  iVIaintenon,  16;  opens 
prisons  to  all  but  criminals,  horrors 
discovered,  18,  19;  his  fatal  pliancy, 
23,  24 ;  selections  for  couucils,  21-28  ; 
action  in  the  matter  of  the  Pretender, 
35-40  ;  resolved  to  keep  the  Court  in 
Paris,  41,  42;  prevents  Saint-Simon 
from  leaving  him,  42 ;  parliament 
shows  him  its  teeth,  43  ;  his  policy 
divide  et  regna,  44  ;  miserable  at  the 
scandal  of  his  daughter's  life,  51  ;  his 
daily  life  and  personal  conduct,  51- 
55  ;  is  committed  by  a  cabal  to  Eng- 
land, 55-61  ;  becomes  interested  in 
John  Law  and  his  tinaucial  projects, 
67-73 ;  proposes  to  Saint-Simon  to 
recall  the  Huguenots,  75-78;  his 
supineness  in  not  supporting  the 
princes  of  the  blood  against  the  bas- 
tards, 85  ;  his  weakness  in  the  matter 
of  the  bull  Unigenitus,  99 ;  singular 
discussion  with  Saiut-Simon  in  his 
opera-box,  102-105 ;  determined  to 
uphold  Law,  133 ;  anxiety  about 
finances,  134  ;  always  turns  to  Saint- 
Simon  in  difficulties,  137 ;  dismisses 
d'Aguesseau,  and  gives  the  Seals  to 
d'Argenson,  141 ;  hoax  played  by  him 
on  Saint-Simon,  142-144 ;  his  real 
opinion  of  the  latter,  145;  aggressive 
action  of  parliament,  is  roused  to  a 
sense  of  his  danger,  151  ;  conversa- 
tion with  Saint-Simon,  152;  accepts 
proposal  of  a  lit  de  justice,  1 56 ;  dis- 
cussions -with  Saint-Simon  and  M.  le 
Due  as  to  overthrow  of  the  Due  du 
Maine,  160-175  ;  his  dignified  appear- 
ance  and  action   at  Council  of  Re- 

gency preceding  lit  de  justice,  182- 
209,  aud  also  at  the  lit  de  justice, 
210-225;  his  distress  at  the  Philip- 
piques,  245-246;  his  monstrous  ex- 
travagance with  paper-money,  264, 
265,  276,  290,  291  ;  grief  at  death  of 
Duchesse  de  Berry,  269,  270 ;  power 
of  the  Abbe'  Dubois  over  him,  272, 
280-283  ;  is  forced  by  him  to  receive 
the  bull  Unigenitus,  292-294;  tells 
Saint-Simon  of  the  Spanish  mar- 
riages, aud  appoints  him  ambassa- 
dor to  Spain,  298-300 ;  Mare'chal  de 
Yilleroy  refuses  to  obey  him,  result, 
338-341  ;  difficulty  in  soothing  the 
king,  341-345 ;  is  forced  by  Dubois 
to  make  him  prime  minister,  scenes 
with  Saint-Simon  on  that  subject, 
345-349  ;  fatal  power  of  Dubois  over 
him,  362-364;  his  relief  at  Dubois' 
death,  365 ;  welcomes  Saint-Simou 
back  to  him,  366 ;  alarming  condi- 
tion of  his  health,  367,  368  ;  dread  of 
a  slow  death,  373 ;  seized  with  apo- 
plexy and  dies,  374,  375  ;  effect  of 
his  death  on  France,  foreign  coun- 
tries, and  persons,  381-384. 

RiON  (lieutenant  of  the  guard),  48- 

RcFFEC  (Marquis  de),  Saint-Simon's 
second  son,  made  grandee  of  Spain, 

Sain't-Pieree  (Abbe  de),  his  book, 
146  ;  offence  given  to  the  old  Court, 
regent  requires  his  dismissal  from 
the   Academy,  147. 

Saixt-Sij[on  (Due  de),  discusses  with 
regent  composition  of  councils,  19 ; 
again  desires  to  retire  from  Court, 
42 ;  receives  a  visit  from  Due  du 
Maine  and  returns  it,  44-46 ;  his  rela- 
tions with  Comte  de  Toulouse,  46, 47 ; 
asserts  that  the  regent  never  thought 
or  desired  to  reign,  57 ;  argues  with 
him  against  too  close  an  alliance  with 
England,  58-61  ;  conversation  witli 
the  Due  de  La  Force,  62,  63  ;  warns  re- 
gent to  be  firm  with  parliament,  66  ; 
at  regent's  request  receives  John  Law 



once  a  week,  71-73  ;  dissuades  regent 
from  recalling  Huguenots,  why,  77, 
78 ;  his  prediction  to  Council  of  Re- 
gency about  bull  Unigenitus,  98,  99  ; 
discussion  with  regent  thereon,  102- 
103 ;  appointed  against  his  will  on 
committee  of  finance,  105-107;  per- 
suades regent  to  buy  the  "  Regent 
diamond,"  107-109;  goes  incognito 
to  see  the  czar,  120,  121;  proceedings 
of  finance  committee,  127-130;  his 
proposal  about  the  salt-tax,  135  ;  a 
melancholy  truth,  136;  regent  turns 
to  him  for  help,  137,  133  ;  so  does 
Law,  139 ;  informs  d'Argenson  tliat 
he  is  chancellor  and  Keeper  of  the 
Seals,  why,  140,  141  ;  hoax  played 
on  him  by  regent,  142-144;  regent's 
real  feeling  to  him,  145  ;  conversation 
with  regent  as  to  parliament,  152, 
153;  consultation  and  steps  taken 
to  save  Law,  154  ;  proposes  lit  de  jus- 
tice, 154,  155;  resists  proposal  to 
overthrow  the  Due  du  Maine,  why, 
156-158,  160-175;  undertakes  ar- 
rangements for  lit  de  justice  at  the 
Tuileries,  158 ;  yields,  against  his 
judgment,  to  overthrow  of  the  Due 
du  Maine,  173  ;  obliges  M.  le  Due  to 
consent  to  reduction  of  the  bastards 
to  their  proper  rank  in  the  peerage, 
174,  175  ;  stipulates  for  reinstatement 
of  Comte  de  Toulouse,  178;  his  de- 
scription of  Council  of  Regency  and 
of  his  own  conduct  there,  179-208; 
his  description  of  the  lit  de  justice 
and  his  conduct  there,  210-225;  the 
regent  forces  him  to  tell  the  l)u- 
chesse  d'Orleans  of  her  brother's 
overthrow,  result,  226-232 ;  Fleury 
seeks  an  intimacy  with  him,  233-236  ; 
urged  in  vain  by  regent  and  Law 
to  accept  shai'cs  in  "  The  Mississippi," 
259  ;  receives  payment  of  king's  debt 
to  his  father  in  that  way,  260,  261  ; 
frustrates  Law's  scheme  against 
parliament,  263,  264 ;  comforts  re- 
gent for  death  of  Duchesse  de  Berry, 
269,  270;  distress  at  his  wife's  ill- 
ness, goes  to   live   at  Meudon,    271  ; 

refuses  to  be  made  governor  of  the 
king,  why,  273,  274  ;  appointed  am- 
bassador to  Spain,  299  ;  starts  on  his 
embassy,  306 ;  visits  Loyola,  306, 
307 ;  arrives  in  Madrid,  308 ;  his 
account  of  his  mission  and  residence 
in  Spain,  309-335  ;  is  made  a  grandee 
of  Spain,  327,  328 ;  marriage  of  his 
daughter  to  the  Prince  de  Chimay, 
336;  scenes  with  regent  relating  to 
Dubois,  345-349  ;  alienation  from  the 
regent,  effect  on  Memoirs,  354,  355 ; 
after  Dubois'  death  returns  to  his 
old  relations  with  the  Due  d'Orle'ans, 
366,  367  ;  warns  Eleury  of  the  latter 's 
failing  health,  369 ;  urges  him  to 
become  prime  minister,  370-372  ;  re- 
ceives news  of  illness  and  death  of 
tlie  Due  d'Orleans,  373,  374;  his 
feelings  and  conduct,  377-379  ;  in- 
terview with  M.  le  Due,  379,  380  ;  on 
a  hint  that  he  is  not  desired  at 
Versailles  retires  to  Paris  according 
to  a  previous  resolution,  380,  381  ; 
conclusion  of  his  Memoirs,  their 
truth  and  impartiality,  385-388 ;  al- 
ludes to  a  continuation  of  them, 
385,  389  ;  his  style  in  writing,  389  ; 
end,  390. 

Saint-Simon  (Duchesse  de),  refuses 
to  live  with  Duchesse  de  Berry  in 
the  Luxembourg,  30  ;  relief  in  being 
released  by  the  death  of  the  duchess, 
270;  her  dangerous  illness,  271  ;  re- 
ceives a  hint  from  Fleury  and  La 
Vrillicre  that  her  husband  is  not 
desired  at  Versailles,  380. 

Scottish  Project  (The),  34-40. 

Spain  (Philippe  V.,  King  of),  Saint- 
Simon's  description  of  him  in  Madrid, 
310-312;  hismethod  of  hunting,  315- 
318;  and  of  travelling,  320. 

Spain  (Elizabeth  Farnese,  Queen  of), 
Saint-Simon's  description  of  her  in 
Madrid,  312-315. 

Staik  (Earl  of),  emissary  at  the  Court 
of  France,  35,  36 ;  his  efforts  to 
destroy  the  Pretender,  36-40  ;  an  un- 
mitigated rascal,  his  known  charac- 
ter, 61. 



Telliek  (P^re),his  last  years  and  his 
end,  246-249. 

ToRCY  (J.  B.  Colbert,  JManjuis  de),  ap- 
pointed to  Council  of  Regency,  Saint- 
Simon  happily  mistaken  about  him, 
24,  25. 

Toulouse  (Comte  de),  his  excellence, 
46;  terms  on  which  he  was  with 
Saint-Simon,  47 ;  Saiut-Simun  urges 
his  reinstatement  in  his  ranlc,  175, 
176, 178  ;  his  action  at  the  Council  of 
Kegeucy  preceding  lit  de  justice,  185- 
189 ;  is  reinstated  in  his  rank,  203, 
205,  214,  219,  220;  his  conduct  on 
tlic  arrest  of  the  Due  du  Maine,  231, 
232  ;  his  marriage  to  a  Noailles,  356, 
357  ;  declares  his  marriage,  384. 

Troyes  (Bishop  of),  appointed  to 
Council  of  Kegency,  Saint-Simon 
fatally  mistaken  about  him,  26,  27 ; 
scene  with  Saint-Simon  in  Council  of 
Regency  respecting  bull  Unigenitus, 
98,  99. 

Unigenitus  (bull),  brought  up  before 
the  Council  of  Regency,  97  ;   Saint- 

Simon's  prediction  about  it,  98 ;    re- 
monstrance of  the  Sorbonne  and  four 
bishops  against  it,  100,  101. 
Ursins  (Princesse  des),  death  and  last 
years  of,  349,  350. 

ViLLARS  (Claude-Louis-Hector,  Due 
and  Marechal  de),  appointed  head  of 
council  of  war,  27 ;  his  mother's 
opinion  of  him,  amusing  incompe- 
tency at  Council  of  Regency,  28,  29  ; 
brings  up  cannon  to  stop  a  fire,  148. 

Villeroy  (Francois  de  Neufville,  Due 
and  iMareclialde),  choice  lesson  given 
by  him  to  tlie  king,  123  ;  refuses  to 
obey  regent,  is  arrested  and  exiled 
to  Lyon,  338-341;  his  fury,  343; 
his  end,  344,  345. 

ViTTEMENT  (Abbe  de),  refuses  a  bene- 
fi'je,  256  ;  his  remarkable  statement 
and  pro])hecy  about  Fleury  and  Louis 
XV.,  257,  258. 

Voltaire.     See  Arouet. 

Wales  (Prince  of),  quarrels  with  his 
father  George  L,  125, 126. 



DC  Saint  Simon,    Louis  de  Rouvroy 
130  Memoirs  of   the  Uuc  de 

S2A4  Saint-Simon 

':  -Sr;  ily.utiulKH;