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Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Editorial  Assistant:  Paula  Wilding 
Production,  Design:  Paul  Stocksdale 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche,  Martha  Cupp 
Promotion:  Linda  Myers  Swanson 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Dale  Minnich 

On  the  cover: 
Mack's  Bible, 
tucked  under  his  arm, 
symbolizes  the  seriousness 
with  which  the  first  Brethren 
took  scripture  study.  On 
page  1 0,  Chalmer  Faw  tells 
what  that  led  to. 

From  the  Editor 
In  Touch 
Close  to  Home 
In  Brief 

Stepping  Stones 

Pontius'  Puddle 
Partners  in  Prayer 
Turning  Points 


10     Taking  the  New  Testament  seriously 

Plenty  of  other  denominations  do  the  same 
things  and  hold  the  same  beliefs  that  Brethren 
do.  So  how  are  the  Brethren  unique?  Chalmer 
Faw  searches  the  writings  and  examples  of 
Brethren  founders  to  provide  the  answer. 

12     Living  dangerously  in  Guatemala 

Kay  Yanisch  is  an  "Accompanier,"  providing  a 
physical  presence  in  support  of  former 
Guatemalan  refugees  as  they  resettle  in  their 
home  communities.  Her  role  is  one  fraught 
with  danger,  but,  she  says,  "That's  why  I'm 
here."  Jeff  Leard  tells  her  story.  Sidebar  by 
David  Radcliff. 

16     Facing  the  gray  areas  in  dying 

Guy  Wampler  questions  Dr.  Kevorkian's 
qualifications  as  a  consultant  on  dying.  He  also 
points  out  the  gray  areas  of  end-of-life  decision 
making,  where  tough  questions  have  to  be 
faced,  and  calls  on  us  to  be  mutually  supportive 
as  we  consider  the  alternatives  before  making 
the  decisions. 

18     Death  becomes  him:  Dr.  Kevorkian's 
caricature  of  mercy 

lulie  Polter  takes  issue  with  Dr.  Kevorkian's 
brushing  aside  the  Christian  perspective  in 
making  end-of-life  decisions.  Rather,  she 
contends,  dying  is  a  morally  complex  matter, 
requiring  the  Christian  to  ponder  many  issues. 

21  Let's  give  the  Great  Physician 

a  little  help 

lust  as  we  are  learning  to  take  more 
responsibility  for  our  own  health  care,  says 
[ames  Benedict,  we  should  be  accepting  more 
responsibility  for  our  spiritual  welfare. 

22  Ending  the  Thirty  Years  War 

In  1897,  after  three  decades  of  turmoil  in  the 
church.  Annual  Meeting  was  eager  to  establish  i 
voice  of  unity  in  the  brotherhood.  What  it  did 
provides  the  story  that  historian  James  H. 
Lehman  unfolds,  marking  a  centennial 


How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-mail:  CoBNews@AOL.Com 
Fax: (847)  742-6103 
Phone:  (847)  742-5100 
(800)  323-8039 
Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75e  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  Allow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

We  preview  the  upcoming 
Annual  Conference  in  Long 
Beach  and  profile  the  modera- 
tor, David  Wine. 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Atl.  N.E.,  Ron 
Lutz;  Atl.  S^E,,  Ruby  Raymer;  Ill./Wis.,  Kreston 
Lipscomb;  S/C  Ind.,  Maijorie  Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good; 
Mid-Ad..  Ann  Fours;  Mo./.^k.,  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains. 
Faiih  Sirom;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack 
Kline;  Ore./Wash..  Marguerite  Shamberger;  Pac.  S.W, 
Randy  Miller;  M.  Pa..  Eva  Wampier;  S.  Pa  ,  Elmer  Q 
Gleim;  W.  Pa,  Jay  Christner;  Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  5. 
Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Virlina,  David  &  Hettie  Webster; 
W  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Winoma  Spurgeon. 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Entered  as  second-class  matter 
Aug.  20. 1918.  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct.  17, 
1917.  Filing  date,  Nov  1. 1984.  Member  of  the 
Associated  Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion 
News  Service  &  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical 
quotations,  unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from 
the  New  Revised  Standard  Version,  Messenger  is 
owned  and  published  11  times  a  year  by  the  General 
Services  Commission,  Church  of  the  Brethren 
General  Board,  Second-class  postage  paid  at  Elgin, 
ill.,  and  at  additional  mailing  office,  Nov.  1996. 
Copyright  1996,  Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board,  ISSN  0026-0355. 

Postmaster:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

At  the  October  General  Board  meeting  there  was  a  striking 
art  exhibit  in  the  Board  room.  Arranged  on  two  walls  were 
L_   40  watercolor  paintings  that  covered  Brethren  history  from 
1708  to  1958. 

Oldtimers  recognized  the  images.  They  were  the  original  art,  by 
Albert  Winkler,  done  for  a  1958  slide  presentation  titled  "Come  Up 
Higher."  The  slide  presentation,  with  a  script  by  Gospel  Messenger 
editor  Ken  Morse,  was  done  to  cel- 
ebrate the  250th  anniversary  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Nowadays 
we  would  produce  a  video,  of  course. 

But  like  most  of  the  things  pro- 
duced by  today's  technology,  you 
end  up  with  something  pretty  and 
slick,  but  you  wonder  what  the 
coming  generations  will  make  of 
them  as  antiques.  With  this  1958 
slide  presentation,  you  can  still  pro- 
ject the  images  (if  you  can  find  a 
projector  and  screen).  But  you  can 
also  admire  the  original  paintings. 
A  video  has  no  original  art  to  pre- 
serve and  treasure. 

Think  of  what  e-mail  is  doing  to  the  collecting  of 
famous  people's  letters.  Can  you  picture  future  collec- 
tors bidding  high  prices  for  someone's  e-mail  printouts? 
Imagine  those  in  expensive  frames  on  a  paneled  wall. 

Or  consider  the  value  today  of  something  printed 
on  Christopher  Sauer's  press.  Not  only  does  it  have  his- 
torical value,  but  the  imprinted  page  itself  puts  you  in  touch  with  the 
one  who  set  the  type  and  operated  the  press.  A  page  from  an  old 
hand-operated  printing  press  records  the  three-dimensional  impres- 
sion of  the  lead  type,  and  each  page  is  slightly  different  from  the 
other.  Compare  such  a  page  with  a  page  of  today's  Messenger.  We 
haven't  done  Messenger  with  lead  type  since  1974. 

The  depiction  here  of  the  Christopher  Sauer  press,  from  the  1958 
filmstrip  art,  ties  in  nicely  with  an  anniversary  being  celebrated  this 
year — the  centennial  of  Brethren  Press.  |im  Lehman's  story  (on  page 
22)  of  the  church  taking  ownership  of  the  Brethren  Publishing  House 
and  moving  to  Elgin,  111.,  will  interest  our  readers,  especially  those  old 
enough  to  remember  that  original  Brethren  Publishing  House  at  22 
South  State.  Enjoy  the  story.  May  it  whet  your  appetite  for  all  the  things 
Brethren  Press  has  planned  for  this  centennial  year. 

Christopher  Sauer's  press  is 

one  of  the  40  scenes  from 
Brethren  history  depicted  in 
the  1958  filmstrip  "Come 
up  Higher. " 

January  1997  Messenger  1 

Her  heart's  on  her  sleeve 

Losing  a  husband  and  a  sister  to  cancer 
left  Mary  Jane  Graybill  with  a  feehng 
of  helplessness.  What  could  she,  one  person, 
do  in  the  struggle  to  conquer  cancer? 

The  answer  came  to  Mary  Jane,  a  member 
of  Ephrata  (Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren, 

Mary  Jane  Graybill  models 

the  Arm  Sunguard  sleeve 

she  invented  to  protect  bare 

arms  from  harmful  sun  rays. 

The  cotton  sleeves  are  held 

up  by  elastic  bands. 

one  day  when  she  was  golfing  with  a  friend, 
Jim  Yerger.  Jim  had  skin  cancer.  He  said  to 
Mary,  "I  wish  somebody  would  make  a 
sleeve  so  I  wouldn't  have  to  put  my  jacket 
on  and  take  it  off  off  all  the  time." 
"That's  it!"  thought  Mary  Jane.  She  and 

Jim  formed  the  company  J's  Specialties  am 
began  producing  the  Arm  Sunguard  sleeve 
a  100-percent  combed  cotton,  cuffed  sleev 
with  four  rows  of  nonbinding  elastic  that  fi 
around  the  upper  arm.  The  sleeve  blocks 
up  to  97-percent  of  the  sun's  harmful 

ultraviolet  rays,  a  consultant 
for  the  federal  government 

People  who  use  the  Arm 
Sunguard  sleeve  can  enjoy  the 
outdoors  without  using 
creams,  which  wear  off  and 
must  be  reapplied. 

The  sleeves  are  for  anyone, 
stresses  Mary  Jane.  "Golfers, 
motorcyclists  and  bicyclists, 
gardeners,  fishers,  walkers, 
boaters,  campers,  constructior 
workers,  truckers." 

The  Arm  Sunguard  sleeve 
isn't  any  cottage  industry.  Mar 
Jane  advertises  widely  and  has 
had  the  sleeve  on  show  at  the 
International  PGA  convention 
in  Las  Vegas.  Last  June  she  was 
a  vendor  at  the  Retreads 
Motorcycle  Club  International 
convention  in  Tennessee. 

But  monetary  profit  is  not 
the  object  for  Mary  Jane,  who 
oftens  whips  out  sleeves  from, 
her  golf  bag  and  gives  them  to  friends  on 
the  golf  course.  Her  biggest  dividend  is 
the  loss  of  that  helpless  feeling  she  had  foi 
so  many  years.  "Now  I  feel  good  inside, 
like  I'm  helping  someone.  That's  what  life 
is  all  about." 

In  Touch  stories  wanted 

Do  you  know  someone 
whose  story  should  be  in  In 
Touch?  Send  us  a  note  about 
the  person,  or  a  full-fledged 
story,  and  include  a  sharp, 
candid  photo,  preferably  one 
showing  the  subject  in  a  set- 
ting related  to  the  story. 

Remember,  we  are  seeking 
stories  about  Brethren  who 

are  presently  doing  interest- 
ing, noteworthy  things.  (The 
December  story  about  Phyllis 
West  and  this  month's  story 
about  Mary  Jane  Graybill  are 
good  examples.)  Don't  send 
biographical  sketches  or  trib- 
utes. Stories  should  be  short 
(350  words  maximum)  and 
pointed  (Phyllis  West  saved 
a  life;  Mary  Jane  Graybill 
invented  a  sunguard 

sleeve) .  If  you  find  a  news- 
paper story  that  is  a  natural 
for  In  Touch,  send  us  the 
clipping  (including  publica 
tion  name  and  date). 

Hint:  Including  a  good 
photo  remarkably  improves! 
your  story's  chances  of 
making  it  into  print. 

Send  your  suggestions  on 
stories  to  Messenger,  1451 
Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  6012G 

2  Messenger  January  1997 

Catherine  Emans,  shown  here  with  pastor  Kevin  Kessler. 
erved  50  years  as  treasurer  of  the  Canton  church. 

Reluctant  acceptance 


James  in  the  news 

losalyn  Neuenschwander, 

member  of  Pleasant  Dale 
Church  of  the  Brethren, 
lear  Decatur,  Ind.,  was 
lamed  Woman  of  the  Year 
ly  the  Business  and  Profes- 
ional  Women  of  Decatur. 

She  was  commended  for 
successfully  balancing  her 
work  as  vice  president  of  a 
bank,  her  civic  and  church 
roles,  and  her  family  life. 

•  Ingrid  Rogers,  a 
member  of  Manchester 
Church  of  the  Brethren, 
North  Manchester,  Ind., 

and  associate  professor  of 
German  at  Manchester  Col- 
lege, has  had  her  sixth  book 
published — Recollections  of 
East  Germany:  Biographical 
Essays  on  Women  Church 
Leaders.  It  carries  testi- 
monies of  women  church 
leaders  who  experienced  the 
changes  of  the  1989  Revolu- 
tion that  resulted  in  German 

•  Ron  Beachley,  Western 
Pennsylvania  District  execu- 
tive, and  Warren  Eshbach, 

standing  Service  Award 
from  Bridgewater  College 
at  the  annual  President's 
Dinner  Nov.  1.  He  is  a 
retired  medical  doctor. 
•  Nadine  Bowman,  a 
member  of  Manchester 
Church  of  the  Brethren, 
North  Manchester,  Ind., 
and  a  resident  of  Timber- 
crest  Church  of  the  Brethren 
Home,  has  been  named  Vol- 
unteer of  the  Year  by  the 
Indiana  Association  of 
Homes  for  the  Aging. 

n  1946,  Catherine  Emans  reluctantly  accepted  the  call 
to  be  treasurer  of  Canton  (111.)  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
^ad  she  known  it  was  for  a  term  of  50  years,  her  reaction 
night  have  been  more  than  reluctance. 

The  Canton  congregation  honored  Catherine  Sept.  29 
/ith  a  musical  program,  a  50-year  gold  service  pin,  and  a 
chocolate  reception." 

Catherine  said  that  her  work  as  treasurer  "started  out  to 
le  simple,  but  became  increasingly  more  complicated." 
itill,  she  enjoyed  the  opportunity  to  serve  her  church. 

But,  having  turned  a  reluctant  acceptance  into  a  50-year 
ommitment,  Catherine  registered  reluctance  once  again 
/hen  asked  if  she  would  commit  to  the  next  50  years. 
—Kevin  Kessler 

Kevin  Kessler  is  pastor  of  Canton  (III.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

District  ministers  Ron  Beachley  and  Warren  Eshbach  post? 

with  Albert  Meyers  (right),  executive  director  of  PCC. 

Southern  Pennsylvania  Dis- 
trict executive,  recendy 
participated  in  the  reorgani- 
zation meeting  of  the 
Pennsylvania  Council  of 
Churches  (PCC). 

•  Two  members  of 
McPherson  (Kan.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  Kathy 
Hackleman  and  Michele 
McMillan,  have  been 
named  editor  and  news 
editor,  respectively,  of  the 
town's  newspaper.  The 
McPherson  Sentinel. 

•  HoIIen  G.  Helbert,  a 
member  of  Harrisonburg 
(Va.)  First  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  received  an  Out- 


Dorothy  Brown  Dennison, 

80,  died  October  15.  1996. 
in  Oak  Park,  111.  She  served 
as  a  missionary  nurse  in 
India,  1945-1953. 

•  Linford  ].  Rotenberger, 
80,  died  Sep.  10,  1996,  in 
Quakertown,  Pa.  He  and  the 
late  Hartman  Rice  were 
cofounders  of  the  Brethren 
Revival  Fellowship  in  1959. 

"In  Touch" profiles  Brethren  we  would 
like  you  to  meet.  Send  story  ideas  and 
photos  to  "In  Touch,  "Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave..  Elgin.  IL  60120. 

January  1997  Messenger  3 

Early  ecumenicity 

Terrace  View  Union  Church,  near 
Goode,  Va.,  has  a  history  of  ecu- 
menicity that  goes  back  to  its  beginning. 
In  the  early  1900s,  the  local  Brethren, 
Baptists,  and  Methodists  had  to  travel 
some  distance  to  find  a  church.  Two  acres 
of  land  were  donated,  money  was  raised, 
and  the  union  church  was  erected  on  a 

A  vintage  photo  shows  the 

Terrace  View  church  in  its 

rural  setting.  After  77  years. 

the  building  still  serves  two 

groups — Church  of  the 

Brethren  and  Baptist. 

site  with  a  good  view  of  Virginia's  famous 
Peaks  of  Otter  on  the  nearby  Blue  Ridge. 
The  church's  dedication  was  held  Aug. 
29,  1920.  The  Methodists  later  left  Ter- 
race View  (amiciably),  but  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren  and  the  Baptists  are  still 

sharing  the  church  77  years  later. 

Each  month  in  the  old  days,  there  were 
"Brethren  Sundays"  and  "Baptist  Sundays, 
but  both  groups  attended  all  services.  The 
morning  offering  went  to  the  group  whose 
Sunday  it  was.  Brethren  and  Baptist  busi- 
ness was  handled  separately,  but  Sunday 
school,  the  building  fund,  youth,  choir,  and 
other  groups  were  jointly  run. 

In  earlier  years,  when  revivals  were  pop- 
ular, there  was  a  Brethren  revival  one  year 
and  a  Baptist  revival  the  next.  Candidates 
for  baptism  just  indicated  to  the  preacher 
which  denomination  they  wished  to  join. 
An  outdoor  baptistry  fed  by  a  stream  had  a. 
controlled  water  level.  Deep  water  was 
needed  for  the  "once  backward"  Baptists, 
and  shallow  water  for  the  "three  times  for 
ward"  Brethren. 

At  one  baptism  there  was  no  Baptist  mini 
ister  available.  L.C.  Coffman  baptized 
everyone,  simply  asking  each  person  in 
turn,  "Which  way?" 

The  same  L.C.  Coffman  was  the 
Brethren  pastor  for  six  years,  then  became 
a  Baptist.  He  returned  as  the  Baptist  pasto; 
for  10  years.  Terrace  View  has  much  to 
teach  about  ecumenicity! 

Adapted  from  recollections  of  two  men  who  grew  up, 
together  in  the  Terrace  View  church:  Hugh  Whitten. 
now  a  member  of  Bridgewater  (Va.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  and  John  Tyler  (a  Baptist),  who  is  still  a  Ter 
race  View  member. 



Close  to  Home 
stories  wanted 

Has  your  congregation 
done  something  innovative 
that  other  congregations 
could  use  as  inspiration  or 
model?  Does  it  have  a 
unique  ministry?  Have 
your  children  or  youth 
taken  on  a  big  project?  Is 
something  special  going 
on  at  your  district  camp? 
Has  a  special  event 
occurred  in  your  congre- 
gation or  district? 

If  any  of  these  apply  to 
you,  send  us  a  story  and 

photos,  or  contact  us  for 
writer's  guidelines.  If 
your  newspaper  has  run  a 
story  that  seems  a  natural 
for  Close  to  Home,  clip  it 
and  send  it  in,  including 
the  publication's  name 
and  date. 

Remember:  Good  sharp 
photos  (with  caption 
material)  accompanying  a 
story  are  sure  to  catch  the 
editor's  eye. 

Send  your  suggestions 
or  stories  to  Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin, 
IL  60120.  Tel.  (800) 

Campus  comments 

Bethany  Theological  Semi- 
nary has  met  all  established 
standards  set  for  accredita- 
tion by  the  Association  of 
Theological  Schools  and  the 
North  Central  Association, 
and  its  accreditation  is 
expected  to  be  reaffirmed  for 
1 0  years.  And  in  a  proposed 
program,  Bethany's  Brethren 
students  will  receive  half  of 
their  tuition  through  scholar- 
ships and  the  other  half  from 
an  Alumni  Covenant  Grant. 
The  grant  requires  the 
receiver,  after  graduation,  to 
pledge  an  annual  gift  toward 
the  grant  fund. 

4  Messenger  January  1997 

ichool  kits  assembled  by  Cunyville  children  included 
lotebooks.  pencils,  crayons,  erasers,  and  rulers. 

\^senibling  school  kits 

I'^/acation  Bible  school  attenders  from  Curryville  (Pa.) 

'   T  Church  of  the  Brethren  and  Martinsburg  Mennonite 
hurch  recently  assembled  209  schools  kits,  which  they 
ent  to  school  children  in  Africa. 

Daily  offerings  at  the  combined  Bible  school,  plus  dona- 
ions  from  local  businesses,  paid  for  the  materials.  Women 

Jlrom  the  two  churches  cut  and  sewed  the  bags.  The  chil- 
Iren  had  the  fun  of  stuffing  the  bags  with  pencils,  crayons, 

jiaper,  and  other  school  items. 

'.et's  celebrate 

ilorgantown  (W.Va.) 
-hurch  of  the  Brethren  held 
"Week  of  Renewal"  Oct. 
1-13  in  celebration  of  its 
l5th  anniversary.  West 
/larva  District  executive 
'eter  Leddy  led  the  Sunday 
ervices,  with  other  guest 
peakers  featured  through- 
lut  the  week. 

•  Yellow  Creek  Church 
if  the  Brethren,  near 
Vakarusa,  Ind.,  celebrated 
ts  140th  anniversary  Oct. 

17  during  its  Harvest  Home, 
artifacts  from  the  church's 
listory  were  displayed. 

•  Claysburg  (Pa.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren  held 

homecoming  Sept.  29  to 
nark  its  70th  anniversary. 
).  Paul  Green  of  Akron, 
^a.,  was  guest  speaker. 

Joan  and  Robert  Heiny  (center)  present  the  Brubaker  Fund 
to  moderator  Ruby  fohnson.  board  chairwoman  Sandi 
Boeger.  and  Live  Oak  co-pastors  Pattie  and  Irven  Stern. 

•  As  part  of  last  year's 
85th  anniversary  celebra- 
tion of  Live  Oak  (Calif.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren, 
five  generations  of  descen- 
dants of  the  founder  and 
first  pastor  of  the  congre- 
gation joined  to  form  the 
WR.  and  Rosetta  Landis 
Brubaker  Fund  for  Peace- 

A  chicken  in  every  pot 

Lakeview  Church  of  the  Brethren,  in  Brethren,  Mich., 
Jbegan  Lakeview  Food  Pantry  as  a  ministry  in  1991. 
The  pantry  has  been  a  success,  with  good  cooperation 
between  the  church  and  the  community. 

Recently  a  farmer  donated  50  half-grown  chickens  to  the 
pantry.  A  church  family  volunteered  to  raise  the  roosters  of 
the  flock  to  eating  size.  When  the  time  came,  the  Brethren 
High  School  agriculture  class  killed  and  picked  the  chickens. 
Volunteers  in  the  church  continued  the  process 
until  the  chickens  were  packaged  and 
frozen,  ready  for  distribution. 

The  pullets  of  the  flock  were  raised 
by  another  Lakeview  family.  The  hens 
are  now  laying,  with  some  eggs  being 
distributed  by  the  pantry  and  others 
being  sold  to  raise  funds  for  the  pantry.   --"«i""'"" "»«i«Hif 

The  chicken  venture  is  just  one  example  of  the 
cooperation  between  the  community  and  Lakewood 
church.  A  hog  farmer  donated  a  hog,  already  cut  up  and 
frozen.  A  cattle  farmer  donated  large  quantities  of  ham- 
burger. Potato  farmers  have  donated  part  of  their  crop. 

So  far,  the  community's  contribution  has  been  food  and 
volunteers.  For  operating  funds,  Lakewood  depends  on  a 
simple  system:  a  donation  jar  in  the  church  and  pantry. 

In  the  pantry?  Yes.  In  this  happy  situation,  even  the  food 
recipients  like  to  give  as  well. 

This  and  that 

Lima  (Ohio)  Church  of 
the  Brethren  received  the 
city's  Good  Neighbor 
Award  Nov.  14.  The  con- 
gregation was  cited  for 
providing  a  meeting  place 
for  the  neighborhood  asso- 
ciation, serving  breakfast 
to  volunteers  on  national 
Make  a  Difference  Day, 
and  improving  the  neigh- 
borhood (26  members 
collected  trash  from  side- 
walks and  vacant  lots  on 
Oct.  26). 

making  and  Nurturing. 
Live  Oak  owns  and  man- 
ages the  fund,  with 
investment  returns  being 
used  to  support  members 
who  work  toward  peaceful 
resolution  to  social  con- 
flicts and/or  to  support 
church-based  community 
outreach  programs. 

"Close  to  Home" highlights  news  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
//oOTf,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

January  1997  Messenger  5 


Church  World  Service  turns  50; 
hundreds  join  the  celebration 

A  50th  birthday  party  for  Church 
World  Service  was  thrown  Nov.  1 3  in 
Chicago  by  several  hundred  CWS  sup- 
porters and  advocates,  many  who  were 
on  hand  for  three  days  of  meetings  by 

Desmond  Tutu,  speaking  at 

Church  World  Service's 

Jubilee  banquet,  questioned 

whether  the  gospel  gets 

heard  by  those  who  are  rich. 

successful,  or  powerful.  "(A 

person 's)  value  does  not 

depend  on  possessions  or 

achievement. "  he  said.  "Tell 

that  to  your  nation.  Go  tell 

them  the  good  news. "  Then 

follow  Jesus '  example  of 

seeking  out  the  lost  and  the 

troubled,  he  added. 

News  items  are  ititended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/"Messenger 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  be  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

6  Messenger  January  1997 

the  National  Council  of  Churches' 
General  Assembly.  About  300  people 
participated  in  the  Jubilee  CROP  Walk, 
in  honor  of  the  2,000  walks  that  are 
scheduled  each  year  nationwide. 

Desmond  Tutu,  archbishop  emeri- 
tus of  Cape  Town,  South  Africa,  de- 
livered the  keynote  address  that 
evening  to  about  800  at  the  CWS  Ju- 
bilee banquet,  including  at  least  12 
Church  of  the  Brethren  NCC  repre- 
sentatives, staff,  and  laity. 

Tutu  credited  the  33  denominations 
of  the  NCC  for  helping  overthrow 
South  Africa's  former  system  of 
apartheid  through  prayers  and  pres- 
sure, and  he  called  on  these  same  de- 
nominations to  exert  that  same  level 
of  energy  to  assist  poor  and  undevel- 
oped countries  at  ridding  themselves 
from  crippling  debt.  Wouldn't  it  be 
appropriate  during  this  CWS  Jubilee 
for  the  International  Monetary  Fund 

and  World  Bank  to  adopt  the  Jubilee 
principle  by  forgiving  the  debt  to 
countries  that  met  four  conditions? 
Tutu  asked. 

"Give  the  people  the  chance  to  be- 
gin again,"  he  added. 

In  addition  to  the  CWS  celebration 
NCC  delegates  honored  Joseph  Cardi|! 
nal  Bernardin,  Roman  Catholic  arch 
bishop  of  Chicago,  by  naming  him  the  I 
recipient  of  a  new  award,  presented  to 
a  Bernardin  aide  the  day  prior  to  the  i 
cardinal's  death.  The  "Joseph  Cardinal 
Bernardin  Common  Ground  Award"  ' 
will  be  awarded  henceforth  to  honor  \ 
people  "whose  lives  have  shown  dedi-  \ 
cation  to  the  unity  of  people."  { 

Delegates  heard  the  first  reading  of  ) 
"No  Barriers  for  Deaf  People  in 
Churches,"  a  proposed  policy  state- 
ment that  will  return  to  the  General 
Assembly  for  second  reading  next  No- 
vember. They  were  told  of  an  NCC 
conference  to  be  held  in  1997  called 
"Ecumenical  Consultation  on  the  Im- 
plications of  Homosexuality  for  Chris- 
tian Unity";  and  heard  a  report  from  a; 
task  force  that  is  studying  what  it 
means  "to  be  church"  for  the  NCC's 
member  denominations. 

Delegates  also  supported  strategies 
to  press  Texaco  and  other  companies 
"to  embrace  the  concept  that  public 
accountability  and  assuming  leader- 
ship in  diversity  is  good  for  corpo- 
rate America";  and,  in  light  of  Cali- 
fornia's recent  Proposition  209, 
which  banned  affirmative  action, 
voted  to  reaffirm  the  NCC's  pro  af- 
firmative action  policy. 

Delegates  also  learned  of  Church 
of  the  Brethren  General  Secretary 
Donald  Miller's  retirement  through  a 
notice  in  the  daily  newsheet.  It  said, 
"Dr.  Miller  will  be  greatly  missed. 
NCC  General  Secretary  Joan  Brown 
Campbell  credits  him  with  keeping 
his  communion's  special  witness  to 
peace  very  much  alive  in  conference 
calls  among  the  heads  of  commu- 
nions, in  the  Assembly,  and  in  other 
ecumenical  settings.  He  has  been  a 
gift  to  the  ecumenical  community." 
— Nevin  Dulabaum 

thio  congregation  bans 
ttendee  from  premises 

he  Medina  (Ohio)  Church  of  the 
rethren  on  Nov.  10  banned  one  of 
s  attendees,  Debi  Easterday,  from 
ntering  its  facihty.  The  incident  be- 
an when  Easterday  arrived  at  the 
(lurch  and  had  a  prepared  congre- 
ational  statement  read  to  her. 
"The  Medina  Church  of  the  Breth- 
;n  .  .  .  welcomes  those  who  sincerely 
;ek  to  have  or  to  strengthen  their  re- 
itionship  with  the  Lord  and  Savior 
;sus  Christ,"  the  statement  reads. 

I  Calendar 

"Introduction  to  Preaching,"  offered  by 

Bethany  Academy  for  Ministry  Train- 
ing. Ian.  6-10.  Bethany  Theological 
Seminary.  Richmond,  Ind.  [Contact 
Kim  Yaussy  Albright.  (800)  287-8822]. 

Nigeria  workcamp.  Ian.  1 1-Feb.  10 
[Contact  the  Africa  and  Middle  East 
Office.  General  Offices.  (800)  325- 

Council  of  District  Executives  meeting, 

Ian.  12-13  [Contact  Karen  Peterson 
Miller,  (301)  790-0402]. 

General  Board  Staff/District  Execu- 
tives consultation,  Ian.  13-15,  Lake 
Geneva,  Wis. 

I  Kirkridge  Peacemaker  Training  for 
young  adults,  sponsored  by  Fellow- 
ship of  Reconcilation.  lanuary  13-23. 
Bangor,  Pa.  [Contact  FOR,  P.O.  Box 
271,  Nyack,  NY  10960;  fornatl(aiigc.]. 

1997  Week  of  Prayer  for  Christian 
Unity,  Ian.  18-25  [Contact  Graymoor 
Ecumenical  &  Interreligious  Institute, 
(914)  424-3458]. 

Brethren  Volunteer  Service  Unit  224 
orientation,  [an.  19-Feb.  7.  Camp 
Ithiel,  Fla.  [Contact  BVS.  General 
Offices;  CoB.BVS.parti(a)]. 

Southern  Africa  study  tour  to  Zim- 
babwe and  South  Africa  with  On  Earth 
Peace  Assembly  and  Association  of 
Brethren  Caregivers.  Ian.  24-Feb.  6 
[Contact  ABC.  General  Offices; 
CoB.ABC.partiCg'  Ecunet.Org]. 

It  continues,  "We  regret  that  an  in- 
dividual has  chosen  to  enter  our 
church  and  our  worship  service  with 
an  agenda  inconsistent  with  our 
peaceful  principles  and  method  of 
worship.  The  deepest  desire  of  the 
members  of  the  Medina  Church  of  the 
Brethren  is  to  gather  for  worship  to 
pray,  sing,  study  the  Bible,  and  to 
praise  Jesus  Christ,  without  the  fear  of 
harassment,  threats  or  general  chaos. 
We  have  followed  biblical  principles  as 
outlined  by  our  Creator  in  handling 
difficult  situations  like  this,  and  are 
greatly  saddened  that  despite  our  ini- 
tial acceptance,  love,  generosity  and 
prayers,  Debi  remains  unrepentant 
and  seeks  to  mock  God.  We  are  enti- 
tled to  worship  free  of  encumbrances 
and  and  fear  according  to  the  US 
Constitution  and  desire  a  return  to 
peaceful  and  joyful  worship  services." 

Easterday  had  attended  the  Medina 
church  sporadically  for  four  years, 
but  is  not  a  member.  She  is  a  pro- 
fessed lesbian  who  recently  married  a 
man  who  reportedly  is  planning  to 
undergo  a  sex  change.  According  to 
Tom  Zuercher,  executive  of  Northern 
Ohio  District,  Easterday  was  not 
banned  because  she  is  a  lesbian.  She 
received  the  support  and  love  of  the 
church  until  her  agenda  brought 
chaos  to  the  congregation  and  made 
it  necessary  to  ban  her  from  the  fel- 
lowship, he  said. 

National  AIDS  quilt  the  focus 
of  BMC's  sixth  convention 

About  200  supporters  of  Brethren 
Mennonite  Council  celebrated  the 
organization's  20th  anniversary  in 
Washington,  D.C.,  Oct.  1 1-13,  as 
part  of  BMC's  sixth  convention.  The 
convention  centered  around  the 
theme  "Piecing  New  Patterns  from 
Old  Cloth,"  which  tied  into  the  na- 
tional AIDS  Memorial  Quilt,  which 
was  brought  to  Washington  that 
same  weekend  and  displayed  on  the 
Washington  Mall. 

Leadership  for  the  weekend  was 
provided  by  Phi!  Porter  and  Cynthia 
Winton-Henry,  founders  of  the 
WING  IT!  performance  ensemble. 

The  conference  consisted  of  many 
workshops  that  covered  a  variety  of 
subjects.  Conference  participants 
also  attended  a  tour  of  the  National 
Gallery  of  Art,  a  banquet  to  celebrate 
BMC's  anniversary,  a  charity  auction 
that  raised  $2,600  for  BMC,  and  an 
AIDS  candlelight  vigil  on  the  Mall 
that  attracted  about  150,000. 

During  the  convention,  BMC  also 
formed  The  College  Network 
(TCN),  a  group  that  will  serve  as 
support  for  gay,  lesbian,  and  bisexual 
young  adults. 

1997  interfaith  legislative 
briefing  to  be  held  in  April 

Focusing  on  current  and  proposed 
legislation  as  well  as  providing  an 
opportunity  to  develop  skills  in  advo- 
cacy and  grassroots  organization  will 
be  the  topic  of  the  27th  Annual  In- 
terreligious Legislative  Briefing  in 
Washington,  D.C.,  April  6-9. 

"This  event  will  give  the  religious 
community  an  opportunity  to  express 
to  the  Clinton  administration  and  to 
the  105th  Congress  the  urgent  needs 
of  the  poor  and  marginalized,  as  well 
as  the  need  for  social  and  economic 
justice,  demilitarization,  and  envi- 
ronmental healing,"  said  Tim  Kreps 
of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  Wash- 
ington Office.  "Attending  the  brief- 
ing will  give  Brethren  a  chance  to  put 
their  faith  into  action,  including  the 
chance  to  visit  with  their  members  of 

This  year's  Briefing  is  being  orga- 
nized by  the  Interfaith  Impact  Foun- 
dation, the  National  Council  of 
Churches  Washington  Office,  and 
the  Graymoor  Ecumenical  and  Inter- 
religious Institute.  Brethren  inter- 
ested in  attending  the  conference 
should  contact  Kreps  at  (202)  546- 
3202  or  WashOfc(ffiAOL.Com. 

January  1997  Messenger  7 

General  Board,  Bethany 
announce  staff  changes 

James  Replogle,  director  of  Planned 
Giving,  resigned  effective  Dec.  3 1 . 
Replogle  served  with  the  General 
Board's  Stewardship  Team  in  that 
position  since  1989. 

Donna  Derr,  director  of  Refugee/ 
Disaster  Services,  resigned  from  her 
position  effective  Nov.  1 ,  citing  per- 
sonal reasons.  Derr  served  in  the  of- 
fice since  1981,  and  as  its  director  for 
the  past  nine  years. 

Orlando  Redekopp,  director  of  Ur- 
ban Ministry,  will  end  his  General 
Board  employment  because  of  termi- 
nation due  to  the  General  Board's  re- 
design. Redekopp, 
who  served  in  the 
position  since 
1994,  also  serves 
as  half-time  pas- 
tor of  Chicago 
(111.)  First  Church 
of  the  Brethren. 

Dan  Kim,  field 
director  for  Ko- 
rea Ministry  since 
1993,  was  termi- 
nated effective 
this  month  due  to 
redesign.  Prior  to 
this,  Kim  served 
as  consultant  for 
domestic  Korean 

Ron  and  Har- 
riet Finney,  co- 
directors  of  Fam- 
ily Ministry,  were 
terminated  effec- 
tive this  month 
due  to  redesign. 

The  Finneys,  who  ^^.^-^^  f,-,,,,^^ 

have  served  the 

General  Board  since  1993,  also  serve 
as  co-executives  for  South/Central 
Indiana  District. 

Linda  Timmons,  coordinator  of 
recruitment  for  Brethren  Volunteer 
Service,  was  terminated  effective  this 
month  due  to  redesign.  Timmons  has 
held  the  position  since  1995. 

8  Messenger  January  1997 

Donna  Forbes  Steiner 

Joe  Mason  was 

named  interim  di- 
rector of  Refugee/ 
Disaster  Services, 
^^^^^^^     effective  Dec.  5. 
hhB^^I^^B^H     Mason  recently 
^^^k^^^^H     had  served  as  in- 
terim executive 
for  Northern 
Plains  District. 

Donna  Forbes 
Steiner  began 
serving  as  At- 
lantic Northeast 
District  interim 
associate  execu- 
tive Ian.  1. 
She  has  served 
as  a  Brethren  ministry  consultant 
and  pastor,  and  has  worked  as  an 

Nancy  Faus,  professor  and  campus 
minister  of  Bethany  Theological  Semi- 
nary, Richmond,  Ind.,  will  retire  June 
30.  Faus  has  served  as  campus  minis- 
ter since  1975  and  as  a  full-time 

Ron  Finne\ 

instructor  since  1978.  «' 

Darryl  Deardorff,  former  Generall 
Board  treasurer  and  current  Board 
consultant,  has  been  appointed  di- 
rector of  Investments  for  Brethren 
Benefit  Trust,  effective  Jan.  1. 

New  eras  begin  for  McPhersori 
and  Elizabethtown  colleges 

The  era  of  new  presidencies  began  at 
two  Church  of  the  Brethren  colleges 
this  fall,  as  Theodore  Long  was 
installed  as  president  of  Elizabeth- 
town  (Pa.)  College  Sept.  1,  and  Gary 
Dill  installed  as  president  of  McPher- 
son  (Kan.)  CoUege  Dec.  1. 

Theodore  Long,  51,  a  member  of 
the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  of 
America,  is  the  13th  president  of 
Elizabethtown  College. 

Long  most  recently  had  served  as 
provost  and  vice  president  of  acade- 
mic affairs  at  Merrimack  College, 
North  Andover,  Mass.  He  is  a  gradu- 
ate of  Capital  University,  Columbus, 
Ohio.  He  earned  his  graduate  degree 
from  Duke  University,  and  his  doc- 
torate from  the  University  of  Virginia.i 

Prior  to  his  appointment  as  the  12th 
president  of  McPherson  College,  Gary 


Theodore  Long 

Dill  served  as  senior  vice  president 
and  a  professor  at  Schreiner  College, 
Kerrville,  Texas,  where  he  had  worked  I 
since  1991.  During  1979-1984  Dill 
served  as  an  adjunct  faculty  member 
at  Bethany  Theological  Seminary. 

He  also  has  served  as  pastor  of  York 
Center  Church  of  the  Brethren,  Lom- 
bard, 111.,  and  Prince  of  Peace  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  South  Bend,  Ind. 


jilo  news  is  the  word  from  the  committees  chosen  to  select  an 
nterim  and  then  a  permanent  general  secretary.  Kathy  Hess, 
ihairwoman  of  the  General  Board  and  of  the  Board's  Executive 
;ommittee,  which  is  seeking  an  interim  general  secretary, 
eported  at  the  end  of  November  that  no  one  had  been  selected  to 
emporarily  succeed  Donald  Miller  upon  his  retirement  Dec.  31 . 
)onald  Fitzl<ee,  chairman  of  the  search  committee  for  a  perma- 
ent  general  secretary,  stated  that  his  committee  did  not  have  any 
aformation  to  release.  Until  an  interim  is  chosen.  Dale  Minnich, 
issociate  general  secretary  and  executive  of  the  General  Services 
Commission,  will  serve  as  acting  general  secretary. 

Applications  are  being  accepting  by  On  Earth  Peace  Assem- 
ily  from  high  school  graduates  interested  in  serving  as  conflict 
esolution  program  associates  next  summer.  Four  young  adults 
be  chosen.  Two  associates  will  work  at  Shepherd's  Spring, 
iharpsburg,  Md.,  and  two  associates  at  Gamp  IViardela,  Denton, 
i/ld.,  resourcing  camp  staff,  counselors,  and  campers  on  conflict 
esolution  and  mediation  skills.  Applications  must  be  received  by 
an.  15.  Contact  Tom  Hurst,  OEPA  director  at  (410)  635-8705, 
ir  On. Earth. Peace. Assembly.parti@Ecunet. Org. 

unds  for  National  Youth  Conference  '98  participants 

nay  be  raised  through  the  help  of  SERRV  International.  Youth 
vho  sell  handmade  products  of  SERRV's  artisans  will  earn  20 
lercent  toward  NYC  expenses.  For  more  information,  contact 
;ERRV  at  (800)  723-3712  or  at  SERRV.parti@Ecunet.Org. 

nding  violence  against  women  was  the  intent  of  an  inter- 
aith  breakfast  Harriet  Finney,  co-director  of  Family  Ministry, 
ttended  in  Washington,  D.C.,  on  Oct.  11. 
"A  Call  to  End  Violence  Against  Women"  was  the  theme  of  the 
ireakfast  hosted  by  the  National  Council  of  Churches,  the  Center 
or  the  Prevention  of  Sexual  and  Domestic  Violence,  and  the 
Jational  Jewish  Community  Relations  Advisory  Council  during 
lomestic  Violence  Awareness  Month.  The  event  was  held  to 
encourage  and  support  (religious  groups)  in  meeting  this  major 
hallenge  in  our  society,  ending  violence  against  women,"  Finney 
aid.  She  added  that  attendees  were  told  domestic  violence  is  a 
eligious  issue  that  must  be  addressed  by  people  of  faith. 

i  total  of  1 ,450  Brethren  from  48  congregations  had 

igned  a  petition  for  the  International  Campaign  to  Ban  Land 
/lines,  as  of  Nov.  20.  "This  is  a  significant  response  from  our 
ienomination  regarding  an  important  international  issue,"  said 
lavid  Radcliff,  director  of  Denominational  Peace  Witness,  of  this 
tetition,  which  was  sent  to  churches  in  the  September  Source. 

*'wo  seminars  sponsored  by  Bethany  Theological  Seminary  and 
s  Bethany  Academy  for  Ministry  Training  are  scheduled  for  early 
997  at  Bethany's  Richmond  (Ind.)  campus.  An  Introduction  to 
Teaching  course  is  scheduled  for  Jan.  6-10;  an  Advanced  Pas- 
Dral  Seminar  is  scheduled  for  Feb.  24-28.  For  more  information, 
ontact  Kim  Yaussy  Albright  at  (800)  287-8822. 






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Over  35  CPS 
and  Catho- 
lics, attended 
the  Oct.  26 
and  dedica- 
tion service 
of  this  mark- 
er in  Phila- 

More  than  12,000  Brethren,  Mennonite,  Quaker,  and  other 
conscientious  objectors  who  served  in  Civilian  Public  Service 
(CPS)  from  1940-1947  were  honored  Oct.  26,  when  a  marker 
commemorating  their  service  was  unveiled  outside  the  Friends 
Center  in  Philadelphia.  Although  some  Brethren  thought  it  was 
inappropriate  for  members  to  participate  with  conscription  in  any 
manner,  nearly  2,000  men — 1,1 19  from  the  Brethren  denomina- 
tions—were serving  in  Brethren  CPS  units  by  October  1945.  The 
Church  of  the  Brethren  donated  more  than  $1 ,300,000  to  the  CPS 
program,  in  addition  to  food  and  clothing.  This  program  helped 
lead  to  the  founding  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  in  1 948. 

A  Certificate  of  Merit  was  presented  to  the  Brethren  Service 
Center,  New  Windsor,  Md.,  in  October  by  the  Carroll  County 
Health  Department  Bureau  of  Environmental  Health.  The  Center 
was  one  of  93  facilities  to  receive  the  award,  which  is  based  on 
"outstanding  food  handling  practices  and  cleanliness." 

Increasing  service  to  the  homeless  will  be  the  direct  result 
of  a  $25,000  Global  Food  Crisis  grant  to  the  Brethren  Housing 
Association,  Harrisburg,  Pa.  The  grant,  approved  Nov.  7,  will 
help  provide  low-cost  traditional  housing,  counseling,  case  man- 
agement, resources,  and  education. 

Dealing  with  congregational  conflict  is  the  focus  of  a  work- 
shop scheduled  for  March  10-14  at  Bethany  Theological 
Seminary,  Richmond,  Ind.  The  workshop,  which  is  intended  for 
people  with  prior  mediation  or  consulting  experience,  is  co- 
sponsored  by  Ministry  of  Reconciliation.  For  more  information 
and  registration,  call  Kate  Johnson  at  (410)  635-8706. 

And  finally,  a  Roman  Catholic  priest  instructed  his  altar  boys  to 
hand  an  apple  to  each  woman  who  entered  the  church  in  a  mini- 
skirt as  "a  reminder  of  the  original  sin  of  Adam  and  Eve."  The 
priest  began  the  campaign  after  several  complaints  concerning 
the  clothing  worn  by  women  in  the  church.  {ENl} 

January  1997  Messenger  9 

This,  then,  is  the  ''Brethren 

genius,"  the  ability  to  take 

the  New  Testament  seriously 

in  a  joyous  giving  of  all 

that  we  are  and  have. 

BY  Chalmer  Faw 

In  these  days  of  declining  membership,  we  might  well 
ask  ourselves,  why  have  a  Church  of  the  Brethren 
when  there  are  so  many  other  denominations  believing 
and  doing  virtually  the  same  things  that  we  do? 

When  it  comes  to  peace  witness  and  service,  the  Men- 
nonites  and  Friends  have  been  at  it  longer  than  we  have,  and 
seem  to  be  doing  an  acceptable  job.  Also  in  these  fields  there 
are  large  denominations  that  have  strong  programs,  so  that 
in  the  United  Methodist  Church  and  the  United  Church  of 
Christ,  for  example,  there  likely  are  more  pacifists  and  ser- 
vice workers  totally  than  there  are  among  the  Brethren. 

Nor  are  we  the  only  "New  Testament  church"  by  any 
means.  Every  Christian  denomination  claims  to  be  rooted 
in  that  document,  from  the  Roman  Catholics  built  on  the 
apostolate  of  Peter  to  the  Lutherans  and  their  justifica- 
tion by  faith  alone,  to  the  Calvinists  emphasizing  the 
sovereignty  of  God,  to  the  Pentecostal  groups  who  outdo 
us  all  in  the  gifts  and  work  of  the  Holy  Spirit. 

In  what  then,  if  anything,  are  the  Brethren  unique? 

The  answer  to  this  may  be  found  in  the  writings  and 
examples  of  the  founders  of  our  denomination.  A  key  word 
for  them  was  obedience,  not  so  much  more  commands  to 
obey  but  a  greater  spirit  of  obedience.  In  his  publication 
Basic  Questions,  written  in  response  to  critic  Eberhard 
Ludwig  Gruber,  Alexander  Mack  asked,  "Why  should  a 
believer  not  wish  to  do  the  will  of  him  in  whom  he  believes?" 

Implied  in  this  question  borne  out  in  the  lives  of  early 
brothers  and  sisters  was  the  conviction  that  there  is  noth- 
ing too  little  or  too  big  to  do  for  the  one  who  died  for  our 
sins  and  won  for  us  so  great  a  salvation.  For  them  it  was 
not  a  question  of  do  I  have  to  do  this  or  that  or  of  how 
little  can  I  get  by  with,  but  how  much  can  I  do  to  show 
my  love  for  God  and  his  Son  Jesus  Christ? 

Consequently,  the  early  Brethren  studied  the  Scriptures 
conscientiously,  immersing  themselves  in  the  Bible  every 
day  to  discover  the  best  and  the  most  they  could  do  for  the 
Lord,  joyfully  seeking  the  maximum  and  not  the  minimum 
of  obedience.  It  was  a  little  like  two  people  in  love  asking 
not  "Do  I  have  to  kiss  or  hug  my  spouse  to  show  my  affec- 
tion?" but  rather  "What  are  the  thousand  different  little 

10  Messenger  January  1997 

ways  I  can  show  my  great  love  for  my  spouse?" 

Take  the  matter  of  Christian  baptism,  for  example.  Every 
denomination  has  it  in  some  form.  Even  the  Friends,  who  do 
not  use  water,  have  a  special  work  of  the  Spirit  that  serves  as 
baptism  for  them.  Some  groups  sprinkle  a  little  water; 
others  pour  water.  Many  denominations  have  immersion  in 
water  in  one  form  or  other,  usually  a  single  dip  backwards. 
But  not  the  Brethren.  They  combed  the  Scriptures  carefully, 
comparing  one  text  with  another  endlessly  in  their  zeal  to 
discover  all  they  could  do  to  express  their  gratitude  for  the 
salvation  of  which  baptism  is  the  seal  and  testimony. 

Beginning  with  the  Greek  word  baptizo  which  meant  to 
"dip"  or  "immerse,"  they  found  texts  such  as  Acts  8:38— 39J 
in  which  Philip  and  the  Ethiopian  went  down  "into  the 
water"  and  came  up  "out  of  the  water"  of  baptism,  and 
Romans  6:4,  in  which  the  believer  is  "buried"  with  Christ  infiii 
baptism,  and  they  were  sure  that  the  true  New  Testament 
practice  was  immersion  of  some  kind.  Then  they  examined 



lent  serious 



Matthew  28:19  carefully  and  heard  Jesus  tell  his  disciples 
3  baptize  "in  the  name  of  the  Father  and  of  the  Son  and  of 
le  Holy  Spirit,"  and,  on  the  principle  of  doing  the  most 
nd  not  the  least,  arrived  at  a  threefold  action,  which  they 
ame  to  call  "triune  immersion." 

Then,  all  Christian  groups  have  ministries  of  prayer 
3r  healing  as  did  their  Lord  before  them.  The  early 
brethren  and  related  sects,  however,  searched  the  Scrip- 
jres  for  all  the  commands  to  heal,  and  attempted  to 
nplement  them  in  their  lives,  again  on  the  principle  of 
oing  the  maximum  with  gratitude  and  joy. 

They  noted  Christ's  command  in  Matthew  10:8  to 
cure  the  sick,  raise  the  dead,  cleanse  the  lepers,  (and)  cast 
ut  demons,"  and  took  healing  seriously.  And,  true  to  their 
lethod,  they  found  texts  in  other  parts  of  the  New  Testa- 
lent  to  lay  alongside  this  one,  notably  James  5:1 3-1 8,  in 
'hich  the  early  church  was  commanded  to  anoint  with  oil 
or  healing.  Having  already  learned  from  Mark  6:13  that 

the  first  apostles  used  this  method  on  one  of  their  trips, 
apparently  at  the  command  of  the  Lord,  they  were  all  the 
more  eager  for  the  detailed  instructions  found  in  lames  5. 
And  from  this  came  the  rite  of  anointing  for  healing. 

It  was  not,  as  among  the  Catholics,  a  form  of  "extreme 
unction"  for  the  dying  only,  but  for  all  kinds  of  sickness. 
They  took  great  care  to  see  that  the  congregation  was  rep- 
resented through  its  "elders"  or  equivalents,  followed  to 
the  letter  the  part  about  the  confession  of  sins  within  the 
group,  and  practiced  the  prayer  of  faith  that  opened  the 
door  for  the  Lord  to  perform  the  miracle  of  healing. 

Still  another  area  in  which  the  early  Brethren  showed 
their  desire  to  do  everything  that  the  Lord  had  commanded 
was  that  of  holy  communion.  Here  again  all  Christian 
groups,  with  the  exception  of  the  Friends,  had  the  celebra- 
tion of  the  bread  and  the  cup.  But  the  Brethren  and  a  few 
kindred  groups  added  to  that  the  communal  meal  found  in 
1  Cor.  1  l:20ff  and  John  13,  and  the  feetwashing  instituted 
by  (esus  in  (ohn  13:1-17.  In  fact  they  discovered  from  a 
close  reading  of  verses  14—17  that  lesus  commanded  us 
three  times  to  wash  one  another's  feet  and,  being  eager  to 
do  all  that  the  Lord  wanted  them  to  do,  they  did  it  without 
question  and  found  great  joy  in  doing  so. 

The  same  spirit  of  following  all  the  commands  of 
esus  motivated  the  early  Brethren  in  carrying  the 
^ospel  to  the  whole  world.  In  Matthew  28: 1 9-20,  the 
emphasis  was  on  making  disciples,  baptizing,  and  then 
teaching  these  converts  to  obey  all  of  Christ's  instructions, 
that  is,  making  the  same  kind  of  earnest,  fervent  believers 
that  the  apostles  were.  This  resulted  in  evangelizing  by 
much  doctrinal  preaching,  a  characteristic  of  the  procla- 
mation of  the  gospel  by  the  early  Brethren. 

But  in  Luke— Acts  and  much  of  the  Epistles,  the  key  word 
was  "witnessing."  and  this  was  accomplished  by  first  being. 
then  doing,  and  finally  speaking,  with  follow-up  and  organi- 
zation, leaving  the  results  in  the  hands  of  the  Holy  Spirit.  The 
Brethren  are  a  blend  of  these  two  approaches,  along  with  a 
strong  emphasis  on  Matthew  25:3 1-46  that  insofar  as  they 
show  love  to  the  "least"  of  creation  they  show  it  unto  Christ. 

This,  then,  is  the  "Brethren  genius,"  the  ability  to  take 
the  New  Testament  seriously  in  a  joyous  giving  of  all  that 
we  are  and  have  in  maximum  fashion,  ever  on  the  lookout 
for  even  more  that  we  may  find  to  do  to  show  our  appreci- 
ation to  God  and  Christ. 

The  problem  is  that  this  is  Brethren  at  our  best.  At  our 
worst,  we  become  legalistic  and  lose  the  spirit  of  the  early 
Brethren.  Only  a  genuine  recovery  of  that  spirit  as  we 
enter  the  21st  century  will  keep  us  alive.  Without  it,      r7T~ 
we  will  be  in  deep  trouble!  l ! 

Chaliner  Faw  is  a  former  professor  at  Bethany  Theological  Seminary 
and  Nigeria  missionary.  He  lives  in  McPherson.  Kan. 

January  1997  Messenger  1 1 

Kay  Yanisch's  job  is  to  be  a 
physical  presence  showing 
solidarity  with  and  support 
for  former  refugees  as  they 
resettle  their  community  in 
Guatemala.  "It  is  potentially 
very  dangerous,"  Kay  admits, 
"but  that's  why  I'm  here." 

in  Guatemala^ 

Story  and  Photos  by  Jeff  Leard 


It  is  a  typical  afternoon  in  the  Ixcan  region  of 
Guatemala.  The  rainy  season  is  in  force  and  all  in 
the  little  community  of  Los  Angeles  have  taken 
cover  from  the  daily  torrential  storms.  Smoke  from 
small  cooking  fires  drifts  lazily  from  the  houses,  juxta- 
posed with  the  thick  precipitation  that  has  engulfed  the 
day.  The  constant  chirping  and  buzzing  of  the  jungle 
ecosystem  is  muffled  by  the  steady  din  of  rain  on  corru- 
gated tin  roofs.  Well-worn  footpaths  winding  up  and 
down  Guatemala's  rugged  slopes  are  gradually  turned  to 
rivulets  of  mud. 

Kay  Yanisch  of  St.  Paul.  Minn.,  is  a  visitor  in  Los 
Angeles — an  invited  guest — but  today  she  is  the  host  for 
a  game  of  cards  among  a  few  of  the  neighborhood  chil- 
dren. Set  on  a  prominent  hill  in  the  community,  her  house 
is  a  place  where  people  know  they  are  welcome  and  it  is 
the  place  where  Kay  does  her  best  work — listening,  sup- 

1 2  Messenger  January  1997 

porting,  and  befriending  a  struggling  community  of 
refugees  from  a  brutal  civil  war. 

Nearby,  Cruza  Lopez  Perez  sits  inside  her  tiny  broken 
home  and  slowly  unwinds  the  story  of  her  family's  journeyi 
back  to  the  community  of  Los  Angeles.  Her  words  describe  ki 
the  brutality  of  a  country  that  went  to  war  against  its  own 
people.  It  is  the  story  of  a  mysterious  and  subjective 
oppression — the  reason  for  Kay's  presence  in  Los  Angeles 

A  tiny  cooking  fire  is  tended  by  Cruza's  husband.  He 
stares  blankly  through  the  slats  of  the  outer  wall,  scan 
ning  the  obscured  horizon  for  another  betrayal  in  the 
Guatemalan  darkness.  He  is  silent. 

Cruza's  15-year-old  daughter,  Mikiela,  is  busy  patting    vo 
tortillas.  Her  hands  move  without  thought.  The  attention  o  ts, 
her  dark  eyes  is  fixed  intensely  on  her  mother,  whose 
somber  words  are  interrupted  occasionally  by  the  sounds  a 
Mikiela's  tired  baby,  slung  to  her  back  in  a  lump  of  neatly     4; 

/oven  fabric,  crimson  red.  Milciela  sums  up  the  fate  of  the 
hild  with  a  single  sentence:  "Another  child  born  to  suffer." 

In  the  1 970s  the  Guerrilla  Army  of  the  Poor  (EGP) 
ilently  began  organizing  here  in  the  Ixcan  region.  In 
975,  the  Guatemalan  Army  also  established  a  presence 
n  the  region,  and  the  two  were  soon  locked  into  a  bloody 
ivil  war.  The  Ixcan  became  well  known  as  one  of  the 
nost  violent  areas  in  Guatemala. 

In  1982,  the  army  began  sweeping  from  village  to  village 
n  a  series  of  massacres  that  were  part  of  the  government's 
corched  earth  policy.  Troops  were  deployed  on  the  ground 
nd  in  the  air  to  destroy  communities  and  massacre  the 
nhabitants,  leaving  nothing  but  destruction  in  their  wake. 

The  scorched  earth  policy  was  implemented  ruthlessly 
n  the  Ixcan  and  the  situation  in  Los  Angeles  became 
mbearable  when  350  people  were  locked  inside  a  Catholic 
hurch  in  the  nearby  community  of  Cuarto  Pueblo  and 
ncinerated  en  masse.  Troops  began  marching  in  the  direc- 
ion  of  Los  Angeles  the  following  day. 

Cruza,  her  husband,  and  family  of  five  children  were  on 
heir  way  to  church  on  the  day  of  the  massacre.  Frightened 
nd  dismayed,  they  went  back  to  their  home,  grabbed  any- 
hing  they  could  carry,  and  began  the  lethal  journey  north. 
Jke  most  of  the  other  refugees,  they  headed  for  Mexico, 
'ractically  all  of  Los  Angeles  fled  in  the  days  to  follow,  and 
he  village  was  subsequently  burned  by  the  army. 

Some  of  the  families  arrived  in  Mexico  and  were  even- 
ually  placed  in  refugee  communities.  Others  remained  in 
he  jungle  close  to  the  Mexican  border, 
ften  forming  nomadic  communities  with 
jither  refugees.  Still  others  fled  to  safer 
)arts  of  the  country  and  became  displaced 
nside  Guatemala. 

Lives  were  lost  during  the  journey. 
)0me  of  the  people  were  spotted  and  killed 
ly  the  army.  Many  more  suffered  and 
lied  from  disease,  hunger,  and  exhaus- 
ion  in  the  rugged  countryside.  Months 
ind  years  of  paranoid  flight  took  its  toll. 

A  decade  after  the  Cuarto  Pueblo  mas- 
acre,  the  confrontation  began  to  simmer 
lown,  and  in  1994  the  situation  around  Los  Angeles  was 
leemed  safe  enough  for  families  to  return.  But  the  area  is 
till  heavily  militarized.  Guerrilla  camps  are  close  by  and 
wo  army  posts  are  within  a  few  hours  walk  of  Los  Ange- 
es.  Ostensibly  the  war  is  over,  but  the  refugees  in  Los 
^geles  are  not  safe. 

As  part  of  the  peace  accords  that  ended  the  conflict, 
efugees  throughout  Guatemala  insisted  on  having  interna- 

The  task  of  accompaniers 
is  to  report  human  rights 
abuses  to  the  outside 
world  and  to  support 
recent  refugees  as  they 
work  through  the  process 
of  re-establishing  broken 

It  distresses  Kay  that  while  she  lives  in  ilie  same  physical 
space  as  her  Guatemalan  neighbors,  she  cannot  fully 
experience  their  sense  of  insecurity  and  uncertain  future. 

tional  people  accompany  them  during  the  return  to  their 
communities.  The  Church  of  the  Brethren  has  become  a  part 
of  the  process  by  sponsoring  people  such  as  Kay  through  the 
program  "Partners  in  Accompaniment:  Guatemala"  (see 
sidebar).  The  task  of  accompaniers  is  to 
report  human  rights  abuses  to  the  outside 
world  and  to  support  recent  refugees  as 
they  work  through  the  process  of  re-estab- 
lishing broken  communities. 

The  need  for  accompaniment  is  evi- 
dent. The  people  of  Los  Angeles,  like 
most  replaced  communities,  do  not  trust 
the  government,  and  with  paramilitary 
forces  close  at  hand,  Kay's  presence  is 
believed  to  be  essential.  People  in  the 
community  question  their  safety  if  she  is 
gone  for  more  than  a  few  days. 
In  the  aftermath  of  the  conflict,  Los  Angeles  is  work- 
ing hard  at  rebuilding  itself.  But  the  effects  of  more  than 
10  years  of  violence  have  been  pervasive.  "I  think  there's 
a  great  deal  of  fear  still,"  said  Kay.  "That's  the  reason  a 
lot  of  people  didn't  come  back — because  they  were  wor- 
ried it  was  going  to  happen  again.  People  don't  talk 
about  their  emotions  much,  but  I  think  there's  a  lot  of 
domestic  abuse — a  lot  of  parents  beating  kids  and  a  lot 

January  1997  Messenger  1 3 

Kay  enjoys  getting  to  know  the  people  of  Los  Angeles  and 

mastering  their  traditional  crafts,  such  as  weaving. 

of  kids  hitting  dogs.  People  who  have  been  stomped  on 
feel  like  they  need  to  stomp  on  somebody  else."  The  frus- 
tration is  palpable  to  Kay. 

Resources  to  accomplish  the  rebuilding  effort  are 
scarce.  The  community  suffers  from  poverty  and  from 
political  repression,  and  the  combined  effects  of  the  two 

have  severely  hampered 
reconstruction.  Accord- 
ing to  Kay,  the  people 
of  Los  Angeles  have  not 
reached  a  state  of 
famine,  but  they  are 
poor  and  they  are 
extremely  limited  in 

But  Guatemalans 
are  very  resourceful. 
Houses  are  built  out  of 
timber  and  vines  from 
the  rain  forest.  Roofs 
are  made  from  thatch 
or  from  sheet  metal 
that  has  been  donated.  Two  harvests  of  corn  and  beans 
each  year  offer  an  ample  supply  of  food,  but  cultivating 
the  crops  and  processing  the  food  is  a  painstaking  proce- 
dure. Lifetimes  are  spent  planting  the  seeds,  working  the 

14  Messenger  January  1997 

"People  don't  talk  about 
their  emotions  much, 
but  I  think  there's  a  lot 
of  domestic  abuse — a  lot 
of  parents  beating  kids 
and  a  lot  of  kids  hitting 
dogs.  People  who  have 
been  stomped  on  feel 
like  they  need  to  stomp 
on  somebody  else." 

soil,  picking  the  corn,  grinding  the  corn,  and  patting  it 
into  tortillas — the  staple  food  of  the  country. 

Los  Angeles  is  also  a  difficult  place  to  live.  The  neares-! 
town  is  five  hours  away  by  foot.  A  road  that  was  promised 
by  the  government  as  part  of  the  peace  accords  has  been 
delayed  indefinitely.  Most  supplies  are  transported  by 
horseback,  which  virtually  makes  cash-crop  agriculture 
out  of  the  question. 

In  the  face  of  all  this,  the  families  of  Los  Angeles  still 
consider  themselves  lucky.  "They've  suffered  a  lot,"  said 
Kay.  "But  at  the  same  time  there's  a  lot  more  hope  for 
them  than  for  other  people  who  are  suffering  from  poverty] 
in  Guatemala:  They  have  land.  That's  why  they  came 
back.  There  was  no  land  in  Mexico,  and  these  people  are 
so  rooted  in  the  land  and  in  growing  the  milpa,  the  maize, 
the  frijoles,  and  the  squash — their  life  stems  from  it.  A 
Mayan  legend  says  that  people  are  made  of  corn;  it's  the 
most  important  symbol  in  the  culture."  It  is  a  luxury  to 
have  land  on  which  to  grow  the  precious  staple. 

Peace  in  Guatemala  is  tenuous,  and  there  is  always  con-  ^ 
cern  that  the  people  might  be  removed  from  the  land  once 
again.  After  all,  the  Ixcan  region  is  the  most  active  area  of 
conflict  in  the  country.  Kay  admits  without  hesitation  that 
the  community  is  in  a  "potentially  dangerous"  situation. 

True,  there  are  few  options  for  people  who  live  in  Los 
Angeles,  but  for  Kay  it  is  a  different  story.  She  recognizes 
the  danger,  but  stays  for  the  satisfaction  of  her  work.  "I 
feel  like  I'm  getting  a  lot  more  out  of  it  than  I'm  putting 
inio  it,"  she  said  about  the  experience.  "I  am  getting  a  lot 
more  out  of  it  than  I'm  putting  into  it.  The  hardest  part  was 
just  making  the  decision  to  do  something."  Once  she  made:  I' 
the  decision,  she  became  quickly  committed  to  the  cause. 

Kay  remains  unconcerned  about  her  safety.  "I  don't  live  ;  )' 
in  fear  of  the  danger  I'm  in,"  she  said.  "I'm  not  naive 
enough  to  believe  that  another  attack  won't  happen  here, 
but  in  a  lot  of  ways  I  feel  safer  now  than  I  did  locked  up 
tight  in  my  apartment  at  home  in  the  US.  It  is  a  potentially 
very  dangerous  situation,  and  that's  why  I'm  here — becausefii 
these  people  are  in  danger. 

"It's  not  right  that  they  live  in  fear  and  it's  not  right 
that  they  need  this  accompaniment — it's  not  fair.  It's 
such  a  simple  thing  for  me  to  do.  Yes,  it's  dangerous,  and    ii; 
I've  thought  to  myself,  'well,  what  if  something  happens 
to  me?'  But  a  more  important  question  is,  'what  if  some- 
thing happens  to  all  these  people  here?'" 

The  experience  of  living  in  the  Ixcan  region  has  been 
instructive,  and  Kay  has  a  new  perspective  on  mortality. 
"The  people  know  life  so  much  more  than  we  know  it 
because  they  know  it  in  all  of  its  extremes,"  she  said. 
"They've  been  faced  with  death  so  much  more  and  they 



ire  so  accepting  of  it  as  just  another  stage  of  life." 

Every  day  Kay  goes  to  a  different  house  for  meals.  She 
s  immersed  in  the  life  and  culture  of  the  community,  but 
s  a  North  American  it  has  been  difficult  to  relate  to  the 
experience  of  oppression.  "I've  become  comfortable  here, 
lut  at  the  same  time  I'm  not  suffering,"  she  said.  "I  go  to 
)eople's  homes  and  I  eat  their  food.  I  don't  know  the 
truggles  they've  had  in  their  lives  ...  or  even  in  harvesting 
he  corn.  I  show  up.  There's  food.  It  tastes  great."  She 
ives  in  the  same  physical  space  with  the  community  of  Los 
Uigeles,  but  does  not  share  the  history  of  a  cruel  past. 

Her  cultural  frustration  is  bal- 
mced  by  an  immense  respect  for 
he  people.  "Their  stories  are 
ncredible,  and  their  history  is  just 

As  an  accompanier,  Kay's  job 
s  to  be  a  physical  presence  show- 
ng  solidarity  with  and  support  for 
he  former  refugees  as  they  reset- 
le  their  community,  but  she  plans 
o  continue  her  work  in  the  US  after 
he  leaves  Los  Angeles  in  April. 

Her  plan  is  to  bring  Central 
i^merican  issues  to  people's  con- 
ciousness  by  advocating  for  Los 
Vngeles  and  other  refugee  com- 
nunities  and  by  spreading  the  word 
ibout  the  oppression  in  Guatemala. 
One  of  the  most  important  things 
hat  anyone  who  has  lived  in  this 
;ulture  can  do  is  to  share  the  strug- 
;les  that  they've  had  with  outside 
leople.  A  lot  of  people  wouldn't  go 
)ut  and  seek  this  information,  but 
f  you  can  bring  it  to  them  and  to 
he  people  you  know,  then  at  least 
ou  are  doing  a  little  bit."  It  is  important,  she  feels,  to  have 
;  local  person  talking  about  international  issues  and  bring- 
ng  them  to  the  attention  of  people  in  the  US. 

The  experience  of  living  among  the  people  of  Los 
Uigeles  has  affected  Kay  deeply.  She  is  passionate  about 
he  situation  in  Guatemala,  but  knows  that  the  challenge 
ihead  for  her  is  formidable.  "There's  a  difference  between 
;nowing  and  doing,"  she  said.  "The  doing  is  the 
iiardest  part." 


]eff  heard,  a  member  of  Clendale  (Calif.)  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
xently  completed  a  year  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  with  the  General 
'■card's  Office  of  Interpretation.  He  has  begun  a  second  assignment,  sennng 
s  newsletter  editor  for  the  Middle  East  Council  of  Churches,  in  Cyprus. 

Partners  in  Accompaniment 

In  response  to  requests  by  returning  Guatemalan  refugees 
for  international  accompaniment,  particularly  from  cit- 
izens of  the  United  States,  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
began  the  Partners  in  Accompaniment  project  in  late  1995. 
The  goal  of  the  effort  is  to  help  assure  the  safety  of 
Guatemalans  who  have  come  back  to  their  communities 
after  years  in  exile.  Means  of  accomplishing  this  include 
linking  Brethren  congregations  with  Guatemalan  com- 
munities for  relationship-building  and  advocacy,  recruiting 
accompaniers  to  live  in  threatened 
communities  for  terms  of  at  least 
three  months,  and  encouraging 
understanding  of  and  support  for 
Guatemalans  through  workcamps 
and  learning  tours. 

Congregations  wishing  to 
participate  as  partner  communi- 
ties are  asked  to  learn  about  their 
sister  community  and  to  be  pre- 
pared to  respond  should  the 
safety  of  that  community  be 
threatened.  Congregations  may 
also  contribute  to  the  support  of 
an  accompanier  at  whatever  level 
is  possible.  Matching  funds  by 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  Dis- 
aster/Refugee office  double  the 
impact  of  congregational  gifts. 
People  interested  in  serving 
as  accompaniers  need  to  be 
fluent  in  Spanish,  mentally  and 
spiritually  mature,  and  in  good 
physical  health.  Training  and 
placement  of  accompaniers  is 
handled  by  the  National  Coordi- 
Kay  learns  much  of      nating  Office  on  Refugees  and 
Guatemalan  life  Displaced  of  Guatemala.  Lisa 

from  the  children         }antzen  of  California  is  sched- 
who  dog  her  steps        uled  to  be  placed  in  the  village  of 
through  the  village.      La  Providencia  this  month.  Her 
support  will  come  from  congre- 
gations in  the  Midwest  and  on  the  west  coast. 

Further  information  is  available  from  the  General 
Board's  Latin  America  office  or  the  office  of  Denomi- 
national Peace  Witness. — David  Radcliff 

David  Radcliff  is  director  of  Denominational  Peace  Witness  on  the 
General  Board  Staff 

January  1997  Messenger  1 5 


THE  Gl?  AY 



BY  Guy  wampler 

While  I  was  getting  my  hair  cut,  I  asked  a  couple 
of  Catholics  in  the  barber  shop,  "What  do 
Catholics  believe  about  Dr.  Kevorkian?" 

Knowing  a  little  bit  about  the  Catholic  opposition  to  sui- 
cide, I  expected  them  to  denounce  "Dr.  Death"  of  Michigan. 
To  my  surprise,  they  said,  "It's  difficult  to  say  what  Catholics 
believe,  because  Catholics  do  not  all  think  alike." 

So  I  rephrased  the  question,  "Well,  what  does  your 
church  teach  about  assisted  suicide?  Is  it  a  venial  sin?" 

"No,"  they  answered  in  unison.  "It  is  a  mortal  sin, 
definitely  a  mortal  sin." 

I  persisted,  "Even  though  it  is  a  mortal  sin  according 
to  your  church,  can  you  imagine  any  situation  in  which 
you  might  condone  physician-assisted  suicide?" 

"Yes,"  they  replied  together. 

Both  of  these  Catholics  have  been  widows,  although 
one  is  married  again.  Both  have  been  through  the  terminal 
illness,  suffering,  and  death  of  their  husbands.  They  must 
have  learned  from  that  experience.  They  asked,  "When 
there  is  no  longer  any  hope  of  recovery,  when  pain  is 
excruciating  or  if  sedation  is  so  heavy  it  turns  patients  into 
zombies,  why  prolong  the  agony?"  They  answered  their 
own  question:  "We  would  not  do  that  to  dogs.  We  would 
put  dogs  to  sleep.  Isn't  that  more  merciful?" 

Both  women  professed  to  love  their  church — the  sanc- 
tuary, the  worship,  the  sacraments.  They  claimed  that  they 
take  the  teachings  of  the  church  as  far  as  they  can  but  that 
the  church  is  out  of  date.  They  said  that  the  world  changes 
but  the  Catholic  church  stays  the  same  for  centuries.  More- 
over they  contend  that  in  their  church  most  issues  are  black 
and  white,  whereas  in  the  everyday  world  in  which  we  live 
there  are  gray  areas.  They  said  that  when  they  come  to  the 
gray  areas  of  life,  about  90  percent  of  Catholics  have  an 
understanding  among  themselves  that  they  will  exercise 
their  individual  judgment. 

I  asked,  "If  you  committed  a  mortal  sin  would  you 
confess  it  to  your  priest?" 

They  answered,  "Yes,  but  that  doesn't  mean  we'd 
change  our  minds." 

16  Messenger  January  1997 

I  think  there  are 

better  people  with 

whom  to  consuh  than 

Dr.  Kevorkian.  He  is 

too  casual  about  death, 

too  indifferent  to  the 

preciousness  of  every 

life.  In  the  gray  areas 

at  the  end  of  life  there 

are  alternatives  to  Dr. 

Kevorkian  that  I  would 

find  more  acceptable. 

This  conversation  in  the  barber  shop  about  the  teach- 
ing of  the  church  versus  individual  judgment  had  special 
significance  for  me  because  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
now  has  an  official  statement  against  assisted  suicide,  anc 
we  need  to  decide  how  to  apply  that  statement  to  our 
individual  lives.  At  Annual  Conference  in  Cincinnati, 
more  than  1,000  delegates  voted  to  adopt  a  statement 
called  "End-of-Life  Decision-Making."  One  sentence 
from  that  statement  reads:  "The  active  and  intentional 
taking  of  life  including  assisted  suicide  is  unacceptable." 

At  first  glance.  Annual  Conference  appears  to  be  as 
black  and  white  on  this  issue  as  the  Catholic  church.  Of 
course  the  words  "mortal  sin"  do  not  appear,  but  the 
word  "unacceptable"  is  categorical.  And  Annual  Confer- 
ence is  the  highest  authority  on  matters  of  faith  and  politj 
in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

On  the  other  hand,  Annual  Conference  statements  are 
not  considered  decrees,  binding  on  all  members.  Our 
church  considers  Annual  Conference  statements  to  be 

eachings  lo  enlighten,  not  mandates  to  coerce  the  mem- 
jers  of  the  church.  In  other  words,  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  offers  room  for  individual  judgment  when  we 
"ace  the  gray  areas  of  Hfe.  So  we  must  think  about  this 
•ecently  adopted  teaching  of  the  church,  interpret  it,  and 
;onsider  how  it  appHes  to  our  daily  lives. 

I  believe  that  every  life  is  precious.  |esus  taught  that 
he  hairs  of  our  head  are  numbered.  He  taught  that  not  a 
sparrow  falls  to  the  ground  unnoticed  by  God,  and  that 
NQ  are  of  much  greater  value  than  sparrows  (Matt. 
10:29-30).  Every  life  is  precious  in  the  sight  of  God.  I 
lave  a  sense  of  reverence  for  life.  Therefore,  the  active 
ind  intentional  taking  of  life  troubles  me. 

One  of  my  cousins  committed  suicide  last  year.  He  was 
\  respected  member  of  his  Church  of  the  Brethren  congre- 
gation. He  had  a  natural  twinkle  in  his  eyes.  He  had  a 
spirit  of  adventure.  Years  ago,  he  built  an  airplane  and 
earned  how  to  fly  it.  He  took  us  cousins  up  for  a  ride. 

But  this  seemingly  untroubled  man  left  his  home  in  the 

early  morning  darkness  and  took  his  life.  Our  whole 
family  is  still  troubled.  We  don't  fully  understand  the  cir- 
cumstances that  led  to  the  suicide.  He  did  have  heart 
problems.  Although  his  family  didn't  see  the  symptoms  at 
the  time,  apparently  he  was  more  depressed  about  his 
health  than  they  realized.  1  wonder  if  he  kept  his  feelings 
inside  himself  and  faced  them  alone.  I  wonder  if  it  would 
have  been  good  for  him  to  express  his  despair  rather  than 
bear  that  burden  alone.  I  wonder  if,  had  he  sat  down  with 
someone  whom  he  respected  to  carefully  consider  all  the 
alternatives,  he  would  have  made  a  different  choice. 

His  death  was  terribly  tragic.  I  am  glad  for  a  church  that 
cautions  against  all  forms  of  suicide.  In  our  low  moments, 
we  make  bad  decisions.  In  such  moments  we  need  the 
teaching  of  the  church  to  give  us  perspective.  The  church 
teaches  that  every  life  is  precious.  Suicide  horrifies  me. 

The  Bible  doesn't  give  a  definitive  answer  to  the 
question  of  suicide.  Remarkably,  few  suicides  are 
reported  across  the  several  millennia  of  biblical 
history.  The  stories  of  these  rare  suicides  are  told  without 
condemnation  or  judgment. 

1  Samuel  3  1  reports  the  suicide  of  King  Saul.  The 
Israelites  lost  a  battle  to  the  Philistines.  The  king's  three 
sons,  including  the  valiant  Jonathan,  were  killed  in 
battle.  The  king  was  critically,  but  not  fatally,  wounded. 
He  instructed  his  armor-bearer  to  run  a  sword  through 
him — that  is,  to  become  his  Dr.  Kevorkian.  The  armor- 
bearer  refused  the  king.  Then  Saul  fell  upon  his  own 
sword.  He  chose  to  die  rather  than  to  be  dishonored  and 
humiliated  by  the  enemy. 

King  Saul's  suicide  is  never  denounced  in  the  Bible.  To 
the  contrary,  David's  eulogy  for  King  Saul  is  one  of  the 
most  moving  and  beautiful  of  all  time.  In  that  great  poem 
("How  the  mighty  have  fallen"),  the  king's  life  is  remem- 
bered and  honored,  and  his  death  is  lamented  and  grieved, 
but  his  suicide  is  ignored  (2  Sam.  1:17-27). 

The  only  suicide  in  the  New  Testament  is  that  of  ludas 
Iscariot,  who  hanged  himself.  His  death  is  tragic.  By 
ending  his  life,  he  cut  all  possibility  of  reconciliation.  By 
ending  his  physical  life,  he  ended  his  spiritual  life  also. 
What  a  tragic  ending  to  the  life  of  one  of  the  1 2  disciples. 

These  two  suicides,  and  a  couple  more,  are  reported  in 
the  Bible  without  evaluation;  none  of  them  are  assisted 
suicides.  The  Bible  gives  no  direct  answer  to  our  ques- 
tions about  Dr.  Kevorkian. 

Are  there  gray  areas  where  we  must  use  our  own  judg- 
ment? Consider  the  story  about  Dan  West.  Glee  Yoder's 
book  about  him.  Passing  on  tlie  Gift,  is  an  inspirational, 
yet  honest,  biography.  Dan  West  is  one  of  the  great 
heroes  in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  during  this  century. 
He  founded  Heifer  Project,  a  multimillion-dollar  interna- 
tional agency  for  relief  of  hunger.  He  was  a  pioneer  in 
church  camping  in  the  1920s,  when  summer  camps  were 
first  organized  in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren.  He  was  a 

January  1997  Messenger  17 

key  figure  in  the  formation  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service. 
Dan  West  was  a  peace  activist  par  excellence  in  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren. 

When  he  was  in  his  70s,  Dan's  health  began  to  fail .  His 
illness  was  diagnosed  as  Lou  Gehrig's  Disease.  Six  months 
later,  he  could  barely  speak  because  his  throat  muscles  were 
paralyzed.  Seven  months  later  he  couldn't  swallow.  A 
doctor  performed  a  gastrotomy  to  channel  nourishment 
directly  into  his  stomach.  He  was  placed  in  a  nursing  home. 

A  year  later,  Dan  must  have  decided  to  die.  On  Janu- 
ary 4,  1971,  during  a  howling  snowstorm,  when  the 
temperature  was  below  zero,  he  put  an  overcoat  over  his 
pajamas  and  boots  on  his  feet  and  took  a  walk  outside 
alone.  He  came  back  to  the  lobby  coughing  and  sputter- 
ing, nearly  choking.  He  went  out  a  second  time  and  then 
a  third  time  on  that  bitterly  cold  night. 

Pneumonia  was  the  result.  An  oxygen  tent  was  placed 
over  him.  He  kept  working  his  way  out  of  it.  He  wrote  a 
note  "My  life  is  no  longer  worth  this  cost."  The  doctor 

recommended  a  tracheotomy.  Dan  declined. 

On  January  7,  when  his  wife,  Lucy,  came  to  visit  him 
after  work  she  noticed  that  he  was  not  at  the  window  as 
usual,  looking  for  her.  She  found  him  in  his  bed,  near 
death.  He  awoke  enough  to  smile  and  to  reach  out  to 
squeeze  her  hand.  Then  within  minutes  he  died.  He  must 
have  willed  himself  to  live  long  enough  to  say  good-bye. 

When  1  read  that  story  soon  after  it  was  published  in 
1978,  I  was  troubled.  I  could  hardly  accept  Dan  West's 
choice  to  deliberately  hasten  his  death.  I  thought,  "An 
unheroic  ending  to  the  life  of  a  great  hero." 

Now  I  am  older.  The  passage  of  years  diminishes  one's 
fear  of  death.  Older  people  say  to  me,  "I'm  not  afraid  to 
die.  I  just  don't  want  to  be  there  when  it  happens."  In 
other  words,  they  aren't  afraid  of  death,  although  they 
may  worry  about  the  process  of  dying:  "I  don't  want  to 
linger.  I  don't  want  to  suffer.  I  don't  want  to  become  a 
burden."  But  they  don't  fear  death.  They  say  serenely,  "I'll 
be  ready  when  the  good  Lord  calls.  I'm  ready  to  go  home." 

BY  Julie  Polter 

For  all  the  nihilistic  posturing 
in  our  culture,  not  many  of  us 
really  want  to  ponder  the  reality 
of  death,  the  nuts  and  bolts  of  how 
and  why  and  when.  Least  of  all  do  we 
want  to  think  about  the  slow  ways  we 
or  those  we  love  may  die,  the  journeys 
down  long  twisting  tunnels  of  terminal 
illness  or  disability  or  chronic  pain. 

These  paths  surely  can  be  marked 
with  the  noblest  human  moments  of 
the  struggle  with  life  and  death.  But 
they  are  also  inevitably  filled  with  the 

Death  becomes  him: 

Kevorkian's  caricature  of  mercy 

On  Kevorkian's  terms,  death  is  purely  an  individual 

matter,  only  a  concern  if  you're  the  one  choosing 
a  physician's  assistance  in  speeding  up  the  process. 

mundane  ambiguity  of  suffering — 
monotony  spiked  with  agony;  a 
shifting,  confusing  blend  of  hope, 
despair,  perseverance,  and  surrender. 

So  maybe  some  breathe  a  sigh  of 
relief  when  Dr.  Jack  Kevorkian,  the 
retired,  unlicensed  Michigan  pathol- 
ogist who  has  assisted  more  than  40 
people  in  committing  suicide,  brashly 
smashes  open  the  vacuum  of  cultural 
denial.  With  press  conferences, 
videotapes,  and  general  outrageous- 
ness,  he  shoves  death  stage  center 
where  you  can't  look  away  and  he 
claims  that  it's  all  much  more  simple 
than  doctors,  lawyers,  ethicists,  or 
theologians  would  have  you  think. 

Dr.  Jack  explains  it  all:  Suffering  is 
wrong,  and  the  dignified  choice  is  to 
end  it.  An  I.V.  drip  in  a  rusty  van  or 
hotel  room  is  nothing  more  and  noth- 
ing less  than  a  courageous  stand  for 
freedom  and  personal  autonomy.  The 

law  has  nothing  to  do  with  it.  Societal 
standards  have  nothing  to  do  with  it. 
The  blessings  and  shadows  of  a  dying 
person's  relationships  with  family  and 
friends  have  nothing  to  do  with  it. 
Spirituality  or  organized  religion  cer- 
tainly have  nothing  to  do  with  it. 

Whether  you  applaud  Kevorkian  or 
are  repulsed  by  him,  you  can  perhaps 
recognize  the  release  and  relief  many 
would  find  in  seeing  things  from  his 
perspective.  On  Kevorkian's  terms, 
death  is  purely  an  individual  matter, 
only  a  concern  if  you're  the  one 
choosing  a  physician's  assistance  in 
speeding  up  the  process.  According 
to  The  Washington  Post,  about  75 
percent  of  the  public  supports  the 
idea  of  physician-assisted  suicide. 

But  the  stark  clarity  of  Kevorkian's 
"mercy  and  individual  rights"  road 
show  evaporates  when  you  look  at  the 
full  record  of  who  he  has  reported 

18  Messenger  January  1997 

Dan  West  was  77  years  old  when  he  died.  When  a  man 
who  has  been  a  talker  all  his  life  can't  say  a  word  anymore, 
when  a  man  who  enjoyed  fresh  vegetables  from  his  garden 
can't  eat  one  spoonful  anymore,  when  a  man  who  traveled 
to  places  around  the  world  can't  even  get  across  town  any- 
more, when  a  man  who  loved  his 
little  farm  can't  go  home  any  more, 
when  a  man  who  believed  in  recon- 
ciliation and  proclaimed  the  power 
of  love  can't  participate  in  normal, 
healthy  relationships  anymore 
because  of  physical  infirmities,  is 
that  life?  When  a  man  has  no  hope 
for  recovery  and  nothing  in  this  life 
to  look  forward  to,  why  not  squeeze  ,-b^^^^ 

a  hand,  say  good-bye,  and  journey  on  to  the  next  life? 

There  is  a  gray  area  in  the  Annual  Conference  state- 
ment. The  gray  area  lies  between  two  sentences:  "The 
active  and  intentional  taking  of  life,  including  assisted  sui 

When  someone  has  no  hope  for 

recovery  and  nothing  in  this  life 

to  look  forward  to,  why  not 

squeeze  a  hand,  say  good-bye, 

and  journey  on  to  the  next  life? 

cide,  is  unacceptable When  death  approaches,  relief  of 

pain  and  suffering  is  a  higher  value  than  simply  prolonging 
life."  That  second  guideline  is  an  interesting  counterpoint 
to  the  first.  Simply  prolonging  life  is  not  the  ultimate  value 
when  death  approaches.  Do  you  begin  to  see  a  gray  area 
that  allows  room  for  our  individ- 
ual judgment  when  we  interpret 
and  apply  our  Annual  Conference 

What  is  assisted  suicide  (which 
is  unacceptable)  and  what  is 
simply  prolonging  life,  which  is 
not  the  highest  value?  What  is 
taking  a  life,  and  what  is  allowing 
"  to  die?  Answer  this  question  in 

your  mind:  Suppose  a  person  were  put  on  a  respirator 
when  he  was  unconscious,  even  though  he  had  signed  a 
"living  will"  against  using  such  heroic  measures.  Is 
unplugging  that  respirator  an  assisted  suicide,  or  is  it  just 

assisting  in  committing  suicide  since 
1990.  A  large  majority  have  been 
women;  several  have  had  the  kind  of 
diseases  usually  associated  with  ques- 
tions of  euthanasia — terminal  cancer 
or  severely  debilitating  conditions 
such  as  Lou  Gehrig's  disease,  accom- 
panied by  presumably  untreatable 
pain.  But  Kevorkian  has  been  steadily 
pushing  the  limit  on  what  constitutes 
"terminal"  or  "untreatable." 

His  "clients"  include  Rebecca 
Badger,  apparently  severely  disabled 
by  what  had  been  diagnosed  as  multi- 
ple sclerosis;  an  autopsy  found  no 
physical  evidence  of  the  disease.  Her 
history  included  evidence  of  depres- 
sion, chemical  abuse,  and  alcoholism. 
She  had  refused  antidepressants  and 
was  reportedly  unhappy  with  a  previ- 
ous psychological  consultation. 

Kevorkian  concedes  that  [udith 
Curren,  a  42-year-old  nurse  and 
mother  of  two  young  children,  was  not 
terminally  ill;  rather  she  didn't  feel  she 
could  continue  bearing  the  pain  and 
exhaustion  of  chronic  fatigue  syn- 
drome. Her  psychiatrist  husband  was 
at  her  side  with  Kevorkian  when  she 
committed  suicide. 

That  same  husband  had  been  twice 
accused  of  assaulting  her,  with  the 
police  paying  a  visit  to  their  home  just 
three  weeks  before  her  death  to  arrest 

him  on  a  charge  of  domestic  assault 
and  battery.  As  The  Washington  Post 
editorial  page  asked,  "Is  it  in  any  way 
merciful,  compassionate,  or  'healing' 
(a  favorite  word  of  Kevorkian  fans)  to 
assist  in  the  suicide  of  a  middle-aged 
woman  who  is  tired  and  depressed 
and  married  to  a  man  whom  she 
recently  accused  of  attacking  her  and 
who  then  delivers  her  to  Dr. 

Dying,  like  most  things  that 
matter,  is  a  morally  complex 
reality.  Take  a  walk  through  a 
cancer  ward  or  hospice  or  intensive 
care  unit  and  it  will  be  clear  that 
almost  any  patient's  existence  is  itself 
a  dynamic  interplay  of  body,  emo- 
tion, and  (yes)  spirit,  enmeshed  in  a 
medical  establishment  and  medical 
technology  and  a  web  (or  snarl)  of 
personal  relationships. 

Kevorkian  has  caricatured  the 
Christian  perspective  resisting 
euthanasia  as  nothing  more  than  a 
foolish  claim  that  the  body  is  sacred,  a 
claim  academically  or  spiritually 
removed  from  the  physical  reality  of 
severe  illness  and  pain.  But  the  truth  is 
that  if  we  bring  the  whole  of  our  faith 
and  ethical  heritage  forward,  it  pushes 
us  into  deep  engagement  with  the  full 
range  of  issues  (biological,  medical. 

legal,  relational,  political,  ethical)  that 
are  at  stake  in  questions  of  euthanasia. 

A  human  being,  made  in  the  image 
of  God,  does  have  infinite  value  in 
our  tradition.  But  if  we  see  all  life,  all 
creation  as  flowing  from  God  (and, 
eventually,  back  again),  then  we  do 
not  claim  solely  the  worth  of  an  indi- 
vidual life,  but  also  the  sanctity  of  an 
individual's  connection  to  the  rest  of 
creation.  Life  is  not  just  a  heart  beat 
and  brain  waves,  but  relationships 
and  interdependence  (both  incarnate 
and  transcendent)  among  people  and 
the  rest  of  the  earth. 

Engagement  (both  personal  and  at 
the  policy  level)  with  the  complexity  of 
these  questions,  and  a  pushing  for 
such  full  engagement  by  our  society, 
should  be  what  people  of  faith  are 
about.  This  role  is  all  the  more  key  as 
the  Supreme  Court  hears  two  cases 
this  month  that  could  fundamentally 
change  how  the  legal  system  deals  with 
physician-assisted  suicide.  There  is  too 
much  mystery  inherent  in  death  and 
life  for  us  to  claim  any  simple  answers; 
there  is  too  much  sacred  in  life  and 
death  not  to  fight  for  account-       rvj-i 

ability  where  the  two  intersect. 

Iidie  Poller  writes  for  Sojourners  magazine. 
Reprinted  with  permission  from  Sojourners, 
November- December.  1996.  Sojourners,  2401 
15th  Street  N.W..  Washington.  DC  20009. 

January  1997  Messenger  19 

no  longer  interfering  with  the  process  of  dying? 

Or  suppose  a  person  on  kidney  dialysis  becomes  ter- 
minally ill  and  refuses  dialysis,  and  the  result  is  a  quick 
death.  Is  that  suicide? 

My  wife  and  I  have  signed  a  living  will  with  durable 
power  of  attorney  that  authorizes  our  care  givers  not  to 
force-feed  us  if  we  can't  eat  or  drink  and  not  to  give  us 
blood  transfusions,  antibiotics,  or  any  form  of  surgery  if  our 
illness  or  injury  is  terminal  or  our 
state  of  unconsciousness  is  perma- 
nent. Is  that  acceptable? 

Is  refusing  to  swallow  food  or 
drink  after  a  totally  incapacitating 
stroke  the  taking  of  life  or  is  it  not 
simply  prolonging  life? 

Or  suppose  someone  such  as 
Dan  West  refuses  oxygen,  is  that 
suicide?  Or  if  someone  who  is  ter- 
minally ill  walks  out  on  a  cold  winter  night  and  gets 
pneumonia,  what  is  that?  Active  or  passive  euthanasia?  There 
are  ways  to  hasten  death  besides  visiting  Dr.  Kevorkian. 

In  the  age  of  high  technology,  the  distinction  between 
active  and  passive  euthanasia  is  blurred.  What  is  the  taking 
of  life  and  what  is  not  simply  prolonging  life?  Is  that  not  a 
gray  area  in  which  we  have  to  exercise  our  own  judgment? 

It  is  easy  for  delegates  to  Conference  to  sit  back  and 
vote  for  an  idealistic  statement  without  making  the  hard 
decisions.  A  pastor  back  home  and  individuals  facing  gray 
areas  don't  have  that  luxury.  I  wish  Annual  Conference 
delegates  would  have  wrestled  more  openly  with  the  com- 
plexity of  end-of-hfe  decision-making. 

Dr.  Kevorkian  is  spooky.  He  has  little  reverence  for 
life;  he  said  that  explicitly  in  a  television  interview.  He  has 
assisted  some  40  suicides.  He  has  not  been  convicted  of  a 
crime.  Apparently,  in  each  of  the  cases,  the  jury  sensed 
his  compassion  for  his  patients.  In  one  recent  case  the  ill- 
ness was  painful,  but  not  necessarily  terminal.  That  is  a 
different  category  of  assisted  suicide  not  yet  tested  in  the 
courts.  I  think  there  are  better  people  with  whom  to  con- 
sult than  Dr.  Kevorkian.  He  is  too  casual  about  death,  too 
indifferent  to  the  preciousness  of  every  life.  In  the  gray 
areas  at  the  end  of  life  there  are  alternatives  to  Dr. 
Kevorkian  that  I  would  find  more  acceptable. 

Medical  technology  is  a  mixed  blessing.  Incredible 
progress  has  been  made  within  the  last  decade  in  the  relief 
of  pain.  Less  sedation,  applied  more  efficiently,  offers  a 
patient  less  pain  without  existing  in  a  mental  fog.  We  can 
be  thankful  for  progress  in  the  treatment  of  pain. 
Reduced  pain  means  that  quality  life  can  be  extended  for 
many  people  to  enjoy.  On  the  other  hand,  in  the  age  of 
high  technology,  dying  has  become  more  difficult.  Some 
deaths  would  have  been  quick  and  easy  a  generation  ago; 
the  same  deaths  can  be  postponed  almost  indefinitely 
now.  Despite  many  wonderful  benefits,  technology  has 

Every  life  is  to  be  treasured, 

preserved,  and  not  relinquished 

so  long  as  the  quality  of  life  is 

not  so  diminished  that  it  is 

hardly  life  anymore. 

made  decisions  about  dying  more  complex. 

Life  as  portrayed  in  the  New  Testament  is  more  than 
breathing,  more  even  than  the  absence  of  pain.  Life  is  ani- 
mation, relationships,  and  spiritual  vitality.  If  prolonging 
physical  life  was  Jesus'  most  important  goal,  he  would  not 
have  chosen  the  cross.  When  Jesus  says,  "I  am  . . .  the  life" 
(John  14:6),  he  is  talking  about  more  than  breath  or  a 
heartbeat  or  brain  waves  that  can  be  detected  only  by  the 

most  sensitive  machines.  He  is  talk- 
ing about  the  abundant  life,  the  life 
of  love.  The  cross  did  not  prolong 
his  physical  life  nor  that  of  his  disci- 
ples. But  life  is  more  than  breathing. 

That  delightful  New  Testament 
image,  the  "tree  of  life,"  means 
more  than  mere  survival.  "Tree  of  . 
life"  means  the  nourished  life,  the 
vibrant  life.  Another  delightful 
image,  the  "stream  of  life,"  means  more  than  mere  exis- 
tence. I  think  of  refreshment,  of  renewal,  of  serenity.  The 
New  Testament  concept  "eternal  life"  means  more  than 
longevity,  more  than  perpetual  misery.  "Eternal  life" 
means  life  with  spirit  to  it.  It  means  the  fuller  joys  of  a 
closer  fellowship  with  God  and  neighbors.  Such  life  is  far 
more  than  breathing.  A  lot  of  people  who  are  walking 
around  are  half  dead  already.  They  are  physically  alive  but 
spiritually  dead.  That  kind  of  death,  which  is  all  around 
us,  is  far  more  tragic  than  assisted  suicide. 

In  this  age  of  high  technology,  end-of-life  decision- 
making can  become  a  difficult  task.  People  of  the  faith 
must  offer  support  to  those  who  must  make  such  deci- 
sions. We  must  be  caring,  open,  willing  to  listen  and  talk 
about  life  and  about  death,  so  that  they  can  express  their 
despair  with  out  having  to  bear  that  burden  alone  and  con- 
sider their  alternatives  before  they  have  to  make  a  choice. 
We  must  remind  each  other  that  every  life  is  precious. 
Every  life  is  to  be  treasured,  preserved,  and  not  relin- 
quished so  long  as  the  quality  of  life  is  not  so  diminished 
that  it  is  hardly  life  anymore.  We  must  encourage  each 
other  with  the  assurance  that,  even  in  this  age  of  high 
technology,  Jesus  Christ  is  the  Lord  of  both  the  living  and 
the  dead,  and  that  he  goes  with  us  through  the  valley  of 
the  shadow  of  death.  We  must  remind  each  other  in  the 
words  of  Paul:  "If  we  live,  we  live  to  the  Lord,  and  if  we 
die,  we  die  to  the  Lord;  so  then,  whether  we  live  or 
whether  we  die,  we  are  the  Lord's"  (Rom.  14:8). 

The  key  question  then  is  not  when  do  we  die  or  even 
how  do  we  die,  but  how  do  we  live?  How  do  we  spend 
our  lives?  To  live  a  long  life  is  good,  but,  as  Jesus  clearly 
shows,  to  live  long  is  not  so  important  as  to  live  well. 
"He  is  Alpha  and  Omega,  he  the  Source,  the 
Ending"  (Hymn  104). 

Guy  Wampler  is  senior  pastor  of  Lancaster  (Pa.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  and  a  former  Annual  Conference  moderator  (1987). 


20  Messenger  January  1997 

Let's  give 
the  Great  Physician 

a  little  help 

iBY  James  Benedict 


ealth  care  is  changing  in 

America,  and  not  everyone 
likes  it.  As  is  typical  with 
change,  the  voices  shouting  the  loudest 
are  those  who  are  getting  "pinched"  by 
the  changes — those  who  are  facing 
more  red  tape,  fewer  choices,  more 
costs,  or  less  income.  Changing  some- 
thing as  big  and  complex  as  our  health 
care  system  is  impossible  without  some 
squawking,  even  if  the  change  is  for 
the  better.  We'll  have  to  wait  to  see  if 
that's  the  case  overall,  but  I  do  see  at 
least  one  area  where  recent  changes  in 
health  care  seem  to  be  an  improve- 
ment: the  emphasis  on  people  taking 
greater  responsibility  for  their  own 
health  and  well-being. 

Accepting  this  is  not  always  easy. 
In  the  last  months  of  my  mother's 
life,  she  and  my  father  chose  the 
option  of  home  care.  I  was  surprised 
when  1  visited  to  find  that  my  father 
had  been  taught  by  the  home  health 
agency  to  carry  out  many  aspects  of 
her  care  that  I  expected  a  nurse  to 
provide.  He  set  up  intravenous  feed- 
ings, gave  injections  through  a  port, 
tested  her  blood  sugar  regularly,  and 
kept  extensive  records  of  her  weight 
and  temperature. 

My  own  initial  reaction  was  "This 
is  too  much.  He  can't  be  expected  to 
do  all  this.  Why  can't  we  have  a  nurse 
for  these  tasks?"  But  to  Dad's  credit, 
he  wanted  to  handle  it  himself  and,  as 
it  turned  out,  he  could.  Mom  proba- 
bly got  better  care  than  she  would 
have  with  even  the  most  caring  full- 
time  professional  nursing  service. 

I  now  realize  my  initial  reaction 
was  off  base.  It  is  important  for  us  all 
to  think  about  taking  more  responsi- 
bility for  our  own  health  care.  And  1 
applaud  the  fact  that  more  and  more 
people  are. 

As  a  pastor,  I  encourage  the  same 
kind  of  change  in  our  approach  to 
spiritual  well  being.  Districts, 

denominations,  and  set-apart  leaders 
are  essential  and  they  have  an  impor- 
tant role  to  play.  But  we  can  all 
benefit  from  an  emphasis  on  taking  a 
larger  share  of  responsibility  for  our 
own  spiritual  health. 

Individual  Christians  can  take  con- 
trol of  their  spiritual  diets,  avoiding 
too  much  violence,  sexual  titillation, 
or  glorification  of  material  wealth  in 
the  television  programs  we  watch  and 
the  books  and  magazines  we  read.  We 
can  go  to  worship  and  Sunday  school 
regularly  in  order  to  feed  on  God's 

We  can  all  benefit 

from  an  emphasis  on 

takjng  a  larger  share  of 

responsibility  for  our 

own  spiritual  health. 

truth.  We  can  stay  away  from  places 
and  activities  that  we  know  cause  us 
to  stumble.  We  can  identify  the  habits 
that  limit  our  spiritual  growth,  and, 
when  necessary,  take  the  initiative  to 
seek  out  help. 

And  Christians  can  do  some  self- 
assessment.  We  can  ask  ourselves, 
"Am  I  growing  spiritually?  Am  I 
stronger  in  my  faith  than  I  was  a  year 
ago?  If  so,  why?  If  not,  why  not? 
What  could  I  change  to  improve 
myself  spiritually?" 

This  approach  will  require  a  shift 
in  the  way  we  look  at  ourselves  and 
at  our  churches.  Old  patterns  of 
dependency  may  prove  hard  to  lay 
aside.  Even  our  language  will  have  to 
change.  For  example,  perhaps 
instead  of  coming  to  worship  expect- 

mg  "to  be  fed,"  we  will 
have  to  start  coming  to 
simply  "eat."  (And  we 
may  even  want  to  think 
about  sticking  around  afterward  to 
help  "do  the  dishes.") 

An  emphasis  on  individuals  accept- 
ing more  responsibility  and  taking 
more  initiative  might  strike  some  as 
contrary  to  the  Brethren  emphasis  on 
community.  But  it  has  antecedents  in 
Brethren  tradition.  For  instance,  one 
of  the  most  worthy  arguments 
Brethren  made  against  the  introduc- 
tion of  Sunday  schools  was  that  they 
might  undermine  the  parents'  sense 
of  responsibility  for  and  their 
involvement  in  their  own  children's 
religious  training.  Of  course,  we 
eventually  got  Sunday  schools 
anyway.  The  point  is  not  to  go  back, 
but  to  acknowledge  that  the  losing 
argument  had  some  merit. 

Another  example  of  emphasis  on 
individual  responsibility  and  initia- 
tive comes  from  the  practice  of 
anointing.  Because  early  Brethren 
were  very  literal  in  their  reading  of 
scripture,  the  physical/spiritual 
health  care  practice  of  anointing  was 
typically  initiated  only  at  the  request 
of  the  one  who  was  sick.  After  all. 
Brethren  observed,  the  text  reads, 
"Are  any  among  you  sick?  They 
should  call  for  the  elders  of  the 
church ..  ."(Jas.  5:14). 

It  is  time  for  all  of  us  to  think  seri- 
ously about  accepting  more  respon- 
sibility for  our  spiritual  health.  It  is 
time  for  us  to  become  partners  with 
our  pastors,  our  districts,  and  our 
denomination.  If  we  do,  not  only  will 
we  likely  become  more  healthy  spiri- 
tually, but  our  churches,  districts, 
and  denomination  will  become  more 
efficient  (that  is,  better  stewards). 
And  the  more  efficient  our  institu- 
tions are,  the  more  lives  will  be      j-tji 
touched  by  the  Great  Physician,    r^l 

lames  Benedict  is  pastor  of  Troy  (Ohio) 
Church  of  the  Brethren. 

January  1997  Messenger  21 

In  the  three  decades  following 
1850,  more  than  30  Brethren 
publications  exploded  onto  the 
scene.  While  Brethren  were  starting 
all  these  periodicals  they  were  found- 
ing colleges,  launching  a  foreign 
mission  program,  establishing  Sunday 
schools,  and  creating  so  much  contro- 
versy among  themselves  that  splits 
opened  up  between  those  who 
abhorred  change,  those  who  were 
open  to  it  but  at  a  moderate  pace,  and 
those  who  said  it  wasn't  coming  fast 
enough.  Publishing  was  the  engine 
that  drove  all  these  changes. 

As  this  activity  settled  down  and  the 
Brethren  began  to  organize  it,  the 
central  institutions  we  know  today 
began  to  form,  starting  with  publish- 
ing. In  1997  we  celebrate  the  100th 
anniversary  of  that  beginning  when 
the  Brethren  took  ownership  of  the 
Brethren  Publishing  House.  Two 
years  later  they  moved  it  to  Elgin,  111., 
and  began  what  we  know  today  as  our 
General  Offices. 

To  begin  the  story  we  have  to  go  back 
to  the  early  1880s.  By 
1883,  the  three-way  divi- 
sion was  behind   the 
Brethren.  The  middle 
body  that  would  become 
the     Church    of    the 
Brethren  was  regroup- 
ing.   Many    of   those 
30-plus  publications  had 
failed    or    had    been 
merged  into  others,  and 
two  main  weekly  papers 
remained.  One  was  pub- 
lished in  Mount  Morris, 
111.,  and  was  called  The  Brethren  at 
Work.  The  other  was  published  in 
Huntingdon,  Pa.,  and  was  called 
Primitive  Christian.  Both  were  pri- 
vately owned.  In  1883,  Annual 
Meeting  advised  the  owners  to  con- 
solidate the  two  ventures.  They 
agreed,  and  the  Brethren's  Publishing 
Company  was  created,  with  offices  in 
both  Illinois  and  Pennsylvania.  The 
two  weeklies  were  merged  into  one, 
named  The  Gospel  Messenger  which 
continues  to  this  day  as  Messenger. 

the  Thirty 
Years  War 

BY  James  H.  Lehman 

In  1897,  after  three  decades  of  controversy, 

confusion,  divisions,  and  rancor.  Annual 

Meeting  was  eager  to  establish  a  voice  of  unity 

in  the  brotherhood.  Taking  ownership  of  the 

Brethren's  Publishing  Company  and  locating  it 

in  just  the  right  city  were  the  girders  for 

building  a  bridge  to  the  20th  century. 

The  men  involved  in  this  merger  were 
among  the  leaders  in  the  brotherhood. 
James  Quinter  on  the  Pennsylvania  side, 
long-time  editor  and  educator  was  one 
of  the  preeminent  elders  of  the  latter 
half  of  the  century.  The  Brumbaugh 
brothers,  H.  B.  and  J.  B.,  also  Pennsyl- 
vanians,  were  leaders  in  the  early 
education  movement  and  founders  of 
Juniata  College.  Amick  on  the  Illinois 
side  was  a  very  able  businessman  and 
leader  in  Northern  Illinois  District. 

The  other  Illinoisan,  D.  L.  Miller, 

D.L  Miller,  a  wheeler-dealer  in  the  best 
sense  of  the  word,  was  the  pivotal 
figure  in  persuading  the  1897  Annual 
Meeting  to  take  possession  of  the 
Brethren's  Publishing  Company. 

was  the  most  interesting  of  the 
group.  Miller  would  be  to  the 
decades  at  the  turn  of  the  century 
what  Quinter  had  been  to  the  previ- 
ous half-century.  He  had  made  his 
money  in  the  grocery  business  in 
Polo,  111.  Without  training  as  writer, 
editor,  or  publisher,  he  bought  with 
Amick  the  nearly  defunct  Brethren 
at  Work,  and  turned  it  into  an  inter- 
esting and  financially  successful 
publication.  As  the  years  passed,  the 
Illinois  office  would  become  the 
stronger  side  of  the  merged  com- 
pany, because  of  Amick's  business 
acumen  and  Miller's  gifts  as  busi- 
nessman, promoter,  apologist, 
organizer,  writer,  and  editor. 
Miller's  money  also  played  a  role, 
both  because  it  enabled  him  to  fund 
new  ventures  and  because  it  freed 
him  from  requiring 
a  salary. 

This  was  the  cast  of 
characters  that  ran  the 
Brethren's  Publishing 
Company  as  a  private 
stock  company,  and 
reaped  personal  divi- 
dends from  its 
profitability.  But  they 
really  saw  themselves 
as  working  for  the 
church  and  they 
agreed  to  keep  The 
Gospel  Messenger  and  the  other  books 
and  materials  they  published  in  line 
with  Annual  Meeting,  which  wanted  to 
end  the  controversy  and  division  of  the 
past  30  years  and  provide  a  voice  of 
unity  in  the  brotherhood. 

From  the  very  beginning,  though, 
D.  L.  Miller  thought  the  brotherhood 
ought  to  own  the  Brethren's  Publish- 
ing Company.  He  proposed  this  as 
early  as  the  1883  Annual  Meeting, 
when  his  minority  report  was  turned 
down  by  the  delegates.  Again  in  1888 

22  Messenger  January  1997 

land  1890,  church  ownership  was 
considered  and  rejected.  Miller's 
determination  grew.  After  that  1890 
Annual  Meeting,  the  company  was 
reorganized  and  incorporated  under 
Illinois  law,  and  Miller  insisted  on  an 
agreement  that  anytime  the  church 
was  ready  to  take  over  the  stock  it 
should  be  surrendered  at  its  par 
value  of  $  1 00  a  share. 

In  1893,  the  General  Church  Erec- 
tion and  Missionary  Committee, 
which  supervised  mission  work,  and 
the  Brethren's  Book  and  Tract  Work, 
iwhich  distributed  books,  pamphlets, 
land  other  materials  were  consolidated 
as  the  General  Missionary  and  Tract 
Committee  (GM&TC).  Miller  was  a 
member  of  this  new  committee,  as  was 
his  brother-in-law  Galen  B.  Royer. 

In  the  Annual  Meeting  report 
establishing  the  GM&TC,  among  the 
stated  purposes  of  the  new  committee 
\\  ere  the  following:  "to  assist  in  . . . 
publishing  and  distributing  printed 
matter  . . .  and,  when  suitable  arrange- 
ments can  be  made  and  wisdom 
dictates,  to  own  and  control  all  the 
publishing  interests  of  the  church." 

Because  of  his  interest  in  mission 
and  also  because  of  his  native  curios- 
ity. Miller  began  to  travel  abroad  in 
the  early  1890s.  After  each  trip,  he 
returned  and  wrote  a  book  sprinkled 
with  strange  and  appealing  photos  of 
faraway  places.  The  rural,  still  largely 
uneducated,  stay-at-home  Brethren 
were  fascinated  by  images  of  this 
plaincoated,  bearded  elder  in  exotic 
scenes,  and  his  books  became 
Brethren  bestsellers. 

Despite  these  new  ideas  and 
changes,  the  Brethren  in  the  1890s 
still  did  not  have  a  denominational 
headquarters,  still  had  no  professional 
staff,  still  had  no  church-owned  pub- 
lishing work,  still  had  few  central 
institutions  beyond  the  General  Mis- 
sionary and  Tract  Committee  and  a 
few  other  nascent  committees.  But 
this  was  about  to  change. 

Already  in  1894,  the  GM&TC  had 
a  subcommittee  on  location  looking 
into  a  place  for  permanent  offices. 

Galen  B.  Royer  occupied  a  corner  of  a  large,  cluttered  room  of  the  new  publishing  house 
in  Elgin,  III.  The  framed  1901  poster  on  the  wall  shows  1877  Annual  Meeting  leaders 
fames  Quinter.  D.P.  Saylen  and  R.H.  Miller  Royer  as  D.L.  Miller's  brother-in-law 
and  fellow  member  of  the  General  Missionary  and  Tract  Committee,  and  as  Brethren 
Publishing  House  bookkeeper,  played  a  key  role  in  the  drama  of  1897-1899. 

Chicago  was  considered  and  rejected 
because  of  cost.  The  GM&TC  was 
temporarily  lodged  at  Mount  Morris. 
This,  of  course,  was  where  the 
Brethren's  Publishing  Company  was 
and  where  D.  L.  Miller  lived. 

In  May  1896,  the  GM&TC  employed 
elder  Daniel  Vaniman  as  "general  trav- 
eling secretary."  The  Brethren's 
Publishing  Company  was 
already  using  this  same 
Daniel  Vaniman  as  its  own 
"traveling  secretary,"  or 
sales  representative.  As 
early  as  March  that  year 
it  too  was  discussing 
moving  its  offices. 

Vaniman  was  well- 
suited  for  the  job  of 
traveling   across   the 
brotherhood,  promot- 
ing     the      Publishing 
Company's  materials,  rais- 
ing money,  and  recruiting 
missionaries  for  the  GM&TC 
He  was  a  teacher,  writer,  church 
worker,  and  Annual  Meeting 
moderator,  known  for  his  plain  lan- 
guage, clear  thinking,  and  spare 
writing  style.  He  had  helped  set  up 
the  committee  structure  that  became 
the  GM&TC.  As  a  fundraiser,  he 
could  raise  thousands  of  dollars 
without  using  pressure. 

So  the  elements  for  central  institu- 


tions  were  forming — committees, 
staff,  funds,  location,  but  Annual 
Meeting  was  slow  to  act.  The  Brethren 
were  reluctant  to  assume  ownership  of 
the  publishing  work  because  they  were 
not  sure  they  could  raise  the  money; 
they  were  afraid  it  would  be  managed 
poorly  under  the  church;  and  they 
wondered  if  the  Publishing 
Company's  vaunted  prof- 
itability was  real. 

Finally,  D.  L.  Miller 
took  matters  into  his 
own  hands.  He  wrote 
about  this  many  years 
later:  "In  1896,  on 
my  return  from  my 
trip  around  the  world, 
1  called  bro.  Vaniman 
and  suggested  to  him 
a  plan  to  turn  over  the 
Publishing  House  to  the 
church  without  asking 
the  church  for  a  dollar." 
Miller  agreed  to  set 
Vaniman      apart  and  turn  over  to  the 

General  Missionary  and  Tract 
Committee  $26,000.  Vaniman  would 
raise  by  donation  the  additional 
$24,000  needed  to  buy  the  rest  of  the 
stock  at  par  ($  1 00  per  share) .  In  just 
a  few  months  Vaniman  raised  these 
funds  from  more  than  40  donors. 

The  donations  were  in  the  form  of 
annuities  paying  six  percent  interest 

January  1997  Messenger  23 

The  Brethren  Publishing  House  in  Elgin  was  built  in  1899.  It  would  soon  be  enlarged 
to  more  than  three  times  this  size,  including  a  fourth  floor.  Proximity  to  a  railway  line 
was  important.  The  sign  on  the  train  station  behind  the  building  reads  "West  Elgin. " 
The  Publishing  House  property  was  sold  when  the  Brethren  moved  to  Dundee  Avenue 
in  1959.  The  old  building  burned  in  1991.  and  the  site  is  now  occupied  by  a  strip  mall. 

during  the  life  of  the  donor  and  then 
reverting  to  the  church  at  the  donor's 
death.  Like  Miller,  other  stockholders 
were  among  the  donors,  in  effect 
donating  money  to  the  church  to  buy 
their  own  stock.  Even  stockholders 
who  were  not  donors  were  making  a 
contribution  because  the  company  was 
paying  large  dividends  and  could  have 
commanded  twice  the  per-share  price. 

At  the  meetings  of  the  GM&TC 
beginning  on  September  28,  1896, 
arrangements  for  the  transfer  to  the 
church  were  made.  A  prospectus  was 
drawn  up  indicating  the  organiza- 
tion, the  leadership,  even  the  salaries 
of  the  "Publication  Department"  of 
the  GM&TC.  An  executive  commit- 
tee was  named.  Profits  would  be  paid 
to  the  GM&TC  to  support  the 
church's  mission  work. 

A  lengthy  announcement  was 
placed  in  The  Gospel  Messenger  for 
October  10,  1896,  reporting  the 
ownership  plan,  citing  growing  senti- 
ment in  favor  of  church  ownership, 
arguing  that  the  cost  of  purchasing 
the  publishing  company  had  been  the 
biggest  obstacle,  saying  that  "God 
put  it  into  the  hearts  of  the  owners 
and  others  ...  to  make  liberal  dona- 
tions of  money  and  stock,"  and 
justifying  the  action  by  quoting  from 
that  1893  Annual  Meeting  report. 

On  March  31,  1897,  at  the  end  of 
the  Brethren's  Publishing  Company's 

fiscal  year,  the  transfer  was  made.  On 
April  1,  the  GM&TC  assumed  own- 
ership on  behalf  of  the  church.  The 
name  would  be  Brethren  Publishing 
House.  All  this  was  accomplished  two 
months  before  Annual  Meeting,  with- 
out the  body's  approval 

Although  the  leaders  of  the 
GM&TC  thought  the  1893  Annual 
Meeting  had  given  them  the  authority, 
they  were  taking  a  risk — raising  and 
paying  out  money,  establishing  annu- 
ities, and  making  the  transfer  legal. 
What  would  they  do  if  Annual  Meet- 
ing said  no?  The  minutes  and 
accounts  of  these  actions  do  not  tell 
us  much.  Church  ownership  had  been 
rejected  before.  Why  not  check  it  out 
again  with  Annual  Meeting?  Why,  if 
the  GM&TC  thought  it  had  been 
given  the  authority  in  1893,  did  it 
wait  three  years  to  act?  Maybe  Miller 
and  others  had  a  keen  sense  of  timing. 
Maybe  they  knew  the  time  was  right, 
that  "wisdom"  now  "dictated."  Maybe 
Miller  knew  he  had  put  together  an 
offer  the  Brethren  couldn't  refuse. 

But  some  of  the  members  of  the 
GM&TC  were  not  so  confident.  At 
their  meeting  on  May  3 1 ,  just  before 
Annual  Meeting  began,  they  made  a 
special  request  that  Miller  "explain 
the  transfer  to  Standing  Committee 
and  Conference."  But  their  anxieties 
were  groundless.  Miller  had  read  the 
Brethren  right.  Galen  B.  Royer,  look- 

ing back  20  years  later,  wrote,  "Some 

entertained  fears  of  objections 

But  in  that  large  delegate  body  there 
was  but  one  dissenting  vote."  Look- 
ing back  himself  from  later  years, 
Miller  wrote,  "This  delegate  favored 
the  plan  but  his  congregation  had 
instructed  him  to  vote  against  it." 

Now  that  the  mission  committee 
and  publishing  company  were  one, 
they  turned  their  attention  to  the 
question  of  location.  Though  the 
needs  of  the  Publishing  House  were 
the  first  consideration,  the  location's 
suitability  for  the  GM&TC  and  other 
church  offices  must  have  been  on 
their  minds  too.  The  mission  com- 
mittee's secretary,  Galen  B.  Royer, 
was  one  of  the  leaders  of  the  search. 

At  its  February  14,  1898,  meeting, 
the  GM&TC  decided  to  make 
Chicago  the  "commercial  center," 
meaning  the  offices  and  plant  would 
be  near  the  city.  This  eliminated  sev- 
eral Indiana  locations  that  had  already 
been  under  discussion:  Muncie,  Fort 
Wayne,  Lafayette,  and  Huntington. 
The  following  cities  remained  under 
consideration:  Goshen,  Elkhart,  and 
South  Bend  in  Indiana,  and  Downers 
Grove,  Naperville,  Polo,  and  Mount 
Morris  in  Illinois. 

By  October,  interest  had  shifted 
to  two  Indiana  cities  not  on  the 
earlier  lists:  Walkerton  and 
Plymouth.  On  October  12,  members 
of  a  GM&TC  subcommittee  visited 
Walkerton  and  ruled  it  out.  The  next 
day  they  went  to  Plymouth,  a  town  of 
4,200  located  85  miles  from  Chicago 
on  the  Pittsburgh,  Fort  Wayne,  & 
Chicago  Railroad,  the  Lake  Erie  & 
Western  Line,  and  the  Vandalia  Line. 
They  liked  what  they  saw,  and  took 
action  to  make  it  their  site,  subject  to 
the  following  conditions:  "1.  What 
favors  from  the  railroads,  2.  Options 
for  plant  sites,  3.  Options  for  church 
sites,  4.  Social  standing,  5.  Relation 
to  adjoining  congregations." 

On  October  18,  this  subcommittee 
of  the  GM&TC  made  a  proposition  to 
the  city  of  Plymouth  asking  for  the 
following:  "  1 .  A  bonus  of  $5,000  with 

24  Messenger  January  1997 

pproved  security  . . . ,  2.  Electric  light, 
/ater,  and  sewage  on  the  side  of  the 

round "  The  proposal  contained 

wo  further  conditions:  "This  propo- 
dtion  shall  be  subject  to  the  aid  given 
ly  the  Northern  District  of  Indiana 
nd  the  approval  of  the  General  Mis- 
ionary  and  Tract  Committee." 

The  leaders  of  Plymouth  were 
nterested  in  the  Brethren.  Joseph 
Iwindell,  of  the  Business  Men's 
association,  wrote  to  Galen  B.  Royer 
ater  in  the  month  saying,  "The  Com. 
eels  much  encouraged  and  there  is  a 
ery  fair  prospect  of  raising  the 
mount."  In  November,  Royer 
eceived  a  letter  dated  the  22nd  from 
).  Frank  Redd,  who  was  secretary  of 
he  Association  and  principal  of  the 
ligh  school,  reading,  "We  have 
ecured  the  subscription.  It  was  a 
evere  struggle,  but  still  the  people 
lave  responded  liberally,  and  with 
he  best  of  feeling.  We  will  immedi- 
itely  proceed  to  put  the  subscription 
n  such  a  legal  shape  that  it  may  be 
ecured  with  approval  by  you.  I  will 
vrite  more  fully  in  a  few  days." 

The  deal  seemed  a  sure  thing.  But 
esistance  was  developing.  The  district 
vas  willing  to  give  $  1 0,000  if  the  site 
vere  in  Goshen,  Elkhart,  or  South 
iend,  but  not  in  Plymouth.  Royer 
nused  in  a  communication  to 
jM&TC  members,  "If  that  is  the  sen- 
iment  of  Northern  Indiana,  then  I  am 
vondering  if  we  had  better  locate  in 
he  district  whatever." 

On  January  10,  1899,  the  GM&TC 
net  at  Mount  Morris  College.  The 
ninutes  carry  this  cryptic  note:  "Loca- 
ion  of  office  was  thoroughly  discussed 
ill  forenoon."  In  the  afternoon  session, 
he  committee  members  tabled  the 
eport  of  the  subcommittee  that  had 
asited  Plymouth.  They  turned  their 
nterest  to  an  Illinois  site  and  reaf- 
irmed  their  decision  that  it  should  be 
n  Chicago's  orbit,  within  100  miles. 
Then  in  the  evening  they  took  action 
designed  to  get  the  process  moving. 

They  appointed  a  new  "investigat- 
ng"  committee  of  five  men  and  gave  it 
ull  authority:  "  1 .  To  select  a  location, 
I.  To  close  the  contract,  3.  To  raise  the 

necessary  funds  for  location,  building, 
and  moving  of  plant,  4.  To  turn  same 
over  to  the  Executive  Committee  of 
the  Brethren  Publishing  House,"  to 
whom  special  duties  were  given  "to 
erect  building  and  move  plant." 

On  lanuary  50,  the  investigating 
committee  met  at  the  Windsor 
Hotel  in  Chicago.  It  decided  to 
solicit  donations  and  issue  annuity 
bonds  and  to  borrow  money  for  tempo- 
rary operating  funds.  And  then  a  city 
never  before  mentioned  in  any  corre- 
spondence or  minute  suddenly  came 
into  consideration.  Minutes  of  that  Jan- 
uary 30  meeting  were  hastily  scribbled 
on  small  sheets  of  note  paper.  Even 
though  they  were  later  copied  into  the 
minute  book,  the  originals  were  pre- 
served and  carefully  glued  into  the 
book.  The  notes  read,  "That  we  make 
Elgin,  111.,  our  first  choice  of  location 
and  seek  to  secure  a  site  there." 

Since  Elgin  has  now  been  our  head- 
quarters for  nearly  100  years,  and 
especially  since  there  presently  are 
discussions  about  moving  the  General 
Offices  somewhere  else,  it  would  be 
helpful  to  know  why  church  leaders 
settled  on  Elgin.  We  know  some  of  the 
reasons:  Like  Plymouth,  Ind.,  it  had 
railroads  and  was  inside  the  100-mile 
radius  of  Chicago.  It  was  near  Mount 
Morris,  which  would  make  moving 
the  Publishing  House  easier.  It  too 
had  businessmen  who  wanted  to  lure 
new  ventures  to  the  city. 

But  Elgin's  offer  was  not  as  good 
as  Plymouth's  and  there  was  no  talk 
of  help  from  the  district.  And  why 
wasn't  Elgin  on  those  earlier  lists? 
The  GM&TC  and  the  Publishing 
House  had  been  planning  this  move 
carefully,  with  much  thought  and 
deliberate  investigation.  Now  all  of  a 
sudden  they  settled  on  a  city  they 
had  never  investigated,  and  they  con- 
cluded the  deal  overnight. 

And  it  was  overnight.  They  met  the 
next  day,  Feb.  1,  in  Elgin,  and  made 
the  following  offer  to  the  city:  "We 
propose  to  give  you  $6,000  in  cash 
for  the  Fitzgerald  property  now 
owned  by  Mr.  Lord  and  erect  a 

building  suitable  for  a  printing  plant 
thereon,  within  nine  months  from 
date  on  condition:  1st.  That  you  give 
us  $3,000  as  a  cash  bonus,  2nd.  That 
you  secure  a  switch  from  the 
Chicago  &  Northwestern  Railway 
Co.  running  along  the  east  end  of  the 
south  half  of  said  ground."  On  Feb- 
ruary 2,  in  the  Merchants  Hotel  on 
Douglas  Street,  Joseph  Amick  and 
Galen  B.  Royer  closed  the  deal. 

In  April,  Galen  B.  Royer  moved  his 
family  to  Elgin,  opening  an  office  in 
a  private  room  belonging  to  William 
Grote,  business  promoter,  former 
mayor,  one  of  the  men  responsible 
for  the  deal.  During  the  summer,  a 
three-story  brick  building  was 
erected  on  the  site,  22  South  State 
Street.  By  September  1899  it  was 
finished,  and  the  printing  plant,  its 
workers,  and  their  families  were 
moved  from  Mount  Morris.  A  new 
congregation,  the  present  Highland 
Avenue  Church  of  the  Brethren,  was 
founded  in  October  in  a  room  at  the 
new  offices.  E.  C.  Alft,  Elgin  histo- 
rian, wrote  in  his  1984  book  Elgin: 
An  American  History,  "West  side  res- 
idents grew  accustomed  to  seeing  the 
newcomers'  somber  clothes,  the 
women  in  black  bonnets  and  the  men 
in  black  hats  with  wide  brims." 

And  so  that's  how  the  church  took 
ownership  of  its  own  publishing  com- 
pany 100  years  ago,  placed  it  in  Elgin, 
111.,  and  planted  the  seed  for  our 
denominational  headquarters.  After 
letting  the  publishing  work  and  the 
many  other  initiatives  it  engendered 
develop  on  their  own,  the  church  sud- 
denly moved  to  accept  them  and 
center  them  in  an  office  site.  This  was 
typical  of  the  Brethren  of  that  era — 
deliberating  long  and  carefully, 
counting  the  cost,  moving  too  slowly 
for  some,  then  taking  sudden,  deci- 
sive, even  bold  action.  They  knew 
how  to  take  their  time,  and  they     rrr 
knew  when  to  act.  r^ 

lames  H.  Lehman  is  a  member  of  Highland 
Avenue  Church  of  the  Brethren.  Elgin.  111.  He  is 
a  historian,  as  well  as  a  writer  of  children's 
books.  His  most  recent  book  is  The  Owl  and 
the  Tuba. 

January  1997  Messenger  25 

If  I  were  to 

name  one  mistake 

that  Christians 

maice  more  often 

than  any  other 

mistaice,  it  would 

be  to  respond  to 

the  pain  of  others 

with  "smiley  face 



by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

I  said  I'd  never  do  it. 
I  said  it  looked  termi- 
nally boring.  I  said  it  was  an 
activity  that  promoted  nar- 
cissism, not  fitness.  I  said  1 
preferred  the  open  roads  of 
jogging  to  the  sweat  shops 
of  weight  training. 

In  spite  of  all  that,  1 
joined  a  "fitness  center" 
hoping  that  an  exercise 
routine  that  required  nei- 
ther daylight  nor  decent 
weather  would  better 
accommodate  my  schedule. 

There  is  a  weight  machine 
called  the  Rotary  Torture  ...  I 
mean  Rotary  Torso.  To  use 
it,  you  sit  down,  grasp  the 
handle,  keep  your  arms  and 
bottom  half  stationary  while 
you  use  your  inner  and  outer 
oblique  muscles  (that's 
"midriff  bulge"  in  layman's 
terms)  to  move  the  handle 
from  side  to  side  as  far  as 

When  this  is  done  properly, 
the  upper  half  of  your  body 
moves  in  a  steady  sweep  of 
almost  180  degrees.  This 
means  that  if  you  don't  keep 
your  eyes  focused  on  a  fixed 
spot,  you  will  get  dizzy  and 
light-headed  from  a  room 
that  appears  to  be  swirling 
by.  The  logical  thing  to  look 
at  is  the  bar  in  front  of  your 
face,  since  it  moves  with  you. 

Some  joker  long  ago 
decided  to  stick  a  "smiley 
face"  on  that  bar.  Maybe 
that  sounds  to  you  like  a 
nice  touch.  But  for  someone 
sweating  and  struggling 

through  several  dozen  gru- 
eling repetitions,  a  smiley 
face  seems  to  mock,  rather 
than  encourage. 

If  I  were  to  name  one  mis- 
take that  Christians  make 
more  often  than  any  other 
mistake,  it  would  be  to 
respond  to  the  pain  of  others 
with  "smiley  face  theology": 

"Your  mother  died? 
Cheer  up.  She's  with  the 
Lord  now." 

"You  had  a  miscarriage? 
'Well,  at  least  you're  young 
enough  to  have  another 

"You  didn't  get  the  job? 
lust  remember  that  when 
God  closes  a  door  he  opens 
a  window." 

"Your  husband  has 
cancer?  You  know  that  God 
doesn't  give  us  anything  we 
can't  handle." 

"Your  'ex'  just  got  mar- 
ried? There'll  be  someone 
for  you  too." 

"Your  son's  been  arrested? 
Don't  forget  that  all  things 
work  together  for  the  good 
of  those  who  love  God." 

I  like  the  Living  Bible's 
rendering  of  Proverbs  25:20: 
"Being  happy-go-lucky 
around  a  person  whose  heart 
is  heavy  is  as  bad  as  stealing 
his  jacket  in  cold  weather,  or 
rubbing  salt  in  his  wounds." 

lust  yesterday,  I  spoke  with 
a  dear  sister  in  my  congrega- 
tion who  has  had  more 
surgeries  and  debilitating 
complications  in  the  last  1 5 
years  than  most  people  would 
have  in  1 5  lifetimes.  She  had 
returned  from  the  doctor. 

who,  predictably,  had  found 
something  else  wrong.  As  she 
talked,  I  listened.  So  deep  is 
her  pain,  so  unrelenting  is 
her  suffering,  that  I  knew  no 
words  adequate  to  alleviate 
them.  After  a  few  minutes  she 
thanked  me,  said  she  always 
felt  better  after  talking  to  me, 
and  hung  up. 

It  is  very  important  to  un- 
derscore that  I  said  ab- 
solutely nothing  of  any  con- 
sequence to  her.  I  bestowed 
no  words  of  wisdom.  I  ap- 
plied no  clinical  expertise.  I 
quoted  no  scripture.  I  gave 
no  advice.  I  offered  no  solu- 
tions. I  just  listened. 

When  people  are  suffering, 
"smiley  face  theology"  makes 
a  mockery  of  their  pain. 
They  do  not  need  someone 
trying  to  "solve"  their  prob- 
lems or  "cheer  them  up." 
They  just  need  someone  to 
listen  and  to  acknowledge 
that  their  problems  are  real 
and  their  pain  is  valid. 

A  few  days  ago  at  the  gym 
I  sat  down  at  the  Rotary 
Torso  and  realized  I  appar- 
ently have  a  kindred  spirit: 
That  smiley  face  had  been 
ripped  off.  Which 
made  me  smile. 


Robin  Wentworth  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Kokomo  (Ind.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  column  offer- 
ing suggestions,  perspectives,  and 
opinions — snapshots  of  life — that  we 
hope  are  helpful  to  readers  in  their 
Christian  journey.  As  the  writer  said  in 
her  first  installment.  "Remember 
when  it  comes  to  managittg  life  s  diffi- 
culties, we  don 't  need  to  walk  on 
water  We  just  need  to  learn  where  the 
stepping  stones  are. " 

26  Messenger  January  1997 

"If  the  Board's  energy  is  focused  too 
heavily  on  the  life  of  congregations, 
we  may  end  up  not  sustaining  them 
or  the  vitality  of  the  denomination. 

Focusing  on  self-survival 

\s  a  former  general  secretary  and  as 
iomeone  involved  directly  in  the  life 
of  the  General  Board  during  half  of 
ts  history  (1952-1977),  I  read  about 
•edesign  and  restructure  with  much 
nterest  (December,  pages  6-9).  The 
Dctober  actions,  which  begin  to  show 
he  shape  of  things  to  come,  prompt 
Tiy  reflections  and  comments. 

A  staff  approach  that  utilizes  a  core 
staff  at  headquarters,  with  a  few  staff 

clusters  in  regional  centers,  is  innova- 
tive. Success  for  that  requires, 
however,  a  high  level  of  staff  flexibility, 
as  well  as  maximum  use  of  the  latest 
high-tech  communications.  Unless 
there  is  full  participation  of  all  staff  in 
basic  program  thrusts,  the  motivation 
that  can  be  generated  in  a  central  staff 
may  be  seriously  diminished. 

The  unity  or  wholeness  of  the  Gen- 
eral Board's  ministry  may  be  weakened 
by  creating  a  somewhat  independent 
representative  agency  (a  Mission  Plan- 

ning Committee)  that  secures  its  finan- 
cial support  from  a  designated 
Emerging  Missions  Fund.  This  may 
tend  to  reduce  the  level  of  motivation 
for  the  total  ministry  of  the  Board. 

I  get  the  impression  that  the  focus 
of  the  three  major  areas  (Program, 
Leadership,  and  Finance)  is  primar- 
ily on  the  life  of  the  congregation. 
(Remember  that  ministers  and  other 
leaders  of  congregations  are  versed 
in  the  nature  of  the  church's  mis- 
sion.) Obviously,  it  is  essential  to 
have  vital  congregations  to  sustain 
our  denominational  life.  But  if  the 
Board's  energy  is  focused  too  heavily 
on  the  life  of  congregations,  we  may 
end  up  not  sustaining  them  or  the 
vitality  of  the  denomination. 

It  is  dangerous  to  pay  too  much 

/(nTii^ctv  Ccnlci^ ^cmlnai^s  ^c^  1997 

The  Andrew  Center  has  planned  a  full  schedule  of  seminars  and  teaching  church  events  for  1997.  Please  note  the 
schedule  below  and  plan  to  attend  one  in  your  area.  Brochures  will  be  sent  to  all  pastors,  witness  and  nurture  com- 
mittees of  each  congregation  in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren,  and  to  pastors  in  each  partner  denomination. 
For  more  information,  call  The  Andrew  Center's  toll-free  number,  (800)  774-3360. 


1.  February  1,  1997 

Fred  Bernhard:  "Hospitality  and  the  Vital  Church"  -  First 
Mennonite  Church,  Upland,  Calif. 

2.  April  5,  1997 

Jim  Moss:"Does  Your  Church  Really  Care?"  -  Boise,  Idaho  area 

3.  April  12,  1997 

Jim  Moss:  "Does  Your  Church  Really  Care?"  -  Sunnyside 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  New  Creek,  W.  Va. 

4.  April  19,  1997 

Paul  Mundey:  "Unlocking  Church  Doors:  Ten  Keys  to  Posi- 
tive Change"  -  Lititz  Mennonite  Church,  Lititz,  Pa. 

5.  April  19,  1997 

Fred  Bernhard:  "Hospitality  and  the  Vital  Church"  -  Clarence 
Center,  Akron  Mennonite  Church,  Akron,  N.Y 

6.  April  26,  1997 

Steve  Clapp:  "Reaching  Out  to  Young  Families"  -  Prince  of 
Peace  Church  of  the  Brethren,  Kettering,  Ohio 

7.  May  3,  1997 

Paul  Mundey:  "Unlocking  Church  Doors:  Ten  Keys  to  Posi- 
tive Change"  -  Harrisonburg  Mennonite  Church, 
Harrisonburg,  Va. 

8.  September  20,  1997 

Fred  Bernhard:  "Hospitality  and  the  Vital  Church"  -  Fred- 
erick Church  of  the  Brethren,  Frederick,  Md. 

9.  September  20,  1997 

Steve  Clapp:  "Personal  Faith  Sharing"  -  Antelope  Park 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Lincoln,  Neb. 

10.  October  11,  1997 

Steve  Clapp:  "Building  Congregational  Self-esteem  and 
Outreach"  -  Central  Pennsylvania  area 

11.  October  18,  1997 

Steve  Clapp:  "Reaching  Out  to  Young  Families"  -  Battle 
Creek  Church  of  the  Brethren,  Battle  Creek,  Mich. 

12.  October  25,  1997 

Fred  Bernhard:  "Hospitality  and  the  Vital  Church"  - 
Normal  Mennonite  Church,  Normal,  III. 

13.  November  8,  1997 

Steve  Clapp:  "Building  Congregational  Self-esteem  and 
Outreach"  -  First  Brethren  Church,  North  Manchester,  Ind. 

14.  November  8,  1997 

Jim  Moss:  "Integrating  New  Members:  -  South  Hutchinson 
Mennonite  Church,  Hutchinson,  Kan. 

Teaching  Churches: 

I.February  1,  1997 

"Reaching  Baby  Boomers"  -  Cape  Christian  Fellowship,  Cape 
Coral,  Fla. 

2.  November  15,  1997 

"Developing  Neighborhood  Ministries"  -  Belmont  Mennonite 
Church,  Elkhart,  Ind. 

January  1997  Messenger  27 

attention  to  self-survival.  We  need  a 
creative  balance  between  the  needs 
of  congregations  and  the  needs  of 
the  world. 

The  church  exists  "for  the  sake  of 
the  world,"  not  for  "its  own  sake." 
And  there  are  plenty  of  problems  "in 
the  world"  to  which  the  gospel  speaks. 

I  hope  this  can  be  more  evident  as 

the  redesigning  and  restructuring  of 
the  General  Board  goes  forward. 

S.  Loren  Bowman 
La  Verne,  Calif. 

A  bright  new  format 

Congratulations  on  Messenger's 
bright  new  format  observable  in 

Because  You  Need 

Protection  You  Can 

Count  On 

W  hen  a  fire  broke  out  at  Elkhart  City 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Elkhart,  Indiana, 
many  members  wondered  how  long  it  would 
be  before  they  could  worship  there  again. 
But  they  were  about  to  experience  a 
wonderful  surprise. 

''Mutual  Aid  was  right  there  when  we 
needed  them,"  says  Ted  Noffsinger,  who 
supervised  the  reconstruction.  "The  approach 
I  saw  was,  'We  have  a  policyholder  with  a 
problem.  Let's  do  what  we  can,  as  fast  as  we 
can,  to  get  him  back  in  business.'" 

If  that's  the  protection  you  'd  like  to  experience,  then 
you  should  know  Mutual  Aid  Association  also  offers 
homeowner's  insurance  at  very  competitive  rates.  To 
find  out  more,  return  the  bind-in  card  in  this  issue  of 
Messenger,  or  call  us  now. 



Mutual  Aid  Association 

Church  of  the  Brethren 

3094  Jeep  Rd  •  Abilene,  KS  67410 

Protection  you  can  depend  on  from 
Brethren  you  trust.  Since  1885. 

recent  issues.  Together  with  the  con- 
tinued solid  content  of  articles,  news, 
and  editorial  comment,  it  makes  an 
attractive  and  stimulating  package. 

When  compared  to  periodicals 
of  other  denominations,  it  ranks 
high — even  superior  to  most.  The 
new  makeup  of  the  journal  should 
retain  previous  subscribers  and  at- 
tract new  ones. 

Thank  you  for  this  improvement. 

Don  Durnbaugh 
fames  Creek.  Pa. 

(Thanks.  We  are  happy  to  report 
that  subscriptions  have  increased 
monthly  since  last  spring. — Ed.) 

Thoughts  on  infallibility 

I  truly  believe  that  God's  Word  is 
infallible.  But  is  the  Bible  thereby 
infallible?  Were  those  who  gave  us 
that  book  infallible  in  their  under- 
standing and  interpretation  of  that 
Word?  Or  were  they  only  helpless 
tools  in  God's  hands? 

I  do  not  hold  to  either  of  these 
extremes.  I  feel  the  same  about  the 
infallibility  of  the  early  Christians 
and  their  understanding  of  Christ's 
life,  works,  and  teaching. 

I  do  not  belittle  those  early  saints.  I 
believe  the  Bible  is  our  best  source  of 
guidance  for  our  sojourn  here. 

I  also  believe  that  God  reveals  his 
will  for  us — individually  and  corpo- 
rately — as  we  are  able  and  willing  to 
receive  it.  No,  I  am  not  an  unbe- 
liever. I  strongly  believe  that  the 
Bible  is  God  inspired. 

But  if,  in  order  to  remain  in  good 

The  opinions  expressed  in  Letters  are  not  necessarily 
those  of  the  magazine.  Readers  should  receive  them  in 
the  same  spirit  with  which  differing  opinions  are  expressed 
in  face-to-face  conversatioru. 

Letters  should  he  brief  concise,  and  respectful  of  the 
opinions  of  others.  Preference  is  given  to  letters  that  respond 
directly  to  items  read  in  the  magazine. 

We  are  willing  to  withhold  the  name  of  a  writer 
only  when,  in  our  editorial  judgment,  it  is  warranted. 
We  will  not  consider  any  letter  that  comes  to  us 
unsigned.  Whether  or  not  we  print  the  letter,  the 
writer's  name  is  kept  in  strictest  confidence. 

Address  letters  to  Messenger  editor,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  I L  60120. 

28  Messenger  January  1997 

tanding,  I  were  required  to  affirm  a 
lelief  in  the  Bible's  infallibiity,  I 
:ould  not  do  so  honestly.  For  me, 
hat  would  be  affirming  a  belief  in 
he  infallibiility  of  the  humans 
involved  in  the  transmission  of  the 

Nor  am  I  passing  judgment  on 
)thers'  beliefs.  I  am  merely  stating 
ny  position. 

Emma  B.  Dillon 
Greenville.  Ohio 

^ow  sweet  and  sour 

was  excited  by  the  October  and 
Niovember  Messengers.  David  Rad- 
iliff's  article,  "Trick  or  Treat?" 
October,  page  13) — although  it 
;ould  have  been  deepened  and 
)roadened — is  the  first  instance  I 
lave  seen  of  a  Christian  publication 
iealing  with  some  of  these  negative 
jffects  and  deeper  cultural  questions 
hat  impact  Christian  missionaries 
md  intercultural  activities. 

The  two-part  church  burnings  arti- 
;le  by  Anthony  Walton  (October, 
)age  16;  November,  page  12)  was 
;xcellent — sensitizing  without  being 

I  have  often  faulted  Messenger  for 
)eing  a  little  too  sweet.  Here's 
loping  it  will  carry  more  in-depth 
irticles  in  the  future.  I  am  not  of 
'Our  faith,  but  I  continue  to  read 
our  magazine  with  interest,  and  its 
ipecial  slant  is  important  in  my  life. 

Joanne  Greenberg 
Golden.  Colo. 

(Joanne  Greenberg.  author  of  \ 
viever  Promised  You  a  Rose  Garden 
ind  other  novels  and  stories,  spoke 
It  the  1994  Messenger  Dinner  in 
Vichita.  She  is  of  the  Jewish  faith. 

!  assume  no  responsibility 

don't  share  Gerald  Grouse's  enthu- 
siasm for  Promise  Keepers 

November,  page  20).  And  I  don't 
mderstand  how  he  can  conclude  that 
iphesians  5:  21-33  is  "clearly  .  ..a 
:all  for  husbands  to  assume  respon- 

Pontius'  Puddle 

Send  payment  for  reprinting  "Pontius'  Puddle"  from  Messenger  to 
]oel  Kaiiffmann.  Ill  Carter  Road.  Goshen.  IN 46526.  $25  for  one 
time  use.  $10  for  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $  10  for  congregations. 

TMIS  ^Aler^AT  ^E  A 



Statement  of  Ownership 
Management  and  Circulation 

(Required  by  39  U.S.C.  3685) 


Publication  No.  340-760 

January  1,  1997 

Publislned  monthly 

No.  of  issues  publislied  annually  1 1 

Annual  subscription  price  $16.50 

1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Kane  County 

Elgin,  IL  60120 

9.  Names  and  addresses  of  Publisher,  Editor  and  Managing  Editor  are: 
Publisher  Dale  Minnich,   1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120;  Editor,  Kermon 
Thomasson,  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120;  Managing  Editor,  Nevin 
Dulabaum,  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

10.  Owner:  Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board,  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin, 
Kane  County,  Illinois. 

1 1 .  Known  bondholders,  mortgagees,  and  other  security  holders  owning  or 
holding  one  percent  or  more  of  total  amounts  of  bonds,  mortgages  or  other 
securities — none. 

12.  For  completion  by  nonprofit  organizations  authorized  to  mail  at  special 
rates — does  not  apply. 

13.  Publication  name:  Messenger. 

14.  Issue  date  for  circulation  date  below:  January  1997. 

15.  Extent  and  nature  of  circulation. 

Average  no.  copies  Actual  no.  copies  of 
each  issue  during  single  issue  published 
preceding  1 2  months      nearest  to  filing  date. 

A.  Total  no.  copies  printed  (Net  Press  Run) 

B.  Paid  and/or  requested  circulation 

1 .  Sales  through  dealers,  carriers,  street 
vendors,  and  counter  sales 

2.  Mail  subscription 

C.  Total  paid  and/or  requested  circulation 

D.  Free  distribution  by  mail. 

E.  Free  distribution  outside  of  the  mail. 
F  Total  free  distribution. 

G.  Total  distribution 

H.  Copies  not  distributed 

I.  Total  (sumof  15G  &  15H) 





















16.  This  statement  of  ownership  will  be  printed  in  the  October  issue. 

1 7.  I  certify  that  the  statements  furnished  on  this  form  are  correct  and  complete. 

Dale  Minnich,  Publisher 

January  1997  Messenger  29 

call  (800)  525-80391^  ext.  247 
Ask  for  Vicki. 

in  Prayer 

Daily  prayer  guide: 

Sunday:  Your  congregation's  ministries 

Monday:  Annual  Conference  officers 

Tuesday:  General  Board  and  staff 

Wednesday:  District  executives, 

Bethany  Seminary,  colleges 

and  university 
Thursday:  General  Services 

Friday:  Parish  Ministries 
Saturday:  World  Ministries 

January  prayer  concerns: 

Congregation:  New  energy  in  the  life 
of  the  local  church;  Ecumenical 
Sunday,  fan.  19;  Week  of  Prayer  for 
Christian  Unity,  Jan.  18-25. 

Annual  Conference:  Nominating 
Committee;  Review  and  Evaluation 
Committee;  Moderator-elect  Jimmy 
Ross'  trip  to  Nigeria,  (an.  25-Feb.  10 
(Merv  Keeney,  Bonnie  Kline  Smeltzer, 
and  Kathy  Hess  going,  too). 

General  Board:  Staff  Consultation, 
)an.  15-15. 

Districts  and  Colleges:  CODE,  )an 

12-13;  January  interim  studies; 
Academy  for  Ministry  Training  at 
Bethany  Seminary,  |an  6-10. 

General  Services:  Personnel  issues 
during  "redesign." 

Parish  Ministries:  ABC/OEPA  spon- 
sored trip  to  South  Africa,  Jan. 
24-Feb.  6. 

World  Ministries:  BVS  unit  224  ori- 
entation; SERRV  study  team — Bonnie 
Kline  Smeltzer,  Rogers  Fike,  Charles 
Layman,  and  Bob  Chase. 

30  Messenger  January  1997 

sibility  for  the  spiritual  well-being  of 
their  wives." 

My  wife  and  I  are  accountable  to 
each  other  as  life  partners  and  as  dis- 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 

Kulp  Bible  College, Nigeria 

Teacher,  Begin  mid- 1997 

Are  you  sensing  God's  call  to 
ministry  in  Africa? 

A  seminary-trained  instructor  is 
needed  for  this  important  church 
leadership  development  institution 
in  Nigeria. 

For  more  information  call 

Mervin  Keeney. 

Africa/ Middle  East  Representative 


ciples  of  Christ,  but  for  me  to 
assume  responsibility  for  her  spiri- 
tual well-being,  or  her  for  mine, 
would  be  to  treat  each  other  as  chil- 
dren, unable  to  make  decisions  for 

If  Promise  Keepers  produces  a 
higher  level  of  integrity  and  respon- 
sibility in  men,  fine.  Participation  in 
such  a  program,  however,  is  not 
equivalent  to  being  Christian.  I  lis- 
tened to  a  radio  program  of  a  rally  in 
which  tens  of  thousands  of  men  in  a 
stadium  cheered  the  assertion  of 
authority  over  their  wives.  It  sent  a 
chill  down  my  spine. 

There  are  plenty  of  us  who  are 
committed  to  being  disciples  of 
Christ,  but  who  choose  not  to  sub-  ■ 
scribe  to  cultural  stereotypes  in 
which  men  lead  and  women  follow. 

Lee  Krdhenbiihl 
Kalamazoo,  Mich. 

Classified  Ads 


Condominium.  One  bedroom  condominium  fur- 
nished, with  a  swimming  pool.  Located  in  Sebring,  Fla. 
For  info.,  contact  Isabel  Mattingiy,  555  SE  Lakeview, 
Apt,  110,  Sebring,  FL  33870,  Tel.  (941)  385-0852, 

Biography.  ,4  Dunker  Boy  Becomes  Ecumenical: 
Adveiiiiires  Toward Skituntx.  The  experiences  of  the 
family  of  Bernard  Nathan  &  Ella  Baugher  King,  between 
1930  &  1996,  More  than  200  pages  of  illuminating  info, 
concerning  prominent  educator-minister  in  life  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Covers  historic  &  changing 
period  between  World  War  I  and  present,  Elmer  Q, 
Gleim,  book  editor  Hard  bound,  maroon  color,  & 
mdexed.  Price  S20,  plus  11.25  mailing  cost.  Contact 
Bernard  N.  King,  109-C  Faith  Drive,  New  Oxford,  PA 
17350,  Tel,  (717)624-4021. 

Cincinnati  Area— Stonelick  Church  of  the  Brethren 
invites  Brethren  in  Cincinnati  area  to  worship.  Located 
on  Rt,  727  at  Stonelick  State  Park,  east  of  1-275  belt- 
way,  Milford  exit.  Contact  Gene  Grossnickle,  tel.  (513) 

Shalom  Church  of  the  Brethren,  a  new  &  growing 
fellowship  in  Durham,  N,C,,  invites  Brethren  moving 
to  Research  Triangle  area  (Raleigh,  Durham,  Chapel 
Hill)  to  worship  w/  us.  Eager  to  provide  moving  assis- 
tance (unloading,  childcare,  area  info,)  for  those 
relocating  to  area.  For  info,,  contact:  Fellowship,  RO, 
Box  15607,  Durham,  NC  27704,  Tel,  (919)  490-6422. 
E-mail,  ShalomCOB@AOL,COM, 

China  adventure  featuring  Yangtze  River  cruise,  Aug, 
4-19, 1997,  (S3, 189)  Visit  Narita  in  Japan.  Shanghai, 
Wuhan,  Shashi,  Badong,  Wanxian,  Chongquing,  Xian 
in  China,  Travel  on  cruise  ship  on  the  Yangtze  River 

stopping  at  various  cities  &  ports.  In  Beijing,  walk  the 
largest  'wonder  of  the  worid  — the  Great  Wall  of  China. 
Also,  visit  Tian'Anmen  Square,  &  much  more,  Wendell 
&  Joan  Bohrer  invite  you  to  share  this  great  experi- 
ence w/  them.  For  info,  &  brochure,  write:  8520  Royal 
Meadow  Drive,  Indianapolis,  IN  46217.  Tel,  or  Fax. 
(317)  882-5067, 

European  Heritage  Tour,  July  12-26, 1997.  Visit 
scenic  sites  of  Anabaptist,  Pietist  &  Brethren  signifi- 
cance in  Switzeriand,  France,  Germany  &  Netheriands. 
Sponsored  by  Brethren  Encyclopedia,  Inc.,  and  the 
Brethren  Historical  Committee,  $2,490  from  New  York 
(JFK).  For  complete  brochure  contact:  Don  Durn- 
baugh,  P,O.B.  484,  James  Creek,  PA  16657,  Tel./Fax. 
(814)  658-3222. 

Panama  Canal  Cruise— 15  days,  Apr  20-May5, 
1997,  By  air  to  Fort  Lauderdale,  then  by  Princess  Cruise 
Liner  stopping  at  3  ports  en  route  to  Panama  Canal, 
After  the  canal,  visit  4  ports  on  Pacific  Coast  of  Mexico 
prior  to  sailing  to  San  Diego  &  flying  home.  For  details, 
contact  Dr  Wayne  F  Geisert,  Box  40,  Bridgewater  Col- 
lege, Bridgewater,  VA  22812.  Tel,  (540)  828-5494  or 
(540)  433-I433,  Inquire  now— limited  space. 

Tour  the  People's  Republic  of  China  including  4- 
day  Yangtze  River  cruise  to  area  where  worid's  largest 
dam  is  being  built;  also  visit  Hong  Kong.  16  days,  June 
24-July  9, 1997.  Leave  from  &  return  to  Los  Angeles, 
Calif  For  details,  contact  President  Emeritus  Wayne  E 
Geisert  (or  tour  co-host,  Dr  Bradley  K,  Geisert),  Box 
40,  Bridgewater  College,  Bridgewater,  VA  22812.  Tel. 
(540)  828-5494  or  (540)  433-1433.  Inquire  now-lim- 
ited space, 


Seeking  The  Diaiy  of  John  Kline.  Send  condition  and 
the  price  wanted  to  Bonita  H,  McNaull,  699,  County 
Rd,  1775,  R  #6,  Ashland.  OH  448O5, 

[urniM  foiiits 


<ote:  Congregations  are  asked 
3  submit  only  the  names  of 
ctual  new  members  ot  the 
enomination.  Do  not  include 
ames  of  people  who  have 
merely  transferred  their  metn- 
ership  from  another  Church  of 
le  Brethren  congregation. 

igape.  S.  Ind.:  Angie  &  Jeff 

!lover  Creek,  Mid.  Pa.  loshua 

Banaszak;  lamie  Bechtel; 

Annie.  Ben,  Debbie  &  fim 

Byler;  [im  Caporuscio; 

Shawn  DilHng:  Shana 

Doutt:  Amy  &  Lisa  Estep; 

Jim  Eicher:  Aaron  Feather; 

Bob  Harrison;  Kyle  Krehl; 

Mike  Noel;  Cherie  Steele; 

Tim  Stone:  Lance  Ware- 
ham;  Leah  Yingling;  Allen 

ndependence,  W.  Plains; 

Orville  Springer 
ivester,  N.  Plains;  Rachel 

Butler;  Brenda  Moats; 

Cheryl.  Dennis  &|ames 

ewiston,  All.  N.E.:  Sheldon 

lames  Myer 
xwiston,  N.  Plains;  [enny  & 

loni  Boynton 
ogansport,  S/C  Ind.;  Mike 

»Jorth  Liberty,  N.  Ind.;  Jason 

Beyer.  Andrew  Holderread 
'almyra,  Atl.  N.E.;  Donald  & 

Patricia  Strine 
"arsons,  W.  Plains;  Kenny 

Juakerlown,  Atl.  N.E.:  Jen- 
nifer Hunkle 
ihalom,  Virlina;  Anna  Bauer, 

Matthew  Brown,  Jamie  & 

Jesse  Moon 
ipringfield,  Atl.  N.E.;  Jarryd 

Bauder,  Jeanette  Kramer, 

Tammy  Theobold 
Jniontown,  W.  Pa.;  Sarah 

Martin,  Jeff  Smitley,  Carl 

Jniversity  Park,  Mid-Atl.: 

Ivan  Shellenbarger 
Atst  Cliarleston,  S.  Ohio; 

Andrew  Bowman,  Glenda  & 

Gordon  Tron 


^spacker,  Clair  and  Emily, 

Abbottstown,  Pa.,  60 
3eck,  James  and  Ethel, 

Denver,  Pa.,  55 
3erg,  Clarence  and  Margaret, 

Hanover,  Pa.,  50 
iurkholder,  Noah  and  Bertha, 

Chambersburg,  Pa.,  50 
Jurns,  Robert  and  Doris, 

Johnstown,  Pa.,  50 
Jush,  Warren  and  Hazel,  Cur- 

ryville.  Pa.,  65 
Carter,  B.L.  and  Zelma,  Par- 
sons, Kan.,  60 
-ohick,  Eugene  and  Esther, 

Carlisle,  Pa.,  50 

Diediker,  Cliff  and  Lois,  Par- 
sons, Kan.,  55 
Duling,  Galen  and  Florena, 

Scherr,  W.  Va.,  50 
Erb,  Edwin  and  Dorothy, 

Ephrata,  Pa.,  50 
Fillmore,  Donald  and  Pauline. 

Live  Oak,  Calif.,  50 
Flood,  Dale  and  Georgie, 

Boring,  Ore.,  50 
Gilbert,  Emerson  and  Althea, 

Reading,  Pa.,  50 
Gortner,  Harland  and  Hazel, 

West  Salem,  Ohio,  55 
Grogan,  Herman  and  Eva, 

Kansas  City,  Kan.,  72 
Hamsher.  Eugene  and  Nadine, 

Parsons,  Kan.,  60 
Hanson,  Arthur  and  Olive, 

Hanover,  Pa.,  50 
Hawk,  Jess  and  Dora  Lee, 

Scherr,  W  Va.,  50 
lohansen,  Charles  and  Vera. 

Ridott,  111.,  60 
lohnson,  Chalmer  and  Evelyn, 

Gridley,  Calif.,  50 
Kehr,  Joseph  and  Nellie, 

Wakarusa,  Ind.,  65 
Lowe,  Leonard  and  Viola, 

Lorida,  Fla.,  61 
Moore,  Art  and  Genevieve, 

Nampa,  Idaho,  70 
Pattee,  Richard  and  Lois,  Fort 

Wayne,  Ind.,  50 
Petrone,  Charles  and  Cather- 
ine, Phoenix,  Ariz.,  50 
Purbaugh,  Frank  and  Elaine, 

Johnstown,  Pa.,  50 
Shafer,  Oren  and  Mildred, 

Dupont,  Ohio,  65 
Simpson,  Willard  and  Maxine, 

Franklin  Grove,  111.,  50 
Smith,  Samuel  and  Mary, 

Galveston,  Ind.,  50 
Stutzman,  Merle  and  Miriam, 

Berlin,  Pa.,  56 
Thomas,  Donald  and  Erma 

Joyce,  Elgin,  111.,  55 
Wayne,  Edward  and  Bernice, 

West  Reading,  Pa.,  54 
Weaver,  Homer  and  Helen, 

Tipp  City,  Ohio,  50 
Werner,  Raymond  and  Carrie, 

Spring  Grove,  Pa.,  60 
Wine,  Tracy  and  Mary,  Mount 

Sidney,  Va.,  60 
Worley,  Laverne  and  Arlene, 

Hanover,  Pa.,  50 


Airesman,  Roydon,  ordained 

Aug.  2,  1 996,  Winder,  W.  Pa. 
Archer,  Alice,  ordained  April 

13,  1996,  Mount  Pleasant, 

N. Ind. 
Arnold,  Patricia,  licensed  May 

18,  1996,  Reisterstown, 

Barley,  Shirley,  licensed  May 

18,  1996,  Reisterstown, 

Beach,  Gregory,  ordained  Jan. 

6,  1996,  Dunnings  Creek, 

Mid.  Pa. 
Benbow,  Timothy,  licensed 

April  19,  1996,  Valley  View, 

Pac.  S.W. 
Borsman,  Kenneth,  licensed 

April  27,  1996,  Pleasant 

View,  Virlina 
Boyd,  Mary  Louise,  licensed 

May  1  1,  1996,  Sebring,  Atl. 

Broyles,  Dewey,  ordained  luly 

13,  1996,  Spruce  Run, 

Caplinger,  Robert,  ordained  Jan. 

15,  1996,  Gratis,  S.Ohio 
Cavaness,  Ryan,  licensed 

March  18,  1994,  Nocona, 

S.  Plains 
Christiansen,  William, 

ordained  June  15,  1995, 

Frankline  Grove,  III. /Wis. 
Clapper,  Steven,  licensed  May 

9,  1996,  Carson  Valley, 

Mid.  Pa. 
Coates,  Earl,  ordained  Sept. 

28.  1996,  Hickory  Grove, 

S/C  Ind. 
Cookas,  Katherie  McKinlay, 

licensed  Aug.  14,  1996, 

Open  Circle,  N.  Plains 
Croft,  Eric,  licensed  March 

12,  1996,  Leakes  Chapel, 

Crumley,  Paul,  ordained  Aug. 

27,  1996,  Montezuma,  Shen. 
Dietz,  Arnold,  ordained  April 

13,  1996,  Baugo,  N.  Ind. 
Dodd,  Paul,  licensed  Feb.  24, 

1996,  University  Park, 
Ervin,  Tavia,  licensed  Sept. 

14,  1996,  Springfield, 

Feathers,  George,  licensed  June 
4.  1996,  Arbutus.  W.  Pa. 

Godfrey,  Geraldine  Mae, 
ordained  July  20,  1996, 
Codorus.  S.  Pa. 

Gresh,  Kenneth,  ordained  June 

22,  1996,  Arcadia,  S/C  Ind. 
Griffith,  Sam,  licensed  March 

23,  1996,  Erwin,  S.E. 
Krahenbiihl,  Lee,  licensed  Aug. 

16.  1996.  Skyridge,  Mich. 
Lavin,  Lisa  Marie,  licensed 

Aug.  14,  1996,  Open  Circle, 

N.  Plains 
Lovett,  Diana,  licensed  April  29, 

1996,  Pleasant  Hill  S.Ohio 
Lowry,  James,  licensed  March 

18,  1994,  Thomas,  S.  Plains 
Lowry,  Joan,  ordained  Aug.  3, 

1996,  Thomas.  S.  Plains 
Marthur,  Sajor,  licensed  Sept. 

14,  1996,  York  Center, 

McGlolhlin,  Judith,  ordained 

Aug.  3,  1996,  Freeport, 

Meeks,  Gary,  licensed  Nov. 

12,  1994.  Deshler,  N.  Ohio 
Miller,  Christen,  licensed  Sept. 

28,  1996,  Manchester, 
S/C Ind. 

Miller,  Steven,  licensed  June 

22,  1996,  Huntingdon, 

S/C  Ind. 
Miner,  Blaine,  ordained  April 

27,  1996,  Highland  Avenue, 

Mitchell,  Belita,  licensed  Sept. 

16,  1996,  Imperial  Heights, 

Pac.  S.W. 
Naff,  Lee,  ordained  July  13, 

1996,  Cedar  Bluff,  Virlina 

Naff,  Robin,  ordained  July  13, 

1996,  Cedar  Bluff,  Virlina 
Neff,  Daniel,  licensed  June  6, 

1996,  Pleasant  View,  S.  Pa. 
Neubauer,  Cathy,  licensed 

Feb.  24,  1996,  Reistertown, 

Olvera,  Victor,  licensed  Sept. 

16,  1996,  Waterford,  Pac. 

Ort,  David,  licensed  Sept.  17. 

1996,  Spring  Run.  Mid.  Pa. 
Osborne,  Helen,  licensed  Feb. 

7,  1996.  Black  Rock,  S.  Pa. 
Patterson,  Michael,  licensed 

Dec.  15,  1996,  Ellisforde, 

Ore. /Wash. 
Power,  Christopher,  licensed 

Aug.  25,  1996,  Prairie  City, 

N.  Plains 
Ray,  Mark,  licensed  March  19. 

1996,  Blue  River,  N.  Ind. 
Rice,  Robert,  ordained  Dec.  2, 

1995,  New  Salem.  N.  Ind. 
Rieman,  Kenneth,  licensed 

Sept.  28,  1996,  Manches- 
ter, S/C  Ind. 

Runkle,  DwayneA..  licensed 
June  6,  1996,  Pleasant 
View,  S.  Pa. 

Scott,  Clarence,  licensed  Aug. 
20,  1996,  Bethel  Center, 
S/C  Ind. 

Self,  Kim,  licensed  March  23, 

1996,  Lake  Charles,  S.  Plains 
Snyder,  Lisa  Anne,  licensed 

Aug.  14,  1996,  Open  Circle, 

N.  Plains 
Spangler,  Joyce,  ordained 

May  1 1,  1996.  Mount 

Carmel,  S.E. 
Stouffer,  Scott,  licensed  Sept. 

14,  1996,  York  Center, 

Taylor,  Mark,  licensed  Aug.  20. 

1996,  Pipe  Creek.  S/C  Ind. 
Thacker,  Robert,  ordained  July 

27,  1996,  Jennersville,  Atl. 

Townsend,  Frances,  ordained 

June  22.  1996,  Manchester, 

S/C  Ind. 
Twigg,  Charles,  hcensed  July 

1996,  Petersburg  Memorial, 

W.  Marva 
Vandermolen,  David,  licensed 

June  15,  1996,  East 

Chippewa,  N.  Ohio 
Wickline,  Jerry  Lynn,  licensed 

July  13,  1996,  Pleasant 

View,  Virlina 
Williams,  Melvin,  licensed  July 

27,  1996,  Brake,  W.  Marva 
Yates,  Melinda,  licensed  April 

27,  1996,  Masons  Cove, 



Albright,  Betty,  Grundy 

Center,  Iowa,  Aug.  12.  1996 

Barnes,  William,  66,  Hunting- 
ton, Ind.,  March  4,  1996 

Beahm,  Wanda,  43.  Reming- 
ton, Va.,  July  26,  1996 

Becker,  Thomas.  52,  Dover, 
Pa.,  Sept.  1996 

Birman,  Iva,  93,  Lake  Odessa, 
Mich..  Oct.  10,  1996 

Blank,  Mildred,  80,  Lancaster, 

Pa.,  July  27,  1996 

Bower,  Evelyn,  82,  Harris- 
burg,  Pa..  Sept,  5,  1996 

Bowman,  Elsie,  85,  Goshen, 
Ind.,  April  7,  1996 

Bowman,  Luther,  97,  Floyd, 
Va.,  Oct.  13,  1996 

Boycr,  Edwin,  75.  Shelocta. 
Pa.,  April  2,  1996 

Bradshaw,  Iris,  89,  West 

Milton,  Ohio.  Sept.  16.  1996 

Brooks,  Harlan,  88,  Sterling, 
Va.,  July  8.  1996 

Brown,  Herbert,  84,  Nezpence, 
Idaho,  Aug.  25,  1996 

Bucher,  Cyrus,  83,  Biglerville, 
Pa.,  Aug.  23,  1996 

Clary,  Fay,  68,  Cabool,  Mo., 
April  21,  1996 

Cotter,  Rhea.  Berlin.  Pa.,  May 
25,  1996 

Craun,  Charles,  69,  Harrison- 
burg, Va.,  Oct.  24,  1996 

Earhart,  Nina,  79,  Nokesville, 
Va.,  Sept.  7,  1996 

Earon,  Terry,  56,  Martins- 
burg,  Pa.,  Oct.  11.  1996 

Edris,  Harold,  70,  Hanover, 
Pa..  Sept.  4,  1996 

Eichelberger,  Stewart,  97, 
York.  111.,  Nov.  1  1996 

Eshleman,  Roy.  83,  Akron, 
Pa.,  April  17,  1996 

Fasick,  Hazel,  92,  Greenville, 
Ohio.  July  22,  1996 

Forbes,  Thomas.  85,  Rocky 
Mount.  Va.,  July  29,  1996 

Frymyer,  Naomi,  83,  Hanover, 
Pa..  Sept.  22.  1996 

Gcttins,  Elizabeth.  75,  Greens- 
burg,  Pa..  Sept.  29.  1996 

Grim,  Elvera,  90,  Hanover, 
Pa..  July  27.  1996 

Grove,  Mildred,  84,  Aurora, 
Colo..  Sept.  26,  1996 

Harman,  Alvin,  88,  Floyd,  Va.. 
July  15,  1996 

Harman,  Eva,  95,  Largo,  Fla., 
Jan.  8.  1996 

Hassinger,  Mae,  94,  Greens- 
burg.  Pa.,  June  2,  1996 

Hawbaker,  Aden,  76,  Cham- 
bersburg, Pa.,  July  28.  1996 

Hertzog,  Jacob,  79,  Jeannette, 
Pa.,  Sept.  24,  1996 

Hinegardner,  Benjamin,  Math- 
ias,  W  Va.,  March  19,  1996 

Hite,  Sarah,  Roanoke,  Ind., 
June  16,  1996 

Hodgden,  Marshall,  90,  Hunt- 
ington. Ind..  Oct.  25,  1995 

Hodge,  Dorothy,  94,  Lincoln, 
Neb..  Oct.  2,  1996 

Hoffman,  Chalmer,  92,  St. 
Petersburg.  Fla.,  April  22, 

Honsaker,  Clifford,  Martins- 
burg,  W.  Va.,  Sept.  22,  1996 

Hoy,  Viola,  96,  St.  Peterburg, 
Fla.,  July  4,  1996 

Keeny,  Doris,  69,  Glen  Rock. 
Pa..  Sept.  25.  1996 

Keller,  Edna,  99,  Trotwood, 
Ohio,  Oct.  1996 

Keller,  Elsie.  89,  Lancaster, 
Pa.,  Jan.  29.  1996 

Keller,  Wilma,  77,  Chambers- 
burg, Pa.,  June  1,  1996 

Kerr,  John,  93.  Sigourney, 
Iowa,  Sept.  26,  1996 

January  1997  Messenger  31 

If  this  is  redesign,  then  why  my  deja  ju? 

In  the  course  of  shaping  the  article  "Ending  tiie 
Thirty  Years  War"  for  this  issue  (page  22),  I  had  sev- 
eral conversations  with  the  article's  author,  Jim 
Lehman.  We  are  both  keenly  interested  in  history,  partic- 
ularly Brethren  history,  and  the  1997  centennial  of 
Brethren  Press  has  occasioned  our  giving  the  past  cen- 
tury more  attention  than  usual. 

In  one  conversation,  (im  noted  that  in  his  research  lead- 
ing to  the  article  and  to  a  larger  project  —  a  booklet  for 
Brethren  Press  use  in  marking  the  centennial — he  discov- 
ered that  before  the  emergence  of  denominational  headquarters 
in  Elgin,  111.,  there  were  some  people 
working  in  a  capacity  that  was  tanta- 
mount to  being  denominational  staff. 

Presently,  the  General  Board  is 
proposing  to  disperse  the  bulk  of  the 
denominational  staff  out  among  the  dis- 
tricts (December,  pages  6—9),  and  we 
are  waiting  with  bated  breath  to  learn 
whether,  in  the  redesign  process,  Elgin, 
111.,  will  continue  to  host  our  denomi- 
national headquarters.  So  I  quipped  to 
if  history  is  repeating  itself;  a  hundred  years  after  the 
time  of  which  you  speak,  we  soon  may  have  staff  out 
there  somewhere,  but  the  Elgin  headquarters  created  in 

1899  will  be  abandoned."  (im  laughed  and  agreed. 
Ruefully,  I  could  wish  that  history  would  repeat  itself, 

as  well,  with  Messenger's  reception.  A  century  ago,  as 
Annual  Meeting  assumed  ownership  of  the  Brethren  Pub- 
lishing House,  the  magazine  was  widely  received  across  the 
denomination.  Today,  while  we  hold  our  own,  proportion- 
ally, with  dwindling  membership  (and,  in  fact,  are  presently 
on  an  upswing  in  subscriptions),  we  are  far  from  being  the 
widespread  periodical  we  were  at  the  turn  of  the  century. 

The  repeating  of  history  in  my  aforementioned  quip  is, 
of  course,  only  superficially  a  repetition.  The  Brethren  of 

1900  were  different  in  many  ways  from  Brethren  of  today. 
The  Church  of  the  Brethren  (the  name  adopted  in  1908) 
was  consolidating  after  the  three-way  split  of  the  early 
1880s  that  separated  us  from  the  Old  German  Baptist 
Brethren  and  The  Brethren  Church.  (We  were  the  moder- 
ately conservative  group,  between  the  very  conservative 
and  very  progressive  groups.)  The  new  configuration,  still 
a  very  rural  church,  was  widely  scattered  across  the  coun- 
try in  a  time  before  up-to-date  newspapers,  much  less 
radio  and  television,  and  wholly  dependent  on  print  media 
for  information  .  .  .  not  only  for  information  about  the 
world,  but  about  themselves.  Consequently,  the  fledgling 
Church  of  the  Brethren  looked  to  the  newly  adopted  (by 
Annual  Meeting)  magazine  for  definition  and  for  guid- 
ance. They  hung  onto  the  words  of  leaders  such  as  D.L. 
Miller.  He  was  of  rural  background,  but  was  also  a  suc- 

32  Messenger  January  1997 

A  century  after  the 
Brethren  hung  onto 

/■/;^  Messenger  editor's 
every  word,  the  very 

character  of  the  Brethren 
has  changed. 

n,  "It  sounds  as 

cessful  businessman,  a  world  traveler,  and  an  articulate 
writer.  As  editor,  he  told  the  Brethren  who  they  were  and 
who  they  might  become.  He  steered  them  into  overseas 
mission  work  and  set  the  stage  for  the  global  witness  and 
involvement  that  would  come  years  later  as  Brethren  Ser- 
vice. Brethren  work  would  still  be  for  the  "glory  of  God," 
but  "our  neighbors'  good"  would  be  that  of  neighbors  far 
beyond  the  farm  family  across  the  fields. 

A  century  after  the  Brethren  hung  onto  the  Messen- 
ger editor's  every  word,  the  very  character  of  the 
Brethren  has  changed.  The  Brethren  of  the  turn  of  the 

century  had,  I  perceive,  what  our  just 
retired  general  secretary,  Don  Miller, 
says  is  so  sorely  lacking  today:  "the 
unity  of  vision  that  is  so  important  for 
sensing  and  feeling  a  forward  move- 
ment" (December,  page  13). 

That  forward  movement  of  the 
early  20th  century  began  running  out 
of  steam  about  40  years  ago.  Many 
reasons  for  that  could  be  put  forward, 
and,  as  we  like  to  note,  the  history  of  the  mainline 
denominations  is  running  parallel  to  our  own. 

Acculturation,  as  such  Brethren  historians  as  Don 
Durnbaugh,  Carl  Bowman,  and  Don  Fitzkee  have  pointed 
out,  has  taken  its  deadly  toll  of  us.  And  in  today's  world, 
the  Brethren,  like  everyone  else,  get  their  information  and 
their  notions  more  from  television  than  from  any  other 
source.  Brethren  in  all  our  highly  diverse  congregations 
are  more  and  more  setting  their  own  course  without 
asking  any  central  authority  for  compass  bearings. 

^nd  this  is  the  situation  the  redesigned  General 
Board  will  address,  reaching  out  to  the  congrega- 
.tions,  spanning  the  communication  gap  that  is 
perceived  by  the  Redesign  Steering  Committee.  Messen- 
ger, the  flagship  of  General  Board  publications,  will  be 
trimming  its  sails  in  light  of  all  this,  seeking  to  be  effective 
in  this  new  reaching  out.  Under  the  proposals  approved 
by  the  General  Board  in  October,  Messenger  will  be 
among  those  elements  combined  into  "Brethren  Press." 
Brethren  Press,  in  turn,  will  be  supervised  by  the  general 
secretary.  Which  means  that  Messenger  will  be  produced 
at  whatever  central  headquarters  is  decided  upon. 

Messenger  back  under  Brethren  Press?  Brethren  Press 
is  the  successor  to  the  Brethren  Publishing  House  of  1899. 
The  Brethren  Publishing  House  published  The  Gospel  Mes- 
senger. That  really  is  history  repeating  itself. 

The  question  that  remains  is  whether  Messenger  read- 
ers will  now  sit  up  and  take  notice,  the  way  they  did  when 
D.L.  Miller  was  Gospel  Messenger  editor.  For  this  answer  I 
need  not  wait  with  bated  breath.  —  K.T. 

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Church  of  the  Brethren 




David  Wine: 

Keeping  us  in  touch 
in  a  time  of  transition 

February  1997 

Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Editorial  Assistant:  Paula  Wilding 
Production,  Design:  Paul  Stocksdale 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche,  Martha  Cupp 
Promotion:  Linda  Myers  Swanson 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Dale  Minnlch 

On  the  cover: 
David  Wine,  in 
the  interview  for 
our  cover  story  (page  12), 
confided  the  secret  of  his 
shyness.  But  he  has  not  let 
shyness  interfere  with  the 
role  he  perceives  is  his  as 
1997  Annual  Conference 


12     Out  of  Enders 

What  do  you  do  when  you  are  a  shy  person 
and  have  to  speak  for  an  entire  denomination? 
Moderator  David  Wine's  answer  is  to  act  like 
an  extrovert.  And  talking  is  one  of  the  main 
things  he  has  us  doing  this  year  . . .  for  a  very 
good  reason.  Story  by  Kermon  Thomasson. 

16     Living  up  to  a  name 

At  first  Berwyn  L.  Oltman  wasn't  sure  his  first 
cousin  David  Wine  had  been  named  properly, 
but  now  he  has  become  convinced.  Sidebar: 
"Vintage  Wines  of  old  Virginia,"  by  Kermon 

Nigerian  Brethren  have  church 
growth  down  pat 

When  it  comes  to  church  growth,  the  Brethren 
in  Nigeria  can  teach  the  Brethren  in  the  United 
States  a  thing  or  two.  Glenn  Mitchell  checked  it 
out  and  tells  us  the  Nigerians'  secrets. 

Farewell  to  Asia? 

H.  Lamar  Gibble,  who  retires  from  the  General 
Board  staff  next  month,  has  made  his  farewell  visit 
to  Asia,  but,  he  asks,  must  our  denomination  also 
bid  that  condnent  farewell? 





From  the  Editor 



In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 


Special  Report 


Stepping  Stones 






f       30 

Pontius'  Puddle 

Partners  in  Prayer 


0       31 

Turning  Points 

1      32 



How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-maii:  CoBNewsCSAOL.Com 
Fax:  (847)  742-6103 
Phone:  (847)  742-5100 
(800)  523-8039 
Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75g  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  Allow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

Redesign  Steering  Committee 
member  Tracy  Wenger  Sadd 
discusses  the  theology  and 
philosophy  behind  the  new 
structure  of  the  General  Board. 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Atl,  N.E.,  Ron 
Luiz,  Atl.  S.E.,  Ruby  Raymer;  III./\Vis.,  Kreston 
Lipscomb;  S/C  Ind..  Marjorie  Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good; 
Mid-Atl..  Ann  Fouts;  Mo./Ark..  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains, 
Faith  Strom;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack 
Kline;  Ore./Wa5h„  Marguerite  Shamberger;  Pac.  S.W. 
Randy  Miller;  M.  Pa.,  Eva  Wampler;  S.  Pa.,  Elmer  Q. 
Gleim;W.  Pa.,JayChristner;Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  S. 
Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Viriina,  David  &  Hettie  Webster; 
W  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Winoma  Spurgeon. 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Entered  as  second-class  matter 
Aug.  20, 1918,  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct.  17, 
1917.  Filing  date,  Nov  1, 1984.  Member  of  the 
Associated  Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion 
News  Service  &  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical 
quotations,  unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from 
the  New  Revised  Standard  Version.  Messenger  is 
owned  and  published  11  times  a  year  by  the  General 
Services  Commission,  Church  of  the  Brethren 
General  Board.  Second-class  postage  paid  at  Elgin, 
III.,  and  at  additional  mailing  office,  Feb.  1997. 
Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board,  ISSN  0026-0355. 

Postmaster:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  .^ve.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

One  of  the  fun  things  about  working  with  the  cluster  of 
articles  on  our  Annual  Conference  moderator  and  his  Wine 
heritage  was  the  selection  of  photos,  old  and  new,  to  choose 
from.  A  family  member  slyly  slipped  one  informal  photo  of  the  new 
moderator  to  me  last  July  during  the  Cincinnati  Conference.  We 
used  it.  Another  relative  assured  me  he  had  a  photo  of  Grandpa 
David  Glick  Wine,  but  failed  to  locate  it  as  our  deadline  approached. 

I  had  become  rather  anxious  by  the  time  a  photo  arrived  in 
the  mail — the  photo  we 
used  on  page  16.  It  was 
sent  by  Leta  Wine  Smith, 
a  daughter  of  David  Glick 
Wine,  living  in  nearby 
Lisle,  111.  The  relative  who 
had  earlier  promised  a  por- 
trait photo  had  frantically 
contacted  her,  and  she  had 
come  through.  Her  hand- 
written letter  was  as 
interesting  as  the  old 
photo.  She  wrote: 

"It's  a  miracle  that  I 
could  find  this  photograph.  I  am  90  years  old  and  have  a  monu- 
mental storage  space  of  mementos  awaiting  separation  and  decisions 
on  which  of  my  nieces  and  nephews  is  to  receive  which. 

"I  asked  God  to  help  me  find  the  needed  photograph,  and 
within  five  minutes  I  opened  the  box  that  had  just  one  portrait 
photograph  among  dozens  of  snapshots.  Yes,  I  call  it  a  miracle." 

Leta  is  one  of  the  seven  daughters  among  the  1 3  Wine  chil- 
dren. In  my  last-minute  anxiety  I  had  asked  the  moderator 
himself  if  he  could  dig  up  a  photo  of  his  grandpa.  He  over- 
nighted his  best  effort  —  the  family  portrait  (parents  and  13 
children)  shown  here. 

And  this  ties  in  with  an  article  on  a  different  subject  in  this 
month's  Messenger.  On  page  20,  Glenn  Mitchell  reveals  one 
secret  of  how  Nigerian  Brethren  produce  members  in  such  high 
numbers:  They  grow  their  own!  Here  in  the  United  States,  fam- 
ilies with  a  dozen  children  weren't  that  uncommon  back  in  the 
heyday  of  our  Church  of  the  Brethren  growth.  Maybe  the  answer 
to  our  present-day  dwindling  membership  is  simpler  than  our 
church-growth  experts  have  made  it  out  to  be! 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

February  1997  Messenger  1 



Paul  Swartz  helped  Westside 

Food  Bank  become  one  of 

the  largest  in  the  country.  It 

distributes  over  26  million 

pounds  of  food  a  year  to 

hungry  families  in  Phoenix, 

Ariz.,  and  the  western  half 

of  the  state. 

A  big-time  banker 

If  you  want  to  find  land  or  a  new  facility  to  expand  your 
services,  Paul  Swartz  is  the  one  to  contact.  A  member 
of  Glendale  (Ariz.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  Paul  has 
served  on  the  board  of  Westside  Food  Bank  for  the  past  23 
years.  In  that  time,  he  has  helped  the  bank  become  one  of 
the  largest  in  the  country  by  leading 
the  acquiring  of  property  and  vehi- 
cles that  dramatically  increases  the 
amount  of  food  that  can  be 
processed  and  distributed. 

In  1973,  the  Glendale  church  was 
one  of  the  founders  of  the  food 
bank  as  a  source  of  emergency  food 
for  hungry  families.  In  those  days, 
there  was  a  great  need  for  food,  but 
no  organized  way  to  meet  that 
need.  Starting  a  food  bank  was  the 
obvious  thing  to  do,  says  Paul. 
Paul  grew  up  in  a  family  that 
placed  a  high  value  on  service.  His 
father  supervised  the  construction 
of  the  current  building  of  the  Glen- 
dale church  in  1947,  and  his 
mother  volunteered  at  farm  labor 
camps,  making  soap  and  distribut- 
ing food  and  used  clothing. 

"There  are  many  people  who  don't 
have  the  ability  or  education  to  deal 
with  so  many  layers  of  government," 
explains  Paul.  "In  today's  informa- 
tion society,  lots  of  people  fall 
through  the  cracks.  We  provide  one 
of  the  basic  needs  of  survival:  food." 
West  Side  Food  Bank  is  success- 
ful. Last  year  it  distributed  over  26  million  pounds  of  food 
to  families  in  Phoenix  and  the  western  half  of  Arizona. 
Over  300  nonprofit  agencies  receive  food  from  it,  and  an- 
other 100  agencies  refer  their  clients  to  its  programs. 

Another  program  that  Paul  spearheaded  was  the  acqui- 
sition of  trucks  and  trailers  to  transport  excess  produce 
from  fields  and  orchards.  The  produce  is  distributed  to 
hungry  Arizona  families  through  the  food  bank  network. 
"We  saved  seven  to  eight  million  pounds  of  produce  last 
year  alone,"  says  Paul. 

West  Side  Food  Bank,  with  Paul's  leadership,  has  pro- 
vided food  and  hope  to  thousands  of  hungry  people.  Says 
Paul,  "Until  food  banks  can  become  a  thing  of  the  past, 
we  will  continue  to  see  that  each  person  who  comes  to  us 
receives  food  for  a  hungry  body  and  hope  for  a  better 
future." — Clay  Myers -Bowman 

Clay  Myers-Bowman,  of  Fargo.  N.D..  is  a  former  editorial  assistant  on 
the  Messenger  staff. 

Names  in  the  news 

Enos  Heisey,  a  member  of 
Spring  Creek  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  Hershey,  Pa.,  at- 
tended the  12th  worldwide 
conference  of  People  to  Peo- 
ple International,  in  Newport 
Beach,  Calif.  He  is  a  member 
of  the  organization's  board  of 
trustees.  People  to  People  In- 
ternational, founded  by  Presi- 
dent Dwight  Eisenhower  in 
1956,  is  dedicated  to  advanc- 
ing international  understand- 
ing and  friendship.  The  New- 
port Beach  meeting  cele- 
brated the  40th  anniversary 
of  the  group's  founding. 

•  I.B.  ("Jake")  Hershey,  a 
member  of  West  York  Church 
of  the  Brethren  in  York,  Pa.,  has 
been  inducted  into  the  National 
Auto  Auction  Association  Halli 
of  Fame.  Selection  was  made 
from  among  250  auctions 
worldwide.  lake  Hershey  is 
president  of  Pennsylvania  Auto 
Dealers'  Exchange,  Inc.  near 
Strinestown,  Pa. 

•  Bob  Kettering  of  Man- 
heim.  Pa.,  is  chairman  of  the 
Lancaster  Living  Board  of 
Directors.  Lancaster  Living  is  a 
new  quarterly  publication  sent 
free  to  households  in  the  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  area. 
It  is  a  spin-off 
of  a  publica- 
tion circulated  in 
Virginia's  Shen- 
andoah Valley  by 
Shalom  Founda- 
tion of  Harrison- 
burg, Va.  Lan- 
caster Living  is 
an  inspiration,  feel-good  piece. 
According  to  its  editor,  "the 
magazine  will  contain  only  good 
news  —  stories  that  leave  people 
with  a  positive  feeling."  Bob 
Kettering  is  interim  director  of 
Evangelism  on  the  General 
Board's  Parish  Ministries  staff. 

2  Messenger  February  1997 

f    Martian  attackers  get 
a  Whitman  sampler 

In  "Mars  Attacks!" — a  movie  released  in  mid- 
December — the  fate  of  the  world  rests  on  one  extraordi- 
nary man.  And  the  man  is  Slim  Whitman,  the  singer  with  the 
high  tenor  voice  and  the  off-again-on-again  popularity. .  .who 
also  is  a  member  of  Jacksonville  (Fla.)  Church  of  the 
[_    Brethren. 

Slim  himself  does  not  appear  in  the  movie,  but  the 
distinctive  high-pitched  sound  of  his  voice  plays  a  pivotal 
role  in  saving  humankind  from  bloodthirsty  Martians. 
As  the  movie  opened.  Slim  was  waiting  in  his  home  in 
Middleburg,  Fla.,  listening  hopefully  for  phone  calls  from 
TV  talk  shows. 

Now  there  may  be  hope  [Slim  hope,  as  it  were)  as  well, 
for  the  several  hundred  copies  of  Slim's  biography,  Mr. 
Songman,  packed  away  on  skids  in  an  Elgin,  111.,  warehouse. 
Brethren  Press  published  the  book  in  1982,  but  failed  to  make  a 
killing  on  a  wave  of  Slim  Whitmania  that  lapped  weakly  ashore  at 
the  time.  (See  "Mr.  Songman:  In  Brethren  Circles,  He's  'Brother 
Slim,'"  Messenger,  January  1982.) 

\  ministry  in  magic 

Forrest  Gordon  watched  a  seminary 
professor's  magic  act  in  1972  and  got 
he  idea  for  a  ministry  in  magic  that  he  has 
provided  ever  since. 

Using  the  stage  name  "Flash  Gordon," 
le  presents  programs  of  magic  for  ban- 
quets, parties,  and  other  occasions,  using  a 
•epertoire  he  has  built  over  the  past  quarter 
:entury.  A  member  of  Lost  Creek  Church 
Df  the  Brethren  near  Mifflintown,  Pa.,  and 
•etired  from  the  ministry.  Flash  is  free  to 
vork  his  magic  full-time.  He  figures  he  has 
ione  about  775  shows,  traveling  around 
Pennsylvania  and  into  other  states.  The 
arthest  afield  he  has  performed  is  Cairo, 
igypt,  while  visiting  the  Middle  East. 

The  audiences  that  have  enjoyed  the 
Tiagic  shows  include  church  groups.  Boy 
Scouts,  fraternal  organizations,  nursing 
lomes,  and  elementary  schools.  Flash  is 
ilso  popular  with  the  Juniata  County  (Pa.) 
Association  for  Retarded  Citizens. 

The  magic  works  with  both  children  and 
■idults.  After  all.  Flash  points  out,  "If  you 
;an  fool  kids,  you  can  fool  anybody." 

Flash  has  had  no  formal  training  as  a 
Tiagician,  but  he  has  become  sufficiently 

"Flash  Gordon"  uses  his  dummy  sidekick. 
Benny,  to  pull  off  gags  in  his  magic  show. 

expert  that  he  is  a  member  of  the  Fellow- 
ship of  Christian  Magicians. 

And  as  for  the  mystery  of  how  he  does 
his  tricks,  he  confides  that  there  is  nothing 
magic  about  it.  He  depends  on  the  same 
thing  all  magicians  do — the  hand  being 
quicker  than  the  eye. 

Adapted  from  an  article  by  Polly  Davis  Digon  in  the 
Juniata  Sentinel,  Mifflintown.  Pa. 

Margaret  Garner  makes 
afghans  for  refugees. 

Adding  warmth  to  a  gift 

Margaret  Garner  adds 
warmth  to  her  gifts  to  the 
needy  both  physically  and 
figuratively.  For  the  past  six 
years,  this  member  of  Lake- 
wood  (Ohio)  Church  of  the 
Brethren  has  been  making 
afghans  for  the  denomina- 
tion's Refugee  Resettlement 

As  her  sight  failed,  Mar- 
garet, who  now  is  90, 
sought  a  service  project  that 
didn't  require  keen  eyes. 
While  visiting  her  daughter, 
Eleanor  Rowe,  at  the 
Brethren  Service  Center  in 
New  Windsor,  Md.,  Mar- 
garet got  the  idea  of  tying  in 
with  the  refugee  program. 
She  now  has  made  and 
donated  over  100  afghans 
— gifts  that  warm  both  the 
body  and  the  heart. 

Friends  and  neighbors  who 
know  of  Margaret's  project 
keep  her  supplied  with  yarn. 
She  also  donates  afghans  to 
church  bazaars  and  gives 
some  directly  as  gifts. 
— Kathleen  Campanella 

Kathleen  Campanella  is  staff  for 
Public  Information  at  the  Brethren 
Service  Center  in  New  Windsor.  Md. 

"In  Touch" profiles  Brethren  we  tuould 
like  you  to  meet.  Send  story  ideas  and 
photos  to  "In  Touch,  "Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave..  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

February  1997  Messenger  3 

New  in  Koreatown 

On  November  3,  Central  Evangelical 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Los  Angeles 
dedicated  its  new  church  building,  capping  1 7 
years  of  ministry  begun  by  pastor  lohn  Park. 

The  congregation  first  met  in  a  room  of  a 
driving  school  where  pastor  Park  worked 
as  a  teacher.  Since  1985,  the  Korean 
Brethren  had  been  meeting  in  a  house  they 
bought  in  Los  Angeles'  Koreatown  and 
remodeled  for  use  as  a  church.  Then,  with 
the  help  of  the  denomination's  New  Begin- 

Central  Evangelical 

built  Its  new  chinch 

with  help  from  the 

New  Beginnings 

Fund.  Former 

Pacific  Southwest 

District  co-executive 

Irven  Stern  and 

pastor  John  Park 

(front  center)  stand 

with  newly  installed 

elders,  deacon,  and 

"kwonsa. " 

This  and  that 

Bella  Vista  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  Los  Angeles  held 
its  second  annual  "Shut-in 
with  God"  in  October.  Par- 
ticipants spent  the  time  in 
fasting,  prayer,  preaching, 
and  singing.  The  event 
ended  with  feetwashing,  love 

feast,  and  communion. 
•  Atlantic  Northeast 
District's  Stewardship  Com- 
mission has  appointed  a 
Haitian  Building  Committee 
and  authorized  it  to  raise 
funds  to  purchase  a  building 
for  the  Haitian  First  Fellow- 
ship in  New  York  City.  The 
committee  plans  to  raise  up 

nings  Fund,  they  bought  some  adjacent 
land  and  built  the  new  church. 

The  dedication  service  included  a  sermon, 
prayers,  music,  and  history,  as  well  as  ordi- 
nation and  installation  of  three  elders  and  a 
deacon.  Also  installed  were  six  "kwonsa"  — 
members  of  the  women's  auxiliary.  A  plaque 
was  presented  to  Pacific  Southwest  District 
for  its  encouragement  and  help. 

The  women  of  the  congregation  dressed 
in  traditional  Korean  costumes  for  the 
event.  Over  20  floral  arrangements  from 
community  businesses  and  neighboring 
churches  decorated  the  sanctuary.  The 
day's  singing  was  accompanied  by  a  string 
quintet.  The  Los  Angeles  Korean  television 
station  presented  a  half-hour  program  on 
the  dedication. 

The  congregation  follows  a  blend  of  Korean 
traditions  and  Church  of  the  Brethren  prac- 
tices and  organization.  One  of  the  church 
windows  features  feetwashing.  Pastor  Park 
holds  a  D.Min.  degree  from  Claremont 
School  of  Theology. — Pattie  Stern 

Paltie  Stern  is  co-pastor  with  her  husband.  Irven.  of 
Live  Oak  (Calif.)  Church  of  the  Brethren.  The  Sterns, 
former  Nigeria  missionaries,  were  Pacific  Southwest 
District  co-executives  during  most  of  Central  Evangeli- 
cal's history. 

to  $500,000.  It  is  hoped  that 
the  Haitian  fellowship  can  be 
in  its  new  home  by  this  fall. 

•  San  Diego  (Calif.)  First 
Church  of  the  Brethren 
hosted  the  sixth  annual  Kids 
Peacefest  in  November.  All 
the  entertainment  related  to 
getting  along  with  others, 
building  self-esteem,  appre- 
ciating diversity,  and 
expressing  feelings  in  a 
prosocial  way.  On  sale  at  the 
fest  were  peace-related  toys 
and  items  from  SERRV.  Free 
was  literature,  including 
Brethren  resource  pieces 
promoting  peacemaking. 
The  fest  is  a  project  of  the 
Children  and  Nonviolence 
Committee  of  the  San  Diego 
Peace  Resource  Center,  of 
which  San  Diego  First  is  a 


4  Messenger  February  1997 

Oakton  pastor  Kurt  Borgmann  led  a  "Buildingless  Sunday" 
service  to  support  arson-destroyed  black  churches. 

\  buildingless  Sunday 

On  last  fall's  World  Communion  Day,  Oakton  Church 
of  the  Brethren  in  Vienna,  Va.,  held  a  "Buildingless 
Sunday"  as  an  expression  of  support  for  the  congregations 
(most  of  them  African  American)  that  have  been  lost  in 
jrson  fires  the  past  couple  of  years. 

Oakton  met  outside  in  55 -degree  weather,  moving  chairs 
rom  the  church  to  the  parking  lot.  Some  people  brought 
awn  chairs  from  home;  others  brought  blankets  for  seating. 

The  worship  table  held  a  basket  containing  charred 
ivood  and  flowers,  reminders  of  destruction  and  rebirth. 
Prayers  reflected  on  the  walls  of  racial  division  in  the  US 
and  the  unity  in  Christ  with  Christians  of  all  races.  Pastor 
Kurt  Borgmann  spoke  from  Philippians  3:4—14  and  from 
lis  personal  experience  in  a  Florida  community  where  a 
olack  church  was  lost  to  fire.  A  special  offering  raised 
$200  for  the  rebuilding  of  one  of  the  burned  churches. 

A  couple  of  weeks  later,  an  Oakton  member  noted  a 
inews  item  about  a  black  congregation  in  nearby  Reston 
losing  its  church  bus  to  arson.  Oakton  then  took  up  an 
offering  of  $800  and  presented  it  to  that  congregation. 
Out  of  this  grew  plans  for  the  two  congregations  to  get  to 
know  each  other  better.  Funny  thing  was,  Oakton  had 
been  trying  to  figure  out  a  way  to  initiate  just  such  a  rela- 
tionship without  it  appearing  artificial.  This  is  the  genuine 
thing. — Keith  Martin 

Keilh  Martin,  a  member  of  Oakton  Church  of  the  Brethren,  is  the  con- 
gregation 's  peace  coordinator 

Campus  comments 

Elizabethtown  College  had 

originally  begun  a  fundrais- 
ing  campaign  with  a  goal  of 
$20  million,  but  the  first  $15 
million  came  in  so  readily 
that  the  college  has  raised  the 
goal  to  $25  million.  The  cam- 
paign motto  is  "Celebrating  a 
Century/Shaping  the  Next." 
Of  the  $25  million  amount, 
$1 1  million  is  committed  to 
student  scholarships.  Eliza- 
bethtown has  been  recog- 
nized for  the  third  year  in  a 
row  by  U.  S.  News  &  World 
Report  magazine  as  one  of 
the  top  four  regional  liberal 
arts  colleges  in  the  North. 

•  The  fall  lecture  series  at 
Ashland  Theological  Semi- 
nary featured  lectures  on 
Anabaptism  and  Pietism  by 

Maple  Grove  participants  were 
(front)  Linda  Fry.  worship 
leader,  and  the  Durnbaiighs. 
Back:  pastor  John  Ballinger  and 
Ashland  Seminary  professor 
Dale  Stoffer  event  coordinator 

Brethren  historian  Don 
Durnbaugh  and  on  Brethren 
hymnody  history  by  Hedda 
Durnbaugh.  One  of  the 
evening  events  was  held  at 
nearby  Maple  Grove  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  where  the 
drafting  of  the  charter  of 
Ashland  University  (then 
Ashland  College)  took  place 

Wendy  and  David  Fisher 

dedicated  children  Abrianna. 
David,  and  Sarah. 

A  thrice-blessed  event 

Baby  dedications  are  rou- 
tine at  Moxham  Church  of 
the  Brethren  in  Johnstown, 
Pa.  But  the  one  held  this 
past  September  was  un- 
usual. Wendy  and  David 
Fisher  dedicated  their 
triplets,  Sarah  Laynette, 
David  (ames,  and  Abri- 
anna Suzette.  Pastor 
(ames  Houghton  called  it 
a  once-in-a-lifetime  event. 

in  1878.  The  lecture  series 
brought  together  members  of 
The  Brethren  Church  and 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
to  celebrate  and  contemplate 
their  common  heritage. 

Let's  celebrate 

Living  Stone  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  Cumberland, 
Md.,  will  celebrate  its  75th 
anniversary  in  October, 
with  the  theme  "Hallelujah! 
Let  the  Praise  Go  "Round." 

"Close  to  Home" highlights  netvs  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin.  IL  60120. 

February  1997  Messenger  5 

Counting  the  cost  is  not 

a  plea  for  stewardship; 

rather  it  is  a  warning 

about  discipleship,  said 

Rosanna  McFadden  of 

Goshen,  Ind.,  designer 

of  the  1997  Annual 

Conference  logo. 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/Messenger 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  be  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

General  Board's  redesign  tops 
business  for  Long  Beach 

A  full  agenda  of  business  awaits  An- 
nual Conference  delegates  in  Long 
Beach,  according  to  the  list  of  busi- 
ness items  released  in  December. 

The  General  Board's  redesign  plan 
will  be  presented  to  the  delegates, 
with  many  items  expected  to  need 
vote  approval. 

Northern  Plains  District  is  sending 
a  "Proposed  relationship  of  Church 
of  the  Brethren  to  the  National  Asso- 
ciation of  Evangelicals"  query,  which 
would  explore  an  ecumenical  rela- 
tionship with  NAE. 

Southern  Pennsylvania  District  is 
sending  a  query  on  domestic  violence 
after  not  finding  a  denominational 
statement  or  study  on  this  issue. 

Oregon/Washington  District  is 
sending  a  "Defining  Ministry  Limits 
of  Licensed  Ministers"  query,  in 
response  to  the  1996  Ministerial 
Leadership  paper. 

Delegates  also  are  expected  to 
address  these  unfinished  business 
items:  the  Human  Genetic  Engineering 
and  Fetal  Tissue  Use  Statement;  Office 
of  Deacon  Statement;  Report  of 
Review  and  Evaluation  Committee; 
Denominational  Polity — Property  and 
Stewardship  Issues  Statement;  The 
New  Testament  as  Our  Rule  of  Faith 
and  Practice  Statement;  World  Mission 
Philosophy  and  Global  Church  Mission 
Structure  Statement;  and  Statement  on 
Child  Exploitation. 

Conference  delegates  also  will  be  re- 
minded of  the  1996  Congregational 
Structure  query.  That  query  was  tabled 
by  Standing  Committee  until  1998  in 
light  of  General  Board's  redesign. 

Three  business  items  addressed  by 
1996  Conference  delegates  called  for 
the  creation  of  study  committees. 

Delegates  elected  Lowell  Flory  and 
Ann  Gephart  Quay  and  the  General 
Board  appointed  William  Eberly  to 
respond  to  the  query  "Denomina- 
tional Polity  for  Real  Property." 

The  query  "Understanding  the 
New  Testament  as  Rule  of  Faith  and 

Practice"  asked  Standing  Committee 
to  prepare  an  interpretative  state- 
ment for  Annual  Conference  ap- 
proval. Standing  Committee  ap- 
pointed Carl  Bowman,  Earle  Fike, 
and  Carol  Kussart  to  carry  out  this 
assignment  on  its  behalf. 

Though  delegates  adopted  the 
"World  Mission  Philosophy  and 
Global  Church  Mission  Structure" 
query,  the  following  committee  was 
appointed  at  the  request  of  Standing 
Committee  to  respond  to  the  query: 
Charles  Bieber,  Atlantic  Northeast; 
Bonnie  Kline  Smeltzer,  Annual  Con- 
ference; Berwyn  Oltman,  Atlantic  . 
Southeast;  David  Radcliff,  General 
Board;  and  David  Shumate,  Virlina. 

These  committees  will  make  in- 
terim or  final  reports  to  the  1997  An 
nual  Conference. 

The  1996  Standing  Committee  au- 
thorized three  studies  to  be  carried 
out  on  its  behalf.  A  Standing  Com- 
mittee subcommittee  was  appointed 
to  review  for  the  first  time  the  role 
and  function  of  the  Pastoral  Com- 
pensation and  Benefits  Advisory 
Committee,  a  committee  that  was 
formed  in  1985.  Appointed  to  carry 
out  the  review  of  this  committee 
were  Fred  Bernhard,  Robert  Faus, 
and  Marlene  Neher. 

A  second  committee  was  formed  to 
develop  a  statement  that  will  formally 
integrate  the  free  ministry  into  the  de- 
nomination's polity.  Serving  on  this 
committee  are  Samuel  Cassell,  Stanley 
Earhart,  and  Connie  Burk  Davis. 

The  third  committee,  in  coopera- 
tion with  the  General  Board,  is  ad- 
dressing the  issue  of  unfunded  Con- 
ference mandates. 

All  three  committees  are  expected 
to  report  to  Standing  Committee  in 
Long  Beach,  and  any  recommenda- 
tions adopted  will  be  forwarded  to  a 
future  Annual  Conference  for  action. 

Annual  Conference  information 
packets  will  be  distributed  around 
March  1 1.  For  additional  informa- 
tion, contact  the  Annual  Conference 
Office  at  (800)  323-8039  or 

6  Messenger  February  1997 

(aren  Peterson  Miller  chosen 
IS  Interim  general  secretary 

Caren  Peterson  Miller  of  Hagers- 
own,  Md.,  has  been  named  interim 
;eneral  secretary  for  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren 

Miller,  51, 
began  serving 
in  the  Gen- 
eral Board's 
top  adminis- 
trative posi- 
tion on  Jan. 
1.  She  is  the 
first  woman 
Karen  Peterson  Miller         tn  serve  in 

he  position,  even  on  an  interim  ba- 
sis. Miller  will  serve  in  that  position 
jntil  a  permanent  general  secretary 
!S  named. 

Miller  has  served  as  the  General 
Board's  director  of  District  Ministry 
from  her  Maryland  office  since  1992. 
She  has  been  granted  a  leave  of  ab- 
sence for  up  to  one  year  while  she 
serves  as  the  interim  general  secretary; 
an  interim  director  will  be  chosen  to 
fill  her  position  during  her  leave. 

"I  believe  in  the  work  of  a  new  de- 
sign for  the  General  Board  and  my 
efforts  in  that  direction  will  be  to 
work  toward  being  as  inclusive  as  it 
can  be  with  districts  and  congrega- 
tions, developing  working  relation- 
ships across  the  denomination," 
Miller  said. 

"I  accepted  the  position  so  I  can 
assist  with  the  process  of  moving  re- 
design forward  and  to  work  with 
providing  a  sense  of  stability  and  di- 
rection with  the  current  staff  and  the 
staff  configuration  in  the  future." 

Miller  previously  served  the  Gen- 
eral Board  from  1987  to  1989  as  edi- 
tor of  Study  Resources,  editing  adult 
and  youth  curriculum. 

Miller  was  ordained  in  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren  in  1987  at  Christ 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Carol 
Stream,  111.  She  earned  a  bachelor's 
degree  in  elementary  education  at  the 

University  of  Wisconsin  at  Eau 
Claire;  a  master's  of  education  degree 
at  Loyola  University,  Chicago;  and  a 
master's  of  divinity  degree  from 
Bethany  Theological  Seminary,  now 
located  in  Richmond,  Ind.  She  also 
enrolled  in  a  two-year  program  in 
Spiritual  Direction  from  the  Church 
of  the  Savior  in  Washington,  D.C. 

Miller  served  as  pastor  of  Nurture 
at  Mountville  (Pa.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  1991. 

She  also  has  served  as  associate 
pastor  of  North  Northfield  (111.) 
United  Methodist  Church. 

She  is  married  to  Dean  Miller,  pas- 
tor of  Hagerstown  (Md.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren. 

With  the  selection  of  an  interim 
general  secretary,  the  search  commit- 
tee chosen  to  select  a  permanent  gen- 
eral secretary  has  delayed  its  search. 

That  committee  believes  that  by 
postponing  the  search  it  can  "ob- 
serve how  the  General  Board  re- 
design process  unfolds,"  according 
to  Don  Fitzkee,  committee  chairman. 

The  General  Secretary  Search 
Committee  plans  to  resume  its  work 
in  April  following  the  General 
Board's  meetings,  March  8—1 1. 

SERRV  fields  over  600  calls 
after  national  media  focus 

Over  600  phone  inquiries  and  cata- 
log requests  to  SERRV  International 
were  the  result  of  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren's  alternative  trade  organi- 
zation receiving  coverage  by  two  ma- 
jor media  outlets  late  last  year. 

In  October,  SERRV  was  high- 
lighted in  The  Washington  Post  and 
subsequently  received  230  calls  be- 
cause of  the  article. 

As  of  mid-December,  over  400  calls 
had  been  made  to  SERRV  after  it  was 
featured  on  National  Public  Radio's 
"Morning  Edition"  on  Dec.  9.  More 
than  210  calls  were  received  within  a 
day  of  the  programs  airing. 

The  five-minute  segment  focused 

on  alternative  forms  of  giving  for  the 
Christmas  season,  and  SERRV  was 
highlighted  as  an  alternative  trade 

The  segment,  which  was  heard 
twice  during  the  drive-time  program 
on  NPR's  469  stations,  featured 
Brian  Backe,  director  of  marketing. 

"I  think  people  are  interested  in  the 
concept  of  doing  something  different 
this  season,"  Backe  said. 

BBT  reports  substantial 
growth  in  its  investments 

During  the  past  15  years,  investments 
managed  by  Brethren  Benefit  Trust 
have  grown  from  $25  million  to  $192 
million.  That  is  one  significant  piece 
of  news  BBT  Board  members  learned 
at  their  fall  meetings,  Nov.  22-23,  at 
Morrisons  Cove  Retirement  Commu- 
nity, Martinsburg,  Pa. 

"This  large  pool  of  money  allowed 
BBT  to  structure  an  outstanding  in- 
vestment program  by  attracting  top 
quality  managers  to  invest  pension  and 
foundation  funds,"  said  Stan  Morrow, 
former  director  of  Investments. 

Morrow,  who  served  BBT  for  18 
years  and  was  director  of  Investments 
since  1994,  retired  in  December. 
During  his  years  with  BBT  he  also 
served  as  Legal  Counsel  and  Benefits 
Consultant,  and  helped  institute  the 
self-insured  medical  plan,  investment 
fund  options  for  pension  accounts, 
and  the  Brethren  Foundation. 

In  other  BBT  news.  Board  members 
approved  the  dispersement  of 
$132,000  in  retirement  supplements  to 
100  Equitable  Annuity  Plan  annuitants. 

Board  members  also  approved  a 
search  for  an  international  invest- 
ment manager,  and  preliminary  work 
on  a  "wellness  initiative"  for  the 
Brethren  Medical  Plan. 

Other  reports  heard  by  Board  mem- 
bers dealt  with  the  General  Board's 
redesign,  preliminary  considerations 
on  BBT's  office  location,  and  the  In- 
ter-Agency Council  and  its  work. 

February  1997  Messenger  7 

The  Andrew  Center  to  host  a 
variety  of  workshops  in  '97 

Many  training  and  resourcing  work- 
shops are  scheduled  this  year  by  The 
Andrew  Center: 

•Hospitality  and  the  Vital  Church 
—Feb.  1,  Upland,  Calif.;  April  19, 
Akron,  N.Y.;  Sept.  20,  Frederick, 
Md.;  and  Oct.  25,  Normal,  111. 

•Does  Your  Church  Really  Care? — 
April  5,  Boise,  Idaho;  and  April  12, 
New  Creek,  W.Va. 

•Unlocking  Church  Doors:  Ten 
Keys  to  Positive  Change — April  19, 
Lititz,  Pa.;  and  May  3,  Harrisonburg, 

Reaching  Out  to  Young  Families — 
April  26,  Kettering,  Ohio;  and  Oct. 
18,  Battle  Creek,  Mich. 

•Personal  Faith  Sharing — Sept. 
20,  Lincoln,  Neb. 

•Building  Congregational  Self-Es- 
teem  and  Outreach — Oct.  1 1,  Rock- 
hill  Furnace,  Pa.;  and  Nov.  8,  North 
Manchester,  Ind. 

•Integrating  New  Members — Nov. 
8,  Hutchinson,  Kan. 

Reaching  Baby  Boomers — Feb.  1, 
Cape  Coral,  Fla. 

•Developing  Neighborhood  Min- 
istries— Nov.  15,  Elkhart,  Ind. 

•Business  Leaders  Sharing  Christ 
in  the  Market  Place — April  17,  Lan- 
caster, Pa. 

•Persons  with  the  Gift  of  Evange- 
lism— Oct.  31-Nov.  2,  Lebanon,  Pa. 

•Pastors  of  Growing  Churches — 
Nov.  3-4,  New  Windsor,  Md. 

•New  Life  Assemblies:  March  1, 
Saint  [acobs,  Ontario;  April  5,  Cal- 
gary, Alberta;  April  6,  Edmonton,  Al- 
berta; lune  6,  Saskatchewan;  and 
June  7,  Winnepeg,  Manitoba. 

•Learning  Together  How  to  Grow 
a  Church — March  14-15,  Gran- 
tham, Pa.;  March  15,  Ashland,  Ohio. 

•Evangelism  Workshop — April 
27-28,  Martinsburg,  Pa. 

•Growth  Strategies  for  Smaller 
Churches — June  9-13,  Ashland,  Ohio. 

•"Caring  Ministries  2000" — Aug. 
1 1-15,  North  Manchester,  Ind. 

For  more  information  about  any  of 

the  1997  events,  contact  The  Andrew 
Center  at  (800)  774-3360  or  COB. 

Brethren  communicators 
invited  to  May  conference 

The  1997  Council  on  Church  and 
Media  Convention  is  scheduled  for 
May  8-10  in  Pittsburgh. 

"Communication  and  Change"  is  in- 
tended for  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
Mennonite,  and  Brethren  in  Christ 
communicators  who  work  for  denomi- 
national agencies,  homes,  colleges  or 
university,  or  other  affiliated  organiza- 
tions. During  this  conference.  Church 
of  the  Brethren  communicators  will 
meet  to  network  with  each  other  and 
to  discuss  communications  issues. 

For  more  information,  contact  Nevin 
Dulabaum,  Church  of  the  Brethren  di- 
rector of  News  Services,  at  800  323- 
8039  or  NevinCoB@AOL.Com. 

Two  directors  named  for  the 
redesigned  organization 

Dan  and  Wendy  McFadden  have  been 
named  directors  of  Brethren  Volun- 
teer Service  and  Brethren  Press, 
respectively,  for  the  redesigned  Gen- 
eral Board.  They  will  assume  those 
positions  if  the  Board's  proposals  are 
approved  by  delegates  at  the  1 997 
Annual  Conference. 

The  General  Board  in  October 
approved  these  new  positions  and  two 
others  for  the  redesigned  organization, 
so  that  the  directors  can  be  included  in 
the  redesign  process.  A  third  director- 
ship— Mission  Partnerships — has  yet 
to  be  filled.  An  open  search  for  the 
fourth  directorship — Mission  Fund- 
ing— was  announced  in  December. 

Although  Dan  and  Wendy  currently 
serve  as  directors  of  BVS  and 
Brethren  Press,  those  positions  will 
receive  additional  responsibilities  in 
the  redesigned  organization. 

General  Board  and  BBT 
announce  staff  changes 

Tim  Sollenberger  Morphew  re- 
signed as  director  of  Congregational 
Support,  effective  Dec.  31.  Sollen- 
berger Morphew  had  held  that  posi- 
tion since  January  1995.  He  now  is 
an  outplacement  counselor  with  a 
Chicago  firm. 

Cheryl  Cayford  was  named  interiir 
associate  director  of  Association  of 
Brethren  Caregivers,  effective  Jan.  1. 
Cayford  is  a  1996  Bethany  Theologi- 
cal Seminary  graduate  and  served  as 
Messenger's  editorial  assistant, 
1988-1993,  first  as  a  BVSer  and 
then  as  a  full-time  employee. 

Stan  Morrow,  director  of  invest- 
ments for  Brethren 
Benefit  Trust,  re- 
tired effective  Dec. 
3 1 .  Morrow  served 
BBT  in  various  ca- 
pacities over  18 
years,  and  helped 
to  develop  the  ben- 
efit plans  and  the  Tim  Sollenberger 
Brethren  Foundation.         Morphew 

Cheryl  Cayford 

Stan  Morrow 


"Reaching  Baby  Boomers,"  an  Andrew 
Center  Teaching  Event.  Feb.  1.  Cape 
Christian  Fellowship,  Cape  Coral.  Fla. 
[Contact  The  Andrew  Center,  (800) 

Advanced  Pastoral  Seminar,  sponsored 
by  Bethany  Theological  Seminary  and 
the  Bethany  Academy  for  Ministry 
Training.  Feb.  24-28  at  Bethany  Sem- 
inary and  Quaker  Hill  Conference 
Center,  Richmond.  Ind.  [Contact  Kim 
Yaussy  Albright,  (800)  285-8822.  ext. 

8  Messenger  February  1997 


Ib  M 

The  disaster  response  project  that  was  set  up  in  response  to 
Hurricane  iVlarilyn  in  1995  closed  on  Nov,  23. 

The  rebuilding  projects  on  St.  John  and  St.  Thomas,  Virgin 
Islands,  began  on  Oct.  16, 1995,  and  ended  on  Nov.  23, 1996. 
Cooperative  Disaster  Childcare  workers  served  on  St.  Croix, 
Virgin  Islands,  and  in  Puerto  Rico  for  about  three  weeks,  begin- 
ning Sept.  25,  1995. 

More  than  1 00  people  participated  in  the  disaster  response 
efforts— 12  CDCC  volunteers  cared  for  1,174  children,  and 
Brethren  Disaster  Response  teams  repaired  and  rebuilt  homes. 

The  Seoul,  South  Korea,  Church  of  the  Brethren  fellowship 
served  Thanksgiving  dinner  and  held  a  worship  service  for  1 50 
elderly  Koreans  on  Nov.  17.  "The  program  was  part  of  an  effort 
to  emphasize  a  Christian  Thanksgiving  holiday,  as  opposed  to 
the  traditional  Korean  Thanksgiving  observance  held  in  late 
August  of  each  year,"  said  David  Radcliff,  director  of  Korean 
Ministry.  Participating  in  the  worship  service  and  in  serving  the 
dinner  were  former  General  Board  field  staff  Dan  Kim,  Bethany 
Seminary  student  Steve  Brady,  and  members  of  the  fellowship. 

lA  resource  guide  listing  family-oriented  books,  videos, 
and  booklets  was  released  in  November  by  Harriet  and  Ron 
Finney,  former  co-directors  of  the  General  Board's  former  Family 
Ministry  program.  Subjects  included  in  the  guide  include  family 
strengthening  and  enrichment;  parenting;  family  life  cycles;  life 
crisis;  family  worship;  rituals  and  activities;  single  people  and 
lifestyles;  older  adult  issues;  sexuality;  and  addiction,  abuse,  and 
violence  in  families. 

This  resource  was  sent  to  all  congregations  in  December.  For 
additional  copies  contact  Georgianna  Schmidtke  at  (800)  323- 
8039  or  at  Georgianna. Schmidtke. parti@Ecunet.Org. 

The  black  church  rebuilding  project  by  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  South  Carolina,  which  was  scheduled  to  begin  late 
fast  fall,  has  been  delayed.  According  to  Glenn  Kinsel,  Refugee/ 
Disaster  Services  staff  assistant,  the  rebuilding  of  Butler  Chapel 
African  Methodist  Episcopalian  Church  in  Orangeburg  was 
slowed  due  to  the  need  to  obtain  permits,  negotiate  contracts, 
survey  the  land,  and  meet  county  regulations.  The  Butler  Chapel 
congregation  has  approved  working  drawings  of  the  new  building, 
and  Kinsel  expects  work  to  begin  no  later  than  early  February. 

;Orders  for  1997  Peace  Resources  through  Denominational 
Peace  Witness  are  being  taken.  Resources  include  papers, 
newsletters,  information  on  opportunities  to  be  involved  through 
a  peace  witness,  and  skits  and  dramas.  Contact  David  Radcliff  at 
(800)  323-8039,  ext.  229. 

*A  big  birthday  party  celebration  is  scheduled  for  the  200th 
anniversary  of  John  Kline's  birth,  June  1 3-1 7,  at  and  around  the 
Linville  Creek  Church  of  the  Brethren,  Broadway,  Va.  Sponsored 
by  the  Linville  Creek  congregation  and  Shenandoah  District,  the 
celebration  will  feature  six  tours,  including  John  Kline's  home; 

Twenty-two  peop\e  participated  in  Brethren  Volunteer 
Service  Unit  223  orientation  in  Indianapolis.  Ind..  Sept. 
19-Oct.  5.  Participants  were:  (front  row)  Ginger  Bearden, 
Megan  Blinn,  Hugh  Billhimer.  Kay  Billhimer.  Karen 
Fackler.  and  Pauline  de  Jong.  (Middle  row)  Sue  Grubb 
(BVS  orientation  assistant  coordinator),  Allison  Schmidt, 
Keith  Rhoades.  Michelle  Williams,  Patty  Cleveland,  Chris 
Weller,  Jean  Morgan.  Todd  Reish  (BVS  orientation 
coordinator),  and  Linda  Timmons  (BVS  recruitment 
coordinator).  (Back  row)  Elaine  Campbell.  Ingrid 
Bockstahler,  Angela  Shutak.  Rhonda  Narad.  Keeley 
Waddle,  Emily  Pope,  and  Pascal  Durr  (See  page  51  for 

1 5  exhibits;  presentations;  a  dinner  theater  and  puppet  play;  and 
many  other  events  for  people  of  all  ages. 

The  event  is  endorsed  by  the  Brethren  Historical  Library  and 
Archives  and  the  Brethren  Historical  Committee.  A  handful  of 
General  Board  programs  will  also  participate. 

The  Elder  John  Kline  Bicentennial  Celebration  planning  com- 
mittee sent  a  resource  packet  to  all  congregations  in  December 
that  includes  registration  information  and  event  descriptions. 

To  request  a  packet,  contact  Shenandoah  District  at  (540)  879- 
2515  or  Jim.Miller.parti@Ecunet.Org;  or  Linville  Creek  pastor 
Paul  Roth  at  (540)  896-5001  or  Proth@Bridgewater.Edu. 

The  National  Women's  Council  of  Program  for  Women  is 

seeking  two  women  to  serve  on  the  Council  beginning  in  June 
1 997.  The  council  also  is  looking  for  input  on  whether  to  hold  a 
national  event,  assistance  in  producing  a  publication,  and  com- 
ments and  suggestions  on  the  future  of  Program  for  Women.  For 
more  information,  contact  Cynthia  Mason  at  (814)  466-61 01 . 

And  finally,  William  Shakespeare  was  a  closet  Roman  Catholic, 
according  to  Margarita  Stocker,  fellow  in  English  at  St.  Hilda's 
College,  Oxford,  England.  Stocker  states  that  it  was  punishable  to 
be  Roman  Catholic  during  Shakespeare's  day  and  that  she  is  able 
to  prove  her  theory  through  the  coded  messages  she  found  in 
Shakespeare's  play.  Love's  Labour's  Lost.  However,  leading 
Shakespeare  scholar  A.L.  Rowse  disagrees,  stating  that  "Shake- 
speare attended  (Anglican)  church  services  and  left  a  regular 
Protestant  will.  He  was  a  theater  person,  and  all  theater  people 
were  anti-Puritan."  (Ecumenical  News  International) 

February  1997  Messenger  9 

Bridging  gaps  in  Arizona 

By  Shawn  Replogle 

The  1996  Church  of  the  Brethren 
Young  Aduh  Conference,  held  Nov. 
28-30,  worked  at  bridging  gaps  in 
many  ways.  For  starters,  the  confer- 
ence was  the  first  of  its  kind  to  be 
held  west  of  the  Mississippi  River,  at 
Camp  Pinerock  in  Prescott,  Ariz. 

In  the  past.  Brethren  young  adults 
from  the  West  have  had  to  make  the 
long  trek  eastward  to  the  conference, 
held  annually  over  Thanksgiving.  This 
year  eastern  Brethren  were  invited  to 
travel  the  long  distance — and  travel 
they  did,  with  attendance  at  "East 
Coast"  levels — 106  participants. 

The  theme  "Peace-ing  It  Together: 
Word  and  Deed"  was  chosen  to  allow 
participants  to  struggle  with  issues 
dealing  with  inner  and  outer  peace.  In 
small  groups,  participants  discussed 
the  things  that  do  not  make  for  lasting 

inner  or  outer  peace — global  con- 
flicts, political  strife,  denominational 
divisions,  and  personal  brokenness. 
Main  sessions  led  by  Chuck  Boyer, 
pastor  of  the  La  Verne  (Calif.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  focused  on  the  com- 
plexity of  human  beings  and  how  that 
relates  to  issues  of  peacemaking.  Boyer 
asked  the  young  adults  to  identify  the 
perspectives  from  which  they  approach 
issues  of  religion,  such  as  peacemak- 
ing. Acknowledging  the  ways  in  which 
we  each  interpret  the  Scriptures,  as 
well  as  recognizing  what  matters  most 
to  each  of  us  as  Christians,  is  an  im- 
portant starting  point  when  engaging 
people  who  have  differing  beliefs.  In 
the  midst  of  our  disagreements,  it  is 
easy  to  recognize  the  complexity  of  be- 
ing human  and  simply  "getting  along" 
with  one  another. 

"Chuck  asked  us  to  think  about 
the  perspectives  that  we  bring  to 
reading  the  Bible,  whether  radical, 
evangelical,  fundamental,  or  liberal," 
said  Lisa  Ebaugh,  a  BVSer  from 

Enjoying  the  fact  that  this  year's 
conference  was  held  west  of  the 
Mississippi  are  Jeremy  Hoke,  Andrea 
Wells,  and  Matt  Giiynn  (above),  who 
soak  in  the  Grand  Canyon 's  majestic 
scenery.  Friends  Tina  Rieman  and 
Elizabeth  Farmer  share  a  moment 
together  (top  right).  Chuck  Boyer. 
conference  leader,  addresses  a 
workshop  (left). 

Westminster,  Md.  "Obviously  there 
was  a  broad  spectrum  at  the  confer- 
ence; but  when  it  came  to  worshiping 
God,  from  whatever  perspective,  you 
could  really  feel  the  praise." 

Attendees  had  many  opportunities 
to  engage  a  variety  of  issues  in  work- 
shops, and  through  diverse  worship 
experiences:  a  celebration  of  the  con- 
nections we  share  as  human  beings,  a 
traditional  Brethren  love  feast  ser- 
vice, and  a  worship  that  included 
personal  stories  about  peacemaking 
on  global,  local,  and  interpersonal 
levels,  and  anointing. 

As  a  way  of  bringing  the  conference 
full  circle  from  peacemaking  skills  to 
inner  peace,  Boyer  guided  the  group 
through  discussions  of  the  creation 
account  in  Genesis.  Acknowledging 
the  varieties  of  ways  that  people  in- 
terpret this  story,  Boyer  noted,  "To 
say  that  human  beings  are  capable  of 
wrong  things  is  to  speak  of  the  com- 
plexity of  human  life." 

Young  adults  are  no  strangers  to  the 
divisions  in  the  church,  many  experi- 
encing the  pain  of  such  divisiveness 
firsthand.  But  at  the  conference,  par- 
ticipants were  given  the  opportunity  to 
discuss  their  pain  from  the  past,  speak 
about  the  present,  and  look  toward  the 
future  in  ways  that  will  help 
bridge  gaps  among  us  all. 


Shawn  Replogle  is  a  third  year  student  at 
Bethany  Theological  Seminary. 

10  Messenger  February  1997 

My  secret 


brought  neither 

shame  nor 

ridicule.  Isn't  it 

funny  hovu  we 

fool  ourselves 

into  thinking 

that  the  things 

we  do  in  secret 

will  not  count 

against  us? 



by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

Sunday,  10  a.m.:  It  was 
my  turn  to  help  with 
the  once-a-month  fellowship 
break.  I  watched  with 
hungry  eyes  as  the  Young 
Adult  Class  set  out  dozens 
of  picture-perfect,  home- 
baked  cookies.  Temptations 
beckoned,  but  I  prevailed. 

Same  day,  noon:  1  joined 
the  Senior  High  Youth  for 
their  meeting.  The  cookies 
were  back,  and  they  had 
only  grown  more  lovely  with 
age.  Enticing,  but  I  resisted. 

Later,  2  p.m.:  I  arrived 
home,  alone.  I  checked  the 
messages,  changed  clothes, 
made  a  phone  call,  ate  a 
dozen  cookies,  let  the  dog 
out,  and  read  the  paper. 

Later,  4  p.m.:  I  left  with 
family  for  a  church  skating 
party.  At  the  skating  rink  I 
ignored  the  cookies,  as  if 
willpower  somehow  could 
take  on  retroactive  proper- 
ties and  expunge  my 
dastardly  deed.  Daintily  I 
nibbled  on  low-fat  veggies. 
Maybe  no  one  would  notice 
the  scarlet  C  on  my  chest. 

No  one  did. 

God  did  not  zap  me. 
Friends  did  not  forsake  me. 
My  secret  indulgence  brought 
neither  shame  nor  ridicule. 

Isn't  it  funny  how  we  fool 
ourselves  into  thinking  that 
the  things  we  do  in  secret 
will  not  count  against  us?  As 
long  as  no  one  knows ...  as 
long  as  no  one  else  gets  hurt 
...  as  long  as  I  don't  cause 
anyone  else  to  stumble ...  as 
long  as  I  keep  my  faith  with 
other  commitments ...  as 

long  as  it's  just  this  once. 

The  problem  is,  though, 
as  long  as  it  remains  hidden, 
it  is  never  "just  this  once." 
"Then  when  lust  has  con- 
ceived, it  gives  birth  to  sin; 
and  when  sin  is  accom- 
plished, it  brings  forth 
death"  (}as.  1:15,  NAS). 

A  married  woman 
becomes  enamored  with 
another  man.  Lust  is  con- 
ceived. While  they  transgress 
no  physical  boundaries,  she 
attaches  emotionally  the  soul 
that  belongs  to  another.  Sin 
is  accomplished.  As  a  result 
she  no  longer  feels  anything 
for  this  husband  to  whom 
she  promised  faithfulness.  A 
marriage  dies. 

A  man  becomes  dissatisfied 
with  his  work  routine  and 
longs  for  the  power  and  sta- 
tus of  his  superiors.  Lust  is 
conceived.  He  begins  to  re- 
port luncheon  meetings  with 
bogus  clients  and  pads  his  ex- 
pense account.  Sin  is  accom- 
plished. He  is  not  as  smart  as 
he  thinks  he  is,  so  when  his 
infraction  is  discovered,  he  is 
fired.  A  career  dies. 

A  teenager  resents  his 
parents'  rules  and  envies  his 
friends  who  have  no  curfew. 
Lust  is  conceived.  So,  one 
night  he  lies  to  Mom  and 
Dad  in  order  to  sneak  over 
to  a  friend's  older  brother's 
apartment.  Sin  is  accom- 
plished. They  drink  beer 
and  watch  porno  movies  till 
dawn.  Innocence  dies. 

A  person  who  has  resolved 
to  lose  weight  begins  to  feel 
cheated  because  others  do 
not  have  the  same  battle. 
Lust  is  conceived.  She  main- 

tains a  front  publicly,  but  in 
secret  makes  choices  that  are 
diametrically  opposed  to  her 
goals.  Sin  is  accomplished. 
It  only  takes  a  few  such 
offenses  for  her  to  feel  like  a 
total  failure.  Hope  dies. 

Every  time  we  begin  to  re- 
sent something  about  our 
current  situation  and  angrily 
tell  ourselves:  "I  deserve  bet- 
ter!" we  have  allowed  lust  to 
be  conceived.  After  that, 
choices  contrary  to  our  stan- 
dards and  commitments  (sin, 
that  is)  follow  much  more 
easily.  Then  when  sin  is  ac- 
complished, something  dies. 

And  it's  not  always  a  physi- 
cal death.  More  often  it's  the 
death  of  a  relationship . . .  the 
death  of  wonder ...  the  death 
of  trust .  .  .  the  death  of  in- 
tegrity. . .  the  death  of  a  dream. 

That's  why  fames  also  tells 
us  to  "confess  your  sins  to 
one  another  ...  so  that  you 
may  be  healed"  (Jas.  5:16, 
NAS).  Lust  can  only  grow  in 
darkness.  Sin  can  only  pre- 
vail in  secrecy.  Confession 
brings  them  into  the  Light 
where  lust's  power  is  neu- 
tralized, and  sin's  appeal  is 
weakened.  Which  in  turn 
sets  us  free  to  make  choices 
that  lead,  not  to  death,     r-rj-i 
but  to  life.  ^ 

Robin  Wentu'orlh  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Kokomo  (Ind.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  column  offer- 
ing suggestions,  perspectives,  and 
opinions — snapshots  of  life — that  we 
hope  are  helpful  to  readers  in  their 
Christian  journey.  As  the  writer  said  in 
her  first  installment.  "Remember 
when  it  comes  to  managing  life's  diffi- 
culties, we  don 't  need  to  walk  on 
water  We  just  need  to  learn  where  the 
stepping  stones  are. " 

February  1997  Messenger  1 1 

Out  of 

As  a  boy  in  Nebraska,  David  Wine  resisted  the  calling 

that  his  grandmother  said  was  his.  When  he  finally 

accepted  it,  he  set  out  on  a  path  that  has  led  him  to 

the  denomination  s  highest  elective  office. 


BY  Kermon  Thomasson 

-oderator  David  Wine  is  shy,  very  shy. 

That  will  come  as  a  surprise  to  many.  Anyone  who  has 
heard  this  tall,  handsome  man  of  sunny  mien  address  the 
"Bruth'n"  (as  he  renders  that  word  in  an  accent  birthed  on 
the  windswept  northern  Great  Plains)  in  his  glib,  bright  way 
might  argue  the  contrary. 

David  Wine  acknowledges  that  he  comes  across  as  a 
boisterous,  glad-handing,  back-slapping  extrovert,  exuding 
high-spirited  Brethren  bonhomie.  That's  the  way  he  wants 
it.  The  image  that  overlays  the  real  person  protects  the 
shyness  he  reverts  to  when  opportunity  arises. 

How  has  he  come  to  perfect  this  outward 
image?  "I  learn  what's  required  of  me,  and  I  do 
it,"  he  explains  simply,  as  if  the  line  were  as 
well  rehearsed  as  his  act.  "I  have  had  to  over- 
come the  desire  to  hide  away  from  group 
process  and  leading.  I  form  my  habits  by  rep- 
etition until  they  seem  to  reflect  whom  I  am." 

But,  despite  the  years  of  passing  as  an 
extrovert,  David  insists,  "I  am  still  a  shy  boy, 
a  strong  introvert.  My  strengths  are  reading, 
hiking,  and  solitude.  Most  people  don't  real- 
ize it." 

Coming  from  Enders,  Neb.,  gives  a 
clue  to  the  shyness.  Enders  is  modestly 
tucked  away  in  the  southwest  corner  of  the 

state,  with  blank  space  all  around  it  on  the  Rand  McNally 
Road  Atlas  map.  Brethren  meetings  began  there  in  a 
vacant  sod  house  in  1887,  and  the  Pioneer  congregation 
was  born  (to  be  renamed  Enders  in  1917).  The 
founding  Brethren  were,  like  David  Wine's 
great-grandfather,  pioneers  from  back  east, 
seeking  farmland  on  the  frontier. 

David  grew  up  on  the  farm  operated  by 
his  parents,  Marlin  and  Lois  Wine.  David, 
as  a  boy,  did  his  share  of  the  farm  chores, 
looking  after  the  cattle  and  helping  with  the 
hay.  "I  put  in  lots  of  tractor  time,"  he  says. 
"Fencing  ...  all  the  usual." 

Another  clue  to  the  shyness  . . .  and  to  the 

need  for  privacy  ...  is  David's  present  home, 

400  acres  of  old  prairie  near  Abilene,  Kan.  He 

lives  there  in  a  stylishly  rustic  house  set  in  a 

35-acre  grove  of  ancient  oaks  and  walnuts. 

Prairie  fires  set  by  Indians  and  lightning 
kept  the  land  denuded  of  large  trees  except 
along  the  creek  bottoms.  David,  an  ardent 
environmentalist,  has  planted  8,500  trees 
and  shrubs  on  his  land,  built  ponds,  and 
restored  200  acres  to  pristine  prairie  grass- 
land. His  plantings  are  mostly  oak,  walnut, 
cedar,  osage  orange,  plums,  and  chokeber- 

1 2  Messenger  February  1997 

ries.  He  has  won  a  National  Wildlife  Habitat  Conserva- 
tion award  for  his  work. 

In  earlier  times,  the  Pawnee  Indians  made  the  area 
their  stomping  grounds.  In  solitary  hikes  around  his 
acres,  David  enjoys  picking  up  artifacts  left  by  his  Pawnee 
predecessors.  Getting  away  to  his  own  land  is,  for  David, 
a  restorative  exercise. 

Many  moderators,  he  observes,  cite  their  year  in  the 
church's  highest  elective  office  as  the  highlight  of  their 
career.  "They  thrive  on  it,"  he  says.  "They  grow  stronger 
by  it."  But  his  year  will  never  be  that,  he  insists.  "I  can't 
wait  until  July  6,  1997." 

In  order  to  find  the  strength  to  play  the  extrovert, 
David  has  to  first  find  time  to  pull  away.  "I  have  to  find 
time  to  rejuvenate  my  spirit.  I  often  retreat  right  on  my 
own  land.  I  can  go  out  and  sit  by  a  stream  for  half  a  day, 
all  alone,  just  reflecting  and  thinking." 

That  revelation  is  in  line  with  the  covenant  that  David 
made  with  the  denomination  in  his  inaugural  remarks  last 
July.  He  stated  that  in  the  coming  year,  he  would  devote 
himself  to  spiritual  renewal  through  spending  an  hour  a 
day  in  prayer,  a  day  a  month  in  prayer,  and  a  week  in  a 
personal  prayer  retreat  sometime  during  the  year. 

To  the  question  of  how  that's  working  out,  the  mod- 
erator laughs  and  replies,  "Every  day  is  a  challenge.  To 
carry  through  with  the  commitment,  to  recommit  myself: 
That's  a  challenge." 

Part  of  the  challenge  is  just  to  find  the  time  during  a 
busy  day  to  draw  away.  "I  have  had  to  learn  to  be  creative  in 
order  to  find  the  time  each  day  to  pray.  Sometimes  I'm  in  an 
airplane  seat.  Sometimes  I'm  in  a  church  sanctuary  before  I 
preach."  And,  he  adds,  he  has  had  help:  "Many  people,  sen- 
sitive to  my  need,  have  made  sure  I  had  a  place  to  pray." 

David  is  pleased  with  the  response  his  prayer 
covenant  has  sparked.  "Literally  hundreds  of  people  have 
written  me  about  the  prayer  commitment  and  taken  up 
the  same  challenge.  Whole  congregations  or  church 
boards,  in  some  instances." 

David  has  found  more  than  one  personal  benefit  from 
his  prayer  regimen.  His  family — wife  Jana,  and  teenage 
daughters  Jennifer  and  Tiffany — claim  that  his  praying 
has  made  him  "nicer."  He  laughs,  but  acknowledges  it's  a 
fact.  "The  prayer  discipline  provides  a  sense  of  balance, 
of  centering,  of  prioritizing.  It  does  make  me  'nicer.'" 

If  not  for  having  to  stop  for  prayer,  David  likely  could 
talk  all  day  about  the  benefits  of  the  discipline.  "Prayer  gives 
me  a  sense  of  peace  and  inner-confidence.  It's  'spiritual  fit- 
ness.' It's  like  jogging,  in  a  way.  You  have  to  keep  doing  it. 
If  you  break  the  routine,  you  have  to  rebuild  the  discipline. 

The  moderator  enjoys  nothing  better  than  solitary  ivalks  as 
time  for  prayer  and  reflection  (facing  page).  He  admits  that 
his  wife,  Jana,  and  daughters.  Jennifer  and  Tiffany,  say  that 
his  increased  prayer  time  this  year  lias  made  him  "nicer. " 

The  apostle  Paul  emphasized  spiritual  fitness  over  physical 
fitness.  The  spiritual  side  of  us  doesn't  just  happen." 

Drawing  away  from  the  crowd  to  pray  fits  right  in 
with  being  shy.  David  tells  a  story  on  himself  that  demon- 
strates just  how  shy  he  was  as  a  boy.  Once,  in  high 
school,  he  was  slated  to  give  a  speech  before  his  FFA 
(Future  Farmers  of  America)  group.  On  the  morning  of 
the  speech,  he  announced  to  his  mother  that  he  was  ill 
and  needed  to  stay  home  in  bed.  A  thermometer  was  pro- 
duced to  check  this  story  out.  David  stuck  the 
thermometer  under  the  water  heater  to  produce  the 
"proof"  of  his  claim.  It  worked.  Tom  Sawyer  could  not 
have  improved  upon  the  trick. 

David's  grandfather  was  David  G.  Wine  (1871-1950). 
A  pioneer  Brethren  minister  in  Nebraska,  he  won  wide 
renown  (see  next  story).  He  died  three  years  before  the 
future  moderator  was  born,  but  his  widow,  Lottie  Keller 
Wine,  lived  on  until  1973.  Lottie  used  to  tell  her  young 
grandson,  "You  are  going  to  be  the  next  'David  Wine.'" 

His  shyness  and  typical  kid's  cussedness  regarding 
family  observations  prompted  David  to  resist  his  grand- 
mother's prediction.  But  it  is  significant,  David  points 

February  1997  Messenger  13 

out,  that  despite  his  shyness  and 
his  resistance  to  filling  the  shoes 
of  his  grandfather  as  his  name- 
sake, "whenever  the  other  kids 
and  I  played  'church,'  I  always 
insisted  on  being  the  preacher!" 

When  high  school  was  com- 
pleted, David  entered  McPherson 
College,  in  Kansas.  Having 
resisted  the  call  to  ministry  that 
his  grandmother  had  proclaimed, 
David,  as  a  McPherson  sopho- 
more, began  to  feel  the  inexorable 
pull  toward  ministry.  And  he 
yielded.  "I  graduated  in  1975 
with  a  dual  degree  in  education 
and  in  philosophy  and  religion.  I 
did  that  because  of  my  conviction 
that  the  small  church  was  critical 
to  denominational  life,  and  I 
wanted  to  serve  a  small  church." 

And  as  for  the  call  to  min- 
istry, David  is  grateful  that  his 
grandmother  lived  to  see  him 
hcensed  in  1973.  "She  took  satisfaction  in  my  fulfilling  her 
prediction;  at  least  I  was  headed  toward  fulfilling  it." 
During  his  last  year  of  college,  David  served  as  associate 
pastor  at  Monitor  Church  of  the  Brethren,  a  small  congre- 
gation north  of  McPherson. 

Upon  college  graduation,  David  took  two  steps  that  steered 
him  in  the  direction  his  career  would  take  for  the  next  20  years 
at  least.  He  took  the  pastorate  of  Buckeye 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  a  small  church  1 0 
miles  from  Abilene,  Kan.  Across  the  rural 
road  intersection  from  Buckeye  church  are 
the  offices  of  Mutual  Aid  Association  (MAA) . 
a  Brethren-based  insurance  company 
founded  in  1885.  (See  "Big  Times  in  Buck- 
eye: Celebrating  a  Century  of  Mutual  Aid," 
by  Kermon  Thomasson,  August  1985.)  The 

"I  have  to  find  time  to 

rejuvenate  my  spirit. 

I  often  retreat  right  on 

my  own  land. 
I  can  go  out  and  sit  by 

A  deserted  mining  camp  in  the 

Colorado  Mountains  is  one  of 
David's  favorite  hiking  destina- 
tions. He  hasn  't  had  many 
getaway  times  this  past  year. 

leadership,  having  served  during 
his  college  years  on  the  planning 
committee  for  the  1974  National 
Youth  Conference  and  on  an 
Annual  Conference  Alcohol 
Study  Committee. 

Buckeye  flourished  under 
David's  leadership.  It  had  from 
1 5  to  20  people  attending  Sunday 
services  when  he  began.  It  had   - 
about  60  when  he  left.  And  the 
growth  was  mainly  among  young 
families.  Mutual  Aid  also  grew 
during  those  years,  doubling  its 
size,  and  becoming  increasingly  a 
denominationwide  ministry. 

And  ministry  it  is,  accord- 
ing to  David.  "The  vision  of 
Mutual  Aid  is  to  serve  and  strengthen  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  It's  a  ministry  that  I  am  in." 

It's  a  full-time  ministry,  too.  In  1987,  David  resigned 
as  Buckeye  pastor  to  take  on  additional  leadership  at 
Mutual  Aid.  But  he  considered  this  merely  a  shift  of  min- 
istry, not  a  removal  from  ministry.  "It  was  only  a  move 
from  a  congregational  ministry  to  an  organizational  min- 
istry," he  clarifies. 

Along  with  becoming  president  of 
Mutual  Aid  Association,  David  moved 
into  deeper  involvement  in  denomina- 
tional life.  At  the  1989  Orlando  Annual 
Conference,  he  was  elected  to  a  five-year 
term  on  the  denomination's  General 
Board.  Two  years  later  he  became  chair- 
man of  the  Board  and  served  for  three 

company  was  looking  for  someone  to  develop     a  Stream  J  Or  halj  a  day,      years.  Ayear  after  that  he  was  elected 

MAA  across  the  denomination,  and  so  it 
hired  the  new  Buckeye  pastor.  Since  then, 
David  has  worked  himself  up  the  MAA  lead- 
ership ladder — secretary/treasurer,  vice  ^^^^^^ 
president,  and,  since  1991,  president. 

When  David  became  the  Buckeye  pastor,  then  West- 
ern Plains  District  executive  Wilbur  Hoover  steered  him 
to  the  new  Education  for  a  Shared  Ministry  (EFSM)  pro- 
gram launched  by  the  General  Board's  Parish  Ministries 
Commission  and  Bethany  Theological  Seminary.  In 
November  1980,  David  graduated  from  EFSM  and  was 
ordained  all  in  one  ceremony. 

By  then  he  had  already  cut  his  teeth  in  denominational 

14  Messenger  February  1997 

all  alone,  just  reflecting 
and  thinking." 

Annual  Conference  moderator-elect,  to 
serve  as  moderator  in  1996-1997.  The 
past  decade  has  been  busy  for  David. 

The  current  redesigning  and  restruc- 
turing of  the  General  Board,  to  be  acted 
on  this  summer  at  Long  Beach,  likely  will  overshadow 
everything  else  on  the  Annual  Conference  agenda,  as  it 
already  is  doing  for  the  denomination  at  large.  David  con- 
siders this  process  to  be  his  main  challenge  as  moderator, 
and  it  is  dominating  his  year. 

David  sees  a  definite  role  for  himself  in  the  redesign 
and  restructuring  as  the  highest  elected  official  in  the 
denomination,  even  though,  as  moderator,  he  is  only  an 

:David  believes  that  the 
different  components  of  the 
denomination  need  to  contin- 
uously communicate  with  one 
lanotiier.  A  meeting  of  the 
Mutual  Aid  Association  Board 
gives  him  a  chance  to  talk 
with  Henry  H.  Gibbel  (left) 
of  Pennsylvania  and  Wilfred 
E.  Nolen  (center),  president  of 
Brethren  Benefit  Trust. 

ex  officio  member  of  the  General  Board.  "When  one 
organizational  component  decides  to  redesign,  the  new 
design  can't  help  but  impact  the  rest  of  church  life,"  he 
says.  "It  has  a  ripple  effect,  a  domino  effect." 

That  being  the  case,  David  sees  the  need  for  him  to 
work  as  moderator  at  fostering  communication  during 
this  crucial  time.  "The  challenge  is  to  make  sure  that  all 
the  components  are  talking  to  each  other — that  they  are 

David  works  intentionally  at  this.  Several  times,  for 
example,  he  has  called  together  such  agencies  and  people 
as  the  Brethren  Benefit  Trust,  Bethany 

Seminary,  the  General  Board  chair-      DuVld SCeS  the  flCed foT  htfTl 
woman,  staff  administrators,  and  Annual  ,  7  _7         ^  ^ 

n    (  (f       xu         u      u.      to  work  as  moderator  at 

Conrerence  oiticers.  These  are  brought  ^t-v^»/y^w-^  ,,i-y^yyv^^,v^v^Kj,   w-.- 

together  not  as  a  formal  group,  but  for       foSterillg  COmmUlllCatlOn 

the  purpose  of  communicating,  iron 

ing  out  differences,  seeing  the  potential 
sticky  wickets  before  the  ball  has  to 
pass  through  them. 

This  has  led  to  the  moderator  having 
a  higher  profile  than  usual  and  a  deeper 
involvement  that  some  other  leaders 
have  questioned.  David  is  aware  of  the 
criticism  around  the  denomination. 
"People  keep  saying  that  I  apparently 
have  an  'agenda'  I  want  to  accomplish. 
But  they  misunderstand  my  purpose.  And  if  they  think  I 
am  overstepping  my  stated  duties,  then  they  are  not  famil- 
iar with  those  duties.  The  Manual  of  Organization  and 
Polity  clearly  calls  for  the  moderator  to  serve  the  General 
Board  in  a  consultative  capacity." 

Eyebrows  were  raised  when,  at  David's  urging  last 
June,  Program  and  Arrangements  Committee  hired  consul- 
tant Bentley  Peters  in  a  one-year-at-a-time  contractual 
agreement.  The  consultant,  it  was  felt,  was  particularly 
needed  in  this  time  of  redesign  and  restructure,  coupled 
with  the  transition  of  general  secretaries.  Consultant  Peters 
works  mainly  with  the  Conference  officers,  as  they,  in  turn, 
work  with  the  various  agencies  of  the  denomination. 

David  likes  to  refer  to  any  present  lack  of  clarity  in  the 
steps  toward  restructuring  as  "muckiness."  In  the  midst  of 

the  "muckiness,"  our  various  components  really  need  to 
be  communicating  . .  .networking.  He  bowed  out  of  an 
official  visit  to  the  church  in  Nigeria  last  month  to  avoid 
taking  time  from  his  stateside  travels.  The  farthest  afield 
he  will  travel  is  to  the  Caribbean  later  this  month,  attend- 
ing the  Annual  Assembly  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Dominican  Republic,  then  pushing  on  to  visit  Brethren 
congregations  in  Puerto  Rico. 

David  sees  himself  as  a  proactive  moderator.  "I  am 
spending  more  hours  and  days  than  most  moderators  at 
working  on  communication."  And  not  only  is  he  the  first 
Baby  Boomer  moderator,  he  is  the 
first  one  to  get  out  and  cruise  on  the 
Information  Superhighway.  "I  am  the 
first  moderator  to  give  out  an  e-mail 
address,  a  toll-free  telephone 
number,  and  a  toll-free  fax  number  to 
the  entire  church,"  he  points  out. 

during  this  crucial  time  of 

redesign.   "The  challenge  is     Those,  by  the  way,  are  (e-mail): 

to  7na\e  sure  that  all  the 

components  are  tallying  to 

each  other — that  they  are 

communicating. ";  (tele- 
phone): (800)  255-1243,  ext.  11; 
(fax)  (800)  238-7535;  and  (mail) 
3094  leep  Road,  Abilene,  KS  67410. 
Another  first  for  the  moderator  is 
his  own  newsletter,  ModCob,  which 
has  been  mailed  since  September  to 
pastors,  leaders,  and  denominational 
employees.  In  it,  David  keeps  Brethren  informed  about 
and  in  dialog  with  the  Annual  Conference  office. 

The  response  to  all  these  overtures  toward  communi- 
cation has  been  "voluminous."  And  David  claims  he 
answers  every  contact.  "It  takes  two  or  three  hours  a  day 
to  answer  the  responses  I  receive.  I  come  back  from  a  trip 
and  have  120-130  e-mail  messages  alone." 

What  kind  of  messages  does  a  moderator  receive?  Most 
of  them,  David  says,  are  affirming.  "Most  people  just  want 
to  be  in  touch,  to  bring  greetings,  to  express  concerns.  They 
raise  structural  questions.  They  ask  how  they  can  get 
involved.  And  some  of  the  messages  are  issue-oriented." 

David  is  not  worried  that  he  might  be  building  a  per- 
sonal following.  "It's  not  David  Wine  the  people  are 
reaching  out  to.  Brethren  still  want  to  hear  from  and  be  in 

February  1997  Messenger  1  5 

David  grew  up  on  an  Enders,  Neb.  farm,  starting  early  in 
life  to  help  his  father.  Marlin  Wine,  with  the  chores. 

Living  up 
to  a  name 

BY  Berwyn  L.  Oltman 

From  the  day  that  I  received 
the  announcement  of  his  birth, 
I  questioned  the  wisdom  of  his 
parents  giving  him  the  name  David. 
Moderator  David  M.  Wine  is  my  first 
cousin.  He  was  born  after  I  left  our 
home  church  and  community,  and  I 
knew  him  only  as  the  mischievous 
boy  who  was  hanging  around  the 
church  or  at  family  gatherings  when 
I  was  home  on  vacation.  I  am  closer 
to  his  father,  my  Uncle  Marlin  Wine, 
who  was  my  peace  hero  when  he 
served  in  Civilian  Public  Service 
during  World  War  II,  and  who  was 
always  ready  to  discuss  the  deep 
questions  of  Hfe  with  me. 

The  problem  with  the  choice  of 
names  was  that  my  grandfather  was 
named  David  Wine,  and  I  venerated 
him.  As  the  years  go  by,  I  am  more 
and  more  impressed  with  the  spiritual 
stature  of  my  grandfather  and  am 
increasingly  proud  of  my  heritage.  I 
miss  having  William  Beahm  around 

touch  with  their  moderator.  They  know  the  moderator  is 
the  highest  elected  official  in  the  denomination.  The  mod- 
erator is  somebody  they  can  reach." 

In  a  time  when  the  Brethren  are  seen  by  some  as  join- 
ing the  rest  of  society  in  cynical  despair  over  leadership, 
David  finds  them  maintaining  a  deep  trust  in  the  church. 
That's  why,  he  thinks,  so  many  Brethren  are  reaching  out 
to  the  moderator  this  year.  But  David  insists  it  has  noth- 
ing to  do  with  him  personally.  "Other  moderators  have 
told  me  I  would  see  that  people  have  an  awe  and  rever- 
ence for  the  moderator.  And  it  is  proving  true." 

As  for  the  redesign  of  the  General  Board,  David  takes 
comfort  in  his  view  that  what  may  appear  to  be  radical  is 
not  that  radical  at  all.  Basic  to  the  redesign  is  the  idea  that 
the  General  Board's  job  is  to  serve  the  congregations. 
That  is  a  "major  paradigm  shift,"  David  admits.  But,  he 
goes  on  to  point  out,  "in  a  sense,  the  redesign  is  getting 

to  greet  me  (as  he  did  almost  every 
day  at  Bethany  Biblical  Seminary), 
"Good  morning,  Berwyn  Oltman, 
grandson  of  elder  D.G.  Wine  of 
Enders,  Neb."  I  have  had  the  feeling 
that  no  one  could  live  up  to  the  name 
"David  Wine."  I  have  a  brother  David 

and  two  other  cousins  have  David  for 
a  middle  name,  but  there  are  different 
surnames  involved.  I  realize  that  our 
moderator's  maternal  grandfather 
was  also  a  David — David  Frantz,  a 
dedicated  layman  from  eastern 
Nebraska.  But  can  there  really  be 

16  Messenger  February  1997 

US  back  to  our  traditional  way  of  doing  ministry  at  the 
local  level.  Thus  what  sounds  radical  isn't." 

Expect  David  Wine  to  be  upbeat  in  his  state  of  the 
denomination  address  at  Long  Beach.  "I  live  with  a 
tremendous  amount  of  hope  and  excitement  for  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Why?  In  periods  of  great  change,  we  are 
called  back  to  what  is  important — to  our  foundation." 

And  the  foundation,  David  declares,  is  (esus  Christ. 
Building  on  him,  the  Brethren,  in  their  work  and  ministry, 
have  something  special,  unique,  and  needed  to  give.  "For 
example.  Brethren  have  special  gifts  of  stewardship  and 

But  in  the  midst  of  hope-filled  talk,  David  throws  in  a 
caution:  "At  some  time  we  must  rethink  what  it  means  to 
be  the  church.  It  is  not  numbers  and  dollars  that  count.  It 
is  more  to  faithfulness  to  the  the  teachings  of  Christ, 
toward  the  stewardship  of  life  in  total." 

David  enjoins  the  Brethren  not  to  measure  their  success 
by  the  world's  standards.  He  is  intrigued  that  the  present 
Brethren  membership,  about  144,000,  has  a  scriptural  ring 
to  it.  Revelation  7:  3-4  has  144,000  "servants  of  God" 
being  marked  for  salvation  with  a  seal  on  their  foreheads. 

Rather  than  wringing  our  hands  over  our  small  mem- 
bership, we  should  think  positively,  David  says.  "There  is 
a  magnitude  of  possibilities  with  the  numbers  we  do  have. 
I  tell  churches  that  the  gospel  began  with  12  disciples.  We 
have  12  times  12.000 — 144,000.  Now  wouldn't  lesus 
consider  that  extravagant?" 

David  harks  back  to  his  growing  up  in  the  Enders 
congregation  in  the  far  reaches  of  Nebraska.  "Enders  has 
had  40  to  60  members  steadily  through  the  years.  But  just 
start  listing  the  ministries  and  people  that  have  come  out 
of  Enders  and  its  ministry  becomes  large.  As  a  denomina- 
tion, we  should  measure  our  ministry  that  way." 

And  so  we  come  back  to  where  we  began,  in  Enders, 
Neb.  There  a  shy  farm  boy  in  the  1950s  heard  his  grand- 
mother say  he  would  be  the  next  David  Wine.  So  he 
proved  to  be.  And  he  has  expanded  the  role.  Grandfather 
David  G.  Wine  was  affectionately  known  as  the  "Bishop  of 
Nebraska."  The  grandson's  calling  has  taken  him  beyond 
Nebraska  to  the  denomination's  highest  office.  Not  bad 
for  a  boy  from  the  backwaters  who  is  so  shy. 

Now  the  next  David  Wine  really  has  his  work         rrpi 
cut  out  for  him.  Cjjd 

David  Wine's  grandparents,  Lottie  and 
David  G.  Wine,  played  important  roles 
in  his  life.  The  "Bishop  of  Nebraska" 
had  a  famous  name  to  be  lived  up  to. 

another  David  Wine? 

D.G.  Wine  was  a  patriarch.  He  and 
my  grandmother,  Lottie  M.  Keller, 
were  parents  of  13  children,  all  of 
whom  were  strong  willed  and  tal- 
ented. D.G.  Wine  was  a  gentle, 
loving  father,  always  ready  to  listen 
to  his  children.  (An  introduction  to 
his  compassionate  character  is  found 
in  the  Brethren  Press  book /I  Bonnet 
For  Virginia,  by  Evelyn  Frantz).  He 
taught  his  family  carefully.  It  took 
only  one  stern  look  from  his  piercing 
eyes  or  one  word  in  his  strong  voice 
to  stop  a  disobedient  act.  That  same 
gift  of  discipline  was  used  with 
people  who  were  mentally  ill  and 
placed  under  his  care.  The  strength 
of  leadership  that  he  offered  to  his 
family  was  also  his  gift  to  the  church. 
He  was  often  referred  to  as  the 
"Bishop  of  Nebraska." 

D.G.  Wine  was  also  a  philosopher. 
His  keen,  questioning  mind  was 
involved  in  a  life-long  pursuit  of 
truth.  Because  of  the  death  of  his 
mother  when  he  was  1 3  years  old,  he 
did  not  have  the  opportunity  to  com- 
plete his  formal  education.  He 
compensated  for  this  by  reading 
voraciously.  (The  story  of  his  youth 
is  recorded  in  a  booklet.  Keeping  the 
Promise,  written  and  published  for 
the  family  by  Gladys  Snavely  Welch). 
His  library  included  almost  every 
book  that  was  made  available 
through  the  Gish  Fund.  He  once  said 
that  he  always  read  a  book  from 
cover  to  cover,  staying  up  all  night  if 
necessary  to  complete  what  he  had 
started.  He  was  ready  to  engage  in 
dialog  about  theological  issues  or 
philosophical  questions. 

Paul  Bechtold,  who  spent  most  of 
his  adult  years  as  a  college  professor, 
told  me  about  a  visit  to  the  Wine 
home  when  he  was  serving  as  a 
pastor  of  the  Bethel  Church  in 
Nebraska.  He  was  so  hungry  for 

serious  discussion  that  he  had  a 
marathon  conversation  with  D.G. 
Wine  at  the  dining  room  table  at  the 
Wine  home,  beginning  with  a  noon 
meal  and  continuing  through  the 
noon  meal  the  next  day.  D.G.'s  sons 
left  the  table  to  continue  the  farm 
work  and  to  do  chores,  and  the 
daughters  cleared  the  table  and  set  it 
for  the  next  meals  at  appropriate 
times  while  the  two  isolated  preach- 
ers voiced  their  lofty  thoughts. 

An  important  part  of  every  family 
gathering  during  my  high  school 
years  was  the  time  when  I  could  sit  at 
a  footstool  by  Granddad's  chair  and 
ask  questions  that  were  on  my  mind 
or  be  stimulated  by  questions  that  he 
would  ask  me. 

In  1934,  M.R.  Zigler  wrote  to 
D.G.  Wine:  "I  want  to  express  my 
sincere  thanks  for  the  letters  you 
write  me.  I  like  to  read  them  over 
and  over  again.  They  are  always 
filled  with  things  that  make  me 
think.  I  hardly  ever  make  an  address 
but  that  somehow  some  of  your  let- 

February  1997  Messenger  17 

ters  come  before  me  as  great  chal- 
lenges to  present  my  convictions 
more  fervently." 

D.G.  Wine  was  a  pioneer,  one  of 
many  Brethren  ministers  who  located 
on  the  western  frontier.  Instead  of 
moving  on  west,  he  put  down  roots 
and  built  a  church.  As  a  leader  on  the 
District  Mission  Board,  he  also  played 
a  part  in  planting  other  churches.  He 
gave  direction  to  pastoral  placement 
and  planning  for  funding  of  mission 

churches.  His  version  of  the  free  min- 
istry involved  not  only  serving  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  congregation 
that  he  started,  but  also  providing  pas- 
toral services  to  an  entire  county. 
Quite  often  he  would  give  instructions 
to  his  sons  about  the  work  that  needed 
to  be  done  on  the  farm,  then  hitch  up 
his  team  and  head  across  the  county  to 
conduct  a  funeral.  At  times  the  barber- 
shop in  the  county  seat  town  became 
his  pulpit.  The  conversations  always 

took  on  a  different  tenor  when  he 
walked  into  the  shop.  For  years  he  was 
a  favorite  baccalaureate  speaker  at  the 
county  high  school. 

At  one  time  Granddad  was  a 

Z^  prisoner.  A  Brethren  family 
^    ^Lseeking  a  new  start  responded 
to  his  enthusiasm  about  the  potential 
of  land  in  western  Nebraska.  D.G. 
Wine  was  a  master  with  words,  and 
his  description  of  the  land  was  proba- 

Vintage  Wines 
of  old  Virginia 

Moderator  David  Wine,  a 
product  of  the  Great  Plains, 
sets  great  store  by  his  Wine 
heritage  and  makes  pilgrimages  back 
to  the  family  shrines  in  Virginia's 
Shenandoah  Valley.  These  are  in  the 
Forestville  area  north  of  New  Market. 

The  chief  shrine  is  the  old  Wine 
homestead,  built  by  Michael  Wine, 
who,  as  a  three-year-old,  migrated 
from  Germany  with  his  father, 
George,  in  1749.  George  Wine, 
upon  arriving  at  Philadelphia  from 
Rotterdam  on  the  good  ship  Elliot. 
signed  in  as  Johann  Gorg  Wien  and 
settled  among  the  Brethren  in  Penn- 
sylvania. Michael  moved  down  to  the 
Shenandoah  Valley  in  the  1 780s  and 
was  an  early  and  active  member  of 
the  Flatrock  congregation.  That 
congregation's  exact  date  of  organi- 
zation is  uncertain,  but  likely  the 
church  had  been  established  a  few 
years  before  Michael  Wine  arrived 
from  Pennsylvania  about  1782. 

Most  Brethren  congregations  of 
that  time  did  not  have  meeting- 
houses. Like  many  Brethren,  Michael 
Wine  designed  his  house  to  be  used 
for  rehgious  gatherings.  Hinged  par- 
titions were  used  instead  of  interior 

walls,  so  that  on  meeting  days  the 
partitions  could  be  folded  up  and 
hooked  to  the  ceiling  joists,  creating 
a  large  meeting  room.  The  Wine 
house,  still  standing  today,  was  one 
of  four  homes  in  which  the  Flatrock 
Brethren  met  on  a  16-week  rotation 
basis,  until  the  first  meetinghouse 
was  erected  in  1841. 

The  1 794  Annual  Meeting  was  held 
in  the  Wine  house.  In  1 800,  Annual 
Meeting  was  again  held  in  the  area, 
but  there  are  no  records  that  specify 
the  exact  location.  Quite  likely,  how- 
ever, that  Annual  Meeting  was  also 
hosted  by  the  Wine  family. 

While  Annual  Meeting  usually  was 
held  at  Whitsuntide,  the  1794  meet- 
ing convened  on  October  20.  (The 
Old  German  Baptist  Brethren  still 
hold  their  Annual  Meeting  at  Whit- 

The  business  before  the  1 794 
Annual  Meeting  included  a  discussion 
of  the  "ban"  (excommunication).  The 
Brethren  agreed  to  continue  invoking 
the  ban  in  extreme  cases. 

The  ban  may  actually  have  been 
invoked  eventually  in  another  1 794 
business  item — dealing  with  the  case 
of  maverick  minister  lohn  Ham  of 

North  Carolina,  who  was  stirring  up 
controversy  by  his  preaching  of  a 
"strange  doctrine"  (universalism). 
The  case  dragged  on  until  1800. 
Ham  and  his  followers  were  then 
drummed  out  of  the  church. 

The  Wine  family  continued  to  be 
prominent  in  the  Flatrock  church 
until  it  pulled  up  stakes  and  migrated 
to  Nebraska  in  1877.  Moderator 
David  Wine's  grandfather,  David 
Glick  ("D.G.")  Wine,  was  six  years 
old  at  the  time  of  the  move. 

Six  score  years  of  life  on  the  Great 
Plains,  in  the  extreme  southwest 
corner  of  Nebraska,  have  left  their 

18  Messenger  February  1997 

oly  quite  poetic.  A  year  of  drought 
and  crop  failure  prompted  the 
Drother  to  sue  for  "misrepresentation 
af  facts."  Since  the  communication 
had  been  by  letter,  the  district  court 
onvicted  D.G.  Wine  of  mail  fraud, 
[n  good  Dunker  fashion,  he  chose 
not  to  have  legal  representation.  He 
simply  responded  to  questions  in  a 
straightforward  way.  No  one  in  his 
congregation  offered  to  testify  in  his 
behalf.  When  he  was  being  hand- 

le Wine  house  north  of  New 
'arket.  Va.,  shown  here  as  it 
jpeared  in  1 908,  hosted  the 
794  Annual  Meeting,  and 
jssibly  the  1800  event  as  well. 

lark  on  the  present-day  Wines,  but 
le  heritage  of  the  Shenandoah 
alley  years  and  the  ongoing  values 
f  the  Brethren  have  not  diminished, 
loderator  David  Wine  comes  to  us 
om  the  Nebraska  prairies,  but  as 
is  periodic  pilgrimages  to  Virginia 
test,  he  cherishes  his  legacy  estab- 
ihed  in  the  Brethren  heartland  back 
ist. — Kermon  Thomasson 

cuffed  to  be  transported  to  a  state 
prison,  however,  a  neighboring 
farmer  who  never  attended  church 
services  objected.  "You  are  not  going 
to  treat  this  honest  man  like  a 
common  criminal.  I  will  accompany 
him  on  the  train,  and  I  can  guarantee 
you  that  he  will  not  escape." 

Ieaving  his  teenage  sons  in 
charge  of  the  farm  and  his  wife 
^  in  charge  of  the  young  family 
and  the  frustrating  business  deci- 
sions. Granddad  spent  the  next  18 
months  in  prison.  He  was  granted 
liberty  to  spend  time  in  the  public 
library,  and  enjoyed  the  luxury  of 
having  hours  to  read  and  read.  Cor- 
respondence with  his  family  from 
those  months  provide  poignant 
expressions  of  faith  and  love.  Grand- 
dad once  told  me,  "Those  were  some 
of  the  most  productive  months  of  my 
life  for  the  development  of  my  mind." 
D.G.  Wine  was  a  progressive  church- 
man. The  untimely  death  of  his  mother 
prompted  him  to  question  some  of  the 
traditional  platitudes  of  preachers. 
Prompted  by  the  culture  of  the  fron- 
tier, he  was  forced  to  discern  which  of 
the  old  Brethren  values  represented 
timeless  truths.  His  children  have  vivid 
memories  of  the  day  when  he  had  his 
beard  shaved  off  and  came  home  to 
face  toddlers  who  cried  because  they 
didn't  recognize  their  daddy. 

The  church  that  he  planted  had  not 
only  a  piano  but  also  an  entire 
orchestra.  The  Wine  family  orchestra 
was  featured  at  community  events 
and  at  district  meetings.  No  wonder 
Grandma  Lottie  was  upset  when  she 
heard  a  California  preacher  (during  a 
visit  in  1922)  preach  against  the  use 
of  instrumental  music  in  church.  She 
wrote  to  D.G.:  "I  have  no  desire  to 
discuss  things  like  that  where  the 
Bible  does  not  say  'don't,'  and  it's  up 
to  the  different  congregations  and 
circumstances  as  in  our  frontier 
experiences  . .  .especially  with  men 
like  brother ,  who  likely  never 

has  labored  in  fields  like  ours  and 
others  similar  to  it." 

Today  we  would  say  that  my  grand- 
parents planted  a  "seeker-sensitive" 
church.  It  is  only  in  recent  years  that  I 
realized  the  significance  of  an  uncle's 
statement  when,  as  a  senior  in  high 
school,  I  joined  the  family  in  viewing 
my  grandfather's  lifeless  body  laid  out 
in  a  coffin.  He  said,  "We  should  put  a 
Bible  in  one  hand  and  The  Christian 
Century  in  the  other  hand.  Then  it 
would  look  just  as  if  he  had  fallen 
asleep  while  he  was  reading." 

D.G.  Wine  was  a  prophetic 
preacher.  He  spoke  the  truth  with 
conviction.  His  physical  stature  and 
his  booming  voice  and  his  concise 
logic  made  his  messages  unforget- 
table. He  spoke  without  apology 
about  peace  in  a  time  of  war,  about 
sacrifice  in  a  time  of  affluence,  about 
hope  in  a  time  of  depression  and 
drought,  and  about  love  and  forgive- 
ness when  the  popular  mood  was 
that  of  hatred  and  revenge. 

It  was  at  the  1993  Annual  Confer- 
ence that  I  had  to  rethink  my 
thoughts  about  my  cousin.  As  chair- 
man of  the  General  Board,  David 
Wine  stood  up  to  respond  to  a  ques- 
tion from  the  floor.  He  stood  tall;  he 
was  poised;  he  spoke  forthrightly  and 
with  conviction.  1  rode  home  from  that 
Conference  with  David's  parents,  and 
stopped  at  the  Abilene  home.  David 
came  to  greet  us,  having  replaced  his 
business  suit  with  his  farmer's  clothes. 
His  voice  was  warm  with  affection  and 
friendliness.  We  talked  briefly  about 
issues  facing  the  church.  Although  this 
David  was  born  after  our  grandfather 
died,  he  certainly  is  carrying  on  the 
legacy,  (ust  as  his  grandfather  led  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  into  the  20th 
century,  he  is  leading  it  into  the  2 1  st 
century.  So  now  I  can  say  with  com- 
plete sincerity,  "Brother  moderator, 
you  are  truly  living  up  to  your         rrri 
name — David  Wine."  i J 

Bernyn  L.  Oilman  is  executive  of  Atlantic 
Southeast  District. 

February  1997  Messenger  19 

Nigerian  Brethren 
have  church  growth 

down  pat 

At  a  time  when  the  Nigerian 
economy  is  at  a  record  low, 
and  most  congregations 
have  little  capital,  EYN  is 
continuing  to  start  new 
worship  centers  and  raise 
new  church  buildings  at  an 
astonishing  rate. 

Story  and  Photos  by  Glenn  Mitchell 

T>  he  people  who  worship  at  Mado  are  undergoing  a 
change.  After  six  years  as  an  Ekklesiyar  Yanuwa  a 
Nigeria  center  for  Christian  Religious  Instruction 
(CRI),  under  the  )os  congregation,  they  are  becoming 
a  congregation  of  their  own.  At  the  EYN  Majalisa  (Annual 
Meeting)  in  April  1996,  their  request  for  congregational 
status  was  granted.  They  are  the  283rd  congregation  in 
EYN.  A  total  of  28  worshiping  communities  were  given  con- 
gregational status  at  that  Majalisa,  which  brings  the  current 
number  of  congregations  to  3 10.  Also  received  were  two 
new  Gundiimomi  (districts),  which  now  number  35. 

As  a  US  pastor  working  for  seven  months  with  the  Jos 
congregation  of  EYN  and  its  pastor,  Samuel  Dali,  while 
on  sabbatical  from  my  congregation  in  Pennsylvania,  I 
had  time  to  take  a  closer  look  at  this  pattern  of  growth. 
(Samuel  Dali's  wife,  Rebecca,  was  the  subject  of  the 
November  1996  Messenger  cover  story.) 

Part  of  this  growth  comes  from  the  large  number  of  chil- 
dren EYN  families  are  bringing  into  the  world.  Families  with 
six  children  are  not  uncommon,  and  some  simple  math 
quickly  reveals  the  growth  potential  projected  from  such 
birth  patterns  alone.  EYN  also  seems  to  retain  members  well. 
Much  of  the  church  growth  that  is  occurring,  especially  in 
the  larger  cities,  is  related  to  EYN  members  who  have  relo- 
cated there  and  established  an  EYN  presence  in  their  new 
setting.  US  Church  of  the  Brethren  boom  years  in  member- 
ship growth  correlate  as  well  to  these  two  factors  of  high 
birth  rate  and  expansion  into  new  areas. 

What  1  have  found  more  intriguing,  however,  and 
what  is  a  model  worth  noting,  is  EYN's  approach  to 

20  Messenger  February  1997 

A  drummer  sets  the  beat  for 
hymn-singing  at  Mado 
(facing  page).  The  church 
It  Utane  (right),  under 
construction  last  year,  is 
built  of  handmade  blocks. 
A  zinc  roof  would  be  added. 
The  Mado  church  (lower 
'ight)  is  already  so  crowded 
"hat  latecomers  have  to 
stand  at  the  windows. 

;hurch  planting.  A  worshiping  community  begins  as  a  CRI 
;enter.  All  congregations  have  CRIs  or  what  are  commonly 
:alled  preaching  points  or  worship  centers.  What  this 
means  practically  is  that  every  congregation  is  directly 
invested  and  involved  in  growing  the  church.  When  a 
request  comes  for  a  new  CRI,  from  either  people  in  a 
given  geographic  area  or  the  witness  committee,  the  con- 
gregation considers  it,  and,  if  it  is  approved,  an  evangelist 
is  appointed  by  the  congregation  to  work  with  the  new 
:ommunity.  The  evangelist  provides  pastoral  care  and  visi- 
tation, and  leads  in  the  preaching  on  Sunday  mornings. 

Usually  the  evangelist  has  received  some  training,  but  is 
act  ordained.  The  most  important  qualities  are  a  strong 
personal  faith  and  a  high  commitment  to  working  with 
the  people  to  establish  a  growing  faith  community. 

These  centers  for  worship  and  instruction  often  begin  by 
meeting  for  worship  under  a  tree  or  in  a  home,  but  as  soon 
as  the  congregation  can  afford  it,  a  meeting  house  is  built  to 
accommodate  the  worshipers.  Although  the  first  congrega- 
tion established  in  a  new  area  often  draws  heavily  on  exist- 
ing EYN  members  living  in  the  community,  the  preaching 
points  of  that  fellowship  in  turn  pull  membership  from  the 
unchurched  people  of  the  area,  which  results  in  church  growth 
beyond  those  who  were  EYN  members  in  other  locations. 

There  are  over  1,000  EYN  CRIs  in  Nigeria.  The  Jos 
congregation  is  not  unusual  among  EYN  churches  in 
vvorking  with  three  preaching  points  at  the  same  time.  In 
addition  to  Mado,  there  is  a  CRI  on  the  outskirts  of  Jos,  in 
the  community  of  Utane,  and  another  one  a  45-minute 
drive  into  the  bush  in  the  community  of  Nitseng.  Both  of 
these  CRIs  were  started  in  1993,  and  are  good  examples 
of  different  aspects  of  development. 

On  the  Nitseng  site,  a  church  building  was  erected 
over  two  years  ago  and  now  has  a  worshiping  community 
of  about  75  people.  The  focus  of  those  from  the  Jos  con- 
gregation working  with  the  Nitseng  community  over  the 
past  year  also  has  been  on  buying  more  land  around  the 
meeting  house  for  a  parsonage  and  possibly  a  health 
:linic,  and  the  digging  of  a  well  to  service  the  commu- 
nity's present  needs.  In  addition,  several  people  from  that 
:ommunity  are  being  sent  to  a  community  health  training 
program  sponsored  through  EYN's  Rural  Health  Pro- 

gram. Those  who  are  trained  will  return  to  their  village  to 
assist  the  people  in  primary  health  care.  Establishing  a 
strong  concern  for  health  care,  especially  in  the  rural 
areas,  goes  far  to  legitimate  a  worshiping  community's 
presence  in  the  village. 

With  the  Utane  CRI,  the  people  moved  into  a  new 
church  building  last  summer,  following  several  years  of 
worship  in  the  garage  of  one  of  their  members.  The  Jos 
Brethren  have  assisted  paid  carpenters  in  the  construction 
work — making  and  laying  the  mud  blocks,  filling  in  the 
dirt  subfloor,  raising  the  rafters,  nailing  on  the  zinc  roof, 
and  plastering  the  walls.  Simon  Sati,  one  of  the  |os  mem- 
bers helping  with  the  project,  exclaimed  while  shoveling 
fill  dirt,  "It  is  good  for  us  to  be  out  here  together,  work- 
ing side  by  side,  laughing  together,  and  having  a  good 
time.  We  are  all  a  part  of  what  is  happening  here." 

From  the  beginning,  there  is  a  strong  incentive  for  each 

February  1997  Messenger  21 

CRI  to  become  a  congregation.  Like 
a  child  in  the  family  during  adolescent 
years,  there  is  the  desire  for  freedom 
and  independence,  for  until  it  reaches 
congregational  status,  the  lines  of 
authority  and  accountability  are  clearly 
back  to  the  parent  church.  To  receive 
congregational  recognition,  a  preach- 
ing point  must  reach  the  following 
levels  of  participation: 

•  150  members 

•  20,000  naira  a  year  (at  current 
exchange  rate,  about  $240). 

In  addition,  the  preaching  point 
must  have: 

•  Approval  of  the  sponsoring  con- 


•  Ability  to  provide  housing  for  a 

pastor  when  one  is  appointed. 

•  An  evangelist  or  leader. 

Mado  officially  marked  its  pas- 
sage to  congregation  last  summer, 
but  already  plans  were  under  way  for 
shifting  the  Utane  CRI  to  its  congre- 
gation, while  "los  No.  1 "  congregation 
continues  with  its  other  preaching 
point  at  Nitseng  and  considers  begin- 
ning a  couple  of  new  CRIs  in  the 
coming  years. 

For  the  los  congregation,  like  other 
congregations  established  in  a  new 
area,  there  is  the  added  incentive  to 
grow  to  the  numbers  that  qualify  it  to 
become  its  own  gunduma  (district), 

which  necessitates  a  minimum  of  six  ^^^^^^^ 


The  story  of  congregational  starts  is  similar  in  other 
parts  of  Nigeria.  I  worshiped  with  the  "Maiduguri  No.  1" 
congregation  early  in  my  EYN  sojourn. 

Its  story  is  often  cited  as  an  example  of  the  growth 
potential  that  is  being  realized  as  EYN  moves  from  the 
rural  areas  into  the  city.  In  1978,  12  people  met  in  a  home, 
and  officially  began  the  EYN  worshiping  community  in  the 
Maiduguri  area.  There  are  today  over  3,000  worshiping  in 
two  services  on  Sunday  morning  in  "Maiduguri  No.  1."  Six 
congregations,  each  with  an  attendance  of  over  500  mem- 
bers, have  been  recognized  in  the  area,  and  now  form  their 
own  Gunduma.  The  Maiduguri  church  currently  has  five 
preaching  points,  with  some  of  them  moving  quickly 
toward  congregational  status. 

This  rapid  growth  does  not  indicate  a  chasing  after 
numbers  per  se  nor  a  lessening  of  membership  standards. 
People  desiring  to  join  an  EYN  congregation  typically 
spend  up  to  a  year  in  classes.  Three  to  six  months  of  that 
year  are  spent  in  a  covenant  class  that  looks  at  the  ques- 

22  Messenger  February  1997 

People  desiring  to  join 

an  EYN  congregation 

typically  spend  up  to  a 

year  in  classes.  Three 

to  six  months  of  that 

year  are  spent  in  a 

covenant  class,  then  an 

additional  six  months  in 

a  baptism  class. 

The  rough-hewn  pulpit  at  Mado 
bespeaks,  in  its  stark  beauty, 
the  simplicity  of  the  gospel  as 
preached  in  EYN. 

tion:  "What  does  it  mean  to  be  a 
Christian?"  This  time  is  spent  in 
Bible  study  and  discussion  around 
the  foundational  tenants  of  the 
faith.  Another  important  goal  of 
these  classes  is  teaching  some  edu- 
cational basics  missed  in  Nigerian 
schools.  Following  the  class,  if  a 
person  affirms,  "Yes,  I  want  to 
become  a  Christian,"  there  is  par- 
ticipation for  an  additional  six 
months  in  a  baptism  class  that 
looks  at  the  question  "What  does  it 
mean  to  be  a  member  of  this  con- 
gregation?" Following  completion 
of  these  classes,  the  candidates  are 
recommended  for  baptism.  In 
1994,  some  8,000  people  were  bap- 
tized in  EYN.  In  1995,  the  number 
was  12,000,  bringing  the  total  to 
over  132,000  members.  At  the  cur- 
rent rate  of  growth,  Ekklesiyar 
Yanuwa  a  Nigeria  will  numerically 
surpass  US  Church  of  the  Brethren 
membership  in  two  to  three  years. 

At  a  time  when  the  Nigerian 
economy  is  at  a  record  low,  and  most 
congregations  have  little  capital  to 
work  with,  EYN  is  continuing  to 
start  new  worship  centers  and  raise 
new  church  buildings  at  an  astonish- 
ing rate.  Clearly,  one  of  the  strengths 
of  the  Ekklesiyar  Yanuwa  a  Nigeria  model  for  beginning  new 
congregations  is  rooting  the  accountability  for  church  growth 
in  the  sponsoring  congregation.  This  accountability  is  possi- 
ble because  a  significant  part  of  the  congregation's  identity 
and  mission  is  invested  in  evangelism. 

As  Samuel  Dali  says,  "The  primary  goal  of  the  EYN 
church,  as  it  is  in  the  minds  of  our  members,  is  that  once 
you  become  a  Christian,  you  bring  someone  else  to  the 
church  who  is  not  a  Christian.  Our  people  know  that  evan- 
gelism is  the  basic  responsibility  of  the  Christian — moving 
from  yourself  to  the  other  person  who  has  not  heard  the 
gospel — moving  from  your  neighbor  to  your  village." 

In  Mado,  Utane,  and  Nitseng,  the  fruit  of  this  com- 
mitment born  out  of  the  los  congregation  is  evident. 
Welcoming  the  neighbor  and  helping  to  meet  the  needs  of 
the  village,  all  in  the  name  of  Christ,  is  growing  the 
church  in  Nigeria. 

Glenn  Mitchell  is  pastor  of  University  Baptist  and  Brethren  Church  in 
State  College.  Pa.  He  spent  a  sabbatical  in  Nigeria  in  1995-1996. 


BY  H.  Lamar  Gibble 

X  th 

here  it  was  on  the  shelf  of  the 

Brethren  Archives  —  Girdling 
the  Globe  by  D.  L.  Miller.  I 
hadn't  thought  about  this  book  for 
years.  But  "girdling  the  globe"  was  on 
my  mind  while  planning  my  farewell 
administrative  visit  to  Asia  because 
the  least  expensive  travel  would  be  a 
round-the-world  fare.  No,  it  would 
mot  be  a  "girdling-the-globe"  fare.  It 
appears  as  if  "girdling"  has  fallen  into 
idisuse.  Once  again  I  held  and  perused 
this  book  that  had  planted  some 
indelible  memories  on  the  impression- 
able mind  of  my  youth. 

Other  than  the  Bible,  I  grew  up 
with  a  limited  number  of  books  in  my 
home.  This  was  a  reality  partly 
because  of  expense  but  also  partly 
because  "book  learning"  was  not 
highly  valued  in  the  Brethren  congre- 
gation of  my  boyhood.  There  were 
two  books  at  home,  however,  that  I 
do  remember.  One  was  a  scary  book 
on  the  1889  Johnstown  flood,  which 
generated  some  of  my  youthful  night- 
mares. I  don't  remember  its  title.  The 
other  book  was  the  one  plucked  from 
the  archives  shelf.  Stories  from  this 
book,  along  with  the  verbal  pictures 
of  global  exploits  painted  by  Lowell 
Thomas  on  his  regular  evening  radio 
news  broadcasts,  provoked  the  first 
yearnings  in  my  youthful  mind  and 
soul  to  know  and  experience  more  in 

to  Asia? 

The  harsh  realities 

of  our  day,  indeed 

of  any  era,  compel  us 

to  re-envision  and 

reformulate  the 

church's  mission  just 

as  was  the  case  in  our 

first  mission  efforts  in 

Bulsar  a  century  ago. 

God's  magnificent  creation  than  that 
which  confined  me  then  to  a  Pennsyl- 
vania Dutch  and  Brethren  cultural 
and  religious  heritage. 

While  memory  had  dimmed  on  the 
details  of  that  book,  I  remembered  a 
major  focus  on  India.  What  I  had 
forgotten  was  that  brother  Miller's 
global  tour,  with  a  lengthy  stop 
related  to  the  Brethren  mission  in 
India,  had  taken  place  less  than  a 

year  after  Wilbur  and  Mary  Stover 
and  Bertha  Ryan  began  the  witness 
and  work  in  Bulsar.  How  could  I 
have  ever  dreamed  as  I  read  those 
stories  in  my  youth  that  100  years 
after  that  account  was  written  I 
would  have  the  privilege  of  "girdling 
the  globe"  on  my  last  administrative 
visit  with  our  brothers  and  sisters  in 
India  who  continue  that  work  and 
witness  begun  a  century  ago? 

This  farewell  visit  to  the  church  and 
congregations  of  the  Church  of  North 
India  again  focused  mainly  on  the 
former  Brethren  areas.  It  was  an 
exhilarating  experience  as  we  met 
with  groups  of  pastors  who  gathered 
everywhere  we  went  to  express 
excitement  about  their  ministry.  In 
Anklesvar,  Bulsar,  Vyara,  and  Surat, 
large  churches  were  filled  with  people 
from  the  surrounding  congregations 
who  had  come  to  greet,  garland, 
thank,  and  convey  good  wishes  on  my 
retirement.  The  new  bishop  of 
Gujarat,  V.M.  Malaviya,  wanted  us  to 
know  that  the  most  rapidly  growing 
area  of  the  church  is  now  in  South 
Gujarat,  where  the  Brethren  had  first 
planted  the  Christian  church,  and 
largely  among  tribal  peoples.  It  is  not 
only  Wilbur  Stover's  famous  banyan 
tree  that  still  grows  in  South  Gujarat. 

But  all  is  not  well.  In  these  areas 
where  I  visited,  as  in  much  of  India, 
population  is  exploding  beyond  the 
ability  of  the  society  to  provide  ade- 

February  1997  Messenger  23 

Lamar  Gibble  was  garlanded  at  a 

November  1996  farewell  reception  in 
Bulsar  (page  23).  Over  the  28 -years  of 
his  World  Ministries  staff  work,  Gibble 
has  worked  in  many  ecumenical  and 
international  settings.  At  right:  He 
receives  a  medal  from  Poland's  Minister 
of  Agriculture  Stanislaw  Zieba  in  1987, 
poses  with  Church  of  North  India 
bishops  Paul  Chauhan  and  Samuel 
Joshua  at  the  1988  Annual  Conference, 
and  participates  in  a  World  Council  of 
Churches  Central  Committee  meeting  in 
1976.  Below:  Gibble  works  on  the 
China  Agriculture  Exchange  with 
members  of  the  Chinese  Ministry  of 
Agriculture  in  Elgin,  III,  in  1994. 

quate  food  and  shelter.  The  green 
revolution  brought  increases  in  food 
production,  but  that  has  now  peaked. 
Heavy  use  of  irrigation  and  chemi- 
cals to  increase  food  production  now 
results  in  massive  soil  and  water  pol- 
lution. In  the  Anklesvar  area  the  air 
reeks  of  chemical  pollution  out  of 
control,  a  situation  exacerbated  by 
transnational  corporations  that 
exploit  minimal  national  restrictions. 

Nor  is  the  church  immune  to  prob- 
lems. Disputes  and  schism  divide  and 
diminish  its  witness,  particularly  in 
the  area  where  the  Brethren  first 
began  the  work.  Litigation  over  prop- 
erty drains  the  energies  and  coffers  of 
the  diocese  and  the  breakaway  group. 
Years  of  exposure  to  this  schism  have 
convinced  me  that  the  central  differ- 
ences are  not  related  to  theology, 
doctrine,  or  ordinances,  but  to  issues 
of  property  and  power.  Unfortu- 
nately, some  in  our  fellowship  in  the 
US  naively  or  intentionally  provide 
funds  that  support  the  schism,  funds 
that  assist  more  in  covering  costs  for 
litigation  than  for  ministry. 

Consultations  and  meetings  in  Hong 
Kong  and  Myanmar  (Burma)  revealed 
a  similar  mix  of  pain  and  possibility. 
In  Hong  Kong,  the  last  vestiges  of 
colonial  control  will  soon  be  gone,  and 
the  territory  will  be  returned  to  China. 
Within  a  vital  Christian  community 
there  is  awareness  that  the  future  will 
possibly  bring  major  changes.  Some 

anticipate  new  opportunities  for  wit- 
ness, while  others  are  fearful. 

In  Myanmar,  Christians  live  under 
a  very  repressive  military  regime.  Pri- 
vate conversations  confirmed  this 
repression.  We  were  prevented  from 
visiting  with  democratic  movement 
leader  and  Nobel  Prize  winner  Aung 
San  Suu  Kyi.  At  the  Judson  Baptist 
church  on  the  university  campus, 
where  I  was  invited  to  bring  greet- 
ings by  its  pastor  and  president  of 
the  Myanmar  Council  of  Churches,  it 
was  Student  Sunday,  and  the  theme 
that  the  students  had  chosen  was 
from  Revelation  —  envisioning  "a 
new  heaven  and  a  new  earth."  But 
amid  all  these  difficulties,  there  is 
bold  evidence  of  a  vital  Christian 
church,  hallmarked  by  cooperation 
and  unity — a  church  that  longs  for 
fellowship  and  support  from  the 
global  Christian  community. 

Certainly  a  collage  of  Asia  today 
reflects  pain  and  possibility.  The 
painful  images  include  burgeoning 
populations  that  exacerbate  poverty, 
starvation,  and  homelessness.  They 
include  political  and  religious  repres- 
sion, widespread  pollution  and 
ecological  damage,  a  ravaging 
HIV/ AIDS  epidemic,  refugee  and  dis- 
placed populations,  sexual  exploitation 
of  women  and  children,  and  expand- 
ing drug  trafficking  and  addiction. 

But  scattered  through  this  painful 
collage  are  the  images  of  possibility — 
bold  challenges  for  the  witness  and 
service  of  a  caring  Christian  commu- 
nity. These  images  reveal  a  vibrant  and 
faithful  church,  usually  a  distinct  reli- 
gious minority,  that  is  committed  to 
minister  and  serve  and  that  longs  for 
links  with  the  larger  church  to  support 
and  sustain  them  in  the  struggle  to  be 
faithful  in  this  critical  time. 

24  Messenger  February  1997 

Reflecting  now  on  Asia,  I  am  over- 
'vhelmed  by  how  much  has  changed 
l.ince  brother  Miller's  globe-girdling 
Experiences.  His  trip  took  more  than 
|i  year;  mine  took  three  weeks.  Now 
!t  takes  about  1 5  hours  to  fly  across 
[he  Pacific;  then  it  took  1  7  days  by 
boat.  But  more  than  transportation 
Imd  technology  has  changed  our 
Ivorld.  The  Western  colonial  powers 
po  longer  hold  sway  in  Asia.  New 
political  and  economic  centers  have 
eplaced  them.  And  within  Christen- 
lom,  most  of  the  churches  planted 
during  that  colonial  past  have 
;)ecome  independent,  often  united, 
ind  are  creatively  and  effectively  in 
mission  in  their  respective  social  and 
|;ultural  contexts  while  facing  the 
.larsh  realities  just  described. 

It  is  well  then  to  remember  that  the 
larsh  realities  of  our  day,  indeed  of  any 
i;ra,  compel  us  to  re-envision  and  re- 
brmulate  the  church's  mission  just  as 
vas  the  case  in  our  first  mission  efforts 
jn  Bulsar  a  century  ago.  We  sent  and 
ivent  with  evangelical  fervor  and  found 
massive  human  need  in  the  midst  of 
I'amine,  and  the  good  news  found  its 
lertile  soil  in  orphanages,  schools, 
medical  care,  and  hospitals;  the  harsh 
ealities  required  nothing  less  than  a 
lolistic  gospel.  It  is  dangerous  then  to 
)ecome  arrogant  and  to  delineate  mis- 
ion  too  sharply  or  self-confidently. 

Some  approximations  of  what  the 
nission  of  the  church  should  be  in  our 
lay  are  appropriate,  but  it  is  the  gospel 

responsibly  and  sensitively  communi- 
cated and  appropriated  in  a  particular 
context  that  is  crucial.  And  if  we  accept 
Christ's  life  and  ministry  as  a  critical 
part  of  a  holistic  gospel,  the  missionary 
task  of  the  church  then  becomes  as 
broad  and  deep  as  the  exigencies  of  life 
in  our  global  community. 

My  understanding  of  the  missionary 
task  of  the  church,  formed  during  my 
childhood  and  youth,  focused  heavily 
on  Matthew  28: 1 9-20.  Now  it  is  clear 
to  me  that  while  evangelism  is  one  of 
the  essentials  of  mission,  it  is  not  the 
only  one.  Of  as  great  importance  is  the 
focus  given  as  our  Lord  began  his  min- 
istry ( Luke  4: 1 6-2 1 )  and  in  the  parable 
ofthegreatjudgment  (Matt.  25:31-46). 
As  I  traveled  again  through  Asia,  this 
more  holistic  understanding  of  mission 
was  reinforced. 

Being  impacted  again  by  the  needs 
and  the  opportunities  for  witness  and 
service  in  Asia,  I  find  it  implausible 
that  at  a  time  when  the  membership 
of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  is 
financially  more  wealthy  than  it  has 
ever  been  in  its  history  we  are  seri- 
ously considering  further  radical 
reductions  in  our  global  witness. 
Given  the  reductions  now  being  seri- 
ously considered  by  the  General 
Board,  I  recognize  that  this  might 

not  only  be  my  farewell  to  Asia  but 
also  our  denomination's  farewell. 
Will  our  brothers  and  sisters  in  Asia, 
and  other  regions,  understand?  Will 
Brethren  be  able  in  good  conscience 
to  live  with  such  decisions? 

Discussion  and  debate  about  the 
mission  of  the  Church  of  (esus  Christ 
involves  risks  and  dangers,  unavoid- 
able risks  if  we  are  to  be  responsible 
and  faithful  witnesses  as  we  face  the 
exigencies  of  the  21st  century.  There- 
fore, recalling  words  of  my  favorite 
missiologist,  the  late  David  Bosch 
(Transforming  Mission),  I  write  of 
these  experiences  and  perspectives  in 
"bold  humility."  And,  in  "bold  humil- 
ity," Bosch  goes  on  to  say  of  the 
mission  of  Christ  in  today's  world: 
"We  know  only  in  part,  but  we  do 
know.  And  we  believe  that  the  faith  we 
profess  is  both  true  and  just,  and 
should  be  proclaimed.  We  do  this, 
however,  not  as  judges  or  lawyers,  but 
as  witnesses;  not  as  soldiers,  but  as 
envoys  of  peace;  not  as  high-pressure 
salespersons,  but  as  ambassadors  prj- 
of  the  Servant  Lord."  Amen!  i ' 

H.  Lamar  Gibble  retires  next  month  as 
director  of  Peace  and  International  Affairs 
and  representative  for  Europe  and  Asia  on 
the  General  Board's  World  Ministries  staff. 
He  has  served  on  the  staff  since  1969. 

February  1997  Messenger  25 

Messenger  is  available 
on  tape  for  people  who 
are  visually  impaired. 
Each  double  cassette 
issue  contains  all  articles, 
letters,  and  the  editorial. 

Messenger-on-Tape  is 
a  service  of  volunteers  for 
the  Church  and  Persons 
with  Disabilities  Network 
(CPDN),  a  task  group  of 
the  Association  of  Brethren 
Caregivers  (ABC). 

Recommended  donation  is 
$10  (if  you  return  the  tapes 
to  be  recycled)  or  $25  (if 
you  keep  the  tapes) . 

To  receive  Messenger- 
ON-Tape,  please  send 
your  name,  address, 
phone  number,  and  check 
made  payable  to  ABC  to: 


of  Brethren  Caregivers 
1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  XL  60120 


On  bypassing  study  committees 

Dale  W.  Brown 

Let's  model 
a  new  way 

In  the  debate  at  Cincinnati  on  the 
query  "How  Should  Christian  Faith  Be 
Expressed  in  Political  Processes?"  a 
young  sister  in  her  teens  bravely  stood 
before  the  microphone.  She  simply 
asked,  "What  do  Brethren  believe 
about  the  Christian  Right?"  The  offi- 
cers requested  that  she  rephrase  the 
concern  so  that  it  spoke  to  the  query. 

She  retreated,  somewhat  confused. 
Fortunately,  she  was  met  with  empa- 
thetic  and  encouraging  voices.  And 
whether  or  not  she  or  the  Conference 
officers  recognized  it,  she  was  very 
much  in  order:  She  was  raising  the 
same  question  as  the  query  from  the 
Crest  Manor  congregation  and 
Northern  Indiana  District. 

In  the  context  of  asking  how  Christ- 
ian faith  should  be  expressed  in  politi- 
cal processes,  the  query  sought  clarity 
as  to  whether  current  political  move- 
ments that  claim  a  Christian  identity 
are  consistent  or  inconsistent  with 
Brethren  understandings  of  biblical 
teachings  about  Christian  discipleship 
and  the  Lordship  of  Christ.  Although 
most  Brethren  would  agree  that 
Christian  beliefs  can  be  misused  by 
people  at  any  point  along  the  political 
spectrum,  many  Brethren,  like  our 
young  sister,  are  presently  concerned 
about  the  Christian  Right. 

Standing  Committee  recommend- 
ed acceptance  of  the  query  at  the 
same  time  that  it  rejected  the  request 

To  hold  in  respect  and  fellowship  those  in  the  church 
with  whom  we  agree  or  disagree  is  a  characteristic 
of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren.  It  is  to  the  continuation 
of  this  value,  and  to  an  open  and  probing  forum, 
that  "Opinions"  are  invited  from  readers. 

We  do  not  acknowledge  our  receipt  of  obvious 
"Opinions" pieces,  and  can  print  only  a  sampling 
of  what  we  receive.  All  "Opinions"  are  edited  for 

for  a  study  committee,  saying  a  com- 
mittee would  cost  a  lot  of  money  and 
minds  would  not  be  changed.  It  did 
encourage  everyone  to  pray  and 
study,  using  resources  available  fromi 
the  General  Board  and  the  Washing- 
ton Office,  as  well  as  Annual 
Conference  statements. 

I  reacted  to  the  pessimism  of 
Standing  Committee's  representative 
because  I  have  heard  many  testi- 
monies of  minds  having  been 
changed  by  Annual  Conference 
study  committees  on  controversial 
issues  such  as  divorce  and  abortion. 
In  response  to  the  delegate  who 
argued  that  a  year's  study  would 
extend  months  beyond  the  fall  elec- 
tions and  be  too  late,  I  say  that  the 
politics  of  the  Christian  Right  will 
continue  even  now  that  the  1996 
elections  are  past. 

Let's  take  seriously  the  action  of 
Conference  to  encourage  congrega- 
tions, districts,  and  individuals  to 
prayerfully  study  the  concerns  of  the 
query.  Let's  encourage  interested  par- 
ties to  read  the  query  carefully,  obtain 
the  suggested  resources,  and  formu- 
late written  answers.  I  suggest  that 
those  answers  be  sent  to  the  Northern 
Indiana  District  office  (357  E.  Marker 
St.,  Nappanee,  IN  46550  or 
and  that  concerned  Northern  Indiana 
Brethren  distill  the  material  as  a  pos- 
sible answer  that  could  be  processed 
through  Standing  Committee  and 
Conference  at  Long  Beach. 

Not  only  the  young  sister  but  manyi 
others  as  well  will  welcome  the  guid 
ance  of  the  church  on  how  to  apply 
our  faith  and  tradition  to  contempo- 
rary political  movements  that  identify 
themselves  as  Christian.  And  this 
process  models  a  way  to  do  Annual 
Conference  business  without         ri 
funding  study  committees.  L: 

Dale  W.  Brown  is  a  former  Annual  Conference 
moderator,  a  member  of  Elizabethtown  (Pa.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  and  a  retired  member  of 
the  Bethany  Theological  Semmary  faculty. 

26  Messenger  February  1997 



"Jesus  called  disciples  away  from  the 

world's  economic  models,  not  to  those 

models.  He  invited  people  to  live  in 

mch  a  way  that  all  of  God's  creation,  especially  the 

People  on  the  bottom,  received  the  benefit  of  God's  gifts. 

rime  for  downward  mobility 

heading  about  the  redesigning  and 
lownsizing  of  the  General  Board 
December,  pages  6-9),  described  in 
uch  stark  terms,  I  feel  that  economic 
!xpediency,  more  than  Christian  dis- 
ipleship,  is  directing  our  efforts. 
We  Brethren,  as  individuals  and  as 
denomination,  have  benefited  from 
ihe  economic  system  that  holds  sway 
n  this  society.  The  economy  is 
)iased  to  benefit  the  rich.  The  same 
ystem  leaves  most  of  the  world's 
)eople  destitute  in  its  wake.  The 
•-hasm  between  wealth  and  poverty  is 
oing  through  an  exponential 
rowth.  Should  we  in  the  church 
idhere  so  tightly  to  this  model? 

esus  called  disciples  away  from 
he  world's  economic  models,  not  to 
hose  models.  He  invited  people  to 
ive  in  such  a  way  that  all  of  God's 
•.reation,  especially  the  people  on  the 
)ottom,  received  the  benefit  of  God's 
ifts.  Have  we  recognized  the  signifi- 
;ance  of  this  and  been  willing  to  turn 
jur  lives  around  in  order  to  partici- 

^he  opinions  expressed  in  Letters  are  not  necessar- 
ly  those  of  the  magazine.  Readers  should  receive 
hem  in  the  same  spirit  with  which  differing  opin- 
ons  are  expressed  in  face-to  face  conversations. 

Letters  should  be  brief  concise,  and  respectfd  of 
he  opinions  of  others.  Preference  is  given  to  letters 
hat  respond  directly  to  items  read  in  the  magazine. 

We  are  willing  to  withhold  the  name  of  a  writer 
•nly  when,  in  our  editorial  judgment,  it  is  war- 
anted.  We  will  not  consider  any  letter  that  comes 
0  us  unsigned.  Whether  or  not  we  print  the  letter, 
he  writer's  name  is  kept  in  strictest  confidence. 

Address  letters  to  Messenger  editor,  1451 
OundeeAve.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

pate  in  God's  new  order? 

Instead,  it  seems  that  standards  of 
profitability,  institutional  security, 
and  lowered  labor  costs  are  promi- 
nent in  our  redesign  decisions.  We 
support  the  increasing  divide 
between  rich  and  poor.  Is  there 
something  about  Jesus'  invitation  or 
lesus'  dying  for  the  sake  of  the  world 
that  runs  contrary  to  our  practices? 

Upward  mobility  is  the  desired 
mode  for  most  of  us.  But  if  we  are 
concerned  about  biblical  justice  and 
environmental  sustainability,  we,  the 
elite  of  the  world,  must  be  down- 
wardly mobile.  This  should  begin  to 
answer  some  of  our  troubling 
choices  between  program  and  staff. 

What  if  we  chose  the  simple  life 
that  results  from  giving  up  all  we 
have  and  following  lesus  to  the  salva- 
tion of  the  world? 

Cliff  Kindy 
North  Manchester.  Iiul. 

We'll  never  be  the  same 

Regarding  reaction  to  the  General 
Board's  financial  troubles  reported  at 
Annual  Conference,  I  believe  that  if 
someone  told  your  congregation  that 
30-40  percent  of  the  people  were 
going  to  lose  their  jobs  if  something 
wasn't  done,  every  one  of  the  mem- 
bers would  do  something. 

There  is  no  doubt  in  my  mind  that 
if  people  at  Conference  had  paid 
attention  to  the  reports  and  believed 
what  the  reports  were  showing,  they 
would  have  done  something  to 
change  the  reports. 

None  of  us  should  think  for  a 
minute  that  the  irreplaceable  work  of 

the  General  Board  will  continue  to  be 
accomplished  at  its  current  level  after 
a  30-  to  40-percent  staff  reduction. 

Believe  it,  folks.  The  Church  of  the 
Brethren  will  never  be  the  same. 

fackie  Kallal 
Indiana.  Pa. 

Jesus  was  an  immigrant 

How  ironic  for  Donald  B.  Miller 
(December,  page  21))  to  condemn 
US  immigration  policy  in  the  season 
of  celebrating  our  Lord's  birth. 
Shortly  after  lesus'  birth,  he  and  his 
parents  were  immigrants  (Matt. 
2:14).  The  story  might  have  been 
different  if  Egypt  had  had  a  stricter 
immigration  policy. 

Hebrews  13:2  (NAS)  instructs  us: 
"Do  not  neglect  to  show  hospitality 

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February  1997  Messenger  27 


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Shenandoah  District 

Church  of  the  Brethren  Office 

P  O.  Box  248 

Dayton,  VA  22821 

(540)  879-2515 

Fax#  (540)  879-9192 

IdBsills  CiaA  B  Shamandaah  Dntriet 
Choich  ai  Iha  Brathnn 

to  strangers,  for  by  this  some  have 
entertained  angels  without  knowing 
it."  The  context  is  that  of  teaching 
about  God's  kingdom.  This  calls  us 
to  a  higher  standard,  a  higher  loy- 
alty. Faithfulness  to  God's  kingdom 
means  we  welcome  strangers, 
because  that  is  what  we  once  were 
and,  in  some  ways,  we  still  are. 
Levhicus  25:23  (NIV)  tells  us,  "The 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 

Staff  Opening 



This  full  time  position  will  report 
directly  to  the  General  Secretary.  Loca- 
tion at  our  central  office  is  preferred. 
This  position  will  begin  after  |uly  1997. 


•Congregational  support  for  the 
Board  mission  and  ministry. 

•Coordinate  planned  giving  and 
direct  gifts  operations. 


•Administration  experience  (5  years) 
in  Planned  Giving,  Direct  Gifts  and 
congregational  giving. 

•Member  of  the  Church  of  the 
•Bachelor's  degree. 
•Graduate  vi/ork  in  this  field  preferred. 
For  prompt  consideration  phone  or  write 
to  the  address  below  by  Feb.  28,  1 997. 
Karen  Norstrom,  Office  of  Human 
Resources,  1451  Dundee  Avenue, 
Elgin,  IL  60120.  (800)  323-8039. 

land  is  mine,  and  you  are  but  aliens 

and  my  tenants." 

Jeff  Boshar 
Ithaca.  N.y 

Calling  the  roll 

Olden  Mitchell's  congregational  sta- 
tistics (December,  page  10)  set  me 
to  thinking.  The  Frederick  (Md.) 
congregation  lists  993  members,  but 
an  attendance  of  524 — a  469-personi 
deficit.  The  Manchester  congrega- 
tion in  North  Manchester,  Ind., 
reports  a  similar  disparity — 757 
members,  but  just  over  320  in  atten- 
dance. Other  congregations  have 
comparable  figures. 

What  inembership  classifications 
(or  lack  thereoO  are  used  by  congre- 
gations that  have  hundreds  more 
people  as  members  than  as  attenders? 

What  happened  to  the  denomina- 
tional guidelines  for  classifying 
inactive  people  as  "separated  mem- 
bers" (no  response  or  attendance  fon 
three  consecutive  years)? 

And  what  about  the  number  of 
Annual  Conference  delegates  (and 
district  delegates)  that  are  allowed? 
Without  congregational  integrity 
regarding  membership  classification,) 
churches  may  send  a  dispropor- 
tionate number  of  delegates  to 
Conference.  They,  indeed,  maybe 
sending  delegates  according  to  their 
membership,  although  "separated 
members"  are  not  to  be  included  in 

What  does  the  Brethren  Foundation  offer? 

•  A  large  investment  pool  that  attracts  the  best  managers 

•  A  diversified  investment  system  that  helps  to  improve  performance 

•  A  mandate  requiring  that  investments  reflect  Brethren  values 

•  An  over-arching  commitment  to  producing  competitive  returns 

If  you  need  a  new  stewardship  strategy  for  your  church's 
funds,  Brethren  Foundation  may  be  the  answer. 

a  ministry  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  Benefit  Trust 

28  Messenger  February  1997 

Pontius'  Puddle 

Send  payment  for  reprinting  "Pontius  Puddle"  from  Messenger  to 
]oel Kauffmann.  Ill  Carter  Road.  Goshen.  IN 46526.  $25  for  one 
[true  use.  $10  for  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $10  for  congregations. 

degate  determination. 

Under  these  circumstances,  repre- 
mtation  is  given  at  Annual  Con- 
^rence  for  thousands  of  nonexistent 
sople.  (Denominational  member- 
lip  is  over  140,000,  but  attendance 

just  over  80,000.) 

With  the  majority  of  us  being  miss- 
ig  members,  does  even  death  separate 

ople  from  membership?  "When  the 
all  is  called  up  yonder,"  some  people 
lay  have  duel  memberships! 

Let's  get  realistic  and  responsible. 
Kurt  M.  Snyder 
Roann,  Ind. 

irop  that  stone 

am  amazed  as  I  read  Letters  in  Mes- 
ENGER  to  see  how  many  of  us  "have 
o  sin."  lesus  said,  "Let  anyone 
mong  you  who  is  without  sin  be  the 
rst  to  throw  a  stone  . . ."  (John  8:7). 
jid  for  those  of  us  who  follow  (esus, 
;t's  stop  throwing  stones. 

Olden  D.  Mitchell 
North  Manchester.  Ind. 

iood  news  for  bad  guys 

lobin  Wentworth  Mayer  did  an  excel- 
nt  job  of  creative  writing  to  enhance 
ur  thoughts  on  war  (December, 
age  20). 

War  can't  get  rid  of  the  "bad  guys" 
ecause  all  have  sinned  and  fallen 
hort  of  God's  glory.  Mayer  states 
orrectly  that  "(esus  Christ  is  the 
ood  news  for  bad  guys  everywhere." 

Christ  gave  himself  for  all  of 
umanity,  especially  for  the  bad  who 
now  that  there  is  hope  in  the 
Redeemer  of  all  mankind. 

Earl  Hammer 
Waynesboro,  Va. 

tditorial  short  on  truth 

agree  with  the  November  editorial, 
A  God  Without  Tunnel  Vision,"  as 
ar  as  it  goes.  But  it  stops  short  of 
slling  the  essential  truth  about  the 
ituation  in  Jerusalem  and  the 
sraeli-occupied  areas.  Having  spent 


»,tte:mo  a  srniEAv  ohi 
PR<3<:lWWIK(&  FAiTH  iH 

^  SEtoL^^^.  ag-c, 






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Because  You  Need 

Protection  You  Can 

Count  On 

W  hen  a  fire  broke  out  at  Elkhart  City 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Elkhart,  Indiana, 
many  members  wondered  how  long  it  would 
be  before  they  could  worship  there  again. 
But  they  were  about  to  experience  a 
wonderful  surprise. 

''Mutual  Aid  was  right  there  when  we 
needed  them,"  says  Ted  Noffsinger,  who 
supervised  the  reconstruction.  "The  approach 
I  saw  was,  'We  have  a  policyholder  with  a 
problem.  Let's  do  what  we  can,  as  fast  as  we 
can,  to  get  him  back  in  business.'" 

If  that's  the  protection  you  'd  like  to  experience,  then 
you  should  know  Mutual  Aid  Association  also  offers 
homeowner's  insurance  at  veiy  competitive  rates.  To 
find  out  more,  return  the  bind-in  card  in  this  issue  of 
Messenger,  or  call  us  now. 



Mutual  Aid  Association 

Church  of  the  Brethren 

3094  Jeep  Rd  •  Abilene,  KS  67410 

Protection  you  can  depend  on  from 
Brethren  vou  trust.  Since  1885. 

February  1997  Messenger  29 

in  Pra^ 

Daily  prayer  guide: 

Sunday:  Your  congregation's  ministries 

Monday:  Annual  Conference  officers 

Tuesday:  General  Board  and  staff 

Wednesday:  District  executives, 

Bethany  Seminary,  colleges 

and  university 
Thursday:  General  Services 

Friday:  Parish  Ministries 
Saturday:  World  Ministries 

February  prayer  concerns: 

Congregation:  Children  ministries; 
Youth  and  Young  Adult  Ministries; 
Women's  Fellowship;  Men's  Fellowship. 

Annual  Conference:  Study  commit- 
tees; moderator-elect  Jimmy  Ross' 
trip  to  Nigeria,  Jan.  25-Feb.  10; 
Planning  Coordinating  Committee, 
Elgin,  Feb.  20-21;  moderator  David 
Wine's  trip  to  Dominican  Republic 
and  Puerto  Rico,  Feb.  21-27. 

General  Board:  Interim  general  sec- 
retary Karen  Peterson  Miller, 
providing  leadership  during  redesign 
and  transition;  Transition  Team 
(Kathy  Hess,  Glenn  Timmons,  Beth 
Middleton,  and  Dorothy  Gall);  Gen- 
eral Board  staff. 

Districts  and  Colleges:  Advanced 
Pastoral  Seminar  at  Bethany  Semi- 
nary, Feb.  24-28;  professors. 

General  Services:  Communication 
Team;  Planned  Giving  Team. 

Parish  Ministries:  Reaching  Baby 
Boomers,  an  Andrew  Center  training 
event,  Feb.  1;  ABC  co-sponsoring 
with  OEPA  in  South  Africa  Study 
Tour,  Jan.  24-Feb.  6. 

World  Ministries:  Global  missions 
and  ministries;  Brethren  Volunteer 

30  Messenger  February  1997 

seven  weeks  tliis  past  summer  in 
Hebron  with  CJtristian  Peacemaker 
Teams,  I  am  aware  tJiat  we  are  not 
talking  about  a  level  playing  field. 
If  we  use  the  editorial's  analogy. 

From  the 
Office  of  District  Ministry 

Mid-Atl.  District  seeks 
District  Executive. 


•Commitment  &  extensive  experi- 
ence in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

•Administrative  skills  &  experience. 

•Interpersonal  &  communications 

•  Leadership  experience  in  collabora- 
tive planning  &  group  dynamics. 

•  Pastoral  experience  &  ordination 


•Development  of  leaders  to  support 
church  growth. 
•Placement  of  pastors. 

•  Oversight  to  planning,  implement- 
ing &  evaluating  district  programs. 

•Strong  communications  &  net- 
working throughout  the  district. 
This  full-time  position  is  available  Sept.  1, 
1997.  For  more  information  contact: 
Georgianna  Schmidtke,  Office  of 
District  Ministry,  (800)  323-8039. 


we  must  have  the  parent  in  the  car 
take  the  side  of  only  one  of  the  fight-  |ei 
ing  children,  providing  assistance  foiie 
only  that  child,  and  allowing  that 
child  to  bully  the  other  child  . . .  pro- 
fessing all  the  while  to  be  neutral. 

I  am  referring  to  the  millions  of 
dollars  a  day  in  aid  that  the  United 
States  gives  to  Israel,  aid  that  makes 
possible  its  oppressive  occupation  ofi 
Palestinian  areas.  Examples  of  the 
oppression  are  the  frequent  confisca- 
tion of  land  for  settlements,  roads, 
and  alleged  military  purposes;  the 
demolition  of  Palestinian  homes;  the 
closing  of  universities;  the  closing  of 
borders  that  prevents  Palestinians 
from  going  to  their  jobs  in  Israel  and 
from  developing  their  own  economic 
base;  and  ongoing  harassment  by 
Israeli  settlers  and  soldiers. 

For  details  about  this  situation, 
contact  Christian  Peacemaker  Teams, 
PO.  Box  6508,  Chicago,  IL  60680- 
6508,  or  e-mail  for 
CPT's  newsletter  and  news  updates. 
Another  resource  is  the  Washington 
Report  on  Middle  East  Affairs,  P.O. 
Box  53062,  Washington,  DC  20009. 
Esther  Mohler  Ho^ 
Hayward.  Calif. 

Classified  Ads 

Biography.  A  Bunker  Boy  Becomes  Ecumenical 
Adventures  Toward  Maturity.  The  experiences  of  the 
family  of  Bernard  Nathan  &  Ella  Baugher  King,  between 
1930  &  1996.  More  than  200  pages  of  illuminating  info, 
concerning  prominent  educator-minister  in  life  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Covers  historic  &  changing 
period  between  World  War  I  and  present.  Elmer  Q. 
Gleim,  book  editor.  Hard  bound,  maroon  color,  & 
indexed.  Price  $20,  plus  $1.25  mailing  cost.  Contact 
Bernard  N.  King,  109-C  Faith  Drive,  New  Oxford,  PA 
17350.  Tel.  (717)  624-4021. 

Give  a  gift  of  hope!  Give  an  arid  Arkcessories  is  a 
new  shop  that  specializes  in  Noah's  Ark  gifts  &  col- 
lectibles. Enjoy  our  unique  selection  of  gifts  for  all 
occasions.  The  shop  is  located  at  333  N.  Main,  King- 
man, KS  67068.  Tel.  (316)  532-1800.  Stop  by,  or  visit 
our  web  site  at 
Shalom  Church  of  the  Brethren,  a  new  &  growing 
fellowship  in  Durham,  N.C.,  invites  Brethren  moving 
to  Research  Triangle  area  (Raleigh,  Durham,  Chapel 
Hill)  to  worship  w/  us.  Eager  to  provide  moving  assis- 
tance (unloading,  childcare,  area  info.)  for  those 
relocating  to  area.  For  info.,  contact:  Fellowship,  RO. 

Box  15607,  Durham,  NC  27704.  Tel.  (919)  490-6^22 
E-mail,  ShalomCOB@AOL.COM. 

Travel  to  Annual  Conference  in  Long  Beach  by  air- 
conditioned  coach,  June  23-July  15.  Visit  Bethany 
Seminary,  Salt  Lake  City  Bryce,  Zion,  Yosemite  &  other 
national  parks.  For  info,  write  to:  J,  Kenneth  Kreider, 
1300  Sheaffer  Road,  Elizabethtown,  PA  17022. 

China  adventure  featuring  Yangtze  River  cruise.  Aug, 
4-19,  1997.  ($3,189)  Visit  Narita  in  Japan.  Shanghai 
Wuhan,  Shashi,  Badong,  Wanxian,  Chongquing,  Xian  in 
China.  Travel  on  cruise  ship  on  Yangtze  River  stopping 
at  various  cities  &  ports.  In  Beijing,  walk  the  largest 
'wonder  of  the  worid'— the  Great  Wall  of  China.  Also, 
visit  Tian'Anmen  Square,  &  much  more,  Wendell  &  Joan 
Bohrer  imite  you  to  share  this  great  expeiience  w/  them 
For  info,  &  brochure,  write:  8520  Royal  Meadow  Dr. 
Indianapolis,  IN  46217,  Tel.  or  Fax.  (317)  882-5067. 

European  Heritage  Tour,  July  12-26, 1997,  Visit  scenic 
sites  of  Anabaptist,  Pietist,  &  Brethren  significance  in 
Switzerland,  France,  Germany,  &  Netheriands.  Spon 
sored  by  Brethren  Encyclopedia,  Inc.,  and  the  Brethren 
Historical  Committee,  $2,490  from  New  York  QEK),  For 
complete  brochure  contact:  Don  Durnbaugh,  RO.! 
484,  James  Creek,  PA  16657,  Tel./Fax.  (814)  658-3222, 

irnii  foints 


jle:  Congregations  are  asked 
submit  only  the  names  of 
tual  new  members  of  the 
nomination.  Do  not  include 
mes  of  people  who  have 
:rolv  transferred  their  mem- 
isliip  from  another  Church  of 
_  riix'llircn  congregation. 

nrist  the  Servant,  Atl.  S.E.: 
Liza  Fultz,  lune  Hill,  [ohn 
&  Phyllis  Karns,  Regina  & 

'  Scott  Kilhefner,  Catherine 
&  Chester  Lowe 

'anor,  Mid-Atl.:  Richard  Gos- 
sard,  Melvia  Miller 

aple  Grove,  N.  Ohio:  Nora 
Fultz.  Sam  &  Mary  Keener, 
Diana  Massie,  T).  Wilkinson 

idland,  Mid-Atl.:  ludy 
Funkhouser.  Tia  Kimball. 
Ray  Roberts.  Dottie  &  Tom 

ainut  Grove,  W.  Pa.:  Stephen 
Guydo:  Benjamin,  Sara, 
Stephanie  &  Warren  Herr 

23rd  BVS 
•rientation  Unit 

iLL'inpleted  orientation 
in  Indianapolis.  Ind., 

i  on  Oct  12.  1996) 

[garden,  Irina,  from  New  York, 
N,"l ,.  to  Deerpark  Road. 
Bel  last.  Northern  Ireland 

illhimcr,  Edith,  from 

I  McPherson.  Kan.,  to  Gould 
Farm,  Monterey,  Mass. 

illhimer,  Hugh,  from 
McPherson,  Kan.,  to  Gould 
Farm,  Monterey,  Mass. 

linn,  Megan,  from  Conner. 
Mont.,  to  Kilcranny  House. 
Coleraine,  Northern  Ireland 

Dckstahler,  Ingrid,  from 
Teningen,  Germany,  to 
Gould  Farm,  Monterey, 

ampbell,  Elaine,  from  Thorn- 
town.  Ind..  to  Multicultural 
Resource  Center.  Belfast. 
Northern  Ireland 

leveland,  Patricia,  from 
Neward.  Del.,  to  Center  for 
Non-Violent  Conflict,  Nis, 

:e|ong.  Pauline,  from 
Saskatchewan,  Canada,  to 
Fellowship  of  Reconcilia- 
tion, Alkmaar.  Netherlands 

lurr,  Pascal,  from  Wiesloch, 
Germany,  to  Catholic 
Worker  House.  San  Anto- 
nio. Tex. 

ackler,  Karen,  from  Syracuse, 
Ind.,  to  Lend-A-Hand. 
Walker,  Ky. 

(organ,  Jean,  from  Omaha, 
Neb.,  to  Brethren  Service 
Center.  New  Windsor.  Md. 

arad,  Rhonda,  from  Greens- 
burg,  Pa.,  to  Tri-City 
Homeless  Coalition,  Fre- 
mont, Calif. 

ippe.  Emily,  from  York.  Pa.,  to 
Washington  City  Soup 

Kitchen,  Washington,  D.C. 

Rhodes,  Keith,  from  Green- 
ville, Ohio,  to  The  Brethren 
Home,  New  Oxford,  Pa. 

Schmidt,  Allison,  from  York, 
Pa.,  to  Balkan  Peace  Team. 
Minden,  Germany 

Shutak,  Angela,  from  Green- 
burg,  Pa.,  to  Catholic 
Worker  House.  San  Anto- 
nio, Tex. 

Waddle,  Keeley,  from  Panora, 
Iowa,  to  Friendship  Day 
Care,  Hutchinson,  Kan. 

Weller,  Christopher,  from 
Girald,  III.,  to  Karlovac 
Committee  for  Human 
Rights.  Karlovac.  Croatia 

Williams,  Michelle,  from 
Shawnee.  Okla.,  to  Bread 
and  Roses.  Olympia.  Wash. 


Austen,  Gordon,  from  other 

denomination  to  LaPlace, 

Baker,  Donald,  from  secular  to 

Chambersburg.  S.  Pa. 
Bowser,  Thomas,  from  secular 

to  Nokesville,  Mid-Atl. 
Bright,  Richard,  from  Pine 

Crest  Manor,  Ill./Wis.,  to 

West  Branch,  Ill./Wis. 
Brumbaugh,  Alan,  from  Point, 

M.  Pa.,  to  Bellwood.  M.  Pa. 
Brumbaugh,  Lillian,  from 

West  Branch,  Ill./Wis..  to 

Community  Mesa,  Pac.  S.W 
Callahan,  Wanda.  Wawaka,  N. 

Ind.,  from  interim  to  full-time 
Croft,  Eric,  from  secular  to 

Rileyville,  Shen. 
Deeter,  leanne,  from  seminary 

to  Worthington,  N.  Plains 
Dorsey,  lanice,  Downsville. 

Mid-Atl.,  from  interim  to 

Eisenbise,  Debbie,  from 

Bethany  Seminary  staff  to 

Kalamazoo/Skyridge,  Mich. 
Elmore,  Carolyn,  from  secular 

to  Midland,  Mid-Atl. 
Elmore,  Kendal,  from  Green 

Hill,  Mid-Atl.,  to  Midland. 

Fisher,  Chester,  from  Mount 

Hermon,  Virlina,  to  Buena 

Vista  Stone,  Shen. 
Foster,  Chris,  from  Cedar 

Bluff,  Virlina,  to  Vinton, 

Fowler,  Michael,  from  Nappa- 

nee.  N.  Ind.,  to  Ephrata, 

Atl.  N.E. 
Hall,  Lloyd,  from  other 

denomination  to  Bethel 

Center.  S/C  Ind. 
Hazen,  Lisa,  from  Prince  of 

Peace,  S.  Ohio,  to  Beaver- 
creek,  S.  Ohio 
Hendricks,  David,  from  Ouin- 

ter,  W.  Plains,  to  Prince  of 

Peace,  N.  Ind. 
Hewitt,  Nancy,  from  secular  to 

Black  Rock.  S.  Pa. 
Holderread,  John,  from 

Enid,  S.  Plains,  to  Big 

Creek.  S.  Plains 

Holland,  Scott,  Monroeville, 
W.  Pa.  from  interim  to 

Huffaker,  Michael,  from  semi- 
nary to  Trotwood,  S.  Ohio 

Krahenbtihl,  Lee.  from  secular  to 
Kalamazoo/Skyridge,  Mich. 

Manges,  |ohn,  from  secular  to 
Morrellville,  W.  Pa. 

McClelland,  George,  from 
secular  to  West  Manchester, 
S/C  Ind. 

McGlothlin,  ludith,  from  sec- 
ular to  Freeport,  Ill./Wis. 

Mundey,  Paul,  from  General 
Board  staff  to  Frederick, 

Noffsinger,  Bruce,  from 
Hollins  Road,  Virlina,  to 
Blue  Ridge  Chapel,  Shen. 

Orndorff,  Ian.  from  secular  to 
Trout  Run,  Shen. 

Poole,  Daniel,  from  Elizabeth- 
town,  Atl.  N.E.,  to 
Covington,  S.  Ohio 

Reeves,  Catherine,  from 

Mexico.  S/C  Ind..  to  Cherry 
Lane/Snake  Spring,  Mid.  Pa. 

Schwarze,  Robert,  Rossville, 
S/C  Ind.,  from  interim  to 

Senger,  Garold.  from  secular 
to  Hiner.  Shen. 

Shoemaker,  E.  B..  from  Hiner. 
Shen..  to  Forest  Chapel,  Shen. 

Simmons,  Ben,  from  Swatara 
Hill.  Atl.  N.E.,  from  interim 
to  full-time 

Smith,  Rufus,  from  retired  to 
Johnson  City  First,  S.E. 

Stauffer,  Paul,  from  Moxham, 
W.  Pa.,  to  Bethany,  Mid-Atl. 

Thacker,  Robert,  from  secular 
to  Greencastle,  S.  Pa. 

Wiser,  Tracy,  from  secular  to 
Harmony,  Mid-Atl. 


Barnhart,  Nevin,  55,  Waynes- 
boro. Pa.,  Oct.  5,  1996 

Bauserman,  Ethel,  90,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  Sept.  17,  1996 

Blocher,  Kenneth,  91,  Green- 
ville, Ohio,  Aug.  28.  1996 

Block,  Velda,  81,  Dixon.  III., 
Aug.  21.  1996 

Bonitatibus,  Irma.  88.  Phila- 
delphia, Pa,,  Aug.  12.  1996 

Books,  Olive,  94,  Modesto, 
Calif.,  Oct.  26.  1996 

Boyd,  Esther.  92,  Milledge- 
ville.  111..  Aug.  6.  1996 

Bucher,  Cyrus,  83.  Biglerville. 
Pa..  Aug.  23,  1996 

Caricofe,  Orpha.  95.  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  Sept.  5.  1996 

Cooper,  Troy.  65,  Continental. 
Ohio.  May  19.  1996 

Courtney,  Mary,  88,  Canton, 
111..  May  22,  1996 

DeHart,  Freeda.  74,  Bassett. 
Va..  May  18,  1996 

Diehl,  Robert,  66,  Hager- 
stown,  Md.,  May  8,  1996 

Early,  Maxine.  71.  Harrison- 
burg. Va.,  Sept.  13.  1996 

Fogle,  Carrie,  86.  Waynesboro, 
Pa.,  Oct.  12.  1996 

Frymyer,  Naomi.  83,  York.  Pa.. 

Sept.  22,  1996 
Gibble,  Ira,  87,  Palmyra,  Pa., 

Sept.  19,  1996 
Ginder,  Menno,  89,  Manheim, 

Pa.,  Aug.  20.  1996 
Green,  Guira,  97,  Wichita, 

Kan.,  May  23,  1995 
Grossnickle,  lason,  25,  Day- 
ton. Ohio,  May  23.  1996 
Grote,  Harold,  78.  Sabetha, 

Kan.,  luly  23,  1996 
Groth,  Margaret,  Bridgewater. 

Va.,  Sept.  3,  1996 
Grubb,  Luke,  89,  Palmyra, 

Pa.,  Sept,  19,  1996 
Hackman,  Naomi, 102,  Lan- 
caster, Pa..  Sept.  7,  1996 
Hantz,  Kathryn,  80.  Colum- 
biana, Ohio,  Aug.  6,  1996 
Hasselwander,  Walter,  83, 

Garber,  Okla.,  July  24, 

Hosletter,  lennie,  98, 

Elizabethtown,  Pa.,  Aug. 

20,  1996 
Jarrett,  Fannie,  90,  Bassett. 

Va.,  July  5,  1996 
Johnson,  Audrey,  Wichita, 

Kan.,  Oct.  8.  1995 
[unkermeier,  Gene,  54, 

Wichita.  Kan..  Nov.  13, 

King,  Frank,  81,  Phoenix. 

Ariz.,  Sept.  23.  1996 
King,  Harold,  80,  Boones  Mill, 

Va.,  Aug.  4.  1996 
Kiracofe,  Erma.  93,  Bridgewa- 
ter, Va.,  Oct.  8,  1996 
Kissinger,  losephine.  88,  Way- 
nesboro, Pa.,  Sept.  7,  1996 
Kreitzer,  Mary,  93,  Dayton. 

Ohio,  Sept.  28,  1996 
Kuhar,  lennie,  77,  Vinden,  111., 

Aug.  13,  1996 
Kulp,  Mary,  76,  Ephrata,  Pa., 

March  2,  1996 
Landes,  Evagene,  82,  Cicero, 

Ind..  Aug.  18,  1996 
Lantz,  Charles,  93,  Broadway, 

Va.,  Aug.  24,  1996 
Leatherman,  Dorothy.  72, 

Boise,  Idaho,  May  2,  1996 
Leek,  Mary,  103,  McPherson, 

Kan.,  Oct.  21,  1996 
Ledbetter,  Gladys,  85,  Dixon, 

III.,  Sept.  26,  1996 
Lehman,  Ada.  84.  Pinellas 

Park,  Fla..  March  19.  1996 
Lehman,  Margaret,  91. 

Canton.  III.,  May  20,  1996 
Lester,  Minneah.  47,  Peace 

Valley,  Mo.,  Sept.  19.  1996 
MacFarland,  Evelyn.  89,  Scott- 

ville,  Mich..  )uly  18.  1996 
Main,  Lorene,  82,  Lawrence- 

ville.  III.,  luly  4,  1996 
Martin,  Katie.  91,  Lititz,  Pa.. 

luly  12.  1996 
Mason,  Ida,  84.  Elkhart.  Ind.. 

luly  9,  1996 
Mauzy,  Carl,  77,  Seneca 

Rocks.  W.Va.,  |uly  27.  1996 
McCann,  Douglas,  59.  Greens- 
burg.  Pa.,  April  12,  1996 
McGuffin,  Lois,  83,  Roanoke, 

Va..  Oct.  2,  1996 
Mentzer,  Melvin,  88,  Sebring. 

Ohio,  May  30,  1996 
Miller,  Raymond.  83.  Treasure 

Island.  Fla.,  Oct.  21.  1996 

Miller,  Sophie,  96.  Riverdale, 
Md.,  April  21,  1996 

Miller,  Verna,  64.  Johnstown, 
Pa..  May  1996 

Mock,  Bly.  87,  Wichita,  Kan., 
April  7.  1995 

Moyer,  Virgil,  76.  Indepen- 
dence. Kan..  May  28.  1996 

Mull,  Martin,  79.  Ephrata. 
Pa.,  Aug.  1.  1996 

Mumma,  Esta,  76,  Lititz,  Pa., 
lune  26.  1996 

Mummert,  Sheldon.  St.  Peters- 
burg. Fla,.  Dec.  18,  1996 

Mummey,  Willis,  San  Diego, 
Calif.,  Oct.  14,  1996 

Myers,  Harold,  95,  Westmin- 
ster, Md..  Oct.  30,  1996 

Myers,  Loretta,  71.  Hunting- 
ton, Ind..  Nov.  28,  1995 

Naff,  Wesley,  62,  Boones  Mill, 
Va..  Aug.  2,  1996 

Nichols,  Cora,  84,  Virden,  III., 
Aug.  24,  1996 

Nicholson,  Mildred,  84.  |ohn- 
stown.  Pa..  March  29,  1996 

Nies,  Raleigh,  91,  Manheim, 
Pa.  Aug.  9.  1996 

Ober,  Mildred.  77,  St.  Peters- 
burg. Fla.,  Sept.  17,  1996 

Ohmart,  Bernadine.  81. 
McPherson,  Kan.,  Oct.  3, 

Perry,  lulie,  88,  Modesto, 
Calif..  Sept.  7,  1996 

Phillips,  Wilda,  94.  Scottville. 
Mich,.  Aug.  7.  1996 

Pickeral,  Larry,  49.  Washing- 
ton. Iowa,  Aug.  27.  1996 

Poling,  Lucy,  97.  Lima.  Ohio. 
Oct.  20.  1996 

Ramer,  Lottie,  96,  Shelocta, 
Pa.,  Feb.  16.  1996 

Reeves,  Ernie,  69.  Parsons, 
Kan..  Sept.  13,  1996 

Reiman,  Claire,  Berlin.  Pa.. 
Feb.  5.  1996 

Renner,  Gladys,  89.  Astoria, 
III.,  Sept.  17,  1996 

Ritchey,  Arthur.  72.  Bridge- 
port. III..  Sept.  1.  1996 

Rittle,  lohn.  45.  Montgomery, 
III.,  lune  22,  1996 

Rody,  George,  82,  Hunting- 
don. Ind.,  Sept.  9.  1996 

Rotenberger,  Linford,  81, 
Quakcrtown,  Pa.,  Sept.  10, 

Salonen,  lohn,  38.  Kingsburg, 
Cahf..  May  6.  1996 

Sands,  Melba.  79,  North  Man- 
chester. Ind.,  Ian.  16.  1996 

Sanford,  LyIa.  88.  Dixon,  111., 
Aug.  16.  1996 

Saylor,  Rhonda,  82.  Elizabeth- 
town,  Pa.,  Aug.  9,  1996 

Scott,  Dorothy.  78.  Wichita, 
Kan..  Oct.  5,  1995 

Seeders,  Paul,  84.  Martins- 
burg.  Pa..  March  27.  1996 

Senger,  Russell.  86.  Mount 
Solon.  Va..  Nov.  6,  1996 

Shirley,  Lee.  50.  Wichita. 
Kan..  April  27.  1996 

Show,  lames.  60,  Farmington, 
Pa.,  Aug.  29,  1996 

Simmons,  Suzon,  40,  Ephrata. 
Pa.,  Aug.  8,  1996 

Smith,  Eleanora,  8,  Chambers- 
burg. Pa..  Aug.  23.  1996 

February  1997  Messenger  31 

Fear  not  the  February  funk 

My  deepest 


comes  in  my  birth 

month;  I'm  sent 

into  a  free-fall 

Could  it  be  that  I  was  birth-marked  by  coming 
into  the  world  on  a  frigid  February  day,  the  drea- 
riness of  which  deepened  until  the  leaden  skies 
dropped  1 3  inches  of  snow  on  our  Blue  Ridge  Mountains 
hollow?  Why  else  would  I,  so  many  years  later,  still  lapse 
into  somber  introspection  whenever  the  elements  in  Feb- 
ruary replicate  the  conditions  of  that  day? 

That  master  of  gloomspeak,  Edgar  Allan  Poe — though 
January  born — roamed  with  his  Soul  on  "a  night  in  the 
lonesome  October,"  and  by  ghostly  firelight  he  distinctly 
remembered  the  bleak  December.  But  my 
deepest  soul-searching  comes  in  my  birth 
month;  Vm  sent  into  a  free-fall  funk  by 
February.  Could  be  that  it's  just  winter's 
discontent,  but  the  romantic  in  me  rea- 
sons there's  that  other  connection. 

I  was  surfing  my  inner  thoughts  the 
other  day,  while  nursing  a  cup  of  coffee 
and  staring  out  at  the  snow,  and  chanced 
to  ponder  this  question:  Why  did  the 
great  religions  such  as  ludaism,  Chris- 
tianity, and  Islam  originate  in  barren  funR  UV  rCurtiarV 
desert  lands?  Did  the  climate  have  some-      -^  '-       -^  -^ 

thing  to  do  with  it?  Could  the  shepherd 
wanderer  Abram  as  easily  have  been  a  Laplander  with  a 
reindeer  herd?  Could  Jesus  have  returned  "filled  with  the 
power  of  the  Spirit"  if  he  had  spent  40  days  shivering  on 
snow-capped  Mount  Hermon  instead  of  sweating  out  40 
days  in  the  heat  of  the  wilderness? 

They  do  have  snow  occasionally  in  the  Holy  Land. 
Benaiah,  son  of  Jehoiada,  was  remembered  for  killing  a 
lion  "on  a  day  when  snow  had  fallen"  (2  Sam.  23:20). 
And  Trypho  was  heading  out  on  a  relief  mission,  "but 
that  night  a  very  heavy  snow  fell,  and  he  did  not  go 
because  of  the  snow"  (1  Mace.  13:22).  But  basically  the 
people  of  the  Bible  were  shaped  by  desert  conditions. 

I  was  made  keenly  aware  and  appreciative  of  this 
during  my  13 -year  missionary  sojourn  in  Nigeria.  The 
land  and  its  people  were  a  fair  approximation  of  their 
scriptural  counterparts.  Bible  scenes  were  part  and 
parcel  of  our  daily  life:  Shepherds  watched  over  their 
flocks;  sowers  went  out  to  sow;  fields  grew  white  unto 
harvest;  women  went  to  the  well;  in  the  market  we 
encountered  the  lame,  the  halt,  and  the  blind;  and  always 
we  suffered  the  little  children — swarms  of  them. 

Of  course,  I  experienced  no  snowy  Februarys  in 
Nigeria.  But  I  managed  to  work  into  my  schedule  my 
annual  funk.  In  February  in  Nigeria,  the  hot  season  is 
just  around  the  corner,  but  usually  the  harmattan  (thick 
dust  clouds  from  the  Sahara)  lingers,  providing  a  relative 

coolness.  Thus,  conditions  were  agreeable  for  me  to  take 
solitary  hikes  into  the  surrounding  wilderness.  There  I 
could  sit  and  brood  as  handily  as  if  I  were  snowbound  oii!| 
the  trackless  prairies  of  Illinois.  I  kept  my  Februarys. 

As  I  interviewed  our  Annual  Conference  moderator, 
David  Wine,  for  this  month's  cover  story,  it  was  all  I 
could  do  to  keep  my  professional  cool  and  not  match  his 
stories  of  spiritual  retreats  and  solitary  strolls  with  anec- 
dotes from  my  own  experience.  Vicariously,  I  clasped 
him  to  my  bosom  as  a  kindred  soul.  I  do  resonate  to  his 
expressed  need  for  spiritual  re-ener- 
gizing gained  through  contemplation 
and  prayer  . . .  preferably  far  from  the 
madding  crowd. 

I  confess  I  have  not  joined  the 
moderator  in  his  covenanted  setting 
aside  for  prayer  an  hour  a  day  and  a 
day  a  month,  and  spending  a  week 
during  the  year  in  a  personal  prayer 
retreat.  I  match  his  shyness  and  his 
penchant  for  solitary  contemplation, 
but  not  his  firm  self-discipline.  I'm 
even  leery  of  making  public  commit- 
^^^""  ments,  indulgently  attributing  my 

avoidance  to  "keeping  my  options  open." 

But  I  do  publicly  endorse  the  moderator's  challenge 
for  those  with  the  jogger-like  self-discipline  it  takes  to 
meet  it.  For  those  like  me,  whose  spiritual  and  physical 
sides  are  flabbier,  I  say  seize,  instead,  those  random 
moments  when  you  can  get  away  to  ponder  life's  great 
questions  and  to  commune  with  your  Maker.  Call  it  prayer 
or  call  it  contemplation;  it's  still  good  for  your  soul. 


rather  look  forward  to  my  February  funk.  It  may 

sound  like  wintertime  depression,  but  it  anticipates 
.happier  times  to  come,  when  one  is  wiser  for  one's     i 
wonderings.  As  poet  John  Greenleaf  Whittier  put  it,         [ 

The  Night  is  mother  of  the  Day, 

The  Winter  of  the  Spring, 
And  ever  upon  old  Decay, 

The  greenest  mosses  cling.  j 

I'm  sure  that  Whittier  had  February  in  mind.  It's  just 
that,  like  the  word  "orange,"  "February"  is  so  hard  for 
poets  to  rhyme  with  anything.  Otherwise  he  could  have 
been  more  specific  in  naming  the  mother  of  Spring. 

So,  in  February  I  sink  into  this  temporary  torpor,  con- 
fident that  I  will  rise  from  it  rejuvenated  in  spirit — a  wiser, 
stronger  man. — K.T. 

32  Messenger  February  1997 

ne  Bretnren  Homes  or  tne  Atlantic  Nortneast  District. 
Freeaom  To  Live  Your  Lire  On  Your  Terms. 


Your  lite,  your  dreams,  your 
hopes,  your  nome.    fnese  are  lire's 
important  things.  The  retirement 
communities  or  the  Brethren 
Homes  orier  a  mil  range  or  living 
accomodations  to  suit  your  lirestyle 
and  your  needs.  All  are  located  in 
the  beautirul  southeastern  region 
or  Pennsylvania,  with  easy  access 
to  major  metropolitan  areas, 
vacation  sights,  shopping  centers 
and  tourist  attractions. 

•  Pennsylvania  Association  or  Non-Proiit 
Homes  for  the  Aging  (PANPHA) 

•  American  Association  oi  Homes  ana 
Services  foi:  the  Aging  (AAHSA) 

K^cntiJiy  of  Cciumitnicnt 
3001  Lititz  Pike 

P.O.  Box  5093 

Lancaster,  PA  17603 

(717)  569-2667 

Lebanon  \klley 
Brethren  Home 

1  200  GruLt  Street 
Palmyra,  PA  17078 

(717)  838-5406 





800  Maple  Avenue 
Harleysville,  PA  19438 

(215)  256-9501 


Church    of  the    Brethren 



I  am  volunteering  my  help  with  Conference  tasks,  1  have 
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-  Biethren  Press  Exhibit 

-  Registration  (computer  experience  reqtiired) 

-  Usher  (business  and  general  sessions) 

-  Inf  oimation/  Mail  desk 

-Ticket  sales 
-SERRV  Exhibit 

Hease  circle 
approximate  age 



aty  ______ 

16-22    22-30    30-40 
40-50    50-60    60  + 

.  State . 


Telephone  No. 

Additional  voluntEera  may  indicate  on  a  separate  sheet 
their  interest  in  serving. 

Long  Beach, 

July  I  -  6, 1 997 


(Available  in  May) 

Please  send  the  following: 

Copies  at  $8.00  each  of  the  1997  Annual 

Conference  Booklet  (regular  binding) 
Copies  at  $11.50  each  of  the  1997  Annual 

Conference  Booklet  (spiral  binding) 
Copies  at  $2.00  each  of  the  1997  Annual 

Conference  Information  Packet 


St. /RED. 

-State . 


Amount  remitted  $  . 

(Delegates  sending  the  delegate  authorization  form  and 
registration  fee  will  automatically  receive  one  program  booklet 
without  further  cost.) 

Information  about  Conference  programs  and  reservation  forms  , 
may  be  obtained  by  contactu\g  your  pastor  or 

A^  >.■,  ■ 

:4ii  t 

'  r: 



h\«  i 

Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Editorial  Assistant:  Paula  Wilding 
Production,  Design:  Paul  Stocksdale 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche,  Martha  Cupp 
Promotion:  Linda  Myers  Swanson 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Dale  Minnich 

On  the  cover: 
Engaging  faces  of 
Sunday  school 
children  at  Highland  Avenue 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Elgin,  111.,  invite  us  to  heed  the 
admonition  of  a  special  cluster 
of  March  articles:  Listen  to  the 
voices  of  children. 


From  the  Editor 


In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 


Stepping  Stones 




Pontius'  Puddle 


Partners  in  Prayer 


Turning  Points 




10  Listen  to  the  voices  of  children 

Four  Brethren  writers  lay  out  what  can  be 
done  by  way  of  "positive  parenting"  to 
ensure  that  our  children  grow  up  feeling 
loved  and  supported,  ready  and  equipped  to 
find  their  place  in  society. 

11  Children  in  the  Bible 

Harriet  Finney  cites  many  Bible  stories 
that  demonstrate  the  important  role  of 
children  as  full  participants  in  the 
community  of  faith. 

12  Churches,  children,  and  focus 

What  would  church  be  without  the 
children?  asks  Judith  Myers-Walls.  Children 
bring  young  families  with  them  to  church, 
they  are  fun,  and  they  are  our  future.  But 
they  are  much,  much  more. 

16     Listening  in  our  homes 

Forget  all  those  other  things  you  thought 
were  most  important  as  moms  and  dads, 
write  John  and  Deb  Lahman.  Nothing  is 
more  important  than  parenting. 

18     Where  there's  all  work  and  no  play 

David  Radcliff  describes  the  plight  of 
children  at  risk  all  over  the  world,  and 
reminds  us  we  have  the  capacity  to  work 
for  change. 

20     Doing  General  Board  ministries 
in  a  new  way 

Tracy  Wenger  Sadd  writes  about  the  "new 
design,"  and  deals  with  the  questions 
people  are  asking. 

22     Pressing  toward  the  goal 

Interim  general  secretary  Karen  Peterson 
Miller  introduces  herself  in  her  new 
leadership  role. 

24     Open  wide  your  hearts 

Lisa  Ebaugh,  D.  Miller  Davis,  Holly  Peele, 
and  Kirby  Leland  tell  stories  of  Brethren 
operating  in  the  servant  mode. 

From  tie  Eitor 

How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-mail:  CoBNews@AOL.Com 
Fax:  (847)  742-6103 
Phone:  (847)  742-5100 
(800)  323-8039 
Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75c  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  Allow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

Glenn  Timmons,  Administra- 
tive Council  liaison  to  the  New 
Design  Transition  Team,  tells 
what  we  can  accomplish  with  a 
$4.7  General  Board  budget. 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Atl,  N.E,,  Ron 
luc;  Ad.  S.E.,  Ruby  Raymer;  111,/Wis.,  Kreston  Upscomb; 
S/C  Ind,,  Marjorie  Miller;  Mich,,  Ken  Good;  Mid-Atl,. 
Ann  Fouts;  Mo./Ark.,  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains,  Faith 
Strom;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack  Kline; 
Ore/Wash., Marguerite Shamberger;  Pac.  S.W.,  Randy 
Miller;  M.  Pa.,  EvaWampler;  S,  Pa,,  Elmer  Q.  Gleim; 
W.  Pa.,JayChristner;  Shen,,  Tim  Harvey;  S,E.,  Donna 
Shumate;  S,  Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Virlina,  Jerry  NafT; 
W  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Winoma  Spuijeon, 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  Entered  as  second<lass  matter  Aug, 
20, 1918,  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct,  17, 1917, 
Filing  date,  Nov  1, 198^,  Member  of  the  Associated 
Church  Press,  Subscriber  to  Religion  News  Service 
&  Ecumenical  Press  Service,  Biblical  quotations, 
unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from  the  New  Revised 
Standard  Version,  Messenger  is  owned  and  publrshed 
1 1  times  a  year  by  the  General  Services  Commission, 
Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board,  Second-class 
postage  paid  at  Elgin,  111,,  and  at  additional  mailing 
office,  Feb,  1997,  Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the 
Brethren  General  Board,  ISSN  0026-0355, 
Postmaster:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
un  Dundee  Ave,,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

I  have  had  two  recent  experiences  with  no  apparent  simi- 
larities, but,  looking  back  on  them,  I  see  that  each  one  left 
me  with  something  of  the  same  feeling. 

Among  numerous  maintenance  chores  at  the  homeplace 
in  Virginia,  my  son  and  1  burned  a  large  brushpile.  As  the 
flames  quickly  consumed  the  debris  and  grew  into  an  inferno, 
we  remarked  at  the  awesome  power  in  it,  and  how  easily  we 
had  unleashed  that  power  with  the  mere  striking 
of  a  match.  One  moment  there  was  an  inert  pile 
of  brush,  a  welcoming  haven  for  small  wildlife. 
The  next  moment  it  became  a  powerful  source 
of  heat,  so  radiant  we  had  to  back  away  from  it 
and  shield  our  faces.  And  nearby  grass  that  we 
had  not  thought  flammable  reacted  like  tinder. 

More  recently,  as  we  prepared  this  March 
Messenger,  I  got  the  idea  of  shooting  photographs 
of  Sunday  school  students  to  produce  cover  art 
for  this  issue  focusing  on  children.  Managing 
editor  Nevin  Dulabaum,  a  capable  photographer, 
joined  me  in  visiting  a  class  of  youngsters  at  our 
own  Highland  Avenue  Church  of  the  Brethren. 
When  we  entered  the  classroom,  the  children  were 
seated  around  a  table,  quietly  working  at  some 
project.  The  teacher's  announcement  of  our  purpose  was  like 
a  match  touching  off  a  brushpile  fire.  To  achieve  the  desired 
expressions,  we  provoked  the  children  with  silly  questions.  They 
were  more  than  cooperative.  There  was  an  explosion  of  energy. 
I  almost  backed  away  from  the  unexpected  uproar  we  created. 

Now  you  catch  the  similarity  between  these  two  expe- 

And  what  1  gained  from  the  photography  experience  was 
a  brand-new  appreciation  of  the  energy  and  potential  of  chil- 
dren. What  an  awesome  responsibility  we  have  to  nurture 
and  steer  that  energy  so  that  the  potential  comes  to  fruition 
not  only  when  the  children  become  adults,  but  right  now, 
while  they  are  such  delightful  live  wires.  But  I  am  stealing 
thunder.  Turn  to  pages  10—17  for  the  words  of  ones  who  say 
it  better  than  I. 

Keith  Sollenberger- 
Morphew  was  among 
the  Highland  Avenue 
children  serving  as 
magazine  cover 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

March  1997  Messenger  1 



College  freshman 

Kendra  Flory  has  been 

ringing  bells  in  church 

choirs  since  she  was  in 

third  grade. 

Bells!  Bells!  Bells! 

Kendra  Flory  is  a  handbellaholic.  The  19-year-old 
McPherson  College  freshman  began  playing  hand- 
bells in  third  grade  at  McPherson  (Kan.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  For  the  past  two-and-a-half  years  she  has  been 
solo-ringing,  using  two  octaves  and  sometimes  three. 
Most  of  her  repertoire  is  sacred  music. 

Three  years  ago  a  friend  invited  Kendra  to  watch  a 
handbell  practice  at  McPherson's  Trinity  Lutheran  church. 
Kendra  stepped  in  when  one  of  the  Trinity  ringers  couldn't 
make  a  performance.  The  director  asked  her  to  continue, 
and  she  did. 

Kendra  learned  to  ring  for  solos  and  duets,  and  now  rings 
in  Trinity's  adult  choir,  helps  with  a  children's  bell  choir, 
and  plays  for  credit  in  Bethany 
College's  Handbell  Ensemble. 

Music  surrounds  Kendra.  She 
plays  the  piano  and  organ.  In  the 
McPherson  College  Band  and 
Bethany  College  Brass  Ensem- 
ble, she  plays  the  French  horn. 
She  also  sings  in  the  McPherson 
College  Concert  Choir. 

When  Kendra  begins  practic- 
ing a  new  bell  solo,  she 
memorizes  the  notes  as  quickly 
as  possible.  "Once  I  have  the 
melody  in  'muscle  memory,'  I 
find  it  easier  to  work  on  the 
movement,  emotion,  and  grace 
of  the  composition,"  she  says. 

Last  summer,  Kendra  and  her 
sister,  (anelle,  who  rings  duets 
with  her,  played  a  duet  in 
Omaha,  Neb.  Kendra  rang  the 
solo  "Joshua"  for  800  ringers. 

A  year  ago,  the  sisters  per- 
formed the  Christmas  duet 
"Angels'  Canon."  "Janelle  fol- 
lows me  in  wearing  a  golden 
halo,"  Kendra  explains.  "After 
the  accompaniment  starts,  I 
steal  it.  We  ham  it  up  and  snatch  the  halo  back  and  forth 
as  we  ring.  She  pretends  anger  when  I  am  wearing  the 
halo  at  the  end.  She  pulls  another  halo  out,  and  we  both 
smile  and  bow." 

Kendra  has  performed  in  many  settings,  including  a 
Bethany  Seminary  board  meeting,  a  minister's  ordination. 
Trinity  church's  St.  Lucia  festival,  and  community  bell 

"Where  I  ring  doesn't  matter.  I  love  it  everywhere,"  she 
declares. — Irene  S.  Reynolds 

Irene  S.  Reynolds  is  a  freelance  writer  from  Lawrence,  Kan. 

Names  in  the  news 

Gregg  A.  Wilhelm,  a 

member  of  Woodberry 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Bal- 
timore, Md.,  heads  a  new 
publishing  company  in  Bal- 
timore, Woodholme  House 
Publishers.  He  is  the  former 
director  of  Baltimore's 
Cathedral  Foundation  Press. 

•  Three  members  of  Man- 
chester Church  of  the 
Brethren,  North  Manchester, 
Ind.,  who  also  are  professors 
at  Manchester  College,  have 
been  named  to  Who's  Who 
Among  America's  Teachers. 
They  are  Ed  Miller,  Steve 
Naragon,  and  Scott  Strode. 

•  Gary  A.  Dill  is  being 
inaugurated  as  president  of 
McPherson  College  on 

Gary  Dill 

March  7.  Featured  speakci- 
for  the  ceremony  is  Donald 
F.  Durnbaugh,  Brethren 

Seeing  with  the  heart 

Pamela  Brown,  a  member 
of  Happy  Corner  Church  of 
the  Brethren  in  Clayton, 
Ohio,  has  second  sight . . . 
not  that  she  is  clairvoyant. 
One  day  she  observed  a 
clean-cut  family  in  a  restau- 

2  Messenger  March  1997 

ant.  She  thought,  "What  a 
ice  family."  But  she 
hanged  her  mind  when  the 
ather  i<ici<.ed  his  fidgety 
ittle  son  and  made  him  cry; 
he  father  denied  what  he 
lad  done,  so  the  mother 
lapped  the  boy. 

The  next  day,  Pam 
ibserved  another  family, 
cruffy  and  apparently 
ower-class.  The  long- 
laired  father  projected  the 
tereotype  of  the  macho 
notorcyclist:  leather  jacket, 
)oots,  and  wallet  with  req- 
lisite  chain.  Pam  recoiled, 
s  did  other  diners.  But  the 
ouple  drew  pictures  with 
■heir  children,  hugged 
jhem,  told  them  they  loved 
ihem,  and  laughed  a  lot. 
Fhey  said  a  prayer  over 
heir  meal. 

At  that  point,  Pam  says, 
he  heard  a  voice:  "judge 
lot  that  ye  be  not  judged" 
Matt.  7:1,  K|V).  Now  she 
ries  to  see  with  more  than 
:ier  eyes. 

Her  resolve  was  height- 
;ned  by  an  incident 
involving  her  18-year-old 
;on,  |ohn,  who  has  Down's 
;yndrome.  Pam  had  been 
mothered  and  embarrassed 
oy  |ohn'  penchant  for  hug- 
ging people.  Recently,  in  a 
oizza  parlor,  a  man 
ipproached  John  and  Pam 
ind  offered  to  buy  them 
vhatever  they  wanted.  Pam 
declined.  When  Pam's  par- 
;nts  came  in  to  join  |ohn 
ind  her,  and  ordered 
drinks,  the  same  man 
umped  up  and  offered  to 
Day  for  them. 

After  the  meal,  John  ran 
3ver  and  hugged  the 
stranger.  "1  wanted  the 
door  to  open  up  and  swal- 
ow  me,"  Pam  says.  Then 
she  saw  that  the  stranger 

Long  Green  Valley  pastor  Pete  Haynes  (fourth  from  left)  got  the  idea  of  promoting  his 
church 's  Crop  walk  not  only  as  a  fundraiser,  but  as  a  community-builder 

Taking  a  walk  together 

Crop  Walks  are  familiar  to 
most  Brethren.  But  for 
Long  Green  Valley  Church 
of  the  Brethren  in  Glen 
Arm,  Md.,  the  one  last  fall 
was  special.  Pastor  Pete 
Haynes,  who  coordinated 
it,  wanted  not  only  to  raise 
money  for  hunger  relief  and 
to  raise  awareness  of 

and  another  man  at  his  table 
were  crying.  The  second 
man  asked  fohn  for  a  hug. 

The  mystery  was  solved 
when  the  pair  explained 
that  they  had  just  lost  a 
sister  with  Down's  Syn- 
drome. Reaching  out  to 
John  helped  them  deal  with 
their  grief. 

"I  now  look  at  people 
with  my  heart  as  well  as 
with  my  eyes,"  Pam  says.  "I 
let  God  direct  me  instead  of 
letting  society  dictate  to  me 

hunger  needs,  but  to  pro- 
mote Christian  community 
in  the  congregation's 

Thus  was  kicked  off  the 
First  Annual  (acksonville/ 
Long  Green  Crop  Walk. 
Nearly  $8,000  was  raised  by 
125  walkers  (36  of  them 
from  Long  Green  Valley). 
Eight  community  churches 
participated  in  the  walk,  held 

what  it  thinks  is  right  and 

With  her  new  organ  of 
sight,  Pam  cherishes  the 
admonition  of  Luke 
6:37-38:  "Do  not  judge, 
and  you  will  not  be  judged; 
do  not  condemn,  and  you 
will  not  be  condemned. 
Forgive,  and  you  will  be 
forgiven;  give,  and  it  will  be 
given  to  you." 

Adapted  from  an  article  by 
Pamela  Brown  in  Happy  Corner 
church's  newsletter.  Good  News. 

along  a  scenic  former  rail- 
road right-of-way.  The  walk 
was  so  successful  in  getting 
the  church  groups 
acquainted  that  the  second 
annual  walk  has  already 
been  planned  for  next  fall. 


J.  Calvin  Bright,  82,  died 
Jan.  9,  in  Dayton,  Ohio. 
Pastor  of  East  Dayton 
Church  of  the  Brethren  at 
the  time  of  his  death,  he 
was  a  missionary  in  China, 

•  Clara  B.  Myer,  87, 
died  Dec.  16,  1996,  in 
Neffsville,  Pa.  She  was  a 
missionary  in  Nigeria, 

"In  Touch" profiles  Brethren  we  would 
like  you  to  meet.  Send  story  ideas  and 
photos  to  "In  Touch,  "Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave..  Elgin.  IL  60120. 

March  1997  Messenger  3 

Fairview  pastor 

Eric  Fether  rides 

forth  on  Clinton 

the  donkey  in  the 

church's  first 

annual  Easter 


Everyone  loves  a  parade 

When  Fairview  Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
WiUiamsport,  Pa.,  was  thinking  about  Easter  1996, 
the  idea  emerged  to  do  something  different:  Stage  a 
parade  on  Palm  Sunday. 

Several  values  were  in  mind:  Celebrate  Jesus'  ministry; 
encourage  believers  to  go  public  with  their  faith;  promote 
unity,  cooperation,  and  fellowship  among  area  churches; 
and  invite  unchurched  people  to  join  in  celebrating 
Christ's  life,  death,  and  resurrection. 

With  little  publicity  beforehand,  the  parade  took  the 
form  of  Jesus  riding  into  Jerusalem  on  a  donkey.  Neigh- 
borhood people,  caught  by  surprise,  rushed  to  see  what 
the  racket  was  about.  Participants  sang,  shouted  praises, 
rang  bells  and  shook  tambourines,  and  strewed  palm 
branches.  Fairview  folks  handed  out  400  palm  crosses,  as 
well  as  palm  leaves,  to  spectators.  One  church  youth 
group  performed  a  joyful,  interpretative  dance,  waving 
palm  branches  to  Jewish  music.  Participants  took  time  to 
explain  the  meaning  of  the  event  to  spectators  who  asked. 

So  successful  was  the  parade  that  a  second  one,  with 
elaborations,  is  planned  for  this  year's  Palm  Sunday. 

Going  international 

Lower  Miami  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  near  Dayton, 
Ohio,  has  been,  for  some 
time,  racially  integrated. 
And  it  sponsored  a  Bosnian 
family  in  1995. 

In  1996  a  Rwandan 
couple,  Leonard  Uwiringiy- 

imana  and  his  wife, 
Francine,  began  attending 
Lower  Miami  upon  the 
invitation  of  pastor  Ron 
McAdams.  Leonard  is  a 
Hutu  and  Francine  is  a 
Tutsi;  their  tribes  in 
Rwanda  have  been  at  war 
for  the  past  few  years. 
On  their  first  Sunday  at 

Lower  Miami,  Leonard  and 
Francine  announced  that 
they  were  expecting  13 
Rwandan  refugees  —  mem- 
bers of  Leonard's  family 
who  had  fled  from  Rwanda 
into  Zaire.  The  couple 
already  had  seven  family 
members  in  their  apartment . 

Lower  Miami  pitched  in 
and  found  housing  and 
other  necessities  for  the 
newcomers.  They  also 
helped  with  English  classes 
and  provided  transportation 

Since  then,  more  refugees! 
have  arrived  and  now  there 
is  a  community  of  38 
Rwandans  in  Dayton. 

A  Dayton  peace  group 
has  taken  on  the  cause  of 
the  Rwandans.  Last  August 
the  Miami  Valley  Peace 
Network  held  a  Harvest  of 
Peace  Day  that  featured  the. 
Rwandans.  Working 
through  their  congressional 
representative,  the  peace 
activists  hope  to  spur  Con- 
gress to  give  greater 
attention  to  the  Rwandan 
crisis.  Their  ultimate  goal  is 
Rwandan  peace  accords 
paralleling  the  Bosnian 
peace  accords  arranged 
earlier  in  Dayton. 

This  and  that 

Upper  Conewago  Church 
of  the  Brethren  near  East 
Berlin,  Pa.,  planted  a 
"Lord's  Acre"  in  corn  last 
summer,  then  spent  a  fall 
day  picking,  shucking,  cut- 
ting, cooking,  bagging,  and 
freezing  674  quarts  of  corn. j 
The  corn  was  donated  to 
the  Bowery  Mission  in  New 
York  City,  which  serves  up 
some  600  meals  a  day  for 
the  city's  hungry. 

4  Messenger  March  1997 

'earning  to  do  ministry 

(untsdale  Church  of  the 
rethren  in  Carlisle,  Pa., 
olds  an  after-school  Bible 
'lub  meeting  for  neighbor 
hiidren  each  Wednesday, 
he  children  sing,  work 
n  craft  projects,  eat 
inner  together,  and  then 
ave  a  one-hour  Bible 

Pastor  |an  Custer,  who 
;aches  the  4th-6th  grades 
roup,  set  as  her  goals  to 
;ach  about  ministry  and  to 
ivolve  the  children  in  min- 
try,  as  well.  The  children 
tudied  a  book  When  Did 
Ve  See  You?,  focusing  on 
/latthew  25:35-45.  The 
tudy  asks  "Where  do  we 
ee  [esus  suffering,  and 
low  can  we  minister  to 

This  led  to  the  making  of 
quilt,  which  was  given  to 
homeless  child  at  Christ- 
nas.  The  children  created 
heir  own  quilt  blocks, 
ising  fabric  markers.  The 
|uilt  was  put  together  with 
he  help  of  Sharon  Swank, 
Huntsdale  member.  The 
inished  product  was  pre- 
ented  to  the  congregation 
)n  Blanket  Sunday  and 
ielivered  to  a  homeless 

The  quilt  was  only  one 
ninistry  project  for  the 
:hildren.  Other  activities 
ncluded  making  cards  for 
)eople  in  the  hospital, 
■ending  Christmas  cards  to 
)risoners,  visiting  the  ill, 
md  making  cookies  for 

Pastor  Custer  hopes  that 
his  actual  doing  of  ministry 
vill  be  a  first  step  for  the 
;hildren  toward  long  lives 
)f  service  to  Christ  and  the 

Phyllis  and  John  Carter  and  Pat  Helman  worked  with  others 
to  create  "A  Quiet  Place"  at  Indiana's  Camp  Mack. 

Creating  a  quiet  place 

As  a  response  to  jesus'  call 
for  solitude,  prayer,  and 
rest,  a  new  ministry  in  the 
contemplative  mode  has 
been  established  at  Camp 

Mack,  which  serves  the 
Indiana  districts. 

"A  Quiet  Place"  is  a  small 
retreat  center  that  allows 
individuals  and  groups  to 
experience  new  dimensions 
of  prayer  and  spirituality. 

Huntsdale  children  Westly  Gingrich,  Natasha  Sennett,  Katy 
Sheaffer.  and  James  Clark,  with  quilt  consultant  Sharon 
Swank  and  pastor  Jan  Custer,  display  the  quilt  made  as  a 
ministry  project. 

The  project  has  been  facili- 
tated by  Phyllis  Carter,  an 
Indiana  minister  and 
former  Annual  Conference 

At  Camp  Mack,  a  small 
house  that  once  housed 
camp  directors  and  care- 
takers had  stood  vacant  for 
some  time.  Its  dark  interior 
was  slowly  transformed  into 
a  light-filled  space  that 
beckoned  seekers  into  the 
unlikely  sanctuary.  Up  to 
six  people  can  be  accom- 
modated for  overnight.  The 
Quiet  Place's  steering  com- 
mittee invites  anyone 
needing  a  place  for  silence 
and  solitude  or  asking  for 
spiritual  direction  to  con- 
tact it  through  Becky 
Ball-Miller,  executive  direc- 
tor of  Camp  Mack. 

Campus  comments 

At  Manchester  College, 

residents  of  Schwalm  Hall 
held  a  food  drive  at 
Thanksgiving,  benefiting 
local  people  in  need.  Rais- 
ing $740,  the  students 
bought  69  turkeys,  along 
with  vegetables,  stuffing, 
and  gravy  to  go  with  them. 

•  Juniata  College  held 
its  sixth  annual  Martin 
Luther  King  (r.  convocation 
on  Ian.  13.  Featured  was  a 
dramatic  performance. 
"The  Meeting,"  about  a 
confrontation  between  King 
and  Malcolm  X. 

"Close  to  Home" highlights  news  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  11  60120. 

March  1997  Messenger  5 

ujicie  tfcbur 


Contemporary  China, 

as  depicted  on  these 

faces  and  in  the 

background  by  river 

boats  and  construction 

cranes,  is  the  centerpiece 

of  this  year's  "One  Great 

Hour  of  Sharing," 

scheduled  for  March  16. 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  oyMESSENGER 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  he  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

"Open  Wide  Your  Hearts" 
OGHS  theme  for  1997 

China,  once  closed  to  church  mission 
efforts,  now  is  a  land  open  to  Christ- 
ian mission  work. 

"While  Christians  represent  only  a 
small  fraction  of  China's  total  popu- 
lation, they  are  seen  as  the  leaven  in 
the  loaf,  lifting  up  the  needs  of  the 
poor,  holding  governmental  officials 
accountable  for  quality  of  life  con- 
cerns, giving  increasing  attention  to 
stewardship  of  the  earth,  and  infusing 
spiritual  values  into  national  life." 

That,  according  to  One  Great 
Hour  of  Sharing  printed  materials,  is 
why  OHGS — the  largest  of  the  three 
annual  theme  offerings  in  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren — has  chosen  to  focus 
on  China  for  this  year's  offering,  us- 
ing the  theme  "Open  Wide  Your 
Hearts,"  based  on  2  Cor.  6:13. 

One  Great  Hour  of  Sharing,  an 
initiative  supported  by  1 1  denomina- 
tions and  ecumenical  programs,  in- 
cluding the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
and  Church  World  Service,  is  sched- 
uled for  March  16.  Contributions 
fund  hunger,  development,  and 
refugee  and  disaster  service  min- 
istries in  70  countries. 

To  prepare  for  the  48th  annual 
OGHS  Sunday,  congregations  of  the 
participating  denominations  received 
a  sample  packet  of  One  Great  Hour 
of  Sharing  materials  in  January.  In- 
cluded in  the  packet  are  resource 
guides  in  English  and  Spanish,  a 
theme  poster,  an  offering  bank,  and 
a  general  distribution  folder. 

Also  in  the  packet  is  a  children's 
activity  folder.  The  four-page  folder 
relates  mission  stories  and  activities 
for  children  ages  5-10. 

Global  maps  and  stamps  represent- 
ing Church  World  Service  projects 
around  the  world  in  over  100  coun- 
tries also  are  included. 

Congregations  may  request  the  free 
"Open  Wide  Your  Hearts"  video, 
which  relates  the  biblical  calls  from 
God  to  the  needs  of  the  world  today. 
To  request  the  video  and  accompany- 

ing study  guide,  as  well  other  materi 
als,  contact  Howard  Royer,  director 
of  Interpretation,  at  (800)  323- 
8039,  ext.  260. 

Identifiable  contributions  by 
Church  of  the  Brethren  members  to 
OGHS  exceed  $250,000  annually. 

Ballot  for  Conference-elected  I 
positions  announced 

The  ballot  for  Annual  Conference- 
elected  positions  was  announced  in 
January  by  the  Annual  Conference 
office.  Conference  is  scheduled  for 
July  1-6  in  Long  Beach,  Calif. 

In  pre-Conference  meetings.  An- 
nual Conference  Standing  Commit- 
tee will  select  half  of  the  nominees 
for  election  by  Annual  Conference 
delegates  during  a  Conference  busi- 
ness session. 

•  Moderator-elect — Joan  Deeter, 
North  Manchester,  Ind.;  Lowell 
Flory,  McPherson,  Kan.;  Joel  Kline, 
Fort  Wayne,  Ind.;  and  Craig  Smith, 
Eaton,  Ohio. 

•  Annual  Conference  Secretary — 
Elaine  Gibbel,  Lititz,  Pa.;  Lena  Miller, 
Westminster,  Md.;  Cathy  Huffman, 
Rocky  Mount,  Va.;  and  Mary  Sue 
Rosenberger,  Greenville,  Ohio. 

•  General  Board,  at-large — David 
Gerber,  Hanover,  Pa.;  Dale  Gros- 
bach,  Gladstone,  Mo.;  Violet  Hosier, 
Penn  Run,  Pa.;  Donald  Parker,  West 
Salem,  Ohio;  Julianne  Stout,  Hager- 
stown,  Ind.;  John  Thomas,  Guthrie, 
Okla.;  Christy  Waltersdorff,  Lom- 
bard, III.;  and  Myrna  Wheeler,  San 
Dimas,  Calif. 

•  General  Board,  Idaho — Phyllis 
Howard,  Nampa;  Edward  Kerschen- 
steiner,  Boise;  James  Schmidt,  Boise; 
and  Ethel  Schulz,  Nampa. 

•  General  Board,  Shenandoah — 
Martha  Barlow,  Dayton,  Va.;  Shirley 
Bruffey,  Clifton  Forge,  Va.;  J.D. 
Glick,  Harrisonburg,  Va.;  and  Merlini 
ShuU,  Bridgewater,  Va. 

•  General  Board,  Western 
Plains — Donald  Booz,  McPherson, 

6  Messenger  March  1997 

an.;  Karen  Calderon,  Grand  |unc- 
on,  Colo.;  Christy  Dowdy,  Lincoln, 
leb.;  and  Eugene  Lichty,  McPiier- 
on,  Kan. 

•  Program  and  Arrangements 
!ommittee — Maria  Abe,  Akron, 
)hio;  Wendi  Hutchinson,  Goshen, 
nd.;  Becky  Rhodes,  Roanoke,  Va.; 
nd  lane  Shepard,  Portland,  Ore. 

•  Pastoral  Compensation  and  Bene- 
ts  Advisory  Committee  (representing 
linistry) — Scott  Duffy,  Westminster, 
Id.;  Kevin  Daggett,  Tryon,  N.C.; 
haron  Hutchinson,  Mount  |oy.  Pa.; 
nd  Janet  Ober  Miller,  Redondo 
leach,  Calif. 

•  Pastoral  Compensation  and  Ben- 
fits  Advisory  Committee 
representing  district  executives)  — 
Ion  Beachley,  Davidsville,  Pa.;  Gene 
lipskind.  La  Verne,  Calif.;  Kenneth 
iolderread,  Elgin,  111.;  and  Sidney 
ung,  Nampa,  Idaho. 

Committee  on  Interchurch  Rela- 
is  — Joe  Loomis,  Furnace,  Pa.; 
".dward  Pugh,  Dayton,  Ohio;  Ken 
iCline  Smeltzer,  Modesto,  Calif.;  and 
iarah  Young,  Akron,  Ohio. 

•  Brethren  Benefit  Trust — Wayne 


General  Board  meetings,  March  8-11, 
General  Offices,  Elgin.  111.  [Contact 
General  Secretary's  Office,  General 
Offices,  (800)  323-8039]. 

Association  of  Brethren  Caregivers 
Board  meetings,  March  21-22  [Con- 
tact ABC,  General  Offices]. 

Christian  Citizenship  Seminar,  April 
5-10,  New  York  City  and  Washington. 
D.C.  [Contact  Youth  and  Young  Adult 
Ministry  Office,  General  Offices]. 

Regional  Youth  Conferences,  April 
18-20,  McPherson  (Kan.)  College: 
April  19-20,  Bridgewater  (Va.)  Col- 
lege: April  25-27.  Manchester 
College.  North  Manchester,  Ind. 
[Contact  Youth  and  Young  Adult  Min- 
istry Office,  General  Offices]. 

Brethren  Benefit  Trust  Board  meetings, 

April  19-20,  Elgin,  111.  [Contact  BET, 
(800  746-1505]. 

Fralin,  Fremont,  Calif.;  Gregory 
Geisert,  Harrisonburg,  Va.;  Rosalyn 
Neuenschwander,  Decatur,  Ind.;  and 
Philip  Stover,  Quinter,  Kan. 

•  Bethany  Theological  Seminary 
elector  (representing  the  colleges) — 
Eric  Bishop,  Upland,  Calif.;  Carl 
Bowman,  Verona,  Va.;  Stephen  Olin 
Mason,  McPherson,  Kan.;  and  Ron 
Wyrick,  Huntingdon,  Pa. 

•  Bethany  Theological  Seminary 
elector  (representing  the  ministry) — 
Debbie  Eisenbise,  Kalamazoo,  Mich.; 
Carroll  Petry,  North  Manchester, 
Ind.;  Guy  Wampler,  Lancaster,  Pa.; 
Bev  Weaver,  Indianapolis,  Ind. 

General  Board  1996  finances 
better  than  first  predicted 

The  General  Board's  Finance  Office 
reported  in  January  that  preliminary 
General  Board  end-of-the-year  finan- 
cial figures  are  better  than  expected. 

The  figures  were  produced  through 
a  first-run  look  at  the  books  and  prior 
to  the  year-end  audit,  reported  ludy 
Keyser,  General  Board  treasurer. 

According  to  Keyser,  congrega- 
tional giving  exceeded  budget  pro- 
jections by  $87,000  and  direct  gifts 
exceeded  budget  projections  by 
$124,000,  The  Brethren  Service 
Center's  Center  Operations  was  ex- 
pected to  end  the  year  with  a 
$16,250  deficit,  but  preliminary  fig- 
ures show  it  ended  the  year  about 
$40,000  in  the  black. 

SERRV  International  and  Brethren 
Press  both  expected  to  end  the  year 
with  a  slight  surplus,  but  SERRV's 
surplus  is  expected  to  be  about 
$100,000,  while  Brethren  Press'  is 
estimated  at  $20,000.  The  Andrew 
Center,  which  was  budgeted  to  break 
even,  is  expected  to  show  a  surplus 
of  about  $16,000. 

Overall,  Keyser  expects  the  Gen- 
eral Board's  budgeted  deficit  of 
$268,130  to  come  in  much  lower 
than  that  once  final  figures  are  deter- 

"These  numbers  could  not  have 
been  achieved  without  much  effort 
and  sacrifice  on  the  part  of  the  (Gen- 
eral Board  stafO,  the  Brethren  Service 
Center  and  our  other  locations," 
Keyser  said.  "The  strong  support  from 
our  constituency  lends  a  great  feeling 
of  support  during  these  times." 

Redesign  plan  of  the  General 
Board  to  be  considered 


After  two  years  of  working  on  re- 
designing itself,  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  General  Board  this  month 
is  expected  to  unveil  its  redesign 
plans,  take  action  on  those  plans, 
and  then,  if  approved,  devise  a  plan 
for  taking  its  proposals  for  polity 
changes  to  Annual  Conference  dele- 
gates in  July. 

The  redesign,  or  new  design,  which 
officially  began  in  March  1995,  is  ex- 
pected to  consume  most  of  the 
Board's  time  March  8-11,  when  it 
meets  in  Elgin,  111.  It  is  during  those 
meetings  that  the  Board  is  expected 
to  respond  to  a  host  of  proposals  sub- 
mitted by  the  Board's  Redesign 
Steering  Committee,  Transition 
Team,  and  Administrative  Council. 

Information  expected  to  be  made 
public  during  these  meetings  includes 
the  RSC's  recommendation  on  the 
locations  of  the  Board's  central  of- 
fices and  staff  who  will  be  assigned  to 
work  out  of  one  of  a  handful  of  yet- 
to-be-created  areas;  descriptions  of 
all  General  Board  jobs  that  will  be  in- 
corporated into  the  newly-designed 
Board;  and  the  names  of  salaried  staff 
asked  to  remain  with  the  organiza- 
tion. The  retention  of  support  staff 
will  follow  the  hiring  of  their  respec- 
tive supervisors. 

General  Board  representatives  as- 
sume the  Board's  new  design  will  go 
into  effect  in  |uly,  but  that  is  depen- 
dent on  the  actions  taken  by  General 
Board  members  and  Annual  Confer- 
ence delegates. — Nevin  Dulabaum 

March  1997  Messenger  7 

Twenty-one  Brethren  help 
construct  a  sanctuary  in  DR 

From  Feb.  22  through  March  1, 
Earl  Ziegler,  pastor  of  Lampeter 
(Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  and 
20  other  Brethren  helped  the  Santo 
Domingo  congregation  in  the  Do- 
minican Republic  build  a  new 

The  Dominican  Church  Board 
had  identified  the  Santo  Domingo 
congregation's  building  project  as 
a  priority  and  asked  Ziegler  for  as- 
sistance with  the  project.  Ziegler, 
who  has  been  involved  with  other 
Dominican  church  building  pro- 
jects, joined  forces  with  the  Gen- 
eral Board  to  raise  the  funds 

needed  to  construct  the  two-story, 
600-seat  sanctuary. 

"We  will  be  doing  it  with  them, 
not  for  them,"  Ziegler  said  of  the 
project  that  both  Brethren  from  the 
States  and  from  the  Dominican 
Republic  will  participate  in. 

The  $40,000  obtained  to  finance 
the  construction  project  was  raised 
through  the  donations  of  two  con- 
gregations and  several  individuals. 

Earl  Ziegler  and  a  member  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  the 
Dominican  Republic  work  on  the 
Santo  Domingo  church,  one  of 
several  that  Ziegler  has  helped 
build  in  the  Dominican  Republic 
since  1990. 

Deeter  to  retire  as  executive 
of  World  Ministries  Commision 

loan  Deeter,  World  Ministries  Com- 
mission Executive  since  1992,  has  an- 
nounced that 
she  will  retire 
on  lune  20. 

Deeter  also 
served  the 
Board  as 
Parish  Min- 
istries execu- 
tive, from 
loan  Deeter  jggg^^ 

1992.  From  1982  to  1988,  she  pas- 
tored  West  Manchester  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  North  Manchester,  Ind. 

Three  coordinators  named  for 
NYC,  workcamps  in  1998 

Brian  Yoder  has  been  named  coordi- 
nator of  the  1 998  National  Youth 
Conference,  scheduled  for  August 
1998,  in  Fort  Collins,  Colo.  Yoder,  a 
senior  at  luniata  College,  is  a  mem- 
ber of  Stone  Church  of  the  Brethren, 

Huntingdon,  Pa. 

)oy  Struble  has  been  named  one  of 
two  assistant  NYC  coordinators.  Stru- 
ble, a  1996  graduate  of  University  of 
Michigan,  is  a  member  of  Lansing 
(Mich.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

The  second  assistant  NYC  coordina- 
tor will  be  Emily  Shonk,  a  member  of 
Manassas  (Va.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren  who  is  scheduled  to  graduate 
from  Bridgewater  College  this  year  . 
She  also  will  coordinate  the  1998 
Youth  and  Young  Adult  Ministry 

General  Board,  one  district 
announce  staff  changes 

Ron  Finney  in  January  was  named 
interim  director  of  District  Ministry, 
replacing  Karen 
Miller,  who  be- 
gan serving  as 
interim  general 
secretary,  also 
in  [anuary. 
Finney  also 

serves  as  co-ex-   

ecutive  in  Ron  Finnev 

South/Central  Indiana  District  with 
his  wife,  Harriet. 

Phil  and  Louie  Rieman  completed 
their  service  to  the  General  Board  on 
(an.  4.  The  Riemans  had  served  as 
mission  interpreters  in  the  US  since 
May;  before  that  they  worked  for 
about  four  years  with  the  New  Sudan 
Council  of  Churches.  They  have  ac- 
cepted an  interim  team  pastorate  at 
Wabash  (Ind.)  Church  of  the 

Warren  Eshbach  has  resigned  as 
executive  of  Southern  Pennsylvania 
District,  effective  April  30.  He  has 
served  in  that  position  for  13  years. 
He  has  accepted  positions  as  pas- 
toral care  director  of  The  Brethren 
Home,  New  Oxford,  Pa.,  and  as  dean 
of  Graduate  Studies  at  Bethany  The- 
ological Seminary's  Susquehanna 
Valley  Satellite,  Elizabethtown,  Pa. 

Phil  and  Louie  Rieman 

Warren  Eshbach 

8  Messenger  March  1997 

The  Global  Mission  Partnerships  director  for  the  redesign- 
id  General  Board  will  be  Mervin  Keeney,  representative  to  Africa 
ind  the  Middle  East,  who  was  named  in  January.  This  new  posi- 
ion  will  begin  in  July,  when  the  Board's  new  structure  is 
ixpected  to  go  into  effect. 

Keeney's  responsibilities  will  include  administering  and  monitor- 
ing the  General  Board's  current  and  future  global  mission  work. 

Flooding  in  the  Northwest  US  prompted  Brethren  assistance. 
)isaster  response  coordinators  in  Pacific  Southwest  and  Ore- 
ion/  Washington  districts  in  January  were  assessing  the 
:;ituation  to  take  action  if  needed.  Cooperative  Disaster  Child 
^are  volunteers  set  up  child  care  centers  from  Jan.  4  to  1 1  in 
yiodesto,  Calif.,  and  in  Medford,  Ore. 
Brethren  nationwide  can  aid  those  affected  by  constructing 
Gift  of  the  Heart"  kits.  To  learn  how  to  construct  "Gift  of  the 
;deart"  kits,  contact  Church  World  Service  at  (219)  264-3102. 

fhe  1997  Nigeria  workcamp  was  canceled  for  American  par- 
icipants  after  they  were  denied  visas  by  the  Nigerian  government, 
"he  workcamp  was  still  held  for  six  workcampers  from  Germany 
ind  Switzerland  affiliated  with  the  Swiss-based  Basel  Mission,  the 
;;hurch  of  the  Brethren's  mission  partner  in  Nigeria.  This  situation 
s  similar  to  that  of  two  Nigerian  students  from  Ekklesiyar  Yanuwa  a 
Nligeria  (the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Nigeria),  who  planned  to 
ittend  Bethany  Theological  Seminary  in  Richmond,  Ind.,  but  were 
Jenied  visas  by  the  US  in  1 995  and  1 996. 

Jubilee  was  rated  the  best  children's  curriculum  in  a 

)hone  poll  last  year  of  over  1 ,300  people  in  nine  denominations. 

iubliee,  the  children's  Sunday  school  curriculum  developed  by 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren,  the  Mennonites,  and 
Brethren  in  Christ,  was  rated  "highest  in  cus- 
tomer satisfaction  and  emerged  as  a  model  for 
future  curriculum  planning,"  said  Wendy  McFad- 
den,  director  of  Brethren  Press. 
The  survey  was  conducted  for  an  ad  hoc  ecu- 
menical publishing  group,  including  Brethren  Press, 

hat  is  planning  curriculum  for  the  next  century. 

Jrethren  were  involved  in  several  events  organized  by 
:)hristian  Peacemaker  Teams  this  winter.  The  Christian  Peace- 
naker  Congress  was  held  Dec.  27-30  in  Washington,  D.C.  The 
;ongress,  sponsored  by  CPT  and  New  Call  to  Peacemaking,  met 
jnder  the  theme  'Joining  the  Nonviolent  Struggle:  Getting  in  the 
A/ay."  Brethren  Art  Gish  of  Athens,  Ohio,  served  as  a  plenary 
speaker.  Over  200  participants  concluded  the  congress  by  cir- 
;ling  the  Pentagon  and  reading  the  following  statement:  "We 
lave  come  to  the  Pentagon  from  across  America  to  lament  the 
larvest  of  violence  which  our  nation  is  reaping  in  the  form  of 
inempioyment,  hunger,  poverty,  homelessness,  depression, 
;rime,  and  despair." 

CPT  also  held  its  fifth  annual  demonstration  against  violent 
oys  on  New  Year's  Day  in  Chicago.  Thirty  Brethren,  Mennonites, 

and  Quakers  began  the  protest  at  the  Art  Institute  and  then 
walked  to  a  nearby  Toys  "R"  Us,  where  they  held  a  peaceful 
protest.  The  protest  was  covered  by  the  Chicago  Tribune. 

During  a  protest  in  January  at  the  US  Navy's  Project  ELF  (ex- 
tremely low  frequency)  facility  in  Ashland  County,  Wis., — a 
government  radio  facility  that  communicates  with  submarines 
that  are  at  sea— 1 1  CPT  members  were  arrested  for  protesting 
with  over  50  others.  The  protesters  held  a  mock  trial,  charging 
ELF  with  "crimes  against  humanity  and  the  environment,"  ac- 
cording to  Gene  Stoltzfus  of  CPT  The  protestors  stated  that  ELF 
should  be  "shut  down,"  and  then  symbolically  "closed"  the  sta- 
tion by  hanging  closure  signs  on  the  outer  fence  of  the  facility, 
while  others  attempted  to  climb  the  fence  to  place  more  signs 
within  the  facility.  The  arrested  protesters  included  Brethren 
Cheryl  Cayford,  Elgin,  III.;  Kryss  Chupp,  Chicago,  III.;  Mark  Frey, 
North  Newton,  Kan.;  and  Cliff  Kindy,  North  Manchester,  Ind. 

"It  has  been  a  great  media  year  for  us,"  said  Brian  Backe, 
SERRV  International  marketing  director,  after  he 
appeared  on  Cable  News  Network  (CNN)  on  Christ- 
mas Day  to  promote  SERRV  in  a  seven-minute 
segment  on  alternative  giving.  CNN  contacted 
Backe  following  SERRV's  segment  on  National  '^K^ 
Public  Radio  in  November  Backe  showed  several  ^^^ 
SERRV  crafts  during  the  segment  which  was  filmed  at  the  CNN 
studio  in  Washington,  D.C. 

Congregational  peace  coordinator  training  events  are 

being  held  this  year  Five  districts  are  hosting  the  events,  which 
began  with  Middle  Pennsylvania  on  Jan.  19.  Other  districts 
involved  are  Northern  Ohio — March  15;  Southern  Pennsylva- 
nia—April 27;  Pacific  Southwest— May  16-18;  and  Western 
Pennsylvania— June  7, 

"Peace  coordinators  are  selected  by  congregations  to  serve  as 
a  peace  resource  person  for  the  church,  while  also  representing 
ways  to  involve  the  congregation  in  various  forms  of  peace  wit- 
ness," said  David  Radcliff,  director  of  Denominational  Peace 
Witness.  Participants  will  learn  of  resources  and  ideas  for 
peacemaking,  the  biblical  and  Brethren  basis  for  peace,  and 
denominational  action  in  peace. 

A  first-ever  grant  to  North  Korea  of  $35,000  grant  from  the 
Global  Food  Crisis  Fund  was  approved  in  January  to  assist  in  a 
first-time  effort  at  double  cropping.  The  funds  will  help  plant 
wheat,  barley,  and  rice  on  over  1,600  acres  that  will  feed  nearly 
3,000  families  for  a  year.  The  assistance  is  in  response  to  flood- 
ing in  North  Korea  over  the  past  two  years  because,  according  to 
David  Radcliff,  director  of  Denominational  Peace  Witness,  "Inter- 
national agencies  estimate  that  over  three  quarters  of  the 
population  is  experiencing  some  form  of  malnutrition." 

Radcliff  was  scheduled  to  visit  North  Korea  in  February  with  a 
delegation  that  includes  the  Heifer  Project  International  Asia 
director.  "With  Brethren  encouragement,  HPI  is  actively  exploring 
projects  in  that  country,"  Radcliff  said. 

March  1997  Messenger  9 

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1               ■  ■  ■.  . 


to  j'Ue 

.     .Or 

abv^rcc^,  cl^/LdKet^  cxpLo/teol,  cl^iWKei^  i^e^jLectedi,  cI^/Wkci^  c)o^^e  bad.  Bv^t,  ^i^l'ike  a 

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pKobLcri  tUat  ^eedi  t^o  Cv^k-e,  j«^rt  ///-^pLe  pk-evev%t)oi^.  CaLL  it  po/it/ve  paKGi^t/^%cj. 

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fine  bert  1^  oi^K  claiLcilKev%  a^%cJl  to  t^eLp  tl^er>  ^/w%cj|  tl^eiK  pLace  i^  ;oc/ety. 

10  Messenger  March  1997 

to  j'Ue 

C^iWKeK%  }v^  fUe  SibLc 

3Y  Harriet  Finney 

he  voices  of  children,  while  sometimes 
seeming  unnecessarily  noisy  and  annoying 
to  parents,  are  nonetheless,  often  not 
eally  heard  by  adults,  unless  they  are  given 
'oice  by  people  who  are  more  articulate  and 
lave  greater  power.  In  the  Bible  the  voices  of 
■hildren  speak  to  us  through  the  stories, 
hrough  the  commandments  of  God,  and 
hrough  the  words  of  (esus  and  the  early 
:hurch.  What  do  we  hear  these  voices 
aying?  How  do  they  speak  to  us  and  to  our 
elationship  with  children  today? 

Isaac  was  definitely  a  "wanted"  child  (Gen. 
18:21).  In  the  book  of  Genesis  we  read  that 
he  grief  and  shame  of  childlessness  had  pro- 
oundly  affected  the  lives  of  his  parents, 
Abraham  and  Sarah,  from  their  personal  rela- 
ionship  to  their  ability  to  trust  in  God's 
promise  that  they  would  be  the  ancestors  of  a 
■freat  nation.  For  people  living  in  that  culture, 
children,  especially  sons,  brought  not  only 
he  joy  of  their  immediate  presence  into  a 
amily,  but  also  a  certain  status  or  prestige,  a 
Dromise  of  honor  and  assistance  in  old  age, 
and  a  heritage  of  hope  for  the  future.  The 
conception  and  birth  of  Isaac  was  understood 
;o  be  a  special  gift  from  God. 

The  voices  of  children  speak  to  us,  saying:  I 
am  a  unique  child  of  God,  to  be  loved  and 
/alued  for  who  I  am  as  well  as  for  who  I  may 

Isaac  was  loved  and  valued.  Yet  there  was 
he  expectation  in  the  society  in  which  this 
'amily  lived  that  the  firstborn  child  would  be 
;acrificed  because  the  gods  demanded  it. 
Abraham  was  tested  as  he  too  heard  God's 
command  to  offer  his  son  as  a  sacrifice.  As 
he  sacrifice  was  about  to  be  made,  God 
ipoke  and  Isaac's  life  was  spared  (Gen.  22). 

In  ludges  1  1 ,  there  is  another  child  whose 
ife  was  ended  at  an  early  age  because  of  her 
"ather's  vow  to  God  that  he  would  offer  up 
:he  life  of  the  first  person  who  greeted  him 
vhen  he  returned  home  victoriously  from 
cattle.  When  lephthah  came  to  his  home  and 
vas  excitedly  welcomed  by  his  daughter,  who 
lad  planned  to  surprise  him  with  a  dance  and 
iong  that  she  had  created  especially  for  the 

occasion,  his  response  to  this  exuberant 
expression  of  love  was  to  tear  his  clothes  and 
say,  "Alas,  my  daughter!  You  have  brought  me 
very  low;  you  have  become  the  cause  of  great 
trouble  to  me.  For  I  have  opened  my  mouth 
to  the  Lord,  and  I  cannot  take  back  my  vow" 
(Judg.  1 1:35).  Thus,  this  young  girl  with 
such  a  passion  for  living  was  left  to  mourn 
the  life  she  would  never  know  because  of 
societal  understandings  and  traditions. 

The  voices  of  children  speak:  Help  us  to 
grow  and  mature  without  becoming  entrapped 
in  the  many  expectations  of  our  society  that 
may  harm  us.  Guide  us  gently  in  what  is  right, 
while  encouraging  us  to  live  our  own  lives. 

From  the  Law  through  the  Prophets,  in  the 
Psalms  and  in  the  gospel  message  of  |esus,  the 
Bible  reminds  us  that  we  are  to  show  compas- 
sion toward,  and  provide  special  care  for  people 
who  may  be  weaker  or  have  special  needs.  The 
ordinances  that  God  commanded  in  Exodus 
include  these  words:  "You  shall  not  abuse  any 
widow  or  orphan.  If  you  do  abuse  them,  when 
they  cry  out  to  me,  I  will  surely  heed  their  cry" 
(Exod.  22:22-23).  The  prophet  Zechariah  said, 
"Do  not  oppress  the  widow,  the  orphan,  the 
alien,  or  the  poor"  (Zech.  6:10).  And  fames 
said:  "Religion  that  is  pure  and  undefiled  before 
God,  the  Father,  is  this:  to  care  for  orphans  and 
widows  in  their  distress,  and  to  keep  oneself 
unstained  by  the  world"  (|as.  1:27). 

In  the  early  years  following  Jesus'  death 
and  resurrection,  the  church  was  a  part  of  a 
society  dominated  by  the  Roman  Empire,  in 
which  children  were  considered  to  be  the 
property  of  their  father. 

The  epistles  reflect  that  social  reality,  while 
also  encouraging  Christians  to  follow  Jesus' 
example  and  teachings  concerning  children. 
"Children,  obey  your  parents  in  the  Lord,  for 
this  is  right. . .  .And  fathers,  do  not  provoke 
your  children  to  anger,  but  bring  them  up  in 
the  discipline  and  instruction  of  the  Lord." 
(Eph.  6: 1 ,4).  "Children,  obey  your  parents  in 
everything,  for  this  is  your  acceptable  duty  in 
the  Lord.  Fathers,  do  not  provoke  your  chil- 
dren, or  they  may  lose  heart"  (Col.  3:20-21). 
Titus  2:4  has  words  of  instruction  for  mothers, 
advising  young  women  to  love  their  children. 

The  voices  of  children  speak:  We  need  dis- 

like vo/ce;  of 
cU'ilc\^e^  ;peak'. 

Let  v^;  L/rte*^ 
a>%d  LeaK^^  f^or^ 
yov^  abov^t  tl^e 

f^'ifU  t^at  h 

yo^  aUo  l);tet^ 
to  v^i",  KeaK  ovK 

LcaKK%  A'o/^  ^( 
a;  uoeLL? 

March  1997  Messenger  11 

cU'id/e^  ;peak 

to  oil  ^3yi»^'^- 

I  a/^  a  yjv-,io^e 

cKiW  0^  6oot,  to 

be  LoveoJ  a^%ci 

vaL^^ed!  foy  ^l^o 

I  ar>  a;  uoeLL  ar 

AaK  vajI^o  I  /^ay 


cipline  and  guidance  as  we  learn  and  grow, 
yet  always  with  love  and  patience,  and  with 
the  understanding  that  we  are  still  children. 

"Hear,  O  Israel:  The  Lord  is  our  God,  the 
Lord  alone.  You  shall  love  the  Lord  your  God 
with  all  your  heart,  and  with  all  your  soul,  and 
with  all  your  might.  . . .  Recite  (these  words)  to 
your  children  and  talk  about  them  . . ."  (Deut. 
6:4-6).  Again  and,  again  biblical  passages  give 
us  the  message  that  children  are  to  be  included 
in  experiences  of  faith.  Not  only  are  they  to  be 
taught,  but  also  invited  to  participate  in  the 
community  of  faith  as  it  gathers  to  praise  God, 
to  worship,  to  hear  solemn  words  of  com- 
mandment, to  remember  and  give  thanks  to 
God,  to  participate  in  commemorative  acts. 

The  understanding  of  a  child  about  matters 
of  faith  is  not  to  be  underestimated.  Samuel's 
call  from  God  came  when  he  was  a  young  boy, 
assisting  the  priest  Eli  in  the  temple.  Jeremiah 
was  called  to  begin  his  prophesying  when  he 
thought  himself  much  too  young.  Mary  was 
undoubtedly  barely  more  than  a  child  when  the 
angel  Gabriel  appeared  to  her  with  the  amazing 
message  that  she  would  become  the  mother  of 
Jesus.  And  even  she  was  astonished  to  find  her 
son  in  the  temple  at  age  12,  amazing  the  theolo- 
gians and  teachers  there  with  his  questions,  his 
perception  and  understanding. 

Jesus  himself  spoke  clearly  on  this  matter. 

"Let  the  little  children  come  to  me for 

whoever  does  not  receive  the  kingdom  of  God 
as  a  little  child  will  never  enter  it"  (Mark 
1 0: 1 4, 1 5).  And  he  blessed  the  children. 

The  apostle  Paul  encouraged  the  Corinthi- 
ans to  be  like  children  in  one  aspect  of  their 
living,  while  being  adult  in  another.  "Brothers 
and  sisters,  do  not  be  children  in  your  think- 
ing; rather,  be  infants  in  evil  (maliciousness), 
but  in  thinking  be  adults"  (1  Cor.  14:20). 
Childlike  behavior  may  take  us  from  malicious 
words  and  deeds. 

The  voices  of  children  speak:  Let  us  listen 
and  learn  from  you  about  the  faith  that  is 
yours.  And  will  you  also  listen  to  us,  hear  our 
questions  and  learn  from  us  as  well?  Invite  us 
to  be  a  vital  part  of  the  community  of  faith,  so 
that  we  can  learn  and  worship  and  praise 
God  together. 





Harriet  Finney  of  North  Manchester.  Ind..  is  co-executive  of 
South/Central  Indiana  District  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

BY  Judith  A.  Myers-Wall 

Imagine  a  church  with  no  children.  Every 
one  in  the  church  is  18  years  old  or  older. 
Imagine  Sunday  morning — worship  ser- 
vice, Sunday  school  hour,  and  fellowship 
time.  Imagine  a  potluck  or  carry-in  dinner. 
Imagine  the  church  facilities.  How  would  such 
a  church  look,  sound,  and  feel? 

There  would  be  some  notable  benefits  for 
this  type  of  church.  There  would  be  no  nurs- 
ery expenses.  Spaghetti  dinners  for  National 
Youth  Conference  would  be  unnecessary.  No 
one  would  need  to  be  convinced  to  work  in 
the  nursery  or  teach  children's  Sunday  school. 
Compared  to  churches  with  lots  of  children,  it 
would  be  quieter  during  the  worship  service, 
and  there  would  be  fewer  fingerprints  in  the 
cake  icing  at  the  church  meals.  Pastors  could 
concentrate  entirely  on  the  sermons  and  other 
adult  activities  instead  of  being  distracted  by 
the  children's  story.  Almost  everyone  in  the 
church  would  be  a  potential  board  member  or 
Annual  Conference  delegate. 

For  many  people  the  picture  of  a  childless 
church  is  not  a  positive  one.  Many  would  say 
that  the  benefits  of  reduced  costs  and  increased 
focus  on  adult  needs  and  programs  are  not 
worth  the  costs  of  losing  the  children's  presence 
in  the  church.  But  what  are  the  benefits  of  chil- 
dren's presence?  If  you  would  be  concerned 
about  a  childless  church,  would  you  be  con- 
cerned about  families,  the  future,  fun,  or  focus? 

Families.  Some  people  connect  children 
with  church  growth.  Children  and  young  fam- 
ilies usually  come  as  a  package  deal,  and 
young  families  could  have  a  long  life  ahead  of 
them  in  a  church.  As  a  bonus,  young  families 
may  multiply  themselves.  Families  with  chil- 
dren often  look  for  churches  with  other  young 
families  and  with  large  and  active  child  and 
youth  programs.  So  families  with  young  chil- 
dren may  attract  other  families  with  young 
children,  helping  the  church  grow. 

This  view  may  concentrate  on  the  families.  Iti 
may  see  the  children  just  as  a  side  effect  that 
coincidentally  accompanies  the  primary  bene- 
fit of  bringing  young  families  into  the  church. 

Future.  Other  people  may  look  at  children 
as  a  predictor  of  the  future  health  of  the 
church.  They  see  today's  children  as  tomor- 

12  Messenger  March  1997 

hid^e^^^  a^%cl  foCyj^ 

ow's  church  members  and  leaders.  In  that 
'lew,  if  today's  church  members  are  patient 
md  they  tolerate  the  inconveniences  and 
idditional  costs  of  children  in  the  church  now, 
he  investment  will  pay  off  in  the  future. 

This  view  is  represented  by  the  many  slogans 
hat  state  "Children  are  our  future."  Again,  the 
:oncentration  is  not  on  the  children  as  chil- 
Iren,  but  on  what  they  may  become  in  the 

C2^  Love  it;claiLdKev% 

future.  A  danger  is  that  the  emphasis  on  wait- 
ing for  the  future  may  lead  us  to  miss  the 
special  gifts  that  children  offer  in  the  present. 

Fun.  Yet  another  group  of  people  may  espe- 
cially value  the  entertainment  provided  by 
children.  A  Christmas  program  with  children 
dressed  as  sheep,  shepherds,  wise  men, 
angels,  Mary,  and  Joseph  can't  miss.  And  who 

Basic  move- 
ment— rolling, 
sitting,  reach- 
ing, crawling 

The  impor- 
tance of  commu- 
nication, under- 
standing and 
speaking  a  few 

Basic  trust 
and  security 

(2  to  5  years  of  age) 

Using  movements  for 
games  and  tasks 

How  to  do  things  for 
themselves  (dressing, 
eating,  using  the  bath- 

Building  vocabulary 
and  grammar 

Building  confidence 
and  independence 

Learning  by  doing 

Following  rules  be- 
cause they  get  re- 

Provide  a  safe 
and  stimulating 

Childproof  the 
fellowship  hall 
and  classrooms. 

Celebrate  baby 

Love  the  child 
and  the  parents. 

Provide  activity  packs 
for  use  in  worship  ser- 

Childproof  any  area 
where  the  children 
might  go. 

Include  preschoolers 
in  a  children's  sermon, 
but  provide  a  nursery 
for  other  times  in  the 
service,  if  desired. 

Arrange  for  parent- 
ing classes  for  the 

(6  to  12  years  of  age) 

Developing  more  ad- 
vanced movement  skills 

Doing  most  things  for 

Saying  and  understand- 
ing almost  everything; 
sometimes  experimenting 
with  adult  language 

Learning  basic  academic 
skills  (reading,  writing, 

Understanding  the  things 
they  have  experience  with 

Following  rules  because 
they  are  the  rules 

Provide  age-appropriate 
activity  packs  for  use  in 
worship  services. 

Provide  choirs  and  op- 
portunities for  church  pro- 

Display  art  projects  and 
poetry  or  writing,  or  pro- 
vide a  column  in  the 
church  newsletter. 

Include  their  ideas  when 
creating  church  profiles 
and  assessments. 

Arrange  for  parenting 
classes  for  the  parents. 

you'k>cj  ac;loLe;cet^t; 

(13  to  15  years  of  age) 

Developing  sports  exper- 
tise and  performance  skills 

Interest  in  caring  for 
younger  children 

Learning  with  other 
young  adolescents  and 
with  limited  adult  direction 

Deciding  some  career 

Following  rules  based 
on  a  black-and-white  un- 
derstanding of  morality; 
interest  in  world  hunger, 
peace,  and  other  issues 

Provide  choirs  and  oppor- 
tunities for  contributions 
to  worship  experiences. 

Allow  young  adolescents 
to  help  in  the  nursery. 

Encourage  participation 
and  leadership  in  service 

Provide  a  column  in  the 
church  newsletter. 

Ask  for  input  regarding 
church  decisions,  espe- 
cially those  that  impact 
young  adolescents. 

Provide  a  membership 
class,  celebrate  baptism, 
and  offer  alternative  op- 
portunities for  those  not 
yet  ready  for  baptism. 

OWeK  ac^oLerce^%t; 

(16  to  18  years  of  age) 

Preparing  for  adult  roles 

Developing  intimate 

Choosing  which  family 
activities  and  commit- 
ments to  maintain 

Making  some  commit- 
ments to  educational 
and  occupational 

Following  rules  based 
on  individual  values  and 
the  needs  of  others 

Provide  opportunities 
for  leadership  in  wor- 
ship services, 
sometimes  providing 
youth  a  service  of  their 

Consider  one  or  more 
youth  positions  on  the 
church  board. 

Ask  for  input  regard- 
ing church  decisions. 

Provide  opportunities 
for  leadership  in  a  vari- 
ety of  church  activities. 

Provide  opportunities 
for  baptism  for  those 
ready  during  high 

lUDlTH  A. 

Myers -Walls 

March  1997  Messenger  13 

Cl^'id^e^  arc 

vaUabLe,  ^^ot 

ov%Ly  becav^re 

tiacy  uoiLL  /^ake 

becav^i"©  0^  vajI^o 
tl^cy  aKc  k%ovo. 

can  avoid  smiling  at  a  baby  dedication  or  a 
children's  choir  performance?  Children  can 
be  unbelievably  cute  and  adorable  and  can 
enliven  even  the  driest  situation.  A  danger 
here  is  that  we  may  not  notice  the  wisdom 
and  messages  carried  by  children  while  we 
are  smiling  or  laughing  at  their  naive  or  pre- 
cocious behavior. 

A  I  of  these  views  at  their  heart  can  be 
very  accurate  and  healthy  in  a  church. 
Children  are  an  important  aspect  of 
church  growth;  they  could  be  an  indicator  of 
the  future  health  and  direction  of  a  church; 
and  they  are  fun  and  can  brighten  the  worlds 
of  those  around  them.  But  Jesus  proposed 
another  view  of  children.  He  encouraged  us 
to  focus  on  them  now,  as  children. 

Focus.  lesus  said,  "Let  the  little  children 
come  to  me;  do  not  stop  them"  (Mark  10:  14). 
He  didn't  say,  "Let  the  little  children  come  to 
me,  and  bring  their  parents  along  because  they 
are  the  ones  1  really  want  to  see."  He  also  didn't 
say,  "Let  the  little  children  come  to  me,  because 
some  day  they  will  be  important."  Nor  did  he 
say,  "Let  the  little  children  come  and  perform 
for  me,  because  they  are  really  cute."  In  fact, 
Jesus  went  on  to  say  something  that  apparently 
was  shocking  in  his  time,  and  may  still  be 
shocking  in  this  time:  "For  it  is  to  such  as  these 
that  the  kingdom  of  God  belongs.  Truly  I  tell 
you,  whoever  does  not  receive  the  kingdom  of 
God  as  a  little  child  will  never  enter  it"  (Mark 
10:  14-15). 

Any  society  or  institution  that  does  not  care 
for  its  children  has  a  very  limited  future.  But 
Jesus  made  a  different  observation:  Children 
are  valuable,  not  only  because  they  will  make 
contributions  in  the  future,  but  because  of 
who  they  are  now.  Children  are  important 
because  they  are  children,  not  only  because 
they  are  future  adults.  Yes,  they  have  things 
to  learn  from  adults,  but  they  also  have  things 
to  teach  to  adults.  Adults  are  to  become  like 
children  if  they  are  to  enter  the  kingdom  of 
God.  So  if  we  are  all  to  become  like  children, 
we  must  learn  to  understand  and  emulate  the 
sense  of  wonder,  hope,  faith,  love,  and  devo- 
tion of  children. 

Childhood  is  an  interesting  time  of  life. 
Everyone  on  earth  is  either  currently  a  child  or 
has  been  one  in  the  past.  That  means  that 
everyone  on  earth  possesses  a  significant  level 

of  expertise  about  childhood.  We  all  know — or 
at  least  once  knew — what  it  is  like  to  be  a  child. 
Unfortunately,  many  of  us  either  develop  amne- 
sia about  this  stage  of  our  lives,  or  find  it  too 
painful  to  remember,  or  forget  how  to  remem- 
ber. We  bury  our  childhood  wisdom  in  so  much 
adult  thinking  that  we  may  need  to  dig  through 
several  layers  to  recover  that  approach  to  life  to 
which  Jesus  called  us. 

Churches  provide  a  wonderful  opportunity 
to  tap  into  childhood  wisdom  that  is  not  avail- 
able to  many  people  not  involved  in  a  church. 
Churches  challenge  the  age  segregation  that  is 
so  pervasive  in  our  society.  Infants  through 
the  elderly  attend  the  same  church  together, 
often  sitting  next  to  each  other  in  the  same 
meetings.  The  opportunity  is  there  to  create  a 
rich  union  of  the  wisdom  of  infancy,  child- 
hood, adolescence,  young  adulthood,  middle 
age,  and  aging.  But  in  order  to  build  this 
amalgamation  of  wisdom  we  need  to  welcome 
all  ages  and  then  listen  to  each  other  and 
understand  what  we  are  hearing. 

How  can  we  learn  from  children?  Do  we 
line  up  children  as  teachers  for  adult  Sunday 
school  classes  instead  of  the  other  way  around  I 
or  make  a  10-year-old  church  board  chair? 
Actually,  those  approaches  would  be  examples 
of  using  an  adult  focus,  not  a  child  focus. 
Teaching  a  class  or  presiding  over  a  meeting 
are  adult  methods  of  sharing  wisdom.  In 
order  to  learn  from  children,  we  need  to  enter 
their  world  and  participate  in  their  approach 
to  teaching.  It  may  help  to  think  of  three 
steps:  Learn  about  the  culture  of  childhood; 
listen  to  children;  and  walk  with  children. 

Learn  about  the  culture  of  childhood.  At 
several  periods  in  history,  children  have  been 
viewed  as  small  adults.  They  were  given  smaller 
versions  of  adult  clothes  and  expected  to  do  the 
same  things  as  adults,  except  maybe  a  little 
less.  But  children  are  different  from  adults,  not 
only  in  size,  but  also  in  how  they  view  the 
world,  how  they  think  and  process  informa- 
tion, what  they  consider  to  be  fun,  and  what 
they  dream  about.  Understanding  children's 
developmental  stages  can  help  adults  as  they 
prepare  activities  for  children  and  as  they  try  to 
understand  and  interpret  messages  from  them. 

It  may  be  helpful  to  compare  learning  about  I 
children  to  learning  about  people  in  another 
country  or  culture.  In  order  to  understand 
any  culture,  it  is  important  to  explore  the  lan- 

14  Messenger  March  1997 

^uage,  learn  about  the  customs,  and  observe 
everyday  life.  As  a  traveler,  one's  goal  is  not 
.0  change  the  people  in  the  other  culture,  but 
:o  appreciate  who  they  are  and  how  they  are 
different.  As  travelers  through  the  world  of 
:hildhood,  we  do  not  need  to  transform  them 
nto  us,  but  just  need  to  observe  them  closely 
enough  to  learn  how  to  communicate  with 
hem  and  interpret  the  wisdom  and  messages 
:hey  can  share  with  us. 

Listen  to  children.  Listening  to  children  is 
the  heart  of  communication  with  them. 
•  By  listening  to  children  we  may  learn 
low  they  think  and  what  they  think  is  impor- 
:ant.  Listening  also  will  communicate  caring 
and  nurturance  to  the  children  more  power- 
fully than  almost  any  other  action.  A 
sometimes  painful  and  sometimes  affirming 
aspect  of  listening  is  that  it  provides  a  mirror 
:o  our  own  actions:  we  hear  our  own  words 
in  the  children's  voices,  and  we  see  the  impli- 
cations of  our  words  and  actions  as 
interpreted  by  children. 

Responding  to  children  can  also  help  us 
earn  from  them  —  if  the  focus  is  on  the  chil- 
dren and  not  on  our  need  to  express  our  ideas. 
Po  find  out  if  you  truly  understand  something 
and  to  get  away  from  the  jargon  that  often 
abscures  the  concepts,  try  to  explain  that  con- 
cept to  a  young  child.  Tell  a  child  what  God  is 
or  what  Easter  is  all  about.  In  this  sense,  when 
we  try  to  teach  children,  we  may  learn  more 
[han  the  children  do.  But  that  learning  on  our 
part  is  most  likely  if  we  combine  our  responses 
ivith  effective  listening. 

Walk  with  children.  We  spend  a  lot  of  time 
as  adults  doing  things  to  or  for  children.  We 
arrange  their  schedules,  we  tie  their  shoes,  and 
vve  remind  them  of  rules.  But  if  we  are  to  enter 
:he  kingdom  of  God  as  young  children,  we 
may  need  to  do  things  with  them.  Isaiah  drew 
a  picture  of  the  wonders  of  the  Messiah  and 
included  the  statement,  "A  litde  child  shall  lead 
them"  (Isa.  1 1 :6).  We  need  to  trust  the  faith  of 
children  enough  to  let  them  take  the  lead  in 
matters  of  faith  sometimes,  and  to  let  them 
ioin  us  as  we  make  our  faith  journeys. 

Children  are  integral  members  of  our 
churches,  not  only  because  they  bring  young 
families  with  them  to  church,  not  only 
oecause  they  are  fun,  and  not  only  because 
:hey  will  be  members  and  leaders  of  the 

future,  but  because  of  who  they  are  now.  If 
we  wait  for  children  to  be  something  more  in 
the  future,  we  may  miss  who  they  are  today. 
Children  can  raise  the  windows  of  faith 
development  and  open  the  door  to  the 
kingdom  of  God. 


ludith  A.  Myers-Wall  is  associate  professor  of  Child  Devel- 
opment and  Family  Studies  at  Purdue  University,  Lafayette, 
Ind.,  and  a  member  of  Lafayette  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Reroufi^ce;  o^s  CMd^Qv^ ;  /;;vye; 

(For  annotated  bibliography,  see  1996  edition  of  Family  Ministry 
Resources,  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120;  (800)  323-8039. 

Raising  Self-Reliant  Children  in  a  Self-indulgent  World,  Glen 
H.Stephen  and  (ane  Nelson,  1989,  Prima  Publishing  and 
Communication,  Rocklin,  CaliL  (916)  786-0426. 

Serendipity  Parenting  Courses,  Lyman  Coleman,  Serendipity, 
Littleton,  Colo.,  1991. 

Parenting  Pre-schoolers:  From  Car  Seats  to  Kindergarten. 

Single  Parenting:  Flying  Solo 

Parenting  Adolescents:  Easing  the  Way  to  Adulthood 

Blended  Families:  Yours,  Mine,  Ours 

Learning  Disabilities:  Parenting  the  Misunderstood 

Our  Children  At  Risk,  joint  editorship,  1991.  Augsburg  Fortress, 
Minneapolis,  Minn. 

Regarding  Children.  1994,  Herbert  Anderson  &  Kenneth  R.  Mitchell. 
Westminster/John  Knox  Press,  Louisville,  Ky. 

Three  Generations.  Gary  L.  Mcintosh,  1995,  Fleming  H.  Revell, 
Grand  Rapids,  Mich. 

A  Growing  Together  Series.  (Booklets),  1990,  United  Church 
Press, Cleveland,  Ohio. 

Talking  With  Your  Child  About .  ..SEXUALITY.  R.K.  Ostermiller. 
Talking  With  Your  Child  About .  ..FEELINGS.  Kathryn  Parker. 
Talking  With  Your  Child  About . . .  PRAYER.  Myra  A.  Nagel. 
Talking  With  Your  Child  About . . .  WORSHIP  Sandra  Edwards. 

Helping  Teens  Care,  |ames  McGinnis,  1991,  Crossroad  Publishing  Co., 
New  York,  N.Y. 

fust  Between  Father  and  Son.  E.  James  Wilder,  1990,  Intervarsity  Press, 
Downers  Grove,  111. 


Parenting — Growing  Up  Together  Series  (V564R1  through  V564R6), 
Ecufilm  1985.  Six  videocassettes,  20-22  minutes  each,  study  guide. 

Roots  to  Grow.  Wings  to  Fly:  The  Fundamentals  of  Christian  Parenting, 

1992,  Bob  Kraning,  Christian  Life  Resources,  Mesquite,  Texas. 
— Ron  Finney 

Ron  Finney  is  co-e.xecutive  of  South/Central  Indiana  District  and  interim  director  of 
District  Ministry. 

March  1997  Messenger  15 



Like  a  koLLck 
coa;tGK  K/c^e. 
C^i/WKe^%  are 



a^vci  ;p/K/tv^aLLy 

cvei^y  day. 
A;  tuir  cjKovotK 

paKei^t;  are 

cKaLLei^cjeci  to 

acilapt  vyoitl^ 

BY  John  and  Deb  Lahman 

fesus  called  the  children  to  him  and  said.  "Let 
the  children  come  to  me  and  do  not  stop  them, 
because  the  kingdom  of  God  belongs  to  such 
as  these"  (Luke  18:16.  TEV). 

Parent:  "As  long  as  you  live  under  this  roof, 

you'll  do  as  I  say!" 
Parent:  "No  daughter  of  mine  is  going  out  in 

public  looking  like  that!" 
Parent:  "Don't  talk  to  me  like  that!" 
Child:    "Nobody  else's  parents  expect  them 

to  be  home  by  1 1!" 
Child:    "You  always  say  no!" 
Child:    "I  don't  care  what  you  think  of  my 

friends,  you  can't  choose  my  friends 

for  me!" 
Child:    "You  are  the  most  old-fashioned 

parents  anyone  has  ever  had!" 

Statements  like  these  can  be  heard  around 
many  households  —  Brethren  and  non- 
Brethren.  What  we  may  desire  in  the  way  of 
love  and  communication  in  our  families  does 
not  always  happen.  In  fact,  communication  in 
love  in  a  family  takes  a  great  deal  of  time  and 
effort.  Communication  in  love  is  generated  by 
parents'  focus,  flexibility,  and  intentionality. 

How  hard  is  it  to  create  the  right  environ- 
ment for  positive  family  interaction?  What 
ingredients  are  present  in  fostering  positive 
self-esteem  in  children?  How  do  we  maintain 
a  Christ-centered  family  life  while  dealing 
with  the  culture  that  surrounds  us? 

While  society  assumes  that  parenting  is 
something  everyone  does  naturally,  children 
are  subjected  to  a  variety  of  injustices.  The 
means  to  ensure  that  children's  voices  are 
heard  in  their  homes  is  parents  receiving  sup- 
port from  the  church  and  encouragement  to 
enhance  parenting  skills.  Here  are  some 
strategies  that  give  families  tools  to  handle 
the  world  around  them. 

Listening  to  the  voices  of  children  in  our 
homes  requires  making  God  the  center  of  our 
families.  When  mealtime  and  devotional  time 
are  used  for  praying,  reading  scripture,  and 
discussing  faith,  children  learn  that  our  lives 
are  built  on  God's  grace  and  love  through  the 
life  of  lesus  Christ. 

Listening  to  the  voices  of  children  in  our 
homes  means  giving  children  opportunities 
to  express  themselves.  Best  results  are 
achieved  through  intentional  communication 
strategies  in  which  family  members  prioritize 
time  with  one  another.  One  strategy  makes 
use  of  a  kitchen  timer  at  the  dinner  table  to 
provide  each  family  member  equal  time  to 
talk  about  the  day,  a  problem,  a  friend,  an 
incident,  or  some  other  personal  topic.  With- 
out the  kitchen  timer,  there  is  the  risk  that 
the  conversation  will  center  on  only  one  or 
two  family  members,  leaving  others  to  listen 
without  talking.  Of  course  the  timer  does  not 
have  to  be  used  at  every  meal.  The  joy  of 
family  conversation  cannot  be  scripted.  The 
use  of  time  shared  equally  on  a  regular  basis, 
however,  helps  families  listen  to  the  voices  of 
all,  not  just  a  few. 

"If  we  had  employed  the  timer  at  our 
dinner  table,"  one  great-grandmother 
remarked,  "our  youngest  would  have  been 
able  to  overcome  his  stuttering.  At  mealtime, 
he  could  never  get  a  word  in  edgewise." 

Listening  to  the  voices  of  children  in  our 
homes  requires  clarity  of  communication  and 
understanding  in  the  family  unit.  When  order 
is  given  to  their  worlds,  children's  day-to-day 
lives  gain  predictability.  Clarity  is  useful  to 
parents  attempting  to  keep  equilibrium  in 
their  children's  lives  by  providing  a  constant, 
predictable  routine.  This  framework  helps 
children  have  and  expect  secure  environ- 
ments on  which  they  can  depend. 

Many  parents  operate  in  their  own  time 
frames,  expecting  children  to  come  and  go 
along  with  them.  By  clarifying  family  sched- 
ules and  activity  plans  in  advance  with  the 
children,  parents  are  better  able  to  win  the 
children's  cooperation  and  support.  Simi- 
larly, parents  must  be  flexible  enough  to 
accommodate  their  children's  plans,  espe- 
cially as  the  children  grow  into  the  teen  years 
and  young  adulthood. 

Listening  to  the  voices  of  children  in  our 
homes  requires  parents  who  actively  listen. 
Often  we  catch  ourselves  in  communication 
with  our  children,  without  really  focusing  on 
what  they  are  saying  or  feeling,  without  really 
engaging  in  eye-to-eye  communication.  Lis- 
tening to  children  involves  being  very 

16  Messenger  March  1997 

iintentional  about  actively  hearing  the  words 
jthat  they  speak.  Also,  active  listening  means 
reading  between  the  lines  —  picking  up  on  the 
ifeelings  that  may  be  indicated  by  tone  of 
jvoice  or  body  posture. 

Listening  to  the  voices  of  children  in  our 
ihomes  means  growing  with  children  as  they 
mature.  Parenting  is  like  a  roller  coaster 
ride.  Children  are  growing  physically,  emo- 
tionally, and  spiritually  every  hour  of  every 
day.  As  this  growth  is  occurring,  parents  are 
challenged  to  adapt  with  the  children.  What 
a  child  needs  as  a  12-year-old  sixth  grader 
in  elementary  school  may  be  a  great  deal  dif- 
ferent from  what  that  same  child  needs  as  a 
13-year-old  seventh  grader  in  junior  high 
school.  Parents  must  ride  the  roller  coaster 
with  their  children,  through  the  peaks  and 
valleys  that  are  created  by  this  developmen- 
tal process. 

Listening  to  the  voices  of  children  in  our 
ihomes  means  praising  children.  Appreciating 
children  is  one  of  the  very  best  parenting 
strategies  available.  The  admonition  to  praise 
children  sounds  simple,  and  is  simple  to  do, 
but  difficult  to  do  consistently.  Are  our  most 
common  interactions  with  our  children  com- 
plimentary and  appreciative?  Or  are  they 
criticizing  and  condescending?  For  every 
reprimand,  do  we  offer  also  a  pat  on  the  back 
either  through  words  or  actions? 

Listening  to  the  voices  of  children  in  our 
ihomes  means  giving  encouragement  to  chil- 
dren. Encouragement  shows  confidence  in 
the  children  and  helps  them  pursue  other 
challenges  that  may  be  encountered.  Encour- 
agement involves  recognizing  and  building  on 
the  strengths  that  are  evident,  while  valuing 
the  children  for  their  actions.  Out  of  encour- 
agement, young  people  begin  to  view 
themselves  as  capable  and  their  independence 
is  stimulated. 

"If  1  were  you,  I'd  be  very  proud  of  myself." 
I'With  this  statement,  parents  can  help  chil- 
dren feel  good  about  their  accomplishments. 
If  parents  tell  their  children,  "We  are  proud 
of  you,"  that  suggests  that  the  children's 
actions  or  accomplishments  are  really  for  the 
parents.  Helping  children  feel  pride  in  their 
own  actions  and  behavior  helps  them  gain 
confidence  and  strength. 

Listening  to  the  voices  of  children  in  our 
homes  is  the  most  important  ministry  to 
which  parents  are  called.  Balancing  and 
attaining  life's  necessities  —  such  as  occupa- 
tions, community  service,  and  congregational 
life  —  is  important,  but  nothing  is  more 
important  than  the  opportunity  and  responsi- 
bility of  parenting. 

Giving  our  best  to  our  children  and  grand- 
children is  the  ultimate  life  ministry.  In 
thoughtfully  guiding  children  through  child- 
hood, we  give  meaning  to  their  lives  and  our 
lives.  As  we  are  models  of  our  own  Christian 
convictions,  future  generations  and  congre- 
gations become  the  beneficiaries  of  our     r7J~ 
devoted  parenting  efforts.  i 

cj/ve  r^e2v^iv->'^  to 
tl^eiK  Liver  a^^d 

lohn  and  Deb  Lahman  are  members  of  Glendale 
(Ariz.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  lohn  is  a  high  school 
guidance  counselor  and  Deb  is  an  elementary  school 
intervention  specialist. 

March  1997  Messenger  17 

Where  there's  al 

Dare  we  not  feel  a 

certain  amount  of 

shoc\  and  anger 

every  tune  we  hear 

of  another  child 

somewhere  in  our 

world  77 ot  allowed 

to  be  a  child  and 

not  allowed  to 

have  a  dream  for 

the  future? 

18  Messenger  March  1997 

BY  David  Radcliff 

^  ^   ■  f  I  didn't  work  here,  we'd  go 
I  hungry."  This  short  phrase, 
^Lspoken  by  a  child  worker  on  a 
tea  estate  in  Kenya,  sums  up  the  situ- 
ation of  many  of  the  world's  250 
million  working  children.  With  few 
economic  resources,  their  parents 
see  little  alternative  to  sending  their 
children  to  work. 

And  so  they  are  sent  to  the  fields  to 
prepare  the  ground  or  harvest  the 
crop  or  carry  the  produce  to  market. 
Indeed,  young  people  under  14  years 
of  age  comprise  12  percent  of  the 
workers  on  the  world's  agricultural 

Children  in  rural  areas  not  working 
in  the  field  labor  as  domestic  workers 
or  as  child  care  providers  for  younger 
siblings  while  parents  are  at  work. 
Often  chafing  at  this  task,  a  "real 
job"  is  seen  as  a  clear  advancement. 

Cities  serve  as  a  magnet  for  chil- 
dren looking  for  "real"  work. 
Opportunities  are  as  varied  as  an 
entrepreneur's  imagination  —  carpet 
makers,  street  vendors,  begging 
operations,  factories,  prostitution. 
"Real"  work  for  "real"  (though  not 
much)  pay.  Children  earn  from  a  few 
cents  to  a  few  dollars  a  day,  and 
often  for  work  that  is  dangerous  or 
debilitating.  Factory  fumes  clog 
young  lungs.  Hot  metals  are  cast 
inches  away  from  young  bodies. 
Strangers  force  themselves  on  young 
boys  and  girls  in  darkened  rooms  as 
many  as  a  dozen  times  a  day  (several 
million  children  are  trapped  in  the 
global  sex  trade).  Food,  rent,  or 
reimbursement  for  damaged  goods 
come  out  of  a  child's  earnings. 

What  parent  would  freely  send  a 
child  to  work,  especially  the  kind  of 
work  that  injures  body  and  soul? 
Few  parents  would  choose  such  a 
path  for  their  child,  although  in  some 

cultures,  there  is  less  stigma  attached 
to  children  working  than  in  others. 
In  most  cases,  economic  necessity 
drives  child  exploitation. 

A  recent  report  from  the  World 
Bank  conveys  the  cold,  hard  num- 
bers. One  quarter  of  the  world's 
people  must  survive  on  a  dollar  or 
less  per  day.  This  makes  difficult 
choices  arise  where  there  should 
have  to  be  no  choice  at  all. 

For  instance,  can  a  child  be  sent  to 
school?  Along  with  an  extra  monthly 
expense  of  $6-8  for  secondary  school 
tuition,  there  is  also  the  loss  of 
income  the  child  might  have  brought 
to  the  family  as  a  worker.  Can  the 
family  afford  a  net  loss  of  perhaps 
$  1 5-20  per  month  in  sending  a  child 
to  school?  And  sometimes  school  is 
harder  to  justify  because  of  poorly 
trained  teachers,  lack  of  materials, 
and  an  education  that  is  not  relevant 
to  the  child's  present  or  future  needs. 
Many  parents  long  to  give  their  chil- 
dren the  education  they  never  had, 
and  statistics  show  how  much  an 
education  can  mean  to  a  child's 
future.  Alas,  many  children  are  not 
able  to  live  out  their  parents"  dream, 
but  are  consigned  to  follow  in  their 

Are  there  ways  that  even  poor  par- 
ents could  avoid  sending  their  child 
to  the  field,  factory,  or  brothel? 
Often  children  are  sent  to  work 
because  their  family  has  had  to  take 
out  a  loan  to  meet  an  unexpected 
emergency.  A  lender  will  provide  the 
loan,  often  as  little  as  $  1 0,  if  the  par- 
ents will  turn  over  a  child  to  work  off 
the  debt.  This  kind  of  "debt  bondage" 
can  ensnare  a  child  for  years.  If  fami- 
lies had  access  to  small-scale  loans 
with  reasonable  repayment  schedules, 
they  would  not  need  to  use  their 
child's  working  body  as  the  repay- 
ment coupon  booklet. 

Families  around  the  world  can  also 

fc^ork  and  no  play 

benefit  from  a  better  understanding 
of  the  effects  of  a  childhood  spent 
working.  Boys  and  girls  in  the  sex 
trade  bear  permanent  psychological 
and  relational  scars.  Those  in  facto- 
ries often  experience  physical  and 
mental  stunting.  Children  sent  to 
work  far  away  from  their  families  do 
not  form  strong  familial  bonds  and 
learn  the  lessons  of  life  from  caring 
adults.  Child  soldiers  (as  many  as 
200,000  around  the  world)  suffer 
emotional  trauma  for  years  from  their 
experiences  in  combat.  As  parents 
and  entire  societies  better  understand 
ithese  risks  for  exploited  children, 
fthere  can  be  a  greater  reluctance  to 
see  children  used  in  this  way. 

Another  avenue  for  easing  the 
pressure  to  employ  children  is  for 
laws  to  be  passed  —  and  enforced 
when  passed  —  that  make  it  illegal  for 
children  to  be  exploited  as  workers. 
Ironically,  in  many  countries  where 
children  make  up  a  large  percentage 
of  the  work  force,  as  many  adults  are 
unemployed  as  children  are 
employed.  Employers  know  that  a 
child  can  be  paid  less  and  will  be 
more  compliant  than  an  adult  in  the 
same  job.  Recent  reports  have  also 
debunked  the  standard  argument 
that  children  are  more  adept  at  work 
requiring  dexterity — adults  perform 
just  as  well,  but  just  aren't  as  cheap 
or  as  submissive. 

Of  course  this  brings  the  question 
a  little  closer  home.  In  the  global 
marketplace,  attempts  to  improve 
profits  can  take  direct  aim  at  child 
workers.  If  hiring  children  decreases 
production  costs,  this  in  turn 
increases  earnings  . . .  which  brings 
smiles  to  corporate  board  rooms  . . . 
and  bonuses  to  executives  . .  .and 
gains  in  stock  market  prices  . .  .and 
extra  dividends  for  retirees  heavily 
invested  in  stocks  . . .  and  ...  we  begin 
to  get  the  picture.  Paying  a  child  a 

few  cents  for  a  day's  work  can  do 
wonders  for  the  bottom  line  on  a 
corporate  or  personal  ledger  half  a 
world  away. 

But  what  is  the  true  price  of  squan- 
dering a  child's  life  for  better 
earnings  reports?  What  does  it  bode 
for  the  world's  coming  generation 
when  so  many  children  enter  adult- 
hood without  the  experience  of  a 
healthy  childhood?  How  will  the 
working  children  of  today  be  pre- 
pared for  the  world  of  tomorrow  —  a 
world  of  information  and  communi- 
cation? Are  they  not  destined  to  be 
left  farther  and  farther  behind? 

For  Christians,  the  questions 
are  even  more  pointed  . . .  and 
have  a  prophetic  ring.  Dare  we 
enjoy  cheaper  products  or  larger 
portfolio  profits  if  these  have  come  at 
the  expense  of  the  health  and  future 
of  world's  most  vulnerable?  What 
have  we  done  to  combat  the  growing 
child  sex  trade  or  to  keep  children 
out  of  the  world's  armies?  Our  own 
attitudes  toward  and  tacit  acceptance 
of  violence  help  create  a  climate 
where  these  travesties  continue. 
Have  we  done  all  that  we  can  to  give 
the  world's  children  the  opportuni- 
ties to  become  what  God  created 
them  to  become?  We  regularly  thank 
God  for  all  our  many  blessings  and 
opportunities;  is  God  any  less  intent 
on  blessing  the  lives  of  others  — 
especially  those  little  ones? 

I  became  acquainted  with  13-year- 
old  Rosa  Maria's  family  during  a  stay 
in  her  village  in  Central  America. 
After  getting  to  know  them  over  the 
course  of  several  days,  I  asked  to  talk 
with  Rosa  Maria.  She  seemed  intelli- 
gent and  vivacious.  I  wanted  to  ask 
her  about  her  life  and  about  her 
hopes  for  the  future. 

A  time  was  arranged,  and  our  back- 
yard interview  took  place  amid  the 

clucking  of  wandering  chickens.  She 
told  me  about  the  simple  routines 
that  made  up  her  day  and  the  few 
things  she  did  for  pleasure  —  such  as 
walking  to  the  corner  and  listening 
with  friends  to  a  transistor  radio. 

Then  I  asked  Rosa  Maria  what  she 
wanted  to  do  with  her  life,  what  her 
hopes  and  dreams  were  for  her 
future.  She  paused  for  long  enough 
that  1  thought  she  hadn't  understood 
my  pitiful  Spanish.  When  I  repeated 
the  question,  she  said  that  she  had 
indeed  understood.  Then  she  replied 
that  she  hoped  to  join  her  father 
working  in  the  fields,  or  perhaps 
work  for  one  of  the  wealthier  families 
in  town  as  a  cook.  I  was  shocked  and 
confounded,  and  thought,  "This  girl 
doesn't  have  a  dream!"  Her  father 
told  me  the  next  day  that  even  though 
she  was  a  good  student  and  especially 
adept  in  math  and  science,  Rosa 
Maria  had  had  to  drop  out  of  school 
the  year  before.  They  did  not  have  the 
necessary  tuition  for  the  next  level. 

I  know  now  that  my  surprise  was 
at  least  in  part  due  to  my  naivete, 
and  I  have  since  come  across  many 
similar  stories.  But  dare  we  not  feel  a 
certain  amount  of  shock  and  anger 
every  time  we  hear  of  another  child 
somewhere  in  our  world  not  allowed 
to  be  a  child  and  not  allowed  to  have 
a  dream  for  the  future?  This  is  a 
world  that  should  be  as  unacceptable 
to  us  as  it  certainly  must  be  to  our 
God.  This  is  also  a  world  over  which 
these  children  have  little  control. 
Unfortunately  —  for  we  stand  under 
judgment  —  or  fortunately  —  for  we 
still  have  the  capacity  to  work  for 
change — we  cannot  say  the  [Ti" 

same  thing.  l — 

David  Radcliffis  director  of  the  General 
Board's  office  of  Denominational  Peace  Witness 
and  staff  liaison  to  the  Child  Exploitation  Study 
Committee.  The  committee's  revised  paper  will 
be  brought  to  the  1 997  Annual  Conference. 

March  1997  Messenger  19 

A.. n.?.w  design 

for  the  General  Board 

First  in  a  four-part  series  of  information  pieces 
about  the  General  Board's  proposed  new  design. 

Doing  General  Board  ministrie 

BY  Tracy  Wenger  Sadd 

Listening  to  people  across  the  denomination 
talk  about  Redesign,  one  hears  a  wide  range 
^  of  thoughts.  Some  people  believe  that 
Redesign  will  bring  about  the  structure  to  end 
all  structures,  while  others  ask  questions  in  the 
vein  of  "Can  anything  good  come  out  of 
Nazareth?"  Many  people's  views  range  some- 
where in  between  these  two.  But  underneath  this 
wide  divergence  of  thought  and  feeling  lies  a 
foundational  belief  that  something  in  this  beloved 
denomination  is  not  working  right.  People 
have  lost  confidence  in  the  system.  Some- 
thing needs  to  change. 

Some  of  the  challenges  the  church  faces 
are  uniquely  Brethren.  Others  are  common 
to  a  number  of  denominations,  and  have 
occurred  because  of  changes  in  the  culture 
that  have  put  the  church  under  fire  along 
with  most  established  institutions.  An 
increasingly  secular  culture  has  generated 
significant  interest  among  congregations 
in  the  mission  field  just  outside  their  front 
door.  Donors  are  no  longer  willing  to  simply 
turn  over  their  money  to  established  insti- 
tutions. They  want  to  see,  feel,  and  even 
influence  what  their  money  is  doing.  The 
church  may  celebrate  these  changes  or 
lament  them,  but  the  fact  is  that  they  are 
the  reality  in  which  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  exists,  and 
in  which  the  General  Board  must  carry  out  its  work. 

A  financial  crisis  challenged  the  General  Board  to  take 
action  in  1995.  But  the  lack  of  funds  was  only  a  symptom 
of  the  need  for  change,  not  the  problem  in  and  of  itself. 
As  the  Redesign  Steering  Committee  listened  to  people 
across  the  denomination,  other  symptoms  emerged.  The 
denomination  is  facing  a  leadership  crisis.  While  many 
congregations  are  thriving,  even  more  are  struggling  for 
survival.  General  unrest  is  evident  among  the  member- 
ship. People  feel  disconnected:  the  church  no  longer 
speaks  to  them  in  meaningful  ways  and  it  no  longer  lis- 
tens to  them  when  they  speak.  In  some  ways.  Brethren 
have  not  been  faithful  to  their  values.  Brethren  value 
openness  to  the  leading  of  the  Spirit  in  community  with 
brothers  and  sisters,  yet  they  have  operated  at  many  levels 
of  the  system  with  top-down  management.  Brethren  value 
discerning  or  seeking  the  mind  of  Christ,  yet  have  allowed 

20  Messenger  March  1997 

Leaders  at  all  levels 

of  the  organization 

in  the  new  design 

will  carry  on  a 
continuous  two-way 


process — somewhat 

like  a  loop — with 

all  parts  of  the 


church  proceedings  to  be  a  legislative  process, 
complete  with  advocacy  and  partisan  politics. 
The  financial  crisis  of  the  General  Board 
provides  an  opportunity  to  lay  the  blame  for 
all  these  symptoms  at  the  feet  of  the  General 
Board.  But  it  would  be  more  accurate  and 
more  efficacious  to  acknowledge  the  financial 
troubles  of  the  General  Board  as  only  one  of 
many  symptoms  that  are  a  "wake-up  call"  for 
all  parts  of  the  denomination.  Although  there 
are  thriving  pockets  within  the  denomination, 
the  responses  of  Brethren,  as  well  as  the  30- 
year  decline  in  membership  and  giving, 
all  suggest  that  the  denominational 
system  called  Church  of  the  Brethren 
has  lost  momentum,  energy,  signifi- 
cance, and  direction.  Individual  parts  off 
the  body  of  Christ  called  Church  of  the 
Brethren  are  thriving,  but  as  a  whole, 
the  church  is  not. 

Many  of  these  concerns  go  beyond 
the  scope  of  the  General  Board.  But 
some  do  rest  with  the  General  Board. 
Through  Redesign,  the  General  Board 
hopes  to  do  its  part  by  designing  its  newi 
structure  to  empower  constructive  lead 
ership  to  do  General  Board  ministries  inl 
a  new  way.  The  new  design  of  the  Gen- 
eral Board  will  not  be  a  quick  fix,  but 
rather  a  first  step  in  a  long-term  process; 
of  fundamental  change.  Key  to  this  process  are  a  continu- 
ous two-way  communication  process,  a  broad-based 
participatory  planning  process,  a  new  kind  of  denomina- 
tional staff,  and  a  mission  planning  council. 

Leaders  at  all  levels  of  the  organization  in  the  new 
design  will  carry  on  a  continuous  two-way  communica- 
tion process  —  somewhat  like  a  loop — with  all  parts  of  the 
denomination.  This  continuous  communication  loop  will 
send  a  message,  solicit  input,  listen  and  incorporate  that 
input,  respond  with  a  revised  message,  and  continue  the 
process.  This  loop  is  not  a  public  relations  technique,  a 
planning  strategy,  or  a  method  of  gathering  data  from  the 
membership.  It  is  hoped  that  it  will  be  the  beginning  of  a 
rediscovery  of  what  it  means  to  discern,  or  to  seek  the 
mind  of  Christ  together  —  not  at  a  meeting — but  over 
days,  weeks,  and  months  of  study,  prayer,  and  conversa- 
tion at  all  levels  of  the  church.  In  the  end,  what  the  , 
community  comes  up  with  in  conversation  together  in  the  I 

1  a  new  way 

process  should  be  far  better  than  what  leaders  or  mem- 
oers  could  have  come  up  with  separately.  It  is  in  this 
constantly  looping  communication  that  discernment  may 
happen,  vision  may  be  confirmed,  identity  may  be  shaped, 
and  mutual  accountability  may  be  encouraged.  This  con- 
dnuous  communication  loop  will  be  one  step  in  getting  to 
ihe  place  where  the  church  speaks  to  its  members,  the 
members  speak  to  the  church,  and  the  members  speak  to 
;ach  other  in  meaningful,  faithful,  and  significant  ways. 

A  nother  goal  of  the  new  design  is  to  establish  an  inte- 
/%    grated,  broad-based  participatory  planning  process 
X   ^Las  part  of  the  larger  communication  loop.  Since 
operating  top-down  at  any  level  of  the  system  goes  against 
Brethren  values,  the  new  design  will  encourage  the  min- 
istry and  mission  of  the  General  Board  to  spring  directly 
from  the  identity  and  faithfulness  of  congregations  and 
districts.  The  participatory  planning  process  will  give  con- 
gregations and  districts  a  direct  opportunity  to  shape  the 
General  Board's  program,  along  with  mission  partners, 
the  General  Board,  and  Annual  Conference.  The  priest- 
hood of  all  believers  suggests  the  prophetic  voice  can 
come  from  any  point  in  the  denomination.  Building  a 
process  of  program  planning  that  is  responsive  to  the 
i/ision  of  churches  and  districts  will  be  a  mark  of  the  ser- 
vant leadership  of  the  General  Board,  and  will  re-establish 
a  sense  of  involvement  and  participation  of  the  member- 
ship in  the  denomination's  ministry. 

Reflecting  on  Redesign,  some  have  asked  how  some- 
thing new  can  come  out  of  the  drastic  cuts  required  to 
operate  from  a  balanced  budget  that  is  not  dependent  on 
special  fund-raising  campaigns.  One  answer  is  by  the 
DOwer  of  the  Holy  Spirit.  Another  is  the  metaphor  of 
oruning,  which  teaches  that  less  can  ultimately  lead  to 
more  —  more  growth,  more  energy  for  the  sustaining 
[roots,  more  pleasant  and  proportionate  appearance. 

Others  have  suggested  the  "new"  General  Board 
structure  may  not  even  last  five  years.  It  may  not.  The 
Brethren  are  in  some  ways  in  the  wilderness,  and  may  be 
for  a  while.  The  new  design  should  be  a  tabernacle,  not  a 
:emple;  a  beginning,  not  an  end.  This  structure  is  for  a 
oarticular  time  in  the  life  of  the  General  Board  and  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  not  for  the  next  50  years. 

Still  others  have  said  the  new  structure  will  not  solve 
ftll  of  the  denomination's  problems.  That  is  indeed  one  of 
:he  few  certainties  in  this  complex  and  difficult  time  of 
;hange.  But  the  new  structure,  if  given  a  chance,  may 
jpen  a  window  of  opportunity,  setting  up  an  environment 

where  continuing  change  can  take  place;  where  over  time, 
the  community  called  Brethren  can  rebuild  trust  in  lead- 
ers, the  system,  and  each  other;  where  continuous 
communication  and  participatory  planning  will  help 
members  rediscover  what  it  means  to  discern  the  mind  of 
Christ  together;  where  members  can  affirm  and  reclaim 
their  unique  identity,  vision,  and  mission  as  one  part  of 
the  body  of  Christ.  The  commitment  of  every  member  is 
needed  to  create  such  an  environment  in  which  spiritual 
renewal  and  transformation  can  happen. 

Many  fear  that  in  spite  of  all  this.  Redesign  is  just  a 
bunch  of  corporate,  organizational  stuff,  in  some  ways,  it 
is,  and  to  a  certain  degree  there  is  nothing  wrong  with 
that.  For  although  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  is  definitely 
the  body  of  the  living  Christ  on  earth,  it  is  at  the  same 
time  a  very  human  institution.  Is  it  so  misguided  to  adapt 
some  ideas  from  those  who  are  specialists  in  the  field  of 
organizational  life? 

Moreover,  many  who  have  participated  in  the 
Redesign  process  have  not  felt  they  were  just  doing  a 
bunch  of  corporate,  organizational  stuff.  Many  share  the 
hope  in  the  midst  of  confusion  expressed  so  well  in  the 
words  of  former  General  Board  chairman  Ernie  Barr. 
These  thoughts  were  part  of  his  reflections  after  the 
Sunday  evening  Board  meeting  in  March  1995  when  this 
whole  journey  of  Redesign  began: 

"My  purpose  in  this  somewhat  detailed  and,  I  hope, 
not  too  lengthy  narrative,  is  to  describe  what  I  am  con- 
vinced was  an  encounter  with  the  Holy  Spirit  that  Sunday 
night  as  the  Board  met  alone.  Was  there  the  rush  of  a 
mighty  wind?  I  didn't  hear  any.  Were  there  tongues  of 
fire  on  the  heads  of  Board  members?  I  didn't  see  any. 
Was  there  speaking  in  tongues?  No,  quite  the  contrary; 
persons  were  extraordinarily  articulate  in  English.  Why 
then  do  I  say  it  was  an  experience  of  the  Holy  Spirit? 
Have  you  ever  had  the  feeling  that  you  were  working 
'over  your  head'  —  that  something  had  overtaken  you, 
that  somehow  things  were  really  quite  beyond  your  con- 
trol, and  that  when  it  was  all  said  and  done,  the  result  was 
better  than  you  had  any  right  to  expect?" 

Through  Redesign,  the  General  Board  is  taking  a  step 
of  hope  that  the  Holy  Spirit,  from  this  confusion  and  pain 
that  is  in  some  ways  beyond  complete  comprehension  or 
control,  will  bring  about  more  than  the  General  rT«~ 

Board  and  the  church  could  even  hope  for.  l — 

Tracy  Wenger  Sadd,  minister  for  Christian  Nurture  at  Litit:  (Pa.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  is  a  member  of  the  General  Board  and  its 
Redesign  Steering  Committee. 

March  1997  Messenger  21 

Pressing  toward  the  goal 

BY  Karen  Peterson  Miller 

"For  surely  I  know  the  plans  1  have  for 
you,  says  the  Lord,  plans  for  your  wel- 
fare and  not  for  harm,  to  give  you  a 
future  with  hope.  Then  when  you  call 
upon  me  and  come  and  pray  to  me.  I 
will  hear  you.  When  you  search  for  me, 
you  will  find  me;  if  you  seek  me  with 
all  your  heart,  I  will  let  you  find  me, 
says  the  Lord,  and  I  will  restore  your 
fortunes  and  gather  you  from  all  the 
nations  and  all  the  places  where  I  have 
driven  you,  says  the  Lord  . . ."  (Jer 
29:11-14  NRSV). 

While  I  was  preparing  tor 
family  members  from  Penn- 
sylvania, Minnesota,  and 
Maryland  to  gather  for  Thanksgiving 
at  my  home  in  Hagerstown,  Md.,  a 
phone  call  came  from  Kathy  Hess, 
chairwoman  of  the  General  Board. 
My  first  thought  was  that  she  was 
calling  to  check  on  the  pulse  of  dis- 
tricts and  the  Council  of  District 
Executives  concerning  the  redesign 
process  of  the  General  Board.  She 
said,  instead,  "Karen,  I  am  calling  to 
ask  you  to  consider  the  position  of 
interim  general  secretary  for  a  period 
of  up  to  one  year."  Very  few  times  in 
my  life  have  left  me  speechless,  but 
this  was  one  of  them.  Surprise  and 
terror  filled  my  being.  I  replied  that  I 
would  need  some  time  to  pray  and  to 
discern  God's  guidance  as  well  as  to 
talk  with  my  husband  and  family. 

As  I  reflected  on  the  call,  I  real- 
ized that  most  of  my  opportunities 
for  providing  leadership  had  come 
as  surprises.  When  1  least  antici- 
pated or  expected  life  to  take  a  turn, 
something  emerged  that  called  to 
me,  and  I  had  to  say  simply  yes.  So, 
once  again  I  have  said  yes  to  a  call 
with  responsibilities  that  are  multi- 
faceted —  requiring  the  faith  of  an 
Abraham,  the  laughter  of  a  Sarah, 
the  trust  of  an  Isaac,  the  protection 
of  a  Miriam,  the  courage  of  a  Debo- 
rah, the  hesed  of  a  Ruth,  and  the 
reckless  spontaneity  of  a  Peter.  And 

22  Messenger  March  1997 

there  are  other  Bible  heroes  and 
heroines  whom  I  carry  with  me  each 
day  as  a  reminder  of  God's  presence 
in  my  life. 

As  interim  general  secretary,  I 
have  the  privilege  as  well  as  the 
responsibility  of  seeing  the  new 
design  emerge  and  evolve.  Mindful 

Karen  Peterson  Miller 

of  the  General  Board's  vision  state- 
ment published  in  the  August  1995 
Messenger,  I  have  some  thoughts 
about  what  we  are  going  through  to 
make  that  vision  reality. 

Whether  we  are  young  or  old,  male 
or  female,  child  or  adult,  the  loss  of 
the  old  scares  us.  We  feel  sad,  angry, 
hurt,  betrayed,  and  threatened.  It  is 
good  to  acknowledge  the  stress  that 
results  from  the  loss  of  the  old  and  to 
remember  that  fear  and  apprehension 
are  part  of  our  experience. 

Even  though  the  General  Board  has 
been  moving  toward  discerning  the  way 
in  which  the  vision  might  become  a  re- 
ality, the  truth  is  that  nobody  knows  the 
shape  of  the  "new."  That  is  why  all  of 
us  experience  free-floating  anxiety  and 
fear.  None  of  us  is  good  at  living  in  the 
"in-between  times,"  and  that  is  where 
we  all  find  ourselves  as  the  spirit  of 
God  awakens  us  to  newness  of  life. 

Yes,  it  is  difficult  to  live  with  uncer- 
tainty about  that  which  is  emerging  and 
evolving  into  newness.  Some  things 
are  exciting,  however,  and  fill  me  with 
hope  in  the  midst  of  the  anxiety  and 

fear  that  daily  creep  into  my  being: 

•  A  committed  and  faithful  Exec 
utive  Committee  of  the  General 
Board  as  it  leads  with  intentionality, 
clarity,  and  care; 

•  A  General  Board  that  takes  seri- 
ously the  spiritual  turning  being 
called  for  by  the  constituents; 

•  A  General  Board  staff  and  sup- 
port staff  that  serve  faithfully  and 
tirelessly  to  meet  deadlines  while 
trying  to  deal  with  the  uncertainty  of 
future  employment  and  to  discern 
God's  leading  in  their  lives; 

•  Congregations,  pastors,  districts, 
and  district  staff  that  are  experienc- 
ing the  transforming  power  of  God; 

•  A  desire  and  a  genuine  effort  to 
strengthen  the  relationship  among 
Annual  Conference,  the  General 
Board,  and  other  partners; 

•  A  growing  awareness  of  the  needl 
for  one  another  as  we  cope  with  a 
world  that  is  changing  more  rapidly 
than  any  of  us  could  have  imagined. 

I  am  committed  to  providing  lead- 
ership for  the  General  Board  and 
staff  during  the  in-between-times  as 
the  new  design  continues  to  emerge 
and  evolve.  It  is  my  prayer  that  the 
vision  of  the  General  Board  v/ill  be 
embraced  and  accepted  as  we  move 
forward  in  our  call  to  be  faithful  dis- 
ciples in  continuing  the  work  of 
Jesus.  Peacefully.  Simply.  Together. 

Let  us  remember  and  claim  the 
words  of  the  apostle  Paul: 

"Not  that  I  have  already  obtained  this 
or  have  already  reached  the  goal:  but  I 
press  on  to  make  it  my  own.  because 
Christ  lesus  has  made  me  his  own. 
Beloved.  I  do  not  consider  that  I  have 
made  it  my  own:  but  this  one  thing  I  do: 
forgetting  what  lies  behind  and  straining 
forward  to  what  lies  ahead.  I  press  on  to-' 
ward  the  goal  for  the  prize  of  the  heav- 
enly call  of  God  in  Christ  fesiis.  Let  those 
of  us  then  who  are  mature  be  of  the  same 
mind:  and  if  you  think  differently  aboiii 
anvthing.  this  too  God  will  reveal        jjl 
toyoM"fPhil.  3:12-15,  NRSV).         ^ 

Karen  Peterson  Miller  is  interim  general  sec- 
retary of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Many  times  in 

Dur  interactions 

witii  otiiers, 

we  interpret 

tiieir  beliavior 

as  some  icind 

I       of  statement 

ibout  ourselves. 


by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

I  It  was  the  weirdest  sensa- 
tion. I  had  pulled  up  to  the 
intersection  and  stopped. 
While  waiting  for  the  light  to 
turn  green,  I  glanced  out  the 
passenger-side  window.  That 
was  when  1  saw  it  and  felt  the 
adrenalin  surge.  My  car  was 
slowly  moving  backward.  I 
ground  my  right  foot  onto 
the  already  floored  brakes 
only  to  realize  that  the  move- 
ment didn't  stop.  Making  a 
mental  note  to  have  the 
brakes  fixed,  1  checked  the 
dashboard  assuming  that  I 
accidently  shifted  the  car 
into  reverse — but  no.  The 
little  needle  was  firmly  fixed 
on  "D." 

"Why?"  I  wondered,  "Am 
I  moving?"  I  looked  out  my 
right  window  again  and  had 
my  answer. 

I  wasn't  moving.  The  car 
next  to  me  was  slowly  mov- 
ing forward  to  make  a  right 
turn.  All  that  panic  wasted 
over  an  optical  illusion. 

That  incident  left  me  feel- 
ing silly.  But  it  also  left  me 
thinking.  Many  times  in  our 
interactions  with  others,  we 
interpret  their  behavior  as 
some  kind  of  statement 
about  ourselves. 

I  knew  a  young  woman 
who,  coincidentally,  began 
dating  a  man  with  whom  I 
was  acquainted.  Though 
never  married,  Deidre  had 
been  through  several  disas- 
trous relationships  with  men. 
She  had  spent  some  signifi- 
cant time  and  energy  working 
through  that  pain,  and  when 
Larry  called  and  invited  her 
to  dinner,  she  felt  "ready." 

Larry  was  someone  I  did 
not  know  well  personally,  but 
his  brother  was  a  close  friend 
of  mine.  So,  I  knew  a  lot  of 
his  family  history,  none  of 
which  I  divulged  to  Deidre. 

After  three  dates  (which 
seemed  nearly  perfect  to 
Deidre)  and  a  few  engaging 
telephone  conversations, 
Larry  simply  stopped  call- 
ing. No  reasons,  no  excuses, 
no  good-byes,  no  closure. 
And  considering  the  casual 
status  of  their  friendship,  I 
am  not  sure  anything  more 
was  required. 

Deidre  didn't  see  it  that 
way,  however.  She  fell  apart. 
"What  is  wrong  with  me?  Lll 
never  have  anyone.  The  first 
decent  guy  I  meet,  and  he 
doesn't  like  me.  What  did  I 
do  to  turn  him  off?  I  just 
don't  have  what  it  takes  to 
attract  a  quality  man." 

What  Deidre  didn't 
understand  though,  was  that 
Larry's  withdrawal  from  the 
relationship  had  absolutely 
nothing  to  do  with  her.  It 
had  to  do  with  him. 

I  had  a  vantage  point  that 
gave  me  a  glimpse  of 
Larry's  struggles,  Larry's 
dissappointments,  Larry's 
insecurities,  Larry's  fears, 
and  Larry's  hang-ups.  The 
waning  of  his  interest  in 
Deidre  was  not  in  any  way 
an  indictment  oi  her  It  was 
a  reflection  of  him  and  what 
he  was  going  through  at 
that  point  in  his  life. 

Just  like  my  incident  in  the 
car,  when  I  saw  something 
changing,  I  assumed  /  was 
the  one  responsible.  Deidre 
realized  something  had 
changed  and  assumed  she 

was  somehow  responsible. 

This  not  only  happens  in 
dating  relationships;  it  hap- 
pens in  families,  work 
settings,  and  congrega- 
tions. An  adolescent  may 
become  withdrawn,  and  a 
parent  immediately  packs 
for  a  guilt  trip.  A  co-worker 
may  be  irritable  and  short- 
tempered,  and  we  wonder 
what  we  did  to  offend  her. 
A  person  at  church  may 
neglect  to  inform  or  include 
us,  and  we  get  our  back  up 
assuming  that  "So-and-so 
has  something  against  me." 

Sometimes  another's 
behavior  toward  us  is  a  reac- 
tion to  something  we  have 
said  or  done.  But  sometimes 
it's  not;  it's  entirely  a  functon 
of  his  personal  issues. 

It  is  important  to  remem- 
ber that  our  value  is  not 
determined  by  another's 
treatment  of  us.  If  someone 
in  our  life  does  something 
that  is  unpleasant  or  even 
hurtful,  we  need  to  do 
exactly  what  I  did  in  my  car 
at  the  intersection:  Check  all 
possible  ways  in  which  we 
might  be  responsible.  And 
then,  if  everything  is  "in 
gear,"  let  go  of  the  panic, 
worry,  anxiety,  and  guilt,  and 
give  the  other  the  free-      rijr\ 
dom  to  move  as  needed,   r^l 

Robin  Wentworth  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Kokomo  (Ind.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  cohimn  offer- 
ing suggestions,  perspectives,  and 
opinions  — snapshots  of  life — titat  we 
hope  are  helpful  to  readers  in  their 
Christian  journey.  As  the  writer  said  in 
her  first  installment.  "Remember, 
when  it  comes  to  managing  life's  diffi- 
cuhies,  we  don 't  need  to  walk  on 
water  We  just  need  to  learn  where  the 
stepping  stones  are. " 

March  1997  Messenger  23 

open  wide  your  hearts 

The  Brethren  are  noted  for  their  stress 
on  servanthood.  For  some,  it  comes  so 
naturally  that  they  might  ask  in  inno- 
cence, like  the  righteous  at  the  great 
judgment,  "Lord,  when  was  it  that  we 
saw  you  . . .  ?"  (Matt.  25:37).  As  we 
prepare  to  open  wide  our  hearts  for 
this  month 's  One  Great  Hour  of 
Sharing  offering,  we  might  consider  a 
few  stories  of  Brethren  operating  in 
the  servant  mode: 

Helping  the  voiceless  be  heard. 

Ostracized  by  her  family  when  she 
was  a  youth,  Mary  drifted  into  a  life 
of  drugs  and  prostitution.  But,  sev- 
eral months  ago,  when  she  learned 
that  a  baby  was  on  the  way,  she 
decided  to  stop  living  on  the  streets. 
I  visited  Mary  the  day  her  son  was 
born.  It  was  heartwarming  to  watch 
her  interact  with  him.  But  she  told 
me  she  was  afraid  Health  and  Reha- 
bilitative Services  (HRS)  would  take 
him  away  from  her  because  of  her 

HRS  did  just  that,  judging  Mary  an 
unfit  mother,  despite  her  turn- 
around. Then  there  followed  the 
routine  custody  hearing. 

But  Mary  had  friends.  Cafe  Joshua 
serves  homeless  people  committed  to 
attaining  a  better  quality  of  life.  We 
went  with  Mary  to  court,  where  Mary, 
the  judge,  and 
HRS  talked 
things  out.  Cafe 
Joshua  empow- 
ered Mary  to 
stand  up  for  her 
rights  and  to 
have  a  say  in  a 
decision  affecting 
her  life.  Mary 
Lisa  Ebaiigh  ^^^  ^aby  Destin 

are  now  reunited,  and  are  living  in  a 
comprehensive  drug  treatment  center. 

It  is  thrilling  to  help  a  voiceless 
person  be  heard. — Lisa  Ebauch 

Lisa  Ebaugh  is  a  Brethren  Volunteer  Service 
worker  serving  with  Cafe  Joshua,  West  Palm 
Beach.  Fla. 

24  Messenger  March  1997 

Thanks  for  remembering  us. 

The  Brethren  reached  out  to  the 
hungry  people  of  |apan  when  World 
War  II  ended.  The  church  worked 
through  the  Licensed  Agencies  for 
Relief  in  Asia  (LARA).  Relief  sup- 
plies valued  at  $400  million  in 
today's  money  was  sent  to  |apan. 
Among  the  material  aid  the  Brethren 
sent  were  25  purebred  Holstein 
bulls,  shipped  by  the  Brethren  Ser- 
vice Committee. 

Last  November,  a  50th-anniversary 
celebration  of  LARA  was  held  in 
Tokyo.  I  represented  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren.  I  was  amazed  by  the 
deep  gratitude  expressed  by  the 
Japanese  for  helping  them  50  years 

ago.  How  could  they  have  forgotten 
their  suffering  brought  by  the  war 
won  by  the  Americans  and  their 
allies?  Yet,  men  and  women  who 
were  youngsters  at  the  time  thanked 
me  with  tears  in  their  eyes  for  our 
Brethren  help.  Everyone  wanted  to 
tell  his  personal  memories. 

As  I  basked  in  the  glow  of  this 
heartfelt  gratitude,  I  wondered  what 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  is  doing 
today  that  might  be  celebrated  so 
heartily  50  years  from  now.  Will  we 
faithfully  continue  the  work  of 
jesus? — D.  Miller  Davis 

D.  Miller  Davis  is  executive  director  of 
Center  Operations  at  the  Brethren  Service 
Center  in  New  Windsor,  Md. 

Miller  Davis  (right)  accepted  an  award  from  LARA  for  the  Church  of  the  Brethn 

Bringing  light  at  Christmas.  Last 
spring,  I  was  translator  for  a  human- 
itarian agency  from  England 
distributing  food,  clothing,  and 
cleaning  supplies  to  the  needy  in 
Croatia.  In  one  bombed  house  we 
found  a  charming  elderly  couple 
living  in  a  makeshift  room  in  the 
basement.  They  were  as  fat  and  jolly 
as  Santa  and  Mrs.  Claus.  Tomo  and 
lelena  had  left  a  refugee  camp  to 
return  to  the  task  of  rehabilitating 

their  ruined  home.  Their  dark  little 
room  was  furnished  mainly  with  a 
bed  and  some  broken  chairs.  Yet  they 
exuded  warmth  and  hospitality,  in\it 
ing  us  in  and  treating  us  to  coffee 
laced  with  rakija  (homemade 
schnapps  made  from  plums).  Their 
exuberance  overwhelmed  us. 

When  we  visited  Tomo  and  [elena 
again  in  October,  we  were  met  again 
by  the  same  warm  hospitality.  They 
were  making  progress  with  restoring 

iheir  home.  Some  repairs  had  been 
nade.  The  barn  was  rebuilt.  They 
lad  some  chici<ens.  They  had  har- 
ested  a  fruit  crop.  But,  before  we 
eft,  Tomo  confided  that  there  was 
)ne  thing  he  wished  he  had  —  a  Httie 
electric  genera- 
tor. With  it,  they 
could  have  light, 
as  well  as  power 
for  the  small 
electrical  tools 
he  hoped  to 

The  relief 
workers  from 
England  went 
Holly  Peele  home,  raised 

money,  and  returned  a  week  before 
[Christmas  with  a  generator.  We 
irrived  giggling  like  kids  as  we 
blayed  our  Santa  Claus  role.  Tomo 
ind  lelena  were  surprised.  They 
ladn't  expected  to  see  us  before 
pring.  "Oh,  do  come  in  out  of  the 
;old!"  they  cried. 

But  things  were  different  this  time, 
fomo  had  been  ill.  The  winter  was 
larder  than  they  had  braced  for.  The 
'iirty,  crowded  refugee  camp  seemed 
jetter  than  this. 

The  generator  we  helped  them  set 
■ip  boosted  their  spirits.  The  room 
became  more  cheerful  with  the  elec- 
ric  light. 

We  dropped  in  next  day  expecting 
in  upbeat  visit,  but,  instead,  we 
oined  with  our  friends  in  bitter  dis- 
ippointment  that  the  generator 
vasn't  working.  We  monkeyed 
utilely  with  it  all  day,  but  agreed 
hat  it  would  have  to  be  taken  to 
Zagreb  for  repairs. 

As  I  write  this,  the  generator  is 
iupposed  to  be  repaired  by  tomor- 
ow,  and  in  a  couple  of  weeks  I  am  to 
eturn  it  to  Tomo  and  |elena.  But  this 
ime  I  am  not  excited;  1  am  scared. 
The  responsibility  one  holds  after 
aising  another's  hopes  has  never 
)een  more  real  to  me. — Holly  Peele 

Holly  Peele  is  a  Brethren  Volunteer  Service 
vorker  serving  in  Zagreb.  Croatia. 

Juana  Pab\o  dispensed  warm  hospitality  to  Brethren  workers  in  her  simple  kitchen. 

Who  was  the  servant?  luana  Pablo 
was  my  hostess  for  several  days  during 
a  Church  of  the  Brethren  workcamp  in 
Guatemala.  Juana's  family  is  one  of 
many  whose  lives  were  disrupted  by 
civil  war  in  that  country.  Life  is  still 
very  difficult  for  her  people.  While  I 
had  gone  to  Guatemala  in  the 
intended  role  of  a  servant,  it  was  not 
at  all  clear  to  me  that  I  was  playing 
that  role  after  my  arrival. 

What  passed  for  Juana's  kitchen  was 
a  small  entryway  outside  her  house. 
Her  equipment  was  one  clay  pot  for 
cooking  vegetables,  two  scorched 
metal  pots  for  boiling  water  and 
making  soup,  and  a  tortilla  griddle 
made  from  a  piece  of  tin.  We  ate  from 
a  ragtag  collection  of  white  porcelain 
bowls,  tin  cans,  and  plastic  cups.  A 
gourd  with  a  hole  in  the  top  held  the 
tortillas.  The  five-inch  hole  allowed 
luana  to  push  her  fresh  six-inch  tor- 
tillas in  comfortably,  and  allowed  the 
rest  of  us  room  enough  to  get  a  hand 
in  to  pluck  the  tortillas  back  out. 

Juana  rose  daily  at  4:30  a.m.  to 
begin  her  day's  work.  The  corn  for 
the  tortillas  must  be  shelled  and  then 
soaked  properly  before  it  is  ground 
by  hand  on  a  stone.  Grinding  takes 

an  hour  each  morning.  Then  the  fire 
must  be  started  and  the  griddle  pre- 

Juana's  system  was  to  get  a  lead  on 
us  of  a  half-dozen  or  so  tortillas 
before  calling  us  to  eat.  From  then 
on,  our  hands  reached  into  the  gourd 
to  pull  out  tortillas,  and  Juana's 
hands  reached  in  to  deposit  fresh 
ones.  For  the  first  10  minutes  of  the 
meal,  it  was  nip  and  tuck  between 
the  cook  and  the  eaters. 

While  1  could  not  help  enjoying 
Juana's  tortillas,  my  heart  hurt  as  1 
compared  her  world  to  mine.  All  this 
hard  work,  the  homes  broken  by  vio- 
lence, the  hopes  they  had  seen 
shattered  so  many  times.  All  the 
material  wealth  for  me  back  home, 
all  the  ease  and  comfort,  all  the  lux- 
uries taken  for  granted  that  I  had 
only  temporarily,  voluntarily  set 
aside.  I  had  come  to  serve  among 
Juana's  people,  yet  she,  in  her  simple 
household  tasks,  was  ministering  to 
me  as  if  1  had  come  as  a  guest      rrr 
of  honor. — Kirby  Leland  r^' 

Kirby  Leland  is  a  member  of  Ivester  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Grundy  Center.  Iowa.  He  par- 
ticipated in  a  Church  of  the  Brethren 
workcamp  in  Guatemala  this  past  November. 

March  1997  Messenger  25 

/  believe  that  how  we  die  may  say  a  lot 
about  how  we  have  have  lived,  who 
we  are,  and  about  our  faithfulness  to 
God,  life,  and  our  Christian  values. 

How  we  die  says  a  lot 

I  don't  agree  with  Guy  Wampler 
("Facing  the  Gray  Areas  of  Dying," 
January,  page  16)  that  the  kind  of 
death  in  which  people  walk  around 
physically  alive  but  spiritually  dead 
"is  far  more  tragic  than  assisted  sui- 

Quite  to  the  contrary,  those  who 
have  not  yet  found  spiritual  hope  for 
their  lives  still  can  find  it ...  as  long 
as  they  are  physically  alive. 

Many  Christians  might  agree  with 
Wampler  that  "the  key  question  then 
is  not  when  do  we  die  . . . ,  but  how 




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do  we  live?"  But  I  believe  that  how 
we  die  may  say  a  lot  about  how  we 
have  have  lived,  who  we  are,  and 
about  our  faithfulness  to  God,  life, 
and  our  Christian  values. 

]ohn  B.  Huggett 
Orlando,  Fla. 

Denying  the  Spirit's  role 

The  January  articles  on  death  and 
dying  and  Dr.  Kevorkian  are  timely 
and  necessary.  This  issue  is  at  the 
heart  of  the  struggle  for  the  soul  of 
our  despairing  society. 

One  point,  however:  There  is  a 
danger  in  writer  Wampler's  propos- 
ing "gray  areas"  where  we  must  use 
our  own  judgment.  This  usually 
means  that  whatever  we  want  to 
believe  in  this  area  is  okay;  God 
doesn't  give  us  definite  answers  here. 

But  lesus  and  Paul  let  us  know  that 
God  dispensed  with  the  Law,  the  rule 
book,  and  reveals  the  presence  of  the 
Spirit,  whom  we  must  allow  to  influ- 
ence and  determine  our  "judgments" 
in  all  facets  of  life. 

Even  those  issues  that  Anabaptists 
consider  as  "obvious"  directives  are 
"interpreted"  and  are  adjudged  dif- 
ferently by  many.  Our  society  as  a 
whole  is  not  actively  in  tune  with  the 

The  opinions  expressed  in  Letters  are  not  necessarily 
those  of  the  magazine.  Readers  should  receive  them  in 
the  same  spirit  with  which  differing  opinions  are  expressed 
in  face-to-face  conversations. 

Letters  should  be  brief,  concise,  and  respectfd  of  the 
opinions  of  others.  Preference  is  given  to  letters  that  respond 
directly  to  items  read  in  the  magazine. 

We  are  willing  to  withhold  the  name  of  a  writer 
only  when,  in  our  editorial  judgment,  it  is  warranted. 
We  will  not  consider  any  letter  that  comes  to  us 
unsigned.  Whether  or  not  we  print  the  letter,  the 
writer's  name  is  kept  in  strictest  confidence. 

Address  letters  to  Messenger  editor,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

Spirit;  from  this  comes  the  present 

The  sin  in  Kevorkian's  approach  is 
that  it  denies  the  Spirit's  role  by 
means  of  an  enlightened  humanism. 
Wayne  Shirk). 
Farmington,  PcL 

E.T.,  phone  earth 


The  December  1995  editorial,  "The 
Lord  God  Made  Them  All,"  raised  a 
cosmic  mega-question  when  it  asked; 
if  "the  poor  joes  out  there  on  those 
other  planets  are  eligible  for  salva- 
tion." I  have  believed  for  some  time 
that  communication  will  be  made 
with  "them"  in  the  next  century. 

I  also  have  concluded,  sadly,  that 
the  Christian  community  has  barely 
acknowledged  the  enormous  import 
of  this  extraordinary  phenomenon. 
As  scientists  shake  themselves  loose 
from  the  restrictions  of  pure  reason 
to  confess  a  sense  of  religious  awe, 
the  church  must  stand  with  them  on 
common  ground  where  both  faith 
and  science  are  accepted  as 
resources  in  the  search  for  God's 
ultimate  reality. 

'We  are  in  the  position  of  the 
Israelites,  who  were  confronted  with 
an  expanded  revelation  of  God's  love 
for  humanity,  first  through  prophets 
such  as  Jonah,  and  finally  through 
Jesus.  The  Jews  who  refused  to 
budge  from  an  exclusive  relationship 
with  God  remained  stuck  in  time, 
while  those  who,  like  Peter  and  Paul, 
accepted  the  new  inclusiveness  of 
Christ's  love  for  all  human  beings 
were  given  entrance  into  a  new 
cosmic  dimension  of  God's  pur- 

Edward  Hubet 
Philadelphia,  Pa. 

No  place  in  church  for  gays 

How  long  will  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  fail  to  make  a  statement 
about  homosexuality? 

Some  people  are  born  with  attrac- 
tions to  the  same  gender;  others  are 

26  Messenger  March  1997 

c.^  Pontius'  Puddle 

porn  with  a  very  strong  sex  drive; 
nd  still  others  could  care  less  about 
ex.  Normal  might  be  somewhere  in 
he  middle. 

But  then  again,  what  is  normal? 
['he  Bible  tells  us  that  sin  is  sin,  and 
nust  be  repented.  It  also  tells  us  that 
ve  must  keep  our  bodies  under  sub- 
ection — under  control,  resisting 
irges  or  desires.  We  are  to  subdue 
hose  desires  so  that  we  do  not  sin 
igainst  God  and  our  fellow  man. 

Outside  of  marriage,  copulation  by 
1  male  and  a  female  is  wrong  and  a 
in.  It  may  result  in  the  conception 
)f  life  that  is  a  blessing  from  God, 
)ut  it  is  still  wrong.  Homosexual 
elations  violate  the  primary  purpose 
)f  sexual  relations  and,  in  effect,  tell 
jod,  "Man  can  do  better  than  you 
lid."  This  is  idol  worship,  homosex- 
lals  worshiping  their  bodies  and 
iesires,  rather  than  restraining 
hemselves  and  worshiping  God. 
fhis  is  why  it  is  called  an  abomina- 
ion  to  God. 

Homosexuals  believe  that  the 
;hurch  should  repent  for  having 
jeliefs  counter  to  theirs.  But  the 
;hurch  has  not  sinned,  and  need  not 
epent.  When  a  homosexual  sees  the 
;rror  and  repents,  then  there  is  room 
or  growth.  Until  there  is  repentance, 
lowever,  we  can  only  pray  for  homo- 
lexuals  to  see  the  error  of  this 
ibominable  lifestyle.  There  can  be  no 
ellowship  with  practicing  homosex- 
lals  because  God  has  flat  let  them  go 
heir  own  way. 

Practicing  homosexuals  can  never 
)e  a  part  of  the  church  of  fesus 
Christ  because  they  don't  believe 
jod's  Word  or  its  promises  of  bless- 
ng  for  obedience  and  its  damnation 
"or  rebellion. 

Church  of  the  Brethren:  Take  a 

David  L.  Powell 
Longton.  Kan. 

(Actually,  the  Church  of  the 
brethren  does  have  a  statement  about 
lomosexuality,  in  its  1983  Statement 
''Human  Sexuality  From  a  Christian 


Send  payment  for  reprinting  "Pontius'  Puddle"  from  Messenger  to 
Joel  Kaujfmartn,  111  Carter  Road,  Goshen,  IN  46526.  $25  for  one 

time  use.  SW  for  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $10  for  congregalii 

Ky  J08  BETTE.W.THM  I  DO... 

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W  hen  a  fire  broke  out  at  Elkhart  City 
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But  they  were  about  to  experience  a 
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''Mutual  Aid  was  right  there  when  we 
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Protection  you  can  depend  on  from 
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March  1997  Messenger  27 

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Perspective, "  which  lists  seven  "ways 
he  church  can  extend  Christ-like 
ovifort  and  grace  to  homosexual  and 
nsexual persons"  /Annual  Confer- 
nce  Minutes,  1980-1984,  page 

i)enial  doesn't  kill  God 

n  the  current  film  "The  Crucible," 
ohn  Proctor  cries  out  in  frustration, 
God  is  dead!"  The  film  is  about  the 
lalem  witch  trials,  in  which  innocent 
ind  faithful  Christians  were  hanged 
)ecause  their  neighbors  were  more 
villing  to  uncritically  affirm  cultural 
ind  religious  authorities  than  to  stand 
ip  for  what  is  right.  The  denial  of  jus- 
ice,  in  Proctor's  view,  killed  God. 

I  felt  shock,  shame,  and  anger 
ipon  reading  the  lanuary  Messen- 

ER  news  item  "Ohio  Congregation 
ians  Attendee  From  Premises."  I  am 
anconvinced  that  the  main  reason  for 
3ebi  Easterday's  banning  was  not 
hat  she  is  a  lesbian  (asserted  by  a 
;hurch  leader). 

The  Brethren  peace  stance  encom- 
passes much  more  than 
;onscientious  objection  to  war. 
3eing  about  peace  includes  extend- 
ng  the  biblical  principle  of 
lospitality  to  all  those  who  join  us  in 
vorship.  It  is  not  for  us  to  judge 
mother  to  be  outside  the  love  and 
;ompassion  of  God,  no  matter  what 
mr  constitutional  rights  may  be. 

I  remind  the  Medina  congregation 
hat  Jesus  was  transformed  in  his 
ministry  by  one,  the  Canaanite 
Afoman,  whom  he  tried  to  shame  and 
ihoo  away.  I  ask  Medina  to  consider 
hat  the  Jesus  it  praises  as  Lord  and 
Savior  was  known  to  enter  more  than 
3ne  house  of  worship  and  cause 
haos.  And  he  was  crucified  by  those 
vho  didn't  like  his  agenda.  I  urge  the 
Medina  members  to  reflect  that, 
vhile  the  US  Constitution  may, 
ndeed,  give  them  the  right  to  ban 
Oebi  Easterday  from  the  premises. 

Elizabethtown  ffi 


ELIZABETHTOWN  COLLEGE  invites  applications  for  DIRECTOR  OF  ITS  YOUNG 

The  College,  rated  as  one  of  the  best  northern  liberal  arts  institutions  by  U.S.  News  and 
World  Report,  offers  its  1 ,525  students  38  major  programs  in  traditional  liberal  arts  and 
professional  fields.   The  Elizabethtown  motto,  "Educate  for  Service,"  expresses  the 
College's  mission  of  linking  the  world  of  work  with  the  world  of  the  spirit  to  advance  the 
values  of  peace,  justice  and  human  dignity.   Located  in  Pennsylvania's  historic  Lancaster 
County,  Elizabethtown  enjoys  outstanding  quality  of  life  and  easy  access  to  the  major 
metropolitan  areas  of  Philadelphia,  Washington  and  Baltimore. 

The  Young  Center  focuses  its  work  on  three  areas:   ( 1 )   fostering  scholarly  research  and 
publication  on  Anabaptist  and  Pietist  themes;  (2)  interpreting  to  a  broad  public  the  cultural 
heritage  of  Anabaptist  and  Pietist  groups  through  conferences,  lectures,  workshops, 
seminars,  musical  events,  and  other  media;  and  (3)  providing  undergraduate  courses  at 
Elizabethtown  College  in  the  field  of  the  Center's  interests. 

Each  applicant  for  the  Young  Center  directorship  should  have  a  strong  record  of 
scholarship  (with  Ph.D.  degree  preferred)  in  at  least  one  branch  of  the  study  of  groups 
derived  from  historic  Anabaptism  and  Pietism,  and  preferably  have  wide  acquaintance  with 
scholars  throughout  the  various  branches.   Also,  the  applicant  must  show  evidence  of 
potential  as  an  effective  teacher  of  undergraduates  in  the  College,  the  amount  and  field(s)  of 
teaching  to  be  negotiated  in  light  of  the  applicant's  preparation  and  qualifications.   The 
Young  Center  attracts  scholars  for  fellowships  in  residence,  organizes  or  hosts  a  variety  of 
public  programs,  and  has  its  own  physical  facility;  so  the  applicant  should  show 
entrepreneurial  and  administrative  skills  as  well  as  scholarship.   Personal  compatibility  with 
key  values  of  the  Anabaptist  and  Pietist  traditions  will  be  an  asset. 

The  position  is  year-round  (twelve-month  appointment),  with  excellent  benefits  and  a 
salary  commensurate  with  the  applicant's  preparation.   To  apply,  please  submit  a  letter  of 
application;  a  resume;  and  names,  addresses,  and  telephone  numbers  of  three  references  to 
Martha  A.  Farver-Apgar,  Director  of  Personnel,  Elizabethtown  College,  One  Alpha  Drive, 
Elizabethtown,  PA  17022. 

Evaluation  of  the  applications  will  begin  on  February  15,  1997.   AA/EO 

^artlci  potion 

Dr.  Wesley  DeCoursey,  chemistry  professor 




316  241    0731 

Dr.  Shingo  Kajinami,  chemistry 
professor  (1986  -  present) 

March  1997  Messenger  29 

call  (800)  323-80391^  ext.  247 
Ask  for  Vicki. 

in  Prayer 

Daily  prayer  guide: 

Sunday:  Your  congregation's  ministries 

Monday:  Annual  Conference  officers 

Tuesday:  General  Board  and  staff 

Wednesday:  District  executives, 

Bethany  Seminary,  colleges 

and  university 
Thursday:  General  Services 

Friday:  Parish  Ministries 
Saturday:  World  Ministries 

March  prayer  concerns: 

Congregation:  World  Day  of  Prayer, 
March  7;  One  Great  Hour  of  Shar- 
ing, March  16;  Palm  Sunday 
Services,  March  23;  love  feast  and 
communion,  Maundy  Thursday; 
Easter  celebrations,  March  30. 

Annual  Conference:  Duane  Steiner, 
executive  director  of  Annual  Confer- 
ence; Program  and  Arrangements 

General  Board:  General  Board 
meeting,  March  8-1 1;  Transition 
Team  &  new  design  of  General 
Board;  Executive  Committee  of  Gen- 
eral Board  meeting,  March  6-7; 
Newly  called  directors;  Judy  Keyser, 
treasurer  of  General  Board. 

Districts  and  Colleges:  Those  trav- 
eling to  and  from  spring  break. 

General  Services:  Dale  Minnich, 
GSC  executive. 

Parish  Ministries:  Glenn  Timmons, 
PMC  executive;  Liz  Bidgood  and  Greg 
Enders,  coordinators  of  1997  summer 

World  Ministries:  Joan  Deeter,  WMC 
executive;  David  Radcliff,  director  of 
Denominational  Peace  Witness. 

30  Messenger  March  1997 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 

Needed  regularly:  part-time  pastors 

More  than  half  of  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  congregations  call  part-time 
pastors  to  serve  them.  Have  you  con- 
sidered relocating  to  serve?  Or,  in 
retirement,  have  you  considered  serv- 
ing one  of  these  congregations? 

Is  yours  a  calling  congregation? 
Are  you  identifying  and  calling  forth  per- 
sons with  gifts  for  ministry?  How  long 
has  it  been  since  you  have  called  some- 
one into  the  ministry  of  the  church? 

For  more  information,  contact  your  district 

executive,  or  co-director  of  Ministry,  fames 

Kinsey  at  (616)  364-8066. 

they  should  ask  what  the  gospel 
requires  of  them.  Finally,  I  recom- 
mend that  the  Medina  Brethren  go 
see  "The  Crucible."  They  may  see 
themselves  mirrored  and  have  a 
change  of  heart. 

To  Debi  Easterday,  I  affirm  that 
the  Medina  congregation  has  not 
killed  God  by  its  actions  toward  her 
God's  love  and  the  compassion  of 
Jesus  are  bigger  than  that.  Like  Johi 
Proctor,  may  she  find  a  circle  of  fail 
and  love  that  encourages  her  to 
maintain  her  own  integrity  and  sens 
of  who  she  is  —  a  beloved  daughter  1 

Phyllis  A,Bi. 
Berkeley,  CaL 

Classified  Ads 


Shalom  Church  of  the  Brethren,  a  new  &  grow- 
ing fellowship  in  Durham,  N.C.,  invites  Bretiiren 
moving  to  Research  Triangle  area  (Raleigh,  Durham, 
Chapel  Hill)  to  worship  w/  us.  Eager  to  provide 
moving  assistance  (unloading,  childcare,  area  info.) 
for  those  relocating  to  area.  For  info.,  contact:  Fel- 
lowship, P.O.  Box  15607,  Durham,  NC  27704.  Tel.  (919) 
490-6422.  E-mail,  ShalomCOB@AOL.COM. 


Business/Accounting.  Tenure-track  faculty  posi- 
tion. Preferred  teaching  areas  somewhat  flexible 
depending  on  qualifications  of  candidate  &  load 
shifts  w/in  dept.  Successful  candidate  will  have  teach- 
ing strength  in  reasonable  selection  of  the  following: 
cost  accounting,  interm.  accounting,  auditing, 
MIS/AIS,  managerial  finance,  investments,  micro- 
economics, production  management,  marketing. 
Skill  in  developmental  advising  &  building  mentor- 
ing relationships  w/ students  required.  Teaching 
experience  or  personal  educational  background  in 
liberal  arts  setting  preferred.  Also,  some  practical 
experience  in  the  nonacademic  business  world.  Insti- 
tution is  private  liberal  arts  college  w/ tradition  in 
accounting  &  CPA  preparation,  located  in  forward- 
looking  town  w/ strong  &  diversified  economic  base. 
Ph.D.  encouraged;  CPA  preferred;  iVI.Acc.  or  MBA 
required.  Send  curriculum  vitae,  transcripts,  &  3  ref 
erence  letters  to:  Dr  Steven  Gustafson,  vice  president 
for  academic  services,  McPherson  College,  PO.  Box 
1402,  McPherson,  KS  67460.  Application  materials 
submitted  by  March  8,  1997,  will  receive  full  con- 
sideration. Applications  accepted  until  position  filled. 

Biology.  Tenure-track  faculty  position  for  fall  1997. 
Ph.D  required.  Broadly  trained  biologist  needed  to 
teach  courses  in  vertebrate  anatomy  &  physiology, 
cellular/molecular  biology,  genetics,  &  general  biol- 

ogy Must  be  committed  to  excellence  in  undergra 
uate  teaching,  able  to  work  cooperatively,  &  eager  ji 
advise/co-advise  students  fulfillingJr/Sr  undergra 
uate  research  requirements.  McPherson  College  ii 
small,  liberal  arts  institution  related  to  the  Church  ■ 
the  Brethren.  Send  curriculum  vitae,  transcripts,. 
3  reference  letters  to:  Dr  Steven  Gustafson,  vice  pre 
ident  for  academic  services,  McPherson  Colleg 
McPherson,  KS  67460.  Application  materials  subm; 
ted  by  March  8, 1997,  will  receive  full  consideratiOi 
Applications  accepted  until  position  filled. 


Travel  to  Annual  Conference  in  Long  Bcai  ii  I 
air-conditioned  coach,  June  23-July  15.  Visit  Beihai 
Seminary,  Salt  Lake  City,  Bryce,  Zion,  Yosemitc 
other  national  parks.  For  info,  write  to:  J.  Kenneij^ 
Kreider,  1300  Sheaffer  Road,  Elizabethtown,  PA  1702 

China  adventure  featuring  Yangtze  River  cruis^ 
Aug.  4-19, 1997.  ($3,189)  Visit  Narita  in  Japan.  Shan; 
hai,  Wuhan,  Shashi,  Badong,  Wanxian,  Chongquin; 
Xian  in  China.  Travel  on  cruise  ship  on  Yangtze  Rivt 
stopping  at  various  cities  &  ports.  In  Beijing,  walk  th 
largest  "wonder  of  the  world"— the  Great  Wall  c 
China.  Also,  visit  Tian'Anmen  Square,  &  much  mon 
Wendell  &  Joan  Bohrer  invite  you  to  share  this  grei 
experience  w/  them.  For  info.  &  brochure,  write:  852 
Royal  Meadow  Dn,  Indianapolis,  IN  46217.  Tel.  or  Fa: 
(317)  882-5067. 

European  Heritage  Tour,  July  12-26,  1997.  Vis 
scenic  sites  of  Anabaptist,  Pietist,  &  Brethren  signi; 
icance  in  Switzerland,  France,  Germany  &  Netheriandi 
Sponsored  by  Brethren  Encyclopedia,  Inc.  and  th 
Brethren  Historical  Committee.  J2,490  from  Nei 
York  QFK),  For  complete  brochure  contact:  Don  Dun 
baugh,  PO.B.  484,  James  Creek,  PA  16657.  Tel./Faj 
(814)  658-3222. 

Eiiiiij  Points 


■  ote:  Congregations  are  asked 
)  submit  only  the  names  of 
:tuai  new  members  of  the 
enomination.  Do  not  include 
ames  of  people  who  have 
lerely  transferred  their  mem- 
.ership  from  another  Church  of 
le  Brethren  congregation. 

gape,  N.  Ind.:  Stacy  Cause 

rcadia.  S/C  Ind.:  lason  Lee 

uffalo  Valley,  S.  Pa.:  Heidi 
Hunsberger,  Danielle  Keis- 
ter,  Brian  &  Mellissa  Wert 

abool.  Mo. /Ark.:  Eldon  & 
Kathlyn  Coffman 

hiques,  Atl.  N.E.:  Elyse  & 
Kiniberly  Brandt,  Nathan 
Gainer,  Brian  &  leremy 
Geib.  Karen  Gummel,  Emily 
Heistand,  Annie  Hickernell, 
Kenton  &  Lori  Peters,  Amy 
&  Christopher  Shelly 

^onnels  Creek,  S.  Ohio: 
Rebekah  Church,  feff 
Hainm.  Katie  Hasting. 
Cindy  Schilller 

lizabelhlown,  Atl.  N.E.: 
Duane  &  Lori  Finley,  David 
&  Karen  Good.  Kecia  Gro- 
hotolski,  Daniel  & 
Kymberly  Helwig,  Tricia 
i.phrata,  Atl.  N.E.:  Lloyd 
Albright;  Erla  &  Lew 
Bowman;  Lori  Brotzman; 
Calvin  &  Susan  Buckwalter; 
Amy  &  Brian  Church:  Mike 
&  Mona  Fowler;  Mike  Lang; 
Sandy  Marchall;  Amber, 
Andrea  &  Megan  Miley; 
Steven  &  Lee  Ann  Ober- 
holtzer;  Tom  Phillips; 
Matthew  Rissler;  Linda  Sick- 
meier;  Angle  &  Chris  Sonon; 
Rob  Sowers;  Mary  Weist 

reeburg,  N.  Ohio:  Kassi, 
Kristi  Karlen,  lames  Rakes, 
Adam  &  Beth  Robertson, 
[eremiah  Zellers 

ieiger,  W.  Pa.:  Amanda 
Angermeier.  Mellisa  Brant, 
Linda  Ellis,  Lacey  McCoy. 
Sonya  Pyle,  Shanna  Woods, 
Ryan  Yinkey 

irottoes,  Shen.:  Elaine  Ford, 
Minnie  Morris,  Robin 

lartville,  N.  Ohio:  Corey  Clay; 
lames  Domer;  Michael 
Graber;  Matthew  Lonsway; 
Linda  Machamer;  Kevin 
Minner;  Greg  &  lessica 
Nelson;  Gretchen,  locelyn, 
Michele  &  Todd  Snyder; 
Aaron  Stowers;  Anna  Unkefer 

lechanics  Grove,  Atl.  N.E.: 
Angela  &  Danielle  Kreider, 
Diana  Hershey 

liddle  Creek,  Atl.  N.E.: 
Kendra  Bollinger,  Kathy 
Graver.  Keith  Horst,  Holly 
Long,  Alyssa  &  Christofer 
Neidermyer,  Cayla  Rohrcr, 
Anthony  Stoner,  Daniel 

lonte  Visia,  Virlina:  lulia  Wray 

lew  Carlisle,  S.  Ohio:  Lucy 
Coe.  Don  Frantz,  Tina 
Semler,  Chuck  &  Vickie 

Siefke,  Rcnee  Wilson 
New  Paris,  N.  Ind.:  Christopher 

Clayton,  Bryce  Whitehead 
Newlon,  W.  Plains:  lanet  Gies- 

brecht,  Pam  Fields,  Charles 

&  Barbara  Riley,  Carol  & 

Marty  Ward 
Rummel,  W.  Pa.:  David  Chi- 

carell,  Becky  Dagostino, 

Shane  Hostetler 
South  Bay,  Pac.  S.W.:  Marrisa 

&  Monica  Prado,  Erica 

Stevens  Hill,  Atl.  N.E.:  Gail  & 

lames  Grob,  Diana  &  Richard 

Horetsky,  |an  &  Richard 

Repa,  lane  &  |im  White 


Albright,  David  and  Anne. 

McPherson,  Kan.,  50 
Anderson,  Rich  and  Doreen. 

Champion.  Pa.,  50 
Belcher,  Harold  and  Geneva, 

Fincastle,  Va..  50 
Berkebile,  Albert  and  Ruth, 

Johnstown,  Pa.,  50 
Bird,  Charles  and  Norma, 

Continental,  Ohio,  50 
Butterbaugh,  Dean  and  Dar- 

lene,  Dixon,  111.,  50 
Dancy,  Fred  and  Frances, 

Sparta,  N.C.,  76 
Erb,  Samuel  and  Beulah, 

Ephrata,  Pa.,  74 
Erbaugh,  Sam  and  Eileen, 

Glendale.  Ariz.,  50 
Etter,  Franklin  and  Laverne, 

Cloverdale.  Ohio,  50 
Fahnestock,  Harold  and  Ver- 

nice,  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  50 
Gardner,  Frank  and  Grace. 

Goshen.  Ind.,  50 
Geary,  Clyde  and  Charlotte, 

Champion,  Pa.,  50 
Geesaman,  Mahlon  and  Mary, 

Hummelstown,  Pa.,  50 
Hoover,  Raymond  and  Laura, 

Goshen,  Ind.,  50 
Igney,  Thurl  and  Betty.  New 

Paris,  Ind.,  50 
Jamison,  Malcolm  and  Becky, 

Roanoke,  Va.,  50 
McCann,  Ken  and  Wilma 

Jean,  Greensburg.  Pa..  50 
Moore,  lohn  and  Donna, 

Greensburg,  Pa.,  50 
Myers,  Don  and  Martha, 

Greensburg,  Pa.,  50 
Oellig,  Robert  and  Eleanor, 

Hummelstown,  Pa.,  50 
Rock,  Leonard  and  Loua, 

Troutville,  Va.,  50 
Rummel,  lames  and  Dorothy, 

Paris,  Ohio,  50 
Sanner,  Robert  and  Mildred, 

Greensburg.  Pa.,  55 
Shafer,  Lester  and  Phyllis, 

Cloverdale,  Ohio.  50 
Shickel,  Marcel  and  Helen, 

Harrisonburg,  Va.,  50 
Smith,  lohn  and  Mary,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  50 
Stormont,  Robert  and  Helen, 

Rockford,  111.,  55 
Tracy,  Ralph  and  Erma,  Conti- 
nental, Ohio,  55 
Wampler,  Ray  and  leanne. 

Grottoes.  Va.,  50 
Webster,  David  and  Hettie, 

Callaway,  Va.,  50 
Wise,  George  and  Phyllis. 

Dallas  Center,  Iowa.  50 


Atwood,  Bertha  A.  87.  Luray. 
Va..  Oct.  9,  1996 

Baker,  Hilda  L.  S.,  85,  Wood- 
stock, Va.,  Nov.  8,  1996 

Balslcy,  Carolyn  M.,  61,  Glen 
Allen,  Va.,  Nov.  14,  1996 

Banzhof,  Esther  F..  86,  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Sept.  24,  1996 

Blough,  losephine,  93.  Eliza- 
bethtown,  Pa.,  Sept.  22,  1996 

Boyers,  Harry  G..  81.  Port 
Republic,  Va.,  Nov.  II,  1996 

Brammer,  Earnest,  80,  Fulks 
Run,  Va.,  Sept.  30,  1996 

Brubaker,  Edyth  B..  87.  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Oct.  4.  1996 

Brubaker,  Nina  T,  97,  La 
Verne.  CaHL,  Nov.  12,  1996 

Cain,  Ida  R,  87,  Moorefield, 
W.Va..  Dec.  19,  1996 

Clatlerbuck,  Lois  C,  72,  Edin- 
burg.  Va.,  Dec.  21.  1996 

Clincdinst  [r..  Theodore  E., 
70.  New  Market,  Va.,  Dec. 
17,  1996 

Combs,  Mildred  B.,  84,  Baker, 
W.Va..  Nov.  20,  1996 

Cook,  Rebecca  C,  83.  Edin- 
burg,  Va.,  Dec.  2,  1996 

Dennett,  Louise  D..  89,  Lees- 
burg,  Va.,  Oct.  31,  1996 

Dubble,  CoraS.,  82,  Myer- 
stown.  Pa.,  Oct.  21,  1996 

Edris,  Marie  E.,  86,  Palmyra, 
Pa.,  Dec.  27,  1996 

Eisenhower,  Mildred.  83,  Lan- 
caster. Pa.,  Sept.  24,  1996 

Fike,  Lester,  99,  West  Goshen, 
Ind.,  Dec.  19,  1996 

Forney,  Anna  E.,  95,  Neffsville, 
Pa.,  Oct.  27,  1996 

Gainer,  Maris  H..  89.  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Dec.  27,  1996 

Gibble,  Ella  E.,  84.  Manheim, 
Pa.,  Nov.  11,  1996 

Gottlieb,  Robert  I.,  71, 

Ephrata,  Pa..  Dec.  19,  1996 

Grubb,  Luke  R.,  89,  Palmyra, 
Pa.,  Sept.  19,  1996 

Hedrick,  Gladys  L.,  80.  Frank- 
lin, W.Va.,  Dec.  13,  1996 

Heisey,  Kreider  M.,87,  Myer- 
stown,  Pa..  Nov.  17,  1996 

Hendrickson,  Lucy,  94,  Mod- 
esto. Calif.,  Nov.  29.  1996 

Hertzog,  Raymond  F..  83, 
Denver,  Pa.,  Oct.  30,  1996 

Hodge,  Dora  f.,  77,  Warm 
Springs.  Va.,  Dec.  16,  1996 

Howdyshell,  Cleta  B..  94. 
Harrisonburg,  Va.,  Dec.  16, 

Humphreys,  Joseph  L.,  54, 
Waynesboro,  Va..  Oct.  24, 

Ikenberry,  Effie  E.,  96,  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Nov.  2,  1996 

Kenney,  Eldridge  W,  91, 

Staunton,  Va..  Dec.  29,  1996 

Kimble,  VaudaM.H.,  79. 

Scherr,  W.Va.,  Nov.  II,  1996 

Kiracofe,  Eleanor  E.,  71, 
Waynesboro,  Va.,  Dec.  15, 

Knicely,  George  R.,  82. 

Harrisonburg,  Va.,  Dec.  27. 

Knupp,  Roger  W.,  52.  Fulks 
Run,  Va.,  Oct.  3,  1996 

Koehler,  Christian  B.,  93, 
Lititz,  Pa.,  Sept.  19.  1996 

Krall,  Ethel  M.,  77,  Lebanon, 

Pa.,  Oct.  23,  1996 

Lee,  Annie  G.,  66,  Spring 
Lake.  N.C..  Nov.  15,  1996 

Leffler,  Georgiana  E.,  71, 
Richland,  Pa.,  Dec.  3,  1996 

Lindamood,  Charles  D.,  77, 
Timberville,  Va.,  Nov.  9. 

Licten,  Elizabeth  W.,  93, 

Moorefield,  W.Va.,  Oct.  26, 

Long,  Stella  R  H.,  90, 

Ephrata,  Pa..  Sept.  29,  1996 

Mason,  Erika  L.,  60,  Dayton, 
Va.,  Nov.  1,  1996 

Mauck,  Catherine  V,  74.  Edin- 
burg,  Va.,  Nov.  24.  1996 

May,  Charles  K.,  84,  Bridge- 
water,  Va..  Nov.  5,  1996 

Motley,  Vergie  R..  58,  Rocky 
Mount,  Va.,  Nov.  18,  1996 

Myer,  Clara  B.,  87.  Lancaster, 
Pa..  Dec.  16.  1996 

Myer,  Paul  Kurtz.  91.  Ephrata, 
Pa.,  Nov.  4,  1996 

Neff,  Wilmer  E.,  86,  Mount 
Crawford.  Va.,  Sept.  26, 

Nissly,  Ralph  H.,  81,  Akron, 
Pa.,  Nov.  10,  1996 

Oberholtzer,  Clair,  64,  Lan- 
caster. Pa.,  Sept.  29,  1996 

Orebaugh,  Charlotte  R..  89, 
Broadway,  Va.,  Nov.  20, 

Painter,  Lisa  A.,  44,  Luray, 
Va..  Oct.  8,  1996 

Peer,  Vincent  E.,  80,  Maur- 
ertown,  Va.,  Dec.  17,  1996 

Phillips,  William  M.,  78,  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Dec.  7,  1996 

Polk,  Glenn  E.,  75,  Wood- 
stock, Va.,  Oct.  8,  1996 

Reid,  Rosie  K.  S.,  78,  Alexan- 
dria, Va.,  Dec.  12,  1996 

Ritchie,  [ohn  W.  84,  Fulks 
Run,  Va.,  Sept.  19.  1996 

Robertson,  Carrie  C,  91,  Warm 
Springs,  Va..  Nov.  7,  1996 

Ross,  Delmar  E..  81,  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Nov.  3.  1996 

Sager,  Preston  L.,  67,  Broad- 
way, Va.,  Dec.  23,  1996 

Sampson,  Walter  L.  74,  Stras- 
burg,  Va.,  Dec.  26,  1996 

Sanger,  Lillian  R.,  95,  Bridge- 
water.  Va.,  Nov.  29,  1996 

Scott,  Charlena  N.,  87.  Brandy- 
wine,  W.Va.,  Nov.  6,  1996 

Shelly,  lohn  S.,  80,  Lititz,  Pa., 
Oct.  30,  1996 

Shifflett,  Arthur  R.  92,  Grot- 
toes, Va.,  Nov.  24,  1996 

Shirkey,  Ruth  R.,  85.  Dayton. 
Va..  Dec.  8.  1996 

Shoemaker,  Timmy  R. 
("Shoe").  36,  Edinburg. 
Va.,  Oct.  17,  1996 

Shue,  lames  I..  50,  Lititz.  Pa., 
Oct.  4,  1996 

Simmons,  E.  Glenn.  67.  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  Oct.  29,  1996 

Small,  Ruth  v.,  97,  Crimora, 
Va.,  Dec.  9.  1996 

Smith,  Dallas  S..  76.  Roaring 
Gap,  N.C.,  Dec.  I,  1996 

Smith,  Robert.  73.  Bassett, 
Va.,  March  29,  1996 

Smith,  Vernice,  Grundy 

Center,  Iowa,  May  21,  1996 

Snader,  Barbara,  45,  Waynes- 
boro, Pa..  Oct.  2,  1996 

Snavely,  Martha  G..  81. 

Annville,  Pa.,  Dec.  24,  1996 

Snyder,  Emerson.  86.  Colum- 
biana. Ohio.  Sept.  6.  1996 

Sonafrank,  Delia.  89.  Nokes- 
ville,  Va..  Oct.  5.  1996 

Sorizi  Sr.,  Cornell  ("Wayne"). 
75,  Martinsburg.  W.Va., 
Oct.  15.  1996 

Spangler,  Hazel.  Berlin.  Pa., 
April  3.  1996 

Sparkes,  Mary,  74.  Colum- 
biana. Ohio,  April  22,  1996 

Speicher,  Genita  B..  85. 

Wabash,  Ind.,  May  10,  1996 

Stauffer,  Grace.  92,  Ephrata, 
Pa.,  Sept  1,  1996 

Stephen,  Carl,  82,  Bel  Air, 
Md..  luly  23,  1996 

Stevens,  Clayton  L.  100, 
Bridgewater,  Va.,  Sept.  20, 

Stirling,  Stan,  50,  Wichita, 
Kan.,  Nov.  20,  1995 

Stone,  Lorene,  86,  Sabetha, 
Kan.,  luly  10,  1996 

Stroop,  leanette  E.,  68,  Tim- 
berville, Va.,  Dec.  23,  1996 

Studebaker,  Stanley,  90,  Green- 
ville, Ohio,  Aug.  18,  1996 

Stumpf,  Jacob  A..  81.  Rheems. 
Pa.,  Nov.  21.  1996 

Summers,  Alfred  F.,  76,  Har- 
risonburg, Va..  Oct.  27.  1996 

Suter,  Hazel  C,  78.  Dayton, 
Va.,  Oct.  II,  1996 

Sword,  Charlie,  Grundy  Center, 
Iowa.  March  26.  1996 

Taylor,  Lucille,  91,  Virden.  111.. 
Sept.  6.  1996 

Truax,  Floyd,  85,  Needmore, 
Pa.,  lune  15,  1996 

Turner,  Agnes  L.  88.  Bridge- 
water.  Va.,  Nov.  17,  1996 

Turner,  Hazel,  78,  Greens- 
burg, Pa.,  Oct.  14.  1996 

Varnes,  Eugene.  62,  Canton, 
III.,  Aug.  8,  1996 

Vought,  Anna,  90,  Fort  Wayne, 
Ind..  Oct.  4,  1996 

Walker,  Mary  W.,  90,  Ephrata. 
Pa..  Dec,  16,  1996 

Watt,  Doris,  75,  Lima,  Ohio, 
Sept.  2,  1996 

Weaver,  Everett,  72,  Enid, 
Okla.,  Aug.  25,  1996 

Weaver,  Grace,  90,  Lancaster, 
Pa..  May  3.  1996 

Weaver,  Linda  |..  55,  Ephrata. 
Pa..  Dec.  4,  1996 

Wenger,  Edwin  A.,  89, 
Palmyra,  Dec.  23,  1996 

Weyandt,  Archie,  54.  New 
Stanton.  Pa.,  lune  12,  1996 

Williams,  Alice  M..  86, 

Lebanon,  Pa.,  Dec.  18.  1996 

Wilt,  Diana,  42,  Windber,  Pa., 
Aug.  13,  1996 

Winand,  Carl,  82,  New 

Oxford,  Pa.,  Sept.  22,  1996 

Wise,  Levi,  87,  Lancaster,  Pa., 
luly  30,  1996 

Wisler,  Claude.  75,  Col- 

legeville.  Pa.,  lune  14,  1996 

Wisman,  [ames  O..  67.  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  Dec.  8,  1996 

Yoder,  Alice.  84.  Elkhart,  Ind., 
Aug.  4  1996 

York,  Dora  S.,  76,  Clearwater, 
Fla.,  Dec.  14,  1996 

Young,  Robert,  83,  Lititz,  Pa., 
luly  27.  1996 

Zimmerman,  Marian,  75, 
Dixon.  III.,  Sept.  21,  1996 

Zirkle,  Sarah  R  G..  Tim- 
berville. Va..  Dec.  21,  1996 

March  1997  Messenger  31 

And  why  not  on  Sunday? 

of  warfare  as  inevitable, 

with  Geneva  conventions 

(chivalry  they  called  it, 

bac\  in  days  of  old  when 

kjiights  were  bold). 

It  had  been  a  quiet  Sunday  morning  at  Waka  Teach- 
ers' College  in  Nigeria.  The  students  were  away  on  a 
vacation  break,  and  the  campus  was  vacant  except  for 
the  missionaries  serving  as  faculty  and  staff.  Through  the 
screen  door  of  my  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  lodgings,  I 
watched  two  missionary  children  coming  down  the 
campus  road.  Ken  and  Sherri  were  six-year-old  neigh- 
bors, on  their  way  home  from  Sunday  school. 

1  do  not  know  what  theological  tenet  had  been  the 
focus  of  their  class  that  day,  but  it  is  unlikely  that  it  was  the 
subject  of  the  noisy  quarrel  that  was  going  on  between  Ken 
and  Sherri.  Something  more  immediate        j  j  l '     J 

had  put  them  at  odds  with  each  other.  ^^^  OW  uLinu  aCCCptanCC 

As  they  drew  near  the  path  leading 
to  Sherri's  house,  the  acrimony  inten- 
sified. The  pair  seemed  about  to  lock  ^^  placatC  OUr  COnScicnCC 
horns  and  go  at  it.  Suddenly,  Sherri 
struck  Ken  a  sharp  blow  and  dashed 
down  the  gravel  path  toward  home.  Ken 
set  up  a  wail  of  outrage.  Thirsting  for 
revenge,  he  stooped  to  pick  up  a  rock. 

When  Sherri  looked  back,  she  real- 
ized that  her  legs  might  not  save  her;  she 
had  figured  on  Ken  chasing  after  her 
futilely,  but  her  enemy  had  turned  to  weapon  technology 
that  could  overcome  the  distance  between  them.  As  Ken 
raised  his  arm,  Sherri  appealed  for  adherence  to  the  rules 
of  civilized  warfare.  (Never  mind  that  she  had  already  vio- 
lated one,  herself:  Don't  hit  and  run.)  She  shouted  back 
over  her  shoulder,  "Not  on  Sunday,  Ken!  Not  on  Sunday!" 

But  Ken  believed  the  sabbath  was  made  for  man.  Fie 
on  any  Geneva  conventions.  Sherri  pumped  her  legs 
faster.  The  rock  caught  her  between  the  shoulder  blades. 

Sherri's  problem  is  a  microcosm  of  the  one  facing 
the  International  Red  Cross,  shocked  by  the  killing  of  six 
of  its  workers  in  Chechnya  this  past  December.  The  Red 
Cross  is  supposed  to  be  allowed  to  do  its  humanitarian 
work  immune  to  the  death  and  destruction  going  on 
about  it.  But  how  do  you  explain  the  Geneva  conventions 
(designed  to  mitigate  the  ravages  of  war,  and  which  regu- 
lar armies  had  a  self-interest  in  obeying)  to  warlords, 
paramilitaries,  and  criminal  gangs?  Are  rules  of  war  even 
relevant  in  today's  conflicts? 

To  tell  the  truth,  I  have  always  thought  "rules  of  war" 
ludicrous  to  begin  with  —  something  of  an  oxymoron.  I 
don't  get  it.  Being  utterly  opposed  to  war,  and  consider- 
ing killing  to  be  just  about  the  ultimate  sin,  it  puzzles  me 
that  those  who  go  to  war  believe  they  should  pull  their 
punches  —  follow  sportsman-like  rules.  I  suppose  it  is 
their  way  of  denying  the  true  horror  of  the  direction  they 
have  taken.  I  will  never  know  . . .  unless  I  become  a  sol- 

dier. Battlefield  stories  of  the  soldier  charitably  holding 
canteen  to  the  thirsty  lips  of  a  dying  enemy  boggle  my 
mind.  Running  a  bayonet  through  him  would  make  mort 
sense  to  me  ...  if  war  were  right. 

War  has  plenty  of  adherents  —  even  enthusiasts, 
plenty  of  people  who  believe  that  —  for  good  or  ill — war 
has  always  been  with  us,  and  is  a  natural  proclivity  of  the 
species.  Such  is  our  war-studded  history,  that  it  is  easy 
even  for  a  pacifist  to  resign  himself  to  war's  inevitability. 

But,  despite  the  seemingly  impossible  odds  against 
humankind  ever  reaching  a  point  where  it  studied  war  no 
more,  I  cling  to  the  nagging  suspicior 
that  war  as  a  means  of  settling  differ- 
ences is  not  necessarily  natural  or 
inevitable.  That  suspicion  was  height- 
ened when  I  stumbled  onto  a 
magazine  article,  "Are  Apes  Naughty 
by  Nature?"  after  1  had  already 
chosen  this  editorial's  subject.  An 
Emory  University  professor  of  pri- 
mate behavior,  Frans  de  Waal, 
debunks  what  he  calls  "the  old  killer- 
ape  myth"  and  its  dark  implications 
about  human  nature.  Too  long,  he 
argues,  we  have  seen  morality  as  a  thin  veneer  that 
human  civilization  spreads  over  blood-thirsty  nature. 
Great  apes  are  no  angels,  de  Waal  admits;  they  do  occa- 
sionally kill  one  another.  But  he  argues  that  makes  it  all 
the  more  remarkable  that  most  of  the  time  they  get  along 
reaching  out  to  troop  members  in  kindness. 

Says  de  Waal,  if  we  want  to  understand  what  in 
nature  makes  us  aggressive  we  have  to  understand  our 
equally  deep  instincts  to  get  along. 


1,  that's  the  key  phrase  on  which  my  hope  clings: 
"our  equally  deep  instincts  to  get  along."  To  effec 
tively  wage  war,  we  humans  have  to  teach  our 
soldiers  to  kill;  deep  instincts  incline  them  away  from 
killing.  Only  the  long  centuries  of  accepting  war  and 
killing  keep  us  from  following  our  honorable  instincts.  In 
the  struggle,  in  our  blind  acceptance,  we  placate  our 
conscience  with  Geneva  conventions  {chivalry  they  called 
it,  back  in  days  of  old  when  knights  were  bold) . 

As  long  as  we  have  the  irony  of  "rules  of  war,"  as 
long  as  we  train  killers,  as  long  as  we  defy  "our  equally 
deep  instincts  to  get  along,"  we  will  have  the  contradic- 
tion of  the  "neutral"  Red  Cross  hiring  local  toughs  to 
protect  its  workers  and  convoys  . . .  and  wondering  what 
civilized  warfare  has  come  to. 

And  I'll  keep  pondering  the  question  "And  why  not 
on  Sunday,  Sherri?" — K.T. 

32  Messenger  March  1997 


This  is  your  invitation  to  visit 

Sebring  Church  of  the  Brethren 

700  South  Pine  St.,  Sebring,  FL  33870.  Tel.  (941)  385-1597 

Cecil  D.  Hess,  Pastor  i 

Ralph  Z.  Ebersole,  Minister  of  Visitation 

Located  in  beautiful  south-central  Florida,  the  church  provides  modern,  handicapped-accessible  facilities.  The 
congregation  has  a  special  ministry  to  winter  residents,  offering  an  annual  Bible  Conference,  weekly  Bible  studies,  bus 
trips,  golf  outings,  and  much  more.  We  invite  your  inquiries,  and  will  offer  assistance  in  finding  accommodations. 

The  Sebring  Men's  Chorus  originated  as  a  male  quartet,  branching  out  to  become  a  chorus  under  the  leadership 
of  brother  Perry  Huffaker.  The  current  director,  John  Bechtelheimer,  has  led  the  group  for  eight  years.  It  provides 
music  for  worship  at  Sebring,  and  also  is  in  demand  for  local  groups  and  functions.  The  year-round  group  is  aug- 
mented by  a  large  number  of  men  who  participate  during  the  winter  season. 

Sebring  AAen's  Chorus  Row  1:  Walter  Gingrich,  Harold  Geib,  Kenneth  Grubb,  Marvin  Miller,  Robert  Cox,  Cecil  Hess 
(pastor),  William  Hoover,  Raymond  Hoover,  Jake  Zigler,  John  Fike.  Row  2:  Dean  Hollenberg,  Wilbur  Gump,  David 
Bollinger,  Paul  Weaver,  Quinter  Liskey,  Wayne  Carr,  Harry  Fake,  Ralph  Hollenberg,  Emerson  Davidson.  Row  3:  Charles 
Rogers,  Vernon  Hoffman,  Lowell  Berger,  John  Gall,  Retha  Bechtelheimer  (accompanist),  John  Bechtelheimer  (director), 
Ralph  Ebersole  (associate  pastor),  Galen  Detwiler,  Floyd  Lilyquist.  Not  in  photo:  Don  Carpenter,  Robert  Delk. 


1  hi'  \*nv 


<  f 


(  Oiinc  i 

In  northern  Kenya,  hand-held  radios  pur- 
chased by  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  assure 
that  each  cargo  plane  airlifting  relief  ship- 
"meiitS-tntoTsouthern  Sudan  is  fully  loade^^* 
The  equipment  enables  Jimmy  Anam,  logis- 
tics staff  for  the  New  Sudan  Council  of 
Churches  at  Lokichokio,  to  gain  access  to  free 
air  shipment  for  such  items  as  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren  SOS  kits  of  salt,  soap,  and  towels. 
On-the-spot  radio  communication  is  but  one 
illustration  of  your  One  Great  Hour  of  Sharing 
gift  at  work.  Your  gift  may  also  mean  school  kits, 
blankets,  tents,  medicines,  food,  wells,  refor- 
estation, volunteers.  Whatever,  wherev- 
er,  the  message  is  one  and  the        ** 
same:  hope  from  Christian  sis- 
ters and  brothers  who  care. 

Give  help. 

Give  hope.  Give  life. 

Give  now  through 

One  Great 
Hour  of  Sharing. 


Church  of  the  Brethren  April  1 997 



m  'p^^      m>^^ 


ouf  \n 



Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Editorial  Assistant:  Paula  Wilding 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche,  Martha  Cupp 
Promotion:  Linda  Myers  Swanson 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Dale  Minnich 


I  ur  cover  story: 

'Writes  David 
Radcliff,  "This  little 
North  Korean  girl's  ambiva- 
lence about  facing  my  camera 
was  okay  with  me.  It  seemed 
emblematic  of  her  country  as  a 
whole — not  quite  sure  what  to 
make  of  outsiders,  yet  not  in  a 
position  to  keep  the  door  so  llrmly  closed  any  longer."  As  for  the  cover 
photo,  Mrs.  Ri  Chang  Suk  of  the  Kumchon  Cooperative  feels  the  pinch  of 
the  grain  shortage — insufficient  feed  for  her  hens.  Still  she  generously 
included  eggs  in  a  snack  she  prepared  for  our  photographer. 


12     North  Korea:  For  Brethren,  a  land 
of  opportunity 

David  Radcliff,  back  from  visiting  a  land 
where  few  westerners  are  allowed  to  travel, 
sees  an  opportunity  there  for  Brethren  to 
reach  out.  Surprisingly,  there  are 
similarities  between  North  Koreans"  values 
and  Christian  values. 

22     Going  to  Galilee 

Ryan  Ahlgrim  says  that  going  to  Galilee  is  a 
journey  of  faith  that  will  last  the  rest  of  your 

24     The  Thomas  in  us  all 

Thomas,  the  disciple  who  doubted  |esus' 
resurrection  from  the  dead,  speaks  for  us 
all,  says  Pete  Haynes.  Deep  within  each  of 
us,  the  doubter  dwells. 

==1      26 


Beyond  a  relief  mentality 

Dismissing  the  myths  about  hunger  and 
poverty,  Jeff  Boshart  challenges  each  of  us 
to  get  busy  doing  something  about  the 
reality  of  the  problems. 

Toward  a  shared  vision  for  a 
shared  ministry 

In  the  second  of  a  series  on  the  General 
Board's  new  design,  Glenn  F.  Timmons 
describes  how,  in  the  new  structure,  the 
focus  is  on  congregations. 



From  the  Editor 


In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 


Special  Report 


Stepping  Stones 




Pontius'  Puddle 


Partners  in  Prayer 


Turning  Points 



tk  Eiilor 

How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-mail:  CoBNewsCa'AOL.Com 
Fax:  (847)  742-6103 
Phone:  (847)  742-5100 
(800)  323-8039 
Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75e  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  Allow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

A  preview  of  what's  coming 
up  at  Annual  Conference  in 
Long  Beach,  and  a  look  at  the 
business  agenda  to  be  tackled 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Atl.  N.E.,  Ron 
Lutz;  Atl.  S.E,,  Rub\'  Rajmer;  Ill./Wis.,  Kreston  Lipscomb; 
S/C  Ind,,  Marjoric  .Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good;  Mid-All.. 
Ann  Fouts;  Mo./Ark.,  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains,  Frances 
Merkey;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack  Kline; 
Ore.AVash.,  Marguerite  Shamberger;  Pac.  S.W.,  Randy 
Miller:  M.  Pa..  Eva  Wampler:  S.  Pa.,  Elmer  Q.  Gleim; 
W  Pa.,  Jay  Chrismer;  Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  S.E.,  Donna 
Shumate;  S.  Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Viriina,  Jerry  Naff; 
W  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Wmomn  Spuigeon. 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Entered  as  second-class  matter  Aug. 
20,  1918,  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct.  17,1917. 
Filing  date.  Nov  1, 1984.  Member  of  the  Associated 
Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion  News  Ser\'ice 
&  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical  quotations, 
unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from  the  New  Revised 
Standard  Version.  Messenger  is  owned  and  published 
1 1  limes  a  year  by  the  General  Services  Commission, 
Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board.  Second-class 
postage  paid  at  Elgin,  II!.,  and  at  additional  mailing 
office.  Feb.  199"'.  Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the 
Brethren  General  Board.  ISSN  0026-0355. 
Postmaster:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
l45l  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

One  Annual  Conference  almost  overlaps  another  lor  us  on  the 
denominational  staff.  By  February  each  year,  we  have  handled 
details  for  such  things  as  exhibits,  meal  events,  and  insight  sessions. 
While  folks  out  in  the  congregations  are  still  thinking  of  Annual  Con- 
ference as  an  event  several  calendar  pages  away,  we  feel  like  we  are 
almost  in  Long  Beach  already. 

Two  members  of  our  Messenger  staff  have,  indeed,  been  in  Long 
Beach  already.  Promotion  consultant  Linda  Myers  Swanson  and 
managing  editor  Nevin  Dulabaum 
forsook  the  joys  of  winter  in  north- 
ern Illinois  to  travel  to  Long  Beach 
in  early  February,  reconnoitering 
the  convention  center,  hotels, 
restaurants,  and  other  amenities  of 
the  city;  drumming  up  advertising 
business;  and  holding  meetings  with 
representatives  of  nearby  Brethren  | 
congregations  to  interpret  our  work  | 
and  promote  the  magazine.  % 

We  are  always  interested  in  find-  z 
ing  out  the  location  and  condition 
of  the  pressroom  that  is  assigned  to  us  in  each  host  city's 
convention  center.  We  have  no  choice  in  the  matter. 
The  location  sometimes  is  right  off  the  floor  of  the  audi- 
torium and  near  the  presstable  we  occupy  during  business 
sessions.  Sometimes  the  pressroom  is  down  corridors 
and  up  escalators  and  around  Robin  Hood's  barn  from 
the  press  table.  We  have  enjoyed  the  luxury  of  a  spacious  pressroom 
at  Charlotte  (1995),  replete  with  a  kitchenette,  restroom,  and  floor- 
to-ceiling  glass  wall  overlooking  the  auditorium.  And  we  have 
weathered  the  disappointment  of  makeshift  quarters  in  athletes' 
locker  rooms,  replete  with  the  fragrance  of  sweat-drenched  uniforms 
and  wet  towels  (Richmond  many  years  back  comes  to  mind).  The 
pressroom  reconnaissance  report  from  Long  Beach  has  me  cautiously 

These  days  of  faltering  giving  to  the  General  Board  and  the  result- 
ing straitened  budget  have  us  looking  for  sources  of  income  that  can 
postpone  the  day  of  raising  Messenger  subscriptions.  So  one  happy 
outcome  of  the  California  trip  was  successful  advertising  solicita- 
tion by  Linda  and  Nevin.  See  the  results  on  pages  17-20. 

And  be  thinking  Long  Beach  Conference.  It  will  be  here  before 
you  know  it. 

Linda  Myers  Swanson  and 
Nevin  Dulabaum  took  to  the 
top  of  a  Long  Beach  hotel  to 
get  this  bird's-eye  view  of 
the  convention  center. 

April  1997  Messenger  1 


Faith  into  music 

Michael  Hochstetler  is  a 
member  of  Blue  River 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Columbia  City,  Ind.,  but 
these  days  he  spends  most 
of  his  time  on  the  west 

Michael  Hochstetler 
works  in  Tinseltown, 

but  his  inidwesteni 

Church  of  the 

Brethren  roots  are  still 

much  ill  evidence. 

2  Messenger  April  1997 

coast,  in  the  music  world. 

And  in  his  music,  his 
upbringing  in  the  church  is 
much  in  evidence.  His  CD 
Three  Little  Letters  has 
been  out  over  a  year  now. 
The  hymns  on  the  CD 
range  from  traditional  to 
contemporary.  Michael  did 
the  arrangements  and 

orchestration.  A  pianist,  he 
adds  his  masterful  touch  to 
each  number. 

After  going  to  California, 
Michael  earned  a  degree  in 
computer  programming 
and  piano  performance 
studies  at  California  State 
Northridge.  He  began 
teaching  piano  there  and  is 
still  a  teacher.  He  figures 
that  80  percent  of  his  stu- 
dents come  from  "the 

He  has  performed  in 
many  places  on  the  west 
coast  and  had  many  experi- 
ences in  a  variety  of  musical 
settings.  With  composing 
and  arranging  his  first 
loves,  Michael  hopes  even- 
tually to  score  films  and 
television  shows. 

Meanwhile,  another  CD 
is  in  the  works  to  demon- 
strate this  transplanted 
Hoosier's  virtuosity. 

Names  in  the  news 

Warren  Eshbach  of  New 
Oxford,  Pa.,  after  leaving 
his  position  as  executive  of 
Southern  Pennsylvania  Dis- 
trict April  30,  will  become 
director  of  Pastoral  Care  at 
The  Brethren  Home  in  New 
Oxford.  He  also  will  serve 
as  dean  of  Graduate  Stud- 
ies for  Bethany  Seminary's 
Susquehanna  Valley  Satel- 

•  Phillip  Stone,  presi- 
dent of  Bridgewater 
College,  was  chosen  in  |an- 
uary  as  president  of  the 
Virginia  Bar  Association. 

•  Vernon  Baker,  a 
member  of  Topeco  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  near  Floyd, 
Va.,  received  a  commenda- 
tion from  General  Electric 

as  one  of  a  handful  of  the 
nation's  GE  dealers  with  c 
100-percent  customer  sat 
isfaction  record. 

•  Dympse  Bowlin  ]r.,  s 
member  of  Peak  Creek 
Church  of  the  Brethren, 
Laurel  Springs,  N.C.,  has 
received  an  Outstanding 
Service  Award  from  North 
Carolina  Association  of 
Court  Counselors.  He  has 
been  a  court  counselor  wit 
the  23rd  Judicial  Court 
District  of  North  Carolina 
since  1974. 

•  Fumitaka  Matsuoka, 
dean  and  vice  president  of 
Pacific  School  of  Religion, 
presented  the  annual  Reli-! 
gious  Heritage  Lectures  at 
McPherson  College  Feb. 
16—1  7,  speaking  on 
"Toward  Peoplehood:  The 
Pain  and  Promise  of  Racia 

•  Donna  Rhodes,  minis 
ter  of  Nurture  at  Stone 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Huntingdon,  Pa.,  has 
authored  her  second  book,. 
More  Little  Stories  for  Littl 
Children  (Herald  Press). 
(See  luly  1995,  page  2.) 

Crosses  that  inspire 

What  began  as  a  single  pro 
ject  for  their  small  rural 
church  has  become  a  part- 
time  ministry  for  |oe  and 
Betty  Lou  Skwierczynski 
and  Harold  and  Shirley 
O'Dell — both  couples 
members  of  New  Salem 
Church  of  the  Brethren 
near  Milford,  Ind.  They 
now  spend  much  of  their 
leisure  time  making  and 
distributing  inspirational 
pocket  crosses. 
When  New  Salem 

e  and  Betty  Lou  Skwierczynski  (seated)  and  Shirley  and 
arold  O'Dell  make  inspirational  crosses  for  giveaways. 

ember  Wayne  Newcomb 
ed  last  August,  among  his 
;longings  was  a  little 
)uch  with  a  cross  stitched 
1  the  front  and  a  message 
eked  inside.  Wayne's 
mily  gave  the  pouch  to 
Iwin  Meek,  a  member  of 
ew  Salem's  ministry  com- 
ission.  Edwin  was 
lordinating  a  program 
at  encourages  members 

read  through  the  Bible, 
e  asked  Betty  Lou 
cwierczynski  to  make 
ime  of  the  crosses  as 
rards.  That's  when  the 
'o  couples  began  their 
OSS  ministry. 
Pretty  soon  they  were 
mding  out  crosses  wher- 
er  they  went.  The  first 
2ek  they  gave  away  200. 
ley  visited  nursing  homes 
id  gave  a  cross  to  every- 
le  they  met.  Soon  they 
sve  traveling  to  area  towns 
id  cities. 

New  Salem  pastor  Bob 
ice  asked  for  500  crosses 
1  a  week's  notice.  He 
anted  to  give  100  crosses 

five  other  Brethren  con- 
■egations  along  with  a 
lallenge  to  distribute 
em.  Now  the  crosses  are 
aking  their  way  across 

country.  A  hundred  crosses 
were  made  for  a  man  in  Illi- 
nois who  has  a  prison 
ministry.  A  New  Salem 
member  carries  crosses 
with  him  on  business  trips 
to  California. 

Although  the  four  cross 
makers  are  retirees,  and 
two  are  disabled,  they  take 
no  payment  for  the  crosses 
or  any  contributions  for 
materials.  "Sometimes  we 
get  a  hug  or  a  'God  bless 
you,'"  says  Shirley.  "Just 
doing  God's  work  is 
enough,"  adds  Betty  Lou. 

Joe  explains,  "I  have  a 
feeling  that  if  we  accepted 
money,  the  Lord  would 
shut  us  down." 

Over  2,000  crosses  have 
been  made  so  far,  each  with 
an  inspiring  message 
tucked  inside.  The  crosses 
carry  an  implicit  message  as 
well.  Says  Betty  Lou,  "We 
want  others  to  know  how 
much  God  loves  them,  that 
he  died  for  them." — Deb 

Deb  Peterson,  a  member  of  New 
Salem  Churcli  of  the  Brethren  near 
Milford.  Ind..  is  a  feature  writer  for 
The  Goshen  News.  Goshen.  Ind.. 
from  whose  Jan.  4,  1997.  edition 
this  story  is  adapted. 

Learnings  in  Chicago 

One  of  the  lessons  Erin 
Flory  learned  during  a  Jan- 
uary interterm  study  at  the 
Urban  Life  Center  (LJLC) 
in  Chicago  is  the  intertwin- 
ing of  the  city's  commun- 
ities and  the  arts. 

The  McPherson  (Kan.) 
College  sophomore  braved 
50-below-zero  wind-chill 
factors  to  tour  Hispanic, 
Asian,  and  African-Ameri- 
can sections  of  the  city,  as 
well  as  city  museums.  She 
also  frequented  coffee- 
houses where  artists 
congregate,  attended  jazz 
concerts,  and  learned  the 
history  of  jazz  and  blues. 
She  watched  a  play  about 
gang  violence,  and  even  had 
gang  graffiti  explained  to 

Erin  Flory 

her.  ULC  stresses  gaining 
work  experience  in  an 
urban  environment,  and 
continual  learning  outside 
the  classroom. 

Erin,  a  piano  student 
since  preschool  days,  plays 
the  oboe,  not  only  in  the 
newly  formed  McPherson 
City  Symphony,  but  also  in 
the  Hutchinson  Community 
Symphony.  She  often  pro- 
vides accompaniment  for 
church  and  community 
musical  events.  Her  home 

church  is  McPherson 
Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Erin  earned  four  college 
credits  in  social  studies  at 
ULC.  Three  days  a  week 
she  assisted  a  director  at 
Sherwood  Conservatory  of 
Music  in  building  a  South- 
side  Chicago  Youth 
Symphony.  She  also  helped 
with  sectionals  and  held 
one-on-one  technique  ses- 
sions with  the  younger 

"My  ULC  experience 
confirmed  my  decision  to 
major  in  music  perfor- 
mance," says  Erin.  But 
Chicago  is  not  her  kind  of 
town.  "I  enjoyed  Chicago," 
she  says,  "but  I  don't  want 
to  live  in  a  city  that  big.  In 
fact  the  month  there  made 
me  really  appreciate  grow- 
ing up  and  living  in 
McPherson,  and  made  me 
realize  the  opportunities 
that  a  small  town  pro- 
vides."— Irene  S. 

Irene  S.  Reynolds  is  a  freelance 
writer  from  Lawrence.  Kan. 


Martha  Neiderhiser 
Parker,  90,  died  February 
25,  in  Greenville,  Ohio.  She 
and  her  husband,  Daryl 
(died  1989),  served  as 
medical  missionaries  in 
China,  1932-1940, 
1946-1949;  in  Puerto 
Rico,  1944-1946;  and  in 
Nigeria,  1968-1972. 

"In  Touch" profiles  Brethren  we  would 
like  you  to  meet.  Send  story  ideas  and 
photos  to  "In  Touch,  "Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

April  1997  Messenger  3 

Eddie  Donald  and 
Donna  Anthony 

added  medallions  with 

a  Brethren  theme 

when  they  created  new 

windows  to 

complement  older  ones 

at  fones  Chapel. 

Nothing  generic  here 

When  it  comes  to  custom- 
made  stained-glass  church 
windows,  it  pays  to  have 
in-house  artists.  That  was 
the  case  for  lones  Chapel 
Church  of  the  Brethren 
near  Martinsville,  Va., 
when  it  decided  to  add  two 
new  windows  to  supple- 
ment its  earlier  stained- 
glass  windows,  installed  in 
the  sanctuary  some  45 
years  ago. 

A  Jones  Chapel  member. 
Donna  Anthony,  is  co- 
owner,  with  Eddie 

Donald,  of  Foothills  Art 
Glass  Company  in  Greer, 
S.C.  The  pair  donated 
their  work,  since  the  win- 
dows are  a  memorial  to 
Donna's  grandmother 
Ruth  Thomason.  The 
family  wanted  to  incorpo- 
rate Brethren  symbols,  so 
the  medallions  in  the  win- 
dows depict  the  Alexander 
Mack  seal  and  the  current 
Church  of  the  Brethren 

There  are  still  some  clear 
windows  in  the  church,  so 
there  is  no  telling  where 
this  may  end. 

Creating  a  Web  site 

Elkhart  (Ind.)  City 
Church  of  the  Brethren 
member  Gary  Arnold  got 
the  idea  of  creating  a 
World  Wide  Web  site  for 
his  congregation  after 
hearing  of  other  congrega- 
tions with  sites.  When 
CompuServe  began  offer- 
ing free  Web  site  space  to 

anyone  holding  an  account 
with  the  company,  Gary 
began  investigating.  He 
surfed  the  Web  to  see  what 
other  churches  had  done. 
He  downloaded  software 
and  information  about  writ- 
ing the  programs,  bought  a 
book  on  the  programming 
language,  and  set  to  work. 
After  scanning  in  some 
photos  and  graphics,  Gary 

designed  the  pages  for  th( 
Elkhart  City  site.  At  first 
there  were  only  four  page 
The  homepage  tells  about 
the  church.  Then  there  an 
a  Calendar  of  Events  page 
a  Visitor  page  (an  on-line 
version  of  the  congrega- 
tion's newsletter.  The 
Visitor),  and  the  Sermon 
page  (pastor  David 
Bibbee's  weekly  sermon). 
The  site  is  updated  weekl} 
usually  on  Monday  mornin 

The  Web  site  went  on- 
line last  July,  and  has  beerj 
enlarged  and  improved 
since  then.  Additions 
include  a  church  history 
page  and  a  page  providing 
information  about  mem- 

Elkhart  City  is  the  first 
Church  of  the  Brethren 
congregation  in  Northern  \ 
Indiana  District  to  have  a 
Web  site.  For  more  infor- 
mation from  Gary,  reach 
him  via  the  Internet  at 
71350. 510@compu-  To  visit  Elkhart 
City's  Web  site,  point  your 
Web  browser  to  http://our 

This  and  that 

On  April  20,  Arlington 

(Va.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren  is  hosting  the  thirc 
annual  hymn-sing  using  llu  i 
Harmonia  Sacra  shape- noti  i 
hymnbook.  Phone  (703)  i 
549-4239  for  more  infer-  J 

•  This  past  Christmas,  th 
young  people  of  County 
Line  Church  of  the  Brethre: 
near  Champion,  Pa.,  in  a 
project  called  Operation 
Christmas  Child,  filled  and 

4  Messenger  April  1997 

ilie  Barnhart  responds  to  a  letter  from  a  Nicaraguan  girl 
ho  had  received  a  Christmas  gift  from  County  Line  church. 

ift-wrapped  52  shoe  boxes 
f  gifts  for  needy  children 
Central  America. 
•  Following  its  tradition, 
a  Verne  (Calif.)  Church 
f  the  Brethren  took  up  a 
hristmas  Eve  offering  to 
■each  beyond  the  congre- 
ation  and  touch  the  needs 
fthe  world."  At  the  1996 
hristmas  Eve  service, 
2ople  brought  books  (or 
loney  to  buy  books)  to 
agin  a  new  library  for  a 
ack  church  in  South  Car- 
ina burned  by  arsonists, 
iver  55  books  and  $1,000 
ere  collected. 

elp's  on  the  way 

sounds  almost  too  good 
)  be  true,  but  there  actu- 
ly  is  a  place  where 
lurches  can  turn  for 

Enten  Pfaltzgraff  Eller, 
3-pastor  of  Lafayette 
nd.)  Church  of  the 
rethren,  operates  Eller 
omputer  Services  on  the 
de.  Becoming  aware  of 
jsinesses  and  people 
;eking  constructive  and 
Dst-effective  ways  to  dis- 
3se  of  outdated 
jmputers,  he  persuaded 

the  Lafayette  congregation 
to  begin  a  Computer 
Recycling  Program.  The 
program  started  up  last 

Donors  of  computer 
equipment  receive  a  tax 
deduction.  Eller  Computer 
Services  assembles  the 
donated  equipment  into 
working  systems,  adding 
new  parts  if  needed.  The 
refurbished  computers  are 
donated  to  such  recipients 
as  schools  in  Africa,  not- 
for-profit  agencies,  small 
churches,  and  low-income 
church  workers. 

Anyone  interested  in 
donating  equipment  or 
seeking  help  may  contact 
the  Computer  Recycling 
Program  at  EllerComp 
(a  AOL. Com,  or  (the  old- 
fashioned  way)  1 107  S. 
18th  St.,  Lafayette,  IN 
47905:  tel.  (317)  474-5021. 

Campus  comments 

At  Bridgewater  College, 

Black  History  Month  was 
marked  by  a  program  Feb- 
ruary 1 8  featuring  the 
Contemporary  Gospel 
Singers,  a  60-voice  choir 
from  nearby  James  Madi- 
son University. 

Let's  celebrate 

Allensville  Church  of  the 
Brethren  near  Martins- 
burg,  W.Va.,  celebrated  its 
75th  anniversary  Oct.  27, 

•  Westmont  Church  of 
the  Brethren  in  |ohnstown. 
Pa.,  celebrated  its  centen- 
nial Sept.  27-29,  1996, 
under  the  theme  of  "May 
All  Who  Come  Behind  Us 
Find  Us  Faithful."  Activi- 
ties included  an  "old-time 
revival,"  story-telling,  and 
a  music  program  featuring 

Westmont's  "Crayon  Box 

Nancy  Faus.  Among  the 
exhibits  was  a  quilt  called 
"The  Crayon  Box." 

•  Beaver  Creek  Church 
of  the  Brethren  in  Hager- 
stown,  Md.,  marked  its 
sesquicentennial  in 

1996  with  special  events 
and  speakers. 

•  Imperial  Heights 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Los  Angeles  combined  its 

1997  centennial  celebra- 
tion with  programs  |an.  19 
and  Feb.  23  that  honored 
the  contributions  of 
African-Americans  to  US 
society.  The  |an.  19  pro- 
gram paid  tribute  to 
Martin  Luther  King  Jr. 
The  Feb.  23  program,  with 
a  Black  History  Month 

focus,  comprised  drama, 
instrumental  music, 
poetry,  dance,  and  music 
by  local  choirs. 

•  Root  River  Church  of 
the  Brethren  near  Preston, 

Minn.,  marked  its  140th 
anniversary  Nov.  3,  1996. 
Laminated  bookmarks 
bearing  a  depiction  of  the 
church  were  among  the 
mementos  of  the  occasion. 

•  Enders  (Neb.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  home 
congregation  of  1997 
Annual  Conference  mod- 
erator David  Wine  (see 
February  cover  story),  will 
celebrate  its  95th  anniver- 
sary Aug.  30—31. 

•  Harrisburg  (Pa.)  First 
Church  of  the  Brethren 
celebrated  its  centennial 
throughout  1996. A  new 
history  of  the  congrega- 
tion, written  by  Bethany 
Seminary  professor 
Murray  Wagner,  is  avail- 
able for  $10  (including 
postage  and  handling) 
from  the  church:  219 
Hummel  St.,  Harrisburg, 
PA  17104. 

"Close  to  Home" highlights  news  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave..  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

4„„,,    ,„.,^   K/fT-c 

General  Board  approves  new 
design,  polity  changes 

The  most  extensive  changes  to  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board  since  its  creation  in  1947  were 
approved  by  the  Board  during  its  five 

Paul  Wampler,  General  Board 

member,  lights  a  "Candle  of 

Hope, "  which  is  cupped  in  the 

hands  of  Board  member  Terry 

Shumaker.  This  candle  and  1 1 

others  were  lit  as  part  of  the 

opening  devotion  service  to  the 

Board's  March  meetings. 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/"Messenger 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  be  considered 
to  be  ayi  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

6  Messenger  April  1997 

days  of  spring  meetings,  March  7-1 1 . 
Changes  to  the  Board's  composition, 
ministries,  budget,  and  personnel 
(see  pages  8—9)  were  among  the  ma- 
jor decisions  discussed  at  length  and 
ultimately  approved.  A  decision  re- 
garding the  location  of  the  Board's 
central  functions  was  postponed  un- 
til March  1998. 

Some  of  the  changes  approved  by 
the  Board  require  modifying  An- 
nual Conference  polity,  which  An- 
nual Conference  delegates  will  be 
asked  to  do  in  July.  Four  major  polity 
changes  include: 

•  reducing  the  General  Board 
from  25  to  20  members  (15  district 
and  5  at-large  representatives). 

•  removing  the  General  Board's 
three  commission  structure  (General 
Services,  Parish  Ministries  and 
World  Ministries)  in  favor  of  creat- 
ing and  utilizing  ad  hoc  committees 
and  task  teams  when  needed. 

•  transforming  the  current  Admin- 
istrative Council  employee  leadership 
structure,  which  consists  of  a  general 


secretary,  a  treasurer,  and  executive  utd 
of  General  Services,  Parish  Min- 
istries and  World  Ministries 
commissions,  to  a  leadership  team 
design  (see  page  8). 

•  creating  a  Mission  and  Min- 
istries Planning  Council  and 
eliminating  two  other  Annual  Con- 
ference-created committees.  The 
Mission  and  Ministries  Planning 
Council  would  replace  the  current 
Planning  and  Coordinating  and 
Goals  and  Budget  committees,  withi 
the  General  Board's  Executive  Com  jd 
mittee  absorbing  Goals  and  Budget;  ii| 
budget  parameter  development  and 
planning  responsibilities. 

The  preamble  of  the  document  be- 
ing sent  to  Conference  delegates 
containing  the  proposed  changes  in 
eludes  the  General  Board's  vision 
statement  and  its  list  of  core  func- 

tions, two  documents  that  guided  th 
Board  as  it  developed  its  new  design 
A  statement  following  the  document 
calls  for  an  annual  review  of  the  new 
General  Board  structure,  at  least  for 
several  years. 

In  addition  to  the  four  proposed 
polity  changes,  a  key  aspect  of  the 
General  Board's  new  design  that  doe 
not  need  Annual  Conference  approv, 
will  be  the  development  of  three  to 
five  area  teams  that  will  consist  of 
several  "generalists"  who  will  work 
with  congregations  and  districts  in 
the  areas  of  worship  planning,  spiri- 
tual formation,  stewardship  educa- 
tion, and  evangelism.  Each  team  also 
is  expected  to  possess  skills  in  urban 
and  ethnic  ministries,  and  small- 
church  development.  As  of  mid- 
March,  these  team  positions  were  stil 
under  development. 

The  1 997  budget  approved  by  the 
Board  calls  for  a  balanced  budget 
with  expenses  and  income  of 
$6,23 1 ,000.  For  1 998,  the  Board  ap- 
proved an  income  parameter  of 
$5,391,000  and  an  expense  parame- 
ter of  $5, 1 35,000,  down  $  1 .9  million 
from  1996.  The  $256,000  surplus  the 
Board  expects  to  have  in  1 998  will  be 


iiused  to  replenish  its  main  budget  re- 
serve, which  currently  is  $1,487,000. 
Other  reserves  include  $  1 ,088,000  in 
a  bequest  quasi-endowment. 

Though  the  $  1 .9  million  reduction 
is  less  than  the  $2.5  million  reduction 
proposed  by  the  Board's  Redesign 
Steering  Committee,  the  Board  dur- 
ing its  debate  considered  adding 
$300,000  to  the  expense  parameters, 
funds  that  are  targeted  for  a  bequest 
quasi-endowment.  This  proposal  was 
in  addition  to  the  $300,000  Goals 
and  Budget  Committee  added  to  the 
original  1998  expense  parameter  of 
$4,835,000  when  it  met  just  prior  to 
the  start  of  the  Board's  meetings. 

Lengthy  debate  ensued,  with  Board 
members  closely  divided  between  fiscal 
responsibility  and  increased  ministries, 
at  least  for  the  short-term.  However, 
the  Board  ultimately  approved  the 
$5, 1 35,000  expense  parameter. 

Although  a  decision  regarding  the 
future  location  of  the  Board's  cen- 
tralized functions  was  expected  to  be 
made  in  March,  Board  members  ap- 
proved a  proposal  that  calls  for  that 
decision  to  be  postponed  for  one  year. 

The  reason  for  the  postponement  is 
that  the  Board's  Redesign  Steering 
Committee,  which  was  charged  with 
preparing  a  location  recommendation, 
realized  that  location  issues  should  be 
addressed  separately  from  organiza- 
tional issues,  said  Chris  Bowman, 
Board  member  and  RSC  chair. 

According  to  the  RSC's  location 
■recommendation,  the  Board's  pri- 
mary task  for  the  immediate  future 
"is  the  implementation  of  its  re- 
designed structure  to  involve  the  en- 
tire church  in  its  mission,  to  facilitate 
the  spiritual  turning  of  the  church  we 
believe  is  required,  and  to  develop 
new  mission  based  on  the  discern- 
ment of  the  entire  church  body." 

Taking  the  RSC's  recommenda- 
tions with  only  one  slight  modifica- 
tion, the  Board  approved  forming  a 
Site  Recommendation  Committee,  to 
be  composed  of  the  general  secretary 
(or  interim),  two  people  appointed  by 

the  General  Board,  one  person  ap- 
pointed by  Brethren  Benefit  Trust's 
board  and  one  member  appointed  by 
the  Annual  Conference  officers. 
Brethren  Benefit  Trust  and  the  An- 
nual Conference  Office  are  two  ma- 
jor tenants  of  the  General  Board- 
owned  General  Offices  in  Elgin,  III. 

Though  the  Board  mostly  dealt  with 
issues  surrounding  its  new  design, 
it  also  heard  a  proposal  that  was  ap- 
proved by  its  Executive  Committee  to 
raise  $75,000  for  the  Global  Food 
Crisis  Fund  to  provide  fertilizer,  seed, 
and  planting  materials  for  North  Ko- 
rea (see  page  15).  North  Koreans 
have  suffered  from  food  shortages  for 
nearly  two  years  due  to  damaging 
floods.  Congregations  will  be  asked  to 
participate  in  the  project  in  April. 

The  Board  received  Annual  Con- 
ference Review  and  Evaluation 
Committee's  report  on  the  General 
Board.  This  report  will  be  printed  in 
the  Annual  Conference  Booklet,  or  is 
available  by  calling  the  Annual  Con- 
ference Office  at  (800)  323-8039. 

Parish  Ministries  Commission  heard 
Brethren  Press'  plan  to  develop  a  new 
alternative  adult  curriculum  to  its 
"Guide  for  Biblical  Studies,"  which 
will  be  available  in  the  fall  of  1998. 
This  new  curriculum,  to  be  published 
jointly  with  Faith  &  Life  Press,  will 
focus  on  life  issues  and  "approaching 
the  Bible  as  a  curriculum  itself." 

Brethren  Press  also  reported  its  cen- 
tennial celebration  plans  for  this  year. 
Three  publications  are  being  pub- 
lished in  honor  of  its  100th 
anniversary,  and  Brethren  Press  will 
also  celebrate  the  special  year  at  its 
Annual  Conference  breakfast. 

The  Board  approved  the  seventh 
draft  of  the  "Deacon  Ministry  in  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren,"  to  be  sent 
for  adoption  this  year  by  Annual 
Conference.  Commissioned  by 
Annual  Conference  in  1995,  the 
paper  was  drafted  by  Association  of 
Brethren  Caregivers  and  forwarded 
to  the  Board  through  Parish  Min- 
istries Commission.  It  is  intended 

Kathy  Hess  and  Steve  Petcher, 

chairwoman  and  vice  chairman  of 
the  General  Board,  listen  to  debate 
pertaining  to  the  Board's  planned 
new  design  at  its  meetings  in  March. 

"to  revitalize  the  deacon  ministry  in 
the  church,"  said  Jay  Gibble,  staff 
liaison  to  the  study  committee. 

The  Board  also  heard  a  report  the 
joint  Parish/World  ministries  paper, 
"Statement  on  Child  Exploitation," 
which  will  return  to  Annual  Confer- 
ence this  year  for  approval  following 
a  year  of  study. 

The  General  Services  Commission 
also  reported  to  the  Board  that  it: 

•  approved  a  proposal  that  allows 
Board  employees  to  now  receive  their 
retirement  annuity  through  Brethren 
Benefit  Trust  beginning  at  age  55 
instead  of  60.  Retirees  who  are  55  and 
who  have  at  least  10  years  of  service 
may  also  participate  in  the  Board's 
group  insurance  plan. 

•  heard  an  update  on 

WWW.  Brethren. Org,  the  web  site 
that  is  being  developed  by  Bethany 
Theological  Seminary,  Brethren  Ben- 
efit Trust,  Brethren  Employees  Credit 
Union,  and  the  General  Board.  The 
site  is  scheduled  to  go  online  in  lune. 

•  elected  (eff  Bach,  assistant  pro- 
fessor and  director  of  Peace  Studies 
at  Bethany  Theological  Seminary,  to 
serve  on  the  Brethren  Historical 
Committee. — Nevin  Dulabaum  and 
Paula  Wilding 

April  1997  Messenger  7    

General  Board  begins  hiring 
employees  for  its  new  design 

During  its  March  meetings,  the  Gen- 
eral Board  and  its  Transition  Team 
approved  many  personnel-related 
changes,  including  the  formation  of 
an  interim  Leadership  Team  for 
Board  employees.  This  team,  which 
replaces  the  five-member  Administra- 
tive Council,  will  become  permanent 
if  proposed  General  Board  polity 
changes  are  approved  by  Annual 
Conference  delegates  this  summer. 

The  Leadership  Team  structure  ap- 
proved in  mid-March  consisted  of 
nine  directors,  and  other  salaried 
staff  members.  Support  staff  posi- 
tions had  not  yet  been  named. 

•  Executive  director:  executive 
director,  assistant,  and  coordinator 
of  Human  Resources.  The  current 
equivalent  position — the  general  sec- 
retary— is  filled  by  Karen  Peterson 
Miller,  who  is  serving  a  one-year 
term  as  interim. 

•  Congregational  Life  Ministries: 
director,  Congregational  Life  Teams, 
and  coordinator  of  Youth  and  Young 

Adult  Ministries.  Also  announced 
were  Congregational  Life  Associate 
volunteers.  Glenn  Timmons,  execu- 
tive for  Parish  Ministries,  was  named 
director  of  this  ministry  in  March. 

•  Ministry:  director,  coordinator 
of  District  Ministry,  coordinator  of 
Ministry  Leadership  Development. 
An  open  search  for  the  director  is 

•  Brethren  Press:  director/pub- 
lisher, editor  of  Publications,  editor  of 
Study  Resources  and  Books,  staff  for 
Interpretation,  Marketing  manager. 
News  and  Information  editor,  and 
Business  manager.  Wendy  McFadden 
was  named  director/publisher  of  the 
new  Brethren  Press  in  December. 

•  Funding:  director.  Salaried  staff 
positions  yet  to  be  determined.  Ken 
Neher,  executive  of  Oregon/Wash- 
ington District  and  a  General  Board 
Planned  Giving  officer,  in  March  was 
named  director. 

•  Global  Mission  Partnerships: 
director,  coordinator  of  Emergency 
Response  and  Service  Ministry,  and 
coordinator  for  Global  Connections. 
Mervin  Keeney  was  named  director 

General  Board  member  David  M'lWer  of  Roanoke.  Va.,  questions  the  future 
role  the  Board  will  have  with  the  Association  of  Brethren  Caregivers,  during 
the  Board's  March  meetings.  During  the  meetings  the  Board  voted  to  end  its 
funding  of  ABC  and  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly  personnel.  The  Board  will  be 
in  dialog  with  both  organizations  to  define  new  working  relationships. 

in  early  January. 

•  Volunteer  Service  Ministries: 
director,  coordinator  of  Brethren  Vol 
unteer  Service  Orientation, 
coordinator  of  Brethren  Service  in  ! 
Europe,  and  coordinator  of  Recruit-  ] 
ment  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service/  \ 
Short-term  program.  Dan  McFadden  i 
was  named  director  in  December.        i 

•  Finance,  Central  Resources:  trea- 1 
surer/director;  controller  at  General 
Offices,  Elgin,  III.;  controller  at 
Brethren  Service  Center,  New  Wind- 
sor, Md.;  manager  of  Brethren 
Historical  Library  and  Archives;  man- 
ager of  Buildings  and  Grounds 
(Elgin);  manager  of  Buildings  and 
Grounds  (New  Windsor);  manager  of! 
Information  Systems;  and  coordinatori 
of  New  Windsor  Conference  Center. 
Treasurer  Judy  Keyser  in  March  was 
named  treasurer/director. 

•  Brethren  Witness:  This  ministry 
of  peace,  justice,  care  of  creation, 
and  other  Brethren  values  was  cre- 
ated by  the  Board  in  March.  An  open 
search  for  its  director  is  underway. 

Several  lists  prepared  by  the  Gen- 
eral Board  and  its  Transition 
Team  were  released  during  and  fol- 
lowing the  Board's  meetings.  One  listi 
included  the  job  positions  that  will  be 
eliminated  effective  July  18  unless 
otherwise  noted  (although  some  of 
the  responsibilities  included  in  these 
positions  are  being  transferred  to  job 
positions  in  the  new  organization). 
Positions  being  eliminated  are: 

•  director,  District  Ministry 

•  executive,  General  Services 

•  administrative  assistant.  General 

•  editor,  Messenger 

•  managing  editor.  Messenger/ 
director,  News  Services 

•  director,  Stewardship  Education 

•  executive,  Parish  Ministries 

•  administrative  assistant.  Parish 

•  director.  Congregational  Nurture 

•  director,  Hispanic  Ministries 

•  co-directors.  Ministry 

•  director,  Ministry  Training 

8  Messenger  April  1997 

Members  of  the  General  Board's  new  Leadership  Team  include  Dan  McFadden. 
Judy  Keyser,  Mervin  Keeney,  Karen  Peterson  Miller,  Ken  Neher,  Wendy 
McFadden,  and  Glenn  Timmons.  An  open  search  is  underway  for  two 
'.additional  members  of  this  team  not  yet  hired  (see  pages  32  and  34). 

•  director,  New  Church 

•  director  of  Outdoor  Ministries 

•  director,  Korea  (domestic) 

•  executive.  World  Ministries 

•  administrative  assistant,  World 
Ministries/director,  Mission 

•  representative  for  Africa  and  the 
Middle  East 

•  representative  for  Latin  America 
and  the  Caribbean 

•  director,  Eco-Iustice  Concerns/ 
director.  Rural  and  Small  Church 

•  director,  Denominational  Peace 

•  executive  director,  Center 

•  director,  Refugee/Disaster 

•  director,  Washington  Office 

•  manager.  Customer  Service 

•  advisor.  Congregational 
Resourcing  (for  The  Andrew  Center) 

•  director,  The  Andrew  Center 
{goes  into  effect  Dec.  31) 

•  employees.  Association  of 
Brethren  Caregivers  and  On  Earth 
Peace  Assembly  (their  employment  is 
shifted  to  these  agencies). 

A  list  of  names  of  people  hired  to 
work  in  the  new  organization  had 
not  been  released  as  of  mid-March, 
as  that  process  is  expected  to  take 
several  months.  However,  a  list  of 

full-  and  part-time  employees  whose 
employment  will  be  terminated  July 
18  (unless  noted)  was  released. 
These  people  will  receive  three 
months  severance. 

•  Shantilal  Bhagat  has  served  as 
director  of  Eco-(ustice  Concerns/ 
Rural  Small  Churches  since  1987. 
He  has  worked  for  the  General 
Board  since  1968. 

•  Karen  Carlson  has  served  as 
support  staff  for  The  Andrew  Center 
since  1991.  Her  employment  will 
conclude  on  Dec.  31. 

•  Rose  Collins  has  served  as  sup- 
port staff  for  the  Office  of 
Interpretation  since  1995. 

•  Martha  Cupp,  support  staff  for 
Messenger,  has  served  in  this  position 
since  1995.  Previously,  Cupp  worked 
for  Messenger  from  1989  to  1993. 

•  lanice  Eller  has  served  as  co- 
director  of  Ministry  since  1994. 

•  Guillermo  Encarnacion  has 
served  as  director  of  Hispanic  Min- 
istry since  1994.  Encarnacion  will 
continue  his  General  Board  work 
with  the  Dominican  Republic. 

•  Barbara  Faga  has  served  as  sup- 
port staff  for  The  Andrew  Center  since 
1988.  She  began  her  employment  with 
the  General  Board  in  1986.  Her 
employment  will  conclude  on  Dec.  3 1 . 

•  Sheri  Fecher  has  worked  for 
Yearbook  since  1996.  She  will  con- 
clude her  service  on  June  15. 

•  |une  Gibble  has  served  as  direc- 

tor of  Congregational  Nurture  and 
Worship  since  1988.  She  previously 
served  the  Board  from  1977-1984. 

•  Jean  Hendricks,  director  of  Min- 
istry Training,  has  served  in  this 
position  since  1991. 

•  Robert  Kettering  has  served  as 
director  of  New  Church  Develop- 
ment since  1994.  Kettering  currently 
also  serves  as  interim  director  of  The 
Andrew  Center.  Employment  in  that 
position  will  end  on  Dec.  3 1 . 

•  lames  Kinsey  has  served  as  co- 
director  of  Ministry  since  1994.  He 
will  continue  to  serve  as  executive 
for  Michigan  District. 

•  Dale  Minnich  has  served  as 
associate  general  secretary  and  Gen- 
eral Services  Commission  executive 
since  1988.  He  has  served  the  Gen- 
eral Board  since  1979. 

•  Marge  Moeller  has  served  as 
support  staff  for  Customer  Service 
since  1996.  She  has  worked  for  the 
General  Board  since  1987. 

•  [an  Morse  has  served  as  Cus- 
tomer Service  manager  since  1991. 
She  has  served  the  General  Board 
since  1984. 

•  Karen  Norstrom  has  served  as 
support  staff  for  Human  Resources 
since  1995. 

•  Barbara  Ober  has  served  as 
administrative  assistant  and  director 
of  Mission  Interpretation  for  World 
Ministries  Commission  since  1985. 

•  Nina  Roher  has  served  as  sup- 
port staff  in  accounts  receivable  for 
Finance  since  1994. 

•  Roberta  Rosser,  support  staff  for 
Congregational  Nurture  and  Worship, 
has  served  in  this  position  since  1986. 

•  Linda  Swanson  has  served  as 
support  staff  for  Messenger  since 
1994.  Previously,  she  served  the 
General  Board  from  1977  to  1992. 

•  Kermon  Thomasson,  editor  of 
Messenger,  has  held  this  position 
since  1977.  He  has  served  the  Gen- 
eral Board  since  1959. 

•  Paula  Wilding  has  served  as  edi- 
torial assistant  for  News  Services 
since  1993. — Nevin  Dulabaum  and 
Paula  Wilding 

April  1997  Messenger  9 

Brethren  Service  Center  hosts 
pastor  of  burnt  church 

Building  bridges  and  tearing  down 
walls  was  the  theme  of  the  keynote 
speech  given  by  Patrick  Mellerson, 
pastor  of  Butler  Chapel  African 
Methodist  Episcopal  Church,  Or- 
angeburg, S.C,  at  the  Brethren  Dis- 
aster Response  Leadership  Confer- 
ence, Feb.  15,  at  the  New  Windsor 
(Md.)  Conference  Center. 

The  rebuilding  of  Butler  Chapel 
Church,  which  was  destroyed  by  an 
act  of  arson  in  April  1 996,  will  begin 
this  spring  by  Brethren  volunteers. 
In  March,  the  Emergency  Disaster 
Fund  allocated  $20,000  to  help  fund 
this  project. 

"This  will  show  my  community 
that  there  are  people  across  the 
United  States  who  don't  care  about 
color  or  creed  and  are  concerned 
with  the  burnings,"  said  Mellerson. 
"When  one  church  burns,  we  all  feel 
the  flames." 

Mellerson  is  the  scheduled  keynote 
speaker  at  the  Messenger  dinner  at 
Annual  Conference  in  Long  Beach, 
Calif.  He  also  is  scheduled  to  appear 
in  the  General  Board  Live  Report. 

Committee  asl(s  for  support 
in  pastoral  insurance  quest 

At  its  January  meeting,  the  Pastoral 
Compensation  and  Benefits  Advisory 
Committee  addressed  a  letter  to  ask- 
ing Brethren  to  join  it  in  encouraging 
Brethren  Benefit  Trust  (BBT)  to  "seek 
ways  to  slow  the  spiraling  cost  of 
medical  insurance  while  at  the  same 
time  preserving  the  values  of  mutual- 
ity that  have  been  incorporated  in  the 
medical  plan  from  its  inception." 

In  light  of  the  rising  cost  of  medical 
insurance,  the  committee  asked  the 
denomination  to  remain  with  the 
Brethren  Medical  Plan  while  BBT 
looks  at  options  to  limit  increases  in 
premiums,  according  to  Jan  Filer,  in- 
terim staff  liaison  to  the  committee. 

Council  of  District  Executives 
(CODE)  added  its  affirmation  of  the 
statement  in  January,  Filer  added. 

Conference  attendees  to 
build  second  Habitat  house 

For  the  second  consecutive  year.  An- 
nual Conference  attendees  will  have 
the  opportunity  to  blitz-build  a  house 
during  Conference  week.  Work  on 
the  house  is  scheduled  for  June 
28-July  4,  with  Sunday,  June  30,  off. 

One  hundred  fifty  volunteers  are 
being  sought  to  build  the  house  in  co- 
operation with  Habitat  for  Humanity. 

The  land  where  the  house  will  be 
built  was  donated  in  February  by  the 
Long  Beach  Housing  Development 
Company.  The  property  is  a  20-minute 
walk  from  the  Convention  Center. 

Habitat  founder  Millard  Fuller  will 
take  part  in  dedicating  the  house,  as 

well  as  serve  as  the  Friday  evening 
Conference  speaker. 

General  Board  programs  sponsor- 
ing the  project  include  The  Andrew 
Center,  Brethren  Volunteer  Service, 
News  Services,  and  Refugee/Disas- 
ter Services.  The  Emergency  Disas- 
ter Fund  allocated  $50,000  to  pay 
for  materials. 

For  a  registration  flyer,  contact  |an 
Thompson,  8151  E.  Cactus  Dr., 
Mesa,  AZ  85208.  Registration  dead- 
line is  June  1. 


Earth  Day,  focusing  on  climate  change, 
April  22  [Contact  Eco-|ustice  Con- 
cerns for  resources  and  other  related 
materials,  General  Offices,  (800)  323- 
8039;  SBhagat.parti@Ecunet.Org]. 

"...With  Eyes  of  Faith"  will  be  the  theme  of  the  1998  National  Youth 
Conference,  as  chosen  by  the  NYC  '98  coordinators  and  the  1997-98 
National  Youth  Cabinet  when  they  met  in  Elgin,  III.,  in  February. 

The  NYC  '98  coordinators  cmd  1997-98  youth  cabinet  are:  (front  row) 
Janelle  Wilkinson,  Karen  Miller,  Jaime  Eller,  and  John  Eshleman:  (back 
row)  Ryan  Bowers,  Joy  Struble,  Janice  Bowman,  Emily  Shonk,  Chris 
Douglas,  Eric  Bishop,  Brian  Yoder,  and  Matt  Rittle. 

Posters,  brochures,  a  promotional  video,  and  an  NYC  web  site  are 
expected  to  be  available  in  June. 

10  Messenger  April  1997 

Id  Krief 

Young  adults  and  young  adult  leaders  are  Invited  to  an  ecu- 
menical young  adult  ministry  leadership  training  event.  The  event, 
scheduled  for  May  22-25  in  Atlanta,  is  co-sponsored  by  Youth  and 
Young  Adult  Ministry.  For  more  information,  contact  Chris  Douglas 
lat  (800)  323-8039  or  CoB.Youth.parti@Ecunet.  Org. 

A  700-hour  fast  by  two  Brethren  and  three  other  Christian 
Peacemaker  Teams  members  was  scheduled  for  March  in 
Hebron,  the  Middle  East.  Art  Gish  of  Athens,  Ohio,  and  Cliff 
Kindy  of  North  Manchester,  Ind.,  were  to  join  three  other  CPT 
workers  in  the  "Fast  for  Rebuilding."  The  29-day  fast  was  to  be 
held  on  behalf  of  the  700  Palestinian  families  "who  are  sched- 
uled to  lose  their  homes  because  their  land  is  adjacent  to  Israeli 
settlements  or  bypass  roads,"  reported  Janice  Kulp  Long  of  CPT. 
The  demolition  of  the  homes  by  the  Israeli  government  is  in  vio- 
lation of  the  Oslo  II  Peace  Accords,  Long  added. 

Three  Christian  Peacemaker  Teams  delegations  were  an- 
nounced in  February.  A  delegation  to  Haiti,  April  2-13,  will  work 
on  local  violence  reduction.  A  delegation  to  the  Middle  East,  June 
10-22,  will  work  with  the  CPT  team  in  Hebron  on  peacemaking. 
A  delegation  to  Chiapas,  Mexico,  is  being  planned,  though  dates 
have  not  been  announced.  For  more  information,  contact  CPT  at 
(312)  455-1 199  or  at  CPT@lgc. Ape. Org. 

Over  $100,000  was  allocated  to  eight  projects  by  the 

Emergency  Disaster  Fund  during  the  first  three  months  of  1 997. 
Two  grants  totaling  $36,000  were  allocated  to  help  people  in 
North  Korea— $25,000  will  help  Church  World  Service  purchase 
and  send  barley  to  those  in  need  due  to  flooding  that  has  caused 
food  shortages  in  that  country;  $1 1 ,000  will  assist  in  shipping 

Other  grants  included:  $20,000 — assistance  for  Brethren  vol- 
unteers and  their  related  projects  in  the  Balkans;  $20,000— for 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  rebuilding  project  of  Butler  Chapel, 
Orangeburg,  S.C;  $10,000 — supplies  and  child  care  in  response 
to  West  Coast  flooding;  $1 0,000— relief  supplies  to  Iglesia  Cris- 
tiana  Pentecostal  (the  Church  of  the  Brethren  partner  in  Cuba) 
following  Hurricane  Lily;  $5,200— for  Habitat  for  Humanity  in 
rebuilding  two  homes  in  the  Phillipines  destroyed  by  the  1991 
eruption  of  Mount  Pinatubo;  and  $5,000— food  relief  for  mal- 
nourished people  in  Kenya  suffering  from  severe  drought. 

The  Chemical  Weapons  Convention,  which  was  signed  last 
fall  by  leaders  from  over  1 00  countries— including  the  United 
States— bans  the  use,  production,  and  possession  of  chemical 
weapons.  In  order  to  become  a  member  of  the  decision-making 
body  associated  with  the  CWC,  the  United  States  Senate  must 
ratify  the  convention  by  April  29.  According  to  Nathan  Davis  of 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  Washington  Office,  the  ratification 
^'Ote  is  expected  in  the  Senate  by  early  April. 

As  a  historic  peace  church,  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  has 
sought  to  limit  both  the  use  and  availability  of  arms.  The  church 
las  repeatedly  declared  that  "all  war  is  sin."  More  specifically,  the 

Twenty-two  people  participated  in  Brethren  Volunteer 
Service  Unit  224  orientation.  Jan.  19-Feb.  7,  1997,  at 
Camp  Ithiel,  Gotha,  Fla.  Participants  included  (front  row): 
Tilman  Biittner,  foe  Laudermilch,  Julie  Moreau,  Aaron 
Durnbaugh,  Angle  Kreider.  Curtis  Bryant,  and  Sladana 
Dankovic.  (Middle  row):  Sue  Grubb  (BVS  orientation 
assistant),  Natascha  Hess,  Mary  Ann  Albert,  Beth  Van 
Order,  Leslie  Altic,  fen  Smith,  Katie  farvis,  Michael 
McCarthy,  and  Nate  Hadju  (BVS  director's  assistant). 
(Back  row):  fason  Larick,  Todd  Reish  (BVS  orientation 
coordinator).  Ole  Nicolaisen,  Mike  Martin,  Anya  Neher, 
and  Charles  Albert.  (See  page  55  for  assignments.) 

1 987  General  Board  resolution  "In  this  Time  of  Terrible  Belliger- 
ence" calls  upon  the  US  government  to  reject  chemical  weapons 
and  to  put  "an  end  to  research  and  weaponry  for  chemical  war- 

For  more  information,  contact  Davis  at  the  Washington  Office 
at  (21 2)  546-3202  or  at  WashOfc@AOL.Com. 

Campaign  finance  reform  was  the  topic  of  a  letter  drafted  to 
Congress  by  Karen  Peterson  Miller,  interim  general  secretary  for 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board,  and  about  20  other 
religious  leaders  in  February.  "As  religious  leaders,  we  believe  in 
the  government's  role  in  seeking  justice  for  all  people  and  in 
building  the  common  good,"  the  letter  states.  "Justice  cannot  be 
achieved  unless  the  rules  governing  the  democratic  process  are 
just  and  fair  to  all." 

"To  protect  the  value  of  our  democracy,  we  must  protect  the 
integrity  of  each  individual's  vote,"  said  John  Harvey,  interim 
Washington  Office  director.  "As  long  as  large  amounts  of  money 
and  a  very  small  number  of  people  are  controlling  the  political 
process,  public  cynicism  will  continue  to  increase.  Monied  inter- 
est should  not  supersede  the  common  good.  As  the  voice  of 
morality  in  the  political  debate,  we  as  Christians  must  be  active 
in  working  toward  effective  campaign  finance  reform." 

The  Connecting  Families  Weekend  Retreat  for  parents  of  les- 
bian, gay,  and  bisexual  children  is  scheduled  for  April  11-13  at 
Laurelville  (Pa.)  Mennonite  Church  Center.  For  more  information, 
contact  Brethren/Mennonite  Council,  (612)  305-0315;  BMCoun- 

April  1997  Messenger  1 1 

a  larva  o|  oppoi^furviiy 

I  came  home  from  North  Korea 

with  hope.  Many  people  there 

seem  ready  for  a  neiv  kind  of 

relationship  with  a  people  they 

remember  only  as  deliverers  of 

death  and  destruction. 

A  Pyongyang  police  officer  c/Zrecfs  "morning  rush  hour" 
traffic.  Few  people  own  cars  in  North  Korea,  where 
salaries  average  $100  a  month. 

Story  and  photos  by 
David  Radcliff 

ihe  first  thing  I  noticed  was  that  I 
|could  hear  them  tallying.  Across  i 
broad  boulevard  in  the  heart  of  North 
Korea's  capita!  city  of  Pyongyang,  I 
could  hear  the  conversations  of 
people  on  the  other  side  of  the  street. 
It  gave  me  an  eerie  feeling — as  if 
some  catastrophe  had  suddenly 
brought  on  a  regression  to  an  earlier 
time.  Instead,  it  was  simply  the  nearly 
total  lack  of  traffic  or  commercial 

But  in  Pyongyang  even  the  conver- 
sation itself  is  disquieting;  it  is  not  tht 
raucous  chatter  we  associate  with  ; 
urban  life  the  world  over.  It  is  almost  ' 
hushed — no  evidence  of  laughter  or 
rowdiness,  except  for  the  play  of  a  few 
children  in  a  concrete  square.  And  \ 
this  seems  somehow  out  of  place.  It  is! 
as  if  a  pall  hangs  over  the  land. 

Warning:  This  story  contains  no 
gripping  photos  of  dying  children. 
Not  that  some  North  Koreans 
haven't  died;  there  are  reports  of 
deaths  from  hunger  among  the  very 
young  and  very  old.  Most  of  the 
people  are  gradually  slowing  down, 
losing  energy  along  with  body  mass. 
Thanks  to  a  very  efficient  food  distri 
bution  system,  however,  everyone 
goes  down  together.  It's  like  a  broad 
shallow  lake:  Evaporation  sucks  the 
moisture  off  its  surface  in  a  ruth- 
lessly equitable  manner.  Each  part 
becomes  shallower  at  the  same  rate; 
but  when  the  lake  bed  finally 
appears,  the  lake  is  no  more. 

I  had  come  to  North  Korea  with  a 
small  delegation  of  representatives  of 
Christian  humanitarian  organiza- 
tions. Together,  we  were  finding 
ways  to  assist  North  Korea  in 
rebuilding  after  its  devastating  floods; 
of  the  past  two  years.  My  own 
agenda  included  following  up  on 
food  aid  that  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  had  already  provided, 
assessing  needs  for  further  assis- 
tance, and  building  a  relationship 
between  our  two  peoples. 

The  people  of  North  Korea  are 

1 2  Messenger  April  1997 

In  the  field  behind  Mrs.  Ri  Sung  Sun,  barley  seed  dunated  by  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  was  to  be  planted  in 
mid-March.  Here  on  the  Kumchon  Cooperative,  one-fifth  of  its  1,500  hectares  was  submerged  by  the  floods. 
Most  of  its  oxen  were  swept  away.  A  barley  harvest  this  summer  will  be  crucial  to  survival. 

lealing  with  their  food  crisis  in  the  best  way  they  know 
low — by  turning  to  one  another.  One  mistake  outsiders 
nake  is  to  sometimes  equate  the  Juche  ideal  of  self- 
eliance  with  the  American  style  of  personal  autonomy 
md  independence.  For  the  people  of  North  Korea,  it 
neans  that  human  beings  within  a  certain  society  must 
ely  on  themselves  collectively  to  solve  their  problems, 
leither  depending  on  outsiders  unnecessarily  nor  upon 
ome  higher  being.  Thus,  a  time  of  need  becomes  a  time 
if  sharing  and  looking  out  for  one  another.  "Even  with  a 
heet  of  paper,  two  hold  it  better."  According  to  this 
Corean  proverb,  the  smallest  of  tasks  is  worthy  of  cooper- 
five  effort;  so  much  more  so,  then,  the  much  larger  task 
if  surviving  a  bone-rattling  famine. 


Jorth  Koreans  from  the  city  travel  to  visit  their  coun- 
try relatives,  confident  that  their  kindred  will  be  able 
D  assist  them.  This  is  because  farmers  receive  their  ration 
mmediately  following  the  harvest.  Even  though  for  the 
last  two  years  their  portion  has  been  been  only  80  per- 
ent  of  earlier  years'  ration,  it  is  food  in  hand.  For  their 
:rban  counterparts,  the  monthly  ration  has  been  slowly 
ecreasing,  until  it  has  now  become  less  than  a  survival 

The  city  folks  take  an  article  of  clothing  or  some  other 
ousehold  item  with  them  to  exchange.  This  is  valued  by 
leir  less  materially  blessed  rural  relatives,  but  the 
xchange  still  can  be  seen  as  unequal.  Someone  is  giving 
p  food. 
I  wondered  how  North  Koreans  really  feel  about  their 

heavily  regimented  lives.  I  got  a  chance  to  hold  a  lively 
discussion  in  an  unlikely  setting — atop  the  Juche  Tower,  a 
Pyongyang  tourist  stop.  I  asked  my  omnipresent  govern- 
ment representative,  Mr.  Kim  Su  Man,  to  step  to  the 
other  side  of  the  tower  so  that  the  tour  guide  and  I  could 
have  a  frank  discussion.  He  good-naturedly  obliged  me.  I 
then  asked  the  guide  how  she  liked  the  North  Korean 
political  and  economic  system.  What  about  the  lack  of 
freedom  of  speech,  or  the  closed  political  process?  "We 
have  our  apartments  provided,"  she  replied,  "along  with 
our  monthly  food  ration.  Health  care  and  education  are 
provided  by  the  government.  There  is  no  unemployment." 
And  she  pointed  out  that  10  percent  of  the  North  Korean 
congress  are  women,  one  of  the  highest  percentages  in 
the  world.  "We  are  very  grateful  to  our  government  for 
these  things.  Why  would  we  complain?" 

"We  are  both  willing  to  make  trade-offs,"  I  replied. 
"You  North  Korean  people  give  up  some  freedoms  for 
economic  security  and  for  other  guaranteed  benefits.  In 
America,  we  have  opportunities  to  make  our  fortunes  eco- 
nomically and  to  participate  in  the  political  system.  Of 
course,  many  don't  make  it  to  the  top  of  the  economic 
ladder,  or  anywhere  near  it.  And  money  threatens  to  con- 
sume our  democratic  system.  But  these  are  risks  we  are 
willing  to  take. 

"Perhaps  the  ideal  system  lies  somewhere  between  us," 
I  offered  the  guide  as  a  concluding  statement  that  perhaps 
she  and  I  could  agree  upon. 

Lack  of  incentive  is  a  big  problem  for  North  Korean 
farmers  and  factory  workers,  however.  A  manager  of  a 

April  1997  Messenger  13 

German  company  running  a  clothing  factory  in  Pyongyang 
said  tPiat  the  products  produced  there  were  of  marginal 
quality.  "It's  a  human  problem,"  he  said.  "The  people  just 
come  to  work  and  labor  like  robots.  There  is  no  imagina- 
tion or  incentive  for  working  harder  or  better.  And  the 
conditions  are  deplorable — the  worst  I  have  seen  any- 
where. It  is  like  there  had  been  a  war,  or  that  this  were  the 
past  century.  The  buildings  are  unheated,  and  it  is  some- 
times colder  inside  than  outside.  No  one  brings  any  food  to 
eat;  I  suppose  because  they  don't  have  any.  And  mothers 
have  their  babies  strapped  to  their  backs  all  day.  Workers 
only  get  one  or  two  days  off  a  month.  And  they  must  work 
when  there  is  electricity,  which  is  often  at  night." 

The  company  pays  $2-3  a  piece  for  the  articles  of  cloth- 
ing manufactured  there.  Payment  goes  to  the  government 
via  a  Hong  Kong  intermediary.  Workers  may  receive  a 
dollar  or  two  a  month  for  their  labor — not  including  their 
food  allotment,  apartment,  and  other  perks,  that  is.  The 
items  sell  for  $100-$300  a  piece  back  in  Germany. 

It  would  be  difficult  to  overstate  the  effect  of  the  recent 
floods  upon  the  food  supply  in  North  Korea.  In  a  country 
where  only  20  percent  of  the  land  is  farmable,  because  of 
the  mountainous  terrain,  some  25  percent  of  available 
crop  land  was  flooded  in  1995  and  1996.  As  a  result,  the 
nation  was  left  with  an  annual  food  shortage  of  some  1 .5 
million  tons.  This  year,  the  daily  food  ration  has  declined 
from  the  normal  level  of  750  grams  to  1  50-300  grams — 
or  about  700  calories  a  person;  400  grams  is  considered 
essential  for  adequate  nutrition.  Birgitta  Karlgren  of  the 
World  Food  Program  warned  that  the  current  food  sup- 
plies, even  at  this  reduced  ration,  will  run  out  by  this 
month  or  next. 

How  bad  was  the  flooding?  They  say  that  on  one  day  in 
late  summer  1995,  1.2  meters  of  rain  fell.  That's  right: 
over  three  feet. 

In  my  flight  out  of  North  Korea,  I  sat  beside  Arthur 
Holcombe  of  the  United  Nations  Development  Pro- 
gram. He  filled  in  other  details  for  me.  Livestock 
production  is  down  75  percent  since  1990.  Many  animals 
were  washed  away;  many  of  those  that  weren't  were  killed 
for  food,  including  breeding  stock.  It  will  be  difficult  to 
recover  animal  production,  given  the  lack  of  feed  grain. 

Prior  to  the  floods,  food  production  in  North  Korea  had 
already  been  decreasing  by  four  percent  annually.  This  was 
due  partly  to  a  lack  of  incentives  for  increased  production, 
but  perhaps  more  so  to  the  breakup  of  the  Soviet  Union 
and  the  increased  openness  of  China  to  the  outside  world. 
These  two  countries  had  been  North  Korea's  primary 
benefactors.  Without  their  generosity,  widespread  short- 
ages of  fuel,  equipment,  and  other  essential  commodities 
such  as  medicine  and  fertilizer  quickly  developed.  To  make 
the  energy  situation  worse,  many  coal  mines  have  been 
flooded  and  thus  taken  out  of  production. 

The  international  community  has  responded  to  North 
Korea's  crisis,  although  not  to  the  extent  needed.  A  recent 

In  a  February  snowfall, /anners  bring  in  bundles  of 
cornstalks  to  be  chopped  by  hand  and  stored  in  a  primitive 
silo.  The  denuded  hillside  in  the  background  represents 
widespread  deforestation,  and  helps  account  for  the  floods 
of  the  past  two  years. 

$10-million  food  assistance  grant  from  the  United  States 
was  an  appropriate  step,  but  in  itself  totals  less  than  five 
percent  of  the  total  aid  needed  in  1997,  according  to 
Victor  Hsu  of  the  National  Council  of  Churches'  East 
Asia  office. 

In  the  current  year,  there  is  a  grain  shortfall  of  some 
2.5  million  tons.  The  United  Nations  has  begun  to  see 
some  signs  of  physical  stunting  among  very  young  chil- 
dren; they  aren't  growing  normally.  The  North  Koreans 
are  nervous,  however,  about  direct  assessments  of  the 
health  of  their  people.  They  say  South  Korea  has  used 
such  information  in  the  past  for  propaganda  purposes — 
disparaging  the  North  Korean  governmental  system. 

On  the  way  to  the  airport  on  the  morning  of  my  depar- 
ture, Mr.  Kim  Choi  Guk  gave  up  his  customary  front  scat 
to  sit  by  me  in  the  back  of  the  government-provided  Mer- 
cedes. Our  relationship  had  been  slowly  warming  each 
day.  Our  North  Korean  hosts  hadn't  known  quite  what  to 
make  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren.  "I  think  that  if  you 
keep  coming  here,  we  will  become  familiar  with  you,"  Mr 
Kjm  said.  He  and  I  talked  about  our  families  and  about 
the  future.  He  joked  that  when  he  became  a  high-ranking 
government  official,  he  would  personally  invite  me  back. 

Mr.  Kim  wondered  if  the  Brethren  had  a  particular 
maxim.  I  asked  him  for  the  pen  I  had  just  given  him.  I 
pointed  out  the  text  printed  on  the  barrel:  "Continuing 
the  Work  of  Jesus.  Peacefully.  Simply.  Together."  He 
asked  if  Brethren  lived  in  luxury.  "Living  simply  in  Ameri 
can  society  is  sometimes  a  challenge  for  us,"  I  replied, 
"but  we  work  on  it." 

1  told  Mr.  Kim  that  there  are  many  similarities  between 
North  Korean  values  and  Christian  values — concern  for 
the  well-being  of  others,  willingness  to  share,  and  a 
strong  sense  of  community.  He  noted  that  Christianity 
seemed  to  make  sense. 

He  then  turned  more  serious  and  reminded  me  of  the 
American  troops  amassed  along  the  South  Korean  side  oi 
the  border.  He  sees  US  support  of  South  Korea  as  a  one 
sided  policy,  and  reminded  me  that  as  long  as  this 

1 4  Messenger  April  1997 

continues,  there  will  be  tension.  I  responded  that  we  must 
not  go  to  war;  the  devastation  for  all  the  Korean  people 
would  be  enormous.  And  I  felt  a  pang  in  my  own  heart  at 
the  thought  of  this  man  and  others  1  had  met  over  the 
past  days  being  subject  to  another  round  of  US  bomb- 
ing— this  time  surely  worse  than  during  the  Korean  War 
of  1950-1953. 


Ri  Chong  Sun  is  pastor  of  one  of 
the  three  Christian  churches  in 
North  Korea.  North  Korea's 
Christian  community  numbers 
about  10,000  members,  the 
majority  belonging  to  house 

A  city  dweller  heads  for  the  countryside 
to  ask  farmer  relatives  for  food  to 
supplement  her  meager  ration. 

here  is  much  to  yet  overcome.  The  food  situation  will 
only  slowly  improve,  and  this  will  take  a  combination 
of  outside  assistance  and  North  Korean  willingness  to  try 
new  styles  of  production.  Our  relationship  will  likewise 
take  time  to  recover  from  the  animosities  of  the  past,  still 
amazingly  fresh  in  our  minds.  And  misunderstandings  on 
all  sides  could  quickly  lead  to  trouble. 

Yet,  I  came  home  with  more  hope  than  I  thought  I 
might.  Some  sectors  of  the  North  Korean  government 
seem  open  to  new  ideas.  Many  people  seem  ready  for  a 
new  kind  of  relationship  with  a  people  they  remember 
only  as  deliverers  of  death  and  destruction;  a  new 
memory  can  slowly  be  created  to  replace  the  old. 

In  the  smiles  of  a  teenage  band  on  the  streets  of 
[Pyongyang,  in  the  breaking  of  eggs  together  at  Kumchon 
Cooperative,  in  the  exchange  of  greetings  with  Christian 
sisters  and  brothers,  and  in  an  honest  and  frank  conversa- 
tion atop  the  luche  Tower,  there  were  signs  that  where  we 
have  been  is  not  where  we  have  to  continue  to  go. 
May  God  take  us  to  this  new  place  together. 


David  Radcliffis  director  of  Denominational  Peace  Witness  on  the 
World  Ministries  Commission  staff. 

7\)oi^fK  Koreans 

The  Church  of  the  Brethren  has  responded  to  the 
needs  of  the  North  Korean  people  in  a  variety  of 
ways  over  the  past  18  months.  The  Emergency 
Disaster  Fund  has  allotted  a  total  of  $66,000,  and 
$55,000  has  been  sent  from  the  Global  Food  Crisis 
Fund.  Much  of  this  assistance  has  been  in  response 
to  Church  World  Service  appeals  for  rice  ship- 
ments. Part  of  the  GFCF  grants  ($35,000)  and  EDF 
grants  ($25,000)  supported  the  supplying  of  barley 
seeds  for  a  1997  spring  crop  to  precede  the  early 
summer  rice  planting.  This  is  the  first  time  that 
such  double-cropping  has  been  attempted  in  North 
Korea.  Two  shipments  of  canned  beef  from  South- 
ern Pennsylvania/Mid-Atlantic  districts'  Beef 
Canning  Project  have  been  made,  and  funds  for 
medical  supplies  were  raised  by  Missouri/Arkansas 

Due  in  part  to  Brethren  prompting,  Robert  Pelant 
of  Heifer  Project  International  took  part  in  the 
February  delegation  to  North  Korea.  Efforts  are 
being  made  to  include  other  agencies  in  our 
response  to  the  North  Korean  crisis. 

Last  month,  the  General  Board  authorized  a  spe- 
cial one-time  offering  to  provide  additional 
assistance  to  North  Korea.  A  goal  of  $75,000  was 
set,  with  any  funds  raised  to  be  sent  through  the 
Global  Food  Crisis  Fund.  Congregations  are  encour- 
aged to  respond  to  this  appeal  by  mid-April. 
Depending  on  needs  at  that  time,  collected  funds 
will  be  used  either  to  purchase  corn  seed  and  fer- 
tilizer for  the  summer  planting  or  additional  rice 
for  immediate  consumption. 

We  are  seeking  ways  to  build  relationships 
between  Brethren  and  the  North  Koreans.  Among 
the  ideas  explored  thus  far  are  workcamps, 
exchanges,  and  reciprocal  choir  visits.  Progress 
on  such  initiatives  will  be  slow,  as  trust  will  need 
to  develop  over  time. — David  Radcliff 

April  1997  Messenger  1 5 

Following  Jesus'  w^elcome  of  strangers 

By  Walt  Wiltschek 

The  fellowship  hall  of  Codorus 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Loganville, 
Pa.,  took  on  the  appearance  of  a  Chi- 
nese New  Year  celebration  on  Feb.  26. 

Colorful  paper  artwork  sat  on  ta- 
bles or  was  carried  proudly  about  the 
room;  people  in  various  corners  of 
the  room  chatted  excitedly;  others 
shared  hugs  with  newfound  friends. 

This  celebration  marked  not  a  new 
year  but  a  new  beginning.  The  39 
Chinese  men  in  the  room  had  spent 
more  than  1,360  days  in  prison, 
dreaming  of  this  moment  of  freedom. 

They  received  carnations,  happily 
tried  on  donated  clothes,  and  re- 
ceived other  items  to  help  them  get  a 
new  start  on  life.  A  sign  outside  the 
church  proclaimed  "FREEDOM." 

"There  have  been  a  lot  of  prayers 
going  up  for  this,"  said  Grace 
LeFever,  a  member  of  West  York 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  "We're  all 
celebrating  and  are  just  thrilled." 

The  detainees'  saga  started  in  June 
1993,  when  the  "Golden  Venture" 
freighter  ran  aground  off  of  Queens, 
New  York. 

The  vessel  carried  nearly  300  pas- 
sengers, 10  of  whom  died  while 
swimming  ashore.  Most  had  con- 
tracted with  smugglers  to  help  them 
in  their  quest  for  freedom. 

Instead,  they  were  sent  to  prisons; 
110  to  the  York  County  (Pa.)  prison. 

There  the  immigrants  stayed  unno- 
ticed until  an  article  in  a  local  paper 
three  months  later  focused  on  their 
plight.  An  ecumenical  vigil  was 
scheduled  and  a  community  group  to 

1 6  Messenger  April  1997 

help  the  detainees  was  born.  "People 
of  the  Golden  Vision"  included  about 
a  dozen  Brethren. 

The  group  faithfully  held  weekly 
vigils  each  Sunday,  183  in  all.  They 
made  visits  and  organized  classes  for 
teaching  English. 

They  kept  contact  with  lawyers  who 
worked  to  represent  the  detainees 
and  to  build  asylum  cases  for  them. 

On  Feb.  26,  12  days  after  President 
Clinton  announced  their  release  was 
imminent,  it  finally  came  true,  al- 
though each  detainee  will  still  need 
to  plead  his  case  for  asylum. 

|oe  Detrick,  pastor  of  Codorus 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  was  among 
those  involved  in  the  effort  from  its 
early  stages.  He  would  often  sing 
and  preach  at  the  vigils,  and  he  and 
his  family  hosted  several  prisoners 
who  obtained  earlier  releases. 

He  rejoiced  that  People  of  the 
Golden  Vision's  work  had  finally 
achieved  its  goal.  "We're  feeling  really 
elated  about  their  release,"  he  said. 

For  Detrick,  the  People  of  the 
Golden  Vision's  work  reached  to  the 
heart  of  the  New  Testament's  message. 

"From  our  vantage  point,  it  follows 
the  biblical  understanding  of  welcom- 
ing the  stranger  and  being  a  messen- 
ger of  God,  and  is  consistent  with  our 
church's  standing  of  taking  in  people 
who  come  to  us,"  Detrick  said. 

"When  Jesus  talks  about  'the  least 
of  these,'  there's  power  in  that  mes- 
sage from  Jesus,  which  literally 
means  when  you  have  done  it  to  oth- 
ers ...  you're  really  doing  it  to  God." 

LeFever  learned  about  the  Golden 
Vision  work  when  she  went  to  see  a 

display  of  some  of  the  detainees'  pa- 
per artwork,  which  has  helped  draw 
national  attention  to  their  cause. 

"Because  Brethren  have  been  in- 
volved in  many  things  like  this,  I  im- 
mediately said  I  need  to  be  involved, 
in  whatever  I  can  do,"  LeFever  said. 

Harriet  and  Ray  Miller,  members 
of  the  Cordorus  congregation,  have 
also  been  active  in  People  of  the 
Golden  Vision,  with  Harriet  serving 
as  resettlement  coordinator. 

Arlene  Miller,  a  French  teacher  and^ 
member  of  New  Fairview  Church  of 
the  Brethren  in  York,  along  with 
Jake,  her  husband,  offered  her  ser- 
vices when  told  the  detainees  were  ini 
need  of  an  English  teacher. 

Arlene  and  Jake  were  among  21 
families  who  had  offered  their  homes 
to  the  detainees  until  they  are  settled. 

"Friendship  House,"  a  house  pur- 
chased by  the  Golden  Vision  group 
and  scheduled  to  open  this  month — 
in  part  through  a  $25,000  donation 
from  Atlantic  Northeast  and  Southern 
Pennsylvania  districts'  Disaster  Relief 
Auction — will  also  help  provide  a 
place  for  such  resettlement  efforts. 
Detrick  said  work  with  refugees  will 
become  an  ongoing  effort. 

The  weekly  vigils,  however,  will 
likely  become  monthly  meetings,  he 
said.  "We  promised  to  meet  until  the 
last  one  was  free,"  Detrick  said. 

Through  People  of  the  Golden  Vi- 
sion's persistence,  that  long- 
awaited  moment  finally  came. 


Walt  Wiltschek  is  a  designer  and  a  feature 
writer  for  the  York  (Pa.)  Daily  Record.  He  is  a 
member  of  York  First  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

^tfigBeach  '97 












Long  Beach,  Calif.,  will  serve 
as  host  city  this  summer  for 
the  211th  Church  of  the 
Brethren  Annual  Conference, 
July  1-6. 

Conference  information  packets 
were  released  on  March  1 1 ;  to  order 
a  packet,  call  the  Annual  Conference 
office  at  (800)  323-8039.  Additional 
Conference  information  will  be  avail- 
able in  Messenger's  May  preview 
issue,  and  in  the  Annual  Conference 
Booklet,  set  to  be  available  by  |une  1 . 

Lodging  in  Long  Beach  is  conve- 
nient, with  three  hotels  within 
two  minutes  walking  distance  of  the 
Convention  Center.  Two  other  hotels 
and  one  motor  lodge  are  within  13 
minutes  of  the  Center.  For  hotel 
reservations  and  rates,  use  the  hotel 
registration  form  included  in  the 
Annual  Conference  packet. 

Getting  to  Long  Beach  should  be 
hassle-free,  regardless  of  how 
people  travel.  Long  Beach  is  located 
less  than  an  hour  southeast  of  Los 
Angeles,  with  interstate  access.  With 
two  major  airports  located  within  30 
minutes  of  Long  Beach's  downtown, 

April  1997  Messenger  17 

fc)ifigBeach  '97 

flying  to  southern  California  is  a  good  choice. 

If  flying  to  Los  Angeles  is  the  option  chosen,  it  is  best  to  uti- 
lize the  $24  round-trip  shuttle  service  the  Annual  Conference 
office  has  arranged  with  SuperShuttle,  the  region's  premier 
airport  shutde  service,  because  having  a  vehicle  in  Long 
Beach  over  the  4th  of  July  weekend  may  present  a  challenge. 

There  are  two  premier  Independence  Day  fireworks  displays 
in  southern  California:  at  Disneyland  in  nearby  Anaheim,  and 
in  Long  Beach,  off  the  stern  of  the  Queen  Mary,  which  is 
located  just  across  the  harbor  from  the  Convention  Center. 
Long  Beach  also  boasts  fireworks  displays  each  Saturday 
throughout  summer  following  luly  4,  meaning  crowds  of 
more  than  20,000  are  expected  to  converge  on  Long  Beach 
the  nights  of  July  4-5  for  back-to-back  evenings  of  fireworks. 

Fortunately,  the  city  boasts  free  tram  and  Runabout  service 
throughout  the  areas  frequented  by  tourists.  Additional  public 
transportation  is  available  for  traveling  to  communities  nearby. 

A  variety  of  dining  choices  can  be  found  within  a  1  5-minute 
walk  from  the  Convention  Center — from  the  food  service 
provided  at  the  Convention  Center  to  nearby  buffets  to  many 
novelty  restaurants  along  historic  Pine  Avenue.  And,  at  least 
two  of  the  hotels  listed  in  the  Conference  packet  plan  on 
offering  a  nightly  ice  cream  bar. 


ecreation  during  free  time  also  will  be  possible.  All  of  the 
otels  have  excellent  swimming  pools  and  workout 

The  Long  Beach  Convention  Center  is  a  huge  facility  with 
arena,  and  many  meeting  rooms.  The  center  is  located 
harbor  from  the  Queen  Mary,  one  of  Long  Beach 's  pren 



7/fe  RmcUucmce,  Long  Beack  Hotel  edmdi 

a  uiatM  icniO<£'M  CahfotMla, 
uudame,  t»  tdi'  CkuieA  (yfth  BneOuim!!! 

W(tk  iU  neuiici  ampkUd  ^4.1  uuMcu. 

tmovd^M,  tke,  RmaiuaMA  noM  towihiMti 

(cUilmmhIje,  aeamumddtlotti  (md  uMowfiotKUMg 

ivu/iae,  M  a  cMuaUtj  eleqcMt d^koil^keAA. 

iocdUd  M  Ua  keantof'Oie,  Long 
Beack  fiMOMCicd  duViict,  Ua  koM  U  acnou 

nom  tke  Long  BeacA  Com/etCtlon 
Sir  EiitM/iiMMmt CwtJvi  ...  Ih,  officiaJt idi, 

of  Aiuuuil  Confvimai,. 

Uie  Ui-  Hodl  Riifuut  FotM  iM/diided  la  Ui 
Amwm  CiMmince  racket  ton,  teivu/aUeni. 

18  Messenger  April  1997 

ixhibit  halls  connected  to  a  theater, 
way  from  the  beach,  and  across  the 

Discover  Tne  Hyatt  loucn 


JLJ-vatt  Regency  Long  Beach  means  business!  Featuring  27,000  square  feet  of  flexible 

facilities  including  the  newly  renovated  Regency  Ballroom  and  the  spectacular 

Beacon  Ballroom  offering  100  feet  of  the  city's  most  impressive  views.  Discover 

resort-like  amenities  and  exceptional  service  providing  the  idtimate  setting  for 

memorable  meetings,  conferences  and  conventions. 

With  its  oceanfront  location,  Hyatt  Regency  Long  Beach  puts  guests  close  to  Shoreline 
Village  and  the  fine  shops,  restaurants  and  theaters  of  Pine  Avenue.  Hyatt  Regency 
Long  Beach.  ..a  unique  combination  of  location  and  amenities  for  any  occasion. 

Church  of  the  Brethren  Annual  Conference 

Special  Rate— $99* 

Single  or  double  occupancy 

For  reservations,  please  fax  (562)  435-5653 


-  led  llulhatt  Touch' ■ 


Church  of  the  Brethren 

•  Newly-renovated,  luxurious 
4-diamond  hotel 

•  Across  from  Convention  Center 
and  short  walk  to  Pine  Avenue 

•  24-hour  Room  Service 

•  Outdoor  pool  and  Sun  Deck 

•  Award-winning  Sushi  Bar 

•  Health  and  Fitness  Center 

•  Deli  and  Patio  Dining 

Use  Hotel  Request  Form  in  Annual 
Conference  Packet  for  reservations 

Sheraton  Long  Beach 


April  1997  Messenger  19 


ij^tigBeach  '97 

rooms.  As  for  the  S'A-mile  beach 
from  which  the  city  derives  its  name, 
the  north  end  is  located  two  blocks 
from  the  Convention  Center.  The 
wide  beach  includes  a  paved  path  for 
biking,  jogging,  walking,  and  roller- 
blading.  Two  bicycle  rental  facilities 
within  a  1 0-minute  walk  of  the  Con- 
vention Center  make  for  a  great 
exercise  option. — Nevin  Dulabaum 
and  Linda  Myers  Swanson 

King-size  or  double  beds 
Non-smoking  rooms  available 
Patio  swimming  pool  and  whirlpool   Mini-gym 
Remote  control  cable  TV     In-room  coffee/tea 
Iron  and  ironing  board     Full-sized  work,  desk 
Cozy  restaurant  for  breakfast  buffet  or  dinner 

Downtown  Long  Beach  Courtyard 

Use  Annual  Conference  Hotel  Request  fonn  for  resen-ations 

JOIN  us 



M  s  I  n  1  n  ( 

Second  Level 


JULY   1  -  5,  1997 

'If    Long  Beach 

Exp'm7/6I}J  I 

The  Promenade  Tram  is  one  of  two  free  transit  services  offered  throughout  Long 
Beach.  Public  transportation  to  other  communities  is  also  available. 

{^itm  oo^^biiiUf  fd 

7^/ve  21-27,  1997 

A  special  Family  Camp 

featuring  Brethren 

musicians  and 


in  California's  Sierra 

Nevada  mountains! 

Lee  Krahenbiihl-  Songwriter  & 


Peg  Lehman  -  Folksinger  & 

Children's  Songs 

Jim  Lehman  -  Author  &  Storyteller 

Registration  Fees: 

0-3  years-Free 

4-11  years-$50 
Family  maximum  $240 

Registration  Deadline  -  May  1,  1997 

Debbie  Eisenbise  -  Storyteller  & 


Shawn  Kirchner  -  Musician 

Jonathan  Hunter  -  Storyteller 

Jan  &  John  Long  -  Folksingers 

For  questions  or  more  details  contact: 

Ken  Kline  Smeltzer,  Fest  Director 

c/o  Modesto  Church  of  the  Brethren 

2301  Woodland  Ave. 

Modesto    CA  95358 

(209)  523-1438  (w)  522-7865  (h) 

20  Messenger  April  1997 


Living  is  risicy 

business,  to  be 

sure.  But  talcing 

calculated  risks 

is  the  only  path 

to  growth. 


by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

Skating  is  not  new  to 
me.  1  grew  up  in  the 
church,  and  roller-skating 
was  one  of  the  few  recre- 
ational activities  that  was 
considered  "wholesome." 
(No  one  noticed  how  simi- 
lar it  was  to  dancing.) 

So,  once  a  month  my 
family  used  to  go  skating 
with  our  regional  church 
group.  And  it  was  great 
fun.   My  dad  taught  me  to 
skate  backward,  cross-over 
around  the  corners,  and 
"hokey  pokey"  .  .  .  without 
missing  a  beat. 

But  recently,  when  I  made 
my  once-a-year  appearance 
on  the  skating  floor,  during 
our  church's  annual  pil- 
grimage to  the  roller  rink,  I 
was  surprised  at  how 
wobbly  I  felt.  What  had 
changed?  Did  a  year's  aging 
make  that  much  difference? 
Was  I  heavier?  Weaker? 
Had  something  happened  to 
my  sense  of  balance?  Tenta- 
tively, I  skated  a  few  laps.  I 
spent  the  rest  of  the  after- 
noon spectating.  It  was  as  I 
watched  the  kids  racing 
around  at  breakneck  speed 
that  1  realized  what  they  had 
that  I  had  lost: 

They  weren't  afraid 
of  falling. 

When  I  was  in  college,  I 
learned  to  downhill  ski  the 
hard  way — by  ignoring  the 
beginners  slope  and  heading 
straight  for  the  chair  lift. 
Before  1  could  even  stand 
steady,  I  was  barreling  down 
the  hill.  I  was  energetic, 

resilient,  and  perhaps  a  little 
stupid.  Those  first  few  times 
down,  I  took  more  creative 
spills  than  I  could  possibly 
count.  But  you  know  what? 
I  learned  to  ski. 

Eventually  though,  I 
became  reluctant  to  appear 
foolish.  I  got  tired  of  bumps 
and  bruises.  I  was  embar- 
rassed by  my  mistakes.  And 
I  became  afraid  of  falling. 

One  of  the  silent  tragedies 
of  human  experience  is  the 
person  who  goes  through 
life  as  though  the  only  item 
on  the  agenda  were  to  avoid 
mistakes.  It  is  silent  because 
there  are  no  major  failures 
to  draw  attention.  It  is 
tragic  because  failure-free 
living  is  acquired  at  the 
expense  of  growth  and  ful- 

In  his  book  The  Psychol- 
ogy of  Religion.  Wayne  E. 
Oates  discusses  three 
approaches  to  morality  in 
dealing  with  the  choices, 
temptations,  and  dreams  of 
life.  He  calls  the  first  a 
"morality  of  safety."  This  is 
the  approach  that  assumes 
that  a  mistake,  any  mistake, 
is  the  equivalent  of  the 
"unforgivable  sin."  Thus  the 
best  approach  is  to  avoid 
risks  at  all  costs. 

The  second  is  the  flip 
side — a  "morality  of 
neglect."   Here,  all  caution 
is  thrown  to  the  wind,  and 
potential  problems  are 
denied.  You  can  imagine  the 
resulting  chaos. 

Oates'  third,  and  recom- 
mended, approach  is  a 
"morality  of  calculated 
risk."  This  attitude  assumes 

that  human  life  must  be 
tested  under  careful  condi- 
tions of  freedom  in  the  same 
way  that  a  ship  has  to  be 
given  a  shakedown  cruise. 
And  by  collaborating  with 
others  in  calculating  the 
risks  of  a  situation  we  move 
toward  reality,  responsibil- 
ity, and  fulfillment. 

Take  inventory  of  your 
life.  Are  you  forfeiting  legit- 
imate opportunities  because 
they  also  contain  tempta- 
tions? Have  you  aborted  a 
possibility  because  it 
included  a  pitfall?  Have 
you  declined  a  challenge  for 
fear  of  failure?  Have  you 
thrown  the  baby  out  with 
the  bathwater? 

Living  is  risky  business, 
to  be  sure.  But  taking  cal- 
culated risks  is  the  only 
path  to  growth.  One  of  my 
all-time  favorite  quotes  is 
from  Charlie  Shedd:  "A 
ship  in  harbor  is  safe  .  .  . 
but  that  is  not  what  ships 
are  made  for." 

Like  skating  and  skiing, 
living  can  only  be  done  well 
when  we  get  over  our      rTT" 
fear  of  falling.  I- — 

Robin  Wentworth  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Kokoino  (Ind.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  column 
offering  suggestions,  perspectives, 
and  opinions — snapshots  of  life — 
that  we  hope  are  helpful  to  readers 
in  their  Christian  journey.  As  the 
writer  said  in  her  first  installment. 
"Remember,  when  it  comes  to  man- 
aging life's  difficulties,  we  don't 
need  to  walk  on  water  We  just  need 
to  learn  where  the  stepping  stones 
are. " 

April  1997  Messenger  21 

BY  Ryan  Ahlgrim 

So  they  went  out  and  fled  from  the 
tomb,  for  terror  and  amazement 
had  seized  them;  and  they  said 
nothing  to  anyone,  for  they  were 
afraid  (Mark  16:8). 

A  little  boy  woke  up  one  night 

yrl  during  a  thunderstorm.  Terrified, 
he  went  to  his  parents'  room  to  sleep 
with  them.  The  mother  tried  to  calm 
his  fears  and  send  him  back  to  his 
bedroom  by  saying,  "Don't  be  afraid. 
Jesus  is  with  you  all  the  time." 

The  boy  replied,  "I  know.  But  I 
want  somebody  with  skin  on." 

1  can  identify  with  that  little  boy.  I 
believe  fesus  is  with  me  all  the  time.  I 
believe  his  living  spirit  lives  in  me  and 
guides  me  and  empowers  me.  But  I 
have  to  confess:  I  still  fear  the  thun- 
der. I  fear  the  thunder  of  pain,  of 
being  robbed,  of  sudden  accident,  of 
cancer,  and  of  the  unknown.  And 
when  I  am  afraid,  I  want  somebody 
with  skin  on.  When  the  hammer  of 

22  Messenger  April  1997 

tragedy  strikes  in  my  world,  and  the 
shadow  of  death  passes  too  close,  1 
wish  I  could  see  (esus.  I  wish  I  could 
talk  with  him,  and  he  with  me.  I  wish  I 
could  hold  his  hand  and  have  him  hold 
my  hand.  Then  maybe  I  wouldn't  be 

But  of  course  the  problem  is,  fesus 
isn't  there  with  his  skin  on.  I  believe 
he  is  risen.  I  believe  he  is  with  me  and 
in  me.  But  I  have  never  seen  the  risen 
lesus.  He  has  never  been  fully  and 
physically  present.  And  if  I  am  honest 
with  myself,  that  makes  a  difference. 

My  dilemma  is  similar  to  that  of  the 
women  at  the  end  of  Mark's  Gospel. 
They  hear  that  Jesus  is  risen.  They  see 
the  empty  tomb.  They  experience  the 
evidence.  But  Jesus  himself  they  do 
not  see.  And  so  they  run  from  the 
tomb  trembling  and  afraid,  and  they 
say  nothing  to  anyone.  I  am  in  the 
same  boat:  I  hear  the  good  news  and  I 
experience  the  evidence  of  it,  but  Jesus 
himself  I  do  not  see,  and  so  I  still 
sometimes  tremble  inside. 

The  Gospel  of  Mark  is  a  very  odd 

The  Sea  of  Galilee 

5^(7/  draws  people 
today,  either  to 
view  its  tranquil 
beauty  or  to  ponder 
events  from  fesus' 
ministry  and 

Gospel.  It  is  the  only  Gospel  in  which 
no  one  ever  sees  the  risen  Jesus.  The 
early  church  was  apparently  troubled 
by  this  fact,  because  it  attached  a  new 
ending  based  on  the  endings  in 
Matthew,  Luke,  and  John,  in  which 
fesus  is  seen  and  heard  and  touched. 
But  all  of  the  earliest  copies  of  Mark's 
Gospel  end  with  Jesus  appearing  to  no 
one.  No  one  sees  him  with  his  skin  on. 
That  makes  the  Gospel  of  Mark  odd, 
but  it  also  makes  it  special  for  us.  It  is 
a  Gospel  for  all  of  us  latter-day  disci- 
ples who  hear  the  message,  believe  it 
(or  want  to  believe  it),  but  never  see 
the  risen  Jesus. 

And  yet,  we  can  see  the  risen  Jesus. 
The  Gospel  of  Mark  invites  the  disci- 
ples to  see  the  risen  Jesus,  but  they 
will  first  have  to  go  on  a  journey.  The 
young  man  at  the  tomb  tells  the 
women,  "Go  tell  his  disciples  and 
Peter  that  he  is  going  ahead  of  you  to 
Galilee;  there  you  will  see  him."  Mark 
seems  to  be  saying,  "Do  you  want  to 
see  the  risen  Jesus?  Do  you  want  to 
see  him  with  his  skin  on?  Then  don't 


just  sit  there.  Go  to  Galilee.  He's  not 
coming  here.  You  have  to  go  there." 
That's  another  odd  thing,  because 
Luke  says  the  risen  |esus  appeared  to 
the  disciples  right  there  in  [erusalem. 
They  didn't  have  to  go  anywhere. 
They  just  had  to  stay  put  and  wait. 
John  says  the  same  thing.  But  not 
Mark.  Mark  has  a  different  message. 
And  maybe  Mark  has  a  different  mes- 
sage because  Mark  is  speaking 
specifically  to  us.  He's  saying,  "To  see 
the  risen  Jesus  you  must  go  on  a  jour- 

I  ney,  a  journey  to  Galilee." 

What  does  it  mean  to  go  to  Galilee 

!  to  meet  the  risen  Jesus?  For  me,  it 
means  going  on  the  journey  of  faith, 
committing  myself  to  a  journey  that 
will  last  the  rest  of  my  life.  At  the  end 
of  Mark's  Gospel,  it  is  unclear 
whether  the  disciples  are  actually 
going  to  make  that  journey  to  Galilee. 
Matthew  says  they  do.  But  Mark  does 
not.  And  perhaps  Mark  leaves  the 
ending  in  doubt  because  we  are  the 
disciples.  It  is  up  to  us  to  decide 
whether  we  are  going  to  make  that 
journey  to  Galilee  to  see  the  risen 
Jesus,  and  it  is  an  open  question 
whether  we  will  or  will  not  go. 

A  lot  of  would-be  disciples  choose 
not  to  make  that  journey.  Some  hear 
the  good  news  that  Jesus  lives,  but  in 
their  heart  of  hearts  they  decide  not  to 
believe  it.  They  decide  God  has  not 
conquered  the  things  that  make  us 
afraid.  God  has  not  conquered 
random  evil,  human  sin,  and  ultimate 
death.  And  so  these  people  stay  at 
home.  Others  hear  the  good  news  that 
Jesus  lives,  and  they  romantically 
believe  it.  But  then  they  see  how  hard 
the  journey  is,  and  they  only  pretend 
to  go.  All  of  these  people  stay  at  home, 
deciding  to  live  for  themselves,  and 
they  try  to  ignore  their  fears  through 

various  distractions. 

But  some  people  do  go  on  the  jour- 
ney. It  is  not  easy.  It  is  long,  rugged, 
chilly  at  times,  wet  at  times,  there  are 
lots  of  obstacles,  and  there  are  times 
when  it  is  hard  to  tell  which  is  the 
right  path.  Some  take  the  road  alone, 
but  that  is  not  wise.  Most  who  go  on 
the  journey,  go  with  a  band  of  other 
pilgrims.  That  is  what  the  church  is:  a 
group  of  pilgrims  traveling  together 
on  our  way  to  Galilee  to  see  the 
risen  Jesus. 

Together  we  lift  the  trees  that  have 
fallen  across  the  path.  Together  we 
look  for  the  right  path  to  follow. 
Together  we  build  a  fire  and  stay 
warm.  Together  we  sing  as  we  jour- 
ney, tell  stories,  share  each  other's 
load,  and  make  the  way  lighter  and 

What  does  it  mean  to  go 

to  Galilee  to  meet  the 

risen  Jesus?  For  me,  it 

means  going  on  the 

journey  of  faith, 

committing  myself  to  a 

journey  that  will  last 

the  rest  of  my  life. 

richer.  It  is  a  beautiful  path  to  Galilee 
for  all  of  its  difficulties.  And  many 
times,  as  we  are  traveling  on  this  jour- 
ney of  faith,  a  stranger  will  walk  with 
us  and  talk  with  us,  and  our  hearts  will 
burn  within  us. 

We  stay  on  that  path  all  of  our  life.  It 
is  not  that  Galilee  is  so  far  away;  actu- 
ally, it  is  pretty  close.  But  it  takes  a 

lifetime  to  get  there.  Through  the 
years,  your  legs  will  become  ever 
stronger,  and  your  body  will  learn  to 
ignore  the  chilly  winds  and  rain.  As 
time  goes  by,  the  journey  becomes 
more  meaningful,  more  joyful,  and  we 
become  more  hopeful  for  the  end. 

And  then,  at  some  point  that  only 
God  knows  (for  many,  it  will  be  when 
your  hair  is  all  gray  and  your  body  is 
too  tired  to  go  farther),  you  will  come 
to  a  clearing  and  see  a  blue  lake,  vast 
and  calm,  surrounded  by  hills.  The 
people  living  around  there  call  it  the 
Sea  of  Galilee,  and  they  will  point  out 
a  small,  stone  house  near  the  shore. 
You  will  go  to  the  door  and  knock. 
And  when  the  door  opens,  then,  then 
you  will  see  the  risen  Jesus — Jesus 
with  his  skin  on. 

He  will  give  you  a  big  hug,  kiss  you 
on  the  cheek,  and  say,  "I'm  so  glad 
you're  here!"  And  you  will  look  at  him 
and  say,  "You  know,  you  look  a  lot 
like  that  stranger  who  traveled  with  us 
and  talked  with  us  and  made  our 
hearts  warm."  Jesus  will  simply  smile, 
invite  you  in,  and  pull  up  a  chair  for 
you  at  his  dinner  table. 

There  will  be  lots  of  people  at  that 
table.  How  could  there  be  so  many 
people  around  a  table  in  such  a  small 
house?  I  don't  know,  but  everyone 
who  has  made  the  journey  before  you 
is  there.  Many  of  them  you  will 
know — intimates  whom  you  have 
ached  to  see  for  many  years.  And 
then  Jesus  will  gird  himself  and  serve 
us.  He  will  break  the  bread  and  pass 
it,  and  then  he  will  pass  his  cup, 
and  we  will  laugh  together  and  sing 
and  celebrate  with  our  Lord  into 


Ryan  Ahlgrim  is  pastor  of  First  Mennonite 
Church  in  Indianapolis,  hid. 

April  1997  Messenger  23 

The  Thomas  in  us  all 

BY  Pete  Haynes 

Do  you  ever  catch  yourself  associ- 
ating a  character  from  the  Bible 
with  someone  you  know  by  the  same 
name?  That  is  what  I  have  done  with 
the  disciple  Thomas. 

The  picture  in  my  head  that  I  have 
of  this  man  is  the  spit  and  image  of 
my  cousin  Tom.  I  first  met  Tom  more 
than  30  years  ago,  when  my  family 
visited  his  home  one  summer.  It  was 
past  midnight  when  we  arrived,  and 
my  sleeping  body  was  tucked  into 
bed  next  to  Tom's.  Our  first  sight  of 
each  other  was  face  to  face  early  the 
next  morning.  Tom,  who  was  four  or 
five  years  old,  remembers  this  more 
clearly  than  I.  To  wake  up  and  find  a 
stranger  in  bed  with  you  certainly 
would  make  an  impression. 

"Are  you  my  cousin,  Peter?"  he 
remembers  asking. 

"Un-huh,"  I  answered.  And  we  spent 
that  visit  making  a  farm  out  of  the 
gravel  driveway,  playing  with  Tom's 
toy  tractors,  trucks,  and  animals. 

Tom's  and  my  relationship  did  not 
survive  the  transition  out  of  this  toy 
farm  stage.  He  battled  with  his  adop- 
tive parents  and  moved  out  early  into 
a  so-so  marriage.  We  rarely  talked 
after  that.  I  never  got  invited  into  his 
new  life  to  play  with  his  new  toys. 

The  Tom  I  see  when  I  think  of  him 
now  is  the  grown  man  whom  I  have 
met  only  a  few  times — mussed-up 
hair,  dark  eyes,  stubbly  chin, 
disheveled  clothes,  dirty  hands  and 
face,  and  the  beginning  of  a  pot 
belly.  From  the  few  chats  we  have 
had,  I  see  him  as  an  angry  man,  con- 
fused about  his  family  origins,  and 
full  of  doubt  about  himself,  his 
family,  and  his  God. 

For  better  or  for  worse,  this  is  the 
Thomas  I  see  when  I  turn  to  the 
Gospels.  It  probably  is  not  a  very 
accurate  picture  of  that  original 
Thomas,  but  it  allows  me  to  enter  the 
scripture  in  a  personal  way.  Although 
my  cousin  Tom  and  I  share  little  in 
common,  deep  down  we  are  very 
much  alike. 

The  biggest  hour  for  the  disciple 
Thomas  is  found  only  in  [ohn's 
Gospel  (chapter  20).  After  Peter  and 
the  beloved  disciple  verified  Mary 
Magdalene's  discovery  of  the  empty 
tomb,  she  waited  by  it  and  was  the 
first  person  to  see  the  risen  Christ. 
Then  she  went  and  announced  to  the 
disciples,  "I  have  seen  the  Lord." 

One  would  expect  that,  after  hear- 
ing her  announcement,  the  disciples 
would  all  run  to  see  for  themselves. 
Sad  to  say,  men  often  find  it  difficult 
to  believe  women.  Thus  it  is  signifi- 

cant that  in  every  account,  the  first 
witnesses  to  the  resurrection 
were  women. 

Instead  of  moving  with  the  excite- 
ment of  Mary  Magdalene's 
testimony,  the  disciples  closed  their 
doors.  Talk  about  a  lack  of  enthusi- 
asm! The  greatest  news  in  the  world 
is  breaking,  and  they  shut  themselves 
off  from  it.  But  that  is  what  usually 
happens.  Fear:  That's  the  reason 
given.  Fear.  Not  fear  of  lesus  and 
something  wonderful  happening.  No. 
Fear  of  "the  lews,"  fear  of  what 
others  might  be  thinking  or  doing. 

That  usually  is  the  reason  we  close 
our  doors  as  well.  We  are  afraid  of 
what  everybody  else  might  think,  or 
say,  or  do.  That  doesn't  matter, 
though,  for  no  closed  door  can  keep 
lesus  out.  He  didn't  force  himself  in 
on  the  disciples;  he  just  came  and 
stood  among  them.  That  is  also  how 
it  often  is.  lesus  is  there  all  the  time; 
we  just  don't  have  the  eyes  of  faith  to 
see  his  presence. 

lesus  came  to  the  disciples  in  that 
closed  room.  "Peace  be  with  you,"  he 
said.  This  risen  Christ  is  the  embodi- 
ment of  God's  peace.  The  marks  of 
reconciliation,  the  print  of  those  nails 
upon  the  cross,  are  visible  to  those 
who  would  see.  Fear  changes  to  joy. 
There  in  the  stuffiness  of  that  closed 

24  Messenger  April  1997 

room,  Jesus  commissioned  his  disci- 
ples to  go  forth,  and  gave  them  the 
power  to  do  so.  "As  the  Father  has  sent 
me,  so  I  send  you,"  he  said.  You  are  to 
be  my  presence,  my  Father's  presence, 
in  this  world.  You  will  embody  God's 
peace.  The  world  will  see  you.  The 
marks  of  reconciliation  will  be  visible 
in  your  lives.  The  Father  so  loved  the 
world  that  he  sent  me,  and  so  I  send 
you.  Shine  forth  your  light. 

As  lesus  commissioned  the  disci- 
ples, he  empowered  them.  "Receive 
the  Holy  Spirit,"  he  said,  having 
breathed  on  them.  The  wind  of  his 
breath  blew  open  the  doors  of  that 
stuffy  room  just  as  surely  as  the  wind 
of  God  blew  through  the  first 
moments  of  creation.  It  breathed  new 
life  into  those  disciples  just  as  God 
breathed  the  breath  of  life  into  that 
lump  of  clay  he  fashioned  and  called 
"Adam."  And  the  Holy  Spirit  would  be 
the  presence  of  lesus  to  them  as  they, 
and  all  the  disciples  after  them — to 
this  very  day — would  embody  God's 
forgiveness  in  this  stuffy,  dark,  and 
fearful  world.  What  a  night  that  must 
have  been! 

Not  everyone,  however,  experienced 
Jesus'  visit.  Thomas  had  been  absent. 
Why?  Who  knows?  No  doubt  he  had 
his  reasons.  Maybe  he  was  the  only 
one  caught  up  in  the  excitement  of 
Mary  Magdalene's  announcement, 
and  was  out  searching  for  the  risen 
Christ.  Maybe.  Maybe  not.  Maybe  his 
own  depression  and  fear  had  led  him 
away  from  the  others,  and  he  was 
drowning  his  sorrows  in  drink. 
Maybe.  Maybe  not.  The  point  is,  we 
are  not  told  why  Thomas  wasn't 
there,  for,  in  many  ways,  he  repre- 
sents the  doubter  in  us  all,  and  it  is  up 
to  us  to  fill  in  the  blanks. 

As  for  me,  I  see  my  cousin  Tom.  It 
just  makes  sense  that  he  wouldn't  be 
there,  as  at  all  the  family  get-togethers 
he  has  shied  away  from.  No,  Tom 
would  not  have  been  there  in  that  stuffy 
room.  And  when  the  original  Thomas 
heard  the  news  about  Jesus  appearing 
to  the  others,  he  responded  in  the  most 
natural  way — with  doubt.  "Unless  I  see 
it,  I  ain't  gonna  believe  it!" 

In  many  ways,  Thomas  speaks  for 

us  all.  We  can  talk  up  a  storm  about 
resurrection,  but,  deep  down,  the 
doubter  dwells.  And  that  is  as  it 
should  be.  If  we  are  not  aware  of  our 
own  doubt,  we  will  live  it  unknow- 
ingly. We  will  profess  the  right  words, 
but  we  will  live  as  if  they  weren't  true. 
Alfred  Tennyson  wrote,  "There  lives 
more  faith  in  honest  doubt,  /  Believe 
me,  than  in  half  the  creeds."  And 
Robert  Browning  put  it  this  way:  "You 
call  for  faith;  /  I  show  you  doubt,  to 
prove  that  faith  exists.  /  The  more  of 
doubt,  the  stronger  faith,  I  say.  /  If 
faith  o'ercomes  doubt." 

Doubt  is  a  part  of  faith.  If  there 
were  no  doubt,  there  would  be  no 
faith.  Even  so,  a  person  can't  really 
live  in  doubt.  Doubt  overcomes  the 
soil  out  of  which  grows  faith.  Without 
faith,  the  soil  becomes  as  dust — life- 
less and  blown  away  by  the  wind.  And 
this  is  Thomas  the  disciple,  as  I  see 

Deep  down  in  each  of  us,  the 

doubter  dwells  ...  as  it  should. 

If  we  are  not  aware  of  our 

own  doubt,  we  will  live  it 

unknowinsly.  We  will  profess 

the  right  words,  but  we  will 

live  as  if  they  weren't  true. 

him,  the  doubter  in  us  all.  No  doors 
can  shut  out  the  risen  Christ,  how- 
ever; neither  can  the  dustiness  of 
doubt,  although,  again,  he  does  not 
force  himself  in. 

A  week  after  dusty  Thomas  confessed 
his  lack  of  faith  in  a  "no  see,  no  believe" 
fashion,  Jesus  returned.  Again  the  doors 
were  shut.  "Peace  be  with  you,"  he  said 
to  them  all.  This  time  Thomas  saw 
Jesus.  The  risen  Lord  faced  squarely 
into  the  doubt  of  Thomas:  "Put  your 
finger  here  and  see  my  hands.  Reach 
out  your  hand  and  place  it  in  my  side." 

The  marks  of  reconciliation.  Jesus 
looked  Thomas  squarely  in  the  eye.  "Do 
not  doubt,  but  believe." 

The  dustiness  and  lifelessness  in  the 
eyes  of  the  doubter,  who  is  every 
doubter,  is  blown  away  by  the  pres- 
ence of  Jesus.  The  scripture  doesn't 
say  so,  but  the  breath  of  the  Spirit 
seems  to  blow  across  the  page  as  we 
read  of  this  encounter  between 
Thomas  and  Jesus.  It  is  as  if  black  and 
white  were  changed  to  color,  as 
Thomas  the  doubter  became  Thomas 
the  believer. 

"My  Lord  and  my  God!"  he  con- 
fessed— the  high  point  of  John's 
Gospel,  one  of  the  highest  confessions 
of  Jesus  divinity  in  all  four  Gospels. 
One  commentator  describes  this 
episode  as  if  it  were  a  play,  with  the 
actors  on  a  stage.  At  this  moment  in 
the  drama,  it  is  as  if  the  lights  in  the 
theater  come  on,  and  people  in  the 
audience  can  begin  to  see  themselves 
and  others  around  them.  With  the 
lights  on,  Jesus  seems  to  turn  and  face 
the  audience — us — and  bless  it  with 
his  attention.  "Thomas  believed  me 
because  he  saw  me.  Blessed  are  you 
who  have  not  seen  and  yet  believe." 

"Now  faith  is  the  assurance  of 
things  hoped  for,  the  conviction  of 
things  not  seen,"  wrote  the  author  of 
Hebrews  (11 :1).  As  for  Thomas  the 
disciple,  scripture  doesn't  say  that  he 
touched  the  wounds  of  Jesus.  In  fact, 
there  is  some  question  as  to  whether 
his  confession  of  faith  would  have 
been  for  real  if  he  had.  It  wasn't  so 
much  the  meeting  of  his  conditions 
for  faith  that  brought  about  Thomas' 
confession  of  faith.  Rather,  it  was  the 
gift  of  Christ's  presence.  Although 
his  physical  presence  is  not  something 
we  today  can  see,  we  may  know  it 
by  faith  through  the  breath  of  his 
Holy  Spirit. 

That  wind  still  blows.  "Seeing  is 
believing?"  No.  "Believing  is  seeing." 
When  we  believe  in  the  risen  Christ, 
we  see  that  every  morning  is  Easter 
morning,  every  day  is  resurrection 
day  .  .  .  whether  it  happens  seven 
days  later  or  two  millennia  later. 


Pete  Haynes  is  pastor  of  Long  Green  Valley 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Glen  Arm.  Md. 

April  1997  Messenger  25 


BY  Jeff  Boshart 

More  and  more  these  days,  Amer- 
icans hear  of  events  happening 
in  places  whose  names  are  difficult  to 
pronounce,  in  countries  they  never 
learned  about  in  geography  class.  As 
our  knowledge  of  our  world  grows, 
disturbing  images  of  famine,  warfare, 
and  natural  disasters  remind  us  that 
increasingly  we  live  in  a  global  village. 
In  the  process  of  our  acquiring  this 
new  knowledge,  several  myths  have 
found  their  way  into  our  collective 
body  of  information  about  the  world. 
There  are  two  particularly  widespread 

•  People  are  starving  in  this  world 
because  there  is  not  enough  food. 

•  Overpopulation  causes  poverty. 
According  to  figures  from  the 

United  Nations  Food  and  Agriculture 
Organization  (FAO),  the  world's  per 
capita  food  production  levels  continue 
to  rise  each  year  at  a  rate  faster  than 
the  world's  population  growth  rate.  In 
fact,  as  reported  in  The  Economist  for 
Nov.  16,  1996,  the  world's  population 
growth  rate  is  slowing.  Basically, 
there  is  enough  food  in  the  world  to 
feed  everyone.  So  why  then  are  some 
people  starving? 

Are  there  people  starving  and 
people  living  in  poverty  because  of 
overpopulation?  Does  overpopulation 
cause  poverty,  as  conventional 
wisdom  says?  Those  who  believe  this 
often  point  to  densely  populated 
places  such  as  Africa  or  Central 
America,  and  then  firmly  state  the 
cause  of  suffering:  "'They'  have  too 
many  people."  But  if  overpopulation 
leads  to  poverty,  then,  according  to 
this  line  of  reasoning,  both  |apan  and 
the  Netherlands  should  be  destitute. 
But,  in  fact,  these  two  very  crowded 
countries  are  among  the  wealthiest  in 
the  world. 

Having  dismissed  these  two 

26  Messenger  April  1997 

a  relief  mentality 

modern  myths,  where  do  we  turn?  If 
we  have  enough  food  in  the  world, 
why  are  people  starving?  If  overpop- 
ulation does  not  cause  poverty,  what 
then  are  the  causes  of  poverty?  The 
answers  to  these  two  questions  are 
uncomfortable  ones  for  most  of  us. 

Clearly,  we  have  a  food  distribu- 
tion problem,  not  a  food  shortage. 
The  Church  of  the  Brethren  has  a 
long  tradition  of  food  relief  pro- 
grams, which,  as  the  December  1996 
Messenger  article  "Church  World 
Service  at  50:  The  Trucks  Still  Roll" 
states,  is  "something  to  celebrate, 
indeed."  The  Disaster  Relief  Auc- 
tions across  the  denomination  are 
also  a  wonderful  part  of  our  Brethren 
heritage  and  witness.  But  even  as  we 
buy  a  pie,  a  quilt,  or  a  heifer  at  one 
of  these  auctions,  or  donate  money 
to  any  of  these  fine  programs,  it  still 
is  not  enough.  People  continue  to 
starve  in  situations  that  have  little  to 
do  with  earthquakes,  tornadoes,  hur- 
ricanes, or  floods. 

Many  of  today's  international  relief 
organizations  were  established  right 
after  World  War  II,  during  the  era  of 
European  reconstruction  under  the 
Marshall  Plan.  This  effort,  hailed  as 
a  major  success  by  many,  has 
become  the  model  for  many  relief 
efforts  today.  The  idea  is  to  move 

massive  amounts  of  supplies  (such  asi 
clean  water,  food,  medicine,  and 
clothing)  from  one  place  to  another. 
The  assumption  is  that  if  people  have 
more  things  they  will  then  be  able  to 
pick  themselves  up,  dust  themselves 
off,  and  move  ahead  to  better  times. 

After  over  50  years  of  a  relief  men- 
tality toward  dealing  with  poverty,  we 
find  as  we  approach  the  21st  century 
that  we  are  living  in  a  world  in  which 
the  division  between  rich  and  poor  has 
never  been  in  greater  contrast.  Why? 

There  certainly  is  a  place  for  relief 
in  situations  in  which  all  that  is 
needed  is  food,  clean  water,  or  medi-i 
cine  (for  example,  after  natural  i 

disasters).  But  in  many  parts  of  the  j 
world,  this  approach  has  failed.  Mas-i 
sive  hunger  relief  programs  in  Africa  i 
have,  in  many  cases,  caused  more 
harm  than  good.  Huge  amounts  of  ; 
free  foreign  grain  dumped  upon  the  1 
markets  of  a  country  that  is  in  the  i 
midst  of  drought  and  famine  only 
drive  the  prices  lower  for  local  grain, ' 
thus  further  depressing  local  1 

economies.  In  some  cases,  food-  i 
dumping  destroys  the  incentive  of  j 
farmers  to  produce.  i 

The  picture  is  more  complex  in 
poverty-stricken  countries  in  which 
some  people  have  extravagant  1 

standards  of  living  and  incredible        | 
power  and  control  over  the  lives  of 
the  poor. 

Again,  what  are  the  causes  of  i 

poverty?  I  would  answer  "Injustice, 
and  maybe  a  lack  of  education  among 
rich  and  poor  alike."  Some  people 
(leaders  and  laity)  within  the  Church   1 
of  the  Brethren  would  say  this,  but 
then  stop  there  without  acknowledg- 
ing the  cause  of  injustice.  1 

What  is  the  cause  of  injustice?  The 
Bible  presents  sin  as  the  root  of  all 
the  world's  problems.  Unfortunately,  | 
although  many  people  within  our         1 
denomination  do  believe  sin  is  the        i 

oot  of  the  world's  problems,  they  fail 
0  acknowledge  injustice  or  their  roles 
n  either  promoting  injustice  or  doing 
omething  to  change  injustices. 

Popular  evangelists  preach  about 
he  need  for  a  modern  apologetic  to 
each  today's  world.  In  a  world  full  of 
lopelessness,  how  can  we  as  Chris- 
ians  more  effectively  witness  to  the 
lope  that  we  have  in  lesus  Christ  as 
ihe  Savior  of  the  world?  How  can  we 
jis  Brethren  be  light  to  the  world  and  a 
j;.ity  built  on  a  hill  when  we  cannot  pay 
ijur  own  ecclesiastical  electricity  bills, 
jind  our  denominational  infrastruc- 
ture is  being  downsized?  How  can  we 
:is  individual  believers  respond  to 
'hose  people  suffering  in  our  own 
i:ommunities  and  congregations? 

In  order  to  more  effectively  respond 
o  the  needs  of  a  hurting  world,  we 
leed  to  move  beyond  a  relief  mental- 
ity toward  a  consistent  development 
ihilosophy.  Relief  is  short  term  and 
:ompartmentalized,  and  often  only 
jiddresses  material  needs.  Develop- 
[nent,  on  the  other  hand,  is  long  term, 
Ineets  the  needs  of  the  whole  person, 
:ind  encourages  change,  responsibil- 
•ty,  and  growth  in  individuals. 

A  professor  in  one  of  my  university 
;.:lasses  encouraged  each  student  to 
;ome  up  with  his  own  community 
levelopment  philosophy.  I  based  mine 
)n  my  experiences  working  for  several 
levelopment  organizations.  Readers 
nay  find  it  helpful  as  they  search  for 
;  reative  ways  of  responding  to  Christ's 
all  to  address  both  the  physical  needs 
)f  the  world  (Matt.  25:34-40),  as  well 
IS  the  spiritual  needs. 

Some  of  my  development  experi- 
ince  was  in  Nigeria,  with  the  work  of 
Ikklesiyar  Yaniiwa  a  Nigeria  (EYN — 
he  Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
>ligeria).  The  EYN  work  incorporates 
preading  the  gospel  with  health 
vork,  agriculture,  literacy,  well-dig- 
(ing,  and  occupational  training.  I 

have  worked  with  Habitat  for  Human- 
ity (long-term  connection  between 
Habitat  chapter  members  and  the 
recipients  of  houses,  which  can 
involve  aid  in  finding  and  keeping 
jobs,  or  family  mediation,  while 
encouraging  church  attendance).  And 
I  have  served  with  various  team-ori- 
ented missions  organizations. 
From  these  experiences  has 
emerged  my  development  philosophy. 
It  can  be  adapted  to  communities  in 
distant  lands  or  to  the  local  church 

There  is  a  place  for 

relief  in  situations  in 

which  all  that  is  needed 

is  food,  clean  water,  or 

medicine.  But  in  many 

parts  of  the  world,  this 

approach  has  failed. 

and  community  as  well. 

•  Any  project  that  is  undertaken 
needs  to  be  clearly  Christian  and  con- 
sistent with  the  teachings  of  Jesus  in 
the  New  Testament. 

•  If  at  all  possible,  the  work  in  a 
community  should  be  connected  to 
the  local  church  or  a  group  of  local 

•  Those  involved  in  witnessing  to 
Christ's  love  in  a  community  need  to 
be  committed  to  working  at  their  own 
spiritual  development — Bible  study, 
prayer,  and  accountability  to  Christ- 
ian sisters  and  brothers. 

•  The  input  and  priorities  of  those 
who  will  benefit  from  a  project  or 
program  must  be  included  in  the 

planning  process.  Without  a  sense  of 
ownership  in  a  project,  people  rarely 
stick  with  it  very  long. 

•  Working  with  others  who  have 
diverse  gifts  and  perspectives  (people 
such  as  clergy,  business  people,  social 
service  workers,  educators,  and 
youth)  provides  a  strong  resource 
upon  which  to  draw  when  faced  with 
difficult  situations.  Strong  coalitions 
provide  a  greater  chance  of  success  in 
a  project. 

The  present  realities  in  our  world, 
our  denomination,  and  in  our  own 
lives  did  not  simply  happen.  These 
current  realities  are  the  result  of 
actions  previously  undertaken  by  indi- 
viduals. And  as  individuals,  we  can 
influence  future  realities  by  our 
actions  now.  Through  repentance 
from  sin,  and  through  prayer,  Bible 
study,  heightened  awareness  of  how 
our  own  actions  affect  others  locally 
and  globally — in  scriptural  terms, 
"calculating  the  cost"  (Luke  14:28, 
NAS) — we  can  move  forward  in  the 
building  up  of  Christ's  kingdom. 

As  Christians  and  as  a  denomina- 
tion, we  have  a  responsibility  to  "let 
(our)  light  shine  before  others,  so  that 
they  may  see  (our)  good  works  and 
give  glory  to  (our)  Father  in  heaven" 
(Matt.  5:16).  We  also  are  called  to  be 
the  salt  that  enhances  the  flavor  of  all 
other  good  ingredients  in  the  world 
that  God  has  given  to  us  as  stewards. 
"Salt  is  good,  but  if  it  loses  its  salti- 
ness, how  can  it  be  made  salty  again? 
It  is  fit  neither  for  the  soil  nor  for  the 
manure  pile;  it  is  thrown  out.  He  who 
has  ears  to  hear,  let  him  hear' 
(Luke  14:  34-35,  NIV). 


leff  Boshurt,  born  in  Nigeria,  is  a  member  of 
Lebanon  (Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren.  After 
Brethren  Volunteer  Service  with  three  projects, 
he  worked  in  development  in  Florida.  Nigeria, 
and  Haiti.  He  is  now  a  graduate  student  at  Cor- 
nell University,  Ithaca,  N.Y.,  in  international 
agriculture  and  rural  development. 

April  1997  Messenger  27 

A  new  d  e  s  i  g  n 


or  the  General  Board  ^"-'^-''/«---^«-----/-/~-«/'--- 

about  the  General  Board's  proposed  new  design. 

Toward  a  shared  vision  fo 

BY  Glenn  R  Timmons 

We  are  on  the  eve  of  a  new  century. 
The  2 1  St  century  brings  with  it  a 
growing  awareness  of  a  new  wave  of  changes 
in  our  society  and  in  the  church.  The  Infor- 
mation Age  is  following  the  Agrarian  Age 
and  Industrial  Age.  This  change  has  implica- 
tions that  the  church  is  only  beginning  to 
understand  and  explore. 

In  God's  economy,  the  center,  the  locus  for 
Christian  ministry  and  mission,  is  still 
the  congregation.  This  is  not  to  say  the 
congregation  does  not  have  other  part- 
ners with  whom  to  fulfill  Christ's  mission, 
locally  and  globally.  But  the  vitality  and 
health  of  one  partner  affects  the  effec- 
tiveness of  other  partners.  Growing 
congregations  are  key  to  ministry  and 
mission  beyond  our  membership.  Some- 
times the  General  Board  becomes  the 
extended  hands  and  feet  of  the  congre- 
gation around  the  world.  At  other  times, 
the  General  Board  and  the  denomina- 
tional partners  give  counsel  and  support, 
identify  and  produce  resources,  teach 
and  train  others,  and  help  understand 
the  context  in  which  ministry  occurs. 

In  luly  1995,  after  becoming  aware  of 
a  serious,  impending  financial  crisis,  the 
General  Board  began  what  has  become 
a  redesign  process.  Two  early  steps  in  ••••••< 

this  process  were  the  development  of  a 
Vision  Statement  (August  1995,  page  1  7)  that  points  the 
efforts  of  the  General  Board  toward  the  congregations,  and 
a  guiding  document  called  Core  Functions  of  the  General 
Board  (November  1995,  page  6). 

At  its  March  meeting,  the  General  Board  was  to  make 
two  important  decisions.  One  would  be  on  the  1998 
budget  parameters  for  the  new  organization  of  the  Gen- 
eral Board.  By  necessity,  the  parameters  would  be  $2.5 
million  less  than  they  were  in  1996.  The  recommended 
budget  parameters  had  been  set  at  $4.7  million.  A  second 
decision  of  the  General  Board  would  be  to  adopt  a  recom- 

28  Messenger  April  1997 

mended  new  organizational  model  for  itself 
While  the  General  Board  and  its  staff  will  be 
smaller  than  it  is  now,  the  model  will  includ 
all  the  core  functions  of  the  General  Board, 
as  outlined  in  the  documents  named  above. 
Based  upon  the  core  functions  of  the  Gen- 
eral Board,  here  are  the  key  features  of  the 
new  organization: 

Participate  with  Annual  Conference  in  the 
discernment  of  God's  leading,  and  assist 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  with 
the  implementation  of  the  work  of 
the  body. 

The  focus  is  not  on 

how  to  capture  the  spirit 

in  the  existing 


structure,  place,  or 

position,  but  on  how  our 

hearts  can  be  captured  so 

that  the  form  and  shape 

of  ministry  emerges 
within  and  through  us. 

While  the  General  Board  is  an 
administrative  arm  of  Annual  Con- 
ference, the  General  Board  is  in 
partnership  with  other  denomina- 
tional agencies  or  institutions. 
Brethren  Benefit  Trust,  Bethany 
Theological  Seminary,  Association 
of  Brethren  Caregivers,  and  On 
Earth  Peace  Assembly  are  a  few  to  bi 
named  with  which  the  Board  is  a 
partner.  A  partner  seldom  named  is 
the  congregation. 

In  all  of  these  partners,  the  domi- 
nant model  used  for  decision 
making  is  that  of  Robert's  Rules  of 
Order.  While  this  model  has  served 
•  •••••  the  church  well,  this  core  function 

calls  the  General  Board  and  Annual 
Conference,  if  not  other  agencies,  to  engage  in  a  prior 
step  to  decision  making.  The  call  is  to  engage  in  a  dis- 
cernment process,  discerning  God's  leading  of  the 
church.  True  discernment  demands  of  all  Christians  that 
God's  kingdom,  not  oneself,  be  the  center  of  concern. 

This  process  cannot  be  reduced  to  a  simple  procedure. 
Those  who  have  worked  at  it  faithfully  would  be  the  first 
to  say  they  have  yet  to  master  it.  It  is  elusive  because  it 
presumes  the  will  of  God.  What  human  really  knows  the 
will  of  God?  Discernment  would  use  the  tools  of  silence 
(rather  than  speaking),  questions  (rather  than  pat 

I  shared  ministry 

nswers),  dreams  and  imagination  (even  before  reason), 
'rayerful  discernment  would  include  that  of  putting  one- 
elf  in  a  position  so  as  to  be  able  to  hear  what  God  has  to 
ay  to  us. 

Another  biblical  metaphor  for  discernment  comes  from 
he  parable  of  the  sower,  in  which  our  task  is  to  clear 
hose  obstacles  that  prevent  the  scattered  seed  from 
aking  root.  Discernment  is  seeing  with  sacred  eyes  that 
vhich  God  would  reveal.  Or  as  Chuck  Olsen  writes,  "Dis- 
ernment  is  uncovering  the  decision — not  making  it." 

I  can  only  imagine  the  difference  in  mood  and  tone  of 
lur  meetings  and  the  decisions  of  our  church  council 
neetings,  particularly  Annual  Conference,  if,  as  people  of 
aith,  we  engaged  in  prayerful  discernment  before, 
luring,  and  after  decision  making.  Discernment  would 
;et  us  beyond  the  most  vocal  speaker  at  the  microphone 
ir  the  astute  parliamentarian,  to  leading  with  the  question 
if  God's  will,  or  the  affect  of  our  decision  on  each  other. 
Discernment  reminds  us  that  decisions  come  out  of 
lialog  rather  than  monolog. 

Lquip  the  church  to  make  faithful  disciples  to  continue 
he  work  of  Jesus — peacefully,  simply,  together — 
ocally  and  around  the  world. 

''rovide  resources.  A  primary  feature  of  the  new  organi- 
ation  will  be  the  human  resources  of  Congregational  Life 
earns.  Working  collaboratively  with  district  personnel, 
he  General  Board  staff  will  have  as  a  primary  function  to 
ive  assistance  to  congregations  in  "equipping  the  church 
0  make  faithful  disciples."  This  assistance  will  be  shaped 
<y  the  needs  of  congregations.  Each  Congregational  Life 
earn,  located  in  a  geographical  area,  will  work  with  dis- 
rict  executives  in  that  area,  bringing  a  variety  of  adaptive 
kills  and  technical  knowledge.  Consultation  will  be 
iffered,  along  with  various  forms  of  leadership  training, 
"he  identification  of  resources  and  networking  of  congre- 
ations  with  similar  needs  will  be  provided.  It  is 
ecognized  that  we  have  widely  varying  kinds  of  congre- 
ations — urban,  ethnic,  small  membership,  rural, 
uburban,  to  name  a  few.  Assistance  will  be  given  that  fits 
he  need. 

'aithful  discipleship  begins  by  asking  several  questions: 

The  sociological  question:  What  is  the  makeup  of  the 
city  or  community  that  we  seek  to  serve?  What  are  the 
cultural  trends  of  which  we  need  to  be  aware? 

The  theological  question:  What  is  our  call?  What  is  the 
mission  of  our  congregation?  What  is  our  ministry 

The  practical  question:  What  resources  do  we  have? 
What  do  we  need  to  fulfill  our  mission?  What  structure 
will  best  fulfill  our  mission? 

Congregational  Life  Teams  will  help  congregations  find 
local,  contextual  answers  to  these  and  other  questions. 

Material  resources  will  be  available  through  a  reshaped 
Brethren  Press — a  combination  of  our  current  communi- 
cation and  publications  units,  customer  service,  and  the 
Yearbook.  Curriculum  options.  Brethren-authored  books, 
Brethren  publications,  and  a  variety  of  resource  materials 
will  be  the  main  feature  of  Brethren  Press.  Mechanisms 
will  be  created  to  disseminate  congregationally  generated 
resources  or  other  recommended  materials. 

Service  ministries.  Service  ministries  provide  ways  for 
Brethren  to  act  on  their  faith.  Brethren  Volunteer  Service, 
youth  and  young  adult  summer  workcamps,  summer 
camps,  Ministry  Summer  Service,  Refugee/Disaster  Ser- 
vices and  material  aid  are  hands-on  options  for  applying 
one's  faith.  These  primary  experiences  have  proved  to  be 
formative  for  young  people,  which,  with  reflective  leader- 
ship, become  fertile  ground  for  a  call  to  ministry. 

Coordinate  mission  opportunities.  For  congregations, 
becoming  physically,  emotionally,  and  spiritually  involved 
in  mission  work  beyond  their  membership  is  a  mark  of 
vitality.  Nothing  is  more  potent  than  a  congregation  or 
group  of  congregations  that  holds  a  shared  vision.  The 
General  Board  will  not  only  support  the  formation  of  such 
congregations,  but  will  assist  in  the  coordination  of  global 
mission  opportunities.  The  coordinator  of  Global  Mission 
Partnerships  will  oversee  our  continued  work  in  Africa, 
Latin  America,  and  the  Caribbean.  The  Mission  Planning 
Council,  a  representative  body  made  up  of  General  Board, 
Annual  Conference,  and  district  personnel,  will  discern 
the  necessary  level  of  support  for  ongoing  and  new  local 

April  1997  Messenger  29 

In  short,  the  General  Board  is  committed  to  the  integrity  of  the  love  of 
God  and  love  of  neighbor.  Our  mission  reaches  beyond  our  membership. 

and  global  mission  initiatives  of  congregations. 

Facilitate  a  leadership  development  system.  Leader- 
ship development  is  another  core  function  of  the  General 
Board.  The  1996  Annual  Conference  Ministerial  Leader- 
ship Statement  calls  for  a  five-year  emphasis  on  the 
calling,  training,  and  support  of  people  to  pastoral  min- 
istry. Through  a  coordinator  of  Ministry,  a  Ministry  Team 
will  be  enlisted,  which,  along  with  districts,  will  develop  a 
coordinated  system  addressing  the  paper's  recommenda- 
tions. The  Ministry  Advisory  Council,  made  up  of  General 
Board,  district,  college,  and  seminary  representatives,  will 
oversee  this  development  and  be  reporting  to  Annual  Con- 

Incorporate  the  unique  Brethren  witness.  A  reconfig- 
ured General  Board  position  will  be  developed  to  resource 
and  assist  individuals,  congregations,  and  districts  in 
giving  witness  to  Brethren  beliefs  and  values.  Peace,  jus- 
tice, and  the  care  of  creation  are  a  part  of  our  core  values. 
As  a  member  of  the  core  staff,  the  coordinator  of  Brethren 
Witness  will  respond  to  local  initiatives,  while  keeping 
congregations  informed  of  opportunities  for  the  church's 
witness  to  address  public  policy. 

Model  a  process  of  fundraising.  As  an  agent  of  Christian 
stewardship,  the  General  Board  will  follow  a  holistic  theol- 
ogy of  stewardship  that  recovers  the  rich  biblical  meaning 
of  stewardship.  Several  questions  come  to  mind:  How  can 
we  be  immersed  in  these  meanings  that  lead  us  to  a  deeper 
commitment  and  excitement  in  our  congregations?  What 
compelling  vision,  what  learning  experience,  what  reflec- 
tive leadership,  what  structure  or  processes  are  required  to 
make  the  answers  to  these  questions  a  part  of  our  identity, 
while  funding  the  mission  of  the  church?  The  coordinator 
of  Mission  Funding,  focusing  on  planned  giving  and  con- 
gregational stewardship  resourcing,  will  be  developing  this 

Help  build  community.  The  strength  of  the  church's  wit- 
ness comes  when  the  body  is  captured  by  a  shared  vision 
and  is  engaged  in  a  shared  ministry.  The  work  of  the  Gen- 
eral Board  will  be  to  help  create  an  atmosphere  in  which 
community  can  be  formed,  in  which  ideas  are  considered, 

30  Messenger  April  1997 

stories  are  told,  dreams  are  dreamed,  support  is  given  ano 
received,  focus  is  clarified,  and  mission  is  engaged. 

Administer  the  General  Board  as  Christian  stewards  ofi 
human  and  physical  resources. 

With  its  focus  on  congregational  life,  the  General  Board 
will  assist  the  church  in  seeing  that 

•  the  good  news  of  Jesus  Christ  is  told, 

•  the  Scriptures  are  taught,  shaping  discipleship, 

•  genuine  community  is  formed,  and  care  is  extended, 

•  and  Christian  service  is  rendered,  locally  and  globally 

In  short,  the  General  Board  is  committed  to  the  integrit; 
of  the  love  of  God  and  love  of  neighbor.  Our  mission 
reaches  beyond  our  membership. 

Addressing  this  mission  always  calls  for  the  clarity  of  a 
shared  vision,  for  a  shared  ministry.  It  calls  for  discern- 
ment before  decision.  It  calls  for  empowerment,  not 
control.  It  calls  for  partnership,  not  competition.  It  calls 
for  a  focus  on  mission,  more  than  on  the  needs  of  the 
organization.  The  focus  is  not  on  how  to  capture  the  spirii 
in  the  existing  denominational  structure,  place,  or  posi- 
tion, but  on  how  our  hearts  can  be  captured  so  that  the 
form  and  shape  of  ministry  emerges  within  and  through 
us.  The  focus  is  on  how,  with  sacred  eyes,  a  people  with  a 
particular  heritage  can  give  faithful  witness  to  a  f 

shared  vision  and  a  shared  ministry.  ' 

Note:  Although  based  on  the  Core  Functions  Statement  o 
the  General  Board,  this  article  was  written  before  the 
Board's  March  1997  meeting.  Fhus,  the  essential  shape  of 
how  those  functions  are  carried  out.  as  well  as  terminology 
and  titles,  may  be  different  from  what  is  indicated  in  this 
article — Glenn  F.  Timmons 

Glenn  F.  Timmons  is  executive  of  the  Parish  Ministries  Commission, 
and  Administrative  Council  liaison  to  the  Transition  Team,  which  is 
implementing  the  new  design  of  the  General  Board. 


The  church  is  saying  to  people 
contemplating  suicide,  "Everything  will 
be  okay,  "glossing  over  their  serious 
request  with  a  "smiley  face." 

Suicide  a  rational  decision? 

As  a  psychiatric  social  worlcer  in  the 
field  of  aging,  I  often  have  been  faced 
with  people  wanting  to  die  .  .  .  and 
with  some  of  them  asking  for  help  in 
dying.  I  have  told  clients  that  my 
Christian  faith  and  my  professional 
ethics  will  not  allow  me  to  kill  them. 
For  some  who  desired  it,  we  pray  for 
God  to  bring  their  death  today,  but  if 
death  did  not  come  today,  we  prayed 
for  God's  continuing  presence  and 
strength.  Prior  to  Dr.  Kevorkian,  1 
have  helped  a  client  write  to  the  Hem- 
lock society  concerning  suicide 

Too  many  "gray  areas"  are  not 
touched  by  the  Annual  Conference 
statement  and  the  January  Messenger 
articles.  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer's 
statement  about  "smiley  faces" 
(January,  page  26)  applies  here.  The 
Annual  Conference  statement  tends  to 
have  the  church  saying  to  people 
contemplating  suicide,  "Everything 
will  be  okay,"  and  glossing  over  their 
serious  request  with  a  "smiley  face." 

The  church  should  say,  instead,  "We 
do  not  believe  in  assisted  suicide,  but 
you  have  the  legal  right  to  consider  it." 
(Legal  right  and  faith  often  differ.) 

The  opinions  expressed  in  Letters  are  not  necessarily 
those  of  the  magazine.  Readers  should  receive  them  in 
the  same  spirit  with  which  differing  opinions  are  expressed 
in  face-to-face  conversations. 

Letters  should  be  brief  concise,  and  respectfiil  of  the 
)  opinions  of  others.  Preference  is  given  to  letters  that  respond 
I  directly  to  items  read  in  the  magazine. 

We  are  willing  to  withhold  the  name  of  a  writer 
1  only  when,  in  our  editorial  judgment,  it  is  warranted. 
We  will  not  consider  any  letter  that  comes  to  us 
•  unsigned.  Whether  or  not  we  print  the  letter,  the 
1  writer's  name  is  kept  in  strictest  confidence. 

Address  letters  to  Messenger  editor,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin.  IL  60120. 

The  church  needs  to  continue,  "We 
will  be  with  you  during  your  act,  just 
to  indicate  that  God's  strength  and 
presence  are  yours." 

Prior  to  the  point  of  a  person  carry- 
ing out  an  assisted  suicide,  the  church 
should  say  to  one  facing  this  decision, 
"You  can  call  us  and  a  support  person 
will  be  available  to  listen  to  you  at  any 

Suicide  can  be  a  rational  decision. 
People  contemplating  suicide  are 
facing  an  identity  crisis.  They  see  a 
prolonged  life  as  a  destruction  and 
deterioration  of  the  self.  "Advanced" 
medical  technology  often  can  prolong 
life,  even  while  disease  is  destroying 
mind  and  body.  The  older  people  with 
whom  I  have  worked  do  not  fear 
death,  but  fear  "being  a  burden  and 
losing  themselves."  It  does  not  seem 
rational  that  dying  now  with  an  intact 
personality,  compared  to  dying  later 
after  much  suffering  and  pain — dying 
as  a  "vegetable" — is  best. 

Donald  Flint 
Sterling  Heights.  Mich. 

What  did  Dan  West  mean? 

Guy  Wampler,  in  his  [anuary  article  on 
dying,  mentions  Dan  West  writing  a 
note  saying,  "My  life  is  no  longer 
worth  this  cost." 

At  no  point  does  Wampler  refer  to 
the  principle  by  which  Dan  West 
lived — refusing  to  eat  pie  as  long  as 
there  were  hungry  people  in  the  world. 
Dan  West  believed  in  equity,  that  one 
man's  greed  deprived  another  of 

Dan  West  died  the  way  he  lived, 
but  some  are  not  catching  his  mean- 
ing. In  the  Wampler  quote,  Dan  West 
meant  that  there  were  better  ways  to 
spend  money  than  to  spend  it  on 

Messenger  is  available 
on  tape  for  people  who 
are  visually  impaired. 
Each  double  cassette 
issue  contains  all  articles, 
letters,  and  the  editorial. 

Messenger-on-Tape  is 

a  service  of  volunteers  for 
the  Church  and  Persons 
with  Disabilities  Network 
(CPDN),  a  task  group  of 
the  Association  of  Brethren 
Caregivers  (ABC). 

Recommended  donation  is 
$10  (if  you  return  the  tapes 
to  be  recycled)  or  $25  (if 
you  keep  the  tapes) . 

To  receive  MeSSENGER- 
ON-Tape,  please  send 
your  name,  address, 
phone  number,  and  check 
made  payable  to  ABC  to: 


of  Brethren  Caregivers 
1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 

April  1997  Messenger  31 

Pontius'  Puddle 

Send  payment  for  reprinting"  Pontius'  Puddle"  from  Messenger  to 
]oel  Kauffmann,  111  Carter  Road.  Goshen,  IN  46526.  $25  for  one 
time  use.  $10  for  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $10  for  congregations. 







Because  You  Need 

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When  a  fire  broke  out  at  Elkhart  City 
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be  before  they  could  worship  there  again. 
But  they  were  about  to  experience  a 
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Protection  you  can  depend  on  from 
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him.  The  point  was  not  whether  he 
did  or  did  not  continue  to  find  life 
satisfying,  but  that  the  money 
required  to  continue  Hving  was 
morally  wrong  to  him.  That's  what 
Dan  West  meant. 

Angela  Henn  Ver  Ploeg 
Columbus.  Ohio 

When  is  life  not  viable? 

While  Guy  Wampler,  in  his  January 
article  on  dying,  was  writing  hypo- 
thetically,  I  am  in  the  process  of 
deciding  how  much  life-sustaining 
assistance  I  will  instruct  my  family 
and  doctors  to  provide. 

Like  Dan  West,  I  have  ALS,  or 
Lou  Gehrig's  disease.  Which  means 
that  before  I  die,  I  will  be  unable  to 
speak,  eat,  move,  or  breathe  on  my 
own.  Ten  months  after  my  diagnosis, 
I  can't  dress  myself,  can't  walk  with- 
out a  walker,  have  difficulty 
breathing,  and  choke  easily  on  food 
and  fluid. 

The  day  I  learned  I  had  ALS,  I 
gave  the  disease  to  God.  Since  then  II 
have  been  content  and  can  say  with 
Paul,  "I  have  learned,  in  whatever 
state  I  am,  to  be  content"  (Phil. 
4:11,  RSV)  and  "I  can  do  all  things 
through  him  who  strengthens  me" 
(Phil.  4:13). 

Having  said  that,  however,  it  seems 
incongruous  to  consider  how  much 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 

Director  of  Ministry 


Team  development  and  coordination  in  developing  a  system 
to  call,  equip,  and  support  people  for  ministenal  leadership, 


Five  years  experience  in  ministry,  administration,  or  related 


Central  site  preferred. 

For  prompt  consideration  send  resume  and  cover 
letter  by  May  15,  1 997  to  Glenn  F,  Timmons 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120, 

32  Messenger  April  1997 

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call  (800)  323-80391^  ext.  247 
Ask  for  Vicki. 

in  Pra^ 

Daily  prayer  guide: 

Sunday:  Your  congregation's  ministries 

Monday:  Annual  Conference  officers 

Tuesday:  General  Board  and  staff 

Wednesday:  District  executives, 

Bethany  Seminary,  colleges 

and  university 
Thursday:  General  Services 

Friday:  Parish  Ministries 
Saturday:  World  Ministries 

April  prayer  concerns: 

Congregation:  Music  &  worship 
committees,  Sunday  school  growth 

Annual  Conference:  Moderator 
David  Wine,  Standing  Committee 

General  Board:  Transition  Team, 
General  Board  new  design,  interim 
general  secretary  Karen  Peterson 
Miller,  Leadership  Team 

Districts  and  Colleges:  Students 
planning  fall  '97  schedules,  seniors 
seeking  jobs,  Bethany  seniors  await- 
ing call  to  a  church 

General  Services:  Brethren  Histori- 
cal Library  &  Archives  processing 
material  from  retiring  staff.  Messen- 
ger subscriptions  staff,  home  page 

Parish  Ministries:  1997  Christian 
Citizenship  Seminar,  1998  NYC 
preparations.  Outdoor  Ministries 

World  Ministries:  Dominican 
Republic  ministries,  Refugee/Disas- 
ter Services 

support  I  might  want  in  continuing  to 
live,  but  it  is  a  huge  consideration  for 
me.  When  is  my  life  no  longer  viable? 
If  I  have  a  feeding  tube  inserted,  it  is 
very  difficult  to  have  it  removed.  Do  I 
have  a  tracheotomy  or  use  a  breathing 
machine?  What  is  right  for  me  and  my 
As  clearly  as  I  received  God's  help 

the  day  of  the  diagnosis,  I  haven't  had 
a  definitive  answer  to  these  questions. 
Do  we  humans  muddle  through  this 
dilemma  knowing  God  granted  us  fres 
will  and  knowing  we  will  receive  grace 
if  we  try  to  work  this  through  with 
dependence  on  him? 

Iiidy  Tomloiiso) 
Warrensburg,  Mo 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 


On  Earth  Peace  Assembly 


•  Accounting  background 

•  Experience  with  IBIVI  computer  systems, 
mailing  list  and  donor  management  software 

•  Full  service  office  management  skills 

Competitive  salary  and  full  benefits  package.  Posi- 
tion available  on  or  about  May  17,  1997. 

Send  resume  and  cover  letter  by  April  1 5  to: 
On  Earth  Peace  Assembly 

P.O.Box  125 
New  Windsor,  MD  21776 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 

Director  of  Brethren  Witness 


•  Grounding  in  Brethren  heritage,  theology,  and  polity 

•  Ability  to  assist  people  and  congregations  in  giving  voice 
and  shape  to  Brethren  beliefs,  values,  and  witness. 


Five  years  experience  in  administration  and  related  field 


Central  site  preferred. 

For  prompt  consideration  send  resume  and  cover 

letter  by  May  1 5,  1 997,  to  Glenn  F.  Timmons, 

1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

Classified  Ads 


Shalom  Church  of  the  Brethren,  a  new  &  growing 
fellowship  in  Durham,  N.C.,  invites  Brethren  moving 
to  Research  Triangle  area  (Raleigh,  Durham,  Chapel 
Hill)  to  worship  w/us.  Eager  to  provide  moving  assis- 
tance (unloading,  childcare,  area  info.)  for  those 
relocating  to  area.  For  info.,  contact:  Fellowship,  RO. 
Bo.x  15607,  Durham,  NC  27704.  Tel.  (919)  490-6422.  E- 
mail,  ShalomCOB(a)AOL.COM 


Travel  to  Annual  Conference  in  Long  Beach  by  air- 
conditioned  coach,  June  23-July  15.  Visit  Bethany 
Seminary;  Salt  Lake  City;  Bryce,  Zion,  Yosemite  &  other 
national  parks.  For  info,  write  to  J.  Kenneth  Kreider, 
1300  Sheaffer  Rd.,  Eiizabethtown,  FA  17022. 

European  Heritage  Tour,  July  12-26, 1997.  Visit  scenic 
sites  of  Anabaptist,  Pietist,  &  Brethren  significance  in 
Switzerland,  France,  Germany,  &  Netherlands.  Spon- 
sored by  Brethren  Encyclopedia,  Inc.,  &  Brethren 
Historical  Committee.  J2,490  from  New  York  (JFIQ.  For 
complete  brochure,  contact  Don  Durnbaugh,  RO.B. 
484,  James  Creek,  PA  16657,  Tel./fax  (814)  658-3222. 

China  adventure  featuring  Yangtze  River  cruise,  Aug. 

4-19, 1997.  («,189)  Visit  Narita  in  Japan.  Shanghaii 
Wuhan,  Shashi,  Badong,  Wanxian,  Chongquing,  Xian  in 
China.  Travel  on  cruise  ship  on  Yangtze  River  stopping 
at  various  cities  &  ports.  In  Beijing,  walk  the  largesi 
"wonder  of  the  world"— the  Great  Wall  of  China.  Alsoi 
visit  Tian'Anmen  Square,  &  much  more.  Wendell  &  Joar' 
Bohrer  invite  you  to  share  this  great  experience  w,. 
them.  For  info.  &  brochure,  write;  8520  Royal  Meadow 
Dr,  Indianapolis,  IN  46217.  Tel.  or  fax  (317)  882-5067.' 


Youth  director  for  Mount  Hermon  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  Bassett,  Va.  Expectations:  exp.  in  church 
related  activities;  Brethren  background;  mature  Chris- 
tian; teach  3  Suns,  a  mo.;  handle  Wed.  night  programi 
Christmas  program,  &  Youth  Sun.;  attend  Brethren 
youth  meetings  in  district  and  brotherhood;  work  with 
nurture  comm.  Hours  &  salary  to  be  negotiated.  Con-! 
tact:  Alma  Randall,  8291  Fairystone  Park  Hwy.,  Bassett, 
VA  24055.  Or  tel.  church:  (540)  629-7163. 

Church  secretary  for  Manchester  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  North  Manchester,  Ind.  Full-time.  Computet 
work,  receptionist,  adm.  duties.  Should  have  acquain- 
tance with  &  respect  for  Church  of  die  Brethren.  Send 
resume  to  Andrew  Rich,  606  N.  Mill  St.,  North  Man- 
chester, IN  46962. 

34  Messenger  April  1997 

ruriiiiig  Points 


^otc:  Congregations  are  asked 
o  submit  only  the  names  of 
ictual  new  members  of  the 
ienomination.  Do  not  include 
lames  of  people  who  have 
nerely  transferred  their  mem- 
lership  from  another  Church  of 
he  Brethren  congregation. 

Vnnville,  Atl.  N.E.:  Clifford  & 
Lucy  Alwine,  Ivy  Alwine, 
Biir&TessWathen.  lanelle 
Wampler.  Ryan  Weaver 

Jear  Creek,  S.  Ohio:  Matthew 
Fahrnbach,  Ryan  Eichel- 
bcrcr,  Gay  Shock 

Jeaver  Creek,  S.  Ohio:  Lisa 

$oones  Mill,  VirHna:  lane  & 
Alvin  Burgess 

Bradford,  S.  Ohio:  Larry  & 
Nancy  Szilagyi,  Karen 
Hauck,  Steve  &  Sharon 

Cape  Coral,  AtL  S.E.:  A1& 
Abby  Favicchia,  Doug  & 
Gerry  Tussey.  Tom  &  Bar- 
bara Kapla 

Carlisle,  S.  Pa.:  Bob  &  Millie 
Smith,  [ohn  &  Ethel  Price. 
Nancy  Andrews 

Chambersburg,  S.  Pa.:  Don  & 
Ann  Baker.  Bill  &  Missy 
Green,  Audra  Miller.  Vivian 
Fisher,  Robert  &  Kim 
Frazer,  David  Kreiger 

Cherry  Lane,  Mid.  Pa.:  Violet 
Pittman,  Howard  &  Mildred 
FIcegle,  Travis  Smith 

Community,  Pac.  S.W.:  Mil- 
dred Trader.  Shawn 
Montgomery,  Andrea  & 
Erika  Celedon 

Dayton,  Shen:  Walter  &  Fonda 
Erdman.  lames  &  Dorothy 
Bryant.  Melvin  &  Betty  Lou 

Oeshler,  N.  Ohio:  )ames 
Echman,  Andrew  Meeks. 
Timothy  Meeks,  Tyler 

Ferrum,  Virlina:  Terri  Hol- 

Florin,  Atl.  N.E.:  Desiree 
Mertz.  Lauren  Hostetter. 
Michael  Bridgman,  Lindsey 

Freeport,  111. /Wis.:  Donna 
Lizer;  ludith,  David.  Dan. 
&  loe  McGlothlin 

^reen  Tree,  Atl.  N.E.:  lustin 
Clark,  Tracy  Custer,  Sharon 
McClain,  Shawn  O'Neil, 
Laurie  Pavone.  Casey 
Slinkard,  lustin  Watkins 

Highland  Ave,  111. /Wis.:  Ron 
Parrott,  Jennifer  Myers. 
Amy  Feliciano,  Rick  Patzek, 
Sue  Novonty 

Hollidaysburg.  Mid.  Pa.: 
Keith  Eldred.  Fred 

La  Verne,  Pac.  S.W.:  Marie 
Blackstone.  Michael  Blick- 
enstaff.  Ethel  Cripe.  Melissa 
Elcral.  Scott  Frick,  Paige 
Hanawalt,  Margie  Himes, 
Valri  Jacobs  Adam  Sjol. 
Andy  &  jeanine  Veje 

■Lancaster,  Atl.  N.E.:  Sharon 
Armstrong,  Stephanie 

Auchey.  Cindy  Carter. 
Cathy  Eckman,  Deb  Eide- 
miller,  Nancy  Eckert; 
Gwen,  lames,  lennifer,  & 
Ralph  Martin,  lames 
Stuckey.  Esther  Thomasco 

Lima,  N.  Ohio:  Robyn  Botkin. 
Beth  Lozzio,  lustin  Martin. 
Carmen  Miller,  Dave  & 
Patty  Trusty.  Al  &  Lori  Sul- 
livan, Lucille  Stumbaugh 

Linville  Creek,  Shen.:  Lisa 
Derrow.  Barbara  Glee, 
Dave  &  Paula  Kyger,  Eldon 
Layman.  Betty  Lohr,  Ben  & 
lanet  May.  |erry  Rainey, 
Marvin  Showalter 

Logansport,  S/C.  Ind.:  Kayla 

Maple  Grove,  N.  Ohio: 
Sharon  Duncan.  Helen 
Eagle,  Lin  Keener, Shirley 
Benner,  Lawrence  &  Susan 
Benner,  Amy  Horn,  Jackie 

Maple  Springs,  W.  Marva:  iiil 
Hauser,  David  Sisler. 
Nicole  &  Lindsey  Teets, 
Robert  Harsh 

Mcpherson,  W.  Plains:  Donna 
&  George  Becker.  Anne 

Middlebury,  N.  Ind.:  Tim  & 
Deb  Barwick.  Chuck  & 
Beth  Bender,  |ulie  Bon- 
trager;  Coieen  Carney.  Lyle. 
&  Glenda  Case.  Orpha  & 
Forrest  Flynn,  Randy  & 
Michelle  Grewe.  Michael 
Lee.  Tim  &  Diane  Lund, 
LeRoy  &  Mabel  Nisley, 
Galen  &  Toni  Pauls. 
Charissa  Pauls,  Reg  &  Vicki 
Platz.  Greg  Puckett,  Glenn 
&  Vicki  Raber,  Phil  &  Jean- 
nine  Tom,  Brian  &  Kari 
Wrightsman,  Darnell  Zook 

Mohican,  N.  Ohio:  Brian  & 
Tammi  Horst,  Brian  &  Bon- 
Janette  Koontz,  Craig  & 
Jennifer  Tavanello,  Ben 

Myersville,   Mid.  Atl.:  Melvin 

Naperviile,  111. /Wis.:  Alwin  & 
Twinkle  Christian;  Shirin, 
Chirage,  Hamilton.  &  Rash- 
min  Christian;  David. 
Suhasini,  Glen.  &  Jennifer 
Das.  Rita  Khristy;  Pravin, 
Ramila,  &  Paritosh  Patel, 
William  Thomas.  Rachel 

Oakland,  S.  Ohio:  Gretchen 
&  Mark  Davis.  Wavelene 
Denniston.  Lindsay  Dona- 
dio,  Connie  Ernst,  Mitchell 
Etter,  Judy  &  Keith  Fas- 
nacht,  |im  &  Sharon  Fetter, 
Steve  Garber,  Nan  &  Steve 
Hottle,  Lita  &  Ty  House, 
Kathy  &  Tom  Jeffries, 
Becky  &  Kevin  Jenkinson, 
Mike  &  Sharon  Lehman. 
Dan  &  Raney  Nord. 
Richard  Shafer.  Jennifer 
Stickiey;  Alyssa,  Donna. 
Gary.  &  Rachael  Wagner 

Panora,  N.  Plains:  Carla 

Knapp.  Jessica  Blome,  fason 
&  Debi  West.  Dennis  & 
Darlene  Arnold,  Dick  & 
Nedra  Justice,  Dick  & 
Karen  Doubleday.  |erry  & 

Mary  Evelsizer,  Terry  & 
Linda  Hatfield;  Marsha, 
Stacy,  Mandy.  &  Shane 
Pote,  Beth  Ferree,  Hillory 
Wofford.  Gloria  Searcy 

Pittsburgh,  W.  Pa.:  Marcia 
Webb.  Barbara  Oxenreider 

Pomona  Fellowship,  Pac. 
S.W.:  Mindy  Schimmel 

Ridgeway,  Atl.  N.E.:  Ellen  & 
Karen  Ditmer 

Salem,  S.  Ohio:  Ryan  McCIel- 
lan,  Pam  Feffey;  James, 
Tyner,  Kellan  &  Sue 
Wampler.  Janett  Wilges 

Sugar  Valley,  S.  Pa.:  Scott  & 
Bonnie  Owens.  |ohn 
Underkoffler.  Clint  & 
Nicole  Weaver,  Justine 

Union  Center,  N.  Ind.:  Bud  & 
Ruby  Etsinger,  Sr.,  Andy 
Flickinger,  Robert  Gluck; 
Anitra,  April,  &  Addi  Pot- 
tenger,  Jeri  Yoder 

Valley  Pike,  Shen.:  Joshua  & 
Sarah  Bauserman,  Aaron 
Bowers.  Michea! 
Gochenour.  Jonalhon 

Virden,  Ill./Wis.:  Rhonda 
Cunningham.  Lynn  Jones. 
Timothy  |ones,  Robert 
Shroyer.  Rita  Werner, 

Walnut  Grove,  W.  Pa.:  Violet 
Berkebile.  Ronald  Brown. 
Nichole  Shutz 

Waynesboro,  S.  Pa.:  Stephen 
&  Genovieva  Beattie,  Susan 
East,  Sabine  Renner 

West  Goshen,  N.  Ind.: 
Kristina  Miller,  Justin 
Stutsman.  Clint  Culp,  Lisa 
Sue  Kamp 

224th  BVS  Orienta- 
tion Unit 

(Completed  orientation  in 
Orlando,  Fla.,  Feb.  7.  1997) 

Albert,  Charles,  from  Warsaw, 
Ind..  to  World  Friendship 
Center,  Nishi-ku 
Hiroshima,  lapan 

Albert,  Mary  Ann,  from 
Warsaw,  Ind.,  to  World 
Friendship  Center,  Nishi-ku 
Hiroshima,  lapan 

Altic,  Leslie,  from  Richmond 
Va.,  to  Casa  de  Esperanza 
de  los  Ninos,  Houston, 

Bryant,  Curtis,  from  Ander- 
son, Ind.,  to  Trees  for  Life, 
Wichita.  Kan. 

Buttner,  Tilman,  from  Soltau, 
Germany,  to  Camphill  Vil- 
lage, Copake,  N.Y. 

Dankovic,  Sladana,  from 
Yugoslavia,  to  Community 
Family  Life  Services,  Wash- 
ington, D.C. 

Durnbaugh,  Aaron,  from 
Elgin,  III.,  to  Washington 
City  Church  of  the  Brethren 
Soup  Kitchen,  Washington. 

Hcb,  Natascha,  from  Welle, 
Germany,  to  Cafe  458, 
Decatur,  Ga. 

Jarvis,  Katie,  from  Char- 
lottesville, Va..  to 

Bridgeway.  Lakewood, 

Kreider,  Angle,  from  Paradise, 

Pa.,  to  Camp  Courageous, 

Monticello,  Iowa 
Larick,  lason,  from  La  Verne, 

Calf,  to  The  Palms. 

Sebring,  Fla. 
Laudermilch,  |oe,  from  Har- 

risburg.  Pa.,  to  Westside 

Food  Bank,  Sun  City,  Ariz. 
Martin,  Mike,  from  Upland, 

Calif,  to  Cafe  458, 

Decatur,  Ga. 
McCarthy,  Mike,  from  Betten- 

dorf,  Iowa,  to  Proyecto 

Libertad,  Harlingen,  Texas 
Moreau,  Julie,  from  Taunton, 

Mass..  to  Inspiration  Cafe, 

Chicago,  III. 
Neher,  Anya,  from  Aptos, 

Calif.,  to  Proyecto  Libertad, 

Harlingen,  Texas 
Nicolaisen,  Ole,  from  Ham- 
burg, Germany,  to  Su  Casa 

Catholic  Worker,  Chicago, 

Smith,  |en,  from  Philadelphia, 

Pa.,  to  Kilcranny  House, 

Northern  Ireland 
Van  Order,  Beth,  from  York, 

Pa.,  to  Comfort  House, 

McAllen,  Texas 


Boyd,  Mary,  from  Sebring,  Atl. 
S.E.,  to  Venice,  Atl.  S.E. 

Braun,  |ohn,  from  other 
denomination  to  Olympic 
View,  Ore. /Wash. 

Diamond,  Douglas,  from  sec- 
ular to  Hooversville,  W.  Pa. 

Glover,  Irving,  from  Shalom 
Fellowship,  Virlina,  to 
Mount  Bethel,  Virlina 

Gresh,  Kenneth,  froin  Arcadia, 
S/C  Ind..  to  Dunnings 
Creek,  Mid.  Pa. 

Hammel,  Daniel,  from  Maple 
Springs,  W.  Marva.  to 
Raven  Run.  Mid.  Pa. 

Hufford,  Lisa,  from  seminary 
to  Nappanee.  N.  Ind. 

Kaucher,  Howard,  from  retire- 
ment to  Schuylkill,  Atl.  N.E. 

Kensinger,  Janice,  from  assoc. 
district  executive  to  Faith 
Community  Brethren 
Home,  S.  Pa. 

Konopinski,  Tom,  from  secu- 
lar to  Pleasant  Valley,  N. 

McKellip,  David,  from 
Moreno  Valley,  Pac.  S.W., 
to  Mountain  View.  Idaho 

Mosorjak,  Gary,  from  secular 
to  Locust  Grove,  W.  Pa. 

Riley,  Richard,  from  secular  to 
Frostburg,  W.  Marva 

Sink,  Barry,  from  Moorefield. 
W  Marva,  to  Mount 
Hermon,  Virlina 

Smith,  Leonard,  from  other 
denomination  to  Rouzervile, 
S.  Pa. 

Spire,  Sam,  from  seminary  to 
New  Enterprise,  Mid.  Pa. 

Stevens,  Rahn.  from  Moreno 
Valley,  Pac.  S.W..  to  Prairie 
View,  W.  Plains 


Abraham,  Mary,  licensed  Oct. 

26.  1996,  Messiah, 

Mo. /Ark. 
Beckncr,  Dennis  A.,  licensed 

Nov.  16,  1996,  Manchester, 

S/C  Ind. 
Biddle,  lames  C.  licensed  Feb. 

7,  1996,  Black  Rock.  S.  Pa. 
Brolhcrton,  Bob,  ordained 

May  18,  1991,  Midway. 

Brush,  lonathon,  licensed  |an. 

18,  1997,  Manassas,  Mid. 

Campbell,  Harold,  ordained 

lune  1996,  Staunton,  Shen. 
Carrasco,  Fausto,  licensed 

May  I  I,  1996,  Rio  Prito, 

Atl.  S.E. 
Chinworth,  lames  H., 

ordained  May  18,  1996, 

Mountville,  Atl.  N.E. 
Courtney,  Steven  Lee.  licensed 

July  8,  1996,  Sunnyside,  W. 

Dahlbert,  Nancy  Lee, 

ordained  Nov.  I  I.  1996, 

York  First,  S.  Pa. 
DiSalvio,  Robert  S.,  licensed 

Ian.  7,  1997,  Amwell,  Atl. 

Farquharson,  J.  Keith,  licened 

Aug.  2,  1996,  Olathe,  W. 

Guthrie,  Donald,  ordained 

Feb.  27.  1996,  Bethel-Kee- 

zletown,  Shen. 
Hershberger,  Ronald, 

ordained  |an.  29.  1997, 

Sugar  Valley,  S.  Pa. 
Hess,  Donald  E.,  licensed 

Sept.  14,  1996,  Oakton, 

Mid.  Atl. 
Houff,  Marlin  D.,  ordained 

Nov.  2,  1996,  Palmvra,  Atl. 

Houser,  Barry,  licensed  Oct. 

8.  1996,  N.  Liberty,  N.  Ind. 
Hufford.  Lisa,  licensed  Dec. 

7.  1996,  Nappanee,  N.  Ind. 
lones,  Gregory  L.,  licensed 

Dec.  4.  1996,  Shippens- 

burg.  S.  Pa. 
King,  Kevin  Daniel,  licensed 

May  1993,  Orlando  Com- 
munity. Atl.  S.E, 
Knepper,  Craig  A.,  licensed 

Sept.  14.  1996.  Westmont, 

W.  Pa. 
Konopinski,  Tom,  licensed, 

Oct.  8,  1996,  Pleasant 

Valley.  N.  Ind. 
Laue,  Ron,  licensed  Aug.  2. 

1996,  Northern  Colorado, 

W.  Plains 
McAdams,  Ronald  L.. 

ordained  Oct.  26,  1996, 

Middle  District,  S.  Ohio 
Rediger,  Anita,  licensed  Oct. 

8,  1996.  Yellow  Creek,  N. 

Reese,  Sherry  Lynn,  ordained 

Aug.  3,  1996,  Beacon 

Heights,  N.  Ind. 
Reinhold.  Charles  H.,  licensed 

Sept.  14,  1996,  Flower  Hill, 

Mid.  Atl. 
Reininger,  Linda  L.,  ordained 

Aug.  2,  1996.  NantyGlo, 

W.  Pa. 

April  1997  Messenger  35 


To  live  the  old,  old  story 

recognized,  Alexander 
Mack  replied,  "By  the 

In  an  Elgin  restaurant,  I  bumped  into  a  little  group  of 
out-of-town  Brethren  the  other  day,  and  as  we  chat- 
ted I  mentioned  that  I  had  just  received  a  letter  from 
Don  Snider.  "What's  Don  up  to  these  days?"  one  of  the 
group  asked.  "He's  busy  being  Don  Snider,"  I 
responded.  Everyone  knew  what  I  meant. 

Don  is  81  years  old  now.  I  remember  him  as  a  name  in 
The  Gospel  Messenger,  when  I  was  a  callow  youth  and  he 
was  national  youth  director.  I  remember  him  from  a 
week  at  New  Windsor  in  the  mid-1960s,  when  he  was 
director  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service 
training  and  1  was  a  guest  leader.  And 
I  remember  him  from  the  late  1970s, 
when  he  was  our  associate  pastor  here 
in  Elgin,  111. 

In  his  letter  to  me,  Don  told  about  one 
of  the  congregations  he  pastored  singing 
"I  Love  to  Tell  the  Story."  Don  peeked 

and  noted  that  everyone  was  singing,  but       manner  OJ  their  Uving. 
a  "rebel  thought"  intruded  itself  into  his 
brain:  "Who  is  out  there  telling  the  story?  Are  we  doing 
what  we  sing?"  Another  thought  came  hard  on  the  heels  of 
the  first:  "Change  one  word,  and  we  could  sing  this  song 
more  truthfully.  Change  it  to  'I  Love  to  Live  the  Story.'" 

That's  what  keeps  Don  Snider  busy — providing  the 
rest  of  us  with  provocative  ideas. 

Do  we  love  to  live  the  story?  That's  really  what  Chris- 
tianity amounts  to,  isn't  it?  Go  back  to  |esus  himself. 
How  busy  he  stayed,  living  the  story.  One  of  my  favorite 
gospel  passages  tells  of  fesus  giving  sight  to  the  man 
born  blind  (John  9).  The  exchanges  between  the  man  and 
the  Pharisees  are  the  part  that  charms  me.  To  the  Phar- 
isees' insistence  that  Jesus  is  a  sinner,  the  man  says,  "I 
do  not  know  whether  he  is  a  sinner.  One  thing  I  do 
know,  that  though  I  was  blind,  now  I  see."  Jesus  got 
wind  that  the  Jews  had  run  the  impudent  man  off,  and  he 
looked  him  up  to  see  how  things  were  going.  Because  of 
Jesus'  healing  and  caring,  the  man  said  to  him,  "Lord,  I 
believe."  Jesus  lived  the  gospel  for  that  man. 

Do  we  love  to  live  the  story?  Go  back  to  Alexander 
Mack,  a  founder  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren.  Right 
after  the  Eder  River  baptisms  in  1  708,  one  of  Mack's 
neighbors  asked  him,  "How  will  we  be  able  to  tell  the 
Brethren  from  anybody  else?"  Mack  replied,  "By  the 
manner  of  their  living."  Alexander  Mack  figured  that 
living  the  story  would  make  all  the  difference. 

Do  we  love  to  live  the  story?  Just  a  few  weeks  after  my 
wife  and  I  arrived  as  missionaries  in  Nigeria,  she  noticed 
that  the  little  ragamuffin  we  had  hired  as  our  "yard  boy" 
was  limping  around  with  a  badly  infected  toe,  wrapped  in 
a  dirty  homemade  bandage.  She  doctored  on  that  toe  for 

a  couple  of  weeks,  daily  cleaning  it,  applying  medicine, 
and  putting  on  a  fresh  bandage.  That  was  over  30  years 
ago.  But  that  Nigerian  has  never  written  us  without  men 
tioning  the  sore  toe  episode.  It  wasn't  the  saving  of  his 
toe  that  most  impressed  him;  it  was  my  wife's  gesture  of 
kindness.  "Why  did  she  care  so  much?"  he  still  wonders. 
Do  we  love  to  live  the  story?  I  had  a  wonderful  English 
teacher  and  mentor  in  high  school — Ethel  Stone 
Koger — a  good  Brethren  woman  who,  by  the  manner  of 
her  living,  and  by  her  belief  in  her  students,  challenged 
.  /       /  /  /  them  to  do  their  best  in  life  ...  to  live 

When  asked  how  the  the  story.  There  is  a  host  of  Brethren 

T)        J  11  1  leaders  today  who  arise  up  and  call  ■ 

nretnren  could  Oe  ^gj.  blessed.  But  don't  take  my  word 

for  it;  ask  the  president  of  Bridgewa- 
ter  College — another  of  her  proteges. 

A  teacher  of  the  old  school,  Mrs. 
Koger  had  us  commit  to  memory 
numerous  selections  of  poetry.  One 
that  stuck  by  me  was  Longfellow's 
"Psalm  of  Life."  It  seemed  to  be  a  statement  of  Mrs. 
Roger's  principles  for  living,  and  having  us  get  the  poem 
by  heart  was  a  subtle  suggestion  from  her. 

wo  Longfellow  lines  came  to  mind  as  I  worked 
with  Ryan  Ahlgrim's  article  in  this  issue — "Goini 
to  Galilee": 

;  But  to  act  that  each  tomorrow 

Finds  us  farther  than  today. 

Ahlgrim  likens  our  faith  journey — our  living  the 
story — to  going  to  Galilee  to  meet  Jesus.  On  the  way  we 
walk  together  with  others,  sharing  each  other's  load, 
making  the  way  lighter  and  richer  for  each  other. 

Thus,  the  lives  of  others — their  living  of  the  story — 
remind  us 

We  can  make  our  lives  sublime. 
And,  departing,  leave  behind  us 
Footprints  on  the  sands  of  time. 

And  who  was  that  group  of  out-of-town  Brethren  that  I 
mentioned  earlier,  and  what  was  it  doing  here  in  Elgin?  It 
was  folks  from  Mount  Morris  Church  of  the  Brethren,  out 
west  of  here.  They  come  in  every  month  to  volunteer  their 
time  stuffing  envelopes  for  the  mass  mailings  that  go  out 
from  the  General  Offices.  They  save  us  thousands  of  dol- 
lars. Been  doing  it  for  years  .  .  .  living  the  story. — K.T. 

36  Messenger  April  1997 

ne  Bretnren  Homes  oi  tne  Atlantic  Northeast  District. 
Freeaom  To  Live  Your  Lire  On  Your  Terms. 


Your   lire,  your  dreams,  your 
hopes,  your  home.  These  are  hre's 
important  things.  The  retirement 
communities  or  the  Brethren 
Homes  orrer  a  mil  range  or  living 
accomodations  to  suit  your  lirestyle 
and  your  needs.  All  are  located  m 
the  beautiful  southeastern  region 
or  Pennsylvania,  with  easy  access 
to  major  metropolitan  areas, 
vacation  sights,  shopping  centers 
and  tourist  attractions. 

•  Pennsylvania  Association  or  Non-Prorit 
Homes  for  tke  Aging  (PANPHA) 

•  American  Association  of  Homes  ana 
Services  for  tlie  Aging  (AAHSA) 


\^-ntiiiy  ('/  i^cmiuitnu'nt 
3001   LltitzPike 

P.O.  Box  5093 

Lancaster,  PA  17603 

(717)  569-2657 

Lebanon  \&lley 
Brethren  Home 

1200  Grubt  Street 
Palmyra,  PA  17078 

(717)  838-5406 





SOO  Maple  Avenuu 
Harleysville,  PA  194  38 

(215)  256-9601 

Join  Brethren  Press 
in  celebrating  100  years 

of  publishing  in  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren 

'  For  This  Day,  a  16-page  historical  overview  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren's  publishing  house. 
Distributed  this  spring  and  summer  to  pastors  and 
Annual  Conference  delegates.  Additional  copies 
available  from  Brethren  Press  for  $3. 

'  The  Story  Behind  the  Touch  of  the  Master's  Hand, 
a  gift-sized  book  that  tells  the  inspiring  story  of 
Myra  Brooks  Welch,  the  poet  behind  the  poem. 
Available  July  1997. 

'  Preaching  in  a  Tavern  and  129  Other  Surprising 
Stories  from  Brethren  Life,  by  Kenneth  I.  Morse. 
Little-known  anecdotes  from  Brethren  history. 
Available  July  1997. 

•  The  Brethren  Press  Breakfast  at  Annual 
Conference,  featuring  "Pages  from  the  Family 
Album,"  an  audiovisual  presentation  with  stories 
of  personalities  from  Brethren  Press  history. 
Thursday,  July  3,  1997,  7:30  a.m..  Long  Beach, 
Calif.  Tickets  are  $9  each  from  the  Annual 
Conference  Office  or  from  Brethren  Press. 

•  An  Annual  Conference  display  by  Kermon 
Thomasson  that  tells  the  publishing  house's 
history  through  graphics  and  words.  July  1-5, 
1997,  Long  Beach,  Calif. 

•  An  exhibit  at  the  Elgin  Historical  Museum  in 
downtown,  Elgin,  111.,  featuring  artifacts  from 
the  former  printing  operation. 

February  5-May  1, 1997. 

Brethren  Press* 

Brethren  Press  (800)  323-8039   Customer  Service  (800)  441-3712 

Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Editorial  Assistant:  Paula  Wilding 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche,  Martha  Cupp 
Promotion:  Linda  Myers  Swanson 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Wendy  McFadden 

On  the  cover: 
The  Brethren 
moved  to 
California  early  on,  first  to 
mine  gold,  and  then  to  save 
souls.  David  B.  EUer  tells  the 
story  of  a  soul-saver,  George 
Wolfe  III  (page  12) 



From  the  Editor 


In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 


Stepping  Stones 


Pontius'  Puddle 




Partners  in  Prayer 


Turning  Points 




10     Long  Beach '97 

Nevin  Dulabaum  and  Paula  Wilding  present 
Annual  Conference  information  useful  to 
California-bound  Brethren  this  June. 

12     George  Wolfe  III  and  the 'Church 
of  California' 

Historian  David  B.  EUer  tells  how  a 
Brethren  pioneer  in  the  Gold  Rush  days 
founded  churches  in  California  that  became 
at  odds  with  the  Brethren  back  east. 

17     The  Nuer  Bible  project:  Tackling 
the  hard  part 

Producing  the  Scriptures  in  a  vernacular 
language  never  before  written  down  is  the 
easy  part,  writes  Esther  F.  Boleyn.  The 
project  is  now  into  the  hard  part. 

18     For  the  General  Board,  a  dramatic 
shift  in  focus 

In  the  third  installment  of  a  series  on  the 
restructuring  of  the  General  Board,  Nevin 
Dulabaum  explains  how  everything  comes 

20     Could  we  afford  another  Pentecost? 

Heaven  help  us  if  Pentecost  should  come 
again!  Alan  Kieffaber  counts  well  the  cost. 

23     Money  matters 

Sure,  it  matters,  says  Robert  E.  Alley. 
Money  mattered  to  Jesus,  and  it  matters  to 
us  today.  Most  importantly,  it  matters  to 
the  heart. 

How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-mail:  CoBNews@AOL.Com 
Fax: (847)  742-6105 
Phone: (847)  742-5100 
(800)  323-8039 
Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75c  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  AUow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

A  cluster  of  articles  on 
Brethren  peace-making  and 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Atl.  N.E.,  Ron 
Lutz;  Atl.  S.E.,  Ruby  Raymer;  lll./Wis.,  Kreston  Lipscomb; 
S/C  Ind.,  Marjorie  Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good;  Mid-Atl., 
Ann  Fouls;  Mo./Ark.,  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains,  Frances 
Merkey;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack  Kline; 
Ore./Wash,,  Maiguerite  Shamberger;  Pac.  SM,  Randy 
Miller;  M.  Pa.,  Eva  Wampler;  S.  Pa.,  Elmer  Q.  Gleim; 
W.  Pa.,  Jay  Christner;  Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  S.E.,  Donna 
Shumate;  S.  Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Vitlina,  Jerry  Naff; 
VK  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Winoma  Spurgeon. 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Entered  as  second-class  matter  Aug. 
20,  1918,  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct,  17,1917. 
Filing  date,  Nov  1, 1984.  Member  of  the  Associated 
Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion  News  Service 
&  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical  quotations, 
unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from  the  New  Revised 
Standard  Version.  Messenger  is  owned  and  published 
1 1  limes  a  year  by  the  General  Services  Commission, 
Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board.  Second-class 
postage  paid  at  Elgin,  III.,  and  at  additional  mailing 
office,  Feb.  1997.  Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the 
Brethren  General  Board.  ISSN  0026-0355. 
Postmaster:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
1-151  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

David  B.  Eller  in  the  flesh  first  established  himself  in  my 
awareness  when  he  became  a  member  of  the  General 
Board  in  1983.  Before  that,  he  had  been  for  me  only  the 
name  of  a  young  Brethren  historian.  Beyond  his  amiability, 
he  drew  me  to  him  as  a  fellow  native  of  that  part  of  Virginia 
from  Roanoke  on  south.  David  was  not  like  the  fellow  who, 
the  other  day,  spoke  of  my  being  drawn  back  to  the 
"Shenandoah  Valley."  When  I  hastened  to  point  out  that 
actually  I  was  from  south  of  Roanoke, 
he  shrugged.  When  1  testily  elabo- 
rated, "That's  a  world  and  culture 
distinctly  different  from  the  valley," 
he  shrugged  again.  Yet  this  fellow  is 
from  Lancaster  County,  Pa.,  and  so 
certainly  ought  to  appreciate  cultural 
and  geographical  differences. 

Then  there  was  David's  immersion 
in  Brethren  history.  Being  a  history 
buff,  1  admired  and  envied  his  schol- 
arship. Although  a  Virginian  (from 
Roanoke,  understand),  David  had 
earned  his  Ph.D.  in  a  study  of 
"Brethren  in  the  Ohio  Valley,  1  790- 
1850."  But  that  was  okay,  since 
Brethren  preacher  Jacob  Miller  from 
Franklin  County,  Va.,  (in  David's  and  my  area)  was  an 
early  and  important  Ohio  pioneer  church  founder. 

1  arranged  for  David  to  write  a  Messenger  article  on  Illi- 
nois pioneer  preacher  George  Wolfe  II,  as  background  for 
our  holding  the  1984  Annual  Conference  in  southern  Illi- 
nois, at  Carbondale.  I  was  surprised  to  have  David  say  this 
was  his  very  first  Messenger  article.  I  said  I  would  have  to 
do  something  about  that  record.  And  I  have. 

As  we  previewed  the  1987  Annual  Conference  in  Cincin- 
nati, we  ran  David's  "Peter  Hon  and  the  'Kentucky 
Dunkards'."  For  last  year's  return  to  Cincinnati,  I  asked 
David  for  another  backgrounder;  he  wrote  "Brethren  in  the 
Land  of  the  Miamis."  Then  David  seized  the  initiative  from 
me.  He  said,  "Kermon,  since  next  year's  Conference  will  be 
held  in  Long  Beach,  how  about  an  article  on  George  Wolfe 
III,  the  founder  of  the  'Church  of  California'?"  I  was 
delighted  to  oblige  him,  as  our  story  on  page  12  demon- 

Historian  David  Eller 

served  as  book  editor 
for  Brethren  Press, 
1 984-1 988.  He  now 
serves  as  executive 
director  and  publisher 
for  the  Sivedenborg 
Foundation.  West 
Chester.  Pa. 

May  1997  Messenger  1 



Breakthrough  in  Cincinnati        seeing  with  the  heartt 

Brian  and  Mim 

Hartman  had  things 

on  their  mind  besides 

the  business  agenda 

when  they  attended 

Conference  in 


Brian  Hartman  planned  for  more  relaxation  at  Annual 
Conference  in  Cincinnati  last  summer.  He  had  customar- 
ily gone  to  Conference  as  a  delegate,  but  this  year  he  had 
decided  just  to  free-float  and  to  sing  in  the  choir.  It 
changed  his  life. 

At  the  first  choir  rehearsal,  he  heard 
someone  call  his  name.  It  was  Miriam 
("Mim")  Mast,  an  acquaintance  from 
Nappanee,  Ind.  A  couple  of  evenings 
later,  Mim  invited  Brian  out  for  sun- 
daes. Eventually  they  walked  down  to 
the  river  to  watch  the  Fourth  of  July 
fireworks.  Apparently,  there  were  other 
fireworks  as  well.  Two  hours  later, 
Brian  and  Mim  were  still  standing  on  a 
river  bridge,  watching  the  lordly  Ohio 
flow  by.  They  talked  some,  too. 

For  the  rest  of  the  week,  little  notes 
went  back  and  forth  on  the  Conference 
message  board.  Brian  and  Mim 
attended  Saturday  night's  Glad  concert 
together.  Afterward,  they  strolled  up  to 
Fountain  Square.  Eventually  they 
strolled  some  more.  Dawn  found  them 
once  again  watching  the  lordly  Ohio 
flow  by. 

The  rest  can  be  guessed.  Brian  and 
Mim  were  married  December  21.  Where  did  they  honey- 
moon? In  Cincinnati.  And  the  special  music  at  their 
wedding?  A  Glad  number  from  the  concert:  "Your  Love 
Broke  Through." 

These  newlyweds  from  Nappanee  Church  of  the 
Brethren  are  looking  forward  to  Annual  Conference  in 
Long  Beach.  But,  somehow,  they  don't  expect  the  experi- 
ence there  to  be  as  life-changing  as  Cincinnati  '96. 

l^ong  Beach  lovebirds 

Eva  and  Dale 

Wampler  will  have 

special  memories  as 

they  attend  Conference 

in  Long  Beach  this  summer 

Another  couple  looking  forward  to  Long 
Beach  (see  preceding  story)  are  Dale  and 
Eva  Wampler,  members  of  Stone  Church 
of  the  Brethren  in  Huntingdon,  Pa.  They 
met  at  older  youth  activity  after  an 
evening  worship  service  at  Annual  Confer- 
ence in  Long  Beach  in  1961. 

They  were  married  a  year  later  and  hon- 
eymooned at  Annual  Conference  in 
Ocean  Grove,  N.L  Since  then,  they  have 
attended  1  7  Annual  Conferences.  And, 
yes,  they  will  celebrate  their  35th  wedding 
anniversary  at  Long  Beach  this  summer. 

Pamela  Brown,  a  member 
of  Happy  Corner  Church 
of  the  Brethren  in  Clayton, 
Ohio,  has  second  sight  .  .  . 
not  that  she  is  clairvoyant. 

One  day  she  observed  a 
clean-cut  family  in  a 
restaurant.  She  thought, 
"What  a  nice  family."  But 
she  changed  her  mind 
when  the  father  kicked  his 
fidgety  little  son  and  made 
him  cry;  the  father  denied 
what  he  had  done,  so  the 
mother  slapped  the  boy. 

The  next  day,  Pam 
observed  another  family, 
scruffy  and  apparently 
lower-class.  The  long- 
haired father  projected  the 
stereotype  of  the  macho 
motorcyclist:  leather 
jacket,  boots,  and  wallet 
with  requisite  chain.  Pam 
recoiled,  as  did  other 
diners.  But  the  couple  drew 
pictures  with  their  chil- 
dren, hugged  them,  told 
them  they  loved  them,  and 
laughed  a  lot.  They  said  a 
prayer  over  their  meal. 

At  that  point,  Pam  says, 
she  heard  a  voice:  "Judge 
not  that  ye  be  not  judged" 
(Matt.  7:1,  KJV).  Now  she 
tries  to  see  with  more  than 
her  eyes. 

Her  resolve  was  height-    f 
ened  by  an  incident  L 

involving  her  18-year-old    [ 
son,  John,  who  has  Down'sjj 
syndrome.  Pam  had  been 
bothered  and  embarrassed 
by  John' penchant  for  hug- 
ging people.  Recently,  in  a 
pizza  parlor,  a  man 
approached  John  and  Pam 
and  offered  to  buy  them 
whatever  they  wanted  to 
eat.  Pam  declined.  When 
Pam's  parents  came  in  to 

2  Messenger  May  1997 

oin  John  and  her,  and 
rdered  drinks,  the  same 
lan  jumped  up  and  offered 
3  pay  for  them. 
After  the  meal,  lohn  ran 
ver  and  hugged  the 
tranger.  "I  wanted  the 
oor  to  open  up  and  swal- 
)w  me,"  Pam  says.  Then 
he  saw  that  the  stranger 
nd  another  man  at  his 
able  were  crying.  The 
3cond  man  asked  |ohn  for 

The  mystery  was  solved 
'hen  the  pair  explained 
lat  they  had  just  lost  a 
ister  with  Down's  Syn- 
rome.  Reaching  out  to 
ohn  helped  them  deal  with 
leir  grief. 

"I  now  look  at  people 
with  my  heart  as  well  as 
with  my  eyes,"  Pam  says.  "I 
let  God  direct  me  instead  of 
letting  society  dictate  to  me 
what  it  thinks  is  right  and 

With  her  new  organ  of 
sight,  Pam  cherishes  the 
admonition  of  Luke 
6:37-38:  "Do  not  judge, 
and  you  will  not  be  judged; 
do  not  condemn,  and  you 
will  not  be  condemned. 
Forgive,  and  you  will  be 
forgiven;  give,  and  it  will  be 
given  to  you." 

Adapted  from  an  article  by 
Pamela  Brown  in  Happy  Corner 
church's  newsletter,  Good  News. 

ihelly  Hendricks  helped  pull  several  teeth  in  Nicaragua. 

lands-on  in  Nicaragua 

I  short  stint  in  the  remote 
•Jicaraguan  village  of 
J4ulukuku  was  an  eye- 
I'pener  for  Shelly 
Hendricks,  a  member  of 
.one  Star  Church  of  the 
irethren  in  Lawrence, 
,^an,,  and  a  McPherson 
-ollege  student. 
Part  of  a  30-member 
3am,  Shelly  went  to 

Nicaragua  in  January  with 
other  students,  doctors, 
dentists,  and  nurses  to 
staff  a  visiting  clinic  spon- 
sored by  Manchester 

Speaking  about  her  expe- 
rience, Shelly  said,  "It 
brought  cultural  awareness 
and  an  appreciation  for 
things  we  have  here  in  the 
US."  The  students  per- 
formed many  tasks,  such  as 

taking  blood  pressure 
and  giving  shots.  Shelly 
also  pulled  teeth,  per- 
formed pap  smears,  and 
cared  for  sick  babies. 
Everything  was  done 
under  conditions  primitive 
by  US  standards. 

"I  may  or  may  not  go 
into  medicine,"  Shelly 
said.  "But  I  found  out  I 
have  an  interest  in  working 
with  children,  and  I  would 
not  have  known  that  with- 
out this  Nicaraguan 

Home  to  Puerto  Rico 

Gil  Claudio  was  growing 
up  in  Castaner,  PR.,  in  the 
early  1940s  when  Brethren 
working  there  in  Civilian 
Public  Service  were 

Methodist  church  in  the 
Painesville,  Ohio,  District. 

Last  November  he 
headed  an  ecumenical 
workcamp  whose  project 
was  installing  a  cyclone 
fence  behind  the  Castaiier 
church.  Claire  and  Ray- 
mond Hartsough  from 
Pine  Creek  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  North  Liberty, 
Ind.,  were  Brethren  partici- 
pants. Castaiier  members 
worked  with  the  stateside 

One  source  of  satisfac- 
tion for  Gil  was  bringing 
along  his  9-year-old  grand- 
daughter, Megan  Betteley, 
to  connect  her  with  her 
Puerto  Rican  roots. 

Planning  is  underway  for 
a  follow-up  work  project  to 
repair  a  hurricane-damaged 
roof  at  Rio  Prieto  Church 
of  the  Brethren. 

Gil  Claudio  (right  with  friend  Alberto  Gonzalez)  took  his 
granddaughter  Megan  Betteley  (left  front)  to  Puerto  Rico  to 
connect  her  to  their  family  roots.  Also  along  were  Claire 
and  Raymond  Hartsough  (left  back  and  center  front). 

putting  down  the  roots  of 
Castafier  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  Gil  is  now  coor- 
dinator of  Volunteers  in 
Mission  for  the  United 

"In  Touch" profiles  Brethren  we  ivould 
like  you  to  meet.  Send  story  ideas  and 
photos  to  "In  Touch,  "Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

May  1997  Messenger  3 

A  landscape  change 

gation  was  looking  for.  "I 
don't  want  to  have  to  pick 
For  years,  Brethren  visitors  to  the  mother  church  at  Ger-         up  the  phone  and  say,  'I 
mantown  in  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  have  been  concerned  about       can't  help  you,'"  he  says, 
the  boarded-up  building  across  the  street,  notorious  as  a  "I  want  to  be  able  to  say, 

crack  house.  Now,  through  the  work  of  the  Germantown         'We  can.'" 
congregation  (pastored  by  Richard  Kyerematen)  and  other 

Germantown  has 

gotten  rid  of  this 

eyesore  across  the 

street  from  the 


community  leaders,  the  eyesore  is  gone  and  an  adjacent 
vacant  building  is  being  renovated  for  subsidized  housing. 

The  General  Board  made  a  no-interest  loan  to  the 
Greater  Germantown  Housing  Development  Corporation 
to  encourage  positive  action. 

We  say,  "We  can." 

fim  Baker,  pastor  of  Indi- 
ana (Pa.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren  is  president  of  a 
new  ecumenical  agency  in 
his  community  called  Faith 
into  Action.  The  group — a 
network  of  congregations, 
human  service  agencies, 
and  community  members — 
provides  help  for  people 
who  usually  fall  through 
the  cracks  of  local,  state, 
and  federal  programs.  The 
group's  resources,  aug- 
mented by  a  recently 
acquired  grant  of  $25,000 

from  the  Robert  Wood 
Johnson  Foundation,  are 
focused  on  helping  frail, 
elderly,  and  disabled 
people  maintain  their  inde- 
pendence. Among  the 
helpful  services  that  Faith 
into  Action  provides  are 
transportation  to  the 
doctor's  office  or  grocery 
store,  help  with  household 
chores,  and  maintenance 
and  repair  work. 

When  lim  Baker  received 
an  initial  inquiry  testing 
the  feasibility  of  such  a 
program,  he  was  excited.  It 
was  just  what  his  congre- 

Peace  Studies:  25  years 

Bethany  Theological  Semi 
nary's  Peace  Studies  j 

Program  began  25  years      I 
ago  with  the  offering  of  a 
Master  of  Arts  degree 
focusing  on  peace  studies. 
The  Baker  Peace  Fund, 
endowed  in  1980  with  a       i 
generous  gift  by  |ohn  and    i 
Elizabeth  Baker,  has  helpec 
broaden  the  scope  of  the 
program.  Bethany  professo 
Dale  Brown,  now 
retired,  was  a  guid- 
ing force  through 
the  years. 

In  1994,  profes- 
sor Jeff  Bach 
became  director  of 
the  Peace  Studies 
Program.  With  the 
seminary  now  in 
Richmond,  Ind., 
there  is  close  coop- 
eration with 
Earlham  School  of 
Religion.  The  pro- 
gram makes  the 
Brethren  peace  wit- 
ness more  integral  to  the 
seminary's  curriculum. 
Students  are  prepared  for 
peacemaking  careers  and 
pastoral  ministries  that 
vitalize  the  witness  to 
Christian  peace  in  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren. 

The  Peace  Studies  Pro- 
gram kicked  off  a  25th 
anniversary  celebration  last 
September,  with  the  Urban 
Peace  Tour  beginning  at 

4  Messenger  May  1997 

'.et's  celebrate 

Shenandoah  District  is 

;elebrating  its  30tii 
inniversary  tiiroughout 
his  year.  Special  historical 
irticles  will  run  in  the  dis- 
rict's  newsletter, 
Shenandoah  (ournal, 
vhich  sports  a  new  logo  in 
ts  banner.  The  anniver- 
,ary  will  be  emphasized  at 
listrict  meeting  this  fall. 

•  Piqua  (Ohio)  Church 
)f  the  Brethren  marked  its 
'0th  anniversary  April  27, 
vith  a  theme  of  "Reflec- 
ions  of  the  Past." 

•  Blue  Ball  (Pa.) 
I!hurch  of  the  Brethren 
;elebrated  its  centennial 
\prii  1 6-1 7.  The  youth  re- 
dacted a  pre- 1960  love 
east.  Harold  S.  Martin, 
;ditor  of  BRF  Witness  and 

I  native  son,  brought  the 
inniversary  message.  He 
ilso  wrote  a  congrega- 
lional  history  to  note  the 

•  Virlina  District's 
Damp  Bethel  will  cele- 
brate its  70th  anniversary 
over  Memorial  Day  week- 
;nd,  as  a  part  of  its  annual 

David  Radcliff 

Spiritual  Emphasis  Retreat 
it  the  camp,  led  by  David 
Radcliff,  director  of 
Denominational  Peace 

Mill  Creek  transformed  this  nearby  house  into  a  haven  for  temporarily  homeless  families. 

This  and  that 

This  past  January  26,  Mill 
Creek  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  near  Port 
Republic,  Va.,  dedicated  a 
guest  house  for  use  by 
families  temporarily  with- 
out housing.  The  house 
was  donated  by  church 
members.  Qualifying  fami- 
lies may  occupy  the  house 
for  up  to  three  months. 
Operating  and  mainte- 
nance expenses  are  paid 
from  the  congregation's 
outreach  budget.  Mill 
Creek  offers  its  guest  fam- 
ilies spiritual  nurturing 
and  financial  counseling. 

•  Arlington  (Va.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren 
hosted  the  third  annual 
"Singing"  April  20.  What 
makes  the  event  special  is 
the  use  of  the  old  Harmo- 
nia  Sacra  hymnbook, 
perpetuating  the  Brethren 
tradition  of  four-part, 
shape-note  singing.  Joseph 
Funk  published  the  hymn- 
book  about  1  70  years  ago 
at  Singers  Glen  in  Vir- 

ginia's Shenandoah  Valley. 
•  Woodberry  Church  of 
the  Brethren  in  Baltimore, 
Md.,  has,  for  several  years, 
purchased  1,000  pounds 
of  potatoes  and  included 
them  in  food  baskets  for 
the  needy  at  Thanksgiving 
and  Christmas.  Last 
Thanksgiving,  Woodberry 
helped  145  families  and 
445  individuals  through  an 
ecumenically  supported 
emergency  food  pantry. 

Campus  comments 

The  University  of  La 
Verne  marked  Black  His- 
tory Month  with  special 
events,  February  1  3-24. 
The  series  opened  with  a 
presentation  on  black  his- 
tory and  concluded  with  a 
soul-food  dinner  featuring 
entertainment  by  a  jazz 

•  Elizabethtown  Col- 
lege is  holding  a 
conference  April  15, 
"Anabaptist  and  Catholic 

Conversations:  Points  of 
Convergence  and  Diver- 
gence." It  concludes  a 
year-long  series  of  events 
promoting  dialog  between 
Catholics  and  Anabaptists. 
(A  third  of  Elizabethtown's 
students  are  Roman 

•  Bridgewater  College 
held  its  102nd  Spiritual 
Life  Institute  March 
18-20,  jointly  sponsored 
by  the  college  and  Bethany 
Theological  Seminary. 
Speakers  were  Earle  W 
Fike  Jr.,  a  former  pastor, 
Bethany  Seminary  profes- 
sor. General  Board  staff 
executive,  and  1982 
Annual  Conference  mod- 
erator; Rebecca  Slough, 
Bethany  Seminary  profes- 
sor; and  William  H. 
Willimon,  Duke  University 

"Close  to  Home"  highlights  news  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  II  60120. 

May  1997  Messenger  5 

Three  Brethren  ministries 
announce  future  intentions 

In  the  wake  of  the  General  Board's  de- 
cision in  March  to  cease  funding  of  On 
Earth  Peace  Assembly  and  Association 
of  Brethren  Caregivers  at  the  end  of 

Books,  videos,  newsletters, 

magazines,  and  other 

peacemaking  resources 

from  the  past  50  years  are 

what  have  been  available  at 

On  Earth  Peace  Assembly's 

Retreat  Center  and  Study 

Library  since  late  1 995. 

This  retreat  center  is 

expected  to  be  moved  when 

OEPA  relocates  within  the 

next  two  years,  as  a  result 

of  the  General  Board's 

March  decision  to  cease 

funding  the  ministry. 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/Messenger 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  be  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

this  year,  these  organizations  in  late 
March  announced  their  intentions  for 
the  future.  Also  announcing  its  future 
plans  was  The  Andrew  Center,  which 
coordinates  the  General  Board's  evan- 
gelism ministry.  Andrew  Center  per- 
sonnel received  notice  last  October 
that  the  Board's  funding  of  the  center 
will  also  cease  at  the  end  of  1 997. 

The  ABC  board,  which  met  March 
21—23,  expressed  regret,  apprecia- 
tion, and  excitement  about  becoming 
an  independent  organization. 

Although  ABC  is  incorporated  and 
has  its  own  board,  it  has  been  closely 
affiliated  with  the  General  Board. 
ABC  currently  receives  $60,000  in 
ministry  and  personnel  funding 
through  the  Board's  Parish  Ministries 
Commission.  Though  formal  organi- 
zational ties  and  funding  to  ABC  will 
conclude  at  the  end  of  this  year,  the 
General  Board  has  stated  it  will  seek  a 
new  working  relationship  with  ABC. 

In  addition  to  this  new  relation- 
ship, the  General  Board  will  honor  a 
previous  commitment  that  calls  for  a 
grant  to  be  given  to  ABC  through  the 
year  2000. 

According  to  a  release,  the  ABC 
board  during  its  meetings  expressed 
regret  that  the  General  Board's  re- 
design process  "did  not  take  up  the 
opportunity  for  a  closer  contact  with 
ABC  and  its  ministries."  The  board 
did  express  appreciation  for  its  past 
and  current  affiliation  with  the  Gen- 
eral Board,  and  excitement  for  the 
possibilities  that  lie  ahead  as  the  or- 
ganization becomes  independent. 

However,  the  ABC  board  did  agree 
to  seek  closer  relationships  with 
Brethren  agencies.  It  also  plans  to 
maintain  its  current  ministries: 

•  Caring  Ministries  2000  confer- 

•  National  Older  Adult  Conference 

•  Lafiya:  A  Whole- Person  Health 

•  Deacon  Ministries 

•  Brethren  Homes  fellowship 

•  Chaplains  Association 

•  VOICE  task  group,  which 
encompasses  the  conditions  of  chil- 
dren, addictions,  HIV/AIDS,  and 
mental  health 

•  the  Church  and  Persons  with 
Disabilities  Network 

•  loans  and  scholarships  for 
Brethren  students  in  health  care 

•  summer  chaplaincy  internships 
at  Brethren  homes 

•  sponsorship  of  Bethany  Theo- 
logical Seminary's  Master's  level 
courses  in  health  and  caring. 

The  ABC  board  also  voted  to  im- 
plement in  September  a  four-person 
staff  structure  consisting  of  an  exec- 
utive director,  director  of  Communi- 
cation, director  of  Resources,  and  an 
administrative  assistant. 

The  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly 
board,  which  met  March  15—16, 
unanimously  adopted  a  resolution 
stating  that  the  Brethren  Service 
Center  in  New  Windsor,  Md.,  no 
longer  is  "the  best  available  location 
from  which  to  carry  out  our  min- 
istry." The  OEPA  board  announced 
its  intention  of  relocating  its  offices, 
book  store,  and  retreat  center  within 
the  next  two  years. 

6  Messenger  March  1997 

OEPA,  a  multifaceted  peace  min- 
stry,  has  been  affiliated  with  the 
jeneral  Board  through  the  Board's 
vVorld  Ministries  Commission. 

The  Andrew  Center  in  late  March 
innounced  its  intention  of  evolving 
nto  an  independent,  self-supporting 
\nabaptist  evangelism  center  by  |an- 
jary.  The  Andrew  Center  was  estab- 
ished  by  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
jeneral  Board  in  1994  as  an  evange- 
ism  ministry  that  works  in  partner- 
ship with  other  denominations. 

Bob  Kettering,  interim  director  of 
The  Andrew  Center,  said  discussions 
lave  begun  with  the  center's  partner 
denominations — the  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  The  Brethren  Church,  the 
Mennonite  Church,  and  the  General 
Conference  Mennonite  Church — 
A'ith  the  hope  that  an  independent, 
self-supporting  center  will  be  ready 
:o  be  launched  by  the  end  of  this 

"The  initial  challenges  will  focus 
3n  reorganization,  funding,  and  the 
■edevelopment  of  Living  in  Faithful 
Evangelism  and  Passing  On  the 
Promise,"  Kettering  said. 

A  chance  to  learn  about  caring 
for  people  in  a  hurting  world 

The  healing  of  body,  mind,  and  spirit 
A'ill  be  the  focus  of  the  Caring  Min- 
stries  2000  conference,  scheduled 
"or  Aug.  1 1-15,  at  Manchester  Col- 
ege.  North  Manchester,  Ind.  This 
:onference  will  be  geared  to  deacons, 
oastors,  chaplains,  caregivers,  coun- 
selors, peacemakers  and  reconcilers, 
social  workers,  and  others. 

Sponsored  by  Association  of 
Brethren  Caregivers  and  supported 
3y  nine  denominational  ministries, 
:he  conference  will  feature:  Helen 
Prejean,  prison  ministry  advocate  and 
author  of  Dead  Man  Walking;  (oan 
Brown  Campbell,  National  Council  of 
Churches  general  secretary;  Jimmy 
Ross,  1998  Annual  Conference  mod- 
erator; David  Hilton,  former 

is  the 

NCC  kicks  off  a  year-long 
focus  on  media  awareness 

What  are  the  implications  of  living 
in  a  society  where  its  citizens  re- 
ceive about  16,000  media  mes- 
sages a  day?  Throughout  the  up- 
coming year,  the  Na- 
tional Council  of 
Churches  intends  to 

find  out,  as  it        

will  examine 


values  in  the  media  cul- 
ture as  part  of  its  Media 
Awareness  Year  initia- 

The  emphasis  begins 
May  6  with  a  nationwide  telecon- 
ference titled  "Family,  Community 
and  Media  Values." 
Media  aware- 
ness resources, 
which  "will  in- 
troduce key  con- 
cepts of  media  lit- 

eracy into  the 
home,  school, 
congregation  , 
and  community 
environments — 
to  promote  criti- 
cal viewing  and 

01  CliufEliGS  presenis 





Your  control  is  not  remote! 

analysis  of  media  mes- 
sages on  consumerism, 
substance  abuse, 
racism,  gender,  and 
global  communica- 
tions"— will  be  released  throughout 
the  year. 

This  emphasis  "is  a  call  for  a  na- 
tionwide approach  to  media  liter- 
acy," according  to  an  NCC  release. 

For  more  information,  contact 
Mary  Byrne  Hoffmann,  (914)  358- 
0624,  or  at  MBH52(ftAOL.Com. 

Brethren  missionary  and  interna- 
tional health  consultant;  Marie  For- 
tune, founder  and  executive  director 
of  the  Center  for  the  Prevention  of 
Sexual  and  Domestic  Violence;  Fred 
Shaw,  storyteller  of  the  Shawnee  Na- 
tion; Tom  Mullen,  professor  of  Cre- 
ative Writing  and  Preaching  at  Earl- 
ham  School  of  Religion;  and  Wesley 
Ariarajah,  deputy  secretary  of  the 
World  Council  of  Churches. 

Seventy-four  workshops  will  be  of- 
fered during  the  conference,  as  will  a 
morning  Bible  study  and  evening 
networking  sessions.  Bernie  Siegel, 
author  and  surgeon,  will  lead  a  pre- 
assembly  conference  from  9  a.m.  to  4 
p.m.  on  Aug.  1 1 ,  which  will  focus  on 
"The  Art  and  Act  of  Healing." 

For  more  information,  contact  ABC 
at  (800)  323-8039  or  at 

Brethren  man  deported  from 
Hebron  for  peace  work 

Cliff  Kindy,  member  of  Manchester 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  North  Man- 
chester, Ind.,  and  of  Christian  Peace- 
maker Teams,  was  deported  to  the 
United  States  from  the  Middle  East 
in  late  March  after  being  held  for 
several  days  by  authorities.  Kindy 
was  detained  following  his  attempts 
to  rebuild  a  Palestinian  house  in  He- 
bron that  was  destroyed  a  year  ago. 
The  house  sits  on  land  that  was  re- 
cently declared  a  "closed  military 
zone"  by  the  Israeli  government. 

Kindy,  who  had  been  participating 
in  a  700-hour  fast  with  four  other 
CPT  members — on  behalf  of  700 
Palestinian  families  that  are  expected 
to  lose  their  homes — was  unable  to 
complete  the  fast. 

May  1997  Messenger  7 

Disaster  relief  and  child  care 
giving  keep  Brethren  busy 

Several  rebuilding  and  assisting  pro- 
jects and  the  allocating  of  $  1 32,000 
in  Emergency  Disaster  Fund  grants 
was  the  focus  of  Refugee/Disaster 
Services'  work  in  March  and  April. 

Work  on  rebuilding  Butler  Chapel 
African  Methodist  Episcopalian 
Church,  Orangesburg,  S.C.,  a  black 
church  that  was  the  victim  of  arson, 
began  in  March  after  months  of  delay. 

Jiggs  Miller  of  Lake  Odessa,  Mich., 
and  Michigan  District  disaster  coor- 
dinator, served  as  project  coordinator 
for  April.  The  first  shift  of  volunteers, 
from  Shenandoah  District,  began 
work  the  week  of  April  6.  Volunteers 
from  Virlina  District  were  scheduled 
to  work  the  week  of  April  1 3 . 

Meanwhile,  response  to  flooding  has 
kept  other  Brethren  volunteers  busy. 
Denver  Harter,  member  of  Oakland 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Gettysburg, 
Ohio,  and  Southern  Ohio  District  dis- 
aster coordinator,  supervised  projects 
in  the  Blue  Creek  and  Manchester  ar- 
eas in  response  to  flooding  of  the  Ohio 
River.  Workers  were  housed  and  fed  at 
Camp  Woodland  Altars,  the  Southern 
Ohio  Brethren  church  camp  located  in 
Peebles.  During  the  first  weeks  of  the 
project,  Southern  Ohio  District  sup- 
plied work  teams. 

Also  in  response  to  the  Ohio  River 
flooding,  Cooperative  Disaster  Child 
Care  provided  caregivers  in  the 
Shepherdsville,  Ky.,  area,  near 
Louisville.  Homer  and  Rossetta  Fry, 
members  of  Logansport  (Ind.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  managed 
this  project  in  cooperation  with  the 
American  Red  Cross. 

A  project  of  refurbishing  1 0  to  14 
homes  in  the  Payette,  Idaho,  area 
began  in  March.  Jan  and  Keith  Var- 
daman,  members  of  Lincolnshire 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Fort  Wayne, 
Ind.,  served  as  the  first  project's  first 
directors,  in  cooperation  with  Verl 
King,  Idaho  District  Disaster  coordi- 
nator. During  the  project's  first  two 
weeks,  volunteers  from  the  sur- 

8  Messenger  May  1997 

rounding  area  provided  the  labor. 
Surrounding  Church  of  the  Brethren 
districts  (Oregon/Washington,  Pa- 
cific Southwest,  and  Western  Plains) 
were  then  asked  to  assume  control  of 
the  project,  which  is  expected  to  take 
two  to  three  months  to  complete. 

In  response  to  the  disasters,  Joe 
Mason,  interim  director  of  Refugee/ 
Disaster  Services,  made  an  urgent 
appeal  for  "Gift  of  the  Heart"  clean- 
up kits.  The  kits  contain  a  bucket 
filled  with  sponges,  a  wire  brush,  a 
scrub  brush,  a  can  of  powder 
cleanser,  plastic  garbage  bags,  and 
rubber  gloves.  Those  interested  in 
donating  kits  may  contact  the  office 
at  (410)  635-8731. 

During  these  two  frenetic  months, 
$132,000  was  allocated  from  the 
Emergency  Disaster  Fund  to  nine 
projects.  Funds  were  given  to  close 
four  projects — Hurricane  Marilyn, 
$68,263;  Habitat  House  project  in 
Cincinnati,  $5,407;  flooding  in 
Northeast  and  Mid-Atlantic  areas, 
$6,413;  and  flooding  in  Washington 
State  and  Oregon,  $3,131. 

A  grant  of  $20,000  was  made  to 
assist  in  the  Butler  Chapel  rebuilding 

Four  additional  allocations  of 
$5,000  were  granted:  to  the  Payette, 
Idaho,  repair  project;  to  assist  volun- 
teers in  southwest  Ohio;  to  help  with 
food  relief  for  malnourished  people 
in  Kenya  due  to  severe  drought;  and 
to  help  fund  Church  World  Service 
Regional  Disaster  Response  Facilita- 
tors around  the  US. 

General  Board  and  Juniata 
announce  staff  changes 

Three  young  adults  begin  work  this 
month  coordinating  National  Youth 
Conference  1998,  scheduled  for  July 
28-Aug.  3  in  Fort  Collins,  Colo. 

Brian  Yoder  will  serve  as  coordi- 
nator. Yoder,  who  plans  to  graduate 
from  Juniata  College  this  year,  is  a 
member  of  Stone  Church  of  the 

Brethren,  Huntingdon,  Pa. 

Joy  Struble  will  serve  as  an  assis 
tant  coordinator.  She  is  a  1996  grad- 
uate of  University  of  Michigan  and  a 
member  of  Lansing  (Mich.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren. 

Emily  Shonk  will  serve  as  an  assis- 
tant coordinator.  She  expects  to  grad- 
uate from  Bridgewater  (Va.)  this  year 
and  is  a  member  of  Manassas  (Va.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Shonk  also 
will  coordinate  the  Youth  and  Young 
Adult  National  Workcamps  in  1998. 

Robert  Neff,  president  of  Juniata 
College,  Huntingdon,  Pa.,  in  April  an- 
nounced his  retirement,  effective  fol- 
lowing the  1997-1998  school  year. 

In  his  resignation  letter,  Neff  said 

ML      '  L 

Brian  Yoder  Emily  Shonk 

loy  Struble 

Bob  Neff 

the  college,  which  is  beginning  to 
chart  out  a  five-year  plan,  will  need 
continuity  to  achieve  its  future  goals. 
"These  circumstances  require  a  long- 
term  commitment  on  the  part  of  the 
president — a  commitment  that  I  find 
myself  unable  to  make,"  Neff  said. 
Neff  has  served  as  president  of 
Juniata  since  1986.  Prior  to  joining 
Juniata,  Neff  served  as  general  sec- 
retary of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
General  Board  from  1978  to  1986. 
He  also  has  served  as  professor  of 
Biblical  Studies  at  Bethany  Theo- 
logical Seminary,  Richmond,  Ind., 
and  has  taught  at  Bridgewater 
(Va.)  College. 

Ill  Erief 

The  four-member  1997  Youth  Peace  Travel  Team  will 
begin  its  duties  early  next  month.  The  four  nnembers  are  IVIil<e 
Brinkmeier,  Lena,  III.;  Jacki  Hartley,  Lewistown,  Pa.;  Jessica 
Lehman,  Elgin,  III.;  and  Nathan  Musselman,  Rocky  Mount,  Va. 

The  group  is  scheduled  to  participate  in  orientation  June  1 0-1 2 
and  then  attend  the  John  Kline  200th  birthday  celebration  at 
Linville  Creek  Church  of  the  Brethren,  Broadway,  Va.,  June  1 3-1 5. 
The  team  will  then  visit  Brethren  church  camps  in  the  East  and 
Midwest  throughout  the  summer,  focusing  on  peace  education. 

The  Youth  Peace  Travel  Team  is  sponsored  by  four  General  Board 
ministries— On  Earth  Peace  Assembly,  Denominational  Peace  Wit- 
ness, Outdoor  Ministry,  and  Youth  and  Young  Adult  Ministry. 

Eight  young  adults  will  serve  on  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly's 
1997  Conflict  Resolution  Team.  The  team  will  be  divided  into  four 
groups,  with  each  group  serving  this  summer  at  a  Church  of  the 
Brethren  camp.  Their  assignment  will  be  to  work  with  camp  staff, 
counselors  and  campers  on  conflict  resolution  and  mediation  skills. 

Serving  at  Camp  Mardela,  Denton,  Md.,  will  be  Chris  Power  of 
Prairie  City  (Iowa)  Church  of  the  Brethren;  and  Madylyn  Metzger 
of  Springfield  (III.)  Church  of  the  Brethren.  Serving  at  Shepherd's 
Spring,  Sharpsburg,  Md.,  will  be  Amanda  Ash  of  Carmel  (Ind.) 
Friends  Meeting;  and  Jessica  Hunter  of  San  Diego  (Calif.)  First 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Serving  at  Camp  Swatara,  Bethel,  Pa.,  will 
be  Jim  Lucas  of  Antioch  Church  of  the  Brethren,  Rocky  Mount, 
\/a.;  and  Erin  Gratz  of  La  Verne  (Calif.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 
Serving  at  Camp  Eder,  Fairfield,  Pa.,  will  be  Brian  Bucher  of  Man- 

hester  (Ind.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  North  Manchester,  Ind.;  and 
Sara  Stover  of  Quinter  (Kan.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

("A  Message  on  Jerusalem,"  a  four-page  paper  that  focuses  on 
the  sharing  of  Jerusalem  by  its  residents,  was  published  in  February 
3y  the  Middle  East  Committee  of  the  National  Council  of  Churches. 
The  paper,  General  Board  statements  pertaining  to  this  issue,  and  a 
:opy  of  a  New  York  Times  full-page  advertisement— complete  with 
signatures  of  people  and  organizations  calling  for  a  shared 
Jerusalem  (which  was  signed  by  the  Church  of  the  Brethren)— are 
available  from  Mervin  Keeney,  representative  for  Africa  and  the 
Vliddle  East,  at  (800)  323-8039  or  CoB.Africa.ME.Rep.parti® 

\  free  loaning  service  of  films  and  videos  is  available  by 
:he  Church  World  Service  Film  &  Video  Library.  The  service  is 
available  to  congregations,  schools,  and  community  groups. 
3WS  has  approximately  400  titles  from  various  producers  on 
lunger,  development,  the  environment,  multiculturalism,  and 
other  related  issues.  For  a  catalog,  contact  CWS  at  (219)  264- 
U102  or  at  CWS. Film. Library.parti@Ecunet.Org. 

I3rethren  Revival  Fellowship  will  hold  two  of  its  1997  spring 
raining  seminars  this  month— May  3  at  Beech  Grove  Church  of 
he  Brethren,  Pendleton,  Ind.,  where  workshops  will  focus  on 
Joctrine  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  the  Sermon  on  the  Mount,  the  Christ- 
an's  devotional  life,  and  Bible  study  tools  and  translating;  and 

May  1 0  at  Beaverton  (Mich.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  where 
workshops  will  focus  on  Biblical  Reliability:  The  Key  Issue,  and 
Distinctively  Brethren  Practices. 

BRF's  first  training  seminar  of  the  year  was  held  March  22  at 
Belvidere  Church  of  the  Brethren,  York,  Pa.  The  seminars  are  held 
annually  and  often  at  the  request  of  congregations.  For  more 
information  on  the  BRF  seminars,  contact  James  Myer  at  (717) 

A  special  offer  for  pastors  and  ministry 
students  for  Pragmatic  Propiiet:  Ttie  Life  of 
iVIicfiael  Robert  Zigler,  has  been  made  avail- 
able by  an  anonymous  donor  for  the 
discounted  price  of  $8  hardcover  and  $4 
paperback.  The  offer  is  available  until  May  30. 
Contact  Brethren  Press  at  (800)  441-3712 
or  at  Brethren. Press. parti@Ecunet. Org. 

M.R.  Zigler 

"Come,  Follow  Me,"  the  1997  Brethren  camping  curriculum 
theme,  has  been  created  by  the  Cooperative  Publication  Associa- 
tion, of  which  Brethren  Press  is  a  partner.  The  curriculum  is  to  be 
used  by  children,  youth,  and  adults  exploring  Christ's  call  and 
their  response  to  that  call.  The  curriculum  can  be  adapted  for 
outdoor  learning  experiences  ranging  from  highly  structured, 
centralized  events  to  informal,  primitive  camping. 

Materials  include  a  campers'  booklet,  leaders'  guide.  Come 
Join  ttie  Circle  songbook,  and  clip  art.  Contact  Brethren  Press. 

Nonviolence  and  Humanitarian  Intervention,  the  latest 
denominational  peace  statement,  which  was  approved  by  the 
1996  Annual  Conference,  is  available  as  a  24-page  booklet.  The 
document  includes  the  scriptural  context  and  Brethren  ideals  from 
which  the  statement  was  drafted.  It  also  includes  a  guide  to  action, 
including  recommendations  on  how  people  can  follow  the  peace- 
able call  of  Jesus.  This  resource  is  ideal  for  church  school  classes 
and  peace  groups.  Single  copies  are  $1 .50  and  a  quantity  discount 
is  available.  Contact  Brethren  Press. 

Southern  Ohio  District  ended  1996  with  increases  in  seven 
out  of  nine  categories,  compared  to  1995. 

Overall,  membership  increased  by  five  to  9,301 .  Average  wor- 
ship attendance  rose  by  1 2  to  5,065,  although  Sunday  schol 
attendance  dropped  by  1 1 9  to  2,891 . 

Giving  to  the  General  Board  increased  by  $36,505  to  $178,322. 
Other  increases  in  giving  (increase  and  year-end  total)  were  to 
Manchester  College  ($1 1 ,01 7;  $31 ,533),  Bethany  Theological 
Seminary  ($10,463;  $34,464),  Southern  Ohio  District  ($7,953; 
$1 16,808),  Brethren's  Home  ($3,287;  $85,008).  Giving  to  Camp 
Woodland  Altars  decreased  by  $3,044  to  $33,876. 

"These  figures  show  strength  and  support  of  our  Church  of  the 
Brethren  congregations,  district.  General  Board,  and  related  insti- 
tutions," said  Jim  Tomlonson,  Southern  Ohio  District  executive. 
"I  am  grateful  to  our  pastors  for  their  individual  leadership  in 
keeping  the  outreach  ministries  of  their  congregations  strong." 

May  1997  Messenger  9 

&i»figBeach  '97 


BY  Nevin  Dulabaum 
AND  Paula  Wilding 

The  2 1 1  th  Church  of  the  Brethren 
Annual  Conference  will  be  held  July 
1-6  in  Long  Beach,  Calif. 

David  Wine,  president  of  Mutual 
Aid  Association,  Abilene,  Kan.,  will 
serve  as  moderator;  Jimmy  Ross, 
pastor  of  Lititz  (Pa.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  as  moderator-elect. 

"Count  Well  the  Cost,"  words  that 
Wine  says  were  spoken  at  the  first 
Brethren  baptism,  will  serve  as  the 
Conference's  theme.  These  words 
call  Brethren  to  find  "our  common 
denominator,  which  is  zeal  and  en- 
ergy for  our  faith,"  Wine  said. 

Daily  events  will  include  a  worship 

Above:  The  Long  Beach  Arena, 

wintertime  home  to  the  Ice 

Dogs,  a  minor  league  hockey 

team,  will  serve  as  Annual 

Conference's  worship  service 

and  business  session  venue. 

Right:  Encircling  the  arena  is  the 

"Planet  Ocean"  mural, 

featuring  sea  life  painted  to 

scale.  Attached  to  the  arena  is 

the  Long  Beach  Convention 

Center  (with  the  portion  at  the 

far  right  being  where  Conference 

exhibits  will  be  located. 

1 0  Messenger  May  1997 

service,  Bible  study,  business  ses- 
sions, insight  sessions,  meals  spon- 
sored by  various  organizations,  and 
activities  for  people  of  all  ages.  Sev- 
eral sanctioned  and  several  unofficial 
events  also  are  scheduled  just  prior 
to  Conference. 

To  request  an  Annual  Conference 
information  packet,  contact  the  An- 
nual Conference  office  at  (800)  323- 
8039  or  at  AnnualConf@AOL.Com. 
Contacts  for  unofficial  events  will  be 
listed  with  those  events. 


Worship  service  themes,  preachers, 
and  worship  leaders  will  be: 

Tuesday:  Count  Well  the  Cost. 
David  Wine;  |immy  Ross. 

Wednesday:  Count  Well 
the  Cost  of  Community, 
ludith  Kipp,  pastor  of 
Ridgeway  Community 
Church  of  the  Brethren, 
Harrisburg,  Pa.;  Leslie 
Cooper,  pastor  of  Water- 
ford  (Calif.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren. 
Thursday:  Count  Well 

the  Cost  of  Simplicity.  Dawn  Wil- 
helm,  pastor  of  Stone  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  Huntingdon,  Pa.;  Janet 
and  Skip  Ober  Miller,  pastors  of 
South  Bay  Community  Church  of  thej 
Brethren,  Redondo  Beach,  Calif. 

Friday:  Count  Well  the  Cost  of  Ser-j 
vice.  Millard  Fuller,  president  of 
Habitat  for  Humanity,  Americus, 
Ga.;  Olga  Serrano,  pastor  of  Principal 
de  Paz  Fellowship,  Santa  Ana,  Calif. 

Saturday:  Count  Well  the  Cost  of 
Peace.  Glenn  Mitchell,  pastor  of 
University  Baptist  and  Brethren 
Church,  State  College,  Pa.;  Debbie 
Roberts,  University  of  La  Verne 
(Calif.)  chaplain. 

Sunday:  Count  Well  the  Cost  of 
Discipleship.  Rich  Hanley,  Western 
Plains  District  executive,  McPher- 
son,  Kan.;  Donald  Matthews,  pastor 
of  Oak  Grove  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  Oakland,  Calif. 

Congregational  singing  will  begin  30 
minutes  prior  to  each  worship  service. 
Jonathan  Shively,  pastor  of  Pomona 
(Calif.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  will 
serve  as  music  coordinator. 

The  Annual  Conference  choir, 

^^.    Hit 

>vhich  will  sing  at  each  service,  will 
3e  directed  by  [anice  Eller  Fralin  of 
Fellowship  in  Christ  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  Fremont,  Calif. 

Jason  Leister,  Rochester,  N.Y.,  will 
serve  as  conference  organist;  Eula 
Frantz  of  Windsor,  Colo.,  as  confer- 
ence pianist. 


Four  new  and  eight  returning  busi- 
less  items  are  on  the  docket  for 
Standing  Committee  and  Annual 
Conference  delegates. 


•  The  General  Board's  new  design. 

•  A  query  proposing  a  denominational 
■elationship  with  the  National  Association 
of  Evangelicals  (from  Northern  Plains 
District) . 

Domestic  violence  query  (from 
Southern  Pennsylvania  District). 

•  Defining  Ministry  Limits  of  Li- 
ensed  Ministers  query  (Oregon/ 

itVashington  District). 


•  Human  Genetic  Engineering  and 
'etal  Tissue  Use  Statement. 

•  Office  of  Deacon  Statement. 

•  Denominational  Polity:  Property 
md  Stewardship  Issues  Statement. 

The  New  Testament  as  Our  Rule 
)f  Faith  and  Practice  Statement. 

•  World  Mission  Philosophy  and 
lobal  Church  Mission  Structure 


Statement  on  Child  Exploitation. 

Report  from  Annual  conference's 
Review  and  Evaluation  Committee. 

Congregational  Structure. 

Special  events 

A  Habitat  for  Humanity  house  will 
)e  blitz-built  June  28-July  4.  Regis- 

tering by  June  1  is  required.  Call 
(410)  635-8730. 

The  General  Board  Live  Report  is 
scheduled  for  Thursday  morning. 

The  Brethren  Family  Picnic  will  be 
held  4:30  p.m. -6:30  p.m.,  Friday, 
outside  the  Convention  Center. 

Huntley  Brown,  a  professional  pi- 
anist, will  perform  Saturday  evening. 

Pre-Conference  events 

Standing  Committee  will  hold  its 
meetings  Saturday  evening  through 
Tuesday  noon. 

The  General  Board  and  its  commit- 
tees are  expected  to  meet  at  various 
times  Saturday,  Sunday,  and  Tuesday. 

"Game  Plan  for  Living,"  a  confer- 
ence sponsored  by  the  Ministers  As- 
sociation, will  be  held  Monday 
evening  through  Tuesday  afternoon. 
Tim  Timmons  will  speak  on  relation- 
ships within  congregations. 

"The  Church's  Response  to  Child 
Abuse"  workshop,  sponsored  by  As- 
sociation of  Brethren  Caregivers,  is 
scheduled  for  Tuesday.  Beverly 
Fancher,  executive  director  of  a  child 
abuse  treatment  agency  in  Long 
Beach,  will  be  the  keynote  speaker. 

The  New  Church  Development 
Seminar  on  Monday  will  feature  Jeff 
Wright,  the  Mennonite  Board  of  Mis- 
sions' Urban  Ministry  director  in  Los 

Two  workshops  sponsored  by  Min- 
istry of  Reconciliation — "Conflict 
Resolution  Skills  for  Church  Lead- 
ers" and  "Group  Facilitation  Skills 
for  Decision-Making  and  Reconcilia- 
tion"— are  scheduled  for  Monday 

The  Queen  Mary, 

a  fixture  to  Long 
Beach 's  skyline 
since  1967,  last 
year  celebrated  the 
60th  anniversary 
of  its  maiden 
voyage.  The  ship 
currently  is  host  to 
an  upscale  restau- 
rant, a  conference 
center,  and  bungee 
jumping  tower 

and  Tuesday. 

Brethren  Revival  Fellowship's  an- 
nual meeting  will  be  held  June  29  at 
Lindsay  (Calif.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  Call  (717)  225-4184. 

"Dancing  at  the  Water's  Edge," 
sponsored  by  Brethren/Mennonite 
Council  for  Gay  and  Lesbian  Con- 
cerns and  Womaen's  Caucus,  will  be 
held  June  28-30  at  La  Verne  (Calif.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Call  (612) 
722-6906  or  write  BMCoun- 

"Sierra  Song  and  Story  Fest,"  a 
family  camp  featuring  Brethren  musi- 
cians and  storytellers,  will  be  held  June 
21-27  at  Camp  Peaceful  Pines,  Dard- 
anelle,  Calif.  Call  (209)  523-1438. 

Conference  information 

Beginning  June  30,  Newsline,  the  Gen- 
eral Board's  phone,  fax,  and  e-mail  in- 
formation service,  will  feature  daily 
updates  from  Annual  Conference. 

The  24-hour  Newsline  phone  ser- 
vice can  be  accessed  by  calling  (410) 
635-8738.  Newsline  by  fax  or  e-mail 
can  be  received  by  calling  (800)  323- 
8039,  ext.  257.,  or  by  writing  to 
CoBNews®  AOL.Com.  All  fax  and 
e-mail  requests  must  be  received  by 
June  20. 

Newsline  fax  and  e-mail  recipients 
will  also  receive  the  text  of  each  ser- 
mon and  the  daily  Conference  Journal. 

Annual  Conference  wrap-ups  will 
be  available  in  print  and  video  fol- 
lowing Conference.  Fifty  printed 
wrap-ups  ($10)  and  the  video 
($24.95)  can  be  ordered  through 
Brethren  Press,  (800)  441-3712. 

May  1997  Messenger  1 1 

Within  three  generations. 

Brethren  preachers  from 

the  Wolfe  family  had 

migrated  across  the  conti 

nent  from  Pennsylvania, 

to  Illinois,  and  on  to  the 

Pacific  coast.  There  in  the 

land  of  "gold,  revolvers 

and  bowie  knives," 

George  Wolfe  '7un." 

would  carve  out  his  niche 

in  Brethren  history 

In  California,  George  Wolfe  held  large  camp  meetings,  modeled  after  the 
emotion-packed  events  of  his  boyhood  in  the  Mississippi  Valley. 

12  Messenger  May  1997 

BY  David  B.  Eller 

/n//rethren  beginnings  in  California  can  be  traced  to  the 
«// exciting  days  of  the  Gold  Rush  and  the  first  years  of 
statehood.  A  few  enterprising  and  isolated  Brethren  were 
drawn  to  the  gold  fields  northeast  of  Sacramento  as  early 
as  1849  or  1850.  The  Monthly  Gospel-Visiter  (forerunner 
of  today's  Messenger)  was  barely  a  year  old  in  1852 
when  it  published  the  first  of  several  letters  from  Brethren 
describing  their  journey  to  California  and  its  gold  fields. 
These  letters  were  published  not  to  encourage  Brethren  to 
head  for  California,  but  to  discourage  them.  Going  off  in 
search  of  fortunes  in  gold  was  not  considered  the 
Brethren  thing  to  do.  Grumped  Gospel-Visiter  editor 
Henry  Kurtz,  in  his  preface  to  an  1853  travel  account, 
"Here  is  .  .  .  another  exhibition  of  the  sufferings,  dangers, 
and  difficulties  so  many  undergo  for  the  sake  of  a  little 
glittering  dust." 

But  brother  Kurtz  could  have  taken  comfort  in  the  fact 
that  most  Brethren  who  participated  in  America's  west- 
ward expansion  were  part  of  the  agricultural  (rather 
than  mining)  frontier.  The  first  Brethren  minister  to 
settle  in  the  new  Pacific-coast  state  was  an  Illinois 
farmer-preacher,  George  Wolfe  III.  And  on  him  centers 
the  story  of  the  first  California  Brethren  congregation. 

A  tall  and  stocky  man,  Wolfe  preached  forcefully  and  to 
the  point.  Largely  self-educated,  he  could  be  compassion- 
ate yet  resolute.  While  unyielding  on  certain  doctrinal 
matters,  he  was  not  a  strict  adherent  of  others,  such  as 
uniformity  of  plain  dress  for  members.   Moreover,  he 
enjoyed  violin  music  and  other  pastimes  considered 
worldly  (if  not  sinful)  by  most  Brethren  leaders  of  his 

Wolfe  was  born  in  southern  Illinois  near  Jonesboro  in 
1809,  a  son  of  Jacob  and  Barbara  Hauser  Wolfe.  His  par- 
ents had  settled  in  this  virgin  territory  from  southwest 
Kentucky  only  a  few  years  earlier.  His  grandfather  of  the 
same  name,  George  Wolfe  I,  was  also  a  Dunker  preacher. 
He  had  traveled  down  the  Ohio  River  from  Pennsylvania 
to  Kentucky  in  1800,  and  died  at  Kaskaskia,  111.,  the  same 
year  George  III  was  born. 

Jacob  Wolfe,  a  deacon,  died  when  his  son  was  about 
13.  George  married  Rua  Faggart  in  1831,  and  both  were 
baptized  into  the  Brethren  fraternity  a  year  or  so  later. 
The  major  religious  influence  in  George's  life  became  his 
uncle,  also  of  the  same  name,  George  Wolfe  II  (see 
"George  Wolfe:  Giant  in  Illinois,"  by  David  B.  Eller,  May 

In  George  Wolfe's  day,  the  Brethren  back  east  practiced 
"double-mode"  feetwashing,  in  which  one  brother  washed 
and  another  brother  dried  the  feet  of  two  or  more 
communicants  in  a  row.  The  servers  then  passed  the  basin 
and  towel  to  two  others,  who  continued  the  service. 
Maverick  Wolfe  caused  consternation  among  these 
orthodox  by  practicing  the  "single  mode. "  which, 
ironically,  has  generally  replaced  the  "double  mode"  in  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  today. 

1984).  This  George  Wolfe  was  the  leader  of  "Far  West- 
ern" churches  in  western  Kentucky,  Illinois,  Missouri, 
and  Iowa  that  had  developed  independently  of  Annual 

George  Wolfe  "Jun."  (as  George  III  signed  his  name, 
presumably  to  distinguish  himself  from  his  uncle,  George 
II),  was  elected  to  the  ministry  about  1835.  He  wrote 

May  1997  Messenger  13 

later  that  he  attempted  to  escape  this  call  by  moving  with 
his  family  to  the  "American  Bottom"  (across  the  Missis- 
sippi River  from  St.  Louis)  and  then  to  Iowa.  When  his 
Uncle  George  confronted  him  by  asking  if  he  was  going 
to  "flee  like  Jonah,"  young  Wolfe  replied  that  indeed  he 
was.  The  elder  solemnly  admonished  him,  "then  to  hell 
like  Jonah,  too." 

'oung  Wolfe,  apparently  having  second  thoughts, 
accepted  the  call  of  the 
church  and  was  ordained  in 
Iowa  in  the  early  1840s.  For 
several  years  he  worked  to  build 
up  scattered  Brethren 
settlements  in  the  south- 
eastern part  of  the  state. 
In  1848,  he  and  his 
family  moved  back  across 
the  Mississippi  into  Illinois. 
Here  he  labored  in  closer  con- 
tact with  George  Wolfe  11  and 
the  church  at  Mill  Creek  in 
Adams  County  (today's  Liberty 

As  Brethren  from  Indiana  and 
the  East  immigrated  into  Illi- 
nois and  Iowa  during  the 
1840s,  tensions  developed 
between  them  and  the  "Far 
Western"  churches.  Annual 
Meeting  advised  members  not  to 
commune  with  the  western 
Brethren  because  of  doctrinal 
disagreements.  The  differ- 
ences centered  on  the  manner 
of  observing  the  love  feast, 
particularly  the  method  of  feet- 
washing.  Nineteenth-century 
Brethren  viewed  uniformity  in  ritual 
practices  as  an  essential  part  of  their  faith.  The 
western  Brethren  used  "single-mode"  feetwashing, 
rather  than  the  "double  mode"  observed  then  by  most 
Brethren.  In  the  "single  mode,"  after  a  brother's  feet  had 
been  washed,  he  then  received  the  basin  and  towel  and 
washed  the  feet  of  another.  In  the  "double  mode,"  one 
brother  washed  and  another  brother  dried  the  feet  of  two 
or  more  communicants  in  a  row.  The  servers  then  passed 
the  basin  and  towel  to  two  others,  who  continued  the  ser- 
vice. The  sisters,  of  course,  observed  this  ordinance 

A  secondary  doctrinal  issue  was  the  western  Brethren 
fondness  for  preaching  "universal  restoration"  (the  idea 
that  in  the  fullness  of  time  a  loving  God  will  redeem  all 
souls,  even  those  suffering  hell  punishments).  Eastern 
Brethren  viewed  this  idea  as  a  dangerous  one.  A  council 
of  western  Brethren  elders  held  at  Mill  Creek  in  1851 
concluded  that  they  could  not  in  good  faith  conform  to 
practices  of  the  Annual  Meeting  churches.  George  Wolfe 


Brethren  Sites 

in  Central 


III  signed  those  minutes. 

Further  discussion  brought  a  team  of  elders  appointed  by 
the  Annual  Meeting  to  visit  the  western  Brethren  at  Mill 
Creek  in  1856.  A  compromise  was  agreed  upon  and  entered 
into  the  Annual  Meeting  minutes.  In  substance,  the  west- 
ern Brethren  agreed  to  soften  their  preaching  of  the  "wider  HI 
salvation"  and  to  observe  eastern  practices  when  eastern 
Brethren  communed  with  them. 

Underlying  these  controversies,  however,  was  the  ques- 
tion of  Annual  Meeting  jurisdiction.  Would  the  isolated 
western  Brethren  agree  to  be  subject  to  the  decisions  of 
this  body?  This  matter  seemed  to  be  resolved  in  1859 
when  the  Conference  received  letters  from  three  "Far 
Western"  congregations  (all  in  Illinois)  acknowledging 
that  they  would  accept  the  counsel  of  the  larger  church. 

Although  George  Wolfe  III  maintained  his  allegiance  to 
the  compromise  of  1856,  he  was  not  present  at  the  coun- 
cil with  eastern  leaders  because  he  was  then  en  route  to 
California.  His  purpose  in  heading  west  was 

undoubtedly  to  seek  agricul- 
OjennyLind       tural  economic 

opportunities  rather  than 
missionary  advance- 
ment.  One 
biographer  sug- 
gests that  he  went 
to  California  "to 
grow  up  with  the 
country,  and  with 
purely  business 
Like  thousands  of 
others,  Wolfe 
caught  the 
"Oregon"  or  "Cali- 
fornia fever"  in  the  late 
1840s  and  early  1850s. 
He  sold  his  farm  in  1855 
and  departed  with  his 
wife,  two  sons,  and  a  mar- 
ried son  and 
daughter-in-law  for  New 
York  City.  From  there  the 
Wolfe  families  booked  passage  on 
a  steamer  that  took  them  to  Colombia. 
Through  jungles  rife  with  pestilence,  the 
Brethren  travelers  crossed  the  Isthmus  of 
Panama  on  a  brand-new  railroad,  then  con- 
tinued up  the  Mexico  and  California  coasts  by  ship, 
arriving  in  San  Francisco  in  mid-December  1856. 

(/    from 

within  three  generations,  Brethren  preachers 
3m  the  Wolfe  family  had  migrated  across  the  conti- 
nent from  Pennsylvania  to  the  Pacific  shore.  Now  in  the 
land  of  "gold,  revolvers,  and  bowie  knives"  (as  he 
expressed  it),  George  Wolfe  "Jun."  would  carve  out  his 
niche  in  Brethren  history. 
Initially  the  Wolfe  party  setded  at  Watsonville  in  the  Pajaro 

14  Messenger  May  1997 

Valley,  a  few  miles  inland  from  Monterey  Bay.  The  first 
Brethren  worship  services  were  held  in  the  Southern  Methodist 
meetinghouse,  and  the  newcomers  soon  met  two  Brethren 
sisters  and  their  families  who  had  settled  in  this  area  a  few 
years  earlier.  Within  a  few  months,  however,  Wolfe's  group 
had  relocated  a  few  miles  east,  over  the  Coastal  Range  at 
Gilroy  in  Santa  Clara  County. 

The  "Church  of  California"  was  organized  by  Wolfe  in  the 
fail  of  1858.  He  baptized  five  converts,  bringing  the  number 
of  known  members  in  California  to  1  7.  This  included  five 
members  who  had  come  by  land  the  year  before  and  settled 
in  the  San  [oaquin  Valley,  south  of 
Stockton.  At  the  organizational  meet- 
ing, which  was  held  in  a  grove  prepared 
for  the  occasion  on  the  Pajaro  River,  an 
election  for  a  deacon  was  held.  The  ser- 
vices concluded  with  a  love  feast.  Within 
two  or  three  years,  however,  virtually 
all  of  the  Gilroy  members  relocated  to 
the  San  |oaquin  Valley,  near  Lathrop. 
where  rich  farm  land  could  be  easily 
obtained  on  reasonable  terms.  Wolfe 
reorganized  the  church  here  in  1862. 

From  these  humble  origins,  the 
"Church  of  California"  grew  through 
both  evangelistic  efforts  and  immigra- 
tion. Preaching  points  were  established 
at  Tracy,  Cressey,  and  at  other  locations 
in  the  San  loaquin  Valley,  and  at  "Ander- 
son Valley"  in  Mendocino  County.  A 
few  Brethren  also  settled  in  the  Napa 
Valley  near  Cordelia,  northeast  of  San 
Francisco,  which  Wolfe  organized  into 
a  separate  congregation  in  1862.  A  third 
congregation.  Chaparral,  was  formed  in 
1879  in  Calaveras  County,  centered  at 
jenny  Lind.  A  fourth  church  on  Eel  River 
in  Humbolt  County  was  started  in  1880. 
These  early  Brethren  pioneers  did  not 
quickly  build  church  houses  (although 
at  Lathrop  and  other  locations  they  were 
able  to  use  a  union  meetinghouse).  Many 
of  the  Brethren  moving  to  California, 
however,  were  not  familiar  with  the  independence,  love  feast 
traditions,  or  restoration  theology  of  the  "Far  Western"  group. 
Tensions  were  unavoidable. 

ifornia"  were  visited  by  two  elders  sent  by  Annual  Meeting, 
Daniel  B.  Sturgis  (a  former  leader  of  "Far  Western"  Brethren 
in  Illinois)  and  |acob  Miller  of  Indiana.  Even  though  the  Cal- 
ifornia Brethren  contributed  toward  travel  expenses,  there 
was  misunderstanding  about  the  purpose  the  visitors  served. 
Wolfe  had  the  impression  they  might  stay  for  at  least  a  year 
and  work  extensively  to  increase  the  membership. 

Only  George  Wolfe's  hair  and  beard 
styles  conform  to  the  Brethren 
standard  of  his  day.  His  suit  is  not 
"plain  garb. "  Riia  Faggart  Wolfe's 
white  bonnet  would  have  passed 
muster,  and  her  shawl,  emulating 
Brethren  sisters'  capes,  probably 
made  her  dress  acceptable  as  well. 
Thus  this  Wolfe  portrait  symbolizes 
the  California  leader's  grudging 
compromise  with  Brethren  standards 
and  practices  back  east. 

olfe  wrote  several  letters  and  reports  to  Brethren  peri- 
odicals in  the  1850s  and  1860s  describing  the  California 
Brethren's  circumstances  and  requesting  that  they  be  visited 
3y  elders  to  help  them  build  up  the  church.  In  the  early  1860s, 
:hurch  periodicals  were  filled  with  opinions  on  how  best  to 
organize  a  "Pacific  Mission,"  and  funds  were  raised  to  send 
/isiting  missionaries.  The  needs  of  Brethren  in  Virginia  and 
Fennessee  suffering  the  effects  of  the  Civil  War  took  prece- 
dence, however,  and  the  meager  funds  collected  ($263.80) 
vere  diverted  to  that  cause. 
Finally,  however,  in  1870,  Wolfe  and  the  "Church  of  Cal- 

turgis  and  Miller  believed  that  they  were  to  "organize 
churches  and  set  things  in  order"  so  that  the  Pacific 
Coast  Brethren  conformed  to  Annual  Meeting  standards  of 
faith  and  practice.  Sturgis  and  Miller 
stayed  about  two  and  a  half  months 
on  the  West  Coast,  visiting  most  of 
the  Brethren  in  the  San  loaquin  Valley 
and  in  the  Willamette  Valley  in 
Oregon.  While  no  new  congregations 
were  organized,  they  held  a  lengthy 
council  meeting  at  Lathrop  and 
reported  favorably  in  church  periodi- 
cals on  their  visit.  Wolfe  was  more 
critical.  In  his  view,  the  "Church  of 
California"  had  invited  evangelists, 
not  a  disciplinary  committee,  and  he 
had  no  intention  of  abandoning  the 
compromise  of  1856  allowing  him  to 
use  "single-mode"  feetwashing.  He 
wrote  a  friend  that  Sturgis  had 
learned  more  by  his  visit  to  the  Cali- 
fornia Brethren  than  in  all  his  prior 

In  addition  to  the  continued 
legacy  of  the  "Far  Western"  Brethren, 
other  differences  developed  between 
the  California  Brethren  and  the  east- 
ern churches.  By  1869,  for  example, 
the  "Church  of  California"  had  estab- 
lished a  Sunday  school,  an  innovative 
method  of  Christian  education 
frowned  upon  by  many  in  the  East. 

The  entire  pattern  of  church  life 
also  changed.  In  the  Atlantic  states 
and  the  Midwest,  the  custom  of  hold- 
ing love  feast  in  a  meetinghouse  over  several  days  was  well 
established.  In  California,  the  members  were  spread  out 
over  hundreds  of  square  miles,  so  that  holding  even 
monthly  services  at  various  preaching  points  was  difficult. 
Without  church  houses,  the  California  Brethren  quickly 
developed  the  practice  of  holding  outdoor  meetings  over 
several  days  in  May  and  October. 

These  assemblies  included  preaching  services,  baptisms, 
a  church  council,  and  a  love  feast.  A  temporary  camp  near 
the  San  [oaquin  or  Merced  River  was  laid  out  with  an  area 
for  preaching  and  another  for  tents. 

Wolfe  undoubtedly  patterned  these  "camp  meetings" 
after  those  he  had  known  in  his  youth  in  the  Mississippi 
Valley,  and  they  became  a  prominent  feature  of  the 
"Church  of  California."  Because  camp-meeting  preaching 

May  1997  Messenger  1 5 

often  stressed  an  emotional  conversion  experience,  such 
gatherings  were  viewed  with  suspicion  by  eastern 

(O/hen  there  was  the  thorny  issue  of  California  Brethren 
U  accepting  the  authority  of  Annual  Meeting.  Tensions 
became  strained  when  in  1873  Wolfe  and  a  close  associ- 
ate, elder  Jonathan  Myers  of  Alameda  County,  became 
corresponding  editors  for  a  new  Brethren  periodical,  The 
Gospel  Trumpet.  This  paper  championed  the  cause  of  the 
"Congregational  Brethren,"  a  schismatic.  Midwest-cen- 
tered movement  that  practiced  "single-mode" 
feetwashing  and  was  harshly  critical  of  Annual  Meeting 
governance.  Indeed,  Wolfe  had  warmly  welcomed  to  Cali- 
fornia elders  associated  with  this  movement.  While  Wolfe 
and  Myers  were  sympathetic  to  the  formation  of  the  Con- 
gregational Brethren,  they  were  not  anxious  to  sever  ties 
with  the  wider  church.  Rather,  they  considered  them- 
selves in  fellowship  with  both  groups. 

These  and  other  developments  led  the  Annual  Meeting 
to  send  two  prominent  elders,  Benjamin  F.  Moomaw  of 
Virginia  and  Henry  Dorsey  Davy  of  Ohio,  to  the  San 
Joaquin  Valley  in  the  fall  of  1874.  Every  district  within  the 
brotherhood  was  assessed  an  amount  to  finance  their 
travel  expenses.  These  elders  first  visited  Brethren  who 
lodged  several  complaints  against  Wolfe's  leadership.  In 
addition  to  his  clinging  to  "Far  Western"  Brethren  tradi- 
tions, Wolfe  was  charged  with  carelessness  in  church 
discipline  regarding  adultery,  distinctive  Brethren  dress, 
tolerating  too  much  pride,  and  receiving  disowned  mem- 
bers into  the  church. 

At  an  emotionally  charged  council  meeting,  Wolfe  also 
brought  certain  charges  against  the  "Annual  Meeting 
party"  within  the  "Church  of  California."  Moomaw  and 
Davy  worked  to  sort  out  the  various  issues,  but  decided  to 
permit  the  "Annual  Meeting"  faction  to  organize  its  own 
congregation.  It  was  called  the  Stanislaus  (or  Paradise) 
church  and  was  centered  near  Salida,  a  short  distance 
southeast  of  Lathrop.  Wolfe  and  others  then  wrote  to  the 
Standing  Committee  of  the  1875  Annual  Meeting:  "Our 
desires  remain  unchanged,  and  we  wish  to  be  recognized 
as  a  part  of  a  body  giving  and  receiving  counsel  together 
.  .  .  and  whatsoever  the  Scriptures  teach  we  are  willing  to 
obey,  and  if  shown  to  be  in  error  willing  to  retreat." 

The  formation  of  a  "double-mode"  congregation  in 
California,  however,  did  not  end  the  controversy.  Within 
a  few  years,  letters  were  sent  from  California  to  eastern 
elders  complaining  that  Wolfe  had  not  kept  the  agreement 
reached  with  Moomaw  and  Davy.  The  1877  Standing 
Committee  subsequently  appointed  a  committee  that 
reviewed  the  former  report,  interviewed  Moomaw,  and 
then  called  upon  Wolfe  to  implement  the  "decision  of 
1875."  He  was  given  until  January  1,  1878,  to  comply  or 
face  disfellowshipping. 

Undaunted,  Wolfe  asked  for  an  appeal,  which  prompted 
the  1878  Annual  Meeting  to  appoint  yet  another  commit- 
tee to  investigate  the  situation  in  California.  Ellas  K. 
Buechley  of  Iowa  was  the  only  one  of  three  elders  named 
to  the  committee  who  was  able  to  make  the  long  trip.  He 

16  Messenger  May  1997 

was  welcomed  that  fall  by  both  sides,  and  in  church  peri- 
odicals he  wrote  favorably  of  his  visit.  He  minimized  the 
differences  between  the  Wolfe  group  and  the  Stanislaus 
church  and  suggested  that  ultimately  the  dispute  would 
work  itself  out. 

Reconciliation,  however,  was  not  achieved.  By  the  late 
1870s,  forces  within  the  denomination  had  produced  a 
growing  polarity  between  liberal  or  "progressive"  and 
conservative,  or  "old  order"  factions.  The  progressive 
movement  was  largely  centered  around  Henry  R. 
Holsinger  of  Pennsylvania,  who  tirelessly  promoted 
Sunday  schools,  revival  meetings,  foreign  missions,  an 
educated  clergy,  and  the  abolition  of  distinctive  Brethren 
dress  as  a  test  of  membership.  Wolfe  and  other  California 
leaders  quickly  aligned  themselves  with  the  progressive 
element  and  Holsinger's  periodical.  The  Progressive 
Christian.  Between  1880  and  1884,  three  prominent  pro- 
gressive leaders,  including  Holsinger,  visited  California, 
met  with  Wolfe,  and  held  evangelistic  meetings.  Holsinger 
was  expelled  by  Annual  Meeting  in  1882.  This  led  pro- 
gressives to  form  The  Brethren  Church — the  "Ashland 
Brethren" — a  year  later.  Soon  this  new  organization  also 
included  the  Congregational  Brethren  churches. 

In  view  of  the  fact  that  Wolfe  had  welcomed  Holsinger 
and  endorsed  his  views,  Oregon  Brethren  asked  Annual 
Meeting  in  1884  to  send  yet  another  committee  to  Cali- 
fornia to  "look  after  those  brethren."  A  committee  was 
appointed  and  visited  the  San  Joaquin  Valley  in  Novem- 
ber, where  it  noted  that  the  Stanislaus  church  had  been 
dissolved.  When  it  tried  to  call  a  church  council,  the 
members  of  the  California  Church  "rejected  the  commit- 

(y/he  1886  Annual  Meeting  had  little  recourse  other  than 
f/  to  disown  Wolfe  and  all  those  who  would  not  "respect 
or  hear  the  counsel  of  the  church."  After  more  than  20 
years  of  controversy  with  eastern  leaders  and  Annual 
Meeting,  Wolfe  and  the  "Church  of  California"  found  a 
new  home  in  a  new  denomination — The  Brethren 

By  that  time,  however,  Wolfe  was  near  the  end  of  his 
ministry,  and  church  work  fell  increasingly  to  his  son 
John  P.  Wolfe,  who  was  ordained  an  elder  in  1879. 
George  Wolfe's  health  began  to  fail  in  1875  after  con- 
tracting typhoid  fever,  which  at  the  same  time  claimed  the 
life  of  his  son  Joseph.  A  description  of  the  California 
Brethren  camp  meeting  of  1881  noted  that  "brother 
Wolfe,  though  72  years  old,  and  afflicted,  came  forth 
from  his  tent  on  crutches  and  exhorted  all."  He  died  at  his 
home  in  the  summer  of  1887.  The  congregation  he 
founded  and  loved,  the  "Church  of  California,"  continues 
its  witness  today  as  The  Brethren  Church's  Wolfe         rrp 
Memorial  congregation  in  Lathrop.  r^ 

Brethren  historian  David  B.  Eller  formerly  was  professor  of  history  at 
Bluffton  College.  He  also  has  served  as  book  editor  for  Brethren  Press.  He 
now  is  executive  director  and  publisher  for  the  Swedenborg  Foundation. 
He  and  his  family  live  in  West  Chester.  Pa. 

Three  chartered  flights,  each  carrying  ubuui  a  ton  of  Nner  language 
books,  were  made  from  Nairobi,  Kenya,  into  southern  Sudan. 

Tlie  Nuer  Bible  project: 

Tackling  the  hard  part 

BY  Esther  R  Boleyn 

iCC  A  fter  you  print  these  books,  how  do  you  plan  to 

/».distribute  them?"  That  question  often  is  asked  by 
the  distribution  department  of  the  United  Bible  Societies 
lin  Nairobi,  Kenya. 

These  people  know  that  producing  materials  in  a  ver- 
nacular language  often  is  the  easy  part.  The  hard  part  is 
[getting  the  materials  delivered  to  the  area  in  which  that 
vernacular  is  spoken  and  distributing  them  among  its 
speakers.  That  feat  becomes  harder  when  delivery  and 
distribution  must  be  made  in  a  country  such  as  Sudan, 
still  being  ravaged  by  years  of  civil  war. 

This  has  been  our  experience  with  the  materials  that 
we,  the  Nuer  Bible  Translation  Project,  have  produced. 
Since  1989,  my  husband,  Lester,  and  I  have  been  coordi- 
aating  the  translation  of  the  Bible  into  Nuer,  a  language 
spoken  by  a  million  southern  Sudanese  (see  "Beneficia- 
ries of  Grace,"  by  Lester  E.  Boleyn,  February  1996). 
I    The  Nuer  are  rejoicing  these  days  because  of  shipments 
of  many  books  to  their  home  areas.  With  a  large  grant 
Tom  the  Bible  Society  of  Australia,  we  chartered  three 
airplane  flights  into  Upper  Nile  Region,  the  Nuer  home- 
and.  Each  flight  carried  about  a  ton  of  books.  One  went 
o  the  east  (which  also  can  be  reached  by  Nuer  refugees 
n  Gembela,  Ethiopia);  one  to  the  west,  and  one  to  the 
:entral  area.  In  each  area,  messengers  collected  their  des- 
gnated  materials  and  carried  them  to  their  home  church 

Imagine  what  it  means  to  be  a  messenger  in  southern 
Sudan.  To  start  with,  there  are  no  roads  to  follow.  The 
messenger  may  have  to  walk  through  the  bush  for  four  or 
five  days  to  reach  a  river.  Then  he  travels  by  dugout 
canoe  for  several  days.  After  disembarking,  he  walks  four 
or  five  more  days  to  reach  the  collection  point.  Carrying 
the  heavy  cartons  on  his  head,  he  reverses  his  course  to 
return  home.  And  all  this  travel  is  done  in  temperatures 
reaching  more  than  1 10  degrees.  And  it  is  done  joyfully. 

Our  shipments  included  1  1  different  titles  that  our  pro- 
ject has  produced  in  the  past  years:  portions  of  Genesis, 
Exodus,  and  Jeremiah;  three  of  the  six  books  of  the  New 
Testament  New  Reader  portions;  two  books  I  have  written 
on  women  in  the  Old  and  New  Testaments;  and  three 
books  teaching  about  the  birth  of  Jesus,  the  death  of 
Jesus,  and  health  for  women  and  families. 

With  Sudan's  civil  war  showing  little  sign  of  coming  to 
an  end,  the  people  have  every  reason  to  be  discouraged. 
But  as  the  Christian  church  grows  in  amazing  propor- 
tions, the  receiving  of  these  books  in  their  own  language 
gives  the  Nuer  great  hope  for  the  future.  Anticipation  for 
the  complete  Bible  in  the  Nuer  language  is  high,  with  the 
distribution  date  of  2000  only  three  years  away. 

These  huge  smiles  and  prayers  of  rejoicing  must  surelyrjT^ 
warm  the  heart  of  God.  They  certainly  warm  ours.  K^ 

Esther  F.  Boleyn  is  associate  coordinator/editor  for  the  Nuer  Bible 
Translation  Project  in  Nairobi.  Kenya.  She  and  her  husband,  Lester,  are 
Church  of  the  Brethren  field  staff. 

May  1997  Messenger  17 

A  new  d  e  s  i  g  n 

for  the  General  Board 

Third  in  a  four-part  series  of  information  pieces 
about  the  General  Board's  proposed  new  design. 

For  the  General  Board, 


By  Nevin  Dulabaum 

The  theme  of  the  artwork  adorning  the 
walls  might  not  have  been  on  the  minds  of 
the  people  gathering  around  the  table.  Then 
again,  it  probably  was. 

That  artwork,  hanging  in  Meeting  Room  A 
of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Offices 
in  early  March,  consisted  of  a  nearly  continu- 
ous stream  of  fabric — fabric  showing  colorful 
butterflies  flitting  about.  Artistically  hung,  the 
fabric  tied  together  nearly  a  dozen 
posters  spread  around  the  walls,  each 
poster  printed  with  a  different  version  of 
Jeremiah  29:1 1: 

"For  surely  I  know  the  plans  I  have 
for  you,  says  the  Lord,  plans  for  your 
welfare  and  not  for  harm,  to  give  you 
a  future  with  hope"  (NRSV). 

Surrounded  by  this  verse  and  varia- 
tions of  it,  and  with  each  business  ses- 
sion beginning  with  worship  and  prayer, 
the  General  Board  met  March  7-11  to 
address  proposals  that  are  leading  to  the 
most  substantial  changes  the  Board  has 
undergone  since  its  creation  50  years 
ago.  Not  only  did  the  Board  reduce  its 
ministries,  personnel,  and  structure,  and 
table  for  a  year  a  location  decision  for 
its  central  offices,  it  approved  changes 
that  will  redefine  the  Board's  role  within  •••••• 

the  denomination,  charting  a  different 

course  from  what  the  General  Board  has  been  about  since  it 

was  established  in  the  late  1940s  (April,  pages  6-9). 

According  to  The  Brethren  Encyclopedia,  a  number  of 
cause-oriented  denominational  boards  were  formed  in 
the  decades  following  the  1 880s,  so  that  by  1 928  at  least  five 
independent  boards  reported  directly  to  Annual  Conference. 

Though  two  attempts  at  coordinating  all  ministries  were 
made  (in  1923  and  1940),  "organizational  questions  per- 
sisted." Annual  Conference  in  1942  was  asked  to  study 
home  mission  work  and  to  consider  simplifying  and  inte- 
grating the  various  boards.  Two  committees  later,  a  unifi- 

Not  only  did  the  Board 

reduce  its  ministries, 

personnel,  and 

structure,  and  table  for 

a  year  a  location 

decision  for  its  central 

offices,  it  approved 

changes  that  will 

redefine  the  Board's 

role  tvithin  the 


cation  recommendation  was  produced.  That 
recommendation,  which  was  approved  by 
Conference  delegates  in  1946,  led  to  the  for- 
mation of  the  General  Brotherhood  Board. 

This  25-member  Board  "was  created  to 
achieve  unity,  efficiency,  and  economy  in  gen- 
eral brotherhood  work."  To  do  so,  five  com- 
missions were  created — Commission  on  For: 
eign  Missions,  Commission  on  Ministry  and 
Home  Missions,  Commission  on  Christian 
Education,  Commission  on  Christian  Service, 
and  the  Commission  on  Finance. 

After  nearly  two  decades  under  this 
system.  Annual  Conference  appointed 
a  committee  to  study  the  system  and  to 
make  recommendations  for  changes.  In 
1 968  that  committee's  recommenda- 
tions were  approved:  "Brotherhood" 
was  dropped  from  the  title  and  the  five 
commissions  were  reduced  to  three — 
General  Services,  Parish  Ministries, 
and  World  Ministries. 

Four  major  modifications  have  been 
made  to  the  General  Board  since  then. 
The  Goals  and  Budget  Committee 
was  created,  composed  of  Board 
members,  executive  staff,  and  district 
executives,  who  work  on  budgetary 
goals  and  planning.  The  executives  of 
General  Services  and  Parish  and 
World  Ministries  became  associate 
general  secretaries  of  the  General 
'••••••  Board,  who,  together  with  the  general 

secretary  and  treasurer,  formed  a  unit 
called  the  Administrative  Council.  Annual  Conference's 
Review  and  Evaluation  Committee  was  created,  to  evaluate 
the  General  Board's  performance  once  each  decade.  And,  in 
1 988,  the  Pension  Board,  on  which  all  General  Board  mem- 
bers also  served,  became  a  separate  entity  with  a  12-member 
board  and  a  new  name,  Brethren  Benefit  Trust. 

The  General  Board  in  March,  after  two  years  of  prayer, 
discussion,  discernment,  and  contemplafion,  approved 
budget  parameters  of  $5,391,000  in  income  and  $5,135,000 
in  expense.  The  expense  parameter  is  down  $  1 .9  million  from 
1996.  As  a  result,  at  least  two  dozen  General  Board  employ- 

18  Messenger  M 

AY  1997 

Iramatic  shift  in  focus 

ses  will  have  their  jobs  terminated  in  mid-|uly.  Some  min- 
istries will  be  eliminated,  others  will  be  modified  so  that  ele- 
ments of  the  old  will  reappear  in  the  new.  Some  new  min- 
istries will  be  created,  such  as  the  Congregational  Life  Teams. 
Still  other  ministries,  specifically  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly 
and  Association  of  Brethren  Caregivers — which  already  report 
to  their  own  boards  as  well  as  to  the  General  Board — were 
given  their  release  as  General  Board  ministries,  effective  at  the 
;nd  of  the  year.  Thus,  the  General  Board's  journey  toward  a 
new  design  does  not  come  with  a  return  ticket:  what  has  been 
done  could  be  modified,  but  cannot  be  undone. 

These  all  are  decisions  that  stem  from  Redesign  Steer- 
ng  Committee  recommendations,  which  the  Board  is  em- 
Dowered  to  make.  However,  the  Board  needs  Annual 
Conference  approval  for  changes  in  polity.  In  March,  the 
General  Board  showed  its  faith  in  Jeremiah  29:1 1  by 
:urning  over  its  request  for  changes  in  polity  to  Confer- 
ence delegates  this  summer  instead  of  next,  keeping  the 
■edesign  process  moving  forward,  but  only  giving  the 
Board  four  months  to  explain  to  delegates  why  the 
bhanges  are  being  sought.  The  pros  and  cons  of  present- 
ng  these  polity  changes  this  year  versus  next  were  dis- 
cussed at  length  by  the  Board. 

"We  have  to  make  one  of  the  toughest  decisions  when 
ve're  still  grieving  what  was,"  said  Tracy  Wenger  Sadd, 
Board  member  and  member  of  the  Board's  Redesign 
Steering  Committee.  "No  matter  what  we  decide,  we  are 
>;oing  to  have  to  risk,  and  we  are  going  to  have  to  trust." 

As  a  result  of  its  PA  years  of  work,  the  Board's  Redesign 
steering  Committee  is  of  the  opinion  that  the  Board  and 
ts  relationships  with  other  denominational  organizations, 
listricts,  and  congregations  must  be  based  on  trust,  ser- 
'ant  leadership,  and  discernment,  Sadd  said.  Thus,  she 
idded,  it  is  fitting  that  the  Board  now  place  the  process 
nto  the  hands  of  the  1 ,000  delegates.  "We  must  be  the 
'ery  thing  that  we  are  calling  for  others  to  do,"  she  said. 

In  deciding  to  send  its  change  in  polity  proposals  to 
Conference  delegates  this  summer,  the  Board  showed  its 
aith  that  delegates  will  share  the  Board's  spirit  and  vision 
ind  join  the  Board  on  its  new  design  journey.  These 
hanges  include: 

•  reducing  the  General  Board  from  25  to  20  members 
o  reduce  costs.  Five  of  the  20  members  would  be  named 
ly  the  General  Board  and  confirmed  by  Annual  Confer- 
■nce.  This  process  is  being  sought  by  the  Board  so  that  it 
»an  ensure  that  people  with  specific  areas  of  expertise  it 

considers  necessary  can  be  called  to  serve  on  the  Board. 

•  removing  the  General  Board's  three  commission 
structure  (General  Services,  Parish  Ministries,  and  World 
Ministries)  in  favor  of  creating  and  utilizing  ad  hoc  com- 
mittees and  task  teams  when  needed.  This  will  give  the 
Board  increased  flexibility  and  increase  its  response  time 
for  ministry  initiatives  and  cooperative  efforts. 

•  transforming  the  current  Administrative  Council  em- 
ployee leadership  structure  to  a  Leadership  Team  design, 
consisting  of  an  executive  director  and  eight  other  direc- 
tors. This  is  seen  as  a  move  that  flattens  the  organization 
as  directors  of  ministries  will  report  directly  to  the  execu- 
tive director,  instead  of  to  an  executive  of  a  commission. 

•  creating  a  Mission  and  Ministries  Planning  Council, 
which  would  replace  the  Goals  and  Budget  Committee  and 
the  Planning  Coordinating  Committee,  a  committee  that 
consists  of  General  Board  and  district  representatives. 
This  new  council  would  assume  the  Planning  Coordinat- 
ing Committee's  functions,  while  the  General  Board's  Ex- 
ecutive Committee  would  absorb  Goals  and  Budget's  bud- 
get parameter  development  and  planning  responsibilities. 
This  Mission  and  Ministries  Planning  Council  would  allow 
for  a  circular  dialog  model — meaning  dialog  among  the 
national,  district,  and  congregational  levels — which  the 
Redesign  Steering  Committee  believes  will  ensure  that 
program  initiatives  are  supported  denominationally. 

By  adopting  this  new  design  in  March,  pending  Annual 
Conference  delegates'  approval  of  polity  changes,  the 
General  Board  has  made  a  dramatic  shift  in  its  focus  from 
what  it  was  established  to  do  50  years  ago.  No  longer  will  it 
coordinate  all  ministries  of  the  church.  But  it  will  work 
cooperatively  in  partnership  with  individuals,  congregations, 
districts,  and  other  denominational  organizations.  This  new 
design  is  needed,  according  to  the  Redesign  Steering 
Committee,  because  the  denomination  has  lost  momentum, 
has  no  central  organization  for  planning,  currently  has  plan- 
ning that  is  driven  by  national  staff,  and  lacks  adequate 
structure  for  dialog  among  denominational  organizations, 
districts,  and  congregations. 

By  working  together  in  a  cooperative  manner  and  plac- 
ing ownership  of  ministries  at  all  levels — national,  dis- 
trict, congregational — the  Board  has  faith  that  God's 
hand  is  in  this  plan  and  that  the  denomination  will  regain 
momentum  and  become  revitalized. 

That,  it  is  hoped,  will  be  the  legacy  of  this  redesign. 


May  1997  Messenger  19 



BY  Alan  Kieffaber 

Read  Acts  2,  the  Pentecost  story 


nd  Pentecost  will  come  again"  is  a  the  refrain  of  a 
hymn  1  remember.  Whitsunday  is  called  the  "birthday 
of  the  church,"  and  it  does  share  some  of  the  symbols — 
everyone  together  for  a  common  purpose  and  Wow!  The 
"lighting  up"  experience!  If  they  had  one  wish  in  that  time 
of  Jesus'  recent  departure  from  them,  they  surely  got  it — 
his  powerful  presence  with  them  in  a  new  and  enlarged 

Many  of  us  have  sung  the  hymn  "Lord,  send  the  old- 
time  power,  the  Pentecostal  power,  thy  floodgates  of 
blessing  on  us  throw  open  wide  .  .  .  that  sinners  be  con- 
verted and  thy  name  glorified."  There  is  another 
well-known  symbol,  the  flood  of  purification,  healing, 
baptism,  as,  indeed,  we  speak  of  the  "baptism  of  the  Holy 
Spirit."  Baptism  has  varying  meanings,  including  testing 
unto  death  as  well  as  simple  immersion  after  Jesus'  exam- 

20  Messenger  May  1997 

pie  and  teaching,  as  a  ritual  of  faith  commitment. 

There  is  much  talk  today  about  downsizing,  shrinking 
attendance,  and  flat  budgets,  along  with  increased  pres- 
sure on  church  life,  associated  with  changing  values  and 
too  many  "worldly"  things  to  do  and  think  about.  Far  back 
in  the  beginnings  of  the  Christian  community,  when  Jesus 
had  just  been  executed,  his  followers  discovered  him  to  be 
both  newly  alive  and  then  ascended  into  the  eternal  realm 
out  of  their  sight,  but  he  had  promised  to  send  them 
"another  comforter." 

We  discuss  and  fantasize  about  church  growth  as  we 
come  into  the  21st  century.  We  read  about  mega-ministr\ 
with  a  $34-million  stained-glass  edifice  and  services  for 
1  5,000  members  in  Monstertown,  Texas,  or  the  miracu- 
lous revival  of  The  Little  Church  That  Could  in 
Smalltown,  USA.  We  would  do  well  to  consider  what  did 
happen  or  might  have  happened  on  that  revival  day  called 
Pentecost,  when  the  "early  church"  of  Jesus'  disciples,  the 
discouraged,  leaderless,  and  perhaps  even  in-hiding  band 
was  wondering  what  was  coming  next,  even  as  many  of  us 
do  now. 

Then  exploded  on  them  the  manifestations  of  fire,  wind, 

earthquake,  and  a  miraculous  "gift"  of  speaking  and 
hearing  "tongues"  of  heretofore  unknown  languages  that 
some  today  call  charisma.  The  word  refers  to  a  special 
gift  of  persuasion  and  attracting  people  to  oneself  and 
one's  message,  and  it  certainly  was  present  on  that  first 
Pentecost  Day.  Reminiscent  of  the  experience  of  Elijah  on 
the  mountain,  these  mysterious  forces  galvanized  them  as 
they  did  Elijah  when  the  time  of  apparent  success  had 
suddenly  deteriorated  into  death,  depression,  and  a  great 
uncertainty  about  what  was  coming  next. 

Much  wondering  and  discussion  surround  these  events 
recorded  in  Acts  1  and  the  several  other  references  that 
foretell  them.  "God,"  we  say,  "how  we  wish  we  could 
understand  them  better,  in  order  to  duplicate  them  in  our 
own  spiritual  lives,  so  as  to  recreate  the  fervor  of  Christ- 
ian discipleship  in  these  'latter  days.'"  We  read  that  they 
were  together,  both  physically  in  that  upper  room  and  "in 
one  accord,"  in  prayer  and  a  unity  of  spirit  and  purpose. 

How  we  wish  we  could  duplicate  that.  Were  they  only  the 
eleven-plus-one,  the  "new  twelve"?  And  don't  we  want  to 
think  that  the  first  "sisters"  were  also  with  the  first  "broth- 
ers," the  former  having  faithfully  followed 
and  ministered  both  to  Jesus  and  the  rest 
of  them,  co-learners,  providers  of  food,  fel- 
lowship, and  hospitality,  even  as  our  women 
do  today?  Indeed,  we  do!  And  surely  all 
was  not  gloom  and  doom,  dark  prediction, 
and  hollow  clink  of  spoon  on  dish  as  in  our 
traditional  love  feast.  Surely  there  was 
laughter,  joyful  reminiscence,  optimism, 
and  hope. 

And  then  the  explosion!  It  was  morning, 
which  fact  was  used  to  explain  that  the  stun- 
ning phenomena  were  not  the  result  of  a 
communal  hangover.  Had  it  been  a  sleep- 
less night  of  prayerful  watching?  Was  there 
any  clue  or  premonition,  or  were  they  as 
taken  by  surprise  as  the  community  of  many 
people  and  languages  upon  whom  they  burst 
from  the  upper  room,  the  seedbed  of  rev- 
olution and  unimaginable  change?  It  was  the  birth  day  of 
the  "church"  of  |esus  Christ,  whose  fracturing  and  demise 
is  lamented  by  many  nearly  two  millennia  later. 

What  happened?  I  don't  know.  Fire.  Wind.  A  shaking 
and  roaring.  An  outburst  of  speaking  and  preaching,  in 
which  Peter's  voice  is  identified,  but  apparently  was 
accompanied  by  many  others.  And  people  of  a  dozen  or 
more  diverse  and  discreet  ethnic  and  language  back- 
grounds all  hearing  in  their  own  tongue.  How  important 
this  is  can  be  imagined  if  you  have  ever  been  in  a  foreign 
[Setting  in  which  you  grasped  the  rudiments  of  how  to  find 
J  restaurant  or  bathroom,  but  a  street  sermon  on  sin  and 
salvation  in  the  foreign  language  would  have  found  you 
entirely  unable  to  relate. 

Yet,  they  all  understood  every  word,  as  if  each  one  had 
one's  own  set  of  earphones  and  personal  interpreter.  And 
;hey  were  so  many  together  and  so  moved  by  the  message 
:hey  heard,  each  one  alone,  that  they  rushed  to  respond, 
ind  3,000  were  "saved."  Does  that  raise  the  question  of 

If  we  seriously 
considered  the 


happenings  of 

Pentecost,  would 

we  be  willing  for  it 

to  come  again? 

what  "Are  you  saved?"  means?  Is  3,000  a  nice,  round 
number?  Or  what? 

if  even  an  approximation  of  what  Acts  2  describes  actu- 
ally happened,  it  is  scary.  If  what  preceded  the  visitation 
of  the  Holy  Spirit  is  puzzling  and  commends  its  duplica- 
tion to  us,  what  more  of  its  aftermath?  Three  thousand, 
and  these  were  baptized  on  the  spot.  And  that  is  nothing, 
compared  to  the  report  that  they  were  all  immediately 
integrated  into  the  life  of  the  church,  and  were  fed,  taught 
to  pray,  and.  .  .  . 

And  that's  just  for  starters.  The  preaching  continued 
day  after  day,  and  the  converts  increased  day  after  day, 
and  people  were  giving  up  their  possessions  and  turning 
their  property  over  to  the  church.  There  is  no  mention 
that  they  ever  went  back  to  that  tiny  upper  room  again. 
And  why  should  they? 

But  in  the  many  New  Testament  accounts  and  reports 
that  follow  this  "first  day,"  we  read  no  mention  of  a  single 
piece  of  ground  being  purchased  or  structure  being 
erected  to  house  these  tens  of  thousands  of  disciples  or 
their  program  of  nurture,  or  witness  or  stewardship.  No 
houses  for  pastors,  no  benefit  plans.  No 
stained  glass,  no  "Akron  plan,"  or 
padded  seats,  or  divided  chancel,  or  ele- 
vated deacons  bench,  or  robe  for  priest 
or  choir.  Amazing,  isn't  it?  Amazing 

We  hear  of  the  growth  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Nigeria  after 
its  separation  from  the  American  mis- 
sion dependency.  We  are  aware  of  great 
growth  being  recorded  and  predicted  in 
some  of  the  Hispanic  ministries  both 
stateside  and  elsewhere.  Charismatic 
evangelistic  growth  is  noted  in  places 
around  the  world,  in  many  denomina- 
tions, and  in  many  indigenous, 
nondenominational  manifestations. 

If  I  could  understand  Pentecost 
and  what  it  might  mean  for  the  experi- 
ence of  church  life  and  growth  where  I  am,  I  would  do 
well  to  reread  Acts  2  and  those  passages  that  predict  and 
follow  it.  I  would  do  well  to  think  and  pray  long  and  hard 
over  these  amazing  accounts,  sketchy  and  incredible  as 
they  are.  And  as  they  were  together,  I  would  do  well  to 
gather  together  with  fellow  believers  in  this  study  and 
search,  seeking  the  common  understanding  of  the  disci- 
ples together,  just  as  they  did. 

What  might  happen  if  we  prayed  and  sincerely  sought 
to  receive  the  "Spirit"  of  Acts  2,  as  in  the  poem  of  H.H. 
Tweedy:  "O  Spirit  of  the  living  God,  /  Thou  Light  and 
Fire  divine,  /  Descend  upon  thy  church  once  more  /  And 
make  it  truly  thine."  I  would  be  afraid  for  my  life  and 
livelihood,  certainly  for  my  conventional  pastorate  and 
moderately  remodeling  little  church  building.  How      r-nr-, 
about  you?  r^^i 

Alan  Kieffaber  is  pastor  of  Denton  (Md.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

May  1997  Messenger  21 

Ministry  to 

ciiildreii  is  a 

higii  and  iioiy 

privilege — a  gift 

entrusted  to  us 

by  God  to  help 

reconcile  the 

world  to  Jesus 




by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

Be  transformed  by  the 
renewing  of  your  mind,  that 
you  may  prove  what  the  will 
of  God  is,  that  which  is 
good  and  acceptable  and 
perfect  (Rom.  12:2,  NASB). 

For  a  long  time,  I  held 
a  less  than  positive 
attitude  toward  vacation 
Bible  school.  Although  I 
loved  it  as  a  child,  when  I 
became  an  adult  I  consid- 
ered Bible  school  a  childish 
thing  to  put  aside.  For 
many  years  thereafter,  as  1 
functioned  in  the  church,  1 
had  as  little  to  do  with 
Bible  school  as  possible. 
And  1  had  a  long  list  of 

"Working  with  younger 
kids  is  not  my  area  of 
greatest  strength."  (That 
was,  and  remains,  true.) 

"I  am  much  more  effec- 
tive teaching  adults."  (That 
is  also  true.) 

"I  carry  a  lot  of  responsi- 
bility in  other  areas  of 
ministry."  (True  then;  true 

"I  don't  have  any  kids 
involved,  so  why  should  I 
be  expected  to  help?"  (Or 
it's  variation:  "I'm  done 
raising  my  kids,  so.  .  .  .") 

"Besides,  I  don't  have  the 
time."  (Does  anyone?  Our 
Bible  school  director  put 
me  to  shame  each  evening, 
coming  straight  to  the 
church  from  work  still  in 
her  nursing  uniform.) 

God  began  dismantling 
these  attitudes  in  me  a  few 
years  ago,  until  last 

summer,  when  they  were 
completely  demolished  and 
transformed  into  joy — 
pure,  unadulterated, 
unshakable  joy. 

Don't  get  me  wrong;  it 
made  me  tired.  In  fact,  five 
straight  nights  of  energetic, 
excited,  wound-up  kids 
racing  from  one  session  to 
the  next  left  me  downright 

But  it  was  a  happy,  fulfill- 
ing kind  of  tiredness — the 
satisfaction  of  a  job-well- 
done  kind  of  tiredness.  As  I 
assessed  the  impact  of  the 
week,  I  was  amazed  that  I 
had  had  more  fun  than  I 
had  experienced  in  any 
other  single  event  since  I 
entered  pastoral  ministry. 

But  joy  and  fun  notwith- 
standing, important  work 
was  accomplished.  One 
Bible  school  worker  told  me 
about  her  six-year-old 
nephew  watching  a  video  of 
his  cousin's  baptism.  After 
a  few  moments,  he  turned 
to  his  grandmother  and 
asked,  "Grandma,  is  that 
what  the  inside  of  a  church 
looks  like?" 

That  very  same  scene  is 
being  played  out  right 
under  our  very  noses 
among  our  relatives,  neigh- 
bors, and  coworkers.  Bible 
school  is  not  just  about  fun 
and  games  for  kids  and  a 
"night  off"  for  neighbor- 
hood parents.  It's  about 
bringing  young  people  and 
their  families  into  the  circle 
of  God's  love. 

And,  guys,  it's  not  just  for 
your  daughters  and  wives.  I 
often  hear  the  complaint 

that  there  is  a  shortage  of 
strong  male  leadership  in 
the  church  today.  But  what 
can  we  expect?  When  little 
boys  grow  up  having  only 
female  helpers  in  the  nurs- 
ery, Sunday  school, 
children's  church,  and  Bible 
school,  how  can  they  help 
but  get  the  idea  that  church 
is  basically  a  "girl's  thing"? 

Ministry  to  children  is  a 
high  and  holy  privilege — a 
gift  entrusted  to  us  by  God 
to  help  reconcile  the  world 
to  lesus  Christ.  Tragically, 
many  Bible  school  pro- 
grams are  aborted  every 
summer  for  lack  of  help, 
which  is  largely  attributable 
to  the  barrier  of  church 
members'  attitudes. 

When  we  hold  on  to  neg- 
ative beliefs  about  various 
aspects  of  ministry,  our 
attitudes  become  stumbling 
blocks  to  God's  work.  But 
when  we  cooperate  with 
God's  intention  to  renew 
our  minds  (in  other  words, 
change  our  thinking),  our 
attitudes  are  transformed 
from  stumbling  blocks  into 
stepping  stones,  and  we  can 
"prove  what  the  will  of  God 
is,  that  which  is  good  and 
acceptable  and  perfect" 
(Rom.  12:2). 


Robin  Wentworth  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Kokomo  (Ind.)  Church  of 
tlie  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  column  offering 
suggestions,  perspectives,  and  opin- 
ions— snapsltots  of  life — that  we  Iwpe 
are  helpful  to  readers  in  their  Christian 
journey.  As  the  writer  said  in  her  first 
installment,  "Remember,  when  it  comes 
to  managing  life's  difficulties,  we  don't 
need  to  walk  on  water.  We  just  need  to 
learn  where  the  stepping  stones  are.  " 

22  Messenger  May  1997 






BY  Robert  E.  Alley 

Read:  Luke  12:22-34. 

\Tl  was  Pentecost  Sunday — the  sev- 
I  enth  Sunday  after  Easter,  when  we 
Christians  remember  and  celebrate 
the  gift  of  the  Holy  Spirit  to  fill  our 
ives  and  draw  us  together  as  Christ's 
people.  As  the  congregation  filed  into 
church,  ushers  handed  each  person  a 
oright  red  carnation  to  symbolize  the 
Festive  spirit  of  the  day.  People  lis- 
tened attentively  to  the  reading  of  the 
Pentecost  story  from  Acts.  It  told  how 
:he  disciples  heard  "what  sounded 
ike  a  powerful  wind  from  heaven" 
and  how  the  Holy  Spirit  appeared 
'like  tongues  of  fire."  Then  came  the 
sermon.  The  preacher  began  with 
'The  Spirit  of  the  Lord  is  upon  us."  A 
ivoman  sitting  in  the  front  pew 
ihouted,  "Like  a  powerful  wind  from 
"leaven!"  She  threw  one  of  the  red 
carnations  toward  the  altar.  So  the 
areacher  started  again  with  "The 
Spirit  of  the  Lord  is  upon  us!"  The 
same  woman's  voice  rang  out:  "Like 
ongues  of  fire!  Like  tongues  of  fire!" 
\gain  she  threw  a  red  carnation 
oward  the  altar.  The  preacher  looked 
straight  at  her  and  said,  "Now  throw 
/our  pocketbook!"  At  that,  the  woman 
•eplied  more  softly,  "Now,  preacher, 
/ou  have  just  calmed  the  wind  and  put 
Jut  the  fire!" 

Preachers  have  been  accused  of 
neddling  in  human  life.  Perhaps 
hat's  part  of  the  job.  If  it  is,  then 
here  is  no  more  sensitive  area  to 
neddle  in  than  the  one  of  money. 
Sometimes,  preachers  have  been 
iccused  of  ethical  violations  in  the 
nanagement  of  money.  Several  years 
igo,  a  popular  TV  preacher  was 
ound  guilty  of  mismanaging  funds 

from  contributors.  He  pulled  time  in 
the  pen  as  a  result. 

I  am  glad  to  be  part  of  a  community 
of  faith  in  which  the  budgeting  and 
management  of  funds  are  a  joint 
responsibility.  Part  of  the  success  of 
the  Billy  Graham  ministry  may  be 
attributed  to  this  pattern  in  its  money 
management.  Early  in  his  ministry, 
Graham  consulted  with  leaders  in  the 
stewardship  department  of  the 
National  Council  of  Churches  or 

Minds  occupied  vuith 

earthly  treasures 

create  hearts  that 

become  over  anxious 

or  hard.   Minds 

occupied  u^ith  God's 

rule  in  endeavors  of 

love  and  peace  create 

hearts  that  grow  in 

their  generosity  and 


another  ecumenical  group  regarding 
the  handling  of  his  evangelistic 
finances.  Their  advice  was  that  the 
funds  be  managed  by  people  other 
than  himself,  and  that  all  workers 
receive  a  salary  rather  than  the  pro- 
ceeds of  an  offering.  He  took  that 
advice.  When  I  worked  with  a 
Graham  Crusade  in  Martinsburg, 
W.Va.,  I  learned  that  all  funds 
received  were  handled  locally.  The 
Graham  organization  was  paid  a  con- 

tract price  for  particular  services, 
including  that  of  the  evangelist.  If  all 
costs  of  the  Crusade  were  covered 
through  local  donations  prior  to  the 
Crusade  itself,  no  offerings  were  even 
necessary  during  the  week. 

All  of  us  believe  that  money  matters. 
We  earn  it;  we  save  it;  we  spend  it;  we 
love  it;  sometimes  we  hate  it;  we 
anticipate  it;  we  wrestle  with  it;  we 
share  it;  we  hoard  it.  Ultimately,  we 
leave  it.  In  our  attempts  to  be  pious, 
we  may  deny  that  money  matters.  Yet 
as  Harry  Emerson  Fosdick  wrote, 
money  "is  your  personal  energy 
reduced  to  portable  form  and 
endowed  with  power  you  do  not  pos- 
sess." Money  is  a  product  of  human 
innovation,  but  full  of  holy  and 
demonic  potential. 

Some  people  are  reluctant  to  speak 
about  money  in  the  church,  as  though 
it  were  irrelevant  to  ministry.  One 
pastor  said,  "People  go  nuts  when 
they  talk  about  money."  Celia  Allison 
Hahn  from  Alban  Institute  wrote, 
"They  would  rather  tell  you  about 
their  most  painful  traumas  or  the  inti- 
mate details  of  their  most  private  lives 
than  let  you  in  on  how  much  money 
they  make  and  what  they  do  with  it." 
Church  leaders  may  even  apologize 
for  talking  about  it.  Many  church 
study  groups  refuse  or  hesitate  to  use 
resources  on  the  topic.  As  a  result, 
congregations  gravitate  toward  a 
maintenance  or  survival  mode  instead 
of  letting  visions  of  mission  and  min- 
istry blossom. 

The  reality  is  that  money  does 
matter.  As  a  measure  of  personal 
energy  and  portable  power,  our  reluc- 
tance to  deal  openly  with  money 
reflects  how  private  we  really  are 
regarding  matters  of  faith  and  now 
fearful  we  may  be  of  anyone,  even 

May  1997  Messenger  23 

ourselves,  assessing  our  faithfulness 
to  Christ  and  the  church.  Still, 
money  is  a  hot  topic.  Books  and 
magazines  abound  to  explain  how  to 
earn  it,  how  to  save  it,  how  to  shelter 
it,  and  how  to  make  it  grow.  Does 
ever  a  day  go  by  that  money  does  not 
appear  in  your  mind?  Richard  Foster 
sees  money  as  one  of  the  three  most 
seductive  forces  today,  along  with 
sex  and  power. 

A  father  purchased  a  large  table 
globe  for  his  children  as  a  Christmas 
gift.  As  they  opened  his  gift,  he  noted 
a  hint  of  disappointment  on  their 
faces.  "What's  wrong?"  he  asked. 
"Well,  Daddy,  we  really  wanted  one 
with  a  light  on  the  inside."  Dutifully, 
the  father  exchanged  the  globe  for  a 
different  model.  A  friend  asked  him 
what  he  learned  from  the  experience. 
He  replied,  "1  learned  that  it  costs  a 
lot  more  to  light  the  world."  [esus 
said  something  about  us  being  the 
light  of  the  world. 

In  a  time  of  growing  costs  and 
diminishing  resources,  one  truth 

remains  unchanged:  Money  is  a  sub- 
stantive matter  for  the  Christian's 
journey.  }esus  spoke  more  about 
money  and  possessions  than  any 
other  subject  except  the  kingdom  of 
God.  Of  the  38  recorded  parables  of 
lesus,  16,  almost  half,  are  about 
money  and  possessions.  Clearly, 
money  mattered  in  the  culture  and 
times  of  lesus  and  the  New  Testa- 
ment church,  as  well  as  in  our  own. 

Now,  what  about  these  money 
matters?  Several  Bible  verses  have 
served  as  guides  and  warnings.  In 
1  Timothy  6:10,  it  is  written  that 
"the  love  of  money  is  a  root  of  all 
kinds  of  evil" — a  direct  and  inclusive 
reminder  of  what  drives  evil  in  our 
lives.  Not  money  itself,  for  it  is  rather 
neutral.  Our  relationship  with  money 
makes  the  difference.  Will  it  be  an 
object  for  our  lust  or  our  beneficial 
service?  In  Luke  12:22-34  and  in 
other  stories,  Jesus  addressed  these 
money  matters  in  the  context  of  rela- 
tionship with  our  possessions.  He 
doesn't  appear  to  have  condemned 

people  for  either  making  or  having 

In  one  story,  |esus  offered  concerr 
for  the  rich  and  the  righteous: 
"There  is  still  one  thing  lacking.  Selll 
all  that  you  own  and  distribute  the 
money  to  the  poor"  (Luke  18:22). 
The  ruler  to  whom  this  was  spoken 
was  wealthy  and  good,  but  didn't 
know  a  generous  heart.  He  had  only 
a  receiving  and  accumulating  heart. 
lesus  saw  his  need  to  become  a  gen- 
erous benefactor.  We,  with  our 
wealth  and  our  goodness,  need  to 
listen  to  that  story  and  examine  our- 

The  story  of  the  poor  widow 
putting  her  "two  small  copper  coins'" 
into  the  temple  treasury  (Luke 
21:1—4)  would  expand  the  illustra- 
tion so  that  generosity  with  money 
was  not  restricted  to  those  who  have 
much.  In  proportion,  the  widow  gave 
more  than  the  richest. 

Early  in  my  ministry,  a  family  in 
the  congregation  suffered  their 
second  home  fire.  They  lost  almost 

We're  Building  a  House! 

T'he  Church  of  the  Brethren  and  the  Beach, 
California  I  labitat  for  1  lumanity  need  help  building 
a  house  during  the  Church  of  the  Brethren's  211th 
Annual  Conference. 

150  UOLUNTEERS  ARE  NEEDED  to  Work  in  a  Variety  of  Areas: 

•  framing  •  Roofing  •  Drywalling  •  Vinyl  Siding 

•  Cleaning  •  Painting  •  Interior  Trim  •  Floor  Covering 

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25  volunteer  workers  are  needed  each  day. 
All  workers  must  preregister 

CONTRIBUTIONS  ARE  NEEDED  to  cover  the  cost  of  building 

materials.  Coniributions  can  be  made  through  the 
limergency  Disaster  fund.  Send  checks  designated  for  the 
1  labitat  i  louse  to:  Brethren  Disaster  Response 

P.O.  Box  188,  New  Windsor  MD  21776 

Church  of  the  Brethren  Sponsors:  Brethren  Volunteer  Service, 
Brethren  Disaster  Response,  The  Andrew  Onter,  News  Services 

For  More  Information  or 
an  Application  Contact: 

Disaster  Besponse 


24  Messenger  May  1997 

/erything.  When  they  came  to  wor- 
lip  the  next  Sunday,  someone 
bserved  the  wife  in  the  family  plac- 
ig  her  offering  as  usual  into  the 
Dliection  plate.  Her  generosity 
(ceeded  her  tragedy. 
Generosity  crosses  economic  lines 
)  offer  one  aspect  in  money  matters. 
;sus  neither  told  nor  tells  everyone 
)  sell  all  he  has  and  give  it  away, 
istead,  the  gospel  calls  us  all  to  a 
;nerosity  that  shares  our  treasured 
isources  in  proportion  to  the  faith 
e  claim  and  the  goodness  we  pos- 

Remember  the  story  of  the  Good 
amaritan  (Luke  10:25—3  7).  When 
le  Samaritan  took  the  injured  man 
)  the  inn,  he  used  his  money  to  pro- 
de  for  the  man's  care.  Money  is  not 
lerely  a  resource  for  generosity,  but 
means  for  servant  care.  lesus  com- 
lended  the  Samaritan  for  his 
;rvice.  Money  offers  the  opportu- 
ity  to  benefit  others.  It  is  the 
Drtable  means  of  servant  power  for 
ich  of  us  to  do  what  we  may  not  be 
3le  or  qualified  to  do  by  ourselves. 
Consider  the  story  of  Mary  and  the 
3stly  perfume  she  used  to  anoint 
!sus'  feet  (John  12:3-8).  She  was 
iprimanded  by  |udas  for  her  extrav- 
Jance  and  for  not  selling  the 
;rfume  (worth  nearly  a  year's 
ages  for  a  laborer)  and  giving  the 
loney  to  the  poor.  Yet  Jesus  com- 
lended  her  act  as  one  of  holy  love, 
ife  affords  us  opportunities  to  use 
ur  money  for  expressions  of  love, 
id  these  may  not  be  only  for  those 
eking  the  necessities  of  life. 
Jesus'  instruction  regarding  money 
latters  seems  to  authenticate  what 
osdick  says:  "It  is  our  personal 
lergy  reduced  to  portable  form  and 
idowed  with  power  we  do  not  pos- 
;ss."  As  we  make  decisions 
;garding  its  use,  we  reflect  our  per- 
3nal  values  and  interests.  Money, 
;sus  indicated,  mirrors  who  we  are. 
he  treatment  of  money — how  it  is 
jrned  and  how  it  is  spent — is  one  of 
le  most  decisive  tests  of  a  person's 

However  much  the  New  Testament 
nd  the  words  of  Jesus  in  particular 
ress  the  evil  potential  in  money,  the 
ood  news  is  that  money  does  not 

have  to  seduce  and  dominate.  It  can 
be  extremely  useful  for  sharing,  exer- 
cising Christian  compassion, 
correcting  inequities,  promoting  eco- 
nomic justice,  building  the  church, 
and  extending  the  kingdom  of  God. 
Clement  of  Alexandria,  a  2nd-cen- 
tury  church  leader,  said,  "Wealth  is 
at  our  disposal,  an  instrument  that 
can  be  used  well  or  foolishly.  How  it 
is  used  does  not  depend  on  the 

instrument,  but  on  the  person  who  is 
using  it.  If  we  use  it  well,  it  is  a  valu- 
able servant — a  servant  that  can  do 
good  things  for  us,  and  for  those 
who  depend  on  us.  If  we  use  it  badly, 
it  is  an  unhelpful  servant — a  servant 
that  causes  us  and  our  friends  end- 
less harm."  This  wisdom  carries 
contemporary  relevance. 

Money  matters.  It  mattered  to 
Jesus  as  he  told  what  it  means  to  live 

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May  1997  Messenger  25 

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an  abundant  and  fulfilling  life.  Oth- 
erwise, he  would  not  have  told 
stories  calling  for  generosity  and  fo 
servant  care  with  it. 

Money  matters  to  the  family.  Eacll 
of  us  carries  responsibility  for  our 
family  members  in  providing  for 
life's  resources,  including  instructic 
for  children  in  how  to  manage  mom; 

Money  matters  to  our  society.  Ho 
we  use  money  in  business  and  gov- 
ernment relates  not  only  to  prudent 
investment  and  growth,  but  also  to 
opportunities  for  human  justice  and 

Money  matters  to  the  church.  Wit 
it,  the  church  can  continue  the  woxV 
of  fesus  by  nurturing  faith  in  all  gen 
erations  and  by  supporting 
opportunities  for  witness  and  servic 
in  Jesus'  name.  With  our  attitudes 
regarding  money,  we  can  truly  affec 
the  wind  and  fire  of  Christ's  people. 

But  most  of  all,  money  matters  to 
the  heart.  Jesus  said  in  words  that 
need  to  be  the  conscience  in  each  of 
us:  "Where  your  treasure  is,  there 
your  heart  will  be  also"  (Luke 
12:34).  Life  is  like  a  gathering  of 
wealth.  Minds  occupied  with  earthly 
treasures  create  hearts  that  become 
over  anxious  or  hard.  Minds  occu- 
pied with  God's  rule  in  endeavors  oi 
love  and  peace  create  hearts  that 
grow  in  their  generosity  and  service. 
When  you  build  a  house,  your  lende 
expects  you  to  put  some  money  up 
front  for  the  project.  Jesus  didn't  saj 
we  have  to  put  our  money  in  the 
kingdom  before  we  enter,  but  he  did 
indicate  that  our  heart  will  not  be 
there  unless  our  treasure  is  there 

Money  and  its  potential  influence 
calls  for  our  respect.  In  more  words 
of  Harry  Emerson  Fosdick,  "It  can 
go  where  we  cannot  go;  speak  lan- 
guages we  cannot  speak;  lift  burdens 
we  cannot  touch  with  our  fingers; 
save  lives  with  which  we  cannot  deal 

Where  our  treasure  is,  there 
our  heart  will  be  also. 

Robert  E.  Alley  is  pastor  of  Bridgewater 
(Va.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 


26  Messenger  May  1997 


\f God  has  seen  fit  to  arate  and  to 
:ontinu€  creating  a  diverse  world, 
'hen  it  is  incumbajt  upon  us,  God's 
leopk,  to  honor  and  respect  it. 

If  ^^ 

et's  have  harmony 

"he  tandem  positioning  of  the  March 
/Iessencer  letters  "E.T.,  Phone 
iarth" — which  speaks  of  the  "inclu- 
iveness  of  Christ's  love  for  ail 
luman  beings" — and  "No  Place  in 
'hurch  for  Gays"  highlights  the  lack 
'f  unity  among  us  on  a  basic  ques- 
ion:  Is  everyone  welcome? 

If  God  has  seen  fit  to  create  and  to 
continue  creating  a  diverse  world, 
then  it  is  incumbent  upon  us,  the 
people  of  God,  not  only  to  tolerate 
that  diversity,  but  to  honor  and 
respect  it.  All  people  are  created  in 
God's  image,  and  are  entitled  to 
being  treated  with  dignity. 

I  have  great  respect  for  the  Peace 
Church  tradition  of  the  Church  of 

the  Brethren.  1  do  not  see  how  we 
can  ever  hope  to  achieve  peace  with 
justice  in  the  world  if  we  cannot  live 
in  harmony  in  our  own  congrega- 
tions and  communities. 

My  congregation,  Columbia 
United  Christian  church  (an  affilia- 
tion of  United  Church  of  Christ, 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  and  Disci- 
ples of  Christ),  is  an  "open  and 
affirming"  congregation.  We  mem- 
bers support  each  other  on  our 
spiritual  journey  without  being  judg- 
mental about  where  each  of  us  is  on 
that  journey.  In  our  regular  liturgy, 
we  say,  "We  give  thanks  that  the 
living  Christ  invites  us  and  all  people 

Elder  John  Kline  Bicentennial  Celebration 

June  12-15,  1997 

Linville  Creek  Church  of  the  Brethren 

Broadway,  Virginia 

Capture  some  of  the  spirit  and  vision  of  Elder  Kline  through  20  presentations  under  four  theme  tracks:  Woyks]\OTp  &  Preach- 
ing; Civil  War  Background  &  Issues;  Gemian  Baptist  Leaders,  Relationships  &  Transition;  John  Kline  as  a  Leader  Guest  speakers 
include:  Fred  Benedict,  Tim  Binkley,  Emmert  Bittinger,  Carl  Bowman,  Dale  Brown,  Don  Dumbaugh,  Ray  Gingench, 
Michelle  Grimm,  John  L.  Heatwole,  William  Kostlevy,  Steve  Longenecker,  Dale  Stoffer,  Phil  Stone,  Klaus  Wust.  Other 
leaders  include  Jeff  Bach,  Ken  Bomberger,  Chris  Douglas,  Alice  Geiman,  Kate  Johnson,  David  Radcliff  Judy  Mills  Reimer, 
Mary  Ahce  Womble. 

Experience  the  setting  of  the  Early  Brethren  and  Elder  Kline  through  six  tours:  the  Church  cemetery  where  Elder  Kline,  his 
wife  and  other  leaders  are  buried;  the  John  Kline  Farm  Home;  the  Tunker  House,  home  of  Peter  Nead  and  M.R.  Zigler; 
the  Memorial  Martyr  where  Kline  was  killed;  a  Last  Day  Walk  tracing  Kline's  final  hours;  and  a  Heritage  Horseback  Ride 
over  the  countryside  Kline  traveled. 

Learn  about  Kline  and  the  Early  Brethren  through  nearly  35  exhibits;  Children's  Learning  Centers  with  Heritage  Passports; 
Junior  High  Scavenger  Hunt  on  Klme's  History;  Senior  High  Heritage  Retreat  and  Walk. 

Celebrate  Elder  Klme's  birthday  through  a  dinner  theatre.  The  Final  Journey  of  John  Kline,  at  the  Broadway  High  School  each 
night;  two  Heritage  Concerts  with  Andy  &  Terry  Murray;  an  Old  Order  Worship  Sunday  morning;  a  Memorial  Service 
Sunday  afternoon. 

General  Registrarion  after  May  5,  1997:  $7.50  per  day;  Child  Care,  $7.50  per  day;  Children's  and  Junior  High  Activities, 
$17.50  per  day;  Senior  High  Heritage  Retreat,  $42.00;  Hentage  Horseback  Ride,  $25.00. 

Shuttle  services  provided  between  all  sites,  with  golf  carts  for  those  who  have  difficulty  walking. 

For  more  information  and  additional  resources  on  John  Kline's  life  and  witness,  contact  Paul  Roth,  coordinator/pastor, 
Lmville  Creek  Church  of  the  Brethren,  405  E.  Spnngbrook  Road,  Broadway,  VA  22815-9631  (540-896-5001);  e-mail: 

May  1997  Messenger  27 


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be  read  aloud  in  church,  today  it  is  viewed  by  many  readers  as 
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involving  numbers  and  beasts.  As  perhaps  the  epitome  of 
apocalyptic  literature.  Revelation  has  been  understood  by  many 
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of  all  spiritual  paths,  ages,  abilities, 
races,  sexual  orientations,  and  fel- 
lowships into  our  community  of  love; 
and  healing." 

Raymond  T.  Donaldsc 
Columbia,  Mii 

Check  out  Gamaliel's  booth 

At  a  most  crucial  time,  when  emo- 
tions and  passions  were  high, 
Gamaliel  (Acts  5:34-39)  brought 
forth  some  very  wise  counsel:  How 
we  treat  people  whom  we  feel  are 
misguided  or  worse  is  very  impor- 
tant. If  what  they  are  up  to  is  not  of 
God,  it  will  pass.  If  it  is  of  God, 
then  certainly  we  do  not  want  to  be 
found  fighting  with  God. 

It  is  not  acceptable  behavior  when 
some  Brethren  treat  others  in  less 

The  opinions  expressed  in  Letters  are  not  necessarih 
those  of  the  magazine.  Readers  should  receive  then 
in  the  same  spirit  with  which  differing  opinion 
are  expressed  in  face-to-face  conversations. 

Letters  should  be  brief  concise,  and  respectfU 
of  the  opinions  of  others.  Preference  is  given  P. 
letters  that  respond  directly  to  items  read  in  thi 

We  are  willing  to  withhold  the  name  of  a  write 
only  when,  in  our  editorial  judgement,  it  i 
warranted.  We  will  not  consider  any  letter  tha: 
comes  to  us  unsigned.  Whether  or  not  we  print  thi 
letter,  the  writer's  name  is  kept  in  strictest  confidenct 

Address  letters  to  Messenger,  1451  Dundel 
Ave.,  Elgin,  LL  60120. 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 

Director  of  Ministry 

Team  development  and  coordination  in  devel- 
oping a  system  to  call,  equip,  and  support 
people  for  ministerial  leadership. 

Director  of  Brethren  Witness 

Grounding  in  Brethren  heritage,  theology,  and 
polity:  ability  to  assist  people  and  congrega- 
tions in  giving  voice  and  shape  to  Brethren 
beliefs,  values,  and  witness. 

Send  Resume  and  cover  letter  to  Glenn 
Timmons,  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120, 
by  May  15. 

28  Messenger  May  1997 

lan  respectful  ways.  Do  our  words 
nd  actions  and  reactions  reflect 
eing  team  members,  or  being  in 
pposition  to  one  another?  If  warm 
earts  and  cool  minds  do  not  prevail, 
len  we  too  may  be  found  fighting 
gainst  God. 

Early  Brethren  seemed  to  be  in 
jne  with  Gamaliel's  practical 
/isdom — always  open  to  more  light 
nd  truth.  Truth  that  we  are  likely  to 
liss  may  come  from  those  whom  we 
5ast  expect  it  to. 

We  present-day  Brethren  need 
elpful,  creative  channels  for 
xpressing  strongly  held  beliefs.  So 
/hat  about  having  a  "Table  of 
jamaliel"  at  Annual  Conference? 

Some  zealous  Brethren  sometimes 
ush  certain  agendas  and  materials. 
Lnd  they  also  want  materials  that  not 
lUowed  or  are  censored. 

Make  such  materials  available  at 
he  "Table  of  Gamaliel,"  and  there 
ould  be  some  enlightening  inter- 
hange.  Indeed,  some  items  of 
'onference  business  might  wisely  be 
abled  until  there  are  more  light  and 
ruth  to  guide  the  action. 

Unless  we  practice  more  wisdom 
f  Gamaliel,  all  the  fellowship,  wor- 
hip,  and  actions  of  Conference  .  .  . 
nd  the  effort  put  into  the  "new 
esign"  .  .  .  may  prove  futile. 

Roger  Eberly 
Milford,  lnd. 

'assing  on  "blessed  hope" 

'he  earthly  life  of  Jesus  was  spent  in 
/hat  we  would  call  today  a  Third 
Vorld  country.  People  suffered  from 
ard  times  and  lack  of  hope.  Jesus' 
lessage  was  for  the  ears  of  those 
/ithout  hope.  That  hope  he  offered 
elped  believers  to  endure  and  the 
hurch  to  grow. 

That  same  hope  is  what  we  should 
e  offering  today  to  people  who  are 
nslaved  by  oppressive  economic  and 
olitical  systems.  (See  "Where 
'here's  All  Work  and  No  Play," 
4arch,  page  18.) 

Hope  does  not  require  the  trap- 

Hear  him  spea\  at  the  Messenger  Dinner 

July  3,  1997,  Long  Beach,  Calif. 

Patric^  Mellerson 

Piistor  oj  Butler  Chapel  African  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church,  Orangeburg,  S.C. 

"From  the  Ashes: 
Building  Bridges  of  Hope 

The  Church  of  the  Brethren  is 
helping  rebuild  Butler  Chapel, 
tvhich  tvas  burned  by  arsonists 
in  March  1996. 

For  dinner  tickets,  call  the  Annual 
Conference  office  at  (800)  323-8039. 
Tickets  also  available  in  Long  Beach 
at  .Annual  Conference  ticket  sales. 

COB  Washington  Office 

a  bridge  between  members  of  the 
church  and  public  policy  makers 

Nearly  forty  years  ago,  the  1957  Annual  Conference 
proclaimed,  "We  believe  that  in  a  democracy  Christians  must 
assume  responsibility  for  helping  to  create  intelligent  public 
opinion  which  will  result  in  legislation  in  harmony  with  the 
eternal  laws  of  God." 

The  Washington  Office  provides  members  of  the  church  free  and  concise 
information  about  current  federal  policies  within  the  context  of  our  Brethren 
tradition.  The  Witness  to  Washington  newsletter  provides  updates  on  current 
issues,  excerpts  of  Annual  Conference  statements  which  help  guide  our  actions, 
and  information  on  how  to  contact  policy  makers.  Key  issues  include: 



Church  and  State 




Women's  Justice 

Middle  East 

Death  Penalty 

Children's  Issues 

Civil  Rights 

Latin  America 

If  you  are  interested  in  promoting  national  and  international  efforts  for  a  world  of 
greater  peace,  justice  and  stewardship  of  God's  creation,  contact  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren  Washington  Office,  337  North  Carolina  Ave  SE,  Washington,  DC 
20003,  or  e-mail  The  newsletter  and  additional  alerts  are  also 
available  by  electronic  mail. 

Stay  informed  and  live  out  Christ's  call  to  active 
peace  making  by  joining  the  Washington  Office  network. 

May  1997  Messenger  29 

call  (800)  323-80391^  ext.  247 
Ask  for  Vicki. 

.v;;^:.?:.';"  y.C :-:.--  :'.c::i.iS'Silii!L¥.::i-3K>"Si^- 

in  Prayer 

Daily  prayer  guide: 

Sunday:  Your  congregation's  ministries 

iVIonday:  Annual  Conference  officers 

Tuesday:  General  Board  and  staff 

Wednesday:  District  executives, 

Bethany  Seminary,  colleges 

and  university 
Thursday:  General  Services 

Friday:  Parish  Ministries 
Saturday:  World  Ministries 

May  prayer  concerns: 

Congregation:  Mothers  Day,  May 
1 1 ;  graduates. 

Annual  Conference:  Moderator  and 
moderator-elect;  executive  director. 

General  Board:  Interim  Leadership 
Team;  employees  being  dismissed; 
search  committee  for  executive  direc- 
tor of  the  General  Board;  Transition 

Districts  and  colleges:  Bethany 
Seminary  graduation.  May  1 1;  stu- 
dents seeking  summer  jobs. 

General  Services:  Human  Resources 
staff;  Planned  Giving  staff. 

Parish  Ministries:  National  Youth 
Sunday,  May  4;  discussions  with 
Association  of  Brethren  Caregivers. 

World  Ministries:  SERRV;  discus- 
sions with  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly. 

pings  of  church  life  as  we  know  it 
today  or  the  luxuries  of  our  society. 
It  does  require  a  Spirit-filled  heart 
focused  on  manifesting  the  fruit  of 
the  Spirit  and  pruning  away  the 

We  can  do  our  part  in  improving 
the  lot  of  the  world's  working  chil- 
dren by  refusing  to  purchase  goods 
from  those  who  abuse  those  children. 
But  we  need  to  understand  that 
falling  trade  barriers  will  transfer 
some  of  our  own  prosperity  to  those 
underpaid  workers. 

lolin  Bloiich 
Lebanon,  Pa. 

Part  of  my  heritage 

I  am  81  years  old,  and  Messenger 
has  always  been  a  part  of  my  life. 
Although  it  has  changed  a  lot  over 
the  years,  I  cannot  imagine  being 
without  it. 

I  have  had  two  or  three  articles 
published  in  the  magazine.  And  in 
my  scrapbook  I  have  an  article  that 
my  grandfather  ].  H.  Quillhorst  had 
published  in  The  Gospel  Messenger. 

So  Messenger  is  part  of  my  her- 

Marie  Griffii 
Carleton.  Ne^ 

What  DOES  the  Brethren  Foundation  offer? 

•  A  large  investment  pool  that  attracts  the  best  managers 

•  A  diversified  investment  system  that  helps  to  improve  performance 

•  A  mandate  requiring  that  investments  reflect  Brethren  values 

•  An  over-arching  commitment  to  producing  competitive  returns 

If  you  need  a  new  stewardship  strategy  for  your  church's 
funds,  Brethren  Foundation  may  be  the  answer. 

a  ministry  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  Benefit  Trust 

I  St     JBmmmJv 

Classified  Ads 

Shalom  Church  of  the  Brethren,  a  new  &  growing 
fellowship  in  Durham,  N.C,  invites  Brethren  moving 
to  Research  Triangle  area  (Raleigh,  Durham,  Chapel 
Hill)  to  worship  w/  us.  Eager  to  provide  moving  assis- 
tance (unloading,  child  care,  area  info.)  for  those 
relocating  to  area.  For  info.,  contact:  Fellowship,  RO. 
Box  15607,  Durham,  NC  27704.  Tel.  (919)  490-6422.  E- 
mail,  ShalomC0B@A0L.COM 

Join  Witness  for  Peace  on  delegation  to  Nicaragua, 
Guatemala,  Haiti  this  summer,  fall.  Focus  on  economic 
justice,  labor  rights,  environment,  human  rights.  See 
human  face  of  US  foreign,  economic  policies.  Live  in 
communities,  meet  civil  society  leaders  in  their  strug- 
gle for  justice,  Upon  return,  get  involved  w/ WFP  in 
US,  advocating  for  policies,  practices  promoting  last- 
ing peace,  economic  justice.  Very  affordable  prices. 
Contact  WFP-COB,  1 10  Maryland  Ave.  NE,  Suite  304, 
Washington,  DC  20002.  Tel.  (202)  544-0781. 

Have  farming  experience  but  not  ready  for  risks  of 

starting  from  scratch? Join  us  in  managing  Nev,  .\li  hi 
ing  Farm.  24-yr.-old  certified-organic,  family  vegci.ibl 
operation  in  rural  Pa.  Year-round  position  w/  flexibl 
duties,  freedom  to  make  decisions.  Private  housinj 
competitive  salary,  benefits.  Requires  exp.  in  vegei.ibl 
production  or  similar  Tel.  Jim  Crawford,  (81-!  i  n!- 
3904.  Write  Box  168-B,  Hustontown,  PA  17229. 

Reprints  available.  New  edition  of  Nead's  Theulo^ 
kalWriiiiigson  Various  Subjects^/ mim.  byW'illiai 
Kostlevy;  paperback  special  price:  J  12.95.  7"/)f  0//r 
Branch  ...,  hardback  special  price:  $19.95.  Adil  ~^1 
&  h.  Dunker  Springhaus  Ministries,  319  E.  Dewe\  .\\  e 
Youngstown,  OH  44507. 

"Anabaptists  in  Conversation:  Mennoniu  uk 
Brethren  Interactions  with  20th-century  Theologies 
conference.  June  19-21,  at  The  Young  Center,  Eliza 
bethtown.  Pa.  Inquire:  Conference,  Young  Cencei 
Elizabethtown  College,  Elizabethtown,  PA  17022-2298 
Tel.  (717)  361-H70.  Fax  (717)  361-1443,  E-mai 

30  Messenger  May  1997 


iley,  Cecil  and  Pauline. 

Verona,  Va..  55 
nderson,  Charles  and  Wilma. 

Fort  Wayne,  Ind..  50 
alsbaugh,  loe  and  Arlene, 

Macy,  Ind..  60 
ealer,  Harold  and  La  Verne. 

Lancaster.  Pa..  60 
ixler.  William  and  Clantha, 

Carlisle,  Pa.,  50 
oose.  Raymond  and  Mary. 

Hollidaysburg.  Pa..  50 
owman,  Harold  and  Caro- 
line. Harrisonburg.  Va..  50 
oyer.  Ernest  and  Ruth. 

Carlisle,  Pa..  60 
rubaker,  lohn  and  Orlena. 

Lititz.  Pa..  55 
ryant,  Kenneth  and  Ruby, 

Goshen,  Ind.,  60 
yrem,  Gerald  and  Lois, 

Strasburg.  Pa.,  50 
handler.  Bob  and  Betty. 

Beaxercreek.  Ohio.  50 
layton,  lohn  and  Fran, 

Mount  Solon,  Va..  55 
'lingenpeeL  Leon  and 

Catherine.  Avilla,  Ind..  50 
rummett,  Wilmer  and 

Thelma.  Bridgewater,  Va., 

lulp,  Fred  and  Evelyn,  Nap- 

panee,  Ind.,  60 
'ick,  LaDean  and  Mary  Alice. 

Fort  Wayne.  Ind.,  50 
orwart,  jack  and  Yolanda, 

Vero  Beach,  Fla..  50 
rb.  Earl  and  Kathryn, 

Ephrata.  Pa..  60 
tslnger,  Bud  and  Ruby.  New 

Paris.  Ind..  50 
ields,  Ernest  and  Isabel. 

Goshen,  Ind.,  50 
jfer,  Willie  and  Mary,  Mount 

Solon,  Va..  65 
rederick,  Carlyle  and  luanita. 

Nappanee.  Ind..  50 
rindrich,  Harold  and 

Thelma.  Hershey,  Pa..  50 
arner,  Lloyd  and  Helen. 

Kansas  City.  Kan..  55 
inton.  Bill  and  Emma.  Mar- 

tinsburg.  Pa..  55 
odgden,  Glen  and  DeLouris, 

Kansas  City,  Mo.,  55 
iodgden.  Merle  and  Frances. 

Kansas  City.  Mo..  55 
iolderman.  Earl  and  Kathryn, 

Modesta,  Calif.,  50 
lowes,  Robert  and  Ruth, 
!    Bridgewater.  Va..  50 
l>seph,  David  and  Mary. 
1    Onekama.  Mich..  60 
layman.  Ward  and  Maxine, 
I    Dayton.  Va..  55 
jlatheny,  Russell  and  Alberta, 

Dayton.  Ohio.  50 
leadows,  Richard  and  Alice. 

Hollidaysburg,  Pa.,  60 
liller,  Robert  and  Dorothy, 

Bridgewater.  Va..  50 
liller,  Warren  and  Treva. 

Beavercreek.  Ohio.  50 
.ichols,  Linford  and  Sarah. 

Hopewell.  Va..  60 
ielsen,  Alfred  and  Ethel. 

Modesto,  Calif..  55 
acker,  Oscar  and  Ann,  Mid- 

dlebury,  Ind..  50 
faltzgrafr,  Roy  and  Violet, 

Lancaster,  Pa..  50 

Quarry,  Lloyd  and  Elizabeth. 
Martinsburg,  Pa..  50 

Shaffer,  Dean  and  Atlegra, 
Windber.  Pa..  65 

Shcnk,  Paul  and  Blanche. 
Carlisle.  Pa.,  50 

Sherman,  Gerald  and 

Dorothy,  Goshen,  Ind..  60 

Simmons,  Melvin  and  Geor- 
gia, Mount  Solon,  Va..  50 

Smith,  Kenny  and  Dorothy. 
New  Paris.  Ind..  55 

Tritt,  Clair  and  Mary.  Carlisle, 
Pa.,  50 

Wampler,  Stanley  and  Mazie, 
Harrisonburg,  Va.,  50 

Wampler,  Weldon  and  Cather- 
ine, Bridgewater,  Va.,  55 

Weber,  Clinton  and  Dena.  Van- 
couver, Wash..  50 

Young,  Forest  and  Lora  Lee, 
Harrisonburg,  Va..  55 

Zack,  loe  and  Ruth,  Kansas 
City,  Kan..  60 


Gauby.  Martin,  from  district 
executive,  S.  Plains,  to  West 
Goshen.  N.  Ind. 

McDaniel,  Alton,  from  retired 
to  Cedar  Run,  Shen. 

Peyton,  James  M.,  from  secu- 
lar to  Myersville,  Mid.  Atl. 


Arendt,  Patricia  I..  Feb.  13. 

1997,  Gettysburg,  S.  Pa. 
DeVore,  Thomas  A..  March  I, 

1997,  Boulder  Hill,  Ill./Wis. 
Hanks,  Thomas,  April  27, 

1997,  Roanoke,  Oak  Grove, 

Hartman,  Charles  L..  |an.  27. 

1997.  New  Fairview,  S.  Pa. 
Ilyes,  lohn  S..  Ian.  29.  1997. 

New  Fairview,  S.  Pa. 
Laue,  Ron,  Aug.  2,  1996. 

Northern  Colorado.  W. 

Lehigh,  Daniel  G.,  March  1. 

1997.  Upper  Conewago,  S. 

MacDonald,  ].  Christopher, 

Feb.  13,  1997,  Gettysburg, 

S.  Pa. 
Pheasant,  lanelle,  Dec.  18, 

1996,  Huntingdon,  Stone. 

Mid.  Pa. 
Rediger,  Anita.  Oct.  8.  1996. 

Yellow  Creek.  N.  Ind. 
Reinhold,  Charles  H..  Sept. 

14.  1996,  Flower  Hill,  Mid. 

Replogle,  Shawn,  April  23, 

1996,  Bridgewater,  Shen. 
Riley,  Richard  D..  Nov.  1. 

1996,  Frostburg,  W.  Marva 
Rivera,  Marcelo  Otero,  May 

11.  1996.  Pueblo  de  Dios. 

Atl.  S.E. 
Sayler,  Barbara,  Aug.  2,  1996, 

Eden  Valley,  W.  Plains 
Shively,  Paula  M.,  |an.  25, 

1997,  Huntington.  S/C  Ind. 
Smith,  Leonard  W..  [an,  29. 

1997,  Rouzerville,  S.  Pa. 
Spaid,  Darrel  R.,  Nov.  4. 
1996.  Maple  Springs.  W. 

Spencer,  Brain  E..  Sept.  14. 

1996.  Rockton.  W.  Pa. 
Spire,  Samuel  G.,  Nov.  23. 

1996,  French  Broad,  S.E. 
Stevens,  Rahn  L..  March  1, 

1997,  Prairie  View, 
W.  Plains 

Dim,  David.  Nov.  9,  1996,  Mt. 

Pleasant.  N.  Ohio 
VanVoorhis,  Valeria,  March  4, 

1997,  Anderson,  S/C  Ind. 
Villanueva,  Oscar  Lopez,  |r.. 

May  1 1,  1996,  Iglesia 

Christiana-Getsemani,  Atl. 

Walern,  Steven  E..  |an.  1. 

1997.  Cedar  Grove,  S.  Ohio 
Webster,  |erry  R.,  March  1. 

1997,  Boulder  Hill,  Ill./Wis. 
Wetzel,  Howard,  Feb.  27, 

1997,  Wakemans  Grove, 

Williams,  loan  H.,  Feb.  15. 

1997,  Arcadia,  Atl.  S.E. 


Malone,  Sarah  0.,  Feb.  1, 

1997,  Univ.  Baptists 

Brethren,  Mid.  Pa. 
McAdams,  Ronald  L.,  Oct.  26, 

1996,  Middle  District,  S, 

Reese,  Sherry  Lynn,  Aug.  3. 

1996.  Beacon  Heights,  N. 

Reininger,  Linda  L..  Aug.  2, 

1996,  Nanty  Glo,  W.  Pa. 
Snyder,  Sue  E..  Nov.  16. 

1996.  Highland  Ave., 

Sumpter,  Lynette.  Aug.  3. 

1996.  Pine  Creek,  N.  Ind. 
Taylor,  lack,  May  11,  1996, 

Cumberland,  S.E. 
Teal,  Mark.  Sept.  14,  1996, 

Black  River,  N.  Ohio 
Wright,  lames,  |an.  18,  1997, 

Greencastle,  S.  Pa. 


Adams,  Elizabeth,  90,  New 
Oxford,  Pa..  Feb.  23.  1997 

Adams,  Mary,  60,  Rockwood. 
Pa.,  Ian.  18,  1997 

Ahalt,  Doris,  65,  Hagerstown, 
Md..  |une2.  1996 

Anderson,  Charles  A..  54. 
Kokomo.  Ind..  Feb.  1  7, 

Applequist,  Wanda,  65, 

Franklin  Grove,  111..  Dec.  8. 

Arey,  Carl  E.,  68.  Dayton.  Va., 
Jan.  20.  1997 

Arnold,  Opal,  4 1 ,  South  Whit- 
ney, Ind..  Nov.  29.  1996 

Aschliman,  Kathryne.  89, 
Goshen,  Ind..  Aug.  2.  1996 

Bailey,  Edwin,  65, 

Phoenixville,  Pa.,  Oct.  7, 

Baker,  Gerald,  50,  Martins- 
burg, Pa..  Nov.  27,  1996 

Barkdoll,  Eugene  C,  85,  Way- 
nesboro. Pa..  Dec.  10.  1996 

Barnhart,  Eugene  F.,  82,  Way- 
nesboro, Pa.,  Nov.  4.  1996 

Bauer,  Pauline  A..  85.  New 
Paris.  Ind..  Dec.  28,  1996 

Baugher.  Duane.  62.  Oxon 
Hill.  Md.,  Dec.  6,  1996 

Baum,  Glenn,  73,  Elizabeth- 
town,  Pa.,  Aug.  30,  1996 

Bauser,  Ethel.  90.  Greenbank. 
Va.,  Sept.  17,  1996 

Beahm,  E.  Russell,  91,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  |an.  9.  1997 

Benner,  Shane.  1 1  mo., 

Hagerstown.  Md.,  May  22, 

Bennett,  Richard  A.,  38.  Ligo- 
nier.  Pa..  Aug.  29,  1996 

Benz,  Henry,  73,  Numa,  Iowa, 
Oct.  15,  1996 

Besse,  Erma  F.,  90,  Alliance, 
Ohio,  May  12,  1996 

Bird,  Charles  W..  72,  Conti- 
nental, Ohio,  Ian.  26.  1997 

Blosser.  Roy.  86.  Nappanee. 
Ind..  Nov.  9.  1996 

Blough,  losephine.  93.  Eliza- 
bethtown.  Pa..  Sept.  22, 

Boardwell,  Robert,  70, 
Oregon  City,  Ore.,  |an.  3, 

Boatman,  lames,  62,  Jersey 
Shore,  Pa.,  Nov.  30.  1996 

Bolyard,  Lincoln.  73, 

Moatsville,  W.Va.,  Sept.  15. 

Bolinger,  Maude,  99,  Peace 
Valley,  Mo.,  Dec.  25,  1996 

Bosserman,  Fred  E.,  82,  York, 
Pa..  March  2,  1997 

Boyers,  Harry  S.  Sr.,  81,  Port 
Republic,  Va..  Nov.  1 1, 

Brammell,  Violette,  87, 

McPherson,  Kan.,  Nov.  12. 

Brandenburg,  Everett.  82. 
North  Manchester,  Ind.. 
Feb.  15.  1997 

Brandt,  |acob.  90.  Elizabeth- 
town.  Pa..  Feb.  10.  1997 

Breeden,  Betty  B..  64,  Har- 
risonburg, Va..  Feb.  7.  1997 

Bridge,  Grady  S..  84.  New 
Carlisle.  Ohio,  Oct.  24. 

Bright,  |.  Calvin.  81,  Dayton, 
Ohio,  )an.  8,  1997 

Brown,  Florence.  92.  Martins- 
burg, Pa..  Aug.  7,  1996 

Brubaker,  Edyth,  87  Lan- 
caster. Pa..  Oct.  4.  1996 

Brubaker,  Elizabeth.  96.  Lan- 
caster. Pa..  Oct.  27,  1996 

Brubaker,  Nina.  97.  La  Verne. 
CaliL.  Nov.  12.  1996 

Brumbaugh,  Emma,  89,  Mar- 
tinsburg, Pa..  Oct.  13.  1996 

Brumbaugh,  Robert,  69, 
Hartville,  Ohio,  Dec.  9. 

Bucher,  Cyrus  G.,  83, 
Biglerville.  Pa..  Aug.  23. 

Carr,  Kim  A.,  41.  York.  Pa.. 
Dec.  14.  1996 

Cassidy.  Ann  L.  92,  Harrison- 
burg, Va..  Ian.  11,  1997 

Chaney,  Margaret  L.,  81. 
Grantsville.  Pa.,  Aug. 

Chronister,  Preston  E..  75. 
York.  Pa.,  March  15,  1997 

Clark,  Willis.  61,  Hagerstown. 
Md..  Feb.  18.  1996 

Coffman,  Clarence  E..  75. 
Roanoke.  Va..  Dec.  9.  1996 

Copenhaver,  Mable,  89, 
Goshen,  Ind..  Oct.  15. 

Cooper,  Eva  B..  82.  Harman. 

W.  Va..  Nov.  11.  1996 
Cooper,  Troy,  65,  Continental, 

Ohio,  May  19.  1996 
Cooper,  William  M.,  87,  New 

Carlisle,  Ohio,  Dec. 

Corle,  Grace  E..  79.  Gulfport. 

Miss.,  Oct.  9.  1996 
Covaie,  Elsie  M.,  85,  lohn- 

stown.  Pa.,  Dec.  8.  1996 
Covarl,  Mary  G..  90.  New 

Oxford.  Pa.,  March  15. 

Craven,  Margaret.  96.  Read- 
ing. Pa.,  Nov.  10,  1996 
Crossan,  Thomas  Jr..  74. 

Ephrata.  Pa..  Aug.  24.1996 
Cullison,  Oscar  T.  82.  Get- 
tysburg. Pa.,  Oct.  7,  1996 
Gulp,  Edna,  88,  Columbia, 

Ohio,  Dec.  31.  1996 
Gulp,  Hazel  V,  100.  Goshen. 

Ind..  Aug.  9,  1996 
Cummings,  Shelle  L..  22, 

York,  Pa.,  Nov.  21.  1996 
Cupp.  Harold  W..  66.  Mount 

Solon.  Va..  Dec.  26,  1996 
Delawder,  Ernest  B.,  76, 

Pleasant  Valley,  Va.,  Ian.  8, 

Delawder,  Lefa  G.,  78,  Rock- 
ingham, Va..  Ian.  29.  1997 
DeLong,  Frank.  76,  Dayton, 

Ohio,  Ian.  1.  1997 
Demmitt,  Floyd  A..  73. 

New  Carlisle.  Ohio.  Oct. 

19.  1996 
Derringer,  Norma,  80, 

Greenville,  Ohio,  Nov.  1, 

Deterline,  Floyd,  58,  East 

Freedom,  Pa.,  May  20, 

Dickey,  Clara  I.,  92,  North 

Manchester,  Ind.,  Feb.  3, 

Dilly,  Oliver,  86,  Raymore, 

Mo.,  Nov.  22,  1996 
Dilly,  Prudence,  79,  Raymore, 

Mo.,  Nov.  3,  1996 
Dresher,  Naomi,  87, 

McPherson,  Kan.,  Feb.  5, 

Driver,  Dorothy,  90,  Elida, 

Ohio.  Feb.  12.  1997 
Ebie,  Galen,  72,  Louisville, 

Ohio,  Oct,  3.  1996 
Eigenbrode.  Merle  C,  74. 

Waynesboro.  Pa.,  Dec.  12. 

Engle,  Emma.  81.  Elizabeth- 
town.  Pa..  Aug.  1  1,  1996 
Engle,  ).  Harold,  99,  Waynes- 
boro, Pa..  Dec.  19,  19% 
Evans,  lessie  V.  71.  Oakland. 

Md..  Ian.  2,  1997 
Fahneslock,  Rav  C.  73.  Win- 
chester. Va..  ian.  28.  1997 
Farrell,  Irene  M.,  65,  Goshen, 

Ind..  Feb.  21.  1997 
Fifer,  Mary  C.  83.  Bridgewa- 
ter, Va.,  Feb.  24,  1997 
Fike,  Lester,  99,  Goshen,  Ind.. 

Dec.  19,  1996 
Flora,  lake,  85,  Springfield, 

Ohio,  March  8.  1997 
Flory,  Mary,  91,  Waynesboro, 

Pa..  Ian.  12,  1997 
Forney,  Anna,  93,  Lancaster, 

Pa..  Oct.  27.  1996 
Forsyth.  Florence.  96. 

Holmesville.  Neb.,  luly  1. 


May  1997  Messenger  31 


The  limitations  of  an  optic  glass 

Go?ie  was  the 

Mich  elajigelesqu  e 

image  of  God  as  a 

bearded  old  man 

sailing  around  in 

the  clouds 

wearing  only  a 

hospital  gown. 

The  April  National  Geographic  magazine  carries  a 
cover  story  on  the  accomplishments  of  the  Hubble 
Space  Telescope.  Orbiting  370  miles  above  the  earth, 
with  its  view  unobstructed  by  the  atmosphere,  Hubble 
can  look  back  some  1 1  billion  years  in  time.  A  photo- 
graph of  what  the  astronomers  dubbed  the  "Etched 
Hourglass  Nebula"  carried  a  caption  leading  off  with  this 
sentence:  "Astronomers  looked  8,000  light-years  into  the 
cosmos  .  .  .  and  it  seemed  that  the  eye  of  God  was  staring 

The  photo  does,  indeed,  show  what  looks  like  a  giant 
eye.  What  intrigued  me,  however,  was  the  suggestion 
that  God — a  God  who  would  be  physically  visible,  if  only 
one  could  see  far  enough — is 
"out  there"  somewhere,  hovering 
on  the  periphery. 

it's  easy  to  understand  how  we 
come  by  our  God  images.  Begin- 
ning with  the  Genesis  story  that 
we  cut  our  teeth  on  in  Sunday 
school,  we  learn  about  a  God 
who  certainly  seems  to  be  some- 
thing physical,  like  us.  God 
works  all  week,  gets  sweaty  and 
tired,  and  rests  on  the  Sabbath. 
How  can  God  get  tired?  And  how 
can  we  help  but  conjure  up  images  of  "old  man  God"? 

It's  no  wonder  that  astronomers,  perhaps  even 
astronomers  who  profess  no  belief  in  God,  might  get  the 
creepy  feeling  that  when  they  probe  into  the  uttermost 
reaches  of  the  universe,  they  just  might  stumble  onto 
God  himself,  puttering  at  whatever  it  is  he  still  does  out 
there,  after  all  these  lonesome  years. 

Little  children,  after  exposure  in  Sunday  school  to  sto- 
ries of  the  garden  (with  God  ambling  about  in  it  "at  the 
time  of  the  evening  breeze"),  move  on  to  other  lessons, 
to  be  progressively  exposed  to  elaborations  of  God's 
character.  If  the  children  are  fortunate,  they  learn  from 
exposure  to  Genesis  1  the  vital  truth  that  creation  exists 
because  of  God's  creative  power.  The  purpose  of  the  cre- 
ation story  is  to  make  the  point  that  the  universe  is  good. 
And  if  the  children  continue  in  good  fortune,  they  wade 
on  through  the  Old  Testament,  with  its  many  disturbing 
images  of  a  God  with  a  short  fuse  and  a  strong  bent  for 
wreaking  vengeance,  and  eventually,  as  mature  adults, 
see  that  the  Old  Testament  leads  up  to  the  New.  And  in 
that,  God  is  revealed  truer  to  form. 

At  some  point  in  my  youth,  when  I  had  begun  to  surf 
the  Scriptures  on  my  own,  1  came  across  1  |ohn  4:8,  was 
gripped  by  it,  and  ever  since  have  considered  it  the  most 
significant  statement  in  the  Bible:  "Whoever  does  not 

32  Messenger  May  1997 

love  does  not  know  God,  for  God  is  love." 

God  is  love!  At  first  I  couldn't  quite  grasp  the  meaninji 
of  those  three  words,  hampered  by  too  many  mindless 
repetitions  of  them  in  the  song  "Praise  him,  praise  him 
all  ye  little  children;  God  is  love.  God  is  love."  Graduallj 
though,  the  meaning  sank  in.  This  is  a  definition  of  God 
1  marveled.  This  really  is  what  God  is;  It's  not  just  a 
pretty  thought!  Suddenly  I  understood  the  truth,  and  wa 
released  from  the  Michelangelesque  image  of  God  as  a 
bearded  old  man  sailing  around  in  the  clouds  wearing 
only  a  hospital  gown. 

Poet  Harold  McCurdy,  in  his  poem  "Morning  Sick- 
ness" (Theology  Today,  January  1997),  puts  the  Hubble 
views  into  proper  perspective: 

The  Hubble  telescope 
Has  brought  Immensity  near, 
Now  let  delusive  hope 
Yield  to  wholesome  fear. 

For  what  are  we,  conducting 
Our  little  human  affair, 
With  all  that  star-eructing 
Going  on  out  there? 

McCurdy  goes  on  to  paint  a  picture  of  our  seemingly 
utter  insignificance  in  view  of  the  enormousness  of 
the  universe.  Then  he  closes  with  observations  helpful  to 
us  Christians: 

-  Yet  autumn  turns  to  spring. 

And  spring  to  autumn  turns. 
Leaves  rustle,  the  birds  sing. 
Love,  or  its  memory,  burns. 

Once  mercy  was  promised  to  us. 
Else  why  did  the  Bridegroom, 
Of  true  love  amorous. 
Die,  and  rise  from  the  tomb? 

And  as  for  astronomers  finding  themselves  staring 
through  Hubble  right  into  the  eyeball  of  God, 

Love  has  greater  scope 
Than  any  optic  glass. 
And  will,  abandoned  by  hope, 
Through  every  terror  pass. 

It's  a  mighty  big  leap,  from  the  scientific  wonders 
described  in  National  Geographic  to  the  wonder  of 
1  John  4:8,  but  1  dropped  my  magazine  and  leaped. 
And  was  glad  I  did.  — K.T. 

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a  46-acre  retirement  community, 
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services,  as  well  as  recreational 
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Bridgewater  Village  to  provide  an  environ- 
ment with  services  that  are  necessary  to 
maximize  independence,  and  a 
choice  of  activities,  endeavors, 
and  pursuits. 



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hurch    of  the    Brethren 

Rosanna  Eller  McFadden  -  artist 
Goshen,  Indiana 


David  Wine  -  Moderator 
Judith  G.  Kipp 
Dawn  O.Wilhelm 
Millard  Fuller 
Glenn  Mitchell 
Rich  Hanley 

Saturday  Evening  Concert 

Huntley  Brown 


Music  that  is  Inspired, 
Anointed,  Powerful 
and  Explosive 




Long  Beach, 

July  I  -  6, 1 997 

Color  Photos  Courtesy  of  Long  Beach 
Convention  and  Visitors  Bureau 

Church  of  the  Brethren 

June  1997 




John  C.  Baker 

At  101,  STILL  A 

Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Editorial  Assistant:  Paula  Wilding 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche,  Martha  Cupp 
Promotion:  Linda  Myers  Swanson 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Wendy  McFadden 

On  the  cover: 
Over  his  long  life, 
|ohn  C.  Baker  has 
held  true  to  his  Brethren 
heritage  of  reverence  for 
peace.  On  page  10, 
Donald  F.  Durnbaugh 
chronicles  that  life. 


10     John  C.  Baker:  stalwart  for  peace 

Age  has  not  dulled  the  zeal  of  this  veteran 
peace  activist,  who,  at  age  101,  still 
challenges  Brethren  to  live  up  to  their 
peace  heritage.  Story  by  Donald  F. 
Durnbaugh.  Sidebars  on  peace  programs 
and  peace  activists  through  the  years. 

16     Unlikely  pulpits 

Kenneth  1.  Morse  has  produced  a  book  of 
stories  that  poke  into  the  nooks  and 
crannies  of  Brethren  history.  We  have 
excerpted  a  few  of  his  tales  that  show  some ! 
Brethren  preachers  in  rather  unlikely  pulpitsi 

20     Let's  find  the  water,  fill  the  pots | 

and  expect  a  miracle 

Wendy  McFadden,  in  the  final  article  of  a 
series  on  the  New  Design,  uses  the  story 
of  the  miracle  at  Cana  as  imagery  for 
where  the  Brethren  stand  now. 

22     Marking  with  monuments 

Although  revered  patriarchs  did  it,  raising 
monuments  of  stone  isn't  necessarily  the 
best  way  to  mark  holy  ground.  Frank 
Ramirez  says  there's  a  better  way. 

25     Good  for  nothing 

Don't  despair  just  because  Kenneth  L. 
Gibble  says  we're  good  for  nothing.  Give 
him  a  chance  to  explain. 



From  the  Editor 


In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 


Stepping  Stones 


Pontius'  Puddle 


Partners  in  Prayer 




Turning  Points 



How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-mail:  CoBNewsgAOL.Com 
Fax:  (847)  742-6103 
Phone:  (847)  742-5100 
(800)  323-8039 
Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75c  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  Allow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

Messenger  visits  the  South 
Carolina  church  that  Brethren 
volunteers  are  helping  rebuild 
after  an  arson  fire. 

District  Messenger  representatives;  Atl.  N.E.,  Ron 
Lutz;  Atl.  S.E„  Ruby  Ra^tner;  Iil./Wis..  Kreston  Lipscomb: 
S/C  Ind.,  Marjoiie  Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good;  Mid-Atl., 
Ann  Fouts;  Mo. /Ark,,  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains,  Faith 
Strom;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack  Kline; 
Ore./Wash.,  Marguerite  Shamberger;  Pac.  S.W,  Randy 
Miller;  M.  Pa.,  Eva  Wampler;  S.  Pa.,  Elmer  Q.  Gleim; 
W  Pa.,  Jay  Christner;  Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  S.E.,  Donna 
Shumate;  S.  Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Virlina,  Jerry  Naff; 
W.  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Winoma  Spuigeon. 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Entered  as  second-class  matter  Aug. 
20,  1918.  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct.  17,  1917. 
Filing  date,  Nov.  1, 1984.  Member  of  the  Associated 
Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion  News  Sen'ice 
&  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical  quotations, 
unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from  the  New  Re\'ised 
Standard  Version,  Messenger  is  owned  and  published 
11  times  a  year  by  the  General  Services  Commission, 
Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board,  Second-class 
postage  paid  at  Elgin,  III,,  and  at  additional  mailing 
office,  June  1997,  Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the 
Brethren  General  Board,  ISSN  0026-0355. 
Postmaster:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
1-151  Dundee  Ave  .  Elgin.  IL  60120. 

Working  with  and  knowing  Ken  Morse  has  been  one  of 
the  joys  of  my  time  at  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  Gen- 
eral Offices  in  Elgin,  111.  Ken  had  already  been  editor  of 
Messenger  for  10  years  when  he  gave  me  my  first  writing  assign- 
ment. I  was  a  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  worker  at  the  offices  at 
the  time  I  reported  for  Ken  on  the  opening  of  the  Castaiier  Hos- 
pital in  1960.  Much  later,  Ken  and  1  had  four  years  on  the  magazine 
staff  together. 

Now  37  years  after  giving  me  my  first  byline,  and  almost  20  since 
his  retirement,  Ken,  although  84  years  old  and  in  frail  health,  is  still 
going  strong  as  a  writer.  It  gives  me  great  plea- 
sure to  once  more  run  the  Kenneth  1.  Morse 
byline  in  Messenger,  with  excerpted  nuggets 
from  his  latest  book.  Preaching  in  a  Tavern, 
hot  off  the  press. 

It  was  while  1  was  having  a  sneak  preview 
of  his  book  manuscript  that  1  discovered  Ken 
and  1  had  something  in  common  besides  being 
Messenger  editor.  I  read  in  the  preface  of  an 
experience  Ken  once  had  with  Brethren 
preacher,  antiquary,  and  raconteur  Reuel  B. 
Pritchett.  Ken  told  about  riding  in  a  car  in  Ten- 
nessee with  district  executive  Ron  Wine  and 
brother  Pritchett,  the  three  of  them  in  the  front  >  | 
seat,  with  Ken  in  the  middle  and  brother  Pritch- 
ett on  his  right.  As  they  drove  along,  brother 
Pritchett  talked  animatedly  and,  as  Ken  put  it.     Ken  Morse  served  as  Messenger  editor 
he  "would  score  a  point  in  his  conversation  by     for  21  years  (1950-1971)  and  has 
coming  down  with  the  full  strength  of  his  left     written  several  books  since  then. 
index  finger  onto  my  right  knee." 

It  was  uncanny!  I  had  had  virtually  the  same  experience!  Once  1 
was  riding  in  a  car  in  Tennessee  with  district  executive  B.|.  Wampler 
(predecessor  of  Ron  Wine)  and  brother  Pritchett.  1  sat  in  the  middle 
and  brother  Pritchett  on  my  right.  As  we  drove  along,  brother  Pritch- 
ett talked  animatedly.  He  kept  a  grip  on  my  right  leg,  just  above  the 
knee,  and  emphasized  his  points  by  squeezing  my  thigh,  tighter  and 
lighter,  in  rhythm  with  his  emphases.  My  thigh  was  like  a  mellow  lemon 
ready  for  making  lemonade  by  the  time  we  reached  our  destination! 

Ken's  tales  that  begin  on  page  16  are  good  ones,  and,  as  good 
tales  usually  do,  they  may  provoke  memories  for  other  readers,  as 
they  have  for  me. 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

June  1997  Messenger  1 



Sowing  seeds  of  kindness 

hen  you're  talking  about  providing 
food  for  famine-threatened  people, 
what  better  symbol  of  that  help  than  a  little 
packet  of  seeds? 

That's  what  the  office  of  Planned  Giving 
thought  recently  as  it  prepared  a  fund-rais- 


Helen  and  Nelson  Wetsel 

donated  3  7.000  seed 

packets  for  appeal  letters 

for  North  Korea  aid. 

ing  letter  appealing  to  Brethren  to  help  the 
hungry  in  North  Korea  (April,  page  15, 
"Opening  Our  Hearts  to  North  Koreans"). 
Hey!  Let's  stick  a  symbolic  packet  of  seeds 
in  with  each  letter! 
Great  idea,  but  where  will  the  seeds  come 

from,  and  who's  going  to  pay  for  them?  T' 
answer  lay  right  in  Harrisonburg,  Va.,  wheri 
the  office  of  Planned  Giving  is  based. 

Nelson  and  Helen  Wetsel  of  Harrisonburg 
First  Church  of  the  Brethren  generously 
donated  37,000  packets  of  garden  seeds  for 
the  mass  mailing.  Nelson,  the  retired  presiden 
of  Wetsel,  Inc.  (formerly  Wetsel  Seed,  Inc.. 
founded  by  Nelson's  father)  was  impressed  b\ 
the  cause  that  the  appeal  supported.  And  the 
appeal  was  by  no  means  the  first  object  of  the 
Wetsels'  generosity  through  the  year^. 
"They  put  the  idea  to  us,  and  it  sounded 
like  a  good  one,"  Nelson  said  simply  (a 
word  from  our  Brethren  tag  line) . 

Says  the  letter  that  the  seed  pack 
ets  accompany,  "Please  pick 
up  and  shake  the  little  seed 
package:  Each  one  of  the 
tiny,  fertile  seeds  inside  rep- 
resents food,  nourishment, 
nutrition,  health,  survival.  The 
seeds  also  represent  thoughtful- 
ness,  caring,  understanding — 
genuine  feeling  and  dedication  to 
the  words  of  lesus  to  help  our 
brothers  and  sisters  in  need." 
In  one  of  Jesus'  parables,  a 
sower  went  out  to  sow,  and  some  of  the 
seed  fell  on  good  ground.  Jesus  added, 
"Let  anyone  with  ears  listen!" 

Now,  through  the  gift  of  Nelson  and  Helent 
Wetsel,  a  mailing  has  gone  out  with  seeds. 
Let  anyone  with  eyes  and  a  heart  respond. 

Names  in  the  news 

Harold  S.  Moyer,  retired  se- 
nior pastor  of  Williamson 
Road  Church  of  the  Brethren 
in  Roanoke,  Va.,  received  an 
Outstanding  Service  Award 
from  Bridgewater  College  in 
March.  Among  his  many 
roles  in  service  ministries,  he 
served  on  the  Virginia  Hu- 
man Rights  Committee,  ap- 
pointed by  the  governor. 
•  Grace  T.  Lefever,  a 
member  of  West  York  Church 

of  the  Brethren  in  York,  Pa., 
had  one  of  her  poems,  "My 
Comfort,"  included  in  Fields 
of  Gold,  a  book  of  poetry 
published  by  The  National 
Library  of  Poetry. 

•  David  J.  Morris,  a 
member  of  Heatherdowns 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Toledo,  Ohio,  was  named 
Social  Worker  of  the  Year 
for  1997  by  the  Ohio  Chap- 
ter of  the  National  Associa- 
tion of  Social  Workers, 
Northwest  Ohio  Region.  He 

is  executive  director  of  The 
Friendly  Center,  a  Toledo 
social  agency. 

•  Carole  C.  Grove,  asso- 
ciate professor  of  education 
at  Bridgewater  College,  and 
a  member  of  Beaver  Creek 
Church  of  the  Brethren  near 
Bridgewater,  Va.,  was  pre- 
sented the  Martha  B.  Thorn- 
ton Faculty  Recognition 
Award  at  the  college's 
Founder's  Day  banquet  April* 
4.  The  award  carries  a 
$1,000  cash  gift. 

2  Messenger  June  1997 

i  run  for  Camp  La  Verne 

iteve  Schatz  ran  the  Los 
[ingeles  Marathon  in  March, 
finishing  the  26  miles  in  four 
ours  and  34  minutes.  That 
et  no  record,  but  more  im- 
ortant  for  the  runner  was 
he  $2,100  he  raised  for  im- 
irovements  and  restoration 
/ork  at  Pacific  Southwest 
)istrict's  Camp  La  Verne. 

Steve,  a  physical  education 
sacher  in  Lomita,  Calif., 
nd  a  member  of  South  Bay 
'ommunity  Church  of  the 
Irethren  in  Redondo  Beach, 
iHJoyed  experiences  at  Camp 
:.a  Verne  in  his  childhood. 
ie  wants  to  help  enable  the 

camp  to  provide  such  experi- 
ences for  the  children  of  to- 
day and  the  future. 

As  Steve  contributes  to 
Camp  La  Verne,  he  has  in 
mind  his  friend  Marion 
Leard  of  Glendale  (Calif.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren. 
Marion,  a  contractor  led  the 
restoration  work  at  the  camp 
until  his  death  in  1995.  His 
son  Rodney  is  completing 
the  project.  Now  the  project 
has  $2, 1 00  more  to  work 
with,  thanks  to  Steve's 
run. — Cherryl  F.  Cercado 

Cherryl  F.  Cercado.  a  communi- 
cations major,  is  a  senior  at  the 
University  of  La  Verne,  La  Verne. 

teve  Schatz'  children  lames  and  Elizabeth  provided  water 
reaks  as  Steve  ran  the  Los  Angeles  Marathon. 

Joe  Kidd  (backgroiimt)  got  some  help  from  buddies  Mike 
Crouse  and  Stephan  Shanholtz  in  safeguarding  the  John 
Kline  Memorial. 

Keeping  the  cows  off 

When  Joe  Kidd  looked  for  a  suitable  project  to  earn 
his  Boy  Scout  Eagle  award,  he  didn't  have  to  look 
farther  than  the  ridge  near  his  home  where  Brethren  peace 
martyr  John  Kline  was  killed  in  1864. 

[oe's  congregation — Linville  Creek  in  Broadway,  Va. — and 
Shenandoah  District  were  gearing  up  to  celebrate  the  200th 
birthday  of  Inline.  And  the  spot  where  Kline  was  killed 
needed  sprucing  up. 

The  spot,  in  a  cow  pasture,  has  been  marked  for  many 
years  with  an  inscribed  stone.  For  decades,  however,  cows 
have  found  the  stone  a  handy  rubbing  post.  The  stone  had 
become  discolored  and  otherwise  damaged. 

loe  and  other  members  of  his  troop  excavated  a  10-foot- 
square  area  around  the  marker  and  poured  an  exposed 
aggregate  concrete  base.  A  wrought-iron  fence  of  the  style 
of  the  mid- 1 800s  was  added. 

Joe's  youth  group  at  Linville  Creek  raised  funds  for  the  project, 
including  gathering  and  selling  over  four  tons  of  black  walnuts. 

Now  |oe  Kidd  gets  his  Eagle  award  and  John  Kline  a 
refurbished  memorial. 

he  truth  about  farming 

«lornia  Stokes,  a  member  of 
.orida  (Fla.)  Church  of  the 
irethren,  was  an  urbanite 
/hen  she  married  a  cattle 
ancher  in  1951.  She 
juickly  adapted  to  her  new 
ife  and  embarked  on  a  ca- 
eer  of  promoting  ranching 
nd  farming. 
She  organized  what  be- 
ame  the  Highlands  County 
'attlewomen  and  served  as 
me  of  its  officers  for  several 
ears.  She  has  been  active  in 
he  Florida  Farm  Bureau  at 
he  local  and  state  level. 

To  promote  beef,  Norma 
has  conducted  demonstrations 
at  the  Florida  State 
Fair,  the  Highlands 
County  Fair,  and 
the  Florida  Straw- 
berry Festival.  She 
also  conducts  food 
safety  demonstra- 
tions for  home 
economics  classes, 
civic  organizations, 
and  churches  in 
her  community. 

As  part  of  Farm  City  Week 
each  year,  she  helps  orga- 
nize and  conduct  farm 
tours.  And  she  helped  make 

Norma  Stokes 

the  Ag  in  the  Classroom  pro- 
gram part  of  the  regular  cur- 
riculum in  some 
Highlands  County 

Giving  her  ac- 
ceptance speech 
upon  being  named 
the  Florida  De- 
partment of  Agri- 
culture's "Woman 
of  the  Year"  in 
February,  Norma 
emphasized  that 
the  future  of  agriculture  de- 
pends on  the  education  of 
consumers  and  of  "rulemak- 
ers,"  whose  ignorance  (and 

sometimes  misinformation) 
can  lead  to  bad  decisions. 

"They  need  to  hear  the 
truth,"  she  said.  Children,  in 
particular,  "need  to  know 
where  their  food  comes  from. 
People  are  removed  from  the 
farm,  and  there  are  fewer 
farmers  to  tell  the  story." 

Telling  the  story  is  what 
Norma  intends  to  keep  on 

"In  Toitch" profiles  Brethren  we  would 
like  you  to  meet.  Send  story  ideas  and 
photos  to  "In  Touch,  "Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin.  IL  60120. 

June  1997  Messenger  3 


Kids  in  the  workplace 

On  April  24,  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  General  Offices  in  Elgin, 
111.,  held  its  own  version  of  "Take  Your 
Daughters  to  Work  Day."  It  was  "Take 
Your  Kids  to  Work  Day"  as  sons  and 
daughters  of  employees  at  the  offices 
accompanied  moms  and  dads  to  work  and 
got  a  feel  for  life  at  "1451 ." 

Highlights  of  the  day  included  a  tour  of 
the  building,  lunch  out,  and  a  work  pro- 
ject. The  grounds  at  the  offices  are 

Kids  at  the  General  Offices.  Front  center:  Carson  and  Cassidy  McFadden.  Behind:  Jennifer 
and  Justin  Carlson,  Daniel  Radcliff.  Cori  Miner  Kelsey  Swanson,  Karen  Miller  (interim 
general  secretary).  In  tree:  Parker  Swanson,  Rachel  Douglas,  Lindsay  Garber 

Let's  celebrate 

Cedar  Grove  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  New  Market, 
Va.,  has  been  celebrating 
its  140th  anniversary  since 
January,  with  a  special 
event  each  month.  On  |une 
29  there  will  be  a  church 
picnic  and  baptism  of  new 

members  at  a  nearby  river. 
•  Mount  Olivet  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  near  Tim- 
berville,  Va.,  will  celebrate 
its  quasquicentennial  July 
12-13.  Festivities  include 
an  ice  cream  social,  a  note 
burning,  guest  speaker 
(lerry  Ruff),  and  a  puppet 

susceptible  to  trash  blowing  in  from 
Dundee  Avenue  on  the  front  and  Interstat 
90  on  one  side.  For  a  busy  couple  of  hour  | 
it  was  "Put  Your  Kids  to  Work."  The  visi- 
tors collected  two  large  trash  bags  of 
debris,  weighed  it  on  the  shipping  room 
scales,  and  proudly  announced  their 
accomplishment — 20  bulky  pounds  of 

Cookies  and  milk  and  a  photo  session 
rounded  out  the  busy  day. 

This  and  that 

Five  members  of  Bremen 
(Ind.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren  and  three  member! 
of  an  area  Korean  congregcl 
tion  spent  time  earlier  this 
year  helping  to  add  im- 
provements to  "Brethren 
House,"  a  social  services 
outreach  project  of  Segundj 
Iglesia  Cristo  Misionera  ir 
Caimito,  P.R.  The  Bremen 
church  has  a  mission  part- 
nership with  the  Puerto  Ri- 
can  church  and  regularly 
sends  workers  there. 

•  Twenty  junior-high  stu 
dents  from  Elizabethtowm 
(Pa.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren  spent  time  the 
evening  of  April  6  in  Eliza- 
bethtown  Borough  jail. 
Pulling  time  in  the  pokey 
was  part  of  the  students'  re 
enactment  of  Acts 
16:1 6-40,  the  story  of  Paui 
and  Silas  being  sprung 
from  jail  when  an  earth- 
quake converted  the  jailer 
and  shattered  the  resolve  ol 
the  Philippi  cops.  In  the 
Elizabethtown  version  of 
the  tale,  the  jail  was  for 
real.  But  as  for  the  meal 
with  the  jailer,  it  was  decid 
edly  unbiblical — grilled 
hamburgers  and  hot  dogs. 

4  Messenger  June  1997 

lampus  comments 

Campus  Times,  student 
lewspaper  of  the  University 
)f  La  Verne,  was  judged  the 
)est  weekly  newspaper  in 
California,  and  La  Verne 
nagazine  earned  a  General 
excellence  award  for  being 
)ne  of  the  best  university 
nagazines  in  California.  The 
iwards  were  received  at  the 
tSth  California  Intercolle- 
pate  Press  Association  con- 
'ention.  George  Keeler,  a 
ormer  Messenger  intern, 
ind  frequent  photographer 
or  Annual  Conference, 
;hairs  ULV's  Communica- 
ions  Department.  Eric 
3ishop,  former  Messenger 
Tianaging  editor,  is  faculty 
idviser  to  Campus  Times. 

•  McPherson  College  has 
•eceived  a  $10  million  chal- 
enge  gift  from  Harry  H. 
Stine,  owner  of  Stine  Seed 
"arm  in  Adel,  Iowa.  Stine  is 
I  1963  McPherson  graduate. 

Speaking  at  the  CPS  meet  from  four  different  perspectives  on  their  World  War  II  experiences 
were  Roy  Valencourt  and  Gilbert  Weldy  (front)  and  John  Ebersole  and  Larry  Gara  (back). 

CPS  learnings  recalled 

Men  who  participated  in  Civilian  Public 
Service  (CPS)  during  World  War  II 
gathered  with  their  families  at  Manchester 
College  April  20-21  to  remember  their  expe- 
riences and  consider  the  organization's 
lessons.  The  conference,  "Civilian  Public 
Service  Revisited:  CPS  a  Half-century 
Later,"  was  sponsored  by  the  college's  Peace 
Studies  Institute  (see  page  14). 

CPS — conceived  by  the  Brethren,  Quakers, 
and  Mennonites  in  cooperation  with  Selective 
Service — placed  conscientious  objectors  in 
programs  around  the  country,  providing  an 
alternative  to  military  service.  (Brethren  Vol- 
unteer Service — BVS — succeeded  CPS  when 
the  military  draft  was  in  effect  in  later  years.) 

William  Yolton,  former  executive  director 

of  the  National  Service  Board  for  Conscien- 
tious Objectors,  spoke  on  opening  day  of  the 
CPS  event.  On  day  two,  four  former  men 
who  responded  to  the  World  War  II  draft  in 
different  ways  served  as  a  panel  to  recall 
their  personal  responses  to  that  draft.  The 
men  were  Roy  Valencourt,  a  noncombatant 
in  military  service;  Gilbert  Weldy,  a  CPSer; 
lohn  Ebersole,  who  commanded  a  B- 1  7 
bomber  in  the  Air  Force;  and  Larry  Gara, 
who  served  a  three-year  prison  sentence  for 
refusing  even  to  register  for  the  draft. 

The  view  of  many  of  the  conference  atten- 
dees was  summed  up  by  CPS  veteran  Paul 
Keller  of  North  Manchester,  Ind.,  who  had 
served  as  a  "guinea  pig"  for  medical  experi- 
ments: "If  you  believe  that  war  is  wrong,  then 
your  ultimate  test  is  not  whether  it  will  work, 
but  whether  it  is  just." 

i)uring  "children's  time,"  Dick  Custer  read  the  book  Faith  the 
Cow  while  Karen  Mostoller  signed  the  story  for  the  deaf. 

Henny  pennies  for  HPI 

Coins  intermingled  with 
sock  fuzz  poured  noisily 
through  funnels  into  glass 
jars  as  children  at  Somerset 
(Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren 
collected  48,000  pennies  for 
Heifer  Project  International 
(HPI),  which  is  using  the 
money  to  buy  chicks.  The 
Lenten  season  project  uti- 
lized HPI's  Animal  Crackers 
program  for  the  fund  drive. 

Sunday  morning  story- 
tellers presented  scripture, 
tales,  and  chicken  facts,  and 
taught  geography,  environ- 
mental science,  stewardship, 
and  nutrition.  One  storyteller 
surprised  the  children  with 
chicken-shaped  cookies. 

The  project  concluded  on 

Easter  Sunday  with  a  story 
of  the  egg  as  a  symbol  of 
resurrection  and  new  life.  A 
box  of  5-day-old  cheeping 
chicks  made  the  project  real 
for  the  children. 

The  Men's  Fellowship 
added  $100  to  the  fund.  At 
a  dollar  a  chick,  the  Somer- 
set children  provided  580 
chicks,  in  the  initial  stage  of 
Heifer  Project's  "passing 
on  the  gift"  process. 

Adapted  from  a  report  by  Sherry 
Berkey  and  Kathie  Shaffer.  Somerset 
church 's  children 's  program  directors. 

"Close  to  Home" highlights  news  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  11  60120. 

June  1997  Messenger  5 

Brethren  produce  food  and 
raise  funds  for  disaster  relief 

Preparing  food  and  raising  money 
for  disaster  response  and  humanitar- 
ian relief  kept  members  of  four 

The  cutting  room  (top),  is 

where  over  60.000  pounds 

of  beef  were  processed 

during  this  year's  annual 

canning  project.  Meanwhile, 

Rachel  Hilty  and  Joanna 

Hilty.  of  Pleasant  Hill 

Church  of  the  Brethren, 

Spring  Grove.  Pa.,  wipe  off 

two  of  the  more  than  25,000 

cans  of  beef  and  broth  that 

were  produced. 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/"Messenger 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  be  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

Ciiurcii  of  the  Brethren  districts  busy 
this  spring. 

The  annual  Beef  Canning  Project  of 
Mid -Atlantic  and  Southern  Pennsyl- 
vania districts  kicked  off  such  denom- 
inational projects  in  1997  by  process- 
ing 62,322  pounds  of  beef  into 
21,175  cans  of  beef  chunks  and  4,523 
cans  of  broth.  This  total  exceeded  the 
61,800  pounds  of  beef  volunteers 
processed  in  1996,  and  exceeded  this 
year's  goal  of  60,000  pounds. 

About  425  volunteers  participated 
in  the  1  7th  annual  canning  project, 
which  was  held  at  Meadow  Brook 
Turkey  Farm,  York,  Pa.,  March 
24-26,  31,  and  April  1-2. 

Twenty-five  Mid-Atlantic  congre- 
gations and  28  Southern  Pennsylva- 
nia congregations  were  represented. 
Five  other  area  congregations  of  dif- 
fering Protestant  affiliations  also 
were  represented. 

Seventy-five  percent  of  the  canned 
beef  will  be  sent  overseas;  the  remain- 
ing 25  percent  and  all  of  the  beef 
broth  will  be  divided  between  the  two 
districts  and  then  distributed  to  agen- 
cies and  organizations  that  help  feed 
the  needy.  Major  recipients  of  the 
beef  and  broth  in  past  years  in  Mid- 
Atlantic  District  have  been  SERVE 

Food  Closet,  Manassas,  Va.,  and  the    } 
Washington  City  Church  of  the 
Brethren  Soup  Kitchen.  Major  South 
ern  Pennsylvania  recipients  in  past 
years  have  included  the  York  and 
Chambersburg  (Pa.)  Salvation 
Armies;  Our  Daily  Bread,  a  York  souj 
kitchen;  and  Youth  Challenge  Inter- 
national Bible  Institute,  Sunbury,  Pa. 

Meanwhile,  three  districts  also  heh 
disaster  relief  auctions  in  early-  to  j 
mid-May.  West  Marva  and  Mid-At-  \ 
lantic  districts  held  theirs  on  May  5. 

Nearly  $5,000  was  raised  at  West 
Marva's  third  annual  auction,  held  at 
the  Barbour  County  Fairgrounds  near 
Belington,  W.Va.  About  150  people  at- 
tended. Since  its  inception,  this  auc- 
tion has  raised  nearly  $15,000. 

Mid-Atlantic  District's  1  7th  Annua 
Disaster  Relief  Auction  was  held  at     j 
the  Agricultural  Center  in  Westmin-  | 
ster,  Md.  Though  totals  were  not 
confirmed  at  press  time,  this  auction 
was  expected  to  draw  1,000  partici- 
pants and  raise  about  $36,000.  Since 
its  inception,  this  auction  has  raised  i 
nearly  $600,000.  j 

Shenandoah  District's  fifth  annual  j 
auction,  scheduled  for  May  16—1  7  at 
Rockingham  County  Fairgrounds, 
was  expected  to  draw  about  1 ,700 
people  and  raise  nearly  $125,000.  In 
its  four  previous  years,  the  auction      . 
has  raised  about  $460,000. 

Christians  of  North  and  Latin 
America  discuss  'mission' 

What  does  Christian  mission  mean  ini 
the  Americas  at  the  approach  of  the 
21st  century?  Representatives  from 
churches  in  North  America,  Latin 
America,  and  the  Caribbean  met  in 
San  lose,  Costa  Rica,  in  late  April  to 
wrestle  with  that  question. 

Even  in  the  consultation's  opening 
hours,  there  clearly  was  agreement 
that  mission  must  address  the  prob- 
lems and  needs  of  the  people  the 
churches  are  seeking  to  serve. 

And  over  and  over  again,  partici- 

6  Messenger  June  1997 

lants,  including  four  Church  of  the 
irethren  representatives,  kept  coming 
■ack  to  one  powerful  reality:  the  grow- 
ng  number  of  people  in  the  hemi- 
phere — indeed,  worldwide — who  are 
leing  excluded  from  the  increasingly 
lobalized  economy,  in  which  profits 
oar  as  companies  downsize  and  ex- 
iloit  workers  with  low  wages. 

Consultation  participant  Bishop 
itchegoyen  from  Argentina  summed 
ip  this  challenge  to  mission  in  one 
entence.  How  can  the  church  carry 
)ut  )esus'  preferential  option  for  the 
xcluded  in  the  context  of  a  global 
conomic  system  that  makes  prefer- 
ntial  option  for  the  wealthy? 

This  was  the  first  consultation  since 
929  to  bring  together  official  delega- 
ions  from  North  American  denomi- 
lational  mission  boards  with  work  in 
.atin  America  and  the  Caribbean.  Its 
ibjective  was  to  resume  dialog  and 
ooperation  among  mission  boards. 

The  four  General  Board  staff  rep- 
esenting  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
it  the  consultation  were  Merv 
iCeeney,  current  representative  to 
ivfrica  and  the  Middle  East  and  direc- 
or  of  Global  Mission  Partnerships  for 
he  newly  designed  General  Board; 
jlenn  Timmons,  current  Parish  Min- 
«tries  Commission  executive  and  di- 
ector  of  Congregational  Life  Min- 
stries  for  the  newly  designed  General 
Joard;  Mariana  Barriga,  coordinator 
)f  the  Latin  America  and  the 
Caribbean  Office;  and  Guillermo  En- 
■arnacion,  representative  for  the  Do- 
ninican  Republic. 

These  Brethren  representatives  at- 
ended  the  consultation  out  of  the 
jeneral  Board's  desire  to  connect 
ongregations  to  mission.  A  key 
;uideline  is  that  the  impulse  to  do 
!Ood  work  needs  to  be  informed  by 
hose  whom  we  would  serve,  said 
Timmons.  "That  means  the  church 
nust  be  willing  to  hear  from  the  poor, 
he  faceless  and  the  voiceless,  and  to 
ee  lesus  in  the  disenfranchised,  the 
narginalized,  the  least  of  these.  The 
Church  of  the  Brethren  prides  itself  in 
)eing  'hands-on';  we  need  to  be  sure 

that  what  we  do  is  what  people  need." 

Keeney  said  congregations  inter- 
ested in  extending  themselves  in  mis- 
sion may  consider  doing  the  follow- 
ing: research  the  situation;  listen  to 
local  voices  and  needs;  explore  de- 
nominationally and  ecumenically  what 
else  is  going  on  in  that  area;  attend 
relevant  mission,  language,  and  cross- 
cultural  studies;  discuss  with  other 
congregations,  districts,  and  national 
staff  partnerships  for  potential  pro- 
jects, as  well  as  other  opportunities. 
The  Church  of  the  Brethren  has  1  1 
churches  and  four  fellowships  in  the 
Dominican  Republic.  There  are  12 
Hispanic  congregations  in  the  US, 
and  several  in  Puerto  Rico. — Carol 


BBT  considering  expanding 
its  financial  services 

An  expansion  of  financial  services  to 
Church  of  the  Brethren  individuals  and 
organizations  was  one  of  the  items  dis- 
cussed by  the  Brethren  Benefit  Trust 
board  at  its  spring  meetings  in  April. 

Wil  Nolen,  president,  informed  the 
board  that  as  a  result  of  a  recent  sur- 
vey of  church  leaders,  BBT  would 
consider  offering  "a  socially  responsi- 
ble mutual  fund"  to  individual 
Brethren,  assist  congregations  and 
districts  with  training  in  financial  op- 
erations and  individuals  in  financial 
planning,  provide  leadership  in  pas- 
toral compensation  and  benefits  mat- 
ters, and  offer  increased  leadership  in 
planned  giving. 

According  to  Nolen,  a  broader  sur- 
vey will  be  taken  to  determine  whether 
to  pursue  any  of  these  services. 

The  BBT  board  also  heard  that  its 
investments  for  1996  either  equaled 
or  exceeded  its  own  benchmarks,  and 
that  its  foundation  can  now  legally  of- 
fer its  services  to  non- Brethren  chari- 
table organizations.  The  board  di- 
rected Foundation  director  Mark  Pit- 
man to  develop  criteria  for  accepting 
such  agencies. 


(ohn  Kline  200th  birthday  celebration, 

sponsored  by  Linville  Creek  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  Broadway,  Va..  and 
Shenandoah  District,  June  13-15 
[Contact  Paul  Roth,  (540)  879-2515], 

"Sierra  Song  and  Story  Fest,"  a  family 
camp,  |une  21-27,  Camp  Peaceful 
Pines,  Dardanelle,  Calif.  [Call  (209) 

"Dancing  at  the  Water's  Edge,"  spon- 
sored by  Brethren/Mennonite  Council 
for  Lesbian  and  Gay  Concerns  and 
Woinaen's  Caucus,  |une  28-30,  La 
Verne  (Calif.)  Church  of  the  Brethren 
[Contact  BMC,  (216)  722-6906; 

Council  of  District  Executive  (CODE) 
meetings,  June  29-30.  [Contact  Har- 
riet Finney  at  (219)  982-8805  or 
Wanda. Miller,  partid  Ecunet.Org]. 

Brethren  Revival  Fellowship  General 
Meeting,  June  29,  Lindsay  (CaliL) 
Church  of  the  Brethren  [Contact  BRF, 
(717)  225-4184]. 

New  Church  Development  seminar, 

June  30.  Long  Beach,  Calif,  [Call 
(717)  664-5181], 

Minister's  Conference,  June  30 — July  1, 
Long  Beach,  Calif,  [Contact  Esther 
Norris,  (316)  275-4270], 

Ministry  of  Reconciliation  workshops, 

June  30 — [uly  1 ,  Long  Beach,  Calif, 
[Contact  MoRat  (219)  982-7751  or  at 
CoB,  Reconciliation, partid'Ecunet, Org], 

General  Board  meetings,  |uly  1,  Long 
Beach,  Calif,  [Contact  General  Secre- 
tary's Office,  General  Offices], 

"The  Church's  Response  to  Child 
Abuse,"  a  workshop  sponsored  by 
Association  of  Brethren  Caregivers. 
July  1,  Long  Beach,  Calif,  [Contact 
ABC,  General  Offices], 

Annual  Conference,  |uly  1-6.  Long 
Beach,  Calif.  [Contact  Annual  Confer- 
ence Office.  General  Offices, 
AnnualConfCg  AOL.  Com]. 

Brethren  Benefit  Trust  Board  meetings, 

July  3,  Long  Beach,  Calif,  [Contact 
BBT,  (800)  746-1505], 

June  1997  Messenger  7 

General  Board  releases  partial 
list  of  its  post-June  staff 

An  extensive  listing  of  who  will  be 
doing  what  for  the  newly  designed 
General  Board  has  been  announced. 
Additional  positions  are  to  be  filled 
by  appointment  or  open  search. 

•  Executive  Director — Sue  Snyder, 
assistant;  Elsie  Holderread,  Human 
Resources  coordinator;  Ellen  Hall,  Human 
Resources  secretary  (New  Windsor). 

•  Volunteer  Service  Ministries — Dan 
McFadden,  director;  Todd  Reish,  coordina- 
tor of  orientation;  Kim  Bickler,  secretary. 

•  Funding — Ken  Neher,  director; 
area  financial  resource  counselors  David 
Huffaker  (midwest),  Ray  Click  (south- 
east), Howard  Miller  (northeast);  [ackie 
Azimi,  systems  coordinator;  Faye  Miller, 
resource  coordinator. 

•  Congregational  Life — Glenn 
Timmons,  director;  Joan  Pelletier,  secre- 
tary; Chris  Douglas,  Youth/Young  Adult 
Ministries  coordinator;  |udy  McDonald, 

•  Global  Mission  Partnerships — 
Mervin  Keeney,  director;  Mary  Munson, 
secretary.  New  Windsor  staff:  Miller 
Davis,  Emergency  Response/Service  Min- 
istries manager;  Lydia  Walker,  Outreach 
and  Training  coordinator;  secretaries  |ane 
Yount,  Helen  Stonesifer,  lane  Bankert, 
and  Clenna  Massicot;  Lois  Duble,  tempo- 
rary office  helper;  case  workers  Alexandru 
Kirculescu  and  Tomislav  Tomic;  Loretta 
Wolf,  Material  Resources  manager;  Noco- 
letta  Coarda,  sorter/packer;  Bill  Fleagle, 
truck  driver/warehouser;  Brenda  Giles, 
sorter/packer;  Randy  Koontz,  hi  lift  oper- 
ator/warehouser;  Virginia  Long, 
warehouse  and  Grantee  Program;  Sam- 
sudin  Moledina,  medical  receiver;  balers 
Randy  Parrish  and  George  Poleuca;  Max 
Price,  truck  driver/warehouser;  Rosella 
Reese,  medical  packer. 

•  Treasurer — Judy  Keyser,  treasurer 
and  director  of  Centralized  Resources; 
Jeanie  Hicks,  gift  management/Central- 
ized Resources  assistant;  Buildings  and 
Grounds  managers  David  Ingold  (Elgin) 
and  Ed  Palsgrove  (New  Windsor);  Sheri 
Cromar,  Building  Services  assistant 
(part-time);  [oanne  Holmes,  reception- 

8  Messenger  June  1997 

ist/switchboard;  Bryan  Katzel,  mailroom; 
maintenance  mechanics  Ron  Anders 
(New  Windsor)  and  David  Bulpit  (New 
Windsor,  part-time);  Diane  Gosnell,  sec- 
retary/receptionist (New  Windsor);  Felix 
Hill,  general  maintenance/mail  (New 
Windsor);  controllers  Brenda  Reish  and 
Kent  Shisler  (New  Windsor);  accoun- 
tants Pat  Marsh  and  Kellie  [ones; 
La  Verne  Wisdom,  accounts  payable/data 
entry  specialist;  Lillian  Dako,  accounts 
receivable/data  entry  specialist;  Nancy 
Gutierrez,  data  entry  specialist  (part- 
time);  Elaine  Caprarola,  accounting  and 
data  entry  specialist;  and  Ken  Shaffer. 
Historical  Library  and  Archives  manager. 
Additional  New  Windsor  staff  includes 
Perry  Hudkins,  Information  Systems 
manager;  Ed  Leiter,  programmer/analyst; 
Francie  Coale,  PC  specialist;  Darlene 
Hylton,  operations  specialist;  Maria 
Capusan,  kitchen  helper/storeroom  clerk; 
lanet  Comings,  second  cook;  kitchen 
helpers  Virginia  Kolpack,  Bettina  Weaver, 
and  Roberta  Weaver;  Linda  Mathis,  head 
a.m.  cook;  Emma  Moses,  prep/kitchen 
helper;  housekeepers  Doris  Glass,  Maria 
Poleuca,  and  Christine  Watson;  and  Lisa 
Sensensy,  Conference  Center  secretary. 
•  Brethren  Press — Wendy  McFad- 
den, director  and  publisher;  |ulie  Garber, 
study  resources  editor;  Howard  Royer, 
staff  for  Interpretation;  Nevin  Dulabaum, 
News  and  Information  manager;  lennifer 
Leo,  marketing  manager  (part-time); 
Nancy  Klemm,  copy  editor;  Vicki  Roche, 
subscriptions  processor;  Margie  Paris, 
Information  assistant  (part-time);  Cus- 
tomer Service  representatives  Eleanor 
Plagge  and  Linda  Coisman;  Steve  Bick- 
ler, warehouser;  Karen  Stocking, 
publishing  assistant. 

Positions  with  Association  of  Brethren 
Caregivers,  SERRV,  On  Earth  Peace  As- 
sembly, and  overseas  and  volunteer  posi- 
tions are  not  included. 

More  'Gifts  of  the  Heart'  kits 
are  needed  for  flood  relief 

Additional  clean-up  and  health  "Gift 
of  the  Heart"  kits  are  needed,  accord- 

ing to  Refugee/Disaster  Services, 
which  made  its  appeal  for  more  kits  i 
late  April  in  response  to  flooding. 

A  clean-up  kit  includes  a  bucket 
filled  with  sponges,  plastic  garbage 
bags,  a  wire  brush,  a  scrub  brush, 
rubber  gloves,  and  a  can  of  powder 
cleanser;  a  health  kit  includes  a  hanci 
towel,  a  washcloth,  a  bath-size  bar  o 
soap,  a  comb,  a  toothbrush,  a  nail 
file,  and  six  adhesive  bandages. 
Items  should  be  wrapped  in  a  towel. 

The  kits  should  be  sent  either  to 
Church  World  Service,  c/o  the  Sal- 
vation Army,  4427  1 3th  Avenue 
South,  Fargo  ND  58104;  or  to 
Church  World  Service,  c/o  the  Sal- 
vation Army,  68710  Shingle  Creek 
Parkway,  Brooklyn  Center,  MN 

Refugee/Disaster  Services  in  April 
also  made  two  Emergency  Disaster 
Fund  allocations — $  1 5,000  in  re- 
sponse to  flooding  in  midwestern  and 
southern  states  and  $7,260.70  to  as- 
sist work  still  being  done  in  the  after- 
math of  Hurricane  Fran;  $2,000  of 
this  latter  grant  will  help  Shenandoah 
District  in  its  repairs  of  Shiloh  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  Pratts,  Va. 

Center  Operations  signs  two 
new  contracts  for  services 

Two  organizations  in  April  signed 
contracts  with  Brethren  Service  Cen- 
ter's Center  Operations,  New  Wind- 
sor, Md. 

The  contract  with  the  Office  of 
Foreign  Disaster  Assistance  (OFDA) ' 
is  for  storage  and  shipping  services 
for  one  year,  with  annual  renewal 
options  for  four  additional  years. 

"The  Brethren  Service  Center  is  the 
only  US  stockpile  for  OFDA  material 
resources,  which  includes  tents  and 
plastic  sheeting,"  said  Kathleen  Cam- 
panella,  director  of  Public  Informa- 
tion for  the  Brethren  Service  Center. 

The  center  also  has  agreed  to  pre- 
pare and  ship  containers  overseas  for 
Medical  Benevolence  Foundation. 

in  W 

)A  seminary  course  on  mission,  a  cooperative  venture 
betw/een  Bethany  Theological  Seminary  and  the  General  Board, 
was  offered  this  spring  semester  at  Bethany's  Richmond,  Ind., 
campus.  "Brethren  in  Mission"  was  taught  by  Bethany  professor 
Jeff  Bach,  with  General  Board  staff  David  Radcliff  and  Mervin 
Keeney  serving  as  resource  people.  Speakers  brought  in  for  spe- 
cial sessions  included  Wendell  Flory,  Bridgewater,  Va.;  Glen 
Campbell,  North  Manchester,  Ind.;  Roger  Ingold,  Hershey,  Pa.; 
and  Anet  Satvedi,  Hudson,  III.  Satvedi  spoke  on  his  experiences 
with  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  North  India  and  EkklesiyarYan- 
uwa  a  Nigeria  (The  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Nigeria).  Planning 
for  this  course  had  been  underway  since  1995. 

lA  Capitol  Hill  vigil  to  protest  the  existence  of  the  US  Army 
School  of  the  Americas  (SOA)  was  held  in  late  April  by  Washing- 
ton (D.C.)  City  Church  of  the  Brethren,  the  General  Board's 
'Washington  Office,  and  other  faith-based  organizations. 

The  US-funded  SOA  is  based  in  Columbus,  Ga.  It  is  a  key  training 
ifacility  for  Latin  American  military  personnel.  According  to  John 
Harvey,  interim  director  of  the  Washington  Office,  SOA  graduates 
ihave  been  linked  to  numerous  human  rights  violations.  Recently 
released  training  manuals  confirm  that  the  SOA  curriculum  "con- 
idoned  or  appeared  to  condone  executions  of  guerrillas,  physical 
:abuse,  coercion,  torture,  and  false  imprisonment,"  according  to  a 
1996  White  House  Intelligence  Oversight  Board  report. 

The  Washington  Office  encourages  Brethren  to  support  the 
closing  of  SOA  through  House  Resolution  61 1 .  For  more  infor- 
mation, contact  the  Washington  Office  at  (202)  546-3202  or  at 

'Annual  Conference  Moderator-elect  Jimmy  Ross,  pastor 
of  Lititz  (Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  was 
diagnosed  with  prostate  cancer  earlier  this 
year.  He  was  expected  to  undergo  surgery 
May  28.  At  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
Annual  Conference  in  July,  Ross  is  sched- 
uled to  be  consecrated  for  his  one-year  term 
as  moderator,  the  denomination's  highest 
elected  position.  "Prayers  are  appreciated," 
said  Ross,  who  is  publicly  confronting  his 

Jimmy  Ross  ^^^^^^^ 

'Annual  Conference  booklets  will  be  available  in  early  June. 
One  change  not  noted  in  the  booklet  is  the  Black  Brethren  and 
Friends'  luncheon,  from  July  5  to  July  4.  Send  $8  (regular 
)bound)or$11.50  (spiral)  to  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120 

families  that  want  to  promote  positive  moral  values  while 
resisting  the  violence  that  is  omnipresent  in  our  lives  can  take  a 
stand  by  signing  "A  Family  Pledge  of  Nonviolence,"  which  has 
been  created  by  Parenting  for  Peace  and  Justice  Network. 
Brethren  are  encouraged  to  sign  the  pledge,  which  has  been  dis- 
tributed to  all  Brethren  congregations  by  the  General  Board's 
(Office  of  Congregational  Nurture  and  Worship. 

Hangin'  out  at  the  fountain.  That's  what  Nevin  Domer, 
Gwen  Edwards,  Joel  Brush,  Carle  Gaier,  and  Alexis  Bear 
did  April  8  in  New  York  City's  Central  Park  during  a  respite 
from  Christian  Citizenship  Seminar.  Eighty -nine  youth, 
young  adults,  and  advisers  attended  the  annual  event, 
which  focused  on  "Ethnic  conflicts  around  the  globe:  How 
should  Christians  respond?"  A  visit  to  the  United  Nations, 
with  members  of  Congress,  and  with  representatives  from 
various  organizations  were  some  of  the  major  activities. 
Phil  Reiman,  team  pastor  at  Wabash  (Ind.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  delivered  the  keynote  address. 

Signers  of  the  pledge  vow  to  "respect  self  and  others,  commu- 
nicate better,  listen,  forgive,  respect  nature,  play  creatively,  and 
be  courageous"  in  challenging  violence. 

Jim  Chinworth,  associate  pastor  of  Mountville  (Pa.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  serves  as  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  representative 
with  Parenting  for  Peace  and  Justice  Network. 

Anabaptists  in  Conversation,  a  conference  in  Brethren  and 
Mennonite  Interactions  with  20th  Century  Theologies,  is  sched- 
uled for  June  19-21  at  Elizabethtown  (Pa.)  College,  and  is 
sponsored  by  the  Young  Center  for  the  Study  of  Anabaptist  and 
Pietist  Groups.  Twelve  plenary  sessions  will  be  held  during  the 
three-day  conference,  and  Dale  Brown,  former  Bethany  Theolog- 
ical Seminary  professor,  will  serve  as  keynote  speaker.  Brown 
also  will  be  honored  at  a  banquet. 

For  more  information,  call  (717)  361-1470  or  write  to 

Following  their  delegates'  1995  decision  to  merge,  a  com- 
mittee composed  of  Mennonite  and  General  Conference  Mennonite 
church  representatives  has  decided  that  the  two  denominations  will 
merge  by  1999,  becoming  the  "Mennonite  Church."  At  the  Men- 
nonite Church/General  Conference  Mennonite  Church  Integration 
Committee  meeting,  Feb.  28-March  1 ,  the  committee  approved  the 
joining  of  the  MC  and  GC  general  boards.  A  26-member  general 
board  is  expected  to  be  in  place  in  two  years.  A  churchwide 
assembly— which  is  comparable  to  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
Annual  Conference— will  be  held  every  three  years,  regional 
assemblies  biennially,  and  conference  assemblies  annually. 

These  decisions  are  subject  to  approval  by  the  general  boards 
and  delegate  assemblies  of  both  denominations. 

June  1997  Messenger  9 





John  Kline  (1797-1864) 

John  Kline,  a  Brethren  minister 
from  Broadway,  Va.,  had  emerged 
as  a  Brotherhood  leader  by  the 
1850s.  But  it  was  during  his  years 
as  moderator  of  Annual  Meeting 
(1861-1864)  that  he  exempli- 
fied the  best  in  Brethren 
peace  witnessing,  dealing 
with  Civil  War  troubles 
from  his  pacifist  stance. 
Cut  down  by  bushwhack- 
ers near  his  home,  John 
Kline  became  the  most  sig- 
nificant martyr  in  the  history  of 
the  Brethren.  The  200th  an- 
niversary of  his  birth  is  being 
marked  by  activities  in  Shenan- 
doah District  this  month, 

M.R.  Zigler  (1891-1985) 

Michael  Robert  ("M.R.")  Zigler 
gained  prominence  in  the  World 
War  II  years  and  their  aftermath 
as  head  of  the  Brethren 
Service  Committee.  He 
helped  create  Civilian  Pub- 
lic Service  (CPS)  and  the 
National  (Interreligious) 
Ser\'ice  Board  for  Religious 
Objectors.  He  was  in  the 
forefront  of  developing  Church 
World  Service  (CWS),  Christian 
Rural  Overseas  Program  (CROP), 
Heifer  Project,  and  Cooperative 
for  American  Remittances  to  Eu- 
rope (CARE). 

In  1948,  he  began  a  10-year 
term  as  head  of  Brethren  Ser- 

John  Ba\er  believes 
that  Brethren  must  lead 
out  boldly  with  their 
actions  for  and  messages 
on  peace  and  other 
great  7noral  issues  of  the 
day — leading  that  is 
needed  desperately  in 
contemporary  society. 

BY  Donald  R  Durnbaugh 

When  former  Seeretary  of  Defensei 
Robert  McNamara  met  waves  of 
criticism  for  confessing  in  his 
book  In  Retrospect  that  the  Vietnam  War 
he  administered  was  a  tragic  mistake,  he 
received  a  warm  letter  from  John  Calhoun  i 
Baker,  president  emeritus  of  Ohio  Univer-j 
sity.  John  Baker  complimented  | 

McNamara  for  his  courage  in  admitting  j 
that  he  had  been  wrong  in  prosecuting  the  i 
war.  McNamara  scrawled  a  response  to  \ 
the  Baker  letter,  "I  am  deeply  grateful  for  | 
your  note,"  and  offered  "many,  many  i 

thanks"  for  the  words  of  encouragement. 
What  John  Baker  had  not  mentioned  in  his; 
letter  was  that  he  was  a  hundred  years  old  j 
when  he  wrote  it. 

The  incident  sheds  light  on  the  energies  I 
and  insights  of  a  remarkable  man,  shaped  \ 
largely  by  the  values  inculcated  in  his  I 

Brethren  home  in  Everett,  Pa.,  where  he 
was  born  Oct.  21,  1895.  His  grandfather 
was  a  Dunker  free  (nonsalaried)  minister: 
his  parents  were  Francis  and  Jennie  Cal- 
houn Baker,  leaders  in  the  local  Church  of 
the  Brethren  congregation  and  in  the  com- 
munity. Francis  Baker,  who  died  in  1934, 
owned  and  operated  one  of  the  largest 

10  Messenger  June  1997 

ohn  C.  Baker 

farm  machinery  and  warehouses  in  Bed- 
ford County,  [ennie  Baker  loved  poetry 
and  implanted  that  love  in  her  children. 
She  introduced  them  to  Longfellow,  Whit- 
ttier,  and  other  poets  popular  with  young 
people,  and  also  to  Whitman,  Bryant,  and 
the  great  English  writers,  especially  Shake- 
speare, Milton,  and  Wordsworth.  This 
early  exposure  was  formative  for  the  Baker 
children,  who  drew  on  this  literary 
resource  throughout  their  lives. 

)ennie  Calhoun  Baker  assisted  her  hus- 
band with  his  business  and  was  known  for 
the  active  role  she  played  in  community 
affairs.  When  she  died  in  1946,  a  local 
newspaper  headlined  the  event  on  the  front 
page:  "Mrs.  Jennie  Baker,  Outstanding 
Citizen,  Died  Last  Week."  She  was 
admired  for  her  leadership  in  Bedford 
County  Federation  of  Women's  Clubs  and 
for  founding  public  libraries.  More  contro- 

versial were  her  outspoken  involvements  in 
the  Women's  International  League  for 
Peace  and  Freedom  and  the  Woman's 
Christian  Temperance  Union. 

As  (ohn  Baker  reflects  on  his  long  and 
creative  life,  he  gives  major  credit  to  his 
mother's  influence.  They  corresponded  fre- 
quently while  she  lived.  Her  theme  song, 
recalls  Baker,  was  a  couplet  from  the  Eng- 
lish poet  Pope:  "Act  well  your  part.  /  There 
all  the  honor  lies." 

The  five  children  of  the  Bakers,  two 
sons  and  three  daughters,  were  unusually 
gifted.  Robert  C.  Baker,  noted  for  his 
integrity,  gained  a  national  reputation  as  a 
banker  in  Washington,  D.C.  When  he  died 
in  1976,  The  Washington  Post  editorial- 
ized: "Among  influential  and  concerned 
community  leaders  who  knew  him  best, 
Robert  Calhoun  Baker  . .  .enjoyed  a  special 
reputation  not  only  as  one  of  Greater 

Bethany  Seminary:  Strengthening 
the  Brethren  peace  witness 

Bethany  Theological  Seminary's  Peace  Studies  Program  began 
26  years  ago  with  the  offering  of  an  M.A.  degree  focusing  on 
peace  studies.  It  trained  people  for  ministries  of  peace  and  for 
strengthening  the  peace  witness  of  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  In  1981,  Bethany  began  to  offer  a  peace  studies 
emphasis  for  students  in  either  the  M.A.  or  M.Div.  programs.    , 

In  1980,  John  C.  and  Elizabeth  Baker  gave  the  seminary  a 
generous  endowment,  now  known  as  the  Baker  Peace  Fund. 
That  greatly  helped  the  program  pursue  educational  activities  ' 
and  bring  in  speakers  on  peace  topics.  The  fund  enables  stu- 
dents to  travel  abroad  to  learn  about  peacemaking  in 
worldwide  settings. 

Under  a  seminar  program,  peace  studies  students  meet  weekly  for  discussion, 
hearing  visiting  speakers,  and  planning  peacemaking  activities. 

Professor  Dale  W  Brown,  now  retired,  was  a  guiding  force  in  organizing  and 
developing  peace  studies  at  Bethany.  In  1994,  Jeffrey  A.  Bach  joined  the  seminary 
faculty  and  became  the  program's  director.  With  Bethany  Seminary  relocated  in 
Richmond,  Ind.,  the  program  cooperates  closely  with  Earlham  School  of  Religion. 
The  Peace  Studies  Program  continues  to  keep  the  Brethren  peace  witness  integral 
to  the  seminary  curriculum. 




vice  in  Europe,  where  he  also 
was  active  in  the  World  Council 
of  Churches  (WCC). 

His  last  great  peace  service  was 
the  launching  of  On  Earth  Peace 
Conference  in  1974  (now  On 
Earth  Peace  Assembly— OEPA). 

Dan  West  (1893-1971) 

Dan  West  gave  denominational 
leadership  in  peace  ac- 
tivism from  the  1920s  un- 
til the  1960s.  From  the  late 
1920s  through  the  1930s, 
he  gave  major  emphasis 
to  peace  education.  In 
1932  he  helped  organize 
a  movement  called  "20,000 
Dunkers  for  Peace." 

From  relief  work  in  the  late 
1930s  in  Spain,  during  that 
country's  civil  war,  he  got  the 
inspiration  for  developing  a  pro- 
gram called  Heifers  for  Relief, 
which  grew  into  today's  Heifer 
Project  International  (HPl). 

In  1948  he  was  helpful  in  the 
founding  of  Brethren  Volunteer 
Service  (BVS).  For  many  years 
thereafter,  he  regularly  helped 
with  BVS  training.  When  he  was 
73  years  old,  he  became  the  first 
lay  moderator  of  Annual  Con- 

GladdysE.Muir  (1895-1967) 

Gladdys  Muir  pursued  her  peace 
activism  through  teaching,  writ- 
ing, and  mentoring.  In  her 
later  years,  she  maintained 
contact,  through  a  semi- 
annual newsletter,  with  a 
worldwide  "family"  of  for- 
mer students  that  num- 
bered in  the  thousands. 

She  founded  and,  for  11 
years,  directed  the  Peace  Stud- 

JuNE  1997  Messenger  1 1 



ies  Institute  at  Manchester  Col- 
lege, the  first  program  in  the 
world  in  which  students  could 
graduate  with  an  academic  ma- 
jor in  peace  studies.  That  insti- 
tute served  as  a  direct  and  indi- 
rect model  for  dozens  of  peace 
and  conflict  studies  programs 
in  the  turbulent  1960s. 

Oral.  Huston  (1903-1967) 

Ora  Huston  made  his  mark  in 
peace  activism  through  his  long 
service  with  ecumenical  peace 
agencies  and  as  a  denom- 
inational staff  member.  He 
served  as  an  administrator 
of  Civilian  Public  Service 
(CPS),  1942-1946,  and  as 
executive  secretary  of  the 
National  Service  Board  for 
Religious  Objectors  (NSBRO) 
(later  National  Interreligious 
Senice  Board  for  Conscientious 
Objectors-NISBCO),  1946-1948. 
Then,  on  the  Brethren  Service 
Commission  staff,  he  served  as 
director    of    Social    Action 
(19-18-1959)  and  as  Peace  Coun- 
selor (1939-1967). 

The  Huston  Memorial  Peace 
Lectureship  was  established  in 
his  honor  at  Bethany  Theolog- 
ical Seminary  in  1968. 

W.Harold  Row  (1912-1971) 

In  1942,  Harold  Row  became 
director  of  the  newly  created 
Civilian  Public  Service  (CPS), 
which  provided  alterna- 
tive service  for  conscien- 
tious objectors  during 
World  War  II.  For  20  years 
(1948-1968),  he  served 
as    executive    of    the 
Brethren  Service  Com- 
mission. In  that  role,  he  helped 
develop  and  guide  several  ec- 
umenical agencies,  including 
the  National  Service  Board  for 
Religious  Objectors  (NSBRO), 
International  Voluntary  Services 

12  Messenger  June  1997 

John  and  Elizabeth  Baker,  shown  here  at  a  1960  dinner  celebrating  fohn  's  1 5th  year  as 
president  of  Ohio  University,  were  imbued  with  a  reverence  for  peace  through  their 
upbringing,  he  as  a  Brethren,  she  as  a  Quaker.  When  they  presented  Juniata  College  a 
grant  for  peace  studies,  fohn  said.  "Nowhere  is  it  more  important  to  build . .  .defenses 
peace)  than  in  the  minds  of  college  students " 


Washington's  most  successful  bankers 
over  the  last  three  decades,  but  also  as  a 
colleague  whose  determination  to  pre- 
serve the  financial  health  of  this  city  made 
hiiTi  an  enormously  influential  figure  in 
local  affairs."  He  played  a  leading  role  in 
the  creation  of  the  Kennedy  Center  as  its 
first  treasurer. 

Dorothy  Baker  Johnson  achieved 
national  standing  in  social  work  as  the 
director  of  Family  Society  of  New  Haven, 
Conn.  The  gifts  from  her  estate  to  Juniata 
College,  primarily  for  scholarship  aid,  were 
very  substantial.  Helen  C.  Baker  was  a 
researcher  and  educator,  enjoying  respect 
from  both  academic  and  business  figures. 
Such  was  her  stature  that  her  work  was 
even  avidly  followed  in  the  Soviet  Union. 
When  she  died  in  1955,  an  outpouring  of 
messages  came  to  the  family,  all  recogniz- 
ing her  remarkable  achievements.  The  New 
York  Times  wrote  in  its  obituary  that  she 
"was  an  authority  in  the  field  of  industrial 
relations  research  and  the  first  woman  to 
hold  the  rank  of  associate  professor  at 
Princeton  University,"  a  tenured  position. 
Margaret  E.  Baker  devoted  her  life  to 
teaching  and  to  building  a  solid  foundation 
for  the  Everett  Free  Library,  created  by  her 
mother  in  1923  and  now  located  in  the 
lennie  Calhoun  Baker  House. 

The  career  of  fohn  C.  Baker  was  also 
distinguished.  Following  graduation  in 
1917  from  Juniata  College  (which  he 
attended,  as  did  his  siblings,  through  his 
parents  guidance)  he  was  one  of  four 

Brethren  who  worked  with  the  newly 
formed  American  Friends  Service  Com- 
mittee in  war-torn  France  from  late  1917 
to  early  1919.  Based  on  this  service,  he 
was  asked  in  1921  to  join  a  mediation 
and  fact-finding  team  that  visited  Ireland, 
troubled  by  anti-British  violence. 

Following  his  wartime  experiences, 
John  entered  Harvard  Business  School, 
graduating  with  a  MBA  in  1923.  After  a 
further  year  there  in  research,  he  pursued 
business  interests  for  two  years.  In  1926, 
he  was  invited  to  return  to  the  business 
school  as  an  instructor,  soon  being  pro- 
moted to  assistant  dean  (1928—1936), 
and,  after  holding  various  research  and 
teaching  appointments,  becaine  a  full 
professor  in  1940.  In  this  period,  he 
wrote  numerous  books  and  articles  on  the 
topics  of  executive  salaries,  bonus  plans, 
and  corporate  directors. 

During  World  War  II,  John  was  on  leave 
from  the  business  school,  under  appoint- 
ment as  associate  dean  of  Harvard 
University  ( 1 94 1-1 945).  At  this  time,  the 
president  of  the  university,  James  B.  Conant, 
was  in  government  service  in  Washington, 
D.C.  John  was  Conant's  leading  administra- 
tive agent  in  Cambridge;  he  recalls  those 
busy  years  as  among  his  happiest. 

In  1933,  in  the  midst  of  his  Harvard 
years,  John  married  Elizabeth  Evans, 
daughter  of  a  prominent  family  with 
Quaker  roots  of  Essex  Fells,  N.  J.  Elizabeth 
was  gifted  in  music  and  drama,  and  sang 
and  acted  professionally.  She  sustained  a 

life-long  interest  in  drama.  For  three 
decades  after  1958,  she  directed  (and  acted 
■with)  the  Ohio  University  Players  in  plays 
of  noted  dramatists  in  the  Monomy  The- 
atre, Chatham,  Mass.,  near  the  Bakers' 
summer  home.  Following  her  death,  |une 
.'21,  1990,  |ohn  issued  in  commemoration  a 
privately  printed  book.  Her  Words,  contain- 
ing some  of  Elizabeth's  moving  poetry  and 
colorful  visionary  prose. 

The  Bakers  had  three  daughters,  Eliza- 
beth C.  Baker  (editor  o(Art  in  America), 
Eleanor  Baker  Steindler  (distinguished 
flutist  and  former  president  of  the  New 
•York  Flute  Association),  and  Anne  C.  Baker 
(musician,  lawyer  and  trustee  of  Juniata 
■.College),  all  now  residing  in  New  York  City. 

In  May  1945,  lohn  was  inaugurated 
president  of  Ohio  University  in  Athens, 
Ohio.  His  years  there  (1945-1961)  were 

challenging  and  productive.  He  found  it  a 
dispirited,  low-budgeted  state  school  with 
inadequate  facilities  for  its  wartime  enroll- 
ment of  1,500  students.  He  left  it  a 
flourishing  university  with  a  strong  faculty, 
quintupled  enrollment,  32  new  buildings, 
and  a  system  of  branch  campuses.  A  Time 
magazine  feature  story  (October  1950) 
quoted  a  current  saying  in  Athens:  "A  Yale 
man  founded  the  school,  but  a  Harvard 
man  put  it  on  its  feet."  Plaudits  at  John's 
retirement  by  members  of  the  student 
body,  staff,  faculty,  and  trustees  glowed 
with  appreciation. 

lohn  found  time  during  this  period  to 
take  on  international  responsibilities  as 
chief  of  the  United  States  delegation  to 
the  United  Nations  Economic  and  Social 
Council  (ECOSOC)  in  Geneva,  Switzer- 
land, appointed  and  reappointed  by 

Juniata  College:  Leading  other 
schools  in  peace  studies 

Andv  Miirrav 

The  Baker  Institute  for  Peace  and  Conflict  Studies  was  estab- 
lished at  luniata  College  in  1986  to  apply  the  resources  of  the 
academic  community  to  war  and  deep-rooted  conflict  as 
human  problems  and  to  peace  as  a  human  potential.  John  C. 
and  Elizabeth  Baker  challenged  luniata  to  develop  a  peace 
studies  program,  and  their  financial  gifts  have  helped  sustain 
the  program  named  for  them. 

Primarily,  the  institute  supports  and  supervises  the  acade- 
mic program  in  peace  and  conflict  studies  initiated  at  luniata 
in  1974.  The  program  offers  a  full  academic  major,  with 
more  than  20  courses.  About  25  students  each  year  have  peace  studies  as  a  major 
or  as  part  of  a  combined  program  of  emphasis. 

A  vigorous  outreach  program  has  had  faculty  from  20  universities  and  six  high 
schools  participating  in  study  tours  around  the  world.  The  institute  helped  found 
and  continues  to  support  the  Peace  Studies  Association,  comprising  over  100  col- 
leges and  universities  with  peace  studies  programs.  Several  public  school  districts 
in  Pennsylvania  have  received  mediation  training  and/or  conflict  intervention  help 
through  the  institute's  Baker  Mediation  Services.  In  cooperation  with  the  United 
Nations  and  with  the  International  Association  of  University  Presidents,  the  insti- 
tute has  provided  intensive  training  in  arms  control  and  disarmament  curriculum 
to  professors  from  30  universities  in  24  developing  nations.  Currently,  the  Baker 
Institute  is  working  with  the  United  Nations  Development  Program,  UNESCO, 
and  the  UN  Center  for  Disarmament  Affairs  on  a  special  10-nation  peace  initia- 
tive in  West  Africa.  M.  Andrew  Murray,  who  joined  the  luniata  faculty  in  1971, 
has  been  the  Baker  Institute's  director  since  its  establishment. 



(IVS),  Church  World  Service 
(CWS),  Christian  Rural  Overseas 
Program  (CROP),  Christian  Peace 
Mission,  International  Christian 
Youth  Exchange  (ICYE),  Home- 
less European  Land  Program 
(HELP),  and  EIRENE  (Greek  for 
"peace";  it  provided  a  channel 
for  Christian  pacifists  from  many 
nations  to  serve  as  volunteers 
in  the  cause  of  peace  and  rec- 

In  the  later  years  of  his  ca- 
reer, he  became  well  known  for 
arranging  a  series  of  exchange 
visits  between  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  and  the  Russian  Or- 
thodox Church,  a  highly  con- 
troversial project  carried  out 
amid  cold  war  tensions. 

T.  Wayne  Rieman 

T.  ("Tim")  Wayne  Rieman  served 
as  campus  minister  at  Man- 
chester College  for  16  years,  and 
taught  religion  there  for  31  years, 
serving  nearly  20  years  as 
departmental  chair.  He  in- 
spired young  people  far 
beyond  his  Manchester 
College  classroom,  ser\- 
ing  as  speaker  and  rt 
source  person  at  many 
events  across  the  denomination. 

Even  after  retirement,  and 
with  failing  eyesight  and  health, 
he  served  interim  pastorates  in 
three  states;  conducted  185 
workshops  in  camps,  churches, 
and  Elderhostels  from  coast  to 
coast;  and  taught  six  more 
courses  at  Manchester.  In  1990, 
he  wrote  a  year-long  series  of 
columns  in  Messenger  titled 
"Brethren  Facing  the  Future." 

Manchester  professor  Ken 
Brown  said  of  his  colleague. 
"Tim  agreed  with  Teilhard  de 
Chardin,  Love  is  the  only  force 
that  can  make  things  one  with- 
out destroying  them'." 

June  1997  Messenger  1 3 



Ralph  E.  Smeltzer 

One  of  Ralph  Smeltzer's  earli- 
est peace-related  activities  was 
in  1942-1943,  teaching  at  the 
Manzanar  Relocation  Center  for 
Americans  of  Japanese  Ances- 
try. Manzanar,  in  California,  was 
one  of  the  10  infamous  con- 
centration camps  into  which  the 
US  government  threw  its  Japan- 
ese-American citizens  during 
World  War  IL 

Later,  Smeltzer  and  his  wife, 
Mary,  directed  programs 
for  people  of  Japanese  an- 
cestry aiding  their  relo- 
cation in  Chicago  and 
Brooklyn.  From  1946  to 
1949.  he  directed  Brethren 
Ser\'ice  in  Austria.  Then  he 
served  1953-1968  as  di- 
rector of  Peace  and  Social  Edu- 
cation on  the  Brethren  Service 
Commission  staff.  He  was  serv- 
ing as  director  of  the  denomi- 
nation's Washington  Office  at 
the  time  of  his  death  in  1976. 

One  of  his  lesser  known  but 
very  significant  services  as  a 
peace  activist  was  his  role. 
1963-1965,  as  a  mediator  in  the 
Selma,  Ala.,  civil  rights  crisis. 
Tribute  for  this  was  paid  in 
Charles  E.  Pager's  1974  book. 
Selma  1965- 

Dale  W.  Brown  (born  1926) 

Dale  Brown  made  a  name  for 
himself  as  a  peace  activist  dur- 
ing his  32  years  at  Bethany 
Theological  Seminary, 
where  he  was  professor  of 
Christian  Theology  while 
maintaining  a  busy  sched- 
ule as  a  resource  person 
for  peace  activities  across 
the  denomination. 

One  of  his  chief  contributions 
has  been  the  authoring  of  books 
such  as  The  Christian  Revolu- 
tionary, Understanding  Pietism 
(now  out  in  a  revised  edition). 
Flamed  by  the  Spirit.  What  About 
the  Russians?  and  Biblical  Paci- 
fism. He  served  as  Annual  Con- 

President  Eisenhower  in  1953,  1955,  and 
1956.  He  completed  studies  of  educa- 
tional needs  in  countries  as  varied  as 
Cambodia  and  Colombia  at  the  request  of 
a  State  Department  agency.  lohn  also 
completed  short-term  assignments  in 
Yugoslavia,  India,  Iran,  and  Nigeria. 

It  was  during  his  retirement  that  John, 
strongly  supported  by  Elizabeth,  made  the 
greatest  contribution  to  the  Brethren. 
Their  long-standing  interest  in  peace  and 
in  conflict  resolution  led  the  Bakers  to 
fund  programs  at  Juniata  College  (1974) 
and  Bethany  Theological  Seminary 
(1980),  as  well  as  at  Ohio  University.  In 
the  early  1970s,  Elizabeth  proposed  a  cur- 
ricular  peace  emphasis  to  luniata  College, 
offering  to  begin  a  fund  for  this  purpose. 
She  persisted  until  the  college  responded. 

When  lohn  presented  one  of  their 
financial  grants  for  the  luniata  Institute 
for  Peace  and  Conflict  Studies  (renamed 
in  1987  in  honor  of  the  Bakers),  he 
referred  to  the  well-known  statement  in 

UNESCO's  constitution:  "Since  war 
begins  in  the  minds  of  men,  it  is  in  the 
minds  of  men  that  the  defenses  of  peace 
must  be  constructed."  He  concluded, 
"Nowhere  is  it  more  important  to  build 
these  defenses  than  in  the  minds  of  col- 
lege students. . . .  This  income,  we  hope,  in 
some  small  way,  will  aid  this  great  cause." 

Elizabeth  was  honored  by  luniata  Col- 
lege in  1987.  On  that  occasion,  she  said, 
"It  is  the  most  gratifying  thing  in  my  life  to 
feel  [myself]  a  part  of  this  great  worldwide 
quest  for  peace.  I  want  to  [challenge]  all  of 
you  who  are  teaching  the  young  to  think  in 
new  ways  about  this  world " 

lohn  had  a  long-term  relationship  with 
luniata  College  for  he  served  actively  on 
the  its  board  of  trustees  for  50  years 
(1936-1986)  and  as  chairman 
1963-1976.  He  currently  holds  the  title 
Chairman  Emeritus.  All  told,  he  has 
helped  to  lead  the  college  for  nearly  half 
of  its  existence.  In  recognition  of  his  ser- 
vice, the  college  awarded  him  a  Doctor  of 

Manchester  College:  The  first  US 
peace  studies  program 

Established  in  1948 — two  decades  before  any  other  such 
program — the  Peace  Studies  Institute  and  Program  for  Con- 
flict Resolution  at  Manchester  College  pioneered  as  the  first 
undergraduate  peace  studies  program  in  the  United  States. 
The  academic  program  offers  a  Bachelor's  degree  in  peace 
studies,  as  well  as  a  minor.  Many  students  combine  peace  and  5| 
conflict  studies  with  a  second,  traditional  major. 

The  program  in  peace  studies  is  interdisciplinary  and  draws  || 
from  political  science,  psychology,  economics,  sociology,  phi- 
losophy, religion,  and  the  humanities.  Attention  is  given  to 
questions  of  values  and  personal  lifestyle,  as  well  as  to  historical  perspectives, 
conflict  resolution,  political  theory,  and  social  change. 

Peace  studies  education  at  Manchester  extends  beyond  the  classroom.  Majors 
are  in  weekly  discussions  at  "Kenapocomoco  Coalition,"  retreats,  action  projects 
(such  as  Amnesty  International  and  CROP),  and  mediation  services  on  campus 
and/or  in  area  public  schools.  |anuary  study-travel  has  taken  students  to  countries 
such  as  Ireland,  Mexico,  Haiti,  and  Brazil.  Many  students  spend  their  junior  year 
with  Brethren  Colleges  Abroad. 

The  Peace  Studies  Institute  was  established  by  Gladdys  E.  Muir  to  prepare 
Brethren  men  and  women  for  peace  leadership.  Muir  headed  the  Institute  for  1 1 
years.  Kenneth  L.  Brown,  who  joined  the  Manchester  faculty  in  1961,  has 
directed  the  institute  since  1980. 

Ken  Brown 

14  Messenger  June  1997 




Laws  degree  in  1943,  one  of  nine  hon- 
orary degrees  conferred  upon  him. 

In  1988,  Elizabeth  commissioned  at 
Juniata  an  open-air  "peace  chapel"  on 
scenic  college  property  overlooking  the 
campus  and  town.  It  was  created  by  Maya 
:Lin,  who  designed  the  Vietnam  Veterans 
memorial  and  the  Civil  Rights  memorial. 
iMaya  Lin  grew  up  in  Athens,  Ohio,  where 
her  parents  were  faculty  members  of  the 
university  that  (ohn  headed.  The  luniata 
College  connection  was  featured  in  an 
Oscar-winning  documentary  film  on  the 
ilife  and  work  of  the  young  designer, 
shown  nationally  on  public  television  in 
'November  1996. 

One  of  the  happy  developments  in  later 
ilife  for  John  was  his  belated  friendship 
with  Brethren  peace  activist  M.R.  Zigler. 
They  hit  it  off  immediately,  assisted  by 
their  mutual  friendship  with  Andrew  W. 
Cordier,  first  chairman  of  the  Brethren 
Service  Committee,  long-time  United 
Nations  administrator,  and  president  of 
Columbia  University.  John  attended  the 
memorial  service  for  M.R.  Zigler  in  1985. 
He  commented  in  a  letter  to  M.R.'s  biog- 
rapher that  in  [ewish  folklore  "there  is  a 
tradition  that  the  Creator  has  in  every  gen- 
eration 36  anonymous  righteous  men 
privileged  to  see  God,  and  the  world  exists 
on  their  merit."  He  went  on:  "If  true,  it 
would  appear  to  me  that  M.R.  was  one  of 
these  rare,  selected  individuals."  |ohn  con- 
siders M.R.  Zigler  to  have  incorporated 
the  best  in  Brethren  values  as  an  ecumeni- 
cally oriented  advocate  for  peace.  In  a 
practical  demonstration  of  his  respect, 
John  made  a  significant  gift  to  inaugurate 
the  M.R.  Zigler  Endowment  Fund  of  On 
Earth  Peace  Assembly  (OEPA). 

Following  gradua- 
tion from  Juniata 
College  m  1917, 
John  served  with 
American  Friends 
Service  Committee, 
working  among 
rural  French  people 
at  the  height  of 
World  War  /. 

To  recognize  John's  untiring  efforts  for 
peace,  OEPA  presented  him  with  the 
M.R.  Zigler  Peacemaking  Award  in  Octo- 
ber 1995.  The  citation  began  "Born  in 
Everett,  Pa.,  100  years  ago  this  year.  Dr. 
John  Baker  has  led  an  exemplary  life  pro- 
moting scholarship  and  education  as  the 
major  thrust  of  that  life." 

Sounding  very  much  like  M.R.  Zigler, 
John  today  urges  Brethren  to  take  the  long 
view  and  to  develop  a  clear  vision  for  the 
church's  future,  downplaying  past  routine. 
He  asserts  that  "business  as  usual"  will 
place  the  church  in  the  also-ran  category, 
on  a  course  for  futility.  Brethren  must  lead 
out  boldly  with  their  actions  for  and  mes- 
sages on  peace  and  other  great  moral 
issues  of  the  day — leading  that  is  needed 
desperately  in  contemporary  society. 

Andrew  Murray,  director  of  the  Baker 
Institute  for  Peace  and  Conflict  Studies  at 
Juniata  College,  gives  this  characterization 
of  John  Baker:  "He  challenges  and  sup- 
ports. He  shared  with  Elizabeth  a  great 
vision  on  how  the  academic  community 
might  contribute  to  a  more  peaceful  world. 
But  vision  is  only  half  the  story.  Hard 
work,  attention  to  detail,  and  consistent 
and  unswerving  support  have  combined 
with  his  vision  to  leave  a  legacy  that  will 
keep  committees,  students,  and  teachers 
focused  on  a  better  future  for  our  world." 

Now  past  the  century  mark  in  years,  John 
Calhoun  Baker  remains  an  outspoken  stal- 
wart for  peace,  challenging  the  Brethren  to 
live  up  to  their  peace  heritage  by  active  ~7r\ 
engagement  in  that  cause  today.  . I 

Donald  F.  Dwnbaugh.  of  James  Creek,  Pa.,  is  a 
Brethren  historian  with  a  career  that  has  included 
professorships  at  Juniata  College.  Elizabethtown  Col- 
lege, and  Bethany  Theological  Seminary, 

ference  moderator  in  1972 

Since  his  retirement  from 
Bethany  Seminary  in  1994,  his 
base  has  been  Elizabethtown,  Pa., 
where  he  relates  to  Elizabeth- 
town  College's  Young  Center  for 
Anabaptist  and  Pietist  Snidies  and 
teaches  at  Bethany  Seminary's 
Susquehanna  Valley  Satellite.  Still 
the  activist,  he  has  recently  taken 
part  in  peace  demonstrations  in 
Washington,  DC.  The  next  book 
he  anticipates  writing  is  one  on 
Brethren  doctrine. 

This  month  he  will  speak  on 
"John  Kline  and  his  Quest  for 
Peace"  at  the  bicentennial  cele- 
bration in  Broadway,  Va.,  of  the 
19th-century  peace  martyr's  birth. 

Ted  A.  Studebaker 


As  a  Brethren  Volunteer  Service 
(BVS)  worker,  Ted  Studebaker 
served  two  years  with  Viet- 
nam Christian  Service  in 
the  war-wracked  country's 
central  highlands.  He  was 
killed  April  26,  1971,  dur- 
ing a  Vietcong  attack  on  his 
residence  at  Di  Linh. 

As  a  conscientious  ob- 
jector and  a  Brethren  peace  ac- 
tivist, he  had  spoken  out  against 
American  military  participation 
in  the  Vietnam  War  and  the  de- 
struction of  the  Montagnard  and 
Koho  peoples. 

The  tragic  death  of  this  young 
man,  whose  constant  affirmation 
was  "Life  is  great,  yea!"  served 
to  turn  him  into  a  peace  martyr 
and  folk  hero  for  the  Brethren. 

We  conclude  our  list  of  well- 
known  Brethren  peace  activists 
as  we  began  it— with  the  name 
of  one  who  laid  down  his  life  in 
the  service  of  peace. 

Credits  for  'peace  stalwarts"  por- 
traits: Kline,  Zigler,  West:  Kermon 
Thomasson:  Miiir  Huston,  Row, 
Rieman,  Smellzer:  Brethren  Histori- 
cal Library  and  .\rchives;  Brown: 
Bethany  Theological  Seminary:  Stude- 
baker: Don  Honick. 

June  1997  Messenger  1 5 


BY  Kenneth  I.  Morse 

I  It  should  come  as  no  surprise  that 

I  Brethren  do  not  always  "preach" 
fceatfrom  the  traditional  pulpits  that 
worshipers  deem  appropriate.  In  a 
collection  of  anecdotes  from  Brethren 
history,  such  as  I  made  for  my  book 
Preaching  in  a  Tavern,  there  is  bound 
to  be  found  a  wealth  of  incidents 
illustrating  the  unconventional  cir- 
cumstances that  sometimes 
accompany  Brethren  preaching.  The 
bulliest  pulpits  are  not  always  those 
found  in  Brethren  churches. 

A  th*eatened  lynching  in  Tennessee 

Look  at  what  happened  to  Samuel 
Garber,  an  Illinois  Brethren,  when  he 
preached  in  Tennessee,  where  he  for- 
merly had  lived.  This  was  in  1858, 
when  tension  between  free  states  and 
slave  states,  abolitionists  and  slave- 
holders, was  rapidly  building  toward 
civil  war. 

Preaching  in  a  Presbyterian  church  in 
eastern  Tennessee,  Garber  "spoke  of 
the  yoke  and  the  bondage  of  sin  in  gen- 
eral terms  . .  .and  particularly  against 
oppression  in  every  shape  and  form." 
Reporting  in  Messenger's  forerunner. 
The  Gospel  Visitor,  Garber  wrote, 
"About  the  close  of  my  discourse,  I  said 
that  among  the  yokes  and  oppressions 
might  be  named  that  of  slavery." 

Garber  had  "done  gone  to  med- 
dling," as  he  quickly  found  out. 
Immediately  another  minister 
jumped  up  and  announced  that  he 
would  show  that  Garber's  Isaiah 
58:6  text  had  no  reference  to  African 
slavery.  A  newspaper  article  accused 
Garber  of  having  the  audacity  to 
deliver  an  abolition  sermon  in  the 
presence  of  master  and  slave.  That 
was  followed  by  threats  of  lynch  law, 
of  being  tarred  and  feathered  and 
ridden  out  of  town  on  a  rail. 

A  few  weeks  later,  the  Brethren 

Illustrations  abound  to  show  that, 

throughout  Brethren  history,  our 

preachers  have  found  that  the  bulliest 

pulpit  is  not  always  the  one  in  the  church. 

preacher  was  arrested  for  delivering 
an  abolition  sermon.  Garber  refused 
to  appear  in  court  on  a  Sunday,  but 
the  next  day  he  was  set  free  on  $500 
bail  "to  appear  in  the  next  term  of 
court."  Area  Brethren,  fearing  vio- 
lence, persuaded  him  to  leave 
Tennessee.  They  paid  the  forfeited 
bail  money.  Later,  socked  with  court 
costs  and  lawyer's  fees  amounting  to 
$234,  a  pained  Garber  grumbled,  "A 
pretty  sum  to  be  paid  for  preaching 

Ken  Morse  knew  the  bearded  preacher, 

antiquary,  and  raconteur  Reuel  B. 
Pritchett  for  many  years  before  he  put 
him  into  his  book.  In  a  photo  from 
earlier  times,  the  tivo  pored  over 
historical  documents  from  brother 
Pritchett 's  collection  that  was  deposited 
in  the  Pritchett  Museum  at  Bridgewater 
College.  In  old  age,  brother  Pritchett 
wrote  a  tale-filled  autobiography  titled 
On  the  Ground  Floor  of  Heaven.  He 
died  at  90,  in  1974. 

16  Messenger  June  1997 

he  gospel!  Where  is  the  boasted  lib- 
erty of  the  pulpit  and  the  press?" 

Cleaning  up  after  horses 

llf  ever  the  use  of  incense  could 
lave  been  justified  in  a  Brethren 
ivorship  service,  it  was  on  a  cattle 
Doat  returning  from  Greece  in 
1948.  Reuel  B.  Pritchett,  a       | 
plain-garbed  preacher  from        < 
White  Pine,  Tenn.,  and,  for  the        S 
v'oyage,  a  "sea-going  horse        | 
wrangler,"  tells  how  he  cleaned       ^ 
up  a  stable  on  the  boat  to  create       | 
a  makeshift  sanctuary:  s 

"On  our  return  voyage,  I      | 
made  me  a  church  on  deck,      ^ 
right  where  one  of  the  horse  sta- 
bles had  been.  I  took  a  hose  and 
flushed  it  all  out  nice  and  clean. 
It  had  open  cracks,  like  a  [corn] 
crib.  1  got  planks  we'd  used  for  par- 
titions, scrubbed  them  all  up,  slipped 
them  into  the  cracks,  and  made  raised 
seats  all  the  way  back.  1  made  me  a 
stand  and  took  a  towel  out  of  my  grip 
for  a  spread  on  the  stand.  We  was  out 
on  the  deck,  and  the  wind  would  be 
so  heavy,  I'd  have  to  weight  the  towel 
down  with  something,  or  my  Bible 
and  all  would  have  been  blown  away. 
So  1  polished  up  some  ammunition 
cartridges  that  I'd  secured  from  under 
the  rubble  of  waterfront  warehouses 
in  Athens  and  perched  them  on  the 
spread  for  vases  to  hold  it  down  tight. 

"There ...  I  would  preach.  (I  had 
preached  going  over,  too,  but  without 
the  deck  chapel.)  I  [ordinarily]  wore 
work  clothes,  but  when  1  went  to  preach 
...  I  appeared  as  stately  as  I  knew  how 
to  do.  I  had  the  high-ranking  officers 
and  the  reprobate  old  seamen  and  the 
soldiers  we  were  hauling  back  instead  of 
horses.  They  all  came  to  church,  and  I 
unloaded  on  them.  One  profane  old 
seaman  said  to  me,  "Mr.  Pritchett,  this 
is  the  first  time  we  ever  had  any  religion 
on  this  boat." 

Isaac  Newton  Harvey  Beahm  was 

probably  the  most  colorful  Brethren 
character  of  all  time.  Practically 
everyone  knew  him,  for  he  not  only 
held  forth  at  Annual  Conferences  but 
traveled  constantly.  He  spread  mirth 
everywhere  he  went  with  his  razor- 
sharp  wit.  pithy  "sound  bites. "  and  his 
way  of  referring  to  himself  in  third 
person  as  "brother  Beahm. "  He  was 
killed  in  a  car  wreck  at  age  91  in  1950. 

Preaching  at  a  court-martial 

Some  of  the  finest  statements  setting 
forth  aspects  of  the  Brethren  peace 
testimony  can  be  found  in  the 
printed  records  of  Brethren  who 
were  summoned,  arrested,  and  called 
upon  to  give  a  defense  of  their 
beliefs.  One  of  the  most  eloquent  of 

these  came  about  at  Fort  Leaven- 
worth, Kan.,  during  World  War  I, 
when  Maurice  Hess,  a  member  of  the 
Old  German  Baptist  Brethren  and, 
for  many  years,  a  McPherson  Col- 
lege professor,  offered  this 
statement  at  his  court-martial  as 
a  conscientious  objector: 
"For  a  young  man,  life  and 
its  hopes  and  freedom  and 
opportunities  for  service  are 
sweet  to  me.  I  want  to  go  out 
into  the  world  and  make  use 
of  what  little  talent  I  may 
have  acquired  by  long  and 
laborious  study. 

"But  I  know  that  1  dare  not 
purchase  these  things  at  the 
price  of  eternal  condemnation. 
1  know  the  teaching  of  Christ, 
my  Savior.  He  taught  us  to  resist 
not  evil,  to  love  our  enemies,  to 
bless  them  that  curse  us,  and  do 
good  to  them  that  hate  us. . . .  We 
would  indeed  be  hypocrites  and  base 
traitors  to  our  profession  if  we  would 
be  unwilling  to  bear  the  taunts  and 
jeers  of  a  sinful  world,  and  imprison- 
ment, and  torture  or  death,  rather 
than  to  participate  in  war  and  mili- 
tary service.  We  know  that  obedience 
to  Christ  will  gain  for  us  the  glorious 
prize  of  eternal  life.  We  cannot  yield, 
we  cannot  compromise;  we  must 

"Two  centuries  ago,  our  people 
were  driven  out  of  Germany  by  reli- 
gious persecution,  and  they  accepted 
the  invitation  of  William  Penn  to 
come  to  his  colony,  where  they  might 
enjoy  the  blessing  of  religious  liberty 
that  he  promised  them.  This  religious 
liberty  was  later  confirmed  by  the 
Constitution  of  Pennsylvania  and  the 
Constitution  of  the  United  States. 
"If  the  authorities  now  see  fit  to 
change  those  fundamental  docu- 
ments and  take  away  our  privilege  of 
living  in  accordance  with  the  teach- 
ing of  the  Scriptures  of  God,  then  we 

June  1997  Messenger  17 





»till  on  tne  rut 


In  1943,  Kenneth  Ivan  Morse,  a  young  Brethren  man  from  Ahoona,  Pa., 
took  a  job  at  the  Brethren  PubHshing  House  in  Elgin,  111.,  serving  as 

editor  of  youth  publications.  In  1950,  he  moved 
up  to  become  editor  of  The  Gospel  Messenger, 
succeeding  Desmond  W.  Bittinger.  Ken  served  as 
editor  for  21  years.  The  most  memorable  event  for 
the  magazine  in  those  years  was  the  1965  change 
in  format  and  frequency  of  publication,  and  the 
shortening  of  the  name  to  Messenger. 

After  becoming  Brethren  Press  book  editor  in 
1971,  Ken  continued  on  the  Messenger  staff  as 
associate  editor,  until  his  retirement  in  1978.  That 
rounded  out  35  years  of  service  on  the  General 
Ken  Morse  Board  staff. 

But  that  was  not  the  end  of  Ken's  productivity.  In  the  nearly  20  years 
since  then,  he  has  continued  to  write  poems  and  songs  and  to  author 
books.  His  latest  work,  which  is  excerpted  on  these  pages  is  Preaching  in 
a  Tavern,  published  by  Brethren  Press  this  month. 

At  age  84,  Ken  is  still  looking  toward  the  future.  In  1993,  he  proposed 
a  writing  project  and  presented  it  as  a  challenge  to  Brethren  of  various 
talents:  "To  restate  and  reaffirm  for  the  21st  century  the  marks  of  the 
Brethren  way — based  on  the  words  and  example  of  Jesus  as  they  are  illus- 
trated by  stories  from  Brethren  life,  experienced  by  Brethren  members, 
preserved  by  Brethren  images  and  rituals,  and  embodied  in  Brethren 
practices."  (See  August/September  1993,  inside  front  cover.) 

This  he  believes  would  be  a  suitable  way  to  mark  and  celebrate  the 
300th  anniversary  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  2008.  If  there  is  a 
group  of  Brethren  around  who  are  as  multi-talented  as  Kenneth  Ivan 
Morse,  the  project  should  be  a  snap  to  pull  off. — Kermon  Thomasson 

have  no  course  but  to  endure  perse- 
cution as  true  soldiers  of  Christ. 

"If  I  have  committed  anything 
worthy  of  bonds  or  death,  I  do  not 
refuse  to  suffer  or  die.  1  pray  God  for 
strength  to  remain  faithful." 

Despite  this  remarkable  defense  . . . 
and  eloquent  "preaching"  in  a  mili- 
tary courtroom,  Maurice  Hess  was 
sentenced  to  prison  and  spent  time 
in  solitary  confinement. 

Brother  Beahm's  "Jubilee  Journey" 

Not  all  the  preaching  in  unlikely  pul- 
pits has  been  as  serious  as  that  of 
Maurice  Hess.  Well-known  Brethren 
character  I.N.H.  Beahm  celebrated 
50  years  in  the  ministry  by  staging  a 
"Jubilee  Journey." 

In  order  to  set  his  record  of 
preaching  in  20  different  places  on 
20  different  subjects  all  on  the  same 
day,  it  was  necessary  to  go  beyond 
the  limits  of  churches  and  to  include 

meetings  in  homes  and  courthouses 
and  on  courthouse  lawns.  But 
"brother  Beahm"  met  the  challenge 
in  his  own  unique  style. 

He  set  out  on  July  26,  1931, 
accompanied  by  other  ministers  who 
assisted  in  each  service,  by  a  group 
of  singers,  and  by  three  stenogra- 
phers—  his  "recording  angels,"  he 
called  them — who  took  down  the  20 
sermons  in  shorthand.  The  sermons 
covered  topics  such  as  work,  giving, 
fasting,  prayer,  education,  the  state 
and  the  church  as  divine  institutions, 
the  positives  and  negatives  of  Chris- 
tianity, and  the  supremacy  of  the 
Bible  and  the  church. 

Beahm  was  72  years  old  at  the 
time.  At  age  9 1 ,  in  1 950,  he  attended 
love  feast  at  Jones  Chapel  church 
near  Martinsville,  Va.,  and  was  killed 
in  a  car  wreck  later  that  evening  of 
Nov.  1 1.  The  fast-paced  preacher 
died  as  he  often  had  said  he  wanted 
to  —  "with  his  shoes  on." 

Knock-down,  drag-out  in  Somerset 

Perhaps  the  most  unusual  manner  of 
illustrating  a  sermon  subject 
occurred  spontaneously  in  Somerset 
County,  Pa.,  around  1872.  William 
Sevits  announced  that  he  would 
preach  on  "Casting  out  Devils." 
During  his  sermon,  two  local  rough- 
necks came  forward  and  offered  the 
preacher  a  drink  of  whiskey  from 
their  bottle.  Sevits  grabbed  the  pair 
by  the  scruffs  of  their  necks  and 
knocked  their  heads  together.  Taking' 
each  of  the  unconscious  men  by  an 
arm,  he  dragged  them  down  the  aisle 
and  dumped  them  outside. 

Reoccupying  his  pulpit,  Sevits 
remarked  to  the  petrified  congrega- " 
tion,  "I  didn't  expect  to  literally 
demonstrate  my  text  and  sermon 
topic  this  evening."  He  then  went  on 
to  preach  a  powerful  sermon  such  as 

Sarah  Major,  the  first  woman  to  gain 
recognition  as  a  preacher,  gained  it  by 
open  if  humble  defiance  against 
Annual  Meeting  calls  for  her  silence. 
When  reminded  of  the  apostle  Paul's 
admonition  against  women  speaking 
in  church.  Sarah  scoffed  that  she 
couldn  't  believe  he  would  be  so  bold  aS' 
"to  quench  the  gift  of  the  Spirit  of  God 
because  it  was  given  to  a  woman. " 
And  she  kept  right  on  preaching  until 
her  death  at  76,  in  1884. 

18  Messenger  June  1997 

10  one  had  ever  heard.  As  for  the  two 
chastened  bulHes,  they  went  to  see 
Sevits  the  next  day  and  begged  for 
Forgiveness.  He  agreed,  on  condition 
that  they  attend  the  rest  of  the  revival, 
3very  night.  The  two  complied,  joined 
the  church,  and  were  reputed  to  have 
jventually  become  elders! 

Did  his  wife  believe  this  one? 

The  title  of  my  book  comes  from  an 
incident  in  the  early  1800s.  George 
Price  and  several  other  Brethren 
ministers  were  visiting  congregations 
in  western  Pennsylvania.  Seeking  a 
much  needed  night  of  rest,  they 
asked  for  lodging  in  a  tavern.  The 
taverner  warned  them  that  a  dance 
was  scheduled  for  that  night:  there 
would  be  loud  music  and  boisterous 
carryings  on.  The  next  tavern  was 
seven  miles  down  the  road,  so  the 
(Brethren  group  decided  to  tough  it 
out,  the  dance  notwithstanding. 
When  the  leader  of  the  dance 
showed  up,  he  heard  of  the  preach- 
ers' presence,  and  asked  to  meet 
Ithem.  He  was  so  taken  by  their  wit- 
ness, that  the  dance  was  called  off, 
and  George  Price  preached  to  an 
(impromptu  congregation,  right  there 
dn  the  tavern! 

^How  dare  Conference  let  her  speak! 

*As  far  as  I  know,  Sarah  Major 
(1808-1884)  never  spoke  in  a 
tavern,  but  she  often  spoke  in  jails 
and  hospitals.  Wherever  her  pulpits 
were,  there  was  controversy,  just 
because  she  was  a  "woman 
preacher."  We  need  not  think  that 
controversial  speakers  at  Annual 
Conference  are  just  a  present-day 
phenomenon.  Annual  Meeting  was 
grappling  with  the  problem  and  what 
to  do  about  it  even  in  Sarah  Major's 
day.  At  the  1878  Meeting,  in  North 
Manchester,  Ind.,  Sarah  was  preach- 
ing off  on  the  side,  and  the 
troublesome  sister  siphoned  off  such 
a  crowd  that  the  preaching  had  to  be 
amoved  to  a  large  church  nearby. 

Once  in  earlier  years,  an  Annual 
Meeting  committee  was  sent  to 

counsel  with  maverick  Major.  It 
heard  her  and  went  away  without 
enforcing  an  Annual  Meeting  ruling 
of  1834  made  (in  vain)  to  quiet  her. 
One  committee  member  (a  male,  of 
course)  commented,  "I  could  not 
give  my  voice  to  silence  someone 
who  can  outpreach  mel" 

A  drifters'  guru  atop  a  mountain 

One  of  the  most  unusual  preachers, 
as  well  as  an  unusual  base  of  opera- 
tions, was  [ames  S.  Swallow  and  his 
Sonoma  Lighthouse  Mission  atop 
Sonoma  Mountain,  north  of  San 
Francisco.  Then  Messenger  manag- 
ing editor  Kermon  Thomasson 
visited  the  9 1  -year-old  bearded 
patriarch  in  his  mist-shrouded 
mountain  fastness  in  1975  and  wrote 
an  "as-told-to"  story,  "The  Lord  and 
Elder  Swallow"  duly  1975). 

Elder  Swallow,  a  boy  from  a  broken 
home  and  a  runaway  in  the  late 
1800s,  grew  up  amid  tremendous 
hardships.  At  age  16,  he  served  in  the 
US  Army  in  the  Philippines.  Later  he 
got  religion,  married,  became  a  min- 
ister, and  led  a  footloose  life  around 
the  country,  leading  him  eventually, 
in  old  age,  to  Sonoma  Mountain. 
There  his  life  ended  as  he  ministered 
to  runaway  youths  and  drifters  —  "the 
boys  and  girls  of  the  highway." 

Describing  those  whom  he  served 
as  guru,  elder  Swallow  said  they  were 
"ones  like  I  was,  cast-offs,  the  ones 
that's  down  and  out,  got  no  place  to 

James  S.  Swallow  led  an  exciting 

(though  tragedy-filled)  vagabond 
existence  as  a  boy.  and  had  stirring 
adventures  in  the  US  war  in  the 
Philippines  before  settling  down, 
getting  religion,  and  becoming  a 
preacher  Forever  footloose,  elder 
Swallow  ended  up  in  old  age  atop 
Sonoma  Mountain  north  of  San 
Francisco,  where  he  told  his  story  to 
Messenger  (fuly  1975)  just  shortly 
before  his  death  at  91. 

go,  no  place  to  call  home,  nobody  that 
cares  for  or  loves  them."  He  went  on 
to  explain  his  unique  ministry:  "They 
come  here  from  everywhere  now.  If 
they  want  to  get  married,  they  come. 
If  they  want  to  be  saved,  they  come.  If 
they  want  somebody  to  listen  to  them, 
they  come. 

"These  boys  and  girls  of  the  high- 
way are  coming  in  and  laying  their 
lives  on  the  altar.  I'm  having  a  better 
time  right  now  than  I've  ever  had  in 
my  life.  Don't  tell  me  that  the  Lord 
doesn't  have  a  purpose  for  our  lives. 
He  does!  He  does!" 

And  not  only  does  the  Lord  have  a 
purpose  for  our  lives.  Often  those 
whose  purpose  is  to  preach  find 
themselves  doing  it  in  the  most     \~T/r\ 
unlikely  pulpits.  r**"*! 

Kenneth  I.  Morse  served  as  editor  of 
Messenger,  1950-1971.  A  poet,  a  hymn- 
writer,  and  a  much  published  author  he  has 
just  completed  a  new  Brethren  Press  book. 
Preaching  in  a  Tavern.  He  and  his  wife.  Mar- 
jorie.  live  in  North  Manchester,  bid. 

June  1997  Messenger  19 

Anew  d  e  s  i  g  n 

for  the  General  Board 

Let's  find  the  water,  fill  the  jar 

Fourth  in  a  four-part  series  of  information  pieces 
about  the  General  Board's  proposed  new  design. 

BY  Wendy  McFadden 

Sometimes  when  my  children  are  watch- 
ing a  video  they've  seen  dozens  of  times, 
they  still  want  to  sit  real  close  to  me  during 
the  scary  parts. 

"But  you've  seen  this  before,"  I  say.  "Isn't  it 
less  scary  since  you  know  that  everything  turns 
out  all  right  in  the  end?"  ^ 

No,  they  still  feel  frightened  in  the  middle  of   S 
the  scene.  % 

Maybe  we  adults  aren't  all  that  different. 
Even  though  we  have  the  assurance  that  things 
will  turn  out  all  right  in  the  end,  trusting  is 
still  hard. 

My  father's  stock  answer  when  I've  fin- 
ished some  long-winded  description  of  a 
problem  is,  "Well,  don't  worry.  Everything 
will  work  out."  At  the  time,  that  response  usu- 
ally seems  a  little  pollyanna-ish,  as  if  he  hasn't 
really  understood  the  problem.  But  the  truth 
is,  everything  always  does  work  out — even- 

'"""y-  God  always  does  come  through,  even      cOngre^attOnS,  OUT  tUsk 
II  It  s  m  a  ditterent  way  from  what  1  expected.  o      o  '  v 

The  Bible  is  an  epic  story — the  story  of 
God's  involvement  in  the  life  of  his  people. 
When  we  take  the  long  view,  we  can  see  that 
God  repeatedly  is  faithful,  even  though  in 
each  crisis  the  people  feared  the  worst.  There 
are  moments  when  God  feels  far  away  and 
the  world  seems  out  of  control,  but  ultimately 
we  see  that  everything  is  in  God's  hands.  •  •  •  • 

Everything  turns  out  all  right  in  the  end. 

That  doesn't  mean  the  middle  isn't  scary. 

Right  now  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board  is  in 
the  middle,  and  it  makes  us  anxious  to  not  know  how  the  scene 
will  end.  But  I'm  convinced  that  we  do  know  the  end  of  the 
movie.  "For  1  know  the  plans  I  have  for  you,  says  the  Lord. . . . 
to  give  you  a  future  and  a  hope!"  (Jer.  29: 1 1  RSV) . 

The  General  Board  is  redesigning  itself,  and  it's  messy.  It's 
hard  to  live  in  your  house  while  you're  remodeling  it.  There's  a 
lot  of  noise  and  dust.  You  get  distracted  from  your  regular 
chores.  And  the  whole  project  looks  worse  for  a  while  than  the 
building  you  earlier  decided  needed  to  be  changed. 

It's  also  unclear.  While  there  are  some  blueprints,  it  seems 
as  if  most  of  the  decisions  have  to  be  made  as  we  go. 

And  it's  idealistic.  It  assumes  we  can  improve  upon  the 
past.  The  old  design  served  us  well  for  50  years;  what  will  the 
new  one  do  for  us? 

But  at  some  moments,  it's  also  inspiring.  The  new  is  begin- 
ning to  take  shape  and  someday  it  will  feel  like  home.  More 
than  that,  the  very  act  of  changing  ourselves  is  forcing  us  into 
new  ways  of  thinking  about  how  we  carry  out  our  work. 

20  Messenger  June  1997 

Whether  our 
congregation  is  large  or 

small,  whether  we're 

denominational  leaders 

or  members  of 

is  the  same:  We  are  to 

fill  the  jars  with  water. 

We  cannot  turn  the 

water  into  wine. 

Has  anyone  ever  revitalized  a  denomination  by 
restructuring?  Perhaps  not.  But  I'm  sure  that  no 
denomination  has  ever  been  revitalized  by  staying  tht. 
same.  If  the  new  design  allows  us  to  be  more  open  to 
God's  leading,  if  it  allows  the  Spirit  to  move  more 
freely  among  us,  then  by  all  means  let's  restructure. 
In  fact,  let's  restructure  more  than  once.  Let's 
write  our  plans  in  pencil.  As  the  Redesign  Steering 
Committee  has  urged,  let  us  build  a  tabernacle 
rather  than  a  temple.  Let  us  be  portable  and  light- 
weight and  flexible,  so  that  we  can  pick  up  and  movei 
when  the  Spirit  leads  us  on. 

Where  might  the  Spirit  be  leading  us 
today?  Perhaps  it's  not  the  task  but  the  con- 
text that  is  new.  Today  the  church  is  trying 
to  minister  in  extraordinarily  difficult  times: 

We  are  tired.  The  church  should 
replenish  people — return  to  them  the 
energy  they've  spent — but  it  isn't  doing 
that  now.  Instead  of  feeling  refreshed  by 
our  time  there,  we  often  feel  more  tired. 
The  church  needs  to  nourish  its  people  in 
order  to  enable  them  to  serve. 

We  are  consiinier-oriented.  We  go 
church-shopping  the  same  way  we  shop 
for  shoes.  If  we  don't  like  the  pastor  or  the 
youth  program,  we  move  on  down  the 

We  are  skeptical.  Our  distrust  of  politi- 
cal and  social  leaders  and  institutions 
carries  over  to  the  church. 
•  •  •  •  •  We  want  to  see  with  our  own  eyes.  We 

are  not  giving  less,  but  we're  keeping  it  closer  to  home.  We 
want  personal  connections  with  the  recipients  of  our  giving. 

We  have  much  more  information,  but  it's  shallow  and  wide. 
Faced  with  an  information  glut,  we  have  little  time  or  energy  to 
probe  deeply.  Most  of  the  information  simply  shocks  or  enter- 
tains. Our  attention  span  is  short. 

We  have  less  formal  religious  training,  but  a  more  pro- 
nounced hunger  for  spiritual  sustenance.  We  can't  count  on  a 
shared  body  of  biblical  knowledge.  So  how  best  do  we  teach? 
The  daunting  list  goes  on.  How  in  the  world  can  we  persevere? 
lesus  commissioned  12  disciples.  The  Brethren  movement 
began  with  eight.  We  are  not  too  small  to  be  used  by  God.  We 
still  have  much  to  offer  to  the  world. 

We  have  always  sought  to  extend  the  reach  of  the  congrega- 
tion into  the  wider  world,  to  focus  the  Brethren  voice,  to  be 
more  effective  together  than  individual  congregations  can  be  on 
their  own. 

We  have  been  committed  to  outward  acts  of  service  that 
grow  out  of  a  strong  inner  spirituality — a  manifestation  of  our 
twin  strands  of  Anabaptism  and  Pietism. 

We  have  emphasized  discernment  through  community, 

..and  expect  a  miracle 

believing  in  continual  openness  to  new  ideas  and  new  under- 

We  have  placed  a  iiigher  value  on  right  relationships  than 
on  right  doctrine.  Not  that  belief  doesn't  matter,  but  we  have 
noticed  that  [esus  more  often  reached  out  in  love  than  in 

We  have  cherished  long-held  values  of  peacemaking,  sim- 
plicity, integrity,  conflict  resolution,  partnership. 

We  have  been  "leaven"  in  the  world,  creating  programs  that 
have  influence  far  beyond  our  size  and  providing  leadership  in 
arenas  larger  than  the  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

We  have  been  dedicated  to  doing  the  work  of  [esus,  to 
living  lives  of  discipleship,  to  making  our  faith  count  every  day 
of  the  week. 

As  the  General  Board  has  struggled  with  continuing  the 
work  of  lesus  in  today's  culture,  it  has  chosen  to  orient  itself 
more  closely  to  the  congregations.  The  hope  is  that  the  board 
will  greatly  enhance  the  way  it  resources  congregations,  and 
that  congregations  will  have  more  direct  involvement  in  plan- 
ining  denominational  ministries. 

The  challenges  are  many.  How  can  we  increase  resources 
with  fewer  staff?  Can  one  really  structure  in  a  way  for  everyone 
to  have  direct  involvement?  How  close  will  expectation  and 
reality  be? 

Can  we  shift  our  focus  while  still  maintaining  balance, 
remembering  that  the  General  Board's  purpose  is  not  solely  to 
meet  local  needs?  Part  of  its  purpose  is  to  do  those  things  that  a 
congregation  cannot  do — things  that  a  congregation  might  not 
ever  identify  as  a  need.  The  work  of  |esus  is  broader  than  one's 
immediate  community,  even  though  it  surely  begins  there. 

It  is  popular  right  now  to  draw  upon  marketing  language 
and  think  of  the  congregations  or  church  members  as  cus- 
tomers. While  there  is  much  to  learn  from  the  business  world 
and  its  emphasis  on  customers,  we  already  live  too  much  in  a 
culture  that  is  so  consumer-oriented  that  we  impatiently  give 
up  on  anything  that  is  not  immediately  to  our  liking.  There  is 
little  need  for  commitment  and  discipleship  in  a  climate  in 
which  we  believe  our  primary  reason  for  attending  church  is  to 
have  our  needs  served. 

This  is  not  to  say  that  churches  should  not  focus  on  meet- 
ing needs.  There  are  many  needs  out  there,  and  to  follow  lesus' 
example  will  cause  us  to  move  out  into  the  world  binding  up 
those  wounds. 

But  too  much  emphasis  on  customer  satisfaction  feeds  our 
individualism  and  self-centeredness,  and  allows  us  to  shift  our 
focus  from  first  and  foremost  serving  God.  A  church  focused 
on  truly  serving  God  will  end  up  meeting  its  members'  needs. 
But  a  church  focused  only  on  meeting  human  needs  will  not 
necessarily  end  up  serving  God. 

A  church  exists  to  nurture  individuals  within  a  community  of 
faith  but  also  to  live  out  that  faith  throughout  the  world.  If  a  con- 
gregation focuses  only  on  the  former,  its  vision  and  witness  are 
truncated.  While  it  carries  out  some  of  this  witness  in  its  immedi- 

ate community,  in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  our  congregations 
also  band  together  with  other  congregations  to  carry  that  witness 
much  farther  than  any  one  congregation  can  do  on  its  own. 

In  other  words,  when  we  say  the  General  Board  exists  to 
serve  congregations,  we  do  not  imply  that  the  board  exists  only 
to  serve  the  congregations.  Rather,  the  board  exists  on  the 
authority  of  the  congregations,  but  has  been  given  a  broader 
assignment  than  to  keep  the  circulatory  system  working  only 
within  the  body.  By  working  collectively,  the  church  pours  itself 
out  for  the  entire  world.  If  we  give,  knowing  that  only  part  of 
what  we  give  is  meant  to  come  back  to  us  individually,  we  will 
eventually  find  that  we  actually  have  received  far  more  than  we 
originally  gave. 

How  important  is  structure?  It's  merely  the  framework 
within  which  we  do  our  ministry.  It's  a  vessel  in  which  we  carry 
the  message.  A  new  design  may  make  our  work  less  difficult,  or 
it  may  more  accurately  reflect  our  theology  and  philosophy  of 
denominational  life,  but  it  is  not  itself  the  ministry.  A  new 
design  may  instigate  a  shift  in  attitude  and  style,  but  it  is  not 
itself  the  message. 

Whether  our  congregation  is  large  or  small,  whether  we're 
denominational  leaders  or  members  of  congregations,  our  task 
is  the  same:  We  are  to  fill  up  the  jars  with  water.  We  cannot 
turn  the  water  into  wine.  Only  God  can.  But  he  tells  us  to  fill 
the  jars.  Each  of  us  must  find  the  water  and  the  jars,  expecting 
the  miracle. 

My  favorite  passage  of  scripture  is  2  Corinthians  4: 

"Therefore,  having  this  ministry  by  the  mercy  of  God,  we  do 

not  lose  heart For  what  we  preach  is  not  ourselves,  but  Jesus 

Christ  as  Lord,  with  ourselves  as  your  servants  for  lesus'  sake. . . . 

"But  we  have  this  treasure  in  earthen  vessels,  to  show  that 
the  transcendent  power  belongs  to  God  and  not  to  us.  We  are 
afflicted  in  every  way,  but  not  crushed;  perplexed,  but  not 
driven  to  despair;  persecuted,  but  not  forsaken:  struck  down, 
but  not  destroyed 

"So  we  do  not  lose  heart.  Though  our  outer  nature  is  wast- 
ing away,  our  inner  nature  is  being  renewed  every  day.  For  this 
slight  momentary  affliction  is  preparing  for  us  an  eternal 
weight  of  glory  beyond  all  comparison,  because  we  look  not  to 
the  things  that  are  seen  but  to  the  things  that  are  unseen;  for 
the  things  that  are  seen  are  transient,  but  the  things  that  are 
unseen  are  eternal"  (2  Cor.  4:1,  5,  7-9,  16-18  RSV). 

We  are  sturdy,  simple  pots,  formed  by  God's  hands.  We  are 
not  perfect.  We  are  different  sizes  and  shapes.  We  are  ordi- 
nary— even  homely.  But  we  are  handmade  by  God. 

Our  job  is  not  to  be  the  water,  but  to  be  the  vessels.  God  has 
given  us  the  honor  of  carrying  living  water  to  a  thirsty  people. 
We  are  filled  . . .  and  then  we  allow  ourselves  to  be  poured  out  for 
the  refreshment  and  replenishment  of  a  dry  world. 

This  is  our  responsibility  .  .  .  and  our  joy.  If  we  will  be 
eager  vessels,  God  will  transform  our  ordinary  efforts  FTT 

into  wine  for  the  world.  l__ 

Wendy  McFadden  is  director  and  publisher  of  Brethren  Press. 

June  1997  Messenger  21 

What  is  the  best  way 
to  mar\  holy  ground? 

It  is  by  constructing 

a  monument  of 

prayer— constant 


dwelling  less  and 

less  on  what  God 

has  done  for  us, 

a7id  more  on  the 

tenuous  comtection, 

the  ladder  between 
heaven  and  earth. 


arkingwith  monuments 

BY  Frank  Ramirez 

■    JUS 
I    pre 

here's  a  saying  in  Indiana. 
"If  you  don't  like  tiie  weather, 
just  wait  1 5  minutes."  The 
proverb  is  likely  true  for  a 
good  part  of  the  country.  Be 
that  as  it  may,  it  is  amusing  for  me,  a 
former  Angelino,  who  grew  up  on  a 
steady  of  diet  of  overcast  mornings 
and  sunny  afternoons,  to  watch  the 
piercing  light  of  dawn  in  northern 
Indiana  give  way  to  dark  and  brooding 
clouds  and  sudden  squalls,  followed  by 
bright  sunshine  and  steady  winds.  It 
makes  me  want  to  wait  around  for  the 
afternoon  to  see  what  else  will  happen. 

One  thing  I  notice  in  connection 
with  these  sudden  weather  changes  is 

22  Messenger  June  1997 

how  short  the  memory  is  for  those 
who  live  through  them.  Hoosiers 
seem  convinced  that  sun,  shadow, 
rain,  or  wind  will  rule  the  rest  of  the 
day,  and  they  make  their  plans 
accordingly,  even  though  change 
seems  the  only  constant.  These 
things  come  and  go,  but  there  don't 
seem  to  be  any  memory  markers. 

Changes  in  the  fabric  of  the  universe 
come  and  go  as  well,  and  the  biggest 
change  comes  during  those  moments 
when  God's  end  of  the  conversation 
takes  on  a  more  tangible  form. 

Call  it  answer  to  prayer,  a  still  small 
voice,  an  omen,  a  sign,  or  handwriting 
across  the  heavens.  It  takes  a  lot  of 
forms,  and  there  are  no  constants.  It  is 
not  something  that  can  be  quantified. 

But  I'm  tempted. 

I  have  thought  in  the  past  of  carry- 
ing around  a  little  notebook,  on 
which  I  would  write  the  title  Tender 
Mercies.  In  it,  I  would  record  every 
moment  in  which  I  felt  God  inter- 
vened in  my  life.  Most  of  it  would  be 
small  stuff.  The  clear  message  to 
"Get  there."  The  sudden  and  inex- 
plicable urge  to  "Wait,"  or  "Bide." 
The  demand  to  "Let  go." 

It  is  a  constant  thing,  I  find.  If  I 
just  relax,  I  find  myself  in  the  right 
place  at  the  right  time  to  serve  others, 
to  hear  others.  I  don't  leave  the 
office,  and  a  phone  call  comes.  I  take 
a  little  side  trip  on  a  whim,  and  there 
is  a  need  when  I  arrive.  I  am  forced 
to  choose  between  two  alternatives. 

and  suddenly  the  choice  is  clear. 

1  know  better  than  to  think  I  am  the 
only  person  so  blessed.  Time  and 
again,  I  sit  in  the  company  of  a 
believer  who  has  experienced  the  same 
thing.  Like  Elijah,  faint  in  the  desert 
after  his  flight  from  Jezebel,  these 
believers  were  on  the  verge  of  despair 
when  spiritual  food — or  sometimes  a 
plate  of  cookies — arrived  in  time, 
giving  them  the  strength  to  travel  to 
the  foot  of  God's  mountain. 

What  interests  me  about  these  sto- 
ries— mine  and  others — is  that  they 
don't  always  end  with  tragedy  averted. 
Everyone  is  going  to  die,  and  we  are  all 
going  to  experience  not  only  our  own 
passing,  but  the  departure  of  others  as 
well.  What  seems  to  be  offered  at  times 
is  not  safety,  but  assurance. 

Is  God  at  work?  I  think  so.  Most  of 
these  instances  aren't  very  spectacu- 
lar, but  they  occur  fairly  regularly. 

But  how  to  mark  these  occa- 
sions? What  is  the  best  way  to 
memorialize  those  moments 
that  show  that  God  is  not  only 
on  the  listening  end,  but  he  is  in  a 
sending  mode  as  well? 

When  (acob  saw  the  traffic  is  con- 
stant between  heaven  and  earth,  even 
when  you  are  on  the  run  from  a 
brother  who  wants  your  hide,  he 
named  the  place  "Bethel,"  saying, 
"Surely  the  Lord  is  in  this  place — and 
I  did  not  know  it!"  And  he  left  behind 
a  stone  pillar  (Gen.  28:10-22). 

That  stone  pillar  isn't  a  half-bad 
idea.  It's  a  good  conversation  starter. 
Jacob  set  up  more  than  one,  as  did 
the  other  patriarchs.  When  the  chil- 
dren of  Israel  crossed  the  Jordan  (on 
dry  land,  no  less)  into  the  Promised 
Land,  they  stopped  and  picked  up 
one  large  stone  for  each  of  the  12 
tribes,  specifically  as  a  conversation 
starter.  If  anyone  asked  what  that 
stack  of  stones  was  doing  in  their  old 
camp  site,  they  could  be  told  all 
about  the  story,  and  be  reminded 
that  God  had  passed  through  these 

parts  once  and  done  another  wonder 
for  his  people  (Josh.  4:1-7). 

But  I  can't  always  remember  where 
the  stones  are.  The  tamarisk  tree  in 
Beer-sheba  was  a  solemn  place  for 
Abraham  to  renew  the  covenant  as 
well  (Gen.  21 :33).  But  trees  are 
mortal,  as  we  are,  though  slower 

This  is  the  steady  linl^. 
This  is  the  bond,  the 
assurance,  the  record 

of  all  that  goes  before. 
This  monument 

moves  tvith  us  through 

the  stages  of  our  lives. 

about  the  matter,  if  we  let  them  be. 

Nor  can  you  fully  trust  monu- 
ments. I  recall  in  this  regard  a  trip  to 
my  old  graduate  school.  I  graduated 
from  Bethany  Theological  Seminary, 
in  Oak  Brook,  111.,  in  1979,  after 
three  of  the  most  formative  years  of 
my  life.  I  resisted  revisiting  the  site, 
despite  many  good  memories,  until 
at  last  my  wife  convinced  me  to  stop 
there  on  one  of  our  longer  trips. 

What  a  mistake.  The  buildings 
were  there,  careworn  and  cracking. 
But  the  community  was  gone,  scat- 
tered to  the  four  winds.  People  were 
there,  good  people,  but  they  weren't 
the  same  people  who  had  shared  that 
time  with  me. 

Now  1  know  why  Jesus  made  no 
resurrection  appearances  in  the 
tomb.  Even  though  Mary  found  him 
in  the  garden  shortly  thereafter,  it 
was  important  for  the  angels  to  say, 
"He  is  not  here!"  An  empty  tomb  not 
only  means  new  life,  but  it  is  also  a 
strong  message  to  get  away,  get  out 
into  the  world.  Resist  the  urge  to 
return  to  the  womb,  to  comfort,  to 

even  (dare  1  say?)  the  upper  room, 
when  there  are  so  many  communions 
waiting  to  be  shared  in  lower  rooms 
and  ground  floors. 

The  resurrection  was  made  mani- 
fest outside  the  tomb.  The  memory 
of  our  encounters  with  God  is  made 
manifest  outside  those  spots  where 
they  took  place. 

What  then  is  the  best  way  to  mark 
holy  ground? 

It  is  by  constructing  a  monument  of 
prayer — constant  communication 
dwelling  less  and  less  on  what  God 
has  done  for  us,  and  more  on  the  ten- 
uous connection,  the  ladder  between 
heaven  and  earth  that  causes  us  to 
shout  aloud  at  those  times  when  we 
feel  trapped  in  the  driest  spiritual 
desert,  "Surely  the  Lord  is  in  this 
place — and  I  did  not  know  it!" 

This  is  the  steady  link.  This  is  the 
bond,  the  assurance,  the  record  of  all 
that  goes  before.  This  monument 
moves  with  us  through  the  stages  of 
our  lives.  It  is  constant,  because  the 
words  may  remain  the  same.  It  is  a 
living  memorial,  because  the  tenor  of 
the  conversation  is  never  the  same. 

And  it  is  unself-conscious,  because 
the  conversation  with  God  is  not 
something  I  am  trying  to  do.  It  is 
something  I  am  doing.  Moreover,  the 
replies  are  frequent  enough  to  assure 
me  I  know  that  my  Redeemer  lives. 

Which  is  not  to  say  there  aren't 
times  when  the  door  seems  closed, 
when  no  answer  is  forthcoming. 
Prayer  is  not  magic.  We  do  not 
summon  God  at  our  convenience. 

But  if  our  life  of  prayer  is  a  monu- 
ment to  God's  mighty  works,  then 
the  existence  of  this  prayer  stone 
provides  the  same  thing  as  any  his- 
torical marker:  perspective.  That 
view  from  the  height  is  enough  of  a 
guide  when  we  are  back  in  the  low- 
lands, seemingly  on  our  own  again. 

Where  is  God?  Now  I  remember. 
Right  here.  rrri 

Just  wait.  Lll] 

Frank  Ramirez  is  pastor  of  Elkhart  Valley 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Elkhart,  Ind. 

June  1997  Messenger  23 


by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 


Be  careful 

that  you 

don't  tell 

new  believers 

more  than 

they  want  to 


.ecause  some  good- 
"hearted,  generous 
person  donated  his  old 
computer  to  our  church 
when  he  updated  his  own 
system,  I  now  am  working 
on  a  piece  of  technology 
that  is  four  generations 
beyond  my  most  recent  PC. 
That,  for  me,  is  a  challenge. 
No,  I  have  understated 
that.  It's  a  pain. 

Now,  before  you  accuse 
me  of  being  one  of  those 
people  who  resist  change, 
please  understand  that  I  do 
not  have  a  technical  mind.  I 
won't  even  tell  you  how  old 
I  was  before  I  realized  that 
the  television  set  didn't 
have  miniature  actors  living 
and  performing  inside  it. 
And  I  am  still  unconvinced 
that  there  isn't  a  little  man 
inside  my  car  engine  who 
begins  to  shovel  coal  into  a 
furnace  when  I  turn  the 
ignition  key.  I  have  to  call 
one  of  the  kids  to  operate 
my  VCR  for  me,  for 
heaven's  sake.  So  for  me  to 
adapt  from  a  8088  Packard 
Bell  to  a  486  SX  has  been 
an  exercise  in  frustration. 

But  I  am  doing  it — slowly, 
grudgingly,  painstakingly. 

My  husband,  on  the  other 
hand,  has  a  highly  technical, 
analytical  mind.  Something 
in  his  perception  of  infor- 
mation translates  all  of  life 
into  a  three-dimensional 
diagram.  For  him,  there  is 

nothing  more  fun  than  mas- 
tering a  new  technological 

"What  a  blessing,"  you're 
thinking.  "God  has  pro- 
vided her  a  personal  tutor." 

Well,  sometimes  blessings 
are  mixed.  It's  not  that  I 
don't  appreciate  my  hus- 
band's help;  I  would  have 
made  no  headway  on  this 
machine  without  him.  The 
problem  is  that  when  I  get 
stuck,  he  always  tells  me 
more  than  I  want  to  know. 
That  leaves  me  over- 
whelmed and  confused. 

We  are  inclined  to  be  like 
my  husband,  aren't  we? 

Our  kids  ask  for  help 
with  a  math  problem,  and 
in  no  time  we  are  lecturing 
them  on  the  perils  of  care- 
less financial  management. 
They  ask  how  to  spell  a 
word,  and  we  send  them  to 
the  dictionary.  They  ask  for 
help  on  a  science  project, 
and  we  turn  a  simple  pro- 
ject into  a  complicated  feat 
of  engineering. 

In  one  way  or  another, 
we  tell  them  more  than  they 
want  to  know. 

We  also  do  it  with  new 
believers  when  we  imbue 
them  with  the  particulars  of 
tradition  and  church  mem- 
bership before  actually 
taking  them  through  the 
disciplines  of  discipleship. 
Or,  worse  yet,  we  do  it 
when  we  load  them  up  with 
teaching  or  administrative 
responsibilities  before  they 

have  had  a  chance  to  con- 
nect with  a  Sunday  school 
class  or  Bible  study  group. 

We  tell  them  more  than 
they  want  to  know. 

It's  not  that  this  extra 
information  isn't  valuable: 
Every  detail  that  my  hus- 
band tells  me  about  this 
computer  will  one  day  feel 
indispensable  to  me.  But  I 
can  only  absorb  one  thing 
at  a  time. 

Most  learners,  when 
tackling  a  difficult  problem 
or  project,  reach  a  satura- 
tion point  far  sooner  than 
their  teachers  realize.  Too 
much  too  soon  doesn't 
result  in  progress.  Instead, 
it  causes  derailment,  which 
results  in  frustration  and 

When  we  assume  a  teach- 
ing or  helping  role,  we  have  ' 
to  let  our  learners  set  the 
pace,  whether  they  be  our 
children,  students,  col- 
leagues, siblings  in  Christ, 
or  spouses. 

Now,  who  is  going  to 
show  this  to  my  nrr 

husband?  t^ 

Robin  Wentworth  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Kokomo  (hid.)  Church 
of  tlie  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  cohimn  offer- 
ing suggestions,  perspectives,  and 
opinions — snapshots  of  life — that  we 
liope  are  helpful  to  readers  in  their 
Christian  journey.  As  the  writer  said  in 
her  first  installment.  "Remember, 
when  it  comes  to  managing  life's  diffi- 
cidties.  we  don't  need  to  walk  on 
water.  We  just  need  to  learn  where  the 
stepping  stones  are, " 

24  Messenger  June  1997 

r  notlyiricf 


We   ^vc  <rddt>,    y^£^t  rov    a^/ 

if  fd    P^55  iVi  V45.     144  ^VC  <rddb 

1V7    rcw»^vt>  fo  be  a:- 

fdv   vid  <r^m  to  ve  li^i>.    We  ^\-e 

BY  Kenneth  L.  Gibble 

"Beware  of  practicing  your  piety  before  others  in  order  to 
be  seen  by  them;  for  then  you  have  no  reward  from  your 
Father  in  heaven. 

"So  whenever  you  give  ahns,  do  not  sound  a  trumpet 
before  you,  as  the  hypocrites  do  in  the  synagogues  and  in 
the  streets,  so  that  they  may  be  praised  by  others.  Truly  I 
tell  you,  they  have  received  their  reward, , , . 

"And  whenever  you  pray,  do  not  be  like  the  hypocrites; 
for  they  love  to  stand  and  pray  in  the  synagogues  and  at 
the  street  corners,  so  that  they  may  be  seen  by  others.  Truly 
1  tell  you,  they  have  received  their  reward. . . . 

"And  whenever  you  fast,  do  not  look  dismal,  like  the 
hypocrites,  for  they  disfigure  their  faces  so  as  to  show 
others  that  they  are  fasting.  Truly  I  tell  you,  they  have 
received  their  reward"  (Matt,  6:  1-2,  5,  16). 

Iwas  introduced  to  chain  letters  in  college.  Until  then, 
I  had  only  heard  about  them  and  had  some  vague 
understanding  of  how  they  worked.  Supposedly,  they 
were  illegal,  but  I  hadn't  the  faintest  notion  why. 

So  when  my  college  roommate  received  a  chain  letter  in 
the  mail,  I  was  fascinated.  In  the  letter  were  four  names  and 
addresses,  listed  top  to  bottom.  The  last  name  belonged  to 
the  person  who  had  sent  my  roommate  the  letter.  The  letter 
instructed  my  roommate  to  do  two  things:  First,  send  five 
dollars  to  the  person  whose  name  appeared  at  the  top  of  the 
list;  second,  mail  copies  of  the  letter  to  six  people,  placing 
his  own  name  in  the  number-four  spot,  in  due  time,  at  least 
in  theory,  his  name  would  arrive  at  the  top  of  the  list,  and 
the  five-dollar  bills  would  come  rolling  in. 

It  didn't  take  my  roommate  long  to  figure  out  how 
many  five-dollar  bills  that  would  be.  Were  the  chain  to 
remain  unbroken,  he  would  accumulate  a  total  of  $  1 ,080. 
At  once,  I  saw  my  duty  and  acted.  I  set  about  to  temper 
my  friend's  enthusiasm. 

"Use  your  head,"  I  told  him.  "Nobody  takes  chain  letters 
seriously.  They  all  end  up  in  the  wastebasket.  Besides, 
what's  to  prevent  others  from  carrying  on  the  chain  with- 

JuNE  1997  Messenger  25 

out  sending  that  five  bucks?" 

This  was  all  very  reasonable,  helpful 
counsel,  to  my  way  of  thinking.  Did  my 
roommate  appreciate  it?  He  did  not. 
He  quickly  pointed  out  to  me  that 
the  scheme  meant  he  would  have  a 
potential  of  236  people  to  send  him 
five  dollars.  If  only  two  of  those  236 
came  through,  he  would  double  his 
money.  Besides,  the  chain  letter  said 
that  breaking  the  chain  would  result 

in  a  streak  of  bad  luck.  Best  not  take 
a  chance. 

I  saw  that  he  was  hopelessly  hooked 
on  his  illusion,  so  I  shrugged  and  gave 
a  final  word  of  advice.  "Don't  say  I 
didn't  warn  you."  Then  I  sanctimo- 
niously got  back  to  the  books. 

By  10  p.m.  that  night,  my  room- 
mate had  circulated  his  six  letters  to 
guys  in  the  dorm  and  had  given  his 
sales  talk  to  everyone  in  sight.  Now 

Because  You  Need 

Protection  You  Can 

Count  On 

W  hen  a  fire  broke  out  at  Elkhart  City 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Elkhart,  Indiana, 
many  members  wondered  how  long  it  would 
be  before  they  could  worship  there  again. 
But  they  were  about  to  experience  a 
wonderful  surprise. 

''Mutual  Aid  was  right  there  when  we 
needed  them,"  says  Ted  Noffsinger,  who 
supervised  the  reconstruction.  "The  approach 
I  saw  was,  'We  have  a  policyholder  with  a 
problem.  Let's  do  what  we  can,  as  fast  as  we 
can,  to  get  him  back  in  business.'" 

If  that's  the  protection  you'd  like  to  experience,  then 
you  should  know  Mutual  Aid  Association  also  offers 
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find  out  more,  return  the  bind-in  card  in  this  issue  of 
Messenger,  or  call  us  now. 



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3094  Jeep  Rd  •  AbUene,  KS  67410 

Protection  you  can  depend  on  from 
Brethren  you  trust.  Since  1885. 

he  was  sitting  on  his  bed  riffling 
through  the  more  than  30  dollars  h 
had  already  collected.  1* 

"Come  on,  roomie,"  he  said.  "You 
can  still  get  in  on  the  action." 

I  tried  to  concentrate  on  my  book, 

"Of  course,"  he  mocked,  "if  you  ha 
started  right  away,  your  name  would  f 
now  be  at  the  top  of  a  few  lists." 

I  sat  there  muttering  under  my 
breath.  I  should  never  have  underes- 
timated the  power  of  single-minded, 
passionate  greed. 

What  made  my  lesson  painfully 
unforgettable  was  the  five  dollars  I 
lost  getting  in  on  the  tail  end  of  the 
whole  business.  Yes,  I  finally  suc- 
cumbed to  the  madness  around 
midnight.  By  next  day  it  was  all  overj 
So  far  as  I  know,  no  one  but  my 
roommate  so  much  as  broke  even. 

Chain  letters  and  the  other  scams 
that  pervade  our  society — lotteries, 
sweepstakes,  grand  prize  drawings  — 
are  all  symptoms  of  the  human 
longing  for  magical  solutions.  Pass 
on  the  chain  letter  and  good  fortune 
will  result.  Buy  the  lucky  ticket  and 
your  problems  will  be  solved. 

Maybe  it's  a  carryover  from  child- 
hood. "Clean  up  your  room  and 
you'll  get  a  piece  of  candy."  "Get  a 
B-l-  in  math  and  you  can  go  on  that 
weekend  outing  with  your  friends." 
Translated  into  religion,  it  comes  out 
"Live  a  good,  clean  life,  go  to  church' 
at  least  occasionally,  and  good  things 
will  happen  to  you." 

Iesus  had  something  to  say  about 
all  this.  He  called  his  followers' 
attention  to  the  behavior  of 
people  who  made  a  big  show  of 
their  religion  and  good  works.  Jesus 
wasn't  saying  they  should  stop  doing 
good  things.  His  point  was  simply 
that  once  they  had  given  their  alms 
and  had  finished  offering  their  public 
prayers,  they  had  already  gotten  what 
they  wanted:  attention  and  admira- 
tion from  their  neighbors.  "Truly  I 
tell  you,"  he  said,  "they  have  received 
their  reward"  (Matt.  6:2,  4). 

How  do  these  words  apply  to  the 
kind  of  religion  you  and  I  often  prac- 
tice? If  we  think  that  being  good  will 
make  us  acceptable  to  God  . . .  will  earn 
us  what  we  want ...  we  are  mistaken. 

26  Messenger  June  1997 

•lost  of  the  time,  we  are  good  in  order 
3  get  sometiiing  in  return:  respect, 
ocial  approval,  even  God's  approval. 

Jesus  makes  it  quite  clear  that  doing 
ood  or  being  good  will  not  win  us 
jod's  favor.  Instead,  God's  favor, 
jod's  grace,  is  already  given  to  us,  and 
hen  we  may  do  good,  we  may  even  be 
ood  ...  at  least  some  of  the  time.  In 
his  sense,  it  can  be  said  that  we  are 
ood,  not  for  any  reward  to  be  gained, 
ut  simply  because  God  has  brought  it 
0  pass  in  us.  We  are  good  for  no  gain 
0  be  had.  We  are  good  for  nothing. 

Such  an  idea  is  contrary  to  what 
nany  people  believe  the  Christian 
aith  is  all  about.  That's  too  bad, 
lecause  what  makes  the  gospel  so 
xciting  is  the  unexpectedness  of 
race,  the  surprise  of  joy. 

We  miss  it  time  and  time  again.  We 
eel  guilty  so  often  because  we  think 
ve  aren't  good  enough.  We  are  not 
;ood  enough  as  parents,  not  good 
:nough  as  a  spouse,  not  good 
inough  as  a  friend. 

In  one  sense,  it's  true.  We  aren't 
;ood  enough.  In  fact,  we  can  never 
)e  good  enough,  but  that  doesn't 
natter  to  the  One  who  created  us. 
The  Holy  One  is  far  more  interested 
n  using  whatever  good  we  do  for  the 
blessing  of  God's  children. 

There  is  no  magic.  Chain  letters 
ire  a  sham.  There  are  no  secret  for- 
nulas,  no  standards  of  right  and 
vrong  that,  if  carefully  followed,  will 
Jive  us  what  we  want.  Rain  falls  on 
he  just  and  the  unjust.  Some  good 
oeople  get  sick;  some  bad  people  live 
o  be  100.  There  are  no  guaranteed 
■ewards  for  goodness;  goodness 
Tiust  be  its  own  reward. 

There  is  something  better  than 
guarantees.  It  is  the  grace  and  free- 
dom and  love  of  God.  They  pervade 
ife  more  than  we  know,  more  than 
A^e  take  time  to  see.  In  the  end,  they 
Dring  us,  often  kicking  and  scream- 
ng,  into  God's  kingdom. 

Oddly  enough,  we  have  trouble 
recognizing  our  salvation,  even     rrsn 
ivhen  it's  staring  us  in  the  face.     I       I 

Kenneth  L.  Gibble.  former  promotion  consul- 
ant  for  Messenger,  is  pastor  of  Chambersburg 
'Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren.  He  is  the  author 
^f  several  books  and  contributes  articles  to 
numerous  religious  publications. 

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June  1997  Messenger  27 


in  Pra^ 

Daily  prayer  guide: 

Sunday:  Your  congregation's  ministries 

Monday:  Annual  Conference  officers 

Tuesday:  General  Board  and  staff 

Wednesday:  District  executives, 

Bethany  Seminary,  colleges 

and  university 
Thursday:  General  Services 

Friday:  Parish  Ministries 
Saturday:  World  Ministries 

June  prayer  concerns: 

Congregation:  Father's  Day,  June 
1  5;  Summer  Sunday  school;  vacation 
Bible  school;  graduates. 

Annual  Conference:  Delegates; 
Conference  in  session,  July  1-6; 
Conference  officers,  especially  mod- 
erator-elect Jimmy  Ross,  who 
underwent  prostate  cancer  surgery  in 
late  May. 

General  Board:  Interim  general  sec- 
retary; interim  Leadership  Team; 
General  Board  meeting,  July  1;  Gen- 
eral Board  reorganization,  July  3; 
general  secretary  search  committee; 
Transition  Team. 

Districts  and  Colleges:  CODE 

meeting,  June  29-30;  district  execu- 
tives search  committees;  Shenandoah 
District's  John  Kline  Bicentennial; 
summer  classes;  revitalization  for 

General  Services:  Communication 
Team;  Brethren  Historical  Library 
and  Archives  archivist;  Planned 
Giving  staff. 

Parish  Ministries:  Ministers  Confer- 
ence, June  30-July  1 

World  Ministries:  Nigeria;  Joan 
Deeter,  World  Ministries  Commis- 
sion executive,  retiring  June  20. 


"Why  has  the  General  Board  cut 
off  all  fundi  7ig  to  our  mission  iji 
South  Korea  that  was  mandated 
by  Annual  Conference?" 

Board's  actions  puzzling 

The  April  cover  story  describes  excit- 
ing opportunities  for  Brethren 
ministry  in  North  Korea. 

I  was  inspired  by  the  General 
Board's  goal  of  raising  $75,000  for 
hungry  North  Koreans,  in  addition 
to  $66,000  from  the  Emergency  Dis- 
aster Fund,  and  $55,000  from  the 
Global  Food  Crisis  Fund.  What  puz- 
zles me  is  this:  Why  can  we  raise 
money  for  North  Korea  and  not  for 
South  Korea? 




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Register  before  July  10  to  receive  a 

lower  registration  price. 

Why  has  the  General  Board  cut  ofi 
all  funding  to  our  mission  in  South 
K.orea  that  was  mandated  by  Annual 
Conference?  True,  South  Korea  is 
not  physically  starving,  but  its  spiri- 
tual needs  may  be  just  as  great. 

As  for  the  General  Board's  down- 
sizing, budgets  must  be  balanced,  to 
be  sure.  But  look  at  the  April  Mes- 
senger's center  spread  of  Long 
Beach  hotel  ads  for  Conference- 
bound  Brethren.  We  have  money  for 
Hyatts  and  Sheratons  even  if  we 
don't  have  money  for  mission.  I 
wonder  how  this  fits  with  following 
[esus  ...peacefully,  simply,  together. 

I  am  also  puzzled  by  some  people 
on  the  General  Board  and  across  the 
Brotherhood  seeming  to  think  our 
"problems"  will  be  solved  by 

Did  our  past  two  restructurings 
help  us  grow  either  numerically  or 

To  be  sure,  new  wine  needs  a  new 
skin.  But  old  wine  is  still  old  wine, 
even  if  put  in  a  new  skin. 

Let  us  pray  for  new  wine.  We  then 
could  become  an  inspired  people, 
rather  than  a  puzzled  people. 

Leon  C.  Nehei 
Quinter,  Kan. 

All  God's  children  are  equal 

As  much  as  I  was  taken  by  the  mes- 
sage of  "living  the  story"  in  the  April 
editorial,  "To  Live  the  Old,  Old 
Story,"  what  really  caught  my  eye 
was  the  mention  of  Don  Snider. 
I  first  met  Don  at  a  conference 
many  years  ago.  When  I  shook  his 
hand,  I  introduced  rnyself  as  "Don 
Snyder  the  Lesser."  I  called  him 
"Don  Snider  the  Greater." 

28  Messenger  June  1997 

His  response  can  easily  be  guessed: 
Don't  ever  say  that!  There  is  no 
Greater'  or  'Lesser.'  We're  all  God's 
hildren  on  an  equal  basis." 
I  appreciate  this  man  and  his 

Don  Snyder 
Waynesboro.  Va. 

^ioC  Pontius' Puddle 

Send  payment  for  reprinting  "Pontius'  Puddle"  from  Messenger  to 
Joel Kaujfhiatm,  111  Carter  Road.  Goshen.  IN 46526.  $25  for  one 
time  use.  $10  for  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $10  for  congregations. 

jry    SEETHE 
Ptp  ^OM  SETT\Ner 


TOF  THE  P11_L/Qk« 
O^  riRE  T^AT 

&0(MCr  TO 
BE  rAV 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 

Manager  of  Conference  Center 

Brethren  Service  Center, 
New  Windsor,  Md. 

Responsible  for  systems  and  proce- 
dures; manages  day-to-day  opera- 
tions; does  short-  and  long-range 
planning  to  achieve  financial  goals. 

Needs  at  least  three  years  confer- 
ence/hotel management  experience  in 
budgeting,  personnel  management, 
and  marketing;  Bachelor's  degree  in 
hotel  management,  business  adminis- 
tration, or  other  related  field. 

Respond  by  June  18.  1997 

Editor  of  Publications 

Brethren  Press 

Plans  and  edits  Messenger  maga- 
zine, and  assumes  other  responsibili- 
ties as  part  of  the  Brethren  Press  editor- 
ial team. 

Needs  five  years  proven  experience  in 
communications,  particularly  maga- 
zine editing;  strong  grounding  in 
Brethren  heritage,  theology,  polity; 
excellent  oral,  written,  and  interper- 
sonal communication  skills;  active 
membership  in  the  Church  of  the 

Business  Manager 

Brethren  Press 

Responsible  for  financial  planning, 
inventory  management,  subscriptions, 
warehousing  and  distribution,  and 
computer  systems. 

Send  resume  and  cover  letter 

by  July  15  to  Office  of  Human 

Resources.  1451  Dundee  Ave.. 

Elgin.  IL  60120-1694. 

Hear  him  spea\  at  the  Messenger  Dinner 

July  3,  1997,  Long  Beach,  Calif 

Patricf{  Mellerson 

Pastor  of  Butler  Chapel  African  Methodist 
Episcopal  Church,  Orangeburg,  S.C. 

"From  the  Ashes: 
Building  Bridges  of  Hope 

The  Church  of  the  Brethren  is 
helping  rebuild  Butler  Chapel, 
ivhich  tvas  bunied  by  arsofiists 
in  March  1996. 

For  dinner  ticf^ets,  call  the  Annual 
Conference  office  at  (800)  323-8039. 
Tic/(ets  also  available  in  Long  Beach 
at  Annual  Conference  ticket  sales. 

Classified  Ads 


Director  of  Music  sought  by  large,  downtown 
church.  Responsible  for  total  music  program  of  the 
church.  Will  work  as  member  of  a  professional  church 
staff  Salary  negotiable.  Send  resume  to  Hagerstown 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  15  S.  Mulberry  St.,  Hager- 
stown, MD  21740.  Deadline  June  30, 1997. 


"Anabaptists  in  Conversation:  Mennonite  and 
Brethren  Interactions  with  20th-century  Theologies" 
conference.  June  19-21,  at  The  Young  Center,  Eliz- 
abethtown,  Pa.  Inquire:  Conference,  Young  Center, 
Elizabethtown  College,  Elizabethtown,  PA  17022- 
2298.  Tel.  (717)  361-1470.  Fax  (717)  361-1443.  E-mail 


Single  wide  mobile  home  for  sale.  Completely 
furnished.  12  ft.  x  42  ft.,  9  in.,  with  10  ft.  x  20  ft.  Florida 
room.  In  senior  citizen  mobile  home  park,  Sebring, 
Fla.  Near  Sebring  Church  of  the  Brethren.  Tel.  (717) 


Seeking  tape  recording  made  at  church  service 
at  Ramey  Flats  Church  of  the  Brethren  near  Clint- 
wood,  Va.,  in  late  1950s.  Tape  made  by  someone  from 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Tennessee.  Mullins  Family 
Singers  were  performing,  including  my  late  father, 
Dock  Patten  Mullins.  Hassel  Mullins  &  Rev.  Edd  Hicks 
were  members  of  church.  Send  info  on  person  who 
recorded  the  service  to  Janice  Whittington,  191  Neil 
Ave.,  Marion,  OH  43302-3329. 

June  1997  Messenger  29 

Turiiii  Points 

New  Members 

Note;  Congregations  are  asked 
to  submit  only  the  names  of 
actual  new  members  of 
denomination.  Do  not 
include  names  of  people 
who  have  merely  transferred 
their  membership  from 
another  Church  of  the 
Brethren  congregation. 

Antelope  Valley,  S.  Plains: 
Tim  &.  Patricia  Heinrich, 
Coby  &  Sherri  Snyder 

Antioch,  Virlina:  Ronnie  & 
Matthew  Sigmon 

Black  Rock,  S.  Pa.:  loel  & 
Brenda  Beard.  Clair  & 
Nancy  Hewitt,  David  & 
Karen  Thomas,  Benjamin 

Cedar  Creek,  S.E.:  Donald 
Givens,  Noah  Newburn. 
Tabbetha  Givens.  Allison 

Center  Hill,  W.  Pa.:  Timothy 
&  Robin  Bowser,  lames  & 
Nancy  Sturgeon,  Benjamin 
Shumaker.  Courtney 
Bowser,  B.|.  Marshall, 
Michael  Dunn,  Kenneth 

Charlottesville,  Shen.:  Marve 
&  Donna  Gearhart,  Bessie 

Coventry,  Atl.  N.E.:  |ared 
Novak,  Brandon  Keene, 
Corinne  Major 

Dixon,  Ill./Wis.:Kayln  Harms, 
Elizabeth  Fordham,  Shanis 
Leathers,  Shayla  Hiatt, 
Crystal  &  Stephanie 
Horton,  Benny  &  Rebecca 
Her,  Loren  Munson,  George 
Broman.  Loretta  Samuel, 
Mariam  Pasqual,  Robin 

Donnels  Creek,  S.  Ohio:  Dale 
&  Donna  Algren 

Dupont,  S.  Ohio:  Tom  &  Lori 
Hemenway.  Holly  &  Shawn 
Herr,  Shellie  Moran,  Bill 
Murphy,  Raymond  Mays, 
Ronnie  &  Dianna  Rayle; 
Mike,  Leah,  Dustin,  & 
Amanda  Bryan 

Elm  Street,  N.  Ohio:  Terry 
Martin.  Brandon  Martin 

Franklin  Grove,  111. /Wis.: 
Mark  Christiansen.  Eliza- 
beth Finifrock,  Robert 
Logan,  Emily  Tilsy 

Fraternity,  Virlina:  Beth  Hayes 

Green  Tree,  Atl.  N.E.:  Justin 
Clark,  Tracy  Custer,  Shawn 
O'Neil,  Laurie  Pavone, 
Casey  Slinkard,  lustin 

Greensburg,  W.  Pa.:  Louis 
Schmidt.  Thomas  Cantola, 
Kristopher  Holsopple,  Gale 
&  Thomas  McNamara, 
Christy  Pomaibo.  David 
Shincovich,  Michael  Sphon. 
Dale  &  [essica  Struzzi 

Independence,  W.  Plains: 
Christopher  Chapman, 
Linda  McCarty,  Terry 
McKenzie,  Amber  Price, 
Angela  Jean  Price,  Angela 
Marlean  Price 

fennersville,  Atl.  N.E.:  Ashley 
Campbell.  Samatha  Price. 

la'Nelle  Campbell 

La  Place,  111. /Wis.:  Garvin  & 
lackie  West 

Lampeter,  Atl.  N.E.:  Timothy 
Creighton,  Nancy  Kreider, 
Benjamin  Feeney 

Leamersville,  Mid.  Pa.:  Ben- 
jamin Hoenstine,  Shane 
Dick,  Jennifer  Walter,  Jes- 
sica Betwiler,  Valerie  Harris 

Lebanon.  Shen.:  Jack  &  Shoh 
Tucker,  Ed  &  Brenda 

Lititz,  Atl.  N.E.:  Cody  Brum- 
bach.  Ben  Hunter.  Brett 
Kendig,  Nikole  Kreiter,  Brett 
Martin.  Mike  Staub,  Jeff 
Witmer,  Christopher  Enck, 
Kathryn  Resh,  Carol  Young 

Lower  Claar,  Mid.  Pa.:  Larry 
Arnold,  Josh  Barnhart. 
Bobby  &  Brian  Mock, 
William  &  Beth  Kuruzovich 

Maple  Grove,  111. /Wis.:  Darin 

Maple  Grove,  N.  Ohio:  Paul  & 
Julie  Yanchek 

McPherson,  W.  Plains:  Gary 
Dill.  Vicky  Dill.  Rich 

Midland,  Mid.  Atl.:  Katie  But- 
terfield,  Chris  &  Sandra 
Myers,  Whitney  Rankin. 
Ricky  Utterback, 

Monican,  N.  Ohio:  Lindsey 
Beegle.  Stacey  Bodager, 
Scott  &  Rhonda  Bodager, 
Clint  Kolp,  Steve  Martin, 
Brad  &  Sherri  Nelson,  Stan 
&  Linda  Ramsier,  Mike  & 
Kathryn  Wilco.x 

Nappanee,  N.  Ind.:  Tracy 
Miller,  Nicole  Carpenter, 
Jesse  Hufford 

New  Carlisle,  S.  Ohio:  Mark 
Benner,  Barbara  Davey, 
Matthew  &  Janne  Ferguson. 
Kyle  &  Robbie  Shock,  Kent 

North  Winona,  N.  Ind.:  Jen- 
nifer Coffell,  Michelle 
Coffell,  Shannon  Sucec,  Joe 
Dilling.  Robert  Maxson 

Peace,  Ore. /Wash.:  Elmer  Mil- 
lion. Feuy  Lin  Saelee 

Plumcreek,  W.  Pa.:  Amber  & 
Leanna  Blystone,  Calah  &. 
Luke  Dismore,  Tara  Flem- 
ing, Denise  George.  Brian 
Kimmel.  Bryan  &  Kayla 
Miller,  Nicole  Ramer 

Potsdam,  S.  Ohio:  Joe  & 
Jenessa  Brown.  Anthony 
Weikert.  Andrew  Post. 
Adam  Shiverdecker.  Scott 
Oswalt,  Linda  &  Tony 
Taylor,  Kevin  Whitmer, 
Tammy  Delk,  Hugh  Hillis. 
Robert  &  Judy   Honeyman. 
Phill  &  Alvin  Cook 

Prairie  City,  N.  Plains:  Tracey 
&  Dennis  Bown.  Jessica 

Rayman,  W.  Pa.:  Steve  White, 
Richard  Hay 

Rockford  First,  111. /Wis.: 
Heidi  Grander 

Roaring  Spring  First,  Mid. 
Pa.:  Robert  &  Nicole  Beers, 
Andrea  Bechel,  Elise 
Hogenberger,  Jenni  &  Abby 
Harmon.  Mandy  Holsinger, 
Kylie  Horner,  Nathaniel 
Miller.  Traci  Russell,  Greg 

Smith,  Beverly  &  Jeverlie 

Sangerville,  Shen.:  Doug, 
Sonja,  &  Alston  Horn, 
Dusty  Shull,  Nathan  Sheets 

Skyridge,  Mich.:  Rhonda 

Springfield.  Atl.  N.E.:  Kim  & 
Avanel  Kramer,  Lynn  & 
Phillip  Calabrette,  Walter  & 
Shirley  Weaver,  Arielle  Wal- 
ters. Diane  Holschwander 

Trinity,  Virlina:  Kristen 

Collins.  Bret,  Jan,  &  Marie 
Galloway;  Mark  Ingram, 
Brandon  McCampblee, 
Brandon  Sells 

Troy,  S.  Ohio:  Connie  Schlat- 
ter. Debbie  Gallager,  Darryl 

York  Center,  HI. /Wis.:  Kim- 
berly  Kirkwood,  Jesslyn 
Jalayerian,  Melyssa  Otake. 
Evelyn  Leyva,  Lin  Stefurak, 
Jean  Zak 

White  Oak,  Ad.  N.E.:  Micah 
Diffenderfer,  Jared  Groff, 
Kate  Hershey,  Gary  Zim- 
merman, Kimberly  Goff 

Woodbury,  Mid.  Pa.:  Kent 
Cooper,  Eugene  Shannon 

Zion  Hill,  N.  Ohio:  Derek  & 
Angela  Mellott,  Christopher 
&  Melanie  Cresanto,  Mary 


Adams,  Walter  and  Leora, 

Hammond,  Ind.,  50 
Barkey,   Lowell  and  Katherine, 

Leesburg,  Ind..  55 
Bowman,   Raymond  and 

lewell.  Boones  Mill,  Va.,  50 
Brown,   Claron  and  Alvera, 

Decatur,  111.,  60 
Coffman,  Ray  and  Helen, 

Huntingdon,  Pa..  50 
Delautcr,  Leslie  and  Gladys. 

Monrovia,  Md.,  70 
Gartzke,  Don  and  Juanita, 

Roanoke,  Va.,  50 
Hartman,  Dale  and  Janet. 

Huntingdon,  Pa.,  50 
Hileman,  Lawrence  and 

Wilma.  Elgin.  111.,  60 
Hoffman,   Charles  and  Verna, 

Huntingdon,  Pa.,  50 
Jarboe,  Russell  and  Eunice, 

Everett,  Wash.,  50 
lohnson,  Elden  and  Doris. 

Waterloo,  Iowa,  55 
Kreider,  Benjamin  and  Evelyn, 

Willow  Street.  Pa.,  50 
Miller,  Perry  and  Dorothy, 

Waterloo,  Iowa,  55 
Miller,  Rex  and  Esther,  New 

Paris,  Ind..  50 
Snyder,   Don  and  Gladie, 

Waynesboro,  Va..  60 
Sutton,  Charlie  and  Wilma. 

McPherson,  Kan..  50 


Houghton,  James  E.,  from 
Moxham,  W  Pa.,  interim 
pastor,  to  Moxham  W  Pa., 

Stern,  Roy  L.,  Markle  S/C 
Ind.  to  Lorida,  Atl.  S.E. 

Yancheck,  Paul,  from  secular 
to  Black  River,  N.  Ohio 


Andrew,  Georgia.,  75,  Port 
Republic,  Va.,  March  1 1, 

Atwater,   Beulah,  99,  Elkhart, 
Ind.,  March  2,  1997 

Blocher,   Ruth,  92,  Greenville, 
Ohio,  March  28,  1997 

Bowman,  Alma  H.,  71,  Mar- 
tinsville, Va.,  Feb.  2,  1997 

Brandt,  Jacob,  90,  Elizabeth- 
town.  Pa.,  Feb.  12,  1997 

Brownsberger,  Roland.  88.  La 
Verne.  Calf..  Feb.  10,  1997 

Burkholder,  John,  64.  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Jan.  17.  1997 

Click,  Freddie  A.,  44,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  Feb.  18,  1997 

Compton,  Olivia,  88,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  March  1 1,  1997 

Conner,  A'dra,  90,  Hunting- 
don, Pa.,  Dec.  12,  1996 

Cook,  Alice,  74,  Windber,  Pa.. 
Jan.  22.  1997 

Cook,  Wayne,  89,  New 
Oxford',  Pa.,  April  3,  1997 

Couchenour,  Jack,  56, Greens- 
burg, Pa.,  Jan.  30,  1997 

Ebersole,  Dorothy  E..  72, 
York,  Pa..  March  22,  1997 

Faught,   Jared,  72,  Fish- 
ersville,  Va.,  March  1 1 . 

Fonts,  S.  Russell.  92,  Blair. 
Neb.,  Oct.  19,  1996 

Fryman.  Lavonne,  81,  Goshen. 
Ind.,  March  20.  1997 

Fulk,  Lena  T,  87,  Fulks  Run, 
Va.,  Feb.  26,  1997 

Gaag,  Blanche,  87,  Union- 
town,  Pa..  Dec.  23,  1996 

Gainer,  Maria,  89,  Lancaster. 
Pa.,  Dec.  27,  1996 

Garns,  Helen.  88,  Manheim, 
Pa.,  Jan.  26,  1997 

Gibble,  Ella,  84,  Manheim, 
Pa.,  Nov.  11,  1996 

Gibbs,  Charles,  65,  Custer, 
Mich..  Jan.  10.  1997 

Glick,  Frank  J.,  92,  Dayton, 
Va.,  Dec.  29,  1997 

Glover,  Alma  M.,  87,  Har- 
risonburg, Va..  Feb.  2,  1997 

Good,  Edward  W..  76.  Stanley. 
Va.,  Feb.  4.  1997 

Gottlieb,  Robert.  71,  Ephrata, 
Pa..  Dec.  19.  1996 

Grant,  Ruth.  83.  Bent  Moun- 
tain, Va.,  Ian.  31.  1997 

Green,  Alice  L..  91,  Kokomo, 
Ind.,  March  7,1997 

Green,  Elsie  S.,  96,  Fairplay, 
Md.,  Oct.  17,  1996 

Guerin,  Gladys.  88.  Muncie. 
Ind.,  Nov.  14,  1996 

Hackman,  Mildred,  87, 

Palmyra,  Pa.,  Ian.  21,  1997 

Hager,  Neva  M.,  82,  Farming- 
ton,  Pa..  Feb.  2.  1997 

Hansen,  Gayle.  40,  Harrison- 
burg, Va.,  Ian.  13,  1997 

Harlow,  Charles.  71,  Indepen- 
dence, Kan.,  Oct.  15,  1996 

Harriger,  lane,  74,  Ephrata, 
Pa.,  Dec.  29,  1996 

Harris,  Glenn  M.,  90,  Jen- 
nings, La..  Feb.  26,  1997 

Harshbarger,  Charles,  83, 
Peoria,  111.,  July  12,  1996 

Hartman,  Wilmer  B.,  87. 

York,  Pa.,  March  22.  M'-l 
Haugh,  Reginald  C,  73.  \\;i 

nesboro.  Pa.,  Oct.  16.  19' 
Hawbaker,  Paul  G.,  79. 

Decatur,  111.,  Jan.  30.  K^c 
Hearn,  Lillian.  75.  Huntin^!- 

don.  Pa.,  lune  4,  1996 
Heckman,  Delia  M.,  97. 

Chambersburg,  Pa..  No\ . 

10,  1996 
Held,  LaVonne,  73.  Rocklon 

111..  Feb.  14,  1997 
Heinbaugh,  Feme,  97,  Rock 

wood,  Pa.,  Jan.  28,  1997 
Heinbuch,  Kenneth,  65, 

Hartville,  Ohio,  Oct.  28, 

Hendrickson,   Henry,  80. 

Petersburg,  W  Va.,  Feb.  6. 

Henry,  Alma,  93,  Martinsbun 

Pa..  Oct.  28,  1996 
Herring,  Alonzo  E.,  93,  Farm 

ington.  Pa.,  Feb.  10,  1997 
Hertzog,  Ira  B.,  94,  Ephrata, 

Pa..  Jan.  14,  1997 
Hertzog,  Raymond.  83, 

Denver,  Pa.,  Oct.  30,  1996 
Hess,  Sherman,  88. 

Pottstown,  Pa.,  Nov.  1 1 

Hicks,  Catherine,  75,  Dayton 

Ohio,  Dec.  30.  1996 
Higgs,  Miller,  91,  New 

Market,  Va.,  March  1  1, 

Himelright,  William,  55. 

Strasburg,  Va.,  March  8, 

Howdyshell,  Margaret,  85, 

Harrisonburg,  Va.,  March 

15.  1997 
Hoffman,  Galen,  85,  Windbe 

Pa.,  Jan.  4,  1997 
Hoffman,  Robert,  Pensacola, 

Fla..  March  3.  1997 
Hoffman,  Thomas,  48,  Way- 
nesboro, Pa.,  Dec.  2,  1996 
Holloway,  Wilma,  76,  Akron, 

Ind..  lune  17,  1996 
Hoover,  Annie  A.,  85,  York. 

Pa..  March  17,  1997 
Hoover,  Dean,  71,  East  Free- 
dom. Pa.,  Oct.  31,  1996 
Hoover,  Mildred,  79,  New 

Carlisle,  Ohio.  Oct.  19. 

Hoover,  Roger  K.,  68,  Way- 
nesboro. Va..  Dec.  26,  1996 
Hopkins,  Edward  M..  76, 

Martinsville,  Va..  Jan.  25. 

Hopkins,  Louise,  74, 

Nokesville,  Va.,  Jan.  19. 

Horein,  Fern,  81,  Goshen, 

Ind.,  Dec.  17,  1996 
Hosaflook,  Addie.  F,  87, 

Roanoke,  Va..  Ian.  17.  1996 
Hotham.  Mary.  56.  South 

Elgin,  111.,  Ian.  11.  1997 
Housel,  Mona,  79,  Martins 

burg.  Pa.,  Nov.  3,  1996 
Howdyshell,  Blanche,  94, 

Harrisonburg,  Va.,  Dec.  15, 

Howdyshell,  Margaret,  85, 

Harrisonburg,  Va.,  March 

15,  1997 
Hudkins,  Ellen,  80,  Beaver- 
creek,  Ohio,  April  24,  1996 
Hudson,  Mary,  81,  Rocky 

Mount,  Va.,  March  13,  199? 

30  Messenger  June  1997 

iluff,  Russell,  78,  Norton, 
Kan.,  Nov.  3,  1996 

luminel,  Norma,  75,  Dayton, 
Ohio,  Dec.  25,  1996 

lyllon,  Amy,  15,  Char- 
lottesville. Va.,  Ian,  17. 

innerst,  George.  64.  York.  Pa.. 
March  27.  1997 

lohnson,  Mabelle,  94,  Water- 
loo, Iowa.  Dec.  15.  1997 

lohnson,  Russell  T.,  85, 
Severn.  Md..  Nov.  8,  1996 

'Oseph,  lohn.  86,  Onekama, 
Mich.,  Nov.  29,  1996 

ludy,  Belinda,  88,  Cabins,  W. 
Va.,  Feb.  28,  1997 

ludy,  Bernice,  80,  North  Man- 
chester, Ind.,  Ian.  17,  1997 

lUnady,  Sue,  55,  Indepen- 
dence, Kan.,  Dec.  3,  1996 

Ceener,  Lucille.  80.  Ashland. 
Ohio.  March  28.  1997 

Ceplinger.  |ohn.  87.  Maysville. 
W.Va.,  Ian.  10,  1997 

:Cepncr,  Edna  Mae.  69. 
Spring  Grove,  Pa.,  Nov. 
28.  1996 

(immel,  Mae,  101,  Shelocta, 
Pa.,  Nov.  13,  1996 

(inkcad,  Ellen,  72.  Harrison- 
burg. Va.,  March  4,  1997 

Cinzie,  Ethel.  92.  Troutville. 
Va..  Dec.  23.  1996 

Cisamore,  Annie.  99.  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  |an.  18, 

vline.  Ellen.  90,  Hagerstown. 
Md..  Oct.  2.  1996 

{line,  Irene  B..  80.  Bedford, 
a.,  March  4.  1997 

inaub,  Mary  C.  94.  Dallas- 
town,  Pa..  Dec,  25,  1996 

Cnicely,  George.  82. 

Harrisonburg,  Va..  Dec.  27. 

,Colp,  Leola.  98.  West  Salem. 
Ohio,  March  25.  1997 

.Conkey,  Robert.  73.  Michigan 
City,  Ind..  Ian.  22.  1997 

<uhar,  lennie.  77.  Virden,  III.. 
Aug.  13.  1996 

<urtz.  Paul  M.,  91,  Ephrata. 
Pa..  Nov.  4,  1996 

i^ambert,  Betty  I..  69.  Har- 
risonburg. Va..  Ian.  4,  1997 

uane,  Galen.  83,  New  Carlisle. 
Ohio.  March  22,1997 

^.apham,  H.  Eugene,  95,  York, 
a.,  Ian.  13.  1997 

Langham,  Edna,  97,  Martins- 
burg,  Pa..  Ian.  5.  1997 

iantz.  Romaine.  88.  Syracuse. 
Ind.,  Dec.  17,  1996 

Large,  Alonzo.  76,  Danville, 
Va.,  Nov.  27,  1996 

Lauver,  Dorothy,  92.  Cross 
Keys,  Va.,  Feb.  26,  1997 

Leckrone,  |oe  K..  86,  Silver 
Lake,  Ind.,  March  29,  1997 

Leffel,  Edith.  91.  Springfield. 
Ohio.  March  16.  1997 

Lehman,  Kim,  44,  New  York. 
N.Y..  Nov.  21.  1996 

Lehman,  Margaret  M..  84. 
York,  Pa..  |an.  25.  1997 

Lehman,  Mary  lane,  75,  Mar- 
tinsburg.  Pa.,  Dec.  5,  1996 

Lehman,  Ralph,  102,  Wind- 
ber.  Pa.,  |an.  1,  1997 

Lentz,  Margaret,  92,  Green- 
ville, Ohio,  Feb.  5,  1997 

iLewis,  Donald,  75,  Polk, 
Ohio,  Oct.  15,  1996 

Lewis,  Virginia,  86,  Hager- 
stown, Md.,  Oct.  6,  1996 

Lewrew,  Alverta,  77,  New 
Oxford.  Pa.,  Feb.  26.  1997 

Livingston,  Virginia.  |ohn- 
stown.  Pa..  March  30.1  997 

Lobb,  Richard.  79.  lohnstown. 
Pa.,  Dec.  17,  1996 

Lohr,  Milton,  105,  Hoovers- 
ville.  Pa.,  March  24,  1997 

Long,  Helen  E,,  87,  Bealeton. 
Va.,  Dec.  26,  1996 

Long,  Rodney,  76.  Roanoke. 
Va..  Sept.  21.  1996 

Long,  Stella  R,  90.  Ephrata. 
Pa.,  Sept.  28,  1996 

Lusk,  Mary  lane,  71,  Elida, 
Ohio,  iune8,  1996 

Lutz,  lohn,  88,  Lititz,  Pa.,  Feb. 
8,  1997 

Lasterson,  Esther,  93,  Mount 
Morris,  111..  Feb.  4,  1997 

MacLeod,  Robert,  65,  Mar- 
tinsburg.  Pa.,  Feb.  14.1997 

Martin,  Ophia,  83,  Rice  Lake, 
Wis.,  Aug.  9,  1996 

Martzall,  Warren  E.,  66, 
Denver,  Pa.,  lune  12,  1996 

Mathews,  Walter  E.,  77,  lones 
Mills,  Pa.,  Nov.  21,  1996 

Maxwell,  Clarence,  72, 

Rheems,  Pa.,  Sept.  27,  1996 

McClanahan,  George,  86, 
Winchester,  Va.,  Ian.  4, 

McDaniel,  Annie,  81,  Los 
Angeles,  Cahf..  March  14. 

McDonald,  Lillian.  90,  Way- 
nesboro. Pa.,  Ian.  1.  1997 

McGraw,  Clara,  95,  Martins- 
burg,  Pa..  Nov.  28.  1996 

McMullen,  Martha,  84, 
Uniontown,  Pa.,  Feb.  25, 

McQuin,  Allison,  76,  Silver 
Spring.  Md..  Feb.  15,  1997 

Mentzer,  Melvin.  88,  Sebring. 
Ohio.  May  30,  1996 

Method,  Kathryn,  91,  Goshen. 
Ind..  Dec.  18.  1996 

Miles,  Lillian.  84.  Tipton. 
Iowa,  Feb.  5.  1997 

Miller,  Frank,  90,  Sangerville, 
Va.,  Feb.  3,  1997 

Miller,  Galen  R..  60.  Bridge- 
water.  Va..  Feb.  7,  1997 

Miller,  Harry  C,  72,  East 
Berlin,  Pa„  Oct.  10,  1996 

Miller,  |anet  L.,  53,  Spring 
Grove,  Pa.,  Oct.  22,  1996 

Miller,  I.  Mark,  52,  Bridgewa- 
ter,  Va.,  Feb.  15.  1997 

Miller,  Versal,  73,  Centerville, 
Iowa,  Oct,  25,  1996 

Minnick,  Leona  M.,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  Ian.  30,  1997 

Montel,  Ruble,  83,  Claypool, 
Ind..  Dec.  29.  1996 

Moore,  Harold.  84.  lohns- 
town. Pa.,  luly  18,  1996 

Moyers,  Boyd,  73.  Bergton, 
Va.,  Ian.  8,  1997 

Moyers,  Grayson  L.,  73,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  Jan.  7.  1997 

Myer,  Clara  B.,  87,  Lancaster, 
Pa.,  Dec.  16,  1996 

Myers,  lames  W.,  77,  Gettys- 
burg, Pa.,  Oct.  26,  1996 

Myers,  Letha  A..  74.  Fairfield, 
Pa.,  Dec.  28.  1996 

Neff,  William.  86,  Mount 
Crawford.  Va..  Sept.  26. 

Novenly.  Helen.  96.  Wheaton. 
111..  Dec,  27,  1996 

Nugent,  Herman  F.,  77. 
lohnstown,  Pa.,  Dec.  25, 

Nutter,  Barnee,  75,  Rice  Lake. 
Wis.,  Oct.  28.  1996 

Ober,  D.  Kenneth,  63,  Eliza- 
bethtown.  Pa.,  Nov.  7.  1996 

Oberdick,  lames  E..  88.  York. 
Pa..  Sept.  3.  1996 

Odem,  lames,  77.  La  Verne. 
Calif,,  Sept.  14,  1996 

Old.  Maxwell.  75.  San  Diego. 
Calif,,  Nov.  15,  1996 

Orendorf,  Beatrice.  82.  Salis- 
bury. Md.,  Ian.  21.  1997 

Orwig,  lohn  E..  83.  New 
Oxford,  Pa.,  Dec.  22.  1996 

Ours,  George  O.,  68,  Peters- 
burg, W.Va..  Ian.  29,  1997 

Overdorff,  Harry,  68.  Bovard. 
Pa,.  Ian.  25,  1997 

Painter,  Rosa.  67,  Peoria 
Heights.  III.,  luly  7,  1996 

Parker,  Martha,  90, 

Greenville,  Ohio,  Feb.  25. 

Pennington,  Asa,  84,  Dry 
Fork,  W.Va.,  Dec.  25,  IC'.e 

Pennington,  William,  95, 

Eglon,  W.  Va.,  Ian.  22,  1'.97 

Pepple,  Sarah  A.,  84,  Fori 
Wayne.  Ind.,  Dec.  4,  '    96 

Phillips,  Robert,  50,  New 
Carlisle,  Ohio,  March  27, 

Phillips,  Georgiana.,  61,  Fulks 
Run,  Va.,  Ian.  12,  1997 

Phillips,  William,  78,  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Dec.  7,  1996 

Plummet,  Ethel,  93,  Bowie, 
Md.,  Dec.  10,  1996 

Popp,  Louis.  82.  Windber.  Pa., 
lune  22,  1996 

Poter,  |eff.  23.  Hagerstown. 
Md..  Sept.  20.  1996 

Procter,  Ruth  E.,  96.  Bridge- 
water.  Va.,  Feb.  8,  1997 

Putney,  Beth,  88,  Waterloo, 
Iowa.  Feb,  15,  1997 

Reed,  Martha,  91.  Fallston. 
Md..  Feb  2.  1997 

Resser,  Lynda  M..  82.  New 
Oxford.  Pa.,  Feb.  13,  1997 

Ressier,  Rhoda,  79,  Brown- 
stown.  Pa..  luly  25.  1996 

Rimel,  Dorothy  V.  82.  New 
Market,  Va.,  Feb.  9,  1997 

Rinehart,  Mary,  95,  North 
Manchester,  Ind,,  Oct.  26, 

Riner,  Glendon,  80,  Harrison- 
burg, Va.,  Feb.  2,  1997 

Ritchie,  Virgil,  84,  Harrison- 
burg, Va,,  March  9,  1997 

Ritchey,  Ethel  M.,  79,  Cur- 
ryville.  Pa,,  Nov.  23.  1996 

Roberts,  George,  |r.,  71.  lohn- 
stown. Pa..  Ian  16,  1997 

Robison,  Haniill,  79,  South 
English,  Iowa.  Feb,  6,  1997 

Roddy,  Caitlyn,  3,  Seward,  Pa., 
Dec.  27.  1996 

Rolston.  Megrum,  85,  Shel- 
don, Iowa.  May  5,  1996 

Roudybush,  Howard,  87,  Kit- 
tanning,  Pa.,  Ian.  30,  1997 

Rudy,  Ada,  91,  Wooster,  Ohio, 
Dec.  30.  1996 

Rudy,  Monroe.  92.  Lima, 
Ohio,  Dec.  8,  1996 

Rudy,  Ray  H.,  Huntingdon, 
Pa.,  Sept.  1,  1996 

Rupcl,  Lucy  W.,  9  1 ,  La  Verne, 
Calif,,  Ian.  13,  1997 

Sanger,  Lillian,  95,  Bridgewa- 
ter,  Va..  Nov,  30,  1996 

Saul,  Bobby  Lee,  65,  Roanoke. 
Va.,  lune  7,  1996 

Seilhamer,  loann,  62,  Waynes- 
boro. Pa.,  |an.  4,  1997 

Sell,  Emma  E.,  65,  Martins- 
burg,  Pa„Oct.  19.  1996 

Sellers,  Lydia  C,  91 ,  Shrews- 
bury, Pa.,  Dec.  29,  1996 

Sencindiver,  Ruth,  96,  Har- 
risonburg. Va..  March  25. 

Shafer,  Oren,  90.  Continental, 
Ohio,  Oct.  31.  1996 

Shaffer,  Steven  L,,  47.  Spring 
Grove.  Pa„  Sept.  9,  1996 

Shanaman,  Fredrick  L.,  |r., 
63,  York,  Pa.,  Feb,  22,  1997 

Sharon,  Amanda,  93,  Edgewa- 
ter,  Md.,  Nov.  29,  1996 

Sherman,  Lester,  77.  Goshen. 
Ind,,  March  13.  1997 

Sherman,  Wade,  83,  Mathias, 
W.Va.,  Feb.  9.  1997 

Shelter,  Huber  D.,  67,  Cham- 
bersburg.  Pa.,  Feb,  16,  1996 

Shmid,  Matilda,  81,  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Oct.  15.  1996 

Shoemaker,  Barry,  50,  Col- 
legeville.  Pa.,  Ian.  24.  1997 

Shoemaker,  Earl,  87,  Eliza- 
bethtown.  Pa.,  Feb,  20, 

Showaller,  Walter,  94,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  Ian.  24. 

Shull,  M,  Gladys,  89.  Bridge- 
water.  Va..  Ian.  22,  1997 

Simpson,  Lee  G.,  90,  Harring- 
ton, Del,,  Dec,  14,  1996 

Smith,  Beverly,  85,  Roanoke. 
Va..  Nov.  12.  1996 

Smith,  Elmer  S.,  82,  Waynes- 
boro, Pa.,  Feb.  13,  1997 

Snavel,  Martha,  81,  Annville, 
Pa.,  Dec,  24,  1996 

Snyder,  Emerson,  86,  Colum- 
bia, Ohio,  Sept.  1,  1996 

Snyder,  Reed,  80,  Thomas- 
ville.  Pa.,  Oct.  18,  1996 

Spencer,  Marri,  23,  Char- 
lottesville, Va.,  March  12. 

Spitler,  Clark  W.,  92,  Waynes- 
boro, Va.,  Feb.  21,  1997 

Stanton,  lohn,  64,  Clearville, 
Pa.,  May  25.  1996 

Statler,  Irene,  76,  Sebring, 
Fla.,  Ian.  2,  1997 

Steiner,  |ohn  C,  95,  Muncie. 
Ind.,  Dec.  2,  1996 

Sterner,  Noah,  74,  New 
Oxford,  Pa„  March  13, 

Stoersand,  Ervin,  91,  Luding- 
ton,  Mich.,  Ian.  17,  1997 

Stombaugh,  Lester,  89,  Mar- 
tinsburg.  Pa.,  Nov.  3.  1996 

Stotlemyer,  Frances,  89. 

Hagerstown,  Md,,  April  28, 

Stover,  Evelyn  M..  65.  York, 
Pa..  Feb.  23.  1997 

Sirickler,  Thelma  M..  81.  New 
Oxford.  Pa..  April  1,  1997 

Stull,  E.  Lorain,  80.  Howard. 
Ohio.  March  2.  1997 

Stump,  Harley.  81.  McPher- 
son.  Kan..  Dec.  2.  1996 

Stumpf,  I.  Adam,  81,  Rheems, 
Pa..  Nov.  21.  1996 

Slutzman,  Ruth.  61,  Martins- 
burg,  Pa., Oct,  17.  1996 

Sumey.  Lewis.  86.  Uniontown. 
Pa..  Ian.  16.  1997 

Sullon,  Edward,  62,  Logans- 
port,  Ind.,  Ian.  25,  1997 

Swisher,  Mantle,  92,  Akron, 
Ohio,  Dec.  28,  1996 

Sypherd,  Lena,  90,  Potlstown, 
Pa,,  Nov.  15.  1996 

Tawney,  Lewis.  76.  Glen 

Burnie,  Md,,  Dec.  13,  1996 

Taylor,  Lucille  I.,  91,  Virden, 
111.,  Sept.  6,  1996 

Thomas,  David  Sr,,  59,  Rose- 
ville.  Mich.,  Dec.  15,  1996 

Thompson,  Grace,  99, 

Roanoke,  Va.,  Dec.  8,  1996 

Troup,  Dessie,  90,  Milford, 
Ind.,  Oct.  4,  1996 

Upham,  lack,  88,  Bridgewa- 
ter,  Va.,  Ian.  2,  1997 

Vaniman,  Glenn,  89,  La 

Verne,  Calif..  Dec.  23.  1996 

Von  Dyke,  Ruth,  95,  Beaver- 
ton,  Mich.,  Ian.  14,  1997 

Vore,  Roger,  90,  Elida,  Ohio, 
lune  24,  1996 

Wade,  Helen,  77,  Salem,  Va., 
Aug.  8,  1996 

Walker,  Mary,  90.  Ephrata, 
Pa.,  Dec.  16.  1996 

Watkins,  Wilma.  90.  Indepen- 
dence. Kan.,  March  8,  1997 

Watts,  Doris,  75,  Lima,  Ohio, 
Sept.  2,  1996 

Weaver,  Linda,  55.  Ephrata, 
Pa.,  Dec.  4,  1996 

Wertenberger,  Dale,  65, 
Topeka,  Kan,,  Nov.  14, 

Wesner,  Donald  R.,  83. 
Ashland,  Ohio.  Jan.  28. 

Westfall,  Bill.  79.  Laura,  Ohio, 
luly  7.  1996 

Whetzel,  Ronald,  53,  Moore- 
field,  W.  Va.,  Feb.  1,  1997 

Wilkins,  Harvey  F,  63,  Baker, 
W.Va.,  Ian.  18,  1997 

Willey,  Irene.  89.  Linthicum. 
Md..  Dec.  8.  1996 

Wilson,  Charles.  96.  Moore- 
field,  W.  Va..  March  9.  1997 

Winland,  Viola.  92.  Akron, 
Ohio.  Dec.  15.  1996 

Wineland.  Zola.  71.  Martins- 
burg.  Pa.,  |an.  I,  1997 

Winter,  Mary  E.,  89.  Cross 
Keys,  Va..  Dec.  28,  1996 

Wise,  lesse,  86,  Mulliken, 
Mich.,  Aug.  7,  1996 

Witmore,  Nora,  97.  Windsor. 
Conn..  Nov.  17.  1996 

Wolf,  Irene  R..  91.  East  Berlin. 
Pa..  Nov.  5.  1996 

Wolfe,  Galen,  74,  South  Whit- 
ley, Ind.,  Ian.  11.  1997 

Worthinglon,  Mary.  91. 
Modesto,  Calif..  Feb.  12. 

Wright,  Hester,  82,  Williams- 
port,  Md.,  Oct.  12.  1996 

Voder,  Erma,  86,  Clarksville. 
Mich..  Ian.  19.  1997 

Voder,  Eugene,  90,  Hunting- 
don. Pa.,  luly  18,  1996 

Voder,  Russell,  81,  McPher- 
son,  Kan.,  Dec.  9,  1996 

Yohn,  C.  Samuel,  80,  Coop- 
ersburg.  Pa.,  Dec.  14,  1997 

Zimmerman,  lean,  55,  North 
Manchester,  Ind.,  Oct,  25. 

June  1997  Messenger  31 


Misgivings  about  the  millennium 


Increasingly  I  am  of  the  mind  that  we  are  fortunate 
that  a  millennium  doesn't  come  around  but  once  in  a 
thousand  years.  Millennia  are  proving  to  be  more 
trouble  than  they  are  worth. 

The  next  one  is  due  in  three  or  four  years  (more  later 
on  the  uncertain  ETA),  and  already  we  are  discovering 
vexing  problems  attending  its  coming.  For  example,  there 
is  a  technological  problem  of  horrific  dimensions.  Com- 
puters everywhere  are  geared  up  to  refer  to  the  years  as 
'97,  '98,  and  "99,  but  are  unprepared  for  dealing  with  '00, 
which  will  make  computerized  bookkeeping  go  haywire. 
Scientists  and  engineers  who  can  send  space 
probes  to  the  outer  reaches  of  the  solar 
system  and  create  computers  that  can  check- 
mate the  brainiest  chess  whiz  are  at  wit's 
end  over  this  problem. 

Then  there  is  the  problem  of  where  the 
millennium  will  arrive.  Who  gets  to  say  "I 
saw  it  first"?    It  would  be  such  a  comfort 
if  only  we  knew  where  the//rs/  millennium 
burst  into  view.  Folks  at  Greenwich  (in 
London)  claim  this  second  millennium  will 
show  up  there  first,  because  the  zero  degree 
of  longitude  runs  through  it.  Britain,  I  read,  is  building  a 
huge  tourist  complex  based  on  its  Greenwich  claim.  But 
there  are  islands  in  the  remote  expanses  of  the  Pacific,  along 
the  International  Date  Line,  that  claim  they  are  the  spot 
from  which  to  first  spy  the  millennium.  Some  of  these,  I 
hear,  are  even  shifting  the  Date  Line  itself,  to  assure  them- 
selves of  drawing  the  most  tourists.  With  so  many  people  in 
so  many  different  places  scanning  the  horizon,  confident  of 
being  the  first  witnesses  of  the  dawn  of  a  new  age,  the  mil- 
lennium has  little  chance  of  sneaking  up  on  us  earthlings. 

But  yet  it  may  do  just  that,  because  there  is  another, 
overarching  problem:  We  are  not  sure  what  year  it  will 
appear!  Or,  at  least,  we  don't  agree  on  it.  Ask  the  average 
joe,  and  he'll  tell  you  the  millennium  will  show  up  fan.  1 , 
2000.  It  seems  plain  as  day.  After  all,  won't  a  person 
born  in  1980  turn  20  in  2000?  So  won't  2,000  years 
since  Christ  round  out  with  the  arrival  of  the  year  2000? 

But  savants  in  the  field  of  time  calculation  tell  us  that 
the  millennium  actually  will  arrive  Jan.  1,  2001.  How's 
that?  It  defies  reason,  to  say  nothing  of  what  we  all  learn 
in  arithmetic  class.  What  would  make  it  a  year  late?  How 
can  it  take  2,001  years  to  reach  2,000?  I  pointed  out 
(hotly)  to  one  learned  person  that  if  two  millennia  add  up 
to  2,001  years,  then,  ipso  facto  (it  doesn't  hurt  to  drop  in 
a  little  Latin  when  you're  arguing  with  a  savant),  the  first 
10  years  after  Christ  rounded  out  on  Jan.  1  of  the  year 
1 1,  creating  the  phenomenon  of  a  decade  with  1 1  years 
in  it.  His  face  took  on  a  pained  expression.  He  seemed 
sorry  about  something. 

More  bothersome  to  me  than  these  problems  is  the 
mythologizing  of  the  millennium  event.  All  around,  reli- 
gious cranks  are  building  up  expectations  among  the 
gullible  of  the  millennium  date  coinciding  with  Christ's 
second  "coming  and  of  the  end  of  the  age"  (Matt.  24:3). 
As  certain  signals  of  the  big  day's  approach,  they  cite 
instances  of  wars  and  rumors  of  wars;  nation  rising 
against  nation,  and  kingdom  against  kingdom;  famines; 
and  earthquakes  in  various  places. 

But  the  Son  of  God,  himself,  pooh-poohed  such 
dependence  on  signs.  If  there  is  any  fulfillment  of  the 
^  Scriptures  going  on,  it's  of  Jesus'  words 

Li€t  S  u€  CiCUV.  "Many  false  prophets  will  arise  and  lead 

We  can 't  depend  on   ""^"^  ''I'f  (^att.  24: 1 1 ) .  ■ 

X  But  takmg  |esus  too  literally  can  be  dan 

Signs  and  wonders       gerous.  There  was  my  Great-uncle  George: 

As  a  teenager,  he  got  religion  and  became 
hung  up  on  scriptures  that  he  took  at  their 
word.  As  a  farm  boy,  he  spent  time  plowing 
and  he  couldn't  figure  out  how  he  could 
keep  from  looking  back  at  those  furrows 
behind  him.  The  poor  kid  lost  his  mind 
struggling  with  Luke  9:62  —  "No  one  who 
puts  a  hand  to  the  plow  and  looks  back  is  fit  for  the  king- 
dom of  God."  Uncle  George  died  at  1  7,  a  hopeless  lunatic. 

Let's  be  clear.  We  can't  depend  on  signs  and  won- 
ders to  warn  us  of  the  second  coming  and  give  us  a 
running  start.  And  our  counting  of  centuries  and  millen- 
nia is  nothing  but  a  man-made,  secular  way  of  reckoning 
time;  it's  not  a  mythical  symbol. 

to  warn  us  of 

the  second  coming 

and  give  us 

a  running  start. 

/  \  n 

s  the  writer  Helmut  Koester  states,  "Demythologiz- 
ing  the  Second  Coming  and  the  last  judgment  allows 
us  to  realize  that  the  good  news  of  (esus'  message 
will  have  run  its  course  and  accomplished  its  purpose  when 
all  people  in  the  nations  —  regardless  of  their  religious  per- 
suasion—  feed  the  hungry,  give  a  drink  to  those  who  are 
thirsty,  welcome  the  stranger,  and  visit  those  who  are  sick 
or  in  prison,  even  if  they  do  not  know  that  they  are  doing 
this  for  lesus,  whose  Second  Coming  has  already  happened 
in  our  midst,  among  all  his  poor  and  hungry  and  impris- 
oned brothers  and  sisters  throughout  the  world." 

Jesus  sounded  clear  enough  when  he  said,  "The  good 
news  of  the  kingdom  will  be  proclaimed  throughout  the 
world,  as  a  testimony  to  all  the  nations;  and  then  the  end 
will  come"  (Matt.  24:14). 

That's  reason  enough  for  Brethren  to  cancel  any 
planned  trips  to  England  for  late  December  1999  (or 
2000)  and  to  tune  out  anyone  connecting  the  millennium 
arrival  with  skewed  biblical  prophecy.  And  good  reason, 
too,  for  our  proclaiming  the  gospel  of  Jesus.  Devotedly. 
Unabashedly.  Vigorously. — K.T. 

32  Messenger  June  1997 


Portrait  of  an  enemy 

Her  nation  is  squarely  on  the  ropes,  reeling  from 
years  of  economic  problems  compounded  by  two 
summers  of  catastrophic  floods.  Food  rations 
have  plummeted  to  400  calories  per  day,  sending  , 
Jji        people  scurrying  for  anything  remotely  edible — 
"  including  roots,  bark,  and  leaves.  The  world  has 

offered  assistance,  but  only  a  fraction  of  what  is 
required  to  feed  her  country's  23  million  people. 

And  so  she  waits.  Wondering  who  these  strangers 
are  and  why  they  have  come.  Wondering  whether 
she  will  eat  tomorrow.  Wondering  what  a  child  won- 
ders . . .  why  her  parents  are  so  anxious,  why  her 
friend  is  so  sick. 
*  Like  so  many  others  in  North  Korea,  she  does 

not  Jcnow  what  to  make  of  those  who  come  to 
help.  We,  likewise,  wonder  what  to  make  of  her 
and  her  people.  Separated  so  many  years,  why 
should  we  reach  out  now? 

Responding  in  the  name  of  Christ,  our  church 
has  given  her  an  answer  in  language  a  child  can 
understand — rice,  canned  beef,  barley  seed,  seed 
corn.  We  want  her  to  live  to  wonder  another  day. 

Pray  for  tffose  who  suffer  in  Nortf^  Korea.  Encourage  recon- 
ciliation between  our  two  countries.  Give  to  the  Global  Vood 
Crisis  Fund  in  support  of  the  North  Korea  Seed  Project. 

Global  Food  Crisis  Fund 

Church  of  the  BrethFen,  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL60120 


.\ffordable  retirement  choices  to  meet  the  changing 

Hfestyles  and  needs  of  today's  maturing  aduks.  A 

nationally  accredited  Christian  Continuing  Care 

Retirement  Commvinity  open  to  all  faiths.  Discover 

the  many  amenities  our  campus  provides. 

'^Cottages  '^Apartments  "^Personal  Care  <^ Nursing  Care 

Post  Hospitalization  &  Rehabilitation  Sei'vices 

'^  "Special  Care"  (Alzheimer's  Unit) 

(717)  624-2161 

2290  Carlisle  Pike 
New  Oxford,  PA  17350 

Cross  Keys  Village 

(Intersection  of  U.S.  Routes  30  and  PA  94) 



July  1997 

Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Editorial  Assistant:  Paula  Wilding 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche,  Martha  Cupp 
Promotion:  Linda  Myers  Swanson 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Wendy  McFadden 

On  the  cover: 
With  the  help 
of  Brethren 
volunteers,  an  arson- 
burned  church  is  being 
rebuilt.  This  sooty  mini- 
poster  is  a  survivor  of 
the  1 996  fire  at  Butler 
Chapel.  For  the 
members,  it  carried  a 
poignant  message. 


10     Receiving  a  priceless  legacy:  Snow  Hill 
artifacts  come  to  Juniata  College 

Donald  F.  Durnbaugh  reports  on  the 
preservation  of  a  priceless  piece  of  history. 
Sidebar:  "The  Saga  of  Snow  Hill,"  by  Kermoii 

14     The  Brethren  and  Butler  Chapel  agree 
Love  must  prevail 

The  Brethren  and  some  new  friends  are  of  onn 
accord  as  a  new  church  building  rises  near 
Orangeburg,  S.C.  Story  and  photos  by 
Kermon  Thomasson. 

19  In  the  Dominican  Republic:  Education) 
as  empowerment 

Miguelina  Arias  Mateo  says  "Thank  you"  to 
the  stateside  church  for  its  help  in  empowering 
church  leaders. 

20  A  most  unusual  Sunday  school  class 

Patricia  Kennedy  Helman  chronicles  the  50- 
year  history  of  a  group  of  altruistic  Brethren  iii 
Fort  Wayne,  Ind. 

22     Pacifist  patriotism 

Writes  Mark  Thiessen  Nation,  being  a  pacifist 
between  wars  is  sort  of  like  being  a  vegetarian 
between  meals. 

24     Climb  the  ladder  of  the  Beatitudes 

Rung  by  rung,  Jim  Forest  takes  the  reader  on  ; 
soaring  trip  through  some  key  verses  of 
Matthew's  Gospel. 



From  the  Editor 


In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 


Stepping  Stones 




Pontius'  Puddle 


Turning  Points 




How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-mail:  CoBNews@AOL.Com 
Fax:  (847)  742-6103 
Phone:  (847)  742-5100 
(800)  323-8039 
Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75c  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  Allow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

Text  and  photo  coverage 
of  Annual  Conference  in 
Long  Beach. 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Ad-  N.E.,  Ron 
Lut2;  All.  S.E.,  Ruby  Rajiner;  lll.AVis.,  Kreston  Lipscomb; 
S/C  Ind.,  Marjorie  Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good;  Mid-AtL. 
Ann  Fouts;  Mo. /Ark.,  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains,  Faith 
Strom;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack  Kline; 
Ore./Wash.,  Marguerite  Shamberger;  Pac.  S.W,  Randy 
Miller;  M.  Pa.,  Eva  Wampler;  S.  Pa.,  Elmer  Q,  Gleim; 
W  Pa.,Jay  Christner;  Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  S.E.,  Donna 
Shumate;  S.  Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Viriina,Jerr)'  Naff; 
W  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Winoma  Spurgeon, 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Entered  as  second-class  matter  Aug, 
20, 1918,  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct.  17, 1917, 
Filing  date,  Nov  1, 1984,  Member  of  the  Associated 
Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion  News  Service 
&  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical  quotations, 
unless  odierwise  indicated,  are  from  the  New  Re\ised 
Standard  Version.  Messenger  is  owned  and  published 
1 1  times  a  year  by  the  General  Services  Commission, 
Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board.  Second-class 
postage  paid  at  Elgin,  III,,  and  at  additional  mailing 
office,  July  1997,  Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the 
Brethren  General  Board.  ISSN  0026-0355. 
Postmaster:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave,,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 


July  is  a  time  of  transition  at  the  General  Offices.  July  18  is 
the  effective  date  of  termination  for  most  of  the  employees  who 
have  lost  their  jobs  in  the  downsizing  of  Genera!  Board  program. 
Three  people  who  will  be  sorely  missed  on  the  Messenger  staff  are 
Paula  Wilding,  Linda  Myers  Swanson,  and  Martha  Cupp. 

Paula  Wilding,  a  native  Elginite,  came  to  us  right  from  college 
in  1993,  to  serve  as  editorial  assistant  in  News  Services.  She,  like 
everyone  else  on  a  small  staff, 
has  done  a  multitude  of  tasks. 
She  has  chiefly  worked  with 
news  reporting  and  with 
Newsline.  In  both  these  respon- 
sibilities she  has  worked  with 
Nevin  Dulabaum,  director  of 
News  Services  and  managing 
editor  of  the  magazine.  Paula 
has  also  written  special  reports 
and  In  Touch  and  Close  to 
Home  articles. 

Linda  Myers  Swanson 
began  working  for  Messenger 
in  1994,  after  having  worked 
for  Brethren  Press  from  1977 

to  1992.  Linda's  work  has  been  Messenger  promotion, 
work  in  which  she  has  been  successful,  as  evidenced  by 
growth  in  subscriptions  for  more  than  a  year  now.  She 
keeps  in  touch  with  our  congregational  and  district  rep- 
resentatives, counseling  them  in  their  paperwork  and 
encouraging  them  in  their  own  promotion  work.  She 
also  has  worked  at  attracting  more  advertising,  which  has  increased 
Messenger  income. 

Martha  Cupp  had  a  career  in  Elgin  as  an  elementary  school 
teacher  before  her  retirement.  After  retiring,  Martha  came  to  Mes- 
senger on  a  part-time  basis,  serving  in  the  subscriptions  department, 
1989-1993.  Two  years  later,  she  agreed  to  come  back  and  help  again, 
and  has  been  with  us  since.  Aside  from  helping  keep  the  subscrip- 
tion system  updated  and  functioning,  Martha  has  supplied  a  calm, 
soothing  voice  on  the  phone,  helping  Messenger  representatives 
work  through  problems  at  their  own  end  of  the  system. 

Aside  from  the  good  work  of  these  three,  we  shall  miss  their  pres- 
ence and  contribution  that  were  part  of  the  camaraderie  of  the 
Communication  Team. 

Paula  Wilding,  Linda  Myers 
Swanson,  and  Martha  Cupp 

are  three  Messenger  workers 
whose  names  will  be  gone 
from  our  staff  box  after  July. 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

July  1997  Messenger  1 



'Cracked  Glass  Gals' 

Sunlight  shining  through  eight  stained- 
glass  windows  highHghts  the  sanctuary 
of  Community  Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Hutchinson,  Kan.  Each  window  required 
more  than  100  hours  of  work  by  the  artists, 
all  members  of  the  congregation. 
Anita  Cochran  (now  Cooney)  launched 

Opal  Frye,  Betty  Sampson, 

and  Betty  Robinson  carry  on 

the  work  begun  by  their 

teacher,  Anita  Cooney.  in 

creating  stained-glass 

windows  for  their  church 

and  other  Brethren 

institutions  in  Kansas. 



the  volunteer  project  after  attending  a 
stained-glass  workshop  in  the  1970s.  In 
1978,  she  created  a  lotus  flower  window  in 
honor  of  her  late  husband,  Virgil.  Then  she 
offered  to  teach  others. 

Opal  Frye,  Betty  Robinson,  and  Betty 
Sampson  joined  Anita  to  become  the 

"Cracked  Glass  Gals."  They  met  twice  a        ; 
week  in  a  church  basement  room.  "Anita 
taught  us  all  we  know,"  says  Betty  Sampson 
"We  practiced  for  two  years  before  we  cut 
our  first  glass  or  soldered  our  first  joint  on 
the  sanctuary  windows." 

Betty  Robinson  thought  of  using  a  rainbow 
effect  on  opposing  front  windows.  She  and 
Betty  Sampson  measured  off  the  rays,  using 
inner  colors  of  lighter  shades  and  outer  colors 
brighter  and  darker.  The  effect,  with  sunlight 
coming  through,  is  that  of  an  inside  rainbow. 

After  the  death  of  Anita's  daughter,  Anna  Jo, 
a  monarch  butterfly  was  added  to  the  "Cross 
and  Aura"  window,  the  first  one  that  the  four- 
some created.  A  butterfly  hovering  outside 
Anna  |o's  window  had  been  a  symbol  of  hope 
and  eternal  life  for  the  Cochrans. 

Fine-tuning  was  a  part  the  creation  and  in- 
stallation of  all  the  windows.  When  "The  Good 
Shepherd"  window  was  installed  near  the 
front,  a  distracting  strong  blue  light  streamed 
in.  The  window  was  moved  to  the  back. 

The  most  time-consuming  window  con- 
tains eight  symbols  including  a  peace  dove, 
towel  and  basin,  bread  and  cup,  and  the 
Alexander  Mack  seal.  It  took  over  200  hours 
to  complete.  But,  one  by  one,  eight  full- 
length  windows  joined  the  round  stained- 
glass  one  installed  above  the  altar  when  the 
church  was  built  in  1959. 

Next,  the  stained  glass  team  designed  and 
created  windows  for  the  church  chapel.  In 
1995,  two  windows,  "Jesus  Feeding  the  Five 
Thousand"  (which  honors  Anita,  now  in  a 
nursing  home)  and  "Noah's  Ark,"  for  the 
children's  enjoyment,  were  done  profession- 
ally for  the  Easter  timetable,  which  the 
church  women  could  not  meet. 

Although  the  church  is  now  out  of  window 
space,  the  stained-glass  workroom  is  still  in 
use.  The  "Cracked  Glass  Gals"  have  done  two 
windows  for  the  Cedars  Health  Care  Center 
in  McPherson,  Kan.  And  as  a  gift  from  West- 
ern Plains  District  to  McPherson  College's 
retiring  president  Paul  Hoffman,  the  artists 
did  replicas  in  stained  glass  of  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren  and  McPherson  College  logos. 

Farther  afield,  shoppers  at  Annual  Confer- 
ence in  Long  Beach  could  find  "sun  catchers" 
made  by  the  "Gals,"  on  sale  in  the  Art  for 
Hunger  exhibit  area. — Irene  S.  Reynolds 

Irene  S.  Reynolds  is  a  freelance  writer  from 
Lawrence.  Kan. 

2  Messenger  July  1997 

iilames  in  the  news 

»1anchester  College,  at  its 
lilay  25  commencement, 
onferred  honorary  degrees 

Paul  Hoffman 

on  Patricia  Kennedy 
HIelman  and  Paul 
Hoffman.  Helman  was  the 

;ollege's  first  lady  for  30 
/ears,  1956-1986.  She 
served  as  an  ambassador, 
lostess,  and  patron  of  the 
arts.  She  is  the  lyricist  of 
he  college  anthem,  "Man- 
bhester  Fair."  Hoffman,  a 
1954  Manchester  graduate, 
and  later  a  faculty  member 
and  dean,  served 
1976-1996  as  president  of 
McPherson  College. 

•  Judy  Mills  Reimer, 
1995  Annual  Conference 
.noderator  and  now  pastor  of 
Smith  Mountain  Lake  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  Moneta,  Va., 
and  director  of  the  General 
Board's  Ministry  Summer 

Service  pro- 
gram, was 
honored  by 
her  alma 
mater,  Emory 
and  Henry 
Emory,  Va., 
at  its  recent 
ment with  the 
William  and  Martha  DeFriece 
Award.  The  award,  which 
includes  a  medal,  is  given  for 

an  outstanding,  worthwhile 
contribution  to  civilization 
or  humanity. 

•  Raymond  N.  Andes,  of 
Bridgewater,  Va.,  professor 
emeritus  of  Foreign  Lan- 
guages at  Bridgewater  Col- 
lege, has  received  the  Rip- 
ples Award  from  Bridgewa- 
ter's  Ripples  Society,  citing 
his  35  years  of  teaching  and 
serving  as  chair  of  the  De- 
partment of  Foreign  Lan- 

•  Suzanne  Lind,  a  member 
of  Florence  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  Con- 
stantine,  Mich., 
is  beginning  a 
five-year  as- 
signment with 
Central  Com- 
mittee in  Dur  •^ 
ban.  South  I 
Africa.  Suzanne  Lind 


DeWltt  L.  Miller,  88,  died 
May  21,  in  Hagerstown, 
Md.  Pastor  of  several  con- 
gregations, he  was  noted 

DeWin  L  Miller 

for  his  promotion  of  ecu- 
menicity. He  was  modera- 
tor of  Annual  Conference 
in  1964. 

J.-    I 

David  Fruth  helped  reopen  a  aporls  museum  in  Abilene. 

Retired  to  a  museum 

As  assistant  director  of  the  Kansas  Sports  Hall  of  Fame, 
-David  Fruth  worked  to  prepare  for  its  opening  this  sum- 
mer in  downtown  Abilene,  Kan.  This  is  a  new  job  for  David. 
He  is  retired  from  a  29-year  career  as  a  school  counselor.  His 
congregation  is  Buckeye  Church  of  the  Brethren,  near  Abilene. 

A  three-story  building  had  been  donated  for  the  sports 
museum  after  a  bank  buyout.  "The  committee  followed  two 
rules,"  says  David.  "What  we  do,  we  will  do  well,  and  we 
will  not  do  any  deficit  spending." 

Shiny  brass  letters  on  the  tawny  brick  exterior  and  new 
light  oak  panels  and  stair  rails  on  the  interior  contrast  with 
the  fresh  gray  carpeting  and  dark  glass  partitions. 

In  the  Great  Moments  Theater,  viewers  push  a  button  to 
watch  a  video  highlighting  Kansas  athletes.  An  inspirational 
spot  shows  Glenn  Cunningham's  fight  to  run  again  after 
tragically  being  burned. 

Another  exhibit  displays  etched  portraits  and  short  biogra- 
phies of  the  69  sports  players  who  have  been  elected  to  the 
hall.  A  computer  selects  information  on  any  inductee,  such 
as  Dutch  Lonborg,  who  coached  at  McPherson  College 
before  going  to  Kansas  University. 

Spectators  in  the  four  exhibit  halls  are  surrounded  by 
sounds  of  football,  basketball,  and  Olympic  activity.  In 
another  booth,  visitors  push  a  button  to  view  feats  of  individ- 
ual athletes,  such  as  Jim  Ryun  running  the  four-minute  mile. 

A  third  computer  station  gives  the  school  colors  for  any  of 
the  330  present  Kansas  high  schools,  tells  about  individual 
athletes,  what  championships  the  school  has  won  since 
1911,  and  lists  records  that  that  school  still  holds. 

David  is  responsible  for  all  artifacts,  photos,  and  memora- 
bilia. He  unpacked  stored  memorabilia  and  wrote  letters  to 
all  the  hall's  inductees  asking  for  additional  items.  Then  he 
described,  numbered,  and  preserved  each  article. 

He  researched  for  hours,  gathering  information  on  all  the 
Kansas  schools,  their  athletes,  scores,  and  championships. 
Then  he  computerized  the  data  and  now  maintains  Kansas' 
collection  of  sports  records. 

In  addition  to  getting  the  computers  operating,  David 
coordinated  the  organization's  bimonthly  magazine  while 
moving  his  office  about  to  avoid  the  remodeling  turmoil. 

After  several  postponements,  the  relocated  Kansas  Sports 
Hall  of  Fame  is  now  a  reality,  not  only  for  David,  but  for  the 
tourist-conscious  town  of  Abilene. — Irene  S.  Reynolds 

Irene  S.  Reynolds  is  a  freelance  writer  from  Lawrence.  Kan. 

July  1997  Messenger  3 

Screen  door'  visitors 

Figuring  that  few  people  can 

resist  the  aroma  of  bread 

fresh  from  the  oven.  Pleasant 

Valley  members  carry  along 

gift  loaves  when  calling  on 

first-time  attendees. 

You  can't  go  wrong  with  bread.  Everybody  eats  it. 
And  few  people  can  resist  an  aromatic  loaf  fresh 
from  the  oven. 

Reliance  on  that  human  frailty  works  for  a  evangelism 
program  at  Pleasant  Valley  Church  of  the  Brethren  at  Wey- 
ers  Cave,  Va.  Officially,  the  program  is  called  "Breadwinners 
for  Christ,"  but,  says  partici- 
pant Virginia  Shreckhise, 
"We  call  ourselves  'screen 
door'  visitors." 

That  name  comes  from  the 
practice  of  members  show- 
ing up  at  the  "screen  door" 
of  anyone  who  is  a  first-time 
visitor  on  Sunday  morning 
at  Pleasant  Valley.  Within  a 
day  or  so,  someone  knocks 
on  the  door  and  offers  a 
fresh  loaf  of  homemade 
bread.  "We  just  give  them 
the  bread  and  tell  them 
we're  happy  they  came  to 
church,"  says  Virginia. 
"Most  of  the  time,  people 
invite  us  in." 
Does  this  ploy  of  casting 
one's  bread  through  the  screen  door  work?  A  year  after  the 
program  began  on  Palm  Sunday  1995,  it  was  figured  out  that 
42  percent  of  those  receiving  bread  and  visits  had  returned  to 
worship.  Of  that  number,  four  had  become  members,  14  were 
attending  regularly,  and  12  were  attending  occasionally. 

Pastor  Galen  Brumbaugh  got  the  idea  from  a  magazine  ar- 
ticle. A  spin-off  of  the  bread  program  is  "Bring  a  Friend 
Sunday,"  held  quarterly.  On  those  Sundays,  visitors  are  rec- 
ognized and  a  meal  follows  the  church  service. 

lesus  made  points  several  times  using  bread.  Nothing  like 
continuing  the  work  of  Jesus,  Pleasant  Valley  figures. 

Let's  celebrate 

Altoona  (Pa.)  |uniata 
Church  of  the  Brethren  is 
celebrating  its  90th  anniver- 
sary, with  "Shine  the  Light 
till  lesus  Comes"  as  the 
theme  for  its  year-long 
event.  An  anniversary  book- 
let is  being  published. 

•  On  lune  29,  North- 
haven  Retirement  Apart- 
ments in  Seattle,  Wash.,  cel- 

ebrated 25  years  as  a 
provider  of  affordable  hous- 
ing in  the  Northgate  commu- 
nity. Northhaven  was  built  in 
1972  under  the  sponsorship 
of  Olympic  View  Commu- 
nity Church  of  the  Brethren. 

•  Beacon  Heights 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  celebrated 
its  45th  anniversary  April  20. 

•  Constance  Church  of 
the  Brethren  in  Hebron,  Ky., 

celebrated  its  centennial 
May  18.  Former  pastor 
Lawrence  Rodamer  was 
guest  speaker.  Former  mem 
bers  provided  music.  Old- 
fashioned  food  was  featured 
in  the  carry-in  meal. 

•  Scalp  Level  Church  of 
the  Brethren  in  Windber, 
Pa.,  marked  its  40th  an- 
niversary May  17-18,  with 
an  ice  cream  social  Saturda; 
evening,  and  Rick  Gardner, 
Bethany  Seminary  dean, 
speaking  Sunday  morning. 

•  The  Phalger  congrega- 
tion of  the  Church  of  Northf 
India,  in  Maharastra,  dedi- 
cated its  new  building  Marcl 
9.  Phalger,  which  has  about 

India's  Phalger  congregation  { 

traces  its  history  to  the  work 
of  Brethren  missionaries. 

290  members,  had  previ- 
ously been  meeting  in  an  old 
mission  bungalow.  Many 
Church  of  the  Brethren  mis- 
sionaries had  worked  in  the 
area  in  earlier  years. 

4  Messenger  July  1997 

IWhen  the  rickety  old  Egyptian  freighter  ZamZam  sailed  for 
Africa  in  Marcli  1941 .  it  fortuitously  had  among  its 
passengers  a  photographer  to  record  its  tragic  sinking. 

The  one  who  shot  the  ZamZam 

When  David  Scherman  died  May  5,  large  city  newspa- 
pers carried  obituaries  for  tiie  former  Life  magazine 
editor  and  photographer.  But  the  name  likely  caught  the  at- 
tention of  few  Brethren  readers. 

Yet  Scherman  once  figured  in  a  drama  that  not  only 
stirred  the  Brethren,  but  made  headlines  across  America  as 
well.  In  March  1941,  he  was  a  young  Life  photographer 
aboard  the  Egyptian  freighter  ZamZam  sunk  by  a  German 
warship  off  the  coast  of  Africa.  Also  on  board  the  freighter 
were  three  missionary  nurses — Sylvia  Oiness,  Ruth  Utz,  and 
[Alice  Engel — headed  for  service  with  the  Church  of  the 
'Brethren  in  Nigeria. 

The  ZamZam  passengers  were  saved,  despite  perilous  ad- 
ventures on  the  seas  and  in  Europe  at  war.  (See  "The  Night 
They  Sank  the  ZamZam,"  by  Kermon  Thomasson,  April 
1981.)  Photographer  Scherman  managed  to  smuggle  sev- 
eral rolls  of  exposed  film  home,  photos  from  which  were 
sensationally  splashed  across  Life  magazine  and  US  news- 
papers tha"t  summer.  The  ZamZam  atrocity  and  the  result- 
ing publicity  were  not  forgotten  as  America  and  Germany 
went  to  war  later  that  year. 

Thus,  it  was  fitting  that  David  Scherman's  1997  obituary 
led  off  with  a  reference  to  his  ZamZam  fame  of  56  years  ago. 

Campus  comments 

Bridgewater  College's  Fo- 
rum for  Religious  Studies  has 
released  its  third  publication. 
The  Dilemma  of  Anabaptist 
Piet}':  Strengthening  or 
Straining  the  Bonds  of  Com- 
munity? The  237-page  book 
is  a  compilation  of  1 5  papers 
presented  at  the  September 

1995  conference  "The  Holy 
Spirit  and  the  Gathered 
Community."  Steve  Longe- 
necker,  associate  professor  of 
History  at  Bridgewater, 
edited  the  book  and  is  author 
of  one  of  its  chapters. 

In  October,  the  Forum  will 
co-sponsor  with  Brethren  Life 
and  Thought  a  Festschrift 
honoring  Donald  F.  Durn- 

baugh,  bringing  together  arti- 
cles by  colleagues  and  former 
students  of  the  well-known 
Brethren  historian  (see  page 
10  of  this  issue). 

•  McPherson  College  is 
one  of  135  colleges  in  42 
states  included  in  the  John 
Templeton  Foundation's 
1997-1998  Honor  Roll  for 
Character-building  Colleges. 
The  designation  recognizes 
schools  that  emphasize 
character-building  as  an  in- 
tegral part  of  the  college  ex- 

•  Bridgewater  College's 
Student  Council  sponsored 
a  CROP  meal  April  3  and  a 
10-kilometer  CROP  Walk 
April  6.  The  money  raised 
went  to  Church  World  Ser- 
vice, which  returns  25  per- 
cent of  the  money  to  the  lo- 
cal community  for  funding 
hunger  projects. 

•  Manchester  College  is 
national  headquarters  for 
the  Graduation  Pledge  Al- 
liance. The  pledge  states:  "I 
pledge  to  investigate  and 
take  into  account  the  social 
and  environmental  conse- 
quences of  any  job  opportu- 
nity I  consider."  At  Man- 
chester's May  25  com- 
mencement, graduates  who 
took  the  pledge  wore  a  green 
ribbon  on  their  gown. 

•  Bridgewater  College 
claims  to  have  the  highest 
enrollment  of  Church  of  the 
Brethren  students  among  the 
denomination's  six  schools. 
In  the  just  finished  school 
year,  Bridgewater  had  178 
Brethren  students,  18  per- 
cent of  the  total  enrollment. 

•  At  Bridgewater  Col- 
lege's May  1 1  baccalaureate 
service,  Carlyle  Whitelow, 
assistant  professor  of  Physi- 
cal Education  since  1969, 
was  the  speaker.  Graduating 

William  Kosllefv 

from  Bridgewater  in  1959, 
he  was  one  of  the  school's 
first  African-American  stu- 
dents. Whitelow's  topic  was 
"How  Great  Thou  Art!" 

•  This  fall,  Elizabeth- 
town  College's  Young  Cen- 
ter will  host  visiting  scholar 
William  Kostlevy,  a  Church 
of  the 
who  is 
and  assis- 
tant direc- 
tor of  the 
and  Holi- 
ness Stud- 
ies Center  at  Asbury  Theo- 
logical Seminary  in 
Wilmore,  Ky.  He  will  con- 
duct a  seminar  and  a  con- 
ference on  historic  interac- 
tions between  the  Wesleyan 
Holiness  tradition  and 
Brethren  and  Mennonites. 

•  At  McPherson  College, 
[ay  Leno,  host  of  television's 
"Tonight  Show,"  has  estab- 
lished the  Fred  Duesenberg 
Memorial  Scholarship.  It 
will  support  students  in  the 
college's  program  of  antique 
car  restoration. 

•  At  Bridgewater 
College's  1997  W.  Harold 
Row  Lecture  series,  April 
14-15,  the  speaker  was  Li 
Lu,  a  leader  in  the  1989 
Tiananmen  Square  demon- 
stration in  Beijing,  China.  Li 
still  has  aspirations  to  help 
create  a  democratic  society 
in  China. 

"Close  to  Home"  highlights  news  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

July  1997  Messenger  5 

Nearly  75  gather  for  first 
Brethren  homes  forum 

The  gathering  of  representatives  from 
Brethren  retirement  homes  and  nurs- 
ing centers  may  not  seem  unusual, 
but  a  three-day  forum  for  members  of 

A  historic  photograph. 

Representatives  of  Brethren 

liomes  gather  to  meet  for  the  first 

time  as  members  of  the 

Fellowship  of  Brethren  Homes,  a 

ministry  of  Association  of 

Brethren  Caregivers  that  was 

formed  about  two  years  ago. 

(Below)  David  Gerber  of  the 

Brethren  Home,  New  Oxford,  Pa., 

leads  a  small  group  discussion. 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/TvIessenger 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  he  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

6  Messenger  July  1997 

the  Fellowsiiip  of  Brethren  Homes  in 
|une  was,  indeed,  notable.  For  when 
75  representatives  from  17  of  the  fel- 
lowship's 20  members  convened  at 
the  Brethren  Conference  Center, 
New  Windsor,  Md.,  it  marked  the 
first-ever  meeting  of  this  group. 

The  Brethren  Homes  Forum  on 
Collaboration,  organized  by  the  As- 
sociation of  Brethren  Caregivers, 
however,  was  designed  to  go  beyond 
bringing  fellowship  members  to- 
gether. Its  goal  was  to  provide  op- 
portunities for  members  to  discern 
how  they  can  work  collaboratively 
with  each  other,  and  as  a  group  with 
other  organizations — Brethren,  ecu- 
menical, and  nondenominational. 

Michael  Winer,  consultant  for  the 
American  Association  of  Homes  and 
Services  to  the  Aging,  provided  lead- 

The  conference  began  with  repre- 
sentatives from  each  participating 
home  introducing  staff  members  and 
then  describing  their  organization's 
successes  and  challenges. 

The  second  session  was  devoted  to 
presentations  from  eight  panelists 
who  reviewed  or  previewed  past  and 
possible  collaborative  efforts  between 

the  homes  and  other  organizations. 
Panelists  included  Harriet  and  Ron 
Finney,  co-executives  of  South/Cen-i  j 
tral  Indiana  District;  Bob  Cain  of 
The  Brethren's  Home,  Greenville, 
Ohio,  and  chair-elect  of  ABC;  Kareni 
Miller,  interim  General  Secretary  of 
the  General  Board;  and  Rod  Mason 
of  Peter  Becker  Community, 
Harleysville,  Pa.,  and  member  of 
ABC's  Long  Term  Care  Insurance 
Committee.  Other  panelists  were  Will 
Nolen  of  Brethren  Benefit  Trust; 
Brent  Styan  of  Association  of  An- 
abaptist Risk  Management;  Warren 
Eshbach  of  The  Brethren  Home, 
New  Oxford,  Pa.;  and  Nevin  Dula- 
baum  of  the  General  Board's  News 
and  Information  Services. 

Participants  then  used  the  remain- 
ing 1  'A  days — primarily  in  small 
groups — discussing  how  to  meet  the 
needs  of  their  organizations,  while 
identifying  the  perceived  needs  of 
other  organizations  with  whom  col- 
laborative efforts  could  be  mutually 
beneficial.  Ten  potential  areas  of  col- 
laboration identified  by  homes  repre- 
sentatives included  ministry/services; 
media/marketing;  insurance/risk 
management;  managed  care/HMO; 
staffing/training/education;  resource 
development;  management/purchas- 
ing; leadership  development;  technol- 
ogy; and  regional  governance. 

Ten  to  15  Haitian  Brethren  in 
danger  of  deportation 

With  the  impending  implementation 
of  new  Immigration  and  Naturaliza- 
tion Service  regulations,  10  to  15 
members  of  Eglise  Des  Freres  Hai- 
tiens — a  Church  of  the  Brethren 
congregation  in  Miami  composed 
mostly  of  Haitian  citizens — are  in 
danger  of  being  deported. 

The  countdown  of  180  days  until 
implementation  began  in  early  April, 
giving  the  Brethren  until  September 
to  gain  legal  immigrant  or  citizenship 
status,  or  be  sent  back  to  Haiti.  But 



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Summertime  service.  Twelve  young  adults  comprise  this  year's  team  of 
Ministry  Summer  Service  interns.  These  volunteers,  who  were  trained  May 
23—30  at  Bethany  Theological  Seminary,  are  spending  their  summer  learning 
leadership  skills  in  a  congregation,  camp,  or  district.  Each  participant  will 
receive  a  $2,000  college  tuition  grant.  This  year's  interns  are:  (first  row) 
Rachel  Zerkle,  Carrie  Weller.  Joel  Ulrich,  Jennifer  Sink,  Heidi  Beck,  Jamie 
Risser,  and  MSS  coordinator  Judy  Mills  Reimer  (Second  row)  Ginger  Gates, 
Jonathan  Brush,  Sue  Grubb,  Stacey  Perdue,  Heather  Replogle,  Audrey 
Osborne,  and  Richard  Stiver  MSS  is  sponsored  by  the  General  Board's  Youth 
and  Young  Adult  Ministry  and  Brethren  Volunteer  Service. 

according  to  Mandy  Kreps  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  Washington 
Office,  it  has  "become  much  more 
difficult  to  get  legalization." 

The  Washington  Office  is  working  in 
cooperation  with  the  Immigration 
Coalition,  gathering  stories  of  peo- 
ple— such  as  the  Haitian  Brethren — 
that  will  give  members  of  Congress  "an 
idea  of  how  the  laws  they  implement 
are  affecting  real  people,"  said  Kreps. 

According  to  the  1982  Annual 
Conference  Statement  on  Addressing 
the  Concern  of  Undocumented  Per- 
sons and  Refugees  in  the  United 
States,  "out  of  obedience  to  our  her- 
itage and  the  Gospel  mandate,  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  affirms  legis- 
lation and  public  policies  which  wel- 
come and  promote  the  welfare  of  im- 
migrants and  refugees." 

For  more  information  on  the  situa- 
tion and  what  can  be  done,  contact 
the  Washington  Office  at  (202)  545- 
3202  or  at  WashOfc@AOL.Com;  or 
Berwyn  Oltman,  Atlantic  Southeast 
District  executive  at  (407)  578- 

Ross  recuperating  but  could 
miss  Annual  Conference 

Jimmy  Ross,  senior  pastor  of  Lititz 
(Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren  and 
moderator-elect  of  Annual  Confer- 
ence, successfully  underwent 
prostate  cancer  surgery  on  May  28. 
He  returned  home  May  3 1 ,  with  the 
expectation  that  he  would  not  return 
to  a  routine  work  schedule  for  up  to 
eight  weeks. 

Although  his  recovery  was  going  as 
expected,  Ross  said  he  did  not  expect 
to  attend  this  year's  Annual  Confer- 
ence, July  1-6,  in  Long  Beach,  Calif. 
He  does,  however,  intend  to  succeed 
David  Wine  as  the  denomination's 
highest  elected  officer.  "1  plan  on 
serving  as  moderator,"  he  said. 

Following  his  surgery,  Ross  said  he 
and  his  wife  were  inundated  with  let- 
ters, cards,  and  calls  from  through- 
out the  denomination.  "Betty  and  I 
have  appreciated  so  much  the 
tremendous  support  we've  received," 
said  Ross,  who  added,  "Continued 
prayers  will  be  appreciated." 

District  Conferences  '97 

Atlantic  Northeast:  Oct.  1  1.  Elizabeth- 
town  (Pa.)  College. 

Atlantic  Southeast:  Oct.  10-12,  Sebring 
(Fla.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Idaho:  Date  to  be  determined,  Mountain 
View  Church  of  the  Brethren,  Boise. 

Illinois/Wisconsin:  Oct.  3-5,  Cerro 
Gordo  (III.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Indiana,  Northern:  Sept.  19-20,  Camp 
Mack,  Milford, 

Indiana,  South/Central:  Sept.  5-6, 
Christ  Our  Shepherd  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  Greenwood. 

Michigan:  Aug.  21-24,  Wesleyan  Con- 
ference Center,  Hastings. 

Mid-Atlantic:  Oct.  10-11.  Frederick 
(Md.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Missouri/Arkansas:  Sept.  5-7,  Winder- 
mere. Lake  of  the  Ozarks,  Roach,  Mo. 

Northern  Plains:  Aug.  1-3,  Wartburg 
College,  Waverly.  Iowa. 

Ohio,  Northern:  Aug.  8-10.  Ashland 
(Ohio)  University. 

Ohio,  Southern:  Oct.  10-11,  New  Car- 
lisle (Ohio)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Oregon/Washington:  Aug.  21-24, 
Camp  Koinonia,  Cle  Elum.  Wash. 

Pacific  Southwest:  Oct.  10-12,  Pomona 
(Calif.)  Fellowship  Church  of  the 

Pennsylvania,  Middle:  Oct.  24-25,  Al- 
toona  First  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Pennsylvania,  Southern:  Sept.  19-20, 
Black  Rock  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Pennsylvania,  Western:  Oct.  18,  Moxham 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Johnstown. 

Shenandoah:  Nov.  1-2,  Bridgewater 
(Va.)  College. 

Southeastern:  July  25-27,  Shooco 
Springs,  Talladega,  Ala. 

Southern  Plains:  Aug.  7-9,  Pampa 
(Texas)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Virlina:  Nov.  14-15,  Bonsack  Baptist 

Church,  Roanoke,  Va. 
Western  Plains:  Aug.  1-3,  University  of 

Southern  Colorado,  Pueblo. 
West  Marva:  Sept.  19-20,  Moorefield 

(W.Va.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Contact  district  offices  for  information 
concerning  their  respective  confer- 
ences, as  well  as  other  district  events 
held  throughout  the  year. 

July  1997  Messenger  7 

staff  changes  announced  for 
Brethren  organizations 

Pam  Leinauer  has  been  named  Mid- 
Atlantic  District  executive,  effective 
July  7.  Leinauer  has  served  that  dis- 
trict as  associate  executive  since 

Donald  Myers  is 
serving  as  interim 
executive  for 
Southern  Pennsyl- 
vania District.  My- 
ers, a  member  of 
New  Fairview 
Church  of  the 
Brethren,  York, 
Pa.,  began  his  ser- 
vice on  May  1  and 
will  continue 
through  1997. 

Mark  Sloan, 
Bethany  Theologi- 
cal Seminary's  reg- 
istrar, has  re- 
signed effective 
July  18.  Sloan  has 
served  as 

Bethany's  registrar 
and  as  coordinator 
of  Academic  Ser- 
vices for  Bethany 
and  Earlham 
School  of  Religion 
since  1994.  Sloan 
plans  to  attend 
University  of 
North  Park  and 
North  Park  Theo- 
logical Seminary, 
Chicago,  in  the 

Kent  Shisler, 
controller  of  the 

Brethren  Service  Center,  New  Wind- 
sor, Md.,  resigned  from  that  position, 
effective  June  25.  Shisler,  who  served 
the  General  Board  since  1991,  will 
join  the  Brethren  Home,  New  Ox- 
ford, Pa.,  as  financial  analyst. 

Shantilal  Bhagat,  director  of  Eco- 
Justice  Concerns/Rural  Small 
Churches,  has  been  terminated  as  a 
result  of  the  General  Board's  re- 





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Duiuilil  Mvcrs 

Barb  Ober 

Kennon  Thomasson 

Ian  Morse 

design,  effective 
July  18.  Bhagat, 
who  has  held  this 
position  since 
1987,  has  worked 
for  the  General 
Board  since  1968. 

Jan  Eller,  in- 
terim co-director 
of  Ministry,  has  been  terminated  due 
to  the  General  Board's  redesign,  ef- 
fective July  18.  She  has  served  in  this 
position  since  1994. 

June  Gibble,  director  of  Congre- 
gational Nurture  and  Worship,  has 
been  terminated  due  to  the  General 
Board's  redesign,  effective  July  18. 
She  has  served  the  General  Board 
in  this  position  since  1988.  She 

also  served  the  Board  from 

Jean  Hendricks,  director  of  Min- 
istry Training,  has  been  terminated 
due  to  the  General  Board's  redesign, 
effective  July  18.  She  has  served  in 
this  position  since  1991.  She  has 
been  called  to  serve  as  half-time  di- 
rector of  Church  Relations  for 
McPherson  (Kan.)  College. 

Jim  Kinsey,  co-director  of  Min- 
istry, has  been  terminated  due  to  the 
General  Board's  redesign,  effective 
July  18.  He  has  served  the  General 
Board  in  this  capacity  since  1994. 
He  will  continue  to  serve  as  execu- 
tive for  Michigan  District. 

Dale  Minnich,  associate  general 
secretary.  General  Services  Commis- 
sion executive,  and  Messenger  pub- 
lisher, has  been  terminated  due  to 
the  General  Board's  redesign,  effec- 
tive July  18.  Minnich,  who  has 
worked  for  the  General  Board  since 
1979,  has  served  in  this  position 
since  1988.  He  has  accepted  the  po- 
sition of  director  of  Planned  Giving 
for  McPherson  (Kan.)  College,  ef- 
fective Sept.  1. 

Ian  Morse,  manager  of  Cus- 
tomer Service,  has  been  terminated 
due  to  the  General  Board's  re- 
design, effective  July  18.  She  has 
worked  for  the  General  Board  since 
1984,  and  has  served  in  this  posi- 
tion since  1991. 

Barb  Ober,  administrative  assis- 
tant and  director  of  Mission  Inter- 
pretation for  World  Ministries  Com- 
mission since  1985,  has  been  termi- 
nated due  to  the  General  Board's  re- 
design, effective  July  18. 

Kermon  Thomasson,  editor  of 
Messenger,  has  been  terminated  ef- 
fective July  25.  A  replacement  is  be- 
ing sought  (see  ad,  page  28).  He  has 
served  the  General  Board  since 
1959.  Following  service  on  the  Nige- 
ria mission  field  for  1 3  years — most 
of  them  on  the  Waka  Teachers'  Col- 
lege faculty — he  joined  the  Messen- 
ger staff  as  managing  editor  in 
1974.  He  has  served  as  editor  for  the 
past  20  years. 

8  Messenger  July  1997 

lie  hd 

The  church's  ministry  to  youth  and  their  families  is  the 

focus  of  a  workshop  scheduled  for  Nov.  8,  Frederick  (Md.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Youth  and  Young  Adult  Ministry  is  spon- 
soring this  workshop  that  will  feature  IVIark  DeVries,  a  youth 
minister  and  author.  For  more  information,  contact  Youth  and 
Young  Adult  Ministry,  (800)  323-8039  or  CoB,Youth.parti@Ecu- 

"Living  the  Story  ...  50  Years  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service" 
will  be  the  theme  for  BVS'  50th  anniversary  in  1998. 

BVS'  anniversary  committee  is  encouraging  congregations  and 
districts  to  host  their  own  BVS  anniversary  activities  throughout 
the  year,  such  as  awareness  events,  service  projects,  a  panel 
discussion,  a  celebration  dinner,  or  information  sharing.  How- 
ever, the  committee  is  planning  a  denominationwide  anniversary 
celebration,  Oct.  2-4,  in  New  Windsor,  Md. 

In  preparation  for  the  festivities,  the  BVS  office  is  collecting 
addresses  of  former  and  current  BVS  workers. 

BVS  will  also  be  the  focus  of  two  Living  Word  bulletins  in 
1998— July  5,  which  is  Annual  Conference  Sunday,  and  Sept. 
20,  which  has  been  designated  as  BVS  Sunday. 

To  forward  addresses  of  former  BVSers,  for  more  information, 
or  for  more  ideas  for  local  or  district  events,  contact  BVS  at 
(800)  323-8039  or  at  CoB.BVS.  parti@Ecunet.Org. 

About  4,000  people  were  killed,  6,000  seriously  injured,  and 
50,000  left  homeless  as  a  result  of  a  strong  earthquake  May  10 
in  Iran.  A  grant  of  $1 0,000  was  allocated  in  mid-May  from  the 
Emergency  Disaster  Fund  to  help  those  who  were  left  homeless. 
The  grant  will  be  used  by  the  Middle  East  Council  of  Churches 
and  the  Iranian  Red  Crescent  Society  to  purchase  food,  clothes, 
blankets,  and  other  necessities. 

About  $21 1 ,000  was  raised  by  Brethren  for  disaster  relief 
in  May  by  three  district  annual  auctions. 

Mid-Atlantic  District's  17th  auction,  held  May  3  at  the  Agricultural 
Center  in  Westminster,  Md.,  was  its  most  successful  to  date,  rais- 
ing over  $45,000.  The  quilt  auction  alone  raised  nearly  $1 8,000. 

Middle  Pennsylvania  District's  auction,  held  May  9-10  at  Mor- 
risons Cove  Memorial  Park  in  Martinsburg,  raised  over 
$46,000— $20,000  from  livestock  and  about  $26,000  from  the 
40  quilts  that  were  donated  to  the  auction. 

Shenandoah  District's  fifth  annual  auction,  held  May  1 6-1 7  at 
Rockingham  County  Fairgrounds,  near  Harrisonburg,  Va.,  raised 
about  $1 20,000  and  drew  an  estimated  crowd  of  2,500. 
Although  final  figures  were  not  available  at  press  time,  this 
year's  auction  "could  be  the  best  of  the  five  years,"  said  Larry 
Glick,  associate  district  executive. 

Mennonite  Your  Way  Directory  8,  1997-2000,  is  now 
available.  This  directory,  which  lists  over  2,000  North  American 
hosts  from  the  United  States  and  Canada  and  280  hosts  from  65 
other  countries,  can  be  purchased  from  Brethren  Press  for 
$18.00.  To  order,  call  (800)  441-3712. 






'   **! 








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Sue  Grubb, 

former  BVSer 
in  Jos, 
hands  a  mud 
brick  to  Jeff 
during  a 

Assisting  in  the  construction  of  a  secondary  school  near 
the  headquarters  of  EkklesiyarYanuwa  a  Nigeria  (the  Church  of 
the  Brethren  in  Nigeria)  is  what  participants  of  the  1 3th  annual 
workcamp  to  Nigeria  will  do  Jan.  1 7-Feb.  1 7, 1 998.  This  project 
was  started  during  this  year's  workcamp. 

Additional  activities  will  include  visiting  churches  and  partici- 
pating in  cultural  events. 

Next  year's  event  is  sponsored  by  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
General  Board,  EYN,  and  the  Basel  Mission  of  Switzerland.  Jeff 
Mummau  will  serve  as  coordinator.  Estimated  cost  is  $1 ,995. 

For  more  information,  contact  Mummau  at  (717)  367-2269. 

And  finally,  is  there  a  correlation  between  poundage  and  patrio- 
tism and  the  willingness  of  people  to  serve  their  country  militarily? 
Carl  Bowman,  a  member  of  Lebanon  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
Mount  Sidney,  Va.,  and  sociology  professor  at  Bridgewater  (Va.) 
College,  and  James  Davison  Hunter  of  the  University  of  Virginia 
think  so,  according  to  a  story  published  in  the  Washington  Post. 

Of  more  than  2,000  randomly  selected  Americans  surveyed  in 
1996,  Bowman  and  Hunter  found  that  38  percent  of  obese 
women  said  they  would  participate  in  a  hypothetical  war  "'under 
any  conditions,'"  compared  with  women  of  normal  weight  (28 
percent)  and  women  who  are  thin  (22  percent)."  The  report 
added  that  59  percent  of  obese  men  would  fight  for  their  country, 
but  only  39  percent  of  men  of  normal  weight  and  1 3  percent  of 
thin  men  would  do  the  same. 

The  figures  were  the  result  of  Bowman  and  Hunter's  study, 
called  "The  State  of  Disunion,"  which  they  wrote  in  an  attempt  to 
look  at  political  culture,  views,  and  commitments  in  light  of 
broader  cultural  trends.  Richard  Morin,  a  Post  columnist  who  is 
familiar  with  their  work,  asked  Bowman  if  he  could  produce 
some  offbeat  results  from  that  study  relating  to  body  mass.  So 
Bowman  ran  some  tables  and  produced  some  data  and  sent 
Morin  an  e-mail  on  his  findings. 

"These  were  not  strong  differences,"  Bowman  said,  "but  they 
were  enough  to  make  it  interesting  and  include  it  in  a  light- 
hearted  piece  in  the  Post." 

July  1997  Messenger  9 


Snow  Hill  artifact! 

BY  Donald  F.  Durnbaugh 

eginning  early  in  1997,  [uniata  College  has  been 
given  valuable  collections  and  artifacts  connected 
with  the  German  Seventh  Day  Baptist  Church  of 
Snow  Hill,  located  at  Quincy,  Pa.,  near  Waynesboro.  Snow 
Hill  was  a  colony  of  the  Protestant  monastic  community  at 
Ephrata  in  Pennsylvania's  Lancaster  County  familiar  to 
today's  tourists  and  to  Brethren  as  the  Ephrata  Cloister. 

The  "Nunnery,"  as  the  Snow  Hill  Society  was  known 
locally,  grew  out  of  the  Sabbatarian  congregation  at  Anti- 
etam  in  the  early  19th  century.  It  persisted  long  after  the 
founding  Ephrata  Society  had  withered.  The  last  Snow  Hill 
brother  and  sister  died  in  the  1890s.  Since  then,  the  build- 
ings and  meetinghouse  have  been  used  by  the  members  of 
the  German  Seventh  Day  Baptist  church. 

Crist  M.  King  and  his  wife,  Helen,  of  Salemville,  Pa., 
have  been  instrumental  in  placing  the  Snow  Hill  materials  at 
luniata,  motivated  by  a  desire  to  have  the  records  of  Snow 
Hill  preserved  for  posterity.  Another  determinant  was  the 
common  heritage  connecting  the  German  Seventh  Day 
Baptists  with  the  Church  of  the  Brethren.  Except 
for  the  principle  of  worship  on  Saturdays,  the 
two  groups  are  virtually  identical  in  religious 
belief  and  practice.  Representatives  of  the 
Snow  Hill  congregation  discussed  affiliation  with 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  at  a  meeting  at  Snow 
Hill  on  April  5,  attended  by  members  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren's  Southern  Pennsylvania  District 
and  its  Committee  on  Interchurch  Relations. 

Highlights  of  the  collections  deposited  in  the 
[uniata  College  archives  are  1)  more  than  20 

According  to  tradition,  this  press  was  imported /rom 

Germany  in  1 742  by  the  Ephrata  Coniniunity.  but  it 
more  likely  dates  to  about  1810.  On  it  was  printed 
much  of  the  Snow  Hill  material.  After  long  use  at 
Snow  Hill,  the  press  was  moved  in  1894  to  Salemville< 
Pa.,  and  by  1925  it  was  the  property  of  Frank  King, 
father  of  Crist  King,  who  was  active  in  getting  it  and 
the  other  Snow  Hill  artifacts  to  f  uniata.  Aside  from 
printing.  Snow  Hill  was  known  for  Fraktur  (hand- 
decorated  manuscripts).  According  to  Don  Durnbaugf 
Snow  Hill  Fraktur  (above)  "lacks  the  ethereal  and 
delicate  beauty  of"  its  Ephrata  counterpart. 

Driceless  legacy: 

ome  to  Juniata  College 

ihandwritten  and  illuminated  music  books  from  Ephrata  and 
Snow  Hill,  prized  by  collectors;  2)  a  large  number  of 
Ephrata  imprints,  including  hymnals,  writings  of  Conrad 
Beissel  (founder  of  the  communitarian  body),  and  the 
Chronicon  Ephratense  (the  chronicle  of  Ephrata's  history); 
3)  several  hundred  imprints  from  the  press  of  Obed  Snow- 
berger  (the  last  monastic  member  at  Snow  Hill);  4)  eight 
document  boxes  containing  correspondence,  individual  lit- 
erary creations,  and  church  and  financial  records  of  the 
Snow  Hill  Society;  and  5)  detailed  ledgers  recording  the 
operations  of  the  Snow  Hill  community  that  flourished 
throughout  the  19th  century. 

The  most  impressive  artifact  is  the  ancient  hand-oper- 
ated Ephrata-related  printing  press,  used  at  Snow  Hill  and 
later  at  New  Enterprise,  Pa.,  in  the  printing  shop  of  Frank 
R.  King,  father  of  Crist  King.  Along  with  the  venerable 
press  are  many  specimens  of  type  used  at  Ephrata,  includ- 
ing decorative  type  used  to  create  borders. 

In  addition,  the  Snow  Hill  collection  contains  valuable 

Bibles,  hymnals,  and  devotional  books  published  in  Europe 
and  North  America  and  dating  from  the  early  16th  century. 
Volumes  of  the  noted  Berleburg  Bible  (the  Radical  Pietist 
masterpiece  printed  between  1 726  and  1  742)  are  repre- 
sented. Books  related  to  Brethren,  Mennonites,  and 
Schwenkfelders  are  in  the  Snow  Hill  collection. 

Although  not  yet  cataloged,  the  Snow  Hill  and  Frank  R. 
King  estate  materials  will  be  made  accessible  to  recognized 
scholars  upon  application  to  the  luniata  College  Archives. 

Except  for  the  materials  donated  to  luniata,  the  other 
surviving  contents  of  the  "Nunnery"  will  be  sold  at  auction 
in  Ephrata,  Pa.,  on  August  1 1 .  This  is  to  the  consternation 
of  many  Snow  Hill  neighbors,  who  did  not  wish  to  see 
these  historic  artifacts  leave  the  area. 


Donald  F.  Durnbaugh,  of  lames  Creek,  Pa.,  is  a  Brethren  historian 
with  a  career  that  has  inchtded professorships  at  funiata  College.  Eliza- 
bethtown  College,  and  Bethany  Theological  Seminary.  His  relationship  to 
and  work  with  the  Snow  Hill  trustees  has  been  vital  to  Juniata  College's 
acquisition  of  Snow  Hill  materials. 

The  saga  of  Snow  Hill 

In  1763,  a  Swiss  immigrant  to 
the  American  Province  of  Pennsyl- 
vania, Catherine  Schneeberger 
(German  for  "snow  mountaineer"), 
bought  131  acres  of  land  near  the  pre- 
sent-day town  of  Quincy.  The  British 
land  office,  as  was  customary,  gave  a 
name  to  the  tract.  Inspired  by  Cather- 
ine's name,  they  called  it  "Snow  Hill." 
That  naming  was  historically  insignif- 
icant at  the  moment,  but  Catherine's 
family  and  the  name  "Snow  Hill" 
would,  in  time,  become  entwined  with 
the  saga  of  a  monastic  movement  that  is 
part  of  the  larger  saga  of  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren.  Today,  the  "Seventh  Day 
Monastical  Society  of  Snow  Hill"  has 
been  gone  for  over  a  hundred  years, 
and  the  sad  part  now  for  Brethren  who 
revere  their  heritage  is  that  even  the 
physical  remnants  of  Snow  Hill  seem 

doomed  to  disperse  or  disappear, 
except  for  the  artifacts  salvaged  by  the 
luniata  College  Archives.  Some  of  the 
Snow  Hill  buildings  remain,  but  there 
are  no  plans  for  their  restoration  or 
permanent  preservation. 

In  Pennsylvania  of  the  1700s,  reli- 
gious expression  was  much  in  flux. 
There  were  the  Quakers,  who  had 
founded  the  province.  There  were  the 
Anglicans  who  were  more  prevalent 
throughout  the  American  colonies.  And 
there  were  the  Brethren,  fleeing  perse- 
cution and  hardship  in  Europe.  Along 
with  the  Brethren  were  many  other 
people  of  German  background,  bring- 
ing with  them  a  mixed  heritage  of  ideas 
on  religion  going  back  to  the  age  of 
monasticism.  Even  the  Brethren  in 
Pennsylvania  had  not  formalized  their 
structure.  People  moved  from  one 

group  to  another,  or  among  different 
groups  at  once,  imbibing  ideas,  quarrel- 
ing over  them,  and  passing  them  along. 

In  that  milieu,  Conrad  Beissel  first 
associated  with  the  Brethren,  then  split 
from  them  in  1 728  and  founded  the 
Ephrata  Community,  a  religious  society 
that  held  beliefs  quite  similar  to  the 
Brethren,  but  also  practiced  celibacy 
and  Sabbatarianism  (recognizing  Satur- 
day as  the  true  sabbath  or  seventh  day). 

In  1752,  the  Brethren,  centered  in 
the  Philadelphia  area,  organized  a 
congregation  westward  in  Franklin 
County  called  Antietam.  Maverick 
minister  Georg  Adam  Martin  (a  rest- 
less, controversial  church  planter  who 
started  congregations  as  far  afield  as 
South  Carolina)  preached  Sabbatari- 
anism there,  and  with  the  help  of 
Ephrata's  Beissel  (who  made  three 

July  1997  Messenger  1 1 

The  150-foot-long  main  building 

at  Show  Hill  was  built  in  four  stages 
from  1814  to  1843,  each  addition 
added  to  the  others.  A  spring  and 
branch  are  in  the  basement.  There 
were  over  50  rooms,  including  nine 
large  community  rooms  used  for  sitting 
rooms,  refectory,  and  kitchen.  The 
second  floor  contained  the  Saal  and 
many  small  sleeping  chambers.  The 
Saal  (left)  was  the  meeting  place  for 
both  the  society  and  the  surrounding 
congregation  for  many  years.  Plain  oakl\ 
benches,  solid  and  comfortless,  and 
the  desk  of  the  Vorsteher  (leader)  are 
the  Saal's  dominant  features.  Back  of 
the  Vorsteher  hung  a  broadside  that 
interpreted  the  mysticism 
characterizing  the  society's  credo. 

visits  to  Antietam)  established  Anti- 
etam  as  a  Seventh  Day  German 
Baptist  congregation  in  1764. 

The  Schneeberger  (now  partially 
anglicized  to  Snowberger)  family, 
particularly  Barbara  Snowberger,  was 
instrumental  in  the  establishing  and 
solidifying  of  this  congregation.  Bar- 
bara, whose  strong  will  prevailed  over 
that  of  her  husband,  Andrew  (long- 
time Snow  Hill  prior),  is  considered 
by  many  to  be  the  "real  founder"  of 
the  Snow  Hill  Society. 

The  death  of  Beissel  and  the 
upheavals  of  the  Revolution  (with  sig- 
nificant battles  going  on  in  the  general 
area  of  Ephrata)  led  to  the  rapid 
decline  of  the  Ephrata  Cloister. 

By  the  1 790s,  Antietam  had  become 
Snow  Hill.  Snow  Hill's  pastor,  Peter 
Lehman,  encouraged  by  Beissel's  suc- 
cessor, Peter  Miller,  turned  Snow  Hill 
into  something  of  a  copy  of  Ephrata. 
Communal  living  began  at  Snow  Hill  in 
1 798.  The  first  community  house  was 
built  in  1814.  In  1834,  the  community 
incorporated  as  "The  Seventh  Day 
Baptist  Monastical  Society  of  Snow 
Hill."  The  period  of  1835-1845  saw 
the  greatest  growth  in  membership, 
from  1 1  to  about  30.  Meanwhile  a  "sec- 
ular" congregation  of  many  members 
existed  alongside  the  monastical  group, 
and  worshiped  in  the  society's  Saal  (a 
worship  room  in  the  main  building). 
Beliefs  and  practices  remained  close  to 
those  of  the  Ephrata  Cloister,  but  with- 
out some  of  Ephrata's  rigidity. 

But,  as  with  most  monastic  move- 
ments, which  changing  times  allow  to 
blossom  and  flourish  for  only  a  season, 
Snow  Hill  slowly  withered  away. 
Through  the  second  half  of  the  19th 
century,  the  old  members  died  off,  and 
new  ones  were  not  attracted.  The  offi- 
cial end  of  Snow  Hill  Cloister  is 
considered  to  be  the  closing  of  the 
common  dining  room  in  1889.  The 
last  celibates  were  dead  by  the  mid- 
1890s.    Snow  Hill,  although  it 
survived  for  a  longer  period  than  its 
founding  institution,  died  for  the  same 
reason.  Beissel's  successor,  Peter 
Miller,  had  foreseen  the  inevitable, 
"that  Ephrata  was  doomed  because  the 
genius  of  America  runs  to  active  doing 
and  not  contemplative  introspection" 
(quoting  Charles  W.  Treher  in  Pennsyl- 

vania German  Society  Publications  2, 
"Snow  Hill  Cloister,"'  1968). 

Since  the  death  of  the  society,  the 
property's  trustees  have  successfully 
fought  in  the  courts  to  rebuff  the 
Snowberger  heirs,  who  sued  to  regain 
the  property,  and  the  State  Historical 
and  Museum  Commission  of  Pennsyl- 
vania's effort  to  acquire  and  restore 
Snow  Hill,  as  it  has  acquired,  restored, 
and  preserved  the  Ephrata  Cloister. 

Thus  in  1997,  Snow  Hill  survives  in 
two  remnant  forms:  the  Snow  Hill 
congregation  of  German  Seventh  Day 
Baptists  that  is  considering  affiliation 
with  the  Church  of  the  Brethren,  and 
the  decaying  buildings  that  for  several 
decades  of  the  1800s  were  home  to  a 
hardy  monastic  movement. — Kermon 

1 2  Messenger  July  1997 


Across  the  land, 

church  calendars 

are  filling  up  with 

reservations  for 

couples  eager  to 

pledge  their  troth 

to  one  another. 

by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

iS  I  write  this  in  late 
May,  the  dogwood, 
lilacs,  and  forsythia  are 
blooming  in  all  their  sea- 
sonal glory.  They  herald  not 
only  the  arrival  of  spring 
but  also  the  opening  of  the 
wedding  season. 

Across  the  land,  church 
calendars  are  filling  up  with 
reservations  for  couples 
eager  to  pledge  their  troth 
to  one  another.  And  as  1 
schedule  a  premarital  coun- 
seling appointment  for  yet 
another  starry-eyed  couple, 
I  think  to  myself,  "They 
have  no  idea." 

Don't  get  me  wrong.  Next 
to  baptisms  and  baby  dedi- 
cations, marrying  a  man  and 
woman  in  Christ  is  one  of 
my  favorite  pastoral  func- 
tions. It's  just  that  I  know  all 
too  well  that  out  of  all  the  "I 
do's"  that  are  spoken,  many 
a  bride  or  groom  will  even- 
tually say:  "I  did  then,  but  I 
don't  now."  And  there's 
nothing  sadder  than  a  good 
thing  gone  bad. 

There  is  an  often  over- 
looked Bible  story  about  a 
starry-eyed  young  couple 
getting  married.  David  and 
Michal  were  society's  dar- 
lings. He  was  a  handsome 
war  hero  and  the  future  king 
of  Israel.  She  was  a  princess. 
King  Saul's  second  daugh- 
ter. Even  though  their 
marriage  was  arranged 
according  to  the  custom  of 
the  day,  scripture  records 
twice  in  1  Samuel  18  that 
Michal  loved  David.  And 
since  David  had  to  slay 

100  men  to  win  her,  it  is  rea- 
sonable to  conclude  he 
wanted  to  marry  her. 

After  the  nupitals,  we  find 
in  1  Samuel:  19  that  King 
Saul  is  still  determined  to 
kill  David,  even  though 
David  is  now  his  son-in-law. 
So  David's  adoring  wife, 
Michal,  helps  her  husband 
escape,  and  even  plants  the 
life-size  family  idol  in  their 
bed  as  a  decoy. 

When  confronted  by  her 
father,  she  lies  and  tells  him 
that  David  threatened  to  kill 
her  if  she  did  not  help  him. 

For  at  least  the  next  10 
years,  David  plays  a  deadly 
game  of  cat  and  mouse  with 
his  deranged  father-in-law. 
During  that  time,  some  sign- 
ficant  things  happen  —  and 
don't  happen  —  that  con- 
tribute to  this  good  thing 
going  bad. 

King  Saul  gives  Michal 
to  another  man  to  be  his 
wife  —  Paltiel,  son  of  Laish 
of  Gallim.  And  David  takes 
six  additional  wives.  We 
have  no  idea  if  there  was 
any  contact,  or  attempted 
contact,  between  David  and 
Michal  during  this  time. 

When  David  officially 
ascends  the  throne,  one  of 
his  first  demands  is  that  his 
long-lost  wife  be  returned 
to  him:  "Give  me  back 
Michal,  for  I  bought  her 
with  the  lives  of  one  hun- 
dred Philistines"  (2  Sam 

How  did  Michal  feel 
about  it?  Scripture  doesn't 
tell  us  directly,  but  it  does 
give  us  some  clues.  We 
know,  according  to  2 

Samuel  3:15,  that  her  hus- 
band, Paltiel,  grieved  deeply 
over  losing  her.  Then,  in 
2  Samuel  6: 1 6,  we  are  told 
that  as  Michal  watched 
from  a  window  while  the 
ark  of  God  returned  to 
Jerusalem  with  David  leap- 
ing and  dancing  before  the 
Lord  she  despised  David  in 
her  heart.  Later  she  com- 
pares him  to  one  of  the 
foolish  ones  who  shame- 
lessly uncovers  himself. 

In  2  Samuel  6:20-22, 
David  retaliates  with  cut- 
ting words,  reminding  her 
that  he's  the  king  and  he 
will  do  just  as  he  pleases, 
and  if  she  doesn't  like  it, 
there  are  plenty  of  women 
who  do.  The  last  we  hear  of 
Michal  is  that  she  had  no 
children  to  her  dying  day. 

There  is  just  nothing 
sadder  than  a  good  thing 
gone  bad.  Here  we  have 
these  idealistic  young  lovers 
who  were  considered  a  per- 
fect match,  but  a  few  years 
later  they  are  hurting  each 
other  with  spiteful,  hateful, 
words.  It  sounds  familiar, 
doesn't  it?  Where  did  they 
go  wrong?  In  next  month's 
column,  I  will  give  you  my 
analysis  of  just  how  this   rrjn 
good  thing  went  bad.        r^l 

Robin  Wentworth  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Kokomo  (Ind.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  column  offer- 
ing suggestions,  perspectives,  and 
opinions — snapshots  of  life — that  we 
hope  are  helpful  to  readers  in  their 
Christian  journey.  As  the  writer  said  in 
her  first  installiJient.  "Remetnber. 
when  it  comes  to  managing  life's  diffi- 
culties, we  don  V  need  to  walk  on 
water  We  just  need  to  learn  where  the 
stepping  stones  are. " 

July  1997  Messenger  13 

Xne  Brethren  and 

L Butler  Cnapel  a^ree:  ^  » 

vove  must.i 


T^he  little  white  stuccoed  church     J 
sits  '         ■      •      ■    ■'  ,      ,      . 


Story  and  photos 

BY  Kermon  Thomasson 

A  ruined  piano  in 

Butler  Chapel's 
burned  chancel  is 
open  to  the  elements, 
mute  forever  as  a 
musical  instrument, 
but  loud  and  clear  as 
a  symbol  of  the  hate 
crime  committed 
against  the  church  on 
March  51,  1996. 

he  little  white  stuccoed  church 

sits  in  a  clearing  in  the  woods,  about 
quarter  of  a  mile  down  a  dirt  road 
from  the  blacktop.  An  old  live  oak  tree, 
draped  in  ghostly  Spanish  moss,  canopies  much 
of  the  churchyard.  The  gravestones  of  the  bury- 
ing ground  begin  there  and  extend  into  the 
surrounding  oaks  and  pines,  accounting  for  the 
Butlers,  Claytons,  Macks,  Logans,  )ohnsons, 
Scotts,  Greens,  Maples,  Dashes,  and  other  fam- 
ilies who  are  a  part  of  the  congregation's  story. 
There  isn't  a  house  in  sight.  It  is  quiet  back 
there,  the  silence  only 
accentuated  by  the  calls  of 
songbirds,  woodpeckers, 
and  partridges.  A  breeze 
murmurs  through  the  tall 
pines.  The  setting  bespeaks 
a  long  history  and  heritage 
linking  the  members  of  a 
congregation.  In  this  place, 
surely  cares  and  woes  can 
be  laid  aside,  letting  seren- 
ity and  peace  prevail. 

But  this  is  Butler  Chapel, 
some  eight  miles  outside  the 
South  Carolina  town  of 
Orangeburg.  At  first  glance, 
the  church  looks  intact,  but  partially  hidden  by 
low  limbs  of  the  live  oak  is  evidence  of  destruc- 
tion. While  the  front  of  the  building — the 
sanctuary — with  its  litde  steeple  atop  it,  is  solid, 
the  back  end — the  chancel  area,  office/library, 
and  rest  rooms — is  roofless.  Charred  rafters  and 
roof  remnants  protrude  from  the  soot-stained 
outer  walls.  The  old  live  oak  seems  sorrowfully 
to  spread  it  limbs  to  protect  the  dignity  of  the 
downed  building,  pleading  with  the  visitor  not  to 
gawk  at  the  little  chapel's  violated  corpse. 

But  curiosity  leads  to  an  inspection  of  the 
interior.  Way  past  a  year  since  the  fire,  nothing 
has  been  cleared  away.  Burned  rafters  are 
tumbled  onto  the  floor.  A  broken  and  charred 
piano  will  never  lead  the  worshipers  in  song 
again.  The  ruins  of  the  pulpit  will  never  again 

resound  with  the  pastor's  voice.  Fire-spoiled 
Bibles,  hymnbooks,  and  Sunday  school  materi- 
als are  strewn  about.  The  library  books  are 
fused  into  a  mass  on  the  shelves.  One  book  lies 
apart,  on  a  table.  Scorched  and  water  soaked, 
but  still  readable,  it  is  titled  Reconstruction.  A 
mini-poster  on  the  remains  of  the  bulletin 
board  reads  "Keep  the  Faith." 

The  members  of  Butler  Chapel  knew  their 
church  was  not  safe.  It  had  been  vandalized  on 
several  occasions.  A  different  window  was 
broken  each  time.  Graffiti  was  scrawled  on  the 

14  Messenger  July  1997 

walls,  including  repeatedly  the  number  666. 
Once  the  communion  cloth  was  burned 
beneath  the  altar  table. 

"It  was  as  if  the  vandals  had  one  message  for 
us:  'We  can  get  in  here  whenever  we  please,'" 
said  soft-spoken  pastor  Patrick  Mellerson. 
"Still,  somehow,  it  never  entered  our  minds  that 
anyone  would  actually  burn  our  church  down. 
We  notified  the  Orangeburg  police  each  time 
someone  broke  in,  but  they  didn't  seem  to  care." 

As  best  the  Butler  Chapel  folks  can  figure 
out,  on  Sunday  night,  March  31,  1996,  a 
gang  of  kids  broke  in  and  carried  on  some 
sort  of  activity  involving  drugs  and  liquor. 
There  was  a  melee,  and  the  tumbled  candles 
that  were  used  to  avoid  turning  on  the  elec- 
tric lights  set  the  building  afire.  That  is  the 
charitable  version,  at  any  length. 

"For  the  next  two  days  1  watched  the  televi- 
sion news  and  the  Orangeburg  paper  —  the 

Times- Democrat  —  but  there  was 
no  coverage,"  said  pastor  Meller- 
son. "I  couldn't  believe  that  our 
tragedy  had  been  totally  ignored. 
But  the  'evilness'  of  the  deed  hurt 
more  than  anything;  it  was  like  a 
death  in  our  family." 

Eventually,  there  was  a  police 
investigation,  and  three  white 
juveniles  were  arrested.  Over 
time,  the  number  of  arrests  rose  to  seven.  But 
1 5  months  later,  no  one  has  been  brought  to 
trial.  "They  keep  saying  'We're  still  investi- 
gating,'" the  pastor  explained. 

Butler  Chapel  joined  the  list  of  85  African- 
American  churches  —  32  in  South  Carolina 
alone — that  were  arson-burned  between  Janu- 
ary 1995  and  |uly  1996.  For  months,  it  seemed 
that  Butler  Chapel  and  the  others  would  be 
nothing  but  statistics.  America  took  little 
notice,  or  belittled  the  reporting  and  rational- 
ized away  the  enormity  of  the  hate  crimes. 
(See  "Behind  the  Church  Burnings"  and 
"Behind  the  Church  Burnings  Story,"  a  two- 
part  article,  October  and  November  1996.) 

Said  pastor  Mellerson,  "We  felt  hurt . . . 
and  alone.  No  one  seemed  to  care.  None  of 
the  community's  churches  reached  out  to  us. 
The  whole  country  was  unaware  of  what  was 

Then  the  National  Council  of  Churches, 
already  actively  investigating  the  church 
burning  phenomenon,  stepped  up  its  work.  In 
April  and  May,  1996,  the  NCC  sent  a  delega- 
tion, including  Brethren,  to  affected  sites  in 
Alabama,  Tennessee,  Louisiana,  and  Missis- 
sippi to  gather  data,  raise  public  awareness, 
and  demonstrate  its  support  of  the  fire  vic- 
tims. Rallies  were  held  across  the  country. 

Over  |une  9-10,  1996,  the  NCC  brought 
about  30  pastors  of  burned  churches  to  Wash- 
ington to  meet  with  top  government  officials, 
including  President  Clinton  and  Attorney 
General  Reno.  Said  an  NCC  spokesman  at  the 
time,  "The  pastors  will  come  to  the  nation's 

The  moss-draped  live  oak  tree  in  tlie  old 
cinircliyard  seems  to  spread  its  limbs  protectively 
over  the  little  chapel  that  mil  never  again  resound 
with  the  songs,  prayers,  and  exhortations  of  a 
worshiping  congregation. 

Patrick  Mellerson  has  been 
pastor  of  Butter  Chapel  for 
the  past  three  years.  He  also 
pastors  another  small  AME 
church,  while  working  full 
time  in  quality  control  at 
Metokote,  an  auto  parts  plant 
ill  Sumter,  an  hour's  drive 
from  Orangeburg.  He  also 
lives  in  Sumter,  with  his  wife. 
Queen,  and  children  Sonya. 
12,  Patrick  fr..  9,  and  Eric.  5. 

A  South  Carolinian  by  birth, 
pastor  Mellerson  spent  some 
time  in  the  Miami.  Fla..  area. 
He  is  quick  to  point  out  that 
Miami  and  Orangeburg  are 
two  distinctly  different  cul- 
tural worlds  for  African- 
Americans.  South  Carolinians 
are  much  more  open,  trusting, 
and  neighborly. 

Patrick  Mellerson  yielded 
in  1985  to  a  calling  to  be  a 
minister.  After  pursuing  col- 
lege courses,  he  took  his  first 
pastorate  in  1989. 

Butler  Chapel  has  long  held 
sen'ices  on  first  and  third  Sun- 
days of  the  month.  Pastor 
Mellerson  hopes  that  in  the 
new  church,  by  1998.  full  ser- 
vices can  be  held  each  Sunday. 

July  1997  Messenger  15 

Volunteer  carpenter 

Tom  Dickson  of  Tyrone 
(Pa.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  served  at 
Butler  Chapel  the  week 
of  May  18. 

Marion  Mack  (left),  the 
resident  project  direc- 
tor, consults  daily  with 
the  Brethren  project 
director  of  the  month, 
in  this  case  Stan  Bark- 
doll  of  Kearney sville. 
W.Va..  who  served 
throughout  May. 

1 6  Messenger  July  1997 


capital  seeking  answers  and 
explanations,  but  most  impor- 
tantly, they  will  come  seeking  to 
be  taken  seriously  by  the  highest 
officials  of  the  land." 

Patrick  Mellerson  was  among 
the  pastors  brought  to  the  Wash- 
ington meeting. 
Some  officials  tried  to  deflect 
criticism  by  claiming  government  action  was  in 
progress.  Said  pastor  Mellerson,  "Our  South 
Carolina  senator  Strom  Thurmond  told  us 
there  were  280  federal  agents  working  on  the 
burnings.  I  said  to  him,  "Look,  Senator  Thur- 
mond, there  has  not  been  one  agent  in 
A  week  after  the  Washington  meeting,  the 
Federal  Bureau  of  Alcohol, 
Tobacco,  and  Fire  Arms  began  its 
probe  into  the  Butler  Chapel  arson. 
It  was  only  then  that  the  local 
police  began  its  own  investigation 
that  led  to  the  juveniles'  arrests. 

"I  was  more  angry  at  the  investiga- 
tors and  the  news  media  than  at  the 
children  who  burned  our  church," 
pastor  Mellerson  said.  "We  should 
W  !     have  gotten  justice  immediately." 

^^  But  while  he  called  for  justice 

then  and  still  calls  for  justice  today, 
the  pastor  wants  justice  that  is  tem- 
pered with  reconciliation.  "If  I 
were  the  one  meting  out  justice,  I 
would  sentence  the  kids  to  one  year 
of  church  attendance  at  Butler 
Chapel.  For  one  year,  every  time 
our  church  door  opened,  I'd  have 
those  kids  sitting  in  the  front  pew 
before  me." 

What  would  the  kids  hear?  "We 
teach  love,  not  hate.  We  would  wel- 
come them.  They  would  find  God 
somewhere  in  our  church.  They 
would  learn  compassion,  forgive- 
ness, and  love  of  the  Lord.  If  those 
kids  had  known  the  Lord,  they  would  not  have 
done  what  they  did." 

The  trouble  with  kids  today,  said  pastor 
Mellerson,  is  the  homes  they  come  from. 
"People  have  neglected  to  teach  good  values  to 
their  children  at  home.  It's  no  wonder  they  do 
the  things  they  do." 

The  NCC  action  led  to  a  partnership 
between  African  Methodist  Episcopal  Butler 

Chapel  and  the  Church  of  the  Brethren.  An 
NCC  member,  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
assigned  its  Disaster  Services  office  the  task  of 
rebuilding  Butler  Chapel.  The  Emergency  Dis- 
aster Fund  allocated  $20,000  to  provide  for 
volunteer  workers  on  the  site. 

It  was  originally  planned  to  begin  the 
rebuilding  of  Butler  Chapel  last  fall,  but  delays 
of  one  sort  or  another  postponed  the  begin- 
ning of  construction  until  this  past  April. 
Habitat  International,  experienced  in  such 
matters,  cared  for  the  legal  clearances,  pro- 
vided functioning  guidelines,  and  did  other 
work  necessary  for  the  project  to  move  ahead. 
Sources  for  building  materials  were  found. 
International  Paper  Company,  for  example, 
has  donated  all  the  lumber,  sheeting,  drywall, 
and  tar  paper,  as  well  as  other  materials. 

The  Disaster  Response  office  appointed 
retired  Brethren  minister  Glenn  Kinsel  liaison 
to  Butler  Chapel,  with  the  job  of  recruiting  and 
scheduling  volunteers  from  various  Brethren 
districts  as  well  as  project  directors,  who  serve 
on  a  monthly  basis.  Jiggs  Miller,  a  long-time 



disaster  response  worker,  served  as  project 
director  in  April.  Stan  Barkdoll,  also  a  disaster 
response  veteran,  served  in  May.  A  team  of 
directors.  Earl  Dohner  and  William  Clem, 
served  in  June.  And  Cliff  Kindy  was  recruited 
for  |uly.  A  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  worker, 
Torin  Eikenberry,  assists  these  directors,  helps 
orient  volunteers,  cares  for  financial  reporting, 
and  works  at  local  public  relations. 

Groups  of  Brethren  volunteers  from  one  dis- 
trict at  a  time  serve  one-week  stints  at 
Orangeburg.  A  senior-high  Summer  Work- 
camp  group  led  by  Greg  Enders  will  be  on 
hand  July  7-13.  During  luly,  also.  Brethren 
brick-layers  from  whatever  district  they  are 
found  in  will  be  used.  "We've  got  volunteer 
groups  lined  up  through  August,"  said  Glenn 
Kinsel.  "Then  we'll  'take  a  sounding'  to  see 
what's  needed  beyond  that."  It  is  hoped  that 
the  building  can  be  completed  by  November. 

The  local  project  director  is  Marion  Mack,  a 
Butler  Chapel  member  from  a  family  with  deep 
roots  in  the  congregation.  A  contractor,  he 
gives  much  time  on  the  project  site,  providing 






iii«i[  M 

an  ongoing  presence,  and  taking  responsibility 
for  the  project's  meeting  of  building  codes. 
His  contractor's  license  doesn't  allow  him  to 
take  on  a  project  the  size  of  the  new  church,  so 
he  carries  the  t\t\e  Acting  Contractor. 

Stan  Barkdoll  explained  that  building  codes 
differ  from  state  to  state,  and  volunteers  come 
in  with  their  ideas  from  back  home  about  how 
things  are  to  be  done.  "Marion  keeps  them  in 
line,  though.  He  knows  South  Car- 
olina. What  he  says,  goes." 

Extending  that,  whatever  Butler 
Chapel  says,  goes.  The  Church  of  the 
Brethren  only  supplies  volunteers.  It 
has  no  input  regarding  the  size  and 
shape  of  the  church,  the  materials  used, 
or  how  the  building  is  constructed. 

Besides  Marion  Mack,  there  are  sev- 
eral other  Butler  Chapel  members  with 
building  experience  who  regularly  vol- 
unteer their  time.  Other  members  also 
drop  in  to  work.  And  Butler  Chapel 
folks  fetch  in  one  home-cooked  meal 
a  day,  themselves,  and  their  arrival  is 
much  anticipated  by  the  volunteers. 
Camaraderie  is  strong  among  the 
Butler  Chapel  members.  This,  and  ;. 
their  infectious  good  humor,  quickly  ~_  _ 
bonds  them  as  well  with  the  weekly 
Brethren  volunteers. 

So  well  honed  is  the  rebuilding  process  that 
on  a  Monday  morning,  raw  recruits  from  afar 
quickly  grasp  the  task  before  them,  and  before 
the  first  hour  is  out,  hammers  and  saws  are 
creating  a  din,  and  the  structure  is  smoothly 
continuing  to  take  shape. 

Before  the  joint  building  project  with  the 
Brethren  began,  Buder  Chapel  had  already  bought 
a  7.5-acre  building  site  out  on  the  big  road.  "Some 
of  the  older  members  wanted  to  rebuild  on  the 

The  chuck  wagon 

shows  up,  a  welcome 
sight  for  hungry 
vohinteers.  Butler 
Chapel  members  Zeter 
Mack.  Flossie  Mack, 
and  Colie  Davis  bring 
in  down-home  fixings. 

^  A.M.E. 

The  old  church  sign 

is  still  in  place.  In  the 
left  background  (and 
across  the  road)  can  be 
seen  the  edge  of  the 
7.5-acre  clearing  that 
is  the  new  church  site. 

The  new  Butler  Chapel  is  much  larger  than  the 
old  church.  The  sanctuary  (front  right)  is  46.5 
by  88  feet.  Brick-laying  is  being  done  in  fuly. 

July  1997  Messenger  17 

Aleene  Maple,  a  Butler 
Chapel  volunteer,  shows 
a  balky  nail  who's  boss. 
Some  Butler  Chapel 
members  work  daily  on 
the  project.  Others 
come  in  periodically. 

old  site,"  said  pastor  Mellerson,  "and  that's  under- 
standable. But  the  younger  folks  outvoted  them. 
They  felt  the  need  to  be  out  where  the  church 
would  be  visible  to  the  community." 

And  visible  it  is.  The  new  church  is  going  up 
on  a  raw,  scraped  off,  treeless  site,  visible  for  a 
distance  up  and  down  a  straight  stretch  of  road. 
Across  that  road  and  down  a  few  hundred  yards, 
a  small  sign,  wreathed  in  Virginia  creeper,  points 
down  the  sandy  lane  to  the  old  church. 
The  8,500-square-foot  brick  church  will  be 
far  bigger  than  the  old 
one.  The  sanctuary  itself 
is46.5by  88feet.  A31- 
by-132-foot  wing  with 
rooms  for  Sunday  school 
and  other  functions  is 
behind  the  sanctuary, 
forming  with  it  the  shape 
of  a  T.  A  tall  white  vinyl 
steeple  will  sit  atop  the 
sanctuary  roof. 

The  new  church  clearly 
is  being  built  to  allow  con- 
gregational growth.  Butler 
Chapel  membership  is 
about  135.  When  it  began, 
just  over  a  century  ago, 
the  rural  community  sur- 
rounding it  was  almost 
completely  African-Ameri- 
can. Gradually,  however, 
people  moved  into 
Orangeburg  to  find  jobs  in 
industry  and  services. 
Now  only  about  five  per- 
cent of  the  Butler  Chapel 
members  live  near  the 
church.  The  rest  drive  in, 
some  from  as  far  away  as 
the  state  capital,  Colum- 
bia, about  25  miles  to  the  northwest.  Today,  the 
community  has  many  white  residents. 

But  the  picture  is  changing  again,  according 
to  pastor  Mellerson.  People  living  in  Orange- 
burg who  retained  their  property  in  the  area 
are  moving  back  out.  The  racial  mixing  contin- 
ues, but  with  more  returning  African- 
Americans  being  the  factor.  "They've  gotten 
tired  of  the  town,"  the  pastor  explained. 

Pastor  Mellerson  sees  this  mixing  as  good, 
and  it  fosters  the  new  ecumenical  spirit  that  has 

come  with  the  burning  and  rebuilding  of  Butler 
Chapel.  "Holy  Trinity  Catholic  church  was  the 
first  one  to  invite  us  over  after  the  fire." 

A  Baptist  church  in  town,  when  approached 
to  help  with  the  rebuilding  project,  provided 
housing  in  its  Family  Life  Center  for  the 
Brethren  volunteer  groups.  The  Times- 
Democrat  makes  a  point  now  of  covering 
developments  at  the  building  site,  such  as  the 
ground-breaking  and  foundation-pouring. 
According  to  pastor  Mellerson,  the  newspaper 
lamely  excused  its  earlier  lack  of  coverage  as 
"things  just  falling  through  the  cracks." 

The  higher  profile  in  the  Orangeburg  com-- 
munity  and  the  unaccustomed  neighborliness 
are  not  the  only  benefits  attributable  to  Butler 
Chapel's  burning  and  rebuilding.  "It's  a  move 
from  tragedy  to  triumph,"  said  pastor  Meller- 
son. "Getting  to  know  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  is  one  of  the  best  things.  We  could 
hardly  believe  that  a  church  that  had  never 
heard  of  us  would  so  open  its  heart  to  us,  and 
help  us  rebuild." 

Not  unexpectedly,  both  sides  of  the  partner- 
ship claim  they  are  reaping  the  lion's  share  of 
benefits,  and  they  talk  about  an  ongoing  rela- 
tionship. So  far  it's  just  talk,  of  course.  Glenn 
Kinsel  says,  however,  that  encouragement  is 
being  given  to  Southeastern  District  to  con- 
sider relating  to  Butler  Chapel.  Pastor 
Mellerson  and  his  wife  are  attending  Annual 
Conference  in  Long  Beach.  He  is  the  speaker 
for  the  annual  Messenger  Dinner,  and  other 
appearances  and  involvements  at  Conference 
have  piggybacked  on  that.  The  Annual  Confer- 
ence experience  will  expose  Butler  Chapel's 
leader  to  the  broader  church  beyond  the  gung 
ho  volunteers  who  trek  to  Orangeburg. 

Pastor  Mellerson  is  impressed  by  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren's  emphasis  on  service  and  vol- 
unteerism.  The  Brethren  who  work  on  the 
Butler  Chapel  project  are  impressed  by  the 
warm  hospitality  and  the  congregation's 
wealth  of  practical  skills.  }ust  what  these 
impressions  can  lead  to  remains  to  be  seen. 

What  already  is  seen  is  that  when  a  tragedy 
happened,  when  racism  threatened  the  life  of 
an  African-American  church,  the  Brethren  pre- 
sented themselves  at  their  best — answering 
again  the  question  "Who  is  my  neighbor?"  and 
demonstrating  that  hatred  cannot  be  tol-     rrr 
crated.  Love  must  prevail.  K^ 

18  Messenger  July  1997 

In  the 



Education  as 


Tl  he  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  the  Dominican  Repub- 
lic has  been  involved  in  a  Theological  Education 
Program  since  1992.  There  were  problems  at  the 
beginning  in  getting  all  the  pastors  involved  and  enthusias- 
tic. After  a  short  hiatus,  Marcos  R.  Inhauser  proposed  a 
new  program,  which  began  in  1 995.  This  time,  all  the  pas- 
tors were  enrolled,  and  enthusiasm  did  catch  hold. 

Even  I,  a  lay  person  and  not  directly  involved  in  the  pro- 
gram, felt  the  new  excitement.  Part  of  this  can  be  attributed 
to  Milciades  Mendez,  the  new  national  coordinator.  He  is 
in  touch  weekly  with  every  student.  He  visits  our  churches 
,  and  answers  the  questions  that  students  raise.  Beyond  his 
'  weekly  visits,  there  is  a  monthly  all-day  meeting  of  all  pas- 
I  tors.  This  builds  and  promotes  a  sense  of  community  that 
'we  had  been  lacking  previously. 

Now  that  the  new  Theological  Education  Program  has 
I  been  in  place  for  two  years,  I  have  a  couple  of  things  to  say 
;  about  its  importance  for  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  the 
Dominican  Republic. 

The  role  of  women  among  the  Dominican  Brethren  has  been 
completely  reshaped  since  Estella  Horning — a  former  mis- 
sionary in  Ecuador  and  Nigeria, 
and  more  recendy  a  member  of 
the  Bethany  Theological 

Miguclina  Arias  Mateo 

feels  empowered  as  a 
woman  in  the 
■Dominican  church  by 
the  Theological 
Education  Program 
provided  by  the  US 
Church  of  the 

Seminary  faculty — came  and  presented  a  course  on  "The  Role 
of  Women  in  the  Church."  Before  that  course  was  taught,  I  had 
felt  that  I  was  a  second-class  member  of  the  church,  that  I  had 
to  do  something  before  I  could  be  accepted  in  the  church. 

The  Horning  course  transformed  us  women.  We  Dominican 
sisters  now  feel  and  understand  that  we  are  important,  that  we 
have  a  role,  and  we  see  that  the  church  needs  us  ..  .as  women. 

This  is  demonstrated  when  now  we  see  pastors'  wives 
participating  in  their  husbands'  ministry.  We  see  it  demon- 
strated by  male  pastors  speaking  of  "our  ministry"  (that  is, 
including  their  wives),  instead  of  "my  ministry,"  as  they 
used  to  refer  to  it. 

Another  manifestation  of  this  growth  in  awareness  is  the 
request  made  by  pastors'  wives  to  be  included  as  regular 
students  in  the  Theological  Education  Program.  These 
women  say,  "We  are  also  pastors  in  our  congregations;  our 
members  consider  us  not  as  wives,  but  as  pastors." 

One  of  the  other  commendable  effects  of  theological  educa- 
tion is  the  marked  improvement  in  the  quality  of  sermons  we 
hear.  Previously  it  was  widely  accepted  that  one  did  not  need  to 
study  beforehand  and  prepare  a  sermon;  the  Holy  Spirit,  it  was 
believed,  would  just  guide  the  preacher,  with  no  preparation  on 
his  part  needed.  This  notion  has  now  been  dispelled.  Pastors 
now  do  studying  and  sermon  preparation.  Credit  for  this 
change  is  due  to  a  course  on  sermon  preparation  and  delivery 
taught  by  Marcos  R.  Inhauser,  a  Brazilian  who  graduated  from 
Bethany  Seminary.  We  now  hear  sermons  with  better  structure 
and  presentation.  Church  members  can  now  catch  the  idea  of 
the  sermons  easily,  and  the  level  of  biblical  instruction  is  rising. 

And  of  great  significance,  we  are  becoming  one  church. 
At  the  beginning,  we  were  an  association  of  churches,  each 
with  its  own  doctrines  and  goals.  But  as  we  studied  church 
history,  particularly  as  we  studied  Anabaptism  and  Pietism 
in  courses  taught  by  Pennsylvania  minister  Earl  Ziegler  and 
Bethany  Seminary  professor  Dale  Brown,  we  gained  a 
better  understanding  of  Brethren  heritage  and  we  caught  a 
new  vision.  This  heritage  is  something  very  close  to  our 
spirituality  and  the  way  we  understand  Christian  life. 

We  are  a  new  church  now,  more  open  to  learning  and  to 
change.  We  are  growing  day  by  day  to  be  more  Brethren. 
Earlier,  all  our  pastors  called  themselves  Pentecostals,  and 
taught  that  church  members  had  to  speak  in  tongues. 
Through  the  course  on  the  Holy  Spirit,  particularly,  but 
through  other  courses  as  well,  they  have  a  new  understand- 
ing and  a  new  position. 

But  it  is  not  only  in  the  biblical  and  theological  areas  that  our 
pastors  and  other  church  leaders  are  improving.  We  have  become 
familiar  with  schedule  keeping,  reading  requirements,  and  class 
assignments.  We  have  improved  our  reading  and  writing  skills. 
We  have  developed  the  discipline  of  study.  We  have  improved  our 
skills  to  examine  everything  and  to  retain  what  is  good. 

My  testimony  is  my  way  of  thanking  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  the  United  States  for  providing  us  Dominican 
Brethren  with  theological  education  and  helping  us  to    rrr 
improve  ourselves  as  church  leaders  and  as  people,    r**^ 

Miguelina  Arias  Mateo  is  a  member  of  Magueyal  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  the  Dominican  Republic,  and  secretary  of  the  National 
Board  of  the  church  in  that  country. 

July  1997  Messenger  1 9 

A  most  unusual  Sunda 

Because  of  the  experience 

of  our  common  bonds  of  faith, 

teaching  the  Altruists  has 

been  a  journey  of  joy, 

BY  Patricia  Kennedy  Helman 

Altruist:  One  who  has  regard  for  the 
interest  of  others,  devotion  to  others, 
a  humanitarian  perspective  regarding 
a  public  spirit,  and  a  benevolent 
ardor  on  behalf  of  others. 

One  of  the  joys  of  my  life 
has  been  teaching  aduU 
Sunday  school  classes  for  a 
long  time — 50  years,  to  be  exact.  I 
taught  adults  in  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  Ottawa,  Kan.,  where  I 
went  as  a  bride,  and  continued  this 
role  in  Wichita  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  In  North  Manchester,  Ind., 
I  was  an  assistant  to  Manchester 
College  professor  Paul  Keller,  pri- 
mary teacher  of  the  Questers  Class. 
Paul,  a  rare  mentor  and  a  wise  and 
masterful  educator,  still  inspires 
those  who  remain  on  the  quest.  Now, 
savoring  retirement  years  in  Fort 
Wayne,  Ind.,  I  share  my  Sunday 
mornings  with  the  Altruist  Class  at 
Lincolnshire  Church  of  the  Brethren. 
In  1947,  at  Smith  Street  church  in 
Fort  Wayne,  the  only  adult  group  was 
the  Plus-Ultra  Class.  Its  name  indi- 
cates that  the  members  were  in  their 
middle  years  or  older;  but,  occasion- 
ally, some  younger  folks  joined  them. 
It  was  a  time  when  the  men  were 
returning  from  military  service  and 
Civilian  Public  Service  camps.  The 
ending  of  World  War  II  brought  to 
family  life  a  sense  of  normalcy  that 
was  most  welcome  in  our  culture. 

The  pastor  of  Smith  Street  church 
at  that  time  was  Van  D.  Wright.  His 
wife,  Nora,  taught  the  Plus-Ultra 
class,  and  it  was  she  who  suggested 

that  the  younger  group  start  a  class  of 
its  own.  She  was  aware  that  her  group 
was  made  up  of  the  older  set,  and  that 
those  who  were  obviously  growing 
older  might  have  an  agenda  different 
from  that  of  their  younger  friends, 
hurrying  to  create  families  and  settle 
into  comfortable  lives. 

The  younger  ones  took  Nora  Wright's 
suggestion  seriously.  Seven  couples 
banded  together  and  established  the 
new  class.  After  some  pondering,  they 
chose  the  name  Altruist  Class. 

This  year,  1997,  marks  50  years  of 
continuous  growth  and  study.  The  Al- 
truist Class  has  accrued  a  history  that, 
in  many  ways,  assumes  model  propor- 
tions in  a  bonding  of  friends  and  fam- 
ily in  Christian  love.  Its  members  have 
lived  their  lives  in  willing  service  to 
the  congregation,  demonstrating  their 
gifts  in  a  variety  of  ways.  In  these  past 
50  years,  the  Altruist  Class  members 
have  grown  older  and  wiser,  and,  at 
least  by  name,  have  moved  into  the 
age  group  the  Plus-Ultra  Class  repre- 
sented a  long  time  ago 

Eleven  years  following  the  advent 
of  the  Altruists,  construction  of  a 
new  church  building  was  underway. 
The  move  was  made  from  Smith 
Street  church  to  a  neighborhood 
called  Lincolnshire.  In  1959  the  ded- 
ication of  Lincolnshire  Church  of  the 
Brethren  took  place.  It  was  agreed  by 
all  that  the  building  committee  had 
done  a  masterful  job  of  planning  a 
beautiful  edifice.  On  the  seven- 
member  committee  were  two  women 
and  three  men  from  the  Altruists. 

From  the  beginning,  the  Altruist 

Class  had  within  it  a  strong  group  of 
leaders,  comprising  both  men  and 
women  whose  experience  and  abilities 
were  given  recognition.  Through  the 
years,  some  45  school  teachers  were  on 
the  roll,  including  several  school  super- 
intendents and  principals.  There  were 
present,  also,  those  who  were  in  admin- 
istrative positions  in  the  industrial  and 
financial  groups  in  the  city.  Builders, 
artists,  secretaries,  musicians,  scien- 
tists, health-care  workers,  and  others 
were  a  part  of  the  group.  The  presence 
of  unusual  leaders  was  and  still  is  at  the 
root  of  the  strong  life  of  the  class. 

Lincolnshire  moderators  have 
come  from  the  Altruists,  spanning 
1947-1994.  Early  in  the  life  of  the 
group,  several  women  who  were  rais- 
ing infants  post-World  War  II,  began 
a  Mother's  Fellowship.  It  had  pro- 
grams helpful  to  mothers  of  infants, 
toddlers,  and  elementary-age  chil- 
dren. As  societal  changes  occurred, 
and  mothers  often  were  working  out- 
side the  home,  the  group  was 
subsumed  into  a  Reaching  Out  Fel- 
lowship within  the  church. 

Covering  50  years  of  the  life  of  any 
group  touches  instances  in  which  there 
was  some  ruffling  of  feathers.  The  class 
did  not  totally  escape  difficult  times, 
but  neither  did  its  members  give  up  on 
each  other.  From  my  vantage  point  as  a 
relative  newcomer  and  teacher,  I  am 

20  Messenger  July  1997 

chool  class 

continually  aware  of  the  members' 
caring  for  one  another.  Each  Sunday, 
the  happenings  of  the  past  week  are 
discussed — illness,  hospitalization, 
travel,  and  other  matters  to  which 
people  can  respond.  The  Altruists  pay 
attention  to  those  who  need  it.  As  hos- 
pital visits  are  made  and  flowers  and 
cards  are  sent,  the  caring  spirit  prevails. 

Ioy  is  also  celebrated,  occasioned 
by  weddings  (usually  of  grandchil- 
dren) and  births  (now  of  grand 
i^iiildren  and  great-grandchildren). 
Care  is  taken  to  celebrate  life  together. 
Seldom  does  a  month  go  by  that  the 
class  does  not  gather  for  fun  and  fel- 
lowship— a  visit  to  a  new  restaurant, 
an  evening  of  entertainment,  or  a  night 
of  games  and  dessert  in  a  member's 
home.  And  never  is  the  party  complete 
without  a  mention  of  those  who  need 
attention  because  of  illness,  loss,  or 
loneliness.  If  a  group  has  been  together 
for  50  years,  loss  and  sorrow  have  at- 
tended them.  The  Altruists'  response 
to  the  death  of  a  member  of  the  class 
never  falters;  the  word  "caring"  con- 
tinues as  an  undergirding  to  an  ongo- 
ing part  of  the  lives  of  the  faithful. 
The  word  "sharing"  also  epito- 
mizes the  Altruists.  From  my  first 
months  in  the  Lincolnshire  church,  I 
was  surprised  by  the  outreach  in 
which  the  class  was  involved.  A 

wooden  box  is  passed  each  Sunday, 
and  money  slipped  into  its  slot.  Over 
the  50  years  of  togetherness,  the 
Altruists'  capacity  for  outreach  has 
grown.  Monthly,  $100  is  given  to  the 
food  bank  sponsored  by  the  Associ- 
ated Churches  of  Fort  Wayne  and 
Allen  County.  Another  regular  out- 
reach is  made  to  a  missionary 
couple,  with  a  yearly  gift  of  $  1 ,000. 
When  there  is  a  specific  need  in  the 
church  for  repair  or  painting,  the 
Altruists  are  invariably  at  hand. 

Recently,  a  large  carpet  that  had 
taken  years  of  wear  and  tear  was 
replaced  from  the  class  treasury.  Sev- 
eral memorial  gifts  honoring  faithful 
members  who  are  deceased  helped 
the  Altruists  provide  a  number  of 
large  round  tables  for  the  church's 
fellowship  hall.  Lincolnshire  has  a 
care  givers  program  that  covers  the 
entire  congregation.  Of  the  14 
groups  of  care  givers  within  the  body, 
five  are  from  the  Altruists  Class. 
These  members  pay  special  attention 
to  those  who  are  hospitalized  or  are 
needing  help.  Besides  the  outreach 
from  within  the  group,  a  number  of 
class  members  volunteer  at  local 
agencies,  including  Red  Cross,  food 
banks,  hospitals,  and  schools. 

There  are  52  members  of  the  Altru- 
ists Class.  Some  are  in  nearby 
retirement  homes,  but  are  kept  on  the 

Lincolnshire's  Altruist  Class  is  marking 
50  years  of  study  and  service, 
bonding  and  fellowship.  Patricia 
Kennedy  Hehnan  (seated,  second 
from  left)  has  been  the  Altruists '  most 
recent  teacher  and  the  chronicler  of 
its  history.  Her  husband,  Blair 
(standing,  fourth  from  left),  is  one  of 
the  several  Lincolnshire  moderators 
produced  by  the  class. 

roll  because  of  the  group  is  still  impor- 
tant in  their  lives.  The  youngest  active 
Altruist  is  61,  and  the  oldest  is  87.  On 
Sundays  when  the  "snow  birds"  have 
returned  from  Florida,  betwee'n  25 
and  30  people  attend  the  class. 

While  I  have  been  the  primary 
teacher  of  the  class,  several  others  also 
take  part  in  the  teaching  role.  Francis 
Barr  taught  sessions  on  science  and 
religion  this  year.  Another  teacher, 
Roland  Young,  is  taking  the  group 
through  Donald  F.  Durnbaugh's  new 
and  comprehensive  history  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Fruit  of  the 
Vine  (Brethren  Press,  1996).  A  study 
of  comparative  religion  was  a  major 
part  of  the  winter  sessions.  The  class 
remains  open  to  new  ideas  and  new 
approaches  to  biblical  studies. 

Because  of  the  experience  of  our 
common  bonds  of  faith,  teaching  the 
Altruists  has  been  a  journey  of  joy.  It 
is  a  blessing  to  know  what  can 
happen  when  people  live  by  those 
precepts  of  leading,  sharing,  and 
caring.  Such  a  way  of  life  is  dear  to 
the  hearts  of  all  who  speak  of  them- 
selves as  the  brothers  and  sisters   riiri 
in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren.       ffl 

Patricia  Kennedy  Hehnan.  a  member  of  Lin- 
colnshire Cliurch  of  the  Brethren.  Fort  Wayne. 
Ind.,  is  an  ordained  minister,  a  writer,  and  a 
poet.  For  several  years  she  wrote  a  regular 
column  in  Messenger,  "Pilgrim's  Pen." 

July  1997  Messenger  21 


One  Friday 

evening  during  the  war, 

community  people 

tied  a  big,  beautiful  yellotu 

ribbon  around  my  oak^  tree, 

complete  with  bow. 

When  I  discovered  it  next 

morning,  I — almost  by 

instinct — ripped  it  down. 

BY  Mark  Thiessen  Nation 

Read:  Romans  12. 

A  few  summers  back,  I  attended  the  Fourth  of  July 
parade  in  my  hometown,  McLeansboro,  III.  To 
.  any  outsider,  the  parade  would  have  appeared 
pathetic.  But  for  this  poor  community  of  3,000,  cheering 
on  the  parade  was  a  matter  of  pride.  The  floats,  sponsored 
by  businesses  whose  profits  were  slight,  were  not  elabo- 
rate, but  they  had  been  created  with  love  and  pride  and 
staffed  by  familiar  faces. 

But  what  stood  out  for  me  were  the  veterans  marching 
past.  There  were  four.  I  knew  two  of  them.  One  was  the 
father  of  a  man  who  has  been  one  of  my  best  friends  since 
we  were  four. 

Marion  had  long  ago  outgrown  his  sailor's  uniform,  but 
still  he  marched  in  it  with  fierce  pride  and  military  bearing. 
Since  that  day  of  the  parade,  he  has  shown  me  photos  of 
the  battleship  he  was  on  during  World  War  II,  and  has  told 
me  stories  from  his  service  in  the  Navy.  There  was  no  glee 
in  his  voice  as  he  talked  about  killing  other  people.  But 
there  was  a  simple,  subdued  pride  in  having  done  what  he 
was  asked  to  do  by  his  country.  Marion  loved  his  family,  his 
McLeansboro  friends  and  neighbors,  and  what  seemed  the 
more  vague  entity  called  the  United  States  of  America.  He 
was  a  simple  citizen  who  had  done  his  duty. 

Ammon  Hennacy,  a  leader  of  the  Catholic  Worker 
Movement,  once  said,  "Being  a  pacifist  between  wars  is 

22  Messenger  July  1997 

like  being  a  vegetarian  between  meals."  The  statement  is  a 
reminder.  Yes,  it  is  when  the  most  meat-laden  feast  is  set 
before  us  that  we  really  show  whether  or  not  we  are  com- 
mitted vegetarians.  And  it  is  when  push  comes  to  shove, 
when  shame,  violence,  and  other  threats  are  real  for  us  that 
our  commitment  to  love  even  our  enemies  is  tested. 

But  it  is  also  a  distortion,  a  distortion  we  too  often  allow  to 
shape  our  lives.  For,  if  it  is  only  in  wartime  or  during  national 
celebrations  such  as  the  Fourth  of  July  that  we  realize  that  our 
convictions  as  Christians  do  not  perfectly  coincide  with  the 
ideals  of  an  entity  called  the  United  States  of  America,  then  the 
superficiality  of  our  lives  will  be  revealed  either  by  our 
unnecessarily  shrill  protests  when  wars  do  come  or  by  an 
easy  capitulation  that  reveals  our  true  allegiance  is  not,  after 
all,  to  the  Lord  Jesus,  but  rather  "to  the  flag  of  the  United 
States  of  America  and  to  the  republic  for  which  it  stands " 

Ah,  comfortable  conformity!  But  Paul  tells  us,  "Present 
your  bodies  as  a  living  sacrifice,  holy  and  acceptable  to  God, 
which  is  your  spiritual  worship.  Do  not  be  conformed  to  this 
world,  but  be  transformed  by  the  renewing  of  your  minds,  so 
that  you  may  discern  what  is  the  will  of  God — what  is  good 
and  acceptable  and  perfect"  (Rom.  12:1-2). 

Renewal  and  transformation  sound  like  good  spiritual 
words.  And  they  are.  But  Paul  doesn't  want  us  to  forget  that 
the  spiritual  is  connected  to  our  real,  everyday  lives.  In 
Romans  12:9-13,  he  goes  on:  Our  love  is  to  be  genuine. 
We  are  to  hate  what  is  evil  and  hold  fast  to  what  is  good.  We 
are  to  love  one  another  with  mutual  affection.  We  are  to  be 
humble,  associating  with  the  lowly  and  honoring  others. 
Empathy  is  something  we  should  learn,  rejoicing  with  those 
who  rejoice  and  weeping  with  those  who  weep.  There  are 
needs  among  our  brothers  and  sisters  in  Christ;  we  should 
respond  to  them.  We  are  to  be  hospitable  to  strangers. 

Then  comes  the  point  in  the  text  at  which  the  offense 
begins.  For  beyond  this,  we  are  to  bless  those  who  perse- 
cute us — not  curse  them  as  we  are  tempted  to  do.  Of 
course,  not  everything  is  in  our  control.  But,  as  far  as  it 
depends  on  us,  we  are  to  live  peaceably  with  all.  We  are 
never  to  repay  anyone  evil  for  evil,  but  are  to  overcome  evil 
with  good.  We  are  never  to  avenge  ourselves,  but  are  to 
leave  room  for  the  wrath  of  God  (verses  14-19). 

These  verses  of  Romans  1 2  provide  a  rich  and  compact 
summary  of  the  basic  structure  of  our  life  together  as  a 
church  in  the  midst  of  the  world,  if  we  live  in  this  way,  it  not 
only  enriches  our  own  life,  but  also  testifies  to  the  Lord  who 
makes  possible  our  life.  And  if  our  convictions  are  lived  with 
enough  clarity,  the  offense  of  pacifism  is  mitigated  and  the 
underlying  convictions  about  loving  our  enemies  and  repay- 
ing evil  with  good  are  rendered  intelligible  and  credible. 

At  the  time  of  the  Persian  Gulf  War,  I  was  pastoring  a  Dis- 
ciples of  Christ  congregation  in  Orestes,  Ind.,  a  village  of  500 
people.  In  a  place  that  size,  people  want  something  to  take 
pride  in.  One  of  the  centers  of  pride  in  Orestes  was  a  200-year- 
old  oak  tree  that  stood  at  the  center  of  the  village ...  in  my  yard. 
The  venerable  tree  was  thought  of  as  community  property. 

You  guessed  it.  One  Friday  evening  during  the  war,  com- 
munity people  tied  a  big,  beautiful  yellow  ribbon  around  my 

oak  tree,  complete  with  bow.  When  I  discovered  it  next  morn- 
ing, I — almost  by  instinct — ripped  the  ribbon  down. 

On  Sunday  morning,  my  congregation  was  abuzz.  The 
members  and  other  villagers  were  just  sure  that  some  way- 
ward teenager  had  vandalized  my  tree.  To  get  the  village 
teenagers  off  the  hook,  and  to  be  honest,  I  told  the  congre- 
gation that  I  had  taken  down  the  yellow  ribbon,  myself. 

The  next  Sunday  I  preached  on  taking  down  the  ribbon. 
'A  part  of  the  congregation's  response  struck  me  powerfully. 
These  were  people  who  probably  had  never  heard  much 
(about  pacifism  before  I  came  along  as  their  pastor.  And  they 
'Were  people  who  by  instinct  were  political  and  social  conser- 
vatives, especially  regarding  war.  But  they  were  not  totally 
offended  by  my  sermon.  1  hope  that  was  partly  because  of  the 
trust  I  had  established.  But,  also,  it  was  partly  because  this 
was  central  Indiana,  where  the  Brethren  and  Mennonites  and 
their  convictions  were  well  known.  Although  those  groups 
are  not  without  faults,  their  convictions  had  been  lived  with 
enough  clarity,  along  with  their  peculiar  views  about  war, 
that  these  people  in  Orestes  respected  them  and  appreciated 
them  even  if  they  didn't  fully  understand  their  pacifism.  So 
I  when  I  did  something  potentially  offensive,  it  did  not  offend. 

But  it  is  not  only  that  clearly  lived  convictions  make 
pacifism  during  a  war  more  palatable  to  others.  If 
these  teachings  in  Romans  are  substantially  believed, 
taught,  and  embodied  between  wars,  between  celebrations,  we 
have  a  narrative  that  shapes  us  (and  our  children)  such  that 
we  know  why  it  is  we  cannot  fully,  wholeheartedly  join  in  cel- 
ebrations of  national  hubris  and  willingness  to  kill  others  so 
that  we  might  live. 

So,  should  we,  as  Christians,  consider  ourselves  patri- 
ots? This  reminds  me  of  a  question  I  have  wrestled  with 
numerous  times  over  the  past  few  years:  Do  I  believe  in 
tolerance?  If  the  alternative  to  tolerance  is  narrow-minded 
bigotry  or  the  act  of  smashing  someone's  face  in  or  being 
nasty  because  he  disagrees  with  me,  then  the  answer  is  "Of 
course,  I  believe  in  tolerance." 

But  the  problem  is  that  there  is  a  lot  of  baggage  that 
typically  goes  along  with  believing  in  tolerance  in  today's 
world.  It  usually  implies  that  convictions  are  merely  a  pri- 
vate, personal  matter;  religion  is  treated  like  a  hobby  rather 
than  as  something  that  should  fundamentally  shape  our 
lives.  What  I  sometimes  say  is  "No,  I  don't  embrace  toler- 
ance, but  I  hope  I  embody  Christian  convictions.  Now, 
some  of  those  convictions — such  as  humility,  forgiveness, 
and  loving  my  neighbor  as  myself — will  sometimes  look 
like  tolerance  to  others,  and  that  is  okay. 

And  so  it  is  with  patriotism.  Patriotism  is  defined  as 
"love  for  and  devotion  to  one's  country."  Of  course,  in 
actual  practice,  that  implies  specifics — specific  loves  and 
specific  hates.  There  is  always,  but  especially  during  a  war, 
baggage  that  goes  along  with  "love  of  one's  country." 

The  problem  with  patriotic  symbols  such  as  flags  and 
yellow  ribbons  is  that  the  message  is  ambiguous — dependent 
upon  the  mood  of  the  viewers  at  the  time.  One  of  the 
intended  messages  of  the  yellow  ribbons  during  the  Persian 

Gulf  War  was  that  the  US  wanted  its  soldiers  to  return  safely. 
And,  of  course,  with  that  message  all  of  us  could  concur.  But, 
were  the  yellow  ribbons  not  also  tied  up  with  solidarity  with 
the  war  in  general  and  with  sentiments  such  as  one  soldier 
expressed  when  he  wrote  on  a  bomb  he  launched:  "If  Allah 
doesn't  answer,  ask  for  Jesus"?  Or  all  the  bumper  stickers 
that  said  "This  vehicle  doesn't  brake  for  Iraqis"? 

Yes,  there  are  loves  and  hates,  dyings  and  killings  that 
are  celebrated  in  patriotism.  That  is  the  problem. 

Thus,  sometimes  I  say,  "No,  I  don't  embrace  patriotism, 
but  I  hope  that  I  embody  Christian  convictions.  Some  of  those 
convictions — extending  hospitality;  responding  to  needs; 
living  in  harmony,  humility,  and  empathy — will,  most  of  the 
time,  look  like  love  for  my  country  to  others.  And  that's  okay." 

Putting  it  this  way  will  remind  us  that  pacifism  is  related 
to  a  set  of  convictions  and  practices  relevant  between  wars  as 
well  as  during  them. 

Putting  it  this  way  will  remind  us  that  what  is  first  is 
worship  of  God,  the  God  become  flesh  in  |esus — the  lesus 
who  calls  us  to  love  our  neighbors  and  our  enemies. 

Putting  it  this  way  will  remind  us  not  to  reduce  the 
offense  of  the  cross  to  some  vague  commitment  to  global- 
ism  or  the  peace  issue. 

Putting  it  this  way  will  remind  us  that  whatever  love  we 
have  for  the  United  States  of  America  is  qualified  by  a  wor- 
ship of  God  that  leads  us  to  bless  even  those  who  persecute 
us,  submit  even  to  pagan,  wicked  leaders,  as  Paul  advocates 
in  Romans  13,  if  the  alternative  is  overcoming  evil  with  evil. 

I  would  never  suggest  that  placing  the  discussion  of 
patriotism  back  in  the  context  of  life — real  Christian  life — 
resolves  all  issues.  Hardly.  But  it  does  place  the  tensions 
where  they  should  be:  in  the  presence  of  the  worship  of  God. 

Taking  the  stance  of  Christian  pacifism  does  not  entail 
demeaning  war  veterans.  Stanley  Hauerwas,  in  his  book 
Pacifism:  A  Form  of  Politics,  writes:  "One  difficulty  of  the 
pacifist  witness  is  that  it  seems  to  require  the  pacifist  to 
ignore  or  dishonor  [the]  sacrifices  [of  those  who  partici- 
pated honorably  in  war]. ...  It  is  my  hope  that  pacifists  will 
help  us  learn  to  tell  the  story  of  our  lives  in  such  a  way  that 
the  valor  and  sacrifice  of  participants  in  past  wars  will  be 
an  honorable  part  of  that  story  without  entailing  the  repeti- 
tion of  war  for  our  own  lives." 

In  the  midst  of  our  questions  and  wrestlings,  in  the 
midst  of  the  wars  of  the  world,  in  the  midst  of  patriotic  cel- 
ebrations, I  hope  we  can  say  and  live  the  following: 

We  won't  carry  flags  in  your  parade. 

We  won't  recite  your  pledge  of  allegiance;  our  alle- 
giance is  elsewhere. 

We  won't  kill  enemies  whom  our  God  has  called  us  to 
love,  even  in  your  wars. 

But ...  we  hope  our  lives  and  convictions  convince  you 
that  we  love  our  God  and  the  people  of  this  land 
within  which  God  had  called  us  to  serve. 


Mark  Thiessen  Nation,  who  recently  served  as  interim  pastor  of  Glen- 
dale  (Calif.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  is  director  of  London  (England) 
Mennonite  Center.  He  is  a  Ph.D.  candidate  in  Christian  ethics  at  Fuller 
Theological  Seminary. 

July  1997  Messenger  23 


the  ladder 


BY  Jim  Forest 

Read:  Matthew  5:1-11. 

T^e  Sermon  on  the  Mount,  the 
most  famous  sermon  of  all  time, 
begins  with  a  set  of  blessings  we 
call  the  Beatitudes — just  10  verses,  with 
the  word  blessed  repeated  nine  times. 
But  what  does  blessed  mean?  In  some 
Bibles,  you  find  it  translated  as  "happy," 
but  this  makes  no  sense  when  you  look 
at  the  conditions  Christ  is  describing, 
from  poverty  to  persecution. 

"How  would  you  translate  blessing?" 
I  asked  the  biblical  scholar  Rabbi 
Steven  Schwarzchild.  "There  is  no  one 
word  that  will  do,"  he  replied.  "It  is 
something  like  'on  the  right  path,'  'on 
the  way  the  Creator  wants  us  to  go.'  it 
is  the  opposite  of  the  word  for  sin, 
which  means  'losing  your  way.'" 

The  Beatitudes  weren't  the  first 
words  of  the  public  ministry  of  Jesus, 
but  Matthew  uses  them  to  introduce 
us  to  the  teaching  of  his  Master.  This 
short  text  provides  a  summary  of  the 
whole  gospel. 

If  we  recognize  the  last  two  bless- 
ings as  one,  because  both  describe  the 
suffering  often  imposed  upon  those 
who  try  to  live  the  gospel,  we  may 
consider  there  to  be  eight  Beatitudes, 
each  of  which  we  need  to  think  about 
again  and  again  as  we  progress  in  our 
lifelong  conversion. 

The  eight  Beatitudes  are  all  aspects 
of  being  in  communion  with  God.  They 
are  like  rungs  on  a  ladder.  Each  one 
leads  to  the  next.  Remove  any  one  of 
them,  and  you  fall  off  the  ladder.  It  is  a 
carefully  built  ladder.  The  rungs  aren't 
in  a  random  order.  To  reach  the  second 
step,  we  need  to  make  the  first  step. 

1  Blessed  are  the  poor  in 
spirit.  Poverty  of  spirit  is  the 
essential  beginning.  Without  it,  we 
haven't  begun  to  follow  Christ. 

What  does  poverty  in  spirit  mean?  It 
is  your  awareness  that  you  cannot  save 

24  Messenger  July  1997 

yourself,  that  you  are  basically  defense- 
less, that  neither  money  nor  power  will 
spare  you  from  suffering  and  death.  It 
is  your  awareness  that  you  desperately 
need  God's  help  and  mercy.  It  is  step- 
ping away  from  the  rule  of  fear  in  your 
life,  fear  being  the  great  force  that 
restrains  us  from  acts  of  love. 

Being  poor  in  spirit  means  becom- 
ing free  of  the  myth  that  possessing 
many  things  will  make  you  a  happier 
person.  It  is  an  attitude  summed  up  in 
a  French  proverb:  "When  you  die, 
you  carry  in  your  clenched  hands  only 
that  which  you  have  given  away." 

Look  at  the  life  of  any  saintly 
person  and  you  see  this  Beatitude  in 
practice.  For  St.  Francis,  in  his  habit 
of  rags,  it  was  the  way  of  the  person 
who  makes  himself  least  rather  than 
greatest.  St.  Francis  addressed 
poverty  as  his  sister.  St.  Therese  of 
Lisieux  spoke  of  "the  Little  Way." 
And  Dorothy  Day  came  up  with  the 
phrase  "voluntary  poverty." 

2  Blessed  are  those  who  mourn. 
This  next  rung  is  the  sacrament  of 
tears,  the  Beatitude  of  feeling  and 
expressing  grief  not  only  for  your  own 
sorrows  and  losses,  but  the  sorrows  and 
losses  of  others.  You  can  hardly  feel 
someone  else's  pain  without  poverty  of 
spirit — otherwise  you  are  always  on 
guard  to  keep  what  you  have  for  yourself 
and  to  keep  you  for  yourself. 

Think  about  the  two-word  verse  in 
the  Gospel  of  John:  "Jesus  wept" 
(John  11:35  RSV).  The  17th-century 
poet  and  priest  John  Donne  com- 
ments, "There  is  no  shorter  verse  in 
the  Bible,  nor  is  there  a  larger  text." 
The  Gospel  authors  tell  us  of  three 
times  when  Christ  wept:  as  he  stood 
before  the  tomb  of  Lazarus  before 
summoning  him  back  to  life;  as  he 
looked  on  the  city  of  Jerusalem  and 
foresaw  its  destruction;  and  as  he 
prayed  in  the  Garden  of  Gethsemane 
the  night  before  his  crucifixion. 
"The  presence  of  Christ  is  revealed 

in  those  who  mourn,"  says  my  thera- 
pist friend  Glinda  Johnson-Medland. 
"In  mourning,  there  is  transparency — 
the  body  shows  who  you  truly  are. 
Christ  is  a  very  transparent  person, 
able  to  communicate  with  his  whole 
body,  not  just  words.  A  child  is  trans- 
parent in  the  same  way.  Mourning 
makes  us  transparent  to  each  other. 

"When  you  see  tears  on  the  face  of 
another  person,  you  feel  it;  you  are 
changed."  She  adds,  "Mourning  cre- 
ates a  path.  But  in  America  we  lack  - 
rituals  of  grief.  The  result  is  that  we 
aren't  operating  in  reality. 

"One  of  the  things  to  mourn  is  the 
loss  of  the  nuclear  family — now  one 
more  minority  group.  Religious  ritual 
provides  a  way  to  'sing  away'  the  soul 
and  body  of  a  person  we  love.  Tears 
are  very  powerful.  No  prayer  of  abso- 
lution equals  tears.  We  are  mourning 
with  the  heart  of  Christ — mourning 
our  sins  and  losses." 

3  Blessed  are  the  meek.  We  see 
meekness  in  Jesus  washing  the 
feet  of  his  disciples,  something  that 
embarrassed  them,  something  they 
resisted.  But  in  what  better  way  could 
he  teach  them  the  nature  of  love  and 
what  it  means  to  be  a  pastor?  We  see 
meekness  in  Christ  carrying  the  cross 
and  enduring  all  the  other  events  that 
led  to  his  crucifixion. 

Meekness  is  a  tough  virtue  for 
everyone,  but  perhaps  most  of  all  for 
men  because  they  have  been  made  to 
think  of  meekness  as  a  feminine  qual- 
ity. But  meekness  is  not  simply  doing 
what  you  are  told.  The  person  who 
obeys  evil  orders  is  not  being  meek  but 
being  cowardly.  He  has  cut  himself  off 
from  his  own  conscience,  thrown  away 
his  God-given  freedom,  all  because  he 
is  afraid  of  the  price  he  may  have  to 
pay  for  following  Christ.  We  must  first 
of  all  be  meek  toward  God,  and  that 
meekness  will  give  us  the  strength  not 
to  lord  it  over  others  or  to  commit  evil 
deeds  against  our  neighbors. 

For  an  image  of  meekness  in  the 
nodern  world,  think  about  Rosa 
'arks,  a  church-centered  seamstress  in 
Vlontgomery,  AJa.,  who  in  1955  qui- 
:tly  refused  to  give  up  her  bus  seat  to  a 
vhite  man.  In  so  doing,  she  violated  a 
:ity  ordinance — and  also  changed  the 
:ourse  of  American  history,  although 
ihe  had  no  idea  of  anything  important 
;oming  from  her  small  gesture  on 
Dehalf  of  human  dignity. 

That  night,  40  black  pastors  serving 
ocal  congregations  met  together  and 
decided  the  time  was  at  hand  to  try  to 
;nd  segregation  on  Montgomery's 
oublic-transportation  system.  They 
decided  to  begin  a  boycott  of  the  buses. 
Martin  Luther  King  Jr.  was  elected  to 
iiead  the  boycott,  partly  because,  being 
the  youngest  pastor  in  town,  he  had  the 
least  to  lose  should  the  campaign  fail. 
jThe  black  population  of  Montgomery 
ibegan  walking  and  carpooling  to  work. 

A  year  later,  the  US  Supreme  Court 
decided  that  racial  segregation  in 
public  transportation  violated  the  Con- 
stitution. It  was  a  major  blow  to  the 
legal  foundation  of  segregation.  And  it 
all  began  with  the  firm  but  gentle 
refusal  to  go  along  with  something 
Rosa  Parks  knew  was  wrong.  Faith- 
based  meekness  can  move  mountains. 

4  Blessed  are  those  who 
hunger  and  thirst  for  right- 
eousness. When  we  begin  to  share  in 
the  sufferings  of  others,  we  cannot 
help  but  notice  that  suffering  is  often 
either  the  consequence  of  injustice  or 
is  made  worse  by  injustice. 

Notice  that  |esus  doesn't  say 
"Blessed  are  those  who  hope  for 
righteousness"  or  "Blessed  are  those 
who  campaign  for  righteousness,"  but 
"Blessed  are  those  who  hunger  and 
thirst  for  righteousness" — that  is, 
people  who  want  what  is  right  as 
urgently  as  a  person  dying  in  a  desert 
wants  a  glass  of  water.  There  is  a 
saying,  "Some  people  are  so  hungry 
that  the  only  way  God  can  appear  to 

them  is  as  a  piece  of  bread." 

Think  of  Dorothy  Day,  who  not 
only  devoted  her  life  to  hospitality, 
but  kept  asking  what  it  is  about  our 
society  that  produces  so  many  people 
in  need  of  hospitality.  "Our  problems 
stem  from  our  acceptance  of  this 
filthy  rotten  system,"  she  said  in  her 
usual  plain-spoken  way. 

A  society  whose  main  story  is 
summed  up  in  the  good-guy-kills- 
bad-guy  Western  movie  seemed  to 
Dorothy  Day  a  far  cry  from  the  king- 
dom of  God.  The  core  of  the  spiritual 
life,  she  explained,  is  to  see  the  image 
of  God  in  everyone,  especially  in  those 
we  fear  or  regard  as  enemies.  "Those 
who  cannot  see  Christ  in  the  poor," 
she  wrote,  "are  atheists  indeed." 

5  Blessed  are  the  merciful. 
This  rung  prevents  us  from 
thinking  that  the  longing  for  right- 
eousness allows  us  to  be  ruthless.  It  is 
natural  to  feel  anger  toward  those  who 
make  themselves  richer,  more  com- 
fortable, or  more  powerful  by  causing 
others  to  suffer.  We  immediately 
become  aware  of  our  attraction  to  vio- 
lence and  vengeance  when  we  start 
imagining  how  to  punish  people  and 
groups  who  have  hurt  those  we  care 
about  or  by  whom  we  feel  threatened. 

But  we  see  in  Christ  the  constant 
example  of  someone  ready  to  be  mer- 
ciful to  anyone,  no  matter  what  that 
person  has  done — not  only  the 
woman  condemned  to  death  for  adul- 
tery, but  even  a  Roman  centurion,  an 
officer  belonging  to  a  much  resented 
army  of  occupation.  Christ's  final  mir- 
acle before  his  crucifixion  was  to  heal 
the  man  Peter  had  wounded  in  trying 
to  defend  him. 

Thomas  Merton  described  God  as 
"Mercy  within  Mercy  within  Mercy." 
For  a  child,  it  is  hard  to  know  what  to 
make  of  that  way  of  thinking  about 
God,  but  sooner  or  later  in  life, 
knowing  what  we  have  done  and  what 
we  have  failed  to  do,  we  have  good 

reason  to  be  amazed  at  God's  mercy 
toward  us.  Whoever  tries  to  center  his 
life  in  God  is  drawn  more  and  more 
deeply  into  a  life  of  mercy. 

6  Blessed  are  the  pure  in  heart. 
What  is  a  pure  heart?  A  heart  free 
of  possessiveness,  a  heart  able  to 
mourn,  a  heart  that  thirsts  for  right- 
eousness, a  heart  that  is  merciful,  a 
heart  that  doesn't  look  at  people  merely 
as  bodies  or  labels  or  objects  to  be  used. 

We  see  a  pure  heart  in  any  saintly 
person.  Think  of  Seraphim  of  Sarov. 
Thousands  of  Russian  pilgrims 
walked  great  distances  for  confession, 
advice,  and  a  blessing  from  this  old 
man  with  a  bent  back  who  addressed 
his  visitors  as  "my  joys"  and  wore 
white  because  it  was  the  color  associ- 
ated with  Easter.  Seraphim  was  so 
free  of  fear  that  he  was  on  good  terms 
with  a  bear  that  lived  nearby  and  on 
occasion  even  shared  his  bread  with 
it,  seeing  the  beast  as  a  neighbor. 

In  fact,  bears  were  less  dangerous  to 
him  than  people:  Seraphim  was  nearly 
beaten  to  death  by  robbers  who  had 
heard  there  was  a  treasure  hidden  in  his 
log  cabin.  Even  so,  he  refused  to  con- 
demn them.  The  only  "treasures"  in  his 
cabin  were  his  icon  of  Mary,  his  Bible, 
and  his  prayer  books.  He  labored  long 
and  hard  to  free  himself  of  all  obstacles 
to  God,  and  finally  had  a  heart  so  pure 
that  it  seems  no  one  could  come  near 
him  without  becoming  more  pure  in  the 
joy  of  his  welcome. 

7  Blessed  are  the  peacemakers. 
Only  after  ascending  the  first  six 
rungs  of  the  ladder  of  the  Beatitudes 
can  we  talk  about  the  Beatitude  of  the 
peacemaker,  for  only  a  person  with  a 
pure  heart  can  help  rebuild  broken 
bridges  and  pull  down  walls  to  help  us 
recover  our  lost  unity.  The  maker  of 
peace  seeks  nothing  personally,  not 
even  attention  or  recognition. 

Such  a  person  is  not  serving  peace 
because  it  is  a  good  deed,  but  because 

July  1997  Messenger  25 

he  has  been  drawn  deeply  into  God's 
love  and,  as  a  consequence,  sees  each 
person,  even  the  most  unpleasant  or 
dangerous,  as  someone  beloved  of 
God,  someone  made  in  the  image  of 
God,  even  if  the  likeness  is  at  present 
damaged  or  completely  lost. 

How  desperately  we  need  peace- 
makers! We  need  them  not  only  in 
places  where  wars  are  being  fought  or 
might  be  fought,  but  we  need  them  in 
every  home  and  within  each  congre- 
gation. Even  the  best  and  most  vital 
congregations  suffer  from  deep  divi- 
sions. And  who  is  the  peacemaker 
who  is  needed?  It  is  each  of  us. 

Often  it  is  harder  to  forgive  and 
understand  someone  in  our  own  con- 
gregation than  an  abstract  enemy  we 
see  mainly  in  propaganda  images  on 
television.  Within  the  church,  we 
don't  simply  disagree  with  each  other 
on  many  topics,  but  very  often  we 
despise  those  who  hold  opposing 
views.  In  the  name  of  Christ,  who 

commanded  us  to  love  one  another, 
we  engage  in  wars  in  which  we  don't 
even  respect  our  opponents,  let  alone 
love  them.  But  without  mercy  and 
forgiveness,  without  love,  we  are  no 
longer  in  communion  either  with  our 
neighbors  or  with  Christ. 

At  the  deepest  level,  the  peacemaker 
is  a  person  being  used  by  God  to  help 
heal  our  relationship  with  him,  for  we 
get  no  closer  to  God  than  we  get  to 
our  neighbor,  and,  as  we  know  from 
the  parable  of  the  Good  Samaritan, 
our  neighbor  doesn't  just  refer  to  the 
person  next  door  of  the  same  nation- 
ality, but  even  more  to  the  person  we 
regard  as  "different"  and  a  "threat." 

One  of  the  saints  of  the  20th  century, 
Silouan  of  Mount  Athos,  who  had 
nearly  beaten  a  neighbor  to  death  in  his 
youth,  taught  that  love  of  enemies  is  not 
simply  an  aspect  of  Christian  life  but  is 
"the  central  criterion  of  true  faith  and 
of  real  communion  with  God,  the  lover 
of  souls,  the  lover  of  humankind." 


Former  BVSers,  former  BVS  staff  members,  present  BVSers,  BVS  project 
staff,  supporters  of  BVS,  all  who  have  been  associated  with  BVS. 

Help  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  Celebrate  Its  50™  Year 

Will  you  please  send  photos,  drawings,  stories,  anecdotes, 
reminiscences,  and  descriptions  of  BVSers  and  their  work? 

For  producing:  an  exciting  print  piece  using  text  and  photos  to  tell  the 
story  of  50  years  of  BVS,  highlighting  its  history  in  the 
church  and  in  the  world 

And  for  gathering:  a  collection  of  stories  and 
anecdotes  about  life  in  BVS. 

Living  the  Story — 50  years  of  Brethren 
Volunteer  Service  is  the  theme  for  the 
1998  year-long  celebration  that  will  include 
a  national  event  October  2-4,  1998,  at  New 
Windsor,  Maryland,  and  several  regional  events. 

Ail  photos  will  be  returned  unless  you  designate 
them  as  a  donation  to  BVS.   Please  keep 
photocopies  of  written  materials  so  they 
need  not  be  returned. 

Send  to:      BVS  50  Years,  General  Board,  Church  of  the  Brethren 
1451  Dundee  Avenue,  Elgin,  IL  60120 

8  Blessed  are  those  who  are  | 
persecuted  for  righteousness'' 
sake.  At  last  we  approach  the  top  of  the 
ladder.  This  is  the  Beatitude  we  are  most 
reluctant  to  know  about,  the  blessing  of 
the  persecuted.  Far  from  expecting  the 
Nobel  Peace  Prize  for  faithful  living,  we 
are  advised  to  expect  the  worst. 

Sometimes  we  think  persecution  is 
safely  in  the  distant  past,  way  back  in 
Roman  times.  Or  perhaps  we  remem- 
ber the  millions  of  Russians  who  died 
in  early  Soviet  Union  times  simply  for 
their  refusal  to  deny  Christ.  We  may 
think  persecution  isn't  a  threat  in  a 
democratic  country  in  which  we  can 
do  and  say  what  we  like  and  build  a 
church  at  every  intersection. 

But  if  you  start  noticing  the  image 
of  God  in  the  poor,  if  you  begin  to 
oppose  those  activities  that  cause  suf- 
fering and  bloodshed,  no  matter  how 
meek  and  merciful  you  are,  you  may 
find  that  getting  into  hot  water  can 
happen  here  and  now. 

The  odd  thing  is  that  Jesus  assures 
us  that  getting  into  trouble  for  follow- 
ing him  is  something  we  should 
receive  as  a  major  blessing.  "Rejoice 
and  be  glad,  for  your  reward  is  great 
in  heaven,  for  in  the  same  way  they 
persecuted  the  prophets  who  were 
before  you"  (Matt.  5:12). 

Worse  things  could  happen  than  to 
be  in  the  good  company  of  the 
prophets  and,  still  more  important, 
with  lesus  the  Savior.  Jesus  never 
harmed  anyone,  but  finally  had  to 
carry  a  cross — we  know  it  to  be  the 
holy  and  life-giving  cross,  but  it  didn't 
look  holy  or  life-giving  at  the  time — to 
a  place  of  execution  and  have  nails 
hammered  through  his  hands  and  feet 
for  our  sake.  Yet  it  is  on  the  cross  nrri 
that  the  Resurrection  begins.  i 1 

Jim  Forest  is  secretary  of  the  Orthodox  Peace 
Fellowship.  He  lives  in  Alkmaar,  Netherlands, 
and  is  the  author,  most  recently,  of  Praying 
with  Icons  (Orbis.  1997).  He  is  familiar  with 
tlie  Church  of  the  Brethren  through  using  the 
services  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  workers 
(BVSers)  when  he  worked  for  the  International 
Fellowship  of  Reconciliation  (IFOR). 

Reprinted  with  permission  from  Salt  of  the 
Earth,  MayZ/une  1997.  published  by  Clarelian 
Publications.  205  W.  Monroe  St.,  Chicago.  IL 

26  Messenger  July  1997 




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Brethren  Academy  for 
Ministry  Leadership 

Full-time  position  reportable  to  the 
Director  of  Ministry  for  the  General 
Board  and  the  Academic  Dean  of 
Bethany  Seminary.  Location  at  Bethany 
Seminary,  Richmond,  Ind.  Starting 
date  Aug.  1,  1997,  if  possible. 

Responsibilities:  Develops  educa- 
tional events  for  leadership 
development,  coordinates  certificate 
programs  for  ministry  training,  con- 
ducts continuing  education  events, 
works  collegially  with  General  Board, 
districts,  and  Bethany  Seminary. 

Qualifications:  Pastoral  ministry  expe- 
rience (5  years);  administrative 
experience  (3  years);  Masters  of  Divin- 
ity or  equivalent;  ordination  and  active 
membership  in  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren;  well-grounded  in  Brethren 
heritage,  theology,  and  polity;  skills 
appropriate  to  the  responsibilities. 

A  60-day  rolling  search  beginning 
May  19,  1997,  with  qualified  candi- 
dates interviewed  at  the  discretion  of 
the  Interview  Committee.  Some  inter- 
views may  take  place  at  Annual 
Conference  in  Long  Beach.  Send 
materials  as  soon  as  possible. 

Editor  of  Publications 

Brethren  Press 

Plans  and  edits  Messenger  maga- 
zine, and  assumes  other  responsibili- 
ties as  part  of  the  Brethren  Press  editor- 
ial team. 

Needs  five  years  proven  experience  in 
communications,  particularly  magazine 
editing;  strong  grounding  in  Brethren 
heritage,  theology,  polity;  excellent 
oral,  written,  and  interpersonal  com- 
munication skills;  active  membership 
in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Business  Manager 

Brethren  Press 

Responsible  for  financial  planning, 
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letters  of  reference  by  July  15  to  Office 

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Elgin,  IL  60120-1694. 



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caring  ministries. 

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Association  of  Brethren  Caregivers 
1461  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120 

(800)323-8039,  ext.  410 
Register  before  July  10  to  receive  a 

lower  registration  price. 



new  site.  A  clear  stipulation  was  that 
the  new  facility  would  have  a  Peace 
Room.  John  Baker  chooses  and  pro- 
vides books  and  resource  materials 
for  the  room  that  supports  his  firm 
beliefs  concerning  peace,  mediation, 
and  reconciliation.  He  also  has  pro- 
vided a  $10,000  endowment  toward 
the  maintenance  of  the  library. 

The  library  is  again  planning  an 
expansion,  and  again  John  Baker  has 
made  a  major  financial  contribution 
toward  the  project.  That  gift  will  pro 
vide  computers  and  Internet  access 
for  library  patrons. 

A  library  board  member,  Daniel 
Koontz,  said  of  John  Baker,  "Becausei 
he  has  such  great  appreciation  for 
rural  life,  a  goal  of  his  is  to  provide 
the  means  for  rural  residents  to  have 
quality  of  life  opportunities  equal  to 
those  living  in  urban  settings,  without 
leaving  their  areas.  The  Everett  Free 
Library  has  been  a  fortunate  benefi- 
ciary of  that  philosophy." 

An  ongoing  legacy  of  the  Baker 
family  to  their  hometown  is  the 
Everett  Free  Library.  It  was  founded 
by  John's  mother,  built  up  and  kept 
current  by  his  sister  Margaret, 
endowed  and  equipped  in  forward- 
moving  and  enduring  ways  by  John. 
We  of  the  Everett  community  are 
most  appreciative  and  grateful. 

Elaine  Sollenberger 
Everett,  Pa 

Not  the  whole  elephant 

David  Radcliff,  in  his  April  article, 
"North  Korea:  For  Brethren,  a  Land 
of  Opportunity,"  says  "there  are 
many  similarities  between  North 
Korean  values  and  Christian  values." 
Congress  member  Frank  Wolf  of 

28  Messenger  July  1997 

Pontius'  Puddle 

Send  payment  for  reprinting  "Pontius'  Puddle"  from  Messenger  to 
Joel Kauffmann.  Ill  Carter  Road,  Goshen.  IN  46526.  $25  for  one 
time  use.  $10  for  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $10  for  congregations. 

'irginia,  a  member  of  the  Helsinki 
Committee  that  monitors  human 
ights  abuses  in  eastern  Europe  and 
le  former  repubhcs  of  the  Soviet 
Jnion,  has  said  that  there  is  "undeni- 
ble  evidence  now  of  widespread 
Drture,  icilling,  raping,  and  imprison- 
nent  of  behevers"  in  dozens  of 
ountries,  including  North  Korea. 
One  of  these  two  pieces  of  infor- 
mation has  to  be  untrue.  If  the  North 
Corean  rulers  have  "Christian 
alues,"  why  are  they  persecuting 
;!hristians?  Once  again,  we  have 
een  the  elephant  and  come  away 
vith  only  one  impression.  More 
investigation  is  needed  before  we 
leclare  the  North  Korean  rulers 
brothers  in  Christ." 

Eugene  Shaver 
Bridgewater,  Va. 

Vlust  Hispanic  ministry  go? 

have  been  a  second-generation 
Tiember  of  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  all  my  life.  It  saddens  and 
discourages  me  to  see  Hispanic  min- 
stry  disappear  in  the  General 
Board's  "new  design." 

The  cut  speaks  strongly  against  us 
Hispanics  in  the  church,  where  we 
10  longer  have  a  place.  Our  Hispanic 
eaders,  heroes  in  the  denomination, 
lave  worked  hard  for  many  years  to 
lave  a  place  and  a  say.  Now  it  is  all 
'gone  with  the  wind." 

As  a  Puerto  Rican  pastor,  I  am  very 
frustrated,  even  angry,  but  most  of  all 
iust  sad.  I  love  the  church,  but  this  may 
;nd  my  love  for  this  denomination. 

We  are  not  heard,  accepted,  sup- 
ported, or  even  respected.  All  our 
efforts  are  responded  to  with  so- 
called  "words  of  encouragement." 

Telma  I.  Perez  (Garcia) 
Kissimrnee,  Fla. 

Advice  on  relocating 

It  was  on  April  Fools'  Day  that  I  saw 
this  ad  in  Time  magazine:  "There's  a 
town  in  Illinois  where,  if  you  move 
there,  you  won't  be  able  to  help  but 


FRo^^  WHICH  WE"  most 
CHOOSE,  the  Wipe  OME  \S 
OP  THE  rLESa  >. 







Because  You  Need 

Protection  You  Can 

Count  On 

When  a  f-re  broke  out  at  Elkhart  City 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Elkhart,  Indiana, 
many  members  wondered  how  long  it  would 
be  before  they  could  worship  there  again. 
But  they  were  about  to  experience  a 
wonderful  surprise. 

"Mutual  Aid  was  right  there  when  we 
needed  them,"  says  Ted  Noffsinger,  who 
supervised  the  reconstruction.  "The  approach 
I  saw  was,  'We  have  a  policyholder  with  a 
problem.  Let's  do  what  we  can,  as  fast  as  we 
can,  to  get  him  back  in  business.'" 

If  that's  the  protection  you'd  like  to  experience,  then 
you  should  know  Mutual  Aid  Association  also  offers 
homeowner's  insurance  at  very  competitive  rates.  To 
find  out  more,  return  the  bind-in  card  in  this  issue  of 
Messenger,  or  call  us  now. 



Mutual  Aid  Association 

Church  of  the  Brethren 

3094  Jeep  Rd  •  Abilene,  KS  67410 

Protection  you  can  depend  on  from 
Brethren  you  trust.  Since  1885. 

July  1997  Messenger  29 

become  a  financial  expert." 

Fidelity  Investments,  a  mutual 
fund  company,  is  offering  "lectures 
on  investing,  retirement  options,  and 
money  management"  to  the  residents 
of  this  Illinois  town. 

Since  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  is 
experiencing  financial  troubles,  per- 

haps we  should  take  advantage  of 
this  opportunity.  Perhaps  if  we 
moved  our  denominational  head- 
quarters to  this  Illinois  town,  all  our 
financial  problems  could  be  solved. 

After  all,  according  to  the  ad  in 
Time  magazine,  our  denominational 
leaders  "won't  be  able  to  help  but 

it  smart. 

Help  protect  yourself  and  your  investments.  Diversifying  is  a  key 
to  making  your  money  work  harder  It's  one  of  the  smartest 
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Make  your  move.  Just  call  1-800-9-PRAXIS  or  your  local 
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send  money  Foreign  investing  involves  a  greater  degree  of  risk 
and  increased  volatility  BISYS  Fund  Services,  distributor. 


become  .  expert(s)."  ' 

The  name  of  this  Illinois  town 
where  financial  expertise  is  guaran- 
teed? Some  place  called  Elgin. 

Bill  Bowsi 
Martinsburg,  Pi 

We  took  you  up  on  it 

Sebring  (Fla.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren  took  to  heart  the  news  iterr 
on  Campaign  Finance  Reform  (April i 
page  11).  One  member  wrote  a  lette 
addressed  to  Florida's  members  of 
Congress.  Members  who  are  voters 
signed  their  names  and  gave  their 
addresses,  and  we  mailed  the  letters 
to  our  Senators  and  Representatives 
in  Washington. 

Ginny  Grove- 
Sebring.  Fla 

Classified  Ads 


Executive  Director,  Thurston  Woods  Villagei 

Sturgis,  Mich.,  has  immediate  opening  for  executivi 
director  of  a  Mennonite-sponsored  retirement  com 
munity  To  oversee  current  &  future  housing,  healtl 
care  &  supportive  services.  Prerequisites  incl.  nurs 
ing  home  administrator's  license,  min.  5-yrs 
professional  leadership  exp.  Master's  in  health  can 
preferred.  Must  be  committed  to  Christian  ministry 
identify  with  &  support  mission,  goals,  and  values  o 
Thurston  Woods  'Village  and  possess  strong  man 
agement,  interpersonal,  and  communication  skills 
Thurston  "Woods  Village  is  a  nonprofit  Christian  retire 
ment  community  with  118  skilled-care  nursing  beds 
82  assisted-living  units,  &  33  HUD  apartments; 
million  annual  budget;  120  full-time  equivalent  employ, 
ees.  Send  resume,  salary  history,  &  references  to  J 
Randall  King,  27440  Banker  Street  Rd.,  Sturgis,  Mli 
49091-9357  or  fax  (616)  489-2491. 


Seeking  song  books.  Title;  Favorite  Hymns 
(revised),  pub.  by  Standard  Publishing  Co.,  Cincin- 
nati, Ohio.  Series  No.  5747.  If  you  can  help,  call  (8l4)i 
861-5547  (Pa.  number). 


Travel  with  a  purpose.  Wendell  &Joan  Bohrer  invite 
you  to  travel  with  them  on  the  missionary  journeys  of' 
St.  Paul,  Mar  19-Apr.  3, 1998,  to  Turkey  visiting  the  7 
churches  of  Asia— Ephesus,  Philippi,  district  of  Mace- 
donia, Thyatira,  Pergamon,  Philadelphia,  Thessaloniki, 
Athens,  &  Corinth.  We  will  visit  other  points  of  inter- 
est in  Turkey  and  Greece.  All  meals  provided.  12,899. 
For  info,  write  Bohrer  Tours,  8520  Royal  Meadow  Dr,  i 
Indianapolis,  IN  46217.  Tel./fax  (317)  882-5067. 

30  Messenger  July  1997 

urniiiff  foiiits 

lew  Members 

ote:  Congregations  are  asked 
to  submit  only  the  names  of 
actual  new  members  of 
denomination.  Do  not 
include  names  of  people 
who  have  merely  transferred 
their  membership  from 
another  Church  of  the 
Brethren  congregation. 

ntelope  Park,  W.  Plains: 
lason  &  Lynn  Samsel 

shiand.  N.  Ohio:  Norm  & 
foanne  Lake,  Roger  Stroup, 
Cristy  &  Nicole  Groh, 
Miriam  Mortland,  Madeline 

elhany.  Mid.  Atl.:  Katie  & 
Liiulsay  Heilner,  Crystal  & 
Slurry  Kemp,  Angle  Sam- 

clhcl,  N.  Ind.:  William  & 
Dorothy  Evans 

cthkhem,  Virlina:  lane  & 
AK  in  Burgess 

ranclls.  S.  Pa.:  Wesley  & 
K.n^n  Heckman,  Daniel 
I  lullcnshead,  Amy  Kline, 
kji\  Romero,  Robert  & 
kinicc  Valentine 

ush  Creek,  Mid.  Atl.:  Daniel 
Conrad.  Gaylen  &  Melanie 
Mji^hman,  leffrey  Mussel- 
nun,  loy  Puckett,  Tina  & 
Arthur  German.  Glenna 
Doorough,  Laura  Spauld- 
ing,  Dallas  Kehne.  George 
Fox,  Nissa  &  Healther 
Quill.  Timothy  &  Wanda 
Perry,  Kannika  Keovichith 

entral,   Virlina:  Mandy 
Burton,  Melissa  Carr,  Laura 
Garst,  Meredith  Hite,  Alli- 
son McCoy,  Amy  Rhodes, 
lames  Sexton,  Loni  Stone- 
man,  Lindsey  Wray,  Leslie 
Covington,  N.  Ohio:Andrew 
lanovsky.  Dene'  Longen- 
delpher.  Heather  Wolfe, 
Steven  &  ludy  Wright 
()undalk,Mid.  Atl.:  John, 
Sharon,  &.  loshua  Pinkas, 
John  Lynn,  Medie 
Uizabethtown,  Atl.  N.E.:  Jen- 
nifer Baum,  lesse  Eisenbise, 
Gregory  Epps.  Peter  Fox, 
Brian  Helm,  Melisa  Musser, 
Dean  &  Megan  Sweigart; 
Cindy.  Heather.  &  Heidi 
Tschudy,  Dorothy  White, 
lonathan  Yound,  lodi  Youtz, 
Becky  &  loseph  Zaieski 
iphrata,  Atl.  N.E.:  Shirley 
Gehr.  Richard  &  Marilyn 
Mull,  Doug  &  Gwyn  Pfautz, 
lonathan  Rissler,  Sean  & 
Ranea  Wilson 
Freeport,  111. /Wis.:  Linda  & 
Shannon  Skaggs,  Beth 
Simler.  lackie  Jacobs, 
Ashley  Ehrler,  Tanya  Ram 
Oreenmount.  Shen.:  Matthew 
Armstrong,  Michael  &  |en- 
nifer  Armstrong,  Berlin  Bible, 
Bonnie  May,  Helen  Minnick, 
David  &  Lorna  Nesselrodt. 
Kevin  &  Norma  Nesselrodt, 
Mark  &  [Cristen  Reese 
Lampeter,  Atl.  N.E.:  Bernice 
Wimer.  Reuben  &  Sandra 

King,  Edwin  &  Patricia 
Bowermaster,  Ivan  &  Debra 

Ligonier,  W.  Pa.:  Monica  & 
Robert  Monticue,  Jason 

McPherson,  W  Plains:  Jessica 
Chapman.  Lacey  Gayer, 
Crystal  Schrag,  Victor 
Burkholder,  Jacob  Gayer, 
Daniel  Hammarlund. 
William  Hanley.  Michael 
Stevens.  Alexander  Tyler, 
Timothy  Wysman 

Mechanic  Grove,  Atl.  N.E.: 
Lars  Rasmussen,  Steve  & 
Sandy  Stauffer 

Mechanicsburg,  S.  Pa.: 
Matthew  Ayers,  Bryce 
Meek,  Ashley  Nale,  Kevin 
Nyman,  Alison  Diegel,  Paul 
&  Evelyn  Cassel 

North  Liberty,  N.  Ind.:  Ruby 

Parker  Ford,  Atl.  N.E.:  Sandra 
Chrislman,  Kendra  Ren- 
ninger.  Mary  Romig 

Philadelphia  First,  Atl.  N.E.: 
Sharon  Best 

Pleasant  Chapel,  N.  Ind.: 
Rozanne  &  Tony  Robertson, 
Chris  Wells,  loel  Wilson 

Snake  Spring  Valley,  Mid.  Pa.: 
Linda  Trivelpiece,  Nathaniel 
&  Stacy  Manges.  Tina  & 
Danielle  Imes,  Michael  & 
Ryan  Sleighter.  Steven  & 
Lynn  Shelly.  Debbie  &  John 
Koontz,  Randy  &  Allen 
Kintz,  Kelsey  Nouse 

Tucson,  Pac.  S.W.:  Alice  R. 
[ohnson,  |im  &  Millie 
Hughes.  Howard  &  Gen- 
erkia  Smith,  Frank 

Virden,  111. /Wis.:  Robert 
Lykins.  Dan  &  Annette 

Yellow  Creek,  HI. /Wis.: 
Sabrina  Brinkmeier 

York  First,  S.  Pa.:  Pam  Bald- 
win, Jim  &  Linda  Barnard, 
leffrey  Sunday,  Laurie  Wise 


Anderson,  Ralph  and  Mabel. 

Michigan  City,  Ind..  55 
Baughman,  Carl  and  Olive, 

St.  Petersburg.  Fla.,  60 
Berkey,  Robert  and  Betty, 

Johnstown.  Pa.,  50 
Craighead,  Moyer  and  Esta. 

Palmyra,  Pa.,  50 
Crowther,  Theodore  and 

Vivian,  Ephrata.  Pa.,  50 
Fletcher,  Virgil  and  Marcheta, 

Lake  Forest.  Calif.,  55 
Herrell,  Harry  and  Mary, 

Mansfield,  Ohio,  50 
Kennedy,  Vincent  and  Pauline, 

Mansfield,  Ohio,  55 
Mellinger,  Donald  and  Char- 
lotte, Ephrata,  Pa..  50 
Miller,  |ohn  and  Gladys, 

Mansfield,  Ohio,  50 
Myers,  Carl  and  Doreen, 

Elgin,  111.,  50 
Naylor,  Kent  and  Elva, 

McPherson,  Kan..  50 
Robinson,   Minor  and  Ruth, 

Fort  Loudon,  Pa.,  55 


Benedict,  James  L.,  from  Troy, 
S.  Ohio,  to  Union  Bridge, 
Mid.  Atl. 

Cable,   Sherman  A.,  from 
Selma,  Virlina.  interim  to 
Salem,  Virlina,  pastor 

Dietrick,  Ralph,  from  Flower 
Hill,  Mid.  Atl.,  to  Elizabeth- 
town,  Atl.  N.E. 

Griffith,   Edith  E.,  from 
retirement  to  Hiwassee, 

Peterson,  Cheryl,  from 

campus  ministry  to  Beacon 
Heights,  N.  Ind. 

Stoltzfus,  Joyce,  from  Glade 
Valley.  Mid.  Atl.,  to  Eliza- 
bethtown,  Atl.  N.E. 


Flory,  Brian,  April  19,  1997, 

Bridgewater,  Shen. 
McCoy.  Shelbv  F.  Feb.  7. 

1997,  Geiger,  W.  Pa. 
McLearn-Montz,  Alan,  Jan. 

30,  1997,  Columbia  City, 

N.  Ind. 
Yancheck,  Paul,  March  15, 

1997,  Black  River,  N.  Ohio 
Zeep,  Christopher  W,  Jan.  18, 

1997,  Hagerstown,  Mid.  Atl. 


Golden,  Roger,  Dec.  7,  1996, 

Wawaka,  N.  Ind. 
Rhodes,  Donna  M.,  Feb. 

1,1997,  Huntingdon, 

Stone,  Mid.  Pa. 
Stouffer,  Darlene,  July  26, 

1996,  Dallas  Center.  N. 

Yoder,  Gary,  Nov.  9,  1996, 

New  Philadelphia,  N.  Ohio 


Basselle,  Albert  R,,  92,  John- 
stown, Pa.,  April  10.  1997 
Bebee,   Pearl  I.,  103,  Marion, 

Iowa.  March  31,  1997 
Blough,  Adda  B.,  97,  Hollsap- 

ple.  Pa.,  April  4,  1997 
Bowling,   Ruth,  86,  Bear 

Lake.  Mich.,  March  18, 

Brower,  Emily  K.,  92,  La 

Verne,  Calif.,  April  14, 

Brownsberger,  Roland,  88,  La 

Verne.  CaHf.,  Feb.  10.  1997 
Brumbaugh,  John  W.,  64, 

Bonners  Ferry,  Idaho,  Nov. 

22,  1996 
Burkholder,  Evelyn,  86,  La 

Verne,  Calif.,  Feb.  17.  1997 
Clements,  Mildred.  88.  Arling- 
ton. Va.,  Feb  12.  1997 
Collar,  Brittany,  2,  Lima. 

Ohio,  April  23.  1997 
Compton,  Oliva  C,  88, 

Bridgewater,  Va.,  March  1 1, 

Cooper,   Lamar,  86,  Goshen, 

Ind..  April  3.  1997 
Grouse,  William,  73,  Norris- 

town.  Pa.,  March  4,  1997 

DeBolt,  Leota  V,  87,  Union- 
town,  Pa.,  April  7,  1997 

Doolen,  Guy.  83,  LaPlace. 
III.,  April  12,  1997 

Eckhard,   Frances  |.,  79, 
Staunton,  Va.,  March  3  1 , 

Eckhard,  Mary  B.,  100,  Mar- 
tinsburg,  Pa.,  March  21. 

Enderd,  |.  Harry.  83.  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Jan.  10,  1997 

Erb,  Samual.  91,  Ephrata,  Pa., 
March  26,  1997 

Fahs,  Elmer  H.,  94,  Decatur, 
111.,  Ian.  22,  1997 

Ferguson,  Robert  E..  67,  Bas- 
sett,  Va.,  April  10,  1997 

Fulcher,  Minnie  S.,  83,  Bas- 
sett,  Va.,  April  13,  1997 

Fulk,  Howard,  68,  Broadway, 
W.  Va.,  March  31,  1997 

Games,  Helen,  88,  Elizabeth- 
town,  Pa.,  Jan.  28,  1997 

Good,  Pauline  M.,  77,  Way- 
nesboro, Pa.,  March  25, 

Graver,  Frank.  83,  Lancaster, 
Pa..  Ian.  18,  1997 

Griffith,  Marie  R.,  81.Car- 
leton,  .Neb.,  March  25, 

Groft,  Catherine,  89, 
Hanover,  Pa.,  April  12, 

Hackman,  Mildred,  87,  Eliza- 
bethtown.  Pa.,  Jan.  2 1 , 

Harshbarger,  Patience,  97, 
Harrisonburg,  Pa.,  May  4, 

Hosteller,   Retha,  69,  Walker- 
ton.  Ind.,  Feb.  28,  1997 

Hoover,  Galen.  69.  Bradford. 
Ohio,  Jan.  2,  1996 

Hunt,  John  M.,  73,  John- 
stown. Pa..  March  16.  1997 

Hunter,  Roxie  V,  97,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  April  14,  1997 

Ingles,  Pearl,  77.  Rockford, 
111.,  April  17,  1997 

Jones,  Quince,  87,  Martins- 
ville, Va..  Feb.  15,  1997 

Kauffman,  Ruth,  81,  Freeport, 
Mich.,  May  9,  1997 

Keefer,  Darlene,  56,  Mercers- 
burg,  Pa.,  March  21,  1997 

Kimrael,  Evelyn,  83,  Shelocta, 
Pa.,  April  10,  1997 

Kohne,  Ervie  C,  77,  Baker,  W. 
Va.,  March  29,  1997 

Lausch,  lean  M.,  74,  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Ian.  18,  1997 

Lehman.  Kim  C.  44.  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  Ian.  II,  1997 

Lewis,  Kennedy  E.,  32,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  April  10, 

Lindamood,  Roger  L.,  52, 
Princeton,  W.  Va.,  April  I, 

Longenecker,  Anna  E.,  99, 
Mount  loy.  Pa.,  Jan.  5, 

Meyers,  Janet  L.,  78,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  April  2.  1997 

Miller,  Dale  V.  52.  Browns- 
dale,  Minn.,  March  19, 

Minnich,  Vera  L.,  82,  Lan- 
caster, Pa..  Jan.  15.  1997 

Mohler,  John  P..  96.  Lan- 
caster. Pa.,  Feb.  20,  1997 

Morral,  Janet  E.,  41.  Dayton, 

Va.,  April  15,  1997 

Mumaw,  Amos,  85,  Ashland, 
Ohio.  March  29.  1997 

Naff,  Herman  C.  80, 
Roanoke,  Va.,  March  6, 

Ober,  D.  Kenneth,  63,  Eliza- 
bethtown,  Pa.,  Nov.  7,  1996 

Paris,   Dortha  J.,  92,  Water- 
loo, Iowa,  March  26,  1997 

Pence.  Marie  O.,  102,  La 
Verne,  Calif.,  March  4, 

Peterson,  Beulah  B.,  84, 
Waterloo,  Iowa,  March  20. 

Plunkett.   Galen  P.,  Roanoke, 
Va.,  Feb.  2,  1997 

Proctor,  Ruth,  97.  Bridgewa- 
ter, Va.,  Feb.  8,  1997 

Sencindiver.  Ruth  V,  96,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  March  25, 

Shank,  Grace,  80,  Lancaster, 
Pa.,  March  2,  1997 

Ratliff,  Qlin  G.,  75,  Brandy- 
wine,  W.  Va.,  April  9,  1997 

Rhodes,   Nellie  M.,  83,  Mar- 
tinsburg.  Pa.,  Feb.  10.  1997 

Rigney,  Mary  L.,  82,  Penhook, 
Va..  April  29,  1997 

Robertson,  Ruby  G,.  75.  Mar- 
tinsville, Va.,  Feb.  9.  1997 

Rotz,  Clarence,  77,  Fort 

Loudon.  Pa.,  Feb.  28.  1997 

Sager,  Frances  E.,  77,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  April  4, 

Salmons,  Edna  E.,  82,  Mar- 
tinsville, Va.,  April  25,  1997 

Shearer,  Leon.  90,  Hanover, 
Pa.,  Feb.  3,  1997 

Showalter,  Susan  C,  80,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  March  20, 

Smith,  Hazel  J..  86.  Harrison- 
burg, Va..  March  6.  1997 

Stutzman,  Earl.  88.  Hollsap- 
ple,  Pa.,  April  15.  1997 

Taylor,  Erma,  79,  Copemish, 
Mich..  Feb.  11,  1997 

Thorne,  William,  89,  Martins- 
burg,  W.  Va.,  March  21, 

Thomas,  Nettie,  86,  Warrens- 
burg,  Mo..  April  12,  1997 

Throne,    Feme  C.  89,  Cleve- 
land. Ohio,  April  9,  1997 

Truax,  Harry,  81,  Walkerton, 
Ind.,  Feb.  11,  1997 

Walker,  Ivan,  84.  Hershey,  Pa., 
Ian.  15.  1997 

Wenger,  Jay  I.,  68.  Lancaster. 
Pa..  Feb.  24,  1997 

Wenger,  John  H.,  86,  Eliza- 
bethtown.  Pa.,  Jan.  29, 

Wiele,  Sherril.  69,  Lena,  HI., 
May  8,  1997 

Williams,  Stanley,  85,  Sigour- 
ney.  Iowa.  Oct.  16,  1996 

Wright,  Mary  C.  93.  Win- 
chester. Va.,  April  1,  1997 

Wright,  Rayford  E.,  93,  Win- 
chester. Va.,  Sept.  3,  1996 

Wolf,  Leona  G.,  85.  Stevens, 
Pa.,  Feb.  7.  1997 

Zimmerman,  Donald,  90. 
Dixon.  111..  April  26.  1997 

Zimmerman,  Virginia  I.,  76, 
Ligonier,  Pa..  March  I  1. 

Zook,   J.  Herbert,  89,  Quincy, 
Pa.,  Ian.  4,  1997 

July  1997  Messenger  31 

Finding  help  in  a  hymnal 

Truth  is,  what  I 

read  in  the  pew 

was  likely  more 

edifyifjg  than 

In  preparation  for  writing  a  short  summary  of  the 
Snow  Hill  Society  (page  1 1),  I  did  my  usual  thing, 
reading  far  beyond  the  bounds  of  necessary  back- 
grounding, succumbing  to  the  curiosity  of  a  history  buff. 
Reading  about  the  unusual  singing  at  Snow  Hill  led  me 
to  go  back  and  reacquaint  myself  with  the  story  of  musi- 
cal accomplishments  at  the  Ephrata  Cloister,  from  which 
Snow  Hill  sprang. 

Mind  you,  1  know  nothing  about  music,  can't  play  any 
instrument,  can't  read  music,  and  can  scarcely  carry  a 
tune.  But  I  enjoy  hearing  good  music.  Often  I  wish  I  could 
have  heard  the  choirs  at  Ephrata.  Unfortunately,  even  with 
the  Ephrata  music  preserved  on  paper,  there  is  no  way  to 
replicate  the  sound  of  it.  Attempts  are  made,  but  the 
authenticity  of  the  sound  is  forever  in  doubt.  What  we 
have  to  go  on,  otherwise,  is  only  written 
accounts  by  people  who  heard  the  music  at 
the  time.  They  all  attest  that  Ephrata  music 
was  out  of  this  world.  "Ethereal"  was,  in  fact, 
the  word  most  often  used  to  describe  it. 

Singing  was  only  one  of  Ephrata's  musi- 
cal accomplishments,  however.  Its  founding 
leader,  Conrad  Beissel,  and  others  expressed 

themselves  by  writing  hymn  texts  that  were  what  I  blockcd  OUt 
included  in  the  hymnals  their  printing  press  -.  ,  ,      . 

produced.  One  researcher  of  Ephrata  hym-      jrOm  the  pulplt. 
nals  wrote,  "They  yield  the  thought  or 
marrow  (of  the  "bones"  of  the  Ephrata  structure),  thus  fur- 
nishing to  the  reader  not  only  facts,  but  the  reasons  'why.'" 

The  same  writer  stated,  "Among  the  Germans  of 
Pennsylvania,  a  book  of  hymns  was  held  in  almost  the 
same  reverence  as  the  Bible.  Often  learned  by  heart,  the 
hymns  provided  material  for  both  singing  and  reading." 

I  went  back  and  read  that  line  again.  It  not  only 
revived  a  long-dormant  memory,  but  set  me  to  pondering 
as  well.  In  church  when  I  was  a  youngster,  the  preaching 
was  not  always  attention-riveting.  Being  an  avid  reader, 
and  finding  that  leafing  through  the  hymnal  during  ser- 
mons did  not  earn  me  reproof  from  my  parents,  I  found  a 
satisfactory  distraction  from  the  dronings  of  the  preacher. 

Truth  is,  what  I  read  in  the  pew  was  likely  more  edi- 
fying than  what  1  blocked  out  from  the  pulpit.  As  I  look 
back  on  the  development  of  my  understanding  of  the  the- 
ology upon  which  my  faith  is  based,  I  have  to  make  a 
confession — a  confession  paralleling  a  profession  of  my 
spiritual  forebears  at  the  Ephrata  Cloister:  The  hymnal 
"was  held  in  almost  the  same  reverence  as  the  Bible." 

In  the  midst  of  my  pondering,  I  went  off  to  chapel 
here  at  the  General  Offices  the  other  day  and  was  pleased 
to  find  the  hymn  for  the  day  was  "Immortal  Love,  For- 
ever Full,"  the  text  for  which  is  poetry  by  John  Greenleaf 

Whittier  (see  "Snowbound  with  Whittier,"  December 
1 992) .  That  hymn  was  just  one  example  of  the  treasures 
I  fondled  when  I  was  a  boy  in  church. 

I  was  a  schoolboy  the  rest  of  the  week,  and  poetry 
was  beginning  to  speak  to  me.  The  good  old  hymns, 
poetry  in  themselves,  took  the  great  truths  and  stories  of 
scripture  and  made  them  impressive  and  memorable  for 
me.  One  verse  of  the  Whittier  hymn  ran: 

"The  healing  of  his  seamless  dress 
Is  by  our  beds  of  pain; 
We  touch  him  in  life's  throng  and  press 
And  we  are  whole  again." 

Clever  boy  that  1  was,  I  figured  out  that  the  "seamless 
dress"  alluded  to  )esus'  tunic  for  which  the  Roman  soldiers 
who  crucified  him  cast  lots  (John  19:23). 
Further,  the  whole  verse  alluded  to  the  story 
of  the  woman  who  barely  touched  Jesus' 
clothes  in  the  press  of  a  crowd,  and  yet  was  . 
healed  (Matt.  9:20,  Mark  5:27,  and  Luke 
8:44).  Whittier's  words  have  been  tampered; 
with  in  the  1 992  Hymnal,  but  the  scriptural 
allusions  of  that  verse  are  still  intact. 

In  my  boyhood  leafing  through  the  hym- 
nal and  pondering  of  the  words,  1  learned 
much  about  the  nature  of  God  from  poetic 
outbursts  such  as  "Immortal,  Invisible,  God 
Only  Wise"  and  "Joyful,  Joyful,  We  Adore  Thee."  Faith  and 
assurance  were  buttressed  by  the  imagery  of  "How  Firm  a 
Foundation"  and  "'Tis  not  With  Eyes  of  Flesh  We  See."  Chal- 
lenges to  a  life  of  service  were  provided  by  "Awake,  Awake  to 
Love  and  Work"  and  "O  Brother  Man"  (Whittier  again) . 


ow  my  conscience  is  free,  having  confessed  the 
apostasy  of  having  relied  (and  of  still  relying)  on 
the  words  of  the  great  hymns  of  the  church  for 
my  spiritual  nurturing. 

As  we  assemble  for  Annual  Conference  at  Long 
Beach,  I  am  wondering  if  last  year's  post-Conference 
grumbling  about  the  quality  of  the  hymns  and  songs  used 
in  Cincinnati  will  have  affected  the  choices  for  Long 
Beach.  Will  more  of  the  familiar  old  hymns  be  included, 
or  more  of  the  happy-clappy  numbers  that  set  toes  to 
tapping  for  some  and  teeth  to  grinding  for  others  last 
year?  As  we  continue  to  acculturate,  the  tension  grows 
between  the  preserving  of  hymns  that  better  express  who 
we  have  been  as  Brethren  and  the  adopting  of  singing 
calculated  to  "meet  the  needs"  of  the  spiritually  home- 
less, wandering  in  the  marketplace. 

I  may  take  along  to  evening  worship  the  old  hymnal 
of  my  boyhood,  just  in  case  I  need  distraction. — K.T 

32  Messenger  July  1997 

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"Faith  &  Heritage" 

A  Narrative  and  Theological  History  ^ 

the  Church  of  the  Brethren 

•  Dr.  Donald  Durnbaugh,  Distinguished 
Church  History  Professor;  Moderator  and 
Active  Church  Member;  Author,  Reviewer, 
Editor  of  the  "Brethren  Encyclopedia" 

•  Rev.  Jeffrey  Bach,  Assistant  Professor  of 
Brethren  Studies  at  Bethany  Theological 
Seminary;  Scholar,  Duke  University 

From  left:  Rev  Jeffrey  Bach;  Rev,  Don  Booz,  pastor  of  the  McPherson 
Church  of  the  Brethren:  Dr.  Donald  Durnbaugh;  Dr.  Susan  Taylor, 

iiSSlSiiiBS^BfiifeliiitMiiiiiiMmiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii  Hiimnin 

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A  set  of  videotapes  offering  an  in-depth  l•evie^^ 

of  Church  of  the  Brethren  beliefs  and  practice; 

from  its  founding  to  the  present  day 

The  three  VHS  tapes  document  the  tv/o-day  conference  held  on 
March  7-8,  1 997,  at  McPherson  College  — 

Conference  Opening  Address  by  Dr.  Gary  Dill, 

President  of  McPherson  College 

The  First  Century  -  Alexander  Mack  Jr.,  Conrad  Beissel,  early 

emigration,  the  role  of  baptism,  the  value  of  marriage  and 


The  Second  Century  -  Sarah  Righter  Major,  western  migration, 
Brethren  publications,  annual  meetings,  the  love  feast 

The  Third  Century  -  M.R.  Zigler,  church  organization,  worldwide 

relief  and  foreign  missions,  education  for  ministry 

The  Church  of  the  Brethren  and  higher  education  (panel  discussion) 

Faith  &  Heritage  Videotape  Order  Form 


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Set(s)  of  videocassettes  @  $30  = 

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Please  clip  and  return  to  Development  Department,  McPherson  College,  PO.  Box  1402,  McPherson,  KS  67460. 
For  more  information,  call  3  1 6/24  i  -073 1 ,  ext.  I  1 26. 

Church  of  the  Brethren  August/September  1 997 

-Sk.     N 



'%       'k 

TO  eELKBRATE?  -     . 

Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Subscriptions:  Vicl<i  Roche 
Promotion:  Howard  E.  Royer 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Wendy  McFadden 

On  the  cover: 
Okay,  so  the 
fireworks  were 
for  the  Fourth  of  July.  But 
for  the  Brethren  at  Long 
Beach,  it  wasn't  so  clear 
how  much  celebrating  was 
in  order.  The  New  Design 
was  accepted,  but  would 
its  implementation  solve 
basic  problems? 


10     Remembering  the 'Middle  Man': 
Celebrating  John  Kline's  200th 

Nevin  Dulabaum  reports  that  for  the 
throngs  who  attended  lohn  Kline's  200th 
birthday  party,  it  was  somewhat  as  if  the 
guest  of  honor  were  still  around. 

14     Long  Beach  '97: 

Dealing  with  a  design 

The  Messenger  staff  and  others  report  on 
Annual  Conference  in  Long  Beach,  Calif., 
where  the  New  Design  of  the  General 
Board  dominated  the  meeting  agenda. 
Photography  by  leff  Leard. 

34     Life  is  forever 

Chalmer  E.  Faw  writes  that  believing  in 
|ohn  3:16  makes  all  the  difference  in  the 
world  for  Christians. 



From  the  Editor 


In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 




Stepping  Stones 


Pontius'  Puddle 




Turning  Points 


How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-mail:  CoBNews@AOL.Com 
Fax:  (847)  742-6103 
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Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75c  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
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Coming  next  month 

Some  different  ways  to  start 
new  churches. 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Atl,  N.E,,  Ron 
Lutz;  Atl.  S.E.,  Ruby  Rajmer;  III.AVi.s.,  Kreston  Lipscomb; 
S/C  Ind..  Marjorie  Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good;  Mid-Atl., 
Ann  Fouts;  Mo. /Ark.,  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains,  Faith 
Strom;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack  Kline; 
Ore./Wash.,  Marguerite  Shamberger;  Pac,  S.W.,  Randy 
Miller;  M.  Pa.,  Eva  Wampler;  S.  Pa.,  Elmer  Q.  Gleini; 
W  Pa.,  Jay  Christner;  Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  S.E.,  Donna 
Shumate;  S.  Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Viriina,  Jerry  Naff; 
W  Plains,  Dean  Humnier;  W  Marva,  \CTnoma  Sputgeon. 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Entered  as  second-class  matter  Aug. 
20, 1918,  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct.  17, 1917. 
Filing  date,  Nov  1, 1984.  Member  of  the  Associated 
Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion  News  Service 
&  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical  quotations, 
unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from  the  New  Revised 
Standard  Version.  Messenger  is  owned  and  published 
11  times  a  year  by  the  General  Services  Commission, 
Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board.  Second-class 
postage  paid  at  Elgin,  III.,  and  at  additional  mailing 
office,  August  1997,  Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the 
Brethren  General  Board,  ISSN  0026-0355. 
Postmaster;  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

With  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  getting  set  to  celebrate 
its  50th  anniversary,  it  figures  that  a  "Planned  Giving" 
breakfast  at  Annua!  Conference  is  going  to  pull  in  a  crowd 
with  lots  of  veterans  from  the  early  years  of  BVS  as  guests.  At  the 
1997  event  in  Long  Beach,  one  veteran  from  those  early  years  was 
there  as  the  guest  speaker.  And  several  of  his  old  BVS  buddies  were 
on  hand  to  hear  him  and  to  greet  him.  Don  Murray  entered  BVS  in 
1952,  four  years  after  its  founding. 

Brethren  are  generally  aware  of 
Don's  story,  how,  being  a  conscientious 
objector  to  war,  he  interrupted  his  acting 
career  to  enter  Alternative  Service  through 
BVS,  served  in  Europe,  and  returned 
home  to  found  a  service  project  to  aid 
in  resettling  refugees  like  those  he  had 
worked  among.  And  he  successfully  pur- 
sued his  acting  career  in  plays,  films, 
and  television.  He  is  still  busy  at  age  68. 
As  Don  retold  the  story  of  his  BVS 
stint  and  life  afterward,  one  episode 
came  out  that  had  not  been  clear  to 
me  before.  Don  told  how  he  —  and 
BVS — had  a  part  in  the  formation  of 
the  Peace  Corps.  During  the  political  campaign  of 
1956,  Don,  a  Democrat,  was  assigned  to  introduce 
Estes  Kefauver,  the  vice-presidential  candidate,  at  a 
political  rally.  Kefauver  had  not  shown  up  by  speech 
time,  and  Don,  to  his  surprise,  was  asked  to  ad  lib  a 
speech  to  fill  the  gap.  Unprepared,  Don  talked  about 
the  subject  he  knew  best  —  Brethren  Volunteer  Ser- 
vice. Hubert  Humphrey  was  at  the  rally  and  heard  Don's  speech. 
He  did  not  forget  it.  A  few  years  later,  Humphrey  was  still  talking 
about  the  idea  of  a  national  service  program  for  youth.  He  bent  the 
ear  of  President  John  F.  Kennedy,  and  the  rest  is  history. 

It  is  unlikely  that  many  stories  with  implications  as  far-reaching 
as  Don  Murray's  part  in  Peace  Corps  beginnings  will  surface  during 
the  BVS  50th  anniversary  celebration.  But  the  BVS  staff  is  inviting 
all  former  BVSers  to  submit  their  stories  as  part  of  the  celebration. 
So,  dust  off  those  stories  you've  told  so  often,  BVSers,  and  send 
them  to  the  BVS  Office,  at  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 
Maybe  you  didn't  precipitate  the  founding  of  the  Peace  Corps,  but 
your  service  and  witness  counted  too. 

Former  BVSer  Don  Murray, 

speaking  at  the  Planned 
Giving  Breakfast  at  Annual 
Conference,  told  about  his 
role  in  the  founding  of  the 
Peace  Corps. 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

August/September  1997  Messenger  1 

Ken  Morse,  84-year- 
old  former  editor  of 
Messenger,  and  a 
founder  ofAACB. 
was  presented  a  gift 
of  stained  glass  by  the 
association 's  present 
leaders.  Ken 's  most 
recent  achievement 
was  the  publication 
of  his  book  Preaching 
in  a  Tavern. 

Letters  to  death  row 

"I  love  to  write  letters,  and  I 
hate  the  death  penalty,"  says 
Beth  Beery  Portela,  a  mem- 
ber of  Huntington  (Ind.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Ten 
years  ago,  those  feelings 
prompted  Beth,  then  a  Man- 
chester College  student,  to 
begin  writing  to  a  man  on 
death  row. 

Her  interest  in  prison 
ministry  had  been  piqued  by 
a  National  Youth  Confer- 
ence workshop  about  pris- 
ons. The  workshop  leader 

marked  the  size  of  a  prison 
cell  on  the  floor.  Beth  was 
surprised  at  how  many 
hours  prisoners  were  con- 
fined to  such  a  small  space. 

In  1987,  Beth  contacted 
the  Death  Row  Support 
Project  and  received  the 
name  of  David  Spence,  on 
death  row  in  Texas.  Through 
corresponding  with  David, 
she  became  aware  of  many 
injustices  facing  prisoners. 

Another  surprise  was  the 
support  she  received  from 
David.  She  had  thought  she 
would  be  providing  support 

All  award  for  an  AACB  founder 

Renneth  I.  Morse,  a  former  editor  of  Messenger,  a  poet, 
hymn-writer,  and  the  author  of  several  books,  is  also 
one  of  the  founders  (1971)  of  the  Association  for  the  Arts  in 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  (AACB) .  At  the  April  1 997  meet- 
ing ofAACB  coordinators,  Delbert  Blickenstaff  was  asked  to 
make  a  stained-glass  gift  using  the  title  of  Ken's  familiar  hymn 
"Move  in  Our  Midst."  The  gift  was  presented  to  Ken  on  April 
21  by  the  coordinators  (from  left),  Delbert  and  Louise  Blick- 
enstaff, Carolyn  Shumaker,  and  Margaret  Pletcher. 

Beth  Beery  Portela 

for  him,  but  it  worked  both 
ways.  "David  was  really 
supportive  of  my  studies   ■ 
and  things  that  I  was  going 
through  in  life." 

Beth  had  a  last  visit  in 
Texas  with  David  before  his 
April  3  execution.  When  his 
obituary  appeared  in  a 
newspaper,  it  included  a 
poem  that  he  had  written  for( 
her  several  years  ago. 

Although  David's  execu- 
tion was  a  painful  experi- 
ence for  Beth,  she  asked  fori 
another  prisoner  to  whom 
she  could  write. 

A  high  school  Spanish 
teacher,  Beth  now  is  writing 
to  people  on  death  row  in  In- 
diana, Texas,  and  Florida 
who  know  only  Spanish.  Of 
these  letters,  Beth  says,  "I  am 
reminded  of  how  much  this 
correspondence  means  to  the 
prisoners.  The  gratitude  is 
felt  on  a  level  that  can  hardly 
be  expressed  with  words." 

The  Death  Row  Support 
Project  is  a  ministry  of  the 
Washington  Office  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren. 
People  who  are  interested 
in  writing  to  prisoners  can 
contact  the  Death  Row 
Support  Project  at  P.O.  Box 
600,  Liberty  Mills,  IN 
46946. — Rachel  Gross 

Rachel  Gross,  of  Liberty  Mills, 
bid.,  serves  with  the  Death  Row 
Support  Project. 

2  Messenger  August/September  1997 


m    laiE 

lack  Bragunier  not  only  is  a  faithful  volunteer  worker  at 
Camp  Eder.  but  also  serves  as  a  role  model  for  the  campers. 

Jack  of  all  trades 

Karen  Rowland,  food  service  director  at  Southern 
Pennsylvania  District's  Camp  Eder,  knows  what 
she's  talking  about:  "The  real  value  of  reliable,  long-term 
volunteers  to  a  church  camp  is  hard  to  put  into  words.  We 
look  for  volunteers  such  as  Jack  Bragunier,  who  comes 
with  willingness  and  ability  to  fit  in,  to  tackle  and  com- 
plete any  job  given  to  him." 

[ack,  a  member  of  Waynesboro  (Pa.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  is  that  and  more.  He  also  serves  as  a  role  model 
for  campers  and  camp  staff,  who  learn  from  him  valuable 
lessons  in  flexibility,  positive  attitude,  and  the  Brethren 
value  of  serving  others. 

Jack  has  volunteered  one  day  a  week  at  Camp  Eder  since 
1978.  He  has  cut  firewood,  repaired  tents,  cooked, 
washed  dishes,  repaired  vehicles,  and  even  cleaned  the  toi- 
lets. He  feels  that  volunteering  is  important,  grinning  and 
saying,  "It's  what  God  put  into  my  heart  to  do,  and  I  just 
feel  so  good  when  I'm  helping  at  camp." 

Curt  Rowland,  executive  director  of  the  camp,  always 
depends  on  Jack.  "When  October  comes,"  he  says,  "it  will 
be  jack  who  fires  the  pits  and  supervises  the  preparation 
and  cooking  of  the  nine  200-pound  pigs  that  will  be  con- 
sumed that  day." 

Jack's  volunteering  at  camp  is  just  part  of  his  story.  On 
the  side,  he  helps  with  the  district  beef-canning  project, 
uses  vacation  time  to  attend  out-of-state  workcamps,  and 
occasionally  teaches  an  adult  Sunday  school  class. 
— Alton  Good 

Alton  Good,  a  member  of  Chambersburg  (Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
works  in  print  media  with  an  advertising  agency.  He  is  a  part-time  em- 
ployee of  Camp  Eder 

Therapeutic  singing 

My  songs  are  therapy,"  says  Faith  Sheaffer 
Thornberry.  "Each  song  has  its  own  story." 

Faith  is  talking  in  general  of  the  songs  she  has  composed 
and  sung,  but  specifically  of  the  1  3  that  are  on  her  cassette, 
"Shattered  Clay,"  released  early  this  year. 

Music  has  always  been  the  cornerstone  of  life  for  Faith, 
who  grew  up  in  East  Nimishillen  Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
North  Canton,  Ohio.  As  a  child,  she  sang  there  with  her  fa- 
ther and  six  siblings.  Today  she  often  is  a  soloist  for  worship 
services  and  leads  the  bell  choir. 

Faith  works  as  an  adult  counselor 
and  trainer  and  is  studying  for  a 
degree  in  adult  educational  coun- 
seling. But  music  is  what  she 
lives  for.  The  selections  on  her 
cassette  were  each  inspired  by  sig- 
nificant events  in  her  life. 

"Music  helps  me  say  what  I 
want  to  say,"  explains  Faith, 
"and  my  church  family  kept  en- 
couraging me  through  the 
years  to  record  it  for  keeps." 

The  cassette  title  comes 
from  Jeremiah  18:3-4:  "So  I  went 

down  to  the  potter's  house,  and  there  he  was  working  at 
his  wheel.  The  vessel  he  was  making  of  clay  was  spoiled  in 
the  potter's  hand,  and  he  reworked  it  into  another  vessel, 
as  seemed  good  to  him." 

Faith's  cassette,  with  instrumentals  by  a  Canton,  Ohio, 
music  team,  carries  this  dedication:  "The  gift  of  my  music 
is  dedicated  to  my  loving  family  and  friends  who  have  been 
'assistant  potters.'  May  I  become  what  you  all  see  in  me." 

Shattered  clay  takes  on  a  new  form,  as  seems  good 
to  the  potter. 

Names  in  the  news 

Ron  Mclnnis  and  |osh 
Mclnnis,  father  and  son, 
and  members  of  Christ  the 
Servant  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  Cape  Coral, 
Fla.,  won  dual  honors  in  lo- 
cal education  circles  this 
spring.  Ron  was  named 
Teacher  of  the  Year  by  Cape 
Coral  Chamber  of  Com- 
merce, and  Josh  was  named 
Student  of  the  Year  at 
Trafalgar  Middle  School. 

•   LaVon  Rupel,  a 
member  of  Modesto 

(Calif.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  was  named  to 
the  Order  of  the  Pacific  by 
the  University  of  the  Pa- 
cific at  its  May  23  com- 
mencement in  Stockton. 
She  retired  in  May  after 
20  years  of  service  with 
the  university's  counseling 
center.  She  had  been  di- 
rector since  1990. 

"In  Touch" profiles  Brethren  we  would 
like  you  to  meet.  Send  story  ideas  and 
photos  to  "In  Touch,  "Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin.  IL  60120. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  3 


A  giant  billboard  is 

central  to  Community 
church's  campaign  to 
make  itself  more 
visible  in  Mesa,  Ariz. 

Will  it  pay  to  advertise? 

Community  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Mesa,  Ariz., 
has  set  its  lamp  on  a  stand,  so  to  speak.  Recently  it 
rented  a  local  billboard  for  $500  a  month,  displaying  on  it 
an  invitation  to  join  the  congregation  in  "continuing  the 
work  of  lesus." 

Part  of  the  bargain  is  that  the  second  side  of  the  bill- 
board may  be  used  for  free  until  another  renter  is  found. 
Art  for  the  huge  sign  cost  $600. 

Continuing  the  work  of  advertising,  flyers  are  being  pro- 
duced with  the  billboard  sign  as  cover  art  and  text  from 
Church  of  the  Brethren:  Another  Way  of  Living  on  the  back 
side.  The  flyer  is  designed  for  folding  and  mailing.  Church 
of  the  Brethren  logo  postcards  and  bumper  stickers  are 
also  being  produced.  In  case  all  this  is  not  enough,  four 
new  signs  have  been  erected  at  the  church  intersection. 
They  also  carry  the  logo.  And  there  is  newspaper  advertis- 
ing planned,  as  well. 

Acknowledging  that  the  cost  of  all  this  is  one-fifth  of  the 
congregation's  annual  budget.  Community  church  calls  its 
advertising  blitz  a  leap  of  faith. 

One  thing's  for  sure:  You  can't  drive 
through  Mesa,  Ariz.,  these  days 
and  miss  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren. 


A  successful  drive 

Harrisburg  (Pa.)  First 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  a 
century-old  congregation, 
has  completed  a  12-week 
fund  drive  that  raised 
$352, 138  for  improving  its 
building  and  grounds.  Plans 

call  for  repairing  and 
expanding  air-conditioning 
and  parking  lots,  installing 
an  "elevette,"  and  renovat- 
ing sidewalks  and  outside 
stairs.  The  fund  drive  car- 
ried the  theme  "Sharing  . . . 
Serving  . . .  into  our  Second 

Let's  celebrate 

The  University  of  La  Verne«!f| 

marked  the  40th  anniversar 
of  its  Summer  Service  pro- 
gram May  7.  At  the  celebra- 
tion tea,  15  1997  Summer 
Service  participants  were  in 
troduced.  Summer  Service 
was  created  in  1 957  to  providei 
an  opportunity  for  students  tc 
perform  church-related  service 
and  develop  leadership  skills. 

•  McFarland  (Calif.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren  held 
an  85th  anniversary  celebra- 
tion April  13.  More  celebrat 
ing  will  take  place  through- 
out the  year,  with  former 
pastors  returning  to  preach. 

•  Piqua  (Ohio)  Church  o{\ 
the  Brethren  celebrated  its 
70th  anniversary  April  27  with 
a  program  called  "Reflections 
of  the  Past."  Included  was 
preaching,  reminiscing,  and 
music  by  a  special  choir. 

•  Concord  (N.C.)  Fel- 
lowship held  a  chartering 
service  May  18.  Bob  Ketter- 
ing, director  of  Church  De- 
velopment, was  the  speaker. 

•  Shalom  Fellowship  in 
Durham,  N.C,  dedicated  its 
newly  acquired  and  remod- 
eled building  |uly  27.  Much 
use  was  made  of  volunteers 
in  the  remodeling  work. 

•  Danville  (Va.)  Em- 
manuel Church  of  the 
Brethren  marked  its  35th  an- 
niversary May  18.  Preach- 
ing, singing,  and  eating 
highlighted  the  celebration. 

•  On  Aug.  1  7,  Onekama 
(Mich.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren  is  celebrating  the 
50th  anniversary  of  its  pre- 
sent building,  which  replaced 
a  church  that  burned  in 
1947.  Besides  a  rededication 
service  and  an  anniversary 
meal,  there  were  to  be  boat 
rides  on  Portage  Lake. 

4  Messenger  August/September  1997 

)oing  their  bit  for  Dan 

Thousands  of  volleys  have 
rossed  the  net  since  the 
hunger  Action  Committee 
it  Ridgeway  Church  of  the 
brethren  in  Harrisburg,  Pa., 
nitiated  its  volleyball  mara- 
hon  in  1977.  The  annual 
■vent  raises  money  for  Heifer 
'rojcct  International  (HPI). 

;\t  the  beginning,  youth 
rum  neighboring  congrega- 
ions  were  invited  to  secure 
jledges  and  to  play  in  a  24- 
lour  tournament.  Parents 
ind  other  church  members 
lelped  with  scheduling,  ref- 
;reeing,  preparing  food, 
jnd  cleaning  up. 

Because  each  church  col- 
ected  and  forwarded  its 
pledge  money,  the  total 
amount  sent  to  HPI  over 
the  years  is  not  known.  The 
record  dollar  amount  of 
pledges,  however,  was  set 
in  1990:  $9,092.78. 

Some  years  there  has 
been  television  coverage. 
Some  years  a  12-foot  cow 
figure  on  the  grounds  has 
advertised  the  event. 

Eligibility  rules  have 
changed.  Twenty-four  hours 

have  been  reduced  to  1 2. 
Both  day  and  night 
marathons  have  been  tried. 
In  1996,  only  four  teams 
participated.  The  grown-ups 
wanted  to  shorten  the  event; 
the  youth  insisted  on  playing 
the  entire  12  hours.  The 
congregation  has  debated 
dropping  the  project.  But 
still  the  marathon  goes  on. 
Trophies  are  awarded  to 
the  team  with  the  highest 
pledge  amount  and  to  the 
tournament  winner.  But 
everyone  shares  in  the  fel- 
lowship and  in  the  satisfac- 
tion of  helping  speed  Dan 
West's  heifers  on  their  way. 

Adapted  from  a  report  by  Evelyn  M. 
Frantz  of  the  Ridgeway  congregation. 

Getting  their  feet  wet 

As  a  preview  of  what's  in 
store  when  one  becomes  a 
baptized  member  of  the 
church,  Everett  (Pa.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren  held  a  simu- 
lated love  feast,  communion, 
and  feetwashing  for  its  chil- 
dren while  adult  members 
conducted  their  own. 

Amy  Collins  washed  the  feet  of  Kevin  Claycomb  during 
Everett  church's  love  feast,  communion,  and  feetwashing 
staged  just  for  the  children  of  the  congregation. 

When  the  children  at  Carlisle  decided  to  grow  their  own 
garden  produce  for  donation  to  needy  people  in  the 
community,  they  chose  what  to  plant  and  sowed  the  seeds. 

Some  children  went  out  to  sow 

Sunday  school  teacher  Laura  Plumley  of  Carlisle  (Pa.) 
First  Church  of  the  Brethren  had  an  idea:  Have  her 
third-graders  join  the  fight  against  hunger  in  the  commu- 
nity by  planting  a  garden. 

The  idea  caught  on.  One  Sunday  this  past  spring,  more 
than  50  people  showed  up  to  help  the  children  sow  their 
seed  and  set  out  plants — vegetables  such  as  tomatoes, 
broccoli,  lettuce,  peppers,  and  carrots.  The  garden  is  by 
the  church. 

Teacher  lane  Nehring  wrote  a  13 -week  curriculum 
based  on  the  parable  of  the  sower  to  accompany  the  pro- 
ject. By  design,  the  project  involved  older  members  of  the 
congregation  helping  the  children.  Said  |ane  after  the 
intergenerational  group  had  set  out  the  garden,  "The  pur- 
pose is  to  give  the  kids  a  sense  that  even  though  they  are 
little,  they  can  do  big  things." 

Twenty-two  children  met 
in  the  basement  during  the 
adults'  observance  upstairs. 
Adult  helpers  explained  and 
stressed  the  significance  of 
what  the  children  were 
about  to  experience,  then 
led  them  through  feetwash- 
ing and  communion,  and 
followed  with  love  feast. 

"We  want  our  children  to 
know  and  love  |esus,"  said 
Children's  Worship  director 
Carla  Crabtree.  "This  was  a 
way  the  children  could  par- 
ticipate in  a  way  they  un- 

Helper  Jean  Sunday  ex- 
plained the  rationale:  "If  the 
meaning  and  practice  of  love 
feast  is  taught  from  the  little 
ones  up,  then  when  they  are 
older,  they  will  be  more 

likely  to  attend  because  they 
will  be  comfortable  with  it." 

Pastor  John  Click  added, 
"When  I  was  growing  up, 
love  feast  was  not  an  occa- 
sion in  which  children  could 
fully  participate.  That  does- 
n't feel  consistent  with  le- 
sus'  words,  'Let  the  children 
come  to  me.'" 

So,  in  a  sense  the  chil- 
dren's service  is  Everett's 
invitation:  Come  to  lesus. 

Adapted  from  a  report  submitted 
by  Delia  Waiters,  a  member  of  the 
Everett  congregation. 

"Close  to  Home" highlights  news  of 
congregations,  disti^cts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  5 


SueZann  Bosler, 

an  ardent  opponent 
of  the  death  penalty, 
addressed  Annual 
Conference  attendees 
in  1988  in  St.  Louis, 
following  the  murder 
of  her  father 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/^Messenger 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  be  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

Bosler's  murderer  receives 
sentence  of  life  in  prison 

James  Campbell,  convicted  of  the 
1986  murder  of  Bill  Bosler,  pastor  of 
Miami  First  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
and  for  the  attack  on  Bill's  daughter 
SueZann,  on  June  13  had  his  sentence 
commuted  from  death  to 
life  in  prison.  It  was 
Campbell's  third  sentenc- 
ing hearing  as  the  Florida 
Supreme  Court  had  twice 
overturned  his  death  sen- 
tence (but  not  the  convic- 

SueZann  Bosler  was 
called  to  testify  at  this 
latest  hearing.  Since  her 
father's  death,  she  has 
actively  voiced  her  oppo- 
sition to  the  death  pen- 
alty, working  with  Mur- 
der Victim's  Families  for 
Reconciliation  (MVFR). 

During  the  hearing 
SueZann  was  prevented 
from  expressing  her  opinions  in  court 
because  of  a  Florida  law  that  pro- 
hibits victims  from  testifying  with  re- 
gard to  the  punishment  of  a  crime. 
However,  when  asked  during  her  tes- 
timony where  she  works,  SueZann 
mentioned  MVFR  in  her  response. 
For  that  she  received  a  warning  and  a 
threat  of  six  months  in  jail. 

According  to  the  Miami  Herald,  the 
judge  invited  SueZann  to  speak  after 
the  jury's  8-4  decision  was  announced. 

"Thank  you  for  giving  life  and  not 
death  to  James  Bernard  Campbell," 
she  said.  "I'm  so  overwhelmed.... 
This  is  the  happiest  moment  of  the 
last  10  '/i  years  for  me.  I  have  work- 
ed hard  for  his  life  to  be  spared.  Now 
I  can  go  on  with  my  life." 

SueZann  was  nearly  killed  by 
Campbell.  Yet,  as  she  has  addressed 
audiences  nationwide  on  behalf  of 
MVFR,  she  has  carried  a  Bible  en- 
graved with  Campbell's  name.  She 
had  asked  people  to  sign  it  for 
Campbell,  and  on  June  14  finally 
presented  it  to  his  attorney.  She  also 

was  told  that  Campbell  now  intends 
to  let  her  visit  him  in  prison. 

General  Board  okays  SERRV 
study;  '98  budget  parameter; 

The  General  Board  convened  just  prio 
to  Annual  Conference  for  its  summer 
meetings.  In  addition  to  addressing 
components  of  its  New  Design  (see 
pages  20-21),  the  Board: 

•  approved  a  report  by  the  SERRV 
International  Advisory  Committee  thaj 
calls  for  the  exploration  of  the  pros, 
cons,  and  feasibility  of  SERRV  incor- 
porating as  a  separate  institution. 

•  approved  a  proposal  from  its 
Leadership  Team  for  a  $150,000 
reduction  to  its  1998  budget  parame- 
ter, down  to  $4,850,000  (plus 
$135,000  in  "Behold  I  make  all  things 
new"  financial  commitment  funds). 

•  approved  a  resolution  calling  for 
the  closing  of  the  School  of  the  Amer- 
icas, a  military  school  in  Georgia. 

The  Board  also  heard  that  the  com- 
mittee assembled  to  help  select  the  fu- 
ture site  of  the  Board's  central  offices, 
was  expected  to  convene  for  the  first 
time  following  Annual  Conference. 
That  committee  is  expected  to  present 
a  proposal  to  the  Board  next  March. 

Consultation  to  discuss  the 
future  of  women's  programs 

The  future  of  Church  of  the  Brethren 
women's  programs  will  be  the  focus 
of  the  National  Women's  Council  of 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  consulta- 
tion, Sept.  12-14,  at  Northview 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Indianapolis. 

As  part  of  its  redesign,  the  General 
Board  has  reduced  its  funding  for 
national  women's  ministries.  Thus, 
women  from  each  district  are  invited 
to  the  consultation  to  discuss  future 
program  possibilities. 

For  more  information,  contact 
Cynthia  Mason  at  (814)  466-6101. 

6  Messenger  August/September  1997 

Bethany  Theological  Seminary  awarded  degrees  to  14  students  during  its 
commencement  exercises  in  May.  Graduates  included  (front  row,  left  to 
right):  Nancy  Fitzsimons,  Nancy  Moore,  Robert  Coarsen,  Sheila 
Shumaker,  Eric  Anspaugh,  and  Tricia  Sadd.  (Back  row):  Nancy  Heisey 
Hess.  Allen  Kahler,  Walter  Fitzsimons,  Kenneth  Oren,  Steven  Spire,  and 
Robert  Bitner 

Andrew  Center  to  become 
'New  Life  Ministries' 

The  future  of  The  Andrew  Center, 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board's  evangelism  ministry,  was  the 
focus  of  a  meeting  between  its  ad- 
ministrators and  ecumenical  part- 
ners, May  30-31,  in  Chicago. 

Twenty  people  from  seven  Anabap- 
tist denominations  and  church 
groups  proposed  creating  a  new  or- 
ganization called  "New  Life  Min- 
istries," which  will  succeed  The  An- 
drew Center. 

The  General  Board's  financial  sup- 
port of  the  center  is  scheduled  to 
cease  Dec.  31  due  to  the  Board's  re- 
idesign.  However,  the  Board  will  still 
retain  the  center's  name. 

Possibilities  for  the  future  include 
establishing  a  satellite  office  in  Can- 
ada; planning  regional  New  Life  As- 
semblies, seminars  and  training 
events;  adding  church  planting  to  the 
center's  focus  of  evangelism  and 
church  vitality;  replacing  the  "New 
Beginnings"  newsletter  with  a  one- 
page  monthly  mailing;  outsourcing 
published  materials  to  LifeQuest 
(Christian  Community)  and  to  the 
Shalom  Foundation  (publishers  of 
"Together");  and  establishing  a  site 
on  the  World  Wide  Web. 

This  fall  participating  organiza- 
tions will  seek  support  from  their  re- 
spective boards  to  help  raise  the 
$  1 20,000  needed  for  a  "bare-bones 
budget,"  according  to  an  Andrew 
Center  press  release. 

General  Board  terminations 
from  March  take  effect 

The  terminations  announced  in 
March  by  the  General  Board  as  part 
of  its  redesign  began  )uly  18.  Con- 
cluding their  employment  that  day 
were  Marianna  Barriga,  Martha 
Cupp,  Joe  Mason,  Dale  Minnich,  Jan 
Morse,  Marge  Moeller,  Barb  Ober, 
Roberta  Rosser,  Robert  Smith,  Linda 
Swanson,  and  Paula  Wilding. 

Messenger  editor  Kermon 
Thomasson,  whose  employment  ter- 
mination had  been  scheduled  for  )uly 
25,  accepted  an  invitation  from  the 
General  Board's  Transition  Team  to 
continue  serving.  He  plans  to  retire 
at  year's  end. 

Also  receiving  extensions  were  |une 
Gibble  and  Jean  Hendricks  (August 
18),  |an  Eller  and  |im  Kinsey  (Oct. 
15),  and  Shantilal  Bhagat,  Ron 
Finney,  |ohn  Harvey,  and  Cynthia 
Stocksdale  (not  yet  determined). 

'Global  villages'  featured  at 
International  Festival  in  May 

A  "village"  from  Africa,  the  Ameri- 
cas, and  Southeast  Asia  was  the  focal 
point  of  the  Seventh  Annual  Interna- 
tional Festival,  May  10,  at  the 
Brethren  Service  Center,  New  Wind- 
sor, Md.  More  than  3,000  people  at- 
tended the  gathering,  which  featured 
entertainment,  crafts,  and  cuisine. 

Featured  performers  during  the 
festival  included  World  Dance  Focus, 
a  music  and  dance  troupe  focusing 
on  Africa;  Tanghalang,  a  Filipino 
dance  group;  a  Caribbean  steel  drum 
band;  and  a  group  of  doggers  from 
Carroll  County,  Md. 

Featured  SERRV  artisans  included 
artisan  Conrado  Conjeloado,  who 
makes  capiz  from  clam  shells; 
Chippewa  who  make  crafts  from 
birchbark;  and  Candles  of  Hope,  a 
North  Carolina  women's  group  that 
rolls  beeswax  candles. 

While  it  is  doubtful  this  headgear 
came  with  ice  cream  cone-eating 
instructions,  this  International 
Festival  participant,  nevertheless, 
appears  to  be  doing  just  fine. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  7 

Over  200  'wade  on  in'  to  this 
year's  'Dancing'  conference 

"Wade  on  In:  Dancing  at  the  Water's 
Edge"  served  as  theme  of  the  third 
annual  "Dancing  at  the  . . . .  "  event, 
sponsored  by  Womaen's  Caucus  and 
Brethren  Mennonite  Council  for  Gay 
and  Lesbian  Concerns. 

According  to  a  Womaen's  Caucus 
release,  this  year's  gathering,  which 
drew  over  200  people,  "emphasized 
drawing  closer  together  while  cele- 
brating diversity."  It  was  held  |une 
28-30,  just  prior  to  Annual  Confer- 
ence, at  La  Verne  (Calif.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren  and  at  the  University  of 
La  Verne. 

Activities  included  worship  services, 
concerts,  a  theater  performance  ex- 
ploring issues  of  sexuality  and  accep- 
tance, and  afternoon  conversation 
circles.  Topics  of  discussion  included 
"Responding  to  Denominational  Si- 
lencing;" "Supportive  Congregations 
Network;"  "Gay,  Lesbian,  Bisexual, 
and  Still  Christian;"  "Struggling  to 
Survive:  Women  and  the  Church;" 
"Church  of  the  Brethren  Restructur- 
ing Implications;"  and  "Envisioning  a 
New  Future  for  the  Church." 

Andy  Loomis  of  Washington,  D.C., 
listens  while  Ken  Rieman  of 
Richmond,  Ind.,  makes  a  point 
regarding  the  General  Board's  New 
Design  during  a  "Wade  on  In" 
session.  This  session  was  one  of 
several  "conversation  circles"  that 
dealt  with  a  variety  of  topics  during 
the  three-day  event  in  June. 

Gilbert  Romero,  pastor  of  Bella  Vista  Church  of  the  Brethren.  Los  Angeles, 
delivers  a  short  Bible  lesson  to  some  of  the  200  children  and  youth  of 
Tijuana,  Mexico,  who  attend  Centra  Infantil  Shalom  three  times  a  week.  In 
June  this  program  received  a  $5,000  grant  from  the  Global  Food  Crisis 
Fund,  through  Companeros  en  Ministerio  (Partners  in  Ministry),  for  food 
for  single  mothers  and  street  children.  Also  in  lune  $10,000  from  GFCF 
was  granted  to  The  Wilderness  of  Anosino  Project  in  Russia  for  agricultural 
and  dairy  development  programs.  $1 ,000  was  allocated  by  Emergency 
Disaster  Fund  to  help  provide  sanitary  household  furnishings  for  1,600 
houses  in  Modesto,  Calif,  that  were  flooded  with  contaminated  water. 

Directors  named  to  Young 
Center,  Leadership  Team 

Directors  to  Elizabethtown  (Pa.) 
College's  Young  Center  and  to  the 
General  Board's  Leadership  Team 
were  announced  in  early  summer. 

David  Eller  will  begin  work  as  di- 
rector of  Elizabethtown  College's 
Young  Center  for  the  Study  of  An- 
abaptist and  Pietist  Groups,  on  Aug. 
1 5.  A  member  of  Green  Tree  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  Oaks,  Pa.,  Eller  will 
also  serve  as  professor  of  history  and 
religious  studies. 

He  previously  served  as  executive 
director  of  Swedenborg  Foundation, 
West  Chester,  Pa. 

Allen  Hansel!  was  hired  as  director 
of  Ministry,  effective  Oct.  16.  Han- 
sell  has  served  as  executive  of  Atlan- 
tic Northeast  District  since  1989. 

Hansell  has  pastored  three  Church 
of  the  Brethren  congregations — 
Mountville  (Pa.),  Wilmington  (Del.), 
and  Hagerstown  (Md.). 

David  Radcliff  was  hired  as  director 
of  Brethren  Witness,  effective  |uly  5. 
Radcliff  has  served  the  General  Board  l 
since  1989  as  director  of  Denomina- 
tional Peace  Witness.  Since  1990  he 
also  has  served  as  director  of  Korean 

Prior  to  joining  the  General  Board 
staff,  Radcliff  served  the  pastorates  of 
Pleasant  View  Church 
of  the  Brethren, 
Burkittsville,  Md.; 
Williamson  Road 

Church  of  the  \f^llk^^ 

Brethren,  Roanoke, 
Va.;  and  Midland 
(Va.)  Church  of  the 

Allen  Hansell 

David  Radcliff 

8  Messenger  August/September  1997 

Ill  lirief 

lAfrican-American  Church  of  the  Brethren  ministry  students 
are  encouraged  to  apply  for  the  William  A.  Hayes  IVIemorial 
Scholarship.  Created  in  memory  of  the  former  Annual  Confer- 
ence moderator,  the  scholarship  provides  $500  per  year.  For 
more  information,  call  the  Office  of  Ministry  at  (800)  323-8039. 

:Over  880  children  were  cared  for  by  21  Cooperative  Disaster 
Child  Care  workers  on  site  in  Grand  Forks,  N.D.,  May  28— June 
27.  Working  the  first  shift  w/ere  Karen  Walters,  who  served  as 
CDCC  Disaster  Project  Manager,  of  Phoenix  (Ariz.)  First  Church  of 
the  Brethren;  Frances  Sproat  of  Messiah  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
Kansas  City,  Mo.;  Sally  Caracheo  of  Highland  Avenue  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  Elgin,  III.;  and  Julie  Sword  of  Lanark  (III.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren.  Joining  the  project  while  in  progress,  all  from  Iowa, 
were  Pauline  Flory  of  Cedar  Rapids;  Carolyn  Waters  of  Waterloo; 
and  John  and  Lorna  Grow  of  Dallas  Center. 

Five  CDCC  workers,  including  Millie  Smith  of  Mount  Morris 
(III.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  assisted  the  Federal  Emergency 
Management  Agency  in  East  Grand  Forks,  Minn.,  May  8-23, 
caring  for  286  children. 

Two  new  Brethren  books  have  been  released  this  summer. 
The  Story  Behind  the  Touch  of  the  Master's  Hand  is  an  illustrated 
version  of  the  well-known  poem, 
plus  the  story  of  the 
poet,  Myra  Brooks 
Welch.  The  book  is 
written  by  Wendy 
McFadden  and  includes 
photos  by  Phil  Grout. 
Preaching  in  a  Tavern,  by 
Ken  Morse,  is  a  collec- 
tion of  130  anecdotes 
from  Brethren  history.  To  order  either 
book,  contact  Brethren  Press  at  (800)  441- 
3712  or  at  Brethren. Press. parti@Ecunet. Org. 

Learning  first-hand  of  the  tensions  in  the  IVIiddle  East 

and  the  tenuous  ongoing  peace  process  will  be  possible  Nov. 
1 7— Dec.  1  through  a  "For  the  Peace  of  Jerusalem"  tour.  Partici- 
pants will  meet  with  Muslims,  Jews,  and  Christians  in  Jerusalem, 
as  well  as  visit  historic  sites. 

David  Metzler,  professor  emeritus  from  Bridgewater  (Va.)  Col- 
lege, will  lead  the  tour,  which  is  sponsored  by  the  General 
Board's  Global  Mission  Partnerships  with  assistance  from  the 
Middle  East  Council  of  Churches,  Call  (800)  323-8039,  ext.  230. 

More  than  50  Brethren  attended  Brethren  Revival  Fellowship's 
first  annual  meeting  held  west  of  the  Mississippi,  June  29,  at  Lind- 
say (Calif.)  Church  of  the  Brethren.  "BRF  Goals  for  Renewal  in  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren"  was  the  meeting's  theme,  which  featured 
two  keynote  addresses.  Harold  Martin,  BRF  Witness  editor,  spoke 
on  "BRF:  Past  and  Present,"  while  Jim  Myer,  BRF  leader,  spoke  on 
"BRF  and  Revival  in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren." 

Youth  Peace  Travel  Team  '97  members 
are  {clocicwise,  from  lower  left) 
Jessica  Lehman,  Nathan  Mussleman. 
Mil<e  Brinkmeier,  and  Jackie  Hartley. 

During  its  business  meeting,  Myer  and  Samuel  Cassel,  mem- 
bers of  White  Oak  Church  of  the  Brethren,  near  Penryn,  Pa.,  were 
elected  to  terms  on  the  BRF  steering  committee. 

The  1997  Youth  Peace  Travel  Team  completed  its  training  in 
early  June  in  Virginia.  The  team  attended  the  John  Kline  bicen- 
tennial celebration  and  then  started  its  task  of  visiting  Brethren 
camps,  which  it  will 
continue  through 
August.  Its  focus  is 
on  peace  education 
and  empowerment 
with  youth.  Team 
members  are  Mike 
Brinkmeier,  Pearl 
City,  III.;  Jackie 
Hartley,  Lewistown, 
Pa.;  Jessica  Leh- 
man, Elgin,  II!.;  and 
Nathan  Musselman, 
Roanoke,  Va. 

This  seven-year- 
old  ministry  is 
sponsored  by  four 
General  Board  min- 
istries: Youth  and  Young  Adult  Ministries,  Brethren  Witness,  On 
Earth  Peace  Assembly,  and  Outdoor  Ministries. 

More  than  840  cases  of  beef  arrived  in  North  Korea  on  June 
7,  courtesy  of  the  annual  beef-canning  project  of  Mid-Atlantic 
and  Southern  Pennsylvania  districts.  "The  beef  was  eagerly  antic- 
ipated by  the  Korean  Christian  Federation— the  council  of 
churches  in  North  Korea— which  will  be  responsible  for  oversee- 
ing its  distribution,"  said  David  Radcliff,  director  of  the  General 
Board's  Brethren  Witness  ministry.  "The  beef  arrived  amid  warn- 
ings from  the  United  Nations  of  some  five  million  of  North  Korea's 
23  million  people  being  at  risk  of  starvation  this  summer." 

Meanwhile,  donations  to  the  General  Board's  North  Korea  Seed 
Appeal  have  exceeded  $95,000.  The  goal,  set  in  March,  was 
$75,000.  Radcliff  estimated  that  the  funds  will  provide  two 
months  worth  of  grain  rations  for  300,000  families.  Funds  above 
the  goal  will  be  used  for  other  GFCF  grants  to  North  Korea. 

A  donation  of  land  to  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly  in  June 
and  its  subsequent  sale  will  assist  OEPAs  operating  budget  until 
2007.  According  to  Tom  Hurst,  OEPA  director,  the  parcel  of  land 
was  donated  to  the  organization  by  Earl  Weygandt,  member  of 
Washington  (D.C.)  City  Church  of  the  Brethren  and  former  OEPA 
board  treasurer,  and  the  Weygandt  family  trust.  Weygandt  then 
helped  locate  a  buyer,  who  will  purchase  the  property  over  the 
next  decade,  paying  about  $2,500  each  month. 

"My  interest  has  always  been  in  making  a  major  gift  to  OEPA's 
Zigler  Endowment  that  will  help  ensure  continuation  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren  peace  witness  through  OEPA,"  Weygandt  said. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  9 

Back  in  time.  About  500 
Church  of  the  Brethren 
and  Old  German 
Baptist  Brethren  mem- 
bers gathered  Sunday 
morning  at  tlie  John 
Kline  bicentennial 
celebration  for  an  Old 
Order  service,  held  in 
Linville  Creek  congre- 
gation's natural  sink- 
hole amphitheater 

Story  and  photos 
BY  Nevin  Dulabaum 

Those  who  spent  time  with  Elder  John 
Kline,  it  has  been  said,  were  enriched  in 
mind,  body,  and  soul.  In  his  nearly  67 
years,  the  Broadway,  Va.,  preacher  and 
physician — best  known  to  more  than  a  gen- 
eration of  Brethren  through  a  Brethren  Press 
book  as  the  "Middle  Man,"  and  immortalized 
by  an  Andy  and  Terry  Murray  song — trav- 
eled an  estimated  100,000  miles  north  and 
south,  challenging  people  intellectually, 
treating  their  physical  ailments,  and  helping 
to  save  their  souls. 
It  was,  thus,  fitting  that  the  more  than 

1,300  people  who  celebrated  Kline's  200th 
birthday  )une  13-15  at  Kline's  church — 
Linville  Creek  Church  of  the  Brethren — 
Kline's  farmhouse,  Tunker  House  (former 
Linville  Creek  meetinghouse  and  the  birth- 
place of  M.R.  Zigler,  a  modern-day  Brethren 
"saint"),  and  at  several  additional  sites 
nearby,  also  received  such  enrichment. 

Nourishing  minds  were  insight  sessions 
that  focused  on  Kline,  the  church,  and  the 
region  by  many  prominent  Brethren  scholars 
and  historians;  informational  booths  and 
exhibits  that  pertained  to  Kline,  church  life, 
and  the  Shenandoah  Valley:  exhibits  and 
demonstrations;  hymn  sings;  puppet  shows; 
and  concerts.  Challenging  bodies  were  tours, 

1 0  Messenger  August/September  1997 

Last  ride.  A  retracing  of  John 
Kline's  last  journey  was  one  of  the 
activities  offered  to  bicentennial 
participants.  A  marJier  about  a  mile 
up  this  path  identifies  where  Kline 
was  ambushed  and  murdered,  just 
a  few  miles  from  his  home 

Craftsman.  Richard  Coffman  of  Dayton  (Va.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren  demonstrated  horseshoe 
making,  one  of  several  period  craft  demonstra- 
tions and  displays  featured  at  John  Kline's  farm. 

Hat  and  saddlebag.  Terry 
Barkley  of  Bridgewater 
(Va.)  College's  Pritchett 
Museum  showed  Kline 
artifacts  from  the 
museum 's  exhibit  at  the 
bicentennial  celebration. 

Bus  stop.  Linville  Creek 
church 's  parking  lot 
served  as  the  boarding 
area  for  five  regularly 
scheduled  bus  routes, 
which  took  bicentennial 
participants  to  a  handful 
ofoffsite  attractions  and 

August/September  1997  Messenger  11 

Many  hours  spent. 

Curt  Stutzman. 

current  owner  of  the 

John  Kline  farm, 

described  how  Kline 

spent  countless  hours 

in  this  rocking  chair, 

which  is  evident  from 

wear  on  the  chair's 

lowest  front  support. 

Insights.  Fred  Benedict. 

ail  Old  German  Baptist 

Brethren,  led  one  of 

many  insight  sessions 

offered  during  the 

Kline  celebration. 












r        4  v^kJp^^V^ 


Chainsaw,  anyone?  Erin  Keim 
(left)  and  Meredith  Ball  of 
Beacon  Heights  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  Fort  Wayne,  Ind., 
learned  from  an  exhibit  of  the 
crosscut  saw  and  other  tools 
and  trades  prevalent  during 
Join:  Kline's  lifetime. 

A  borderless  ministry.  John  Kline's  last  days 
were  depicted  through  1 1  vignettes  that  made 
up  "The  Final  Journey  of  John  Kline, "  a  play 
presented  by  residents  of  Broadway,  Va.,  and 
nearby.  Here  Kline  explains  to  a  family 
member  his  need  to  travel  to  Union  states  to 
attend  Annual  Conference,  despite  living  in  the 

games,  hikes,  horseback  riding,  and  other 
activities.  Enriching  souls  were  a  worship  ser- 
vice, memorial  service,  and  a  baptism. 

During  the  Civil  War,  Kline  had  obtained 
the  proper  papers  allowing  him  to  travel 
throughout  Confederate  and  Union  terri- 
tory. From  1861  until  his  death,  he  traveled 
into  Union  states  at  least  once  each  year, 
attending  Annual  Conference  as  moderator. 
However,  distrust  by  some  toward  Brethren 
who  were  against  slavery  and  military  ser- 
vice, and  particularly  against  Kline,  who 

12  Messenger  August/September  1997 

AlP Igpiiy  to  almost 

Present  meets  past.  Linville  Creek  pastor  Paul 
Roth  baptized  Zachary  See,  one  of  seven 
Linville  Creek  attendees  who  underwent  the 
ordinance  on  Sunday,  the  final  day  of  the  John 
Kline  bicentennial  celebration.  This  Linville 
Creek  location  is  close  to  where  elder  Kline 
used  to  baptize  new  Bunkers. 

medically  treated  people  from  the  Confeder- 
acy and  Union  alike,  led  to  Kline's  death. 
On  his  trip  home  after  a  nearby  visit,  on 
June  1  5,  1  864,  Kline  was  ambushed  and 
murdered  by  those  who  called  him  a  traitor. 
The  bicentennial  birthday  celebration  was  a 
fitting  tribute  to  a  19th-century  Brethren 
"saint"  whose  ministries  still  impact  Brethren 
today.  Says  the  Brethren  Encyclopedia.  "Not 
only  was  he  a  pillar  of  the  church,  Kline  also 
has  become  the  most  significant  martyr       rrr 
in  the  history  of  Brethren."  r*^' 

Because  of  Kline.  Jeffrey  Bosserman 
of  Barto]v.  W.Va.,  showed  off  how 
a  highway's  completion  in  the  late 
1840s  allowed  fohn  Kline  to 
travel  to  West  Virginia.  It  was 
through  these  travels  that  Kline 
helped  start  four  current  Brethren 
congregations  in  that  state. 
Bosserman  's  exhibit  placed 
second  in  a  state  competition. 

Not  quite  period.  Though  Broadway, 
Va..  resident  Ina  Baker's  garb  was 
authentic,  her  refdling  of  a  tea  jug 
in  the  food  and  preparation  booth 
at  the  fohn  Kline  farm  betrayed 
that  this  is  not  1864. 

Here  lies  John  Kline. /I  "must"  stop 
for  every  bicentennial  pilgrim  ivas 
the  Kline  grave,  in  the  burying 
ground  behind  the  church. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  13 



Chip  Leatherman,  pastor  of 
Greenmount  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  Harrisonburg,  Va., 
taking  his  turn  at  the  mike  af: 
the  General  Board  Report,  su, 
gested  that  the  Board  deals  w- 
the  symptoms  of  congregation 
parsimony  and  not  with  the  t/i 
ease  itself.  Meanwhile,  two 
other  pastors — Dan  Rusmisec 
Lanark  (III.)  congregation,  an 
Judy  McGlothlin,  Freeport  (111 
congregation — waited  their 
turn  to  comment.  



Precipitated  over  two  years  ago  by' 
the  General  Board's  coming  to  grips 
with  a  budget  crisis,  the  Board's 
"New  Design"  still  caught  many  at 
Annual  Conference  unready  to  give 
it  easy  acceptance.  Charges  were 
numerous:  The  Board  had  moved 
too  fast.  Congregations  hadn't  been 
adequately  consulted.  Sacred  cows 
had  been  sacrificed.  It  all  smacked 
of  a  done  deal.  Still  the  New  Design 
was  adopted.  The  full  story  is  on 
pages  20—21,  but  first  the  broader 
context  of  Long  Beach  business  . . . 

Here's  the  latest  from  Hildy. 

Before  each  inoming  business 
sessio)!.  ventriloquist  Steve 
Engle  loosened  up  the  crowd. 
For  most  of  his  acts,  his 
sidekick  was  "Hildy, "  a  sassy 
little  old  lady  fidl  of 
wisecracks  about  and  insights 
into  the  Brethren.  The 
popular  entertainer  and  his 
"friends"  have  made  over 
1 ,200  appearances  in  the 
past  six  years.  Multitalented, 
Engle.  from  Himtingdon,  Pa., 
is  also  well  known  for  the 
popular  Brethren  hymn  "I  See 
a  New  World  Coming. " 



Text  by  Messenger  staff 
and  others 

Photography  by  Jeff  Leard 

T'  he  Long  Beach  agenda,  aside  from  the  General 
Board's  New  Design,  was  not  particularly  heavy.  No 
one  wondered,  as  we  do  some  years,  if  business 
would  run  on  into  late  Saturday.  Still,  there  was  heated 
debate  at  times,  and  one  Standing  Committee  recommen- 
dation was  even  returned  to  the  orphanage  (or  whatever 
happens  when  a  recommendation  is  not  adopted).  Here  is 
a  brief  summary  of  each  business  item: 

Old  business 

Human  Genetic  Engineering  and  Fetal  Tissue  Use 
Statements.  (Origin:  A  1995  query  from  Michigan  District 
asking  for  an  updating  of  a  1987  statement  on  human 
genetic  engineering  and  development  of  a  statement  on 
fetal  tissue  use.)  Treated  as  one  item  of  business,  and 
addressed  by  one  committee  (lames  Benedict  [chairman], 
Kathy  Long,  and  Dennis  Overman),  these  two  issues  were 
voted  on  as  separate  items. 

Human  Genetic  Engineering  sparked  little  debate, 
and  the  report  of  the  committee  was  adopted.  The  key 
sentence  was  "As  Christians,  it  is  still  our  desire  that  soci- 
ety keep  in  mind  our  moral  and  ethical  obligations  to  our 

Wonder  if  the  folks  back  home  are  watching.  In  Wednesday 
morning's  opening  of  Conference  business,  David  Wine,  the 
moderator,  moseyed  with  his  mike  among  the  delegates,  for 
all  the  world  like  a  television  talk-show  host.  That 
variation  on  the  moderator's  role,  plus  preaching  away 
from  the  lectern  Tuesday  evening  and  being  ever  ready 
throughout  the  week  with  glib  answers  to  questions, 
projected  the  image  of  an  easily  reachable  leader 

August/September  1997  Messenger  15 

So,  how's  the  billboard  campaign  working  out?  Dale  and  Mary 

Fike  ofEaston,  Md.,  like  many  other  Conferencegoers,  found 

joy  in  greeting  old  friends.  Likely  they  asked  about  the  new 

billboard  (see  page  4)  when  they  bumped  into  old  friend 

Lillian  Brun^baugh.  now  pastor  in  Mesa.  Ariz.  The  Fikes.  as 

usual,  motorcycled  to  and  from  Conference. 

Why  do  I  suddenly  feel  seasick?  It's  hard  to  tell  if  Ken  Kline - 
Smeltzer  and  Steve  Kinzie  were  hugging  or  just  being 
mutually  supportive  on  an  acre  of  convention  center  lobby 
carpet  whose  pattern  of  swirls  made  some  Conferencegoers 
woozy.  Julie  Garber.  manager  of  Brethren  Press  Editorial 
Services,  found  equilibrium  more  easily  maintained  by 
using  her  banjo  case  to  steady  herself 

own  and  future  generations  as  we  proceed  in  a  responsi- 
ble way  to  ease  suffering  and  enhance  tiie  quality  of  life 
through  advances  in  genetic  engineering."  For  guidance, 
the  report  lifted  up  the  1987  Annual  Conference  state- 
ment on  the  subject. 

Fetal  Tissue  Use,  however,  generated  the  most  impas- 
sioned speeches  of  the  week.  While  the  report  was  at  pains 
to  lay  out  the  difficulty  of  affirming  fetal  tissue  use  in  dis- 
ease treatment  without  seeming  to  turn  a  blind  eye  to  "the 
continuing  tragedy  of  abortion  as  it  is  currently  prac- 
ticed," this  was  not  enough  to  satisfy  Brethren  adamantly 
opposed  to  anything  that  smacks  of  soft-pedaling  the 
abortion  issue.  Lines  at  the  microphones  grew  to  seven- 
people  deep  as  some  speakers  seized  the  opportunity  to 
have  an  abortion  debate,  and  others  attempted  to  keep  a 
focus  on  fetal  tissue  use. 

The  debate  created  enough  doubt  in  delegates'  minds 
that,  alone  among  the  1997  business  items,  the  Fetal 
Tissue  Use  report  was  not  adopted.  The  1998  Standing 
Committee  will  decide  what  recommenda- 
tion to  offer  next. 

Deacon  Ministry  in  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  (Origin:  A  1995  query  from  Mid- 
Atlantic  District  asking  that  the  1983 
statement  on  the  office  of  deacon  be 
updated.)  A  comprehensive  report  devel- 
oped over  the  past  two  years  was  adopted, 
with  minor  amendments.  It  affirms  the 
importance  of  deacon  ministry  far  beyond 
the  occasional  assistance  with  love  feast, 
communion,  and  baptism.  Committee 
members  were  |udy  Mills  Reimer  (chair- 
woman), Marty  Barlow,  Galen  Hackman, 
loan  Hershey,  Alice  Keller,  Owen  Stultz, 
Fred  Swartz,  and  Jay  Gibble  (staff  liaison). 

Review  and  Evaluation  Committee  Report.  A  report  on 
General  Board  performance  from  the  periodically 
appointed  Review  and  Evaluation  Committee  was 
accepted.  One  finding  that  jarred  delegates  and  sparked 
questions  and  comments  was  a  survey  finding  that  "pas- 
tors are  more  negative  about  the  national  church  and 

1 6  Messenger  August/September  1997 

about  the  work  of  the  General  Board  than  are  lay  people." 
The  committee,  pressed  to  speculate,  declined,  pointing 
out  that  "coming  up  with  theories"  was  beyond  its 
purview.  The  numerous  recommendations  of  the  report 
are  being  referred  to  appropriate  groups. 

Denominational  Polity  Statement:  Property  and  Stew- 
ardship Issues.  (Origin:  1996  query  from  Pacific 
Southwest  District  asking  for  definition  of  the  means  dis- 
tricts may  use  to  preserve  real  congregational  assets.) 
Conference  adopted  the  committee's  report,  which  limited 
itself  to  dealing  with  only  the  matter  of  a  congregation 
failing  to  keep  up  with  loan  payments  for  which  real  estate 
serves  as  security.  Committee  members  were  Ann  Quay 
(chairwoman),  William  Ebersole,  and  Lowell  Flory. 

The  New  Testament  as  Our  Rule  of  Faith  and  Practice. 

(Origin:  A  1996  query  from  Middle  Pennsylvania  District 
asking  for  a  statement  of  interpretation  on  our  understanding 
of  this  subject.)  An  initial  report  was  presented  to  Standing 
Committee.  Slated  to  come  before  the  1998  Conference,  it 
sets  forth  eight  understandings  regarding  the  New  Testa- 
ment perspectives  of  the  early  Brethren,  adds  four  more 
recent  Brethren  perspectives,  reaffirms  the  New  Testament 
as  our  rule  of  faith  and  practice,  and  offers  10  suggestions 
for  living  out  that  affirmation  and  six  suggested  ways  we 
might  improve  upon  our  way  of  working  at  issues  together 
vis-a-vis  the  observance  of  that  rule.  Committee  members 
are  Carl  Bowman,  Earle  Fike  |r.,  and  Carol  Kussart. 

World  Mission  Philosophy  and  Global  Church  Mission 
Structure.  (Origin:  A  1996  query  from  Virlina  District 
asking  for  the  reformulation  of  our  current  world  mission 
philosophy.)  Only  a  progress  report  was  heard  at  Long 
Beach,  with  the  committee  offering  some  observations  and 
questions  about  key  points 
of  the  query.  The  final 
report  will  be  addressed  in 
1998.  Committee  members 
are  Charles  Bieber,  Berwyn 
Oltman,  David  Radcliff, 
David  Shumate,  and 
Bonnie  KJine  Smeltzer. 

Congregational  Structure. 

(Origin:  A  1996  query  from 
Atlantic  Northeast  District 
asking  for  an  evaluation 
and  study  of  current  congre- 
gational structures,  and 
proposals  for  further  congre- 
gational structure  options.) 

Aw,  it's  just  a  VW  Bug.  Let's  go!  Moderator  David  Wine  and 
Conference  secretary  Anne  Myers  tested  the  midweek 
warning  from  Long  Beach  police  that.  Brethren  or  no, 
jaywalkers  would  be  heftily  fined  if  caught.  Perhaps  the  fact 
that  Myers  was  riding  a  convention  center  electric  car 
effectively  befuddled  the  police.  Was  she  really  jaywalking? 
At  any  length,  the  daring  duo  escaped  arrest.  And  why  did 
they  jaywalk?  Like  the  chicken,  to  get  to  the  other  side. 

It  was  a  joy  to  hear  you!  Fred 

Swartz,  a  member  of  the 
committee  that  produced 
the  Deacon  Ministry  report 
(see  opposite  page)  and 
editor  of  The.  Caregiver, 
greeted  Wil  Lengel  after  the 
Congregational  Deacons 
Luncheon.  Lengel.  a 
member  of  the  Denomina- 
tional Deacon  Cabinet, 
spoke  at  the  meal  on  "Dea- 
coning: The  joy  of  It. " 

August/September  1997  Messenger  17 

I  scream!  You  scream!  We  all  scream  for  ice  cream! 

Faith  the  Cow  (not  to  be  confused  with  Elsie  the 
Borden  Cow),  played  by  Jennifer  Leo.  manager 
of  Brethren  Press  Marketing,  hyped  ice  cream 
cones  at  Dunkerland  theme  park  to  visitors  Jes- 
sica Flory-Steury.  Joseph  Helfrich.  and  Delbert 
BUckenstaff.  It  was  part  of  the  General  Board 
Live  Report,  which  always  leaves  Conferencego- 
ers  with  the  question:  WJiat'll  they  think  of  next? 

Enough  to  make  even  Jonah  do  a  double  take.  Confer- 
encegoers  unfamiliar  with  the  Long  Beach  convention 
center  were  startled  to  find  its  arena  a  giant  canvas 
for  a  cylindrical  mural  depicting  full-size  whales  and 
other  denizens  of  the  deep.  Once  inside  the  arena, 
the  spell  was  broken,  but  until  then  "life  in  a  fish- 
bowl"  seemed  about  to  become  an  actuality. 

This  query  came  to  the  1996  Conference, 
but  because  of  the  restructuring  of  the 
General  Board  in  progress  then,  action  on 
it  was  postponed  until  1998. 

Statement  on  Child  Exploitation. 

(Origin:  ,4  1996  General  Board  study 
paper  adopted  as  such  by  the  1996  Con- 
ference and  addressed  as  old  business  in 
1997.)  This  statement,  which  grew  out 
of  concerns  impressed  upon  youth  at  the 
1995  Christian  Citizenship  Seminar,  was 
generally  acceptable  to  1997  delegates,  . 
but  hit  a  sticky  wicket  with  lines  21-22 
on  page  224,  which  read:  "We  call  on  the 
US  government  to  ratify  the  United 
Nations  Convention  on  the  Rights  of  the 
Child."  That  convention,  however,  is 
anathema  to  Brethren  who  have  had  it  brought  to  their 
attention  as  a  threat  to  parental  rights  and  to  family  values 
in  general.  The  committee,  aware  of  that  sentence's  red 
flag  potential,  had  come  to  Conference  with  a  proposed 
change,  to  strike  the  sentence  and  substitute  "We  call  on 
the  US  government  to  ratify  and  support  international 
treaties  that  protect  children  from  exploitation  as  this  is 
understood  by  this  paper  and  discerned  by  the  church." 
Unmollified,  the  UN  convention's  critics  called  for  simply 
striking  the  original  sentence,  and  an  amendment  to  that 
effect  carried.  In  turn,  however,  an  amendment  to  then 
add  the  committee's  suggested  substitution  (above)  also 
carried.  At  that  point,  the  statement  in  its  entirety  was  put 
to  a  vote  and  was  accepted.  Committee  members  (all 
youth)  were  Kelly  McCauliff,  Erin  Flory,  Nathan  Mussel- 
man,  Heidi  Beck,  and  Elizabeth  Farmer,  with  David 
Radcliff  as  staff  liaison. 

New  Business 

Relationship  with  the  National  Association  of  Evangel- 
icals (NAE).  (Origin:  .A  1 997  query  from  Northern  Plains 
District  asking  "whether  it  would  be  loving  and  appropri- 
ate to  send  an  observer  to  the  Annual  Convention  of  the 
National  Association  of  Evangelicals.")  In  Standing 
Committee,  one  member,  calling  the  NAE  "similar  to  the 
National  Council  of  Churches,  but  more  conservative 
and  evangelical,"  characterized  the  query  as  asking  for  a 
conservative/liberal  balance  in  our  ecumenical  participa- 
tion. Conference  adopted  the  Standing  Committee 
recommendation  to  refer  the  query  to  the  Committee  on 

18  Messenger  August/September  1997 

Ilnterchurch  Relations  (CIR)  for 
study  and  to  bring  a  report  to  the 
1998  Standing  Committee. 

I  Domestic  Violence.  (Origin:  A 
1997  query  from  Soutliern  Penn- 
sylvania District  wondering  if  the 
denomination  should  develop  a 
position  paper  specifically  on 
domestic  violence.)  Standing 
Committee  was  of  a  mind  to  state 
that  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
condemns  all  domestic  violence 
and  to  request  General  Board  staff 
to  suggest  resources  for  address- 
ing "the  concerns,  including  the  prevention,  of 
domestic  abuse."  Conference  adopted  that  recommen- 
dation, but  amended  it  to  request  the  Association  of 
Brethren  Caregivers  (no  longer  part  of  the  General 
Board)  to  suggest  the  resources. 

Defining  Ministry  Limits  of  Licensed  Ministers.  (Origin: 
A  1997  query  from  Oregon/Washington  District  desiring 
"additional  categories  for  ministry,  such  as  those  commis- 
sioned for  service  in  specific  situations. ")  The  problem, 
according  to  the  query,  is  that  with  current  polity  limiting 
licensed  ministry  to  people  preparing  for  ordination,  small 
congregations  are  forced  to  rely  increasingly  on  lay  leader- 
ship. With  only  one  question  for  clarification.  Conference 
adopted  the  recommendation  of  Standing  Committee  that 
the  query's  questions  "be  directed  to  the  General  Board 
and  the  Council  of  District  Executives  (CODE)  as  they 
work  with  the  recommendations  of  the  1996  Conference 
statement  Calling  and  Forming  Quality  Ministerial  Lead- 
ership Within  the  Church  of  the  Brethren." 

The  New  Design  of  the  General  Board:  Proposal  to 
the  1997  Annual  Conference.  (Origin:  A  1997  recom- 
mendation from  the  General  Board  that  Conference 
adopt  polity  changes  in  the  Manual  of  Organization  and 
Polity,  chapter  II  ["General  Board"]  to  facilitate  the 
restructuring  of  the  Board.  Further  recommended  was  the 
speedy  implementation  of  the  new  structures,  if  the  polity 
changes  were  approved.)  Because  this  involved  polity 
changes,  a  two-thirds-majority  vote  was  required  from 
Conference.  After  spirited  debate,  some  amendments, 
and  the  defeat  of  a  substitute  motion  that  would  have 
delayed  implementation  of  the  New  Design,  Conference 
accepted  Standing  Committee's  recommendation  that 
the  General  Board's  proposal  be  adopted.  (A  fuller 
report  is  given  on  the  next  two  pages,  "The  New  Design: 
Let  the  implementation  begin.") 

Denominational  treasures  on  display.  Gladys  Royer 
(left),  age  95,  went  to  Nigeria  as  a  missionary  in  1950. 
Conference  is  always  a  reunion  for  her  and  other  old 
Nigeria  hands.  Former  mission  field  colleagues  Feme 
Baldwin,  age  77,  and  Mary  Eikenberry,  age  82,  joined 
her  in  the  convention  center  lobby  for  catching  up  and 
reminiscing  on  slow-paced  Tuesday  afternoon.  Their 
work  in  Nigeria  spanned  five  decades. 

I'll  help  you  over  the  hump.  Matt  Kittle,  Cisco  Ramirez, 
and  Wendy  fackson  were  three  of  180  youth  and 
advisers  who  participated  in  a  quickie  workcamp  in 
Tijuana,  Mexico,  during  Conference  week.  At  Shalom 
Ministries,  they  painted  homes  and  moved  rocks  and 
dirt.  For  many  it  was  their  first  trip  outside  the  US 
and  a  first  look  at  real  poverty.  For  all.  it  was  a 
novelty  to  "go  abroad"  right  in  the  middle  of  Annual 
Conference.  A  feature  story  on  Shalom  Ministries  will 
appear  in  the  November  Messenger. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  19 

The  New  Design: 

Let  the  implementation  begin 

After  2  'A  years  of  working  to  redesign  itself,  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren  General  Board's  New  Design  in  [uly  was 
affirmed,  through  actions  of  the  Board  and  of  Annua! 
Conference  delegates,  with  one  temporary  setback.  And  surprising- 
ly, that  bump  on  the  road  to  redesign  was  the  result  of  an  action 
taken  by  the  most  unlikely  of  sources — the  General  Board  itself. 

In  Long  Beach,  Annual  Conference  delegates  approved  the 
most  significant  changes  to  the  Board  since  it  was  formed  50 
years  ago.  And,  in  an  atmosphere  of  uncertainty — where  the  an- 
ticipated hearty  debate  spanned  two  days — the  final  vote  was  al- 
most anticlimactic:  A  show  of  hands  indicated  that  the  proposed 
changes  received  overwhelming  support,  far  more  than  the 
needed  two-thirds  majority. 

With  that  vote,  structural  changes  to  the  Board's  polity  were 
approved,  which  will: 

•  reduce  the  Board's  size  from  25  to  20  members, 

•  replace  the  Board's  three  commission  structure  with  ad  hoc 
committees  and  task  teams, 

•  replace  the  Board's  five-person  Administrative  Council 
with  a  Leadership  Team  consisting  of  directors. 

•  create  a  Mission  and  Ministries  Planning  Council,  which 
will  become  the  denomination's  multi-organizational  planning 
body  for  missions  and  ministries. 

The  acceptance  of  these  proposals  gave  structure  to  the  New 
Design,  and  marks  the  conclusion  of  design  phase  of  the  redesign 
process.  Now  implementation  of  the  Board's  redesign  plan  begins. 

Well,  most  of  it. 

At  its  meetings  in  Long  Beach  just  prior  to  Annual  Confer- 
ence, the  General  Board  approved  a  proposal  for  five  Congrega- 
tional Life  Teams,  a  new  ministry  evolving  from  the  call  of  the 
Board's  Redesign  Steering  Committee  that  the  Board  should 
work  more  closely  with  congregations. 

The  teams  will  be  located  throughout  the  country: 

•  Area  1:  Atiantic  Northeast,  Mid-Atlantic,  Middle  Pennsylvan- 
ia, Southern  Pennsylvania,  and  Western  Pennsylvania  districts. 

•  Area  2:  Illinois/Wisconsin,  Michigan,  Northern  Indi- 
ana, South/Central  Indiana,  Northern  Ohio,  and  Southern 
Ohio  districts. 

•  Area  3:  Atlantic  Southeast,  Shenandoah,  Southeastern, 
Virlina,  and  West  Marva  districts. 

•  Area  4:  Missouri/Arkansas,  Northern  Plains,  Southern 
Plains,  and  Western  Plains  districts. 

•  Area  5:  Idaho,  Oregon/Washington,  and  Pacific  South- 
west districts. 

Nine  full-time  positions  will  be  created  to  staff  these 
teams.  These  numbers  will  expand  up  to  29  people  through 
the  use  of  volunteers  and  by  the  Board  sharing  staff  with  con- 
gregations and  districts. 

The  office  of  Congregational  Life  Ministries  will  also  be 
creating  a  pool  of  financial  resources  to  be  disbursed  as 
grants.  To  qualify,  congregations  must  enter  into  a  covenant 
with  the  General  Board,  stating  they  will  focus  on  congrega- 
tional vitality,  renewal,  and  growth. 

However,  the  Board  also  gave  itself  a  temporary  setback  as 
it  attempted  to  fill  its  remaining  three  Leadership  Team  posi- 
tions. After  several  hours  of  meeting  in  closed  session  Tuesday 
morning — which  ran  more  than  an  hour  behind  schedule — the 
Board  reconvened  in  an  open  afternoon  session  and  announced- 
that  directors  had  been  called  to  the  Brethren  Witness  and  Min- 
istry portfolios  (see  page  8).  However,  an  executive  director 
candidate  was  not  called.  That  vote  reportedly  was  1 5-8  with 
one  abstention,  just  shy  of  the  two-thirds  minimum  support 

As  a  result,  at  Conference  in  Long  Beach  the  Board  saw  all 
aspects  of  its  redesign  move  forward  except  one. 

To  address  that  vacancy,  four  Board  members  were  elected 
to  serve  on  a  new  executive  director  search  committee — Mary 
lo  Flory-Steury,  Wayne  |udd,  Gilbert  Romero,  and  Christy 
Waltersdorff.  Three  non-board  members — representing  Gen- 
eral Board  staff,  the  districts,  and  the  laity — will  also  be  called 
to  this  committee.  Karen  Miller,  interim  executive  director, 
agreed  to  serve  until  Dec.  31,  if  needed.  Following  Conference, 
Miller  added  that  her  contract  forbids  her  from  becoming  ex- 
ecutive director  and,  thus,  she  won't  be  seeking  that  position. 

Two  redesign-related  groups  thanked  and  dismissed  by  the 
Board  were  its  Redesign  Steering  Committee  (Chris  Bowman, 
Tracy  Wenger  Sadd,  Wayne  Miller,  Donna  Ritchey  Martin,  and 
Steve  Bowers)  and  Transition  Team  (Kathy  Hess,  Beth  Middle- 
ton,  Dorothy  Gall,  and  Glenn  Timmons). 

Although  the  New  Design  was  affirmed  by  Conference  dele- 
gates and  Board  members  alike,  a  sampling  of  Brethren  from 
several  geographic  regions  in  |une  indicated  that  lengthy 
Conference-floor  debate  was  a  possibility.  Some  believed  the 
Board  wasn't  forthcoming  in  explaining  its  redesign  process.  Some 
believed  the  Board  inappropriately  implemented  personnel  changes 
prior  to  the  approval  of  the  polity  changes.  Other  people  didn't 
agree  with  which  ministries  were  kept  and  which  were  eliminated 
during  the  process,  and  felt  Annual  Conference  should  have  some 
say.  Still  others  contested  the  Board's  assertion  that  it  has  limited 
financial  resources. 

Regarding  the  flow  of  information,  the  Board  a  year  ago 
began  implementing  a  plan  to  spread  redesign  information 
throughout  the  denomination,  in  addition  to  ongoing  coverage 
provided  by  Messenger,  Agenda,  and  Newsline. 

Redesign  Steering  Committee  members  attended  each  dis- 

20  Messenger  August/September  1997 

So,  how's  it  shaking  down?  General 
Board  chairwoman  Kathy  Hess  and 
interim  general  secretary  Karen  Peterson 
Miller  sweated  it  out  on  the  platform 
during  New  Design  debate,  hoping  to  be 
prepared  to  adroitly  field  questions  from 
the  floor  Linda  Willian7s  of  San  Diego 
(lower  left)  was  one  of  many  speakers  at 
the  mikes.  She  went  away  less  than 
satisfied  with  the  response  to  her 
question  of  where  Christian  education 
appeared  in  the  New  Design.  Redesign 
Steering  Committee  chairman  Chris 
Bowman  (below),  led  an  open  forum  on 
the  New  Design  on  Tuesday  evening. 

trict  conference.  Four  redesign-related  articles  were  published 
in  Messenger  and  two  New  Design  supplements  were  in- 
cluded in  Agenda,  which  is  sent  to  Conference  delegates  and 
to  6,800  congregational  leaders.  And,  just  prior  to  Confer- 
ence, the  Board  sent  out  a  list  of  20  redesign-related  questions 
and  answers  to  Conference  delegates,  pastors,  and  other 
church  leaders,  and  participated  in  briefings  nationwide  for 
Conference  delegates. 

At  Conference,  three  ballrooms  were  packed  for  a  Tuesday 
evening  hearing  in  which  Board  representatives  presented  a  re- 
design update  and  then  fielded  questions.  And  moderator  David 
Wine  arranged  for  another  question-and-answer  session  on  the 
Conference  floor  prior  to  consideration  of  the  Board's  proposals. 

During  these  sessions.  Board  representatives  clarified  that  the 
Board  is  empowered  to  make  personnel  and  ministry  decisions, 
explaining  that  the  Board  hadn't  usurped  control  from  delegates 
even  though  interim  changes  were  made  prior  to  Conference. 
During  Thursday's  question  period,  Kathy  Hess,  Board  chair- 
woman, stated  that  the  decision  to  maintain  some  ministries 
while  cutting  funding  to  others  wasn't  easy  or  taken  lightly,  as  the 
choices  were  between  good  ministries  and  good  ministries. 

Board  representatives  also  assured  delegates  during  these 
two  sessions  that  expense  over  income  mandated  the  nearly  $2 
million  cut  from  1996  to  1998. 

Debate  on  the  proposed  changes  began  Thursday  after- 

noon and  resumed  Friday  morning,  during  which  time  a  hand- 
ful of  amendments  were  made.  Those  approved  clarified  the 
Board's  relationship  with  the  Annual  Conference,  denied  the 
Board's  request  that  it  be  able  to  appoint  five  of  its  20  mem- 
bers, and  approved  appointing  a  special  Review  and  Evalua- 
tion Committee  in  2000  that  will  critique  the  new  design. 

Proposed  amendments  that  weren't  adopted  included 
tabling  the  creation  of  the  Congregational  Life  Teams;  chang- 
ing Leadership  Team  titles  from  director  to  minister;  calling 
for  Board  leadership  staff  to  strive  for  "fair  and  compassion- 
ate employer  practices";  and  tabling  the  proposed  changes  for 
a  year  to  allow  for  further  study. 

It  was  in  response  to  this  last  proposed  amendment  that 
|im  Myer  of  Lititz,  Pa.,  a  leader  of  Brethren  Revival  Fellowship 
and  a  former  Annual  Conference  moderator,  spoke.  With 
some  of  the  redesign  decisions  already  implemented,  Myer 
said  taking  such  action  would  allow  some  of  the  process  to 
move  forward  while  stalling  other  parts.  Likening  this  to  a 
team  of  horses  that  is  most  effective  when  all  pull  in  the  same 
direction,  Myer  said  he  opposed  the  amendment  and  sup- 
ported the  proposed  polity  changes. 

And  that  was  it,  for  Myer's  speech  seemed  to  close  the  issue. 
Within  10  minutes,  delegates  defeated  the  amendment  to  table 
the  polity  changes  for  a  year,  and  overwhelmingly  approved  the 
Board's  redesign. — Nevin  Dulabaum 

August/September  1997  Messenger  21 

Once  upon  a  time... 

//  cloesn  't  take 

frenetic  activity  to 

satisfy  little  folk  at 

Annual  Conference. 

A  children 's  worker, 

Linda  Hart  of 

Pomona.  Calif.. 

demonstrated  this 

as  kids  snuggled  up 

to  hear  her  read 

them  a  story. 

Did  you  really  draw  them,  or  just  trace  them?  The  durability 
of  the  children's  books  The  Little  Man,  The  Middle  Man, 
and  The  Tall  Man  (published  in  the  1 960s)  was 
demonstrated  when  the  children  who  illustrated  the  books 
turned  up  as  grown-ups  at  Long  Beach  to  autograph  them 
as  part  of  the  Brethren  Press  Centennial  celebration.  Now  in 
their  30s,  Sara  Davis  Bache  and  Carl  Davis,  confessed  they 
don't  remember  too  much  about  their  brief  careers  as  book 
illustrators.  Their  mother  and  collaborator.  Dorothy  Brandt 
Davis,  remembered  more,  and  described  how  the  kids  first 
inspired  her  to  do  the  books  when  they  drew  Brethren 
historical  figures  on  newsprint  that  their  dad.  then  BVS 
director  Rodney  Davis,  brought  home  from  the  General 
Offices  during  the  family's  Elgin.  III.,  sojourn  in  the  '60s. 

Appointment  of  an  Acting  Moderator  for  the  1998 
Annual  Conference.  (Origin:  1997  Standing  Committee 
action,  following  the  resignation  of  the  moderator-elect, 
jimmy  Ross.)  Moderator-elect  |immy  Ross  resigned  for 
health  reasons  (suffering  major  depression  following 
prostate  cancer  surgery).  The  handling  of  a  resignation  is 
not  addressed  in  polity.  In  the  absence  of  polity  coverage. 
Standing  Committee  recommended  that  current  modera- 
tor David  Wine  be  appointed  acting  moderator  and  serve 
through  Aug.  31,  1997,  and  that  Elaine  Sollenberger  of 
Everett,  Pa.,  be  appointed  acting  moderator  to  serve  from 
Sept.  1,  1997,  through  Annual  Conference  1998.  The  rec- 
ommendations were  heartily  endorsed  by  Conference. 
Sollenberger,  who  served  as  moderator  1988-1989,  will 
also  fulfill  the  responsibilities  of  past  moderator, 
1998-1999.  Coincidentally,  as  acting  moderator,  she  will 
serve  the  1998  Conference  in  the  same  city  (Orlando, 
Fla.)  in  which  she  served  in  1989. 

Standing  Committee  Actions 

Interagency  Forum.  Standing  Committee  adopted  a  pro- 
posal from  the  informal  "Interagency  Forum,"  which  had 
been  meeting  over  the  past  year,  that  it  he  formally  contin- 
ued. David  Wine  had  several  times  called  together  for 
discussion  the  leaders  of  Annual  Conference,  the  General 
Board,  Brethren  Benefit  Trust,  and  Bethany  Theological 
Seminary.  According  to  Wine,  the  group  believes  it  repre- 
sents "a  key  way  to  meet  the  call  for  partnering  and  to 
help  the  denomination  move  through  all  the  transition  and 
change  that  it  faces  today." 

The  forum  provides  linkages  among  Conference-re- 
portable  agencies.  It  also  discusses  program  initiatives  af- 
fecting the  denomination,  and  it  enables  agencies  and  insti- 
tutions to  carry  out  their  mission  and  responsibilities  coop- 
eratively and  more  effectively.  The  forum,  to  be  chaired  by 
the  immediate  past  moderator,  reports  directly  to  Standing 
Committee.  Hereafter,  the  forum  will  include  district  repre- 
sentatives. It  holds  its  first  meeting  August  20-21,  in  Elgin. 

Report  of  the  Committee  to  Review  the  Pastoral  Com- 
pensation and  Benefits  Advisory  Committee.  The  1995 
Standing  Committee  appointed  a  committee  (Fred  Bern- 
hard,  Bob  Faus,  and  Marlene  Neher)  to  review  the 
organization,  structure,  and  mandate  of  the  Pastoral  Com- 
pensation and  Benefits  Advisory  Committee  (PCBAC). 
The  review  committee's  report  was  presented  to  the  1997 
Standing  Committee.  Hearing  a  generally  positive  review. 
Standing  Committee  confirmed  that  PCBAC  continues  to 
perform  a  vital  function  and  should  be  continued. 

Unfunded  Annual  Conference  Mandates.  The  1996 
Standing  Committee  and  the  General  Board  agreed  to 

22  Messenger  August/September  1997 

address  the  problem  of  Conference  occasionally  mandat- 
ing new  General  Board  program  with  no  funding  arranged 
for  it.  A  process  for  dealing  with  unfunded  mandates,  pro- 
posed by  the  General  Board  and  approved  at  its  October 
1996  meeting,  was  accepted  by  the  1997  Standing  Com- 
mittee. It  calls  for  the  formation  of  a  Program  Feasibility 
Committee.  The  proposal  will  come  to  the  1998  Annual 
Conference  as  a  business  item. 

Polity  for  Free  Ministry.  The  1996  Standing  Committee 
appointed  a  committee  (Connie  Burk  Davis,  Stanley 
Earhart,  and  Samuel  Cassel)  to  formulate  a  proposed  draft 
of  polity  for  the  free  ministry.  There  presently  is  little  spe- 
cific guidance  in  Church  of  the  Brethren  polity  for  calling 
people  into  free  ministry.  A  report  was  heard  by  the  1997 
Standing  Committee,  and  the  proposed  polity  addition  will 
come  to  Annual  Confernce  in  1998  for  action. 

Shift  in  Boundary  Between  Virlina  District  and  South- 
eastern District.  Standing  Committee,  which  is  responsible 
for  districts,  agreed  to  a  shift  in  the  district  boundary  in 
North  Carolina  between  Virlina  and  Southeastern  that  puts 
all  of  Cabarrus  County  in  Virlina.  The  new  Concord  (N.C.) 
Fellowship  is  in  that  county,  providing  the  impetus  for  the 
boundary  shift. — Kjermon  Thomasson 

\vElections  and  appointments 

Having  David  Wine  from  rural  Buckeye,  Kan.,  as  moder 
ator-elect,  moderator,  and  now  as  acting  moderator 
apparently  has  not  prejudiced  Conference  delegates 
against  central  Kansas.  The  new  moderator-elect, 
Lowell  Flory,  lives  just  down  the  road 
from  Buckeye,  at  McPherson  (as  does  new 
General  Board  member  Don  Booz,  pastor 
of  McPherson  Church  of  the  Brethren). 

Flory,  who  will  preside  at  the  1999 
Annual  Conference  in  Milwaukee,  is  a  pro- 
fessor and  chairman  for  Business  and 
Economics  at  McPherson  College.  On  the 
side,  he  is  a  licensed  member  of  the  Kansas 
bar  and  does  occasional  legal  work.  He  is  a 
member  of  McPherson  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  Flory  has  served  on  the  General 
Board  and  the  Bethany  Theological  Semi- 
nary Board,  and  chaired  the  Brethren 
Benefit  Trust.  He  continues  to  serve  on  the 
Location  Committee,  dealing  with  the  ques- 
tion of  where  the  central  headquarters  of 
the  General  Board  should  be — in  Elgin,  111., 
or  elsewhere. 

Elaine  Sollenberger  was  appointed 
acting  moderator  of  Annual  Conference  to 

Grandmother!  What  great  fans  you  have!  A  surprised  and 
overwhelmed  Anne  Myers  got  an  unexpected  visit  from  her 
granddaughter  Taylor  Laskowski  during  a  Saturday  recognition 
of  the  Annual  Conference  secretary's  10  years  of  service. 

Toto,  we're  back  in  Kansas 
again!  After  only  a  one-year 
gap,  the  moderator's  position 
will  be  filled  by  another 
Kansan.  Lowell  Flory.  col- 
lege professor  and  lawyer 
from  McPherson,  Kan.,  will 
moderate  Annual  Conference 
in  Milwaukee.  Familiar  in 
Brethren  leadership  circles, 
Flory  has  served  on  the  Gen- 
eral Board,  the  Bethany 
Seminary  Board,  and  the 
Brethren  Benefit  Trust  Board 
(which  he  has  chaired).  He 
also  was  on  the  Denomina- 
tional Polity  study  committee 
that  reported  at  Long  Beach. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  23 

Once  more  unto  the  breach^  dear  friends 

It's  Annual  Conferencetime,  and  the  big  meeting  is 
underway  in  tiie  Orange  County  Convention  Center 
in  Orlando,  Fla.  A  woman  is  moderating  this  year,  a 
woman  known  not  only  for  breaking  the  gender  barrier  of 
the  moderator's  office,  but  that  of  the  General  Board 
chairperson's  as  well. 

What  year  is  it?  For  Conferencergoers  at  Orlando  next 
June  30,  a  sense  of  deja  vu  will  prevail.  It  will  be  1998,  but 
it  could  almost  be  \989.  Almost.  The  person  moderating 

Moderating  a  second  Annual  Conference.  Elaine  Sollenberger, 
will  be  the  first  moderator  to  serve  a  second  time  since 
A.  Stauffer  Curry  at  Ocean  Grove  '65. 

will  be  Elaine  Sollenberger,  who  was  moderator  at  Orlando 
in  1989.  But  the  big  issue  then  was  restructuring.  Restruc- 
turing won't  be  at  the  top  of  the  list  in  1998,  however.  The 
year  for  that,  this  time  around,  as  Long  Beach  attendees  so 
well  know,  was  1997.  And  Elaine  Sollenberger  wasn't  even 
on  hand  to  check  the  similarity  between  the  1989  debate 
and  the  one  of  1997.  (Or  to  note  the  difference:  Headed 

off  in  1989,  restructure  was  accepted  in  1997.)  She  was 
home  on  her  dairy  farm  near  Everett,  Pa.,  when  the  call 
came  from  Long  Beach.  Moderator-elect  Jimmy  Ross,  suf 
fering  depression  following  cancer  surgery,  had  resigned. 
Would  she  be  willing  to  return  unto  the  breach  as  acting 
moderator  for  the  coming  year? 

After  due  consideration,  the  seasoned  and  trusted 
leader  said  of  course  she  would.  After  all,  had  she  not 
written  in  her  denominational  magazine  quite  recently 
that  leaders  should  be  called,  rather  than  elected? 
(Messenger,  October  1 996,  page  22,  "Jesus  Didn't  Use  a  i 
Ballot  System.") 

But  first  her  thoughts  turned  to  the  one  for  whom  she 
would  substitute.  "It  is  a  most  unfortunate  loss  for  the 
church,"  she  said,  "and  a  deep  personal  disappointment 
for  Jimmy."  For  him  she  hoped  that  he  could  "feel  a  spe- 
cial measure  of  God's  presence  and  healing  powers.  .  .  ." 

Confessing,  after  being  affirmed  by  the  delegates,  that 
she  was  moved  by  her  new  call,  Elaine  reflected  on  one  of 
her  favorite  books.  When  God  Intrudes,  by  Michael  Scro- 
gin.  The  author  asks,  "How  shall  we  respond  when  God 
intrudes  to  offer  us  unexpected  .  .  .  holy  gifts?"  Scrogin 
suggests,  says  Elaine,  that  "we  usually  respond  with  a 
vision  of  both  fear  and  hope,  as  well  as  awe,  to  the  task  to 
which  God  sometimes  calls  us."  Then  Elaine  makes  her 
own  confession:  "I  do  feel  the  fear,  the  hope,  and  the  awe. 
But  I  am  committed,  with  God's  guidance  and  the  support 
of  the  church  community,  to  being  faithful  to  this  call." 

Elaine  is  attending  the  first  post-Conference  meeting 
of  the  Program  and  Arrangements  Committee,  in  mid- 
August,  to  get  backgrounding  for  Orlando  '98.  Then,  on 
September  1,  she  will  take  over  from  the  present  acting 
moderator,  David  Wine,  and  see  the  task  through  until  the 
Orlando  Conference  closes  on  July  5,  1998.  After  that,  she 
will  assume  the  year-long  duties  of  immediate  past  moder- 
ator. Those  include  chairing  the  Interagency  Forum  and 
serving  on  the  1999  Standing  Committee  at  Milwaukee. 

Acting  moderator  Sollenberger  may  well  decide  not  to 
write  further  articles  for  Messenger.  Last  October,  she 
argued  in  print  for  leaders  to  be  called,  rather  than 
elected  .  .  .  and  she  got  called.  In  May  1991,  she  had  an 
article  published  that  was  titled  "On  Second  Thought."  It 
was  a  summary  of  answers  received  from  a  question  she 
put  to  all  the  former  Annual  Conference  moderators  of 
the  time:  What  would  you  do  differently  if  you  could  be 
moderator  again?  What  irony  that  she  now  can  ask  that 
question  of  herself . . .  and  put  the  answer  into  action, 
too! — Kermon  Thomasson 

24  Messenger  August/September  1997 

fill  the  vacancy  created  by  the  June  27  res- 
ignation of  moderator-elect  |immy  Ross. 

Sollenberger  will  serve  from  September  1 

through  the  1998  Annual  Conference  in 

Orlando.  A  dairy  farmer  from  Everett,  Pa., 

and  a  member  of  Everett  Church  of  the 

Brethren,  she  was  moderator  of  the  1 989 

Annual  Conference  and,  before  that,  had  served  as  chair- 
woman of  the  General  Board. 

Cathy  Simmons  Huffman  of  Rocky  Mount,  Va.,  will 

serve  a  five-year  term  as  Annual  Conference  secretary.  A 
member  of  Germantown  Brick 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  she  is  a 
teacher  and  legal  services 
instructor.  She  has  served  on 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  His- 
torical Committee  and  was  a 
member  of  the  team  that  pro- 
duced The  Brethren 
Encyclopedia  in  the  early  1 980s. 

General  Board.  Newly 
elected  to  the  General  Board, 
at-large,  for  five-year  terms  are 
Don  Parker,  West  Salem,  Ohio, 
and  Christy  Waltersdorff, 
Lombard,  111.  Elected  as  district 

representatives  are  Ed  Kerschensteiner,  Boise,  Idaho 

(Idaho):  Marty  Barlow,  Dayton,  Va.  (Shenandoah);  and 

Don  Booz,  McPherson,  Kan.  (Western  Plains). 

General  Board  reorganization:  Chris  Bowman 

(1998),  Martinsburg,  Pa.,  will  chair  the 

General  Board  for  the  next  year.  Lori 

Knepp  (1998),  Everett,  Pa.,  will  be  vice 


Beth  Middleton  (1998),  Boones  Mill, 

Va.;  Phyllis  Davis  (1999),  North  Liberty, 

Ind.;  Bill  Eberly  (2000),  North  Manchester, 

Ind.;  and  Terry  Shumaker  (1999),  Decatur, 

Ind.,  will  serve  with  Bowman  and  Knepp  on 

the  General  Board  Executive  Committee. 
Continuing  on  the  General  Board, 

besides  these  1 1  members  are  Ernie  Bolz 

(1999),  Tonasket,  Wash.;  Krista  Carter 

(2000),  Westminster,  Md.;  Ruth  Clark 

(1999),  Froid,  Mont.;  Mary  Jo  Flory- 

Steury  (2001),  Dayton,  Ohio;  Roger  Forry 

(1998),  Somerset,  Pa.;  Stafford  Frederick 

(2000),  Olathe,  Kan.;  Wayne  Judd  (2001), 

Cathy  Simmons  Huffman 

The  first  new  General  Board  members  under  the  New  Design:  Five 
new  General  Board  members  elected  at  Long  Beach  will  join 
the  incumbents  in  fiUing  in  tiw  details  of  the  New  Design  (the 
restructured  General  Board  and  its  program).  Marty  Barlow  of 
Dayton,  Va..  wasn  't  on  hand,  but  the  other  four  were  rounded 
up  by  Messenger's  photographer:  Ed  Kerschensteiner.  Boise, 
Idaho:  Don  Booz,  McPherson.  Kan.:  Christy  Waltersdorff, 
Lombard,  III.;  and  Don  Parker.  West  Salem,  Ohio.  Their  first 
Board  meeting  will  convene  in  Elgin.  III..  October  18. 

An  Executive  Committee  with  a  different  twist.  Formerly,  the 
General  Board's  Executive  Committee  included  the  three 
Board  members  who  serx'ed  as  chairs  of  the  three  commissions, 
plus  two  appointed  members.  Under  the  New  Design,  there  are 
no  commissions,  so  besides  the  Board  chairman  and  vice 
chairwoman,  the  Executive  Committee  now  has.  in  addition, 
only  four  appointed  members.  One  appointed  member,  Terry 
Shumaker,  was  off  in  Mexico  with  a  youth  workcamp  when 
the  Messenger  photographer  mustered  the  other  members  for 
a  photo:  Lori  Knepp,  General  Board  vice  chairwoman: 
appointed  members  Beth  Middleton,  Bill  Eberly.  and  Phyllis 
Miller:  and  the  General  Board  chairman.  Chris  Bowman. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  25 

No  stranger.  Chris 

Bowman,  the  new 
General  Board  chairman, 
is  no  new  face.  He  has 
had  a  high  profile  as 
chairman  of  the  Redesign 
Steering  Committee  over 
the  past  two  years.  He 
pastors  Martinsburg  (Pa.) 
Memorial  Church  of  the 

Elizabethtown.  Pa.;  Edith  Kiester  (2001),  Thomas, 
Okla.;  David  Miller  (2001).  Roanoke,  Va.;  Gilbert 
Romero  (2000),  Montebello,  Cahf.;  Tracy  Sadd  (1999), 
Lititz,  Pa.;  Paul  Wampler  (2001),  Manassas,  Va.;  and 
Marie  Willoughby  (2001).  Copemish,  Mich. 

Annual  Conference  Program  and  Arrangements 
Committee.  Becky  Rhodes.  Roanoke,  Va.,  was  elected 
for  a  3 -year  term. 

Pastoral  Compensation  and  Benefits  Advisory  Com- 
mittee. Scott  Duffey,  Westminister,  Md.,  was  elected  for 
a  5-year  term.  Ron  Beachley.  Davidsville.  Pa.,  was 
elected  to  a  2-year  unexpired  term.  Laird  Bowman, 
Boones  Mill,  Va.,  was  elected  to  a  3-year  unexpired  term. 

Committee  on  Interchurch  Relations.  Ken  Kline 
Smeltzer.  Modesto,  Calif.,  was  elected  to  a  3-year  term. 
Joe  Loomis,  Furnace,  Pa.,  was  appointed  by  the  General 
Board  to  a  3-year  term. 

Brethren  Benefit  Trust  Board.  Greg  Geisert,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  was  elected  to  a  4-year  term.  Richard 
Pogue,  Washington,  D.C.,  was  appointed  last  November 
to  complete  an  unexpired  term.  Appointed  to  the  board 
were  Fred  Bernhard,  Arcanum,  Ohio,  and  Don  Apple, 
Anderson,  Ind. 

Bethany  Theological  Seminary  Board.  Carl 
Bowman.  Verona,  Va..  and  Guy  Wampler,  Lancaster, 
Pa.,  were  elected  to  5 -year  terms.  Appointed  as  board 
members  were  Anne  Murray  Reid,  Roanoke,  Va..  and 
James  Long,  Pasadena,  Calif. 

Ministers  Association.  Francis  Townsend,  Pre- 
ston, Minn.,  was  elected  secretary  by  the  association. 
David  Bibbee,  Elkhart,  Ind.,  serves  as  chairman  for 
the  coming  year. 

Nominating  Committee  of  Standing  Committee. 
Elected  to  2-year  terms  were  Alice  Martin-Adkins,  Her- 
shey.  Pa.;  Pat  Royer,  Stockton,  Calif.;  Paul  Schrock, 
Indianapolis,  Ind.;  and  Fred  Swartz,  Manassas,  Va. 
Continuing  for  their  second  year  are  Sandy  Bosserman, 
Peace  Valley,  Mo.;  Mark  Flory-Steury,  Dayton,  Ohio; 
Ed  Garrison,  Mount  Morris,  111.;  and  Marlene  Neher, 
Grundy  Center,  Iowa. 

When  Sunday  is  th|< 

While  everyone  else  seems  to  have  good 
families,  successful  jobs,  a  hopeful  future, 
and  a  dynamic  faith,  some  church  members 
describe  Sunday  as  the  worst  day  of  the  week  for  them. 

If  this  perception  lingers  and  makes  these  people 
feel  more  isolated  and  hurt,  they  may  be  suffering  from 
depression.  Instead  of  Sunday  being  a  time  of  celebra- 
tion and  affirmation,  it  brings  them  feelings  of 
loneliness  and  distress.  Do  we  notice? 

Look  around  your  own  congregation.  Do  you  find 
many  people  as  courageous  as  Annual  Conference  modera- 
tor-elect (immy  Ross  in  being  open  about  having 
depression?  Concealing  the  disease  is  a  part  of  what  blocks 
the  relational  opportunities  for  assisting  in  healing  depres- 
sion. Families  are  profoundly  impacted  when  a  member  is 
struck  with  depression  or  struggles  with  chronic  depres- 
sion. Pastors  and  congregations  can  offer  genuine  concern 
and  compassion  that  verifies  that  the  depressed  person  is 
still  loved,  wanted,  and  needed  in  the  church. 

In  contrast  with  the  two-day  or  even  two-week 
blues,  clinical  depression  is  as  silent,  pervasive,  and 
overwhelming  as  being  lost  in  a  fog.  It  is  a  debilitating 
illness,  not  a  weakness,  not  a  sin,  and  not  a  punish- 
ment. Depression  is  the  fourth  most  common  illness, 
according  to  the  World  Health  Organization.  National 
Institutes  of  Mental  Health  (NIMH)  statistics  indicate 
that  clinical  depression  strikes  between  10  and  20  mil- 
lion Americans  each  year.  Specifically,  one  in  four 
women  and  one  in  10  men  will  have  at  least  one  depres- 
sive episode  in  their  life. 

Depression  is  a  chemical  reaction  in  the  brain,  and 
is  stimulated  by  many  relationships.  While  medical 
expertise  is  needed  for  the  rebalancing  of  the  brain 
chemistry,  congregations  can  provide  needed  spiritual 
and  emotional  support  for  the  depressed  person  and  the 
family.  The  two  most  common  sources  are  pain  (physi- 
cal, emotional,  or  spiritual)  and  grief  (loss  by  death  or 
separation  from  a  loved  one).  Major  emotions,  sepa- 
rately or  in  conjunction,  contribute  to  depression: 

Anxiety — a  sense  of  meaninglessness,  lostness,  loneli- 
ness, despair,  and  unreasonable  and  uncontrollable  fears. 

Rage/anger — internalized  self-hatred  or  self-rejec- 
tion, which  often  is  accompanied  by  violence  toward 
family  members. 

Shame  and  guilt — the  irrational  and  narcissistic 
feelings  that  we  are  unlovable,  exposed,  and  vulnerable 
to  others  condemning  us,  or  feeling  guilty  for  actual 
thoughts  or  acts. 

These  are  complex  feelings.  They  create  or  con- 
tribute to  a  whirlpool  effect  of  being  out  of  control  and 

26  Messenger  August/September  1997 

orst  day  of  the  week 

sucked  into  a  progressively  deeper  state  of  depression. 
Tiie  fellowship  of  the  church  can  be  sensitive  to  these 
feelings  and  offer  compassion  and  caring  relationships  to 
balance  the  depressed  person's  confusion. 

In  addition  to  suffering  unipolar  or  major  depression, 
some  people  may  experience  bipolar  or  manic-depression. 
These  people  have  episodes  of  high  energy,  emotional 
binges,  spending  sprees,  and  angry  outbursts  that  later 
will  be  followed  by  severe  depression.  The  mood  swings 
between  highs  and  lows  are  additionally  confusing  to 
family  members  and  others. 

Researchers  believe  that  the  tendency  toward  depres- 
sion comes  as  a  part  of  genetic  make-up,  along  with  the 
pressures  and  influences  of  life  experiences.  Many 
depressed  people  try  to  self-medicate  their  distress,  which 
leads  to  depression  being  the  single  most  prevalent  cause 
of  alcoholism  and  drug  addiction. 

No  family  or  congregation  is  immune  from  depres- 
sion striking  a  loved  one.  Congregations  can  offer  many 
forms  of  response  to  depression: 

Loving  isn't  a  passive  action  or  reaction.  Expressing 
honest  compassion  and  love  for  someone  suffering  from 
depression  provides  a  sense  of  reality  that  challenges  the  feel- 
ing of  being  unlovable  and  alone.  Prayer  and  other  ordinances 
of  our  church,  such  as  the  laying  on  of  hands,  are  available. 

Educate,  educate,  and  educate.  Congregations  need 
to  be  more  informed  about  the  causes  and  symptoms  of 
depresssion,  and  support  for  and  responses  to  individuals 
and  families  struggling  with  the  depressive  turmoil.  Uti- 
lizing community  resources  in  mental  health  clinics  and 
hospitals  for  Christian  education  classes  better  informs  us 
and  puts  faith  into  action.  Having  materials  in  the  church 
for  people  to  learn  about  depression  is  important  for 
those  who  do  not  know  where  to  find  information. 

Pastors,  deacons,  and  others  can  help.  Pastors, 
deacons,  and  others  who  are  already  in  the  health  field  or 
who  are  designated  by  the  congregation  need  to  assist 
and  support  members  and  families  feeling  overwhelmed 
by  depression.  Pastors  and  others  may  need  additional 
education  in  order  to  offer  competent  pastoral  care  in 
these  instances. 

Support  or  host  a  DMDA  self-help  group.  Support 
or  host  a  Depression  and  Manic-Depression  Association 
(DMDA)  self-help  group,  in  which  individuals  and  family 
members  discuss  their  experiences  and  provide  support 
for  each  other. 

Contact  local  mental  health  experts.  Individuals  may 
directly  contact  community  mental  health  personnel, 
physicians,  or  hospitals  to  obtain  help  or  information  if 
they  feel  they  cannot  raise  questions  with  fellow  members 

Jimmy,  we  hardly  knew  ye.  Genuine  regret  was  overwhelmingly 
expressed  by  Conferencegoers  when  the  news  broke  that  the 
moderator-elect  had  resigned  on  June  27.  deciding  that  the 
major  depression  he  was  suffering  following  prostate  surgery 
May  28  precluded  his  talking  up  the  duties  of  moderator  over 
the  coming  year  As  expressions  of  their  desire  for  Ross '  speedy 
recovery  and  of  regret  that  he  will  not  be  serving  his  term, 
hundreds  of  Conferencegoers  signed  sheets  of  newsprint  to 
send  him.  Some  participated  in  a  video  greeting,  while  others 
sent  cards,  offered  prayers,  or  dropped  prayer  requests  in  the 
box  by  the  Conference  Prayer  Room  door. 

Says  Ross,  "Difficult  as  making  the  decision  to  resign 
was,  I'm  sure  I  made  the  right  one.  It  was  far  better  to  resign 
in  June  than  to  get  a  few  months  into  my  moderatorship  and 
then  have  to  step  down. "  Ross  also  feels  he  has  rendered  a 
service  through  his  public  confrontation  with  depression. 
"This  should  make  Brethren  more  comfortable  in  talking 
about  and  dealing  with  an  illness  that,  until  now.  has  often 
been  hushed  up  or  ignored. " 

The  62-year-old  Ross,  a  native  of  Waynesboro,  Va.,  who 
grew  up  in  the  Blue  Ridge  Chapel  congregation,  has  spent  his 
career  in  pastoral  ministry.  He  has  served  Lititz  (Pa.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren  as  full-time  pastor  since  1985. 

of  their  congregation.  Silence  is  worse. 

Sunday  may  not  feel  like  the  best  day  of  the  week  to 
someone  who  is  depressed,  but  it  is  our  opportunity  to  offer 
hospitality,  seasoned  hopefulness,  prayer,  and  other  acts  of 
caring  for  the  individual  and  the  family  as  a  part  of  our  con- 
sistent response  to  their  need.  Sabbath  is  a  time  of  faithful 
change  that  can  bring  healing  and  restoration.  We  have  the 
opportunity  of  serving  with  God's  own  spirit  to  achieve  this 
with  those  suffering  depression. — Larry  Ulrich 

Larry  Ulrich.  a  member  of  York  Center  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Lom- 
bard, III.,  is  director  of  the  Department  of  Religion  and  Health. 
University  of  Chicago  Hospitals.  He  is  also  clinical  professor  at  The 
Chicago  Theological  Seminary. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  27 

Music  for  every  taste.  Conference- 
goers  were  treated  to  music  of 
many  varieties  at  Long  Beach.  A 
highlight  of  the  week  was  the  Sat- 
urday evening  concert  by  pianist 
Him t ley  Brown  (top  left).  Brethren 
musician  with  a  peace  emphasis, 
Mike  Stern  of  Seattle,  Wash,  (top 
right),  introduced  his  specially 
composed  Conference  theme  song. 
"Count  Well  the  Cost, "  during 
Tuesday  evening  worship.  Los 
Angeles  (Bella  Vista)  pastor 
Gilbert  Romero 's  Bittersweet  Band 
(center  left)  performed  for  Friday's 
Brethren  Family  Picnic.  Jonathan 
Shively,  pastor  of  Pomona  (Calif) 
Fellowship  church,  served  Confer- 
ence as  music  coordinator,  often 
using  his  guitar  for  accompani- 
ment (lower  left).  Jason  Leister,  a 
20-year-old  music  student  from 
Lancaster  (Pa.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren  (center  right)  was  organ- 
ist for  the  week.  The  La  Verne 
(Calif.)  Singers  (lower  right)  were 
among  the  musicians  who  pro- 
vided Early  Evening  Concerts. 

28  Messenger  August/September  1997 

\l  Long  Beach  odds  and  ends 

Registration  at  Long  Beach  totaled  3,325,  including  826 
delegates.  That  was  down  from  4,973  at  Cincinnati  last 
year,  but  above  the  3,240  at  Portland  '91,  the  most  recent 
West  Coast  Conference. 

Annual  Conference  offerings  came  to  $45,574,  compared 
with  $60,273  last  year  in  Cincinnati.  Brethren  Press  sales 
were  $50,000  and  SERRV  sales  $27,000.  The  annual 
Quilt  Auction  brought  in  $  1 5,300.  A  quilt  made  by  junior 
high  kids  sold  for  $2,200. 

Brethren  donated  335  pints  of  blood  in  this  year's 
blood  drive. 

Conference  will  be  held  in  Orlando  lune  30-|uly  5, 
1998,  the  third  time  around  for  that  city  (1947  and  1989). 
The  only  other  Florida  Conference  was  St.  Petersburg  '71. 
Conference  will  meet  in  Milwaukee  |une  29— July  4,  1999, 
where  it  last  met  in  1990;  in  Kansas  City,  Mo.  (for  the 
first  time),  |uly  15-19,  2000;  in  Baltimore  June  30-|uly  4, 
2001,  where  it  last  met  in  1983;  and  in  Louisville  June 
29-Iuly  3,  2002.  Conference  has  met  in  Louisville  two 
other  years,  1966  and  1969.  Conferencegoers  will  note 
that,  beginning  in  2000,  Conference  becomes  a  five-day, 
Saturday-Wednesday  event. 

Conferencegoers,  for  the  second  year, 

helped  construct  a  Habitat  for  Humanity 
house.  Sixty-four  volunteers  worked  the 
equivalent  of  146  days. 

Jerry  Crouse,  Rocky  Mount,  Va.,  and 
Frances  Bourne,  Walkersville,  Md.,  were 
first-place  finishers  in  Outdoor  Ministries 
Association's  Run/Walk.  Forty-six  people 
participated  in  the  5k  race,  raising  over  $650 
for  OMA  and  Heifer  Project.  First-place 
walkers  were  Dave  Fouts,  Luthersville,  Md., 
and  lean  Hendricks,  Eudora,  Kan. 

Walt  Bowman,  Northridge,  Calif.,  received 
the  Outdoor  Ministries  Association's  Four 
Horsemen  Leadership  Development  Award. 
Paul  Bowman  of  Camp  Brethren  Woods  in 
Virginia  received  the  Camp  Volunteer  Award. 
The  Camp  Staff  Award  went  to  Doug  Phillips, 
who  has  been  director  of  Outdoor  Ministries 
at  Camp  Brethren  Woods  for  14  years. 

The  1997  Ecumenical  Award,  presented  by 
the  Committee  on  Interchurch  Relations, 
went  to  Fairview  Church  of  the  Brethren, 

Line  up  for  barbecue. /I/?  innovation 
at  Long  Beach  (easily  traceable  to 
the  fertile  brain  of  moderator  David 
Wine)  was  Friday's  Brethren  Family 
Picnic — a  barbecue  on  the  lawn 
outside  the  convention  center  Con- 
veniently, it  fell  on  the  Fourth  of 
July,  lending  a  special  note  of  fes- 
tivity. Although  Brethren  are  ex- 
pected to  eschew  overly  patriotic 
frolicking,  a  few  showed  up  in  tops 
with  a  US  flag  motif  The  Bitter- 
sweet Band  from  Bella  Vista 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Los  An- 
geles pounded  the  air  with  its  mu- 
sic. And  2.400  Brethren,  choosing 
from  among  10  serving  lines, 
pigged  out  on  barbecue  and  other 
food  choices.  Michelle  Bendit  of 
Landisville.  Pa.,  scarfing  down 
her  barbecue  and  following  it 
with  a  satisfying  belch,  provided  a 
thumbs-up  critique  of  the  event  for 
herself  and  her  fellow  picnickers. 

August/September  1997  Messenger  29 

A  little  lower.  There,  that's  it.  Nobody  at  Long  Beach  accused 
Paul  Lovelace  of  nibbing  people  the  wrong  way.  The  talented 
massage  therapist  from  Pomona  (Calif)  Fellowship  Church  of 
the  Brethren  provided  free  workovers  for  weary  Conferencegoers' 
for  an  hour  each  day  in  the  Hospitality  Center.  The  center  was 
created  and  staffed  by  members  of  Pacific  Southwest  District. 

Williamsburg,  Pa.,  and  La  Verne  (Calif.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  recognizing  their  witness  in  working  in  partner- 
ship with  other  churches  and  agencies. 

Brethren  historian  David  B.  Eller  has  been  selected  to  be 
the  new  editor  of  Brethren  Life  and  Thought,  the  quarterly 
scholarly  journal  published  by  the  Brethren  (ournal  Asso- 
ciation. Eller  is  director  of  the  Young  Center  for  the  Study 
of  Anabaptist  and  Pietist  Groups  at  Elizabethtown  College, 
and  professor  of  History  and  Religious  Studies.  As  editor, 
he  succeeds  Christina  Bucher,  also  of  the  Elizabethtown 
College  faculty. 

John  Flora  of  Bridgewater,  Va.,  was  elected  to  his  sixth 
one-year  term  as  chairman  of  the  Brethren  Benefit  Trust 
Board.  Ann  Quay,  Covina,  Calif.,  was  elected  to  her  fourth 
one-year  term  as  vice  chairwoman.  Wil  Nolen,  BBT  presi- 
dent, was  elected  board  secretary.  Kathy  Lee,  BBT 
treasurer,  was  elected  board  treasurer. 

Would  Aunt  Dinah  believe  her  eyes?  Corrie  Saylor,  Joshua  Flory-Steury,  and 
Jesse  Kline -Smeltzer  were  among  the  junior  high  youth  who  took  needle  and 
thimble  in  hand  to  create  a  quilt  that  brought  $2,200  at  the  Saturday  auction. 

Hammering  for  Habitat.  Over  60  volunteers 
tnoved  a  Habitat  for  Humanity  two-house 
building  project  from  bare  concrete  slabs  on 
Tuesday  to  structures  ready  for  siding  and 
drywall  by  weekend. 

30  Messenger  August/September  1997 

Cost-conscious  preachers.  The  six 

preachers  for  uvrsliip  services  during 
Conference  week  presented  variations 
on  a  theme:  Count  Well  the  Cost,  a 
take-off  on  the  Alexander  Mack  hymn 
by  that  title.  All  the  sermons  were 
designed  to  inspire  in  Brethren  {in  the 
moderator's  words)  "zeal  to  once  again 
count  well  the  cost  of  our  faith. "  Wine, 
'himself  (top  left)  preached  the  first  sermon,  exploring  the 
main  theme.  The  preachers  who  followed  explored  facets  of 
the  theme.  Judith  Kipp  (center  left),  pastor  of  Ridgeway 
Community  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Harrisburg.  Pa.,  spoke 
Wednesday  on  the  cost  of  community.  Dawn  Ottoni  Wilhelm 
(top  right),  pastor  of  Huntingdon  (Pa.)  Stone  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  spoke  Thursday  on  the  cost  of  simplicity.  Millard 
Fuller  (bottom  left),  president  of  Habitat  for  Humanity,  spoke 
Friday  on  the  cost  of  service.  Glenn  Mitchell, (bottom  right) 
pastor  of  University  Baptist  and  Brethren  congregation  in 
State  College.  Pa.,  spoke  Saturday  on  the  cost  of  peace.  And 
Rich  Hanley  (center  right).  Western  Plains  District  executive, 
spoke  Sunday  on  the  cost  of  discipleship. 

Seven  new  church  fellowships  were  welcomed  during  Con- 
ference: Cornerstone  Christ  Fellowship,  Lebanon,  Pa.; 
Concord  (N.C.)  Fellowship;  Villa  Prades  (P.R.)  Fellowship; 
Grace  Christian  Fellowship,  Upper  Darby,  Pa.;  Circle  of  Love 
Fellowship,  Buckhannon,  W.Va.;  Cincinnati  (Ohio)  Fellow- 
ship; and  Smith  Mountain  Lake  Fellowship,  Moneta,  Va. 

Brethren  Volunteer  Service  celebrates  its  1948  founding 

during  the  coming  year.  The  theme  is  "Living  the  Story:  50 
Years  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service."  People  are  invited  to 
send  photos,  drawings,  stories,  anecdotes,  reminiscences, 
and  descriptions  of  BVSers  and  their  work  to  BVS  50 
Years,  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120.  A  national 
event  will  be  held  at  New  Windsor,  Md.,  Oct.  2-4,  1998. 

The  old  British  ocean  liner  Queen  Mary,  permanently 
moored  in  Long  Beach  and  visible  from  the  convention 
center,  became  a  familiar  sight  to  conferencegoers.  with 
many  of  them  visiting  it  during  the  week  and  various 
groups  having  outings  to  it.  On  the  night  of  July  4, 
Brethren  watched  a  fireworks  display  over  the  ship.  (Isn't 
that  rubbing  it  in  a  bit,  to  celebrate  American  independence 
above  a  hapless  British  vessel?)  Do  tourists  hear  the  story 
of  how  the  ship  got  its  name?  The  company  that  built  the 
great  liner  planned  to  name  it  the  Queen  Victoria.  Officials 
had  an  audience  with  King  George  V  (Victoria's  grandson, 
whose  consort  was  Mary  of  Teck)  to  tell  him  their  choice. 
"We  plan  to  name  the  ship  for  Britain's  greatest  queen," 
they  said.  The  king  smiled  appreciatively  and  replied,  "Her 
majesty  will  be  pleased."  And  that  was  that! 

August/September  1997  Messenger  31 

Conference  as  a  battleground 

We  had  been  reasonably  civil  toward  each  other  all 
week  at  Long  Beach.  One  might  have  thought  that  it 
was  Charlotte  '95,  and  former  schoolmarm  fudy 
Mills  Reimer  was  eyeballing  us  into  good  behavior.  But  then, 
hostilities  broke  out  on  Saturday  morning. 

Officially,  we  were  discussing  the  issue  of  fetal  tissue 
use.  But,  as  in  real  warfare,  any  excuse  will  do  for  those 
wanting  the  advantage  of  first  strike.  Suddenly  we  were 
into  the  abortion  war  again.  Shells  were  lobbed  from  mike 
to  mike.  When  the  casualties  were  counted  up,  the  Fetal 
Tissue  Use  Statement  was  among  them. 

The  question  is  not  whether  the  abortion 
issue  is  important  or  not.  It  is.  The  question 
is  not  whether  the  fetal  tissue  use  issue  is  impor- 
tant or  not.  It  is.  For  me,  two  questions  come 
to  mind:  1.  Ought  we  even  to  put  such  spe- 
cific issues  on  the  agenda?  2.  Is  there  not  a 
better  use  of  our  time  together  at  Conference? 

Behind  both  questions  is  the  notion  that 
we  might  be  better  off  talking  together  about 
and  reinforcing  the  basic  principles  we  affirm, 
rather  than  hammering  out  a  statement  on 
each  specific  issue  as  it  crops  up. 

lust  a  few  years  ago.  Conference  set  up  a  committee  "to 
reemphasize  the  Brethren  tradition  of  the  simple  life  and  to 
discern  its  full  meaning  for  our  time."  (Quick  test:  Can 
anyone  tell  me,  without  peeping,  what  year  that  committee's 
report  was  accepted  ...  or  what  it  said? )  At  the  time  the 
query  was  accepted  and  the  committee  named,  I  wondered 
if  the  committee  would  be  delving  far  enough.  "Looks  to  me 
like,"  I  wrote,  "if  we  went  deep  enough  in  our  study,  we 
might  recognize  a  set  of  principles  that  underlie  simple 
living  in  all  ages.  Then,  if  we  had  those  principles  graven  on 
our  hearts,  we  wouldn't  keep  forgetting  the  simple  life  and 
having  to  refresh  our  memories  from  time  to  time." 

Somewhere  on  our  way,  along  with  the  distortion  of  our 
earlier  Brethren  meaning  of  "freedom  of  conscience"  and  "no 
force  in  religion,"  the  fragmentation  into  special-interest 
groups,  and  the  general  celebration  of  diversity,  we  have 
become  disunited — distrusting  one  another,  distrusting  lead- 
ership, breaking  into  special-interest  factions,  and  resorting 
to  political  maneuvering  to  get  our  own  way.  We  talk  about 
basic  principles  adopted  by  our  Brethren  forebears  and  occa- 
sionally call  for  them  to  be  declared  anew,  but  in  most  cases 
we  want  them  interpreted  from  our  own  individual  viewpoint. 

A  case  in  point  is  a  1996  query  that  led  to  a  committee 
being  named  to  write  a  statement  on  "the  New  Testament  as 
Our  Rule  of  Faith  and  Practice."  The  framers  of  the  query 
"believe [d]  it  would  be  helpful  for  Annual  Conference  to  reaf- 
firm and/or  clarify  what  we  mean  when  we  say  'The  New 
Testament  is  our  rule  of  faith  and  practice,'  and  to  extend  that 
discussion  into  what  such  a  stance  means  in  our  relationship 
with  one  another  and  our  use  of  scripture  to  inform  Annual 

32  Messenger  August/September  1997 

When  the 

casualties  tvere 

counted  up,  the 

Fetal  Tissue  Use 

Statement  was 

among  them. 

Conference  position  statements." 

Well  and  good.  The  early  Brethren,  history  tells  us,  affirmed! 
this  principle.  But  in  our  nearly  three  centuries  as  a  church, 
new  interpretations  and  understandings  have  emerged.  So 
where  do  we  now  stand  regarding  this  principle  of  the  New 
Testament  being  our  rule  of  faith  and  practice?  It's  a  question 
whose  answer  could  be  helpful.  But  will  it  have  a  positive  effect 
in  uniting  us,  in  improving  the  quality  of  our  life  together? 

I  like  the  report  that  the  committee  on  "The  New  Testament 
as  Our  Rule  of  Faith  and  Practice"  brought  to  the  1997  Stand- 
ing Committee.  I  am  doubtful,  however,  that 
adopting  its  statement  next  year  will  put  a  stop  to 
one  group  of  us  accusing  another  of  misinterpret- 
ing the  New  Testament  or  of  violating  this  rule  of 
faith  and  practice.  I  doubt  that  it  will  put  a  stop  to 
arguing  over  who  the  true  Brethren  are.  We  want 
the  Scriptures  to  support  us,  not  inform  us. 

I  particularly  endorse  the  "Additional  Sugges- 
tions for  Our  Life  Together,"  given  at  the  end  of 
the  committee's  report.  Acknowledging  that  we 
have  come  to  think  of  "Annual  Conference  as  a  po- 
litical battleground,"  the  committee  suggests 
ways  to  move  away  from  that  mind-set. 
First,  we  should  take  a  generally  more  courteous  and 
modest  approach  to  speech  making.  Even  the  way  we 
presently  legislate  microphone  appearances  discourages  open 
interchange  of  ideas.  Changing  certain  rules  for  conducting 
business  could  help.  And,  agreeing  with  what  I  have  said  ear- 
lier, the  committee  believes  "it  is  possible  that  we  are  trying  to 
speak  exhaustively  on  too  many  issues." 

My  point  on  "too  many  issues"  is  that  if  we  were  serious 
about  following  the  New  Testament  as  our  rule  of  faith  and 
practice — really  willing  to  submit  to  it — we  wouldn't  need 
to  speak  at  the  Conference  level  on  many  specific  issues. 
Our  rule  of  faith  and  practice  would  inform  us  sufficiently 
what  was  right  and  wrong. 

s  with  the  aforementioned  simple  life,  if  we  get  the 

underlying  principle  down  by  heart,  revere  it,  and 
,  believe  in  it,  we  don't  need  a  statement  to  flip  through 
to  see  how  to  handle  every  issue  that  comes  along.  My  par- 
ents taught  me  the  principle  of  honesty.  I  don't  need  to  write 
myself  a  statement  on  stealing,  lying,  or  cheating. 

The  committee  says  that  "Conference  concerns  should  be 
examined  by  careful  New  Testament  study  before  reaching 
query  status,  and  responses  to  the  queries  should  be 
grounded  in  the  New  Testament."  1  agree.  But  careful  New 
Testament  study  and  time  spent  in  respectful  conversation 
together  could  eliminate  the  surfacing  of  many  of  those 
"Conference  concerns."  Even  a  whole  Conference  given  just 
to  talking  together  as  a  family  would  be  good. 

Better  anyway,  than  the  battleground  we  presently  make 
of  it.— K.T 


Marriage  is  a 

good  thing. 

But  unrealistic 



family  business, 

and  reactions 

to  unhappy 


can  all  combine 

to  make  many 

a  good  thing 

go  bad. 


by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

There's  nothing  sadder 
than  a  good  thing  gone 

In  last  month's  column,  I 
told  the  story  of  David  and 
Michal.  It  is  a  story  that  does 
not  have  a  happy  ending.  That 
frustrates  me,  because  I  like 
happy  endings.  But  there  are 
many  similar  stories  being 
lived  out  today — stories  of 
good  things  gone  bad.  Where 
did  David  and  Michal  go 
wrong?  They  went  wrong  in 
exactly  the  same  areas  young 
couples  go  wrong  today. 

/ .  They  entered  their  marriage 
with  unrealistic  expectations. 
Michal  wanted  a  hero.  David 
was  handsome  and  popular,  the 
catch  of  the  season.  Snagging 
David  would  make  Michal  the 
belle  of  the  ball  and  the  envy  of 
all  her  peers. 

David  wanted  a  princess. 
Marrying  Michal  would  give 
him  an  "in"  with  the  royal 
family,  seal  his  position,  and 
perhaps  smooth  over  the  tur- 
bulence with  the  man  he 
would  replace  as  king. 

David  and  Michal  did  to 
some  degree  what  many  young 
men  and  women  do  today 
when  seeking  a  marriage  part- 
ner. They  came  up  with  their 
personal  "blueprint"  of  "ideal 
mate"  and  superimposed  it  on 
each  other. 

2.  They  entered  their  mar- 
riage with  unfinished  family 
business.  Granted,  where 
David  and  Michal  are  con- 
cerned, this  is  largely  specula- 
tion on  my  part.  But  think 
about  it.  Michal  was  her  fa- 
ther's second  choice;  King 
Saul  had  originally  offered 

older  sister  Merab  to  David  in 
marriage.  Had  Michal  grown 
up  in  her  sister's  shadow?  Was 
marrying  David,  to  some  de- 
gree, an  attempt  to  win  her  fa- 
ther's approval? 

And  remember,  David  was 
the  youngest  of  eight  boys. 
None  of  his  older  brothers  was 
exactly  happy  that  the  runt  of 
the  litter  had  been  chosen  to  be 
Israel's  king.  In  fact,  when 
David  offered  to  go  fight  Go- 
liath, his  eldest  brother,  Eliab, 
called  him  presumptuous  and 
evil  (1  Sam.  17:28).  I  have  to 
believe  that  David's  formative 
years  were  filled  with  attempts 
to  prove  himself.  Was  Michal 
just  one  more  prize  to  win? 

David  and  Michal,  like  many 
couples  today,  entered  their 
marriage  with  unfinished  family 
business,  each  wanting  the 
other  to  fix  his  self-esteem  and 
fill  the  void  left  by  the  unmet 
needs  from  their  families. 

5.  They  allowed  circumstances 
to  come  between  them.  David 
and  Michal  were  swept  up  in 
circumstances  beyond  their  con- 
trol. David  didn't  choose  the  life 
of  a  fugitive.  Michal  didn't 
choose  to  be  given  to  another 
man  in  marriage.  Neither  had 
control  over  those  turns  of 
events.  They  were  like  many 
couples  today  who  do  not  have 
control  over  circumstances:  The 
real  issue  is  not  what  happens  to 
us,  but,  rather,  how  we  respond 
to  what  happens  to  us. 

Perhaps  Michal  grieved  over 
lost  love  and  lost  youth.  But 
instead  of  accepting  her  pain 
with  grace  and  courage,  she 
turned  on  David  with  ven- 
omous spite  in  2  Samuel  6:20 
(TLB):  "How  glorious  the 
king  of  Israel  looked  today: 

He  exposed  himself  to  the 
girls  along  the  street  like  a 
common  pervert!" 

And  what  about  David?  Does 
he  honor  the  wife  of  his  youth? 
Does  he  speak  words  of  under- 
standing and  conciliation?  Not 
at  all!  In  2  Samuel  6:2 1 ,  he 
rubs  it  in  that  he  has  displaced 
Michal's  family's  dynasty  and 
gloats  that  other  women  are  at- 
tracted to  him.  after  which  he 
totally  rejects  Michal. 

How  do  I  know  that?  Be- 
cause 2  Samuel  6:23  says 
Michal  remained  childless. 
Some  Bible  commentators  will 
point  to  that  and  claim  that 
God  was  extinguishing  Saul's 
line.  But  I  think  the  reason  for 
Michal's  barrenness  is  much 
simpler.  I  think  David  and 
Michal  lived  out  their  days  un- 
der the  same  roof,  husband  and 
wife  in  name  only. 

Marriage  is  a  good  thing.  But 
unrealistic  expectations,  unfin- 
ished family  business,  and  reac- 
tions to  unhappy  circumstances 
can  all  combine  to  make  many 
a  good  thing  go  bad. 

Identifying  and  addressing 
these  issues,  refusing  to  allow 
circumstances  to  come  between 
you,  and  allowing  God  to  take 
over  your  marriage  can  not 
only  prevent  a  good  thing  from 
going  bad,  but  also  rescue   rrr 
one  that  has.  r^' 

Robin  Wentn'orth  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Kotcomo  (Ind.)  Churcti 
of  the  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  column  offer- 
ing suggestions,  perspectives,  and 
opinions — siiapsliots  of  life — that  we 
hope  are  helpful  to  readers  in  their 
Christian  journey.  As  the  writer  said  in 
her  first  installment,  "Remember, 
when  it  comes  to  managing  life's  diffi- 
culties, we  don't  need  to  tmlk  on 
water  We  just  need  to  learn  where  the 
stepping  stones  are. " 

August/September  1997  Messenger  33 

Life  is  forever 

BY  Chalmer  E.  Faw 

^1   II  Christians  read  the  Bible 

/  m    as  their  basic  book,  paying 
^  JL,  some  kind  of  attention  to  it. 
But  how  many  take  it  seriously 
enough  to  let  it  shape  their  whole 
understanding  of  life? 

For  example,  it  is  common  to  think 
of  human  existence  as  the  short  span 
of  70  to  100  years  that  one  spends 
on  this  earth.  Again  and  again,  even 
Christians  say,  "This  life  may  not  be 
much,  but  it  is  far  better  than  the 
alternative  (meaning  death)."'  But 
from  the  New  Testament  perspective, 
that  definitely  is  not  true.  All  through 
this  basic  document  of  our  faith,  the 
promise  is  life  everlasting,  as  |ohn 
3:16  and  hundreds  of  other  texts 

But  what  difference  does  it  make? 
All  the  difference  in  the  world!  Con- 
sider several  aspects  of  it.  Take  the 
matter  of  the  young  friend  or  relative 
whose  life  is  cut  short  by  some  acci- 
dent or  dreaded  disease  such  as 
cancer.  It  may  not  be  what  one 
would  choose,  but  it  is  no  longer  the 
tragedy  that  it  would  be  for  one  who 
has  no  hope  of  eternity.  In  fact,  it 
can  be  a  real  blessing  if  that  person  is 
a  loving  Christian,  making  an  impact 
in  this  life  and  going  on  to  live  for- 
ever and  ever  with  the  Lord.  |esus 
himself  lived  to  be  only  33,  but  what 
a  powerful,  saving  influence  he  has 
exerted  on  all  humankind! 

Go  live  for  a  while  in  an  animist 
society,  as  I  have  done,  in  which  the 
majority  of  the  people  do  not  believe 
in  everlasting  life,  and  see  the  differ- 
ence. I  could  tell  you  of  instance 
after  instance  in  which  unbelievers 
go  all  to  pieces  at  the  death  of  a 
loved  one,  and  weep  helplessly  for 
days  on  end.  Meanwhile,  their  Chris- 

34  Messenger  August/September  1997 

Now  the  Bible 

does  not  tell  us 

explicitly  what 

heaven  will  be  like. 

There  is  much 

mystery  about  it, 

and  no  doubt  that 

is  as  it  should  be. 

What  we  know 

of  the  future 

of  believers  is, 

however,  all  good. 

tian  counterparts,  although  grieving 
deeply,  face  life  serenely  because 
they  know  they  will  be  with  their 
loved  one  throughout  all  eternity. 

Another  thing  that  a  strong  faith  in 
eternal  life  brings  is  a  profound 
deepening  of  meanings  and  values. 
Said  the  atheist  Robert  Ingersoll, 
"Happiness  is  the  only  good,"  and 
"The  only  place  to  be  happy  is  here." 
The  shallow,  epicurean  view  of  life 
makes  all  kinds  of  exploitation  of 
others  seem  right.  Slavery  makes  the 
master  feel  happy,  so  promote  it. 
"Using"  others  brings  a  certain  satis- 
faction to  the  one  perpetrating  it,  so 
why  not  do  it?  If  there  is  no  future 
life,  with  a  judgment  and  some  form 
of  heaven  or  hell,  then  anything  goes. 
If  it  "feels  good"  to  you,  do  it.  Con- 
trast with  that  the  depth  of 
appreciation  of  human  life  that 
comes  with  the  assurance  that  each 

person  is  a  special  creation,  destined! 
to  continue  forever.  This  is  especiallj 
convincing  when  one  realizes  that, 
according  to  the  New  Testament,  all 
imperfections  will  be  gone,  all  sin, 
sickness,  and  sorrow  done  away 
with,  with  only  fulfillment  and 
blessedness  to  look  forward  to. 

Closely  akin  to  this  is  the  aware-  - 
ness  that  comes  to  the  believer  in 
eternal  life  that  this  present  existence! 
is  real  and  worthwhile  in  its  own 
right,  but  also  a  preparation  for  the 
unlimited  life  beyond.  Therefore, 
imperfect  values  here  can  be  raised 
to  the  true  height  there,  and  aspira- 
tions and  works  begun  in  this  life  will 
continue  on  and  on  in  ever  greater 
fulfillment  throughout  an  endless 
eternity.  All  the  partial  but  genuine 
forms  of  love  here  on  earth  will  be 
explored  and  realized  there. 

rake  Jesus  as  portrayed  in 
the  Gospels,  for  example. 
He  came  from  God  and  is 
going  to  God  (lohn  16:27-30), 
spanning  eternity  past  and  eternity 
future.  And  believers  are  sent  into 
this  world  just  as  Jesus  was  (lohn 
1  7:18),  human  beings  now  partak- 
ing of  the  divine  nature  and  citizens 
of  eternity. 

Then  a  very  big  blessing  that 
comes  from  living  in  eternal  life  now, 
rather  than  having  a  merely  temporal 
existence,  is  the  freedom  from  fear 
that  comes.  Since  death  is  but  a  tran- 
sition to  a  greater  life,  something 
that  everyone  must  endure,  but 
Christians  need  not  dread,  the 
believer  can  endure  any  hardship  or 
persecution  with  utmost  courage. 
Think  of  the  Christians  in  the  days  of 
the  madcap  Roman  emperor  Nero, 
who  went  to  their  death  with  a  song 
in  their  heart  and  a  smile  on  their 

Pontius'  Puddle 

Send  payment  for  reprinting  "Pontius'  Puddle"  from  Messenger  to 
Joel  Kaujfmann.  Ill  Carter  Road.  Goshen.  IN  46526.  $25  for  one 
linif  use.  $10  for  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $10  for  congregations. 

ace.  That  infuriated  Nero  because 
lere  was  a  power  that  he  could  not 
dominate,  and  a  life  everlasting  that 
le  could  neither  comprehend  nor 

For  us  who  are  not  likely  to  be 
martyrs  in  the  dramatic  sense  of  the 
first-century  Christians,  there  is  still 
a  fundamental  difference  between 
believing  in  the  Lord  of  Eternity  and 
not  believing.  We  are  freed  up  to  be 
true  to  our  faith,  no  matter  what  the 
opposition.  If  there  is  an  opportunity 
to  take  a  stand  for  peace,  we  can  do 
it  regardless  of  the  consequences, 
facing  insult,  imprisonment,  and 
even  death,  if  necessary.  And  there 
will  be  many  openings  in  which  we 
can  speak  of  our  faith  in  the  Lord 
Jesus  Christ  and  encourage  others  to 
accept  the  offer  of  life  eternal  with- 
out fearing  the  ridicule  that  is 
heaped  upon  us  or  the  misunder- 
standing of  our  peers.  We  can,  like 
the  faithful  in  the  book  of  Acts,  know 
who  we  are  and  where  we  are  going 
when  we  die. 

With  people  living  longer  and 
longer,  we  find  ourselves  being  more 
and  more  concerned  with  aging. 
What  does  a  strong  Christian  faith  in 
eternal  life  have  to  say  about  this 
matter?  Here  we  see  perhaps  the 
greatest  difference  of  all  between  a 
true  faith  in  everlasting  life  and  its 

If  this  existence  is  the  end,  enter- 
ing a  nursing  home  could  be  most 
miserable  and  sad,  simply  the  wind- 
ing down  and  closing  out  of  life,  a 
thing  to  get  over  with  as  quickly  and 
inexpensively  as  possible. 

But  with  a  belief  in  life  eternal, 
entrance  into  a  home  for  the  aging  is 
but  a  stopover  on  the  way  to  heaven. 
Those  who  go  there  are  the  ones  spe- 
cially blessed.  They  are  given  this 

WOE  IS  »ae'. 

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August/September  1997  Messenger  35 

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"time  of  their  lives"  to  prepare  for 
the  greatest  experience  a  human  will 
ever  enjoy.  Yes,  there  will  be  suffer- 
ing and  deterioration  and  eventual 
death.  But  during  that  time  they  will 
have  the  best  of  tender  loving  care, 
with  many  devotional  times  filled 
with  music  and  inspiration. 

It  is  what  they  can  look  forward  to 
as  believers  that  makes  it  most 
worthwhile.  Now  the  Bible  does  not 
tell  us  explicitly  what  heaven  will  be 
like.  There  is  much  mystery  about  it, 
and  no  doubt  that  is  as  it  should  be. 
What  we  know  of  the  future  of 
believers  is,  however,  all  good.  For 
one  thing,  the  redeemed  will  be 
clothed  with  new  spiritual  bodies  in 
heaven  (1  Cor.  15:42—53),  com- 
pletely free  from  all  pain  and 
sickness  (Rev.  21 :4). 

Moreover,  there  is  every  indication 
that  we  shall  know  one  another 
there.  If  the  three  disciples  on  the 
Mount  of  Transfiguration  recognized 
Moses  and  Elijah,  whom  they  had 
never  seen,  we  may  be  sure  we  shall 
know  our  many  friends  and  relatives 
there.  But  they  are  only  the  begin- 
ning of  the  multitudes  we  shall  know 
in  heaven,  for  there  will  be  the  saints 
of  all  the  centuries.  How  wonderful 
will  be  such  fellowship  through  the 
countless  ages  of  eternity! 

Nor  will  it  likely  be  all  fellowship. 
There  will  be  great  work  to  be  done. 
According  to  Matthew  25:21-23,  the 
faithful  will  be  put  in  authority  over 
kingdoms,  and  in  1  Corinthians  6:3, 
the  saints  are  said  to  rule  angels. 

Besides  all  this,  there  are 
"rewards"  and  "treasures"  laid  up  in 
heaven  for  each  believer,  those  deeds 
of  faith  and  mercy  for  which  he  did 
not  receive  credit  here  on  earth.  Yes, 
there  will  be  much  to  look  for-      rn~\ 
ward  to  in  the  great  beyond.  r**'1 

Clialiner  E.  Fatv  is  a  former  professor  at 
Bethany  Theological  Seminary  and  Nigeria 
missionary.  He  is  the  author  of  several  books, 
including  a  commentary  on  Acts  (Herald  Press. 
1993).  He  lives  in  McPherson.  Kan. 

36  Messenger  August/September  1997 




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*  Audio/Videos: 

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Impact  of  Civil  War  on  Valley 
John  Kline,  Martyr  Pursuing  Peace 
John  Kline's  Preaching 
Recounting  Kline's  Last  Days 
Missionary  Ventures  to  Western  VA 
Slavery  in  John  Kline's  Virginia 
Spirituality  of  John  Kline 
Struggle  for  Religious  Exemption 
Worship  in  the  Meetinghouse 

Order  forms  availaBIe  from: 

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"There  is  hope.  Bridgevuater  College 

and  Elizabethtown  College  both  have 

minors  in  peace  studies.  Professor  Gary 

Flory  is  doing  conflict  resolution  at  McPherson  College,  i 

and  the  University  of  La  Verne  is  joining  in  first  efforts."^^ 

Keep  peace  witness  central 

I  hope  that  the  Brethren  peace  wit- 
ness, highlighted  by  the  excellent 
June  cover  story  on  John  C.  Baker, 
remains  centra!  in  our  church's 
struggle  for  definition. 

There  is  hope.  Bridgewater  College 
and  Elizabethtown  College  both  have 
minors  in  peace  studies.  Professor  Gary 
Flory  is  doing  conflict  resolution  at 
McPherson  College,  and  the  University 
of  La  Verne  is  joining  in  first  efforts. 

Messenger's  work  and  witness 
was  much  needed  and  appreciated. 

Kenneth  L.  Brown 
North  Manchester,  Ind. 

Get  it  out  in  the  open 

In  a  time  when  the  Brethren  were 
splitting  into  three  separate  groups, 
The  Gospel  Messenger  of  Jan.  8, 
1884,  made  this  suggestion:  "Inas- 
much as  reports  of  divisions  being 
made  in  certain  churches  are  not  edi- 
fying the  general  Brotherhood,  we 
suggest  to  all  of  our  correspondents 
that  as  little  as  possible  be  said  about 
them.  We  hope  that  the  time  may 
soon  come  when  there  will  be  no 
occasion  for  such  divisions." 

By  coincidence,  I  read  that  while 
attending  a  Ministry  of  Reconciliation 
conference.  MoR  members  have  a  pas- 
sion for  reconciling  the  conflicts  and 
divisions  within  the  church  and  beyond. 
I  came  away  reassured  and  empowered. 

I  am  ever  more  convicted  and  hope- 
ful that,  as  we  mature  as  a  body  of 
Christians,  and  as  we  embrace  our 
individual  and  collective  calling,  are 
peacemakers  and  go  to  our  brothers 
and  sisters  and  listen,  we  will  abandon 
the  archaic  notion  that  "as  little  as 

possible  be  said"  about  our  problems. 
Not  talking  about  our  "divisions"  is 
even  less  edifying  than  talking  about 
them.  When  we  talk  and  listen  to  eacl 
other,  we  are,  in  fact,  fulfilling  and 
living  out  the  ministry  of  Jesus.  What 
could  be  more  edifying  than  that?   . 

Rocci  Hildiwi 
Wenatchee,  Wash 

Ken  Morse  at  84 

My  friend  and  neighbor  Kenneth  1. 
Morse's  [une  article,  "Unlikely  Pulpits' 
was  much  enjoyed  and  appreciated. 
For  his  84th  birthday,  May  30,  I 
wrote  these  lines: 

The  friendship  of  Kenneth  I.  Morse 

Is  an  acme  of  friendship,  of  course. 

To  lose  such  a  friendship 

Would  constitute  endship 

To  mourn,  ah,  profoundly,  perforce. 

As  the  eighty-fourth  year  from  his  birtf 
Is  fulfilled,  we  reecho  the  worth 
That  thousands  have  found  in  him- 
Found  Being's  Ground  in  him. 
Salt  for  a  salt-hungry  earth. 

Salt,  light,  water,  and  bread — 
By  these  the  hungry  are  fed. 
And  by  song  and  by  word — 
For  grace  may  be  heard. 
And  so  may  be  sung  or  be  said. 

O  God,  our  Creator,  thou  didst 
Create  Kenneth  Ivan,  and  hidst 
In  his  bosom  a  treasure, 
Nine-syllable  measure 
By  which  thou  dost  "move  in  our  midst." 

Our  praise  to  the  Source  of  the  song 

And  Praise  to  the  singer  belong. 

To  both,  grateful  greeting. 

At  Annual  Meeting, 

And  amid  a  Perennial  Throng. 

38  Messenger  August/September  1997 

'e  descend  from  the  mount  of  our 


J  the  vale  where  we  Hve  out  our  days, 
'ell  content  to  rejoice, 
'ith  a  lowlier  voice, 
1  his  everyday  wordings  and  ways. 

s  the  loftier  purpose  may  tend 
0  obscure  the  commoner  end, 
/e  give  thanks  for  each  day 
vVe  repeatingly  say) 
•n  earth  we  can  call  him  our  friend. 
Charles  Klingler 
North  Manchester,  lud. 

From  the 
Office  of  Program  Volunteers 

Ideal  position  for  a  retired  couple  or 

individual  to  serve  as  a  host  for  Camp 
Bethel.  Additional  responsibilities  de- 
pending on  skills  or  desires.  Flexible 

■ith  minimum  3-month  commitment, 
preferably  from  September  to  May. 
Room  and  board  provided;  transporta- 
tion could  be  arranged.  Contact: 

Elsie  Holderread.  Church  of  the 

Brethren  Offices,  1451  Dundee  Ave.. 

Elgin,  IL  60120-1694. 

On  Earth  Peace  Assembly 

Intern  Position 

On  Earth  Peace  Assembly,  Inc. 

Plan,  coordinate,  and  carry  out 
Peace  Academy  weekends  and  help 
grow  the  ministry  of  The  Peace 
Place  Resource  Center. 

Skill  and  Interest  Requirements: 

Interest  in  Christian  peacemaking 
Knowledge  of  IBM  and  Macintosh 

Willingness  to  travel 
Prior  program  planning  experience 

Flexibility  in  work  schedule  required 

Room,  board,  health  insurance,  and 
modest  stipend  provided. 

Available  immediately  to  first  qualified 

Send  resume  and  cover  to: 

On  Earth  Peace  Assembly,  Inc., 

P.O.  Box  188.  New  Windsor.  MD  21776 

(410)  655-8706 

H^eacfi  out  through  better  stewardsfiif 

Not  every  church  has  an  asset  manager  among  its 
members.   For  as  little  as  $10,000  you  can  open  an 
account  with  the  Brethren  Foundation.  Our  profes- 
sionals will  invest  your  funds  to  help  you  continue 
the  work  of  Jesus. 


brethren  Foundation,  Inc. 

1505  Dundee  Avenue,  Elgin,  Illinois  60123 
800-746-1505  •  FAX  847-742-0135 

'Stry  of  Church  of  the  Brethren  Benefit  Trust 

Classified  Ads 


Executive  Director,  Thurston  Woods  Village, 

Sturgis,  Mich,,  lia,s  immediate  opening  for  executive 
director  of  a  Mennonite-sponsored  retirement  com- 
munity. To  oversee  current  &  future  housing,  health 
care  &  supportive  services.  Prerequisites  inci,  nurs- 
ing home  administrator's  license,  min,  5-yrs. 
professional  leadership  exp.  Master's  in  health  care 
preferred.  Must  be  committed  to  Christian  ministry, 
identify  with  &  support  mission,  goals,  and  values  of 
Thurston  Woods  Village  and  possess  strong  manage- 
ment, interpersonal,  and  communication  skills. 
Thurston  Woods  Village  is  a  nonprofit  Christian  retire- 
ment community  with  118  skilled-care  nursing  beds, 
82  assisted-living  units,  &  33  HUD  apartments;  S6  mil- 
lion annual  budget;  120  full-time  equivalent  employees. 
Send  resume,  salary  history,  &  references  toj,  Ran- 
dall King,  27440  Banker  Street  Rd,,  Sturgis,  MI 
49091-9357  or  fax  (616)  489-2491. 


Travel  with  a  purpose.  Missionary  journeys  of  St. 
Pail,  Turkey,  &  Greece,  Mar  19-Apr.  3,  1998.  S2,899. 
For  info,  write  Wendell  &  Joan  Bohrer,  8520  Royal 
Meadow  Dr.,  Indianapolis,  IN  46217,  Tel, /fax  (317) 
882,  5067,  Or  write  Paul  &  Geneva  White,  3310  Melody 
Ave,  SW,  Roanoke,  VA  24018-31 14,  Tel,  (540)  776-3289. 
Cruise  the  Russian  waterways,  Aug.  7-23,  1998. 
From  $2,649,  depending  on  deck  level.  Visit  Moscow, 
Red  Square,  Kremlin,  St,  Petersburg,  &  cruise  rivers 
of  the  czars,  on  Ist-class  cruise  ship.  3  meals  a  day 
For  info,  write  Bohrer  Tours,  8520  Royal  Meadow  Dr, 
Indianapolis,  IN  46217,  Tel,/fax  (317)  882-5067, 

Israel/Jordan  Tour.  ("Jesus  &  Moses,  Religion  & 
Education.")  Jan,  19-29,  1998.  Visit  Jerusalem,  Jeri- 
cho, Nazareth,  Bethlehem,  Dead  Sea,  Megiddo,  Lake 
Galilee,  Qumran  (Dead  Sea  Scrolls),  river  Jordan, 
Masada  (Herod's  fortress),  Mount  Carmel,  Beth  Shan, 
Petra-Jordan  (red  rock  Nabatean  city),  &  other  sites. 
$1,799  from  Chicago.  Contact  Drs.  Herb/Jeanne  Smith, 
McPherson,  KS  67460.  Tel,  (316)  241-0742,  ext,  1244. 

Cruise  with  Ken  Medema.  Feb,  1-8, 1998,  Cruise 
western  Caribbean  with  Christian  musician  &  enter- 
tainer Ken  Medema  on  Celebriry  Cruises'  newest  ship, 
the  Mercury  Enjoy  3  private  concerts;  private  recep- 
tion with  Ken  Medema  on  board;  &  visit  exotic  ports 
of  Cozumel,  Montego  Bay  Grand  Cayman,  &  Key  West. 

Wonderful  Christmas  gift  for  a  pastor  from  congre- 
gation. Get  a  group  together  &  cruise  for  free.  For 
more  info,  write  Mr,  &  Mrs,  Philip  Rowland,  2332  Putter 
Lane,  St,  Louis,  MO  63131,  or  call  Cecelia,  toll-free,  at 
(888)  367-9398, 

Vietnam/Thailand  study  tour.  Join  Univ,  of  La  Verne 
Communication  profs.  Randy  Miller  &  George  Keeler, 
in  Jan,  Interterm  1998,  Leading  2-wk,  Vietnam/Fhai- 
land  peace/media  study  class.  Could  count  for  4  units 
of  upper  div  univ.  credit.  Visit  village  where  BVSer 
Ted  Studebaker  served  and  lost  his  life  in  peace  cause, 
plus  several  World  Vision  dev.  projects.  Through  tours 
of  broadcast,  print  media  centers  of  Bangkok,  Ho  Chi 
Minh  City,  &  Hanoi,  meet  seasoned  journalists  &  top 
diplomats  for  briefings  on  peace  process.  Tour  sig- 
nificant Vietnam  War  sites,  e.g.,  My  Lai,  Cu  Chi,  Da 
Nang,  Approx,  cost  $2,300,  inci,  round-trip  airfare  & 
many  meals,  Vietnam  Media  1998  open  to  all;  no  pre- 
requisites. Tel:  (818)  303-8811,  ext,  7504  now  to  get 
on  Journ  397  info  list.  E-mail:  randy_miller@wvi,org 
or  keelerg(S'ulvacs,ulaverne,edu 


'Voung  adults  for  Young  Adult  Conference,  Nov  27-29, 
1997,  at  Camp  Mack  (Milford,  Ind,)  for  three  days  of 
worship,  singing,  fellowship,  &  learning.  Theme: 
"Jesus:  The  Man,  the  Message,  &  Me,"  Leader:  Christy 
Waltersdorff  $70,  due  by  Nov  1,  For  more  info,  call 
Chris  Douglas  at  (800)  323-8039. 

John  Kline  gavel.  Need  to  borrow  gavel  made  in 
1940s  for  Annual  Conference  moderator  Paul  H, 
Bowman  from  wood  from  a  Tennessee  barn  in  which 
John  Kline  kept  his  horse,  Nell,  Gavel  made  by  my 
father.  My  brother,  Ray  made  foot  tub  from  same  wood 
for  recent  John  Kline  Bicentennial,  Need  to  borrow 
the  gavel  so  we  can  have  our  photo  made  with  it  and 
foot  tub.  Gavel  owner,  please  contact  me,  Roy  F  Sim- 
mons, R,  1,  Bridgewater,  VA  22812.  Fax  (540)  828-63^5, 


Salisbury  Community  Church  of  the  Brethren, 

new  &  growing  fellowship  in  Salisbury,  Md,,  invites 
Brethren  moving  into  or  vacationing  in  Salisbury, 
Ocean  City  area  to  worship  with  us.  Will  provide 
moving  help  (unloading,  child  care,  area  info).  For 
info,  contact  Salisbury  Community  COB,  PO.  Box 
2001,  Salisbury,  MD  21801,  Tel,  (410)  219-5949.  E- 
mail  NRCain@AOL,COM, 

August/September  1997  Messenger  39 

Mm  Points 

New  Members 

Note:  Congregations  are  asked 
to  submit  only  the  names  of 
actual  new  members  of 
denomination.  Do  not 
include  names  of  people 
who  have  merely  transferred 
their  membership  from 
another  Church  of  the 
Brethren  congregation. 

Brookville,  S.  Ohio:  Rebecca 
Hulett,  Forrest  Shepard, 
Bernice  Eagleson,  Norman 
Fasnacht,  lustin  Nihiser; 
[esse,  Gwen,  &  Sharon 
Iwanusa,  Hilary  &  Dan 
Sievers,  Lisa  Osswald,  Dawn 
Sievers,  Mahala  Dull,  Matt 
&  lulie  Caylor,  Carolyn  Put- 
erbaugh.  |oAnn  Smith 

Charlottesville,  Shen.:  Carol 
&  Ashia  Costanze,  Jordan 
Young:  Mark,  Jenny  & 
Tammy  Hofecker 

Chiques,  Atl.  N.E.:  Sandra 
Pope;  Noelle,  Tyler,  &  Col- 
lene  Peters, 

Everett,  Mid.  Pa.:  John  & 
Sandy  Foor,  Melanie 
Messersmith,  Eugene  & 
Lois  Ritchey 

Free  Spring,  S.  Pa.:  Fred 
Book,  Samantha  Ernest. 
Amy  Keli,  Derek  Ritzman, 
Dianne  Sparks,  Gretchen 
Wagner.  Brooke  Foster, 
Denise  Zug,  Cathy  Bashore 

Freeport,  111. /Wis.:  David 

Haxtun,  W.  Plains:  James  & 
Pearl  Underwood 

Huntingdon  Stone,  Mid.  Pa.; 
Benjamin  Gibboney,  Colin 
Lang,  Spencer  McMinn, 
Matthew  Wingate,  Howard 
Rupert,  Colleen  &  Christo- 
pher Ostrowski.  Sue 
Albright,  Pamela  Kavanaugh, 
Charles  Yohn,  Eric  &  Karne 
Biddle,  Henry  Thurston- 
Griswold,  Timothy  Blazina, 
Nathan  Gibboney 

Lacey  Community, 

Ore. /Wash.:  Michael  &  Jen- 
nifer Pearson 

Middle  Creek,  Atl.  N.E.: 
Brian  Charles,  Leslie  Dit- 
zler,  Jeffery  Kahler,  Shanell 

Mill  Creek,  Shen.:  Dennis 
Dellinger,  Lee  &  Carla 
Foerster,  Janene  Good, 
Barry  &  Cerise  Haas.  Vickie 

Olivet,  S.  Ohio:  Shelley  & 
Ashley  Wilson 

Osceola,  Mo./Ark.:|ames 
Powers,  Cathy  Powers 

Petersburg  Memorial,  W. 
Marva:  Wendell  Keplinger, 
Ottie  Whetzel,  Ryan  & 
Corey  Lambert,  Kimberly 
Mullenax,  Kimberly  Bible. 
Derek  Nesselrodt, 
Stephanie  Moyer 

Pittsburg,  S.  Ohio:  Barbara 
.Farmer,  Craig  House,  Terry 
Oda,  Diane  Williams 

Pleasant  Hill,  W  Pa.:  Tiffany 
Blue,  Craig  Gaunt;  Kath- 
leen, Kristina,  &  Peter 
Goldberg,  Clay  Piper, 

Daniel  &  Scott  Rager,  Amy 
Rummel,  Daniel  Ryan, 
Emily  Saylor,  David  Stem 

Ridgeway,  Atl.  N.E.;  Elayne 
McClanen,  Christopher 
Krahn,  Christopher  Hanna, 
Ruth  Rohrer 

Shalom  Fellowship,  Virlina: 
lustin  &  Brittany  Hoal 

South  Bay  Community,  Pac. 
S.W.:  Sandy  VanDever, 
Joyce  MacNamara 

Stonerstown,  Mid.  Pa.:  Pamela 
Reed,  Diana  Hoover, 
Melissa  Bussard,  Charles 
Martin,  Charles  Martin  Jr., 
Daniel  Martin,  Corey 
Rourke,  Sherry  &  Mark 
White,  J.  Free  Weaver  IV 

Welty,  Mid.  Atl.:  Margaret 
Wolff.  Christopher  Echstine 

White  Oak,  Atl.  N.E.:  Andrew 
Miller,  David  Santiago, 
ludah  Clapper,  Sarah 
Crouse,  Micah  Heagy,  Kurt 
Hershey,  Garrett  Martin, 
Lynn  Sauder,  Moses  Shirk 


Billet,    Frances  and  Dclbert, 

Elkhart.  Ind.,  50 
Bucher,   Paul  and  Ruth. 

Palmyra,  Pa.,  50 
Buckwalter,  Frank  and  Rachel, 

Sinking  Spring,  Pa.,  55 
Byers,   Orville  and  Dorothy, 

Mount  Sidney.  Va.,50 
Cassel,  Paul  and  Evelyn, 

Machanisburg,  Pa.,  65 
Coffman,  Hally  and  Pauline, 

Palmyra,  Pa.,  60 
Colyar,  Vance  and  Alice, 

Olympia,  Wash..  55 
Crouch,   Howard  and  Hazel, 

Huntingdon,  Pa.,  50 
Detwiler,   Galen  and  Grace, 

Martinsburg,  Pa.,  60 
Edwards,   Zane  and  Doreen, 

Everett,  Pa.,  50 
England,   Paul  and  Betty.  Bed- 
ford, Pa.,  60 
Earhart,  1.  Stanley  and  Laurie, 

Lancaster,  Pa..  55 
Etsinger,  Bud  and  Ruby,  Nap- 

pannee,  Ind.,  50 
Etter,  Paul  and  Eva,  Palmyra, 

Pa.,  60 
Frantz,   lay  and  Evelyn, 

Lebanon,  Pa.,  50 
French,  John  and  Helen,  New 

Bloomfield,  Pa.,  50 
Gilbert,  Arthur  and  Marsha, 

South  Whitley,  Ind.,  60 
Gillin,  Duane  and  Maxine, 

Blissfield,  Mich.,  50 
Glick,  Norman  and  Hannah- 
Frances,  Empire,  Calif.,  60 
Haldeman,  Daniel  and  Ruth, 

Manheim,  Pa.,  60 
Hartman,   Russell  and  Marie, 

Palmyra,  Pa.,  65 
Heisey,   |ane  and  Enos, 

Lebanon,  Pa.,  55 
Hershberger,  Willis  and  Dora, 

Elkhart,  Ind.,  55 
Horner,  Lloyd  and  Helen, 

Kansas  City,  Kan. ,55 
Horst,   Frank  and  Dorothy, 

Palmyra,  Pa.,  50 
Kaylor,  Alvin  and  lane. 

Palmyra,  Pa.,  50 

Klofz,   Lyie  and  Gladys, 

Lacey.  Wash.,  55 
Koontz,   Glenn  and  Freda, 

Everett,  Pa.,  65 
Ludwick,  Roy  and  Frances, 

Burlington,  W.Va.,  50 
Markley,   Deana  and  Leland, 

Goshen,  Ind.,  50 
Petticoffer,   Lee  and  Eva, 

Akron,  Pa.,  60 
Pletcher,  Virgil  and  Marcheta, 

Lake  Forest,  CaliL,  55 
Rose,  Laurel  and  Edith, 

Greenville,  Ohio,  65 
Sanger,  Merrill  and  Eulalia, 

Quintet,  Kan.,  50 
Shaver,  Jason  and  Margaret, 

Palmyra,  Pa,  60 
Shaver,  Norman  and  Susan, 

Manheim,  Pa.,  50 
Shuman,  John  and  Anne, 

Lebanon,  Pa.,  60 
Smith,   Bill  and  Aline,  Lacey, 

Wash.,  50 
Snoke,   Leroy  and  Valeria, 

Palmyra,  Pa.,  50 
Stern,  Don  and  Betty.  Lacey, 

Wash.,  50 
Stinebaugh,  Vernon  and 

Angela.  York,  Pa..  55 
Townsend,  Garnet  and  Betty. 

Lawton,  Mich.,  60 
West.  Carol  and  Kenny, 

Goshen,  Ind.,  50 
Whirledge,  Ernest  and  Phyllis, 

West  Goshen,  Ind.,  50 
Whiled,   Dick  and  Mary,  New 

Carlisle,  Ohio.  55 
Zuck,  Joe  and  Ruth,  Kansas 

City,  Kan.,  60 


Baker,  Donald  L.,  Feb.  13, 

1997,  Chambersburg,  S.  Pa. 
Lubbs-DeVore,  Lynda,  April 

19,  1997,  Boulder  Hill, 

Myers,  Matthew  E.,  March 

1997,  Moxham,  W.  Pa. 
Villanueva,  Carmen  M.,  May 

17,  1997,  Getsemani,  Atl. 



Cruz,  Oscar  V.,  May  1  1,  1996, 

Iglesia  Christiana  Getse- 
mani, Atl.  S.E. 
Weeks,  Gary,  March  15,  1997. 

Deshler,  N.  Ohio 
Pfeiffer,  Robert,  May  22, 

1997,  Painter  Creek,  S. 

Quinn,  Jack,  May  22,  1997, 

Trinity,  S.  Ohio 
Ruth,  Brian  C,  April  26, 

1997,  New  Haven,  Mich. 
Shumaker,  Sheila,  May  22, 

1997,  Bear  Creek,  S.  Ohio 
Ullery,   Howard,  May  22. 

1997.  Pleasant  Hill,  S.  Ohio 
Wilson,  Ralph  H.,  lune  7, 

1997,  Parkview,  Mid.  Pa. 


Airey,  Elvert,  82.  Dayton.  Va.. 
May  29.  1997 

Akers,  Lester.  91,  Osceola, 
Mo.,  May  21,  1997 

Anderson,  loyne,  75,  Rock- 
ford,  111.,  May  24,  1997 

Atkins,    Ruth,  86,  Longmont, 
Colo.,  April  19,  1997 

Baker,  Mabel,  100,  Cando, 
N.D.,  April  5,  1997 

Benedict,  Maude,  90,  Quincy, 
Pa.,  May  27,1  997 

Best,   Charles,  65,  Delphi, 
Ind.,  April  10,  1997 

Bowman,  Elva,  101,  McPher- 
son,  Kan.,  May  7,  1997 

Brenton,  Robert,  42,  Pack- 
wood,  Wash.,  Jan.  10,  1997 

Brown,  Clarence,  89,  McPher- 
son,  Kan.,  May  27,  1997 

Brown,   Dallas,  67,  Sugar- 
creek,  Ohio,  May  10.  1997 

Buhrt,  Lewis.  87,  West 

Goshen,  Ind.,  May  24,1997 

Carney,  Iva,  96,  McPherson, 
Kan.,  May  17,  1997 

Caplinger,  Emma,  76,  Man- 
heim, Pa..  April  16.  1997 

Cooper,   Hazel,  95,  N.  Man- 
chester, Ind.,  April  9.  1997 

Cowger,   Frank  M..  93.  Monti- 
cello,  Ind.,  Dec.  20,  1996 

Dann,  Opal.  86.  Delphi.  Ind.. 
March  14.  1997 

English,   Mary  E.,  Smiths- 
burg,  Md.,  Feb.  13,  1997 

Feeney,  Lester,  77,  Defiance, 
Ohio,  May  22,  1997 

Flinn,   Lois  R  105,  Decatur. 
III.,  April  19,  1997 

Fouts,  S.  Russell,  92,  Blair, 
Neb.,  Oct.  19,  1996 

Fryman,  Darrell,  78, 

Greenville,  Ohio,  May  14. 

Funkhouser,  Madeline.  75, 
Ashland,  Ohio,  Feb.  8,  1997 

Ganger,  Mary  E.,  87.  W. 
Goshen,  Ind..  June  2,  1997 

Garber,  Esther.  92,  Palmyra, 
Pa.,  March  11,  1997 

Gausman,  Elmer,  68,  Tipp 
City,  Ohio,  March  15,  1997 

Good,   Clifford,  84,  Harison- 
burg.  Va,,  Dec.  15,  1996 

Graybill,  Miriam,  87,  Litiz, 
Pa.,  March  17,  1997 

Grove,  Gilbert,  81,  Elkhart, 
Ind.,  April  25,  1997 

Grove,  Glen,  84,  Aurora, 
Colo.,  May  11.  1997 

Gutshell.  Iva  P,  86,  Hunting- 
don, Pa.,  Jan.  4,  1997 

Halfhill,  Clyde.  52.  Elkhart. 
Ind..  March  9.  1997 

Hardy,  Estella,  97.  Defiance. 
Ohio.  May  17,  1997 

Hathaway,  Charles  R.,  59, 
Delphi,  Ind.,  Feb  5.  1997 

Heisey,  Richard  B.,  75, 
Denver,  Pa.,  lune  1,  1997 

Hirsch,    Margaret,  64,  New 
Carlisle,  Ohio.  May  7.  1997 

Hodgson,  Bessi.  84,  San 
Diego,  CaliL,  April  5,  1997 

Hoffer,  Loa,  63,  Lebanon,  Pa., 
March  14,  1997 

[arrels,  Kemper  R..  67,  Har- 
risonburg, Va..  Sept.  7, 

Kauffman,  Helen  M..  76,  Lan- 
caster. Pa..  May  20,  1997 

Kesler,  llah,  97,  McPherson, 
Kan.,  May  23,  1997 

Killian,   Ruth,  95,  Beaverton, 
Mich.,  Jan.  14,  1997 

Kilmer,   Carl,  87,  Goshen, 
Ind.,  Dec.  28,  1997 

Knapp,  Martha,  87.  Beaver- 
ton. Mich.,  June  7,  1997 

Knisley,  Velma  I,,  86,  Tipp 

City,  Ohio,  Dec.  25.  1996 
Kuhn,  Donna.  68.  Nappanee 

Ind.,  May  27,  1997 
Landis,  Walter,  75,  Palmyra,  ^ 

Pa.,  March  18,  1997  [ 

Leake,  Charles  E..  64, 

Staunton.  Va..  June  16. 

Lee,  Max  E..  68.  Eldorado, 

Ohio,  April  16,  1997 
Leonard,   Josephine,  66, 

Goshen,  Ind.,  April  20, 

Lutz,  Anna,  90,  Lititz,  Pa,, 

March  12.  1997 
Lutz,  Harold  |.,  75.  Vandalia, 

Ohio.  Feb.  1,  1997 
Machowiak,  David,  42, 

Chicago,  III.,  March  23, 

1997      ^ 
Marsh,  Robert,  70,  Glen  Arm. 

Md,.  March  24.  1997 
Martin,  Lena.  72.  Lititz.  Pa., 

April  17.  1997 
Martzall,  Elsie  W..  100.  Lititzi 

Pa..  May  6.  1997 
Mason,  Roy  H..  97.  Bridgewa 

ter.Va..  April  22,  1997 
May,   Clifford  E.,  87,  Smiths- 
burg,  Md.,  March  4,  1997 
Miles,  Ruth  S.,  69,  Hummel- 

stown.  Pa..  April  26,  1997 
Miller,  Donna,  48,  York,  Pa., 

April  26.  1997 
Miller,   Ira,  77.  W  Goshen. 

Ind..  May  4.  1997 
Miller,   Melvin,  91.  Elkhart. 

Ind.,  Ian.  18,  1997 
Mortland,  Miriam,  91,  Ash- 
land, Ohio,  April  7,  1997 
Morningstar,   Jean,  78, 

Springfield,  Ohio.  May  9. 

Myer,   Ralph.  80.  Manheim. 

Pa..  May  9.  1997 
Nickler,  Zelma,  90.  Elkhart, 

Ind.,  May  30,  1997 
Nissley,  Anna,  85,  South  Moun 

tain.  Pa.,  March  24,  1997 
Oren,  Harold  A.,  82,  Tipp 

City,  Ohio,  Oct.  28,  1996 
Orr,  William,  46,  McPherson, 

Kan.,  May  18,  1997 
Reed,  Herbert,  68,  Glen  Arm, 

Md.,  March  24,  1997 
Risden,   John,  57,  Elkhart, 

Ind.,  Feb.  24,  1997 
Robinett,   Frank,  87.  Elkhart, 

Ind..  Jan. 4.  1997 
Rowe,   Cora  E.,  75,  Smiths- 
burg,  Md.,  March  12,  1997 
Roy,  Albert,  93.  Lacey.  Wash., 

Ian.  8,  1997 
Stump,  June  F,  97.  Bent 

Mountain,  Va.,  May  28. 

Thompson,  Marvin,  71,  Bent 

Mountain,  Va.,  May  8,  1997 
Wagner,  Paul,  90,  Manheim, 

Pa..  April  29,  1997 
Waite,  Evelyn  C,  SO,  Hunting- 
don, Pa.,  March  4,  1997 
Weaver,  Rebecca  M..  90,  Lan- 
caster. Pa..  May  14.  1997 
Weaver,  Urban,  80.  Greenville. 

Ohio,  May  6,  1997 
Whalen,  Christopher,  46, 

Huntingdon,  Pa.,  April  16. 

Witmer,  George.  71.  Palmyra. 

Pa.,  Ian.  18.  1997 
Zimmerman,  Dora,  74,  Tipp 

City,  Ohio,  May  26,  1997 

40  Messenger  August/September  1997 

^  \.,tor  we  w^Ik  by  f^lth,  not  by  sight."  2  Coh_  1 

National  Youth  Conference 

Church  of  the  Brethren 
Colorado  State  University   Ft  Collins,  Colorado 

July28-August2,  1998 

Registration  cost:  $315 
Registration  forms  available  in  October 
Informational  Brochures,  Promotional 
Videos,  and  Posters  available  from  the 
NYC  Office;   call  (800)  323-8039 

1997-98  National  Youth  Cabinet 




by  sVS 


NYC  Office 

1451  Dundee  Ave.     Elgin,  !L  60120 

(800)  323-8039 



{(K'tioniK'l  '^outk  C^vnftrtnct  "HiKtioniKi  '^outk  C^onjtrtntt 

.  .  .  I 

^     ^Fm      whom  to  n 

]>^^God's  mission 

The  Church  of  the  Brethren  is  good  at  risks  and 
relationships.  Both  close  to  home  and  in  far-flung  settings, 
Brethren  have  a  solid  record  of  sensing  human  need, 
mounting  creative  responses,  and  enlisting  partners  with 
minister  in  the  name  of  Christ. 

Whether  working  with  Nuer  transla- 
tors in  Sudan  or  local  Christians  in  the 
Arab  world;  whether  building  churches 
and  church  leadership  in  the  Dominican 
Republic  or  launching  new  church  fel- 
lowships at  home;  whether  walking  with  refugees  on  their 
return  to  Guatemala  or  providing  care  for  children  of  fam- 
ilies flooded  out  in  North  Dakota;  whether  bringing  fac- 
tions together  in  Bosnia  or  striving  for  reconciliation  with 
North  Koreans,  the  watchwords  of  Brethren  witness  are 
"Together  ...  in  God's  mission." 

To  sustain  these  and  other  vital  ministries  we  do 
together,  the  General  Board  is  in  need  of  your  support. 
Give  through  your  congregation  or  send  your  gift  to — 

World  Mission  Offering 

church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board,  I45I  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120 

g  another  way 

Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche 
Promotion:  Howard  E.  Royer 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Wendy  McFadden 




Caring  Ministries  2000: 
Honing  the  sl<ills  of  caregiving 

Frank  Ramirez  reports  on  a  first-of-its- 
kind  conference  that  may  well  become  a 
recurring  event  for  Brethren  caregivers. 
Photos  by  Nevin  Dulabaum. 

Insert:  Another  way 

A  "jubilee  report"  on  the  work  of  the 
General  Board,  a  body  that  came  into 
being  in  1947  and  has  implemented  the 
program  of  the  denomination  ever  since. 
Conception,  photo  selection,  and  text  by 
Howard  E.  Royer.  Design  by  Paul 

|n  the  cover:  Photos 
f  of  people  and  events 
spanning  a  50-year 
period  of  denominational 
history  depict  the  Brethren 
following  not  the  way  of  the 
world,  but  "another  way" 
(see  16-page  insert). 



From  the  Editor 


In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 


Stepping  Stones 




Pontius'  Puddle 


Turning  Points 



How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-mail:  CoBNews(a'AOL.Com 
Fax:  (847)  742-6103 
Phone:  (847)  742-5100 
(800)  323-8039 
Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75c  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  Allow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

An  interview  with  Helen  Pre- 
jean,  author  of  the  long-running 
best-seller  Dead  Man  Walking. 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Atl.  N.E.,  Ron 
LuCz;Atl.  S.E.,  Ruby  Raymer;  Iil./Wls.,  Kreston  Lipscomb; 
S/C  Ind.,  Marjorie  Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good;  Mid-All,, 
Ann  Fouts;  Mo./Ark.,  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains,  Faith 
Strom;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack  iOine; 
Ore./Wash.,  Marguerite  Shambeiger;  Pac.  S.W.,  Randy 
Miller;  M,  Pa.,  Eva  Wampler;  S.  Pa.,  Elmer  Q.  Gleim; 
W.  Pa.,  Jay  Christner;  Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  S.E.,  Donna 
Shumate;  S.  Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Viriina,  Jerry  Naif; 
W  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Winoma  Sputgeon. 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Entered  as  second-class  matter  Aug. 
20, 1918,  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct.  17,  1917. 
Filing  date,  Nov.  1, 1984.  Member  of  the  Associated 
Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion  News  Service 
&  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical  quotations, 
unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from  the  New  Re\ised 
Standard  Version.  Messenger  is  published  11  times 
a  year  by  Brethren  Press,  Church  of  the  Brethren 
General  Board.  Second-class  postage  paid  at  Elgin, 
III.,  and  at  additional  mailing  office,  October  1997. 
Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board.  ISSN  0026-0355. 

Postmaster:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave..  Elgin.  IL  60120. 


The  editor  of  Messenger  is  the  beneficiary  of  a  news  service 
that  serves  no  one  else,  not  even  the  News  and  Information 
manager.  The  news  service  has  no  name,  but  it  functions  by 
people  across  the  denomination  clipping  and  mailing  to  the  editor 
Brethren  items  from  their  local  newspaper. 

The  editor  reads  the  clippings,  copies  some  for  display  on  an  office 
bulletin  board,  copies  some  as  leads  for  "In  Touch"  and  "Close  to 
Home"  items,  copies  others  as  news  tips  for  the  News 
and  Information  manager,  copies  still  others  as  infor- 
mation he  deems  potentially  helpful  to  particular 
program  staff  members,  copies  and  files  items  about 
prominent  Brethren  for  their  biographical  folders, 
winnows  out  the  obituaries  for  "Turning  Points,"  and 
ultimately  disposes  of  everything  —  tossing  out  what 
he  deems  well-intentioned  donations  but  unrelated 
to  Brethren,  and  sending  the  rest  to  the  Brethren  His- 
torical Library  and  Archives  for  filing.  All  this  reading, 
sorting,  and  disposing  is  a  very  relaxing  diversion 
from  the  higher-profile  tasks  of  the  editor.  Just  read- 
ing the  items  —  many  of  them  what  one  would  term 
"soft  news,"  some  of  them  whimsical  —  provides  a 
unique  window  into  the  Brethren  world. 

Here's  a  longish  piece  about  a  dear  sister  who  made 
news  in  her  rural  community  by  going  to  glory  on  her 
103rd  birthday. 

Here's  an  item,  with  three  full-color  photos,  about 
La  Verne  (Calif.)  pastor  Chuck  Boyer  leading  prayer 
for  both  the  anatomy  class  members  and  their  cadav- 
ers, at  Western  University  of  Health  Sciences. 

Now  here's  a  potential  "In  Touch"  story:  Mary  Titus  of  Washing- 
ton state  opened  a  lending  library  for  the  inmates  of  the  Regional 
Justice  Center  in  downtown  Kent. 

And  so  many  congregational  anniversaries.  When  Cedar  Grove  church, 
near  Mount  Jackson,  Va.,  celebrated  its  140th  anniversary,  who  should 
walk  in  but  the  most  prominent  Brethren  founder,  Alexander  Mack! 
Okay,  so  he  was  a  dead  ringer  for  Shenandoah  District  associate  exec- 
utive Larry  Click.  Who  knows  what  Mack  looked  like,  anyway? 

But  I  rest  my  case.  Aside  from  providing  reading  pleasure  for  the  editor 
and  helping  keep  his  finger  on  the  pulse  of  the  church,  your  clippings 
serve  a  variety  of  other  useful  purposes.  Keep  on  mailing  them  in,  to: 
Messenger  Editor,  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120.  And  be  sure 
to  include  the  name  of  the  newspaper  and  its  date  of  publication. 

California  pastor  Chuck  Boyer 

offers  prayers  for  cadavers  — 
just  one  of  the  bits  of  infor- 
mation the  editor  has  learned 
through  his  clippings  service. 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

October  1997  Messenger  1 



A  Brethren  in  Bosnia 

We  read  daily  headlines  of  the  strug- 
gle to  bring  peace  to  former 
Yugoslavia  without  awareness  that  there 
are  Brethren  quietly  involved  in  that  effort. 

Vic  Ullom,  a  member  of  Wiley  (Colo.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  after  two  years  in 
Brethren  Volunteer  Service  in  Croatia,  has 

Vic  Ullom  is  beginning 

a  second  year  of  service 

beyond  BVS,  working  in 

Bosnia  to  protect  human 

rights  of  minorities. 

now  completed  a  year  in  Bosnia,  working 
for  the  international  Organization  of  Secu- 
rity and  Cooperation  in  Europe  (OSCE). 

His  BVS  experiences  included  being  jailed 
by  Serbian  police;  leading  nonviolent  conflict 
resolution  training;  participating  in  work- 
shops for  UN  peace-keeping  missions:  and 
meeting  with  members  of  parliament,  the 
judiciary,  and  the  police  to  facilitate  human 
rights  organizations  in  resolving  issues. 

Vic  is  now  senior  human  rights  officer  in 
Republika  Srpska,  one  of  Bosnia's  two 

entities.  OSCE,  many  of  whose  employees 
are  diplomats  and  foreign  service  types, 
resembles  a  miniature  United  Nations. 

Vic  monitors  the  human  rights  situation 
in  Bosnia  and  the  parties'  implementation 
of  the  1995  Dayton  agreement.  "Our  job,' 
he  says,  "is  to  ensure  that  the  religious  anc 
ethnic  minorities  —  Muslims  and  Croats 
among  others  —  living  in  this  territory  hav(i 
equal  rights  with  the  Serbian  majority." 

The  situation  is  not  good.  "Before  the 
war,"  he  says,  "45  to  50  percent  of  the 
population  of  Banja  Luka,  the  region's 
largest  city,  was  minorities.  Now  it's  only 
five  percent,  with  many  minority  people 
having  lost  their  property." 

During  the  war,  a  grim  musical  chairs 
game  allowed  Serbian  refugees  who  lost  a 
home  elsewhere  to  take  over  the  homes  of 
minority  people.  The  minority  people  fled 
to  where  they,  as  part  of  a  majority,  could 
take  over  other  people's  homes.  Houses 
were  shelled  or  dynamited  in  the  process. 

The  present  peace  is  precarious.  Vic  says 
there  are  "few  persuasion  sticks  to  ensure 
that  the  government  respects  the  highest 
standards  of  human  rights."  People  are 
told  what  to  think,  and  their  sense  of  jus- 
tice is  clouded  by  propaganda. 

Vic's  cases  usually  are  complaints 
against  authorities  over  property  issues. 
He  investigates  and  tries  to  correct  situa- 
tions that  have  merit.  Defending  human 
rights  without  success  in  many  cases  is 
frustrating  to  this  Brethren  peace  activist. 

Although  Vic  has  plans  for  graduate 
school  in  international  law,  they  are  on  hold. 
Dedicated  to  his  cause,  he  has  committed 
himself  to  staying  in  Bosnia's  "almost  war" 
zone  for  another  year. — Irene  S.  Reynolds 

Irene  S.  Reynolds  is  a  freelance  writer  from 
Lawrence.  Kan. 

Names  in  the  News 

Cyndi  Jones,  a  member  of 
Wiley  (Colo.)  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  was  featured  in  the 
June  9  issue  of  People  maga- 
zine, noting  her  prowess  as  a 
champion  rodeo  performer. 
She  is  a  1997  graduate, 
summa  cum  laude,  of 

McPherson  College. 

•  SueZann  Bosler  of  Mi- 
ami, Fla.,  has  also  been  fea- 
tured in  People.  The  August 
18  issue  ran  a  two-page  arti- 
cle about  SueZann's  work  to 
save  her  father's  murderer 
from  the  death  penalty.  Bill 
Bosler  was  pastor  of  Miami 
(First)  Church  of  the 

Brethren  in  1986  when  he 
was  murdered  by  an  intruder 
into  his  home.  SueZann  was 
attacked  and  severely 
wounded  by  the  same  man.  A 
feature  on  SueZann  and  her 
experience  will  appear  in  the 
November  Messenger. 

•  Roy  E.  Pfaltzgraff  of 
Lancaster,  Pa.,  is  the  1997 

2  Messenger  October  1997 

Roy  Pfahzgraff 

winner  of  the  Damien-Dut- 
ton  Award,  given  to  a  person 
who  has  made  a  significant 
contribution  to  the  conquest 
of  leprosy.  Roy  served  as  a 
Church  of  the  Brethren  med- 
ical missionary  in  Nigeria, 
1945-1982.  There  he  devel- 
oped a  highly  effective  and 
widely  recognized  program 
for  treating  leprosy  patients 
and  for  training  doctors  and 
paramedicals  in  leprosy  man- 
agement. The  citation  notes 
that,  inter- 
Roy  "is 
known  es- 
pecially for 
his  exper- 
tise in  the 
manifesta-  - 
tions  and 
of  leprosy, 
and  is  equally  expert  in  the 
various  facets  of  physical  re- 
habilitation of  the  disabilities 
of  leprosy."  Roy  has  devised 
many  innovative  prostheses 
using  appropriate  technology 
for  the  developing  world. 

•  Phyllis  Carter  of 
Goshen,  Ind.,  is  serving  as 
interim  dean  of  students  at 
Goshen  College.  She  has  for- 
served  as 
a  pastor, 
district  ex- 
and  An- 
nual Con- 
She  is  chairwoman  of  the 
board  for  A  Quiet  Place,  a 
contemplative  prayer  center 
at  Camp  Mack,  Milford,  Ind. 

PhviUs  Carter 

Serving  the  Sioux 

Brian  Korber  sensed  an  op- 
portunity for  a  special  expe- 
rience when  he  decided  to 
do  his  student  teaching  at 
Pierre  Indian  Learning  Cen- 
ter in  South  Dakota.  That 
was  August-December 
1996,  while  he  was  complet- 
ing his  work  in  elementary 
education  at  California  Uni- 
versity of  Pennsylvania. 

Brian,  a  member  of  Maple 
Spring  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  Holsopple,  Pa., 
knew  nothing  at  the  time 
about  the  Sioux  Indians  and 
their  culture.  He  does  now.  At 
the  end  of  his  student-teach- 
ing stint  with  second-  and 

Working  with  Sioux  Indian 

boys  in  Pierre,  S.D.,  Brian 
Korber  merged  his  career 
with  a  period  of  service. 

third-graders,  he  was  hired  by 
the  center  as  a  caseworker  re- 
sponsible for  a  dormitory  that 
includes  youngsters  in  grades 
one  through  five. 

Brian  also  directs  an  alco- 
hol and  drug  awareness  pro- 

Duane  Ramsey  pastored  the  Washington  City  church  for 
nearly  half  a  century,  witnessing  on  Capitol  Hill. 

A  45 -year  record  on  the  hill 

Duane  Ramsey,  pastor  of  Washington  (D.C.)  City 
Church  of  the  Brethren  has  received  a  1997  Capitol  Hill 
Community  Achievement  Award  from  the  CHAMPS  Founda- 
tion. The  foundation  provides  financial  support  to  numerous 
community  organizations  in  the  Capitol  Hill  area.  Its  award 
cited  Duane's  45  years  as  pastor  of  Washington  City  church. 

The  citation  read,  in  part,  "Armed  with  the  conviction  that  a 
church  should  not  exist  without  serving  the  community 
around  it,  Duane  redirected  the  congregation's  focus  toward  a 
ministry  to  the  Hill's  almost  constantly  changing  population." 

Among  Washington  City  church's  current  ministries  is  a 
soup  kitchen  that  has  operated  for  the  past  1  7  years.  The 
church  also  provides  office  space  for  the  denomination's 
Washington  Office. 

Duane,  who  is  retiring  from  pastoral  work,  was  also 
honored  by  his  congregation,  in  a  day-long  event,  August 
10,  attended  by  hundreds  of  well-wishers. 

The  long-time  pastor  also  served  as  Annual  Conference 
moderator  in  1981 . 

gram  for  the  center,  involving 
nine  groups  a  week.  He  had 
Gilbert  Romero,  pastor  of 
Bella  Vista  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  Los  Angeles  and 
an  expert  in  dealing  with 
gangs,  come  to  Pierre  and 
lead  sessions  on  gang  prob- 
lems with  Sioux  youth. 

Pierre  Indian  Learning 
Center  is  run  by  Sioux 
leaders  from  16  reserva- 
tions across  Nebraska  and 
the  Dakotas.  About  230 
high-risk  Sioux  children 
spend  nine  months  a  year  at 
the  boarding  school. 

Brian  has  become  caught 

up  in  the  Sioux  culture  and 
benefits  from  the  center's 
practice  of  having  tribal 
leaders  visit  to  pass  on  Sioux 
customs,  traditions,  and  val- 
ues to  his  students.  Learning 
the  Lakota  language  is  hold- 
ing him  in  good  stead  as  he 
immerses  himself  in  Sioux 
life.  He  already  has  attended 
two  powwows  and  two 
sweat-lodge  ceremonies. 
With  one  full  and  re- 
warding year  behind  him, 
Brian  returned  to  Pierre  in 
August  full  of  anticipation 
of  his  second  year,  serving 
the  Sioux. 

October  1997  Messenger  3 

CROP  Trots  in  a  dog-eat-dog  world 

Maggie,  family  pet  of  Noah,  Libby,  and  |im  Kinsey  of 
Woodgrove  Brethren/Christian  Parish  in  Hast- 
ings, Mich.,  raised  $250  for  CROP  this  year,  supported  by 
friends  —  two  dogs,  two  cats,  and  a  turtle. 

Wearing  her  CROP  T-shirt  bearing  the  names  of  spon- 
sors from  Virginia,  Indiana,  Illinois,  and  Michigan, 

Having  doggedly  Maggie  showed  up  at  church  on  CROP  Walk  Sunday  and 

worked  to  be  the  trotted  six  miles  for  CROP  that  afternoon. 
champion  CROP         Libby  Kinsey,  Woodgrove  CROP  coordinator,  was 

fiirtdraiser,  Maggie  inspired  to  make  Maggie  a  CROP  trotter  by  a  local  priest 

(left)  just  couldn't  who  annually  enters  the  event  with  his  dog.  Bingo.  Libby 

resist  rubbing  it  in  coaxed  Maggie  to  challenge  Bingo  to  vie  for  top  dog  in  local 

a  bit  with  her  com-  CROP  fundraising.  With  the  pledges  of  her  animal  friends, 

petitor,  Bingo.  She  Kinsey  family  members,  and  others,  Maggie  helped  Wood- 

topped  his  take  by  grove  raise  over  $2,200,  the  largest  amount  from  any  church 

50  bucks,  in  the  community.  And  Maggie  bested  Bingo  by  $50. 

"Beginner's  luck,"  growled  Bingo,  his  sights  set  on  1998. 

Let's  celebrate 

Front  Royal  (Va.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren  celebrated  its 
50th  anniversary  Sept.  14. 
Besides  morning  worship, 
there  were  a  fellowship  meal, 
singing,  and  reminiscing. 

•  First  Central  Church 
of  the  Brethren  in  Kansas 
City,  Kan.,  marked  its  cen- 
tennial Sept.  17-28,  using 
the  theme  "Celebrating  a 
Century  of  Love  and  Com- 
mitment." Former  pastor 
Connie  Burkholder  wrote 

an  anthem  for  the  occasion.  |i 
Banners  portrayed  the  con- 
gregation's mission. 

•  Waynesboro  (Pa.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren  will 
hold  its  75th  anniversary  cel- 
ebration Oct.  19.  Morning 
worship  will  be  at  10  a.m., 
followed  by  a  catered  meal 
and  an  informal  gathering. 
Reservations  for  the  meal 
must  be  received  by  Oct.  12. 

•Windfall  (Ind.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren's  centennial 
celebration  is  set  for  Oct. 
12.  Under  the  theme  of 
"Stitches  in  Time,"  there  will 
be  quilts  and  old  photos  on 
display,  reminiscing,  music 
by  the  Kings  Four  gospel 
group,  food,  and  fellowship. 

Campus  Comments 

Bethany  Theological  Semi- 
nary and  Earlham  School  of 
Religion  have  received  a 
$10,000  joint  planning 
grant  from  Lilly  Endowment 
in  a  program  for  increasing 
and  maximizing  institutional 
technological  capabilities. 

•  Juniata  College 
received  a  record-setting 
$1,077,000  in  monetary 
gifts  in  the  1996-1997 
year,  which  ended  June  30. 
"The  success  stories  at 
Juniata  multiply  with  each 
passing  year,"  said  Juniata 
president  Bob  Neff. 

•  The  University  of  La 
Verne  had  a  surprise  visitor 
when  the  former  prime  min- 
ister of  Pakistan,  Benazir 
Bhutto,  dropped  in  on  a 
Business  and  Economics 
class.  She  was  on  a  private 
vacation  in  La  Verne  with  her 
first  cousin  Ahmed  Ispahani, 
a  ULV  professor.  No  sur- 
prise, however,  was  the  main 
topic  of  Bhutto's  informal 

4  Messenger  October  1997 

emarks:  Pakistani  politics. 
•  Bethany  Theological 

ieminary  lias  received  a 
PO.OOO  gift  to  establish  a 
ichoiarship  honoring  one 
Df  its  professors,  |eff  Bach. 
The  gift  came  from  Bach's 
lonie  congregation,  Mid- 
dletown  (Ohio). 

»  Mike  Stern,  a  Seattle- 
3ased  Brethren  musician 
\vith  a  peace  emphasis 
(August/September,  page 
28),  presented  a  Fall  Spiri- 
tual Focus  concert  at 
Bridgewater  College  Sept. 
30.  Accompanying  himself 
on  the  guitar  and  banjo, 
Mike  expresses  his  con- 
cerns for  compassion, 
social  and  ecological  jus- 
tice, peace,  service,  and 
respect  for  human  diversity. 

Learning  diversity  in  VBS 

"You  learn  a  lot  more  from 
your  students  than  they 
learn  from  you,"  said  teacher 
Bart  Lefever  at  the  close  of 
vacation  Bible  school  at 
Elkhart  (Ind.)  Valley 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  The 
1997  Bible  school  had  been 
part  of  a  joint  project  to  help 
people  of  different  races 
know  each  other  better  and 
learn  from  one  another. 

After  Elkhart  area  church 
leaders  had  discussed  ways  to 
build  racial  harmony,  Elkhart 
Valley  pastor  Frank  Ramirez 
and  Christian  education 
chairwoman  Linda  Beard- 
Herring  of  St.  fames  African 
Methodist  Episcopal  church 
decided  to  hold  a  joint  Bible 

Poages  Mill  VBS  workers  Pat  Driver,  Alice  Stevens,  and 
Karen  Beckner  turned  actors  in  a  skit  promoting  Habitat 
for  Humanity,  using  a  "model  house"  that  had  been  built 
as  part  of  the  fundraising  project. 

Poages  Mill  aids  Habitat 

Poages  Mill  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Roanoke,  Va., 
gave  its  Bible  school  collections  this  year  to  Habitat 
for  Humanity.  For  every  dollar  collected,  a  brick  was  put 
on  the  sanctuary  wall.  "By  Thursday  night,"  reported 
pastor  Maurice  Wright,  "we  had  to  use  ladders  to  put  the 
bricks  in  place." 

During  the  week,  church  members  who  had  worked  with 
Habitat  described  their  experiences.  On  Friday,  a  "ribbon- 
cutting"  was  held,  celebrating  the  $700  raised  for  the  project. 

Elkhart  Valley  VBS  teacher  Jessica  Ramirez  taught  crafts  to 
younger  children  in  a  highly  successful  venture  in  racial 
diversity  learning.  Two  Brethren  churches  and  an  African 
Methodist  Episcopal  church  carried  off  the  feat. 

school.  Elkhart  City  church 
joined  the  project  during  the 
planning  process.  "Stories 
lesus  Told"  materials  pro- 
duced by  Brethren  and 
Mennonites  were  used. 

The  first  four  days  of 
Bible  school  were  held  at 
St.  lames.  The  final  session 
was  held  at  Elkhart  Valley. 
Sessions  were  held  at 
night,  so  adults  could 
attend.  Attendance  ranged 
from  164  to  185. 

Participants  in  the 
sessions  interpreted 
Jesus'  parables  in 
light  of  their 
own  lives  and 
openly  dis- 
cussed social 
and  racial 

issues.  During  the  meal  fol- 
lowing each  session,  people 
continued  their  conversa- 
tions more  informally. 

The  theme  song,  "Stories 
lesus  Told,"  encouraged 
people  first  to  hear,  then  to 
tell,  and  finally  to  live 
lesus'  stories.  As  an  out- 
growth of  the  Bible  school, 
the  churches  are  planning 
to  carry  out  other  activities 
together.  And  they  hope  to 
spur  other  area  churches  to 
create  similar  partnerships. 

A  user-friendly  church 

Bridgewater  (Va.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren  is  building 
a  new  meetinghouse  on 
the  hill  just  east  of  the 
Bridgewater  College 
campus,  alongside  Route 
257  leading  to  Mount 
Crawford.  The  new 
church  will  include  a 
gymnasium/social  hall. 
All  the  new  facility  will 
be  on  one  level  and  com- 
pletely handicap- 

accessible.  Completion  is 
planned  for  1998.  The 
college  has  bought  the 
present  church,  which  is 
situated  on  the  campus, 
and  plans  to  renovate  it  to 
meet  space  needs. 

"Close  to  Home" highlights  news  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home, " Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin.  IL  60120. 

October  1997  Messenger  5 

Fred  Shaw/Neeake,  a  Shawnee 

storyteller  and  United  Methodist 

minister,  captivates  the  Caring 

Ministries  2000  audience  with  a 

tale  about  his  heritage.  Shaw/ 

Neeake  explained  that  his  attire  is 

worn  for  formal  Shawnee  events. 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 

necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/"Messenger  or 
the  General  Board,  and  should  not  be  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

Nearly  500  attend  first-ever 
'Caring  Ministries'  conference 

Two  significant  events  for  Brethren 
who  wortc  in  caring  ministries  were 
held  at  Manchester  (Ind.)  College  in 
mid-August  (see  pages  11-13). 

The  main  event,  Caring  Ministries 
2000,  attended  by  some  500  partici- 
pants, was  intended  for  "anyone  be- 
lieving that  Christians 
have  a  ministry  in  caring 
for  people  in  a  hurting 

The  conference  was 
sponsored  by  Association 
of  Brethren  Caregivers. 
Leadership  included 
Bernie  Siegel,  retired 
surgeon  and  author;  He- 
len Prejean,  author  of 
Dead  Man  Walking  and 
advocate  for  death  row 
"^  A     prisoners  and  victims' 
^  families;  Marie  Fortune, 

r  executive  director  of  the 

-*        ^*    Center  for  the  Prevention 
of  Sexual  and  Domestic 
Violence;  Rodney  Page, 
deputy  general  secretary 
of  the  National  Council 
of  Churches;  and  Fred 
Shaw/Neeake,  story- 
teller, member  of 
Shawnee  United  Rem- 
nant Band,  and  United 
Methodist  minister. 
Other  leaders  included  Tom 
Mullen,  professor  of  Creative  Writing 
and  Preaching  at  Earlham  School  of 
Religion;  Dave  Hilton,  consultant  on 
international  and  congregationally 
based  health  care;  Nancy  Faus,  re- 
tired Bethany  Theological  Seminary 
professor;  and  S.  Wesley  Ariarajah, 
deputy  general  secretary  of  the 
World  Council  of  Churches. 

In  addition  to  presentations  and 
workshops,  the  conference  included 
Bible  studies,  singing,  and  worship. 

The  other  significant  event  was 
"The  Art  and  Act  of  Healing,"  a  pre- 
Caring  Ministries  seminar  led  by 
Bernie  and  Bobbie  Siegel. 

About  250  people  attended  this 
day-long  event,  exploring  "the  roles  ] 
of  hope,  love,  spirituality,  and  uncon-i 
scious  beliefs  in  the  healing  process." 

Take  two.  The  search  for  an 
executive  director  resumes 

The  General  Board's  search  for  an  ex- 
ecutive director  officially  resumed         * 
Sept.  4—5,  when  the  committee 
charged  with  overseeing  the  process — 
consisting  of  four  Board  members  and 
a  representative  from  Board  staff,  the 
districts,  and  the  laity — met  for  the 
first  time.  In  doing  so,  the  committee 
began  the  Board's  second  search  for 
an  executive  director,  as  the  Board 
failed  to  call  the  candidate  presented 
to  it  during  its  |uly  meetings. 

The  new  committee,  chaired  by 
Board  member  Mary  )o  Flory- 
Steury,  is  seeking  people  interested 
in  the  position  or  people  interested  in 
nominating  a  candidate  for  this  posi- 
tion. An  information/application 
packet  will  be  available  after  Oct.  2 1 . 
For  more  information,  contact  Flory- 
Steury  at  800  E.  David  Road,  Ketter- 
ing, Ohio  45429.  Completed  appli- 
cation materials  must  be  postmarked 
by  Dec.  10. 

AC  '98  theme,  speakers,  and 
other  information  announced 

"...  so  that  God  is  not  ashamed  to  be 
called  our  God,"  based  on  Hebrews 
11:16,  will  serve  as  theme  of  the 
212th  Annual  Conference,  June  30 — 
July  5,  in  Orlando,  Fla.  The  theme 
was  selected  in  August  by  the  Annual 
Conference  Program  and  Arrange- 
ments Committee,  which  explained, 
"Those  gathered  to  take  care  of  the 
business,  to  worship,  and  to  fellow- 
ship will  be  encouraged  to  examine 
the  challenge  of  faithfulness  and  how 
that  guides  our  lives,  our  thoughts, 
and  our  ministries  ...  so  that  God  is 

6  Messenger  October  1997 

lot  ashamed  to  be  called  our  God." 

Each  worship  service  will  focus  on 
an  aspect  of  faithfulness.  The 
:hemes,  preachers,  and  worship  lead- 
ers will  be — 

•  Tuesday:  Relationship  of  faith  to 
faithfulness:  William  Willimon, 
Durham,  N.C.;  Cindy  Barnum- 
Sicggerda,  Daleville,  Va. 

•  Wednesday:  Faithfulness,  the 
guiding  power;  Elaine  Sollenberger, 
'E\erett,  Pa.:  Lowell  Flory,  McPher- 
^on,  Kan. 

•  Thursday:  Exploring  the  depth 
j|  liiithfulness;  Ered  Swartz,  Manas- 
sas. Va.;  Belita  Mitchell,  Rancho 
Palos  Verde,  Calif. 

•  Friday:  A  passion  for  faithfulness; 
William  Sloane  Coffin,  Strafford,  Vt.; 
Merle  Crouse,  St.  Cloud,  Fla. 

•  Saturday:  Faithfulness  in  wor- 
.ship:  Donna  Forbes  Steiner, 
Landisville,  Pa.;  Guy  Buch, 
Smithville,  Ohio. 

•  Sunday:  God's  promise  for 
faithfulness;  Robert  Alley,  Bridgewa- 
ter,  Va;  Brian  Yoder,  Emily  Shonk, 

The  24th  Annual  Brethren  Bible  Institute,  sponsored  by  Brethren  Revival 
Fellowship,  was  held  July  28 — Aug.  1  at  Elizabethtown  (Pa.)  College.  One 
hundred  twenty  people  attended,  representing  27  churches  in  seven  states. 
Nine  courses  were  offered  throughout  the  week,  from  which  students 
selected  three.  "Chapel  periods,  group  devotions,  class  lectures  and 
discussions,  recreation,  food,  and  fellowship  all  combined  to  make  it  a 
rewarding  and  relaxing  week, "  said  Harold  Martin,  BRF  leader. 

and  Joy  Struble,  the  NYC  '98  coordi- 
nating team,  from  Elgin,  111. 

The  music  coordinator  will  be  Bob 
Kettering,  Manheim,  Pa.  Terry  Mur- 
ray, Huntingdon,  Pa.,  will  serve  as 
choir  director. 

In  related  news,  the  Annual  Con- 
ference Office  has  also  announced — 

•  that  Insight  Sessions  will  have  to 

be  sponsored  by  a  district  or  by  one  of 
the  three  Annual  Conference  agencies. 

•  that  there  won't  be  a  logo-creat- 
ing contest  this  year. 

•  that  nominees  for  the  Confer- 
ence ballot  are  being  accepted. 

For  more  information,  contact  the 
Annual  Conference  office  at  (800) 

EFSM  and  TRIM  trains  18  in  August 

Fifteen  students  and  three  churches  in  August  partic- 
ipated in  this  year's  Training  in  Ministry  (TRIM)  and 
Education  for  a  Shared  Ministry  (EFSM)  orientation 
at  the  Brethren  Service  Center,  New  Windsor,  Md. 

The  15  TRIM  students  represented  10  districts, 
according  to  lean  Hendricks,  the  General  Board's 
former  director  of  Ministry  Training.  Members  var- 
ied in  age  and  educational  and  vocational  back- 
ground. Two  of  the  three  churches  entering  EFSM 
were  from  Northern  Indiana  District;  the  other  was 
from  Shenandoah  District. 

Leaders  for  this,  EFSM's  20th  year  and  TRlM's 
10th,  included  David  Longenecker.  Rick  Gardner, 
Mary  jessup,  Scott  Duffy,  Howard  Miller,  Roger 
Forry,  Alice  Martin-Adkins,  and  Pam  Leinauer. 

TRIM  participants  were  Michael  Bullock,  Paul 
Dodd,  Lois  Grove,  Randy  Hosier,  Thomas  Kerr,  Be- 
lita Mitchell,  Helen  Osborne,  )ames  Peyton,  Rebecca 
Rhodes,  James  Schmidt,  Howard  Shockey,  Richard 
Schockney,  Lisa  Snyder,  George  Sparks,  and  Sharon 
Sparks.  EFSM  participants  were  Jim  Best,  junior 
Blough,  Eric  Croft,  and  Greg  Spry. 

October  1997  Messenger? 

General  Board,  Bethany 
announce  staff  changes 

Eight  staff  changes  have  been  made 
by  the  General  Board  and  Bethany 
Theological  Seminary  since  summer. 

Heather  Nolen,  a  graduate  of 
Bridgewater  (Va.)  College,  in  August 
began  serving  a  two-year  Brethren 
Volunteer  Service  term  as  coordinator 
of  the  General  Board's  Washington 
Office.  She  reports  to  David  Radcliff, 
director  of  Brethren  Witness. 

Beth  Sollenberger  Morphew  has 
been  named  coordinator  of  the  Gen- 
eral Board's  Area  2  Congregational 
Life  Team.  Prior  to  this  appointment, 
Sollenberger  Morphew  served  the 
General  Board  as  director  of  Stew- 
ardship Education. 

Harriet  and  Ron  Finney  have  been 
appointed  co-coordinators  of  the 
Brethren  Academy  for  Ministerial 
Leadership,  positions  sponsored  by 
the  General  Board  and  Bethany.  This 
cooperative  ministry  will  expand  the 
scope  of  the  former  Bethany  Acad- 
emy for  Ministry  Training.  Harriet 
and  Ron  will  also  continue  serving  as 
co-executives  of  South/Central  Indi- 
ana District. 

Fred  Bernhard  and  Bill  Kidwell 
are  serving  as  interim  campus  pastors 
at  Bethany  for  the  current  school 
year.  Bernhard,  who  pastors  Oakland 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Gettysburg, 
Ohio,  served  as  1996  Annual  Confer- 
ence moderator.  He  also  has  served 
as  an  adjunct  Bethany  faculty  mem- 
ber. Kidwell  is  a  retired  pastor  who 
has  served  on  Bethany's  Alumni  Co- 
ordinating Council.  Both  men  hold 
Bethany  degrees. 

Jim  Bowyer  is  serving  as  Bethany's 
interim  choir  and  music  director 
during  the  current  school  year.  He 
succeeds  Nancy  Faus,  who  retired  in 
June.  Currently  a  Bethany  student, 
he  expects  to  graduate  next  year. 

Tricia  Sadd  has  begun  serving  as 
Bethany's  coordinator  of  Academic 
Services.  She  is  a  member  of  Chiques 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  Manheim, 
Pa.,  and  a  1997  Bethany  graduate. 

New  staff  join  Association 
of  Brethren  Caregivers 

It  has  been  a  year  of  change  for  As- 
sociation of  Brethren  Caregivers. 
In  March  the  General  Board  voted 
to  approve  ABC's  independence, 
effective  Jan.  1.  Then,  faced  with 
going  solo  and  with  the  planned 
retirement  of  executive  director  |ay 
Gibble — by  Ian.  1,  1999 — the  as- 
sociation made  a  handful  of  per- 
sonnel changes. 

On  Aug.  1  Steve  Mason  joined 
ABC  as  executive  director  desig- 
nate. Mason  had  served  McPher- 
son  (Kan.)  College  since  1990, 
and  as  vice  president  for  Financial 
Services  since  1994.  For  three 
years — until  his  call  to  ABC — Ma- 
son also  served  on  the  ABC  board. 

On  Sept.  2  Scott  Douglas  and 
Mary  Dulabaum  joined  ABC  as  di- 
rector of  Resourcing  and  director 
of  Communications,  respectively. 

Previously  Douglas  served  as 
Church  Services  director  for  Mutual 

The  new  team  of 

Association  of 
Brethren  Caregivers 
staff  includes  Mar\' 
Dulabaum,  Steve 
Mason,  fay  Gibble. 
Scott  Douglas,  and 
Linda  Timmons. 

Aid  Association.  The  Elgin,  111.,  resi- 
dent also  served  on  the  ABC  board 
until  he  applied  for  this  position. 

Dulabaum,  also  of  Elgin,  111.,  had 
worked  for  the  Sherwood  Group, 
Northbrook,  111.,  since  1989,  serv- 
ing as  Communications  director 
since  1991.  She  is  a  Manchester 
College  graduate.  She  succeeded 
Cheryl  Cayford,  interim  director  of 
Communications,  who  accepted  a 
pastoral  call  to  Northern  Colorado 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Windsor. 

Linda  Timmons,  an  Elgin,  III.,  res- 
ident and  former  director  of  recruit- 
ing for  Brethren  Volunteer  Service 
and  former  director  of  the  SERRV 
Gift  Shop  in  Elgin,  III,  who  also 
served  as  a  public  school  teacher,  in 
August  permanently  joined  ABC  as 
administrative  assistant. 

Also  in  August  the  ABC  board 
elected  the  following  to  its  board — 
ludy  Mills  Reimer,  chair-elect: 
Paul  Ullom-Minnich:  Ian 
Kensinger;  loe  Schechter;  Nancy 
Faus:  and  Milton  Garcia. 










Fred  Bern  hard 

Bill  Kidurtl 

///;;  Bonyers 

Tricia  Sadd 

8  MiissFNGER  October  1997 

In  Brief 

Previewing  "...witli  Eyes  of  Faith,"  National  Youth  Confer- 
ence '98,  can  be  done  by  video  or  on  the  World  Wide  Web.  The 
quadrennial  conference  is  scheduled  for  July  28— Aug.  2  in  Fort 
Collins,  Colo.  NYC  organizers,  who  will  begin  accepting  registra- 
tions in  January,  anticipate  nearly  5,000  participants.  For  more 
information  regarding  how  to  preview  NYC  or  about  the  confer- 
ence in  general,  contact  the  NYC  Office  at  (800)  323-8039. 

Cooperative  Disaster  Child  Care  training  has  been  sched- 
uled for  Nov.  1 4-1 5  at  Pleasant  Dale  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
Decatur,  Ind.  Call  (410)  635-8734  for  more  information. 

BVS  bound.  I  ijteeii  yuiiii^  adulu^  iix/c  iruuieJ  ui  July  and 
August  as  part  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  Orientation 
Unit  225.  Participating  in  that  training  were  (first  row) 
fenn  Brown,  Sarah  Schreckhise,  Matt  Stauffer,  Ean  Frank, 
and  Petra  Beck  (BVS  assistant.  (Second  row)  Sue  Grubb 
(BVS  assistant),  Andrea  Wells,  Mary  Miller,  Brian  Voder, 
Daniel  Opoku.  Diane  Dubble,  and  Susanne  Grimm. 
(Third  row)  Kalharina  Pilz,  Emily  Shonk,  joy  Struble,  Lisa 
Yzenbaard,  Tina  Rieman  (BVS  assistant),  Todd  Reish  (BVS 
Orientation  coordinator),  and  Bekah  Rieke. 

The  Fall  1 997  Peace  Academy  for  senior  high  youth,  spon- 
sored by  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly,  is  scheduled  for  Nov.  8-9  at 
the  Brethren  Service  Center,  New  Windsor,  Md.  This  event  is  for 
youth  who  want  to  learn  "how  to  resolve  conflict,  how  to  be  a 
peace  advocate,  how  to  engage  our  global  world." 

Cost  is  $35,  although  $15  scholarships  are  available.  Registra- 
tion forms  are  due  by  Oct.  1 5.  To  receive  a  form  or  for  more 
information,  contact  Kate  Johnson  at  (410)  635-8706. 

The  "Sister  Summit,"  a  consultation  of  Brethren  women 
scheduled  for  Sept.  12-14  in  Indianapolis,  was  cancelled  due  to 
insufficient  registrations.  The  summit  had  been  called  in 
response  to  the  elimination  of  funds  to  Program  for  Women  by 
the  General  Board.  Women  from  each  district  had  been  invited  to 
attend  the  event  to  discuss  future  program  possibilities. 
Without  funding  and  without  adequate  interest  in  the  summit, 

Program  for  Women  is  essentially  ending,  wrote  Susan  Wey- 
bright,  summit  coordinator,  and  Cynthia  Mason,  coordinator  of 
National  Women's  Council,  in  a  letter  announcing  the  cancela- 
tion. They  added  that  local  women's  concerns  should  be 
addressed  to  district  executives  or  to  Glenn  Timmons,  the  Gen- 
eral Board's  director  of  Congregational  Life  Ministries. 

A  workcamp/friendship  delegation  to  Guatemala  has  been 
scheduled  for  Dec.  3-13  by  the  General  Board's  Brethren  Wit- 
ness office,  in  cooperation  with  the  Global  Mission  Partner-  ship 
office.  The  workcamp  is  limited  to  10  people  and  the  ap- 
proximate cost  is  $400  plus  round-trip  travel  to  Guatemala.  For 
more  information,  contact  David  Radcliff  at  (800)  323-8039. 

Andrew  Sunday,  otherwise  known  as  "Invite  a  Friend  to  Church" 
Sunday,  is  scheduled  for  Oct.  26.  Initiated  by  the  General  Board's 
Andrew  Center  this  special  outreach,  which  joins  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren  with  other  Anabaptist  denominations  across  North 
America  that  will  be  focusing  in  on  bringing  friends  to  church  for 
at  least  this  day.  A  resource  kit  is  available  for  $1 9.95.  For  more 
information,  call  The  Andrew  Center  at  (800)  774-3360. 

Church  of  the  Brethren  young  adults  will  have  two  confer- 
ence opportunities  this  winter  The  annual  Young  Adult 
Conference,  sponsored  by  the  General  Board's  Youth  and  Young 
Adult  Ministries,  is  scheduled  for  Nov.  27-29  at  Camp  Mack,  near 
Milford,  Ind.  Christy  Waltersdorff,  pastor  of  York  Center  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  Lombard,  III.,  will  provide  leadership. 

Evangel  '97  is  an  international  young  adult  conference  on  mis- 
sions and  evangelism,  which  will  be  held  Dec.  28— Jan.  1  in 
Atlanta.  This  conference  is  supported  in  part  by  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren  and  several  other  Anabaptist  denominations. 

Call  (800)  323-8039,  ext.  289  for  more  information. 

The  Religious  Organizing  Against  the  Death  Penalty  pro- 
ject, organized  by  the  Criminal  Justice  Program  of  the  American 
Friends  Service  Committee,  is  sponsoring  a  gathering  Nov.  14- 
16  in  Washington,  D.C.,  in  which  national  religious  and  lay 
people  will  focus  on  death  penalty-related  issues. 

Helen  Prejean,  author  of  Dead  Man  Walking,  will  deliver  the 
keynote  address  on  "Envisioning  a  World  Without  Violence." 

Project  organizers  are  optimistic  that  participants  will  form 
study  groups  nationwide  to  develop  long-range  action  plans. 

This  event  is  sponsored  by  a  host  of  people  and  organizations, 
including  Bob  Gross  of  Manchester  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
North  Manchester,  Ind.  Gross  is  a  leader  with  Ministry  of  Recon- 
ciliation, a  program  of  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly.  For  more 
information,  contact  Pat  Clark  at  (21 5)  241  -71 30. 

A  Training  for  Trainers  workshop,  sponsored  by  Education 
for  Conflict  Resolution  Inc.  (ECR),  will  be  offered  Nov.  21-22  in 
North  Manchester,  Ind.  Leading  the  workshop  will  be  Bob  Gross, 
who  also  serves  as  ECR  Training  director  Cost  is  $125.  For 
more  information,  contact  ECR  at  (219)  982-4621. 

October  1997  Messenger  9 

When  people 

use  the  word 

hypocrite,  it 

seems  that 

what  they 

really  mean 

is  "imperfect 



by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

^^^tick$  and  stones  can 

^^break  my  bones,  but 
words  can  never  harm  me." 

This  old  adage  may  be  a 
quick  fix  for  hurt  feeUngs 
on  the  playground,  but  in 
many  of  our  life  situations, 
it  doesn't  hold  true.  Some- 
one called  me  a  hypocrite 
recently.  It  hurt. 

Funny,  I  have  been  called 
other  names  that  some 
people  would  consider  far 
worse.  I  have  been  called  a 
fanatic,  a  fool,  a  Jesus 
freak,  a  Holy  Roller.  Those 
never  hurt.  In  fact,  I  rather 
enjoy  them  as  backhanded 

A  few  times  I  have  been 
called  unprintable  names  — 
names  that  implied  canine 
ancestry,  cast  aspersion  on 
my  fidelity  to  marriage  vows, 
or  made  implications  about 
my  sexuality.  While  their 
coarseness  makes  me  wince, 
even  these  do  not  hurt. 

But  hypocrite?  Hypocrite 

I  can't  think  of  anything  I 
want  more  than  to  be  an 
effective  witness  for  Jesus 
Christ.  There  is  nothing  for 
which  I  pray  more  earnestly, 
nothing  for  which  I  strive 
more  diligently.  So,  having 
"Hypocrite!"  flung  in  my 
face  undermines  my  very 
existence.  And,  as  the 
predator  senses  the  weak- 
ness of  its  prey,  the  person 
who  called  me  a  hypocrite 
knew  that,  I  think. 

"Blessed  are  you,"  Jesus 

says,  "when  people  insult 
you,  persecute  you,  and 
falsely  say  all  kinds  of  evil 
against  you  because  of  me. 
Rejoice  and  be  glad,  because 
great  is  your  reward  in 
heaven,  for  in  the  same  way 
they  persecuted  the 
prophets  who  were  before 
you"  (Matt.  5:11-12,  NIV). 

Hypocrisy  is  a  very  real 
and  very  ugly  sin.  But  it  is 
also  an  accusation  that 
often  is  made  falsely  and 
therefore  constitutes  perse- 
cution. For  such  situations, 
I  offer  these  observations: 

When  people  use  the  word 
hypocrite,  it  seems  that  what 
they  really  mean  is  "imper- 
fect Christian."  While 
"hypocrite"  hurts,  I  don't 
have  a  problem  owning  the 
description  "imperfect 
Christian."  Translating  it  as 
such  can  neutralize  the 
emotional  toxins. 

I  rarely  hear  the  accusa- 
tion "hypocrite"  used  by  a 
person  who  has  a  healthy 
relationship  with  Christ  and 
a  close  connection  to  other 
believers.  Because  of  this,  I 
suspect  that,  for  the  most 
part,  the  person  who 
throws  out  the  word  hyp- 
ocrite like  a  trump  card 
does  so  to  avoid  dealing 
with  his  own  personal 
standing  before  God. 

If  I  have  put  a  barrier 
between  myself  and  God, 
the  simplest  way  to  keep 
that  barrier  in  place  is  to 
negate  anything  that  would 
force  me  to  reevaluate  my 
behavior  in  relation  to 

God's  standards.  For  exam- 
ple, the  woman  who  called 
me  a  hypocrite  is  a  person 
with  a  sad  and  unstable  his- 
tory concerning  men, 
alcohol,  and  marriage. 

We  often  are  accused  of 
being  a  hypocrite  when  we 
have  taken  an  unpopular 
stand.  I  was  called  a  hyp- 
ocrite right  after  I  had 
verbalized  some  boundaries 
that  I  needed  to  keep  in 
place  in  my  life.  I  did  not  at  j 
any  point  say  that  others 
had  to  adopt  the  same 
boundaries  for  themselves, 
only  that  such  boundaries 
were  what  I  needed  for  my 
own  mental  health  and  well- 

So,  just  why  is  it  that  we 
are  blessed  when  people 
persecute  us  and  falsely  say 
all  kinds  of  evil  against  us? 
Maybe  it  is  because  such 
persecution  and  false  accu- 
sations have  the  effect  of 
driving  us  to  ruthless  self- 
examination  before  the 
penetrating,  sanctifying 
light  of  the  Holy  Spirit. 

And  if  that  is  true,  I  guess 
I  only  have  to  worry  when 
being  called  a  hyp- 
ocrite doesn't  hurt. 


Robin  Wentworth  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Kokomo  (Ind.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  column  offer- 
ing suggestions,  perspectives,  and 
opinions — snapshots  of  life — that  we 
hope  are  helpful  to  readers  in  their 
Christian  journey.  As  the  writer  said  in 
her  first  installment,  "Remember, 
when  it  comes  to  managing  life's  diffi- 
culties, we  don  V  need  to  walk  on 
water  We  just  need  to  learn  where  the 
stepping  stones  are. " 

10  Messenger  October  1997 

In  celebration  of  its  first  50  years,  the  General  Board 
presents  this  special  jubilee  report. 

Another  Way 

Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board,  19  47-97 

Another W 


Nearly  300  years  ago  the 
founders  of  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  charted  a  new 
course.  Their  beliefs  led  them 
to  leave  their  homeland,  to 
risk  perilous  seas,  to  plant 
their  roots  in  foreign  soil. 

During  the  past  50  years 
Brethren  have  continued  the 
journey  of  adventurous  disci- 
pleship.  The  gleanings  in  this 
jubilee  report  of  the  General 
Board  stand  as  signposts  to 
remind  us  of  representative 
places  our  journey  together 
has  taken  us. 

Looking  ahead,  we  again 
are  called  to  a  new  land,  to 
live  by  faith  in  the  midst  of  a 
foreign  and  disbelieving  cul- 
ture. As  the  church  of  the  liv- 
ing Christ,  let  us  go  forth  in 
peace  and  joy,  trusting  fully  in 
God  who  beckons  us  to 
"another  way." 


/^  /KUL<^ 

Karen  Peterson  Miller 
Intenm  Executive  Director 
General  Board 

PostjA/ar  Posture:  Kneeling  in  Service 

The  human  and  material  devastation  of  World  War  II  created  an 

opportunitrv'  for  Brethren  to  act  out  then"  faith  in  service.  As  a  denomination  they  had  said  no 
to  participation  in  war;  now  they  could  enter  unreservedly  mto  the  works  of  peace. 

In  1944  the  Brethren  Service  Center  at  New  Windsor,  Md.,  was  born,  hi  1946  Brethren  Service 
recruited  seagoing  cowboys  to  tend  boatloads  ot  livestock  to  Europe  and  tractor  units  to  do  land 
reclamation  in  China.  In  1948  Annual  Conference  authorized  Brethren  Volunteer  Service.  In  1949 
the  Conference  asked  each  congregation  to  resettle  at  least  one  refiigee.  Brethren 
returning  from  Europe  brought 
back  anci  marketed  handcrafts  pro- 
duced by  refugees;  therein  the  seed 
of  SERRV  International  was  sown. 

The  Brethren  Sei-vice 
Commission  m  1948  reported 
work  in  Austria,  France,  Germany, 
Italy,  Poland,  Holland,  England, 
Ethiopia,  Ecuador,  and  Puerto  Rico. 
In  addition  Brethren  Service  sent 
relief  shipments  to  Japan,  began 
work  with  migrants  in  Florida,  and 
launched  peace  caravans.  Brethren 
were  on  the  move! 

Where  feasible.  Brethren  worked 
side  by  side  with  sisters  and  brothers 
ot  faith. They  hnked  with  other 
Christians  by  joining  the  Federal 
Council  of  Churches  in  1941  and  its 
successor,  the  National  Council  ot 
Churches,  in  1950,  and  in  becoming  a 
charter  member  of  the  World  Council 
of  Churches  in  1948.  With  others  they 
created  a  host  of  relief  and  reconciHa- 
tion  ministries. 

The  message  Brethren  held  up  to 
the  world  was  the  oneness  of  Christ's 
body,  kneehng  in  sei-vice. 

Poii-w'M  Eiiiopc 

■:  |„„„d,.  and  numrial  toll 

Dutpouring  of  love.  With  clothing  drives,  food  shipments,  Friendship  Trains,  CROP  walks,  seagoing 
;owboys,  tractor  units,  heifers  for  relief,  international  workcamps,  refugee  resettlement,  volunteer  service,  and 
nterchurch  assistance  teams.  Brethren  were  in  the  forefront  of  post-war  reconstruction  and  reconciliation. 

At  the  Threshold  of  a  Great  New  Day 

"The  Church  of  the  Brethren  stands  at  the  threshold  of  a  great 

new  day,"  the  General  Brotherhood  Board  declared  in  its  first  report  to  Annual 
C  ^inference  in  1947.  "We  dare  not  become  satisfied  with  past  achievements." 
A  Committee  of  Fifteen,  named  by  Annual  Conference  in  1945,  drafteci  the 
blueprint  ot  a  single  board  ot  25  members  with  five  commissions,  replacing  five 
independent  boards. The  committee  further  recommended  the  principle  ol  a  sin- 
gle board  for  regional,  district,  and  congregational  organization. 

With  Annual  Conference  support,  the  General  Brotherhood  Board  was  incor- 
porated in  March  1 947,  its  task  to  bring  balance,  unity,  efficiency,  and  economy 
to  the  general  program  ot  the  Church  ot  the  Brethren. 

In  1 965,  Annual  Conference  appointed  a  seven-member  committee  to  review 
the  structure. The  committees  rec- 
ommendations, adopted  by  Annual 
Conference  in  1968,  reaffirmed  the 
concept  of  a  single  aciministrative 
board  but  reduced  the  number  of 
comiTussions  fi^om  five  to  three  and 
deleted  the  term  Brotherhood  from 
the  title.  Introduced  at  this  time 
were  a  Goals  and  Budget 
Committee,  an  Administrative 
Council,  and  an  Annual 
Conference  Review  and  Evaluarion  Committee. 

It  is  essentially  this  design  that  has  brought  the  General  Board  to  its 
5()th  anniversary  and  the  threshold  of  yet  another  great  new  day. 

General  scirctdry  Riiyiiioiid  R.  Pclcrs, 
Ah'sscti{;cr  editor  Dcsiiioini  11.'  Biltiiifcr 

In  Utrecht,  Netherlands,  Ruth 
Early  hands  a  Dutch  refugee 
family  a  Brethren  "assur- 
ance"-the  1,000th  form 
processed  by  Church  World 
Service  in  Holland. 


Annual  Conference  okays 
Committee  of  Fifteen's  pro- 
posal for  one  unified  board. 

Incorporation  of  General 
Brotherhood  Board. 

Raymond  R.  Peters 
becomes  general  secretary. 

"Advance  with   Christ" 
begins  as  three-year,  church- 
wide  call  to  action. 

Polish  Agricultural 
Exchange  inaugurated. 

Annual  Conference  au- 
thorizes Brethren  Volunteer 

Church  of  the  Brethren 
becomes  charter  member  of 
World  Council  of  Churches. 

One  Great  Hour  appeal 
debuts  on  nationwide  radio. 

Brethren  launch  high 
school  student  exchange. 



Writing  what  was  to  become 
the  favorite  new  selection  in 
the  1951  Brethren  IHymnal 
was  Kenneth  Morse,  long- 
time Messenger  editor.  The 
hymn:  "Move  in  Our  Midst." 


National  Council  of 
Churches  constituted. 

Brethren  Hymnal  (red 
book)  published. 

Brethren  Service  work 
opens  in  Greece. 

Messenger's  1  00th  year. 

Full  ordination  of  women 
approved  by  Conference. 

Revised  Standard  Version 
of  Bible  published. 

Norman  J.  Baugher  be- 
comes general  secretary. 

Lybrook  Navajo  Mission 
opens  in  New  Mexico. 

First  National  Youth  Con- 
ference, Anderson,  Ind. 

Brethren  Haus,  Kassel, 
Germany,  dedicated. 

'Challenges  to  Test  Our  Virility  and  Vision' 

Steady  growth  marked  church  Hfe  in  the  '50s.  One-third  of  the  churches 

were  reniodehng  or  building  anew,  according  to  the  1950  annual  report  of  the  General 
Brotherhood  Board.  In  the  course  of  the  decade  50  congregations  were  added,  a  record  gain, 
bringing  the  total  in  the  US  to  1,074. 

The  membership  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  the  US  climbeci  year  by  year  as  well,  ris-- 
ing  to  a  peak  ot  202,257  in  1963.  Annual  Conference  decisions  of  the  '50s  encouraged  such 
growth  by  allowing  for  membership  by  transfer  ot  letter;  by  encouraging  occasional  observance 
ot  "bread  and  cup"  commu- 
nion; by  permitting  congrega- 
tions to  decide  whether  love 
feast  was  to  be  open  and 
whether  forms  of  baptism 
other  than  trine  immersion 
were  to  be  recognizeci;  and  by 
granting  women  full,  unre- 
stricted rights  in  the  ministry. 

Toward  the  close  ot  the 
decade,  momentum  was 
spurred  ixirther  by  the  25(  )th 
Anniversary  Call  and  its  com- 
memorative events  in  the  US 
and  Europe,  in  1958,  and  by 
the  dedicarion  ot  the  denom- 
inarion's  new  General  Offices 
m  Elgin,  111.,  m  1959. 

The  movement  of  popu- 
lation and  the  establishment 
of  new  communities  in  the 
"50s  presented  such  chal- 
lenges, noted  the  General         i 
Brotherhood  Board,  as  to 
"stagger  our  imagination 
and  test  our  virility,  vision, 
and  response." 

'"("  (.Jiiiiial  Of,. 

It  began  at  Anderson,  in  1954  the  campus  of  Anderson  College  in  Indiana  hosted  the  first  National 
Youth  Conference,  drawing  2,300  registrants.  Double  that  number  is  expected  at  the  1  2th  National  Youth 
Conference,  slated  for  Colorado  State  University  July  28-August  2,  1998. 

Indigenization:  Changing  the  Face  of  Mission 

Nationalism.  Economic  upheaval.  Racial  tension.  Resurgence  of  national 

religions. The  emerging  realities  ot  the  '5()s  prompted  the  General  Brotherhood  Board  to 

examine  its  mission  policies  ancH  practices  on 

foreign  fields.  The  Board's  report,  detailing  basic 

shifts,  was  adopted  bv  the  1955  Annual 


The  statement  committecl  Brethren  "to  help 
nationals  establish  indigenous  churches  ...  to 
place  responsibility  in  the  hands  of  national 
Christians  ...  to  train  national  leaders  . . .  and  to 
increase  the  oneness  of  the  Christian  church." 

At  the  time,  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  was 
represented  in  Nigeria,  hidia,  antl  Ecuador  by 
109  missionaries.  The  mission  budget  was 
$327,0O(J,  augmented  by  government  grants  in 
India  and  Nigeria  to  assist  with  education  and 
medical  services.  The  church  in  Nigeria  had 
1,715  members  in  11  congregations;  in  hidia, 
9,385  members  in  25  congregations;  and  in 
Ecuador,  30  members  in  1  congregation. 

PiBfiir  Mnlii  Mslicliii.  lira  Xii^cruiii  Jisrriit  iiioiicmlor 

The  declarations  of  the  1955  paper  were  cast  not  as  a  retreat  from  mission,  but  as  a  thrust 
fonvard.  "We  believe  the  purpose  of  missions  lies  close  to  the  central  purpose  of  the  church," 
the  statement  said.  "We  do  not  believe  that  present  world  conditions  justify  any  relaxation  of 
our  evangelistic  efforts  here  or  abroad." 

Resultant  changes  unfolded  graduaUy,  but  with  dramatic  impact.  A  little-noticed  Board  pro- 
posal changed  the  face  of  mission. 


Denominational  staff  for  camp- 
ing was  named  by  the  General 
Board  In  1953,  In  tandem  with 
junior  high  work.  Today  the  23 
districts  operate  33  camps. 


Policy  of  indigenization 
adopted  for  missions. 

Mack  Religious  Bookshop 
opens  in  Johnstown,  Pa. 

Annual  Conference  en- 
courages appointment  of 
Washington  representative. 

Polish  Agricultural  Ex- 
change resumes. 

Nathan  Leopold  paroled  to 
Church  of  the  Brethren. 

El  RENE  formed  by  peace 
churches  and  International 
Fellowship  of  Reconciliation. 

Brethren  Publishing  House 
is  restructured,  renamed 
Brethren  Press. 

Anniversary  Call,  events  in 
US  and  Europe  herald 
church's  250th  anniversary. 

Dedication  of  new  General 
Offices  in  Elgin,  III. 

Another W 

The  civil  riglits  March  on  Wash- 
ington in  1963  and  its  anniver- 
sary celebration  20  years  later 
were  both  marked  by  a  vigor- 
ous Brethren  presence. 


First  fraternal  workers 
depart  for  Indonesia. 

Kulp  Bible  School  (now 
College)  opens  in  Nigeria. 

First  theological  confer- 
ence, N.  Manchester,  Ind. 

Karlschule  rebuilding  pro- 
ject completed  in  Austria. 

Washington  Office  opens. 

Brethren  host  first  Russian 
Orthodox  delegation. 

March  on  Washington  led 
by  Martin  Luther  King,  Jr. 

Book  of  Worship  issued. 

Second  theological  confer- 
ence. Oak  Brook,  III. 

Ralph  Smeltzer  mediates 
racial  tensions,  Selma,  Ala. 

A  T^ime  to  Heal^Racjal  Broken n ess  I' 

While  Annual  Conferences  through  the  '50s  had  produced  a  stream  of     p 

statements  on  race,  little  Brethren  action  resulted.  It  was  the  1962-65  Brotherhood  theme,  "To 
Heal  the  Broken,"  that  gave  rise  in  1963  to  "The  Time  Is  Now  to  Heal  Our  Racial 
Brokenness,"  one  ot  the  most  important  statements  on  race  enacteci  by  the  church.  The  state-     ! 
ment  instructed  the  General  Bix:)therhood  Board  to  take  "whatever  urgent  steps  and  risks  it 
deems  necessary  and  wise  in  order  to  move  the  church  torwarcl  and  to  involve  it  more  deliber-; 
ately  in  the  movement  for  immediate  racial  justice.  i 

Brethren  participated  in  the  liistoric  March  on  Washington  m  1963,  recruited  volunteers  to 
assist  the  Poor  Peoples'  Campaign  m  1968,  anci  sent  staff,  pastors,  and  laiU'  to  aici  areas  of  deep  racial 
tension.  A  major  venture 
known  first  as  the  Funci 
tor  the  Americas  in  the 
US  and  later  as  SHARE, 
for  1 1  years  provided  a 
flow  ot  grants  to  address 
the  wrongs  ot  racism  and 
to  mount  race  education 
activities  within 
the  church. 

Brethren  continued 
to  speak  out  with 
boldness  on  other 
public  issues  as  well. 
Believing  that  faith- 
fulness to  Goci  111  the 
pursuit  ot  justice 
entails  working  for 
change  within  the 
system,  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren 
established  the 
Office  in  1962. 

.■i  io/*,  p„. 

projca  SI. 

rFraining  in  Christian  community.  An  innovative  approach  to  Christian  education,  Mission  Twelve 
conducted  districtwide  retreats  for  small  groups  to  delve  into  the  deeper  meaning  of  faith,  personhood,  and 
discipleship.  The  program  reached  more  than  half  the  congregations. 

With  the  Orthodox,  a  Defining  Moment 

There  it  was,  when  the  Cold  War  was  at  its  chilliest:  delegations  of  Soviet 

Christians  being  warmly  received  into  the  homes  and  hearts  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren. 
Rarely  have  more  Brethren  congregations       , ,,,       ,     --:■■ 

been  picketed,  more  barbs  hurled  at  Brethren 
peacemakers  than  in  the  presence  of  Russian 
Orthodox  Church  leaders,  guests  in  the  US  in 
1963  and  1968. Two  delegations,  visiting  across 
several  districts,  were 
privy  to  a  cross-section  of 
Brethren  lite:  homes, 
churches,  farms,  business- 
es, camps,  colleges,  semi- 
nary, monuments,  and 
malls.  But  more  than  that, 
they  experienced  the 
mutuality  and  respect  that 
comes  from  within  the 
Christian  fold,  a  stark  con- 
trast to  the  distrust  and  con- 
y      tempt  of  the  world  outside. 
Significantly,  not  just 
political  ideology  was  at  stake.  A  thousand  years  of  separation  had  distanced 
the  churches  of  East  and  West.  In  what  was  a  breakthrough  both  for  Christian 
unity  and  international  relations,  architects  of  the  exchanges  Norman  J. 
Baugher  andW.  Harold  Row  and  Metropolitan  Nikodim  and  Archimandrate 
Juvenali  gave  fresh  meaning  to  the  term  i;ospcl  of  peace. 
i  For  Brethren  who  opened  their  homes  and  churches  and  institutions  to 

M     Soviet  church  leaders,  for  Brethren  who  were  guests  of  the  Orthodox  in  the 
^H     Soviet  Union,  the  exchange  visits  were  nothing  short  of  a  defining  moment. 

Nonihiii  J.  Baii};hci;  Awhiiiuiiuihih'  jii} 

By  1964  Brethren  operated 
seven  national  centers  for 
Church  World  Service,  gather- 
ing up  relief  donations  at  col- 
lection points  coast  to  coast, 


Evangelical  Church  in 
Ecuador  is  formed. 

Annual  Conference  urges 
reappraisal  of  US  role  and 
policy  in  Vietnam. 

Regional  programs  end. 

Second  exchange  visit  of 
Russian  Orthodox  Church. 

Believers  Church  Confer- 
ence, Louisville,  Ky. 

General  Brotherhood 
Board  restructured,  retitled 
General  Board. 

S.  Loren  Bowman  named 
general  secretary. 

BVSer  Chandler  Edwards 
killed  in  Laos;  Lassa  Fever 
takes  life  of  nurse  Laura 
Wine  in  Nigeria. 

Third  theological  confer- 
ence. Oak  Brook,  III. 

Annual  Conference  calls 
for  Fund  for  the  Americas. 


Another  Way 

T  ./^ 


To  cultivate  chiurchwide 
1  expression  of  the  arts  In 
worship  and  nurture,  the 
Association  for  the  Arts  In 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
was  formed  In  1971 . 


Inauguration  of  Church  of 
North  India. 

BVSer  Ted  Studebaker 
killed  in  Vietnam. 

Association  for  the  Arts, 
Women's  Caucus  form. 

Lafiya  medical  ministry  pro- 
jected in  Nigena. 

Annual  Conference  votes 
statement  on  evangelism. 

Brethren  respond  to 
drought  in  Africa's  Sahel. 

Five  Brethren  denomi- 
nations convene  at  Tunker 
House,  Broadway,  Va. 

Brethren  Disaster  Network 

On  Earth  Peace  Confer- 
ence launched. 

SHARE  becomes  sequel 

to  Fund  for  the  Americas. 

A  New  Approach  to  Ministry  Training 

In  the  early  '70s,  Annual  Conterence  delegates  were  called  to  address  the 

shortage  of"  pastors  and  to  give  denominational  attention  to  tilling  the  gap.  Annual  Conference 
responded  by  urgnrg  the  General  Board,  district  boarcis,  and  congregations  "to  make  increased 
efforts  to  recruit  capable  and  committed  men  and  women  to  the  ministries  of  the  church."         ! 
Over  the  next  tour  years  the  concern  tor  ministry  recruitment  ^vas  eclipsed  by  debates  aij 
Annual  Conterence  over  the  nature  of  ordination  itself.  Particularly  controversial  was  a  study 

committee  recommendation  that  one's  ordained  status 

be  terminated  when 

one  no  longer  servecl  in 

a  role  that  required 

ordination.  The  report 

was  adopted  in  1975. 
The  concern  tor 

expanding  the  pool 

of  trained  pastors  was 

not  forgotten,  how- 
ever. Planning  moved 

forward,  leading  to 

the  launching  m 

EFSM  PKidiiatc  Gilbert  Romero  ,  m-7      c  r  j 

■^  1977  of  Education 

For  a  Shared  Ministry,  focusing  on  small  membership 
congregations.  EFSM  enlists  both  the  mmistrv  student 
anci  relateci  congregation  m  joint  training  for  a  three- 
year  period.  Bethany  Theological  Seminary,  districts. 
Brethren  colleges,  and  congregations  are  partners  with 
the  General  Board  in  the  effort.  In  the  two  decades 
since  its  introduction.  Education  For  a  Shared  Ministry 
has  graduated  60  ministers  and  congregations. 

A  counterpart, TRaining  In  Ministry  (TRIM),  was 
introduced  in  1987  to  guide  caiiclidates  largely  with- 
out formal  college  and  seminarv  education  toward 









\  ■■ 



'''""""'"  ^'"V"' •""/«-/,/ ,;../..,„■ 

'India's  new  united  church.  At  the  inaugural  of  the  Church  of  North  India  in  1  970,  Church  of  the 
Brethren  leader  Ishwarlal  Christachari,  pictured  with  his  wife,  Dhankor,  was  installed  as  the  first  bishop  of  the 
Gujarat  Diocese.  The  Brethren  brought  some  18,000  members  to  the  750,000-member  church. 

A  Fractious  Time  on  the  Peace  Front 

Mirroring  the  culture  around  them,  Brethren  m  the  early  7()s  entered  into 
vigorous  debate  over  the  Vietnam  W;ir.  Numerous  denonnnational  pronouncements  fueled  the 
General  Boards  peace  witness,  which  encompassed  seminars,  shareholder  resolutions,  dratt 
•  counseling,  prison  visitation,  and  ministry  to  draft  resisters  in  Canacia.  Dialog  at  Annual 

Conferences  became  intense. 

At  the  outset  ot  the  ciecade.  Annual 
Conference  approved  a  statement  updating  the 
H      church's  peace  position  by  a  754-103  vote.  The 
statement  declared  that  "aU  \var  is  sin  and  we  seek 
the  right  ot  conscientious  objection  to  all  war."  It 
cited  alternative  service,  non-cooperation  with  the 
draft,  and  tax  resistance  as  legitimate  expressions  of 
the  church's  peace  witness.  "The  church  itself 
respects  the  rights  ot  the  individual  conscience 
within  Its  membership  and  has  never  set  up  an 
authoritative  creed, "  the  statement  explained. 

Ongoing  ciissent  prompted  the  appointment  of 
a  committee  to  assess  the  response.  After  two  years 
the  statement  was  basically  reaffirmed.  However,  fur- 
ther unrest  prompted  the  naming  ot  a  committee  to 
address  "brotherhood  understanding."  That  group's 
report  in  1976  acknowledged  the  times  as  "a  new  age 
ot  diversity  and  polarized  feelings,"  enumerated  steps 
tor  enhanced  communication  linkages,  and  under- 
scored the  cc~>unsel  ot  the  1972  Review  and  Evaluation 
Committee:  "All  Brethren  need  to  appreciate  the 
prophetic  role  ot  Annual  Conference,  the  General 
Board,  and  staff." 

Veteran  peace  leader  M.R. 
Zigler  in  1974  shepherded 
the  formation  of  On  Earth 
Peace  Assembly  and,  seven 
years  later,  the  peace  acade- 
my for  training  youth. 


Television  Awareness 
Training  plans  revealed. 

Nigeria  graduates  first 
Rural  Health  Workers. 

Centennial  of  missions. 

Brethren,  Friends,  Men- 
nonites  establish  New  Call  to 

Brethren  Encyclopedia 
Board  incorporated. 

Witness  to  Salvation  and 
Justice  emphasis,  1978-79. 

Mision  Mutua  en  las 
Americas  explores  pilot  pro- 
grams in  Latin  America. 

Robert  W.  Neff  named 
general  secretary. 

Annual  Conference  adopts 
Goals  for  the  '80s. 

Congregational  Goals 
Discovery  Plan  developed. 

"Think  About  It"  radio  spots 

Edu-Coach  visits  reach  all 
districts,  400  churches. 

Another W^ 

"Biblically  informed,  globally 
aware,  relationally  sensitive" 
is  the  aim  of  tfie  fiundreds  of 
small  groups  formed  by 
People  of  the  Covenant. 


New  church  partnerships 
formed  in  Sudan  and  Cuba. 

Fourth  theological  confer- 
ence at  Indianapolis  and 
French  Lick,  Ind. 

Micah  Mission  direct  gifts 
project  launched. 

CoBACE,  Association  of 
Christian  Educators,  forms. 

China  Agricultural  Ex- 
change started. 

Pilot  year  for  People  of  the 
Covenant  and  Education  for 
Urban  Ministry. 

General  Board  declares 
property  a  Nuclear  Free 

Centennial  of  "Guide  for 
Biblical  Studies." 

To  enrich  congregational  life,  four  dynamic  programs  were  launched 

by  the  General  Board  in  the  '80s.  People  of  the  Covenant  came  first,  in  1982.  Building  on  the 
Mission  Twelve  model  from  the  '60s  but  cast  more  in  the  local  setting,  People  of  the  Covenant 
offered  an  interactive  approach  to  discipleship  education,  one  aimed  at  "building  biblically 
intormed,  globally  aware,  and  relationally  sensitive  community."  Many  of  its  thousands  of  partic- 
ipants describe  the  experience  as  lite  changing. 

Passing  On  the  Promise  was  piloted  in  1985  by  11  congregations  in  Southern  Ohio. 
Ultimately,  333  congregations  engaged  in  the  three-year  process  "to  encourage  a  positive,  bibhcal 
evangelism  which  announces  the  reign  ot  Ciod,  inviting  persons  to  faith  in  Jesus 
Christ  anci  ciisciple- 
ship  within  God's 
inbreaking  kingdom." 
A  key  component  was 
the  annual  Evangelism 
Leaders  Academy  con- 
ducted over  a  decade 
in  several  regions. 

Adventure  in 
Mission,  which  also 
began  in  1985,  at  its 
height  reached  600  con- 
gregarions  and  all  dis- 
n-icts.  Partners  included 
the  General  Board, 
Bethany  Theological 
Seminary,  districts,  and 
congregations,  concentrat- 
ing on  financial  planning, 
the  discernment  and  com- 

mitment  of  time  and  tal-        ''^„^  „,  ,,s7.^nmM/ O-M-uv;  D..n„u,  Bnn.n.  Glenn  MnM 
ent,  and  stewardship  of  Ufe. 

Deacon  training  followed  on  a  wide  scale  with  the  publication  in  1 987  of  the  manual  Called 
to  Carctyii'iiig.  In  the  decade  since,  deacon  ministry  has  come  to  involve  some  800  congregations. 


Urs  ttie  rebound.  Christian  youth  from  Sudan,  separated  from  their  families  by  civil  war,  worship  at  their 
encampment  near  the  Sudan-Kenya  border.  Since  1980  Brethren  workers  in  Sudan  have  engaged  in  theo- 
logical education,  reconciliation  ministries,  refugee  placement,  medical  work,  and  Bible  translation. 

Sisters  Open  the  Door  to  Leadership 

The  decade  ot  the  '80s  was  a  celebrative  time  for  women,  a  hiu;hiight  was 

the  first  international  women's  conference  in  1985  conunenioratinsj;  the  lOOth  anniversaiy  of  orga- 
nized women's  activity,  attended  by  900  participants  at  Bridgewater  College  inVirgiraa.  A  new  staff 
position  for  Program  for  Women  was  created,  with  one  of  its  tasks  the  implementation  of  yearly  con- 
ferences. Annual  Conference  gave  its  blessing  to  the  Ecumenical  Decade  of  Churches  in  Solidarity 
with  Women,  1988-98.  For  the  first  time  Annual  Conference  elected  a  woman  as  moderator. 

Such  strides  were  long  in  coming.  The  1 949  General  Brotherhood  Board  report  to  Annual 
Conference  had  noted,  "The  place  of  women  in  the  church  is  becoming  a  matter  of  increasing 
interest."  Two  Annual  Conference  state- 
ments in  the  '50s  had  affirmed  that  women 
should  have  equal  opportunities  in  ministry; 
the  1958  statement  emphasized  "full  and 
unrestricted  rights,"  scoring  obstacles 
designed  to  keep  the  door  closed  to  quali- 

>  fied  women. 

With  the  1972  passage  of  a  resolution 
on  Equality  tor  Women,  a  number  of 
initiatives  followed.  The  Womaen's 

;  Caucus  was  established.  Women's  aware- 
ness seminars  were  conducted.  Inclusive     ml 
language  in  resources  and  in  worship 
became  more  common.  By  the  '8()s,  in 

numerous  areas  of  leadership  at  local,  district,  and  denominational  life,  women  began  to 
move  into  positions  long  regarded  as  the  province  of  men. 

Rejhclion  rime:  hniii  \ya\  jrn-'iui  di  niicrihUioiidi  ir 
conference,  1 985 

Symbolizing  the  churcli's 
openness  to  more  inclusive 
leadership  were  Annual 
Conference  moderators 
William  Hayes,  1988,  and 
Elaine  Sollenberger,  1989. 


Passing  On  the  Promise 
introduced  to  congregations. 

Adventure  in  Mission  offers 
four-year  stewardship 
emphasis  to  churches. 

Donald  E.  Miller  named 
general  secretary. 

Brethren  Press  closes  in- 
house  printing  operation. 

New  churchwide  logo  of- 
fered by  General  Board. 

TRaining  In  Ministry  (TRIM) 
in  pilot  year. 

"Called  to  Caregiving"  dea- 
con manual  released. 

Ecumenical  Decade  of 
Churches  in  Solidarity  with 
Women  launched. 

Annual  Conference  enacts 
Goals  for  the  '90s. 

SERRV  International  marks 
40th  anniversary. 

Task  force  appointed  on 
Rural/Small  Church  Crisis. 


Another  Way 

1.  y 


Brethren  and  Mennonites 
cooperatively  produced 
Hymnal:  A  Worship  Book,  in 
1992.  Brethren  churches 
purchased  more  than  88,000 
copies  in  the  first  two  years. 


Association  of  Brethren 
Caregivers  is  established. 

Disciples  join  as  partners  in 
People  of  the  Covenant. 

Urban  ministry  observes 
1  00th  anniversary. 

Incorporation  of  church  in 
the  Dominican  Republic. 

Brethren  Vision  for  the  '90s 

Six  congregations  pilot 
Lafiya  health  ministry. 

Annual  Conference  state- 
ment and  study  packet  ad- 
dress environmental  issues. 

"Hymnal:  A  Book  of  Wor- 
ship" published. 

First  National  Older  Adult 
Conference  convenes  at 
Lake  Junaluska,  N.C. 

"For  All  Who  Minister"  wor- 
ship manual  published. 

The  Quest  for  Brethren  Identity 

Paralleling  a  dynamic  observed  in  odier  denominadons,  Brethren  m  tht 

'90s  gave  tVesh  attention  to  the  distmctives  ottlieir  faith.  From  listening  groups  drawn  together 
in  congregations  across  the  country,  coniniunication  consultants  assisted  the  church  in  naming      j 
that  which  sets  Brethren  apart  troni  others.  The  findings  were  summed  up  by  the  ideiitit\-  lines      |" 
"Another  way  ot  living"  and  "Continuing  the  work  of  Jesus.  Peacefully.  Simply.  Together."  These  il 
phrases  began  to  appear  widely  in  sermon  series  and  study  topics,  print  and  conversation.  At  the  I 
1 995  Annual  Conference,  a  Kids  Wall  exhibit  revealed  how  750 
children  depicted  the  identitv  lines. 

The  church  at  large 

also  responded  enthusi- 
astically to  three  other 

new  resources,  the 

Jubilee  Curriculum, 

the  Generation  Why 

CAirriculuni  and 

HYiiiudl: .-{  Worship 

Book.  All  three  were 

A  diatiiiii  liwo,  siiu'iiu't  uiciiliry  lines 

developed  cooperatively  with  Mennonite  denominations, 
who  hold  much  in  common  with  the  Brethren  faith  tradition 

A  call  for  a  different  expression  of  Brethren  identity 
came  with  the  "90s:  to  vigorously  plant  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  overseas.  Sparked  by  the  mission  theology  paper 
of  the  1989  Annual  Conference,  the  1990  Conference 
asked  the  General  Board  to  "begin  with  intention"  to 
plant  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  m  Soutli  Korea.  It  also 
affirmed  a  Board  proposal  for  involvement  with  Puerto 
Rico  Brethren  in  church  development  m  the  Dominican 
Republic.  These  actions  were  followed  in  1992  with 
"affirmation  of  emerging  church  groups  in  Brazil." 

Such  overtures  underscore  the  interest  of  the  S 

membership  m  outreach  efforts  that  bring  mission 
partnership  close  to  home. 

■    ■''  iiiOKiiiiiu,  ,(;ti'c 


Testing  ground.  Ministry  Summer  Service,  a  pilot  program  of  the  General  Board,  enabled  19  young 
adults  in  1996  and  1997  to  test  their  skills  and  interest  in  ministry  vocations.  Following  onentation  with 
Tientors,  the  interns  were  assigned  to  congregations  or  camps  for  a  1  0-week  period. 

Behold,  a  tidal  wave  approaches 

There  is  a  tidal  \Vave  approaching,  one  about  to  engulf  this  denomination.  It  is 
the  youth  and  young  adults  ot  the  church,  preparing  to  take  on  leadership. 

This  was  the  picture  painted  by  a  young  acquit  m  the  closing  adciress  ot  the   1995 
Annual  Conference.  The  foundation  of  the  claim  was  what  many  had  begun  to  sus- 
pect: the  spirit  and  strength  of  that  rising  generation, 
something  exhilarating  to  behold. 

Those  broacily  characterized  as  youth — 
fi"om  junior  high  through  young  adult — had 
in  the  '80s  and  '90s  become  engaged  in  a 
dizrv'ing  array  of  programs.  And  their  numbers 
do  suggest  a  mounting  wave. 

Attendance  at  the  quadrennial  National 
Youth  Conference  passed  the  4, ()()()  mark  tor 
the  first  time  in  1994.  Participation  in  the 
annual  Young  Aciult  Conference  has  continued 
to  climb,  hitting  154  in  1996.  Youth  work- 
camps,  restarted  in  1988,  grew  from  65  partici- 
pants that  initial  year  to  550  in  1996. 

Beyond  the  statistics  there  is  something 
more:  At  conference  events,  in  workcamps. 
Christian  Citizenship  Seminars,  Brethren 
Volunteer  Service  projects,  Faithquest  retreats. 
Youth  to  Youth  ministry,  Youth  Peace  Travel 
Teams,  Journey  ot  Young  Adults,  and  Ministry 
Summer  Service,  the  youth  of  the  church  demon- 
^trate  a  spirited  commitment  to  "Continuing  the 
ork  of  Jesus.  Peacefully.  Simply.  Together." 
That  ticial  wave  of  a  dynamic  generation  is 
pproaching.  It  is  a  wave  of  hope. 

In  launching  the  Jubilee 
Curriculum  for  children  In 
1994,  Brethren  conducted 
90  training  events.  The 
resources  convey  a  believ- 
er's church  perspective. 


Jubilee  Curriculum  makes 
debut  in  churches. 

SOS  Kits  sent  to  Sudan. 

The  Andrew  Center  for 
evangelism  officially  opens. 

First  Urban  Peace  Tour. 

Brethren  Service  Center 
observes  50th  anniversary. 

Generation  Why  Curricu- 
lum published  for  youth. 

Program  to  Overcome 
Violence  set  forth  by  World 
Council  of  Churches. 

Study  resources  issued 
on  Racism  &  the  Church. 

"By  Water  and  the  Word" 
video  recounts  beginnings  of 
Brethren  in  Europe. 

"Behold"  individual  gift  pro- 
gram begins. 

Eight  BVSers  serve  pro- 
jects in  the  Balkans. 

Rebuilding  of  burned 
Butler  Chapel  AME  Church, 
Orangeburg,  S.C. 


Another  Way 

Chnsliau  soUdarityiWitiicis  for 
Peace,  Xiainjgua.  19<S4 

Credits.  Project  director,  Howard  Royer. 
Assisting:  \^Titing,Joan  Deeter;  research, 
Rosalit.1  Leonard;  planning,  Kenneth 
SliatTer  and  Beth  Sollenberger  Morphew; 
design,  Paul  Stocksdale.  Cover  art  by 
Timothy  R.  Botts. 

!  Special  thanks  to  Brethren  Historical 

I  Library'  and  Archives, 

Fifty  years  of  a^b o unding  grace 

If  one  refrain  stands  above  all  others  m  this  snapshot  of  the  General 

Board  over  five  decades,  it  is  this:  God's  grace  iihoiinds! 

hi  the  common  effort  of  congregations,  districts,  and  cienoinmational  agencies  in  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  to  make  the  peace  and  love  ot  Christ  known  and  shared  ...  God's 
<^i  ICC  abounds! 

hi  the  1947  Annual  Conference  decision  ot  moving 
tiom  multiple  boards  to  a  unified  board  charged  with 
bi  ingmg  balance,  economy,  and  vision  to  denominational 
ministry  . . .  God's  oidcc  abounds! 

In  the  establishment  ot  a  service  center  that  became 
the  magnet  for  international  and  interchurch  reliet  and 
development  networks  . . .  God's  ^iracc  abounds! 

In  the  enhstment  of  thousands  of  youth  aiici  aciults  to 
give  weeks  or  months  or  years  to  workcamps,  disaster  teams, 
\olunteer  sei'Mce,  and  mission  assignments ...  God's  grace 

in  joining  with  Christian  partners  ot  other  lands 
through  common  witness  and  service  to  Jesus  Christ,  striv- 
ing always  to  strengthen  the  inciigenous  church  or  move- 
ment . . .  God's  grace  abounds! 

In  the  ability  of  Brethren  to  identify  concrete  needs, 
mount  practical  responses,  draw  in  others  to  assist,  and, 
when  appropriate,  relinquish  control  that  the  work  may 
tlourish  tfom  a  \\  ider  base  . . .  God's  grace  abouiuh! 

In  the  current  resolve  to  design  the  General  Board  to  broaden  participatory  plan- 
ning, affirm  vision,  give  form  to  mission  anti  ministries,  and  strengthen  mutual  account- 
ability . . .  God's  grace  abounds! 

hi  identifying  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  eight  tresh,  humble,  authentic,  and 
memorable  words — "Continuing  the  work  ot  Jesus.  Peacetully  Simply.  Together"  ... 
God's  grace  abouinis! 

In  our  baptism  into  another  way  ot  living  ...God's grace  abounds! 

jl   ELECTED  MEMBERS  OF  THE  GENERAL  BOARD,  1947-97:      ina  ruth  addington      anne  metzler  albright 












































Make  it  your  aim 

to  be  at  one 

in  the  spirit 


ana  vou  wiii  De 

11  b( 

bound  together  m 

XT        XL     a\     \^     J2i 

EPHbSIANS    4:3 


Church  of  the  Brethren 

1451  Dundee  Avcnuo,  Elam.  Illinois  60120 


Story  by  Frank  Ramirez 
Photos  by  Nevin  Dulabaum 

4^rnhis  is  a  working  example  of 

what  has  made  the  Associa- 
tion of  Brethren  Caregivers 
so  exciting:  the  abiHty  to  bring 
together  so  many  different  Brethren 
groups  to  wori<  cooperatively."  Those 
words  were  spoi<en  by  outgoing  ABC 
chairwoman  Mary  Sue  Rosenberger  as 
she  greeted  her  audience  at  the  Caring 
Ministries  2000  conference  held  Aug. 
1 1-1 5  at  Manchester  College. 

lay  Gibble,  ABC  executive  director, 
first  envisioned  the  conference  as  a  way 
of  bringing  the  membership  and  min- 
istries of  ABC  together.  "But  once  the 
concept  was  announced,  it  took  off  all 
by  itself.  More  people  said  they  wanted 
to  be  a  part  of  it.  In  the  end,  several 
more  organizations  signed  on  as  sup- 
porters." Some  500  people  registered 
to  learn  what  it  means  to  be  in  caring 
ministries  in  today's  world.  "There  is  a 
vacuum  in  society  that  Christian  care- 
givers have  to  fill,"  Gibble  said. 

So  successful  was  the  conference  that 
now  ABC  envisions  Caring  Ministries 
conferences  taking  place  every  other 
year,  alternating  with  the  National 
Older  Adult  Conferences  (NOAC). 

ABC  considered  it  important  to 
bring  in  topflight  speakers,  and  indeed 
the  attendees  emphasized  that  this  was 
one  of  the  reasons  they  attended. 

Alice  Archer,  pastor  of  Mount 
Pleasant  Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Bourbon,  Ind.,  said,  "I  was 
impressed  by  the  variety  of  high- 
quality  speakers.  This  has  been  the 
best  conference  I've  been  to." 

Elizabeth  EUer  of  Sebring,  Fla., 
echoed  that  assessment:  "There 

B  reth  ren  ca  re  givers 

gathered  to  learn 

to  be  more  effective, 

to  learn  hotv  to  apply 

the  words  and  actions  of 

Jesus  to  caregiving, 

and  to  prepare  for  their 

task^s  in  the  church  of 

the  third  millennium. 

have  been  outstanding  speakers  on 
relevant  issues." 

The  keynote  address  was  delivered 
by  Rodney  I.  Page,  deputy  general 
secretary  of  the  National  Council  of 
Churches  and  executive  director  of 
Church  World  Service  (CWS).  He 

congratulated  the  Brethren,  who  he 
believes  have  given  most  in  time, 
energy,  and  service  per  capita  to 
CWS  of  all  the  member  denomina- 
tions of  that  body.  Page  warned  his 
listeners  that  there  will  come  a  last 
judgment  as  described  in  Matthew 
25:3  1-40,  when  people  will  ask, 
"When  did  we  see  you  hungry. 
Lord,  and  did  not  feed  you?"  And 
Page  asked,  "Do  we  really  want  to 
be  known  as  the  people  who  devel- 
oped caring  that  is  managed  and 

There  were  72  different  workshop 
choices  scattered  across  six  sessions. 
Marilyn  Scott,  pastor  of  Naperville 
(111.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  and 
mother  of  two  children  with  disabili- 
ties, spoke  about  ordinances  for  the 

Noting  that  ordinances  are  some  of 
the  most  sacred  parts  of  our  life 
together,  she  said,  "People  encourage 
things  that  prevent  full  participation. 
We  have  to  help  people  with  disabili- 
ties. It's  more  than  building  a  ramp. 
We  perpetuate  the  false  vision  that  we 
must  be  mobile,  intelligent,  and  ver- 
bally oriented.  What  does  it  mean  to 
have  believers  baptism  for  someone 
who  can't  speak?"  She  added,  "Ninety 
percent  of  the  35  million  disabled  are 
not  involved  in  a  congregation.  Evan- 
gelism among  the  disabled  is  a  wide 
open  field." 

According  to  Scott,  The  Brethren 
Encyclopedia  defines  ordinances  as 
"forms  practiced  in  church  that  are 
helpful  in  the  apprehension  of  spiritual 
truth  and  grace."  She  emphasized  that 
grace  means  that  some  alterations, 

October  1997  Messenger  11 


It  was  okay  to  have  everyone  speaking  at  once  as  Fred 
Shaw/Neeake  introduced  his  audience  to  Shawnee  Indian 
sign  language.  The  United  Methodist  minister  was  speaking 
to  the  conference  about  Native  American  spirituality'. 

Author  Helen  Prejean  was  one  of  the  sev- 
eral topflight  speakers  with  whom  ABC 
enhanced  the  quality  of  Caring  .Min- 
istries 2000.  Prejean  called  for  taking 
Matthew  25:31-46  at  face  value. 

such  as  washing  hands  instead  of  feet, 
for  those  unable  to  bend  over,  might 
be  appropriate. 

(im  Miller,  a  publisher  and  consul- 
tant, spoke  about  good  grief.  "I 
believe  the  grieving  process  is  a  very 
natural  process,  if  we  allow  it  just  to 
happen.  The  only  cure  for  grief  is  to 
grieve."  He  emphasized  that  it  is  the 
place  of  caregivers  to  show  readiness 
to  connect,  support,  and  provide 
energy  to  the  one  who  is  grieving. 

Fred  Swartz,  Manassas  (Va.) 
pastor  and  a  writer,  said  that  care- 
giving  is  at  the  heart  of  being  a 
deacon.  "Many  deacons  think  they 
are  not  good  enough  to  be  a  deacon. 
They  don't  have  a  full  concept  of 
who  a  deacon  is.  Deacons  are  called 
to  caregiving.  Deacons  are  called  by 
God,  not  selected  or  elected.  It  is  a 
specific  —  almost  unique  —  ministry." 

Rosella  Wiens  Regier,  a  teacher  and 
a  deacon  chair,  spoke  about  using 
one's  pain  to  "walk  with  others."  Her 
workshop  centered  on  the  story  of 
(acob.  One  of  her  most  striking 
insights  centered  on  Genesis  33:14, 
in  which  lacob  told  his  brother,  Esau, 
to  move  on  ahead  for  he  must  slow 

12  Messenger  October  1997 

his  own  speed  to  the  pace  of  the  chil- 
dren in  his  party.  Regier  suggested 
that  caregivers  must  slow  their  pace 
to  the  children,  the  disabled,  to  all  the 
marginalized  in  the  community. 

Bernie  Siegel,  a  nationally  known 
physician  and  author,  encourages 
people  to  take  an  active  role  in  their 
own  healing.  "Life  is  a  series  of  begin- 
nings," he  emphasized,  citing  the 
need  for  people  to  slow  down  and 
listen  to  God's  message  for  their  lives. 

Caregivers  who  are  broken  healers 
have  a  lot  to  offer,  Siegel  said.  "If  you 
have  been  through  something,  you  are 
a  native;  otherwise  you  are  a  tourist. 
Only  the  wounded  healer  can  serve." 

The  most  engaging  speaker  was 
Helen  Prejean,  author  of  Dead  Man 
Walking,  the  story  of  God's  direction 
in  her  life,  which  led  her  from  a  shel- 
tered existence  to  active  solidarity 
with  the  poor  and  eventually  to  the 
role  of  spiritual  adviser  for  three 
prisoners  condemned  to  death.  Pre- 
jean said  that  for  many  years  she 
managed  to  rationalize  scriptures 
that  called  for  believers  to  feed  the 
poor  and  visit  the  sick  and  the  pris- 
oners, but  she  experienced  a 
conversion  when  she  became  con- 
vinced that  we  are  called  to  take 
those  scriptures  at  face  value. 

"The  agitation  I  felt  was  a  sign  that 
something  was  moving  in  me,"  she 
said,  "(esus  preaches  good  news  to  the 

poor.  If  you're  going  to  be  on  their 
side,  you've  got  to  touch.  Jesus  touches 
the  untouchable.  Justice  is  not  an  extra. 
It  is  for  everyone  who  follows  Jesus." 

"An  experience  with  the  death  penalty 
distills  the  gospel  of  Jesus  Christ  like 
nothing  else,"  Prejean  said,  as  she  spoke 
of  being  led  to  minister  not  only  to  con- 
demned prisoners  but  to  the  families  of 
their  victims  as  well.  "You  have  to  ask 
yourself  whether  you  are  for  love  or 
hate.  Are  you  for  life  or  death?  Are  you 
for  judgment  or  mercy?"  She  thanked 
the  Brethren  for  standing  with  her  in  the 
struggle  from  the  very  beginning. 

Another  presenter  was  Fred 
Shaw/Neeake,  a  United  Methodist 
minister  and  a  member  of  the 
Shawnee  Nation  United  Remnant 
Band.  He  spoke  about  Native  Ameri- 
can spirituality. 

Still  another  was  Dave  Hilton,  who 
said  that  since  physicians  spend  too 
much  time  trying  to  cure  instead  of 
prevent,  the  caring  ministries  must 
be  challenged  to  fill  the  gap.  Hilton 
is  a  consultant  on  international  and 
congregationally  based  health  care 
who  formerly  served  with  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren  Mission  in  Nigeria. 

Among  the  workshop  leaders,  Roger 
Golden,  a  retirement  home  chaplain, 
emphasized,  in  his  remarks  on  spiritu- 
ality and  aging,  the  importance  of  in- 
stilling hope.  Sue  Moore,  a  hospice  ad- 
ministrator, introduced  the  importance 

lonference  music  offered  something  for  everyone,  fane  Patterson,  Andrew  Wright,  and 
Joseph  Helfrich  were  in  one  of  the  groups  that  provided  music  for  worship  services. 
Wright  was  music  coordinator  for  the  1996  Annual  Conference  in  Cincinnati. 

of  hospice  in  achieving  a  good  death. 
Hospice  is  a  family  experience,"  she 
said.  "We  really  empower  family  and 
friends  as  care  givers."  Patients,  she 
said,  define  the  goals,  whether  it  is  to 
live  to  see  a  certain  event,  to  die 
quickly,  or  to  have  no  pain. 

Wesley  Ariarajah,  deputy  secretary 
of  the  World  Council  of  Churches, 
led  daily  Bible  studies.  "In  the  pre- 
sent technological  society,  people 
need  a  sense  of  belonging.  This  is  a 
profound  challenge  to  the  church." 

In  a  final  symposium,  Dave  Hilton 
said  that  the  church  is  the  real  world 
health  organization.  Speaking  about 
the  word  shalom,  he  reminded  his 
listeners  that  |esus  said,  "I  have 
come  that  you  might  have  life  in  full- 
ness." Hilton  also  said  that  it  was  up 
to  the  church  to  reform  health  care. 

Wendi  Hutchinson,  a  youth  pastor, 
called  upon  the  church  to  "hold 
everyone  accountable  in  a  relational 
ministry.  Our  world  is  becoming 
more  impersonal.  The  church  can 
provide  personal  care." 

Former  Annual  Conference  moder- 
ator Judy  Mills  Reimer  said  it  was 
important  for  all  believers  to  enhance 
their  skills  as  caregivers  and  care 
receivers.  "We  are  wounded  healers 
who  can  give  love  and  compassion 
on  the  journey." 

Fred  Bernhard,  another  former 
moderator,  said,  "Our  compassion  is 
based  on  our  practical  nature.  The  age 
of  information  has  become  the  age  of 
loneliness  —  people  feeling  uncon- 
nected. I  want  to  put  in  a  plug  for  the 
ministry  of  touch:  handshakes,  hugs, 
greetings."  Bernhard  said  the  church 

Joe  Detrick  of  Loganville,  Pa.,  inter- 
acted with  Helen  Prejean  in  one  of 
the  conference's  72  workshops. 

has  lost  that  portion  of  the  love  feast 
that  might  be  called  "passing  on  the 
peace."  "There  is  a  transcendence  of 
God  in  every  handshake,  hug,  or 
touch.  It's  the  hospitable  thing  to  do." 

The  conference  closed  on  a  power- 
ful note  as  Nancy  Faus,  retired 
Bethany  Seminary  professor  and 
ordained  minister,  told  the  story  of 
Jesus  and  the  Samaritan  woman  at 
Jacob's  well.  Naming  the  various  ways 
in  which  the  woman  was  an  outcast, 
she  reminded  all  that  Jesus  ministered 
directly  to  the  outcasts,  shocking  his 
disciples  and  his  contemporaries. 

"It's  risky  to  give  people  love  and 
acceptance,"  Faus  said.  "That's  what 
love  is  about.  How  are  we  the  church 
going  to  respond  to  those  who  are  not 
among  us  because  we  keep  them  out? 
If  we  are  ready  to  offer  God's  living 
water,  we  will  be  ready  to  minister  to 
each  other  and  reject  no  one.  We  need 
each  other  if  we  are  to  be  the  church 
of  Jesus  Christ."  She  reminded  her  lis- 
teners that  people  of  both  the  left  and 
the  right  practice  intolerance,  noting 
that  "a  window  stuck  open  is  as 
worthless  as  a  window  stuck  closed." 

In  a  final  ceremony,  Faus  invited  all 
to  come  forward  to  put  their  hands  into 
a  basin  of  water,  and  to  receive  a  small 
vial  of  water  to  give  to  someone  who  is 
broken.  "I  call  you  to  risk  for  Christ's 
sake,  to  receive  the  living  water,  to  risk 
giving  this  water  to  someone  else.  By 
risking  our  health  we  may  become 
more  healthy.  I  pray  it  may  be  so." 

Marie  Willoughby  of  Copemish, 
Mich.,  summed  up  the  conference  by 
saying,  "I  have  learned  an  enormous 
amount  here.  There  has  been  a  lot  to 
learn  from  the  speakers.  Everyone 
was  impressive.  I'm  just  sorry  that 
there  weren't  twice  as  many  people 
here.  Some  of  our  folks  missed  a 
great  event." 

And  if  you  did  miss  it,  well 
we'll  see  you  in  1999. 

Frank  Ramirez  is  pastor  ofEll<hart  (bid.) 
Valley  Church  of  the  Brethren. 


October  1997  Messenger  13 


'Tor  a  historically  peace-loving 
group,  we  Brethren  have 
waged  a  number  of  verbal 
and  emotional  wars. " 

Some  battleground  notes 

The  August/September  Messenger 
came  today,  and  I  read  every  word  of 
it,  including  the  ads. 

The  editorial,  "Conference  as  a 
Battleground,"  said  so  well  what  I 
have  been  feeling  about  recent  An- 
nual Conferences.  I  have  missed  the 
past  three,  but  Wichita  '94  left  me 
with  such  distress  that  1  have  not 
been  altogether  sorry  to  have  missed 
the  succeeding  ones. 

For  a  historically  peace-loving 

group,  we  Brethren  have  waged  a 
number  of  verbal  and  emotional 
wars.  The  editorial  was  right  in 
saying  we  have  "become  disunited 
—  distrusting  one  another,  distrust- 
ing leadership, ..  .and  resorting  to 
political  maneuvering  to  get  our 
own  way." 

For  some  people,  in  order  to  be 
Brethren,  everything  has  to  be  stated 
in  the  exact  language  they,  them- 
selves, use. 

At  Phoenix  '85,  one  delegate  spoke 
on  every  single  item,  not  necessarily 


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cogently,  but  with  apparent  intent  to 
be  sure  that  people  knew  who  he 
was.  And  at  Wichita  '94,  some  "anti' 
speeches  were  couched  in  terms  of 
"brotherly  love,"  but  bristled,  never 
theless,  with  razor  blades. 

Estlwr  Fre 
Mount  Morris.  Ih 

Are  we  planning  our  death? 

The  Conference  issue  of  Messenger 
was  informative  and  helpful,  since  I 
did  not  make  it  to  Long  Beach,  after 
having  attended  more  than  50  of  the 
past  60  Conferences. 

Of  special  interest  were  the  items     fl 
about  the  New  Design.  After  reading 
Messenger,  I  turned  to  another 
magazine,  which  carried  similar  cov- 
erage on  the  redesign  of  another 

One  of  the  leaders  of  that  denomi- 
nation said  at  its  conference,  "I  hate 
to  deliver  the  bad  news,  but  churches 
that  put  their  energy  into  restructur- 
ing are  planning  their  death What 

we  need  to  start  talking  about  is 
lesus,  who  is  the  only  thing  that  can 
make  a  difference." 

1  am  hearing  the  same  idea 
expressed  by  an  increasing  number 
of  Church  of  the  Brethren  leaders. 

Olden  D.  Mitcheh 
North  Manchester.  Ind. 

Wrong  songs  for  the  Fourth 

The  |uly  Messenger's  editorial  car- 
ried a  statement  that  caught  my 
attention:  "As  we  continue  to  accul- 
turate,  the  tension  grows  between 
the  preserving  of  hymns  that  better 
express  who  we  have  been  as 
Brethren  and  the  adopting  of  singing 
calculated  to  'meet  the  needs'  of  the 
spiritually  homeless,  wandering  in 
the  marketplace." 

Was  Long  Beach  music  about  the 
same  as  Cincinnati's? 

The  "contemporary"  group-singing 
would  be  more  appreciated  if  done 
after  hours  rather  than  during  the 
evening  worship  service. 

Further,  what  an  insult  it  must 

14  Messenger  October  1997 

ave  been  to  accomplished  organist 
ison  Leister  to  be  hidden  behind  the 
owcrs  and  never  be  given  a  chance 
J  do  solos. 

Then,  "Spanish  Night"  on  the 
ourth  of  |uiy  was  the  final  blow  for 
le.  In  the  number  of  countries  I 
lave  been  in,  the  country's  heritage 
i  always  a  part  of  its  independence 
ay  festivities.  But  heaven  forbid  that 
/e  Americans  in  Long  Beach  might 
ave  sung  "God  of  Our  Fathers"  or 
God  Bless  America." 

fay  L.  Christner 
Somerset.  Pa. 

■ormer  moderator  slighted 

Vhile  there  was  much  about  the 
,ong  Beach  Conference  to  commend, 
was  disappointed  by  the  Conference 
Dfficers'  decision  to  schedule  the 
ohn  Kline  200th  anniversary  video 
on  the  evening  of  the  Fourth  of  July. 

That  time  slot,  the  lukewarm  en- 
dorsement, and  the  competition  from 
he  fireworks  and  the  usual  visiting 
:ombined  to  ensure  a  poor  turnout. 
-ewer  than  100  of  the  3,000  Brethren 
at  Long  Beach  viewed  the  video. 

The  video  should  have  been 
bhown  during  a  business  session, 
>vhen  everyone  could  have  been 
nspired  by  the  life  of  a  man  who 
ived  our  Conference  theme,  "Count 
Well  the  Cost." 

Don  Hess 
Oakton,  Va. 

Credit  where  credit's  due 

There  was  an  omission  in  the 
August/September  Messenger  arti- 
cle about  the  church  billboard  in 
Mesa,  Ariz,  (page  4). 

A  portion  of  the  billboard  project 
was  funded  through  Pacific  South- 
west District's  Grants  for  Church 
Growth  and  Renewal  program.  The 
district  offers  the  grants  from  a  des- 
ignated portion  of  its  Vision  for  the 
'90s  funds. 

In  the  spring  of  1996,  when  suffi- 
cient funds  were  available  after  other 
district  priorities  were  met,  the  grant 

program  was  established.  Brochures 
and  application  forms  were  sent  to 
all  the  district's  congregations. 

The  district  board  has  awarded 
three  grants,  and  more  were  reviewed 
at  our  August  1997  board  meeting. 

Joanne  Wagoner 
La  Verne,  Calif. 

OEPA  needs  full  support 

In  the  downsizing  of  General  Board 
program,  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly 
(OEPA)  has  become  an  entity  separate 
from  the  Board.  This  should  not  be. 

OEPA  should  have  the  authority  to 
work  independently,  but,  having 



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October  1997  Messenger  15 

Pontius'  Puddle 

Send  payment  for  reprinting  "Pontius'  Puddle" from  Messenger  to  Joel 
Kauffmann,  111  Carter  Road,  Goshen,  IN 46526.  $25  for  one  time 
use.  $10  for  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $10  for  congregations. 

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proven  itself  eager  to  do  the  work  of 
the  church  and  to  be  the  church  in 
action,  it  should  have  the  full  suppo: 
of  the  brotherhood. 

The  General  Board  should  con- 
sider OEPA  a  "subcontractor" 
responsible  for  leadership  in  peace 
education  and  action.  It  should 
encourage  districts,  congregations, 
colleges,  the  seminary  and  all  mem- 
bers of  the  church  to  turn  to  OEPA 
for  help  so  that  we  all  may  be  more 
perfectly  doing  our  part  for  peace. 

Franklin  K.  Cassel^^] 
Lancaster.  Pa 

Hymns  that  touch  the  bones 


The  luly  Messenger  editorial, 
"Finding  Help  in  a  Hymnal,"  spoke 
to  me.  I,  too,  feel  hymns  touching 
my  bones  in  a  way  that  even  scrip- 
ture cannot  do. 

Having  attended  Bethany  Semi- 
nary when  Al  Brightbill  was  at  his 
best,  I  thrilled  to  hear  the  singing 
both  there  and  at  least  one  Annual 
Conference  in  which  the  singing 
made  one's  hair  stand  on  end. 

To  some  degree,  we  have  lost  the 
theological  significance  that  many  of  if 
our  "old"  hymns  had.  We  also  have 
lost  the  wonderful  music  from  the 
masters,  which  Al  and  others 
adapted.  I  think  particularly  of 
Brethren  writer  Ruth  B.  Statler's 
"God  Eternal,  in  Thy  Presence,"  with 
music  by  Franz  Joseph  Haydn  har- 
monized by  Al  Brightbill  (hymn  392 
in  the  1951  Brethren  Hymnal).  In 
"How  Lovely  Is  Thy  Dwelling  Place" 
(hymn  3),  Al  adapted  Psalm  84  and 
set  it  to  his  arrangement  of  music  by 
Wolfgang  A.  Mozart.  And  another  is 
"We  Would  See  |esus"  (hymn  413), 
using  music  by  Felix  Mendelssohn. 

Beyond  the  loss  of  great  music,  it 
is  difficult  to  stay  focused  in  a  wor- 
ship service  when  the  choir  or  soloist 
puts  on  a  "performance,"  and  the 
people  clap  as  if  they  were  the  audi- 
ence of  a  concert.  At  age  76,  I  may 
be  a  bit  old-fashioned,  but  I  know 
what  answers  my  needs. 

Carrie  Lee  Smith 
Manassas,  Va 

16  Messenger  October  1997 

3ith  bolstered  by  hymnal 

00  found  help  in  the  hymnal  (luly, 
igc  52).  I  didn't  leaf  through  it 
iriiig  the  sermon.  My  parents  were 
rict  about  my  paying  attention  to 

c  pastor  (although  I'm  not  sure 
j\\  much  good  it  did). 
My  inspiration  and  edification  were 
lined  mostly  in  the  actual  singing  of 
ic  hymns,  or  in  perusing  them  apart 
0111  their  use  in  worship.  But  I 
Jiiiit  that  my  faith,  and  perhaps  even 
ly  understanding  of  life's  purpose, 
as  bolstered  as  much  by  these 
\iiins  as  by  the  pulpit  messages. 

Donald  B.  Snyder 
Waynesboro.  Va. 

urned  on  by  Whittier  hymns 

"he  |uly  editorial  about  the  hymnal 
it  the  core  for  me.  Early  in  my  adult 
fe,  I  captured  "Immortal  Love,  For- 
ver  Full"  as  my  favorite  hymn. 

1  have  always  enjoyed  James 
jreenleaf  Whittier  as  a  great  Ameri- 
an  poet.  And  the  adaptation  of 
Villiam  V.  Wallace's  music  kept  the 
low  of  the  poetry.  It  has  a  simple 
nelody,  solid  rhythm,  and  a  rich  har- 
mony. The  music  supports  the  poem 
Ti  an  unobtrusive  way. 

But  the  "Immortal  Love  Forever 
ull"  of  the  1951  Brethren  Hymnal  is 
ny  favorite  hymn  because  of  the 
completeness  of  the  message.  The 
ver-present,  immortal  love  is  there 
or  the  seeking.  It  is  universal — 
'whate'er  our  name  or  sign."  The 
neasure  of  our  behavior  is  tested  by 
hat  love — an  excellent  Brethren 

Gladys  S.  Naylor 
McPherson.  Kan. 

Saving  Snow  Hill  buildings 

Kermon  Thomasson's  July  Messen- 
ger article,  "The  Saga  of  Snow  Hill" 
is  misleading  in  suggesting  that  the 
Snow  Hill  buildings  may  well  disap- 
pear in  time. 

The  purpose  of  the  August  1 1  auc- 
tion mentioned  at  the  end  of  my 
Snow  Hill  artifacts  report  (which  the 

above  article  accompanied)  was  to 
raise  money  to  establish  an  endow- 
ment fund.  This  money  is  designated 
to  pay  for  a  new  roof  and  other  long- 
needed  maintenance  that  should 
forestall  such  a  disappearance.  The 
trustees  are  concerned  to  preserve 
the  buildings  and  to  see  them  used 
for  church  purposes,  possibly  as  a 
retreat  center. 

Donald  F.  Durnbaugh 
lames  Creek.  Pa. 

Add  this  to  Nation's  list 

I  appreciated  Mark  Thiessen  Nation's 
article,  "Pacifist  Patriotism"  (luly,  page 
22).  I  agree  with  him  that  our  commit- 
ment to  peacemaking  can  become 
pretty  lackadaisical  between  wars. 

Nation  lists  a  number  of  things  we 
should  declare  that  we  won't  do  as 
pacifist  patriots.  A  good  list.  But  add 
this:  We  won't  easily  pay  taxes  for  war 

(some  won't  pay  any  taxes  for  war), 
just  as  we  won't  put  our  bodies  there. 

The  National  Campaign  for  a 
Peace  Tax  Fund  has  been  carrying  on 
a  25-year  struggle  to  have  legislation 
enacted  that  will  recognize  conscien- 
tious objection  to  war  taxes.  The  aim 
is  to  make  it  possible,  legally,  to  real- 
locate the  military  portion  of  our 
taxes  to  peaceful  purposes. 

Every  Brethren  ought  to  be  behind 
this  legislation.  Call  (888)  732-2382 
to  get  documentation  on  the  Peace 
Tax  Fund  project  and  get  involved. 

lames  Garber 
North  Manchester.  Ind. 

Tax  me  for  peace,  not  war 

The  April  1  5  federal  tax  deadline 
presents  a  recurring  religious  and 
moral  dilemma  for  me.  The  Church 
of  the  Brethren  has  always  taught  me 
that  "all  war  is  sin,"  and  that  believ- 

COB  Washington  Office 

a  bridge  belAveen  members  of  the 

church  and  public  policy  makers 

Nearly  forty  years  ago,  the  1957  Annual  Conference 
proclaimed,  "We  believe  that  in  a  democracy  Christians  must 
assume  responsibility  for  helping  to  create  intelligent  public 
opinion  which  will  result  in  legislation  in  harmony  with  the 
eternal  laws  of  God." 

The  Washington  Office  provides  members  of  the  church  free  and  concise 
information  about  current  federal  policies  within  the  context  of  our  Brethren 
tradition.  The  Witness  to  Washington  newsletter  provides  updates  on  current 
issues,  excerpts  of  Armual  Conference  statements  which  help  guide  our  actions, 
and  information  on  how  to  contact  policy  makers.  Key  issues  include: 



Church  and  State 




Women's  justice 

Middle  East 

Death  Penalty 

Children's  issues 

Civil  Rights 

Latin  America 

If  you  are  interested  in  promoting  national  and  international  efforts  for  a  world  of 
greater  peace,  justice  and  stewardship  of  God's  creation,  contact  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren  Washington  Office,  337  North  Carolina  Ave  SE,  Washington,  DC 
20003,  or  e-mail  washofc@aoi.coni.  The  newsletter  and  additional  alerts  are  also 
available  by  electronic  mail. 

Stay  informed  and  live  out  Christ's  call  to  active 
peace  making  by  joining  the  Washington  Office  network. 

October  1997  Messenger  17 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 

Coordinator,  Congregational 
Life  Team  for  Areas  4  &  5 

Full-time  in  Area  4  and  half-time  in  Area  5. 
Responsibilities:  provide  leadership  and 
team  development  for  Congregational  Life 
Teams,  work  collaboratively  with  district 
staff  in  developing  covenantal  partnerships 
and  overseeing  agreed-upon  projects. 
Qualifications:  five  years  experience  in 
congregational  life,  program  and  team 
development,  mentoring/supervising, 
and  administration.  Bachelor's  degree  or 
equivalent  required;  master's  in  related 
field  preferred. 

.Application  deadline  October  I,  IQQ?. 
Congregational  Life  Team  Members 

Half-time  positions  in  areas  1.  2,  &  5. 
Responsibilities:  'Work  within  covenantal 
partnerships  between  General  Board  and 
districts  to  resource  congregations,  provide 
leadership  development  events,  consult 
with  congregations  and  district  groups, 
network  individuals  and  congregations. 
Qualirications:  Ability  to  work  with  diverse 
cultures  and  congregations,  two  years 
experience  in  congregational  life  program 
development  work  and  administration. 
Bachelor's  degree  or  equivalent  required; 
master's  degree  in  related  field  preferred. 
Application  deadline:  October  22.  1997. 

Contact  Elsie  Holderread  at 

(SOO)  323-8039  for  position  descriptions 

and  further  information. 

From  the 
Office  of  District  Ministry 

District  Executive/Congregational 
Life  Team  Staff 

Full-time  position  with  responsibilities 
divided  evenly  between  two  employers. 
Atlantic  Southeast  District  Board  will  be 
the  primary  employer. 
Responsibilities:  Facilitate  pastoral 
placement  in  Atlantic  Southeast,  culti- 
vate healthy  relationships  between 
congregations  and  district  board,  give 
leadership  that  empowers  district  per- 
sonnel, provide  pastoral  support  to 
pastors,  work  collegially  with  Camp 
Ithiel  leadership.  Work  collegially  with 
Coordinator  of  Congregational  Life 
Ministries  for  Area  3.  provide  resourcing 
assistance  to  the  districts  in  Area  3. 
Qualifications:  Commitment  to  Church 
of  the  Brethren  values,  preferred  bilin- 
gual skills  in  Spanish  and  English, 
strong  interpersonal  and  communication 
skills,  strong  management  and  adminis- 
trative experience,  willingness  to  travel, 
experience  in  congregational  and/or  dis- 
trict ministries.  Appropriate  education 
includes  administrative,  consultative, 
educational,  and  theological. 
Apply  by  sending  a  letter  of  interest  and 
resume  to:  Office  of  District  Ministry. 
1451  Dundee  Ave..  Elgin.  IL  60120. 

Deadline  for  receiving  letters  of 
interest:  October  30.  1997. 

ers  should  not  participate  in  it. 

Although  the  government  no 
longer  wants  my  body,  it  still 
demands  my  money  (about  50  per- 
cent of  federal  income  taxes)  to  pay 
for  wars,  past  and  present.  As  a  con- 
scientious objector  to  war,  I  find  my 
deeply  held  religious  beliefs  violated 
by  being  forced  to  pay  for  military 

Fortunately,  the  government  rec- 
ognizes the  right  of  conscientious 

objectors  not  to  fight.  Now  it  should 
be  consistent  and  pass  the  Peace  Taji 
Fund  bill  that  would  grant  conscien 
tious  objectors  the  right  to  divert  thi 
military  portion  of  their  taxes  to  pro 
grams  that  promote  peace. 

Then  I,  and  thousands  of  others, 
would  not  be  forced  to  make  the  age 
nizing  choice  between  obeying  the 
law  and  being  true  to  our  faith. 

David  \V.  Fow 
Liitherville.  Ml 


^acfi  out  through  better  stewardship 

Not  every  church  has  ar^  asset  manager  among  its 
members.   For  as  little  as  $10,000  you  can  open  an 
account  with  the  Brethren  Foundation.  Our  profes- 
sionals will  invest  your  funds  to  help  you  continue 
the  work  of  Jesus. 


Brethren  Foundation,  Inc. 

1505  Dundee  Avenue,  Elgin,  Illinois  60123 
800-746-1505  •  FAX  847-742-0135 

a  ministry  of  Church  of  the  Brethren  Benefit  Trust 

Classified  Ads 

Travel  with  a  purpose.  Missionary  journeys  of  St, 
P.WL,  Turkey,  &  Greece,  Mar.  19-Apr.  3, 1998.  J2,899. 
For  info,  write  Wendell  &  Joan  Bohrer,  8520  Royal 
Meadow  Dr.,  Indianapolis,  IN  46217.  Tel./fax  (317) 
882,  5067.  Or  write  Paul  &  Geneva  White,  33 10  Melody 
Ave.  SM(^  Roanoke,  VA  24018-3114.  Tel.  (540)  776-3289. 
Cruise  the  Russian  waterways,  Aug,  7-23,  1998. 
From  $2,649,  depending  on  deck  level.  Visit  Moscow, 
Red  Square,  Kremlin,  St.  Petersburg,  &  cruise  rivers 
of  the  czars,  on  Ist-class  cruise  ship.  3  meals  a  day. 
For  info,  write  Bohrer  Tours,  8520  Royal  Meadow  Dr., 
Indianapolis,  IN  46217.  Tel./fax  (317)  882-5067. 

Israel  travel  for  the  deaf  and  hearing.  June  15- 
25,  1998.  Certified  interpreter.  Miss  Pam  Ward, 
Bakersfield,  Calif.  Tour  led  by  Dr  G.  Edwin  and  Edie 
Bontrager,  exp.  hosts  in  Middle  East  travel.  Ed  is  Men- 
nonite  congregational  adviser  for  The  Andrew  Center 
&  a  pastor.  Exceptional  price:  $1,798  from  NYC.  Write 
for  brochure:  449  Putney  Lane,  Newport  News,  VA 
23602.  Phone  (office)  (757)  595-6889  or  (home)  (757) 
875-0552  (TTY  or  voice). 

Cruise  with  Ken  Medema.  Feb.  1-8, 1998.  Cruise 
western  Caribbean  with  Christian  musician  &  enter- 
tainer Ken  Medema  on  Celebrity  Cruises'  newest  ship, 
the  Mercury  Enjoy  3  private  concerts:  private  recep- 

tion with  Ken  .Medema  on  board;  &  visit  exotic  port 
of  Cozumel,  Montego  Bay,  Grand  Cayman,  &  Key  Wes 
Wonderful  Christmas  gift  for  a  pastor  from  congre 
gation.  Get  a  group  together  &  cruise  for  free.  Fo 
more  info,  write  Mr.  &  Mrs.  Philip  Rowland,  233 
Putter  Lane,  St.  Louis,  MO  63131,  or  call  Cecelia,  tol 
free,  at  (888)  367-9398. 


Salisbury  Community  Church  of  the  Brethren 

new  &  growing  fellowship  in  Salisbury,  Md.,  invite 
Brethren  moving  into  or  vacationing  in  Salisbur\ 
Ocean  City  area  to  worship  with  us.  Will  providi 
moving  help  (unloading,  child  care,  area  info).  Fo 
info,  contact  Salisbury  Community  COB,  P.O.  Bo: 
2001,  Salisbury,  MD  21801.  Tel.  (410)  219-5949.  E 
mail  NRCain(a  A0L.COM, 

Cincinnati  Church  of  the  Brethren  fellowshii 

meets  for  worship  &  support  in  n.e.  area  of  Cincin 
nati.  We  welcome  others  to  join  us  or  bring  needs  tt 
our  attention.  Contact  us  c/o  Cincinnati  Friends  Meet 
ing  House,  8075  Keller  Rd.,  Indian  Hill,  OH  45243 
Tel.  (513)  956-7733. 


Diabetics:  If  you  have  Medicare  or  insurance,  yoi 
could  be  eligible  to  receive  your  diabetic  supplies  a 
no  cost.  (Insulin-dependent  only.)  Call  (800)  337-4144 

18  Messenger  October  1997 

uriiioff  foints 

dew  Members 

ote:  Congregations  are  asked 
to  submit  only  the  names  of 
actual  new  members  of 
denomination.  Do  not 
include  names  of  people 
who  have  merely  transferred 
their  membership  from 
another  Church  of  the 
Brethren  congregation. 

iltoona,  Mid.  Pa.:  Rachel 
Shoenberger.  Holly  Treese. 
Gerald  Townsend,  Leon 
Wilson,  Pam  Linton,  Brenda 

eaver  Creek,  Mid.  Atl.;  Frank 
Hartman,  Douglas  &  lason 

rireen  Tree,  Atl.  N.E.:  Ian  & 
Nick  Bryan,  Tim  Eller, 
laime  Etzler,  Anne- 
Dominique  Haas,  Maggie 
Randall,  Rick  &  Zack 
Haner,  Zoe  Smith,  Sam  & 
Susan  Tubiello 

ebring,  Atl.  S.E.:  Jackie 

routville,  Virlina:  Elaine 

■Vest  Goshen,  N.  Ind.;  Kahlil 
.Mkattan,  Fern  lackson,  leff 
Kamp,  Sara  Showalter 

Vestminster,  Mid.  Atl.;  Carole 
A.  Schwartz,  Donya  S. 
Oneta.  Tracy  Roberge,  Marc 
&  Cheryl  Held,  David  & 
Kristi  Gordon,  lames  & 
Cinda  Showalter 

A'ilminglon,  Atl.  N.E.:  Megan 
Fitzwater,  William  Haynes, 
Rebecca  Hersberger, 
Nathan  Kinsey,  Katherine 
Maulo,  Karen  Scherer, 
David  Scott,  Andra  Thomp- 
son, Tadeusz  Dabronski, 
Deb  &  Ron  Furness,  Frank 
&  Lynn  Henshaw 


Bittinger,  Emmert  and  Esther, 

Bridgewater,  Va.,  50 
Boilnott,  lohn  and  Nell, 

Bridgewater,  Va.,  12 
Boilinger,  |ohn  and  Mary 

Emma,  Ephrata,  Pa.,  60 
Bowman,  Alaric  and  Kitty, 

Bridgewater,  Va.,  55 
Bowman,  Clarence  and  Mary, 

Bridgewater,  Va.,  65 
Bowman,  Fred  and  Wanda, 

Bridgewater,  Va..  50 
Bucher,  Gordon  and  Darlene, 

North  Manchester,  Ind.,  50 
Cameron,  Lawrence  and 

Ivella,  lohnstown.  Pa.,  70 
Dancy,  Fred  and  Frances. 

Sparta,  N.C.,  77 
Fike,  lohn  and  lune,  Sebring, 

Fla.,  60 
Fouike,  Harvey  and  Hazel. 

Allentown,  Pa.,  60 
Garner,  Glenn  and  Margaret, 

Bridgewater,  Va.,  50 
Gibson,  lay  and  Mary,  lack- 

sonsville,  Fla.,  50 
lewell,  Paul  and  Fern,  Kansas 

City,  Kan.,  50 
fuday,  Donald  and  Margaret, 

New  Paris,  Ind.,  50 
Kopp,  Robert  and  Mary, 

Hanover,  Pa.,  55 

Livengood,  Edwin  and  Maxine, 

Milledgeville,  111.,  50 
Liskey,  Claude  and  Elaine, 

Harrisonburg,  Va.,  50 
Miller,  Henry  and  Mary,  New 

Oxford,  Pa.,  71 
Miller,  Loren  and  Esther, 

Sebring.  Fla.,  70 
Miller,  Lowell  and  Peggy, 

Bridgewater.  Va.,  50 
Molison,  Glenn  and  Hazel, 

Hanover,  Pa.,  65 
Fletcher,  Virgil  and  Marcheta, 

Lake  Forest,  Calif.,  55 
Reese,  Sam  and  Mildred, 

Hagerstown,  Md.,  50 
Sherck,  Arthur  and  Marjorie, 

Goshen,  Ind.,  60 
Shively,  Marvin  and  Dorothy, 

Peoria,  III.,  50 
Sinclair,  Orlo  and  Dorothy, 

Smithville,  Ohio,  60 
Snyder,  William  and  Ann, 

Sebring,  Fla.,  50 
Sline,  Beth  and  Ira,  Adel, 

Iowa,  65 
Wampler,  Fred  and  Dorris, 

Bridgewater,  Va.,  50 
Wildasin,  Cleo  and  Lillian, 

Spring  Grove,  Pa.,  55 
Wildasin,  Mark  and  Miriam, 

Glen  Rock,  Pa.,  65 
Vaughn,  Leonard  and  Lucile, 

Alexandria,  Va.,  50 
Yohe,  Lowell  and  Martha, 

North  Manchester,  Ind.,  50 


Beckner,  Dennis  A.,  from  secu- 
lar to  Locust  Grove,  S/C  Ind. 

Brunk,  David,  from  Dayton, 
Shen.,  to  Evergreen,  Shen. 

Cayford,  Cheryl,  from  General 
Board  staff  to  Northern 
Colorado,  W.  Plains 

Clark,  Michael,  from  New 
Covenant,  Virlina,  to 
Walnut  Grove,  W.  Pa. 

Conn,  Barry,  from  Pike  Run,  W. 
Pa.,  to  County  Line,  W.  Pa. 

Crowe,  lohn  R.,  from  mission- 
ary, Portugal,  to  Maple 
Spring,  W.  Marva 

Ewing,  lohn.  from  other 
denomination  to  Cherry 
Grove,  Ill./Wis. 

Fike  Melvin,  from  Meadow 
Branch,  Mid.  Atl.  to  Moore- 
field.  W.  Marva 

Fike  Lisa,  from  Meadow 

Branch,  Mid.  Atl.  to  Moore- 
field,  W.  Marva 

Foley,  Leonard,  from  secular 
to  Nineveh,  Virlina 

Fourman,  Larry,  from 
Brookville,  S.  Ohio,  to 
Crest  Manor,  N.  Ind. 

Gerbrandt,  Eugene,  from 
other  denomination  to 
Laton,  Pac.  S.W. 

Landrum,  Richard,  from 
Wenatchee,  Ore, /Wash.,  to 
Lincolnshire,  N.  Ind. 

Matteson,  Erin,  from  Fremont 
Pac.  S.W.,  to  Batavia,  Ill./Wis. 

Nichols,  Mark,  from  Masons 
Cove,  Virlina,  to  Concord 
Fellowship,  Virlina 

Nye,  Paul,  LaPorte,  N.  Ind., 
from  interim  to  part-time 

Shelton,  Randall  C,  from  sec- 
ular to  New  Haven,  S.E. 

Snyder,  George,  from  secular 
to  Pleasant  View,  Virlina 

Ullery  |r..  Howard  E.,  from 
Pleasant  Hill,  S.  Ohio,  to 
Lacey  Community, 
Ore. /Wash. 

Wade,  Marvin,  from  Hiwassee, 
Virlina.  to  Shelton,  Virlina 

Wisdom-Belford,  Virginia, 
from  secular  to  Dover  Fel- 
lowship, Mid.  Atl. 

Woodin,  Ataloa,  Fresno,  Pac. 
S.W.,  from  pastor  of  adult 
ministries  to  full-time  pastor 


Carpenter,  Larry,    May  17, 

1997,  Sharpsburg,  Mid.  Atl. 
Ebersole,  Mark  David,  April  1, 

1997,  Lancaster,  Atl.  N.E. 
Fellows,  Nathan,  May  17, 

1997,  Westminster,  Mid.  Atl. 
Hawsey,  David  S.,  April  3, 

1997,  Huntingdon  Stone, 

M.  Pa. 
Hostetler,  Richard  P.,  |une  1 1, 

1997,  Nettle  Creek,  S/C  Ind. 
Hostetter,  lason  Andrew,  |une  4, 

1997,  Buffalo  Valley,  S.  Pa. 
McCan,  Steve.  May  3,  1997, 

Fresno,  Pac.  S.W. 
Stephens,  Linda,  March  4, 

1997,  Union  Center,  N.  Ind. 
Van  Buskirk,  William,  May  17, 

1997,  Frederick,  Mid.  Atl. 
Wilborn,  Leonard  V.  May  3, 

1997,  Imperial  Heights, 

Pac.  S.W. 
Wilges,  Shawn  Allen,  May  22, 

1997,  Salem,  S.  Ohio 
Yager,  Lorele,  Jan.  30,  1997, 

Beacon  Heights,  N.  Ind. 


Baldwin,  Charles  ("Chuck") 
F.April  12,  1997,  Syra- 
cuse, N.  Ind. 

Bowman,  Mark,  May  22, 
1997,  Eversole,  S.  Ohio 

Deeter,  leanne,  August  27, 

1996,  Mack  Memorial,  S. 

Greiser,  Terence,  May  31,  1997, 

Indian  Creek,  Atl.  N.E. 
Hyre,  Greg  Allen,  May  22, 

1997,  Eaton,  S.  Ohio 
Ritchie,  Kurt,  Dec.  7,  1996, 

Florence,  N.  Ind. 

225th  BVS 
Orientation  Unit 

(Completed  orientation  in  New 
Windsor,  Md.,  Aug.  9,  1997) 

Brown,  Jennifer,  Upperco, 
Md.,  to  National  Coalition 
Against  the  Death  Penalty, 
Washington,  D.C. 

Dubble,  Diane,  Lititz,  Pa.,  to 
Community  Mediation 
Center,  Harrisonburg,  Va. 

Frank,  Fan,  Collingswood, 
N.L,  to  San  Antonio  Metro- 
politan Ministry,  San 
Antonio,  Texas 

Grimm,  Susanne,  Frankfurt, 
Germany,  to  Gould  Farm, 
Monterey.  Mass, 

Miller,  Mary,  York,  Pa.,  to  Tri 
City  Homeless  Coalition, 
Fremont,  Calif. 

Opuku,  Daniel,  Fuchtenfeld, 

Germany,  to  National  Farm 
Worker,  Benson,  N.C. 

Pilz,  Katharina,  Dreieich, 
Germany,  to  Camphill  Vil- 
lage, Copake,  N.Y. 

Rieke,  Rebekah,  from  Min- 
neapolis, Minn.,  to  Trees  for 
Life,  Wichita,  Kan. 

Shonk,  Emily,  from  Goldvein, 
Va.,  to  Youth  Ministries, 
Elgin,  111. 

Schreckhise,  Sarah,  Annville, 
Pa.,  to  Casa  de  Esperanza  de 
los  Ninos,  Houston,  Texas 

Stauffer,  Matthew,  Farming- 
ton,  Del.,  to  Friends  for 
Nonviolent  World,  Min- 
neapolis, Minn. 

Struble,  |oy,  Okemos,  Mich.,  to 
Youth  Ministries,  Elgin,  111. 

Wells,  Andrea,  Mount  Morris, 
ML,  Cafe  loshua.  West  Palm 
Beach,  Fla. 

Yoder,  Brian.  Huntingdon,  Pa., 
to  Youth  Ministries,  Elgin,  111. 

Yzenbaard,  Liza,  Brethren, 
Mich.,  to  Bridgeway,  Lake- 
wood,  Colo. 


Adams,  Margaret  C.  85, 
Harrisonburg,  Va.,  lune 
27,  1997 

Akers,  Lester,  90,  Osceola, 
Mo.,  May  7,  1997 

Alexander,  Connie  E.,  71, 
MozerW.  Va.,  May  12,  1997 

Allen,  Eunice,  79,  Modesto, 
Calif,,  lune  18,  1997 

Bader,  Gladys,  92,  Scottville, 
Mich.,  April  14,  1997 

Bard,  Ellis  T,  76,  Chambers- 
burg,  Pa..  April  18,  1997 

Beydler,  Arthur,  71,  Stras- 
burg,  Va.,  May  1,  1997 

Blackwill,  Clarence,  82,  Ouin- 
ter,  Kan.,  Oct.  10,  1996 

Bollinger,  Melvin,  70,  Lititz, 
Pa.,  May  30,  1997 

Bower,  Emily,  82,  La  Verne, 
Calif.,  April  17,  1997 

Bower,  Pearl  H.,  90,  Trout- 
ville,  Va.,  March  7,  1997 

Brosey,  Hazel  K.,  95,  New 
Carlisle,  Ohio,  luly  4,  1997 

Bryant,  Mary,  77,  Quinter, 
Kan.,  Sept.  1,  1996 

Buracker,  Laura  V,  S&, 
Harrisonburg,  Va.,  May 
15,  1997 

Busch,  AdaC,  83,  York,  Pa., 
lune  12,  1997 

Cameron,  Don,  68,  lohn- 
stown. Pa.,  May  1  1,  1997 

Coffman,  George  S.,  83,  Moats- 
ville,  W.Va.,AprU22,  1997 

Comer,  Mamie  V.H.,  82,  Stan- 
ley, Va.,  April  22,  1997 

Cook,  Mary  Ann,  67,  New 
Carlisle,  Ohio,  May  6,  1997 

DeLane,  Fred,  74,  Santee, 
Calif.,  lune  22,  1997 

Derr,  Alma  M„  82,  New  Wind- 
sor, Md.,  lune  15,  1997 

Detrow,  Levi,  83,  Hagerstown, 
Md.,  Oct.  14,  1996 

Detrow,  Lucille,  80,  Hager- 
stown, Md.,  Feb.  14,  1997 

Dunmore,  Frances,  98,  Har- 
leysville.  Pa..  Feb.  21.  1997 

Eckard,  Hubert  B.,  88, 
Harrisonburg,  Va.,  April 
21,  1997 

Feather,  Maud  |.,  90,  Eglon,W. 

Va..  lune  17,  1997 
Fulk,  lohny  E.,  53,  Fulks  run, 

Va..  May  1,  1997 
Funkhouser,  Alvin,  77,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  May  II,  1997 
Fry,  Helen,  71,  Phoenixville, 

Pa.,  April  10,  1997 
Garber,  leannette  M..  70. 

Woodbridge,  Va..  April 

20,  1997 
Godfrey,  Cletus,  |.,  95,  York, 

Pa.,  lune  17,  1997 
Gottlieb,  Mirian,  71,  Ephrata, 

Pa..  May  30,  1997 
Harnage,  Ivey,  89,  Sebring, 

Fla.,  lune  27,  1997 
Harshbarger,  Patience,  97, 

Bridgewater,  Va.,  May  4, 

Hawk,  Ruth,  97,  Milledgeville, 

HI.,  March  27,  1997 
Hopson,  Myrtel,  93,  Harleys- 

ville.  Pa.,  lune  15,  1997 
Hoover,  Ola  May,  90, 

Harrisonburg,  Va.,  June 

22,  1997 

Hostetler,  Esther,  71,  Nappa- 
nee,  Ind.,  |uly  1,  1997 

Hurst,  Esther,  Greenville, 
Ohio,  luly  9,  1997 

[ordan,  lohn,  62,  Mount  lack- 
son,  Va.,  May  4,  1997 

Kamer,  Elizabeth,  92,  Peters- 
burg, 111.,  May  18,  1997 

Keeney,  Esther  B.,  85, 

lacobus.  Pa.,  |une  12,  1997 

King,  Naomi,  93,  Lititz,  Pa., 
May  18,  1997 

Kline,  Homer  R.,  91,  Linville, 
Va..  April  18,  1997 

Knox,  Charles,  95,  Norris- 
town.  Pa.,  March  4,  1997 

Leaman,  Docas  M.,  54,  York, 
Pa.,  lune  28,  1997 

Lehman,  Cecilia,  94,  Sullivan, 
111.,  lune  14,  1997 

Lewis,  Betty  L.,  55,  Tim- 
berville,  Va.,  May  10,  1997 

Link,  Carl  R.,  63,  Defiance, 
Ohio,  lune  9,  1997 

Livenwood,  Edwin,  75,  Mill- 
edgeville, III..  May  14,  1997 

Lloyd,  Cornelius,  89,  Sebring, 
Fla.,  May  14,  1997 

Marks,  Charles  F,  84,  York, 
Pa.,  lune  25,1997 

Martin,  Wilma  ).,  66,  Delphi, 
Ind.,  April  10,  1997 

Masterson,  Esther,  93,  Mount 
Morris,  III.,  Feb.  4,  1997 

Masimore,  Earl  F..  76.  York. 
Pa,,  lune  13.  1997 

Mason,  Roy  H.,  97,  Broadway, 
Va..  April  22,  1997 

Mellinger,  Paul,  84,  Delphi, 
Ind..  Feb.  16,  1997 

Mellott,  Bretherd,  91, 

McConnellsburg,  Pa,,  May 

23,  1997 

Miller,  DeWitt  L..  88,  Hager- 
stown, Md.,  May  21,  1997 

Miller,  Harold,  89,  Spring- 
field, Mo.,  May  19,  1997 

Miller,  Martha,  83,  Bridgewa- 
ter, Va.,  lune  15,  1997 

Mohr,  Robert  B..  42,  Pack- 
wood,  Wash,,  Ian.  10,  1997 

Monn,  Roger  K..  77,  Cham- 
bersburg.  Pa.,  lune  24,  1997 

Moser,  Edna,  79,  Hagerstown, 
Md.,  Dec,  18,  1996 

Nedrow,  Louella,  82, 

Stahlstown,  Pa.,  luly  7,  1997 

October  1997  Messenger  19 


Putting  the  past  into  perspective 

Hymn  writer  Isaac  Watts  once  remarked  to  God,  "A 
thousand  ages  in  thy  sight  are  like  an  evening  gone." 
Given  God's  age,  that  time  perception  is  under- 
standable. As  I  have  grown  older,  myself,  I  have  discovered 
that  my  perception  of  time  periodically  needs  updating. 
Next  year  will  mark  the  75th  anniversary  of  the 
founding  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  Mission  in  Nige- 
ria. When  the  50th  anniversary  was  celebrated  in  1973,  I 
was  a  missionary  on  the  field.  To  me,  then,  the  concept 
of  a  50-year  span  was  awesome.  I  thought  it  remarkable 
that  there  was  on  hand  for  the  celebration  one  couple 
who  had  begun  work  in  Nigeria  during  the  mission's  first 
year.  What  a  span  of  time  they  had  experienced!  And 
there  they  were  —  living  fossils,  yet  alive,  alert,  and  agile, 
and  able  to  make  it  back  for  the  occasion! 

accomplished  in  the  1960s  and  '70s.  In  order  to  package 
the  decades  neatly,  some  programs  of  great  and  ongoing; 
significance  get  only  a  brief  mention  (Brethren  Voluntee 
Service,  for  example).  So  the  decades  marked  here  are 
just  a  handy  design  device,  nothing  more. 

There  are  some  other  things  to  bear  in  mind  as  well 
With  the  passage  of  time,  the  developments  of  the  earlier 
decades  are  easier  to  define  and  assess.  Later  develop- 
ments still  loom  too  large  to  have  their  significance 
accurately  calculated.  While  we  don't  know  yet  quite 
what  to  make  of  "the  quest  for  Brethren  identity,"  we 
can,  with  some  certitude,  assign  the  Brethren/Russian 
Orthodox  exchange  its  place  in  denominational  history. 

Bear  in  mind,  too,  that  some  of  the  developments  of  the 
past  50  years  had  an  easily  discernible 


I  have  participated  in  50th  anniversaries        L,lf^e  U  Uo  p7'esident  impetus.  The  Vietnam  War  clearly  accounts 

of  many  other  beginnings  since  then,  even   iAj{th  sipJltS  set  OU  Moiint  ^^^  ''^^  vigorous  Brethren  peace  witness  tha 

50th  anniversaries  celebrating  weddings  that  °  ctrar!riif.c  tVi^ '<^nc  anri '70^  ri,^,-Qri^c  R..t 

Rushmore,  we  can't 

I  distinctly  remember  attending.  My  awe  on 
such  occasions  does  not  match  the  awe  I  felt 
that  March  17,  1973,  in  Nigeria.  Fifty  years 
is  now  more  "like  an  evening  gone." 

We  Brethren  have  celebrated  numerous 
50th  anniversaries  in  the  past  few  years. 
(One  can  only  infer  that  we  were  very  busy 
beginning  innovative  new  programs  back 
there  in  the  1940s.)  Now,  cover-to-cover 
readers  of  Messenger  will  note  that  in  this 

depend  on  emergencies 

to  catapult  us  into 

heroics  and  fame; 

attending  to  ongoing 

needs  in  creative  new 

straddles  the  '60s  and  '70s  decades.  But 
while  Shawn  Replogle,  in  his  1995  Annual 
Conference  message,  alerted  us  to  the  tidal 
wave  of  Brethren  youth  bent  on  assuming 
leadership  roles,  could  he  say  whether  wind 
or  earthquake  precipitated  it? 

Some  Brethren  programs  that  had  us 
standing  tall  came  into  being  because  the 
times  demanded  them.  Think  of  Brethren 
Service,  relief  shipments,  and  refugee  set- 
tlement in  the  post-war  years  of  the  '40s. 

ways  will  hold  us  in 

present  issue  we  are  highlighting  the  50th      anod  ^tead  iu^t  a^  well  ^"^^  '''^^  ^  '^^  president  with  sights  set  on 

anniversary  of  the  1  947  founding  of  the     °  -^  Mount  Rushmore,  we  can't  depend  on 

Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board.  This       Wlien  tllC  OOn  OJ  emergencies  to  catapult  us  into  heroics 

anniversary  may  not  grab  us  in  quite  the  rnme<:  in  hi<i  plorv  ^^^  fame;  attending  to  ongoing  needs  in 

same  way  that  the  50th  anniversaries  of  the 
Brethren  Service  Center  at  New  Windsor,  Church  World 
Service,  and  Heifer  Project  did,  or  as  next  year's  50th 
anniversary  of  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  will.  But  it's 
good  to  pause  and  take  stock.  And,  as  far  as  I  know,  this 
16-page  insert  amounts  to  all  the  stops  that  are  being 
pulled  out  for  the  General  Board's  birthday. 

We  are  indebted  especially  to  Howard  Royer  and  Paul 
Stocksdale  for  this  attractive  jubilee  report.  A  design  artist, 
Paul  was  formerly  a  member  of  our  magazine  staff.  Presently 
he  is  back  into  Messenger  design  as  a  freelancer.  Howard, 
staff  for  Interpretation,  is  well  qualified  for  his  task  as  histo- 
rian; he  has  served  here  at  the  General  Offices  since  1953, 
his  tenure  almost  spanning  the  years  of  the  General  Board. 

As  Howard  surely  has  noted  to  himself,  history  does 
not  fall  conveniently  into  10-year  time  frames.  The  five 
decades  of  General  Board  history  presented  here  weren't 
the  neatly  defined  periods  the  report  suggests.  Readers 
have  to  understand  that  developments  of  one  decade 
often  continued  in  the  next.  Indigenization  of  our  mis- 
sion fields,  while  set  as  a  goal  in  the  1950s,  really  was 

20  Messenger  October  1997 

creative  new  ways  will  hold  us  in  good 
stead  just  as  well  when  the  Son  of  Man  comes  in  his  glory 
Some  programs  came  into  being  not  because  of  a  new 
emergency  but  because  a  Brethren  visionary  identified  a 
need  that  had  always  been  around  but  which  had  not  been 
addressed.  Think  of  Cooperative  Disaster  Child  Care. 

|his  jubilee  report,  "Another  Way,"  is  helpful  in 
putting  the  past  50  years  into  perspective.  It  is 
helpful  in  defining  what  we  Brethren  have  been 
and  are  about.  It  helps  us  feel  good  about  ourselves.  In 
Howard's  words,  "We  hope  the  piece  will  prompt  readers 
to  recall  their  own  connections  and  tell  their  own  stories." 

But  the  report  is  produced  too  close  to  the  "New 
Design"  to  give  us  assurance  that  the  Dunker  doldrums 
are,  indeed,  being  effectively  addressed  by  "the  current 
resolve  to  design  the  General  Board  to  broaden  partici- 
patory planning,  affirm  vision,  give  form  to  mission  and 
ministries,  and  strengthen  mutual  accountability." 

There  will  be  quite  a  few  evenings  gone  before  we 
can  expect  a  definitive  report  on  that. — K.T. 

When  children 

When  disasters  strike,  Coopera 
Disaster  Child  Care  (CDCC)  is  ready  to  respond 
to  the  special  needs  of  children.  Parents  who  are  busy  finding 
shelter,  cleaning  up,  and  finding  assistance  often  are  unable  to 
provide  care  and  emotional  support  for  their  children. 

Caring  for  children  after  disasters  is  a  unique  ministry 
initiated  by  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  1980.  Since 
then,  hundreds  of  volunteers  have  been  trained  and 
certified  across  the  USA.  Thousands  of  children 
have  received  special  attention,  comfort,  and 
encouragement  after  earthquakes,  floods,  hurri- 
canes, tornadoes,  and  fires. 

Fran  Holcomb  (pictured  at  right)  is  one  of  the 
many  volunteers  who  helped  care  for  children  on  St. 

Croix  after  Hurricane  Marilyn. 
CDCC  volunteers  like  Fran  are 
people  who  enjoy  interacting  with 
children,  have  flexible  schedules, 
are  in  good  health,  and  have  a 
sense  of  adventure. 

Find  out  how  you 
can  respond  when 
children  need 
care  after  disas- 
ters. Call  the 

Chiu'ch  of  the  Brethren's  Emergency 
Response/Service  Ministries  office  at 
(410)  635-8734,  or  (800)  451-4407. 

Introducing  Maple  Terrace. 
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Church  of  the  Brethren  November  1 997 












■m .-... 



H  M 

r ... 




^.   Ia 



Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche 
Promotion:  Howard  E.  Royer 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Pubiislier:  Wendy  McFadden 

On  the  cover:  SueZann  Bosler's  talk  show 
appearances  and  Helen  Prejean's  partici- 
pation in  the  recent  Caring  Ministries 
2000  conference  (October,  page  1 1 )  have  focused 
Brethren  attention  on  the  death  penalty  issue.  Stories 
on  pages  12  and  17.  (Cover  by  Paul  Stocksdale) 


Johnny  Appleseed  got  it  wrong 

When  you  sing  the  lohnny  Appleseed  table 
grace  this  Thanksgiving,  be  sure  you  get 
the  pronouns  correct,  writes  David 
Radcliff.  The  Lord  intends  to  be  good  to 

SueZann  Bosler:  "I  forgive" 

She's  been  on  all  the  talk  shows.  Now 
SueZann  Bosler's  saga  of  seeking  to  save 
the  life  of  a  murderer  is  detailed  by  Sue 
Wagner  Fields,  her  erstwhile  pastor. 
Sidebars  on  the  death  penalty. 

Taking  Jesus  seriously: 

An  interview  with  Helen  Prejean 

Bob  Gross  talks  with  a  famous  author 
about  her  book  that  stayed  on  the  best- 
seller list  3 1  weeks  and  was  made  into  an 
award-winning  movie.  Sidebar  on  an 
important  conference  for  death-penalty 

22     Planting  directions 

Ever  bother  to  read  the  fine  print  on  a 
seed  packet?  There's  a  variety  of  ways  to 
plant,  but  they  all  have  something  in 
common  . . .  even  when  planting  churches. 
Donald  R.  Fitzkee  looks  at  three  new- 
church  plantings  — each  of  them  different. 



From  the  Editor 


In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 


Stepping  Stones 




Pontius'  Puddle 


Turning  Points 




How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
E-mail:  CoBNews@AOL.Com 
Fax:  (847)  742-6103 
Phone:  (847)  742-5100 
(800)  323-8039 
Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75c  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  Allow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

Good  news  about  continued 
Brethren  involvement  with  the 
Christians  of  southern  Sudan. 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Atl.  N,E..  Ron 
Lutz;  Atl,  S,E„  Ruby  Raynier;  lU./Wis.,  Knjston  Lipscomb; 
S/C  Ind.,  Marjorie  Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good;  Mid-AtL, 
Ann  Fouts;  Mo/Ark.,  Luci  Landes;  N,  Plains,  Faith 
Strom;  N,  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack  Kline; 
Ore./Wash.,  Marguerite  Shamberger;  Pac.  S.W,  Randy 
Miller;  M.  Pa.,  Eva  Wampler;  S.  Pa.,  Elmer  Q.  Gleim; 
W.  Pa.,  Jay  Christner;  Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  S.E.,  Donna 
Shumate;  S.  Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Viriina,  Jerry  NafF; 
W  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Winoma  Spuigeon. 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren,  Entered  as  second-class  matter  Aug. 
20,  1918,  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct.  17,1917. 
Filing  date,  Nov  1, 1984.  Member  of  the  Associated 
Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion  News  Service 
&  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical  quotations. 
unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from  the  New  Revised 
Standard  Version.  Messenger  is  published  1 1  times 
a  year  by  Brethren  Press,  Church  of  the  Brethren 
General  Board.  Second-class  postage  paid  at  Elgin, 
111.,  and  at  additional  mailing  office,  October  1997. 
Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board.  ISSN  0026-0355. 

Postmasier:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger, 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

When  David  Radcliff  submitted  an  article  with  the  bland  head- 
ing of  "Blessing,"  I  read  it  to  catch  his  drift,  then  lightheartedly 
remarked  to  him  that  I  had  just  the  right  title:  "Johnny  Apple- 
seed  Got  It  Wrong."  The  more  we  considered  it,  the  more  charmed 
we  were  by  it,  and  we  decided  it  was  just  right 
for  pulling  the  wary  reader  into  a  thought-pro- 
voking article. 

But  still  we  are  atremble  with  fear  we  may 
offend  and  alienate  the  "Johnny  Appleseed 
Song"  lobby.  We  will  be  watching  the  mailbox. 

[ohnny  Appleseed  flourished  in  the  Midwest 
in  the  early  1800s.  His  real  name  was  John 
Chapman,  "(ohnny  Appleseed"  being  bestowed 
upon  him  by  his  frontier  neighbors  for  his  ardent 
way  of  distributing  apple  seeds  and  scions  in 
central  and  southern  Ohio.  It  puzzles  me  that 
no  one  (so  far  as  I  know)  has  made  a  Brethren 
connection  for  this  almost  legendary  figure. 
We  come  up  with  tales  of  Brethren  who  sup- 
posedly knew  figures  from  American  history 
and  legend  such  as  Abe  Lincoln,  John  Brown, 
Jesse  James,  and  Annie  Oakley.  Surely  Johnny 
Appleseed  neighbored  with  some  Brethren  pio- 
neer along  the  Ohio. 

I  can  easily  picture  Johnny  pausing  from  his 
appleseed  plantings  and  thanksgiving  paeans  to  test  the 
teachings  of  Emanuel  Swedenborg  against  those  of 
Alexander  Mack  before  some  Dunker  hearth.  Even  as 
I  write,  I  regret  my  shortsightedness  in  not  checking 
this  out  beforehand  with  prominent  Brethren  historian 
David  Eller  of  the  Elizabethtown  College  faculty,  one 
of  whose  areas  of  expertise  is  Ohio  Brethren  history  and  whose  recent 
employment  has  been  with  the  Swedenborg  Foundation.  The  foun- 
dation distributes  the  writings  of  Swedenborg  that  Johnny  Appleseed 
set  such  store  by. 

But  this  narrow  window  of  opportunity  to  talk  of  Johnny  Appleseed 
is  now  open,  and  my  November  deadline  is  upon  me.  I  will  be  wait- 
ing to  hear  from  either  historian  Eller  or  anyone  else  who  can  speak 
definitively  about  Johnny  Appleseed.  Meanwhile,  the  Lord  having  been 
good  to  us,  let  us  see  that  his  bounty  is  equally  shared  by  everyone. 


Johnny  Appleseed  could  easily 

have  had  Brethren  neighbors 
as  recipients  of  his  apple 
seeds  and  hearers  of  his 
Swedenborgian  discourses. 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

November  1997  Messenger  1 

HI  Tom 

McPherson  College  student 

Mike  Horner  makes  his  own 

dummies  and  writes  his  own 

scripts  for  his  popular 

ventriloquist  shows. 

Mixing  with  dummies 

A  sky-blue  anteater  with  a  long  snout 
swivels  its  bulging  eyes  toward  the 

ventriloquist.  Then,  through  Mike  Horner's 

unmoving  lips  comes  the  question:  "Are 

you  sure?" 
Mike,  a  McPherson  College  student  from 

Wiley  (Colo.)  Church  of  the  Brethren,  began 
playing  with  dis- 
carded and 
prototype  puppets 
from  his  parents" 
puppet  ministry 
when  he  was  three. 
When  he  was  10, 
his  dad  bought  him 
a  book  on  ventrilo- 
quism. During  high 
school,  he  per- 
formed for  birthday 
parties,  banquets, 
and  pre-school 

Now  Mike  has  a 
repertoire  of  pol- 
ished routines  for 
four  regular  dum- 
mies, including 
"The  Amazing 
Randy"  and 
"Oliver  the  Old 
Man."  He  often 
provides  the  chil- 
dren's story  at 

McPherson  Church  of  the  Brethren  and  is 

noted  for  getting  his  point  across. 
Last  March,  Mike  was  the  city  of 

McPherson's  entertainer  for  its  promo- 

tional Friday's  Brown  Bag  Lunch.  Later,  hn 
entertained  at  the  inauguration  of  McPher 
son  College's  new  president,  Gary  Dill. 

For  that  event,  Mike  sought  some  help. 
At  the  National  Ventriloquists  Convention 
in  1995,  he  had  met  several  professional 
ventriloquists.  "I  contacted  one  of  those  bj 
e-mail,"  he  said.  "We  did  some  extensive 
'chatting'  as  I  formulated  a  fresh  routine 
for  that  inauguration  performance." 

Mike  is  partial  to  certain  audiences:  "I 
like  best  to  perform  for  multi-age  groups, 
such  as  families  at  church  potlucks  and  at 
McPherson  choir  tour  concerts." 

In  front  of  a  mirror,  Mike  works  alone  to 
polish  his  dummy's  act.  He  often  resorts  .to 
a  collection  of  joke  books  for  developing 
new  routines. 

In  addition  to  writing  his  own  material, 
Mike  creates  his  own  dummies.  "I  picked 
up  pointers  at  a  how-to  workshop,"  he 
explained.  "Buying  a  custom-made  dummy 
would  cost  me  about  $400.  But  with  $30 
worth  of  fabric,  stuffing,  and  other  mater- 
ial, I  make  my  own  dummy." 

When  1  talked  with  Mike  in  late  spring, 
he  was  soon  to  attend  the  1997  National 
Ventriloquists  Convention  in  Las  Vegas. 
He  had  entered  competition  there  last  year, 
but  hadn't  won.  "I  won't  be  competing  this 
year,"  Mike  told  me,  "but  classes  at  'Mac' 
will  be  over,  and  1  plan  to  perform  in  the 
'Open  Mike  Session.'" 

Manny  the  anteater  turned  and  inquired, 
"Are  you  sure  finals  will  be  over?" 

Mike  stared  into  Manny's  eyes.  "I'm 
sure,"  he  replied. — Irene  S.  Reynolds 

Irene  S.  Reynolds  is  a  freelance  writer  from 
Lawrence.  Kan. 

A  dean's  centennial 

Bridgewater  College  had 
planned  a  long  time  to  cele- 
brate the  birthday.  But  not 
only  was  there  the  usual  risk 
and  nervousness  connected 
to  planning  a  centenarian's 
birthday  party:  With  this 
party,  the  honoree  was  liter- 
ally tested  by  fire. 

Earlier  this  year,  fohn  W. 
Boitnott,  who  lives  in 

Bridgewater,  was  injured  in 
a  house  fire  and  hospitalized 
for  a  time.  But  he  recovered, 
and  his  birthday  party  took 
place  as  planned  on  August 
29,  appropriately  held  in  the 
college's  Boitnott  Room. 
After  teaching  stints  at 
McPherson  College  and 
Manchester  College,  John 
returned  to  Bridgewater, 
his  alma  mater  (class  of 
1925)  in  1947,  and  had  a 

20-year  tenure  there  as 
academic  dean. 

Along  with  John's  wife, 
Nell,  of  72  years,  there  were 
many  Boitnotts  on  hand, 
including  kinfolks  from 
Boones  Mill,  Va.,  where  John 
was  born  in  1897.  Also  pre- 
sent were  Bridgewater's  two 
living  presidents — Wayne 
Geisert,  on  whose  1965 
inauguration  committee 
John  served  as  chairman; 

2  Messenger  November  1997 

nd  Phillip  Stone,  Geisert's 
accessor  ( 1 994) ,  who  was  a 
ridgewater  senior  in  1965. 
As  he  hugged  birthday 
arty  guests  and  shook 
leir  hands,  |ohn  as- 
Dunded  everyone  with  his 
nack  for  remembering 
ames.  But  it  shouldn't 
ave  surprised  anyone.  Af- 

lohn  W.  Boitnott 

cer  all,  John  passes  his  time 
these  days  immersed  in  his 
favorite  hobby  —  genealogy. 

For  that,  it's  handy  to  be 
a  centenarian;  you're  your 
own  best  informant. 

Names  in  the  news 

Ernest  and  Alice  Spoerlein 

of  Oak  Park  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  Oakland,  Md., 
their  family,  and  a  deceased 
uncle,  Ralph  Spoerlein  of 
New  Windsor,  Md.,  were 
honored  July  22  when  Spo- 
erlein Lecture  Hall  was 
dedicated  at  Bridgewater 
College.  Ralph  Spoerlein  left 
the  college  over  $1.1  million. 

•  Jeff  and  lean  Graham 
of  Mexico  (Ind.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren  spent  August 
6—22  in  Trivandrum,  India, 
preaching  and  teaching  as 
participants  in  the  All  India 
Prayer  Fellowship. 

Dennis  Frye  long  ago  reconciled  his  Brethren  pacifism  and  his 

involvement  with  Civil  War  battle  reenactnients.  Antietain's 
"little  Dunkard  church" symbolizes  his  heritage. 

Battlefield  pacifist 

When  the  Associated  Press  picked  up  on  a  story 
related  to  a  reenactment  of  the  Civil  War  battle  of 
Antietam,  it  put  a  Church  of  the  Brethren  pacifist  into  the 
newspaper  headlines. 

Dennis  Frye,  a  member  of  Brownsville  (Md.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren  is  president  of  the  Association  for  the  Preser- 
vation of  Civil  War  Sites  and  co-chairman  of  the  Antietam 
Commemoration  Committee.  During  the  reenactment  in 
September,  he  provided  play-by-play  commentary  for  the 
thousands  of  spectators. 

As  a  pacifist,  Dennis  had  no  interest  in  deeper  participa- 
tion. "My  role,"  he  said,  "is  that  of  an  educator,  helping 
people  understand  why  fellow  Americans  were  killing  each 
other  at  Antietam." 

The  carnage  on  Sept.  17,  1862,  some  23,000  soldiers 
killed,  set  a  record  for  any  one  day's  fighting  ever  engag- 
ing American  forces.  "None  of  us  can  comprehend  the 
horror  of  Antietam,"  Dennis  reflected.  "This  represented 
American's  self-inflicted  holocaust." 

He  is  very  aware  of  the  stark  symbolism  of  the  famous 
"little  Dunker  meetinghouse"  around  which  the  great 
battle  swirled,  and  the  irony  of  the  warfare  that  over- 
whelmed it  in  1862. 

Dennis  speaks  of  Antietam  with  authority.  For  20  years  he 
has  worked  as  a  historian  at  Harpers  Ferry  National  Park, 
giving  him  intimate  knowledge  of  Civil  War  times  and  events. 
The  Antietam  site  is  just  10  miles  away,  and  near  Brownsville 
as  well.  "This  is  my  history,  my  heritage,"  Dennis  says. 

Dennis  was  an  In  Touch  subject  in  the  March  1992 
Messenger.  What  he  said  then  still  applies.  Speaking  of 
Brethren  pacifism  represented  by  the  restored  Dunker 
meetinghouse,  he  said,  "In  a  sense,  I  am  the  embodiment 
of  the  faith  in  that  church  on  that  battlefield." 


John  B.  Grimley,  82,  died 
Sept.  17  in  Ephrata,  Pa. 
From  1945  to  1966,  he 
served  as  a  missionary  in 
Nigeria.  John  was  known 
not  only  for  his  zeal  in 
spreading  the  gospel,  but 
also  for  his  artist's  skill  in 
capturing  the  Nigerian 
landscape  and  people  on 

canvas;  and  his  hobbies 
relative  to  Nigerian 
wildlife.  He  illustrated 
Children  of  the  Bush  Coun- 
try (a  Grimley  family  saga 
written  by  his  wife,  Mil- 
dred), in  addition  to  other 
books  on  Nigeria. 

November  1997  Messenger  3 



EYN  women  have  new  set  of  wheels 

The  General  Board  has  used  Africa  and  Middle  East 
budget  monies  to  purchase  a  new  Toyota  van  for 
Zumuntar  Matan  Ekklesiya,  the  women's  fellowship  of  EYN 
(Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Nigeria).  The  new  vehicle  replaced 
a  15-year-old  van  that  had  long  since  seen  its  best  days. 
The  van  is  used  to  fetch  women  to  ZME  meetings  and 

ZME  sisters  added 

their  special  twist  to 

dedication  traditions  by 

giving  their  new  van  a 

ceremonial  car  wash. 

Some  brothers  joined  in 

the  merriment . 

training  sessions,  to  make  evangelism  visits,  and  to  trans- 
port crops  to  market  (crops  sold  to  fund  ZME  causes). 
A  large  crowd  was  on  hand  as  the  van  was  dedicated  at 
EYN  headquarters.  In  a  letter  of  appreciation  to  the  USA 
church,  ZME  officers  Kwanye  Toma,  Rubecca  Kwabe,  and 
lummai  Ayuba  wrote:  "We  register  our  appreciation  and  hap- 
piness over  this  assistance  in  continuing  the  work  of  |esus. 
We  assure  you  that  the  vehicle  will  be  used  judiciously " 

Let's  celebrate 

Bethel  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  near  Everett,  Pa., 
celebrated  its  quasquicen- 
tennial  (125th  anniversary) 
Aug.  3,  with  an  all-day  event 
beginning  with  morning 
worship.  A  written  and 
graphic  history  of  Bethel 
was  displayed. 

•  Modesto  (Calif.)  Church 

of  the  Brethren  is  celebrating 
its  75th  anniversary  Nov. 
8—9.  Included  are  a  showing 
of  historical  slides,  a  talent 
show  and  dinner,  and  remi- 
niscing. An  anniversary 
anthem  has  been  composed 
by  members  Gene  Palsgrove 
and  lames  Worthington. 
Gene  Hipskind,  Pacific 
Southwest  District  executive, 
preaches  Sunday  morning. 

•  New  Salem  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  near  Milford,  i 
Ind.,  celebrated  its  centen- 
nial Sept.  14-15.  Speakers 
for  morning  worship  were 
Lester  Young  and  Eldon 
Morehouse.  A  musical  pro- 
gram, "Sounds  of  Salsa,' 
featured  the  Bittersweet 
Gospel  Band. 

This  and  that 

Independence  (Kan.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren  dedi 
cated  a  new  elevator  this  pas 
|une  1 ,  with  89  members  an( 
visitors  present.  Other  activi 
ties  included  a  praise  and 
worship  service  with  Randy 
and  Donna  Handly  and  a 

Independence  folks  made 
their  building  user-friendlier 
by  adding  an  outside  elevator 

potluck.  A  congregation 
of  57  members,  Indepen- 
dence will  celebrate  its 
quasquicentennial  (125th 
anniversary)  in  2000. 

•  Western  Plains  Dis- 
trict has  produced  a  video 
to  be  used  as  an  introduc- 
tion to  Chalmer  Faw's  book 
Commentary  on  the  Book  of 

4  Messenger  November  1997 


The  Friendship  Community  Creative  Movement  Team  added  its 
bit  of  variety  to  morning  worsiiip  at  Hempfield  Cliiirch  of 
'■Iw  Bretliren  on  tite  congregation's  "Friendship  Sunday." 

jFrieiidship  Sunday 

hen  Hempfield  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Manheim, 
Pa.,  celebrated  "Friendship  Sunday"  this  past 
Slimmer,  special  guests  were  the  Friendship  Community  Wor- 
ship Team  and  Creative  Movement  Team  from  Lancaster,  Pa., 
aiul  the  Pleasant  View  Homes  Choir  from  Harrisonburg,  Va. 

friendship  Community  and  Pleasant  View  Homes  are 
providers  of  residential  services  for  adults  with  mental  dis- 
abilities. The  worship  team  and  choir  led  in  the  congrega- 
tions morning  worship. 

Many  Friendship  Community  residents  and  others  from 
the  community  participate  in  Hempfield's  programs  for 
the  developmentally  disabled. 

Special  Friends"  is  a  Tuesday  game  night  of  recreation, 
crafts,  fellowship,  sing-a-longs,  and  other  activities. 

Expressions  of  Love  and  Praise"  is  a  worship  service  held 
the  first  Friday  of  each  month.  In  it,  the  developmentally 
disabled  assist  in  ushering,  song-leading,  greeting,  "prayer 
and  share"  time,  and  meditation.  "Camp  Sunshine"  is  a  day 
camp  for  the  disabled  staffed  by  Hempfield  volunteers. 

hunmier  service 

Manchester  College  demonstrated  again  its  serious- 
ness in  training  students  for  church  leadership  when 
20  of  its  students  fanned  out  this  past  summer  to  serve  in  a 
broad  range  of  Church  of  the  Brethren  programs. 

The  students  returned  to  school  this  fall  with  summer 
experiences  that  help  them  integrate  on-the-job  lessons 
into  the  college  classrooms. 

The  summer  workers  served  in  eight  different  Brethren 
ministries,  including  student  pastoring,  On  Earth  Peace 
Assembly's  conflict  resolution/mediation  program,  Ministry 
Summer  Service,  Youth  Peace  Travel  Team,  workcamp 
coordinating,  Washington  Office,  and  camp  counseling  at 
Camp  Woodland  Altars  and  Camp  Mack. 

Eleven  of  the  20  Manchester  students  headed  for  summer 

service  in  Bretliren  programs  were  mustered  for  a  photo: 
Wendy  Noffsinger.  Michael  Brinl<meier,  Carrie  Welter, 
Madalyn  Metzger,  Heather  Replogle.  Kim  Stuckey.  Dan 
Royer,  Richard  Stiver.  B.f.  Bucher,  Josh  Kline,  and  Dustin 
Brown.  The  group  served  in  eight  different  ministries. 

Acts.  The  video  features  the 
veteran  Nigeria  missionary 
and  Bethany  Seminary  pro- 
fessor discussing  his 
commentary.  The  footage 
was  shot  recently  by  David 
SoUenberger  of  Annville,  Pa. 
For  information,  call  (316) 

Campus  Comments 

Manchester  College  has 

been  named  to  the  John 
Templeton  Foundation's 

1997-1998  Honor  Roll  for 
Character  Building  Col- 
leges. The  honor  roll 
recognizes  colleges  and 
universities  that  emphasize 
character-building  as  an 
integral  part  of  the  college 
experience,  and  includes 
135  schools  from  42  states. 

•  McPherson  College, 
for  the  third  consecutive 
year,  had  its  new  students 
do  service  projects  as  part 
of  their  orientation.  The 
projects  reflect  McPher- 
son's  mission  "to  develop 

whole  persons  through 
scholarship,  participation, 
and  service."  One  of  the 
projects  was  assisting  with 
the  "Cedars  Olympics"  at 
The  Cedars,  a  Brethren 
retirement  community  in 

•  Manchester  College 
has  broken  ground  for  an 
expansion  to  its  athletic 
facility.  The  $1.3  million, 
18,338-square-foot  addi- 
tion includes  a  wrestling 
room,  a  fitness  center,  an 
aerobics  area,  and  faculty 

and  staff  offices.  The  fit- 
ness center  and  aerobics 
areas  will  be  available  to 
North  Manchester's  senior 
citizens  (20  percent  of  the 
town's  6,000  residents)  as 
well  as  the  college  students. 

"Close  to  Home" highlights  news  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

November  1997  Messenger  5 

Bethany's  Oak  Brook  property 
is  under  contract  to  be  sold 

What  has  been  known  as  "Bethany" 
to  Brethren  and  residents  of  Lom- 
bard and  Oak  Brook,  111.,  for  the  past 
three  decades  soon  may  have  a  new 





From  Bethany  to  Fountain 

Square.  These  buildings  in 

Oak  Brook,  III,  which  for 

50  years  served  as  Bethany 

Theological  Seminary's 

home,  were  scheduled  to  be 

razed  beginning  in  October. 

A  Chicago-based  firm  has 

contracted  with  Bethany  to 

purchase  the  land,  with  the 

intent  of  creating 

"Fountain  Square, "  a 

multi-use  development. 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/"Messenger 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  be  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

name — "Fountain  Square." 

The  51 -acre  property  in  unincor- 
porated DuPage  County,  which  used 
to  serve  as  Bethany  Theological 
Seminary's  home,  is  under  contract 
for  purchase  by  the  Shaw  Company 
of  Chicago,  111.  The  closing  of  the 
contract  is  contingent  on  the  prop- 
erty being  annexed  and  rezoned  by 
the  village  of  Lombard. 

Nevertheless,  the  razing  of  the 
buildings  was  scheduled  to  begin  in 
early  October,  so  that  construction 
can  begin  once  the  sale  is  finalized. 
Hearings  related  to  Bethany's  pro- 
posed annexation  and  rezoning  were 
scheduled  to  begin  in  late  October  or 
early  November. 

Once  Shaw  acquires  the  property  it 
will  begin  converting  the  land  into 
"Fountain  Square" — a  mixed-use 
development  consisting  of  residen- 
tial, retail,  restaurant,  hotel,  and 
commercial  uses.  Plans  also  include 
extensive  landscaping — including 
large  areas  of  "green  space" — and 
the  creation  of  large  decorative 

This  land  served  as  Bethany's 

home  from  1963  (when  the  seminary] 
moved  from  Chicago's  inner  city  to 
what  was  then  rural  countryside)  un-- 
til  mid- 1994,  when  Bethany  relo- 
cated to  Richmond,  Ind. 

"The  seminary  moved,  in  part,  be-  I  f 
cause  the  rapidly  rising  cost  of  main 
taining  the  aging  and  extensive  phys 
ical  plant,  which  was  diverting  signif-[™ 
icant  resources  from  the  educational ' 
mission  of  the  seminary,"  said  Gene 
Roop,  Bethany  president.  "Fulfilling 
its  educational  responsibility  to  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  depends  on 
realizing  the  full  market  value  of  the 
property  through  redevelopment."  ■ 

Roop  added,  "The  sale  will  enable 
Bethany  to  retire  its  debt,  both  the 
money  loaned  by  Brethren  Benefit 
Trust  and  the  endowment  debt  that 
stretches  back  to  1978." 

Roop  also  said  Bethany's  board  is 
excited  about  the  property's  prospects. 

"The  Bethany  Board  of  Trustees  has 
looked  carefully  at  it,  and  we  all  feel 
like  this  can  successfully  resolve  the 
ongoing  responsibility  to  sell  the 
land,"  he  said. 

Conflict  resolution  to  be  the 
focus  of  a  camping  conference 

A  national  camping  conference  deal- 
ing with  conflict  resolution  will  be 
held  Nov.  21-23  at  Shepherd's 
Spring,  a  Church  of  the  Brethren 
camp  in  Sharpsburg,  Md.  Sessions 
will  give  both  the  theological  founda- 
tion of  nonviolent  action  and  practi- 
cal experience  in  basic  conflict  reso- 
lution tools.  The  conference  will  be 
designed  for  camp  counselors,  camp 
deans,  directors  and  managers,  camp 
management  teams,  camp  board  and 
committee  members,  and  district  and 
congregational  youth  advisers. 

The  conference  is  sponsored  by 
Outdoor  Ministries  Association  and 
On  Earth  Peace  Assembly. 

Noelle  Dulabaum-Bohrer  (a  social 
worker  for  School  District  U-46  in 
Elgin,  111.,  and  a  violence  prevention 

6  Messenger  November  1997 

pccialist)  and  Matt  Guynn  (who 

orks  with  George  Lakey  and  the  or- 
iiiiization  Training  for  Change,  a 

ra^sroots  training  center  in  Philadei- 
ihia),  will  serve  as  leaders.  Both  are 

raduates  of  Manchester  College  and 
loth  serve  on  key  OEPA  committees. 

The  conference  will  also  include 
worship,  fellowship,  an  OMAbusi- 
less  meeting,  and  an  OMA  auction, 
k'gistration  is  $50.  For  more  infor- 
na\ion  call  OMA  at  (407)  293-3481. 

jluniata  College  holds  fifth 
annual  international  seminar 

The  1997  International  Seminar  on 
\inis  Control  and  Disarmament,  a 
v'carly  event  sponsored  by  the  Baker 
i'cace  Institute  of  luniata  (Pa.)  Col- 
cgc,  was  held  over  a  fortnight  in 
September  at  luniata's  Williamsburg 
(Pa.)  Conference  Center,  in  Washing- 
ton, D.C.,  and  at  the  United  Nations. 

Representatives  from  five  West 
African  nations  participated  in  this 
year's  event,  along  with  representatives 
from  the  United  Nations,  the  Geneva 
International  Peace  Research  Institute, 
tand  the  Baker  Peace  Institute. 

"The  goal  of  the  seminar  is  to  build 
a  lasting  peace  in  regions  of  the 
world  where  conflicts  are  currently 
common,"  said  Michael  Emery,  luni- 
ata College's  Media  Relations  coor- 
dinator. "Achieving  such  a  goal  takes 
a  prolonged  commitment  from  all 
parties,  and  the  idea  is  to  dissemi- 
nate the  practical  skills  of  negotia- 
tion and  conflict  resolution  to  those 
who  will  educate  their  nations'  future 

Countries  represented  at  this  year's 
seminar  were  Burkina  Faso,  Cam- 
eroon, Chad,  Ghana,  and  Mali. 

"This  is  a  region  that  has  potential 
for  a  lot  of  progress,"  said  Andrew 
Murray,  Baker  Peace  Institute  direc- 
tor and  member  of  Stone  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  Huntingdon,  Pa.  "We 
hope  to  continue  taking  steps  in  that 

Interagency  Forum  convenes 
for  its  first  'official'  meeting 

The  Interagency  Forum,  a  group  that 
convened  unofficially  during  David 
Wine's  tenure  as  Annual  Conference 
moderator,  convened  in  August  for 
the  first  time  as  an  official  Annual 
Conference  body. 
The  forum,  which  includes  represen- 

NYC  '98  registration  packets 
sent  to  youth  advisers 

National  Youth  Conference  '98 
registration  packets,  which  in- 
cluded information  about  NYC  '98 
and  other  NYC  and  Youth/Young 
Adult  Ministry  related  items,  were 
mailed  in  late  September  to  all  con- 
gregational and  district  youth  ad- 
visers. NYC  registrations  will  be  ac- 
cepted Jan.  1  through  May  1.  Cost- 
for  the  conference  will  be  $3 1 5. 

NYC  coordinators  are  also  look- 
ing for  people  two  years  removed 
from  high  school  and  older  to  serve 

tatives  from  Annual  Conference  and 
its  three  agencies,  serves  "as  a  setting 
for  communication  and  discussion  of 
program  initiatives  that  affect  the  de- 
nomination, enabling  the  various 
agencies  and  institutions  to  carry  out 
their  mission  and  responsibilities  co- 
operatively and  more  effectively,"  ac- 
cording to  the  proposal  that  was  ap- 
proved by  Standing  Committee. 

as  youth  workers  at  the  quadren- 
nial conference.  In  return  for  this 
work,  the  NYC  Office  will  pay  for 
youth  workers'  registration  and 
half  of  their  travel  expenses.  Appli- 
cation deadline  is  Dec.  1. 

NYC  coordinators  also  are  look- 
ing for  speech  contest  participants. 
Speeches  are  to  focus  on  the  NYC 
theme,  ". . .  with  Eyes  of  Faith," 
based  on  2  Corinthians  5:7,  Hebrews 
11:1,  and  Mark  10:46-52.  Entry 
deadline  is  Jan.  1. 

For  more  NYC-related  informa- 
tion, call  (800)  323-8039  or  write 
to  CoB. Youth. parti@Ecunet. Org. 

National  Youth  Cabinet.  This  year's  members  include  (First  Row)  Ryan 
Bowers,  Brian  Yoder,  Karen  Miller,  Chris  Douglas,  and  Janelle  Wilkinson. 
(Second  Row)  John  Eshleman,  Eric  Bishop,  Matt  Rittle,  and  foy  Struble. 
(Third  Row)  Jaime  Eller,  Janice  Bowman,  and  Emily  Shonk.  In  September 
this  group  met  in  Colorado  to  plan  National  Youth  Conference  '98,  which 
is  scheduled  for  July  28 — Aug.  2  in  the  Centennial  State. 

November  1997  Messenger  7 


Over  $80,000  is  allocated  in 
September  by  EOF  and  GFCF 

Five  grants  totaling  $82,000  were  al- 
located in  September  by  two  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board's  disaster  funds. 

Two  grants  were  approved  for  aid 
to  North  Korea.  A  $25,000  Global 
Food  Crisis  Fund  grant  was  used  to 
purchase  60  tons  of  winter  wheat 
seed.  When  harvested,  the  wheat  will 
provide  a  daily  ration  of  450  grams 
for  10,000  people  for  one  year,  said 
David  Radcliff,  director  of  the  Gen- 
eral Board's  Brethren  Witness  Office. 

General  Board  vice-chairwoman 
Lori  Knepp  was  scheduled  to  join 
Radcliff  on  an  assessment  visit  to 
North  Korea  in  early  October.  One 
goal  of  their  trip  was  to  visit  the 
Kumchon  cooperative  where 
Brethren-supplied  barley  seed  and 
hybrid  corn  have  been  planted. 

Miller  Davis,  who  administers  the 
Emergency  Disaster  Fund,  had  a 
$7,000  request  approved  to  cover  the 
cost  of  shipping  winter  clothing  to 
North  Korea.  This  is  part  of  a 
$50,000  clothing  shipment  from 
Church  World  Service. 

Other  EDF  grants  approved  in 
September  were: 

•  $20,000  to  establish  a  long-term 
rebuilding  project  in  North  Dakota 
or  Minnesota,  in  response  to  last 
spring's  flooding  of  the  Red  River. 

•  $20,000  to  support  the  Church  of 
the  Brethren's  ongoing  rebuilding 
project  in  Cynthiana,  Ky.,  in  the  after- 
math of  flooding. 

•  $10,000  in  re- 

Famine  is  afflicting 
North  Korea  as  the 
result  of  two  years 
offloading  fol- 
lowed by  a  summer 
of  drought.  In  mid- 
September,  food  5_ 
rations  were  report-   ^ 
edtobe  100-150  | 
grams  per  day.    & 

8  Messenger  November  1997 

sponse  to  ongoing  needs  in  the 
former  Yugoslavia. 

Annual  auction  raises  over 
$550,000  for  disaster  relief 

The  21st  Annual  Brethren  Disaster 
Relief  Auction,  sponsored  by  Atlantic 
Northeast  and  Southern  Pennsylva- 
nia districts,  was  held  Sept.  26-27  at 
the  Lebanon  (Pa.)  Area  Fairgrounds. 

This  event  included  the  auctioning 
of  livestock,  quilts,  and  other  goods, 
plus  the  sale  of  baked  goods,  produce, 
and  other  items,  raising  $400,000. 
About  7,500  people  attended. 

Additional  funds  have  also  been 
raised  from  the  sale  of  a  house  built 
in  1996  by  Southern  Pennsylvania 
District,  from  the  auction's  annual 
kick-off  dinner,  and  from  several  do- 
nations to  the  auction's  endowment. 

Thus  far  this  year,  $552,579  has 
been  raised.  And  there  could  be  more: 
A  house  constructed  over  the  past 
year  by  Atlantic  Northeast  District  in 
Mount  [oy,  Pa.,  is  still  for  sale. 

Most  of  the  money  raised  from  the 
auction  goes  to  the  General  Board's 
Emergency  Disaster  Fund  for  world- 
wide disaster  response. 

ABC  board  accepts  staff 
change,  charts  future  course 

Transitions  and  new  beginnings 
marked  the  Association  of  Brethren 

Caregivers'  (ABC)  board  meeting, 
Sept.  12-13,  in  Elgin,  111.,  as  this  was 
the  board's  first  meeting  since  the 
General  Board  in  March  voted  to  for- 
mally separate  from  ABC  as  of  Jan.  1. 

The  ABC  board  accepted  the  resig- 
nation of  lay  Gibble,  executive  direc- 
tor, effective  Dec.  31.  Steve  Mason, 
currently  ABC  executive  director 
designate,  will  succeed  Gibble,  who 
had  been  expected  to  serve  through 
1998.  Gibble  will  remain  with  ABC 
in  a  half-time,  field  staff  position. 

The  ABC  board  also: 

•  learned  that  it  has  been  autho- 
rized to  sponsor  Insight  Sessions  for 
the  1998  Annual  Conference. 

•  approved  the  acceptance  of  a 
domestic  violence-related  assignment 
from  the  1997  Annual  Conference 

•  approved  hosting  another  Caring 
Ministries  2000  conference  in  1999. 

BBT  board  examines  offering 
mutual  funds  to  individuals 

The  offering  of  mutual  funds  to  indi- 
vidual Church  of  the  Brethren  mem- 
bers is  a  potential  service  being  exam- 
ined by  Brethren  Benefit  Trust.  At  its 
special  meeting  in  August,  the  BBT 
board  approved  allocating  funds  and 
proceeding  with  the  initial  develop- 
ment of  a  mutual  fund  offering  and  a 
feasibility  survey  of  members.  Staff  are 
expected  to  make  further  recommen- 
dations at  the  board's  next  meeting. 
The  BBT  board  also  approved: 

•  guidelines  under  which  the 
Brethren  Foundation  may  provide 
services  to  non-Brethren  agencies. 

•  expanding  pastoral  compensa- 
tion and  benefits  services. 

•  offering  a  full  range  of  managed 
care  medical  options  to  eligible  plan 
members  where  available. 

•  establishing  a  participation  mini- 
mum for  districts  that  contract  for 
medical  insurance  for  their  pastors 
outside  the  Brethren  Medical  Plan. 

The  BBT  board  will  next  meet 
Nov.  21-22. 



Chris  Bowman,  chairman  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board  and  pastor  of  Martinsburg  (Pa.)  Memorial  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  in  late  September  experienced  a  major  flare-up  of  his 
multiple  sclerosis,  causing  vision  and  speech  problems  and  numb- 
mess.  He  received  a  heavy  steroid  treatment,  and  his  attendance  at 
General  Board  meetings,  Oct.  18-21,  was  canceled. 

A  Cooperative  Disaster  Ctiild  Care  Training  Worksliop 

I  has  been  scheduled  for  Dec.  4-5  at  Leon!  Meadows  Christian 
Retreat  Center,  Grizzly  Flats,  Calif.  To  attend,  registration  forms 
must  be  returned  by  Nov.  13.  Cost  is  $25.  For  more  information, 
contact  Leslie  Anderson  at  (510)  685-4300. 

Thirty-seven  thousand  youth  gathered  in  New  Orleans' 
Superdome,  July  23-27,  for  the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  of 
America's  Youth  Gathering.  Throughout  the  conference,  worship 
services  focused  on  Jesus'  walk  through  Holy  week.  At  one  ser- 
vice, which  focused  on  Maundy  Thursday,  each  participant  was 
given  a  cross  purchased  from  SERRV  International,  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren  self-help  handcrafts  ministry.  These  crosses 
came  from  Shepherds  Fields  in  Jerusalem. 

During  the  service's  passing  of  the  peace,  each  participant 
placed  a  cross  on  a  friend.  Law  Buttner  said  youth  wore  those 

ELCA  youth  at  their  convention  in  July  participate  in  a 
Maundy  Thursday -focused  worship  service  wearing 
crosses  purchased  from  SERRV  International. 

crosses  throughout  the  remainder  of  the  conference.  Law  But- 
tner also  led  workshops  during  which  she  explained  how  people 
can  "become  involved  in  the  SERRV  program  and  dramatically 
affect  the  lives  of  thousands  in  the  developing  world." 

Seven  worl(camps  will  be  offered  to  Church  of  the  Brethren  youth 
and  young  adults  in  1998.  These  annual  workcamps,  coordinated 
by  the  General  Board's  Youth  and  Young  Adult  Ministries,  are  being 
greatly  reduced  for  1998  because  of  National  Youth  Conference. 
Workcamps  to  be  offered  are  (Young  Adult)  San  Salvador,  El 
Salvador,  June  5-14.  (Senior  High)  Dominican  Republic,  June 
14-23;  and  Si  Croix,  Virgin  Islands,  June  22-28.  (Junior  High) 
Harrisburg,  Pa.,  June  17-21;  Orlando,  Fla.,  July  5-9;  Indianapo- 

Adrienne  Longenecker, 

member  of  White  Oak 
Church  of  the  Brethren, 
Manheim,  Pa.,  shares  a 
moment  with  a  new 
neighborhood  friend 
during  this  year's  Youth 
and  Young  Adult  Min- 
istry workcamp  in  the 
Germantown  com- 
munity of  Philadelphia. 

lis,  Ind.,  July  8-12;  and  Washington,  D.C.,  Aug.  12-16. 

Workcamp  fees  will  range  between  $1 60  and  $500.  For  more 
information,  contact  Emily  Shonk  at  (800)  323-8039. 

SueZann  Bosler,  who  with  her  father.  Bill,  former  pastor  of 
Miami  (Fla.)  First  Church  of  the  Brethren,  was  brutally  attacked 
in  1 986  and  left  to  die  (see  pages  1 2-1 7),  made  several  appear- 
ances on  national  television  in  September  and  October.  Bosler, 
who  was  featured  in  the  Aug.  18  Peop/e  magazine,  was  sched- 
uled to  appear  on  CBS  This  Morning,  48  Hours,  Larry  King  Live, 
and  Maury  Povich.  It  was  Bosler's  ongoing  witness  against  the 
death  penalty  that  attracted  the  national  media  attention. 

Kathryn  Radcliff  of  Elgin,  III.,  was  named  manager  of  the 
Brethren  Employees'  Credit  Union,  effective  Sept.  22.  Radcliff,  a 
member  of  Highland  Avenue  Church  of  the  Brethren,  Elgin,  had 
most  recently  owned  a  retail  bridal  salon.  She  has  an  undergrad- 
uate degree  from  National  Louis  University. 

The  Brethren  Employees  Credit  Union  has  1,714  members  and 
assets  of  nearly  $4.5  million.  People  eligible  to  become  mem- 
bers include  employees  of  Church  of  the  Brethren  organizations, 
their  spouses,  and  other  family  members. 

Four  youth/young  adults  are  being  sought  to  serve  on  next 
year's  Youth  Peace  Travel  Team,  a  ministry  in  which  the  team 
travels  to  various  camps  focusing  on  peace  education.  The  team 
is  sponsored  by  the  General  Board's  Youth  and  Young  Adult  Min- 
istries and  Brethren  Witness  Office,  and  by  On  Earth  Peace 
Assembly.  For  more  information,  contact  David  Radcliff,  director 
of  Brethren  Witness,  at  (800)  323-8039. 

Possible  action  on  a  number  of  peace-related  issues  was  the 
focus  of  a  mailing  in  September  from  the  General  Board's 
Brethren  Witness  office  to  684  congregational  peace  representa- 
tives. Recipients  of  the  mailing  included  people  trained  in  the 
Congregational  Peace  Coordinator  network,  a  cooperative  effort 
of  districts  and  the  General  Board,  as  well  as  people  listed  by 
their  congregations  as  peace  contacts.  Contact  David  Radcliff 
for  more  information  about  the  Peace  Coordinator  network. 

November  1997  Messenger  9 


apples  eed 

got  it  wrong 

BY  David  Radcliff 

Sorry  about  spoiling  that  rol- 
licking little  table  grace,  but 
lohnny  Appleseed  got  it  wrong 
about  the  Lord's  goodness  to  him.  Let 
me  be  clear:  I  believe  that  God  is  the 
giver  of  all  things  good  and  noble.  I 
believe  God  created  humankind  to  be 
wonderfully  inventive  and  resourceful. 
I  believe  that  God  created  the  uni- 
verse and  all  that  dwells  therein.  I  give 
God  credit — and  honor  and  praise — 
for  all  these  remarkable  gifts. 

I  just  can't  give  God  credit  for  the 
food  on  my  table.  Or  the  clothes  on 
my  back.  Or  the  good  year  the  com- 
pany had.  Or  the  prosperity  of  our 
nation.  I  do  freely  offer  God  praise 
for  food — and  for  the  earth  that 
brings  it  forth.  And  for  the  material 
world  that  offers  shelter  and  safety  for 
us  otherwise  quite  fragile  human 
beings.  And  for  the  ability  of  people  to 
work  together  for  the  common  good. 

I  just  don't — and  can't — give  credit 
to  God  specifically  for  the  food  set 
before  me,  or  the  prosperity  that  has 
come  to  me  and  mine,  or  us  and  ours. 
My  reason  is  simple:  Once  these  are 
considered  God's  blessings  to  any  one 
of  us,  or  group  of  us,  in  particular, 
they  become  an  entitlement.  They 
become  something  we  believe  we  have 
a  right  to  take  and  enjoy  because, 
after  all,  God  has  given  them  to  us. 

In  other  words,  if  we  can  give  God 
credit  for  the  abundance  we  experi- 
ence, then  we  are  under  little 
obligation  to  look  closely  at  how  and 
why  we  have  so  much,  when  others 
have  so  little.  For  instance,  we  hear 
that  folks  like  us  have  consumed  as 

10  Messenger  November  1997 

If  ive  can  give  Cod 

credit  for  tite 

abundance  we 

experience,  tlien  we 

are  under  tittle 

obligation  to  look 

closely  at  how  and 

why  we  have  so 

much,  when  others 

have  so  little. 

much  in  the  past  50  years  as  the 
whole  world  had  consumed  up  to 
that  point  in  history.  Yet,  a  billion  of 
our  neighbors  still  exist  on  less  than 
a  dollar  a  day.  How  can  we  account 
for  this?  We  don't  really  have  to  if  we 
believe  that  the  prosperity  we  enjoy  is 
attributable  to  God's  blessing. 

At  best,  when  confronted  with  this 
glaring  gap  between  "us"  and 
"them,"  we  may  be  moved  to  charity. 
We  may  be  willing  to  share  some  of 
what  we  have  with  those  who  have  so 
little.  This  is  noble,  and  even  biblical 
...  as  far  as  it  goes. 

But  when  was  the  last  time  that  feel- 
ings of  charity  moved  us  to  make  a 
real  sacrifice  on  behalf  of  others,  par- 
ticularly those  beyond  our  immediate 
community?  To  sell  one  of  our  cars, 
or  redirect  a  chunk  of  our  invest- 
ments, or  decline  to  buy  all  the  house 
we  could  afford?  Or  when  has  charity 
caused  us  to  look  closely  at  a  world 
system  that  rewards  those  who  exploit 

the  labor  of  children  and  others  with- 
out power,  or  that  wreaks  havoc  with 
the  ecosystem — all  in  the  name  of 
profit  and  a  more  affluent  lifestyle  for 
a  few  of  the  world's  people? 

When  we  see  the  abundance  some 
of  us  experience  as  God's  blessing,  it 
keeps  us  from  asking  the  questions 
that  could  change  our  lives,  and 
change  our  world.  This,  of  course,  is 
in  our  "best  interest."  Many  of  us  in  a 
church  such  as  ours  have  benefited 
enormously  from  the  way  things  are 
in  our  world.  And  we  may  not  want 
to  entertain  the  thought  that  rather 
than  being  an  expression  of  God's 
blessing,  our  own  prosperity  may  be 
part  of  a  larger  situation  that  God  is 
actually  working  to  change.  The  key 
is  whether  we  accept  the  widely 
accepted  belief — at  least  in  more 
prosperous  circles — that  God  is 
responsible  for  our  abundance.  If  so, 
we  can  pray  without  a  hint  of  ambiva- 
lence, "Thank  you.  Lord,  for  this 
food  and  for  the  bounty  you  have 
bestowed  on  us."  The  Bible,  however, 
points  us  in  a  different  direction. 

In  creation,  God  brought  a  world 
into  being  that  was  rich  and  full.  Into 
this  world,  humankind  was  placed, 
represented  in  adam,  the  Hebrew 
word  for  human.  Adam  was  given 
opportunity  to  enjoy  the  bounty  of 
God's  created  order.  Created  in 
God's  image,  these  humans  were  also 
to  exercise  dominion  over  this  world, 
utilizing  it  in  a  way  fitting  those  who 
represent  God  here  on  earth.  And  this 
world,  indeed,  reflected  God's  bless- 
ing. Streams  and  forests,  plants  and 
animals,  sun,  moon,  and  stars  above. 
Assuredly,  the  human  family  would 

36  blessed  by  the  world  into  which 
jod  had  placed  it. 

This  arrangement  quickly  proved 
nadequate,  however.  Given  domin- 
on,  humanity  soon  sought  power. 
The  human  family  traveled  only  a  few 
scriptural  verses  before  rivalry  and 
competition  began  to  replace  peace- 
ful coexistence  as  the  primary  mode 
of  human  behavior.  Tellingly,  the  first 
murder  turned  on  a  dispute  over  who 
had  received  God's  blessing. 

After  several  chapters  of  chaos, 
lailures,  and  fitful  new  starts,  God 
ag;iin  sought  to  bestow  blessing.  This 
time,  the  chosen  ones  were  not  so 
much  blessed  themselves,  as  they 
were  the  bearers  of  God's  blessing. 
Through  Abram  and  Sarai,  all  the 
nations  of  the  world  are  to  be 
blessed.  Once  again,  the  blessing  of 
God  was  not  placed  on  one  person  or 
group  for  their  sake  alone,  but  so 
that  God's  goodness  would  extend  to 
the  far  reaches  of  the  human  family. 

The  coming  of  Christ  lesus  is  the 
definitive  word  concerning  God's 
blessing.  In  Christ,  God  clearly 
sought  to  extend  blessing  to  those 
people  thought  to  be  beyond  its 
reach.  Old  categories  of  people 
excluded  from  the  possibility  of 
blessing  were  shattered.  No  longer 
were  enemies  any  less  deserving  of 
the  blessing  of  life  than  one's  friends. 
Women  and  children  could  not  be 
kept  from  the  blessing  of  the 
Master's  presence.  Sinners  and  out- 
casts were  as  vulnerable  to  blessing 
—  or  perhaps  more  so — as  the  pious 
and  pompous.  And  in  the  "categori- 
cal" redefinition  of  blessing  that  we 
call  the  beatitudes,  blessing  is 
extended  to  the  poor,  the  sorrowful, 
those  thirsting  for  righteousness,  the 
ones  passionate  for  peace.  The  gate 
to  blessing  is  swung  open  wide  to 
invite  in  those  not  usually  included. 

Regarding  material  goods,  these  were 
much  more  likely  to  be  seen  by  Jesus  as 
an  obstacle  to  blessing  than  as  a  sign  of 
God's  blessing.  This  is  not  to  say  that 

lesus  despised  the  material  world.  lesus 
longed  for  the  hungry  to  be  fed,  the 
naked  clothed,  and  the  sick  made  well. 
What  he  didn't  do  was  single  out  mate- 
rial well-being  as  a  mark  of  God's 
special  favor  to  particular  people  or 
groups.  For  those  who  did,  and  who 
relied  on  this  as  an  excuse  for  their 
wanton  accumulation,  lesus  warned  of 
the  judgment  to  come.  His  disciples 
were  confounded  by  this  attitude: 
"Who,  then,  can  be  saved?"  they  asked 
incredulously.  In  other  words,  if  mater- 
ial prosperity  is  not  an  indication  of 
God's  favor,  then  pray  tell  what  is? 

If  there  is  any  one  thing  that  assured 
God's  blessing  in  |esus'  mind,  it  was 
the  commitment  to  understand  God's 
blessing  as  intended  for  all.  Beginning 
with  his  mother's  declaration  before  his 
birth,  lesus'  life  and  message  heralded 
a  true  new  world  order.  In  this  system, 
God's  goodness  is  available  to  all,  and 
particularly  to  those  who  have  been  tra- 
ditionally— and  systematically — denied 
it.  lesus'  call  to  his  followers  was  to  live 
toward  a  world  in  which  everyone  had 
equal  access  to  the  bounty  God  had 
intended  for  all.  |esus  railed  against  the 
greed,  gluttony,  and  sense  of  entitle- 
ment that  gave  some  people  unfettered 
access  to  the  blessings  of  God,  while 
others  were  kept  "under  the  curse"; 
that  is,  somehow  not  as  deserving  of 
God's  blessing  as  others. 

Jesus  knew  what  the  prophets  had 
sensed  centuries  before:  When 
some  people  are  seemingly 
excluded  from  receiving  God's  good- 
ness, it  is  much  more  likely  the  result 
of  human  manipulation  than  of  divine 
decision.  God's  earth  and  its  bounty, 
and  the  health  and  well-being  that  flow 
from  it,  are  the  rightful  inheritance  of 
all  people.  It  is  human  beings  that  so 
order,  or  dis-ovder.  this  bounty  so  that 
some  are  virtually  excluded  while 
others  are  magnificently  endowed. 
What  is  called  for  here  is  not  a 
denial  of  the  biblical  concept  of  bless- 
ing. Rather,  we  must  recover  a  more 

expansive  understanding  of  blessing. 
The  whole  earth  is  God's  blessing  to 
all  his  people.  We  can  rightfully  be 
thankful  for  this  blessedness,  though 
not  because  a  large  portion  of  it  has 
ended  up  on  our  plate  or  in  our 
garage.  We  are  thankful  for  the  way 
God  has  provided  for  our  world,  for 
the  way  we  have  been  given  the  intel- 
ligence to  use  this  blessing  for  the 
good  of  all,  for  the  possibility  of  a 
redeemed  life  that  can  see  our  world 
through  the  eyes  of  Christ. 

So,  yes,  we  thank  God  for  creation 
and  the  sustenance  it  provides.  But  then 
we  pray  for  the  day  when  all  God's 
people  have  the  access  they  need  to  this 
bounty,  so  as  to  ensure  them  a  healthy 
and  full  life.  In  short,  we  then  begin  to 
turn  toward  our  world  not  out  of 
charity,  but  out  of  a  deep  longing  for 
justice — a  longing  that  moves  us  to 
question  even  the  basis  of  our  own 
prosperity,  a  justice  that  gives  each  the 
opportunity  to  experience  the  blessing 
that  was  intended  for  all. 

So  long  as  we  continue  to  under- 
stand blessing  as  a  personal 
enrichment  system  validated  by 
divine  discretion,  we  will  not  need  to 
ask  the  questions — or  pray  the 
prayers — that  will  lead  to  transfor- 
mation of  ourselves  and  our  world. 
However,  should  we  gain  this  larger 
vision  of  God's  blessing  for  all 
people,  seeds  will  sprout  and  take 
root  in  our  lives  and  our  world  that 
will  bring  forth  blessing  for  all. 
Having  prayed  the  prayer  of  justice, 
"Thy  kingdom  come,  thy  will  be 
done,  on  earth  as  it  is  in  heaven,"  we 
can  pray  the  prayer  of  blessing, 
"Give  us  this  day  our  daily  bread." 
And  some  day  it  just  may  be  so. 

Meanwhile,  I'll  be  singing  "Oh,  the 
Lord's  been  good  to  us,  and  so  we 
thank  the  Lord,  for  giving  us  the 
things  ive  need  .  .  ."  and  thinking  of 
God's  bounty  intended  for  his 
children  everywhere. 

David  Radcliff  is  director  of  Brethren 
Witness  on  the  General  Board  staff. 


November  1997  Messenger  1 1 

SueZann  Bosler:  'I  forgive' 

Strengthened  by  her  Brethren  pacifism, 

she  held  for  over  10  years  to  her  determination  not  only 

to  forgive  the  man  who  had  murdered  her  father  and 

left  her  for  dead,  but  to  save  him  from  execution. 

BY  Sue  Wagner  Fields 

On  December  22,  1986,  the  city  of  Miami  and 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  community  were 
shocked  by  the  murder  of  Bill  Bosler,  pastor  of 
Miami  First  Church  of  the  Brethren.  The  intruder  into 
the  church  parsonage  not  only  killed  the  pastor,  but  also 
attacked  Bill's  daughter  SueZann,  stabbing  her  six  times 
and  leaving  her  for  dead. 

Ever  since  that  tragedy,  SueZann  and  the  members  of 
Miami  First  Church  of  the  Brethren  have  been  determined 
to  overcome  evil  with  good,  rather  than  being  overcome 
by  evil  themselves. 

The  small  congregation,  despite  the  risk,  chose  to  keep 
its  doors  open  in  ministry  with  the  community  in  which  its 
pastor's  murderer  had  lived.  Members  organized  a  letter- 
writing  campaign  to  the  judge  on  behalf  of  the  offender, 
20-year-old  James  Bernard  Campbell,  who  had  been  arrested 
a  few  blocks  from  the  church  a  week  after  the  crime.  They 
wrote  to  the  judge  about  their  own  beliefs  concerning  the 
death  penalty,  about  the  beliefs  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
and  about  their  pastor,  whom  they  had  known  as  an  outspo- 
ken activist  against  the  death  penalty.  They  remembered  Bill 
Bosler  as  a  man  who  valued  each  person  whom  he  met. 

SueZann,  24  years  old  at  the  time  of  the  crime,  had 
known  her  father  as  a  gentle  man  who  worked  for  peace. 
Although  strong  in  his  beliefs,  he  was  equally  committed  to 
understanding  people  who  held  views  different  from  his 
own.  SueZann  remembered  her  father  saying  that  if  he  were 
murdered,  he  would  not  want  the  murderer  to  be  put  to 
death.  She  never  knew  exactly  how  Bill  came  to  this  posi- 
tion, but  was  sure  that  the  Church  of  the  Brethren,  a  church 
of  peace,  had  been  a  very  important  influence  in  his  life. 

Her  own  position,  too,  had  been  against  the  death 
penalty,  but  SueZann  had  never  fully  faced  the  issue  until 
her  father's  death.  Between  then  and  Campbell's  first  trial 
in  1988,  her  belief  had  continued  to  develop,  and  she 
could  more  confidently  claim  and  articulate  it  as  her  own. 
'Although  I  admit  to  having  some  questions  along  the 
way,  I  never  wavered  from  my  position,"  she  tells  me.  In 
fact,  facing  the  questions  has  strengthened  her  convic- 
tions. Even  in  the  most  difficult  times,  SueZann  has  felt 
the  mercy  and  protection  of  God.  She  is  convinced  that 

12  Ml  SSI  N(,i  R  November  1997 

SueZann  said  to  the  judge  and  attorneys,  "/  believe 

in  life I've  tried  for  W  1/2  years  to  bring  some 

'  out  of  this. . . .  I'm  at  peace  with  myself. " 

not  only  God,  but  also  her  father  would  have  wanted  her 
to  pursue  the  path  of  forgiveness  and  reconciliation  that 
she  set  out  on  within  the  first  year  of  the  murder.  These 
experiences  have  "set  me  on  the  right  path  of  peace,"  says 
SueZann.  "I  am  at  peace  with  myself." 

SueZann  had  the  support  of  her  family  in  her  decision 
to  attempt  to  influence  the  legal  system  to  spare  Camp- 
bell's life.  But  she  had  already  decided  that  she  would  take 
up  this  challenge  even  if  she  had  to  do  it  completely  alone. 

The  first  court  trial  for  Campbell  took  place  in  1988.  It 
has  been  a  torturous  experience  that  SueZann  has  had  to 

face — that  of  reliving,  over  and 
over,  every  detail  of  the  horrible 
iday  that  changed  her  life  as  she 
ihas  prepared  for  and  submitted  to 
relentless  court  questioning.  Only 
a  woman  with  deep  convictions 
can  hold  herself  together  through 
such  an  ordeal  and  still  be  able  to 
speak  about  the  value  of  the  life 
of  her  attacker. 

A  telling  scene  was  played 
out  near  the  end  of  the  first  trial. 
Speaking  to  the  judge,  but  look- 
ing directly  into  the  same  eyes 

that  she  had  looked  into  while  being  stabbed,  SueZann 
declared,  "I  believe  in  the  value  of  all  human  life,  and  that 
includes  [arnes  Bernard  Campbell's."  A  courageous  state- 
ment in  itself,  it  was  even  more  courageous  when  spoken 
in  the  context  of  a  very  pro-death-penalty  city  and  state. 

But,  in  spite  of  many  letters,  prayers,  and  SueZann's 
courageous  words,  the  judge  sentenced  Campbell  to  four 
consecutive  life  sentences  in  prison  . . .  and  death. 

Ever  since  that  first  trial  in  1988,  SueZann  has  been 
determined  to  put  the  tragic  murder  and  murder  attempt 
behind  her,  and  to  focus  on  saving  Campbell's  life.  She 
has  traveled  thousands  of  miles,  spoken  to  thousands  of 
people,  continuing  to  relive  memories  that  most  victims 
spend  their  energy  trying  to  forget.  In  her  travels,  she  has 
carried  a  Bible  inscribed  with  Campbell's  name,  inviting 
people  to  write  messages  of  concern  to  him. 

Twice  the  Florida  Supreme  Court  overturned 
'/  Campbell's  death  sentence  and  returned  the  case  for  resen- 
tencing— first  because  of  a  judge's  error  and  next  for 
prosecutor  misconduct.  The  conviction  stood;  only  the  sen- 
tence of  death  or  life  imprisonment  remained  in  question. 

Finally,  lune  9,  1997,  Dade  County  Circuit  Judge 
Marc  Schumacher  and  a  third  jury  began  to  retry  the 
case.  There  were  new  complications  for  SueZann.  Over 
the  years,  she  had  become  increasingly  uncomfortable  in 
the  presence  of  the  people  from  the  state  attorney's  office 
because  of  her  conclusion  that,  from  the  beginning,  they 
had  manipulated  her  to  seal  the  death  sentence  for  Camp- 
bell, in  spite  of  their  awareness  of  her  hope  to  influence 
the  judge  and  jury  to  spare  his  life.  The  leader  of  this 
group,  the  head  prosecutor,  was  finding  that  SueZann 
was  harder  and  harder  to  control.  But,  by  this  time, 
he  knew  her  well  enough  to  know  how  to  upset  her 
emotionally,  making  it  difficult  for  her  to  focus  on  what 
she  wanted  to  say,  now  that  she  knew  what  to  say  and 
how  to  say  it.  He  used  this  tactic  at  critical  times. 

Another  complication 
stemmed  from  a  Florida 
Supreme  Court  ruling  that  a 
victim  may  not  testify  before 
jurors  about  the  type  of 
penalty  an  offender  should 
receive.  Although  this  ruling 
had  been  around  for  some 
time,  it  was  not  until  this 
third  trial  that  the  "powers 
that  be"  had  figured  out  that 
SueZann  had  "matured  from 
a  young  victim  to  a  seasoned, 
34-year-old  advocate"  (to 
SueZann  held  the  Bible  she  use  the  words  of  a  Miami 

intends  for  fames  Campbell       Herald  article).  Somewhere 
to  receive  as  she  embraced         along  the  way,  a  decision  had 
her  sisters  Jill  and  Lynette.         been  made  to  strictly  enforce 
the  ruling  in  this  case. 
To  assist  her  with  these  difficulties,  SueZann  accepted 
the  help  of  an  anti-death-penalty  attorney,  Melodee 
Smith,  to  advise  her  during  the  trial.  Smith,  an  ordained 
minister  in  the  United  Church  of  Christ,  makes  it  her 
ministry  to  work  on  death-penalty  cases. 

As  I  watched  the  trial  events  unfold  in  the  court  room, 
I  felt  it  unlikely  that  Campbell's  death  sentence  would  be 
overturned.  For  one  thing,  Campbell  had  many  character- 
istics common  to  death  row  prisoners.  He  was  an 
African-American  who  had  murdered  a  white  man.  He 
had  mental  limitations,  few  economic  resources,  and 
apparently  little  or  no  family  support. 

Here  we  were  in  a  very  pro-death-penalty  city  and 
state,  in  which  two  juries  and  two  judges  had  previously 
sentenced  this  man  to  death.  The  head  prosecutor  knew 
how  to  use  his  power,  and  still  seemed  determined  to  put 
a  star  on  his  record  by  winning  the  death  sentence  once 
and  for  all  on  this  highly  publicized  case.  And  this  being 
the  first  capital  case  presided  over  by  |udge  Schumacher, 
it  seemed  likely  that  there  would  be  little  slack  in  what  he 
allowed  SueZann  to  say  to  the  jury  concerning  her  10- 
year  struggle  to  have  Campbell's  life  spared. 

Finally,  the  trial  was  taking  place  the  same  week  in 
which  a  Denver  jury  was  deciding  the  fate  of  Oklahoma 
City  bomber  Timothy  McVeigh.  Although  the  Campbell 
jurors  were  shielded  from  news  of  the  McVeigh  trial,  they 
had  already  been  exposed  to  weeks  of  news  about  that 
case.  Would  it  put  them  into  a  pro-death-penalty  frame  of 
mind?  I  was  not  optimistic. 

On  the  second  day  of  the  trial,  SueZann  was  called  to 
testify.  While  under  oath,  she  was  ordered  by  the  judge 

November  1997  Messenger  13 

"I  believe  in  the  value 

of  all  human  life, 

and  that  includes  James 

Bernard  Campbell's." 

not  to  speak  concerning  her  opin- 
ion or  anyone  else's  opinion 
regarding  the  death  penalty. 

"About  my  opinion?"  asked 
SueZann  for  clarification. 

"Yes,"  said  the  judge. 

I  knew  that  SueZann  was  planning,  in  spite  of  the 
restriction,  to  express  her  hope  that  Campbell's  life  would  be 
spared.  But  when  the  judge  forbade  her  so  clearly,  under 
oath,  I  was  disappointed  and  frustrated.  This  was  the 
moment  for  which  SueZann  had  been  preparing  herself  for 
over  10  year,  (udge  Schumacher  had  told  the  jury  repeatedly 
that  he  would  give  "great  weight"  to  the  recommendation  of 
life  or  death  that  it  would  give  at  the  end  of  the  trial.  SueZann 
wanted  so  much  to  finally  be  listened  to,  and  had  so  hoped 
that  this  would  be  her  chance.  But  how  could  she  speak  her 
beliefs  now?  She  would  face  serious  consequences  if  she  did. 
What  a  shame  it  was,  I  thought,  that  this  young  woman  who 
wanted  so  much  to  show  mercy  to  someone  who  was  sup- 
posed to  be  her  enemy  was  being  warned  against  doing  so. 

The  Miami  Herald's  description  of  SueZann  as  a 
"small,  deceptively  fragile-looking  woman"  was  accurate. 
I  should  have  known  not  to  underestimate  her  courage 
and  determination. 

The  assistant  state  attorney  questioned  SueZann  first. 
His  second  question  to  her  on  the  witness  stand  was  "Are 
you  employed?"  She  replied,  "Yes.  I  have  several  jobs." 
She  went  on  to  explain  that  she  cut  hair,  and  that  for  the 
past  10  1/2  years  her  main  job  had  been  working  to  abol- 
ish the  death  penalty.  This  was  not  an  opinion,  just  a  fact. 

The  judge  turned  toward  SueZann  and  glared.  The 
prosecutor  quickly  moved  to  the  next  question.  Neither  he 

Healing  through  reconciliation 

In  healing  from  the  loss  of  a  family 
member  to  murder,  the  survivors  can 
experience  reconciliation  in  many 
ways — with  God,  with  society,  with 
the  act  of  murder  itself,  sometimes 
even  with  the  murderer.  However 
healing  is  experienced,  Murder  Vic- 
tims' Families  for  Reconciliation 
(MVFR)  is  committed  to  promoting 
healing  through  reconciliation,  rather 
than  continuing  the  cycle  of  violence 
through  retribution  and  vengeance. 

Founded  in  1976,  MVFR  is  a 
national  organization  of  family  mem- 
bers of  murder  victims  and  families  of 
people  who  have  been  executed.  It 
advocates  for  alternatives  to  the  death 

penalty  and  for  programs  and  policies 
that  reduce  the  rate  of  homicide  and 
promote  crime  prevention  and  alter- 
natives to  violence.  It  supports 
programs  that  address  the  needs  of 
victims  of  violence,  enabling  them  to 
heal  and  rebuild  their  life. 

SueZann  Bosler  works  for  MVFR, 
traveling  the  country  speaking  out  for 
murder  victims'  families  and  against 
the  death  penalty.  In  October  1996, 
MVFR  received  a  citation  from  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren's  On  Earth 
Peace  Assembly. 

For  more  information,  write  MVFR 
at  RO.  Box  208,  Atlantic,  VA  23303- 
0208,  or  call  (757)  824-0948. 

nor  the  judge  dared  to  challenge 
SueZann  at  that  point  for  fear  of 
drawing  attention  to  what  she  had  I 
said.  But  in  a  few  minutes,  the 
exasperated  judge  dismissed  the 
jury  and  turned  to  SueZann  once 
again,  reminding  her  angrily  that  she  was  under  court  order 
and  that  serious  penalties  would  result  if  she  said  "even  one 
word  about  the  death  penalty  or  anything  that  has  to  do  with 
the  death  penalty."  He  had  already  made  it  crystal  clear  that 
there  would  be  no  slack  in  his  restrictions  of  her  testimony. 
When  it  was  the  turn  of  the  defense  counsel,  Reem- 
berto  Diaz,  to  question,  he  made  many  attempts  to  give 
SueZann  an  opportunity  to  speak  freely  about  her  belief. 
But  a  series  of  objections  from  the  assistant  state  attor- 
ney, sustained  by  the  judge,  prevented  this  line  of 
questioning  from  continuing. 

Finally,  Diaz  walked  to  his  chair  and  turned  around. 
Before  he  sat  down,  he  look  at  SueZann.  Later,  she  described 
to  me  what  happened  at  that  moment.  "We  locked  eyes.  In  my 
mind  I  was  pleading.  Ask  me!  Ask  me!  Ask  me!'" 

Diaz  said,  "I  have  one  more  question."  Pointing  to 
Campbell,  he  asked  SueZann,  "Do  you  hate  this  man?" 
State  attorneys  jumped  to  their  feet,  shouting  objec- 
tions— loudly  sustained  by  the  judge,  but  SueZann 
had  responded  immediately  with  a  firm  "No!" 

She  told  me  later,  "It  was  as  if  he  [Diaz]  read  my  mind." 
An  ironic  scene  was  playing  out  before  us.  Usually  a 
victim  would  be  cooperating  fully  with  the  state  attorneys 
and  only  reluctantly  with  the  defense.  But  here  was  a  victim 
who  did  her  best  to  avoid  eye  contact  with  the  prosecutor 
and  gave  only  short,  unemotional  answers  to  his  questions. 
In  spite  of  his  attempts  to  control 
SueZann,  she  maintained  control  of 
herself  throughout  the  time  she  was  in 
front  of  the  jury.  She  and  the  defense 
counsel  were  working  together 
smoothly  and  creatively,  although  1 
think  none  of  it  had  been  planned. 

Another  irony  was  the  presence  of 
the  Miami  Police  Department  detec- 
tive (eff  Geller,  who  had  been 
involved  in  Campbell's  arrest.  Geller 
had  been  uncomfortable  in  this  role 
because  of  his  opposition  to  the  death 
penalty  and  he  no  longer  works 
directly  for  the  department.  He  had 
become  SueZann's  best  friend 
through  her  ordeal  and  now  does 
investigative  work  on  capital  cases, 
uncovering  evidence  that  will  assist 
defendants  in  avoiding  the  death 
penalty.  He  sat  among  SueZann's 

14  Messenger  November  1997 

Brethren  and  the  death  penalty 

other  supporters  throughout  the  trial. 

On  the  trial's  third  day,  the  defense 
counsel  called  a  number  of  witnesses 
who  testified  to  Campbell's  suffering 
extreme  abuse  from  both  his  parents  as 
a  young  child  and  being  removed  from 
his  home  a  number  of  times.  Other 
witnesses  spoke  of  his  history  of  alco- 
hol and  crack  cocaine  abuse,  to  which 
he  had  turned  at  an  early  age.  They 
also  spoke  of  a  suicide  attempt  (drink- 
ing bleach)  and  of  his  borderline 
mental  retardation. 

On  the  fourth  day,  SueZann  was 
called  by  Diaz  to  testify  once  more.  For 
the  third  time,  with  the  jury  out  of  the 
room,  the  judge  threatened  her.  "You 
are  not  to  mention  anything  about  the 
death  penalty  or  your  feelings  toward 
the  defendant. ...  If  you  violate  my 
order,  you  will  be  in  criminal  contempt 
and  face  six  months  in  jail. . . .  Please 
don't  push  me  to  that." 

Before  SueZann  took  the  stand,  the 
state's  attorney  found  a  way  to  upset 
her.  That  incident,  together  with  the 
relentlessly  stated  restrictions  put  upon 
her  brought  SueZann  to  tears  by  the 
time  she  was  supposed  to  respond  to 
questioning.  She  said  later,  "I  felt  like  a 
criminal  up  there,  not  a  victim.  I  felt 
that  if  I  said  one  wrong  word,  I  would  go  to  jail." 

Before  bringing  in  the  jury,  the  judge  and  attorneys 
suggested  that  they  and  SueZann  do  a  "dry  run"  of  what 
they  would  say  when  the  jury  returned.  Diaz  asked 
SueZann  what  impact  the  death  of  her  father  had  had  on 
her  life.  Normally,  such  a  question  would  be  used  against 
the  defendant.  But  in  this  situation,  Diaz  knew  that  it 
could  give  SueZann  one  more  chance  to  influence  the  jury 
to  spare  the  defendant's  life. 

SueZann  struggled  to  speak.  "All  I  wanted  to  say  was  a 
very  simple  thing:  1  forgive  [ames  Bernard  Campbell  for 
what  he's  done.  I  respect  his  life  and  value  it  here  on  this 
earth.  I  believe  in  life.. . .  I've  tried  for  10  1/2  years  to  bring 
some  good  out  of  this.  I'm  doing  it  the  best  way  I  know 
how.  I'm  at  peace  with  myself.  That's  all  I  wanted  to  say." 

The  judge  responded,  "I  respect  your  feeling  and 
your  opinions.  There  is  no  place,  however,  for  them  in 
this  court,  in  these  proceedings."  Because  of  the  judge's 
rigidity,  Diaz  decided  not  to  call  SueZann  to  speak  again 
in  front  of  the  jury. 

On  the  fifth  and  final  day,  the  defense  counsel,  in  his 
closing  arguments,  worked  persuasively  on  Campbell's 

The  Church  of  the  Brethren  Annual 
Conference  adopted  a  statement  on 
the  death  penalty  in  1987.  Consider- 
ing the  Scriptures,  and  noting  that 
the  Brethren  are  a  New  Testament 
church,  the  statement  puts  its  empha- 
sis on  Matthew  5:43-45:  "You  have 
heard  that  it  was  said,  'You  shall  love 
your  neighbor  and  hate  your  enemy.' 
But  I  say  to  you,  Love  your  enemies 
and  pray  for  those  who  persecute 
you,  so  that  you  may  be  children  of 
your  Father  in  heaven;  for  he  makes 
his  sun  rise  on  the  evil  and  on  the 
good,  and  sends  rain  on  the  righteous 
and  on  the  unrighteous." 

The  paper  states:  "There  is  an  ele- 
ment of  God  in  each  of  us,  and  so  we 
much  hold  all  human  life  as  sacred.  To 
take  the  life  of  any  person  is  to  destroy 
what  has  been  created  by  God  and 
redeemed  by  Christ.  To  admit  that  there 
are  those  who  are  beyond  saving  is  to 
deny  the  ultimate  power  of  redemption, 
the  cross  and  the  empty  tomb." 

Noting  that  "many  murders  are  irra- 
tional and  passionate  acts  performed 
without  considering  the  possible  con- 
sequences," the  paper  concludes  that 
"it  is  not  surprising  . . .  that  the  use  of 
death  as  punishment  has  had  no  posi- 

tive impact  upon  murder  rates.  . . . 
[T]he  death  penalty  is  no  more  a 
deterrent  than  a  life  sentence."  The 
writers  go  on  to  say,  "The  only  real 
way  to  deter  further  violence  is  to 
cease  our  claim  to  a  'life  for  a  life,'  to 
recognize  that  life  and  death  decisions 
belong  to  God,  and  to  seek  mercy  and 
redemption  of  God's  lost  children." 

After  arguing  that  the  death  penalty  is 
applied  unfairly,  noting  the  economic 
cost  of  capital  punishment  and  the  risk 
of  executing  innocent  people,  and  calling 
for  redoubled  efforts  at  crime  preven- 
tion, the  paper  concludes  with  a 
reminder  that  Cain,  Moses,  David,  and 
Paul  all  were  murderers  and  yet,  through 
each,  God's  kingdom  was  advanced.  "It 
is  a  very  human  story,"  the  writers  point 
out,  "that  is  graced  by  the  inspiration  of 
God's  loving  call  to  justice,  reconcilia- 
tion, peace,  repentance,  faith,  hope, 
redemption,  new  life,  grace,  mercy,  and 
forgiveness  seventy  times  seven." 

This  is  still  God's  call  today,  the  state- 
ment declares,  so  "our  mission  is  to  seek 
and  to  save,  not  to  search  and  destroy." 

For  copies  of  the  statement,  which 
includes  guidelines  for  action  and 
suggests  further  resources,  call 
Brethren  Press  at  (800)  441-3712. 

behalf.  And  he  found  several  ways  to  subtly  draw  attention  to 
SueZann's  position.  Diaz  pointed  out  that  while  the  prose- 
cutors had  presented  enormous,  poster-size  enlargements 
of  the  bloodiest  photos  from  the  crime  scene,  the  jurors 
should  consider  some  other  images.  "There  are  no  pictures 
of  the  violence  that  this  young  man  grew  up  with,  but  the 
pictures  live  in  his  mind.  The  chairs  in  which  Campbell's 
family  would  have  sat  during  the  trial  had  remained  empty 
all  week.  Gesturing  toward  the  chairs,  Diaz  said,  "Look  at 
those  empty  chairs.  That's  his  family.  Look  at  those  chairs 
and  you  see  his  life.  His  only  support  comes  from  the  second 
row."  During  the  trial,  SueZann,  her  sister  Lynette,  and  sev- 
eral friends  had  sat  there  in  that  second  row. 

Diaz  closed  by  saying  to  the  jurors,  "I'm  not  asking  you 

to  let  [Campbell]  walk  out  of  here  today I'm  asking  you 

to  stop  the  violence  in  his  life Cooking  his  brains  is  not 

the  way  to  end  it."  Then,  turning  to  the  assemblage  in  the 
court  room,  his  last  words  were  spoken  to  SueZann . . .  but 
loudly  enough  for  the  jurors  to  hear:  "Thank  you, 

SueZann  was  disappointed  that  she  had  been  unable 
to  say  much  at  all  to  the  jurors  during  the  trial.  But,  with 

November  1997  Messenger  1 5 

the  help  of  the  defense  counsel,  she  had  at  least  suc- 
ceeded in  communicating  to  them  her  main  point.  And 
she  had  courageously  pushed  the  limits  of  the  law  in 
order  to  express  her  belief  that  all  human  life  is  sacred. 

After  only  three  hours  of 
deliberation,  the  jury  returned 
with  an  eight-to-four  recom- 
mendation that  lames  Campbell 
be  given  an  additional  life  sen- 
tence instead  of  death  in  the 
electric  chair.  That  same  day, 
Judge  Schumacher  quickly 
imposed  a  life  sentence,  with  a 
minimum  mandatory  25  years 
without  parole,  to  be  served  con- 
secutively with  three  other  life  sentences  in  the  same  case. 

After  passing  the  sentence,  the  judge  invited  SueZann 
to  speak  to  the  jurors.  Her  tears  were  not  the  only  ones  in 
the  court  room.  There  were  tears  in  the  eyes  of  the  jurors, 
the  bailiff,  and  surely  also  in  the  eyes  of  many  other  people 
as  she  spoke.  "Thank  you  for  giving  life  and  not  death  to 

(ames  Bernard  Campbell I'm  so  overwhelmed This 

is  the  happiest  moment  of  the  past  10  1/2  years  for  me. . .  I 
can't  thank  you  enough. ...  1  have  worked  hard  for  his  life 
to  be  spared.  Now  I  can  go  on  with  my  own  life." 

Many  people  have  wondered  how  lames  Campbell 
responded  to  all  this.  Publicly,  he  has  given  little 
response.  SueZann  had  the  Bible  placed  on  the 
chair  beside  him  in  the  court  room.  Red  tape  and  disin- 
terested attorneys  have  prevented  the  Bible  from  getting 
to  him.  But  get  to  him,  it  will,  sooner  or  later. 

Campbell  wanted  to  come  out  into  the  hall  to  thank 
SueZann,  but  when  he  stepped  through  the  court  room  door 
he  was  so  swamped  by  news  media  people  that  he  backed 
back  inside.  He  tried  again  a  little  later,  again  was  mobbed, 
and  again  retreated.  With  that,  he  apparently  gave  up. 

SueZann  hopes  that  one  day  she  will  be  able  to  speak 
personally  with  the  man  she  worked  so  hard  to  save.  One 
reason  for  reaching  him,  she  explains,  is  this:  "I  want  to 
give  him  a  chance  to  say,  'I'm  sorry.'" 

How  much  may  the  judge  have  been  influenced  by  Bill 
and  SueZann  Bosler's  views,  which  SueZann  had  com- 
municated to  him  before  and  during  the  trial? 

How  much  had  the  judge  been  influenced  by  letters 
he  received  from  Miami  First  church  members  and  other 
people  around  the  world? 

How  much  was  the  jury  influenced  by  the  few  but 
clear  actions  and  words  of  SueZann  it  saw  and  heard? 
(Defense  counsel  Diaz  said  later,  "SueZann  Bosler's 
presence  certainly  conveyed  a  message  to  this  jury.") 

What  about  the  many  prayers  that  were  raised  to  God 
over  these  1 1  years? 

The  potential  of  each  of  these  efforts  to  help  save  a 
man's  life  should  not  be  underestimated. 

"I'm  not  asking  you  to  let 

Campbell]  walk  out  of  here 

today. . . .  I'm  asking  you  to 

stop  the  violence  in  his  life" 

SueZann's  calendar  of  interviews  and  speaking  engage- 
ments has  been  crowded,  even  in  the  months  since  last 
June's  trial.  There  is  still  too  much  stress  in  her  life.  Why 
does  she  allow  herself  to  be  put  through  this?  It  is  partly 
because  of  her  seeing  the  healing 
process  in  her  own  life  deepen  as 
she  struggled  for  healing  in  the  life 
of  another — lames  Campbell.  It  is 
partly  because  these  interactions 
have  given  her  the  chance  to  speak 
on  behalf  of  other  victims  of  violent  6 
crime,  who  often  feel  alone,  as  she 
does  sometimes. 

It  is  partly  because  of  the 
opportunity  given  her  to  speak 
about  her  disillusionment  by  and  anger  toward  the  US  legal! 
system.  It  is  clear  to  SueZann  that  the  legal  system  wants 
people  to  do  as  it  says,  but  not  as  it  does.  Employees  of  the 
state  attorney's  office  see  it  as  their  job  to  be  involved  in 
the  death  of  other  human  beings,  supposedly  to  show,  by 
killing  people,  that  killing  people  is  wrong. 

It  is  partly  because  SueZann  so  thoroughly  appreciates 
involvement  with  small  groups,  in  which  she  can  converse 
with  individuals.  She  speaks  with  enthusiasm  and  satisfac- 
tion about  learning  so  much  from  all  the  groups  and 
individuals  with  whom  she  has  talked,  including  (just  like  her 
father)  those  with  viewpoints  very  different  from  her  own. 
SueZann  said  in  court  that  she  wanted  very  much  "to 
bring  some  good  out  of  this."  The  horrible  crime  that  couldi 
easily  have  completely  shattered  her  life  has  brought  about 
an  amazing  change  in  it.  From  beneath  the  rock-hard  sur- 
face of  physical  and  emotional  pain,  grief,  and  anger  has 
blossomed  a  surprising  spray  of  courage,  strength,  forgive- 
ness, and  hope.  Surprising  opportunities  to  spread  the 
news  of  God's  mercy  and  peace  have  also  appeared. 

Was  SueZann's  determination  to  speak  her  beliefs  in 
spite  of  legal  restrictions  an  example  of  someone  with 
contempt  for  the  law?  Hardly.  It  is  an  example,  rather,  of 
one  who  recognized  not  only  the  law  of  the  land,  but  also 
the  law  that  is  higher. 

It  is  risky  to  serve  this  higher  law.  But  it  is  the  life  to 
which  we  are  called  as  followers  of  Christ.  And  it  puts  us 
in  good  company. 

As  I  drove  home  from  Miami  in  mid-June,  traveling 
north  through  the  Shenandoah  Valley,  I  took  note  of  the 
interstate  highway  exit  for  Broadway,  Va.  I  recalled  that  it 
was  the  opening  day  of  the  bicentennial  celebration  of  the  ■ 
life  of  Brethren  peace  martyr  |ohn  Kline. 

|ohn  Kline  was  another  person  who  took  risks  to 
follow  the  higher  law.  A  minister  whose  wider  flock  lived 
on  both  sides  of  the  North/South  border  during  the  Civil 
War,  |ohn  Kline  continued  during  that  war  to  cross  that 
border  in  order  to  minister  to  the  Brethren.  People  on 
both  sides  of  the  conflict  considered  him  a  traitor  because 
of  his  friendly  relations  with  "the  enemy." 

1 6  Messenger  November  1997 

He  surely  knew  that  he  was  risking  death  in  taking 
these  actions,  and  they  did  eventually  cost  him  his  life. 
John  Kline  refused  to  participate  in  either  side's  way  of 

I  relating  to  "the  enemy."  The  Prince  of  Peace  had  called 

I  him  to  another  way  of  living. 

To  the  exasperation  of  a  judge  and  a  slick  prosecution 
team,  to  the  astonishment  of  the  Miami  community  and  a 
defense  counsel  accustomed  to  some  very  different  behav- 
ior from  victims  of  violent  crime,  SueZann  Bosler  refused 
lo  participate  in  society's  ways  of  relating  to  "the  enemy." 

Although  she  is  uncomfortable  with  any  implication  that 
she  is  anywhere  near  to  being  perfect,  she  clearly  has  felt 
called  to  another  way  of  living.  She  often  ends  her  presenta- 
tions by  quoting  one  of  her  father's  favorite  songs:  rjiri 
"Let  there  be  peace  on  earth,  and  let  it  begin  with  me."    LilJ 

Sue  Wagner  Fields  is  interim  pastor  of  Philadelphia  (Pa.)  First 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  She  and  her  husband.  Damon,  served  as 
co-pastors  of  Miami  (Fla.)  First  Church  of  the  Brethren  following  the 
1 986  murder  of  its  pastor.  Bill  Bosler 

'  m^ 





■^  1 


^R-  " 





Taking  Jesus  seriously 

An  interview  with  Helen  Prejean 

BY  Bob  Gross 


An  intei 



Jmm^          ■  xA, 


*  1 

-'      *-.4 



Q.  How  did  your  work  with  people  on  death  row  and 
with  families  of  murder  victims  begin? 

A.  I  was  involved  with  poor  people  in  New  Orleans.  In 
1981,  I  moved  into  an  apartment  in  the  St.  Thomas 
housing  projects  and  began  working  with  poor  black 
people  at  Hope  House.  Right  around  the  corner  was  the 
Prison  Coalition  office.  One  day  a  friend  asked  me  if  1 
would  write  to  a  death  row  inmate.  He  wrote  down  the 
inmate's  name  —  Patrick  Sonnier.  I  started  writing  to  him, 
and  it  all  came  out  of  that. 

Writing  led  to  visiting,  which  led  to  my  being  with  Patrick 
when  he  was  executed  in  1 984.  It  also  led  to  involvement  with 
families  of  murder  victims. 

Q.  But  go  back  farther.  What  motivated  you  to  work 
with  the  poor? 

A.  I  became  a  sister  in  1957  and  began  teaching  in  white 
suburban  parishes.  For  years  I  prayed  for  the  poor,  for 
justice,  but  I  had  no  connection  to  the  lives  of  those  in 

One  night  one  of  our  sisters  said  something  I  will  never 
forget:  "Jesus  preached  good  news  to  the  poor.  Integral  to 
that  good  news  was  that  they  would  be  poor  no  longer." 

That  shifted  the  axis  of  my  spiritual  life.  Suddenly,  it 
became  clear  that  to  follow  Jesus  Christ,  which  I  have 
always  tried  to  do,  I  had  to  be  on  the  side  of  poor  people. 
And  I  knew  I  couldn't  simply  pray  for  poor  folk,  yet  live 
apart  from  them.  I  had  to  embrace  their  struggles.  That 
led  me  to  move  into  the  St.  Thomas  housing  projects  in 
New  Orleans. 

November  1997  Messenger  17 

Q.  So  then  you  got  involved  with  a  prisoner  on  death 
row,  and  with  the  family  members  of  his  murder  victims. 

A.  Right.  And  at  first  1  didn't  know  how  to  approach 
those  families.  It  was  a  whole  other  trail  of  tears  and  realm 
of  suffering.  I  learned  how 
alone,  how  unsupported  murder 
victims'  families  were,  and  how 
much  they  needed  help. 

That  led  me  to  found  a  group 
called  SURVIVE,  for  murder  vic- 
tims' families. 

Q.  And  that  led  you  into 
active  organizing,  both  in 
Louisiana  and  nationally? 

A.  One  thing  about  watching 

somebody  die  in  the  electric 

chair  is  that  you  know  there  are 

others  out  there.  When  I 

walked  out  of  the  execution 

chamber  the  night  of  Patrick 

Sonnier's  death,  I  said  to 

myself,  "I've  got  to  educate 

people  on  this."  And  it  was 

based  on  my  assumption  that  people  are  good  and  decent, 

and  if  they  know  the  realities  about  the  death  penalty, 

they  are  going  to  choose  an  alternative.  And  that  has 

proved  to  be  true. 

Of  course,  when  you  first  start  organizing,  you  don't 
know  what  to  do.  We  needed  to  get  media  attention,  so 
we  could  begin  to  tell  the  story  of  the  death  penalty. 

Q.  How  did  you  do  that? 

A.  We  learned  that  the  time  when  people  are  least  open 
and  receptive  is  during  the  time  of  an  execution.  Things 
get  polarized  then.  So  somebody  said,  "Let's  take  a  long 
walk."  And  we  walked  from  New  Orleans  to  Baton  Rouge 
in  October  1984. 

The  media  came  out  and  asked  us  why  we  were  walk- 
ing. We  began  to  learn  how  to  deal  with  them,  how  to 
provide  sound  bites  that  would  make  their  way  into  the 
evening  news.  That  was  the  beginning. 

Q.  What  did  you  do  next? 

A.  We  took  longer  walks,  and  got  more  attention. 
But  people  were  telling  me  early  on,  "You  ought  to 

said  something  I  will  never  ' 

forget:  'Jesus  preached  good 

news  to  the  poor.  Integral  to 

that  good  news  was  that  they  $ 

would  be  poor  no  longer.' 

That  shifted  the  axis  of 

my  spiritual  life." 

write  a  book." 

That  was  the  last  thing  1  wanted  to  do.  1  figured  there 
were  plenty  of  books  out  there  already.  Besides,  people 
who  were  for  the  death  penalty  would  read  Rush  Lim- 
baugh  books  and  people  against  it  would  read  Amnesty 
International  books.  1  thought 
people  were  in  emotional  cocoons 
on  this  issue,  and  that  another 
book  wouldn't  help. 

But  more  and  more  people  — 
journalist  friends  and  writers 
—  were  saying,  "Helen,  you  know 
you've  had  a  lot  of  experiences, 
on  both  sides  —  death  row  and 
the  murder  victims'  families. 
That  might  make  a  really  good 

Q.  What  finally  got  you  moving 
on  your  book? 

A.  1  got  a  mandate  from  Random 
House  —  a  contract,  permission, 
its  blessing.  I  was  on  the  board  — 

^  with  yoi(.  Bob  —  of  the  National 

Coalition  to  Abolish  the  Death 
Penalty,  and  1  had  to  take  a  leave  to  go  write  this  book. 

Q.  I  remember.  We'd  call  you  up  and  you'd  say,  "I  am 
in  a  cave,  writing  a  book." 

A.  Right.  1  went  to  New  York  and  by  August  1 990,  I  had 
begun  writing  Dead  Man  Walking. 

Q.  There  were  other  books  on  the  death  penalty. 
What  put  Dead  Man  Walking  on  the  best-seller  list? 

A.  The  movie  did  it.  The  average  shelf  life  for  a  book  is 
three  months.  To  have  a  best-seller  you  have  to  have 
media  attention. 

Q.  How  did  you  get  that? 

A.  I  asked  jason  Epstein,  my  Random  House  editor, 
"How  in  the  world  are  we  going  to  get  people  to  read  this 
book?"  He  said,  "By  getting  you  on  the  media  shows,  by 
getting  you  talking  to  people." 

So  the  book  was  just  bumping  along,  not  doing  that 
well.  Then  came  the  movie,  and  Dead  Man  Walking  was 
on  the  best-seller  list  for  31  weeks. 

18  Messenger  November  1997 

!Q.  So  the  movie  really  made  the  book? 

A.  Well,  you  have  to  get  people  to  see  a  movie,  too.  And 
w  inning  Academy  Awards  made  the  movie  sell.  Then  that 
made  the  book  popular.  It  takes  a  lot  of  faith  to  write  a 
book  or  make  a  movie  and  have  it  be  successful. 

Q.  That's  some  faith.  Now,  using 
the  book  and  the  movie  to 
advance  the  movement  against 
the  death  penalty  has  been  suc- 
icessful  in  a  sense,  but  we  are 
iseeing  more  executions,  and  more 
I  states  having  their  first  one  and 
I  then  the  next.  Where's  this  going? 

A.  Yes,  we  are  really  doing  the 
death  penalty  in  the  United  States. 
We  are  all  nuanced  to  do  it.  People 
are  ready  to  do  it.  There's  the  politi- 
cal will  to  do  it.  It's  in  the  grinder. 
On  the  level  of  culture,  on  the  level 
of  myth,  on  the  level  of  public  dis- 
course, on  the  level  of  consciousness 
and  human  rights  . . .  the  conversa- 
tion is  just  beginning. 

Q.  Is  anything  different  now? 

A.  Right.  And  when  people  are  presented  with  alterna- 
tives—  say,  a  murderer  will  get  life  without  parole  instead 
of  death  —  then  support  for  the  death  penalty  drops  to  50 
percent.  That's  a  25-percent  drop. 

So  that  shows,  for  starters,  that  50  percent  of  the 
American  people,  if  they  have  such  an  alternative,  already 
are  saying  they  just  aren't  sure  about  the  death  penalty. 

'The  movie  didn't  set  out  to 

Q.  What  are  other  good  signs? 

be  a  polemic  against  the 

death  penalty.  It  did  not  make 

people  who  were  for  the 

But  it  did  bring  people 
close  and  make  them  reflect 
on  the  issue." 

A.  Yes.  The  movie  legitimated  the  discussion  of  the  death 
penalty  in  a  way  we  have  never  had  it  before.  The  movie 
didn't  set  out  to  be  a  polemic  against  the  death  penalty.  It 
did  not  make  people  who  were  for  the  death  penalty  turn 
against  it. 

But  it  did  bring  people  close  and  make  them  reflect  on 
the  issue.  And  any  reflection  by  the  American  public 
about  the  death  penalty  is  a  plus,  because  there  simply 
hasn't  been  that  much  reflection. 

The  public  discourse  has  been  dominated  by  political 
rhetoric.  Polls  show  that  when  people  are  asked  abstractly 
"Do  you  support  the  death  penalty  for  first-degree 
murder?"  it's  "Yeah!  Yeah!  Yeah!"  —  75  percent . .  .not 
much  reflection. 

My  editor,  (ason  Epstein,  said  that  most  Americans, 
when  they  get  beneath  that  level  of  "Yeah!  They  ought  to 
die,"  are  deeply  ambivalent  about  the  death  penalty. 

Q.  And  isn't  it  true,  too,  that  when  polls  ask  people 
questions  about  specific  cases  —  ask  "What  about  this 
case?" —  the  percentages  drop  way  down? 

A.  Well,  when  it's  presented 
that  there  would  be  a  way, 
from  the  labor  of  the  convicted 
person  to  do  restitution  for  the 
victim's  family,  then  two-thirds 
of  the  people  reject  the  death 

Now,  true,  we  don't  have 
a  practical  way  of  doing  that 
yet,  but  it  shows  where 
people's  hearts  are.  They  want 
to  be  safe  from  people  who  do 
murder,  and  they  would  much 
rather  see  some  concrete  resti- 
tution go  to  victims  than  to  kill 
another  person.  So,  now  we 

_^  need  to  translate  that  for 

people,  educate  them  about  it. 
The  movie  and  the  book  are  helping  do  that. 

Q.  What  made  your  book  and  the  movie  different? 

A.  Most  of  the  other  books  had  been  academic.  My 
editor  was  very  sharp.  He  told  me,  "If  you  don't  talk 
within  the  first  10  pages  of  your  book  about  the  crime 
this  guy  did,  and  be  unblinking  about  that  and  really  tell 
the  horrors  of  what  he  did,  you  will  not  be  credible.  And 
people  will  not  read  your  book." 

He  said,  "You've  got  to  deal  honestly  with  what  this  guy 
did  and  with  your  own  feelings  about  that.  You  are  going 
to  walk  a  fine  line  in  your  book.  When  you  are  with  a 
death-row  inmate,  you  have  to  hold  the  suffering  of  the 
victim  there.  When  you  are  with  the  people  who  are  suf- 
fering, you  have  to  hold  the  suffering  of  the  death-row 
inmate  and  his  family  there." 

That  was  a  great  help. 

Q.  That  balance  of  caring  about  both  sides  of  the  pic- 
ture is  a  unique  aspect  of  your  book.  That  really  gives 
it  authority  in  the  discussion. 

November  1997  Messenger  19 

A.  When  people  read  a  book,  they  use  their  imagination 
to  follow  the  characters  and  see  what  happens  to  them.  In 
Dead  Man  Walking,  they  get  to  go  down  the  road  with  the 
parents  of  the  murdered  girl,  who  want  vengeance,  who 
are  clamoring  for  Patrick  Sonnier's  execution. 

Those  parents  couldn't  put  it  down.  They  went  on  to 
attend  other  executions,  plunging  ever  deeper  into  bitter- 
ness. There  is  a  lesson  there  for  the  reader  who  might 
think  that  an  execution  settles  the  score. 

Q.  What  can  help  family  members  who  have  lost  a 
loved  one  to  murder?  What  can  help  bring  healing? 

A.  Community  —  to  be  accompanied  by  caring  people. 

I  am  going  through  grief  right  now.  I  lost  a  close  friend 
to  cancer,  who  died  just  a  year  after  her  diagnosis.  Her 
life  was  taken,  her  body  was  ravaged,  and  I  feel  a  great 
loss.  The  unbelievableness  of  it  is  that  she  keeps  on  not 
showing  up  at  things.  I  have  lost  the  tangible  presence  of 
someone  who  had  been  so  close. 

So  it  is  with  family  members  in  a  murder  case.  It's  a 
death  that  didn't  have  to  happen. 

In  my  murder  victims'  families  organization,  SURVIVE, 
the  people  who  seem  to  heal  the  best  are  those  who  have 
children  to  live  for.  And  then  some  kind  of  support  group. 

Envisioning  a  world 
without  violence 


Although  most  religious  denomina- 
tions in  the  United  States,  including 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren  (see 
page  15),  have  strong  statements 
against  the  death  penalty,  there  has 
not  been  an  effective,  united  religious 
effort  to  end  it. 

Bob  Gross  and  Pam  Rutter  of  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  are  members 
of  the  Steering  Committee  of  Reli- 
gious Organizing  Against  the  Death 
Penalty  Project,  organized  by  the 
Criminal  Justice  Program  of  the 
American  Friends  Service  Committee. 
Helen  Prejean  is  also  a  Steering  Com- 
mittee member.  The  goal  is  to  awaken 
the  religious  community  to  the  injus- 
tice of  the  death  penalty  and  to 
impassion  people  of  faith  to  work  for 

its  abolition. 

The  first  step  in  this  movement  is  a 
national  gathering  in  Washington, 
D.C.,  Nov.  14-16.  "Envisioning  a 
World  Without  Violence:  Organizing 
the  Religious  Community  to  Abolish 
the  Death  Penalty"  will  bring  together 
religious  leaders  and  lay  people  from 
across  the  country  to  focus  on  issues 
related  to  the  death  penalty. 

The  goal  of  the  meeting  is  to  pro- 
vide participants  with  necessary 
resources  to  return  to  their  religious 
communities  as  more  effective  advo- 
cates for  death  penalty  abolition. 
Watch  Messenger  for  reporting  on 
this  event. 

For  more  information,  call  (215) 
241-7130,  or  e-mail 

Q.  What  kind  of  support  group? 

A.  For  some,  definitely,  it  is  God  in  their  life,  their  religious 
community.  One  of  the  needs  they  have  is  to  be  able  to  say 
out  loud  the  terrible  details  of  what  happened.  People  some-' 
times  respond,  "Oh,  don't  talk  about  those  things,"  but 
those  in  grief  need  to  say  them  out  loud.  Then  there's  need 
for  just  grief,  mourning,  lamenting  the  loss  of  the  person. 

And  then  you  need  community  for  dealing  with  anniver-l  | 
saries,  birthdays,  all  those  vulnerable  times  when  grief 
hits  anew. 

Q.  I  read  that  three-fourths  of  all  married  couples  who^ 
lose  a  child  to  murder  break  up. 

A.  Yes,  individuals  act  differently.  One  says,  "Well,  let's 
get  on  with  our  life."  Another  wants  to  celebrate  every 
birthday,  keep  the  clothes  in  the  closet,  keep  the  child's 
room  just  the  way  it  was,  wants  never  to  forget. 

Parents  differ  in  how  they  discipline  their  child.  So 
imagine  how  they  may  differ  in  grieving  the  loss  of  that 
child.  That's  what  makes  the  marriage  vulnerable  when  a 
child  is  murdered. 

Q.  What  can  the  church  do? 

A.  The  church  can  undergird  the 
person's  faith,  first  of  all  in  prayer.  It 
can  provide  the  strength  of  tradition 
and  the  support  of  community.  The 
person  needs  to  feel  the  closing  of 
ranks  around  him.  Coming  together 
with  the  community  helps  . .  .gather- 
ing together  all  the  victims  of  violence 
for  a  prayer  service,  providing  sup- 
port groups,  providing  information 
about  the  grieving  process.  .  .  . 

They  say  that  four  months  after  a 
death  is  when  you  fall  apart.  It  takes  that 
long  to  get  over  the  shock  and  really  feel 
the  impact  of  the  death  ...  the  loss.  So 
four  months  after  the  death  is  the  highly 
vulnerable  time.  The  grieving  person 
needs  to  know  that,  and  the  church,  the 
support  group,  needs  to  know  that. 

Q.  What  is  the  church's  calling  in 
ministry  in  relation  to  people  con- 
demned to  death? 

A.  We  are  all  part  of  the  body  of 
Christ.  Even  people  who  have  made 

20  Messenger  November  1997 

ierrible  mistakes  and  done  terrible  things  are  part 
of  that  body. 

Unfortunately,  our  culture  wants  to  say,  "No,  there  are 
some  among  us  who  are  less  human  than  the  rest  of  us, 
and  we  can  exterminate  them."  But  the  Christian  commu- 
nity must  say  to  that,  "No,  we  are  all  one  body — even 
Ithose  among  us  who  have  sinned  against  us,  who  have 
hurt  us  badly."  

It's  in  the  gospel:  "I  was 
hungry,  and  you  gave  me  to 
eat.  I  was  thirsty  and  you  gave 
me  to  drink.  I  was  in  prison 
and  you  came  to  me."  It's  all 
about  connecting.  It's  all  about 
visiting.  It's  all  about  going 
out.  It's  all  about  touching  the 
lepers,  the  untouchables  . . . 
reaching  out  to  people. 

When  it  says,  "I  was  in 
prison  and  you  came  to  me," 
that's  going  to  happen  only  one 
way.  The  prisoner  isn't  going 
to  commute  out  to  the 
churches  for  a  visit. 

Churches  can  do  this  out- 
reach because  it  really  is  an 
extended  community  —  some 
ministering  to  the  sick,  some  to 
the  children,  some  to  prisoners, 
some  to  victims'  families.  The 
great  thing  about  being  a  com- 
munity is  that  you  have  all  the 
different  aspects  of  the  body  of 
Christ,  and  everybody  doesn't  have  to  do  everything 

"We  are  all  part  of  the  body 

of  Christ.  Even  people  who 

have  made  terrible  mistakes 

and  done  terrible  things 

are  part  of  that  body. 

Unfortunately,  our  culture 

wants  to  say,  'No,  there  are 

some  among  us  who  are 

less  human  than  the  rest 

of  us,  and  we  can 

exterminate  them.'" 

Q.  Say  a  little  bit  about  SURVIVE,  and  how  it  works  to 
serve  family  members  of  murder  victims. 

A.  SURVIVE  reads  in  the  paper  that  someone  has  died, 
and  it  sends  someone  over  right  away  to  meet  with  the 
family.  And  SURVIVE  has  a  support  group  that  meets 
every  Monday  evening.  They  pick  people  up  if  they  need 
help.  There  are  no  rules;  it's  just 
people  coming  together. 

There  is  a  core  group  of  survivors 
who  really  are  the  ones  who  keep 
the  group  going  and  help  the 
others.  And  you  have  people  going 
in  and  coming  out  as  they  work 
through  their  grief  and  don't  need 
the  group  anymore. 

Q.  Let's  come  back  to  your  per- 
sonal experience.  How  do  you 
experience  Jesus  in  your  work? 

Q.  Is  prison  visitation  a  special  aspect? 

A.  The  call  to  visit  prisoners  is  a  great  need.  Prisons  are  the 
Devil's  Islands.  They  are  the  places  of  exile  in  our  society. 
We  have  1.6  million  people  imprisoned  in  this  country. 
They  are  isolated,  away  from  public  view,  and  those  who 
run  prisons  can  do  with  prisoners  as  they  please.  They 
want  their  prisons  to  stay  on  track.  They  don't  want 
people  coming  in  and  showing  humanity  in  an  inhumane 
system.  So  when  you  start  a  prison  ministry,  you  have  to 
work  with  the  prison  officials  as  much  as  you  do  with  the 
prisoners.  You  have  to  convince  the  prison  officials  that 
what  you  are  doing  is  helping  them,  as  well.  Inmates  who 
feel  loved  and  cared  for  are  enabled  to  shoulder  their  lives 
in  prison  and  not  be  a  security  risk. 

A.  You  know  that  lesus  says,  "Where 
two  or  three  are  gathered  in  my 
name,  I  am  there  among  them."  Reli- 
gious meetings  can  be  about  all  sorts 
of  things,  even  about  candlesticks 
and  where  to  place  them  on  the  altar. 
Once  I  made  the  connection  with 
justice,  I  decided  never  to  attend 
another  meeting  that  didn't,  in  some 
way,  connect  my  faith  with  justice. 
And  so  I  experience  (esus  when 
people  are  gathered  together  who 
are  asking,  "What  are  we  going  to  do?"  People  gathered 
together  who  are  shouldering  this  burden. 

I  experience  (esus  at  our  National  Coalition  to  Abolish 
the  Death  Penalty  board  meetings,  in  which  we  try  to 
figure  out  what  to  do  to  bring  the  American  public  into 
awareness.  I  experience  (esus  every  time  I  get  in  the  car 
and  head  to  a  prison. 

You  know  how  the  Bible  speaks  of  Jesus  having  com- 
passion on  people  as  he  looked  out  over  a  crowd.  I  feel 
lesus  with  me  when  I  look  out  over  an  audience  I'm 
addressing.  I  feel  people's  warmth  toward  me,  and  I  feel 
that  even  though  I  am  going  to  challenge  them  it  still  is 
love  that  is  causing  me  to  come  to  them.  And  )esus  is 
present  in  that.  I  feel  energy  that  comes  from  that. 


Bob  Gross  of  North  Manchester  bid.,  is  director  of  the  Ministry  of 
Reconciliation,  a  program  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren's  On  Earth 
Peace  Assembly. 

November  1997  Messenger  21 

Planting  directions 

Brethren  are  finding  there  are  lots  of  ways  to 
plant  new  churches,  but  the  directions  on  the 
seed pac\et  all  have  one  thing  in  common. 

BY  Donald  R.  Fitzkee 

One  gives  away  free  sodas  on 
street  corners  and  hands  out  hot 
dogs  outside  bars  to  demon- 
strate God's  love  to  the  "down  and  out." 
Another  employs  a  professional  musician 
and  uses  experienced  actors  to  appeal  to 
the  "up  and  in."  A  third  calls  together 
diasporic  Brethren  to  communicate  the 
good  news  of  God's  shalom. 

One  meets  in  a  YMCA  gym  in 
Lebanon,  Pa.  Another  got  its  start  in  a 
converted  funeral  home  in  a  suburb  of 
Minneapolis.  A  third  has  used  volun- 
teers to  transform  a  vacant  building 
into  a  meetinghouse  in  the  "Research 
Triangle"  outside  Durham,  N.C. 

One  is  theologically  evangelical, 
another  liberal,  and  a  third  some- 
where in  between. 

The  approaches  used  by  Corner- 
stone Christian  Fellowship,  Open 
Circle  Fellowship,  and  Shalom  Church 
of  the  Brethren  demonstrate  that 
planting  new  churches  can  go  in  many 
different  directions. 

In  Lebanon,  Pa.,  a  committed  core 
group,  a  strong  parent  church,  servant 
evangelism,  and  a  willingness  to  tailor 
worship  to  the  unchurched  have  been 
essential  factors  in  the  success  of  Cor- 
nerstone Christian  Fellowship.  Its 
average  attendance  swelled  from  68  at 
its  first  service  in  November  1995  to 
more  than  150  two  years  later.  During 
that  time,  pastor  Bob  Krouse  has  bap- 
tized 30  new  Christians. 

The  vision  for  Cornerstone  grew  out 
of  Midway  Church  of  the  Brethren,  a 
staunchly  traditional  Brethren  congrega- 
tion on  the  outskirts  of  Lebanon. 
Confronted  with  a  crowded  building, 
Midway  considered  either  adding  on, 
moving  to  a  second  service,  or  planting  a 
new  church.  In  the  end,  it  did  all  three. 

Core  group  member  Thom  Keller, 

22  Messenger  November  1997 

who  has  been  a  leader  in  the  Brethren 
church  growth  movement,  helped  chart 
a  direction  toward  a  new  church  that 
would  differ  greatly  from  its  parent. 

"The  worship  style  and  what  hap- 
pens at  Midway  is  working,"  says 
Thom.  "There's  no  need  to  change  it. 
It  meets  those  people's  ministry  needs. 
But  for  a  whole  host  of  people, 
Midway  would  not  work." 

In  order  to  reach  these  unchurched 
people,  Midway  agreed  to  plant  a 
church  "with  a  whole  new  set  of  para- 
digms," according  to  Thom.  The  parent 
church  committed  $45,000,  provided 
most  of  a  32-member  core  group 
(which  included  about  as  many  children 
as  adults),  and  prayed  diligently. 

"We've  had  tremendous  support  from 
(Midway  pastor)  lack  Harpold,"  says 
Bob.  "We  really  are  thankful  for  the 
support  we've  had  from  Midway."  In 
addition  to  receiving  the  start-up  funds. 
Cornerstone  continues  to  tap  Midway's 
and  other  congregations'  resources  to 
enhance  its  community  outreach. 

Bob  brought  not  only  a  clear  sense 
of  call  to  the  position,  but  also  an  abil- 
ity to  view  the  work  through  the  lens 
of  a  missionary.  "Clearly,  God  has 
called  me  to  do  this,"  says  the  former 
Nigeria  missionary.  "It's  what  I've 
been  created  to  do." 

Bob  directed  a  three-month-long 
"boot  camp"  for  the  core  group  leading 
up  to  the  first  public  service.  Required 
reading  was  Steve  Sjogren's  book  Con- 
spiracy of  Kindness,  which  encourages 
Christians  to  engage  in  "random  acts 
of  kindness"  that  demonstrate  God's 
love  in  practical  ways. 

Following  Sjogren's  methodology, 
Cornerstone  has  engaged  in  a  wide 
range  of  "outreaches,"  including  free 
concerts  in  a  park;  grilled  hot  dog 
handouts  outside  a  bar,  and  soft-drink 
giveaways  on  street  corners,  along 

with  free  car  washes,  oil  changes, 
smoke  detector  batteries,  and  blood 
pressure  screenings.  On  Mother's 
Day,  Cornerstone  members  gave  away 
624  flowers.  About  two  outreaches  are 
held  each  month. 

"It's  really  important  to  create  this 
sense  that  we  are  constantly  out  in  the 
community  doing  stuff,"  says  Bob.  "If 
we  do  enough  of  this,  God's  love  will 
be  palpably  felt  in  this  community.  As 
people  actually  experience  a  tiny  flicker 
of  God's  love,  it  changes  them."  And, 
he  adds,  "It's  amazing.  People  always 
show  up  who  are  hurting." 

Cornerstone  also  is  working  at  more 
in-depth  outreach  work,  including 
sponsorship  of  a  Saturday  night  12- 
step  recover  group  and  a  transitional 
home  for  recovering  addicts. 

A  number  of  people  have  come  into 
the  church  who  initially  were  con- 
tacted through  a  simple  outreach 
activity.  When  newcomers  do  attend 
worship  at  the  Lebanon  YMCA,  they 
find  a  service  tailored  to  their  tastes. 

Music  is  led  by  a  worship  team, 
including  several  vocalists  accompanied 
by  keyboard,  guitar,  and  drums.  Music 
is  "contemporary"  in  style,  with  words 
projected  on  a  screen.  "There  aren't  too 
many  boom  boxes  playing  Bach  and 
Beethoven,"  notes  Bob,  in  explaining 
his  congregation's  choice  of  music. 

Language  also  is  informal.  A  worship 
leader  introduces  a  song  by  saying, 

"It's  really  cool  that  the  Lord  will  meet 
us  wherever  we  are."  Following  the 
reading  of  Acts  14,  another  leader 
comments,  "I  mean,  these  guys  were, 
like,  witnesses.  They  were  strong.  And 
we  want  to  be  strong  witnesses." 
Pastor  Bob  includes  an  easy-to-follow 
sermon  outline  in  the  bulletin,  with 
blanks  for  people  to  fill  in. 

Members  intentionally  dress  down 
for  worship  —  some  wearing  shorts  or 
jeans  and  T-shirts  —  so  that  no  one 
feels  excluded  because  of  improper 
dress.  Sensitive  to  the  perception  that 
the  church  is  always  asking  for  money. 
Cornerstone  takes  no  offering  during 
worship.  A  collection  box  in  the  rear  is 
there  for  people  who  want  to  give. 
Strong  giving  from  the  core  group  and 

others  has  helped  the  church  to 
achieve  financial  self-sufficiency. 

Those  who  are  committed  to  the 
church  are  asked  not  to  talk  to  their 
friends  on  Sunday  morning.  Instead, 
they  are  expected  to  be  available  to 

meet  new  people.  "One  of  the  things 
about  Cornerstone  that  I  like  the 
most,"  says  core-group  member  Brian 
Sanger,  "is  that  people  from  all  walks 
of  life  can  come  here  and  feel  wel- 
come." Thom  Keller  adds  that  there  is 
a  "sense  of  unconditional  love  that 
people  feel"  at  Cornerstone. 

In  addition  to  Sunday  worship,  80 
or  so  people  meet  in  mid-week  "home 
fellowships,"  which  also  are  geared 
toward  new  believers. 

Of  those  who  attend  Cornerstone, 
Bob  estimates,  about  a  third  are  first- 
time  Christians,  another  third  are  baby 
boomers  who  dropped  out  of  other 
churches  many  years  ago  and  now  are 
returning  "with  tremendous  enthusi- 
asm," and  another  third  are  Christians 
who  have  come  from  other  churches. 

Halfway  across  the  country  in  the 
Minneapolis  suburb  of  Burnsville, 
Open  Circle  fellowship  has  used 
attractive  print  advertising,  designed 
with  direction  from  a  professional 
marketer,  to  draw  upscale  baby 
boomers  to  polished  worship  services 
that  feature  quality  music  and  drama. 

"We've  made  a  conscious  effort,"  says 
pastor  lay  Steele,  "not  to  do  things  until 
we're  ready  to  do  them.  We've  held  off 
on  doing  things  until  we're  ready  to  do 
them  well.  That  kind  of  commitment  to 
quality  has  worked  well  for  us." 

Open  Circle  opened  its  doors  on 
Easter  1 994,  but  the  hope  of  planting  a 
church  in  the  Twin  Cities  area  goes 
back  many  years  earlier.  When  a  previ- 
ous church  in  the  area  closed.  Northern 
Plains  District  set  aside  money  from  the 
sale  of  the  building.  "The  goal  of  the 
district,"  says  |ay,  "always  was  to  get 
another  church  started." 

In  addition  to  $  I  50,000  from  that 
fund,  the  district  raised  an  additional 
$  1  50,000  to  start  a  new  church.  Pre- 
liminary demographic  studies  were 
conducted  on  several  Minneapolis 
suburbs.  All  the  district  lacked  was  a 
pastor  and  a  vision.  That's  where  )ay 
Steele  came  in. 

"The  thing  that  intrigued  me  most," 
says  Jay,  "was  that  there  was  a  lot  of 

November  1997  Messenger  23 

freedom.  The  district  was  interested 
and  was  willing  to  give  support,  but  as 
I  talked  to  its  leaders,  they  said  they 
were  waiting  for  someone  to  come  in 
and  spell  out  a  vision." 

And  that's  what  |ay  did,  arriving  on 
site  in  Burnsville  just  after  Easter 
1 993.  "So  much  of  it  relies  on  Jay," 
says  Northern  Plains  New  Church 
Development  chairman  leff  Neuman- 
Lee.  "He  came  in  and  he  knew  what 
he  wanted  to  do.  He  had  a  sense  of 
how  God  was  calling  him  and  he  built 
a  ministry  around  that." 

Early  on,  |ay  met  with  several 
Brethren  who  lived  in  the  area  and 
formed  a  six-member  core  group.  "We 
hashed  out  a  vision  for  the  church  and 
spent  a  lot  of  time  visiting  other 
churches,  listening,  and  looking  at  what 
other  people  were  doing,"  |ay  says. 

"It  is  critically  important  to  have  a 
clear  vision  in  place,"  he  adds,  "and  to 
stick  to  that  vision  and  be  up  front 
about  that  vision  with  the  people 
coming  in."  |ay  continues  to  preach 
two  sermon  series  a  year  on  the  vision 
of  Open  Circle. 

As  the  fellowship's  name  indicates, 
part  of  the  vision  is  to  be  an  inclusive 
community,  open  to  a  variety  of 
views.  That  has  attracted  a  number  of 
former  Catholics  and  Lutherans  who 
had  dropped  out  of  the  church,  many 
of  whom  had  young  families.  "Many 
of  them  were  not  finding  the  answers 
they  were  looking  for,"  says  fay. 
"One  of  the  neat  experiences  has 
been  to  have  a  lot  of  people  come  in 
and  say,  'We  didn't  know  there  is  a 
place  for  us  in  the  church.'"  Open 
Circle  has  shown  them  that  there  is. 

"I'm  a  theological  liberal  who 
believes  very  strongly  in  evangelism," 
says  Jay,  who  previously  pastored 
Woodworth  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
in  Youngstown,  Ohio.  "God  and  the 
church  are  big  enough  for  all  differ- 
ent perspectives.  And  the  church  has 
an  awful  lot  to  offer  to  people  for 
their  daily  lives." 

Noting  that  the  Twin  Cities  are  a 
"fairly  liberal  market,"  Jay  says  that 
Open  circle  has  been  able  to  reach 
people  who  are  uncomfortable  with  a 
more  conservative  message  but  still 

24  Messenger  November  1997 

Shalom  bought  and  remodeled  a  vacant 
run-down  building  to  create  a 
iiandsome  new  meetinghouse.  Paul 
Bauer,  Anna  Bauer,  and  Drew  Jones 
hung  a  sign  out  front  to  attract  the 
neighbors  and  passersby. 

long  tor  inner  peace  and 
unconditional  love.  "1 
don't  use  conservative 
language,"  he  concludes, 
"but  we  are  trying  to  do 
the  same  thing." 

From  the  beginning. 
Open  Circle  recognized  that  quality 
"contemporary"  music  and  drama  were 
going  to  be  key  components  of  worship. 
Jay  interviewed  a  number  of  musicians 
before  hiring  vocalist  and  keyboard 
player  Todd  Lines.  Todd  had  performed 
widely  in  shows  in  the  Twin  Cities. 

Core  group  members  Michael  and 
Patty  Facius,  both  of  whom  had 
worked  behind  the  scenes  at  the 
Guthrie  Theater,  oversaw  auditions 
for  the  church's  drama  group.  Four 
people  were  found  to  start  the  group. 
Lisa  Snyder  and  Cindy  Kennedy  now 
lead  the  drama  team.  Those  two  and 
four  others  have  become  licensed  min- 
isters in  the  fellowship. 

To  get  word  out  about  the  church. 
Open  Circle  turned  to  a  professional 
marketer.  "I  was  fairly  convinced," 
says  Jay,  "that  to  get  people  to  enter 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren,  advertis- 
ing was  necessary."  The  Brethren  are 
virtually  unknown  in  the  area. 

The  initial  budget  proposed  by  the 
district  earmarked  $500  for  advertis- 
ing. Jay  quickly  upped  that  figure  to 
$10,000  a  year.  Joel  Hoefle,  a  profes- 
sional marketer  with  a  Mennonite 

background,  helped  develop  a  two- 
pronged  advertising  plan  that  included! 
direct  mailings  to  targeted  audiences, 
along  with  broadcast  print  pieces  to 
the  immediate  neighborhood. 

Direct  mail  to  parents  of  new  babies 
and  to  people  changing  addresses 
quickly  proved  ineffective  and  was 
abandoned.  A  four-page  flyer  mailed 
to  10,000  homes,  describing  the 
church  and  raising  spiritual  questions, 
proved  more  effective,  and  it  is  still  a 
mainstay  of  Open  Circle's  marketing 
strategy.  Three  or  four  such  pieces  are 
mailed  annually.  "Virtually  everyone 
who  attends  has  come  because  of  the 
mailings  or  because  they  have  been 
invited  by  someone,"  Jay  says. 

Finding  a  place  to  which  to  invite 
newcomers  proved  difficult.  High  rental 
rates  forced  Open  Circle  to  look  at  pur- 
chasing property.  The  building  search 
delayed  the  start  of  the  church,  but  even- 
tually a  former  funeral  home  was  found. 
Since  December  1996,  Open  Circle  has 
worshiped  in  its  newly  purchased 
former  Episcopal  church  building. 
"We  struggled  for  nearly  a  year  in  that 
building  transition,"  Jay  notes. 

Average  attendance  at  Open  Circle 
IS  just  over  100.  Worshipers  are  pre- 
dominantly white  and  white  collar 
— bankers,  teachers,  lawyers,  physi- 
cians. Many  own  cabins  and  boats.  To 
accommodate  their  weekend  sched- 
ules, Open  Circle  holds  a  Wednesday 
evening  worship  service  during  the 
summer  months,  as  well  as  Sunday 
morning  worship.  The  church  has 
Sunday  school  for  children  and  "adult 
groups."  In  addition,  two  home 
groups  meet  during  the  week.  A  youth 
program  is  slated  to  begin  soon. 
I     (ay  notes  that  the  church's  "commit- 
ment to  quality"  has  attracted  highly 
skilled  professionals  whose  skills  have 
benefited  the  church  in  areas  such  as 
financial  management  and  acquiring  a 
building.  "In  a  number  of  different 
areas,  we  have  been  able  to  tap  into 
I  people's  area  of  expertise,"  he  says. 

The  success  of  Open  Circle  has 
been  a  source  of  encouragement  to 
Northern  Plains  District,  adds  [eff 
Neuman-Lee.  "It  has  really  given  this 
district  a  very  positive  attitude 
toward  itself." 

Folks  in  Virlina  District  are  also 
excited  about  new  churches. 
There,  Shalom  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  located  in  the  "Research  Tri- 
angle" encompassing  the  North 
Carolina  cities  of  Raleigh,  Durham, 
and  Chapel  Hill,  is  one  of  three  dis- 
trict-sponsored new  church  projects. 
"Virlina  is  an  exciting  place  to  be  right 
now,  in  terms  of  church  extension," 
says  Shalom  member  Dave  Minnich. 
The  district  has  planted  a  new  church 
in  Concord,  N.C.,  and  now  is  studying 

Roosevelt  Blankenship from  VirUiia's 
Jones  Chapel  church  was  one  of  many 
enthusiastic  district  volunteers  at 
Shalom.  He  applied  his  skills  in  carpen- 
try, drywalling.  wiring,  and  plumbing  to 
help  bring  the  building  up  to  snuff. 

the  feasibility  of  planting  one  in  the 
Greensboro,  N.C.,  area. 

As  far  back  as  10  years  ago,  Virlina 
pursued  a  church  plant  in  the 
Research  Triangle,  even  going  as  far  as 
bidding  on  a  property.  But  only  when 
key  Brethren  couples  Duane  and  Darla 
Kay  Deardorff  and  Dave  and  Lynette 
Minnich  moved  into  the  area  in  1993 
and  1994  did  the  project  begin  to  take 
shape.  With  district  executive  Dave 
Shumate's  blessing,  the  two  couples 
used  mailing  lists  of  Brethren  institu- 
tions to  compile  a  list  of  names  of 
"displaced  Brethren"  in  the  area. 

In  September  1994,  a  group  of 
about  1 5  people  met  for  a  potluck 
meal,  worship,  and  a  time  of  dream- 
ing. The  1 5  decided  to  meet 
periodically  for  Bible  study  and  fellow- 
ship, and  soon  settled  into  a  pattern  of 
one  Sunday  evening  a  month  at 
Durham  Mennonite  Church,  later 
increasing  meetings  to  twice  a  month. 

About  the  same  time,  Virlina  formed 
a  planning  committee  for  the  project. 
In  March  1996,  Irving  Glover  was 
called  as  part-time,  interim  pastor.  "His 
role,"  says  present  pastor  Phil  )ones, 
"was  to  lead  the  group  in  looking  for  a 
site  and  at  what  it  wanted  to  do  in 
developing  its  ministry."  Irving  stayed 
on  until  the  end  of  1996.  A  chartering 
service  was  held  in  May  of  that  year 

with  19  charter  members.  By  May 
1 997,  the  number  of  charter  members 
had  grown  to  34,  with  five  received  by 
baptism  and  the  others  by  transfer. 

Phil  lones  became  full-time  pastor  in 
January  1997,  and  in  March  an  aban- 
doned concrete  community  center  was 
purchased  in  southeastern  Durham. 

"The  location  where  we  ended  up  is 
ideal,"  says  Dave  Minnich.  While  the 
Research  Triangle  as  a  whole  attracts 
high-income  people  employed  in  techni- 
cal jobs,  Shalom's  immediate  target  area 
includes  some  people  of  more  modest 
means.  These  people,  Shalom  members 
believe,  may  find  Brethren  ideals  more 
attractive  than  do  higher-income  people. 
"It's  a  pretty  broad  mix  of  ethnic  and 
social  backgrounds,"  says  Phil. 

Much  of  1997  has  been  spent  in 
building  renovation,  done  almost 
entirely  by  volunteer  labor.  "I  have 
felt  more  like  a  building  contractor 
than  a  pastor  these  past  eight 
months,"  says  Phil.  Shalom  has  relied 
heavily  on  10  partner  churches  in 
Virlina  to  provide  labor,  as  well  as 
financial  and  prayer  support. 

The  newly  remodeled  building  was 
dedicated  on  |uly  27,  with  120  people 
attending  from  across  the  district. 
Since  |uly,  the  fellowship  has  held 
weekly  Sunday  morning  worship  in 
the  new  building,  although  an  elusive 
occupancy  permit  still  needed  to  be 
obtained  as  of  mid-September. 

With  the  building  in  place,  Shalom 
now  is  turning  its  attention  toward 
ministry  and  growth.  "So  far,  all  our 
members  are  Church  of  the  Brethren 
people  who  have  relocated  in  the  area 
and  transferred  from  other  Brethren 
congregations,"  says  Phil.  "We  cer- 
tainly know  that  we  can't  continue  to 
grow  that  way." 

Shalom  already  has  15  to  20  regular 
attenders  from  non-Brethren  back- 
grounds, and  intends  to  target 
professionals  ages  25—45  who  have 
relocated  in  the  area  and  who  have 
young  families.  Average  attendance 
over  the  past  summer  was  about  25, 
but  as  many  as  50  people  are  attend- 
ing on  a  somewhat  regular  basis, 
according  to  Dave  Minnich. 

An  early  decision  that  had  to  be 

November  1997  Messenger  25 

made  was  how  much  to  emphasize  the 
congregation's  Brethren  identity  in  an 
area  of  the  country  in  which  Brethren 
are  not  well  known.  Shalom  decided 
to  use  "Church  of  the  Brethren"  in  its 
name  and  advertising.  "It  is  very  much 
a  Brethren  start,"  says  Phil,  who  previ- 
ously pastored  Lorida  (Fla.)  Church  of 
the  Brethren.  "We  decided  that 
'Brethren'  was  important  for  us,  and 

that  we  would  advertise  with  the 
Brethren  name."  The  congregation's 
mission  statement  also  lifts  up  the 
importance  of  Brethren  identity. 

"We  want  to  be  very  open  and  wel- 
coming to  folks  of  all  backgrounds," 
Dave  Minnich  explains,  "but  this  is 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren.  We  are 
going  to  have  to  continue  working  at 
that  in  a  way  that  doesn't  play  exclu- 

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sive  Brethren  games."  For  Dave,  that 
means  emphasizing  Brethren  ideals, 
rather  than  asking  "Who  was  your 

To  get  the  word  out  about  itself, 
Shalom  is  using  brochures  and  ads 
designed  by  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  General  Board  staff,  along 
with  some  of  its  own  materials.  One  off 
its  most  visible  advertising  pieces 
directed  at  Brethren  was  a  regularly 
appearing  classified  ad  in  Messenger 
over  an  extended  period.  It  resulted  in 
a  number  of  contacts  and  increased 
Shalom's  visibility  in  the  wider  church. 

Even  the  name  "Shalom"  speaks  of 
the  congregation's  intention  to  lift  up 
Brethren  ideals.  "We  realized  from  the 
beginning  that  we  had  to  continue 
interpreting  that  name,"  says  Dave. 
But  the  group  felt  that  the  biblical 
word  "shalom"  embodies  many  con- 
cepts that  are  central  to  its  faith 
— peace,  justice,  right  relationship 
with  Christ,  and  wholeness. 

Worship  at  Shalom  is  "traditional, 
with  a  'contemporary'  flavor,"  says 
Phil.  "We  have  tried  to  combine  'con- 
temporary' and  'traditional,'  and  that 
has  worked  pretty  well  for  us."  The 
congregation  sings  "contemporary" 
praise  songs,  but  also  uses  the  denom- 
ination's \992  Hymnal. 

With  its  building  and  a  solid  mem- 
bership core  in  place,  Shalom  intends 
to  use  periodic  bulk  mailings  to  raise 
the  church's  visibility.  And  Phil  has 
been  visiting  in  homes,  nursing  homes, 
and  area  businesses  to  make  a  name 
for  the  Brethren.  In  addition,  the  con- 
gregation expects  to  offer  its  building 
as  a  retreat  center  and  meeting  place 
for  area  businesses  and  other  groups. 

Cornerstone,  Open  Circle,  and 
Shalom  offer  three  different  models 
of  church  planting.  What  these  three 
Brethren  new-church  plants  have  in 
common  is  a  desire  to  communicate 
God's  love  in  ways  that  are  culturally 
relevant  to  the  communities 
they  serve. 


Donald  R.  Fitzkee.  a  former  Messenger 
editorial  assistant  and  a  former  member  of  the 
General  Board,  is  a  tninister  in  Chiques 
Church  of  the  Brethren.  Manheim.  Pa.  A  noted 
Brethren  historian,  he  is  the  author  o/ Moving 
Toward  the  Mainstream:  20th-century  Change 
Among  the  Brethren  of  Eastern  Pennsylvania. 

26  Messenger  November  1997 


ny  communicating 

process  involves 

a  sender  and 

receiver.  And 


many  senders 

do  not  give  clear 

messages  to 

their  receivers. 



by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

My  dog  has  a  funny 
way  of  communi- 
cating. Whenever  he  wants 
something,  he  comes  to  me, 
parks  his  Httle  caboose  at 
my  feet,  and  then  just  looics 
at  me  with  great  expecta- 
tions. So  I  start  guessing. 

"What  is  it,  Yogi?  Food?" 


"Do  you  want  to  go  to 


"How  about  outside?  Do 
you  need  to  go  outside?" 

Yip!  Yap!  Skip!  Scamper 
to  the  door! 

Depending  on  what  he 
wants  at  the  moment,  the 
point  at  which  Yogi  responds 
will  change.  The  process, 
however,  never  changes. 
Invariably,  Yogi  waits  for  me 
to  guess  what  he  wants. 

Any  communicating 
process  involves  a  sender 
and  receiver.  And  unfortu- 
nately, many  senders  do  not 
give  clear  messages  to  their 
receivers.  They  leave  them 
guessing  what  they  need. 
Here  are  some  ways  that 

Silence.  I  know  couples 
who  use  silence  as  an  inef- 
fective way  to  communicate 
hurt  or  anger.  Have  you 
heard  this  before? 

"What's  wrong?" 


"Why  are  you  so  quiet?" 

"I  just  don't  have  any- 
thing to  say  (sniff)" 

"Then  why  are  you 

"It's  nothing." 

"I  know  you're  upset,  so 

tell  me  what's  wrong." 


There  is  a  time  when 
silence  is  golden.  There  also 
are  times  when  silence  is  a 
counter-productive  method 
of  communication  that 
leaves  the  receiver  guessing 
(not  to  mention  frustrated). 

Sarcasm.  This  one  hits  a 
little  too  close  to  home  for 
comfort.  When  it  comes  to 
ineffective  communication, 
sarcasm  has  always  been 
my  dysfunction  of  choice. 

But  the  problem  with  sar- 
casm is  that  it  gives  a  dual 
message.  By  definition,  sar- 
casm is  "a  mocking  remark 
utilizing  statements  oppo- 
site to  the  underlying 
meaning."  For  example: 

A  kid  accidentally  knocks 
a  can  of  paint  over  while 
working  on  a  project.  The 
supervisor  says,  "Oh, 
you're  a  big  help!" 

A  student  receives  a  poor 
grade  on  an  assignment,  and 
is  told,  "I  can  see  you're 
going  to  be  a  great  scholar!" 

In  sarcasm,  the  words 
used  do  not  match  the  mes- 
sage delivered,  which  leaves 
the  burden  upon  the  hearer 
to  figure  out  what  is  really 
being  said. 

Secrecy.  While  this  is  a  little 
bit  like  silence,  it's  more  spe- 
cific. With  secrecy,  the  sender 
intentionally  withholds  infor- 
mation about  a  particular 
issue.  This  can  be  especially 
confusing  in  a  marriage  in 
which  one  partner  is  suffering 
the  post-traumatic  effects  of 
sexual  abuse. 

A  survivor  of  sexual  abuse 
often  has  repressed  memories 

of  that  abuse.  Marriage,  with 
its  accompanying  permission 
and  expectations  concerning 
sexual  intimacy,  can  trigger 
those  memories  and  dredge 
up  old  pain.  Survivors  who 
feel  a  lot  of  fear  and  shame 
may  not  be  comfortable 
divulging  their  history  to 
their  spouse.  That  leads  to 
another  problem,  however, 
because  often  in  such  cases, 
the  person  withdraws  without 
explanation,  and  the  spouse 
is  left  guessing:  "Is  she 
mad?"  "Is  he  having  an 
affair?"  "Did  I  do  something 
wrong?"  "Doesn't  she  love 
me  anymore?"  "Doesn't  he 
find  me  attractive?" 

Silence,  sarcasm,  secrecy. 
All  are  ways  of  sending 
messages  that  are  at  a  high 
risk  for  misinterpretation 
because  they  leave  it  up  to 
the  hearer  to  guess  what  is 
really  being  communicated. 

I  shouldn't  be  too  hard  on 
Yogi  for  expecting  me  to 
guess  what  he  wants.  He  is, 
after  all,  just  a  "dumb" 
animal.  However,  since  we 
humans  are  made  in  the  very 
image  of  God  who  spolce 
creation  into  existence,  it  is 
our  privilege — and  responsi- 
bility— to  communicate   rrr 
clearly  what  we  need.       r^ 

Robin  Wentworth  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Koliomo  (bid.)  Cliurcli 
of  the  Brethren, 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  cokimn  offer- 
ing suggestions,  perspectives,  and 
opinions — snapshots  of  life — that  we 
hope  are  helpful  to  readers  in  their 
Christian  journey.  As  the  writer  said  in 
her  first  installment.  "Remember, 
when  it  comes  to  managing  life 's  diffi- 
culties, we  don  V  need  to  walk  on 
water.  We  just  need  to  learn  where  the 
stepping  stones  are. " 

November  1997  Messenger  27 



"It's  most  ironic  that  the  situation 
that  the  editor  finds  unacceptable 
today  is  one  to  which  he  has  been 
a  major  contributor. " 

Eller  was  close  to  the  mark 

I  agree  with  most  of  the  August/Sep- 
tember editorial,  "Conference  as  a 
Battleground."  That's  most  unusual, 
for  I  have  agreed  with  very  little  in  the 
past  several  years'  editorials.  It's  most 
ironic  that  the  situation  that  the  editor 
finds  unacceptable  today  is  one  to 
which  he  has  been  a  major  contributor. 

But  I  did  largely  agree  with  the 
editor's  criticism  and  assessment  of 
Annual  Conference.  To  make  my 
point,  however,  I  quote  from  a  Feb- 
ruary 1988  Messenger  article  by 

From  the 
Office  of  Human  Resources 

Church  of  the  Brethren  seeks 
Executive  Director 

Serves  as  the  principal  administrator 
for  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  Gen- 
eral Board;  provides  leadership  and 
guidance  for  the  General  Board  staff 
in  a  spirit  of  mutuality  and  coopera- 
tion; and  sets  a  spiritual  tone,  rooted 
in  the  teachings  of  the  New  Testament. 

The  successful  candidate  will 

•  have  a  dynamic  spiritual  life 
grounded  in  a  vibrant  faith  in 
Jesus  Christ; 

•  be  dedicated  to  the  ministry  and 
mission  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren; 

•  have  proven  administrative 

•  exhibit  an  understanding  of  sys- 
tems and  an  ability  to  facilitate  dialog 
in  a  diverse  Brethren  constituency; 

•  be  knowledgeable  of  Brethren  her- 
itage, theology,  and  polity; 

•  exhibit  strong  oral  and  written 
communication  skills. 

Letters  of  interest  or  nomination  may 

be  sent  to  Marx  jo  Flory-Steury, 

800  East' David  Road, 

Kettering.  OH  45429. 

Information  packets  are  available  now. 

Application  deadline  is  Dec.  70,  1997. 

■Vernard  Eller:  "The  truth  of  the 
matter  is  that  our  [Brethren]  config- 
uration of  social  concerns  can  be  and 
is  duplicated  all  over  the  place.  I'm 
not  convinced  that  a  statement  of 
'Brethren  (sociological)  beliefs' 
would  even  be  distinguishable  from 
the  platform  of  a  liberal  Democratic 
presidential  candidate." 

Rather  than  let  Messenger  readers 
reach  their  own  conclusions,  the  editor 
presented  his  own  bias  in  his  Page  One 
column  of  that  issue  before  the  readers 
could  get  to  the  article  on  page  12. 

From  abortion  and  fetal  tissue,  add 

all  the  following  issues  that  have  beei 
discussed  by  the  General  Board, 
Annual  Conference,  Messenger,  anc 
the  congregations:  affirmative  action 
minimum  wages,  labor  relations, 
fringe  benefits,  farm  problems,  and 
child  welfare. 

'When  the  church  feels  that  it  is 
necessary  to  come  up  with  an  officia 
statement  on  such  issues,  one  can 
only  conclude  that  Vernard  Eller  wasi "'' 
not  far  off  the  mark. 

The  situation  has  been  exacerbatec 
when  many  of  those  positions  taken 
proved  totally  wrong-headed  or 

If  the  editorial  is,  in  fact,  a  change   ml 
in  direction,  I  applaud  the  editor.  It 
says  something  that  I  have  not  read 
in  Messenger  for  years. 

John  C.  Graybea 
Hampstead.  Md 


Unity  strengthens  the  fabricf 

When  the  Messenger  editor  wrote 
(August/September,  page  32), 


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28  Messenger  November  1997 

somewhere  on  our  way,  along  with 
c  distortion  of  our  early  Brethren 
caning  of  freedom  of  conscience 
.    we  have  become  disunited — dis- 
Lisiing  one  another,  breaking  into 
iccial-interest  factions,  and  resort- 
ig  to  political  maneuvering  to  get 
ur  own  way,"  I  took  his  viewpoint 
1  mean  that  the  lines  were  drawn  for 
10  battle  over  social  issues,  and  the 
olilical  forum  has  been  taken  to  the 
oor  of  Annual  Conference. 
Social  issues  are  matters  of  con- 
jicnce.  The  focus  and  spirit  of 
'onference  should  be  on  the  issues 
lai  affect  us  as  Brethren  living  in  an 
nli-Christian  society. 
Quite  possibly,  certain  issues 
hould  not  be  brought  to  Confer- 
nce.  Some  that  are  brought  (and 
larshly  debated)  are  confusing  the 
lody  about  the  meaning  of  being  a 
Christian/Brethren.  When  I  study 
md  pray  about  my  relationship  with 
rhrist,  the  meaning  of  all  the  other 
ssues — social,  political,  and  reli- 
gious— becomes  clear  by  the 
nspiration  of  the  Holy  Spirit. 

The  Spirit  of  God  is  a  peacemaker 
ind  organizer.  The  spirit  of  diversity 
s  not  from  God.  The  only  way  for 
authentic  Christians  to  make  a  last- 
ng  impact  on  the  world  is  to  do  what 
(esus  did.  Be  distinct,  not  identical. 

If  we  have  unity  in  society's  chang- 
ing times,  the  fabric  of  what  makes 
us  Brethren  will  not  be  ripped,  but 
strengthened.  And  if  there  is  a  tear, 
let's  kneel  down  and  push  the  mend- 
ing needle  by  washing  the  feet  of  the 
one  whom  we  betrayed  or  who 
betrayed  us.  Let's  unite  in  the  body 
of  Christ,  not  with  just  the  name 
Brethren  but  with  the  name  Jesus  on 
our  lips.  Let  us  march  to  the  throne 
room  and  brush  the  tears  off  |esus' 
face.  Let  us  look  forward  to  a  bless- 
ing of  his  smile. 

fohn  Krabacher 
New  Carlisle,  Ohio 

The  only  tie  that  binds 

With  all  the  present  downsizing 
of  General  Board  program,  I  hope 
we  will  be  able  to  keep  Messenger 
going.  It  is  the  only  "tie  that  binds" 
the  denomination  together,  in  even 

s^  Pontius' Puddle 

Send  payment  for  reprinting  "Pontius'  Puddle"  from  Messenger  i 
Joel  Knujfmarm.  Ill  Carter  Road.  Goihen,  IN 46526.  $25  for  or 
time  uif.  $10  jor  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $  1 0  for  congregations. 

wwv  DOES  the:  pastor 
^^y  wr  chrvstiams 

5K0OLD  HWE"  Toy     o 

Because  You  Need 

Protection  You  Can 

Count  On 

VYhen  a  fire  broke  out  at  Elkhart  City 
Church  of  the  Brethren  in  Elkhart,  Indiana, 
many  members  wondered  how  long  it  would 
be  before  they  could  worship  there  again. 
But  they  were  about  to  experience  a 
wonderful  surprise. 

''Mutual  Aid  was  right  there  when  we 
needed  them,"  says  Ted  Noffsinger,  who 
supervised  the  reconstruction.  "The  approach 
I  saw  was,  'We  have  a  policyholder  with  a 
problem.  Let's  do  what  we  can,  as  fast  as  we 
can,  to  get  him  back  in  business.'" 

If  that's  the  protection  you'd  like  to  experience,  then 
you  should  know  Mutual  Aid  Association  also  offers 
homeowner's  insurance  at  very  competitive  rates.  To 
find  out  more,  return  the  bind-in  card  in  this  issue  of 
Messenger,  or  call  us  now. 



Mutual  Aid  Association 

Church  of  the  Brethren 

3094  Jeep  Rd  •  Abilene,  KS  67410 

Protection  you  can  depend  on  from 
Brethren  van  trust.  Since  1885. 

November  1997  Messenger  29 

Oup  district  office  is  close  to  Paradisel 

1 1  Yes,  the  Southern  Pennsylvania  District  Office 

"■■^  '*'— *  is  just  a  short  drive  from  Paradise  Township 

n|,,^Vn  and  within  an  hour's  drive  of  most  of  our  45 

^^ y  diverse  congregations  in  the  roiling  hills  of 

L,*^  Pennsylvania  Dutch  Country. 

We  are  seeking  aumnraiJIHWffHwho  is  a  committed  Christian,  grounded  in  Brethren 
tradition,  and  can  provide  dynamic  spiritual  leadership  as  we  head  into  the  next  century. 
To  apply,  send  resume  and  letter  of  interest  to  Office  of  District  tVlinistry,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120  by  December  31. 

^acfi  out  through  better  stezvardship 

Not  every  church  has  an  asset  manager  among  its 
members.   For  as  little  as  $10,000  you  can  open  an 
account  with  the  Brethren  Foundation.  Our  profes- 
sionals will  invest  your  funds  to  help  you  continue 

the  work  of  Jesus. 


Brethren  Foundation,  Inc. 

1505  Dundee  Avenue,  Elgin,  Illinois  60123 

800-746-1505  •  FAX  847-742-0135 

a  ministry  of  Church  of  the  Brethren  Benefit  Trust 


the  loosest  sense. 

It  is  incongruous  that  in  Messen- 
ger's news  section  we  read  a  tale  of 
woe  about  programs  and  staff  being 
cut  for  lack  of  money,  while  in  the 
classified  ads  we  see  advertised 
expensive  tours  to  Europe,  to  China.i 
to  Israel.  Perhaps  the  globe-trotters 
among  us  should  stay  home  and  give:|„ 
their  travel  money  to  the  church. 

A  pastoral  program  calling  for 
"scale"  leads  small  congregations  to 
slough  away  because  of  their  inabilit; 
to  afford  a  pastor.  An  expensive  dis- 
trict program  yields  little  in  return. 
The  money  is  there;  the  call  is  mis- 
placed. Our  former  mission  program 
provided  just  that  pull  of  need. 

Outward  focus  is  always  a  need;  the 
material  world  has  closed  in  on  us. 

But  are  we  enjoying  our  bigger 
barns?  I  wonder. 

Jean  M.  Winter:) 
Eglon.  W.Va 


Classified  Ads 

Travel  with  a  purpose.  Missionary  journeys  of  St. 
Pail,  Tlrkey;  &  Greece,  Mar.  19-Apr.  3, 1998.  $2,899. 
For  info,  write  Wendell  &  Joan  Bohrer,  8520  Royal 
Meadow  Dr,  Indianapolis,  IN  46217.  Tel. /fax  (317) 
882,  5067.  Or  write  Paul  &  Geneva  White,  3310  Melody 
Ave.  SW,  Roanoke,  VA  24018-3114.  Tel.  (540)  776-3289. 
Cruise  the  Russian  waterways,  Aug.  7-23, 1998.  From 
$2,649,  depending  on  deck  level.  Visit  Moscow,  Red 
Square,  Kremlin,  St.  Petersburg,  &  cruise  rivers  of  the 
czars,  on  Ist-class  cruise  ship.  3  nieals  a  day  For  info, 
write  Bohrer  Tours,  8520  Royal  Meadow  Dr.,  Indi- 
anapolis, IN  46217.  Tel./fax  (317)  882-5067. 

Cruise  with  Ken  Medema.  Feb.  1-8, 1998.  Cruise 
western  Caribbean  with  Christian  musician  &  entertainer 
Ken  Medema  on  Celebrit)'  Cruises'  newest  ship,  the  Mer- 
cury. Enjoy  3  private  concerts;  private  reception  with 
Ken  Medema  on  board;  &  visit  e.xotic  ports  of  Cozumel, 
Montego  Bay,  Grand  Cayman,  &  Key  West.  Wonderful 
Christmas  gift  for  a  pastor  from  congregation.  Get  a 
group  together  &  cruise  for  free.  For  more  info,  write 
Mr  &  Mrs.  Philip  Rowland,  2332  Putter  Lane,  St.  Louis, 
MO  63131,  or  call  Cecelia,  toll-free,  at  (888)  367-9398. 

Alpine  Adventure  tour.  A  14-day  tour  leaves  Wash- 
ington, D.C.  (Dulles  International  Airport),  May  26, 
1998.  Visit  Switzerland,  Germany,  &  Austria.  A  very 
special  price  is  available.  For  details,  contact  tour  host 
Dr.  Wayne  F  Geisert,  President  Emeritus,  Box  40, 
Bridgewater  College,  Bridgewater,  VA  22812-1599.  Tel. 
(540)  433-1433  or  (540)  828-5494. 

Visit  Spain  and  Portugal.  May  29-June  4, 1998.  Bus 

tour  through  countryside  incl.  Madrid,  Cordoba,  Seville, 
Granada,  Toledo,  Rock  of  Gibraltar,  Fatima,  and  World 
Expo  '98  in  Lisbon.  For  more  info,  write:  J.  Kenneth 
Kreider,  1300  Sheaffer  Rd.,  Elizabethtown,  PA  17022. 

EYN  75th  Anniversary.  Attend  Diamond  Jubilee  (75th 
anni\ersai7)  of  Church  of  tlie  Brethren  in  Nigeria.  March 
17,  1998,  anniversary  of  first  Christian  service  in  pre- 
sent EYN  area.  Travel  with  former  missionaries  Charles 
Bieber  &  Monroe  Good  on  Nigeria  tour,  March  4-20, 
1998.  Incl.  major  cities,  large  churches,  rural  areas,  visits 
in  Nigerian  homes,  celebration  at  Garkida.  Estimated 
cost:  $2,100.  Contact  Charles  Bieber,  121  Westbrook 
Dr.,  Ephrata,  PA  17522-9505.  Tel.  (717)  733-0115. 


Gndnnati  Church  of  the  Brethren  fellowship  meets 
for  worship  &  support  in  n.e.  area  of  Cincinnati.  We  wel- 
come others  to  join  us  or  bring  needs  to  our  attention. 
Contact  us  c/o  Cincinnati  Friends  Meeting  House,  8075 
Keller  Rd.,  Indian  Hill,  OH  45243.  Tel.  (513)  956-7733. 

Come  worship  in  the  Valley  of  the  Sun  with  Com- 
munity  Church  of  the  Brethren  at  111  .N.  Sunvalley 
Blvd.,  Mesa,  AZ  86207.  Mail  to:  83-(3  E.  Emelita  Ave., 
Mesa,  AZ  85208.  Tel.  (602)357-9811. 


"Vice  president  of  Student  Development.  Manchester 
College  invites  applications  for  position  of  vice  presi- 
dent of  Student  Development.  (Stanley  B.  Escott  retiring 
after  22  yrs.  distinguished  service.)  Seeking  someone 
who  can  sustain  strong,  distinctive  model  of  student 
development,  &  add  new  ideas,  perspectives,  opportu- 
nities in  important  time  of  cliange  in  higlier  education. 

Manchester  small  (1,085  students)  co-ed.,  predomi- 
nantly undergraduate,  residential  college  in  NE  Indiana 
nr  Fort  Wayne.  Commitment  to  libei"al  education  extendec 
by  excellent  preprofessional  programs.  Values  estab 
lished  relationship  with  Church  of  the  Brethren  thai 
shapes  some  expectations  for  students.  Recognizes  tha 
college  years  are  time  for  reflection,  challenge,  growth 
&  acceptance  of  personal  &  social  responsibilities. 

Vice  president  of  Student  Development  reports  directl) 
to  president.  Serves  on  senior  management  team  thai 
works  closely  cooperatively  Responsible  for  staff  ano 
programs  in  student  activities,  counseling,  student  con- 
duct, substance  education,  orientation,  health  service, 
career  services,  multicultural  affairs,  mediation  services, 
security'  &  safety  volunteer  services,  residential  life,  & 
campus  pastor.  (Athletics  reports  to  Academic  Affairs.) 

Seeking  person  with  vision,  energy,  sound  judg- 
ment, considered  personal  values,  fiscal  understanding. 
&  effectiveness  as  communicator  Will  lead  college  in 
its  goal  to  be  even  more  fully  a  student-centered  insti- 
tution. Will  work  with  others  to  strengthen  college  in 
other  ways.  Competitive  salary  excellent  benefits. 

Needs  significant  experience  in  student  development, 
progressing  through  positions  of  increasing  responsi- 
bility Advanced  degree  expected;  doctorate  preferretl. 

Candidates  should  provide  letter  addressing  col- 
lege's interests  as  expressed  above,  curriculum  vitae, 
&  3  or  4  professional  references  by  Nov  10, 1997,  to: 
Vicky  Eisenhut,  vice  president  of  Human  Resources, 
Manchester  College,  604  E.  College  Ave.,  PO.  Box  365, 
North  Manchester,  IN  46962-0365.  AA/EOE. 

30  Messenger  November  1997 

new  Members 

-ite:  Congregations  are  asked 
to  submit  only  the  names  of 
actual  new  members  of 
denomination.  Do  not 
include  names  of  people 
who  have  merely  transferred 
their  membership  from 
another  Church  of  the 
Brethren  congregation. 

mbler,  Atl.  N.E.:  lack  &  |ane 
Marcy,  Lynda  Palmer,  Cindy 
Breisch,  Revecca  Ruby 
mwell,  Atl.  N.E.:  Amanda, 
Lorraine,  &  Pamela  Agulis. 
Katy  &  Kristen  Andresen. 
Gina  Caimano.  Timothy 
DiSalvio.  Keven  Emery, 
loseph  Fercello,  Amy  Hamm, 
Scott  &  Ryan  Kjskumo 
nnville,  Atl.  N.E.:  Adam  & 
Kay  Diebus.  Wilber  &  Pearl 
Longenecker.  Debbie  Man- 
derbach,  Mike  &  Gail  Tice. 
Wil  &  Elaine  Zapata.  Scott 
&  Karen  Nolt 
ntioch,  Virlina:  Betty  [ohnson 
eacon  Heights,  N.  Ind.: 
Cheryl  Coplen,  Barb  Durl- 
ing.  Carrie  Fry-Miller,  Dave 
&  Shellie  Goetz.  Beth  Gold- 
smith. |oe  &  Virginia 
Hazelwood,  Harold  Hess. 
Erin  Keim,  Dan  Kiracofe, 
lames  Lane.  Matthew 
Martin.  Adam  Miller.  Deb 

(eaver  Creek,  Virlina: 
Matthew  Gardner.  Wayne 
Gillespie,  )udy  &  Nicole 
Hylton,  Lori  Lyons,  Charlie 
Moran.  Billy  Quesenberry. 
Ricky  Radford,  Sanford 

Jeaverton,  Mich.:  Andrew 
Kazmarek,  lonathan 

Sethlehem,  Virlina:  Steve  & 
Sue  [opp.  Margaret  Yopp 

8ig  Creek,  S.  Plains:  lordan 
Bryant:  Randy  Carr;  Katie. 
Jason,  &  Robin  Holderread; 
Cindy  &  K.G.  Robinson;  |ill 

Blue  Ridge,  Virlina:  Carlton 
and  Lisa  Radcliff 

Brldgewater,  Shen.:  Bryan 
Monroe,  |.M.  Monger, 
Mark  Flora,  Seth  Flory, 
Martin  Rees 

Buffalo  Valley.  S.  Pa.:  Shelby 
Allen,  Brian  &  Rebecca 
Elsasser,  |eff  &  Cathi 
Crossgrove,  Mike  &  Denise 

Cando,  N.  Plains:  Lindsey 
Humble.  Daniel  Swain,  Erin 
&  Nathan  Opdahl,  Christy 

Chambersburg,  S.  Pa.:  Jeffrey 
Boushell.  Carrie  Burk- 
holder,  Brooke  Gable,  Emily 
Gorman,  Lindsey  Hepfer, 
Erin  Monn,  Genae  Myers, 
Lindsay  Van  Horn,  Alex 

Ephrata.  Atl.  N.E.:  Leann 
Bowman.  Brian  Boyd,  Brian 
Deangelis,  Amy  Fletcher, 
Andriene  &  Ashley  Gerhart. 
Beth  Gotdieb,  Hans  Herr, 
Matthew  Horning,  Terestia 

lllas,  Ernest  &  Franklin  jus- 
tice. Devin  Lausch.  Haylay  & 
Margeau  Maimer,  Lori 
Martin.  Christy  Miller. 
Keanna  Oswald,  Sara  Rissler. 
John  Si.  Karen  Rutt.  Natalie 
Simmons.  Susan  Whitman 

Evcrsole,  S.  Ohio:  Aaron 

Happy  Corner,  S.  Ohio:  Aron 
&  Paul  Barnes.  Betty  Cole- 
man, Mike  &  Kay  Frost, 
Edith  Nies,  Tammy  Plyman, 
lennifer  Schwertzer,  |oe  & 
Molly  Mellon,  Mark  Fox. 
Bud  &  Marilyn  Spitler,  Greg 
Timmons,  Deana  Wilson, 
Holly  Condict.  Bob  Coursen 

Liberty  Mills,  S/C  lnd.:Blake 

Maple  Spring,  W.  Marva: 
John,  Linn,  Asley.  Andrew 
&.  lulie  Crowe 

Middle  Creek,  W.  Pa.:  |anetta 
Nolt,  Benjamin  Sholly 

Mohican,  N.  Ohio:  Sue  Caril- 
lon. Brandy  Horst.  Nate 
Held.  Dallas  Harris 

Monroeville,  W.  Pa.:  Vincent 
&  Bela  Bruno,  John  &  lean 
Burt,  Shari  Holland 

Mount  Morris,  111. /Wis.:  Kelly 
Ward,  David  Bailey,  Beth 
Dietrich.  Cherra  Rosen- 
berger,  Don  &  Sally 
Wescott,  Meg  Harrington, 
Ray  &  Ilene  Wise 

Oscedia,  Mo. /Ark.:  lames  &. 
Cathy  Powers 

Panther  Creek,  N.  Plains:  Sean 
Winters,  Roy  Swinger,  Kim 
Grotluschen,  Peg  Dawes, 
Audrey  Stine,  Bethany 
Berkenbosch,  Shane  Boots 

Pasadena,  Pac.  S.W.:  Carolyn 

Quakertown,  Atl.  N.E.: 
Micheal  Shubert.  Lisa 
Dieterly,  Betsy  Fear,  Jeanne 
Schlicher,  Dale  Hixson, 
Dorothea  Sharrer,  Rodney 
&  Laurie  Mason,  Scott 
Beard,  Keith  Donnelly, 
Evelyn  Pfeiffer,  Wendell 
Waddell,  Alan  &  loni  Freed 

Quinter,  W  Plains:  Matt 
Porter,  |onas  Lichty, 
Dorothy  Huffman,  Jason 
Groom,  Kevin  Snyder. 
Rebecca  Tuttle.  Wendall 
Hargitt,  Fay  Wolf,  Marty 
Middleton,  Rhonda  Lunnon, 
RaLynn  Schmarlzried, 
Rebecca  Stoer,  Julie  Lunnon 


Anderson,  Henry  and  Loraine, 

Boones  Mill,  Va.,  60 
Bever,  Frank  and  Olive,  North 

Manchester,  Ind.,  50 
Blough,  Edgar  and  Vyla, 

Waterloo,  Iowa,  55 
Switzer,  Fred  and  Neva, 

Waterford,  CaliL,  50 
Usher,  Harold  and  Millie, 

Mesick,  Mich.,  55 
Waas,  Becky  and  David.  North 

Manchester.  Ind.,  50 
Whetzel,  Nelson  and  Helen. 

Harrisonburg.  Va..  50 
Woof,  Reynold  and  Kathryn, 

Harrisburg,  Pa.,  50 

226th  BVS 
Orientation  Unit 

(Completed  orienlalion  in  Rox- 
bury,  Pa.,  on  Aug.  20.  1997) 

Balmer,  David,  Myerstown, 
Pa;  to  Flat  Creek  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  Big  Creek,  Ky. 

Brukhart,  Sharon,  Manheim, 
Pa.;  to  Flat  Creek  Church  of 
the  Brethren.  Big  Creek,  Ky. 

Coble,  David  )r.,  Hershey,  Pa.; 
to  Good  Shepherd  Food 
Bank,  Lewistown,  Maine 

Long,  Brian,  Greencastle,  Pa.; 
to  Good  Shepherd  Food 
Bank,  Lewistown,  Maine 

Paylor,  Kimberly,  Chambers- 
burg, Pa.;  to  Good 
Shepherd  Food  Bank, 
Lewistown.  Maine 

Schildt,  lennifer.  East  Berlin, 
Pa.;  to  Lewistown  Area  Mis- 
sion School,  Lewistown, 


Bradley,  Larry,  lune  14.  1997, 

Reading,  N.  Ohio 
Hess,  Donald,  luly  22,  1997, 

Harrisonburg,  Shen. 
Huggins,  Marv  Ann.  luly  22. 

1997,  Pleasant  Hill,  Shen. 
Kennedy,  Cindy,  Aug.  1,  1997, 

Open  Circle.  N.  Plains 
Kerkove,  David,  Aug.  1,  1997, 

English  River,  N.  Plains 
Korns,  William,  Aug.  1,  1997. 

Brooklyn,  N.  Plains 


Bowman,  Mark,  lune  22, 
1997.  Eversole,  S.  Ohio 

Lemmon,  Cory,  May  22,  1997, 
Harris  Creek,  S.  Ohio 


Airey,  Elvert,  82,  Dayton,  Va., 

May  29,  1997 
BalsbaugK,  Marvin,  79, 

Lebanon,  Pa.,  Sept.  12.  1997 
BardeU,  Eileen.  59,  Mif- 

tlintown.  Pa.,  Aug.  16,  1997 
Barnhart,  losephus,  85, 

Roanoke,  Va.,  June  18, 

Barshainger,  Dorothy,  80, 

Dallastown,  Pa.,  Aug.  23, 

Bowman,  Alaric,  78,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  Aug.  3L  1997 
Bryant,  Loral,  79,  Udell,  Iowa, 

Feb.  18,  1997 
Brighton,  Hattie,  90,  McPher- 

son,  Kan.,  Aug.  3,  1997 
Buchanan,  Robert.  57,  St. 

Edinburg,  Va.,  May  17, 

Clinedinst,  Nina,  75,  Mount 

Solon.  Va.,  Aug.  8,  1997 
Coffman,  Betty,  71,  Roanoke, 

La..  Aug.  25,  1997 
Coffman,  Miller,  95,  Tim- 

berville,  Va..  Sept.  7,  1997 
Coffman,  Ray,  87.  luly  13, 

Staunton,  Va.,  |uly  13,  1997 
Compton,  Kevin,  14,  Salem, 

Va..  Aug.  29,  1997 
Cramer,  Charles,  69,  Mount 

Solon,  Va.,  Sept.  8,  1997 
Cripe,  Harry.  85,  Elkhart, 

Ind.,  luly  20,  1997 

Dcllenbach,  Glenn,  83. 

Pomona.  Calif..  Aug.  3.  1997 

DeWitt,  lanet,  58,  Morgan- 
town.  W.  Va..  lune  15,  1997 

Diehl.  Ivan,  81,  McGa- 
heysville,  Va.,  |uly  6,  1997 

Diehl,  Lynwood,  77,  Harrison- 
burg, Va.,  Aug.  27.  1997 

Disc,  Lois  Shaffer,  58,  York, 
Pa..  Aug.  24.  1997 

Drewry,  lames,  74,  Roanoke, 
Va..  luly  11,  1997 

Driver,  Martin,  95,  Dayton, 
Va..  Aug.  3.  1997 

Dudley,  Goldie.  90,  Roanoke, 
Va.,  Ian.  6.  1997 

Dunn,  Opal,  86,  Delphi,  Ind., 
March  14,  1997 

Early,  Meda,  90,  Port  Repub- 
lic, Va,,  luly  13,  1997 

Eaton,  Evelyn,  74,  Harrison- 
burg, Va..  Aug.  21,  1997 

Grumling,  Thomas,  |ohn- 
stown.  Pa..  Ian.  18,  1997 

Halley,  Arvilla,  73.  Warsaw, 
Ind.,  lune  24,  1997 

Hamberger,  Walter,  76,  York 
County,  Pa.,  Aug.  17,  1997 

Hammon,  Mary,  58.  Stras- 
burg.  Va..  |une  2,  1997 

Harmon,  Florence,  89,  La 
Verne,  Calif.,  May  31,  1997 

Hartle,  Mae,  86,  Polo,  111.,  |ulv 
13,  1997 

Hartman,  Albert,  94,  Smith 
Creek,  Va.,  Aug.  14,  1997 

Hassinger,  Mary,  95,  Carlisle, 
Pa.,  Sept.  6.  1997 

Hathaway,  Richard,  60, 
Delphi,  Ind.,  Feb.  5,  1997 

Hauger,  |ohn,  89,  Rockwood, 
Pa..  Aug.  10.  1997 

Heckman,  Glenn,  81.  Lititz, 
Pa.,  Aug.  8,  1997 

Heidorn,  Crawfor.  lohnstown. 
Pa..  April  5.  1997 

Heiny,  Maurice,  88,  Modesto, 
Calif,,  Sept.  3,  1997 

Hirsch,  Margaret,  64.  New 
Carlisle,  Ohio,  May  7.  1997 

Hodge,  Richard,  51,  Harrison- 
burg, Va.,  May  20,  1997 

Hodges,  Mary,  78,  Roanoke. 
Va.,  March  23.  1997 

Hoover,  Ola,  90,  Harrison- 
burg, Va.,  lune  22,  1997 

Housdon,  lames,  63,  Luray, 
Va.,  luly  1,  1997 

Huffman,  Ray.  81,  Luray,  Va., 
May  22,  1997 

Hurst,  Esther,  87,  Dayton, 
Ohio,  luly  9,  1997 

Kauffman,  Ellen,  86,  Waynes- 
boro, Pa..  Aug.  27.  1997 

Keister,  Paul,  69,  Broadway. 
Va.,  May  19,  1997 

Keeny,  Gladys,  77,  Red  Lion. 
Pa.,  Aug.  14,  1997 

King,  Alma,  74,  New  Enter- 
prise, Pa.,  Aug.  14,  1996 

Kipp,  Marsha.  56.  Nappanee, 
Ind.,  Sept.  7.  1997 

Kitchel,  Minnie.  89,  Logans- 
port,  Ind..  Aug.  17.  1997 

Knechel,  Sharon,  41,  McPher- 
son,  Kan.,  Sept.  8.  1997 

Koontz,  Fern.  84,  Clearville, 
Pa.,  lune  8,  1997 

Kuykendall,  Charles,  79, 
Moorefield,  W.  Va..  Aug.  5. 

lacobs,  Elizabeth.  88,  New 
Oxford,  Pa.,  Aug.  31,  1997 

lamison,  Eulalia.  97,  Boones 
Mill,  Va..  Aug.  11.  1997 

larrcis,  Harold,  84,  Port 
Republic,  Va..  Aug.  9.  1997 

Johnson,  Randolph.  76, 
Roanoke,  Va..  May  28, 

lohnson,  Truman.  89,  Peters- 
burg, W.  Va.,  lune  14,  1997 

Lauver,  Ada,  74,  Mifflintown, 
Pa.,  luly  25,  1997 

Lease,  Martha,  82.  Old  Fields, 
W.  Va..  Aug.  13.  1997 

Lcwallen,  Mary.  87.  New 
Paris,  Ind..  Sept.  3,  1997 

Longenecker,  Earl.  91. 

Campelltown.  Pa..  Aug.  30. 

Lukens,  Gladys.  90.  Gushing, 
Okla.,  lune  24,  1997 

Manges,  George,  83,  Windber, 
Pa.,  lune  9,  1997 

Marslon,  Linden,  90,  New 
Market,  Va.,  Sept.  4,  1997 

Martz,  lames.  58.  Foster,  W. 
Va..  May  23,  1997 

Mauzy,  lames,  79,  Petersburg. 
W.  Va..  Aug.  31.  1997 

McCreary,  Lloyd,  93,  Goshen, 
Ind..  luly  9.  1997 

McDaniel,  Archie,  89.  Hollins. 
Va..  lune  29.  1997 

McDonald.  George,  74,  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  luly  14, 

Pence,  Marie,  102,  La  Verne, 
CaliL,  March  4,  1997 

Plaugher,  Erma.  |..  69.  Bridge- 
water.  Va..  April  28.  1997 

Plum,  Lowell,  89,  Mount 
Morris,  111.,  lune  14,  1997 

Reeds,  Elizabeth,  94,  Scottville, 
Mich.,  lune  20,  1997 

Rigney,  Mary  L.,  83,  Penhook, 
Va.,  AprilM,  1997 

Runion,  Delia,  78,  Franklin, 
W.  Va.,  April  23.  1997 

Sanderson,  Miriam,  99,  Lan- 
caster, Pa.,  May  30,  1997 

Shaffer,  |.  Robert.  93,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  lune  28,  1997 

Smith,  Lawrence,  96,  New 
Lebanon,  Ohio,  lune  8,  1997 

Snavely,  Dale,  95,  Nappanee, 
Ind.,  luly  2,  1997 

Sponaugle,  Conda  R.,  84, 
Cherry  Grove,  W  Va.,  April 
28,  1997 

Stees,  Alice,  85,  Mount 

Morris,  111..  April  28,  1997 

Stine,  Benjamin  A..  2 1 ,  Adams 
County.  Pa.,  |une  25,  1997 

Tuttle,  Elvin,  76,  Quinter, 
Kan..  Feb.  21,  1997 

Tribbey,  lames,  86,  McGa- 
heysville,  Va.,  |une21,  1997 

VanNatta,  Sue,  48,  Freeport, 
111.,  lune  10.  1997 

Warner,  Norma  E..  76, 

Franklin,  W.  Va..  April  26. 

Wean,  Earl  G.,  79.  Charles 
Town,  W.  Va.,  April  1  7, 

Weaver,  Mabel  V,  94,  Wind- 
ber, Pa..  lune  9,  1997 

Weddle,  Ethel  H,  98.  Girard. 
111..  May  17.  1997 

White,  Thomas  L..  66,  York, 
Pa.,  lune  13.  1997 

Wine,  Isaac  I..  86.  Brldgewa- 
ter, Va.,  May  13,  1997 

Zellers,  Abram  B..  94.  Lan- 
caster, Pa..  May  31,  1997 

November  1997  Messenger  31 



The  road  now  taken 

They're  finally  getting  around  to  fixing  Stewart 
Avenue.  That's  the  holdover  from  medieval  times 
that  runs  alongside  our  General  Offices  property 
here  in  Elgin,  111.  No  curbs,  inadequate  drainage,  standing 
water,  and  potholes  occasionally  patched  (the  best  I  can 
determine)  with  loose  sand  spray-painted  black.  Many  a 
long  year  I  have  carped  about  Stewart  Avenue,  which  I 
follow  for  a  few  blocks  on  my  way  to  and  from  work. 

Then  this  past  summer,  the  city,  flush  with  revenues 
from  its  riverboat  casino,  got  serious,  and  since  then  Stew- 
art Avenue  has  been  a  mess  as  crews  of  workers  with  heavy 
equipment  swarmed  in  to  cut  stately  old  elm  trees,  relocate 
gas  lines  and  utility  poles,  install  sewer  and  water  pipes, 
gouge  out  and  remove  the  old  surface,  pour  curbs,  and  tear 
up  jack  in  general.  At  this  writing,  we  still  await  the  new 
surfacing,  ere  the  winter  storms  begin. 

Folks  living  along  Stewart  Avenue  are 
looking  forward  to  happier  times,  after  the 
sting  of  their  property  assessment  has  faded, 
the  dust  (Oh,  the  dust!)  has  settled,  the  crews 
and  equipment  are  gone,  and  driveways  are 
accessible  again.  I  am  reminded  of  what  the 
old  British  general  replied  when  asked  to 
reminisce  about  the  World  War  II  debacle 

It's  fun  to  paraphrase 

poet  Robert  Frost 

here,  but  alas,  we  do 

not  have  the  luxury 

his  traveler  had  of 

And,  to  tell  the  truth,  there  are  sufficient  parking  spaces^ 
in  our  lot  to  accommodate  both  our  little  remnant  band 
and  our  diasporic  Stewart  Avenue  neighbors. 

The  confusion,  we  hope,  is  temporary.  But  many  of 
us  are  straining  to  comprehend  the  New  Design  and  our 
role  in  it.  There  are  many  new  configurations  of  staff 
members  to  work  into  place,  and  some  old-timers  find  it 
difficult  to  dispel  the  lingering  shadows  of  what  has  beer 
taken  away.  Like  the  cat  that  had  always  run  up  the  same 
tree  to  escape  the  dogs,  we  often  find  ourselves  40  feet  ii 
the  air  before  we  realize  our  old  tree  is  gone. 

And  there  is  physical  confusion,  as  well.  Surely  a  wise 
person  somewhere  has  stated  this  law  of  human  nature — 
that  perceived  need  for  more  work  space  expands  in  direci 
proportion  to  new  space  becoming  available.  There  has  . 
been  a  veritable  upsetting  of  the  fruit 
basket  here,  as  empty  offices  are  claimed 
by  surviving  employees  eager  to  move 
from  open  work  stations  or  simply  wantinj 
to  relocate.  And  our  new  corps  of  director; 
is  not  immune  to  eyeing  available  space 
and  suddenly  needing  to  relocate  or  to 
have  walls  knocked  out  and  cubic  footage 
of  their  office  space  increased.  1  want  to 

in  which  350,000  allied  soldiers  retreated    CllOOSUlg  between  tWO    believe  their  important  new  roles  warrant 

pell-mell  across  the  channel  from  Dunkerque 
France,  when  overwhelmed  by  German 
forces.  With  that  matchless  British  preci- 
sion, he  re-created  the  scene:  "Oh,  my  dear 
chap!  The  noise!  The  crowds!  The  confusion." 

For  us  at  the  General  Offices  the  situation  is  exacerbated 
by  Stewart  Avenue  residents  having  limited  accessibility  to 
their  driveways  and  to  street  parking.  Without  so  much  as  a 
by-your-leave,  our  displaced  neighbors  have  commandeered 
our  parking  spaces,  left  their  cars  on  our  lawn,  turned  our 
driveway  into  a  public  thoroughfare,  and  created  a  makeshift 
express  lane  up  through  our  garden  area  behind  their  houses. 

From  my  daddy,  1  learned  to  take  heart  at  seeming 
disaster,  and  to  draw  lessons  from  the  vicissitudes  of  life. 
For  example,  he  was  always  cheered  by  dry  weather,  call- 
ing it  a  good  sign.  "If  you  take  notice,"  he  pointed  out, 
"it  never  fails  to  rain  at  the  end  of  a  dry  spell." 

And  so  with  this  Stewart  Avenue  situation,  its  cloud 
of  dust  has  a  silver  lining,  for  we  are  confident  of  achiev- 
ing a  smooth,  efficient  street  by  and  by.  The  present 
noise  and  confusion  are  a  good  sign.  And,  moreover, 
there  is  in  it  a  remarkable  symbolism,  a  certain  paral- 
lelism, for  us  who  labor  here  at  the  General  Offices. 

You  see,  we  are  remodeling  our  Brethren  road  to  the 
future — as  a  result  of  New  Design  directives  —  and  for  a 
season  we  must  endure  confusion,  if  not  noise  and 
crowds.  An  eerie  quiet,  in  fact,  has  settled  upon  the 
offices,  what  with  our  ranks  depleted  by  downsizing. 

roads  that  diverged 
in  a  yellow  wood. 

all  this.  Yes,  that  must  be  it,  and  1  am 
working  at  convincing  myself. 

But  the  attendant  moving  to  and  fro  and ! 
the  piling  of  office  furniture  and  cardboard 
boxes  in  the  hallways  prove  depressing  at  times.  "Life  amongi 
the  ruins,"  1  characterize  the  milieu  as  we  settle  into  the  New 
Design  and  seek  to  discern  the  road  ahead,  looking  down  it 
as  far  as  we  can,  to  where  it  bends  in  the  undergrowth. 

It's  fun  to  paraphrase  poet  Robert  Frost  here,  but 
alas,  we  do  not  have  the  luxury  his  traveler  had  of  choos-- 
ing  between  two  roads  that  diverged  in  a  yellow  wood. 
Our  way  has  been  determined  already,  and  we  slog  along 
the  newly  hacked-out  trace,  hopeful  of  its  broadening 
into  a  smooth  highway  up  ahead. 

Some  day  soon,  the  paving  company  will  move  in, 
and  the  new  Stewart  Avenue,  aglitter  with  fresh 
asphalt,  will  be  a  reality  at  last.  Would  that  we  at  the 
General  Offices  could  as  easily  mark  the  progress  we  are 
making  toward  filling  in  the  details  of  the  New  Design. 
But  bear  with  us  as  you  call  in  or  write  in  and  perceive 
that  things  are  somewhat  in  disarray.  No  one  here  has 
lost  confidence  that  ere  long  we  will  emerge  where  those 
who  created  the  New  Design  intended  we  should. 

We  trust  that  God's  hand,  while  moving  albeit  myste- 
riously, has  been  in  this  all  along.  In  taking  this  road  to 
travel  by,  we  can  say  with  the  poet,  "That  has  made  all 
the  difference." — K.T. 

32  Messenger  November  1997 

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Only  people  50  and  over  in  Sudan  can  remember 

when  their  nation  was  not  at  war  with  itself. 

In  southern  Sudan,  assaults  by  government  troops  and 

factions  have  dislocated  80  percent  of  the  population, 

rendered  the  countryside  an  apocalyptic  wasteland, 

and  threatened  an  entire  way  of  civilization. 

Yet,  incredibly,  southern  Sudan  is  a  place  vibrant  with  hope. 

The  Christian  church,  growing  at  a  phenomenal  pace, 

boldly  and  joyfully  declares,  "Emmanuel — God  is  with  us." 

And  now,  to  train  a  cadre  of  leaders  to  build  the  country 

new,  the  New  Sudan  Council  of  Churches  is  setting  out 

to  establish  three  Leadership  Training  Centers. 

The  centers  will  train  Christians  to  work  at  all  levels 

of  peacemaking,  reconciliation,  and  development. 

The  Church  of  the  Brethren  is  a  partner  in  this  task. 

You  can  lend  support  to  this  visionary  venture  with  a  gift 

to  the  December  14  Christmas  Achievement  Offering. 

Proclaim  with  the  Sudanese,  "Emmanuel — God  is  with  us." 

Christmas  Achievement  Offering 

Church  of  the  Brethren  December  1 997 
















Editor:  Kermon  Thomasson 
Managing  Editor:  Nevin  Dulabaum 
Subscriptions:  Vicki  Roche 
Promotion:  Howard  E.  Royer 
Study  Guide  Writer:  Willard  Dulabaum 
Publisher:  Wendy  McFadden 

On  the  cover  Nyamuse  Enose,  a  Sudanese 
mother,  is  one  of  the  many  "Voices  of 
Hope"  in  that  war-torn  land.  The  story  on 
page  1 2  tells  how  Brethren  can  help  make  the  promise 
of  peace  come  true  for  the  people  of  a  country  at  war 
with  itself.  (Cover  photo  by  Howard  Zehr.) 


12     Healing  in  Christ's  name  in  Sudan 

Merlyn  Kettering  tells  what's  being  done 
by  a  church  in  Sudan  filled  with  hope,  and 
he  asks  for  Brethren  support  of  the  new 

14     Sudan:  Voices  of  hope 

Howard  Zehr  visited  and  photographed  an 
inspiring  array  of  Sudanese  Christians 
filled  with  hope  that  belies  the  reality  of  a 
country  torn  apart  by  years  of  civil  war. 

16     Recognizing  the  worl< 
of  Don  Durnbaugh 

Kermon  Thomasson  describes  a 
"Festschrift"  that  brought  together  many 
of  historian  Donald  F.  Durnbaugh's 

19     Ministry  training  with  flexibility 

lean  Hendricks  notes  the  anniversaries  of 
two  ministry  training  programs  that  have 
more  than  proven  their  worth. 

21     Aging:  Consider  the  alternative 

Kenneth  L.  Gibble,  facing  his  own  aging, 
looks  at  the  bright  side  of  growing  old. 



From  the  Editor 


In  Touch 


Close  to  Home 




In  Brief 




Pontius'  Puddle 


Stepping  Stones 




Turning  Points 


1997  Index 



How  to  reach  us 


1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 
t  E-mail:  CoBNews@AOL.Com 
Fax:  (847)  742-6103 
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Subscription  rates: 
$16.50  individual  rate 
$12.50  church  individual  plan 
$10.50  church  group  plan 
$10.50  gift  subscriptions 
Student  rate  75g  per  month 

If  you  move,  clip  address  label 
and  send  with  new  address  to 
Messenger  Subscriptions,  at 
the  above  address.  Allow  at  least 
five  weeks  for  address  change. 

Coming  next  month 

A  combined  January/February 
issue  with  a  feature  on  the 
annual  Young  Adult  Conference. 

District  Messenger  representatives:  Atl,  N  E.,  Ron 
Luc;  Atl.  S,E.,  Ruby  Raymer;  Ill./Wis..  Kreston  Lipscomb; 
S/C  Ind.,  Marjorie  Miller;  Mich.,  Ken  Good;  Mid-At!., 
Ann  Fouts;  Mo./Ark.,  Luci  Landes;  N.  Plains,  Faith 
Strom;  N.  Ohio,  Alice  L.  Driver;  S.  Ohio,  Jack  Kline; 
Ore./Wash.,  Marguerite  Shamberger;  Pac.  S.W,  Randy 
Miller;  M.  Pa.,  Eva  Wampler;  S.  Pa.,  Elmer  Q.  Gleim; 
W.  Pa.,  Jay  Christner;  Shen.,  Tim  Harvey;  S.E.,  Donna 
Shumate;  S.  Plains,  Mary  Ann  Dell;  Virlina,  Jerry  Naff; 
W  Plains,  Dean  Hummer;  W  Marva,  Winoma  Spuigeon. 

Messenger  is  the  official  publication  of  the  Church 
of  the  Brethren.  Entered  as  second-class  matter  Aug, 
20, 1918,  under  Act  of  Congress  of  Oct.  17, 1917. 
Filing  date,  Nov  1, 1984.  Memberof  the  Associated 
Church  Press.  Subscriber  to  Religion  News  Senice 
&  Ecumenical  Press  Service.  Biblical  quotations, 
unless  otherwise  indicated,  are  from  the  New  Revised 
Standard  Version.  Messenger  is  published  11  times 
a  year  by  Brethren  Press.  Church  of  the  Brethren 
General  Board.  Second-class  postage  paid  at  Elgin. 
HI.,  and  at  additional  mailing  office.  October  1997. 
Copyright  1997,  Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board.  ISSN  0026-0355. 

Postmaster:  Send  address  changes  to  Messenger. 
1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 


Nigeria  and  Sudan  are  the  two  African  countries  in  which  we 
Brethren  have  had  an  extended  presence.  They  are  on  oppo- 
site sides  of  the  continent.  But  southern  Sudan  and  Nigeria 
lie  along  the  same  northern  latitudes  and  are  in  basically  the  same 
vegetation  and  climate  belt.  Another  similarity  has  been  the  influ- 
ence from  Arabic  culture  that  centuries  ago  moved  across  Africa 
from  east  to  west.  And  most  people  know  that  both  Nigeria  and 
Sudan  were  once  part  of  the  British  Empire. 

But  there  is  yet  another  common  bond  that  prob- 
ably most  Brethren  are  unaware  of — a  historical 
tie  that  dates  to  only  a  century  ago.  In  1893,  there 
came  out  of  Sudan  an  outlaw,  conqueror,  and  slave- 
raider,  driven  westward  by  the  turmoil  of  Britain's 
conquest  of  the  Sudanese.  His  name  was  Rabeh, 
and  he  destroyed  the  ruling  dynasty  of  the  king- 
dom of  Bornu  in  which  the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
Mission  in  Nigeria  would  be  founded  in  1923.  For 
a  time,  Rabeh's  forces,  until  routed  by  the  French 
and  British,  ravaged  Bornu,  exacting  tribute  and 
carrying  off  people  into  slavery. 

In  my  time  as  a  Nigeria  missionary,  graybeards 
in  the  area  could  recall  firsthand  for  me  the  trying 
times  of  Rabeh.  In  one  village,  Gujba,  there  was  a 
saying  in  Hausa,  "Zakara  bai  isa  ya  yi  wa  yawn 
Rabeh  ba'a  ba"  ("Even  a  cockerel  may  not  scoff 
at  one  of  Rabeh's  men").  It  was  based  on  a  story  of  one 
of  Rabeh's  tribute  collectors,  upon  leaving  Gujba,  turn- 
ing back  and  wresting  a  second  exaction  from  the 
distraught  villagers  because,  he  claimed,  a  cockerel  had 
scoffed  at  him  as  he  rode  away. 

Happily,  the  days  of  warfare  and  pillaging  are  far 
behind  for  the  Brethren  in  Nigeria.  But  in  southern 
Sudan,  little  really  has  changed  from  Rabeh's  time. 
Fighting  between  the  northern  Sudanese  of  Arabic  cul- 
ture and  the  southern  Sudanese,  animist  and  Christian, 
whom  the  North  is  bent  on  subduing,  has  dragged  on  for  decades, 
and  still  makes  life  virtually  unbearable  for  the  South. 

In  that  milieu,  we  have  worked  now  for  almost  20  years,  under- 
girding  the  southern  Sudanese  Christians  as  they  strive  to  stay  alive 
themselves  as  well  as  to  nurture  their  Christian  religion.  Read  Merlyn 
Kettering's  article  (page  12)  to  see  how  your  Christmas  Achieve- 
ment Offering  gift  can  support  Christian  leadership  training  in  this 
area  of  dire  need. 

Stephen  Ter  Nyuong,  a  theo- 
logical education  coordinator, 
while  acknowledging  the  need 
for  leadership  training,  is 
upbeat  about  the  church.  He 
says,  "Wliile  the  people  of  the 
South  are  divided,  the  church 
is  united  and  moving  as  one 
body  by  preaching  the  gospel. " 

Printed  on  recycled  paper 

December  1997  Messenger  1 


in  lOM 

Shoes  to  fit  champions 

Most  people  associate  blacksmithing  with  the  time  of 
poet  Henry  W.  Longfellow  and  his  spreading  chestnut 
tree.  But  R.H.  ("Dick")  Coffman,  a  member  of  Dayton  (Va.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren,  has  been  working  at  that  trade  for  the 
past  32  years.  Specifically,  Dick  is  a  farrier,  a  blacksmith  who 

4K     "^K 

Dick  Coffman  demonstrated 

his  prowess  as  a  farrier  at 

this  past  fane's  John  Kline 

bicentennial  celebration. 

He's  been  shoeing  horses 

since  he  was  a  bov. 


Chauncey  Shamberger, 

103,  died  Oct.  3  in  Boise, 
Idaho.  In  the  1920s,  he 
served  as  the  first  national 

specializes  in  making  and  attaching  horseshoes. 

Now,  you  can  buy  factory-made  horseshoes,  but — espe- 
cially if  you're  into  show  horses — you  want  handmade 
shoes.  And  that's  where  Dick  Coffman  comes  in.  He  can 
take  a  piece  of  steel  bar  stock,  heat  it  just  right  in  a  forge, 
and  with  some  deft  blows  of  his  hammer — blows  that 
appear  random  to  the  onlooker,  but  are  a  calculated  part 
of  an  art — turn  steel  into  a  shoe  to  fit  the  hoof  of  the  most 
finicky  filly. 

Dick  has  been  into  show  horses  since  he  was  a  boy.  He 
was  1 7  when  he  won  the  three-gaited  championship  at  the 
Broadway  (Va.)  Horse  Show.  This  year,  50  years  later,  he 
won  the  same  championship. 

Dick  nailed  his  first  shoe  on  a  horse  when  he  was  12  years 
old,  and  began  serious  shoeing  later,  when  he  couldn't  find 
anyone  to  shoe  his  own  saddle  horse.  In  recent  years,  he  has 
cut  back,  but  still  has  about  200  customers. 

At  this  past  )une's  John  Kline  bicentennial  at  Broadway, 
farrier  Dick  was  on  hand  to  demonstrate  horseshoe- 
making.  John  Kline  and  his  horse,  Nell,  would  have 
wondered  why  it  was  all  such  a  novelty  for  the  spectators. 

Chauncey  Siiambergcr 

youth  director  for  the 
denomination.  In  the  1920s 
and  '30s,  he  was  prominent 
in  the  camping  movement. 
He  was  the  last  survivor  of 
a  group  of  camping  enthu- 
siasts and  promoters  knowr 
as  the  "Four  Horsemen." 

•  Doris  Lasley,  74,  died 
Oct.  7  in  Elgin,  111.  She 
served  1969—1977  as  assis- 
tant to  general  secretary 
Loren  Bowman.  She  joined 
the  Annual  Conference  staff 
in  1978,  and  served 
1983-1992  as  Annual  Con 
ference  manager.  Not  only 
was  she  the  first  woman  in 

Doris  Lasley 

that  post,  but  in  1982  she 
was  the  first  woman  elected 
to  the  Board  of  Directors  of 
the  Religious  Conference 

2  Messenger  December  1997 

anagers  Association. 
•  Lee  Whipple,  83,  died 
ct.  7  in  Yoncalla,  Ore.  He 
rved  as  director  of  Race 
ilations  and  Social  Welfare 
1  tiie  General  Board  staff, 
?63-1969.  Earlier  he  had 
rved  in  pastoral  ministry. 

lue  Ridge  bikers 

he  photo  proves  it:  6,053 
et  above  sea  level.  That  was 
ne  dimension  of  a  22-day  bi- 
/cle  ride  made  by  Dave  and 
ob  Lineweaver  this  sum- 
ler.  The  other  dimension 
as  the  470  miles  they  hiked, 
om  Afton  Mountain  in  Vir- 
inia's  Blue  Ridge  Mountains 
3  a  point  in  North  Carolina's 
jreat  Smokies. 
Rob  had  suggested  the 
'arkway  pedaling  to  his 
ad,  Dave,  a  year  ago, 
hinking  it  a  great  way  to 
ave  a  last  fling  this  past 
ummer  before  heading  off 
o  college  at  William  and 
vlary.  This  gave  Dave  a 
'ear  to  get  into  shape.  The 
^ineweavers  live  in  Bridge- 
vater,  Va.  (on  a  street 
lamed,  significantly, 
fountain  View  Drive)  and 
are  members  of  Bridgewa- 
ter  Church  of  the 
Brethren.  Dave 
hiked  regularly 
in  the  area 

against  the  time  of  reckon- 
ing this  summer. 

The  big  ride  went  well.  "I 
didn't  push  my  bike  one 
foot,"  boasts  Dave.  "It's 
really  fun  to  come  off  a 
5,000-foot  ridge  with  con- 
sistent slopes  and  sweeping 
turns  at  35  miles  an  hour — 
just  letting  it  run.  You  never 
touch  your  brakes." 

On  some  downhill  slopes, 
Dave  and  Rob  outran  Dave's 
wife,  Lori,  who  drove  a  car 
and  pulled  a  camper  as  sup- 
port member  of  the  team.  In 
Virginia  the  bikers  made 
about  40  miles  a  day;  that 
slowed  to  about  25  in  the 
steeper  Carolina  hills. 

The  Lineweavers,  the  bike 
trip  behind  them,  didn't  go 
looking  for  a  place  to  rest. 
Instead,  the  three  drove  on 
1  50  miles  west  to  Lend-a- 
Hand  Center  near  Walker, 
Ky.  There,  Dave  and  Lori 
were  adult  leaders  for  a 
Brethren  youth  workcamp, 
in  which  Rob  participated. 

When  the  two-pronged 
family  adventure  was  over, 
Dave,  17  pounds  lighter, 
said,  "You're  glad  your  kid 
talked  you  into  doing  it." 

Rob  Lineweaver  and  his  dad, 

Dave,  hiked  470  up  and 
down  miles  this  past 
summer,  along  the  Blue 
Ridge  Parkway  in  Virginia 
and  North  Carolina. 

6053  FT. 
BLUE    RIDGE     PARKW'-     - 
MOTOR    ROAD.   * 

Wes  Albin  found  his  niche  in  life  when  he  was  a  BVSer  in 
South  Korea.  Now  he's  a  regional  CROP  director 

Fifty  miles,  fifty  years 

\¥  /  hen  Wes  Albin  walked  50  miles  for  CROP  this  past 

TT  September,  it  wasn't  just  another  CROP  walk,  and 
neither  was  it  an  impersonal  undertaking. 

Wes  walked  the  50  miles  to  mark  the  50th  anniversary  of 
CROP — founded  by  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  1947  and 
later  becoming  a  well-known  ecumenical  agency.  Wes  could 
personally  identify  with  his  walk,  since  he  is  Pennsylvania 
Regional  director  of  CROP,  headquartered  in  Camp  Hill. 

But  Wes'  CROP  saga  goes  farther  back  than  his  current  em- 
ployment. He  did  his  Brethren  Volunteer  Service  (BVS)  term 
in  South  Korea.  He  says,  "I'm  convinced  I  wouldn't  be  work- 
ing for  CROP  today  if  it  were  not  for  BVS." 

Wes  grew  up  in  rural  Iowa,  the  son  of  Brethren  minister 
Charles  Albin  (October  1996,  page  3).  "I  was  never  hun- 
gry a  day  in  my  life,"  he  says.  "What  Dad  didn't  receive  in 
salary,  our  family  received  in  meat  and  vegetables  from 
church  members." 

In  South  Korea,  Wes'  life  was  turned  around.  "I  saw  an 
orphan  child  on  the  verge  of  starvation.  And  I  saw  a  family 
of  seven  building  a  five-foot-by-seven-foot  house  out  of 
pieces  of  cardboard,  sheet  metal,  and  scraps  of  wood." 

Those  memories  have  haunted  Wes  ever  since  and  have 
never  let  him  rest.  From  that  comes  his  enthusiasm  for  his 
CROP  work,  helping  the  needy  of  the  world. 

On  his  recent  CROP  walk,  Wes  and  his  fellow  walkers 
each  wore  a  colorful  string  bracelet  with  the  name  of  a 
"friend"  woven  into  it.  Wes'  "friend"  works  with  extremely 
poor  people  in  a  rural  Ugandan  village  named  Kyatele. 
Wes  had  visited  that  village  in  1980,  and  remembers  how 
the  people  there  had  to  walk  up  to  20  miles  for  water  and 
firewood,  and  up  to  40  miles  for  food  in  the  dry  season. 

On  his  CROP  walk,  Wes  experienced  foot,  leg,  and  hip 
pains  by  the  end  of  each  of  the  two-day  walk  segments. 
But  that  reminded  him  of  what  the  Kyatele  villagers  endure 
daily.  And  it  reminded  him,  too,  of  the  good  cause  he  is 
employed  in  with  his  CROP  job. 

Wes  described  his  50-mile  walk  during  love  feast  at  his 
church,  Harrisburg  (Pa.)  First  Church  of  the  Brethren.  Pre- 
sent was  the  227th  BVS  orientation  unit.  Wes  told  the  new 
recruits  to  be  prepared  for  BVS  to  wondrously  affect  their 
lives.  For  him,  his  50-mile  CROP  walk  was  just  an  extension 
of  that  walk  he  had  begun  years  ago  in  his  own  BVS  journey. 

December  1997  Messenger  3 


Kiss  a  pig  for  Dan 

A  fundraiser  for  Heifer  Project  International  (HPl) 
put  on  by  Huntsdale  Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Carhsle,  Pa.,  got  somewhat  out  of  hand. 

To  purchase  one  pig  for  HPI,  $  1 20  was  needed.  As  the  board 
worked  at  deciding  how  many  pigs  the  congregation  should 
shoot  for,  pastor  Jan  Custer  agreed  she  would  kiss  a  pig  if 
Huntsdale's  120  members  raised  $2,400 — 20  pigs  worth. 

Dan  Gross  held  the  pig 

while  Huntsdale  pastor 

Jan  Custer  bestowed  on  it 

a  long-promised  kiss 

Over  the  months  there  was  lots  of  fun  and  hard  work, 
and  the  pastor's  challenge  was  met.  On  a  Sunday  morn- 
ing, with  20  pigs  paid  for,  the  pastor  kissed  a  pig,  then 
turned  and  kissed  her  husband.  The  church  celebrated 
with  a  carry-in  picnic  featuring  pork  barbecue  prepared  by 
the  women's  fellowship. 

Talcen  from  a  report  by  Cindy  Dlugolecki,  a  freelance  writer  in  Mecltan- 
icsburg.  Pa. 

Let's  celebrate 

Living  Stone  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  Cumberland, 
Md.,  celebrated  its  75th  an- 
niversary Oct.  19,  with  a 
theme  of  "Hallelujah!  Let 
the  Praise  Go  'Round."  For- 
mer pastor  Wayne  Eberly 
spoke  on  Sunday  morning. 
"Chorus  of  the  Potomac" 
and  "His  Way"  presented 
music  in  the  afternoon. 

•  Moorefield  (W.Va.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren 
marked  its  40th  anniver- 

sary Nov.  2.  Activities  in- 
cluded a  time  of  reminisc- 
ing and  recognition  of 
charter  members. 

•  Beavercreek  (Ohio) 
Church  of  the  Brethren  held 
its  185th  anniversary  Oct. 
4-5.  A  time  of  remembering 
and  story-telling  was  held 
on  Saturday.  On  Sunday  af- 
ternoon, there  was  ground- 
breaking for  a  new  addition 
to  the  church  building. 

•  Blue  Ridge  (Va.) 
Church  of  the  Brethren  cel- 
ebrated its  1 10th  anniver- 


sary  Sept.  21.  Former  pas- 
tor Emerson  Fike  was 
morning  worship  speaker,  i 
picnic  followed  the  service. 

This  and  that 

George  Kensinger,  moderato 
of  Middle  Pennsylvania  Dis- 
trict, and  his  wife.  Dona,  havi 
attended  Sunday  worship  in 
every  congregation  of  the  dis-|\vi 
trict.  Dona  was  district  mod- 
erator 1 2  years  ago,  and  the 
couple,  members  of  Memor- 
ial Church  of  the  Brethren  in 
Martinsburg,  Pa.,  carried  out 
the  same  e.xercise  then. 

•  The  new  Concord 
(N.C.)  Fellowship  began 
weekly  worship  services 
and  Sunday  school  on  Sept. 
28  in  its  new  home  in  Clear 
Springs  Shopping  Center. 
Mark  Nichols  was  installed 
as  pastor  Nov.  2. 

•  The  auction  of  Snow 
Hill  artifacts  mentioned  in  a 
|uly  article  (page  10)  was 
held  Aug.  1 1  in  Ephrata,  Pa. 
The  600  pieces  of  furniture, 
textiles,  household  items, 
prints,  and  pottery  that  had 
been  locked  away  in  the 
rooms  and  attic  of  the  45- 
room  brick  "Nunnery"  at 
Snow  Hill  since  1895  sold  for 
$837,860.  The  money  will  be 
used  for  the  preservation  of 
the  now  empty  buildings. 

Several  items  went  for 
large  amounts.  An  1 1  -foot 
dining  table  sold  for 
$40,000,  a  communion  plate 
for  $11,000,  and  a  grandfa- 
ther clock  for  $19,000. 

The  Brethren  Historical  Li- 
brary and  Archives  bought 
two  items — an  early  19th- 
century  printed  broadside  and  I 
a  tin,  saucer-base  candlestick  : 
with  scissors -type  snuffer. 

•  Lititz  (Pa.)  Church  of  the  ' 

4  Messenger  December  1997 

Famine  feeds  the  hungry 

/\    "50-Hour  Famine"  observed  by  the  Virlina  District 
/rA_Youth  Cabinet  raised  $1,200  to  combat  hunger  in 
our  countries — Angola,  India,  Dominican  RepubHc,  and 
he  United  States. 

Beginning  on  Friday  morning  at  8  a.m.,  the  youth  had 
o  intake  of  food  besides  fruit  juice  until  2  p.m.  on  Satur- 
lay.  "Sitting  through  lunch  while  everyone  else  at  school 
ite  was  the  hardest  part,"  said  one  youth. 

On  Friday  evening,  there  were  activities  to  raise  aware- 
less  about  global  hunger.  Time  was  spent  on  Saturday 
vorking  in  downtown  Roanoke  at  the  Samaritan  Inn, 
naking  sandwiches,  cleaning  the  stock  room,  and  serving 
unch  to  the  hungry. 

The  famine  was  broken  with  communion  led  by  pastor  Ed 
A'oodard  of  Oak  Grove  Church  of  the  Brethren,  followed  by  a 
progressive  meal.  By  immediately  talking  about  next  year's 
amine,  the  youth  bore  witness  to  the  effectiveness  of  the  event 
IS  an  awareness  raiser.  As  a  fundraiser,  it  wasn't  bad,  either. 



H^  i^i^  f^^^n 


m     fflo 


Virlina  District  Youth  Cabinet  members  fasted  for  30  hours  to  raise 
funds  for  the  Iningiy.  Front:  Amy  Rhoades.  Heather  Wray,  Kristen 
Forbes,  Sam  Bowman.  Back:  Patrick  Harmon,  Matt  Traylor, 
Tim  Staufer,  (ason  Hartman.  Matt  McKimmey,  Ben  Hite. 

Health-conscious  people  at  Hagerstown  can  not  only  tone  up 
their  bodies,  but  get  in  loucli  with  their  spirituality  as  well. 

Time  ont  for  temple  toning 

Believing  that  "the  body  is  the  temple  to  the  Lord," 
Hagerstown  (Md.)  Church  of  the  Brethren  has  oper- 
ated a  program  for  the  past  10  years  called  "Praise-ercise." 

The  program  provides  well-rounded  Christian  exercise  for 
anyone  in  the  congregation  or  community.  Each  class  begins 
with  a  fellowship  time  followed  by  prayer.  Then  physical 
exercises  are  done  to  the  beat  of  "contemporary"  Christian 
music.  Leader  Barb  Shoaf  selects  the  music  and  choreo- 
graphs each  exercise  routine.  A  progressively  challenging 
program  of  four  tapes  is  followed.  There  is  something  for 
everyone,  regardless  of  age  or  physical  condition. 

Free-will  offerings  offset  the  expenses.  Outreach  pro- 
jects include  donations  to  community  services,  health 
organizations,  and  needy  people.  Praise-ercise  not  only 
keeps  the  temples  physically  toned,  but  gets  their  occu- 
pants in  touch  with  their  spirituality  through  the 
"contemporary"  Christian  music,  and  encourages  the  pro- 
gram participants,  in  general,  to  live  full  lives  in  the 
Christian  community. 

Anyone  interested  in  setting  up  a  similar  program  may 
contact  Tajah  Sprecher  at  Hagerstown  Church  of  the 
Brethren,  1  5  South  Mulberry  St.,  Hagerstown,  MD  2 1  740. 

Brethren  hosted  the  1 0th  an- 
nual Heifer  Project  Interna- 
tional (HPI)  "Living  Gift 
Fair"  Nov.  29,  9  a.m. -2  p.m. 
The  event  enables  people  to 
fight  hunger  instead  of  fight- 
ing the  crowds  at  the  mall 
during  the  holiday  shopping 
season.  Fairgoers  buy  live  ani- 
mals or  shares  of  animals,  in 
the  name  of  a  friend.  The 
friend  receives  an  HPI  gift 
card.  A  family  in  need  receives 
the  HPI  animal.  Baked  goods, 
crafts  items,  lunch,  and  HPI 
clothing  and  merchandise  are 

on  sale.  The  1996  fair  raised 
over  $17,000. 

•  Paradise  Church  of  the 
Brethren  in  Smithville, 
Ohio,  whose  attendance  is 
about  45,  dedicated  its  new 
handicapped-accessible  en- 
trance Sept.  14.  The  new 
facility  includes  a  chair  lift. 
Two  elderly,  disabled  mem- 
bers, Galen  Hochstetler 
and  Dorothy  Detwiler,  took 
a  ceremonial  ride  while  the 
congregation  sang  "The 
Church's  One  Foundation." 

•  Mechanicsburg  (Pa.) 

Church  of  the  Brethren 
broke  ground  Oct.  5  for  a 
$1.5-million  project  that 
will  double  the  size  of  the 
church  facility.  Included 
among  the  additions  will  be 
a  fellowship  hall  seating 
400  people,  a  library,  and 
several  classrooms. 

Campus  Comments 

Bridgewater  College  is  hav- 
ing a  third  straight  year  of 
enrollment  growth,  with  a 

full-time  enrollment  of  1 ,048 
students — a  22-percent  in- 
crease since  the  fall  of  1 994. 
•  McPherson  College's 
new  student  enrollment  is 
the  highest  since  1980. 
There  are  1 85  new  stu- 
dents— a  10  percent  in- 
crease over  last  year. 

"Close  to  Home" highlights  news  of 
congregations,  districts,  colleges,  homes, 
and  other  local  and  regional  life.  Send 
story  ideas  and  photos  to  "Close  to 
Home,  "Messenger,  1451  Dundee 
Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120. 

December  1997  Messenger  5 


The  General  Board  meets, 
moves  beyond  redesign 

In  the  aftermath  of  redesign  is  where 
Church  of  the  Brethren  General 
Board  found  itself  in  mid-October,  as 
it  met  for  the  first  time  following  the 
approval  of  the  its  new  design  by  An- 
nual Conference  delegates  in  luly. 
The  Board,  its  staff,  and  district 

Frank  talk.  General  Board  staff 
Miller  Davis  (above)  participates 
in  a  group  discussion  Saturday 
with  district  executives  and  Board 
members,  which  allowed  all  with- 
in the  circle  to  express  their  im- 
pressions and  feelings  regarding 
the  Board's  recent  redesign. 
(Right)  Glenn  Timmons. 
Congregational  Life  Ministries 
director,  and  Lori  Sollenberger 
Knepp,  Board  vice  chair,  pinch 
hit  for  Karen  Peterson  Miller, 
interim  executive  director,  and 
Cliris  Bowman,  Board  chair 
Miller  and  Bowman  were  ill  and 
did  not  attend  the  meetings. 

News  items  are  intended  to  inform.  They  do  not 
necessarily  represent  the  opinions  o/"Messenger 
or  the  General  Board,  and  should  not  be  considered 
to  be  an  endorsement  or  advertisement. 

executives  spent  the  first  two  of  their 
3'/-'  days  together  rebuilding  rela- 
tionships and  assessing  the  first  three 
months  of  the  new  design.  They  then 
addressed  more  formal  business. 
Two  broad  issues  were  dealt  with 
throughout  the  meetings — the  Board's 

belief  that  Brethren  are  becoming 
impatient  for  its  new  design  to  be  fully 
implemented,  although  time  is  what  is 
needed  to  get  the  design  fully  opera- 
tional, and  the  Board's  belief  that 
clarification  is  needed  as  to  who  has 
what  authority  for  a  host  of  issues 
affecting  it  and  its  staff. 

These  concerns  were  also  threaded 
throughout  the  informal  "state  of  the 
ministry"  reports  given  to  the  Board 
by  its  nine-member  Leadership  Team. 

Other  common  points  touched  on 
by  Team  members  included  a  hope- 
fulness in  the  new  design,  even 
though  many  are  still  shaping  the    ■ 
scope  of  work  their  areas  will  do. 
They  relayed  the  challenge  faced  in 
working  within  tight  budget  parame- 
ters while  establishing  new  and 
modifying  old  ministries  that  are  to 
be  included  in  the  new  design.  They 
also  acknowledged  the  need  to  com- 
municate more  effectively,  utilizing 
technology  where  beneficial. 

With  the  Board  using  the  first  two 
days  with  employees  and  with  district 
staff  for  worship,  discussion,  sharing, 
team  building,  and  reporting,  it  essen- 
tially took  a  deep  breath  in  redesign's 
aftermath,  checked  signals,  expressed 
concerns,  clarified  issues,  and  then 
moved  on  to  the  new. 

Finances.  Although  the  General 
Board  had  hoped  its  redesign 
would  allow  it  to  operate  for  five 
years  without  major  budget  adjust- 
ments, the  Board  learned  that  it 
might  not  make  it  past  the  year  2000 
before  additional  cost  reductions  are 

It  was  stated  at  the  meetings  that 
the  actual  cost  of  implementing  the 
redesign  was  higher  than  anticipated. 
Severance  packages  for  employees 
terminated  in  the  redesign  process, 
which  were  not  budgeted,  will  cost 
about  $187,000  in  1997.  The 
Board's  total  year-end  deficit  is 
expected  to  be  $237,000. 

Although  the  1998  budget  parame- 
ter of  $4.85  million  had  been  set  in 
luly,  an  additional  $100,000  was 

6  Messenger  December  1997 

South  Korea  revisited.  Wayne  Zunkel  (left)  of  Elizabethtown,  Pa.,  asks  the 
General  Board  to  take  three  actions  that  would  help  sustain  the  former  Brethren 
n-iission  in  South  Korea.  At  the  follonnng  break,  (above)  Annual  Conference 
officers  Lowell  Flory  (moderator-elect),  Bentley  Peters  (consultant)  and  Elaine 
Sollenberger  (moderator)  confer.  The  next  day  Sollenberger  announced  that  in 
December  she  will  convene  an  invitation-only  meeting  regarding  South  Korea. 

added  to  be  allocated  among  three 
ireas — Congregational  Life  Ministries 
(for  technology),  Ministry,  and 
Brethren  Witness — to  provide  essen- 
tial services.  Thus,  the  Board 
approved  a  1998  net  operating  budget 
af  $4.95  million,  plus  an  additional 
$135,000  in  "Behold"  funds. 

The  Board's  gross  income  is 
expected  to  be  $13,489,420,  with 
total  expenses  of  $13,168,020.  For 
1998.  there  should  be  $321,400  of 
income  over  expense,  although  nearly 
all  of  the  Board's  directors  implied 
their  budgets  under  the  new  parame- 
ters were  optimistic  at  best. 

Even  with  a  slight  surplus  esti- 
mated, the  expansion  of  the  1998 
budget  by  $100,000  challenged  what 
has  been  a  key  financial  philosophy 
throughout  the  redesign — that  the 
Board  set  aside  some  current  income 

to  help  ensure  its  future.  By  allocat- 
ing that  additional  $100,000,  the 
Board  decided  to  set  aside  $200,000 
for  its  reserves  instead  of  $500,000. 

SERRV.  The  move  toward  separate 
incorporation  for  SERRV  Inter- 
national is  underway.  According  to 
SERRV,  this  move  will  enhance  its 
competitiveness  in  the  international 
handcrafts  market  while  reducing  the 
General  Board's  liability. 

Toward  that  goal  the  Board  ap- 
proved the  formation  of  a  SERRV 
Advisory  Committee,  which  will  over- 
see the  organization's  move  toward 
incorporation.  It  also  approved  up  to 
$225,000  in  technology  purchases  so 
that  SERRV  can  maintain  its  own 
computer  services,  and  agreed  to  as- 
sist SERRV  in  establishing  its  own 
line  of  credit  by  borrowing  up  to  $  1 .5 

million  from  Shared  Interest.  Shared 
Interest,  an  organization  that  lends 
money  to  alternative  trade  organiza- 
tions, has  told  several  Board  staff  that 
such  a  loan  will  help  SERRV  establish 
its  own  credit. 

Judy  Keyser,  Board  treasurer,  said 
this  proposal  was  a  challenge  to  work 
with  because  she  wants  to  assist 
SERRV  while  ensuring  the  General 
Board's  financial  well-being. 

South  Korea.  One  year  ago  the 
General  Board  voted  to  discon- 
tinue its  mission  in  South  Korea  be- 
cause it  no  longer  had  the  resources 
for  the  ministry.  In  October  the 
Board  affirmed  that  decision. 

This  issue  was  revisited  as  a  result  of 
appeals  by  Earl  Hostetter  of  Goshen, 
Ind.,  and  Wayne  Zunkel  of  Elizabeth- 
town,  Pa.,  two  members  of  a  fledgling 

What  is  the  impact  of  the  General  Board's  redesign  on  its  budget  and  staffing? 

Although  Board  members  expressed 
interest  in  learning  what  impact  re- 
design had  on  budget  and  staffing, 
those  numbers  could  not  be  deter- 
mined without  additional  research. 
After  some  number  crunching,  the 
figures  were  released  in  late  Octo- 
ber by  Karen  Miller,  interim  execu- 
tive director;  Elsie  Holderread,  Hu- 
man Resources  coordinator;  and 
Brenda  Reish,  controller. 

In  1996  the  Board's  gross  ex- 
pense budget  was  $19,475,260. 
With  a  salary  freeze  that  year, 
salaries  and  benefits  for  the  204 
employees  cost  $7, 1  70, 1 30. 

In  1997  the  gross  expense  budget 
is  expected  to  be  $18,307,980. 
With  a  two-percent  salary  increase 
given  to  the  192  Board  employees, 
salaries  and  benefits  are  estimated 
to  cost  $6,746,220. 

In  1998  it  is  projected  that  the 
gross  expense  budget  will  be 
$16,432,280.  The  144  employees 
will  receive  a  three  percent  raise, 
and  the  cost  of  salaries  and  benefits 
will  be  $5,747,930. 

From  1996  to  1998,  the  reduction 
in  budget  will  have  been  1 5.6  per- 
cent, the  reduction  in  salaries  and 
benefits  20  percent,  and  the  reduc- 
tion of  staff  29.4  percent. — NLD 

December  1997  Messenger  7 

independent  group  that  plans  to  incor- 
porate and  then  solicit  funds  in  order 
to  implement  overseas  missions. 

The  two  made  three  requests  to  the 
Board  relating  to  South  Korea, 
which  were  rejected.  However,  the 
Board  added  that  such  requests  are 
appropriate  for  the  Mission  and  Min- 
istries Planning  Council,  a  new  de- 
nominational entity  created  to  work 
with  such  concerns. 

Zunkel  and  Hostetter  invited  de- 
nominational representatives  to  their 
group's  mid-November  meeting  so 
that  a  collaborative  effort  might  be 

Fund  raising.  General  Board  member 
Mary  }o  Flory-Steury  takes  her  turn 
learning  how  easy  it  is  to  "raise  her 
first  million. "  This  was  part  of  a 
presentation  by  Ken  Neher,  the 
Board's  director  of  Funding. 

established.  However,  the  following 
day  Annual  Conference  moderator 
Elaine  Sollenberger  reiterated  that 
Annual  Conference  is  the  highest  au- 
thority on  this  issue.  That  is  why  she 
announced  an  invitation-only  meet- 
ing on  South  Korea  in  early  Decem- 
ber, which  is  expected  to  include  the 
many  differing  voices  on  this  issue. 

Other  business.  During  its  two 
days  of  business  deliberations, 
the  Board  also: 

•  approved  an  additional  $100,000 
Global  Food  Crisis  Fund  appeal  to 
help  stave  off  starvation  in  North 

•  approved  a  $  1  30,000  Emergen- 
cy Disaster  Fund  grant  to  purchase 
130  heifers  for  Poland  (see  opposite 

•  agreed  to  join  New  Life  Min- 
istries, the  ecumenical  successor  to 
The  Andrew  Center,  as  a  partner  de- 
nomination. It  elected  Stafford  Fred- 
erick to  be  its  representative  on 
NLM's  board. 

•  agreed  to  extend  Ministry  Sum- 
mer Service  for  three  more  years.  In 
the  two  years  of  its  existence,  MSS 
has  sent  19  young  adults  to  congre- 
gations for  summertime  ministry  ser- 

•  elected  David  Miller  to  serve  as 
its  representative  on  the  Mission  and 
Ministries  Planning  Council,  which 
will  convene  for  the  first  time  in  De- 
cember.— Nevin  Dulabaum 

Let's  count.  Wil 

Nolen  of  Breth- 
ren Benefit  Trust 
and  Rick  Gard- 
ner of  Bethany 
Seminary,  both 
ex  officio  mem- 
bers of  the  Gen- 
eral Board, 
count  ballots 
during  one  of 
the  Board's  few 
paper  votes. 

Joe  Mason  is  hired  to  serve 
as  interim  executive  director 

|oe  Mason  of  Greenville,  Ohio,  has 
been  called  to  serve  as  the  General 
Board's  interim  executive  director 
from  Jan.  5  at  least  through  next 
year's  Annual  Conference  in  Orlando 
is  sched- 
uled for       I 
|une  30  to 

will  suc- 
ceed Kar^r 
Miller  of 
town,  Md., 
who  has 
served  in 

loe. Mason  this  posi- 

tion since  )an.  1 .  Prior  to  accepting 
her  interim  assignment.  Miller 
stated  she  would  serve  for  only  one 

Because  the  General  Board  in  July 
did  not  call  the  executive  director 
candidate  presented  to  it,  the  search 
process  for  an  executive  director  has 
started  anew.  The  new  search  com- 
mittee, which  met  in  September  and 
October,  hopes  to  have  a  candidate 
approved  by  the  Board  in  time  to  be 
installed  at  Annual  Conference.  To 
meet  this  timeline,  the  committee  in- 
tends to  interview  candidates  in  early 
1998  and  to  present  one  or  more  can- 
didates to  the  full  Board  in  March. 

Mason,  who  retired  in  1989,  most 
recently  served  as  interim  director 
of  the  General  Board's  Refugee/ 
Disaster  Services.  He  also  has 
served  as  interim  executive  of 
Northern  Plains  District,  as  director 
of  relocation  for  Bethany  Theo- 
logical Seminary,  and  as  interim 
executive  for  the  General  Board's 
World  Ministries  and  Parish  Minis- 
tries commissions. 

Prior  to  his  retirement.  Mason 
served  as  executive  of  Middle  Penn- 
sylvania and  Southern  Ohio  districts 


8  Messenger  December  1997 

ind  as  pastor  of  three  congregations. 
Application  deadline  for  the  execu- 
ive  director  position  is  Dec.  10. 

BBT  and  the  General  Board 
announce  staff  changes 

oe  Buss  of  Westminster,  Md.,  began 
serving  as  manager  of  the  Brethren 
Conference  Center,  New  Windsor, 
Md.,  effective  Sept.  22.  He  most  re- 
ently  worked  at  the  American  Red 
Cross.  Previously  he  served  in  benefits 
management  for  four  organizations. 

Kathleen  Campanella  of  Sykesville, 
Md.,  in  September  rejoined  the  Gen- 
eral Board  as  coordinator  of  Public  In- 
formation for  the 
Brethren  Service 
Center,  New  Wind- 
sor, Md.  She  had 
served  in  a  similar 
capacity  from  1993 
until  August. 

Fletcher  (Bud) 
Farrar  of  Spring- 
field, III.,  has 
been  appointed  edi- 
tor of  Publications 
for  Brethren  Press. 
His  primary  respon- 
sibility is  serving  as 
Messenger's  editor 
and  supervisor  of 
circulation,  adver- 
tising, and  promo- 
tion. Farrar  began 
Nov.  10. 

For  20  years  he 
owned  and  pub- 
lished The  Illinois 

Don  Fecher  of 
Elgin,  111.,  has  been 
named  director  of 
Brethren  Benefit 
Trust's  Pension 
Plan  and  Pastors' 
Financial  Services. 
Fecher  will  begin 
Jan.  5  part-time, 
as  he  will  continue  Bub  Kellering 

serving  as  BBT's  Accounting  mana- 
ger until  a  successor  is  on  the  job. 
)ulie  M.  Hostetter  of  Richmond, 
Va.,  has  been  appointed  Coordinator 
of  Area  3  Congregational  Life  Team, 
beginning  Dec.  1. 

Hostetter  has  served  as  a  pastor,  as 
minister  of  music  and  education,  and 
as  an  adjunct  faculty  member  and 
administrator  at  United  Theological 
Seminary  in  Day- 
ton, Ohio. 

Jan  Kensinger  of 
Hummelstown,  Pa., 
has  been  appointed 
coordinator  of  Area 
1  Congregational 
Life  Team,  begin- 
ning Dec.  1. 

Kensinger  has 
served  as  chaplain 
at  The  Brethren 
Home,  New  Ox- 
ford, Pa.,  since 
I  t:  riHfal  ^B     1996.  Prior  to  that 
jBp'^VHp' J^^    she  served  for  six 
^  .         years  as  Atlantic 

Northeast  District 
associate  executive. 

Bob  Kettering, 
who  since  Septem- 
ber 1994  has  serv- 
ed as  director  of 
New  Church  De- 
velopment, and  as 
interim  director  of 
The  Andrew  Center 
since  September 
1996,  is  leaving 
General  Board  em- 
ployment [an.  1 
due  to  the  Board's 
redesign.  He  has 
accepted  the  in- 
terim associate 
pastorate  at  Lititz 
(Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

Nancy  Knepper  began  serving  as 
coordinator  of  District  Ministry  on 
Oct.  1  5.  She  had  been  serving  the 
General  Board  as  director  of  Out- 
door Ministry  since  1989.  Last  year 
she  also  became  coordinator  of  the 
Board's  Ministry  Team. 

Nancy  Knepper 

Brethren  remember  past  by 
sending  130  cows  to  Poland 

In  response  to  a  need  for  dairy  cattle, 
and  in  honor  of  a  longstanding  part- 
nership, the  Church  of  the  Brethren 
General  Board  in  October  allocated 
$130,000  from  its  Emergency  Disas- 
ter Fund  to  purchase  and  ship  1  30 
heifers  to  Poland.  These  cattle  will 
comprise  part  of  a  shipment  of  1 ,000 
heifers  to  Poland  being  coordinated 
by  Heifer  Project  International. 

Need  for  the  cattle  is  great  as  the 
result  of  summer  flooding  in  south- 
western Poland,  which  affected  more 
than  50,000  farms  and  drowned  more 
than  3,000  cattle.  A  major  milk-pro- 
ducing area  of  the  country  is  where 
the  heifers  are  to  be  sent. 

The  heifers  will  be  distributed  on 
the  condition  that  those  receiving 
them  repay  either  in  kind  or  in  cash. 

The  $  1 30,000  is  symbolic  in  that  it 
represents  $  1 00  for  each  of  the  1 ,300 
Polish  agriculturalists  brought  to  the 
United  States  by  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  through  its  official  exchange 
program  with  Poland. 

In  1947  10  Polish  agricultural  sci- 
entists came  to  the  United  States  at 
the  invitation  of  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  to  learn  more  about  Ameri- 
can farming.  After  a  10-year  hiatus 
due  to  Cold  War  tensions,  a  perma- 
nent exchange  program  between  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  Service  Com- 
mission and  Poland's  Ministry  of 
Agriculture  was  established,  with 
agriculturalists  coming  here  and  edu- 
cators going  there.  The  program, 
which  was  eliminated  as  part  of  the 
General  Board's  redesign,  will  offi- 
cially conclude  Feb.  1 5  when  the  last 
Polish  exchangee  returns  home. 

Also  in  October,  EDF  granted: 

•  $41,500  to  fund  eight  Brethren 
Volunteer  Service  workers  in  the 
Balkans  for  one  year. 

•  $1  5,000  for  repairs  following  the 
luly  flooding  of  the  Pawnee  Creek 
Watershed  in  Logan  County,  Colo. 
Twenty-three  dwellings  were  de- 
stroyed; about  250  were  damaged. 

December  1997  Messenger  9 

In  Brief 

Two  high-profile  construction  projects  undertaken  this  year 
by  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  have  been  or  are  nearing  completion. 

By  Thanksgiving  the  Habitat  for  Humanity  houses  built  in  part 
by  Brethren  this  summer  at  Annual  Conference  in  Long  Beach, 
Calif.,  were  expected  to  be  completed.  Though  Brethren  financed 
only  one  house,  they  ended  up  working  on  both  buildings  that 
were  built  simultaneously  on  the  same  parcel  of  land. 

Since  Conference's  conclusion,  construction  on  the  houses 
has  continued  by  local  volunteers  and  trade  school  students. 

The  other  building  project  is  a  new  facility  for  the  Butler  Chapel 
African  Methodist  Episcopal  Church  in  Orangeburg,  S.C,  a  black 
congregation  that  was  one  of  many  that  lost  its  building  in  the 
recent  epidemic  of  black  church  burnings. 

The  congregation's  new  brick  structure  is  scheduled  to  be 
dedicated  Jan.  9-1 1 .  Many  Brethren  from  several  districts 
worked  on  the  project. 

Nineteen  percent  of  all  Church  of  the  Brethren  congregations 
participated  in  Habitat  for  Humanity  projects  in  1 996.  That  trans- 
lates into  216  congregations  out  of  the  denomination's  1,135,  the 
fourth  best  percentage  of  the  49  denominations  polled  by  Habitat. 

Financial  support  from  Brethren  congregations  was  $59,825, 
plus  about  $50,000  the  General  Board  spent  to  finance  the  con- 
struction of  a  Habitat  house  at  Annual  Conference  in  Cincinnati. 

The  75th  anniversary  of  Ekklesiyar  Yan'uwa  a  Nigeria  (Church 
of  the  Brethren  in  Nigeria)  will  be  celebrated  in  March  by  U.S. 
Brethren  participating  in  a  tour  being  organized  by  Monroe  Good 
and  Charles  Bieber.  The  group  will  leave  March  4  and  will  return 
March  20.  EYN's  Diamond  Jubilee  is  March  17. 

Estimated  cost  will  be  $2,100.  Call  Good  at  (717)  786-3052  or 
Bieber  at  (71 7)  733-01 1 5  for  more  information. 

An  eight-session  worl(shop  on  mediating  interpersonal  con- 
flict will  be  held  in  North  Manchester,  Ind.,  in  February. 

Led  by  Bob  Gross,  Kay  Gaier,  and  Beth  Cramer,  this  course  will 
cover  conflict  theory  and  communication  skills  for  conflict  reso- 
lution, win-win  negotiation,  and  community  mediation.  Role 
playing,  practice,  and  skill  development  will  be  emphasized. 

This  workshop  is  presented  by  Education  for  Conflict  Resolu- 
tion. Gross,  ECR's  director  of  Training,  also  serves  as  director  of 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren's  Ministry  of  Reconciliation.  For  more 
information  regarding  this  training,  call  (21 9)  982-4621 . 

The  first-ever  Older  Adult  Ministries  mission  workcamp 

is  scheduled  for  Jan.  8-1 9  in  Puerto  Rico.  This  event,  which 
sold  out  within  five  days  of  its  informational  brochure  being 
mailed,  is  sponsored  by  the  Older  Adult  Ministries  Cabinet  of 
Association  of  Brethren  Caregivers. 

A  new  mission  statement  was  unanimously  approved  Oct. 
4  by  the  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly  Board  of  Directors — "On  Earth 
Peace  is  a  movement  grounded  in  the  Church  of  the  Brethren, 
dedicated  to  following  the  teaching  of  Jesus  Christ  in  renewing 

Training  for  service.  Orientation  for  Brethren  Volunteer 
Service  Unit  226  was  held  Aug.  10-22  at  Camp  Holiness  in 
Roxbury,  Pa.  This  unit  was  sponsored  by  Brethren  Revival 
Fellowship.  The  five  BVSers  are  (from  left)  David  Coble, 
Sharon  Bruckhart.  Jennifer  Schildt,  Brian  Long,  and  Kim 
Paylor.  (See  page  26  for  their  assignments.)  Marc,  Lydia. 
and  Tiffany  Derosier  served  as  the  group's  house  family. 
Ruby  and  John  Shenk  served  as  orientation  coordinators. 

and  living  out  our  biblical  and  denominational  heritage  of  peace. 

"Our  purpose,  through  religious  and  educational  activities,  is  to 
empower  people  to  discern  the  things  that  make  for  peace— in 
ourselves,  within  families,  in  our  global  environment,  between 
nations — and  to  advocate  peace  and  justice,  seeking  the  realiza- 
tion of  God's  will  on  earth  as  in  heaven." 

The  board  also  approved  a  1998  budget  of  about  $340,000,  a 
13-percent  increase  over  this  year's  budget,  and  a  new  eight 
week  Peace  Camp  program  that  will  be  held  next  summer  at  the 
Brethren  Service  Center,  New  Windsor,  Md. 

The  annual  Disaster  Response  Leadership  Conference 

presented  by  Emergency  Response/Service  Ministries  will  be 
Feb.  7-1 1  at  the  New  Windsor  (Md.)  Conference  Center.  For 
more  information,  call  (410)  635-8730. 

Brethren  undergraduate  and  graduate  students  interested 
in  careers  in  mental  health  fields  are  eligible  for  the  Elmer  Ediger 
Memorial  Scholarship  through  Mennonite  Health  Service  and  the 
MCC  Canada  Mental  Health  Disabilities  Program.  Scholarships 
for  the  1 998-1 999  academic  year  will  range  between  $1 ,000  and 
$1 ,200.  Applications  are  due  by  Feb.  1 .  For  more  information, 
contact  Amy  Herr  at  (71 7)  293-71 25. 

The  International  Campaign  to  Ban  Landmines,  an  organiza- 
tion the  Church  of  the  Brethren  has  worked  with  since  its 
formation  in  the  early  1 990s,  was  awarded  this  year's  Nobel 
Peace  Prize  on  Oct.  9. 

The  campaign,  which  began  as  a  loose  coalition  of  organiza- 
tions communicating  via  computers,  will  see  one  of  its  mandates 
fulfilled  this  month  when  over  1 00  countries  will  be  represented 
in  Ottawa  for  the  signing  of  a  treaty  that  bans  using,  manufactur- 
ing, stockpiling,  and  transferring  land  mines. 

According  to  the  U.S.  State  Department,  a  person  is  killed  or 
maimed  by  land  mines  every  22  minutes.  The  fact  that  land 
mines  remain  active  in  the  ground  long  after  a  conflict  ends  was 
underscored  this  summer  when  an  Egyptian  girl  was  killed  by  a 
World  War  ll-era  land  mine. 

1 0  Messenger  December  1997 

of  Christmas 

BY  Ruth  Naylor 

The  virgin  stillness 
comes  alive! 

Newborn  life  transforms 
and  graces  a  humble  manger. 

Angels  serenade  shepherds. 
Wise  men,  watching  and  waiting, 
marvel  at  the  pointing  star. 
All  follow  their  mysterious  light. 

Centuries  of  promise 
illuminate  the  yielding  darkness, 
and  heaven  celebrates. 
Nature  listens  and  proclaims! 

Christmas  is  not  about  presents 
but  presence:  God's  and  ours. 
Peace  and  joy  are  wrapped 
in  the  miracle  of  God  with  us. 

I  wonder 

BY  Ruth  Naylor 

It's  my  guess 

that  Mary  wasn't  exactly  overjoyed 

at  the  angel's  message. 

God's  gift  burden  for  her 

was  a  surprise,  perplexing 

to  say  the  least. 

Surely  it  could  not  have  been 

the  fulfillment  of  her  girlhood  dreams. 

Did  she  want  to  wrestle 

with  the  messenger  or  the  message? 

Did  she  wish 

that  God  would  call 

some  other  one  instead? 

How  did  she  tell  loseph? 

Did  she  truly  dread  the  risk? 

Oh,  Mary,  I  think  I  know. 

But  did  you  really  have  a  choice 

Once  you  had  heard  that  mystical  voice? 

Ruth  Naylor  is  a  Mennonite  poet 
from  Bluffton,  Ohio. 

December  1997  Messenger  1 1 

in  Oiirists  name 

BY  Merlyn  Kettering 

Many  of  the  once  prosperous 
agricultural  communities  of 
southern  Sudan  are  neglected 
and  in  ruins  after  the  years  of  civil  war. 
Towns  and  educational  centers  are  vacant. 
In  many  places  where  battles  and  occupa- 
tion have  been  most  intense,  the  sites  of 
former  colleges,  businesses,  churches,  and 
hotels  are  unrecognizable  except  for  a  few 
broken  walls  and  bent  rafters. 

The  best-maintained  buildings  are 
those  that  were  commandeered  for  the 
Army  of  the  Government  of  Sudan, 
including  several  church  compounds  and 
headquarters.  These  had  been  used  as 
army  garrisons  and  are  surrounded  by 
trenches  and  low  mounds  that  hide 
underground  bomb  shelters.  Not  visible 
are  the  multitude  of  land  mines  that  lie 
buried,  waiting  with  deadly  silence  to  kill 
and  dismember  if  their  disguised  and  for- 
gotten resting  places  are  disturbed.  The 
once-vibrant,  productive,  and  self-reliant 
society  now  bears  the  scars  of  the  war. 
The  wounds  and  scars  of  the  people. 
The  effects  of  the  years  of  war  and  hostil- 
ity are  even  deeper  and  more  persuasive 
than  those  seen  on  the  scarred  landscape. 
Over  time,  people  adjust  to  their  physical 
injuries  and  disabilities.  The  wounds  and 
scars  in  the  minds,  emotions,  and  souls  of 
the  people  who  have  endured  and  sur- 
vived this  extended  war  are  even  more 
damaging  and  disturbing.  A  researcher 
and  the  head  librarian  for  the  New  Sudan 
Council  of  Churches  (NSCC)  headquar- 
ters wrote  this  poem,  "The  War": 

As  the  sun  shines  and  the  rain  showers. 
The  land  of  Sudan  is  soaked  in  blood. 
The  dead  in  numbers  litter  the  land 
In  the  war  for  freedom, 
For  by  their  blood,  they  buy  this  land. 

As  the  day  breaks 

Like  fresh  water  sprites. 

Tears  flow  down  their  cheeks, 

12  Messenger  December  1997 




The  Brethren  have 

opportunities  to 

continue  worthing 

with  the  churches  of 

southern  Sudan  as 

they  strive  totvard 

healing  and 


For  they  mourn  their  loved  ones. 
Who,  like  a  sacrifice,  die  in  this  war. 

The  church's  commitment  to  peace,  heal- 
ing, and  rehabilitation.  "Suffering  and 
difficulties  are  drawing  the  people  nearer 
to  God,"  says  one  bishop.  "The  number  of 
Christians  in  southern  Sudan  has  grown 
more  than  ever  in  the  history  of  the  land. 
Sufferings  and  difficulties  strengthen  our 
Christian  faith  and  trust  in  God.  People 
have  high  hope  for  the  Lord's  salvation." 

Throughout  the  war,  the  church  has 
brought  a  continuous  message  of  hope, 
justice,  and  peace.  It  preaches  a  Christ- 
ian vision  of  a  Sudan  renewed  and 
transformed  in  unity  and  liberty,  where 
all  people  enjoy  their  rights  and  respect 
their  diversity.  The  proclamation  of  the 
church,  "Here  We  Stand  United  in 
Action"  (1996)  has  been  a  benchmark 
statement  for  peace  in  southern  Sudan. 

Bishop  Paride  Taban  of  the  Catholic  Dio- 
cese of  Torit,  one  of  the  founders  of  NSCC, 
praises  the  strength  of  Christians  in  south- 
ern Sudan:  "There  is  trust  of  God,  love, 
patience,  and  joy  in  the  hearts  of  so  many." 

The  recent  liberation  of  major  areas  of 
Sudan  by  the  Sudan  Peoples  Liberation 
Movement  (SPLM)  from  the  control  of 

the  government  prompted  new  initiatives 
by  the  Council.  In  |uly,  the  NSCC  orga- 
nized a  Peace  Dialog  with  the  SPLM  neari* 
Yei.  The  purpose  was  to  plan  for  cooper- 
ation in  rebuilding  Sudanese  communities 
and  the  society. 

One  of  the  most  important  outcomes  of 
the  Peace  Dialog  was  the  agreement  that 
the  NSCC  and  the  churches  will  play  a 
facilitating  role  in  the  holistic  healing  of 
the  people,  their  communities,  and  the 
society.  Churches  are  seen  as  centers  of  ■ 
promise  in  which,  through  their  Christian 
witness  and  mission,  people  can  gather 
once  more  to  visualize,  shape,  and  realize 
their  dreams. 

The  NSCC  and  its  member  churches 
are  now  planning  numerous  projects  and 
programs  for  rehabilitation  and  recon- 
struction. People  gather  in  churches  to 
proclaim  their  faith,  reinforce  trust,  and 
plan  for  rebuilding  and  re-establishing 
their  communities.  Regional  ecumenical 
centers  will  be  established  by  the  NSCC 
to  help  the  churches  and  inter-church 
committees  perform  their  Christian  roles 

•  as  a  sanctuary — overcoming  the  his- 
tory of  despair,  fears,  hatred,  and  hostilities 
that  has  been  built  and  fueled  by  war; 

•  as  a  place  of  healing — healing  the 
wounds  and  scars  of  raids,  fighting, 
killings,  bombings,  deaths,  displacement, 
genocide,  stealing,  rape,  abduction,  slav- 
ery, and  forced  starvation; 

•  as  a  haven  of  hope  planning  for  a 
better  present  and  future  for  all  people, 
families,  and  communities  of  southern 

NSCC  Regional  Ecumenical  Centers. 
In  its  meeting  following  the  Peace 
Dialog,  the  NSCC  Executive  Committee 
resolved  to  focus  the  Council's  energies 
on  peace  and  reconciliation  at  national 
and  grassroots  levels  and  to  emphasize 
training  and  capacity-building  as  a  major 
initiative.  Beginning  yet  this  year,  the 
Council  plans  to  establish  seven  Regional 
Ecumenical  Centers  to  provide  ecumeni- 
cal integrated  programs  with  facilities  for 

•  Ecumenical  Fellowship  and  Action, 

including  worship,  inter-churcl:  meetings, 
and  sharing  and  coordination  of  inter- 
church  activities  so  that  churches  remain 
united  in  commitment,  spirit,  and  action; 

•  Peace  and  Reconciliation  Programs, 
including  grassroots  workshops,  seminars, 
meetings,  training  courses,  and  other 
functions  to  promote  justice  and  peace; 

•  Church  Leadership  Development, 
including  seminars,  workshops,  confer- 
ences, and  courses  for  strengthening 
church  leadership  at  all  levels,  from  lay 
people  to  pastors  and  church  officials; 

•  Community  and  Civil  Leadership 
inxolving  seminars  and  workshops  to 
bring  Christian  dialog,  influence,  and  per- 
.spcctives  to  the  issues  of  governance  and 
leadership  at  community,  regional,  and 
national  levels  as  the  country  is  rebuilt; 

•  Economic  and  Social  Development 
in\olving  church  and  inter-church  semi- 
nars, meetings,  and  workshops  for 
planning  and  coordinating  church  devel- 
opment activities; 

•  Vocational  and  Skills  Training  involv- 
ing use  of  the  centers  for  organizational 
points  for  promoting,  planning,  and  coor- 
dinating training  projects  and  courses. 

Two  centers  already  have  buildings  and 
facilities  (Narus  and  Wulu).  Two  centers 
will  begin  with  minimal  facilities  and  rely 
on  available  nearby  sites  (Maridi  or 
\anibio  and  Yei).  Other  centers  will  be 
planned  and  developed  yet  (Nuba  Moun- 
tains, Blue  Nile,  and  Upper  Nile). 

The  NSCC  is  asking  churches  world- 
wide to  support  two  priorities  in  this 
initiative.  The  first  is  to  send  funding  and 
resources  for  developing  the  centers  and 
for  basic  operational  costs.  The  second  is 
to  provide  support  through  projects,  work- 
shops, resources,  expertise,  and  funding 
for  various  aspects  and  activities  of  the 
Ecumenical  Integrated  Programs,  espe- 
cially the  ecumenical,  development,  and 
training  activities  required  to  help  rebuild 
churches  and  communities  in  Sudan. 

The  pilgrimage  for  peace  continues. 
The  quest  for  justice  and  peace  in  southern 
Sudan  is  far  from  over.  Christians  in  south- 

ern Sudan  rely  upon  the  support  of  Chris- 
tians worldwide  to  sustain  and  rebuild  their 
churches  and  communities.  They  are  grate- 
ful to  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  and  other 
supporters  that  have  given  so  willingly  to 
them  in  time  of  war  and  need.  The  people 
of  this  hurting  land  still  face  great  chal- 
lenges as  they  rebuild  their  communities 
and  their  country.  They  seek  continuing 
encouragement  and  support  as  they  enter  a 
time  of  peace  and  rebuilding. 

Three  centuries  ago,  the  Brethren  were 
persecuted  for  their  beliefs.  Our  forebears 
were  able  to  flee  to  new  lands  to  find 
peace  and  prosperity.  Although  that  was 
long  ago,  we  Brethren  can  identify  with 
the  Sudanese  Christians  in  a  special  way. 
Based  on  our  commitment  to  the  gospel 
and  to  peacemaking,  we  have  a  special 
calling  to  work  with  them.  As  Brethren, 
we  can  help  through  advocacy  and  by 
providing  continued  support,  expertise, 
and  encouragement  as  the  southern 
Sudanese  Christians  make  the  long  and 
difficult  journey  to  healing,  rebuilding, 
and  rehabilitation  of  their  land. 

The  need  for  church  leaders.  Haruun 
Ruun,  the  executive  secretary  of  the 
NSCC,  has  given  leadership,  vision,  and 
guidance  for  the  Council  as  it  promotes 
Christian  unity,  witness,  justice,  and 
peace  for  southern  Sudan.  He  says,  "The 
churches  in  southern  Sudan  are  growing 
faster  than  their  leadership.  Now  is  the 
time  for  Christians  worldwide  to  join  with 
Christians  in  southern  Sudan,  not  only  in 
giving  to  meet  their  spiritual  needs,  but  in 
a  relationship  of  learning,  growing,  and 
sharing,  so  the  churches  can  become  self- 
reliant  and  strong."  He  points  out  that 
churches  elsewhere  "have  much  to  learn 
from  Sudanese  Christians  because  most 
of  those  churches  have  never  undergone 
the  persecution  that  tests  and  tempers 
faithfulness  to  the  calling  of  God." 
Haruun  Ruun  is  supported  in  his  position 
by  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  in  partner- 
ship with  the  Presbyterian  Church  (USA). 

As  a  trainer  and  consultant  provided  by 
the  Church  of  the  Brethren,  1  help  make 

this  visible  symbol  of  Christian  unity 
more  effective.  Over  the  past  two  years,  1 
have  helped  the  Council  mature  and 
strengthened  Sudanese  leadership  so  that 
it  can  play  even  stronger  roles  in  "helping 
others  help  themselves  to  become  what 
they  want  to  become,  to  achieve  what 
they  want  to  achieve."  By  building  their 
leadership  and  development  capacities, 
the  NSCC  and  the  churches  of  Sudan 
will  be  able  to  take  charge  of  their  own 
destiny  and  to  overcome  the  dependence 
that  has  built  up  through  years  of  war, 
famine,  and  displacement.  I  see  the 
NSCC  and  the  churches  as  having  dis- 
tinct roles  that  will  help  bring  genuine 
peace  and  self-reliance  to  Sudan. 

The  Brethren  have  not  forgotten. 
Some  people  have  referred  to  the  south- 
ern Sudanese  as  the  "forgotten  people  in 
a  forgotten  war."  The  Brethren  have  not 
forgotten.  We  have  been  at  the  forefront 
of  advocacy  for  peace  and  in  meeting  the 
needs  for  relief  and  rehabilitation. 
Haruun  Ruun  and  1  are  continuing  the 
work  of  the  Church  of  the  Brethren  with 
the  NSCC  that  Roger  and  Carolyn 
Schrock  began.  The  Brethren  have  a  spe- 
cial relationship  with  the  churches  of 
Sudan  and  have  gained  their  respect  and 
friendship.  Building  upon  this,  we  now 
have  opportunities  to  continue  working 
with  the  churches  and  to  undertake  spe- 
cial roles  and  responsibilities  to  further 
identify  with,  support,  and  encourage 
them  as  they  strive  toward  healing  and 
development  of  their  society. 

The  Brethren  heritage  and  commitment 
to  peace,  healing,  and  reconciliation  can 
be  expressed  by  displaying  our  living  faith 
in  unity  with  the  people  and  churches  of 
Sudan.  As  a  denomination,  as  congrega- 
tions and  as  individuals,  we  can  help  as 
we  respond  to  the  gospel's  call  to  fulfill 
the  vision  and  message  of  (esus 
Christ — to  feed,  to  visit,  to  heal 
and  to  minister  in  his  name. 


Merlyn  Kettering  is  a  CIturch  oftlie  Brethren 
trainer  and  consultant  working  with  the  New  Sudan 
Council  of  Churches. 

December  1997  Messenger  13 


Photography  by  Howard  Zehr 



Gabriel  TKotK  Matet 

"In  tnc  kingclom  oi  Cjoci.  tncre 
would  DC  nappiness.  Tncre  would 
be  no  more  lighting.  There  would 
be  medicine  and  clotlies. 

Raptiael  Riel 

"T  be  cburcb  is  §row- 
in^  treniendouslv 
because  Alricans. 
\s'nen  in  trouble,  come 
to  Cjod.  The  church  s 
bisficst  problem  noT\' 
is  lacR  ol  leaders. 
People  are  not  visited, 
so  they  say  they  are 

Angelina  NyanhJal  Jonn 

My  lavorite  Bible  verse  is  the  one  in 
which  Jesus  says,  'I  would  lihe  those 
who  are  poor  in  spirit  to  be  comlorted. 

Atanasio  U.  Ospnaldo 

"I  imagine  Ood  as  my  shepherd.  Xvhen  I  was  youn§.  I  tooh 
our  co%vs  out  to  ^raze.  I  cared  lor  them  until  I  brought  them 
salcly  home.  \\  by?  Because  tbey  belonged  to  me.  In  the  same 
way,  God  is  taking  care  ol  us. 

14  Messenger  December  1997 

Suzanna  Aluel  IVlonaninied 

"We  want  to  collect  women  Iroin  a 
I  lie  lactions  and  groups  to  meet  and  to 
lalU  about  peace.  I  am  willing  to  go 

;in>'wnere to  Khartoum,  to  the  Upper 

i\ile — to  talk  peace.  II  Ciod  calls.  I  will 
<i<».  II  it  means  that  women  must  he 
hilled  in  order  to  stop  this  li^htin^,  we 
will  accept  that. 

IVloses  iVloras  Odn^o 

"Matthew  5  says.  'Blessed  are  the  peacemakers.      The  bi^ 
weapon  ol  Christian  growth  is  prayer  lor  peace.  The  church 
is  the  hope  ol  southern  Sudan.  II  we  are  killed  on  behall  ol 
Jesus,  that  s  all  right.  Jesus  came  to  suller  with  us.  We  know 
where  we  -will  go. 

Mary  Nyakot  Wley 

"Are  you  in  America 
really  serious  in  your 
pra>'ers.'    i  hcse  people 
suncring  in  southern 
Sudan  are  Chris- 
tians, like  you.  Are 
you  really  serious 
about  us.' 

Hyamuse  Einose 

"A  mother,  when  she  is  separated 
Irom  her  children,  is  very  uncomlort- 
able.  She  -will  stay  up  at  night 
comlorting  her  child.  Cod  is  like  a 
loving  mother. 

Adapted  from  an  exhibit  of  photographs  from  Sudan  titled  "God  Cannot  Let  His  People 
Die. "  prepared  by  the  Mennonite  Central  Committee.  The  guide  for  Howard  Zehr's  Sudan 
visit  as  a  photographer  was  Carolyn  Schrock.  who.  at  the  time,  was  a  Church  of  the 
Brethren  worker  with  the  New  Sudan  Council  of  Churches. 

The  exhibit  (free-standing  for  table-top  display)  can  be  borrowed  free  from  Church  of 
the  Brethren  Global  Mission  Partnerships.  Call  (800)  523-8039. 

December  1997  Messenger  1 5 

the  work  of 

Don  Durnbaugh 

Story  and  photos 

BY  Kermon  Thomasson 

A  ttending  a  historians  confer- 
/%    ence  at  Bridgewater  College  in 
A.   Abihonor  of  Donald  F.  Durn- 
baugh completed  for  me  a  circle  that 
took  39  years  to  describe.  When  I 
graduated  from  Bridgewater  in  1958, 
two  of  my  mentors  on  the  college 
staff,  sisters  Mattie  and  Mollie  Click, 
presented  me,  as  a  gift,  a  copy  of  Don 
Durnbaugh's  newly  published  book 
European  Origins  of  the  Brethren. 
That  was  my  introduction  to  the 
man  who  later  was  my  professor  at 
Bethany  Seminary.  Still  later,  we  spent 
together  an  enjoyable  time  rambling 
among  the  early  Brethren  historic 
shrines  in  Pennsylvania.  From  that  we 
wrote — and  I  illustrated  with  draw- 
ings— a  16-page  piece,  "Brethren 
Beginnings  in  America"  (Messenger, 
December  1973).  And  still  later,  as 
Messenger  editor,  I  have  had  the 

The  Festschrift  honored  historian  Don 

Durnbaugh  (left)  by  bringing  together 
many  of  his  proteges  as  well  as  other 
scholars,  including  Franklin  Littell. 

pleasant  duty  of  editing  many  Durn- 
baugh articles  . . .  and  even  a  year's 
worth  of  columns  when  he  was  Annual 
Conference  moderator  (1986). 

Thus,  at  Bridgewater  this  past 
October  2-4,  I  joined  a  great  cloud 
of  witnesses  to  Don's  contributions 
to  Brethren  history  and  his  position 
as  our  foremost  historian.  Bridgewa- 
ter's  Forum  for  Religious  Studies  and 
Brethren  Life  and  Thought  co-spon- 
sored the  event,  titled  "A  Festschrift 
for  Donald  F.  Durnbaugh"  and  carry- 
ing the  theme  "To  Serve  the  Present 
Age:  Historians  and  the  Modern 
Church."  On  hand  were  scholars 
from  the  five  main  bodies  of  Brethren 
and  the  Mennonites,  and  even  histo- 
rians from  as  far  afield  as  Germany. 

A  flavor  of  Germany  permeated  the 

meeting  by  necessity,  that  country 
being  the  source  of  the  earliest 
Brethren  history,  as  well  as  the  locale 
for  much  of  Don  Durnbaugh's 
research.  So  it  was  appropriate  for  the 
meeting  to  be  billed  as  a  Festschrift — 
German  for  a  "celebration  of  writing." 

Thirteen  presentations  were  on  the 
Festschrift  schedule.  Some  of  them 
were  sufficiently  informal  or  so  pop- 
ularly cast  that  even  we  participants 
who  were  mere  Brethren  history 
buffs  could  fully  appreciate  them. 
Other  papers  were  presented  in  the 
scholarly  format  that  requires  for 
comprehension  and  benefit  in-depth 
knowledge,  discipline,  and  a  famil-  . 
iarity  with  historians'  jargon.  A 
common  thread  through  all  of  them, 
however,  was  the  acknowledgment  of 
the  debt  owed  to  Don  Durnbaugh  for 
his  research  and  writing  that  had 
forerun  each  scholar's  own  work  and 
for  the  encouragement  and  inspira- 
tion Don  had  provided  his  following 
of  Brethren  historians. 

The  conference  opened  with  pre- 
sentations by  four  Annual  Conference 
moderators.  Current  acting  modera- 
tor Elaine  Sollenberger,  and  former 
moderators  Fred  Bernhard,  ludy  Mills 
Reimer,  and  Phil  Stone  spoke  briefly 
on  the  role  of  heritage  in  the  contem- 
porary church.  Each  considers  it 
significant,  even  if  not  appreciated  as 
fully  and  widely  as  one  might  wish. 
Phil  Stone,  Bridgewater  College  pres- 
ident, demonstrated  through 
anecdotes  from  the  Brethren  history 
course  he  teaches  that  Bridgewater's 
Brethren  students  come  to  his  classes 
with  a  surprising,  if  general,  familiar- 
ity with  their  history  and  heritage,  and 
are  eager  to  be  more  informed. 

On  the  second  day,  Franklin  Littell, 
a  United  Methodist  minister,  scholar, 
and  writer,  looked  at  the  significance 
of  Free  Church  studies.  He  roundly 
denounced  several  present-day  devel- 
opments that  apparently  have  not 
benefited  from  history's  lessons. 
Referring  to  the  reunification  of  Ger- 
many and  the  collapse  of  the  Soviet 
Union,  Littell  claimed  that  the  Ger- 
mans and  Russians  "haven't  learned  a 

1 6  Messenger  December  1997 

king  from  the  past  75  years  of  their 
listory."  Neither  was  he  charitable 
oward  the  Pat  Robertsons  of  this 
;ountry  who  "hft  up  the  myth  of  a 
Christian  America  that  never  was." 

Murray  Wagner,  who  teaches  church 
history  at  Bethany  Seminary,  used  his 
Iresearch  into  the  hfe  of  1 5th-century 
Czech  reformer  Petr  Chelcici<."  (pro- 
nounced Hell-chit-ski)  to  demonstrate 
that  "the  storyteller  revises  the  past  to 
rcllect  the  way  the  present  generation 
discovers  anew  a  living  God  who  acts 
ill  liistory."  He  acknowledged  that 
"there  is  a  'thereness'  to  the  past  that 
constitutes  reality."  Then  he  added, 
"Still,  the  past  stands  as  witness 
against  those  who  would  replace  it 
with  their  own  invention."  Wagner  did 
not  have  to  look  far  for  an  example,  in 
his  opinion,  of  "those"  mischievous 
inventors.  The  Festschrift  was  being 
held  the  same  weekend  as  the 
"Promise  Keepers"  rally  in  Washing- 
ton. D.C.  The  most  spirited  audience 
responses  of  the  meeting  took  on 
Wagner,  defending  the  rank  and  file  of 
"Promise  Keepers"  as  "political  inno- 
cents" with  no  thought  of 
"ic-Christianizing"  America. 

Hans  Schneider  is  a  Radical  Pietism 
authority  and  church  history  professor 
at  Phillipps-Marburg  Universitat  in 
Marburg,  Germany.  He  told  a  refresh- 
ing "detective"  story  about  the  "earliest 
Brethren  publication" — Alexander 
Mack's  1713  Grundforschende 
Fragen — answers  to  questions  on 
Brethren  beliefs  put  to  Mack  by  Inspi- 
rationist  leader  Eberhard  Louis 
Gruber.  Schneider  kept  his  Festschrift 
audience  in  suspense  with  a  step-by- 
step  recalling  of  the  search  by  him  and 
others  for  a  copy  of  the  "first  edition" 
of  Mack's  work.  Through  the  cen- 
turies, scholars  have  known  only  the 
"second  edition" — published  in  1 774 
in  Germantown,  Pa.,  by  Christopher 
Saur  II.  Schneider  told  how  he  had 
longed  to  find  a  copy  of  the  elusive 
"first  edition"  and  present  it  with  grati- 
tude to  Don  Durnbaugh. 

The  surprising  twist  to  Schneider's 
story,  however,  was  his  discovery 
that,  paradoxically,  there  actually  is 

no  "first  edition"  of  this  "earliest 
Brethren  publication,"  only  a  second. 
The  presupposed  first  had  existed 
only  in  handwriting  until  published 
by  Saur.  Thus  we  have  a  collector's 
item  that  never  was.  And,  I  assume, 
the  real  "earliest  Brethren  publica- 
tion" was  Mack's  1715  Rechte  itnd 
Ordmmgeti  (Rights  and  Ordinances). 

Dennis  Slabaugh,  a  Brethren 
independent  scholar  living  in  Ham- 
burg, Germany,  concluded  in  his 
presentation  that  there  was  no 
direct  connection — onlv  similari- 

ties— between  the  1  700s  Brethren 
in  Krefeld,  Germany,  and  the  Dom- 
pelaars  ("Dunkers")  of  Mennonite 
background  in  Altona. 

Jeff  Bach,  who  teaches  Brethren 
Studies  at  Bethany  Seminary  and 
whose  Ph.D.  dissertation  explored 
gender  roles  in  the  Ephrata  Commu- 
nity, put  some  fiesh  on  the  bones  of 
Conrad  Beissel's  female  counter- 
part— Maria  Eicher,  who  headed  the 
sisterhood  at  Ephrata.  Citing  sam- 
ples from  hymns  written  by  Eicher, 
Bach  explored  her  nascent  feminism 

Steve  Longenecker,  Robbie  Miller,  and  Carl  Bowman  were  the  three  members  of  the  Forum 
for  Religious  Studies  ]\'ho  carried  responsibility  for  orchestrating  the  Durnbaugh 
Festschrift.  The  Forum  holds  such  conferences  as  part  of  its  heritage  emphasis. 

Bridgewater  Forum  emphasizes  Brethren  heritage 

Festschrift  sponsor  was  Bridgewater  College's  Forum  for  Religious  Stud- 
ies, whose  membership  comprises  current  and  emeritus  Bridgewater 
faculty  and  staff  members  with  expertise  in  the  area  of  religious  studies 
and  a  commitment  to  the  scholarly  advancement  of  knowledge  in  the  field. 

While  the  forum  advances  religious  studies  and  research  in  general,  it 
emphasizes  work  within  the  Anabaptist  and  Pietist  heritages.  Occasional 
conferences  such  as  the  Durnbaugh  Festschrift  bring  to  the  campus  scholars 
with  expertise  in  a  selected  issue.  The  papers  presented  may  be  edited  and 
published  by  the  Forum. 

The  Forum,  and  thus  the  college,  contributes  to  the  life  of  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren  through  studies  that  relate  to  the  heritage  of  the  Brethren  and  pro- 
vide insight  into  the  contemporary  life  of  the  denomination. 

Recently  published  by  the  Forum  was  its  third  book,  Anabaptist  Currents: 
History  in  Conversation  with  the  Present.  It  was  edited  by  Steve  Longenecker. 

Forum  members  include  William  Abshire,  assistant  professor  of  Philosophy 
and  Religion;  Emmert  Bittinger,  professor  of  Sociology  Emeritus;  Carl 
Bowman,  associate  professor  of  Sociology;  Steve  Longenecker,  associate  pro- 
fessor of  History;  David  Metzler,  professor  of  Philosophy  and  Religion 
Emeritus;  and  Robbie  Miller,  campus  chaplain  and  instructor  in  Religion. 

Declmber  1997  Messenger  17 

Hans  Schneider  and  Dennis  Slabaugh, 

who  work  in  Germany — Marburg  and 
Hamburg,  respectively — lent  an 
international  flavor  to  the  Festschrift. 

and  speculated  on  the  sources  of  her 
theological  expressions. 

The  group  known  as  "Congregational 
Brethren"  was  the  subject  of  a  presenta- 
tion by  David  B.  EUer,  director  of 
Elizabethtown  College's  Young  Center 
and  newly  appointed  editor  of  Brethren 
Life  and  Thought.  The  Congregational 
Brethren  were  a  development  of  the 
"Far  Western  Brethren"  in  the  1870s. 
They  opposed  the  authority  of  Annual 
Meeting  and  argued  with  the  main  body 
of  Brethren  over  such  issues  as  the  cor- 
rect way  to  observe  feetwashing.  Eller 
had  touched  on  the  Congregational 
Brethren  in  his  May  1997  Messenger 
article,  "George  Wolfe  III  and  the 
'Church  of  California."" 

The  Fellowship  of  Grace  Brethren 

Second  Brethren  World  Assembh 

July  15-18,  1998 
Bridgewater  College 

"■paith  and  Family:  Challenges 
and  Commitments  ' 

Study  papers  to  be  presented: 

*  Place  of  the  Family  in  Brethren 

*  Impact  of  Culture  on  Brethren  Families 

*  Pressures  on  the  Family  in 
Contemporary  Culture 

*  Biblical  Understandings  ofthe 

*  Family  Devotions  and  Spirituality 
Within  Brethren  Tradition 

*  Rearing  Children  Among  the 

Also  panel  discussions,  workshops, 
and  Shenandoah  Valley  tours. 

For  information  contact  Dale  Ulrich, 
Bridgewater  College,  Bridgetvater,  VA 
22812:  Date  Stoffer,  Ashland 
Theological  Seminary,  Ashland,  OH 
44805:  or  Ron  Lntz,  31i  Fairview 
Ave.,  Ambler,  PA  19002. 

Fred  Benedict,  an  Old  Order 

historian,  checked  points 

with  Bethany  Seminary 

professor  Jeff  Bach  on 

Bach 's  research  into  the 

Ephrata  Community's 

Maria  Eicher. 

Churches  was  represented  by  Robert 
Clouse,  professor  of  History  at  Indi- 
ana State  University.  His  subject  was 
the  ongoing  splintering  of  his  group 
over  doctrinal  issues.  The  original 
FGBC  split  from  The  Brethren 
Church  (Ashland)  in  the  late  1930s. 

Other  presenters  included  William 
Kosdevy,  archivist  and  associate  direc- 
tor ofthe  Wesleyan/Holiness  Studies 
Center  at  Asbury  Theological  Seminary 
in  Wilmore  Ky.;  Dale  Stoffer,  associate 
professor  of  Historical  Theology  at 
Ashland  Theological  Seminary;  and 
[ohn  Howard  Yoder,  professor  of  The- 
ology at  the  University  of  Notre  Dame. 

The  "gifts"  of  Don  Durnbaugh 
were  recounted  by  two  of  his 
Bethany  Seminary  colleagues.  Dale 
Brown  and  Donald  Miller. 

All  the  presentations  will  be  pub- 
lished in  a  double  issue  of  Brethren 
Life  and  Thought  (Vol.  43,  Summer 
and  Fall  1997,  Nos.  3-4,  due  out  this 
month).  (Inquiries  about  this  issue  or 
about  subscribing  to  the  journal 
should  be  directed  to  Brethren  |our- 
nal  Association,  Bethany  Theological 
Seminary,  615  National  Road  West, 
Richmond,  IN  47374-4019.) 

Brethren  history  scholars  and  afi- 
cionados whose  appetite  for  the 
subject  was  not  appeased  at  the  Durn- 
baugh Festschrift  nor  their  senses 
sated  with  the  autumnal  ambience  of 
Bridgewater  College,  could  take  heart 
that  another  feast  is  in  the  planning,  to 

be  spread  at  the  same  table.  The 
Second  Brethren  World  Assembly  (the 
first  was  in  [uly  1992)  will  be  held  July 
15-18,  1998,  and  it,  too,  will  be  held 
at  Bridgewater.  It  is  sponsored  by 
Brethren  Encyclopedia,  Inc. 

Thanking  everyone  for  his  Festschrift 
recognition  and  Bridgewater  College 
for  its  Roger  B.  Sappington  Award  for 
outstanding  achievement  in  Anabaptist 
and  Pietist  studies,  Don  Durnbaugh 
relaxed  his  scholarly  demeanor  to 
recount  an  Abe  Lincoln  tale  in  which  a 
man,  tarred  and  feathered,  and  being 
ridden  out  of  town  on  a  rail,  remarked, 
"If  it  weren't  for  the  honor  of  the  thing, 
I'd  just  as  soon  walk."  But,  the  Durn- 
baugh discomfort  aside,  it  seemed,  in 
other  Lincoln  words,  "altogether  fitting 
and  proper  that  we  should  do  this." 

It  was  pointed  out,  in  the  course  of 
Festschrift  events,  that  the  recognition 
was  by  no  means  intended  to  suggest 
that  the  luminous  Durnbaugh  career 
had  burned  out . . .  even  if  his  recently 
published  Brethren  history.  Fruit  of  the 
Vine,  is  referred  to  by  some  as  his 
magnum  opus.  If  that  caution  required 
substantiation,  one  need  only  be 
reminded  that  Don's  next  big  project 
is  Volume  4  of  another  one  of  his 
major  accomplishments.  The  Brethren 
Encyclopedia.  It's  due  out  in  2000. 
Orders  may  be  directed  to:  Brethren 
Encyclopedia,  313  Fairview  Ave., 
Ambler,  PA  19002.  Or  e-mail: 


1 8  Messenger  December  1997 

Ministry  training  with 

Rick  Gardner,  hired  by  the  General  Board  in  1 974  as  ecfiVoro/ Guide  for  Biblical  Studies,  gave 
the  initial  direction  for  both  EFSM  and  TRIM.  He  is  now  dean  of  Bethany  Seminary.  An 
August  1980  photo  shows  him  (right)  conducting  orientation  at  Bethany  Seminary  for  EFSM 
students  Willie  Ray  Thornton.  Yovanne  Williams,  Shyrl  Smith,  and  Martin  Brown. 

BY  Jean  Hendricks 

"I'm  doing  things  now  that  1  never 
imagined  I  was  capable  ot  doing." 

"Without  the  EFSM  program,  I 
would  not  have  had  the  opportunity 
to  be  a  pastor." 

"EFSM  was  a  wonderful  experi- 
ence for  me." 

"You  gain  more  confidence.  You 
realize  that  you  do  have  something  to 
give.  You  see  confidence  grow  in 

Those  comments,  from  current  and 
graduate  ministry  students  reflect  some 
of  the  feelings  about  the  Education  For 
a  Shared  Ministry  (EFSM)  program, 
which  began  in  1977  by  action  of 
Annual  Conference  and  with  financial 
undergirding  from  the  Eli  Lilly  Founda- 
tion, For  many  of  the  60-plus  people 
who  have  completed  EFSM  in  the  past 
two  decades,  this  three-year  option  for 
nonseminary  education  is  a  life-chang- 
ing experience. 

Small  congregations  across  our 
denomination  are  other  recipients  of 

EFSM  benefits. 

"EFSM  was  an  answer  to  our 
prayers,  a  miracle  for  our  church." 

"The  EFSM  program  helps  us  to 
develop  our  talent  in  the  church." 

"EFSM  is  most  helpful  as  it  moves 
a  congregation  to  continue  strong 
team  ministry  beyond  the  formal 
completion  of  the  program." 

Those  are  responses  from  lay 
people  to  a  questionnaire  sent  out 
last  spring. 

While  EFSM  cannot  and  does  not 
solve  all  problems  within  a  congrega- 
tion, it  expands  the  congregation's 
awareness  of  the  denomination,  espe- 
cially as  the  members  participate  in 
events  sponsored  by  Bethany  Semi- 
nary and  a  Brethren-related  college  or 
university.  A  deeper  sense  of  belong- 
ing to,  and  connectedness  with,  the 
denomination  develops  in  many 
EFSM  congregations.  One  minister 
trained  through  EFSM  said  he  broad- 
ened and  deepened  his  contacts  with 
people  and  structures  of  the  denomi- 
nation, and  this  occurred  without  his 
feeling  pressured  to  change  his  own 
basic  theological  convictions. 

An  important  component  of  EFSM 
is  the  relationship  between  the  person 
in  training  and  the  program  supervi- 
sor. Based  on  the  1997  EFSM  spring 
survey,  as  well  on  anecdotal  com- 
ments, the  effectiveness  of  the 
program  can  be  directly  tied  to  the 
competent  assistant  of  a 
mentor/supervisor  whom  the  minister 
in  training  respects.  When  a  well-edu- 
cated, caring,  experienced  pastor 
offers  guidance  to  someone  learning 
the  essentials  of  ministry,  not  only  is  a 
personal  relationship  built  and 
strengthened,  but  the  congregation 
also  sees  a  model  that  shows  how 
learning  and  growth  occur. 

TRIM,  short  for  TRaining  in  Min- 
istry, also  counts  on  the  ability  of 
experienced,  on-site  coordinators/ 
mentors  for  its  success.  Like  EFSM, 
TRIM  is  a  denominationally  spon- 
sored program,  a  partnership  of  the 
colleges,  the  General  Board,  the  dis- 
tricts, and  Bethany  Seminary.  Its 
10-year  history  reflects  a  steady  inter- 
est by  people  of  all  ages  and 
backgrounds  who  feel  called  to  set- 
apart  ministry.  TRIM  offers  a  flexible 

December  1997  Messenger  19 

^^  Pontius' Puddle 

Send paymetH  for  repritithig  "Pontius' Puddle" from  Messenger  to 
Joel Kaufftnann.  Ill  Carter  Road,  Goshen.  IN 46526.  $25  for  one 
time  use.  $10  for  second  strip  in  same  issue.  $10  for  congregations. 

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Protection  you  can  depend  on  from 
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opportunity  for  learning,  while  it 
maintains  high  standards  of  prepara 
tion  for  church  leadership. 

Many  TRIM  graduates  serve  as 
full-time  or  as  associate  pastors. 
Some  of  them  made  the  decision  to 
attend  seminary  following  the  time  of 
nondegree  theological  education. 
Others  have  opted  out  of  set-apart 
ministry,  but  continue  to  serve  the 
church  as  lay  leaders. 

Initial  direction  for  both  programs 
was  given  by  Rick  Gardner,  then  a 
General  Board  staff  member  and  now 
the  dean  of  Bethany  Seminary.  When 
the  programs  grew  in  size  and  scope, 
Larry  Glick,  associate  executive  of 
Shenandoah  District,  joined  the  min- 
istry training  staff.  His  successors 
were  Karen  Calderon  and  Wayne 
Eberly,  each  hired  for  a  field  associate 
position  to  work  with  separate  geo- 
graphical areas  of  the  denomination.  I 
joined  the  staff  in  1991  and  became 
director  of  the  two  programs  in  1992. 

As  EFSM  and  TRIM  celebrated  20 
and  1 0  years  of  history  in  1 997,  they 
also  anticipated  the  future.  Small 
congregations  will  continue  to  need 
part-time,  but  educated,  leadership. 
People  called  to  ministry  may 
increasingly  need  a  nondegree  pro- 
gram such  as  TRIM  toward  meeting 
district  ordination  requirements. 

Under  the  New  Design  of  the 
General  Board,  EFSM  and  TRIM 
are  completely  administered  out  of 
Bethany  Seminary,  under  the  aus- 
pices of  the  Bethany  Academy, 
through  a  plan  of  shared  funding 
and  staff  leadership.  Fifteen  EFSM 
congregations  and  three  TRIM 
students  entered  training  this  past 
August  (October,  page  7).  Honor- 
ing two  previous  decades  of 
ministry  training,  the  church  rec- 
ognizes the  practicality  of  these 
programs  and  anticipates  their 
serving  leadership  needs  in 
the  coming  new  century. 


lean  Hendricks  served  as  director  of  EFSM 
and  TRIM.  1992-1997.  She  is  now  director  of 
dnircli  Relations  for  McPherson  College. 

20  Messenger  December  1997 

Consider  tke  alternative 

BY  Kenneth  L.  Gibble 

A  ging  is  a  subject  I  approach  with 
/\    caution;  it's  almost  impossible 
JL    ^Lto  talk  about  aging  without 
putting  your  foot  in  your  mouth. 

When  I  was  approaching  my  40th 
birthday,  I  preached  a  sermon  about 
aging.  During  the  sermon,  1  men- 
tioned that  before  too  many  years  I 
would  be  in  the  category  of  "middle- 
aged."  After  the  service,  a  man  came 
up  to  me  and  asked,  with  a  sly  grin 
on  his  face,  "How  old  are  you?" 
When  I  told  him,  he  asked  further, 
"Well,  if  you  don't  think  you're 
middle-aged  yet,  exactly  how  long 
are  you  planning  to  live?" 

Part  of  the  difficulty  in  talking  about 
aging  is  language.  We  don't  even 
know  what  to  call  those  who  reach  the 
upper  limits  of  the  life  span.  Not  many 
people  like  to  be  called  "old."  I  once 
had  a  man  in  his  70s  tell  me  that  he 
hated  being  referred  to  as  a  "senior 
citizen."  It  is  no  longer  "politically 
correct"  to  talk  about  people  going  to 
an  "old  folks  home."  Instead,  we  deli- 
cately say  that  they  are  residents  in  a 
"retirement  facility,"  or,  even  better,  a 
"retirement  community." 

■What  word  is  best  used  to  describe 
people  who  are  "up  in  years"?  Golden 
agers?  The  elderly?  Retirees?  No 
matter  what  word  you  use,  you're  sure 
to  offend  somebody.  The  Church  of 
the  Brethren  gathering  for  people  of 
retirement  age  is  called  the  "National 
Older  Adult  Conference."  That's  fine, 
but  what  does  "older  adult"  mean? 
Older  than  what?  Older  than  whom? 

Not  long  before  his  death,  Cana- 
dian novelist  Robertson  Davies  wrote 
a  collection  of  short  stories  about 
aging.  In  the  book's  introduction, 
Davies  wrote,  "I  have  grown  old."  He 
didn't  state  his  age,  but  he  did  object 
to  euphemisms  for  aging.  At  one 
point,  he  said,  "Forgive  me;  I  must 

leave  my  typewriter  to  throw  up,  for  I 
have  just  heard  someone  use  that 
nauseating  expression  'the  twilight 
years.'"  The  printed  page  shows  a 
few  dashes,  presumably  to  indicate 
Davies'  absence  from  his  typewriter. 
The  next  words  on  the  page  are  as 
follows:  " — Ah,  that  feels  better." 

But  maybe  the  real  question  on  the 
subject  of  aging  is  not  how  to  talk 
about  it  without  offending,  but, 
rather,  how  we  are  to  live  as  people 
who  are  getting  older. 

The  Bible  is  realistic  about  aging. 
Even  in  biblical  times,  when  old  age 
was  honored  far  more  than  in  our  own 
time,  there  had  to  be  reminders  for 
people  to  treat  the  elderly  with  respect. 
One  of  the  commandments  in  Leviti- 
cus reads;  "You  shall  rise  before  the 
aged,  and  defer  to  the  old:  and  you 


/  like  the  psalmist's  image  of  old  people: 
producing  fruit . . .  always  green  and  full  of 
sap.  What  a  terrific  way  to  be  described  when 
you  are  65,  75,  85,  or  older. 

shall  fear  your  God  ..."  (Lev.  19:32). 

In  Psalm  7 1 ,  the  writer  expresses  one 
of  the  fears  of  old  age,  the  fear  of  being 
abandoned.  This  fear  is  given  voice  in 
verse  9  with  a  prayer:  "Do  not  cast  me 
off  in  the  time  of  old  age;  do  not  for- 
sake me  when  my  strength  is  spent." 

Temptation  to  fall  into  despair  con- 
fronts people  at  every  stage  of  life,  but 
it  is  especially  dangerous  in  the  final 
years.  The  writer  of  Ecclesiastes 
rebuked  those  tempted  to  lament  the 
passing  of  the  "good  old  days":  "Do 
not  say,  'Why  were  the  former  days 
better  than  these?'  For  it  is  not  from 
wisdom  that  you  ask  this"  (Eccl.  7:10). 

My  favorite  scripture  about  aging 
is  the  wonderfully  upbeat  verse  14  ol 

Psalm  92.  In  the  King  |ames  Version, 
the  Psalmist  describes  righteous 
people  with  these  words:  "They  shall 
bring  forth  fruit  in  old  age;  they  shall 
be  fat  and  flourishing." 

That's  pretty  good,  but  "fat  and 
flourishing"  has  some  negative  conno- 
tations these  days.  Much  better  is  the 
New  Revised  Standard  Version:  "In 
old  age  they  still  produce  fruit;  they 
are  always  green  and  full  of  sap — " 

That  is  a  wonderful  image  of  what 
the  last  years  of  life  can  be — productive 
and  fruitful.  What  a  terrific  way  to  be 
described  when  you  are  65,  75,  85,  or 
older:  "always  green  and  full  of  sap." 

In  his  essay,  Robertson  Davies 
argued  that  the  best  gift  we  can  carry 

December  1997  Messenger  21 

with  us  into  old  age  is  curiosity. 
Curiosity  about  wiiat?  It  doesn't 
matter,  Davies  said.  "Curiosity  about 
something.  Enthusiasm.  Zest.  That's 
what  makes  old  age  ...  a  dehght.  One 
has  seen  so  much,  and  one  is  eager 
to  see  more."  The  title  of  Davies' 
essay  is  "You're  not  Getting  Older; 
You're  Getting  Nosier." 

Davies  warned  that  when  we  cease 
to  be  curious,  curious  even  about 
ourselves,  we  have  abandoned  hope. 
He  referred  to  the  psychoanalyst 
Karl  lung,  who  said  that  the  first  half 
of  our  life  is  spent  making  our  place 
in  the  world,  through  study,  work, 
and  family.  The  second  half  of  life, 
lung  said,  is  an  inward  journey,  a 

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spiritual  search.  It  is  this  search, 
argued  Davies,  that  makes  age  not  a 
burden  and  a  defeat,  but  marvelously 
enjoyable  in  spite  of  the  limitations 
of  the  aging  body. 

Much  as  I  like  what  Davies  is  get- 
ting at  here,  I  believe  there  is  a  subtle 
danger  in  his  counsel.  It  suggests  that 
active  engagement  with  the  world  is 
pretty  much  over;  what  is  left  is 
maintenance,  reflection,  and  life 
review.  True,  the  older  years  are  a 
time  of  harvest,  but  they  are  also  a 
time  of  planting.  Release  from  full- 
time  employment  means  opportunity 
for  service  to  community  and  church. 

A  70-year-old  woman  who  serves 
her  church  in  Seattle  as  director  of    . 
children's  ministries  says  that  she  has 
heard  people  her  age  say,  "I've  done 
my  share.  Now  it's  someone  else's 
turn."  To  that,  she  responds,  "Bosh!" 
She  goes  on  to  give  examples  of  older 
adults  who  are  busily  engaged  in 
doing  things  for  others:  "We  need  to 
realize  as  [older  people]  . .  .we  have 
much  to  offer  in  new  and  creative 
ways  of  serving  our  Lord.  Look 
around  and  see  the  needs.  Be  inven- 
tive. Ask  the  Lord  where  your  natural 
gifts  could  be  a  ministry  to  others. 
You  may  find  it  more  rewarding  than 
anything  you've  done  in  the  past." 

I  like  that.  I  like  the  fact  that  some- 
one in  her  70s  is  director  of 
children's  ministries.  I  love  it  when  I 
see  older  adults  reaching  out  to  the 
children  in  the  church. 

French  actor  Maurice  Chevalier 
said,  "Old  age  isn't  so  bad  when  you 
consider  the  alternative."  That  was 
meant  to  be  funny,  of  course.  And  one 
of  the  saving  graces  for  older  people 
is  a  sense  of  humor.  But  there  is  a 
serious  side  to  the  statement  as  well: 
Old  age,  in  its  own  way,  is  a  unique 
blessing.  Not  everyone  lives  to  old 
age.  We  do  well  to  consider  the  alter- 
native. And  when  we  have  considered 
it,  we  do  even  better  to  ask  God  to 
guide  us  and  bless  us  in  our  aging.  We 
can  resolve,  with  God's  help,  to  use 
our  time  and  energy  for  the  glory  rrri 

of  God  and  our  neighbor's  good 

Kenneth  L.  Gibble  is  pastor  of  Chambers 
burg  (Pa.)  Church  of  the  Brethren. 

22  Messenger  December  1997 

The  good  news 

of  the  gospel  is 

that  God  doesn't 

trash  us.  Instead 

of  just  wadding 

us  up  with  his 

heavenly  hand 

and  dumping  us 

in  some  cosmic 

landfill,  God 

sent  his  Son 

to  save  us. 


by  Robin  Wentworth  Mayer 

It  was  5:30  a.m.,  and  the 
clock  radio  had  just 
switched  on.  My  husband 
was  crawHng  back  into  bed 
after  taking  our  14-year-oid 
son  to  an  early  morning 

"Guess  what!"  he  said. 

The  excitement  in  his 
voice  was  cause  for  immedi- 
ate concern. 

"What?"  I  asked  cau- 

"You  know  that  little  back 
street  we  cut  through  to  get 
to  the  church?  Well,  at  one  of 
the  houses  on  it,  there  was 
some  stuff  sitting  out  for  the 
trash.  I  stopped  and  looked, 
and  there  was  a  Eureka  vac- 
uum cleaner,  so  I  brought  it 
home.  The  fan  belt  had  bro- 
ken and  gotten  sucked  up  and 
jammed  into  the  impeller.  I 
pulled  it  out  and  cleaned  the 
motor.  It  works  fine.  And 
there  was  a  water  softener 
that  just  needs  a  timer  and 
cam  assembly.  They  also  had 
three  chairs  with  oak  sides 
sitting  out.  The  upholstery  is 
dirty,  but  I  can  clean  that. 
There  was  a  cute  little  metal 
chair  missing  a  seat,  so  I 
picked  it  up  too.  And  there 
was  a  bicycle  with  a  wrecked 
frame  and  bent  tires,  but  the 
gearshift  and  cables  are  still 

All  this  before  5:30  a.m.  I 
started  laughing. 

When  I  had  caught  my 
breath,  I  said,  "You  need  help." 

Even  though  the  boys  and 
I  tease  my  husband  merci- 
lessly about  his  "junk-a- 
holism,"  to  be  honest,  I  re- 

spect it.  In  a  world  of  dis- 
posable towels,  disposable 
dinnerware,  disposable  jobs, 
disposable  relationships,  and 
disposable  values,  there  is 
something  both  endearing 
and  redemptive  about  some- 
one who  loves  to  rescue,  re- 
pair, and  use  broken  things. 

In  college,  I  saw  an  ani- 
mated film  that  encouraged 
conservation  and  recycling.,  it 
showed  people  all  over  the 
world  throwing  things  away 
until,  little  by  little,  everyone 
was  practically  drowning  in 
trash.  In  the  final  frames  of 
the  film,  we  saw  the  earth 
hanging  in  space,  overflowing 
with  trash.  As  more  and  more 
trash  spilled  into  the  universe, 
a  huge  hand  from  heaven  en- 
tered the  picture,  grabbed 
onto  the  earth,  wadded  it  up, 
and  tossed  it  away. 

I  don't  think  that's  quite 
what  the  old  spiritual  meant 
by  declaring  "He's  got  the 
whole  world  in  his  hands." 

In  one  way  or  another,  we 
are  all  broken.  We  are  angry. 
We  are  uptight.  We  are  cyni- 
cal. We  are  insecure.  We  are 
selfish.  We  are  jealous  .  .  . 
The  list  is  endless.  And  no 
matter  the  specifics  of  how 
you  continue  that  list,  the  ir- 
refutable truth  is  that  some- 
thing in  us  doesn't  work 
right:  Our  upholstery  is 
dirty;  our  motor  is  jammed; 
our  frame  is  bent. 

While  the  film  from  my 
college  days  undoubtedly 
made  its  environmental 
point,  the  good  news  of  the 
gospel  is  that  God  doesn't 
trash  us.  Instead  of  just 
wadding  us  up  with  his  heav- 

enly hand  and  dumping  us  in 
some  cosmic  landfill,  God 
sent  his  Son  to  save  us. 

My  husband's  rescue  oper- 
ation has  paid  substantial 
dividends.  The  little  metal  ice 
cream  parlor  chair  has  a 
fresh  coat  of  white  paint  and 
a  new  mauve  seat,  and  it 
looks  adorable  in  a  corner  of 
our  bedroom.  The  three  oak 
chairs  are  now  serving  a  Bap- 
tist Sunday  school  class 
across  town.  The  salvaged  bi- 
cycle gearshift  and  cables  are 
an  improvement  on  my  old 
Schwinn.  The  restored  water 
softener  is  fully  operational, 
providing  soft  water  and  a 
slight  increase  in  our  prop- 
erty value.  The  repaired  vac- 
uum cleaner  has  been 
adopted  by  a  family  that  re- 
ally needed  it. 

At  Christmastime,  we  usu- 
ally buy  and  receive  new 
things — not  altogether  inap- 
propriately, considering  the 
prophecies  and  pronounce- 
ments about  newness.  But 
Christmas  is  also  about  "old 
things" — people  with  broken 
hearts,  wounded  spirits,  and 
tainted  lives — being  rescued, 
repaired,  and  put  to  good 
use  by  the  One  who,  indeed, 
has  the  whole  world  in 
his  hands. 

Robin  Wenlworlh  Mayer  is 
pastor  of  Koliomo  (hid.)  Church 
of  the  Brethren. 

Stepping  Stones  is  a  column  offering 
suggestions,  perspectives,  and  opin- 
ions— snapshots  of  life — that  we  hope 
are  helpful  to  readers  in  their  Christian 
journey.  .As  the  writer  said  in  her  first 
installment.  "Remember,  when  it  comes 
to  managing  life's  difficulties,  we  don 't 
need  to  walk  on  water  We  just  need  to 
learn  where  the  stepping  stones  are. " 


December  1997  Messenger  23 

'As  I  looked  at  the  October 
Messenger,  . . .  /  thought  of 
one  of  several  reasons  why,  at 
age  85, 1  am  one  of  the 
magazine's  faithful  readers. " 
Why  I  read  Messenger 

As  1  looked  at  the  October  Messen- 
ger, with  its  recounting  of  our 
denominational  history  of  the  past  50 
years,  I  thought  of  one  of  several 
reasons  why,  at  age  85,  I  am  one  of 
the  magazine's  faithful  followers. 

I  always  see  names  of  people  whom 
I  have  known  through  the  years, 
dozens  of  whom  I  could  list. 

And  there  are  many  places  men- 
tioned that  hold  fond  memories  for 
me.  These  include  Elkhart,  Ind., 
where  1  was  born,  and  the  many 

cities  where  1  have  attended  Annual 
Conference.  Beginning  with  Winona 
Lake,  Ind.,  as  a  teenager,  1  have  been 
to  about  3  5  of  the  Conferences. 
People  and  places  dear  to  my 
heart:  1  revisit  them  through  the 
pages  of  Messenger.  That's  just  one 
reason  why  1  keep  on  reading. 

Donald  B.  Snyder 
Waynesboro.  Va. 

It  takes  me  back 

I  have  just  been  reading  my  October 
Messenger.  With  that  special  feature 

YOe  join  ifou 
in  cctebtatin^  (^od's 
^tcat  expte^sion  o-^ 
Love  in  Qesus  C^ktist 

The  students,  faculty,  and  staff  of 
McPherson  College  wish  you  and 
yours  a  blessed  holiday  season. 


rfcrflffson  College\.^2Sjl 




"Another  Way,"  retelling  the  Brethren 

history  of  the  past  50  years,  October 
is  an  issue  to  file  away  and  keep.  For 
a  95-year-old  reader  (see 
August/September,  page  19,  photo 
top  right),  all  those  stories  and  little 
sidebars  really  take  me  back. 

Gladys  Royer 
La  Verne,  Calif. 

Messenger  on  a  new  high 

The  October  Messenger  was  a  new 
high,  even  though  it's  hard  to  top 
some  of  the  other  excellent  issues. 

The  chronology  of  events  in 
"Another  Way"  was  well  worth  looking 
over  again  and  again.  The  portraits 
were  so  welcome  . .  .even  when  I  grew 
nostalgic.  The  full-page  list  of  all  Gen- 
eral Board  members  through  the  years 
is  worthy  of  framing. 

Marianne  Michael 
Iowa  City.  Iowa 

I'm  doing  quite  nicely 

Since  my  illness,  which  led  to  my 
resigning  as  Annual  Conference 
moderator-elect,  has  been  covered  in 
Messenger  (August/September, 
page  26),  1  owe  readers  an  update. 

The  past  several  months,  although 
difficult,  have  been  a  great  blessing 
for  my  wife,  Betty,  and  me.  We  have 
been  strengthened  by  God's  love 
and  care,  expressed  through  our 
family,  friends,  and  the  church.  We 
have  been  humbled — and  over- 
whelmed— by  the  many  cards, 
letters,  telephone  calls,  and  visits  we 
have  received,  both  prior  to  my 
surgery  and  during  my  recovery. 

I  have  always  appreciated  the 
importance  of  the  faith/covenant 
community  to  a  person's  nurture 
and  spiritual  welfare.  As  a  pastor,  1 
have  emphasized  this  truth  over  and 
over.  These  past  months,  however, 
have  reinforced  and  expanded 
Betty's  and  my  understanding  and 
appreciation  for  the  "great  cloud  of 
witnesses"  that  surrounds  Christians 
at  all  times.  We  praise  and  thank 
God  for  the  love  and  support  of  all 
the  brothers  and  sisters  across  the 

My  recovery  from  both  the 

24  Messenger  December  1997 

iurgery  and  the  depression  is  going 
extremely  well.  Both  of  my  doctors 
are  not  only  skilled,  but  express  a 
oersonal  concern  and  understanding 
for  my  situation  that  goes  beyond 
vvhat  I  could  have  ever  hoped  for  or 
prayed  for.  We  often  complain 
about  health  care  in  this  country, 
but  we  also  should  be  thankful  for 
the  remarkable  skills  and  dedication 
of  health-care  givers,  and  for  the 
technology  that  is  available.  We  are 
more  blessed  that  we  realize  or 

I  wish  it  were  possible  to  respond 
individually  to  each  person  who  has 
reached  out  to  us.  May  God  continue 
to  bless  all  of  us  as  we  faithfully  serve 
Christ  and  the  church  whenever  and 
wherever  we  are  called. 

jimmy  Ross 
Lit  it:.  Pa. 

Leery  about  delinking 

I  recently  spent  10  hours  with  10 
other  advisers  in  the  newly 
"delinked"  On  Earth  Peace  Assembly 
(OEPA).  The  group  discussed  the 
future  of  OEPA,  now  free  to  design 
strategies  for  survival  and  for  impact 
within  the  denomination. 

I  caution  other  such  groups  to 
study  Anabaptism  as  a  prelude  to 
discussions  on  "delinking"  within  the 
historical  church.  If  groups  become 
separatists  in  mood  or  strategy, 
"delinking"  may  be  complete  as  with 
Anabaptists  in  1  708. 

1  prefer  the  word  "links,"  in  which 
each  is  accountable  in  a  chain  of  the 
church  universal. 

Inez  Long 
York.  Pa. 


Three  steps  tdward  a  better  world 

STEP  1 :  Pick  one  of  the  statements  below 
•  I  will  write  or  call  for  my  BVS 
application  today. 

•  I  will  talk  with 


BVS  and  challenge  them  to  apply. 
•  I  will  learn  more  about  BVS  by  get- 
ting information  about  the  program 
and  then  will  share  my  new  know- 
ledge with  at  least  one  other  person. 

STEP  2:  Say  it  out  loud,  preferably  to 
another  person. 
STEP  3:  DO  IT! 

For  more  information  or  an  application 
form  contact  tite  Brethren  Volunteer  Ser- 
vice Office.  (800)323-8039. 

Classified  Ads 

Travel  with  a  purpose.  .Missionary  journeys  of  St. 
Pall,  Turkey;  &  Greece,  Mar  19-Apr.  3,  1998. 12,899. 
For  info,  write  Wendell  &  Joan  Bohrer,  8520  Royal 
Meadow  Dr,  Indianapolis,  IN  46217.  Tel. /fax  (317) 
882, 3067.  Or  write  Paul  &  Geneva  White,  3310  Melody 
Ave.  SW,  Roanoke,  VA  24018-3114.  Tel.  (540)  776-3289. 
Cruise  the  Russian  waterways,  Aug.  7-23, 1998.  From 
12,649,  depending  on  deck  level.  Visit  Moscow,  Red 
Square,  Kremlin,  St.  Petersburg,  &  cruise  rivers  of  the 
czars,  on  Ist-dass  cruise  ship.  3  meals  a  day  For  info, 
write  Bohrer  Tours,  8520  Royal  Meadow  Dr,  Indi- 
anapolis, IN  46217.  Tel./fa.x  (317)  882-5067. 

Alpine  Adventure  tour.  A  l4-day  tour  leaves  Wash- 
ington, D.C,  (Dulles  International  Airport),  May  26, 
1998.  Visit  Switzerland,  Germany  &  Austria.  A  very 
special  price  is  available.  For  details,  contact  tour  host 
Dr  Wayne  F  Geisert,  President  Emeritus,  Box  40, 
Bridgewater  College,  Bridgewater  VA  22812-1599.  Tel. 
(540)  433-H33  or  (5^0)  828-5494. 

Visit  Spain  and  Portugal.  May  29-June  4, 1998.  Bus 
tour  through  countrj'side  incl.  Madrid,  Cordoba,  Seville, 
Granada,  Toledo,  Rock  of  Gibraltar,  Fatima,  and  Worid 
Expo  '98  in  Lisbon.  For  more  info,  write:  J.  Kenneth 
Kreider,  1300  Sheaffer  Rd.,  Elizabethtown,  PA  17022. 


Cincinnati  Church  of  the  Brethren  fellowship 

meets  for  worship  &  support  in  n.e.  area  of  Cincin- 
nati. We  welcome  others  to  join  us  or  bring  needs  to 
our  attention.  Contact  us  c/o  Cincinnati  Friends  Meet- 
ing House,  8075  Keller  Rd.,  Indian  Hill,  OH  45243.  Tel. 
(513)  956-7733. 

Come  worship  in  the  Valley  of  the  Sun  with  Com- 
munity Church  of  the  Brethren  at  111  N.  Sunvalley 
Blvd.,  Mesa,  A2  86207.  Mail  to:  8343  E.  Emelita  Ave., 
Mesa,  AZ  85208.  Tel.  (602)  357-9811. 

Coming  to  Florida  this  winter?  Come  to  Braden- 
ton-Sarasota  area.  Good  Shepherd  Church  of  the 
Brethren  invites  you  to  share  great  worship  celebra- 
tions, Sunday  school,  Saints  Alive,  Brethren  bowling 
league,  arts  and  crafts,  quilting,  tour  groups,  &  great 
fellowship  meals.  Contact  pastor  Don  White  at  (941) 
792-9317  or  758-0988. 


Diabetics:  If  you  have  Medicare  or  insurance,  you 
could  be  eligible  to  receive  your  diabetic  supplies  at 
no  cost.  (Insulin-dependent  only)  Call  (800)  337-4144. 

Messenger  is  available 
on  tape  for  people  w^ho 
are  visually  impaired. 
Each  double  cassette 
issue  contains  all  articles, 
letters,  and  the  editorial. 

Messenger-on-Tape  is 
a  service  of  volunteers  for 
the  Church  and  Persons 
with  Disabilities  Network 
(CPDN),  a  task  group  of 
the  Association  of  Brethren 
Caregivers  (ABC). 

Recommended  donation  is 
$10  (if  you  return  the  tapes 
to  be  recycled)  or  $25  (if 
you  keep  the  tapes) . 

To  receive  MeSSENGER- 
ON-Tape,  please  send 
your  name,  address, 
phone  number,  and  check 
made  payable  to  ABC  to: 


of  Brethren  Caregivers 
1451  Dundee  Avenue 
Elgin,  IL  60120 

December  1997  Messenger  25 

Turning  Points 

New  Members 

Note:  Congregations  are  asked 
to  submit  only  the  names  of 
actual  new  members  of  the 
denomination.  Do  not 
include  names  of  people 
who  have  merely  transferred 
their  membership  from 
another  Church  of  the 
Brethren  congregation. 

Charlottesville,  Shen.: 

Amanda  Fagan,  Mark  Shipp 

Claysburg,  Mid.  Pa.:  Chad 
Acker,  David  Dickman. 
Angel  Imler.  lennifer  & 
Melissa  Weitzel 

Cleveland  Community,  S.E: 
Kathy  Baty;  Rebecca  Bengt- 
son;  Amber  &  )ustin 
Bicknell;  Renee  Blackwood; 
Frances  Brown;  |ohn  & 
Teresa  Chastain;  Brandi 
Deaver:  Amy.  Nan  &  Lacey 
Fallin;  Anthony  &  Ashley 
Ford;  Max.  Melinda  & 
Ronnie  Franklin;  Eden 
Garner;  Mandy  Hanks; 
Christie.  Patty  &  Sandy 
Hutcherson;  Heather  McCay; 
lames  &  Karen  Miller:  Bruce 
&  ludy  Morton:  Richard  & 
Shane  Oakley;  Rechelle  Pat- 
terson; linger  Ridgeway; 
Harold  Sloan;  Dakota  Tid- 
well;  Connie  Vaughn; 
Theresa  &  William  Warr; 
Amanda  Yancy 

Clover  Creek,  Mid.  Pa.;  Vale- 
ria Acker;  Betty  &  Larry 
Avers;  Amber  &  Ashley 
Baker;  John  Baird;  Jennifer 
Bechtel;  Chris  &  |oe  Cun- 
ningham; Mark  Dilling; 
Kathy,  Kristy  &  Leroy 
Karns;  Brad,  Elliot  & 
Kendel  Krehl;  Bev 
Ruhlman;  Gail  Weitzel 

Curryville,  Mid.  Pa.:  Paula 
Boyer.  Barbara  Brumbaugh 

Dupont.  N.  Ohio:  Molly 

Dunlap;  David  Fickle;  (acob 
Sroufe;  Marvin  Weller; 
Kara.  Robert  &  Tina  Work- 
man; Charles  &  Marilyn 

Eel  River,  S/C  Ind.:  Mala  & 
Morris  Day;  Matt  McNeeley; 
lill  &  Matthew  Metzger; 
Meghan,  Melvin  &  Nathan 
Sautter;  lodi  &  Kelly  Walters 

Eversole,  S.  Ohio:  Kyle  (ones, 
Aaron  Simpson 

Fellowship,  Mid.  Atl.:  Ralph 
Creamer,  William  Durst, 
lennifer  Quaglio 

Franklin  Grove,  111. /Wis.:  Rob 

Garbers,  Shen.:  Laura  Copley, 
Shannon  Kisling,  Kyle 
McDorman,  Justin  Moyers, 
Adam  Packett,  Mildred 
Ricedorf.  Benjamin  Shearer 

Glade  Valley,  Mid.  Atl.:  Gary 
Pryor,  Michele  &.  Rachel 

Green  Hill,  Virlina:  Stacey 
Clements;  Brenda  Dillon; 
Cathy,  Jordan  &.  Sarah  |ohn- 
son;  Callie  &  Will  Kingery 

Greenville,  S.  Ohio:  Philip  & 
Shawna  McKee 

Hanover,  S.  Pa.:  Cody  Ault, 

Brian  &  Lisa  Blake.  Andrew 
&  Leanne  Hurtack.  Adam 
Livingston,  Andrew 

Hatfield,  Atl.  N.E.:  Brandon 
Hanks,  Christina  Holbert, 
Shawn  McMahon,  Tom 

Lewistown,  Mid.  Pa.:  Peter 

Liberty  Mills,  S/C  Ind.:  Crys- 
tal &  Ryan  Finney 

Linville  Creek,  Shen.;  Aaron 
Dove,  lerry  Rainey,  Aaron 
&  Amber  Roth.  Zachary 
See.  Brian  &  Sarah  Tusling 

Live  Oak,  Pac.  S.W.:  Jennifer 
Dormois,  loe  Fennel,  Sarah 
Guerrero,   Rick  Fillmore. 
Kira  Marriner,  Gregory 

Mack  Memorial,  S.  Ohio; 
Peter  Crim.  Roberta  Fleet, 
Ruth  Petry.  Shawn  Storms, 
Alyssa  Yingst 

Maple  Grove,  N.  Ind.:  Kyle 
Carrick.  Amber  Cripe,  Kristi 
Garris,  Brad  &  |ason  More- 
house, Roycc  Stutzman 

Maple  Spring,  W.  Pa.:  Andrew 
Baraniak,  |ulia  Cable, 
lonathan  Dunmyer,  Michael 
Graham.  lamie  Harvey. 
David  Koba.  Jennifer 
Rummel,   KJrby  &  Lucas 

Marilla,  Mich.:  Debbie,  Kylee, 
Megan  &  Nathan  Gross- 
nickle;  Dottie  &  Rachel 
Huss;  Breanna  Knudson 

Marsh  Creek,  S.  Pa.:  Cindy 
Ecker.  Andrew  Hollabaugh, 
Cindy  Keys.  David  &  Car- 
olyn Kidinger.  Ruth  Ann 

New  Enterprise,  Mid.  Pa.: 
George,  Marilyn  &  Megan 
Browell;  Tyler  Hull;  Christy 
Imler;  Gwen  Musselman; 
Chris  &  Jamie  Robinson; 

New  Paris,  N.  Ind.:  Jonah 
Sherck,  Matthew  &  Melissa 

Ninth  Street,  Roanoke,  Va.: 
Michael  &  Pamela  Alwine, 
Megan  Flora,  Katherine 
Humphrey,  Charles  & 
Melissa  Mills,  Jean  Powell, 
Ashley  &.  Tom  Sink,  Anne  & 
Lindsey  Stump,  Brenda 
Turner.  Carolyn  Watson 

North  Liberty,  N.  Ind.:  Ruby 
Banks,  Jason  Beyer,  Laurie 
Decker.  Dawn  Ferguson, 
Andrew  Holderread.  David 
&.  Mary  Johnson 

Pulaski  First,  Virlina:  Heather 
Bucker,  Terri  Fitzwater, 
Linda  Myers 

Pyrmont,  S/C  Ind.:  Rebecca 
Combs,  Matthew  Miller 

Rice  Lake,  Ill./Wis.:  Caleb  & 
lordan  Schreiber 

Ridgely.  Mid.  Atl.:  Michelle 
Garey,  Lou  Ann  Owens 

Roanoke,  S.  Plains:  Kasey 
Prejean.  Katina  Stanley 

Rummel,  W.  Pa.:  lack  Car- 
done,  Jamie  Chicarell, 
Sheena  Phillips,  Joseph 

South  Waterloo,  N.  Plains:  Brit- 
tany Atwood,  Cassidy 
Greiman.  Derek  Grittmann, 

Crystal  Irwin,  Hollie  fohn- 

son,  Abbie  Lichty.  Whitney 

Rousselow.  Christopher  Tyler 
Springfield,  Ore. /Wash.:  Eric 

Union,  N.  Ind.;  Margaret 

Carr,  Don  lefferies. 

Stephanie  Spry 
Union  Center,  N.  Ind.:  Blair 

Burkholder.  Sarah  Neff, 

Sarah  Shively,  Jason  & 

Shellie  Steffen,  Sarah 

University  Park,  Mid.  Atl.: 

Robyn  Holl.  Anna  Myers. 

Jeremy  Siegel. 
Waynesboro,  S.  Pa.:  Julie 

White  Branch,  S/C  Ind.: 

Travis  Claywell 


Bradshaw,  Bob  and  Arlene. 

Waterloo,  Iowa,  50 
Bucher,  Gordon  and  Darlene. 

North  Manchester.  Ind.,  50 
Dees,  Carl  and  [eanne, 

Roanoke,  La.,  50 
Elliott.  Glen  and  Mildred, 

Fredericksburg.  Iowa,  60 
Flora,  Wilford  and  Edith, 

Boones  Mill,  Va.,  60 
Gibbel,  Lewis  and  Louise, 

Harrisburg,  Pa.,  50 
Gibson,  Simon  and  Ethel. 

Boones  Mill,  Va.,  50 
Gilbert,  Emerson  and  Althea, 

Sinking  Spring,  Pa.,  51 
Harvey,  Wayne  and  Gwen. 

Santa  Cruz,  Calif.,  50 
Heisey,  Paul  and  Dorothy. 

Schaefferslown,  Pa.,  50 
Helman,  Blair  and  Patricia, 

Fort  Wayne,  Ind.,  50 
Howes,  Roy  and  Pauline, 

Kaleva,  Mich.,  60 
Hurd,  Bill  and  Doris,  South 

Whitley,  ind.,  50 
Juday,  Don  and  Margaret, 

New  Paris,  Ind.,  50 
Klucher,  Bob  and  |une,  York, 

Pa.,  50 
Mansfield,  Herb  and  Kathryn, 

Weyerhauser,  Wis.,  50 
May,  Ben  and  Ella,  Goshen, 

Ind..  50 
Miller,  Wayne  and  Gwen, 

Santa  Cruz,  CaliL.  50 
Myers,  Vernon  and  Marie. 

Thurmont,  Md.,  50 
Faff,  William  and  Elizabeth. 

Elkhart.  Ind.,  60 
Richwine,  Albert  and  lane. 

Harrisburg,  Pa..  50 
Rife,  Marvin  and  Donna, 

Arcanum.  Ohio.  50 
Shaulis,  Harold  and  Garnet, 

Berlin,  Pa.,  50 
Stouder,  Charles  and  Evange- 
line, Elkhart,  Ind..  60 

226th  BVS 
Orientation  Unit 

(Completed  orientation  in  Rox- 
bury,  Pa.,  on  Aug.  20,  1997) 

Balmer,  David.  Myerstown, 
Pa;  to  Flat  Creek  Church  of 
the  Brethren,  Big  Creek,  Ky. 

Brukhart,  Sharon,  Manheim, 
Pa.;  to  Flat  Creek  Church  of 

the  Brethren,  Big  Creek,  Ky. 

Coble,  David  |r.,  Hershey,  Pa.; 
to  Good  Shepherd  Food 
Bank.  Lewistown,  Maine 

Long,  Brian,  Greencastle,  Pa.; 
to  Good  Shepherd  Food 
Bank.  Lewistown,  Maine 

Paylor,  Kimberly,  Chambers- 
burg.  Pa.;  to  Good 
Shepherd  Food  Bank, 
Lewistown.  Maine 

Schildt,  lennifer,  East  Berlin, 
Pa.;  to  Lewistown  Area  Mis- 
sion School,  Lewistown, 


Abersolc,  Paul,  77.  North  Lib- 
erty, Ind..  Sept.  1.  1997 

Beachy,  Fred,  97.  Oakland. 
Md.,  Aug.  19,  1997 

Benner,  losephine,  76.  Mif- 
flintown.  Pa.,  July  24.  1997 

Berdell,  John,  83,  Thompson- 
town.  Pa.,  |uly22,  1997 

Best,  Charles,  65,  Delphi. 
Ind..  April  15,  1997 

Beverage,  Minor,  68,  Bridge- 
water,  Va..  June  22,  1997 

Bodkin,  Margin.  89.  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  June  29,  1997 

Bolt,  Pauline,  82.  Luray.  Va.. 
luly  3.  1997 

Botkin,  Lydia,  94,  Sugar 
Grove.  W.Va.,  Sept.  9.  1997 

Bucher,  Harold,  75,  Annville, 
Pa.,  Aug.  10,  1997 

Butler,  Weldon,  84,  Kokomo. 
Ind.,  Aug.  23.  1997 

Byrd,  Elsie,  86,  Franklin. 
W.Va.,  July  30,  1997 

Caldwell,  Christine,  70. 

Roanoke,  Va.,  May  12,  1996 

Calhoun,  Gladys.  91,  Bridge- 
water,  Va.,  July  2,  1997 

Carrier,  Edith,  85.  Harrison- 
burg. Va.,  Sept.  1,  1997 

Cassell,  Eva,  88,  Delphi,  Ind.. 
Iune23,  1997 

Ebersole,  Marion,  88,  Wood- 
bury. Pa..  Aug.  8,  1996 

Eby,  Felicia,  78,  Centerville. 
Iowa.  May  18,  1997 

Emswiler,  Everette.  73,  Grot- 
toes. Va..  Aug.  8,  1997 

Emswiler.  MartJia,  103,  Har- 
risonburg. Va.,  Aug.  28,  1997 

Ferguson,  Clarence,  90, 

Roanoke,  Va.,  Oct.  14,  1996 

Fifer,  Ora,  83,  Bridgewater, 
Va..  Sept.  5,  1997 

Fiorello,  Peggy.  70.  New 
Oxford.  Pa.,  Sept.  7.  1997 

Fitzsimmons,  Leonard,  83.  Har- 
risonburg. Va..  May  51.  1997 

Fleegle,  Howard,  85,  Everett, 
Pa.,  Aug.  1,  1997 

Flora,  Claude,  93,  Roanoke, 
Va..  Nov.  15,  1996 

Funkhouser,  Alvin.  77.  Bridge- 
water.  Va..  May  11.  1997 

Garrett,  Mary,  Greenville, 
Ohio,  luly  20,  1997 

Gilkerson,  Carlos,  65,  Har- 
risonburg. Va.,  Aug.  27,  1997 

Graham.  Beulah,  85,  Roanoke, 
Va.,  April  11,  1996 

Green,  Alice,  91.  Kokomo, 
Ind..  March  7,  1997 

McKendree,  Sherril,  |ohn- 
stown.  Pa..  April  24,  1997 

McQuin.  Margaret,  87.  Silver 
Spring,  Md..  Aug.  15.  1997 

Meador,  Hazel.  87,  Flora, 
Ind..  Feb.  18.  1997 

Miles,  Alma.  84,  Queen  Citv, 
Mo..  Feb.  5,  1997 

Miller,  Esther,  80,  Weyers 
Cave,  Va.,  Aug.  1.  1997 

Miller,  Martha,  83,  Bridgewa- 
ter. Va.,  lune  15,  1997 

Miller,  Pamela.  38.  New 
Oxford.  Pa..  Aug.  8,  1997 

Mock,  Betty,  Johnstown,  Pa., 
July  26.  1997 

Mohler,  Marie,  Greenville, 
Ohio,  luly  18,  1997 

Mohler,  Virginia,  73,  Takoma 
Park,  Md.,  luly  19,  1997 

Morgan,  Floyd,  75,  Kokomo. 
Ind..  April  9.  1997 

Morningstar,  lean.  78,  Spring- 
field. Ohio,  May  9,  1997 

Morrison,  Howard,  77, 
Dayton,  Va..  Aug.  3,  1997 

Moyers,  Stephanie.  12.  Cabins, 
W.Va..  luly  15.  1997 

Nelson,  Jesse.  67,  Petersburg. 
W.Va.,  May  29.  1997 

Ord,  Clarence.  66.  Franklin. . 
W.Va..  June  18.  1997 

Ott,  Clara.  75.  Windber.  Pa., 
Jan.  16.  1997 

Owen,  Morgan,  60.  Salem. 
Va..  lune  7,  1997 

Oyler,  Mary  lane.  70. 

Roanoke.  Va..  March  16. 

Painter,  Violet.  86,  Palmyra, 
Pa.,  July  17.  1997 

Pelletier,  Virginia.  80.  Har- 
risonburg, Va.,  luly  9.  1997 

Perdue,  May.  100.  Roanoke, 
Va.,  April' 21.  1997 

Perkins,  Maxine.  80.  Warsaw, 
Ind..  June  18,  1997 

Petterson,  Josephine,  101, 
Cross  Keys,  Pa.,  |ulv  21, 

Prophet,  Waldo,  74.  New 
Market,  Va.,  May  23,  1997 

Pugh,  Lawrence,  82.  Harrison- 
burg, Va..  lune  21.  1997 

Ratlief.  Velma.  70.  Fort  Sey- 
bert.  W.Va.,  Aug.  11.  1997 

Ratiz,  Lester,  71,  Winston- 
Salem,  N.C..  Feb.  12.  1997 

Reed,  Gladvs,  89.  Roanoke, 
Va.,  April  2,  1997 

Regnier,  Ruth,  78,  Roanoke. 
Va.,  luly  22,  1997 

Rinsland,  Helen.  94.  Sellins- 
grove.  Pa..  Aug.  21.  1997 

Ritchie,  Frank,  S3,  Harrison- 
burg, Va.,  Sept.  n,  1997 

Robison,  Clyde,  93,  Riplev. 
Okla.,  March  7,  1997 

Roose,  Marion,  70,  Goshen. 
Ind..  April  7,  1997 

Rose,  Mildred,  87.  Hooversville. 
Pa.,  Sept.  12,  1997 

Rupel,  Claude,  93,  La  Verne, 
Calif.,  luly  24.  1997 

Scrogham,  Samuel,  78,  Grot- 
toes. Va..  luly  18,  1997 

Shaffer.  Doris.  67,  Denton. 
Md.,  May  8,  1997 

Shaffer,  lohn,  95.  Harrison- 
burg, Va.,  June  28.  1997 

Shanaman,  Fred,  87.  York. 
Pa..  Aug.  7.  1997 

Shipe,  Rachel,  69,  Maur- 
ertown,  Va.,  May  19,  1997 

Shiplett,  Lester,  79,  Green- 
belt,  Md,  May  17.  1997 

Shobe,  Maxine,  81.  Purgitsville, 
W.Va.,  Sept.  2.  1997 

26  Messenger  December  1997 


Listed  on  these  pages  are 
articles,  poems,  editorials, 
opinions,  names  of  contrib- 
utors, and  obituaries  that 
appeared  in  Messenger 
during  1997.  Classifications 
have  been  made  according 
to  author  and  subjea  matter 
Numbers  indicate  month  and 
page  number. 


Ahjgrim,  Ryan 

Going  to  Galilee 4:22 

Alley,  Robert  E. 

Money  Matters 5:23 

Bach,  Jeff 
Bethany  Seminary;  Strengthening 

the  Brelhen  peace  witness 6:11 

Benedict,  James 

Let's  give  the  Great  Physician  a 

little  help 1:21 

Boleyn,  Esther  F. 

The  Nuer  Bible  project 5:17 

Boshart.  Jeff 

Beyond  a  relief  mentality   4:26 

Brown,  Dale  W. 

Opinions 2:26 

Brown,  Ken 

Manchester  College:  The  first  US 

peace  studies  program 

Campanella,  Kathleen 

In  Touch 2:3 

Davis.  D.  Miller 

Thanks  for  remembering  us 3:24 

Dulabaum,  Nevin 
For  the  General  Board,  a  dramatic 

shift  in  focus 5:18 

General  Board  approves  new 

design,  polity  changes 4:6 

The  General  Board  meets,  moves 

beyond  its  redesign 12:6 

General  Board  begins  hiring 
employees  for  its  new  design  ....4:8 

Long  Beach  '97 4:17,  5:10 

The  new  design:  Let  the 

implementation  begin 8/9:20 

Remembering  the  'Middle  Man': 
Celebrating  John  Kline's  200th 

birthday 8/9:10 

What  is  the  impact  of  the  General 
Board's  redesign  on  its  budget 

and  staffing? 12:7 

Durnbaugh,  Donald  F. 

Receiving  a  priceless  legacy: 
Snow  Hill  artifacts  come  to 

Juniata  College 7:10 

Stalwart  for  peace: 

John  C.  Baker 6:10 

Ebaugh,  Lisa 

Helping  the  voiceless  be  heard  ..3:24 
Eller,  David  B. 
George  Wolfe  III  and  the 'Church 

of  California' 5:12 

Faw,  Chalmer 

Life  is  forever 8/9:34 

Taking  the  New  Testament 

seriously 1:10 

Fields,  Sue  Wagner 

SueZann  Bosler;  'I  forgive' 11:12 

Finney,  Harriet 

Children  in  the  Bible 3:11 

Finney,  Ron 

Resources  on  children's  issues  ..3:15 
Fitzkee,  Donald  R. 

Planting  directions 11:22 

Forest,  Jim 
Climb  the  ladder  of  the 

Beatitudes 7:24 

Gibble,  H.  Lamar 

Farewell  to  Asia? 2:23 

Gibble,  Kenneth  L. 
Aging:  Consider  the 

alternative 12:21 

Good  for  nothing 6:25 

Good,  Alton 

In  Touch 8/9:3 

Gross,  Rachel 

In  Touch 8/9:2 

Haynes,  Pete 
The  Thomas  in  us  all 4:24 

Helman,  Patricia  Kennedy 

A  most  unusual  Sunday 

school  class 7:20 

Honick,  Don 

Peace  stalwarts  through  the  years  .,6:15 
Kauffmann,  Joel 

Pontius  Puddle 1:29,  2:29,  3:27, 

4:32.5:26,6:27,  7:29. 

8/9:39.  10:16,11:21,  12:20 

Kessler,  Kevin 

In  Touch 1:3 

Kettering,  Merlyn 

Healing  in  Christ's  name 

in  Sudan 12:12 

Kieffaber,  Alan 
Could  we  afford  another 

Pentecost? 5:20 

Lahman,  John  and  Deb 

Listening  in  our  homes 3:16 

Leard,  Jeff 

Living  dangerously  in  Guatemala. 1:12 
Lehman,  James  H. 

Ending  the  Thirty  Years  War 1:22 

Leiand,  Kirby 

Who  was  the  servant? 3:25 

Mateo,  Miguelina  Arias 
In  the  Dominican  Republic: 
Education  as  empowerment  .-..7:19 
Mayer,  Robin  Wentworth 

Stepping  Stones 1:26.  2:11,  3:23. 

4:21,  5:22.6:24,  7:13, 

8/9:33,  10:9,  11:27.12:23 

McFadden,  Wendy 
Let's  find  the  water,  fill  the 

jars. ..and  expect  a  miracle 6:20 

Miller,  Karen  Peterson 

Pressing  toward  the  goal 3:22 

Mitchell,  Glenn 

Nigerian  Brethren  have  church 

growth  down  pat 2:20 

Morse,  Kenneth  I. 

Unlikely  pulpits 6:16 

Murray,  Andy 
Juniata  college:  Leading  other 

schools  in  peace  studies 6:13 

Myers-Bowman,  Clay 

In  Touch 2:2 

Myers-Wall,  Judith  A. 

Churches,  children,  and  focus....3:12 
Nation,  MarkThiessen 

Pacifist  patriotism 7:22 

Naylor,  Ruth 
Contemplation  of  Christmas....  12:11 

I  wonder 12:11 

Oltman,  Berwyn  L. 

Livmg  up  to  a  name 2:16 

Peele.  Holly 

Bringmg  light  at  Christmas 3:24 

Peterson,  Deb 

In  Touch 4:2 

Poller,  Julie 

Death  becomes  him:  Kevorkian's 

caricature  of  mercy 1:18 

Radcliff,  David 
Johnny  Appleseed  got  it  wrong  ..11:10 
North  Korea:  For  Brethren. 

a  land  of  opportunity 4:12 

Opening  our  hearts  to  North 

Koreans 4:15 

Partners  in  Accompaniment 1:15 

Where  there's  all  work  and 

no  play 3:18 

Ramirez,  Frank 

Caring  Ministries  2000 10:11 

Marking  with  monuments 6:22 

Replogle,  Shawn 

Bridging  the  gaps  in  Arizona 2:10 

Reynolds,  Irene  S. 

In  Touch 3:2,4:3,7:2,10:2,  11:2 

Sadd,  Tracy  Wenger 

Doing  General  Board  ministries 

in  a  new  way 3:20 

Stern,  Pattie 

Close  to  Home 2:4 

Swanson,  Linda  Myers 

Long  Beach  '97 4:17 

Thomasson,  Kermon 

Editorial 1:32,  2:32,3:32, 


8/9:32,  10:20.11:37,12:32 

From  the  Editor 1:1,  2:1,  3:1.  4:1. 

...5:1,  6:1,  7:1,  8/9:1,  10:1, 11:1, 12:1 
Ken  Morse;  Eyes  still  on 

the  future 6:18 

Love  must  prevail 7:14 

Once  more  unto  the  breach, 

dear  friends 8/9:24 

Out  of  Enders 2:12 

Peace  stalwarts  through 

the  years 6:10 

Recognizing  the  work  of 

Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 

The  saga  of  Snow  Hill 7:11 

Standing  Committee  actions  ,8/9:22 
Vintage  Wines  of  old  Virginia  ....2:18 
Timmons,  Glenn  R 

Toward  a  shared  vision  for 

a  shared  ministry 4:28 

Ulrich,  Larry 

When  Sunday  is  the  worst  day 

of  the  week 8/9:27 

Wampler,  Guy 

Facing  the  gray  areas  in  dying  ...1:16 
Wilding,  Paula 

General  Board  approves  new 
design,  polity  changes 4:6 

General  Board  begins  hiring 
employees  (or  its  new  design  ....4:8 

Long  Beach  '97 5:10 

Wiltschek,  Walt 

Following  Jesus'  welcome  of 

strangers 4:16 

Zehr,  Howard 

Sudan:  Voices  of  hope 12:14 



National  Aids  quilt  the  locus  of  BMC's 

sixth  convention 1:7 


Gibble,  Kenneth  L.  Aging 12:21 

Albin,  West 

In  Touch 12:3 


In  Brief 6:9 

Andes,  Raymond  N. 

In  Touch 7:3 

Andrew  Center 

Andrew  Center  to  become  'New  Life 

Ministries' 8/9:7 

Andrew  Center  to  host  a  variety  of 

workshops  in  '97 2:8 

In  Brief 10:9 

Three  Brethren  ministries  announce 

future  intentions 5:6 

Annual  Conference 

AC  '98  theme,  speakers,  and  other 

information  announced 10:6 

Ballot  (or  Conference-elected 

positions  announced 3:6 

Brown,  Dale  W.  Opinions 2:26 

Conference  attendees  to  build 

second  Habitat  house 4:10 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  new  design:  Let 

the  implementation  begin 8/9:20 

Dulabaum,  Nevin  and  Linda  Myers 

Swanson.  Long  Beach  '97 4:17 

Dulabaum,  Nevin  and  Paula  Wilding. 

Long  Beach  '97 5:10 

Editorial 8/9:32 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:23 

Eller,  David  B.  George  Wolfe  III  and 

the  'Church  of  California' 5:12 

From  the  Editor 4:1 

General  Board's  redesign  tops 

business  for  Long  Beach 2:6 

In  Brief 12:10 

Letters 10:14,15 

Long  Beach  "97:  Dealing  with  a 

design 8/9:14 

Long  Beach  odds  and  ends 8/9:29 

Music  for  every  taste 8/9:28 

Standing  Committee  actions 8/9:22 

Thomasson,  Kermon,  Once  more  unto 

the  breach,  dear  friends 8/9:24 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Standing 

Committee  actions 8/9:22 

Ulrich,  Larry.  When  Sunday  is  the 

worst  day  of  the  week 8/9:27 

Anthony,  Donna 

Close  to  Home 4:4 

Apple,  Don 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Appleseed,  Johnny 

From  the  Editor 11:1 


Gibble,  H.  Lamar.  Farewell  to  Asia?..2:23 

Association  for  the  Arts  in  the  Church 

of  the  Brethren 

In  Touch 8/9:2 

Association  of  Brethren  Caregivers 
ABC  board  accepts  staff  change,  charts 

future  course 11:8 

A  chance  to  learn  about  caring  for 

people  in  a  hurting  world 5:7 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Three  Brethren  ministries  announce 

future  intentions 5:6 

Bach,  Jeff 

Thomasson,  Kermon,  Recognizing  the 
work  of  Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 

Backe,  Brian 

In  Brief 3:9 

Baker,  John  C. 

Stalwart  for  peace 6:cover 

Durnbaugh,  Donald  F.  Stalwart  for 
peace:  John  C.  Baker 6:10 

Letters 7:28 

Baker.  Vernon 

In  Touch 4:2 

Barlow,  Maily 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Barnhart,  Julie 

Close  to  Home 4:5 

Beachley,  Ron 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

In  Touch 1:3 

Beahm,  I.N.H. 

Morse,  Kenneth  I,  Unlikely  pulpits. ..6:16 

Bernhard,  Fred 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Bethany  Theological  Seminary 

Bach.  Jeff.  Bethany  Seminary: 

Strengthening  the  Brethren  peace 
witness 6:11 

Bethany's  Oak  Brook  property  is  under 
contract  to  be  sold 11:6 

Close  to  Home 1:4,  5:4, 10:4,5 

In  Brief 1:9,  6:9 

News 8/9:7 

Staff  changes 1:8,  7:8, 10:8 

Bhagat,  Shantilal 

Staff  changes 7:8 


Ahlgrim,  Ryan,  Going  to  Galilee  ...4:22 

Boleyn.  Esther  F.  The  Nuer  Bible  pro- 
ject  5:17 

Faw.  Chalmer.  Life  is  forever 8/9:34 

Faw.  Chalmer.  Taking  the  New  Testa- 
ment seriously 1:10 

Forest,  Jim.  Climb  the  ladder  of  the 
Beatitudes 7:24 

Haynes,  Pete.  The  Thomas  in  us  all. .4:24 

Kieffaber,  Alan.  Could  we  afford 
another  Pentecost? 5:20 

Nation,  Mark  Thiessen.  Pacifist  patrio- 
tism  7:22 

New  Testament  as  Our  Rule  of  Faith 
and  Practice 8/9:17 

Ramirez.  Frank.  Marking  with  monu- 
ments   6:22 

Boitnott,  John  W. 

In  Touch 11:2 

Bolz,  Ernie 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Booz,  Don 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Borgmann,  Kurt 

Close  to  Home 2:5 

Bosler,  SueZann 

Bosler's  murderer  receives  sentence  of 
life  in  prison 

Fields,  Sue  Wagner.  SueZann  Bosler:  'I 
forgive' 11:12 

In  Brief 11:9 

In  Touch 10:2 

Bosserman,  Sandy 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Bourne,  Frances 

Long  Beach  odds  and  ends 8/9:29 

Bowlin,  Dympse  Jr. 

In  Touch 4:2 

Bowman,  Carl 

Bridgewater  Forum  emphasizes 
Brethren  heritage 12:17 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

In  Brief 7:9 

Bowman,  Chris 

In  Brief 11:9 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Bowman,  Laird 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Bowman,  Nadine 

In  Touch 1:3 

Bowman,  Walt 

Long  Beach  odds  and  ends 8/9:29 

Bowyer,  Jim 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Boyer,  Chuck 

From  the  Editor 10:1 

Replogle,  Shawn.  Bridging  gaps  in  Ari- 
zona  2:10 

Bragunier,  Jack 

In  Touch 8/9:3 

Brethren  Benefit  Trust 

BBT  board  examines  offering  mutual 
funds  to  individuals 11:8 

BBT  considering  expanding  its  financial 
services 6:7 

BBT  reports  substantial  growth  in  its 
investments 2:7 

Staff  changes 1:8,  2:8,  12:9 

Brethren  Bible  Institute 

News 10:7 

Brethren  Historical  Library  and 

Close  to  Home 12:4 

Brethren  Mennonite  Council 

National  AIDS  quilt  the  focus  of  BMC's 
sixth  convention 1:7 

Brethren  Press 

Lehman,  James  H.  Ending  the  Thirty 
Years  War 1:22 

Brethren  Revival  Fellowship 

In  Brief 5:9,8/9:9 

Brethren  Service  Center 

Center  Operations  signs  two  new  con- 
tracts (or  services 6:8 

Global  villages  featured  at  Interna- 
tional Festival  in  May 8/9:7 

In  Brief 1:9 

Brethren  Volunteer  Service 

BVS  Unit  #223 2:9,31 

BVS  UNit  #224 4:11,35 

BVS  Unit  #225 10:9,19 

BVS  Unit   #226 12:10,  26 

Count  well  the  cost 8/9:31 

From  the  Editor 8/9:1 

In  Brief 7:9 

Brown,  Dale 

In  Brief 6:9 

Peace  stalwarts  through  the  years. 6:14 

Brown,  Pamela 

In  Touch 3:2.  5:2 

Buss,  Joe 

Staff  Changes 12:9 


Eller,  David  B.  George  Wolfe  III  and 
the  'Church  ot  California' 5:12 

Campanella,  Kathleen 

Staff  Changes 12:9 

Campbell,  James 

Bosler's  murderer  receives  sentence  of 
life  in  prison 8/9:6 


Close  to  Home:  Camp  Bethel 5:5 

Close  to  Home:  Camp  Mack 3:5 

Conflict  resolution  to  be  the  focus  of  a 
camping  conference ..11:6 

In  Brief:  Camp  Mardela,  Shepherd's 
Spring 1:9 

In  Touch:  Camp  La  Verne 6:3 

Caring  Ministries  2000 

A  chance  to  learn  about  caring  for 
people  in  a  hurting  world 5:7 

Nearly  500  attend  first-ever  'Caring 
Ministries'  conference 10:6 

Ramirez,  Frank,  Caring 

Ministries  2000 10/11 

Carter,  Krista 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Carter,  Phyllis 

In  Touch 10:3 

Cayford,  Cheryl 

In  Brief 3:9 

Staff  changes 2:8 

Child  Exploitation 

Letters 5:29 

Old  Business 8/9:18 

Radcliff,  David.  Where  there's 
all  work  and  no  play 3:18 


Wiltschek,  Walt.  Following 

Jesus'  welcome  of  strangers 4:16 

Chinworth,  Jim 

In  Brief 6:9 

Christian  Citizenship  Seminars 

In  Brief 6:9 

Christian  Peacemaker  Teams 

In  Brief 3:9.4:11 

Chupp,  Kryss 

In  Brief 3:9 

Church  World  Service 

Church  World  Service  turns  50 1:6 

In  Brief 5:9 

Civilian  Public  Service 

Close  to  Home 6:5 

In  Brief 1:9 

Clark,  Ruth 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Claudio,  Gil 

InTouch 5:3 

Clouse,  Robert 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Recognizing  the 
work  of  Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 

Coffman,  R.H. 

In  Touch 12:2 


Bridgewater  Forum  emphasizes 

Brethren  heritage 12:17 

Brown,  Ken.  Manchester  College:  The 
first  US  peace  studies  program, .6:14 

Close  to  Home:  Bridgewater 5:5, 


Close  to  Home:  Elizabethtown 2:5, 


Close  to  Home:  Juniata 3:5. 10:4 

Close  to  Home:  La  Verne 5:5, 


Close  to  Home:  Manchester 3:5, 


Close  to  Home:  McPherson 6:5,  7:5, 


Durnbaugh,  Donald  F.  Receiving  a 
priceless  legacy:  Snow  Hill  artifacts 
come  to  Juniata  College 7;10 

InTouch 11:2 

Juniata  College  holds  fifth  annual 
international  seminar 11:7 

Murray,  Andy.  Juniata  College: 
Leading  other  schools  in  peace 
studies 6:13 

New  eras  begin  for  McPherson  and 
Elizabethtown  colleges 1:8 

Staff  changes 5:8 

Conflict  Resolution  Team 

In  Brief 5:9,10:9 

Congregational  Nurture  and  Worship 

In  Brief 6:9 


Cover:  Highland  Avenue  (III,)  ...3:cover 

Close  to  Home:  Live  Oak  (Calif.); 
Yellow  Creek  (Ind.);  Lakeview 
(Mich.):  Lima  (Ohio);  Claysburg, 
Curryville  (Pa.):  Terrace  View  (Va); 
Morgantown  (W.Va.) 1:4 

Close  to  Home;  Bella  Vista,  Central 
Evangelical,  San  Diego  (Calif.); 
Living  Stone  (Md.);  Haitian  First  Fel- 
lowship (N.Y.);  Maple  Grove  (Ohio); 
Moxham  (Pa.);  Oakton  (Va.) 2:4 

Close  to  Home:  Lower  Miami  (Ohio); 
Fairviev/.  Huntsdale.  Upper 

Conewago  (Pa.) 3:4 

Close  to  Home:  Imperial  Heights 
(Calif.);  Elkhart  City,  Lafayette 
(Ind.);  Beaver  Creek  (Md.);  Root 
River  (Minn.);  Enders  (Neb.).  County 
Line,  Harrisburg  First,  Westmont 
(Pa.);  Arlington,  Jones  Chapel  (Va.); 

December  1997  Messenger  27 

Allensville(W.Va.) 4:4 

Close  to  Home:  Woodberry  (Md,); 
Piqua  (Ohio);  Blue  Ball,  German- 
town,  Indiana  (Pa.);  Arlington,  Mill 
Creek  (Va.) 5:4 

Close  to  Home:  Bremen  (Ind-);  Eliza- 
bethtown,  Somerset  (Pa.);  Cedar 
Grove,  Mount  Olivet  (Va.) 6:4 

Close  to  Home:  Beacon  Heights  (Ind.); 
Constance  (Ky.);  Altoona  Juniata, 
Scalp  Level  (Pa.);  Pleasant  Valley 
(Va.);  Olympic  View  Community 
(Wash.) 7:4 

Close  to  Home:  Mesa  Community 
(Ariz.);  McFarland  (Calif.); 
Onekama  (Mich.);   Concord,  Shalom 
Fellowship  (N.C.);  Piqua  (Ohio); 
Carlisle,  Everett,  Harrisburg  First, 
Ridgeway  (Pa.);  Danville 
Emmanuel  (Va.) 8/9:4 

Close  to  Home:  Elkhart  City,  Elkhart 
Valley,  Windfall  (Ind.);  First  Central 
Kansas  City  (Kan,);  Woodgrove 
(Mich.);  Waynesboro  (Pa.), 
Bridgewater,  Front  Royal,  Poages 
Mill  (Va.) 10:4 

Close  to  Home:  Modesto  (Calif.);  New 
Salem  (Ind.);  Independence  (Kan.); 
Bethel.  Hempfield  (Pa,) 11:4 

Close  to  Home:  Hagerstown,  Living 
Stone  (Md,);  Concord  Fellowship 
(N.C.);  Beavercreek,  Paradise 
(Ohio);  Huntsdale,  Lititz,  Mechanics- 
burg  (Pa.);  Blue  Ridge  (Va.); 
Moorefield  (W.Va.) 12:4 

Count  well  the  cost:  Concord  Fellowship 
(N-C);  Cincinnati  Fellowship  (Ohio); 
Cornerstone  Christ  Fellowship,  Grace 
Christian  Fellowship  (Pa.);  Villa 
Prades  (P.R.);  Smith  Mountain  Lake 
Fellowship  (Va.);  Circle  of  Love  Fel- 
lowship (W.Va.) 8/9:31 

Helman,  Patricia  Kennedy.  A  most 
unusual  Sunday  school  class: 
Lincolnshire  (Ind.) 7:20 

In  Brief:  Seoul  (South  Korea) 2:9 

In  Brief:  Washington  (DC) 6:9 

Letters 2:28 

Long  Beach  odds  and  ends:  La  Verne 
(Calif.);  Fairview,  (Pa.) 8/9:29 

News:  Medina  (Ohio) 1:7 

Old  Business 8/9:17 

Planting  directions:  Open  Circle  Fel- 
lowship (Minn.);  Shalom  (N.Car.); 
Cornerstone  Christian  Fellowship, 
Midway  (Pa.)  11:22 

Cooney,  Anita  Cochran 

In  Touch 7:2 

CROP  Walks 

Church  World  Service  turns  50 1:6 

Close  to  Home 10:4 

In  Touch 3:3, 12:3 

Grouse,  Jerry 

Long  Beach  odds  and  ends 8/9:29 

Cupp,  Martha 

From  the  Editor 7:1 

Davis,  Phyllis 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Deacon  Ministry 

Old  Business 8/9:16 

Deardorff,  Darryl 

Staff  changes 1:8 

Deeter,  Joan 

Deeter  to  retire  as  executive  of  World- 
Ministries  Commission 3:8 

Derr,  Donna 

Staff  changes 1:8 

Dili,  Gary 

In  Touch 3:2 

Staff  changes 1:8 

Disaster  Response 

Boshart,  Jeff-  Beyond  a  relief 

mentality 4:26 

Brethren  produce  food  and  raise  funds 

for  disaster  relief 6:6 

Brethren  remember  past  by  sending 

130  cows  to  Poland 12:9 

Brethren  Service  Center  hosts  pastor 

of  burnt  church 4:10 

Close  to  Home 2:5 

Disaster  relief  and  child  care  giving 

keep  Brethren  busy 5:8 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its 

redesign 12:6 

In  Brief 2:9,  3:9,  4:11,  7;9,  8/9:9, 


More  'Gifts  of  the  Heart'  kits  are 

needed  for  flood  relief 6:8 

Over  $80,000  is  allocated  in 

September  by  EDF  and  GFCF 11:8 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  The  Brethren 

and  Butler  Chapel  agree:  Love 

must  prevail 7:14 


Annual  auction  raises  over  $550,000 

for  disaster  relief;  Atlantic  Northeast 

and  Southern  Pennsylvania 11:8 

Close  to  Home:  Atlantic  Northeast  ..2:4 

Close  to  Home:  Shenandoah 5:5 

Close  to  Home;  Western  Plains 11:4 

Close  to  Home:  (Middle  Pennsylvania, 

Virlina) 12:4 

In  Brief:  Mid-Atlantic 7:9 

In  Brief:  Northern  Ohio 3:9 

In  Brief:  Southern  Ohio 5:9 

In  Brief:  Pacific  Southwest 3:9 

In  Brief:  Middle  Pennsylvania. ..3:9,  7:9 

In  Brief:  Southern  Pennsylvania 3:9 

In  Brief:  Western  Pennyslvania 3:9 

In  Brief:  Shenandoah 7:9 

Letters:Pacific  Southwest 10:15 

News:  Mid-Atlantic 6:6 

News:  Southern  Pennsylvania 6:6 

News:  West  Marva 6:6 

News:  Shenandoah 6:6 

Staff  changes 1:8,  3:8,  7:8 

Standing  Committee  actions:  Virlina, 

Southeastern 8/9:22 

Domestic  Violence 

In  Brief 1:9 

New  Business 8/9:19 

Dominican  Republic 

Mateo,  Miguelina  Arias.  In  the 

Dominican  Republic:  Education  as 

empowerment 7:19 

Twenty-one  Brethren  help  construct  a 

sanctuary  in  DR 3:8 

Donald,  Eddie 

Close  to  Home 4:4 

Douglas,  Scott 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Duffey,  Scott 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Dulabaum,  Mary 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Dulabaum,  Nevin 

From  the  Editor 4:1 

Durnbaugh,  Donald  F. 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Recognizing  the 

work  of  Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 

Easterday,  Debi 

Ohio  congregation  bans  attendee  from 

premises 1:7 

Eberly.  Bill 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Ebersole,  John 

Close  to  Home 6:5 

Education  for  a  Shared  Ministry 
EFSM  and  TRiM  train  18  in  August  ....10:7 
Hendricks,  Jean.  Ministry  training 

with  flexibility 12:19 

Education  for  Conflict  Resolution 

In  Brief 12:10 

Eller,  David  B. 

Directors  named  to  Young  Center, 

Leadership  Team 8/9:8 

From  the  Editor 5:1 

Long  Beach  odds  and  ends 8/9:30 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Recognizing  the 

work  of  Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 

Eller,  Enten 

Close  to  Home 4:5 

Eller,  Jan 

Staff  changes 7:8 

Emans,  Catherine 

In  Touch 1:3 

Engle,  Steve 

Long  Beach  '97 8/9:15 

Enose,  Nyamuse 

Sudan:  Voice  of  hope 12:15 

Eshbach,  Warren 

In  Touch 1:3,4:2 

Staff  changes 3:8 

Executive  Director  Search 

In  Brief 1:9 

Joe  Mason  is  hired  to  serve  as  interim 

Executive  Director 12:8 

Karen  Peterson  Miller  chosen  as 

interim  general  secretary 2:7 

Take  Two.  The  search  for  an  executive 

director  resumes 10:6 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its 

redesign 12:6 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Free  Ministry 

Standing  Committee  actions 8/9:22 

Old  Business:  Human  Genetic 

Engineering  and  Fetal  Tissue 


Family  Ministries 

In  Brief 


Listen  to  the  voices  of  children 

Farrar,  Fletcher 

Staff  Changes 


....  12-9 

Faus,  Nancy 


Fecher,  Don 

Staff  Changes 

.      12-9 

Finney,  Harriet 

Children  in  the  Bible 

In  Brief 



Staff  changes 1:8, 10:8 

Finney,  Ron 

In  Brief 2:9 

Staff  changes 1:8,  3:8,  10:8 

Flora,  John 

Long  Beach  odds  and  ends 8/9:30 

Flory,  Erin 

In  Touch 4:3 

Flory,  Kendra 

In  Touch 3:2 

Flory,  Lowell 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:23 

Flory-Steury,  Mark 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Flory-Steury,  Mary  Jo 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Forry,  Roger 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Frederick,  Stafford 

Frey,  Mark 

In  Brief 


Fruth,  David 


Fry,  Homer  and  Rosetta 


Frye,  Dennis 


Frye,  Opal 


Fuller,  Millard 


Gibble,  Kenneth  L.  Good  for  nothing. .6:25 
Gara,  Larry 

Close  to  Home 6:5 

Garber,  Samuel 

Morse,  Kenneth  I.  Unlikely  pulpits. 6:16 

Gardner,  Richard  B. 

Hendricks,  Jena.  Ministry  training 

with  flexibility 12:19 

Garner,  Margaret 

In  Touch 2:3 

Garrison,  Ed 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Geisert,  Greg 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

General  Board 

Another  way 10:insert 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its 

redesign 12:6 

Editorial 10:20 

General  Board  1996  finances  better 

than  first  predicted 3:7 

General  Board  okays  SERRV  study;  '98 

budget  parameters 8/9:6 

Staff  changes 1:8,  2:8.  3:8, 


General  Board  Redesign 
Dulabaum,  Nevin.  For  the  General 

Board,  a  dramatic  shift  in  focus  .5:18 
Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its 

redesign 12:6 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  new  design:  Let 

the  implementation  begin 8/9:20 

Editorial  1:32,11:32 

General  Board  approves  new  design, 

polity  changes 4:6 

General  Board  releases  partial  list  of 

its  post-June  staff 6:8 

General  Board  terminations  from 

March  take  effect 8:9/7 

General  Board's  redesign  tops  business 

for  Long  Beach 2:6 

Letters  1:27,  2:27,  7:29 

Long  Beach  '97:  Dealing  with  a 

design 8/9:14 

Long  Beach  '97:  The  New  Design  ..8/9:20 
McFadden,  Wendy.  Let's  find  the 

water,  fill  the  jars. ..and  expect  a 

miracle 6:20 

Miller,  Karen  Peterson.  Pressing 

toward  the  goal 3:22 

New  business 8/9:19 

Redesign  plan  of  the  General  Board  to 

be  considered 3:7 

Sadd,  Tracy  Wenger.  Doing  General 

Board  ministries  in  a  new  way  ...3:20 
Timmons,  Glenn  F.  Toward  a  shared 

vision  for  a  shared  ministry 4:28 

Two  directors  named  for  the 

redesigned  organization 2:8 

General  Offices 6:4 

Gerber,  David 

News 7:6 

Gibble,  Jay 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Gibble,  June 

Staff  changes 7:8 

Gish,  Art 

In  Brief 3:9,4:11 

Global  Food  Crisis  Fund 

In  Brief 1:9,3:9 

News 8/9:8 

Over  $80,000  is  allocated   in  Septem- 
ber by  EDF  and  GFCF 11:8 

Gordon,  Forrest 

In  Touch 2:3 

Graham,  Jeff  and  Jean 

In  Touch 11:3 

GraybJII,  Mary  Jane 

In  Touch 1:2 

Gross,  Bob 

In  Brief 12:10 

Grove,  Carole  C. 

In  Touch 6:2 


Leard,  Jeff.  Living  dangerously  in 

Guatemala 1:12 

Hackleman,  Kathy 

In  Touch 1:3 


Ten  to  15  Haitian  Brethren  in 

danger  of  deportation 7:6 

Hanley,  Rich 

Count  well  the  cost 8/9:31 

Hansen,  Allen 

Directors  named  to  Young  Center, 

Leadership  Team 8/9:8 

Hartman,  Brian  and  Miriam 

In  Touch 5:2 

Hartsough,  Claire  and  Raymond 

In  Touch 5:3 

Hayes,  William  A. 

In  Brief 8/9:9 

Haynes,  Pete 

In  Touch 2:3 

Heifer  Project  International 
Brethren  remember  past  by  sending 

130  cows  to  Poland 12:9 

Close  to  Home 6:5 

Heisey,  Enos 

In  Touch 2:2 

Helbert,  Hollen  G. 

In  Touch 1:3 

Helman,  Patricia 

In  Touch 7:3 

Hendricks,  Jean 

Staff  changes 7:8 

Hendricks,  Shelly 

In  Touch 5:3 

Hershey,  J.B. 

In  Touch 2:2 

Hess,  Maurice 

Morse,  Kenneth  I.  Unlikely  pulpits  ...6:16 

Hochstetler,  Michael 

InTouch 4:2 

Hoffman,  Paul 

InTouch 7:3 

Homes  and  Hospitals 

Close  to  Home:  Northaven  Retirement 

Apartment  (Wash.) 7:4 

Nearly  75  gather  for  first  Brethren 

homes  forum 7:6 


Letters 3:26,29 

Horner,  Mike 

InTouch 11:2 

Hostetter,  Earl 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its 

redesign 12:6 

Hostetter,  Julie  M. 

Staff  Changes 12:9 

Huffman,  Cathy  Simmons 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Huston,  Ora  I. 

Peace  stalwarts  through  the  years. ,.6:12 


Close  to  Home 7:4 

Gibble,  H.  Lamar.  Farewell  to  Asia? 

Interagency  Forum 
Interagency  Forum  convenes  for  its 

first  'official'  meeting 11:7 

Standing  Committee  actions 8/9:22 

John,  Angelina  Nyanhial 

Sudan:  Voice  of  hope 12:14 

Jones,  Cyndi 

In  Touch 10;2 

Judd,  Wayne 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Keeney,  Mervin 

General  Board  begins  hiring  employees 

for  its  new  design 4:8 

In  Brief 3:9 

Kensinger,  George  and  Dona 

Close  to  Home 12:4 

Kensinger,  Jan 

Staff  Changes 12:9 

Kerschensteiner,  Ed 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Kettering,  Bob 

In  Touch 2:2 

Staff  Changes 12;9 

Kevorkian,  Jack 

Polter,  Julie.  Death  becomes  him: 

Kevorkian's  caricature  of  mercy. 1:18 
Keyser,  Judy 
General  Board  begins  hiring  employees 

for  its  new  design 4:8 

Kidd.  Joe 

In  Touch 6:3 

Kidwell,  Bill 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Kiester,  Edith 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Kim,  Dan 

Staff  changes 1:8 

Wampler,  Guy.  Facing  the  gray  areas  in 

dying 1:16 

Kindy,  Cliff 

Brethren  man  deported  from  Hebron 

for  peace  work 5:7 

In  Brief 3:9,  4:9 

King,  Virl 

News 5:8 

Kinsey,  Jim 

Staff  changes 7:8 

Kipp,  Judith 

Count  well  the  cost 8/9:31 

Kline,  John 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  Remembering  the 
'Middle  Man':  Celebrating  John 
Kline's  200th  birthday 8/9:10 

In  Brief 2:9  i  " 

In  Touch 6:3  t 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Peace  stalwarts     j 
through  the  years 6:10  • 

Knepp,  Lori - 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25  > 

Knepper,  Nancy 

Staff  Changes 12:9  ^ 

Korber,  Brian 

In  Touch 10:3 

Kostlevy,  William 

Close  to  Home 7:5 

Land  Mines 

In  Brief 1:9  ■ 


Davis,  D.  Miller.  Thanks  for 

remembering  us 3:24 

Latin  America 

Christians  of  North  and  Latin  America 

discuss  'mission' 6:6 

Lefever,  Grace  T. 

InTouch 6:2 

Leinauer,  Pam 

Staff  changes 7:8 

Lengel,  Wil 

Old  business 8/9:17 

Leno,  Jay 

Close  to  Home 7:5 

Lind,  Suzanne 

In  Touch 7:3 

Lineweaver,  Dave  and  Rob 

InTouch 12:3 

Littell,  Franklin 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Recognizing  the 

work  of  Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 

Long,  James 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Long,  Theodore 

Staff  changes 1:8 

Longenecker,  Steve 
Bridgewater  Forum  emphasizes 

Brethren  heritage 12:17 

Lu,  Li 

Close  to  Home 7:5 

Mack,  Alexander l:cover 

Major,  Sarah  Righter 

Morse,  Kenneth  I.  Unlikely  pulpits  ....6:16 

Martin,  Harold 

In  Brief 8/9:9 

Martin-Adkins,  Alice 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Mason,  Joe 

Joe  Mason  is  hired  to  serve  as  interim 

Executive  Director 12:8 

News 5:8 

Staff  changes 1:8 

Mason,  Steve 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Matet,  Gabriel  Thoth 

Sudan;  Voice  of  hope 12:14 

Matsuoka,  Fumitaka 

InTouch 4:2 

McFadden,  Dan 

General  Board  begins  hiring  employees 

for  its  new  design 4:8 

Two  directors  named  for  the 

redesigned  organization 2:8 

McFadden,  Rosanna 

Count  Well  the  Cost 2:6 

McFadden,  Wendy 

General  Board  begins  hiring  employees 

for  its  new  design 4:8 

Two  directors  named  for  the 

redesigned  organization 2:8 

Mclnnis.  Ron  and  Josh 

InTouch 8/9:3 

McMillan,  Michele 

InTouch 1:3 


NCC  kicks  off  a  year-long  focus  on 

media  awareness 5:7 

Mellerson,  Patrick 

Cover 7:cover 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Love  must  pre- 
vail   7:14 

Brethren  Service  Center  hosts  pastor 

of  burnt  church 4:10 

Mental  Health 

Ulrich,  Larry.  When  Sunday  is  the 

worst  day  of  the  week 8/9:27 

Metzler,  David 

In  Brief 8/9:9 

Middle  East 

In  Brief 5:9,  8/9:9 

Letters 2:29 

Middleton,  Beth 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25     I 

Miller,  David 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its  redesign  .12:6 
Miller,  Robbie 
Bridgewater  Forum  emphasizes 

Brethren  heritage 12:17 

Miller,  D.L. 

Gibble,  H.  Lamar.  Farewell  to  Asia?. ..2:23 

28  Messenger  December  1997 

.ehman,  James  H.  Ending  the  Thirty 
Years  War 1:22 

IviJller,  David 

I  Elections  and  appointments  ......8/9:26 

Iviiller,  Donald  E. 

I  :hurch  World  Service  turns  50 1:6 

{Vliller.  Ed 

tin  Touch 3:2 

Miller,  Jiggs 

^Jev.'^     5:8 

Miller,  Karen  Peterson 

Glmilt^iI  Board  begins  hiring  employees 
lor  lis  new  design 4:8 

,  In  BriL-1    4:11 

K.Tn.'n  Peterson  Miller  chosen  as 

inhTim  general  secretary 2:7 


Nrv.  BLisiness 8/9:19 

Minnich.  Dale  E. 

Staff  changes 7:8 

'Mitchell,  Glenn 

Count  well  the  cost 8/9:31 

Mohammed,  Suzanna  Aluel 

Sudan:  Voice  of  hope 12:15 

Morphew,  Tim  Sollenberger 

Staff  changes 2:8 

Morris,  David  J. 

In  Touch 6:2 

Morrow,  Stan 

Staff  changes 2:8 

Morse,  Jan 

Stalf  changes 7:8 

Morse.  Ken 

From  the  Editor 6:1 

In  Touch 8/9:2 

Letters 8/9:38 

Moyer,  Harold  S. 

In  Touch 6:2 

Muir,  Gladdys  E. 

Peace  stalwarts  through  the  years. 6:11 

Murray,  Don 

From  the  Editor 8/9:1 

Myer.  Jim 

In  Brief 8/9:9 

Myers.  Donald 

Staff  changes 7:8 

Naragon,  Steve 

In  Touch 3:2 

National  Association  of  Evangelicals 

New  Business 8/9:18 

National  Council  of  Churches 

Church  World  Service  turns  50 1:6 

In  Brief 5:9 

NCC  kicks  off  a  year-long  focus  on 

media  awareness 5:7 

National  Youth  Conference 

In  Brief 1:9,  10:9 

NYC  '98  registration  packets  sent  to 

youth  advisers 11/7 

Three  coordinators  named  for  NYC, 

workcamps  in  1998 3:8 

With  Eyes  of  Faith 4:10 

Neff,  Robert  W. 

Staff  changes 5:8 

Neher,  Ken 

General  Board  begins  hiring  employees 

for  its  new  design 4:8 

Neher,  Marlene 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Neuenschwander,  Rosalyn 

In  Touch 1:3 

New  Life  Ministries 

Andrew  Center  to  become  'New  Life 

Ministries' 8/9:7 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its  redesign  .12:6 

Close  to  Home 11:4 

From  the  Editor  12:1 

In  Brief 3:9.7:9,12:10 

Mitchell,  Glenn.  Nigerian  Brethren 

have  church  growth  down  pat  ...2:20 
Nolan,  Heather 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Nonviolence  and  Humanitarian 
Intervention  Paper 

In  Brief 5:9 

North  Korea 

In  Brief 3:9,8/9:9 

Letters 6:28,  7:28 

Radcliff,  David.  North  Korea:  For 

Brethren,  a  land  of  opportunity  ....4:12 
Radcliff,  David.  Opening  our  hearts  to 

North  Koreans 4:15 

Nyuong,  Stephen  Ter 

From  [he  Editor 12:1 

Ober,  Barb 

Staff  changes 7:8 

O'Dell,  Harold  and  Shirley 

In  Touch 4:2 

Odngo,  Moses  Moras 

Sudan:  Voice  of  hope 12:15 

On  Earth  Peace  Assembly 

Conflict  resolution  to  be  the  focus  of  a 

camping  conference 11:6 

In  Brief 1:9,  8/9:9,  10:9,  12:10 

Letters 10:15,  12:25 

Three  Brethren  ministries  announce 

future  intentions 5:6 

Osphaldo,  Atanasion  U. 

Sudan:  Voice  of  hope 12:14 

Outdoor  Ministries  Association 
Conflict  resolution  to  be  the  focus  of  a 
camping  conference 11:6 


Letters 10:17 

Nation,  Mark  Thiessen.  Pacifist  patrio- 
tism  7:22 

Parker,  Don 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Pastoral  Benefits  Advisory  Committee 

Committee  asks  for  support  in  pastoral 
insurance  quest 4:10 

Standing  Committee  actions 8/9:22 

Peace  and  Justice  Issues 

In  Brief  ..,1:9,  3:9.  4:11, 10:9. 11:9,  12:10 

Leard,  Jeff,  Living  dangerously  in 
Guatemala 1:12 

Radcliff,  David.  Partners  in 
Accompaniment 1:15 

Radcliff.  David.  Where  there's  all  work 
and  no  play 3:18 

Peace  Studies 

Close  to  Home 5:4 

Durnbaugh.  Donald  F.  Stalwart  for 
peace:  John  C.  Baker 6:10 

Letters 8/9:38 

Pfaltzgraff,  Roy  E. 

In  Touch 10:2 


Naylor,  Ruth.  Contemplation  of  Christ- 
mas   12:11 

Naylor.  Ruth.  I  wonder 12:11 

Pogue,  Ricahrd 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Prejean,  Helen 

Gross,  Bob.  Taking  Jesus  seriously:  An 
interview  with  Helen  Prejean. ..11:17 

Ramirez,  Frank.  Caring  Ministries 
2000 10:11 

Price,  George 

Morse,  Kenneth  I.  Unlikely  Pulpits  ..6:16 

Pritchett,  Reuel  B. 

From  the  Editor 6:1 

Morse,  Kenneth  I,  Unlikely  pulpits. 6:16 

Program  for  Women 

In  Brief 2:9.10:9 

Property  and  Stewardship 

Old  Business 8/9:17 

Radcliff,  David 

Close  to  Home 5:4 

Directors  named  to  Young  Center, 

Leadership  Team 8/9:8 

In  Brief 1:9.3:9 

Radcliff,  Kathryn 

In  Brief 11:9 

Ramsey,  Duane 

In  Touch 10:3 

Redekopp,  Orlando 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Rerd,  Anne  Murray 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Reimer,  Judy  Mills 

In  Touch 7:3 

Replogle,  James 

Staff  changes 1:8 

Rhodes,  Becky 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Rhodes,  Donna 

In  Touch 4:2 

Ri,  Chang  Suk,  Mrs 4:cover 

Ri,  Chong  Sun 

Radcliff,  David.  North  Korea 4:12 

Ri,  Sung  Sun,  Mrs. 

Radcliff,  David.  North  Korea 4:12 

Riel,  Raphael 

Sudan:  Voice  of  hope 12:14 

Rieman,  Phil  and  Louie 

Staff  changes 3:8 

Rieman,  T.  Wayne 

Peace  stalwarts  through  the  years. 6:13 

Robinson,  Betty 

In  Touch 7:2 

Rogers,  Ingrtd 

In  Touch 1:3 

Romero,  Gilbert 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

News 8/9:8 

Ross,  Jimmy 

Appointment  of  an  Acting  Moderator  for 

the  1998  Annual  Conference  ...8/9:22 

In  Brief 6:9 

Jimmy,  we  hardly  knew  ye 8/9:27 

Letters 12:24 

Ross  recuperating  but  could  miss 

Annual  Conference 7:7 

Row,  W.  Harold 

Peace  stalwarts  through  the  years. 6:12 

Royer,  Galen  6. 

Lehman,  James  H.  Ending  the  Thirty 

Years  War 1:22 

Royer,  Pat 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Rupel,  Lavon 

In  Touch 8/9:3 

Sadd,  Tricia 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Staff  changes 10:8 

Sampson,  Betty 

In  Touch 7:2 

Schatz,  Steve 

In  Touch 6:3 

Schermer,  David 

Close  to  Home 7:5 

Schneider,  Hans 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Recognizing  the 

work  of  Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 


Dulabaum,  Nevin,  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its  redesign  .12:6 
General  Board  okays  SERRV  study  ,.8/9:6 

In  Brief 1:9.3:9.11:9 

SERRV  fields  over  600  calls 2:7 

Sevits,  William 

Morse.  Kenneth  I.  Unlikely  pulpits. 6:16 

Shakespeare,  William 

In  Brief 2:9 

Shaw/Neeake,  Fred 

News 10:11 

Ramirez,  Frank.  Caring 

Ministries  2000 10:11 

Shisler,  Kent 

Staff  changes 7:8 

Shumaker,  Terry 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Shonk,  Emily 

Staff  changes 5:8 

Skwierczynski,  Joe  and  Betty  Lou 

In  Brief 4:2 

Slabaugh,  Dennis 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Recognizing  the 

work  of  Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 

Sloan,  Mark 

Staff  changes 7:8 

Smeltzer,  Ken  Kline 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Smeltzer,  Ralph  E. 

Peace  stalwarts  through  the  years. 6:14 

Snider,  Don 

Editorial 4:36 

Letters 6:28 

Snow  Hill 

Close  to  Home 12:4 

Durnbaugh,  Donald  F.  Receiving  a 

priceless  legacy:  Snow  Hill  artifacts 

come  to  Juniata  College 7:10 

Letters 10:17 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  The  saga  of  Snow 

Hill 7:11 

Snowberger,  Barbara 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  The  saga  of  Snow 

Hill 7:11 

Sollenberger,  Elaine 

Appointment  of  an  Acting  Moderator  for 

the  1998  Annual  Conference  ...8/9:22 
Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its  redesign  .12:6 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:23 

Thomasson,  Kermon,  Once  more  unto 

the  breach,  dear  friends 8/9:24 

SoHenberger-Morphew,  Beth 

Staff  changes 10:8 

South  Korea 

Letters 6:28 

Spoerlein,  Ernest,  Alice  and  Ralph 
Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its  redesign  .12:6 

In  Touch 11:3 

Standing  Committee 

Standing  Committee  actions 8/9:22 

Steiner,  Donna  Forbes 

Staff  changes 1:8 


Alley,  Robert  E.  Money  matters 5:23 

Open  Wide  Your  Hearts  OGHS  theme 

for  1997 3:6 

Stokes,  Norma 

In  Touch 6:3 

Stone,  Phillip 

In  Touch 4:2 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Recognizing  the 

work  of  Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 

Strode,  Scott 

In  Touch 3:2 

Struble,  Joy 

Staff  changes 5:8 

Studebaker,  Ted  A. 

Honick,  Don.  Peace  stalwarts  through 

the  years 6:15 


Boleyn,  Esther  F.  The  Nuer  Bible 

project 5:17 

From  the  Editor  12:1 

Kettering,  Merlyn.  Healing  in  Christ's 

name  in  Sudan 12:12 

Sudan:  Voices  of  hope 2:cover 

Zehr,  Howard,  Sudan:  Voices  of 

hope 12:14 


Letters 3:26,4:31,32 

Polter.  Julie.  Death  becomes  him. .1:18 
Wampler,  Guy.  Facing  the  gray  areas  in 

dying 1:16 

Swallow.  James  S. 

Morse,  Kenneth  I.  Unlikely  pulpits. 6:16 

Swanson,  Linda 

From  the  Editor 4:1,  7:1 

Swartz,  Fred 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Swartz,  Paul 

In  Touch 2:2 

Thomasson,  Kermon 

Staff  changes 7:8 

Thornberry,  Faith  Sheaffer 

In  Touch 8/9:3 

Timmons,  Glenn 

General  Board  begins  hiring  employees 

for  its  new  design 4:8 

Timmons,  Linda 

Staff  changes 1:8,  10:8 

Training  in  Ministry 

EFSM  and  TRiM  trains  18  in  August, ..10:7 

Hendricks.  Jean.  Ministry  training  with 

flexibility 12:19 

Tutu,  Desmond 

Church  World  Service  turns  50 1:6 

Ullum,  Vic 

In  Touch 10:2 

Unfunded  Annual  Conference  Man- 
Standing  Committee  actions 8/9:22 

Valencourt,  Roy 

Close  to  Home 6:5 

Vaniman,  Daniel 

Lehman,  James  H,  Ending  the  Thirty 

Years  War 1:22 

Vardaman,  Jan  and  Keith 

News 5:8 

Wagner,  Murray 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Recognizing  the 

work  of  Don  Durnbaugh 12:16 

Waltersdorff,  Christy 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:25 

Wampler,  Eva  and  Dale 

In  Touch 5:2 

Wampler,  Guy 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Wampler,  Paul 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Washington  Office 

1997  interfaith  legislative  briefing  to 

be  held  in  April 1:7 

In  Brief 4:11,6:9 

Ten  to  15  Haitian  Brethren  in  danger  of 

deportation 7:6 

Weldy,  Gilbert 

Close  to  Home 6:5 

West,  Dan 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Peace  stalwarts 

through  the  years 6:10 

Wampler,  Guy.  Facing  the  gray  areas  in 

dying 1:16 

Wetsel,  Nelson  and  Helen 

In  Touch 6:2 

Weygandt,  Earl 

In  Brief 8/9:9 

Whitman,  Slim 

In  Touch 2:3 

Wilding,  Paula 

From  the  Editor 7:1 

Wiey,  Mary  Nyakot 

Sudan:  Voice  of  hope 12:15 

Wilhelm,  Dawn  Ottoni 

Count  well  the  cost 8/9:31 

Wilhelm,  Gregg  A. 

In  Touch 3:2 

Willoughby,  Marie 

Elections  and  appointments 8/9:26 

Wine,  David  G.  and  Lottie  M. 
Oltrnan,  Berwyn  L.  Living  up  to  a  name 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Vintage  Wines  of 

old  Virginia 2:18 

Wine,  David  M. 

2:  cover 

Appointment  of  an  Acting  Moderator  for 

the  1998  Annual  Conference  ...8/9:22 

Count  well  the  cost 8/9:31 

From  the  Editor 2:2 

Long  Beach  '97 8/9:15 

Out  of  Enders 2:12 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Vintage  Wines  of 

old  Virginia 2:18 

Wine  Family 

Thomasson,  Kermon.  Vintage  Wines  of 

old  Virginia 2:18 

Winkler,  Albert 

Cover Ircover 

From  the  Editor 1:1 

Wolfe,  George  III 

Cover 5:cover 

Eller.  David  B.  George  Wolfe  III  and 

the  'Church  in  California' 5:12 

Wolfe,  Rua  Faggert 

Cover 5:cover 

Womaen's  Caucus 

Over  200  'wade  on  in'  to  this  year's 

'Dancing'  conference 8/9:8 

Work  Camps 

In  Brief 3:9,  7:9.  10:9,  11:9,  12:10 

Three  coordinators  named  for  NYC. 

workcamps  in  1998 3:8 

Twenty-one  Brethren  help  construct  a 

sanctuary  in  DR 3:8 

World  Mission  Philosophy  and  Global 

Church  Mission  Structure 
Old  business 8/9:17 

Yanisch,  Kauy 

Leard,  Jeff.  Living  dangerously  in 

Guatemala 1:12 

Yoder,  Brian 

Staff  changes 5:8 

Young  Adults 

In  Brief 4:11,  10:9 

Replogle,  Shawn.  Bridging  gaps  in  Ari- 
zona  2:10 

Summertime  service 7:7 


In  Brief 7:9 

National  Youth  Cabinet 11:7 

Youth  Peace  Travel  Team 

In  Brief 5:9,8:9/9,11:9 


Close  to  Home 7:5 

Ziegter,  Earl 

Twenty-one  Brethren  help  construct  a 

sanctuary  in  DR 3:8 

Zigler,  M.R. 

Thomasson.  Kermon.  Peace  stalwarts 

through  the  years 6:10 

Zunkel,  Wayne 

Dulabaum,  Nevin.  The  General  Board 

meets,  moves  beyond  its  redesign  .12:6 


Abraham,  Mary 4:35 

Airesman,  Roydon 1:31 

Archer,  Alice 1:31 

Arendt,  Patricia  1 5:31 

Arnold.  Patricia 1:31 

Baker,  Donald  L 8/9:40 

Baldwin,  Charles 10:19 

Barley,  Shirley 1:31 

Beach.  Gregory 1:31 

Beckner,  Dennis  A 4:35 

Benbow,  Timothy 1:31 

Biddle.  James  C 4:35 

Borsman,  Kenneth 1:31 

Bowman,  Mark 10:19,  11:31 

Boyd,  Mary  Louise 1:31 

Bradley,  Larry 11:31 

Brotherton,  Bob 4:35 

Broyles,  Dewey 1:31 

Brush,  Jonathon 4:35 

Campbell,  Harold 4:35 

Caplinger,  Robert 1:31 

Carpenter,  Larry 10:19 

Carrasco.  Fausto 4:35 

Cavaness,  Ryan 1:31 

Chinworth,  James  H 4:35 

Christiansen,  William 1:31 

Clapper,  Steven 1:31 

Coates.  Earl 1:31 

Cookas.  Katherine  McKinlay 1:31 

Courtney,  Steven  Lee 4:35 

Croft,  Eric 1:31 

Crumley.  Paul 1:31 

Cruz,  Oscar  V 8/9:40 

Dahlbert,  Nancy  Lee 4:35 

Deeter,  Jeanne 10:19 

DeVore,  Thomas  A 5:31 

Dietz,  Arnold 1:31 

DiSalvio,  Robert  S 4:35 

Dodd,  Paul 1:31 

Ebersole.  Mark  David 10:19 

Ervin.  Ravia 1:31 

Farquharson,  J.  Keith 4:35 

Feather,  George 1:31 

Fellows,  Nathan 10:19 

Flory.  Brian 7:31 

Godfrey.  Geraldine  Mae 1:31 

Golden,  Roger 7:31 

Greiser,  Terence 10:19 

Gresh.  Kenneth 1:31 

Griffith,  Sam 1:31 

Guthrie.  Donald 4:35 

Hanks,  Thomas 5:31 

Hartman.  Charles  L 5:31 

Hawsey,  David  S 10:19 

Hershberger,  Ronald 4:35 

Hess.  Donald  E 4:35 

Hess,  Donald 11:31 

Hostetler,  Richard  P 10:19 

Hostetter,  Jason  Andrew 10:19 

Houff,  Marlin  D 4:35 

Houser,  Barry 4:35 

Hufford,  Lisa 4:35 

Hugglns.  Mary  Ann 11:31 

Hyre,  Greg  Allen 10:19 

Ilyes,  John  S 5:31 

Jones,  Gregory  L 4:35 

Kennedy,  Cindy 11:31 

Kerkove,  David 11:31 

King.  Kevin  Daniel 4:35 

Knepper,  Craig  A 4:35 

Konopinski.  Tom 4:35 

Korns.  William 11:31 

Krahenbuhl.  Lee 1:31 

Laue,  Ron 4:35,  5:31 

Lavin,  Lisa  Marie 1:31 

Lehigh.  Daniel  G 5:31 

Lemmon,  Cory 11:31 

Lovett.  Diane 1:31 

Lowry.  James 1:31 

Lowry,  Joan 1:31 

Lubbs-DeVore,  Lynda 8/9:40 

MacDonalad,  J.  Christopher 5:31 

Malone.  Sarah  Q 5:31 

Marthur,  Sajor 1:31 

McAdams,  Ronald  L 4:35.  5:31 

McCan,  Steve 10:19 

McCoy.  Shelby  F 7:31 

McGlothlin,  Judith 1:31 

McLearn-Montz,  Alan 7:31 

Meeks,  Gary 1:31,  8/9:40 

Miller.  Christen 1:31 

Miller,  Steven 1:31 

Miner,  Blaine 1:31 

December  1997  Messenger  29 

Mitchell,  Belita 1:31 

Myers,  Matthew  E 8/9:40 

Naff,  Lee 1:31 

Naff,  Robin 1:31 

Neff,  Daniel 1:31 

Neubauer,  Cathy 1:31 

Olvera,  Victor 1:31 

Ort,  David 1:31 

Osborne,  Helen 1:31 

Patterson,  Michael 1:31 

Pfeiffer,  Robert 8/9:40 

Pheasant,  Janelle 5:31 

Power,  Christopher 1:31 

Quinn,  Jack 8/9:40 

Ray,  Mark 1:31 

Rediger,  Anita 4:35,  5:31 

Reese,  Sherry  Lynn 4:35,  5:31 

Reinhold,  Charles  H 4:35,  5:31 

Reininger,  Linda  L 4:35 

Replogle,  Shawn 5:31 

Rhodes,  Donna  M 7:31 

Rieman,  Kenneth 1:31 

Riley,  Richard  D 5:31 

Rininger,  Linda  L 5:31 

Ritchie,  Kurt 10:19 

Rive,  Robert 1:31 

Rivera,  Marcelo  Otero 5:31 

Runkle,  Dwayne  A 1:31 

Ruth,  Brian  C 8/9:40 

Sayler,  Barbara 5:31 

Scott,  Clarence 1:31 

Self,  Kim 1:31 

Shively,  Paula  M 5:31 

Shumaker,  Sheila 8/9:40 

Smith,  Leonard  W 5:31 

Snyder,  Lisa  Anne 1:31 

Snyder,  Sue  E 5:31 

Spaid,  Darrel  R 5:31 

Spangler,  Joyce 1:31 

Spencer,  Brian  E 5:31 

Spire,  Samuel  G 5:31 

Stephens,  Linda 10:19 

Stevens,  Rahn  L 5:31 

Stouffer,  Darlene 7:31 

Stouffer,  Scott 1:31 

Sumpter,  Lynette 5:31 

Taylor,  Jack 5:31 

Taylor,  Mark 1:31 

Teal,  Mark 5:31 

Thacker,  Robert 1:31 

Townsend,  Frances 1:31 

Twigg,  Charles 1:31 

Ullery,  Howard 8/9:40 

Ulm,  David 5:31 

Van  Buskirk,  William 10:19 

Vandermolen,  David 1:31 

VanVoorhis,  Valeria 5:31 

Villanucva,  Carmen  M 8/9:40 

Villanueva,  Oscar  Lopez,  Jr 5:31 

W/atern,  Steven  E 5:31 

Vtfebster,  Jerry  R 5:31 

Wetzel,  Howard 5:31 

Wickline,  Jerry  Lynn 1:31 

Wilborn,  Leonard  V 10:19 

Wilges,  Shawn  Allen 10:19 

Williams,  Joan  H 5:31 

Williams,  Melvin 1:31 

Wilson,  Ralph  H 8/9:40 

Wright,  James 5:31 

Yager,  Lorele 10:19 

Yancheck,  Paul 7:31 

Yates,  Melinda 1:31 

Yoder.  Gary 7:31 

Zeep,  Christopher  W 7:31 

Pastoral  Placements 

Austen,  Gordon 2:31 

Baker,  Donald 2:31 

Beckner,  Dennis  A 10:19 

Benedict,  James  L 7:31 

Bowser,  Thomas 2:31 

Boyd,  Mary 4:35 

Braun,  John 4:35 

Bright,  Richard 2:31 

Brumbaugh,  Alan 2:31 

Brumbaugh,  Lillian 2:31 

Brunk,  David 10:19 

Cable,  Sherman  A 7:31 

Callahan,  Wanda 2:31 

Cayford,  Cheryl 10:19 

Clark,  Michael 10:19 

Conn,  Barry 10:19 

Croft,  Eric 2:31 

Crowe,  John  R 10:19 

Deeter,  Jeanne 2:31 

Diamond,  Douglas 4:35 

Dietrick,  Ralph 7:31 

Dorsey,  Janice 2:31 

Eisenbise,  Debbie 2:31 

Elmore,  Carolyn 2:31 

Elmore,  Kendal 2:31 

Ewing,  John 10:19 

Fike,  Lisa 10:19 

Fike,  Melvin 10:19 

Fisher,  Chester 2:31 

Foley,  Leonard 10:19 

Foster,  Chris 2:31 

Fourman,  Larry 10:19 

Fowler,  Michael 2:31 

Gauby,  Martin 5:31 

Gerbrandt,  Eugene 10:19 

Glover,  Irving 4:35 

Gresh,  Kenneth 4:35 

Griffith,  Edith  E 7:31 

Hall,  Lloyd 2:31 

Hammel,  Daniel 4:35 

Hazen,  Lisa 2:31 

Hendricks,  David 2:31 

Hewitt,  Nancy 2:31 

Holderread.  John 2:31 

Holland,  Scott 2:31 

Houghton,  James  E 6:30 

Huffaker,  Michael 2:31 

Hufford,  Lisa 4:35 

Kaucher,  Howard 4:35 

Kensinger,  Janice 4:35 

Konopinski,  Tom 4:35 

Krahenbuhl.  Lee 2:31 

Landrum,  Richard 10:19 

Manges,  John 2:31 

Matteson,  Erin 10:19 

McClelland,  George 2:31 

McDaniel,  Alton 5:31 

McGlothlin,  Judith 2:31 

McKellip,  David 4:35 

Mosorjak,  Gary 4:35 

Mundey,  Paul 2:31 

Nichols,  Mark 10:19 

Noffsingcr,  Bruce 2:31 

Nye,  Paul 10:19 

Orndorff,  Jan 2:31 

Peterson,  Cheryl 7:31 

Peyton,  James  M 5:31 

Poole,  Daniel 2:31 

Reeves,  Catherine 2:31 

Riley,  Richard 4:35 

Schwarze,  Robert 2:31 

Senger,  Garold 2:31 

Shelton,  Randall  C 10:19 

Shoemaker,  E.B 2:31 

Simmons,  Ben 2:31 

Sink,  Barry 4:35 

Smith.  Leonard 4:35 

Smith,  Rufus 2:31 

Snyder,  George 10:19 

Spire,  Sam 4:35 

Stauffer.  Paul 2:31 

Stern,  Roy  L 6:30 

Stevens,  Rahn 4:35 

Stoltzfus,  Joyce 7:31 

Thacker,  Robert 2:31 

Ullery,  Howard  E.,  Jr 10:19 

W/ade,  Marvin 10:19 

Wisdom-Belford,  Virginia 10:19 

W/iser,  Tracy 2:31 

Woodin,  Ataloa 10:19 

Yancheck,  Paul 6:30 


Abersole,  Paul 12:26 

Adams,  Elizabeth 5:31 

Adams,  Margaret  C 10:19 

Adams,  Mary 5:31 

Ahalt,  Doris 5:31 

Airey,  Elvert 8/9:40,  11:31 

Akers,  Lester 8/9:40,  10:19 

Albright,  Betty 1:31 

Alexander,  Connie  E 10:19 

Allen,  Eunice 10:19 

Anderson,  Charles  A 5:31 

Anderson,  Joyne 8/9:40 

Andrew,  Georgia 6:30 

Applequist,  Wanda 5:31 

Arey,  Carl  E 5:31 

Arnold,  Opal .- 5:31 

Aschliman,  Kathryne 5:31 

Atkins,  Ruth 8/9:40 

Atwater,  Beulah 6:30 

Atwood,  Bertha  A 3:31 

Bader,  Gladys 10:19 

Bailey,  Edwin 5:31 

Baker,  Gerald 5:31 

Baker,  Hilda  L 3:31 

Baker,  Mabel 8/9:40 

Balsbaugh,  Marvin 11:31 

Balsiey,  Carolyn  M 3:31 

Banzhof,  Esther  F 3:31 

Bard,  Ellis  T 10:19 

Bardell,  Eileen 11:31 

Bardell,  John 12:26 

Barkdoll,  Eugene  C 5:31 

Barnes,  William 1:31 

Barnhart,  Eugene  F 5:31 

Barnhart,  Josephus 11:31 

Barnhart,  Nevin 2:31 

Barshainger,  Dorothy 11:31 

Bassette,  Albert  R 7:31 

Bauer,  Pauline  A 5:31 

Baugher,  Duane 5:31 

Baum, Glenn 5:31 

Bauser,  Ethel 5:31 

Bauserman,  Ethel 2:31 

Beachy,  Fred 12:26 

Beahm,  E.  Russell 5:31 

Beahm,  Wanda 1:31 

Bebee,  Pearl  1 7:31 

Becker,  Thomas 1:31 

Benedict,  Maude 8/9:40 

Benner,  Josephine 12:26 

Benner,  Shane 5:31 

Bennett,  Richard  A 5:31 

Benz,  Henry 5:31 

Besse,  Erma  F 5:31 

Best,  Charles 8/9:40.  12:26 

Beverage,  Minor 12:26 

Beydler,  Arthur 10:19 

Bird,  Charles  W 5:31 

Birman,  Iva 1:31 

Blackwill,  Clarence 10:19 

Blank,  Mildred 1:31 

Blocher,  Kenneth 2:31 

Blocher,  Ruth 6:30 

Block,  Velda 2:31 

Blosser,  Roy 5:31 

Blough,  Adda  B 7:31 

Blough,  Josephine 3:31,  5:31 

Boardwell,  Robert 5:31 

Boatman,  James 5:31 

Bodkin,  Margin 12:26 

Bolinger,  Maude 5:31 

Bollinger,  Melvin 10:19 

Bolt,  Pauline 12:26 

Bolyard.  Lincoln 5:31 

Bonitatibus,  Irma 2:31 

Books,  Olive 2:31 

Bosserman,  Fred  E 5:31 

Botkin,  Lydia 12:26 

Bower,  Emily 10:19 

Bower,  Evelyn 1:31 

Bower,  Pearl  H 10:19 

Bowling,  Ruth 7:31 

Bowman,  Alaric 11:31 

Bowman,  Alma  H 6:30 

Bowman,  Elsie 1:31 

Bowman,  Elva 8/9:40 

Bowman,  Luther 1:31 

Boyd,  Esther 2:31 

Boyer,  Edwin 1:31 

Boyers,  Harry  G 3:31 

Boyers,  Harry  S.  Sr 5:31 

Bradshaw,  Iris 1:31 

Brammell,  Violettc 5:31 

Brammcr,  Earnest 3:31 

Brandenburg,  Everett 5:31 

Brandt,  Jacob 5:31,  6:30 

Breeden,  Betty  B 5:31 

Brenton,  Robert 8/9:40 

Bridge,  Grady  S 5:31 

Bright,  J.  Calvin 3:3,5:31 

Brighton,  Hattie 11:31 

Brooks,  Harlan 1:31 

Brosey,  Hazel  K 10:19 

Brower,  Emily  K 7:31 

Brown,  Clarence 8/9:40 

Brown,  Dallas 8/9:40 

Brown,  Florence 5:31 

Brown,  Herbert 1:31 

Brownsberger,  Roland 6:30,  7:31 

Brubaker,  Edyth 5:31 

Brubaker,  Edyth  B 3:31 

Brubaker,  Elizabeth 5:31 

Brubaker,  Nina 5:31 

Brubaker,  Nina  T 3:31 

Brumbaugh,  Emma 5:31 

Brumbaugh,  John  W 7:31 

Brumbaugh,  Robert 5:31 

Bryant,  Loral 11:31 

Bryant,  Mary 10:19 

Buchanan,  Robert 11:31 

Bucher,  Cyrus 1:31,  2:31 

Bucher,  Cyrus  G 5:31 

Bucher,  Harold 12:26 

Buhrt,  Lewis 8/9:40 

Buracker,  Laura  V 10:19 

Burkholder,  Evelyn 7:31 

Burkholder,  John 6:30 

Busch,  Ada  C 10:19 

Butler,  Weldon 12:26 

Byrd,  Elsie 12:26 

Cain,  Ida  F 3:31 

Caldwell,  Christine 12:26 

Calhoun,  Gladys 12:26 

Cameron,  Don 10:19 

Caplinger,  Emma 8/9:40 

Caricofe,  Orpha 2:31 

Carney,  Iva 8/9:40 

Carr,  Kim  A 5:31 

Carrier,  Edith 12:26 

Cassell,  Eva 12:26 

Cassidy,  Ann  L 5:31 

Chaney,  Mararet  L 5:31 

Chronister,  Preston  E 5:31 

Clark,  Willis 5:31 

Clary,  Fay 1:31 

Clatterbuck,  Lois  C 3:31 

Clements,  Mildred 7:31 

Click,  Freddie  A 6:30 

Clinedinst  Jr.,  Theodore  E 3:31 

Clinedinst,  Nina 11:31 

Coffman,  Betty 11:31 

Coffman,  Clarence  E 5:31 

Coffman,  George  S 10:19 

Coffman,  Miller 11:31 

Coffman,  Ray 11:31 

Collar,  Brittany 7:31 

Combs,  Mildred  B 3:31 

Comer,  Mamie  V.H 10:19 

Compton,  Kevin 11:31 

Compton,  Oliva  C 7:31 

Compton,  Olivia 6:30 

Conner,  A'dra 6:30 

Cook,  Alice 6:30 

Cook,  Mary  Ann 10:19 

Cook,  Rebecca  C 3:31 

Cook,  Wayne 6:30 

Cooper,  Eva  B 5:31 

Cooper,  Hazel 8/9:40 

Cooper,  Lamar 7:31 

Cooper,  Troy 2:31,  5::31 

Cooper,  William  M 5:31 

Copenhaver,  Mable 5:31 

Corle,  Grace  E 5:31 

Cotter,  Rhea 1:31 

Couchenour,  Jack 6:30 

Courtney,  Mary 2:31 

Covale,  Elsie  M 5:31 

Covart,  Mary  G 5:31 

Cowger,  Frank  M 8/9:40 

Cramer,  Charles 11:31 

Craun,  Charles 1:31 

Craven,  Margaret 5:31 

Cripe,  Harry 11:31 

Crossan,  Thomas  Jr 5:31 

Grouse,  William 7:31 

Cullison,  Oscar  T 5:31 

Culp,  Edna 5:31 

Gulp,  Nazel  V 5:31 

Cummings,  Shelle  L 5:31 

Cupp,  Harold  W 5:31 

Dann,Opal 8/9:40 

DeBolt,  Leota  V 7:31 

DeHart,  Freeda 2:31 

OeLane,  Fred 10:19 

Delawder,  Ernest  B 5:31 

Delawder,  Lefa  G 5:31 

Dellenbach,  Glenn 11:31 

DeLong,  Frank 5:31 

Demmitt,  Floyd  A 5:31 

Dennett,  Louise  D 3:31 

Dennison,  Dorothy  Brown 1:3 

Derr,  Alma  M 10:19 

Derringer,  Norma 5:31 

Deterline,  Floyd 5:31 

Detrow,  Levi 10:19 

Detrow,  Lucille 10:19 

DeWitt,  Janet 11:31 

Dickey,  Clara  1 5:31 

Diehl,Ivan 11:31 

Diehl,  Lynwood 11:31 

Diehl,  Robert 2:31 

Dilly,  Oliver 5:31 

Dilly,  Prudence 5:31 

Dise,  Lois  Shaffer 11:31 

Doolen,  Guy 7:31 

Dresher,  Naomi 5:31 

Drewry,  James 11:31 

Driver,  Dorothy 5:31 

Driver,  Martin 11:31 

Dubble,  Cora  S 3:31 

Dudley,  Goldie 11:31 

Dunmore,  Frances 10:19 

Dunn,  Opal 11:31 

Earhart,  Nina 1:31 

Early,  Maxine 2:31 

Early,  Meda 11:31 

Earon,  Terry 1:31 

Eaton,  Evelyn 11:31 

Ebersole,  Dorothy  E 6:30 

Ebersole,  Marion 12:26 

Ebie.  Galen 5:31 

Eby,  Felicia 12:26 

Eckard,  Hubert  8 10:19 

Eckhard,  Frances  J 7:31 

Eckhard,  Mary  B 7:31 

Edris,  Harold 1:31 

Edris,  Marie  E 3:31 

Eichelberger,  Stewart 1:31 

Eigenbrode,  Merle  C 5:31 

Eisenhower,  Mildred 3:31 

Enderd,  J.  Harry 7:31 

Engle,  Emma 5:31 

Engle,  J.  Harold 5:31 

English,  Mary  E 8/9:40 

Erb,  Samuel 7:31 

Emswiler,  Everette 12:26 

Emswiler,  Martha 12:26 

Eshleman,  Roy 1:31 

Evans,  Jessie  V 5:31 

Fahnestock,  Ray  C 5:31 

Fahs,  Elmer  H 7:31 

Farrell,  Irene  M 5:31 

Fasick,  Hazel 1:31 

Faught,  Jared 6:30 

Feather,  Maud  J 10:19 

Feeney,  Lester 8/9:40 

Ferguson,  Clarence 12:26 

Ferguson,  Robert  E 7:31 

Fifer,  Mary  C 5:31 

Fifer,  Ora 12:26 

Fike,  Lester 3:31,  5:31 

Fiorello,  Peggy 12:26 

Fitzsimmons,  Leonard 12:26 

Fleegle,  Howard 12:26 

Flinn,  Lois  P 8/9:40 

Flora,  Claude 12:26 

Flora,  Jake 5:31 

Flory,  Mary 5:31 

Fogle,  Carrie 2:31 

Fonts,  S-  Russell 6:30 

Forbes,  Thomas 1:31 

Forney,  Anna 5:31 

Forney,  Anna  E 3:31 

Forsyth,  Florence 5:31 

Foots,  S.  Russell 8/9:40 

Fry,  Helen 10:19 

Fryman,  Darrell 8/9:40 

Fryman,  Lavonne 6:30 

Frymyer.  Naomi 1:31,  2:31 

Fulcher,  Minnie  S 7:31 

Fulk,  Howard 7:31 

Fulk,  Johny  E 10:19 

Fulk,  Lena  T 6:30 

Funkhouser,  Alvin 10:19,  12:26 

Funkhouser,  Madeline 8/9:40 

Gaag,  Blanche 6:30 

Gainer,  Maria 6:30 

Gainer,  Maris  H 3:31 

Ganger,  Mary  E 8/9:40 

Garber,  Esther 8/9:40 

Garbcr,  Jeannette  M 10:19 

Games,  Helen 7:31 

Garns,  Helen 6:30 

Garrett,  Mary 12:26 

Gausman,  Elmer 8/9:40 

Gettins,  Elizabeth 1:31 

Gibble,  Ella 6:30 

Gibble,  Ella  E 3:31 

Gibble,  Ira 2:31 

Gibbs.  Charles 6:30 

Gilkerson,  Carlos 12:26 

Ginder,  Menno 2:31 

Glick,  Frank  J 6:30 

Glover,  Alma  M 6:30 

Godfrey,  Cletus  J 10:19 

Good,  Clifford 8/9:401    '. 

Good,  Edward  W 6:30: 

Good,  Pauline  M 7:31i    , 

Gottlieb,  Mirian 10:191 

Gottlieb,  Robert 6:30! 

Gottlieb,  Robert  J 3:31, 

Graham,  Beulah 12:26- 

Grant,  Ruth 6:301 

Graver,  Frank 7:31 

Graybill,  Miriam 8/9:401 

Green,  Alice 12:26 

Green,  Alice  L 6:301 

Green,  Elsie  S 6:30 

Green,  Guira 2:31  i 

Griffith,  Marie  R 7:31 

Grim,  Elvera 1:31' 

Grimley,  John  B 11:3 

Groft,  Catherine 7:31 

Grossnickle,  Jason 2:31: 

Grote,  Harold 2:31 

Groth,  Margaret 2:31 

Grove,  Gilbert 8/9:40 

Grove,  Glen 8/9:40: 

Grove,  Mildred 1:31 

Grubb,Luke 2:31 

Grubb,  Luke  R 3:31 

Grumling,  Thomas 11:31 

Guerin,  Gladys 6:30 

Gutshell,  Iva  P 8/9:40J 

Hackman,  Mildred 6:30,  7:31 

Hackman,  Naomi 2:31 

Hager,  Neva  M 6:301 

Halfhill,  Clyde 8/9:401 

Halley,  Arvilla 11:31  i 

Hamberger,  Walter 11:31 , 

Hammon,  Mary 11:31  i, 

Hansen,  Gayle 6:30  i 

Hantz,  Kathryn 2:31  '• 

Hardy,  Estella 8/9:40 

Harlow,  Charles 6:30  ■ 

Harman,  Alvin 1:31 

Harman,  Eva 1:31 

Harmon,  Florence 11:31 

Harnage,  Ivey 10:19 

Harriger,  Jane 6:30 

Harris,  Glenn  M 6:30 

Harshbarger,  Charles 6:30 

Harshbarger,  Patience 7:31,  10:19 

Hartle,Mac 11:31 

Hartman,  Albert 11:31 

Hartman,  Wilmer  B 6:30 

Hasselwander,  Walter 2:31 

Hassinger,  Mae 1:31 

Hassinger,  Mary 11:31 

Hathaway,  Charles  R 8/9:40 

Hathaway,  Richard 11:31 

Hauger,  John 11:31 

Haugh,  Reginald  C 6:30 

Hawbaker,  Aden 1:31 

Hawbaker,  Paul  G 6:30 

Hawk,  Ruth 10:19 

Hearn,  Lillian 6:30 

Heckman,  Delia  M 6:30 

Heckman,  Glenn 11:31 

Hedrick,  Gladys  L 3:31 

Held,  LaVonne 6:30 

Heidorn,  Crawfor 11:31 

Heinbaugh,  Feme 6:30 

Heinbuch,  Kenneth 6:30 

Heiny,  Maurice 11:31 

Heisey,  Kreider  M 3:31 

Heisey,  Richard  B 8/9:40 

Hendrickson,  Henry 6:30 

Hendrickson,  Lucy 3:31 

Henry,  Alma 6:30 

Herring,  Alonzo  E 6:30 

Hertzog,  Ira  B 6:30 

Hertzog,  Jacob 1:31 

Hertzog,  Raymond 6:30 

Hertzog,  Raymond  F 3:31 

Hess,  Sherman 6:30 

Hicks,  Catherine 6:30 

Higgs,  Miller 6:30 

Himelright,  William 6:30 

Hinegardner,  Benjamin 1:31 

Hirsch,  Margaret 8/9:40,  11:31 

Hite,  Sarah 1:31 

Hodgden,  Marshall 1:31 

Hodge,  Dora  J 3:31 

Hodge,  Dorothy 1:31 

Hodge,  Richard 11:31 

Hodges,  Mary 11:31 

Hodgson,  Bessi 8/9:40 

Hoffer,  Loa 8/9:40 

Hoffman,  Chalmer 1:31 

Hoffman,  Galen 6:30 

Hoffman,  Robert 6:30 

Hoffman,  Thomas 6:30 

Holloway,  Wilma 6:30 

Honsaker,  Clifford 1:31 

Hoover,  Annie  A 6:30 

Hoover,  Dean 6:30 

Hoover,  Galen 7:31 

Hoover,  Mildred 6:30 

Hoover,  Ola 11:31 

Hoover,  Ola  May 10:19 

Hoover,  Roger  K 6:30 

Hopkins,  Edward  M 6:30 

Hopkins,  Louise 6:30 

Hopson,  Myrtel 10:19 

Horein,  Fern 6:30 

Hosaflook,  Addle 6:30 

Hosletter,  Jennie 2:31 

Hostetler,  Esther 10:19 

30  Messenger  December  1997 

Hosteller,  Retha 7;31 

Hotham,  Mary 6:30 

Housdon,  James 11:31 

Housel.  Mona 6:30 

Howdyshell,  Blanche 6:30 

Howdysriell,  Cleta  B 3:31 

Howdyshell,  Margaret 6:30 

.Hoy,  Viola 1:31 

Hudkins,  Ellen 6:30 

Hudson.  Mary 6:30 

Huff.  Russell 6:31 

Huffman.  Ray 11:31 

Hummel.  Norma 6:31 

Humphreys.  Josepfi  L 3:31 

Hunt,  John  M 7:31 

Hunter,  Roxie  V 7:31 

Hurst.  Esther 10:19 

Hurst.  Esther 11:31 

Hylton,  Amy 6:31 

Iltenberry,  Effie  E 3:31 

Ingles,  Pearl 7:31 

Innerst,  George 6:31 

Jacobs.  Elizabeth 11:31 

Jamison.  Eulalia 11:31 

Jarrels.  Harold 11:31 

Jarrels.  Kemper  R 8/9:40 

Jarrett.  Fannie 2:31 

Johnson.  Audrey 2:31 

Johnson,  Mabelle 6:31 

Johnson,  Russell  T 6:31 

Johnson,  Truman 11:31 

Jones,  Quince 7:31 

Jordan,  John 10:19 

Joseph,  John 6:31 

Judy.  Belinda 6:31 

Judy.  Bernice 6:31 

Junkermeier,  Gene 2:31 

Kamer.  Elizabeth 10:19 

Kanady.Sue 6:31 

Kauftman.  Ellen 11:31 

Kauffman.  Helen  M 8/9:40 

Kauffman.  Ruth 7:31 

Keefer,  Darlene 7:31 

Keener,  Lucille 6:31 

Keeney,  Esther  B 10:19 

Keeny.  Doris 1:31 

Keeny.  Gladys 11:31 

Keister.  Paul 11:31 

Keller.  Edna 1:31 

Keller.  Elsie 1:31 

Keller.  Wilma 1:31 

Kenney.  Eldndge  W 3:31 

Keplinger,  John 6:31 

Kepner,  Edna  Mae 6:31 

Kerr,  John 


Kesler,  Ilah 8/9:40 

Killian,  Ruth 8/9:40 

Kilmer.  Carl  8/9:40 

Kimble.  Vauda  M.H 3:31 

Kimmel.  Evelyn 7:31 

Kimmel.  Mae 6:31 

King,  Alma 11:31 

King.  Frank 2:31 

King.  Harold 2:31 

King.  Naomi 10:19 

Kinkead,  Ellen 6:31 

Kinzie,  Etfiel 6:31 

Kipp,  Marsha 11:31 

Kiracofe.  Efeanor  E 3:31 

Kiracofe.  Erma 2:31 

Kisamore,  Annie 6:31 

Kissinger.  Josephine 2:31 

Kitchel.  Minnie 11:31 

Kline.  Ellen 6:31 

Kline,  Homer  R 10:19 

Kline,  Irene  B 6:31 

Knapp,  Martha 8/9:40 

Knaub,  Mary  C 6:31 

Knechel.  Sharon 11:31 

Knicely.  George 6:31 

Knicely,  George  R 3:31 

Knisley.  Velma  1 8/9:40 

Knox,  Charles 10:19 

Knupp,  Roger  W 3:31 

Koehler,  Christian  B 3:31 

Kohne.  Ervie  C 7:31 

Kolp.  Leola 6:31 

Konkey,  Robert 6:31 

Koontz.  Fern 11:31 

Krall,  Ethel  M 3:31 

Kreitzer.  Mary 2:31 

Kuhar.  Jennie 6:31 

Kuhar.  Jennie 2:31 

Kuhn.  Donna 8/9:40 

Kulp.Mary 2:31 

Kurtz.  Paul  M 6:31 

Kuykendall.  Charles 11:31 

Lambert,  Betty  J 6:31 

Landes.  Evagene 2:31 

Landis.  Walter 8/9:40 

Lane,  (^alen 6:31 

Langham.  Edna 6:31 

Lantz.  Charles 2:31 

Lantz.  Romaine 6:31 

Lapham.  H.  Eugene 6:31 

Large,  Alonzo 6:31 

Lasley,  Doris 12:2 

Lasterson.  Esther 6:31 

Lausch.  Jean  M 7:31 

Lauver,  Ada 11:31 

Lauver,  Dorothy 6:31 

Leake.  Charles  E 8/9:40 

Leaman.  Docas  M 10:19 

Lease.  Martha 11:31 

Leatherman,  Dorothy 2:31 

Leek.  Mary 2:31 

Leckrone.  Joe  K. 6:31 

Ledbetter,  Gladys 2:31 

Lee,  Annie  G 3:31 

Lee.  Max  E 8/9:40 

Leffel. Edith 6:31 

Leffler.  Georgiana  E 3:31 

Lehman,  Ada 2:31 

Lehman,  Cecilia 10:19 

Lehman,  Kim 6:31 

Lehman,  Kim  C 7:31 

Lehman,  Margaret 2:31 

Lehman,  Margaret  M 6:31 

Lehman,  Mary  Jane 6:31 

Lehman,  Ralph 6:31 

Lentz.  Margaret 6:31 

Leonard,  Josephine 8/9:40 

Lester,  Minneah 2:31 

Lev/allen.  Mary 11:31 

Lewis,  Betty  L 10:19 

Lewis.  Donald 6:31 

Lewis,  Kennedy  E. 7:31 

Lewis,  Virginia 6:31 

Lewrew,  Alverta 6:31 

Lindamood.  Charles  0 3:31 

Lindamood.  Roger  L 7:31 

Link,  Carl  R 10:19 

Litten,  Elizabeth  W 3:31 

Livenwood.  Edwin 10:19 

Livingston,  Virginia 6:31 

Lloyd,  Cornelius 10:19 

Lobb.  Richard 6:31 

Lohr,  Milton 6:31 

Long,  Helen  E 6:31 

Long,  Rodney 6:31 

Long,  Stella  F 3:31,  6:31 

Longenecker,  Anna  E 7:31 

Longenecker.  Earl 11:31 

Lukens,  Gladys 11:31 

Lusk,  Mary  Jane 6:31 

Lutz.  Anna 8/9:40 

Lutz,  Harold  J 8/9:40 

Lutz.  John 6:31 

MacFarland.  Evelyn 2:31 

Machowiak.  David 8/9:40 

MacLeod,  Robert 6:31 

Main,  Lorene 2:31 

Manges,  George 11:31 

Marks.  Charles  F 10:19 

Marsh.  Robert 8/9:40 

Marston,  Linden 11:31 

Martin.  Katie 2:31 

Martin.  Lena 8/9:40 

Martin.  Orphia 6:31 

Martin.  Wilma  J 10:19 

Martz,  James 11:31 

Martzall,  Elsie  W 8/9:40 

Martzall.  Warren  E 6:31 

Mason.  Erika  L 3:31 

Mason.  Ida 2:31 

Mason,  Roy  H 10:19 

Mason.  Roy  H 8/9:40 

Massimore.  Earl  F 10:19 

Mastcrson,  Esther 10:19 

Mathews.  Walter  E 6:31 

Mauck.  Catherine  V 3:31 

Mauzy.  Carl 2:31 

Mauzy.  James 11:31 

Maxwell.  Clarence 6:31 

May,  Charles  K 3:31 

May,  Clifford  E 8/9:40 

McCann,  Douglas 2:31 

McClanahan,  George 6:31 

McCreary.  Lloyd 11:31 

McDaniel.  Annie 6:31 

McDaniel,  Archie 11:31 

McDonald.  George 11:31 

McDonald.  Lillian 6:31 

McGraw,  Clara 6:31 

McGuffin,  Lois 2:31 

McKendree.  Sherrii 12:26 

McMullen,  Martha 6:31 

McQuin.  Allison 6:31 

McQuin,  Margaret 12:26 

Meador.  Hazel 12:26 

Mellinger.  Paul 10:19 

Mellott,  Bretherd 10:19 

Mentzer,  Melvin 2:31,  6:31 

Method,  Kathryn 6:31 

Meyers,  Janet  L 7:31 

Miles,  Alma 12:26 

Miles,  Lillian 6:31 

Miles,  Ruth  S 8/9:40 

Miller,  Dale  V 7:31 

Miller,  DeWitt  L 7:3,  10:19 

Miller,  Donna 8/9:40 

Miller,  Esther 12:26 

Miller,  Frank 6:31 

Miller,  Galen  R 6:31 

Miller,  Harold 10:19 

Miller,  Harry  C 6:31 

Miller,  Ira 8/9:40 

Miller,  J.  Mark 6:31 

Miller.  Janet  L 6:31 

Miller.  Martha 12:26 

Miller.  Melvin 8/9:40 

Miller.  Pamela 12:26 

Miller,  Raymond 2:31 

Miller,  Sophie 2:31 

Miller,  Verna 2:31 

Miller,  Versal 6:31 

Miller,  Martha 10:19 

Minnich,  Vera  L 7:31 

Minnick,  Leona  M 6:31 

Mock,  Betty 12:26 

Mock,  BIy 2:31 

Mohler,  John  P 7:31 

Mohler,  Marie 12:26 

Mohler,  Virginia 12:26 

Mohr,  Robert  B 10:19 

Monn,  Roger  K 10:19 

Montel,  Ruble 6:31 

Moore,  Harold 6:31 

Morgan,  Floyd 12:26 

Morningstar,  Jean 8/9:40,  12:26 

Morral,  Janet  E 7:31 

Morrison,  Howard 12:26 

Mortland,  Miriam 8/9:40 

Moser,Edna 10:19 

Motley,  Vergie  R 3:31 

Moyer,  Virgil 2:31 

Moyers,  Boyd 6:31 

Movers,  Grayson  L 6:31 

Moyers,  Stephanie 12:26 

Mull, Martin 2:31 

Mumaw,  Amos 7:31 

Mumma,  Esta 2:31 

Mummert.  Sheldon 2:31 

Mummey.  Willis 2:31 

Myer.  Clara  B 3:3,  3:31,  6:31 

Myer,  Paul  Kurtz 3:31 

Myer,  Ralph 8/9:40 

Myers,  Harold 2:31 

Myers,  James  W 6:31 

Myers,  Letha  A 6:31 

Myers,  Loretta 2:31 

Naff,  Herman  C 7:31 

Naff,  Wesley 2:31 

Nedrow,  Louella 10:19 

Neff,  William 6:31 

Neff,  Wilmer,  E 3:31 

Nelson,  Jesse 12:26 

Nicholson,  Mildred 2:31 

Nickler,  Zelma 8/9:40 

Niehols,  Cora 2:31 

Nies,  Raleigh 2:31 

Nissley,  Anna 8/9:40 

Nissly,  Ralph  H 3:31 

Noventy,  Helen 6:31 

Nugent,  Herman  F 6:31 

Nutter,  Barnee 6:31 

Ober,  D.  Kenneth 6:31,  7:31 

Ober,  Mildred 2:31 

Oberdick,  James  E 6:31 

Obcrholtzer,  Clair 3:31 

Odem,  James 6:31 

Ohmart,  Bernadine 2:31 

Old, Maxwell 6:31 

Ord,  Clarence 12:26 

Orebaugh,  Charlotte  R 3:31 

Oren,  Harold  A 8/9:40 

Orendorf,  Beatrice 6:31 

Orr,  William 8/9:40 

Orwig,  John  E 6:31 

Ott,  Clara 12:26 

Ours,  George  0 6:31 

Overdorff,  Harry 6:31 

Owen,  Morgan 12:26 

Oyler,  Mary  Jane 12:26 

Painter,  Lisa  A 3:31 

Painter,  Violet 12:26 

Painter,  Rosa 6:31 

Paris,  Dortha  J 7:31 

Parker,  Martha  Neiderhiser  ....4:3,  6:31 

Peer,  Vincent  E 3:31 

Pelletier,  Virginia 12:26 

Pence,  Marie  0 7:31 

Pence,  Marie 11:31 

Pennington,  Asa 6:31 

Pennington,  William 6:31 

Pepple,  Sarah  A 6:31 

Perdue,  May 12:26 

Perkins,  Maxine 12:26 

Perry,  Julie 2:31 

Peterson,  Beulah  B 7:31 

Petterson,  Josephine 12:26 

Phillips,  Georgiana 6:31 

Phillips,  Robert 6:31 

Phillips,  Wilda 2:31 

Phillips,  William  M 3:31,  6:31 

Pickeral,  Larry 2:31 

Plaugher,  Erma  J 11:31 

Plum,  Lowell 11:31 

Plummer,  Ethel 6:31 

Plunkett,  Galen  P 7:31 

Poling,  Lucy 2:31 

Polk,  Glenn  E 3:31 

Popp,  Louis 6:31 

Poter,  Jeff 6:31 

Proctor,  Ruth 7:31 

Procter,  Ruth  E 6:31 

Prophet,  Waldo 12:26 

Putney,  Beth 6:31 

Pugh,  Lawrence 12:26 

Ramer,  Lottie 2:31 

Ratlief.  Velma 12:26 

Ratliff,  Olin  G 7:31 

Rattz,  Lester 12:26 

Reed, Gladys 12:26 

Reed,  Herbert 8/9:40 

Reed,  Martha 6:31 

Reeds,  Elizabeth 11:31 

Reeves,  Ernie 2:31 

Regnier,  Ruth 12:26 

Reid,  Rosie  K.S 3:31 

Reiman,  Claire 2:31 

Renner,  Gladys 2:31 

Resser,  Lynda  M 6:31 

Ressler,  Rhode 6:31 

Rhodes,  Nellie  M 7:31 

Rigney,  Mary  L 7:31,  11:31 

Rimel,  Dorothy  V 6:31 

Rinehart,  Mary 6:31 

Riner,  Glendon 6:31 

Rinsland,  Helen 12:26 

Risden,  John 8/9:40 

Ritchey,  Arthur 2:31 

Ritchey,  Ethel  M 6:31 

Ritchie,  Frank 12:26 

Ritchie,  John  W 3:31 

Ritchie,  Virgil 6:31 

Rittle,  John 2:31 

Roberts,  George,  Jr 6:31 

Robertson,  Carrie  C 3:31 

Robertson,  Ruby  G 7:31 

Robinett,  Frank 8/9:40 

Robison,  Clyde 12:26 

Robison,  Hamill 6:31 

Roddy,  Caitlyn 6:31 

Rody,  George 2:31 

Rolston,  Megrum 6:31 

Roose,  Marion 12:26 

Rose,  Mildred 12:26 

Ross,  Delmar  E 3:31 

Rotenberger,  Linford  J 1:3,  2:31 

Rotz,  Clarence 7:31 

Roudybush,  Howard 6:31 

Rowe,  Cora  E 8/9:40 

Roy,  Albert 8/9:40 

Rudy, Ada 6:31 

Rudy,  Monroe 6:31 

Rudy,  Ray  H 6:31 

Runion,  Delia 11:31 

Rupel,  Claude 12:26 

Rupel,  Lucy  W 6:31 

Sager,  Frances  E 7:31 

Sager,  Preston  L 3:31 

Salmons,  Edna  E 7:31 

Salonen,  John 2:31 

Sampson.  Walter  L 3:31 

Sanderson.  Miriam 11:31 

Sands,  Melba 2:31 

Sanford.  Lyia 2:31 

Sanger.  Lillian  R 3:31,  6:31 

Saul,  Bobby  Lee 6:31 

Saylor,  Rhonda 2:31 

Scott,  Charlena  N 3:31 

Scott,  Dorothy 2:31 

Scrogham,  Samuel 12:26 

Seeders,  Paul 2:31 

Sellers,  Lydia  C 6:31 

Seilhamer,  Joann 6:31 

Sell,  Emma  E 6:31 

Sencindiver,  Ruth 6:31 

Sencindiver.  Ruth  V 7:31 

Senger,  Russell 2:31 

Shafer.  Oren 6:31 

Shaffer.  Doris 12:26 

Shaffer.  John 12:26 

Shaffer.  J.  Robert 11:31 

Shaffer,  Steven  L 6:31 

Shamberger,  Chauncey 12:2 

Shanaman,  Fredrick  L.,  Jr.. .6:31,  12:26 

Shank,  Grace 7:31 

Sharon,  Amanda 6:31 

Shearer,  Leon 7:31 

Shelly,  John  S 3:31 

Sherman,  Lester 6:31 

Sherman,  Wade 6:31 

Shetter,  Huber  D 6:31 

Shifflett,  Arthur  F 3:31 

Shipe,  Rachel 12:26 

Shiplett,  Lester 12:26 

Shirkey,  Ruth  R 3:31 

Shirley,  Lee 2:31 

Shmid,  Matilda 6:31 

Shobe,  Maxine 12:26 

Shoemaker,  Barry 6:31 

Shoemaker,  Earl 6:31 

Shoemaker.  Timmy  R 3:31 

Show.  James 2:31 

Showalter.  Susan  C 7:31 

Showalter.  Walter 6:31 

Shue.  James  1 3:31 

Shull.  M.  Gladys 6:31 

Simmons.  E.  Glenn 3:31 

Simmons.  Suzon 2:31 

Simpson.  Lee  G 6:31 

Small.  Ruth  V 3:31 

Smith,  Beverly 6:31 

Smith,  Dallas  S 3:31 

Smith,  Eleanora 2:31 

Smith,  Elmer  S 6:31 

Smith,  Hazel  J 7:31 

Smith,  Lawrence 11:31 

Smith,  Robert 3:31 

Smith,  Vcrnice 3:31 

Snader,  Barbara 3:31 

Snavel,  Martha 6:31 

Snavely,  Dale 11:31 

Snavely,  Martha  G 3:31 

Snyder,  Emerson 3:31,  6:31 

Snyder,  Reed 6:31 

Sonafrank,  Delia 3:31 

Sortzi  Sr.,  Cornell 3:31 

Spangler,  Hazel 3:31 

Sparkes,  Mary 3:31 

Speicher,  Genita  B 3:31 

Spencer,  Marri 6:31 

Spitler,  Clark  W 6:31 

Sponaugle,  Conda  R 11:31 

Stanton,  John 6:31 

Statler,  Irene 6:31 

Stauffer,  Grace 3:31 

Stees,  Alice 11:31 

Steiner,  John  C 6:31 

Stephen,  Carl 3:31 

Sterner,  Noah 6:31 

Stevens,  Clayton  L 3:31 

Stine,  Benjamin  A 11:31 

Stirling,  Stan 3:31 

Stoersand,  Ervin 6:31 

Stombaugh,  Lester 6:31 

Stone.  Lorene 3:31 

Stotlemyer,  Frances 6:31 

Stover.  Evelyn  M 6:31 

Strickler.  Thelma  M 6:31 

Stroop.  Jeanette  E 3:31 

Studebaker,  Stanley 3:31 

Stull,  E.  Lorain 6:31 

Stump,  Harley 6:31 

Stump,  June  F 8/9:40 

Stumpf,  J.  Adam 6:31 

Stumpf,  Jacob  A 3:31 

Slutzman,  Earl 7:31 

Stutzman.  Ruth 6:31 

Sumey,  Lewis 6:31 

Summers,  Alfred  F 3:31 

Suter  Hazel  C 3:31 

Sutton,  Edward 6:31 

Swisher,  Mantie 6:31 

Sword,  Charlie 3:31 

Sypherd,  Lena 6:31 

Tawney,  Lewis 6:31 

Taylor,  Erma 7:31 

Taylor.  Lucille  J 3:31.  6:31 

Thomas.  David  Sr 6:31 

Thomas.  Nettie 7:31 

Thompson.  Grace 6:31 

Thompson.  Marvin 8/9:40 

Thome.  William 7:31 

Throne,  Feme  C 7:31 

Tribbey.  James 11:31 

Troup.  Dessie 6:31 

Truax.  Floyd 3:31 

Truax,  Harry 7:31 

Turner.  Agnes  1 3:31 

Turner,  Hazel 3:31 

Tuttle,  Elvin 11:31 

Upham,  Jack 6:31 

Vaniman,  Glenn 6:31 

VanNatta,  Sue 11:31 

Varnes.  Eugene 3:31 

Von  Dyke,  Ruth 6:31 

Vore,  Roger 6:31 

Vought,  Anna 3:31 

Wade,  Helen 6:31 

Wagner,  Paul 8/9:40 

Waite,  Evelyn  C 8/9:40 

Walker,  Ivan 7:31 

Walker,  Mary 6:31 

Walker,  Mary  W 3:31 

Warner,  Norma  E 11:31 

Watkins,  Wilma 6:31 

Watt,  Doris 3:31 

Watts,  Doris 6:31 

Wean,  Earl  G 11:31 

Weaver,  Everett 3:31 

Weaver,  Grace 3:31 

Weaver,  Linda  J 3:31,  6:31 

Weaver,  Mabel  V 11:31 

Weaver,  Rebecca  M 8/9:40 

Weaver,  Urban 8/9:40 

Weddle,  Ethel  H 11:31 

Wenger,  Edwin  A 3:31 

Wenger,  Jay  1 7:31 

Wenger,  John  H 7:31 

Wertenberger,  Dale 6:31 

Wesner,  Donald  R 6:31 

Westfall,  Bill 6:31 

Weyandt,  Archie 3:31 

Whalen,  Christopher 8/9:40 

Whetzel,  Ronald 6:31 

White,  Thomas  L 11:31 

Wiele,  Sherrii 7:31 

Wilkins,  Harvey  F 6:31 

Willey,  Irene 6:31 

Williams,  Alice  M 3:31 

Williams,  Stanley 7:31 

Wilson,  Charles 6:31 

Wilt,  Diana 3:31 

Winand,  Carl 3:31 

Wine,  Isaac  J 11:31 

Wineland,  Zola 6:31 

Winland,  Viola 6:31 

Winter,  Mary  E 6:31 

Wise,  Jesse 6:31 

Wise,  Levi 3:31 

Wisler,  Claude 3:31 

Wisman,  James  0 3:31 

Witmer,  George 8/9:40 

Witmore,  Nora 6:31 

Wolf,  Irene  R 6:31 

Wolf,  Leona  G 7:31 

Wolfe,  Galen 6:31 

Worthington,  Mary 6:31 

Wright,  Hester 6:31 

Wright,  Mary  C 7:31 

Wright,  Rayford  E 7:31 

Voder,  Alice 3:31 

Voder,  Eguene 6:31 

Voder,  Erma 6:31 

Voder,  Russell 6:31 

Yohn,  C.  Samuel 6:31 

York,  Dora  S 3:31 

Young,  Robert 3:31 

Zellers,  Abram  B 11:31 

Zimmerman,  Donald 7:31 

Zimmerman,  Dora 8/9:40 

Zimmerman,  Jean 6:31 

Zimmerman.  Marian 3:31 

Zimmerman.  Virginia  1 7:31 

Zirkle,  Sarah  F.G 3:31 

Zook,  J.  Herbert 7:31 

December  1997  Messenger  31 

The  dickens  of  being  Scrooge 

It  says  a  lot  about  the  size  of  the  world  we  operate  in 
that  our  December  cover  story  was/avet/  from  Nairobi, 
Kenya,  still  warm  from  the  hands  of  writer  Merlyn  Ket- 
tering. The  article  was  late,  and  I  was  starting  my  editorial 
(usually  the  last  piece  to  put  into  place)  when  it  came  in.  But 
I  knew  I  wasn't  dependent  on  a  slow  boat  from  Mombasa. 
Nairobi  is  just  here  in  the  suburbs  of  today's  "global  village." 

1  had  foreknowledge  of  the  article's  thrust,  for  it  was 
commissioned  and  designed  to  undergird  our  Christmas 
Achievement  Offering  emphasis.  But  as  1  read  it,  I  still 
found  myself  personally  wrestling  anew  with  an  ongoing 
question  for  us  "global  villagers":  Which  neighbor  and 
whose  poor  am  I  to  respond  to? 

1  have  had  a  life-long  habit  of  avoiding  unpleasant  duties 
and  obligations  by  impulsively  giving  higher  priority  to  some- 
thing else  . . .  preferably  something  else  that  is 

rich  young  ruler  grappled  with,  Paul  spoke  for  us  all  as  he 
wrote,  "I  do  not  understand  my  own  actions.  For  I  do  not  do  ( 
what  I  want,  but  I  do  the  very  thing  I  hate"  (Rom.  7:15). 

Very  few  of  us  get  beyond  making  such  an  admission. 
Helen  Prejean  (November,  page  1 7)  claims  she  got  beyond 
it  by  realizing,  even  as  one  who  had  "kept  the  command- 
ments," that  "to  follow  lesus  Christ ...  I  couldn't  simply 
pray  for  poor  folk,  yet  live  apart  from  them.  I  had  to 
embrace  their  struggles." 

I  have  known  for  a  long  time  that  I  wasn't  doing  too 
well  with  the  eye  of  the  needle,  not  only  on  the  posses- 
sions question,  but  on  a  lot  of  other  questions  as  well. 
And  this  has  gotten  more  bothersome  as  I  have  grown  in 
awareness  of  the  "global  village"  situation  we  live  in 
today.  Have  1  got  to  worry  about  Sudan? 

One's  world  was  smaller  in  Jesus' 

pleasant  and  distracting.  1  suppose  the  same  lOuuy  OUl  ncl^nuOi S  time.  One  didn't  have  to  go  even  as  far  as 
human  frailty  is  at  work  in  avoiding  the  hard  n^^A  rtjiy  jinnr  fnjbc  nrp  I^richo  in  order  to  satisfy  both  the  letter 
parts,  the  basic  parts,  of  the  New  Testament.  r           J        \  gjid  the  spirit  of  the  law  governing  neigh- 
Take  the  story  of  the  man  we  commonly  call  pCOpLc  SpVCUu  ull  0V6V  borliness.  And  if  the  rich  young  ruler  had 

the  globe.  We've  got 
the  whole  world  on 
our  hands.  What's  a 

"the  rich  young  ruler"  (Matt.  19:  16-24;  Mark 
10:17-25;  Luke  18:18-25).  He  wasn't  like  the 
Pharisees,  trying  to  entrap  lesus  with  his  own 
words.  He  was  in  earnest  when  he  asked  lesus 
what  to  do  to  have  eternal  life.  Okay,  maybe  he 
did  expect  lesus  to  say,  "Son,  no  sweat.  You've 

in  fact,  gone  and  sold  his  possessions  and 
given  his  money  to  the  poor,  he  would 
have  distributed  it  among  the  needy  folks 
right  there  in  his  own  community — "the 
region  of  )udea  beyond  the  Jordan." 
Today  our  neighbors  and  our  poor 

got  it  made.  You  aren't  wearing  all  those  Sunday     gOOu  K^ni  ISlian  lO  UO      folks  are  people  spread  all  over  the 
school  attendance  pins  for  nothing."  But  at  least        1^^  ^  rn'sF  lihf  that'?        globe.  We've  got  the  whole  world  on  our 

he  was  earnest  in  desiring  eternal  life. 

When  lesus  spoke  of  keeping  the  commandments,  the 
young  man  took  heart.  He  had  kept  them  all,  he  claimed, 
even  loving  his  neighbor  as  himself.  But,  just  to  be  sure,  he 
asked  lesus,  "What  do  I  still  lack?" 

That's  when  the  wind  was  taken  out  of  his  sails.  He  was 
devastated  by  Jesus'  response:  "Go,  sell  your  possessions,  and 
give  the  money  to  the  poor . . .  and  then  come,  follow  me." 

The  story  ends  with  the  young  man  going  away  "griev- 
ing, for  he  had  many  possessions."  The  scripture  doesn't 
say  what  became  of  him.  Was  he  grieving  because  it  was 
going  to  hurt  so  bad  to  give  up  his  possessions?  Or  was  he 
grieving  because  he  knew  he  couldn't  bear  to  give  them 
up?  (And,  yet . . .  oh,  he  did  so  want  eternal  life.) 

I  am  sure  it  was  the  latter  case.  1  know,  because  I  am 
that  rich  young  ruler.  And  so  is  virtually  everyone  else  who 
claims  to  be  a  Christian.  When  it  gets  down  to  the  nitty- 
gritty  parts  of  Jesus'  demands  on  our  lives,  we  say,  "Uh-uh. 
We  sure  like  what  you're  doing.  Lord,  and,  listen,  we'll 
write  you  a  check.  But  this  part  about  giving  everything  up 
is  just  too  hard.  It's,  well,  not  practical."  And  we  camels  are 
stopped  at  the  eye  of  the  needle. 

Paul  touched  on  the  same  problem  that  defeated  the  rich 
young  ruler,  albeit  in  a  less  down-to-earth  way.  Speaking  of 
sin  in  general,  instead  of  a  specific  shoctcoming  such  as  the 

hands.  What's  a  good  Christian  to  do  in 
a  case  like  that?  Sudan  yet?  See  what  I  mean? 

I  was  just  reading  an  interview  with  Wendell  Berry,  the 
poet,  essayist,  and  fiction  writer,  who  "has  a  passionate 
love  for  the  land  and  a  concern  that  people  live  in  responsi- 
ble relationship  with  the  land  and  with  one  another." 

Believing  that  "it  has  been  too  easy  to  be  'a  good  Christ- 
ian' while  destroying  the  world  that  (we  are  told)  God 
loves,"  Berry  says  "that  if  Christians  quit  worrying  about 
being  'Christians'  or  church  members  and  just  undertook  to 
do  what  Christ  told  them  to  do — love  one  another,  love 
their  enemies,  take  care  of  the  helpless  and  the  friendless 
and  the  unworthy  and  the  no-account — then  the  'church' 
might  sooner  or  later  dissolve  into  something  much  better." 

Berry  was  speaking  more  out  of  an  environmental  con- 
cern that  out  of  a  desire  to  have  eternal  life,  but  what  is 
required  in  either  case  is  essentially  the  same. 


1  1  !3 

'hether  admitted  or  not,  for  many  Christians,  the 
^main  purpose  of  their  religion  is  its  social  utility. 
But  for  me  and  others,  there  is  the  radical  com- 
mandment at  the  core  of  the  gospel  that  requires  one  to 
make  a  gift  oi  everything.  It  haunts  us  like  Scrooge's  ghosts. 

How  are  you  coming  along  with  your  Christmas  gift 
list?— K.T 

32  Messenger  December  1997 

1998  Church  of  the  Brethren  Workcamps 

Young  Adult 
Senior  High  Youth 

Junior  High  Youth 

San  Salvador,  El  Salvador 
June  5-14, 1998 

Dominican  Republic  (BRF) 

June  14-23, 1998 

St.  Croix,  Virgin  Islands 

June  22-28, 1998 

risburg,  Pennsylvania 

June  17-21, 1998 

Orlando,  Florida 

July  5-9, 1998 

Indianapolis,  Indiana 

July  8-12, 1998 

Washington,  D.C. 

August  12-16,  1998 

For  more  information,  contact 

Youth  and  Young  Adult  Ministries  Office 

Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board 

1451  Dundee  Avenue 

Elgin,  Illinois  60120 

(847)742-5100    (800)323-8039 

I  oungsters  three  and  four 
look  like  toddlers  when  mal- 
nourishment  takes  oven  This 
is  the  condition  of  38  percent 
of  North  Korea's  children 
under  five. 

Mass  starvation  in  slow 
motion:  that's  what  world 
food  experts  see  unfolding  in 
North  Korea.  Periods  of  merci- 
less rain,  a  season  of  drought, 
and  a  recent  tidal  wave  on  the 
west  coast  compound  recov- 
ery. At  stake  is  the  peace  and 

stability  of  a  people  and  a 

While  the  Church  of  the 
Brethren's  past  shipments  of 
rice,  canned  beef,  barley 
seed,  seed  corn,  and,  most 
recently,  winter  wheat  carry  a 
value  of  nearly  a  half  million 
dollars,  the  cry  resounds  for 
our  ongoing  response.  The 
newly  established  goal  of  the 
Global  Food  Crisis  Fund  for 
North  Korea,  from  now 
through  Lent  and  Pente- 

cost, is  $100,000. 

To  the  most  recent  Global 
Food  Crisis  Fund  appeal  of 
$75,000  for  North  Korea,  the 
Church  of  the  Brethren  came 
forth  with  $125,000.  The 
church  invites  it  members 
once  again  to  an  outpouring 
of  love  and  compassion. 

Come  to  think  of  it,  in  a 
season  of  giving  in  the  name 
and  spirit  of  Christ,  what 
more  meaningful  gift  can 
you  bring? 


Global  Food  Crisis  Fund 

Church  of  the  Brethren  General  Board,  1451  Dundee  Ave.,  Elgin,  IL  60120